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Nurse Hannah is caring for a young diabetic woman who

GUIDED NLE REVIEW is in her first trimester of pregnancy. As the pregnancy
continues Nurse Hannah should anticipate which change in
her medication needs?
a. A decrease in the need for short-acting insulins
b. A steady increase in insulin requirements
SITUATION: Nursing Process always must be implemented
c. Oral hypoglycemic drugs will be given several times daily
with an awareness of the interrelationship, during
d. The variable pattern of insulin absorption throughout
childbearing, of the maternal and fetal needs and their
the pregnancy requires constant adjustment
manifestations. The nurse needs to keep in mind that
interventions for the mother may have an impact on the
6. As early as the 3rd week of intrauterine life, fetal blood
developing fetus and vice versa.
begins to exchange nutrients with the maternal circulation
across the chorionic villi. Fetal circulation differs from
1. Knowledge of sexual functioning is defined as the extent
extrauterine circulation in all but one of the following
of understanding conveyed about sexual development and
responsible sexual practices. The following are specific
a. The blood that enters the lungs is oxygenated in fetal
indicators that suggest that this outcome has been
circulation while it is unoxygenated in an adult circulation
achieved except:
b. Fetal oxygen in the blood is derived from the placenta
a. Ability of the client to describe effective contraception
while in adult the oxygen is from the lungs
b. The client was able to describe the societal influences
c. The vein (carrying oxygenated blood) in the umbilicus of
on sexual behavior
the fetus carries blood away from the heart and the artery
c. The client was able to describe the inner sense of
(carrying unoxygenated blood) carries blood toward the
his/her identity
fetus. In an adult, it is the vein which carries unoxygenated
d. The client was able to describe measures to prevent
blood toward the heart and the arteries that carry
sexually transmitted diseases
oxygenated blood away from the heart
d. In fetal circulation, shunting of blood is present while in
2. To preserve the reproductive health of the woman and
an adult circulation, there is normally no shunting of
man, guidelines for safer sex practices were established.
Which of the following statements is not included?
a. The use of condoms is the best protection against
7. Maricar asks Nurse Sarah at what age of gestation is the
infection. Condoms are latex, use oil-based lubricant
product of conception prone to teratogenic insults to the
rather than
cardiovascular system?
water-based lubricant because it can weaken the rubber
a. 4th week b. 8th week
b. Be selective in choosing sexual partners
c. 12th week d. 16th week
c. For safer oral-vaginal sex, a condom split in two or a
plastic dental dam covering the mouth should be used to
8. Nurse Mian discusses the fetal circulation to the
protect against the exchange of body fluids
students. To check whether the student understands her
d. Use oil lubricants for anal penetration to keep bleeding
teaching she asks, “What is the fetal structure that carries
and condom resistance to a minimum
oxygenated blood from the umbilical cord to the inferior
vena cava”. The student correctly answers, “It is the:
3. A 22-year old woman has missed two of her regular
a. Ductus Venosus b. Ductus Arteriosus
menstrual periods. Her doctor confirms an early,
c. Pulmonary Artery d. Formane Ovale
intrauterine pregnancy. To determine her expected due
date, which of the following assessments is most
9. The day after a client has cesarean birth, the indwelling
catheter is removed. The nurse can best evaluate that the
a. Date of her first menstrual period
client’s urinary function has returned to normal when:
c. Date of last normal menstrual period
a. Client’s urinalysis indicates no bacteria present
b. Date of sexual intercourse
b. Client has residual urine of 90 ml after voiding
d. Age of menarche
c. Client’s daily urinary output is at least 1000 ml
d. Client voids at least 300 ml four hours after catheter
4. A primigravid client asks Nurse Isabelle how the action
of hormones during pregnancy affects her body. Nurse
Isabelle responds on the basis that hormones:
10. A nurse is working with a particular cultural group in
a. Raises resistance to insulin
which it is not uncommon for grandparents to live with
c. Prevents the liver from metabolizing glycogen
their married children and to assist with child rearing and
b. Blocks the release of insulin from the pancreas
discipline issues. This is an example of which of the
d. Enhances the conversion of food to glucose
a. Blended family b. Traditional family a. Creating a sterile inflammatory process that prevents
c. Two-career family d. Intragenerational family implantation
b. Suppressing secretion of FSH and LH
11. Nurse Isabel is conducting a family assessment to a c. Blocking the fallopian tube to prevent entry of the ovum
pregnant client and asks the following question: "How, as d. Killing the spermatozoa before they can enter the
a family, do you deal with disappointments or stressful cervix
changes that occur and affect the members of your
family?" The nurse is trying to identify: 17. The nurse will advise a pregnant client, who is
a. Health beliefs c. Family coping mechanisms scheduled for amniocentesis, to perform which of the
b. Family communication patterns d. Potential family following?
problems a. Increase the fluid intake to help aspirate more amniotic
fluid during the procedure
12. Regardless of whether someone is planning on b. Lie in side lying-position to avoid supine hypotension
childbearing, everyone is wiser by being familiar with during the procedure
reproductive anatomy and physiology and his or her own c. Ask the client to take a deep breath and hold it during
body’s reproductive and sexual health. Which of the insertion of needle
following is true about the reproductive development? d. Rest for 30 minutes after the procedure
a. Male and female reproductive systems arise from the
same embryonic origin 18. A high-risk pregnant client will go through a non-stress
b. The sex of an individual is determined 10 weeks after test. The result indicates a reactive non-stress test. The
conception client asks the nurse what it means. The nurse aptly replies
c. If testosterone is not present at 5 weeks, the gonadal by saying:
tissue differentiates into ovaries a. “The fetus is receiving adequate oxygen”
d. Estrogen influences the enlargement of the labia majora b. “The fetal heart rate is decreasing, instead of increasing,
and clitoris with every contraction”
c. “There is no fetal movement during stimulation”
13. During the secretory phase of menstrual cycle, the d. “You are at risk for premature labor; the doctor may
glands of the uterine endometrium becomes corkscrew in prescribe tocolytic drug”
appearance and dilated with quantities of glycogen and
mucin. This activity is stimulated by which hormone? 19. Which of the following common emotional reactions to
a. Progesterone b. Estrogen c. Glycogen d. Prolactin pregnancy would the nurse expect to occur during the first
14. A client expresses concern about his son who is a a. Introversion, egocentrism, narcissism c. Anxiety,
homosexual. He states, "Nag-aalala ako sa kanya, alam ko passivity, extroversion
sa impyerno ang tuloy nya.” In responding to this client, b. Awkwardness, clumsiness, and unattractiveness d.
the nurse should consider which of the following Ambivalence, fear, fantasies
important information?
a. Sexual development is genetically determined and not 20. Which of the following statements, if made by a
affected by environment. woman who is 12 weeks pregnant, would be essential for a
b. What constitutes normal sexual expression varies nurse
among cultures and religions. to further evaluate?
c. Normal sexuality is described as whatever behaviors a. “I thought I wanted to be pregnant, but now I don’t
give pleasure and satisfaction to those adults involved. know”
d. Since alternative lifestyles are now so well accepted in b. “My husband is angry because I got pregnant”
society, this parent should not feel so much concern. c. “Being pregnant makes me feel very tried”
d. “I don’t want to get too fat while I’m pregnant”
15. The nurse working in a family planning clinic is aware
that oral contraceptives are not contraindicated for which 21. Mrs. Selena complains of morning sickness during the
of the following patients? first trimester of pregnancy. A nurse would suggest that
a. A 30-year old woman who smokes more than 15 she take which of the following measures to help alleviate
cigarettes a day the symptoms?
b. A 30-year old diabetic woman a. Consume a clear liquid diet c. Eat foods that are low
c. A 10 week postpartum client who is not breastfeeding in protein
d. A client who experiences migraine with aura b. Take prenatal vitamins with milk d. Avoid exposure to
noxious odors
16. An Intrauterine device is being fitted to a client. The
nurse understands that IUD prevents pregnancy by: 22. Nurse Heart is caring for a woman who is admitted to
the hospital in active labor. What information is most
important for Nurse Heart to assess to avoid respiratory 29. Ectopic pregnancy is the second most frequent cause
complications during labor and delivery? of bleeding early in the pregnancy. It occurs more
a. Family history of lung disease c. Number of cigarettes frequently in the following women. Which is not included?
smoked daily a. Woman who smokes c. Woman who uses IUD’s
b. Food or drug allergies d. When the client last ate b. Woman who douches d. Woman who uses oral
23. Mrs. Pilapil is admitted to the hospital in labor. Vaginal
examination reveals that she is 8 cm dilated. At this point 30. Nurse Mara is caring for a client with suspected
in her labor, which of the following statements would the pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH). She expects to find
nurse expect her to make? which findings if PIH is present?
a. “I can’t decide what to name my baby” c. “Take your a. Edema, obesity, ketonuria c. Edema, proteinuria,
hand off my stomach when I have a contraction” hypertension
b. “It feels good to push with each contraction” d. “This b. Edema, tachycardia, ketonuria d. Hyportension,
isn’t as bad as I expected” edema, hyperalbunemia

24. A postpartum client has a temperature of 101.4ºF, 31. Because a woman who is confirmed to be at 30 weeks
with a uterus that is tender when palpated, remains gestation has sudden painless bright red vaginal bleeding,
unusually large, and not descending as normally expected. a nurse would suspect the woman is experiencing:
Which of the following should the nurse assess next? a. Abruption placenta b. An ectopic pregnancy
a. Lochia b. Breasts c. Incision d. Urine c. Placenta previa d. A molar pregnancy

25. Nurse Hannah is assessing a postpartum client whose 32. A woman who frequently abuses cocaine during
uterus is palpable 6 days after delivering the baby. Nurse pregnancy is at risk for developing which of the following
Hannah documents this as: complications?
a. An expected finding a. Incompetent cervix c. Gestational diabetes
b. Possible uterine atony b. Abruptio placenta d. Hyperremesis gravidarum
c. Abnormal finding that needs further assessment
d. Possible retained placenta 33. The nurse is planning for the care of a 30-year-old
26. A nurse observes a new mother breast feeding her primigravida with pre-gestational diabetes. What is the
newborn. Which of the following actions would indicate to most important factor affecting this client's pregnancy
a outcome?
nurse that the mother has a correct understanding of a. Mother's age.
breastfeeding techniques? c. Degree of glycemic control during pregnancy.
a. Cleansing the breast with soap and water prior to b. Amount of insulin required prenatally.
feeding the newborn d. Number of years since diabetes was diagnosed.
b. Scheduling the newborn to feed every six hours around 34. While caring to a postpartal client, nurse Hannah
the clock noticed an increase in her respirations and the client is
c. Initiating the newborn’s feeding on the same breast for complaining of chest pain. Nurse Hannah should first:
each feeding a. Notify the physician c. Obtain an order for
d. Placing the nipple and areola into the newborn’s mouth antianxiety
b. Assess vital signs d. Provide supportive care
27. A newborn who is being cared for in an open warming
unit has an axillary temperature of 96.2deg F (35.7 deg C). 35. The nurse is assessing Nancy who is now in her third
It is essential that the nurse take which of the following trimester with known maternal hypertenstion. She was
actions? scheduled to have her ultrasonography today. Based on
a. Wrap the newborn in a blanket c. Increase the heat- her health history, what could be the possible defect
control setting on the warming unit brought
b. Notify the parents of the findings d. Perform a heel about by her condition may be manifested by her fetus?
stick to check the capillary blood glucose a. Hypoglycemia b. Fetal lung maturity delays c. Small
for gestational age d. All of the above
28. Signs of imminent miscarriage are noted by Nurse
Hannah in a woman at 8 weeks’ gestation. Which of the 36. A client was admitted to the maternity unit with
following would be an appropriate medical management symptoms of preeclampsia. The nurse is concerned that
approach for this woman? the client
a. The woman will undergo sonogram c. Teach her the may be developing HELLP syndrome if which of the
need for bedrest for 2 weeks following are noted?
b. Prepare her for D&C d. Increase fluid intake a. Deep tendon reflex (4+) c. Decrease in AST
b. Decrease in platelet count d. Sudden increase in d. “I should try to place hot water bottle on my infant’s
weight abdomen for comfort.”

37. Oyo Hermosa, 24-year old, comes to the clinic because 43. A baby undergoes surgery to correct an esophageal
she thinks she is pregnant. Which of the following is a atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula. Which nursing
probable sign of pregnancy that the nurse would expect diagnosis has the highest priority during the first 24 hours
the client to have? postoperatively?
a. Fetal heart tone a. Ineffective airway clearance c. Interrupted breast-
b. Nausea and vomiting feeding
c. Amenorrhea b. Imbalanced nutrition: Less than body requirements d.
d. Chadwick’s sign Hypothermia

38. A woman, 30 weeks gestation, is being discharged to 44. It is now recommended that children with asthma who
home care with a diagnosis of placenta previa. What are taking long-term inhaled steroids should be assessed
statement by the client indicates she understands her care frequently because which of the following may develop?
at home? a. Cough b. Osteoporosis c. Slowed growth
a. “As I get closer to my due date I will have to remain in d. Cushing syndrome
b. “I can continue with my office job because it’s mostly 45. Which of the following explains why iron-deficiency
sitting” anemia is common during toddlerhood?
c. “My husband won’t be too happy with this ‘no sex’ a. Milk is a poor source of iron.
order” b. Iron cannot be stored during fetal development.
d. “I’m disappointed that will need a caesarean section” c. Fetal iron stores are depleted by age 1 month.
d. Dietary iron cannot be started until age 12 months.
39. Which nursing action should be included in the care of
the infant with caput succedaneum? 46. A 6-month-old infant is receiving digoxin (Lanoxin). The
a. Aspiration of the trapped blood under the periosteum nurse should notify the practitioner and withhold the
c. Gentle rubbing in a circular motion to decrease size medication if the apical pulse is less than which of the
b. Explanation to the parents about the cause/prognosis following?
d. Application of cold to reduce size a. 60 b. 70 c. 90 to 110 d. 110 to 120

40. The nursery nurse carries a newborn baby into his 47. The nurse is discharging from the hospital a 7-month-
mother’s room. The mother states, “I think my baby’s old who weighs 15 lb. The parents have put the child in the
afraid of me, everytime I make a loud noise, he jumps.” back seat of the car with the car seat facing the front seat.
What should be the nurse’s initial action? Upon seeing the parents’ action, what should the nurse
a. Encourage her not to be so nervous with her baby prioritize to do?
b. Reassure her that this is normal reflexive reaction for a. Ask the parents to wait while the nurse obtains the
her baby correct car seat.
c. Take the baby back to the nursery for neurologic b. Complete the discharge with the child sitting facing the
evaluation front seat.
d. Wrap the baby more lightly in warm blankets c. Give the parents a manual on proper car seat
41. The nurse should refer the parents of an 8-month-old d. Show the parents’ proper placement of the car seat
child to a health care provider if the child is unable to do facing the back seat.
which of the following?
a. Stand momentarily without holding onto furniture. c. 48. Which nursing intervention is appropriate when caring
Stoop to recover an object. for this child’s surgical incision one day after the cleft lip
b. Stand alone well for long period of time. d. Sit without repair?
support for long periods of time. a. Clean the incision only when serous exudates forms
b. Rub the incision gently with a sterile cotton-tipped swab
42. A mother comes to the clinic complaining about her 7- c. Rinse the incision with sterile water after feeding
month-old son having colic. Nurse Hannah should not d. Replace the Logan Bar carefully after cleaning the
include which teaching? incision
a. “I should avoid over feeding my child.”
b. "this discomfort is more common in infants who are 49. When taking a diet history from the mother of a 7-
formula fed.” year-old child with phenylketonuria, a report of an intake
c. “I should let my infant burp after every feeding.” of which of the following foods should cause the nurse to
become concerned?
a. Coke Zero b. Carrots c. Orange juice d. Bananas c. New technologies
b. Health reforms
50. A toddler who has been treated for a foreign body d. All of the above
aspiration begins to fuss and cry when the parents attempt
to leave the hospital for an hour. The parents will be 55. In response to above trends, the global community,
returning to take the toddler home. As the nurse tries to represented by UN General Assembly, decided to adopt a
take the child out of the crib, the child pushes the nurse common vision exemplified by the Millennium
away. The nurse interprets this behavior as indicating Development Goal that includes:
separation i. eradicate extreme poverty and hunger v. improve
anxiety involving which of the following? maternal health
a. Protest b. Despair c. Regression d. Detachment ii. achieve universal primary education vi. combat HIV
iii. promote gender equality vii. ensure environmental
51. Which of the following foods should the nurse sustainability
encourage the mother to offer to her child with iron iv. reduce child mortality viii. develop global partnership
deficiency anemia? a. i, ii, iii, iv b. v, vi, vii, viii c. i, iii, iv, vii, viii d. all of the
a. Rice cereal, whole milk, and yellow vegetables c. above
Macaroni, cheese, and ham
b. Potato, peas, and chicken d. Pudding, green 56. Nurse should remember which of the following as
vegetables, and rice essential in the achievement of the Millennium
Development Goal and stand as the major overarching
52. The mother asks the nurse why her child’s hemoglobin goal of poverty reduction?
was normal at birth but now the child has S hemoglobin. a. Health b. Health-related c. Participation of all
Which of the following responses by the nurse would be members of society d. FOURmula one
most appropriate?
a. “The placenta bars passage of the hemoglobin S from 57. Community Health Nursing is responsible to:
the mother to the fetus.” a. Individuals
b. “The red bone marrow does not begin to produce c. Families
hemoglobin S until several months after birth.” b. Local government units (LGU’s)
c. “Antibodies transmitted from you to the fetus provide d. Individuals, families, population groups, community
the newborn with temporary immunity.”
d. “The newborn has a high concentration of fetal 58. What is the basic principle in Community Health
hemoglobin in the blood for some time after birth.” Nursing?
a. Promote a self-reliant community
53. The child was confirmed to have UTI and was confined b. Eradicate the immunizable diseases
to the hospital. The father tells Nurse Joey, “My wife and I c. Control of communicable diseases
are concerned because our child refuses to obey us d. Rehabilitation to the previous level of functioning the
concerning the preventions of UTI. Our child refuses to clients
take her
medication unless we buy her a present. We don’t want to 59. The goal of conceptual framework for Primary Health
use discipline because of the illness, but we’re worried Care (PHC) is:
about the behavior.” Which response by the nurse is best? a. 2020Health Promotion for all Filipinos by year 2020
a. “I sympathize with your difficulties, but just ignore the b. Health services readily made available to the Filipinos in
behaviour for now.” the year 2020
b. “I understand it’s hard to discipline a child who is ill, but c. To promote self-reliant community
things need to be kept as normal as possible.” d. Health for All Filipinos and Health in the hands of the
c. “I understand that things are difficult for you right now, people by the year
but your child is ill and deserves a special treatment.”
d. “I understand your concern, but this type of behaviour 60. What is the legal basis of Primary Health Care?
happens all the time, your child will get over it when a. RA 9173 b. EO 2009 c. LOI 949 d. EO 51
feeling better.”
61. Framework for implementation of Health Sector
SITUATION: CHN Reform Agenda (HSRA) is:
a. Rationalization for Health c. Primary Health Care
54. Public health systems are operating within a context of (PHC)
ongoing changes. Which of the following exerts a number b. National Objective for Health (NOH) d. Fourmula One
of pressures on the public health system? for Health (F1)
a. Shifts in demographic and epidemiological trends in
62. Nurse Isabelle will conduct teaching regarding Family d. Includes direct care and services to subpopulations
Planning Program. Which of the following statements is
true regarding family planning? 70. There are different ways to look on health and illness.
a. All contraceptives causes sterility c. Tubal ligation can When formulating a definition of “health,” a person should
be irreversible consider that health, within its current definition, is:
b. Some Family Planning methods causes abortion d. a. The absence of disease c. A state of well being
Using contraceptive methods will result to loss of sexual involving the whole person
desire b. A function of the physiological state d. The ability to
pursue activities of daily living
63. Nurse Sinka, a community health nurse, motivates the
people to share their ideas on how to manage their 71. When working as a community health nurse, the nurse
concerns during which phase of COPAR? works to improve the health of:
a. Pre-entry phase b. Entry phase c. Organization-building a. Infants and preschool children c. Mothers and
phase d. Sustenance Phase children
b. Elderly clients in an aggregate d. The entire
64. Upon entry to the community, the organizer can start community
the following, except:
a. Social preparation b. Deepening social investigation c. 72. There are three major roles of the Department of
Core-group formation d. Community integration Health as a national authority in health. Which one is not
65. Integration to the community is best done through: a. Decision-maker of people’s health c. Administrator of
a. House-to-house visits c. Visits to where people are specific services
b. Participation in work setting d. Attending community b. Enabler and Capacity builder d. Leader in health
73. PHC is based on which of the following concept?
66. The delivery of basic health services was devolved to a. Empowerment of the private health care service
the local government units. The legal basis for this is providers c. Effective provision of essential health
embodied in: services
a.RA 7610 b. EO 119 c. RA 7160 d. EO 226 b. Partnership with the people d. All of the above

67. The components of FHSIS are the following except: 74. Type of nursing assessment whereby existing problems
a. Family treatment record b. Reporting forms c. of the family are determined:
Target client listing d. Input forms a. First- level assessment c. On-going assessment
b. Second-level assessment d. Third-level assessment
68. Alvira brought her 2-month old infant to the clinic for
immunization. She asks you when will her child can be 75. Baby Monmon, 12 months old, did not receive his
considered fully immunized. A child is said to be “Fully scheduled measles vaccine at 9 months. Nurse Jaika
Immunized Child” when a child receives: identifies categorize this health problem as:
a. One dose of BCG, 3 doses of OPV, 3 doses of DPT, 3 a. Health threat b. Health deficit c. Stress points d.
doses of HB and one dose of measles before a child’s first Foreseeable crisis
b. One dose of BCG, 3 doses of OPV, 3 doses of DPT, 2 76. It is the model that scientists have developed for
doses of HB and one dose of measles before a child’s first studying health problems. It can help students understand
birthday infectious diseases and how they spread:
c. One dose of BCG, 4 doses of OPV, 3 doses of DPT, 2 a. Epidemiology b. Vital statistics c. Epidemiologic
doses of HB and one dose of MMR before a child’s first triangle d. Health education
d. One dose of BCG, 3 doses of OPV, 3 doses of DPT, 3 77. Nurse Hannah had documented an unusually large
doses of HB and one dose of measles before five years old. number of cases of measles in barangay Pito-pito from
69. The student nurse is investigating different types of to July. This is known as:
practice settings. In looking at community health nursing, a. Endemic b. Sporadic c. Pandemic d. Epidemic
student recognizes that it: 78. Isabel, a new public health nurse, is evaluating the
a. Requires a Master’s degree to become a Public Health general health condition of Barangay Tralala. Which data
Nurse will be most helpful to Nurse Isabel?
b. Is the same as public health nursing a. Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) c. Maternal Mortality
c. Focuses on the incidence of disease Rate (MMR)
b. Crude Death Rate (CDR) d. Crude Birth Rate (CBR) a. Removing jewelry
b. Keeping hands and forearms in the down position when
79. It is a major component of the work information washing
sources developed by the Department of Health (DOH) to c. Rinsing with hands in the up position
better manage nationwide health service delivery: d. Drying in the direction of fingers to wrists and forearms
a. Field health services and information system c. Public
health surveillance 86. An appropriate technique for Nurse Isabelle to
b. Family treatment record d. Target client listing implement for the client on isolation precautions is to:
a. Double bag all disposable items and linens
80. A project launched by the DOH is the Project b. Put another gown over the one worn if it has become
Entreprenurse which encourages nurses not only to seek wet
but create jobs and engage in income augmentation c. Place specimen containers in plastic bags for transport
programs. The underlying concept of this project is based d. Hand items to be reused directly to a nurse standing
on: outside of the room
a. Bringing into awareness of nurses the opportunity for
wider horizon of the profession 87. In taking the history of a client suspected of having
b. Bringing primary health care to the community thru bacterial meningitis, which question is most important for
home health care the nurse to ask?
c. The fulfillment of the DOH millennium developmental a. “Do you live in a crowded residence?” c. “Have you
goals for better health care services and healthy nation had any viral infections recently?”
d. Maximizing employment opportunities for the country’s b. “When was your last tetanus vaccination?” d. “Have
unemployed nurses you traveled out of the country in the last month?”

81. Mang Indoy, who is one of the attendees in your

seminar, asks you what can be done to prevent the spread 88. The causative agent for tetanus is:
of a disease. Your appropriate response would be based a. Bordetella b. Clostridium tetani c. Neisseria
on the easiest link to break, which is: Gonorrheae d. Enterobius vermicularis
a. Causative agent b. Reservoir c. Mode of transmission
d. Portal of entry 89. The disease is caused by four species of protozoa. The
specie which is considered as the most serious malarial
82. Which statement is not true about infection and infection is known as:
colonization? a. Plasmodium vivax b. Plasmodium falciparum c.
a. Infection is the invasion and multiplication of Plasmodium malariae d. Plasmodium ovale
microorganisms in body tissue with cellular injury.
b. Colonization is the multiplication of microorganisms on 90. For paucibacillary type of leprosy, after taking how
or within a host that does not result in cellular injury. many months of doses of MDT, a person is considered
c. Colonies of microorganisms are incapable of ever cured
causing infection to the host. and should be discharged at:
d. There are two types of flora: resident and transient. a. 3 months b. 6 months c. 10 months d. 12 months

83. A client asks Nurse Hannah, “how can you say that a 91. As an RHU nurse, you are aware that the duration of
disease is communicable?” Nurse Hannah correctly treatment for patient classified under category 1 with
respond tuberculosis meningitis or spinal disease with neurologic
by saying that a disease is said to be communicable if: complication is:
a. It is capable of producing s secondary infection c. It is a. 9 months b. 7 months c. 8 months d. 4 months
transmitted directly from one person to another
b. It persists for a long period of time d. Lifestyle factors 92. The following statements do not represent the nature
contribute to the disease process of tuberculosis, except:
a. Diagnosis of TB is confirmed by a positive tuberculin
84. During an initial exposure to an antigen, the T cells test, chest x-ray, and sputum culture
stimulate the production of B cells, which then produce b. TB is essentially not an airborne disease
antibodies specific to the antigen. This process is c. One negative sputum examination alone rules out active
collectively referred to as: or inactive TB infection
a. Acquired immunity b. Humoral immunity c. Specific d. Reactivation of TB will not occur after being dormant for
immune defense d. Vaccination 5 years

85. Which action indicates a break in handwashing

93. Hepatitis A is a liver disease cause by the hepatitis A 99. A correlation coefficient of –0.80 between the number
virus. Lulu was concerned about the change in her skin of hours studied for a test and the scores on the test
color indicates that:
when she asks the nurse about the occurrence of this a. As the number of hours studied decreases, test scores
symptoms. The nurse can best respond by saying: increase.
a. The color change is due to the stimulation of the liver to b. As the number of hours studied increases, test scores
produce an excess quantity of bile increase.
b. The color change is due to the increased destruction of c. There is a strong correlation between the number of
the red blood cells during the acute phase of the disease hours studied for a test and test scores.
c. The color change is due to the decreased prothrombin d. The number of hours studied is correlated with test
levels which lead to the multiple site of spontaneous scores.
d. The color change is due to the inability of the liver to 100. Probability sampling involves:
remove normal amounts of bilirubin from the blood a. The use of a random selection process c. Haphazardly
ANSWER: D selecting names from a telephone book
b. Asking one subject to recommend three more d. The
94. The strategy being implemented by the DOH in the use of sequential lists
fight against dengue is called:
a. The 4 “S” b. “Tapat Mo, Linis Mo” c. “Hithit-
Buga” d. “L.A.M.O.K puksa”

95. Which of the following is true of the organism that

causes malaria?
a. It is transmitted by respiratory droplets. c. It causes
symptoms within 24 hours after transmission.
b. It is transmitted by sexual intercourse. d. It enters the
body and destroys red blood cells.

96. Dolor brought her 2-year-old daughter to the health

center because of 2 days cough and 3 days colds. On
assessment, the nurse counted the child’s respiration to be
56 cycle/minute. Based on IMCI, the following statements
are true and applicable:
A. The child has pneumonia C. Soothe the throat
and relieve cough with a safe remedy
B. The child has to be referred to the hospital immediately
D. The child can be treated at home
a. A, B, C b. A, C, D c. B, C d. C, D

97. Based on the IMCI guidelines, the following are safe

remedies to soothe the throat of the client. This does not
a. Cough syrups c. Calamansi
b. Breastmilk especially to those exclusively breast fed d.

98. Which of the following findings indicate fast breathing?

a. Respiratory rate of 30 or more breaths for a 15 months
old child
b. Respiratory rate of 40 or more breaths for a 2 months
old child
c. Respiratory rate of 50 or more breaths for a 2 weeks old
d. Respiratory rate of 60 or more breaths for a 6 weeks old

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