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DIAGNOSTIC 5 a. Upper outer portion of the thigh c.

Vastus lateralis
b. Upper outer portion of the gluteal muscle d. Right deltoid region
of the arm
SITUATION: The DOH developed and promotes various programs in
addressing major health problems. Nurse’s
7. It is known as the certification recognition program that develops
responsibility is in the implementation of these programs.
and promotes a standard for quality health care, services and
1. Comprehensive postabortion care services should include both
a. FOURmula One b. EPI c. Sentrong Sigla d. Healthy
medical and preventive healthcare. The following except one are key
elements of postabortion care:
a. Emergency treatment of incomplete abortion and potentially life-
8. Food establishments are already subject to sanitary inspection.
threatening complications
Which of the following are the four rights in food safety?
b. Postabortion family planning counseling and services
a. Right source, right preparation, right cooking, right storage
c. Links between postabortion emergency services and the
b. Right source, right temperature, right people, right amount
reproductive healthcare system
c. Right source, right preparation, right temperature, right storage
d. Psychological and spiritual counseling
d. Right source, right food handlers, right utensils, right preparation
2. WHO has identified the prompt treatment of incomplete abortion
9. There has been a steady increase in the number of household
as an essential element of obstetric care that should be available at
having access to safe water supply resources. The following are the
every district-level hospital. Emergency treatment for postabortion
approved types of water supply facilities by the DOH except:
complications does not include:
a. Point source b. Stand-posts c. Open dug wells d. Water works
a. Uterine evacuation to remove retained products of conception
(POC) c. Provision for family planning
b. An initial assessment to confirm the presence of abortion
10. Under the ENTREPRENURSE Project, unemployed nurses:
complications d. Prompt referral and transfer
a. Seek financial assistance from DOLE to organize a home health-
care cooperative under the supervision of a trained or experienced
3. A number of factors limit provision of family planning services to
women who have experienced an abortion. The following except
b. Can borrow money from the DOLE to start a health care related
one are factors that increase a woman's risk of repeated unwanted
business such as: Pharmacy store
c. Can seek financial assistance when applying abroad
a. Lack of understanding of and attention to women's reproductive
d. Can work at any DOH hospital for 1 year with pay.
health needs on the part of providers
b. Lack of services for some groups of women
11. One of the essential elements of primary health care which
c. Misinformation among providers about appropriate postabortion
involves controlling all the factors in man’s environment that may
contraceptive methods
form links in disease transmission is:
d. Peer influences
a. Immunization c. Environmental sanitation
b. Treatment of locally endemic diseases d. Control of
4. Which of the following statements made by Nurse Hannah
communicable diseases
correctly describe the implementing rules and regulations of RA
12. Tuberculosis is considered as the world’s deadliest disease and
a. All communicable diseases should be reported to the nearest
remains as a major public health problem in the Philippines. Which
health station
statement is true regarding tuberculosis?
b. To acquire a marriage license, couple should receive instructions
a. The risk of developing the disease is low among adolescents
on family planning and responsible parenthood
b. A positive Mantoux Test indicates positive infection
c. Newborn screening should be performed after 24 hours following
c. Domiciliary treatment is the preferred mode of care
delivery of the newborn
d. Xray examinations alone is sufficient to make the diagnosis of TB
d. All children below 8 years of age requires compulsory
immunization against childhood immunizable diseases
13. Who among the following TB patients is included in Category 1
of treatment regimen?
5. A postpartum client asks the nurse, “What are the disorders
a. A patient who failed in the treatment c. New smear positive PTB
tested in newborn screening?” The nurse accurately responds by
b. Relapsed patient d. New smear-negative PTB with minimal
stating: a. “These are Congenital Hypothyroidism, Congenital
parenchymal lesions on CXR
Adrenal Hyperplasia, Galactosemia, PKU, and G6PD deficiency”
b. “These are Down syndrome, Cretinism, PKU and Galactosemia”
14. A child shall be clinically confirmed of having TB is he has three
c. “These are mental retardation, hypothyroidism, and PKU”
of the following conditions except one:
d. “All of the disorders known to man”
a. Positive history of exposure to an adult TB case c. Abnormal
chest radiograph suggestive of TB
6. School entrants are injected with BCG vaccine. The site of
administration is:
b. Positive tuberculin test d. Unexplained fever for 2 weeks or SITUATION: Nurses today are actively generating, publishing and
more applying research to be able to improve client care
and enhance nursing’s scientific knowledge base.
15. Treatment regimen for children with PTB includes:
a. Intensive phase of Isoniazid, Rifampicin and Pyrazinamide for 2 21. She is known as the first nurse researcher as well as the first
months; Continuation phase of Isoniazid and modern nurse.
Rifampicin for 4 months a. Hildegard Peplau b. Martha Rogers c. Florence Nightingale d.
b. Intensive phase of Isoniazid, Rifampicin ,Pyrazinamide and Callista Roy
Ethambutol or Streptomycin for 2 months; Continuation
phase of Isoniazid and Rifampicin for 4 months 22. The researcher may be guided by the following steps when doing
c. Intensive phase of Isoniazid, Rifampicin and Pyrazinamide for 4 research studies:
months; Continuation phase of Isoniazid and 1. Statement of the problem and hypothesis 3. Data collection
Rifampicin for 2 months and methodology
d. Intensive phase of Isoniazid, Rifampicin ,Pyrazinamide and 2. Results, interpretation and conclusion 4. Theoretical
Ethambutol or Streptomycin for 4 months; Continuation framework and definition of terms
phase of Isoniazid and Rifampicin for 2 months a. 1,2,3,4 b. 1,4,3,2 c. 1,3,4,2 d. 1,2,4,3

16. Rural sanitary inspectors and midwives compose what level of 23. Nurse Risa wants to study the effect of Metformin in lowering
primary health care workers? glucose level among diabetic clients admitted at the hospital. The
a. Intermediate level health workers c. Grassroots health workers independent variable is the:
b. Village health workers d. Barangay health workers a. Metformin b. Glucose level c. Diabetic clients d. Hospital

24. What is an example of a null hypothesis among the following

17. The core strategy of the Primary Health Care concept is statements?
characterized by: a. Students who enrolled in a review center will pass the NLE
a. Partnership with the private sector c. Centralized delivery of b. The negative attitudes of the caregivers affect the help seeking
health care services behavior of the patients
b. Essential health care services d. People empowerment c. Exercise will lower the blood cholesterol
d. There is no significant relationship between smoking and glucose
18. Community development advocates the principles of self-help level
and the voluntary participation of the people of community.
Community development rests upon certain assumptions, this does 25. If a researcher asks the subject to refer other potential subjects
not include: as samples in the study. She is utilizing which
a. Everyone has something to contribute to the community type of sampling:
b. People have limited ability to learn a. Purposive sampling b. Snow-ball sampling c. Convenience
c. Community development provides the opportunity by which the sampling d. Quota sampling
worth of an individual is revealed
d. Worth and dignity of individual are the basic values in a SITUATION: IMCI is a strategy developed by the World Health
democratic society Organisation and UNICEF. It has been introduced to address
morbidity and mortality in children.
19. Mr. Tibe came to the health center clinic for his daily medication
for TB. This condition falls under: 26. A mother with her sick child comes to the health center. The
a. Heath deficit b. Health threat c. Foreseeable crisis d. Stress health worker should first:
point a. Ask the mother about the child c. Check if the child’s weight and
ANSWER: A temperature were recorded
A health deficit occurs when there is a gap between actual and b. Greet the mother appropriately d. Assess the child
achievable health status and occurs when there are instances of
failure in health maintenance. The presence of a disease falls under 27. After asking the mother what the child’s problems are, what is
this category: the next thing that the nurse should do based on the IMCI?
Reference: Cuevas, Frances P., et. al. (2007) DOH’s Public health a. Classify the condition b. Assess for main symptoms c. Check
nursing in the Philippines. 10th for danger signs d. Refer the mother
edition, Page 44
28. The IMCI clinical guidelines focus on five main symptoms. Which
20. These are conditions that promote disease or injury and prevent is not included?
people from realizing their health potential: a. Diarrhea b. Cough c. Ear Problems d. Constipation
a. Heath deficit b. Health threat c. Foreseeable crisis d. Stress
point SITUATION: Tuti is 11 months old. His temperature is 37.5 degree C.
His mother says he has had a dry cough for the last week. He has no
GDS. The health worker counted 42 bpm, does not see chest 38. An infant is being treated for talipes equinovarus. Which
indrawing and no stridor when statement by the child’s mother indicates the best understanding of
the he is calm. No visible severe wasting. There is some palmar the casting process?
pallor. There is no edema of both feet. a. “My child will have successive casts until the desired results are
29. Tuti’s sign is classified under: b. “Wearing cast is very painful, so I’ll need to medicate her every 4
ANEMIA OR VERY LOW WEIGHT c. “Once the cast is on, it will remain on until the deformity is
NOT VEY LOW WEIGHT d. “My child will be immobilized and confined to an infant seat”

30. Feeding recommendations for infants 6 months up to 12 months 39. A young child is admitted with acute epiglotittis. Which is of the
would include: highest priority as the nurse plans care?
a. Exclusive breastfeeding c. Breastfeeding plus lugaw with added a. Assessing the airway frequently c. Administering cough
pulverized roasted dilis medicine as ordered
b. Breastfeeding plus plain lugaw d. Breastfeeding plus adequate b. Turning, coughing, and deep breathing d. Encouraging the child
amounts family foods to eat

31. Signs of good attachment in breastfeeding include all but one: 40. A young child with high bronchial asthma is admitted for the
a. Mouth wide open c. More areola visible below than above second time in 1 month. Cystic fibrosis is suspected.
the mouth Which physiological assessment is most likely to be seen in the child
b. Chin touching the breast d. Lower lip turned outward with cystic fibrosis?
a. Expectoration of large amounts of thin, frothy mucus with
32. Leticia has measles and displays severe stomatitis with deep and coughing, and bubbling rhonchi for lung sounds
extensive mouth ulcers. This is classified as: b. High serum NaCl levels and low NaCl levels in the sweat
a. UNCOMPLICATED FEVER c. SEVERE COMPLICATED MEASLES c. Large, loose, foul-smelling stools with normal frequency or a
b. POSSIBLE BACTERIAL INFECTION d. MEASLES WITH MOUTH chronic diarrhea of unformed stools
COMPLICATIONS d. Obesity from malabsorption of fats and polycythemia from poor
oxygenation of tissues
33. Leticia’s classification is under which color?
a. Pink b. Red c. Yellow d. Green 41. Which finding would alert the nurse to potential problems in a
newly delivered term infant of a mother whose blood type is O
34. Clinical signs manifested by Leticia are as follows, except: negative?
a. Any danger sign b. Clouding of the cornea c. Deep Mouth a. Pallor c. Infant’s blood type is O negative
ulcers d. Pus draining from the eye b. Negative direct Coombs d. Resting heart rate is 155

35. IMCI recommends the following in soothing the throat and 42. A 10-year old child is admitted to the hospital with sickle cell
relieving cough. Which is not included? crisis. Which client goal is most appropriate for this child?
a. Calamansi b. Ginger c. Breastmilk d. Cough syrups a. The client will participate in daily aerobic exercises
b. The client will take an antibiotic until the temperature is within
SITUATION: Today’s pediatric nurse faces an array of challenges in normal limits
providing care for children and their families. A nurse requires c. The client will increase fluid intake
competent skills form wide spectrum of both technological and d. The client will utilize cold compress to control pain
psychosocial disciplines.
43. The nurse has been instructing the parents of a toddler about
36. Nurse Hannah is assessing a healthy neonate upon admission to nutrition. Which of the following statements best indicates the
the nursery. Which characteristic would the admitting nurse record parents’ understanding of an appropriate diet for a toddler?
as normal? a. “It’s unusual for a toddler to be a picky eater”
a. Hypertonia c. Head circumference measuring 31 cm b. “A multivitamin each day will meet my child’s nutritional needs”
b. Irregular respiratory rate of 50 bpm d. High-pitched or shrill cry c. “Toddler needs servings from each food group daily”
d. “Toddlers should still be eating prepared junior foods”
37. The nurse is caring for a child with hemophilia who is actively
bleeding. Which nursing action is most important in the prevention 44. A child has cerebral palsy and is hospitalized for corrective
of the crippling effects of bleeding? surgery for muscle contractures. What is the most important
a. Active range of motion c. Encourage genetic counseling immediate postoperative goal?
b. Avoidance of all dental care d. Elevate and immobilize the a. Ambulate using adaptive devices c. Verbalize pain control
affected extremity b. Demonstrate optimal oxygenation d. Complete daily self-care
a. Positioning the child on his abdomen to facilitate drainage of oral
45. The nurse is teaching the parents of a child who is being treated secretions
in clinic for otitis media. Which of the following statements is b. Comforting the child as soon as he starts to fuss, to prevent his
essential to include in the teaching? crying
a. “Do not take acetaminophen as this is contraindicated” c. “Do c. Using a regular bottle nipple to feed the infant in a semi-reclining
not apply heat to the ear” position
b. “Take the medication until the pain and fever are gone” d. d. Cleaning the suture line with warm water and washcloth once a
“Take all of the medication as ordered” day

46. The nurse is assessing a newborn 5 minutes after birth. He has SITUATION: Because pregnancy is a physiologic process, the health
full flexion of the extremities, is acrocyanotic, has sector aims to make pregnancy for the women and gestation for the
a heart rate of 124, a full, lust cry, and resists the suction catheter. fetus as safe and medically uneventful as far as possible.
The nurse should record the Apgar score as:
a. 6 b. 7 c. 8 d. 9 53. The 2000 Philippine Health Statistics revealed that the main
cause of reported maternal deaths is due to:
47. The mother of a newborn learns that her infant son has lost 8 oz a. Postpartum hemorrhage b. Pregnancy with abortive outcomes
since birth 2 days ago. The nurse explains that this weight loss is c. Hypertension d. None of the above
normal. What explanation will the nurse provide for the weight loss
result? 54. Every woman has the right to visit the nearest health care facility
a. Feeding infants every 4 hours instead of every 3 hours c. Limited for antenatal registration and to avail prenatal care services. How
food intake since birth often should the expectant mother visit the health center when she
b. Loss of fluid from the cord stump d. Regurgitation of feedings is on her 8th month of
48. A 4-week-old premature infant has been receiving epoetin alfa a. Every other day after the 8th month of pregnancy till delivery
(Epogen) for the last three weeks. Which b. Every week after the 8th month of pregnancy till delivery
assessment finding indicates to the nurse that the drug is effective? c. Every 2 weeks after the 8th month of pregnancy till delivery
a. Slowly increasing urinary output over the last week. c. d. None of the above
Changes in apical heart rate from the 180s to the 140s.
b. Respiratory rate changes from the 40s to the 60s. d. Change 55. Tetanus toxoid vaccination is important for pregnant women and
in indirect bilirubin from 12 mg/dl to 8 mg/dl. child bearing women to prevent them and their baby from acquiring
tetanus. How many doses of Tetanus Toxoid vaccine should be given
49. Immediately after birth a newborn infant is suctioned, dried, and to the mother in order to
placed under a radiant warmer. The infant has spontaneous protect the baby from acquiring neonatal tetanus?
respirations and the nurse assesses an apical heart rate of 80 a. One dose b. Two doses c. Three doses d. Four doses
beats/minute and respirations of 20 breaths/minute. What action
should the nurse perform next? 56. How many doses of Tetanus Toxoid vaccine are needed to
a. Initiate positive pressure ventilation. c. Initiate CPR on the protect a mother and her baby against the disease, during her
infant. pregnancy and for lifetime immunity?
b. Intervene after the one minute Apgar is assessed. d. Assess the a. Three doses b. Four doses c. Five doses d. Six doses
infant's blood glucose level.
57. Micronutrient supplementation is vital for pregnant women. To
50. A newborn, whose mother is HIV positive, is scheduled for prevent Vitamin A deficiency, pregnant women should receive
follow-up assessments. The nurse knows that the most likely vitamin A 10,000 IU starting:
presenting symptom for a pediatric client with AIDS is: a. First trimester c. 2 weeks before delivery
a. Shortness of breath b. Joint pain c. A persistent cold b. Second trimester onwards d. 1 month after delievry
d. Organomegaly
58. A pregnant woman with hypertension is suffering from
51. The nurse in a well baby clinic is assessing a 12-month old child. postpartum hemorrhage. The following are the first aid
He is 30 inches tall and weighs 30 lb. His birth weight is 8 lbs. How measures to be done by the community health nurse, except:
does the nurse interpret this data? a. Massage uterus and expel clots
a. Normal height, increased weight c. Small for age, normal weight b. Give Ergometrine 0.2 mg IM and another dose after 15 minutes
b. Normal height, decreased weight d. Tall for age, but weight c. Place cupped palmed hands on the uterine fundus and feel for the
appropriate for height state of contraction
d. Apply bimanual uterine compression if postpartum bleeding still
52. The mother of an infant who has had a cleft lip repair has been persists
taught the postoperative care needed. What does the nurse hope to
see when evaluating this mother’s understanding of this care?
59. The community health nurse should give supportive care to the
pregnant mother during labor. The nurse should do the following, 68. A mother asks Nurse Basyang about subcutaneous implants and
except: how long will the implants be effective. Her best response is:
a. Encourage the mother to take a bath during the onset of labor a. “It is effective for one month” c. “It is effective for up to 5
b. Encourage the mother to drink and eat when she feels hungry years”
c. Remind the mother to empty the bladder every 2 hours b. “It is effective for twelve months” d. “It is effective for ten
d. Encourage the mother to do breathing exercises for her to have years”
energy in pushing the baby out of her birth canal.
69. A client who gave birth to a healthy 8 pound infant 3 hours ago is
60. The nurse should assess the progress of labor. She knows that admitted to the postpartum unit. Which nursing plan is best in
the pregnant woman is in false labor if: assisting this mother to bond with her newborn infant?
a. The cervix is dilated 4 cm c. The membranes are not ruptured a. Encourage the mother to provide total care for her infant. b.
b. There is an increase in contractions d. All of the above Provide privacy so the mother can develop a relationship with the
61. The community health nurse should counsel the mother on the c. Encourage the father to provide most of the infant's care during
recommended schedule of her first postpartum visit, which is: hospitalization.
a. 3-5 days after delivery b. 6 weeks after delivery c. A day after d. Meet the mother's physical needs and demonstrate warmth
delivery d. 3 weeks after delivery toward the infant.

62. During family planning counseling sessions, the nurse should 70. Which maternal behavior is the nurse most likely to see when a
include which topic in the discussion? new mother receives her infant for the first time?
a. Birth control methods b. Birth spacing c. Ideal number of a. She eagerly reaches for the infant, undresses the infant, and
children d. All of the above examines the infant completely.
b. Her arms and hands receive the infant and she then traces the
63. It is the nurse’s responsibility to give the couple enough infant's profile with her fingertips.
information about the different methods of contraception. What are c. Her arms and hands receive the infant and she then cuddles the
the factors that should be considered in method selection? infant to her own body.
a. The age of the woman c. The effectiveness of a method d. She eagerly reaches for the infant and then holds the infant close
b. The woman's reproductive stage d. All of the above to her own body.

64. A population pyramid is a graphical illustration that shows the 71. A client who is attending antepartum classes asks the nurse why
distribution of various age groups in a human population which her healthcare provider has prescribed iron tablets. The nurse's
normally forms the shape of a pyramid. A population pyramid with a response is based on what knowledge?
broad base indicates: a. Supplementary iron is more efficiently utilized during pregnancy.
a. Higher proportion of children and a low proportion of older b. It is difficult to consume 18 mg of additional iron by diet alone.
people c. Iron absorption is decreased in the GI tract during pregnancy.
b. Higher proportion of older people and a low proportion of d. Iron is needed to prevent megaloblastic anemia in the last
children trimester.
c. Higher female populations
d. Higher male populations 72. When educating a pregnant client about home safety, which of
the following information is least appropriate for the nurse to
65. A mother who wishes to use Lactation Amenorrhea method as a include in the teaching plan?
form of family planning method should be instructed: a. When taking a shower, place a non-skid mat on the floor of the
a. To use other forms of FP methods after 3 months tub or shower.
b. About the potential side effects b. Avoid climbing stairs
c. To wait for at least 1 month to be more effective as a FP method c. Avoid wearing high heels.
d. Alternate breastfeeding with formula feeding to be more effective d. Use non-slip rugs on the floors.

66. In providing guidance for a couple wishing to avoid pregnancy, 73. A woman comes to the health clinic because she thinks she is
the nurse reviews the record of a client who has a pregnant. Tests are performed and the pregnancy is confirmed. The
normal 29-day cycle. On which of the following days would the client’s last menstrual period began on September 8 and lasted for 6
nurse expect the client to ovulate? days. The nurse calculates that
a. Day 5 or 6 b. Day 13 or 14 c. Day 15 or 16 d. Day 28 or 29 her expected date of confinement (EDC) is:
a. May 15 b. June 15 c. June 21 d. July 8
67. A client who is taking oral contraceptives should immediately
report which symptom associated with the adverse effect of OC’s? 74. A woman comes to the clinic for routine prenatal check-up at 34
a. Blurred vision b. Nausea c. Breakthrough bleeding d. Breast weeks’ gestation. Abdominal palpation reveals the fetal position as
right occipital anterior (ROA). At which of the following sites would a. Be cleaned and have another pad change c. Have an increase
the nurse expect to find the in her IV fluids of Ringer’s Lactate
fetal heart tone? b. Empty her bladder d. Have her fundus massaged
a. Below the umbilicus, on the mother’s left side c. Above the
umbilicus, on the mother’s left side 82. Nurse Junifer is caring for a woman who is having labor induced
b. Below the umbilicus, on the mother’s right side d. Above the with an oxytocin (Pitocin) drip. Which assessment of the client
umbilicus, on the mother’s right side indicates there is a problem?
a. The fetal heart rate is 160 beats per minute c. Contraction
75. Mrs. Dimaano complains about her morning sickness. The nurse duration is 60 seconds
provides health teachings to the client. Which of the following b. The woman has three contractions in 5 minutes d. Early fetal
statements made by the client indicates a need for further rate decelerations are occurring
instruction by the nurse? a. “ I will avoid spicy or fatty foods” c.
“I will eat small frequent meals” 83. Mrs. Fortalejo is in labor and taking three cleansing breaths
b. “ I will postpone eating until supper” d. “I will eat crackers and followed by four, slow, deep breaths with each contraction. She is
dry toast before arising” experiencing much discomfort with her contractions. What action is
most appropriate for the nurse to take?
76. Nurse Mian is preparing to assist in performing Leopold’s a. Demonstrate to Mrs. Fortalejo a different breathing pattern
maneuver to a pregnant client. Which of the following should the during contractions
nurse include in preparing the client for this procedure? b. Ask the physician for an order of pain medication
a. Tell the client to drink a glass of water before the procedure c. Have the man take a break and instruct Mrs. Fortalejo in another
b. Locate the fetal heart tones breathing pattern
c. Tell the client to void before beginning the examination d. Leave the couple alone as they have their routine established
d. Advise the client not to eat anything 4 hours before the exam
84. Nurse Kristine is teaching childbirth education classes. What
77. Mrs. Makiss is scheduled for a nonstress test. After the test, the topic should be included during the second trimester?
result documented on the chart is no accelerations during the 40 a. Overview of the conception c. Infant care
minute observation. The nurse interprets these findings as: b. Medication and breastfeeding d. Strategies to relieve the
a. A reactive stress test c. An unsatisfactory stress test discomforts of pregnancy
b. A nonreactive stress test d. The results are inconclusive
85. Nurse Esther is caring for a woman in labor who suddenly
78. Another client had a nonstress tests for the past few weeks and complains of dizziness, becomes pale, and has a 30-point drop in her
the results were reactive. A few minutes ago, the results were BP with an increase in pulse rate. What is the most appropriate
nonreactive. The nurse anticipates that the client will be prepared initial nursing action?
for: a. Turn her to her left side c. Notify her physician
a. A return appointment in 2 to 7 days to repeat the nonstress test b. Have her breathe into a paper bag d. Increase her IV fluids
b. A contraction stress test
c. Hospital admission with continuous fetal monitoring 86. A woman is 25% over her ideal weight of 140 pounds. She would
d. Immediate induction of labor like to lose weight before becoming pregnant. The woman is 2
months into her weight loss program. Which indicates she is
79. A pregnant woman is having a contraction stress test (CST) following proper weight management
preformed. Which of the following shows a negative test result? principles?
a. 50% or more contractions cause a late deceleration a. Carefully selects only carbohydrate and fat choices for meals
b. No FHR decelerations occur with contractions b. Has lost a total of 4 pounds
c. Decrease in FHR that occurs toward the end of a contraction and c. Is now 5% over her ideal weight
continues after the contraction d. Goes to beginning aerobics for three times a week
d. All of the options indicate a negative result
87. A 38-week primigravida who works as a secretary and sits at a
80. During her first trimester, a woman experiences many computer 8 hours each day tells the nurse that her feet have begun
physiologic changes that lead her to think she is pregnant. to swell. Which instruction would be most effective in preventing
Which of the following changes will the nurse likely tell her are pooling of blood in the lower extremities?
normal changes for an 8 week pregnancy? a. Wear support stockings c. Move about every hour
a. Dysuria b. Colostrum secretion c. Nosebleeds d. b. Reduce salt in her diet d. Avoid constrictive clothing
Dependent edema
88. A client receiving epidural anesthesia begins to experience
81. Following her baby’s birth, the woman’s uterine fundus is soft, nausea and becomes pale and clammy. What intervention should
midline, 2 cm above the umbilicus, and she has saturated two pads the nurse implement first?
within 30 minutes. Which immediate need by the client should be a. Raise the foot of the bed c. Evaluate the fetal heart rate
addressed? b. Assess for vaginal bleeding d. Take the client's blood pressure
89. A 37-week gestation neonate has just been born to a woman 97. A woman with severe PIH was delivered 2 hours ago. Which
with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and is admitted to the nursing action should be included in the plan of care for her
nursery. Which of the following is most essential when planning postpartum hospital stay?
immediate care for the infant? a. Continuing to monitor blood pressure, respirations and reflexes
a. Glucose monitoring b. Daily weights c. Supplemental formula b. Encouraging frequent family visits c. Keeping her NPO
feedings d. An apnea monitor d. Maintain an IV access to the circulatory system

90. A 34 week pregnant client calls the clinic complaining of severe 98. Discharge instructions are given to a woman who had been
headache, blurred vision, and swollen feet. The nurse expects the admitted with placenta previa. Which statement by the client to her
physician to tell the client to: husband best demonstrates she understands the teaching?
a. Have it checked in the hospital b. Come to the clinic tomorrow a. “We can’t have sex”
morning b. “I have to return in a few days for a vaginal exam”
c. Decrease salt intake and increase fluids c. “I will have to have a caesarian delivery for this and other
d. Rest for 4 hours a day for 3 days and come to the clinic if pregnancies”
symptoms persist d. “I can go back to part-time work beginning tomorrow”

91. Nurse Grasya went to give her morning care to a postpartum 99. The nurse is caring for a woman who is 35 weeks pregnant. She
mother, she observed the mother talking to the baby, checking comes to the emergency room with painless, vaginal bleeding. This
diaper, and asking infant care questions. Nurse Grasya determines is her third pregnancy and she states that this has never happened
that the client is in which postpartal phase of psychological before. What would be avoided in caring for this client?
adaptation? a. Allowing her husband to stay with her c. Shaving the perineum
a. Taking in b. Keeping her at rest d. Performing vaginal examination
b. Taking on
c. Taking hold 100. Nurse Hannah is caring for a woman with a placenta previa who
d. Letting go has been hospitalized for several weeks. She is now at 38 weeks’
gestation and her membranes have ruptured. The amniotic fluid has
92. During an initial prenatal visit a pregnant client states she has a greenish color and the woman has started to bleed again. What
had 2 miscarriages at 12 weeks and 13 weeks, one child delivered at would the nurse’s first action?
38 weeks, and another child delivered at 40 weeks. The nurse a. Administer oxygen
documents this as: b. Place her in trendelenburg’s position
a. G4P2/T2A2 b. G3P3/T2A1 c. G3P2/T2A2 d. G4P3/T3A0 c. Call the doctor and prepare for a cesarian birth
d. Move her to the delivery room immediately
93. A woman who is 24-hours postpartum and who has an
episiotomy would be instructed to report which of the following
findings immediately?
a. Decrease in urine output c. Presence of lochia rubra
b. Absence of a daily bowel movement d. Increase in perineal pain

94. A client in active labor is admitted with preeclampsia. Which

assessment finding is most significant in planning this client's care?
a. Patellar reflex 4+. c. Four-hour urine output 240 ml.
b. Blood pressure 158/80. d. Respiration 12/minute.

95. When explaining "postpartum blues" to a client who is 1 day

postpartum, which symptoms should the nurse include in the
teaching plan?
1. Mood swings 3. Tearfulness 5. Disinterest in the infant
2. Panic attacks 4. Decreased need for sleep
a. 1 and 3 b. 1, 3, 4 c. All except 2 d. All of the above

96. A primigravida client with severe preeclampsia is receiving

magnesium sulfate via continuous IV infusion. Which assessment
data indicates to the nurse that the client is experiencing
magnesium sulfate toxicity?
a. Deep tendon reflexes 2+. c. Respiratory rate 18/minute.
b. Blood pressure 140/90. d. Urine output 90 ml/4 hours.

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