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TV series Workshop Day 1 ANSWER KEY

Vocabulary from Part 1

Mourning: sadness that you show and feel because someone has died

Make it a quaint (attractive) and bustling (busy, full of people) tourist stop –

Quaint: attractive in an unusual or old-fashioned way

Bustling: full of people moving about in a busy way

To spearhead a key city council vote: to lead, to begin and activity (to lead a city council vote)

The boy is working on sketches: drawings

Clear out the junk in the attic: to clean a place by throwing things away

Junk: old stuff that has no real value.

To be in the mood: to have the desire for something or to do something.

To give a damn: to care about something

Scale model - is a physical model which is geometrically similar to an object (known as the


1. Who is Trina Grant – She used to be the mayor of Littleton and Jason’s wife
2. What happened to her? She died in a car accident
3. Who is Jason? He is Trina’s husband.
4. Where does Jason live now? He lives in the attic of the town church
5. What Does Emilio bring Jason? A candle and a cupcake
6. What does Emilio show Jason? Does Jason like it? Emilio shows him his sketches.
Jason loves it, especially the current mayor’s sketches.
7. Why does Jason live in that room? After his wife died, it didn’t feel right to live in
their house by himself. So he asked the pastor to stay in the attic so as long as he is
useful he can stay there.
8. What does Jason ask the pastor – clear out the junk and let in more light
9. As Jason is clearing out the room, he finds something. What is it? – a magic scale city
10. What test does he do with the magic scale? – He sprays water, and it immediately
rains outside in the real town
Video answer key

1. News
2. Community
3. Council
4. Construction
5. Husband
6. Cupcake
7. Mayor
8. Stupid
9. Depressing
10. Without
11. Do you
12. Flowers
13. Wondering
14. Miss
15. Move forward
16. Perfect
17. Diner
18. Difference
19. perspective

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