CICLO LECTIVO 2024 - ESCUELA N° 743 - 6° 2° O.C.N. - 1° TERM - Chiguay, E.

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Escuela N° 743

Año: 6° 2° O.C.N.
Alumno: Evelyn Chiguay
1° Cuatrimestre 2024:
Entregar los T.P. N° 1 y N° 2 antes del 05/07
English class

(Pasado Simple)

(Verbos Regulares: la mayoría de los verbos regulares en Pasado Simple se
forman agregándole “-ed”, final al verbo en infinitivo. Hay algunas variantes
en la ortografía que están en la página de abajo)

Present Past Spanish

play Played Jugar
work Worked Trabajar
study Studied Estudiar
watch watched Observar
walk Walked Caminar
help Helped Ayudar
listen Listened Escuchar
open Opened Abrir
start Started Empezar
talk Talked Hablar
wait Waited Esperar
cook Cooked Cocinar
clean Cleaned Limpiar
wash Washed lavar

Homework: Study!
English class:

(Pasado Simple)

(Verbos irregulares: hay listas de verbos para estudiar que cuando los usamos
en el Pasado Simple tienen una forma diferente a la que vimos de los verbos


have had Tener
go went Ir
write wrote Escribir
make made hacer/preparar
read read Leer
see saw Ver
give gave Dar
sit sat Sentarse
know knew saber o
think thought Pensar
buy bought Comprar
meet met encontarse
con alguien
say said Decir
eat ate Comer
come came Venir
do did Hacer
drink drank Beber
ride rode andar
(bicicleta ó a
run ran Correr
win won Ganar
tell told Contar
1)Read about Sandra. She is talking. Pay attention to the
verbs. (Leer acerca de Sandra. Es ella la que habla. Prestar atención a los

I had a normal day yesterday. I went to a school and I talked

about road safety in the morning. I worked in the police
station in the afternoon. I wrote some e-mails and I talked
on the phone. I finished work at 5.30 p.m. Later, I watched
T.V. with my husband at home.
Homework: Read and study!
English class:
1)Read about Mike. He talks about yesterday. Past Simple.
(Leer acerca de Mike. El habla del día de ayer. Pasado Simple)

I helped my parents at home yesterday. I cooked spaghetti

for lunch and I cleaned the garage. I didn’t use the
computer, and my friends didn’t call me. It was a busy day.
I made shopping lists and I read the newspaper. I was very
tired last night.

Remember!: It was… /I was… (Past of “to be”)____

Affirmative Sentences / Negative Sentences
I played chess yesterday. / I didn’t play soccer.

You worked yesterday morning / You didn’t sleep.

Mary studied geography last night. /She didn’t study English.

Joe watched T.V. yesterday afternoon./ He didn’t read a magazine.

It walked in the street yesterday. / It didn’t walk on the beach.

We went to Trelew last summer. /We didn’t go to Sarmiento.

You wrote e-mails yesterday evening. / You didn’t write letters.

They read the newspaper yesterday. / They didn’t read books.

(Para hacer oraciones negativas en el Pasado Simple usamos el verbo auxiliar:
“didn’t”, con todas las personas y todos los verbos. En las oraciones
negativas en el Pasado Simple “didn’t” se usa antes del verbo principal que
está en Presente)

Past time expressions:

(Las usamos generalmente al final de ideas u oraciones)

yesterday: ayer
yesterday morning: ayer a la mañana
yesterday afternoon: ayer a la tarde
yesterday evening: ayer al atardecer
last night/summer/week/month/ etc: anoche / el verano
pasado/ la semana pasada/ el mes pasado/…
Homework: Read and study!

Colegio N° 743:
Area: Inglés
Alumno: ____________________________.
Fecha de Entrega:
Trabajo Práctico N° 1:
1)Complete the sentences with these verbs. Past Simple:
played – went - studied - bought - walked – wrote -
(Completar las oraciones con estos verbos. Pasado Simple. Ver la lista)

a-Sandy _____ e-mails yesterday evening.

b-Peter and Jennifer ______ cards yesterday afternoon.
c- Greg ______ twenty blocks yesterday.
d- I _____ to the supermarket yesterday morning.
e- My brother ______ some fruit yesterday.
f- Kim ______ language last week.
2) Complete the affirmative and negative sentences. Past
(Completar las oraciones afirmativas y negativas. Pasado Simple)

For example:
(Por ejemplo)
 I _didn’t watch_ (- watch) T.V. yesterday afternoon.
 Judy rode (+ ride) her bike last summer.
a-Kate ______ (- do) her homework yesterday.
b- The children ______ (+ play) soccer in the park last week.
c- Dan _______ (- buy) vegetables in the supermarket.
d- My sister _______ (+ tell) me an interesting story.
3) Read the paragraph. Jeff talks about his weekend. Past
(Leer el párrafo. Jeff habla de su fin de semana. Pasado Simple)


Hi, my name is Jeff. My last weekend was great!!!

I played soccer with my friends after school last Friday.
Then, we ate pizza and we drank coke at home. I read
magazines on Saturday, and I had lunch at noon with my
family. My cousins came to my house and we went for a
walk. Later, we watched a movie at Ronnie’s, one of my
best friends. I went to bed late. I had lunch with my family
on Sunday. My mother cooked salads. I played online
games in the afternoon. I didn’t study. It was a wonderful
go for a walk: ir a dar un paseo
later: mas tarde
wonderful: maravilloso
4) Underline the verbs in the Past in Exercise 3. Write them
in the base form and in Spanish. For example:(Subrayar los
verbos en Pasado del ejercicio 3. Escribirlos en Presente y en castellano. Por


form) form)
have lunch had lunch Almorzar
is - am Was ser ó estar

5) Write negative and affirmative sentences about Jeff’s

weekend (Ex.3). Use the information between brackets.
(Escribir oraciones negativas y afirmativas acerca del fin de semana de Jeff,
del ejercicio 3. Usar la información entre paréntesis)

For example:
(por ejemplo)

a-Jeff played handball with his friends last Friday. (soccer)

 He didn’t play handball last Friday.
 He played soccer.
b- Jeff read the newspaper last Saturday. (magazines)
 ___________________________________________.
 ___________________________________________.
c- Jeff’s cousins went to his house last Friday. (last Saturday)
 ___________________________________________.
 ___________________________________________.
d- His mother cooked a cake last Sunday. (salads)
 ____________________________________________.
 ____________________________________________.

English class:
1)Read the dialogue between Meg and Nick:
Nick: How was your
weekend, Meg?
Meg: It was o.k.. I ate
ice cream with my
friends last Friday.
Nick: How about
Meg: I relaxed at home
and I visited my
grandmother. What
about you? How was
your weekend?
Nick: I did my
homework and I slept
all the afternoon.

2) Pay attention to these questions about Meg and Nick:

Did Meg have a nice time last Friday?
Yes, she did.
Did Meg do her homework last Saturday?
No, she didn’t.
Did Nick play soccer last weekend?
No, he didn’t.
Did Nick relax at home last weekend?
Yes, he did.
Did Nick and Meg go to the park last weekend?
No, they didn’t.


(Preguntas Simples en el Pasado Simple)

Questions: Grammar structures


Auxiliary verb + subject: name or personal pronoun + main

verb: base form + …place/time/etc.?
(Verbo auxiliar: Did+ Sujeto: nombre o pronombre personal
+ verbo principal en Presente + … puede ser un lugar, un
momento, etc.)
Answers: Grammar structures

“Yes,” or “No,” + personal pronoun + auxiliary verb: “did”

or “didn’t”
(“Yes,” ó “No,” + pronombre personal + verbo auxiliar,
“did” al afirmar ó “didn’t” al negar)
Did you study English yesterday?
Yes, I did. I did my homework.
Homework: Read and study!
English Class:

- What did Rose do

- She read a book.

- What did the

children do last
- They played
soccer last
-What did Ernest do
yesterday evening?
- He watched T.V.

-What did they do last

-They listened to music.

-What did Jackie do

yesterday afternoon?
- She wrote letters.

Grammar structures: Past Simple. Information Questions:

(Estructuras gramaticales: Pasado Simple. Preguntas de
Información General)
 Question Word (“What…?”, “Where…? etc.) +
Auxiliary verb: “did”+ Subject: name or pronoun +
base form of the main verb (“do”, “go”, etc.) + time,
place, etc. ?
(Palabra interrogativa: “What…?”, “Where…?, etc. +
Verbo auxiliar: did + Sujeto: nombre o pronombre
personal + verbo principal en presente: “…do”, “…go”,
etc. + momento, lugar, etc.)
 Affirmative sentence
(Oración afirmativa)
More examples:
(mas ejemplos)

 What did you do yesterday afternoon?

 I talked on the phone.

Homework: Read and study!

English class:

“When I was twelve…”

(“Cuando tenía doce años…”)

1)Read about Imran. He tells us an anecdote:

(Leer acerca de Imran. El nos cuenta un anécdota)

My name is Imran. When I was twelve I lived in the north of

England. I went for a walk one day. A plant fell on my head.
It fell from an upstairs window. My head hurt! I ran home
and I told my mother. She was angry. We went to that
house. A woman came to the door. She said her cat did it.
The plant was on the window and the cat jumped. The
woman was sorry. She gave me a bar of chocolate. I went to
school and my mother went back home.
go for a walk: ir de paseo
went for a walk: verbo en Pasado Simple
fall: caer
fell: verbo en Pasado Simple
upstairs window: ventana de arriba
head: cabeza
hurt: doler
hurt: verbo en Pasado Simple
jump: saltar (verbo regular)
to be sorry: estar apenado
bar of chocolate: barra de chocolate
2) Read the questions and answers about the text:
(Leer las preguntas respondidas sobre el párrafo)

a-Did Imran live in New Yersey?

-No, he didn’t.
b- Where did he live?
-He lived in England.
c- Did he drive a car one day?
-No, he didn’t.
d-Did he go for a walk one day?
-Yes, he did.
e-Did a plant fall on his head?
-Yes, it did.
f-What did he do?
-He ran home and he told his mother.
g- What did Imran and his mother do?
-They went to that house.
Homework: Read and study!
Area: Inglés
Colegio N° 743:
Alumno: _________________________.
Trabajo Práctico N° 2:
Fecha de Entrega:
1)Complete the questions, and answers with these words:
did (x5) – didn’t (x2) – ate – – played – visited. Past Simple.
(Completar las preguntas y las respuestas con las palabras dadas. Pasado

a- What ____ Rose do last Friday? / She _______ her friends

last Friday.
b- _____ Ren play volleyball last Saturday? / No, he ______.
c- _____ Anne write poems last year? / No, she _______.
d- What _____ Mike and Dan do yesterday evening? / They
______ ice cream.
e- What _____ Willy do yesterday afternoon? / He ______

2) Match the questions to the answers. Past Simple: (Unir las

preguntas con las respuestas correctas. Pasado Simple)
a- What did you do yesterday morning?
b- Did John relax at home last weekend?
c- Where did Jim live many years ago?
d- Did Pat live in Mexico?
e- What did your friends do last Friday?
___ He lived in Colombia.
___ They played soccer in the park.
___ I studied language.
___ Yes, she did.
___ No, he didn’t.
3) Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Past
Simple: Yes/No questions. (Mirar los dibujos y responder las
preguntas. Preguntas Simples en el Pasado Simple)

-Did Rose read a book

-Did the children play

-Did Ernest watch

T.V. yesterday?


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