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The story of “ UCUMAR”

This story / leyend begins in a town called san franscisco. It is located in las yungas área. In that
place there are many scary stories but the most famous is thE UCUMAR. The ucumar is a wild
animal, with human traits. He has very huge hands and feet. Also, his body is covered in hair, he has
a long beard and a human voice. He is the fastest beast in the place. This wild animal eats fruits and
vegetables from the field.

This story started in 1946, when the ucumar's wife and son were violently murdered. One day a
hunter was looking for a animal and saw that family so he decided to killed them. The Ucumar was
the only man that survived in the place. However, most people think that the ucumar was a good
and hardworking man, but when he lost his little family, He became into a solitary and murderous

Nowedays, He currently lives in the mountains, and it usually appears in the evenings. The beast
kidnaps young women because he want a family but he couldn’t obtain it. Finally he eats them.
Most women belive that he attacks in the dark nights and they know that they cannot walk alone at

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