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SUBJECT: LIT2 TIME & SECTION: 10:00-11:30 am (T-TH ), F





Present your own idea on the following.

1. What is Literature? (20 pts)

- In my own opinion, literature is usually refers to any written works, such as novels,
short stories, biographies, memories, essays, and poetry. It is said to be the total of
preserved writings belonging to a given language or people. It is thought to only
include works of art.
2. Based on your own understanding, what is world literature? (20 pts)
-In my own understanding, world literature is the totality of world's national
literatures. It talks about the formation of literature in different countries. It can be
defined as the literary writing that goes beyond being merely national literature, the
important writing of a country. World literature crosses borders and becomes
important to people around the globe.


1. How does studying world literature help you as a student? (20 pts)
-Studying world literature helps broaden my mind as a student in a way that I have
learn lot of things out from it, and at the same time I also gain a better understanding
of the various culture of the people from different places around the world. In addition
to improving my writing and reading skills, studying literature also allows me to expand
my vocabulary.


Research on the Biblical literature and discover what the different literary forms present in
the said literature. Write your discoveries in sentence form.
-The Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament, is not so much a book as a collection of books
hence the derivation of “Bible” from the Greek term ta biblia (the books).
-The anthological character of the Bible is captured as well by the modern Hebrew
designation TaNaKh: an abbreviation of Torah (Law), Nebiʾim (Prophets), and Ketuvim
(Writings). It was composed in two languages (Hebrew and Aramaic), arguably over the
course of nearly a thousand years (the 11th through 2nd centuries BCE).
-The phrase “biblical literature” reminds us that the Bible is literary in nature and
comprises multiple genres—prose narrative, poetry, law, proverbs, etc.—so that its
analysis requires, among other things, literary methods, broadly defined.
-Literary forms in the Bible include history, poetry, myths, prayers, prophecy, parables,
riddles, hymns, visions/revelations, letters from leaders to churches, and etc.

LESSON 2: Biblical Literature


1. Discuss why Job 28:12-28 keeps on explaining about the precious stone. (20 pts)
-Because we know where to find prescious stone like gold. You just dig with your hands
and your tools in the right place in the earth and there it is. But, no mortal, in fact,
knows the way to wisdom, and they can't buy it with gold or silver. Even though miners
unearth precious things, they cannot find wisdom and understanding. And that's
because it's not from around these parts. He uses the poetic image of wisdom as a
precious substance hidden so deep that even miners can't dig it up. You can't direct
people to a location on earth where they can dig out or even buy wisdom and
understanding. Because wisdom is not found in this world and certainly not within the
earth like with jewels and such.

2. Do precious stones play an important role in the scripture we have discussed? Why? (20

- Yes. Because, it symbolize wisdom which is necessary for life. Wisdom is a treasure rarer than
any other prescious stones. Indeed, it cannot be purchased for gold and is therefore worth
more than all of those precious metals. As human, we all need this prescious wisdom and this
can only be found by another and a higher method. It must come to us by revelation from God,
for we cannot find it by our own efforts for God is the source of wisdom.


Briefly explain the influence of biblical literature on western civilization modern

secular age. (50 pts)
-The influence of biblical literature on western civilization modern secular age may be found in
the arts of Western people, their music and of course in their best poetry, drama, and creative
fiction. Many of the most moving and illuminating interpretations of biblical material such as
stories, themes, and characters are made by novelists, playwrights, and poets who write simply
as human beings, not as adherents of any religion. There are two views of the human condition
that scholars have attributed to biblical influence and that have become dominant in Western
literature. The first of these is the view that the mystery of existence and destiny is implicit in
every man and woman. In contrast to the canons of classical tragedy, a person of any rank or
station may experience the extremes of happiness or misery, exaltation or tragedy. The second
view of the human condition is that the time of encountering all reality is now, and the place is
here, in man’s workaday activities and contingencies, whatever they may be. To be human is to
know one short life in mortal flesh, in which the past and future are dimensions of the present.
It is now or never that the choice is made, the offer of the gift of life accepted or declined. Any
kingdom there is must be entered at once or lost forever. It is here in the actual situation of
work and play, of love and need, and not in some far-off better time and place, that the crisis is
reached and passed, the issue settled, and the record closed.


1. Enumerate and explain the periods of Greek Literature.

Archaic-The literature of the Archaic era mostly centered on myth; part history and
part folklore. Homer's epics of the Iliad and the Odyssey and Hesiod's Theogony are
significant examples of this period. Literary Greece begins with Homer. Since writing
had not yet arrived in Greece, much of what was created in this period was
communicated orally, only to be put in written form years later.

Classical -The Classical era (4th and 5th centuries BCE) centered on the tragedies of
such writers as Sophocles and his Oedipus Rex, Euripides's Hippolytus, and the
comedies of Aristophanes. Lastly, the final period, the
Hellenistic -Lastly, the final period, the Hellenistic era, saw Greek poetry, prose, and
culture expand across the Mediterranean influencing such Roman writers as Horace,
Ovid, and Virgil. Unfortunately, with only a few exceptions, much of what was created
during the Archaic and Classical period remains only in fragments.

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