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For this project I started to think about the people I wanted to work with based on what I

wanted the idea of my project to look like. I picked my sister and a friend. Before I met up with

both of them at the same time, I tried to make my thoughts into words but the only thing that

popped up in my head was the word kindness. I have access to my local elementary school and

my sister who is in college has access to hers. I took this idea to try to make kindness around my

community. I thought about the act of doing kind things so when I presented this idea to both of

them, they joined in on the idea. We decided to take pictures each of each event that we made. I

wanted to do this project together because it was more fun and we can compare the pictures we

took to be able to choose two. Since my sister is the only one who knew how to drive, we went

on her schedule and had two events in our house.

The first event was making a mini party decoration fro my moms birthday. For this my sister

and I went to pick up my friend and bought decorations and balloons so when my mom came

home, she would be surprised. We ended up choosing the pictures I took because they were taken

on my camera. The second event was photographing a fitness class, my mom went to a Zumba

event and we decided to take some pictures so that they could post them on social media. This

group had a lot of energy and had great attitudes. I brought my camera to this event since my

sister was meeting us there and my friend does not have one. We each took turns taking photos

with the camera. Photographing this was very fun because we ended up taking a lot of action


For the next set of pictures we went to the flea market to help my decide which flowers she

should buy. During that day we narrowed it down to three flowers and took pictures of them.

This was a fun time because it was a day that we got to spend together with a goal in mind. We
took these on out iPhones, my sister took the picture in the middle with an iPhone 14 pro, I took

the yellow hibiscus flower on an iPhone 12, and my friend took the photo of the fiesta hibiscus

on iPhone 12. The sun really helped because it made the scenery bright and even better than

taking a picture indoors because this is flowers natural habitat.

The final picture has a lot of sentiment because the day I saw this prompt for the project, I had

the opportunity to go to my local school for a volunteer opportunity and wrote the words Happy

Wednesday outside the extended day door. The following week, I went back for a talent show

event and the writing was still there. Everyone was entering through that door this day and little

kids were reading what I had written, even though I did not bring my camera, I took a picture of


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