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Are Human Rights Fully Implemented?

Everyone has certain rights and these rights are grouped under the name of
human rights. Are these rights well known and actually enforced? For example,
Roman women living in Macedonia have to face much discrimination. Many of
the rights of women here are denied because of stereotypes. Are not they human
beings? Do not they have rights like us? In my opinion, everyone should know
some important human rights to avoid the events in the example.
Firstly, everyone being has the right to life and everybody should use this right
to the fullest. Especially today, people are deprived of their right to life for
various reasons. Just as nobody is born by choosing their gender, and religion,
nobody has the right to take away the right to life of others for these reasons. For
example, Hande Kader, a trans woman living in Turkey, was burned by
transphobic people just because she was transgender. The proliferation of such
events shows that the basic right to life is not fully implemented.
Secondly, the right to equality is among the most important rights that
everyone should know. Especially women are exposed to much discrimination
and inequality. To explain, in some countries, women are not hired for gender,
motherhood, and so on. For example, in politics, there are very few women
deputies or presidents and this situation does not change. Due to this and many
other situations, the right to equality, which is another fundamental right, is not
fully implemented.
Most importantly, the right to freedom of expression, which should definitely
be known. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. Are we really free to
voice our statements? In my opinion, freedom of expression is really limited in
the country where I live. Nowadays, anyone can get their statements heard on
social media and oppose certain things. Although there is freedom of expression,
punishments are imposed when ideas are expressed. When this happens, does it
make sense to have the right to freedom of expression? As can be seen, this
fundamental right cannot be fully implemented like the others.
Consequently, these three important human rights cannot be fully
implemented. According to the data, in 2020, at least 260 women were denied
the right to life due to male violence in Turkey, and freedom of expression was
taken away as a result of 127 journalists jailed at the same time. So, how will
people defend themselves if their human rights cannot be implemented? I think
the more human rights are ignored, the worse the world will get.

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