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The Impact of Education of Self-Esteem on 11th Grade Students on Virginia Sapp

Ely Sebastian Almendares, Anny Odeth Girón, Katie Anai Banegas, Eunice Maricela Chavarria.
Instituto Evangelico Bilingüe Virgnia Sapp, 11th grade, section C, Design Scientific Project

In this age, like 16-17 years old, some students are having problems with they self-steem, most
of them have a low self-steem, and education have an impact in that, because, this grade its
difficult, and brings with it more stress, because they have more respondabilities, and maybe
the time to rest its not enough, so, we will analize how the self-steem of students its been
affected because of all the classes they have. The purpose of developing an in-depth study to
understand the underlying factors and mechanisms that contribute to the influence of education
on the self-esteem of 11th-grade students in the region of Virginia Sapp.

The method we use in this investigation is quantitative method was used for the analysis and
recollection of data, and the instrument of investigation that we used, was surveys, which guide
us to determine, if education have a great impact in the students of 11th grade, and if they have
any suggestion for improve that.

We apply surveys to a group of selected students, from all 11th grade, including spanish system
to, we select the students randomly, in 11th grade they are 121 students, and we apply a 5%
margen of error, so, we apply the surveys to 93 students, they were 72 from bilingual system
and 21 of spanish system
Origin and justification of the investigation
We have observed, over the years, the change that arises in the self-esteem of students, and
based on our own experience and the experience of friends or acquaintances, and as we move
up the grade, the difficulty of everything increases, one becomes stressed by not understand
some things sometimes, or because it is too much of a burden, they start to feel worthless
because of the grades, then, that can lead to lower self-esteem, and make them feel too bad. In
our experience this year, many people have cried from stress and worry about some class, and
we have other burdens such as an anthem exam, among other things, which causes self-esteem
to go down, instead of going up, and that is something worrying.

Applying these surveys is important, since there are many students who stop trusting in their
abilities and in themselves, since sometimes it gives them anxiety and a lot of stress because the
tasks accumulate, they have to study, there are jobs in class and all that. It only causes concern
in them, there is also the concern of staying, and of course there are also some teachers who
simply sometimes feel that the student does not see that they have other classes, therefore the
student feels that they do not care how they feel, there is Many students do not get enough
sleep because they do all their homework and study, so they fall asleep in class and that affects
their performance because by not paying attention they do not understand later and that makes
them stay up late again trying to understand the topics, and This makes it a repetitive cycle,
where the student lives stressed, worried, tired and begins to doubt his own abilities.
Factors that cause lower self-esteem, in relation to education, according to survey responses
- Stress
- Loading of tasks
- The fact that several teachers do not give importance to the students' feelings
- Not getting enough rest
- Not sleeping the necessary 8 hours
- That sometimes teachers do not understand that we have other classes and therefore other
- Lots of content to study in theoretical classes
- Concern about staying in classes
- Doubt your abilities

The main objective of this study was to explore and gain insight into the impact of education on
eighth graders' self-esteem by looking at different factors, experiences, and learning
environments that contribute to children's awareness. during this critical period of

Objectives of this investigation

-To undergo an extensive research project designed to delve deeply into the different factors
and various reasons or variables that play a role in how mathematics impacts the self-esteem
of 11th-grade students residing in the locality of Virginia Sapp.
- We are aiming to conduct a dedicated research with the purpose of developing an in-depth
study to understand the underlying factors and mechanisms that contribute to the influence of
mathematics on the self-esteem of 11th-grade students in the region of Virginia Sapp.

Our hypothesis posits a significant positive connection between the educational experiences of
11th-grade students in Virginia Sapp and their levels of self-esteem. Specifically, we contend
that students who benefit from a comprehensive and nurturing educational environment, one
that promotes a positive self-concept, encourages personal growth, and underscores individual
accomplishments, will demonstrate elevated self-esteem when compared to students who
lack such educational support.
Sample selection
The sample selection of our investigation ranges from students of eleventh grade of virgnia
sapp, the age of those students its between 16 to 17, for this research, we have collected the
data of the numbers of eleventh grade students, they are 121 counting sections A, B, C and A
in spanish system, so, we will do a survey, asking 93 students questions that will let us know
how the education affects in the self-steem of the students in eleventh grade. It turned out
that with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%, the necessary sample size was
93 students.

And, then we put it in on random number generator, a total of 93 possible and ordered in 5
columns. The result was the following:
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Question 1: How old are you?
Question 2: what is your gender?

Question 3: How would you rate your academic performance?

Lowest: u have bad grade you have flunk some classes

Highest: you have no problems with classes
1 2 3 4 5
Question 4: Are you involved in any extracurricular activities?
yes no

Question 5:On a scale from 1 to 5, how confident do you feel about yourself and your abilities?

1 Being you feel you have no chance to use correctly your abilities
5 being you have a great feeling and high confidence of what you can do.
1 2 3 4 5
Question 6: Do you believe that your academic performance affects your self-esteem
yes no

Question 7: Do you feel supported by your teachers and peers in your school? why?
yes no

Question 8:How would you rate the overall school environment when it comes to promoting

1 being “I feel they have no care about their students self esteem”
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 being highly involved with their students and how feelings enhance the studies
Question 9: Have you experienced any incidents of bullying or discrimination in your school
please elaborate?
Question 10: Have you noticed any changes in your self-esteem as a result of educational
programs or interventions?

The impact in self-steem, its a lot, in students at this age, and most of the students agree, in
the factors, that affect the self-steem, and almost all students agree that we have a lot of
stress, and the impact in our self-steem is an big impact, so, that affect us a lot, and we have to
look for solutions, to improve that, because, self-steem, is very important, and tthe students in
this grade, have a lot of stress and homeworks, so, its very difficult to have time to rest, and
sleep the hours that we need

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