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A New Profession for Dragonbane RPG

Witch Profession created by RoboPuchPress 2024 for Dragonbane RPG by Freeleague publishing
Inspiration and reference using the D&D 5E Witch Class by Agranak Studios.

“This game is not affiliated with, sponsored, or endorsed by Fria Ligan AB.
This Supplement was created under Fria Ligan AB’s Dragonbane Third Party Supplement License.”
You embark on a mystical pact with a coven of fellow witches, a covenant that bestows
upon you formidable power. Your character possesses the unique ability to choose her
path of worship, aligning with one of four potent forces: the ethereal Moon, the verdant
embrace of the Green Woods, the primal connection with Beasts, or the enigmatic realm
of Death. However, the stakes are high – as a member, deviation from the coven's strict
guidelines threatens not only ostracism and the severance of your magical connection
but also the ominous specter of being hunted down and mercilessly extinguished.
Obligation looms in the air, and when your coven beckons, your services are demanded
without exception, for ignoring such summons could bring dire consequences.

Key Attribute CHA

Skills Awareness, Bushcraft, Beast Lore, Healing, Myths &
Legends, Persuasion, Riding, Sneaking,knife, staff, sling
Heroic Ability Witchcraft (Skill Base Rank is Charisma)
Under the silver gaze of Sister Moon, I
wove spells tonight, a dance of magic
beneath the celestial canopy. The night
The Covens of Witchcraft
breeze whispered secrets, carrying the
The four covens that you may pledge yourself to are: essence of lunar mysteries. As moonlight
The White Coven (Sister Moon); Focus on Nurturing & Healing painted my surroundings, I felt the
The Green Coven (Mother Earth). Protectors of the Woods ancient power coursing through me.
The Red Coven (Primordial), - Connected to the Beasts -Astara, Coven of the Moon-
The Black Coven (The Shadow) - Dwell in the Dark Places
All witches covens also draw from a general magick ability

As a Moon-worshipping witch, you draw upon lunar energies to D6 Names

weave spells of healing and illusion, manipulating the tides of magic
1.) Morganna 4.) Aradia
to your advantage. In allegiance with the Green Woods, you harness
2.) Agnes 5.) Astara
the ancient power of nature, commanding the forces of growth and
decay. Should you venerate the Beasts, your bond with the animal 3.) Celeste 6.) Kiara
kingdom grants you the ability to communicate with and control
creatures, unleashing their primal might. Alternatively, as a follower
of Death, you wield the formidable forces of the afterlife, delving into
necromancy and manipulating the cycle of life and death.

Spell Focuses per Coven Other Typical Items:

Moon Spell Focus (Crystals or Gem) Candles, Tinderbox, Incense, Chalk
Earth Spell Focus (Thick Stick of Oak or Blackthorn - Shillelagh) Herbalism/Component Pouch,
Primordial Spell Focus (Animal Bones or Hide) Empty Vials, Robes, Witches Hat,
Shadow Spell Focus (Ritual Dagger - Athame) Straw doll, Hammer and pins

Coven of the white:

The coven of the white reveres the light of sister moon. This coven is focused on healing the hurts and
maladies of others. To protect themselves they tend to focus on illusion magicks.
Awareness, Healing, Myths & Legends, Spot Hidden, Slings, Staves,

Witches of the Coven of the White have witchcraft spells similar to the following in the Core Rules
Treat Wound, Heal Wound, Sleep, Restoration, Ressurrection

Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Word
Casting Time Action Range Near (10m) Duration Description
You can blind all targets till their next turn. Increase rounds per power level. Creatures must make succesful awareness roll
prior to attacking.
calming word
Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Word
Casting Time Action Range Touch Duration Instant
You can remove any fear condition placed on target or yourself

cure disease
Rank 2 Prerequisite Purify Requirement Word, Gesture
Casting Time Action Range Touch Duration Instant
You can cleanse target creature or yourself of any disease effects

Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Word, Gesture
Casting Time Action Range Word Duration Instant
You can confuse all targets till their next round. Increase rounds per power level. Creatures must roll attack with a bane
Rank 2 Prerequisite None Requirement Word
Casting Time Action Range Near (50m) Duration Stretch
The target of the spell must succeed with a WIL roll or fall under the spell. NPCs roll against their maximum WP if
this is listed, If WP is not listed, NPCs roll against 10. The victim rolls with a boon at power level 1, normally at power
level 2, and with a bane at power level 3. The spell can only be used on the living and has no effect on monsters.
Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Word
Casting Time Action Range Touch Duration Instant
You can cleanse target creature or yourself of any poison effects

Coven of the Green:

The coven of the green reveres the land of mother earth. This coven is focused on protecting the
woods, waters, and mysterious places from the encroachment of the kin. The use the powers of nature
to protect and defend their realm.

Awareness, Bushcraft, Sneaking, Spot Hidden, Swimming, Slings, Staves,

Witches of the Coven of the Green have witchcraft spells similar to the following in the Core Rules
Ensnaring Roots, Engulfing Forrest, Pillar, Stone Shield, Stone Wall, Tidal Wave

Awaken Plant
Rank 3 Prerequisite Ensnare Root, Engulf Forrest Requirement Word, Vegetation
Casting Time Action Range Touch Duration Instant
You can raise a golem of plant matter that will have characteristics based on the surrounding plant materials. The golem
takes a rough humanoid shape and counts as a monster in combat. It follows the witches commands only (a free action)
and acts with its own initiative. The golem must remain within sight of the witch.
Movement 8 HP 5 / power level Armor -
Weapon Bludgeoning Fists. Hits Automatically (can be dodged or parried) D6 damage per power level.
Can cast Ensnaring Root, Engulfing Forrest at same power level as it is, uses Witches WP.
Bark skin
Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Word, Piece of bark
Casting Time Action Range Touch Duration Stretch
Targets skin turns into a material similar to tree bark, gaining 4 armor. Additional power level increases armor by 2
Hay Fever
Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Word, Pollen
Casting Time Action Range Near (10m) Duration Instant
The target of the spell must succeed with a opposed CON roll against a cloud of pollen (15). If target succeeds, roll
awareness prior to attack for 1 round. If target fails roll, the effect continues each round.

sink hole
Rank 2 Prerequisite None Requirement Word, Gesture
Casting Time Action Range Near (10m) Duration Instant
Target must make an evade roll or be swallowed up by the earth. roll STR to break free.
Summon insect swarm
Rank 2 Prerequisite None Requirement Word, Pollen
Casting Time Action Range Near (10m) Duration Stretch
Witch can summon an insect swarm that has the following attacks (1-2) Fear Attack; (3-4) Bite Attack D3 (5-6) Blind

Rank 2 Prerequisite None Requirement Word, Gesture
Casting Time Action Range Near (10m) Duration Instant
Target must make an swimming roll or be sucked under water. roll STR to break free. Target takes drowning damage

water Nymph
Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Word,
Casting Time Action Range Touch Duration Stretch
Target gains gills and webbed digits which grants the ability to breath underwater and swim with a boon

Coven of the Red:

The coven of the red reveres all the beasts and birds of the land. This coven is focused on protecting
the wild beasts from over hunting and unjust killings of monsters. They have they ability to talk with
the beasts of this world and can parlay with monsters
Awareness, Beast Lore, Evade, Hunting & Fishing, Riding, Spot Hidden, Knives, Slings, Spears

Witches of the Coven of the Red have witchcraft spells similar to the following in the Core Rules: Animal Whisperer

beast hybrid (attribute)

Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Word, Piece of animal
Casting Time Action Range Self Duration Stretch
Witch can absorb the essence of the beast into themselves and gain beastial abilities.
Gain Boon to the following skills: Acrobatics, Awareness, Evade, Hunting & Fishing, Sneaking,
Claws or Bite does d6+3 damage (use brawling skill)
beastial Rage
Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Word
Casting Time Action Range Self Duration Stretch
Witch can cast Rage on a subject. They immediately gain the angry condition

Dire Form Familiar

Rank 3 Prerequisite None Requirement Word Gesture
Casting Time Action Range Touch Duration Stretch
Enhance the familiar into a Dire Beast Form. Counts as a monster. All attributes are doubled.

Heart of the Beast

Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Word
Casting Time Action Range Self Duration Instant
Identify an animal or monster, or to know its habits, abilities, and weaknesses (gain a combat boon).
The witch may also detect its emotional state and read the basic surface thought.

Monster Charmer (Parley)

Rank 2 Prerequisite Animal Whisperer Requirement Word Gesture
Casting Time Action Range Near (10m) Duration Stretch
After casting this spell the witch can attempt a Bluff or Persuasion roll to communicate with the monster. Power Level 1
Roll with Bane, Power Level 2 Roll non modified, Power Level 3 Roll with Boon. A successful Bluff or persuasion will calm
beast completely, a failure will reduce ferocity by 1 point. MIN 1

Rite of the Skinwalker

Rank 3 Prerequisite Beast Hybrid Requirement Word, Piece of animal
Casting Time Stretch Range Self Duration Stretch
Witch can perform a ritual to change into an animal (see core rules p.99) if the witch has some artifact from the animal,
such as blood, bone, fur, As a ritual it automatically succeeds with 2WP at a stretch, this can be reduced to a round with 2
levels cast but also a roll must be made. Witches take on all characteristics of that animal and can not cast magic or speak
If witch looses all HP in this form, they revert back and take 1 HP loss and remain unconscious for 1d4 rounds

Coven of the Black:

The coven of the black reveres in the shadow and darkness of the world, for without the darkness there
can be no light. This coven believes itself an emissary of the underworld and is focused on keeping the
night creatures at bay and protecting the legacy of the ancestors through death. They despise those
who disrespect the dead or try to cheat death
Awareness, Bartering, Myths & Legends, Persuasion, Sneaking, Spot Hidden, Knives, Staves
Witches of the Coven of the Black have witchcraft spells similar to the following in the Core Rules: Banish, Purge,

Animate Dead
Rank 2 Prerequisite Seyance Requirement Subject to Animate
Casting Time Instant Range 10m Duration Instant
The witch can attempt to animate the deceased subject. Only works on humanoid creatures and not monsters. Can animate
number of subjects by the level cast at.
death knell
Rank 3 Prerequisite None Requirement Word, Gesture
Casting Time Action Range Touch Duration Instant
Summon spirits of death to pull a fallen enemy to the afterlife. Target can make a opposed roll WILL (15) to resist the pull.
Failure results in instant death. Success, still results in one death save failure for the target.
Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Word
Casting Time Instant Range 10m Duration Instant
The witch can contact the dead in the near vicinity. For each casting the witch may ask 3 YES/NO questions. During this
time the witch can take no other actions besides speaking and listening to others near them

Shadow Meld
Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Gesture
Casting Time Instant Range Close Duration Instant
The witch can disappear within a shadow and cannot be detected by normal senses.
Shadow Control
Rank 2 Prerequisite Shadow Meld Requirement Gesture
Casting Time Instant Range Close Duration Instant
The witch can control nearby shadows to attempt to bind or capture opponents. Roll Grapple with Witchcraft skill. Power
Level determines how many shadows may be controlled.
Shadow Step
Rank 3 Prerequisite Shadow Control Requirement Gesture
Casting Time Instant Range Line of Sight Duration Instant
The witch can step inside a shadow and transport themselves to a different shadow within line of sight

Straw Doll
Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Hair, Blood, etc
Casting Time Stretch Range 1 Mile Duration Instant
Witch creates an straw effigy of target and binds something of the target, such as: hair or blood to it. Once it has been ritual
is complete. The witch can cause illusory pain to the target by subjecting it to Fire, Drowning or Stabbing it with a needle.
Armor cannot reduce damage only magical protection wards can. Target can roll CON to reduce damage to half.
Summon Carrion swarm
Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Hair, Blood, etc
Casting Time Instant Range 10m Duration Stretch
Witch can summon a swarm of flies and maggots to attack a target. Target must succeed in a WILL roll or suffer
revolt/fear. Following rounds the beasts cause the target to roll with a bane in combat.
Witchcraft (General)

General Magick
Witches have access to any General Magick in the Core Rules (p.61) and any Magick Tricks from Animism and
Elementalism. As General Magick, witches may also take, Farsight, Divination, Scrying, but require the focus of a crystal ball
Small Familiar: Magick Trick
You can summon a small creature that does your bidding. During the binding process a small amount of your life
force and power is given to this animal. If it is killed, the witch will take 1HP damage as the link is severed. The witch
can only keep one familiar at a time. If the witch desires they can sever the link, but a new familiar cannot be
summoned for 24hours.
Common familiars are (1) Cat, (2) Raven, (3) Rat, (4) Toad, (5) Snake, (6) Ferret, or player choice

Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Word
Casting Time Action Range Near (30' /10m) Duration Instant
The target of the spell must succeed with a WIL roll. If failed consult the fear table (p.53) in the book. NPCs roll
against their maximum WP if this is listed, If WP is not listed, NPCs roll against 10. The victim rolls with a boon at
power level 1, normally at power level 2, and with a bane at power level 3. The spell can only be used on the living and
has no effect on monsters.
Evil eye:
Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Word
Casting Time Action Range Near (30' /10m) Duration Stretch
The target of the spell must succeed with a WIL roll or they will roll actions with a boon for the duration.. NPCs roll
against their maximum WP if this is listed, If WP is not listed, NPCs roll against 10. The victim rolls with a boon at
power level 1, normally at power level 2, and with a bane at power level 3. The spell can only be used on the living and
has no effect on monsters.

Familiar sense
Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Word
Casting Time Action Range far (5 miles / 8 km) Duration Stretch
You can experience what your familiar experiences by going into a trance, but while in ths trace you can take no actions.

Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Word, Vessel for flight
Casting Time Action Range Touch Duration Stretch
You give an item such as a broom or cauldron the ability to levitate and fly freely with Movement rating 6. At power
level 2, the Movement rating is doubled to 12. At power level 3, it is doubled again to 24. The flying individual can ignore
all obstacles and is not affected by terrain.
Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Word
Casting Time Action Range touch(extended) Duration Stretch
Expend Willpower to regenerate pull out Willpower in those touched 2d6. Can only be used once per day per person
Hat blade
Rank 1 Prerequisite None
Casting Time Action Range Close (15' /5m) Requirement Hat & Gesture
Duration Instant
You can animate your witches hat. The pointed end becomes as sharp as onyx and can be used as a ranged weapon with
2d6 piercing damage.
Hex Bolt:
Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Arcane Focus
Casting Time Action Range Near (30' /10m) Duration Instant
You have an arcane focus that you can use to cast a bolt an eldritch hex bolt. Target takes 2d6 damage and can be
upgrade to +d6 per level
Witchcraft (General)

Living hair
Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Gesture
Casting Time Action Range Near (30' /10m) Duration Instant
You can cause your hair to grow about 30ft in length. The hair can be manipulated to grab items and attack creatures in
near distance. The target of the spell must succeed with a STR roll. NPCs roll against their STR if this is listed, If STR is not
listed, NPCs roll against 10.
Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Word
Casting Time Action Range Near (30' /10m) Duration Stretch
The target of the spell must succeed with a WIL roll or become charmed. NPCs roll against their
maximum WP if this is listed, If WP is not listed, NPCs roll against 10. If the roll succeeds, the victim still gets Dazed.
The victim rolls with a boon at power level 1, normally at power level 2, and with a bane at power level 3. An enthralled
target can be manipulated but cannot be forced to do something they would have no inclination to do. The spell can
only be used on the living and has no effect on monsters.
Spirit of the cauldron
Rank 1 Prerequisite None Requirement Word, Cauldron, Materials
Casting Time Action Range Touch Duration Stretch
You are able to create tinctures and tonics with the aid of your cauldron. The power level determines the level of benefit
received. If none noted assume Power Level 1

Coven Item Description Duration

White Healing Salve 1D6 (PL-1) ; 2D6 (PL-2) ; 3D6 (PL-3) 48 hrs
Herbal Concoction Cure Poison (PL-1) 48 hrs
Green Bark Skin Adds 4 points of natural armor per stretch 48 hrs
Sleep Pollen See Sleeping Poison in Core Set p53 48 hrs
Red Beast Attribute Can give user the Beast Hybrid Spell Benefits 48 hrs
Beastial Rage Can give user the Beastial Rage Spell Benefits 48 hrs
Black Poison Poison 9 (PL-1) ; Poison 12 (PL-2) ; Poison 15 (PL-3) 48 hrs
Paralysis See Paralysis Poison in Core Set p53 48 hrs

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