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17 new monsters

It is said that all kinds of weird and strange creatures lives in Old Wild-
wood. That during the time of the dragon emperor a mad sorcerer creat-
ed these creatures to guard his treasure. A treasure that according to
some stories still can be found deep under the ruins of the sorcerers

The people in the borderlands of Old Wildwood talk about encounters

with these creatures. They tell you not to delve deep into the forest. And
now rumors are heard that some of these creatures have been sighted
outside of Old Wildwood.

Inside you will find 17 new and old monsters that the GM can let the adventures
meet in Old Wildwood. These monsters can of course be used in any campaign of
your choosing.

Alisnake ...........................................................................3
Bearwolf ...........................................................................4
Boarfox ............................................................................5
Bulltroll ............................................................................6
Croweagle ........................................................................7
Dragonserpent ..................................................................8
Mud monster .....................................................................9
Piranha .......................................................................... 10
Spider-snake................................................................... 11
Stingrat .......................................................................... 12
Strangle vines ................................................................. 13
Swarm of rats ................................................................. 14
Sweetbear ...................................................................... 15
Tentacle monster ............................................................. 16
Unicorn gorilla ................................................................. 17
Vampire leeches .............................................................. 18
Werebat ......................................................................... 19
Common animals ............................................................. 20

This game is not affiliated with, sponsored, or endorsed by Fria Ligan

AB. This Supplement was created under Fria Ligan AB’s Dragonbane
Third Party Supplement License.

Written by Andreas Ringsparr
Images from
Translated to English (from Swedish) with
the help of Chat GPT.

The alisnake resembles a cross between a snake Monster attacks
and a alligator, with a snake-like body and a head
and torso resembling a alligator. It has only two Ferocity: 2
front legs and no back legs but instead a coiling Size: Normal
snake body. Movement: 12

HP: 24
It lives in shallow bodies of water such as small
lakes, rivers, and marshes, often in small groups
D4/D6 attacks
but can also be found alone.
1-2 Bite Attack! An alisnake slith-
ers forward and bites the PC
The alisnake lies in wait for prey beneath the that stands closest. The PC
water's surface, with only its eyes visible. These takes D10 HP in injury per
eyes are camouflaged and difficult to detect. All
attempts to Detect Danger are made with a disad- 2-4 Tail Attack! The alisnake uses
its tail to swipe all PCs within 2
vantage. meters. The PC’s that get hit are
thrown D4 meters and takes D6
HP of injury.
When the alisnake attacks, it slithers out of the
water and seizes its prey, pulling it into the water. 5-6 Combined Attack! Two
alisnakes attacks a random se-
Once in the water, it begins to coil its large snake lected PC. Role D4 to see what
-like body around the prey. It's more common for attack they do.
the prey to drown before being fatally bitten and
eaten by the alisnake.

When there are multiple alisnakes nearby, they

often engage in competition over the prey.

Appearance: Unusual
Where: Rivers, lakes, swamps
How many: D6+2

The cautions adventurer knows to keep away from the edge of the waters!

The bearwolf is a crossbreed between a bear and Monster attacks
a wolf. It's about half the size of a full-grown bear
but equally agile as a regular wolf. Ferocity: 2

Size: Normal
It's common for bearwolves to hunt in packs, alt- Movement: 12
hough solitary bearwolves hunting is occasionally
HP: 16
observed. When a pack of bearwolves detects the
scent of prey, they soon move in for the attack.
D6/D8 attacks*
Here's how it works: one of the bearwolves will 1 Biting Attack! The bearwolf
bites the PC that is closest and
circle around and make its presence known to the throws the PC D6 meters away.
prey by positioning itself in the prey's path. The PC takes as many HP in

When this happens, the other bearwolves in the 2 Swiping Attack! The bearwolf
stands on its hind legs and
pack will slowly approach the prey from the sides strikes with its powerful front
and the rear, leaving the prey with no chance of paws. The PCs within a 2-meter
radius are thrown D4 meters
escape. away and take an equal amount
of HP in damage.

3 Crushing Attack! The bearwolf

stands on its hind legs and
grabs the nearest PC with its
powerful front paws, bludgeon-
ing them. The damage inflicts
D8 in bludgeoning damage per

4 Jumping Attack! The bearwolf

leaps onto the nearest PC and
brings them to the ground. The
damage inflicts D6 in bludgeon-
ing damage per round as long
as the bearwolf remains on the
Appearance: Unusual 5-6 Roaring Attack! The bearwolf
roars, and PCs must make a PSY
Where: Mountains, woods check or be subjected to a fear
attack (see page 52 of the Rule-
How many: D4+2. There is a 25% chance that a PC en- book).
counters a lone bearwolf. In that case, simply
roll a D6 for Monster attacks. 7-8 Pack Attack! The entire pack
converges on a randomly cho-
sen PC, singling them out from
the rest. This PC is soon sub-
jected to a series of attacks—roll
a D4 to determine the number
of bearwolf attacking the PC.
Then, the PC is subjected to an
attack where the bearwolf toss
and pummel them between each
other. The PC takes D4+2 dam-
age per round.

 The D6 attacks is used when there

is a lone bearwolf attacking. The
D8 is used when there is a group
of bearwolves attacking

You definitely don't want to encounter a bearwolf on the trail!

The boarfox looks like a cross between a wild boar Monster attacks
and a fox. It is slightly larger than a wild boar.
Ferocity: 2
It has tusks, strong hooves on its front legs, and Size: Normal
two powerful claws on its hind legs, which it can Movement: 12
use for self-defense against external threats.
HP: 14

It moves in family groups and is usually peaceful

D4 attacks
in nature. However, in the face of danger, it swift-
ly attacks and primarily uses its large tusks, 1 Tusk Attack! The Boarfox
charges forward and gores a PC,
which can cause significant damage. Creatures of sending them flying D4 meters
the forest have learned to stay far away from the backward. This attack deals D6
in bludgeoning damage.
2 Bite Attack! The Boarfox
charges at a randomly selected
The boarfox will abandon an attack if the prey PC and bites onto them. The
quickly moves away or climbs up a tree. bite inflicts D8 in bludgeoning

3 Rearing kick Attack! The

Boarfox rears up in front of the
nearest PC and delivers a kick
with its clawed front legs. The
claws deal 2D6 in piercing dam-

4 Barking Attack! The Boarfox

barks, growls, and roars. All PCs
within a 10-meter radius are
subjected to a fear attack and
must make a PSY check to resist
the fear (see page 52 of the

Appearance: Common
Where: Forests
How many: D6+2

A young Boarfox that hasn't grown tusks yet!

The bulltroll is just as it sounds, a mix between a Monster attacks
bull and a troll. It is a peaceful creature that typi-
cally lives alone or in small family groups. Ferocity: 2

Size: Large
It is considered to be intelligent, and it is said that Movement: 16
woodland elves use bulltrolls as mounts.
HP: 36

When provoked or in need of defending itself or

D4 attacks
its family group, it becomes a formidable adver-
sary to anyone who threatens it. 1 Horn Attack! The bulltroll at-
tacks with its horns against the
nearest PC. This attack deals
With its horns and its long tail, it swiftly dispatch- D12 in slashing damage.
es any threat. 2 Kick Attack! The bulltroll kicks
out, sending all PCs within 2
meters flying D10 meters back-
ward and causing them to take
an equal amount of HP in bludg-
eoning damage.

3 Slash and toss Attack! The

bulltroll attacks the nearest PC,
using it’s horns, that tosses
them D6 meters away. This at-
tack inflicts D6 in slashing dam-
age and D6 in bludgeoning

4 Charging! The bulltroll charges

towards the PCs, impacting all
PCs within a 10-meter radius.
PCs are thrown D10 meters
backward and take an equal
amount of HP in bludgeoning

5 Roar Attack! The bulltroll

roars, and PCs within a 20-
meter radius must take a condi-
Appearance: Unusual
6 Tail Attack! The bulltrolls tail
sweeps in, knocking down all
Where: Forests PCs within a 2-meter radius.
How many: D4+2 The PCs are knocked prone in
place and take D4 in bludgeon-
ing damage.

A majestic creature indeed!

The croweagle is one of the larger birds of prey Monster attacks
around. It's about the same size as a harpy or
batya. It lives high up on cliffs and sometimes in Ferocity: 2
the tallest trees. Size: Normal

Movement: 6/24*
Unlike an eagle, the bird closest in size,
HP: 12
croweagles hunt in groups and are formidable ad-
versaries when they've caught the scent of prey.
D4 attacks
They primarily hunt small game but will also at-
tack larger creatures that they perceive as a 1 Beak Attack! The Croweagle
uses its powerful beak to peck
threat. at a PC. The damage inflicts
D8+2 in piercing damage.
Even the most careless adventurer needs to 2 Claw Attack! The Croweagle
watch out for croweagles, and their distinctive attacks with its claws and
cawing has driven many adventurers to the brink tears into a chosen PC, deal-
ing D8+2 in piercing damage.
of madness.
3 Wing flap Attack! It unfolds
its wings and sweeps them
with a few powerful strokes,
knocking down all PCs within a
2-meter radius. The damage
inflicts D6 in bludgeoning

4 Cawing Attack! The manic

cawing of D4 Croweagles
frightens PCs within a 20-
meter radius, subjecting them
to a fear attack. They must
make a WIL check to resist
the fear (see page 53 of the

 6 movement is on the ground. 24

movement is in the air.

Appearance: Normal
Where: Mountains, forests
How many: D4+1

A croweagle!

Despite its name, the dragonserpent is not related Monster attacks
to dragons.
Ferocity: 2
Dragonserpents are typically found in mountains Size: Large
but can also inhabit large ruins, caves, and tunnel Movement: 14/10*
HP: 48

A fully grown dragonserpent can reach lengths of

D4 attacks
up to 10-12 meters and mostly resembles a giant
serpent with wings. 1 Bite and toss Attack! The
Dragonserpent bites into a ran-
domly chosen PC, dealing D10
Dragonserpents can be fought with piercing and HP in piercing damage. The
Dragonserpent then hurls the PC
slashing weapons, but they are easiest to combat D6 meters away, causing an
with fire since they have an intense fear of additional D6 HP in chrusing
2 Constricting Attack! The
Dragonserpent coils its massive
body around a randomly chosen
PC. The PC gets trapped in the
Dragonserpents grip and takes
D12 HP in damage per round or
until they break free.

3 Sweeping tail Attack! The

Dragonserpent sweeps its tail
towards all PCs within a 4-meter
radius. The attack sends them
flying D6 meters away and in-
flicts an equal amount of HP in
bludgeoning damage.

4 Wind Attack! The Dragonser-

pent rears up and begins to flap
its wings. The created wind
hurls all PCs within a 4-meter
radius D6 meters away, causing
an equal amount of HP in cho-
rusing damage.
Appearance: Unusual
Where: Mountains, larger ruins
How many: 1
 14 movement is on the ground.
10 movement is in the air.

You better run!

Mud monster
The mud monster is an abomination often found near wet- Monster attacks
lands or small forest lakes. It is camouflaged to look like a
mud puddle that conceals the creature's mouth. Ferocity: 2

Should a careless creature step into the mud puddle, the Size: Large
mud monster immediately activates its suction force and Movement: 2
begins to draw the victim into its belly. The mouth of a fully
grown mud monster can be up to 2 meters in diameter. HP: 48

The mud monster also has a pair of tentacles resembling D4 attacks

long, slender roots that it uses to grip prey caught in its
mouth. With both the mouth's suction force and the tentacle 1-2 Suction Attack! The Clay Mon-
roots coiling around the prey, it's challenging for the victim ster grabs onto the feet and legs
of anyone who steps into its
to break free. mouth. Each PC that ends up in
the mouth must make a STR
It is possible to recognize the presence of a mud monster if check at a disadvantage each
one knows what to look for. The mud monster resides in a round to avoid being trapped
and sinking deeper. Each round
larger water puddle or a small lake where it creates a ring the PC takes D4 damage.
of mud around its mouth. The size of the ring can vary from
a few decimeters to several meters in diameter. 3-4 Tentacle Attack! The Clay
Monster grabs onto D4-2 PCs
Sometimes, the mud monster relocates, and if anyone is closest to its mouth and starts
pulling them toward its mouth.
fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to witness this, they Each PC that gets grabbed can
would see a lump consisting of mud, roots, and other loose make a DEX check with disad-
material emerging from the water and slowly moving on the vantage. If they get caught
ground to find a new place to dwell. they take D4 damage per round.

The mud monster is immune to fire. Furthermore, it is chal-

lenging to harm a mud monster with piercing damage, as all
such attacks deal only half damage. It's best to quickly
leave the area where the mud monster resides!

Appearance: Unusual
Where: Forests, swamps
How many: 1

A horse that doesn't realize it's already stuck.

In calmer waters of rivers and smaller lakes, the Monster attacks
inattentive adventurer may come across a school
of piranha fish. These small carnivorous fish live Ferocity: 1
in large schools and hunt anything that crosses Size: Swarm
their path. Movement: 12

HP: 24
A school of piranhas is a formidable opponent to
contend with, and all attacks with piercing and
D4 attacks
slashing weapons come with disadvantages and
deal only half damage. 1-2 Bite Attack! The Piranhas at-
tacks and bites the prey D10+2
times. Each hit inflicts D4-2 HP
Spells related to wind and water may have some in damage.
effect on the school, but it's up to the Gamemas- 3 Swarm Attack! The Piranhas
ter to determine the extent of their effectiveness. swims around a randomly cho-
sen PC who must make a DEX
check with disadvantage to
maintain their balance.

4 Leap Attack! The Piranhas

comes swimming and jumps
over a PC, pulling them into the
water. The PC must make a
SWIM check to avoid taking
damage (see page 53 of the

Appearance: Unusual
Where: Lakes, rivers
How many: D20+20

Quick! Get out of the water.

Even though it's not very large, the spider-snake Monster attacks
is a dangerous creature for the careless adventur-
er. It's a master at both moving on the ground Ferocity: 2
and through the trees. Size: Small

Movement: 10
It looks like a large spider with a snake's head.
HP: 20

The spider-snake has a potent bite that can cause

D4 attacks
harm on its own, but it can also deliver a powerful
paralyzing venom. 1-2 Crawling Attack! The spider-
snake crawls up to the nearest
PC, who must take a condition.
Additionally, it can spin a web that it throws in the
face of its prey! 3 Bite Attack! The spider-snake
strikes at the nearest target,
dealing a D4 piercing damage +
paralyzing poison with a
strength of 12.

4 Web Attack! The spider-snake

attacks by throwing a web into
the face of the nearest PC. It
doesn't cause immediate dam-
age but blinds the PC. The web
is sticky and strong, difficult to
remove, and the PC has DISAD-
VANTAGE on all their rolls for a
quarter of an hour.

Appearance: Common
Where: Forests, ruins, tunnels, caves
How many: One or a 25% chance it's D4-1

A abomination to beware of!

This abomination appears to be a hybrid between Monster attacks
a scorpion and a rat but is the size of a dog.
Ferocity: 2
The stingrat typically moves alone and is most ac- Size: Normal
tive at night. Its specialty is to stealthily approach Movement: 12
its prey and usually attacks with a quick strike
HP: 10
from the venomous stinger on its tail.
D6 attacks
Then, it waits for the paralyzing venom to take
effect. The paralyzing venom works rapidly, and 1-2 Tail lash! The stingrat lashes
out at the nearest PC with its
the stingrat then drags its prey to a nearby shel- tail. Damage from the tail lash
tered location. deals D4 bludgeoning damage +
paralyzing poison with a
strength of 12 for the stinger.
If the stingrat feels cornered, it will attack with its
3-4 Bite Attack! The stingrat seizes
whip-like tail and then retreat. If it's hungry, it the nearest PC. The bite inflicts
may come back! D4 damage.

5-6 Paralyzing gaze! The stingrat

fixes its gaze on the nearest PC.
The PC must take a condition.

Appearance: Common
Where: Forests, deserts
How many: One or a 25% chance it's D4-1

Watch out for the tail!

Strangle vines
Near wetlands in the forest, you'll find the stran- Monster attacks
gle vine, a carnivorous plant.
Ferocity: 1
It looks somewhat like roots growing on the out- Size: Swarm
side of a tree trunk or hanging down from a tree's Movement: -
HP: 24

It's a parasite on the tree where it has taken up

D4 attacks
residence to hunt. It does this by emitting a sweet
scent that attracts prey, which it then captures 1 Stranglehold: The strangler
vine seizes a randomly chosen
with its vines. The scent that attracts prey are al- PC by the neck and starts chok-
so what slowly kills the host. When that happens ing them. The attack deals D4
damage per round. The PC has
the strangle vine move its vines on the ground to DISADVANTAGE on all rolls until
find a nearby tree to parasite on. they break free.

2 Tripping Attack! The strangler

The vines are sturdy and contain a paralyzing tox- vine uses one of its creeping
vines to trip a randomly chosen
in (strength 10) that slowly acts on the prey while PC, causing them to stumble
the strangle vine tightens its grip with its vines. and take D4 HP damage.
After the toxin has taken effect, the strangle vine
3 Lashing Attack! The strangler
begins to consume its prey. vine whips a randomly chosen
PC with one of its vines. The
attack hurls the PC D4 meters
Strangle vines are easiest to fight with cutting away and deals an equal
weapons and fire. No disadvantages. amount of HP damage.

4 Crushing Grasp: The strangler

vine grabs a randomly chosen
PC with one of its vines and
begins to squeeze. The attack
deals D6 HP damage per round
until the PC breaks free.

Appearance: Unusual
Where: Lakes, rivers, swamps
How many: D100+20

Swarm of rats
Rat swarms are typically found in ruins and other Monster attacks
dark, damp places. They can sometimes be en-
countered outdoors and mostly in ruins or dense Ferocity: 2
woods. Size: Swarm

Movement: 10
Each individual rat in a rat swarm cooperates to-
HP: 20
ward the same goal, which is usually obtaining
D4 attacks
Since each individual rat is so small, a rat swarm 1-2 Climbing horror! The swarm of
rats surges up the legs of all
is a menacing opponent, and common weapons PCs within a 10-meter radius,
like swords, bows, or spears have difficulty de- inflicting 2D4 HP in slashing
damage. The victim is subjected
fending against it. All damage from regular or to a fear attack (page 53 in the
magical cutting weapons deals only half damage. Rule Book).

3-4 Coordinated strike! The rat

However, rat swarms are afraid of fire and can be swarm attacks the smallest PC
(lowest STR). The attack deals
easily combated with either a couple of torches or 2D4 HP in slashing damage and
spells related to fire. This damage then has full the victim must choose a condi-
5-6 Mass assault! The rats dis-
perse and attack all PCs within a
The rats in a rat swarm can swim and can survive 10-meter radius. Each target
underwater for shorter periods. takes 2D4 HP in slashing dam-

Appearance: Common
Where: Cellars, tunnels, ruins, caves, swamps and
How many: 2D20+10

The rat swarm is closing in on you!

The sweetbear is a small bear-like creature that Monster attacks
lives in small groups high up in the treetops, pri-
marily in deciduous and mixed forests. Ferocity: 1

Size: Small
The sweetbear looks very peaceful and cute but is Movement: 12
a carnivorous predator that hunts its prey by
HP: 14
leaping down on it from the trees it inhabits.
D4 attacks
When they hit their target, they hold on with their
strong claws and attack with their powerful bite. 1-2 Leap Attack! The sweet bear
leaps onto a randomly chosen
PC landing on their head or
The sweetbear has a distinctive laughing sound back. The attack inflicts D4 HP
in piercing damage from the
that precedes an attack from above in the trees. sweet bear's claws.

Using a cutting or piercing weapon has no disad- 3 Bite Attack! The sweet bear
lunges and bites a randomly
vantages other than the sweetbear often attack chosen PC. The attack deals D4
on the back of it's prey. HP in damage.

4 Claw strike: The sweet bear

attacks a randomly chosen PC
with its claws inflicting D6 HP in

Appearance: Common
Where: Forests
How many: D10+2

What a cute little rascal!

Tentacle monster
In lakes, wetlands, and swamps, a nightmarish Monster attacks
creature lurks known as the tentacle monster.
Ferocity: 2
Many are the tales of adventurers who have wit- Size: Large
nessed a friend being dragged into the dark water Movement: 14
without being able to do anything to save them.
HP: 48

The tentacle monster has ten arms, each of which

D6 attacks
ends with a claw that it can use to shred its prey.
With the tentacles the monster also coils around a 1-2 Sweeping Attack! The tentacle
monster sweeps those PCs with-
prey to constrict it and with a swift motion, engulf in a 4-meter radius off their
the prey entirely. feet. PCs are thrown D4 meters
and take an equal amount of HP
in bludgeoning damage.
To fight a tentacle monster it is best to use dis-
3 Crushing embrace! Two PCs
tance weapons. All attacks in the water has disad- within a 4-meter radius are
vantage. caught in the tentacle monster's
arms and squeezed. The attack
deals D6 HP in damage until the
PCs break free.

4 Devouring Attack! A randomly

chosen PC is ensnared in a ten-
tacle and carried to the mon-
ster's mouth, swallowed whole.
A PC inside the tentacle mon-
ster's stomach takes D4 HP in
damage per round.

5 Rending Attack! The tentacle

monster attacks with the outer-
most part of its arms, which
feature claws. These claws inflict
D6 HP in slashing damage on all
PCs within a 4-meter radius.

6 Paralyzing gaze! The eyes of

the tentacle monster paralyze a
randomly chosen PC. The PC
Appearance: Very unusual must roll against WIL and con-
sult the fear table (page 53 in
Where: Lakes, swamps the Rulebook).

How many: One

The tentacle monster sees you!

Unicorn gorilla
The unicorn gorilla is typically peaceful, but in the Monster attacks
face of an external threat, it becomes a formida-
ble opponent. Ferocity: 2

Size: Large
Unicorn gorillas live in pairs, and when they have Movement: 10
offspring, both parents are equally vigilant in pro-
HP: 36
tecting their young.
D8 attacks
Initially, it is the male that takes the lead in de-
fending against threats, but if the battle turns 1 Claw Attack! The gorilla at-
tacks with its claws on a ran-
against the male, the female will step in to defend domly chosen PC within 4 me-
her mate. ters. The damage deals 2D8+2
HP in loss.

A female has nearly the same attributes as a 2 Sweeping Attack! The gorilla
swings its enormous arms,
male. Reduce all attributes by a dice value of knocking down the nearest PC
D8+2 to D6+2, D12 to D10, and so on. The fe- and throwing them D6 meters
away, causing the PC to take an
male has a movement of 8 and 28 hit points. equal amount of HP in damage.

3 Bite Attack! The gorilla charges

forward and clamps its massive
jaws around the head of a PC,
dealing D12+2 HP in damage.

4 Crushing embrace: The gorilla

grabs a randomly chosen PC
within 4 meters and squeezes
them with its powerful arms.
The attack inflicts D12 HP in
damage. If the PC being
squeezed struggles against the
gorilla's embrace, the gorilla
applies even more pressure,
causing the PC to take an addi-
tional D8 HP per round. If the
PC dies or plays dead, the goril-
la tosses the PC aside, causing
an additional D6 HP in damage
Appearance: Unusual upon impact.

Where: Mountains, forests 5 Leap Attack! The gorilla takes

an enormous leap, crashing
How many: D12+6 down onto a randomly chosen
PC within a 6-meter radius. The
PC is crushed under the gorilla's
foot and takes D12+2 HP in
damage. For each round the PC
remains beneath the foot, they
take an additional D6 HP in

6 Roar Attack! The gorilla stands

up and lets out its characteristic
roar, frightening all PCs within a
20-meter radius. Everyone is
subjected to a fear attack and
must roll against PSY to resist
fear (page 52 in the Rulebook).

7-8 Horn Attack! The gorilla goes

on the offensive with its horn
and attacks a randomly chosen
PC within 4 meters. The attack
deals D8 HP in damage, and the
PC becomes impaled on the

The unicorn gorilla is typically peaceful!

Vampire leeches
Vampire leeches are often found in stagnant river waters, Monster attacks
smaller lakes, and marshy areas. They occur in groups,
sometimes with as many as 10 individuals. Ferocity: 2

Vampire leeches hunt their prey by swimming up to the tar- Size: Swarm
get (which is underwater), attaching themselves to exposed Movement: 8
skin with powerful jaws, and then sucking blood from the
prey. HP: 24

Additionally, vampire leeches possess a paralyzing venom D4 attacks

(strength 12) in their bite, which affects the prey.
1-2 Swarming Attack! The pira-
Attacking vampire leeches before they attach themselves is nhas swim around a randomly
chosen PC who must roll with
very difficult. All attacks with piercing and slashing weapons DISADVANTAGE on DEX to
have disadvantages and deal only half damage. avoid losing balance.

Fighting vampire leeches in the water is challenging. If one 3-4 Bite and suck Attack! D4+2
piranhas latch onto body parts
has a vampire leech attached, it's best to get out of the wa- submerged in the water. The
ter and then use a sharp knife to cut the leech free or em- attack inflicts D4+1 HP in pierc-
ploy an open flame to burn them off. ing damage per round. Addition-
ally, the PC is affected by their
paralyzing poison with a
Spells related to wind and water may have some effect, but strength of 12.
it's up to the Gamemaster to determine the effectiveness of

Appearance: Common
Where: Lakes, rivers and swamps
How many: D10+2

Look after my adventure “Mysteries of Old

Wildwood, part 1” also on DriveThruRPG.

Mysteries of Old Wildwood, part 1

A short little adventure where the PCs travels from
Misty Vale and encounter some more adventures.
This is part 1 of hopefully a trilogy that together
forms a little campaign.

The werebat looks like a large bat-like creature Monster attacks
with vague human features.
Ferocity: 2
Unlike the harpy, which it also resembles, the Size: Normal
werebat lacks the ability to speak. Nevertheless, Movement: 12/24*
it is a menacing creature to encounter in the
HP: 12
darkness of night.
D4 attacks
The werebat silently sweeps in on its large bat-
like wings and quickly seizes its prey with its pow- 1 Bite Attack! The werebat leaps
toward a randomly chosen PC
erful hind legs and the claws that adorn them, and bites with it’s fangs. The
then it takes off and disappears with the prey to attack deals D8 piercing dam-
its nest.
2 Claw Attack! The werebat flies
up and grabs the nearest PC.
Despite having what appear to be eyes, werebats The claws inflict D8 piercing
do not use them at all in the hunt for prey. Their damage.
primary sense is echolocation.
3 Leap Attack! The werebat
jumps onto a PC and forcefully
Werebats are typically only active at night in are- knocks them down, causing D8
bludgeoning damage.
as cloaked in darkness, and unlike harpies, they
do not hunt with coordinated cooperation. 4 Wing Attack! The werebat
leaps into the air and begins to
flap its large wings, creating a
gust of wind that knocks over all
PCs within a 2-meter radius.
PCs take D6 bludgeoning dam-

 12 movement is on the ground.

24 movement is in the air.

Appearance: Unusual
Where: Mountains, forests, ruins, caves
How many: D4+2

A werebat ready to attack!

Common animals
In the wilderness and natural areas, adventurers can encounter various types of
common animals that might pose challenges for them.

Animal Mov. HP Attacks Skills Number

Monkey 8/12* 10 Bite (SL 8, damage D4) Acrobatics 16, Evade D8+2
14, Awareness 14
Beaver 4/14* 10 Bite (SL 8, damage D4) Swimming 16, Evade 1
Tail (SL 12, damage D4) 14, Awareness 12
Wasps 2 2 Stick (SL 10, damage D4-2 Evade 12 Swarm
Badger 10 6 Bite (SL 12, damage D6) Sneaking 12, Evade 10, 1
Claws (SL 10, damage D4) Awareness 14
Hedgehog 6 2 Spikes (SL 16, damage D4) Awareness 12 1-2
Ferret 10 2 Bite (SL 12, damage D4) Acrobatics 12, Sneak- D4-1
Claws (SL 10, damage D3) ing 14, Evade 12,
Awareness 12
Wolverine 6 10 Bite (SL 12, damage D6) Sneaking 12, Evade 12, 1
Claws (SL 12, damage D8) Sneaking 14, Aware-
ness 12
Magpie 20 2 Pecking (SL 10, damage D4) Evade 10, Awareness D20+8
Claws (SL 8, damage D4) 10
Cow 8 14 Charging (SL 8, damage D6) Evade 8, Awareness 8 D10+4

Lynx 16 10 Bite (SL 14, damage 2D6) Sneaking 17, Evade 16, 1
Claws (SL 12, damage 2D6) Awareness 17
Ants 1 1 Bite (SL 10, damage D2) - Swarm
Snake 8 14 Bite (SL 12, damage D6 + 50% Evade 14, Awareness 1
chance that the snake is ven- 12
omous, with a deadly venom
strength of 10.
Sloth 2 4 Bite (SL 10, damage 2D4) Evade 10, Awareness D4
Claws (SL 10, damage D6) 12
Beetle 1 1 Bite (SL 10, damage D2) - D4-1

Skunk 12 6 Bite (SL 8, damage D3) Sneaking 12, Evade 12, 1

Spray (SL 14, damage equals a Awareness 10
random condition every D4
Tiger 20 14 Bite (SL 14, damage 3D6) Acrobatics 14, Sneak- 1
Claws (SL 12, damage 2D8) ing 17, Evade 16,
Awareness 17
Otter 10/14* 8 Bite (SL 8, damage D4) Swimming 14, Evade 1
12, Awareness 12
Field mouse 10 2 Bite (SL 12, damage D4) Acrobatics 12, Evade D4
Claws (SL 10, damage D2) 12, Awareness 14

Eagle 25 4 Pecking (SL 10, damage 2D4) Evade 12, Awareness 1

Claws (SL 12, damage D6) 12

* The first value is outside the animal's natural element. The second is within its natural element.

OLD WILDWOOD 17 new monsters

It is said that all kinds of weird and strange creatures lives in Old
Wildwood. That during the time of the dragon emperor a mad sor-
cerer created these creatures to guard his treasures. A treasure
that according to some stories still can be found deep under the ru-
ins of the sorcerers tower.

The people in the borderlands of Old Wildwood talk about encoun-

ters with these creatures. They tell you not to delve deep into the
forest. And now rumors are heard that some of these creatures
have been sighted outside of Old Wildwood.

Inside you will find 17 new monsters that the GM can let the adventures meet
in Old Wildwood. These monsters of course be used in any campaign of your

This game is not affiliated with, sponsored, or endorsed by Fria Ligan

AB. This Supplement was created under Fria Ligan AB’s Dragonbane
Third Party Supplement License.

Written by Andreas Ringsparr
Images from
Translated to English (from Swedish) with
the help of Chat GPT.


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