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Global Explores

Balance Sheet
July 31, 2024


Current Assets
Banco $ 26,600.00
Cuentas por cobrar 20,500.00

Total Current Assets 47,100.00

Property and Equipment

Mobiliario y euipo de oficina 12,000.00

Total Property and Equipment 12,000.00

Other Assets

Total Other Assets 0.00

Total Assets $ 59,100.00


Current Liabilities
Cuentas por pagar $ 15,000.00

Total Current Liabilities 15,000.00

Long-Term Liabilities

Total Long-Term Liabilities 0.00

Total Liabilities 15,000.00

Beginning Balance Equity 17,000.00
Capital social 25,000.00
Net Income 2,100.00

Total Capital 44,100.00

Total Liabilities & Capital $ 59,100.00

Unaudited - For Management Purposes Only

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