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Reflective Paper

Candidate Name: Nayab Tanveer

Candidate Number:
Centre No:
Centre Name: Lahore Grammar School
Series, Syllabus and Component Number:
Words: 997

Evaluation of Project Processes:

It was an unforgettable experience as my team and I were zealous towards

our project in achieving our aims which we did. We all suggested captivating
ideas and we showed respect to each other individually. Pakistan is a country
where “menstrual health” is an ignored topic. This idea was brainstormed by
every member in our group. It took us a week to agree unanimously to
empower women health hygiene.

Our good communication skills helped us realize our aim: spreading

awareness among young girls and women. We picked “Aafiat “as our group
name which defines “good health”. At first, we aimed to raise menstrual
hygiene awareness in impoverished areas of Lahore(one of the most polluted
cities) lacking access to hygiene products. Subsequently, another objective
emerged: to donate sanitary napkins to the financially disadvantaged. I, along
with 2 other members proposed hosting menstrual health seminars at schools
as well. We planned to conduct gynecologists interview as part of our primary
research too. I listened to every opinion of my team members and they did the
same to mine.

Evaluation of Project Outcome in Achieving Aims:

For our primary research, we distributed physical copies of our surveys at

LGS Punjab and LGS Awaisia among girls and teachers.We distributed digital
survey copies on our Instagram and other social media platforms.We
discovered through those surveys the lack of knowledge about menstrual
health and hygiene in women. Only 5% visited gynecologists regularly, 22%
once or twice, while 73% never sought medical help for intense period
cramps.We conducted seminars in LGS Punjab and LGS Awaisia
successfully regarding the importance of menstrual health. We also sought
donations from them. I, along with my co-vocalists communicated with 350
girls to explain to them our project and its aims. At the end of our seminar I
enthusiastically motivated them to contribute in donations as well. Our aim to
make young girls aware was a success.

We successfully interviewed gynaecologist Dr. Nausheen, Dr. Maria and Dr.

Umme Habiba Ishfaq in Lahore. They enlightened us with new facts regarding
menstruation. We posted these interviews on our Instagram page so we can
make more people aware regarding menstrual health. Our visit to Avicenna
Medical College was also a success as we interviewed medical student’s

It became difficult for us to conduct an international interview but at last

minute Dr. Rida Zafar provided us with valuable insights into menstruation in
the context of the UAE.

We raised 12000 which was donated mostly by girls. We visited slum areas
nearby and donated sanitary napkins worth 4000 PKR to the deprived while
the rest of 8000 PKR was donated to the Waduha Welfare Organization.


We mainly used WhatsApp and in-class communication, successfully

planning our schedule. I was always active and available during the
conversations as well. Despite wanting to meet outside school for in-depth
discussions, permission issues from members' families prevented
implementation. I encountered difficulties in communicating with one of my
members due to my personal issues as well.

Evaluation of Individual Contribution and Weaknesses as a Team

Member :

I played the primary role in deciding a topic. I suggested that we focus on

“health and disease” since it is an important part of everyone’s life. I actively
contributed to naming the group and researched the meaning of “Aafiat” which
means “good health” to ensure our name aligns with our goals. I used my
artistic skills to help in digitally design the logo for “Aafiat” as well.I respectfully
listened to my team's opinions, and they reciprocated. For the surveys I
devised the questions needed for our primary research.I played a vital role as
the primary spokesperson due to my confident public speaking skills. I
communicated primarily with doctors, students and women in slum areas. I
conducted most interviews at slums: 4-5 and rest were done by my team
members. Dr.Maria’s, Dr. Umme Habiba’s and Dr Nousheen’s interviews were
also performed by me.I felt exhausted because it took us more than 3 months
to gather different perspectives. I was present at the visit to Avicenna Medical
College as well. I once again took the lead in communicating there, and
explained to students and doctors our aims.I added English subtitles to Dr.
Nausheen's interview alone, exhausting myself all night. I would get angry
easily and delay work sometimes. I regret not managing time properly on
occasions as well.

Problems Faced During Project Processes:

The problem we faced at the start of our project was financing. Unfortunately
failure in budgeting scheme led to obstacles in funding materials: badges,
posters, flexes,surveys etc.Two of my partners didn't come along to visit the
doctors which was troubling as we did not have transportation already. We
Missed NGO visit due to poor planning which was another obstacle. Loss of
Dr. Maria’s interview footage taught us data storage caution. Time
management issues taught us it’s importance too. I was stressed as a lot of
work was left undone for a month due to examination. However, we managed
to complete our work at finish time.

Cultural Differences:

The most significant information and the cultural differences I learned was by
visiting the slums. Women were hesitant to openly talk about menstruation
even off camera. I was shocked to learn she did not use sanitary pads during
her periods. They were unaware of the diseases caused by using a dirty cloth
instead of pads. Some women did not use pads due to religious beliefs as
well. I am grateful that we enlightened them with the importance of menstrual
hygiene. Additionally, cultural differences emerged; some boys laughed at our
posters and contributed little to donations.

Learning Evaluation of Working with a Team:

My team's contribution was crucial; we couldn't have achieved our aims

without them. Our communication skills were definitely a strength as we faced
disputes among each other. However, our lack of management skills put us in
trouble occasionally.

I gained extensive insights throughout this journey.I aspire to further empower

women's health to contribute to societal advancement.

Links to our work:

Instagram handle:

Interviews and awareness at slums:

Interviews with gynaecologist:

Logo design:

Survey forms:


Interview from UAE:


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