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Introduction to

Occupational Exposure
Bands (OEBs)
Guidance Document

Version 1 | May 19, 2021

Guidance Document
Introduction to Occupational Exposure Bands (OEBs)

Sponsored by the AIHA® Exposure and Control Banding Committee

What is an Occupational Exposure

Occupational exposure banding, also called hazard
banding, health hazard banding, or exposure band-
ing, is a process of assigning chemicals into bands
or categories based on a chemical’s toxicological po-
tency and the risk of adverse health effects associat-
ed with exposure. The result of this process is called
an occupational exposure band, or OEB, which is a
range of exposure concentrations where industri-
al hygienist and occupational and environmental Number of Number of
health and safety professionals can anticipate work- chemicals with chemicals in
er health to be protected. NIOSH has developed and OELS commerce
published the The NIOSH Occupational Exposure Figure 1. There are many more chemicals on the market than
Banding Process for Chemical Risk Management, have OELs. Reprinted from NIOSH: The NIOSH Occupational
a document that occupational health professionals Exposure Banding Process for Chemical Risk Managements,
can use to help protect the health of workers ex- page 1, (July 2019).
posed to chemicals on the job.

An industrial hygiene and occupational and envi- Workplace Environmental Exposure Levels (WEELs).
ronmental health and safety (IH/OEHS) professional OELs account for many other factors in addition to a
only creates an OEB in situations where they must chemical’s adverse health effects and take far more
make health-based risk management decisions in time and data to compile than OEBs.
the absence of occupational exposure limits (OELs). However, the number of chemicals, solutions, and
While OEBs are provisional, OELs are official, au- products on the market far exceeds available OELs.
thoritative standards created by recognized occu- According to the EPA, the Toxic Substances Control
pational health and worker protection bodies to Act (TSCA) Chemical Substance Inventory contains
protect workers’ health. Examples of OELs include over 85,000 chemicals commercially available in the
but are not limited to ACGIH’s threshold limit values U.S., but only about 1,000 of those have been as-
(TLVs®); OSHA’s permissible exposure limits (PELs), signed an authoritative OEL. This means that if you
which are enforceable by federal OSHA; NIOSH’s are managing chemical exposures in your IH/OEHS
Recommended Exposure Limits (RELs); and TERA’s career, it is likely that you will have to make health-

Assessment of hazard
potential using Assignment of a Risk management
occupational health-based OEB strategies
exposure banding

Figure 2. Through the process of creating and assigning OEBs, IH/OEHS professionals can mitigate the health effects associated
with a chemical exposure. From NIOSH: The NIOSH Occupational Exposure Banding Process for Chemical Risk Managements,
page 4, (July 2019).

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Guidance Document
Introduction to Occupational Exposure Bands (OEBs)

a substitute for an OEL, creating an OEB is a step

towards safeguarding workers from the chemical’s
effects and may also help occupational health bod-
ies prioritize the chemical in question for OEL devel-

NIOSH’s occupational exposure banding process

uses chemical toxicity data to categorize chemicals
into one of five OEBs ranging from A through E. The
process has multiple phases of evaluation for deter-
mining a chemical’s OEB, including the consideration
of the following nine toxicological health endpoints:
carcinogenicity, reproductive toxicity, specific target
organ toxicity, genotoxicity, respiratory sensitization,
skin sensitization, acute toxicity, skin corrosion and
irritation, and eye damage and irritation. Following
this process, you must consider each health effect
category separately for every chemical, which helps
Figure 3. A simple evaluation of the chemical chloral hydrate,
according to NIOSH’s process, accounts for health effects you identify the most severe health effects associat-
in nine toxicological categories. From NIOSH: The NIOSH ed with this chemical’s use. For example, a chemical
Occupational Exposure Banding Process for Chemical Risk that can cause serious eye damage may not be as
Managements, page 17, (July 2019). dangerous to other organs.

based risk management decisions quickly and in NIOSH’s five exposure bands (A, B, C, D, and E) are
the absence of much information about a chemical. aerosol concentration levels at which workers deal-
OEBs provide a starting point and framework for ing with a chemical can expect to be protected. Band
making these decisions when OELs are absent. A contains the highest level of air concentrations.
Chemicals assigned to Band A may cause adverse
Occupational exposure banding provides a frame- health effects at high concentrations. On the other
work to help protect worker health from potential hand, workers may be harmed if exposed to much
chemical exposures, even when certain information lower concentrations of substances classified in
on the chemical is lacking. Although an OEB is not Band E.

Particulate/Dust >10 mg/m3 >1 to 10 mg/m3 >0.1 to 1 mg/m3 >0.01 to 0.1 mg/m3 ≤ 0.01 mg/m3
Gas/Vapor >100 ppm >10 to 100 ppm >1 to10 ppm >0.1 to 1 ppm ≤ 0.1 ppm

Figure 4. NIOSH’s OEB assessment framework assigns chemicals to one of five exposure bands, ranging from Band A (least
harmful) to Band E (most harmful). From NIOSH: The NIOSH Occupational Exposure Banding Process for Chemical Risk
Managements, page vii, (July 2019).

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Always follow local, state, and federal laws and guidelines.
Guidance Document
Introduction to Occupational Exposure Bands (OEBs)

Tier 1 Start at Tier 1.

Begin here, rapid Move on to Tier 2
Use GHS H-Codes to and Tier 3 as
evaluation with identify toxic chemicals
least data resources become
to band in C, D, and E available.

Tier 2
Determine if
Use point of departure
sufficient data are
Ease of use, information to band in
available. Assign
accessibility, and A, B, C, D, or E
bands with more
speed of evaluations confidence
Tier 3
Use expert
judgment and all Use all available data
available data to and information
perform an
assessment of
health risks
Data requirements, occupational
exposure band confidence, and
required user expertise

Figure 5. The tiers of NIOSH’s OEB assessment framework build on each other in terms of complexity, amount of data, and
required expertise. From NIOSH: The NIOSH Occupational Exposure Banding Process for Chemical Risk Managements, page viii, (July 2019).

Finally, NIOSH employs a tiered approach to cre- Tier 1

ating OEBs based on the assessor’s skill and the
Tier 1 is the beginning point of NIOSH’s process for
kind of information available on the chemical. A
creating an OEB. You should start at Tier 1 and prog-
Tier 1 assessment is based on publicly available
ress to Tiers 2–3 as resources (i.e., additional data
data, while Tier 2 employs database searches of
and technical expertise) become available. A Tier 1
health effects and Tier 3 requires assessment of
evaluation is relatively quick and uses publicly avail-
peer-reviewed reports. As your evaluation advanc-
able information such as the Globally Harmonzied
es through the tier system, the tiers become more
System for Classification and Labeling of Chemi-
rigorous to complete and require more extend-
cals (GHS) hazard statement codes, also known as
ed evaluations, more data, and greater IH/OEHS
H-codes, to assign toxic chemicals only to bands C,
D, and E.

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Guidance Document
Introduction to Occupational Exposure Bands (OEBs)

Chemicals with the potential to seriously harm work- 5. Assign a band for each health endpoint with
ers even at low exposures are assigned to bands D data.
and E. Chemicals that may cause reversible health 6. Assign the Tier 1 OEB for the chemical based on
effects are assigned to band C. Bands A and B are the health endpoint with the most severe health
assigned at Tier 2. effects associated with exposure to the chemical.
A Tier 1 assessment is a screening assessment, and Continue to Tier 2 or end the assessment if you
you may have performed one already in the course assigned Band E.
of your work. This is the process for conducting a Tier
1 assessment: Tier 2
1. Choose a chemical without an OEL. Tier 2 is an intermediate stage for gathering informa-
tion based on authoritative sources and prescribed
2. Select a physical state of that chemical. Differ- literature to assign chemicals to bands more confi-
ent states of a chemical may be associated with dently than in Tier 1. Tier 2 uses point of departure
different effects at different concentrations. The data, and chemicals may be assigned to all bands
correct range of safe air concentrations covered A through E. A Tier 2 evaluation requires at least in-
under the A-E bands depends on the chemical’s termediate knowledge of toxicology concepts. The
state. process for conducting a Tier 2 assessment is com-
3. Find GHS H-code and category information. Re- parable to that for Tier 1.
fer to the GESTIS Substance Database, Annex VI,
or the chemical’s safety data sheet. Use NIOSH-recommended sources for Tier 2 to find
toxicity and potency data for each of the nine health
4. For each health endpoint, compare H-code data endpoints, then compare the available toxicolog-
to the Tier 1 criteria. ical data to the Tier 2 criteria. Assign an endpoint

Choose a chemical Select physical state Find GHS H-code and

Chemicals without an OEL of chemical category information
can be banded in Tier 1. Range of band depends on state: See GESTIS Substance Database,
either gas/vapor or dust/particale. Annex VI or safety data sheet.

Compare H-codes and Assign band for each Assign Tier 1 OEB
categories to Tier 1 criteria health endpoint Base this on most stringent
For each health endpoint with data, For each health endpoint with data, endpoint band. Continue banding
compare H-codes and categories assign an endpoint-specific band in Tier 2, or stop if band E
to the Tier 1 criteria. based on Tier 1 criteria. was assigned.

Figure 6. A Tier 1 assessment provides a basis for more thorough hazard assessment. From NIOSH: The NIOSH Occupational
Exposure Banding Process for Chemical Risk Managements, page ix, (July 2019).

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Guidance Document
Introduction to Occupational Exposure Bands (OEBs)

Choose a chemical Select physical state Find toxicity and

Chemicals without an OEL of chemical potency data
can be banded in Tier 2. Exposure ranges for each band are Use the NIOSH recommended sources
First determine a Tier 1 band for specific to the physical state: either for Tier 2 (Table 3-3). See Chapter
selected chemical. gas/vapor or dust/particle. 3 for guidance on sources and data

Compare toxicity and Assign endpoint determinant Assign Tier 2 OEB

potency data to Tier 2 criteria score (EDS) and band for endpoints Add up the EDSs to determine the total
For each health endpoint with data, For each health endpoint with data, determinant score (TDS). If the TDS
compare collected data to Tier 2 assign an EDS and endpoint-specific is ≥30, assign an overall Tier 2 OEB
criteria. See Chapter 3 for guidance on band based on Tier 2 criteria. See based on the most stringent endpoint
Tier 2 criteria. Chapter 3 for guidance on EDS. band. If TDS is <30, move to Tier 3.

Figure 7. The Tier 2 assessment requires more toxicology data than the initial Tier 1 assessment. From NIOSH: The NIOSH
Occupational Exposure Banding Process for Chemical Risk Managements, page x, (July 2019).

Figure 8. Tier 2 evaluates the same health endpoints as Tier 1

but begins with assessing a chemical’s toxicity data by
assigning certain scores based on the availability of data for Figure 9. The NIOSH Occupational Exposure Banding Process
each health endpoint. From NIOSH: The NIOSH Occupational for Chemical Risk Management is an in-depth reference for
Exposure Banding Process for Chemical Risk Managements, creating Tier 1-2 OEBs, downloadable in PDF form at
page 27, (July 2019). oebreport.

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Always follow local, state, and federal laws and guidelines.
Guidance Document
Introduction to Occupational Exposure Bands (OEBs)

determinant score (EDS) and an endpoint-specific Exposure Banding Process for Chemical Risk Man-
OEB to every endpoint with data. Add up the EDSs agement (
to find the total determinant score (TDS). If the TDS
is greater than or equal to 30, assign an overall Tier Elements of the Tier 3 process include:
2 OEB based on the most rigorous endpoint. Your 1. Searching bibliographic databases and journal
Tier 2 assessment is now complete. If the TDS is less
articles for literature containing information on
than 30, continue to Tier 3.
the chemical in question.
The Tier 2 assessment is a more detailed process 2. Finding critical studies of the chemical relevant to
than that for Tier 1. The NIOSH Occupational Expo- each of the health endpoints.
sure Banding Process for Chemical Risk Manage-
3. Critically reading and evaluating the studies to
ment document provides a comprehensive guide to
determine the toxicological outcome for each
the process of assigning a Tier 2 OEB.
4. Using the scientific information to find the appro-
Tier 3 priate OEB for each endpoint.
The final stage of evaluation, Tier 3, requires expert 5. Assigning the most stringent endpoint as the
judgment, uses all available data to assess health overall OEB.
risks, and ultimately assigns the chemical in ques-
tion to any of NIOSH’s five bands. However, a Tier 3
evaluation is far more stringent than this introduc- Further Information About OEBs
tion can fully convey. If you wish to learn more about NIOSH has developed a web application, or e-Tool,
the Tier 3 assessment process, you can also refer which streamlines the occupational exposure band-
NIOSH’s technical report, The NIOSH Occupational ing process. It allows users to apply toxicology

Figure 10. NIOSH has created an e-Tool which greatly simplifies the Tier 1 and Tier 2
assessment processes, available at

AIHA | 3141 Fairview Park Dr., Suite 777 | Falls Church, VA 22042 |
©AIHA 2021 DISCLAIMER: These are meant to be general guidelines to help you reopen your establishment. Page 7 of 8
Always follow local, state, and federal laws and guidelines.
Guidance Document
Introduction to Occupational Exposure Bands (OEBs)

information for a given chemical to generate an OEB AIHA®

through an automated Tier 1 process and provides
AIHA is the association for scientists and profession-
resources for a simplified manual Tier 2 process. The
als committed to preserving and ensuring occupa-
e-Tool can automatically generate a Tier 1 band for
tional and environmental health and safety (OEHS)
chemicals in its database. The Tier 2 process, which
in the workplace and community. Founded in 1939
requires users to find relevant data in recommended
as the American Industrial Hygiene Association®
sources, can still require several hours.
(AIHA®), we support our members with our expertise,
A full Tier 3 OEB assessment may take months or networks, comprehensive education programs, and
years as necessary data are collected and is still other products and services that help them maintain
only an unofficial guideline. However, even a Tier 1 the highest professional and competency standards.
or 2 assessment is still a valuable resource for mak- More than half of AIHA’s nearly 8,500 members are
ing critical risk management decisions and helping Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIH) and many hold
you be more aware of health risks to workers at your other professional designations. AIHA serves as a re-
facility or organization. Other IH/OEHS profession- source for those employed across the public and pri-
als may find your work useful as well. Any data you vate sectors, as well as to the communities in which
gather or conclusions you reach are valuable contri- they work. For more information, visit
butions to the conversation of scientific progress.
About Occupational and Environmental
Resources Health and Safety Professionals
• NIOSH: “Occupational Exposure Banding: Over- Occupational and environmental health and safe-
view,” ty (OEHS) professionals (also known as industri-
• NIOSH: The NIOSH Occupational Exposure Band- al hygienists) practice the science of anticipating,
ing Process for Chemical Risk Managements, recognizing, evaluating, controlling, and confirming
oebreport (July 2019). workplace conditions that may cause workers’ injury
or illness. Through a continually improving cycle of
• NIOSH: “NIOSH Occupational Exposure Banding
planning, doing, checking and acting, OEHS profes-
e-Tool: Overview,”
sionals make sure workplaces are healthy and safe.
• The Synergist: “The ‘Bandits’ Speak: NIOSH Con-
siders Feedback from Users of its Proposed Oc- • Get additional resources at AIHA’s Coronavirus
cupational Exposure Banding Process,” Outbreak Resource Center.
ditsspeak (May 2015). • Find a qualified industrial hygiene and OEHS pro-
• The Synergist: “The NIOSH Decision Logic for fessionals near you in our Consultants Listing.
OEBs: Applying Occupational Exposure Bands,” (March 2016).
• SynergistNOW: “Occupational Exposure Bands: A
Reintroduction,” (March 2020).

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©AIHA 2021 DISCLAIMER: These are meant to be general guidelines to help you reopen your establishment. Page 8 of 8
Always follow local, state, and federal laws and guidelines.

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