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Volksturm - people project of the metal-detector

Volksturm S - this is THE PEOPLE project of metal-detector, opened for the wide discussion and the
modifications. Is not placed the purpose to make anything of the number put outting itself - ctavits4
the purpose to make a metal-detector simple for the repetition and at the same time effective. The
basis are undertaken the ideas and the circuit design of metal-detectors Whites Classic and Tesoro.

The circuit design of instrument is somewhat altered, in comparison with imported the instruments
indicated. Channel PINPOINTING (ALL METALL to -"vse metals", so will be name this channel
more precise) is begun basic, but not dopolnitel'nym.Kanaly of discrimination are included by trigger
(or button) for the identification of purpose, it is as needed.

The questions on Volksturm S interesting you and Volksturm SS you can pose on forum

Volksturm S
This metal-detector is recommended for the novices, the people of the not having experience in the
production metal-detectors. Instrument makes it possible to distinguish metals "to the rumor" and reveals
five-kopeck coin (OF THE USSR) at a distance of 25-35 cm. with the standard size of coil. The diagram of this
metal-detector, is worked out and it is easily repeated. Successfully the large number of men prepared
instrument. Many questions on the assemblings are examined in the forum.

 Diagram
 Laying out and viewer in size Sprint Layout v.3.0 (Zip-357k)
 Printed-circuit board, the side of soldering in size GIF
 Printed-circuit board, the side of elements GIF, LAY

Unique metall detector based on microcontroller, designed for deep search. Schematic

Firmware for Sturm Ver. 1.1



Volksturm 1
Simplified version of people instrument, on the domestic elementary base. Discrimination according to the
dial instrument or on the tone of sound. Circuit

Volksturm Sm
The improved version Volksturm Sm, until is less worked out, but possesses the best characteristics.

 Diagram
 Description to the diagram
 Laying out in size Sprint Layout
 Printed-circuit board without the elements in size GIF
 the black and white version of printed-circuit board without the elements in size GIF
 Printed-circuit board with the elements in size GIF

Volksturm Sm PCB

Volksturm Sm PCB with components

Description Volksturm Sm.

I used a separation of pay "deradox", assembled V- s. it worked it well, but not there was in it
discrimination. So - as "went for a walk" keys on the pay it decided to use them.
Diagram is not new, but variation on the theme of "phasitron".
Now in the order:

1. It is counter - parallel diodes in the input amplifier, they are necessary for limiting the strong
signal, but most important they protect microcircuit with sudden turning off of coil.
2. Phase detektor(FD) or synchronous detector, if you want, consists of:
two keys;
two dif even two integral of chains;
and the two-input differential amplifier U1B.
To verify key modulation is sufficiently simple. At both ends of the capacitor S' must be the

meander with the presentation of purpose. It is desirable to select the identical pairs: the
resistors of ya"K, y00K, y,2M and kondesatoryy0N. At output U1B must be the reaction to the
color in + and black C -, if no, then change the ends of control of keys of places.
3. Switchman shows only to the nonferrous metal, and it is black it keeps silent. It is possible it
was certainly to place switchman with the midpoint, but i such task not had.
4. Resistors R8 and R14 in cascade UРђ are selected identical not randomly. At output UРђ we
have 0 vol't(pri the absence of signal) and it does not be distorted U2B. What was thus far? At
output UРђ was constantly the stress, which was then strengthened on U2B(pricem absolutely
uselessly), and then we "was distorted" it back "tulya" resistors to the active reservist
5. Konder Sy must be decreased to 0,05 - 0,1 F (more the "soft" target lock-on).
Well here, by simple means we improved our instrument.
And other chains C4, R14 and R12, C7 influence the dynamics of "mowing" by your coil. So
that experiment and try!!

Mikhail ("MikeS")

Volksturm SS
More compound circuit of metal-detector with the apparatus discrimination.
 Diagram

 Diagram in size OrccAD 9.2.3 (Dsn-110k)

 Pay [ rev.0.2 ]

 Arrangement of elements [ rev.0.2 ]

 Tuning Volksturm SS

 Oscillograms to the diagram

Volksturm SS PCB

Volksturm SS PCB with components

Tuning Volksturm SS

1. First of all, prover'te the work of the converter of negative stress - on 5 pin U10 must be about
-5 volts. on 2 feet meander.
2. For the first start to not necessarily connect variable resistors and coil simply you will short
out all three contacts JP8 between themselves (by solder). during the supplying of
nourishment the sound from dynamics must appear immediately if the frequency of sound it
seems by the too high (something about 500 Hz), C32, 220 pF you will replace by 470 pF.
3. To connect coil if generator- transmitter is not excited (on base Q2 it will be small constant
negative stress) - are delivered transistors with the low coeff. of strengthening to change
4. at the outputs of comparators U8 d. b. the undistorted meander.
5. at the output receiving OU u1a the probably undistorted sinusoid.
6. specific diagrams, let us name them the "semplirovannaya sinusoid" we observe on keys U2,
leg 1, 3, 8. reaction to the metal can be controlled with respect to a change in the level of
constant voltage across capacitors of integrators C6, C8, C16.

refinement in the diagram.

1. R1 you will decrease to 390 Ohm.
2. R42 increase to 6,8 k.
3. the variable resistor THRESHOLD (threshold) R33 to decrease to 33 k in order to increase
the zone of adjustment to poklyuchit' to his conclusions resistor 100 k into the horn on (+) and
68 k to (-) the nourishments.
4. R38 to replace with cross connection.

Elucidating diagrams to Volksturm SS.

1. transmitting coil, collector Q1. the almost undistorted sinusoid with certain negative component.
Period of 150 s, the frequency of 6,66 kHz.

2. entrance of choppernogo svicha UРђ without the metal near the sensor (channel "all metals").
Semplirovannyy pulse of very small amplitude.

3. the same as 2, but to the sensor presented metal. Changes in the s3mpl- pulse in the phase and the

Sonic tone identification. Coin will bring to the coil at first slowly, several times, then rapidly, also several
times. You will grasp the low-frequency finalizing of channel ALL METALL in the beginning of the movement
of signal and its end, and also the high-frequency wear and tear of channel Non-ferrous, of tone: low-high-

Volksturm SS Opt1
Version of instrument with the dvutonovoy identification of the type of metal (Tone ID) and the
simultaneous work of channels.

 Diagram

*- new devices.

Copyright © 2004-2006 KT315&MorZa.


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