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SOTRIGAL AND MECHANICAL ‘TELECOMMUNTCATIONS ENGINEERING REGULATIONS Y 814 (By Command of the Army Council) TESTERS, VALVE, AVO ‘TECHNICAL Hi Brrata Wote: These Pages O end O1, Issue 1, will be filed inmedtately in front of Page 1, Issue 1, deted 20 Feb 58, 1, The following amendments will be made to the regulation. 2. Page 1, SUBJECT INDEX; TESTER, VALVE, AVO, NO 3; SPECIFICATION TESTS, (a) Initial setting up, under Paras. Delete: 21-22" Insert: '24! (b) ieasurenent of heater voltage, under Paras. Delete: '23' Insert: '22' Issue 1, 1 Now 60 rage U Distribution - Class 1330, Code No 6 NICATIONS BLBCTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ‘ENGINEERING RECULATIONS (c) deasurement of anode voltage, under Paras. Delete: '24" Insert: '23! (@) Measurement of screen voltage, under Paras, Delete: '25' Insert: '2)," (©) Measurement of grid voltage, and under Paras. Delete: 'Moasurement of grid voltage’, 126-27! Insert: ‘Ia calibration', '25! (f) Ia calibration, and under Paras. Delete: ‘Ia calibration’, '28' Insert: ‘Measurement of grid voltego', '26-28! Page 11, para 37. Delete all detail. Insert: 'Weasure the locel mains supply and adjust the coarse and fino settings on the voltage sclector panel to correspond to this voltage! 'T8/8b/860 Page Issue 1, 4 Nov 60 RESTRICTED ELECTRICAL AND MBCHANTOAL ee ‘TELECOMMUNIGAPTONS ENGINEERING REGULATIONS Y 8th (By Command of the Army Council) TESTERS, VALVE, AVO TBCHNICAL HANDBOOK ~ FIELD AND BASE REPATRS Errata Notes These Pages 02 ond (5 will be ffled imodietely in front of Pege 1, Issue 1, dated 20 Feb 58, 4e The following amendments will be made to the regulations Se Page 9, para 30 Benesth line 2 Insert: Instrument, testing, electronic, multi-renge, No1 2D 00167 6+ Page 13, para 43 Sub-pere (b) Delete: Connect the valve voltmeter across 25 Insert: Conneot the electronic test meter across R5 Sub-pera (0) Delete: 51 54mv3 102 ~ 408nVs 252 - 268nv Insert: 50-5503 100 -110uv; 250 = 270ni7 Issue 15 16 Mar 61 Page 02 Distribution ~ Class 1330. Code No 6 ‘TELECOMMNICATIONS ¥ 8th T+ Page ty pare Ho/TGR Page 05 Sub-pare, Deletes Insert: Sub-para, Delete: Insert: Sub-para Delete: Tnsert: RESTRICTED de (o) Connect the valve voltmeter Comnect the electronic test meter (e) 102 = 108 400 = 140ni7 (e) velve voltmeter electronic test meter ‘ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING REGULATIONS Issue 1, 16 Mar 61 4 RESTRICTED 4 (8 ELECTRICAL AND ISCHANTCAL ‘TSISCOMUNICATIONS L- % ENGINEERING REGULATIONS ¥ 81h (By Command of the Army Council) _ ESTERS, VALVE, Av TECHNICAL HANDBOOK — FIELD AND BASE REPAIRS CT SUBJEOT INDEX Cc TVTRODUCTION 6. ee ee ne eee ee te te ete ne 4 — TESTER, VALVE, AVO, NO 4 Permissive repairs we ee ee tee tte Instruments used in repair 4. we ee ee ewe DISMANTLING REPAIR AND ASSEMBLY Renoval of main unit from case ee ue ee ee tee Removal of meter s,s ee ee ee te te tee Repair of meter Renoval of sub-unit’ fron'case) 1) tt tk SPECIFICATION TESTS Measurement of heater voltages +. 0 ee ee tee Veasurenent of anode voltages " .. . te ee eet Measurement of screen voltages 4. 4s ee ee tee cor rc u TESTER, VALVE, AW, NO 3 Permissive repairs... L Instruments used in repair | DISMANTLING, REPAIR AND ASSEMBLY Renoval of case (lis I and IZ). eee tee u Renoval of valve holder panel (\iks I en@I)) i) lot ‘Access to rear of front panel Mel - MeID . Renoval of transformers’ Me T Me IZ Renoval of meter (ce Tana 12) Repair of neter (like I and II) SPECIFICATION TESTS Initial setting up ew L Ueasurenent of heater voltage Hieasurement of anode voltage Measurenent of screen voltage LL Heasurenent of grid voltage . Iacalibratin .. +. + 22 Issue 1, 20 Feb 58 - Page 1 Distribution - Class 930, Code No 6 TELBOOMMUNTCATIONS ELECTRICAL AND MBOHANTOAL Y 8th, ENGINEERING REGULATIONS ‘TESTER, VAL Permissive repairs. see ee Instruments used in testing 1). DISMANTLING, REPAIR AND ASSENBLY Renoval of units from case Renoval of meter ww Repair of neter _ Replacement of ILP2 1, Renoval of transformer TM , Renoval of transformer T2 .. SPECIFICATION TESTS Initial setting uw. tee Neasurenent of heater voltaze 1. 1. fete Heasurenent of anode voltage 1. 1. te one Measurement of screen voltage i,t. ote ote Checking the NEG GRID VOLTS control... ue Checking the SET m4/V control .. 0 4. eee Ia calibration check thee ee Checking GAS test circuit. 4.1 . Checking and adjustuent of protective relay 1 Checking the SED ~ indication .. ee ee ve INDEX 10 TABLES Table Ho 1 Heater voltage T.V.l. No 1 tee 2 Anode voltages T.V.A. No 1 see 3 Sereen voltages T.V.A. No 4 tee A Heater voltages T.V.A. No 3 wee 5 Anode and screen voltages T.V.A. No 3 6 Heater voltage T.V.A, CT 160 7 Anode and soreen voltage T.V.A. OP 160" ‘INTRODUCTION 1, This regulation deals with the Testers, valve, Avo, Nos 1, Paras 29 30 3 32 33 3h. 35 36 37 3 and OT 160 and details field and base repair work. It should be used in conjunction with Tels ¥ 812, Parts 1 and 2, to which reference should be made for technical description, circuits and layout diagrams, 2, All repairs, replacements and adjustments detailed for this instrument may be carried out in field workshops unless otherwise stated. 3. Instrument, testing, Avoneter, universal, 50-renge, tik 2 Page 2 =D 00021. Issue 1, 20 Feb 58 ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ‘TELECOMMUNTCATIONS ENGINEERING REGULATIONS ¥ 81h L, (a) Remove the sight No 6 B.A, screws, two in each side of the case, and the two No L B.A. screws holding the $-pin socket to the left-hand side of the case. (b) Iift the panel, vith components attached, clear of case, Removal of the meter 5. (a) Unsolder the two leads connecting the movement to a tag panel. () Remove the two No 2 B.A, screws, one on either side of the magnet, (c) Litt the novenent up and back, taking care that the neter scale clears the wiring. (@ To replace, reverse the above procedure, Repair of neter_ 6. General details of meter repair will be found in Inst Z 41h, and will only be carried out in base workshops. The intemal resistance of the meter is 27/1 and the current at full scale deflection is 600uA. al of sub-unit from case 7. (a) With the unit face dowmwards remove the four screws which hold the case, (v) Litt the case clear of the unit, Measurement cf heater voltages 8 (a) Set the ROLLER SELECTOR ewitch as follows:- 038 = 500240 (v) Insert the prods of the Avoneter in pins 2 and 7 of the International octal base, (c) Set the NORUAL/; by 7 switch to NORMAL, (a) Rotate the HEATER VOLTS switch through the full range of values. (e) Compare the readings obtained with those shown in Table 1, Page 3 STRICTED TELROOMMUNICATIONS EIBCTRICAL AND WECHANTOAL ¥ oth ENGINEERING REGULATIONS | Haar sd] Permissible ‘Avoueter | switch SB | Limits range | co | | n | | ‘0 | | ie | | giz i | 6.2 19 | | \ 10.3 ) | 113.5 ) | | | 16.5 ) | 20 | 24.0 = 100V a,c. | 26 27.0 | i 30 34.0 = el | | 35 37.0 = |) | | 40 142.0 = i) | * HATER switch SB set to 10V and $ BY 7 switch ! Si set to + BY 7 position i Table 1 - Heater voltage T.V.A. No 4 Measurement of anode voltages 9. (a) With the ROLINR SEIECTOR switch set as in para @ (a), insert the prods of the Avoneter in pins 3 and 8 on the International octal base. (b) Rotate the ANODS VOLTS control through the full renge of values, (c) Compare the readings obtained with those showm in Table 2. ANODE VOLTS Permissible | Avoneter sidtch setting limits (range ! D 5 dk = 126 |) g00v ase. a0 OB = 55 |) j i 80 | 106.5 = 117.5 q 100 , 1B3B = AM? ) | 125 | 166 = 183 ) 4OOV asc. 450 | - 220.5 ; Table 2 - Anode voltages T.V.A, No 1 Weasurenent of screen voltages 410. (a) With the ROLLER GEIBOIOR switch set as in para 8 (a), insert the prods of the Avoneter in pins 4 and 8 of the International octal base. Page 4 Issue 1, 20 Peb 58 » = a ls ~ ls les lo OPRICAL AND UBCHANTCAL ‘TELECOMMUNICATIONS ‘ENGINEERING REGULATIONS Y 6th (0) Rotate the SOREEN VOLTS control through the full range of values. (c) Compare the readings obteined with those shom in Table 3, | SCREEN VOLTS Permissible Avometer | switch setting limits range 60 ST = 3 i) 5 | am - 79 |) 1000 ace | 50 85.5 ~ hed ) 400 95 = 105 ) | Fen LF |) 12.5 = 157.5 ) | 150 ) ) ,00V ace, | 200 1 190 = 240 ) | 250 | BRS = 262.5 ) Table 3 - Screen voltages T.V.A, No 1 STER, VALVE, AWD, NO 3 Permissive repairs 11, All repairs, replacements and adjustments detailed for this instrument may be carried out in field workshops unless otherwise stated, Instruments used in testing 12. Instrument, testing, Avometer, universal, 50-range, ik 2 @ 00021 Voltmeter, valve, No 3 @D 00124 DISWANTLING REPALR AND ASSENBLY Removal of the case (Iiks I and IT) 136 (a) With the instrument standing normally remove the two belts in each lifting handle, using a wrench setsorew (5/32 in.). (b) Lift the case clear of the instrument. Removal of valve holder panel (lis I and IT) 4h, (a) With the case reuoved, unscrew the four bolts, two on either side franc. (b) Unsolder the ten-way tag panel at the rear of the instrument. (c) Lift off the valve holder panel, If it is desired to reach come component on the under side of the panel, Tenove the two front bolts only and loosen the tno rear ones, The panel can then be raised like a lid, Nete: Issue 1, 20 Feb 58 ‘TSLEQOMKUNTCATIONS X 6th, ELECTRICAL AMD }BCHANTOAL ‘ENGIVEBRING REGULATIONS 45. lik Ty 16, like IL. (a) {o) (a) (a) Remove the four ruts and bolts, two on either side, which hold the front panel te the main frame, The panel can component chan; ow be dram forward sufficiently to enable most es to be made, Lcosen the two grubscrers in each of the collars at the base of the handles, : Unserew the ccllars and the handles will be removed with then. Unserew the brass retaining studs now exposed. ‘The panel can now be dravm forward eufficiently to allow the replacement cf most components, Note: In both jks I and IE it is necessary to unsolder several leads at the rear of the panel before atu Removal of tran: Te lik Te 18, Me II, Removal of the meter (hks 49. (a) Remove contrel Imcbs. Page 6 (a) () (c) () (e) @ (e) 5 te replace a banked switch, sformers Remove the base of tho instrument by unscrewing the four bolts, - one in each rubber root. Umsolder the connections to the transformer being replaced, - Rewove the sirell caxclin panel aounted on top of the transformer (Tt only) - Remove the four serevs helding the paxolin strip to the runners which cupsert tLe transformers. Remove the four tolts which hold the transformer to the runners, To reassemble, reverse the above procedure, Unsolder the mains input lead from the transformer and then renove the base of the instrument by unscrewing the six bolts, three in each runner, which hold it to the frame. - Unsolder the connections to the transforner being replaced. Remove the paxolin penel by unserewing the four No 6 B.A, bolts which hold it to the transformer, ro 1. BA, bolts holding the transformer to the Reneve the runner. To reaesemble, reverse the above procedure, Issue 1, 20 Feb RESTRICTED ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ‘TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING REGULATIONS ¥ 81h jpersede Pages 7-10, Issue 1, deted 20 Feb 58. The paragrephs been anended, Note: These Pages 7-10, Issue 2, norked @ are additional or b (>) Remove the front panel from the frame as detailed in para 15 or 16. (©) Remove the screws which hold the engraved metal panel to the front panel, (a) Remove the paxolin panel at the rear of the meter, (©) Renove the screws holding the meter in position, (£) To replace the moter reverse the above procedure. Repair of the meter (Mk I and I) 20, General details of meter repair will be found in Inst 2 414, and will only be carried out in base workshops. The internal resistance of the meter is 100% and the current at full scele deflection is 460uA. SPECIFICATION TESTS Initial setting up 24. Measure the local mains supply and set LK1 and SB (SET ~) to correspond to this voltage. Connect the instrument to the mains supply and switch on. Measurement of heater voltages 22, (a) Set the ROLIER SELECTOR switch as follows:~ 036 500 Hh (b) Insert the prods of the Avometer in pins 2 and 7 on the International octel base. (c) Set CIRCUIT SELECTOR to TEST. (a) Rotate the HEATER VOLTS switches through the full range of values. (©) Compare the readings obtained with those show in Table 4. Table 4 - Heater voltages T.V.A, No 3 Setting of HEATER Permissible Avometer VOLTS switches limits range tet 440 = 4462 } Aol ek 1.65 2.0 2.0 = 2635 265 2.5 = 2.85 ; 3.0 Oo - 55 } 10¥ asce 4.0 ko = GS 5-0 500 - 5.35 ) 6.0 6.3 - 67 ) 765 765 - 7485 ) Page 7 sue 2, 4 Nov 60 Distribution - Class 1330, Code No 6 RESTRICTED ‘TELECOMMNECATIONS ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ¥ Stu Table 4 ~ (cont) ENGINEERING RECULATIONS Permissible Avoneter Setting of HEATER VOUS switches Limits range 40.0 10.0 = 10.5 2 46.0 16.0 = } 60.0 60.0 = soto Solo 1000 a.ce 80.0 80.0 = 90.0 90.0 = ) 400.0 100.0 = 110.0 110.0 ) MOOV asc Heasurement of anode voltages 23. (a) “ith the ROLLER SELACTOR switch set as in para 20(a), insert the prods of the Avometer in pins 3 and 8 on the International octal base. (b) Rotate the ANODE VOLTS control switch through the full range of values. (c) Compare the readings obtained with those shown in Table 5. Table 5 - Anode and screen voltages T.V.A, No 3 ANODE VOLTS Avometer switch SE range 20 2 8 } 100V aece 60 ey : 30 ) i i 400 400 105 - 415 } | 125 125 430 - 145 | 150 150 193 = 17 } 175 175 480 - 205 200 200 210 - 230 J HOV ace | 225 225 235 - 255 3 250 250 260 - 290 } - 275 285 - 315 } | 300, 300 310 - 350 ) 1 350 - 365 = 405 100 Z 20 = 60 J, 10000 esos i Measurement of screen voltage 2%. (a) ‘ith the ROLLER SELECTOR switch as in para 22(a), connect the Avometer between the anode of V1 and pin 8 on the International octal base. (e) Rotate the SCREEN VOLTS control switch through the full range of values. (c) Compare the readings obtained with those shown in Table 5. Page 8 Issue 2, 1 Nov 60 RESTRICTED ELECTRICAL AND HLCHANICAL ‘TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING RUCULATTONS ¥ 814, 25. (2) Open Lik UK2 en the panel at the rear of the instrument and connect the lronetor in ofrewit oct to the 100nA dace ranges (bv) Using a cvi075 (KT66) or a similar valve capable of passing 100mA, set up the tester controls so that the panel meter indicates that the valve is passing 100m, (In the case of the CVi075, it is necessary to decrease the bias from the figure given in Table 6 of Tels Y¥ 811 to achieve this). (c) ith the panel meter indicating 100mA, the external meter should read between 47.5 and 52.5mA, If this is not the case, adjust RV7(S). Measurement of erid voltage 26. Set the CIRCULT SELECTOR svdteh to TEST. With the ROLLER SELECTOR switch as in para 22(a), connect the valve voltmeter between pins 6 and 9 cf the International octal base. ‘Sct switch SE to Vg x 10 and set the NEG GRID VOLTS control fully clockwise. Adjust RVS(VG) to give a reading of 52V d.c. on the valve voltmeter, Set switch SH to Ye x 1 and check that the valve voltmeter reads 5.2V d.ce 27. Check that on pressing the mA/V button there is a 0,52V positive change on the reading as obtained in para 2 2%, ie a decrease of 0,52V. If this is not the case, adjust fV5(GH), uneil the desired 0.52V change is obtained on pressing the button. 28, Set the CIRCUIT SULNCTOR switch to CHBCK (C) and set the ELECTRODE LEAKAGE switch to~, Check that the meter pointer lies within the black square denoting zero ohms on the insulation resistance scale. TESTER, VALVE, AVO, CT 160 Permissive repairs 29, All repairs, replacements and adjustments detailed for this instrument may be carried out in fickd workshops unless othermise stated. Instruments used in testing 30. Instrument, + Voltmeter, w voting, Avoneter, universal, 50-range, Mk 2 2D 00021 Yo 3 2D 00124 DISMANTLING, REPCIP AND ASSEMBLY Removal of units from the case 31. (a) eres: the Tour hexagonal-headed bolts, which form the feet of the unit. (b) Reneve ihe ef ponel, securin tro in cach side of the valve holder Page 9 RESTRICTED ‘TELECOMMUNICATIONS - - ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ¥ B14 ENGINEERING REGULATIONS Removal of the neter 32. (a) Support the meter with the hand and remove the two No 2 BA screws from the paxolin panel directly behind it, (b) Withdraw the meter carefully through the front panel until the hexagonal pillers can be unscremed from the meter, thus releasing the connections to the meter. Do not disturb the locknuts as they will position the neter on replacement, Repair of the meter 33. General details may be found in Inst Z 444, and will only be carried out in base workshops. The internal resistance of the meter is 3,2500 and the current at full seale deflection is 30uA. Replacement of ILP 2 3h. (2) Remove the two No 6 EA nuts and bolts securing the lamp mounting bracket to the paxolin panel behind the meter. (>) The amp can now be withdrawn for unsoldering and replacenent. Renoval of transformer ™ 35. (a) Unsolder the connections to the transformer, (b) Remove the two No 2 BA screws securing the plain metal strip adjacent to the transformer, (c) Remove the four No 4 BA nuts and bolts securing the runners to the min frame. (a) Supporting the transformer with the hand, romove the four tapped hexagonal pillars holding the transformer to the runners. (e) Lift the runners just clear of the transformer studs and withdraw the transformer carefully. (£) To replace, reverse the above procedure, Removal of transformer 12 36. (a) Remove the meter as detailed in para 32. (b) Unsolder the connections to the transformer. (c) Remove the nut and bolt securing the two cableforms to the centre runner supporting the transformer. (@) Remove the two No 4 BA nuts and bolts that hold this runner to the main frame, (e) Loosen the four No 4 BA nuts and bolts that hold the paxolin panel to the runners. Page 10 Issue 2, 1 Nov 60 ELECTRICAL AND (HCHANTCAL TELECOMMUNTCATIONS ENGIVEERING REGULATIONS ¥ 81 (£) Supporting the transformer with the hand, remove the four threaded hexagonal pillars securing it. (g) Carefully lower the transformer until the transformer studs are clear cf the runners end slide cut the centre runner, (h) The transformer can now be carefully renoved, (5) To replace the transformer, reverse the above procedure. SPECIFICATION TESTS Initial setting up 37. Connect the instrument to a imowm 230 - 250 50c/s supply and adjust coarse and fine settings on the voltage selector panel, until the meter needle lies within the ~ zone on the scale, If it is not possible to do this para 48 must be carried out before any readings are ade or other calibrations carried cut, Measurenent of 38, Set the CIRCUIT SELECTOR to TEST, and the ELECTRODE SELECTOR to M and check the relevant electrode voltages as follows (a) Connect the ivonetor between the lit and He sockets on the nine-way terminal board, (b) Set the HEATER VOLTAGE range switch to 0,625 - 117V, (c) Rotate the HEATER VOLTAGE control switch through the full range of values. (@) Compare the readings obtained with those shom in Table 6. (e) Set the HEATER VOLTAGE range switch to 1, - 80V. (©) Repeat sub-paras (c) and (a), ot 460 HEATER WLTS RANGE switch (SC) set ati 0,625 - 1170 tok = GOV HEATER VOLTS Permissible Avometer (HEATER VOLTS | Permissible | Avometer (SC) set at: limits | range (sc) set at: | limits range tA Set abe | one? ©,625 | 0.5 - 0.8) 40 ac.) - - - 4425 1.2 = 1145. toVac. teh 1k - 1,55) 100 acc. 2,0 | 2,2 = 2.45 10V acc. - - | = 2.5 1 2.6 - 3.0 10V a,c. 3.0 | Bat = 3h | 107 ace 40 | ke? = 7 10V ae, aS | bg - 5.5) 10 acy 5.0 | Bet = 5.5 10V acc be? nn ao 63 | 66 - 700 toVac 715 7.6- 8.0, 10V arc, 10.40 1 40.5 4.0 = - RESTRIC@TED TELBOOWNUNTCATIONS ELECTRICAL AND ABCHANTCAL ¥ 81h ENGINEERING REGULATIONS Table 6 - (cont) HATER VOLTS | Permissible Avometer HEATER VOLTS | Permissible Avometer (80) set at: linits | range (SC) set at: | linits renge — ~ fn 12.0 4007 12.6 | 5 = 13,0 100¥ a,c, 1.0 | 100¥ 15.0 | 15,0 = 15.5 1007 acc. 47,5 | 100¥ 18.0 | 18.0 - 19.0 1000 ace. 21,5 | 100¥ 23,0 | 23.0 - 2keO 100V arc, 27.0 | 4007 28.0 | 29,0 = 30.0 100V asc. 32.0 | 100¥ 35.0 | 36.0 - 37.0 100 acc, 45.0 | h?.0 - 8.0 | 100V arc. 55.0 | 58,0 ~ 59.0 100V a,c, go.c =| 8.0 - 89,0 1007 arc, _of anode voltage 39. (a) Connect the Avometer between Al and © sockets on the nine-way terminal ‘voard. (v) Rotate the ANODE VOLTAGE control switch through the full range of values, (c) Compare the readings obtained with those shown in Table 7. AIDE VOLTS SCREEN VOLTS Permissible switch SD switch SB linits | Keter range 20 20 a= BB 3 40 40 ue We es i oo é 2 Fo j 100V a.c. 75 | 75 7? - 8 ) 90 90 Sk = 10k } 100 : 100 105 = 115 - i 125 5430 = 145 ry 150 150 155 - 175° . ) MOOV ace 200 | 200 | 20 - 200 250 | 250 5 260 = 2900 | ; 300 300 | HO = 5500 |) 400 : - 429 = 460 ! 4000 ao, Table 7 - Anode and screen voltage T.V.A. CT 160 Page 12 Issue 1, 20 Feb 58 RESTRICTED ELECTRICAL AND iSCHANICAL ~ ‘TSLECOMMUNTCATIONS ENGINEERING REGULATTONS Y 6th. Neasurenent of screen voltage 40. (a) (e) (ce) (a) (2) - (2) Connect a shorting link between pin 2 and pin 5 of V4, Connect the Avometer between the S and C sockets on the ninc-way terminal board, Rotate the SCREEY VOLTAGE control switch through the full range of values. Compare the readings obtained with those shom in Table 7. 1 NEG GRID VOLTS control Open link LK3 on the component panel (Tels ¥ 812 Pt 2, Fig 2008). Set the panel controls as follows: (4) CIRCUIT SELECTOR to TEST (41) ELECTRODE SELECTOR to At (44) MEG GRID VOLTS to LO Connect the valve voltmeter across RV3. Adjust RV until a voltage reading of 20,8V is obtained, Transfer the valve voltmeter leads to G1 and © sockets on the nine-way terminal board, Check that at the 13 and 4 marks on the dial of the MG GRID VOLES control, readings of between 6.4 and 7.1V and between 2,0 and 2,2V are obtained. 42, If either or both readings are out of tolerance, the dial should be adjusted mechanically to split the error, Proceed as follows: (a) (o) (c) Slacken the three countersunk-headed screws on top of the dial, which will then be free to move within the latitude of the kddney-shaped slots. Adjust the dial, retighten screws and check that the readings at the 13 and 4 marks lie within the limits specified in para 41 (f). Setting the marker to lie within the area marked 0, 5, 15 and 10, readings of between 0; 2.55 - 2.753 7h - 6.25 19,0 - 21.8V shoula be obtained respectively. Checking the SST ni/V control 43. (a) () (co) Cpen link 1X3 (els ¥ 612 Ft 2, Fig 2008). Connect the valve voltmeter across RS. Check that ven the Gial is advanced to the 10, 5 and 2ni/V positicns, readings of 51 - 5imv; 102 ~ 10&V; 252 - 268nV are obtained. Issue 1, 20 Feb 58 Page 13 THLECOMMUNTCATIONS ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ¥ 8th ENGINEERING REGULATIONS 4, If for any reason the relationship between the dial and the potentioneter has deen upset, the following procedure must be adopted:— (a) Open link IK3 end ensure that the SET mi/V control is at reat. (b) Loosen the locking nuts on the U-shaped stirrup and turn RV2 to the naximim anti-cloclise position (viewing from the front panel) and then adjust the nuts friction tight. (c) Connect the valve voltmeter, set to a suitable range, across R5. (a) Advance the SET mi/V dial to a reading of 5. (e) Rotate the spindle of RV2 further by means of the stirrup, in a clock vise direction until a reading of between 102 - 108mV is obtained, (t) If this reading is obtained without further clockiise advancement of the stirrup, then check that the values of Rl, R2, R5 lie within their percentage tolerance. If they are within tolerance, then check 2V2. (s) Tighten the locking nuts on the stirrup, checking that the reading of the valve volimeter remains steady. (h) Check that the readings across R5 at the 2 and 10m4/V positions are as obtained in para 43 (c). (3) Gheck that the dial can now be rotated to the 1mi/V position and that the noticn is anrested by the stop sore on the dial and not by the stop at the end of the potentioneter track. Ia calitration check 45. (a) Open link Lit on the valve holder panel and insert the Avometer set to the 100mA d,c, range. (b) Using a CV 1075 (266) or a similar valve capable of passing 100mA, set up the tester controls so that the valve is passing 100mA, (In the case of the CV 1075 it is necessary to decrease the bias from the figure given in Table 6 of Tels Y 611 to achieve this). (c) \Ath the ANODE CURRENT control set to 100m4 and the panel meter indicating zero, the external meter should read between 47,5 and 52.5. If this is not the case check the value of the meter shunt R9. Set NEG GRID VOLTS control to 40, (b) Connect a resistor of 860iu: + 5/2 between G and C sockets on the nine- way terminal board, (c) Set CIRCUIT SELECTOR to GAS and EIBCTRODE SBIBCTOR to At. Issue 1, 20 Feb 58 Page th, RESTRICTED ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL TELECOMMUNIGATIONS ENGINEERING REGULATIONS ¥ Oth, ke: Ths Pave 15, Issue 2 supersedes Pages 15 and 16, Issue 1, dotes 20 Pot 58. Para 7 has been amended, (a) Chock that the panel meter reading is between 59 and 92uA. (e) If the meter reading is not within tolerance, the NBG GRID VOLTS having deen set up as in para 41, check the values of R7 and RS. - Checking and adjustment of safety cut-out 4]. Before making any adjustments check that lamp ILP2 is operative (when the instrument is used solely on a IW a.c. supply, it is prefersble to replace ILP2 by a 100V, 15 pygmy lamp). Using insulated tools, adjust the two No & BA screws in the paxolin panel. One adjusts the gap setting ani the other the spring tension, the action of the two being complementary. Adjust the rely as followe:- (a) Check,with the instrument disconnected from the mains, that the gap between the contact screw and relay armature contact is approximately 1/8" when armature is pulled down to pole piece. Adjust contact screw to produce correct distance, then connect to the mains ani switch on. (b) Set up for U.52 or equivalent rectifier valve but strap diodes in parallel, ie 030808020 roller switch setting. With maximum current range selected on "Diode and Rectifier’, use an insulated screwdriver to tighten speing setting screw (ie decrease spring tension) until the relay vhatterss - (c) Increase tension (ie loosen off sorem) until chattering cesses. (a) Remove rectifier, set electrode selector to A and anode volts to 100. . With a lead, short C - Ay, Relay should break and will also buzz. In= crease anode volts to 200 and repeat short check. Relay should break without excessive arcing. (e) Set screen volts to 60, allow instrument to warm up and short C - 8. Relay should break with e click, Do not leave short on, as wien relay is g the primary current in the transformers is linitea by 15M lamp in series with windings. This means that the heaters on the two dicde valves in the instrument are almost extinguished. The diode in serics ~ with the sereon volte supply will become soverely damaged if a short cir- cuit exists whilst the heaters are at a lox temperature, and will damage the cathode coating. (£) If the relay operates successfully except for check (e) a replacement CV110 should be fitted. Checking the SEP ~ ation - 48. The above check may only be carried out in base workshops and the methed is aa follows:~ . (a) Standardize the valve voltmeter at 47 volts d.c. (>) With LK3 closed, set the tester controls as follows:~ (4) CIRCUIT SELECTOR to SET ~ (44) ELECTRODE SELECTOR to Ay (c) With the valve voltmeter connected across RV3 a reading of \7V shou7d b= obtained and the panel meter needle should lie within the ~/ zone. 7 voltage reading is correct but the panel ueter needle lies outside the gone, check resistors R3 and Ry. 57/Maint/5924 (RAD) =D _ — Tssue 2, 12 Jan 67 Distribution ~ Clase 357. Code No 6 Pare 15

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