BDHSG A8 20.4.24

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Enriching Good Students Saturday, April 20, 2024

I. Complete each of the following sentences with the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
1.C Allan: “Do you mind if I use your dictionary?” Nick: “_______.”
A. I’m afraid not B. Without doubt C. No, feel free D. Straight ahead
2.B His new appointment takes ____________ from the beginning of the next month.
A. place B. effect: có hiệu lực C. post D. possession
3.A All the ____________ of the live show went to the charity.
A. proceeds: tiền thu được B. results C. rewards D. finances
4. DGenerally the advantages of exams ______________ the disadvantages.
A. overbalance B. outplay C. dismiss D. outweigh
5. DHe works for UNESCO in a purely: hoàn toàn ________________ role.
A. advice B. advising C. advisable D. advisory: tham mưu
6.A How boring the lecture was! I _______ just in the first half of it.
A. dropped off B. fell out C. called off D. came out
7.D I am not able to go anywhere this weekend because I am up to my ____________.
A. head B. nose C. eyes D. neck
8.B I wrote to my bank manager, asking to get a ________________.
A. reward B. mortgage C. borrowing D. loan
9.C He was said to be very famous and rich, but after the divorce, he turned to be ___________________.
A. out of order B. out of sorts C. on the rocks: likely to fai D. on the decline
10.A I haven’t been feeling very well ________.
A. of late: recently B. not long ago C. currently D. by now
11.B By an unfortunate _____________, the bride’s sister was not invited to the wedding.
A. insult: sự sỉ nhục B. oversight: giám sát C. neglect:sao nhãn D. disregard
12. A I wouldn’t employ him. He’s _______________-idle: nhàn rỗi.
A. bone B. flesh C. hair D. blood
13. DThe recent economic crisis has brought about a ______________ in world trade.
A. sag B. droop C. tilt D. slump: sự sụt giảm
14.C ____________ you get a place at university, how are you going to finance your studies?
A. Considering B. Hoping C. Assuming: giả định D. Speculating
15.B The Prime Minister admitted strictly _________________the record, that the talks had failed.
A. on B. off: không được ghi lại C. without D.
16. A Ann wasn’t hungry at all, and could only ____________ the food on her plate.
A. toy with: không ăn nhiều B. finger with C. snack at D. side at
17.C In the __________ of security, personnel must wear their identity badges at all times.
A. requirement B. interests C. demands D. assistance
18.B After the battle, the _____________ soldiers were helped by those who could walk.
A. injured B. wounded C. broken D. killed
19.D I don’t think this strange new fashion will _____________
A. turn up B. care for C. show off D. catch on
20.C Their house is ______________ near the Cathedral.
A. whereabouts B. anywhere C. somewhere D. any place
21D. A: “Your dress is really nice! Who made it for you?” - B: “Oh, It was ______________.”
A. to the peg B. on the peg C. of the peg D. off the peg: may sẵn
22.C “Of course I find pretty young women attractive, - I’m only ______________”.
A. heart and heart B. body and soul C. flesh and blood D. skin and bone
23.B Having been served dinner, ……………………...
A. the problem was discussed by the members of the committee.
B. the committee members discussed the problem.
C. it was discussed by the committee members the problem.
D. a discussion of the problem was made by the members of the committee.
24.C The marathon runner ………... for nearly one hour and a half when she ……………... to the pavement.
A. has been running / collapses B. were running / collapsed
C. had been running / collapsed D. ran / had been collapsing
II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.
Organizing a dinner party can be a stressful business. Firstly, you have to decide (1) __who___ you are
going to invite and make sure the guests are going to mix well. It’s (2) __NOT/no____ good inviting people
that are either going to sit around in small groups and only speak to each other (3) ___or_ people that are
going to hide behind the furniture and not talk at (4) _all_. Also you have to ensure they can get to and from
your home (5) __despite/WITHOUT___ any problems. Next is organizing the food. You want to prepare a
meal that is above average standard but doesn’t (6) ___cotain/COST__ the earth. It is also wise to ask the
guests about their likes and dislikes (7) ____when__you invite them, as you don’t want to serve up a meal
nobody (8) _can____ eat. Cooking the meal is important as well because you want it ready at the same time
you stated. Seating arrangements are important too. You don’t want all the guests at one end of the table and
the talkative (9) _ones___ at the other. Serving drinks before, during and after the meal is always a good way
to (10) _help___ people to relax and chat. And remember to shut the cat in another room, as you don’t want it
jumping onto the table searching for a snack!
1. who 2. No 3. Or 4. All 5. Without 6. Cost 7. When/ before 8. Can/ will 9. ones 10. Help/ get

As swimming became a popular recreation in England during the 1860s and 1870s, several (1)
____water__ sports developed, roughly patterned after land sports. (2) __Among__ them were water football
(or soccer), water rugby, water handball, and water polo, in which players rode on floating barrels, painted to
look (3) __like___ horses, and struck the ball with a stick.
Water rugby became most popular of these sports, but somehow the water polo name became attached
to it, and it's been attached (4) ___ever__ since.
As played in England, the object of the sport was for a player to touch the ball, with both (5)
_hands____, at the goal end of the pool. The goaltender stood on the pool deck, ready to dive on any opponent
who was about to score.
Water polo quickly became a very rough sport, filled (6) __with__ underwater fights away from the
ball, and it wasn't unusual for players to pass out for lack of air.
In 1877, the sport was tamed in Scotland by the addiction of goalposts. The Scots also replaced (7)
____the_ original small, hard rubber ball with a soccer ball and adopted (8) _rules___ that prohibited taking
the ball under the surface or, "tackling" a player unless he had the ball.
The Scottish game, which emphasized swimming speed, passing, and (9) _team__ work, spread to
England during the early 1880s, to Hungary in 1889, to Austria and Germany in 1894, to France in 1895, and
(10) ____to______ Belgium in 1900.
Water polo was the first team sport added to the Olympic program, in 1900.
1. water 2. Among 3. like 4. ever 5. hands
6. with 7. the 8. rules 9. team 10. to

One of the strongest influences on children today (1) ___is_ that of their peers. What their classmates think,
how they dress and how they act in class and out of it (2) __even/affect__ the behavior of nearly every child at
school. In their efforts not to be different, some children go so far as to hide their intelligence and ability in
case they are made (3) ____fun____ of. Generally, children do not want to stand (4) __far/out__ from the
crowd. They want to fit in, to be accepted. In psychological terms, the importance of (5) ____peer__ pressure
cannot be over emphasized. There is a lot of evidence that it has great bearing on all aspects of children's
lives, (6) __from___ the clothes they wear, the music they listen to and their attitude to study to their
ambitions in life, their relationships and their sense. (7) ___Therefore/However__, as children grow up into
adolescents, individuality becomes more acceptable, desirable even, and in their search for their (8) __own__
personal style, the teenager and young adult will begin to experiment and be more willing to run the (9)
_away/risk___ of rejection by the group. Concern about intellectual prowess and achieving good exam results
can dominate as the atmosphere of competition develops and worries (10) _in/about__ the future override any
fears of appearing too brainy.
1. is 2. affect 3. fun 4. out 5. peer

6. from 7. However 8. own 9. risk 10. about

4. In practically any country in the (0) world, you are sure to find a market somewhere. Markets have been
with us since (1) ___ancient____ times, when people became self-sufficient and needed to exchange the
goods they produced. For example, a farmer might have exchanged a cow (2) __to____ tools and so on. But
just as times have (3) ___gone/CHANGED____, so have market practices. So, whereas in early times the
main activity (4) ____went/ASSOCIATED____ with markets would have been ‘bartering’, meaning the
exchange of goods as described above, today most stall-holders wouldn’t be too keen on accepting potatoes as
payment, for instance, (5) ___instead____of cash.
In contrast, what might be a common sight in a modern market is a certain amount of ‘haggling’, where
customer and seller eventually agree (6) ___to____ a price, after what can sometimes be quite a heated
debate. This has become so popular in certain places that many people think that this is what makes the
(7) ____unique____ atmosphere of a market. But (8) __if/just_____ as no two people are the same, no two
markets are the same either, and so behaviour which is expected in one market in one country may not be
(9) _____like/ACCEPTABLE___ in another. Even within one country, there are those markets where you
could bargain quite easily and those where you would be (10) ____warned/ADVISED____ not to try!
III. Find out and correct the 10 mistakes in the following passage.
ALTHOUGH -> SINCE party invitations no longer frightened me, I found myself to make -> making
careful preparations for this particular party. I got THE-> A haircut, laid out -> on my best suit, selected a
special shirt, a colorful tie, or -> and cuff-links. I had recently gone on a diet, but because I didn't want I ->
myself LOOKED-> TO LOOK too thin, I discontinued it. What should I bring to my hosts? Flowers? wine?
What kind of THE WINE-> WINE? Port? Sherry? Or POSSIBLY -> POSSIBLE even champagne? Meeting
new people WERE -> WAS still a major undertaking. It was scheduled for THIS -> THAT Saturday and I
decided to take a cab to the suburb that -> where it was being held. It was early autumn and the weather had
been mild, but that morning it turned cold and rainy, and as I listened to the steam hissing in my radiator, it
already felt -> was felt AS->LIKE midwinter. From my newspaper, I learned that a hurricane which had
already BEEN->X struck another state was on its way to New York, because -> though it might veer out to
1. carefully -> careful
2. particularly -> particular
3. went -> gone
4. I looked -> to look
5. the wine -> wine (bỏ “the”)
6. schedule -> scheduled
7. hold -> held
8. (the) weather was -> (the) weather had been
9. fell -> felt
10. in -> on

IV. In the following text, some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there.
If a line is correct, put a tick (√).
We can tend to think of poverty as the main cause of violent 0____ can ____
crime. However, research from both sides of the Atlantic shows 00___√_______
that fathers may be the most important factor in preventing to 1. ___________
children from turning over to crime. In the United States, children 2. ___________
from better-off family were compared with ones who from 3. _____v___
families with lower incomes. Children from both groups that lived 4. ___________
with their fathers also committed the same number of crimes. In 5. ___________
the United Kingdom, a study was carried out of comparing a 6. _____v_____
group of boys who had never been accused of not any crimes such 7. ___________
as assault and stealing vehicles. All the boys had difficulties at the 8. ___v________
school and came from large families that didn't earn a lot of 9. ___________
money. The biggest difference between from the groups was that 10. __________
fifty-five percent of the "good boys" lived with their fathers, while 11. __________
only four per cent of the "bad boys" did it. Eighty per cent of the 12. ___v_______
well – behaved boys said how they felt close to their fathers even 13. __________
if they didn't live in the same house. It seems that by having a 14. __________
father who takes an interest in his children encourages youngsters 15. __________
not to break the law.
V. Read the passage and choose the best option for each space.
Exercise 1. Sleep
By the time we (1)________old age most of us have (2)________ twenty years sleeping. Yet nobody
knows why we do it. Most scientists believe that by resting our bodies, we allow time for (3)________
maintenance work to be done. Any (4)________ that there is can be put right more quickly if energy isn’t
being used up doing other things.
Sleep is controlled by certain chemicals. These build up during the day, eventually reaching peaks that
cause tiredness. We can control the effects of these chemicals to some extent. Caffeine helps to
(5)________us awake while alcohol and some medicines make us sleepy.
By using electrodes, scientists are able to (6)________what goes on in people’s heads while they
sleep. They have (7)________ that when we first drop off everything slows down. The heart (8)________
more slowly and our breathing becomes shallow. After about 90 minutes our eyes start to twitch and we go
into what is called REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, which is a (9)________that we’ve started to
dream .You have dreams every night, even if you don’t remember them. There are many theories about why
we dream, none of them conclusive. A lot of people say they have to have eight hours’ sleep every night while
others seem to (10)________on a lot less. One thing’s for sure – we all need some sleep. Going without it can
have some very strange effects.
1C. A. arrive B. become C. reach D. get
2D. A. passed B. used C. occupied D. spent
3A. A. essential B. elementary C. needed D. main
4C. A. harm B. suffering C. damage D. hurt
5D. A. stay B. maintain C. make D. keep
6B. A. exhibit B. study C. work D. think
7D. A. seen B. researched C. watched D. discovered
8A. A. beats B. hits C. moves D. trembles
9D. A. clue B. proof C. sign D. signal
10C. A. manage B. need C. get D. deal
Exercise 2.
Last year Gladys Kalema became the Ugandan Wildlife Service's chief and only vet after (1) _____
from the Royal Veterinary College in London. She was the first person to fill the post for 30 years and at the
age of 26, easily the youngest.
If Gladys did nothing else, caring for the world's (2) ______ population of 650 gorillas would alone
justify her wages. Since the 1970s, gorillas have (3) ______ severely from war and poaching. Now for $150
each, tourists can be led through the forest and come within five meters of gorilla – no closer, for (4) ______
of transmitting diseases such as measles and flu.
The gorillas here make a small but viable population. (5) _____ in the national parts the usual animals,
elephants, rhinos, giraffes, are either not there or present in insignificant numbers which are dangerously out
of (6) _____ with the creatures around them. If Uganda stays calm, wildlife may, in (7) _______, return by
itself. But Gladys believes the country cannot wait. Animals must be brought in to swell tourism and provide
(8) _____to expand her work.
Despite her difficulties, Gladys feels more useful and fulfilled than she would be anywhere else. "At
this moment, my friends from vet school are reading the best way to (9) ______ a cat or dog, and here am I
planning to translocate elephants. In my small (10) _______ I am part of the reconstruction and rehabilitation
of my country."
1B. A. leaving B. qualifying C. graduating D. passing
2B. A. living B. surviving C. continuing D. lasting
3D. A. endured B. harmed C. died D. suffered
4A. A. risk B. fear C. fright D. danger
5B. A. Somewhere B. Anywhere C. Elsewhere D. Nowhere
6A. A. balance B. relation C. comparison D. equality
7C. A. terms B. years C. ages D. time
8B. A. figures B. funds C. accounts D. savings
9A. A. treat B. prescribe C. heal D. operate
10B. A. means B. manner C. method D. way
VI. Read the passage below and put the words in capitals into the correct forms.
VII. Sentence transformation
1. It’s such a wonderful opportunity that we mustn’t miss it.
It’s too ……wonderful an opportunity for us to miss ………………………
2. The minister gave no precise figures about casualties.
The minister didn’t go ………into detail about casualties……………………………
3. She is just about to cut the birthday cake.
She is on …………the point of cutting the birthday cake……………………………………………….
4. They were seasoned travelers, which we had not expected them to be!
Contrary …………to what we had expected, they were seasoned travelers………………………
5. People rumor that he is rich but stingy: keo kiệt.
What ……………people rumor is that he is rich but stingy……………………………………
6. Harry was close to winning the big race. ACE
Harry was ……………within a ace of winning……………the big race.
7. Why do I always get the boring jobs? DONKEY
I’m ………fed up with the donkey………………………………work.
8. I had no problem at all during my trip to France. PLAN
Everything …………went according to my plan…………… during my trip to France.
9. They listened eagerly and attentively to the president’s speech. EARS
They were ……………all ears to the president’s………………….speech.
10. Don’t panic about something so trivial. MOUNTAIN
Don’t ……………make a moutain out of a………………..molehill.

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