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The Impact of Climate Change on Polar

Polar bears are increasingly vulnerable due to the melting of Arctic ice caused by climate
change. The reduction in sea ice impacts their hunting grounds, forcing them to travel
further for food.

Key Points
 Habitat Loss: Melting ice reduces polar bears' habitat, leading to decreased access to
seals, their primary food source.
 Nutritional Stress: Longer fasting periods and increased energy expenditure result in
poorer health and lower reproduction rates.
 Human-Polar Bear Conflict: As bears move closer to human settlements in search of
food, conflicts increase.

 National Geographic: 'The Melting Arctic and Its Impact on Polar Bears'
 WWF: 'Polar Bears and Climate Change'
 Nature Journal: 'Climate Change and Arctic Wildlife'

Climate change is significantly threatening polar bears by diminishing their habitat, which
affects their ability to hunt and survive. This leads to nutritional stress and more frequent
encounters with humans, exacerbating the problem.

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