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Environmental Technology & Science Journal

Vol. 12 Number 2 December 2021

Assessment of the Impact of Participation in

Recreational Activities on Mental Health of
Participants in Abuja
Mustapha I. O, *Muhammad A. Y & Muhammed B. B
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Federal University of Technology,
Correspondence: aliyu.muhammad@futminna.edu.ng

Received: 20/11/2021 Revised: 30/12/2021 Accepted: 16/01/2022

This study is aimed at assessing the impact of participation in recreational activities on mental
health of participants. The survey was carried out in the city of Abuja using City Park and
National stadium as study areas. To achieve the objectives, the methodology used for the
survey employed primary data collection through the administration of 250 copies of
questionnaire using stratified and random sampling technique. With the aid of the SPSS and
EXCEL packages, data was coded and analyzed using frequency tables, percentage, mean
score analysis, the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and Regression analysis.
Study evidence revealed that males, particularly youths participate more in recreational
activities with a higher involvement in swimming activities. However, the effects vary
amongst different respondent, the level of impact ranges from 60% - 90% amongst 50% of
the respondents. Statistical analysis showed 39% and 14% correlation between duration and
frequency of recreational participation and impact of recreation on respondents’ mental health.
While highest educational attainment and religion is significant to variation of impact, Age,
gender, marital status, occupation and income showed no significance to variation of impact.
The study recommends that there should be continued advocacy campaigns through
collaborative efforts of the government, non-governmental organizations, faith and
community-based organizations using symposia, workshops, and the radio to enlighten the
public on the importance and disadvantages of recreation. The study concludes that recreation
could have a positive or negative effect on mental health depending on the duration and
frequency of participation as well as the religion and highest educational attainment of

Keywords: Recreational activities, Leisure activities, Mental health, Recreational

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/etsj.v12i2.9

INTRODUCTION just because they are interesting.

The importance of leisure in improving Recreational activities may also be
one's quality of life has been emphasized, considered leisure activities. This is since
with recreational activities known to calm or the actions performed under both concepts
reform the mind, relieve stress and anxiety, are identical. As a result, recreation is
decrease sadness and loneliness, and boost defined as the pursuit of leisure activities in
self-esteem or confidence (California State one's free time (Tribe, 2011). In summation,
Parks, 2005). While some people engage in recreation is defined by one's perspective
these activities to get psychological and what one chooses to do with his or her
advantages, others may be drawn to them free time. Recreational activities may be

Environmental Technology & Science Journal
Vol. 12 Number 2 December 2021

classified into active or passive, organized mental illness and provide psychological
or unstructured, inside, or outdoors, alone or and emotional balance in contemporary
in groups among others. Man's advantages society. According to Zekiye (2016),
from leisure activities cannot be overstated. recreation have a rising positive impact on
This includes reduced social anxiety, lower inmates' self-esteem and a decreasing
social isolation, higher social self-concept, negative effect on their loneliness while
increased self-esteem, assists in the Lackey et al (2019) claim that nature has a
development of skills such as leadership, beneficial effect on mental health. The
interaction, and communication and offers results show that nature-based leisure has a
chances for socializing (Eime et al, 2013; significant potential to improve mental
Mokaya and Gitari, 2012; Oyerinde et al, outcomes such as well-being, cognition,
2014). resilience, and restoration, as well as lower
Reasons for participation or non- levels of anxiety, depression, and stress.
participation may include time, energy, Other studies that support that re recreation
ability to reach recreational places, fear of is beneficial include (Lam et al 2017 and
criminality, insufficient recreational areas, Bayazit, 2017). However, current research
and poor recreational design elements in into the topic has shown that there is a dearth
recreational facilities (Sava, 2015; Godbey, of this kind of research in the studied field.
2009). In general, social, psychological, Most research conducted in the study area
economic, and environmental variables may focused on other aspect of recreation asides
influence whether people participate (Aslan, its impact on mental health. This is seen in
2002; Abubakar, 2011). According to a the work of (Bogoro, 2018; Ihuma, et al
prediction made by the World Health 2016; Enemuo & Obijuru, 2017) among
Organization in a discussion paper titled others.
"Mental health, poverty, and development" The study set out to answer the following
published in 2009, depression will be the questions considering the issue statement
third leading cause of disease burden in low- above: What are the nature and motives of
income countries by 4.7 percent by 2030 recreational participation of participants in
and the second highest cause of disease in Abuja?
middle-income countries by 6.7 percent. To what extent does duration and frequency
Due to this, depression and other mental of participation affect mental health of
problems are not uncommon. Amongst the participants? Does effect of recreational
studies that emphasized the need for participation vary among participants based
recreation in improving mental health is Lee on socio-demographics?
et al (2018) who discussed that leisure The study aimed at assessing the effect of
activities may reduce the risk of depression recreational activities on mental health of
in the elderly. Similarly, longitudinal, and participants in Abuja. Given the aim, the
cross-sectional studies showed a link objectives are to;
between specific social activities, such as (1) Examine the nature and motive of
attending to the theater and reading recreational participation of
magazines, and mental health condition in participants in Abuja
middle-aged and older people. (2) Analyze the effect of duration and
Misconceptions about the causes of mental frequency of recreational
illness, on the other hand, have generated participation on mental health.
stigma and misconceptions about treatment (3) Determine the variation in effect of
options, leading many communities and participation in recreational
people to believe that treatment outside of a activities on the basis on socio-
hospital is impossible. demographics of participants.
Recreation, according to many studies’ is
one of the potential methods to reduce

Environmental Technology & Science Journal
Vol. 12 Number 2 December 2021

CONCEPT OF MENTAL HEALTH questionnaire was administered in City

According to McKay (2012), mental health Park, Wuse II Abuja and National stadium
is "a positive concept that encompasses the (package B), and were selected based on
inner individual experience as well as frequent visitation. There was consideration
interpersonal group experience. To the about the population to be interviewed and
individual, good mental health means stratified sampling technique was adopted
happiness, competence, a sense of control to cover only respondents from 18years and
over one's life, positive feelings of self- above, which constitute major group of
esteem, and capacities to love, work, and people that visit the parks regularly. The
play." Furthermore, mental health is defined questionnaire administered had three
as "subjective well-being, perceived self- different sections which are thus: Socio-
efficacy, autonomy, competence, demographic and socio-economic
intergenerational reliance and awareness of characteristics of respondent, section two
one's capacity to fulfill one's intellectual and collected information on the nature and
emotional potential." (World Health motivations for recreational activities and
Organization, 2003). Three (3) perceptions section three collected information on
may be formed from the preceding respondents' recreational participation
viewpoints: (a) Mental health is more than duration and frequency trend. The other
the absence of mental disorders; (b) it entails aspect of this section used the General
pleasant emotions and (c) social, emotional, health questionnaire (GHQ-12) to gather
and psychological functioning. There are information on respondents’ perception on
two types of mental health: positive and the impact of the recreational activities on
negative. Positive mental health is their mental health. Data was collected at
characterized by positive affect and positive weekend from the hours of 9am to 6pm
personality characteristics, both of which because, these are one of the periods when
are regarded resources. They have high self- visitation to recreational facilities is high
esteem, a strong feeling of mastery, a strong due to work free days, people tends to
sense of coherence (life is purposeful and relaxed more during the weekends. The
controllable), and a strong sense of self- statistical program for social scientists
efficacy. (Kenneth, 2014). In terms of (SPSS) was used to compile and evaluate
negative mental health or mental illness, the the data obtained via. A descriptive method
World Health Organization's fact sheets on was used with basic tables displaying
the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) frequencies and percentages. Pearson
explain mental disorders "As disturbances correlation coefficient and regression
in a person's mental health, which are often analysis are two statistically inferential
characterized by a mix of troubled thoughts, techniques utilized. The study was helpful
emotions, behavior, and interpersonal in determining the degree to which
relationships. recreational involvement affects mental
health in terms of frequency and length.
METHODOLOGY Also, to see whether there is any difference
This survey was conducted in Abuja to in the effect that respondents have
obtain the perception of recreational depending on their socio-demographics.
participants on impact of recreational
activities on mental health. A total of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
250questionnaires were administered using Analysis of the result obtained from the
the purposive sampling. Since the study shows the perception of people on the
population of a recreational site cannot be impact of participation in recreational
determined. Simple random sampling activities on mental health of participants in
technique was employed for the Abuja. 237 questionnaires were retrieved.
administration of questionnaires. The There was high level of male respondents in

Environmental Technology & Science Journal
Vol. 12 Number 2 December 2021

the study area. Male accounted for 53% youths between the ages of 25-35years
while female accounted for 47% of the (39.2%). This was followed by respondents
population sampled. This shows that men with ages between 18-25years (31.2%), the
presented a higher participation level than people within the ages of 35-45 years
women. However, the amount of variation accounted for 18.1% while 6.3% and the
is not so much. According to Basoglu remaining 5.1% of the respondents
(2013), men are more active than women accounted for those that falls within the age
recreational activities although this disparity bracket of 45-55 years and 55 years above
depends on the type of recreational activities respectively. This study is consistent with
and the intensity of participation. The result the study of Mcguirk (2012) who asserts
from this study therefore supports the participation in recreational activities
theory. The selection of respondents was particularly physical activities may decrease
limited to adults who are between the ages according to increase in age. The responses
18 and above. Most of the respondents were are shown in Figure 1
40 31.2
30 18.1
20 6.3 5.1
between 18- between 25- between 35- between 45- 55years
25years 35years 45years 55years above

Figure 1: Age of the Respondents

The Occupational status of respondents also The level of income indicated that most of
revealed that 45% of the respondents were the respondent earn above the ₦30,000
self-employed while 24% of the minimum wage approved by the federal
respondents were students. Furthermore, government. In other words, income is not a
19% of the respondents were civil servants constraint towards participation as most
and the remaining 12% of the respondent’s respondent can afford expenses that may
others such as artisans, coaches and those arise from recreational participation. This
employed in private organizations. This study therefore supports Arhadan and Mert
implies that the self-employed and student (2014) who indicated that income amongst
population have more free time to other socio-economic factor could have a
participate in recreational activities because positive effect on participation in outdoor
they have more control of their time than recreational activities. In other words, when
employees or artisans who have limited a person is financially stable, he can engage
control of their time because of other in recreational activities. This is shown in
obligation asides their personal obligations. Figure 2 below

Environmental Technology & Science Journal
Vol. 12 Number 2 December 2021

24.1 27.8
30 16
20 9.7

Figure 2: Monthly Income of the Respondents

The marital status of respondent revealed the study area. Based on religion,
that 48% of the respondents were married respondents who are Christians showed a
while 45% of the respondents were single, higher percentage by 80% and Muslims
and the remaining 7% of the respondents accounted for 16% of the respondents. The
were widowed. This implies both single and remaining 4% accounted for others that
married participate in sporting activities in belongs other religion.

Nature and Motive for Participation of stated otherwise. Those that visited Cinema
Residents and other recreational activities identified in
Nature of Recreational Activities the questionnaire accounted for 34.2%,
Table 1 shows the recreational activities the 31.2%, 21.1%, 27%, 16.9%, 20.3%, 28.7%
respondents engaged in. The findings show and 41.4% respectively while those that
that majority of the respondents engage in stated otherwise accounted for 41.4% in
swimming activities 56.1% while (41.4%) total.

Table 1: Nature of Recreational Activities

Activities Yes No
Swimming 133(56.1%) 104(43.9%)
Visiting a cinema 81(34.2%) 156(65.8%)
Picnicking 74(31.2%) 163(68.8%)
Lawn tennis 50(21.1%) 187(78.9%)
Basketball 64(27%) 173(73%)
Astroturf 40(16.9%) 197(83.1%)
Paint-bailing 48(20.3%) 189(79.7%)
Aerobics 68(28.7%) 169(71.3%)
Others, please specify 98(41.4%) 139(58.65)

Reasons for Participation the respondents sampled while the

It is expressed in Table 2 that, the reasons remaining 3.4 % accounted for others. This
for participating in the activities which implies that most of the respondent reason
majority identified relaxation as reason for for participation in recreational activities is
participation (54.2%) followed by to get health related reasons. As such, health factor
away stressful situations (23.2%) and being particularly psychological health factor can
bored and lonely (15.2%). Because it was be a determinant for participation in
recommended by a medical practitioner due recreational activities (Abubakar, 2011).
to medical reasons accounted for 4.2% of

Environmental Technology & Science Journal
Vol. 12 Number 2 December 2021

Table 2 Reasons for participation

Reasons for participation Frequency Percent
To get away from stressful situations 55 23.2
because am bored and lonely 36 15.2
It helps me to relax 128 54.0
It was recommended by a medical practitioner due to
10 4.2
medical reasons
Others 8 3.4
Total 237 100.0

Participation Duration and Frequency respondent spend at least 30minutes and at

Duration for Participation most 1-2 hours in recreational activities
It is evident in Table 3 time spent on participation. This may be due to
recreational activities. The findings availability of other engagements asides
revealed that 46.0% of respondents spend recreational activities. Nevertheless, the
between 30minutes-1hour, followed by duration for participation can be considered
30.8% of the respondents who spend as a reasonable amount of time to participate
between 1hour-2hours. Those that spent in recreational activities. These findings
between 2hours -3hours accounted 14.8% therefore support the recommendation made
while those that spend less than 30minutes by the Canadian Psychological Association
and 3hours and above accounted for 5.1% (2016) as regards the duration for
and 3.4% of the respondents respectively. recreational participation.
This indicates that majority of the

Table 3 Duration of Participation

Duration Frequency Percent
Less than 30minutes 12 5.1
between 30minutes-1hour 109 46.0
between 1hour-2hours 73 30.8
between 2hours-3hours 35 14.8
3hours and above 8 3.4
Total 237 100.0

Frequency of Participation minutes per day for three or more days per
As identified in table 4 respondents often week. Adults aged 18 or older should do at
participate in the identified recreational least 150minutes/week of moderate to
activities. Those that participated at least vigorous intensity exercise with each
once a week especially on weekends session lasting at least 10minutes (all adults
accounted 40.9%, those that participated should also do muscle and bone
quarterly accounted for 26.7%, those that strengthening exercises at least twice/week)
participated daily accounted for 18.1% while older adults (65+) with poor mobility
while others (occasionally) accounted for should regularly do activities that help to
6.3%. This implies that respondent do not improve balance and prevent falls. For
participate in recreational activities daily. example, yoga. In accordance with this
As stated by the Canadian Psychological recommendation, this study therefore
Association (2016), physical activity should suggests a daily participation in recreational
be moderate; 30 minutes per day for five or activities for at least three days or more.
more days per week and vigorous; 20

Environmental Technology & Science Journal
Vol. 12 Number 2 December 2021

Table 4 Frequency of Participation

of Participation Frequency Percent
Daily 43 18.1
At least once
97 40.9
a week
Quarterly 68 28.7
Yearly 14 5.9
Others 15 6.3
Total 237 100.0

Impact of Participation in Recreational depressed was ranked in 4th and 5th with
Activities on Mental Health Based on the mean score 2.02 and 2.00. Capable of
General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) making decision, enjoy normal activities,
Respondents’ information on effect of lost much sleep and Under stress were
recreational activities on mental health was considered as the variables with showing the
gauged using Mean Score analysis. The least effect of participation in recreational
results of analysis as shown in Table 5 activities on mental health in the study area
revealed that Feeling reasonably happy was (MS = 1.91,1.86,1.83, and 1.72ranked 10 th
identified as the most significant impact to 14 respectively. These results confirmed
with a mean score 2.52 ranked 1st. followed that the overall level impact of participation
by losing confidence with a with a mean in recreational activities on mental health
score 2.17 ranked 2nd. Face up problems was was not more than usual as indicated by the
ranked 3rd with a mean score 2.03. While computed MS value of 1.69 that was
able to concentrate and feeling unhappy and obtained in Table 5
Table 5 Impact of Participation in Recreational Activities on Mental Health Based on
the General Health Questionnaire

Impact Mean Rank

Feeling reasonably happy 2.5274 1
Losing confidence 2.1772 2
Face up problems 2.0253 3
Able to concentrate 2.0211 4
Feeling unhappy and depressed 2.0084 5
Thinking of self as worthless 2.0000 6
playing useful part 1.9789 8
Could not overcome difficulties 1.9620 9
Capable of making decision 1.9156 10
Enjoy normal activities 1.8650 11
Lost much of sleep 1.8354 12
Under stress 1.7215 13
Overall 1.69

Environmental Technology & Science Journal
Vol. 12 Number 2 December 2021

Percentage of Recreational Activities mental health to be between 60% -90%,

impact on Mental Health while 27.0% rated the impact to be between
The research revealed in Table 6 the impact 30%-60%. Also, 20.7% rated the impact to
of recreational activities on mental health of be between 90%-100 while 11% of the
the respondents. The impact was rated from respondents rated the impact to be between
0 to 100%. The findings revealed that 34.6% 10%-30% and the remaining 10% of the
of the respondents rated the impact on their respondents rated the impact below 10%.

Table 6: Percentage of Recreational Activities impact on Mental Health

Impact Frequency Percent
below 10% 16 6.8
between 10%-30% 26 11.0
30%-60% 64 27.0
82 34.6
90%-100% 49 20.7
Total 237 100.0

Correlation Analysis for Duration of duration of participation in recreational

participation and level of impact on activities and level of impact on mental
mental health health of the respondents. It was also
From the correlation analysis, Table7 empirically established that this relationship
shows the Pearson product correlation value was statistically significant with P-value
was positive and low (0.140). The resulting 0.031 which is less than 0.05 levels (2-
R 2 value was also low at 14%. Correlation tailed). The coefficient of determination
was found to be significant at the 0.031 (R2) indicated about 14% relationship
level. As such, the “R” value of 0.140 between the views of the respondents.
indicates a weak relationship between the

Table 7: Correlation Analysis for Duration of Participation and level of Impact on

Mental Health
Rate the level of
Correlations impact Duration
Rate the level of impact Pearson Correlation 1 .140*
Sig. (2-tailed) .031
N 237 237
Duration Pearson Correlation .140* 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .031
N 237 237
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Correlation Analysis for frequency of also low at 39%. Correlation was found to
participation and level of impact on be significant at the 0.00 level. The “R”
mental health value of -0.391indicates a low relationship
Also, it is evident in Table 8 that the Pearson between the frequency of participation in
product correlation value was negative and recreational activities and level of impact on
low (-0.391). The resulting R2 value was mental health of the respondents. It was also

Environmental Technology & Science Journal
Vol. 12 Number 2 December 2021

empirically established that this relationship The coefficient of determination (R2)

was statistically significant with P-value indicated about 39% relationship between
0.00 which is less than 0.01 levels (2-tailed). the views of the respondents.

Table 8 Correlation Analysis for frequency of participation and level of impact on

mental health
How often do Rate the level of
Correlations you participate impact
How often do you participate Pearson Correlation 1 -.391**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 237 237
Rate the level of impact Pearson Correlation -.391** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 237 237
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Analysis of Socio-demographic Monthly income, and age as predictors

characteristics as determinant for (independent variables). The result shows
Variation in the level of impact on mental that much of the variance in the dependent
health variable is explained by the regression
This section shows the variation in effect of model with Multiple R = 0.373, Adjusted R
participation in recreational activities on the Square = 0.113 and the R Square of 0.139 as
basis on socio- demographics of shown Table 9. This implies that the
respondents using the highest ranked impact regression model used explains about 13.9%
(feeling reasonably happy) in the general of the variance in socio-economic
health questionnaire (GHQ-12) Likert characteristics. The result (F=5.284,
scaling method as the dependent variable P=0.00) also implies that the result is
and Marital status, Occupation, Gender, statistically significant at P<0.05 (Table 9).
Highest Educational attainment, Religion,

Table 9: Model Summary

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 a
.373 .139 .113 .95201
a. Predictors: (Constant), Marital status, Occupation, Gender, Highest
Educational attainment, Religion, Monthly income, and age

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and recreational activities on mental health of

Regression Coefficients of Socio- the respondents. The variables in order of
demographic variable on Mental Health importance are religion (Beta = 0.298,
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) and T=4.410; P value=0.000); this suggests that
regression coefficients in Table 10 shows religion is the strongest predictor of
the level of contributions of each predictor participation in recreational activities and
in explaining the dependent variable. It can thus a key contributor to mental health in
be seen from this result that of the 7 this survey. Next to it is highest educational
independent variables included in this attainment (Beta=0.147, T=2.080,
regression model, 2 were significant P=0.039). While others such as monthly
predictors of the effect of participation in income (Beta=-0.093, T=1.225, P=0.211),

Environmental Technology & Science Journal
Vol. 12 Number 2 December 2021

marital status (Beta=0.73, T=0.061P attainment are significant in the variation of

=0.337), gender (Beta=-.006, T=-0.088, impact on mental health of respondents'
P=0.930), occupation (Beta=-0.007, T=- while age, gender, monthly income, marital
0.104, P=0.917) and age (Beta =-0.040, T=- status and occupation of respondents are
0.474, P=0.636) are insignificant. In other insignificant when it comes to variation of
words, religion and highest educational impact on their mental health Table 11.

Table 10: ANOVA

Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 33.525 7 4.789 5.284 .000b
Residual 207.547 229 .906
Total 241.072 236
a. Dependent Variable: Feeling reasonably happy
b. Predictors: (Constant), Marital status, Occupation, Gender, Highest

Educational attainment, Religion, Monthly income, socio economic and socio demographic
characteristics of respondent

Table 11 Regression Coefficients of Socio-demographic variables

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
(Constant) .168 .450 .373 .709
Age -.037 .079 -.040 -.474 .636
Gender -.012 .132 -.006 -.088 .930
Religion .680 .154 .293 4.410 .000
Monthly income .068 .054 .093 1.255 .211
Occupation -.005 .046 -.007 -.104 .917
Highest Educational
.313 .151 .147 2.080 .039
Marital status .092 .095 .073 .961 .337
a. Dependent Variable: Feeling reasonably happy

CONCLUSION AND recreational activities using the general

RECOMMENDATIONS health questionnaire (GHQ-12). Result from
Recreational activities have been helpful in analysis showed that recreation has both a
sustaining mental health stability although it positive and negative impact on mental
is not without disadvantage. As such, a health although the impact was not more
continuous assessment of its impact on than usual. Most of the participants were
mental health is inevitable. Therefore, the male in their youthful age and the level of
research assessed the impact of participation impact was rated between 60% - 90% by
in the recreational activities on mental 50% of the respondents'. Further analysis
health of residents in Abuja. The findings’ revealed that frequency and duration of
revealed respondents' have been involved in participation in recreational activities is
all the recreational activities at some point statistically significant to its impact on
in their lives, but the degree of participation mental health. The level of significance is
is lower than 40%. The most significant however weak/low by 39% and 14%
reason for participation is for relaxation. respectively. Similarly, religion and highest
These findings verified the overall impact of educational attainment show a significant

Environmental Technology & Science Journal
Vol. 12 Number 2 December 2021

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