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Non Taught Course Application Form

Reg. No: Name: Program:

Credit Hours: Semester & Year: Contact No:

E-Mail ID:

Registered at ZABDESK for:  Research Project (3 credits)  Research Project (6 credits)

 Business Project (3 credits)  Thesis I (3 credits)  Thesis II (3 credits)  Thesis (6 credits)
 Project (3 credits)  Research Report I (3 credits)  Research Report II (3 credits)  Final Year
Project I (3 credits)  Final Year Project II (3 credits) 
■ Community Service Project (3 credits)

Area of Research: :
Research Topic:

Research Objective/s:

Approved by: ____________________________

Office of the Academic Research

 This form should be submitted to the Research/Records & Registration Office by the end of the 2nd week; No
Form will be accepted later than that.
 Research proposal defense will be conducted in 5th week.
 A hard copy of the final draft should be submitted in 14th week to the respective advisor for review.
 Final defense will be scheduled in 14th week of the semester.
 2 hard bound copies and 1 soft copy (CD) should be submitted in 17th Week.
 The fee for Non taught course is per semester and in case of incomplete course work due to any reason the fee
will not be carried forward to the next semester.

Student (Signature & Date)
-------------------------------------------------Do not write beyond this section-----------------------------------------------------

Program Manager Advisor Finance Officer Controller Records

Remarks: Remarks: Remarks: Remarks:

_________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

_________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date

Form Submission in Week 1 -2

Revised on 22nd October 2022

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