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By Thandiswa Gcememe
list of contents
Development of the self Factors that impact
in society positively on lifestyle
Characteristics of a healthy
Role of nutrition in
and balanced lifestyle
health and physical
Factors that impact negatively activities
on lifestyle choices
Chapter 6 : Development of the self in

personality, character,self-image,opinion of yourself, self-


the way you see yourself (perceived self) is

 High Self-Esteem
close to the way that you would like to be (ideal self)

the way you see yourself (perceived self) is very

different from the way that you would like to be (ideal self). There
Low Self-Esteem
a big gap between your perceived self and ideal self.
Chapter 6 : Development of the self in

the ever-changing way that we think about

Self-Concept: ourselves. It is the way that we describe ourselves, what we know
about our skills, abilities, talents and accomplishments.

the ever-changing way that we think about ourselves.

Self-Esteem: It is the way that we describe ourselves, what we know about our
skills, abilities, talents and accomplishments.
1.1. Characteristics of a healthy and
balanced lifestyle
A balanced lifestyle means that there is balance and harmony between the
following aspects of your life:
 Physical:
Being physically fit and healthy.
This aspect encompasses many health behaviours such as proper exercise,
proper nutrition(i.e. eating healthy), abstaining from harmful human behaviours
such as smoking, alcohol, and substance abuse, learning about and identifying
disease symptoms, and going for regular doctor checkups.
 Psychological:
Avoid risky behaviours and apply life skills.
Maintaining good mental health involves several key attributes. Here are some
of the qualities often associated with psychologically healthy individuals:
1.1. Characteristics of a healthy and
balanced lifestyle
A. Gratitude:
Mentally healthy people wake up daily and find something to be grateful
for, even during challenging times. This can improve mental well-being
b. Anticipation:
Having something to look forward to whether it’s an event, vacation, or a
quiet evening at home indicates seeking positive experiences, which can
a reduce anxiety and depression.
c. Letting Go Anger:
Releasing anger and avoiding grudges against those who have hurt you
contributes to peace and better mental health.
d. Enjoying Simple Pleasures
Appreciating everyday experiences, like walking in nature, laughing, with
loved ones, and listening to music, promotes mental – well-being.
1.1. Characteristics of a healthy and
balanced lifestyle
e. Persistence:
Mentally healthy individuals persevere through tough circumstances,
demonstrating resilience and persistence.
 Social:
Have good relationships with family and friends.
It also refers to our ability to interact successfully in our overall community and
to live up to the expectations and demands of our personal roles.
 Emotional:
Are able to explore, express and control emotions.
It also refers to possessing the ability to feel and express human emotions such
as happiness, sadness, and anger. The ability to identify the triggers of your
emotions (why are you angry or sad). Focus on your thoughts and feelings. To
be optimistic (try and view things on a positive note.) Learn stress management
techniques to avoid emotional outbreaks..
1.1. Characteristics of a healthy and
balanced lifestyle
 Spiritual:
Following the rules of your religion/belief system.
Spiritual attributes can vary based on an individual and experiences, but there
are some common characteristics associated with spiritual people.
a. Belief and Meaning:
Spiritual individuals find purpose and significance in life beyond material
existence. They seek deeper understanding and connection with something
b. Vocation and Obligations:
They align their actions with their spiritual values, recognizing their
responsibilities and duties toward themselves, others, and the world.
c. Experience and Emotion
Spiritual health involves connecting with inner experiences, emotions, and
intuition. It’s about being attuned to the subtle aspects of life.
1.1. Characteristics of a healthy and
balanced lifestyle
d. Courage and Growth
Spiritual growth often requires courage to face challenges, learn from them,
and evolve. It’s a journey of continuous self-improvement.
e. Ritual and Practice
Spiritual practices, such as meditation, prayer, or mindfulness, help
maintain a sense of connection and balance.
f. Community
Spiritual people often seek community and connection with like-minded
individuals. They recognize the importance of shared experience.
g. Authority and Guidance
They look for guidance from spiritual teachings, mentors, or their inner
wisdom to navigate life’s complexities.
2. Factors that impact negatively on
lifestyle choices
 Accidents
- Physical: You may become disabled, lose a limb, break your neck /suffer brain

- Psychological : If you caused the accident, you may feel guilty.

- Social : You may lose the support of family and friends, be shunned by the

- Emotional : You may become angry, depressed, sad and scared.

- Spiritual : You may lose your faith.
2. Factors that impact negatively on
lifestyle choices
 Risky behaviour and situations
- Risky behaviour and situations are not like accidents, because you have
control over them.
- Risky behaviour such as substance abuse, affects your personal safety and
has a negative impact on your lifestyle choices.
 Socio-economic environment
- For example : lack of literacy, low income, very high income, poor
neighbourhood, no access to medical care, peer-pressure, substance
abuse, crime abuse and violence.
3. Factors that impact positively on
lifestyle choices
 Positive role models
- A person who can inspire and motivate you to make healthy and useful
lifestyle choices.
- This person is a good example to others.
- People admire such a role model and want to imitate his/her.
3. Factors that impact positively on
lifestyle choices
 Parents
They can have a positive influence on their children’s lifestyle choices, if they :
- Support, encourage and support
- Educate
- Warn about alcohol and substance abuse
- Model healthy behaviour
- Never drive under the influence or while talking on the cell phone
- Show acceptance and love
- Set clear rules
- Supervise study times and ensure all school work is done
- Encourage participation in physical activities
3. Factors that impact positively on
lifestyle choices
 Peers
- Friends from the same age can positively influence your life style choices.

 Personal values, belief system and religion

- Your values (the criteria for acceptable behaviour) and religion / belief
systems can positively influence your life style choices.
- Healthy relationships, peace, positive attitudes and improved physical
health may stem from the above.
3. Factors that impact positively on
lifestyle choices
 Media, social and cultural influences
- Health information is freely available in the printed and electronic media
- Culture is a set believes and attitudes shared by a group of people and can
impact on your life style choices. Many cultural traditions are based on
healthy living and good interpersonal relationships.
4. Role of nutrition in health and
physical activities
 Nutrition is an important aspect of fitness and health
To be healthy, you need to follow a nutritious, balanced diet and get regular
physical exercise.
Manage your weight by exercising, eat nutritious food, don’t starve yourself
and don’t overeat and always drink enough water.
4. Role of nutrition in health and
physical activities
A measure of how much energy food provides for your
Kilojoules body. The food label will indicate the amount of energy
per serving.

Important energy source found in fruits, vegetables,

wholegrain products, pap and potatoes /sweet
Carbohydrates potatoes. You will gain weight if you eat too much
carbohydrates, without burning it through exercise.

Helps to keep your digestive system healthy. All whole

Fibre Grain products are high in fibre.
4. Role of nutrition in health and
physical activities
Foods rich in protein are : fish, meat, dairy, beans,
Protein lentils, nuts and eggs. Protein assists muscle and
tissue generation.

Essential vitamins and minerals are : Vitamins A,B,C,D

Vitamins and calcium and iron. Fruit contains vitamin C and
antioxidants which help to reduce cell damage.
Yoghurt is a good source of calcium and vitamin B.

Fats are found in oil, butter and meat, fish and nuts.
Unsaturated fats found in nuts, fish and olive oil, are
Fats good fats because they do not raise your cholesterol
4. Role of nutrition in health and
physical activities
Avoid having more than one teaspoon sugar a day. Eat
low GI-foods that have a slower effect on your blood
Sugar sugar levels. They break down slowly and give you a
longer sense of being full.

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