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Study Unit 6: Data Analysis and Practical

Leereenheid 6: Data-Analise en Praktiese
Lecturer/Dosent: Dr Ingrid Opperman
Office/Kantoor: Potchefstroom Campus, E8, G16
Consulting Hours/Spreekure: By Appointment/Per afspraak
Learning Outcomes
• Formulate a good research • Formuleer ‘n goeie
question navorsingsvraag
• Apply the different methods of • Pas die verskillende metodes van
qualitative data collection kwalitatiewe data-insameling toe
• Understand the importance of • Verstaan die belangrikheid van
aligning data collection, research die belyning van data-insameling,
design, and data analysis navorsingsontwerp en data-
• Understand the different analise
methods of qualitative data • Verstaan die verskillende
analysis metodes van kwalitatiewe data-
• Be able to write and compile a analise
research proposal in accordance • Wees in staat om ‘n
with APA rules navorsingsontwerp te skryf en
saam te stel in ooreenstemming
met die APA-reëls
Study Materials
• Chapter 1 of First Steps in • Hoofstuk 1 van First Steps in
Research, the sections on Research, die gedeeltes oor
Research Questions Navorsingsvrae
• Review the content of Chapter • Hersien die inhoud van
2: The Language of Research Hoofstuk 2: The Language of
in First Steps in Research for Research in First Steps in
context Research vir konteks
• Review the content of Chapter • Hersien die inhoud van
3: Planning a Research Hoofstuk 3: Planning a
Proposal in First Steps in Research Proposal in First
Research for guidance Steps in Research vir leiding
• Chapter 6: Analyzing • Hoofstuk 6: Analise van
Qualitative Data in First Steps Kwalitatiewe Data in First
in Research (Qualitative Steps in Research
Analysis). (Kwalitatiewe Analise).
Revision: Research Questions
Hersiening: Navorsingsvrae
• Research questions are • Navorsingsvrae word
formulated once the geformuleer sodra die
objectives of the study are doelwitte van die studie
clear duidelik is
• Objectives and topic are based • Doelwitte en onderwerp is
on prior literature reviews gebaseer op vorige
• Guides the literature review
for the specific study • Rig die literatuuroorsig vir die
spesifieke studie
• Provides a focus for
methodology and data • Voorsien ‘n fokus vir
collection metodologie en data-
• The research question,
methodology, data analysis, • Die navorsingsvraag,
and conclusions must be metodologie, data-analise en
aligned gevoltrekkings moet belyn
Research Questions Develop with the Study

Focus on specific aspects of

Broad topics in the literature
the literature for the study

Specific Research

Use of topic to align methods

Ensuring the research
reflected in the research
question is answerable
Navorsingsvrae Ontwikkel Saam met die Studie

Breë onderwerpe in die Fokus op spesifieke aspekte

literatuur van die literatuur vir die studie


Gebruik van onderwerp om

Verseker dat die
metodes te belyn wat in die
navorsingsvraag beantwoord
navorsingsvraag gereflekteer
kan word
Types of Research Questions
Tipes Navorsingsvrae
• Descriptive: What • Beskrywend: Watter
proportion of psychology proporsie van sielkunde-
students live in studente bly in koshuise?
residences? • Verduidelikend: Is
• Explanatory: Is living in a akademiese prestasie
residence associated with beter as jy in ‘n koshuis
higher academic marks eerder as van kampus af
than living off campus? bly?
• Exploratory: How does • Verkennend: Wat is die
living in a residence impak van koshuislewe
impact the way students op die manier wat
study? studente studeer?
Identify the types of the following research questions
Identifiseer die tipes van die volgende navorsingsvrae

How many prisoners were abused as children?

Hoeveel gevangenes was as kinders mishandel?

What are the experiences of young women living in

mixed-gender residences?
Wat is jong vrouens se ervarings van inwoning in
gemengde-geslag koshuise?

Are men more likely than women to participate in

surveys about alcohol usage?
Is mans meer geneig as vrouens om deel te neem aan
opnames rakende die gebruik van alkohol?
Good Research Questions
Goeie Navorsingsvrae
• Concise (specific focus) • Bondig (spesifieke fokus)
• Clear • Duidelik
• Operationalizable (can be • Operasionaliseerbaar (kan
implemented) geïmplementeer word)
• Open-ended (no obvious • Oop-einde (geen voor die
answer) hand liggende antwoord nie)
• Elegant and simple • Elegant en eenvoudig
• Timely • Tydig
• Theoretically rich (can lead to • Teoreties ryk (kan na nuwe
new questions) vrae lei)
• Puzzle features (addresses a • Raaisel-eienskappe (spreek ‘n
problem) probleem aan)
• Self-explanatory • Self-verduidelikend
Poor Research Questions Cannot Align with
the Methods and Analysis
Swak Navorsingsvrae Kan Nie met die
Metodes en Analises Belyn word nie
• Developmental (how can…); what • Ontwikkelend (hoe kan…); watter
data would be analyzed? data sal geanaliseer word?
• Planning (how will we…); What • Beplanning (hoe sal ons…); Watter
design would be used? ontwerp sal gevolg word?
• Obvious answer; Why is the research • Voor die hand liggende antwoord;
needed? Hoekom is die navorsing nodig?
• Needs analysis; What data would be • Benodig analise; Watter data sal
analyzed and how? geanaliseer word en hoe?
• Preaching (how do we ensure…); Not • Predikend (hoe verseker ons…); Nie in
in line with inductive reasoning lyn met induktiewe beredenerings-
processes. prosesse nie.
• Committed (decided on an answer); • Toegewyd (besluit op ‘n antwoord);
Not in line with inductive reasoning Nie in lyn met induktiewe
processes. beredenerings-prosesse nie.
• Solution-seeking; How would the • Oplossing-soekend; Hoe sal die
analysis from participants create a analise van deelnemers tot 'n
conclusion? gevolgtrekking lei?
Are the following research questions good?
Is die volgende goeie navorsingsvrae?

What methods can be used to ensure that students

attend all classes and enjoy their studies?
Watter metodes kan gebruik word om te verseker
dat studente al hulle klasse bywoon en hul studies

What is the relationship between alcohol

consumption on amount of time spent studying?
Wat is die verwantskap tussen alkoholgebruik en die
hoeveelheid tyd wat aan studie spandeer word?
How do the following research questions align with
(which?) research design?
Hoe belyn die volgende navorsingsvrae met (watter?)
What is the relationship between travel time to campus and hours
spent studying?
Wat is die verwantskap tussen reistyd na kampus en ure wat aan
studie spandeer word?

What are the experiences of young women who are unable to

attend classes due to child-care responsibilities?
Wat is die ervarings van jong vrouens wat as gevolg van
kindersorg-verantwoordelikhede nie klas kan bywoon nie?

Do more women than men take on traditional childcare roles?

Neem meer vrouens as mans tradisionele kindersorg-rolle aan?
Creating a purpose statement
Die skepping van ‘n doelstelling
A purpose statement is a “summary” of 'n Doelstelling is 'n "opsomming" van
the research plan die navorsingsplan
• The topic • Die onderwerp
• The sample and design • Die steekproef en ontwerp
• The alignment between the sample, • Die belyning tussen die steekproef,
design, data collection method, and ontwerp, data-insamelingsmetode,
data analysis en data-analise

The purpose/objective of this (research Die doel/doelwit van hierdie

approach and design) study is to (navorsingsbenadering en –ontwerp)
(…understand? describe? explore?) the studie is om die (fenomeen) te
(phenomenon) for/of (sample) in/at (…verstaan? beskryf? verken?) vir/van
(research site). The (phenomenon) will (steekproef) in/by (navorsingsligging).
be studied using (method) to Die (fenomeen) sal bestudeer word met
understand (research question/specific die gebruik van (metode) om
objective/hypothesis). (navorsingsvraag/spesifieke
doelwit/hipotese) te verstaan.
Identify each component of the purpose statement
Identifiseer elke komponent van die doelstelling
The purpose of this qualitative, phenomenological
study is the understand immigrants’ perceptions of
xenophobia in Soweto. The study will use individual,
semi-structured interviews to explore immigrants’
perceptions of how xenophobia affects their daily lives.

Die doel van hierdie kwalitatiewe, fenomenologiese

studie is om immigrante se persepsies van xenofobie
in Soweto te verstaan. Die studie sal gebruik maak van
individuele, semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude om
immigrante se persepsies rakende hoe xenofobie hul
daaglikse lewe affekteer, te verken.
Qualitative Data Analysis: Focus
Kwalitatiewe Data-analise: Fokus
• Focus on exploration, • Fokus op verkenning,
understanding, begryping, interpretasie en
interpretation, and themes temas
• Interpretivist: Focus on • Interpritivisties: Fokus op
individual meanings individuele betekenisse
• Inductive: Themes and • Induktief: Temas en
categories of information kategorieë van inligting
emerge tree na vore
• Deductive: Themes and • Deduktief: Temas en
categories of information kategorieë van inligting
are looked for (pre- word na gesoek (vooraf op
decided); Applies to some besluit); Van toepassing op
forms of content analysis sommige vorme van
Qualitative Data Analysis: Methods
Kwalitatiewe Data-Analise: Metodes
• Thematic Analysis (most common) • Tematiese Analise (mees algemeen)
• Derive categories and themes from the data • Lei kategorieë en temas vanuit die data af
• Group meanings • Groepeer betekenisse
• What are the themes of meaning? • Wat is die temas van betekenis?
• Content Analysis • Inhoudsanalise
• Summarize content • Som inhoud op
• Similarities and differences • Ooreenkomste en verskille
• What is said? • Wat word gesê?
• Narrative analysis • Narratiewe analise
• Stories of (usually) chronological lived • Stories van (gewoonlik) chronologies
experiences geleefde ervarings
• Organization and content of story • Organisasie en inhoud van storie
• Common “themes” in the story • Algemene “temas” in die storie
• Discourse Analysis • Diskoers-analise
• Meaning of spoken/written words (not • Betekenis van gesproke/geskrewe woorde
interactions) (nie interaksies nie)
• Conversation Analysis • Gespreksanalise
• Talk in interaction • Gesprek in interaksie
• Hermeneutics • Hermeneutiek
• Interpreting textual data • Interpretasie van tekstuele data
• Cycle between the whole and the parts • Siklus tussen die geheel en die gedeeltes
Conducting Qualitative (Thematic) Data Analysis

Bestuur van Kwalitatiewe (Tematiese) Data-Analise

• Prepare the data • Berei die data voor

• Describe the sample • Beskryf die steekproef
• Transcribe and organize • Transkribeer en organiseer
• Immerse • Verdiep
• Coding • Kodering
• Meaningful units • Betekenisvolle eenhede
• Marking data segments focusing on • Merk data-segmente wat fokus op
meaning betekenis
• Similar codes become categories • Soortgelyke kodes word kategorieë
• Similar categories become themes • Soortgelyke kategorieë word temas
• Organize and structure themes • Organiseer en struktureer temas
• Combination of related codes • Kombinasie van verwante kodes
• Recurrence until data saturation • Herhaling tot data-versadiging bereik
• Adjust and recombine definitions word
• Notice links between themes • Definisies word aangepas en
• Neem kennis van skakels tussen temas
Thematic Analysis: Preparing the Data
Tematiese Analise: Voorbereiding van die Data

• Interview recordings, videos, or • Onderhoud-opnames, video's of

graphics in a format suitable for grafika in 'n formaat wat gepas is vir
analysis (e.g., transcribed) die analise (bv. getranskribeer)
• Before starting analysis, the • Voordat die navorser begin met
researcher should: analise, moet hy/sy:
• Be able to comprehensively describe • In staat wees om die steekproef
the sample deeglik te beskryf
• Have data which is organized and • Data hê wat georganiseerd en gepas is
suitable for analysis (e.g., vir die analise (bv. transkripsies van
transcriptions of interviews, graphics onderhoude, grafika wat volgens
organized by participant) deelnemer georganiseer is)
• Become familiar with all the responses • Vertroud raak met al die response
(data; immersion) (data; immersie)
• Anonymize the data (e.g., Participant • Maak die data anoniem (anonimiseer)
1) (bv. Deelnemer 1)
• The characteristics of the sample are • Die eienskappe van die steekproef is
important for the interpretation of belangrik vir die interpretasie van die
the data analysis data-analise
• People with characteristic X tended to • Mense met eienskap X was geneig om
express theme X tema X uit te druk
Thematic Analysis: Coding the Data
Tematiese Analise: Kodering van die Data

• Codes: Identify small pieces • Kodes: Identifiseer klein

of relevant information stukkies relevante inligting
from what participants say uit dit wat deelnemers sê
• Focus on what is expressed • Fokus op dit wat deur
by participants deelnemers uitgedruk word
• In line with the goal of the • In lyn met die doel van die
research: What information navorsing: Watter inligting
is relevant to the study? is relevant tot die studie?
• Codes reflect the ideas in • Kodes reflekteer die idees in
thematic analysis tematiese analise
• Difference: Codes reflect • Verskil: Kodes reflekteer die
the content (what is said) in inhoud (wat gesê is) in
content analysis inhoudsanalise
Thematic Analysis: Organizing Themes
Tematiese Analise: Organisering van Temas

• Codes describe the ideas in • Kodes beskryf die idees in die

the interviews (transcripts) onderhoude (transkripsies)
• Themes: • Temas:
• Groups of related codes • Groepe van verwante kodes
• Patterns in ideas or thoughts • Patrone in idees of gedagtes
• Reflective of meaning and • Refleksie van betekenis en
interpretations in relation to interpretasies verwant aan die
the research focus navorsingsfokus
• Themes keep the research • Temas hou die
question in mind navorsingsvraag in gedagte
• Answer the question • Beantwoord die vraag
• Do not look for a specific, • Soek nie na ’n spesifiek,
pre-determined answer voorafbepaalde antwoord nie
Thematic Analysis: Reviewing Themes
Tematiese Analise: Hersiening van Temas

• Themes (and codes) are • Temas (en kodes) word

frequently reworked or gereeld hersien of
combined herkombineer
• Descriptively name themes • Benoem temas beskrywend
• Reflective of meaning • Refleksie van betekenis,
considering interpretations, met oorweging van
context, and the research interpretasies, konteks en
question die navorsingsvraag
• Themes are reviewed in • Temas word hersien binne
context of: die konteks van:
• Sample characteristics • Steekproef-eienskappe
• The research question or aim • Die navorsingsvraag of -doel
Generating and Reviewing Themes
Generasie en Hersiening van Temas

In this context, “perceived lack of skills” could be reworked to “uncertainty” about skills,
particularly the development of new skills. This could also reflect concerns about lack of
competence or uncertainty about new methods interpreted in context of the sample,
type of work (social construction), and research question.

In hierdie konteks kan “perceived lack of skills” herwerk word na

“onsekerheid/twyfelagtigheid” oor vaardighede, in besonder die ontwikkeling van nuwe
vaardighede. Dit kan ook bekommernisse aan ’n gebrek aan bevoegdheid reflekteer,
sowel as onsekerheid oor nuwe metodes wat binne die konteks van die steekproef
geïnterpreteer word, die tipe werk (sosiale konstruksie), en die navorsingsvraag.
Interpreting Qualitative Analyses
Die Interpretasie van Kwalitatiewe
• Descriptive summaries of • Beskrywende opsommings van
categories and structures kategorieë en strukture
• Analytical understanding of links • Analitiese begrip van skakels
• Investigate new ideas and • Ondersoek nuwe idees en
emerging patterns related to the opkomende patrone wat verwant is
research question and literature aan die navorsingsvraag en die
• Re-link to existing theories literatuur
• Take on multiple perspectives • Skakel weer aan bestaande teorieë
• Aanvaar veelvoudige perspektiewe
• Draw conclusions about the
research question • Kom tot gevolgtrekkings rakende die
• Thematic analysis is inductive: navorsingsvraag
• Themes emerge from the data • Tematiese analise is induktief:
• Deductive: The researcher • Temas ontstaan vanuit die data
searches for specific themes in • Deduktief: Die navorser soek na
the data spesifieke temas in die data
Qualitative Research Study: Students’ challenges in
studying from home during the COVID-19 pandemic
Kwalitatiewe Navorsingstudie: Studente se uitdagings om
tuis te studeer tydens die COVID-19 pandemie
Participant 1: Studying at home was difficult because my parents often
distracted me by asking me to tend to chores while I was trying to study. It
made me feel very stressed and anxious.
Deelnemer 1: Om tuis te studeer was moeilik, want my ouers het gereeld
my aandag afgetrek deur my te vra om huistakies te doen terwyl ek
probeer studeer. Dit het veroorsaak dat ek baie stres en angs ervaar het.

Participant 2: The biggest challenge studying at home was the amount of

noise next door. Because they weren’t working, they kept having parties
even though they shouldn’t. I couldn’t concentrate and I worried about my
studies a lot.
Deelnemer 2: Die grootste uitdaging daarvan om tuis te studeer, was die
groot geraas by die bure. Omdat hulle nie gewerk het nie, het hulle
heeltyd partytjies gehou, selfs al behoort hulle dit nie te gedoen het nie.
Ek kon nie konsentreer nie en was baie bekommerd oor my studies.
Qualitative Research Study: Students’ challenges in
studying from home during the COVID-19 pandemic
Kwalitatiewe Navorsingstudies: Studente se uitdagings
om tuis te studeer tydens die COVID-19 pandemie
Results / Resultate
Thematic data analysis will be used to inductively find themes in what
the two participants said.
Tematiese data-analise sal gebruik word om op ‘n induktiewe manier
temas te vind in dit wat die twee deelnemers gesê het.
Focus of the study / research: Name the focus
Fokus van die studie / navorsing: Noem die fokus
Look for information from both the participants which could go together:
Soek na inligting vanaf beide deelnemers wat by mekaar kan pas:
Theme 1: Name the theme
Tema 1: Noem die tema
Theme 2: Name the theme
Tema 2: Noem die tema
Qualitative Research Study: Students’ challenges in
studying from home during the COVID-19 pandemic
Kwalitatiewe Navorsingstudies: Studente se uitdagings
om tuis te studeer tydens die COVID-19 pandemie
Conclusions / Gevolgtrekkings
The research question is:
Die navorsingsvraag is:

This study found that participants…….

Hierdie studie het bevind dat deelnemers…….

The study can conclude that……

Hierdie studie kan tot die gevolgtrekking kom dat…….
Qualitative Data: Trustworthiness
Kwalitatiewe Data: Betroubaarheid
• Credibility (internally valid) • Geloofwaardigheid (intern geldig)
• Validity of the conclusion • Geldigheid van die gevolgtrekking
• Conclusion matching the “reality” reported on • Gevolgtrekking pas by die “realiteit” waaroor daar
verslag gedoen is
• Transferability (applicability)
• Findings apply to other situations • Oordraagbaarheid
• Contextual inferences
• Bevindinge is van toepassing op ander situasies
• Dependability (reliable, consistent) • Kontekstuele gevolgtrekkings
• Findings established in a systematic research context • Betroubaarheid (betroubaar, konsekwent)
• Variability in results and findings is normal in
qualitative research • Bevindinge gevestig in ’n sistematiese
• Reflect ranges of experience
• Veranderlikheid in resultate en bevindinge is normaal
• Confirmability (replicable, objective) in kwalitatiewe navorsing
• Reflekteer reekse van ervarings
• Check and re-check of quality of data collection and
analysis (reported accurately)
• Bevestigbaarheid (herhaalbaar, objektief)
• Iterative process of developing themes during
analysis • Kontroleer en herkontroleer die kwaliteit van data-
insameling en -analise (akkurate verslagdoening)
• Researcher bias does not influence findings
(objectivity) • Iteratiewe proses waar temas tydens analise
ontwikkel word
• Navorser se vooroordeel beïnvloed nie bevindinge nie
Strategies to Ensure Trustworthiness
Strategieë om Betroubaarheid te Verseker
• Prolonged engagement / Langdurige betrokkenheid
Credibility / • Participant validation / Deelnemer-validering
Geloofwaardigheid • Triangulation (multiple sources) / Triangulasie (veelvoudige

• Thick (rich, complex) descriptions / Digte (ryk, komplekse)

Transferability / beskrywings
Oordraagbaarheid • Appropriate sampling technique (particularly purposive sampling)
(Toepaslikheid) / Gepaste steekproefnemingstegniek (in besonder met doelgerigte

• Audit trail of methods and analysis / Ouditspoor van metodes en

Dependability / analise
Betroubaarheid • Triangulation (multiple sources) / Triangulasie (veelvoudige

• Triangulation / Triangulasie
Confirmability /
Bevestigbaarheid • Reflexive or iterative data analysis / Reflektiewe of iteratiewe
Reporting the Findings
Verslaglewering rakende die
• Reports are written with APA 7th edition • Verslae word geskryf met die gebruik van
formatting and referencing APA 7de-uitgawe formatering en verwysing
• Introduction: Introduce the idea and • Inleiding: Stel die idee en doel bekend
• Literatuuroorsig: Beskryf dit wat bekend is
• Literature Review: Describe what is known vanuit die literatuur
from the literature
• Metodologie:
• Methodology: • Paradigma
• Paradigm • Navorsingsontwerp
• Research design • Steekproef
• Sample • Data-insameling
• Data collection • Data-analise
• Data analysis
• Bevindinge
• Findings
• Bespreking
• Discussion
• Gevolgtrekkings
• Conclusions
• Verwysings
• References
Reporting the Qualitative Research Process

Data analysis Discussion and

•Description of the analysis
Paradigm and
used •Interpretation of meaning
Design •How the analysis aligns in context of other
•Worldview (paradigm) with the aim, paradigm, literature
demonstrating how and design •Relationship between
findings will be •The steps taken for the these findings and other
understood qualitative analysis (e.g., literature
•Design used to investigate generating codes, •Implications of the
the topic and why organizing themes, etc.) findings for the study aim

Sampling and data Findings

collection •Outcome of the analysis
•Sampling method and •Themes generated
description of the sample •Summary format
•How the aim, design, and
sampling method align
with data collection
Verslaglewering rakende die Kwalitatiewe
Paradigma en Bespreking en
•Beskrywing van die
Ontwerp analise wat gebruik is
•Wêreldbeskouing •Hoe die analise belyn •Interpretasie van
(paradigma) wat met die doel, paradigma betekenis binne konteks
demonstreer hoe en ontwerp van ander literatuur
bevindinge verstaan sal •Die stappe wat geneem •Verwantskap tussen
word is vir die kwalitatiewe hierdie bevindinge en
•Ontwerp wat gebruik data-analise (bv. ander literatuur
word om ondersoek in generering van kodes, •Implikasies van die
te stel oor die organisasie van temas, bevindinge vir die doel
onderwerp en hoekom ens.) van die studie

Steekproefneming en Bevindinge
•Uitkoms van die
•Steekproefmetode en analise
beskrywing van die •Temas wat gegenereer
steekproef is
•Hoe die doel, ontwerp •Opsommingsformaat
en steekproefmetode
belyn met data-
Writing Findings
Die Opskryf van Bevindinge
• The Findings (Results) section • Die Bevindinge- (Resultate)
describes the results afdeling beskryf die resultate
• the discussion interprets the • die bespreking interpreteer die
results resultate
• Concise • Bondig
• Directly relevant to the research • Direk relevant tot die
question navorsingsvraag
• Reminder of the type of analysis • Herinnering aan die tipe analise
• A summary of the main themes • ’n Opsomming van die hooftemas
which relate to the research wat verwant is aan die
question navorsingsvraag
• A description of patterns, links, • ’n Beskrywing van patrone,
or trends skakels of neigings
• Significant quotes or snippets • Betekenisvolle aanhalings of
directly from the interviews uittreksels direk vanuit die
(direct quotations) onderhoude (direkte aanhalings)
Is this the correct way to report findings?
Is hierdie die regte manier om bevindinge te
When asked about social Toe die deelnemers gevra is
media as a form of oor sosiale media as ’n
communication, the vorm van kommunikasie,
participants agreed that het hulle saamgestem dat
some form communication daar ’n vorm van
was involved in that people kommunikasie betrokke
communicated messages was in die sin dat mense
to one another, but that boodskappe aan mekaar
“real” communication gekommunikeer het, maar
involved more depth and dat “werklike”
other aspects such as tone kommunikasie meer diepte
of voice and non-verbal behels, sowel as ander
expression. aspekte soos stemtoon en
nie-verbale uitdrukking.
Is this the correct way to report findings?
Is hierdie die regte manier om bevindinge te
When asked about Toe daar aan deelnemers
whether video-game gevra is of videospeletjie-
testing is a “real” career toetsing ’n “regte”
path, participants indicated loopbaanrigting is, het
that they believed that it deelnemers aangedui dat
was more of a hobby. This hulle glo dat dit meer van ’n
is aligned with research by stokperdjie is. Dit belyn met
Student et al. (2019) who die navorsing deur Student et
suggested that Generation al. (2019), wat voorgestel het
X view video-games as a dat Generasie X
leisure only activity, not a videospeletjies beskou as
creative development slegs ’n
process. ontspanningsaktiwiteit, nie ’n
ontwikkelingsproses nie.
Writing a Discussion
Skryf ’n Bespreking

• Components of the discussion: • Komponente van die bespreking

• Summary: Key results from the • Opsomming: Sleutelresultate
findings vanuit die bevindinge
• Interpretation: What the results • Interpretasie: Wat die resultate
mean (with reference to other beteken (met verwysing tot ander
literature to give context) literatuur om konteks te verskaf)
• Argument: Demonstrate support • Argument: Demonstreer
for the overall conclusion while ondersteuning vir die algehele
presenting possible alternative gevolgtrekking, terwyl moontlike
explanations from other research alternatiewe verduidelikings
vanuit ander navorsing aangebied
• What not to include in a word
• New results (all the results are in • Wat om nie in te sluit by ’n
the “Findings” section) bespreking nie:
• Claims or speculation that the • Nuwe resultate (al die resultate is
results and literature do not in die “Bevindinge”-afdeling)
support • Bewerings of spekulasie wat nie
• Personal opinions deur die resultate en literatuur
ondersteun word nie
• Persoonlike opinies
Discussion: How do depressed persons describe their own
Bespreking: Hoe beskryf depressiewe persone hulle eie

The outcome of this research Die uitkoms van hierdie navorsing

provides insight into how bied insig oor hoe depressiewe
depressed persons describe their persone hulle eie prestasies beskryf.
own accomplishments. Depressed Depressiewe deelnemers was
participants tended not to geneig om nie hulle eie prestasies te
acknowledge their own erken nie. Dit is soortgelyk aan
achievements. This is similar to ander bevindinge wat daarop dui
other findings which suggest that dat persone met depressie sukkel
persons with depression struggle to om positiewe erkenning aan
express positive regard for hulleself en ander te gee (Student et
themselves or others (Student et al., 2020). Verder het ander
al., 2020). Moreover, other navorsing ook bevind dat
research has found that depressed depressiewe persone sukkel om
persons struggle to assign value to waarde aan hulle eie prestasies te
their own achievements, even if heg, selfs al erken hulle die waarde
they recognize the worth of that van daardie prestasie (Student et
achievement (Student et al., 2022). al., 2022).
APA Formatting
Heading Level 1 / Opskrif Vlak 1

Heading level 1 (the first heading) is centered and bold. The document’s text should be Times New Roman, 12

point, and left aligned / Opskrif vlak 1 (die eerste opskrif) is gesentreerd en vetgedruk. Die dokument se teks moet in Times

New Roman, 12-punt, en linksbelyn wees

Heading Level 2 / Opskrif Vlak 2

Heading level two is left-aligned and bold. Each paragraph should start with an indent for the first line. Text

should be double spaced. / Opskrif vlak twee is linksbelyn en vetgedruk. Elke paragraaf moet met ‘n inkeping begin vir die

eerste lyn. Teks moet in dubbelspasiëring wees.

Heading level 3 / Opskrif vlak 3

Heading level 3 is left aligned, bold, and italicized. For heading levels 1 to 3, the first letter of each word

should be capitalized / Opskrif vlak 3 is linksbelyn, vetgedruk en in kursief. Vir opskrif vlakke 1 tot 3, moet die eerste letter

van elke woord hoofletters wees.

APA 7th Edition Referencing
APA 7de-Uitgawe Verwysing
Author's name in parentheses: two authors / Outeur se naam in hakies: twee outeurs
One study found that the most important element in comprehending non-native speech is familiarity with the topic
(Gass & Varonis, 1984).
Author’s name in parentheses: three authors / Outeur se naam in hakies: drie outeurs
One study found that the most important element in comprehending non-native speech is familiarity with the topic
(Gass, Elkin, & Varonis, 1984).
Author’s name in-text: / Outeur se naam in-teks:
Gass and Varonis (1984) found that the most important element in comprehending non-native speech is familiarity
with the topic.

Reference List / Bronnelys/Verwysingslys

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