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Study Unit 2: Qualitative Research Designs

Leereenheid 2: Kwalitatiewe Navorsingsontwerpe
Lecturer/Dosent: Dr Ingrid Opperman
Office/Kantoor: Potchefstroom Campus, E8, G16
Consulting Hours/Spreekure: By Appointment/Per afspraak
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IMPORTANT: Changes to Assessment Plan
# Date Open Date Closed Type Content Module
1 15 March 2024 18 March 2024 eFundi MCQ Conceptualizing psychological and 10%
qualitative research
Qualitative research designs
Qualitative data collection
2 12 April 2024 15 April 2024 eFundi MCQ Qualitative research designs 10%
Quantitative research designs
3 TBC TBC Mid-semester Test Conceptualizing psychological research 15%
Inductive and deductive reasoning
Qualitative and quantitative research
designs and data collection
4 10 May 2024 13 May 2024 eFundi MCQ Full scope of Study Unit 1-3, 15%
particularly inductive and deductive
reasoning, research designs, data
collection, data analysis, and report
5 TBC 24 May 2024 Summative Assignment The summative assignment replaces 50%
the examination
Learning Outcomes: Study Section 2.1. and 2.2
Leeruitkomstes: Bestudeer Afdeling 2.1. en 2.2.
• Define and explain what qualitative research is • Definieer en verduidelik wat kwalitatiewe
navorsing is.
• Describe the philosophical underpinnings of the
interpretivist / social constructivist paradigms • Beskryf die filosofiese onderbou van die
interpretatiewe/sosiaal konstruktivistiese
• Motivate why the interpretivist and social paradigmas.
constructivist paradigm is suitable for a qualitative
research study • Motiver waarom die interpretatiewe en sosiaal
konstruktivistiese paradigma geskik is vir 'n
• Identify and apply the characteristics of a kwalitatiewe navorsingstudie.
qualitative research project
• Identifiseer en pas die eienskappe van 'n
• Identify and describe the different qualitative kwalitatiewe navorsingsprojek toe.
research designs and apply their characteristics to
solving research-related problems and answering • Identifiseer en beskryf die verskillende kwalitatiewe
research questions navorsingsontwerpe en pas hul eienskappe toe om
navorsingsverwante probleme op te los en
• Justify the choice of a specific qualitative research navorsingsvrae te beantwoord.
design in a research project
• Regverdig die keuse van 'n spesifieke kwalitatiewe
navorsingsontwerp in 'n navorsingsprojek.
Study Materials
• Chapter 4 of First Steps in Research: • Hoofstuk 4 van First Steps in Research:
Introducing Qualitative Research Introducing Qualitative Research
• Chapter 5 of First Steps in Research: • Hoofstuk 5 van First Steps in
Qualitative research designs and data Research: Qualitative research
gathering techniques designs and data gathering
• Suggested reading: Creswell, J. W. techniques
(2009) Research Designs: Qualitative, • Voorgestelde leeswerk: Creswell, J. W.
quantitative and mixed methods (2009) Research Designs: Qualitative,
approaches. Thousand Oaks. quantitative and mixed methods
(Appropriate Sections) approaches. Thousand Oaks.
• Additional materials communicated (Gedeeltes van toepassing)
on eFundi. • Addisionele materiaal wat op eFundi
• Please consult eFundi for a full list of gedeel is.
readings and sections.
What is Qualitative
Qualitative research focuses on the human
experience; the perspectives of people.
Qualitative research is concerned with
individual behaviours, perspectives,
experiences, and understandings of a
phenomenon using in-depth non-numerical
data such as interviews, focus groups, or

Kwalitatiewe navorsing fokus op die menslike

ervaring; die perspektiewe van mense.
Kwalitatiewe navorsing hou verband met
individuele gedrag, perspektiewe, ervarings,
en begrip van 'n verskynsel deur die gebruik
van diepgaande nie-numeriese data soos
onderhoude, fokusgroepe, of waarnemings.
The Interpretivist / Social Constructivist Paradigms in Qualitative
Die Interpretivistiese / Sosiale Konstruktivistiese Paradigmas in
Kwalitatiewe Navorsing

• Multiple, subjective realities (no one • Meervoudige, subjektiewe werklikhede

truth, the truth depends on the person) (geen enkele waarheid nie, die waarheid
• Meaning is socially constructed hang af van die persoon)
(dependent on other people and the • Betekenis is sosiaal gekonstrueer
community) (afhanklik van ander mense en die
• Meaning is dynamic and changes with gemeenskap)
society and people’s perceptions • Betekenis is dinamies en verander met
• Researchers cannot be neutral – they die samelewing en mense se persepsies
have their own opinions and ideas which • Navorsers kan nie neutraal wees nie –
they need to be aware of hulle het hul eie opinies en idees waaraan
• There are multiple interpretations of any hulle bewus moet wees
single phenomenon • Daar is meervoudige interpretasies van
enige enkele verskynsel
What indicates that the case study is using the
interpretivist paradigm?
Wat dui daarop dat die gevallestudie die
interpretatiewe paradigma gebruik?
Published research studies have Gepubliseerde navorsingsstudies
shown that men feel overlooked, het getoon dat mans voel asof
unimportant, or even unwanted hulle oor die hoof gesien word,
as fathers to their own children. onbelangrik is, of selfs as
This is known to have a negative ongewens as vaders tot hulle eie
effect on their mental health, kinders. Dit is bekend dat dit 'n
particularly in societies where negatiewe uitwerking op hulle
men are considered providers, not geestesgesondheid het, veral in
caregivers. samelewings waar mans beskou
word as verskaffers, nie versorgers
Choice of Qualitative Research Designs are Linked to the Research
Paradigm (Worldview)

Die keuse van kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerpe is gekoppel aan die

navorsingsparadigma (wêreldbeskouing)

Are you What about their

What is the What is the What does the exploring perspectives are
phenomenon literature say? people’s you trying to find
question? perspectives? out?

Wat is die Wat is die Wat sê die

Verken jy mense
Wat probeer jy
uitvind oor hul
verskynsel? literatuur?
vraag? perspektiewe? perspektiewe?
Qualitative Research Designs
Kwalitatiewe Navorsingsontwerpe

• A research design is a method to • ‘n Navorsingsontwerp is ‘n

approach answering the metode om die beantwoording
research question, choosing van ‘n navorsingsvraag, die
participants, and collecting data seleksie van deelnemers en die
• Research designs help ensure insameling van data te benader
that research is systematic • Navorsingsontwerpe help om te
• Phenomenology is the most verseker dat navorsing
common qualitative research sistematies is
design that we will explain • Fenomenologie is die mees
algemene kwalitatiewe
Common Qualitative Research Designs
Gewone Kwalitatiewe Navorsingsontwerpe
Ethnography Case study
• Cultures • Specific cases
• Communities • Details about

Phenomenonology Narrative
• Lived experiences • Personal stories
• Explore and understand • Experiences of events
and Constructed
Common types of qualitative designs
Phenomenology is used to understand complex phenomena in individuals. This is the most
common design when using interviews for data collection.

Narrative designs focus on stories participants tell about their own experiences. This studies a
(often chronological) story about the phenomenon of interest. Individual interviews are often
used for participants to tell their stories.

Ethnography is used to study culture-sharing groups in-depth. Long-term access is used for a
comprehensive understanding of previously little understood groups. Ethnography does not
refer to just living in, or studying, some phenomenon in a community, but rather to studying
the culture itself. Different data collection methods are combined to fully understand the

Case studies are important to study a specific “thing” within a bounded system. They refer to
something that has happened or a specific way things are which the researcher wants to
investigate (i.e., the phenomenon, such as how an impoverished school achieved very high
grade 12 results). Case studies usually use multiple forms of data collection.
• Individual experiences and • Individuele ervarings en
meanings assigned to betekenisse word aan fenomene
phenomena toegeskryf
• Common themes about what • Algemene temas oor wat
phenomena mean to the fenomene vir die individu kan
individual beteken
• Individual and group • Individuele- en groeps
interpretations of a interpretasies van ‘n fenomeen
phenomenon • In-diepte beskrywings van ‘n
• In-depth descriptions of a spesifieke fenomeen
specific phenomenon
Phenomenology: Studies of experiences

Study of experiences of people Experience is a conscious Interpretations are dynamic Descriptions or interpretations
process of themes in different people’s
Individual interpretations Individual experiences Over time Common interpretations in context of
Socially constructed meanings Meaning is attached to experiences In context of culture culture
Similar lived experiences with individual
What makes this phenomenology?
Wat maak dit fenomenologie?
Researchers interview 13 people Navorsers ondervra 13 mense wat
who survived COVID-19 after being COVID-19 oorleef het nadat hulle vir
in the intensive care unit for over meer as drie weke in die
three weeks. The research question intensiewesorg-eenheid was. Die
was “What helps COVID-19 patients navorsingsvraag was "Wat help
recover faster after being in intensive COVID-19-pasiënte om vinniger te
care?” The themes from the herstel nadat hulle in intensiewe sorg
interviews showed that familiar was?" Die temas uit die onderhoude
places and people, doctors who het getoon dat bekende plekke en
communicate well, and family mense, dokters wat goed
support are important for a quick kommunikeer, en
recovery. gesinsondersteuning belangrik is vir
'n vinnige herstel.
What type of research design should be used? Explain your answer with
reference to the scenario (2)

A researcher wants to understand whether women CEO’s

experience discrimination from male colleagues. A group
of 8 women CEO’s discuss their experiences of
discrimination with each other and the researcher.

‘n Navorser wil verstaan of vroulike HUBs (Hoof

Uitvoerende Beamptes) diskriminasie vanaf manlike
kollegas ervaar. ‘n Groep van 8 vroulike HUBs bespreek
hulle ervarings van diskriminasie met mekaar en die

A phenomenological design is used (1) …

… to get in-depth understandings of the women CEO’s

experiences of discrimination from male colleagues (1)
• Study of a “peoples” • Studie van ‘n “volke”
• Unique, culture-sharing groups • Unieke groepe wat ‘n kultuur
• Long-term access deel
• Immersion in the culture • Langtermyn toegang
• Considers context and culture- • Verdieping in die kultuur
shared interpretations of the • Oorweeg konteks en gedeelde-
world kultuur interpretasies van die
• Complex descriptions of various wêreld
phenomena • Komplekse beskrywings van
verskeie fenomene
Writing about
Who are the focus of this ethnographic study and why is it
ethnography and not phenomenology?
Wie is die fokus van hierdie etnografiese studie en waarom
is dit etnografie en nie fenomenologie nie?
Researchers made observations of Navorsers het waarnemings van
local people, participated in daily plaaslike mense gemaak, aan
activities, and did formal daaglikse aktiwiteite deelgeneem,
interviews with the Sikasso people en formele onderhoude met die
in southern Mali between the Sikasso volk in suidelike Mali
years 2011 and 2013. The tussen die jare 2011 en 2013
researchers focused on rites of gevoer. Die navorsers het gefokus
passage into manhood for boys op inwydingsrituele vir seuns tot
and what roles men are expected manwees en watter rolle van
to play in society. mans in die samelewing verwag
Case Study
• Highly detailed account of a • Hoogs-gedetailleerde verslag
bounded system or event van ‘n begrensde sisteem of
• Single, specific person, company, gebeurtenis
or event • Enkele, spesifieke persoon,
• Holistic groep of gebeurtenis
• Highly detailed • Holisties
• Variety of data collection • Hoogs-gedetailleerd
methods • Verskeidenheid van data-
information Real-world
exemplar to
generalize to
similar cases

Application Unique
of theory to occurrences

Single real-world entity

Who or what is the case study about?
Wie of wat is die gevallestudie oor?
Medical students use practical Mediese studente gebruik praktiese
knowledge, critical thinking, and kennis, kritiese denke, en
problem-solving to diagnose their probleemoplossing om hul pasiënte
patients. Similar skills are used by te diagnoseer. Soortgelyke
psychologists. However, few vaardighede word deur sielkundiges
psychology students exhibit strong gebruik. Tog toon min
critical thinking and reasoning skills. sielkundestudente sterk kritiese
One university is known for denke- en redeneervaardighede. Een
producing graduates with stronger universiteit staan bekend daarvoor
skills through a variety of teaching dat hulle gegradueerdes met sterker
methods which could be understood vaardighede produseer deur 'n
better. verskeidenheid onderrigmetodes wat
beter verstaanbaar kan wees.
Who are the participants and what is the approach / design? Explain your answer
with reference to the scenario (4)
Wie is die deelnemers en wat is die benadering / ontwerp?

A researcher is studying people’s individual experiences

of xenophobic attacks. 10 foreign nationals agree to be
interviewed about their personal experience.

‘n Navorser bestudeer mense se individuele ervarings van

xenofobiese aanvalle. 10 buitelanders stem in tot
onderhoude rakende hul persoonlike ervarings.
The participants are foreign nationals who have experienced
xenophobic attacks (1; just listing foreign nationals gives ½).

A phenomenological design (1) will be used because …

… the researcher wants an in-depth understanding of a

specific phenomenon (1).

Phenomenology will help understand these participants’

personal experiences of xenophobic attacks (1).
What is the approach / design? Explain your answer referencing the scenario (3)
Wat is die benadering / ontwerp?
A researcher is investigating how an individual with autism spectrum
disorder responds to a new play-based therapy. The researcher is
conducting interviews with various people, making observations with
extensive notes, and searching much literature on how this program would

‘n Navorser ondersoek hoe ‘n individu met outisme spektrum versteuring

reageer op ‘n nuwe spel-gebaseerde terapie. Die navorser voer onderhoude
met verskeie mense, vorm waarnemings met breedvoerige notas, en
deursoek baie literatuur rakende hoe hierdie program sou werk.

A case study (1) is appropriate because the researcher

is seeking to understand how a …

…single individual with autism spectrum disorder (1;

bounded system) is responding to an intervention.

A case study involves in-depth research into a single

subject or process (1), such as play-based therapy.
Who are the participants and what is the approach / design?
Explain your answer with reference to the scenario. (4)

Illegal immigrants in the USA are often subjected to much

discrimination and many misconceptions exist. However,
many life events can culminate in their arrival in the new
country. A researcher wants to find out what life events took
place over time leading to 3 illegal immigrants arriving in the
USA and their individual experiences of those events.

Onwettige immigrante in die VSA is dikwels onderworpe aan

erge diskriminasie en vele wanopvattings bestaan. Vele
lewensgebeurtenisse kan egter lei tot hul aankoms in die
nuwe land. ‘n Navorser wil vasstel watter
lewensgebeurtenisse plaasgevind het met die verloop van tyd
wat lei na die aankoms van 3 onwettige immigrante in die
VSA en hul individuele ervarings van daardie gebeurtenisse.

The participants in this study are illegal immigrants in the USA (1).

The sample can be obtained using purposive sampling (1) with the criteria
that the participants must be illegal immigrants living in the USA.

Since the researcher wants to understand the events in the participants’

lives which led them to arriving in the USA, and their experiences of those
events, a narrative design (1) can be used …

… for participants to tell their stories (1)

Narrative Designs
Narratiewe Ontwerpe
• Narrative / Story-telling • Narratief / Storie-vertelling
• Lived stories about a • Geleefde stories rakende ‘n
phenomenon or event fenomeen of gebeurtenis
• Chronological: The phenomenon • Chronologies: Die fenomeen of
or story over time storie oor tyd
• Episodic: The specific story or • Episodies: Die spesifieke storie of
event gebeurtenis
• Highly detailed • Hoogs-gedetailleerd
Narrative Designs
Narratiewe Ontwerpe
Who or what is the case study about? What sort of
information could the researcher get?
Wie of wat is die gevallestudie oor? Watter tipe inligting kan
die navorsers bekom?
Islamic women are often denied even Islamitiese vroue word dikwels selfs basiese
basic education in their own countries. onderrig ontneem in hul eie lande. Tog het
However, some young Islamic women sommige jong Islamitiese vroue geweier om
have refused to accept this practice, left hierdie praktyk te aanvaar, het hul
their family homes at great risk to gesinswoningen verlaat met groot risiko vir
themselves, and travelled to other hulself, en na ander lande gereis as immigrante
countries as immigrants (often illegally) (dikwels onwettig) om toegang tot
to try and obtain access to educational onderwysprogramme te probeer verkry. Ses van
programs. Six of these women agree to
share the story of how they came to the hierdie vroue stem daarmee in om die verhaal te
decision to leave their home and the deel van hoe hulle tot die besluit gekom het om
challenges they experienced in seeking hul huis te verlaat en die uitdagings wat hulle
education as immigrants in a new ondervind het om as immigrante in 'n nuwe land
country which often viewed them as a onderrig te bekom, waar hulle dikwels as 'n
threat due to their religion. bedreiging beskou is as gevolg van hul
Action Research
• Sample / participants are active • Steekproef / deelnemers is aktiewe
participants in the research deelnemers in die
process navorsingsproses
• Focus on change and community • Fokus op verandering en
solutions gemeenskapsoplossings
• Empowerment • Bemagtiging
• Researcher mediates interventions • Navorser bemiddel intervensies
• Cyclical process: Problem, • Sikliese proses: Probleem,
intervention, consequence, intervensie, gevolg, ontwikkel
develop further interventions for verdere intervensies vir “nuwe
“new” problems probleme”
Who would be interviewed? Explain your answer with reference to the focus of
the study (3)
Met wie sal onderhoude gevoer word?

A researcher is considering how parents with young

children in the Western Cape can be resilient even
though there are very high crime levels.

‘n Navorser oorweeg hoe ouers met jong kinders in die

Wes-Kaap veerkragtig kan wees selfs met die baie hoë

The researcher would interview the parents (1) …

… of young children in the Western Cape (1) in a high-

crime area.

The researchers would interview these parents to better

understand how they are resilient (1) despite high crime
What type of research design is most appropriate? Explain your answer
with reference to the scenario. (4)
Watter tipe navorsingsontwerp is mees gepas?

A researcher is interested in teen girls’ experiences after

being rescued from human trafficking rings. The researcher
wants to understand how they came to be part of the ring as
well as how they were rescued. The researcher identifies 3
girls who meet the purpose of the study.

‘n Navorser is geïnteresseerd in die ervarings van

tienermeisies nadat hulle uit die slawehandel gered is. Die
navorser wil verstaan hoe hulle deel geword het van die
slawehandel sowel as hoe hulle gered is. Die navorser
identifiseer 3 meisies wat aan die doel van hierdie studie
The researcher will use a narrative design (1) …

… to understand the stories (1) …

… about how the girls came to be part of the ring and how they were rescued (1).

The researcher wants an in-depth account of the girls’ experiences (1)

What type of research design is this and what is the data collection technique?
Explain your answer with reference to the scenario (4)
Watter tipe navorsingsontwerp is hierdie en wat is die tegniek?

A researcher is interested in how Grade 12 mathematics

teachers perceive students who are struggling
academically and what they believe the reasons behind
these struggles are. The researcher wants to develop an
in-depth understanding of the teachers’ perspectives.

‘n Navorser is geïnteresseerd in hoe Graad 12 wiskunde

onderwysers studente waarneem wat akademies sukkel
en wat hulle dink die rede daarvoor is. Die navorser wil ‘n
in-diepte begrip ontwikkel van die onderwysers se

The researcher is using a phenomenological design (1) …

… to understand the phenomenon of teacher’s perceptions

about the reasons that students are struggling academically (1).

The researcher will use interviews (1, see next) or focus groups
(1, see prev) …

… to gain an in-depth understanding of the teachers’

perspectives in their own words (1)
Credibility and Trustworthiness
Geloofwaardigheid en Betroubaarheid
• Research is systematic so data must • Navorsing is sistematies, so data
be credible (valid) and trustworthy moet geloofwaardig (geldig) en
(reliable) betroubaar wees
• Data should be applicable to other • Data moet toepaslik aan ander
contexts kontekste wees
• Interviews with different participants • Onderhoude met ander deelnemers
• Data must be confirmable • Data moet bevestigbaar wees
• Repeating the same study for • Herhaal dieselfde studie vir
confirmation bevestiging
• Methods should be clear so that • Metodes moet duidelik wees sodat
others can repeat the study ander navorsers die studie kan herhaal
• Using multiple data sources to • Die gebruik van veelvoudige data-
confirm ideas and understand bronne om idees te bevestig en om
changing perspectives (triangulation veranderende perspektiewe te
and crystallization of concepts) verstaan (triangulasie en
kristallisasie van konsepte)
Is this data trustworthy?
State why (3)
Is hierdie data betroubaar?
A researcher chooses 12 women to interview about their experiences
of university life. Although the researcher is not interested in any
specific experiences, they believe that the information will be useful.
The researcher writes a final report stating that women have negative
experiences based on “conversations.”

‘n Navorser kies 12 vrouens om mee onderhoude te voer rakende hul

ervarings van universiteitslewe. Alhoewel die navorser nie in enige
spesifieke ervarings geïnteresseer is nie, glo hy dat die inligting nuttig
sal wees. Die navorser skryf ‘n finale verslag waar hy stel dat vrouens
negatiewe ervarings deurgaan gebaseer op “gesprekke”.

The data is not trustworthy (reliable) (1) …

… because the researcher did not have a systematic approach /

research question / design (1) …

…so the data cannot be trustworthy because the research cannot be

replicated (it is not confirmable). (1)
• Qualitative research is a systematic process of • Kwalitatiewe navorsing is ‘n sistematiese
gathering in-depth information based on proses van in-diepte inligting versamel,
individual interpretations and social gebaseer op individuele interpretasies en
constructions sosiale konstruksies
• Phenomenology (in-depth understanding of a • Fenomenologie (in-diepte begrip van ‘n
phenomenon) is the most common fenomeen) is die algemeenste kwalitatiewe
qualitative research design navorsingsontwerp
• Non-probability, purposive sampling is often • Nie-waarskynlikheid, doelbewuste
used to ensure that participants can provide steekproefneming word dikwels gebruik om te
suitable information verseker dat deelnemers gepaste inligting kan
• Qualitative research usually uses interviews voorsien
and focus groups • Kwalitatiewe navorsing maak gewoonlik
• Data should accurately reflect a specific gebruik van onderhoude en fokusgroepe
phenomenon and other researchers should • Data moet ‘n spesifieke fenomeen akkuraat
be able to replicate the study reflekteer en ander navorsers behoort in staat
te wees om die studie te herhaal

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