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Colegio José Celestino

UNIT 1 What we spend


Lingüística (1) Pragmática (2) Sociolingüística(3)

Discuss how people spend money and prioritise their spending.

CRITERIOS DE Reconoce información específica relacionada con objetos, personas y acciones.

EVALUACION Entiende la idea principal y algunos detalles relacionados con actividades, lugares y personas en un
texto descriptivo corto
Describe, de manera oral, personas, actividades, eventos y experiencias personales.
Trabaja de manera organizada, termina sus trabajos completamente y cumple con los objetivos de la

1. Read the definition of shopaholic in the box. Are the people below shopaholics? How about
you? Discuss with a partner.

2. Can you name all of these products? Match the names of the products with the pictures.
3. Put the products in exercise 5 in the correct category.

Skin and body care Technological items Clothing

4. Listen to the descriptions. Which products from exercise 5 do the speakers describe?

5. Look at the pictures. What do you think your country spends most money on? Put the pictures in order
from 1–4.

6. Read the text. Which of the things in exercise 9 does it mention?

7. Complete the sentences with more or less and the nouns in the box.

8. Match the adjectives to the definitions. Then describe the clothes in the pictures.

9. Complete the sentences with an adjective from exercise 1.

10. Read the first part of the article below. What is the Fashion Trap?
11. now read the rest of the article. Match a heading to each paragraph.

12. Complete the sentences from the article.

13. Choose the correct words to complete the rules.

14. Write affirmative and negative imperatives using the verbs in the box.

15. Answer the questions in your notebook.

▪ Do you get pocket money? How much do you get every week?
▪ What do you spend your money on?
▪ Do you save any money? How much?
▪ What do you buy with your savings?
▪ Do you usually get money as a present for your birthday or on other occasions? How much?
▪ Are you saving for something right now? What?
▪ What would you most like to buy?

16. Think about products that you see or hear about in Tv or radio adverts. Copy he table. Then complete
the headings with the types of product in the box.

17. Think of an advert that you can remember. Describe it writing notes in your notebook.
18. You are going to write a radio advert for a product. Match the descriptions to the parts of the text.

19. now write your own radio advert. It can be a product from exercise 1, or your own idea. Follow the

a. Choose a product that you want to advertise.

b. Decide who the audience for the advert is.
c. Decide what you want the advert to include, for example: a description of the product,
a special offer.
d. Decide if you want to make the listener feel emotional.
e. Use predictions with will/won’t, to show how the product will improve the listener’s life.

20. Present your advert to the class.

21. In groups, discuss which was your favourite advert, and why.

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