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The Antibiotic Resistance and Prescribing in European Children Project:

A Neonatal and Pediatric Antimicrobial Web-based Point Prevalence
Survey in 73 Hospitals Worldwide

Article in The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal · June 2013

DOI: 10.1097/INF.0b013e318286c612 · Source: PubMed


115 1,237

145 authors, including:

Ann Versporten Julia Bielicki

University of Antwerp St George's, University of London


Penelope Bryant
The Royal Children's Hospital


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Antimicrobial Reviews

The Antibiotic Resistance and Prescribing in European

Children Project
A Neonatal and Pediatric Antimicrobial Web-based Point Prevalence Survey in
73 Hospitals Worldwide
Ann Versporten, MPH, MEHS,* Mike Sharland, FRCPH,† Julia Bielicki, MD, MPH,† Nico Drapier, BAI,*
Vanessa Vankerckhoven, PhD,* and Herman Goossens, MD, PhD,* for the ARPEC Project Group Members

Background: The neonatal and pediatric antimicrobial point prevalence

survey (PPS) of the Antibiotic Resistance and Prescribing in European Chil-
I nappropriate and excessive use of antibiotics among hospitalized
children has been linked to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant
bacteria that may spread and persist in hospitals and the commu-
dren project ( aims to standardize a method for
surveillance of antimicrobial use in children and neonates admitted to the
nity.1–4 There is a critical need for antimicrobial stewardship and
hospital within Europe. This article describes the audit criteria used and
changing prescribing practices for neonates and children, but we
reports overall country-specific proportions of antimicrobial use. An ana-
lack knowledge about the determinants influencing antibiotic pre-
lytical review presents methodologies on antimicrobial use.
Methods: A 1-day PPS on antimicrobial use in hospitalized children was organ-
Cross-sectional point prevalence surveys (PPS) have pro-
ized in September 2011, using a previously validated and standardized method.
vided useful data on patterns of hospital antimicrobial prescribing
The survey included all inpatient pediatric and neonatal beds and identified all
in adults, providing insight on the factors that influence the vari-
children receiving an antimicrobial treatment on the day of survey. Mandatory
ation in antimicrobial use. The European Surveillance of Antimi-
data were age, gender, (birth) weight, underlying diagnosis, antimicrobial agent,
crobial Consumption (ESAC) project has carried out 3 successful
dose and indication for treatment. Data were entered through a web-based sys-
PPS on hospital antimicrobial use in 2006, 2008 and 2009.6–8 These
tem for data-entry and reporting, based on the WebPPS program developed for
well-established surveillance methodologies developed by ESAC
the European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption project.
focused mainly on adults and also provided preliminary data on
Results: There were 2760 and 1565 pediatric versus 1154 and 589 neona-
antimicrobial prescribing patterns among hospitalized children.5
tal inpatients reported among 50 European (n = 14 countries) and 23 non-
However, the methodology used was not specifically designed for
European hospitals (n = 9 countries), respectively. Overall, antibiotic pediat-
neonates and children.9
ric and neonatal use was significantly higher in non-European (43.8%; 95%
With the overall aim of optimizing antimicrobial prescrib-
confidence interval [CI]: 41.3–46.3% and 39.4%; 95% CI: 35.5–43.4%)
ing among children, the “Antibiotic Resistance and Prescribing in
compared with that in European hospitals (35.4; 95% CI: 33.6–37.2% and
European Children” (ARPEC) project has been cofunded by the
21.8%; 95% CI: 19.4–24.2%). Proportions of antibiotic use were highest in
European Commission Directorate General for Health and Con-
hematology/oncology wards (61.3%; 95% CI: 56.2–66.4%) and pediatric
sumers (DG SANCO) through the Executive Agency for Health and
intensive care units (55.8%; 95% CI: 50.3–61.3%).
Consumers.10 Based on the established ESAC PPS,6–8 we developed
Conclusions: An Antibiotic Resistance and Prescribing in European Chil-
within this project a novel neonatal and pediatric cross-sectional
dren standardized web-based method for a 1-day PPS was successfully
survey method. The PPS was conducted during the last 2 weeks
developed and conducted in 73 hospitals worldwide. It offers a simple, fea-
of September 2011. The current article describes the methodology
sible and sustainable way of data collection that can be used globally.
used. Existing methodologies analyzing antimicrobial use have been
reviewed and compared with the ARPEC methodology. Country-
Key Words: hospitalized children, point prevalence survey, antimicrobial specific proportions of antimicrobial use worldwide are presented
use, antibiotic use, surveillance for the ARPEC PPS which was conducted during the last 2 weeks
of September 2011.
(Pediatr Infect Dis J 2013;32: e242–e253)

Accepted for publication January 08, 2013. METHODS

From the *Laboratory of Medical Microbiology, Vaccine & Infectious Disease Promotion of the study was important to enable data col-
Institute, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium; and †Infection and lection from a wide variety of hospitals, wards and patients.
Immunity, Division of Clinical Sciences, St. Georges University of London,
London, United Kindgom. Pediatricians belonging to the well-established networks from
The ARPEC project was cofunded by the European Commission Directorate ESAC,11 European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases12
General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) through the Executive and Global Research in Paediatrics13 were invited to participate.
Agency for Health and Consumers ( The authors Any interested hospital-based physician caring for neonates or
have no other funding or conflicts of interest to disclose.
Address for correspondence: Ann Versporten, MPH, MEHS, Laboratory of children could indicate his/her interest in the project by con-
Medical Microbiology, Vaccine & Infectious Disease Institute (VAXINFEC- tacting The study encouraged the creation of a
TIO), Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, University of Antwerp— multidisciplinary team of health professionals, including pedi-
CDE, Universiteitsplein 1, Room S6.23, B-2610 Antwerp, Belgium. E-mail: atric infectious disease specialists, neonatologists, infection
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations control teams, clinical microbiologists and clinical pharma-
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of cists. They received a detailed standardized protocol to ensure
this article on the journal’s website ( uniformity of data collection. Although the project focused on
Copyright © 2013 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISSN: 0891-3668/13/3206-e242 Europe, centers outside Europe that were keen to take part were
DOI: 10.1097/INF.0b013e318286c612 also included.

e242 | The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 32, Number 6, June 2013
The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 32, Number 6, June 2013 ARPEC Antimicrobial Survey

Participants were asked to conduct a 1-day cross-sectional on birth weight and gestational age had to be completed (Appen-
hospital-based PPS during which all pediatric and neonatal wards dices, Supplemental Digital Content 1 and 2,
had to be audited once between September 19–30, 2011. Each INF/B548 and
participant needed to register his/her hospital providing the name, After data collection on the wards, participants used the
geographic location and type of hospital (primary, secondary, ter- ARPEC-webPPS program, a web-based application for data-
tiary level and specialized hospital and teaching vs. nonteaching entry and reporting as designed by the Laboratory of Medical
hospital).14,15 Seven major pediatric ward types (general pediatric Microbiology, University of Antwerp, Belgium (http://app.esac.
medicine, 4 types of specialized pediatric medicine wards, pedi- A defined stepwise manner of data-
atric surgery and pediatric intensive care unit) and 4 major neo- entry was followed as described in the available online training
natal wards were defined (3 levels of neonatal intensive care units sessions ( Sev-
[NICUs] and a general neonatal medical ward) (Appendices, Sup- eral online checks prevented entering wrong data. Data entry
plemental Digital Content 1 and 2, had to be validated using the online validation procedure which
and Pediatric surgical wards were discovered errors in the survey or provided warnings (eg, depart-
not audited on a Monday to capture information about prophylaxis ments without patient data, duplicated antimicrobial treatments).
in the previous 24 hours. Pediatric medical wards could be audited Supplementary data cleaning (eg, unexpected high/low [birth]
on any weekday. Surveys were not allowed to take place on week- weight) led to direct contact with the participant concerned to
end days, bank holidays or school holidays. verify and if needed modify the data online. Hospitals could, at
All neonates and pediatric inpatients younger than 18 years, any time, extract their data for verification or analysis (Excel for-
present in the ward at 8 am at least since midnight, were included mat). After online validation, a feedback report in power point
in the denominator for the survey. Detailed data were recorded only slide format could be downloaded. It provided specific hospital
for patients with active antimicrobial prescriptions at 8 am on the prevalence rates plotted against European and overall national
day of survey. Prescriptions that became active after 8 am on the day rates if at least 3 hospitals per country had participated. It also
of the survey were excluded. Day surgery, day hospital admissions, provided information on targets for quality improvement in anti-
emergency admissions after midnight, patients on psychiatric wards microbial prescribing.
and children younger than 18 years admitted on an adult ward were The helpdesk was based at the University of Antwerp, Bel-
excluded. Also adults older than 18 years admitted on a pediatric gium. They provided support for data collection, entry and vali-
ward together with their child were excluded from the survey. dation by e-mail or phone. A Frequently Asked Question list was
The surveillance included antibacterials for systemic use made available online providing detailed answers on content and
(Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical code J01), antimycotics (J02), IT-related questions. Finally, participants were given timely infor-
antifungals (D01BA) and antivirals for systemic use (J05), antibiot- mation and feedback on the process of data collection through peri-
ics used as drugs for treatment of tuberculosis (J04A), antibiotics odic e-mails.
used as intestinal anti-infectives (A07AA) and the nitroimidazole Countries were individually responsible for ascertaining the
derivatives (P01AB). They were aggregated at the level of active need for local ethical approval as legal requirements vary across
substance in accordance with the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemi- Europe and worldwide. All data collected was completely anon-
cal classification system of medicines (World Health Organization, ymous. Data privacy was guaranteed. A sequence number was
version 2011).16 Antimicrobials for topical use applied on skin were assigned to each hospital after registration to the ARPEC-webPPS.
not surveyed. Every patient record was given an automatically generated unique
Two denominators were defined: the total number of eligible not identifiable survey number. All participants were assured that
neonatal or pediatric inpatients younger than 18 years, present at 8 individual hospital names would not be revealed in any internal or
am of the ward surveyed; and the total number of eligible neonatal external report, or in a publication. For this publication, we wanted
or pediatric beds, attributed to inpatients younger than 18 years, at to acknowledge participation and asked permission to publish the
8 am of the ward surveyed. Participants needed to provide informa- contact details of the participants.
tion of the “actual real situation” on the day of the PPS. The feasibility of the developed method was first tested
Data collection was performed using paper data collection in 11 European hospitals of 9 countries (Belgium, Estonia, Ger-
forms: a department (denominator data), a pediatric and a neonatal many, Lithuania, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and the
patient form. Essential data to collect were the patients’ age, gender, United Kingdom) during a 2-week period between March 28
current weight, ventilation status, underlying diagnosis, antimicro- and April 8, 2011. Unlike the method described above, a 2-day
bial agent, single unit dose and number of prescribed doses per 24 data collection was performed, 1 day in each participating
hours, route of administration, anatomical site of infection accord- week. This was done to determine the variation in PPS results.
ing to the reason for treatment, type of treatment (community- or This method was not retained during the global PPS as the pilot
hospital-acquired infection) and details of prophylaxis for surgical data demonstrated limited additional benefit (double counting
patients (duration of prophylaxis was 1 dose, 1 day or >1 day). To of patients). Instead, the number of participating hospitals was
facilitate data collection on underlying diagnosis and reason for expanded to capture information on a larger number of patients
treatment, a predefined list of grouped “underlying conditions” and and settings.
“acute diagnosis” was used. This was originally developed by our For this article, we analyzed country-specific proportions of
group as part of a pilot study looking at methodologic issues rel- antimicrobial and antibiotic use separately for pediatric and neonatal
evant to the evaluation of antimicrobial consumption in hospitalized patients, and for European versus non-European participating
children17 and was refined for this study with consultation among countries. Countries are classified using the United Nations
project participants to ensure it was simple to use and also captured Standard Country and Area Codes.18 For Iran, the area coding of
clinically relevant groups. Similar diagnostic categories have been the United Nations Programme on Global Geospatial Information
used in the recent European Centre for Disease Prevention and Con- Management has been followed.19 The proportions of antimicrobial
trol hospital-acquired infection and antibiotic use PPS that does not and antibiotic use represent prevalence rates accompanied by
specifically target children.15 For neonates, additional information their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for percentages and counts

© 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | e243

TABLE 1. Overall Degree of Participation Among European Countries and Country-specific Proportions of Patients Treated With At Least 1

Antimicrobial vs. At Least 1 Antibiotic

Pediatric Antimicrobial and Antibiotic (J01) Neonatal Antimicrobial and Antibiotic (J01)
N Hospitals Global PPS Patient Overview Global PPS
Proportions Proportions
Versporten et al

Patients All Treated Treated
Bed N N

Non- N
N Countries Teaching Total N Beds Utilization Patients Patients
teaching Patients
(%) Admitted Admitted
% All % J01 % All % J01
N % (95% CI) N All N J01 N All N J01
(95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI)

Northern Europe
Estonia 1 1 111 67 60.4 17 25.4 44 13 12 29.5 27.3 23 4 4 17.4 17.4
(15.0–35.8) (16.0–42.9) (14.1–40.5) (1.9–32.9) (1.9–32.9)
Latvia 2 2 562 410 73.0 123 30.0 354 107 107 30.2 30.2 56 16 16 28.6 28.6
(25.6–34.4) (25.4–35.0) (25.4–35.0) (16.8–40.4) (16.8–40.4)
Lithuania 1 1 450 319 70.9 84 26.3 274 68 68 24.8 24.8 45 16 15 35.6 33.3
(21.5–31.1) (19.7–29.9) (19.7–29.9) (21.6–49.6) (19.5–47.1)
United King- 4 15 19 1060 691 65.2 211 30.5 441 149 147 33.8 33.3 250 62 60 24.8 24.0
dom (27.1–33.9) (29.4–38.2) (28.9–37.7) (19.5–30.2) (18.7–29.3)
Subtotal 8 15 23 2183 1487 68.1 435 29.3 1113 337 334 30.3 30.0 374 98 95 26.2 25.4
(27.0–31.6) (27.6–33.0) (27.3–32.7) (21.7–30.7) (21.0–29.8)
Western Europe
Belgium 4 4 460 309 67.9 98 31.7 184 70 62 38.0 33.7 125 28 27 22.4 21.6
(26.5–36.9) (31.0–45.0) (26.9–40.5) (15.1–29.7) (14.4–28.8)
France 4 4 701 548 78.2 175 31.9 369 137 134 37.1 36.3 179 38 31 21.2 17.3
(28.0–35.8) (32.2–42.0) (31.4–41.2) (15.2–27.2) (11.8–22.8)
Germany 1 1 119 97 81.5 36 37.1 76 30 30 39.5 39.5 21 6 6 28.6 28.6
(27.5–46.7) (28.5–50.5) (28.5–50.5) (9.3–47.9) (9.3–47.9)
Luxembourg 1 1 55 45 81.8 16 35.6 28 13 13 46.4 46.4 17 3 2 17.6 11.8
(21.6–49.6) (27.9–64.9) (27.9–64.9) (0.0–35.7) (0.0–35.7)
Switzerland 2 2 208 129 62.0 34 26.4 96 30 30 31.3 31.3 33 4 4 12.1 12.1
(18.8–34.0) (22.0–40.6) (22.0–40.6) (1.0–23.2) (1.0–23.2)
Subtotal 12 0 12 1543 1128 73.3 359 31.8 753 280 269 37.2 35.7 375 79 70 21.1 18.7
(29.1–34.5) (33.8–40.7) (32.3–39.1) (17.0–25.2) (14.8–22.7)
Southern Europe
Greece 1 1 2 525 332 63.2 132 39.8 236 89 79 37.7 29.7 96 43 43 44.8 44.8
(34.5–45.1) (31.5–43.9) (23.9–35.5) (34.9–54.8) (34.9–54.8)
Italy 3 1 4 419 306 73.0 116 37.9 171 88 88 51.5 51.5 135 28 23 20.7 17.0
(32.5–43.3) (44.0–59.0) (44.0–59.0) (13.9–27.5) (10.7–23.3)
Portugal 2 2 213 144 67.6 41 28.5 115 40 38 34.8 33.0 29 1 1 3.4 3.4
(21.1–35.9) (26.1–43.5) (24.4–41.6) (0.0–10.0) (0.0–10.0)
Slovenia* (1) (1) 271 146 53.9 38 26.0 116 34 33 29.3 28.4 30 4 3 13.3 10.0
(18.8–33.4) (21.0–37.6) (20.2–36.6) (1.5–25.5) (0.0–20.7)
Spain 4 1 5 368 289 78.5 109 37.7 175 79 77 45.1 44.0 114 30 28 26.3 24.6
(32.1–43.3) (37.7–52.5) (36.7–51.4) (18.2–34.4) (16.7–32.5)
Subtotal 10 3 13 1796 1217 67.8 436 35.8 813 330 315 40.6 37.9 404 104 98 25.7 24.3
(33.1–38.5) (37.2–44.0) (34.6–41.2) (21.4–30.0) (20.1–28.5)
Eastern Europe
Romania 1 1 2 92 81 88.0 58 71.6 81 58 58 71.6 71.6 / / / / /
(61.8–81.4) (61.8–81.4) (61.8–81.4)
Subtotal 31 19 50 5614 3913 69.8 1288 32.9 2760 1005 976 36.4 35.4 1153 281 263 24.4 22.8
Europe (31.4–34.4) (34.6–38.2) (33.6–37.2) (21.9–26.9) (20.4–25.2)
Antimicrobial use = all patients treated with at least 1 antibiotic and/or antimycotic and/or antiviral and/or antibiotic for the treatment of tuberculosis and/or an intestinal anti-infective.
Antibiotics = all patients treated with at least 1 antibacterial for systemic use (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical code = J01).
*Slovenia: data collected during feasibility PPS (2nd day of data collection, April 2011). No neonatal wards reported to this PPS.

© 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 32, Number 6, June 2013
TABLE 2. Overall Degree of Participation Among non-European Countries and Country-specific Proportions of Patients Treated with At Least 1
Antimicrobial vs. At Least 1 Antibiotic

Pediatric Antimicrobial and Antibiotic (J01) Neonatal Antimicrobial and Antibiotic (J01)
N Hospitals Global PPS Patient Overview Global PPS
Proportions Proportions

Treated Patients All

Treated Treated
Bed Antimicrobials N N
Non- N
N Countries Teaching Total N Beds Utilization Patients Patients

© 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

teaching Patients
(%) N% Admitted % All % J01 Admitted % All % J01
N All N J01 N All N J01
(95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI)

Australia and
New Zealand
Australia 2 2 436 416 95.4 170 40.9 335 137 133 40.9 39.7 81 33 24 40.7 29.6
(36.2–45.6) (35.6–46.2) (34.5–44.9) (30.0–51.4) (19.7–39.5)
Eastern Africa
Malawi 1 1 339 339 100.0 136 40.1 270 109 108 40.4 40.0 69 27 27 39.1 39.1
(34.9–45.3) (34.6–46.3) (34.2–45.8) (27.6–50.6) (27.6–50.6)
Western Africa
Ghana 1 1 299 292 97.7 111 38.0 178 77 77 43.3 43.3 114* 34 34 29.8 29.8
(32.4–43.6) (36.0–50.6) (36.0–50.6) (21.4–38.2) (21.4–38.2)
Gambia 1 1 2 146 102 69.9 37 36.3 90 31 29 34.4 32.2 12* 6 6 50.0 50.0
(27.0–45.6) (24.6–44.2) (22.6–41.9) (21.7–78.3) (21.7–78.3)
Southern Africa
South Africa 1 1 112 78 69.6 33 42.3 / / / / / 78 33 22 42.3 28.2
(31.3–53.3) (31.3–53.3) (18.2–38.2)
Southern Asia
The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 32, Number 6, June 2013

Iran 3 3 445 364 81.8 222 61.0 258 151 149 58.5 57.8 106 71 71 67.0 67.0
(56.0–66.0) (52.5–64.5) (51.8–63.8) (58.1–75.9) (58.1–75.9)
Western Asia
Saudi Arabia 1 1 210 137 65.2 61 44.5 102 50 47 49.0 46.1 35 11 11 31.4 31.4
(36.2–52.8) (39.3–58.7) (36.4–55.8) (16.0–46.8) (16.0–46.8)
Georgia 11 11 454 186 41.0 113 60.8 149 97 97 65.1 65.1 37* 16 16 43.2 43.2
(53.8–67.8) (57.5–72.8) (57.5–72.8) (27.2–59.2) (27.2–59.2)
Northern America
United States 1 1 303 240 79.2 100 41.7 183 78 75 42.6 41.0 57 22 21 38.6 36.8
(35.5–47.9) (35.4–49.8) (33.9–48.1) (26.0–51.2) (24.3–49.3)
Subtotal 11 12 23 2744 2154 78.5 983 45.6 1565 730 715 46.6 43.8 589 253 232 43.0 39.4
non- (43.5–47.7) (44.1–49.1) (41.3–46.3) (39.0–47.0) (35.5–43.4)
Grand total 42 31 73 5358 6067 72.6 2271 37.4 4325 1735 1691 40.1 38.3 1742 534 495 30.7 28.4
(36.2–38.6) (38.6–41.6) (36.9–39.8) (28.5–32.9) (26.3–30.5)
Antimicrobial use = all patients treated with at least 1 antibiotic and/or antimycotic and/or antiviral and/or antibiotic for the treatment of tuberculosis and/or an intestinal anti-infective.
Antibiotics = all patients treated with at least 1 antibacterial for systemic use (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical code = J01).
*Data for general neonatal medical wards are provided (no NICU data available). /: No pediatric wards reported to this PPS. |
ARPEC Antimicrobial Survey
Versporten et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 32, Number 6, June 2013

TABLE 3. Bed Utilization and Proportional Antimicrobial and Antibiotic Use by Department Type

N Patients
Proportion N Patients Proportion
Treated Bed
Department Type N Patients N Beds Antimicrobial Use % Treated With an Antibiotic Use %
With an Utilization (%)
(95% CI) Antibiotic† (95% CI)

Pediatric wards
Hematology–oncology SPMW 351 483 223 72.7 63.5 (58.5–68.5) 215 61.3 (56.2–66.4)
Pediatric intensive care unit 312 443 179 70.4 57.4 (51.9–62.9) 174 55.8 (50.3–61.3)
Transplant (BMT-solid)‡ SPMW 37 45 16 82.2 43.2 (27.2–59.2) 16 43.2 (27.2–59.2)
General pediatric medical ward 1472 2255 574 65.3 39.0 (36.5–41.5) 562 38.2 (35.7–40.7)
All other SPMW 836 1063 319 78.6 38.2 (34.9–41.5) 317 37.9 (34.6–41.2)
Pediatric surgery 1023 1439 338 71.1 33.0 (30.1–35.9) 338 33.0 (30.1–35.9)
Cardiology SPMW 178 212 52 84.0 29.2 (22.5–35.9) 49 27.5 (20.9–34.1)
Subtotal 4209 5940 1701 70.9 40.4 (38.9–41.9) 1671 39.7 (38.2–41.2)
Neonatal wards
Tertiary referral NICU level 3 678 812 282 83.5 41.6 (37.9–45.3) 265 39.1 (35.4–42.8)
Special NICU level 1 183 220 64 83.2 35.0 (28.1–41.9) 62 33.9 (27.0–40.8)
Medium NICU level 2 218 291 59 74.9 27.1 (21.2–33.0) 48 22.0 (16.5–27.5)
General neonatal medical ward 633 819 127 77.3 20.1 (17.0–23.2) 126 19.9 (16.8–23.0)
Subtotal 1712 2142 532 79.9 31.1 (28.9–33.3) 501 29.3 (27.1–31.5)
Grand total 5921 8082 2233 73.3 37.7 (36.5–38.9) 2172 36.7 (35.5–37.9)
*Antimicrobial use = all patients treated with at least 1 antibiotic and/or antimycotic and/or antiviral and/or antibiotic for the treatment of tuberculosis and/or an intestinal
†Antibiotic use = all patients treated with at least 1 antibacterial for systemic use (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical code = J01).
‡Bone Marrow Transplantation and Solid Organ Transplantation. Slovenian data are not included.
SPMW indicates specialist pediatric medical ward.

algorithms.20 An analytic review was conducted and compared referral hospitals (69.4% and 71.2% of total beds and patients)
existing methods on quantifying pediatric hospital antimicrobial and 11 were specialized hospitals (infectious diseases, pediatrics;
use with the ARPEC methodology. 16.4% and 17.8% of total beds and patients).
Sixty-three participants (83%) surveyed all eligible wards
within the hospital and 10 participants (17%) surveyed only
RESULTS neonatal wards or specialized pediatric medicine wards. A wide
Tables 1 and 2 present the overall degree of participation and range of 8 to 450 beds at the hospital level was observed. The 73
country-specific proportions of antimicrobial and antibiotic use for participating hospital and Slovenia accounted for 6141 pediatric
European and non-European participating hospitals. Overall, 50 and 2217 neonatal beds (Table 1). Mean and median beds were
hospitals of 14 European countries and 23 hospitals of 9 non-Euro- higher in non-European compared with European beds (mean, 119
pean countries (columns N hospitals global PPS) participated in this vs. 107 beds; median, 85 vs. 68 beds, respectively).
first PPS. All hospitals, except 13 United Kingdom, 1 Spanish and A pediatric intensive care unit was present in 25 European
1 South African hospital conducted the survey between September (50%) and 13 non-European (57%) hospitals; a hematology–
19 and 30, 2011. Detailed information was returned for all hospitals oncology unit in 18 European (36%) and 7 non-European hospi-
because all fields had to be completed during online data-entry. tals (30%) and one or more pediatric surgery units in 22 European
Overall, 60% were teaching hospitals. Eight were district- or (44%) and 13 non-European hospitals (57%). Thirty-eight Euro-
first-level hospitals (primary level; 2.3% and 1.7% of total beds pean (76%) versus 9 non-European hospitals (39%) had one or
and patients), 18 were provincial or general hospitals (secondary more NICUs, among which 27 (71%) versus 7 (78%) had a large
level; 12.0% and 9.3% of total beds and patients), 36 were tertiary referral NICU level 3, respectively. The data set contains a high

FIGURE 1. Number of reported children admitted on a pediatric ward and receiving at least 1 antimicrobial treatment, by age.

e246 | © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 32, Number 6, June 2013 ARPEC Antimicrobial Survey

FIGURE 2. Number of reported babies admitted on a neonatal ward and receiving at least 1 antimicrobial treatment, by age.

sample of patients admitted on NICU-3 (Table, Supplemental Digi- wards (39.4%, range 28.2–67.0%) (Table 2). Overall, children
tal Content 3, The high number of admitted to non-European hospitals were significantly more likely
patients admitted on a general neonatal medical ward represented to receive one or more antibiotics (43.8%; 95% CI: 41.3–46.3%)
mainly the African countries and Georgia. (Table 2) compared with European hospitals (35.4%; 95% CI:
On the day of the survey, there were 4325 pediatric and 1742 33.6–37.2%) (Table 1). A North-South gradient was observed
neonatal inpatients reported. Bed utilization was higher among for European pediatric wards, with significantly lower antibiotic
non-European (78.5%, Table 1) compared with European hospitals prevalence rates seen in the Northern European region (30.0%,
(69.8%, Table 2). Bed utilization was higher for neonatal wards 95% CI: 27.3–32.7%) and highest in South Europe (37.9%, 95%
(79.9%) compared with pediatric wards (70.9%) (Table 3). CI: 34.6–41.2%), apart from the Romanian pediatric hospitals
Of the treated patients admitted on a pediatric ward, 56.0% (71.6%; 95% CI: 61.8–81.4%) (Table 1).
(n = 543) and 53.8% (n = 150) were male in European and non- We observed significantly higher antibiotic prevalence rates
European hospitals, respectively. With respect to neonatal wards, in hematology–oncology pediatric medical wards (61.3%; 95% CI:
52.9% (n = 387) and 63.2% (n = 160) were male in European and 56.2–66.4%) and the pediatric intensive care units (55.8%; 95%
non-European hospitals, respectively. The 2.7% (n = 27) miss- CI: 50.3–61.3%) when compared with the other wards. Lowest
ing gender specifications for the non-European hospitals originate antibiotic use was observed for the general neonatal medical ward
mainly from African countries and 40.4% (n = 903) of patients (19.9%; 95% CI: 16.8–23.0%) (Fig. 3 and Table 3). At ward level,
admitted on a pediatric ward were younger than 1 year. The high- a wide variation of treated patients on the day of the survey was
est number of treated patients admitted on a neonatal ward was observed (range 0–100%).
≤7 days old (42.2%, n = 227); 3.5% of the treated patients was
≥3 months old (n = 19), 5 among them were over 6 months of age
(Figs. 1 and 2). DISCUSSION
The highest antibiotic prevalence rates (number of patients The organization and process of data collection, as
treated with at least 1 antibiotic/100 patients) were observed among described above, resulted in an active participation involving Euro-
non-European pediatric (43.8%, range 32.2–65.1%) and neonatal pean and non-European hospitals. This cross-sectional survey on

FIGURE 3. Variation in overall proportions of antibiotic use (J01) by ward type (N = 2172 children treated with at least 1 anti-
biotic, N = 50 European and 23 non-European hospitals). SPMW indicates specialist pediatric medical ward ; BMT-solid, Bone
Marrow Transplantation and Solid Organ Transplantation.

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Versporten et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 32, Number 6, June 2013

antimicrobial use provided for the first time detailed directly com- for particular wards of interest (eg, NICU).35 Yet, interpretation
parable data about the frequency and characteristics of antimicro- and certainly comparison of results between studies using this
bial prescribing for hospitalized neonates and children in Europe measurement unit have been profoundly hampered by the lack of
and worldwide. standard international pediatric DDDs. Many medicinal products
Antibiotic use and bed utilization rates varied considerable used in children are not approved for certain indications and very
by region. The higher bed utilization rates observed among non- limited formal dosing recommendations, based on well-powered
European countries are partially explained by the inclusion of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies, are available.16
African hospitals admitting more patients than beds available. A We have recently proposed a new method for measuring antibiotic
bed utilization of 100% means that we do not know how many consumption using pediatric DDDs by grouping neonates and
beds were available for the number of patients admitted. September children into 4 age-related bands,37 but this has not yet been
was still the winter period within Australia, involving higher bed prospectively evaluated.
use due to respiratory infections. Worldwide differences in season The 2 main methods of presenting antibiotic volumes of
subsequently may have influenced antibiotic prescribing rates at use (proportions vs. number of DDD) imply the adoption of sev-
country level. We observed a European North-South gradient of eral existing numerators (patients receiving antibiotics, packages,
pediatric antibiotic use. Significantly lower pediatric antibiotic prescriptions, days of therapy, number of prescribed daily doses,
prescribing rates were found for the Northern compared with the number of defined daily doses) and denominators (admissions,
Southern European countries. This is consistent with the findings all inpatients, occupied bed-days, all prescriptions, number of full
of ESAC on outpatient antibiotic use; the Northern European courses), depending on the nature of the data available (1-day PPS
countries are well known for their low prescribing practice.21 Next, vs. longitudinal data vs. pharmacy sales data). In addition to the
significantly higher proportions of overall antibiotic use were different methods of data collection, with respect to eligibility of
observed for non-European countries compared with the European patient populations and wards, there is relevant variability in patient
sample. This seems in line with previous published studies from case-mix, institutional characteristics, seasonality of data collec-
Turkey22 (54.6%), Nepal23,24 (range 70–93%) and Israel25 (range tion and other determinants which need to be taken into account to
35–72%). correctly interpret observed variations in antimicrobial use among
With respect to neonatal wards, overall observed antibiotic patient populations, institutions and regions.
use was highest in tertiary referral NICUs. Similar rates were found Possible intervention studies need to be based on robust sur-
in an Israeli study25 (35 ± 12%), whereas much higher rates were veillance data. The first step in improving the quality of antibiotic
observed in Turkey22 (73.3%). NICUs admit a vulnerable popula- use is to establish the extent of (in) appropriate use of antibiotics. To
tion of low-birth-weight babies with high rates of sepsis. Subse- interpret results of an epidemiological study on antibiotic use, we
quently, there is a risk of high antibiotic pressure, which has led need to compare the results with data from other studies. Yet, meth-
to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.26 Finally, sig- odological differences between the studies may be greater than any
nificantly higher proportions of antibiotic use were observed for a statistically significant difference in the results. Meaningful com-
hematology/oncology ward or a pediatrics intensive care unit when parisons between antibiotic use patterns can only be made between
compared with the overall prevalence in pediatric wards, which is studies using similar study designs, definitions and data collection
also in line with previously published studies.22,27,28 methods. The ARPEC PPS cross-sectional design responds to this
The observed variation in antibiotic use within Europe and critical need as it assesses similarities between groups, in terms
worldwide could be determined by cultural influences, national of a current health status (indication for treatment, the underlying
guidelines, local or regional policy, local resistance patterns, disease) and exposure (prevalence) to antibiotics.
knowledge on appropriate antibiotic prescribing and availability of The strength of our method is the uniformity of data collec-
drugs on the market. The observed country-specific proportions of tion. The quality assurance approach (data validation process) guar-
antibiotic use cannot be generalized; neither its appropriateness of anteed a standardized, solid database for cross-sectional analyses
use can be discussed because relevant determinants of antibiotic use and further longitudinal studies. It will allow investigation of the
such as hospital type, bed occupancy rates, high severity of disease key determinants of antibiotic use prescribed for children and neo-
and relevant patients’ characteristics were not controlled for in this nates admitted to the hospital. The simplicity of the protocol made
analysis. In Romania for example, high proportions of antibiotic the survey feasible and achievable. As such, we offered simple case
use were to be expected as 1 of the 2 participating hospitals was an definitions to aid auditing of antibiotic use, without recourse to
infectious disease hospital. complicated algorithms (eg, diagnostic criteria). We only collected
Previous epidemiologic studies on antibiotic use have detailed data on patients with an active antimicrobial prescription
been conducted using a wide range of methods and with different (not all admitted children). At hospital level, the conduct of a PPS
numerator and denominators, which makes comparison with itself brought together a multidisciplinary team of professional’s
the current study difficult (Table 4). Different approaches for willing to work toward appropriate antimicrobial prescribing. The
data collection; analysis and reporting of antibiotic use among survey results were shared with participating centers in the hope
hospitalized children have been used and/or suggested. A that they will contribute to “sustained” awareness, and further will
standardized approach to uniformly report and compare data on serve as an evaluation tool of hospital-based interventions (eg,
pediatric and neonatal antibiotic prescribing within Europe and the development of a local antimicrobial stewardship program).
worldwide is lacking. Most studies report proportions (%) of patients Finally, the online tool of data-entry and reporting offered the
on antibiotics (prevalence rates) using a 1-day PPS design,5,22,27,29,30 opportunity to add other questions. For example, participants were
a retrospective,23,24 mixed retroprospective28 or prospective25,31–34 also invited and encouraged to complete a questionnaire on their
design with different time periods or intervals of data collection current empiric antibiotic guidelines.
within a single hospital23,24,27–30,32or between hospitals.5,22,34–38 Billing There are limitations to the current study. The generalizabil-
data have also been used to compare proportions of antibiotic use.39 ity of the findings is limited by the methodological approach. A
Besides proportions, antibiotic volumes have been expressed in 1-day PPS captures only small numbers of children with individual
number of daily defined doses (DDD) using, for example, purchase conditions (eg, pneumonia) in each hospital. Pediatric hospitals are
records of pharmacies for the whole pediatric hospital36,38,40 or smaller in general than adult hospitals and care must be taken to

e248 | © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

TABLE 4. Previous Studies Reporting Variation in Antibiotic Prescribing in Children and Neonates Admitted to Hospital Worldwide

Region/Year Overall Antimicrobial

Nominator/ Antimicrobial
Study Investigation/ Type Population Main Aim Design Use Estimates (Preva-
Denominator Classification
Sample Setting lence Rates)

Ang L., J. Hosp. United Kingdom All pediatric inpa- Determine preva- Survey on 2 consecu- All patients receiving 49.3% Not specified
Infect., 200832 (England)/2006/240- tients, large propor- lence antimicrobial tive weeks antimicrobials / 359
bed secondary 1 tion of specialist prescribing and inpatients for 2 sur-
tertiary care center patients community- vey dates, patients
acquired infections on both dates
included twice
Amadeo B., JAC, 21 European coun- All children Describe pediatric 1-day PPS Children receiving an 32% (range 17–100%) ATC/DDD
20105 tries/2008/32 hospitals antimicrobial antibiotic method
admitting children prescribing / identify PDD / all children
targets quality present 24 hr before

© 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

improvement survey
Berild D., Russia/2002-’04/600 bed All children of 2 wards Improve antibiotic use Controlled interven- N patients receiving Calculation of risk Not specified
Int.J.Antimicr. pediatric hospital for gastro intestinal and evaluate its tion study (1-day antibiotics / all difference for the 2
Agents, 200829 infections(0–18 yr) persistence PPS): implementa- patients wards
and respiratory tract tion guidelines in
infections(1–14 yr) 1 ward vs. control
Ceyhan M., IJID, Turkey/2007/12 (referral) Patients 0–16 yr Determine prevalence 1-day PPS All patients receiving 54.6% Not specified
201022 children hospitals of inappropriate antimicrobials / all
antimicrobial use patients = 1302
Ciofi degli Atti Italy (2 sites)/2007/607 All children Describe prevalence of 1-day PPS Prescriptions / all 43.9% Not specified
ML., Euro sur- children hospital antibiotic use patients hospital-
veill., 200830 ized >48 hr (n = 412
Gerber JS., Pediat- USA/2008/40 freestand- All children and Quantify and type Retrospective cohort -Patients receiving any 60% (range 38–72%) Own clas-
rics, 201039 ing children hospitals neonates antibiotic prescrib- study. Hospital antibiotic Days of therapy sification /
ing across US child- billing data on -Days of therapy / all = 468/1000 definition
rens hospitals antibiotic use discharged patients inpatient-days broad
from Pediatric between January 1 spectrum
The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 32, Number 6, June 2013

Health Information and December 31, antibiotic

System. 2008
Hajdu A., J.Hosp. North West Russia/ All inpatients ≤18 yr Estimate prevalence of 1-day PPS All patients receiving 39% Not specified
Infec., 200727 2006/500-bed public Health care associ- antimicrobials/ all
pediatric hospital ated infections and patients = 472
antimicrobial use
Palikhe N., KUMJ., Nepal/2003/ Major child Selection odd numbers Study prescribing Retrospective study of N prescriptions/121 93% Not specified
200423 hospital Kathmandu of children 1 mo to practice of antibiot- 1.5 mo patients
valley 12 yr admitted in 1 ics
general ward
Porta A., JAC, United Kingdom, Greece, Children and neonates Develop a standard- 14-day period preva- 1) N Prescriptions / N Pediatrics: 43.5%– ATC/DDD
201237 Italy/2009/4 childrens ized way to compare lence survey admissions 55.9% (0.97–1.06 method
hospitals antimicrobial 2) N patients on antibi- DDD/100bed-days)
prescribing otics on any 1 day/N Neonates: 30.1%–
patients 39.2% (1.39–2.38
3) DDD and PDD / N PDD/100 bed-days)
occupied bed-days
Potocki M., Infec- Switzerland, All inpatients 1–16 Examine use of Prospective study—6- All patients -Medical ward = 42% Not specified
tion, 200331 Zurich/2001/ tertiary yr of 1 randomly antibiotics, identify week consecutive receiving -Surgical ward = 32%
care centre chosen medical and targets to improve period antibiotics / all -Justified antibiotic
surgical ward use admitted patients prescribing = 85%
Raveh D. QJM., Israel/1998/528-bed uni- All patients receiving Generate information Prospective compara- All patients receiv- Pediatrics = 72% ± Not specified |
200125 versity institution antimicrobial agents on antimicrobial use tive longitudinal ing antibiotics / 12%
by ward approach (3–4 mo N courses (3-day Neonatology = 35%
follow-up) interval) by ward ± 14%

ARPEC Antimicrobial Survey

TABLE 4. Continued

Region/Year Overall Antimicro- Antimicro-
Study Investigation/ Type Population Main Aim Design bial Use Estimates bial Clas-
Sample Setting (Prevalence Rates) sification
Versporten et al

Salas AA., Acta Bolivia/2006/160-bed Inpatients with Determine antibiotic Cohort study over 67 patients (excluding 24% Not specified
paediatrica public pediatric suspected bacterial prescribing in 4-wk period admissions to pedi-
200733 hospital infection receiving patients receiving atrics intensive care
antibiotics during empirical therapy unit) / 338 admis-

first 24 hr admission sions to surgery and
medical wards
Shankar PR., Nepal /2003-’04/ Teach- All children 0–14 yr Obtain information on Retrospectively All patients receiv- 69.9% WHO model
Singapore Med ing tertiary care discharged from prescribing patterns collected informa- ing antibiotics / N list of
J., 200624 hospital pediatric ward of drugs tion during a 4-mo admissions essential
period N prescriptions medicines
13th rev.
Ufer M., Pharm- Germany and Croatia/ Children ≤8 yr Compare systemic Prospective obser- First course of antibi- Germany = 10.0% ATC/DDD
coepid. Drug 2003/ pediatric units antimicrobial use vational study of otic (incident) use Croatia = 24.7% method
Saf., 200534 (±80 beds) of 2 univer- among 2 hospitals hospital records (J01)/ N admissions
sity hospitals (300 for each set-
N treatment courses
Van Houten M.A., The Netherlands/ All patients Analyze antibiotic use Retroprospective All patients receiving 1994: 33.3% Not specified
Int.J.Antimicr. 1994-’96/105-bed ter- over 3 consecutive study—3 times in a antibiotics / admis- 1995: 40.5 %
Agents, 199828 tiary referral pediatric years 8-wk period sions 1996: 33.7%
university hospital
Antibiotic volume
expressed in N
DDD/100 bed-days
(or admissions)
Bassetti M., Italy/1993-’95/ pediatric All children Study antimicrobial Data from purchase -N DDDs Comparison (differ- ATC/DDD
Int.J.Antimicr. hospital drug use records of phar- -Expenditure (US$)/ ence) of N DDD by method
Agents, 199940 macy service not specified antibiotic drug and
class and cost over
Liem TB., JAC, The Netherlands/ All patients admitted Characterize type and Use of dispensing N DDD at substance 130 to 360 DDD / 100 ATC/DDD
201035 2005/10 tertiary to NICU volume of antibiotic antibiotics from level / N admissions admissions method
NICUs use; DU90% hospital pharma- per NICU
cies to NICUs
Palcevski G., Croatia vs. Russia/ Patients 0–15 yr Describe antibiotic use Use of dispensing N DDD at substance Rijeka = 29.0 ATC/DDD
Pharmcoepid. 2000/2 pediatric clinics between 2 countries; antibiotics from level / bed-days DDD/100 BD method
Drug Saf., 200436 DU90% hospital pharma- Smolensk = 8.3
cies (J01) DDD/100 BD
Zhang W., Pharma- China/2002-’06/5 chil- All children 0–>12 yr Investigate if antibiotic Retrieval of N pack- N packages 2002: 68.2 DDD/100 ATC/DDD
coepi.Drug Saf., dren hospitals (4%) guidelines have ages and doses N doses/-N inpatients/ BD method
200838 impact on use from each hospital year 2006: 49.9 DDD /100
database for com- -Duration of stay BD
plete years
PDD indicates prescribed daily dose; ATC, Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical.

© 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 32, Number 6, June 2013
The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 32, Number 6, June 2013 ARPEC Antimicrobial Survey

not misinterpret the data. Ten institutions (17%) did not include all Karel Allegaert, MD, PhD, Anne Smits, MD, neonatal inten-
targeted wards in the survey. Those hospitals mainly submitted data sive care unit, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium.
for the high intensity care wards, admitting children more likely Irja Lutsar, MD, PhD, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.
to have received more antibiotics. Information on the other wards Eda Tamm, MD, Anneli Larionova, MD, University Clinics
is missing. We therefore did not report analyses by institution. of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.
Benchmarking was not an aim of this first PPS, even for fully sur- Daniel Orbach, MD, Pediatric Oncology Department, Insti-
veyed hospitals. Nevertheless, antimicrobial use prevalence rates tut Curie, Paris, France.
obtained through repetitive PPS conducted among inpatient adults Mathie Lorrot, MD, PhD, François Angoulvant, MD, Cath-
seem to remain stable over time.6 Next, we had to develop our own erine Doit, PharmD, PhD, Sonia Prot-Labarthe, PharmD, PhD,
classifications for the clinical indication for prescribing and under- Université Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Hôpital Universi-
lying diseases as no specific formal way of grouping pediatric and taire Robert Debré, Paris, France.
neonatal International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Francois Dubos, MD, PhD, Marion Lagree, MD, Peadiatric
related health problems—10th Revision (ICD10 codes) suitable for Emergency Unit and Infectious Diseases, Université Lille Nord-de-
a simplified PPS exists. Furthermore, we did not collect informa- France, UDSL, CHRU Lille, Lille, France.
tion about the clinical justification and duration of antibiotic ther- Sandra Biscardi, MD, Fabrice Decobert, MD, Isabelle Hau,
apy, whether a suitable culture was obtained, whether the treatment MD, Fouad Madhi, MD, Xavier Durrmeyer, MD, Centre Hospital-
was appropriate for the infection to be treated or whether the surgi- ier Intercommunal de Créteil, Créteil, France.
cal prophylaxis and its duration were justified. Finally, we noticed Kalifa Bojang, MD, PhD, Ismaela Abubakr, MD, Uduak
insufficient knowledge of the protocol among some participants. Okomo, MD, Rohey Awe, MD, Medical Research Council Unit,
Data collection was done on an entirely voluntary basis, involving Banjul, The Gambia.
motivated, but busy clinicians. The online validation procedure, a Suzanne Anderson, MD, PhD, Ireneh Akwara, MD, Readon
requisite to download the personalized feedback, proved to be very C. Ideh, MBBS, FWACP, Clinical Services Department, Medical
useful as it enforced verification, correction and validation of data Research Council Unit, The Gambia.
by participants. Karaman Pagava, MD, PhD, DSc, Tbilisi State Medical Uni-
Despite the excellent degree of participation, small numbers versity, Tbilisi, Georgia.
at hospital and/or country level were included. During a follow-up Markus Hufnagel, MD, PhD, Division of Pediatric Infec-
PPS study, we aim to increase the number of participating hospitals tious Diseases and Rheumatology, Center of Pediatrics and Ado-
(minimum 3 hospitals per country) in a wide variety of settings lescent Medicine, University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany.
globally in high and low income countries and to identify country- Katharina Schuster, MD, Center of Pediatrics and Adoles-
specific trends (geographical variation), hospital-specific outcomes cent Medicine, University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany.
(hospital type, ward-specific variations) and patient-related vari- Philipp Henneke, MD, PhD, Division of Pediatric Infectious
ability of antibiotic use. Repeated surveys in the same institutions Diseases and Rheumatology, Center of Pediatrics and Adolescent
could identify antibiotic prescribing trends over time and further Medicine, and Center of Chronic Immunodeficiency, University
will assess the key importance of seasonal variation in pediatrics. Medical Center Freiburg, Germany.
The method may allow a self-sustainable long-term routine data Anthony Enimil, MD, Alex Osei-Akoto, MD, Samuel Blay
collection, but core long-term funding remains a problem. The Nguah, MD, Daniel Ansong, MD, Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital
incorporated automated feedback system, which will be further Kumasi, Ghana.
refined, should enhance local discussions. We strive for the identi- Elias Iosifidis, MD, MSc, Emmanuel Roilides, MD, PhD, 3rd
fication of clear targets for quality improvement at hospital and/or Department of Pediatrics, Aristotle University School of Medicine,
national level, offering baseline data for the development of feasi- Hippokration Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece.
ble antibiotic stewardship programs. Nikos Spyridis, MD, PhD, Garyfallia Syridou, MD, PhD,
Second Department of Paediatrics, National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens School of Medicine, Athens, Greece.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Jafar Soltani, MD, Naseh Soleimani, MD, Soheila Nahedi,
ARPEC project group members are as follows: MD, Fatima Khosravi, MSN, Kurdistan University of Medical Sci-
Celia Cooper, MD, PhD, Lai-Yang Lee, Microbiology and ences, Sanandaj, Iran.
Infectious Disease Directorate, SA Pathology, South Australia. Gholamreza Pouladfar, MD, Zahra Jafarpour, MD, Professor
Joseph Whitehouse, PharmD, Department of Pharmacy, Alborzi Clinical Microbiology Research Center, Shiraz University
Women’s and Children’s Hospital, South Australia. of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.
Penelope A. Bryant, BM, BCh, PhD, Gabrielle Haeusler, Carlo Giacquinto, MD, PhD, Germana Longo, MD, Dan-
MBBS, Nigel Curtis, MBBS, PhD, Mike Starr, MBBS, Infectious iele Donà, MD, Teresa Mion, MD, Department of Pediatrics “Salus
Diseases Unit, Department of General Medicine, The Royal Chil- pueri”, Padua, Italy.
dren’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. Patrizia D’Argenio, MD, Marta Luisa Ciofi Degli Atti, MD,
Anne Vergison, MD, MPH, Véronique Léon, Michèle Dele- Maia De Luca, MD, Gaetano Ciliento, RN, Bambino Gesù Children
strait, Claudia Huza, MD, Philippe Lepage, MD, PhD, Paediatric Hospital IRCCS, Rome, Italy.
Infectious Diseases Unit, Infection control and Epidemiology Unit, Susanna Esposito, MD, PhD, Elena Danieli, MBiol, Valen-
ULB-HUDERF, Brussels, Belgium. tina Montinaro, MBiol, Rossana Tenconi, MD, Pediatric Clinic 1,
Ludo Mahieu, MD, PhD, Tine Boiy, MD, Hilde Jansens, MD, Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation, Fondazione
University Hospital Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium. IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milano, Italy.
Dimitri Van der Linden, MD, Pediatric Infectious and Tropi- Chiara Centenari, MD, hospital of Trento, Trento, Italy.
cal Diseases, Pediatric Department, Clinique Universitaires Saint- Giangiacomo Nicolini, MD, PENTA coordinator, ARPEC
Luc, Brussels, Belgium. educational group, San Martino Hospital, Belluno-Italy.
Caroline Briquet, PharmD, Centre for Clinical Pharmacy, Dzintars Mozgis, PhD, Riga Stradins University, Public
Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Brussels, Belgium. Health and Epidemiology Department, Riga, Latvia.

© 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | e251

Versporten et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 32, Number 6, June 2013

Inese Sviestina, MD, University Children’s Hospital (Gailez- Christoph Berger, MD, University Children’s Hospital
ers), Riga, Latvia. Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland.
Jana Pavare, MD, PhD, Kristine Rasnaca, MD, Dace Gar- Alison Gifford, MD, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, United
dovska, MD, PhD, Ilze Grope, MD, PhD, University Children’s Kingdom.
Hospital, Riga, Latvia. Esse Menson, MD, Alina Botgros, MD, Department of General
Vytautas Usonis, MD, PhD, Vilnius University Clinic of Paediatrics, Evelina Children’s Hospital, London, United Kingdom.
Children Diseases, Vilnius, Lithuania and Children’s Hospital, Sara Arenas-Lopez, MSc, MRPharmS, Paul Wade, MD,
Affiliate of Vilnius University Hospital Santariskiu Klinikos, Vil- Department of Pharmacy, Evelina Children’s Hospital, London,
nius, Lithuania. United Kingdom.
Vilija Gurksniene, MD, Audrone Eidukaite, MD, PhD, Chil- Katja Doerholt, MD, Paediatric Infectious Diseases Unit, St
dren’s Hospital, Affiliate of Vilnius University Hospital Santariskiu George’s Hospital, London, United Kingdom.
Klinikos, Vilnius, Lithuania. Simon B Drysdale, MRCPCH, St Helier Hospital, London,
Armand Biver, MD, Clinique Pédiatrique, Centre Hospital- United Kingdom.
ier Luxembourg, Luxembourg. James C. McElnay, MD, PhD, Clinical and Practice
Aisleen Bennett, MD, Bernadette O’Hare, MD, Department Research Group, School of Pharmacy, Queen’s University Belfast,
of Paediatrics, Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Blantyre, Malawi. Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.
Neil Kennedy, MB ChB, MRCPCH, Queen Elizabeth Cen- Mary P. Kearney, MB, BCH, BAO, FRCPath, Michael G.
tral Hospital, Blantyre, Malawi and Department of Paediatrics, Scott, PhD, Fidelma A. Magee, BSc, Northern Health and Social
College of Medicine, Malawi. Care Trust, Ballymena, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.Mamoon
Ana Brett, MD, Fernanda Rodrigues, MD, Infectious Dis- Aldeyab, PhD, Clinical and Practice Research Group, School of
eases Unit and Emergency Service, Hospital Pediátrico de Coimbra, Pharmacy, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland,
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal. United Kingdom and Northern Health and Social Care Trust, Bal-
Isabel Esteves, MD, Pediatrics Department, Pediatric Infec- lymena, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.
tious Diseases Unit, Santa Maria Hospital, Lisbon, Portugal. Maggie Heginbothom, PhD, ARPEC PPS coordinator,
Simona Claudia Cambrea, MD, PhD, Clinic of Infectious Antimicrobial Resistance Programme - Surveillance Unit, Public
Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, “Ovidius” University, Constanta, Health Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
Romania. Jason G Newland, MD, MEd, Erin B Hedican, MD, Hirak
Mihai Craiu, MD, PhD, Emil Tomescu, MD, Pediatrics Shah, MD, Leslie Stach, MD, Diane Yu, MD, Children’s Mercy
Department, Life Memorial Hospital, Bucharest, Romania. Hospital and Clinics, Section of Infectious Diseases, Kansas City,
Mohammed A. Al Shehri, MD, Dayel Al Shahrani, MD, King issouri, USA.
Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Milan Čižman, MD, PhD, Janez Babnik, MD, PhD, Rajko
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