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Colegio José Celestino

Think Green!


Lingüística (1) Pragmática (2) Sociolingüística(3)

INDICADOR DE • Respondo con frases cortas a preguntas sencillas sobre temas que me son familiares. 1, 2, 3
DESEMPEÑO • Inicio, mantengo y cierro una conversación sencilla sobre un tema conocido. 1, 2, 3
• Comprendo mensajes cortos y simples relacionados con mi entorno y mis intereses personales y
académicos. 1, 2, 3
CRITERIOS DE Reconoce información específica relacionada con objetos, personas y acciones.
EVALUACION Entiende la idea principal y algunos detalles relacionados con actividades, lugares y personas en un
texto descriptivo corto
Describe, de manera oral, personas, actividades, eventos y experiencias personales.

» I can request information about human actions.
» I can make suggestions to improve practices.
» I can describe how to do something.

1. Listen to Miguel talking about ecological footprints. Label with the words in the Word Bank. Then match
the answers with the questions.

2. Listen to Tommy and Rocío talking about their lifestyles. Complete the chart with the correct name.
3. Match the eco-friendly actions with the photos A–H.

4. Read the magazine article. Match each paragraph (a–c) with a picture (1–3).

5. Match the ‘R’ action with an example.

a. Camila is wearing her cousin’s old jacket. 1. reducing
b. Pablo stopped buying magazines and books he never reads. 2. recycling
c. Jorge uses old plastic bottles to plant flowers and vegetables. 3. reusing
6. Read the eco-actions and decide if they reduce, reuse or recycle. Complete the table.

7. Put the words in the correct order to complete the questions. Then listen to the interview and check
your answers.

8. Order the words to make questions and match them with an answer.

9. Label each picture with the questions. Then complete the answers with expressions from the box.
10. Label the pictures with words from the Word Bank.

11. Listen and label the bins with the words from the Word Bank. Then listen again and match the items
from exercise 3 with the correct bin.

12. Underline the correct word or phrase in bold in each sentence.

a) Cans of tuna should always be placed with the other glass / metals / plastics.
b) To reduce your eco-footprint, you can throw away / consume a lot of / recycle old tyres.
c) When sorting your rubbish, put your old TV / pens / photocopies in the e-waste bin.
d) Travelling by bicycle / in a private car / on a public bus doesn’t reduce your eco-footprint.
e) Crisp packets / Newspapers / Glass bottles can’t be recycled and should be thrown into the general
rubbish bin.
13. Read the article about eco-solutions given by kids from different parts of Colombia. Label the
paragraphs with the expressions.

14. Read the article quickly. Select the best headline.

a. San Pedro School Waste Problem

b. Successful Recycling Programme At San Pedro School
c. San Pedro School Eco-Promise
1. PrinT on AsTrobrighTs paper for insTanT color or color The pages. CuT along all solid lines and fold
on all doTTed lines.

2. Fold your file folder as shown. CuT ouT The cover, color, and cuT iT in half. PasTe one To boTh ouTer
flaps of The file folder.

3. CuT ouT The “WhaT Can I Recycle?” flap book. On The flaps, wriTe down Things ThaT are made ouT
of each maTerial: paper, plasTic, glass, and elecTronics. STaple These TogeTher as shown. Glue The
header To The Top middle of your folder. Then, glue The flap book beneaTh iT.

4. CuT ouT The “Vocabulary” box. Define each of The words in The box. Place This under The flap-

5. On The lefT parT, fold The envelopes ThaT say “reduce” “reuse” and “recycle.” CuT ouT The de-
scripTions and place Them in Their correcT folder. Feel free To add exTras!

6. CuT ouT The “4 Ways I Can Help The EarTh.” Fill iT ouT. Then, pasTe iT To The righT of your folder.
______________________’s LAPbook

ReduCe ReuSe ReCyCŁe
WhAt cAn I recycle?

Turn off the water
If you don’t eat all your Recycle plastic and metals
when you’re brushing
food, save it for later. when you can.
your teeth.

Use a reusable Turn off the lights when Use a reusable bag at the
water bottle. you leave a room. grocery store.

Throw away litter when

Walk or use your bicycle Recycle
you see it on the ground.
instead of taking the car. cardboard boxes.
(then wash your hands!)

Use both the front and Recycle Use a

back sides of paper. glass jars. reusable straw.


4 WayS I Can heŁP




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