13 July M.4

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Name: __________________________________ M. 4 Date: 13/7/2024


Are you a best friend forever?

1. If your best friend (BF) calls you in the 5. If your BF skips lunch for two weeks, you:
middle of the night, you:
a. tell everybody that your BF is anorexic.
a. hang up. b. find a private moment to ask them what's
b. listen to them - something must be wrong up.
for them to call so late. c. buy them a bar of chocolate - you don't
c. politely ask them to call back in the want a skinny BF because they'll make you
morning. look fat!

2. If your BF asks for help with their 6. If you are invited to a party but your BF
homework, you say: isn't, you:

a. "Come over to my place and I'll explain it." a. drop the BF.
b. "No problem - copy mine." b. delicately ask the host if you can bring
c. "You must be stupid if you don't understand your BF.
it!" c. bad mouth the host for not inviting your BF.

3. If your BF gossips to you about a mutual 7. If your BF has bad breath, you:
friend, you:
a. ignore it - it's not your business.
a. listen, laugh and pass on the gossip. b. ask them what they ate and offer mints.
b. say you're not interested and change the c. tell your BF that they stink.
c. tell your BF that gossiping is mean and 8. If you get to a party and realise your BF is
refuse to speak to them. wearing the same outfit, you:

4. If your BF has failed a math test, you: a. tell everybody that you're twins.
b. scream and demand that they go home and
a. offer to go through the test questions with change.
them. c. laugh - you've both got great taste.
b. show them how to cheat and pass the next
c. drop them - who wants a stupid BF?

Calculate Your Score

1. a=1, b=3, c=2

2. a=3, b=2, c=1
3. a=1, b=3, c=1
4. a=3, b=1, c=1
5. a=1, b=3, c=1
6. a=1, b=3, c=1
7. a=2, b=3, c=1
8. a=2, b=1, c=3

How did you do?

8-14: Are you sure you two

are even friends? I don't
think you even like each
other much, and you
certainly aren't acting like a
best friend. If you want to
keep hanging out together,
then it's time you started
being more supportive.
15-18: You're a good friend
most of the time - when it
suits you. You can
sometimes be lazy in
friendships, which means
you're missing out on what
it's like to have a good,
close friend. Keep working
at it.
19-24: You know what
friendship is all about! You
are there for your friend,
and no doubt they're there
for you too. It's a
relationship built on trust.

Choose the best answer.

1. A : I’ll give you a ride to the party tonight.
B : _____
1. Oh, dear! 2. Not at all! 3. Thanks a lot. 4. Of course, I would.
2. A : You can’t tell anybody about this.
B : _____. I won’t.
1. You bet 2. How come 3. I’m sorry 4. Who knows
3. A : I heard you’ve put your dog up for sale! Are you sure you can live without him?
B : _____. I just want to see if someone’ll make an offer.
1. Keep it a secret 2. That’s a great idea 3. It’s just a joke 4. As you wish
4. A : Would you like coffee or tea?
B : _____. It’s too close to my bedtime.
1. Neither, thanks 2. Either, thanks 3. Coffee’s fine 4. Anything will do

Somchai : Many teachers are against including sex education in biology class.
Sunee: Are they? 5 _____?
Somchai: Some ask if we have nothing better to teach. Others think it’s embarrassing to discuss
sex with kids.
Sunee: So, no one has a positive attitude towards it.
Somchai: 6 _____.They say sex education in school will help solve the problems of unwanted
pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.
Sunee: Really?
Somchai: 7 _____? What do you think?
Sunee: 8 _____ . I have absolutely no interest in sex education or biology.
5. 1. What are they like 2. What can they do
3. What are they saying 4. What do they want
6. 1. Some do 2. It’s up to you 3. I think so 4. They’re all right
7. 1. How is it 2. How about you 3. How do you do 4. How are you
8. 1. No problem 2. It’s a pleasure 3. Oh, definitely 4. Don’t ask me

Susan : You look worried. 9 _____?

Anna : I’ve got too many things to do right now. I have to hand in an English essay
tomorrow, which I haven’t even started. But this evening, I have to get together with
my group to prepare for our Thai presentation. 10 _____ .
Susan : The Thai presentation’s tomorrow morning, too?
Anna : Yes, that’s why I’m worried. 11 _____ .
Susan: Why don’t you start writing now, and join the group in the evening?
Anna : But if I don’t finish, …
Susan : You can come back to your essay after working with your friends. 12 _____?
Anna : Good. Thanks. Why didn’t I think of that?
9. 1. What do you do 2. What about you
3. What’s the matter 4. What’s the story
10. 1. I can’t get lost 2. I haven’t decided yet
3. I just can’t manage 4. I’m just thinking about it
11. 1. I don’t know what to do 2. I don’t know how to think
3. I need your comments 4. I’ll just do it
12. 1. Are you all right 2. Do you promise
3. How does that sound 4. Will you do this

Tim : Hey, Tanya. You’re finally here. We were worried. I thought 13 _____. What happened?
Tanya : 14 _____. It wouldn’t start.
Tim : Sorry to hear that. How did you get here?
Tanya : By taxi.
Tim: You could’ve called. I would’ve been glad to pick you up.
Tanya : Thanks. That’s very kind of you. But on top of that, 15 _____. So I was late to start with.
Tim: Well, everybody’s here now. Let’s get going.
13. 1. you can’t have forgotten 2. you’d have made it
3. we’d left you behind 4. we’d have to leave without you
14. 1. My car was in trouble 2. I had my car fixed
3. I had a problem with my car 4. My car failed to break down
15. 1. my alarm clock didn’t go off 2. I went to bed early last night
3. I had a lot of homework 4. I’d lost your phone number

Complete the sentences with so, such or such a.

so + adjective / adverb (+ that clause)

such (a/an) + (adjective) + noun

1. She danced ___________ well that she won the competition.

2. There you are! It’s ___________ dark that we didn’t see you at first.
3. It was __________ long film that we missed the last bus to get home.
4. She felt __________ unhappy when she got her final marks that she cried.
5. There was __________ ice on the road that we couldn’t travel.
6. John has got ___________ terrible cold that he is not coming to the concert.
7. My father drove ____________ fast that we got in Madrid in three hours.
8. We are having ___________ good time in Disneyland that my children don’t want to leave.
9. It was ___________ boring film that I fell asleep.
10. These instructions are __________ confusing that I can’t understand them.
11. It was __________ big pizza that we couldn’t finish it.
12. The painting was __________ beautiful that I wanted to buy it.
13. We are ___________ busy with the children that we don’t have much free time.
14. Last night I was __________ tired that I went to bed early.
15. It was ___________ delicious coffee that I had another coffee.
16. My mother bought __________ many things at the market that she couldn’t carry them all.
17. It was ___________ horrible weather that we stayed at home.
18. My niece danced ___________ well that she won the competition.
19. My mum ate _________ quick that she was the first person to finish her lunch.
20. Last night was _________ hot I couldn’t sleep.
21. It was __________ late that we decided not to phone them.
22. It was ___________ lovely day that we went to the mountains.
23. The laptop was __________ expensive that we didn’t buy it.

1. It's not rocket science = _____________________________________

2. miss the boat = _____________________________________
3. no pain, no gain = _____________________________________
4. pull yourself together = _____________________________________
5. so far so good = _____________________________________
6. speak of the devil = _____________________________________
7. The last straw! = _____________________________________
8. Your guess is as good as mine = _____________________________________
9. Actions speak louder than words = _____________________________________
10. Don't cry over spilt milk = _____________________________________
11. Every cloud has a silver lining = _____________________________________
12. give someone the cold shoulder = _____________________________________
13. have bigger fish to fry = _____________________________________
14. It takes one to know one = _____________________________________
15. a piece of cake = _____________________________________
16. watch one's step = _____________________________________
17. don’t count the chickens before they hatch = _______________________________
18. take a rain check = _____________________________________
19. blessing in disguise = _____________________________________

Complete the sentences with one of the phrases below. In some cases, more than 1 option is
possible. You may need to change the form of the phrase sometimes.
1. While it’s sad that the results have not been as good as you expected, you should now focus
on moving ahead and achieving better results next time; there is no use
2. “My car broke down again, but maybe it was a ________________________; I’ve been
wasting too much time driving around anyway.”
3. My coach always said, "Basketball is ________________________. It's about putting the
ball in the basket."
4. It’s no use sitting and speaking of success, you have to act on it. Remember,
5. I know that your job is not going well, and you are stressed out, but don’t worry, things will
be better soon. ________________________.
6. There are others waiting to take an opportunity like this; if you don’t act fast, you are going
to ________________________.
7. The road to becoming a good professional is long, hard and exhausting! But ____________.
8. ‘He’s a complete idiot!’ ‘Well, ________________________!’
9. You may get the job, but ________________________; wait until you get the offer letter
before you throw the party.
10. You’re going to get into trouble again if you don’t _______________________!
11. I thought she really liked me, but the next day she ________________________.
12. Though you’ve had a hard day, it would be better for everyone if you could
_______________________ and get on with your work.
13. I’ll have to work really hard for the interview. The practical exercises will be
_______________________, because I’ve been practicing for so long.
14. A: "How's the project going?"
B: "_______________________. We just need to finalize the user interface."
15. I want Chris to help me with this project, but he says that he ________________ right now.
16. “Did you hear what happened to Mary today? – oh, ____________________, there she is.”
17. Suzy lying to me about the money was _______________________. We broke up.
18. I’ll ______________________ on the party tonight. I have a lot of work to finish right now.
19. "Do you think she'd go out with me if I asked her?" "Hmm, _______________________."

How the memory works

We all have memories ... a special birthday, the smell of the ocean, our first kiss. Our memory is
very important to us. But how exactly do we remember things?

The memory is very complex. Scientists are not completely sure how it works. However, we do
know there are different types of memory. First, there is 'sensory' memory. Sensory memories are
ways the brain experiences things we touch, hear, see, taste and smell. They only last a few
seconds. Then the brain organizes them in its 'short-term' memory. Our short-term memory may
last a few minutes, hours or even days. It allows us to remember, for example, a new telephone
number before we write it down. However, we do not need to remember everything all the time.
Few people need to remember the clothes they wore a week ago, or the color of cars parked
across the street. Therefore, less important information soon disappears. However, important
information is stored in our 'long-term' memory. It can stay here for years or even a lifetime.

Learn to ride a bike, and you never forget. Learning the words of a song isn't so easy. This shows
us that 'verbal learning' isn't as powerful as 'motor learning' (learning something by physically doing
it). Nevertheless, repeating information helps to store things in the long-term memory. That's why
studying hard helps us to do well in exams!

Did you ever forget someone's name, or an important appointment? It happens to us all. The area of
the brain that controls many memories is called the hippocampus. This gets weaker with age. A
typical person aged 80 has lost 20% of their hippocampus. This is why older people can be more
forgetful. However, you can prevent this by exercising your brain. So, keep your mind active!

Decide if the following statement is true or false. Find evidence in the text to support your answer.
1. We store a new phone number in our sensory memory. True False
2. Learning to ride a bike is an example of 'motor learning'. True False
3. Researchers have a clear idea of how the human brain works. True False
4. Sensory memories can last up to one week. True False
5. All information is eventually stored in the brain's long-term memory. True False

Underline the correct answer from the choices.

6. The way our memory works is very easy to research / hard to understand / important to
some people.
7. Scientists have found that we have various kinds of memory / an ability to remember a lot /
similar memories.
8. To learn the words of a song you need to store the information in your sensory memory /
short-term memory / long-term memory.
9. Having as good a memory at 80 as you had at 20 is not possible / possible with effort /
possible only for some people.
10. Information that is not important is soon forgotten / stored deep in our long-term memory /
sent to our sensory memory.

Use a key word from the text to complete the sentence.

11. The place in the brain where many memories are stored is called the
12. We can keep information in our _________________ for days.
13. Things we experience are first stored in our _________________.
14. Memories that we keep for many years are stored in our _________________.

15. In Paragraph 4, which word means stop something from happening? _________________
16. In Paragraph 4, which word means often unable to remember things? _________________
17. In Paragraph 1, which word means having many parts and therefore difficult to understand?

Underline the word which is a synonym for

18. appointment (paragraph 4) person / meeting / promise / book / agreement / instruction
19. powerful (paragraph 3) slow / useful / effective / significant / great / impressive
20. completely (paragraph 1) honestly / clearly / accurately / absolutely / properly / correctly

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