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arctic mammals are the whales which frequent their notes of excitement when following the
the cold waters in great numbers . Many of the moving columns of destructive tropical ants ,
species are similar to if not identical with those feeding not only upon them , but upon the in-
inhabiting the Arctic seas ; rorquals , humpback sects they put to flight , are a warning which
whales , pilot whales , grampuses and dolphins the natives understand and heed . All these
are known , also a small whalebone whale ( Ba- birds are small and long - billed . The sub - family
læna australis ) , but the right whale does not Thamnophiline is made up of the " ant-shrikes .
exist in the Antarctic . There are 13 species of The "ant-wrens " belong to the sub- family
seals, including four of fur seals , which are Formicivorina ; and the " ant-thrushes " are a
closely related to those found in the north Pa- species of the Formicariina , a typical sub-
cific , the sea -lion and the sea - elephant . Among family . The pitta is also sometimes improperly
birds the penguins are most abundant , their called an " ant - thrush ."
rookeries being found on the borders of all ANT - EATER , a name given to several
lands free from ice . The largest species is the quite different mammals , but particularly ap-
king penguin ; a specimen captured by Wilkes plied to the Myrmecophagida , a South Ameri-
measured 4 feet 6 inches in height and weighed can family of Edentata , with the head ex-
65 pounds . A gull - plover ( Chionis ) is found tremely long ; the snout slender ; the mouth ,
exclusively in the Antarctic . A small teal fre- ears and eyes small ; the tongue long , cylin-
quents Kerguelen , and stormy petrels , alba- drical and covered with a viscid saliva which
trosses , gulls , skuas and terns breed on most of holds whatever insects are licked up until the
the islands . Borchgrevinck found 11 species of tongue can be withdrawn into the mouth . When
fish in Antarctic waters , most of them new to not in use the tongue lies doubled up in the
science. Explorers have usually reported that mouth . The legs are strong and heavy ; the
fishes were scarce . A few species of insects toes vary in number in the different species , but
have been described by Arctowski and Borch- in all species are united as far as the base of
grevinck . It is believed that no land animals the large claws , which are adapted to digging ,
exist in the extreme south . Of plant and in- but are turned under the feet when the animal
vertebrate life inhabiting the Antarctic Ocean walks . The great ant - eater or ant - bear ( Myr-
there is a great abundance . The pelagic ani- mecophaga jubata ) , found in tropical South
mals include cephalopods , brachiopods and America , is a sluggish animal , forest - dwelling ,
gastropods , which furnish food for the whales , but entirely terrestrial ; it grows to a height of
cœlenterates and Protozoa . The deep - sea fauna two feet and a length of four feet , not includ-
is much more strongly developed than the ing its long and very shaggy tail , which is often
shallow - water fauna living in the vicinity of carried turned over its back like an umbrella .
the Antarctic lands . Thirteen species of Though timid , it is capable of effective self-
phanerogamous and numerous cryptogamous defense , using its strong forearms to hug and
plants have been found near South Georgia . tear its opponents . Its body color is gray ,
Hooker obtained from Cockburn Island four set off by a black band which crosses the breast
species of marine algæ , three of fresh -water and tapers to the top of the shoulders , and by
plants and 12 land plants , the last - named mostly white feet and forelegs . The hair is long , par-
ticularly on the back toward the tail , and on
lichens and mosses .
Bibliography . Murray ' Antarctic Re- the tail itself . It is very unsocial , spending
search (in Geographical Journal , Vol . III , much time asleep , curled up with its tail spread
London 1894 ) modified
, by later articles in the over it as a protection from sun or rain . As
same journal for 1904 and 1905 ; Cook , more than one is seldom produced at a birth ,
" Through the First Antarctic Night ' ( New the great ant - eater is not numerous .
York 1900 ) ; Von Drygalski , Zum Kontinent Another , much smaller , species ( Tamandua
des eisigen Südens ' ( Berlin 1904 ) ; Nordensk- tetradactyla ) , which is also tropical , is arboreal
jöld and Anderson , Antarctica ' (New York and has a prehensile tail . It is about the size
1905 ) ; Scott , R. F. , Voyage of the Discovery ) of a cat ; its head is broader in proportion than
( ib . 1906 ) ; Shackleton , Sir E. , The Heart of that of the great ant - eater ; its hair is bristly
the Antarctic ' ( 2 vols ., London 1909 ) ; Charcot , and short , black on the body , yellowish white
on the head , neck , forelegs and hindquarters .
"Le "Pourquoi Pas ?" dans l'Antarctique ( Paris
1910 ; Eng . ed . , London and New York 1911 ) ; A third species ( Cycloturus didactylus ) , the
Amundsen , R. , The South Pole ( 1913 ) ; little or two -toed ant - eater , is still smaller than
Huxley , Leonard ( editor ) , ' Scott's Last Expe- the tamandua and is also arboreal . Its claws
dition ' ( 2 vols ., New York 1913 ) . are curved and very sharp for climbing , and its
HERBERT L. BRIDGMAN . structure is peculiarly adapted for life in trees.
Besides the animals of this family , called
ANTARES , ăn-ta'rēz ( " corresponding to the true ant - eaters , are their allies , the scaly
Ares" or Mars , because assumed to be like ant - eaters or Manids ( see MANIS ) , the aard-
Mars in color ) , or Alpha Scorpii , a red double vark , the porcupine ant - eaters ( see ECHIDNA )
star of the first magnitude , the middle one of and certain insectivorous marsupials found in
three in the body of the constellation Scorpio ; Australia and belonging to the genus Myr-
much used by sailors in ascertaining longitude . mecobius . Certain birds , such as the ant -shrike ,
are also called ant - eaters ( see ANTBIRDS ) .
ANT - BEAR , the great ant- eater , or tama- ANTECEDENT STREAM . If
noir . See ANT - EATER .
or faulting occurs across the course of a stream
ANT - BIRDS , a general term applicable to slowly enough so that the river is able to cut
members of certain groups of birds within the down through the uplift as fast as it is formed ,
Formicariidæ ( q.v. ) , a South American group , and the waters are not diverted , the stream is
all of which subsist largely upon ants . They said to be antecedent . A well - known example
have no proper oscine or singing organs , yet is the course of the Kanawha where it crosses
some of them have clear musical voices , and the Appalachian Plateau in West Virginia .

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