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two parties , each working in support of the raphers and explorers express an affirmative
other , though only that headed by himself was opinion . Land areas of indefinite extent have
to make the complete transcontinental traverse . been sighted and form an interrupted ring
Leaving Liverpool , Sir Ernest proceeded in the about the Pole . The mountain ranges and
Endurance via Buenos Aires and the Falkland peaks discovered by Ross in Victoria Land are
Islands to South Georgia , whence the last word apparently of continental character . Granite
was that the ice conditions were so unfavor- and gneiss were found by D'Urville near Adélie
able that the attempt upon the main land must Land, and Borchgrevinck states that the rock at
be deferred until the following season. More Cape Adare is micaschist ; these are distinctly
than a year passed when Sir Ernest again re- continental types . Indirect evidence is fur-
ported that though he had sighted new land he nished by the materials transported from the
had been unable to reach it and compelled to far south by the icebergs , sandstone , basalt ,
abandon his main objective , the traverse of the boulders of massive rocks , and fragments of
great Antarctic land mass . The Endurance had gneiss , granite , diorite and sedimentary rocks .
been crushed and sunk and after a peril- The great icebergs which drift far into the
ous journey over the pack , followed by region of the Southern Ocean are difficult to
one in boats across the open sea of account for on any other theory than that they
nearly 1,000 miles , he had left his party have been broken off from a vast sheet of land
of 22 marooned on Elephant Island, with ice like that covering Greenland .
a short supply of provisions . Sir Ernest Antarctic Ice.- The conditions of ice
himself with two comrades had crossed the dis- formation in the Antarctic differ materially
tance between Elephant Island and South from those of the Arctic region . In the north-
Georgia , landing upon it at the peril of his life , ern hemisphere the polar ocean is enclosed by
and after the loss of his boat had made his way land , so that sea ice is much more important
over its interior to the Norwegian whaling sta- than land ice , the latter occurring only on the
tion , whence his report was sent. Uruguay edge of the area , while in the Antarctic the
promptly placed a small vessel at Sir Ernest's reverse is true . Enormous masses of floating
disposal for the relief of his Elephant Island ice , flat - topped with perpendicular walls and
party , but the attempt was unsuccessful and at oftentimes measuring many miles in width and
last a second and successful effort was made length , are found throughout the Antarctic
with a larger vessel under the Argentine flag . Ocean . The newly - formed bergs have evi-
On the opposite side of the Antarctic continent dently been broken off from the edge of a thick
results were equally unsatisfactory . The Au- ice - cap covering the Antarctic lands and grad-
rora, having landed three parties to lay depots ually pushed over the surface toward the sea .
of food for Shackleton's advance , had been The thickness of the ice near the Pole is esti-
torn from her anchorage and for nearly a year mated by Croll upon theoretical grounds at
adrift in the pack with her wireless equipment from 12 to 14 miles , but off the coast of Vic-
most of the time out of commission . Late in toria Land the ice- wall is only 10 to 20 feet
April 1916 , however , a message from the ship high .
was picked up in New Zealand , whence relief Climate . The climatic conditions of the
was promptly dispatched , and on 27 April Port Antarctic are imperfectly understood , but tem-
Chalmers was finally made . See POLAR perature is extremely severe . Compared with
RESEARCH . the Arctic the region is placed at a disadvan-
Antarctic Ocean.- The depths of the Ant- tage in having its summer during perihelion
arctic Ocean have been explored in various and winter in aphelion . Observations made by
parts by Ross , Wilkes , Nares ( Challenger ex- Ross in the vicinity of Victoria Land from 60 °
pedition ) and Gerlache . Ross sounded in 4,000 to 78 ° S. showed a mean summer temperature
fathoms in the vicinity of South Georgia with- of 28.85 ° F. for the sea and 28.31 ° for air ; in
out reaching bottom . The Challenger found lat . 66 ° 29′ S. the maximum temperature in the
depths of from 1,300 to 1,950 fathoms near the month of December was 45.52 ° F. Wilkes
Antarctic Circle , south of Australia , while found the mean temperature for January and
farther north the soundings ranged from 950 to February near Wilkes Land to be 30.2 ° F. ,
2,600 fathoms . Between the Cape of Good with extremes of 34.52 ° and 23 ° , while
Hope and Kerguelen Islands depths of 2,500 Gerlache reported a winter minimum in 71 °
to 3,100 fathoms have been reported . There 30′ S. of -45 °. The German station in South
seems to be a gradual shoaling of the waters Georgia gave a mean temperature of 37.52 °.
toward the Pole, for Wilkes sounded in 500 to The glaciation of the land areas , the great
800 fathoms off Adélie Land , and in 100 to 500 ice -floes and the saturated condition of the
fathoms off Victoria Land , while Gerlache atmosphere , producing heavy fogs , are influen-
recorded less than 200 fathoms west of Palmer tial in producing the extreme cold . Barometric
Land. The bottom in the extreme south is observations by Ross indicate a gradual in-
covered with a layer of diatom ooze. Farther crease in pressure south of 75 ° S. , and it is
northward the bottom is covered with deposits believed that an area of extreme high pressure
of globigerina ooze made up of the casts of exists around the Pole, producing a permanent
Foraminifera, and in still deeper water the anticyclone with winds blowing in a south-
characteristic red clay , found at great depths in easterly direction toward the higher latitudes .
all the oceans , occurs . The temperature of the No estimate of the precipitation has been made,
surface waters of the ocean range from a few but the atmosphere is probably comparatively
degrees below to a few degrees above the dry over the land areas in the extreme south
freezing point .
Antarctic Continent . The question whether
there is a large land area of continental char-
and the precipitation is in the form of fine ice
crystals . Farther north there is a heavy
precipitation of snow and sleet ; rain seldom
acter within the Antarctic Circle has not yet falls within the ice-bound region .
been definitely settled , although most geog- Fauna and Flora.- The largest of the Ant-

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