Book 159

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Associate [ə’soʊsiət] (adjective) - Associate [ə’soʊsieɪt] (verb) -

- connected with an organization Associate [ə’soʊʃiət] (noun) -- - to connect | to agree or

Associate | of a lower rank somebody who you work with support
Attribute [ə’trɪbju:t] (verb) --
to believe that somebody is
responsible for something, or
Attribute [‘ætrɪbju:t] (noun) -- a something is the outcome of a
Attribute feature or quality particular thing
Bass [beɪs] (adjective, noun) -- Bass [bæs] (noun) -- a
Bass low in tune || the lowest tune seawater fish
Bow [boʊ] (noun, verb) -- a
weapon used for shooting Bow [baʊ] (noun, verb) -- an
arrows | a piece of wood with act of bending your head || to
string in violin, etc. || to use a move your head forwards and
Bow bow to play the violin, etc. downwards
Buffet [bə’feɪ] (noun) -- a meal Buffet [‘bʌfɪt] (verb) -- to push
Buffet at a party roughly from side to side
Close [kloʊs] (adjective, adverb) Close [kloʊz] (noun, verb) --
-- near something; not distant || the end of something || to
Close not far away lock or shut; to end
Combine [‘kɑ:mbaɪn] (noun) -- a Combine [kəm’baɪn] (verb) --
Combine group of workers, etc. to unite
Compact [‘kɑ:mpækt]
(adjective, noun) -- smaller and Compact [kəm’pækt] (verb) --
Compact firm or strong || a formal to press firmly
Complex [kəm’pleks] (adjective) Complex [‘kɑ:mpleks] (noun) --
Complex -- complicated a group of similar things
Compound [‘kɑ:mpaʊnd]
(adjective, noun) -- formed of Compound [kəm’paʊnd]
two or more parts || a (verb) -- to deteriorate | to mix
Compound substance formed by chemical something together
Compress [‘kɑ:mpres] (noun) -- Compress [kəm’pres] (verb) --
Compress a cloth used to stop bleeding to condense
Conduct [‘kɑ:ndʌkt] (noun) -- a Conduct [kən’dʌkt] (verb) -- to
person’s behavior | do a particular activity or
Conduct management of business behave in a particular manner
Conflict [‘kɑ:nflɪkt] (noun) --
serious disagreement | violent Conflict [kən’flɪkt] (verb) -- to
Conflict situation clash
Conscript [‘kɑ:nskrɪpt] (noun) -- Conscript [kən’skrɪpt] (verb) --
a person who has been made to to make somebody join the
Conscript join the armed forces armed forces
Conserve [‘kɑ:nsɜ:rv] (noun) -- Conserve [kən’sɜ:rv] (verb) --
Conserve fruit jam to save or preserve
Console [‘kɑ:nsoʊl] (noun) -- a
flat surface containing all the Console [kən’soʊl] (verb) -- to
Console switches for a machine comfort
Consort [‘kɑ:nsɔ:rt] (noun) -- a Consort [kən’sɔ:rt] (verb) -- to
group of musician | spouse of a spend time with somebody
Consort ruler who has a bad reputation
Construct [‘kɑ:nstrʌkt] (noun) -- Construct [kən’strʌkt] (verb) --
Construct a belief based on indefinite to build
Content [kən’tent] (adjective,
noun, verb) -- satisfied || Content [‘kɑ:ntent] (noun) --
satisfaction || to satisfy different things | the subject
Content somebody matter of a book, dialogue, etc.
Contest [kən’test] (verb) -- to
Contest [‘kɑ:ntest] (noun) -- a take part in a competition | to
Contest competition or struggle oppose an official decision
Contract [kən’trækt] (verb) --
to make an agreement | to
Contract [‘kɑ:ntrækt] (noun) -- become smaller | to get an
Contract an official agreement illness
Contrary [‘kɑ:ntreri] (adjective,
noun) -- against; different || Contrary [kən’treri] (adjective)
Contrary opposite fact -- behaving in a bad manner
Contrast [‘kɑ:ntræst] (noun) -- a Contrast [kən’træst] (verb) --
Contrast difference to compare things
Converse [‘kɑ:nvɜ:rs] (noun) -- Converse [kən’vɜ:rs] (verb) --
Converse the opposite of a fact to have a talk
Convert [‘kɑ:nvɜ:rt] (noun) -- a
person who has changed his or Convert [kən’vɜ:rt] (verb) -- to
Convert her religious beliefs change
Convict [‘kɑ:nvɪkt] (noun) -- Convict [kən’vɪkt] (verb) -- to
Convict guilty or criminal be guilty of a crime
Coordinate [koʊ’ɔ:rdɪnət] Coordinate [koʊ’ɔ:rdɪneɪt]
Coordinate (noun) -- point on a map (verb) -- to organize
Counterbalance [kaʊntər’bæləns] (verb) -- to
Counterbalanc [‘kaʊntərbæləns] (noun) -- equal have an equal but opposite
e but opposite effect consequence

Decrease [dɪ’kri:s] (verb) -- to

Decrease [‘di:kri:s] (noun) -- become or to make something
Decrease reduction in the value, etc. smaller in value, etc.
Defect [dɪ’fekt] (verb) -- to
Defect Defect [‘di:fekt] (noun) -- a fault leave a political party
Defile [‘di:faɪl] (noun) -- a Defile [dɪ’faɪl] (verb) -- to
Defile narrow path through mountains make something dirty
Degenerate [dɪ’dʒenərət]
(adjective, noun) -- (of moral
standard) unacceptable || a Degenerate [dɪ’dʒenəreɪt]
Degenerate person with a low moral standard (verb) -- to get worse
Delegate [‘delɪgət] (noun) -- Delegate [‘delɪgeɪt] (verb) -- to
Delegate elected representative hand over your authority
Deliberate [dɪ’lɪbərət] Deliberate [dɪ'lbəreɪt] (verb) --
Deliberate (adjective) -- planned to think carefully
Desert [‘dezərt] (noun) -- land Desert [dɪ’zɜ:rt] (verb) -- to
Desert that has very little water leave
Desolate [‘desələt] (adjective) -- Desolate [‘desəleɪt] (verb) -- to
Desolate hopeless make somebody hopeless
Diffuse [dɪ’fju:s] (adjective) -- Diffuse [dɪ’fju:z] (verb) -- to
Diffuse unclear | disperse over a wide spread
Digest [dɪ’dʒest] (verb) -- to
Digest [‘daɪdʒest] (noun) -- a try to understand something
Digest short report; summary fully
Discard [dɪskɑ:rd] (noun) -- an Discard [dɪs’kɑ:rd] (verb) -- to
Discard unwanted person or thing get rid of something
Discharge [dɪs’tʃɑ:rdʒ] (verb) --
Discharge [dɪstʃɑ:rdʒ] (noun) -- to release somebody from
the action of releasing duty, prison, etc. |(of gas or
Discharge somebody/something liquid) to flow somewhere
Discount [dɪs’kaʊnt] (verb) --
to give concession | to dismiss
Discount [‘dɪskaʊnt] (noun) -- something because it is not
Discount concession important
Dove [dʌv] (noun) -- a bird Dove [doʊv] (verb) -- past
Dove (pigeon) tense of dive - to jump
Duplicate [‘du:plɪkət] (adjective, Duplicate [‘du:plɪkeɪt] (verb) --
noun) -- exactly like something to make an exact copy of
else || an exact copy of something | to unnecessarily
Duplicate something do something again
Elaborate [ɪ’læbəreɪt] (verb) --
Elaborate [ɪ’læbərət] (adjective) to give detailed explain | to
-- complicated, detailed and develop an idea to make it
Elaborate planned detailed
Entrance [‘entrəns] (noun) -- a Entrance [ɪn’træns] (verb) -- to
Entrance passage, doorway, etc. enthrall or fascinate
Escort [‘eskɔ:rt] (noun) -- a Escort [ɪ’skɔ:rt] (verb) -- to
Escort group of people for security guard
Estimate [‘estɪmət] (noun) -- Estimate [‘estɪmeɪt] (verb) --
guess | a financial statement to to guess the cost, value, etc. of
Estimate show a probable cost of a something

Essay [‘eseɪ] (noun) -- a short Essay [e’seɪ] (verb) -- to make

Essay piece of writing an attempt to do something
Excise [‘eksaɪz] (noun) -- a tax
imposed by the government on Excise [ɪk’saɪz] (verb) -- to
Excise goods completely remove something
Excuse [ɪk’skju:s] (noun) -- Excuse [ɪk’skju:z] (verb) -- to
Excuse reason or justification forgive
Exploit [ɪk’splɔɪt] (verb) -- to
Exploit [‘eksplɔɪt] (noun) -- an make use of something | to
Exploit exciting act abuse
Extract [‘ekstrækt] (noun) -- a Extract [ɪk’strækt] (verb) -- to
Extract passage from a book, etc. obtain | to choose
Ferment [fər’ment] (verb) -- to
Ferment [‘fɜ:rment] (noun) -- make chemical changes in
Ferment political confusion something using
Frequent [‘fri:kwənt] (adjective) Frequent [fri’kwent] (verb) --
Frequent -- happening often; recurrent to visit somewhere often
Gill [gil] (noun) -- opening on the Gill [dʒɪl] (noun) -- a unit for
Gill side of a fish's head measuring liquids
Graduate [‘grædʒuət] (noun) -- Graduate [‘grædʒueɪt] (verb) --
Graduate a person who has a college to get a college degree
House [haʊs] (noun) -- a House [haʊz] (verb) -- to
House building for family | household provide a place to live
Impact [‘ɪmpækt] (noun) -- Impact [ɪm’pækt] (verb) -- to
Impact powerful effect affect

Implant [‘ɪmplænt] (noun) -- an Implant [ɪm’plænt] (verb) -- to

artificial organ, etc. that is put insert an artificial organ, etc.
inside the body in a medical inside the body | to firmly fix
Implant operation an idea in somebody’s mind
Import [‘ɪmpɔ:rt] (noun) -- Import [ɪm’pɔ:rt] (verb) -- to
buying and transporting of goods bring foreign products,
Import from another country services, ideas in your country
Imprint [ɪm’prɪnt] (verb) -- to
Imprint [‘ɪmprɪnt] (noun) -- print a mark | to have a great
Imprint impression effect on something
Incense [‘ɪnsens] (noun) -- a Incense [ɪn’sens] (verb) -- to
substance for producing the make somebody very angry or
Incense pleasant smell upset
Incline [ɪn’klaɪn] (verb) -- to
Incline [‘ɪnklaɪn] (noun) -- angle lean in a particular direction |
Incline or slope to think in a particular way

Increase [ɪn’kri:s] (verb) -- to

Increase [‘ɪŋkri:s] (noun) -- a rise become or to make something
Increase in the value, etc. greater in value, etc.
Indent [‘ɪndent] (noun) -- an Indent [ɪn’dent] (verb) -- to
Indent official order for goods align
Initiate [ɪ’nɪʃiət] (noun) -- a
person who is permitted to join Initiate [ɪ’nɪʃieɪt] (verb) -- to
Initiate a particular group start
Insert [‘ɪnsɜ:rt] (noun) -- Insert [ɪn’sɜ:rt] (verb) -- to put
something that is added to something into something else
Insert something else | to add
Insult [‘ɪnsʌlt] (noun) -- a critical Insult [ɪn’sʌlt] (verb) -- to
Insult remark offend somebody
Intern [‘ɪntɜ:rn] (noun) -- a
person who is getting practical Intern [ɪn’tɜ:rn] (verb) -- to put
experience of a job just before somebody in jail for political
Intern finishing his/her studies reasons
Intimate [‘ɪntɪmət] (adjective, Intimate [‘ɪntmeɪt] (verb) -- to
noun) -- having close make your views known to
Intimate relationship || very close friend somebody
Intimate [‘ɪntɪmət] (adjective, Intimate [‘ɪntmeɪt] (verb) -- to
noun) -- having close make your views known to
Invalid relationship || very close friend somebody
Invite [ɪn’vaɪt] (verb) -- to ask
Invite [‘ɪnvaɪt] (noun) -- an somebody to come in a social
Invite invitation function
Lead [li:d] (verb) -- to go in
Lead [led] (noun) -- a metallic front; to guide | to be in
Lead element control of something
Live [laɪv] (adjective) -- living; Live [lɪv] (verb) -- to remain
Live not dead alive
Lower [‘loʊər] (adjective, verb) --
near the bottom of something Lower [‘laʊər] (verb) -- (of
Lower || to reduce clouds) to be dark
Mandate [‘mændeɪt] (noun) -- Mandate [mæn’deɪt] (verb) --
authority or power given to a to give official power to a
Mandate government committee, government, etc.
Minute [maɪ’nju:t] (adjective) -- Minute [‘mɪnɪt] (noun) -- 60
Minute very small | very comprehensive seconds
Moderate [‘mɑ:dərət] Moderate [‘mɑ:dəreɪt] (verb) --
(adjective, noun) -- usual || a to make a situation, etc. less
Moderate person with ‘non-extreme’ severe
Mouth [maʊθ] (noun) -- a part Mouth [maʊð] (verb) -- to say
Mouth of the face something
Object [‘ɑ:bdʒɪkt] (noun) -- a Object [əb’dʒekt] (verb) -- to
Object thing or purpose show disagreement
Overall [oʊvər’ɔ:l] (adjective, Overall [oʊvərɔ:l] (noun) -- a
Overall adverb) -- including all || loose coat
Overhead [oʊvərhed] Overhead [oʊvər’hed]
Overhead (adjective) -- the cost of running (adverb) -- above your head
Pasty [‘pæsti] (noun) -- a small
Pasty Pasty [‘peɪsti] (adjective) -- pale pie

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