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deligation dalegetion dalegasion delegation delegaeton

afficionado affecionado aficionado afficeonado aficianaedo

divolution devaolution develution divoluteon devolution
relauctant reluctant riluactant reluktent riluctent
renaisance rinaisance renissance rinassance renaissance
resucitate resuscitate reuscitate risucitate risuccitate
ludite lauddite laudite luddite laudite

perambulate perumblate parambalate parumbulate perambalate

itenerant itinerant etinerant etenerant itinaerent

misantrope misanthope misantharpe misanthrape misanthrope

prefligate profligate praflogate praflegate proflegate
deleverance dilevernce deliverance deliverence diliverance
sungfroid songfoid sangfroed songfreid sangfroid

abundoned abaendoned abandoned abendoned abundoend

adjudicite adjudicute adjuedcate adjudicate adjeudicate
admontion admonition admonetion admoniteon admunition
begueling begaling begaileng begailing beguiling
burgeon burdgeon burdeon bargeon bargaeon
cabodle cabuudle caboodle caboudle cabuodle
capetulate cepitulate captulate cepituelate capitulate
chiknery chicanery checanery checunry checunery
corsen carsen caorsen coarsen coorsen
coquette coquete coqutte coquite coqquete
depresive depressive dipressive diprassive dipresive
dispice despice despyse despise dispyse
dignefied dignified degnified dignifeid degnifeid
distresing disstresing destresing distressing destrisseng
efulgent efullgent efuulgent effulgent efulgeent
expopriate expropiate expopreate exporpriate expropriate
excuisite exquesite exqusite exquisite exquisit
fiduceary fiduciary feduciary feduceary fiduciery
fraegrance freagrance fragrance fragrence fregrence
gratuitous gratutous gratuetous graitutous graituitous
horspice horsepice hosepice hosepic hospice
inssurection insurrection insurection inserrection insarrection
naarcissistic naarcisistic naarcesistic narcissistic narcisistic

pendamonium pandimoneum pendimonium paendimonium pandemonium

pestelential pestilential paestilential pestilenteal pastilential
paetite peteite peatite petite petiete

phontician phoanetician phonetecean phonetician phoenetician

pagnacity pugnacety pugnacity pagnucity pugnaecity
recluseve riclusive ricluseve recloseve reclusive
rottundity rotuundity rootundity rotunndity rotundity
schmoozer schmozzer schmmozer schhmozer scchmoozer

spontanious spontaneous spuntaneous spontaeneous spontaenius

stugnation stagnateon staegnation stagnatieon stagnation
sabstratum sabstrutum sabstraetum substratum sabstratam
threshhold thresshold threshold threeshold thresholld
tremulous trimulous tremulious trimulaus tremuleous
turbedity turbidety tarbidity terbidity turbidity
tyrannical tyranical tyrrannical tyraanical tyrrannecal
unfetered unfattered unfettered unfaetered unfatterd
uphoster upolster upholser upolster upholster
vaecillate vacillate vaecilate vacellate vaicillate

vainglorious vaenglorious veinglorious veingloriaus veinglorius

vanguad vaneguard vaenguard vanguard vangaurd
imbraglio imbruglio imbroglio imbreglio imbrugleo
obsequous obsequious obseqious obsiquious obsiqueous
epecurean epicurean epicuren epecuran epicueren
euthanasea euthenasia euthaenasia euthaenisia euthanasia

supercilious superciious supersilious superseilous supercilius

rudements rudimints rudiments rudimants readiments
hegamony hegemony haegemony hegeimony hegaemony
intonateon intunation intoenation intonation intanateon
subpona subpoena subpena subpaena subpeana
varegated varigated variegated varaiegated vareiegated
tenecious tenaceous tenacoeus tenaecous tenacious
dilectic dealectic dilaectic dialectic dileactic
quixotic quicxotic quixotec quexotic quxoteic
reselience resiliance risilience resilience riselience

convoluteon canvolution convolution coenvolution convolusion

abhhorrence abhhorence abbhorence abhorrence abhorrance

aculturate accultarate acultarate acultaerate acculturate
adverserial adversarial adversaerial adversareal adeversarial

alphabetecal alphabatical alphabetical alphhabetical alphaabetical

atavestic atavistic ataevistic ataveistic aetavistic
charrade chaerade charaede charade chharade
conjuring conjuering canjuring conejuring conjureing
conivance conivannce connivance conivvance conivaance

consultency cansultancy consaeltancy consultancy conseltancy

controvert controvaert contravert contreovert contrevart
cresfallen cretfallen crstfallen crestefallen crestfallen

demarkation demarrcation demarcation demakation demarcetion

destetute destitute distitute destituete distituete
deveation devoation deviation diveation diveataon
develishly divelishly devilshly devulishly devilishly

domiceliary domiciliary domeciliary domeceliary domecileary

eavedrop evesdrop eavesdrop ewesdrop ewaesdrop
encomium encomiem encomiom encomeim encomiam
enunceate enanciate enanceate enunciate enaenciate

exacerbate exacerrbate exaerbaet excerbate exacerbaet

pegeantry pageantry paegeantry pugeantry paegentry
pedentry padantry pedaentry paedantry pedantry

prevericate prevarecate prevaricate prevarycate prevaricaet

quandry quandary quandrry quaandary quanndary
recrudece recrudesc recrudesce recudesce recradesce
redandant redaendant redundent redundant redanndent

remonstrate remonstate remenstrate remonstraet remenstate

rhapsodac rhapsodec rhaepsodic rheapsodic rhapsodic
seccession seccesion secession seecesion secessiion
sabriety sobreity saubriety sobriety sobraety
sulecesm solecism solicism salecism sulecism
straitend stratened straetened straitaned straitened

strangelation stanngulation strangulation strangelation strangulataon

trancuility trankuility trantuility tranquility tranpuility
voreacaous vorecious voracious vorocious vorucious
wananabe wannabe waannabe waanabe wanabee
nagatery nagatory nagatory nugatory nugatray
diposition disposition disposion depsition despostion
premordeal pramordial premordial primordial premortial

approbattion aprrobation approbation aproobation aprobatioon

attribuetable atributable attributable atributeble atributible

bequeath bekueath becueath bekeath bequaeth
dissuuade dissuaade dissuade disuadde disuadee
eqkatorial equaterial equatoreal equetorial equatorial

expatraete exppatreate expatriatee expatriate expatreate

expeedient expidient expadient expedient expediant
extengish extenguish extinguish extenguesh extinguesh
fourfeiture fourfieture fourfeitare forfeiturre forfeiture
hystaerical hysterical hysterecal hystericael hyseterical
impenetant impenatent impanitent impenitent impanetent
incepent incepient incipient incepiant inciepint
insunation inesunation ininsuation insinuation insenuetion
jugernnaut jugernauut jugerrnaut jugernautt juggernaut
specturm spectrum spectram spactrum spactrem
taktile taktele taketile tactile tacktile
adamberate adambrate adumbrate adumberate adombrate

apurrtenance appurtenance apurttenance apurtennance apurtenaance

arbetate arbetrate arrbitrate arbetrate arbitrate
benfacktion benfacteon benefaction benfacton benfactian
bunckum bunkum buncum bunqum buncqum
caejule cajulee cajule cajole caejol
chaarterred charterred charrtered chartered chaartered
collatreal collatrial colaeteral collateral colatirral

conjuugation caenjugation cunjugation cunjegation conjugation

cunwulsive convulsive cunvulseve cunvulsive convalsive
cavaetous coveteous covetous cavetious caveteous
davdle daudle daudele dawdle daudale
dicapetate decaptate dicupitate decapitate dicapetate
damocretic democretic democratic damocrotic democrotic
distenateon destenation destination distenation distination
dyabolecal dyabolical diabolical deabolecal diabolecal
defraact defrract diffract defract defraact
desteliry destilary distillery destilliery distillary
edefeing edefying edefyeng edifeing edifying
emulsefire emulsifire emalsifire emulsifier emaelsifire
engreveng engroving engraving engroeving engraveing
iluustrious ilusttrious illustrious ilusstrious ilustriious
venacolar vernacular venacular verancular veraaculer
inganuety ingenuity ingenuety inganuity ingenuiety
macabre macaebre maecabre macabree macebre
nigarddly niggardly nigaardly nigardlly nigardly
nihilistic nehilistic nihilestic nihilistec nihelistic
panegerec panegeric panegyreic paenegric panegyric

parpatration perpetration perpatretion perpatration parpetretion

quadrepligic quadriplegec quedriplegec quadriplegic quedreplegic

queble quebble quabble quibble quabbel
regargitate regorgitate regorgetate regurgetate regurgitate

resuurection resurecttion resurrection ressurection resurrecction

scremaage scriimage screemage scrimmage scrimage
sloughtar slaughter sloughter slaughtar sloaughter
slugerrd sllagerd sluggard sluagard slugarrd
voeurestic voeurastic voeurustic voyeuristic voeurastic

exploetateon exploetetion exploitation explaitetion explaitetion

fornecaet fornicate furnecate fornecate fornicute
vicareous vecarious vicarious vicerious vicariaus
tantetive tantitive tantetive tentative tentateve

abomenition abumenation abamenation abomination abumiination

acllametion aclametion acklametion acclamation aclamation

acrabatec acrobatic acrubetic acrobatec acraebatic

acuepunctur acuepuncture acuepunture acuepunctre acupuncture

arbareal arbureal arborial arboreal arburael
ascandency acsendency acsendancy acsandancy ascendancy
befuudled beffudled befudlled befuddled befudleed
carrbuncle carbiuncle carbuncle carbuuncle carbancle

cheroprectic chiroprectac cheropactic cheropratic chiropractic

cognosscenti cognosccenti cognoscenti coggnoscenti cognoscentii

colleaague colleague colaeague cooleague colaegue
cangastion cungestion congastion congestion congesteon

consttelation consteelation constellation consstelation constelaation

chesel cheisel chiesel chisel chesil

descretionry discretionary descritionary discretiunary discretionery

concesionaire concessionaire concesionnaire concesionaer concesionare

concelietory conceliatory concilietory conciliatory conciliotary

convacution convucation convucetion convukation convocation

embroedery embraidery embridary embriodery embroidery

evangalecal evangelical evengelical evangelecal evengelecal

evisscerate evisccerate eviscerate eviscerrate evisceerate
exestential exestenteal existential existantial existanteal

extenueating extenuating extanuating extenueting exteneuting

deducteble deductable deductible dedactible dedacteble
flottilla flotiilla flootila flotilla flotella
frivalaus frivolous frevolaus frevalous frivolous
harroweng haroowing harrowing harowwing haarowing
inclimancy inclimency inclamency inclamancy inclemency
inveigle inviegle invigele invigile inviglee
papparazo papaarazo paparrazo paparazoo paparazzo
pipsquik pipsquiak pipsqueak pepsquik pepsquek
preetify pretiffy pretiify prettify pretiefy

ratiocenation ratiocenation ratiocinetion rattiocination ratiocination


1. the act of empowering

to act for another 2. a
group of persons chosen
(d). delegation to represent others

1. a person who likes,

knows about, and
appreciates a usually
fervently pursued
interest or activity :
(c). aficionado devotee
1. transference (as of
rights, powers, property,
or responsibility) to
another; especially : the
surrender of powers to
local authorities by a
central government 2.
retrograde evolution :
(e). devolution degeneration

1. feeling or showing
aversion, hesitation, or
unwillingness; also :
having or assuming a
(b).reluctant specified role unwillingly
1. the transitional
movement in Europe
between medieval and
modern times beginning
in the 14th century in
Italy, lasting into the
17th century, and
marked by a humanistic
revival of classical
influence expressed in a
flowering of the arts and
literature and by the
beginnings of modern
science 2. the period of
the Renaissance 3. the
neoclassical style of
architecture prevailing
(e). renaissance during the Renaissance

1. to revive from
apparent death or from
unconsciousness; also :
revitalize 2. come to,
(b). resuscitate revive
1. one of a group of early
19th century English
workmen destroying
laborsaving machinery as
a protest; broadly : one
who is opposed to
especially technological
(d). luddite change

1. to travel over or
through especially on
foot : traverse 2. to make
an official inspection of
(a). (a boundary) on foot 3.
perambulate stroll

1. traveling from place to

place; especially :
(b). itinerant covering a circuit

(e). 1. a person who hates or

misanthrope distrusts humankind
1. wildly extravagant 2.
completely given up to
dissipation and
licentiousness :
(b).profligate shamelessly immoral

1. the act of delivering

someone or something :
the state of being
delivered; especially :
liberation, rescue 2.
something delivered;
especially : an opinion or
decision (such as the
verdict of a jury)
(c). deliverance expressed publicly

1. self-possession or
(e). sangfroid especially under strain
1. left without needed
protection, care, or
support 2. left by the
owner : left to fall into a
state of disuse 3. no
longer held or thought of
(c). abandoned : given up

1. to make an official
decision about who is
right in (a dispute) : to
settle judicially 2. to act
(d). adjudicate as judge

1. gentle or friendly
reproof 2. counsel or
warning against fault or
(b). admonition oversight

1. agreeably or
charmingly attractive or
(e). beguiling pleasing
1. to send forth new
growth (such as buds or
branches) : sprout 2.
bloom 3. to grow and
(a).burgeon expand rapidly : flourish

1. all the things of a

group : collection, lot
—often used in the
phrase the whole kit and
(c). caboodle caboodle

1. to surrender often
after negotiation of
terms 2. to cease
resisting : acquiesce 3.
(e). capitulate parley, negotiate

1. deception by artful
subterfuge or sophistry :
trickery 2. a piece of
sharp practice (as at law)
(b). chicanery : trick

1. to make coarse 2. to
(d). coarsen become coarse
1. a woman who
endeavors without
sincere affection to gain
the attention and
admiration of men 2. any
of several small, tropical
American hummingbirds
(genus Lophornis) with
the males typically
having a colorful or
ornate tuft of feathers on
(a). coquette the head

1. tending to depress 2.
of, relating to, marked
by, or affected by
(b). depressive psychological depression
1. to look down on with
disrespect or aversion 2.
to regard as negligible,
(d). despise worthless, or distasteful

1. showing or expressing
(b). dignified dignity

1. to subject to great
strain or difficulties 2. to
force or overcome by
inflicting pain 3. to cause
to worry or be troubled :
(d). distressing upset

1. radiant splendor :
(d). effulgent brilliance

1. to deprive of
possession or proprietary
rights 2. to transfer (the
property of another) to
(e).expropriate one's own possession
1. marked by flawless
craftsmanship or by
beautiful, ingenious,
delicate, or elaborate
execution 2. marked by
nice discrimination, deep
sensitivity, or subtle
understanding 3.
(d). exquisite accomplished, perfected

1. of, relating to, or

involving a confidence or
trust: such as 2. held or
founded in trust or
confidence 3. holding in
(b). fiduciary trust
1. a sweet or delicate
odor (as of fresh flowers,
pine trees, or perfume)
2. something (such as a
perfume) compounded
to give off a sweet or
pleasant odor 3. the
quality or state of having
(c). fragrance a sweet odor

1. not called for by the

circumstances : not
necessary, appropriate,
or justified : unwarranted
2. given unearned or
without recompense 3.
(a). gratuitous costing nothing : free
1. a lodging for travelers,
young persons, or the
especially when
maintained by a religious
order 2. a program
designed to provide
palliative care and
emotional support to the
terminally ill in a home
or homelike setting so
that quality of life is
maintained and family
members may be active
participants in care; also :
a facility that provides
(e). hospice such a program

1. an act or instance of
revolting against civil
authority or an
(b). insurrection established government
1. of, relating to, or
characterized by
narcissism: such as 2.
extremely self-centered
with an exaggerated
sense of self-importance
: marked by or
characteristic of
excessive admiration of
or infatuation with
oneself 3. displaying or
marked by excessive
concern with one's own
(d).narcissistic physical appearance

1. a wild uproar (as

because of anger or
excitement in a crowd of
people); also : a chaotic
situation 2. the capital of
Hell in Milton's Paradise
(e). Lost 3. the infernal
pandemonium regions : hell
1. causing or tending to
cause pestilence : deadly
2. of or relating to
pestilence 3. morally
(b). pestilential harmful : pernicious

1. having a small trim

figure —usually used of a
(d). petite woman

(d). phonetician 1. a specialist in phonetics

1. having a quarrelsome
or combative nature :
(c). pugnacity truculent

1. seeking solitude :
retiring from society 2.
marked by seclusion or
(e). reclusive retirement : solitary
1. marked by roundness :
rounded 2. marked by
fullness of sound or
cadence : orotund,
sonorous 3. notably
(e).rotundity plump : chubby

1. to converse informally
: chat; also : to chat in a
friendly and persuasive
manner especially so as
to gain favor, business,
or connections 2. to
engage in schmoozing
(a). schmoozer with
1. proceeding from
natural feeling or native
tendency without
external constraint 2.
arising from a
momentary impulse 3.
(b). controlled and directed
spontaneous internally : self-acting

1. a stagnant state or
condition : a state or
condition marked by lack
of flow, movement, or
(e). stagnation development
1. an underlying support
: foundation: such as 2.
substance that is a
permanent subject of
qualities or phenomena
3. the material of which
something is made and
from which it derives its
(d). substratum special qualities

1. the plank, stone, or

piece of timber that lies
under a door : sill 2. gate,
door 3. end, boundary;
specifically : the end of a
(c). threshold runway
1. characterized by or
affected with trembling
or tremors 2. affected
with timidity : timorous
3. such as is or might be
caused by nervousness
(a). tremulous or shakiness

1. thick or opaque with

or as if with roiled
sediment 2. heavy with
smoke or mist 3.
deficient in clarity or
(e).turbidity purity : foul, muddy

1. being or characteristic
of a tyrant or tyranny :
(a). tyrannical despotic

1. not controlled or
restricted : free,
(c). unfettered unrestrained

1. to furnish with or as if
(e). upholster with upholstery
1. to waver in mind, will,
or feeling : hesitate in
choice of opinions or
courses 2. to sway
through lack of
equilibrium 3. fluctuate,
(b).vacillate oscillate

1. marked by vainglory :
(a). vainglorious boastful

1. the forefront of an
action or movement 2.
the troops moving at the
(d). vanguard head of an army

1. an acutely painful or
misunderstanding 2.
scandal 3. a violently
confused or bitterly
complicated altercation :
(c). imbroglio embroilment
1. marked by or
exhibiting a fawning
(b). obsequious attentiveness

1. of or relating to
Epicurus or Epicureanism
2. of, relating to, or
(b). epicurean suited to an epicure

1. the act or practice of

killing or permitting the
death of hopelessly sick
or injured individuals
(such as persons or
domestic animals) in a
relatively painless way
(e). euthanasia for reasons of mercy

1. coolly and
(a).supercilious patronizingly haughty
1. a basic principle or
element or a
fundamental skill
—usually used in plural 2.
something unformed or
undeveloped : beginning
—usually used in plural 3.
a body part so deficient
in size or structure as to
be entirely unable to
perform its normal
(c). rudiments function

1. preponderant
influence or authority
over others : domination
2. the social, cultural,
ideological, or economic
influence exerted by a
(b). hegemony dominant group
1. manner of utterance;
specifically : the rise and
fall in pitch of the voice
in speech 2. something
that is intoned;
specifically : the opening
tones of a Gregorian
chant 3. the act of
intoning and especially of
(d). intonation chanting

1. a writ commanding a
person designated in it to
appear in court under a
(b). subpoena penalty for failure

1. having discrete
markings of different
(c). variegated colors 2. varied
1. not easily pulled apart
: cohesive 2. tending to
adhere or cling especially
to another substance 3.
persistent in maintaining,
adhering to, or seeking
something valued or
(e). tenacious desired

1. logic 2. discussion and

reasoning by dialogue as
a method of intellectual
investigation; specifically
: the Socratic techniques
of exposing false beliefs
and eliciting truth 3. the
Platonic investigation of
(d).dialectic the eternal ideas
1. foolishly impractical
especially in the pursuit
of ideals; especially :
marked by rash lofty
romantic ideas or
extravagantly chivalrous
action 2. capricious,
(a). quixotic unpredictable

1. the capability of a
strained body to recover
its size and shape after
deformation caused
especially by
compressive stress 2. an
ability to recover from or
adjust easily to
(d). resilience misfortune or change
1. a form or shape that is
folded in curved or
tortuous windings 2. one
of the irregular ridges on
the surface of the brain
and especially of the
cerebrum of higher
mammals 3. a
complication or intricacy
of form, design, or
(c). convolution structure

1. the act or state of

abhorring or despising
something or someone 2.
a feeling of strong
repugnance or disgust :
loathing 3. something
regarded as repugnant or
(d). abhorrence disgusting

1. to change through
(e). acculturate acculturation
1. involving two people
or two sides who oppose
each other : of, relating
to, or characteristic of an
adversary or adversary
(b). adversarial procedures

1. arranged in the order

of the letters of the
alphabet 2. of, relating
to, or employing an
(c).alphabetical alphabet
1. recurrence in an
organism of a trait or
character typical of an
ancestral form and
usually due to genetic
recombination 2.
recurrence of or
reversion to a past style,
manner, outlook,
approach, or activity 3.
an individual or character
that manifests atavism :
(b). atavistic throwback
1. a word represented in
riddling verse or by
picture, tableau, or
dramatic action (such as
intrusion represented by
depiction of inn, true,
and shun) 2. a game in
which some of the
players try to guess a
word or phrase from the
actions of another player
who may not speak 3. an
empty or deceptive act
(d). charade or pretense

1. to charge or entreat
earnestly or solemnly 2.
to summon by or as if by
invocation or incantation
3. to affect or effect by
(a). conjuring or as if by magic
1. the act of conniving;
especially : knowledge of
and active or passive
(c).connivance consent to wrongdoing

1. the act or an instance

of consulting :
consultation 2. an agency
that provides consulting
services 3. the services
provided by a
consultancy or a
(d). consultancy consultant

1. to dispute or oppose
by reasoning 2. to
(a). controvert engage in controversy

1. having a drooping
crest or hanging head 2.
feeling shame or
(e). crestfallen humiliation : dejected
1. the marking of the
limits or boundaries of
something : the act,
process, or result of
demarcating something
2. something that marks
or constitutes a
boundary : a marked or
perceived distinction
between one area,
(c). category, etc., and
demarcation another

1. lacking something
needed or desirable 2.
lacking possessions and
resources; especially :
(b). destitute suffering extreme poverty
1. an act or instance of
deviating: such as 2.
deflection of the needle
of a compass caused by
local magnetic influences
(as in a ship) 3. the
difference between a
value in a frequency
distribution and a fixed
number (such as the
(c). deviation mean)

1. resembling or befitting
a devil: such as 2. evil,
sinister 3. mischievous,
(e).devilishly roguish

1. of, relating to, or

constituting a domicile:
such as 2. provided or
taking place in the home
3. providing care and
living space (as for
(b). domiciliary disabled veterans)
1. to listen secretly to
(c). eavesdrop what is said in private

1. glowing and warmly

enthusiastic praise; also :
(a). encomium an expression of this

1. to make a definite or
systematic statement of
2. announce, proclaim 3.
(d). enunciate articulate, pronounce

1. to make more violent,

(a). exacerbate bitter, or severe

1. pageants and the

presentation of pageants
2. colorful, rich, or
splendid display :
spectacle 3. mere show :
(b). pageantry empty display
1. pedantic presentation
or application of
knowledge or learning 2.
(e).pedantry an instance of pedantry

1. to deviate from the

(c). prevaricate truth : equivocate

1. a state of perplexity or
(b). quandary doubt

1. to break out or
(c). recrudesce become active again

1. exceeding what is
necessary or normal :
superfluous 2.
characterized by or
containing an excess;
specifically : using more
words than necessary 3.
characterized by
(d). redundant similarity or repetition
1. to present and urge
reasons in opposition :
expostulate —usually
used with with 2. to say
or plead in protest,
(a). remonstrate reproof, or opposition

1. extravagantly
emotional : rapturous 2.
resembling or
characteristic of a
(e). rhapsodic rhapsody

1. withdrawal into
privacy or solitude :
retirement 2. formal
withdrawal from an
(c).secession organization

1. the quality or state of

(d). sobriety being sober
1. an ungrammatical
combination of words in
a sentence; also : a minor
blunder in speech 2.
something deviating
from the proper, normal,
or accepted order 3. a
breach of etiquette or
(b). solecism decorum

1. to make strait or
narrow 2. to hem in :
confine 3. to restrict in
freedom or scope :
(e). straitened hamper
1. the action or process
of strangling or
strangulating 2. the state
of being strangled or
strangulated; especially :
excessive or pathological
constriction or
compression of a bodily
tube (such as a blood
vessel or a loop of
intestine) that interrupts
its ability to act as a
(c).strangulation passage

1. the quality or state of

(d). tranquility being tranquil

1. having a huge appetite

: ravenous 2. excessively
(c). voracious eager : insatiable
1. a person who wants or
aspires to be someone or
something else or who
tries to look or act like
someone else 2.
something (such as a
company, city, or
product) intended to
rival another of its kind
that has been successful;
especially : one for which
hopes have failed or are
(b). wannabe likely to fail

1. of little or no
consequence : trifling,
inconsequential 2. having
(d). nugatory no force : inoperative
1. prevailing tendency,
mood, or inclination 2.
temperamental makeup
3. the tendency of
something to act in a
certain manner under
(b). disposition given circumstances

1. first created or
developed : primeval 2.
existing in or persisting
from the beginning (as of
a solar system or
universe) 3. earliest
formed in the growth of
an individual or organ :
(d). primordial primitive

1. commendation, praise
2. an act of approving
formally or officially 3.
(c).approbation proof
1. to explain (something)
by indicating a cause 2.
to regard as a
characteristic of a person
or thing 3. to reckon as
made or originated in an
(c). attributable indicated fashion

1. to give or leave by will

—used especially of
personal property 2. to
(a). bequeath hand down : transmit

1. to advise (a person)
against something 2. to
advise against (an action)
3. to turn from
(c). dissuade something by persuasion
1. of, relating to, or
located at the equator or
an equator; also : being
in the plane of the
equator 2. of, originating
in, or suggesting the
region around the
geographic equator 3.
being or having a support
that includes two axles at
right angles to each
other with one parallel to
the earth's axis of
(e). equatorial rotation
1. banish, exile 2. to
withdraw (oneself) from
residence in or allegiance
to one's native country 3.
to leave one's native
country to live
elsewhere; also : to
renounce allegiance to
(d). expatriate one's native country

1. suitable for achieving a

particular end in a given
circumstance 2.
characterized by concern
with what is opportune;
especially : governed by
(d). expedient self-interest
1. to bring to an end :
make an end of 2. to
reduce to silence or
ineffectiveness 3. to
cause to cease burning :
(c).extinguish quench

1. the act of forfeiting :

the loss of property or
money because of a
breach of a legal
obligation 2. something
(such as money or
property) that is
(e). forfeiture forfeited : penalty

1. of, relating to, or

marked by hysteria 2.
feeling or showing
extreme and
unrestrained emotion 3.
(b). hysterical very funny

(d). impenitent 1. not penitent

1. beginning to come into
being or to become
(c). incipient apparent

1. something that is
insinuated; especially : a
sly, subtle, and usually
derogatory utterance 2.
the act or process of
(d). insinuation insinuating

1. a massive inexorable
force, campaign,
movement, or object
that crushes whatever is
in its path 2. a large
(e). juggernaut heavy truck
1. a continuum of color
formed when a beam of
white light is dispersed
(as by passage through a
prism) so that its
component wavelengths
are arranged in order 2.
any of various continua
that resemble a color
spectrum in consisting of
an ordered arrangement
by a particular
characteristic (such as
frequency or energy):
such as 3.
(b).spectrum spectrum

1. perceptible by touch :
tangible 2. of, relating to,
or being the sense of
(d). tactile touch

1. to foreshadow vaguely
: intimate 2. to suggest,
disclose, or outline
partially 3. overshadow,
(c). adumbrate obscure
1. accessory objects 2. an
incidental right (such as a
right-of-way) attached to
a principal property right
and passing in possession
(b). with it 3. a subordinate
appurtenance part or adjunct

1. to act as arbiter upon

(a disputed question) : to
settle (a dispute between
two people or groups)
after hearing the
arguments and opinions
of both 2. to submit or
refer for decision to an
arbiter 3. decide,
(e).arbitrate determine

1. the act of benefiting 2.

a benefit conferred;
especially : a charitable
(c). benefaction donation
1. insincere or foolish
(b). bunkum talk : nonsense

1. to persuade with
flattery or gentle urging
especially in the face of
reluctance : coax 2. to
obtain from someone by
gentle persuasion 3. to
deceive with soothing
(d). cajole words or false promises

1. to establish, enable, or
convey by charter 2.
certify 3. to hire, rent, or
lease for usually
exclusive and temporary
(d). chartered use
1. property (such as
securities) pledged by a
borrower to protect the
interests of the lender 2.
a collateral relative 3. a
branch of a bodily part
(d). collateral (such as a vein)

1. a schematic
arrangement of the
inflectional forms of a
verb 2. verb inflection 3.
a class of verbs having
the same type of
(e). conjugation inflectional forms
1. constituting or
producing a convulsion 2.
caused by or affected
with convulsions 3.
resembling a convulsion
in being violent, sudden,
(b).convulsive frantic, or spasmodic

1. marked by inordinate
desire for wealth or
possessions or for
another's possessions 2.
having a craving for
(c). covetous possession

1. to spend time idly 2. to

move lackadaisically 3. to
spend fruitlessly or
(d). dawdle lackadaisically

1. to cut off the head of :

(d). decapitate behead
1. of, relating to, or
favoring democracy 2. of
or relating to one of the
two major political
parties in the U.S.
evolving in the early 19th
century from the anti-
federalists and the
party and associated in
modern times with
policies of broad social
reform and
internationalism 3.
relating to, appealing to,
or available to the broad
(c). democratic masses of the people
1. the purpose for which
something is
predetermined or
destined 2. an act of
appointing, setting aside
for a purpose, or
predetermining 3. a
place to which one is
journeying or to which
(c). destination something is sent

1. of, relating to, or

characteristic of the devil
(c). diabolical : devilish

1. to cause to undergo
(d). diffract diffraction

1. the works where

distilling (as of alcoholic
(c). distillery liquors) is done
1. instructive or
informative in a way that
improves the mind or
(e). edifying character

1. one that emulsifies;

especially : a surface-
active agent (such as a
soap) promoting the
formation and
stabilization of an
(d). emulsifier emulsion

1. the act or process of

one that engraves 2.
something that is
engraved: such as 3. an
(c).engraving engraved printing surface
1. notably or brilliantly
outstanding because of
dignity or achievements
or actions : eminent 2.
shining brightly with light
(c). illustrious 3. clearly evident

1. using a language or
dialect native to a region
or country rather than a
literary, cultured, or
foreign language 2. of,
relating to, or being a
nonstandard language or
dialect of a place, region,
or country 3. of, relating
to, or being the normal
spoken form of a
(b). vernacular language
1. skill or cleverness in
devising or combining :
inventiveness 2.
cleverness or aptness of
design or contrivance 3.
an ingenious device or
(b). ingenuity contrivance

1. having death as a
subject : comprising or
including a personalized
representation of death
2. dwelling on the
gruesome 3. tending to
produce horror in a
(a). macabre beholder

1. grudgingly mean about

spending or granting :
begrudging 2. provided in
(b). niggardly meanly limited supply
1. a viewpoint that
traditional values and
beliefs are unfounded
and that existence is
senseless and useless 2. a
doctrine that denies any
objective ground of truth
and especially of moral
truths 3. a doctrine or
belief that conditions in
the social organization
are so bad as to make
destruction desirable for
its own sake
independent of any
constructive program or
(a). nihilistic possibility

1. a eulogistic oration or
writing; also : formal or
(e).panegyric elaborate praise
1. to bring about or carry
out (something, such as a
crime or deception) :
commit 2. to produce,
perform, or execute
(b). (something likened to a
perpetration crime)

1. one affected with

partial or complete
paralysis of both the
arms and legs especially
as a result of spinal cord
injury or disease in the
(d). quadriplegic region of the neck

1. to evade the point of

an argument by caviling
about words 2. cavil, carp
(d). quibble 3. bicker
1. to become thrown or
poured back 2. to throw
or pour back or out from
(e). regurgitate or as if from a cavity

1. the rising of Christ

from the dead 2. the
rising again to life of all
the human dead before
the final judgment 3. the
state of one risen from
(c). resurrection the dead

1. a minor battle :
skirmish 2. a confused
fight : scuffle 3. the
interplay between two
football teams that
begins with the snap of
the ball and continues
(d). scrimmage until the ball is dead
1. the act of killing;
specifically : the
butchering of livestock
for market 2. killing of
great numbers of human
beings (as in battle or a
(b).slaughter massacre) : carnage

(c). sluggard 1. a habitually lazy person

1. of, relating to, or

having the characteristics
of a voyeur : relating to
or derived from
(d). voyeuristic voyeurism

1. an act or instance of
(c). exploitation exploiting

1. to commit fornication
2. to commit fornication
(b). fornicate with
1. experienced or
realized through
imaginative or
sympathetic participation
in the experience of
another 2. serving
instead of someone or
something else 3. that
(c). vicarious has been delegated

1. not fully worked out or

developed 2. hesitant,
(d). tentative uncertain

1. something regarded
with disgust or hatred :
something abominable 2.
extreme disgust and
(d).abomination hatred : loathing
1. a loud eager
expression of approval,
praise, or assent 2. an
affirmative vote by
cheers, shouts, or
applause rather than by
(d). acclamation ballot

1. relating to or
suggestive of an acrobat
or acrobatics : performed
with leaps, body
contortions, or other
maneuvers requiring the
great athleticism of an
(b). acrobatic acrobat
1. an originally Chinese
practice of inserting fine
needles through the skin
at specific points
especially to cure disease
or relieve pain (as in
(e).acupuncture surgery)

1. of, relating to, or

resembling a tree 2.
inhabiting or frequenting
(d). arboreal trees

1. governing or
controlling influence :
(e). ascendancy domination

1. utterly confused or
puzzled : deeply
(b). befuddled perplexed
1. any of several red
precious stones 2. the
garnet cut cabochon 3. a
painful local purulent
inflammation of the skin
and deeper tissues with
multiple openings for the
discharge of pus and
usually necrosis and
(c). carbuncle sloughing of dead tissue
1. a system of
noninvasive therapy
which holds that certain
disorders result from
nervous system
dysfunction arising from
misalignment of the
spine and joints and that
focuses treatment
especially on the manual
adjustment or
manipulation of the
(e). chiropractic spinal vertebrae

1. a person who has

expert knowledge in a
(c). cognoscenti subject : connoisseur
1. an associate or
coworker typically in a
profession or in a civil or
ecclesiastical office and
often of similar rank or
status : a fellow worker
(b). colleague or professional

1. to concentrate in a
small or narrow space 2.
to cause an excessive
accumulation especially
of blood or mucus in
(such as an organ or part)
(d).congestion 3. clog
1. the configuration of
stars especially at one's
birth 2. any of 88
arbitrary configurations
of stars or an area of the
celestial sphere covering
one of these
configurations 3. an
assemblage, collection,
or group of usually
(c). related persons,
constellation qualities, or things

1. a metal tool with a

sharpened edge at one
end used to chip, carve,
or cut into a solid
material (such as wood,
(d). chisel stone, or metal)
1. left to individual
choice or judgment :
exercised at one's own
(b). discretion 2. available for
discretionary discretionary use

1. the owner or operator

of a concession;
especially : one that
operates a refreshment
(b). stand at a recreational
concessionaire center

1. intended to gain
goodwill or favor or to
reduce hostility : tending
(d). conciliatory or intended to conciliate
1. an assembly of
persons called together
to a meeting 2. an
assembly of bishops and
representative clergy of
the Church of England 3.
a consultative assembly
of clergy and lay
delegates from one part
of an Episcopal diocese;
also : a territorial division
(e). convocation of an Episcopal diocese

1. the art or process of

forming decorative
designs with hand or
machine needlework 2. a
design or decoration
formed by or as if by
embroidery 3. an object
decorated with
(e). embroidery embroidery
1. of, relating to, or being
in agreement with the
Christian gospel
especially as it is
presented in the four
Gospels 2. protestant 3.
emphasizing salvation by
faith in the atoning death
of Jesus Christ through
personal conversion, the
authority of Scripture,
and the importance of
preaching as contrasted
(b). evangelical with ritual

1. to take out the entrails

of : disembowel 2. to
deprive of vital content
or force 3. to remove an
organ from (a patient) or
(c). eviscerate the contents of (an organ)
1. of, relating to, or
affirming existence 2.
grounded in existence or
the experience of
existence : empirical 3.
having being in time and
(c).existential space

1. tending to lessen the

real or apparent
seriousness of something
(such as a crime, offense,
or fault) : providing a
partial justification or
excuse for something
—usually used in the
phrase extenuating
(b). extenuating circumstances

1. allowable as a
(c). deductible deduction
1. a fleet of ships or
boats; especially : a navy
organizational unit
consisting of two or
more squadrons of small
warships 2. an indefinite
(d). flotilla large number

1. of little weight or
importance 2. having no
sound basis (as in fact or
law) 3. lacking in
(b). frivolous seriousness

1. acutely distressing or
(c). harrowing painful

1. the quality or state of

(e). inclemency being inclement

1. to win over by wiles :

entice 2. to acquire by
ingenuity or flattery :
(a). inveigle wangle
1. a freelance
photographer who
aggressively pursues
celebrities for the
purpose of taking candid
(e). paparazzo photographs

1. one that is small or

(c). pipsqueak insignificant

(d). prettify 1. to make pretty

1. the process of exact

thinking : reasoning 2. a
(e).ratiocination reasoned train of thought

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