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Student Samples
2017 / 2018

Using Instagram is very popular in this modern world. There are many
reasons why people use Instagram. The first reason for using Instagram is
socializing. People want to socialize and Instagram is a easy way to do this. They
can comment on their friends’ photos and they can make contact with friends in this
way. Also, these people talk with friends through direct messages. So, we socialize
in the virtual world. The second reason for using Instagram is advertising.
Advertising is very important for internet marketing. People can advertise their
products on Instagram. These people sometimes give money to famous
Instagrammers to advertise their products. So, these Instagrammers and advertisers
both make money. Finally, sharing your own photos and life is a reason for using
Instagram. People can share their photos on Instagram and if these people want to
be famous, they can show themselves to agencies. So, they may have a chance for
being famous because of Instagram. In conclusion, many people use Instagram for
these reasons.

Yaprak YERLİ – Level 3


It is believed that famous people have a difficult life because they are under
pressure of being unsuccessful and they have no freedom. However being famous
in life makes their lives easier. There are three main advantages of being famous in
life and they can be listed as, becoming rich, gaining a sense of self-esteem and
gaining prestige.

To begin with, being famous in life brings money. Compared to ordinary people,
famous singers, models, actors/actresses, earn a lot of money. This is because
everyone knows and talks about them. Advertisement companies always want to
use famous people to sell their products because companies’ products are easily
sold when celebrities advertise them. If famous people advertise a product, more
people will use it, so companies give a lot of money to famous people. On the other
hand, if famous people don’t help them to sell their products, then nobody will want
to buy them. If a company wants to make their products popular, they need famous
people’s help since social media is very powerful these days. Besides this, people
want to see famous people in real life so they go to their concerts and buy “meet
and greet” tickets for very expensive prices. As a result, famous people earn a lot
of money due to these situations.

A further advantage of being famous in life is gaining a sense of self-esteem.

Famous people who have both fans and haters can be aware of their importance
because they feel how much people love them. Everyone experiences this case in
different ways. Famous people learn this from millions of people. In time they can
learn how to survive and they can be self-confident. They are sufficient enough and
they don’t give up despite haters’ negative behaviors. For example, Justin Bieber

who has a lot of fans but also a lot of haters still works in the music world. He
focuses on his music and he never gives up because of haters. Therefore, there are
always some people who want to see you fail but we shouldn’t let them spoil our

Being famous in life isn’t only for becoming rich and gaining a sense of self-
esteem but also for gaining prestige. Famous people have different statuses in life.
They can reach whatever they want and whenever they want. For example, Acun
Ilıcalı, who is very famous in Turkey, can do anything he wants without making
much of an effort. This is because he is well-known and he has a lot of money. If
you have these two, there is nothing you can’t do.

All in all, being famous in life brings many advantages. However, some people
don’t know these. If they are aware of these advantages, they probably would want
to be famous.

Eylül DOĞAN - Level 4


Many people are addicted to drugs. Using drugs has a negative impact on people’s
health. When people use drugs, drink too much, or smoke a lot, they will face some
problems such as cancer. Many people assume that it is difficult to give up a bad
habit. However, if people quit a bad habit, they can have a wonderful life. There
are several positive effects of quitting a bad habit. The most significant two reasons
are having good health and having a good social life.

The first positive impact people experience after quitting a bad habit is on health.
It is important for people to have a healthy life. People who give up a bad habit
such as drugs, alcohol, or smoking can have enough energy to do sports. People
who quit a bad habit can join sportive activities easily. For instance, they can play
football or play basketball easily because they don’t have shortness of breath. On
the other hand, people who cannot get rid of a bad habit can’t join sportive activities
and they may face problems like lack of energy. As a result, quitting a bad habit
contributes to people’s health very positively.

Another positive effect is having a good social life. Having good relationships and
a good social life are very important in people’s lives. If people quit a bad habit,
they can never feel alone since they will have a lot of friends and this may affect
their psychology positively. To illustrate, people who quit are inclined to socialize
with people more often. For example, they can go to the cinema because social
activities keep them away from bad habits. Therefore, quitting a bad habit
contributes to people’s social lives.

When all the points mentioned above are taken into consideration, it can be said

that there are a lot of positive effects of quitting a bad habit such as having good
health and having a good social circle. If people want a healthy and peaceful life,
they should quit their bad habits.

Sergen UYSANER – Level 4


Education is one of the most important aspect of our lives, in our era. This is
because we need educated people to expand our horizons and to pursue the changes
and challenges that are an integral part of the Technological Revolution. Indeed,
educated people are valuable to their county because they can make it stronger than
other countries. In other words, countries can continue to exist and flourish with the
help of intelligent and knowledgeable citizens. As can be seen from these kinds of
reasons, the importance of being educated is increasing these days. That’s why,
particularly in Europe and America, the majority of families prefer to educate their
children at home. However, this can be a disadvantage for children in term of not
communicating with people well, and not being sufficiently educated.

To my subjective appraisal, children should be educated at school by teachers

and together with other students because the social environment is as important as
education to enhance children’s knowledge. Yet, the opposite view-point claims
that children who are educated by their parents are more qualified in their
occupations. This case results from lots of reasons but the most important one is
having more opportunities and interests. While a child who is educated at school
studies his/her department together with lots of children like her/him. A child who
is educated at home can obtain what they need about his/her education. In other
words, all the needs are met by their parents and they can be more successful than
others. We can agree with them to a certain extent, however, the disadvantages of
being educated at school outweigh the advantages. It is a well-known fact that
communicating with others is more significant than being successful because if
successful people can’t communicate with others, being successful doesn’t mean

anything to them. In this case, we can see the importance of school. What I mean
is, school is not just related to education. School also provides us with opportunities
to be more sociable and to be more self-confident in our private lives. When we
talk to others or study in a group, we can learn lots of beneficial information about
humans and human behaviors. This makes us experienced about life. In addition,
we can have rivals at school and this can motivate us to improve ourselves. It is a
well-known fact that people learn something easily when they are forced by others
to compete. Moreover, we can deal with some problems easily when we go to
school because we have opportunities to meet diverse people and to listen to them.
This helps us to find good solutions when we encounter problems. Briefly, children
who are educated at home cannot benefit from advantages of being educated at

In addition to not to communicating well with others, we can say that children
cannot be educated at home by parents because of parents’ limited education. The
opposite view-point thinks that parents have been becoming more knowledgeable
and intelligent, and also that they can understand their children’s abilities and
capacities more easily. In effect, we can accept this thought, however, it is not true
for everyone around the World. Of course there are lots of knowledgeable parents
especially in Europe and America. However, the majority of people are not
educated enough to teach people, except perhaps those who live in developed
counties. When this is the case, being educated at home means parents are taking a
big risk regarding their children. That’s the reason why children should not be
educated at home if their parents have not enough qualifications. Otherwise, it can
endanger children’s education.

Consequently, being educated at home might seem beneficial for parents.

However, when everything is taken into the consideration, we can see that we are

not qualified about this case especially in Turkey. Even if we are qualified, being
educated at home has disadvantages in terms of children’s education, progress,
behaviors, or features. That’s the reason why we should not educate our children at
home. It can conclude badly even though we try to reach good results.

Gamze BÜYÜKKORKMAZ – Level 5


The number of people who want to be famous have increased a lot in the last
decade as a consequence of imitating celebrities. Why do people want to be
famous? What are some benefits of being famous? There are several advantages of
being a celebrity such as becoming rich and gaining prestige.

The first point to consider is becoming rich. Today, many people try to deal with
poverty. They cannot afford not only their needs but also their children’s needs.
Also it is natural that they imitate celebrities. Some renowned people have good
voices so they become singers. They earn millions for performing in a concert.
Some of these famous people have a talent in acting. They act in some TV series,
movies or advertisements. So production companies pay high amounts of money—
which we can’t even imagine—by using their reputation for their benefit. For
instance, if you are a famous person, you can earn money an absolute fortune. So,
you can buy whatever you want, such as a home like a palace or a fast and expensive
car that everyone wants to buy. You can help someone who can’t satisfy his/her
own vital needs. In other words, being famous can provide you with wealth.

Another advantage of being a celebrity is gaining prestige. Many newspapers’

reporters treat celebrities nicely when they write news about them thanks to their
prestige. Indeed, they treat them like royalty. Also, some famous businessmen want
to get married with them because of their financial status. Another important point
is that celebrities have several fans who love them since they are curious about their
private lives. Imagine for a minute, you are a renowned person. People can see you
just when you walk on a red carpet inside a gorgeous dress. They yell to you to sign
their books or take a selfie with them. Wouldn’t you feel significant in a situation

like that? Although it might be difficult, I’m sure that will make you feel better. So,

being famous can provide you with prestige.

When everything is taken into account, we can understand the mentality of
wanting to be famous. Today, it is more common to see people who want to be a
celebrity. This is one of the situations that is shaping people’s lives in the modern

Eda SOĞANCI – Level 5


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