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Managing training simulator projects

Operator training simulators are not cheap, yet their value in preparing
personnel for the fast startup and operation of new process plants is significant

Nick Harbud Foster Wheeler Energy Limited

here is no doubt that over the
last 20 years the improvements
in the dynamic simulation of
OTS trainee workstation DCS controller
process plants have enabled a range of
new operational tools to become Printer Computers
widely available. Among these is the
high-fidelity, customised operator
training simulator (OTS), which can
now be readily obtained for almost all
Plant model/
chemical processes. However, the DCS interface
dazzling advances in OTS technology computers
should not blind us to the fact that
these items are a significant expense Instructor
and their engineering constitutes a Plant model
major project in its own right. simulators Printer
Typically, an OTS costs in the order of
$1 million, which can amount to more
than 20% of the combined cost of proc- Plant model LAN
ess control and safety systems. These
systems generally take a year to deliver Figure 1 A two-part OTS architecture
and the OTS must be ready at least six
months prior to plant startup. OTS underlies the simulator and who probably devel-
projects require prodigious quantities of input data, oped the steady-state heat and material balance
including heat and material balances, process flow for the real plant
diagrams, most equipment and instrument data • The plant operators, who can tell whether it
sheets, as well as all the information that would provides a realistic simulation of the real plant.
normally be supplied to a distributed control Unfortunately, none of these can normally be
system (DCS) or emergency shutdown (ESD) spared to manage the OTS project, so it follows
system vendor, such as piping and instrumentation that the supervision of an OTS supplier normally
diagrams (P&IDs), input/output lists, control falls upon someone who does not have the most
narratives, and cause and effect diagrams. comprehensive technical under-standing of what
If this is not a sufficient challenge, OTS systems is being ordered. This is often a control systems
are normally understood technically by three groups engineer, as the OTS tends to be perceived as an
of people: extension of the DCS.
• Specialist engineers working for an OTS
supplier. This group may comprise no more than Generic simulators
a few hundred individuals worldwide Many companies provide so-called generic train-
• The process technologist, who comprehends ing simulators for common unit operations, such
the fundamental chemical engineering that as boilers, fluidised catalytic cracking, crude PTQ Q4 2006 1

The need for speed configuration of a plant and DCS. If the real
plant is larger, smaller or of an unusual configu-
ration, its dynamic response may differ
How fast does a simulator need to run? Rather significantly from the generic OTS, even to an
than seriously consider this question, most OTS extent where the training benefit becomes
specifications will simply include a requirement for questionable.
“minimum speed at least 10 x real-time” – this being Despite the widespread adoption of Microsoft
a nice round number. Windows as a platform for DCS operator work-
While most simulation models can be arranged stations, the look of the trainee’s interface is
to meet this speed, they can generally only do so by unlikely to match that of the real plant DCS. The
simplifying the model to an unacceptable degree. degree of customisation available on a generic
Therefore, one should consider carefully any situation simulator is generally limited.
where such high execution speeds might appear Overall, any off-the-shelf simulator should be
necessary. thoroughly investigated before any decision is
A typical simple training exercise might take about made with respect to its adoption and, while the
an hour to execute, so reducing this time to 20 or 30 generic solution should be considered, one
minutes is generally satisfactory. It is probably not should not rely upon it being either available or
surprising that most suppliers will simply provide entirely suitable.
models with a maximum speed of around 2–3 x real-
time. Two-part OTS architecture
10 x real-time can be tempting where the model Most modern training simulators use a two-part
response is a long one, such as filling large vessels, architecture comprising a mixture of DCS
purging lines or plant cool-down. However, if it makes components linked to a dynamic model of the
no sense to have a trainee wait for ten hours while the real process plant (Figure 1). Typically, the DCS
plant model cools down, does it make any more sense supplier provides:
to have him wait one hour with the model executing • Standard operator consoles to form the trainee
in high speed? Why not create an additional initial workstation
condition representing the plant after its lengthy • Computers running DCS controller emulation
response? software, onto which the real plant DCS configu-
ration will be loaded
• An interface server that alternately passes DCS
distillation and vacuum distillation. These simu- outputs to the plant model and plant model
lators are typically complete packages that run calculated values to the DCS inputs.
on a single computer. The models, instrumenta- The OTS supplier provides:
tion, screens, DCS/ESD system configurations • A dynamic simulation of the real process plant
and training exercises will generally be based (the plant model)
upon common industry examples. They cost a • An instructor station for controlling the simula-
few thousand dollars each — significantly less tor, running training exercises, initiating
than an equivalent high-fidelity OTS. The generic malfunctions and evaluating trainee performance.
simulator is an off-the-shelf item that does not This is an attractive architecture from the
require detailed design information from the real perspective of suppliers, as a single plant model
plant. It may therefore be procured independ- can interface with many types of DCS, and vice
ently of the main project schedule and delivered versa. From a purchaser’s viewpoint, its main
to the users many months earlier than a high- advantage is that the trainees will be learning in
fidelity OTS. However, the generic OTS has its an environment that is pretty much identical to
drawbacks. the real thing. However, it can have certain limi-
Generic simulators will generally not be availa- tations, including:
ble for anything other than commonly used unit • Limitations on simulator speed and the ability
operations. Thus, for an application involving, to backtrack or rewind a training exercise
say, a chemicals plant, there is unlikely to be a • DCS alarms and events often cannot be
generic solution available. recorded within the instructor station or stored
The generic OTS will be based upon a typical as part of the training records

2 PTQ Q4 2006

• Storing snapshots, reloading and re-initialising utilities or feedstock is easily simulated, for exam-
exercises involving sequences and other complex ple, by placing a (simulated) manual valve in a line
control schemes can be problematic. that the instructor can open or close. Exceptions to
But whatever the advantages and disadvan- this rule are utilities such as steam from waste heat
tages, this is the most likely platform for boilers and fuel gas systems, both of which are
implementing the OTS. This should be kept in generated by the process itself and are therefore
mind when specifying the simulator intimately connected to the main process
requirements. dynamics.
Another decision is whether to split a large plant
Defining simulator scope model into a number of smaller models. It is possi-
For any project to be successful, it needs a well- ble, of course, to simply ask the OTS supplier to
defined scope. In OTS terms, this means include everything in one model. However, this will
defining: probably result in a large, slow model that is
• How much of the process will be simulated unwieldy both for the supplier to develop and for
• What equipment will be simulated the instructors to work with. It is therefore good
• How the plant will be partitioned into different practice to define small, practical models, yet with-
simulator models out losing any important dynamic interactions.
• How non-DCS systems, such as the ESD If the particular process has been simulated
system, compressor or turbine control systems, before, discussions with those involved can provide
fieldbus control functions and advanced process a reasonable guide to the scope of individual OTS
control (APC) controllers, will be simulated. models, and some plants are obviously self-
A good starting point for any definition is the contained. However, if one does not have an earlier
simulator for a similar existing facility. However, if example, a good starting point is to consider the
there is no such example to hand, the definition responsibilities of the individual panel operators.
must be made from first principles. OTS training exercises are often designed within
When deciding what equipment should be the working area of a single panel operator, and
included in the OTS, it is of prime importance to even in a large process there are generally well-
consider the potential training benefits to trainee defined interface points separating the different
operators. These are not always the same items operators’ areas of responsibility.
that cause problems on existing plants. For exam- Non-DCS systems found on the real plant will
ple, a complex chemical plant included several generally not be emulated in the same way as the
intermediate storage tanks of one to two days’ DCS. Therefore, if they are to be included as part
capacity. Operators frequently overfilled these of the OTS, they must be simulated as part of the
tanks, and it was suggested that rigorous model- plant model. Each system should be considered in
ling within the new OTS scope would allow its own right:
operators to practise preventative measures. • Many OTS suppliers have tools that can
However, it was deemed impractical to devise a convert an ESD system software configuration
training exercise that involved a trainee waiting into a plant model logic block. If such a tool is
for several hours for an undesirable situation to not available, the ESD logic must be derived
occur. Nor is it always appropriate to exclude manually from cause and effect diagrams and
infrequently used equipment. Some of the most other documents
common training scenarios involve plant startup, • The functions of a compressor anti-surge
shutdown and upset conditions. Special startup controller can often be simplified or, for exam-
equipment, lines and ESD overrides should be ple, in the case of an air compressor completely
included within the OTS. omitted
In general, utilities and bulk storage facilities are • Simulating fieldbus control functions is not
modelled as infinitely large sources or sinks of normally a problem, as most simulators contain
materials. This can be justified on the grounds that standard function blocks for PID controllers and
the relevant storage capacity is measured in terms other functions. However, the OTS specification
of days, and the means of generating utilities is should reflect the philosophy used on the real
normally straightforward and does not interact plant
with the main process dynamics. Loss of particular • The ability to integrate an APC computer into PTQ Q4 2006 3

Defining simulator fidelity
Supporting OTS development
Having decided what should be modelled within
each OTS model, it is now necessary to decide
Obtaining technical support from the purchaser’s how rigorously it should be modelled. In theory,
organisation is crucial to the success of the OTS everything could be modelled with complete
project. Make sure you have on board a process rigour. However, there are normally a number of
technologist who comprehends the underlying reasons why this is undesirable.
process and a plant instructor or a senior operator First, the information available may not enable
experienced in the behaviour of the real plant. some parts of the plant to be modelled rigor-
Make sure both of the above are fully involved in ously. This situation often arises where particular
and approve the functional design specification of equipment or groups of equipment are being
the OTS. This will ensure their enthusiastic support supplied under licence. The information relevant
during the later testing phases. to any dynamic model is the intellectual property
The process technologist should be asked to review of the licensor, who is often reluctant to give it
the plant model behaviour and compare its steady to others, even under the terms of a confidential-
state with the original heat and material balance. ity agreement.
The plant instructor, as the end user, is the best Second, a simpler model will always execute
person to attend FAT. faster than a more rigorous one. It is desirable to
simplify the model wherever it will not impact
unduly on the simulator’s fidelity (see The need
for speed). There are several basic methods for
Initial conditions: where to start? simplifying a simulator:
• Reduce the number of chemical components
The state of a simulator at the beginning of a training either by eliminating compounds that are only
exercise is known as its initial condition. Most present in low concentrations or by grouping
OTS quotations will include two initial conditions components, for example, by treating all non-
per model. One will represent the plant at normal reactive gases as nitrogen
operating conditions and the other when it is shut • Model only one equipment item from a duty/
down. As most training exercises represent start-up, standby arrangement
shutdown or upsets from normal operation, this is • Model parallel equipment as a single item. For
generally sufficient. Furthermore, most OTS systems example, where a large relief duty requires two
can readily create additional initial conditions from or more real relief valves to be installed in paral-
simulator snapshots. lel, this can be modelled as a single simulated
When should more initial conditions be specified? relief valve with an orifice area equal to the sum
If the real plant has more than one normal operating of the real valves
state, then an initial condition for each one should be • Model groups of equipment in a drastically
considered. This can arise, for example, when there simplified manner as so-called “black boxes”. For
are different feedstocks or operations differ between example, a molecular sieve package with its asso-
summer and winter. ciated sequence controls and regeneration
Also, if plant startup includes a long period where the facilities can be modelled as a simple component
operator has little to do, an additional condition can be splitter that removes the unwanted components
created representing the plant state at the end of this from a process stream.
period. Alternatively, if reaching this point is relatively Time spent considering the OTS scope is rarely
straightforward, one can specify that this point will wasted, and having a clear understanding of the
represent the plant shutdown initial condition. user’s requirements is a prerequisite to placing
an order.

the OTS may depend upon its ability to commu- OTS project execution
nicate with the DCS emulation. One can also Once ordered, the development of an OTS will
take the view that a principal objective of the normally fall into five main phases:
OTS is to train operators in how to operate the 1. Functional specification During this phase, the
plant without APC and hence omit it. OTS supplier will provide a detailed simulator

4 PTQ Q4 2006

scope, how each simulator model is to be split
into area models and the modelling approach to OTS quality
be used for implementing each area model
2. Area modelling The individual parts of the • Fidelity measures the simulator model’s ability to
simulator model are configured and tested using replicate the dynamic performance of the real plant
simulated DCS controllers • Stability determines how well the model performs
3. Model integration The area models are both inside and outside the originally envisaged
connected together and the whole plant model operating envelope. Unstable perfor-mance varies
tested from a wildly unrealistic response to models that
4. DCS/ESD integration The plant model is inte- regularly crash
grated with the actual DCS and ESD systems • Elegance is a qualitative measure of how efficiently
configurations the model has been implemented in software. An
5. Testing and installation The complete OTS is elegant model will be compact and execute swiftly.
tested and shipped to site.
Throughout the project, the OTS supplier will
require support not only from the main project’s
design team, but also from the purchaser’s How much and how long
organisation (see Supporting OTS development).
From the OTS supplier’s viewpoint, the project is
driven by two concerns: OTS models differ greatly both in scope and complexity.
• The availability of information on the real Their price and delivery can vary accordingly.
plant Therefore, to answer this question with any degree
• Freezing of design information. of accuracy requires an OTS supplier (or preferably
Almost immediately upon placing the order for several OTS suppliers) to provide a quotation.
the OTS, the supplier will probably ask for all the However, in the absence of anything better, the
design information relating to the real plant, so following is the author’s own very rough guide:
that he may construct the simulator. As the source • A set of hardware and licences costs around
of this information is the main project (which will $0.25M
generate it over a period of months as the design • A small simulator model will cost around $0.5M
progresses and equipment suppliers provide docu- • A large simulator model will cost around $1M
ments), much of it will simply not exist at order • The supplier’s project manager, specialists and
placement. sundry other hangers-on will add from $0.5M to $1M
Perhaps fortunately, most OTS engineers have to the overall cost
developed various workaround techniques to • A small simulator can generally be delivered within
handle shortfalls of information. These tend a year of order placement
to be based upon a mixture of understanding the • A large simulator will generally require 15–18
fundamental process, approximating various coef- months to delivery.
ficients and experimenting until the result looks
about right. It is often surprising what can be
achieved. However, this does not mean that the supplier has no opportunity to recover schedule
information problem should be ignored, as exper- during the construction phase.
imentation will take time from the project The requirements for information during the
schedule and there will be a detrimental effect on different stages of OTS development are illustrated
simulator model quality (see OTS quality) that is in Figure 2. In order to define in detail the simula-
typically not discovered until factory acceptance tor scope, it will obviously be necessary to provide
testing. P&IDs, process flow diagrams, and heat and mate-
To manage this situation, the OTS supplier must rial balances. The latter will form the basis of the
not only be aware of the main project schedule, but simulator’s initial conditions (see Initial conditions:
must also agree to use it as the framework for his where to start?). Copies of any training exercises
own activities. Conversely, the main project must will also be helpful. However, to minimise the OTS
be reminded of its obligations to supply informa- engineer’s guesswork, the two most useful things
tion and that, unlike everybody else, the OTS that can be provided are: PTQ Q4 2006 5

• Copies of any steady-state simulation models model integration should be scheduled after the
• Access to a technologist from the process issue of construction P&IDs and associated data
licensor. sheets and vendor documents from the main
This combination will enable the OTS engineer project. This will enable any last-minute plant
to decide rapidly upon the best modelling changes to be incorporated prior to model
approaches for the simulator and to complete the integration.
functional design specification (FDS). Regarding Finally, the real plant DCS and ESD system
schedule, the availability of suitably firm delivera- configurations must be integrated with the plant
bles to support this exercise will tend to dictate model. As with the integration of the area models,
that functional specification cannot start before the substantial changes to either DCS or ESD configu-
end of front-end engineering. rations will often cause this process to be restarted.
As previously noted, part of the FDS will detail It follows that one should wait until the DCS and
how the overall plant model is to be split into area ESD systems have completed FAT before starting
models. This activity should not be confused with integration. Even then, it can be expected that suffi-
the exercise that we, as users, carried out in deter- cient problems (ranging from missing points to
mining the scope of the overall plant models. The control schemes that simply do not work) will arise
objective of area models is to break the simulator to justify the full-time support of a DCS applica-
model into manageable chunks that can be devel- tions engineer at the OTS supplier’s premises
oped, tested and executed individually, thus during this operation. As several of the major DCS
enhancing the overall quality of the OTS. suppliers also sell their own dynamic simulation
Once all parties have accepted the FDS, program- packages, placing the OTS order with the DCS
ming the area models becomes the main activity. If supplier will ensure smooth integration of DCS
the plant is to be modelled with any degree of configuration and plant model. Alternatively,
rigour, the OTS supplier must be provided with subcontracting the OTS supplier to the DCS
information of sufficient quality to enable him to supplier is a popular strategy.
do so. In practice, this means issuing equipment Managing the OTS development schedule to
data sheets. Therefore, scheduling this activity any meet the requirements of the main project sched-
earlier than three to six months after the start of ule can be challenging, but is normally quite
detailed engineering is not normally practical. achievable. Any float is generally most apparent
By the end of area modelling (an activity that at the earlier stages, which is when extra effort
takes anywhere from three months to a year), the can provide the most benefits later on. Towards
supplier should have produced a reasonable the latter stages of the project, any spare time
collection of area models. It is at this point, before tends to disappear and the project also becomes
the area models are integrated into a complete constrained in terms of the amount of resources
plant model, that one needs to implement strict that can be deployed to make up any slippage.
control of further changes. Introducing substan- Late changes should therefore be avoided.
tial changes to the model from this point on will Managing multiple simulators
often result in the integration process having to So far this discussion has only considered the
be restarted from scratch. Therefore, the start of development of a simulator for a single process





Figure 2 OTS project phases and information requirement

6 PTQ Q4 2006

plant. However, when several OTS models are against placing a single order for several simula-
required as part of, for example, a refinery or tors. The final decision will likely depend upon
petrochemicals complex development project, the particular combination of required simula-
one should always consider whether to order tors and the capabilities of individual OTS
them all from a single supplier or place separate suppliers.
orders with different suppliers for each
simulator. Route to success
Training simulator models, like most other Operator training simulators are not cheap, yet
commodities, are cheaper when ordered in quan- their value in preparing personnel for the fast
tity. Placing an order for all the training startup and operation of new process plants is
simulators with a single OTS supplier typically increasingly appreciated. Their importance to
provides the following benefits: the end users is generally greater than is appre-
• Savings on project managers and sundry other ciated by the main project team.
overheads Operator training programs and the time allo-
• Significant savings in licence fees by installing cated to simulator training are very inflexible.
the simulators on common hardware Tight control of information and a well-managed
• Flexibility during pre-startup operator training OTS supplier are required if the simulator is to
as a result of having several identical OTS sets be ready on time.
available. Understanding the constraints on these
The magnitude of any potential savings may be complex projects and acting upon them to
judged from the observations noted in How provide adequate resources at the correct time is
much and how long? Against this must be recog- the route to a successful project.
nised the difficulties:
• Scheduling several simulators within a Nick Harbud is a principal control systems engineer at Foster
common time frame can be difficult. Schedules Wheeler Energy Limited in Reading, UK. He has over 25 years of
for smaller simulators may contain long periods experience in the refining, upstream oil and gas, LNG and GTL,
petrochemical, chemicals, power and pharmaceuticals business
of inactivity while work is completed on the
sectors. Email:
bigger ones
• The schedule can become constrained by the
need to share the common OTS hardware during LinkS
some development stages
• A single OTS supplier can find difficulty in More articles from: Foster Wheeler USA
obtaining technical support from multiple proc-
More articles from the following category:
ess licensors. Process Modelling & Simulation
In summary, a case can be made either for or PTQ Q4 2006 7

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