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This is an essay that presents a stand/position about an issue.

The goal is to convince the audience that your position is valid and defensible.
It ranges from simple to complex formats


It is an essential tool to solicit support for social change.
Position papers are published in academia, in politics, in law and other domain
It is an essay that presents
an opinion about an issue , typically
that of the author or another
specified entity; such as a political
Source: Mercado, Felix (2016), Session Presentation for Mass
Training of Grade 11 Teachers on Content and Pedagogy
presents one side of an arguable
opinion about an issue.
is like a debate where arguments
are presented by the writer.
Source: Mercado, Felix (2016), Session Presentation for Mass
Training of Grade 11 Teachers on Content and Pedagogy
Reaction Paper
Other Academic
Reaction papers are opinion Position papers are
papers. supported by reasonable
The opinion presented can, preponderance of empirical
on occasion, be supported by evidence.
empirical evidence, though more Conclusions drawn in the
often the opinion is supported paper are dictated by the
not by empirical evidence, but evidence, though the
by intellectual logic and interpretation of the evidence
emotional engagement. may be skewed by the personal
agenda of the writer.
Objective. Subjective, because you
basically make a stand.

The discussion of the The discussion of the

topic is almost complete topic may only deal with
the stand the writer is
trying to defend.
It follows a strict outline Its format is flexible.
and must be created with a
high level of
The discussion of the The discussion of the
topic may delve on almost topic may only deal with
all parts of it. the stand the writer is
trying to defend.
Processes Involved in Writing
Position Paper
choosing a topic
taking a stand
developing argument
organizing the paper
Learning Competencies
(Writing the Position Paper)
The learner…
1. defines what a position paper is ;

2. identifies situations in which a position paper may be

effectively used in our present society (3 days);
3. gathers manifestoes and analyzes the arguments used by the
writer/s (3 days);
4. defends a stand on an issue by presenting reasonable
arguments supported by properly-cited factual evidences (4
5. writes various kinds of position papers ( 4 days).
Activity 2
Each group will be assigned a particular
The group shall agree on their stand, give at
least three reasons and possible sources of
evidences to support their claim.
All answers shall briefly be presented to the
Group Topic/Issues
1 Do violent video games cause people to
act violently?
2 Fast Food: Feeding or Killing?
3 Is good education a right or a privilege?
4 Do you agree with mandatory drug
5 Technology: A friend or a Foe?
Activity Sheet
Topic/Issue Stand Reason/s Sources of
Supporting Facts
Analysis 2
1. What quality is common among the topics
given in the previous activity?
2. Why are “our” opinions on those issues
important to the society?
3. What makes it easy/hard for you to develop
your argument?
Analysis 2

4. How do familiar references or sources of

evidences help you defend your stand?
5. Why should references be cited properly in
academic texts like the position paper?
Choosing a topic (Issue Criteria)

vestablish the arguability of a topic

that interests you
vensure that you will be able to
present a strong argument
Choosing a topic (Issue Criteria)
Ask yourself the following questions:
◦Is it a real issue, with genuine controversy and
◦ Can you identify at least two distinctive positions?
◦Are you personally interested in advocating one of these
◦Is the scope of the issue narrow enough to be
Developing an Argument
ensure that your position is well-
supported list the pro and con sides of
the topic examine your ability to support
your counterclaims, along with a list of
supporting evidence for both sides
Developing an Argument
Supporting evidence includes the following:
Type of Type of Source How to find these
Information sources
introductory directories,
Use the Library
information and encyclopedias,
overviews handbooks
Library catalogue,
books, government
in-depth studies Government web
Scholarly articles academic journals Article indexes
Supporting evidence
Type of Type of Source How to find these
Information sources

current issues Article indexes

journal articles,
statistics agencies and
statistics offices

position papers and association and Library catalogue,

analyses institute reports web sites
Considering your audience
and determining your viewpoint
•Is your topic interesting?
•Can you manage the material within the specifications
set by the instructor?
•Does your topic assert something specific, prove it, and
where applicable, propose a plan of action?
•Do you have enough material or proof to support your
of a Position Paper

I. Introduction
II. Body
A. Counter Argument
B. Your Argument
III. Conclusion
A. Introduce the topic.

B. Provide background on the topic to

explain why it is important.

C. Assert the thesis (your view of the issue).

Counter Argument
A. Summarize the counterclaims.
B. Provide supporting information
for counterclaims.
C. Refute the counterclaims.
D. Give evidence for argument.
Your Argument
A.Assert point #1 of your claims
1. Give your educated and informed
2. Provide support/proof using more
than one source(preferably three)
Your Argument
B. Assert point #2 of your claims
1. Give your educated and informed
2. Provide support/proof using more
than one source(preferably three)
Your Argument
A. Assert point #1 of your claims

1. Give your educated and informed opinion

2. Provide support/proof using more than one
source (preferably three)
Your Argument
B. Assert point #2 of your claims
1. Give your educated and informed opinion
2. Provide support/proof using more than one
(preferably three)
Your Argument

C. Assert point #3 of your claims

1. Give your educated and informed opinion
2. Provide support/proof using more than one
source (preferably three)
A. Restate your argument

B. Provide a plan of action but do not introduce new


The simplest and most basic conclusion is one that restates the
thesis in different words and then discusses its implications.

Source: Mercado, Felix (2016), Session Presentation for Mass

Training of Grade 11 Teachers on Content and Pedagogy
Citation and Referencing
American Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition
Plagiarism and Academic Honesty
To avoid plagiarism, you must give credit whenever you use:
another person's idea, opinion, or theory;
any facts, statistics, graphs, drawings--any pieces of information--that are not
common knowledge;
quotations of another person's actual spoken or written words; or
paraphrase of another person's spoken or written words.

Source: Mercado, Felix (2016), Session Presentation for Mass

Training of Grade 11 Teachers on Content and Pedagogy
Learning Competencies
(Writing the Position Paper)
The learner…

1. defines what a position paper is ( 2 days);

2. identifies situations in which a position paper may be effectively used in our present
society (3 days);
3. gathers manifestoes and analyzes the arguments used by the writer/s (3 days);
4. defends a stand on an issue by presenting reasonable arguments supported by
properly-cited factual evidences (4 days);

5. writes various kinds of position papers ( 4 days).

Activity 3
Identify which of the following paper titles are
samples of position paper:
1. Doubts about Double Speak
2. Mercury Pollution
3. The other Side of e-mail
4. With these Words, I can Sell you Anything
5. Four Values in Filipino Drama
6. The Hazards of Industrial Agriculture
Analysis 3
1. What have you noticed about
position paper titles?
2. Where do we usually use position
3. Are all position papers legal papers?
Sample Forms of POSITION PAPER
Letter to the Editor
Persuasive essay
Complex Position papers for
academe, business, etc.
Rubrics Criteria in Evaluating a Position
• Argumentation –20%
• Persuasion – 25%
• Language – 20%
• Organization – 20%
•Mechanics -15%
Guilford, C.(2001). Occasions for Argumentative Essays. Writing argumentative
essays. Retrieved August 26, 2002 from the World Wide
Web: Previously adapted from: Hairston,
M. (1982) A Contemporary Rhetoric (3rd ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Fleming, G. (2017). How to Write a Position Paper. Retrieved April 2016 from

Mercado, Felix (2016), Session Presentation for Mass Training of Grade 11 Teachers on
Content and Pedagogy

Swales, J.M. & Feak, C. B. (2009). Academic writing for graduate students, 2nd ed.
Michigan, USA: The University of Michigan Press.

Saraza-Barrot, J. & Sipacio, P.J. (2015) Communicate Today: English for Academic &
Professional Purposes for Senior High School Retrieved from
Complete the Budget of Work (Part 4 of 5)

Competency Codes Target/ Performance Pedagogies/Activities Assessment

By group, pls accomplish the ff. task in
this PPT. Write answers in yellow paper
1. Activity 2
2. Analysis 2
3. Activity 3
4. Analysis 3
We will discuss it first before the presentation of
your position paper. Make sure you have the
printed copy. Put in 1 folder again for the whole
class. Thank you. Keep safe. God bless everyone
Thank you!


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