The Bishop's Bible 1568 Impresso Colorido

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Library ofUrhe trheolcvgvcal ^emvnar^


Dr. Charles G. Osgood

vnHo, '

r .


4 tvrwu. Hcc L^^xouj, ^ irh^ L«^C

conteynyng the olde
Tejiament arid the newc.
m I

i.roiVrtjtt <sftc *"><** »' ©beb.toho *»«* IVWtbei or I

jr\iu<» tbfo£>bcOwisfonnito»oo»<rto Jftocmo. lRntl). + .

5- his'jTUfrcoiyrbaiof inborn JBfaiaBtbe p?ophrte nijtptctb. °

c.7p , r.Cbcrc
rpUggc foo>tbof '•)• <>«<""' of TOial
groSue out of bin
mane Mng t, pon thc tt be of lYoa LtnT™ ™
(aliirhciaChiilr ) anoapoungfbootc (ball
w«f the tjSttW tbcllojoc (hallretc W«« »PU'«
I JLS,Wi ,|,t bS">""t'3atc the feme of Saul-bit™
toao mane the fame in lane to the Ulna,
anb hnuina torn
Untheflhrcof Eanio loabtbc fonnt'of Setalareaslicfte* WationoftlKito,,,,,
naunt span Hie armie 3lofapbat fecrctan, that
nctcfl- Saooil) ano Jfbtathar
H.wiptcr of ih«
pyclrcfl: giaiaiaB Imbe, that is,
cbanrcloii HBanatas oucrlccrij Cclcne nnD|DtctI[t, tohitljc
£ ^M mu,t

tfobeljcoiocatcthc bjemes
appopntib foMbemieilcs
°%"M toao purLooTtrdpt
fonau s abouc ISu?.'

JrrcoftbcgarocroJDauuJBperrbn. 0Mhan, ano J5as were

pjophcWJin bis time. • * anBtB 0f S>« ulc
t ^ IW?,-came bpon
ftmeo '"u,T «ben rl,e gh it
him snB nn, C n ^aulcpcrfctutcBhim

q?8W &vnes,£!jla,3b<sal3c^abc,Sgcr, ^a- ^ AtbWib"


d >uiJ l>aD
acba.aibigail, 3icl>iooc , toljich Sucre inothersof
tbclc chiiojcn, VtTlT^ "T* .° f
in ofbcr as fljc|? go, bcfiJie other jmcublncs , ano
other chilojcn B «h- ?^ ,3 i
„ !;

«*<" thc fool.fl>.ar,er 1,^

inonp. ^m • icr'ojInchtDasatSaulcshcaB: after ftiaiilfoaB Bran

Here at Dauid endedflPle third age, & it con-
coimmngfrom ScblBin aitbcletb™,^
«)( meflemjct that Que
sauli* ?«cut S mata a moV=
teyneth ycres io2oT»nd within this

8 nJ h '"n 8fta «"H"n Solomon

S£ »l D* '
his «™««««-
»t» uibis »ingw>me. j.Beo,.i. 1. cap.
age in theyerej(5pj> .from thecreatio
or the wor'ldc , the children of IfracI
went out of Egypt, and ijooB to tV)C chUBjcn of ©=
Irafarmthc tunc of g>olo=
ioyning the ycres from mon , tsho BpB reitct abia=
Ad'am vntoDauid,there thar.uihtihfoasof thccbils
Btcnof 3thamar,anBrc(h>=
were 4204. yeres. reb to jbasoch the pjicth
hoeb , uhiche fo,as t the

Solomon wag conftittttcB Sing of ^fnri cf hts fatbet

2>aui»,tt)bonucbiBbiotbcraithonias, ano^joab.ano
.© cmci rcceiueB of <5oB the ctpft of ivprcoome , gauc a

notable uiBgcmcntof the batlotteschtlBicn, masc ttjc

temple bojljc bclpe of ^pjim in feutn pcrts anB fciien
monctbes, anB the tenthBay of September ByBronfe;
crate it.bjouabt the arte of JBob into the tcple,
tcccaucb honoiablv rhc quecne of ft)aba,am> at
Che laft licfiicohtBrlBeagebpthe loucofno:
men.anb bp the too?lbippmg of iBolcs, « tbers
fojethe JLOjBtacje that be tronlo BcuiBehis
bmgoome from tbehanbeof b'Sfonnc: anBafc
tet be 1/aB raigncb fourtie ferco.ljt teas buries

5ntl)t ttmeof Souk

mon ,
fonnc of 3loinOa feas
tuler ouer the boafl:
SaBocl) anB asanas .

reercpjicflts, l?cliot.
anb tjaia ttilotro of
SefTa roctc fciibcB :
Jofapbat roaa rceoi=
Dcr : asanas fonnc of
flathan n>as ouct fct

them tohubau'iltcOrbc
feing: TlTuar ftu=
arooff boufc:31;
Bura let ouer ti)C

Ifuqm i 2o"
im " tt" ""0ttt •'''"» A tern.
r Ajbn.jj fcaOBtporebbpCaufB, betaafebenwotoe
taignc.anbBpB appoint Solomon. wto flue b»n becauft
l)c 0(B afUc ibifaaU tbcSunamitcro ertfe j.Hfg

mf,n ""^ ro,ift ™™«t8,6»f)0m Sbncr c AbfoionntaiBabcrpfai'jenian.bennebiBb'.otbcrSs

the rSSl'tf m JL"S?u
" """"".w'JWbPonbim mon ,hc haB rbef auour of tt)C toftc frcn Ijis fa=

m"muif fclfe alfo was (Ufne.

tber bis binsBomc ,!ap with bis
laa fcas

H AmonDiBbefilebiBtiOn £kMnarBibiafai?ncDGcse>
titfrc,Bcyngi)im feruicc bp the counlcll c( JonaDab ,ano
tu'' t'» ,Dam b n, ')«'betottc aojaDtbe
fDcnrr ™ tjerfotc SDasflapnebp Sbfolon, trbofleo from bis
tbet.anD bp futc of 3o«b was rcunolsb. j.Btfl. ij.

Chriftcs Iyne.
- ,

Cfcefe tc trjr names

of the hinges tohfch ratcmcD
tc p>"
Jfcotomon tpon J
fi ael ,thot is ouer ten tribes
until! fe
tuanaffar o( the 3>fip?ior.s febich tuttbcmrun'Mi
the hinge* of 3«M, BooB of < beponbe the nicmitapncs ofthc aMthcs -i

ralgmng oiicr SSerOes, that is, bcpor.O the mountes nfpius 1 wr b C 3
ttibto. of rrliom the intljcaoiicof aincanoer of S^atcBonia thatheinthtTcmc
6r(liMiclSoboani,fbi tilace flight m twoVncicancnniiorio JBcgn 98aaoa iri!
the rbicc binges be- the toljolc Kinbc flionlB hcBcfilcB of them Smcchjilit'n „ 1 .

f:;en.iincO, S»ol,
utj, and Solomon, baf
Da Belmcr tbcm anBb?mg them from thcncc,n)l,omihc
Uhcfoj, 511b belcuc that bets tbcfljcflias.
lZ s
cbcrnlcofalljfracl 4*
Prophctesin the times of the kinecs
counfcloftbcfcnioifl S
rnib folotoinn • oflfiael.
the aBuice
the ponngcr
rnen.BiB much c ictf-boam tokctcn cnto of his cloheof
trouble gone Stlua the $>iBomtc,flcB into cEgpptfoi
people op bps
the fcarc of£)0loinon,but after Ijid bcotb
raftinefre: of returncB into feichem, anb roos eiccttB
rctapncD rfeo
htng of the ten tribes, he maoc the goU
tnbc0 ivitb p ben c anb put them imlDan j 5ge»
alncj- ,

leuiticsl tribe,
tbel,anb cau(cb the people of Jfraelta
$ it was cal-
commit iBela.tnc, winch bib facrtGcc to
ico the lung
the calucs, "0)1)0 hearing the thjeateof
Dome of 3uba
3HB0 tlje fiephcte, anb after ljishanBe
r opon ? fie
tt'ljirlic he (.1 cubcB againft 3bBo bas

'mcritc of bin
t;pcb b|> lusptaper rcfloscba;
Tonnes , bib
game: Suhicbc ptotbete being flaine of n
Tuffcr the ln= HNaJabbefiepng
mflonotAns ^ wn f„ t ,i, Qt j)C tohc seiner of ihcfaUc

S*« IhiliS :
Popbcte, the fmbe 3 eroboamleaum
not IjiB foibe troohcb Stapes, norfcitl).
gppt , tobo ,-a nainc of Baa-
c, and be Hucd ITanBing tbep?opbctts couniduanoof!
tohe aroap the
coin m
tht fightof hing counfd 01 aichiasbpljisSBpfe ofthc

S~ —v
target tea of
golB, « put bja
Cod. 1. Hoi- 1 rccoticrtc of his cbilbc, anb hearing the
hcaupiibvngcs ofb's Dc.'olation, bepar.
f swims.
fen in f fame
teb, anb bis fonnc /i^ababraigncBaftcc
him. 3. IS eg. 11.
\^ j 8 Abu. folos

toco i Gnnes
of btB father K Htiarnltbciiill, «>ho fnhlsBjnntim<
IRoboam.tobo Haafa thoiigbbc n cffc teas flame in Charfaof 3amn,bt.
jatbercotogea eras rcptoueB of (ng |)CaB captapnc of balfcofhtshoirc.
ncc.900.fonl 3thutbtpjophet „,(„_ nb3anittbting bcDegcB bp InK
birrs, anOBpb after hcb^Bbuih t , foas BcaropcObvtitein'Ehatla,
obtcpb lero> bcblRamaagatnft , '«.(, 6<
bodin of b<s 3fa.annletteBbp
B '
™ ,

loolatrtc, anbl Scnabab, 3fa
tbt loiBc oclp=
his frtenbe bpco,
ucrcB 3frael anb teas burvcb
into f banBcs Inlhaifa.i.iSeg
of Toon, anB 15.16.
after 5000.
of the people
of 3fract roer
flame. "Jcro = 1 Amrith»e?etcsbcftn.thc bpbralgnc,
boam OcB. %-- hebpb toorrc feitli ^Cbibnt the fonnc
bia after bis of c£inatb:after he haB bmlBCb
»cath,o>asbn rta bprt. 3>Kcg.i«.
ftiCB in the ti= Kinges of
tie of lliauio;
in bis time 3»=
janasltucB in
the temple of I K Ecnadab {par
"s jfeoloinon. ting again! %
J.i&cg.ifr (habre.10 tnht
. ofbtm,nnbaf=
' befoteftoiBe, tcrfoorB let at

lie ruppicitto libettie.ichcr-

tbeftucs.anB Icic 1]C tons re
at tbc tonnfcll pjoutb of fic-
Viophcte be Be
OropcB all tb»
tbOlS 9 foOBS
that bis father
after, to?
lias the tno<
he mas tonics phcte: hcalfo
berate with VAchab the ftrmc of 3mrf,blb niflbe. befiegco Jo--
iScnaBas the ram the fonne
ft>e the J.OJB
tungstf %U of .Hchab in
fcerc tefojebim .hefeojOjippeoaSial,
Cvjvibo 1be
anb mabc h'm « temple: in bis time ^anuria,
mas crpiouco
masllcrichobuilocB.Shisaicbibliiipzi but bp the
Jehu, n>bO cf C 00
foieo SBichcasthc pjopbct.anBflue 0i- fococr
he put in tbt anB at lad o>is beiPafl.'Cpci 2
bseh foi his WncparB,
uocbes, t (a Jn anb ens
flsne tout) an arrotoe. 3. Beg 1 1. his ICB,
foiiohc <SOB,' of
ttiicticllas ptopheclcB of the OJtragbt, ftrangicB
Rabbits of the pfopbeto of IB tat, anB tof 3fBCl,
anB f°
to'.jofluc +50.
p.ipne of ijio
featcof Jctabclhe flcb into tlje 1

fcetc, anB his

fonnc raigneo otho.ia. becaure he counfelcb with trje Thefekyn-
goB of Jtccaron fo; hutQchncfft, anBhaB ges of Svria
Beg. 15.
ti»pfe.5o.ofhtscbt' fcmcnconruincobp
D louphat bp fire of Qeltas, the
were they
on the inuafio thirb- 50- efcapeb, whiche iyi
of his enemies butbebrcb.
.into the lanBe
muchfp )' 1

\ 4. lEttgi.
of jtiiba , re Etizeus I Elias. 1 o loram flue x39iCf)C the kyns-
ccancB com I as mlth toOing bun' domeoflt-
©lid l\ /botoncheaBlong.iE'
feat of
tht pjopbctctn psouoBtBlj. ... V

S V. s mens the piopljetc

the temple fought toitb3loiamtiing
| tn h'* tpme gaue
againU3ja= ™
of Ulraclb'Slmcle
taping to l>im: " a>atct in the neratt to tbjee hpnges aim
3uBa anB clhingofcbe artpjians. Jntbe
tbclr boaftcs, that is, to 3oram Upng
£t> of
bcfieging of IRamoth (EalaaBbe
$tcrufalem, 3fracl, Hofaphat Upng ot 31uBa, anB to
MMMOttc. toas flame. tobaTe taorberfl .+1.
rtchpngofdEbomC. fighting agatnttrbe
V)t calico
rB the! lebu at the lame time flue: UBoabites, whole Upng off tcb h;o
place inherit
inhere l&ellas the piophctc toas eased nno after that)
Tnnc fo % a burnt offrpng :

toasl .1frarl Bpintoporsbift. + .lflcg.j. JoramhabefcapcB the famine of

nep of bleffiug: Bio fttps las aicatat the pjophctc raaria at the rcllingof thclepcts. he
lcounocB at the ficge of IRamoth, ano
-CtC BlftrortumAf'Ongjbtr. I.lgcg.n. at
to njp'eitit Bauyjtet of Scbab Sing of 'Jfrael.anB b» the laft flapnc bp 3fchu with an aitowe.
.ill anB tuilocb bp agalne hiiicB feuen of
+.1SCJ. 3- 7. 8- ».
*cd ffriRcntoitb an incurable Btfcafe that his bom*
MB Cjeivasburvcoiutljeciiieof Damo, Out not
- liingcs. 3. IScg. 11
, ; - .
^IlllllCi 1IUC.
AAthiUiltttf I Tracl.
•U the ttuigcB •aunt ,«itee that he oalii'
biooo , erccpt art)Otboiuo , has tbwfai..
Jo.ib, inborn btBlong Itfabel.haB
3lccabetb the fco;e ant ten fotmt« of Xehab
ant hi
topfcof Toi.l; eb the f outtieant two b;rthten
of s,
hojias , he tulicb bp Cubtitttc the
eg ti» no,

fjiDc ft
jljetcs art pficflea of iBaal
tretlp pe= ffjee &ff m
cc0, a no nus maria, ant tutneb the temple of
,nto a common iaUea.+. Bcg.i
rilbcB bim top. 1

am tlits 3H=
flame of lloja;
ffiiujop (zrj
b io.u rtfloKo
the trcafutc
l io» tftet he hah tofCleb oJlijeuB,
boufc to there;
fehocoimtclcbbim to tboote his «fe
partition of the
rofoc thJife tntottje
temple,? after grouno Ognifiing

tbetbp thathtawaitcth^tre
he b.m UiHeD , conqucc
5>pjia,be tohe tteafuic of 8icrui«
Xacbart the f
lem , it bepng pctocbbnto
fonrtc of IDoifl; him.ant 31=
mariagouettome. ^igcg'te.
ea tlic astlhop
btmhpng , he
toKctopon hull,
honour tut ton:
to U?OD, 9 WAS
flapnc of bia
oione frruaiito
+ .iRcg.u.
i C Amafiaj being
jnottaoaht bp M It roloim bonnBrt otit all Hit coaHes
the parrablc of of Jfrael, aecoitingtothc toonrgof
thetbuTcl , top
the L oj be fchichc Sd.ib fpoUen bp the
Kit v
Tioas Ring of of Rcoiqohk
pjopljete3ona8.+.iRtg.i+. :
Jfracl hewae
fiapne, * thet
fojc BcltucreB

X* '

htm top the cu of :he \

tic,? tl;t i»al

leB to be fpop nMjnjon 6p gcntng looo.talmttsof
lea anil Olucr10 phul to go from hum rr.?uo - .
, th<
belfclB of the deb the hinges angei againd hpm.
teplc to tie ca
ttcD atoap.
Phui antotherfblofefnghff.tafgnct
+. Keg. 14.
after £>arOanapalus the latt monar:
chic of 3fTp;ia,anB to tctoucr their olo
bignitmc tptnatre Bpontlicirbo:=

nacbenbtoaa siUca in the tcmplcof
hiBOwnechiltJtn ,toponbisflcpnga=
map froiti jjiuBca into 3(It>iia . all bia
atmit brtng oeOToptt.+.18tg.i 9.
Tlic^lipfU- ]

I Obdias.
V orObeth./

o Facet the fonnc of Womeltns BpB

not refillthe King of the 3(Tpjianaut
Bctttopmg all the countrcp bcponBe
3ojbanc with the two tnbta ant
tt)c ten tribe*. •i-Wtflif.

el though h' Saue "
tenccto the "Jcwca to jenr.jchcriV.

H ManalT" gothpfcintbc pcre to

tr.'B .ni eull ijicrufatc.thctcn tribes

man,* Bjuc of 3lfraclwcrebjoiigl)t
IiiB forme tnto tnptiuitit tonber
fhojoitgli the
3(TpiianB ,
fire, ant after
I c hat nit the
Sohomisas Tobias.
+.18cg. 17.
tjopbetc ©fa*
uoooni fawc,
uwhen hch«i>
ntfilet the flrcctcB of nirrufalem
the bloot of the ptophetee , at
Sariij MetoJ«honoutcOthcfelng of Tfriiti «?•
ihrlaltlie perreatiinn Ins \i>i(hco-
oetccttB the
ncfrc.ehaungcB h** life t» a better. wbofc incrrengero lie
trcafurea of the iLoiOcs honie anb of
4.1Reg,;i. the Btngea
owncboufe ft>?
. tohichc offente
1 ChtS "
fttiting the loolte of
I "'i
of a?abplon 01B cutr molttt the Binsoome
©cutetonomic in a cheft ,he Beftt ol 3uBa. uefai. ;S.
ct al the tbolatne in the high places,
he burnt all the bones of the falfe
piophctca ant piicftcB mH3etticl,
aa 3! ttto the prophctt BO ptophceit,
• mate a great eaftcr .nnBBpBcn^
Ijr lorn, was tnaoc hino, et the peopi.
r, oupioeo. 1
raofuhrtirutct* plactBhiobjot
eteafethewofflifppingof <0oB, lit
b' «^Kn?tonati,^,
,,l0 f'1 ' ,,cr *"*"*<* *" Ptillct to&nctbe raasflapne with anarrotoc bpthc + .Wcgum.ii.
atcherB.topontohofcbeath Jercmi
bcS »e
Oertnir. I..
ft« iL&m
We* to0ftointhe
nl) »'"'
«'iW»te». he bttmbtcB hpm
figne ,
'igilC froill
angell Belmcrie frnm
tilC anilrll nf l.m hrlni.r.,
of ijiB the pjophctc tio w?pte bia lamcnta=
tiona , anB in the Fill, pert of bu»
^tocMrti$™.a Wrttoanmm V br>tt,t proplictc *Taibp the BuigBoinc Jactiiibcgantopiopho
llt '^ aKw^tt ta WrttmK
SBl "« houfe
« n S^ecmtK\c "^ c cie . tof.iig thefiinilitutes .fato^
>Zyacti-, ZZ\rz\" of the Tloit to tl,e ambalTa=
toh'th the pjophttc tcbiiUco luiM.^.ute.1 o.fflfa. 1 ,
,icii2irBle.;.iemi W .i.3ctt.>J.
» . -

» iMdum tJ)t frrS begotten Nafcuciiodonofor a fbjretcr
was n»
fount ol iota being maOc Sing a mooo , onb nourinjeo of
fooitlj into .1

by Wmtm fetng o( Cgppr, nulbc goate.ano bcrojnpcb bpansDwlc

gauc hira n great ffimc of mo* fitting oucrtbebunic.ahbfonlcptr tol;c
5rp: I'C ort» ruyll bcfoic tbc blmbp.tjiBnamcrifctbof tbae.foj .,-
IlOJb, TOljftfOJt Vrui the pjo=
bu ,lnbpintctpjctation an ©toliicodo't
pljctcBrb tepjouehpm, but n goarc , 1111b hofci nlcptr , n>bo after
be BpB tbjeate He pjopbetc, fcmrbe fcas mabc blng of tbc Cbaibc-V
tberebpon * '"» HcB into oE= anb flue tl)c Ulng of tEgvpt nnoaftrr- ,

KPPt ', bat t)t rttumcB bpm rairbbp blfl pjoroeffegarc tbc inonartbtc
againc anb flue bun, to inborn of tbc SfTpiiaiiB .anbrnigncbin-spabp-
ictemi fa b , tbat l)e PaotilB be lonintlic fouttbperc ofjoacbun in,,,,
bnrpeb Ipie an offe /Cb<0 of 31n0a,aiiD in tbe nmtccntb percof
& Io»chim. bis
IttKhlm , after 1)' bal) flapnc taignebcficgcDl^icriiralcinanbtolieit
I IofcdcJi. j Vria s , Iinpltfoiltb tcremi
, «
CUt « put In p»ifon Sicbccbla.tbc iwo tnbca
tbeboofec of ttje pjopbecic of anb people of jlftacl.wbofecpcB be put
Barucb in pCCCCB, tlllb irOtllbC out.anb flue bis cbilbicn
ar.b befttopeb
not be iramcB bp tbc crample tljc temple.

oftbclRtcbabitcfliltt ttjc Inft i?c due giaran, anb *ios

t»afl Qapncof jfiabucboBono; Pbcmtbt pjopbttcBof tljc
fo j , anb tbiofrinc Suitljout tl)t liojbc, JoitbbiuerBoftbc
3.monechcs. nobilltlc of tbc JcSucs.
tMllcB. ^.Iftcg. i+. i
CbiB man at tbe lad foj
Iiib p;>bc teas turncb into

B ItconUs tt)C fcCOtlBC , BClfafc= a roilbe bead , anb fcucn

rcbbimftlfcbp tbc counfcll of nionttbeB togctber ban bifl bfecliing
roitb tbcin : buttbjougb tljc pjaptrcf
jjcrcmt Into trjc banbes of
Jftabnc'jobonofe; mben be re=
©anlcl anb bifl fctienpcrcs penounte lie
turnco from lijicrufaltm. In was tettojeo agmnc . JDamcl. 4.
ruhicbc tronfmigration befibe
Otbcrt. &•} ifiio Bamcl, £:
ttcbicl.ans tljc tb?cc cbilbicn.
Nabuchorfonofor tbt ICfTe was ta|-
+• lRc.:+. ,
leb tbe fonnc of tbc great, be bib t c.-.w 1

fit notoblie tbc temple , anb rtpaircb

blfl pimcelp p allacc of IBabplon tie ,

C seJcchias tt>^0 fttft 0)30 COls mate a garbcin rt)b"bc bpbbange.foj

ico iraatbamas, being nnthout
biBtpputflfabc. ©an. a.
anp fcarc of al tbe coarnlngcB
gcucn bnto bpin bp tbe W> -
icd blinbc into ©abpton, anb tbcre bpcb a
fbamtfull pcatb.anb naciburtcO^.lRc.26. o luitaoradac intbe timctliat Ijisfa-
tbet mas turncb Into a bead, bib
manp touhco tbingcB,anbfbitbatbiS
kept not pjcmilc iviiHiliiin ,fcarmg
f artier
tbat be croblbc rife cgaine, lit (ounfclcb
tsitb 3ootbiin,anbtobcbpbiB
carcafc againc, anb icuibcb it into joo.
Here endeth the fourth age, pccccfl.aiiB gauc it bnto joo.buitnrcB.
hauing yeres as the Hebrues «bis bmg of ffiabplo bab tlycc fonncs,
of tl)crcl)icl)£ oncioiis JlSattafar.
write 471 . after rhe feucntie
4 .tlRcguin.-5
485. and from Adam to Sedc-
chias tyme.4612.

d sjiiAitmiajtroraic tojoacbimrbepomn
Jjer, 0; 3econi«s,ncpbtwcto 4>c8ccbias.

h Biimfjr tbe lafl bin? of

IBabplon ,be mabe a fcaft
luhcrin be njaBbifibeibccom --

*i»roi.i t ifonnctoftalatbfel bpb etpotmo

tnannBcb tbc tcffclB of tbe
tbertDDltofthcfrrcngtbof tbe i»me,oftbe temple of tfjob to be bfeb eiihis
Bmg, of tbc tooman , anb of tbc triicrb, bnto
table , roljcTiii be * bis iriucs
©anus fonnc of JbapCm, fo? wbtcb be gauc branlte, at uibattiiucbcfaiva
5»n rewarbes , anb in tbc feeonbe pete of but i

banbln a n)allS»?iting.M^t.t«lici,pha=
ataun,rt '"ff'ujt tbettmpit. r«, feb!ebe SDantcl BpB intcrpietctbc
Veto a
wojBCB tbuB: M»ne',ffiobbati)nuinbjtD
tbpbingbomcanbbzougbtitto ancnB. j

T«hci,tbou art Soapcb in tbe ballanee

anb art founbe to ligbt . Pharo.tbp
bingbomciBbcalt InparteB.anBiagc-
uento tbeSjJcbcBanb^ctrianB.ainD
8 tn *< ** <&*"< Saltalar tranfc
. 2S L ,
latcbbiflBingBomcof IBaiplcn tobimfclfe,
tbat nlgbt be was aapne of C
pruB ,bn 1

bcr inborn s^iin mat bctiucrcb from

tobo gauc tbc 3cfccB in eaptiuttic tbeir lu |

etnfeto rctumc.tbe nnrabcr toaa tbc actuation of tbe ciocts. JDan.i 3

Eliactiim, 50000.
tbat ocpartcb mttbin tbjee pere :
. or him • tbia oelmc=
nc mas byought about bpthcrcqucdof 3g=
flew» 3aibane,anb Jojobabel.j. ebfas.z.

I Darin, fonn
of aiftriagc
c *mb ratgneb n>tt
} £' oftertopft «UeB jBabncbobono:
lo) ,bab tbcajonarcbic of tbe call fcue pcrea Cpjua bP
together be fo?bao tbc buptbing of tbe tem=
pie , be btpng befitoqB to be aboicb fluciealtafar
tpac a
Fitifaprut. goo in Jfratl : at tbc laft reafl ttnpnc.
jn to tobom €y
bis time toss tjolopbcmus blfl cfjicfc rus commit:
tapne .bircomfttcBbp 31utntb rabofc tcb tbc BOS
, braB
fbe cut of anb nirt»eb It opcnlp bnio the peo= ininio of H5a=
bplon, anBof
> pie ,
anb fo Bciiucrco 31ftacl : robcrbpon foe
tbe flOcBcB^bifliDaruifltoUe ©amcl
toltbbim Into the ffljebes, anbcttollcb
bimaboue all 1)10 noble men anb Bcli- ,

ucrcb bpm from tljc 110110 Bcnne


Chiiftcs line.
, ,
, . , ,

Bifhoppes. Chriftcsline. KingesofthcPaiGanj.

Lonp,imanui, Netmiaj thefonncof C)Cl<|
A.SUnbet ArtaMrfti a Heme,
i butler to Urtntertcs In the enftlc of $>uftB,
bearpng the ianoe of encrufalcm to be great off lie Mono ami ,

bcingpincb tbcrivitli,tl>e lung pitipng bim.gauc Ijlui lettcrB of

imbntTagc to lijmufaleni ,anb there be mtniftrcn ncccftarieg for
tbcbuilbpnsoHBiciomBc: ano bp the fjctpc of Cliiapbathpe
piielt, ana other pxlcitto, be bullbcb the ioattcs foul) foe
poiehcs, as In this roun» figure here bnber isjittcn appcarctb-
©Cbab manp refifting tbat bp rbe fpace of two petes tbe
faoitimtinverefapiictoholDcmoite lianbc their rrotrjets, ano
». Ioh» fbf
in the otljcr hanbe their frrojbcB, anb JBccmtas bdiuercb the
fcnnt of 3fu« peopleof 3Hfrael from Dfurics. 3nb torjile cffifbias rcao the,
»«*• ."£ l^i hvtoc, ano the people t»ecppng,r)Ctopllcbtbcintocoincto=|
gcthcr tobcarc the latoc route femes in the bap, anb foure
Sd1)0 cmfptreD fruits in the npght. 5tnb fo jBccmias bpcb.s Suafl burpeo
agnvnll 111" next to ti )t icoll u>bt<b be Bpb builbc. t.ifEflM.
bfotbcr "Job" A. Aruic>fc>bibmi)craignrb,<lErb;iig repaircb tbe corns) H. «trr«. raignrb aftrr
to get tl)t In*
nrcnjlibjatic.tsrcpalreb the lame burnt of the Chalbcci/,, his foihrr ttco monethes, after Suborn
bilboppffcbe mote caGc to be mitt; gEcobianns his fonne. 7.monttbeB,
t bcutfco ncroccacactcs of letters

anD tbcropon eab.ana fo? that was calleb a fcoift fcrlbc.ana anb afta l;im htB fonne tbanuscaiieb
ten j r be
Vmbliccnrcof 3rtarcrrrstotcacbetbctau>e of cEoom ^nltarb. io.petts,bnbericiiOm<E>
artllc of JBa= gppt lantc rtceebcb from the $cr=
lautufaltm.i zmic bpm poraer to ftaitnchclTe the ILe-
gofusintrufi 3nau
uites from all tnbntcs.s to mtmftcr punith^ fians, after bis Death taigneb
oftoljo lie role
ment toponallttanrgrcffours. cries ot 3ITuerus,n>horaigncboun:
agatnftbisbjo 117 .p;omncta:mtr,tD57eB of this
|l,Ct,fel)ttDP' Efli JDanus, plato rtjc
on "John \m- PhOofophcr feas
poticntlic flue
\ Otatr tam0UD.C(D.+.

Aruxerfei. Affiierui after bis
fofjtcf) act £>=
fnmr tnons
fun featt
cbi>B ttjt ftmg
Sohtn he erpulfttt
at i fuggclrlon k.Artitrrfei
Hath, anbhabmurrrb V?efrerfojbt«
of Clago.uB p Ochur.
fflueene, be eaufeb 3mmon to be
hid call foj as bangebfojtbcmortherbe comrntttet»
ttje ttis bp6
Sapne tbe 3erucs,anD <b alfo ferre ten of
Bft0ftl)C.7. htB thitbjen hanjtb , ligarbocbeii*
pete, tahidic roGBcralteb to honour, febo biotctor
tons rclcafeo the hpe pjitft in ftictufaltm to obfeme
bp (JlDfilO. this fcaft fo; a pcrpetmdl mrmofie.
i. apart).?. teeft.7.3bout this tpme Srtllotle »}*
K. ochus fonne to 3rtainfcs, at the
nSbcfcbcthe fuggefhon of iUgoCuabia heftenaunc
names of tl)C tcto? CD agapnc ttje tributes that were
Cine of V)u> relcafeb bp <Efb;as to tbetmmQcrs oC
Kingcj of
rafale m. the temple.
Solima : Luza: Green. jj An aochus Epipnwes after he barbe
Ecrhel: leroio-
of tbe bcath
of bts f atber » totoarbp o{
lima : Ccbuf I bjotbcr.bcing picbge at Some,
Hc!u:Hicruli. bis
£Ucn>,& Salem.
iWMtnitfai» a l>'* was rctcaucDm*
he out m the temple the mot
of J upitcr ,t coinpcUcD ch«
C. 3|lt Simon! Kinges of Egypt jciocB to 5D0 r (bq«t.

tpmc etas3 Kinges of Syria.

maoe F.Ptoiomeujthcfonneoflagl.bnbct
f ooohe
of Ssapienee, I a colour of fnenficpnej rntrcb tjtes
nj'.jubiscaUea rufnlem anb folbc manp capttucs of |

Ecclefiafticus, of 2iincanb d?atirim. l?cfl.n.

irljitl) &imon
lie inabctb G.PtoIometis Philadclphus bepng fl

there mention.
great loucr of booties anb lcampng
i.i^aclj. 9- bp tbceounraplc
of IDemetrius*
2'rlllciio, bell
unco .110000.
ecbe of them fot
B.Onia) retell iio.peeccsof lil
fonne of S>1= ucr, t)t fent his
mon the to!},
fox the crneltte
oblations into v
temple of -Cob,
of 3nttocbuB he rcttaiieb the
tfjc great King 7&.intcrp;ctns
•f SPtia.fleB Jlcranbtta
111 Ptolome
to litoloniic bonoiablp.ibhi' Phdopator.
Into Ofgppt, j
chc Seerc fent
« there butlbca fro afleatar the
atcmplcliBcto tjpe p;idt , anb
•be Heroes after thcit inters"
bone tn.7
p?etation,'S»l)icl)C ftiatf
no.pcrcB.tlll fent them borne agapnc roitl)
the tvinc of i
great rcSnarbcs, hcrcmittcbtbetri=
©afpaOan the butc of tl)e 7 pcre to the mimftcrs of
. .

<Smpcrour , the temple. Jean. 11.

n>bo beftropea
the citle.
3ftcr rbcfc kutgesof ffigppt there
were other hinges in aJstfrt toljict) be not I)crc fet bntpll
Cleopatra.tnhtcb bepngconquercbiotebberlouer airtttjjntc.
then the lanbc of iCgppt came to be in the pofTcffion of tljc
t- Alckimu,
bifbop bp 3j) C ,
mctnus , ana wt reabc of th?te temples in tbe (fccriprure. firft the temple
alteap abuct;
of the ILojbc mabc bp Solomon, the feconbe in tbe mount Jt>a>
rafun, mabebpr^anaiTeB the brother of Jaoushpe pilcltm
spacbabcug tljc tpmc of ©anus
the latt Ring of the SfTpjuns. the ttjirBs
«J bettropco Mcnchu in a; nppt 111 the region of £lipolcos of tfnias tlje piielt.
•be ioallcB of
'be boufe of of
U.Stlc«ch« PMopttor tbe f»nnc ««
{beiLoibe.ano Anriochusma.;. -ifent«ltOD01f tOl)J

o. Alexander tranflateb tbe hingbomtof rbe perfies to him
*betaojg t0(,[ rntalcm rofpOTttthe trcafune
fdfc, ano tobc iCyjus onb iBata, anb in bis angec roas gopng
to ^icrufalcm, becaufc Jabus tbe pjicft benpeb him both bis temple, fchctbpon be toao Wg"J;
•no mtrcrabip
tribute anb bis bictaels. but Kabus anbotbeeof rhtpjiettcS
met bim.tohoiuhebpo ttuercnte
trro roung mcn.irbo pet at
of Onus ccasraifcb
tbe reejonj
bp agarM- m
fent «uf« bun. ».W«»-3-

,; T , , .

Chiiitci line.
P. Demctnui Spas oucttomtof
thepounger, bp .g-nphon alter be reas
. A.Muhuhiai pguclt in S^ODHl, but not tl)C bpt Sjlcft, iftCt
bcbabaayncehciiicfrengersof Enriotbus, fcbnh cwy KyngesoF
pellet tbc people of to commit itolame ant
aTttr ,
to.Aniiochm tons the lad king of tl)t Syria. ,
he hat flarnc the Jtrec m iljc fight of them alt that
3 (urianB.tbc lanbe of S>wia roas ttibn-
The clii Wren faenfice bpon the aultcr, be Act fcutb fiue of his
{Romanes, anb pompei isas
tarv to the
cbtioicn, ant with othctsrcblcb fcarcbdEoo, ant
ofMatliathias. fentagainftiiligraucnhiiigofairmcnia,
bib them feluts in caucs
anb in tsoottcs, ant bp=
be maoc g>cnurus licftenaunt &p?ta, m
ant then tohen itriftobolua t IJircanuB
onthcgiabbathbape be
B. lujas Machabeu, mere at tcbatc, anb being rcceauct into
taught them to * ft at = U>icrufaicm bp ISjircanns fricnocs , he
tlmt notable trmnu
moor, ant reffofct the bjaKc up the temple wbcrin 3rntoboliiB
pljcr in Jfratl, who ltfetscftbtif.ibcrs,bctrrc|>cb
bat ncucr y hie he-
fricntB nitre,
thcnultcrofthc itols, cirtum- foj Suhichf
roic no; after .whole
ihiltien that mere net

ci.'ct the
mo; lit o be fct out in caufc l)t mat
circi mn:ct, anb loeoatbc his
the boost of the ncucr fojtu-J
Statl) be mate a teflamcnt
i^atbJbcco after natc after ai
ttmmaiir.Jitngtl)C lafoc to

flanbpng in Defence he toas be

bcobfctucD. l.sljlac.i
oftliciatocof 4500, tojc : fo; b'
lie toas flapnt.anb inatcthepoi:
otTcrcb linn lelfc as dies Of tin
innrrirrothc Jittbc. I temple Babies
for bis boilc.
.1 nt after he
hat mate
C.Ionaihas ffOOSC i^ircanus bu
tViMbfiillyc to the (hop, be let
tcltamcnc of (Sob, .tnOobolus
but at tlje be (art I.Simon flpjU" uiiti) his clui
teas guilcfullp (lime bent man tpl men taptluc
recti) bis.i.loiincs of bis oltc age, „ to itioiuc, ant
itEntljo.i.^acb.y. oiibblctotious, but at tjl bete cntct the
laft be ires flaync bngra Uingbome of
tioiiflpcf bis fonne in laijjc £il>na which ,

D. Eicatjr gojjng a- i.SlJach.ij. came into the

tent to fupp'int the ifiiipircoftbc
Clcphant, tohitl) as F.I,.l.n HircanusBlDojitnrirc lKomancf
he thought, carpet of the cpgh: locbcrs'of ©a
Jtntiocbus , gopng ma, anbganc toamiotbuc
tbiougb i arrote kiU to rnpfc bp h<s fiege fron.
I'.tirj on both, fibcs Uicrufcilcm. }oo. talcntcs, Oct atlcront cr anb 3 ,

fclico the (Slepbant, ant to nrtl the murmure oi uathas the sWain.Luie
tobicb bpo oppjcfU the people to; the fpoplpng R. Antiochus toithhiB two founts.
bun to Death. of the grant: he mas the tirE the poungct 1. Mach. 1.
|.6. that bmlbeb hofpitallcs foj gaucthcpjicil
fiche follies , tobicb be tit 1)000(0 J ona--
toitb the red Of tlje money- thas,ant mas
(lain bp Height
of iStlphon,

i.ciiui ArinoM "»

oucrcommpng ho
bzothcr iMrcanus in
tattaplr, mastaben
ipitfoncr in l&tcrufa=
lent ofpompeius he 'I s * ftrt bis
c.Ariftoboiu, after
« tnoughtto Koine: ant tbiec of bis \&
mother in ptiltm
but he bieabing p?i= on bio >
fon out of IRomc bictlicn. he f" tbc ctotonc
reitl) a great multi= o«ne heat, ant at tbc ruggefho not bis
tubcof tbt Heroes, wifcbt BiUet hisbjothct
befiegco SlcranDjia,
H.Al«and« Qnc about .1000. of the leooes, "S^S
rebut) he ioouiDc "
Jjau: OcfrropcD, but
anbhc obepngb'» Sl)tfl: S >ttet,0 ') ,s4I; ':oSBnt i -

airtffobolus toas
taken anb (nought i.Altxand.abte aift pjcm«rng to b« fonne l^ir
eanus the tomimon put in pjifon Srittobolus
agapnc to iSomc ,

toil.) ins cbilbitn. her Mbn fonnc.

K.Hitcjnus after bis mothers bentb feas cba eb of
bis bjothct atiirobolns 5 bifcomfitct ,be Act to 1911
tufalcui,« at the latt agrcet that 3nffobolus tbculi
M. Anrigonuj the be chicfe ruler, anbWreanusMber bun.tobitr.
lrin canustoent 10 Jrctha htng of Iratjia fc tpmc of CaffiuS'
fonnecf atnftobolus agapne to bis tomimon llcfctcnaunt of 3>p=
ctctclp, to belpe bint
bo the belpe of 111=
fauia bis ntpbetoe,
tohirt)' aircrha tommpng into urn 3 \ tfa , toarrcb toith
tcficgctt jiStcnifalem , ami Ojoultc ham ^ompcius, 9 after
tuotmfpng to JDar
thus bvng of the ^V^^ taben it it one ^caurui htsbictoiic.hclbtbc

Spavtbians . looo.f
. ^S. buhc of the IKomanes bat chicfe rule.?. vcrtfl
Ariflob'oiui. ]
notrapftttptberiegcatitft anb 7 . • monetbes,
talentts anb. 500. \ tc»iarttt. foi licfajelinn the
birgmo, to reftoje J comon TOcalth maa
bun into the king: goiicrneo bnter to
Dome agapncianb be CiOim.
Tulles. 464. feres,
bauv-ng maip thoit:=
ant from the rpme
lanbc men of the
of IRomulusittoaS
gonemrt bnter. 7.
jjicrufalcm. 3ttbel
v ingco. 2 + o.pcrcs.
laft rl)c hing of the
at the cnte toljcrot
fucccctet tbc con-
tCb Anugonui fepng,
fulles bntpU iubi"
ailb flUC H.rtanu. &>-
Cifan UapCS , ffihO
ter be hat cut of bis
rules alone.
almofl all the goltc
**<"1' afttT ^e taapngof Kietbuira anb the
rns of Wiernfalem, onsbto
of the <Ccmplc,from
„f „5f momifc inobe to the jtcwco the Sohich pomun
"f^rupng their latoes, betioueout Philip out of 3ntto- hept his lianttB
'"'"•*ttbelaffbeanbji.vfiasboiinbeof their otonearmic ant cleane, be fpent it
.'• n » commonntntirnt of JDrmrtrtwjbotbci.tbccbilticnof bpon his fouloicrs
C "-' e *iiercflapnc. i.fl9aeh.7. that he hat in par
o II

iro„.c »'"Z
s "''" r **>' Cmn ' of JfeeleticbuB rettrnivltg tr , mhcrbpon he

- ""e 3ntioebii« with lippat bit conftltute Sltbunui Itlita
hat golbe trammeb
tro„ i
b<,p ' ^'totohom IBacchabCBfeiaBfmtinto -Tunc,? into his mouth, ant
ab0 "' «"erufalem,belort
umnc bp the honbe of

ttuun vKS;S' S?"'

jauhanoj.who uiar
Jubas.irho toao billco by SBacchitcs
SB mB i) '
a ncl f e.a'tteugl) heviomlfeb him
a 1 tljerof tjet.

a""' l" m »)tch was fonne Chriftcslinc.


ofTn ST.
«'«piphanes *SSi "S? |
> tbtfaiD»9((bibiflnjafl0t«rofe0.i.ajacb,io.
. .

f*>Th e nevve left amentinlykemaner.


f TOljo ptlneipallp treated) of
^ of biol)um.mitlf,of 1)10
tl>: actC0 of dilute.

Bcatb, rcfurrcction ano aC> f %C TObcilmSaulBotbtnatnetCltugbwoirrtDltoe

'""• <
Matth.wc.^ ,t|C "onftuutOTB anB ojBtrmgof piitftea
fcntl0n cijaptcto. 28. ti™T or clBerr'
\ «j it focrcV <• wberin c 1)tcQp is ttcntcB the foitltuBe of Cbjlflt,
\it)trt(!iji-- tofbetctiltta. Cbapteta. t. *
IHOT0 m„i. -S anBBorb repcate mod tbingco of asattbecoe.
y hca C Chapters. t«. *< Wberin tbe Spoftle commenBetb 13bfl«mcmof
/< be CtllCf= C which fpcaUetb diieflo of tbf annunciation of the \*0 faitb to Cbufte, anB of bla cbannc
to tbe

take. 7 blc(lcDbtrgin,atiB JTbiiitCBaettB.Bcatl), anBrcfur; fhilcmen. "5 ? V amht twetbbtinto Bcale geneipe feith
Chapters > fcruaunt, anB to cntcrtapnt hint
rcction. CXl„?,'" J)'0 *
4 .boKcs°>/
fncnoip. Chapter, i.

iBofpclW) 5 3n toboiif GTbliflciJ ofuinltle (0 chiefl? fbcSueB,


lull i. "2 N*^
^tbc ^ t tl,t, i,c0lc ^' TOtt, ">« weaBtnefTc
aboliOjmtnt of fl9o?rra lafec, ono
tbc peri ec,
Hebr< non of the Botttme of tbe (BofpcU, ano
(.0)rt»pn3 wberin $i.lLuBeBcciarctb tbefcnBpngof the botp €b!il tbat
gbort after bi0 biflblc afTcnlion into bcaucn, « of the % I5 wBman anBameBiatoattctcoccnt
0tl '
"Succors off
-s. attcflof tl)C 3poftlca, cfpcciallp of paul, tolicrmia i0oBanBman.Cbtttittr«.ij.

A-tpolrlcB, ,
)al r ofctoiit.iBitrocrt tbepoungageof tlie Cburcbe
(.1111110 one (. in bcr fitft grouth. >C baptcra. i %.
booUc. wberin ISnnl
5 etroura rcuohc tbt IRontanca from He
cScntilco.Occtarpngtbe o:oet of tberc
Wberin Jma
cjeuerl) erboitahon bnto
ps ,
of tbe orient faffcrpng anB tbat tberc 10 no reception of
> nitrification, what Oiouloc rnocccBc anB &bat fljoulB 'pcrrono befote <0oD : anBootb alfo open
Cfcloa-c iljar uiltificarioii Cbaptcrs. is. that come bp an tnpl
) foibiBBctb roarreg
anBBifcentiona, bcrcbuketbtbericbetbat
i Wicrm be Botb call bichc fome ttjat were BeccautB bebru
•cbantable.ant Botb thru men to bcrtue.
of falfc 3tpofric0» ^bilofopbctebptbrn eloquence Cbap.f
Tome toVeb nitre occcauco bp the tuBaicall obferi n V n " S cnc«'«)t*cB fcnto (Bob
Corinth •< uation of tbe laroc, be calletb lejales lu"?!" ,
Jobicb bp tbe oeatb of
tbcm batsc to true bio fonnebffl mcrcifullr. fane
ano to the toi Dome of <<Eoo C alio.
i wberin J^aul buon their conucrfion anB tepen,
baptcra. is.
tn < ,
aUmanbinoc.anDBOtbmlrrntt to oooo life oiucra
'ftatcBofmen. Cbaptera.s.
.taunte, piapfctb anB ccinfojtctlj tljcm. Cbaptera.t 2 Ja febtcb tbe 3po(Hc mBncet!) fte
j. belenera to
'bolBe tbe true faitb, be Botb note am
C wberin paul
agapne fneb aa mere
calletb borne
piopbetca, tbat tbej> fboniBe re«
o rbc falfcncffc of btrtttheo, a^o Botb Otfcnbc t'.ic
^turne baebe to tbe laroc anB to tbeie ceremonies, O cerffle commpng of Cb?i»e. Cbapteta. t.

t Hn tobicb faint •Jobn Botb tefhfie

)anB roplleth tbcm to come agapnc to the true faitb of of tbe mojBt
of rtuetb anB lift , cfijoirpng men to corrfcuc
( tl)c3ofpcll Chaptcra. «. tbeir
unnca.affirmpng tbat vrc bme 3tfua«bli(tc an
, wberin tbe 3pottle pjapfetb the CpbeOaita, aBuocate aitb tbe fatber BtfTiraBpng men front

wbtcb bib per n ft conftantlp in tbe faitb of tbe aEof' tbc louc of tbe toojIBe, asB pcTfinaBpng tbtm to
Ephc/iam. £ P c " rcccauei). Cbaptcra. 6. lloueiBoBanB tbeir neigbboura. Cbaptcra .5.
TOhcrtn tbe Xpoftlc pianfetb tbe JSbilipplaia for Uhi. e? 1 whtrmbecommcnBctbtbeelca laBpanobet
«, that after trjcpbaB reccancB tbc fcoiBe of tru'etb fonnea, ano Botb erboitctbem to biotbtrlp loue
y>hiU P puni.
£ tbtpBtBnotrcccauetbcfalf1r3polUc0.CbaptcrB+! lano Botb aBmoniflje tbcm to cfcbcfcic betctikea.
r Wberin J3anl blamctb tbe ColofCana fo> tb«t 'Chapter. 1.
< tbe? were teBuccBbp tbe falfe apolHca.antierboi. 5 JntbiabepiapfetbtbcgoBltnclTcofblabcloneB
iBauia ojbicbbccictcnBcnBntoftraungtrB.snBbe
tC (i; tbcm to r cturnc to tbe fccntie of tbe dEJofpeU
CCrjapttro. +. Botberboit b»n to pcrfcuer ftpll intbatgoBlmcfCc
inB melt Bopng. Chapter. 1.
wberin be Both commrnBe tbe ITbeiTatemana
V roblcb rcccauvng tbe toozoc of tructb tboujb tbe» ( 3n tbe fcbicb the 3poflle Botb aBmomdje aO
NfuffcreB pcrfctutionof tbeir otonc Umrcbe, pettbey \ntenof tbeir omnc faluation, ano be Both birngm
be nameB ^BiBpctfifttn tbc faitb, not iooiilBe receane tbc falfe lode.
<f B? the aw tbe altercation that toaa betiuirt £^w
\ tbt'cwlirr C*^i I ^cbaclanotncoeupll, DcccU ttit
\m tbc foi6
^vJtpotHcB. Cbapttra.
TBberln tbe Spottle uttrructctb tbtm of tbe laft
^ ^btrctiBts. Chapter.
arts Hotli
lift of djc

\to*c of
tpmca, of tbe commpng, anB of t^c perfecutton of
;HrhKO- ta
antccbrift , of bis aouauncement anBouertbioisc irhicb rrcatet'9 of tendationa fhefcrB bnto
VvcrmnTtB Cbaptcra. John
Bp anangdlln the Jue of patbmoa. of the
lbp etam-
.tribulations rchicl) the Cburebe of Ctuiic Dio
,pl(0J pic-., t wberin J3an! tnftractetb bim of Hjc oiBcr mt ptopbd
CoBkc of 15ifbop0 anB E)cacon0, anB of
«_ a .
Jrtjen fmtcr, <i;opbetictbai:ooffuibtnBulation3
/rtptto of \
/ goblp Ips NGaftfcall Bi cipiine. Cbaptcra f.
all eccle* titan.
^ irb.cb tbc Church fbaUfuffcr hereafter,* e^iccial?
'm tbe tunc of antecbiut, ano cf the puntibniemcs
if nmggenen Tmoth. ^r wberin )3ani Botb erboit bim to tbc nocone of
oftbcmisbichBcBampncB, anOOf the tcwarocg 5f
I bt b.ig )inartirBome anBBotbinfourmeblmof all tbe rules
» Sto(Hc0 j »tbe fltet.4baptit».2i,
(_ of tbe catbolitic bcrittc , anB tobat (balbc Bone tn tbe
It bootleg laft Daptfl anB of bus osmefucrctpng. Cbaptcra.

f Faultes efcaped.
3!n tfte nrtl prologue, pag.?.lme. m. DeQopeO (t eaDe)
:7.lcnc, ncitrjer ttjc (reaoe) mitijev bptlje.
31n ar)attr)ette,cljap.26. bearfe.7i.(reaDe) ttfit c f««eo
31n t&e actejs, cljap. >j. bearfe .4. tfjep ftaleD (rcaoe)
thtv fapleD,
€ttap,K.bearfe.;. conuerfation, (reaDc) conucrtion.
JBomanea.cljap.ii. bearfe.9. tn tije margent tojtite. Pfai. 62.
tybtm,am.i. ucarfe. 8. r.grjteoufnEffe, (reao'e) trgfttneOe.

Heiitotenoted,thatfuch partes and chaptors wrrkh be imrked and noted with

fuch ferny circlet at the head of the'
hoth « text '' ma y deleft vncead in the pnblique reading to people , that thcrbyothfr chap-'
tenant l" c l r ture mak n mo '« t° 'heir edification and capacitie
m n. nJcrln
i"'P y S may come in their roomes. And here let the
a ° d,( enrer of the rai[t «'« °f God,
k, of Gods word?- M P ^ haue a due and weightie reade this hie treafure*
aild r* u 't'e, truely.diftinctly, andfenfiblv: font
towervonerhr/k S is the mi'htje power ofGod tofalu.tion'
""'c"," 1

tl tbe hearers alfo with all mekeneffe and

Wounded am lowlineiTcreceauetnisworde that « thus grafted and*
a u l ,
S't them by the great mercie of God, which worde is able
to faue their foules the holv * poitle faint
«. F
ror as botli the reader
and hearer be pronounced blclTed by Chrillcs owne mouth, who heare the wotde i
y " S° be they pronounced both reader aud h-arer by the holv prrphcte leremie

» f A t [i
accurlecl.whxh do the worke of God i raudulently.and negligently Frorri the which he defende vs :
who bought vs with his moll precious blood , To whom
with the father and the
holygholl be all honour and glorie. Amen.


rcracc into t hcBybl<

F all the fentences pronounced by oar fauiour

Chriftein h,s whole doarine,none
is more ferious or more
worthy to be borne in rcmembrannce.thcn
rhar which he
fpake openly m
his GofpeU, faying:
L,*nM /****. J,
mi fuum b, ipfi, m*. ,t, nm M„, t ctiUtfial
^ ,,/lin^^^ Iolui.i
Am. Search ye the fcriprures/or in them

yc thinke to haue
and thole they be which beate
eternall lyfe,
witnes of me.
Thefewordeswerefirftfpoken vnto the Iewesby
our fa-
uiour, but by hym in his doctrine
menttoall forthev •

concerne all, of what nation, ofwhat tongue, of

what pro-
feflion (oeuerany man be. For toall belongeth
it to becal-
led vnto eternall life, fo many as by the witnes of
the fcrip-
tures defire to findc eternall life. No man,
woman or
chylde,is excluded from this faluation, and
therfore' to
euery ofthem is this fpoke proportionally yet, and in
degrees and ages.and as thercafon and congruitie of
vocation may afke. For nor fo lyeth it in charge to
worldly artificer to fearche, or to any other priuate man
exquifitely to ftudie,as
it lyeth to the charge of
teacher to fearche in the fenptures, to be the more able
walke in the noule or
Uod( whichL is the
. ^ to
Church of the lyuyng God, the pyller and ground of trueth) ro the uTim.Lii.
eftibhfliingofthetruedoclrineofthcfanic.andtothcimpugnyngofthefalfc. And thou°h whatfoeuer
difference there may be betwixt the preacher in office,and the auditor
in his vocation, yet wboth it is faid
W^!SfW ,W '
whereby ye may fynde
which is in CWlSe 3ete0 our Lorde. For although the prophetc of God
and gather witnefles of rhat faluation
eternall lyfe,
Moyfes,byddeth the k yn° when D«t.xvl
he is once fct in the throne of his kingdomc,to defcribe before his eyes the volume
of Gods lawe accordine
totheexamplewhichehemouldereceaueofrhe pricftesoftheleuiticaIItribe,to haue it with
him and to
readein itallthe daycsofhislife,to thende that he might learnc to feare the
Lorde his God,and to obferue
his lawes, that his heart be notaduaunced in prydeouer
his brethren, not tofwarue eyther on rhc ry°ht
hande or on the leftryet thereafon of this precept for that it concerned! all men,may
reafonably be thought
to be commaunded to all mcn,and all men may take it to be fpoken to
them felfe in their degree. Thou°hal-
mightie God him felfe fpake to his captayne Iofue in precife wordes
, Hm m,J.t ulumm l^tou, .i,r,tm,j°d «-
Aiahn, in ,* d„bm « n,Sikm w<. Let not the volume
of this booke depart from thy mouth, but mufe therin both
day es and nyghtes.that thou mayeft kepe and perfourme all thinges which
be written in it, that thou mayeft
direct well thy way and vnderftande the fame
yet afwell fpakealmightie God this precept to all his people

in the directions of their wayesto him

wardens he ment it to Iofiic-For that hehatu careofalLhcacccpteth i.Petr.
no mans perfon, his wyll is that all men ftoulde be faucd, his wyll is that all
men Ihoulde come to the way
of trueth. Howe couldc this bemore conucniently i-Tim.u.
declared by God to man, then when Chrifte his welbe-
Joued fonne our moft louing fauiour,the way, the loh. xiui.
trueth, and the lyfe of vs all, dyd byd vs openly fecarcbe
*9ermptareg,a(Tunng vs herein to findc eternall life, to finde full teftification of all his "races and
htes towardes vs in the treafure thereof;
Therefore it is moffconuenicnt that wefhouldeallfuppoierhat
V-hrilteipaketo vs all in this his precept of fearching thefcripturcs. If
this celeftiall doctour (foaucthori- Mjdixvii.
led by the_fathcrofheauen,and
commaunded as his only fonnc,to be hcardeof vsall) biddcrhvs bu/Tly to
S3>ea«g t|e fcripturegf of what fpirite can it proceede to forbid the reading and ftudiyng
of the fcriptures -
it tnc grofle Iewes vfed to
reade them, as fome men thinke that our fauiourthrift dyd (hew by fuch kynd
Jpeaking their vfagc.with theiropinion they
had therin to finde eternall lyf e,and were not of Chrifte rcbu-
wa or difproued.either for their fearching, or forthe opinion they had, howefuperftirioufly
or fuperficially
mC C ° ex P cnde thc Scriptures? Howe muchc more vnaduifedly do fuihe
as boft them
fplf k °u
be either
ieite to
Chriftes vicars,or be of his garde,to lothe chriftcn men from reading,bytheircouerrflaun-
oerous reproches of the fcriptures,
or in their aucthoritie by lawe or ftatutc to contract this libcrtie of ftu-
f " ema " faluatio11 ' Chrifte calleth them not onlye to the finglereadyng of fcriptures
jiaitn !
Cnnloftome) but fendeth them to the exquifite fearching them, of for in them is eternall Jyfc to be
Jounde,and they be (faith hym felfe) the witneftc of me: for they declare out his office,they commence his
h" to1 ardcs vs thc y tecordc his whole workes wrought for vs to our faluation. Antechnftc
thcref £ c tnatvnderw
"j hatfoeuer colour woulde geue contrary precept or counfayle, ro that
whirhrk'A >
wiucne Chrifte dyd geue
vnto vs. Verylitledo they referable Chriftcs louing fpirite mouing vs to fearche
co «ftort,that wyll
Wyl1 difcourage
di fc° ura e vs from ruche
r", °_i fearchins.or that woulde wifhei°noraunce
wif and
fulneffe f
VK <:
§ fuche fcarching,or forget-
id fori
to raigne in vs, fo that they might by our i?noraunce raigne the more frankly in our
ncne anJ

CS,t ° daun S cr of our faluation. Who
can take the lifht from vs in this miferable valeofblind-
an n tt ° haUev$ftumbleintne athesof 5erdltiontotneruineofourro
UievstrT j f ' yfc rc P l
who wyll en- PfetxxS.
vs or in ft a P P ared and fc on thc tablefor our eternall fuftenaunce,an^'
f meane not to famime
Cre ° fwith their
tu're faith Ik !
""""P 1 traditions and doftrinesof man, to infect vs i All the whole fcrip-
yap ° ftleSaintPaul "iipired from God aboue, is profitable to reache, torcproue, to re-
fourmer a
ainri S htcoumc ""e » that thc man of God maybe founde and perfect, inftruaed to cuery
good !
^ear^e tjercfo^ good reader (on
Cods awe) as Chrifte byddeth thee the holy fcripturc, wherein
i ^ the
The Preface.
thou maveft finde thy faluation : Let not the volume of this booke (by Gods ownc warrant) depart from
thee,but occupic thy lclfc therein in the whole iourncy of this thy woildly pi!grimage,to vnderftande thy
way howe to walke ryghtly before hym all the dayes of thy lyfe. Remember that the prophete Dauid pro-
nounceth hym the bleffcd man whiche wyll mule in thelawe of God both day and night, remember that he
calleth him blefled whiche walketh in the way of the Lordc.whiche wyll
Pfal.cxix. fcarche diligently his tcftimonies,

and wyll in theii whole heart feeke the fame. Let not the coucrt fufpitious infinuations of the aduerfaries
driuc thee from the fcarche of the holy fcripture,eithcr for the obfeuritie whiche they fay is in them, or for
the infcrutable hidden mifterics they talke to be comprifed in them, orfor the fhaungnes and homlynes of
the phrafes they woulde charge Gods booke with. Chrifte exhorteth thee therefore the rather for the diffi-
cultie of the !ame,to fearche them diligently. Saint Paul wylleth thee to haue thy
fenfes exercifed in them,
i.Cor.xim. and not to be a chylde in thy fenfes,but in malice. Though many thinges may be difficult to thee to vnder-
ftande, impute itrathertothydull hearing and reading, then to thinke that the fcriptures be infupcra-
Ma.h.vii. We, to them which with diligent fearching labour todifcerne the euill from the good. Only fcarche with art
humble fpirite,afkc in continual! prayer,feeke wirh puritic of lifc,knocke with perpetual! pci fcueraunce,and
crye to that good fpirite of Chrifte thecomforter: and furely to euery fuchcafker it wyll be gcucn, fuch fcar-
chers muft ncdes finde,to them it wylbc opened. Chrifte him felfe wyll open the fenlc of the fcriptures, not
to the proudc,or to the wyfe of the worlde, but to the lowly and contrite in heart: for he hath the kay of
Dauid, who openeth and no man lfiutteth,who (huttcth and no man opencth. For as this fpirite is a bening
and liberal! fpirite,and wyll be eafyly founde of them whiche wyll early in carcfulneffe ryle to feeke hym,
Sipi.i. and as he promifeth he wyll be the comforter from aboue to tcache vs, and to leadc vs into all the wayes of
Iob.xiiii. trueth,if that in humilitie we bowe vnto hym, deniyng our ownc naturall fenfes, our carnall wittes and rea-
Sapl i. fons: fo is he the fpirit,e of puritie and cleannes,and will receede from him,whofe confciencc is fubiect to fil-
thynefleoflyfe. Intofucheafoulc this heaucnly wyfdome wyll not enter,for all peruerfe cogitations wyll
feparatc vs from God and then howe bufyly foeuer we fearche this holy table of the fcripture, yet wyll it

Pfrl.lxviii. then be a table to fuche to their owne fnare,a trap, a (tumbling ftocke,and a rccompencc to them felfe. We
ought therefore to fearche to finde out the trueth, not to oppreflc it, we ought to feeke Chrifte, not as He-
rode did vnder rhe pretence of woi (hipping hym to deftroy hym,or as the Pharifccs fearched the fcriptures
to difproue Chrifte,and to difcrcdite him,and not to folowe him but to embrace the faluation whiche wc

may learne by them. Noryetisitinoughfo to acknowledge the fcriptures as fome of thcIewesdyd,ofthc

holyeft of them,who vfed fuche diligcnce,that they could number precifely,not only euery verfc,but euery
wordand fillable, how oft euery letter of the alphabete was repeated in the whole fcriptures: they had fome
of them fuche reuerence to that booke, that they woulde no'tfuffer in a great heapeof bookes, any other to
lay ouer them, they woulde not fuffer that booke to fall to thegroundeasnycas they coulde, they woulde
coflly byndc the bookes of holy fcriptures,and caufe them to be exquifirely and ornately written. Whiche
deuotion yet though it was not to be di[commended,yet was it not for that intent, why Chrifte comended
the fcriptures,nor they therof alowed before God: For they did not call vpon God in a true fay th, they were
not charitable to their neighbours,but in the middes of all this dcuotion,thcy didfteale, they were adulte-
rers, they were flaunderers and backbiters, euenmuchc like many of ourchriftian men and women nowea
dayes,wlio glory much that they reade the fcriptures, that they fearche them and loue them, that they fre-
quent the publiqucfermons in an outwardefhewe of all honeftie and perfection, yea they can pike out of
the fcriptures vcrtuous fentenfes and godly preceptes to lay before other men. And though thefe maner of
men do not muchcerrc for fuch fearching and ftudiyng,yet they fee not the fcopeand the principal! ftateof
the fcripturcs,which is as Chrifte declarcth it,to finde Chrifte as their fauiour,to cleaue to his faluation and

merites,to be brought to the lowerepcntauncc of their liues, and to amende them felfe, to rayfc vp their
fayth to our (auiout Chrifte, fo to thinke of him as the fcriptures do teftifie of hym. Thefe be the principal!
caufes why Chrifte didfendc thclewes to fearche the fcriptures for to this ende were they wrytten, faith

Saint lo\in^Het(triptafintnmitiu,&i>tcrtitstti'pit4mbihtatiieternim. Thefe were written to this intent, that yc

fliouldc beleue,and that through your beliefc yc flioulde haue eucrlafting life.
And here good reader,great caufc wc haue to extoll the wondcrouswifdome of God, and with great
thankes to prayfe his prouidence,confidcring howc he hath prefcrued and rcnued from age to age by peci- f

Hbcr.v. allmiraclc,thc incomparable treafure of his Churche. For firft hcdidinfpireMoyfes,asIohn Chrifoftome
doth teftifie,towrytc the ftonietables,and kept him in the mountaynefourtie dayes to geuc him his lavve:
after him he fent tne prophctes, but they fuffrcd many thoufande aduerfitics,
for battaylcs did folowe, all
were flay ne,all were deftroyed,bookes were brent vp.He then infpired agaync another man to repayre thefe
miraculous fcriptures, Efdras I mcane,who of their leauinges fct them agaync tosether: after that,he proui-
dedthat the feucntie interpreters fhoulde take theminhande: at thclaftcame Chrifte him felfe, theApo-
ftles did receauc thcm,and fprcad them throughout allnations,
Chrifte wrought his miracles and wonders:
nrx. and what folowcd^aftcr thefe great volumes the Apoftlesalfo did wryte as Saint
Paul doth fay, Thefe be
Maiii.xxii, wrytten to theinftru<5tionofvsthatbc come into the ende of the worlde and : Chrifte doth fay, Yc there-
fore erre,bccaufeycknowe not the fcriptures nor the power of
God and Paul dyd fay, Let the wordc of

Chrifte be plc-uifull among you and agayne faith Dauid,

t. lo.iii. :
Oh howe fwectc be thy wordes to my throte:hc
faide iiot to my hearing, but tomy throte, aboue the
I. cxix. hony orthc hony combe to my mouth. YeaMoyfes
Wcut.xvi. faith, Thou (halt meditate in them euermore when
thou rifcft,whcn thou fitted downc,when thou gocft to
fleepe,contmue in them he faith:and a thoufande places more. And yet
after fo many tcftimonies thus fpo-
ken,therc be fome pcrfons that do not yet fo much as
knowe what the fcriotures be whercvpon nothing is
m good ftatcamongcftvs.nothingworthyly is done amongeftvs: In this whiche pertayne to this lyfe, wc
make very great nafte.but of (pintuall goodes wc haue no
regarde. Thuftmhbn Ctrififl. It muft nedes (ignifie
lomc great thing to our vnderftanding,thatalmightie God hath had
fuch care toprefcribe thefe bookes thus
nt $
V " 0t P refcnbcthem °r>ly,buttomaintainethemanddefende thcinagainft thcmalignitie of the
j °n and\ l

dcuUl his mmiftcrs, who alway went about to

deftroy them: and yet could thefe ncuer be fo deftioycd.
The Preface.
but that he wouldc haue^cra continue whole and perfect to this day, to our fingulcr comfort and niStruc-
tion,vvherc other bookes of mortall wile menhaue pcrifhed in great is recorded that
Philadclphus kyngof Egypt, had gathered togetherin one libraric at Alexandria by his great coStcand
gence, fcuen hundred thoufand bpokes,wherof the principall were the bookes or Moylcs,whichc refcrucd
not much more,then by thefpace of two hundred yeres,werc all brent and confumed in that battayle when
Caefar reftored Cleopatra agayne after her cxpulfion.At Constantinople pcriflied vnder Zcnon by one com-
mon fire,a hundred and twentic thoufande bookes. At Rome when Lucius Aurcl Antonius dyd rai°ne his
notable libraric by a lightning fro heauen was quite confumed: ye3 it is recorded rhat Gregorie the firft did *°' ,3nne *
caufc a libraric ofRomecotayning only certainePaynimsworkcs to be burned,tothintem the fcripturcs of \ f"'
God Should be more read and ftudied.What other great libraries hauc there ben cofumedbutof late daics? " p cra " !

And what libraries hauc of oldc throughout this realme almoft in euery abbey of the fame,bcn deftroyed at up 19
fundry ages, befides the loSTe of other mens priuate Studies, it were to long to rehearfe. VVhcrevpon Icyng re-
almightie God by his deuine pouidence,hath preferucd thefe bookes of the fcriptures fafe and founde and S'bus.
that in their natiue languages they were firft written, in the great ignorauncc that raigned in thefe tongues
and contrary to all other caiualtics, chaunced vpon all other bookes in mauger of all worldly wittes^who
would fo fayne haue had them deftroyed, and yet he by his mightie handc, would haue them extant as wit-
neflesand interpreters of his will toward mankind: we may foonc feecaufe moft reuerently to embrace thefe
deuine testimonies of his wyll, to ftudie them, and to fearch them, to inftrutft our blinde nature fo fore cor-
rupted and fallen from the knowledge in whiche firft we were created. Yet hauing occafion geuen fomc-
whattorccouerourfall, andtoreturneagaine to that deuine nature wherein we were once made, and
at the laft to be inhcritours in the celcftiall habitation with God almightie, after the ende of our moitali-
tic here brought to his duft agayne: Thefe bookes I fay bcyng of fuche eftimation and au&horitie, fo muche
rcuerenccdofthem whohadany mcanctafteof them,coulde neuerbeputoutofthc way, neither by the
fpytcofany tiraunt,as that tirauntMaximiandeftoyed all the holy fcriptures whercfoeuer they coulde be " a r '«
' c

foundc,and burnt them in the middes of the market, neither the hatred either of any Porphirian philofo-
pher or Rheroritian, neither by the cnuie of the romanyftes,and of fuch hypocrites,who from tyme to time
dideuerbarkeagainftthcm,fome ofthemnotin open fort of condempnation but more cunningly vnder

futtlc pretences, for that as they lay, they were fo harde to vnderitande,and fpecially for that they arfirme it
to be a perilous matter to tranflatc the text of the holy fcripture,and therefore it can. not be well translated.
And here we may bcholdc the endeuour of fome mens cauillations,who labour all they can to (launder the
tranflatours,to finde fault in fomc wordes of the translation: but them felfewill neuer fee pen to the booke,
tofct out any translation at al.They can in their conftitutions prouinciall vnder payne of excommunication, xhcaruJel.
inhibite al other men to tranflatc them without the ordinaries orthe prouinciall counfayle agree therevnto: n con alio

But they wyll be well ware neuer to agree or to geue counfayle to fet them out. Whiche their futtle com- apudoxon.
parte in cffe<ft,tcndcth but to bewray what inwardly they meane,if they coulde bring it about,that is,vtterly an
to fupprefle them bcingin
: this their iudgcment,farre vnlike theolde fathers primatiue Church,who
in the t>do.7,

hath exhorted indifferently all perfons,afwellmcn aswomen,to exercife them felucs in the fcriptures, which
by Saint Hieroms auifthoritic bethefcripturcsof the people. Yea they befarre vnlike their olde forefathers
that haue ruled in this realme, who in their times, and in diuers ages did rheir diligence to tranflatc the
whole bookes of the fcriptures, to the erudition of the laytie, as yet at this day be to be feene diuers bookes
translated into the vulear tongue,fome by kynges of the realme,iome by bifhoppes,fome by abbottes, fome
by other dcuout godly'fathers fo defirous they were of olde tyme to hauc the lay fort edified in godlynes

by reading in their vulgar tongue, that very many bookes be yet extant, though for the age of the fpeache
and ftraungcnefTc of the chared of many of them almoft worne out of knovvledgc.In whiche bookes may be
feene euidently howe it was vfedamongtheSaxons,tohauein their Churches read the foure di-
stributed and piked out in the body of the euangeliftcs bookes, that to euery Sunday and feftiuall day in the
yerc,they were fortcd out to the common miniftersof theChurchein their common prayers to be read to
their people. Noweasofthe moft auncicne fathers the prophetes, Saint Peter teftifieth that thefe holy
men of God had the impulsion of the holy ghoft, to fpeake out thefe deuine teftimonies fo it is not to be '•?«*• '•

doubted but that thefe latter holy fathers of the cnglilhe Church, had the impulfion of the holy ghoft,to fet
out thefe facred bookes in their vulgar language, to the edification of the pcople,by thehelpe whereof they Aft.xvii.
might the better folowe the example of the godly Chriftians,in the begining of the Churche,\vho not only
receaued the wordc withall redinefTe of heart, but alfo did fearche diligently in the fcriptures, whether the
doctrine of the Apoftles were agreable to the Same fcriptures. And thefe were not oftherafcallfort(fiith the
deuine ftorie) but they were ofthebeft and of moft noble byrth among the ThefTalonians,Birrhenfesby i.Peti. _

name. Yea the prophetes them felues in their dayes,writcth S. Peter, were diligent fearchers to inquire out
this faluatio by Chrifte,fearching when and at what article of time this grace of Chriftes difpenfation ihould
appeare to the world. What ment the fathers of the Church in their writinges,hut the aduauncing of thefe
holy bookes, where fomc do attribute no certaintie of vndoubted veritie, butro the canonicall fcriptures. Ang.contra
SomedoarirmeittobeafooliSneraSheholdnefle to beleue hym, who proucrh not by the fcriptures that
whiche heaffirmeth in his worde. Some do accurfe all that isdeliucred by tradition,not founde in the legall ^^
£jj„ om _ £
Scriptures. Some fay that ourfayth mult needes ftagger,ifit be not grounded vpon theauc- mm
ar»d euangclitall
thoritieofthefcripture. Some teftificth that Chriftc and his Churche ought to be aduouched out of the Tertu u un .

Scriptures, and do contende

in difputation,that the true Churche can not beknowen, but
only by the holy dedoflrina'
hcretikes. Someaffirme dmRiaiia.
(faith thefameauclhor) may be founde among the
Scriptures: For all othcrthin^es
"tobeafinfull tradition that is obtruded without the fcripturc. Some playnely pronounce, that not <-j"^lbn
toknowe the fcriptures, is not to knoweChrifte. Wherefore let mencxtolloutthc Churche pracliies as w.|t"o

nyghly as they can,

and let them fet out their traditions and cuftomcs,their decisions in fynodes and coun- g^
layles, with
vaunting the prefenceofthc holy ghoft among them really.asfomedothaffirnieitin their wri- ^
S)lctthcirgroundcsand their demonstrations, theirfoundations be as Stable and as Strong as they Mate
* ii tlic»»
J he Preface.
them out : Yet'wyll
: we be bolde to (ay with Saint Peter, Hthim* »« ftmhrm icmenm pryhthmn. VVe
haue for
:>re ftable °rounde,the prophcticall wordes (of the Scriptures; and doubt not to be commended
therefore of the fame Saint Peter with thefe wordes Cm dum ttttnditii rm Imtnt tppamti i» obfeun /«», nfhfiihls Atntt

ikiiUmtfctt,»t. VVherevnto whylcycdoattende as to alight (Lining in a darke place,yc do well vn-

faith he,

till the day li°ht appearand till the

bright ftarre do arifc into our heat tcs.For this we know,that al thepro-
pheticall Scripture ftandeth not in any priuate interpretation
of vayne names, of feucrall Churches, of ca-
tholiqucand vniuerfall feas.of fingulci and wylfull heades,whichc wyll chalenge by cuftome all decifion to
pertaync to them only,who be working fo muchc for their vayne fuperioritie,that they be not afhamed now
to be of that number, Qm Jixtmnt lingium ntftrtm mtgnifiitlimus^
IMt nt/ha * mUifm^cuiiiufttr dtminui t/l V Vhiche hauc
ought to fpcake, who is lordc oucr vs. And whyle
fay d, with our tongue wyll we preuavle, we are they

they Shall thuscontende for their ftraunge daymed audthoritic, we will proceedcin the reformation begun,
and doubt no more by the hclpe of Chrifte his grace,of the true vnitie to Chriftcs catholique Churchc,and
Concilium of the vprightnclfe of our fayth in this prouince, then the fpaniShe cleargic once gathered together in coun- ft- faile(onIy by the commaundement of their king,before whiche tymc the Pope was not fo acknowledgedin
his auftthoritic which he now claymeth) I fay as furely dare we truSr,as they
cuadum. dyd truft of their fayth and vni-
tie. Yea no lefTc cofidence haue we to profcfle that,which the fathers of the vniuerfall counfaile at Carthage
in Affrike as they wryte them felfe did profeflc in their epiftle writte to Pope Cdeftine,laying before his face,
the foule corruption of him felfe(as two other of his prcdiceffours did the like errour)in falfifiyng the canons
of Niccn counfayle,for his wrong chalenge of his newe daymed audhoritie : Thus wry tyng. Truimtifimt mm
in/Hpinutiu prmidtruHt (Njenmt African* dicnH^uecmqueneittid in fiat letii (yh trufmt") fimmAtjottlmuuijid pramntie itttitmftK-
tijfhitus itjwt»rtm,ijiu (Cjniltm Cirifii fiuttfotitm et(nuimut tm/lmtijlimt tmtttur.mtxime, f«M tniemque cimuflun ejt,fiiu-
That(thc Nicen and Affrican decrees)hauc
iith tfcnfwfittrit ni«Uonm,i4<">iiU'/«<epnuhK'^,Mlttitm *nim/*lt frmctn.
tjioft prudently and mftly prouided for all manerofmattcrs to be ended in their teritories where they had
their beginning, and they truftcd that not to any one prouince fhoulde want the grace of the holy ghoft,
wherby both the truth or equitie might prudently be feenc ofthc chriftian prelates of Chrifte,and might be
alfo by them molt conftantly defended, Ipecially for that it is grauntcd to euery man (if he be grecued) by
theiudgementofthecaufconccknowcn,toappealetothe counfayles of hisowneprouioce,orelsto the
vniucr (all. Except there be any man,which may beleue that our Lordc God would inSpire the rightcoufncflc
ofexamination,ro any one lingular pcrfon,and to denic the fame to pricftcs gathered together into coun-
faile without number.&c. And there they do require the bifhep of Rome to fend none of his clarkes to exe-
cute fuch prouinciall caufes, left els fay they, mought be brought in the vayne pride of the worlde into the
Churchc of Chrifte. In this antiquitie may we in this chriftian catholique Church of Englande, repofe out
lclfc,knowyng by our ownc annales of auncient recorde, that kyng Lucius whofe confeience was muchc
touched with the miracleswhichctheferuauntesofChrifte wrought in diucrs nations, thervpon beyngin
great louc with the true fayth, fent vnto Eleutherius then byfliop of Rome,rcquiring of hym the chriftiaa
Inter leges religion.But Eleutherius did redyly geuc ouer that care to king Lucius in his epiftle, for that the king as he
Edwardi. wryteth, the vicar of God in his ownekingdome, and for that he had receauedthefaith of Chrifte: And for
that he had alfo both teStamentcs in his rcalme, hewyllcd him todraweoutofthemby thegraceofGod,
and by the counfaile of his wifemen, his lawes, and by that lawe of God to gouerne his realme of Britanie,
and not fo muchc to defire the Romanc and Emperours lawes, in the which fome default might be founde
fo^hhe^utin the lawes of God nothing atall.VVith which aunfwere the kingcslcgates,Eluanus and Med-
w ' nus ^ent as meflengers by the king to the Popc,returncd to Britanie agaync , Eluanus beyng made a by-
ccdie, in vi-
fhop,and Medwine alowed a publiquc teacher: who for the eloquence and knowledge they had in the holy
ta archie- fcriptures, they rcpayred home agaync to kyng Lucius,and by their holy prcachinges,Lucius and the noble
pifcopidu- men of the whole Britanie receauea their baptifmc.&c.Thus farrc in the ftorie.Nowe therfore knowing and
bntii Sc m bdeuing with Saint Paul, QMjfuicmjuefr(firipufwt^ncfrdmiicllriru!Kpn/<ripufml,T>lpirpdcitwtldm tf icnfclatimm jtrif-
I.capgrau*. twtrm Jftmtaktmm: VVhatfoeucr
is afore writte,is written before for our inftrudion,thatwc through thepa-
flom xv. cience and comfort of fcirptures might hauc hope, the only furetic to our fayth and comfcience, is to fticke
3nB pc: map
u wmictljat to the fcripturcs. VVhercvpon whyle this ctcrnall worde of God be our rockc and anker to fticke vnto, wc
TO. of iJl?air= will haue paciencc with all the vayne inuentions of men, who labour fo highly
bmctojitctl), to magnific their tongu,cs,to
tlial p :ld3Q = exalt them felues abouc al that is God.VVc wil take comfort by the holy fcriptures
againft themaledidions
mis mS Dc- of the aduerfanes,and doubt not to nourifhe our hope continually therewith/o
nraianng to hue and dye in rhis cora-
rts CM»w
Ct ™ nM " ho c > and d °ubt not to pcrtayne to the eleel number of Chriftes
P Churche, howe farre foeuer we be
touraitomT excommunicated out of the finagogueoffuche who fuppofe them felues to be the vniuerfall lordes of all
tlitfe iMmtB the world, Lordes of our fayth and confciences,at plcafurc. Finally to commend
nm to the der the caufe in part further vnto thee good rea-
pjcac^mgot beforeintreated,itfhalbc the leirenccdefull, hauingfo nyc folowing that learned pre-
tqc ODoffJCll. face, whiche fometime was fet out by the diligence of that godly father
xol)Ui)Ctea* Thomas Cranrner,late byfliop in the
nruct rstm: fcaofCanterbune,whichchc caufed to be prefixed before the translation of that Byble that was then
guiQics in ktout. And for that the copies thereof be fo wafted, that very many Churches
13?it«ni«,(rB do want their conuenient
Isybles, it was thought good to fome well difpofed
ramaii)ia \jia
men,to recbgnife the fame Byble againe into this fourme
as itisnowe come out, with fome further
iimc,ajito£>. diligence in the printing, and with fome more light added,
Suftcn tlic partly in the translation, and partly in the order
of the text, not as condemning the foimer translation,
Canter, tijep
whiche was folowed moftlv of any other translation, excepting the originall
text from whiche as litle va-
moscnlpa; riance was made as was thought meeteto fuch as tokepaynes therin.-defirfne
uoatljt. thee good readerif ought be
efcaped, cythcr by fuch as had the expending
of the bookes,or by theoucrfigfit ofthc printcr,to (

fame in the fpinte of charitie,calhng to remembrauncc

what diuerfitic hath ben feenc in mens iuc
in thetranflation of thefe bookes before thefe
dayes, though all dircclcd their labours to the glory- of God,
to thced.ficat.onoftheChurche,tothccomfortoftheirchriflianbrcthren,andalwavesas
God dyd further
open vnto thcm,fo cuer more defirous they were torefourme their
former humaine oucrfightes,rathcr then
in a ftubbornc wylfulneffc to refiil the gyft
ofthc holy gh Q ft>ho from tymc to tymc is refident as that hea-
The Preface.
ucnly teacher and leader into all trueth,by whofe direction the Churche is ruled and goucrncd. And let all
men remember in them felfc howeerrour and ignoraunce is created with our nature: let frayle man confeflc
With that great wyfe man, that the cogitations andinucntions ofmortallmen be very wcakc^nd ouropini- |*
clort -

p JX "
ons fone deceaucd: For the body fo fubieft to corruptio doth oppreflc the foulc,that it can not afpire fo hy e

as of dutie it ought. Men we be all,

and that which we know,is not the thoufand parr of that we knowc not.
Whereupon faith faint Auften,otherwyfe to iudge then the truth is,this temptation ryfeth of the frailtie of i-. . - .

man- Amanfotbloucandfticke tohisowneiudgement,ortoenuiehisbrothers,tothcperillofdi(Toluing c£,n°

the chriftian communion,or to theperillof fchifmejandofhcrcfiejthisisdiabolicallprefumption.butfoto
iudge in euery matter as the truth is, this belongeth onely to the angelicall perfection. Notwithftanding
good reader, thou rriayft be well allured nothing to be done in this tranflation ey ther of malice or wylfull
meaning in altering the text, eyther by putting more or lefte to the fame, as of purpofe to bryhg in any pri-
uateiudgerrient by fabrication of the wordcs,as fome certaine men hath ben ouer boldc fo to do,Iitle regar-
ding rhe maicftie of God his fcripture: but fo to make it ferue to theircorrupt error,as in alleaging the fen-
tertce of faint Paule to the Romaines the .6. one certaine wrytcr to
proue his fatiffaction, was bold to turne
mttt mtmht ruflttftriut* immutdititet inieai-
the v/OldofStiitifitithritm into the word of Sjtiffa8imtm,'Th\lS.SieHtHtliihimiu
That is,as we hauegeuen our members
U*dini^uiMtmJudeintt(ufbihammmmbran$/lriirirmrtiu/litUin/4ii/f4itiiintm. it .
to vncleanneffe.fromlniquitie to iniquitieteucn fo from hencefoorth let vsgeueout members to fcrucrigh-
tcoufnefle into fatiflfaction: where the true worde,is into fanclification.Euen fb likewife for the aduauntage catholic* fi-
of his caufe,to proue that men may hauc in their prayer fayth vpon iaintes, corruptly alleageth Saint Paules di de Sa«6
text My t//rw««»,ThuS.F«fa» f««» babes in dmim le/k (r in tmmi/inFlii,\ew'mg out the wordc CW<7<i/*m,which would penitent!*.
haue rightly ben diftributed vrito Omnes/infloi. Aifidm vnto « itmbu Ufa. Where the text h^/fuditm ebiritatmtam w<m Hofi-
trfiim fium bdlts in domim Ufa &in omnci /*,tto<.(rc It were to long to bryng in many examples, as may be openly
usdc s P c -&
founde in fome mens wryrynges in thefe dayes,who would be counted the chiefepillcrs of the Catholiquc
fayth,or to note how corruptly they of purpofe abufe the text to the comoditic of their caufe.What maner
of tranflation may men thinke to lookc for at their handes.if they fhould tranflatc the fcriptures to the com-
fort of Gods eledt,whiche they neuerdid,nor be not like to purpofe it, but
be rather ftudious only to feekc
quarrelsin other mcnswelldoynges,topicke fault where none is: And where any is efcaped through hu-
maincncgligence,theretocryc outwith their tragicallcxclamations,but in no wyfe to amende by the fpi-
rite of charitic and lenitie,that whiche might be more
aprly fet. Whervpon for frayle man (compaffed hym
fclfewithinfirmitie)itismoft reafonable not to be to feuerein condemning his brorhers knowledge or dili-
gence where he doth erre, not of malice, but of fimplicitie, andfpecially inhandelingof thefe fo deuinc
bookes fo profounde in fenfe, fo farre palling our naturall vnderftanding. And with charitie it ftandcth, the
reader not to be offended with the diuerfitie of tranflatours,nor with the ambiguitie of tranflations : Foras
Saint Auftcn doth witnefTe,by Gods proiiidence it is broughrabout,that the holy fcriptures whiche bethc DeJoftr.
faluesforeucrymans fore,though at the firft they camefrom one language, and thereby might haue ben
chrifh. Lfc.*'

fpread to the whole worlde: noweby diuerfitie ofmanye languages, the tranflatours fhoulde fpreade *?*.
the faluation (that is contayned in them) to all nations, by fuche wordes of vtteraunce, as rhe reader
might perceaue the minde of the tranflatour, and focortfcqucntlyto come to the knowledge of God his
wyll andpleafure. And though many raflie readers be deceaued in the obfeurities and ambiguities of
theirtranflationsjwhylethey.takconethingforanother, andwhylethcy vfe muche labour to extricate
them felues out ofthe obfeurities of the fame: yctl thinke (faith he) this is not wrought without the
prouidcnccofGod,bothtotamctheproudearrogancieofmanbyhisfuchelabour of iearching, asalfoto
kepc his mindc from lothfomnefle and contempt, where if rhe fcriptutes vniuerfally were to cafie, he
wouldelefferegardethem. And though (faith he) in the primatiue Churche the late interpreters whiche
did tranflatc the fcriptures, be innumerable, yet wrought this rather an helpe, then an impediment to
the readers,ifthey be not to negligent. For faith he, diuerstranflarionshauc made many tymes the harder
and darker fentenecs, the more open and playne : So that of congruence, no offence can luftly be taken
for this newe labour, nothing preiudicing any other mans iudgcmenr by this doyng, nor yet hereby pro-
that which
felfing this to be abfolute atranflation,as that hereafter might folowe no other that might fee
asyetwasnotvnderftanded. In thispoyntitisconuenienttoconfiderthe iudgement that Iohn, once by- Artira!ar>
fliop of Rocheffcr was in,who thus wrote It is not vnknowen,but that many thinges hath ben more dili- <6tra.LuuV

gently difcuffed, and more clearely vnderftanded by the wittes of thefe latter dayes, afwell concerning the
gofpels as other fcriptures,then in olde tymc they were. The caufe whereof is (faith he) for that to the oldc-
men the yfe was not broken,or for that their age was not fufficient exquifitely to expende the whole mavne
fca ofthe this large field ofthe fcripturcs,a ma may gather fome
eares vntouched
fcriptures,or els for that in
afterthe harueft men.howe diligent foeuer they were. For there be yet (faith he) in the gofpels very man*
darke places, whichewithout all doubt to the pofteritie flialbe made much; more open. For why ihould we
difpayre herein, feine the gofpcll (wryteth he) was deliucred to this intent.that it might be vtterly vndcr-
ftanded of vs,yea to flic very inche. Wherforc,forafmuche as Chrifte flieweth no lefle loue ro his Churche
now,then hitherto he hath done, the auflhoritie wherof is as yet no whit dimwifhed, and rorafai ucn as that
boly fpirite the perpctuall keper and gardian of the fame Church, whofe gy ftes and graces do flowcas conti-
nually and as aboundantly as from the deginnins : who can doubt, but that fuch thinges as remaync yet vn- I
knowen in the gofpell,fhalbe hereafter made open to the latter wittes of our pofteritie, to their cleare vn-

octonary pfalme of Dauid,
ucnly father, by the mediation
of our Lorde and fauiour,with the wordes ofthe
who did fo importunatly craue of God to haue the vnderftanding of his lawes and teftament Let vs num- :

%c oa our knees pray to almightic God,with that wyfe kyng Solomon in his very wordes, faying thus.
The Preface.
Sapiix. God of my fathers, and Lorde of mercies (thou that haft made
all thynges with thy worde, and didft ordayne man through thy

wifdome, that he flioulde haue dominion ouer thy creatures

which thou haft made, and that he fhoulde order the worldc ac-
cording to holinefle and righteoufnefle,and that he fhoulde exe-
cute iudgementwithatrue hcart_) geue me wifdome whiche is
euer about thy feate, and put me not out from among thy chyldren : For I thy
feruauntandfonneofthyhandmayden am a feeble perfon,ofa(horttime,andto
weaketothevnderftandingofthy iudgementes and lawes. And though a
man be neuerfopcrfeel among the children of men, yet if thy wifdome
be not with him,he malbe of no value. O
fende her out therforc
from thy holy heauens,and from the throne ofthy maieftie,
that me may be with mc,and labour with me,thac
I may knowe what is acceptable in thy
fight : for (he knoweth and vnder-
ftandeth all thinges ,and fhe
ftiall leade me foberly
in my workes,
ferue me in her power.So my workes be
acceptable by Chrifte our Lorde, To
whom with the father and the
holy ghoft,be all honour
and glorie, worldc
without endc.
The prologue.

S*>Ap ro loigueorprerace
:fa maadeb y
J"bomas(fdnmert latejircht>iJbopof

^Dnccrnpng two funwp totfesof people, tttecmeth

mucb neceffarte tbat tome tbpngbefapoe intbeentrit
of tbis boolie bp tlie wap of a preface oj piologuc, wijer.
bp bereafttr it ma? be botb tbe better accepteo of tbem
Wbicb bitberto couioe not well beare ft, ana alto tbe
better bfeb of tbem tDtjtcfj beretofote baue mifufeb ft.
f oj truelp tome tbere are tbat be to flo we anb ncebe tbe
f purrctome otber feme to qutc6e,anO neeoc mo>c of tbe
bipDlc : fome loft t bci r game bp Qro 2 1 Ibotpng, fome bp

ouetfbotpng, fome walHetomucbontbeleftbanbe,

fome to mucb on ttic r vgbt 'In tbe former fo:t be ali

ttiep t bat ref tife to reaoe, 0; to beare rebbe tbe fcrtpture

tn tbe bulgar tongue, mucb Wo;fe tbcp t bat alto let o?
bifcourage tbe otber from tbe reaOpng 0? bear png tbet.
of. %\\ tbe latter fa; t be tbe? wbtcb bp t beir inoibinate
reabpng,bnbifcrcte fpeaapng, contentious bifputpng,
ojtotberwife bptbetr licentious Ipupng, flaunocr ano
bpnber tbe wojbe of <£>ob mod of all otber, Wberof tbe?
wouloe feeme to be greateQ furtberers. &bcfe two
totfSMHwttbepbemottfarre bnlp&e tf)c one to tbe
otber, ?et tbe? botb beftrue m effect lpfee repjocbe.

$ettber can 3K>ell tell wbetber of tbem'lmapiuoge


Non in folo pane viuit homo, lea in omni veroo aei. s^au wan nui \\\*\, v\; u«au wuir> whv Math.riii.a.
It i0 fOODC :

bt> euerp WOlbe Of (BOb. ^t iS Eire:

Ignem veni mittere in tertam,& quid volo nifi vt ardeat:' 3 am COme to Luk join.
it be binbleb:' 9 wouloe maruaple fj fap at tbts)
ferine fire on tbe cartb,an'a wijat is mp befire but tbat
if tbere were a people as tome w.'tte,
faue tbat 1 confioer bow mucb cuttome & bfage map bo. £>o tbat
deCymcriis,tobicb ncucrfawe tbe funne, bpreaton tbat tbtpbefituatebfarte towarbe tbegutb
tt is crcbible anb Ipbe mougb, tbat pf
pole, anb be inclofcb ano ouerfbaooweb witb bpe mountapnes :
bp tbe power anb wpll of ©00. tbe mountapnes fboulbe unite bowne ano geue place, tbattbelpgbt of
Woulbe be offenoeb tber wttb. 3n»
tbe funne mpabt baue cntraunce to tbem. at tbe firtt tome of tbem
founoe, man? beltteb mo?e to feebe of
tbe olbe pjouerbc affirmetb, tbat after tillage of come was fftft
tycab maoe of goob come «3'jcb \$
matt anb acomes wbcrwttb tbep bab ben accuftomeb, tben to eate
tbe nature of cuttome, tbat it cautetb bs to beare al tbmges well
ano eafplp wberwitrj we baue ben ac
can well tbtnfic tbem
tuuomeb.ana to be offenbeb witb all tbpnges tberbnto contrarp. 3nb tbcrfoie J
woitbp parbon, wiiicb at tbe commpng abjobe of fcrtpture boubteo ano tuewe bac&e.
But fucb as Wpll
cerfitt ttpll in tbeir wilfulnclle .9 mutt neebes iubge not onlp
fooliChcfrowarbranO obttmate v but alto
peeutttje, peruerfe, anb tnburate. anb pet,if tbe matter tboulbe
be trpcb bp cuftomc, we rapgbt alto to
aleage ciittome fo?tbe reabpng of tbe fcrtpture in tbe bulgar tongue,
anopefcrtbe tfie mo;e auncrerrt
tuftolne. jfoj it is not muebe aboue one htmbjebfere ago, ftnee
be reab tbebulgart tongue Witbin this realme, anb r.anp
teb anb reb in tbe fearones tongue,wb»cb at tbat time was our motber
tongue, wberof tbere rcmame
WWwwiiSiJflKWtnofbe abbates, of fucbe antique maner of tutting ana fpeamng.
hat fewemen now benVtMz u mm
anb bnocr^Ianb tbem. Snowbentbis language warebooe
baplpfounou Bat notoeto ict
tbe newer language, wbereof pet altomanpcoppesreraapneanbbe
patfe cuttome, anb to wap as wtfe men euer ttjoulbe, tbe tbpng tn bts tone
natur fejwjmjttoft :

mat it auapletb fcrtpture to be baa ano rebbe of tbe lap anb bulgar peop
tenbeberetofapnotbpng: but tbat wasfpoaen anb w;tttcn
biuine, tointaobn Cb/ottome in bi2 tbirb fermon de^
fiattjer tbe matter into fewer Wojbes anb leffe rome tben be botb
tbere, b rauft 1 woulj

ous.^eerbojtctbtbere bis auoience, tbat etierp manlbouioereaoc^btmfrtft

bapesano time,betwecnefermonanofermon, to tbe '"tra'WWW^
t ^
ftome. ^

tbeir minoesanomemonestbat be bab fatbe before Pponfucfcitertctf.

cbcb-.anbaltotbattbepmigbt baue tbeir mtnoes tbe mo?e reote anb
w wcpaj» tojjcejje ana

pcrccauetbatWbtcbbelboulb fapftom tbcncefoonb inlnsfermon^

pet bcclareb anb p/cacbeb bpon,tberfo;e faitb De tbere:
J>bat matter 9 entenbe after toentreate bpon, tbat pou pour
boofic in banbircabe,wape,anb perccaue tbe fumme anb effect of tbe
comon bfage w"«'S
fclues -wntbc
^ «^;
'K g
a n
^ n

neciareb ana wbat rematnetb pet to be oeclareo, to tbat tberebf pour rouw map
be tbe

^ heart tbe rett tbat Jbalbe faioe. jfna

n :

The prologue.
3na that 31 erbo;t pou(faitb be)ana cucr baue 9 toil crho;t pou.that pou(not only bere in the cburcbe)
gene care to that that is fapa bp the p;cachcr: but that alfo when pe be at borne in jour houres,pe apuip
your fclurs from tpme to tpme to the reaapng of holp fcriptures: which tbpng alfo 3j neuer lin to beatc
into the caress of them that be mp familters, ana With whom 31 baue p;tuate acquaf ntaunce anb con*
uerfation. I er no man mafic crcttfe ana far faith he) 31 am btifica about matter? of the common

wcauh,3: bearc tints ofncc,o; that, ? am a crafted man, 3, mutt applie mine occupation, 3j baue a wpfe,

mpchtiazcii mutt be fca. mp boutftoiae mud 1 p;outae fo; iPzicflrH am a man of the wo;iae, it is not

f of me to reaae the fcripture 3. that briongcth to them that baue biaacn the wo;lbe farwcii , which
ipuc in roittanncdc ana contemplation, ana haue ben b;ought tip ana continually nofillea in Iear«
up ng ana religion. Co tins aunf wcrpng: nr bat fayed thou man (faith he) is it not fo: thee to Quay an*
to reaae the fcripture, becaufe thou art cncumbiea ana Bidract with cares ana butinettti £>o much
the mo;e it is behoucfuli fo; thee to haue aefence of fcriptures, bowe much thou art the mo;e OiQrc Oca
an woiioip baungers. Cbep that be free ana farre from trouble ana entermeaipng of wo.:iaip tbpnges,
Ipue in fafegarae ana tranquilttte, ana in the calme, 0; within a fure bauen. Cbou art in the miaaeft
of the fea of woziaip wicficancne, ana thcrfb:e thou necaeft the mo;e of gijodp fuccour ana comf o;t
Cbepfit Carre from the drofies of battaple, ana farre out of gunnc fljootc, ana tberfo;e thepbebut
fclDome wounBea.cboutbatdanaed in the forefront of the iwatt, ananped to thine enemies, mud
neeaestabe nowcana then manp drofies, ana be greeuouflp wounaeB, ana tbcrfo;c thou bad mod
neeae to baue tbpremeaics ana meaicines at hanae. chp topfe p;ouofietb thee to anger, thp cbpiae
gcuctb tbceoccafion to ta6cfo;owcanapcnfiucnr(Tc, thine enemies Ipe in wapte fo; thee, tbpfricnae
<as thou tafied hpm) foraetpme enuietb thee, thp nepghbour mifrepo;tetb thee 0; picfietb quareis
agapnft thee, thp mate 0; partener bnaetminetb thee, thp io:ae, iuage, 0; iudice, tiucatnctii thee,
poucrtie is papnefull tn to thee, the lode of thp Deare ana welbeloueb caufctu thee to mourne, p;ofpc«
ritie e vaitcth t hccaaucrfitic bungeth thee lowe : #;icf ip,fo aiuers ana fo manifoiae occafions of cares,
tribulations, ana temptations, befet thee ana befiege thee rounae about, npiicrc cand thou haue
armour 0; fojtredeagapnd thine adaultcs^ n&here cand thou hauefalues f 02 tup roicp. but of boip
fcripture? Cbpfledje mud necBes begone ana fubiect to fledjlp ludes, Which aaplp walficd ana arc
eonuerfaunt among women, feed their beauties fet foo;th to the epe, beared their nice ana Wanton
wo?aes, fmelled their baulme, ciuet, anojnuffie, With manp other Ipfie p;ouocations ana dirringes:
crcept thou had in a reaf neffe wberwith to fupp;efle ana auopae them, Which can not elswbere be hao,
ljut onlp out of the boip fcriptures. let bs reaae ana fefie all remeaics tbat we can, ana all Gialbe litle
inough. $owe tball we then Do, pf we fuffer ana tafie aaplp wounaes, ana When we haue bone, wpll
fltdptl anBfearchefo;no meaicmesf ©oed thou not marfie ana confiaer bowe the trntth, mafon, 0?
carpentcr,o; anp other hanap craftefman, what neeae focuer be be in, what other djift fo euer he mafie,
$e wpll not fell no? lap to pleage the tooles of his occupation: fo? then bowe djouiae he wo;fie his feate,
c; get his Ipupng therbp i €>f Ipfie mpnae ana affection ought we to be towaraes holp fcripture. 01 as
mallets, hammers, fawes, cbefils, ares, ana hatchets, be the tooles of their occupation: ^0 be the
Soofies of the pjopbetes, ana Ipodles,ana all holp waters infpirea bp the help gbod,tbe indrumentes
of our faluatton. OBberfoje let bs not Stcfte to bpe ana pjouiae bs the jBpble.that is to lap,tbe boobes of
%olp fcripture : ana let bs thinfie that to be a better iewell in our bpufe then either goiae oi filuer. fOf
Ipbeas thceuesbe loth to affault an houfe where thep bnowe to be gooa armour ana artillerie: fo
Wherfoeucr thefe holp ana gbodlp boobes be occupiea, there neitber the aeupll no; none of his angels
bare come ncare. ana thep that occupp them be in much fafegarae,ana baue a great confolation,ana be
the rcaier bnto all gooantffcthe flower bnto all eupll : ana pf thep haue aone anp thpug amide, anone
tuenbp the fpghtoftheboobes their confeiences be aamonifbea, ana thep ware fojp ana afbamed of
the fact, j&eraauenture thep wpll lap bnto me : bowe ana pf We bnaerdanae not that we reaae, that is
tontepnea in the boofics^n&hat then: feuppofe thou bnaerdanae not the aeepe ana pjofounae miderics

of fcriptures, pet can it not be but that much fruite ana bolfnede mud come ana growc bnto thee bp
the reaapng : fo; it can not be that thou djouiaed be ignojaunt in all thpnges alpfie. <ff 0; the holp abott
Ijath fo ojaerea ana attempt the fcriptures,that in them atwell publicanes,filbers,ana
anapfpnac their eaification, as great aoctours trjetr eruaitton. <Jfo;thofe boofies Were not maaeto
tapne glo?ie, Ipfie as Were the Wjitpngcs of the gentile £bilofopl)ers ana iSetho;itians, to the intent
the maficrsdjouiae be haamaamtration fo; their bpedples anaobfeure maner ana w;itpng, wberof
nothpng can be bnaerdanaea without a matder 0; an erpofttour : »ut the Spodles p;ophetes W;ote
their boobes to, that their fpcciall intent ana purpofempgbt be bnaerdanaea ana
pcrceaueb of euerp
teaaer, Whiche was notbpng but the eaification of amenaement of
the Ipfe of them that reaae 0;
tjeare it. nebo is it that reaapng 0; hearpng reaa in the ©ofpell, Bicflbd arc they that be meekc,
arc they that be mcrcifulljBlcflcd arc they that be of clcane
heart,ana fUCh Other Ipfie placeS.Can perccaUe
nothpng ercept he haue a maider to teachc hpm What it meanethf Hifiewpfe the ftgncs 9 miracles With
all other bidoucs of the aopnges of ch;ide
0; his apodles, Who i» there of fo Ample Wit 9 capacitie,
tot be map be able to perceaue ana bnaerdanae them? Cbefe be but ereufes ana clohes fo;
the rapne, 9
I^ pi.; Jra
8 of their owne tale nouthfulnette:
otoe fl,ou oe
J 2 •55?
fait dpll pe Wpll Cap 31 can not bnaerdanae it. t©bat mar.
tontoGairtKSPf thou wplt not reaae,no; lofie bpon itf cafie the boofies into

^s, reaae the Whole do;p, ana that thou bnaerdanaed, bepeitwellinmemo;ie: that thou
u JBajnwnb agapne : pf thou can neither fo come bp ft, counfaplc with fomc
6 ,ea n ®° t0 thl? <uwte « P?tacber,d)ewe thp felt to be acfirous to finow 9 learnc:
2ffiS?.X c *ubu I w
?°? ^^" 8 t^, Drt, 8tnce an° reaaintde (if no man els teacbe triee) Wpll hpm lelfe
fcouebfafe With his £
» L.!L l
Bolpfptnte to illuminate tbee,a to openbnto thee that
Wbicfc was locfiea fro thee.
The prologue.
Kemember tbe Eunuch of Candle HQucene of Ethiopia, tnijtcf) albeit betoas a man of atoviaeana
barbarous countrep, anD one occuptea toitb toojialp cares ana bufinetie, pet vpBpntt in his charret be
ttas$ reaDpng the fcripture.
#otoc confiDer,pftbt0manpaupng bibistourncptoa^foatitacntaato
reaDe tbe fcripture: tobat tbpnfec!* tbou of Ipfte toas De toont to Do ftttpng at borne: Mavm

be that
Jettetb not to reabcalbeit be Dpa not bnaerftanae: tobat Dpa be then ttotoeft thou after that toben he
iwa lenrneB anD gotten bnacrftanapngf f 01 that tbou mapeft toel Snotoe that be bnacrCooae not tobat
fee reDDe:bearften
tobat pbtlip tbere faitb bnto bpm.GmDerllanBca tbou tobat tijou rcaa»a J ana be no.
tbpng aftamea to confcffe b»3 ignojaunce, aunftocreD : ©otoeQjouiaei bnaerftanae baupnanoboDp

to ffietce me tbe toap: Jlo.tobcn be lacfeeD one to Gjetoe bpm the toap,anD to erpounse to bvm the Cam. DpB tje reaDe : ana tberfoje ©oa tbe rather pjouteeD fo; bpm a guiae of the toap that taut^t
fcpra to bnberttanae it. (Bob perceauea bts topllpng ana totnarbe mpnae, ana tberfoze be fcnt bpm a
teacher bp 9 bp.fcberfo;e let no man be negligent about bis otone healtb ana faluation: «cbouob tbou
haue not 1&btltP altoapes toben thou toouiaeft, tbe bolp gbolt totncb tben mouea ana ttirrto top ©fttu'p,
tppU be rebp ana not faple tbee pf tbou ao tbp Diligence accojapnglp. an tbefe tbpnges be toJitten bnto
bjj fo; our eDification ana amenaement, tobicb be bozne totoaracs nje latter cnae of the toojtoe. Che
reaDpng of tbe fcriptures tea great ana ttrong bultoar&e 0.2 fojtrcffe agapnff finneitbeignoiaunccof
tbe tame, 61 a greater ruine ana aeftruction of tbem that topll not bnotoe it. cbat is the tbpna that
bjpngetb in berifie,tbat it it that caufetb all conupt ana perucrfe Ipupng , that is it that bipngttb all
tbpngejjoutofgooaoiaer. j^itbcrtoall tbat 91baue fapDe.HbauetaftenanagathcrcBoutoftbetoje.
fapae fetmon of tbts bolp Dortour faint lobn Cbnfoftome : ftotoe pf 1 ftouiae in Ipbe maner bipng
foojtij tobat tbe felfe fame Doctour f peaUctb in otber places, ana tobat otber Boctours ana toiiters tap
conccrnpug tbe fame purpofe, g mpgbt feeme to pou to toute anotljer J6pblc, rather then to mafee a
preface to the lepble. osfjerfoie in fetoe too;Bes to compjcbenae tbe largeneife ana totilitie of tbe fcrip.
turcbotoe itcontapnetb fruttfullinttructton ana eruDition fo? eucrpman,pf anp tbpng be ncceffarpto
be learncD, of tbe bolp fcripture toe map learne it. gif falftooa fftalbe repiouca, therof toe map gather
tobertoitball. %f anp tbpng be tobecoirecteDanaamenaea, pf there neeac anp erboitationoucnfola*
tton,of tbe fcripture toe map tocll learne, 3jn tbe fcriptures be tbe fat pailures of the foule, therin is no
tocnimous mc bnboltome tbpn&tijep be the berp aaintie ana pure feeapng. $c tbat is ignojaunt,
fball fpnae tbere tobat be (bouiae learne. lie tbat is a pcruerfe finucr.ftall trjere fpnae ins Dampnation
to mafte bpm to tremble Co; fearc. l^e tbat iabouretb to fcrue ©oa.fball fpnae there bis glow, ana tbe
pjomifuons of eternall Ipfcerboitpng bpm moie Diligentlp to labour, gcretn map pjintes learne botoe
togoucrnethnr fulucctcs: ^ubtcctcs obeaience,loue,ano Dieeaeto tiicir puncesr ©ufbauaca heme
thep (bouiae bchauc tbem bnto their toiues , botoe to eDucate their cluiuicn ana feruauntes: 3. tia con<
trarpthetoiues,cbilo;en, anDfcruauntes,mapfinotoe their autttr to their hufbanacs, parcntes, and
niaitiers. l^erc map all maner of pcrfons, men, toomen, poung, olDe, learncD, bniearncD, nebe, pooie,
pjteHes.lap men,lojDes,laapes,offtccrs,tenauntes,anD meane men,birgins,toiues,toiDaotoes,latopars,
marcbauntes.artiftcers, bufbanamen,ana all maner of pcrfons of tobat cftate 0; conaition foeuer tbep
be,map in tbus booBe learne all tbtnges tobat tbep ougbt to beleuc, tobat tbep ougbt to Do,? tobat tbep
ftoulo not Do, at acll concernpng almigbtie (KoD,as alfo concempng them fclues ana all otber. 2S;ief!p,
to tbe reaapng of tbe fcripture none can be enemie,but tbat citber be fo ficfie tbat tbep louc not to beare S^"*
of anp mcaicinc, 02 els tbat be fo ignoiaunt tbat tbep bnotoe not fcripture to be the mod ncaltbf ull
meDicine. cberfo.:c as 1 uchpn g this fomter part, % topll beare concluae, ana tsfoz it as a conclufion:
fuSicientlp aetermineD 9 appointed tbat it is conuenient ana gooa tbe fcripturcs to be rcaae of al fo: tes
anoftpnaes of people, ana in tbe bulgar tongue, toithout further allegations 0; probations fo; tbe
fame,tob<cb (ball not neeDe,fince tbat tbfe one place of 3obn cb;ifoflome is inougb anD fufficient to
pert roaDe all tbem tbat be not f rotoarDlp 9 per uerflp fet tit their otone toplfull opinion.fpeciallp notoe^^h l^
tbat the binges bigbneffe being fupieme beaa nert bnaer €b;tiic of this cburcbe of englanae.batb ap« fg™%
piouea toitb btis topal affent t\)z fetting foojtb bereof tobicb onlp to all true 9 obeatent fubtectes ought mtcddnj &»

to be a fufficient reafon fo; tbe alotoaunce of the fame,toitbout further Delap,reclamation,o.; refidauce, *»•
altbougb tbere toere no preface no; otber reafon beretn erpicaea.Cberfoje notoe to come to the feconDe
ana latter part of mp purpofe:bere is notbpng fo gooa in this tooiloe,but it map be abufea,ana turnea
from bnburtfull 9 tobolfome, to burtfull ana nopfome. i©bat is tbere aboue better tii:n the funne, tbe
tttoone, ana tbe ftarresf ^et teas tbere tbat tofte occafion bp tbe great beautie anD bcrtue of «,„« w «»
DilbonourdBoa, ana to Defile tbem felues toitb iDolatrie, gcupng tbebonour of tbe Ipupng ©oa ana JJj?'
weatourof all tbpnges, to fucb tbpnges as be baDcreatea. nsbat is there here beneath better then

Rte.toater, meates, D;pnbes, metals of goiae, filuer, iron,ana tteelc^ get toe fee Daplp great barme ana
mucb mifebicfe Done bp euerp one of tbcfe, aftoell Co; lacftc of toifoome 9 pjotnaence of tbem tbat f"8w
eupli,asbp tbe malice of tbem tbat toojbe tbe cupU. ©bus to tbem that be eupll of tbem fclues- cucrp
tbpng fettetb f o;»arDe anD increafetb tbeit eupll, be it of b«3 otone nature a tbpng ncuer fo gooajlpfie
as contrarplp, to tbem tbat Quote ana cnaeuoure tbem felues to gooaneffc, euerp tbpng p;cuapictn
5bem,ana p;ofttetb bnto it of t)i$ otone nature a tbpng neuer fo §*. putl fapa, Hus qui Rom.v«.
oihgun t deuin.omnia cooperantur in bonum , ail tbingeS DO b;png gOOD rucceffe, to fuel) a0 00 lOUC <SoD,
euen as out of molt benimous toojmes is maae trtacle, the moil foueraignc mcOictne fo.* the pieferuatio

• .j: that pe b;pna toitb pou < <

bnotoleage tbcrof .not to bapne gloiie of friuolous Difputation : but to the honour of ©oD, encreafc of
fcwue, anD eDificationbotb tbatmptoo;Desmapbctbe
of rour felues anD other. anDtotbe intent
The prologue.
mo;e regarDeD,H topll tofe in ttue part the auctbo;ttic of faint ©regon'e Nazianzenc, lifte as in the other
9 bpb of faint gorjn cimfoftome. It appearctb that in bis tpme tljerc were fome (as 31 feare me there
he alfo notoc at ttjcfc oapes a great number) tobicb mere iblc bablers,anb talficrs of the fcripture out of
feafen anb all goob o;bcr, anb without anp tncreafe of bcrtuco; eramplc of goob Ipupng : to them be
tattetballbts'firftboofic, dethcoiogia. i©bcrfo;e 3j (ball b;tcflp gather the toljolc cttcccano rectte tc
fecre bntopou. Cbere be fome (faith be) tobofc not snip cares anb tongues, but alfo their fittcs be
tobcttcbanb rebp bent all to contention ano bnptofitable bifputation, Whom
% tooulbe toittje as
tbcp be beijement ano earned to reafon the matter truth tongue, fo thep were all rebp anb p;actiue to
bo goob mm. 38ut fojafmucb as thep fubucrtpngtbc o;bcr of all gobltnctfe, rjaue refpect onlp to this
tbpng,bowetrjcpmapbpnbcanbloofefubtilcqucBions, fo t&at nowc euerp marketplace, euerp ale.
Uoufe anb tauerne.cuerp fcatt boufc , b;ieflp euerp companp of men, euerp aflemblp of women,is fplleij
with fuch talfie : $>ince the matter is fo (faith be) anb that our faptb anb holy religion of Chnfle be.
pjpnnetbto toajre notbpng els but astt wereafopftittrico;atalfcpngcraft, gjcannoleCebobutfap
fome thpng tberbnto. §t is not fpt (faith he) fo; euerp man to bifpute the bpgbquettions of uiui*
nit!e,ncitherisittobeboncatalltpmcs,neitlierineuerpaubicnce mutt toe Difcuife euerp boubt: but
we mutt finowe when, to whom, anb bowe farre we ought to enter into fuch matters. # irtt it is not
fo? euerp man.but it ts foz fuch as be of eract anb crquifite iubgementes, anb fuch as haue fpent their
tpme before in ttubie anb contemplation, anb fuch as before haue clenfcbthemfelues afwclltniouie
as bobp,o; at the leatt enbeuourcb themfelues to be mabe cicane. tfo; it ts baungcrous (faith be) fo; the
bncleanc to touche that t nvng that i& mod cleane,lpfie as the fo.:c epe tafietb barmc bp lofipng bpon the
runne. ^cconbartlp,notat aUtpmes,but when wcbcrcpofcb, anb at nil from all out raarbc b;cgges
anb trouble, anb wticn that our heabes be not cncumbicb with other wc;lbp anb wanb;png imagina*
tions: as pf a man (boulbc mingle balme anb Dirt together. tf 0; he that (ball tubgc anb betermine fuch
matters anb boubtes of fcriptures, mutt tafie bis tpme when he map applp lus wittcs therbnto.
that he map thcrbp the better fee anb bifecrne what is tructh Chirblp. where, anb in what aubieuce.

ehcre anb among thofe that haue ben dubious to learne: 3nb not among fuch as haue pieafure to
trifle With fuch matters as truth other thpnges of pattime, which repute fo? their cbtefe belicates, the
bifputationof hpgbqucftions,to(beWe tbeir Wtttes,learnpng, anb eloquencieinreafonpng of bpglj
matters.^ ourtblp, it is to be confibcreb bowe farre to toabc in fuch matters of bifficultie. jjo further
(faith he) but as cuerp mans owne capacitie wpll rente lipm, anb agapne no further then the wcafic*
neffe 01 intelligence of the other aubience map beare. #02 Ipfie as to great nopfe burtetb the eare, to
muchmeate burtetb the mans bobp, beaup burthens hurt the bearers of them, tomucbrapne both
mo:c hurt then goob to the grounbe, bneflp in all thpnges, to much is nopous : enen fo,wcafie wittes
anb weafie confeiences map foone be opp;effeb toith oner barbe qucttions . 1 fap not this to bif toabe
incnfromthchnotolcbgcof ©cb,anbvcabpngo:ttubipngof thefcripturc: fo; "1 fap that it is asne>
ceffaric fo; the Ipfe of mans foule, as fo: the bobp to b.'catne. 3 no pf it Were pofffbie fo to imc:i tooulbe
tbinfie it goob fo; a man to fpenbe all his life in tbat,anb to bo none other tbpug.1 commenbe the lawe
which btbbcth to mebitate anb ttubie the fcriptures alwapes both npght anb bap, anb fermons 9 p;ea«
chpnges to be mabe both mo;npng, noone,anb euentpbe, anb o5ob to be laubcb anb bleffeb in all tpmes,
to beb watbefrom beb,m our tourneps,anb all our other wo;6es . 'I fo;bpb not to reabe, but 51 fo;bpb
to reafon. ^either fojbpbl to reafonfo farre as is goob anb goblp: bufjalotoe not that is bone out
of feafou, anb out of meafure anb goob o;ber. 3D man map eate to much of honp be it neuer fo ftoeete,
anb there is tpme fo; euerp thpng, anb that thpng that is goob, is not goob pf it be bngoblp bone.
€ucn as a f lotn;e in topnter is out of feafon, anb as a toomans apparell becommetb not a man, net*
tbet contrarplp, the mans the tooman, neither is toeeppng conuement at a b;ibale, neither laughpng
at a buriall.tfJowe pf toe can obferue anb fiepe that is comelp anb tpmelp in all other thpnge0:QjjU not
toe then the rather bo the tame tn the bolp fcripturesf Jlet bs not runne foo2tb as it toere toilbe i;ojfes,
that ca« fuffer neither b;iblc in their mouthes,no; fitter on their bacftes. let bs 6epe bs in our honors,
anb neither let bs go to farre on the one fibe left toe returne into 0gppt,neitber to farre oucr the other,
left me be carpeb atoap to JBabplon. let bs not fpng the f ong of our lo;be in a ftraungc lanbe,
that is
to fap, let bs not bifpute the too?bt of (Bob at all abuentures, aftoell tohere it is not to be reafoneb,as
inhere it ts , anb aftocll in the tarts of them that be not fpt tberfo;e, as of them that be. g|f toe can
in no topfe fo?bcare but that toe rauft ncebes bifpute, let bsfo;beare thus much at the leatt,fo bo it
out of tpme anb place conucnicnt : 3!nb let bs entreate of thofe thpnges tohich be holp, holplp : anb
bpon thofe thpnges that be mitticall, mtfticallp : anb not to btter the beuine mitterics in the earcs
bntDo;thptohearethem, but letbs finotoe t»hat is comelp, aftoell in our fcilence anb talfipng,
asm ourgarmentes ttiearpng,inourfcebpng, inourgefture, in our gopnges, in all our other
bebaupng. chis contention anb bebates about fcriptures anb boubtes tberof (fpcciallp tohen fuel)
asaop;etcnbetobethefauourersanbftubcntestherof cannot agree toithin them felues) both
moft hurt to our felues, anb to the furtberpng of the caute anb quarrels that toe tooulbe haue fur«
tbertb about all other thingcs.ainb toe in thiS'faf
Q be)be not bnlifie to them that being mab,fet their
otDnehoufcsonftre, anb that flap their otone cbilb;en, 0; beate their otone parentcs. Imaruaple
much (faith he) to recount toberof commeth all this befire of bapne glo;ie, toberof commeth all thtS
tonguettche, that trie haue fo much belpgbt to talfie anb clatterf anb tuberin is our communication^
^otmthecommenbattonofbertuousanbgoobbeebes, of hofpitalitte, of Iouebetvxicnech2i8ianb;o»
ther anb b;otbcr,of loue bettocne man anb topfe, of birgimtie anb chattitic, anb of
almcs totnarbe the
poo;e : j2ot pfalmes anb goblp fonges, not tn lamentpng fo; our finncs, not in rcp;cffpng the affec«
rionsof the bobp, notinp;apers to©ob. nee talfie of fenpture, but in
the meane tpme toe fubbue
The prologue.
not our fleftoe bp fattpng.toatcbpng, anb toeeppng,toe mafie not tfatg ipfc a mebitatton of oeatft, toe oo
not firiue to be Io?bes otter our appetites ano affections, toe 50 not about to pull 00 tone our pioube
ano bpgbmp noes, to abate our fumiflje anbranco.iousftomacftes, torcttrapneour UiBcs anbbobplp
oclectations,out bnbifcrete fojotoc», our latcmious mirtb, our inojtbinate lofcrnct, our infatiable be£
rpngof banitieS,our fpcafcpng toitbout mcafure.our tnconucntent tbougbtes.anb refourme
ourlpfeanbmaners: but allourbolmeffe contttf<>tbintal&png. 3nb toe parson e;beotber from all
000b lpupng,fo tbat toe ma? ft icfie faff togctbet in argumentation^ tbougb trjere toere no mo toapes
to bcaucn but tbis alone, ttoe toap of fpeculation anb fmotoleoge (as tbep tafie in but tn berp Deeoe it is
rattier tfje toap of faperfluous contention anb fopbittication. i&itber to baue % reciteb
<0reao?ie Nazianzcne fntbatbooftetolncbc 31fpateof befo?e. ®&e fame auctbour taptb alfo'm an
m mtmbe of

ctber piace,tbat tbe learnpng of a c&iftian man ougbt to begpn of Clje fcarc of ©ob,to enbe in matters
of bpe fpeculatiomanb not contrarplp to begpn toitb fpeculation,anb to enbe m feare. Speculation
(faitb be)eitbcr br* cunning 0? Jmotolebge,pf it be notftapeb toitb tbe bnble of feare to o&noe ©ob, is

baungerou&anb inougb to tumble a man bcablong botone tbe bpll.Cberfoze faitb UctUc feare of ©00
muft be tbe firff begpnnpng, anb as it toere an 3.2B.C. oj an introbuction to all ttjem tbat mail enter
into tbe berp true anb mott fruitful finotolcbge of bolp fcriptures.iBbere as is tbe feare of ©ob,tbere is
(faitb be)tbc fieppng of tbe commaunoementesranb tobereas is tbe fieppng of tbe commaunbementes,
tbere is trjeclenfpng of tbefletbe: tobicb fletbe is a cloube before tbefoulcs eye, anbfuSeretb it not
uurelp to fee tbe beame of tbe beauenlp I ygbt. naberc as is tbe ctenfpng of tbe f leffictrjeve is tbe illumif
nation of tbe bolp gboft, tbe enbe of all our beftres, anb tbe berp Ipgbt tober bp tbe beritie of fcrtptutes
isfeeneanbperceaueb, cbisistbcmpnbeanb almofftbetooibesof ©regozie Nazianzene boctout of
tbe©rcefie cburcbe, of tobom faint '|erome faitb : tbat bnto fjis tpme tbelatine cburcbe bab no
totter able to be compared anbtotnaaeaneuenmatcbe toitb bpm. Cberfo^etoconclube tbis latter
part, euerp man tbat comraetb to tbe rcaopng of tbis bolp boofrc, ougbt to bipng toitb bpm firtt anb
fojmofttbts feare of almigbtte ©ob, anbtbenncrt,afirme anbftable purpofe to refourme bis otone
felfe accozbpng tbcrbnto, anb fo to continue, pzoceede, anb pjofper from tpme to tpme, tbetopus bpm
felfe to be a fober a- fruitfull bearer anb learner: tobicb pf be bo,be (ball pzoue at tbe lengtl) tocll able
teacbe,tbougbnot toitb bis moutb, pet toitb bis Ipupng anbgoob crample, tobicb tsfure tbe motf
inielp anb effectuous fourme anb maner of teacfjpng. l£e tljat ottjertoife intermebletb toitb tbis boofie,
let bpm be affureb tbat once be fball mafie a count tberfoze, toben be (ball baue fapbe to bpm as it
is tonttenin tbepiopbefe j^auib, Peccatori dicic dcus.&c. ©nto tbe bngoblp fapbe ©ob:
j©bp boeft tbou pzeacbe mp latoes,anb tafeefl mp teffament in tbp moutbf ©betas tbou
batefl to be refourmeb, anb baft ben partafier \sitl) abulterers. Cbou baft let tbp
moutb fpeabe totcliebneffe, anb toitb tbp tongue tbou bad fet f co?tb
bcccipt. cboufatteCanbfpafiea agapnft tbp bzotlicr, anb baft
f launbereb tbpne otone motbets fonne. cbefe tbpnges pa. jo.
baft tbou bone, anb 31 bribe mp tongue, and
tbou tbougbteS toic&cblptbatf am
euen fuel) a one as tbp felfe:
«jcc,anb fet
trjee tbe tbpnges tbat tbou baft bone. £> confiber tbis pe
tbat fotget ©ob, left % pluctie pou atoap, anb tbere
be none to beliuer pou. t©uo fo offeretb me
tfjanbes anb bonourctb me:
anb to bpm
tbat oiberetb
conuerfation rpgbt,topll
3 fbetoe tbe (at*

^ Prayfe be to God.

A defc
dcicnption ot tne ycrcs from th<
The ycrci creation f'the ivor!dc, Vntill'this prejcntjereofi? 6 S. drawn for / a I
;rom the the molt partcutofrbe holy Scripture, with declaration ofcerrayne places,
creation of wheriu is certayne difference ot the rcckening of the yeres.
tlic -worlde.

E recken from Adam vntill the flood,athoufand fixe hundred fiftie and fixe yeres,

vv Gencfis .?.and.6.and from the flood vntill Abraham.2<?2.yeres. Gencfis.n.

* From Abraham vntill Ifahac,a hundred yeres.Gen. ly.From


fixtie.Gcn.ij.Andfro IacobtoIofeph.<?o .yeres.

1+ + 8. From the death of Iofeph vntyl Moyfcs,thcrc is(accordjng to Philo ) fixtieyercs. And from
eres. Aclcs.7
the departure of the children of IiraeloutofEgypt^ 80. y

!»ohc.h a ,„ckc„cththc,cr
t ,.r;|:
1J 10. ^Thepcopleremayncdin the wildernelTc.4o.ycrcs.Dcu.2£And then were brought into the
peregrination of Abraham
ceflbures.rill the
ddmcaSc, -f£
fand of Chanaaii by Iofuah,who was goucrnour ouer t he faid
people after Moyfcs.32.ycres. gypt .beginning at ,I,at,,
me ,._,„;
departed out ofhis eouiitrcy
£ndC4,o.yerc S menti.>nedB.
, he fhjl

1688. then Aod. 80 .Iud.j. After Aod.Dcbova bue beginning their ,etkcn,„,

After Iofuah Othonicl gouerncd. 8. yeres . Iud .<?. „ £

fourtie, Iudgcs.4- Then Gcdcon other foui tie
yeres. Iudges.8. «^» >o.yer«.A.,d:l,u.o„ htG« nc
8 .,,
and Act.;..treating toenail,

, obc ,
three yeres. Iud.p. then Thola.23. yeres. Iud. io.Thola .

Abimclech goucrned after Gcdeon •Theyere! that the people

w ,r,
beingdeceaffcd,the people wcre.i 8ycrcsvndcr the tyranny of the
Ammonites. goucrned by thole that the fcriptur-
called badges, including
Samuel, (Caccpungthc time of
Icnhtcdeliucrcd the people from the hands of the
Ammonites,& gouerncd.6.ycres.Iud.i2. rhe op.
predion vndcr the Ammonites) '
mountcthto.i^.yercs.Noivitisfayd .y cres.Iud. 12.
After Iephtc, Abeffan gouerncd.7.yeres.Iud.i2.Th Act. i : .
that this time amounted]
about. 450. yeres . Wlicte is to be no.

Abdon goucrned after Elon eyght yeres. Iud.12.Then Sampfon.20. yeres. Iud. ij.Thcn
ted, this place hath ben corcup.
185). Eli
rtd, ind in itccJc of three
they I. auc let tourc hundrcth whichc
fourtie yeres. t. Sam. 4.

leading of. 300. agreeth very ivclj

wirliiliatwhiche is contayncd in the
i««j. yeres: but thcfcriptiue 5 becaufe of Saulsroyall
After Eli, Samuel and Saul goucrned fourtie
'rripluies touching the iaydc yctes.

dionitie,attributcth all this gouern ment to him. Aftes. 7.

19 + 5- Dauidraigncd after Saul. 4o.yeres.2. Sam. 5. Solomon his fonncraigncd three ycrcs before
departure out ofEgypr.j.Kinges.<5.
rhe building of the templc.whichis. 48 o.yercs after the
and raigned in all. 40. yeres.; .King.ii.
$004,. Rehoboam the fonne of Solomon raigned. ly.yeres.j.King. 12. Alfo Abiam hisfonne raigned
three ycrcs. 3. King. 15 Then Afa4i.ycres. ;.King.i5.

J04.I. Iofaphat raigned after Afa.25. yeres.j.King. 15-

And Ioram his fonncraigncd thrceyercs with
" Ochozias raigned after Ioram.7.yeres.2.Chro.22.
Bis father, and flue ycrcs
alone-4.King.8. 11 ©?, .Tljajiatja.

Ji.7- feuenyeres.4.Reg.ii.Ioas raigned after her fourtie

Athalia the mother of Ochozias raigned
ycics.4.Rej.i:.After him Amafias his fonne raigned.:p.ycres.4.Reg.,4.
'Am-!?,. r*igned" i?. yerei, the rj."

JiSo rAlkrAmafias the people were without king cleuenyeres.aswemay gather by the,i4 .and ycreof rhe fayde Ieroboani , andbc-
gan to raigne oner Ifrac! in Siroini.
^.chapter of the.4.Rcg.ThenAzariasraigned.5:.yeres.4.Reg.i5. 4-Uc.14.S0 the i?.yeielofchcrai|ae
ot" Amalias finifhed the ij.yertotuic

5*4-1 loathan raigned after Azariasfixtccne yeres. 4. Reg. 15. After Ahaz his fonne raigned .16. fayd Icrolioam-.nowitismanifeK that
Aaarias rhe fonne ot" Amauas begia>.Andaftcrhim ) Ezcchias,:p.ycres.4,Reg.i8. to raigne but tlic. a7.ycrc of theiwiM
Ieroboani 4 Keg. then itfolow.
c th
. .

tliacbctiveer.e the eude


^ ™
Manaffes the fonne of Ezechias raigned. 55.yeres. 4. Reg. 21. Amon his fonne two yeres.

$}!}. Slid nigneof Amafias.ond thebegm«>»S

j.moncthcf 4.Rcg.2i.ThenIofia.3i.ycfcs.4.Reg.22.AndIehoaz three monethes.4.Reg.23. jl uitill , tlicrc fallcth out el«»

ycres.that ar« left out., J
E!iachim,othcrwyfe called Ioachin raigned eIeuenyercs.4.R eg.23. And after hini 5 Iechonias
three moncthes,after which time he was led captiueinto Babylon.4.Rcg.2j.

54.11. and Scdechias raigned. u.yeres,and then was flaync , the citie of Hierufalem with the temple ia-
fed downe,andthe people led captiue intobabvlon,whcre theyremayncd."o.yeres.4.Re.25,

597 5. and ¥ After the yo.yercs ofcaptiuitic, Cytus thefirft monarke of the Perfiansdet the people at li-
S.niojieclics bc-innm,,
touching the
bcrtie againc,and fuffcred them to returne into their ownc lande . It was reucalcd to Daniel t!,„rs
To.wekesotDan-.elifo^ '*
the prophetCjthat there flioulde be 7o.wcckes of yeres, (which is49o.ycres)reckening from elies from the
tnc ..... .
r,ydc svcclies „f

rhe commaundementgeucn to buyld the citie, vntill Iefus Chrift. Dani. p. And this com-
„,hcr from the ten*
L.,. -.other
maundement was geuen by Darius Longimanus the twentith yere of his empirc.Nehem.2. it is likelyeft that it fhoiaW'
;_ [U
which was. 64. ycrcs after the aforefaydc dcliueraunce. V Vhcrfore rcckening the fayde . 64. written Darnel. o.h» u"°"
yeres after the dcliucrauncc,and adding therto the.yo.weekcsaforefaydercucaled vnto Da< Nchcniu>th!ftcon«.

nicl , wcfliall finde that from the fayde deliucraunce vntill the death of Chrift , there is fine
hundrcth fiftie and foure yeres.

*?io. and From the natiuitic of Chrift to this prcfent yerc,we recken a thoufande , fiue hundred fixtic
•e.monetlics &cyght:from which number if we fubtract the yeres fromhis birth vntil his death(whichi«,
three and ihiitie) we (hall finde that from the end of the fayd feuentie wcekes of Danicl,vntil
this ptefent ycrc,it is. U35. yeres.

All whichc aforcfiydc beyng well examined and reckened ye fliall finde thatfinccthecrca-
tion of rhe world to this prcfentyere of.1568. the yeres amount to.5503 . yeres, and fixe

^Th c order of the bookes of th<
olde Teftament

Thefirft part.
/~i Enefis. Numerus.
-J* Dcutcronomium.

Iofuah. i.Cronicle.
Iudges. 2.Cronicle.
Ruth. l.Efdras.
Firftkinges,or Samuel. 2.Efdras.
2.Kinges,or Samuel. Hefter.
;.Kinges. lob.

Tlethirdepart ofthe 'Bible.

The Pfalter. Amos.

The Prouerbes of Solomon. Abdias.
Ecclefiaftes or Preacher. Ionas.
Cantica canticorum. Micheas.
Efai. Nahum.
Icremi. Habacuc.
Lamentation of Ieremi. Sophonias.
Ezechiel. A?geus.
Daniel. Zacharias.
Ofea. Malachias.

Thefourth part-ofthe 'Bible called zrfpocrypbus.

3.Efdras. Baruch.
4.Efdras. The fongofthe three children.
Tobias. The ftory of Sufanna.
Iudith. The ftory of Bel, and the Dragon.
Bookc of wyfdome. The prayer of Manaflcs.
EcdcfiafticusorchebookeoflefusSyrach. 1.Machabces.
The refte of the booke of Hefter. 2.Machabccs.

The order of the bookes of the

newe Teftament.
'the fifth part.

i S.Iohn.

The actes of the Apojlles.

To Titus.
S.PauIes Epiftle to the Romanes.
To Philemon.
i.To the Corinthians.
:.To the Corinthians.
The Epiftle of S. lames.
TotheGalathians, i.OfS. Peter.
To the Ephefians.
2 .OfS.Petcr.
To the Philippians.
1. Of S.Iohn.
TutheColoflians. 2.0rS. Iohn.
J.TotheTheflalonians. j.Ot S.Iohn.
2.T0 the Theflalonuns.
The Epiftle of S.Inde.
Tliereuelation of S.Iohn.
1 .
*& Proper leflons to be read for the firtt
lejjons both at Morning and Euening Prayer; on the Sunday es
throughout the yerqand for fome alio the feconde leffons.

Sundayes or Mattins. Euenfong. jTriBitie Sunday] Mattins.



cffat.i. CEfai.u,
fiXeffon. |

it. 1 b. icritti. 1

iti. rrbi.
<q- Sundayes arter lrtnicie
Hit. rrrfi.
Che firtt. lofue.r. Ilofue.rriit.
SiundaycTaTtei Mattins. Euenfong. ii. Iluoic.itti. Hutrtcb.
Chriftmas. Hi. i.fting.ii. i.femg.itf.
titt. tit. riii.

tfffiefittt. rrrbti. rrrbffi. b. rb. Wi.

it. %li. rltu. bi. ii.&tng.rit.
bit. Wit. rniit.
Sunday c» after "Mattins. Euenfong. biii. iii.feing.riii. iit.fcing.jcbii.
thcEpiphanic. «r. rbit'i. rir.

r. rri. rrii.

GgeffvB. jcltitf. %\bt. vi. iiii. i&ing.b.

it. It. Uit. rit r. jcbiii.

ib. lbt. %iii. tir. xxiii.


tilt. Ibii. ibi'ii. fiiii. Jeremfe.b. leremte.rrii.

to. lit. Iriiii. *b. rrrb. rrrbi.
tbt. Hereto, ii. <£?ecH.riitt.
|Scptuage{nn&. <Pen.i. dBen.ii. rbii. rbt. rbfii.
{Scxagcnnia. iti* bt. jrbtit. rriitt.
ftQuinquagefima, it. fit. jct'r. jDantcMtt.
rr. loel. ii.

Mattins. Euenfong. rri. 3' piouer. i.

Vtiu Hi.
©cn.rrif. irriit. %i. fit.
i irtt £>u»Dap. <0ett.rir.
riit. fiiii.
rrbii. WJCtttt. rrtiit.
rrb. icb. jctoi.
tit. rrrfc. jfltt.

tut. Flltt. jib. r*bi. roii. w.

to. OElCOo.ttt. eEroo.b.
tot. r. ' K& Lellons proper for
holy dayes.
baiter day. Mattins. Euenfong.
Mattins. tuenlong.
t.Ucffon. tfrob.rti. dfrOD.riiif. S.Andreyvc. pjou. jcr. P2ou.rrt.
it.lcffon. IRom. bt.'. S. Thomas rrtit. rrtiit.

the Anoftle.

.Sundayes after Eafter.

<f Natiuitie of
Mattins. Euenfong. Chrifte.
ftfcefirtt. jl-jum.rbi. $um.rrtt. i.Xeffuit. < (ffai.bif.

it. Wit. rrb. God fpake once

agame to Actas.
iti. ©cut. tut. ©cttt.b.
titt. bt. bit. ^effort. CitlliS. iti.
b. toiff. ir. vnto. And vnto The kindnslTe

—————— menofgoodwyll. and loue. &c.

Sunday after S.Steuen.

Aflention day. piou.vrbiii. (Eccle. iiii.
Pent. fit. jDcut.riii. t. xeflbn.

ii. jetton. Stttg. bit.
""VVhuTunday. Mattins. Steoen full of And when fourtie
Euenfong. yercs were expired,
faith and power
rBituomr.i. And there appeared vn-
i.TUOon. Sec tnto.
©nit. tut.
3ctejs.]cir. to Moyfes &-. 6n
when fourtie
ti.Heffon. 3cte0. jc. to. Steuen full of
It fortuned when ycres. &c.
Then Peter opened Apollo went to the holy ghoft.&c

— his mouth. &c Corinth. &c.bnto

After thefe thinges.
9 •CHJ
Mattins. Eueniong, Mattins. Euenfong.
S- Iohn.
S. Markc. Celeciii.f. Cccle.b.
t. JLcffon. Cede, b.
He lien. apot.i. 3poc. rjrii. Philip and tfcilc.bif. cEcele. tjr.
Innocences- tDifDomc.t.
'' ntr, .Moreou.erI
Aflcntion day. tfii.Sing.if.
hearde Ephraim.

Circtfmfition Munday in
day. whitfon wcekc.

<Bcti.rbfi, Cen.rii.
i.tciron. i. HrlTon, dJett. xi.
Horn, if. And nowe tfracl. <"«<>. Thefe are the Gather vnto me
Coiofi. it, generation ofSem.
lxx men &c. vnto
Moyfes -ind the
elders returned.
ii. leflott. i. Cc*. jeii.
crai.Ijt. tffai. Irir.
i. jutfon.
HuB. iiu aoi-n.i?.
Tuefday in f.ftfng. fix. ^euf.rnr.
vn ">- So vnto. Alter thishi
that he whitfon wcekc. Cauid Cdine to
was fuppolcd to went to Caper-
he the on nc of
S. Barnabc.
Conuertion of
S. Paul. i. Heffott. Cede. jr.
€tde . jrfi.

ii. Helton. {Ccttf.ftiii.

a etc j2. rb.
to. Alter
t.TUffon. rBtfDomr.b. umfDome W. certayne da yet.
ii. Helton. actep. rvt>u S. Iohn Baptift.
vnto. They
hearde him, flPafa. flBaia.ii'n.
t.Ucffon. tit.
Purification mi. flgar.riitt.
u. Helton. flfcat .

of the virgin flgtTDotne.jjr. i©in>otne,rii. vnto. VVhen

Marie. Iefus hearde.
S. Peter.

S. Matliic. nDifDcmcjir:. <Fccie.r<r.

Cccip. i. i. 1 r Pert, <fcc!c.rb;
ii. ftcitoti. 3 ctce. tit. attc0.uu.
Aununciation Cede. u. <£ eclc. tit,
of our Lady. S. lames. Cccle.irri. inrtw.

VVedne/day ©fta.jriit. jSDfca. riiit. S. Bartilmewe. nv.

afore Eaftcr.
S. Matthewc. rrrbirt.
Thurfday afore
ro*. Scrf.rjtri.
Eaitcr. rWiii.
S. Michael. rnrfr.

Good Friday. dFen.nrfi.

CfaUiti. S. Luke. Ii.

Eaftcr eucn.

Cjrob.jrftt', S. Simon
and Iude.
Munday in
Eafter wcekc. r»<.
i.HctTcn 20t.24.2f.

t.&ctrtm. (?roo.rbi. <£rob.<rtn'. All Saintcs.

ti. Helton.
flgat.rrbw. awt&.tit.
BSiftcnte.ift. ttiftcttit.b.
t. jufTctT.
Tuefday in
vnto. Blefled is ra- vnto .His itlouiit
Eaftcr wcekc. ther the barien.

1.1 f (Ton. (Frob.rr. tfrcb.wif. ii. JU ten. $tfc?.jrf.jrtf. arrcr.rtr.

ii. Helton. l.rjJi.llUI<. i.CcjttMb.yb. Sa.ntcsly faith. vnto .Ardlfawe
vnto. And beholde vnto. If ye endure an angel fonde.
two of then. ciiaflemng.
W Proper pfalmes on ccrtay ne dayes.
Mattias. Euenfong.
Septuageiirru. '

rir. irrtir. Scxagelima. i

j&fai. rib. €)C. Quinquagefima* before C*a8cr.

Irrrb. Cncrn. Quadragefima. .

u. crm.
Eaftcr day. Ibii. Crtiii.

bm. Rogations'
AfTention day. *b. Irbiti. VVhitfunday. > after Cafler. ^tott ^.toeebeis.
rri. <ffbiti. Trinitie funda'
"YY'hitlunday, jib. Ctttt.
Irbit. Crib.

3^ The order howe the reftof 10 Jyfcripture J

^i/p ^>e Tfalter^ is appqynted to be read.

He oldc Teftamcnt is appointed Ue mutt note alfo tbaf tbe Collect, (Eptdle,
fo? tbe firft leffonjs at S@o; ano appopnteD foj tbe <=&unDap, ©all
npngfrCucnmg pjaper, anb ferue all tbe toee&e after, eccept tbete fallfume
fbalbe reaD tbjougb cuerp pere fcafttbat batb lug piopcr.
once, except ecrtapne booties
anD chapters winch be lead CB0ben tbe petes of out Jlc;DniapbcDeuiotD
eOtfipng, 9 migbt bed be fpa into foure euen partes, tolricb is euerp fourtt)
rco, 9 tijcvf oje be (eft unrcao. pere, tbentbe £>uii*ai>letter leapetb, anD tbat
pete tbe anb to#cb ferue fot

€ C&e nctoc
£ctfa:ncnf: ta appopnteD for tbe tbe .rein, bap of tfebjuarfe, fbalbe reaD agavnr
fccotiDeXclTonsat flpojnpngfr Caenpng pjaper, tbe Dap folotnpng. ercept it be SmriDap. ttJbic'u
ano fbalbe icaD ouer o^ocrlp cuerp pete tbMfe, batbpjoper TLeffons of tbe oloe Cetfamcntap<
befiDe tt)e Cpittlcs ana ©ofpeis : € rcepc tbe It popnteD in tbe arable fcrtipug to chat purpofe.
calips, out of the Wbicb tfterc be onlp ecrtapne
Hcffons appovnteD bponDiuerg p.iopcr fcaitcs. 3Clfo,toberfoeucr tbe begpnnpng of anp
le, oi <5o [pel -is not crpjeffeD :
CSCnbtofenotoe tobat TLeObnss fbalbe teaD petmi3 begpn at tbe begpnnpng of tbe Cbapter.
eucrp Dap: f pnoe tbe Dap of tfic monett) in tbe
folotuptig. aiiDtberepefnall perccauc 3DnD toberfoeuer is not erpsefTeD botoe farre
tbe boobes anD alters tbat Qjalbc reaD Ec.j tbe (balbc reaD : tbere (ball pou reaDe to tbe enoc of
leObngbotb^t ^o;upna,ano arurntiispjaper tbe Cbapter.

ainbbere is tobenoteo, tbat tobenfoeuer
tberc be anp Proper pfalraeso? TLctronaappopn
€ 3rem,fo oft as m fttrff Cbapter of fafnt
is reaDeitberfo; jteOfon 01 <0ofpell.
teDfojtbe^uaoayra, 0; foj anpfeaft moueable pe tball begpn tbe fame at : The birth of lefts
0; bnmciir able : Cben tbe pfalmes anD ilcffonc nite was on this wifc.&c. 2fnD tbe tbltDe Cbap=
appopnteD in tbe ©aieiiDci fbalbe omttteD fo; tec of faint iufies ©ofpcli fbalbe rral bnto: So
tbat tpme. that he was fuppofed to be the ibnnc of Iofeph.

f A briefe declaration when euery Terme beginneth and endeth.

$ it finottcn trjat (JaSer Cerroe be ginnctb alvtapej! f be -rbiii.Dap after (PaCff r,rec
anD enDetb tbe ^unDap nert after tbe IQentton Dap.
fcenpng €aftcr Dap f 0; one :

ccrmuie ^ertne bEgtnnetb. rit. Dapes aft- ^tittfunoar , anD continuetb. rir.
^ictiaelmais ffiernu beginnetb ^ctober.anD enDetb f be.rrbm.
©pilarp crnir beginnetb t\)e. rriit. 01. r Jap of aanaarie, anD enDetb ti)i

_rii. o?.)ciii. Dap of febjuarie. .,*.«»*•- «

1,nifaflercermf,ontbe Dap. %n trinitie cerme.on tbe of faint aobn JSapttd,
1naptcnae'mascerme,ontbefeaftof 3n l^pllarp Serine on tin featt of tbe ':inf tea
. of our)iaDp,tbesl&tieeneB3uDgeaofi©eBminaerDo not tofeto fit iniuogement, no?bpor.anp|
* (Hi)
S*> An Almanacke.
o n m 53 > >
5 -a o a.

a SL>
s en a. S" O
n 3


5<5u |_e_ vfctuu* I1 9 jfcb?n«

| K S. p2tl. | «.tigat<« I2 5.ti0au.l 15.tiffatt.l
2o. Jftou.

1562, b. | SE |z5. 3ati«jiu K tiparj uit j

btt. l

i5<*HM. 1 C |7*Jfetytt*E4 [
». 3jpjfU ];cb«. (rrbfft
1564. bj..JiB3 |?<>*3atwK Ibttt. lfl. |tn. "[?.a>fceiit

1565,jjttg/cB |
i3,3ftbw b-tipatcflw. irrbttt. \xxxt* lio.3unt.itt.
15^ I it. I
if K |z7«5fcb?n|i4> |yjc* lyflfl. [ft.
1567^ y. [ e_K3antt.K |so. fl0ar. |b. I bitt. Ii8,tij9atf. ko.JBon.
i5<5«J_5i. ll i$.3feb2u I?.ti0atcrjli8. apstt.lryiitt. I rjcbtl. K3"ne. ytbnt. j

»5 6 9*l,ttU 1
2i5 [6. fri t. U9.ti0ati.ltrbtf.

is7°«lrm.l a l».3anu.|s. 26, (tit. jruti. l?.g>crcm

571. i
ujJ5J".Jfebzn. l
*8. K ap*u*Uqn* lyrtttf. Iz.iumt. |tt.

.S7» «ljrto. I«»»l2.
Ijftt l? I20. 16. irti.
!#*. I
Irb. U^.tiBait.ho
157?. j rbi.
I>~ 3anu.l.4.
I K Ktipat. |27;%p2ti.!2o.3p2ti.l 10 > tiffaft Jrtfy.
|n.^p2ti. |i7.fl0aif.!2o.fl0att.' t,c,r.
1574*1 yvit I <C I7.3feb2u.j24. L
'5754J mil 38 |?Q«3anu.li6. Ifc. |
ttt. Irflf. Ir.tbit.

576^i,ttj."ili"(i3t'9.5fcb2P. 7.€0arcfil22. |
Irrbitt. [xxxt [io.3tinti.l2.^)ccciii

^77*\u i 5f

2Q.jfcb?u l7. p et... jybt. K tipatij i.
1578. in, [ I26. l^fljjjar. lb, |btu. (jbttt l?o jj5ou.

^57 9* fit- I 1 l
'5*5Feb?u. J 4.g0arcl) l ip. apjtl.jrrb. lyrbtu. [7* 3iinft. lyfly.

»5 8 °* 1
tin* CH6l?'.3ann.li7 . jfebiu |;. (f£ In't. \mt \P&tL
15&. b. 71 N. J^ "WPar. if. Ifttr. Iffltt. .
5 & « (w. © lti.3ftbju.U8, 3
5. pnt.|jc]ti. [X XiiiU |?.3tttnt. [ft.


m ~^~&

€5D R. .f tb?u .i3.C0atcftii9, 3pjtj.l]cib._

l7> J H*3feb2. 1iu
l?^#at. Ibi.



(7»3unft. J29.j1^ou.
l2Q.ti0aif .ljtybfif.
5 86, \
1 25 I20.3anu.l16. |j lit. Jrtt. I
rtff. Itjcbif.
'587.^1." I
3 It2.3ftb2u. i.09atcft. |i6.
l j
yjflt Ijtjtb. J4.3untt.l2.gpcctut
88 * ytt. |03f K» 3feb?n. 2i.3ftb2U. |7. jefti* (tbi. l^.tiPaft.!!.
1 l j

'589 «j rtit". I @"K3anu.li2. 3Ttb2u.l3o. ti^at.jb. | bfft. j rbtfi. l

'59°.|jrtttf*.3> l
5^tb2u.J4.ti0atci)ii9.3p2ir.feb. (wbiif. (7»3unft. jjcjrtjc.

f;iSote ttjat ttiefupputatfon ofttjc tereof our %om, intljc «fuurcl?c of (fnoTatrte,
br ginncth the. trb. Dap of ©atelje, tfie fame oap fuppofeD ro lie tt)t ffrfl oap bpom
tobicft tfic \no;lDc ttiais treateo, atto tfje oap toften cftitflctofliJ conceaueo in tfte
3 9
^TofyndeEafterfior euer.

2f n li 25"
~f— (l!>

i |3pUUl. [I jit llti jbt \m Jbm_

i09arct) t 26 > tyt3tt
[ I
nbtii ycjttjc jijcy
\nn .at-
ap-ilibh l
lbit l |tty III IjCtttt ]tb_
Iflpniai, Itit tut Itr m JWi IDlU
i) Watch^jtrbii Inbtii Inii liiiii Iwtttt Ittb
bi UpnMbi.[ibtt lit jytt liiti Ititi lb
x>ii |apuuu (ttt [titt lb 1W pMrcn.-trjrt.rapitiru
lapitu?, littttt jiib Iffy liy~ jFii iXXit
it j3prti.t]c» |i (It \xii lltti \Xiiii but

£ [SpirtUt titt Jirri I^PH'.t.

T? ffiPZtUjCftt flirt llbtii jcty |n
I lilt Iwtt

|3p2tUjc. [ x
itiBarcn^.jyyrou ubiii
(it > m Ibti |bu t
l [yyiy [iec [jCjCjft

Itttti aprtui bllibtt Itbtit \xix \xiii Ititi [lb

japffUtt jffi |«t-i |b jbt bit jbjit
Ibt |ti0atcft«i6 «|yy-oft [libjti_ Jiittjlitii iiib_

lapuMbi it Jlii jyffl lliiit lib
2i> [tit ttit b |!
< ,
Ji3arc?i,n t. lint I

lii |ap?tui^ luittt libitt jjntjc In lilt

Cns&enyeijauefounDetfje eaunDap letter in tftebppermottlme, guide pour ere
Dotonetoaroe from tfje fame, till pe come rpgbt oueragapntt t^e p?ime,anb
is ujctteo botft to&at mon ctft ana toftat Dap of ttje monetfi qgaOct falletft
t&at pere

$*> 1 hcfe to be obferued for holy day es, and none other.

INttstofapiauSmnDapcsintbeperf. Crjcoapesof tl)tftattts> of

tftc Citrumrifionof out £o?De 3cfus CDitfte* uDft^c €pipi)atuc.
Oftfie purification of tljebleffeo bircjjw. Of fatttt -©attnitist&e
^CpoOIe* Of t&e annunciation of tDc bleffcD bircjjm. Of faint
©arbet&eeuanrjettff. Of faint 0'uupanD Jacob tfte^poftles.
-Of tDe affenfton of our &ojdc 3cfus CnziUe* Of t&c $artuiticof
faint 3ol)n 25aptift\ Of faint peter trjeapottle. Of faint 3amcst&eapoGlc.
Of faint Barttimctbeapoftle. <Df faint si&tttncuictoeapoftie. Of faint -^tcfjaei
tje arcftanpjel. Of faint fLuU t&e euanaelift. Of faint SwnonattD 3uDet&e
^pottles* Of au&atntcs. Of
faint anDmoetijc apoflle* Of faint Xfyomasffte
apoftie. Of tf)e ;fl5atiuiric of our 2lo?oe. Of faint s>tcucuti)e $$artir. Of hint
3ohn tfie <£uano;cuu\ Of trjc ftolp jnnocentes. (PimDapanDlCucfDapirteaact:
jbj cttt* ^unpapanD Cnctoaptnga^itrontbce^
* (iifi)
t&Ai able for the order of thePfalmes,
to befayde 4* <£hfornyng and Euenyno prayer.

Mornyng prayer. Euenyn^ prayer.

\UiUi\UiiiU\). tot.tott.toltt.

Itjc.jc.jci. jctf.jcut.jctftf.

in [jcb.jcW.jctoit. JCtrttt.

IWtnt.w^ttW* Wbtt.Wbrtt.Wt3C.
)WJC. ttfi* wttt.wtttt.wwttt.
|WW*.WW>t« wjctnt.
IWJCtotu.w3ni3c.JCU JCU. XHU JCltif.

*£ ijcituf. jcifc.icibt. JCltott.jCrtottt.JCUjC.

£ IU UTfft. Utt.itttt.ito.

lUrt.itnt.Urttt. U3c.tjc.l3ct.

Jit |<;ntJntf.!;ctut. tjcto.ijctot.ijctott.

tut |i wtit. WlMXX*

jKUii (iwi.'Wtt. imtuixma.
lijtjcD.i;c,tbUjcjrt)tt* IWtHtt.
JCtH |13CJCIJC, ijcjcjc.twjci. iwjctt. tjcjcjctti. iwjcitit. iwjcto.

[ijcwtt. iwjctott.iwW'tti. IjCJCJCtJC.

Iff. JCft. JCttf* trttt. jcctttt.

Ijcthjrctot, jetton. icctottt.jcctjc. c rt.

Int. cut.
~ Ctttf.
l<fc ctot.

Wii jctoit. ctottt.ctjc.

Icjc, rjct* cjctt. jrtif CJCttlt* CJCt).

/rritii Iwtot.wtou.wtotu. 1
cjctjc. 3nDe.ttt.
wd ( 3tiDc, iiii.

WW ( jtibtAiii.
WtoU |cw. cw*. WJrtt. wjcut. ttpliii. ttft). CWW.CWWt.Wtt)ttt.cwi3C.CW3CCWJCt.
wwit. wwtti. rwjrtiii. t wtb,
CWtW.cwtbtt. wwtottt.
IWijc icwtt3c.Wl.c3cW. cjdtf . cjcliit*

m icjcitttt.c)cn),wit)t. c3cllJtt.c3cltrttt.c3cU3c.ct.

€ tamtam fratl). nti,
The moone. xxx.

I 3? I

crtfctf) C Ctrfi.tMtt.45*
Sunnc -^ <houre < 2
P 1 Mor nyng prayer . |Euenyng prayer.
CfaUctt) C Citii.1nin.50.

(i.llcu*on.|tt.lLcffon t |UCelblj|i^fron.
Hi 131 iaa.enp.| gftaimrtfton. l€>en.r.trfi l lapettjUCoiolLtf.
&oi$>tt* S>.£>tepl)a. ti
Ipjtiii. (C5en.i. [
flgat.i. |<gcn.jMjaoirKt.
~\t.\ au o.\iBtL &.3bftah. in liti |ii [tm_ jtt
p lgitD.$o.|dPtt. 3nnocent. |iitt [b jtti lt)t lift

JT| js>cpo.€DU>.ftcct,,| |bu_ [iiii jwt \11ii_

1 \t_\WU_ 3D.I OgptpDatiic 2Po. |tn

tefauty. |%ututt. [€fa.t:ttt.i.lo!MP
ltrft. 3D«|jfeKjcg3anttanuitr< | I^at.t), [<0en.yu. lEoin.b.
altrf. 3D.lg.«ctamprieft. font [tut IM Inui m
5T~|b |t). 3D.|3opce Mtgtn. |tc tf> |trft |ytit [tut

c ttit. 3D. ^aul ftrft i^ctc t [y l]tWi ItJiti [ma Ittit

t^lD |iti. JD.lSolm Aguario. |fl \ffl IW IjtjC

tt e_jgj(D L 3D4 ^tc&at> <Jg arttr. |tti |jc,ti Ijcjrtf

I jijasi ^pilatpbiftjop.
Xiii \Xtiii |ri Itnttt w
tit. BUlJF£b?.jfciiypztc(t.]r:n!t Irtt). |rtt jrrbt Irti

gtgrmi3ftoo?c ntatttr. |yb [ yytJit Iflti |£tbitt l#tt_

icmrftglitM. lauj ^arccllus tnatt.jl tt>t tttr Ifliit Itftfl

title l
yt)t. B M^ntont. fttlptr. [ytm Ijcb Wi !,£b

|p yet). BK jfotfcaMtgpn.
rjntt Ij
cjcffft Itbt Ijrrtttt

rb je ycttii. BUJTOajiejrflfrop. xit \ xtx * lybtt \vtvm jt.Coz.t,

ttu If Irtti. iBtU|jfabianf flicbatt. r/ Iwjctiii Irbttt Ircrtg |


Igjyii. i&M -agues tntgpn im ^ ittr iJC't

rti |L» l)Ci. Bl.l£.inccnt ntartir. ryu [gift |w jjcltti (lilt

t_ |b |y. BMemetat tonb ttg.Jrflit tffiftt irrt fctt >

|c |ty. mjCfoiOtfte bi O)Qp.iiyt;tiu IW irrtt l yllJtt ]bt

jr. [D |btii. iftl.tComtcr.offfaul.frrrb" (mtlD.b-i^ct.yyii.imtfD.Dtl^cf.yy tjt

|e |tnt. ifcl.[Eolpratpeb<ftjop[:,., _l<Pcn.43. l^at^?. j^cn.yl jt. |t.Co;.btt.
n If jbt. ifei.|3 mtan bi(6op. jjjcwl l IwlL [(g yop.t. Ittii

|g It). mi3 CMtfg tnefcconDliirtiffi Itrt) litt |iy

^|Mi. mi.lgaaiccicbjgjop. llgyty (ittt Irttt It) |r

rjiu flTltf(*_ Bl.l25atilDc 53Jttcetie.|5jj_ jt>ttt_ l^btt I
but in
M_jc |^tp31. S)aturnif^icf. |
{xxx fetnfi "j.rtf

-1 1 I
1L_ ¥iD)

An admonition to the Reader.
momth 'mmw cr WflfM (a«
Wl^cre ftlBftalcnoet be appo^nteo
tbeptalltbcm) tbm
bauc none toe
almott to all

(gentle Hcaoer) not fo;

tbe oa^es of enct?
that we atcomrv tbeiii aU fa ntcB,

^eut c bcr">«
tohom toe repute fome not fo;gooo o, ? et fo, tljat egt^ (bow boip fttj
of :

an E Dnnne too:u,ip 0; honour to be refeneo to tttem but catber ttjat v '.}

fti.ulo, notw a 10 uu
so mucij goo* 10 to oc iguw
nurhes of foinc certapnc mattera, toiofe appofnteo tvmea to an" uc, as it m.if .

P« c le« tarewcu.
taunt of ttje fame, n Jg oa to men uiacb ftnit. ana tbia u toe reafon of tbw fa- > »«»

C jEebjBtatie iiath,
,x%Wu bapcs.

V) Mornyng prayer. Euenyng prayer.

"I !
i . EcffonJiuEctrom i.Ecffon. lint-cCTon
|p |
laaten p. Izgn gtttnt g ^attJii |€totL jct.l ffiatlu i. ICyoD.flt.llCOjjjtt
tt |e |ttft. J|^«|>i.£Baric»|ttt |flHrtb.ijc*l ft \
\l \
\xu flto.l Biafe bttyop* iu8( |<gto.tttt.ltfi |@,to.jcftft.ljcft

^Kr[g |^tD t ^o t
(i5tibcrtconfctroMl» |tt) j ftft lytrf it**
MJ ffiottag* jSlgatl* tntgttn \u tint Itbut
jci* lb font. 3D t lDo^tl)t bitgttn [tut tit IW Itt Tit

13 |c |tni. 3D«|3ngttie toitgujujtmi Wt. [Wt [jcjcft |<ft

t» [tot. 3t»,|^aulbufop tt |tMtt_ |ttti

jc |k jrc.|3woltnetottgtm|t tttit. Ittttfi

" ILl^UM tt tttmu t |£e.jcWtt.irt

~|g !«< 3t>«l^ott)frtgbtt^op t iytt aeu,ttt4tt Jw |t»«

ajftno* 3tM <gmaita ftit gttu jyttt ttt>u !t*

|b [ 3DU5. ^lfcane bifoop* I
|2um.tit!tifi '{Xiii [it

it (c jtt*. J&y&alcnttne btty. tttti \xiiii Itt* \X

t>tt [d |;cd. B'.lJfaufttn btftop* ,ytn [ytrtt Itt) tt Itt

|e Ittttt B !
.l3ttttan tntgin. lyim fctt Itt* tttt lt»
%D yttt* l& Mpo licfoonbtlftop- iut [rttu l&ttkfruu



&tmcon btfoop. ytr
g 3u»an. fry

|jcyt> \HiA.

Ittb it

Ittt lit

rtt b |y. BUlflPtttttCD bttgttt, liyt Ittttt |iii Itttt) tit

c |ty. l&UHtttt«tnattttg t jgy |yyyt»i (tttt |5Pettt.u tin

tt jtrttt. BUlj&ctetg cbatte, "Ittttt IDettUi. ttt
it c |utt. m[0QU>catpe.jfatto ijtttt It* JL It*

IO?L BUiipattljtc.appft. Lttft_ IMItf* ttt.|t>« |

€ccr.t |«£pne»i.
tttt l g |t>. IM.|Confta_ntie trftg. Irytn j&eut.t*,}*** |S>cu. tttjtt

rrlott jfrttt |tt_ tt Hit

[b~ jitu

l&u jattthne
i^D.mi^ftb a toebtCbop,
btftop, _jttjjtttlt_
littFlttt Itt

C patcije batl)*]C]cjtf, tapes,'
The moone. xxx.

crtfctf). c ctowmn. 15,

Sunnc^ ^houreJ 3
Morning prayer. jEuening prayer.
aaiietl). c

|tt.HelTon f Ve IV.-
111 p I
j&Ucnb. |2DantPbutjop. >yyy |g)eut.;rtoi|iiLuS.rll. IDeu.rtoniepne. tot.

e |tol. ^o.lCcD&cbtujop. Intuit Jlti i

n* \mu u
n f |to. ffio.lG&aiitinifMtJ M. lltttt jjtri tt

8 |uu. J3o.| %Puam mar t. iu |rrti rto Jrrutt ut

vt int. Jfto.l jfocef<gtifebt. [tin'" Irrto Irtot jrrtot Jtu£

tout b |pnD.^o^ncto?ismatt. [to |rrtott |rtoit jyytotft jgoloflM,

cj |]jkrpctuemart. I
rrtr Ittotit lyjcjc |n

rtot p [tout. 3"b.[ %ppoiont mart, i

]xx%i Irtjc tot \m
c imt. 3P.| jfourttcmar. >' \xxxni Inc Irrrutl |ntt

fjgk 3D.| 3lgaptt mart Ijouie.t. |rtl l3ouie.u.|ulctietT.t,

SolinArtete E Irrtt tut
pit 30.1 - |ttt l«

tt 'inn. lo.l dgrcgo.bKc.Eo.Ti |b rrm ]tot Itn

3P.( ffl)copo? tmart. jnf

Equinoc- "jtoli Ijcrttit tout lint
b itt. I

c Ipnp. 3P.|£|tjE [3otm.t. \x I*

.«IPlU SLonfll. mart. tint iryttt |n \xxtiii |tf.iaw.

rum c Irtoit. 3&i.| 2lptti. $tlartl. rto ljuptt. t. |ttt [ft
Sunne ri- ton f |rtot. &i.|<g>ctruPtsffatrt. rtot [Hi tut tut m

and fctteth
g|rto. jau<gp\toarpctmtcj. rtolT lb Ito Itot It.CtnU.

x\> %lttt. Bl.llofc.Ijufb.^ar. rtont (tott jtot Jtotti man.

nn b [xiiu BI.I Cntnbcrt bt^. >:iz \iv Jtoif_ \x lilt

Ml\ 26cncp(c abb ot. itotu )*n |to

[c_lptu J*i
m Dirt. 3ar.r^ffroPoftbtttjnWi jyttl In- |ymt Itot _
c lie iH.llCpeoponpnctt.lrrtt frb It Irtot lu,1Tun.t.

ai.| 5fatt. i&iqmentlcyitt Ijcbtt rt Irtottt ft

t l
is: gltottt. Stl.| ^nmin.ottil9ar.|rrtUt itn l<gccie.itt.|ttt

i^iton. IBtl.i Cattoi martin iiupg.nrirttt |3uP.rr- Itttt

jttou 6 tot. »i.| a>o?otl)c tolrg. trv- pert jruu imutp.i. |ffttns.i

ST c |to. jStuiia npcrttbttgop. Irrtoti |^ucii.n.|rto ut tt.tu.

m (tUctoftnl mart,
pu| ^inrtnt m art,


t.feutq. ii.lrton
|t. tnng.t.'


Ut f jP?tD. ^T.r^PcImtbtQjop. a- Itttt Iwtout tt

The moone. xxix.


rrpfcffi <* <*b. mttt. 15.


Sunnc ^J -Phourc -^
n Morning prayer. jEuening prayer.
(falleti) c •

:ffon. Jit.Ecffon lt.2LcfTon.jtt. Scffon.

IS IB&alcnD. il 1CI)coDo?tl)irg. |t It.tmipj.inljobn. jtf;c[f.fefn.t>rt.|0efrr.<tf.
n~jjaltttt. tfto| static egppr. (
[bttt 1$ lit [tttt

|b [tit. /3o.lEtcDat:Deconfe.j l»
Tip |c |pztD.$o.l 3mb?ofe btllj. \Httt8.l \ziii |bt
urn to lianas. ^arttman bi$. |b [jCtttt •It (rb |b«

xxn \t Itrttt. 3D.|S>c;cttmarftr. |bt |ut tWt Ibttt

b If |\)tt. 3D.|€upl)cmte. rbitt itut |ric lit

|g IW. 3D.|€gcftpptftfoct. n w 1* im X
jcuT |a|b. 30.I ^crpetut btf^op.^t #11 Ibt tRrtft \Xl
tt |b lint. 3D.ii&amoofWf.WWjr \XXiiU |btt lw» Ittt
|C tilt. 3D.| Sol in T |JC]CW (Ditt Ijtjcwt mt
|D jpitD. 3D.|£cnfbtfljop. jjcrtittt \i%
toft |3acob.t.
|e 1 IDiis. 1
euplmnte Dfrgfcfti \m It iw# lit

rbttt It litbttt. m,\ Q9atf. Etbtttt. |

|(uttaig*t|# ju.lung.t'liu
».w< lot |rbtt. m|©r\baibtatcbt.|rb Ittt (ttt |tm Itttt

jailtbt. m| 3ftoon btfoop. 1 b Irttt Jbt It)

*b jo ii\j tti.|4mccttbtro.Eojri Ibtt Irtttt Ibttt |t.|0ct.t.

tm |c [rati, mi eiutbcrtt. [ft |tb It la

b (rut. m| 4iptKPje mart. jj :t,t t* Itfu line [Hi


jnt |e [rtt. BM&ltctonsmatt. |j J xiti Ifbtt Ijcitti Itttt

|f |tt. mi&tmcomsbtty. |rr *b Irfcitt |rbt lb

18 lit. m|S>otI)crtsbtOj. jj jbtt lie* Ijcbitt lt».®cr.n
tt? pCli%. m| £>. (Beozst. ;*m !
rr IW lw Irt

jo" imtL mi^ifnbeconfef. Iw* Irjctt ittt

JCM |c |tttt. mmuftc€uatiff.|rEb 1

fficclc.ti ttlmt ieCClC.1). |t.30h!T.t.
|D |bt. ia!.|Cictt.btqj.Kom. it Juno;. |tt.ttttt. 2 4-1"
UL_ |

1c |b. mi3naaabi.lRom.ji:rbtt lut.fetnQ .ijjcjcttft |?.Wttff.: -. |ttt

UUI [f |utt. mi&utausmart. Bttttlfft Ijw* |tttt Itttt

ttt |g |ttt. mH&cterof^tUa. [

|b (jcybt IW It)

audim Bi.|l>cp.€ Itni Ijcjcbfl [bttt (tt.ttt.30l).

~T \
Jz 1 1 1

, 3

Sunnc Morning prayer. Euening prayer.


g,etronjtt.g,cffon t.ilcgon \u.g.c{Tom

i(*i\?s I
, -',:>. -
3acob. ]€cclc.l}tt |3ct. t)ui.|€ccl.tjc. Iiuoag.f.

^o.|'-att)analtbi(li. lu "Mrtng.iy|]c ttmt j

|?.ftpng.y.|Ro m .u
W ID It). Wl3nue.ofpctou"e.|nt
3^Q.| Ctmftopftet. jmt

%i |<39attu.

bin |e itttt.

|«u_^.l^oDarDi. \0 tit tut


lpnD.^o4 3oft" ggjggi- \>i < \fb\i inn luftttt

jEtonas. 3olm of Jgguer. |bu
(fry IB Iflc 1W
1 mtt. 304 Dui 1m Ibt lyrtt IDtt

r mL iD. ICranf. S>.^(ct.|tc |4.frWt.lbU Mtng.uitttit


p |bt. TividSoiDtantmflj.
1D, <go?ptani mflji>
r m |wu lint tat

1^ 30,1 3ugotfi marttr. fcrt I* * IW I*

jrii IVni lbttt J#

15 iit 2jii.[^e ttiaft confef. Inn Itt In 6 Itff

1 Ipifp.
a •»«». ;
matt. [tint
*lTiiiSniitf5Tfrrmnrf. rirtt In
lti tit Itti \Wi
ironi I 3Q-I Boniface
5tt b :
ftDonnattit. \W Itttn run

|P lirtrt (tb
c ltDj^^.i]lujut 1 25? jew
0~[n |tbi. BUJtonllonsar. tM~ltbu jgv jtw< Iflrt

rbtit toy Itbi tt It.CoM.

tin |e lt£ StuiHHoftoU mart.
Irty Itbit [rflt lit
It irtiiu miSDimftanebtto. ggj
iwim |m
tit nVg±?^s5^«mgr-n^ fetri lr»»j

alnt &U pic qucene* ric jrti Irtfr iw it.<KlDM. Ilttl

|t.efDMttiW tut
|b|tt. m| jmltan Ditgin. \xx\i _!»

\t t. istn apg ftpett matt WW 15

|rtt Ibt bi

Witt bit Irtu tt JbU

"fiTjg 8U.1 3>etnui.m attit.
tt.etDMlttut |it.€fD?.it lbiit
tW| c j
wit, ^l. lglDjImtl^!! rr.n

|uti i
wmt |b it

Di Ittb jbttt |jc

]£jw. 8u raSti>tp?<tO>
Ittbt In'
iia |p, jjfl (isetmatie bid?* yDtit \x

IFjiitt. j&U^aWtm^btgjop^ mL jcttt ttbtt

jo Haiti)*
lm. m
&ettom.iabitg. lttt
nt Felice,
t. Wibttt



ntu .

1 1 i
C June ijatlj- xw. fcapcs-
n ve moone. xxix.

Ctpftfft C '
^ Jhoure, 3
Morning praycr.j Euening prayer.
Cfallctlj C !w«.mm.26

It.EcfTon. Iti.acffim i.&caoit. |ii.£ciron.

tiaatenb.|j3tct)0tne.3utt. It
^ l
^atlut. t^cft. btt. [t,€o?. yb.

2* iyw. $ol ^arcellf. mart. it ~|Wtt (ttt \\x_ ijctot

mi s l
ttt. jflo.l dEtafmttg btty. m |3 Qb* < |mt [3ob.ti. [ti.€0M.
p<?tD. $o.| petroct confef. tttt tut 1* |tm (tt

lb >Jonas. aBotufaccbtOj. is
W IW ttt

frit f. 304 Ctauotus mtfa. |bt [bit (bit |btii |uu

— J*. bit. 3D#atubi%.coittt.|bit |ty (but [X It)
11 bt.
3D.[ fl0cpacDt btf^op^l^iu \xt IW Ittt IW
Jfjk 3D. HMmtMeltrt. B pew 1* Itittt bit
t |g |ttti. 3D.|@ctultutattic. g [yt> [tt Irbi bttt
l^lttt. 3D.|a5antabeapott. jrt jercicit. |3ct.tttit.l€ccic.rit.|3ct.tb.
ruui[b lp?tb. 3b.| SollnCancro -
Lett l3ob.i7-'8.fl0arU.t:u[3ob < t:tr.ltt.coMr
bit |C I
3DU0. JSoHtitium eftiuum. |y tu |yg tut rjw
D ybttt.iEl > l3mtt;<gyu.btft.|yutt
l jtttt ytttt \gctu I ff
tb (e Itbtt. m,\mn$<2$obzau l,tb |yttttt]C,tto tb [
y;rtn^7» Itit
tttt [f (tbf. M.\ Citict g 3ttUte. |tbt lyyyttiit tbi Iggg tut
lg jtb &14 atbani matttt. |tbu |t,tjt (JUttc. t. |yjcjcf jtigaiat.t.

tit |3|tttit. l&l.j aiSotulpht confe. Itbut \mcii |tt lit^ttt lit

b [flti. %i\ ffiamf floated lyijc lyytttit [ ttt Ijcyjcb |ttt

c |tti> BM^craafiflBoM.irt Wj [tttt [ytjcbti |ttu

it D |rt. mi.lg2latburgctttg.iyrt yyyt)ttt It Ittttt



Bt-l^auttnt btftop.
BM ffthclDzcp. jfaft. Ityttt
jtttt tl

l&tou. t.
Itfpfec. i.
bi g |btit. ml 3oi)tt 26aptt(t, itttttt ffiata.tit.lffiatn.tttffiattiuWat.tuit,
3 |bu. Bl«l StmanM btftjop.ltt l
^o«. it* |ftufa.biitH&ou.
t [b jbt. ~lftt.l 3oft.^au.mat.!ttbi jtttt [ ty jb (ttt

ttt |c (b. %i\ Ctcfccns. (ttb ii |bt [bit (tttt

mi&con.btlft.5ratt.|ytbiu|bttt Iff |tr |b

n c liii Bi.| ^.p>ctccapott.ltttt tit. |<gcctc.fft|:3ct.iiti.
flnft.BM Come. S).^am. ttt 1
i#?ott* jc. lEnb.tii. I^ |€
1 I

-rifett). "ittt.mitus
Sunnc 1
n ornmg prayer. jE ucning prayer.
!faliet&. .fyftf.mi.42

u«,ctlon. |ti t 2,ctionLJi.cUn».|ii?<

r ff0rT
yir Ig %utenp. 0cta.3oTjJbapt.
I |
_J3&wu.]t«.|«Lnft.]rtii:|^o. jnirpjtuT
Dili |4[pt. jft o.| TOta.ofggat. ju Irtttt [ mlt ltp~ Jtt
b [P. #D.|<gtegoftebiipop.|iii jybi |tf> iJCDtt im
tbT c |iiii. J8043ctanfla.lgatti.iuft itDtu HrPt jttjc juu"
D tft. Jl2o.| gogpttgit t. jp |tt jtDu
lfft jcouoltx

jcfti f
|pup. $o.l€>"ct.ftet.?ftati. Dt
jQonag. SPogge papes.
1 | Pit



it g|Dttt, 3D. D»t jffPt
|ff IWPtt Ittif

3[ pti. 3D- i
€ml iibt%opT W lOTtt jfft \mx {umntt.x.
bJPi. 3 P_4 & eug fret, mat. 1 EH liwi Welti,
c [p. 304 Beneptc abbot.
E \€aU.iu Ifftti m |ift_
JCDttl p [tut 3'-M jru lutt limit (tut
Dii c litt. _3p«H&tfuati martin i^iu ~|pT 3omu. ipu ib
f |pftp. 3~Q4^gtact bt(Sop. {rim |Pm \u Itt ii. iCiKff.t
JCD g |
3Dns. itranfl. S>\Dttft. IrP
I S tit [Xi u
till 4[ tPtu j&t43ugu.€uftacn. jtpt Itfi tiit I3trc.i. ttt
o jtPi. jffl.| Bcncimeftpng . [rPu |3ete. ft. [d lift t.lTtm.t.
SRi" c ItP. JKL| 3tnalpt)bi(bop.itP:ft jmt ]pl |p"
p jriift. &l.|»qffineg3ngt. |rft |Di iPit [P it ftrt
c itftt. m.\ Margaret Pirg. irr |pm itmt [jjr
JjtE iai.|^arcDePtr gin> jj; It* rt Pi
. lg Xt [
m\ Want flfrag pal. Jffft (yti |g tut ti.gtm. t.
HDu »M ^ppoltn btfljop .|fffti
ill?* lytftt |tT ~|ff7 it
Di b &i.| jf aft.ei)?tftt.Ptr. jrr
[ft;. i |y'Dt" ~~[£u" [tplT
3ames apoftte, \xx b_J€cKnu |rfti
PLlWi^ai.] 3unc
ot.fl9at.ff Pi \jiv. xwi itftit
m tit

m p—HtOiT^

t jDi. jH. £>cuen fleepetg.

j cpit liiT "p
f ID. ^Ll^ampfonbifp. ryPittlytii \tw
n \xxtti l^ileTT
gjiift. jKli^artftaDttgin, my [xxtm l
yptt top |^eb?e.i.

M lift.

yyy Iff Ptii |rty
rPtii Jff Pit


—J 1 i r

cST^uguft hart), wqrf. bapcs.

f ^
'tftt.mttl.38J gj-
Sunn houre
Morning prayer. |Euening prayer
^fallctt) c .tltt.mttt.15* I

I it.Ec{rgn ^tt.accro»t t JHTSpSn

c f&ammas bap^ - latent;. pcn^poftn.^.l jer.jcyytj ^ebMttf.

5HT|d ittuTl^l &«p5«» bf {bopTfu feci* lW* iCTfltf fo

ut. ^n.iiniif.Qfi&hDb.
Jfl o-l 3nue.of&tcpj) 1
Itti Irxrtttt I Sctes. i. |ryjcb
acres.*, tab b
5 |f jp;tD.jl2o.|3uOfn epttett\ tut ittjtbi |bfi

D Imftjtt [ttj \vtflx intf

tHi %ttf. 3D- Erattf.of WinJet Urt [fftt |jcu_ l#


n |b ^amc of 3cfus>
|bif. 3D>t 1
(gift ft bam
|c_^JL_jj;l ^tttac i Dts felo, font [ylttft |bf jjClD. JCW.jrt
304 laom antutartir. j
jcitott [
bft lyiftttt \M
[e [tttt. 3D.| g.aurcnccmart . \m__\xmi |i |tttt

_ jttt 3D.| gtbur ttfr&ttCaMjCi \\ii_ li acoo.f.

5"lS pno. I
3b4 C tarc Dfr gftt. \
U,mmn.\ \v l

_l_L i"i^pp p0.f fttgftl, 1;

Jftt |jrt |ttft_ jftt

_ [bjjcfjr. Bl.j 5>eptcmbttg. jCttft t) jjrf lf5fcfiuttjtttt_

iig3cci).ttt ( tttf jtn I*
SunnerU (Djruu. j&i.| Hocl)emarttt. ijfln IDft Jrtttt |rtff |~f.teer. t.

feth at. v.
Jit l&UiDcta.of&atir. irtm Irtfft Irto |rbtif tt
and fcttcth
~g &t. l3cja pet.marttr.i;rbtu jtyytt gg jyrrfttt lftt
atvii. ~~~t
iqltitff. ftij Ma gnus mart, nr |3Danf.t. |
ttttt |3Dam. if. tttt

J JJtftt._f&l4 JUioouf bffrop. c irt lift \xWi tttt

tnt._m|26arnarD tonfef. im_jt)

|b Jrtjc ~l*JL tt.^ct.f.
|c Jrf. »H atfjan af. mart* lyttf |trii \n >tff u
jfatt. _ rrttt jty fo rt

I t |m
- l^rcl.rjcb |yjcf t jgc^ygtyj^ioftmj.
je ttjc* %>M
T\j [bin. Hsuifc up outcftpttg* lrjct> |3>ant.jcf. feflt |g>an.ffi*itt
let, |w. BUI Zepher.bftbop* [trbf riff lCTfttf Ittfft jfff

\ayrn. luiUum marttr. wfrff €> fea.f. |yrb l^fe.ftttflfitt

ct |b ID. teUfftngnfttneMk rtbiif tttt |yybf |t?.Df, ?~
|c |mu &HBebeaDof3oftn. vljt totf bcyutt |ijfff
nr io ittt. jai.|jfcuyfaabact> jyyy |ty \___M___ bube.t.
jc | &l4$auUmbf{bop.lricr \xt \matl\ t.[tn IKom.C
L I 1 1
r C ^eptemDetDat^icic^'baves. TJ&<» moone. xxix.

rttrctt)* C cd» mm, ?«.
SunncJ -^ houre 3 Ndorning prayer .( Euening prayer.
cfaWtl> c cbt.mttt,H. C/3

(t.«.riton itt.&etton|'.f9.cnron|ft.s ctTon. >

tbT[ f [istaieno. |
c^plcsbifljop, (i |€>fe. rtti. 09arlu t.|©re.rwi.!
Ijtttt. ^o.| ^ntotttmarrtr. |u [loef. t. (m l3oeu tt. |tu
XlilL Mo.\ HuptbtGjop. |ttt |ttt |ttti Inmost. t.|tm
fit :
1 b Ipjto. &Q.{ ti]90Ptt pjopl). lHinos.ti.|\) |ttt |b

;i | c |
jsonas. | 2>ooj oapcs cnoe. |t Itu't |bt lt» (bt

D Ibttt. 3Q.I €agem comet. ||bt |bt (bit Ibtt |btt

e |btt. 30.1<£mttxl)tbw)op. |btt |bttt |bttt |tr |btu

f bt. 3D.|^att.of^ane. (but |7ibDtas.t|tr jlottas. t.lir

g b. 3D.I©oz3ommactir.l iJ r
(jo.u.tit.[jc Itttf |r

btt 13 tut. 30.1 $tuau omjop. |r lnwicn. t.jrt |rt

b |ttt. 3D.|^02t!)tff^actn4rt |iti |ttt |mf. Irtt

rb | c |pno. 36*| £!0artintan bt$. jni |b Irttt |bt irttt

b 3Dus. So1 in Llbra - |bu irfttt paum.t.lriitt

nit I |! |

jc licWtf. ISkM^olpctoflTc. | l#}|rb |t»t |rb

lit |f Irbit. aui^quinoaium j^bacuct )CPt i^ jrbi
|]CW. 2*!.|
Auwmnale. |f(t |tblt l^opb.t. |i.C0M.
1 $
]H\tb. IStt.| ftambert btfbop.|ri j&opft. it.rbtii jut |ti

tr lb|tttu. &'J4ltcto.f*£ozo. Ittotti. l^oacf. |jrt]c I'^gcjc. ti.iiti

fcttcth |c rut. &l. lanuartmarm.ln |£ac!ia.i.|rr |£acttttt|tttt

rbtt lb Irtt. »i.| Cutta. iFait. |rr lttit.b. jrrt jbt |b

bt c |rt. m*\ •
|$ccic.?5. |rru |€rcle. ?b',|bt

fir. $u.|i©auritt?£>oci. |rrtt |£act).bu(rrm |£ac.bitt.]btt

run cjjir. BMCeciabtrgm. |rrm |tr Irruti lr Ibiii

in 3ilt>ttt. Sl.|3nbocl)tmarttr. Irrutt |ri |rrb Irtt |ir

b |btt. £U.|5FiriimubtQop. |rri Irttt Irrut Irttit jr

tj c ibt. &i.|CtpttanOuff. Irrbt |©aia.i. Irrmt l^ala. ii. %i

b |b. iai.|cofme$2>am. fecbtt |ttt Irrbtit |iut irtt

fir e \i\iu MjCrupctibttbop. irrbtti JTCobM. \mat& i.|1Tobi.ti. Irttt

iUil f |m. m\ &.mtmi Irrtr |ffi«ic ?9.[u |€ccle.44.|ruu

1 8 lifti). 3Kl.| ^tcrome Doct. |n:obt.ttt.|ttt |Cob. tiu.|rb

1 i 1 1 (

C October Ijatf). tttt. Dapes.

Sunnt hourc. 3
Morning prayer. Euening prayer. (


t.jUffon- ltt.iUffotil i.ilcffon. lti. fUffonT
jrbl 4 |&aienD.
toitge. |
ffobf/b. _
" bit [b biti co m.
__ IttT-jfoj aeobegar. btuj. Hit j

tuT |c |D. #0.1CanDt Dtma ttft.l,ift |fr_ ti

« |D [Hit $dj .franctg confef. j _j__ "Ibtf tit tit

_ i3o.13lppoltnmatttr.ltt tttt (ifit
|ttt. licittt
le_ I

jypziM^ijFajrtft^^n i _|W_ |
3upft.t. |iy
ig {
Sottas l^arct^ tercel.
, (bit Jfft |t tut IW
t5mj3*|bftf. 30.I ftelagtettftgfn. jbiti |W Ibit

gt~jb |bif. 3b.( 2>ennfs. "bit Jtff ]bfff |bfff

~(c jbf. 3D.ld5creomstitatt.Jlg_ 1ft Itftf

tb~ip (b. 3o.rJl2tcI)afttbtffrop. [ tf l
it itffft Ittt jt

uu [
e itttt. 3P.|iOatlfrfDibt$op. frit I
tift |tb |
ttlff |tt

If li ft. 3 b-i CPWarpe. Uttii ltb Itbt Itbt Itft

Sol in Scorpio. imtfD.t.
jcfflg |p;tP. 3D. Itffft |
%uft.Pt.fliflUfp. it. Itttt

3Dns. | jM ftanebtfhop|rb (tit jpf.f. \iiii |Qffalau.

jb [
tbii. % !._ cmbns. frbt
jftott it? ft IW if

ft jc (tbf. j8rt.l gtftWeDcwrg.|ttoif [M jiit [btti ttt

jp t\> mJfl \tMi (, jffft job, t. jtftf

t le

jtfttt. mi5fte DcftbfPctoftg .|itf)C

[ m fb.ty. It?

(mtfo.t. )b
If Itttt. j rt ]bf Itft IW
[S Int. Ml\ bf tg.ltrf ~)tf ff \w Itf*
tuft 1 31 in. Ul [{Jg atf Colon ic, [
mi jri? _wtt Ti it

Hi lb Jt. isti l IRomane bf (bop. |rt»ff j

tbtf |f* tit

l"c |
ft. Ei. C0aglotfbtujo p.
litttftf j
ttJt je Itttt

]d (
bttf. m .\ cttfpt nef Ctffp. i ttb j oiccl t.iu \%i ttt •lb

Je Ibtf. mieuatlft.bttbop. frtbf lttfi Jjrtf ]bf

ttt It Ibt. iai.l jfaft. ttytjtt ibt ga_ >ft \mn t
bltTlg |b. »ll Simon $3udc. jt]rt?ffil3o.H^5jtftft __|3__> tt

[3|uti. j&t.l^amfftbtujop. Ittiy _gccl.trttt._ifl |<£cci lift

cm [t? |itt. _m.| dgettnanf cottfef. fa t It Itbt _____ tfft

to lc WbT%M
| 5?aft. jt__ i
tfti itbtt itttt lollofU
1_J 1 I _
C ffiouembtt Ijatlj- wv% fcapes.
The mooncxxix.


S j
Morning prayer. 1 Eue ning prayer.
CUtt. min,26.

|ti. jUtton luacttonftu Jtcflbn.

tfu [ejfttt _J3o.l Comme. Detune (fi |eccKritttj8Lu.1ct>ttt j<gcclc,yv>

|f |<ft. j]^o4 gxathttrtpe t>ir^> Ittt jtbt Jjrtjc jjwt im
[rojp. jf3"o.( 3triantt $ ra tta. 1i TViii w [tit lltit
J3ona&|iUttpztett XX \Xti \tti li.fcftciu:
|b |bftf. 3D'|HcoiUitoeaUbo»HH rrtt \Xtii \XXiii 1«
: |c lW._3D.|iimiHtbjODcarc!7. truit \ttiii |yrD itt
Utt |D |bf. 3D| fouce crotbncb. |ptii rybfi irytttt |rrbttt |tm
e lb. 304 Xl)cooo?u DC my |3oftn,< t [ret |p
yp |f |titu 3b»t ffiattm btlbop. -|y mi a lu.gpcU
mt |g m Jb.\^&min\iiMo t
\%i rrrtii l«t
torn" [it

fllpztp. 3D> ttt trjrb Iftft tobt |<ft

yn |D |
3Dns* l^pcebifbop, |ym rrrbit |P tobiu (ulTtm.t.
t |c irbiiuBU|a>ecemb;itg. yiitt jcyjcty |pt iJfl ltt.«t
b Irbtt. Bi.|40acfmtebtifr, jrfr -l icit |bu_ jjiu \uu
le [tWLjai.! gbmonbe a tcp, |rbt jfltti \m l^lutt (b
|f |
tb »L| "l^aiaft utg>"op>
Jg§ ft Iribt ibt
CPU |g \xint | tl, [Ii'i».rcgniE]i Z ab, trpiit lyibtt Itlbitt jti.lCmu.
'""licffl. m|€tt3ab.inatto. [At \xW |rt~ ~\l tt

lb |ru. B epmunpe
t.| fting. fry _l« CTt |2Satur.<. lfti
jCttlt lc im B -|^efcnt ^artcrpt
t |3Satu«t<."|ttit lift lift
»< lb It. miCectttcbttflfn. mi \iUi inm 3C«uS.t.
|e |tr. Bl.| Clement bityop. XXiii |bt I^» |€fat.f. lu.m.
ti If |buu B UlCftzpfottonmar, jCjEttn |tgfaui. jrp; |ttt pnie.t.
_ |g |btt. Bl.l&atf)etmebttg. rrb |ftrt itbti jp |l£eb?e.u
ptlbi. Bl.| ami biftjop. rrbt |bt ijcbtft lbtt lit

Vnnjbjb^ BM3gricoie«rotta. rrbti |bttt |rir |ir |tii

jc |tt(f> Bi. auft mart. trbiit|t [tt

J# ittt
rbt Bl| jfaft. Saturn. |rii rti
I lyfti |b
b 0ft_b.Blli3np;ielbc apoft. \xpx l^ou.rr. 3ctcs.i. \$iou.ffi\bi

t&at Ctle tjeginning of tBr.rrbi. Cfiapter of Cccleftafticw

Ji5ote, unto
But when one is.&c. mutt bt ttstti \DitB tfte.rrb.'lHapter.

\P1 i to*tft
C fetcembtt bath,
jtjejci, bapes.


Morning prayer. | Euening prayer.
i failctH. att.mfti.45»

!oIu(ttTlleffon ;.&cffon, ltt.&cabn

(C foiiimn, ( flMgttJrtJbop^ |
<Sfa.ytttt J3ote& tt. l@fai.yb. $ebje.bii .

rtji I« (ybi jiii jybtt "jbttl

u III. #0. asarbata bttg. |ut pcbitt liiii JBjC w.


c^^TFt pno. jl2o. l€)iinunDebt [B. iff* ?ff* |b lWft_ UK

jri jgonas. Sabcjibbot . lb |yyjit iw
|b mm
lc jbii.



|y ybit



f |\n. 3D.j €oncept.ofti0a.;v>iu Igfljc Ibitt to |3ames.f.

yft jgjb." 3D.jCtpttan abbot , jty \xm [it Iflcytt jit

tTinii««i_3 4 €ulalie birgin. it toirt j* IWjWiJi

Sunnc ri-
b |itt. ml a>amafi bttb. jri tob U iJWJtW |tttt

[c lp;iD 3M Sol apncornc. Mi
in ( Irt^t jytt tobttt [b
rain 50. and
fettcth at.iu lOU! £uttebttgtn. itygty Ititt lyl |i.£et.t.
l.t-imr. »M 3arma tii. |nm
pelt frtttt

j |f jjcbttt.BM talent bitbot>. !
(tUii fr Irittu

Igjtbtt. %» .! €> fapientia. \tm. |tib [ybi llrtbt tttt

I frw. &l.|g.a3atibi(bop. |r^!i jt'btt \%W jylbtti |b

01 1 5 lyb. jBtH <Btacian oiftj. |tbi» petty |ybitt |1 [tt.ftct.i.

lc Intti. EUlCacucueb ttgin. \tir. \ \t \

m \\u Itt

£tm l&jjc ttt. Uttt fry llttii |fft

m I
c ftttT &M gliomas apod, [tri Iftzou. »;. |fft Iftwi. h- |f «3 ohn.i.
rgj. Ki.| £bittie m art. rrtt |<gfaUb. !w«i_ ItffaUbi.lit
yi jjjc. »T.l fcictotie bitg. iCTJtt JltoU Ityi tt llbttt Ittt

Mft. %HJfaft. yl-bttg. mw |liy (

nnitt Ujc Ititi

tty |b Ibitt. m\ gimftmas. rtb |$fa<.tt . l

&u&iqnilfffaubtt. |1Tttug.tti,

bi'ii |c Ibii. »i.| 5). Stephen. rrbi Hfoou.28. |3<et/.7. I€cclettttl3rt. bit.
(p|bi. iKi .jgD.30bn. irrfu (Cccle.b. lapoc.t. ieccie.ut.iapo.yytt
rbt [c lb. W43nnoccntc5 Jget.yyyi.l^c t.ityb.l iaiitD.i. |t.3oftn.U
If jtttt. iBti.|kbo t atcb t caii.lvcir |Cfai#i. \xW |<|tt.3or)n.~

Igltii. M .\ lCranfl.3acob. Jwbit l

lytiii |tti.3otjn_.
- 1 ' mi 5)ilueftetbi(b. Ijttbitt Itybi |3ube.i. __

J_i 1 J L 1
T%J*t?^ J^9jT
" : « m

The creation Gencfis.


The firft booke of Moyfes, called in

Hebrue ofthefirftnorde ofthe booke ' <Berefcbith and

inGrekc" Genefis.

±V The firft Chapter.

2cijc eartft atrtr t^e seaptftesf. ?Xpgf)t. 6®t>e firmament ojljeatten.
io®l)eearte,anDt^efea. i4«befunne,tljemoone, anDtheflarre*.
zififtozg. 24 €t)t beatteg of tlje eartlj. 26 Recreation of man. 29
<0oo geuett) imro man
tfie potoer of pwreatton, anOfubouetijaH
tfipngeu bnto ftpm. 50 ©oos pjouifton fo; IpueloDe.

l N the begin- 6 3fob dBfoO faib : %trr)erebea"ftrm$
ning *0£>3i> mentbctibcne t&e Abaters, ano let lerem.x.c
matte a oitnftoti bettbene waters ano « ^cb;e. A
«lc.i8.a. crcateo v bea* flrctchyng
uen ano tbe Jbaters. out,orfet-
earths 7 3lnb 000 maoe tf)e co firmament, anb tinj abroad

1 ft) 3D tfj.rt

Snotbccartb fet die Oiuifion bettbene tbe ibaters!icr j

ibljtcb [ towcJ
ill t:i: ic

urns without bnoer tbe ftrniamcnt,ano (ixmt.mnm.

ano flcrrulit,
fonrme , ano tbe fcaters tbat rtta*] *aboue °° tbe 13 to nam. 5.

tbasbOi>oe:$ firmament : ano it was fo. ISfai.crlbW.

—."Vjltautn, Dacftncs^ajj] 8 3tao 000 calico tbe firntament tbe poinccodtoj,
tljat bfouti

beanen: ano tbe cuenpng ano tbe mop

W'fic tliat
00 % *SUUt>fft,
«• «ft«r
t)pontljc face of tlje^oeepe^notbe
fpiritc of 000 nioucD bpon tlic face of npng were tbe feconoe cap.
9 ' 3lno 0oofaioe*ilettbc ® watersfbn* P6l.».k'
tbeibaters* ffitje.?.oap.

5 3taO0oofayoe,lcttf)erebeUgbt:ano ocr tbe beaucn befcatberco together itt^

tljereibasiigbt. to one place, ano let rtje o#e lanoc ap* (r
Cbat If,'

4 3lno 000 fame tbe ivsftt tljat it tbas pearetanoitwasfo.

ml)lcti mere
9000 : ano 000 ocuioeo tbe Ipgbt from 10 ano 000 calico tlje one lanoe p cartp, ttic lowe*

anotljegatbervng togctber of waters

parte* Of tl)l

tbe&artuies. am.
calleo be tlje feas : ano 000 (aibe tljat
5 3ino 000 calico tbe itgbt oar, ano tl)e
oacunes ntgljt : "ano tbe eucnyng f tbe wasgooo.
c0 let tbe
momyng tberc tbe"ftttt Da?. 11 2lno 000 fapoc eartb bffnej
%i ft»o;ttl

The creation Genefiis. ofm in,

fbojflj [botU] bubbe anb hcarbe apt to (tithe earth.

ft cbc,anb fruttfull trees yeclbyng fruite 2} anb the euenyng anb momyng mere
hath feebe in
nftcc l)is bvnT»e, tbljtcl) it theftftbay.
fclfc bpon the earth anb it mas fo.
: 24 anb (5ob faybe : let the earth bzyng
u^nbtbe (s) eartl)b20ugl)tfo?tb[botij.bub fooitl) lyuyng creature after hts uynbe
anb hcarbe apt to feebe after his uynbe, cattell, ibomte, anb beaftcs of the earth

anb tree yeelbyng fruite, lbhiehe hath after his uynbe : anb it ibas fo.
feebe m it his uynbe.
felfc, after 15 ©ob mabe the beaft of the earth after
i; anb (5ob fame that it mas his uynbe, anb cattell after his Uynbe
the euenyng anb the momyng $bere tlje anb cuery thyngthat creepeth bpon the
tbitbebay. earth after his uynbe: anb 00b fame
14 3lnb 00b faybe : *lct there be lyghtes that it ibas goob.
in the firmament of the heauen, that 16 (,)
00b faibe : "let bs maue man in Cm)
they may biuibc the bap anb the nyght, our image, after our lyuenefle, anb let ffliOniGoo,

anb let thcutbefo^fignes^feafons, tl)em haue rule of the fiflhe of the fea,

anb fo2 bayes, anb yercs. of the foule of the ayje, anb of cattell,
Cm) a9,m a
15 ^nb let them be fo? lyghtes in the fir* of all the earth, ano of eucrprrcepyng cttatn ipse

mament of the heauen, tl)at they maye thyng that creepetl) bpon the earth.
prrtftie nir

gcuc light bpb* the cartl) : anb it mas fo. 27 £>o 00b creatcb man in J)is otbne w turc.o>l)icl,br
finii; i)c jltcts
banc co;:
16 anb 00b mabc tmo great lyghtes a : image, in the image of 00b creatcb he ruoitD.
(n) wionglit
greater lyght to rule the bay,anb a lefle him,*maie,anb female createb he them. to labour to

lygbt to rule the nyght, anb itjemaoe] 28 anb 00b bleffeb w them, anb 00b
image (o oil

Carres alfo. faybe bnto them: *be fruitcfull, $ mute* ttptatro.

17 anb 00b fct them in the firmament of plic,anbreplcni(he the earthy fubbtte Ecclei7.a.

the heauen, w to
fbynebpsn the earth, it,anb haue bomiuion of the fiftije of the Math mx.
()) ladhll
18 anb to "rule the bay anb nyght,anb to fea, anb foule oftheayze, $ of eueryly* pjcttcation \t
tbt lMfiijh!
make btffcrcntc bctibeenc the lyght anb uingthmg that moucth bpon the earth. •Sit.

t\n baraneffe; anb 00b farb that it ibas 29 anb 00b faybe behoibe, 3J haue ge*

goob. uenyou euery htarbe bearing feebe,

19 anb
the euenyng anb the momyng Jbhich is in the bpper face ofall p earth,
mans ftott,
mere the fourth bay. anb euery tree in the ibhich is the fcuite map ttarfci
20 anb 00b faybe : let the ibaters bjyng of a tree bearing feebe, *[t&at] they may
Da lobndit

foojtb mouyng creature that hath lyfe, •

bemeatebntoyou: Exodju.L
anbfouictbatmayfiec bpon the earth 30 Xo euery beaa of the earth alfo,anb to
in the open firmament of heauen. euery birbe of the aire,anb to cuer y fuch
21 anb 00b creatcb great mhales, anb thing that creepeth bpon p earth,ibbich
euery lyuyng f mouing cccature,tbhtch both "hue, 31 haue gcuen cuery greene
the waters bzought foojth after theyj hearbe fo? meate : anb it tbas fo.
uynbe, $ euery fethereo foule after their 3! *anb 00b fame euery thyng that he uyng foule
uynbe : anb 0cb lam that it ibas goob. habmabe: anbbeljoibe, it mas crcee*
anb 00b w bleffeb tbcm,faying

22 : ase bynggoob.anb tlje euenyng s the mo^


frutccftu\anb muinplie, anb fyll the ma*

tersof t&e fea, ano let foule multipue

f The.ij. Chapter.

s Mm in tlje parage of plMure.

Ciic rpucr* names. .6<Koa
?, TS

a $chcauens alfo
$ the bay ije rcttcb from all his mo^ue ibhich
(t) fl!omo>e earth mere finiul)eb,$ he habmabe.
sctee cttsnet
•f creatures
all the Uoaa of them,
anb in tlje fcucmh
anb 00b <*> bleffeb the feuentb m^
Bvt\ tonttima
bay<5ob enbcb (a) his
I fanctificbit: becaufe that in it hehao &* v tit

aitpc goutr =
from all his mo?ue \bt)id)t 00b
rcfteb wbiup"""
ncrl) anD no mo.juemijichehchao
brual) all o^bcynebtomaue.
Ujpngf0. mabe. anb thefeuftl)
uciis 2
The creation Genci is. i
uensano of the earth ibljen tlicp \bere Don tbe fame is it tbat compaffetlj the

crcateb,mtbe bap iDben the &o?b d5oD ttljolelanbeof Ethiopia.

mabe the cartU anb the heauens. 14. Xbe name of p tljirbe ryuer is €
ftibe* (Odnuron.
3nb eucrp plant of the fieiuc before ft
was nunc cart I), anb enerp hcarbt of
brt,f it goctb torbarb
tiie eaft ftbe
: $ tbe fourth rpucr is cupfoates.
of W tapn:ct) aift
the rcjunsol
tt>: «I9 iDMnw
t:B ana 3ira> *
tlje ficlbc grefbe. if o? tlje ILozb
before it 15 ^nb tlje Ho.2b ©oo toftc the man, anb bians. "*

<5ob Dab not [pctj caufco it to rapne bp* put Ijpm in tlje garben of€ben, that be pit.
pon the cattlj, neither U»aj$ t^ewj a man mvgljt (,,) lbo?Keit, anbftepeit. 00 1S0B
%qm <5ob w commaunbeb
to tpll the grounbe* 16 Zxto tlje iwj ttttnitlTr
6 25nt there ibent bp a mifte from the the man,faptng : eating, thou (halt eate (I) iXTbur
earth, % ibatcreb the umole face of tijc of euerp tree of the garben: Stcat tjpftcg

grounbe. 17 25ut as touching the tree of ftnotblcge %££T

7 Xhe?Lo2be(i5obalfobpbfl)apeman, of goob anb cnvii thouujait not eate of dEM<
ecuen] «ouftfr6 oftljje grotmbe, ^bjea* it: f
oj in Vbljat baye fo euer thou catcft
mandiouinc tbeb into \)is nofetbjpucs the breath of ttjerof, thou (halt bye the Cm) beatlj,
rc mcnrttr
u m,ctowc» Ipfe, anb man mas a rpupng foule. 18 anb the fLojb <5ob feybe : 3t is not
poutc of
' w
8 3lnb the ILojb 00b planteb a gar* goob f> the man fhoulb be aione,3l ^PU
of dB°°-
(() »P
«*' bencaflTbarbetn*€bcn, anb there he maue hym an °° jjelpe 'lybe bnto hvm.
ftuof Cpot>,
put the man tbhom he Ijab fbapen. 19 3lnb fo out of the grounbe the Ho:be
ttlopnrt or
9 ^ojeouer, cut of tlje grounbe mabe <5ob hab (napen euery bcaft of the ficlb,
rbc earth raft*
the lilojoc d5ob to grolbe w
euerp anb euety foule of the ay?e,anb bought
SsaB mojc tree, that rbasfapje to fpght, anb plea* it bnto man, that he mygbt fee Ijomc Ije g*«£ »

fauntto eate : Xlje tree c0 of Ipfe in the iboulbe call ft, 5Po? ipbcibpfc as man "»rt c ^
mpbbeft of the garben, anb tlje tree of Dpm felfe nameb eucry lyupng thvtig,
mwtblcbgc of goob anb cupll. euen fo ibas the name tberof.
* Wlicrc 10 3inb out of eben there ibent fooftlj a 10 3lnb the man Co) gaue names to all cat*
4»fai.iS. 37. floob to ibatet the garben, anb from ten, anb foule of the a^e, tj euery bead
(e) jln fncl) tljence it tbas ocutbeb, anb became into of thcficlbe :butfo;uian founbe he not
tonnMunre foureljcabes. anbclpelp&ebntoinun,
manoluft was
11 %$t name ofp^rftfs*$ifon,rhe fame 21 3Che %w <©ob caufeb a beepe fleepc
that coulD not is it that compaflettj tlje tbljole lanbeof to fall bpon 3ibam, anb he flept, anb he
tontapnc ftS 00
one finite. $auiiaD, tt>ftere there is golbe: toke one of his rtbbes, anb clofeb bp
CO loljicl) 6rti
it %m the golbe of the lanbe is berp the place ibtth fletye in deabe rijerof.
(B) *tje goob.Xbere lsalfo26bciiium, anbtlje zz anbtberibbeibbtch tlje lo?b gob hab
Jnulj trie fuc=
£>mcftone. taben from man, "mabe he a iboman,?
13 X!)enameoftf)efeconbettoet:fS(0p J b^ought hec bnto the man.



ic creation Genefis.
a? anbmanfatbe:nt)istsnott)eboneof tbtr ano ftf s mortjer , anb (baibe ioyneb Ma**.b.
ttittj Dts myfe : anb tjjey (ball become jfew
my bones, anb flctye of my fle(l)C,U)C
fyalbe caiieb °ibotnan,bccaufe tt>c mas oneflefbe.

tabenoutofman. 15 ^nbtbey mere bot^nabebtDe man « „,

man icauc Dis fa*
anb|)ismifc>anbibew notaajameb. sKSffe
24 *5Fo? tDis caufc (ball

t/fAw tTA^ftr &?/cW, «»</

$*> Tinsfigure isfpoken ofin tbe . x. W/»y?
rcprcienteth the fituation of Gods garden.


:the GOIPHE '...

Saw Kim/Wit jjss;

turn be an? lipng&ome tuber beauen that feercenentin beautie, fti abo«n«
If&aancco{fraitefttnpfentcoafm0,»nlielpte0anDotbet8pfte0: the* tcbicftbauc
ttuitten of counttews, 00 pjatfe «*«* an #* teme ^ 8t *W
> ftB™* «P*tf«itetb.
il&hetfoje, toithtbemai#0oftfaofetoH?t«k fl©opfejs ejc«fltetS t^ijt paval»«fe, a*ou<
Ivbelongingbnto it. 3nb it t0ba*t»elUi?fie,tbattbe region ojfitngbome of tfoeti
Hart) ben fituateb in that countrcp ,a0 it appeared in ttoe.wrbii. <£ bap ter of Cfaiass
the . xii. warft, ano in the rrbii. of <J?echieltbe . priii. bearte. fl&ojeouer, tohere

a* ^orte0faroctbat a Hood Dvoprocec&e from that place: 3 bointerp;teteft, from

tbctourfcoftbe\riatcr0,aj$?fbelboutoebauetapDetbataiDamDFainftabtte in the
floobbeu ftbe, oj in the lanbe tohicb wag toateteb of botbtyDe* . fcotoebeit, there lis
nogteatmattetintbat, cptber that 3oam bath inbabiteb bnber the place tobere
both floobDeu come together totoarbe jgabplon anb ^eleucia, 0; aboue : %t is ftiffi*
to bnberflanoe botoc tins flooDDe hart) ben bcuidcd in f oar c hcaocg, f0? the? be ttoo
floooDe* tobicb be gatbcrcD in one, then tbepfepctate tbcm felucp in Diuets pattest
&>o in the?? iopnpng anD flotopng together, it is but a flooDDe, brtjerof there is txoa
bcaueg into ttoo chancis from aboue, anb ttoo totoarbe the tea, tehen it begpnnetlj
tofepcrate itfclfcabjoDc. 2&nt to Declarebnto foutbebtuerritiejsoftherpuer*
name 0, bef?De0 their bfuall ano principal! appellations anb bo toe t hep be calico as
the? paffe though eche p?ouince, toitb the interpretation of tbe fame, % tbpnfte it
rather tcDtoitf anD combjefome, then profitable. iBberfozc tbe fimpiefenfc of *©op»
fe0i0, that the garden tobcrof 3Damtoa0 the otoncr, toas teatereb tottb toateru.
becaufe that the courfcof thus flooDDe toa0 there, tobiebe toa0 oeuiDeb into four*
, .

fhewomafeduced Genefis.
V^The. iij. Chapter.
iC&e ferpent bea,0ct& tbe tooman. 6fcrje tranrgreffton of tfie commaunDement,
8 u&ften 3Dam auD ^eua finetoe tfjeir offcoccj5,tl)tp flcooe from tlje fact of ©oa, ereu>
tyng, tbctr fault. 14 ferpent 10 curfeD. i? clje feebe leftis is pzomtfco a faufotir.

©fjt ©ofpell. 16 flBomams miferies fo? finne. 17 %ty pimplbment of aaam. flBan is
appopnteD to labour. :o$eua.

iHJD the rerpcnt hufbanbe bepng »>tth Dee, anbfjebyb Ecde.xxv.

Vbasfuttfflet then eate.
xhen the cpes of them both Were 0* 25
euerp beaft of the 7 C) Chr coi-.

ftcinc tbljiclj p lo?D peneb,anbthepmictbe that thepiberc r.ipru n of all

nancb,anbtl)ep foibeb ® fpggc leaucs

tljt nature of
©obhabbemabe, manbpnnnc.
(0 SudHBC
anbhefapbebnto together, 9 mabetbemfelues apernes. tl)C rlJhcjiDt
nwlu to react
the woman: pea, 8 3lnb thep hearb the bopce oftlje Hojb out :pnnc.

hath c!5obfatbe, w d5ob,ibal&pngin the garden tnpeoole

pefbailnotcatcof of the bap : anb 2bam anb his rupfc
™ (S)€l)ttOf-
euerp tree of the garben* hpb themfclucs from the pjefenceof tlje rn.i.iotijriit'
z Znn the tboman fapbc bnto the fcr* 102b d5ob amongft p trees of tlje garben. Ijlt: jpfCOJ

pent : mt eate of p fruttc of the trees of 9 3utb the fLojbc eaileb abam, ? fapbc
thegarben. Unto hpm : Where act thou*
? 2Sut as fb? tl)c frititc of tl) t tree ibhicft 10 t©hitb fapbc : 33 hcarbc thp bopce in
cw betaufc (1)) a*'™
is in the mpbbcs of tlje gatben, «5ob the gatoen,anb n>as afcapbe pln;c tl) t!;c
hath lapoe,pe fliallnot eate ofit,neithcr %lbas naUcb, anb hpb mp feife.
fl)ai pc touthc of it,
left perabttcnturc 11 3tnb he fapbe ; i©ho tolbe tljce tljat
Kbve. tDon ibaft naftebd^aft thou not eaten of
4 3lnb *the ferpent fapbe bnto the *bo* the fame tree, tontcrnpng the lMtfrft 3
man : ve fbali not ope the beath. commaunbcb tljee tljat thou tl;oulbcft
5 5f oj <sob both tmoibc, that the fame not eate of it*
bap thatpc eate thcrof, roue cpcsfljall yi ^nb 3tbam faib : %m moman ibljom CO Jtiam
»2.* af l>aii
be openeb ,anb w
pe fhalbc cue as gobs, thougaucft l» bej vuuf;
me, (he gaue burDnirtl)
*5oo nnD tfic

I'J'n alio fctoni.m luitt;

KiunbpnggoobanbcuplL .
tneofthcttec,ano3)ii^iicate. htotiutt.

« 3lnb fo the rboman,femg that the fame 13 3inb the iLoin c5od nipo bnto thcibO'
tree ibas goob to eate of, anb pleafaunt man: *U9l)p haft thou bone this* 3lnb " :2>Jt. hotrc.

tothecpes, anb a tree to be beftreb to theU)omanrapoe:t!)e ferpent begplcb (UN Jn

minirtrt to *
maUc one Vtotfe, tone of the fcttitc thcrof inc,anD3Jopbeate, nutlwroftltig

anb bpb « eate, anbgauc alfo bnto her 14 ^ub the lo?b gob facb bnto p
ferpent: ^ mi'ttjicfc nu«
" '

The [ romifed fecde. Genefjis. Ad:am.

285ecaufc thou haft Done this, thou art Ijcarbcoftheftelbe.

turfcu abouc all cattcl,anb about eucrp 19 3n ftbeatte of njp face {halt
bcaft of tlje ficlDc : upon thp bellp (halt eate thp tycabe, tpli tljou be tunica
thou go, anb cuft Ojalt thou eate all the gavnc into tlje grounb,fo; out of it ibaft
<£ Daves of thplpfc. tljou taftcn : tfoj Duft tljou art, anb into
15 3( tbvll aifo put nimitie bcnDcene bull malt thou be turneb agapne. 3D
thccftljciboman, bcttDccne thp fcebe 20 2fob ^bam caiieb Ijis ibpfts « name c

anb her fcebe : anb Cm)

ujailtrcabe it $cna,bccaitfc ujerbas the mother of an as?
boibncthpjjeaD,anbthou ujait treabe Ipupng. " ct*m ai

bponhishccie. 21 llnto 3lbam aifo anb to his tbpfe dvd

i 6 25ut bnto the woman he fapbe : 3 thcSLojbe C5ob C(,) mafte garmentes of
Sbpll berp much multtpltc thp fojotbc, fftpnnes, anb he put them on. ££ 3t B »«
anb thp griefes of chplbc bcarpng, 3Jn 2z 2uib the flojbc d5ob fopbe : BehoiDe
fojolbc ujalt thou tying foojth chiltyen: the man is become as one of bs, «in
thp beftre [ftaibej to thphufnanbc,anb Knotting goob anb cupll : 3fab nott> left jausmananj
'u I»flttitit

he (ball hauc tlje *rulc of thee. '"tmtmbtt

peraDuentureheput foojtlj his Ijanbe, Hecauftof
17 ^Into^bam hefapbc : Becaufe tljou anb tafte aifo of the tree of ipfe anb eate .CO y«u map «l)rtrimfc,j

haft hcarftencb bnto w

the bopre oftfjp anDlpucfojcucr/ lupplic tlgt
fnutiiec mm,
ibpfc, anb haft eaten of the tree concern
2j Xhercfiwe tlje %om
d5obfent hpm llltfcfcojotj;

npng tlje ibhiche 3 conunaunbeb thee, foojth fro tlje garben of €ben,to ibo;fte
let too tab

faping,thou ujait not eate of it, curfeb is the grounbe Whence he ibas taftcn.
the gcounbe fo? tljp fabc,m fojorbe ujalt
24 3tnb fo he m bjouc out man,anb at the (tyttomm
ncntc tn this

bapes of thp ipfe.

tljou eate of it all tlje eaft fibe of thegarbe of Cbenljefet die- Ipftobttpntf
18 Xhomeaifo anb thtftieujall it bjpng rubins, anbanertettbo ebgeb ftbojbe, jt lout bf
co) rumt.
footf h to thee,anb tljou ujalc eate tlje

f The.iiij Chapter.

X fi52> ^bam ftncibe ^cua

Mjis ibpfe, ibljo conceaumg
pis Mother Isabel, « anb J^abcl aas a 30am
m «*m>

Rcpcrofajcepe,but€ainibasatPiicrof J.oiocofsl'
5barc€ain, faping :
^Ijauc gotten a man of 'the
3 tljcgrounbe.
^ib in p^occfle of bapes it came to
paue, that Cain bought of the fruite of
^nbujep^ceabing, fought foo?tU tye grounbe,an co obiationinto io?be:
4 Isabel %V«v-
: : ,

Hftdflayu Geneiis. mi
4 $abel alfo brought of the firftlynges punia)eb fcuen folbe. anb the Hoibc ret
of his fhecpc, 9 of ihe fattc thereof: anb amarnebponCain, left any man fyn*
the %om hab rcrpett 0) bnto *$abei, bynghym Cboulbe nyil hym.
anb to his oblation. is anb Cam ibent out from
the pm
5 26ttt bnto Cain anb to his offeryng tie rente of tlje
Hojbc, $ oibclt in tlje latibe nmmc.itioncj

hab no refpett (0 fo? the rbDiclje taufe

b.inilliniciii of
of Bob, eafttbarbc from €bcn. Cam.
Cain ibas erceebyng ibjtoth, anb hts 17 co Cain alfo bnclbe bis ibpfe, wmicbc 00 HEnnpo
conntenaunceabatcb. tontcaucbanb bare i^enotlj, ano buvl- flic Sob bcllo
6 anb the JLoiXst faibc bnto Cain : lbhy bvngatitie, l)e taileb tlje name of tl)e onn l)w porti

act thou ibjoth* anb ibhy is thy counts

fame attic after tlje name of his fonnc
nauneeabateb; Henoch.
7 ;jf thou bo tbcil, (halt " thou not re* 18 tlnto p famei^enotlj ibas b02ne%ab:
ecauc* anb yf thou boeft not ibeli , lyeth 3rab begat ^ebniacl,09tl)iimei begat
not thy fmne at the boo:cs* aifo bnto #etl)ufael,^ctbnrael begat Hamcclj,
thee than his befire be, anb thou fijait ^nbHamttI)toRe bnto bpm ttbo

19 lucucr Cdiirc
jjaue bominion oner h y m. rbvues,tbenameof the one mas 3ba, it w.ib arjauirt
ibi imiiiut.on
8 anb Cain 0)) talfceb ibith $abel his anb the name of the other ibas S>eiia. or riiaRiniome

bzothcr : anb it tame to pafTe *ibhen 20 anb 3lba bare 3Jabei, tt»i)itl; ibas tl)c
they therein the fielbe, Cain rofc bp a* farther of ruth as bibci iutlje tentes, anb a>
gaynft Isabel his brother, 9 fletbe him. offuthashauetattcii.
9 anb the #,o?befaib bnto Cain: ibhere ii ^is b?otljcrs name ibas 3!ubai,tt>hith
is Isabel thy toother * aahich faybc © 5 ibas tlje father offuclj as hanble l^arpe
ibote not : am
3J nip brothers neper* anb£>;gan.
10 anb he faybe : lEhat haft thou bone* ti Ztfo ^clia alfo bare Xljubaitain,
<» the boy tc of thy b?otl)ers bloob cry* lbljitl)lb?onght tunnpnglp euerp traft
cth bnto me out of the grounbe. of braffeanb of iron, tlje filler of %\w?
11 ^anb notbe art thou turfeb fromthe baitainibas/I5oema.
earth,ibhich hath openeb her mouth to 23 ®
^nb fLametl) faibe bnto his ibiues
reteaue thy bjothcrs bloob from thy aba anb ^ella : l^earc mp boptc pe tVtant xtgat-
ociiino mart5
hanbr. tbpues of ?lamcti), bearUen bnto my counccll : t»<t
tlipnKnh rtjat

12 $f thou tyll the grounbe, the (bail not haue ftapne a man to tlje
fpeathe: fo?5l hctttapc tncic
fatelp gerfecut
ycclbe bnto thee her ftrcngth. "°aft> ibounbpngofmpfeife, $ a young man tl;c men
t^tn Gun.
gitiueanbabatabounbfbalt thou bem to myne onmc punifljment.
the earth. 24 Jf Cain foalbe auengeb feucn folbe,
13 anb Cain faybe bnto the &o?b: 05? " truelylLamerljreuentie tymes f reuen
iniquitie is moje °° then that it map be tymes,
fojgeuen. 25 abamnneibe his Ibyfe agayne, anb
j4 aseholbe, thou hall tail me out this fl)Cbare a fonne, anb taileb his name
bay from the bppcr face of the earth, $ ^»ctl) j 5f 0? C5ob [fapoe ojej hath appoyn*
from thy fate tyall^J be hyb, Co) fugitiue tcb me another fcebe in fteabe of Isabel
alfo anb a batabounbe fbau 31 be in the rbhomCainaeibc.
earth; anb it (ball tome topaffe,tl)at 26 anb bnto the fame 3>efh alfo tljcre
euety one that fynbeth me fbal Hay me. tbas bonie afomie, anb Ije taileb bts
15 anb the fLojbc faib bnto him tie* (p)
nameenos: then began men tomalte ft) «p tit
""Wi (o» an ryly ibhofoeucr flaycth Cain, he (balbe w inuotation in the name of the HojDe. ttiirfpart, tlj«
Scheie (crime
of £ot> is fig:
fewuw n'-flcDfctiichc
He gotlp bc=

^ The . v. Chapter. gan noire t»


1$e«peatctfttf)e creation of man. ?fl0en. fSfoamsage. 6%xit). 9<Sno$. n^*

balaleel. :i ^enocfj. 2s fi©attjufclafj. :9^oafj. 3:C&efonnes$of#oafj.

D?isiSthcbooBCoftl)c eebhethem, anb biefleb them, anb COThtti"'

(a) co abam in the baye
generations of aoa. taileb their namc fcpft. aoonc
3Jn tlje bay that <5tfo of their treation. (c) tDorif*
treatebman, tnthc Cb) anb abam lyticb an Ijunbjetl) anb riiratirtli

of olaiii u-0
taitf.fef It at
lyKencffcof<i5oOimbe thirticycres,anbbcgatea fonnc in his tticvivt'tiot
of ibe rOcrtb,
hchym. oibne lyltcneffe,after hisimagc,? taileb rfithtr limine
cTbjiflc of
i^aie anb female trea* ijisname ^etl). il;rntinr.
aiitj 4-M1

o reftorcd. Gencfis.
4 *3U tlje Daves of aoam after Ije IjaD be* evgDt&unDjctljpercs, $ btgate ronncs*
gottcn^>ctt)ADccc cpgnt tjuDjctl) veres, anD Daughters.
anD lie begat fontics ana Daugljtets. 20 3lnD all tlje Daves of 3ftreD mere nine
5 ®3inD all tlje Daves ttjataoam IvueD I)unD?cttj firtie anD two v«es,$ ljc Dico
ibcrc nine tjuuDjctlj anD tljirtie veres, 21 *$cnocl) ivncD firtie anD fiuc veres, ft
(s) begate fiBctljufeiafj.
6 3>ctlj ipueD an ljunDzctlj $ fpue veres, 22 (,) 3lnD $enotlj VbaineD Ibttf) d5oD after
anD begat enos. Ije begate ^etljufelalj tt»ce IjunDjctlj

7 3lnD 5>etlj IvueD after Ije begat Cnos veres, anD begate fonnes $ Daughters.
00 evgftt IjunDjctlj anD fenen veres, anD 23 ^anD ai v Daves of ^enoclj ibcre tljjee
begat fonnes anD Daugbtcrs i)unDjetlj firtie anD fine veres.
s anDailrtjeDavesof&ctljiDcrcntoe 24 ^nD^enotfttbalfteDibirljdjoDianD
25 fjunDjctt) $ ttbelue veres, anD t)e DveD. I) crbas no 1 no;c feene,fo; d5oD tone Ijim
9 enos Ivucd ninetie veres, anD begate atbav.
Bcnan. 25 w49ett)ufcialj alfo ivueD an IjunDjctf)
10 3inD enos IvncD after I e begate Be* 1
, cvgljttc anD feug veres, anD begate JU<
nan eygljt tjunDzctlj $ nftie veres, anD met!).
begate fonnes anD Daughters*
( ° 16 anDagavne^etDufoiaolvneD after
« 3lnD all tl)c Daves of enos lnere nine Ue begat fUmeelj feuc IjunDjctlj cigljtic 2)
00 ljunDjetlj fpue veres, anD tje DveD. anD tiuo veres, anD begate fonnes anD
11 BenanivucD fcucnttc veres, anD be* Daughters.
gatei$aljaiaicei. 27 3mD Daves of ipettjufeialj (0)
all tlje
13 3inD Bcnan lineD after Ije begate fl^a* mere nine IjunDjctlj firtie $ nine veres, the tot , as
ijaialeelevgtjtljiiojctljf fourtie veres, anDtjeoveD. mtaictl).

anD begate fonnes anD Daughters. 18 ?LaniecJjiiueDanlnmDjet!) evgljtie$

14 3lnD all tlje Daves of Benan mere nine tU)o veres, anD begate afonnc,
Cp) InniA
IjunDjctlj anD ten veres, anD Ije DveD* 19 Cp^nD calico lji3 name 4J2oalj,faving piopljitaliof
rite rrlicf nl)!
15 fipaljalaicel UueD firtie anD fiue veres;, Xljisfameujail eomfojt fcs as concern cli( tlje qodIf

lohto fOJ la
anDbegate^Jereb. ntng our ibojse,? fojoibe of our UanDes tljolrniilttt
is 3lnD againe spaDaiaieclliueD after f)e about tlje cartl), ttiljiclj d50D curfeD.
begate 3JereD evgtjt IjunDjetlj $ tljirtie 30 anD Hamed) IvueD after i)c begat
veres,anD begate fonnes $ Daughters. j!2oalj,fiuc UtiDjctlj ninetie $ fiue veres,
17 3lnD ai tlje Daves of Q3arjaiaicci,roere anD begate fonnes anD Daughters.
cvgljtljunDjcttJ ninetie anD ftue veres, 31
2nD all tlje Daves of JUmecl) mere ((l)3llfti'M

anoijcDvcD. feuenljunDjctlj feuentic rcbiarfct bg

anD feuc veres, ft|e, BF« B
€ 18 3lereD IvncD anljunDjetlj firtie $ ttbo anD rje DveD.
veres, auDrje begate ^enoclj. 3* /froatj mas fiue fjunD?ctljyereolDe,$
19 3inD3JcreD uueD after tje begat ^enocfj, iBoai) begate 3>em,$am,(j 3fapljetl).
^ The .vj. Chapter.
: fjat caufe of Deluge. 5 ain liunu?cn ana ttoentte vm* fieuen tot
conuerfion s araenoement
4©tanteg. ^uetoicfieDneffeof manp^uo&etfiW.
%tiSSSol that
lie haD maoe man. 9m* generations of ^oe
fclfctiiegeneran peluge. . s cbe faWonof
iutt. 1 ©oD
(okmStMoS5 Km
.si©fto flwitli) cntet^t?eaffie.
2> tt tame t0 P affe.
°an DunD^ctlj anD tiDentte veres.
% "IS .. .
tljat lDljen w
men be* 4 25uttl)erettjered5iantcsin tnofc oaves

gan to be multiplicD in top cartl): « pea $ after tljat tlje fonnes

tlje Dpper face of tlje
of d5oD tame Dnto tlje Daughters of mf,
jeartl),tljerctt)creDaui anD IjaDDc begotten cljvlDjenof tljem,
igljters bome bnto tlje: tlje fame became mvgljtie men of tlje
J 3foDtbe TO
fonnes of iDo^iDe, anD men of rcnoibmc.
<5oDaifo faibc tlje Daughters of men ,
w 26ut ©od faibe tljat tlje malice of
tljatti)cvroerefavje,$ tljep tofte tljem manrbasgreat in tlje cartlj, anD all tlje
iDpucs, futlj as tljevliHeo, from among imagination of tlje tljougljtes of IjiS altogtrtt'

tljcmall. 'Ijcart [toasj onlv euvll cuerv Dav.

^no tlje %mc favDc: w <S&y fpirite e 3lnD it repcntcD tfie %om
tljat Ije IjaD
fljau not ainmvcs ftrvue ibitlj man, be* maoe man bpon tlje cartl) , w 9 Ije roas
taufcljeisflcflje: vet Ijis Dapes fyalbe toucljco iDitlj fo;oU)ein Ijis Ijeart.
7^no IKCUtHl*"
Geneiis. v.
7 Znn the Ho:be fapbe : 3 tbyii from cubttes, $ the height of it
thtrtte eubites.
the upper face of the earth,ocftrov man
whom 3J Dane createo, from man bnto J?J? 5K a> alt thou nwb * »" the
? tt,e

catteli, unto tt)o;ntc, anb bnto fouics of

Jif'^^S^ttfljattthoufimaie (<0«l)«lnu

b of ttje n>t«

ffi5 ! £ ^wofthearbcaialt Stan

: t
the ap*e : $ot it repenteth me that
3 5

fhoufrttnthefpbethcrof. ttJithttoec """*•

hattcuiabcthcnt. loftes one aboue another (halt thotu-
8 25utiI5oaI) cw founue grace intheepes maitcit. •

ofthe3Lo?be. I7 n5Dob^n s a
Xhefe arc the generations of jftoah: flSS&V^' eu
i aes
i!5oah [toa^j a tuft man, ano perfect in
nuooeot waters bpon the earth tooc* *w«K«>cn,a.
ftro?ailftefhe Whfrinis the b"ca«i - S
hfs co generations : anb iftoah Xbafc tyfebnber hcauen, anb euerp tlmtg o**«.
kci»xv»iti)0'oii. that ts in the earth ajalipetilhc. of, " c " tSt

io ifroah begat thjee fonnes,5>cm,$am, is « nsith thee aifo WpU 3 mai»« my Cq) *Eliat
fioab moult)
anoHaphcth. couenauntranb tljouftjait conic into the hefofcthougb

n %Dceartl)aifoJbas corrupt before w artte,thou anb thy fonnes,thy Wifcano

<0ob, ano the fame earth ibas fpiieb thy fonncs Wyucs With thee. mpfc maoc
|3oah rnoje re
Ibithcrucltie. 19 3mb of euery lyttyng thyng of all Dp to do sous
ii 3lnb <5ob loneb Upon the earth, anb flefhe, co a payje of euery one (halt thou incnt.

(I) Stearic behoibe co itibas corrupt: to? all flefbe bzyng into the artte to ftepe them aiyue (Ofiotonc
papje alone.
as appearctlj
tanncc liao coj hab cojrupt his ibav bpon eartl). With thce,they (haibc male 9 female. $
SJ tlje nctf
Mi nt
metro tot))
u 3nb d5ob fapb bnto /ftoah: the °enbe io ^Df fethereb foules alfo after their
Clw,cr -

(it tt»e«= of all flefhe is come before me, fo; the feinbe,anb of all catteli after their itinbe:
Ml) float) tO eartl) is fViicb until crueltie thjough of euery wojme of the earth after his
inlftart. thcm,anb bcholbc 3
ibpl beftrov them feynbe, two of euery one (hail tome bn-
With the earth. to thee, to nepe [t&em] aiyue.
CO (Son
14 ^ane thee an 3trfte of #fne trees:
(n) Copfctt
21 3lno tane thou With thee (0 of all meatc coulO Ikiiic fct>
tint ml ffOoD habitations (halt thou matte in the that is eaten, anb thou limit lap it bp Ipi : but be
artte,anb (halt pitch it ibithin anb with With thee, that it mar be meate foj thee intaiKB DfcD,

out With pttche. anb them.

15 3(nb of this fafhion ft)alt thou maitc ti *i!5oah therfo?ebpbacco?bingbnto to****
" obcoi
it: %he length ofthearftecQjattie] thjee all that d5ob commaunbeb hynueueirj tnccolj^oat)

huntyeth cubites, tlje bjeabth of itfiftie fobybhe.

^ The. vij. Chapter.

i^oabtscommauntjeatocntcttfteatfie. ji5oabentrctl?tljeartie. nC^coaernotopng
of the Deluge. t©ljo DiQ enter toitii j^ioatt 17 ©otoe great tlK toatcr? of tUc fluDoe were.
1 ;

% iBbtheHo?bfaib mabe, rbpll^f oeftrop ftom tlje bpper

bnto jfftoah: come face of the eartl).
* iSoah therfo?e m
00b commaunbeb
acco?bing bnto
all tl)at iPct.iii.d.

fo? tljec Datte 3 3fctb iI5oah lhas

w fire huno;tt!) pere («) i3oal) d»
bcpcD not in
feene righteous olbe, iuhenthe flubbesof ibatec came one thing, but
tn all that sod

before me in this bpon the eartl). (c) W

generation. 3(nb /Boah came,ano l)is fonnes, anb not tnahe
jRoah the
—I £>f euerp cleane hisihvfe, anbhts fonnes ibpttes ibith fioroer to obey
i£o»S ivpU.
oeaftthou ftjait taue ibith thee feuen hint to thearHe,becaufe of the ibaters
anb feuen, the male anb his female, but oftheflttboe. A
?t w bncleane catteli nbo,the male anb
beaftes anb of bncleane 25
8 <rDf cleane ,

his female. beaftes,anb of fouics, anb of cuerp fuel)

3 £>ffouiesaifooftheap2cfcuenanb fe^ as crcepeth bpon the earth, ^ _ (f)S* to 3*
wn, the male anb the female, toltcpe ILhere (,) came tino 9 tuio bnto ^f5oa|) Cain, fp noa't

imt alpue bpon the face of all the bnto the ante, the male anb the female,
to Mcali, got
taufto all c*
as ©Ob h^b coutntaunbeb /£oal).
ihhole earth.
4 5fo? after w feuen Dapcs,3J ibvl rapne Io »nb fo to paflc after feuen
it came
bpon the earth fourticbapes anb four* oaves, that the ibaters of the flub tturc
t«enightes:$ail fubftaunccthat3f l;aue fcponthecarth.
The flood.

Cs) 3n trjc
ii 3In tfje hunbjert) pere of $oatjs
fire is Xhe waters aifo ibajreb Orong, anb
latter cntic of lpfe,in the »re'conbc moneth, the feuen* lbere encreafeo crtecbyngiy bpon the
all tlppnrjco tecne bap ofp moneth, in the fame Dap earth : anb fo the arte ibent bpon the
irfrc mo it c

pic jfiinnt , tlic

ibere all tfte fountapnes of the great bpperfaceofthett>aters.
oii came.
beepe broken bp, anb theibynbotbcs of 19 anb the lbaters pjeuayleb eweebing* a>
hcaucntbereopeucb. lybponthecatth,anbaitbcbighhflles
00 iEod
IjtB punprb=
merit ftcucrlj
u 3lnb th c rayne urns bpon the eartt) (W that are bnber tlje «
ibhole heauen, Cm) fttii
&crt otljte
eiaccofrrpctu fourtic Da^cs anb fourtie ntgbtcs.
iberctouereb. partlralrr
13 3ln the felfe tame Day, cntreb iftoalj, 20 jfyfteenecubitesbpibarbbib thetba*
UuWlCIJ, but

€ ano 3>cm,anb $am, anb 3f apheth the

terspreuayle, fotljat tlje mountaynes
founts of ^oah,anb f>oahs ibyfe, ano Ibere couereb.
the tb?cc mutes of his fonnes voith the u *3Jnb ^aiin^fbepertCbeb^fiatmoueb VVifa.XS.
into the arae.
bpon the earth, in foule, in cattell, in
ofttpmtrcpc= 14 Xljep.watiD eucry beatt after his bealt,anb in euery ibomie that creepetlj ooiiapuuplb-
tea. To; it
ftinbe,anb ai tljc tattci aftcrtheir fctobe, mtnt of «*
tcemer!) tu!= bpon the earth, yea, anb euery man f»ifmw.
crcoiblc to e!)C
(raft of man.
yca,anb cuery Vbonne that creepcth bp* alio.
on the grounbe after htsuinbe,anb eue-
rye byjoe after his binbe,anbeuery flee-
f othhis«»«
Jyfe tn
thathab the breath of
yng anb fcthcreb foule. throughout all that
Vbas on tlje <» b#e iattbe,byeb.
15 3tab they came bnto /Roah tljcreiSW
into the *3 anb cuery fabaauneeibasbelrroyeb mennoi"" JK
arac,tU)o anb nbo,of all fleujetbherem
that remayncb anb tljat lbas tn the bp*
is the breath of lyfe.
per part of the grounbe, both man anb
is 3inb they cntryng m, tame male anb
anb lborme, anb the foule of tlje
female of all flctbe, as «5ob hab torn*
h|auen,thcy ibere cuen bettroyeb from
of iSoo ftopcD «
maunbeD him: anD <e»od (but hym in of tlje earth,anb^*i5oaij onlye remap & 6' r(
trie tenters wsrttB.f ;-
out of tljCdlhC rounoc about.
ncoaliuc,anb they that mere With Ijtm ^on.tftcntw
17 3lnb the flubbe came fourtie Dayes bp* mthearKe. nultituH «
on the earth, anb ibatcrs ibere in*
t4- 25ttt
0) ttSwtca crcafeb.anb (0 bare bp the arKe,tbljiclje
tljc ibater preuaylcbbpon tlje
fp;ltf. r claretl)
fcofo tlic goes
eartlj, a hunbreth anb ftftie bapes.
Ipc ts fatiet), ibaslyftbpaboue the earth.
then fie 0c=
ftruet on pf
trjc myc&c»
f The. via. Chapter.

i jfl/!H><!5ob remcb;seb bpiBoah bpb anoibe that the ibatcrs
fa) (S™ <H
4l5oahanbcuerpbeatt, mere abateb bpon the earth.

anb all the eatteii that n anb he abooc pet other feuen baves C
tbastbith hpm in the anb fent foojth the 2r>oiie,U)l)tclie rctuc*
arftc:anb d50D mabe 00 neb not bnto hint anp ntoje.
fccs.anD Dim- laibpnbetopafrebpon ij anb it came to paffcin the firehttntycth
as Jthe earth, anb the iba* anb one pere, in p ftrft ntoncth,
tcrsecafleb. [Kap]of the ntoncth, the ibatcrs ibcte
the fttft

2 Xhe fountapnes alfo of thfbwpcanb HW* bp from the earth, ° anb iRoab O ©f tl)tl?f»
the ibinboibes of hcauen vottt ftoppeb, remoucb the couerpng of the atbe, anb
anb the rapne from heauen ibas re* looaeb, anbbeholbc,thc bppcr fate of
ftrapneb. the grottnbe ibas b?pcb bp.
3 anb the waters from the earth retur* i+ anbinthc c%conbemoncth,intbefc* m
Cc) irJoflfj
in ti>e
ttcb,gopnganb commingagapne : anb wen anb trbentte bap of the ntoncth arbconcpcrc
(0 tilt fete after the enbe oftfje Cc hunbmh anb fif* ibas the earth bjpeb.
tariittapcB, titbbap,thc lbatcrsibere abateb. 15 anb C5oo fpaftc bnto /Roah, faping:
mg wre at
4 anb in the feuen moneth, in the feuen* i6 ® d5o foojth of the arse, thou,anb tl)^ (t) P.ottoza,
Mrrs.thdtis. cti ncptljcr in
Olmvlwtiritti teenth bap of p moneth, the arfte refteb tbifc,thp fonncs, anb tljpfonnes»)utcs nwout.totl)--
"ttnionttb,™ outaoDs com=
"feb.Ara- bpontbemountapnesofarntenta. ibithtljee. maunOimcm.
5 anb the tbaters mere gopng ano be* 17 3mb b?png foojtlj u>ith thee cuerp a>
crcafittgbntpU tenth monetl): 3fn
ttjc beaft that ts lbttb thec,of all flcnje,botlj
the tentl) moneth,anb in ttjc ftrft bap of foule anb catteli, anb etterp ibonne that
the fame moneth, ibere the toppes of crepcth bpon the earth, that thep map
themountapnesfecne. (B)
b?eebc in the earth, *anb b^ing foo:t{) ftl Wtparart
6 anb after the enbe of the fourtith bap, fnut t ,anb multiplie bpon earth.
19 pidmiTcD t»
25 it tame to pafle imt] j5oah
openeb 18 ^no iBoah came foonh, anb his

tDe ibpnboibe of the arae ibbich he hao fonncs,Ijts lbpfc, anb hts fonncs ibtacs $i.ix.a.

mabe, Ibithhpm:
7 anb he fern foojth a mauen, ibhtche 19 aj €ucrpbcaftalfo,anbcuerprbonnc, O))*obptl)c
gitat (j;oui-
Jbentout,gopngfoo2th,anbmutnpng, etterp foule , anb rbhatfocuer crcpctlj Dfi.itofaSoo,
nothing pctps
bntpii the maters ibcrebjpeb bp bpon bpon ttje earth after their apttbes, Hjcoiii varKc
the earth. lbcntoutofthearHc.
8 anbagapnehcfcntfoo?ta2i>oucftrom 20 a? anb iBoab butibcb an aulter bnto p CC> JrJoalifl
him, that he ntpgbt fee pf the ibatcrs ?lo?be, anb toone of etterp cleanc bead, tli.inRfulntlTc
totrarDc (J>oo
ibere abateb from the bppcr face of the fo? benc=
ano of cuerp clcatte foule, ? oifreb buntt fitC0.

. Stounbe. offering on the aulter (lO'Chtont:

in.irDr fmcll
? anb the Done founbe no reft fo? the ii anb the ?Lojbe (S) fmclleb a ftbecte plearca not
(Boo, but the
of her foote, anb (be rcturneb bnto [«> q»uct] fauour anb the Horn w fapuc
jolc inSvatCraoii'
linroof J^oal,
pmt into the ante, fo? the ibatcrs [*»ere] in Ins heart: 3J rbpll not cjencefooitli (I) ClMt ia,

«uhe bppcr race of the ibholc earth, curfethe grounbe anp mo;e fo; mans
crrtapnrip' Bc=

f hen he put foo?th his hanbe, $ tooae

her,ant> pulicb her
faae , fo? the imagination of mans*
to htm into tbcarae. tjeart tseupil [eum] from his pouth: Cm) U'catc
to anb he abobe pc.t other feuen oapes, nepthcrrbpll^Ifmpte anp moze cuerp
D! m of <Sooa
of the arse:
tljpttg lpupng,as hatie Done. 3
22 &ct therefore fl)ail not foibpng tpmc (n~) 05063 oc<
J?*!!L!® a>oue
e tm * to hpm in the anbharttcft, «
anb hcatc, font;
coioc tr« foj
tht re
of tijt
fwentibe,anb loe, in her mouth ibas an ttter anb ibpntcr, oap anb npght, ceaifc
iroiiD, *n)|jicr>

° £>nueleafc that (be hab piuct, ibber* autljebapcsofthe

ftitthir's (OJ clif
CXhc on. hoc.
Noah. Genefis. Gods couenaunt.

f The.ix.Capter.
6 cfte title of tfte ftoojoe. Cbe couenaunt of <Poo toitfj jSoab tflat tlje Deluge foalbe no
mm io CUe Cignc confirming tlje couenaunt,
ttjc rapnebotoc in tfie clou&ejs. is che

fonne0of#oab,Cbanaan. 2oji5oan anbufbanoman plantetftabine. 22^eismoc»

RcoofliisironnebepngoucrcotrictDitljtDjne. ijCbjmaantfcurfeo. 26.2?$>eman&
3]apBctij be bleffeo. 29 %ty pcreg of $oab.

3M ^bgobbleffcbifroaf), 8 C8)
©ob fpafee aifo bnto /Boafj, 9 to #ts Csi^ttM
blrDinpnct o(

anbbfsfonnes,?faibe fonnes tbitb b?m,(aving: jBoabtaJffl

be comfciin.
OOdjclaSo* bntotbem, °° be fruit* Bebolbe,%cueu3Jrttabn(I)emvco*
fnl ofc of ina=
rlagc rcpatco. fall anb multiplie, anb uenaunt Xbilrj you, anb *btth ® pour Oi) gttota'
all people lot
ccplcmOjc tlje cattl). feebe after you: aliases.
0>) <Ct>c 00=
mmion oucr ^Xbefearcofvou^ 10 3nb until euerv lining creature that
other belli CO
icttoicDtoma tbeb?cabofvou,fbaibe is ibttlj vou, in foulc, in catteU, in euerv
bpon euerv beau" of the cartb.ano bpon beatt of the earth ibbicbe is ibitb vow*
euerv foulc of the av?e,bpon ai tbat mo* ofautbatgo out of the ar&e, rbbatro-
uctb bpon the earth, anb bpon all tt)e euer liuing tbvng of ttjc earth (t be.
ftfljcs of the fca,fnto vow hanbe are
11 *3lnb mv couenaunt 3
mabe tbitt) vott, Efai. liiiie-

moodily ore
tbev beliucreb. that from bencefoojtb euerv flefye be
3 tfucrv tbvng that mouetb tt felfe, anb not rooteb out tbitb the lbaters of a
CJcni.d. that liuctb, (ball be meatc fo*vou,euen flub enettber (ball tljcrc be a flubbe to
astbe*grcencbearbcbaue3Jgeuevott beftrov the earth anv moje.
ct) (j) (got
Lrai.xvii.rl alltljingcs. ii 3lnb d5ob Tavbe: this; tstljc toften of
tuoljibiuon, 4 w
*25ut fle(I) in the life tljcr of [to&icft fe] the couenaut which 31 mabe bctibecnt
itiiifp •»'
fcojoe ol

(5oD Ssouloc
teactje l)iapco
the bioob tbcrof, (ball ve not eate. me anb vou, anb euerv lv«vng creature l„ OUIWB"
file to nbljojrc
ell crueletc. 5 3lnb furclv vour bloob of vour ivues that is with vou, foj euer.
lbvl 3I require : at tljc hanbe of euerv
u 3* bo fct mv °boibe in the rloube,anb
limit te;iuui rapneww' ;
bcaft Ybyll 3
require it,anb at tlje banb it fljail be fo? a toben betmeene me anb
"° toc Til
of man, attbebanbe of mans brother tbecartlj. Sttcteat":
lbpU 31 require the life of man. 1a 3lnb it fl>ali come to pau"e,tbat Vbtjcn tcc Ul.w.l>

6 nabo To * fbcbbctb. mans bloob, m by % b^vng a cloube bpon the earth, tlje €
Matxxvic marifbaiihtsbioob be fl)eb, fo; in tnc
Apoc.xm.c bo\bc alfo malbe fecne in p fame cloube.
(f j ICrjc ina= unage of <sob mabe be man. 15 2lnb 51 ibvll tbm&c bpon mv couc*
giftratc map
7 26ut be fruitcfull, anb multiplie vou, naunt Vbbiche is bctmecne me anb vou>
bjeebcin the earth, anbtnercafe there- anb euerv liuing creature in alt fieflje:
25 m. anbitfl)ailnomo?ecometo paffe, that
. . ,'« ' «

is anb botbe fhaibe in cbe cloube,
ganiient "iffi ?lp *" T ta ^«S IJ fl
anb ttpl! lofec bpon it, that 31 map a?

SeSVaS tS^5??« oul<c|,rt,; fl^ 6ien totoaroe

•Ijcit facljK,

ttynbe upon the cuerlaOing couenaunt,

betibeene goD ano euerp Hiring creature
ret «e1
iKSS nWnr &
namciv )e^fa?w LI?
acDc I0nc?
fflt cc »
mall flefee that is bpon the earth tS
fltorofefiJCIC Kffi *'
fatte *"««*
i 7 3(nb (25ob fepb bnto/!5oah,1Cbisistbe
ton* n of the couenaunt Jbhich haue 3 24 3tnb jfcoah atbokp p™™ ?«* «<
the fatbn la.
ucDbcrt, be:

anb $>am is the father of "Chanaan. his Sen m fte be hm

if) liErccuou«
to; rijc coii=
teiapt of pas

\9 £hcfearctheth2eefonnesofil2oah,« 2* fee fammtoeoupr. «•;,.«>* 1 <u

rcntro tpon
aiOiim t ijia
ocrftoouc ut
La Bf acta t(jat
l£OD toouIoc
brtiome bfon

oonSen.anDPraorottt^nmBiutW 28 jBoamiutb ato «",s t to Bc ,,,,« fisaoe'.

tion ottbe
D (.tJMaij
tpi'CO uuipll
ii; uiia
Thc.x. Chapter. n'.ut

«fcft tonne* of gapfiett). fiDftobatperfonglanoeatomoeofortj <! <rfi .f ,„ MBrf „,

S S5
( 1

pfpjouerbe. fotfabplott. iaS^tettSrf?^?K
PSflUHmg. cue c&anaamte*. 21 ®fie w,H,,:
lanoe* torn oeutoeD after t&e Wage.
or ^"«' ^peleg.
ji^jtosoml5" e
are the generate
the earth,foj he ibasa mightie !S
hunter W€m «
ons of the fonnes of
W*xm&Wti mherfKeitisfSe ?'?'-
3fapheth : anb bnto
«enen m
before the ?Lo?be.
f^unrob t!jc migDtie ijimter gft»

I •Jjfflfe"
them tberechpltyen ,0 ^^bcgpnnpngofhiSBingbomeibas't»™^"

bome after the flubbc.

S?f» a"D e ^*aD
» an6 ^ncD,'»
s -"

n^ omcc m,D ^ a Sog,anb^



,anD %
^ m^^^ 11 £>ut of that lanbc came » u*tir,anb bun*
beb^iniue, anb the titie " mcljoboth, *«.*
anbCaiah. 0rt:i

'il tl l

it mefen alfij betU)ecneil3tniue
^KanbXbogarma. ? Chaiah,
•+ anb it is a great ntie. «

13 £l3i5raim begat « Eubim,

«N« ;

%?Wm>««Ol>onaninu lK n UD !lE
r %Wm anD ^
anb 3(na^
c P& th « !t
», '-»S"

14jaath;unm alfo,anb €aHubtm/our of •

^";r :

SSiHK? "Art"""**, encr/one U)hom came

Capthc;nn. '
Cbanaan begat S>it>on Ijisfititbom
fonne,anb^$eth, !*BmT
^ am ^^ anb ^i*
2f afen °*ai,D i<5 ^nb ^ebufi, anb «motf , anb
argafi, ™^°
' 1

aSffll 9f
tt '
17 ^nb^intalfo^nb^r&iino^uii, nation a t'ca
fli.uc.imcor' <
1 18 3lnb ^ruabi,anb 5>eman,anb $>ama^ tlitlr.foctc

anbla%ta! at,;aD,anDtoma,^
a or Drllr
thi : anb afteribarne mere the binrcbes 8»mm t? .

of the Chanaanites fp;eaD ab?obe tbcpeopUof


I < 19 Xhe bobber of the Cbatiaanitcs ibas *

from £>iOona£fbottcommcftto(Rrar
^cramebegan«to be might* ut into ^5ah» anb as thou goeft bnto [

Noah. Gcnefis. K oah

£>obomaanb<£omo?ra, anbabama, Rattan.

! anb S>ebotm,euen bnto ?Lefa. i6 Rattan begat aimobab,anb 5>aiepb,
H?a5armauetb,anb 3Jerab,
! 20 3LbcrcaretbecbiU»enof ^amfntbetc
fcinrcoes, in their tongues, countrcys,
17 ^nb ^abo?am,ano flfcal, anb SDicia,
an&m their nations. *«-
is <©baialfo, anb abimaei, anb &eba,
Hrt.i ^nb £>pbtr,anb $auilaft,anb3Jobab,

ii £>em alfo the father of all the
mmo 19
' 0) bjotber of all thefe there the cbylbjcn of 3Jactan.
Ong pjomtrcb rbilbjen of $ebec,anb elber
to &cm, cr>
3Japbetb,tbcrett)crccbylb?cn borne. 30 anb their btt>elling ibas from ^cfa,
but in the <
as tbon goc ft bnto S>apDer,a mount of
<2i cbyibjcn of 5>em : eiam, and
^iTuc,^tpl)a)cai) >ano?Luo ; ani)^rani. the eaft.
Xbcfe are tf)e cbylbjen of S>em after
u Xhe cbyibjcn of aranu tls,anb $ul, 31
their tnntebes anb tongues, m their
± -.i^
tether,anb flpas.
lanbes anb nations.
14 arpharab begat $eiab,anb s>eiab
anb fo tbefeare the ninrebes of the
ucntte tnter-
pjttcrss iiDDt

tlnto J?eber
alfo ibere bome
rt)ylb?enof$oab after their generate
fonnes.tbenameof the oneibas^ ons in their peoples: anb of thefe ibere
bis Tonne 1KB
« leg,fo? in his bayes tbas the
eartn be* the nations beuibeb m
the earth after
name of the
b.-iiifion of •
utbeb, anb bis bjotbers name ibas tjjeflooo.]

The. xj. Chapter.

ifiDnelanmiaaeintDettojlrK. sCbetotojtetfaMfiJbtitft. 7 Cbcmifew or ttie

tfaM. io®beageofSDem,3rp!warj.
tSVe TSeconftifionoftonjoeiJ. 9

rye one perceaue not neighbours

*! jf£2> all the tt)hole

tnttlc eont(«
earth 00 ibas of one* fpeathe.
tiuco it hun a
language anb lyKe" 8 fo the ILojbc *> fcattereb them
BlCDpCICB. ntrfiticoflu

VViicLxj. fpeathe. from that place into the bpper face of BiHSrt'l'r'
" i£>£,«»oil>».
(b)*»imtoD anb Tbhcn '« they all the earth,anb they left of to buyicc tie of nnnKt

anb bid po tie ' aniniionjw!

titte.tnuabinj ibent foouh from the r^atcitie. m fc


other mens
Waft, they founbe a 9 anb therfoje is tl)e
name of it calico ttttfchieffJ


piavnc in the lanbe of S>tnac, anb there 26abel, becaure the »b

ty* there con

glofli, W*
founbe the language of all the earth
« Hebre, tbeyabooe. 0;amr.

man faidto
3 anb l< onefaybtoanother: €ome,let anb from thence byo the Ho?oe fcatter

bs prepare w b^tbe, anb bumc them

hij neigh-
them abjobe bpon the face of all tlje

thep ojantcb
in the fire.anb the? hab b^tfte fox earth*
ncceflarie ftones,anbflvmeljab tbev in ftcabe of io [*£befe are the generations of nntnWf
OuSc.prt thr-p
toontb go fov- mojtcr. 5>em: £>tm ibas an hunojetb yere oiu, a '

toarbe a>irt>
anb begat arpharab ttbo ycres after urn' * 1

great paynes. 4 anb thev fayb:<5o to,let bs buylbe bS fnllr'

(0)19 ere tuv
oearcth their a title anb a tovb?e, « iDijofe toppemap thefloob. li.ChN'"

ambition, ant
reachc bnto hcauen,anb let bs mabe bs n anb £>em liueb he begat at*
'or»<:!upt of w a name, left peraouenture ibe be feat* pharab ftuehunb^eth yercs, anb begat r
».)>Chep tercb ab?obe into the bpper fate of the fonncs anb baughters. 3*1
leaning lita=
ibholc earth. n arpharab liueb fine anb tbtrtfe yetes, (dlfnj*
mi; lf-'

on earth.
5 25ut the Ho?be (0 came botbne to fee anb begat &eiab. J, .
anb arpharab liueb after he begat
tncB Qotoc m the titie anb toitye ibhiclj e the cb?lb?en 13
3>eiab,foure bunbjtth anb th?ee yeres.
taUinj ben-
gtaunce upon ofmenbuvlbeb.
(BlCbeDo 6 anb the 3Lo?oe favb: Beholbe, (B) the anb begat fonnes anb baughters.
nnrticb.recmc people is one, anb the y banc all one lan- 14 3>elab liueb thirtie yercs, anb bcgai
t toner;
liaroc to
guage, anb this they begin to bo:nei* f)cbcr.
thens there an? let to them from all 15 anb <§>elab liueb after he begat
(h) 3i" argus
mentofthe tnofc thinges lbhichc tlicv haue unagi* ber,foure hunbjeth anb th?eeyeres,ano
thtec pirl'oni
tnoneH&oD- neb to bo. begat fonnes anb baughters.
anb tonre
(O Sob moa 7 (i)Come on,let (b) bs go boibne,anb there 16 anb l^ebcr liueb tbtrtte
ttnotocth the
tonfounbe their language, that cues yercs, anD begat #clcg.
: ,

^bram. Genefis.
fecber liueb after he begat $c*
17 3ino
leg, foure bnnbjctb anb tbirtie yercs:
^JP^F*8 the sencrations of Xarab:
2S?,? ® ^^,/3at!jo?,anb Co.) Ilnsljain

anb begat fonncs anb baugnters. ©aramtearon *

begat Hot.
' ana bajnc
t ^»ticar)fSt.i:

is 3inb jklcg liueb thirtie peres, anb be* i8 3inb tearan byeo in the pjefente tijer nnn.ijo.
of bis '
f ere otbs.
gatftcu. tafber Xarab, intnelanaeof
bis mtv
Chro.i.d- 19 *3tnb 0cleg ipueb after he begat nine, euen inflr of the Cbalbccs.
Beu tibo hunbjetb anb nyne yens: i9 Sb;am $ /ftatboj «tote them ibiucs:
anb begat formes anb baugbters. the name of 3uwams U)ifc[t»ag <§>ai:ai
I»c fbunncaf
20 3nbfteu liueb tibo anb thirtie yeres, anb the name of jftathojs bjvfe m*\ martci;-s of
anb begat 3>erug. i©iicba,tbebaughter f ^ acan l l)cfiV
ti 2fnb Ben lyueb after He begat 5>e* ther of s©ticba, 9 the father of Jffclia.
rng tibo bunb?et|) anb fcucn yetcs: 3 ®
asm £atat ibas baren,anb bao no CO It fc3g«
temptation ta
anb begat fonnes anb baugbters. tbpibt. 3b:i it to

n 3(nb 5>ercgliueb thirtie yete, aubbe* 31 3lnb (0 Xarab tone abjam bis tonne fcctberaicRctt
blcT-0 a eh

gatjfratho;?. anb Hot the fonne of tearan bis fonnes cMD'.m : «m>

%m 3>crug liueb after he begat jfl


zj i!5a* fonne,anb;§>arai his bangbtcrm lavue batrttt.

(t) 503».1S
cho?, tibo bunbjctb peres:anb begat his fonne 3Jb?amsibpfe, anb tjjcy be* auctbour tt)C

of tilts oeoiri
fonnes anb baugbters. parteb together from ^r of the ctjai* turc ana :

C a is tcai) it

24 ^nb/I^attjojiT'ucbnpneanbtibentie bees,that tbcp mpsbt * go into the lanb mco ceticre ttic
ycres,anb begat Xaraj). ofCbanaan : anb tljey tame bnto "
tea* htliioj'ictos

25 anbjftatboz liueb after be begat Xa* ran, w^bbibcit there. iulue.i+.a.

rabanbunbjetbanb ninetecne peres: 31 3lnb the oapes of Xarab, Ibere tibo Nehe.ix.L).
anb begat fonnes anb baugbters. bimbjctb anb fine percs,anb xarah bt* At* vii a.

is *Xarah liueb feuentie yeres, anb be* stfmtearan. Cbarrsn.

ROJbjabim gat^ 3ltyam,il2atho?,anb $atan. v- (o)C1)Ctimt

tficp Dwth
^ The .xij Chapter.

jlbjamfebpoomtogooutofbtecotintrep. ?€b?r8e. 43Bbjamgort&out. 7CtjeIantie
IB node of Cbanaan is p?omifeD him. Cfoe oioe teflament. ioco atiopDc fanune.foe DefcettHeth in*
JtlteapcB, itu toCgppt. i4^t'0tcifeistDttftt)JOlence carie&attavintotfie&oufcoe£ljarao. i7^arao
1 loojtb in fmpttcn of ©od, fo? t&e carrms atoap of aityamfs topfe. b aibitams! topfe ijf renoerea
neb 11 bnto him agape.

^1 iI52D
w tDeHo?bftab anbtt)e
fotrtes tljat tliep Dab begot*
(0 *tm«s«
nciii bought
9) Stjom ffretaantes

ft rat big
fa^bebnto ^b?am:* tenintearan, anb tljep beparteb, that ano fuct) otbcf
lecofurcp of 3b-.aina
UatiBoba gettheeotitofthvtotl* tbey might tome into the lanbe of Cba* bourc.
" maeinbt;
Bit, befoje
trep,anboutoftb?na* naan:ano mto the lanbe of Cbanaan
Wean. tion,anbfromt!)pfa* tljeptame.
Cgl Staatn*
W«.vii.». tljers tjonfe, bnto a ab?am Cj) paffeb tl>:ongh the lanbe, u erica f.tpttj

lanbe that % rbyll

bnto the plate of" Cithern, bnto the rrltpnj placr,
t toanocrpncj
fl)CTbctfiee: plaine of #o?ch,^nb the" Cbanaanitc jiiioiij ebc
i 3lnb 3 ibili mane of thee a great peo* [toaisj then in the lanbe.
" l^cbje.
pie, anb tbpll blciTe tijee,
anb matte tljp •
3lnb the fLojbe appearing bnto &

name great, thatthon (bait be [euenj a b?am, fapb.Bnto thp feebe ibvl 3 getie naamce.
blciTyng. tljisianbe : 3tnb there <» bnpioco bean (h)3b>aeii
la ebanRcf til
3 3 ibpii airo bleiTe tljem tljat blefle anlter bnto the Ho^be tbhithe appea* to Son rot hid

tnee, anb w turfc rljc that turfeth tbee

5 tlit (ltd tnm.'O'.t : aiiD
l«tbi fCDbntohi'in. ptofclTieli out

w anb in tbee (ball all Kinrcbcs of the Snbrcmonpng theme bnto a moun*
luatoip bis
8 religion.

earth be bicflcb. tavne that tbas eaftibaroc from 25e* CO flSapfc*


™Jalin, t
4 3lnb to ^b?am «
beparteb, etten as thel, he pitcheb his tent, baujmg
25e* $*&$£
tbeiUjbeDab fponen bnto bpm, anb thclontljeibeftrvbc, $ fcaiontbeeaft: S«!?X

> baa
Hotibentib!ti)l)im:anb ^b?am ibas
wucnne anb fine vercs olb ibljen he be*
ano there he bttplbvnfl an ai »Iter bnto
the Hojbe,bpb
caU bpon tlje name of

! fe ntt
* 1?S?
1m ° tote ^>arai l)is ibpfe,
bis brothers fonne, •$ all their
the fLo,2be.
vng anb
20»mi tote his iournep, go*
tourneying toibarbe ll.ll'


»woaauntetl)atthei? Dab in potTeOion,

Abram, Genefi
cnens. Ah •'am.
01 3noti)cr
ttiall of
10 [3nD]t!;etDercia)as
afanUncin tljat anbtlje lboman ibas taaen into &lja*
turns favtl). lanbc,anb tijetfoje ibent atyamboiunc raosDoufe.
into egvpt, flat De mygDt fotourne i6 3tnb c <° De entrcateb atyam tbell fo?

tljerc,fo: tl)tu U)as a grccuons famine Der fane : anb be Dab fheepe anb oren, JfjemtNatra"
{'«« «)nt«f-

in tDe lanbe, anb Ije afTcs, menferuauntes, $ maybe* fcaiona

ii Tim ibljcn i)t ibas come neare to enter feruauntcs, (be alTes anb camellcs.
into egypt , l)c faybe bnto £<arat Ijis 17 25m tlje Cn)
Hojbc plagucb |&Darao CO<S0D6 t ..

lbtfc: bcbolbcj tmoiDc tljat rtjou art a anbljts Ijoufe ibitD great plagues, be* tliAihtiior
ftarai, nn»
Cm) Jtts <n
°fay?e lboman to lone bpon: caufe of £>arai atyams rbyfe. ftfrtafntiitjt
hcppng tljat
faciei) ipttccti
ii %ljetfo?eu>ll it come to pafle, tDat 18 3mb 0Darao atyam, foybc:
I Ijc toojloc.
ibben tlje cgyptians fee tDcc,tDcy (Dall lbljy Daft tljott bone tfjis b«uo me<
fay, u> is Dis inyfe, anb tljey lbyll nyll 19 naljy bibbeft tfjott not tel me,tl)atu>
me, but tljey lbyll fauc tljee aliue: ibas tby ibyfe < rbljy faybeft tDou,fDe ts
(n) Sbjam
QloulD: in fa 13 w&ay^ipjaytnce^Dattljouartmy my fitter* anb fo ®gi migDt Dauc taken Ptatao'T™
filter ,t Dat 5 may fare Nell fo? tljy fa&c, bertobemyibyfc* innocent tom
boubthill a ifroibctljerfojebe*
matter, com- "iinaSbjam.
nittcs ail to
anb tljat my foule may line t&ougD tDy Dolbc, tUcrcistDyrbyfCjtaueljer, anb PM tjcanb
court Soanlo

i womotnet
of JSoo. occafion. gotljyibay. not Onne.

14 Smbfoinljen Zbmm ibas come into 20 3inb #Darao gaue D& men com* matudouilpt

egypt,tljc (Egyptians bcbclbc tlje ibo* maunbement concerning l)im:anb tDcy fcruaumca
out of temfi
man.foj fye iDas bery fay?e. conuayeb Dim foo#D,anb Dls Wjyfe,anb tattoo.

tuption of 15
Xlje pontes alfo of $ljarao faibe an ii)at l)e Ijau,
Dcr, anb comcnbebljer before ^arao,


1 SBbjam goctfi out of dEgppt. r TLotano fbjam tpefie men. 8 abiam ocuftrt^ tfielan&e
tottft fit's! b^otfier'JLot. 12 j(LotDtDeHctfitn^oDomr,anD 3b.jamm Cfianaan. i;Cfie%o«
Domttes!. 14 Cfie lattie of cfianaan ijs pitomtfeD sigaync tnto 3b?am, is 19c buploctii an

% 1 ^/i5bfo3(b;amwgat lebattDat tymeintljeianbe. 26

W IRntljn
rtctjea nojo=
Dymbpoutofegypt, 8 3CDen faybe (s)
^b?am bnto Hot : let (a) *6«ort
thep 6»tll"
tfjcr tinptDfs
mcnUB of<E*
DcanbDisU)ife,anbai tljere be no ftrife 3
p?ay tDee betibcene mong

BVVt.')"u,t,: ", anb Hot tljee anb me, anb betibecne my Dearb*
tljatDcljab, abates.
5to)nra front not
fjlomtng QODX
ibitDDym,toibacbtDe men anb tljyne,fo? tbe 9> be b?etD?en. (b) anic
ample W
£>out», 9 3s not tDe ibboic lanbe beto?e tDee; topaclfiill*
that art WW
31nb3ib2am«)as be* ^eperate tDy felfe 31 p?ay tljee from 6Ut JU '

<€> f™
H«uy : or ry rycDc in catte«,in filuer,anb in golbe» me : yf tDou lbilt tafte tDe left ijanbe, co part i'0

3 ^nb Dc «)cnt foonb on Dis iourney, 3 rp3bt,««"
lbyll go to tDe rygDt : 01 yf tljou be* rrmtoic

fromtljc foutD totbaebe setDel, bnto part totDerygljtljanbe, 3Jibyllgoto B

tbcpiaccvbDereDistentDabben at tlje tljeleft.
bcgynnyng.bctlbene ffietljcl anb J^ait 10 3tnb fo Hot lyftyng bp eyes, be*
4 «
cuen bnto tlje place of tDe aulter * Ijclbe all tDe countrey of 3Jo?oanc, *Oht
irlltre rljcp UiDicbeDcDabmabetbcre at tlje firft, tbljiclje ibas tbell ibatreb cuery tbljcte
ftauc taOcD of
<Sodb graced. anbtberc3lbwm w calico ontlic name before tlje Ho^be bettroyeo S>obome
Gen.xii.c. oftoc?Lo?be. anb <0iomo?rD, euen as tlje garben of
<t) Sbjam
one man
5 Hot alfo ibDicDe ibent ibitD 3Cb?am, tljeHtjbe, lyne tDe lanbe of #gypt as
his religion. Dab fljccpc^attcll.anb tcntcs. tDou commctt bnto S>oar.
(D) Blll)Cfl,
oftvmea bfeo-
6 ^nb D
- tlje lanbe ibas not able to beare 11 icijcn Hot w cDofe all tDe piayne of s "''
bctwijt great tDem.tDattncy migbt bibcll togctDcr: 3Jo?bane, anb tone IjiS iourney from
fo? tDey? * fubflauncc Vbas tDat tlje eaft,anb fo bepartcb tlje tmt&wWi
Gen JeJ.b.
(e) JLrtt tbey coulbe not co bibcll togctljcr. front tocotlicr.
joealtb fboato
bart»b>«m, 7 ^nb tl;ere fell a ftryfc bctlbcnc (0 tDe ir Zbitmx btbelieb in tDe lanbe of CDa*
tbuB dE>ot>
pjouibeO. Dcacbinen of 3ib?ams catteii, anb tlje naan, anb Hot abobe intlje cities of tlje
Cf) ©tbet
mens drift, Dcarbmen of Hottcs cattell:(30o:coucr, piayne, anb pitcDcbljis tent bntill5>o*
fboulbe not
mafeetbe goa
tlje Cljanaanites, anb pjertfites oaui* bome.
IP fallout.
13 25Ut
. ° 1

h\bram. end is.

13 2i5ut the
men of £>obome [toewj qjic^
I no! DOT I" 15 neb, ana crceebpng finners agapnftthe
I tf c, <»1)0 baB
I nofct ' urt> Ho?be.
I )(£oo<om
(-n! 14 anb the ?Lo?l>e Tatoe <*> bnto 3b?am,
|(j;t(ll) St>a»
I bain in l)i«
after that ILottbasbeparteb fro bpm:
17 3ttifc, ano w ibalhc about m the Ian** 00 <£!>ou5t)
I (nurture of SLpftbpthpnecpcsnotbe, anb lobe fro
the plate tbherc thou art, notfhtbatoe,

foutbtharb, eafttbarbc, anb tbefttbarb:
the "lanbe tbhiche thou feeCt,
i« ^
£l to

i^^^?? ^?®
U) P |l seucttbmotUee.
18 tern,


|Gcn xii.t>.

Dcut.)4- a
tbpil 31 gcuc bnto tbee, ano to thp fcebe
came ano btbe eb in the niavn/<"nf
^^« l

thereanaultcr bnto the fWoeV

^The. xiiij. Chapter

OBfHiM ri©arrct!Efma8cbpontbe^»o&omftej{ ano imalccftcg, ana nth*™

T»m ©oo »-, &.»««.«

Hie facficD. n Cfte captimt.e o£ lot ts itetoen to 3b"am *
SimSi^SW 6
Vftiti) of bus gooDe*. aibjam wfufetb to tafie tlje pillage.
sra m m mn

Mam. *iI3D it came to pafle in the ^>oar,

31 H bapesof 3lmtaphcl bpng
9 Zm w the? fopneb battel! iblth them
'of <§>inar, Striothhpng the bale of S>ibbim: that is to rape,
jit jnpgbtljaut
'ought mea=
[0jt,fcr- of ciafar, Chobojlaomcr «nth Chobozlaomer the hpng of <£lam, ntaofrecon=

, nvngof €lam,anDXhi' anbibithXhiballjpngofnatlons,anb


bpng of w the nations:

? oucrtniofee
bai aui) amraphel hpng of &tmx, anb
z [Cfiefcjw mabetbarretbithascraBpng

jut tuna- pith 3frioch Kpng of ciaTar, fouce

of&obome, anb thith Birfa bpng of hpnges agapnft ® fpue, •"
(Btomojrhc, anb tbith doiab apng of 10 ^nb the bale of dtbblm tbas mil of S,".S e

Stoma ,anb lblth £>cmcber upng of £>c?
boiim, anb tbirh the C0 Bpng of 25cla,the
hpmc ppttes anb ® tlje kpnges of 4>o-
oome anb

<&omo;t\)c ftzifot, anb fell

;» °""»fr»ai
p; is net famets;§>oar. ;c

T»itofo;rt)c thctc,anb tljep that rcmapneb.flebbe to '"«

isofbw 3 %\\ tjjefe there topneb together in the themountapne. c^c,„.
bale of ;§>tbbim, ihherc [notrei the fait (

J»nb thep tahpngail the goobesof SS. 4%Sl
s>oDomeanb(5omo?rhe, anb all their
4 f0} tvotlm ym w there thep fubiecte hittapies, lbent their ibap.
to hvng ChoDotfaomcr,
anb m tlje m* 11 ^nbthepcarpebaujape^^Lotaifo (we***
^b?ams brothers fonne,? his goooes, ISSTS?*
5 ^nb m tlje fourteenth pere came €W (fo?hebtt)elleb in ^obome) anb *S£Sr
Wis. be?
bo?iaomer anb the nynges that ibere tljcr.-icUtoaa
parteb. 1110113 i»hom
with hpm, anb fmotc the " 0tauntes In 13 3lnb there came one that hab efcapeb, 2? os,,ttt -

carnaun , anb the fLufimes anb toibc ^b;am the ^cbzeroe, mbirtje *
2'Jam, anb the emlms the piapne m bihcllcb in the plapne of 09amre tl5e
ofcartathatnn 3lmorite,tyother of cfchoi,anb pother
wl t,Jc ^°^ esf,n their moutit^et'r,
JC pla ^ nc of ^aran,ibhlch bo^be*
of^ner, ibhiche there w confebcrate gf^Sft"
tbith^b^am, «" m<»^
rethbpontheibvlbernefle. 14 rahenafeamhearbcthathiStootuer SSISJ?
25 n
tW « S^rctatnpng, cameto€n-mlC=
JS^^^JtsCabcs, anb fmote all the
ibastahen, w hearmeb
Ij» crercifeb
[feraaunteiSj tbljichc lbcrc bojnc in his StiSnS?
countrep of the
^maiccites, anb alfo olbne houfe, th;ee hmrnttfy 9 epgljteen, £?,&£•
WteS tSm melt in t15C50n" ^ anbfoloibebonrhcmbutpllSDan.
Santa? SSaSS,
8 15 ^nb he ano his frniauntes there par* wa -

bS????^^^ W* vng of ^>o^ fe ttn c fli companies agapnft tlje bp npght,

SSK2Sr « <B*nwwfc, anb
of Cltpi anb fmote them, anb purfueb them
O0 «m,
m $ ^ng e of zeela,Shbiche is
hnto ^oba,tbhith Ipeth on tlje left banc
16 3uib
: t * , *

Genefis. Abram.


0) 3>nt sob- i6
aw>^wcmertb iW^s» ** : *a«*3toam^gaueDimtitDes He tr vnb,

Ip man id tbc
caufc o: man?
ffiSS^ffi^toffiwto zi ^eftyngofSobome fam into °'*l»iac,thi
bcncfitcD of
.^KnfS »m^geuemetDefoules,anbtane eptOlctotlic

'»,"«>»« N)ttt

^9"^ISf feSth to meete &obome:3njaue*>lpft top mpDanbe to


he bfto tt;
"lift h
t Sam.iS c hij

veangen, ono

Cm) CbJB
kpng tefttfs
fbctb aibjo=
liams armtc

2SSJSW^ »T W tljou
*« tliou *o«
. left
^ Dane
fave, 31
ibett fave;
flioulbeft ham

faitti toutclet
wan aii)fo= menDaue eaten, anb tDe portions of tDe
Ijam. SSmShSffiS^ raline Ojonttc
not be butt:

w SiiSSi
, tlicDisD df>ob,ibDfcD
mcnibbicbibcntibitD 3ncr, efc$oi,f fulltootljtrj.

j3RSS5^SSS^S ^am^ltoDtcD^altaftettjettpomos,

^The .xv. Chapter.

^„h .« «>nf ft nnr mtts hire of 3Gbtam. 4 3D fonne is pjomtfrt SJtoam, "Jfafiac. 6

a t!^nses t&igeon*
3 5rtcctl)ere > tl)e
io ^etonetDetefo?e all tDefe tonto Dv»n, ft)WWl
tonto Suramin a *toifion,
anb «> bcuibeb tDem tDe mibbes, anb gg «,
Mum xii.b.
(a)Chc Wc- faying:
fcarc not3lb?am lape euerp peece one ouer agapnft ano* -«p
tl;er :buttDebirbesbeuibeb Denot.
obtaincB,cau= _>3jamtDyflnelbe[anti]tDl>
fc» brni inucb
crops. cltcecbyng *gteat rcibarbe. w ii anbTtoDcntDefouiesfcllontDecarBa* ^
Vlal.xvi.b. fes, ^b?am b?oue tDem aitoap.
(b) <tbfB»nt i anb aibjam faybe : fLojbe <!5ob tt>Dat
itoylttDougeuc nte itoDcn go cDylbe* 3 ii ^nbrbDetDcfutmeitoasbotbne,tDete
fell a beepe fleepe topon abjam :
ric was
of anb io,
ttjcrrfuatbe leffe,tt)e cljylbe of tl)e fterbatbdnp
be (boulD loHc
foj. my Doufe is tDis clearer of SDamafto i anDo?rour of great bartmefTe fell topon

» ^ni> 3ib?am fafoe: &ce,
Daft geum no feeoe : Io

to me tljou
in m?
u ^nbDefapbctonto»b?am:
w *Bno«)c a^
of (BOOB p?o= tDisofafuertie,tDattDvfeebefDalbea yjjj*,
nittcB ira» y
piomtfco tcto:
3lnD brtjoioc, tne tbojoc oftfje ILojoe
ftranngcrinaianbetDat is not tDeirs,' mj
tijerfoje 3H>ja
4 fljaU not be anb (Daii feruc tDem, anb tDev fbail en
. Tip his
com- came tonto Ijpm, favmg, ftt
trcatc tDem eupll
wfoure D«no?etD SJ^
Vla-.nt in SOB*
tlnne ijeite : but one tiiat fl)au come out
of tljine otbn bovbtls tt)albe tmne tjcirc.
veres. w s*"

amo l)e b?ougl)tl)vm out, anb favbc: 14. 25uttDenation\toDomtDep (Dallferue ggg,,
Rom.iiii.b. 5
(B) ©OB cons
firmctb flbjs
w loUe top tonto Ijeaucn, anb tell tlje M)VU3liubge:anbafteri[toarbfDalltDtl>KnS

b-.n, not bp ftartcs,tf tnou be able to number tftem.

come out vuttD great fubttaunce.
nope cnlp
butbperttts 3tnb!)cfavbc tonto D^m: euen fo ujail 15 anb tbou fl)alt go to tDv «ttft««2 S^
peace,anb a)ait be burieb in a goob oioe
nalfisnc alfo. n»«.
Romiiiia. 6 3lnto [ab?am] beieueb t!)e %o?b, i that
(c) tapSb" 3 tountcto De to Dvm
(0 fo? rigbtcoufncOe. i6 26ut in tDe fourtft generation tD^ftal J v
oulncs bp

7 ^nb agavne \)tmfaibe tonto bim J am :

come DvtDer agavne :fo? tDe (0 tt)ttneb^ u^f
tl)c %om t!)at b?ougt)t tljee out of nefTeoftDe^mo«tesisnotv«full.
17 anbfo it ibas, tl)at TtoDen tDe fonne
not fojfaUe
MB :

tbttfoje "mtoftDeCDatbccMo geue tljee fl)(s
b c'
ltoent bo\tone, anb it n>as ttbpivgbt, S- j
go fojtoaroc lanbc, $ tDat tljou mvgbtcft inberitc it.
nttbcitbocin (s) Doibeafmonpng furnefTe anb a n« « i%»

tton. s ^no l)c favbe : fUutoc d5ob Vtotjerbv

fhauURnoibetDat 3 (ball int)eriteit; b?anbe go^ng betttoecne tDe faib peeces. 'i"i.,«ii i

(8) Chough
Xabcan is *3ti tljat fame bay tDe fLojbc
mabe a t»i in
lit btlctieD
^e aunftbtrcb tonto Dpi
'^5oO0 pjomt-
f« : r" b« j?cvfecoftb?ccvereolbe, f aflje d5oate
w toucnaunt ltoitD 2lb?am,favtng: tonto pcat->

Oicwtb to BOB
%i3 scut can oftD2cevcreolbc,anba tD?ee vcre oioc
aaaminc, a turtle 3>oue alfo, f a ?oung
Genefis. x.

great rpuer, the rpuer of "tfuphjates.
nDtt,eB«te S, anb

f The. xvj. Chapter.

anothe u «5iaunteg
»***m*^ m the Chan*

^la p ^°]?
^ tietlraittiEmapactT Co? tier 5utba«0e. ^aaauoftceauetft ana fen.

arai abjaros tbpfe 8 anb he raid: i?agar TO COfi*«fcM

«8>ara<s mapbe> butafctuiut
bare hpm <« no chpfc Ibhenee earned tljou-ano neither umt be(o;c i5ot
though n>t
bjembutfhehaban" thou go< <§>he fapbe : 3
flee fro the face
tljougiit othcj
toaptaof hct
hanoemapbeanegpp* ofmpmiftrefre<§>arai. fcUc.

tian,$agarbpname. 9 anb the angell of tb.e ?Lo2be fepoe bit* €

anb&araifapbebn; to her Cs) fteturne to thp rafftrtflc a- riours auQtc
toabjam behoibe,
i gapne, anb fubmit thp leifcbnbet her not
to raahc

notbe the %wc hath refteapneb me, Ijaubcs.

to rcbcll.
that3 can not beare, 3f p?ap thee go m 10 anb agapne °° the angell of tbc %w (h) "CTtmfc
macro that
tompmapbe,itmapbethat3Imap be fapbe bmo her: 3 ujpu multipue (Sod Oritttth,
tbp fpi'Jhctt) tn
ubiUe. buiibcbbpher : anbabjamobjpeb® fcebc in fuch fo&that ttU;al not be nnm= Sod.j pct.on.

thebopceof<§>araf. b?eb fo^muitituoe.

anb&arai abjamsrbpfetoltef^ 11 anb the Ho;bes angell faib bnto her:
garhcr mapbe the egpptian, after a* 3>ee, thon art ibfth crjplbe, anb (bait
bjam habbe bibellcb ten percs m the beareafonne, anb (halt cai his name
lanbeofChauaan,anbgaue her to jjer 3lfn wchbecaufc tlje %om
hath fjcartie 13, the UiJe
hufbanbe abjam to be hts ibpfc. tljv tribulation. Jbdl hurt.

4 ano he Ibent in bnto i^agar, anb (be ir ibpu be a tbpibe man, anb his
conceaucb.anb ibhen (be favbe that (be hanbeibpiibe agapnfteuerpman, anb
gooo bencfite,

hau conceaueb « Dec inittreflc urns bcf~ 1°

eucrp mans hanoc agatnfl l)pm:*anb
Soithaana his
pifebthherepes. hen;aiibibeliin
tlje p^efence of all his iBtn. nrt.c.

5 anb 3>arai fapbe bnto abiam: wb;eth;en. (ti) ChtptO"

pic that tame
tljere is ityongbone bnto me bpthce: anb ftje taileb the name of the %om Of Jfinacl
3Jhaue gcuen mp mapbe into tl)p bo* that rpahc bnto her, XhondJooiofecll trlicicbobp.
CO 4>ht ac
fome, ttjhtchc fcpng that (behatljcon* onme:fo?(befapbe, ® cuftth tier
ceaueb , 3
am befpifeb in her epes, w Ijcare lo&eb after bvm tljat fcctlj mee?
oime tm-
thm: .;.:in«,

DvO not
the ?U?be be ittbgc bettbeene thee $ me. rollifl)

14 *«9herto?e p tbeli tbas caileb tbe lbell attuuiclc&ge

6 ism abjam fapbe to 3>arai : be* of bpm tbat ipnetb ano fectlj me : anb it
fyt goooncs
djcic a
to hct

hoibe (0 thp mapbe is in thp hanbe, bo is

° betibeene Cabes ano asareb. befotc rrmc,
ibithhcr as it plcafeth thee, anb ibhen 15 ano i^agar bare ab:am a fonne, anb the roil octatg
Gen :+.d.
S>arai Dealt haroip uuth her, (be flebbe c
'%8bmi caileb Ijis fonncsname ibhiclj Cm)dhesi-
from the fate of her. i^agar bare bnto hpm,3}fmael.

7 ^nb uje angel of the 3Lo?b founbe her i6 anb ab;am lbas foure fco;e anb fire
sbichc hao
feme het b?
befioe a fountatnc in p ttnioerncs, mm) peres olbe,U)hen w J^agar bare 3JfnM- Iiumanctof
bpthe Vbcllthat is in tlje tt>apto£>ur, cltohpm.
(ti) he
haD romc hope

f The. xvij. Chapter.

of this chuoe:
set he was)
'« tbirtcne
TO Hut
/°^ na
abwlwra. 7 CUanaan i» pjornifeo bnfo m<ftm ftft fpftl) tpme.
n ol mt C0Uf naunt ,? ^f
3 ' tt nama &a™> « Ifafiac is vio>
not the pja=
am the
^omamf %l am
ivcumakfi) ftpn ?J
° '
felfc, gifmart,
f0? Stawa. » 3!fmacl 12 blcCTcD.
ano ftig ftouftoioc feruatmtejs.
uenth pete
ttt his
mpng fiom

anbab?am w fcllonb<sface,|<Sob
^cnab^am vbasnine* j

ticpereolbe anb nine, talfteb UJith hvm, faping 0>) Reap


ttjeflo?oeappearcbto 4 3Jtts3J,beholD mp couenaiit r«s irbiri) I0ODB


bpm, ano fapbe bn* thee,anb tbou (baltbe a fatljce of man? htsotoncocK 3
Dieme thttto.
<0 nations.
tohpm:3Jamtbeali Cc) J3« »*
^mightted5ob, w lbalRC
tlje orup
/SeiajerOjallthpnaine anp mo?e be wetc of his
octojc me, anb be thou perfect, calico ab^ui, but tbp name ibatbe cal* alio or' the
ano^f thpiimaftc mp coucnauntbe* leoabiaham : *fojafathcrof manpna* gcntileo.

jwecne meanb tljec,anb rbpil muitipitc tionsIjaue3Jmaoetbee. Kdiu. 1111. J>

^ccerceebpngip. 26 ii 63JBJPH
, =

Abram. Genefis. IfmacL

C») 3« toMfa 6 ^tbylimaKetbeeerceebyngfrttite* anb (be (balbe [« mometj of nations, yea

hatbc chpng
to; an dot full, anb tbyii niaftc nations of thee,yea 9 nynges of people Hjall fp;ynge of her.
17 25ut;3bjahamfcll bppon his face,w tame mn„
man to be pert
flu croco btnn: anb aynges a^aii fpjyng out oftljec. not

tlictfojc >SoD
0toeoucr " 31 thyll matte nip roue* anb laugheb , anb faybe in his heart: '"PJtlioMp:
rtpcatctl) bis 7 (baiiachyibe be borne bnto hymthatis 5SS£
•"« Hut
naunt bettbecne tne anb thee,? thy feebe
an hunbjeth ycre oloc? ^nb (ball &ara m "In*
•» ^cbje.
after tljce, in there generations, by an
to ryfe. eucrlafhng toucnaut,^ maybe <!5ob
w that is ninetie yere olbe beare*
Gen. xiii.b.
(cV5L"l]iflcoue bnto thee, anb to thy ftcoe after thee. 18 ^nb 3ib?aham faybe bnto d5ob : ^> w C
luunt toag
tymcuail, at « anb 31 tbyll gcuc bnto tfjee anb to thy that 3lfmael myght lyue in thy fyght. W2P
Solicit 3bja«
feebe after tbcc,tbe lanbe ibbetetn thou 19 mntoibho^obfaybt'&arathyibife &,TSS,
ham ma btl
iccdc nipgtit
art a ftrauger lc«"»] al the lanbe of Cha* (hall beare thee a fonne in httht, 9 thou SSSS?
conccauc luce Ge " wuj;
hope of etc t naan, fo? an euerlaftyng poflcfTton, anb (halt call his name 3Jfahat: anb 31 ibyii
eftablilbc my couenaunt (p) rbithhym (t) G\n
tbyll be their® <5ob.
25 com,

CO W)t »°* 9
inifco mabc M
anb ©obfatbagayne bnto aojaham: fo? an eueriaftyng couenaunt [anoj ibtth <»tmt w

Xbiaham thou (halt ftcpe my couenaunt tbcrfoje, his feebe after hym. enetamUlfc

bcnetitcsonl? both thou $ thy feebe after thee in theft: io anb as concemyng 3ffmacl alfo 3J
generations, 5
haue hcarbc thee : fo? haue Cq) biefleb amslgnuu
him, anb ibyll maue him fruitcfuii, anb J (mad.
10 pw>mi(t»<«

io XDiS is my couenaunt tt>t»fctj ye (ball

ftepc bettbecne me $ you, anb thy feebe Ibyl multiplie him ercebingly : Xlbelue
after tjjee : *euery man chylbt among ponces lhall he beget,anb 3J ibyll mafee
(g) Ciccums
cilion is calico
you (balbe (B) cirtumcifeb. a great nation of hym.
the coucnaat.
became it l>atl)
pc (bal circumcifc the flefbe of your ti 26utmy couenaunt tbyl 31 maueibith
the p;omife of fojcf&yn,anb it (balbe a 'totten oftHe co- 3Hahac mhichc £>ara a^aii beare bnto Crtn.xici.j.
(Sobs grace,
(h) CBobthCc uenaunt bcttbirt me anb you. thee, euen *this tymc tvbelue monetlj. (t)J»bl)OB

anb w he left of talnyng mith hym,

bp SojjIuii
toctb l)CTbp,al
is be cojrupt iz anbcucrymanthylbcofeygbtbaycs iz tntcrSootc

that is begot=
ten af man: olbe (balbe ctrcumcifebamongiiyou m anbbepartebbp from abjaham.
ftora Cod.
abjaham (0
one that fal-
uation (houia
your generations, both he that is borne ij 3Jfmael his forme,
tofte (0 #mn
come ot tljc
mthyhoufc,ashethatis b0US*)t tbtth anb fuel) as there borne in his houfe,£ al f cot co from

that tbas bought With money,as many

ham. money of any ftraunger, tbhtche is not ptttstcfaor
Kom iiii.c,
as there men chyibzcti,ibhiche there a* icctce: nmijcv
(i) Malacca of toy feebe. teppneo 015
eught to teas
uayicto bjing 15
co l^e that is borne in toy boufe,anb he mongft the men of ab?ahams houfe, 9 bouOjouloc it
Ql tilClt 1)04IC-
borne to true
alio that is bought tbitb money, mud tircumcifeb the fleftje of their fiueftettme SUSS
necbes be cirtumcifeb: $ my eoucnaut euen in the felfe fame bay,as d5ob tjab
CK ) 4> (acrai
mental manes (balbe in your flefbe fo? an euerlaftyng faybe bnto hym.
couenaunt. 24 abjahamaifo hym thasntnetie
14 anbthebnrtrcumeifebmancbylbe, in yere olbe anb nine tbhen the flefbe of
lbbofc flefbe the foiefnyn is not eircum* his fo?efaynne tbas tircumcifeb.
(!) dlCCOTM
temneca of
eifeb, «
thatfoulc fbaibc cut of fromhts 25 3Jfmaei his fonne tbasthirtie yere olb
OPoob facra= pcople,becaufe he hath bjofcen my coue* tbhen he tbas tircumcifeb in the flefbe
mentes (ball
notbeparta. naunt. ofhisftwclftymte.
16 %\>z felfe fame bay tbas ® ab?arjam wijg:
been of JBoDB
piomifcs ana i$ anb (50b faybe bnto atyaham: Cn°
(m)vJBob ropll 5>arai thy tbyfc (bait thou not call 5>a* tircumcifeb anb 3Jfmael his fonne.
tcfoucmc 3a
rai, but 5>ara L*a"J her name be. 17 anb the men of his houfe, bojne

all HialnMJ ' aoo otbtt

f bt thought
amtflc of
16 ^nb 31 ibyll blcOe l)er , anb gene tfiec mhishoufe, 0? bought tbittj money of
JfmacU afonncof her: yea,3Ubyii bieffe her, ftraungers there circumcifeb thitlj !)«"*
<**> The. xviij. Chapter
1 30 mitlme of tlje tn'nttte. 63Db;aftamtDatbetD t^c feetc of t&e fltaungeta, anb toaptetb ontlie
table. iolfaljactispjomiCeotoaibjaftambepngageD. nOoDSfamtltarttt'e anDgooDneffe tr»ttft
3bj aftam. 19 Cl??tft. 3Cb?abam teaebf tft bi& bouOjoloc tbe toap of tftc Tiojoe. 20 rcbe Deffcuction 0)
offeiODorae is( fo^ctoloc bntoaibjabam. 2?3bwt)ammatietbintercclRonfo?the&Oi)onirte!». pet»
27 aibiabam, butt, ano aftbeg, conttnuctb in pjaret anb petition.
a j:H3S> the |Co?be*appcarcb loe, w th?ee men Ooobe by hym: anb
bnto hym(a)
in the playneof tbhen he fatbe them, he ranne to mcete od"

" anb he fate in them from the tentboo?e,anb Ct) botbeb
(9) 3n e fants
pie 0/ true
his tent boojc in tljeheate
\ hym felfe totbarbe the grounbe,
-of the bay. 3 anb faybe: ?Lo?be,yf3Jhauenothe
anb he lift bp his eyes anb loach, anb founbe fauour in thy fight, w paffe
not w i,ii>ii»*
kbraham. Genefis. x ;

not albay 3 PW thee from tljy ftr* jbe nations of tbe earth fbaibe
4 « % ct a title U>atcr,3J p;ay you, be fet, 19 3 Knoibetbisaifo, tljat be VbvU com-
anb roaflie your fcete,anb refretbe your maunDe^bis cbplb?cn anD DfsHoufe^ Cp) #itfitrg
0U3l)t to tract)
femes bnbcr the tree.
5 3inb 31 lbyll fet a mo?fcll of b;eab to SH e iftet lm tbat tijev Rcpe tbc mv

of tbe ?Lo;d, anD to do

tljtit cliplotm

anD (ubge*
tufiicc tCJiK\5J0.

comfort pour Ijeartes lbitljali, anb tljcn ment tljat tlje Ho;De may b;yng bppon
fo fmall

fl)ait you go your ibayes: ® fo; euen Xtomitljat be batlj rpoben bnto bi.n.


tIjercfo;eare ye come toyourferuaunt. 20 3tnb t&e io?De raiDe: w bumk tlie crpc (t) 45ot)!).T9
bcfoic bp^
3lnb they faybe : do euen fo as thou haft of 5>oDome anb ^5omo;rbe is ano ocUructio
great oftljctrfnc=
faybe. anb becanfe tljeir finne is erccDing aree
6 Znn C5) 3ib;aljani tbcnt apace into the uous:
aB "tea, cal!;o
tlintin repent
t.i:intc : but

tent bnto j&ara^ faybe C^abe reDy at

: 21 3 go botbne notbe, anb fee \bbe^
thep contemp;
nco £000
once th;ee pccRcs of fine mcate,tmcaDe fber tljcy bane co bone altogctfjcr acco:^ Mllpnj.
(t) iBoa fot=
[ it ] ants mafte cafte upon tbe hearth. bpng to tljat crye lbljiclje is come bnto bMrctl) du=
nilhincnt. sn=
7 3iP.D 3b;aljam runnyng bnto his me anb yf not,
: 3 vbyli Rnoibe. Ifitljcnicits
of out (mitts
beafics, feta (0 caife tcnDcr and gooD, 22 3lnb tlje men beparteb tfjencc, $ ibent compcii hpu,
(0 ti 013:0 AW.e
aubgaticit bnto avoung man, anb Ije to 5)Ot:ometbarb: but ^tyaljam ftoobe
hafteb to matte it reDy at once. yet before tlje |Co;be.
8 3Jnb he tone butter anb mylKe, anb the 23 3Cnb^b;abamb;ettieneare,anbfaib:
calfcibl)ic!jl)cljab p;cpareo, anb fet it naylttljou alfo beftroye the righteous
before tljcm, anb floobe Ijym felfe by aitljtljeibicReb?
them bnbcr tlje tree : $ Ci° they tyb catc. 24 '
3f tljerc be ^ fiftie ryghteous ibitlj^ timtute.
9 2lnb they faybe bnto bym : ibljcre is intljccitie, ibylt tljou Dcflroye anD not not

£>ara tljy Me* i)c aunfibercb, beljoib, fpare the place fo; the faRe of fiftie rygl>
y tmclico to be
in the tent, teous tljat are therein; to be Drltiicrcb

10 3nb tic faybe : *3 ibyli ccrtayncly re* 25 Xbat be farre from tljec that thou
turnc bnto thee c '%co;bing to the time ajoulbettbo after thismaner,anb flaye
of ipfe : anb lo, £>ara tby tbyfc (ball therygljteousibithtlje ibicftcb, $ that
Ijaueafonne. Xbat ljearD3>araintije tlje ryghteous ajoulb be as tlje tbtcReb,
tent boo;c, lbhicb ibas behynbe Dpi. tljat be farre from thee : £>ball not the Rom.
11 3lb;aljam anb &ara iberc both olbe, iuDgeofalltbeibojlDe bo acco;byng to
anbibeiiftryReninage : anb it eeaffeb rygbfc
lobcvbitij&ara after tljemaner as it
26 ^nb the !Lo;be faybe : 3Jf fynbe 3 m
5>oDomc fiftie rygljteous ibitljm the ct*
u Xbcrcfo;e 3>ara (rt
° laugbcb ibitljin tie, 3 u»pii w fpare all tlje place fo; tljeir
CO <5o»
bynbttg not

ljcr felfe, faying : 0om 3 am Tbareb fades.

oiiOiipea to

otbc fbai 3 gene my felfc to lutt,anb my 27 ^nb ^b;aham aunftberyng, faybe kn foj ibe

*Ho;DcoiDcaifo; ^beholbe 3 BODi? met:*

Ijauc taRcn bppon me to fabc:aa iE;cc.
13 SJnb <5ob fatb bnto Sttwafiam : ibber* fpeabebnto thc?lo;be,U)ljichc am but (.b)i»l)Stcjtc
ana regit oc
fo;ebyb5>ara laugh-faying, (ball of 3 bnlranbaffbes. f Sool» time
a fucrtie beare a cljyibe, ibbiclj am olbc; 28 3/f there fhall lactte fine of fiftie rygh^ bouts.

14 3s an? tlj ing"bnpoffiblc to (Both 31c* teotis, lbylt tljou beftroy all the title fo;
co;Dyngtotljctyme appoyntcb ttjyll3* of fiuc^nb hefaibc: 3Jf
fynbe 3
Wurne bnto tljeeteuenj acco;bing to tlje there fourtie anb ftue 3Iibyi not oettroy
time of life : $ <§>ara [ftaiij bauc a Tonne. them.
15 Xljc3>arabentcbtt,raying:3J laugh* 29 3lnbhep;oceabebfofpeaRebntooynt
eb not :
w fo; (be ibas afraybc. 2nb be agayne, anb faybe : mw
yf there ujail
laybc : it is not fo, but tbou laugbcbft. be fourtie founbctbere^eaunfibereb:
k Stabfljc tncnryryng bp from fljcnce, 3
»>yll not bo it fo; fourties fafte.
JoReb toibarb 5>obomc : anb atoaljam 30 J^c faybe bnto hym agayne : let not D
jbentibitljtljeni to b;yng tljem on tlje my lo;b be angry tljat fpcafte : i©hat 3
yf there fl;all tbirtie be founbe tljcre;
17 3lnb the K.o;be faybe : (hall
3 « bpbe ^nb Ije laybe : 3 lbyii bo notljyngpf 3
rronabjabam tbat tl)tng ibbtci) 3 do, fynbe thirtietljcre.
'» Scvngtljat^bwbam
Ujall furclpbc 31 i^e faybe agayne : €> fee 3 fjauc taRcn
ageeatanb a mygDtie nation, anb*aa bppon me to fpcafte noibe alio bnto
76 iii my
: : »
Lot. Genefis. 'Ot.

aabat if il)ttt tyalbe tibentie tyt aunftbereb,3f rbil not bcOroy [t&emj
my ?Lojb :

founbetberc; $c aunftbereb, *bvW % fojtennesfafte,

not beftroy [teem) fo? twenties lafee. 3j
asbeljablcftcommunyng tbitl) atya:
xt anb ftc faybe : 1D let not my Hojbc
angry, anb ^ftyllfpeaKcyctbtntbis
bam , anb abjaijam [aifoj turnebbnto
Ipman moult
once : jfcljat if tenfl)albe founb tberc*
I)t5 place.
all (l)C cttic
it to to
^ The. xix. Chapter.
ten? coftupt.
iCfiebofpitaKtte ofjlocreceaupngangebs. 3 ^cp?eparetbabanM fo?t|em. 4Cfte
& of Se SoSomiw. <4 <W* oebjuetetl) Hot from tfte Somites, t&e toboerfom of
Uomfiefojetelletl). TLotttlauafteDtoremmofbHJfoni^mfaW.
uflW compel,
left) tlot firm CelCe to go out. isc&etottne
§segor wfaueooptfiepjapwof lot.
2 o\otconWetfitfiemcmeof<!5oD. :4®fie oettruction of jbopomc ano ©omojtfie. :

^fthetovfe of tot isfturncDtntoaftoneoEfalt. :9tfo^bjafiam lotto oetyuerei).

P^otgoetljoutof^egot. 5 .®fieinceftof)Utt»itbfit$Dau2fitei*. 37fl©oab.
33 3mmon.

3 I |52D tljere tame tKbo an* of trjt citie ceuen] $e men of g>obome
gels to Sobome at cutn, compafTcb tbe rjoufe tonnbe about/ fiitiMH 'F

|anb ?Lot w fate at ttje gate

juljat tmll

(«")Ctogo&= bottj olbe anb young, all people ft5 [««]

time toft*
lpc fche octil-
lion to luyncj
of dobome anb fLot fe*
: quarters. ijtrtmtiW'
frmtcS ot
£ing [tfiem] tofe bp to meete 5 ^nb tbey cailyng bnto Hot, faybebn*
tJ)Bn^ anu fie boibeb bym felfe rbttl) bis to bym nabere ace tlje men tbljicbe
facetotbarbetbegrounbe. came in to tbee tljis nygbt* btyng tbc>«
all ft! t"11.
ii anbbe favbe : £>D nip SLojbes, turne out bnto bs, tbat ibe may ftnoibe tbenn
eg comment
t?ofpita= w in3J pzayc you, into your femauntcs 6 anb flotvbent out at tbe booze bnto
BCD. boufe,anbtary all nvgfjt, anb'ftatye tbem, anb (but tbe boojes after I)pm.
your fcete, anb ye (ball ryfe bp early to 7 anb favbe : /]5ay, fo? d5obS fafte b?e?
gotnyourTbayes. nabtcbe favbe, nay: tljzen, bo not [fo j ibicfteblv.
bnt rbe Jbyll bvbe in tr)e ttreatcs all 8 25eboib,3bauetU)obaugbtcrsw
nygbt. clje baue bnottien no man,tbem lbyb 3
3 anb be pjeaffeb bpon tljem erccebing* bjvng outnoibe bnto vou, anb bo
lye: anbtbey rcturnyng in bnto bym, ttntrjrtbem as it [feemetbj goob in your
entrct) into bis boufc, fbc mabe
tuem a eyes: only bnto tbefe men bo notbyns>
feau\anb bib babe bnleuencb bjeab, anb fo? tbercfoe came tl)cp bnber ttytw-
tbeybfoeate. botbeofmyroofe. „ ^
4 anb bcfo?e tbey tbent to reu\ tlje men anbtbeyfaybe,ftanbebacfte: tolDtof*"
, : , ' j

Genefiis. xn
25 tljcr faibagavne,be tame in as one to fo- fouleftjaubnic*
ioumc,ano lbyll lie be nolbc aiubge^be ano be
ibvll furelvbcalclbo?fe tbitlj t\)tt then
zi fapoc to bvm : £>ee,
rcccaueb tt>? "requcft as concerning
baue 3
ruttlj thenu anb tljcy p?eau*co fo?c upon tbis tbing, tbat 3) Vbvii not ouertb?o\be

tile man cuwfflot, anb came to b?eaae fljts citie fo? tbe ibbicljc
thou baft fpo^
I0 26ut tlje men put foo?th thefr banbe, 2i J^afte tbee,anb be " faueb tbcre j fo? Cp) sSfi?"
aubpuiicb Hot into the boufe to them, 3
can bo notbyng tpl tljoubc come tbv* Brtll ao (tuff*

anb (but to the boo jc. tbcr,anbtl)erfo?ctbe name of the cttte

botl) to Tauc
3Lot, .mot
h *anb the men tljat lucre at the boo?e isS>oar. ocflrop ^oa
bon.c, fo
they fmoue ibith biynbe* i3 anb tbe fonne tbas notbe rvfen bpott one inurv b:

Old*- of toe houfe

nctTe both fmail anb great, fo tbat they

[cof* tbc eartl), ano %ot ibas entreo into theotijet. :c

mere iberyeb in fenyng tlje boo?e. 5>oar.
anb the men faybe bnto Hot : $att
u M- Xbcn tlje |Lo?be *ravnebbpon§>o- Dcat !9 c.

tfot ("-
tbou bcrc any beubes* fonnc in lame, borne aiib €>omo?rbc ^ q) b?rmftonc ano F.fat.Niii.b.

leremi. I.e.

foitb «"
anb tby fonnes, anb tby baughtcts,anb fire, from tbe 3Lo?be out of beauen: lizec. i«.d.

robatfocuer thou ball in the citie, b?yng 25 ano ouertD?eroe tbofc cities, ano an Ames i:ii.'u

Luk. xvii .c.

tW m tlicm out of tins plate: tbat piainc region, anb all tbat btuciieo (q) 3 terrible

imtni «ot
5fo?wemyiocftroytbtspiacc,bccaufe nnonewe
13 in tlje cities, anb tbat tbat greibe bpon ntlljmeiit

tbe *crye of them is great before the face tljeeartb. Tooutragiontf

ofti5ob:fo? the Ho?be bath fcnt w bsto

ncisc Qnncsj.
. 26 26ut?lotsibvfe foiotbvngf)itn,lOReb
iifKmini- (r)
beftroyit. bebvnbc Ijcr, $ Ibas turncb into a pil* pt) fi>l)e b«
14 anb Hot ibent out, anb fpane bnto leroffalt. fillip yfeoioe

w fonnes in lalbe ibbich marieb bis 27 ab?abamrvrvngbpearlv,goteDvm
Of (I50D
! ir.D

Upofpifc baugbters, facing: £>tanbe bp, get ye totbeplacelbUerebc ftoobc bcfo?c tlje IS'-u9|

out of displace, fo? the Ho?bcibyiio*
uerth?oibe tljis citie. Buthcfeemebas
p?efcnccof <5ob, anb lofteo toibaroc
^»obome anb d5omo?rlje, anb towarbe
though he Dab mocttco, bt ito his fonnes all tbe lanbe of tbat plavne countrev,
in lalbe. ^% ano bebcioe, anb lo
tbe finoUc of tfje
15 anb tbben the mo?nyng arofe, the am countrep arofe, as tlje fmoue of a fur*
ngjiteoano gels cattfeo Hot to co fpeebe him,laying: neffe.
nflartic: &tanbe bp, tahe tby tt>yfe,anb tby trbo 29 anbitcametopafle, t^at tbben cS>oo *
01: baugbters lbbtd) be at banbe, left tbou beftroveb tbc cities of tbat region, c0 be if: $0D I(J
rmttfrn. cLrco tiuwc
pertlbeinthe fmne of the citie. rhougbtbponab?abam, anb fentflot miicljticlo'.iea

ft SbuiMin.m
Tlld.x.a i6 anb as be pjolongeb tbe tyme , *thc out from tbc mibbeft of tbe ouertb?otb, Belpuctpng
men caught botlj bim, his tt>ifc,anb bis lbbcn l)c ouertb?eU)e tlje aties,in one of be or a alfa
(m) m.:tl) rcgjrDc.
«)Jttoa« ttt)o baugbters by tlje Ijanbes tbc tbcibbicbeHotbtbciieb.
30 anb Hot bepartcb out of £>oat , anb
$»D» mcr=
rHut lot Ho?be beyng mcrcyfullbnto bym : anb
tbeyb?ougljtbymfoo?th, anb fct bym biieilcb int^e mountapne tbitbbts
bjitbout tbc citie. tlbo baugbters fo? lie fcareb to tarv 0) r« tM

D 17 anb vbljenbchabb?ougbtthemout, in5>oar,butbtt)ellebm a caue, be anb ongel pfoa
mifca not to

(n) bclJro?
be faybe: " £>anctby fclfe, anb loUe bistibo baugbters. '

t onlpt

bo notbebynbetbec, neither tary tbott in
31 anb the ciocr (aib bnto tlje voungcr: £)?, 11

*0)«l) He all tbis plavne [countrcpj £>auc tby (W ourfatljcrisolbe,anb tljcrc is nota«*«ne.
felfc in tbe mountaine, left tljou periflje. man in tlje eartlj to come in bnto bs a£ jw ;
S>i, efcape
18 3nb Hotfapbe bnto tl)em:<aDftnotfo ter tlje maner of all tlje ibo?lbe. iiK'but .

mp?lo?bes. 32 Come, let bs gcue our fatber ibine to Sfg^iS?

19 25cl)oloe tftv femaunt b^tl) founbe b?vnbe,ano ipc mitb bvm,tbat uicmap \ KJ^»«
grace in tbyfygftt, anb tbott baft majp
mcrcp vbbicb tljjott baft (beu>
nificb tbv
"fauefecbe of our fatber. «

anofotljcvgauctbcirfttljer ibineto; kepe Syuc,

eb bnto me in fauvng mp ipfe : (0) 25e* b?inttc tljat mgljt : ano tbe doer baugb* <
XL? * >«=
ter lbcntanblavibitb bcr fatljer, anb'

TOttltol Ijolbe'J cannot be faueb in tbc moun-

tapne,icft fome barme fall bpponme, wftepcrccauebitnotncitber ibljcn tt)t:i%*?'™<
anb3Jbre. lavcbolbne, ncptljcr uujenflje rofe.jasr,-
»o 25eboibe .... ' tcmpcrawice.
bere isa citie bp to flee bnto,
e«envonocr litleone: ^Dljlctmccfcapc 34 anb on tbe mo?owc tlje rtoer favbe',
tDrtljer : Js it not a litle one, anb mp bnto tbe vounger j beboioe, vefternigbt
2H51UJ to?'

Abraham. Gcnefis. Abraham.

lay 9 ibitb nty fatliec: letbs mane bym 36 HTbus

ibere botlj tlje bangljtcrs of
?Lot With cbylbe by tbeir fatljcr.
b?yubc ibync tbis nygbt alfo, $ go tbou ;

ant) lye ibitlj bym, tbat tbou mayca 37 anb the elber bare a fonne, anbcailcb'
rayfc top feebe of our fatljcr. anb tbey ins name tfl&oab : tbc fame is tlje father,'
briungcrous mabc tljetr fatljcr Crt bjynUc ibync tljat of tl)c {©oabites bnto this bay,
38 anb tlje younger bare a fonne alfo, $
tl)l>H3tOlK- *

xrpimc to fill i
nygbt alfo.
woa finnc. ,
anb tlje younger arofe, ant) laye nntlj calleb bis name ascnamnii : tbe fame!
bym: $ be pcrccaucb it not, ncitljcr \nf)c is the fatljcr of tlje tbylb?cn of Simmon'
ftjeiaybotbnc, neitljcribljcfberofebp. bnto tljis bay.] '*a.

^The .xx. Chapter.

1 3b?abam is a fofoutner m fficrar, tobere bfe topfe is tafien bp foicc. ; aWmelecb is
cbpooen, 4bi0P2apcr. 7<E>oMauetb3bimelecbfTomDopngampOe. a pio- Jbmbam
Pbctc 9 abimclccb clitDcti? a-biaba btmfelfe. i:£>ara tbe niece of ftbarc bp bis fonne.
« tbc niece of ab:abam b? btss biotbcr. h
3btmelecb tenoetetb tbe topfc xortb gtftts*.
i7 3bjabam pjapetb fo? Sbimelcrtj.

#2Dab?abam w bcpar* bntobs^ttwatfjaucj offcnbebtljee,

31 teb thence totbarbe tlje tftattbou baft bjougljt on me $ on my
(a> tSob
th '0 tc-rbt
foutb countrcy, $ btbelleb Bingbomc fo ] (W great a finnc? tljou baft dmtiiiii,
tipni tint he
bone beebes bnto me tbat ougbt not to
cuft Ijpmfciff
«ras but a bctibccneCabcs anb £>ur, «l»!«l»tof
ttratirjcr Ijctt. afiiult.aBttjr
anb foiourncb in <Rrar. be bone. bpportutg

anb atoabam faybe of £>ara his io 3lnb3lbuueletfj faibe bntoSlbzabam: nuUtc,

Xbyfe, w (bets my fyfter :anb aoimc* ttiljatfaibcfttbou tljat tbou baft bone c
00 Sbjabnm
iccljbyngofcRrar lent, anb fet &ara
once ajivnc
gcurtb nunc
to ijoo'omc
atbay. ii Sib?aba aunfmcrcb: 5Fo? 3J 1 tbougljt u Sj,fap»t.
26ut C5ob came to abimcleeh by nigbt [tbujj] furcly tbe fcare of d50D is not in 0) S0ttiari
fienrr of Sob.
tljis place,anb they fbai flaye me fo? my
in a b?came, anb faibe to bym : S>ee, °
<0 wc map ctjicfc ttbtn
ltatnc botoc
tljou art but a bcab man fo* tbe lbo*
tbc ftatc of
grcatlp abul= lbyucsfafte.
tene Difulta-
fctb J&oa- mans fabe ibljttlje tbou baft taben & n I3ct in bcry beebc (be is my fifter, fo?
lbay, foz fl)c is a mans myfe. aieisybaugbtcrofmy fatijer, tbouglj
ffiut mbimtlccl) bab not yet toucbtb fbebenottlje oaugbtcr of my motber,
ber: anb be fayot, %ow
tbylt tljou anb (be became my ibyfe.
flay rygbtcous people; 11 :&nb after <©ob caufeb me to ibanbet
^aibc not be bnto mc,flje is liiy fift er* out of myfatljcrs boufe, 3
faybe bnto
yea anb (be bcr fcife faybc,be is my b;o* ber: tljis bynbneffe fbalt tljou fbeibe
(to l?c bpn tber : «j«ft w a ftnglebtart,anb inno* bnto me, in all places rbbere ibe come,
3 tbat tljou *fay of me, Ije is my b?otljcr»
neither pur= Ccne.xii
poftlvno! ti> tent banbes bauc bone tbis. t.

taltc another ^nb d50b faybe bnto bint in abjeante: 14 Xljcn tobe ^bimcleclj fbeepe anb (Si
nunc a-pfe.
3Jibotcibciltbattboubybbca it in tbe oren, menfeniauntes anb lbomcnfer- ticfttc of If
26 mrlctl), "» D
finglcnefre of tby bcart: bept tbec al*
3 uauntes,$ gaue [tbem]bnto^b?aljam,
fo tljat tljou n)Ulocft not fume againft anb bclyuereb Ijym £>ara Ijisibyfea*
nrjarn t out me,anotbercfo?c rufftebjl ttjee not to gayne.
finnc aUo as toutbefter. 15 anb abimclcclj faybe : beljolbe my
g.ipntt l&Oft. 2>
/I5oibc tljerefojc belyuer tlje man bis lanbc lyctb befo?c tljce , bujcll Jbljere it

lbyfcactaync, fo? be is ap?opljete,ano pleafctljtljcebeft.

Ijcfl)alfp?ay fo? tbee,tbatttjoumayea i6 2eutbnto&arabefai&e:<§>ec3njaue
(f) 3n
tbifatnmacB, lytte
Z5ut anb yf tljou belyucr Ijec gcuentljyb?otbera tijoufanb peccesof
fylucr: bebolbe, w it is as a coueryng of
U inclubcD
tbc bocmnr notagaync,befuretljat tbou fljalt bye
efccucntacke. B»sS
tlje oeatlj, L^otbtbouj anb alltljattljou tbync eyes bnto all ttjat are W)itt\ tljec,
baft. anb to all lomx-.] anb tljus flje lbas re*
8 Xljercfoje,3Urimelcclj ryfyng bp be* p?oucb.
times tit tbe momyng, calico all Ijts fcr* 17 anb fo ab?abam p?ayco bnto <5ob, f
uauntcs,anbtolbeall tljcfe fayinges in d5ob Cm) bcalcb abimelccb,anb bis tinfc, fag
($) 3 gooo tbctr cares: anb cs)
tlje men iberc fo?e anb bis maybens, $ tljey bare cbylo?cn.
bpnj fpnoetl)
manp 3000 iifcaybc. is 5fo: tbc |Lo?bc Ijab ciofco bp all tbe am-
%\ytn Slbimelcclj cailcbSb?abant, $ Xbombcs of tbc boufe of abimclcclj, be-
faybe bnto bym : ioabat ijafttljoubonc caufcofab?al)amsu)yfc. _,
Sara. Gencfis. X111

f The. xxj. Chapter.

gifafiac t'jf bojne. eCfie HjanMulneffe of tlje mtnoc of £>ara.
s cne aav of the n^ttf*.
of Ifaftac. i: c&e true cftrtDjen of 3bmftam bp graftac. .TKar Scan owS^S^
7 ainansencomfoztct»9aB».
a Clje coucnaunt of 3buneleclijoitft 3b;abam.
wfcfgfonartaVa -pcopl
* "aBaAwE*
Mam repiowtSawStoSffi.*

a neell taUen atoape 27 c&ci? aflure a coucnaunt bettocnc

. tbcm ffi? Web *"••«»«.
jijBerfabee. 3s%abampIantetba8roue,anQpotl}callbpon<Eoi).

5^$e?Lo?b w bifiteb;S>a* pnttvngitonljcr ujoulber, anbtrjelab

a %aashetjabp?omifeb, airo,ano fent Ijcr atbapmjbot* par ting
jr»i)st (ms anb bib bnto her acco?* ibanbereb bp ano boibnein the ttiiDcr-
(ojnc ttfiDcfl

t »> jbyngasljehabfpoRe. nciTcofsscer'fcba. " Sheba.


jFo?£>araeonceaueb, ZnXi the iDatcr mas tpent in the bofc
sggngs —
sjMtt bare ab?aham a

fonne in his olbc age,

tell, anb (0
tyz raft
one of tlje trees:
tlje lab bnber fonie CO
lfttc tuileip
nbuHng gcDs

cuen the fame feafon rbhicfje the %wt 16 3lnb ibent,anb fate on tlje other fvue a giftro con%
babappovnteb. great lbav, asittbcreaboibe fl>otc of: Brace.

3 anb ab?aham w
formes taileb hfs fo? ujcfavb, 31 ibvii notfee tljebeath of 2D
Site attoi- name thatibasbo?ne bnto him,tbhiche the ehvlbe. 3lnb flje fitnng boibne on
£>ara bare hpm, " 3Jfahae. the other fibe,lvft bp her bopec 9 ibept.

nut me
BOjtclkimoe 4 anb ab?abam efrcumrifeb Ijis fonne 17 ^nb d50b
Ijearbe the bovce of the CR) Kfcanft
[torn rale. 3Jfabac, n>hen he rbas" cyght bayes lab , anb tlje angell of csob caiieb to lal;

[' ipebjs.
pcaretl) not
oibe,as (©ob tommaunbeb him. J^agar out of hcauen,anb fatb bnto her, tliat Jfmacl
PM|>CD to
T'ftrts. «bc
5 anb ab?aham ibas an hunb?eth pete ibljat avlettj thee i^agar i fcarc not : fo: •Bob ,01 re?
tipci. oibe,tbhcn tits fonnc^Jfahac lbas bo?ne «5oo bath tjcarbe the bovce of tlje lab
bnto him. ibhcrehclveth.
ffiut co 3>ara faybe : csob bath mabe arvfe anb ivft bp the lab, m anb tafee
|C) Sirs
Mjnietl) 6 18 cn Ct)c
me to " reiovee, fo that all t^at bcare, him in thvne hanbe,fo? wpi! maUe of 3
bjmgr-ng tip
aim goucrtic-

wyllioyVbitbme. nitntof yu

hvm a great people. macl is gc-
H^elijc. igo
7 3>be fayb aiftcibho rboulb Dane faybe 19 (,,
3inb dE»ob ° openeb her eves,anb fl)C
uen to rjia
bntoab?abam, ttjat 5>ara ujoulbe w farbe a ibcll of ibater,anb uje rbent anb
iSoo taitb-


He banc gcuen rij^in^cn fucftc i fo? baue 3 fillebtbebotteurbithibatcr, anb ganc Wawctli
lie 1 11c. coerce

f<liplDi,u» borne [&fai] a fonne tn his olbe age. theiabb:mi.e. nocf mcancs
JWtatctr,. Kl)ICt t)C lluCD
Hm.t. 83Cbecbylbegreroe,anbibasibeaneb, 20 3lnb ^ d5oo ibas tbith the iab,anb he nt b'ltioe.
26 anb ab?aham mabe a great fcaft the gretbc,anb Dtbelt in the lbvlbernciTe, benctitea
come (ront
famebay tljat $fahac lbas ibeaneb. anb became a pnmipail archer. (Sot.

9 S>arafaibalfo tlje fonne of $agar tlje ii anb he blbelt in the lbvlDcrncffc of

O' "?n Mje
egppttan, lbljtclic uje tjab bomc bnto ^aran, (o;) anb his mother got bvm a (o) lEnoagt
tc maa a
(Won of Sltyaliam, [tobej «amocben ibpfe out of the lanbe of egvpt. itt-'Dc num.
10 nalierfoje u> fapb bnto ^b^aDam (0 xx 3tob at the fame feafon, abimclech to
(lit Ting
irii icr


taft out ttjts bonb tboman, 9 fter fonne: anb ^hicol his chicfc captavnc (p} fpane nipfe.
ft*: Mntb,
fo? tl)c fonne of ttjts bonbe lboman.ujal bnto Slbmbam, faving, d5ob ck>j rbiilj uHietl) foi tlje

"'wripnfc ouirtnca of
not be tje^c lbttt) mp fonne 3jral)ae. thee in all that thoubceft: Il'islcriiaui.t.

*) not a=
n 3lnD tljts laving iDas berv grecuotts 23 ^nb noibe therefore, ubeare bnto me
•Jt to oner
tn^aljams ugt)t,bccaufe of tfis fonne. "©cbiclpc
P'tetiuf: euen here by d5ob, that thou lbylt not unto rue

^ ouOncfTc
n 3inb d5ob favbe bnto 3lb?al)am, let it hurt me, no? mv cbplb?cn, no? mp chrl-
J 5 °Ont|,, notbegreeuoustn tl)vftgl)t,bctanfe of b?cns chtlb?en:but that tljou fliait ocaie
"'"Psijon tbelab anb of tljv bonbe tboman: 3(n lbitljmeanbthe countrcvibhere thou
c ai that £>ara tjattj faio bnto tt)ec,lieare tjaflbcn a ftraunger, acco?bpng bnto
per bovce, fo? ™ tn ^raljac ttjall trjp the fevnbnciTe that3 ijaue njeibeD
"f u "nip
fcebcbecailcb. '*-*.*- tt)tt>
anb 3b?aham faibe, 3 Mil Ubeare.
^ara. J©o?eouer,oftl)e fonne of ttjc bonbe 24
woman mpu j niafte a nation, becaufc 25 anb ab?aham (<l)
rebuftcD abmielcch (<0 'ttocgt
^istlivfccoe. a ibel of water, lbhich abiincicchcs
fo? ent.'p.rctlia?

14 3lnb fo cw ^i^atjam rofe bp earlv in rcruauntes hao biolcntly taften aiuav.

upng orrafioH

fncmomvng, anb anb atootte b?eab, 26 anbabimclcchfaib,3IW)otenotn)ho
tc ptoiiebctt
foi tpiiucuc.

oottel of ibater,anb gaue bnto^agar,

it hath bone this thing: alfo thou tolbett

Abralism. Genefis. Abrah am.

me not,neytf)cr Ijcarbc 3 [of it j but tljiS 31 j©l)crcfoje tbe place is caiieb ©eee
feba, becaufe tljat tbere tbey fibace
bay. _ botI)cftl)cm.
27 ami atoaijam tone fbeepe ant) £>ren,
anb gauetbem bnto abtmclccb: ftljcy 32 Xbus ntabe tbey a icage togetljer at
mabc botlj of tljcm alcage together. liSeetfcba : anb abimelecl) anb $!>
1% anbabjabamfct fcucn cVbc lambcs tol bis tl)tefe captayne rofe bp, anb tur-

by tbcm femes. neb agayne into tlje lanbeof tlje $Du>

29 anb abimcled) fayb bnto abjafjam: fttnes.

ibbat mcane tt)cfe feuen rtbe lambcs 33 anb abjabam planteb a tboob in 26e*
(f) COtMnun
etfeba, anb cailcb tbere on tbe name
ibbttbc tbou ball fct by tbcm femes* Jpoiiotaltti

30 $e aunftbereb : to? tbcfe feuen elbe of tlje Ho?bc tlje eucrlafftng <£fob. flffPPPnp, of

map (the lambes (bait tbou take of my banbe,
w 34 anb atyabam fotourncb in tlje $fju> t)Cmafic a
tt)cy may be a mytneffe bnto me, (hu cs lanbe a long fcafon.
fffi tl)c« Ccca=
r:tic. tljat
tljat 3 Daucbtggeb tttfslbelL
^ The. xxij. Chapter.
1 3ib?atjamiiS commaunDeo to facrtftce WjJfottne. ?clje obc&tence of aibjafiam to <0oDs
toojDe. 6 jfaljac a figure of Clpfte. nabmbamttaiiDetiimatoeoftiEioD. is3!b<tabam
tss bleffcD. isCtj.aBe. 20 cije cbrI0?eti of l5acljo? br fl^elcba. iijBat&uel, zjlBebecca.

a pWtet tljefe "

fayinges, anb clone tboob fo?
3Jfal)acljis fonnc,
" 3H. tilings
k gobbtb (0) tctnptab^ tbe burnt offering, anb rofe bp, anb got
ttort, tol)tn t)c batn, anb faybe bnto bym to tbe place wfjicDe C5ob bab ap^
fcaivocmuftc btmab;tanam.n9l)itf) potntcbbvm.
end do acjainfl
w 4 %$z co tbirbe bay ab^abam Iyft bp
anbljcfaibe: taftc Ijts eyes,anb faibe tbe place a farre of
oeretb »
(b) igoB wpll
tnc oat faptb
'tbyfonne,tljyneonlyc 5 ano faybe bnto bis young men, bybe
mtljofe tbyn= fonnc 3Jfaljac tbljom tbou loueft, $ get Ijerc ibitb tbe affe,3J anb tlje lab lbttt
rceB toe fct
mottftojebp. tftcc bnto tbe ianbc° qjtorfat) ,anb offer goyonbcr$rbo?U)ip, anbeomeagayne
O fijojiml),
oljpU, mbctt Dim tljcrc foi a burnt offering bpon one to you.
of toe mountaines ibljiclj 3 myl u>ibe
«,c temple
in as afters 6 anbatyauamtofeetbetbooboftfte SS
mart luplDcB
tljee. burnt offeryng, anb laybc it bpon 3&
ICbenabjabamroft bp early in tbe Ijac bis fonnc but be bim felfe tobe fire
Ci fee*
momyng.anbfablcb Ijis affe, anb tobc in \)is Ijanbe anb a bnyfe, anb tljcy
tttio of bis young men Untlj ljym,anb ibent botlj of tljcm togctber.
7 %l)tn
kbraham- Genefis. xim
Xbcn fpauc IJfabac bnto abjabam to abjabam from Ijcaucn tbe feconbe
\y\s father, anb fapb,
°° mp father, anb tpme,
_r([C tilt
nc auitftbercb,bere am 3 ,mp fonne.^e i6 anprapb:bpmpfelfebaue3Jftbome,
bnS heart. (apoe, fee ijere is fp?e ano tboob , but fapetb tbc!Lojbe, »
becaufe tbou baft 0)) «5oB st»
lbbcre is the beaflt fo? burnt facrtfice* bone tbis tbpng, anb baft not fparcb uctlj bia free

09p w d5ob
\ight bdl
rnitrou- 8 abjaftam aunftbereb : pcatbpne onlpc fonne, n.imc of tc=
ibpilpjouioeabeaftfo? burnt fatriftce:
to reft
17 Xbatinblemng3J\bpllblcflctbee, nobc rficri to
H0, gOolpiK0 : not
inthe W-
mcc o!
anb fo tbep tbent both together. anb m multiplying 3
ttjpii multiplie
9 anb tbben tbep came to p place tbijtel) tbpfeebcastbc ftacrcsof bcauen, anb
<5obbab tbeibeb bim, abjabam buplt as tbe Tanbe ibbicb isbpon tbe fea ftoe,
an aulter there, anbb?cu*cb the tboob, anb tbp fcebe (ball poflefTc the gates of
aub bounb gifabac bis fonne,anb tapbc bis enemies.
bin i on the aulter aboue bpo tin tboob. 18 anb in thp feebe (bail an tbc nations
io anb abjabam ftretcbpng foojtb bis of tbe eartb be bleaeb,«becaiifethou CO Coore«
toiiroeth »0
banbe, tone the any fc to baue uilleb bis haftbearbempbopce. foftljtBtfteS
19 tlmtlicli.ui)
fonne. £>o ttirneb abjabam againc bnto bis gcucrt 00.

c ii anb tbc angeU oftfte !Lo?b taileb bn= noting men: anb tbep rofe bp,anb lbcnt
to bim from bcauen,faplng : abjabam, togctljerto 26eer feba, anb abjaham

ab?abam.anb be fapb,bere [amj
io anb after tbefe tbpnges, one tolbe a*
tbccbplbc, neptberboanp tbpng bnto tyabam,faping : bebolbe ©iicba, u>
c0 ftnoibe
bpm, fo? noibe 3 tbat tbou Ijatbaifo borne tljrlb?en ijntotl)pb?o-
fcarcft dsob, % baft fo? mp fane not fpa*
nence, be theri!5acbo?,
woe to
reo ivm thine onlpc fonne. 21 ^usbiselbcft fonne, anb Bt^Disb^
13 3nb abjabam lifting bp hts epes,loo* tber, anb Canutel tljc father of the
neb : anb bebolbe, bebpnoc rbro there ^>p?ians,
ibas a ffiamtne caugbt bp tbe bomes in 2i anb Cbcfeb, anb J^a50, anb ^iibaft),
atbicRCt: anbabjahamibent $ toofte anb 3liblapb,anb 26etbuel.
tbeftamme, anborTcrebbpm bp to* a 2j anb 26etbueibegat "Rebecca. ^Cficfe « Ribb.
burnt orTeringin tbe fteabe of his fonne. cpgbt bib il5ilclja beare to /!2acbo?a-
14 ^nb abjabam (s) taileb p name of tbe
t)c botb
onlp gtue
b;abams brother.
ill tbonhrs,
•lib lta=
place,tbe %om
ibpll fee. as it is fapbe 24 anb (h) bis tontubine taileb Beumab, (0 &l)t
t of jt>oDs
tljisoap, in tbe mounteibfll tbc Hojbe ftje bare alfo ICebab, $ ©abam, Xba- Srpfe robteb
IjaB not part

be feene. bas,anb^aatha. ofal^ gocoefl
at tbc 6nr
i$ anbtb*eangeUofthe3L6?becrpebbn* topfebao n .
ruitouci tiic

^ The.xxiii. Chapter.
1 ailya&am tietoapletb £>ava& beatfj. 6 $e bprtft clje t ielDe of t)tt bmiall of tfje cfjpl.
Dp o( ^etb. i9^»ara ijs lapeD in gtaue. ^ambje.o^ otficcttpfe ieb;on.
araVbas"anftub?etD ab2abam,fapingbnto Jjpm: ft) ffoWpnc*
iKdcmic anbfeuenanb tibcntie j^eare bs mp Ho?be, co tfjon art a « t/rrtuc arc
ro bcfrtbn, in
'.mo In
yereolbe(folonguucb P2inteof<i5obamongcftbs,in tbe tbie* tbc? be.

fell of our fepulcb?es butp thp beao

' anb S>ara tytn in none of bs (ball fo?bpo thee l)is fepui-
Ciriatftatba, tbc fame cl^e, but tbou mapeft burp thp tteao
is i^ebjon, in tljeianbc [tfienn.] y
ofCanaan: anb abjaljam came to
(aJ '
atyabam ftoobe bp anb borbro fjpm 25
mournc fo?§>ara,anb to lbeepe fo? ber. felfe befo?etbe people of tbe lanbe, that
? anb atoabam ftoobe bp fro tbc figbt is,tberbplb?cn of fyttfr
ofbtsto^fc, anbtaibcb ibitljtljcfonncs 8 anb be communeb ibitb tbem,laping: " l?ebj. In

ofpctb,faping: 35f it be " pour mpnbe that fl)al burp 3 your louicr.

+ 3 am a ftraunger anb a fojincr amon- mp bcab out of mpftgbt,Dcare me, anb
geftjou-/^geue me a poffeflion to burp fpeabc fo? mc to cpb?on the fonne of
-" map burp mp co?fe £>°J)ar, v l
f » Dnblc,
geuc me
ontofmpfigbt 5Cbat be map ofthe tauc
5 anb the tbpibjcn of $etb aunfibereb ^9atbpcial),U)hiclje be Wly in tbc cube
Abraham. GeneCis. Abral «m.

ft ^K?' of Ins fielbe : butfo; as mutt) money ("

net, What is that bctWijrt tljee anb me;
bpc, to tVjc
asitiswotfhujalihegcue it me, foj a bury therfoze thy bcab.
poffeffton to but? m amongeft you. is 3lnb Sltoaham hearbeneb bnto e?
' **• ** io cphzon bWcllcth amongeft" the
(if oj phjon, anb Waycb t)im tlje fiiuer Which
chylbjcnof l^ctlj) anb ephzon the $e? he hab faybe in tlje aunbiente of the
trjiteaunlWcrcbabzahamin the aubi? fonnes of $eth, cuenfoute hunbjeb fyl?
cnceofthechyibzenof^cth, anb of all tier fides of currant «noncy amongeft

tbat went in at the gates of his titity marchauntcs.

faying: 17 ^b the fielbe of cpfjzon in fi^adipc?
copewto ii co^otfo my 1LozbJjcaremc:the fielbe lalj,which was before ^amrc,cuc the

EaSf* 5 cue3l tljce, anb the caue that thcriniS fielbe anb the caue that Urns therein,
mS gcuell thee alfo, in the pzefenee of tlje anb all the trees that tbere in the fielbe,
C fonnes of my people geue^J itthee, bu? anb that Were in ai the bobbers rounbe
ryctijybeab. about ,ibas mace furc
ii 3lnb 3b?aham boWeb him felfe before 18 Unto ^b;ahamfo?apo(rcflionin tlje

the people of the lanbe. fight ofrtjechyibzen of J^eth, befoje all

ij anb fpabc bnto cphzon in the aubi? that Went in at the gates of the citie.
encc of tlje people of the countrcy, fay? 19 after this byb Slbzaham bury &ara
ing : yf tljou Wylt fseucttj tljen
3 pzay Ijis Wyfe in the bouble taue of rtje fielbe

thceheare me, 3
tbyll gene fyiucr fo? thatlyeth before fi^amre, the fame t&
the ficlbctabe it of me, anb Jj Will bury toe bzon in the lanb of Chanaan.
mybeabthcrin. 20 3nb fo botlj the fielbe $ the taue that
14. cphzon aunfWcrcb 3lb?aljam, faying is therein, was mabe bnto 3lb?aham a
bntobym: fure poCTcfTton to bury in, by the fonnes
15 i|)y ?lozb,hcar&cn bnto mc,tfjc lanbe of^cth.
tilmttmc W wo#) fouvc UwnD;eo (fJ
fides of fti?
grotfB, mben
the ounce la
t ci>g!)t
^ The. xxiiij .Capter.

man to frrtc a topfc fo; gjfaac, the tomclic (Boo piom'brtb fo; Of tn,
2 3f luabam fcnnctli tits
Cbemancroftbcl^cbjetocsotbe. 7Cfiefapt&of3ib tabamtotbep;tompre of<£tob. vM

Capthfull pjaper of aCbzabams fcruaunt to ©ob. 17 isebecca a fapje btrgtn i& offreb bnto
tfic fcruaunt,not topt tpng it. is mcbccca moderate anb coioc in tnojocs. 27 xbc feruaunt
ooetb t iiatrtcs bnto ©ob . 2s XIic marucp l ous Diligence of JRebecca anb Haban, to t w
ttraungens toaroe. a xt)e fcruaunt bec'aretb, tbj: caufes of t»0 iournep,anb tobat tinngest
fiappcncD bpm therein 55 «©l)at ©oois bleffmg 10. 47 ISebecca tbe neece of &a#o.t bp gi-s

fonne. joCljep commit all tjrfngejs bnto ©oo. j; QP^e fcruaunt ottcretb gpftej! bnto ise»
becca.anb bet parentcg. 58 ®be content oftrje mapDen is afficD, pf; becca (0 conbucteD
into 3jfat)ac. to ®be parenteg bo bleffe isebecca. 67 Ifa&ac tafeetlj mebecca to toffc.

a I^Mbmljam^tbas abuenturethe tboman tbyll not agree

(a) 3sc 80= oib^ftricHeninbayes, to come With me bnto this lanbe, (ball
to t ihc oioct
vD.tli t)to fa=
anb tlje %ow
Ijab 3 b?yng tljy fonne agamc bnto the lanb
milu. bicu"cb5ib2ahaminaa ibhithe thou cammed out oU
ftljingcs. 6 %o Whom ^b2ahant aunftbereb : be*
^nb^aham faibe ware that thou bjfngnot my fonne thy*
'bnto his elbettferuatlt tljeragayne.

3n olM
of IjisDoufe, tbljirtje hab the rule ouer
w 7 Xhc Ho2be 00b of Ijeaucn » Whidje fcuntrt
(b) of ta. alithatheljab ; put tljyhanbebnber tobe me from my fathers ljoufe,$ from bwifittft.* 11

hptis an otl)t:
tohcrchp tt)C
my thigh: tlje lanb of my binreb, anb Whid) fpabe piofptr

tdttfic bis 3 2lnb 3ibyll maae tljee ftbeare by tlje bnto me,anb that fwarebrtto me, fay? toorafP-
ILozbe d5ob of hcauen, anbdsob of the mg, bnto thy fcebe Wyll 3J gene tljiS 25
earth, that thou (halt not tabe a ibyfc lanbe : he ttjall Tenbe his angell before
bnto my fonne of tlje baughters of tlje tljee, anb thou (halt taue a wyfe bnto
€hanaanites,ainougeaibljiclj3JbVbel: my fonne from thence.
4 26ut thou fljalt go bnto my countrcy, 8 j!5eucrthclcffe, if the woman Wyl not
<rt »bjabam
anb to my binrcb,anb co tabe atbife bn* folowedjee, then (halt thou be elearc
1)10 oucttc to
itoato: b'c
tomyfonne^fahac, front this my othe: »onlyc tying not
s a topic
5 25ut the fcruaunt fayb bnto Ijym: per? my fonne thyther agayne,
9 3fnb
|rabam. Genefis. xv.
9 anb the fentaunt put bis hanb bnticr offtalfea ficWelbapgb^anbtibobwce*
tbc thfsH of ab?aftam ftis mauler, anu lettes fo? fter ftanbes, of ten fitWes
ftbare to ftpm as eoncernpng £ matter. ibapgfttofgolbe,
10 anb tfte
fcruaunt tone ten Cameiles of 13 anbfapbe:Vbftofebaugftterarttftoui
25 tfte Camelies of His maulers beparteb telime 3( p?ap tftee : ts tftcre roibine in
($ ftab of al matter of goobs of bis mat* tt)p fatftersftoure fo?bsto loogc im
Her tbitft ftun)anb fo fte arofc $ went to 14 ^>fte aunftbereb ftpm : JS am tfte
s$cfopotamta,bttto p title of iliacho?. baugftterof 26etftuti tfte fonne of ^9il?

anbmabe hts Cameiles to ipe bourne cftatbfticfte fftebare bnto i^atfto?.
ibitftout the citie bp a Vbelles fine of ma* 15 ^nbfaibmo?eouerbntoi)im,U)eftaue
tcr at cucn,about tfte time that tbomen litter anb p?ouenber pnougft, anb alfo
tome out to b?aibe mater. rotbmetolobgein.
kdoft it anbbefaibe:1Lo?b TO <l5obofmpmat* 16 anb tfte man botbeb ftpmfelfe, anb
IjaS, iter ab?abam, 31 p?ap thee " fenbe me ibo?ffttppebtfte?Lo?be,

w£& sooo fpeebe this bap, anb fftetbe mercy 17 ^nb fapbe : blefleb be tfte |Lo?bc d5ob
' bnto mp maiftcr ab?aftam. of mpmaiurr ab?aftam, ibfticfte ftatft
K- 3
» %o, ftanbe here bp tfte tbell of tba* not left beftimtemp maiftcr of ftis titer*
fcKrBc » tec, anb the baugftters oftfjc me of this tpeanbtruetft:fo?ibften3J*bas on ttjpnjco as

tiriecomeouttob?aiberbater: mp iournep, tfte?to?be b?ougftt me to happcinmcnB


14 /|5oroclettftebamfeltoibftom3Jlap, mp maifters b?otfters ftoufe. goumuD bp

floupebottmetftp pitcher 31 p?ap tftee, 18 anb tfte bamfell raraie,anb tolb tftem at Jggo.

that 3
map b?inRe: 3lf ffte fap alfo, of fter mothers ftoufe tftefe tftinges.
b?infte, anb^jtbpllgeue tbp Camelies 19 anb ftebecca ftab a b?otfter calieb 2>
I ifcpre bjinftealfo: lettbefame be (he rftat Haban:anb fte ranne out bntothe man,
te tftou Daft o?bcpncb fo? tbp fcruaunt 31* [euenjtotftelbell.

jffU faftac, anb tftcrebp 0>au 3

unoTbe that 30 5Po? affoone as fte ftab feene tfte care*
mercp on mpmaifter.
tliou naft flicvbcb rpngesanb tfte b?aceicttes in ftis fitters
15 anb it tame to paffe per he ftab lefte ftanbe, anbftearbe tften>o?bcs of me*
fpeaapng,beftolbe, Rebecca tame out, betcaftis ftfter, faping, tftus fapbe tfte
tfte baugftter of JBetftuei, fonne to $0ih man bnto me: ftetbent out bnto tfte
tba, tDe ibpfe of ^aefto? ab?abams man, anb lo, fte ftoobe lmtft tfte Ca*
toother, anb Dec pptcljcr bpon bet meliesbptfteibelirpbe, £)wbomfl)«
(ftoulber: 31 anb fte fapbe : come thou G) blefleb of 0:0c fjuou.
rco, ant) bo

K Xlje^bamfellbasijcrpfapjetoioouc tfte 1Lo?b,M)fterfo?e ttanbett tftou ibitft*
Bliofc goon
bpon, anb pet a mapbe,anb bnunorben out;3l ftaueb?efreo tfte ftoufe,? rotbme comctljpigtt.
tod, of man: anb ffte ibent boibnc to the fo?rftp Camelies.
Jbel,anb ftllcb fter pitefter,anb came bp. 31 anb tften tfte ma came into tfte ftoufe,
17 aitb tfte feruaunt runnpng to mcete anb fte bnftarnefleb tfte Camelies, anb
fter,fapbe:letme3?p?ap tftee b?in&c a b?ougftt Iptter anb p?ouenber fo? the
litle ibater of tbp pitcfter. Camelies,anb lbater to ibafb ftis feete,
18 anbfftefapb:b?inRemp!Lo?be.anb 9 tfte mens feete that mere ibitft him.
ffte bafrcb, anb let bourne fter pptcber 33 anb there ibas fet meate befo?e ^vm
Cm) 3ln 3M
to eate : "° but fte fapb, 31 tbpll not catc
bpon fter arme,anb gaue him b?inlte. bjabaaig f«»
19 anb ttiftcn ffte ftab geucnftunb?inRe, 3 ftaue fapbe mpne aranbe.atib
unant, is
hojtbf conai*
(fte fapbe:
3Jtbplib?atbett)ater fo? tftp ftefapb:fapon. Mftnuiuiw.
Cameiles alfo,bntpi tbep " Dane b?onfee 34 anb rapbe 3 am ab?aftams
fte : fer*

pnougft. (taunt,
io anb (be poureb out fter pptcfter into 35 anb w d5ob blefleb mp maifier mer* tab bp <£o»
Bpft.ia toe
tfte trough ftafrplp, anbranne agapne ueplouflp, that fte is become great, anb raarpafi

bntotfterbeiitob?aU) [toaterjanbb?efl) ftatft geuen bim ffteepeanb

orcti,uluer {WMS.
fo? all bis Cameiles. anb golbe,men fcruauntcs,ano mapbe^
a anb the man ibonb?eb at ftcr,but ftclb ieruauntcs,camellcs anb afles.
36 anb £>ara mp matftcrs
fttspeace,to ibitteibftetftertftc ?Lo?oe ibpfe bare

ftpm a fonne Jbften (be ibas oibe,ant)

Dab mabe ftis iournep p?ofperous, 0? °° mpgbc tbm»e

H bnto ftim ftatft fte geue all that fte ftatft. boincftjlbm«
"'Vat ** 3nb as Cameiles ftab left b?in*
tfte 37 anbmpmaittermaoemeftbeare,tap*
W&KS *Mg,tftc man too&e a goioen (,) earring ing: tftou fftait not taae a ibpfe to mp
Genefis. IUac,

Tonne amongeft tlje Daughters of the 49 ^owealfo if [feiwyll confent tobeaie

Chanaanttcs,ln ibhofe lanoc 51 DtUcIl: mcrcyfully anb truely with my
e (a)
38 26ut then (bait go bnto in? fathers ftcr,telme: anbtfnot,teimeaifo,tbat
houfe,anb to my Binrcb,anb taneatbife 3may turne me to the rygbt hanoe, 0? Cil) a
bnto my fonne. to tut left.
39 anb3faybebntomymai(tcr:peraD* 50 Xften atmftbereb Haban anb 26e* alf
ucnture the woman Vbyll not folotbe fyttcl, faying : Xbts faying is piocce^
me* beb enen «
of tlje Hojoe, tbe can not
40 anb he anlVbcrco me: the Ho?D before therefore fay bnto thte eytfjer goob
H)t)om3Jtbai&e, tbyiifenbchts angel! babt
xuttt) trjec,anb pjofper tby tourney, anb
tboufhalttaReaibyfc foj my fonne of
51 aseholbe, Rebecca m
before tbee
tafteljer, anb go, that (he may be thy
® WttnlM g,

my ftmreb,anb of nip fathers houfe. maiftcts tonnes ibife,cuen as gob hath

41 ICtjen fl)alt thou be free from tfjis faybe.
othe tmaDcj tome, ibben thoutommclt 5* Znn ibhen Xtoatomm fernannt hearb
to mv Wnreo : anbyf they gcucnotthee they? ibo?oes,he lbo^Qjippeb the fLoto,
[onej thou (bait be free from this othe bolbyng hym fctfe toibarbe the earth.
53 ^nb the femaunt tone foojth " tc*
[mate] to me.
* Vefe
4z anb fo 3 came this bar bnto the tbe!, tbelles of fylner, anb ietbelles of goloe,
anb foybe (D fto^be the <25ob of my
anb rayment,anb gatiethem to ftebec-
matlterabjaham, tfftbefonoibe that ta : anb to her brother, anb to her mo*
thou maHcftmyiouwey ibbfche 3Jgo ther he gane " collly gyftes "PrtrioW

pjofpetons, 54 ^nb they Din eatc anb b2inne,botb he


43 Bchotbe, 31 ftanbe by tbe ibell of ina* anb the men that ibererbtthhym, anb
ter anb ihben a birgin eommcth foojth
: tarieb all night : anb ibhen they rofe bp
to b?att>e ibater,anb 3 fay to ber,<B»eue inthemomyng,hefaib \ let me bepart
me [3 vw teeej a uttle mater of tby pit* tnto my maitter.
55 $ee brother anb her mother atmftbe*
'44 anb (be fa? to me, SDjmfte thou, anb reb : let the bamfell abybe ihitb bs, anb
3 ibpiialfo b?atbefo?tby Cameiies:let ttbebutenentenbayes, anb then (ball
tbe fame be the Woman tbhom the (he go.
%oiu bath p?cparcb fo; my maiutrs 56 i^c faybe bnto them : hynber me not, <B
fonne. bcljoioe, the flo?bc pjofpercb my
45 anb before 3 hab mabe an enbe of tonmey, fenbe me avbay therefore, that
fpeaKyngin myne heart, beholbe,me* 3imaygotomymai(ter.
57 anb they faybe w ibe tbyll call tlje
becca came foojtb, anb Der pttchcr on (I) TO*
hcrfbouibcr, anofbeibent bottmebn* bamfell, anb enquire at her month* tttonjljimi

to tDe Well, anb bjetbe Water, anb 3 58 anb they cailebfoojth Rebecca, anb HrwnW
faybe bnto Dee, «5cue me bjinue 3 pjay faybe bnto her: ibylt thon go ibifh m»ras<-
tbce. this man< anb a>e aunftbereb,3l »)P 11 "Ml"
46 anb (be mabe bade, anb toaebowne go.
her pitctjee from her [ftouiDcrj
anb faib: 5)0 they
59 let Hebecca they? Cftcr go,
SDinnne, anb 3 Wyu gcuetby Camettes anb hernurfe, ai ab^ahams fernaunt,
imnuc alfo. &03 b«c,anb (begaue anb his men. *
the Cameiles bnnac alfo. 60 3lnb they bieOeb Rebecca, anb faybe
47 anb 5J alaeb ber, faying : Whofe into her : thou art our fitter, groibe in*
baugbtcr art thou? •§>bcanfibcrcb:tbc to thoufanbethoufanbes, anbtbyfeebe Cgni6«*W
baugbtcr of Betbucl /fracbojs fonne, poffefle the gate of his enemies.
« AWe Whom ipltba bare bnto bynuanbif
Iiernolc- 6i anb Rebecca anb hec bam*
dmls. puttbe earring " bpon ber fatc,anb the fclles, anb gat them bp bpon the €a*
bjaccicttes bpon ber banbes. meiics,aubfoioibebtbc nian:ano the
48 an&3boWcbmyfelfc,anbWojfb(p* feruaunt tone ftcbecca, anb lbent \)i6
pcbtbc?Lo:be, anb blcfTcb the %om Ibaye.
oob of my maifter atyabam, Wbicbe 6i anb 3ffahac tbas commyng from
baa brought me tbe rygbt Way, to take the lhaye of the ibell of the lyuyng anb
my matters bothers baugljtcr bnto fceyng me: fo?hcmbelt in tlje ^outli
his fonne, tountrey.
Ijham. Genefis. XV|.
i anb "Jfanac rbas gone out to
c *>
pm is my matter) : ttjerfoje (he tofte
intljefielDeattlje euentlbe, anb he lift herbayleanbcouerebhcr.
Ipfttp up i)ts c?es,anb fan) theCamciies com* 66 anb feruaunt toibe 3lfaljac all
mvng. thinges that he hab Done.

64. anb &ebctca ivft bp Ijer eves,? rbften 67 anb 3ifahac bought herinto his mo*
dje farbe 3Jfaljat,(be ipghteb of the Ca* rtjer £>araes tent , anb tokc Rebecca,
anb (be becamehtsrbtfe,anb (,°he loueb
reftpart of the

6< rf wuyfattJbntotheferoaunt.tbhat her:anb fo 31fahac receaueb comfojt afc burbar.33 liu:

tic, eonliftctb;
manistf)is,tl)atcommctt) rbatttpnga* tct his mother. therm.
gamft bsuithe ftelbe<anb the fetuaunt

^ Thc.xxv. Chapter.
laifyafjamntarretfjcettira. 2€tjefonncgof€etura. 5Cftepatwmonfefj8g«i€tito1fa«
hac,anD apf tejs to the ttyvnm of W
concubines*. 8 3b?a&am orctfj. 1 1 'JiCabac wblcifca of
C5od. i5®t)epetigreUieofgirmaeI. i73lfmaclDpetb. i9Cbe generation* o£3)taijac. 2»gjfa«
bacpinctlitobauetauc, nicbcccaconccauetn. ::Kcbcccaaffsctbcouncclof©oi>.:) <£fau.
isgiacob 27<Jfauant>untrt,an^ufbanomau. 3|acobaplarneanoafmipleman. :9€fau
fellctbbJsJbpjtijrrarjt. 5o«£0om.

3 Bjaljam pjoceebeb n XDefe are tfie generations of Jlfnmel

further, anb toftehym abjaljams fonne, Vofyitbc i^agar rl)e
another lbyfe, talleb Egyptian S>araes Ijanbmapbe bare
Cetura. l)nto3lb;al)am.
nahiche bare hym U ^nb tbefe are tl)e names of tlje fonnes
zimran,anb3Jocfan, of3irmael,accojbpng to tbe names of
anb *$eban, anb $)i« tljeir Wnb?eb:tl)e elbeft fonne of 3Jftna*

bian,anb3Jefbac, anb «S>uah. el, i!5abatotl), anb Cebar, anb abbcel,

3Jocfan begat S>eba anb 2Deban, anb anbi©tbfam,

the ronncs of 2Deban ibeee
w affurim, 14 Snb^ifma,anb2Duma,anb^au*a,
f came

irtjuawi anb Hetuftm,anb fLcummtm. ^abar,anbXDema,

anbthefonnesof^tbtan,ephah,$ 3Jetur,iI5apbis,anb€ebma«
4 15
€phcr,rj^anoch, $abiba, j^ibaah: 16 Xljefe are tbe fonnes of gjfmael, anb
all thcfe*betethechtib?enof Cetura. tljcfe are ttjeir names bvtljev? tolbnes
CB) (D) e5o» tt
anb abjaham gaue ai his goobes bn* anb tattles, tibelne p?intes of tljeir !tucmlii0|)j(,
5 mirc.aj!)Obitf
to3Jfahac: Ijouttjolbes. (to Che bdnia

17 anb
OjtO iov
6 26ut bnto the fonnes of tlje concubines are tlje veces of tlje Ipfc of
ttjefe mctudouOc.

Ibhithe flbjaham hab, He gaue gyftcs, 3lfmael, w

an ljunbjeb anb tljirtie anb (e) Oiipucn
bout. 48. ate
t not be
anb fent themaibay from^jfahachis mien vereranb be ibaring aibap,bvcb, tct bus la:l)tr.

ikrra of
fonne (rbhyiehe vet lyueb) caftrbarbe anb rbas lapeb bnto bis people.
bnto the call tounttcy. 18 anb tbevbtbellcb from $atiaaD bnto
IJtyu. 7 anb thefe are the bayes of the ycres of 5>ur, t^at is by tlje bobber of cgvpt as
tl)ougocfttorbarbaffur,anblje bieb "OritMt
atyahams lyfe rbhich he liucb, an Dun- rfUI.
Hitn thjcfcojc anb fifteene nits. tti t^e Pitcfcnee of all bis b?etb;en.

3 19 anb tljefe are tlje generations of 3Jfa-

anb then atyaham rbaryng arbay,
bycb in a luttic age,beyng an olbe man, Dat,ab?aljams fonne : atyaljam begat
ft, rbhen he hab liueb ynough,anb ibas ® llfaljac.
gathcteb to his people. 20 anb ^raljac tbas fourtie pere oioe
? anb hfs Tonnes ^jfahac anb 3Jfmacl ibhen Ue tofte mebetcato tupfcrtje
buryeb hym in the bouble cane tn the twugljter of aBetbuel tl)e5)^jan 'of Aram.
neibe ofephjon fonne of £>oac tl)e^e* ^e(opotamia,anb fitter to JUban tlje

tbtte, before spamre.

3lb?al)am bougwt of rt)e
»9l)icl)e fielbe ii anb 3lfat)at mabe intertcflion bnto "In the pre
fonnes of i^etl): tljere was 2lb?at)am the %om " fo? bis tWfe, (fJ
becanfc ttje
fence of hU

lbas barren: anb tlje fLojb lbas

intrca- wyfe.
burveb,anb^aral)istt)vfe. ((loSoOiooIo
3nbttcame to pafTe after tl)e bcatl) teb of bpm, anb 3Rebcctaljisrbvfc teaeh.ttiattJj*
incrraiV of tbe

pf 3b2al)am,tnat d5ob bieflcb 6«s fonne f C'lltfD pjoDlpfccOc.*

the Cliurt^t,
Slfabac, anb 3lfal)at mDeiieb bv tlje xi anbtbetbtlb?e(repuct^gethcr^ [it je]
comwtrb only
front trpwi.
Nell of lining anb feeing me. inljcrlbombe: tUerfo;cnjefatb,if
Efau. Gcncfis. liah

fo, tbhv am 3 tJ)us * rbhcwfotf the anbbibellebintcntes.

tritb c'uiitt.
went to (B) affce the ILozbe. 28 3JfaDacloueb€fau, becaufe" he byb
tofonic fcctctc
23 3lnb the flojbc fapbe bnto her : there catcof Ijis benifon, but Ecbecca loueb mh"nio«J
place to p:ap,
tfiatnicmigiit arcttbo matter of pcoplcinthpibombe, 3Jacob.
Ijauc [brat xt-
uelation (com anbtibo nations fbaibe bcutbcb out of 29 3Jacob fobbe pottage, anb efau tame
tbp bo*bellcs,anb the one nation fbalbc from tlje ftelbe,anb tbas favntte:
mightier then the other, anb the elber 30 3mb cfau favb to 3Jacob : feebe me 3
fbalbc feruaunt bnto the younger. pjapthee, tbith that fame reb pottage,
14 Xhcrefojc ibhcn her tpme ibas come fo? 3
am fapntic: anb therfo?e ibas Ijts
tobebcliucrcb,behoib,thcretberet\bo name calico ebom.
ttbpnncsinhecrbombc. 31 3lnb 3Jaeob faibe : fell me thisbay thy b P«l)ttBtlt

2D 25 anb Dc that tame out fftft, tbas reb, ^bwthryght. ««»tbifi„ I

fit"!Iffa ttlt"
anb \)t mas all ouer as it ibere a Oca- 3z efau fa^uc:Io,3J am at tlje poynt to

vcD to the
tie garment, anbthepcalleb Ijis name bye,anbtbhat profile (ball this byjtj); [««)tr, (mi
roujjtjntfl of
efau. ryghtbome* •tow.
16 3lnb after hpm came his bjothcr out, 33 3Jacobaunfu)creb:ftbearetometfien
anb ijis Ijanbe hoi&png efau bp tlje this bap i Zixn he fibare to him, 9 foioc
Ijeclc, anb his name Tbas taileb Jjacob: his c,) byrthryght bnto 3lacob. 0) «(««

aubjfahac vbas (0 tb?cfco?e pere olbe 34 Chen 3?acob gaue cfau bjcab anb
bOtlM N
to fatiffic l)ia
tea trotutic
ibhcn they lbcrcbome. pottage of ryfe, anb he tyb eate anb «na Mil,
Soant of i\)i>\-
27 anb rt)c bopes greibe,anb efau be* bnnne, anb rofe bp, anb tbent his tbay:
„ A man of came a cunnpng hunter, anb a " ibpibc anb efau little regarbeb his by?ttr-
the filed.
man: but 3Jacob ibas a " perfect man, right.

^"The.xxvj .Capter.

1 tBobmtf)ettt|»b&cff o{famtne,MctTct^atfi)fect)EtsgifaSac. ? c&attaan fepjompreo to

gifaftac. 4Clmtte. 7 SlCaljacfartl) t^at ^is topfe t0 ^10 fitter, nflctjeberp great care of
<Ek)D foj %tal)k ano W topfe. Cfte pijiltttmes Do Cop 31fahacs pittas, ano ojpue Inm

out. i7©oaMcffpngf,rafiac,gvuet!}iji>mrpcljc3. is^eotggetij otljer pittes. 2231

tnanfiefgaipng. 24<BoDcomfo?tett)lfaljac. :?31fabacoQti)caUt>pon<0oD. 2830bime«
lect) entretb, into a league tottfi 36faljac. ;s JBeer-tcba tlje ct'tie. 34 (Efau ma&etlj a fe»

31 I i!5b there fellafamine ,

mp tommaunbementes, mp flarufes,
mthcianb,beubesthe anbmplaibes. free mcrcp.
firft that ibas in the 6 ^nbJIfahacbTbellebindEferar. f tiavttt.

(a)3(Itl)< oapes of ^bjaljam: 7 xnb the men of tlje place afueb 1^) 25
bmgi 3 of ©r-
rarwccccaUcD ^nb^Jfahadbembn? of his ibpfc . 3lnb he favbe, w fj)B«ftW"
uje is biul
7 uimciah.oo
ihc Hinges of
to w 3ibimcleeh,Btng „ net
mp filler : fo? he fearcb to tap, (he is mp wsfitijirt foloiura

tfEgtpt 13t;a=
'of the ^htUftines, bn- ibpfe,leftthemen of the place tbouioe
to <5erar. hauenvileb hvm, becaufe of Rebecca,
2 3lnb the Ho?be appeareb bnto fipm, ibhiche tbas beautifull to the epe.
anb fapbc: d5o not boibne into €gppt, 8 ^nb after he hab ben there a long
[b«t] abvbc in tlje lanoe Vbljiche fball 3 time,^bimelech King ofthe 0h<bftineS
flh cpt
fl)clbe bnto thee. lofeeb out at a ibinboibe,f <* fatbe ffa* tan not IW!"
of tloft
3 ^oiourneinthislanbe,anb3Vbplbe Ijac fpo?tvngibtth Rebecca hisibpfe.
ibttlj tljcc,anb lbpll bleffe tl)cc:fo? bnto 9 Ztib 3lbtmeicclj calleb 3lfahac , anb
thee anb bnto thy feebe 31 vbpu gcue all fatb:beholbe,ujeis of a furetie th? tbife,
thefe countrcvs,anb %
bjpll perfourme ano ibhvfavbeft thou, ujeismp fitters
the othe Vbljichc 3
m»are bnto abja* Xoibhom^lfahac aunftbcrcb:becaufc
ham thv father. 3
thought tljat^i might perabuenturc
4 ^nb ibpl mafte tljv feebe to multipKe hauebpebfo^hcrfafee.
as the ftarres of heauen, attb rbpu geue 10 abimrlecb co fatb : Tbhp haft thou bone
bnto tbp feebe al thefe countreps:anb in this bnto toSi one of the people mpgbt BSS5
pjomifrt. thvfecbe fljailail tlje nations of the ivghtlvhauelpnebp thp lbyfe, anb fo
earth be bleffeo: fl)onlbeft tljou hauc fought finne ™
tjam* owo(» 5 Becaufc (t) that ^b;aham Ijearlteneb bponbs.
met, caufco butomvbovee, $ kept m? o?binaunce, 11 3mbfo3Jbtmclcch chargcballjispeo^ gsfe
fehaC. Genefis.
pic, facing :
gc tl)at toucheth
this man 24 anb the Ho>bc appeareb bnto bym
0! nis ibpfc, n^ali bye tf)c bcath. the fame night, ants < } Givbe : jl am the
m «* «•*
ix %l)en ^jfaljac folbeu in that lanbe,anb ©ob of abjaham toy father, fcarenot, &*«"=
receaucbinthe fame pete "anbunbjeb fo?Ham\bitt)tbce,anbU)plble(Tet3)cc '£££&£
folbc:anbtbc1Lo2be " bleffebhpm, anb multiple thy rcebc fa? my fcrnaunt
6tlB -

13 anb the man rbajceb myghtie, $ tbent 3b?abamsfatte.

foo?tl),ano grctt)c tpll he tbas erceebtng 25 3lnbl)ebuitt)e&anwaultert!jcte,amj SSSSS
great* calico bpon the name of the !Lo?bc, and CSL*
14 if 0? l)c Dau pofTcffio of fbeepe,of ojren, pitrtjeb bis tent : anb fljeregjfaftacs fer*
anb amyghtie houfboibc :anb therfoje uauntesbyggeba\beii.
(W i&h^ftines Dan enuie at hym. 26li:i)en (,) tamcabimelet!)tol)imfrom *> e^g
kcu(» s" the
Jocfc«"»- 15 3Fo? the ^biliftines
c0 ftcppeb ant) fyfc
<Serar,anbahU5athbisfricnbe, anb
f" nt,ta
CSS* -

lebbpibith earth ailtljc ibclles Jbhich ^bicoi the captamc of his armie. **
a l)«t of
his fetuaimtcs hab biggeb in Dis fattier 27 anb 3Jfahacfoybe bnto them rtbher*
i not HOT a&?a!)amstyme. fo?e tome ye to me, feyng ye Date me, a>
16 anb ^tbtmclecl) faybe bnto 3Jfahac anb Dane put me aYbay from you?
d5et thee from bs, fo? thou art mightier 28 a9l)irt)eaunfU)ereb:"n9efaibemoft
then tbe a great beaie. certainly that tbe Ho?b tbas With tbec, ' In feyr
anb tt>c faybe : let there be nolbc an oth we fawe.
17 Xherefoje 3Jfahac beparteb thence,
?ir* anb abooein the bailey of d5erar,anb
- bettbirtbs, encn betibirt bs anb thee,
Oibcit there, anb let bs mane a league ibtth thee:
18 anb 3jfaljat returntng,biggeb againe 29 %bat thou ftjoulbeft bobs no hurt, as
tljeruellesofn)aterU)ljttI)rt)cv biggeb ibe t>aue not toucheb thee, anb as ibe
in the oa^es of abjabam his father, Ijaue bone bnto thee nothing but goob,
Jbhich the ^Ijililhnes hab ftoppeb after ^fenttbee atbay in peace: fo? thou art
thebeathof abjaham, 9 nameo them notbe the bleffrb of the ?Lo?be.
after the fame names by the lbhich his 30 anb °° he niabe them a fcaft, anb the?
father habnameb them. bpbcatcanbb^nae. fo) *bc
BoDlp Hectare
19 3Jfahacs feruanntes biggeb in the bal* 31 ^nb thev rofe bp betpmes in tlje mop ^ra,*rc
}) <BrjuB
bll piofpct

lev, anb
founbea ibell of "fpnngvng nj>ng, anb ftbare one to another : 3lnb «"^3
ftai ttic gc»!t>
mms '
TttuHjanlK. ibater. gifaljac fent thematba?, anb the? be*
20 3fnb the hcarbmen of d5crar ftrtue
ibith 3Tahats Hcarbmen , faying: the
m parteb from bpni in peace.
^nb the fame bape 3/fahacs fer*
ibatcr is ours. IChcn talleb he the ibell uauntcscame anb tolbe hvm ofaibell
"contention, becaufe the? ftroue ibith lblnch thev hab bvggcb.anb favbe bnto
IJVm, hpm, ibe haue founbe ibater.
21 ^nb the? biggeb another Tbell , anb 33 3lnb he caiicb it ^>ebah: anb the name
ftroue fo? that aifo : anb he talleb the of the cine is callcb Cl,) 25cer*fcba bnto
f Smah, nameofit"enmitie* thiS ba^ OOecrrflo;
22 3mb then he bepartcb thence,? biggeb 34 cfaulbasfonrtievcrcolbe, 9 hetoue 5S**jgf

another lbell, fo? the tbhich tljcv ftroue
not,Xherfo?e calico he it "roomrh,fa^
<ng : the Ho?be hath mabe bs noibc
attpfe[(aneoj3Jubith,the baughtcr of jasgf
asecrian^cthtte, anb asafemath tlje
baughter of don, an l^ethite [aim.]
wome that
m map encreafc bpon the 35 ™
w\)it\) ibere " bifobebient bnto 3J-
" A bitter.
ncfle of
« anb he ttjentbp thence to JBeerfeba. fpirite.
C<1) illjcaffis
mtic of the
Dngaolr, IB

^ The. -xxvij. Chapter.

'•tiota "

iraftacfavaoetft€Cauof^t!Sb«ntpstop?et)areii?malipffl)e. ^acobbvtU
nibctltie of fttjs utotfier, fojctafietlj atnare ijtis blcffpng. v> Ufahac ftpiTctlj ftts
tonne. ;s Jfaftac WcfTetlj 9!acob. p Cfau bepng rcturncD fro ftuntpttg.bipngctli
meatejf to fiijs father. ?4 €fau after great outcrpes, at the latt is bUttcD.r> ifanac
,., "4>a s
Sntl mcffctb <£fau. 41 €faufiatctligacob,anDt&?eatnctftftis( Death. 4jMebeccapjo.
ut&eth fo? 3acob a Departing into ffl&efopotamia.

: :

Iacob. GenefiIS. Iacob.

^ The.xxvij Chapter. .

iliSD it tame to paffe, ber elbeft fonne €fau, tbljictje tbere in

% tnatVbhc3Jfabactbar* tbe bonfe Vbitb Der, anb put them bpon
cboibe#bis eves tbere 33acobber vounger fonne:
bimme,fothatbetoulb i6 2nb fl)e put tbe fnynnes of tbe utooes
notfec/DetalicD^fau bpon l)is banbes,anb bpon the fmootbc
his elbeft fonne, $faibe ofbtsnecbe.
bntobV'N. mv fonne; 17 3lnb flje put that pieafaunt meate anb
anb be favbe bnto bvm am 31.
: \)ttc b?eab, ibbtdje fbcbabpjeparcb, inn c
2 3lnb he favbe : Bcbolbe, 31 am notbe Ijanbe ofbet fonne 3Jatob.
(ii) *Eht
hnofolcbcjcof oibe,anb miotbe not w
tl)e bave ofmv 18 mbenbetameto bis father, ftefavbe:
out tnojtalitic
fttnilDc canfc
beafb. mv father; ^nb he aunftbereb, here am
Va to Ice oil
ilipnstsiii 3 ifrotbe therefore take 3} p?av thee thv 31 ibho art thou, mv fonne;

OJDJC. tbeapons, tbv emvuer anD tbv botbe, 19 3inb3Jacobfavbe bnto his father :.3J
anb get thee to the ftclbc, that tljou am €fau tbv elbeft fonne, Daue bone
maveft take me fome bemfon. atcojbvng as thou babbeft me : arvfc 31
4 3mb mafee me tbeii taftvng meates, pwvthee, anb eate ofmv benifon,

futh as 3
lotte, anb bnmgit to me, that that tbvfouie mavbleffeme.
ry iTtioucft
31 mav eatc, that mv fouie mav bieffe zo ^nb 3Jfahac faib bnto his fonne : fioib 2D
Tlfahat bpb
thee befojc that 31 bye. tommeth it that thou haft founbeit fo
fomctlipns ol
affection : pet
5 25ut &cbecta bcatoe tbften 3Jfahac quitfelvmv fonne; ^eaunfibereb:® the CO 0ne fault
tjc fapttjfuilp bjpngrtb ano>
tbought to tea fpabe to €fau bis fotme : anb €lau tbet lo?be tbv <U5oD brought it to mv hanbes, titer toljrn
Ccmc outrto
Iivo ronnc,tt)C into tbe fielbe to bunt benifon, ano to 21 Xhen favbe 3lfahat bnto 3latob: touneefbt'
rpgtit of falim.
pjomilco in>

tyvngft. Come neare, anb 31 vbvU feele thee mv

(c)8>ucl)pc= 6 2mb co ftebectafpa&cbnto3,acobher fonne, tbftethtr thou be mvtoerv fonne
fonne, faving:2Seholoe, 31 bauehearbe
(tics, ate not
OfBB. tbv father talbvng tbith €fautbvb?o* 22 Xhcntbent3fatobto 3Jfahac his fe
ther,anbfaving: tbcr,anbhefeithvm, anb favbe: %fy
is 7 asjing me benifon,anb matte me bain* bovte is Jacobs bovce, but the hanbes
tiemeate, that 31 map eate, ano Metre arc the nanots of € Cut. CSlWlP'
tbc^Lojbe, afoje mv beath. 2? ^nb
tljec before he bneibc himnot, becaufehis tea not 91W
s $otbc tljcvfo?c mv fonne ° beare mv hanbes tbere ftcarv as his brother €* bectte.

faus hanbes: anb fo a> he bieffeb hvm.

(o-) «>l)tret«
tjc ccmclaOfb
tcllcohct fefc bovce in that tbhicb 33 tomaunoe thee. althtomfrfl
toppon dpobfl
tnomlfc, anb 9 ©et thee to the flocae, ano b?vng me 24 ^nb he afbeb him : art thou mv fonne tfrstfWlMI
not njcpeD t!)C thence tvbo gooo nvbbcs fro tf)e goates, €fau;anbhefavbe:that3Jam. Jlatob.

nipsin folowc
anb 3J tbvll mafee of them plcafaunt 25 Xhen favbe he: »5?vngme,fletmc
mcatcs fo? tbv father ,fucb as be louctb. tate of mv fonnesbemfon,that mv fouie
10 31nb tboufbaltbjvng it to tbv fatter mav biefle thee. 3lnbhe
brought hv«n,
that be mav eate,anb that be map bieffe anb he ate: anb he brought \)vm tbine
tbcebefiw bis beafb. aifo,anbheb;anbe. (i) Wtn» s
11 Xbenfaib3lacobtoftebeecabtsmo* 26 ^nb his father 3jfaftac fatb bnto him: not fo

beboloi ftl

thcr ascbolOe €fau mv brother is a

: , come neare, ano nvffe me, mv fonne.
co outtDatbcBO'

beatv mail, anb 31 am fmootibe 27 3nb he ment bnto lnm,$RVffeb him,
n fl^v fatl5cc fl)au perabucnture feele anb he fmcllcb the fauour of his rav s rooulD

ment, anb bieffeb hvm, ? faibe w 3>ec,


mee, anb 3 fyall fcemc bnto bvm as JmtbBW


though 3 tbent about to begvie bvm, the fmcll ofmv fonne, is as the fincll of
anb fo ujail 3 bjvng a tutfebponme, a fielbc lbljich the ?lo?be hath blcffeo. Seas
anbnotabieflvng. 28 d5ob geue thee (,) of the beaibe of l)t&
C 13 3wb \)is motbet Tavbc bnto bim, Ilp^ uen, anb of the fatneffe of the earth,auo
on me be tbe cutfc mp fonne only beaw : plentie of tome anb ibine. blllWffi

(t") ?atob

mv bovee, anb go ano fetebe me tbem. 29 people be tbv feruauntes, anbnatt
14 ^nb[Hacofc] (0 rbent,anbfcttbem,anb ons bovbe to thee : be lojbe ouer tbv to* nufcB.
mpfjht Ijaue b2ougI)t tbem to bis mother : ano bis th2en,anb tbv mothers chiltocn ftoibpc
tatito bntpll
gob t>ab (hau? motbcnnaoepleafauntmeate, fuel) as ibitb rcuerencebnto thee : curfeb be be
gtb l)IS !i-
C)c xb mpnbe. (be Unelbebis fatberloueb. that tucfeth thee, anb bieffeb be he that
15 3lno ftcbecta fet gooblv raiment of bicffctbthee.
3 o3lffoonc

Genefis. XVUJ.
e 3
as 3Hahac bab mabe an enbe
flflbottc bieffcme, 3
am alfo [tovfonnc] ^> m?
of bieflvng 3Iacob , $ 3lacob Xbas fearfe fatber 5>o tyftcb bp <£fau bis bovce,

gone out from the pjefcnce of IJfabac ^anbtbept. O)1£t)efcrto»

UcO tlmcnt
lyis father, then came efau his b)otl)er 39 Xben^lfaDatbis father aunftbereb, lortcu tlicii I
pet tbcp a=
from bis burning. anb favbe bnto bvm: bcboibe <« tbv nfmoc not ,

anb c"° Dc alfo bab mabe a pleafaunt

roie* tljtir

Mbellvng plate fbalbe tt)t fatnefTe of Ueoncfte.
mcate, anb brought it bnto his father, the earth, anb of tbcbeavbc ofbeauen ritual.fcbe (.q) fpf*
bit (Iinj

anb fatbe bnto his fatber : let mv fatber

fcMtcr oni? remaps
fromaboue. m Jacob: nct>
'fcotW thru QMS but
""* arvfc, anb eatc of bis fonnes benifon, 40 3inb through thv ftboflefbalt thou a tcmpoiaU
that thv fouie mav blcfle me. be
j* metre liue,anb (bait thv toothers fcruaunt: blcllvnj.
xi %%tn bis fatber 3lfahac favbe bnto anb it (bai come to pafTc,tbattbou fliait
hvnx : »>ho art $bou i ^e aunfibercb : 3
gctthemaifteeie, $ tboufbait loofchis
am thv fonne, thv fttft borne €fau. VOBefromoftbvnecfee.

3mb 3Jfabac ibas greatly attonteb out 41 ^nb€faubatcb3latob,bcca«feoftfje ^
of mcature,anb favbe : tbbicb MKl anb bieflvng that bis fatber bieflcb bvm
ibherc [ft to then tbat hath bunteb be* ttntball. 3lnb €fou favbe in bis heart

nifon anb brought it me , anb baue 3 SCbebayesof fojolbvng foj mv father

eaten of al before tbou cameuVanb baue areat hanbe, then uipli TO
Have m? 3tl)nr potacr,
°° t? be fbalbe blcffeo. bjotber "Jacob.
blcflcb ftym, vea tooucrtlr.oa't

itt imnt=

s@hcn €fau hcarbc the nwbes of hts 41 3tnb t])cfe Jbojbes of €fau her elbee
8 3
Xr '

fatber, be crveb aloube $ bittcriv,aboue fonne tbere tolbe to Bcbecca : anb (be
mtafurc, anb favbe bnto bis father: lent, % cailcb 3ffaeob Ijer vounger fonne,
bicffeme, *3ialfoam \Wtam] £>mv rj foibe bnto bim : Beljoioc, tt# b?otbcr

fatber Cfau as touebpng tbee botb comfojtc

35 nahoaunfibereb. %\w toother tame bvmfelfe [funpiirpofmsj to bvii tbee.
tbithfubttitie, anb bath tafeen albave 43 ^5o«jet{)erefo?emvfonnebearemv
boyec: mabe tbee rebv,anb flee to %& ^£$$1
36 ^nbbciaibagavne:3Fsnotrjerig^ banmvb?otberat^aran, SffiSSi
lvnameb3(acob? w fo? be ftatl) bnber-
) Dt opn
44 Snbtaryn>itbbimattbvlebntvl tbv {gg"
1 *

mvneb me noibe tibo rvmes. [firftJbe brothers fierccnefle be fibageb,
to&e aibap mv birtbrigbt: anb fee,noibe 45 3mb bntvllthv brothers ib?atb turne
batb be taben atbap mv bieffvngaifo. aibav from tbee,$ he fo?get the ttjinges
3inb be favbe : haft thou Kept neuer a ibhichrhouhaaboneto5ivm:tljenibvll
bieflvngfo?mef 3 fenbeanb fet thee aibav from thence: ff) l&)t DM
37 31fabacaunftbereb, anb lavbe bnto «ibj)v fl)OMlb 3
bebe&late of voubotb bpocatli, anD
the oiljcr bv i
IllBBttntnt Of
€fau :25cljoibe,3l bauemabebvmtbv inonebav^ rt ^
Hojbe, $ all bis toetbjen Ijaue^ mabe 46 3JnbBebeccafoabeto3lfaljac:3Jam mafa.
ijisferuauntcs: ^o?eouer,rbitIjcome rbeerv of mv lvte
fo? t^e baugbters

anb mine baue ftablittbeb him,tbl)at of l^cth. Pf3!acobtabe a tbvfe of the S»cteiEf.iu3
(bail 3 bo bnto tbee noibe mv fonne; baugbters ofl^etl), fuchasthcfcctoin^ cupll manets
are] of thebaughters of tljeianbe, ibljat fte
Msti) us
3S 3inbefaufavbebntobisfatber:baft an irjinncrit
tljou but that oneblefTvngmvfatljeri goobfbalimvivfe borne; amap.

iy The . xxviij . Chapter.

iliCaliacfojbpMctbllacobtotarieatopftcf t%z raapflems of Cbanaarr, toljcre.

into g.acob obepetfi. 9 cECau agatnft htji fathers topi tatetr) a toife of tije &aup>
tcwofgifmart. iiSlacobgopngmto^aranJect^alaoOerma^eame. i;CBa«
naantspjomifcotogacob. i6C5oDcomfo?tett>3acob. nCbeboufeofdSofi. 1?
26etbcl. jluja. lo^euotoeofaacob. ^eaffietijfooDcanDdotljpns.

EiBSSiWi) fo 3Jfahae ralleb ofdjanaan: ^ ,

) coos
Jacob, anb w bieflcb " ©efopotamia,
3lrife,anb get tbee to Atara.
« often
to the houfc of isctWl $>V mothers fa^
tber, anb there case tbee aibvfeof
1 " "
St"" anb favbe bnto bvm 1
the Daughters of JUban tbv
jg>ee tbou tabe not a
ibvfcofthc baugljters

Genefis. Efian.

3 3lnb <&tib aimpgDtle blcffc tDee ; anti tbas boibne tanb tofte of tDe ttonesof
make tljcc to cnercafc, $ multfplie tljcc, tDe place, anb put bnberDis Deab, anb
(V5 UeljaHi
tefpcct to tbc
tDattDoumapeftbea^numberofpco* lapbeDpmbotbne tn tDe fame place to
number of am pie: . lleepe.
IIIcb rofjici)
fboulo be tops
4 anbgeuctDcbleffingofabjaDambn* ii 3mb De b?cameb, anbbeDolbe tDere
netitof faitlr=
full of Jacobs to tljce, anb to tDp fcebe rbitlj tDee, tljat w
ftoooe a latljer bpo tDe eartD, anb tbc CO Ifiwf
Ironic. [j»m,
tDoumapcftrcceaueto mDcntcp lauDc toppeof it reacDeb bp to Deauen: anb bp robofe rats
rbDcrcintljou art a (iraunger, lbljODe fee,tDe angels of <5ob tbent bp fbonmc fratcBcoim
€»ob sauc bnto 2MHtnt* bponit
5 £Dus33faDacfcntfo02tD9Jacob:anb 13 Pea, anb d5ob from abouc leaneb bp*
De ibent toibaroe $)efopotamia, bnto ponit, anb fapbe : 3
am tDe Jlojb (Bon
flaban,fonncofBetl)uei tl)e S>prian, of^aDamtDpfatDer, anbtDedfrobof
anbbjotberto ftebecca 3Jacob anb c* 3JfaDac, ®tDclanbibDitDtDouaeepcft CO IMI
plc of bppocru 6 ®
Bsljcn tffaufoibe tDat 3Jfafjac Dab
b oon, tbpU %
geuc tDee anb d)p fecor blriTfng
icBioljcrc fct 14 3lnb tDp fcebe ttjaibe astDt bull of tljc SrmiDbigtt,

rooiti), foijo
(cbe no true
bleffen 3?acob, anb Tent Dpm
to^efe* eartD.anotljouuJalt fpjeabe atoobeto
Sntjo jciitft

mean ea of re= potanua to fctlipm a tbpfc from tDcnce, tDe ibeft, to tDe eaft, to tlje nojtD, anb
foja pitDgeof
(icntaimte, 01
•menficment. anb tljat as De blcflcb Dim, De gauc Dim to tDefoutD : anb in tDee, anbin (a) tDP

acDatge,faping, tljou Qjait not tane a reebe, ajall all tDe npnrcbes of tDe eartlj
Vbpfc of tDe baugbtcrs of Cljanaan:
7 3inb tDat 3lacob Dab obepcb Dis fa*
15 ^nbfee,3ramibitDtDee,an'bibpllbe
tljcr anb motljcr, anb ibas gone to 20c*
tDp neper in all [place*] lbljptljer tljou

3lnb efau fcpng aifo tDat tDe bauglj*
ters of CDanaan plcafcb not 3faDae
goefi,anbibpUb?png tDee agapne into
tDis lanbe :$oi j
ibpi not ^leaue tDee,
bntpu^j Daue mabe goob tDatibDicDe
Disfatljcr: tbWt.

XDen w ibent efau bnto 3Jfmaei,anb

OOWecarctt) 9
more to olcafc i6 r©Dcn 3Jacob mas aibancb out of f)tsf
tobe bnto tDe Jbpuesrto&fc&Be&to] *$)a*
Jim fatbet tljc
hcih of no Dalai) t!)c bangDter of 3Jfmaei abat*
flccpcDc fapbe: <&urclp tDe %oW &
fault but one,
< pet be both Damsfonne, tlje fitter of iRebaiotlj to
in tDis place, anb 3 tinctbe it not
nottoircttf 17 3lnb De ibas afrapbe,anb faibe : D<Me
10 3lacobbeparteb
b2cabcfuli is tljis place < it is none otDcr -St
fromasccr feba, anb bnt cuen tDe <*> Doufe of <5ob, $it& t\)t
ibent toibarbe^aran.
gate of Deauen.
11 3fob Dc came bnto a ecrtapne place,
$ 18 ^nb 3acob rofc bp earlp at tDe mop
tarpcb tljcre all nigDt,bccaufc tljc funnc
npng,anb tone tlje
iCOl Genefis. xix.
6wJS lapcbbnbcrbisbeab, anb Ch > pitcbeb tt ano tbpu geuc nic b?eab to catc, ano
upon an cnbe, anb poibjeb ople fit t|)e tlotljcstoputon:
toppcofit. 21 S>otbat3Jcomeagapne onto mp fa*
19 anb. Dc name of tbc plate
tailcb flje ttjers Ijoufe in raftic: tljcn thai the 3Lo?b
jsctbei: but tbe namc of tbc titie ibas bempcob.
22 &nl> tbis done itobtihe
calico !Lu5,befb;ctpme. J

roc, teas 20 2lnb 3jacob tooibcb a botbe, facing: onancnoe,fbalbcd5oos Ijonfe: ano of
c«o jaf^oblbpllbe Xbitlj me, ano ibpll all tbat tbou a)alt gene me, % m\

nepe ntc in tbis iournep in ibftiel) so, 3 Ipgeue the tenth bnto thee.

not tcn=
Sen.bui *pj
Bjcrtrun "

^ The. xxix. Chapter.

icrrt»c w 1 gjacob commetb to U abatt. 4 die bmmotcen be canctft bjetfyen. 9 KacbeI (eebett)
imwm lie

jjgcillCliitO Ocepc. iigiacobfevfletbHacbel intftcjLo;De. 13 KLaban clpppctb giacob, ano ftpfTetlj

Stl;anl" r*
fi?m. nUeatssbleareepeo. i891acobbecommet^bonoefo.zEacgelfcu£tivereiS. 22
It* labanRepetbtbe manage. 23juai<jgeuenfo?Kacbel. s^eaconceauett) jsuben.
r.^imcon. 34 inn. 3f3SuDa.

% 1 $cn Ci,)
3Jatob"ibent baugbter of fUtban motftcrs b:o^

Ivftvp on bis iournep,? tame tl)cr,ftl)ca)cepeof|LabanbiSmotl)crs

bfcetc. into the lanoc of the b:ort)cr,3Jatob ibent $ ronlcb tbc (lone
B.77.P1ICB "people of the eaft. fromtbe Jbelies moutl), fibatereo tbe

"« ttiia 3ino [a0)heloneba* flotne of ILaban bis motbersbjotljcr.

bout,bebolbe, tbere 11 3lnb 3Fatob tyttcb Batljel, anb lift bp
ibasatbclintbcficlb, Ijisbopteanbujept.
anb loe, tb?ec flotnes of fbeepe lap tbcre 11 3lnb 3latob toibe matljcl tbat be tbas (el CSc 5c
tauta call .ill
bp,fo? at tbat ibcii iberc tbe flotnes iba- ber fatbers b^otljer, anb tljat be ibas Smrcracn bjta
tcreb: anb there ibas a great ttone bpon aaebettaes fonne : Xljerefoje ranne u)c
the ibell mouth. anbtolbcbcrfatber.
? 3lnb tbptber mere all tbc flotnes ij 3lnb uiben fUban bcaroc tcrrapnelp
b?ougl)t, anb tbcproulleb tbeftonefro tell of Jatob Ijis fitters fonne, be ranne
tbe Ibelles mouth, $tbatreb tbe fheepe, tomeetebvm,ano imb^ateb bpm, anb
$ put t\yt ttone agapnc bpon tlje ibelies bpm, anb bjougbt bpm to bis
moutb bnto bis plate. |)Oufe:^nblje toibe Haban to ail tljefc (t) TOatto,
bpon iuljat
4. 5
3(nb atob faibc bnto tljent : 0*p b?c* tftpnges. C HlfCiJ

came alone.

tb?en,lbhcntc be pe* 3lno tljep fapbe : of 14 Xoibbom ILaban fapoe: tbou

naeii, aim

^aranareibc. art mp bone $mpflefl)e. ^no be abobc cowitctp.

5 3lnb he fapbe bnto them: Bnotbepe tt»itb bpm tbe fpate of a monctb.
3Laban the fonne of $atho?< £bcp 15 Stab ?laban faib bnto 3atob: Xljougb
fapbe tibennoibehpm. tbou be mp b?otber,fbouloeft tbou tber*
« 3lnb l)e fapbe bnto tbem : is " be in fo:e (3) feme me fo? nangljt i %t\\ me (3) Haras
woiiloc n)t

goob beaitb i 3lno tbcp fapbe : bcis in lbbattbailtbpibagesbc; tliio'.ig!)

nclle rtimcji

500b bcaitb, ano beljoioe bis baugbtcc 16 lUbanbabtibobaugbters, t^ctlttt lialmclc.

Batljci tommetlj lbitl) tlje fbeepe. talleb flea, anb t^t ponngcr l^atbel.

"Crtar,! Jv
7 3inb be fapbc : loe [ft w] vet a great 17 fLea ibas tenber mn
: but ftatljcl

lbbvlctonvgbt.ncitbcrfsittvmctbat lbas bcauttfull anb ibeii fauoureb.

tnc cattcll fl^oulb be gatbercb togctljcr: 18 3Inb3latob loucb ffiacftcl, anb (am :
[ft agon?
Abater vetbe tt^ccpe, co anb go anb fcebc gjibpliferuetbee fcucnperefo^Kacbel
tbppoungcr baugbter.
fell not 8 3lnb tl)ey fapbe : ti)c map not bntpll 1? flaban aunfibereb : ™
Jt is better
pocctce , Ije
ftath tefpect
all tlje flotnes be
bjougbt togctljcr, anb tbat geuc ber [Wj tttct, tben ti)at
3 3 tJ li aooj.ic

tljcp rouic tlje ftonc from tbc ibcllcs fbouioe geuc ber to anotljcr man: abioc
311 ncilltllC
martaje oj
t.lVJ U'.llMj
moutij, anb fo lbe ibatcr our fljecpe. ibitbmc. ofaissaaj )* 1

9 ttaijpie be pettaiueb tbirt) tbcm, (0) aaa* 20 3lnb3lfatobfeniebfcttcnpcrefo?ma'
fenmt JXl tame ibitlj bcr fathers a)eepc:fo? cbel:anb tbcp fecmeb bnto bpm but a
tbeaepttbem. frtbe bapes, fo? tbe louc Ijc Ijaooe to
aobone as fatob fatbc macljel tfyt bcf« ~
cut 2anb

Genelis. Efa,

3 anb <Efob aimyghtic biefle tfjee ; ana *bas botbne:anb tone of the Cones of
maftetbee to encreafc, $ multiplte ttjec, tDe plate, anb put bnber Ijis Deao , anb
CV) ^eftattj
rcfpcct to tbc
fl)at tljou mayeft be a w
number of pco* laybehymboibne m tDe fame place to
number of gen pie: . iieepe.
tilts imhicb
fboulobciofs 4 ano gcuc the blcfltug of atoanambtti ii anb ije bzeameb, anb bcDolbc tbere
neb to frailly
fun of Jacobs to tljcc, anb to tDv f«be ibitlj thee, that floobe «a latljer bpo tbc cartb, ano tbc CO ?t tnsp
figmai djij,
tljou mayeft rcceaue to tnljcritcp lanbe toppeof ft reacDcb bp to Deauen: ano bprobofemc.
citatum all
ibljcrcintljou art a ftraunger, ttrtjirjje fce,tljc angels of <25ob ibent bp sooibne Sractdeomc
<u5ot> gaue bnto abjabam, Dpon it. antalllgclvi.

5 3Cl)us33fat)atfcntfoo2tD3Iacob:anb 13 Pea, anb d5ob from aboue icancb bp*

he lbcnt torbatoe ^efopotaniia, bnto ponit,anofaybe:3J am tlje?Lojb(£foo €
3Laban,fonncof2ectljuci the Syrian, of abjaham thy father, anb tfje d5ob of
ano brother to Rebecca 3Jacob anb c* 3Jfaljac,
tbc lanb ibDicD tbou deepeft CO vw
faus mother. bpon,tbyii fgeuetbeeanbibyfeeor. blcffpng Igll
(0 3" cwm= conahen €faufa\be that 3Jfaf)ae hab fonnt.KKOCi
e 14 ^no thy fecoe fyaibe as tljc buft of tljc
pic ot hf pocn=
tC010t)CTC fCt armtDbfl*,
foojtl), tolio biefTco^acob, anb fent bym to^efo* earth, anb tljou (halt fpjcaoe abjobcto bpratl)Uli»;
iiiljo BCiiift

(chc no true
mc.mtoof rti potamta to fet bym a tt>yfe from tljcnce, foj a ptEDgtrf
tDepeft, tp tfje eaft, to tlje noftD, anb tat/Mm
pent Mime 0)

ano tbat as be biciTco Dim, be gaue him to toefourt) : anb in tbee, anb in™ tj)y ui^rilaimti.
(3) «H1<
a tharge, faying, tljou (bait not tafee a feebe, (ball all tljc p;orau'eo.
bynrcbes of the eartlj
ibyfc of tbc baugbtcrs of Chanaan: bcblefleo,
7 ano tbat 3latob bao obeyco b*s fa* 15 anb fec,3f am ibirtj tftecaniiibpll be
25 thec ano motljcr, anb ibas gone to 20c*
toy neper in all [place*] Mjptljcr tljou
gocft^nblbyllbiyng tbec agayne into
8 ano efau fcyng alfo that the baugl>
ters of Chanaan plcafco not 3ifaljac
tb*s lanbe :5fo? 5 ajyi not ^^icauc tbec,
bntylillbaue maoe goob tljatibDicDc
ODWccarcth 9 xtjen w
ttent efaubnto 3fflnaei,anb
i6 aahen 3acob ibas aibabcb

mou to plcifc out of btf

fyB father tbe tone bnto the royuesrtotjKtjfjefyjrj] s$)a*
<H5ob:bethm =
flccpejjcrayoc: Purely the Hoioe is
Dalai) tbe baugbtcr of 3Jfmael atoa-
Scth of no
fault but one,
Dams tonne, the filler of jftebaiotb to
inipis plate, anb
; 3
anctbc it not
« pet be both
not cojreet p
17 ano he ibas afcaybc,anb faibe : Doibe
bchisibyfe. ozcaocfuii is tljts plate t it is
io 3Jacoboeparteb none other
from 2Becrfeba, anb buteuenthc^houfcofdsob, ?ttrj; x \)t bin ** w;
ii ano ijc came bnto acertaync plate, $ is ano 3acob rofe bp early in tfyt moj*
tarpeb tljcre all mgDt,bccaufe tljc fnnnc s>
nyng,anb tone tljc aonctljatljeljaooc
» :

Genefis. xix.
laycbbnberbisbeab, anb ° pitcbcb ft
anb myll geue me b?eab to eatc, anb
upon an cnue, anb povb?eb oyle the m clothes to put on:
toppcoftt. , ,
21 5>o that ^ tome agaynt bnto my fa*
19 ana. !)c cailcb the name of the place thcrs boufe in fame; then fhal the ?lo?o
bethel: but the name of tbc citic mas bemycob.
callcb?Ut5,befo?etyme. 21 3lnb this ftone mbithe 3 hauc fee bp

20 2mb 3Jacob bomcb a botbe, faring:

onanenbe,fl)albc<i5aos bonfe: anb of
TJ calico

fe.rt" 10 ?
co jafcsobmyllbe mith me, anb myll all that tl)ou (haltgeue me, 3 myl fare*

nepc me in this iourney in mhictj 3 go, I? geue the tenth, bnto tbee.

not r° n

Konnnonot c The. xxix. Chapter.
miration l)f
1 lacob commetfi to taban. 4 Che bn&notten be calfetb fyetfi/ett. 9 isacfiei fecace^

aScibcutlo Gjccpc. 1
1 intbeHojoe. 13 Tdaban clpppetft gjacob, ana ftpffet^
"Jsacob fe^tfttlj macljcl
K ptor.HiC of firm i7lea«sbleatee»eo. isgiacobbecommetfi bonoe fo.z Hacbel feuen yeres. 22
iabantepetfitfiemariase. 23 juafe geuenfojKacbel. ?:)LeaconceauEtb JSuben.
5; ^tmcon. ?4JLeut. j^SJuDa.

$cn w 3Jacob"ment baugrjter of ?Laban tjis mothers b*o*

» I
on his iourney,? came thcr,$thcfl)cepeof?labanhiSmothers
lifecte. into t!)c lanbe of the brother, 3Jacobment $roulcb the ftone
jei.77 itnt "people of tbeeaft. from the melles mouth, ^matereo the
flocbe of Haban his mothers brother.
06c f.ito 3nb [as)l)eloneba*
ioucr :
bout,bel)olbe, there 11 3lnb 3Jacob bvffcb Eacljel, anb lift bp
ft 1"'
Children. masaibcltnfbcficlb, hisboyceanomept.
anb toe, tb?ee ftotnes of fbeepe lap there 12 3mb 3latob toibe Bathci that he mas (0 CSC t)u
b-.uta call all
by,fo? at that mcii iberc the flocfees ma* her fathers toother, anb that he mas U::ifcm:n bjc-

tereb:anb there mas a great ftone bpon aaebettaes fonne : 3C!jcrefo;e ranne fbe
the mcll mouth. anb tolbe her father.
i 3lnb thytber Jbere all the ftoencs i» 3lnb ml)cn Haban htarbe certaynely
b?ought, anb thcyroulleb the (tone fro tellof31acob his fitters fonne, heranne €
the mclics mouth, $ matreb the fbeepe, tomeetehvm,anb imbjaeebbpm, anb
$ put tl)e ftone agaynebpon the mclics Kvffcb hrm, anb brought hym to his
mouth bnto his place. houfet^nbhe tolbe 3Laban w ail there (!)

4 3Jnb3Jacob faibc bnto them : $>y fee* thvnges. C lllfCiJ



tb?en,mhcncc be ye* 3Jnb they faybe : of 14 %q mhom ?Laban faybc : nacil,thou anD To ban
from his
$aranaretbe. art my bone f myflefl)e. ^nb he abobc countre?.

5 3lnb he faybe bnto them: l&notbeye mith hymthefpaceofamoneth.

ft) nt Habantlje^fonne of $acho?* Xhcy 15 3mb Haban faib bnto giatob: Xhongh
r ,J" calico faybe: me nnoibehym. thou be my b?othcr,fhouioeft thou ther=
C8) Jaeoo
fo?c (s) feme me fo? naught i Xcll me
e 3lnb Ije faybe bnto them : is " Ije in nouloe n)t
tftwugf) tolw
''ft ttjcir
goob health < 3lnb tbey faybe: Deis in mhat (hall thy mages be? nclc cljargi
[WOicnmto liaDiult.
I {Wuitlictt
goob health, anb beljoibe Dis baugl)tcr 16 3LabanhabtVbobaugbters, thcclbcr
calleo flea, anb the younger ftat#ci.
iSatljcl commctlj mitl) tlje fljeepe.
Itym, Peace to
7 3inb ije fiivbe : loe [ft w ] vet a great 17 fLea mas tenber eyeb : but ftatbcl
"GtcrJ,a >'
"mijvlc to nygbt.ncitbcr tsittvmc tljat mas bcautifull anb mell fauoureb.
tl)c cattcll fl)Oulb be gatljercb togctber: 18 ^nb 31 at ob loueb laachel, anb fiwbc
S goN| mater vetDc fl)ccpc, w anb go anb feebe 3J myll feme thee feuen yere fo? Rachel
thy younger oaughter.
w ffiS better 0)) SB an ftfv

Br 8 3lnb tbep favbe : me map not bntpll

all tlje flotbes be bjougln togctber, anb
19 Habanaunubcrcb:
that 3 geue her [bnto thee, then that 3
pgente , Ik


W tbcv rouic tlje ftone from tbc mclies fhouioe geue her to another man: abibe manaje
lljiu fcilpas

moutl), anb fo me mater our fljeepc. mith me. *, ,,

ofuiasaus )*

9 natjvie be vettaiueb mitt) tbem^fta* 20 3inb 3 atob ferucb feuen yere fo? fta<
met tame mitD Dcr fathers u>cpe:fo? chehanb they fcenico bnto hym but a
fbefecpttljcm. feme bayes, fo? the louc he babbe to
10 ^ffoone as 3?acob fame macljel t|)e lJcr '
£itt uXM
laecb. Gcnelis.
CO die f.i= 21 2Uib Jacob fato bnto « flaban : gcue tec 2i5tlt)a Ijis banbmavbe, to be ber fcr-
there iiuctlio:
\m\ mv fbifc tljatj mav"lve Vbitl) Ijer, uaunt.
title In
fo; mvbavesarefulfvlleb. 30 w
£>o lav l)t bv macbel alfo , anb lo*
"May go in 22 Xhen Haban gatljetcb together aU ueb aaacftel mo?e then ?Ua, anb fctueb
tofeco or
vnto her. a
fjvm vet feuen veres mo?e.

23 3lnb ibben euen ibas come, |)e tobe j1 j©l)en tbe Hojbc fame tftat Hea mas waunce.

<tO <Ebc flea bisbaugljter, ^anb bjougrjt Dec "befptfeb, De mabe bce"rruttfitli, anb
bipoe bias H'tti.
l~ ought to bet tol)vm,anbl)eibentin to tier. llachcl reritavneb baren. !' Opened
cbautnbcr ro--
ucrcD : To jL a > 24 StnbfLabangaue bnto bisbaugfiter 32 31 ub ILea conceaueb anb bate a fonne, Jjwwomtt.
bans Dercipt " Reuben
reas not flea ztipDa fcis mavbe Ltobej Reefer* anb (be calleb bis name"ftubem fo? (be
favbe, w ttje ILojb batb lobcb bpon mv
cafe Ip
That is, ft,
uaunt. the thylde

25 anb lbhnt tlje momvng ibas come, tribulation : noibc tljerfoje mv bufoanb tbanKeB » t,
U P"8,
beljoibe it tbas fUa. %\)tn favbe be to Vbvllloueme. itip>
fLaban : nabercfojc baft tljou plapcb 3j Znn uje conceaueb agavne,anb bare a wwtau ®otuibn
tbusrbitnme^bvbnotjfcrue tljeefo; fonne,? favbe: XbeHojbe batb bearbe trouble.

&acbeUn)ijctfo?etbcnl)alltboubegv* tljat 3 am befptfeb, anb Dart) tfterefojc

lebme* gcucn me tljts [fonne] alfo : anb (be cal-
(0 Rppocru
tco hauc aU z6 ?Uban aunttbereb : ® 3ft is not tlje leb bis name "Simeon. "Shhnon!
n>apc0 fomt
fojgcb cicufc
manee of tbis piace,to marrv v poungec 34 3nb (be conceaueb vet, 9 bare a fonne, That

of foicluD
before tb^firlt borne. anb favbe : /Bott>e t!)is once Vbvll mv
27 i^afle out tljis ibeebe, $ then tbe lb vn ljufbanbebepemecompanv, beeaufej
Cm) JBotoc geue tijee tbis alfo Cm) foj rtje fcruice tjaue borne bim tfi?ce formes : anb rtjei>
oppcorcih his
toiclut) cone: lbrjirtje rtjou ujait feme me vet feuen fo^e ibas tjis name calleb %tuu
touinco , fox
veresmoje. 35 ^nb Q)t conceaueb vet agavne , anb
pcrucrtcb all
Chelators Of.
28 3lnb Jacob bvb euen fo, anb paffeb bare Dvm a fonne, faving: /f5o*be mvll
manage. outtbeibccRe:anb tljen f)e gaue i)vm 3 c
«p?avfe Ho?be. Xljerefo?e Oje
of bet

Bacbel bis baugb.ter to ibpfe alfo. calleb Dis name " 3(uba, 9 leftbearvng.
rtrrttnen, ftt


29 anblUbangauetoftactjeitjisbaugfj* ttbttbilin:
« Iehui:

^ The .xxx Chapter.


chaftement of 1KatW complariictlj to Her nufbaiifje of bcWermefle. 4 Kactjel geuett) Stlha fo? a
3acob,tBrrt topfetrntolacob. 6?Dan. i;3Dfet. i5leabf£t^tDit^raanDwsuc{JofJ8acl^ltbat
out licvc tn tf)e
great bngufc hcrhufbanDemvgrjtlvcttiitljb^anDcomeatietft. is3]Csct}af. 20, ^abuton. 21
blc of bis
Mm. :2d5oD8eucttjconceaarngbntoisart)rt. 24 3!otcpft. 25 "Jacob sRtett? It*
boufcl)oU>. cencc to Depart, anD tys toarjeis. 29 ©ou etmcheo iLaban fo? gjacobu fafte. ?2 3a.
cob acne tti ttiagess fo; Qtccpc of Dtuerji colour?, mbtcb be ^eaneo of fbeepe of one co.
Jour. 43HacobberptECbe.

^cbel tbtjen (be fatbe 5 3mb aBflija conceaueb, anb bare 3&
tbata)cbare3lacobno cob a tonne.
cbrtb2en,fl)ccnmcbl)er 6 Xben faibe Hartjel : <0ob tjatb geuen
anb favbe bnto
filler, fentence on mv fibe,anb batb alfo bearb 25 .

« ThJtn,
gjacob :d5tuemccbil* mvbpvce, anb IjatD geuen me a fonne: iud ff crocnt-

fa) CDla
men, 0? els 3
am but tfjerfoje calleb a^e bvm "2>an. " ot\


feaB JpoOlpe
anger, ojhich
2 ^nb Jacobs «
7 ^nb z5iU)a macljeis fcruant conceaueb MtrntutW
oicfcrrcb the anger ibas bvnblcb agatne,$ bare 3Jacobanotber fonne. btnc5tt«.w
the to" *
ijonour of got)
ro b>B fepfc,
agavnftmacljcl , anb favbe : 3lm 3 in 8 3mb Jaacljei laib : naitr) gobiv lb^a^ SbBfv

d50bs fteabc, from ttjee ( Meptitan-

Ipc aonut lDIjtrtjc bcpctlj
ivnges bane 3
Vomitn ibitlj mv filler, ")'

® 9 baue gotten tlje bpper Ijanbe That is. 1

tbe fruite of tbv ibombe*
: anb wralttlvi*

3 Xbcn (l)e favbe : ^erc is mv mavbe ti)t calleb Ijis name " /^epbtljalf. Co) » I|!
««Be built 2L5ilba,goinbntol)cr, f flje a)allbeare *
by her. 9 nabenflca fame tljat (be Ijab left bea* blefflitB

bpon mvbnces,tl)at3J r»c:«W

alfo mav"ljauc rvng ebvibjen TO uje tobe Zilpba Dec
Cb) (Cbe ba^ rbvlbjenbvber.
mavbe, anb gaue Ijer Jacob to tt>vfe.
trho fchctt) 4 ^nb (be gaue bim 25rtl)a Ijer Ijanb^ 10 3(nb "z ilpba &eas mavbe bare llacob
tnlaiocfull mavbe to ibvfc: anb 3lacob ibent in bn* a fonne.
meantfl to her
enulou»|)UCi toljer.
11 £tjen favbe Jlea, " dsoob lucbe : anb
: , '

cob. Genefis. xx.

callcb bisname "(15ab. liauc borne bpm fire fonncs : anb callcb
, 2 anb ztipba Heas fcruaunt bare 3Ja* IKs name "zabulon.
cob an other fonne. 21 after that, fl)e bare a baugbtcr

* » %l)tn faibe ?Lea: bappp am % fo? the callcb bcrname 2Dtna.

, anb.' Thatj*,abi<
5 .

Daughters rupil call mc blefleb : anb

« " 22 anbcsobrcmembzeoBacbcl, 9 <£ob
cw 00 JFapthfaU
caileb bis name "afer. , bearbe her anb "mauc bcr fruite*
I»apcr 06t-.js
at nc»!) tilt

14 anb a&ubcnibent out in the bapes of

full, Uugt'o.ljst

the tt)l)cate baruett, 9 founbe

' w $3an* 23 S>o that ft)e conceaucb 9 bare a fonne: rcqu^t.
" opened
Djagojas in tt)c fteioe , anb bjougbt anb fapnc, <5ob bath taben aibape mp her wombc.
them bnto bis mother flea. Xben faib rebufte. 3D
Until. ftatljcl to flea : d5cuc me 31 pjapc thee 2+ anb u)c callcb bis name"3Jofepb,fap* ".Tint adjyng.


(MlM* of tbp fonncs £)9anb2agojas ing : the %mu

gcue mc pet another
15 £0 ibhom %ta aunftbereb: 3fs itnot
1 fonne.
« enough that thou Daft taften atbap mp 25 «P aflbone as ftacbel Dab bome^Jo* wif.prtKSftts Btcc<jjs«:c-
(0 but iboulbcft tauc aibap me
C • j)ufoanb, mp fepb 3Jacob fapbc to fLaban
: S>enb pitco.

Jnoitemo , fonncs $)anb?agojasalfo i Xftcn faibc awap,tbat 3Jraape so &nto mpotbne

ftacbcl: lbcll, let bpmflcepeibitb thee place, anb to mp countrcp.
Sit rttnr.
this night fo? tbp fonncs i$anb?ago?as. 26 d5euemcmpttjpucsanbmpcl)plb?tn

anb 3facob came from the fielbe at fo?tt)bom3 6aue fcrucb tbee, anb let
eucn, anb %ca went out to meete bpm, mego ifoi^thtmbnoibcftybhatfcruice Done W ^c lev: tati
nxcV) una
\ anb fapbc s thou (bait come in to me, foz 31 bauc bone thee. ofagoobcoiu

< baue bought thee in bcebc ibitb mp 27 %o Xbbom llaban aunftbereb :

3 fcient*.
« fonnc fli9anb?ago?as.anb be ftcpt ibitb p?aptftee,pf 3
hane founbe fauour ut
bcr that fame npgbt. tljp fpgbt [tatv] : fo? hane p?oucb that 3
|i7 anb <!5ob bearbeflea, that fyc con*
c °
the flojbe bleffcb mc fo? tbp faKe. CljlBlrp.


< ccaucb, anb bate Slacob the ftft fonne. 28 aifo he ftipbe appopnt tbhat thP re* »pttl):irOf=
htiliof jet).

Xbcn fapbe flea CB) <5ob hath gcuen
« ibarbe ftjaibe, anb 3
ibpu geue [* SoDs.iuiohire COK:


me a retbarbe,bccaufe gaue mp map* 3 t^ee.i
titl'.ICt!) 1:1 1)13

innitfolurb. ben to mp bufoanbe j anb (be callcb bim 29 2Suthefaibebntohim:XhouRnotb*

"3Jfacbar. tftibhatferuicc 3 haucbonc thee, anb
19 anb fUa conceaucb pet agapne, anb
That is,
« in tbhat taapng thp cattelihaue ben bn*
luwardc. bare 3Jacob the firt fonnc.
to anb ?Lca fapbe : ©ob bath enbueb
metbitb a goobboib?te, no we Wpil nip
30 m that litle rohtth thou habbeft be*
fiwe"3Mame,isnoibe increafeb into a "Mvfact.
bufoanbe bWeu* U)tt|) me, becaufe^f mulritube, (^anb the %W Cm) 311 tijc
hath Wcffcb lnttea'tofoiir
labour in 8> be
lokfO fo: at
iEoOo \jJim:.

Laban. Genefi
cneiis. Ub.
my footc. tbee tb:ougb "mp traticll : but tiott)c thereftofHabanstyeepe.
XDDcn fljali 31 nwuc p^outRon fo? mpnc ?7 w^acobtoKerobbcsofgrccnepopu. WJtkn
Iff anb mrfip
bafcU, stnh ebeffe tint flnhn.i, lawcfou^
frcrc! anb 1

otbncboufcalfo* ler, liitfril nut trees,

e pfl* frautictorti,,

(o) Che to-

nrtous tiotb
31 anb be fapbc : nabat Qjall 31 tben co leb tbbpte ftrabes in tbem, anb mabc infiine:

no respect of gcue tt)ce^ anb 3Jaeob aunftbereb, tbe tbbpte appeare in tlje robbes.

38 anb put tbe robbes tbbicb be bab pil* wane

f bin&trauiice
ofbiofcruafit, Xbou (bait gcue me notbpngatall: pf gO»
„ ,b

tljUB Ut
but of lno Icujcncnj bcfo?etbefbccpe, in the gut*
ewnc gar nc. tbou lbplt bo tlHs tbpng fo? me, tben tmictttY,.

tbpugjturneagapne, fcebetbpfbeepc, tersanbtbatrpngtb?ougbes tbbentbe

anb aepe tbem. ftjeepe came to
b?pnae, tbat tbcp (boulo
ji 3f lbpli go about all tbp flocacs tws conteauc tbben trjep tame to b?pnbe.
bap, anb fcperate from tbem all tbe cat* 39 anb tbe fl)cepe tontcaueb before tbe
tell tbat are fpottcb 9 of biuers colours: robbes, $b?ougbtfoo?tb lambcs rpngs
anbaiitbcbiacbc among tbe fbeepc, $ ftrabeb, fpotteb, anb partie.
tbe panic a fpotteb amongft tbe fcibbes 40 anb 31acob bib fepcrate tbefc lambes,
(p) iffljat (#, [tbe fame j^tbaibcmp rctbarbe. anb (0 turneb tbe faces of t\)t (becpe
catttll after:
35 5)0 (ball mp rpgbtcoumcs aunftberc ibbitbe tbere in tbe florae of JLaban, to; lambcubt-
Snaroc f»>tiUtoB
f0? me "in time to tome : fo? it fbal tome ibarbe tljefe rpngftraaeb, anb ai maner

fpottc»,0)alt>« Ihcqic, fotljji

tip rraaiDC.
•' To mo» fo? mp retbarbe before tbP fate . anb anbfoputbfsoibneflot&es
tt|cp a%i F t,

rowc. cucrp one tbat is not fpetbeb anb partie bptbem felues, anb put tbem not tbitb tl)toi,ru(im

amongft tbegoates, 9 biaefec amongft ILabanscattell.

tbe fbeepe, let it be tomptco tljeft in me. 41 ^nb in euerp conceaupng rpme of tbe
34 anbflabanfapBe:goto,tboulb<£>ob ftronger cattei,3Jacob lapeb tbe robbes
it mpgbt be acco?bpng to mp faping. befo?etbeepesoftbecattell in tbe gut*
35 %bcrfo?e be tobc out tbe fame bap the ters, namely tbat tbep mpght conecajie
bee goatcs tbat tbere rpngftrafteb anb before tbe robbes.
of biuers tolours, ? all tbefbecgoatcs 4 i 26ut tbben tbe tatteii tbere feeble, he
tbat ibere fpotteb anb tolourcb, anb all put tbem not in: anb fo tbe feebler tbere
tljtat Ijab ibbpte in tbem, % all tl)c blatae flabans, ano tbe ftronger 3Jatobs.
amongft tbe (beepe,anb put tbem in the 41 anb tbe man c0 intrearcb ereeebinglp, SiSpfttl
sain f)i.

fteppngofbisfonnes. anb bao much catteii, anb mapbe fer* mOofl.antid

36 anbfettb?ccbapes ioumep betibijete uawntes,anb manferuauntes, anb ca* piomut.

himfelfc anb Jacob : anb fo 3f atob fecpt mtls,anbaOes.

^ The. xxxj. Chapter.

iCfte c^plDjm of xabati ao grunge at giacobg tfcfieOe. 3 ©oft contmatinftetfi lacob to

rcturneintoijt* counttcp. s 3acob occlaretb ©0U8 benefrteuto bprntoarfte.?
fauetugacob that laban Do bpm no barme. le^acob teturnetb into
jLaban not torttpng tberof. 19 asacbel batb Collen ber fatbers iDollcs.
25 uabannur.
ftictb 3lacob.h Cbc cart of ©oft fo? lacob tbat laban do bpm no bamte. m
cbtftctbaacob. ^©ccomplapnctb tbat bis* tftoUeu be ttolen. HKacbeL
tool? bepng bpfttieti, begplctb bpm. « "Jacob fteclaretb to laban hijf
sence, bte trauaple. 44 a league bettoene laban anft aacob.
truetb, bis MU
a 4!52>befteatbtbe j anb^tl)efLo?befapbebuto3racob: it g toil m

uloaO rtiloitn tbo^bes of w %& meat

turneagapne into tbe lanbe oftbP te £•*« tt"<
of couctoua
bans fonnes fay*
Hie ircalrb of
ing , 3Jatob batb
tfters,anbto tb?bpnrcbe, anb Vo?n fttf3
aootljcr tlirtr
tttct tnoomj
taaeaibarautbat 4 ^0erfo?e3Iacobfent,9tallebmacDel
ibas our fatbers, anb 2,ea to tbe fieioe bnt a bis floebe,
anbofourfatbers anb fapbebnto tbem : fee pour fa*
[gooocs] batb be
5 3
tbers countcnauce tljat it is not totbaro
gotten all bis glo^ me as it Jbas tbont to be: but tbe d5ob
of mp fatber batb ben tbitb me.
anb Jfatobbebeioe tbe eountenauncc anb pc bnovbe ijotbe
day, and yer of ?Laban, anb bcboioe, it tbas not to-
6 3
bane fe*
mn pour fatber to tj)e beft of nip po
ycftetday. ibarbes bym " as it tbas tbont to be. lber.

7 25tlt

acob. Genefis. XXJ.

26ut pour father bath beceaueb me, maocbpmrelfe rebp, anb paffeb oucr
anb cbaungcb mp tbages co ten tpmes:

tbcrpuer, anbfetbis face ftrapgbtto*

but «5ob futfreb bpm not to hurt me. tbarbe tbe inounte (Sileab.
8 ^naben be fapbc, ttjc fpotteo fbaibe
xi Upon tl)e tbtrbe bap aftet,tbas it tolb
rat »l)"
tbp tbages: then al the fl)cepe bare fpot* ?Labantbat3atobfleb.
teb. anb tbben be fapb,tbe ringftraueb
their fi*
Ojalbc tbp rctbarbc:tben bate all tl)e btat,anbfolotbcb after ijim fcuen bales
fyeepcringfrraUeb. t
>?oucctobe ^m
at tbemonnte %$»%»
IHUlCullF™' Xftus bath <i5ob taken atbap the in* <2>ileab. rocrc Qolnc.

treafe of pour fathers flotbe,anb geuen 24 ano w d50b tante to SLaban the £>p* (l)'Ciraoijta
ittome. rtaninabjeamebpnpgbMnofapbbn* ttucK putpo,

26ut in rammpng tpme, 3J ufteb bp

fCB Of ttr.lH;
25 io to Win: tafce bcebe tijat tljou focafec not Its ajapnl

mpnc eves, anb faibe In a bjeame, anb to 3lacob ottgbt " fane goob.
Ijib Cijurt^t.

" From
k It fignifi- beljolbe the " mainmcs leapcb bpon
, 25 anb Haban ouertoae ^atob^nb^a good to
Lch tlie !i«
Koate 'Ifo:
the fbeepe that tbcreringftrafteb, fpot* cob bab pitcbeb bis tent in tbe mountc:
K vnttcr teb, anb partte. ^nb ILaban tbttb \>is bjetfoen, pitcbeb
11 anb tbe angell of d5ob fpafte bnto me bpon tbe inounte ©ileab.
Eh4-OitCS. ina b2camc,faping:3Jacob;anb aun- 3 26 anb?Labanfatbto3(acob:tbbatbaa 2D
flbcrcbJbeream^J. tbou bone tbou bad ftoiicn atbap
12 anb be fapb: lift bp notbe ti)pnt e?es, mv heart, anb tarycb atbav mp baugb*
anb fee all tbeftammes leapvng bpon ters as tbougb tbev l)ab ben taken cap*
flic(beepe that are ringftraueb, fpot* tiuetbitbtbeftboitoe.
teb,anbpartie:fo? 3
haue (,) feene all 27 i©Dftfojetbenfctttbouatbapfeetetlp
kCDMthtO that % aban both bnto thee. "bnUnotbentome, anb bvbbeft not adtf™
3famtbe(i5obof2i5etbei,tbberethou tell me, tbat^hnpgbtljaueict tljee go himm
annopntebft tbe (tone fet bp on an enbe, tbv tbav tbitb mirtb anb fongucs, ibitlj SS.^
anb tbbere tbou botbebft a botbebnto tvmb?ciianbbarpe^ SSJ!?:Stu
tne : notbe therefore arpfe anb get tiicc
, 23 anbljaftnotfutTrcbmetobvffemi) SfflS
* mg
outcftbiscountrep, anb returne bnto tDvlbzen anb mv baugbters; tljou tbaft

tbe lanbe tbbere tbou tbaft borne.

a foole notbe in fo bopng.
14 Xbcn aunftbercb Barbel, anb Hea, w u
29 5ro?itiS inm?banb tbJOugb <5on
(n) Wic nrtco
Hint potcct,
anb faib bnto htm : bane vbe hab as vet to bo vou Ijurt: i6ut tbe d5oo of pour fa- oupiia:toiD.
" Br man-
any ponton 0; iubentaume in our fa* tber fpabe bnto me veftcrntgbt, faping: hood.
tbcrsboufe? Xabc beebe tbat tbou fpeake not to
15 SDoti) not be count bs euen as ftraun* 3facob ought faue goob.
gets doi'm bath foibe bs, $ bath quite 30 anb notbe tbougb tbou tboulbett
beuoureb alfo ® our moncp. nebesbe goneatbap,becaufe tbou fo;e
linn* 16 Xberfoje all tbe rpebes tbbiebe 45ob Iongeft after tbv fathers bcufe, pet Co) 0c Jooja
tbbcrfo?e haft tbou ttolltn mp goDSi 111M5CB
bath taken from our fatber, that is in

ours anb our cbplbjens : notbe tben Ca) 31 3acob aunftbereb anb fapoe to Ha* l)onout of bin
C5ooo: OfhaB

tbbatfoeuer d5ob Dart) fapbe bnto tbee, ban: betaufe3J tbasafrapbe,? tljougbt bpmtsfyercljc
bef jjc

tftatbo. tljat peraouenture tbou tboulbett take C;'uuro;a;ip.

17 1Cben3Jatobrofebp,ffetbis founts atbap tbp baugbters from me.
anb tbpnes bp bpon cameiies: jz 25ut tbitb tbhomfoeuer tbou finbeft
18 3nb earpeb atbav all bis flocftes, anb tXtt goos, lctbpnt nv^* ^tte before sin/m**

all bisfubftaunce tbbiclje be bab p?oru*
rcb, tbe increafe of bis catteii tbljicb be
our brethren, feebe tbat tbpne is bp me,
that macbel C!°t)M ftolen them.


l)ab gotten tn" i0cfopotamia, fiw to ^S;


goto^jfabacbisfatfjerbnto tbe lanoe s? Xbenibcnt?Laban into Jacobs tent, ^.m™™

ofCbanaan. anb into ?Leas tent, anb into the tibo S$«"
fc&a* 19 asutlLaban® tbas gone to fbcarc \)\S mapbferuaunts tcntes: but founb them e
«)eepe:anbaaatbel Ijab ttolcn bcr fa* not. ICbentbentbe out of Heas tent,
tl)tts w images.
EH?" «w
anb cntreo into Kacljeis tent:
20 anb gjacob ftale atbap tl)e l)eart of tanen images,
34 anb asacljci l;ao rtje

or ?laban tbe £>#ian,in tljat Ijc tolbc bim anoputtbcmintbccamellesftraibef
nottbatbcficb. fiitc botbnc bpon them :
anb JLaban " r) i,v„ Dt l„,
u 5>o flcb ije, anb all tljat Ije bab, anb tofTcb bpr aU p teut,but
founb tljem not. *$\CZ
•f ""» w
35 %\)tn
, -
lac GenefiIS. Jacob.

35 Xljcn her father: my

faptse fbe to they baue borne*
3Lojb, be not angry that 3? ran not ryfe 44 tome on,anb CV) let bs
jftoTbc tbcrfoje
Dp before tl)cc, fo? the euftomc of *bo* 3
mane a league anb tbou, tbljicfj may ""r«mcc™

men is come bpon me. S>o fcarcheb he, be a ibytncfTe bettbene me anb tbce. JtoniKiint
en sioH's Z ut m of
remapneb m bnt (0 founbe not thofc images. 45 Xbcn toueSJatob a ftone,anb fet it bp fubtclp
t;ll after tve 36 3lnb 3?atob tbas ttyotb, anb thobe onenbe.
ibitn fLaban. 5!acob alfo aunftbereb 46 3mb 3Iatob faybe bnto bis b?eth:en:
anb (apo to him : ibbat bane 3
trefpafc gather ttones. 3lnb tbey tone fronts,
fcb< 02 moat hanc 3J offenbeb tbce,that anb mabe an bcape : anb tbey byb eate
thou bocft foje pnrfue after me< there bpon the beape.
37 %bou halt toffeb bp all my ftttffc,anb w
47 ^nb Haban tallcb it 3f egar 5>a!ja* M S»pralK

ibbat haft thou founbe of all thy boufc; butlia: bttt3fatob taileb it <2>aleeb. ""iJ6rs,M«
fignifie the

hoibe fluffed put it here before tby b?e* 48 %tyw faibe ?Uban:tljis Deape is ibif< otapc of (,,(.

tb?cn anb my bjctbjcn, that they may neffe bcttbene tl)ee ano me tljis bay,
Sdojbc (ETaJcm
tubgcbctTbtrtbsbotlj. tbcrfoje \a \& ralieb " ©aleeb, 'Bcantth,

49 ^nb " ^tfpal) :

3S 26eholb,tb!Stibcnticycrehauc3J ben fo? fje faib, rt)e Hojb "
CO W>"» Mitfpah.
tuassobsbcs ibtth tbec,tby fljeepe anb tby goates
lobe bettbenetljee anb me Vbhcn ibe are Thatji,j
nefitcvet be;
ijauc not ben barren, anb the rammes
Coisco Spon beparteb one front another,
JLaban fo> glaircf
Jacobs fa&c:
fo Jacob court
of thy floclte baue 3
not eaten. 50 3}ft!)ouft)aitbere mybaugljters, o? Cp) ©cram
tCtlj It l)IS. ?9 n9i)atfoeuer ibas tome [& bzMc$] 3 fl)alt tane
otljer ibyues befibe my conbtmpiittj
tic fume of

brought it not bnto thee, but mabe it baugljters : fjerc is no man tbitl) bs,be< Pol?Sai»ic,i
fchctcof bt

goob my fclfc:of my rjanbe btbbeft tfjou Ijoioe, <£5ob [tt[ mytnefTe bettbirt me aiasofojcib^
requite it that mas ftolen by bay o? anbtljee.
nyght. 51 ^nb Haban faybe mo?eouet to 3& ®
40 gjibasirf futlje raft, that by bay the rob : beljolbe tljis !;eape, anb tljts ttone
heate tonfumeb me, anb the froft by fet bp on enbe, mljirbe 3
fjaue laybc
nygbt, anb my flepe beparteb from bettbirt me anb tljee,
mine eyes. 5i ^yisljeapebeM)itneffe,anbaifotl)iS
41 Xhusbauc^lbentrbenticyereinthy ftonc fet bp on enbe, that wyll not 3
Doufe, anbferuebtbec fourteene yeres come otter ttjisljcape to tljee, anb thou
fo? tljy two baugl)ters,anb fire ycre fo? fljait not tome ouer this heape anb this
thy tbeepe, anb tbou baft cbaungcb my done fet bp on enbe bnto me, to bo any
reibarbctentymes. Ijarmr.
©o6 4z ^Murccptttjecsob of my father, 00 3fb?a!jam, anb the »
irouloc not 53 1Cbe <s>ob of ftssaSmclicS
l)auc ttjc
tbcoobofabzabam, anb the fcarc of d5obofi5arho?, anbttje 45ob of they?
(its (aire gtt<
ben of his tuft
3ffarjacDabbcn lbitb me, furely thou father, be iubge bettbirt bs. ^nb 3Ja- iBoo, ano 10

nabbeft fent me aibay notbe all emptie (a(

rob ° fibareby the feare of his father
but d5ob bebelbe my tabulation anb 3ffahat.
the labour of my banbes, anb rebutteb 54 1Chen 3arob n^n rarrtfire bpon the
[tW] ycftcrnyght mounte, anb ralieb his b?etl«en to eate
43 3mb Haban aunftbereb anb fayb bn* b?eab:anb tt)t^ bib eate b?eab,anb tary/
to 3Jatob : thefc baugbters are my ebalinyghtinthehyll.
baugbters, anb tbcfc cbylbjcnare my 55 Snb early in the momyng ILaban
tbyiwcn, frtbefefbecpearemy fbecpe, rofe bp, anb Hyffeb his fonnes anb
anb that tbou fecft is myne: anb
all l)is baugbters, anb
^ blefleb them:
ibbat tan 3
bo tljisbay bnto thefe my anb Haban bepartyng, ment into his
baugbtcrs,o? bnto their cbtlbjcnlbbirb place agaync.


Hacob. Genefis.

f The .xxxij Chapter. .

ijsoj) c omfojtetb gjacob tmttj a btfton of

4 Hacobs meffertaers ber'tirr &nt emii^m
tbefauour of t>«s$ blotter crau.
two parcel^. 9jac b
7lacobDeaioetb tbe meooIc anoaii
m wD 'W*5»8^^ : HSttS %£
fpng bt5 bntoojtbpneffc. rj 3acob fenDctb gpfteg bato <£fau
big tatter
™ %J5£ rS*
nteo aftael. 52 «he 3!etcejs Do not eate tbe tmotoe of tbe tb igb. aacob w na

3 WJacobtbentfoojtlj 15 3n*J)etawberethatfamenpg!)f,
onhistournep,anb Ca;> anb tone of tbat tbhiebe came to lianbe, 3D
the angelies of d5ou C!0
apjefent fo^cfauljisbwtbcr: (31 lliouetl)
Sois tow
came anb met him. 14 XU)o l)iinb?eb 0)ce gotes,ano ttbentie tapnelp pcr=
fnj.ncD of
t|8 [MtCCtlO,
TllHtftatc l)C
anbwhen3Jacobfatb nee gotes, tmo hnnb^co u>cpe,$ tiben- <Bot>3 help!,
yet ljc \)'ttt>
i» «
them,tjefapbe:thisis tierammes, fUctjc rac.itics

gobs boftc,$calleo the 15 Xljirtie mfltfte camenes nxtft

nno commit:
ii cm* name of the fame plate, <*> s$ahanatm. tbe Cues

armies <>;> foltes.tbnrtiemn^anbtenbulles^cn' <eiTetoi0ta.
3 anb
3Jatob fent nteflengers before tie Ojec aflcs,anb ten foaies:
Dim to efau f)t0 toother, bnto the lanbe ' i6 3lnb bciiuereb rpein into tlje fianbes
"0fc«- of&cir,the flelbeofebom: ofbisferuauntes, euerpbwnebp tljcm
4 anb ftc comuiaunbeb them, raping felues, anb fapbe bnto tya fcruauntcs:
(t)13r|™n Xhus (ball pe fpcane to mp » SLozoc go footfn before me, anb pnt a fpace be^
tnni'OMlt (ffau, tbp fcruaunt 3lacob fapeth thus:
million, lie
«o(ttt)n»t)iiu 3J haue ben a ftraunger with Haban, 17 anb be tommaunbcb the fo?moft,fap^
ano haue ftapeb there bnto this time, ing: 31 eran mp brother meete tljee,
5 anbhaueoren,aflcs,anbU)eepe,mens ano afbe tbee, faping, ibbole art tbou;
fcruauntes,anbWomenferuauntes:anb anb robptljer goeft tbou; anb mhofe
ijauc fent to ujewe [ft] mp £o?b,that
map finbe grace in ihp fight.
3 aretpefe [tbatgoj befo^etheef
18 JCftou toalt fap, tljep be tbp rernaunt „*
6 anb the mcflengers came agapne to 3lacobs,anb it is a p^efent fent bnto mp r
3iaeob,faping : ujc tame to thp toother Hozbecfau,anb bcholbe, heljint felfe
<£fau,anbfie commeth to mecte thee, commetb after bs.
anb hath foure huntocb men With hint. 19 ^nb fo tommaunbeb De tlje feconbe,
7 z5ut3Jacobwasgreatlpafrapbc,anD anb the tljirbe,anb all tbat foioibeo tlje
will not mhithc mar to turnc him felfe: b^oucs^aping.'on tbis maner fee that
anb bcuibeb the people that was with pou fpealte bnto <£fau when pe meete
him^nbthethecpe, anb oren, anb ta- ppm.
mcllcs,into trbo tompanies: 20 anb fap mo?eouer: beholbe,thp fcr-
8 ano fapb,if efau tome to the one part nauntjacob alio commeth after bS:fo/
ano finite it,the other than fane it felfe. he fapbe, IJibpil appeace" his tbzath i, His face.
faitljbpcr- 9 ano 3/acobfaib agapne : ct0 <rD 00b of U)itbtbe Tp?ereiittljatgoetIjbefo

Purer nip father atoaham,anb<0ob of nip fa- anbafterttjarbfibnifceljimmp felfe, anDrccumng
"Hcolooii) „
J«1B ther JJfahac, Hojbe Whiclje favbett bm perabuentnreljempllreccaue"me to ***%&

tome,returnc bnto ihp coutttrcp,anb to grace.

I 'c tbp ftinreb,$
mill 00 lbcii with thee: 21 foment the p?efcntbefo?ehpm: anb

w5am"notwouUpof the leaft of all tarpeo ai tljat night in the tompanp.

J"ll Sens II
« mercpes ano trueth whiche thou 22 anbljerofe bp the fame npght, anb
f^fmrrt j

haft ftcweb bnto thpferuaunt:fo? With

'•""aiuun. toftehis tmo ibpucs, $ Ijistibo mapoe*
mp ttaffe earned ouer this 3lo?bane,? fernanntes, anb ijis eicucn tonnes, anb Naii.xxi.
nome baue J gotten tibo companies. went ouer the fojbe * Jabor. Deut. ii.

Deliner me from tlje banb of mp b?o* (!>(!>« foneftt
23 anb he tone them,aub fent tbem ouer a foliunc
tber craujo?
feare ftpm, left be lbpil the rpuer, anb fent ouer tljat ljc Ijab.
SE.*B«ntr= comeanbfmpteme,[i?eaj c,->tpe motljer 24 anbjfatob ibas left ijpm felfe co a* j«f|«« bnto
«JJtl)tl)ccbplb?en. lone : anb there ttvaftcieb a man mttlj nvc troubles
rcmivncD. pet
*-uoiifapocft, 3Jtt)piifurelp bo tljee ljpm,bnto the tocanpng of the hav> tjeOiuloouen
rt come ali-
SpoD, anb malic tftpfeebe as tlje fanbe 25 anb when ije fame that he conlbe not thi-3otiliiO:-
en) ^Muijrj
otujefca, ibbiche can k)
pjeuaple agapnft ljpm, he fmotc Ijpm ticrcoinc m
not be numtyeb temptation.
bponthehucfeleboneof his thigh, anb retfomein5r«
the ncrir.
theftucftlebone of facobstljiglj loofeb bleflcbljymtbere.
out of iovnt aslje \bjattieb vuitl) i)tm. 30 3mo 3iacob calleb tlje name of ttje
16 3lno tie fartr.iet me go,fo? tlje bav b?ea* 3
mate " ^eniel: fo? Ijaue <« feene d5oo
* ™*
nctlj.i©ljicljeaunftbercb:3ttnttnotiet face to face,anb my life is pjeferueb,
(I) weougljt
to ocurc gobfl tljee go,cjcccpt
tljou bleflc me, 31 2mb as be ibent ouet 0enicl, tlje <&
grccuous foc= i7 2nb Ije fapoe Unto ftpnt : rbljat is tljp funne rofe bpon Ijym, anb l)e tjalteb bp* <&2>$
net goDB pfc» pouljistljigb. wjhwtg
fence tyul) ben
name? D?e aunftbcrcb:3Jacob.
name no 3mb tljcrefoje it
to via.

""That is,
one that
18 $c faybc:tljv
mo?e "Jacob, Out " 3ifrael
pjincc ijatt tljou ityaftelcb rbitb d5ob,
: m
fljaibe calleb
as a

of 3Jftael eatenotof
is tbat tbe ct)yU«cn jji luw
Cbeanfte in tljat plate of
finnoibe tbat
tlje tbiglj, bnto
with God. ano ttntt) men,anb Ijaft pjcuavlcb. tf)isbay:becaufe tljat be toucijeb tbe
(in) Sje belt*
tethmo»epcr= 19 2lub 3iacob aflub Dim, faying : tcll fcucwebone of Jacobs tlngf), about t^e
tcct fcnoirlcgc
of tl)ID U'Jllll:
mctljy «»"« 3mbljcfayoe:U)ljei:efo?c finnotbe$atu5tanue«
Icr, fo; ljc

VillCOTC l)I>IM tO
boeft tl)ou afue after my name < 3mb ije
us not graun*
^ The. xxxiij Capter.

1 Cfau meetetb W tobom lacob courttetsmetfettj. 4 <5fau fiptTetb laeob

bjotbet, "tott^
bis bjotbet,an& tss at an attornment witlj 8pm. 11 Cfau rcceauetb bfebjotberis rj?ft.

io gjacob buploetb an aultet bnto ©00.

2 3icob ivftpng bp Ijis biaceb bim,anb fel on bis necue,anb uif*

eycs,ioouco, anb be* fcDl}im,anbtbepibept.
Ijoloe efou came, ba* ^nb be ivft bp b<s eves, anb fatbe tbe
uynglbttljbvmfourc lbomcn $ tlje cl)iio«ien,ano fatb: vbljcnce €
ljunojeb men : anb Ije Datt tljou tbefe^ ^nb be aunftbereb:
DcniDcbtbecl)ilb?gbn* tljev are tlje (0 cljao?cnvbljicb gob Ijatlj re6lt

tofLca,anoontoBa* geuentbvfetuaunt. not (»«"•

rljcl, anb bnto tbe nbo Ijanomayocns. 1Cben came tfje Ijanbmavocns foo?tlj,
t 2lnb Ije put tbe Ijanbmaybcns $ tl)cpj anb tbcit cljvlb?en, anb orb tljeie obep
rbvlb;cn fomioll, ano Hca anb bet cbti- faunce.
(f> »« pet
D?cnaftce, anb 5Kacljcl anb
3ofcpl) 1
?Lea alfo tbttb bee rf)ilb?en, came ano
Jacob toafl
not ccttificD of Ijuioctmoft.
tbe wcroga=
nyn tljeic obevraunce; 3lnb laft of all
tiucof Juca.
3 3no be ibent before tljem.ano bolbeo came 3tofepbanb 3aacljel, anb ty* (0) IfrtifSK?

bimfclfcto t\)t grounbe ftucn tpmes, tljcp?obepfaunce.

Dmiu be came to bis tyotln r anb Ije fapoe : ibbat is all tbe bjcue
a?'jDi).itiitiic (b
licjr tv"D of tlje
toichcoui Ijig
4 - €fau eanne to mcete Ijym, anb im* Vbljicbe 3f met t tyt aunfibeeeb : tljat 3
IjanDc. may
® . .

Gencfis. XX11J.
map fintjc state in tbe ftgbt of mp lo?bc. fo?eme, anbtbecbpttnenbeabicto en-
9 anb tffau faibe 3 Dauc inougb nip
bure,bntill3J tomcbnto mp?Lo?bbnto
b?otbcr, ncpe tbat rtjou baft bnto tbp speit*
felfe. 15 anb efau fapb :
J tbill leaue fome of ^
C io anb 3Jacob aunftbereb : iftap p?ap 5 mpfolbe tbitb tbee.attD bcaunftbercb: 2>
tbce,buttf3ibauefounbe grace in tbp tbbat necbef b it 1 3J [ball finbc grace in
figbt,rcceauc 31 p?ap tbee mp p?efcnt of tbeftgbtofmp?Lo?be.
mp banbe: fo? 31 baue feene tb.p face,as i6 &ocfautbentbis tbap agapne tbat
tbougb 31 Ijao feene tbe fate of d5oo, fame bap bnto £>eir.
ano fo tljou baft rcccaueb me to grace. 17 anb 31 acob tofee bisionrnep totbarbe
ii 4DD tafee mp bleflpng tbat is b?ougbt &ucbotb, anb bupu bimanbourc,ano
co fo? d5ob batbfyib mertp on me,
LjIfotaM) tbee: mabc boortjes fo? bis catteli: anb tbere*
KM lt»" anb 31 baue inougb . anb fo be compel* fo?c is it, tljat tbe name of tbe place is
Icbl)im,anbI)ctobert, C8)
caiieb &utbotb.
n anb l;c faibe : let bs tafee out iournep, 18 anb3Jatobcameto£>ale,aeiticofS)is BCi)t,rol|icl)io
nlfo fo naraco
ant) go, 31 tbpil go before tbee. rijem,^ Ibbiebe is intbe lanbe of Cba- of rentes.

jftfomucba *5 *3Jacob aunftbereb Dim: my lo?b,tbou naan,after tbat be tbas come fronts J3um.jtieriif.
imotbefttbat tf)e tbplb?en ate tenner, fopotamia,ano pitcbeb before tbe cine. Ittj 3>ict>ar.


Tlttltt Of
anb tbe fmaU anb gteat tattcll tbitb I? anb* bougbt a parccll of grounbe, KE vii.

poung bnbet mp banbes, tbbicb if men ibbere be pitcbeb Ijis tent, of tbe cbpl*
O)ouibouetb?puebuteuenone bap, all b?cnof $emo?;S>icbems fatber, fo? an
tbeflocfeetbplibpe. hunb?etbpeetesofmonep. .

14 4DD let mp ?Lo?be go befo;e tyis fer* zo anbbe (0 mabetbereanaulter,anb SSSrSS

uaunt, anb 3J tbpil b?puc fap?e anb fofo taileb it,t|)e migbtie d5ob of ^ftaeu sSSi
tjt confeflctl»
lp,aeco?bms as tl)t tattcll tbat goetlj be*
^" The. xxiciiij. Chapter.
|ttt U fa
i €\k rauttbftig of ©ma8 &cmo! required) £>tna fo; a topfe f02 flijJ tonne. 1 r die

ftcmonatip^ tonnes of lacob Do gup lefuflp require tbe feicbemt tejs to be arcumcijeD. 20 che o;at ion
of $emo«rto tfte people, is Simeon ana jieut Do murtfttr tftc ctrcuranjcD ^tcfteraitejs.
30 cftep be blameD of 3acob t^epi father.

a* 3lna bangbtet of
ttje ltuotb becaufc be ban \b?ougbt follp in

flca,ibbicbc fbebate tbatbe ban lien ibitblJacobs

3lfrael. in
bnto3facob,tt)entout bangftjer, rbljicbtbingougbtnottobe
to fee tbe oaugbtets bone.
Bfntcunofo 25
3lnD imnoi communeb tbitb tbcm,

[ttofHwijiy of tbe lanbe. 3

Bun to.ia

JncoouOpt fl9l)omtt)hcS>irfjeui Taping: tbe fouie of mpfonne Nebcin,

tbefonncof^emo?tbc longetb fo? pour baugbter, 31 P#P pou Cbtfw
(t) CO
^einte Ho?be of tbrtountrep rarbe, be geueberbimtoU)pfe. tl;cts conrcnt,

tobe ber,f lap tbitb bo:,anb u fo?tcb Ijer.

"Humbled in TTian.igc,

llcr. 9 ^nb matte marpages tbitb bs , anb to M

mucl) fet tf
3 3lnb \>is beart lape bnto Dina tbe geue pour baugbters bnto bs, anb tauc
rToiw baugbterof3!aeob, anb be loueb tbat our baugbters bnto pou
bamfeu,anb fpabe " bpnblp bnto bet. 10 anb pe njailbtbell tbitb bs, anb tbe
4 3lnb ^icljem fpafte bnto bis fatbet ianbe(balbebefo?epou: btbell,anb bo
^emo?,ftping : get me tbis mapbenbn^ pour bufines tberein, anb baue poffcirt-
tomptbpfe. onstberin,
5 3lnb3Jacobbeatbtbatbebabbcfilcb n anb5>icbem faib,bnto ber fatberanb
Jina bis bangbtet, (bis fonnes bepng bnto bet b?etb?cn : let me finoe grace tn
ibitb tbeit tattcll in tbe ficlbe) anb 31a* poutepes, anbtbbatfocuet pe appoint
cob c» bcibe bis peace bntill tljep lbcrc me,tbattbpll3fgeue.
K ?' tome. c0 botb?p anb CO 1*« 13it*

It ante frceip of me botb

MS*** bjnue ujoioc

gpftcs, ano3Jtbvll gewe atto?bpng as

6 ^nb l^cmo?tbe fatber of 3>icbem,
went out bnto 3*acob to common ibitb pe rap bnto me, fo tbat pe geue me tbe
geutn 10 a
mapDC in re=

7 3inb rbljentbe fonnes of 3facob (com* 13

bamfeiitoibpfc. ^
26ut tbe fonnes of 3lacob aunftbercb

wing out of tbe ficlbe) bcaroe it,it grec* to^icljemano ^cmo? \)\s fatber, tal
I K, wtbtbem, anb tljep were not wa little Ringamonflefttbcmfeluesbecciptfttiip,
lacob. Genefiis. Efiau,

becaufc he haD DcfileD 2>ina their filler. llaunce, anD all their catteli w be ours;
14 3tnD they fayDt bnto them: lbe ran let bs only confent bnto them, anD they
not do tbisthing, that iDc IboulDe gene UMi Dibell ibtthbs.
is niiiBc .1 pjcc
outfitter to one that is (s) bnrtrcumci* 24 anD bnto $ento; $ £>icljem his fonne, SB**
tcncc (01 ti;c in
fcD, fojthat iberean abomination bn* whcarneneD all that tDcnt out at the ism. *»»
anger. tobs. gate of his citie : anD all the males there ™wi>a»ii«
15 2Sut in this lDill lbe cottfent bnto you: circumcifeD, ibhatfocucr rbent out at tea fco Jt, (

jwttiout in,

if ye ibyll be as lbe be, tj all the males the gate of tits cine. Knowlttij,/,,
mm cbrUren. cw

antongett yoube eircumnfeD: 25 3toD the thirDe Day, tbhyies they tufbet).
lute tl/C liotp
i6 Xhcn \byll lbe gene our Daughters tberefo?e,tibo of tl)e Tonnes of 3lacob, SD
Sritljout tt= bnto you, anD tafteyour Daughters to Simeon $ %mi w
3>inas b2eth2cn,tORe "W iter,

fccrjj tl>rrof.
bs,anD ttnll Dtbcll tbith you,anD be one eythcr of them his fib02De,anD ihent in* "tabanc*.
of tbt

people. to the cittc bolDely, anD flue all that

17 not hearken bnto

ffiut anD if ye ibyll ibas male,
bs to be circumtifeD, then ibyll roe taftc 26 2nD fluealfo $emo2 anD Co) d.chem (•J'tbtmi

our Daughter, anD go our ibayes* his fonne ibith theeDgeof thefibojDe, ia puniibts
toenail tit

18 %\)m ibojbcs pieafeD ^emoi, anD anD tone 2Dina out of 3>ichems Doufc, P*plt.

dithcin his fonne. anD ibent they; ibay.

3inD the young man DeferDe not foi to
ij 3nD the fonnes of 3Jacob commyng
do the thing, becaufe he haD a tuft to bpon " the DeaD, (<° fpoyieD the citic,bes "Thevn.
Jacobs Daughter: he ibas airo mod ret taufe they haD DcfileD their fitter. CP) (Sob
by,of all that ibas in his fathers houfe. 28 3(nD tone their (heepe, orcn,anD their all men tin

20 Xhen $ent02 anD Cithern his fonne aires, anD tbhatfoeuer ibas in the citie, mudjljeliai
(t) Common
ibent bnto the ° gate of their cttie, anD
tcth all urn

nircmticB ano
anDaifointheficlDes. tleanntlt.

mere Hicii in
comnuineD lDtth the men of their citie, 29 anD «° all their gooDes, anD all thtir (<i) to «ii
trjc gates of
faying: ehtiD2en,anD their tbiues,toue they cap* nttjpng
fall, tbat
m tu
mon fojt are
n Xhefe men lyue peaceably among
tiue,anDmaDchauocaeofaU that Ibas lobe tint
IWC prrftoa-: bs,anb Dibell in the lanbe, anD Do they; in the houfe. tiona.

t en toitl;pjuu
hie tl) en bo- occupation therein : anD beholbe, the ?o 26ut3Jacob rayDe to Simeon $ fUut:
lanDe is large inough fo? them,tbe ttnll ye haue troubieo me, anD maoe me " to "tofliflfkfc

tabe their Daughters to iDiucs, $ geue be abhojreD of the inhabitours of the

them our Daughters. lanb of theChanaaniteanD the inhere*
22 £>nly herein vbiii they confent bnto bs 3ite: anD 3J beyng fetbe in number,they
f02 to Dibell tbith bs anD to be one peo-, (hall gather the reiucs together againff
ple : if all the males that are among bs me,anb flay me, anD fo (ball 3J anD my
be rircumcifcD, as they are cucumri houfe be DeflroyeD.
feo< 31 3tnD they aunfibereD : fboutoe he « IpWpDrffflK

1$ £>hall not their gooDes anD their fob; Deale tbith our fifter,as ibith anharlofc futb baibi-
Done vcit^oat

pon (onunf.
tntK gstlf


^ The. xxxv. Chapter. ipnsc"^

©on eommaaitfictlj %acob to go t>p into »etl)rt,anD to ba^oe an atrttet*. zgjacob com*

tnaunoett) tlje iDolst to be taficn atoap. 5 <KoD puttetb giacobs enemies tn feare. efacob
cotnmetl) into 75ttW 7 Cbe boufe of d5oo.
. 8 ©ebo^a Dpetb . 10 ©oo nametb fatob
Slfrael agape, ncbanaantjjpjomtft&bpmagapne. i^JBetbeT. 16 Kacbel banging
toottl) »em'amtn,D?et^. i&Cptoatfia. 2i®t)egraueofisacbci. 22jBubenivetlitDitf
bis( fatbersi concubine. 25 cbe fonnes oC3|acob. 2731acobcommetb tolfabac. 2j>9|fa«

/B3r> w d!>oDfayDbnto fleDDefl ftom the face of eratt thy

(i) cBod 3Jacob:arpfe,anbget bother.
jnpU continue
aUp pfocurcf thee bp to Bethel, anD XUen faybe 3Iatob bnto DtS fionfe* 1
health of bis toiw"'
Churcbc. as much there ,<int) mane hoioe, anD to all that mere ibith hym:
be o»tb Has
cobs in rbts
mifcraWc eafc
there an auiter bnto put aibay the flraunge gobs that are mm !

0oD that appeareD among you,anD be cleane, juiD chatmge

bnto thee ibhcn thott your garmentes.
3 5fo?

ICv.' b. Gencfis.
3 f ojibeibyllarpfe anb go bp to ase* 15 3lnb Jacob calleb tlje name of the
rbel, ana 3* u»pu mabe an aulter tljcre place U)ljere €>ob Tpabe ibttlj
bnto <£»ot),\D!)tcl)e Ijcarbe me in tbe bap 2it>ctljel. on jrojrtc

of nip affliction, anb ibas tbitft me in is anbtljcp beparteb from asetbeltanb

tljcibaplbnicbe^lbcnt. ibljcn be bjas bnt a ftclbe
Done, it tuos

fccabtb from afecrajiroe

4 anb tljep gaue unto Jacob all tbe co €pb2atlj,&acljelbegantotraucil,anb
e.illco isctiij,
ncn. tliitis,

(traungc gobs ttrfjtclje tfjcp fjao in tbeir m trauarltng,a)e tbas in perm:
" Ephratlu.

lit. banb,anb al tljeir cartages lbljicb ibere 17 ^nb as u> ibas inpapnes of Ijer la-
in tljcpj earcs,anb Jacob Ijpb tfjem bn* bour tlje mibibife faibe bnto ber : feare
net an obe tDljtcljc ibasbp Sricljem. notfoj tbis fonnc is tbpne alfo.
anb ibljcn tljcp bcparteb,tlje fearc of 18 Xften as Ijer foule ibas aueparting co CO
1S0B ta=
aonp his
<l5ob fcl bpon fl)c cities tbat ibere rounb (fo? fbcbieb)a)c calleb bis name "
Sutea, fjjtlit
about tljem,anb tbep DiD not purfue tlje oni, but bis fatljcr calleb ij^nt" J6en^ " That if,
fonnes of 3Jacob. iamin.
my forowc.
§>o tame "Jacob to Hit*, ibbiclje is in 19 ^nb tbus bieb Bacljel,anb tbas buri- That 1^
tbeianbc of Cfjanaan (tbe fame is ase* eb in tlje lbap to eplj?atb, ujbicljc is tM°™°c
tbel) be anb all tlje people tfjat ibas asetb lebem.
anb Jacob w fet bp a done on

tt)iti)l)im. 20 enbe (10 €)nlpi

mcinoiull of
Mb be n anb fee 00 builbcb tbere an aulter,anb bponljcr graue:Jbbicbe is calleb Ea- I)Ct ftpiUCl)2C,

Ijlirchc d5ob of 25ctljci, be;
calleb tlje place, tlje cljcls graueftone bnto tljis bap. tiopcotttfiu*
jbiifis, Kctwn.
twb tp caufc tbat gob appcareb bnto Ijitn tbere 21 3lnb Jfrael lbent tbence, anb pitdjeb
fpcrn- ibljen be fleb fro tlje face of bis bzotljcr. bis tent beponbe tlje totbze of €ber.
8 25ut3Debo?a Rebeccas nurfcbieb,anb 22 3lnb as Jfraei bibelt in tljat ianb,3au- 0)CtuatI)e

ben ibent anb w lap tbitlj igtiba bis fa*

masburpeb beneatt) asetbel bnber an 1st ibe obole
obe : anb tlje name of it ibas calleb, tlje concubine:anb it came tojfracis
tljers '0 »«e t\tt
onBa- "ofce of lamentation". eare.Xljefonncsotlfatobiberctibciue belli fume to
tjojtiblc Qnnc
9 anb appeareb bnto 3facob a*
<£>ob in number.
gayne, after ije came out of spefopota* 23 Xbe fonnes of fLea !auben Jacobs
nos mia,anb co blcfrebljim. ftrft borne ibnne, anb Simeon, 9 Hcui,

io anb <£fob fapb bnto Dim : tby name is anbjuba,anb jfacbar,anb zabuion.

Jacob, nottbitbltanbing tbou fbaitbe 24. %$t fonnes of ftacftel ; Jofepb anb
no mojc cailcb3Jacob,but3!fraci fbaibc 25eniamin.
tbp nanie : $ Ije calleb bis name 3Jfraei. 25 anb tbe fonnes of zsuija Bacbeis
ii anb d5ob fapb bnto ijim : a™ <25ob 3 banbiuavDc : SDananb ^cpntbaii.
almigbtie,be fruitcfull anb multiplie : a 16 anb tbe fonnes of zilpba ?tcas
taclue nation, anb ®
a multitubc of nations Ijanbmaybe: ©ab anb afcr 1 Xbefe are
(ball fpjingof tbee,?ca anb binges fbail tlje fonnes of Jacob tbljicb tbere borne

tomeoutoftljvlopnes. bimin^efopotamia.
Plana of
ptl| M
i* anb tbe lanbe ibljiclVj (s) gaue atya- 27 anb fo Jacob cameCm) bnto jraljac bis fml Re b»»
bamanb3iral)ac,tbil3rgcucbr.totbcc, fatber to i^amre, bnto Ciriatb arba, ^°' n pm l

anb bnto tljp feebe after tbee lbvll 3 w
mbiebcts^ebjon, ibbereab?aljam jfsms

Mbit is anbjfabacbibelt. tarma «. mil.


*3 anb fo <5ob beparteb from bim,in tlje 28 anb tbe baves of 3Jfaljac rbere an S8S
plate tbbere be bab taibeb ibitlj bim. ljunb?eb anb fourefco?e vcres. £«&
H amejacob fct bp on cnbe in tlje place 29 anbjfabacbecavebaibap,anb breb, ?"££,>
lbljcrcbe talbeb Ibitlj Ijimccucnj a ftone anb ibasiapbe bnto bis people, bepng ^ZZ™
fetbe bp on enbe, $ poimcb bnntte offc- olbe anb full of bapes . anb bis fonnes Z"-%IT
fsaa bo:nc
tingtberon,? po«j?eb alfo oplc tljeron cfau anb ^acob burpcb Ijtm. SBbcnJi'abat

^ The .xxxvj. Chapter.
2 Cije topuciS of €fau. 6 «Efau Dtodlettj on mounec $ietr. 7 <£fau anD giacob rpci^e mem
9 C&e tjenerattonsi of <£tau,W fat&cr of W
giDumeanis. u 3malecB.
i^efcarc tlje generate tcr of €bon an ^etbtte.anb abolibama
onsof€fau,tljcfame tbcbaugljter of ana, tlje baugljtcr of.
isebom. 3>ibcon an tyuitc, ,

*<fffau tobc bis ibiucs 3 anb * asafrmatb Jfmacis baugljtcr,

anb fiftcr of jj2cbaiotlj. ffiSSSST
anbaoabo^ebnto efm eiipb^s:

naan: abaFbaugb' fHHJ'Irtcnoc.
Li.ui. Genef: s. Efiau.

ant) isafcmatlj bare &eljucl.
3Jalam, DttUe Co?ai) : tljefe durcs came
< anD aijoiibama bare 3jcljus,anD 3Ja< of ^lljolibama tlje Daugljter of ^na t
. lam,anD Cojal) . Xljefc arc tlje fonncs ^fausiD^fe.
. oftffau,ibljirtjetbercbo?ncl)i?min tlje 19 Xijefe are tlje ttJvlD^cn of cfau, anD
« lanDcofCljanaan. tlicfc arc tlje duUcs of tljem, Ib^itlje'
6 asio efau to&c Ijis ibvucs, anD Ijis CfauiscDom.
| fonncs anu Daugljtcrs,anD al the fouics 20 Xftcfe are tht clnHDjcn of jfertctfte !»)«»•»

c of ijis Ijoufc, ins gooos, anD all Ijis cat* ^onte, tlje inoabitauntes of tlje lanDe, *SS$ «

« tcii,anb al Ijis fubftauncc tbhiclj l)c IjaD ILotan, anD ^>obal,f ^ebcon.f ^na, Saj; «

got in tlje lanDc of Cljanaan, anD Vbcnt ii 3lnD 2Difon, anD €fer, anD 2Difan : %Z$
co from the face tDefeare tDe DuUcs of tlje ^ojitcs tljc'/fi^
£3 !K
| into a tountrev away
t^lDzcn of 5>cir in tlje lanDc of €Dom. 52" *
( of ijis brother 3Jacob. <

xx 3lnD tlje cl)plD?en of ?Lotan, mere


S 6 '"""9


7 5f o? ttje^rycljcs was tmtcl),ano tftey
couioc not Dwell tcgctljcnanD tlje lanD
tbljcrem tljev were ftcaungcrs coulDe
$o#,an& Remain: anD ^totans

| not rcceaue tljcm, bctaufc of thin pofc 23 Xljc djplDjcn of 5>obai Xbere tljefe : c

25 < fcflions. 3lluan,anD ^analjatl), anD (£bai, §>& <

ft^lT'S Xljus Dwelt tffau^inmounte&cir, pljo,anD€)nam.

&.toi,m <
tlje fame efau,iS€Dom. 24 XDcfe are tlje d)plb?enof <g>ebeon,'
botlj 3tia anD 3lna : tljis ibas tljat ana
GmiSZ Xljefc arc tlje generations of Cfau,
9 \
S°o"T'.X \ fatl)er of tlje CDomitcs inmount 5>eir. tfjat founDe mules in tbe NplDCP.jM*
SSS'< io ano tljefe are tlje names of €faus neffe as u> feDDe Ijer fatljer &ebeons jj^j; <

fonncs : tflipljas tlje fonne of aoa, tlje

' Mhncturt
!&.%t. c affCS.
invfe of € fau, ano ftdjucl tlje fonne of 25 Xlje rtjj;lD?en of ana tbere tbefe : Di= J£8m j

\ 2$afcmatljtI)abifcof<§nv.i. fon^abolibama tlje Daughter of ana. ZST

.ii anD tlje fonncs of eiiptjas, mere z6 %hzfc are tlje crjylDjen of DifonN
< Xljcman, <©mar, £>cpljo, anD C5a* bemoan, anD erban, anD Jetljran,'
« tl)am anDCcna5.
iz anD Xljunna was concubine to €U- 27 XljecDvlD?enof€ferare tljefe: 2BIK
t pljas efaus fonne, anD bare bnto €W Dan,anD5»aauan,anDatan. <

* pljas amaiee : anD tljefe be tlje fonnes 28 Xljc cljplDjen of 2Difan alfo are tljefe:
« ofaDacfausWifc. flsanoacan.
15 ano tljefe are
fonncs of a&cljuei: tlje 29 Xtjeft are tlje Duaes tljat came of;
jBaljatlj, anD zcralj , £>amma , anD
pontes : Dulte ?Laton,Duae ^>obai,

&mS* < ip5*i: tljefe Were p> Tonnes of asafc*

bjmvcw' <
Duke £>ebcon,Duhe ana, <

tnatljcfausWyfe. 30 SDuRc 2>ifon, Duae €fer, Dufee 2Difan:
'14. anD tljefe Were tlje fonnes of aftoli* tljefe be tlje Dufees tbat came of ^o&af*

bania ttjeuaugljtcr of ana,oaugt)tec of ter tljcp? DuReDoms in tlje lanDe of,
, 5>cbcon efaus iDifc : anD (lje bare bnto £>eir. t

* €>?,
< €fau Jeljus,anD ^jalam anD £o?ah. 31 Xljcfe aretlje ainges tljat raigncD in <
XljciciDere Dukes of tlje fonncs of tlje lanDe of eDom, ° befo:e tljere raig- w«r
'i$ «

«vci.wa '
€fmu XbecljiiD»n of eiipljas tlje ncDanpaingbpon tlje ctjplD?en of J&lj-sstf
m, .ib of
, firft borne fonne of efau were tljefe. WCU ,Wcnlrjt«-

hb7&X$h <i6 Cfl)

2DuBc Xljeman,Duke £>mar,Duke 32 Bela fonne of 26eo? raigncD tt<SS3£
("Sci!.= « 5>cprjo, Duke Cenas, anD Duke Cojalj, CDom : anD tlje name of Ijis citie ibas
n^S^m ' Duke (Mtljam, 9 Duke amalce : tljcfc 2E>inljabalj.
*$£&** \
arc tlje Dimes tljat tame of eiipljas in 3j ano iDljcn 25ela DveD , ^obab tlje \
*"** ,

, the lanoc of £Dom, anD thefc were the

fonncs of aoa.
fonne of ^cralj out of* asorra.raigncD « gg
« inljisfleaDe* «

17 Xljcfc alfo are tlje rljilDjcn of fteljucl 34 ©Uen 3!obab alfo Tbas DeaD, l^u^'
€faus fonne : Duuc iI5al)atb, Dubc 5>e* fam of tlje lanDe of Xcmani^aigneD in \
ralj,oufec 5>anmia )DUBe^r55a.Xljcfe IjisftcaDc.

are tlje Dubes tljat tame of laeljuel,
tht lanDc of eoom : anD tljefe are tht
m j5 anD after tlje Deatlj of i^ufam,
$aDaD tlje fonne of aseoaD, lbljiclj uclb *{S*

t fonnes of 2i5afcmatl)€laustuvfe. tUe ^aDianitcs in tlje fielD of tlje ^oa- «• ; R

C « is Xhcfc IDcre tbe cljT>lD?cn of aijolfc bitcs,raigncD in bis ftcaDe ? t^e name w»
: t

« bama cfaus ibpfe ; Dufte 3el)us, DuUe of Ijis citie ibasauitlj.

36 utaljcn

Iacob. Gcneiis. XXV.

*5? ? 6 ml)tn $abab tbas beab, Manual) of 40 Xbefe ace the names Cm) of the buues Cm) $om«
jpoftecal) raigneb in his lieabc. that came of cfou, accojbpng to their; ttipnUt tb«

37 s@Dert <§>amlah ttas beab, Saul " of mnrcbes, places, $ names bufte Xlm- < fmccaoso nf«
tet i kuigcs.
fpbotob rljc rpuct of Bc'hoboth raigneb wins na, bnfte 3Huai),oufte 3fetl)etrj,
fteabc. 41 2>ufceahoubamah,buBC<£lah,bu&e<
38 nahen 5>aultbas beab , ffiaal hanan i&inotr,
the fonne of M)bo; raignco in his 41 jrmue Cena?, buac Xhcman, bufte.'
tteabe. . ^ibfar,
39 3mb Baal hanan
after the beach of 45 2>uBc^agbiei,bubc3Jran. Xhefe«
the fonne of 3tehboj, $abar raigneb in be thebufces of $Dom, accojbpng to'
his fteabe : anb p name off)is cine ibas tbctr habitations in the lanoe of their',
0au, 9 his tbpfes name ro fi0ehccabel, pou*eu*tons. Xhisefauts the father of <
wmtn (as
pjurttl) b? m Daughter of battel), the Daughter

it of peal
[gour among

^ The. xxxvij . Chapter.

1'Jacob tnliaWtctb cBc lanOc of CBanaan. 2 lofepB accufrtb Bfe bjetfrett. 4 cfic fitft
tyeame of 3jotepB. 9 cfee otBer tyeame of 3 ofepB. is &Be bjetbjten of gofepb Do confult
about Bfe oeatb. 22 ffiuben Deltuerctb Btm. 23 lofepb ft caft into a ppfc. 26 »p tbe coun»
cell of 'Juoas Be is folDe to tbc gjfmacltten $2 ©
lie apparell of 1 ofepb mrtvc toco toitB

tbebloooof a ft?D is carpeD to btsfatber. 343acob lamcntetn Bis fonne 3|efepb, 35

gofepB ft foloe to j&utipBat

an acobbtbeltinthclano
ibh?rin his father ibas 3 asutSftael loueb 3JofepD mo?e t^eri
ft) Ut *M
longalrraunger,euen all l)is cJ)plb?en, becanfe l)e begarc i^m tbm.9i.?trt»
ollctoljc Jo-
inpianbeofChanaan. in Ijis
olbc age : anb Ije maoe ftpm a frph -tDJjJ

iSfcST" Xhcfcarep^gcnera* coate of manp" colours. " Peeccs.

(*) £9alicb
tionsof3facob:lbhen 4 3inb when l)is b^et^enfaib tljat tljeic ens mm
^Jofcphibasfeucnteen father loueb I)pm mo?e tben all bis
Vcresolbc,heRepttbecpcnjith his b?e* tyet&tf n,
tljep bateo I)pm,ano couibe

tlttcn, ano the labbe ibas tbith p fonnes notfpca&epcaceablp bnto bpm. (c) *tie

of asiiha, anb tbith ttje fonnes of z»> < ^o?coner,tt)bcn fofcpb

w Dab KM' 6:cann0H«i
hao fingulct
Pha, his fathers lbpucs. 3nb 3Jofcph meb a b;eame, bctolbcitbis b?ctl)?cn, notes irtitrby

bought tmto Ijis rather tl)tvc cupll «jDif0fjatebf)pmrcttbcmo;e, c
c riicti


2>l 6^Jno
1 :

lofeph. Genehs. lofeph,

anb he fain bnto them $care 3 p jay
ttjail fee Kbhat
25 6 :
rbyil conie of bis bjeames.
CO SBorffB
jpouIm fbetot youthis
b?eamevbhicrj 3Jhauebjea* t)
holDC none of ^l nahen Cn) 5aubcn hearbe tljat, be ryb
tbcfc thpnp,c8
tame bp
26cftoluc, tbe ibere bynbyng (beaues
hym out of their hanbes, anb faybe : let
tbauncc. 7 anb bsnot"Ryilhpm.
m the ficibe : anb lo,my Ibeafe arofe
xx %x\\s ftuben faybe mojeouer bnto tt)5: ''Strilcchim
ftoobc bprigbt, ^bcholbc, yourtbeaues
ajcb no bloob 1^3 caft bym into this

ftoone rounbe about, anD inabe obey*

pit that isin tljetbylberneffe, anb laye
« %oftDomhisb?eth?mrav&c:s>hait nobanbe bppon hym : iw* to fapoe]
thoubeaaynginbeebeon bs< o? (bait namely that hemygbtryb hym out of
their hanbes, anb belyuer t)ym to his
thouinbeebchaue bominfon ouerbs*
father agayne.
(8) tSo»a <B
>anb they hateb bym vet themo?e,be*
graces to the
a? lbhen giofepb tbas tome bnto
sooiv ore on
caufe of his bjeames anb of his tbojbes.
his bjethjen, they Orypt hym out of bis
occafion that
the fetcfecb
bate them. 9 anb he bjeameb vet another bjeame,
coate, his partie coloureb coate that
anb tolbe it his bjctljjen, faying : betjolb
•jbauehabone became moje, anb be* ibasbponbym.

ffolbe, tjjc funnc, anb tljemoone,

tjrj. 24 2nb tbey tobe hym, anb taflbym C») mil

ftarresmabeQleyfauncctome. into an emptie pit,tbherein ibas no urn thcnmnttlw


ter. ttioiigfjiitaj

10 anbtohenhehabtoibeittobisfat&ei: Cp)

anb his bjethjen , itfs father rebubcb 25 3lnb tbey fate tbem boibne to cate (P) mq>
tett tnfm;

hym, anb faybe bnto htm : nahat is this b?eab : anb as they lyft bp tfteir eyes fiblcfoittait
an? fernt it

bjeame that tljou halt bjeameb i 3>haU anb iobebabout,anbbeljolb there tame coatrtcratii
(V) »J> H)t
™3Janb thy mother anb thy bjethjen atompanyof3Jfmaelites feom<i5iicab,
cbfefc of the
famine, the
in ntttit tome to bovbc to thee; anb their camclleslaben ibitbfpicerie,
tnhoic ia
barblme,anbmirrbe,anb Kbere goyng
meant. Hot
tbatcnerpont u anb bis b?eth?en enuieb b?m : but his
fhoufdc bo fatijer notcb the faying. Doumc ta cary it to €gy pt.
mothers) as
Iz $isb?eth?enaifoibentto bepe
his fa* 26 ^nb 3luba faybe bnto bis bmbJen
tbctscattellin&icbem. i©bat c,)
auayleth it yf ibe aay our b?o< (q) fN
fljoulw all

care of n boufc
13 anb (( >3,fraeifaybebnto3Jofepb *>o tber, anb Repe hisbloob fetcetc; finncrB faf,

27 Come on, anb let bs fell bym to the

tjolbct fo> bis
nitB*bcaltcs. not tbv bjcttyen ftepc in £>ichcnw come, title toft

anb 3 vbyll fenbe thee to them. 3Jfmaclitcs, anb let not our hanbe be
c 14 aunfibetcb : here am
anb he % bponhim: fb?be is our toother anb our

faybe bnto hym : <5o fee nefbe.^nb his tycth?entbcre content. (!) flure

iMbetbct it be ibell ibith thy bjetbjen 28 %fym as tl)t co ^abianites mar^ mat(l|Mi»w«
of tbe if""'
anbtt)ctatteli,anbb?vng me Vbojbe a* cbauntmenpalTeb by, tbey bjeibe anb

gaync. anb fo he fent hym out of tbe lyft jofeph out of tbe pit, anb folbc him lopnebtogt

bale of fyctaon, * he came to £>icbem. bntotbe3Jrmaelitesfoj tibentiepecces tijwiWjt.

15 anb a tertayne man founbe hym, anb offyiuer. 3lnb they bjougbt JJofepb in-
bcholbe he ibas lbanbjyng out of his to cgypt.
lbaye in the ficibe, anb the manafeeb 29 Xhcn&uben tame agayne bnto tlje
<™ ««. bym :n)hatfcBeftthou< pit,beljolbt, 3(ofeph c^a^not in
I6 iaeaunftbercbt^febemy^b^etb^en, the pit : then he rent b* s clothes,
in ico tell me 3 WW
tljee ibhete rt)cy bepe 30 anD ibent agayne bnto bis bjethtfn,
[cattefl] faying : the lab is not [vonacr j rbo is me,
17 anbthemanfaybe, Xheyarebepar* VbhytberCball^Jgo*
mhence :fo % 3 hauchcarbe them fay,
let bs go bnto SDothan. %hus ibent
3 anb tbey tobe 3Jofepbes coate , anb
Tjofeph after his bjethjen, anb founbe bloob.
tbeminSDothan. 32 anbtbey fent tbat partie coloureb
18 anb ibben tljey fatbe bym a farre of, toate,anbcaufcbit to be b?ougbt bnto
tnalicc bourns
before he came at them, they tofee coun*
cell agaynft bym (,)
to? to Ilea hpm.
their father, anb faybe: ®
%W W» bjnigi"!™'

accaDon, fara 1Q
cnbtnOausip >' 3fo? one faybcto another : beholb,thts coate, o? no.
Skiderof " notable bjcamer commeth. 33 anb he bnevbe it, faying : St is my
frames. 20 Come novbc therefore ant) let bsiiaye formes coate, anaughtie bcaufjatuoe*
<m) jfetmu
fnapbebi>MH hym, anb <"° call hym into fotne pit,anb uourebbym, 3lofepb isibithoutbouot
from the ere»
not of. too.
iucmylifay, fomc naugljttc bead bat!) tentinpeeccs. „^
» '««!
'' «

ah. Genciis.

Timi»« c
lout an?
3+ 3lnb31acob ^ rentljis
facftclotb about ijts
neb foz i)is fonne a long fcafon.
f put
lopes, anb mour* & 3^

?u 8 ° 00U)t1c "«& the grate
fonne , mournyng : Stab
35 26ut all
°° l)is fonncs $ all his baugl>
1rate 36 3utb the ^Babiamtes foibc bym in <£*
tcrs rofc bp to comfort hym : neuertbc*
Jet rcfu=
leflc ® he iboulbe not be comfojteb, but i&haraos,anbljis MttfhJl,
|foc;lOT c chiefcftcibarbe.
«' tr cdftiine 0/
Ifojt :

Jp DbttP /if £«rir, cr

«ifc/« »/ tit
^ The. xxxviij. Chapter. Jlaugbtirmta

Ultimas' •^roariaseofgjuba*. ?<er 4flDnan. r§DeIaft.<mafieth

1$ O'^-i SDnant cnu ' ^
written of ©o&. ^ ttSSSSSSSSL
1(1, :f CI
13 trout

ocD Ufe Daughter
27a * mwr l
m latoe bepng accufeo of tofcme to be bzent
»^ ^«Sw!yr55S a

^gpsouttbat tyme "Jw in ber fatbers boufe.
bas ibent bourne from 12 Jlnb in pzotcfle of tvme, tfte baugbter
hfs bjctbtfn, anb gate of 3>ua 3ubas Uipfc bpeb: 1Cben
himtoamantaiicbi^ bas ibbcn be bab left moumpng, rbent
« 3&
rahof3ibuiam. bnto bis a^ecpe UKarers to Xbimnarl),
3(nb there he falb Ca) p beanbbisfrienbe^irabof^ibuiam. '
baugbter of a inancal* 13 3lnb one tolbe Xbamar, faying : bc<
leb £>ua, a Chanaanite : anb he tone
Dolbe,tbv fatber in lavbc goetlj bp to«
3lnb flje conceaueb, anb bate a fonne,
Xbimnatlj to ujcare Ijts a^cepe, m <

3 14 3nb Oje put fter Ibibolbes garmentes

anb calieb bis name er. of from her, anb coucreb her lbitb a!
4 3inb fbc conceaueb agaync, anb bare a bayle, anbbifgupfcbbcrfelfc, anb fate <
fonne, anb calieb hym dDnan. Ijcrbolbne in "an open place, XbtytU'"/^01*
5 3lnb Che conceaueb agayne , anb bare is by the ibayfybc to Xbimnatb, fi»fO'o «*»»
vet a fonne, ibbomlbc calieb £>elah: s
Ijc lbas at « Cl)C5ib ibbc"
becaufetbatfljefalbe delal) lbas gro^ 'S^
(be bare Dim.
3lnb Jubas <» gaue er bis ftrft borne
iben, anb uje lbas notgeuen btrto hvni «
toibyfe. c
SM& -

fonne a ibyfc, ibhofe name mas %lw 15 «9bcn3fubafalbe her, be tbougb* it {

mar. hab ben an barlot, becaufeujeljabco*'
7 3inb er 3mbas ftrft borne fonne lbas uerebljerface. )
Ibicfcebinthe fygbt of the flojbe, anb 16 3lnb be turneb to her bnto the ibay , $ I
tbeHojbcacibebym. faybe, Come 3
pjaye tbee, let me lye«
8 3fnb 3fubas rape bnto <£>nan : <So in ibitij tbee.(.fFo? be C8J bncibe not tbat it ' ^SSSr
to %Mothers ftpfe, anb "niarric fier,
that tljou mayeft fttrre bp fcebe bnto
lbas his baugbter in laib.) ^nb (be an* ' BS8mS
fibereb : nabat ibylt tljou gcue me fo; to
«JP toother. lyeibitbtljce;
r 3[
nl>tt>hcn£)nan perceaueb
ftebc ftjoulbc not be
tbat the 17 Chen faybe he : 3 ibyll fenbe thee a
tberfoje ibbcn
b«bet in to his toothers ibyfe, he fppl-
byn ftom tlje flocfte. &be faybe : Xl;cn
gcue me a plcbgc tyll tbou fenbe it
tcbttontbegrounbe, f gaue not ftebe 18 i^e faybe : nabatplcbge fl;all gcue < 3
bntolKsb^otber. thee; ^)ljc faybe: Xbyftgnct, tby*' w f^
t s

rS** % z ^"S ®>W) he W,

rt bifplea* bracelet, anb tbyftafifc tbat is in tbyne'^ctor, 3J
°^ c ? ^trfotclit A^cljvm Ijanbe. 3lnb co begaueitbcr, anb layer's VST
by ber : anb fl;e lbas ibirb cljylbe bp.?o«*«.ne
11 xl ct,f^be3Fubas to Xhamar his «,„.„ . aD:UttrtT0
ha i J)7
HI, * WptUJlP ipcplf

oaushterm laibe : ^ Stemapne a lbj>' 19 ^nb fhegatebcr bp

anb ibent, anb , « US""
Dojbeattljv fatbers boufe, tpli ^>ciab put ber bayle from bcr, anb put on ber

"•Honnebegrolbcn. (jfo? ijc fape,

lbyboibes rayment. ^0 «<*
IS P^ncntuw bebpc aifo asbis bit*
mm 20 3lnb 3(ubas fent the byb by bis*,™;^^*
bpb.)^inD Xbamar ibent 9 bibett ftienbe ^buiam, foi to receaue bis <%$£«
2Ptji plcbgc
lucia. Gcnelis. i

plcbgc againc from tbc ibomans Daub:

[pcrtaim] am 3 With cljplbe t^lnbfaibe1 **"

buthcfounbcbernot. alfo,?LoUe 3 pjap tDee lbhofe are thefe, \

€ 21 mien afbcb lje the men of tftc fame tbisfcaic, anb this bracelet, anb this*
CB >
place, (aping: lbljere is tlje harlot ftarTc.

i6 2lnb Uttba acnnoiblcbgeb them, anb &>


that fate opcnlp bp p ibapes fpbe; Xljep

aunftbereo : Xbcrc ts no barlot here. Cube w £>\>t ftatb ben mozc righteous Sj&i* *

n $c came tbetfojc to 3iuba agaittc,anb thcn3J,bccaufc3l ganc ijer not &clah | fef
mp fonnc.2lnb be lap tbith ber no moje. &*&*
fapbcbntobpm, 3
can not fpnbeber: «

anb alfo the menof the place fapbe, tljat 17 25tit ibben the tpme lbas come that J*****, «

there tbas no barlot there. (be tticuioe bcbcliuercb, bcljoibc there 33**
ij Stab Unoa fapbe : %tt bet tafte it to Xbas tibo ttbpnnes in her ibombe.
ber, w
left lbc be fhamcb : beboioe, 3 18 3lnb ibben flie trauapleb,
the um\ , (« w ,

fent the npo, f thou Daft not founb her* put out his hanbe, 9 tl)cmpbtbpfetoHe'com«;
: 8wi

£ (

14 3ln& it canic to paffe, aftet thjee mo* 9 bounbe areo itfteetcj about it, faping '

netbes one tolbe 3luba,faping: %W this is come out firft.

19 3lnb be plucfteb his Ijanb bactte agatne,

niartrjpbaughteriniaibe bath piapcb

the harlot, ano lbitlj placing the harlot anb bcljoioe, his toother came out.2mb
isbecome greanbitb cbptbe. 3ta&3Fu* (he fapbe : i©bcrefo?e IjaHthourcntac
bafapbe : »&png her foojth, thatuje rent bppouthee? anb calleb hisname<

^l)' 8 mapbe f0) bzent. ^bares.

Sirno tlj; i)ii

i< ano lbbcn the? brought I)er foo?tlj, 30 Slfteribarb came outhis toother, tljat \
mflicmcnt fo^
attultm: m
fyc fent to her father iniaibe, faping: Ijab tlje reb t&ecbe about bis hanbe:
tljat counttcp
asp the man bnto ibbom tbefe tbpnges anb hisnameibas calico zaralj, 1

^ The. xxxix. Chapter.

1 gjofeplj tjs ©od is tott&Hofcpb. ? ©oo Weffetlj #ttttpl)ai; to? HofepDs
tola to j&tittpbar. 2

fafce. 8 loCEp^DcnvetljVDfto^omebntoftiji'A.aDp^mtftreffe. niofepb accutcooE

t»t>o?Dome of W
Haop, iu impjifoneo. 21 ©od ta6et^ companion topon iofep^.

7ii €>fcph Xbas brought bought hpmthptljer.

bnto €gppt, anb ^duti- 3lnb<0obibas vbitb 3Jorcph, anb bt
phar,aHo2beof|&ba* became a Ca) iucbic man, continupng in
raos.anbbiscljiefeftci the houfe of bis maifter tlje egpptian.
tt)arbe,an€gppttan, m
^nb fits maifter faib that £5o* tote
bottgbthpmoftljc3r= tbith ijpm, anb tljat (Bob mabe all tljat
maciites } »)l)ichtijao he ^n to p^orper in Ijts banoe.
ofepl Genelis. XXVI).
4. 3nb 3Jofcph ftiunbe grate iu his mafc 13 3inb tbhen (be fatbe that he hab leftc
Iters fpght, anb ferucb hpm 3lnb he :
His garment in her hanbe, anb lbas neb
mabehpmouerrccrofhts houfe, $ put c
all that he tiao in his hanbe.
2mb came to pafle from the tpme
Hj ]&te w»eb bnto the

men of her
it home, anb tolbe tbcm,faving ;§>cc,he •
pCJr«tl) ,n|u(
bcaltlp aff ccc
thathehabmabe hpm ouerfeer of his hathb:oughttnan^ebnic bntobs, to fon J , laftc
Wnwetb aftti
[*\ftoba»P? houfe, anb ouetau that he hab, the (0 bobs fhame : fo? he came in to me to
§« a "/J*» fLojbeblcflcbthc egpptians boufc foj hauclpcntbitbme, anb 3J began to eric
3Jofephes fane : ant) tt)c bleflpng of the ttnthaloubebopee:
flojbe lbas bpon all that he hab ta the ^nb ibhcn he hsarbe that ipft bp
15 3
i)oureanbtntheficlbe. mp bopce anb crpeb,hc left his garment
fctofcenoU' 6 3mb therfcue he left all that he hab m ibith me, 9 fleb avbap,ano got hvm out.
3Jofcphes hanbe : anb w
he nneibe no* is Znn tt)t lapeb bp his garment bp her,
lYJfttK- thpng ibith hpm, fane onlpe the bteabe bntvllher Hojbe came home.
ftf D IT?"
xui)iclj he Dps eate. 3lnb 3Jofeph lbas w 17 anb Hjetoioe himTbiththefe ibojbes
a gooblp perfon, ano a lbcll fauoureb. taping : Xhis^ebme fcruaunt ibhicbe
tlljcni- 7 3tno after this, bis maifltrsibpfecaff rtjouhatt bought bnto bs, came bnto
25 hcrepcsbpon3tofcph,anbraibtt l«rk] me to bo me fhame.
Ipe ibithme. ^ 18 26utau"ooneas3Mpftbpmpbopceanb
8 26ut he refufeb , anb.*apbe bnto his crpeb, he lefthis garment ibith me,anb
matters ibpfe (0 26ebolbe,mp maifter flebbe out. m
naijen his maifter w Ijearbe the ibo^
(m) Rcsaat
ibotcthnotibhat be Dart) in the houfe 19 cib
to malt)
i Blllltl torll
ibith me, anb both committcb all that bes of his ibpfe ibhichefljctolbchpm, t>itc to tjia
he bath to mp hanbe. Taping, after this mancr opb thp fee* Ijis labour t»
ICJjere is no man greater in the houfe uaumtome:hetbarebTfyoth. borne otjatlot,


then neither hath he ftept anp thpng 20 ^nb3lorephes maifler (B) tone hpm, Cn) «!Blt=
lonfic nunc
fcom me but onlp thee, betaufe thouart anb put hpm in pjpfon, euen into the tjuratjcMcbut
one part, am>
hiitb^fe : Ijotb then can 31 bo euen this place Xbheretheftpnges p^pfoners lape conoempnebe

greata ibienebnes, 9 finne againft bounbe : anb there continueb he in Raeiawcc
lifojc c5 06. °<^oo? piiTon. bjac toofSc
« Hsnifictl)
Vf 5 co is of 3lnb after thtsmancr fpafee fljetojo- ii 25utthe?Loibtbastbttl)3foreph,ano rounBepjflba
outrccinc tl)ij3 feph bap by bap : but he hearneneo not fberbcb hpm (p) mcrcie, anb got hpm fa aotljtraoonc.
(P} oFob
bntohcrtofleepe co neare her, 0; to be
uour in the figljt of the lo?b of the p^ifbn, "ggsfc
w far
Con of i

m her company.
3lnb on a certaine eonuement bap, 3f o?
2i 3lno the neper ofthepjifon commit mf
to^orephes hanbe all thep2ironcrs
rctc fnbe.
(q) cSoDS
racrf :c flppe.l
fephentreb into the houfe to bo his bit* that tbere in the pnfon houre ,anb lbhat rcthuimobS'
finefle, anb there lbas none of the hou£ To euer lbas bone there, that opb he. (cants of
hoibebp, in the houfe. 23 ^tno the neper of the pnfon lobco bnto
ft ) ' :..
u Hhen (be caught him bp the garment, nothpng that lbas bnber his hanbe, ft*
2mb he w left his
raving : ipe lbtth me. png that rt)e %oid lbas ibith hP'ti : iro?

garment m her hanbe, anb flebbe, anb n>hatrocuerhcbpb,the jLo?be mabe it

got hpm out* top^ofper.

^ The. xl. Chapter.

1 3oftpb mtnifftctb bnto tty butter ano bater of j&fjatao. r ®be? fee o«teame3.
9 Cijc butlerjs Dmmctbt toljfcft gofepfc tnt«p;rtetfj. 15 be erpounDetft alto t&e
oicarnc of m
bate*. :o ^nc feaS of pftaraoonijtebttt&Dap. 23 ^tjebuan

iB 2D it tame to pafle ^nbj^haraotbasangrp agapnfl his

after there "tbpnges, tlbo officers, agapnft the cbtcfe butler
that the butler of p anbtljechicfebaber.
bingofegpptanbhis 3tnb put them in lbarbe in h& chicfe
baber , hab offenbeb ftcibarbcs houfe, euen in the pnfon anb Cb>J|oftp1ial
maifter bclisc

their lo^bctljenpng of place ibbcrellorepb Hjas bounbe. aftn better

Cgppt. ^nbtfte wcpiefefteibarbgane3»ofcph BDutTcment,

lit) to bouti
3>fff a charge

lofeph. Genelis. Pha rao.

a charge ibith them, «l)e fcruebthenu butler.

anb they continttcb a feafonin Xbatbe. 14 leut^thynfteon me tbhenthou art
5 2nb tljcv b2camcb cyther of them ingoob cafe, anb (hetbc mercy [%vtw ™* bis twin,,
'" 0'5tt
t&cc] bnto me, anb make mention of me n,
in one night, both tl)e butler anb the ba*
to #harao, $ bring me out of this houfc:
fteroftbcftyngof egypt, tbhichetbere
bounbe in the pryfon houfe, cvttjcr of 15 5F 02 3
was prtuiiy by Health taken a*
them ins bjeamc,!* cchc mans bjeainc tbay out of the lanoc of the i^ebreibes c
of a fufflwy interp2Ctation, anb here alfo hauc 3J bone nortjyngat
ttjhcttjjjofcph tame in bnto tl)cm in aiiibhetforethcy (houioehaue put me
thenwtiyng, ano loacb bpon them, into this bungeon.
ate not lightly
to be iohcD bp bcholbc they iberc fabbe. 16 nahen the chiefe baiter faibc that the
t»n ano con;
intcrpretatio tbas goob, he fayb bnto contftwi
GoctcD. 7 3lnb he aftteb #haeaos chiefe officers
3lofeph : me thought alfo in my b2eame feojuc
tmbzace go&g
that ibere tbith hvm in fa maifters buite

lbarbc, faying : natjetfoje loaeye fo lab* that 3

hab three " ibhpte XbycRerbaf' accafttriwri lucccsfakt.

lye to bay* fccttesonmyhcaD, Ijcainc outfit

8 3£hcyaunnbcrcbhim:»achaueb2ea< \*j 3lnb in the bppermoft bafnet there >/ Mb.
nteb a became, anb Ijaue no man to be* ibas of all maner baue meates fo2 0ha*
daw it 2mb3Jofcphfaybebnto them: rao,arc> the birbes tyn eate them out of
(0) 30rot«« bo not (6) intcepjettnges belong to d5oo< thebafftetiiM>ibasbpon myheab,
gers ano u>lt«
bco arc con. tclime3lp2ayyou. 18 3mb
w (K)teirtKii
31011^ aunftbereb anb faibc: mult fyt&l
ftempneO. UJ5otl)JH

9 3lno ttjc chiefe butlct toibe his b2eame this is the interpretation thereof. %he teualeD. to<i

to 3Jofepl), anb faibc bnto Dim : 3Jnmy three bafnettes,are ti^ee bayes : 5Fo? tbpnjce, dnt

bzeame, me t!jongt)t there ftoobe a bine Xbithin thicc bayes tty.w ^harao take
before me, thpljeabftom thee, anb thatlhangthee
io anb in the Dto&m three braunches, on a tree, anb the birbes (hall eate thy 3>
anbitvbasas though it bubbeb, $ her flelhe from of thee.
blo(Tomes(botfoo2tb: anb the flutters 19 $nb it tame to paffc the tfttroe bar,
tjjerof brought foorth type geapes. Vbhirt) tbas i&hataos birth bay,tf>* he

ii anb3Jhab0hataoscupinmyhanb, mabe a feaff bnto his feruauntt/

anb tone of tfje grapes anb prefleb them anb he " lyfteb bp the heab of the chiet
i ftct«.
ut$ha*aostuppe,anb bcituereb ^ha* butler, anb of the chiefe batter among
fcl Spomt
raos w tuppe into his hanbe. hisferuauntes:
thtnkc ti)at
tbc U?ng W- 12 3lnb 3Jofcpl) faybc bnto hym , this is 20 3nb reff02eb the chiefe butler bnto his
xohnt manec
the mtcrpretatio of it. %\)% thjee bjaun* bntiertyip agayne, tbhiche alfo reacheb
co areth2eebayes.
fopnc uioulbc
ches the cuppe into ^har aos tjanbe.
: fuel)
ij 5ForMthintbrcebayesfl)aii#harao m 26ut he hangeb the chiefe baiter, euett
manec Coca* lyft bp thine hcab, anbreftore thee
as3ofcph 0) hab interpreteb bnto hint.
(lira ace often
in iJgopfcs in into thine office agavnc, anb thouftjait 22 /jSetthet nvn the chiefe butler c"° re*
tbenert cl)np»
tcc,,inb otl)Ct« Keliucrpharaos tup into Dishanbc afc member 3lofepl),but « f02gatl)ym.
tct the olbe mancr luhcn thou Jbatt hts
Sol) tec.

(») fi
(g) Cjat W,
take cbec out WbcBiB""
^ The. xlj Chapter.

;®fte Djieame of i&Uarao of feuenByne. jainotfterD?eame ofeawgotco?ne. 9Cfte

butter menttonetu ^ofcpft bcfo;c ptjarao. i49|ofep^ bepng DelpucreD out of p^fon,
bcclarettil&baraobWDJcamejs^ojeeellpnfl abounoauncc ano famine. 39 giofcpft id
maDc goucrnour oucr the bictuallcss. 45 3!ofep&. tafiett) a tcyfe. 4s iofepi) gatftwettj
tljcrjrafncoftbetercjsofplcntcoufncji. 5o®befonne? ofjofepft. 51 flSanaflejf. 52
pb?atm. 54 famine tb?outj& the to^olettojloe.

» |5b after w trboyeres uyne , anb fat fletyeb , anb febbe in a
(«> ^ofepb
hopcb well to ^haraobjeameb, anb inebotbe.
bclmcccb but : bcholbc, he thought 3 3lnb feuen other ftyne tame bp after
no tpmc pjti thatheftoobebyarys them out of the ryuer, euyll tauoureb,
ucrsfybe. anb leanefleftjeo,? ftoobe by the other
3mb there came out of nyne bpon the brynhe of the ryuer.
thcryuerfeuengoobly 4 ;M>rt)ecuylifauoutcbt*icaneflefbe&

Genefis. xxvnj.

feynebybeatebptbe feuen ibeli fauou- fo it came to pafle: 5fo^ercft02ebme

wd anb fatnyne : ami ^barao atbonc. to myne office agayne, anb bangeo
3(nb fje flept agayne, anb bjeamcb w
lite of
tl)c feconbetyme : anb bcfjolbe, feuen
h, be
Hf&barao ® fenttljerfojcanb caiieb 3& fdtol)Smni
cares of come grcibe bppon one flame, m
: anb fljey toougbt Dim baftyly out
litfttit feplj ttmtcrapnc
it leaching
rankeanbgoobly. of tlje bungeon.3mb Ije ujaucb Ijimfelfe lipim he pare
»w ttje
3lnb agayne, feuen tbinne eares, bla* anb cljaungeo fits rayment, anb came inaacrfltic.
flco mi) tlje eatt rbmbe fpjangbp after bntoj&Ijarao.
tljem. 3nD f&barao
J5 7 3uibfl)e fcuen tbtnne eares beuoureb
faybe bnto 3f ofeplj
bjcameba bjeame, % no man can
: % c
tbc feuen ranuc$ fall cares. 3fab ^t)a^
rao aibabcb, anD fee [it »assj a bjeame.
interpjeteit : %3 Ijaucljcarbfay of t&ee
tljataflooneastboubearett a became,
S 3lnb utyen tlje momyng came, l)is
fpt* tljoucanft interpzetett.
ritcibastroubicb, ano be fent anacai- Sofepbaunubeceb #ftarao, faying:
Icd fo? all flic foutbfayers of egypt,anb "
Mot% mt ©oo (ball geue febatao
"bitbmt me,
all tlje ibyfc men tljcreof : ano j&harao anaunubcreofpeace. (fiBcgeuctlj
toiDctbemljiSbjcame , but tljere ibas 17 ^nb0baraofaybebnto3Jofepb:3Jn
o(l the giojie
toi5oD, pet
) noncoftljem tljat coulbeinterpjetett
myojeameme tljougbt floobe by a 3 Detrpeth not
1)18 mimUerie.

Nhio 9 Xbclpafee tlje eijicfe butler bnto 0Da* 18 3lnD tljcrc came out of nje rpucr feuen
rao,faymg:3j oo remember my faultcs fat flefnjeb anb ibell fauourcb byne,anb
tljisoay: fcbDcin'amcboibc.
10 i&ljarao bcyng angry roitn I)is fcr* 19 3Jnb tben feuen otljer nyne came out
uaumes,put tnibarbcut tbc cbiefclfc after rt)em,pooje,anb bery yll fauourcb
ttarbesijonfe botlj me, ano tlje cljicfc anb leane flefujeb, furt) asjl ncucr (alb
mailtbelanbe of cgppt, tbey ibere fo
ttc ^itsxntn botf) of bs one
J**? in yilfauoureb.
TOt, ano cclje mans became of a fun* 20 3nb t\\t fcuen Icane anb yll fmtouteb lane.
wucrpjetanon, hyne, wo eatc bp tlje firft (mm fat nine:
° 3nb tljcrc mas mitt) bs w a young 21 3utb ibljen tijey Ijao "eaten tljcm up, " Come in.
n a l^ cb?uc tow* fcruaunt bnto a man coulbe not pcrccauc tt^&t tljcy to tlie in-
22 ,* 2
wardc parts
fe fteibarbc: to lbbom l)ab eaten tljcm, but tljcy mere ftyll yll
joioc tDcm, ije
ibbcn ibe oftlicm.
blames to
n5 *2f w
^ano as
DeclarcD our
t0 Wb w of 0ltt! blames.
beciareb tijem to bs, cuen
fauourcb as tDcy iberc at tlje begyu-
22 2Mb 3
faib agamc in my became, ano
JDUii bcljoloc,
; :

Pharao. Gcncfi
beljoinc, fcuen eares fpjang out of one 37 ^nb faplng fecmebgoobinhpes

ftattte,funanbfavje. of pljarao, anb in tlje cpes of all Ijis fcr*

is 3inb bcboioc, fcuen cares agapnc " tbi* uauntcs.
tbctcb, thinne,anb blaftcb Untlj tlje caft 38 Xljcn faibe pljarao bnto l)is fcruaun-
lbpnbc, rpjang bp after tljem. tcs: $)ap tljere befounbeamanfutlje
24. anb tlje tbinne eares bcuourcb tlje fe^ astljts is, w
inibljomtljc fpiriteof d5ob W ftncbi
ucn goob cares: anb 31 Dane tolbe tbt iSi fi'Bfttiei,

3lnb pbarao fattic bnto ^ofcplj:5fo^ ?»?•»«

foutljfapcrs,but tljere mas no man tljat 39
coulbe tell ibbat it meanetb. afmutlj as c,) d5oo batlj ajcibeb tbeeau
tljis, tljere is no man of bnbcrftanbpng
25 ^nb Slofcpb aunftbereb pbarao:[botf>]
pbaraos blames arc one, d5ob DatD
ot lbifcbome ipbe bnto tljee. m
ficntion ant ibeibcb pljarao tbljat Ije is about to
w ?">&Pftti,pa

40 Xljou tljerfojc (l^alt be ouer mp ijoufe, jerelttHtni

wn Itlfc to
(t>) (Bod tort) bo. anb acco?bpng to tbp ibojbe Hjail all mp «)fr.
not only foic.
fcethpnges to
26 %\yt feucn 500b &pne,are fencn vttts7 people be "ruleb: onlp in tlje L*OTm»] Arrocdor
comt but aUo
Hot rule
anb tDc feucn goob eares are fcuc peres fcate tbpll be abouc tljee. 3

41 ^nb pbarao fapbc agapne bnto 3Jo^ f

li tl)c
fame tlniB
aifo : anb tt is but one became,
begpn to tcact) 27 iLpneibple tbe feucn tljinne anb eupll
¥>i).itao Tome
fept) : beljolbc, Ijaue fet tljte ouer ail Cq) 3 jfn rtrttt

BoblpnclTc. fauourcb Rine tljat came bp after tljem, tlje lanbe of cgppt.
pompte, pun
8 bamrK mad
•2> arc feucn pcrcs, anotbefencnemptief 42 3lnb pljarao tofte of Ijis
rpng brabopocb.
from Jroj trjemolp

blattcb cares tbtt!) tlje catt tbpnbc, fljal* Ijis Ijanbe, anb put it bpon ^ofcpijcs mapWiftirl) Iiorro;. tbougl)

be fcuen peres of famine. ^anbe : $arapeb Ijim in clotlj of rapnes, fe gttsuft

nonfat fcfce

28 Xljisibojbc ibljtcbJJ Ijattc fapbebn* 9 put a goibcn cljepne about ijis necae. Htm.
03 S-rtt ¥>l)a "Theft,
rao rlionlDc to pljarao, ts it that ° J c5ob is about to 43 3nb fetljpm bpon tlje beft cbaret be conde.
thinhc anp
rhpngoftirs bo, anb ujcibetlj it bnto pbarao. Ijab faUe one: anb tljep ccieb befo?e Ijim, CO *W
rcoio SbitiJ,
IDOlBMltljat c
<6oOujonlpa 29 sseljoibe tljere come fcuen peres of °tenberfatljer, anb mabe ijpm ruler fcmcih tarbtt

btljolDcroftlje to be an t>

SdoiIdc, an» great plcnteoufnes tfjjougljout all tlje ouer all tlje lanbe of egppt. grptijn fat:]

then an t)f
not a no et.
lanbe of egppt. 44 3nb mojeouer pljarao faib bnto 3f 0^ bintntuiaflm
00 (Soft IB
30 3mb agapne, tljere Ojau arpfe after
feplj c0 3
am pbarao , anb Vbitljottf Dfbjoc.M imirti alto

torcc f Blue.
merciful eiier, tljem feuen peres °of famine, anb all tljcea)ainoman (,) ipftbp Ijisljanbeo? COW (Ml
fame: dime
nifljmcnccjf. tljc plcnteoufnes (baibc forgotten in tije foote in all tlje lanbe of egppt. as J an

lanbe of egppt : anb tlje famine ujail 45 3lnb pljarao cailcb 33ofcpljes name bing:oibp rap maiciht.

confumc tbc lanbe. "rapljnatb paancaclj, $ Ije gaue Ijpm (t) m« W

31 jfrcitljct (ball tlje plcnteoufnes be Into* to ibpfe^fnatlj tlje baugljter of po*w tonopuMi

i' Amanto
ibenintlje lanbe, bp reafon of tljat fa* tipljeralj p?ieft of <rDn.Xljen ibcntllo* whom fc

mine tljat [foaii come] after : fo? it (b'aibe fepb ouer tlje lanbe of egppt. crests arc

creeebpng great. 46 (3lnb Ije tbas Cf) tljirtie pere olbc lbljcn reuesled.

3z 3inb as contcrnpng tljat tlje bjeame Ijettoobe before pljarao Uing of egppt) a mm.

ibasboublcbbntopnarao tlje feconbe 3lnb 3lofeplj bepartpng from tbe p?e^

tpmc : bcljolbe,tbe tbpng is certainly
(H wt ate
e pjeparcb of d5ob, anb ©ob JbplPiujQtf*
fence of pljarao, Cp)
ibent tlj?ougljout fromta""

ail tlje lanbe of egppt.

In gobs iuogc
iiinitcB.rftoc w letpljarao pjoutbe 47 ^nb in tlje feucn plenteous peres, tlje
remember not 33 ifcoibc tljerfo?e eartljbjougljt foojtlj great Oo?e fo? to
»l|at tlje tpitie
10 a: rjanbe.
fo?a man of bnberttanbpng,anb ibifc* lapbp. beawu-fg
<m) Sota borne, 9 fet &tm ouer trjc lanb of egppt.
trttc t)?opl)Ca 48 3inb Ije gatljercbbp all tbc foobe of
tea tell
tjlCB to; tilt
?4 3lnbulet pbarao bo tljts alfo , tljat be tlje Tcucn plenteous peres lbljiclj lbcre
jtliat Soa n>pll
maRc omccrs ouer tlje ianbc,$ taltc bp in tlje lanbe of egppt, anblapcbbp tlje
fenoe. tbc fift part of tlje inljcritaunce in p lanb foobe. in tbe cities : tlje foooe of tlje
*< Vifitours ntW
of cgppt intbe feucn plenteous pcrcs. ftdbes tljat greib rounoe about cuerp
or oucrfcers
<n) JFoi tn 35 3lnb w
let tljem gather all tlje foobe of titie, lapco Ije bp in tbe fame.
is much tljcfc goob percs tljat come: anb lape bp
49 3lnb gjofcpli c,) lapcb bp come in fiojc (" «iiii

45003 blcf; come bnber tlje Ijanbc of pljarao, anb ipbe bnto tlje fanoe of tlje fea, in multf*
fmgea are
abufeb. let tbem tcepe foobe in t\)t cities. tube out of meafure, bntpu be left tnim*
36 ^nb fo (ball tljat foooe be fo? fto?e in b?png : fo? it Vbas roitljout number. i«"*S
rbe lanbe agapnftthe fcuen pcrcs of fa* 50 3lnb bnto 3Jofepb lbcre borne ttfo
mine, ibljicl) Ojall come in tlje lanbe of founts before tbe pcrcs of famine came:
<£gppt, tljat p lanbe periflje not thjougb
lbljiclj ™ 3lfnatft tlje baugbter of pofr
' heC
Pl)craljp?tcftof£)n, bare bnto Ijpm. laeJ!"
51 anb
n. vjeneiis. xxix.
9 ant) 3ofcph calico the name of the lanbe of egpptibas there
vet foooe.
nrftfonne,"^ana(rc:fo?€»oD[fapoefje] anb when the lanbe of cgppt alfo be*
JiaC is, $5
retful- hath mabe me fojget ai nip labour,anb ganto hunger, tbe people ccpeb w
all mp fathers boufyoibe. parao fo? b?eab V>?mce(houU>
3tnn #barao fapbc
. be ,io,i curtin
ip. Xbcnameof the feconbe caileb he" bnto al the <£gppttans,go bnnyjorcpb:
EW" ll,tlTc
cpbmimjo? ^ <E>ob Lfapo be] bath cau- anj^tbefavctbtopou,tbatDo.

feb tnc to be fruitcfull in the lanbe of mp <$6 anb the beartb tbas ti)?ougbout all

* founts trouble, the lanbe: anb ^orepbopeneo all

55 anb tbben the feuen pcres of plenty barncs Wherein Vbas tome, anb folbe
oufnefle that mas m the lanb of egppt, bnto the egpptlans : foj tbe famine
tticreenbeb, Ibar eb fo?c in the lanbe of egppt.
54 %ben camcthe fcuen pcres of bcartb, 57 3lnb all countreps tame into egppt to
accoming as 31ofepb bab fapbc,anb the 3Jofcpb,fo? to bpe mw]
betaufe that
bearth *bas in all lanbes : but in all the the famine ttras fo fo?e in all lanbes.

^ The. xlij. Chapter.

i gacob fenBctb btss tonnes into tfajpt to bpe foote. lorepb
arjm'feb bte bzetbien.
9 curare tempted of Dim. r Cbepbetbwttmtopjpfon. cfiebjetb,!enof9!ofep&DO
tubmtt tfiem felties, ass finotoleDgpng ttjcttr offence0. 24 gjofepb toecpetft, Simeon te
commttteo to toar&e. s
©bep t etume to tfieir fetcij JBeniamm. 35 $;bep finoe
monep in tbe moutb of their facfeejs. 38 gjacob wpll not odiuet Eemanun,

31 * E^EX^^i&^awbfefagthat contmpng,
B,cakyn S
P^fe^ j
$>*** U^S " CO?ne U1
<f gppt, fapbetwto bis
k> 3fab thep lapbe bnto hpm: nap mp « The re.
Ho?b,but to bpe bitaple thpferuauntes ""rf the
fonncs : ibhp gape pe are come.
one bpon another; 11 wt are all one mans fonnes , anb " u Aretmc
3uibhefatb:bchoio, meane tmcip, anb thp feruaiuitesate
31 baue bearbe that nofppes.
there is come in cgppt : get pou oolbne ii 3lnb he fapbe bnto them agapne: nap
tbpther,anb bpe bs come from thence, but CQ cuen to fee ibfjcre the lanbe is m
tljat tbe map Uue,anb not bpe, Smffi?
3 §>a ibent 3Jofephes ten b?eth?en
bourne to bpe tome <£gppt. m
ibcafte,is pour comming.
^nb thep Taib: tbe thp fctuauntes arc
tlbelue b?eth?en, the fonnes of one man ^«iT
4 25tit ascniamin ^ofephes toother, the lanbe of Cbanaan, anb beboibe,
fit C
iboulbe not^latob ftnbeibith l)is other the poungeft is this bap ibitb our fa^
bjetb?en : fo? he faibe, left perabuenture tljer,$ one,no man iboteth ibljereheis.
cs) (q) TBtavtt
beflruttion come bpon hpm. 14 anb JJofeph faibe bnto them : that of tlit abfciue
of too of the
3 ^nb the fonnes of 3lrael tame to bpe isthatit 3
fpafee bnto pou ibben 3, it
come among other that tame fo? there : fapb,pearefppes. CIPU0.

lbas bcartft in the lanbe of Cbanaan. 15 l^ci;ebppea)albcp?oueb:[i>P]thclpfe

J(llCt!| logc: 6 anb3Jofephibas w
gouernourinthe ^of^harao, pea)all not go hence, er= MffS
J?" U "ll|U!
Unit 11100=
lanbe, anb folbe to all the people of the ceptpour poungett toother come hither. 3m&
totottle. lanbe. 3lnb 3fofcpftes b?cth?en came is ^enbeoutoneofpou,ibhicbeniapfct Z**&»
anb w botbeb themfelues ttnth thep? pour tootljer,anb pe fhalbe bept tn p;p=
fon, that pour lbomes map be p?oueb
««»f-Soo faccsboibne to the grounbe before him.
• ••"•BrtiL
mhenSorcphfaibe his b?cth?en, he Jbhcthcrtherebeanptructhinpou:o?
""nlationsuc imeibc them, anb mabe (c) hpm fcife els [Up] the ® Ipfe of g>harao, peare but g^SS!?
S^WJI tatc
ftcaunge bnto tbem,?fpa&e roughlp w ipPeS. bctboiisDt
fin of »»»•
L "Bct.nojof bnto them,faping: whence come pe; 17 anbheputtljeinaitogethcnnibarbe
ff»c:hutf„t 5Chepaunnbereo, out of the lanbe of tli 'cc baves
18 anb3Jofephfaib bnto them the thitbe
2D 8
^nb JJofcph bncibe his
' bjcthjen, but
bap: this bo % Hue,
fcarc ©od. SiSSS?
becumnyng of
4f pe be true men, let one of pour toe? afjvtbfalano
3tib 3Jofeph rcmemb?eb his bjcames tlwen be bonbe in the boufe of pour p?p*
Wjtcbe he bjeamcb of them, anb fapbe fon : anb go pe,carrp come to put albap
bnto them : pe arc w fppes, anb to fee the famine from pour houll)oloc.
ttberc tlje lanbe is" ibeaHe, is pour 20 mu topng pour poungca toother bn-
Phar ao. Genci is.
to nte.anb fo fbal your Uio?bcs be trycb 30 % be man,euen t\)t ?Lo?b of tbe lanbe
true,anb ye Qjall not bye: $ tljep OpD fo. fpabc roughly to us, anb tobe Us fo?
ii anb one faybe to anotljer : lbe ijaue fpyesoftbetountrey.
(m)3S)ittfon (m
bjougijt tlicm
to the toufcu
beryly finncb agaynft our b?ort)er, in 31 anb Ct) ibe fayb Unto bint : rue meane
rncc of there tljat vne fame tl)c angulfbe of Ijis foule, ttuely,tbe ttcuer Were fpyes.
frtco befoj c. umcttbcbcfougbtbs, anb rue ibouioc 31 wt be ttttelue b?ctb?en, fonnes of our
(n) &mncts
the cauie of not bcarc bint: anbtberfo?e is tltfs Cn) father : one is atnay, anb tbe youngeft
trouble come Upon us. is tins bap tbtttJ ow
father in tbe lanbe
22 anb Euben auttftbereb fbem,faytng: of<£ljanaan.
fayb 31 not bnto you, tbat you fboulbc 3? anb tbe Ho?be of the tountrcy faybe
not finite agautlt tbe lab, anb vc Iboulb agayne Unto us, hereby fbail bno\b 3
not Hearer anb fce,noru e Ins bloob is re- tbat ye meane truelp : leaue one of your
qufteb, b?etb?en bcre ruitb me, anb tafte [foooej
23 injeyrbere not atbare tbat 3Jofepb to put arbay tlje famine fro your Ijoufc*
e Unbcrftoobc tbent : fo? Ije fpabe bnto I)olbes,anb get you aibay.
tbembyanutterp?etcr. 34 ^Mb b?ingyouryoungeab?otberbnto
24 anb be turneb front tbent anb ibept: me,tbat 3J may bnoibe tbat you are no
anb turneb to tbent agayne, ano torn* .fpyes,but meane truely : fo rbyii 3 oeii*
tnttneb ttntb tbem,anb tobe out Sinie* uer you your b?otljer, anb ye (ball occu*
foao not of on from amongett tbem,anb bounbe w pie in tbe lanbe.
malice, but
becaufc he bimbcfo?e tbey? eyes. 35 anbastbeyemptiebtbey?facbes,be*
fooulbe be
furerp certis 25 anb 3Jofcpb commaunbeb to fill tbeir boioc, euery mans bunoell of money
6eb of i a ite
of hUl fathers
facftcsroitbto?tte,9 to put euerymans ibas in bis fatbe : 3lnb vuben botb tljey
money mitts facfte, anb to geue tbent anb tbeir ® fatber fame tbe bunbciies
WtHuintn. (t) jorcrt
bitayle to fpenbe by tbe Xbay : anb tbus of money,tbey ruere afraybe. menu not to

byb be Unto them. 36 3nb gjacob tbey? fatber faybe bnto tejcr: ptt to

bflt mens
16 anb tbeylabeb tbey? aiTes Ibttb the tbeni: ® spe baue ye robbeb of my tbil- Deoracnocoj
flierSnife ftm
to?ne,anb beparteb tbente, b?en >3Jofepblsatt)ay, anb Simeon is tljcp minM.

27 anbasoneoftbemopeneb bis farbc W UciM

aruay,f yerbilltaue Bcniamin arbay: etro trmptte
Cp)<£r,ct}C= with (lit

blue ioo;Dc fo? to geue bis affe p?ouenbcr in tt)t Ct,) all tbcfc tbinges are agaynft me. of (Srtl W»
Damficti) a rnlfe, fcl)irtt

place tohetc
3Jnne,beefpieb bis money, fo? it ruas 37 muben raib unto bis fatber: Cb) day my DjOllltC COBIU

•lie abiDctljafl
28 anb be faib Unto bis b?eff)?en,my mo*
flbo fonnes, yf 3
b?mg bym not to tbee
rme In bis
ftdc, tl)3t
agayne : beiiucr bint to my banbe, anb otcapcD.

ney isrcfto?eb me agayne, fo?io, it is

« Went cuen in my fache. anb tbeir Ijeart " fay*
rum b?lng bint to tljee agayne. (b) Hit
he tliaufit)t

38 anb be faib : fl^y fonne n)all w not go

his f.ifijtt
foorth. mpjljt wft
leb tbent, anb ttjcp mere aftonyeo, anb bourne tbitb vou, fo? bis b?otber (S lawfullpiW
that De Wi*
C<r> etti)« fayb one to another, rubyhatb 00 d5ob bcab, anb be is left alone j if beftruttton taBtaoariK
hub cofcicnco
of finne. fectb bcalt thus ttntb bsr tome bpon bym by tbe may lbbiebe ye tion.
<hst affliction
commcthfrom 29 anb tbey tame unto 3Jacob tbeir fa* go,yc (ban b?ing my gray Ijcab with fo= blpnticS) htm.
tber ,Unto tbe lanbe of Cbanaan,? tome roiue Unto tbe graue*
tljat tje

beam i«
bint all tbat befellbnto tbem 3 faying: 10

^"The.xliij. Chapter.

jmMUc b?ett)?cti of lofepfj are fent bacfte toitft JBmiarafa.anU

ayttts. e Cfie trouhka of
gacob. i^otepQ commaunoctli a banftet to be maoe

a 1 ^SDtbebeartbvuas gayne rano] byebsalitiefoobe.

great in tbe lanbe. 3 3Juba aunfruereo bim,ano fayb,^be
ano tame to paffe
it man bib foicmpiy p?oteftbnto us fay*
c«) <rh<* rubcntbeybabea* fl^ail not fee my fate
tug: ye your
feao In f enbt 3 e*tept
of the fcconBt tenUptbeto?ncrubitb b?otberbcruttbyou. .T*-
tbey bab b?ougbt out
oftljc lanbe of cgypt,
4 Jf tbou ruyit fenbe our b?otber roitb
bs, ibeaiyii go bourne, anb bye tt^tt
rbcy? fatber faybe unto tbent ; go & foobe.
5 26Ut
Gcnefis. xxx.
< asut yf thou wylt not fenbe bynt. we IS naben the men were brought into 5Jo=
Wyli not go bowne : fi» the man faybe lepbeshoufe ,<» they W ere afraybe,anb fi)) 3n rapu

bnto bs, 00 ye (ball not fee my face, eje*

confctcnrc ta=
latb becauft of the money mat tame in tctballtlipai

tept your toother be With vou. ourfacacs moutbes at the firft tyme, ouflpc.
6 anb "Jfrael fayb : Wbetefiwc Dealt ye are We toougbt in, that he may " fceftc " fumble
or rollc him
ft cruelly With (0 me, as to tell the man oecafion agaynft bs, anbbtolcntly lay fclfe vpon
that ye bab yet a toother* hanbes bpon bs, to topng bs in bon- VI.
7 3Cbey aunfmereb/fcbe man afiteb w bage,anb our aHes alfo,
flrayteiy of" out rtatej anb of out Bin* 19 Xherefoze tame theyto the man that
rebe, faying : 3
s your father yet aliue *•
was the ruler ouer TJofephes houfe,
Dane ye [notanotuerj toother < anb We anb communcb With hint at the booze
' Mouth-
tolbchyniaccojbyngtotbe" tenout of oftbehoufe,
thefe Wo?bcs; CoulbWebyanymcane 20 anb faybe t oh fit/ We came bowne CO «lic?
tooulDt (heal
tmoWe, that be Wouib fay, toyug yout bytherattbe fyztttymetobyefoobe. tbent fclncj
Innocent tx=
toother boWne With you? 21 anbastbecametoan3Jnne,ibeope' foic thepbe
8 icbcfaib^ubabnto^Jfraei bisfathet: neb our facues,anb bcboio,euery mans
fenb tljte lab With me,tbat We may atife money was in the mouth of his facta,
anb go,anb that We may liue,$ not bye, [nienj our money in ful waygbt,anb
&, yea both tbe f tl)ou,$ alfo out meany. haue brought it againe in our banbe.
w Wylbe futette fo? toym , of «»P
3 22 anb other money haue We bzought
hanbes fbait thou tequite hym: yf 3 alfo in our hanbes to bye foobe : but tbe
toyngbyninottotbee agaync, anb let cannot tellibfto put our money in out
him befoje thine eyes,then let me beate femes.
the blame fozcuct. 2$ ano he fayb : peace be bnto you,fcare
oi £tueiy etcept we Dab mabe this ra- not: your ™
d5ob, anb the C5ob of your
C*) 3orcpl»
mttrocito t)ii
t?ing,by thiswe hah tetutneb the fe* father, hath geuen you that tteafure in Inrbcknotse:

conbetyme. your facbes : 3

hab yout money, ano
Itojc of sot
tbougt) Ije
couioc not «=
ii anb then; fatbet gjftacl faybe bnto he brought Simeon ont to them. fonimc U)C

tbcm:intmultnebesbefo,noWe then 24 anb the man leb them into 3lofephes ioljolctealmc.

Oftk bo thus. 3Cafteof the "bell ftultes of houfe, anb gaue then water to Walbe
fpnvft 1

tbeianbein yout beflelles, anb toyng their feete,fgauetheiraffesp?ouenber.
1(0 ©is f man
(0 ap2efent, a cuttfte of bawme, 25 anb they mabereby thett pzefent a*
-»wlltat|j anb a cuttue of hony,fpytesanb mltte, gaynft Jlofeph came at noone : fo? they
nuttesanbalmonbes. heatbe l««f] thatthey fhoulb eatebzeao

ipilitin ir 3nb tafte bouble (f) money in yout there.
hanbe,? the money that Was brought 26 naljen Jfofeph came home, they
agayne in yout fatties, take it agayne tooug'ht the pzefent into the houfe to
With ?ou, petabuentute it was fomc hym,wh<che was in theit hanbes, anb
ouerftght* bowebtbemfelues to the grounbe be*
ij Xabe alfo yout b20thetrbithyou,anb fbzebint.
go agayne bnto the man.
attfe anb 27 aub he affteb them of their" Welfare,
14 anb ®
<£5ob almightie geue you met* anb fayb:3Is your father, that olb man
eye in the fight of the man, that he may Wbicbeyetolbeme of,m goob health;
belraetyouyoutotbet tootftet, $ tflwj anbisheyetaiiue;
25eniamin : anb thus 3
am as one that 28 Xhcyaunfwereb:£byfcruauntoor
is quite tobbcb of his cbyltoen. father is in goob health, 9 is yet alpue, 0) «tm*
15 Xhus tone they the pzerent,anb tibyfe anb they G) boWing tljem feIues,nwoe thtr fcifvii
Dicamc totiin)
fomuche moje money in thcitbanbc, tbeytobeyfaunce. tijnnucM
with iseniamm, anb tofebp,anbWent 29 anb he lifting bp his eycs,bebtlDe his
bowne to cgypt,« ttooe befozeSofepb. bzothet aBeniamin his mothers ronne,
nahengjofephfaibe usenfamin With anb fayb : is this your younger toother Cm;l>tcoitO*
them, he fayb to the tulet of his houfe of Whom ye fpabe bnto me? anb he Dcrpng the
tronUcs ot
toyng thefe men home, anb Hay, anb faib: d5obbe
mcrcyfallbnto thee my JjtB
fjtber, tlj*
" OJOlMSOfbttf
maueteby, fo? thefe men (ball" bpnc forme* . _ ' . , ,.
niorhcr, «n»
bio otoncret.
toitbmeatnoone. 30 anb 3lofeph maoe
hatte (fo? h<s" Dicutr , about
He tpmt of
'7 ^nb the man bib asgiofcpb bab, anb heart bib melt- bpon his toother) anb Ipcnumnta
ojougbt tljcm into 3 ofepbes houfe. fougbtLto^J to Weepe,ano entreb into tl)lH.
" Bowel*
lofcpl I. Genel is. lofte pll,

his chaumber anb ibept there. tiontotheegyptians.

31 anb be ibaOjcb Dts facc,anb came out, 33 3lnb they fatte before ftym the ficft

anb rcfrayneb h?m fclfe, anb faybe : fet bo?ne,acco?bingto!)tsage, $the youn*
tyeab on the table. gelt acco?bing to Dts yowl): anb" the

31 anb they pjeparcb fo? hvm by l)?nt mcn Ct,) mcrtteylcb among tbem fclucs.
fcife,anbfO? them by thcmfclucs, anb 34. anb he fent reibarbes bnto them Mulct, %£>

cgypttans \DJ)tti) opt) catc Unth
fo? tl)c ftombefo?c him fclfe: but ascniamms *»*&
fn ^optis cn)
the e* pact tbas Rue times fo much c as any of

fhtiotl, brill) him, by them femes, betaufe

arfic clcane> gyptiansmaynot cate tyeab Unth the theirs: anb they tyonue, anb ruerc
tic (Tc f oloirtiig co)
t)tr, colli) raiu $cb?eibes : fo?thtU is an abftomina* mabe"meryUnthl)ini. 'Dronke
tempt of tljc

^ The .xliiij Chapter.

st^oyrea fl)Cs
ta'ctlj in rtic

lot cpli commnuntictl? lift! cuppe to be put In the Cache of tfenfamfn. 4 Che cuppe fe

awacficD in tUe facfic of ffiemamta. 13 Hofepg accuferft

option of Hu&ajJ tmto "Jofcpft.
b?etti?cu of theft. 18 Che

% I ii52D he commaunbeb it is founbe, fljaibe my feruaunt, anb ye

the ruler of Ins houfc, (balbcblamelclTc.
facing : the mens
fill n 3lub at once euery man toftc boumc
facftrs nntn toobe, as insfacHctothcgrouub.anbcucry man
muchas they can cary, opencbhisfacne.
^puteucrymansmo* 12 ^nb Ije « fearcheh, anb began at the (Otttfit
cia.ifc a i»(:
nyinhisfacftesmouth: younaea : anb the
eibcft, anb left at the ftmblcr oi
tic in ocatpnrj
1 anb put* my cup,my fiuicr cup in the cuppe urns founbe itmeniamins facHe.
III* Wktlt,

IB c6mautibci>
to aitrp in.m:
facees mouth of thcyoungclr, anb his i} %hen they rent they? tlothes, anb la*
tljctc Wei) cp=
amptcs arc
come mone v alfo. 3 no he bib acco?bing beb euery iMht5alTe,anbU)entagame
nottobtfolo* to the nwbc that 3iofcph Dab fatbe. bnto the cine.
net, toiiubc
ponlomcfin 3 ^nb in tl)e morning affoone as it tbas 14 anb^Juba anb his tycth?en tame to
jjuicr motion iyght,tbcmcn ibere let go, they, anb 3Jofephes houfc (fo? \)tp»m yet there)
of JBoo.
their alTcs. anb they fell betoje him on the grouno.
4 anb U)ljcn tlje? tbere out of toe citie, 15 3lnb Jofcph fayoe bnto them : lbhat
anb not pet facte albay, ^ofepl) fapoe nztnc is this that ye haue bone t oaote
Unto tlje ntler of bis ljou(e: bp, anb fo* yenotthatfuche a man as 31 ' 00 con* pnfMt
lovot after the men, $ UJljentDouboeH fultunth (0 p?opheeiers* (I) «W}
6t opt «l #
oucrtaKc tl;em, ttjou thait fa? bnto i6 Xbenfaibc3uoa:tt)hatfl)allttiefay tbpns i ll<
OjooHi ml
tl)em:U)berfo«!e hauc ?e reujarbeb eupl bnto my io?bc< nahat^allUJefpeafte^ taut wo*
fojgoob; o? houjc ajall u>e " clcare our felucs i Cs)
5 3ls not that the enppe in the tbhiche <!5ob hath founbe out the ttiicueones of
" lumtic,
In the mp fLojb tymnet!) < anb f 0? the ibbich thy feruauntes: bcljolbe,Uie are my (e) fflfull
twuble fc*'
»iici be prt-
he* conTultetH U)ith the pjophectcrs* lojbes feruauntes, both Uie, yea, anb outaw"*

fb ,i 0c bent J*e haue eutll bone that ye haue bone. he ^tb ibith vbhom the cup is founbe. l.tljtntC
luttoibcc-jn till
31nb Uihen he oucrtoUe them, he fapb 00b
turccs roj any
17 anbheaunftbereb, fojbib that
tnattei : but
11)10 IS [upDe
bp DiUimnla«
the fame Uio^bes bnto them.
3lnb they aunfoicrcb htm: (t) tt)herfo?e
3 a)ouibebofo:butthemantt»itt)Uih5 dM incrtafc the mp is founb,hc Chalbe my feruaunt,
(c) 21 goott
faycthmy |Lo?be
Uio^bcsi ©00 fucljc anb get ye hence bp in peace bnto your
coictencc mac
fcubib that thy feruauntes thoulb bo fo.
fcett) tl){ father.
tocicafctijcm 8 zsehoioc the money lbhith U)e founbe 18 1Lbcn3mbaU)entbntohim,anbfaib:
inourfaencs moutljcs, U)e tyougljt a* £>b my lo?oe,let thy feruaunt [3 pw
gayne bnto thec^ut of the lanb of Cha- tfiecj fpeaue a
ibojbe in my locoes man"

uaan : hoibethcn fl)oulbcUie fteale out earcs, anb benot inflameu unth U)?ath
of thy Ho^bcs houfc cythce fuuer oj agayna thy feruaunt, " fo? w thou art
goibc? cucnas^harao.
9 aaith iVhomfoeuer of thy feruauntes 19 <3&V lo?be afbeb his feruauntes, far
(vy ftjen
ftoulB be bus it be founbe, w
let himbye, anb Uie alfo ing:haue ye a fatljer.o? a tyotljew ojaH»
ctetc * ropfe,
wfcnopng Uiyll be my Hojbcs bonbmen. io ^nb
Uie aunftberco my
lo?be: tbe
thci: mnOi
lltulC. 10 3no he laib, 0am alfo let ft be aceo^ haue a father that is olbe, anb a young s>
bmg bnto your ibo;bcs;hc rbittj ibhom lab,u)bich he begat m
his age : anb the
Geneilis. XXXI
bjotljcr oftDc fopo lab is beab,anb
all that ts left of hts
be is
mother , anb bis
3 fapb, © of a furctic be is tome in pee- m ?«*
tcs,anb3lfaU)ebininotfincc. SffiSST
fatljer louetbbim. 29 2nb ifpe tafec tbis a!fo
aibap fcom fiRtf
21 tbou fameft bnto tljp fcruauntes:
3ttrt> me aubbeftruction come bnto Dim, pc
bjpng ijim bnto me, that 31 map fct mp mall bjpng mp gtap ijeao ibith
nc(ftto ,c
fo:o\bc uwciticite.
epcsbponljim. bnto the graue.
22 3lno ibe aunftbereb mp 2Lome, that
% tl)e lao eottlD not go from bisfatber, fo*
30 iftoibe tl)eccf02c rbljcn
come to thp
feruaunt mp fatljer, anothciaobc
if be fbouibe leaue i)ts father, he acre
J a J
butbeab. bptbeiabbcsitfcO >
z3 1£hcn fapbett Ch) tljou bnto tbp fer* 31 Ximtfbau it come to paffe,tbatas*
" Tied vnto
uaiintcs : creeptpourpoungcltb2otljcr foone as be feetlj tbat tbe lao is not
come U>ithpcu,lofcethatpe fee mp face come, be lbpll nye : fo fljall lbe tl)p fcr*
nomo?e. uauntcs typng tlje gcap bcab of tbp fcr*
24 3inb ibljcn roe came bnto thp fetuaunt uaunt our father ujmj atonic bnto the
our fatber,Ybc fheibeb ljpm tlje lbomcs graue.
ofmpllome. 32 f0? 3 thp feruaunt became furctie foz
25 3uiD our father fapbe bnto bs : go a* the lab before mp fatljer, anb fame : $f
gapne,anb bpe bs a Ktle foobe. 3 typng bpm not bnto thee agapnc, " »
i6 3tnb ibe aunlroercb „ lbe can not go 3 fljalbcarc tbe blame bnto mp fatljer >»<••<" *»
bottmc : neucrtrjclefle, if our poungeft all mp Ipfc long. #"« °ff <-.

brother be ibitlj bs, then lbpll rbe go

boibne, fo?tbc map not fee the mans
?3 #orbe therefore 5 pwp tbee,
thp feruaunt bpbeljere fojtlje lao, ano
let me
face, crcept our poungeft brother be be mp lomcs ®
bonbman, anb let the $>*™«
ibitlj bs.
zj 3itm thp feruaunt our fatfjer fapb bn^
34 .fojholbccangjgobptompfatbcr,

to bs : pe nnorbe that mp lbpfe bare me $.*
ifthelabbebe not lbitb mc^bnlcflc
w 3
nbofonnes. iboulbe fee the ib^etcljcbneffe that w ^mm
28 3nb the one ibent out from me, mm OjaUcomeonmpfather.
ftouloe p:o=
cure tlje ion

^ The. xlv. Chapter.

1 tofepb prtbctb bim fclfe to be fino torn oEbt's b^otberg.
r $e comfo?tctb tbem. 8 giofcpb
bp tbe totUofdDioDbcj'ng Cent into (Egypt, is maoe gouernour ouec (fgppt, ano Cenoetb
%bt3fatber. ij^efipffctbbteb.Jetbjen.toecppttg. i6p>baraocommamiDctb lacobto
be b;ougbt into flEgypt. :i 31ofepb geuctb gpftes unto bis b^ctfeen. 24 ^c ejrtjo?tetb
tbem bnto loue. *6 %t is tolbe lacob tbat bis Tonne 3ofepb Ipnetlj.
^ 1 !Tl€)fcpl) coulbe no came neare. %nn be faib,3J am 3 ofepl)
longer rcfrapne pour bjotfjer ibbo pe folbe into «gppr.
before all the that iFlolbe therefore be not grceutb Ijcre^
ftoobe bp hpm,
lbitb,ncitl)er lct it feeme a cruel tbiiig not onipc fo^s
DftctBOHlt) ibherefozcljc crp* tnpourepes, tljatpe folbe me bptljer: Si'iif (licir

eb: w caufeeucrp
PJiatit tt)t funic: bat .Ufa
fo? d5ob hit} fenbe me before pou to pie^ toucrtll) tl)fic
Wueltt. n;Jinc.
man to auopbe. fcruelpfe.
3nb there remaps f 02 tljis is tlje feconbe pere of beartlj
neb no man ibitb in tbe lanbe, anb fine rno^c are behinue,
bim,)bl)pie 3(ofeph bttereb hpm fclfc in trjeibbicije tbere (ball ncptber be ea*
bnto bis bjetbzen. rpngnoiharttell.
2 5lnb he ("nbept aioube,anb the €gpp* naherfozc 00b fent me before you, to
tians,anb tbe Ijoufe of i^barao Ijcaro.
pjcferuepoua " poftcritie in tlje eartb,
? nl) Jcfepljrapbe bnto bis biet^en:
o?am anb to fauepour luxes bp a great belt- nttuHt.

J 3ofcpb,botl) mp fatljer pet iptte* ueraunce.

3Jnb bis b2etl)2en (0 coulb not aunftbere 8 ^onorbe,ittt)asnotpe tljat fent me
win, trjepu»cre but <jjod lbljicbc batlj maoe
(c) t5oo Hfc tlic
fo abafbeb at l)is p?e* hptber, toirlico, ano

me a fatber to ^barao, ano lomc of all tutnc tbeir co

to I113
4 nt> ^ ofc P hfa VUe bnto bis bicthien, bis boure,anb ruler tbiottgljout all tbe
tlicp iirc


wine nearc to me
3 pjap pou.^nbtl)cp lanocofegppt.
9 $aftc
erasable foi
iioiuj intent.

Iacob. Gcncl is. Iofe c

9 you,anb go Dp to nip father, anb

tyaftc this bo ye :
w tabe tbarcts nntb you
fell Dint : thus fatcfb t!)V tonne 'Jjfofcpl), out of tbe lanbe of egypt fo? your rtjyfc
<5oti bath maoc me lo?tJ of all egypt, b?en, anb fo? your ibyues, anb b?yug
trot bjaoac of
l)i3 slc-.p ,but come bottmc tbcrfo?c bnto mc,tary not. your father, anb come.
io anb thou (bait bibcil in trje lanb of
io alfo " regarbc not your ftuffe, fo? tbe
his father by "U not
this wojtic of
<SoD. <E>ofen" anb bcancyghbour bnto me, goob of all tl)e lanbe of egypt is yours. your cy 8

(g) Jt toos
calicb ot'tcr-
tftott,! thy tbylb?cu, ano thy tbylb?cns zi anb the tbtlb?en of 3Jfrael byb euen 'P a fc your
tbflbjen, tUv tbeepe, anD tby bcaftcs, fo :anb 3Jofcplj gaue tbem cljarcttes,
acco?byng to tbC'commaunbementof
"Got hen. anb all that tbou haft. "Moutl,,

ii anb there n>yii 3 p?ouibe tbec wire- ^harao, anb gaue tl)embitayle alfo to
nanncc (fo? there rcmaitte vet ftue yeres fpenbebythelbay.
of bcartb) left tbou anb tby boufboioe,
ii anb be gauebnto eclje of tbe cbaunge
ly may ouoyoe 9 all that tljou baft tome »> to poucrtte. of ratment:but bnto Bemamin be gaue
(loucrtic by 1)0
nta incancfl. iz anb bcljoibc your eyes bo fce,anb the tb?eebunb?ebpeeces of filuer, anb ftue
eyes alfo of my b?otbcr asentamin.trjat chaungeofrayment.
® mine ottm mouth fpeaftctn bnto you. z3 anb bnto ^is father be fent after tbe
tlic t»cb)twc
13 3Lberfo?e tell my father of all mv glo* fame maner ten afles labentbitb goob
tic in egypt, anb of all that you fjaue out of egypt, anb ten u> afTcs laben
fcene, anb mafce Ijaft, anb b?yng my fa* ibttlj come, $b?eab,anbmeate, fo? bis

therbytber. father by the ibay.

e 14 anb be fci on bis bjofber asentamins 24 &o fent be bis b?etb?en atbay, anb
00 d)t 10:1c nccKe, anb tticpt: ( « anb jBenftinut tl)t^ beparteb : anb he fayb bnto them,
of bjr£l)jrn.
tbcptonblsnccKc. fee tljat (p) ye fall to no ftryfe on tbe

15 S0o?eouer be w ttiffeb ai bis b?etb?en, ibay.

toUcn of
attbibcptbpou them: anb after that, 15 %tyy beparteb rtjerfo?e from egypt,
bcturljt tl;cm.
l)is b:erb;en taikeb Vbitb b»nt. anb came into tbe lanbe of C&anaan,
i<; anb trje fame [tfimof j mas bearbe m bnto3lacobtbey?fatber.
l&rjat aos boufc,(b tljat tbey faybe : 3Jo* 26 anb tolbc btm, faying : ^ofepb is yet
fepbes b?ctb?c arc come, anb it plcafcb aitue,anb is goucrnour ouer ai the lanb
« VVai
l^barao ttieli,anb all bis feruauwes. of egypt. anb Jacobs heart" tbauc-
17 ^nb 0harao fpabe bnto 3Jofepb rtb,fo? be c<1) beieueb them not. (q) COW
touts of l«i,
iro0 JBodo Tin
fay bnto thy b?ctb?cn,tbis bo ye: labe a7 anb they tolbc \)^m all the lbojbcs of u.-ttaitbc-
tr-ico toljin
tiann count
your beaftes,anb go [anD] returne bnto 3ofeph,vbbicbc be bab faib bnto them: Htpttll

not abyoe the

the lanbe of Cbanaan: anb lbljen he faibc the cljarets \bbtd)c ttuttl).

18 Xatte your fatljcr, anb pour boufe* gjofepb bab fent to cary ljint,tlje fpirttc
fl)Olbes,anb come bnto me, anb 3
iby H ofjlacob tbeir father reuiueb.
gcue you the goob of tbe lanb of egypt, 28 anb 3)frael faibc : [91 eauej co mougb,
anb vc (ball eate the fat of tlic lanbe. that 3(ofcpb my fonne is yet aiyue :
I? anb tbou alfo (bait comaunbe [t^mj lbttl go,anb fee bim,yer ttjatj bye.

^ The .xlvj. Chapter.

Cljc govng of Iacob into tfgppt. ? ©oo comfojtete giacob.anb tmttotb fife
7 3Chc fonncg ot -Jacob. 27 fcuentte perfons tbat nitreo into qftrppt toitii llacob ^9 io.
fep5»ncetrn2fiisjfatficr,6ftr«fifiim. H^bcCgpptianssDoDefpiteaUbearDmm.

a 1 Araci bis four*

tofee am3J.
ncy ibitb all that be 3 anbhcraybc:5am<!5ob,tbe(!5obof
hab anbcameto26ecr

feba,anb (,) offrcboffcs

tljy father, w fcare not to go bourne into mm i».u

f«) 3n flit
|K gynnyng of
ringes bnto the d5ob
3 ujyll there matte of thee
egypt : fo? naan

hi0 loumcy be
cillctf) bpson
a great people.
tcftttbitot 10
ofbts father 3ffabac. 4 (0 3 U>yll go botbnc ibitb tW i" t0 tew""
leant this anb d5obtpabe bnto egypt: anb 3 ibyii furcly mafte thee
be but
Slfracl in a bifion by nygbt,faying : 3a= comebpagayne, anb Jofcph (ball put
ooontitp. tab, 3acob i anb bcaunfibereb : Ijere bis Ijanbe bpon tbyne eyes.
5 anb o,wr»
[icch- Gcncfis. XXXIj.
3lnb Jacob rofc Dp fromfficer-feba:
anb the Tonnes of Jfrael carpeb Jacob ir
^ffKP^^^nbare bnto him.'
thefr fatljer,anb then: ebilbje,anb their
mpucs, tnthe charettes ibhiche m&
W& 6
* nB ttlcv w toftctljcic cattcu,anb the
SSe '
PP '
anD ^ u PPim >

Km goobes ibhiche thep hab gotten in the

»»< lanbc of Chanaan, $ came into €gppt,
both Jcob anb all his feebe ibith him,
7 $is fonnes, f his fonnes fonnes ibitf)
3tabtbechilb?enof2Dan:feurun. «

25 him, hisbaughters, anb his fonnes t^K ?%*? of ^P^Jali: 3ahfecl,

anb^unt,3Jefer,anb5)mem. '

baughtcrs,anb all his feebe bought he Xhefe are the fonnes of 26ilha,tt)h<ch
ibith him into egppt. ILaban gaue bnto ftachci \n bauah^

$s\ 8 £befc are the names of the ehplbjo n ter, anb the bare thefe bnto
Jacob alto*
of JfracHbhich cameinto €gppt,[botfj]
Jacob anb his fonnes, ftuben Jacobs
, 2<s ^nb fo the fouies that came forth Ja^ 2D
« fir ft borne.
cob into egppt, tbljtctjc came out
of his \
'9 [£he chtlbjen of Enben : $anoch,anb lopnes,befibes Jacobs Tonnes \bpucs
ibere altogether th?efco^c $ fire fouies. '
jo %fyt chilbjen of Simeon : JemueU 27 ^nb the fonnes of Jofeph ibhichc'
^j* Jamin,anb » £>hab,anb Jachin, anb
ttiere borne hvm in egppt,
ibere ttbo,
!»• &ohar, anb ^>aui the fonne of a CDa*
fouies: TotljatailthcTotiicsofthehoure *3-
naanitifbciboman. of Jacob ibhiche came into
|t;« £he chpibjen of %m : d5etfon, Ce* [tterej «
thKrcoje anb tm.]
U ^P '
« ljath,anb^eraru 28 2nb he fent Juba before hpm bnto OfifiOtlBfpCa
ual grace ttjat
•it £hc chiibjen of Juba : er, $ €)nan, Jofeph," tobirecthisfacebnto(i5orett in ft»c I'frefl
£>clah,? 0hares,anb zarah : *but Cr anb they came into the lanbe of (ffifofen. bcrgrcrocto
fMl) a mows
anb £>nan the lanbc of Chana* 29 3mb Jofeph mabe rebp his charct, tunc u
oitt of (JJgppt.
an. %\)t chflbjen of Shares airo tbcre" anb lbent bp ® to meete JTrael his fa^
. ^cfronanb^amul. t^vc bnto d5ofen,anb pzefentcb him fclf fwfi
«ij 3fob the chilbjen of Jfachar : %\>m, bntohim,anbhefclion fjis nccbe, anb
#uuah,anbJob, anb Simeon.

; XbeptonhisnccUcagoobUJhvle. ticlcttcttf
,'4 Xhe chplbjcn of zabuion: 3>ereb,
jp ^nbjfraelfapb bnto Jofeph :noibc Ijl3 OtlCtlCtO
1?IB fatf;cr.
< anbcion,anbJahelel. am content to bpe, irilbmuche as
«i5 Xbcfebcthe chilbjenof Hea,tbhiche haue fcene thp face, anb becaufe thou
* the bare bnto Jacob in ^efopotamia, artvetaiiue.
, JMt& his baughter 2>ina. 211 the 31 3inb Jofeph fapbc bnto his bjethtfn,

LI" *1
< rouies of his fonnes anb baugljtcrs, anb bnto his fathers houfe wJ
ibpu Cm) UewpB
WCOU.I: « [™fc]«thirttcanbth:ee. go bp,anb Ojeibe ^harao,anb tell htm: o(p;matcjf.
'Woneof fa'ti(5,tl|0'jglj
[Bnnber: *« %\yt eftuuen of ©ab : 5>tphton, anb mp b?eth?en, anb mp fathers houfe, *»"«»"«
" w ' wtt
mm, S>uni,anb efbon, crt, $ arobi, ibhicheibereinthclanbeof Chanaan,
« anb^reli. are come bnto me.
"WW <% h
^echilbjenof;afer: CB) Jmnah,an^ 32 3mbthepare(hephearbes, fo^thepz ^
^Jifuah, anb JiTui, anb serial), anb trabc hath ben to feebe catteii:anb the? e
I € Jerah their fitter. 3nb the chplbjen of hauc bought tljep? fljeepe anb thepj
^ttpft : $eber,anb ^althiel. cattcll,anb au that tfjep hane.
' **?* ai;e $* r° nn es of 2ilpha,tbho
33 3lnb if that ^harao call pou, anb afte
£ a
r J? saue to ?Lca his baughter: anb pou,ibhat vow occupation is?
jpere foe bare
bnto Jacob, l«««»J fi> 34 Pe thai annftbere wthp feruaunfcs

tone fouies. Dane ben ocntpieb about cattell from Of the b alVncs

JPE, %Hwn of machel Jacobs »

our chilbhoob bnto this tpmc, n>e anb


w«c:3Jofeph anb Beniamin.
bnto Jofcph in the lanbe of
Ujerc b£we " ^anaffes , anb
our fathers: that pc map bibell in the
lanbe of d5ofen. jfojeuerponc that ne*
pert) cattell,is an
abhomination bnto C»)
t f »oe of the
cncime mage
«Pb?mm,«)hich afcnatlj the baughter fljeegpptians. fo: tlje better

C%he other coatnO'

: :

lofeph. Gcnciis. kp|

^ The. xlvij Chapter. .

ilofepb tefletb into J&barao tijc commptg of W

fatijet, aMaftsnjtttBfli his bjctften.

sfacob being bjougbt fti,f* queOtomb tottft of £barao. 11 cftc lanD of (Efofcn wgeum
2» twins ft
tntogiacob. nl.oftpDaturtUgrarnetoraon^anDcatterianDIan^.
m p?icflcg of tfte fitng.
:?fflBen to rotate anD Djinfie, geue tftcm fewes to be
gacob torflbe bm?eb ttitb W$ fathers.

3(i £>fep!jcametrjeri gin place of tfte lanbe

tlje bell mm
fo?e 91 toibe $Da* both, thy father anb thy bjethjenbibell,
tao,anbfaib:*$y enc in tlje lanb of d5ofen let them bibel.
father t? my b?e* fijrjo^coner, if thounnoibeft any man of
tb&ttefyeepe, actinitie amongeft thcm,manc them w
anb tljey? tattcii, lersonermytcatteiij,
ano all tl)at tljey 3mb 3, ofeph brought in3f acob Ijis Qp 25
ljane,are comcont tber, anb fct hym before #harao anD

ofpianbcofCba* 3Jaeob TO blefleb$ljarao.

tiaan: anbbcljolbe, tljey ace in tt)e 3 3mb i&harao fatb bnto 3 acob : houic Ijcalft

lanbe of dsofen. "oioe art thou*

«« Of the 1 3tno gjofcplj tout " ofclje (K Hum

' company of 9 3Jaeob fayb bnto $harao,n:hcbayes "Thc«

Ijis bmijjen Ltutnj fine men,anO pjefen- ofmy pilgrimage are an hunbjeb atiD oftntjf
tebtljembntoi&ljarao. tljirtic yeres : if eibc anb cuiU Ijaue tfte
3 31nb pljarao fayb unto bis bjetljjen w
bayes of my life ben.anb Ijaue not at* wtwm'
(a) %
lbljatisyouc occupation* 3ltibtl)cy tayneb bnto tlje yeres of $ lyfc of my w wtifflj
masiOratc to
arut. aunftbereb pjarao:tby feruauntcs ate tljcrs, in tlje bayes of they: pilgrimage BWWfJS

Ipc arc not

nepers of cattcli, botlj \be,anb alfo 10 3mb 3Iacob bicfleb 0harao ,anb ttjent fatti*
anrnmso of

djcbafcntlTt outofbispjefence,
of tlicir occtw
(idrton.ftitbt 4 %\)iy faib mojeouer bnto ^ljarao,fo? 11 ^nb Jiofeplj pjeparcb blbellingcs f«
wtcfuti. to fotonvne in lanb are lbe come, fo;
tlje l)isfatljec,anbljis b;etb?en, anb ganc
tljy fecnauntsljaue no pafture fo? tljctc tljcm poflcflions in tlje lanbe of egyp j» irt-,

tattell,fofo?c is rlie faniitytnem in tlje in tlje beft of tlje ianb,cncn tbc lanb of®

lanbe of djanaan : ^olbe tljcrcfojc let &amcrcs, as il>fjarao Ijab comaunbeo.

tljy fcruanntcs btbcll in tlje lanbe of II ^tnb giofcplj mabe p^onifion fo? IJ'»
CO lit faa*
tntl>c confined
<°<E>ofcti. fatljcranb ljisb?ctb?en,anb all IjisM'
or tbc lanbe of
Cbanaan.anb 5 3inb $uarao faybe bnto 3fofcpl) : tljy tbers Ijonujoibc ibitl) bjcab cs) encnto
3trabia,anbui fatber 9 tbp bjettyc arc conic bnto tljce. montljcs of tlje yonng cbylb?cn.
H)C cirrcrac
%\)t lanbe of egypt is before tljce:
partus of
em'' ij m
XDevc ibas no b^cab all tpc uotw»
Genef is. xxxn r
foi the ueactlj ibas erccebyng foie, fa
thc P^ cftes !> ar) a P««on

ttjat the lanbe of
«gypt, anb the lanb
of Chanaan vottt famifljcb by reafon of
fcff Lfl**
auigneb them of $havao, anb
their porno lbbtci) pharao gauc
eate JSSffS
them :

the Dearth.

1 foll)e "0* theft; lanoes. Icctltli ftr.

c 14 3u,b3fofeph brought togetber all the 1? cpft fa ^e bnto tbe folne

money that uiasfounbc the lanoe of m ..ZVl* S°J

bebolDe,3Jhaue bought you this bapc
egypt anb of Chanaan, foi the come anbyour lanbe 2D
fo* fcharao: %o, here
rjbt lbbtch they bought : anb be layeb bp »> is ftebe fpj you,$ ye (bail foibc
tbe lanb.
ttcofutc tbe money m
i&haraos boufe,
H« 3fnb of tbe increafe von than gene the
15 m
ashen money fayleb the lanbe of e* fyfth part bnto ^ijatao > anb
(«) flnflirt
Boil) l)C
gyptanb of Chanaan , all the cgyptfc partes thaibe your orbne fin fecoc of tbe PicHctiran-.
mcallp f pt3-
ans tame bnto 3Tofcpl), anb faibe, d5eue fielbe, anb fc» you $ tbem of your houfc pic :ano got!)
1)18 gooo f«i
us bicab : n>l>crcfo2c fuffccft tbou bs to holbes, anb fo? your ebylbjcnto eate. nice to ijia
oycbcfojetbcewhcourmoneytslpenfc 25 3lnb they aunftbereb : Xbou baft Ya*
i6 1Cben faybe 3Jofeph, (0 26?yngyout ueb our lyues, let bsfynbe grace in tbe
_ Unto of
« tfMlnf
lit cattcll: ano ibyii geue you foiyouc
cattellyf money fayle.
fygbtofmy lojbe, anb ibc tbyibc m&
liwlltr nun* raosferuauntcs.
tmiiicrijjo 17 3lnb tbcy brought their tattell bnto i6 3lnb 3fofepb mabe it a laibe ouer
gjofcph :anb3Iofeph gaue tbem bicab thelanbcof egyptbnto tbisbaye, tbat
foi botfcs ano fljcepe, anb oren, t? affes, #harao fboulbe haue the fyft part, w w„ «*«
anbfebbe themibitbbieabfo?
that y ere.
all their ercept p lanbe of the p^ieftes only,ibbirb
J J **« 5?r
18 26ut ttben that yereibasenbcb, they vj Suibjfraelbrbelt in Cgypt,enen in
came bnto bym the nert yere, anb faybe thcycountrey of d5oren, ano tbey hab
bnto bym : nae tbyl not bybe it from my tljeirpofleu1[onstberin,anogreibe ano
lojbe, botbe that our money is fpent: mulnplieberceebyngly.
mylojoeairobaoourhearbesof cattel, x% ^o^eouerjlacobiyucbintbeianbeof
nrthrr tether
nether rmcrht left
is t jjer ougbt m pijfirrhtfif
Irff in mil
fight of my Cgppt Fmimmmm
i&nnnt> r^,*K,* iu,i,.i.
feuentecne yeres,fo that p ibbole
lotfte but cnenourbobiesf ourlaubcs. age of 3Jacob tbas an (« ljunbzeb anb Ipucd fp) Jacob
In the

19 naherefoje lettett tbou bs bye before fourtieanbfeuenyercs. lwocof Clji<

Ijotifn- thine eyes, bothibe anb our lanbe i w naan. 77. pe=
%9 naben tf^t tyme bzevbe nye that 3fra* rt*. tljcn In
tftith fljlcropotamfa
mrpirttol bpe bs anb our lanb fo; b;eab, anb both el mult bye,be fent fo? his fonnc^jofepb lo.aftcnoara
tt*«prepl(,bf In tbe lanDeof
tbe anb our lanbe lbyli be bounbe bnto
anb faybe bnto bim : 3Jf Dmt founbe Cb 'Jinan
ano In iffisppt

i^Darao: onlye geuebsfeebe, thatibe grace in tby fygbt, oh put tl)p banbe bn* «7t
mayiyue,anbnotbye, ?that the lanbe ber my thygb, anb bcaie mercifully anb
gonottonmfte. Ct
truly ibitb me, that °tbou bury me not C<l)?cS»Itl9
ao anbrojorcphboughtalltheianbeof inegypt. bcrttrp furclo
cotiSrmc |)iS

€gypt fo? ^>ljarao : 5f02 the (Egyptians 30 2sut3 Ojali tteepe Tbith my fatbers, podciinc in
tbt c.oinic
foibe cucry man bis pou*eu"ions,becaufe anbtboulhaltcarymeoutofcgppt, $ <"*»»

tljebeartijibas fofozebpon them: anb bury me in tbeir buryall. 3nb he aun*

I JJJtowg
•Wm tta
to the lanbe became |Mjaraos. ficbercb : 3
ibyll bo as tbou baft faybe.
(r) CbMflje

*f ban to
c zi J3nb he caufeo the people ^ to moue
31 3nb betaybet ^>tbeare bnto me. 3nb fbi loftpba
commt: ano
tofllrtic from eitie to citie, fro one fybe of cgypt he ftbare bnto binOfnb ^ ^fraei"£boi*
r (ommCTiDCB to
into the otber. fl;ippeb torbaroe the bebbes beab. tittt.

» ^>nly the lanbe of the piicfles bought


lSSLtoni = ^ The. xlviij. Chapter.

> lotepfttDttb W c&pltyen bffitetb W ficBc £atftec.
maxima bnto bim. 8 lacob Weflctb Hofep^os c^pftjten.
5 3!acob aboptetb dSpHtaim ana
21 aacob fojctclletb the oc«
fcZT--' iir dec

uucraunw: of big rtjpltyen.

•Wpolt C;
tnio ^^?^5Ptcrrhcfc beebes, one fomte 3^ofcpb tometl) bnto thee. 3lnb
W V)t pa";
fm lOctli so*
fcpb to topnc
tolbeSofcph:bebolbe, gjrraet tone bis ftrengtb bnto bym, ano brm ftlfc to
tby father is ficftcanb Iatebpontl)ebcbbe. pit. from tbt

be tone ibitb hym ins 3lnb w

3Iacob fapo bnto 3Jofeph:(E>ob
ben nruioto.

tvbofonnes,i!0analTcs abnygbnc appeareo bnto me at Hu5 in ano from tbe

Tobitbc bus

tbe lanbe of Cbanaan, anb bleffcbme,

gTC it glo:ic
anbephjaint. nrcgbt Jilt"

Xfytn this mcflage anb faybe bnto me: tutc bpm.

Gen. xxxv.
tnasbeclarebbnto^acob ;behoibe,tby
Iofeph. (jrenciis.
ffieoolbc, 3J ibpll mane thee fruiteful, 14 anb 3ffrael ftretcheb out his tpgnt
ant) taufc thee to multfplte , ant) Vbpll hanbe, anb lapcb it bppon epfjjaims
malic a great number of people of tlice, hcao, Ibhifh lbas the poungcr anb his

ant) tbpil gene this lanbe bnto trjp feebe left hanbe bpon t^anaffrs heab,
^gup s ""•btR"'
after thee bnto an euerlattpng pofleffi- bpngbisbanbeibpttpnglp, fo^anafc f"Bt«.

on. fes lbas the firfl bome.

anb notbe thp ttbo Tonnes ^anaflcs 15 anb he blefleb 31 ofeph, anb Tapbe : <»
ano e plmim tbtiiclje tbere borne bnto
, ©obinlbhofe fpgbt mp
fathers ab?a-
the lanb of «gppt befo?c
trjee in tame 3 hamfjfahac bpbibalae, <&on tbhith
bntotljee into egppt, are mpne, euen hath febbe me al mp ivfe long bnto this
26 as ftnhcn anb Simeon are mine, bar, a*
anb the chilbzcn which thou baft got* i6 anb <» the angell ibhich hath beiiue^
(b) whmfljc
lanocof Cl>a>
naan Qjalbc
DeuiBco, tbcp
ten after tljcm, fljalbc tbpne otbne, anb
00 ftjalbc taileb after
the names of their
reb me from al eupl, blcfTc thefe labbes
anb w let mp name be nameb in them

B)M haue no
frucratlinbe- bjethjen in their inheritaunce. anb tlje name of m? fathers abjaljam CO 'Statu
comptco S
rttiuncc, but
r anbibhen 31 tame from $3cfopota* $3Jfahac,$ that thepmap "grorbc into »nc Mm,
their bic=
mia, ftacbcibpeb bponmp hanbe in amultitubeinthemibbes of the earth,
* A he word
(c) JfbbJ
the lanb of €banaan,bp the ibap, ibljen 17 raben 3lofeph favbe that his father "gnificthto
mother left there tbas but a ftelbes bjcabtb to tome lapcb his rpgbt hanbe bpon the heab of multiples
her otonc coS»
ttey : rjc nllo
ought to obey
bnto €pfj2atba: ano 3
burieb her there Cpbjaun, it bilpieafcb bpm : anb he lift

<0ODfl 'AlOJOC. in the ibapc to ephjatlja, the fame is bp his fathers hanbe, to haue rcmouco
asctbicbcm. it from <£ phtffms heab bnto
8 anb3jfraelbchelb3fofephcs fonnes, heab.
ano fapbe : ©hat are tbcfe; 18 anb iofeph fapbe bnto his father, s>
9 3Jofeph fapbe bnto his father : Xhep Mot fo mp father, fot this is the ftrll
are mp fonnes nfttt&e C5oo hath geuen bome : <» put thy right hanbe bpon his CWTrt«o«
free glftcB in

nic here, anb he fapbe : £>h tying them Ijeab. nottotetJct

mcobp tbcoji
to me, anb let me bicffc them. anb his father lboulo not, OttOfMtUK.
19 butfapbe:
io (anb the epes of Jjfraci ibere bpmme ^fanoujettibelimvfonne, 3Hmott>e that he toulbe notL*frtij fee) 01 2tmt
it ibeli, he (haibe alfo a people,
anb u>l< mtniOcr lit

ano he brought them to hpm, anb he be great: 25ut htspounger brother thai*
rohflt (fob

RVffeb them, anb imbjaceb them. be greater then he, anb his feebe ft>ll
ii anb 3lfrael fapbe bnto 3f ofeph , 3 become a peat people.
<b)iCbtgob= ftab not thought to haue feene thp face: 20 anb he biefleb them tl)at bap, 9 faibe:
ano vet loe, w
lye in all tbttu
BCD confiocr
tbc goobneue
d5ob hath tberbcb me al* c"°
3n thee let^fracl blefTc $ fape, c0od jraeeOjooUK
Ot'JBOb.'ir.llO fothpfcebe. •> matte thee as eph?aim# as fl^anaflesi ib appf are tl

fjnictb inojc
then 18 lohcb n anb 3lofcpb tofee them albap fr5 his
tljc'c rojo.ttiat

$0) lappe,anblie TO
botbeb hpm *JP 5eftt«p|wwm before fl^anaffes. MeqoHl
21 anb 3lfrael faib bnto 3Jofeph: bcholb patemc ol
Ce) felfe Jbttft
tbyngco tbat bleJiitjH*
his face toibarbe the earth.
were nooje in
toy nj.wcrc of
13 Xhen tofee 3Jofeph them both,€ph#*
3 W, 9 ®ob ujaibe Vbith pou, 9 bipng (VytDjw.

greater ina-
ponagaine bnto p lanb of pour fathers.
im Until bis rpgbt
hanbe toibarbe 3Jfc
Ibycjb. Olgnrnt,

c raels left hanbe, anb ^anaffes tbttrj

22 flpojeouer, haue geuen bnto thee a
jE/SUf lme aboue tDP b2eth?cn, "AHi^*
his left hanbe toibarbe 3Ifraels rpght w
ibhich 31 gat out of the banb of thea*
hanbe, anb bought them bnto hpm. mo^itein mpnbo^be,anb inmp boibe. about WW
f The. xlix. Chapter. BJWW»R
B onotrbui^
(Sob fpa"
fsibrtW 1 "


a» /B2D3Jatobcallcbfo^ to 3Jftaei pour father.

his fonnes, anb fapbc: Kubett mp
3 bo?ne , thou art mp fflfi!
Come together, that mpglit, $ the beginning of mp ftrengtb,
13 map tell pourbhat
fl)ail tome on pou in blcneffcofporber.
^ J^yteasNateMhou fl^ait not be
the ^cbiefeft, becaufcthou ibentcftbp
heare pc fonnes of3Jatob,hearbcnbni
to tljp fathers bebbe : fo^
then befticoa
Genelis. xxxi ir
tljoumpcottcljc lhith gopngbp. n_ ji5cpl)tt)alim is a hpnbc fent fo? a pa-
Simeon ant) flcui bzctbzcn, arc erucii rent, geupng gooblp ibojbes. •

inftrumentes in their habitations. 22 3lorepbis!yftca flojpflipng bongh. a

4D mp foule,come not thou into their
bough flojyfljpng bvavbcllfpbc rtoijofcj
fecretes, neither into their congregate "filial! bougbes ranbpon the Jball. "D,ius;'iter;

cms let mine honour be bniteb : foj in 23 Xhc arcljcrs haut grecuouflp pjouo*
their ttwath thep flctbe a man, anbin beb « hpin, anb (hot !)imth20ugh ibitlj 0) ^Pic afc
their felfeibpll,thepbpgge borbne a bartes, tljcp Ijaue Ijatcb him to Ijis Ijin* 3lofcpl)f his
poftetmc (tjaU
ibail. beraunce. be t'oic.

Curfeb be their ibjath, fo* ft ibas 2+ 2Butljisbotbeabobefaft, anb thear*

jg 7
Cbamelefle,anb tfjetr fiereencfle, fo? it mes of his hanbes iberc mabe flrong
ibas cruell : 3 lbpu beuibe them in (m)
bp the hanbes of the mpghtte <©ob of C'tt) ^TljC bCc
Jacob, anb fcattcr them in llftael. Jacob: Cut of him fbal come an hearb* Jofcpb roao
hv J5ot),totve
S 3Juoa,tbou act he lbhom tt)p bjethjen man,aftonein3Jfrael. f nt>c alio

fhallpjapfe : Xhp hanbe the

fijaibe in 25
5From thp fathers <Kob tbhiclj hath
bis people
fljoulDc be
necue of thine enemies, thp fathers chib Ijelpeb thee, anb from tlje altnpghtie (iO 'Cljat
is, all trtcfc
bjen fljall ftotbpe before thee. ibhich hath blcfTcb tljee Jtottlj bleffuigcs tbpnejes come

3uibaisalionsibhelpe:frothplpopie from heaucn aboue, Jbith bleflpngcs of
mpfonne thou art tome on Ope. «>$e the bcepc that ipethbnber, tj lbitljblef*
mtnifb" at
lapcb Dim bovbne, anb coucheb himfclfc fpnges of the bjeftes anb of tlje ibombe.
26 %\)t Co) bleflpngcs of thp fathers fljall a>
Hparii.rc of
as a lion, anb as a lionefle : rbljo lbpll (o)Cbetimte
fltnonc tccnt
18 cair.
Ihrrehpmbp? be ftronger then the blcffmges of mp el- nigbetSnbcn
noise iuac
fcoinnt, but
10 Xlje fecptet fljal not bepart fromju* bers:bnto thebtntoft of the hpiles of finojes iBooo

Bfott). ba, anb a laU) geuer from betlbecne his thelbo?lbe,thep fljalbe on the heab of taliccScct. IS feetc, °bntpU"<§>ilo tome: 3nb bnto Jofeph, anb on the toppe of the heab of
Ijrtc pioin.fco

• ihiloh. hpni fljall tlje gating of the people 0pm tljat ibas feperate from his tye*
be. tljjen.
n WctllltlC Of NIC
h $c than bpnbe his foale » bnto p bine, 27 Beniamitt Cp) fljallrauifljeasaibolfc: tribe lprtttj
macb on pjetpj
jbhtofjuoa: anb l)is afles colt bnto tlje bjaunche: $c 3Jn the mompng he fljall beuour the ititjffopie.

rauQniccD bp
Itjflt Itrelicij ibaffljcb his garment in ibine, anb his P?ap, anb at npgjjt he fljall beuibe t^e
clothes in the bloob of grapes. fpople.

(f) ftttrc
i-, #ts eves [ftaiuc] rebbe ttntlj tbine,anb
"his teeth rotate *wtft i»p*t«
28 authefeare tlje tibelue tribes of
raei : anb this their father fpaae bnto
ttcrc inuirr


Blucna about u

zabulon fljall bibcil c f) bcfpbc tlje ha*

'. .
them, anb bleffcbthem, cuerp one of
ttjiemtc. nen of tlje fea# npe tlje haue of fljippes, ttjem blefTcb he ibith a fcueral blcfling*
I llidim.
[Of^t Ijis bojbcr fljalbe bnto "S>tbon. 29 3lnb he chargcb them, anb fapbebnto
I tones.
14 Jfachar [«n
a "Orong afle, con* them : iBhcn 3
fljalbe gathereb bnto
r tbvng hpni boibne betlbecne ttbo bur*
Bttttlc mp people, burp me tbith mp fathers
ft) <ma
in tlje caue that is in the fielb of eph^on
I RmttttKe tljens. the Ijoipncs of

f »W tribute,
^nbfatbergatreaibasgoob.anbtfjc the^cthite, tbc place, but
, Ptlitpmp h t
15 rjcrebp to ce=
LWHtii nctec tbe me*
lanbc tljat it Ibas pleafaunt: ano boibcb 30 gin the caue tljat is in the fielbe of riLOitrotgoos

Ijis ujonlber to bcare, anb became a fcr* ^achpelah,W)ljiclj isbefoie ^amrein inomi.t to

uaunt bnto tribute. thelanbe of€hanaan,\bhich ^ibialjam

ibith tlje fielbe of cphjon tlje
c is Dan Hjail iubge Ijis people, anb one of bought
tlje tribes of Jfrael. $ethite fo? a pofleffion to burp in. Genjexiti.
I &) trie
17 Dan fljalbe cw a ferpent in tlje ibav,an 31 nahcre as ibere burieb*3l^aljatn anb Gcn.xxv.

Sooner, abber in tlje pattj,bvtymg p ljo?fc Ijeeles, 5>ara his Vbpfe,anb Jbhcre as Jberc on*
E">, rather anb his rpber fell bacftcibarbe. rieb Jfaljac anb
w fcebecca Ijis lbtfc : f fr) ajcrprcfl
tlipujol bec
is 3 Ijaue ibavteb (0 fo? tljp faluation there 3 buricblLea. .
^DHo?bc. 32 %%i fielbe anb the caue that isthertn
19 €>ab,anDoaflofmen fljall oucrcome tt>as bought of tlje chpin^n of M.
nprn : but he (hall oucrcome &m] at tlje 3j 3lnb UJljcn -Jacob Ijao mabe an cube
win® laft. DfcommaimbpngalltljatbclboulDbn; (n«bMI»,
° pit«&cti bp Ijis feetc tlicff-:iteof»
to Cut of the fat[iam>c]of 3tfer fljalbe his to his founts, he gjoocoTrrcnce,

lfr uitc
b?eab, anb w ije fljall gcuc plcafures fo? bnto tlje bebbe, anb bpcb*«ano ibas put t« ope pcace=
ablp % quiettf.
'fc? m
aUpng. bnto h«$ people.
. Kttt,. €\) CXlje
Iacob buried. Genefis. Iofephesmourny^

^ The. 1. Chapter.
igjaccbjsfcoDpi$sanno?trteD. sflflje toar/tyng o£tfgi?pttan0. 73ofcpr) bur?ctr) btjs
fatber in cbanaau, tottb a great retinue artf) mourning. >o funeral rites are cele.
bjatefoilacob. isancbjctfttenoflJoIeprjBopw foj parDon. 18 Hofepft remittetD
all intones bnto rjtg tyctfyen, ano fpea&ctb gentellp bnto tbcnt, zoUofepb f o?efpea»
fectbtbeocliueraunceofrjiji b?etb?en, 2631ofep&oret&.

^/52D 3?ofcp|) fell Upon
Disfatljersfaee, anD
of m Doufc, anb
lanbe of €gypt:
all tlje ttoets of tflt

ibcpt°°bpon!)im,anb $ anballtbe Ijoufe of Sofepij anb l)l$

(a) jSnliiroll
fojoivcyhtbc trpire&t)pm* b?ctl)?en,anbl)is fathers Doufe: onlye
In iiic.Tfutc. is
not to be rc- 3mb3Jofeplnomaun* ti)eircl)plb?en,anbti)clrtt)ecpe, stbeic
beb bis fcruauntestl)e fatten, leftttjeybeljynbeintDe lanbe of
pljtfmans w to <m* d5ofen.
feaff to the bammcl)ts fatber, ^nu tlje pfjifittans 9 Stab tljete ibent tbiett Ijpm aifo tfjat*
gobiy tben oil
enbatbmcb3ifracl. w
outvearbc to =
hen or
mutton: but
, 3mb fourtte oayes rbece contmueb(fo?
rettcsanb ftotfemen : anb It ibasan
eytcebyng great compame,
, ,
to £ t<jno;aunt 5
fo long botl) the tmbattmiyng lad) anb io 3lnbtt)ey came (
a D.ipne cetc=
w mournebfo? Ijim t&e to ttje come flooje of B Srt«<
(c)-Ei)iBron8 tlje Egyptians
^tab,»)l)icl)isbeyonbe3io?bane, anb
a ccrcmomaU
fweanbtenbayes. trjeretljey mabeagreat anberceebyng
. 3im) ibljenbayes of mournyng
tlje fo?e lamentation : anbfte mournebfo?
^ ibcrc cnbcb, fofcpl) fpake bnto p fjoufe Ijis fatljer feuenbayes*
ofj&barao, facing: gjf 'Jlwucfounoe ii 3lnb ibljcn tbe inljabiters of tlje lanbe
fauour in your eyes, fpcaue 3J p?ay you [cuenj tDeCljananites, faibe tbemour*
in tbc cares of 0barao,faytng: nyng mtbe come floo?e ofatab, tljcy
$&y fatber niaoe inc fiuearc, $ faybe, faybe : Xljis is a great mournyng bnto
%o 31 bye, bury tnc in tbe graucTbbtcl)
3J Ijaue mabe me in tl)e lanbe of Cbana*
m cgyptians. j©ljcrcfo?e tljcnameof
tpc place is caileb, XOe mournyng of
an. 0oVot tljcrfojc let tnc go bp 3J pjap t!)cEgyptians, $ it is beyonb 3Jo?bane.
anb bury my father, anb tljen ibyl
tljce, IX 3lnb ijis fonnes n^n bntobymaccor' €
3lcomcagayne. byng as be Dab commaunbcb t^cm.

6 3nb$barao faybe :c£>obp, anb bury
tljy fatljer, w accojbyng as Ijc mabc
u m Ijis fonnes caryeb t)?m into tlje
lanbe of Cljanaan, 9 buryeb
0>) among
bym in tlje
tbt tonbclt= caue of tbe fieibe #acbpelal), tt>t)tcDc
ucto rcucrftc
i»ao bao bnto 7 3utb gjofep!) Vbcnt bp to bury Ijis fa- nclbc^b^abambougbt to be a place to
tljcr, anb Vbitl) bym ibent all tlje fer* burp in of epl)?on t&c l^cthite, before
uautcs of ^ijarao tljat ibcrc tlje elbers ^9amre.

Gcncfis. XXXV11],
14 3Uib 3lofeph retttrneb into cgppt a* alpuc.
gapne, he anb his bjetrjjen, anb all that 21 :ffeare not therefore, ^noTOelJtbpu tohen
ibcntbpibithbpm to burp his father, nojpftepou anb pout chpHucn. anbbc
of re-
conciliation to
aflbonc as he nab butpeb hpm. comfojtcb tljem, anb fpabc "fcpnblp bn* frtitlt
go jn.

3utti u»l)cn 3Jofcpbcs bjethzen fatbe to them. " To their

15 hcactcs.
[an curll
tcnccisa that their father ibas bcab, tbep faibc : 22 JJofepb bVbclt in €gppt, he anb his fa-
«3Iofeph map pcrabuenture hate bs, % thers houfc anb gibteph ipueb^an
(k) f^e wig
rcibarbc bs againe all tlje eupll tt>hict)e Ijunbjco anb tenures. tn office. 79.
pcrcs : » ImcD
ibebpbbntohpm. 23 3mb 5lofeph favbe epbjatms chilbjcn after t)io fa:
tt)cr.5 + .pccca
16 2nb tftev
bpb fenbe a meflagc bnto euen bnto the thirbe generation : anb to tt)e great
rclicfc of trie
jjofepkfapingtXhp father bpb com* bnto ^acbir the fonneof ^anaffes Cljurctjc.
inaunbe before he bpcb, facing: ibere chplbjen " borne on llofepbes ®t,
Inu^bt tp,tr
yj Xljis iDpfe fyall pe rap bnto JJofeph, Knees. nmrifhti.
5Fo?gcuc [II vm t^cej the trefpaac of tbp 24 3nb 3fofeph fapbe bnto his b?ett)jen, 0) «l)t
bjettyen, anb their fmne
the? re*
: foi 3 (,>
bpe,$<25obropllfurelp btfite pou, piomifc tnmi -
ml 111 f>
lbarbeb thee eupll. 3nb nomc roe pzapc
1110: e.HI

anb bjpng pou out of thislanbc, bnto men muft tohc
tot pattcntrpe,
thee fojgeue the ttelpaffe of the feruaun
theianbeibhicljehc froare bnto 3una* ano not pjc-
tes of the <5ob of thp father. 3lnb 3jo*
ham, 3Jfahac, anb 3Jacob. tvmc.

fephroept rohenthepfpane bnto hpm. 25 3lnbJJofeph tone an otlje of the thpl*

18 3lifo his b?cth?en tame bnto hpm, anb hum orjfrael, faping: d5oo rbpll not
fell fiat before his face, facing : bcholbc, faple but bifite pou,anb pc (ball carp mp (m) lofcph
( tcttifictl) tguc
roebethpfetttauntes. "°bones hence. faptri licictrp.

i? %o roijom^jofeph fapbe : 3Feare not, 16 3mbfo3Jofcphbpebibhenheibasan anoconftrmctb

1)10 pottcvitit.

famine not
"am^dsob* huntyebanbtenperesolbe: 3lnbthep
nit to io
Pt thought euilagainftme^ut^ob imbalbmeb hpntibith fppces, putting
(ill) <Eoo

tumeb it bnto goob,to bjpng to paCTe as hpminacheftutegvpt.
to tlicii
it is this bap, anb to fauemuche people
I tHllolj,:

•fltjc fct9r.DC

S^ Thefeconde bookeofMoyfes^ in Latin

faOJtt Of
titli it m
mth a Greke yvorde called Exodus> and in Hebrevue Vellefchemotb.
met. ttnb m

t& The firft Chapter.

®ftc fomiesi of iacob gone into cEgppt. s cftc netoe }&fiarao opp^effetfj tbe people
In Of joftij
I oit.t, .
of 3]frael. 15 cfie rnvDVcpfes featpng ©oD do faue tfte male c&pltyen of e^e ^cb;uejs.
pinpullp eiu
20 (5o& pjouiDetb tot tfie mpOtopfes tofitcft feare the totoz.
llftottautue ^efe are the full of them.
names of the S suttherearofebpanementmginei 25
(t) «a
(b) (die

% chilb?enor$£ gppt, lbhich ftneibe not^Jofeph: gpptinjgojcre

raei, ibhiclje 9 3utb he (apbe bnto his foike,2Seboibc, people.

came into e= the people of the chvHwn of Jlfraeiare

grpttbtthSa- greater anb mpghtier then tbe. Ct)(j:i)tSDlc«

cob,eueryma 10 Come on,let bsbeale ibpttplp rbith the, piofpcnttcot


came mith his left the? multtplie, $ left it come to paffe,

houfl)olbe: that if there be any tbarre, thep iopne
j 2Kubcn,5>i4 them felues bnto our enemies,? ficjhta*
meon,|Leui,anb3Juba: gapnft bs,$ fo get them bp out of p latib.
3 Ufachar, zabuion, anb aseniamut, ir Xbetfoje nvb tljep fet taffte mmftcrs
4 SDan anb iBephthaii, <£>ab f ^fer. ouer them, to uepc the bnber ibith bur*
ptu the fouies that cameout of the line thens: 3lnb thepbuplt bntoiDharao
of 3Jacob, ibere fcuentie: treafurc cities,ibi*hom f Haamfes.
26ut3Jofephmasin€gppt $ airebp, 12 26ut the mo?e thep bereb them, the
3Iorephbvcb,anbailhis tyctlwcn, anb
moje thep muinplteb ano grcU)c:fo
tfrtvtrctjc tn


htht ail that generation. that thep abho;reb at the fpghtoftlje perfcrimonn.

3lnb the cbtlbjcn of3Jfracl ibere fruit* chplb?enoff rracl.

*hit fc
tull, "encreareb, multiplieb, $ w lbarcb u 3lnb the cgpptians helbc the chilb^n
ewtbyng mpghtie, anb the lanbe ibas of llfracl in bonbagc ibul)outmerrie,
cuj 14 ^UD
^ : :

Ifrael Exod
xodus. On
P r cfl£i

€ 14 anothcymabetbcirlyucs better bn* myblbyfes, anb faybe bnto tbem : tbby

to tbem in that cruell bonbage, in clapc, naucycbealtonthts maner, anb Jjaue
anb toirtte, anb all mancr of tbo&e in faucbtbementbylbjem
t^c ficlDc : fo<! all tljcic bonoagc Tbtjerc* 19 ^nb tljc mybVbyfes annftbereb ^Ija-
in tbcy fcrueb tbcni ibas fnl of tiratmie. rao : tbat p i^cbmes tbomen are not as
co fpatte bnto
»«»«• 15 ano the fcyng of (Egypt tbe Vbomen of egypt: fo? tljey are nioje
mybtbyfcs of tl)c D?ebmcs ibomcn
tl)c hue! v Vbomen,anb ate beliuereb per the
(of ibljicl) tt)e one lbas namco 5>ipb?alj mybtbyfcs come at tlicnt.
anbtlje otbee f&uatj) anb faybe 20 anb (s) <l5obbcattroelltbercfojeibttij ft) IK ,„

16 i©ben ye bo <l)e office of a mybtbyfe tfje mybtbyfes : anb tlje people mum

to the vbomenbf tlje ketones, anb fee in plieb anb ibareb bcry mygbtic.
ii anbittamcto paflit, that becaufc the
tlje "birtb tyme tljat it is a boy,ye fljall
mtbibifes feareb d50b, cw lje mabe tljem
0>).itfa In,

byi it: but if it be a baugbter, it fbal liue.


17 #onbitl)Ganbing, t5e mybtbifes fea< houfes.

rebd5ob, (0 anbbybnotas tbettpngof 21 anb fMwrao chargcb all bis people,
<0 Jt mat
brttcrtoobcp cgypt commaunbeb^em, butfaueo faying: ail tlje men tbylbjen that ate
man. tbemen cliylluen. borne, taftinto the ryucr, anb fattc the
is anb the fcyng of cgypNalleb fb? tlje maybe cbylbjenaiyue.

^The.ij. Chapter.
(Set (bt h<«
namc0iabc, :fl9ortrs3ts borne. i^etsUpooentnabaffiet scatt into a place tobmfc&r^grotDctb.
ropll Dclfiici
10 ^optcss is aooptco of tbc oaugUtcr of j&barao. n <©opre0 murtberetb an d gppttan
hts Ihuicht
Cromtlic af- wbicb fmote an ©cbjuc iTSc rwtcm tbem that are at ttrpf e,ftc ttoulDc ret an attone»

fliction of tH ment. k a&opfejsflceth fromj&barao. le^cDcfcnDctbmapoensfrom tbc tnmrie of

©epijearoos. 21 $e marpctb S?cpbora to top fe. 23 ®bc chpltycn of }Crael Do ape onto
©oD in trouble, ano be rctjaroett t&cnt.


ai a an
s outof tbeboufc ofiS
3 ..^^enlbetdnlbeno longer Dybe
Dym, (be tobe a bafoet cma&e] of bull
.Js jui,anbtoiie to Tbyfea mKl)es,anbbarbbebiti[bttUaymeano
eul *
8^S 5SSSK5 Sf P^^^^btbettjylbeiHerein^nD
ys| anbtbcujyfeconcea* putitmtbeflaggesbydjernwrsbiinW
^-i^^ anb Jbljen^Oje fittbe 4 ibbatiboulbccomeoftt.
•f i^offcg
l 3 J
fccbjci f
jbatitrbasap2operchiibe,(bel)ybl)im 5 anb tbe baug&ter of >barao came
tlj?eemonetbes. boibneto«?alu;eljer ftlfetn tbc ryner,
Exod us. XXX VJ,
anbbcrmaybensibaUteb along by the anb faybe : Of a furctic this tijyng is
ryncrsfybe : anb Jbben fije foibe the Imoiben.
baffcet among toe flagges, (be fent her 15 anb ^ftarao ftcarb of it, ™ anb ibent (q) TH0)!6lrt
maybe to fetch tt. about to flaye filBoyfes. anb sJ^oyfcs trouble foiou-c
of:c 1 tlicscD:
anb tbljen (be hab openeb tt,tt)e falbe fleyng from tlje face of ^barao, blbclt Ije ejecutpna
itlbasachylbe: ano beholbe, tjjebabe in tlje lanbe of ^abtan : anb be fate tran.

lbcpt.anb w
fljehab companion on it, bolbnebytljcibeucsfybe:
anb faybe : it ts one ofttic ^ctoues chyl- 16 Xfte " pjtcll of Fabian bab bij.battgfr frinct n
b?en. tecs, lbbicb came anb bjeibe [toaterjanb

%l)tn faybe ftis fillet to ^haraos filleb tlje tcougljes fo? to Jbatet tljctr fa*
baugftter ftjall 1? go anb call to thee a
: tljets ftjeepe,
nurfcof the i£cbmes rbomen, to nurfc ij ^nb tlje fljepljcarbes came anb taouc
thee the cljylbe? tljem aibay : but ££oyfcs ftooucbp anb
8 ^oaraos banghtct aunftbereb her: Ijelpcb them, anb Jbattcb tljcir u>epc.
go. anb the maybe ramie anb calleb the 1% ^nb ibfjen ttjey came to Baguct tljctc
(,1 of""' «chylbes mother. fatber, Ije faybe : i^otbe came tt 1 pau"c
Wtt'uttt" 1
9 Xo tbhom ^hataos baugftter faybe tljat ye ate come fo foone to bay;

5Cafte this chylbe aibay, anb nurfe tt fo; 19 3nb they aunfibercb : %
man of € * 2D
me, anb 31 ibyllreibatbe thee, anb the gypt beltueteb bs from tlje Ijanbes of
lboman tone the chylbe, fnurfcbtt bp. tljcujcpljcatbes, anb fo bjcibe bsiba-
io %i)t cftylbe grevbe, anb (be brought tt ter,anb ibatetcb tlje ujcepe.
bmo^baraos baugftter, anb it ibas 20 $t faibe bnto Ijts baugljtetS: 9 Jbljccc
mabcftetfonne.anb (be calleb p name is l)e* ibljy Ijaue ye fo left the utan i Call
« Mofch.
of it "03oyfcs : becaufe ©ej »* 3
tofee Ijym, that Ije may cate b;eab.
ftymoutoftftetbater* 21 3lnb ^oyfes ibas content to bibcll
11 anb in tftofe bayes, tbften ^oyfes iwtft tlje man: 9 fte gaue ^oyfes^e-
fcpjelewt C
Jbaslbareb great, ijetbent out bnto pborabisbaugljtcr:
W fir:;, of
H Cos bcfoic bistoethjen, $ lofeebontfteirburbcns, 2i J&Diclj bate Uim a fonne, anb fte calleb
B Ik court of
0)) Crinstjc
& Htr'.
anb fpyeb an egypttan fmy tyng an $c= ftis name d5erujom:5Fo?rjc faibc, 3? (ontutitco t!)e
rememb:. act

bme ibfticft was one of l)is bjetftjen. ijaue ben a llraunget in a liraunge lano. of tljf recenp
turn pj om::";D.

iz anbftcloncbrounbeabout,anbibflett< 23 3nb in p?oceffe of tymc tlje eyng of

I lifteii otcocij
be falbe no man by, be Ueibe tlje e* cgypt byeb, anb the cbyitycn ofJjfraci (t) igMt
PKU|[ jooloi gyptian, anb l)yb bpm in the fanbe. fygbeb by the teafon of c ° bonbage, anb png bier, cottt
Bn, ace not
PCIU'O [t)C'tt J
I tttt hltn-iD, 13 anb ibben he ibas gone out another ctyeb. fese to Juo.

bay, beholbe, tibo men of tlje incomes 24 ^nb compiaynt came bp bnto
ftroue together :anb be faibc bnto Dim d5ob from tlje bonbage: anb <5o ijeatb (Ti)J5oI)flfrct

tbatbyb theibjong, JBherefojefmytcfi: tfteit moue, anb d50b temembjeb ijts « 1>: Jiil 1l

tlje ca'.ifc l;c

ticato; id:

tboutbyfclolber toucnaunt*bitft2lb?ahamJfaljac,anb J.lMCl[I[fl.

ttnftatfc 14
$e aunftbereb (0 naljo mabc thee a Sacob,
25 anbC5obloRebbponthecl)yib2enof
Tilte 10;
woe. Mp man of auctbojitie anb a iubge oner bs*
3lftael , anb 00b hab tefpecte bnto
"intcnbetttboutoayllme, astbou nyl*
lebtt tlje Egyptian* anb ^opfesfeareb tljcnu

^ The. iij . Chapter. $

1 ^opfcis fecbetfi tfte mm W

of father in Iatte. 2 ©oD in tlje mtooeff of a
ftetijto^opfcjiofDclmctpng'ifrael. jt^cearteijolv. nCBoDttiith^opfW-
name of ©00. 14 ©on teacijeth SpopfcS Goto ano in tobat fojt be tcoulDe tljat fie Owuio
oeliucrbisi people.

3li €>yfesnept the fljeepe anbttjeangcilofthe|Lo?Deappeateb

ofjjctljto Ijts fatljct bnto Ijym ma flambc of fire out of toe
iniarbe,pneftof<30abt' mtbbcs of a bufuje : anb Ije lofttb anb ^cj-rt
an: anb he bjouc tlje br holbc ™ tlje bttftoe buntcb ibttlj fttc, »i™»<*«
affhtKD, V"

anb tlje bufllje ibas not confunicb. tlitpjc.'cnccof

flocucto the bacHcfybc an UoBKcpttlut

oftljcbefc«,aubcame Xhccfo;e i^oyfes fayuc: ^V 311 li*i irombcanic-


to tlje mottntaync of noibcanb fee this great fygbt, hoibe it

top* <5obW"j^o?eb. commcth tljat tlje bufllje butneth not.
«5iti)i 4 anb

Soyles. Exod us. Mi

. 3tnb Mjen p flo*bc faibc tl)at be came am tljat gj am. 3lnb Dc faib: Xlns f\m
foz to fee,<!5ob callcb bnto bim out of tbc tDoufapbntotbecljpiojen of3}ftaci £
mibbes of tlic buflbc, $ lavoe : 4©opfcs, 3 am, natl) fent me bnto pott.
cttctnatl rcrc^
tf£opfcs< 3tab be anfn)ercb,bere am
«> 3inb be fata: 2D?a\b not ntgb nttljcr,
% 15 3inb d5ob fpaUe further bnto S^opfes
ILlHisfljalttboufap bnto tbc cljpitycn
t> in,

monic tic In ' 5

tint tn mynBc
puttbptbocs of tbpfeetc, foj tljcpiate ofgjfrael: XI)c?Lo?bc d5ob of pour
liumblre aim
rcuctentii> to ibbcrcon tbou ftan&cfi:, is bolp grounb. fatbers, tt)e d5ob of 3tbMbam, tbe C5ob "miitrtii,

rjcarc J5od.
e ;3nbbefapbe : 3
am tbe d5ou of rt)p of jlfabac, anb ttje <5on of 3Jacob ijath Womitc*

fatber,tbe<£ob of fttoaftam, tbe<25ob fent me bnto pou : Xl)is is mp name fo? nlmoftro

of Jfabac, ant) tbe d5oo of Jacob. 3lnb cucr,anbtl)isismpmcmo?iall into ge-

^opfesbvb l)isfate,fo?Ije ibasafrapbe neration anb generation.
toloUclipon(5oi>. i 6 d&o,anb gatrjer tbe elbers of 3ffracito*

7 3mb tljt ILojbe fetoe : 3f Dane fare* w gettjer,anbtf)oua)ait fape bnto tljcm
U6)(BoMcCtb; ly fcenc tt)c trouble of mp people ttrfjtcl) ^Llje fLo?be C5ob of pour fatbers, tbc
the afflictions
of >no ctiurcl), are tn cgppt, anb banc bcarb tbeir trie <5obof^abam,tl)e <5ob of gifabac,
ii>nspum0)t5 from tbc face of tbeir taftte maifters: fo? anb tlic (Sod of 'Jacob appeareb bnto
incut, !)C fcs
met!) to ncg= Jtatoibc tbeir fojotbes, me, anb fapbe : 3Jn bifitpng, baue 31 bt*
8 3utb am come bottme to bcliuer tljc
lect tljcm. tc)
fiteb pou, anb Knoib tljat tbljiclj is bone
tapnc pjomtTe outoftbebanbeoftbe egppttans, anD topouinegppt.
of ruccclTc
fhouloc BfOc
note bjod
to tapng tbcm ont of tljat lanbc, bnto a 17 ^lnb5(Daut fapbe: ro 3
rbpll b^png 2)
lluigiltratca goob lanbc $ a large, bnto a lanbe tljat pou out of tbe tribulation of egppt, bw (l) Oi ii.

too Dtp ^003 anb l)ony,euen tm«

floibctlj ibitlj mplfcc to tl)e lanb of the Cljanaanitcs, anb ^e*
I ttitpwiuiii

to tlje place of tbe Cbanaanitcs,anb $e» tljitcs,anb 2montes, anb ^beri3ttes, •I Sol

tbitcs, anb3tatoritcs, anb $ljeei5itcs> anb^cuites,anb3lebufites,euenintoa

anb lactates, anb of tlje Jcbuutcs. lano ibljiclj floibctl) ibitl) milBe $ bonp.
9 iRoibe tljerfoje bcbolbc tlje complaint i8 3lnb tbcp ftpail beare tbp bopce: %\}t n
of tbe cljplbjcn of Jfrael is come bnto botb tbou anb tbc elbers of 3Jfrael (ball
me : anb 3 baue aifo feene tbc oppjeflto gobntotbebpngof ,0gppt, anb fapbn*
lbbcrlbitlj p e gpptians oppjelTcotbcm. to Wm : Xbc %o;n d5ob of tbe^ebmes
io Come tbou t!jcrfo?c,anb 3 ibpli fenbe ljatb
mcttt)itbbs, anb noibe let bs
tliin It?
tt)ee bnto ^l)arao , tbou mapeft
tljat ,tgo ttocbrteceet^eej ttyttbapes ioumep (it rjpraftlft

bjpngmp people tbc ctjplbjcn of Jfraej tato ttje Vbpibemefle, anb °° bo facrtficc

outofegppt. bnto tOcHo^be our <!5ob. (n)


CO d)i0«=
fllfail to.lBOf
ii 3lnb t^opfesfaibebnto <5ob: (0 ibljat 19 3tnb 3
am fare tljat tl)e tang of egppt Hoajt S*
Immihtic, ant)
not mTobcoi
am to go bnto #l)arao, anb to tapng lbpi not let pou go, no not in amigbtte to tbtntant
encc. cDplojcn of 3ifraelout of cgppt^
tlje Ijanbc. coancell-

ii ^nb l)e aunfibereb. 5Fo? ibpllbe 3 20 stub 3
«J?H flretebe out mp baube, 9

tbitl) tl)cc : anb tl)ts fyaibe a tolten bnto fmpte cgppt Vbitlj ai mp ibonbersibbi^
tianc y
W rjjoulo
a tljcc tljat 3 l)aue fent ttjce, (s
^fter tbat cbe 3 lbpiiflo in tbe mibbes tljcrof, anb

tonic, SWoifcB tbou tjaft b^ougljt toe people out of €- aftcrtbatbeibpuictpougo.

s confirmed
111 1)10

on, as were
fOCltli gppt,pe (bail rcrue ©ou bpon tljts mou- ii .3tab w 3«)piiget ttas people fanour
T>aii.B ans tapne, inttje fp?bt of tbc cgpptians, fo tbat

13 ^ub ^opfes fapbe bnto d5ob : beftoib , ibbenpego,peu)ailnotgocmptie:

[toijenj 3 come bnto tbc cljpitycn efgjf^ iz But a ibpfc (ball bo?otbe of ber neigl>
rati, anb ttjaiifap bnto tbeni
of pourfatbcrsljatl) fent me bntopou.
: tl)e bour,anbofber tbat foiournetb in
bonfe, "icibcls of fpluer, anb ieibeis of
W ;Vtf*

2lnbif tbep fape bnto me,Vbrjat istlip goibe, anb rapment: anb pe (l)ail put
namc^ Ibl)atanfibcrcfl)au3) gcuetbcj tbcm on pour fonnes anb baugbters, 9
00 CbiB
t mo in tb,c f*
14 Stab ®ob aunftbereb ^opfes: cwjj (bail
robbc tbe Egyptians. t,jt»'l*i
turetence in

f The. iiij, Chapter. SfflS

<Bo» muctb n" in*
Jb? EC ft 8"^ bnt ° 29°pre0, tofieretottD be mat) te Mie bnto l&fiarao tbat miwn*'
,&e S fent a Dcltueret from <0od. , a roQoc tumcb into a
rcrpent md tSlSS Wo
thcroDtjeagapne. 6 ®l)e ijanoe otmvtztUpwM.
notontffe of toung. i 4 ©oD angreo tottft
b Vortvapett fojtoarD into € 8P pt.
a& loioS la3 teCSte
"Sob ^B{Sg^S585SS

,'ks. Exod us. XXXVJ.
DyfesaunftDcrco^nb 1j $e fam ob my ?Lo2tie, fenoe 31
: p?ay
|1;WS*> faib: Ca) £>ee,tbeyM)yU
tpee,bytbeljanoeofljym U)bom tljou
r.ot not beieue me, no? bar- ibyltfcnDe.
Kin* BenbntomyDoyce:but 14 anb Ho2t)e vuas (l,) angcv tbitn o»
tlje -300
ibyiifaye, %l)t %oiu fl0oyfcs,anbfayoe: 2Do notj inoTDc K-S*
batljnotappeareb Dit-
to thee.
aarontrjyb20tbectbe"?Lcuite,tbatlje *S?U
tan Jpeane i 02 lo, Ije tommetD f002th C
i ant) the |Lo2be fayoc Ditto bittunabat tomccte tbee : ano Mtett be fcctlj
is that p»m m
thine banoe^e aim* DelDylibeglabinbislicact

fiDereb:a robbe.

15 Xtjerf02e tljou fljau fpeafee Dnto Ijim,

3 anb Dc faybe : Call it on tlje grounbe. anb put tltcre tt)02bes in bis ntoutb ano
Dj-ptinw anb Retail it on tlje grounbe, Cb) anb it 3
tDilbe Djitl) tby mouth, ano iDitb
i' l;It0


- Illt>
became a fcrpent; ano £poyfes flebfro moutlj": anja myll teaebe you Mjat vou
tljcfygbtoftt, ougbttooo.

; "
4 ano the lLojbe faybe Dnto £0oyfes is anb be fbalbe tby fpOBcfman Dnto
llftcSscjlo. $ut foojtlj tl)v banoe, anb taBe itby the the people, ano beujalbc [cucn] ije ftjab
tayle. ano therefore Ije putfoojtbbis be to tbee in fteaoe of a ntoutb, ano ct)
Ijanbc, ann caught it : ant) it became a tbou (bait be to bim,itt ftcabc of d5ob.
/halti the in-
robbcinbisljanbe. 17 anb tbou (bait talte tbts roobe in tljy thou fbdlt be
(ititreai;'.- 5 25v tljis tljing (ball tljcy beleue,tbat banbe, ibbeteibitlj tljou fljait bo mi- «*«*.
fee to iT0.:hc
Htlrttl'jnM the ?L02b ©od of tlyttc fathers, the d5ot)
ofab2abam,tbe<i5oDof llfaljac, $ the 18 5Tbcrfo2e^oyrcsn)entanbt:ctUi:ncb ffiZu ^
<25oD of J(acob ijatb appcareb Ditto thee, to3Jetljto Ijis fatljcr in latD againc.anb tl0,*" ntc -

6 ano the ?Lo2De faybe furthermore bit* faio Dnto him : Hct me go
p?ay \\)tz
tobynt: Xbmft tbynehanbe into thy notDe, anoturneagayne Dnto my b2e*
bofome, anb he tlj2uftebts banbe into tbien ibbiclj are in cgypt, anb fee tblje^
his bofotne : anb tbben be toBe it out a* tber tljey be yet aliue. anb 3Jetbto faib
gayne, bcljoibe Ijts banbe ibas lcp?ous, to^oyfestgompeace,
euenasfnotbe. I? anb tlje H02be faybe Dnto <39oyfes in
7 ano be faybe : 0ttt thine Ijanbe into ^abtan,<H5o anb returneagayne into
25 thy bofonte againe.anb be put pis banb egypt: fo? all the men are beab lDJjicljc
into bis bofotne agayne : anb piucBeb it iDent about to "fttutljee. " jeelec t

out offjts bofonte, anb bcljoib, it JDas w to anb^oyfestofte Ijis tbyfe, anb his

turnco agayneasbis [ortcrj fitttjt. fonnes, anb put them on an aflc, ano
s Xljcrfoje yf they tbyll not beieue thee, rbentagayne to cgypt: ano ^oyfes
[ KSHlll!. neither Ijearc f Doyce of tlje firft fignes, to&e tlje robbe of 00b in bis banoe, 00 carrco.notto

vet iDyii tljey beieue fa: tlje Doyce of the ii anb tlje Ho?be faybe Ditto ^oyres rule h(0 fhevc.
bat to other
\)Tco noireape
feconbcfigites* t@ljen tljou art entreb ano come into roiTitto ti'

9 26ttt $ if tljcy ibyl not beieue tbefc trbo cgypt agayne, fee that tljou bo (l) all i5co.
(0 S^opfrt
fignes,nciti)et:l)carBen Dnto tljy Doyce: the lDonbcrs before |0ljarao iDljicIjc 3 njottiot
tljott n^alt take of tl)e HDatcr of tlje tiuer hauc put in thy Ijanb : butj iDyll Ijoio tljoujb pi)i-
ho pclocD not
anbpoiDjeit Dpon tlje Dzye lanDe, anb ljtsljeart# Ije fljai not let tlje people go, nt tSebcgfiu
tljeiDater iDljicUtljoutanea out of toe zz ano thou fttalt fayc Ditto 0ljarao: ^
tiuec ujaibe [turneD)CO| n to bloob Dpon 5Chus fayctlj the Ho2be, ffrael is my
tljetuycianbe, fotttte [«ie«j my firft b02ttc fonne.
to si^oyfes fayb Ditto tlje H02be: ^Dl) n»P 23 ano 3 raybe Dnto thee that tljou let

?,c2t),3jant neitlter yetterbay no? yei^ my fonne go,tbat he may feme nie.^no
ycftcrbay a man® eloquet,ncitljet fence iftljourefufetolethimgo : bebolfle,3J
tl)ou baft fpoften Ditto tljy fctttaunt: but bo ftay tljy fonne [euai] tljy firftbome.
3 amftorbe moutl)eo# floiDc toungeb. 24 anb it came to paffc by tlje tDay in tlje
" 3lnb tlje 3Lo?bcfayD Dnto l)ym: ibljo JJnne that the ?Lo20e met hym , ano
cm) (in) <J?o!) can
oatljmabemans montl); 02 aijo ma* iDoulbe Ijatte Byllr o bym. not bc.irc to

^>cplj02a tobc a ftone, ano mt

be Depnuroof
actljthe bumbe, 02beafc,tlje fcyng, o? 25 ano l).oivo:llii?pe
foi inansCaUr:
biynbe i i^aue not 31 tbe ?Lo2bc^
tlje albay tlje f02cfftin of her fonne, anb caft as S@oi>fce
Iiv'Dui not cits
ii anb notDe go,ant» cs) ibyll be tbt'tft
3 it at his fecte,anD lityo : a bloobby Ijuf-
tjtymoutlj,anbtcacljctl)ee lDljat tljou banoe5».^tIiouDntome.
26 ^hen ljeletljimgo,anbn)crayoc:


Moyfes. Exod us. Hj&

a bioobbp Ijufbanbe, beeaufc of Ijer cir* tljcrcb all tlje elbcrs of tlje ctjpib?en
cumnfion. gjfracl.

27 Xljcn fafb tlje %oibt bnto 3aron go : 50 anb 3(aron tolb all tlje lbojbes Jbljicn
mcttt £0opfcs in tlje lbplbcrncflc. 3nb tDc ILojb Dab rpoacn bnto ^opfesrano
IjeibcntanbtnetUimin tlje mounte of bib p miracles in tlje figfjt of tlje people.
«50b,anbaaTcbmm. 31 3ino tlje people beleueb. (« 3mb ruijcn
(0) dpOS
jcrcbji coiiu 28 anb w 30opfes tolbc aaron all tlje tljep ticame tftat tt)c ?Lo2De Ijati bifitcb
tncnbctb i lie
tninUtcnc of ibojbcsof tlje Hozbc lbljiclje Ijab fent tljecljiio^cnofjjfracl, anb Ijab looHfo "Want"
Ijiin, anballtljcfignes tbljiclje Ijc Dan Upon tfjeir tribulation, tljep boibeb the
cjjargebljimibitljall. fciucs,anbibo?ujippcb.
19 £>ofl)cnt£popfcsanb;8aron,anbga*

^ The. v. Chapter.
1©oprcss ano aiaron go btuo £batao. 1 5 Ctje gotttmoutis ouer $ftael cepe out bnto #fja«
tao. :o fl©oprejES ano faron accufeo of tfcepeople. ::S9opfe$tomptopnetl} to ©od,

3 I ^DpfeSanbaaronlbentto 10 ICljenibent tlje tafaemaiftcrs of tlje

afteribarbanbtoib^lja* people, anb tlje officers out, anb tome
rao, 5Cfjus rapetlj tlje tlje people, Taping: %ljus fapctlj ^a*
|Lo?De<25ooof3Jftael:let rao,5 ibpll geucpou no moje flratbe.
mp people go , tljat tljep 11 C5o pour feiues anb gatljer pou ftcaib
mape " Ijolbc a fcaft bnto tbljerepecannnbett:pet ttjaii none of
meintljeJLbploerneu'c. pour labour be minifljeb.
fa) Chut
2, 3lnb ^Ijarao fapbc
lbljo is rtje 11 «
^nb fo rbcre tfte people fcattereb
titannc miil fLozbc tnat 51 fljoulbe Jjeare Ijis bopte, ab?obe tt)?ongljoutali p lano of cgppt, liottre fsaj
not be account
tCD to iDOjfljlp anb let 3Jfraci go* 3 nnoibc not tlje foj to gatber ftubble in fteabc of ftralbc.


%om, neptljcr lbpli 3 letgjfracl go.

falfc iScDB.

13 3mb tlje tafKemaifters Ijafteb tljcm ttiej nifjjit


j 3uib tfjep fapbe, Xljt C5ob of tlje $e* fo?ibarbe,faping: fulfpll pour ibo^fec,
* )©1, fft bribes is calleb oner bs : let bs go ibe pour bapip talaes in tljeir bue fpme, as
ttvfhif tht
pzaptljee tljjce bapes iournep into tlje ifponbab ftraibe.
Got! of the

bcfert,anbbofatrmce bnto tbe Hojbe 14 3nb tbe officers of tlje cljilb?cn of gife c
O) V)t tW our 00b: *> left l)c finite bs VbttI) pefti= rael ibljiclj ^Ijaraos tafaemafters Ijao
Cpo let tlinii
from the true lence 0? Vbitb tl)e fVbo,ibe, fetoucrtljcm, tbcre beaten, ^nb njep
«EoO, (lioulDe 4 Xljcn faibe bpng of egvpt bnto
tlje fapbebnto tljem:Tbljerfo?eljauepe not
much ttiojc be
tljetn : lbl)crfo?c bo ye,£g)oyfes anb ^la^ fulftlleb pour tafae in maapng of tapcite
ton let tlje people from tljcir lbo?Res; botljpefterbap anb to bap, as ibell as
get vou bnto pour burtljens, intpmespalfc
5 3lnb ^ijarao favbc furtl)ermo?e : be* 15 XljeofficefsaifooftDecfjilb?cnofSf'
l)olbe,tl)cre is rnutl) people noibc in tbe
lanbe, anbyouniauetbeni leaue tlicw
rael, came
f^compiapneb bnto $W tttannctbc"

rao,fapmg: »9ljerfo?e bealeft tljou tljus tff


burtljens. ibitutljpferuauntes; niiii-

(OShe gODi? 6 Ztid pjarao co

ought not to
tomaunbeb tlje fame 16 Xljere is no ftratbe geuen bnto tljp
beotTcuDCD vf bav,ptafRmaiftersibl)icl) ibere amou*
afflictions en: feruauntes, anb tljep fap bnto bs,manc
create, Suhcn geft tlje people anb tl)c offtccrs,faving:
goobegmneth b?peKe:anbtbpfcruauntcs are beaten,
10 ficUuct the.
I 7 Pt (ball geue tfte people no mojc "
anb tlje fault is tljpne otbne people.
25 ftralbc to niafte bjpcltc lbitl)ai,as yt bib
17 ^e rapbe : pou are Ca) ible,ible are pou:
in tvme paffeb : let tftcm go anb gatlicr ano tljerfoje pou fap,ibe rbill go, anb 00
tljcm ftraibe tljcm fclttes.
8 2lnb tlje number of bncfcc tbljicb tljev 18 <5o tljerfo?enoibe,$ibo?RC,anbtbcw
iberc lbont to mane in tpme paflcb, lap fljail no ftratbe be geuen pou,$ pet fljau liiW«d

bnto tbeir cbarges alfo,anb minifbe no* pc bcliucr tlje lbljolc tale of b;icae.
tljtng tljerof : fo? tljep be ibell, anb tljer*
19 »nb tlje officers of tlje cljilb?cn of fP
foje crpe,faping : lbe ibpll go, anb bo fa*
trifice bnto our (25ob.
rael m fee tljat tljep rbere inibo^fe cafe,
after it ibas fapbe, pe fljail minilbe no*

Co) the tree

Xtjep mutt banc moje lbo?ae lapeb
bpon tljcm, tljat tbcv map labour tljcr*
tljpng of pour bjpene, of pour WW
in,anonot rcgarbe w tafac in Mt tpme:
<Cod is collect
bavncibo#es« 20 3mc tljep
met ^opfes anb aaroti,
Moyfes. Exod us. XXXV11J.
wind) ftooDc in tlieir tbay as tbcy came zz w flaopfes returneb bnto tbe Hojbc,
out from ^barao. anb favb : fLo?ue,tt)bcrfo?e baa thou fo imticalitte ap»

: pareiljinfr
2lnb faibc bnto tfiem °° Xfte flo?be eupll intrcatco ttjts people < 3mb rbber* be
fearp of '.on,

loone bpon vouf iubge vou,ti)bieb hath fo?c bafhbou fent me* anDcotiipl.tri

mabe the fauour of bs " to be abbo?reb

ij 5Fo? ftnte 3 came to j&ljarao to fpeabe (bimntiT;
in the eves of |&baeao,anb in the epes of intbv name, bebatb fateb foule ibitb 1)19 people

bisfcruauhtes, anbbaueputa ftbo?be this tome, anb pet tbou baft not bdiue*
uitbrirbanbetoaapbs. rebtbt people at all

^The.vj. Chapter.

i ©on retttembjett) fits pjonuffeu. ? <&ob p2omtfct& Deltueraimce,ant> ttie lano of Cflanaan.

9 ctte people of Iftael be not contenteo tmtfi tfte toarangejj of a^opfes. lofl^ottes ana
aaronavcfcnttopiwrao. MClieOefcentcsofiRtilifti. lactic oefcent of Hew'. :o3Dra>
ram tlje fatljet of fi©opfejs anb 3iaron. 23 lawn trje father of jSaoab ano 3ibi«. 25 Cleajet
father of pbince? . 29 2©o pfes* ts commaunDeD to fpealie to p>&arao.

3(1 $cn the !Lo?be fapbe fo? crucll bonbage.

bnto ^opfes i5oibe : 10 3tnb tbe &o?oe fpatte bnto ^opfes,
w (bait thou fee ibhat faying:
I Bantu.
3Jttnni uobntoi&foa* 11 d5o m, anb fpeabe bnto |&barao bins
rao : fo? ma miglitte of egppt,tbat he let the cbiib?cn of 3J£
banbefbaibelettbem tad go out of Ijts lanbe.
go, anb in a mtgbtic 11 3(nb ^opfes fpabe before tbe ftojbe,
banbe fyall \)t b;\mc tbtni out of bis facing : behoibe, the cbilb?en of 3Jfracl
lanbe. hearnennotbntome :boibe tben (bail I mi a

3lnb d5ob fpafte bnto q9opfes,anb faib ^barao beare me, ibbiclje am of bn* '
Mi Sc
bnto fjim : 3J am °° ^Je^oua^,

mm o( Ins circumriicb lippesf f^u „ .


) 3 appeaeeb bnto 3Jb?aljam,3Jfaftac, ij
3mb tbe ?Lo?be fpaae bnto ^opfes «*•
tttfOIII.:,.. ;i
anb3iacob asanaimigDtied5ob: w but anb bnto 3aron, 9 gaue tbem a rbarge iliiJWi'
RIM ut ni)' name 3JcDoual) mas Jj not Uno- concerning tbccbrlb?cn of Jjfrael, anb \'SZ~-
WD foil, I'll-.


ibenbntotljem. concerning #barao bing of€gvpt,tbat a SfC
mi Mn
ran people 4 f0o?eouee CB) 31 mabe a couenaunt
nutij tijem, to geue tbcm the lanbe of
rftep O)oulbeb?ing tbe cljno?en of 3If=
rael out of tbe lanbe of egppt.

(») 3b
€ljanaan,tl)e lanb of tljcit pilgrimage,
ibbeeein tljep ibeee Chcaungers.
14 [Xbtfe tbe
be beabes of tbep? fatbers

(0 5Cbecbilb?enofEubenpfira|
" ®i,
bo?nefonneof3Ifraei,arctbere:^anocb«//W^ ^

^nb tljercfo?c 3 baue alfo


pnilo ci:o
5 fteatb t!)e
"Wptitn, geoningoftl)ecl)ilb?eof3Jfracl,tt)l)om anb 0balln,^efron,anb Cljarmi: tbefe < %2S&
tbe cgvptians hepe in bonbage, anb be tbe cbiio?en of Jauben. «
Simeon 3 timid, $Z T
bane remembteb my couenaunt. 15 %bt cftplb?en of :

e H9fjerfo?e fav bnto tbe cbtlbjen of 3Jf= anb 3famin, Dbab, flJacljin, 5>o!jar, ; ^SJ
raci : 3
am JeboualjJ ibfl b?vng you anb&aul tbe fonne of tbe Cbanaani'c'Lm »,oD,(",fl'

out from tljc burthens of tbe cgvpti* riftje ttioman : tbefe are tbe binreoes of
ans,anbibillcvbvou out of tbeir bon- Simeon.
bage,anb ibili beliuer ?ou in a Oretcbcb i6 Xbcfe alfo are tbe names of tbe ebpfc \
out aeme,anb in great iubgementes. b?en w of ILeui m tljeir generations:,
(S) ft few
"Jtal ttll:
7 31nb 3 xom tabe pouw fo? my people, <!5erfon,anb Ccbatb.anb^erari: ILeui i bctinjwtni>
nticlT.itit ta

anbumbetopoua <£ob: ^nb yt a^ail liueb an bunb?tb tbirtit anb feuenperc. n^ma
bnorbetbat3lamtfte|Lo?b vour d5ob 17 Xbe fonnes of ^crfon : fLtbnt, anb 'XSSST
25 ^ftitb b?ing ytm out from the burtbenS ^)(mi by tfjeir binreoes.
&'" ,

oftbeegpprians. 18 %\)t cbvlb?cn of Celjatb •' 3fmwm, % «

3tab3HbtHb?pngvouinto t\)t IanDe) 3Jfbar, anb l^cb?on, anb tl5iel. ^nb'
concerning tbe Vbljicljebib lift bp my
3 Cebatl) liueb an bunD?eo tljirtie anb^
banb to gcuc it bntoabjabamjfabac, tb?eepere. tM ,

'«POin, r
a»D3facob, anbinpllgeucit bnto vou 19 %be cbilb?en of i$crari $&*WU anb:

«?a pofTcfTion: Cf) Lfoj] 3 am JJebouab. fl^ufi: tljcfe are tt)t btnrcbes ofJLeut bp
S^'ttB ,
Wei '

3«nb ^opfes tolbe tbe cljilD^cn of 3Jf* tbcirgeuerations.

m bis ;£tK
zo^mramtoue Jocbcbcb
cucn fo : but t\)ty (B) bearbenco not
wto fl^ovfes fo? anguiOjt of fpirite anb fitter to ibpf^anbfbebarebpm^aron
Moyfes. Exod us.
anD i]9oyfes:anD Entrant liucb an turn- tljjougljout tbeir ntnrebes.

bjeo anD tl)irttc ano fcucn ycres. i6 %\)\s <s tljat aaron ano &9oyrcs to

u 3inD tlje cljylbjen of 3J(ljar : Coral), Mjom Cn)

the floioc faro " suaoe tljc
jl5cpl)cg,anD£>icb2i. out of tlje lanoe of c- !e*5
cljiiojcn of 3lfracl
11 %\yt cljylb?en of <afiel $>ifacl, efea- :
gypt,acco;tDingto tbey? armies.
pljan,anozitl)ri. 17 Xljcfearc tljat #oyfcs anoaaron
(m) 3 irons u ano aaron toue
enfeba, Daugl> ibljitb fpatte to #l)arao Ring of egypt,
fcpfc toasof
the tribe of
tec of aminaoab, ano fitter of /3alja< tbat tfjeymigbtbjyngtljccljylojcnof C, I,
fon to n)yfe,rbljicl)ebareljym4Fiabab,
ano abit)u,eiea5ar,anb 3Jtbamar. 18 3mo in tljc Day ibljcn tlje tobe (pake
tonto tl^oyfes in tlje lanoe of egypt,
14 Xbetljylbjen of €o?a|): 3iu"tr,anD gSKuSS
eicanat),anb abiafapb : tljefe are tl)c 19 $e fpaftebnto bym,faytng s 3 am tbe SJ. ontiifo,
Uinrebcs oftlje Cojaljites. fLo?De:fpeal*e tftou onto pljarao tlje
15 eieasar Karons fonne, tone Ijim one Uing of egypt all that 3
fay bnto tljcc.
of tbe baugtjtcrs of battel to Vbyfe, 30 anb Copies fayoe before tlje flower
lDljicljc bare Dv»« 0l)inces : ano tljefe beljolbc,3J am of bncircumcfteD lippes,

are tlje principal fatijers of tlje lUuites $ IjoU) (ball pjaeao geue me auDiewe?

^ The. vij. Chapter.

i«®opfe5 tottfi 3Caron fe Cent tmto j&fiarao. ? <fcob caufetlj fignejs,tbat be ontpe ma? be
fmoVDCiim»8l)tic. i°ftl?e wbbeof sitopfessfetimiebintoaferpent. h Cbeencbaun-
tew bo tlje fame. \9 v&mc turneb into bloob. 2: &ty encftauntcrsi bo tlje fame.

a 1 iI52Dtlic?Lo?befaroe 10 ICljentbentflgtoyresanDaaronittbn*
bnto^opfeS:bel)olD, to^ljarao,anbbybeuen as t|)e Ho?dc
3J Ijaue maoe tl)ce liao commaunbeb : anb 3aron cade
(<0 <t>06 (8IH= (a)
iimmcfltetl) ^l)araos <!5oO:anD foo?tl) liis robbe before filwao ,anb be •

1)10 ullttOfltlC
onD yiotoer ^laron tbr bjotljer fo^eljisferuauntes, anb it [turneb] to a
macro. tt)albctl)vp?opl)cte. ferpent.
XbouOjaitfpeabcaU 11 Xften 0Darao caileb fo? tlje w ibyfe (e)CVw
to robbe £ ot

tbat 3J tommaunoe tl)ee, ano ^aron men,anbencrjaunters:anb trjofe fo^cc-


tbvbjotberfljali fpcane bntoi&barao, rers of egypt byb in ttue maner ibitft,

tbat be fenoe tlje t^ilb?cn of 3)frael out tt)eirfo?ccrie.
of Dis lanoe. 11 5Fo? tljey call botbne eucry man l)is
no caufe
3lno ^ (
3 \bill fjarocn 0l)araos Ijeart, rob,anbtrjey [ttimeb] to ferpentes: but
of iaiiaraoo
anojiutltiplic my
miracles f my Xbon* Karons robbe bio eate bp trjeir robots.
lie ctceutcb Dcrs in tlje lanoe of egypt. 13 3lno De Ijeioe fMjaraos l)eart tljat be
f 1)18 mil 11130c
innit Upon 26ut$narao (Ijau not Ijearnen bnto licarltcncD not bnto them, cucn as tlje
pou,tl)at 3 may fet my Ijanbe bpon e* fLo^ocljaofaybe.
jjypt, ano bjyng out myne armies, anb 14 %tyt %omalfo fayoe tnto ^oyfeS: u Midc
my people tlje tl)yio?cn of 3lfcael out of ^ljaraosljcartis"6arDcneb, §e refu-
tljelano of egypt in great iuogmentes. fctlj to let tbc people go.
^notljeegyptians Hjallbnorbe tljat 11 (Btt trjee bnto ^barao in tljemo?n<bg»
31 am tlje %w,
tbljen 3
ttretel) foo^tlj loe,ijeibyli come bnto tbc ibater,anb
my Ijanoebpon egypt, anb toyng out tljou (bait ftanb bpo tberyuers bnncbe
tbc cbilDjcn of ^fracl fro among tbem. agaynft l)e come: anb tbe robbe ibbicbe
< o <30oyfcs anb ^aron Oib as tlje
(O HCruc
Hojb ibas turneb to a rerpent,tt)alt tfjott tafee
enlv >• tolwt) tommaunbeo trjem, \tam] fo oib ttjey. intbynebanbe:
^oyfes mas w fourefcoje yere oioe,
*Bob rvillttl)
to be Done.
is ^nb tbou (bait fay bnto Ijym : tlje
piavfe Su.10 ano ^aronfourefco^eanb tbjee, ibljcn Ho?Dec5oDoftljc $ebjcrbesbatb fent
IcarcfnllolDc tijey fpabe bnto #l)arao. me bnto tbee, faying: %tt my people
Comcrucloullii 8 ^nb tl)e %mt fpabe bnto s$)oyfcs go,tbattbcymayferuemc in tbe wyl*
Z5 anb^aronjfaying: bcrneu"e:anb beljolbe, bytljcrto tyoa
3lf ^Darao fpeabe bnto you, faying, rbouiocftnotbeare.
fljcTbc a miratle fo? you : tljou (bait fay
17 Xbus fayctbtlje|Lo?b,3rntl)iStboa tlffitf
Dnto^aron, Xabethyrob,anb call it (bait bnoibc tljat 3
am tbe fLojoe : be- He»


before ^l)arao,tl)at it may be a ferpent. !)0lbe,

3U)yii fmyte ibitlj tlje roooe uittd

plagues of
xoaus. xxxix.
tljatis in nip banbc,tlje tbatcrs rbljicljc tcs:anb w all tbc ibatcr that mas
in the (0 die?
areintberpuers, anb tbep fljaibe tur* rpuer,turneb into bloob.
0)0 lib: *.*'!?
net) to moot), nn
t*?^ fm> e
that was <« tDe rpuer tf)jng,o)r)Ct=
I' >c lit

is 3utb tbe fiflje tbat is in tfje tiner, (bail bpcb: anb tljc rpuer tomiptcb, ano n» tbcit tit

tljc rocntb ant

$u Dperanbtljerpucrfball " cojrupt.anbit £gpptians touioc not onnbe of tbc tba* faictit.
(ball grceue tlje egpptians to bnnae of ters of tbe rpuer, ano
tljcreluas bloob
tbetbateroftberpuer. thjougbout all tlje lanbe of egppt. 00 Che
19 3(nb tlje %omfpafte bnto flfcopfes iz (H) 3lnbtl)cencuaunters ofegppt faitbfull outt=

bvb came this

fapbnto3(aron, Xaae tbprobbe, anb pfcelbpfe ibitft tbeir fojecrtes,
anb Ijc
tb'.O'.irji) goDS

fit top ftretcbe out tbpne banb (s) ouer tbe iba* pearbeneb pftacaos beart, neptljcr bio fcioibc con&r-
mco bp a hew
(in of tin
ters of €gppt,ouer tfjeir ftreames,ouer pe bcarfcen bnto tljem, as tlje ucnlp Sifion.
tijetr nucrs anb pontics, anD all poolcs bab fapbe.
jut tine
jbt tim"
of ibatcr ibbidje tbep fjaue, tbat tljep 2j 3(nb ^ftarao turneb bint fclfe, anb
map be Wood, ano that tbcre map be ibent agapne into Dis boufe, anb^fct (I) «06«
toofttca .ire
bloob tbjottgljout all p lanbe of Cgppt, not bis beart tberbnto. not tpghtlj to
batl) in [betwies] of iboob,? alfo of ftonc, ^4r 3utb tbc egpptians (m) bpggeb routine (m) iCbtfe
20 2inb££)opfesanb3laronbibcuenas about tbe rpucr fo* ibatcr to bnnhe: foj Declare t'
thta to.'u no
tfje ftotfie commaunbeb :anb be Ipfte tbep coulbc not bjinue of tlje ibater of tiapnc tUuQoti

bpttjerobbe, anbfmote the (W Heaters tbe rpuer.
tftat tbcre in tlje rpucr in tlje figbt of 25 3nb it continucb fcuen bapes after
FjjOfoticD. 're

noirf turr.cQ 0barao,anb in tbc figljt ofljts fcruaun^ that the ?lo?oe bab fmpten tlje rpuer.
[lOtbt t'srfw

got ficfle

.plague. ^ The.viij. Chapter.

: frogges.8 J&barao p?a?etb fl0opfejs to pmv f o? ^pm. i: gpopfe^ p?a?ctfi fo* }&bacao.
i)i^tiarao i& gatDeneD. wtLpce in man ana bead, zotfiw&oi all Rpnoe o£ ttiplDc fierce
anD nopforae beattes. 25 prjarao intrcatctlj <3p)pfe»i to pjap to? torn. 3: ©barao is
31 ^e^o?befpanebnto bpon tbc lanbe of cgppf.
#ovfes,gobnto0ba- 8 Xbcn$haraocallebnw£p)pfesanb 2s
raoftellbvnt,XbtiS ^aron, anb fapbe : p?ap (B) pe bnto tbe W 0PPOJ
ctitci fe.irc»
fapetbtbeHo?b:Het flojbe tbat be mape taae albap tfje tritb Sotrn
nip people go , tfoat frogges from me, anb from nip people: ptetcnt) a ccr =

t-ipte rcpen«
rtjep map feme me. anb^ibilllet tbe people go, that thep
anbiftljourcfureto map bo facrifice bnto tlje ?lo?be.
lettbemgo, bebolbc^lbpll fmpte all 9 Znh w ^opfes fapbe bnto ^barao CO Be f«

tbp bojbecs Ca) Vbttb frogges: glojp berem becaufc of me,anb[appornt) filltC llIB ,lt

Bintic.anl) te=

5 3inb tlje ciuer fl)ali ftcatile tbitlj fcog^ ibbcn3Jfljaiip?apfo?tbee, anbfiw tljp topec tn tbc
gcs,ttbirbefl)allgo bp anb come into feruauntcs,anbfo? tbp people to bjpnc robiti be njulti
attapnc bp tbe
tbine boufe, anb info tbp p^iuie tljaum* aibap tl)t frogges from tbec anb tbp pjapcrofgo&a
becibbccc tbou flepeft, anb bpon tljp boufes : anb tbep map remapnc but in
beb, $ into tlje Ijoufe of tbp fcruauntes, tberpueronlpe.
anb bpon tljp people , anb into tbpnc io ^e fapb: to mojoibe. (0 3lnb be fapbe, Cf)
lie i!i not tlje

b:tTcrpng of
oucns,anb bpon al tbP bitaplcs in ao?e: eucn as tbou baft faib:tbat tljon mapeft ^jpfc3Diap«

4 ^nb (l° tlje frogges fljaii come bp bp< nnoibetljattbereisnone like bnto tlje n.'buttobaut
rcfpitc tbat tbc
^fttfc pontljcc,anbon tbp people, anb bpon ItozbeourdEfob. I'.iiplco ot

all tljp fcruauntes. ii %nn fo tbe frogges (ball bepart from liucctc

5 3tabtbe?lo?be fpane bnto ^opfest tbee,anb from tljp boufes,frotn rtjp fer;
jap bnto 3(aron, ftretcb fooztlj tbpne uauntes,anb from tW peopie:anb (ball
banbe lbitlj tbp rob ouer tbe ftreames, remapnc in tbe rpucr onlpe.
oucr tljcrpucrs, anb ouer tlje ponbes: ii fi^opfes anb ^aron ibertt out from
anb caure frogges to comebp bpon tbe |^barao,anb ^Qopfcs C9) crpeb bnto tbe i%^T
'ucrcb from

lanbcofegppt. 2Lo;bc,astoucljingtbcfroggcsu)bicbc tcmpoiili pu*

niQjinc it, bv
r Jnb ^taron ttrcf cbeb bis banbe ouer be Ijab b?ottgljt againft pbarao. tbep)4per ot
v ibatcrs of €gppt, $ tbc frogges came ij ^nb tbe Ho?be opo acto^bpng to tbc
op anb couercb tlje lanoe of cgppt. faping of U^opfcs:anb tlje froggesbpeb
° e fo?«rers bib UKeibtfe ibitlj out of tlje boufcs,out of tbe courtes anb
•h r
1 wfojeerie, anb b?ougbt frogges bp ficlbes. i, fc
14 ^nb
. : : «

Plagues of Egypt. Exod us. Plagues of£g.

c 14 anto tljcv gatljcrcto tljcm t ogctljer top* 23 3lnto 3 Ml pitta " Dfutfion betrbecne (0)
pon ljcapcs,anto ttjc lantoe" tjato an cutll mv people anto tbJucjanD euen to mo*
fmcuwjougtitfjcm.] roitoc fljall tljts miracle be bone.
24. anto tlje H02D cucn fo , $ (p) %
26utitoljen ^Dacao fattoc tfjat Ije Ijab
tovto tljcre taunt,
rcttgcucnljim,De Uartoencto ijis tjcart, cameanintollecabic fttoatme of flvcsm*

anto Ijcar&cncto not tonto tfjrai, as tlje to tlje Ijoufc of 0ljatao,anto into Ms fee* ""How Hi
^Lojtoebatofavtoe. uauntcs Ijoufes, anto into all tlje ianto of •ottotti
i6 anto tl)t fLofl) favto tonto ^ofes, 3>av cgvpt : anto tlje lanto ibas corrupt ibitlj P'njw.
tonto aaron: £>trctel)e out tljv ton, anto tliefe fives.

fmvtetljctotiftof tlje lantoe, tljat it map 25 anto $ljarao caileto C02 ^ovfes ano
0)> lS06 tHOtt (,)
aaton,anto favto C5o,anto too facetfite
cafilf c oucr« be [tumeo]Cw to l^ce tljjougtjout all tlje ft J*
tbjomctb tlje
Urengthof lantoe of egvpt. tonto v our <3ot> in tljis lantoe. Oitnctrobkcti
m _,
CncthitDc 17 antotljev toitofotfo? aaron ftrctrtjeto 26 anto ^ovfes aunftberco, 3t is not Part of bj 9

meetc tljat itoe fo too : fo? tbe muft offer

plague. out Ijis tjantoe \toittj Ijis rototic, anto HouHiw,

fmotctljctouftoftl)ecartlj,tbntrt)etur* tonto tlje Ho?toe our d5oto,tljat im^H] jntputui

neo to Ivte tn man auto bead : fo tljat all v

an abtjominatton tonto tlje €gvptt*
baue ben
COCtlc finals
left bcaftcs tlje touft of tlje lantoe [tumm c0
to ivce ans. Ho,if ttoc factificc t^at ltoljicl) is an tTKClpfeoi.


mongli to
fit cngtli
ttaougljout ailtljc lantoe of egvpt. abljomination tonto tlje Cgvptiansbc* (0 lltira

ljurt,btpng " fo2e tljev? eves, Ttovl ttjev not (tone tos; of cioioujtt
ormeo bp is anto tlje entljauntets aflaveto tt&e* not tobemaet
" ltoifcitottljtljtiecncDauntmctestobnng 27 naeitovllgotl)?ee toaves iourncv into a laugripng
OO&at.iiis footflj ivce,
w but ttjev touitoe not : anb tlje toefert, auto facrifice tonto tlje %om fhnheiiin

mimftero (f) (OfQW«!l

fljalbcron: tlje Ivce mere botlj topon men $ bcaftcs. our d5oto,as Ije Hatlj t6mauntocto tos. mljtstc:::

19 Xljcn fato tlje cncljauntcrs tonto $lja* 28 anto i&tjarao favto : 3 ltotii let vou go,
ucd the f.tptl)
of i)i0 fera rao w tljts is tlje finger of (E>oto. anto tljat ve mav facrifice tonto tUc %om (oloiitj.

CI) <«bt» teljaraos Ijcart remavneto obftinate, vour d5oto in tlje rbvltoerncffe , but go
not farre aitoav: co p?av fo? me.
(t) VtcUn
antoljcljcar&eneb not tonto tljem, cuen
toouloc not
tome of an?
astlje&ojtocljatofavtoc. 29 anto fl^ovfes favD,beDolDe,3J Ml go neceffictrw
tenet grin
trjcp confefTc
20 antottjcfLojtoc ravtoc tonto spovfes: out from tljcc,anto pjav tonto tlje Hojo,
<5oos softer
rvfe top cariv in tlje momvng,anto ttanu tljat tlje fives mav tocpatt from
from Ijis fcr uauntcs, anto from
(in) Sob befoje ^ljarao,to,ljeibvll tome foomj rao,aiito
at tiits matter
tonto tlje itoatcr, anto ttjou a)ait fa? Ijis people to mo?oVbe : but let w $W (5) 25*
cotiBantlp *
raofromljencefoo^ttj toeale toeceiptful- taM
Done publi Wf
tonto Jjuu.Xtjus favettj tlje fLo?toc:fLct tpnjtfM

mv people go tljat tljev mav feme me. IV no mo?e, tljat Ije Ktovll not let tfte peo*

2D 21 €\s if tljou itovlt not let mv people go, pie go,to facrifice tonto tlje 3Lo?oe:
*' Swarmes
bcljolD, 3 Ml fento " atlmaner of fives 30 anto £0ovfes \toent out from 0ljarao,
Cf) w 9R
botlj topon rtjee ano tljv fcruauntes,anto anto pjaveo tonto tlje Ho?toe. bp-SoHfpo

tljv people, $tnto tljv fjoufes: auto tlje 31 anto tlje Hojtoe toito atco?tovng to tbe (jjomtftt 81

houfcsoftljc cgvptians fl)aibe full of faving of £j3ovfes : anto tlje fives ocpar* ifHtJOli"!

flvcs,anto ttje gcounto Vbljcron tljcv arc. teto from#ljarao, anto front nis fcr* lUBPia'S'

2i anto tlje lanto of d5ofen Mjer c mv pco* uauntes,anto from Ijis people:anto tljere
ruti, pleare,Ml3i " taufetobe rbontocrfull vemavnetonotone.
ens plagues in tljat toav,^ fo tljat tljere Q)ai no fives v- anto i^ljaraoljartoenctoDisljeart once
ate in iSodb
cntpc lianbc. be tlj crc : lbtjcrbv tljou (bait tmolto tljat ™
mo?e at tljis time, anto tovto not let tbe mini"''',
rorjertin ttit
folic (Sods
tan 00 bos
3 anttljclUjtoein tlje mvtotocft of tlje people go.

^"The.fx. Chapter.

ijDcatDofcattrti. sjBoptcs. n^apie. zyl&ljaraoaconotoleligetijljfjJoffencc.aiHifie*

fccljetlj jai^opfejs w?
fot Ijpm. v vstyn Hfyotfe? pjapetl), tlje ijaple ceafetl).

a §t |Lo?toefaib tonto $&op 3)f tljou refufe to let ttjem go, ano
fes, go
in tonto i&ljarao,
anto tljou fljatt tell fjvm,
23cljoitoe, trje^ljantoe of tlje %oW
mijus favctlj tlje ?Lo?be is topon tljv flocue ltoljicl) is in tlje fteioe, gjgW
peonies : %tt
d5oto of tlje topon l^ojfes, topon affes, topon ta* *«<$

mv people go,tljat tljev mav letue «^« mclics, topon ojren, anto topon fljeepe, **
eso f Egypt. Exod
xoaus. X 1.
tljeteujalbcamightie great mo?apne. 17 J^et eraltcft tljou tljp felfe agapnft nip
a. anb the Horbc (bail t>o rbonberfullp people,tbat ttjou Bjplt not let tljcm go^
bettbecne the beaftes of 3ifraei,anb the
beaftes of egppt, fo that there n^au no*
is 25eljoiije,to mo?otoe tbis time 3 Vbpl
thpngbpeofaii thatpertapneth to the eueniuctjea one astbasnot in &avnt ?w*»
djiiorenof3Jfraei. naturoU.

< anbthefLorbe^appopntcbatpme, bntotljistpme.

Jit m
paucc v facing: tomorotbe theHorbe (ball ft* I? 5>enbe tberfo?e notbe,anb gather thp
Eborbe in the lanbe.
ntCljc ti)is beaUcs,f all tljat ttjou ijaa m the fieioe:
6 anb the Horbebpb that thpng on the 5ro?bpon all tlje men anb the beaftes
mo?otbe,anb ailthecattcii of egppt ibhiche are founbe m the fieloc, anb
fcdltW 11 not
oi'co : but of the cattell of the thilbrcn of brought home, Ojall tlje Ijapic fall, anb
3Jfrael,bpebnotone. tljcpOjailbpe.

jftjcfiftt) 7 ano ^harao fent, anb bchoibe, tljcrc io anb as manp as w feareb the rbozoc
•plague- ihasnotoneof the cattell of the 3Jfrae* of thefLo?beamongeO tlje fceuauntes not of true
25 ntcs bcab : anb the heart of pharao of i^ljarao, mabc tljcir fernauntes mto ma obcDitntC
to t5oD.
harbeneb, ana he bib not let tfjc peo- tljeir beaftes flee into the houfes. 2)
ple go. ii But he that regarbcb not tlje lbo?be
8 anb tlje Ho?b fafb into ^opfes anb of the Ho?o, left his fcruauntes anb his
aaron : taftc your hanbes full of affbes beaftesintljefielbe.
out of f furnace,? s^opfes thai fprincule u anb tlje Hojbe fapbe bnto ^opfes:
it bp into ttJe apre in p fight of pharao: ftrctche foo?tlj thpne hanbe bnto hea*
9 anb it tbaibe bull in all tlje lanbe of uen,tljat there map be ijaple in all tlje
€gppt,anbajalbeftbclling fores ibith lanbe of egppt, bpon man, anb bpon
blapncsbothonman $ bead through* beaftes, anb bpon all tlje Ijearbcsof tlje
out all tlje lanbe of cgypt. fieibe throughout the lanbe of egppt.
io ^nb thep tone aflljes out of tlje fur* 13 anb^opfesftretrljebfoo?thhis rob s%fta&»
nace, anb ftoobe before |&harao : anb
mmm £0opfes ct° fprinhleb it Dp into the apre, anb hapleb, anb the fire ratine a long 2K2S2

anb there Vbere fibellpng fores tbttlj Dponthcgrounbe,anbthe3Lo?be hap* ^SSS
b la pnes, both in men anb in beaftes lebiuthelanbeofegppt.
anb w the fosterers coulo not ftanbe 14 ^o there Uiashaple,anb fire mingleb
before fl^opfes becaufe of tlje biapnes: U)itljthehaplc,fogreeuous,anb fuch as
fo; there lbere botches bpon the en* there ibas none throughout ai the lanb
an*, pt t chaunters,anb bponai the egpptians. of egppt ftnee people tnljabitcb it.
:nen. .
ftarnt n anb tlje ?Lo?be harbeneb tlje heart of 25 anb the haple fmote throughout all
$harao, anb he hearueneb not bnto tljcianbcof egppt ailthatibas in the
tbcm,as pHorb hab faib bnto ££opfcs. ficlbe, both man $ beaft : anb the haple
13 anb the Horbe fapbe bnto 30opfcs fmote all tlje Ijearbes of the fieibe, anb
rife bp early in tlje morning, anb ftanbe broke all the trees of the fieibe.
before pharao. anb thou fbalt tell him, i6 ^nlpintheianbeof(0ofenrohrcetfie
£hus fapeth theflorbe <25oo of tlje $e* cljpiorenof3JfraeUbere,u>as there no
b?ues:?Let mp people go 3 that thep map haple.
feme me: ^7 anb 0harao fent anb talicb for fipop*
t H $>i els 3 rbpu at this tvmt fenbe all fes anb aaron,anb fapbe bnto thcm,3I e
mp plagues bpon thine hcart,anb bpon w haue norbe finneb:the florbe is righ* gS»a5S«
tup fcruauntes,anb on tbp people, that tcous,anb 3 % uip people arc bngobip. jj; /^-
njoumapcftbnoibe that there is none 28 ^rap pe bnto the florbe, that tijefe ggjgg.
h?he me in all the earth. thunbringesof(5obano haple nmv be '°« %>*$-
'5 f
or noib 3
ibill ftretch out mp hanb, fuflficient, anb^ibflllctpougo^iibpe
Jbat3iinapfmptetijee anb thp people Ojailtarp no longer.
with peftilewc, anb thou tbalt pcrplbc (o
29 i!0opfesfapb bnto him: aiTooneas en***;
t***z 16
font the earth.
anb in berp bcebe co fo? this caufe
31 am out of the tttic, 3
*P» *W m
abrobe mp hanbes bnto the 3Lorbe,anb tSSSP-
nauej "bept thee, fo? to fljetbe thee thethunber Cball ccaflc, nepthcr ftjall
Kf pl.lCI

mppovber, anbtljatmp name map be there be anp more haple: that thou

o«lareb th?ougljout all tlje ibojlbe. mapeaunoibe hoiDcthat the earth is


Plagues of Egypt. Exodus. Plagues of E


bnto the ILojoe anb the tbunber anb

the fyoiots. .

aButUtmotbethattbouanb thvflp havleeeaflcb, ncvtljer ravneb it bpon
jo (m)
fate of tljc thccartlj.
(trO figopftfl
Itoutlpc ton - uauntcs vet fcare not tlje w
Bcmpncll) the
hvmj U02DC C50b. 34 anb ibljeu 0ljarao rarbe that tlje ,
,ino all
anb tlje barlveibcre ravne,anb the ijavle, anb tljunber mere SSET
rjio court of « ^tntjfotlicflajce
fmvttcn>?thebarlvujasujotbp,anb ceafle^befmnebvetmoje, anb barbe* SSb
the flare mas boulleb:
neb Ijis beart,lje anb bis feruauntes: gg"«
^nb tlje heatt of #barao lbas Ijaroe*
00 ttcfc
n 251U the mljeatc anb the eve tberenot 35
neb, nevtljer tboulbe be let the cbvlbjen
(ccdc tone Onvttcn,^fon!)evn)cee"iatefott)cn ^
not fo fo;u>art>
lnnpTtigas 33
anb fiJ9ovfcs lbcnt out of the cute tro of 3Jfracl go,as the %om bab favb bp
« Hidde. ^ijarao, anb fpjeab abjobe bis banbes;

^ The. x. Chapter.
4 flltopfc0tfoeatnet&l&barao,!octifle0. i^rjaraoacftnott.
Eaffinnwequtrctl) ttjatpjaper bemaoe fojijim. 19 j3©offc? pjapet&fb^ba.
rao. 2i £>atfmeire fo gro&e,tbat tt mtfibt be felt.

% /|H>tlje?Lo?befavbc fcrue the fLojbe their d5ob : Knotted

bnto09ovfcs,goinbn* thou not vet tljat tfgvpt is bettroveb*
to$barao:fo?3lljaue 8 anb i^ovfcs $ aaron mere bjougbt
barbencbljisbeart,$ againe bnto #barao ,anb he favbe bnto ««»
tbe Ijcart of Ijis fer* tbcm, Ca) (!5oanbferue tlje ?Lo?be vour *m
uattntcs,tbat3jmigbt «50b:buttbbo are thev tbat fbail go;


anb tljat thou tell in tlje aubiente of

anb^ovfesaunftbereb: ibetbtllgo
Ibitb our vbung,anbtbith our olbe,vea,
anb ibitlj our fonnes,? with our baugb* 52*

tljvfonne, $ of tbv fonnes fonne tbhat ters,anb ibitb our fbeepe,anb ibith our
tljtngcsjjljaueboneincgvpt, anb tbe orentbemuftgo: foauc muft hoibe a
miracles uwiclj 3
bane bone amongeit feaft bnto tbe %mt*
tbem : tbat tbev mav Knoib home that 10 anb he fatb bnto tbem: %tt the %W
3lamtbe?Uwbe. be fo ibitlj vou,as3l ttJtll let vou go ,anb
3 anb fo ^ovfes anb aaron came bnto vour cbvlbjen s tabe Ijeebe, fo? v* P uc
$barao,anb faib bnto bim, Xljus fav* fome mifebiefe in banbe.
ctlj tbefLojb C5ob of tlje $cb?ues: $oib it /I5av notfo,but go tbcv tbataremen,
long \bilt tljou refufe to fubmit tbv felfe anb feme tbe fLo?be:fo?tbat\basvour
bnto me <3Letmv people go, that thev befire. °°anb tbcv tbere thmtt out of «gj
^Ijaraosp^ercnce. »«*•
4 £>'. cisif tbou refufe to let mv people B, anb tlje ?Lo?be favbe bnto ^opfos: gg
go,bcljolbc, to mojoibe rbvll b?vng 3 <S>trctcljouttlJvneljanbouertbe lanue 8k
grcfljoppcrs into tbv coattes ofcgvptfo? greu)Oppcrs, that tbev wV»
5 anb tbcv ujall couer the face of the mav come bpon the lanb of w«m 15

eartluhat it can not be feene : anb tljev eate all tlje bearbes of tbe ianbe,ano all JS&
(ball eatc tlje refibue mbiclj tljat tlje bavic left beljvnbe.
bnto vott ano is efcapeb from tX^t Ijavle,
anb tbcv ujall eate cuerv greene tree
tljat bcareth vou fruitc in tbe fielbe.
15 anb^ovfesftretcbeb foojtljhts rob
ouer tbe lanoe of cgvpt.anb tbe %oW
b^oug^t an w catt tbinbe bpon tbe lanoe
6 anb tbev ujail fill tljv Ijoufcs, anb all all tljat bav, anb all tbat nvgbt : anbtti *&
tl)vfcruauntcsljoufes,anb tlje Ijoufes
of all tlje egvptians, after fuclje a ma*
m morning the eaft Vbmbe b?oug!jt nje
a„ geS
ncr,asncvtbcrtljvfatljcrs, no? tljvfa* 14 anb tlje grettjoppers Vbcnt bp ouer
tljers fatljcrs Ijauc feene fince tbe tvme all tlje lanbe of €gvpt, anb remavnep
tljev mere bpon tlje earth bnto tins in all quarters of egvpt berv grceuoitt*
bav.anb be turneb Ijim felfe about,anb Ive : before tbem mere tbere no fucb*
Went out from pnarao. grcfhoppers.neitljcr after tbem fbalbe.

7 anb ^haraos feruauntes favbe bnto 15 5Fo? tljev couereb all tlje face of tlje
hint: home long ujall Ije be" hurtful! ea«b,fo tbat tbe lanbe was barbc, ano
2$ bnto bsf Jtet tlje men go,tIjat tljev map tljev bib eate al the hearbes of the lano.
gues of Egypt. Exod us. X
and all tDe fruftes ofrtje trees Vbljatfoe* t
ucrtlje Davie Dad lefte : tljcre Idas no
greenetljpng left in tDe trees $ tabes
^ m man
latbe anotDer, neitDer
of tDe ficldc tljzottgD al£ land of Cflwfc
i6 m
Xljerefoje $Darao called
3Jljaue 24 SttD i&ljarao calico
r finned agaynft tlje |Lo?D pour d5oo, and
fi» sBovfcs and
fepd t (2>o, ano fcrue
etpottru>cpe? pour orcn
tfic fLoaie : oS
17 3utd noibe fo?geue me mp finneonip
F and
ictpour cDpnwcngonutDpou. '

tljis once, ano p?ap dnto tDc fLo?o pour

<soo tDat Dc map taiteaibape from me
^f a ,f °S"
CS ***** Xh0 « »»«tt

and burnt ofifc to do facrmce dnto the
CD) flSopfea
Si>»U not pciae

Hortie an pnetje foj

18 3lno [a&orre*] njcnt out from ^Ijarao, our (25od, mtbimj n,ai
ano pjaped dnto tlje Hojoc. i6 £)urcattellaifofl)aiigoiditD ds, no, m(usi)t

19 3nd tDe %om turned a mpgDtie

tDere ujall not one Ijoofe be left belmto
thpngco as
<3>oD corns
llrongidefNdpnde, and it tone atdape
tDe graujoppers,and cad tljem into tDe
to; tljerof mult ide tafee to ferue
our (25oo : neitDer do toe imoide UMlj
red fea : fo tljat tijerc Idas not one grafc idDat lbe mud do feruice dnto tDe !Lo:d
Doppcr in all tDe coafics of egppt. dntpllmccometDptDcr.
20 3lno tlje Hoidc Dardencd ^Ijaraos 27 asm tDe Ho?de Ijardeneo ^Daraos
Deart, fo tDat De idouioe not let tljc cDtl< Deart, and Dc ibouioe not let tDcm go.
d?cnof3Jfraclgo. 28 w 2nd ^Daraofapde dnto Ijpm: d5et
21 3fno tlje %oftt fapoe ditto $5opfcs tDeefroinme,and taae Decoe dnto tDp
3>irctcDe out tDp Dande ditto Dcauen, felfe tDat tDou feett mp face no moic:
sco, tljtmjlH
fo; ettnepocto
tDat tDere map be bpontlje lande of €-- ldljcnfocucr tDou commeftin mp fpgDt,
tion, t|)cinoM>

SPptoaranctTcibDicDmapbe felt. tljoufDaltdpe.

fururao cotop
hfnl!) 2i 3ino spopfcsfirctcDeo footfj l)is Dano 29 ano^opfesfapoe:?LetttbeastDou lEIjcrfoje, ton
gootp mfiiclj
I flaunt.

dnto Deauen: and tDere Idas a tDirite Daftfapoe, 3JtopUfeetDpfaeenoino;c. cafes oujtjt 19
be 0(3000
Ilhid;.. darKcttcflc dpon alitlje lande of egppt &opc f

f The. xj. Chapter.

1 ®be Xojdc commaunbttb tljc ^eb;etoej! to tobU ti)e topttania; 4 cbe
Ccatb oftDc firfl bo?ne of all t&pnge0.

^ i52DtDe?lo?defapde totDcmpddellofCgppt,
dnto09opfes:|9etvdpl 5 3lnd ail tDe firll borne in all tDe land of
3 bjpnge one plague egppt (ball ope, etten fro tljc firfl borne
jmo;edp6^Darao,and of 0Darao w
tDat fpttetD on Ijis feate,
tctocth after

dponcgppt, and after dnto tljc firll borne of tljc mapoe fee* Ijtmintftcim-.
[tDat, Dcidpli let pott go uaunt tljat is beDpndc tljc mpll, and all p.ujimt. J!m
bpfprtpng, us
Dence:ldDenDetDallet genozed of tDctattcll.
tljc firfl mt nil. bta=
pit go quite, DefDaildtterlpd?pue pon 6 ^nd tDere fljalbc a great crpc tD,:ougD- rpns rule, ot
loclopng ofcis
out all tljc lanoc of <£gppt, fuel? as tljcrc n oiric fjj

x ® 5>peaae tDou tDerfoje in tDe tares Idas ncttcr none Ipbe, no? ujaibe.

pf tljc people, tDat euerp man bojoibc of

7 2i5ut amontjft tlje cDpld^en of gifracl
Dts neigDbour,and euerp ldoman of Der Ujal not a doggc motte Ijis tottnge, from
SSttaitn- ntt5Dbour,ic«jeisof fpluer,andieidcls a man ditto a bead: tDat pe map luioidc

of goibe.
^notDe?Lo?de fl^ail geue tDc people
Doid tljat tDc
bendecne tljc
puttctD a o:ifc mice
egpptians ano ^fcael. 25
wttour in tlje fpgDt of tDc egppfians: 8 C0 3lnd tljcfc
tljp feruattntes n^al al come (c) Tunc
JPOieouer, 09opfes Idas a derp great doidnc dnto me, ano fall before me, ano fobanir
man in tDc lande of egppt in tDe fpgDt fap: (RttDce out, and all tljc people
ctjttungc of
fpwltpng to

SLOTE aos fcruauntcs, ano in tljc tljat arc dnoer tDee, and tljen idpu 3 Dmcrspcrfont
ta pfal.tB.a.
«V5DtoftDcpeopie. depart. SmdDcident out from ffyzxm
4 XDus faptl) tljc "
*?!? ^°Vfts fapdc, iditljan angrpcottntcnaunce. "fiDj.'M"
^o?oc; ZX mpdnpgDt,U)pll
J go out in< 9 2fno tDc %ow
fapoc dnto ^opfts
Si pww
The paflbuer
The Paflbuer.
tl> at m? ibonbcrs bcfo?e i&harao:3mb the fLo?b
iStarao (ball not bcare pou, barbcncb ^haraos heart, fo that he
Sn^sSbcmttlttpUci) in thclanb
lboulbc not let the ct)plb?en of 3ifraei
10 °S&v^ant)^ ott bpbauthcfe

^The.xij. Chapter.

€ 5W t, 3 ' WW *,

$2D the 3Lo?ue fpaae 11 £>f this manct (ball pe eateit : tbith
bnto sipopfes anb 2ta* pour lopnes girbeb,anb pour tbooeson
tontntheianbeofe* pour fectcanb pour ttaffe in pour Ijanb, 0)tt«

<" anb pc (hall eate it in hafte: fo? it is tl):

but our

TOsmonctbtbaibe tbe?Lo?bcspau"ouct. , _
, fc
. Iambi 11 iU

Unto poupbcgpnnpng n 5Fo? 3

ibpil paffc th?ongh the lanbe of astapinditi

- J cgppttljis fame npght, anb Kbplifmpte

of monetbes, anD the
all thcfirftbo?nc of egppt
firftmonctb of the pece (ball it be bnto
bead, anb bpon alltlje gobs of egppt 31
3 *°ipeaRcpebnto all the congregation ibptl erecute iubgement ; 3 &w the
the tenth bape of |Lo?be.
oHifraelJaping: 3m ^nbthebloobajalbeDntopouatoRcn
*u^.« «i»h *t£™ man taftt Ditto !wm
ft 1?
in the houfes ibljerin pou are :
anb M)c
3 feethe bloob,J tbpllpaffe
(n) (Bob o?-
DrrncO tl)io fa oner pou,
trtficth?ato= iambc throughout eucr p Dome.
Dpon pou to
j .. n
1 v'lcDgc
'%{ the boufyolb be to litie fo? p iambc, anb tlje plague (ballnot be
uct.unicc. bcftroppouibhen^fmptcttje lanbeot
lethpmtafcc Diss nepghbour Nhichc

nrat bnto bis boufe , aceo?bpng

to the e
number of the rouies,euerp one of pou i 4 SthiSbap (halbeDntopouarem^
it an hoip
b?aunce : anbpoutt)all ftepe
accojbpng to his catpng (bal matte pout pouc
fcallbnto the Ho?be th?oughont .

comptfojaiambe. an
generations, pe tt)all ftepe it Ijolp fo?
< zmlet the iambc of pouts be tbitbout
biemiuXamalcofapcreolbe iwwi
o?muauneefo? euet, l»»jtl"«»

^eucnbapcsa)aipeeateDnlcaunei) out*."
pc (bal taue out from among the (beepe, H pc put*
fotalW 1

bicab, fo that cuen tljc firtt bap

ftn inert"*

anb fcom among the goates. jjiniiM 1

6 3mb pe (ball ucpe bpm in Dotpll tlje
leaucneb b?cab from tOJ
fo cuer eateth
fouvtecntl) bap of tl)c fame moncth:anb

firttbape DntpUthcfcucnth bapc,
cuccp afTembie of the congregation of
foule (balbe rooteb out of ^fcaeu
<3ftacl ttjall bpll bpm about " cuen.
n w stnb tljcp (ball tanc of tljc bioob anb
onthettboiWej poftes, anb on
i6 %hcfirabapa)albeaholpco!Uiocatt_
on,anb tljc feuentlj bap falbe an
Ojaibc no
conuocation bnto pou: there
OKI tljc fviw-
the Dpper boo?e poll, cuen m tlje houfes
ibbct:thep (ball eate bpm. maner of\bo?Ue bone in the, fett^JJ*
tljatonipDJhich euerp man
- u.mlifiiH.bp mutt eate,
Cfo)0?bC Of
00 ano by s stub thep (ball eate tljc nc(be the fame
tljatonlpmappebo. Aj. e u^^

:,;dai.rauic!S. ttpght, rottibtth fire, anb ttttth bnlcaiu>

ncbb?cab:anb»JithfoXb?ehearbesthep 17
ueneob?cab: fo?tljis famefbap
ttjall eate it. m
b?oughtpour armies oiuofthewnocw

%tt that pc eate notthctof ratbe, no?
robbembtthibatcr, but roftettnthfire: egppt, h^Smnm^»X
bap anb all pour cbpuwenaftet
pou, vt
tbchcab,fcctc, anb purtenauncc thcrof.
10 3mbpc(baillctttotbpngofit
remapne aneucrlaftpngbcctee. eMirtet nth
bnto tfte morning: Xhat lbhich remaps 18 Xhefirftnioneth,anbthefour«
neth of it bntpll tlje mo?otbe, (ball pe bape of the monctb , at cuen tf «g»
rues of Egypt. Exod US. X In.
bnlcauencb bjcab, hnto the.jrjcf.
eatc bp nvgot, facing : ftpfc
Dap of the fame moncth at euen againe. pp, anb gctpou
mi n, n S ft
»>P P^Ple, both pou
I? £>cuen napes thai ther be no leaueneb ?
bzeab founbe in pour houfes : anb tbho*
focuer eatctf) leaueneb bjcab, that foule
foalbc rooteb out from the congrcgatio
« w!iP
«Jf thplbwi of 3!fcacl anb go,
u ct,Je!L02l,eas vehauefapb?.
taHc vour fl> ee anl vour tooues
P* >

of 3Jfrael, tbtjettjet; he be ftraunget o?

borne in the lanbe. 3J 3tnb the egppnans there
zo wpt fball eatc nothing leaueneb: but
mall pour habitations fhalipe eatebn*
leaueneb bjeab.
KK lc t!jatt&
^ ,nVShtfcnbethcm
out of the lanbe in hattc : foj
thev fapbe,
n $9opfes caileb fo? the elbets of JJfracI, 34 &nb the people tofte there botbgh be*
anb fapbe bnto them: Choofe out, anb
tane pou to cuerp houfhoibe of pou a
fo?eittt>asrotb?cb, lbhichcthcp hab
ft02e,being bounbe in clotljes bpon
lambe, anb ftpll ttjc paffouer. fhoulbers*
ti anb tafte a bunche of Jfope anb bip it
in tljc bloob that is in the bafon, % Unite
35 ^nbthcchpi02enofgifraei ^\s mtp
j> bpng to tljc Hiping of #opfes anb thep

the bppet pofl of the boojc, anb the two b02oibeb of the egpptians ietteis offiu
rpbe poftcs,U)ith the bloob that is in the ucr,anb iclbels ofgolbe,anb tapment.
bafon:? none of pou go out at thebooje 36 ^Inb the fU)2b gaue tijc people fauout
of his houfc bntpll the mompng. in the fpght of the egpptians, fo that
23 if o? the JLm
tbpU paffe ouct to fmpte thep graunteb fuch thpnges as thep re^
theegpptians:anb ibhen he feeth the quireb : anb thep robbeb the cgppti*
bloob bpon the bppet boojepoft anb the ans.
a) W«itt
trbofpbepoftes,hctt)pll paffe ouet the (
37 '^nb the chinwen of 3Jfrael toue tljeir grebe fo a<
iiiongcS time
booze, anb lbpu not fuffet the befttopet ioutnep from Kamefcs to 4>uchoth, enemies, bee
;mg To (malls
to come into pour houfc to plague pou. htuiDjcb tljoufanb
fire men of foote, be* number at .

24 %hcrf02cu>llpeobferuethisthpng fpoechpibjcn.
their Grfte
eommpna to
fo? an o?binauncc to thee $ thpfonnes 38 anb a great multitube of funb2p other iCsrpt.ict ba
fo?euet. nations lbft alfo ibith them, anb Ibccpe ftopc, Hat sob
tDVII met cafe
25 anb ibhen pe be tome to the lanoe anb oten, anb erceebpng much catteiu hiu Cnnrcl).
be it trcacr fa
ibhichc the fLo?be Ibpll gcue pou, aceo?* anb thep baacb machop-
39 bnleaueneb caues of v.etta
bpng as he hath p?omifcb, pe (hall ftepe thebolbghibhiche thep bought out of
thtsfetuice. €gppt, fo2 it ihas not fouwb : 5P02 thep
26 anb tbhen pour chpib?en affte pou, Ibetethmftoutof cgppt, anb couib not
ibhat maner of feruice is this pe bo; tarp, nether hab thep p«:epareb fo? tljem
27 PefbauTape, it is the famfice of the feluesanp p2ouifion of meate.
Ho?bcs paffouct, Vbhtchc paffeb ouet 40 Xheoibellpngofthe chplb2enof %%
thehoufcsofthe chpib?cn of JIftael in rael ibhich thep bVbelleb in egppt, ibas
®SPPt, anb he fmote the egpptians, foure hunb2eb anb thittie petes.
anb faueb out houfes. anb the people 41 anb ibhen the foure huntyebfthirtie
boibeb them fciucs, anb ibo?fhippcb« peres There etpireb, euen the feifc fame
e is anbthechpib?enof3JftaelibcntanD bap beparteb ai the hoaftes of the %o;n
bpbasthe 3Lo?bc habbe commaunocb out of the latibe of <£gppt.
spopfes anb aaron, cueu fo nyn thep. 42 3Jtisa npght to be obferaeb bnto the
i» attb at
n mpbnpght the ?Lo?bc fmote
wfirft oo?ne in the lanbe of # gppt, ft
fitO bome of ^harao that fate on
Ho2be,intheibhiche he brought them
out of the lanbe of egppt:Xhts tsrhnt
his fcate, bntpi the firtt bo?nc of the cap* b:cn of ^fracl muft ftepe th2ougf)out
tmc thatibas inp?ifon, anb all the faftc their generations.
43 ano the |Lo2be fapbe bnto i]9opfcs
anb #hatao rofc in the npght he anb
, anoaaron, Xhis is tfjelauieofpaffo*
Dtsrcruauntcsr, anb an the egpptians, ucr : tljcre (hall no Uraungct cate there*
S,Jv tu
^^ a fl wat (tV* inegppt: of.
U)as not a houfeibhcre there 44 But euerp fentannt that is bought fo?
ttasnotoncbeao. money, after thattbou hatt circumnfeb
-ano he caileb bnto
££opfcs anb aarfi hpnijlfiaUeatetljcrof,
5Fi/ 45aftraungcr

Paflouer. Exod us. Offringofthefirftb


loHttaungcriianhircb feruauntlball (balbe as one that is borne tn the lanbe:

not eatc thctof. fo? no bnetrcumeifeb pcrfon (ball catc

® 4.6 ^n one houfe (hall it be eaten, thou therof.
jaDne matter of latbefbaibebntohym
foalt carry none of the fielthe out of the 49
houfe, neither (ball ye bjeafte a bone that is borne in the lanbe, anb bnto the
therof ftraungcrtyatbttjeilethamongyou.
*n an the congregation of 3jfrael(hau 50 anbaiithe chyibjenofgirtacibybas
obferueit. t!je ?Lotf>e tomntaunbeb $$oyfes anb

a.% Ufa ftraungeralfobibell among you, aaron,euenfobybthey.

anbtbvlholbepaObuet bnto the %m, 51 3nb the felfe fame bay, byb the ILojbe
let him cierameife all that be males, anb b?yngthcehyib?enof3jrrael out oft&e
then let him come anb obferue it, anb he lanbe of egypt ibitl) their armies.

^ The.xiij. Chapter.
1 ©he fttfl borne tftwrae* «"»8 be fancttftcb bnto <KoD. 3 Che rememfyatmce of the to
ttueraunce mua bealebjate. s cftltyen muO be taugbt that thep toere Deltuereo fro
the ttramrie of ©barao. nW
fw& bojne tbpngeu be (!5oD0. 14 CbpHuen muftbe
tauoht tobr tbwiae* ftrff bojnc be feperate bnto tbe bffe of ©ott. 17 wty tbe lLofii Dpo
leaoe about tbe cbpltucn of «g?ptbp tbe Defert. ipfl&opfefscarpethtbe bone* of 9Jo»
fepb. :i ©be poller of clouoe anb of fire.
(0 (D 1m
^DthefLojb^fpafte 9 ^nb it as a figne bnto thee
u^aibe cicntcs null

31 10 Hum
00 » latoc bnto flpyfes, faying: bppon thyne hanbe, anb as arcmem toft: tfifi
^<§>anettfiebnto me
fbj f offetpng bzauncebetvbeenethyne eyes, that tbe mpgljt
of tijc fpjjlc 2 In ft

begotten tint*
ai the firft bome,tbhat fL02t)cs latbe may be in thy mouth J fw ten in out ti
iJ5oo folio

tco not from
to euer openeth the tn a ftrong hanoe the %om
Its, (•

trjencc mpjti

cent) onlp
but from bon
vbombc among p thvl' theeoutofegypt. ottWIiiti if

Dagc. bzenofSJfracUaftbell 10 i^epe tljerfoic this o?bmaume tn his tijcimall],

of man as of bcaft, fo; tt is mine, fcafon from yere to yere,
3lnb ajaoyfes fatbe bnto the people: 11 3lnb it ttrpli come to palTe that p|lo?b
Cb) wc alfb
mult offM out

ye ought to remember this bay tbhi* m dial b?yng the lanb of the Chanaanites,
firft bojncbn=
to SoD.tlial cheyecameoutof egypt out ofphoufe ibhich he ftbare bnto thee anb to thy fa*
fgtnctpall care of "bonbage : fo? though a myghtie thers, anb (hall gette it thee.
mud tenbe to
hanbe the fLojbc brought you from iz 3lnb then thou tljait appoynt bnto
anb auauntc.
ment of 1)10
thence : there (hall no leaueneb bjcab be the %mc all that openeth the matrice,
eaten. anb euery firftlyng that commcthofa
ucrauntcfatrc 4. Zhisbayecamcyeout,intfitmontf) bcatttbhich thou haft, yfitbeamale, it
the llcwcfl.
«0 Abib fbaibethe&Oiibes.
<0 3f "»
itianp ctremo= 5 nohen the Ho;be hath brought thee 13 ^nb euery firftlyng of an affe, thou
•apneo fo? a into the lanbe of the Chanaamtes, $c* (halt rebceme ibith a lambe : yf thou re*
uiemoiic of
tlicic oclluci thitcs, Minorites, ^cuttcs, anb 3Jebn* beemchym not, thou (halt bjeafee b^
rauntc <0ob

dlfo required)
fitcs, Which he ftbarebnto thy. fathers nccfte:au the ftrft borne amongft tby
twtbpng niojt
at out banOc0
that he lbouib gcuc thee, a lanbe \bhcr* thylb^en aKo (halt thou bye out.
tbe to be mtnb in mylfte anb hony flbibeth thou (halt :
14 »nb tbhen thy (bnneaffec thee in time €
full of but be
" Seruautes.
hepe this fc mice in this fame month*
£>cucn bay es thou (halt eate bnleane*
(l)alt faye bnto hym: i©ith a myghtie
(b) Ihtfl
SdoS about
ucbbzcab,anb in the feuenth bayettts hanbe the fLojbe brought bs out of ««
io?nc began to
tipcn in th.iti ,
thcfeaftoftheHo?be. gypt, out of thehoufe ofbonbagc.
7 tlnleaucneb bjcab fl)albe eaten feuen 15 ^nb tbhen i^harao tbas bery loth to
25 bayes, anb there thai no leaueneb bjeab letbs go, the Hojbe fleibe all the fitft
be fecne no? yet eaten lbtth thee in ai thy borne in the lanbe of egypt, aftbell the
quarters. firft borne of man, as the firftlyng of

(tloSoottipl- s » ^nb thftu (l)alt n^ctbe thy fonne in beaft : Xherefo?e 3

facrifice bnto tpc
icti) ? t«orc of
ftc tcitmomc
bone becaufe
that bay, faying :XhiS is fLo^be all the males that open the ma-
to be bttcrcb
ottbe tclet?a=
of that ihbtche the %om
byb bnto me trice : but ail tbe firft bo;ne of my cby»'
When came out of egypt. tycnjlrcbeeme.
M°y k
Exod us. X In
i6 Xhts fbalbe as a toaen bppon fhpne fcpli toitb him •
fn> he mihc «,» ,1, .„

thpnc cpes, tftat the fLojbc bright bs

Ip4tc pou anbWaU
aibapbcnccSvou P S £SS«
,7 5tcametopafre,thatlbhcn#harao 20 anbtheptobc theirlournrofrrim^
habiettUcpcopie8o, obcaiTCbt!)em totft,aiia!««jraiffl?StoS
notthjoughthcvbapofthcianbeofthe thenjptoemeflV
J s ot
#htliftmcs, tthtty ibasthemojenpgh zi anbthefLojbe ibent
befiue them by
ttrap. 26ut d50b fatbe : left perabuentute bap in a ppller of a eloube to leabe
CB) Sjem
the people repent tbhc thep fee lbarre, the ibap, anb bp npgbt in appiicc
anb fo turae agapne to egppt. togencthcntlvght,thatthcpmpghtgo
18 z$ut 00b leu the people about though both bp bap anb npgbt.
the ibap of the lbplbcrncffe of the rebbe zz <»3Chc piticr of the clonbe beoarteb nnf 00 ©)» itc=

fea, anbjhe thvlbjcnof Jftaeiibent bp bp bape, nojtheppiier office bp npgijt. uer people, fajilctlj

• Byiiucm 'harnefleb out of the lanbc of egppt. outofthefpghtoftljepcopic, roWljeapocth

beponDt tlje
! jnnckc,
19 3lnb ipiyfes toae the bones of 3J0 coin w(Tc of
man0 teuton,

^ The. xiiij . Chapter. «4(C.

i (Sot) commatmoc tb to pttctic tbdr pa tulions in a fcaungcrcus place, that be mar be

tbe moje glojifieo. 4 ©00 baroenetb tbe beart of pbarao. 5 pbarao purfuetb Ifrael
loCbeJifraelitcsmfpap^ngofDElntcraunceDogittjDge. 13 OStopfejS pioraifetbtbeiti
tbeir fafctie bp ©oD. ir flBopfes crptng to <E»oD, i? eomsunDfD to Demoe tbe fea tottn
bwroo. i9CbeangellfolotBpngtbetente»oraftael,t5ieppttre tfrougb tbe mims
of tbe fea. 24000 orownetb £barao toutb bte arrate. 51 cbe afraelfcesDo feare
©oD toben tbep fee tbe miracle.

sg^#2r> the ILojbc fpaae after p thttyen of Jffrael:but tl^t cfjilb^

bnto^opfes, lapmg: of3lfrael Dent out ibithanbpehanbe.
£>peaae to the cljipfc 9 3Jnb the dgpptians foioibeb after the,
bjcof3Jfraei,thauhcp anb ai the Iwfes anb charettcs of $ba*
turner pitch their ten* rao , anb l)s ho?femcn, anb his hoaft
tesbefoje^ihahiroth onertone tlmi pitchpng of their tent
hettbeene^igboianb bp the rea beibe ^i hahiroth before Ba^
njerea,oucragapnft2i8aai-fephon, anb alfephon.
before that (ball thep pitc he bp the fea. 10 3mbibben f>harao b^cibe npgh, tlje
ifoj^haraoibpll fap oftlje ebpttuen chpibien of 3lfcael lift bp their cpcs,anb
of 3Jftaei: thep are tangieb in the lanbe, beholbe, tlje cgpptians foioibeb after
the ibpibernefle hath (but them in. them, anb tbepiwe r ?c afrapbc : anb
3uib3Jtbpu harben ^haraos heart, the chplb^cn of 3frael crpeb out bnto
tnat he (ball foioibe after pou, anb
3 theHo;be.
*bpu get me honour bpon 0harao, anb
bpon ai his hoaft : xbe Egyptians alfo
11 But thep fwt wto #opfes
caufc there votxc tu graues in egppt,
w be* SK
than bnoibe that 3 am the 1Lojbe.2lnb haft thou therfese bought bs albapfo: S™$$
3nbitibas toibe the ftpng of egppt
to n^t in the MDertcflfcnaberfojc haft
thouferuebbstl)us^to carrp bsout *»*»#
thatthepeopleflebbe.3lnbthe heart of of'^gppt; «-««^«tt
pharao anb of his feruauntcs tumeb iz 2Dpb not tbe tel tfjee this in egppt, «>«»»•
agapnftthe people, anb thep faib : nshp Taping, let bs ben that Xbemape
haue ibe bone this,that rbe haue let 3* ferue the €gpptiais^02 it ban ben bet- C
taci go out of our feruice* t er fo? bs to haue (rue) the Egyptians,
6 ^nbljemabe rebp his charctte, anb then fo? to bpe in tic UMDcrncflc.
toftehispeopielbithhpm. n w ^nb ^opfes fube bnto the people:
257 ^nb tone fijee hunbjcb cljofen tharets, 5fcarepcnot,ftantt ftpil, anb beholoe
norlirng oif-
CCb fo : is a r Df
anbaiithccharetsofcgppt, anb capt-- thcfaluation ofth fLo?bcU>hfthchc mjnftillp in
l>s cilirng,
tapnes bpon euerp one of them. ibpll fheibc to pou tiis bap: iro; pc that atco;r)}iepa«
S 3 nb the llo^be harbeneb tlje heart of haue fcene tlje cgppians this bap, fbai
tcrncfj: the
to cmb;dcc.
^Darao npng of cgppt,anb Ijc foioibeb feethemnomo^eforuer.

Plagues of Egypt. Exodus. Plagues of E


<c) when fee

be batted 14 « 1Cfte ILojbe fljau fpgftt 6? you, anb tianDe] anb tlje roarers roere beufoeb. (S) tlWti
nit Jftactim
flrniBth (ball
vettjallljoioc your peace. it CB >
3lnb tbe rfttlbzcn of gjfraciroenttn* there anfitt
lpght tn Mtfc
(tans in hope
15 Snb tlje ILojoe faybe bnti 4pyfcS tottjcmtObeftof tbcfeabppon tlje b?ye nefft, ano in

« quiet ftlcncc, OjemttBfOif

<Sot> migljtilp lEbcrfojc^cryelt tl)ou bntomc* fpca&c [gtoanDe,] anb the roaters roere a roall tmcl),ii!C(
tPBbtpnsfof fpnotlflt.
t>0. bnto tlje eljtlbjcn of Jfrael t^at ttjey 30 bnto tljem on their ryght hanbe anb on
ID to be W- fojroaroe. tljeir left hanbe.
bcrSanD, not
m (W Sw*
of tl)c Counoc 16 iButiyft tljou bp tljy rob, atu Grctclje 13 3tnb ttje cgyptians folotbeb, $ Ibent baranont
bo.toftHceat= out tljy banoc ouer tlje fca,aib beutbc it mafter tljem <» to the mybbeft of the tmiicoltni
tuft affection
afunber,anblct ttje cljiHuct of jfrael fea, euen all ^baraos hotfes, his tha< tlitinjltitM

efbisbcart. tiorn(j. fitiai

go onb:ye grounbe tijjougljtijc nubbes rettes,anbhisbo?femen. mpngoftijtii

ottinc ftttngtl)

of rtje fea. 24 3inb in the mompng roatcfte, tlje
He angrtl

c 17 anb bcljolbe 3f [men 3 31 to^U Ijarbcn |Lo?b loneb bnto tbe Ijoatt of tlje em' tncnbimBtc
fo^e. to tDdttf

tfte Ijcart of tbe cgypttats, ano tljcy tiansoutoftfjeppller oftfje fire atiD of ftefonneef

(ball foloibe after tljenvaub j royll set tlje tloube,anb troubleb tlje l)oaft of tlje
C0oo, n«t»'
(alleO tP *'

mebonourbpon^ljano, anb bpon all cgppttans, name J*"

tjis&oaft, ano bpon Iji; rljarettes, anb x^ «3lnb tone of Ijls crjarct roijecles,anb
(S) iVX
bpon bis t)02ft men. carpebtljemaroap bioientlp: ^>o that thcltaM * 1

is w 3UiDt!)c ®gyptia«sfljaitmoro tljat ti)e€gpptiansfavbe,

%tt bs flccfto groftalU*
SfCDfnl mogct
tcD agjylift
«Ucm that tc=
3lamtljcllo?oc,VDim3) bauc gotten
me Ijonour bpo p])xao bpon Dis tlja*
tlje fate of 3Jfraei, fo? trjc %m
foj tljem agapnft the Egyptians.

16 ^nb tlje ILojbe fa^bc bnto £ppfcs:

lift bill tvBO'
tjanDc. rets, anb Upon Uts ipunnen. teptnw*

19 wanbtbeangclU^ooroljubroent ^tretche out tljpne Ijanbe ouer tlje fea, ibe WJW.
(f) 3 notable
example of before tlje ijoaft of Ifracl, rcmoueo ano tljat tbe roaters map come againe bpon
<tiOt>0 piO =

itiociitf. roentbcbynbctljcn: ano tlje poller of tlje cgpptians, bpon tljeir cbarets, ano
tlje clouoerocnt font befojc tljeir fate, bpon ljon"emen.
anbOoooebcljynietbJm, vi 2tno fi^ovres ftrettljeb foo?rtJ ftis Ijanb
to anb tame betvueenctlje tcntes of tlje ouer tbe fea, anb ft came agapne to ijts
Egyptians, anr thctentcs of Jjfeaei, tourreearlvmttjemomvng,anbtljc€'
anbttroasatlotbcaib bartmcuc, ano gvpttans flcb agavnftit : anb tbe IUhoc
gaue lygljt by nygljt ano all tlje nygljt ouerrtjzeroe tlje cgvptians mtljemto^
long ti)c one tame ntt at rt)e ortjer. beftoftljcfca.
ai 3lno S0oyfcsttretdjeb out Ijis Ijanbe 25 2lnbtijeroateereturneb,anbcoucreo
oner tbc fea, (jrtje eaufcotljcrea tlje cbarettes, anb tlje ljo?remcn,ano all
to go batUc byabcr> fltong call ibynoe tbeljoaftof^ljaraotljat came into tlje
autljat nygljt , am maoe tt>c fea bjye fea after tljem, fotljat tljere remavt« D
fongofMoyfes. Lxod us. di ')
not one of tljem. egppttans: ano gjfrael fa\bc tlje <£gpp*
29 25ut tlje cljiUwcn of gifraci foal&eo bp* tiansocao bpon tlje fca fpoc. ciottx*
ponozpc [IanDe J tljjouglj ttje miOOcft of 31 3n03jrraclfaibc tijatmpgljticpo; SSS^
ti)c fca, ano tfjc waters tbcrc a rball bn* tt)crtt>!)irf)tt)e!lotf)e ujcibeo bpon tlje Sftfig
to tljcni on ttjc rtgljt Ijanoe of tljem,anD
egpptians: ano tlje people fcacco tbe flS.lW'.r tl)C

on tlje left. fUfle, anobeicucotDciiojoc ano Ijis flitOtl):3p:'r-


jo 3C0ns tlje 1Lo2be bciiucreo 31 frael tfje feruaunt^opfes. fi)Ouiot ftanoc

in fearc of
fcifc fame oape ont of ttje Dance of ttje l);nn, itiiibr
in ttjc f.ijil; of

^The .xv. Chapter. 1)18 pjomifco.

1900? CeS ant) tfic *Jfrarfiec-3 do geue tftanfies to <0od fo? tftctr conquett. 25 <m> mutt
betjearlieneobnto.^iclmes!, <Soo t&e dealer. 27 €tyep come into <£ltm.

^cn^opfes^tDecDte 11 1Ll)ou ttretrtjeoft onttftp rigljt Ijanoe,

31 Dzcn of 31ftael fange flbalolbeo tljem.
tlje eartl)
tlw founge unto tiic ij Xljou in tl)p mertie Ijaft tarpco tljis
Ho20c,anofapoe on people U)l)ic6tljouljafl; rcoccmco, ano
tljts manendi Mfing ljaftb;ongnt tljem in tt)p arengtljbnto
iHrpimgbt bntotljcSLojDeJojIje tDpftolpljabttation.
b, one) na
IjatDtrtumpDeogiori* 14 w gcije nations Ojal ljeare,$ be afratoc, 0>)
onilic, tljeljotfeauo IjpmtDacrooebp* fo20tbe fball come bpon ^alcftina. tbispjofcof
fifctbbcn.T <Sot>3 ititgiitic

tompw til
! on ftpm fjatlj Ije oucrtljjoroen in tlje fea. 15 Xften tlje onftes of tlje eoomites fljal* pototr, not

main :

2 Xijc %om
is nip ftrcngtlj ano pjatfe, be ama3eo , ano tlje mpgbtpeft of tlje
tj'mc parent,
anoDe is beeotne mp faiuation : De is
llttK, IllCil

tWili.'.nc £0oabites tremblpng fball tome bpon alter fl),Hbcjf

mpd5ob, ano 3
ropu rtjem,ai tlje inljabitecs of CDanaan fljal
0110 foue, as
fatDcrs d5oD, ano 3 lbpil erait Dpm.
m XDe Uo:oe is a man of tbarrc, t!)e

LOO if eare $ Ozcaoc ujai fall bpon tljem, in

j i6
falfcl Kill-


I tiiifjf'
lUubetsDisname. tfjegrcameffeoft^ncarmetljcpujaibe
4 ^Ijaraos tljarcts ano Doaft Dart)
Ijis asfipiias a (lone, tpll tljp people paffc
mtbta-. Dc catt into tlje fea,Dts cljofcu eaptapnes thjougl), £> ?to?oe, ibDple tljis people
Stifu out

combat, that aifo are OjoJbnco in tlje reo fea. paffc tlj?ougl) ibljtclj tljou Ijatt gotten.
Col bun (cite
(fSbltllil..; 5 XDe oeepe ibaters Datlj coucreb tljem, 17 Xljou (bait typng tljem in, ano plant
ttjcp funne to tlje bottome as a (tone. tfjem in tbe mountapne of tljinc inljcrt*
fctmctt] 1.-.
6 5Ct)p rpgijt nanoe Ho?oe is become taunte, tljeplace %o;ty ttiljiclj tljou Daft
I bo
Ibtttucii :;c
gtozions in poibec , ttjp rpgijt Ijanoe maoe fo? to 0U)Cllin,tljefanctnarie,£)
I •JOB lots.
Ho^c Ijatl) all to oaffbeo tlje cnemie. fLo?o,Ujl)iclj tljp Ijanoes Ijane p^cpareo

7 3lno in tl)v great glonc tljou Daft ouer^ 18

w %fa %oW mall raigne fo? euer ano CO led <mt
tlnoM tljem tljat rofc bp agapnft tl)ec: encr. tfmt be oif-
courag.'O, let
evutoit; tfjoufcnocftfoojrt) tljp ib^atlj, ibljicljc 19 f 0; ^Ijarao on Ijotfebatke roent in csOpUAccta
tftefe p;omt»
confumco tljem eucn as ftubble. lDitU Ijis rtjarettes anb ljo?femcn into fto: t ice 'nj

25 3 X&ongi) tlje lbpnbe of il)y nofcttyiis tlje fea, ano tlje %ow b^ougljt tlje iba< £1


ibatcr gatijcrcotogetljer, p fluoocs

tlje ters of tlje fca bpon tljem: asntrtje cljpl- let BB nortec
noobeOvll as anljcape, ano tDc oeepe Djcnof^frael went ono^peiianojin tlje ft.ircl)?>
anpeof hifl
5 r.e an;
ipatcrcongelcbtogetljerintlje Ijcart of tntoocftoftljcfea. 1

tlje fca. 20 ^no ^irtam a pjopljetifle, tbe ftllcc


9 Xljc encmie fapoe, 3 tbpll folottje of^aron,tobe atpmb^cll in ber Ijanbe,
tof rontijcj
31 *byii oucrtaue [tftem] gj mpu anoalltlje Jbomen came out after ber
HetttOc tlje fpople,ano mp luft fbalbc fa- lbttlj tpmb^elles ano oaunccs.
*«Dtb, 8
ttltieo bppon tljem : 3 ibpll o?att)e mp n 2ln0 Miriam fang before tljem ^>ing :

££" "Ml
jmittib,. » wotfempne Ijanoe ftjail ocftrop rtjem. pe bnto tlje Hojoc, fot ijcljatljtniun^
'o Xfton otooca blovbe ttritl) tDp lbpnoc, pDeo glonouttp : tlje Do^fc ano Ijis nocr
tlje fca couerc; tW, tljep fanHc as leaoc onertlj^oiben
Ijatlj Ijc m
tlje fea.

ntl)cmpgi)tie«)atcrs. 22 3lnofo i^opfes b;otigljt5/frac!froin
the rcooe fca,a«o tljep ibent out
" t©oo is iifce bnto tljcc 4) %ott} antongft into tlje

eotic naijo is nuetljec, fo glorious hi

* ibplDcrncflc of 5>ur : auD tljep ibent
Ooipneffe, fcarcmll in p?apres, U)eU)^ tmee oapes long in tbe U)floernelT:,ano
rngujctioers; founoe no waters. ..

5fmi ^no

j\ lanna. Exod us. Ma

23 3mb tbhen thep tame to £0arah, thep bnto tpe bopce of^bT^SoTthv^ofiT
touIDc not Djpnfce of the nutters of £j3a< lbplt do that tbhich is right to his fight

i i> unigc of the
raft, foj thep ibere better : therefore the anu ibpit geuc eare bnto his tommaim'
V-r.conit.nnt « name of toe plate ibas ealleD 4J9arah. Dementes,anD nepe all Ijis o?Dt naunces*
bnhpnoc peo-
24 w 3nD the people murmurcD agapnft thcnn>pll3l put none of thefe wfeafei
mm 3
ple , neither
S19opfc0 bp $)opfcs, facing : m\)«t (baliibetytafte* bponthec, ftaue brought bpon
taholc nrini:
2$ 3lnD be erpcD bnto the flojDe, anD the
Ho?oc"a)etbeD hpm a tree, (B) tbhitbe
the egpptians: foi^j am the
%m m that

ttje ibhenhe hah taft into the waters, the 27 3mD the chilDjen of JJfrael came to e*
4&OD baBBc
waters \bcre matie ftbeete: Xhere he lint,where were twelue Welles of vo&
cij ouglit foi
tt> cm utcctip.
tnaDethem anojDinaunce anD a lame, tcr, ano tbjeefcoje anD ten paime trees
** Taught, ano trjerc °° he pjoucd hpm, ano thep pitcheD their tentes thereby)
26 anD fapoe : 3if thou « ibptt hearten
Ic.irnc Ijoujc the waters.
fcnto, tn> tbf ^ The. xvj . Chapter.
i example of;
Cocucr jroojlO 1®ftep come into tlje berert of *>fti. ? ffiljep mttrmnre toi foobe. 8 $e gf abgetifj agapntt
inunnurctb at
bs, anBBtfc d&oD,tofio grubgetij agapntt ijfa mt'nttterjs, 10 eesob fpea&etb to ffl^fea in a cloube. n gjt
truilctd gooa
rapnetbquaplesanDaiJanna. 2o<a©annabepngficptDot^flfintieanDi:otte. 22 am t&c
bBScc. ^abbotljTttoaiStiotlattifunfomucSagtoDzeireraeate. 2ffnt^e ^abbotb <0oorav»
<b) <EoBa nctb not Joanna. 28 ©oo rcbuftetft tbe Iftaelttes;, becaure tbep Sept not t^e ^abbot^.
ic-nnctb to }2 Sl^annaisi referueo fo? a tettimonte bnto t^eit fucceffourjs. 3s ©orao?, €pl)t.
tbis cnoc.tbal
mens bcanca
ano rcucolco
(0 'SbtcauCt
of nil mifctlf
tl).lt roc fuf-

«ci, coin out

<Sod neucr
uing ItcofaOtR

% ^S)tljep tonethe^ 3 ^nD the thpiDjen of ffrael fapDe imto

tournep from dim, 9 them naonlDe to d50D ibe IjaD DpcD ty
allthctongregattonof thehanoeofthe Ho?De in the lanoe of
thethylDjcnof^frael <sgppt,U)he ibc fate bp the flea)C potted,
camctotljeumDerncs! ano tbhenibe DpD eate bjeaD our bellies!
of £>m, ibhlthctsbci full : fo? pe haue fought bs out into
=^nbecne€lim$£>tnai, tljicibiiDcrncu*e,toRpithisibholcmu^
the fifteenth Dap of the feconoe moneth
after their Departing ont of the lanoe
of 4 1Then fapoe the Ho?De bnto 4ppfe*
26eljoibe,3J«U)pli rapne b?eao from
% 3toD the Mrhole congregation of the
heaucntopou, anD the people (ball e«J
thviD?enof3Jfrael murmurcD agapnft out 9 gather a certainerate euerp oap,
sJWcs ano ^aron in the DjpiDer* that^jmap pjoue them tbhether
U)piiibaiUeinmpiaibe^o?no. ^
\1. Exod us. xlv.
Tftatt s
X&e fijrt Dap tbey (ball prepare fo? ano gatbewb fome mo?e,fome leffc.
tljcm femes tbatlbbicbtbeylbill bjing is ^nu mijen njcv oiD mcate it tduIj a go*
in, ano let it be ttbyfe as muctjc as the? mcr, bnto bim tbat gatbereo much, re*
gatber in oayly, mavnebnotbpngouor, ano bnto Dpi
3mDfc19oyfes ano aaron fayoe bnto tbatljao gatbereo loas tljere no
tlje cbyiD2cn of JJfrael : at euen ye (ball lacfeetcuervmangatbcrco fufftcicnt fo?
imoib tbat it is tIje|L02Dlbbicrj tyougbt bts eatrng.
you out of tbc laubc of Cgypt. 19 ^no fl!9ovfes favoebnto tbem co fee CO Cl)io Doc-
ano hi tlje moaning ye ujai fee tlje glo* tljat no man let ougbtremavneto
trine cU'o pcr=
tamtil) to So,
J6 rye of tbe fL020e,becaufe be batb beat* mompng. iol)0 arc
ben to afuc

yourgrubgynges agaynft tlje llojDe: io ^onbitI)ftanOing/ f) tbevbearbenco tjucourDariP

anoibbat are tbc, tijatpe Ijaue mot; not bnto 3@o?fes : but fome of tljcm left li'DDCll to be
c.i c| 11 11 fo: (a
murco agaynft bs* of it btitill tlje momj>ng,ano it Vbarco Cs) mo;oxx>t.
(f)EI)Cfdttl) 5
8 ano fl©oyfes fayoe at euen (ball tbe
: full of ibonnes,f co^ruptco :ano £Boy* IcITcD.lo'xoi:
fLojo gcue you fleuje to cate, ano in tbe fes ibas angry ibitlj tbem. vcoo.r.
^0 i£cn
mo?nyngb2cao inouglj,fb2 tbefLozDe n 3lnD tljey gatljereo all momynges
puiuloctl) lijt

batbljearo yourmurmurmges ibbiclj euerymanasmucljcasfutTiceo fo? bis y grccoilpgds

tljcr goooca,
ye murmure agaynft him: ft>2 tbljat are catyng: anb affbonc as tbc Ijcate of tlje
trully tig xa-
ilicc to tl;ac

lbc^ourmurmuringsarcnotagamft funnecame,tt moult. owitc ricl)C0

ano Diligence,
bs, but agaynft tbe 3Lo?oe. ir 2no tbe firt oay tbey gatbtreo ttbife gooDncs
to his tljcn
9 ano $)oyfcs fpabe bnto aaron : fa? as mucbe b^cao, ttbo gomers fo? one ptouiDcncc
bnto altljc congregation of tlje cljilo?en man: anb all tbe rulers of tbe congrc* 2D
of^frael, comefootfb befoze tljc H02D: gation came ano toioe <39oyfes.
be Ijatl) bearbe pour gruDgynges.
fo2 23 bnto tljem, Xljis is tjjat tblji*
i^e fayo
io ano as aaron fpafce bnto tbe lbljolc cbetbeHo^oc batlj fayo : Xo moiovbe
congregation of tljc cbyiojcn of gjfracl, is tbe reft of tbe Ijoly fabbotljbnto tbe
tbeyloobeb totbaroc tlje lbyioctncfle, ?lo?oe, babe tljat ibbiclje you ibiii babe
anb bcbolbe, tbe glojy of tlje SLojOc ap* to oay, ano fetlje tbat ye mm fctlje, ano
pearcomtbcclouoe. tljat ibljttberemaynetb, lay bp tyil tbc
n ano the %Q}hz fpane bnto $)oyfes, momyng.
faying: 24 °3lnO tljcy layeb it bp till tlje morning
Oi) Chat
gooD that is
ii 3 bane Ijeam tljc mumuiringes of as^oyfcsbao:anOitOiO not co2rupt, gatljctcD aci
coiDimg to
tl)e cbilbzen of Jfracl,tell tljcmtberfo?e ncytljer b^eo tljerc any ib02tne tbercin. vSuds ropll,
to Sept fife
(QCttm- ants fay ; at euen ye (ball cate flc(be,ano 15 ^no i!0oyfcs fayDc : eate tljat to oay, fot tljcm tljat
toft fa ihiB
in tlje momyng ye (balbe fyllco lbitlj fo? it is tbc fabbotljbnto tlje flozoc, to gooDconrct:

bzcab, w anb vefbaiifenotte tftatj am

JOt.llut the tnce. : Eljat
wBtolcbgi' of bay ye (ball not finoc it in (i^t fieioc. tliatiBgatbc:
tcD other iii'fe
tbc &020e your C5oo. 26 ^§>ire oayesye (ball gatber it, ano in coininctr) to
13 ano at euen tbe cuiattes came bp anb tlje feucntb bay ibbiclje is tlje fabbouj,

couercb tlje tentes, anb in tbe mo?nyng in it tbereujalbc none.

oeaibe lap rounbe about tbem.
tlje 27 w jaotibitljftanoyng, tljere ment out COUnlitofuB

€ H 3lnDtt)fjcntbeDea\beibasgonc,bc* fome of tlje people in tlje feuentlj oay fo?


boibe,bpon tlje grounbe in tlje tbyioer* to gatber,ano tbey founoe none.

neffe tfjcr e lav a fmaii rounbe tbyng,as 28 ^no tlje flozoe fayoe bnto J^oyfcs:
final! as t\it Ijoarc froft on tlje grounb. !^olbe w long reftrie ye to bepc my com* W Che
15 ano ttiljcn tbe cftiiojcn of JJfrael faro maunbementes anb my laibcs* fnatDncs of
the people
iMbey fatb euery one to bts ncigbbour, 29 5>ee,tbcll02Dehatbgeuenyoua(ab* rcpicrjenoen

ft is "patina:
fo? tljcy rotft not robat it botlj,tbcrfo2C Ijc geuctlj you tbe ftrt oay e
ibas. ano 4£oyfes fatb bnto tljc: £b»s tyeao fo? ttbo oayes : byoe tljcrfo?e mt^
is tlje b?eao roijicljc
' tbe fLojoe Ijatb gc* rye man atljome,ano letno mango out
Hen you to eate. of Ijis place tlje feucntb oay.
16 jo ano tbe people reftco tbc feucntb bay.
XbiSistljeroojDcrofttcljctlje ?Lo?De
batljcommaunbeb w
gatber of it eue* 31 ano tbe Ijoufe of 3^^
«i IcD W
namctljerof m 09anna:ano itibas HUc
0' S0ann»
ryemanfojljimfeifc foz to eate, a go* Siiaoatiauic

mer full fo2 euery man,aceo?Ding to tbe co2ianocr fceoe, butyct mbyte, ano tbc
of JTbtittc.thc
22?" toe
number ofyourfoulcs, ano tabe euery tafteofitibaslybc ibafcrs maoc lbttlj ofourfoitlcB.

man foz tbem ibljicbc are in bis tentes. benye. ,

32 ano^oyfesfayO:tbis
7 ^nbtljecljtiDzenofSfraclbtbeuenro, iStftatVbljtcb

lanna. Exod us. M a niia,

tbe JLotat commaunbetl), fill a gomct 34 %& trje fLojbe commaunbeb Copies,
of it,\W)irt)c map be ftept fo? pout ttjpfc fo aaron lapbe it bp before tlje teOimo-

men after pou, that t!)ep map Tee tbe nic to be ftept
b:eab ibljernntf) 3 Daue feb pou in rt)e 35 3mb t!)e tbpttwen of 3Jfrael bpb eate
tbplbctnefle tbben % b?ougt)t pou out ^anna c
"°rourtic petcs,bntii tbet came ("Oftts.

of tbcianucof egppt. toaianblnbabitcb, anbfotljepbfbeate

33 anb^opfcsfpaftcbntoSlatomXafte s$anna,euenbntilltbep came bnto n>
f rmtt!:,,

a pot, anb put a gomer full of flpanna bobbers of tfje lanbe of Ctjanaan. Pi'Stcnt,,,

ti)crem,anb lap it bp before w%ow, ?« 2gomer,tstb.etcntljpartofanepI)a.

to be ftept fo? pour cbjiojen after pon. W


^The.xvij. Chapter. fii'i.Hil'

i&hcp come bnto BaphtDim. ; CPttcp gruOgc foz toanc of toatcr. 44@opTe0p?apeti)to
<Efoo. 6i©atei:ij>igcuenoutoftheroc&e. v^otempt^oD. sflcfieatotalcfittcssbeflapne
of the clitlDjc of 3fracl. io%oim, 14 C5oo fo;ctcUcth the Dcaruction of the SmalcHitos.

iftDalltljeeongrega* ple,tbep be aimott rebp to Hone me*

% ttonof t!je ri)tlb?en of 2lnb tbe fLo?be faib bnto ^opfeS:<R
3fracl lbent on tbep? before tbepeopie.anbtafteibitU tj)ee of
toucnepsftotbelbpl* tlje ctoctsof 3Jfrael : $tftproo ibbcre*
beracu"e of 3>(n, after ibttl) tljou fmotett ti)e rpuer tafte in
tbe commaunbement thutebanDcanbgo.
oftbcHo?be,anbpit^ 26ebolbe,3I ttanbe befoje tfjee bpon
tljeb in ftapljiomi, tljere ibas no water tberocftctbatisinl^cb, 9 tbou (bait
fojtbe people to tyinfte. fmptetbe rocfte, anb ttjerc (ball come
00 «OI> IS 2 w
3mop people bpb chpbeibuD^op* ibaterout tljercof.tbattlje people map
rotflcDOt to,
olbc bencfittfl fes,ano fapoe : geue bs ibatcr to onnfte. b?infte.3utb^opresbpt)cucnfo befoje
spopfes faib bnto tbcimtbbp cbpbe pou tlje cpes of tbe eloers of Jftael.
3lno be caileo tbe name of tbe plate w
ctmQDtr tl«
nan, falNtfe
ibitb mertbbcrfoje bo pe temptpHotf*
rljcpuli into
3 Xbcre tlje people tbirlteb fo? Jbatcr, <$aflab,anb ^eribalj, betaule of tl)t
qusition. ano f people murmurco agapntt £0op*
fes,auo faioc: lbljcrefoze baC tljou tbus
cljibing of tlje cbiiojen of3Jfcael,anb
caufe tbep tempteb tlje ?Lo?be, Taping
•"' 'fin
tyougbt b0 bp out of egppt,to ftti me,$
tnp el)iU»en,anb mp cattcll u>itl) tbpjft?
3Js tlje %om amongctt bs, 0? not;
8 Xbcncame Omelet anb fougbt ibitb
4 2no <©opfcs trpcb bnto tlje %om, 3irraelinmaphiD(m.

faping : j©Dat fbaiigi bo bnto tl)is peo- Znh ^opfes <c

fapbe bnto 3lofua:
Icthro. Lxod us. x lvi.
Chofe bs out men, anb go fight ibitb 3- other fide : 3uio bis hanbes remap*
melec, ant) to mojolbe 3
ibiliaanbe on neb ftcbpc, bntfli the gopng bourne of
thetoppe of the hill, anD the robbe of thefunnc.
<!5obfl)albemmphanbe. 13 J3Cnb3lofuabiftomfo?tcb 3meiec anb C
io 3Jofua bib as {^opfes ban hpm, anb his people ttttD the eogc of tbe ftbozoe. CO) '£t)!8
fought ibitb 3hneiec : anb spopfes anb 14- 3lnD the Hojoe fapoc bnto
0)opfcs: f aimclcfiitca
roJB but tbc
;3aron, anb^ur,ibentbptothe toppc ppte^tbisfoja remembjaunce in a btzmmm
ofthehpll. boottc,anb commit itinto the eares of ounce, as It
ii :an0itcamctopafre,that\bften$)op5 3Jofua,fo2 31 Una btterlp put out tbc re*
co ^fraei Samuel. t'j.
fes helbe bp his hanbe, bab t.

memtyaunceof » ^mclec from bnber (c)3rtctain=

the better: anbtbhenbe let bis hanbe hcauen. plctobcrtcm., ottbe
W»eF caI
it "> •
coibne^nieiet hab the better, 15 3tnb £0opfcs mabeanauiter,anb cal* tliatpctrctutt


ii 26ut £B)opfcs hanbs mere heauie,anb

leb the name of it " Xhe Ho?oc is be
*' lehouah
NilTi, that
thcrfoje thep tone a Cone anb put it bn* that tbozucth miracles fo? me. is, the Lord,

ber him.anb he fat bourne ttjeron : anb i6 tfoi he faib: the ° hanbe is on tbe reate ray banner.

aaronanb^ur ttapeb bp bis hanbes, of <5ob,tbe!Lortirbiihaue*barre u>tth () <C1)I3I?C3

bjue pbisfe
mtancrb as
the one on tnc one fioe 3 ano the other on Slmalec fro generation to generation. much, pfl if be
fbulo Tap J5oo
fraeirctb bp

^ The.xviij . Chapter. liifitljicmc.

letljro commctb to fee <3©o?fest, anD tfee topfe ano efcilbjen of $topfeis, sgpopfessberta.

retn toe oeltueraunce of tfte cftrl^en of !JfraeI to father in latne. 10 getijto confer,
ftng t\)t <bod of Ifracl, offered faewfice. ij ®o fee&e ©oD. 16 flpopfejs appopnteti) ottjet
iuogej3 tetti) n?m,anD vogat maner ones; t&ep be.

»i cfljroppjicfiof^a* bponthembrttje tbay, anb Ijome t9e

^bian^opfcs father in Jlo?be bcliuereb them.
laibejearoofallthat 9 ^nb^ethro reioyeeb oucr al the goob^
gobhabboncfo?fll3op* neffctbljich the Hojoehab oone to 3Z
fes, anbfoj^jfraelhis rael,anb becaufe he hab bcliuereb them
people, anb that tlje out of the banbes of the egpptians.
3Lo?bhab brought 3(f* 10 ^nb icthro fapb : bieffcb be the ?Lo?b
racioutofegppt. lbbicb hath bcliuereb pou out of p Ijano
2 3Thercfo?e he tobe 5>epho?a ^opfes of theesvptians,anb out of the hanb of
Jbpfc,after he hab fent ber bacue, ^harao, lbbicb hath alfo bcliuereb his
? 3lnb ber tibo fonncs,of ibhicn the one people from p taptiuitie of p Egyptians.
tbas taileb 0erfbom:fo? he fapbe, 3 3
h ^orbe ftnoibe that the ?Lo?be (s
haue ben an aliaunt in a ftraungeianb greater then all gobs : twin the thpng
4 3Chc name ofthe other uias elieser: lbljercbp the? Dealt cruelip rbith them,
fo? the <5ob of mp father [fapoe ijej nias Jbere they beftropeb them felues.
mine belpe, anb bcliuereb me from the n 3lnb3Jetl)ro #oyfes father in latbc
ftbojbeof^harao. touc burnt offeringesanb facrifices, to
5 3lnb 3letl)ro ^popfes father in latbc, offer to d5oo: 3lnb ^aron anb all the el*
came voitl) bis tlbo fonnes, $ b& lbife, bers of^fraelcamctocatcb^cab ttJitlj

bnto £@oyfcs into f rbilbcrnefTe,UJl)erc fi^opfes father in larbe bcfo?e <£fob.

beabobebptbemounteof^ob. 13 ^nb ontl^e mo^oibe ^9opfcs fatcto
9 3inb be faibe bnto ^opres : 3
t\)y fa^ tubgc the people: anb the people ftoobe
tberinian)e3Jethro am come to tljee, about $}oyfcs from moaning bnto eue.
anb tbp mpfe alfo, anb her tibo fonnes 14. ^nb ibhen ^opfes father in laibe <j

Wtbber. faibe all that he bpb bnto thepcoplc,be

1 9*<W* W^«t but to meete* l)is
tather in larbe, anb bib obevfauncc, anb
fayb : lbhat is this that thou oodl bnto
the people? i©hp fittctt thou tl)y fcifc
«» bpm:anb eche aftcb other of Ijts alone, ano all the people ftanbe about
beaitb,anb tbey came into the tent. thee from morning bnto cuen?
Jfo^opfestolbehis father in laibc 15 Znn £I9opfcs fapbe to bis father in
«u that tbc iLo^bcbab bone bnto ^ija^ laibe : becaufe tin people come bnto me
.'Had rao ano to the to feebe counfaplc of <25ob.
egyptians foi Jlfracis
»afte J
anbaithetrauafletijatDab"comc i6 ©hen thep haue a matter, thep come
Iethro. Exod US.
toutomc,ano3iubgc bcttbeenc cucty 21 w 3lnb let them tobge the people at an
man $ W
ncygbbour, 9 (hcib tljcm the
ojbinaunccs of d5ob ant) his lathes.
feafons: anb cuery great matter that
tommeth,let tljcm tyyngbnto thee, but
17 2mt> upoyfcs father m
iaibc feybe bn* let them iubge all fmail taufes them

to bym : 3t ts not men" that thou boef*. femes, anb fo than it be cafter fo? thy '""UltllS

feifc, anb they than bcare a itawkhj

18 XDou both lbctyeftthy fcifc,anb tills
people tl)at is tbith thee : 5f 0? this thing lbiththce.
is of mo?e njayght.thcn thouartable to 23 JfthoufljaltDothisthmg, anb <5ob
petfourme thy fclfe alone. charge thee tbithall, thou (halt be able
19 ideate thctfoje noibc my boyce,anb 3 to enoure,anb yet the people fhail come
ihyll gene thee counccll,anb <E»ob fbalbe to their plate in peace,
ibtththee: 25e thou bnto the people to 24 w 3nb fo flJ9oyfes obeyeb the boyce of
<!5oMbarbc, that thou mayeft tying the his father in lathe, anb bybail that he
taufesbnto<5ob: habfaybe.
20 3tnu thou (halt teache them ojbutaun* 25 3nb ^oyfes chofe actiue men out of lowanii

tes anb lathes, anb fbetb them the Nap

augjfracl, anb mabe them as heabes
therein they mutt tbalRC, $ thetbojue
oucr the people, namely rulers of thou* ttonfl.SDluto;

that the? mutt bo. fanbes,rulers of hunbjethes, rulers of tbtmtnj«

-* ai ^o?eoucr,thoufbaltfeeBc out among fimthes,anb rulers of tennes, IllWUt.

* all the people, men of actiuitie

[ano] fuel) 26 2mb they iubgeb the people at all fca*
asfearc d5ob,ttue men hating eouetouf* fons : but brought the harbe caufes bn*
ncs, anb place [oftbecejoucr tl)c [people] to^oyres, anb iubgeb all fmail mat*
rulers of tboufanocs, rulers of hun* terstbemfelues.
b?ctbes,tulers of fiftitbes,anb rulers of %7 3uib i©oyfes let his father in lathe be*
tennes, part:anb Ijeibent into his ovbneianbe.

^ The. xix. Chapter.

i«fiep come to mount ^mai. s€$epeopfeofg!ftael,tljepeopIeof<iSo&. earpn'eftlp
tangoome, an fiolp nation. 7 a^opfes DeclawtD tije \D02De of <©o0. 9 «BoD tooutoe tljat
crcDitc ©ouiD be geucn to fl@opfeis tto?De0. 10 ®^e people tjs commaunoeD to be fanctiff*
m. i:^et^attoucbetHtl)emountapne,tisConeD. 14 ®tie people is fanctffteo. i6©oo
appearetl) in tbunoer ano lig^tninpj,to be feareoof ti)e people. 22 ®lje p?ic&ejs are fano

% ttfieD. 24 €he people anD pnettes map not the ijpll.

•no place of iltl^thethirbemoneth me aboue all nations: co fo? al the earn) m

Hie lane cut; rbragW
ltfheB IB ret
lbhcn the chylbien of ismyne.
Jfracl There gone out &t fbaibe bnto me alfo a co tangbome ftttttotp

filempcjbt lit
oftheianbcofegypt, ofp^icftcs, ?an holy people: ^nb tljefe (f) flup'
icccauco foltlj
Bucrcucecnce. w the fame bay came are the ibo?bes rbhtche thou fhalt fay »**?'
fane WOT
(a) Chat
ttjcp BcpartcD they into the lbylbcr* bnto the thilbjen of jrrael. gS
Bun, whicljc
Span a great
Snap from
nc ffc of ^ni 11
5fo? they Vbere beparttb from fcaphi*
^>oyfes came anb calleb fo? the elbers
of the people, anb laybe before they? fa*
^ gfl
bim,anb lbere come to the befert of §>u tes authefeibojbesibhtchethe %oW %m
fconisc haue
nai.anbhabpitcheb their tentes in the
lbylbcrncffe, anb there 3Jfrael camp*
peb before the mounte.
^nbtljepeopie aunftbereb altogether,
ano faybe:^»u that the ?Lo?oc hath
the people 5 25utiJ!3oyfestbentbpbnto(E»ob,anb rayb,\bemaibo. ^nb^oyfesb^ougljt ggSSS
mpBgt rtjerof theHo^be called bnto hym out of the %o&
Be nrpnBefulL the ibojbes of the people bnto p ȣ?
<t) Jfcepng mountaync, faying: Xhus (halt thou 3(nb the ?lo?be layb bnto ^oyfcs:io, ugj
fay bnto the houfe of Jacob, anb tell
that <£ot> bcaa thechynwcnof^rrael,
3 come bnto thee in a th.cBccloube, (W

3 m bnto the
that the people may heare me talfty»S cj^J
ibojc fcnhpnDc'rhcp
4 &i haue Cc) fecne ibhat ibith thee, anb beleue thee fo; cuct. Ud
lefufetoobcp (Egyptians, anb tofte you bp upon^ fi^oyfes a)cibcb the ibo?bes of tljepeo^ %#$
•* Adeare
eagles ibynges,anb haue brought you pie bnto the Ho?oe. °<«?
and preci- bntomyfclfe. ^nb the ?lo?be
ous thyng,
10 faybe bnto ^oyfeS- Sfe
^ i^oibc therefore yf ye ihyll heare my (Bo bnto the people, anb w fanctiftc the
or all men **fy
yreatly de«
boyce inbccbcanb uepe my coucn.iunt,
yc a>all be [Wj a bcare " tteafure bnto
ixmnaoneBBponljerfepngcB.fearims oncly mans Wolcncr,
pethlierjiflnnaoiiCBbpoiibcrtornacB.reaninnonclp Blolcnet.
to Day ano to mojoibe,
-^••^/v tlnvi clothes
»y«-f HWHJiy,
anb let them ^ ^oalfj
to4tc^t rather tptn [be? rboulo taUt Ijarme.flje njoulb tcteaue tr>c barrac in her orone bobp.
S «
3aCc9eHaoJ,(miciitl)taowitib^ithtpt el D)c«3pftKjn0hifcc, tle«ne,fee mutt be ttrarantr(6el),Bcr «o»Bfcoil)e con be w"f*5 i iiji"

•MwatO fignc olttje mwsro pwrmc Suauf 6»l!W , »' »

Chelate. bxod us. xlvi
H 3(nb be reby againft the tftfrbe bay,fi» afmobe, becaure tl)e %om befcenbeb
tbetbirbe bay "the ?Lo?bc IbyU tome bourne bpon it m fire, anb the fmofcc
«vll com-: Doumemtncfigbtof ail the people bp> thereof, aftenbeb bp as tbe fmobc of a

pon mount £>inai. turnate, anb all the mount quafteb
® 3nb tl) on fbalt fct bo unties unto t nc cecbyngly.
people rounbe about, $ fay : tabe beebe 19 janbU)ben tbe boyee of the trumpet
\ess& to pour felues that n
go not bp into the bletbe long, anb tbarcb loubcr anb lou=
mini icon.
IS Will"
mount,02 touebe the bojocr of it : ibbo* ber,<$oyfcsfpabe, anb ©ob aunftuc*
fcunma.'*'" focticr toutljctlj the mounte, fyau aire* rebbymbyaboyce.
f It
lye bye. io 3inb tbe (n)
tame bourne bpon Cn) «o6 (0

I? Xberefbail not an banbe touche it, mount Ǥ>inai, cuenin tbetoppe of the ccnUe.btcaufe
l)t (bctoccl)

els be fljalbe ftoneb, o? (hot tlwougb: ?nll:f U)l)entbefLo?b tallcb ti0oyfcsbp l)«m to bo in
uio:c ample
ujbetber it be beaft, ox man, it fl)ail not intotbetopoftbcbil,^oyrcsU)cntbp. maact , ano

iiuc: tbben the " trumpet blotbetb long, 21 3nb tbe %om fayb bnto i$)oyfcs: (0)
fell toHcns of
quo defence.
then may tii'cp come bp into the uioim- d5obott)nc, charge the people, left tbey (0) l^ofec
ncDcfull ttien
tayne. bjeafte out from their bounties to fee the btnMgilU.uriJ

14 3tnb $)oyfes ibent botbne from the

in a tontmon
C ?Lofl)c,anb fo c,° many of them periftje. tDWlC tO It.lp.

mount bnto the people, anb fanctifieb 11 3(nb let the pneftes alfo ibbicbc come tlje -u'vltiilncij

Ol l!)C people,

tbem,anb they tbafbeb their clothes. to tlje liojoc fancttfie them felues, left (p) jKoo fo?»
bioDeth tt)im

15 3lnb be fayb bnto the people 1 be reby the flojbebeftroy them. (ojtliciroonc
comooitic, led
agaynft the tbiebe bay, anb come not at *j 3lnb ^oyfes faib bnto the Ho?b:Xhe I)IS b: I'Slitne a
D)oulbc Olict-
mom} u>yues. people can not come bp into the mount iDhclme tl;ciu

16 3lnb the tbirbe bay in tlje momyng £>inai, fo? thou chargeft bs, faying : fet
there tbas tfjunberanb lygbtnyng, bonnbes about the bill, anb fanenfieit.
fall gtum

Hi! mm It,-
anb a tbiebe cloube bpon rijjc mount, *4 3lnb the %o;v fayb bnto him: atbay,
f|llf0[t!3 anb the boy ce of the trumpet erceebyng anb get thee botbne, 9 thou (bait come
louoe, fo that all the people tljat tbas in bp,trjou anb aaron Urith thee : but let
the boaft tbas afraybe. not tift w p?ieftes anb the people pje* Cq) Ci)«

17 3mb *$oyfes brought tbc people out fume fo? to come bp bnto the 3Lo?b, left rciucs

« elicit bonna
of tbc tcntes to meete tbitft <25ob, anb hebeftroythem. Dc0, ivt)oas

tbci ftoobe at the neatber part of the Ijil. z5 ^nb fo ^oyfes ttient botbne bnto the tb,ep pafft
«tier in Blgnu

is 3lnb mourn £>mai tbas altogether on pcopMtibtoioctbcm, tic, fo mud

CIicp gaic tlje


^ The. xx. Chapter.

3'jletbjiBaaenoCraungegot!j{. ?3(iiotl;c. scfterabftotUDap. v.patemes. i?comar«
IP)H«Wc« Dei:. i4®obeatDljo:cmaiaet:. nutylt. tfctfalfetDt'tnefle. 17 Concuptfcence. iy(0oDap«
fin He ten peareD in l?ajtitnpns,tt)at tie migtit tie JeareD. 23 let there tie maDe no goou of goloe ano ff f


"cu.iiliet: uet. :43Bnaulter of eartft.

». am ^ome
0m <5tio tpabe all generafton ofthem that hate me:
poia*ot. thefeU)0?ocs,anb{ato. 6 ^nb fbcttjc mercy bnto (0 thoufitnbes (i)iEobBmtt
foil: ant> rfc

»l?l)Hbt. I w 3lamthc|Lo?bthy in them that lone me,anb bepe my com*

tpc id fatec a=
bone bu 111013
d5£)2r>,U)hiche baue maunbementes.
tabu. brought thee out of the 7 wxhouajaltnottabethenamcofthc (nl/Rotonl?

f"&raaiitcs ianbeofegypt,outof SLojbe thy ®ob in baync:fo? the %ow

orheo be cott-
pcnueie, but

£hourcof"bonbagc. ibninothoiochimgiltleur that tabeth beitincb.

W?iallnb p:
gjtnifebo: ^^boufljalttjaue none other €»oos his name in bayne. .
f"M ant. co
in my fight. 8 Remember the labboth bay that thou m tialomto,

Xhoua)attmabe CD) theeno w graucn

^'Tanctifieit. come together
< m)
5>ire bayes (halt thou iabour,anb
on tbe l.ibiotb
5?«ilx onlp
image, ncyther any fimftimbc that is in 9 be lioli' iljcin

bo ail that thou baft to 00.

to a
heauen aboue, eyther in the earth be* (in) ©it«
10 Z6ut the feuenth bay is the labbctb
of napea be free
neatb,oj in the ujaters bnber the earth. fo:BJiOappli.
fe %m
Xftou fbalt not bottie bottine to
them, neyther feme them: (oi3 the
no mancrof U)o;bc,th°» ty m{om >

our bnfmro. v

fo; J500O fcrs
i,_. re'

thyd5ob,ama gelous d5ob, CB) ano anb thy Daughter, thy »ian uicc.

biTitetlje finne of the fathers °» bpon anb thv maybe fcruaunt,thy
u>itbm thy gates.
the chyib?en,bnto the thirbe anb fourth the ftraunger that is

:t b
1 ttar,r„"i
me , (S)
"nftiSj?* maht ""' n»'st»ufn"lm«s7, alio to fall botone bctojtc it ,oj to amjfbtp
fat Ojoulbe tljinUe it « hjbt fault, c5oo nreeiioiKlp
finntfuU li t»t««, «nBt»««f»»» tljt splctttt
The I i\ve. ExodllS. The]^
uonc ceainptc
ii ifonn fijcTblip^he fLojbe mabe
<n zo %i\n ££opfes fapbc bnto the people: .

IS t.ivBc brfoic
hcaucnanb cacth,thcfca, ant) all that fcatcuot,fo;! ©obis come to pjoucpou, fe$
SB to folorcc.
ffitjcfccono mthemis, anbtcftcbth^fcucntji Dap : anbtbat his fcace map bebefoje pouc
(,0) ®P 1)0: lbbctfoje tbe !LojDc blcffcb the fcucnth 21 epes,that pe ^ finite
of lEiti s
nour, 10 meant Dap,anD!jaloW)Cbit. 3lnb tbe people °ttoobeafacceof: iwtut.
Sohicbc Sue
oroc bnto ttjJ.
ii w^onout
thp father anb thp mo* anb Q^opfcs lDent into tl)e tl)(c&e ?" s «toJ
(p) aino:r then tbat thp bapes 00 map be ions in cloubc ibbecc dEfob tbas. tog] (Boll
. I name of
p.itrntcs, all
tbeianbc ibhiehc the thp <£ob %am zi 5lnb tbe 2L02bc fapbe bnto ^opres, JSSg'
anofupcrtours gcitetbtnce. ^Diustboufyaltfapbnto tlje clipibjen S"" * 1

be contaynco.
pioimfcto Ja=
«bt 15 %bouft)altnot
co commit abulterie.
of 3Jfcacl: ^eijaue fcenettjat^"^ bane
taincD \bttlj pou from out of beauen.
cob is octtits 14. 3Lbou (halt not %$*
Dei bnto a!!
i< Xboumaltnot^ftcale. n cfo
pefl)aiinotmaRetIjecfo?e ibtthme JjS

co.ifttB, ana
nanlptbiaal= 16 3c6on (halt not Cb) beace falfc tbitneffe gobs of ftlucc, ncptljcc ftjail pe maUe pc %?*$
fo pattapnetb
agapnfttbpnepghbour. gobsofgolbe.
xhou (bait not w conet tl)p
tntO OBjTOb'-
in (pintc

a& I7 nepgh* 24.

3tnaultecoftactljtl)ona)aitma&c SW8
thougb bp boucs houfc, ncptljcc (bait ttjou couet tjntome,anbtbeconoffcctbpbucnt of* («)«.,
thp nepgbboucs ibpfc, no? bis man fee*
.Eobb fecttte
Bifpodtion fectnges, anb top peace offecinges, tljj> SSjra
fomctpmc It

fallctboute; uaiit,no? bis map&cnoj bis ojce,no? ijis fl)ccpc,anbtbpne ocen: 3ln all places SV;
au*e,o?tbl)atfocuec tbp ncigbbouchath.
(1) lijcrt, not
H)l)cte3J fl)ail pnt tl)e cememb^annce "CS
but irMil) onD is 3lnb
all the people faib the
tbun* of mp namc,tl)ptber 3
lbpll tome bnto £»
Ijatrto 10 foj-
bpabtn. tl9 Jt-
bee anb lightning, anb the nopfe of the tl)ee,anbbic(retbee. p«atrt)t)M.

5. i.3ohn.j.
gthere.ln tbe
trumpet, anb tbe mountapnc fmoUing: x5 3lnb tftljottibpitmaKemean auitcc tbat
u infit

l)cril|i«i; 3mbibljcn the people faVbe it, thep rc< of done, feetboumaftettnot of beiben (H) ftip
cue* be com tbetbutiim

maunBcB,aa montb.anb ftoobe a facte of: done: elsiftljoulpftbptl)ptoolebpon imegu.npi

it 10 alto
m ttjc
19 2lnD faib bnto ^opfes,
thou MBe it,tbou baft poiuteb it,

tbtthbs, anbibe Vbpll bearc : But let

folo= tbe iilimjim.
26 ii5eptoec (bait tljou go bp bp
COano bttc=
not d50D tame rbitlj bs,lcft tt>c bpe.
torotMtc.thcWwatocaffcttion.opitballtbatpiocccticlbtbctof.uJtonlicmpnitD. (t)T»e
Jjntompneaultec,tbat tftp
m fteppes


roufttoithotatocbotbourbanocB, outcpeo, anB our mpnBcs from another manogooD. benotfheroebtbecon. imajtufitli,

3n0 bete alt auancc ana bnlitofiil gapnes \S BifpjoucB. (B ) ejcrcin cauiUca, topaz MCU« C38) TOIi v leB tbe 3 rtaclltes tocr c on el) c it Soap <Pob troiribe bane onr aultcr in one
, place,

fatiOHB.biieflp.aUfairctanguagetooutncpabboiirBbpnSctauntc.iBcictuDcti. (O^Cbere tbat impabt quithlp Oceap, o? be DcfttopcD, left manp aulttta mpgbt bauc caiiftt amp*
appetite o; inclination to eupU.tbc con= llgiona.anb bepng left to otljcr, It mpgbt baue b?ougbt fupctfhtuin. (bb) witb W»ifl
be ttoce oegtcca in ttcl'pauHns to be tonfiDetcD: tbe
ttoo latect pet talnctb to tbe foimcr p?e=
fen t J tbe actcjull CKtution of tbe lonfent. Cbefe ano ccuotion, tbe cbicfcft tljpnfj in ©oosfermct : bonrttic ant comlpncffe.rauft be njn*
conOcrnpncB. (p) JBod gauc
tfpt«a.«be 6tu:,tbat is, naugbtic appctitc.m tbia place iB
btscoramaunocmcntcfl in open Qgbt.p no oSenDct inygbt be cicufeo. (i) Cb>8 ttrtouc
laroe: o?bitb.oiir toeatmce toiiQDetcB.can
that agaftto tbe pcoplc.Bcclaretbtb: office of tlje
to fecfee tbat in <ChM<K«
Bo nowng but toucb c BB witb oettcame boftour , ano Bipuc BB
joblcbtSDCiBantuioutrcluea. Caa)li)eteintbettoic©oB bcaretb wirt) ont ftaplencs, ,
. _.
tbat .fepngmc cannot abpoc to beatebpm out fcluca, bfcfi) tbe
mintftme of man, foj a C 1 he .XXI. V_yhaptei\
mtane to tcchfle »nto ba b'» wp' 1- '

2!©tbpmgo£bonDmeit. 72Itiaugt)terfolDfo?abonc)\J3oman. n ^anflaugJWcr. K3Dttrp*

feer of parents. leCfteft. ivanaunuereroeDnsfatfter. i8j8;at»leri». 2o^ettjatfm?tettj (0
Disbonoman. 22$etbatttrpfiet&atDoman\Bttt)cbploe. :4CDepnn?U)mcntofIpfie fo? m ik
Ivfie. 26 p tljat pulletb out an epe, 02 flrifictb out a tootbe of bonomen. 28 3B pufting ojce.

?; tyc tbat Digfjctij a pitte u>bere into an ore falletb. ;r ojre Btflpng another. 1
erttvi"*' ,
(a) ^bM'ff. ^cfc acetnelavbcs jDplinotgooutfcee: rteit **
tbe partt»
clon of ttna I
ibbttbe tbou (halt fet ®
^ismaiftec (hall b^png Ijpm bnto

S5 a*
boohe after mrgbiWrf
tbe tirtfuca. before tftcm. tbeiubges,anbfet hpm to tlje boo^eo; that iWf
calleotbciu- timmW*
Bicia 1 part, *33ftboubpeafec* tbcboojepoQ, anb Ijis maiftcc ftjal bo;c
tbatiB.oiBera "•"""Si
Mttcnfoi tbe uaunt tbat is an ^c^ his cace though rbitb a name, anb be
controuCTfica. bwc.fijcepeccsbefljall fbaibe bis fecuaunt fo? euec. w
Ucut. xv. fccue,fintljc fcucntl), ^nb if a man fell hisbaugbtec to be a MOD Pfi

fctuaunt,(he (hai not go out as tlje men M«S

(b) 31bcit
1B0D matjc pe fliaU go out free [papmsi notbpng. ,|,tt»K"-
Brfcnce of 11= 3lf became alone, be (ball go out a* fecuauntesbo. tbtmW'f
1 '-
bcrtlc, pctfo
toouIBhebaue lone : anb pf be came macpeb,ljts tbpfe S 3f (he pieafe not hec matftec, tt)ijo

Bf"; ^
it kept, tbat
tlje maificr
fl)allgoontU)ttbbpm. p?omifeb bee mactagctben
In 8*ft
mpgbt not be
<« ^nb maiftcc Ijaue geuen I;pm
if bis (l^ailhclctbec rebeeme hec felfc: %Q
foy teemutte
not Bo goob to
a Vbvfe,anb (l;c baue borne bini fonnes fciiljccbntoa ttcaunge nation (ball he
tbers battue
0? baugbtcrs: tljen tbe ibpfc anb bet haueno potbec,fepng ( ° }je befpifeb Ijet.
tbpibicn (baibc l;ec maifters , anb he 9 3Jf Ijc baue pjompfeb t)tt bnto b^
(ball go out alone. fonnetottjpfe, Ijedjallbeale ttitlj b«
3lnDpftbcfctuaunt (ap: toue mp 5 asmenboibitljtbeicbaugljtccs. Til*"'!

mp lbpfe, anb mp cljplb<icn, j


matacc, 10 3(nb if Ije taitehpm anothec lbpfc^p^ tpfff


(t) t> c fpcahrtb of the lotbuwi tnefte trjat fblomco tlje fotlftipng cf b«>
kxodus. X1V11]

ber foobe, ravment, anb buetfe of

tytt banbcfootefoifoote,
.—-M tf. marvagc (ball be not miniflbe. z5 ffiurnvng fo: bunipng, U)ounbe fo?
n 2lno bebonot co tbefetb?eebntober,
tf tt)ounbe,acvpcfoiQcvpe.
tlicfljal tl)c go out free $ pap no monev. %6 ™ ^nb a man finvte bis fecuaunt 0?
that cann

» '«> i^c tbat fmvtetb a man, tbat be bve, Ins mavbe in tbe eve, tbat it pcrtHie,
fbalbcflavncfo?it. tballlrt tbcm go free foztbe evesfabe. tio.afltboug :
,; ' tonu>ojtl)v

3lf a man lav not atbavte,but d5ob be*

R 17 3luo tf be Hnvte out bis fcruaunt 0? thtm.mufri-:
imec t»>»>«] into l)ts Ijanuc, tben 3JtbvN bis mavoes totljc, be (bail let tbem go

"l c
povnt tbee a*plate ibbttbcr be fbal flee. out free fo? tbe totbesfafte.
rmic rt [t
14 3lfa man tome p?efumpteouflv Upon x8 3Jfanore goic a man o?a\boman, f«/Jt or
5piW P
Ijts nevsbbour to (lav fcym ibitb guvle, tbat tbev bve, tben trjc ore n^ibc fto* **• *"

tboufbalttauebim from tmrne aultec neb, anb bis flefl)e (ball not be eaten: Um '

Gene. ix.
tljatbebve. but tbe oibner of tbe ore tym go quite.
$e tbat fmvtetb bis fatber o? Ijts mo* z9 3ftbe oreiDereibont to ptitbc
15 \w\y
tl)cr,lct bvm
" be davne fo? it. bisbo?ncintimepaft, anb tt natb ben
Dye the
duili. i6^etbatttcaietbaman,anbfeilctb bim, tolbe bis maitter, anb bcbatl; not fecpt
€ if be be p?oueb bppon b?m , (halbe bim,buttbatbcbatb!nlleba man 0: a
n>oman: tljentbeore (l)aibe ftoneb,
t,J 01 So ©>3
ttavnefo?it. Sooulo: Do tod

17 2lnb be tbat turret!) bis fatber 0? mo* anb bis ottmcr fljaii bve alfo tobnOtrftano,
fcoo) l)cpiroii!i

30 3f tbere befct to bvm a fume of mo*

n mittct It
tbcr,fl>aibe put to beatb fo? it. 1 .


18 *3Jf menftrvue togctber,anb one finite rtcv,tben be a^al gcuc fo? tbe rebceming
dritbptt onnov t/u
0(1011 u

faults. another Vbitb a ftone,o? Xbittj bis ftftc, of bis life ibbatfocuer is lavbc bpo bim.
anb I)c bpc not,but ivetb in bis beb: 31 ^nb ibbctber be baue go?eb a Tonne
19 <Jf be rife agavne, anb ibalue ibitbout 0? a baugbter, atto?bvng to tbe fame
bpon bis ftaffe, tben Coall be tbat fmote inbgement Ojall it be bone bnto bim.
bvm 50 quite, faueonlv be fball beare 31 26ut if it be a feruaunt 0? a mavbe tbat
biscbargcsfo? leebmg bis tvme, anb tbeorebatb go?cb, tben be fball geue
iPbalt pave fo? bisbeaivng. Unto tbeir maifter tbirtic fitles, anb tbe
lo anb if a man fmvte bis feruaunt 0? bis ore (baibe ftoneo.
mavbe tbitb a rob, $ tbev bve bnber bis 33 3t* man open a tbell,o? bigge a pitte,
banbe, be fbalbe greeuouftv punifbeb. anb coueritnot, anb an ore 0? an affe
nuiil Icttcu
3nb if be tontinue a bav 0? tibo, «> it falltbcrein:
u)al not be reucgeb,fo? be is bis monev. 34 3Cbe ovbner of tlje pitte (ball mafee it
fctmltr not

ll ^fmcnftriue, $burta*boman limb gooojgeue monev bnto tbeir maifter,

tbvlbe, fo tljat ber fruite bepatt from anb t\)t oeab beaft (ball be fyis.
ntcmitt of v
bet,anb vet no beftruttion folotb : tben 35 3tf °ne mans ore burt anotber, tbat
JWJl, nmon;
|tlt Mom be ujalbe fo?e punifljeb att02bing as tl)c be ovc: tben tbev fball fell tbe ivuc ore,
Wtt lo be Romans bufbanbe »vU lave to bis ano bcutbe tbe monev, anb tlje beab ore
fcftttbi! (c:

Ultpmt. anb be fball pav astbebaves

tbarge, alfo tbev fljallbeuibe.

D mcnU)vllappovntbV'»» 36 flD? tf it be ftnolben tbat tbe ore ^ai\)
tutonbercoi 25 3lnb if anv beftcuttion folotbe, (0 tljen bfeb to pu(l)C in tvme paft,$ bis maifter
batb not uept bvm: be fl)all pave ore
J'MtatcD .
be (ball geuelifcfo? life,
*°) Plllistr
10 H eve fo? eve, totlje fo? totbe, banbe fo? fo? orc,anb tlje beab Ojalbe bis oibne.

^ The.xxij Chapter

1Clje punifljment of a tljeefe. * damage Done, n'tifot iatue, of tt tfiat id lefte to be fiepe.
t&at is leftc tottU one.ougljt to be renDjcD. 14 Cbat tofttclic is lcnt,o; Icttcn out
10 i|otoc tt
tob^e. i63DniavDcnocfilcD. ist©ttc^ejs. l^ucftajsftauetoDotottbbcaftej!. 2o3topo«
later. 2i3Cflraungcr. i^tovootoeanDapuptHe. :?a9onevgcuentolone. ^t®bett
ple&gcjsouglittobercnD;eD. :S!©£ftccrjsanDp?mcejs. 30 ftrttfrutted ftrOIpnge^. ;ifle©e

a man fteale an b?eauing bp,anb be fmitten §tt be bve:
oreo?a(beepe,anbmu tljere fball no bloob be (beb fo? bv»i«

it,o?fcllit:bcfballre* 26ut if tbe funne be bp bpon bim, mm

oren fo? an tbere fljalbe bloob ftjeo fiuDpm, be fo?
fto?e fiue
ore,fourefbeepefo?a Hjoulb maUcreftitimon : if bebaue not
(Ijcepe. lbbertt)itb,be fljalbc foioe fo? bistljeft.
3fatbecfebefonnb 3ff tbe theft be founbeinbis banbe,
mu ^^ in " nuc "lc "L"° altuc,
EfJr^J """' * l0,cn«
: S»»nefb>« aaiiufctcr oftcnty mea ano h' r«,ff

The ludiciales. Exod

xoaus. TJ**¥^j

altuc, i\3i}ctDer it be ojcc,a!fc, 02 fljeepe, 15 3,'f a man entice a mapbc that is km

IjcthattrcftCBC Double. bctrouthcb anb Ive lb ith Ijcr,
he aiaii ™
5 ^f a man bo Hurt ficlDc 02 bincparbe, cnbomcljcr, anb take Iter to his We &&
anbputtnhisbcaftto feebe in another
mans fietbe: of the bell of his otbne
atibif^cr father rcfufe to gct/jiec
Ditto ljun,De Hjai pap monep, actoitno
™ °fe
% . Hit.
ficlDc,at!bofthcbeftofhis otbuc bine- tothcbom2teofDtrgins.

W 6
parbc, (ball he inane reltitutiott.
«3Jf ftre b?caac out anb catclje in the
tho2ttcs anb tlje ftacues of come, 0? the
17 Xljott tt)ait not fttffer a (R) tt)ftc!je

nahofocuer ipetft ibitlj a beaft,fliau w



mua be m3 «
ft anJW
t0 j ne , o? ficlUc be tonftuncD be flapttcfo2 it.

thcrcUMh : he tijat apnbeieb the fp?c, 19 $e tl)at offerctlj Ditto anp gong 'ta (*,

26 than matte reflttutton. onip, he a>aibc mtnl

fattc Ditto p S.02D Oat::,,,

Sc^A, 7 3f a manbeiiuet t)ts nepghbour mo; 20 tllerc not a ftrattnger, neither oppjeffe nieEhUti--

&&*. '

ncv o: ttuffc to Kcpe, anb tt be ftoien out him: fo? pe tbere Oraungers in the lano

of htshoufe:ifthetheefe befounbe, let ofcgppt. COwwj
hpnt pap Double: 21 m fltaii trouble no tDpboibe no2 fa^ tbojittt

8 2Uib if the theefe be not founbe, then tljcricffechplbe.


the goob man of p Ijottfc fbaibe b20ught 22 3Jfpefl)all eupll entreate them, attu *iH9 imtj.

c« .nut « *> m
UK Unbges, that it map be ano* tljepcrpeoutDnto me, ibpii furcipc 3 iil)0 11 is

B% 'U)tn (0) whether Dc hauc put tjts hanoe

Ditto his nepghbonrs goob. 23
3utb then ibpi mp tD2atlj mare hotte,



I litt

1 js:'

9 3inD in al matter of trcrpalTe,tbhcthcr 3

anb iDpll (tpil pou iDith tlje nboibe, 9 tijwba

it be foz ore, a(Fe, 02 ujeepe, rapment, 02 pour lDpucs ujalbe iDiboibes, attb pone fOJCMU
any matter of loft tiding, Vbhtch another eftplD2enfatherlefle. (»)«IK
thalcttgcthtobehis : thecattfc of both 24 3if tljou lenbe monep to anp of my bjrtttSiis
parties fl)all tomcbcf02e the 3htbgcs, people that ispoo2e bp thee, thcufyait a(«it™,t

anbibhomtlje 3mbgcs tonbemne, let not be as a tiranntDnto Ijim, neither * anuiet-niug

m scmttf Dim (0
pav boublc bnto htsnepghbour. 0)ait thou lap Dpon him Dfutie.
Mtulilbi ;

fes* 10 3famanbelpucr bnto his ncpgfc 25 3Jf thou taae thp nepgljbottrs Cn) rap^

catcall, mi
!* g"°STf Dour to ftcpe,au*e,ore,fbeepe,02 VDhatfc* ment to plebge, tljou fhalt bcliuer it bn^ Mtllilt


to htm bp that nje funne go boibne. nlTo the


taken avbap bp enemies,! no man fee it: 16 5f02 that is his touering onlp,euen tlje tiit In*::

buC enrta;

11 Xljett fbali an off) of the ?Lo?be be be* rapmentfo2 his (ninnc, ibhcrcin Ije fle? bjnn?n!,e

tibeenethem, tliat Dc I)atD not put Ins petlj :attDtbhenhc trpctlj bnto me,3l Sg

hanbe bnto his ncpgljbours goob : anb

iDpll Ijearc httn,f02 ant mcrcpfuil. fflw
theoibncrofitlhau taftc the oth, anb
the other (ball not maue it goob.
27 w
Xhou (halt not raplc Dpon p
neither biafpheme p ruler of tlje people.

cnsecnftif iz 3tnb if it be (f) ftoilcn front hpnt, tljen 28 w xhp fruites, whether tljcp be b?ie 02 v
SIS ncS: he (hall maue reftittttion bnto tlje ou>
it roouln not mopft,feetljouhcpethcnotbatfee: it? *35S
ferae in thifl ner therof. 3Jf it be t02tte in peeecs,thcn
ftrftb02nc fonne tljou (halt gcuc me.
"JoVaX" let him b2vng reco2be of tlje tearing,anb
29 HiBrtbife alfo ttjalt thou bo ttntb tljiite
%m^, &A)ail not matte it goob.

life* *
i3 ^nb if a man b020tbc ought of his
neighbout,anb it be hurt,02 els bye ,anb
oren,anb ibitlj tljp a^eepe : fcttcn oayes «-j
itttjaibeibiththe bamme, 9 tljccpgljt
bapthoulhaitgcueitme. ., oogl
the ottmct therof (s >benotbp :he (hall
30 pettjaibt an holp people Ditto me, ^ $h
IKK2 ffiutifthe owner thctofbebp,lje (hall
neither fhailpe rate anp fle^e fljat » SM
14 t02tte of beaftcsintljeftelbe, but (ball -jji
ZT2™ not ntaae it goob: if it be an Ijireb thins,
WK» t:'

SmSSSS it tame f02ljis hire. *W> euufoeabpng.bothfoj auoptn>nsWToj*cr,anb c° nf 1 n ?,Mc B ftct

' llt

b( p;e ftnt, he can lobe to bujcvi-ncfjooo :but uiIh'b abftnee he mtrtetfi to rcnteth. IBptbtBcercmonleihepacte taught, that m™'''' all ,,(piii.'jj
p?ophane otl)Ctn»fe,ouffht to be holtroeb,* offrtD bnto &<>*<** i la „ c inuttJJfS
the bc;ofccr , rJjat manic ly incs bottb abiiCe taptn.
tljat ice hane. JBoto tt)t0 tercmontc beuiB taken amapc,
p« '0'» >tf 'i l
f1 ™
our partea, m otlettng onb gcupng to tBobfl Ipuelp tinasc RiHErii iliT
ow "u

fcbitb Joaji tttemoniall.anb fo? a trine, the? Sucre tausbt b

from an hcati»enifl)c and woptyanc conutrfattcm,

€^ e




U ' .

I tabernacle. Exod us. xnx.


^ The. xxiij Chapter. .

i3Ipe. iainbprigfitluose, ?anb rtfpoojepcrfon.? 3n innocent. stSMtes ?3lpfl.

grime. ndiefabbottiof tljcreuentUbap. ifCIjefeattof tlje paflcouer (n
i c cftc fcatt o t tlje i
bap, of tabernacles in September, s jsloob . 19 iff
vjtt ftuitcs' i

20 cne fngcll Icabpng the people of <Jtrae!. :4 &traungc gobs not to be pjawo bnto

is co Cerue ©ob, Welling, infirmitie. *6 •ache baren.
crrjmiaanitcsj bp litle anD Ittle.
29|©herefoze ©ob bpo catt out the K twgMp ^

$ou not bane

fljait w gobs,neitJjcrletitbcl)eatbe out of tm>
toooibitbanyfalfere* mourt). O ftolcmne
S»tofr» at,r fcifttBojOajii
neo a mr
nnlMr v en:
po?t,ncttt)cc 0)alt tt)ou 14 °XD?eefeaftes tbou (bait bolbe bnto ft'i

p: Hit other
°puttl)inel)anbtbitf) meinavere. bfnclitcB.
(p t^rtnufcv
A» Halt not
tlje Mjicncb, to bean 15 Xbou ll)alt bepe tbe feaft of bnleaue? paiTotur fras
catcn but on
imSntt tottl)
bnrigljtcotisnntncflc, neb b?cab : tbou (baltcatc bnlcaucneb one tar. t<)C
, Ifcpctieo .«• tnlrauoict)
mfetjr iwrii
Xboufljaitnotfoioib b?eab feuenbaiesiong,as3 conmiaun? bicat 7.oaptB
linn: to together: tl;:B
I imts;*' a do emu, ncitljcr fljalt
mttltitubc to beotljec,in tljetvmeappovntcb of tbc Rlcmntttt
but tbKc hte nam«
tljou fpeaue in a matter of tufticc accoj* tnonetl)^bib: foj in tijat monetl) ^c ^ lon=
Mtttcoilrc gtft fonttniiei)
number ,fo? tame out of €gppt, Cv) anb fee tljat no

(tlcolvuw bins to tlje greater to per- Oebitttfl,
uettiubgement. man appcarc before me empne. il^arcne.
3lnbtI)cfcaaof ™ barueftibljentljou
fotrulh of v
0ntl)tt (bait tfiou TO
I not (nourjr) to
I nuiici ,
i not
3 cftecme a poo?e 16 tcfttfic tifew

ifittl'K.' HI
man in Ijiscaufe. rcapelt t\)t firft fcuites of tl)v labonres, ritflilifulnrlTc
CB) toia pjo
4 3lf tbou mecte tbync enemies ore ibbirbe tbou l)aa fotben in tbe fielbc: fuller
ftfTtontt lsetjO=

^nbtbc feaft of ^ ingartjering, [*>»

^3!lo:l'.rc!l (t
mill f. .
ozaffc goyng aftray, tljou (jbait b?yng net to
abbe a
: tbe
mm (.it
tijennoijtmagayne. ^]intl)eenboftbe?ere,U)bcutboubaft ttnett)Ofwl)t"
die tisurc.ptt .

(IFt, irci'.:

trojea'c:;:^ 5 jf tljou fee tlje affc of ftim rljat ba; gatberebin tbv labours out of tijefieib. tarnetb alto

^K tlitit
tnee fincfte bnber Ijis burtljcn,tfiou i 7 \am] tbjee times in tbe pcre,(bali all
Dnto bo fo
Witu'i come
: {•

u- tcrtj

(bait not paflc by anb let i)im alone, but

(bait Ijtlpe Ijym to lyft Ijym bp agayne.
% men tf)vlb?en appeare before rtjc
befoje (Sob,
foe muft offer
bnto turn uMtlj
n free btart
If IMC:, it.
out fclucs, #
»S»;s: 5(511 1
6 Xljou (bait not Ijinber tlje rigljt of tijy i8 Xbou (bait not offer tlje bloob of in? all fr
wc Ijauc.
c0 bpon icaucneb b?eab,neirt)er Jteft then (se
(tout': el
poojcinljisuutc. facrtfiee Qjoulo be tna
^Bt hi it

ft8liinii; :

7 Hepe tljce farre from a falfc matter, fljalltbefatof ' mp feaft rema^ne bn- tie, let

boned, bp=
*0 be
fab)i?rli ';:

ieimi;:o [ anb tlje innocent anb rigbtcous fee tl;ou triitbcmomvTS- rtgl)t,9 cb.iff.


flavnot: w fo? 3 tt)?U not iuftifie tlje is> Xljefirftoftljefirftfruitesoftbi'lanb,

Ico tht .'call of
ibicneb. tljou ftjalt b?pg into tbe Ijoufe oftlje Socelctl.
Sees rjtr.tu

8 ° XIjou (bait tane no gyftes: fe ?Lo?bc tl)p d5ob: tljou (bait not
wfcctlje (r 'SbcfCiiB
|Kht\;c:c Dent ibt.
Whim;,- BVftes blinbe tbe feyng, aub pcrucrt tlje abvbbcmbismotbcrsmplbc. tfi roltlj an bit
clcanc iiijuioe
ibojbes of tlje rigljteous. io 26ebolb3l fenbe an angcll befo;e tljce, Infctteb niitl)
to nepe tljce in tlje ibay, anb to bjvng
Btttnti 9 ° XIjou (l)alt not opp?effc a ftraungen paule cx-

3 !)aw P

Wit, .
tljce into tlje place ibbicljc 2E ' poimbeib it.

oil not:

fo? ?z bnolb tbe CB) Ijeart of a ftraungcr, t.Coi.b.

(t)3nt obla-
»Woppj.r,c D .

fcvngvcibcrc ftraungers in tlje lanbc tion offered to

I SWV<irt ot (w egnjt ii asctbare of Uvm,ano Ijearc nisboyce, ntc that IB

*«lint,v, c
io 5>Erc yeres tljou (bait fotbc tbp lanbe, anb refill Wm
not : fo? be ibvll not fparc mulr not be

Wuietfrr anb gatber in tlje fruites tljerof. vourmilbecbcS,anb my name is in biiu. n Clntpmelj*
85? ii 3lnb tlje fcucntb pere tljou ftjalt let it 2i 26ut anb if tljou flialt tn beebe bearben neither to be

Mtjyfovlc w rcftanblic(rpll,tljatrljcpoo?e of tijv bnto bisbopcc,sjbo al tljat^ fpcaue^

Si tr,,lta

people map m eatc: ^nb ibbat ti)tv

a fpicc of au-
ibvlbcanencnne bnto tbyne enemies, cltie.anbofan

an abuerfarie bnto tljme abuerfanes.«
ft»at>[ C:: hc
leaue,tljebcaftes of tlje fielbc ftjail eate. s appetite.

25 fojnnuieangelKball go
before tljce,
Uniync maner tljou (bait bcale vbitft
tby bineparbe anb tljpne oliue tree. anbb^ngtbeeiubntotbc^^nwites, OS 'Ihtfc be
the names of
2»(f Jfivrll
ix ^^irc bates tljou (bait bo tljv ibo^ae, anb^ctljitcs, anb ^Oarc?tteb, v people, tobo
naanites,^cuites, anbjebufites,
anb iiihobitco tbe
anbm tlje feucntb bap tljou ft)ait reft: lanae of p;o-

tljattbpneoreanbtbyncafle map reft, 3%oou(l)altnotboibct)ott>nc

Jttin anb tbe fonne of tbv maybe anb tbe 2*
282 ""'' p;
ftraungcr may be rcfrefbcb. VbsTcttl)ftfcructbe,neitbcrboafter
"Jioin.ili ,

3n all tljmgcs tljatgi Ijauefiiibe bn


toyou,be cirnmiTpert:^ anb mafte no
wbcarfali of tlje names of ftraunge
25 2foD
?SS£& ,

ye ajallferue t^t %m* your

Kf '
t " ctitoiihu,„"
""iimaunocth , V.
t' ttbtot,

tnb. that neither rcTuaimt.iioi c.ittcl, niouio
' ,s;

^ oj toe map not at our pleafure to one thing

«E?f tr ° l
" Eob 01 miSf
10 1'"
t' ', """S *>mone. (n) ^Foj that uotljing mo?c
*"' tr,)i> ,01 S«biB la«c, then relieiuca of fwyerftition:
*-°!ocommaunoetljI) tommauS nil memojie .?
of fetfc go»0 to abolifbcl).
Itidiciales. Exod us. ceremonies

ujall blcttc tljy b?eab ano tby

gronjetoatbylberneffe, ano tbebeaft
ami be
lbatct: anblJibyll tanc all ficKncffcs of tlje ficlbe multtplte agaynft tljee.
attiay from tbe mibocft of fbee. 30 2Sy litle anb Utle Vbyll o?yue tljem 3
a6 %t)cvefl)ailnott)omanl)aucanv tm? out before tljee, bntyl tljou be inercafeb,
tymcly byjtlj, no? be bnfruitefull in tljy anbinberitetbelanoc.
lanbe: tbe number of tby bayes
31 3 3
3nb mvU mane tby toaftcs from
lens tliv lufc tljc reb fea, bnto tbe fea of tlje #ljili'
toniv Ijsnout royli fulfill. . w tljp faluct
27 91 ttnii fcnbe my fcare before tt)ce,anb mucs, anb from tbe^befert bnto tt)e * *«

ttyll ocfttoy all tlje people ibbytbet riuer : M3

lanbe into tbyne bano, anb
»>?"" beliuer tbe inljabi;i *nt»«ii n«i
tbou (l)ait so ?
: ibyll mane Hall tljinc tours of tbe
enemies [tmnt] tbcyjbacbcs&nto tljee. tbou (bait b?iuc tljem out before tbce.
28 2(nb 3
royll fenbe Ijomcttes before 32 3C!)ou (bait mane no couenaunt Vbitl)
tbce,tt)ljtcb ujailbttuc out tlje $cuitcs,
tbe Cbanaanitcs, ano tlje $ elites, be- 33 /Reitljcr let tbcm ovbell tby lanbe, m
fojetbee. left tj)ey mane tljee finne againtt mc:fo?
29 ^cuertbelefTc, 3 vbyll not cad tbem if tbouferuetljeir gobs, it Xbyll mrely

out before tljee m one yere, left tbe lanb betljybeeay.

^ The. xxiiii. Chapter.

i $toyfcis fe comwaunbeb to go bp into tt?e mounte. 4 30otfej3 tojstetb t&e too^Dcjt
of <BoD into one bolumc, ana reaoetlj ttjem bnto t&e people.

"t 1 ITfc^i^r^^bCfaibbntO^Oy* alitbcfeibojbes.

* fes: Come bp bnto tbe 3:ijcnu)ent$)oyfesanb3laron,jfte
ILojbc, tbou anb 3a- bab,anb3bibu, anb tbe tftjefcoje anb
ron,il3ababanb3lbi* tenelbersof^lfr^lbp.
bu,$tbc tlj?efco?eanb io anbrtjcyratbrtje<0obofp:ael:an&
ten elbcrs of Jjfrael, tberevbasbnbct bisfceteas it tbetc a
anbyefbaiitbon"bipa Jbo?be of a dapbite ftone, f as it ibere
farrcof. tlje beauen tbben it is cleare.
2 3no spoyfes Ijym fclfe alone (ball go ii
^nb be We not \)is fymnt bpon &W
(b) fit i*

bnto tbe fLo?oe:but tljey 0»aH not come tbe nobles of tbe tbiib^en of5Jfrael:anb SS8i
nygl), neither (ball tlje people go bp tbey falb C5ob,anb bib eate ano bjtniie. S"
*" af *
ttntbbym. i23lub tbe Ho?o faib bnto fl©oyfeS:€ome
3 2mo j^oyfes came anb tolbe tbe peo- bp to me into tbebill, anb be tljete, anb
ple all tlje roojbes of tbe ILojbe, anb all 3
tbyll gcuc tljee tables of ftone, anb a
tbe iubgementcs: 3nb all tbe people laib $ tomaunbementesrbbieb 3
^ auc
aunftbereotbitlj oneboyce, anbfaybc: Xb?itten,tbat tbou mayeft tcarije tbem.
3iu tl)eibo?bestbl)icbc tbe ILo?bel;atl) 13 ^nb #oyfcs rofc bp,anb bis mtniftct
fayoeroyiivueoo. 3Jorual) : anb ^oyfes ibentbp into tbe
4 3ino £$oyfcs n>?ote all tlje Vbojbes of 0iUof<i5Ob,
tbclLo^.anbtorcbpeatiy^nbfctbim 14 ^nb faib bnto tbe elbers,iraty ye bete &
an aultet bnocc tlje ljill,anb. icii.ftones, bnttlllbecomc agayne bnto you: 20c-
atto?oingto tlje,wi. tribes of 3lftael, Ijolb, Ijere is Staron anb l^ur tbttb you.

5 Znn fentyoung men of tbe cbiibjen of "3Jfanyman bane any matters to do,
3Jfrael, rbljicljc bjougbt burnt offe* letbymcometotbem. of* 01
ringes, anb offcreb peace offcringes of 15 3no49oyresmentbpintotljemottnt,
orcn bnto tbe flojoe. auo a clouoc couereb tbe byll*
((i)1EI)f tea. (a)
run ctitjiofc; 6 3tnb ^oyfes tobe Ijaife of tbe blooo, is 3lnb tbe glojy of tbe Ho?o abobc bpon
tlmomc IB
anb put it in bafins, ano tbe otber baife tbe mottt Sinai, 9 tbe cloube couercn it
tccUuto in
Hie u. to tl)c

on tlje aultcr.
Ijc fpinclilco fir bays : 9 tlje feucntb oay be calico W
25 7 ^nb Ije tobc tlje boobe of tbe toucnaiit, to fl^ofes out of p nitbbes of tbe tlouor.
$reabitin tlje aubtence of tlje people: 17 ^nb tbe ftgljt of tlje glojy of tlje %o$>
anbtljcy foyo, ^iitbatrtjeHo^o bail) ibas libe confumyng fire on p top of tljc
fayojbylltbe oo,ano be obeoient. bill,in tbe eyesof p cljtlb^en of 3Jfrael.
8 3lnb fl^oyfes tobc tlje bloob,$ rpMcte 18 ^nb ^oyres Vbent into tU nnbws
leo it on tlje pcople,anb fayb 2iBcboloe, : of tbe clouoc, ano gate by m
tbis is tbe bioob of tlje toucnaiit tt)btdj mofitatne: $ £}9oyfes ibas in tlje mount
tbe %om Ijatlj maoeibitb ycu bpon fourtieoayesanb fourtie nygijtcs.
Exod us.
f The. xxv. Chapter.
i <poa reqtitretb botantarte gpftes oftije people fo? tlje manner of tho taii^w*

i?2? mamm;s^nncsttjatarcce6,t'

fB) % St"'
aiftntrt M;
JP^ iPBbt
tpngople anb fozftbeete feme:
(pvces fo; annopn«

7 JDnir (tones,anb (tones to be fet in

fignific rat

man djat genett)
epbob,anb in tlje plate. bM

(Dime W»n
it 8 3WD-let tbem tnafee me a fanttuarie, \ <**
Mlinglproittj fits heart. **

%l)is is tlje offering ibljiclje pe (baa

tbat 3 map orbell amongft tbctn, <

tattc of ti)em,golbe,anb Ghier,$ bjalie,

9 3uib atcojbpng to all 3 fbcibc tljat

. 3uib mm ftrae,anb purple, anb fear*

tljee, botfj after tlje fafltfon oftije tabcr-
naeic,ano after tljefafl)!on of tbe om&!
iet,anb U)i]tte ftttte,anb goates [fcew j mentestberofruenfo (bajlyemaBeit. <


io 2nt> tijev fball mane an arfte of £>it* 15 3tab tlje barres fbalbe in tlje ringes \ SSSSS
fim rooob,tibo rabites anb a Ijaife long, of tbe arfte, anb fljall not be
finni it
vim " ,c ,m
acubitcanbaljaifebjobe, anb a ntbttc HUH (l.
' comm.iimBc-


anbaf)alfe!)iglj. i6 2nb tljou fl)alt put in tlje arfte, tlje w SBS* «

h 3(nb tljon fljait ouerlap it tbitlj pure tettimonie mljittjc J fljall gcue tbee. ;

Solbe, Vbitljin anb Vbitbout (bait tljou 17 3(nbtljou(baitmafte a " mere? feate,' "mnt-
ouerlay %
anb fljalt matte an tjve bpon ofpure golbe : tibo mbitcs anb a Ijaife < ^*
•MW„. ita crolbneofgolberounbeabout. long, anb a tubite anb a balfc tyobe. « «*«.« *>«c

3(nb tljou (bait mafte « ttbo Cfjeru* « SlfilS:
anbtljoufljalt catte foure ringes of
eoibefojit, anb put ttjem in tftc foure
t02ncrs.tuerof:two ringes fljalbc in tlje
bimsof golbe: cuen ofaftboieU)o;fte;S c?P

(bait tljou maue ttjem,in tyt tibo enbes , SSfibSP

t S
one tomer,ano tibo in tbc ottjer. of tbe mertp feate. « SS'
13 anbtljoufljalt mane barrcs of
tim \Doob,anb eouer ttjem
m> 19 ^nb the one Cftembim (bait tbou <

ttrftfj golbe, matte on tlje one enbe, anb tbe ottjer on £$**£• «

€ Hv ^nbput tlje barres in tlje ringes a* tlje otljcr enbe : euen oftije fame mcrcp b^
long by tbc (paes feate fl;ail pe made Cljerubims intljc,^
of tbc arfte, tljat tbc
ar Bemapbebomett>ithtljem. tiboenbestbereof,.
(3 u

he tabernacle. Exo< [us. The tabe r

M ?,

20 3lnb the Chcrubms fbal ftrctcJ) footfl) (halt gcuc thee.

t\)tn ttnngcs abiobc outr an bpe, cone* 22 2nb from thence 3 tbyll tcftifie bnto *

ring the mere? fcatc tbitb tljcic tbinges, thee, anb 3J tbpll common tbitlj tliee'.
ano their faces (nail lone one to ano* from Upon the mercy feate, from be*<

thcr : cucn to rtje mete? fcatetbarb (ball ttbeene the ttbo Cberubins XbDfc^e are'
the faces of tl)c Cl)ctubtns be. bpontbc 00 arBeofrbitneOe,ofauti)uv „ ?i*i
21 'anb thou (bmtput the merepfeate a? ges lUDtcDe 31 Kbpllgeue thee in coim'.SSi

boue upon tDc acne, anb in tDc arftc maunbement bnto the ctwbjcn of 3fc,«S2s*
thou (bait put tDc
ibttnefle that 3 raeK


23 3£l)ou (bait alfo mane a table of §>ib puregoIbe,euenofatbholctbo?RC(balU

tfmibooo,ofnbocubitcs long, anb one theeanbeiafcftebemabe,tbith htsfbaft, <
cubite b;obe,anb a cubite $ an baife live ftisbwuncftes,l)isboUes,IiiSBnoppes,'
24 3nb thou (l)alt toner it lbtto pure anbhisflotbicspjoeecbingtbcrout. ;

goibe, anb mane thereto a crotbne of 32 <S>ircbjaunebes alfo (ball pjoccebe out
golberounbe about. of thefibesof it:tlwee bjauncbes of the,
25 3lnb mane bnto that an hoope offoure canbelfticBc out of the one fibc,anb tbjee
fingers bjobc rounbe about,anb mane a out of the other.
goiben er otbne alfo to the hoope rounbe 33 Xft?ec bollesu&e bnto almonbes,u)itb
about. a mtop anb a flottnc in one bzauncbe:,
16 3lno mane fo? it foure ringes of golbe, 3tob tlweebollcs uRealmonbcsmtbeo-
an* putty* rvnges in the comers that thetbmuncbe, tbitb aRnop ? aftouw
are on the foure fcete thereof. aecojbtng to the fire bzaundjes that p?o< (
27 «£ucn ouer againatbchoopelbail the ceebe out of the canbellttcRe.
€ ringes be, toputmbarresto bcare the 34 3lnb in the canbclftlcRe it felfe
[W re <

tabic nmijaii. Oaibe] fonrc bolles line bnto almonoes,
28 3$nbtbou(l)altmai*epbatrcs of $>iu ttutb their Rnoppes anb flotbjes. ,

timlboob,? ouerlap them tbitb golbe, bnoer troo<

35 3lnb there (baibe a ftnop |
that the tabicmavbebomeroitb them. launches of the fame intbjee place*,;
19 3nb thou (bait mane bis biujes, anb acco?oing:otl)efireb?auncl)estl)atp?o".
fpones, coueringes, $ botbles to ponwe ceebe out af the canbclmcfte.
out Until all: euen of fine golbe (halt 36 %fytit nnoppes anb their bzauncpec
thou mauc them. tbboic*
fljalbe of it: anb it fljalbe one
30 3tttt> thou flialt fet bpon the table tbo?Be>euen of pure golbe. !

fljeibc bjeab before me aitbap. 37 3lnb thou (bait mane the


31 ^nbti)ou(l)aittnaReacanbeimtneof lampes ofit,anb the feuen lampes tt)«*


of (bait thou put on ftpe tberon, to gcue

light tmto the other fpoe that is oucr a-
Exod us.
tt, lliitlj all tljcft bcfTcls.
CO «btta=
pic is v.\iuca
38 %fje fnutTers anb the
beflels of tlje tljcr ar. +qo.
fnufFc,lbalbe of pure golbe.

q The .xxvi. Chapter.

iC&efafljton of tfie tabernacle. ?iCfiebafle.
*m am
MilwWDm wwm
ftate of mere*. 3S cfc KanDpug of
entraunce of tbe tabernacle.
wn ««Ktt,

$ou (bait matte the ta* ther one to another, anb [otfcer]fuie
bcrnatleihitbtentur* tapnes (balbe touplcb one to anotber.
taines of n>J)^tc imp* 4 3tob thou fljalt niahe loupes of bieibe
neb fpinc, anb
bieibe fplue a long bp tbe cbgc of the one cur-
(pine, anb purple, anb tainectofttcb tstjin the feiueoge of the
leaflet: ano in them pling turtapne : anb Uncujife (bait thou
tljou (bait tnaHe Che* matte in the ebge of the bttermott tut*
rubins of bzobereb rbo&e. tapne,in tlje feconbe couplpng.
z 5Ctje length of one tuttapne [Omibej 5 f
iftie loupes (bait thou mane in
eight 9 troentie tubites, anb the bjeabtft one turtapne, ? fiftie loupes (halt thou
of one curtapne,foute tubites : anb cue* mate in the ebge of the turtapne that is
rpe one of tlje curtapnes fbau Ijaue one to be toupleb therctbith on the other
meafure. rpbc, that the loupes map tatte holbe
3 jFtuc turtapnes iflmibe] coupleb toge- one of another.

6 anhptyaltmaue fiftie caches ofgoib, bp themfelues, anb fire turtapnes bp

ano couple the curtaincs together ttuth themfelues, $ (bait boubiethe ftrteur-
the tathes:anb it (balbe one tabernacle. tapne in the forefront of the tabentarte.
7 anb thou (halt matte curtapnes of 10 3lnb thou (bait matte fiftie loupes in
soates hccre,to be a couerpng bpon the the cbgc of the btternioft curtapne on
jabernacle,aieuen turtaines (bait thou the one fibe, cuen in the cbgc of the ton?
^ plpngtcurtapnej anb fiftie loupes in the
of«« turtaine
[Umibejthir* •
other tertapnc of the feconbe coupling.
tlje bjcabcb of one cur* 11 2lnb thou u)alt mane fiftie caches of
wpnefoure tubites : $ the eleuen [Oiaibej b?a(Te,anbput them onthcloupes, anb
ail of one
meafure. couple the couerpng together, that it
3nb thou (bait couple fine curtapnes map be one.
<5 iii it 3nb
he tabernacle. Exod us. The tabernad,

12 3HiD tlje remnaunt tljatnftctnmtnc focttettcs bnber one boojbe.anb tibo fo^
mrtaincsoffl5ecoucritig,cncntl)cl)alfc ttettesbnbcc another boo?De.
curtainctljatrcactl), fljalbc left on tlje m
22 21no t!>e ibtft- enbe of tlje tabernacle
batftc fyocs of tlje tabernacle. tl)ou ujalt matte fore booses.
13 Xljatacubitc on tbe one fpuc, anb a 23 3inb tibo boozbes fbait tbou tttattc in
eubitconfnc otljer tybc, lbljicbmavre* tDe comers of tlje tabcrnacie,intlje mcc*
mayncintljclcngtljof tlje curtatocs of tyng cagetljer of tlje tVbo fybes:
tlje coucryng, may rcmayne on eytljer 24 Slnbtljcyujalbc couplcb togctnerbc*
fybe of tbe tabernacle to toner it Vbltbai. neatijc,anblyacibyfe fljalbe coupieba^
14. 3tob bppon tl)ctabernacle,tl)ouuJait bouc to a rynge : anb tljns (bail it be foj
matte a coueryng of foammes fttynnes toe tibo boomes tljat arc in tlje comers.
ayco reb, anb yet a toueryngaboueall 25 3fob fl)cy fl)albc cygljt boo?bes,l)aumg
ofXarusfttynnes. focttettes of ftlucr, eucn firteenefoc&cts:
3inb tljou fljait matte boomes fo?tbe [tijattecremapbejtibofocbctsbnberone
€ 15
tabernacle of £>ittim tt>oob, to ftanbe boome, $ tibo bnber another boojbe.
bprygljt. 26 anb tboufbaltmatte barres of &te
16 Xcn eubitcs long u>ll eucry boojbe rim iboob, fine fo? tl)e boojbes of tDe ta-
be, anb a cubite anb a ijalfc bmbe. bernacle to one ftbe,
17 Xfoo tenons fball tfjere be to one 27 3lnbftue barres fo? tlje boojbes oftlje
boojbc,fet in o?bcr,as labber Itaues one tabernacle on tlje otljer fybe, anb fine
•02,^i»/?. *
from another : anb tbus fyalt tljou barres fo? tlje boojbes of tlje tabernacle
matte fo? all tlje boojbes of tlje taber* in tlje tbeft enbe.
naele. 28 3Jnb tlje mibble barre fljail go alottgc
18 3nb tljon fbait matte booses fo? tl)?ongl)tt)emibbefl of tlje boomesfro
tbe tabernacle [euot] tibentie boomes tlje one enbe to tlje otljer.
onrbcfoutlj ftbe,tnenfnllfontl). 29 3nbtfjoufl)altcouertl)eboo?besttnr!)
19 3lnb tbon tyait maae fourtie foeacttes golbe,anb matte ttjeir ringes of golbc to
of fiiuer bnber tlje tibentte boo?bes:tibo put tlje barres tljjouglj, anb tljou (bait
foments bnber oncboojbe foi ins two totter tiic barres unci) golbe alfo.
tenons, anb nbo focttettcs bnber atto 30 3lnb thou Ujait rcarc bp tlje taberna*
tljer boomc fojljis troo tenons, tie, accojbyng to tlje faflion tljerof, as it
20 3Jnlyttcmaner,intl)cfcconbcfybe of Jbas ujetbeb tljee to tlje mount.
tlje tabernacle toibarbe tlje no?tlj, [tuwe 31 3lnb tljou fyait matte abayle of bleibe
flmtte] tibentie boojbes. filtte, of purple,fftarlet, anb Vbljytc WP
ii 3tob fourtic foc&ettes of fyluer : ttbo neb ftltte : of tyooereb rbojfte tbitt) €5t

xodus. lii.
rubtmsfballpemahett. the toapie, aiib the canbcltticke •

ouer a*
ix 3inb hang >t hpon foure pillers of <s>it< gamftthc table on tljcfouth fibe
of the:
tun ttioob ccuercb lbith golbe (lbhore
heab fbalbe of golbe) daubing bpon SStSn
an0put m tableontl >
foure focRcts of filucr. 36 anptijoufbaitmate an hanging fo?:
3mb thou fl)i«lt Dang fcp tljc bayle on the boojc of thetabernacle
of blerb ftlne, •

the laches, tijat thou ntapeft bjpng m purple, fcarlct, anb ibhy tc
tibvneb ftlue
ttrtthmthe toavle tljc arfee of umnefTe, uwughttt>uhneeoicn>o&r .

anb the baple (hall beutbe unto pou tbe 3nb tljou (bait matte foube hangmct
holp CPIaccJ from tl)C mod holy [place.] 'ftuepilicrsof <a>tttim lboob.anb
34. anb thou (halt put the mcwp fcate mem n>ith goibe, anb tbete
bpon the arfee of untnc(Fc,m the hoipeft fbalbe of goibe.anb thou (halt caft
tiue '
place. roc&etsofbjauHojthem.
2lnb tDou (halt put tlje tabic tbithout •=e#

^ The. xxvij. Chapter.

i cbe fourmeof tlje milter of W burnt facrtttce.
t&etabemacle. 20 people of tlje lampe.
93Ei>e faftfotiof tbe entratmceof

iftSD thou (halt mane his beefomes, his bafons, his fleu>'
31 an aulter of £>ittmi hoobes.his fitcpanncs : anb all tlje bef-«
iUooD,ftuccubttcs?ong fels thereof thou fl)ait maae of btafle. «
ftue cubites bjoabe,
f 4 3(nb thou ffjait mane bnto it a greb* c
it(balbe foure fquare, trenaifoiiaeanetof b;afle, anb bpon<
anb thjce cubites hpe. that net (halt thou mafte foure tyafen'
3ln& thou (halt mane ringesin the foure comers therof.
bnto it homes in his foure comers this 3lnb tljou (haitput it bnberthe com**
homes fhalbeof the fame as tt is of, paffe of the aulter beneath, that the'
feoob, cnonot
tofBCbOf gill:
anb thou (halt couer it ibith bjafle. net map be in the mibbeft* of the aul-'«
ntmu. ^nb mane Ijls afbpannes fo? his albes, tet.

* tftou tha « «ww ttbo barres fo? it ttxth all.
the aulter of anb ma&c
Sittim ttjooo, anb couer 8 the aulter holoibe tbith
«„ ^nnbithbjaffe, booses :cuen as it mas (heibcb thee in
n Ict thcm bz the mount,fo (halt tDou maae it.
i.? P PW* »n the nnges a*
; nabHhefibesoftheaulter,tobeare
mw 9 anb
" ;
« ,

? ano thou (halt matte the court of the ii gjniineibifconthe nojth fyhe there'
tabernacle on the foutft ftoc, eucn Ml fbalbc curtaynes of an hunbjco cubites!
tout!): the curtatnes fo? the court thalbe
long, ano ttbentie pillers, rbtth their
tthentte focucts of b?au*e,ant> the anops
of tbhyte tmineo fiiue of an hunojett)
tubttcs long fo: one ftbc. anotheihhopesofnluer.
IO ano rtbcntiepillcrstherof,tt)ith their ii ano the bjcaoth of the court tuhiche
ttbentie totnets of bjaffc: butthe nnops isrbeftroaroe, (hall Ijaue curtaynesof!
of the pillers ant) tljcir lDhopcs flmlbc fiftie cubites, ano the pillers of them'

ftlucr. Chaibe tcn,ano the tocacts of them ten*

tj fiftie cubites a)aibe in r|)e court eatt* taynes (haibe fine cubites of lbbyte',
roaroe,cuen full call. tibvncb ante, ano their focaettes of.
€ 14 Xhecurtayncsof one fyoe (halbt of watte.
fifteene cubites, the pillers of them 19 ail the toeffels of the tabernacle in all!
th?ee,anfc the tocacts thzee. maner of feruice,ano the pinnes thcrof, <

15 ano uaeHJifc on the other fioe (haibe yea ano all the pinnes aifo of the court,
curtaincs of fifteene cubites, lhtth their fhalbeofbjafle.
thjee pillers ano tljjce focuets. 20 ano thou (halt eommaunDc the tW
i6 ano in the gate of the court (haibe a Djen of 3Jfrael that they gene thee pure; calW 16 "'

bayle of ttbentie cubites of bleVbe ftlhe, oyle oliuc beaten fo2 the light, that'
purple, anb fcarlet, anD ibhitc ttbyneD they may mane tlje lampes tobojttf!
fiihe nought ttnth nccoie ttwfee, anD aitbaycs,
foure pillers frith their foure forHcts. 21 3Jn the tabernacle « of the ccngrcga-
17 ail the pillers rounoe about the tion without the bayle Vbhiche is before
court (haibe rbhopeD tbtth filucr,.anD the tbitneffe, (hail aaron $h»s fonncs<
their hnoppes (balbe of filuer,ano their Djeffe the lampes both euening ano; tcf«
toclictsoftyaffe. morning before the Hojoe : ano tt (l>al*.
18 Xhe length of the court fhaibe an be a ftatutefoz eucr tonto the generate
hunojeo cnbites,ano the bjeaoth fiftie ons of the chylDjen of 3irrae!.

oneueryfiDe,anDtheheyght of the enr*



I lif^'&n^,"'^"? f Mbft»W«»« IDM> ODc,«i fcW n,«c «t....,HI«W.*f .«Wal UMM ftw WWW «*>
MWB '« "*
^ The. xxviij. Chapter.

i c&e Dccftpng of Sawn

Ojoufocro. is
dl)t pccto/all w
ojnamcnt t^ae ©oulDe be ftpon tfte
tmeff, 6 cfje <SpijoD,oj tde

#S> tanc tDoti tmto bnto the djfltyen of 3Ifracl : and aaron
aaron thptyo* thai bearc their names befoze the flo;d
a tljee
bpon his ttbo fhouioers fo? a remem
tt)cr,and his Tonnes c

Wtth him from among bounce.

the children of gjftaei, 13 and thou (halt mafte ouches of golde:
that aaron map mf< 14 and two chapnes offline golde of a cer* <C
ntftcr unto me in the tapne length, linftcWojfte 9 Wjeatheo,'
pneftes office, j!5aoab,anb abihu,<2;lca* and fatten the wreathed chapnes to the
5ar anb3thamar,aaronsfonnes. ouches.
ano tljon fljait mafic holp rapmcnt 15 and thou fljait mafte the bjettlap of
foz aaron thp Mother, glorious ano iudgement with ujoocrcd ibojfte: euen*
bcautifull. after the wojfte of the cphoo thonfljair
and thou (bait fpeafte bntoail tljat mafte it [nameipj of golde, bicibeftifte,'
are ttttfc hearted, whom 31 haue filled purpic,fcarlet, and ibhpte tibined ftifte.
tbitH tl)c fpirtce of Wtfoome, that the? i6 if oure fquare it and doubie,an
mafte Karons rapmcnt to conrecrate hande tyebth long,and an hande tyedth
him, that he map miniftcr bnto me in bjode.
the pncttes office. 17 and tljon fljait fill it with fonre roWes
Xhefe are the garmentes whfch tbep of ftones:in the firft roibc fhaibe a <§>ar* %

(hall mafte, atycftlap anbancphob, a dins, a Xopas, and £>maragous.

tuntcle, a tyobereo toate, a miter, anb a 18 3in the fetondc roibc,a ftnbt, 5>aphfr,
girdle, thcfe holpgarmcntes fbail thcp anb aDiamonde. \
mafte to; aaron thp brother anb his 19 3m the thirde a Hpncuri«s,an achat,
fonncs, that the? map mtntfrer bnto me andanamctpft.
in the pncfies office* 20 3In the fourth a Xnrcas,an 4Dnp;c,and *
ano kt them tafte goibe, bleWe ftlftc, a 3Jafpis:ano thep fljalbe fet in goioe in
purple, fcarlet, anb whpte twmeo uiftc, their inclofers. ',

Xhep fljall mafte the cphod ofgolbc, 21 andthe Hones fljalbe grauen,asfig'
blewefilftc, purple, fcarlet, anb Wl)pte nettcs be graucn nnth the names of the . 2)
tumicb nifte, ttitth bjodcred wojfte. chflbjen of 3irrael, cucn ibith tmelue'
25 %\)z two fibcs than come togcther,and names, eucrp one ibith his name accop
be clofcb bp in the ttbo cbgcs thcrof. dpng to the tlbcluc tribes.
and the girdle of the cphob fhaibe of
the fame Wo?bmanfljip,and of the fame
n and thou fljait mafte bpon the b/ctfiap <

tibo faffenpng chapnes of pure golde

m»ffe> cucn of golde,bleWc ftlhc,pnrple,
fcarlet,anb whpte tunned nine, and thou Ojait mafte itfteibife bpon the
^nb thou fljait tafte two €>npr ftones, bjeftlap tibo ringes of goioe, and put,
anb grauctn them the names of the them on the edges of the b?cftiap.
children of gjfrael.
14 and put the tibo Uwcathcn chapnes of*
io Ǥ>trc names of them
in the one ftone, golde in the tibo ringes Which are in*
ano the other fire in the other ftone, at* the edges of the b^cftiap. \
eojdrng to their birth, x<, anb the other two cnoesofthechainea,
ii after the wojfte of a ftone grauer and thou fljait fatten in two clofe ouches,«
of him that graucth figucttcs,fljalt thou and put them bpon the fljouioers of the
graue the tibo ftones, With the names ephod on the fo^cftde of it
of the children of 3Jfraei,ano fljait mafte
26 and tljou fljait pet ma. two ringes
them to be fet in ouches of golbe. of golde, Which thon fljait put in tije 4
ir and thou malt put the tibo Hones dp* two edges of the bjeftiap ceuenjiu tl)t<
on the two moulders of the cphoo \mt borers thcrof , towarde the infioc of,
tijcs ma^ be j aones
of remembrance theephodoneragapnftit.
27 ano«
Exod us. 1 in
z7 ^nbpettlbofotberjnngesofgolbtbou

. (halt mafte, artD pue them on the nbo i&§ n™!amMnb

bcl carbclbbenDcgoctljinto
tbc founb ftJaF
the bol?',
! ubcsofpCpbob beneath otter agavnft Place before tbc lLojbc,
9 when ije com*
the b2eftiap,aioibc mhetc the fines arc
iopneb together bpon the bjobercb gpj*
metlj outtanb be n^au
not bpc. » < jo ?? •*•
36 3mb tljou fljalt inafte a
plate of Dure « te®?

\i% 3lnsthcpfball bpnbc the


ftts ringes, bnto p ringes of the epbob,

ibith a lafc of bicibe fiifte, that it map

80lb,aiibgrauctbecon asfigucttesarc '-S«a.
^nb put it on a bieibc f^ihc lafc
to be !
A 1*-

fpon ttje m^tre, eucn bpon tbc fo2c*

ipe clofc aboue the bjobereb gp2ble of front of it. " c
the ephob,anb that the bzeftiap be not ^nb it maibe bpon Karons foiclieab

3mb staron (ball beare the twines of
the c!)iID?cn of ^jfratl in tlje b2eftlap of
tfjat aaron map c» te<m tlJC
tbe Ijolp tljingcs.lDljttije tbc cl)iib2tu
^ gj«*

n " 2"

\ uibgcmcnt bpon his ijeact,ibhen Ije go*

3Jfraeli)aloU)cinalltbetr Ijolp gpftes:«®
anuitfljaibeaiuiiipes bpon bis (b»<S$ffiS

, etU into the tjolv place, fo? a remem* ljeab,fo2 tlje reconciling of tljcm c rt "
bcfo2c "'i,1c3
bounce before the ?l02bc almap. tlJC?L02be.
Ztto thou (bait pnt in the bzeftlap of
jo 39 3inb tljou n)ait mafte a coatc ofruijitc 1
t inbgment tbe tlrim $ the Xhum* w jVlbe, cmb?obcrcb ttntb fenottes,
*®i/u $ tljou
ntint,anb thep fbalbeteuenjbpo 3tarons Hjait maUc a mptcc of iblj pre fvlltc, c
heart tbhi he goeth in before the H020:
jttltttcs. out
anbaaron (ball bcarc the iubgentent 40 ^nb tbou fljalt mane fe Karons!
I iffttvtlllCllllof the ebiibjcn of Jjfracl bpon his heart
to fonnes alfo coatcs,anb tljou Hjait malic
I puunfemi. before thc3L02bcalU)ap. ( fo? tljcm gv2bles, | boncttcs Hjalt
tJMltM I-:
|TOtnl 31

3lnb thou (halt maftc the tuniclebnto

maucf02 tbcm, gl02ious anb beiDttful'
f njsttlitf
tlje €phob,altogcther of blclbc fime.
I BBl.tlMI'l
41 ^nb tljou (bait put tlicm bpon aaron c

nitij;: ;;

jsei^ ji 2lttb there fbaibc an ijole foj the hcab

tljpb20tljcr,f on Ijis fonnes ttjttf) ijpm
in tin mibbctt of it, haupng a bonbe of
! anb (bait annovnt tljcm/^anb fill tbeir , WOTat(fl
lboucnibojftc ronnbe about tlje toller
Ijanbcs^ fanctiftc them, tljat tljcp map «
of it, as it were tlje toller of a partiet,
lipm minifter bnto me in the p2icttes office. c
I ousfbc tc
tiii lit


that it rent not. sSnT'

mtljoottra .j
4z 3lnb tljou 0)alt mafte them tpnnctt c "SfSSi
tl 31nb bcneatl) bpon tlje hem,thou (halt floppestocouertljcir p2iuitics: fro tlje! ^ s «&
difft. mane pontgranates of blevbe fplbe, anb lopnes bnto p tljighcs tbcp ujal rcacbe. « fiSSi'w
of purple, anb of ftarlet, rounbe about

rt)e ljcnt,anb « belles of golb bettbectte 43 ^nbthepnjalbcbpon^aronano w<SI&8

fitfirt, ' fonnes ibljen tljep come into the tabcr* ' £!.»'.«?"
3 '
ft'?: tUcnt rounbe about. clc of the congrcgatio,02 Ibljc thep come

fcl-o J4 3utb let there be euer a golbcn bell anb

' bnto tlje aultcr to minifter in l)olmzs: {f) I fiffiL,
ife u P 05 nsranate:a golbcn bell anb a pom*
tljat tbcp bcarc no fume, $ fo hft. %nb < ^a= ^°
iSSt * Annate rounbe about bpon tlje Ijem of
1 '
it ftjalbc a latbe fo? euer bnto^aron, e p?.'%
%«t» tljetuniclc.
anb Ijisfcebc after him. '
0)to witij

|35 3fab aaron (ball Ijaue it bpon hpm « otatj.

^"Tlie.xxix. Chapter.

®&e manci; to confecrate pjtettejs bnto ©oD,ana tlje rite to oEEcrfo; tljem. >s jrac con<
trnuall oaplp faenftce.

i^isthpng alfo (halt 3 ^nb tljou fbalt put rtjem in a maunfic,

thou bo bnto them, anb bjpng tljnn in tlje maunbe ibitD'
ibhcn tljou Ijaloibcft tl)c calfe anb the tibo rammes.
the to be mp p2ieftcs. 4 ^nb b2png ^aron anb his fomtes bit*
Xhou (halt taue one to the boo2c of the tabernacle of the.
poungcaife, anbtibo congregation, $ ibaftjc tbciblth ibatcc
rammes $ are lbitl)* 5 3lnb taftc the garmentcs, anb put bp*
outblcmpaje: pon ^aron, tlje coate, the tuntcle of the \
b " Iea «^tb bieab, anb canes bw €phob,anb tlje epljob it felfe, anb the c
leaucncb tempercb
ibith opie, anb iba* b2eftlap, 9 2P2&e them to hpm ibitlj the <
rersbnleaucncbannopnteb ibitlj oplc: feobercb gp2blc lbljich is in tlje ephob.
01 ^y^aten
floure u;ait tDou ma&c the. 6 anb put the mptte bpon btshcab:atib c

The tabernacle. Exodiis. The tabernacle

put the hof? troibne bpon the mptte. Saton anb his fonnes (ball put tbcyi
Ijanbes bpon thefjeab of thc&amme.
B 7 -£bcn (halt thou tafte the anopntpng
is anbrohmthouhattaainethe&ame,
ople,anb poiu/c it t>pon htshcab, anb
anovnt Dpi, tfjou (halt tafte his bioob, anb fpjineftle
S 3inb b?yngt)is Tonnes, anu pot toates it rounbe about bpon the auiter

bponthem: 17 3uib tut the ftanmte in peeces, anb

9 3tnb gv?uc them uxtft gyjbels, aftbell tbatbe the ifflbarbes of hym, anb his
aaronashis fonnes, anb puttee bon* irggcs, anb put thembnto the peeces,
nctteson them, anb the pneftes office anbbntohisheab.
fbaibc theirs fo;t a perpetuail iaibe,anb 18 3mo then bume
the tbhole J&amtne
thou (bait fill the hanbes of aaron,anb bpo the aulter:[fo«itteaburnt offering
the hanbes of hisfonncs. bntothe Hojbe fo?a ftbeete fauour, a
io 3hib tiion (halt caufc a taife to be facrifice ntabe bp fire bnto the fLojb.
bought before the tabernacle of Vbifc 19 3lnb tane the other &amme, anb 3Ca*
nelTc :anb3laron anb his fonnes (ball ton 9 his fonnes (hall put thep? hanbes
putthep; hanbes bpon theheab of the bponljishcab.
calfe. xo Xijen (halt thou ftpll ljvm,anb tafte of
ii 3inb thou (halt ftpii hym before the hisbloob anb put it bpon the tip of the
|Lo?b,bv the booje of the tabernacle of nght care of 3taron,anb bpon tfje tip of
uutneffe. tlje right eareofhis fonnes, anb bpon
n 3lnb tafte of the bioob of the calfe, anb thcthombeofthcyj right ljanbcs,anb
put it bpon the homes of the auiter bpon the great toe of they? right foot,
lbtth thy finger : anb pottw all [t&e red] anb rp2incttie the bioob bpon tlje auiter
of the bioob beftbe tlje bottomeof the rounbe about.
auiter. xi 3(nb thou (halt tafte of the bioob that a>
13 5iiibtane all tfje fat that eouercth tfje is bpon the auiter, $ of the anoyntyng
intbarbes, anb tfje hall tt&atutj on the ople,anb fpmuftiettbponaaron frbts
Umcr,anb tlje tibo ftpbneps, anb tfje fat beftmentes, anb bpon his fonnes anb
tljat is bpon tljem, anb bume them bp* bpontlje^garmentes,ib(ti) hym,anb
on tfje auiter. he fhaibc fmioibcb anb Ijis clothes.ano
C 14 But tlje flcflh of the calfe,anb his fain, Ijts fonnes anb they* clothes,ibitb bun.
anb his boung,fbalt ttjou bume ibitlj xx 3lnb thou (bait tafte tfje fat of tlje
firclbithout thehoafhit is a fynne ofc aaamine,? his rumpe,anb the fat that
anb thcftaU ot
toucretljtljc inibarbes,
15 %\)q\x (halt alfo tafte one ftamme,anb thelpucr^nbthctNoftybnc^anbtbe
f he
tabernacle. Exod
xodus. IV.
fat that is bpon them, anb tbt right ccation, 02 of tbt b2cao, rcmapne bnto;
«. ; (boulbtr, f02 that ftammc is a fui of; tbe niojnvng, tbou fbalt burne itttitb-

fiKfy' '
23 anb a fpmnell of
bjeab, anb a caftc of
opicb bicab,anb a ibafer out of tbe bat 35
fire:anb itttjaimot be eaten,bccaufe
XhctfpK njalt
tbou bo bnto aaron'

| bet of bnltaucntb bztab tfjat is before anbbtsfonneseuenfo, accozuvug to ail!

\ tinges ibbtcbU baut commaunbcii<
c i4 anb put ail bpo tbe banbes of aaron,
. tbee :feucnbapcs (bait tbou fpu tbew
anb on tbe banbes of his founts, anb banbes. *
•a-* <

K* ibauc them fo* a
' ibauc offtrpng be* w 36 anb tbou (bait offer eturp bap a caife

MS? foict\)t%om.
fo? a fume offering fo? to r ccoftle mtty'

"iSS 25 ano agapnt tbou (bait taue it from of
' all: anb tbou (bait elenfe t!)t auitct iblit

"CiU tDert banbts.anb burnt it bpon the aul*

' tbou rtconftltftbpon it, anb tbou (halt
ISctjit^ terfojaburnt offering, tobe afauour
. annopntit,tofanctifitit.
ft«V of fibcctnes before tl)cHo?bc :fo?itisa
37 5>eutnbaptstbou (baureconfiitbpo'
SET facriftcc bp fire bnto the fLojb.
tbe aulter, anb fanctifieit, ?it tt)albe an!
SftVw anb tbou (bait tauc the toed of tfjc aulttr mofl bol? anb ibbatfotutrtou-

3Ranunc of Karons tonferration, anb tljttb tbt aulf tr.fljaibtbolp.

ttmtte itfoiatbaue offering btfojetht 38 Xbisistljatibbicb tbou (bait offer'. " ®tt»-

|Lo2b, anb it fbalbc tl)p part. bpon tbe aulttr, euen tibo Hambes of ,'Z
17 ^nb tbou (bait fancttfte tfjc bjeft of one pcre olb bap bp bapcontinuaiip : ;
. t\)t mauc offtrpng, anb the (boulbcr of & %l)t one tbou (bait offer in tbe tuo?^
Lfntw< <

hcaue cffcrpng,lbbicb is ibaueb

tlje mntg,anb tbt otber at eutn.
SSS $ hcauca bp of tbe ftamme of tbe con* 40 anb Uittl) the one ?tambt, a tentbt
ItSS ;'
fctrationfoi aaronanb fojbisfonnes. beaie of flotme nnngieb Vbirtj tbt fourtlj
! 2S anb it (balbc aarons anb l)is founts part ofan w Ijpn of btattn opie: anb tftt^
fourth part of an hpn of ibpntfo? a.jjjyg **

te' a
' by a ftatutt fo? ° cucr from tfte cbilb?c 1

of 3lfrael, fo? it is an hcaue offering : $ b2pnb offering. •n^itaw

itftjaibean btaut offtrpng frothtchti-
b?en ofjjfracl of tlje factifice of thep?
4t anb the otbtr Itambt tbou (bait offer \
ateuen,anb(baitbo tbtreto acco2Dpng"5^
peace ontrpngcs,euentbcp?beaue offe- to tbt nieate offering % b2inbe offering \ CSST*
ring fta« « bej bnto tlje Ho?b.
f in tbe mo2ning,to be an obour of a ftbeet
29 ^nb the boip garmentes of aaron fauour, anb a facrifire b? fin bnto tlje'

(balbc !jis fonnes after bim,to be anopn* SLojbe. :

tcb tljerein, anb to " fpll tljtp? hanbts 41 anb let tbis be a continuali burnt ofr
tberein. ftnng amongft pour cbiib2tn aft tt you,
'3o anb tbat fonne tfjat is p?itft in his btfet t^c boo2t of p tabernacle of ibit-
! fteebe after hpm, (ball put tbtm on ft* wtte before tbe 3L020, Xbbere ibill' 3
< uen bapts,rbhtn be tomttb into the ta* meete pou, to fpeafee there bnto tbtt. \

« bernacle of lbptncflt to minifttr in tlje 3

4j Xhtrt ibill meete Vbitb tbe cbilbjen <

&oip place, of ^frael, anb [Replace] (hall be fancti^'

f!3I anb tbou (bait talte t\yt ffiamme of fiebinmpgl02ie. 1

< eonrecration,$ fecthc his flclb in the

tlje 44 anb 3 U)Ul fancttfte tbt tabernacle-
« boly plate. ofibitncflc anb tbt aulter: anb^rbiii;
32 ano aaron anb bis fonnes (ball eate fanctifiealfo both aaron % his fonnes,.
, the flcfbe of tbe ffiamme, anb tbe bieab tobtmppntftts.
< tbatis in tbe baf bet, euen bp tbe boo?t 45 anb 3 ibill bibcll amongft the cbpl*;
of tlje tabernacle of rbptntfte. b?en of3Krael,anb lbtll be tbtir <Bon : *
33 anb tbe? (bailtatc tbeni,becaufe tbe 46 anb tbtp (ball ttnouit tbat a«" tne ; 3
attonementtbas mabc t&etibitb tofpll Ho2b t^cp^ob^atb^ugbttbem out.
tbep? banbes anb to confecrate tbem: of t^t lanbt of egppt, fo? to bibeu a^

« butaftraunger(hallnotcatttbtrof,bc; mongft them l«w»j 3 tbt %W WK

taufe thep are holp. «
« <5ob,
'H anbpfougbtof thefletyof tbe tonfe^
: ,
«, «

The tabernacle. Exodus. The tab er

nacl t

. ^ The. xxx. Chapter.

iCfjefourmeofrtjeatiltcroftncenfe. 6®&eCanDpns tljereoE. i2£fjemonpetottie

bfe of ttje tabernacle. 15 31 fide. lSCbetyafenlauere. :;C&emafipngofl)oIpeople.

4f>2Dtf)ouujaltmaBC mongtt tljent Jbljcn trjou nubjeft tfjem. <

an aulter fo? ftbeete 13 ^nb tbus inuctj 0)ail eucry man geue cem '

ineenfe: of Srfttlm tfjat goctbinto tlje number :balfe afKwift

iDooo (baltc tljou de after tlje fide of tlje fanctuarie. ftfib
mabe it. fide is tvomtic "Ijairpcnce: an Ijaifc fide G «

acubitelong, ano a Ojalbe tbe fjeaueofferpng of tbe Ho^e.;

cubtteb?ooe,cuefoure 14 3«i tbat are numb^eb fromtvbemte'
fquareujailftbc,ano ycreoibe ano aboue,u)allgeuealjcauc
offeryngbntodje15lo?bc. <8'
tlbo cubitcsljpe: tbe DomestDerofftjaH «

15 %ljc riclje (ball not pa(Te,anb the pooje

root* « P20ceebeout ofit. •

3 3uid tbou (bait ouerlaye ft ibttft fine (ball not go bnber Ijaife a fide, but ye'

c goio.botlj tbe ruffe $ tijc iballes rouno (ball geue an IjeaueofFeryng bnto tljcc
far/; W < about , ano Ijis bomes alfo : anb (bait Ho?be, tljat Ije may haue merrie on«
« maue bnto it a erovbne of goio touno yourfoulcs,
about. i6 3mb tljou tbe reconfilyng;
fljalt taftc

t 4 2(no ttbo goiocn ringcsfljalt rtjou monyc of the cljilb?cn of gifracl, ano,
i matte to ft on citljcr fibc, euen bnocr tbe (Ijaltput it bnto tbe bfe of tlje tabcrn^^
< croMic, tbat njcy mayc be as plates fo? deoftlje congregadon,tbatitmay be a'
tljebatrestobcatcitlbftnall. mcmo?iaiibnto tlje djylbjcn of gjftacl,
3lno tljou (bait mabe tlje barres of
\ 5 before tbc |Co?b,ti)at Ije may Ijauc liter?
< $>ittim ibooo, 9 coucr tljcm ibltlj goto. dc bpon your foules. |
< 6 Slno tljou (bait put it before tbc bayle 17 ^(nb tlje ?Lo?oe fpalte bnto £0oyfes,
01, w»-
tbat is by tbc arise of tefhmonie befoje faying: «

| tbc mcrcic featc, tbat is, bpon tbc tcfti- is iCbou fl^alt maue a laucr of bjafle, ?
, nionic Mjcrc gj ibyll mcete ibid) tbce. ljisfootaifoofb?a(re,toibafl)CU)itball,;
25 < 7 3ln0 3laron (ball burne tlj er on fibecte anb (bait put betibcne tlje tabernade
incenfc cucry mojnyng tbljcn be Ojcfc of tlje congregation anb dje aultcr, anD t

fctb tlje lampes, cucn then (ball ije putlbatertbcrin.
\ burne it. 19 if o? ^aron anb Ijis fonncs a^all ibafl^c
. 3 3tno lyuctbtfc at cucn ttrijen he fcttctlj their Ijanbes anb tljeir fcete tljerin. ,

' bp tbe lampes be (ball burne incenfc, $ ^o €\xtn tbljen djey go into tlje tabema* c

« tljis incenftng (ball be perpetually be* de of tbe congregation^? ibljcn tljcy go

' fo?c tlje ?Lo?o tljjougljout your genera* in to tlje aulter to mtnifter ano to burne
tious. tlje Ho?bes offeryng , djey Hjall ibauje

(t)3lftcr anp< 9 (ball offer no w ftraunge incenfe tljemfeluesU)itljVbatcr,lcatljeyoye. «

othn ion tbc
i0l)crepjefcti=t tbcrcon no? burnt faenfite nojmcate %\ fUftelbife tljey ujal ibaftjc tljeir Ijanocs <
offeryng,ncttljcr pottle any onnReoffc?
f tljeir feete, left djey bye ano it Oiaibc »

ryngtbercon. an o?oinaunce bnto djem foz cucr, botl)

io 3tno 2aron (ball reconfiic bppon tfte bnto hym $ Ijis feeoc , tbzougljout tljeir
fjomes of it once in a ycrc, lbirtj tbe generations.
bloob of tbc finne offering of rcconfi- 2i 3ino tlje flo?oe fpalte bnto Upoyfcs,;
ling, cucn once in tbc ycre (bal be recon? faying:
file bpon it tljjouglj your generations 23 XaRebntotbeep?indpairpiccs,oftbc<
t ft is mod Ijoly bnto tl)e ?Lo?oe. nwftpurefl0irrbcfiueljuo,2Ctl)
. ii 3no tlje !Lo?oe fpaue bnto ^oyfes, of ftbeete «S>ynainono balfc To n\M%>*«J
' faying: euentvbo bunb?etlj ano fiftie fides ,of;
it Jf tbou tattcft tlje funic of tbc djilo?c ItbcctcCaiamustibo buno?etljano «p<
te come to
iSsnttlc ptrcu *
ofJjfracl <° after djey? number, tljcy tic fides.
Oct tbat age
j (bal gcuc cuery man " a rccofiling of bis 24 £>f Caftla fiue buuo?ctb fides, aftec;
ttje? ""ere rot c foulc bnto tlje flojoe lbljcn tljou num- tbcibaigljt of tbe fauctuarte,ano of oyle
to be iium-

Ijco. fcKfl: tljcm, tbat tljcrebc no plague a ^Dlyucanljyn;

fan bprtiM oblation tbcp reDcemeD tbeir Ipuca a'bO ctoiBoBwoiUBhpH '
asbcbpomjoauibsoapco. 2,lSca-i+.
a5 ^n"
Ceremonies. Exod us. Ivj.
< 2tno tljou fljalt mane of the oyic an ijoip after tbe mabyngof it.-fo? it is ijoiy,ano
ointment, cucn an oyntmcnt compounb fbalbeljolytntoyou.
after tl)e craft of tlje apotiearie 33 «ofocuermaftetl)lyRetljat,02ibljo*'
16 gjt fljalbc tlje ople of Ijoty oyntmcnt, roeucr puttetb an? of itbpon a ftrauger,
s> ano tljou (bait annoynt tlje tabernacle (ball penfl)c from amongfl Ijis people. '

of tlje congregation ttjcribitrj, anb tlje 34janbtlje Hojbcravbe bnto fi»ovfcs:l

arueoftljctcmmonie, Xauebnto tljee ftbeetefpiccs^tarte,,
17 3tnb tne tabic ano ai bis apparel!,ant> £>nyclja,fU)ecte(E>aibanum : tl)cfefpi'«
tlje caublcmcBe anb all Ijts beOels,anD ccs lbffljputc 5franHcnfcnce,of cchc a •
aulter of ineenfe,
tlje lyfeemaygftt.
28 3lnb rt)c aulter of burnt facrtficc tbitlj 35 2nb maHc of tfjem fibeete (incllyng
all Ijis befleis,anb tlje lauer 9 his foote. meenfe,aftcrtljceraftof tbe apoticanc,
29 3no tljou (halt fanctifiettjem, tljat minglco togctfjec, pure anb Ijoly.
ttjcy may be molt fjolye : lbtjatfocuec 36 3lnb beatc it to poibber, anb put of it
toucljetlj tljem, fbalbc fanctifteb. befoje [«e arfie] of tfje tcftimonie mrtjc
30 2inb thou (bait anoint 3aron ano bis tabernacle of tlje congregation, Urtjcre •
fonnes, anb confecratc tljem, tljat tbey 31 lbyll meete Urttlj tljee : it fbalbe bnto 1
inav muuftcr bnto me in the p;icftcs youmoftnoly.
office. 37 3nb you fljal not mate to your felucs,
31 3lnb tljou (bait fpeabe bnto tlje ttjffiucn after maayng of
tlje tljat inceufe ibbiclj
of 3ifrael,faying: Xljisfbaibeanljoly tftoufljait mate : itfljaibebntoyou'
oytmng oyle bnto me3 tt)20ugljout your ljolyfo2tbc?Lo20c.
generations. 38 naljofocuer (ball mate lyte bnto tljat
3z isilpou mans fleflje fliaii it not be tofmcu tljereto, (ball periuje from a-
poU);eb,ncitDcr fbal ye maue any otljce mongft dispeople. *s*

q The. xxxj . Chapter.

1 <0oo gcuetfj fit's fpm'tc to Kefalcel ano ADoIiab tbe toojfiemen, eo tmient all tbpngea
tohich appertap ne to tttc trtmme mafipng of Hie tabernacle. 13 naha t figne tbe ^>ab<
botfi 10, 18 cables! of Bone tojttten toitfi tfte finger of 00D.

4B2Dtl)eHo2befpaBe feate tljat is tfjerbpon, anb all tlje "fur* « ^h.

% bnto ^oyfes, faying: nimre of tlje tabernacle:
26et)olbe,2Dauecai^ 8 3nb tlje table anb Ijts furniture, anb 25
leb by name 26cfaleel tlje pure canbicmeue ibitlj all Ijis farm*
tljefonneof Bn, tfjc ture,ano tlje aulter of tncenfe,
fonne of $ur, of tlje 9 3lnb tlje aulter of burnt offeryng anb
tribe of 3Juba, all Ijis futmture,anb tlje lauer ibitlj Ijis
WjBp tins
3 3nb 3 Uaue fylieb Ijym ibittj trje foote,
•WfllMlMi,, fpiriteof d5ob,mU)ifebome
anb bnber^ 10 Xije beffmentes to miniftcr in,anb tbe
gWttB he
2" 8*16 of
ftanbyng, inUnoibicoge, anb in all Ijoly garmentes fo? 3laron tbe ptixft,
manerU)o?Be, anb tijc garmentes of fjis fonncs to mfc
4 %* fynoeout ibittie beuifcs, anb to mfterin:
Jbojttc in golbe,ftluer, anb in bjafle, 11 ^nb tbe annoyntyng oyle,ano fibeete
5 ^nb in tlje craft anb to
to fct Hones, tnccnfe fo; tijc fanctuarie : acco2byng to
m tymber, anb to tbo#e in all
carue all tljat 3 Ijaue commaunbeb tljee,fl;al

manervbo&manujip. tljcy bo.

6 3lnb be!jolbe,3J Uaue gcuen Ijym to be iz 3lnb tlje?L02be fpahc bnto ^9oyfcs,
bis companion j|>oliab tlje fonne of fflvmg: e r „ ^
Slcbifamcc, of tbe tribe of Dan : anb in 13 ^peaue bnto tlje cbrt&jcn of jfrael,
tbcljeartcs of all tljat areibife Ijeartcb anb lay, 3lnany feetbat^uepc

J baue put unfcbome, to maKe all tljat crop] ^abbotljes: fo? it is a figne be«
Jbaue commaunbeb tfjee tvbeene me $ you in your generations,
v Xljc tabernacle of tbe congregation, fo? to imoibc tljat 3 tDe ftojbe am Ije
njearaeoftfjc teffimonie, jtljcmerue tljat botlj fanctifie you.
14 1&epc
. : *

The tabernacle. Exod us. The gold,e ncl

C 14 Bcpcmp^abbotl)tl)crtfo2C,fo?ttis tDe&abbotl) tlttougfjouttljeir genera^

ftoivbntovou. i^ctljat ucftlcttjitfl^ai^ ttons: It Is a pcrpctuail coucnaunt.
be put to beatl): fo? XbJjofocuet lbojnetl) 17 5F o? it is a figne bctrbeenemeanbthe
trjerm, tl)c fame foulc fyaibe rooteb out cntltycn of ^jfraci fo? eucnfo? in fa
from auiontrft Ins people bapes tlje Ho?De maDe
Ijeauen anb
15 Sirbaves dial! men tbojue, anb tn cattlj,anD turtle feucntljbap |)e retteb
rl)efcuentl)bav tst&e <§>abbotj) of tlje
anb rbasrefrefbeD,
Ijoly rett of tlje |Lo?be: ibljofocucr borlj is 3mD ibfcen ttje fLojbc IjaD mabe an '•Oil*

an? Hwfte m tl)e 3>abbot& bap tt)ail enb of commnupng ibttl) *$opfes bpon bout

bye tl)e Deatl)* tye mount £>imi,l)t gaue l)pm two ta= Sfc
i6 natjerefoje let tf)e rf)flD?en of 3Jfrael bies of Untnefle, cuen tables of done,
ucpe t&e ^abborl), tljat tijep. obferue Hwten f0 Xbitr) tije finger of d50D« 1,0 »iit,

bout a

^ The .xxxii. Chapter.

i ^c^c 3fracIftejSDopiaptinto t^e goiaen calfe. 7<BoDtoametb fl&otfejj of ttietinne

of tbe people. 9 fflije people of 'Jfrael of a ttrffe necfie. n fl^opfejs intreatetb <EtoO fo?
3ifrael,cttjngbfep;tomtfeiS. i>fil8oyfe<3DcCcmi)ctt) of trjc brll. &be tablet DrCcribcu
of ©od. i9 aftopfeg bepng attgrp bjeafiettj tfie rablcjuno tlje calfe. 2 $e cbioctb

bzotnev Saroh. 27 ctje idolater* be murDercD of tfte ncuttcjs at ajtopfcfs commaun>

Dement. ?o asopfesf rebutetb tbe offence of tbe people. 51 $e ttpll be putten out of tbe
booSeoflpfe, anDbaue tbe peoples* offence parDoneD. ;;Cbep tbat be tontcn in tbe

2 4Rb ibljenfpeo* x 3mb 3(arou fapb bnto tljcm : 0lucfee of

pie ratbe tljat 00 it tf)egoiben earpnges ibljiej) are in tU
mate n tonfni ttmslogoj $)op* tares of pour tbiucs,of pour fonnes,? of
fton. .-rojtttu
flconfufion ton fes came bottmc your Daughters, $ b^ing tyem bnto me.
to (be i>copl<
rcbro tijep be out oftljc moun* 3 ^nbautlje people piutlteDof tDcgol*
Bocanour. tame,tl;ev gatye*
reD ttjem fciucs
Den earinges rbljicfj tijc? Dab m tW
earcs,anb bjougljt tljem bnto ^aron.
together. " bnto
"OhK'W 4 2[nb l)e reeeaueb tbem of tlieir Ijanbes,
3laron,anDfavb 9 fofyjonebittbiti)agrauer,$ maw of .#,>.
bnto l)vm,tlp maftebsd5obs to go bc± it a eaife of molten mettel:

fiwe bs:fo? ibe ibote not tbijat isbecomc

anb t&ey faib, 4 »
Xbefe be tfjp gobs fl> jjftael , lbljtcl) «*•
of tl)ts flRopfcs, tfjemantljat bought b^ougbt tl)ec out of tl)e lanbc of €5VP f
w out oftljc ianbe of cgvpt.
5 ^nDibDen^aronfaibetl)at,Denmi'e


1"he golden
Exod us. 1 VI).
an flutter befiw it,anb aaron mabc pjo* ©Qb.graucntntbc tables.
clamation,fapmg : Xo mojolbe is tlje

anb tljcp rofc bp in tlje mompng,anb
offereb burnt offcringes, ana bjouglft
fiW a
? £N ujotbteb, be fapbe 53GQ
peace offeringes alfo:anD tlje people fat 18 ?nbUeaunfibcrcb:3}tisnottliecricof
tljem boibnc to eate anb bjinfte, ano
25 7 anb tlje %m
fapb bnto fl0opfcsf: C5o
tbenovfc ofthemtljatfing.
3 Do HJ C ^e
get tljcc bolbne, tljp people lbbiclj tljou 19 3(nb affoonc as Ijc came niglj
bnto the
bjougljtetl out oftljc lanoe of cgppt,
Ijatbmarrcbail. ring : anb a3o^rcs ibjatl) Vbareo
8 %tyy arc turncb quiculp out of tlje anb Ijecaltibe tables outofftisftanbcs
rbapujljidjcj comntaunbeb tljem: fo? anb tyafte tljem bcucatlj tljcij>>i!«
tljep Ijaue mabc tljcma calfe of mouiten 20 3lnb Ije toue tlje calfe ibljtcbc tljcv bab
tncttall, anb Ijaue ibojujippeb ft, anb mabe,anb bumcb it in tbe fire, $ ftampt
Ijaue offreb tljerbnto,faptng : Xljefe be it into poubcr,? ftraibcD it in tin ibater,
tljp goobes <© 3frael, lbljiclje Ijaue finabctbecl)iib^of3}fraeibnnlteofit.
tyougljt tljcc out of tlje lanbe of egppt 21 3mb^ovfesfaibbnto^aron:i©ljat a>
9 anb tlje fLojbcfapb bnto ^)opfcs, 3 bib tljis people bnto tljee,tljat tljou Ijaft
Ijaue feme tljis people: anb bcljolbe,rt b^ougljt fo great a finnc bpon tljcnu
isaftpfnecueb people. 22 3nb3Iaron aunftbercb, %tt not tlje
io 3inb noibc fuffer me, tljat mp ibjatfj ib?atlj of mylLom ibare fierce :tljo»
map TbarerbIjotagamfttl)eni,anb con- linotbclltliepcopictljattljepare [cuein
fume tljem j anb lbpll mane of tljeca fetonmifebicfe.
migljtie people. 23 5P02 tljev fayoe bnto me ^aftc b3

ii ano^opresberougtjtfljefLojbebis gobbes to go before bs, fo; ibc mote noc

<5ob,anb fapb : «D ILojb ,tt)ljp botlj tljp ibljat is become of ^J3opfcs , tlje man
MMatljrbare ibljot agapnft people
tljp tbat b^ougljt bs out of p lanb of egppt.
lbljiclje tljou Ijaft bjougljt out of tlje 24 %m 3 fatb bnto tl)cm:!Let them tljat
lanbe ofcgpptibitlj great power, anb ljancgolb,plucUe it of:Snb tljei bzougbt
ibitljamignticljanbe* it bnto mcanb 3 bib caft it into tlje fire,
12 JBljerfoje fbouio tlje Egyptians fpeafee anb tljcrof came out tljis calfe.
anbfap: 5fo?amircfjicfe ttvn tit typng 25 <i)9oprcs tfierfojc faibe tljat tlje people
tljcmout,cuen fo? to flap tljem tn tlje ibere naftcb(anb tbat ^aron ijab maoc
mountapnes, ftoconfumc tljem from tljem nafteb bnto tljeir ujamejamongclt
tlje fate of tlje eartljf Xurne from flip tljeir enemies)
fierce »jjatl), anb repent of tljts enpu 26 3lnb^opfcsftobc in toe gate of tlje
[oemfe] agapnft IjoaMub f«*Vb : nabo [perta?net^j totlje
top people.
13 J&cmcmbcr abjaljam, 3Jfaljac, anb 3Lofl)e, iletijpmcomej bntome. 3(nbal!
Jfracltljpfcruauntes, to tttljoin tljou tljcfonncsofHeut gatljcreb tfj^felues
ftbarcftbp tup oume felfc, anb fapbeft togctberbutoljvm.
bnto tljem: 3
ibpll multiplte your feebe 27 3lnDI)cfaibbntotnem, Xfjusfapctlj
asfljc ftarrcs of Ijcauen, anb all tbis tlyt%o;\i mb of 5Jfrael : jdut eucrp ma
lanbe tljat 3
&aue fpoften of lbpii 3J His fibo^be bp Ijis ftbc,anb go in anb out
gene bnto pour feebe, anb tljcp ujall tn* from gate to gatetlwougljout tlje boaft,
Ijeritettfojeuer. anb flap cuerv man Ijis b;otljcr,$ euerp
<c 14 anb tlje Ho?be rcfrapneb Ijpm feife man Ijis companion, anb cuerv mm
from tlje cuili ttrtjicljc Ijc fapb Ijc ibouib Ijis neighbour.
bo bnto \)is people. 28 ^nbtl)ecIjrlb?cof?Leuibpbas^o^ e
15 anb S^opfes turneb Ijis bacftc, 9 ttient fes Dab liub ^nb tberc fcl of tlje people

bottme fromtljeljpll, $ tijctlbo tables p fame bap about tmec tbouftnoe mnu
ortbe tcttimonie iberc in Ijis Ijanbe. 29 anb^opfesfapb: jftfipourfjanbes "^^
** tt)t fame taWfs u,cre Nnttcn in bnto tlje %om tljis bap, cuerp manbpo >»*.
botlj tbe leaues, [mm] ljisfonne,fbpoljtsb;otl)er,$tljattljcre
on tlje one ftoe, $
on tlje Vbcrc tljcp ttmttcn : 2WD
otljcr, map be geuen pou a blcffmg tljisbap.
wk tables ibere tlje U00M of d5oo, 30 anb on tlje mojoibe ^opfesfaib bnto
anb tlje Siting Jbas tlje uniting of f people , M bauc ruweb a great finnc:
$i ani»

Ceremonies. Exod us. Cerenioni


3inb nome 3
vbtti go bp unto tbcfl02b, 33 3inb tlje Hojbc fayb bnto fl9oyrcs:«
pcrabucnturc 3
may purcljafc an at* 3 ibyllputbymout of my boone that
tonementfojyournnnc. batbunncbagaynftme.
31 ^oyfciS tljerefozc ibent agayne bnto 34 Slnbnoibegotbou, bjyngrtje people
,b) SDovfcB
tl)e H02OC, ant) faybe
£Mj, tljis peo- bnto tljc place mfjiclje 3 faib Unto tbee,
111 nbt 1)13
ple bauefinneb a great mine, anb baue bcbolb, mine angcii fyal go before ttjee:
c.n'ca .MiB
maoc tbem gobs of golbe. ifreucrtljelatcr, tn tbat bay ibben
w j^
anbnomcfojgcuctbemtbetrftnnert? fitc,3J ibyl bifite djeir finne bpo fljent,
JDcut.ijc. ji Cf)
iftljoumyltnot,Ybypeme3! p:ay tljec 35 3inb tljc |Lo.:be plagueb djc people,
(e Out of tbe
out of djy co boofeembtdje djou Daft beeaufe djey mabe the caife nrtjtdje "1Mb,,
number of tl)6 be clrctc
Xbjitten, Sfaronmabe. [""iiittt

alio picDclri-
nj.'coto Ipfe •Wiuatu
ruHlattuigc. Wcrnna
^The.xxxiii. Chapter.
of ear"

tbem. 5 ©od refufctl) to go bp toftb bt*

i<kod aeuetb tbe people att angell to gupoe
dcobIe 4 ©lie people mournetb. 7 ©be tabernacle of tbe congregation, ojoftbe
rauenaWt. 9 mvtt& talfietb toitb ©od familiarly. 12 ^ereqirirctb d&oD to betottb
him in rcDiicmg tbe people, ano tfte \»ap to be ftetoeo bun. Co ftnoe grace before (Bod.
i7<3ppfessi0merctfuupbearDe. ispDefiretbtoCeetbeglotf of ©oo. 22$eisb»o.

ISiiMoe H02bc faybe bnto tlje tabernacle oftfje congregation

3 1
bnto$9oyfcs:S>cpart ibljicljc ibas lbitljout tbe Ijoall.
anbgobpljcnce,djou 8 ^nbibbcn^oyfesibcntoutbntotbe
anbdjc people ibbidje tabernacle, all tbe people rofe bp, anb
tbou baft bzougbt out (lobe euery man at bis tent boo:c, anb
ofdjcianbeof€gypt, loncb after spoyfes,bntfll be ibasgone
bntodjclanbibbtcb3 into tbe tabernacle.
ftbarcbnto3lb2abam,3Jiabac,$1facab, 9 ^nb aflbone as ^oyfes Vbas entrebiiv
faying, bnto tby feebe ibyll 3
gcue it. to tlje tabernacle, tlje double pilier bef=
3mb3? lbiu" fenb an angell before tljce, cenbeb, anb ftobe at tu booic of tlje t&
anb3 ibyll out tDe Cljanaanitts,
call bemacle,anb be taibeb rbitb ^oyfes.
dje2lmo2ites, $dje$etljitcs, tbc^ijc* 10 %m
all tbe people fame tbe double
n^itts, tbe $euitcs,anb tlje 3Jebuutes: pilier ftanb attljetabernadeboo2C,anb
.nlBi'mplUe. 3 tlnto a lanbe djat flotbetlj ibidj tbey rofe bp anb tbozlbippeb euery man
bnocrft.iiio nil
necclTnric myiae anbljony. JFojgjujyllnotgo a* in Ijis tent booze.
tljinscs: bp (1)
lionj>, nil Belts
mongeftyoumyfcifc:fo?ye are a fty£ it 3lnb tbe Ho?b Ipane bnto £0oyfes
e.itca it

bruit tbmats.
necfeeb people, left J
confume djee in face to face, as a man fpeaucdj bnto \p •P

tljc may. freenbe.^nb Ije turueb agayneinto tlje


4 3lnb mben tbe people Jjcarbc tl)K eufl

tsbmges,tbcy fo?o\beb:anb no manbyb
boaft: but tlje yonng man JJofualj W UK.,

feruaunt tbe fonne of 0vm, oepartcb

put on bis bell rayment. not out of tbe tabernacle.
S ^nb tlje Ho?be fpafec bnto fl^oyfes: n 3tnb fi^oyfes faib bnto tlje Hojb:S>ce,
^>ay bnto tl)c cbylbzcn of 3Jftael,ye are djoufayellbntome,1ieabetljispcopic
a ftyfnccbcb people: mull come once fooztb: f djou Ijaft not 0)c\beb me uibo
fobaynly bponyou, anb mane an enbe djoutbyitfettbrbitH me. ^nbtboubaft
of you ; tbcrefo^enolbc put tljy goobly fayb mo2COucr,3J bnolbctbeebyname,
rayment from tbee, tljat3 may rbyt tjdjouljallalfo founb grace inmy ugbt.
ibbattobobntotljee. f£
3 baue founbe
3lnb tlje cbilbzcn of gjfrael laybe tbcit
goobly rayment from tbem,euen by tlje
mount !^o?cb.
13 /frorbc tljerfoze, if
uour in tby figbtfben 3 PW ^ ce
me tby (0 may^bafj may bnoib tm,
anb tbat 3 may fmbe grace in tijy

25 7 ^nb Qftoyfes toae tlje tabernacle, anb figbt, nation

anb conftber alfo tljat tljis
pitcbcbitflntbout tbe boaft afarre of is d)y people. -^
from tbe boall, anbcaileb it tlje taber- 14 2nb Ije fatb:^y p^efence fball go W) i
naclc of tbe congregation: 3lnb fo it
came to pafTe tbat euery one Xbbicljc
tljee,anb 3 myll geuc tbee rell.
15 $cfaybbntoljym:3Jftbyp2efcnce 0"
lbouibe p?ay bnto tlje ILojbc, ibent out not ibitlj me,cary bs not Ijcnce.
Ceremonies, Exod us. 1via

ummwm butintbattljougacft KSftSmlSSlKSSr

not? anb tDV people bauc (urematence
before ail tl)c people tbat are bpon tlje
«— *. «
S! mS™
ro? ?fflffl
tre "J 311 *£
face of tlje eartlj* 1
17 anb tljefLojbe fapbe bnto <$opfes: ^JSSSV^^ : aseftotoe, ttjere

31 rbpll do rtjfs alfo tljat tljou Ijatt favt),

jfottjou baft founbe grace m
mp ficjrjt,
anb 3
anoibc tljcc bp name.
3 «JP» put
^ m?
tljec in
SloiP gaeth. footfj,
a clpft of the rocbe
18 3ttiD be fapbe :3J befctrje tfjee (betbe ano xm put mp banb bpon tljec, ujbile
mCtftpCjUW. jjpetutuy.
iStflitn In ^ P C1K
i9 n@l)oannmjerei):3ltt»vUttiafteailmp 23 anb3hbpiitaKcaujapmpntbanDe
this «'P
- ^gooDsobefo;etrjee,$3J«jviicocau anotftrau^feenipiiatoSKtt
jmill fcutuc
in tlje name of 3 eijouaft before tbee: mp fate (ball not be feene.
mint jtlji'

The.xxxiiij .Chapter.
tu ll , "u i r

fttiiHnlt id

i<5obbFbbctbflEtopfe0top#parertetoerabl«. 6®ftenamciBof<J5ob. sflBovfesett.

tteatctb <0ob to go tottb t^e people,commenb ws ©obs mcrcp. ©00 tuomiftth the
1 1

lanbe of cttanaan. 12 company fieppng ttittft the ©entile&anb

J7 fiobbeg mabe of mett all. is cbe colemnftie of ftucete tocab.
ibolatric foibtaoctt.k
iy a>f the ftr3 borne
21 SEbc £>abbotlj. 22 cfte feaft of pertteco8e,anb of tabernacle?,
zscfiefirtt fmitea'
28 ©be fatt of flares, ccbetentoojbejt. :?®befaceofa©offe)StoneD. jjlbaple
cuer the face of fi©opfeu.

a iftbtrjcllojbratbcbn* nesanb fintte,anbnotieauirtgoneirmoi

rosp)pfes:f)eu)etfjee ccnt,bifiting tbe rbicbebnes of rbe fa*
ttbo tables of ftoneliae tljersbpontbecrjpiDzen, anbbpon rbe
bntot&efirft,anD3I cljplb2tns cbplb2en,[euenJ bnto tije tftirb
ibpiiibjptebpontrjefe anb fourtlj generation.
tables, f mms
tbat 8 anb spopfes mabe bafte, anb
iberc in tljcfirft tables ftpm fclfcto tbe eartlj,anb mo2a)ippeo,
rbntcljc tljou bjaacft.
anb be rebp in tlje mo?ning,anb tome
9 3
anb fapb: 3ff Ijauc founbe grace in
t!)p figljt, $> %om, rtjen let mp ?l02De

bp carlp bnto tlje mount of 3>inai, ano 3p?ap tbee go m
tlje mibbeft of bs,
tboulbait "
ftanbe tfjere fo? me in the fo2Etis a ftpfnecaeb people: anb tljou
top of tl)c mount. fljaltljaucmcrcpbpon our ttntaebnes
3 Itljcre Ojail no man come bp lbirtj anb onr finue, anb ftjalt taac bs fo:
tljcc, ncttberlctanp man be feene tbo* tijmembentaunce.
rolbout al tbe mount, neither let ibeepe 10 anb Ije fajb 2Seljolbe,3J mafte a cottc*

no2 oren feebc before tlje bpii. nmmt before all tbp people^ 3 tbill bo
4 anb $9opfcs fceibeb ttbo tables of mcruaples, fucljasliaucnotbcn bone
ftone line bnto tbe firft, anb rofe bp ear* in all tbe ibojlbc, neitljcr fn all nations:
lpeint!)cni02npng, anb ibent bp bnto 9 all tlje people amongeft ibbicbe tljou
tbe mount -§>inai as tlje Hojbe fiab art,njall fee tbe U)02be of tlit 3Lo2De:foj
tpmmaunbeb bpm, 9 tofte in bis IjanDc it is a terrible 3 lbpll bo
tbpng tljat
tlje tlbo tables of ftone. Ibitljtljce.
5 anb tlje |Lo2b befcenbeb in tlje eloubc, 11 Bcpe biligcntlp ttjofc tljlngcstbat 3
anb ftobe lbitft bim tljerc:anb Ije ca^ cal* commaunbe rtjee tbis bap: 2cebolDc,3l
icbbpon tbe name of tbe |Lo2be. out bcf02e tbee,tbe 2lni02ites, €lja*
"lots anb tlje |Lo2bc pafleb bp before bpm, naanites ^etljttes,jaijcrc5ites,^euitcs

anb crpeb, %om, ILo^be, C5ob,ftrong, anb^cbufites.

"icrcpfuiianb gracious, longfiiffcnng, iz Xafteljccbcto tbpfclf,lcft tljou mabe
anb abounbaunt in goobnes truetb, anp compact ibitb tlje mljabitours of
7 anb neppng mtrcp in fto?c fo2 tbou- tljelanbcibbptb^il)ougoeft,Iefttbep
wnbes,fo2gc«ingu3icbebnes,bnflODip* becaufe of rmnc amongeft pou:
nil a KM
Iudiciales Exod
xodus. Iudici;

is ma oucrthzowe their suiters, atiQ facrifite bpon leauen, neither fl;au

fc:caiie their tiiiivgcs , atiu cut DoWne ought oftlic faenfice of the feaft of $a(£
vUcirgroucs. oucr be left bnto the momvng.
t£ 14 XhotiftjaitWoimipiiGftraunge^oD: 26 Xhe firft rvpe fruites of thv lanoe

«°! »•£!? * * l ^ c ^°?be * s caWel>

w tclous,bctaufe tbcu (halt twvng bnto the home of the
Sc wi tc \)t is a ielous <2?oD. %om thv <£od. Xhou (halt not feerhe
!U%* C
15 thou mafte anv agreement
?Left if a bvd in his mothers mvlfce.
S,J^ With tjjt inhabitours of the lanoe, anD 27 3lnD the Hojdc favDe bnto *©ovfcs*
^SK" ttjer so a Whojtng after ttjeir goDs,ano mint there Wo«!Dcs,fo? after the tcnour
•» scb
no facrifice bnto their goos : thev tall ofthefe WojDcs, 3haue maoe a tone-
naunt With thee ano With 3Jfrael.
thcc,anD thou cate of tbcv? racrtftce*
i6 2nb rtjontafte of their Daughters bn<= 28 3inD he Was there With the Ho?De
to thv fonnes,anD their Daughters go a fourtie oaves ano fourtie nvghtcs, ano
Whojvng after their goDs, ano make dvd neither eatc bjcaD, no? Dnnue Wa-
thv fonncs go a Wl)o*vng after their ter: anD he W^ote bpon the tables the
gobs alfo. wojDes of the toucnaunt, [earn] ten
17 Xl)ou lhalt make tl)cc no goos of conunaunDcmentes.
mcttall. 29 2inD when fi9ovfes came Downe
18 %he feaft of bnlcaucnco bjcao (halt from mount £>inat, the two tables of
rhouKcpe:£>cucn Dates tbon (halt eatc tcftimonie Were in i$)ovfes hanoc:
bnlcaucnco bjcab, as 3
commaunDcD When he came ooWnc from the mown,
tljectntljctpmcof the moncti) 3tbtU: ^0ovfcs wvftc not that the fuvnne of
fo? in the monetl) 3bib thou cameft out his face (bone, Whvle he tailicb Wit!)
ofCgvpt. hvm. mt!)s{Su.

19 that openeth the matrtec (S mvne,

3lii ?o 5lno ^larcn anh all the chvlDjcn of i£W liltN

ano al that bjeaftetb the tuatrice anion* 3lfraellooUcDbpon £povfcs: anD be- fcmkijw,

gctt tbv tattell if it be male, Whether it holDc,thefUvnne ofhtsfacefhone, anD e

bcoreojfbccpe. thev Were afravoe to come nve hvm.
20 25ut the firming of the afle thou (halt 31 3lnD When ^ovfes hao calico them,
bvc out ibith a lanibe : anD if thou re* ^aron ano all the chiefe of the congrc*
Dccmebvmnot, thou fhalt bjealte his gation came bnto him:anD ^9ovfcs tal<
mcue. ail the firft bonie ofthv fonncs bcd with them.
thou fbattrcbeemc:$ fee that no man 32- ^no afterwaroe all the chvHwen of
appcarc before me emptie. 3Jfracl came nve : anD he commaunoco
21 S)irc oaves thou fbaltwojac, ano in
the fcucnth Dap thou (halt red, both
them all that the
IjaD favbe w
from caryng ano rcappng. 33 3mo When i^ovfes hao maoe an enbe
xi Xhon fbalt obferue the feaft of of communvngwithtlKm, he put a w
3> Weeucs With, tftv firft fruites of Wljeate coucrvng bpon his face.

harueft:ano the feaft of ingathering at

? 4 ^no agavne when ^ovfes went in
theverescnDe. before the DUyDetofpcaue With hv«">
23 %Wt in a vere (ball all pour men he tofte the coucrvng of, bntyll he tame t)tm


rhplDzcn appearc befoje the HojDe 3Jc= out: ^nD he came out anD fpane bnto QtUlBIt-

houahd5oDof3Jfrael. therfjvuuenof Jfracl,that Which* he

24 $ot Wvll caft out the nations be* wascommaunocD.
fiwcthcc,anD enlarge thv coaftcs : nev* 35 ^no the chvlD;en of 3ffrael faWe ti)t
ther Ojrni any man Delate thv lanDe, face of ^ovfes: that the favnne of
When thou (halt go bp to appcare be* ^aovfts face fbone, anD ^ovfes put
fo?c the ?Lo;toc thv <^od th?vfe in a vere.
25 Xijou (halt not offer the blooo of mv
the couervng bpon his face agavne,
tvilvt Went into commune wuh WW*
monies. Exod
xodus. lix.

^ The. xxxv. Chapter.

icljc ^abboth it commaunoco. 4 iff t'rtt fruttcc ate t ccutircD,ano gtftejs
1 CCIie rctit •
nc0o£ti)e people tn oSet tug, Befalcel ano;2>oltabtUe artificer, arc
dcd bnto tlje people of Qfroyltt.

/15b^oyrcsgathctcb hangyug in the boo?c of the court,

alfhc congregation of 18 Xljc puiues of the tabmtaclc,aub the
thethiib?cn of giftaa ptnncs of the court tbitlj their co?bcs: ',

together, anb faybbn* 19 Xhe cb miniftring garmentes to mini-


tothe: Xhcfcarcthe fter in the holy placc,anb the holy np'jcrtajme to

b»ft; tl)C fcrutcc of
tbo?oes lbhichc the mentes fo? aaron
the p?ieft, an*) the tlje ubenude <

fLojbhathcommaun* beftmentes ofhis fonncs,tbat thct may

bcb,th at ye (houlbe do them. mimftcr intljc pneftes office.
«S>irebaycsyeu>alltt)o?Be:butthcte 20 3(ni) all t!)c congregation of tfte chyK
ucnth bay (baibc bnto you the holy D?cnof3}fracl, bepartcb from the p?e*
£>abboth of theio?bes rcft,ibhofoeuer <3d*
fence of flgoyfes:]
Doth any ibo?Betherin, (ball bye. 21 anb cuery one came,as many as their
3 $>c(baliltinttle no
rh?oughout fire heattes tourageb them , $ as many as
«fcrrfo;c your habitation bpo tlje S>abboth bay. their fpiritcs mabc them lbyllyng, anb
WHcr« «> ,
K«AH't8'= 4- anb$)oyfes fpafce bnto all the ton* brought an heaue offering fo? the?Lo?b,
tbtnl ihrtcs
loranlK!''- gration ofthe chilb?e of^fcaci, faying: tothemaltyngof the tabernacle of the
ml l).u .

Xhis is tljethyng ibhtche the %om congrc5ation,anbfo?all hisbfes, f fo?

conunaunbeb, faying: the holy beftmentes.
5 [ Xatte from amongeft you an heaue 22 anb tljey came both men anb ibomen,
offering bnto the ?Lo?be: nahofoeucr is euen asmanyasibcreujyllyngljeari 2Di

of a lbyllyng heart,lethym b?yng that tcb, anb brought bjacciettes anb ea*
[fteaueotfetpng] to the Ho?be, namely ringes, ringes anb cljayncs, ibljiclje ie^
golbe,fyluer,anb b?afle, ibelles lberc all of golbe : 1 all tlje men
6 anb blcibe ftlBe,purple,fcarlct,tbhitc brought a ibaue offcryng of golbe bnta
fylBe,goatcsheere, ti)eHo?be.
7 anb BammesfBynnesreb,$Xarus 23 anb euery man lbitlj ibhom tbass
f&ynnes, Vbitlj 5>ittim tboob, founb blcibc filBe,ptnT)lc,fcarlct,U)ljyte
8 £>yle fo? light, anb fpyces,fo? annoys filbe, anbd5oateshccre, $ rcblBynnes
tyngoyle,anbfo?theftbectcincenfe. of ffiammes, anb Xarus fBynncs,
brought them.

9 anb<0nyrftories,anbftoncstobefct
€phob, anb in the b?eftiap.
in the 24 authatbyb heaue bp an oblation of
10 anb let all them that are Ybife beattcb golbe anb bMfle^^ongljt an heaue offe*
among you,come anb make all that the ring bnto tlje Hojbe anb all men lbitlj

flojbe hath conunaunbeb, ibljom ibas founbe &itttm iboob fo?

u Xhe tabcroaclc.anb the tent thcrof, $ any mancr ibo^bcof theminiftratton,
his couering, $ his ringes, his booses, brought it c
his barres, his pillcrs anb Ins focftcts. 2$ ^nb all tlje Ujomen tljat lberc lbyfe
n. XhcarUc $ the flaucs thcrof,ibith the byb fpinnc lbitlj tljeir hanbes,
mercy fcate,? the baile that couercth it anb brought the fpunibo&e, both of
1? Xhe table anb his barrcs,anb all his blcibe ftmc,purple,fcarlct,$ lbljue ftlUe.
bcu~els,anb the fbclb b?eab 26 anballthcujcmcntljat crcclleb ut
14 Xhe ranbelfticBC of light anb his fur* ibifoomc of heart,fpun ©oatcsljcere.
niturc,anbhtsiampcs*bith the oyle fo? 27 anb the lojbes brought 4Dnyr ftoucs,
rtjelyght: anb ftoncs to be fet in the <epljob,anD in
<t 15 Xhe mcenfe autter anb Ijis barres, thctoefiiap.
the annoyntyng oyle,anb the ftbecte in- as anb fpyce, anb oyle fo; lyght.f fo? the
ttnfe, anbthchangyng of the boo?e at anoyntmg oyle, $ fo? the fiuctc incenfe.
thetntryng m
of the tabernacle 29 anb the chyib2en of 5/fracl b?ougljt a
is ^the auiter of burnt facriftce,lbith his ibillingofferyngbnto the flo?be,botIj
wafengrcbiron, his ftaues, anb all l)is men f tbomcn,as many as Ijab ibillmg
bejrels, the laucr
anb his footc: hcartcs,to b?yngfo? all mancr ujo?rcs,
17 ano the hangynges of tlje court,lbEth ibhicbc tlje ILo?be Ijab conunaunbeb U Elfpng
hispyiiers 3 anb tljeir focnettcs, anb the to be mabe
by tlje Ijanbcs of iJ^oyfcs. of.

^ iij 30 anb

ludiciales. r.xodus. ^rcmoni e

j o 3ut> a^ovfts fapbe bnto t|jc cljplbjcn matter of fubtiie mojfte.

of 3Jfracl : bcboioc, tljc Hojb hatl) cat? 34 3mo Dcljatl) put in Ijis Ijcact
tfjat Ije

Icbby name 25efalecl p fotmc of tin, may teaetj.c,botlj lie anb £0oliab,thc £1*
tlje fonnc of $ur,of tlje tribe of 3luba.
&n of adnfameclj, of tlje tvibe of 2t»an.
31 3utb Ijatlj fillcfc Ijpm anil toe fpirite 35 Xljcm Ijatlj Ije filleb Kbi. tlj ibpfbomc mi,,-'

of @oo,tniLbifbon»c anb bnberftanbtng, of ljcart,torbo#c al maner of graucn

in tmotbiebge,anb in all maner nwtte, anbbjobcrcb, 9 nccDleU)o?be, in bleu)
31 Xo fmbc out curious tbo&es, ibljtclj fii&canb purple, infcarlet anb tbljpte
arc mabe in golbc,filucr,anb tyaffe: uiue,anb m ibeauvng,anb to bo all ma-
3j 31n ttje craftc of Hones to ret tljem, ner of tt)0?Be anb unttie ocuifcs.
anb m
canting of wood to mafce an?


ircfccmafipnsoft&etafcmtactc. 3 ftje peoples wopetopll. 8®&emafipngoftbe

curtatnesi .lyjSDftijecouerpttg. 20 art t&e tables. MflDf tlje bams, tffltft&ebaple.

31 |5b ssefaleemwugljt nebftUte,bleibe ftlBe,purpte,anb fcat-l

anbjDouab, anb all let , ibtth Cljerubims of b^)bereb<
tbpfc bearteb men, to ibozltcmabeljetljem.
tt)ljomtlje?Lo;tbgaue 9 XDelcngtljofonecurtaineibasttben^
tbpfbomc anb bnbct* tic $ cvgljt cubttes, 9 tfje b^eabtlj foure: <

ftanbpng, to tmonjc anbtljeatrtapnes ibere all of one fife.

IjoiDc to 1U02KC all ma 10 3(no tje couplcb fiue cnrtaines bp tljem c
nerofttiojftefojttjeferuice of tlje fane* relues,anb otljer fiue bp toem felues.
tuarie,anb all tljat tljc %ow ijab com* 11 ^nb Ije mabe loopes of bletbe fiibe a- \

maunbeb. longbptljeebge of one curtapne, cucn<

1 3lnb i^opfcs caiieb 2Befaleel,£>oiiab, in tljc felucbge of tlje coupling curtainc:
anb all tljc rbpfe ijcarteb men, anb fuclj anb lpftett>yfe Ije mabe on tlje ftoe of c
as tf)c §Lo?b Ijab gcuen ibpfbomc bnto, tljc coupling curtapne on tlje otljer ftbe. ,
anb as manpastljcir Ucartes couragcb ix 5f iftie loopes mabe Ije in tlje one cur* <
to come bnto tljat »WBe,to rbojtfec it. taync,anbfifticin tlje ebge of tlje cou*«
3 3inb tliey rcccaueb of Copies all tlje plpng curtapue on tlje otljer fibe : 9 tlje
l)cauc offering atytclje tlje rijplbjen of loopes Ijelbe one curtapne to anonjer. \
3ffracll)abtyougljtfouijenw&eoftl)e 13 ^nb tje mabe ftfttc tatljes of golbe,
Tcruicc of p fanctttarie , to make it lbm> anbcouplebtDc curtapnes one to ano«
all:3mb bcftbe p.tljepbjottgljt free offc* tljcrvbitljtljetacljesj^fojnjasitiuabc
rtnges bnto it eucrpoap top morning. one tabernacle.
4 2tob all tlje tbyfe men tljat ibjougljt 14 3lnD mabe
eleucn curtapnes
ije tip
\bofte, came euerp man
all tljc Ijoip goatcsljccre, to be a tent ouer tljc W<
from Ijis iboj&e ibljiclje tljcp mabe: bernacle.
5 2inb tljcp fpafee bnto s^opfes, faping: 15 Xlje lengrlj of one curtavnc Ijab rtW -

Xljepeoplebjpngto muctje, anb mojc tietubites, itbas foure cubitcs b;ooc,;

tljcnenouglj to? tljc feruicc anb ibo&c anbtljep aileleuen of one fife.
lbljicljet&e fLojbctjatlj commaunbcb 16 3utb Ije couplcb fiue curtapnes bp <

to be mabe: felues,anb fire bp tl)em felues.

6 3lnb tljcn £)9opres gaue commaunbe- 17 3lnb ije mabe fiftie loopes along bp;
mcnt,anb tljepcaufeb it to be pjoclap* tljebo?ber of tlje bttcrmoft coupling,
mebtljzougljoutttjeljoaftfapingr&ec curtapne,anb fiftie in tlje ebge of tlje o- <
tljatneitljcr man no^tboman prepare ttjcrcouplpngcurtapne. •

anpmojelboftefoj tljeljcane offering is ^nb ije mabe ftfttc tacljes of b?affc,to

oftfje fanctuarit: ^fotljc people rbere
couple tlje tent togctljer, tljat it mv0<
be one. <

25 7 3Fouijcitoffetljepljab,U)asrumnent 19 ano Ije mabe a couerpng bpon tbf

to? all tljc Jbo&e to maHe tt& to muclj.
tentof&ammcsfftpnnes rco, anb fit'
8 [3111 tljc ibyfe Ijcaneb men tljcrcfoje,
anb tljc? tbat Vb?ougl)t fo? tljc tabcma- 20 3lnb Ije mabe ftanb^ng boosts wt.
cic,mabetcncurtavnes of ibfjvtc tib^
tljetabcniacl^of^ittmubcob. ^<
fheubernacle. Exod us. Ix.
Shelengfhofaboojbe ibastencu*
* e mmmt in
21 f b ° 0?l)CSOf
bitcs.tbebjeabth one cubttef ahaife. ?bTo ncfibe

22 jDncboojbcbabtibo tenons, tbljcrbp 31 *"* fiu* fo* tft e booses of the tabcp'
the? ibere topneb one to another : ano nack in the other anb fiue barres*
thus maoe be fo? ailthe booses of the foitbebooibesof tbe tabernacle in tbe
tabernacle. ibcuenbe. «
2? 2no be niabe ttbcntte boo?bcs fo? the
(burl) fine of the tabernacle.
3J *.%** n
l m
vWtob »««** to:
rhjougb tlje booses, cuen from'
24 3nbfourtie foefeettcs of flitter bnber tbe one cnbe to tbe otber.
tbe ttbcntte booses: tlbo fochcttes b\r 34 3lnboneriavbctbeboo2besib(tbsolb,'
bcr one boojbe fa? bis tlbo tenons, anb anb tnabc ranges of golbe to tbnttt tlic
tlbo focbettes bnber another boo;bc fo? barres th2ough,anb couereb tbe barres
fits tlbo tenons. ibitb golbe.
25 3lnb fo? the otber fibc of the tabcrna* 35 3lno be utabc a bapie of bicibe Gibe,
tie, ibhicheis toibarbe tbe -notify, be purple, fcarlct, anb lbby tc tuimeo ftiuc: \
mabetlbentte booses, euen ibitb Chcrubims ntabe be it of
i6 2nb their fourtte focbettes of ftiuert bjobcrebiboibe.
tlbo focbettes bnber one boo?be, anb 36 Sutblje ntabe therbnto foure pflierS'
tlbo focbettes bnber the other boo?bc. of&ittim lboob, anb ouerlapbe them'
27 3fob toibarbe the "theft cnbe of tlje lbith golbe: their fenoppes ibere alto of.
tabernacle he ntabe fire bojbes. golbe, anb he call fo? tbent foure foe?'
28 2Utb tlbo other boojbcs ntabe be in the bettesoffiluer.
cowers oftlje tabernacle, fo? either fibe. 37 3wbheiuabeanba::gpngfo?rhet#<
29 anb they ibere ioyneb clofe beneath bernaele boo2e,ofblelbe filbe, purple,'
anbaboucibttha ring: anb thusrhe? fcarlct, anb ibbyte mmn filbe of nee?*
byb to both the eo?ners. bietbo?fee, *

30 3mb there ibere eyght boojbes, anb 38 3mb the fine pollers of it, tbith they?!
firtecne focbettes of filuer : bnber euery fenoppes: anb oucriaybc tbr fenoppes
boo2bc tlbo focbettes. of tbent , anb the boopes ibitb soibc:
31 Sfabbemabe barres of Sutttut lboob: tbeyjftuefo*mesaifotbereofb?affe*

f The. -xxxvi). Chapter.

1 Cbema&pirrj ano frampng of tbe arte of tty tefltmottfe. <s flDf tlje mercp flt>f tfle
table. nflDftljecanDellUcfie. 2j€>ftt)cajrttcrofnicenfe.

iI5b26cfaleel ntabe tlje golb,bpo the tlbo enbesof£ nterey feat.

arfee of £>ittim
lboob: 8 ^ncCbcrnbonfheonecttb,anbano?< Zi'
tlbo cubites $ a balfe ther Cherub on the other cnbe: euen of' .

long, ^acttbiteanba the mercy feate ntabe he the w Cherts < SKI
balfe b?ooe, anb a cu= bints.nantclv in the cnbes therof. « Sm^
bite anb a balfe
hygln 9 ^nb the Cherubtms fp.2eao out tbm \ SSK
^nboueriaibett Xbitb ibvngcs aboue on hve, % couereb p mer- <
fine golbe tbithtn 9 tbithout, anb ntabe vp feate thcribttb : ^ttb their faces ibere
a eroibnc of goioetoitrounbe about. one to another, euen to the mere? feate
3 3lnb caftfo? it foure rynges of golbe lbarbe ibere the fates of p Cberubmts.
foubefoure corners of it:tlbo ranges to ^nb he ntabe the table of £>itttm't
fo? tbe one fybe,anb tlbo fo? the lboob: tlbo cubites [ttajsj the length'
+ 3utb nrabe barres of 5>ttttnt lboob, thcrof,anb a cubite the b2cabtb, anb a,'
anb couereb tbent ibitb S°lbe. cubite anb a balfe tl;e beigbt of it.
5 3utb put the barres in the ranges, a? n 2(nb he oucrlapbc tt ibitb fine golbe,
long by the ftbe of thcarfee,to bcare tbe anb ntabe thcrbnto a croibne of golbe \
arfee lbitljail. tounbe about. _ (
6 3nb be ntabe the mere? an
fcate of pure 12 ^nb ntabe tberebnto an boope of
sotbc:tibo cubites anb a balfe ibas the hanbe b;obe rounbe about : ano maoe
length thereof, anb one cubite anb a bponthehoope a croibne of golbe <
haifctbcbjeabtb. rounoe about.
7 3«ib hemabc tlbo Chcrubmts of tbtcfte 13 3too be cafte fo? it foure ranges of
: <

The tabernacle. Exod us. The taber nac|.|

anb put tlje tinges in tljc foure
ooiue, monbcs,tt)itlj nnoppcsanb floures,
\ comers tljat tberc in dje foure feetc
21 Unbcr cucry tibo bjauncbes a tmop '
! tljercof.
Came, anb a tmop bnocr tvbo!^
of rtje

C<i4- €ucn barbe by tlje noope iberc tlje bjaundjes of tlje fame, anb a ftnopbn^
« rmges into d>c lbljicbt tbe barrcs Were bcr tibo bjaticbes of tljc fame accowng
put, to bcaretljc tabic nudjall. to rtje fire bjaudjes t pjocccbe out of it.
15 %xto be mabe tljc batres of &ittim 22 anb tljc toioppcs anb tbe bjatmebes
\ lboob, ana coucecb tljcm tbitlj golbe , to pjoccebeb out of it : anb ittbas all one ,

« bcarcdje table Vbttball. pecce of pure tljicfee golbe.

« i6 anb niabe tbe beffcls fo? tbe table of 23 anb Ije mab c \)is fcucn lampcs, tbitlj
pure golb,l)is bimeS,lJiS[incenfe]euppcS, tbcfnuffcrs,anb beffels fo?tt)crnurTc,«
; bis coucrynges, f IjiS botbles to pottle ofpuregolbc.
< outibitljall. 24 euenofa talent of pure golbe mabe*
•17 anb Ije mabe tlje canbclfticfteof pure fjeiUbitbailtljebeffcistbtrof.
goioe, eueu of a lbbole ibome mabe 25 anb be mabe tbe ineenfe aulter of &te
Dc ttje canbcltticKcbis ttaffe,bis b?aun* tint rboob:dje lengdj of it tbas a cubitc,

t cljcs, bis bollcs, bts tmoppes, anb bis anb tbe bjeabtlj a cubic*, fo? it tbas<
« flotbjes Ybete of one peece. foure fquar t anb two cubttes bye ,\bitb:

18 Sure bzaundjes pjoccebing out of tljc bomespjoceebpngoutofit.
nbestberof: tb?eeb?aundjcs of tljc can* 26 anb be touercb it vbitb pure golbe,'
telfttcfteoutoftbeoneftbctbcrcof,anb botlj tbe top anb tljc fibes rtjetof rounb

« twee bjaundjes of tlje canbciaicHc out about,anb tlje bomes of it : anb mabe
c of tbe otber fibc tljercof. bnto it a etoibne of golbe rounb about,
« 19
3inb one bzaunclj tljjce bollcs niabe 27 anb be mabe two rpnges of golbe fo?
ltuc bnto almonbes, ibitb a Unop anb a tt [euen] bnber tbe croibnc tbcrof in tljc I

floibje : anb in anortjer bjaunclje tljjee tibo comers of it,? in tljc trbo ftbestber* c
« bollcs mabe line almonbes,\bitlj a bnop of,to put barrcs m,fo? to bcarc it Vbitbal
« anb a flotb?c: anb fo tfjjougbout ttjc fire 28 anb Ije mabe tbe barres of ^ittim

bjauncbes tbat pjoceebe out of tbe Jboob,?oucriavbctbcntU)itb golbe. |

« canbclftitKe. 29 anb Ije mabe djc bolp anointing ople,

, 20 anb bpon tbe eanbelfticRe fclfe, Ybcre anb rtje ftbecte pure mtcnfe, after flje<
* foure bollcs after tljc faftjion of afc apoticartcs craft. «^*


io#e framings oftftc auttw ot burnt facriftce. s a>f tftz bjafenlauer. 9

trauncc. :4Cl)e accompt anD fummc of tljc p.ncc offered of tlje people.
M tf)t m>

iFibljcmabc tbe burnt 5 anb caff foure ringes of teaffc fo? rije
a: offering aulter of £>ifc= foure enbes of tbe grcbiron, to put<
tint lboob: fiueenbites barrcs in.
ibastbelcngtbttjcrc* 6 anb be mabe tbe barrcs of ^tttftti
of,anbfiuecubitcstbe iboob,anb coucrcb djem ibitlj bjaffe: ;
bjcabtb [ eucn l foure 7 anb put tbe barrcs into tbe ringes in fi ,

fquare,anb tb?cc cu^ tbe foure comers of tbe aulter to beared

bites bvc. itibidj all,anb mabe tlje aulter bo^ e

anb Ije mabe bnto ttftoznes in tlje \bitljintbeboo?bes.

foure comers of it,p?otccovng out of tt 8 anb be mabe djc laucr of bjaffc, anp

anb Ije oucrlavbc it ibitlj b?afJc.
anb Ije niabe all tljc beffcls of tljeaufc
tbefooteofit alfo of b?affe of tbe
fesoftbexbomen affemblvng, ibljiclje'
ter,tbc afbpanncs, anb befomes, anb camctogctber at tbe boo?e of ttje tabe*

tc.oc priipn, c
balms, flcfbcljoncs, 9 fire pannes: all nacle of tbe congregation.
t^niB.ttinsB. e „
tljc beffcls tljcrof mabe be of bjaffc. anb be mabe
9 court on tljc font!)
tljc <

: a anb Ije mabe a b^afen grcbiron of net* fibc,fuii foutb:anb tbe Ijangingcs ofttje
I ibojbc bnto tljc aulter, rounbe about a* courtibcrc of rbbptc tlbincb filbe, $&'
' io\bc bcncatlj, bnto tlje miobeft of tljc
uing a ljunb?ctlj cubttes.
ifietabernacle. Exod us. 7x
%W* pillcrs lbere tlbcntic,anb their 1
io 6 * 811 that tlje nojbe couunaunbeb
b?afen focnettcs tlbentie : but tlje Hnop^ "J?
pes of the pollers anb tljcir Ijoopes 23 anb lbitb hpmlbas aboliabjonnc of! *>
uicrcofftlucr. aijlfamatb, of the tribe of 2Dan, a tun*
n anb on the notfhtybe the bangpnges npng cmtyobcrer, anb a
mere an buntyeb cubites, their pillers lbo&er of nccble ibotfte, in biclbc filue,
lbere tlbentie, anb their focuettes of purple,fcarlet,anb ibljpte tibpneb Hike.
bmfle tibcntie:but tlje tmoppes anb tlje x+ ail the goibe that U)as occuppcb fo?
ijoopes of tljcppllcrs Kberc of filuer. alltherbotfteoftbebolpplace^asthe'
£)n the ibcft fybc lbere hangynges of golbeoftijelbauc offcrpng, nbentic'
fiftie tubitcs, ten pillcrs, anb tljcir ten anbnine talentes, anb ftucn bunbjcbl
foclicttcs : but the fenoppes anb ttjc anb thirtie ficles, after the ficle of the c
ijoopes of tlje pollers lbere of filuer fanctuane. «

anbtotbarbe tlje caftfybc fullealte, i5 anb tlje fumme of filuer of tljem that
lbere Ijangvnges of fiftie tubitcs. lbere numbzeb tn the congregation,'
, r %ty Ijangynges of tl)c one tyoe of the ibas an Ijunojcb talentes, anb a thou*
gate lbere ftftecne cubites long, ibitl) fanbe feuen nunmcti anb tb:ce fco:c <
ttocc pillcrs anb tlnee fodtcttes. anb fifteeneficlcs, after theficle of the
15 anb of tlje otljcr ftbc of the court gate, fanctuarie.
lbere Ijangvnges alfo of ftftecne cubites z6 jtfojeucrymananljaifctbcpghMuen!
long, lbitlj tfoee ptiiers $ tbjee fotuets. halfe a ficle, after the fide of the fane
i6 ail the bangpngesoftbc court rounbe tuarie, fo? all them tbatibcnttobc*
about, lbere of ibljptc tlbyneb filuc: numtyeb, from tlbentie pere olbe anb'
17 2Sut tlje foeftettes of tlje pillers lbere aboue, euenfoz fire ijunb^eb thoubnbe ',

ofb?affe,anbtljeftnoppes$ tt)c hoopes anb tincc tljoufanbc, anb fiue huno jc th t

lbere of filuer, anb the touerpng of the anb ftftie men.
ijeabes ibas of uluer : anb all tlje ptl* ij anb of the ljunbjeb talentes of Bluer'
lets of the court lbere boopcb about mere tatt the focuets of the fanctuarie,'
ibitlj filuer. anb the focfeettes of the baple ; an hun* <
is anb the hanging of tlje gate of tlje tuebfocitettes of the bunbjcD talentes,
tourt ibas neebie uwtte, of bieibe ftltte, atalenttoeuerpfotttet.
purple,fcarlet,anb lbbvte tibvneb fiifee: 2S 3nb of tlje thoufanbe feuen h«nb?eb
tlbentie cubites long, ffiueinbicabtb, feuentie anb fiue ficles,he mabe'
cucragainfttljeljangtngesof tlje court. snoppes to the pillers, anb ouenapbe<
19 anb their pillers lbere foure,anb tijeir tlje Ijeabes, anb ijoopcb them.

fourc focucttes of bjafle, ?the unoppes i9 3lnb the bjau"e of the ibaue offering
of fiiucr,anbthe Ijeabes oueriaybc ibttlj U)as ttjjee fcoje $ ten talentes, anb tibo \
faucr, anb tjoopeb
about until filuer. thoufanbe anb foure buntycb fttles. c
io anb all the w
ppnnes of tlje taberna* 30 anb tljcrU)ith Ije mabe tlje focftettcs <

cle anb ofthe court rounbe about, tberc to boo?e of the tabernacle of rtje

oftoaffe, congregatio,anb tlje tyafen aulter,f tlje

ii Xbjsis tlje
w funteoftl)ctabernatle b;afcn grcbtron fo? it, Uiittj all the,
[euenjof tlje tabernacle of p congregate beffelsoftljeaulter,
on,as it ibas cotitcb accojbpng to the to- 31 anb the focitettcs of tlje court rounbe
maunbement of flpyrcs, fojthe office about, anb the focnettes fo? the court;
oftDeHcuites by tlje hanbe of 3tlja* gate, anb all rtjepinncs oftljetaberna^
mar, fonne to aaron the pneuv cle, anb all the pinnes of the court
n anb 25ctfaleel tlje fonne of Urt, tlje rounbe about*
fonne of i^ur, of tlje tribe of Jfa&a,


The tabernacle. Exod us. The tab ernac

^ The .xxxix. Chapter.

i^cDecfipngof aiaron. :®fieCpfioMJ£oueiTWsoft&cftoal&crg:. scfjcj&cttorale,
oj furniture fo? the bjett. n flt&e coate. ;o<l|e bolp plate. jiCbe people offerctb tbe
jLo?De all that lie commaun&eD to be Done.

ji5boftljebletbeftifte, tycnofJJfracl, euerp ftone tbttb bis

purple, ^fcariet, tljcp name,aeco?bpng to tbc ttbelue tribes.
mabe beftmentes of 15 anb rtjcp mabe bpon tljcbjcftiapttuo
maitftcatioti,toDofet' fattening djapnes of ttyitljcn tbo&e
tare m tnc lioippiacr: anb puce golbe.
anb maoe tlje bolpe 16 anb tlje? mabe two ou encs of gotoe
garmentesfo? aaron anb trbo goioe ringes : ano put the ttbo
as tlje flojbc eommaunoco ^opfes. ringes in p ttbo comers of ffte bjeftiap.
r ano lie maoe
epljob of goioe,
rtje 17 anb rtjep put ttje ttbo cljapnes of
blctuefirce, purple, fcarlet, anb tbbptc goioe in tlje ttbo ringes in tlje comers of
ttupneo fuftc, tfjebjeftlap.
j anb rtjev bpo beate tbc golbe into 18 anbtbetiboenbesoftrjctroocbapnes
1 wine plates, an» cut it into topers to
1 tfjep fafteneb in the ttbo ourtjes,anb put
tbojftc it in tlje bletbe filfte, purple, fear* tfjem on tbe Ojoulbers of tlje epljob,
tet,anu in tbe fine tbljptc tbitlj bjoocrcb bpon tbe forefront of ft.
tbo^ftc. 19 anb tbep mabe ttbo ringes of goioe,
4 anb tijep mabe ttbo fpbes fiy it, to anb put tiictu on tbe ttbo comers of tbe
tlofe tljem Dp bp tlje ttbo ebges. bjeftlap bpon tlje ebgc of it [*>&<$ trwj
5 ano tbe tyoocrpng of tbc giroie tljat on tlje infpoe bp tlje <ff pljob.
tbasbpontt,tbasoftberamelrorTe,anb 20 anb mabe ttoo goioen nnges,
after tlje lame tbojfte, of golbe, bletbe anbputtbem on tht ttbo tyoes of tbe
filftcpurplcfcarlet, anb ttbpneo tbljpte epljoo, beneatbon ti)t fo?e fpoe of it,
filfte, as tlje flojb comaunbeb ($opfcs. ano ouer agapnft Ijis felotbc,aboue bp?
6 anbtbcptbjongbtslDnprttonesciorco on tlje b^oocrpng of tbc epboo.
fnoudjes of goioe, anograueb as fig* 21 ano tbcp ftrayneb tlje b?eftiap bp \y&
nettcs arc grauen, tbitlj tlje names of tinges bnto ttje ringes of tbc epboo
rtjccbpiOiicnofgircael. tbitb a lafe of blctbe filfte, tbatit mpgljt
m 7 3inb be put tljem on tlje tljoulbers of be bpon rtje bjooerpng of tbe cpbob,
tl)ecpbob, tljat tijep fliouioe be Hones $ tbat tbc b?cttlap ftjouioe not be loofeo
foj a remembjaunce of the cljilOjen of from of tlje <fpboo, as tlje ILojoe com*
3*fracl, as tbe %om
commaunbcD maunoco^oyfes.
i!£opfcs. 22 ano be maoe tbe tunicle bnto tlje
8 anb be mabe tlje bjefflap of tyobercb tfpljoo ofibouentbo?Ke, aitogctber of
tuojftc ipftc tlje tbojfte of tlje epljob, bletbeftlae:
cucnofgolo^ietbcfiifte^urpic^carlet, 2? anbtbecctbasafjolein tbe mpboett
anbtlbpncotbbpte filfte. of tijetunicle, as tbe toller of a partict,
9 3ft tbas fbnre fquare : anb tfjep mabe ibitljabanoe rounbe about tlje toiler,
tlje tyefflap ooublc,an Ijanocbjeaotb tljatitOjouloenotrent.
long,ano an banoe bjeaotlj bjobe. 24 anb in tlje tunicle tbep mabe Ijcmmes
io anodjcprptooittbttljfourerotbesof tbith pomgeanates of blctbe filtte, pur
ttones. Xljcnrttrotbc,a£>arbius,a ple,fcarlct,ano tnljpte ttbpnco fiiac.
5Eopa$ius, ano a Smtaragous 25 anb tbcp mabe title belles of pttre
ii %bt fctonoe rotbe, a ftubie, a &» golbe i anb put rtjem amongft tht pom*
pljire, anb a 2>iamonoe. granatcs rounbe about bpon tbe eoge
ii 3in tbc tbirbc rotbc, aHpneurius^n of tbe tunicle.
acbates, anb an ainetljpli 26 abell ano a pomgranate, a bell ano a
13 $n toe fourth rotbc, aXurcas, an pomgranate rounoc about tbc Ijcmmes
4Dnpr, anoa^Jafpts : anbtljeptbcre of tbc tunicle to minifter in,as tlje %ofl
tiofeDinoudjesof golbe in tbeir tncio* commaunoco^opfes,
27 anb tljcp maoe coates of fine tbbP^
14 ano
tbc ttbelue Clones tbere grauen filfte of tboucn tbojftc, fo? aaron ano
asftgncts, tbitlj tlje names of tlje chil- Ijisfonnes.
•monies. Exod us. lxit.

is 2inb a mitre of fine ibbptc fuuc, anb anothefbetbebjeao,

gooblp boncttcs of fine ibhptc riike,anb 37 Xhc pure tanoieftitUc ibitb p lainpes \
ipnncn ttoppes of tibpneo \phptc ulae. tljcrof, men With the
latnpcs to be pie? >

29 Sutbagirble of tlbpncb ttujpte fnne, par anb al tlje bcffcls tberof,anb

cp ,
blcib,purple, anb fcarlct, cucnof nceble oplcfojlpgbt, '

iltoibc , as the %om

comntaunbeb 38 %\}t golbcn aultcr,anbthe annotating \
<$)opfcs. pplc, anb the ftbeete inemfe,
ano tlje
o 3lno tljep mabc the plate of the holp hanging of the tabernacle ooojc, <
rroumc of fine golbe, anb tbjotc bpon it 39 Snb p bjafen aulter ibith his grcbiron \
ibith grauen U)o?ne as fignets ate gta* of tyaffc, his barres ano all htsbeffcls, <
tietl, The bolynesofthe Lorde, tlje laucr anb his foote.
31 Znn trcti unto it a lafe of bletbe nift , to 40 Xlje curtapnes of the court ttJlthfifs
fatten it an hpe toponthcmitrc, as the pfllers anb the hangyng to \
%om commaunbcb C^opfes. tlje court gate anb his ppnnes anb<
31 Xhusibasail theibojue of tlje tabet* tojbes, anb all tlje bcffcli of tl)cferuice
natle raien ] of ttjc tabernacle of tlje con* of thetabcrnaclc,euenof tlje tabernacle '
gregationfinilhcb: 3lnb tlje chtlbjen of of the congregation.
JlTract bib accojbing to al that tlje lorn 41 Xhe miniftcpng beftmentes to feme
comntaunbeb £0opfes,cucn fo bib thep. intheholp plate, % theholp beftmentes;
jj 3nb thep brought the tabernacle bnto fo? aaron the prt eft,ano hts fottnes rap* «
{©opfes [euen] the tabernatie anb all mentes to minifter in,in p pneftcs office: •
his furniture, his tatljes, his boojbes, 41 accojbpng to all that the %om
com* \
ijis barr es,l)is pttlcrs, $ his focftettes. niaunoeb fl^opfes, cumfo tlje cljpibjen
34 Xlje couerpng of ftammcsf&pnnes of JIfrael mabe ail the vbo#e.
rebbe, anb tlje couerpng of 3Carus 4? 3nb ^opfes vs$b lone bpon all the
fhpnnes,anb the hanging paple, tbojfte:anb beholbe,thep habboncit,
35 3Che arfte of the teftimonie, anb the as the Hojbc Ijab comntaunbeb, euen
barrcs therof, anb tlje mercie fcatc, fo babthep boneit:atib^opresbleflcb ' -sn
36 %hc table anb all the beflels thereof, them.

The. xl. Chapter.

2mc tabernacle is erected. < 4 3C clouDc, the ftgnc of tlirpicfencc of tfiejLojDe

coucretfttbe tabernacle.

jI52Dthe?lo?oefpaftc 7 3inb fet the lauer bctibccne the fabcr- <

Dnto^0opfes,fapmg: nacle of the congregatio anb the aulter,
^mtljefirftbapofrbc anb put vbater therein. \

w ntonetlj fljalt S ^inb malic tijc court rounbe about, $ t
thoufctbp thctaber* Ijang bp the hangpng at tlje court gate. <

nacle, mm the tabcr* 9 ^nb tljott (bait taac the annopntpng


natle of the congrcga- oplc,anbamtopnt tlje tabernacle, anb

allthatistljcrin,anb Ijaloib it lbitlj all t
3 ^ubputtljcrintljearfte of the teftimo- the bcffcls therof : anb it ujalbe Ijolp. «
nie, anb coucr the atftc ibith the baple 10 ^Inb tbou ft)alt annovnt the aulter of
anb thou ujalt bung in tlje table, anb 0^ burnt offcrpng anb all his beflcls, anb'
ber it atcojbpng to the appopntment fanttifie the aulter: anb it tbalbc an aul*
tljcrof: termoftljoip.
4 3lnb thou (halt b?png in the tanbel* 11 ^nb tljott fhalt airo annopnt the lauer
fticne, anb ipgljt Ijis lampcs, anb his foote, anb fanctiftc it.
5 ^nb ret the inemfe aulter of golbe be- 11 3lnb tljott fl)altb2pttg 3(aron anb his
fore tljcarhc of the teftimonie, ano put fonnes bnto tlje oooie of tlje tabernatie
thchangpng at tlje boojc of tlje tabcr* of the congregation, ano tt>a(be tbean
natle. ibitljlbater. „ „

« 3nb fet the burnt offering aulter be- 13 3lnb tljou ft^alt put bppon 3taron the
tp?et^cboo?cofthetabcrnacle[t"^]of holpbeftmentes, anb annopnt Inmt, $
the tabernacle of the congregation. lanctme ijpm, that he map minifter bn*
c cremonies. Exod us. Cerem oni

to nic in the parties office. tabernacle of tbe congregation before

€ 14 3lttb tbon (halt bjpng bis fonncs, anb tljebaple,
clothe them lbitbgarmentes. 27 anb burnt Itbeete incenfe tljereon, as
15 3lnb annopnt tDcin as thou bibbrtl an* tlje ?Lorbe conunaunbeb 09opfcs.
nopnt their father, that tljep map mi* 28 anbbebangebbpthehangpngatthe
niftec Unto mc in tljc pjirttes office : 5f 0: boo;e of tlje tabernacle:
their annopntpng tbalbe an cuerialting 29 anb fet tlje burnt offerpng aulter bp
piicflUootJ bnto tljcin throughout all tlje cntcpng in of tbe tabernacle itbat wj
their generations. the tabernacle of tlje congregation, anb
i6 3lnb £0opfcsbpbaeeorbpngtoallthat offercb burnt offcrpnges, anb nicate
the Horbc conunaunbeb Hpin, cucn fo offerpngestberon, astije florbe torn*
bpbhe. maunbeb Copies.
r7 Xljusfbastbc tabernacle reareb bp 30 * anb be the lauer bettbeene tbe
tbefirftbapintbefirJlmonctb, in tlje tabernacle of tlje congregation anb tbe Exodi)
w feeonbeperc>. aulter, anb poibrcb ibatcr tljercin, to
1 s anb i$opfc3 reareb bp flje taberna* lbalbettntball.
c." Jfracl out
ol tEjjppt.
cle,anb faflcneb bis forbcttes, anb fet 31 anb ^opfes, aaron,anb Ijis fonncs,
bp the boorbes tberof, anb put in the Sbaltyeb their banbes anb their feete
barrcs of it,anb reareb bp bis pillers. thereat,
19 3lnb fpitab abwbc tlje tent oner tlje 31 nahcnthepibentintothctabematicof
tabernacle, anb put tlje coucrpng of tlje congregation, anb lbljen tljcp lbctt
tbetentanbpcaboue it, as tlje %om to the aulter tljep ibaftljcb them fciucs,
commaunbeb S9opfcs. as tlje Horbe commaunbcb S|9opfes.
%o 3lnb be tone tlje & trthmonie,anb put anb be reareb bp tlje court rounbe a*
(c< iari)»tiB,i ?j
ituubearue, anb fet the barrcs to tlje bout the tabernacle anb the aulter, anb
arse, anb put tlje tnercie feate an bye fet bp an bangpng at tlje court gate:anb

-E* bpontbearbc,] fo £l9opfcs fimtbeb the lbojfte.

3lnb he brought the arftc into tlje ta*
34 *anb
the clonbe couereb the taber*
bcrnaclc, anb Ijangcb bp tlje bapic,anb nacle oftbeeongregatio", anb tbe glorie
eouerebtbe arbe of tbe teromonie, as of the ?Lo:be fpiicb tlje tabernacle.
tbefLoroe conunaunbeb ^opfes. anb^opfescoulbcnotenterintothc
xi 3lnb Ije put tlje table in tlje tabernacle tabernacle of tlje congregation, becaufe
of tlje congregation in tlje north fpbe of the cloube abooe theron, anb the glow
tbe tabernacle Vbitljout tbebaple, of the Hojbe fpiieb the tabernacle.
23 Slnbfct tbebreab m
orber before tfje 36 anb ibhcn the cloube tbas taacn bp
3Lorbe mm] as the Horbe hab com-
i from of tlje tabernacle, tlje chtlbrenof
maunbeb Copies. 3Jfraei tobe tljeir tourneps throughout
14 anb Ije put tlje canblethcue in tlje ta* their armies:
bernacle of tlje congregation , oucr a*
37 ^ubibhethedouberbasnottaftenbp,
gapntt tbe table tovbatbc tbe foutb fpbe tljep iournepeb not tpll it tbas taben bp,
of tlje tabernacle,
38 if0; thewfloube of tlje flozb lbas bpon
25 3inb fet bp tlje lainpes before p ?Lorbc: tlje tabernacle bp bap,anb fire bp nigljt,
as tlje ?Loroe conunaunbeb Copies.
z* anb he put tlje goiben aulter in tlje
in m fight of all the boufc of Jfrael
throughout aiitheir armies.
ffmf'' I

^The ende ofthefeconde booty of^Mqyfis, called

in the Hebrue Vellefchemoth, and in the
Latine, Exodus.

: ,,««!'
,< «

homes. L eumcus. TX111

$*> The thirde bookc of Moyfes, called

in the Hehrue ^Vaicrab, and in the Latine

f The firft Chapter.

2 &fie o$tv of burnt offerpnges. 10 sDe&heepe 02 ©oates.

14 flDf JStrCcjs.

frthcpjiettfbaiiburne all in the aulter

% " called dnto that tbep map be a burnt facrtftce, an of'
$)opfes, and ferpng made dp fire f o? a fibecte odour'
fpane dnto him dntothefLojde.
out of the ta- 10 and if his facrifice be of flocnes,namelp
bernacle of the of the fbeepe 02 goates,lctbpmd;ipng<
congregation, a male Without dlemiOje fo? a durnt'
faping offcrpng:
;S>pcattebn* 11 and let hpm ftpli on the nojtb fpde
it \
to the tlymim of the aulter, before the 2Lo?or:and the
oF3lftart, 9 thou fhalt lap ditto them: p;ieftes aarons
fonnes, tyaurpjuufcle*
3f a man of pou tying a (,,) facrifice bn* the blood round about dpon the aulter.
totbe?UHdc,pefbail fypng pour facet- ii and he (ball cut it into his peeccs,euen

fiec from among thefe cattell, cuenfro ibith his head and his fat:ano the pneft <
among the beefes and the co fl)eepe. fbau put them dpon the mood that'
j 3tfbisfamficedeadurntofferpngof Ipcth dpon the fire in the aulter.
becfes, let hpm offer a male ibirhout ij 26uthefbailwafbethcinidardesand'
biemifbe,andb2pngftpnt of t)ts oibnc the legges Mth idater, and the pneftl
boluntarte idpli, dnto tftedoojeof the fballdzpng altogether, and dumeit.
tabernacle of the congregation defcue dpon the aulter f 0? a durnt offerpng,an <
tbcHojde. odiation made dp fire fo? a ftbeetefc'
4 and he lhall put his (0 handc dpon uour dnto the lUude. \
the Dead of the burnt facrtftce, and tt 14. 3jf the burnt offcrpng fo? the facrtftce <
ihalbc accepted foj hpm to de his at- ofthcflojdebcoffoMes.hcfyallbmtg'
tornment. his facrtftce of turtle doues, o; of the
5 and he thai tun the bullocuc before the poung pigeons.
%om : and the pnettes Karons fonnes 15 and the pnefl fljall bjpng it dnto me ,
f Bc
(ball djpng the blood, and fpmtftlc it aultcr, and "ibzpng thenccacafiinder^eure *»>;
roundc adout dpon the aultcr that is of it, and durnc it on the aulter : dnt the » SSKt£
by the dooje of the tabernacle of the blood thcrof fbalbc lb?oung out dpon
congregation. the fyde of the aultcr.
s and then than he flap the durnt offe* i6 and he fball pluchc att>ap his croppc
tyng.and helbe hpm in pccccs. idithbisfctbers, andcaft them befpde.
7 3lnd the fonnes of aaron the p;nclt the aultcr on the eaftpart, intbepiace<
uwli put fare dpon the aulter, and put ofafCbcs.
u>ood dpon the fire. 17 and he fball d?eauc the idpngesof it, ;
* 3ind the parties Karons fonnes fbaii dut plucue them not abutter : ano the
lap the partes, eucn
the head and the pneft fbat burne it dpon the aultcr,cuen
tat,bpon the ruood that is on the fpje in dpon the ibood that is dpon the fire,«
the aultcr. that it map be a burnt offcrpng, an ofr;
lation made dp fire fo; a ftbeete (auour
• aim
26ut the inmardes and the legges
thereof fhau he C2) tt>a(be in idater, dnto the Ho;de.

Sacrifices. L euiacus. Sa crifi


^ The. ij. Chapter.

i Cbe o?Df r of titrate offerynges. 4 £>f bjeao batten. 1 1 Cfterc ftalbe no leuett
in an? offering, u 3MI mcatc offcrpnges mud be feafoneo tcitb fait.

^cfottlc that tbill offer 9 3nb

the pjicft (ball tabc from the
X a meate offcryng bnto meatc offcryng a mcmo?(aii thcrof anD
the fL02be,bis offering (ballburnc it bpon tlje aulter: that it'
(haloc of fine flottw may be a burnt offcryng fo? a fibeete'
anb be (ball pourc oyle fauour bnto the Hojbc.
bpon it, anb put fran* 10 3mb that lbhith is left of the tneate
bcnfcncctberott: • offcryng, fbaibe Karons $h& Tonnes*.
i Sinbfbalbjtngitbnto batons fonncst 3lt is atbyug ntofte holye of tlje onV
tliep2iettcs : anbbcfbail tabctberout rynges of the fLozbc mabe by fire.
Ijis banbfuii oftDc flottw, 9 of the oyle 11 3UI the meate offerynges tbbieb ye Qjai
xx>ttl) all tbcfcanbcnfenec, anD the P2tcft bjyng bnto the Home, fbaibe mane!
(hail burnc it fo? a memoriall of tjym Without leauen : 5Fo: ye (hall neither'
Upon the aulter ,to be an offeryng mabc burne tcauen no? hony in any offering ** '

by ftrc foj a fibecte lauour bnto the oftheHoibemabebyfire. .£!3

1Lo2br. n Jn the oblation of the firft fruites vt •

j 3(nb the renwattnt of the tmate offc- (ball offer them bnto the %om
but.' SIS! :

ryng (balbc Karons anb bis tonnes, a they (ball not be burnt bpon the auittcSB
n JBccsuftit
tbyng mofi boly of the facrtficcs of fo? a fibcetc fauour.
Sot') rcniapite
of that foblcrj
19(10 burnt in
tbcfL02Dc,mabebyfirc. 13 * M the meate offerynges alfo (bait'.
thou fcafon untlj fait.ncithcc fbaittbou' m*
tilt honour of
4 3Jf trjou biyng alfo a tneate offering
foic mpglji that is batten in the oum ,1 c t it be an Da fuffcr the fait of the couenaunt of tbp;
not be catctl
but of trie 1)0= leaucncD cabe of fine (iovo;t myngleb <5ob to be lacbyng from thy meate offc $ •

lt>. tlint 10,

li)t wicfteD. ibitboyle,,02an bnieauenebibafcr an* ryng but bpon an tbyne offcrpnges'

noyntcbtuitboyie. trjou(baitb2yng co falt. .bl

5 3)f thy tneate offering be baben in 14 3nb yf thou offer a meate offeryngof «*3
the frying pan, ttujalbe of bnlcaucncb the firft fnutes bnto the Hojbe, ffionlffl
flott)2c myngleb lbittj oyle. (halt offer fo? the meate offeryngof fapm

25 6
3lnD thou (bait part it in pecces, anb firft fruites, eares of come byDm* m\m
pouw oyle thereon: that it may be a
meate offcryng. 15
fire [Euenj beaten lbhcate, of full eares.
^nb thou (bait put oyle bpon it, art) 'gs
7 3lnD yf thy meate offcryng be a tbyng lay franbenfence theron: that it map be
b2oylcbbpon the grebirott, let it be of amcatcofferyng. •S
floibzc myngleb Vbith oyle. is ^nb thepjieft fhall burne part of tOe \m
Smbtboufbait b2yng the tneate offe-
ring that is mabc of trjcfc thinges bnto
beaten come, anb part of that oyle ttitl)
al thcfranclienfencc,fo2a remebzattnee:

thel02b,$fl)altbcllucrit bnto tlje p2ieft, anbita^aibcafamficc bnto the %o$K
tljat he may offer it bpon tlje aulter. mabebyfire.

^ The -f ij _ Chapter.
iCbcojberofpeaccoBerpttsesi. 6flDf^>h«pe. 7 aDflambes.
12 flDf ©oatejj.

§3* ^bifbislaerificebea 3(aronsfonncs the pzieftes (l)al rp;tnftlc <

peace offcryng, anb he the bloob bpon tlje aulter rottnb about •

tabc it from among 3 3tob he fl^ail offer fomeibhat of the <

the Djoues, whether it peace offeryng,to be a facrifice mabe bp

be a male 02 female, he
Q)all b?yng fitch as is
fire bnto the ?Lo2be :

euen the * fat W

anb all
tbithout bleniiaje be* tljat is bpon tlje unbarbes:
fojctbcllojbe. J 1

i ^nb put his banbe bpon the hcab of

4 ^nbthetvbo btbncys,anb tbefat#,at <

isontljem, anb bpon thcflar.HcS,?tbc<

his offering, anbbyllitat tlje boo2cof
ball ibitljtbelyuer (ball
flje tabernacle ofthe he tafteaWW*
congrcgation^nb ibiththebibneys.
ifices L euiticus. 1 Xlllj.

2InD barons fonncs fljall burnt tljem ii 3tnb tl)e p rtcft Hjall burne tbcm bpon
on tlje aultcr, tbitlj tlje burnt facri* the aultcr, to be the foobc of a facrifice'
fice tbljiclj is bpon tlje tboob that is on mabe bv fire bnto tbc flozbe.
the fire, to be a burnt facrificc mabe by n 31 f his offcrvng be a dsoatc, he (ball <
to? a ftbeete fauour bnto the JLojb. tytuig it before tbc^Ujbe,
£. ftrc 2nb
6 ^f he b;nwg a peace offcrvng bnto the i? put his banbe bpon the hcab of
. fLojbcfrom of the flotne, lethvm offer it,anb ttvll it before tl)e tabernacle of the \
« male o? fcmale,but tbithout blcmifbe. congregation: anb the fonncs of $aron <
n a«D] pflje offer a fLambe foj hi s facrv
r (ball fp?inblc the bloob tljecof bpon the
; fice,fje (hall b?vng it before the 3Lo;ibe, aulterrounbe about.
'8 2lnb put his Ijanb bpon his offcringes 14 3lnb he (hall tying thcrof bis offering,
hcab, anb npll it befiw the boo?e of the eucn a facrifice ntabc bv fire bnto tlje <
tabernacle of the congregation: anb ?Lojb,the fat tljat couercth p inibarbes, «
Karons fonneslhall fpjinftie the bloob f all tlje fat tljat is bpon tlje imbarbes. «

thcrof rounbe about the aulter. 15 3nb tlje ttbo ftibnevs, anb tlje fat tljat
'9 3mb of the peace offervng let hvm is bponthcm.anb bpon thcflani$es,anb \
b?pg a facrifice mabe bv fire bnto the tlje nail bpon tlje liuer fljail Ije tatac
3Lo;ibe,thefatthereof, anb the rumpc alhav tbitlj tlje ftibnevs.
C 3lnb tlje p;ic(l fljali burne tljem bpon c
< altogether, tbhich thev (hall tatte of 16
haroc by tfje bacfte bone : anb the fat tlje aulter, fo? tlje foobe of tlje facrifice'
that coucreth the intbarbes, anb all the mabe by fire foj a ftbeete fauour: 311 <
fat that is bpon the intbarbes, ?Lo?bes.
tlje fat is tlje

1 10 2mo tlje ttbo hibnevs,anb the fat that 17 %tt it be a perpetuall ftatute foj voiit nn Cffl

, is bpon tfjem,anb bpon the flanucs.anb generations throughout pour wfoci* '*•*><« ««;
« tlje nail tljat is bpon tlje liuer (hall he ipngts, fft eatcneithctfatno?*bloob.'c q?S!l
« taUeatbavXbitljtljeftibnevs.

^ The. iiij . Chapter.

1 €i)t offeiTtig maoe fo? ft'nness Done of ignojaunce, jj f0? t&e to^ole
congregation, 22fo?t^evuler.

g-sij$&>rt)c?lo?befpaBe 6 Xros tfjc pneft fyall bippe D<s finger t

in tlje bloob, anb fpjintRle tljcrof fcucn *
^^ jbiito^orfesjaptng:
^>peafte bnto tlje tvmes befoje tbe ILo?be 3 cuen before the

iSL'tlffliwen of 5lfrael, bavleoftJjclanctitarie.

%'anbfave, 3Jfafouie 7 %m tl)e p^ieft than put fome of tlje

^ujallunnetljjouglJi£' bloob before tftc %oin, bpon tlje homes


no?aunccinanvoftljc of tlje aultcr of fibcetc infencc, ibljicl) is <

commaunbementes of tlje %om Mjicfj in tlje tabernacle of tlje congregation, $

ougljt not to be bone , but ujall bo con- fyall poibjc all tlic bloob of tnc voung
trarictoanvoftfjem: bullocuc bnto tljcbottome of tljeaul*'£
3ls vf tlje pjiett tfjat is annopnteb, bo tcr of burnt offcrvng, lbbtclj is at tlje
finne accojbpng to tlje (a) finnc of tlje pco- booze of tlje tabernacle of tlje congre««
plc,lctljvmb?vngfo?fjisfinneU)ljic!jlje gation. „ '

8 3ino Ije ajall tauc aibav all tlje fat of;

Ijatfjfmneb, a poung bullocuc ibitljout
bicmi(be,bnto tlje ?Lo?be fo? a finne of* the bullocuc fo? tlje fmnc offcrvng, tlje, C
fcrpng. fat tljat coucrctlj tlje intbarbes, anb ail

4 ZnXi fte fl)ail b?rng tlje voung bullocuc tijcfattljat is about tlje inibarbes, «

Uibneves, anb ti)c fat

bnto rtjeboo?e of tlje tabentaele of tlje 9 ^nb tlje tibo
congregation before tlje 3Lo?b,anb Hjall that is bpontljcm, $ bpon tbc flancKcs, (
put Ijis Ijanb bpon tfje voting bullocfecs ^ anb tDe Uall bpon tlje liuer fljail Ije taue
l)eab,anb tniitljc voung bullocuc befo^
tljeHo?be. 10
tU nnfh
^ '

3tab tfje p?ieft tljat in annovnteb* fljall oftljepcaceofferingcs:anblcttljcp;icft

taaeoftlje voung bullocucs bloob, anb burne tljem bpontlje aultcr of
mvmit into tlje tabernacle of tljecon-
Ceremonies. Lcuiticus. ' e remo

anb all bis flcQjcUJitlj ijistKab anb Ins Dee goate, anb nyli it in the place ibijere
lcggcs,ibttb bis inibarbcs? l)is boung, foe burnt offeryng is bfebtobe nyu^'
[foallftcbeareout] before p ILomif 0? it is a finne offering, '<

ii 3lnb rary rtje ibftole bullocte altogc* 25 3inblctthep?ielttateofpbl3ob of the<

tOer out oftDe hoall bnto a cleanc place, finne offering ttnth his finger, jpntit*
cuenibbercthcalVbcsarc potb?ebout, bpon the ho?nrs of the burnt offeryno
$ burnc hym there onlboob in the fire aulter, anb potb?e his bloob bnto the

cuen by the place vbhetcthe affiles ate botcome of the burnt offeryng aulter, ,'

caaout,(balihcbcburnt. 26 3f nb burne all his fat bpon p amter,as •

3if theibboic congregation of gjfrael pfat of the peace offeringesanb pp?teft<

finne tfj?ough igno?aunce,f ti)e thing be fbal mahc an attonement fo? him a0 co^
hyb from the eves of the multitube,anb cerninghisfinne,?itfl)albefo?gcuehtntu
bane bone fometbhat agaynft" any of 27 3Jf one of the commonpeopie of n)e< jf
the comaunbementes of p ?Lo?bcibbiel) lanbe finne though igno?aunce, $ conu
(houlbenotbcbone,anbhaueoffenbcb: mit any ofthe thvngcs lbhich the 31ojd

14 nabc" the finne tbbich they baue finneb hath fo^bibbeninhis c6maunbementes e
is Unoiben, the congregatio fbal b?ing a to be bone,anb fo hath trefpaffeb
young bullocte fo? the (inne,f tying Dint 28 3(f his finne M)itlilje hath finneu«
before p tabernacle of the congregation, come to his nnoiblcbge, he (hall b#ng'
15 3mb the elbers of the nmltitube (ball fo? his offervng a (bee goate from a*'

put their banbes bpon the hcab of tlje mong the flocftcs Vbtthout blemitbe fo? <

bullocte before the ?Lo?be: 3tnD the his fame lbhich he hath finneb,
buiiocuc (baibc dayne before the ?Lo?b. 29 3nb lay his hanbe bpon the beau of'
16 2f no the p?tc(l that is annoynteb,(bail the finne offering, anb flay the f mnc o&
b?yng of the bnlloctes bloob into thcta* fering in the place of burnt offerynges, |
bernacle of the congregation. 30 *3inb tlje p?ieft fljall tate of the bloob , w«
17 3tab the p?ieft fljail bippe his finger in therofibtth his finger, anb put it bpon <

tbcbiocb, anbfp?incblett feuen tymes the homes ofthe burntofferpngaultec,'


before the !Lo?bc,eucn bcfo?c the bayic. 9 poib?c all tlje bloob bnto the bottome j
2D 18 3(nb (ball put of the bloob bpon the ofthe aulter,
bo?ncs ofthe anlter,Tbbich is before the 31 ^nb Hiaii tafte atbav all Ijis fat, as
ILo?bc in the tabernacle of the congre- the fat of the peace otfervng is taten;
gation, anb (ball pottle all the bloob aibapanb the p?iefl fi)al burnc it bpon,
bnto the bottonte of the aulter of burnt the aulter, that it map be a ftbecte fa-
offeryng, tubich is bcfo?e the boo?e of ttonr bnto the Ho?be,anb the pjicft fljal
the tabernacle of the congregation. mate an attonement fo? bvm> anb it;
19 3inb he (ball tahc his fat from hym, fl)albefo?gcuenhvm.
anb burnc it bpon the aulter, 32 3mb vf he b?png a fl)cepe fo? a finne ,
io 3inb (balibo ibitb this bullocHe as he ofFeryng, l>e Chan b?vng a female U)itl>
byb ibitlj the bullocte fo? finne, cuenfo outbicnuaje,
(hall he bo lbith this: 3lnb the pneft 33 ^nb lap his hanbe bpon the heat) of;

(bal mate anattoncment to? thcm,anb the finne offeryng, anbfleaitfo?afinM<

itfyaibcfcugcucntbcm. offering in the place ibhere they Rill tlje <

21 3nb he (ball b?yng this bullotte lbitl> burnt offeryng. J

e out the hoaft,? burnc him as he burneb of
34 3!nb the p?iea tytA tate ofthe bloob
the full bullocte: 5fo?itis an oblation
fo? the fume of the congregation.
thefinne offeryng ibith his finger,? W c

itbpontheho?nes of tljeburnt offering,

22 J©ljen aflo?bc fumcth, anb comitfeth amter,anb fl)ail poib?e the bloob tljete^
though igno?auce any of tbcfe tbynges of bnto the bottome ofthe aulter. j ;
lbbieh the Hojbc his d5ob bath fo?* t;i^
ii *3utb he a^au tate albay all tlje fa
bibben to be bone in his commaunbe; tbcrof, as the fat of p ttjeepe of tlje peace (

mentes, anb hath offenbeb: offering is vbont to be taten aibay:^ «

Artier bp
23 3lnb if his finne be b (betbeb bnto hym tlje p?iea fljall burne it bpon tlje aulter,
III Itltf to
l)duc firatcb ft
lbhich he hath bone, he thall b?yng \y& that may be the Ho?bes burnt facn;
confc(I?»s I)
offering, e«en] an Dee goate Without
fice, anb the p?icfl (hall mahe an attonc-
fault, of fomt 1

otlici IjatU tc= blcmiuje, ment fo? his finne that he bath conniw-
hfuu 24 3mb lap his hanbe bpon p heab of the tebjanbitujaibefojficucnhyn'* ^'
ptcrific es. L CUltlCUS. ixv.
^ The. vj. Chapter.
i SDf otljeg. 2 clje clenrmg of fipm ttjat toucftert) bncleane t&tmaes.
gacion of an orlic. 15 ittD oE fume Done by iguojaunce.

i 5f a foulc fume, anb Uvm fo?the finne ibljirtje I)c Ijatlj fin*!
heare the boyce (a) of neb, anb it tt)albc fo?geuen Dprn.
ftbcarmg,anbisaxbit* ii ^nb if Ije be not able to bjpng tujo tur^
ncffe.ujhcthcrhchath flcbottcs, o?t\Do voung pigeons, then'
fcenco?BnoU)enofit, Ijetljatljatljfmneb b:vng fo? ljts<
111' 8 "
' 1- .fhebonotbrtetit,he offertng part of an eplja of <
tlje tcntl)
»!* '
.1 i (hallbearehisfinne. fincflourefo? a fmne offertng: but put c
jjimiw" either if a fouletoueheany bncleane
. none ovle tljereto, neitber put any fran* *
Ortttt-W ,1
Mioaic man, thyng, rbl^cttjcrttbe the carton of an feenfence rtjcr on:fo? it is a finne offering.
tnifliif™' < bncleane beatt,o? a carton of bncleane u Xljcn Hjall oe b?png it to the piicft, I
pi, tent. »
cattcll, o?a carton of bncleane creeping anb tlje p?ictt (ball tanc Ijis Ijanbfull ofc
totinot.W 4
fmnrtli:"' )" thynges,anb is not tbare of it : beholbc,
1 it a remcmb?aunec thereof, ?bume c
he is bncicane,anb hath offenbeb.
it bpon tlje aultcr,to be a facriftce fo? the
ni,u f« ,
intanpfoflK;' Z
either tf he touclje any bncieanncfle Ho?b mabe bp nre: fo? it is a fmne otfe* \
libt tf"
ofntan,rbhatfoeucr bncleanneffe it be ring.
that a man is ibontto be befileb tbitl>
o; '
13 2inb tlje p?ic(t (hall mane an attonc; •
all, anb is notrbare of it, anb commeth ment fo? tym as
touching his finne'
muctic is
to p ftnorblcbge of it,he hath trefpau'eb.
4 that Ije Ijatlj finneb in one of thefe, anb \
litfirnirioiiic'^ either if a foulc ftbeare, anb p?onoun- itfl)albcfo?geuenhpm: ^nb tlje rem*,
ctljcttaScil|i! T
rctii lmtli Dts uppc5 to no euill o? to bo naunt thalbc the p?ieaes, as a meatc<
ts tj» (pre '

«np ma tin (c. goob, mijatfocuer it be that a man (ball offertng. *

pronounce With an othe, anb the thyng
< 14 ^nb the 2Lo?be fpafte bnto £0o?fes, ;
mvnn- be hyb from hym, anb commeth to the
' faying: \
nnoibicbgcof tt, anb hath offenbeb in 3Jf a foule rrefpafTe anb fmne tho?otbe
1IM<, IfO 15
(raft IB belt one of thefe:
igno?aunce in thinges that are confecra* *
nahcnheljath finneb in one of thefe tcb bnto the 1Lo?bc, let hym b?yng fo?
thmges,hcfl)aU confeOe that he Dart) |)is trefpafTc bnto the ?Lo?b, a Kamme
ftnncb in that thyng. Jbithout blemiOje out of the ftocBcs,ba<
Xhcrfo?efhaiiheb?yng his trcrpafTe lueb in money at tibo ficlcs, after* the.
E5Misn *
ftcle of the fanctuarte, that it may be fo?
offering bnto the ?Lo?be, fo? his fmne
ibljichchc hath finneb, a female from a trcrpaffe offering.
tl)e flocUc, a lambe o? a (l)cc goatc, fo? a i6 anb he (ball mahe amenbes fo? the

finne offertng: anb the p?ieft thai mafcc hanne tljat he hatlj bone in tlje holy t
an attornment fo? hym concerning his thyng, ^letljymputthcfift part mo?e
fmne, thercto,anb gene it bnto the p?icft: anb
tlje p?icftft)all mabe an attoncment fo?;
Iflku.d. 7 *anb if he be not able to b?yng a fheepe,
he (ball b?yng to? l)is trefpaffe ibljicbc Ijym, ibiththemamntethatisfo? tlje,
Ije Ijatlj ftnncb,tvbo turtle boues,o? tibo trefpaffc,anb it fbalbc fo?geuen hym. .

voung pigeons bntotlje|Lo?be: one fo? 17 9lfa foulc finne, anb commit any of
a finne offering, $ rtje otfjer fo? a burnt thefe tljtngcslbhicljc are fo?bybbcn to;
offering. be bone by tlje comaunbcmcntcs of the t
«8 3lnbJjeO)aUb^ngtI)embntoppneft, flo?oe, anb lbyft itnot, $ Ijath offen- ^,3,,^

W s^

rbfjicl) a^all offer tlje finne offering firft, bcb,anbbcareljisfmne: 'SJSKSf

anbib^ngtftenecfteafunber of it, but is Xhen ttjaii he b?yttga Eatnntc ;

n 6>

piucUeitnotcleaneof. outblcmiajc out of the fto*e,«at * ^kj,

«9 3lnbUc a)ailfp?incUleof tfje bloob of eftcetneb to be lbo?th a trefpattjofte*
n;all t
« tljefmne offering topon tfjc ftbe of the rtng,bnto the p?ieft: anb tlje p?icft
' auitcr, anb tlje reft of tlje bloob njail be inane an attoncment fo? Ijym
poibje bp tlje bottomc of tfie auitcr: to? tmighisigno?auncc,ibljercutljccrteb,«

rtis a fmne offering. anbibasnotibare,anbttajalbefo?ge^;
jo Utto offer tlje fcconbe fo? a
i)c fljaii Ut
fo? the!
« burnt offcrtng,as tlje maner is : anb fo >9 %mlsa trefpafTe offering, 1Lo?oc. «

wall tlje p?iett mafte an attoncmcut fo? trcfpaOc committcb agaiuft the
Jr f
'«, «

,eremonies. Leuiticus. Cercn >onj,

^ The. vj. Chapter.

6Cfie offering foi fmnejs Mitotic arc Done topllptigl?. 9 cfie latoc of tbe burnt
offcringc*. 1? cfte fire mutt abpDe euermoje bpon tfte auiter. 20 ctje offering

of 3 aronanD 1113; tonnes.

§5- ftyil,9 neuer be put out : zsut the p^cft


a bnto <$oyfcs, faying, (bauiayetboob on it euery bay in u>
gjfafouiefmneanb mojtun&anb put the burnt facriftce bp* «U •

trefpaffe agaynft the pon it,anb he (hall burnc theron the fat &,» !
anb bente bnto
|Lo?be, of the peace offcrtnges. 5* .

his ncygbbour that 13

w Xhefire (ball cuer burnebpon tfie'»
lbbichtbas taken him aulter,anb neuer go out. ;«!5?
to nepe, 1 that Vbas pnt into his hanbs, 14 * %l)is is the lathe of the meate offe* SEt '

ojoothbiolentrobbcrieoj Vfyong bnto ring, tbhich Karons fonnes (ball tyyng 8*5? !

hisneyghbour, before the H02D, eucn before the auiter: fep«m

jDj if he haue founbe that tbhich tt>as 15 anb one of them (ball tane his banfc'? M*
loft,anb benictb it, anD ftbeareth falfelv fulloftherloure of the meate offering,'. P'
upon ibhatfocucr thing it be that a man anb of the oyle,anb ai the feancRenfeme
Dotb,anb finnetb therein: tbhiche is bpon the meate offering, anD
31f he haucfo finneb anb trefpaffeb, (hall burne it bnto a rcmemtyaunce bp* *

he (hall rettoje agayne that he tone bio* pon the auiter foj a (Ybeete fauonr, euen \

lcntlyaibay,o* tbeib?ong Which hebib, a memonall of it bnto the itozDr.

01 that ibhfche Jbas bclniereb hym to 16 anboftbere(rtberof,(haliaaronani)<
nepe, 0} the loft tbyng uibich he founbe: Ijisfonneseate : bnleaueneb (ball it be;
anb all that about ihhtcbe he hath eaten in the holy place, euen in the court <

fibome falfely,bc (hall reftoje it agayne of the tabernacle of the congregation;

in the lbhole fumme,anb (ball abbe the they (hall cate it.
fifth part mojc thereto,anb geue it bnto 17 3lt (ball not be batten tbirt) leauen : 3 \

htm to ibhont it appertaynctb,tbe fame hane geuen it bnto them fo? their po#i
bay that he offered) fo? his trefpaffe. on of my facrifices mabe by ftre : %t is
s ^nb let htm bjyng fo? his trefpaffe bn* mod holy, as is the finne offcting.anD;
to the HojDe a ftamme Without bic* the trefpaffe offering.
mi(bc out of the flotbe, tbatisetteeineb 18 ail the males among the chylbzcn of'
ttwtb a trefpaffe offering bnto y pjiefl. aaron(halleateofit: 3Jt fl)aibe a U<
5 anb the pneft (hall mane an attonc- tute fb? euer in your generations concern <

J5 mentfojhym before the fLo^be, anb it ning the facriftce of the ?lo?be mabe by
tbalbcfojgcucnbym tbhatfoettee thing fire : leteuery one that touchcth it, be,
it be that he hath bone anb trelbaffeD
iwr- r :

therein. 19 anb the Hojbe fpaue bnto <$oyfes,

8 anb the fto?be fpa&e bnto fl^oyfes, faying: '

faying: io XhtStSthe offering of aaron, anb ot<

9 Commannbeaaron anb his fonnes, his fonnes,tbhiche they ff^all offer bnto (
faying : (Xbis is the latbe of the burnt rheflojb in tl)e bay Vbhen he is annoyn^
offering. * Xbe burnt offering (balbe teb: Xhe tenth part of an cplja pt.
bpontbeharthofthe auiter all nyght, floure fo? a meate offering perpetuan,,
bnto the momyng, anb the fire (hall be
" halfe of it in the morning, anb baw<
Rynblcb on the auiter.) therof at nyght. %*
10 anb ihcpneit(baiiputonhis*ttnnen
u 3n the frying panne it Cbalbe mane
garment, anb his linnen breeches bpon ibith oyle, anb ibhenit is fryeb, tljon
his flc(be,anb tane atbay the aflhcs bp* fhaitb;yngitin :anb the baften pee«s 4

pon the tbhitbe the fire confumcb the of the meate offeringcs(halt thou otter,
burnt farrmte in the aulter,amj he Ojail fo?a ftbeete fanour bntothelLojbe. ;
put them befibe the auiter, an-
2i anb the pneft of his fonnes,tbat is
n anb put of his rayment, anb put on noynteb inhis fteebe, Ojall offer it : ij«
other ,anb carry the affbes out lbtthout »•
is the Hojbes o?bmaunce fo? cuer,
the hoaftbnto a cicane place.
fhaibc burnt altogether.
,11 Xheftrcbpon the auiter ffjaUbume 13 5fO?cnerymeateofferingthatisniaw'
>acnIces. Leuiticus. Ixvj.
fo? tbe p?ictt, (balbe burnt altogether, thereof, (balbe boip :anb lbbentljere'
anb (ball not be eaten. Dioppctl) of tlje blooD tljerof bpon anp'
!i4 Smbtlje %om *
fpabe bnto 3£opfes, garment, tljou ujalt ma(be tljat ruber*
. facing: on it b?oppctb, innje Uolv place.
•i< £>pcabe bnto 3(aron, anb bnto bis i8 ffiut tljeeartben pot tbat it is fobben « l<«'< *v.d
fonncs,anb fap, Xbis is tlje latbe of tlje in, (balbe Soften : 3mb pf \\ be fonoen
fume offering 3Jn tl)c plate ibljerc tbe
: ab?afcn pot, ttOjaibe ftoureb,* renfeb
« burnt offering is bpllcb , fljall tlje finne mtbetbatcr.
effering be bpllcb before the 2Lo?be, fo? 29 3111 females among tljep?icftcsfbal
itismoftljolp eatetljcrof,fo?it,Smottboip.
OfccJni- 1
26 * Xfte p?ieft tbat offcrefb it, (hall eate 3o 3mb no (tone offering vubofe bloob
. it : 31n ttje ljolp place fball it be eaten, is b?ougbt into tlje tabernacle of tlje \
< cuen in tlje court of tlje tabernacle of tlje congregation to reconcile Vbttljall tlje m
« congregation. Ijolp place, (balbe eaten : but (balbe
\vj jjt&batfocuer (ball toucDe tDc flefbe burnt in tlje fire. "=©#

The. vii. Chapter.
icrctpaffe oBerptigcief. gu'nne offerpnge£ n flDf peace offe*pnge«J. c

23 flcije fat ana ttje blooo map not be eaten. c

3?betbpfe trjis is tbe 10 anb euerp meate offering that is min

w glebibitbopie, anb tbat is bw, (ball',
iau)c oftbetrefpaffe
offering: it is motte pettapne bnto all tbe founts of aaron,
bibs allogc <

ltd burnt S Ijolp. anb one (ball Ijaue as muclje as ano-

fitc, oj ttjat

t»irit(« only
* 3Intfjc place rbljere ther.
tunic e
tbcphpll tbe burnt of* 11 XljistS tbelatboftbcpeatetffferuig,
fcring, fballtljep bpll rbljicbe be Hjall offer bnto tbe Hojbe. «
tbetrefpaffe offering alfo, $ tbe bloob 12 3f Ije offer it to gcue tbanbes,be (ball bjrtoc
'tbe pc»

thereof (ball bcfp?incble rounbe about b#ng bnto bis* tbanue offering bnlea* • fignthclb to
ptdi'f f gcue

bpon tbe aulter. uencb cafees mrngieb ibitb opie, anb bn* fatrtftcc
Hi JihcB. thus
* tbtp
3ffl tbe fat tbereof (ballbe offer, tf)e leauencb lbafcrs anuovnteb ttntb ovlc, Ifet), mben
an? ma Aa fen.

rumpe, anb tt)e fat tljat eoucreth them* anb tabes mingleb tbitb opic of fine IcDgca IjimreK
to tic a rinncc
niarbes, flourefrpcD. aimronfeffto
firmo onto
• Iho
14 3lnb tbe trbo bpbneps,anb tlje fat tljat 13 bjpng bis offering,Vbitb tabes
l^e fljall the I Jioe toil =,

ling to tecon^
is onthem, anb bpon tbe flanbes, anb of bnieaucnb b?eab fo? bis peace offe*' file tjltlt fclfc

tltttO 1)111^
tbcbalitljatis on tbe liuer (bait thou ringcs,togeuetbanbeS:
tabcaibapibitbtbebpbneps. 14 zm of all tlje faetifice be (ball offer
Zm tlje p?icfr(bailburne tljem bpon one an Ijeaue offering bnto tbe c
tljcaulter, tobeafacrificemabe bp fire ?Lo?be, anb it fl)albc tbe p?icttes tbat't
bnto tlje 3Lo?be: fo? it is a trefpafie fpjincbicb tlje bloob of tlje peace offc \

offering. ringes.
3M tlje males among tfjepneftes (ball 15 ^nb tlje fleflje of bis peace offe ringes
rate tbereof: (balbe eaten in the Ijolp
it fo? tbanbcsgeuing,fl)albe eate tbe fame \
piacc,fo?itismoftbolP» bap tljat it is offreb : anb let Ijpm leaue c
2B«7 3s tlje finne offering is, fo is tbe trcf* norljvngofitbntill tbe mo?oibe. c

pane offcring,one laib feruetb fo? botlj: 16 But if tbe offering of Ijis (acrifac be a
tbat lbberttntlj tbe pneil (ball mabe at* boibc,o? of Ijis olbne free ibpiut fljalbe

toncmcnt,(balbcljis. eaten tl)t fame bap tljat Ije offerctb ljis'

3 3nb tbe pnett
tljat offeretlj anp mans facrifice: anb if ougbt remapnc bntill £
burnt offering, (ball Ijaue tbe fbpnnc of mo?olbe,itmavl)e eaten.
tlje *

V burnt offering nujicbe Ijc Ijatlj offreb. 17 Butas muclje of tbe offeree flclbe as
.9 .-anbautlje mcate offering tbat is ba* rcmapnetlj bnto tbe tljirbe bap, (baibe;
Renin tbe ouen, anb tbat is b?cffeb in burnt Vbitb fire. „, «
ge panne,anb tbe frying paralegal*
m 18 anbifanpoftljeflc^ofljispeaceoffc^
fctbep;ieaes tljat offcretb it. ringes be eaten in tbe tljirbe bap, tben
Su fljalli
,eremorues. Leuiticus. ' ere mon]j,

f The.vj. Chapter.
<s<flte offering foj finncs teWcfie are Done topllpnglp. 9 ctjelatoc of t&e burnt
offeringcu.13 cije fire mutt abpDe euermoje bpon tlje aulter. zo ®fte offering
/I52Dtl)c|Lo?Delpafte f neuer be put out : 25ut the pjica'
bnto £0oyfcs, faying. (bauiayc Woob on it euery bay in the'* «*
3ffafoulenhneauD momtng,anb put tbc burnt facrifice bp< Sfe
trefpafle agayntt the ponit,anb heujallburnc theron the fat 'S&if
Hojbc, anb benie bnto of tlje peace offcringes. jjj» .

his ncygbbour that 13

w Xhe fire fljaii euet burne bpon the £5*! '

Uilnrinbas taunt linn aulter,anb neuer go out. «*C


to ucpe, o? t&at lbas pat into bis banbs, 14 * is the laibe of the meate offc* «S2S «

omthbiolcntrobbcricoj ibjong bnto ring, tbhtch Karons fonncs (hall b^ng SSS !

his ncygbbour, before the ILojb, eucn before the aulter: &S' «

i 1Di if he bauc founbe that tbhicft rbas 15 ^nb one of them (hall tafce his hanb* L um w '

lott,anb benictb it, anb ftucarctJ) fairely

fullofthefloure of the meate offering, '.<T
bpon mbatfocucr thing it be that a man anb of the oyle,anb ai the frantfeenfencc
Doth,anb unnctb tljeretn: lbhtche is bpon tlje meate offering, anb 1
f 3lf be hauefo finneb anb trefpaffeb, (hallburne it bnto a rcmemtyaunce bp< *

he (ball reftojc agaync tljat be tone bio* pon thcaultcr fo? a ftbectc fauour, euen
lently aibay.o* the tbjong which he bib, a mcmo?iall of it bnto the ILojbc.
0} that wbichc was beliucreb bym to 16 anbofthereatberof,fl)aii;2iaronanb<
ucpe, oj tbc lott tbyng Which be founbe: Ijis fonnes eate : bnleaueneb fl^ail it be,'
5 3lnb all that about whtcbe he hath eaten in the holy place, euen in the court <

fwome falfcly,bc (ball rcfloze it agaync of tlje tabernacle of tlje congregation'

in tbcwhole funnnc,anb (ball abbe the they (ball eate it
fifthpart mozc thcreto,anb geue it bnto
him to Whom it appcrtayncth,tbc fame
17 3lt fl)ail not be banen rbitl) leauen : 3 '

hauc geucn it bnto tljem fo? their potfi<

bap that he offeretb foj bis trefpafle. onofmyfacrifices mabe by ftre:3Jt <s<
6 2lnb let Dim tyyng fo? bis trefpafle bn* mofthoiy, as is the fmne offcring.anb;
to the DLozbc a ftamme without ble* the trefpafle offering.
miujc out of tbc flocite, that is eftecmeb 18 ^u tlje males among the cbylbjcn of'
Wonb a trefpafle offering bnto p pjiefl. aaronfljalleateofit: 3Jt fl)aibe a (la*!
5 3inb the pneft fljail mane an attonc* tute foi euer in your generations concern
J5 mcntfiwbym before the DLojbe, anb it ning the facrifice of tlje ?Lo2be mabe by
ftjalbc fozgcucnbymWbatfocuer thing fire: leteuery one that toucbeth it, be.
itbetbat be hath bone anb trclbaflco holy.
therein. 19 anb the HojbefpaUc bnto i^oyfcs,;
8 3mb the ?lo?bc fpafte bnto fl^oyfes, faying:
facing: zo Xhis is the offering of 3taron, anb of <

9 Commannbe^taron anb his fonnes, his ronnes,tt>biebe they fl^all offer bnto
faying (Xbis is the lawc of the burnt
theiLojb in tlje bay ibhen he is amioyn*
Exo.xxix ~
offering. * £hc burnt offering (balbc tcb: Xhe tenth part of an cplja of.
bpontbchartboftbe aulter all nygbt, a meate offering perpetual!,;
floure fo^
bnto tbc momyng, anb tlje fire (ball be baifeofitintbe morning, anb balfe,
Uynblcb on tbc aulter.) therofatnyght.
Ex.xxviii.g 10 aubtbcpncftfljallputonhisninnen 21 3\x tlje frying panne maue ««"
it (balbe
garment, anb bis linncn bjccchcsbpon «Mtlj oyle, anb
ibljenit is frycb, tljou;
his flc(be,ano tanc away tbc aflbes bp* thaltb^yngitin :anb the baften peettS,
pon the whichc tbc fire tonfumcb tlje of tlje meate offeringcsftjalt thou offer,
burnt facrmcc in tbc aulter,anb he (ball fo? a ftbecte fauour bnto tlje Hojbc. «

put tbcm befibe the aulter,

n 3nb put of his rayment, anb put on
n 3lnb thepneftof bisfonncs,tbatisan/ {

noyntcb in his Uttut, than offer it : X 3 «

other ,anb carry the aflbes out Wtthout is tlje Uojbes ojbinaunce fo; euer, «»
tbc boaftbnto a clcanc plate. fhaibc burnt altogether.
it 3Dbcftrc upon tlje aulter (ball burne 23 $
0} cucry meate offeringtljat is fltojj

Orifices. L euiticus. i
fo? the p?icft, f^aibt burnt altogether, thereof, (balbc holy : anb When there
anb (ball not be eaten. b?oppctl) of the bloob tljerof bpon any
z4. anb the
|Lo?be fpaae bnto ^oyfes, garment, tljou fl)alt tbafbe that ibbcr*
faying: on it b?oppctb, in tlje holy place.
>< £>pcaac bnto aaton, anb bnto bis 28 *25ut the earthen pot that it is fobben c
fonncs,anb fay, %bis is the lalbe of the in, (balbc b?ohcn : anb yf it be fobben in

fume offering : 3n tlje plate lbbere the

ab?afcn pot, ttfbaibc fcoureb,* renfeb
burnt offering is feyllcb, (ball the ftnne tntftetbater.
offering be hyiiebbefo?e the ?Lo?be, fo? 29 ail the males among the pjiettcs thai
itismoftboly. eate tljerof, fo? it is moa holy.
26 %$c * that offcretb it, (ball eate
p?ieft 30 3nb no flnne offering ibrjofe bloob
it: 31n the holy place (ball it be eaten, is brought into the tabernacle of the
cuen in the court of tlje tabernacle of tlje congregation to reconcile tfcf thail in the
congregation. holy place, (baibe eaten : but (balbc
17 j©batfocuer (ball toucbe the flefbe m
burnt the fire. '•!?&

^Thc. vii. Chapter.

1 crefpaffe oBctpngeg. g>inm offerpttgtjs; 11 flDf peace offe*pitae«i.'

23 cue (at ano tlje Wood map not be eaten.

f uettyfe this is tbj

w ofthetrefpaffc
10 anbeucrymeateofferingtbattsmut**
la«je gleb ibith oyle, anb that is mvc, (hall
offering: it is mofte pertayne bnto all the fonnes of aaron,
holy. anb one (ball hauc as muchc as ano* <
3Jntbe place ibljcrc ther.
the burnt of*
they ftyll 11 Xhis is the latb of the peace dffcrfng,
fcrtng, (ball they ttyll tbbicbe he (ball offer bnto the flo?be. \
thetrefpaffe offering alfo, 9 the bloob 12 3Jf he offer it to geue tbanttes,be (ball .
thereof {ball hefpzuuffle rounbe about b?yng bnto his" tbanbe offering bnlea* • «»** <°

bpon the aulter.
ail tlje fat thereof (hall he offer , the
uencb cakes minglcb ttritb oyle, anb bn* *
leaucneb ttmfcrs atmoyntcb tbitb oyle, )
an? m,i
rumpe, anb the fat that coucrctbtbcin* anb canes mingleb With oyle of nne « SSSlf. bimfelf

lbarbes, floureftyeb. <%££&•.

4 3tnb the ttbo bybneys.anb the fat that 13 $e (ball b?yng his offering,Vbith tabes XlZllT
ison them, anb bpon the flanaes, anb of bnleaucnb bjcab fo? his peace offe*; ^SSf"
tbe&alltbatis on the liner (halt thou ringcs,to geue thanbes: , 7
taacaibayibtththehybneys. 14 anb of all the facrifice he (hall offer
5 anb the p?icfr (ball burae them bpon one fo? an Ijeaue offering bnto the c
the aulter, tobeafacrificemabe by fire Ho?be, anb it fbalbc the pneftes that'
bnto the ?lo?be: fo? it is a ttefpaflc fp?inrtUeb the bloob of the peace offK
offering. ringes. «
fi ail the males among the pneftes (ball anb the flefl;e of his peace *
15 offcringes
eate thereof: (balbc eaten in the holy
it fo? thanbesgeuing,a)albc eate the fame
Place,fo?itismoftboly. bay that it is offreb : anb let hym leaue
7 as the finne offering is, fo is the tref* nothyng of it bnnu the mo?olbe.
pane offcring,onc laib feructb fo? both: 16 26ut if the offering of his facriftcc be a
that lbljerujith the p?ieft (ban ma&e at*
botbe,o? of his oibne free fl^albe
toncmcnt,(balbcbis. eaten the fame bay that he offercth his
u. JP
tl) ?tcft t!
burnt offering, (ball
>1f offiwetfi any mans facrifice : anb if ought remayne bntill^
hauc the fnynnc of mo?olbc,ft maybe eaten.
tlje *
pbimu offcrmgibhichchc hatb offreb. asm as mucljc of the offcrcb fleO)e as
a l tl)t mcatc offering that is ba*
b5 J
aenin the
rcmayneth bnto the tljirbe bay, ffjalbe'
ouen, anb that is mitten in burnt rbith fire. \
b «!)ep?tettcs
^ tn c fr P ,n S panncfbal* 18 anb if any of the flefb of his peace offe*.
that offcretb it. ringes be eaten in the tljirbe bay, then
3 «i ujalli
ceremonies. L CUltlCUS. ' e rem

fljali Jjethat offered) it obtapnc no fa* 29 uptake Unto tlje thpUuen of 310™
uour, neither (ball it be recBcncb into anb fap:D?e tljat b2ingcth hispeace offc
htm,but fljaibe an abhominafion: fher rpng bnto the ?L02be,let Ijpm b2pnct hfc
fo?e tlje foule that eateth ofit,0>ai beare giftbntothefLojbofljispeaceoffeS
Ijisftnne. 30 ?LethisoUmcljanbesb2png tlje off?'
19 3nbtbefleu^ett)attourf)ctfjanpbn* ringes of the %wt
mabe bp fire : em£
cleane rf)ing,fl)al not be eaten but burnt

until fire : anb of this flefbe all that be

the bjett
tlje bjcttfljallje b2pnet
map be maucb fo? a ibaue offe-
cleane,ujallcatetljerof. ring before tjjeflojbe.
20 215m if anp foule eate of of
tlje fleffje 31 anbthepjieftu^iiburnethefatbDon
tlje peate offering that per tapnet h bnto tlje aulter, anb ttjebjeft ujaibe Karons
tlje 3L02b,bauing his bnclcnneflc bpon anbljisfonnes.
him : tlje fame foule (hall be cut of from 32 2m the rpgljt fljoulber ujail pe geUc
among his people. bnto tlje ptfeftfoj an tjeaue offerpjig of
21 40o?couet, the foule tfjat both touelje pour peace offerees.
anp bncleane tljpng, that ts of the btv 33 Xlje fame that offerer*} t|)e bioob of
tleanneffe of man , 0? of anp bncleane the peace offcringes anb the fat amona
beatt,o?anp abljominatton that is bn^ tlje tonnes of 2aton, fbau Dane
cleane, anb then eate of tlje flc flje of the right ujoulber fo? his part:
peate offering rbljielje pertapnetb bnto 34 3Fo? tlje* ibaue tyeft anb heane
tlje &o?bc:that foule fbalbe cut of from ujoulber Ijaue 31 taften of tlje cljpltyen
Dispeople. of JJfrael, euc of their peace offeringes,
22 3lnb tlje fLojbe fpaue bnto fl^opfes, anbhaucgeuen them bnto aaron tbe
faping: P2ieB,$ bnto Ijts tonnes, bp a flatute 6;
23 &peaRebntothetl)pib?cnof3Jftael, euer fro among the cljplbjen of 31frael.
anbfap : jaeujalleate no manet fat of 35 %\)is is the atmopnting of aaton,an&
beeues,of Ojeepe,anb of goates. tljeannopnnng of his tonnes coccrntag
24 jReucrtbeiatct, the fat of tlje bead tbe facriftces of tbe ?U)2be mabe bp fire,
that bpetlj alone, anb the fat of tljat in the bap rbfjenhe offreb tljem to be
ibljtch is tome nntb tbtlbe beaffcs,fljai -
be occupied in anp manet of bfe : but pe 36 ^nbtftefebetI)e[po?t»ons(]ibfticl)etDe
fball in no Vbpfe eate of it. flo?oe commaunbebtobe geucn tljem
25 .f0? ibljofocuer catetlj tlje fat of the in the bap of their annopnting from a*
bcau\of lhljiclj men bfe to b?png an oftV mongtlje chplbjen of 3Jfracl, bpa u>
ring mabebp fire bnto the %,om : tljat tute fo? euer in their generations.
foule that catetlj it, fljail be tut of from 37 Xljis is tlje lam of tlje burnt offering,
his people. anb of the meate offermg,anb ofttjefa-
26 #o?coucr, pe * fljall eate no maner of crifttefojfmne anb trcfpafle, fo? confer
bioob,ihhetljeritbeoffoulco2ofbeaft, crations,anb fo? tlje peace offering:
in anp pour bibellpnges. 38 DBljiclje theHo?b conmiaunoeb #0^
27 Baljatfocuer foule it be that eatctlj anp fesin tlje mount of 5>inai, iblje he com*
maner ofbloob, the fame foule fljall be maunbeb tlje chiib?en of3 frael to offer
cut offrom his people. their facriftces bnto the 3Lo?be in the
28 3tnb the 3Lo?be talfeeb tbith ^opfes, Kbplberneffeof&inai.

^ The. viij . Chapter.

6 Cljc annopntrng oCaaron anDljissfonncsJ.

iB2>tlje ILoibe fpane ofbnieaucnebb2eab:

bnto #opfes, faping: 3 ^nb gather thou all the tongtegation
Xaue*^aronanbhis together bnto theboo?e of tlje tabern^
fonnestbithhl?m,anb tie of the congregation.
thebeffures, anbthe 4 3ino £popfts bpb as the ?L02be tent
annopnting ople,anb a maunbeb him: anb the people ere a m
buiiocKefojafuineof; tljereb together bnto the boo?e of W
fering,anb ttbo Bammes, anb a bafuet tabernacle oftge congregation.
: ««

Zito QBoyfes rapti tmto the eongrcga* the Wood bpo tbc aultcr rounDe
%\)is is the thmg Which tljc %ofb zo 3mD C£oyfcs cut toe ftatnmc into
tton: bis \
conunaunbcbtobcbone. pccccs, anD burnt the heaD,
the pecces,
-ana ^oyfcs brought 3laron anD his anD the fat,
fotmcs,anb ibafbcb tt)cin ibith ibater 3lnD ibau>D f imbarbes 9 the legges
inmttrj J^oyfcsburnt
m '

7 3nb put bpon him the coate, anD gyz* the 3Ramme<
iscDiron tbttt) a gyjble, anD put bpon eucrytbbyt bpon the auttcr : fo? it ibas
iron the robe, anD put the cpbob tber* a burnt facnficefo2afibeetcfauour anD'
on ibbtcbc hegyflebtbith the
biobe* an offering maDe by fire bnto tbc&ojb, *
rcDgartethatlbasin the tfpboD, anD astbc llozbe commaunbcD s$oyfcs. «

bounDe it Ditto Dim tberclbitb. 22 *^nDl)eb?cuigbt the other fcamme,. Ex*****

3lnD be put the bjcttplatc theron, anD namely the ftainme of confccrations:<
put in the bjcftpiatetbe Ultim anD the anD 3aron anD his founts put their'
Cbunimint, IjanDcs bpon the heaD of the l&amme, '
3nb he put the cap of cftate bpon bis 23 nabich ^oyfes ficibc, anD tone of the
ncab,anb put bpon the cap, euen bpon blooD of it,anD putit bpon the tip of aa-
tnc forefront, the golben plate, the holy tons right care, anD bpon the tbumbc
rroibne, as the 3L02be commaunDtD of his rygbt hanbe, anD bpon the great c
i^oyfcs. toe of his rygbt footc.

10 2nb £t9oyfeS tone tfje annoyniyng 24 3CnD fi^oyfes brought Karons founts,
ortc,roiD annoynteD the tabernacle anD anD put of tbc blooD on the ttppe of the
aithatnbastljerin,anD fanctioeb them. right eare of them,$ bpon the thumbes
^nDlp^incuieDtherofbponthcauiter of they,! right hanbes, 9 bpon the great \
feucn tymes, anD annoynteD the aultcr toes of their ryght feete : anb $$oyfes
anDallhisbelTeUes, thelauec anD his fpjmcaicb the bioob bpon the aulter<
foote,tofanctifiethem. rounbe about.
12 3mD he poibjeD ofthe annoynting oyle z$ *3nb he tone the fat, anb the rumpe, ] Exo.xxk<t
bpon Karons heaD, ^annoynteb hym, anD all the tat that lbas bpon the im
tofanctifie hym. Xbarbes, anbtheuall of the liuer, anb
ij 3lnD Copies brought barons fonnes, the tibo hybncysibitb their fat,anb the *
anD put coates bpon them, anD gyzDcD rygbt (boulber.
them ibith gables, anD put boncttes i6 ^nboutofthebautetofbnieaueneD^
bpon their heabes, astijc floibe com* bjcab that ibas before the Hojbe, he<
maunbcbfiljtoyfcs. tone one bnleaueneb catte,anb a caue of *

14 * 3inD he bought the zsuliocae fo2 the oylcD bjcab, anb one lbafer 9 put them

fame offering : anD 3aron 9 his fonnes on the fat,anb bpon the right (boulber:
put their hanbes bpon the heaD of the 273MD put altogether bpon Karons ban
25UUOCKC fo2 the fmnc offering. Dcs,$ bpon his fonnes hanbes ,anb lba*
15 3inD ^oyfes ttcibe hym, anb toue the ueb it a ibaue offering befoie the ?l02b.
bioob, ibhitb he put bpon the homes of 2S 31nb £T5oyfcs tolte them from of their \
the aultcr rounDe about lbith his fin* hanbes, anb burnt them bpon the auK"
ficr,anb purificb the aulter,anb poib^eb tcrfoz a burnt offering: IThefelberec
the bioob at the bottome of the aulter,$ conrccrations fo2 a ftbecte fauour anb
maue reconciliatio bpo it.
fanttsfiea it,to fnerificc mabe by fire bnto the ILotfc. \
k ^nb he toue all the fat that rbasbpon 29 *^nb ^oyfes toKe the b;eiT, anb tt>a* , Exoxxbc,
the mibarbcs, anb the nail of the liuer, ueb it fo; a ibaue offering before the.
anD the ttbo uybneys anb their fat,anD ?Lojbc: foz of theEammcof confecrati* <
wfcsbumcb itbpontheanlter. ons,itU>as ^oyrespart, as the JUm\
'7 26iu the26ullotfee,f his hibe,his flefl), commaunbeb ^oyfes.
jnDhiSDounge, he burnt Vbith fy?c 3° ^nb ^oyfes to&c of the annoynring <
ptthoutthehoatt, as the Ho?be com* anb of the bioob tbhicb ibasbpon
oyle ,
thcaulter, $ fpnncnlcb it bpon
^nbhe brought the ttamme foi the anb bpon his garmentes, anb bpon t
ournt offering, anb 3aron
$ his fomics fonnes anb on his fonnes oarmentcs^
his t
Put their hanbes bpon
the Ijeab of the lbith him: anb fanctificb^aronanb
fonnes *
ftamme, bctturcs,anb his fonnes anb his
aahiche Q9oyres Bttleb,anD fp^incWeb bcauresunthbyui. t

icrmees. Leuiticus. Sacrifi

31 '3lnb ($oyfcs faybc bnto 3iaron anb titrations be at an ettbe: fo? fcuen bapes
his fonnes:26oyle the flefbe at the boo?e (ball De fill your hanbe.
of the tabernacle of the congregation, 34 ^shebibthisbayuuenrotheileKbe
anb there * catc it tt)ith the b?cab that is hath commaunbeb to bo,to mane an at- i

mthebatBCtofconfceration, anb as 3 tenement fo? you.

coinmaunbcb,faving, 3laronanb his # Xfjerefo?c 0>all ye abybe at the boo?e
Comics (ball eatett, of the tabernacle of the congregation'
*»»«» "».»»» HH»11* ("ft**** *l*..»~ a^. '<

32 3lnb that Xbhicrje remaynetl) of the bay anb nyght feuen bayes long, ano< .

flefbeanb of the b?eab, fljall ve burttc bepe the ibatch of the 3Lo?b,anb ye thai
ibithfy?e. not bye: fo? fo 3 am commaunbeb.
j3 3tab ye (ball not bepart from the boo?e 36 3nb fo Slaron ano bis Tonnes, tyn ail
of the tabernacle of the congregation fe* tljmges ibhiche the !Lo?be command'
uenbaycSjbntyll the bayes of your con- un by tlje hanbe of $)oyfes.

^The.ix. Chapter.
s clje faff offerings of 3Caron. 2: Waton bMtty tlje people. 2r®l)t$loiicot

/RDintfjeeyghtbay, of the aulter, anb poib?eb the Moob at

a ^oyfes calleb aaron the bottomc of tlje aulter.
anb his fonnes, anb 10 26nt the tat anb tlje ttbo ftybneys, anb •

thcelbcrsof^jfrael. tlje Kail of the liner of the ftnne offering

2Mb he fayb bnto 3fe he burnt bpon the aulter, as the ?lo?be \
rchXabc thee a young commaunbeb Hgtoyfes.
Calfcfo? a fin offering, 11 Xhen^ty anb the hybc he burnt urttb!
anb a ffiamme fo? a burnt offering,both fy?eibitboutthehoau\
ibitboutbtcmifbe,anb b?yng them be* ii 3nb he fleibe the burnt offering,* anb ; uu»
fo?ethe?lo?be. barons fonnes b?ought bnto hym the'
3mb bnto tf>c chylb?en of 3ifraeltljou bloob, tt>hiche he fpnncfeleb rounbe a*«
ftjait fpeaHe, faying : Xane ye an bee bout bpon tlje aulter. I

d5oatc fo? a finne ottering, anb a Calfc $ 13 #nb they brought the burnt offering •

aHambcbotbofa yere olbc, lbithout bnto hym tbith the peeces thcrof,$«X
blcmmje, fo? a burnt facrifice. heab:anb he burnt[tbem]ijpo tlje aulter.
3!ifoa25uilochc?aiaammefo?pcace 14 ^nbhebybtbafhethe unbatbesano;
offcringcs,to offer befo?e tlje flo?b,anb the legges, anb burnt them bpon tyt'€
a meate offering mingleb tbith oyle: fo? burnt offeryng in tlje aulter.
to bay the ?Lo?b Vbill appeare bnto you. 15 3lnb then Ije b?ought the peoples offe*
5 3uib they b?ougljt tljat ibhiche sJ^ov- ring,tafting tlje d5oate ibljiclje tbas tlje
fes commaunbcb, befo?e the tabernacle finne offenngfo? the people, ^flcibe it,'
of the congregation: anb all tlje rongre* 9 offereb it fo? finne,as he n^ tijc firft.
gaticn came anb (lobe bcfo?e tlje |Lo?b. i6 ^nb b?ought the burnt offering, anb <

6 ^nb t]9oyfes fayb:Xljis is tlje tljyng offereb it as tlje maner tbas.

ibhicl)cthc?Lo?o commatmbeb tljat ye 17 * ^nb Ije b?ought tlje meate offering,; l^
fljouib bo,f the glo?y of tlje 5Lo?bc (ijail anb filleb Ijis hanbe tljcrof,anb burnt it
appeare bnto you. bpon tlje aulter, beftbe the burnt fatri-.
I cbtc v.a.
and.viud. 7 * 3nb ^©oyfes laybe bnto Slaron : (Bo n ficeof themo?nyng. , ;
bnto the aulter, anb offer the facrifice 18 ^e fletbe ano tlje
25 alfo tlje Bullocse
fo?thyfinne#thy burnt offering, anb Bamme fo? the peace offering, XbhidK
mauc an attornment fo? tljee anb fo? ibasfo?tljepeopie: anb Karons fonnes
the people : jtljoufljalt offer the offe^ b?ought bnto Ijym the bloob, lbljich ¥ «

ring of tlje people, anb ma&c an attonei fp?incbleb bpon the aulter rounb about:
ment fo? them,as p |Lo?b comaunbeb. 19 3nb the fat of the 26ullocBe,anb of the
8 3iaron tljerfo?c \Dcntbnto tlje aulter, as^rnmc, tljerumpe, anb that coucretrj
anb flerbc tlje Caife of the finne offc; theunbarbcs,anb thehibneyes,anb tlje
ring,M)hicljt ibas fo? him fclfe. nail of the litter.
9 3inb the fonnes of 3taron b?oughttlje 20 3nb they put tljefat bpon the b?ca(res, ;

bloob bnto him, anb he bypt Ijis finger anb he burnt ttjcfat bpon the aulter: «

in tlje bloob ,anb put it bpon tlje ho?nes 21 25m tlje b?caftes anb tlje ryght fl;o»^

bihu. Leuiticus.
[> baIldA lxvii
---j^ironBaueDfojaUjaue offering out,anbblefTebtbe people: anb the aio;
ItW the Home, as the Home com* -
tieofthc Home appcareb bnto
au wje
maunDeoipwfes. r .

anbaaronliftbpbtshanbeopthe *
4 *3um there tame a fire out from before «** ...a.

pcopic^nt. bieffcb thcm,£cameboibne the Home, anb confumcb bpot


fro offering
of the fame offering, burnt ter the burnt offering 9 the fat:
offcnng,ano peace offeringes. Xbhen all the people kbc, tbep
u ^no^ovfcsano^aronibenttntothe thanfces,anb fell on their faces
tabernacle of the congregation, 9 came

^" The. x. Chapter.

1 jljabab ana 3Cbi'0u aw Bapne. 6 3!fcacl mournefl) fo? t&era. 9 ®fie wt'eff es

ii!5b*/!2ababanb:abi* the tabernacle of the congregation.iett
int,ttje fonnes of 3la* pe bpe : fo? the annopnting ople of ©ob
ron,toBeeptherofthc jsbponpou. 3mb$hepbpbas fl^opfes
his ccnfar,anb put fire
therein, anb put cenfe 8 3fob the Home fpaue bnto aaron,
therebpon,anboffreb fapmg:
HHItt Ca)
I, M!*)

lrraungefirebefoje 9 Xhou(haitnotb?mBetbineno?flrong
the Home, ibhiche he commaunbeb btfnfte,thou no? thp Tonnes that ate
tbemnot. tbiththee, tbhenpe go into the tabec-
3fob there ibent a fire from theHom,

M. natle of the congregation, left pe bpe:


.: ::
anb confumcb fhem,anb thep bpeb be Het it be a laibe to? euer throughout
»H! fojctbcHome. rout generations,
Xhcn^opfes fapbe bnto 3faron: 10 anb that pe map put bifference be*
Xbis is it that the Home fpa&e,fapfng: flbeenehoipanb bnholp, bettbecnebn*
3 uipll be (b
> fanctifieb
that m them cleaneanbcleane:
comenpeme, anb before all the people 11 2nb that pe map teache the thpibjen
3 u»vibe gionfieb. 3lnb 3laton helbe of JJfrael all the ftatutes tbhiche the 25
bis peace.
Home hath fpouen bmo them bp the
4 anb^opfcscaiieb^iraelanbcifa* hanbesof^opfes.
feltinti Pbantbefonnesof £)5iel, the bntle of iz ^nb^opfesfapbe bnto
It, 10
3taron, anb
ban 3laron,f fapb bnto them : Come neare, bnto €lea5ar,anb IJthamar his fonnes
knU carp pour b?eth?cn from
1 j. •

[, before the rant* that lbcre left: Xaue the meate offc*
tuarie,outofthehoaft. ting that remapneth of the facrifices of
5 anbtheprbcnttothemtfcarpebthem the Horn mabe bp firc,anb eate tt ibitl>
m their coates out ofthe hoatt,as ^op* out leauen befibc the auiter: foj it is
mod hoip.
3"^°vfesfapbebnto 3laton, anb 13 laethaii cafe it in the hoip piact, be-
wto cieasar $ Jthamat his fonnes:^
caufe it is thp buetie, $ thp fonnes tmv
c ywMW», iiliuhi rent
2j;» ^ Hill Horn mabebp
tie,oftbe facrifices of tlje

LZSf, ,
reDve ' anD !eft ath ^ fire: fo? fo 3 am commaunbeb.
SSSSS^f^V ^utletpour 14 2nbtheU)auetycftanoheauelpoui<
ber(l)allpeeate in a eleane place, thou
anb thp fonnes anb thp baughtcrsibitft
tfjec : ifoubep be tf)p buetie, anb ti)P
7 ^nt) S°notpeoutfromtljeboo?eof
fonnes buetie, gcucn out of the peace
3 iiu offcringes
Of meases. L euiticus. Of meates,
oifcrtngcs of rt)e chiitycn of ^jfrael. tbefinneof the congregation, to make
15 %i)t bcauc fbouibcr $ tljc ibaue bzett agreement f02tbcm before rbcHojoe
(ball they bjyng in Untb tt)e faertfices 18 iBebolbc/bloobofittbasnotbiouBht
mabc byftrc of the fat, to wane it fo? in tbitljin the boly place: jae foouloe
ibaue offering before rtje JLom : anb it Dane eaten it in ttje fjoip place, as H
(baibethyneanbthy fonncs ibitlj tljee commaunbeb. *
byaiaibc foz cutt, as tlje |Lo?bc hath 19 3lnb 2aron faybe bnto $&oyfes : w&
conmiaunbeb. ftolbe, this bay baue tbep offcreb their
16 anb fipoyfes fought the goate that finne offering, anb tbeir burnt offering
ibas offr cb f0? fmnc, $ fce,it ibas burnt, before tlje Ho?be w anb fucbe tbinges SbPB
anbhevbas angry Jbitb eiea5ar anb are come bnto me, if 3 bao eaten the
3>tbamar tl)c fonnes of 3Caron Ibhicbe fume offering to bay, (bouibe it haue
ibcrclcftaiiue,faying: ben acceptcb in the fight of the Hottici 8*TOIM
17 rabcrcfojeftauc ye not eaten the ftttne 20 3tnb tbben fl^oyfes fjcarbe that, he
offcringin rtje boly piaeetfcingit is niofl tbas content. WMofn

boly^csobhathgeucnityo^to bcarc

$*>The xi. Chapter.

«4>t teafltf*. fifl&e&anu bp?bcj{ : to^ic^c be cteane,anD tobicbe


$2DtheHo?btfpaBe 8 &f tfjeir ftcfbe (ball w not eate, am*;

X bnto ^oyfesanbaa* their carbafTes (ball ye not touch*: but,
roti,anb faybe bnto lettbembebncieanetoyou. <

tbcm: 9 Xhefe (ball ye eate, of aH that are in

£>peafee bnto the the tbaters: ibbatfoeuet bath ftnnes;'u.
cbylb2cnof3frael,anb anbfRalestntbc vbaters, feas, anb ri<,
fay : * Xhefe are the ucrs,tbat (ball ye eate.
Aftcs x c. beaft es whicbe ye (bail eate, among all 10 anbaiitbatbaucnotfinnesnojfaaleS'
the beaftcs that are on the earth. intbefcaanb riuers, of all that mow
} nahatfocucr partetb the boofe, anb is anb line in the ibatets, let them be ab* \
riouenfootcb.anbchaibethcub among domination bnto you.
the beattes,tbat Ojaii ye eate. 11 Xbey 31 fay, (balbc an abhominationc4
4 iF>cuerthcic(rc,tbcfc (ball ye not eate, bnto you: ye (hall not eate of tbeir flefb,
of tbcm that chatbe cub, anb beutbetb but abbojre their carttaffes. \

the boofe : [onipe] as is the Camell, it detail tbatbaueno fames nojtitaies,

ibbicbc chatbefb cub, but be beutbetb inthevbaters, be abljominable bnto.
not the boofe, therefore is be bncleane you.
bnto you. u Xbefe are they ibhiche ye (ball w j

5 euen fo tlje Connie tbbicbe cbatbctb bo?re among the foules,anb that ought c
the cub, butoeuibetbnot tljehoofe, be nottobecaten.fojtheyarean abbomp,
is bncleane to you. nation :Xbe €gle, the <5o(bau&e,an&
6 3lnb the ^are,tbougb be cbatbetb the tbc€>fp?ay,
e \
tub,yet becaufe he beutbetb not f hoofe, 14 3Llje tiuitur, anbthe ISiytc aftethis;<£
be ts therefore bncleane to you. hinbe,
B 7 3lnb agayne tlje dibyne, though be 15 ^nb all ftauens after tbeir feinoe,

beutbc the boofe, anb is clottcn footeo,

yet be cbaibeth not the cub, he ts bn-
cleane to you.
i6 %\yt cfrricb, the nygbtCrolbc,
Coochoibe, anb the i^aune after W t

Leumcift. lxix.
m;i« s -

Jjwugbt in : ano it mud

be plungco m
£>t02t$e,tl)e gjav after bis innbe, 33
thx ibater, ano it fbalbc
bncleanc bntyll I
ail maner of earthen bcflcll

iaptt ?ng,ano tbc;S>ibalott>e.

10 tut
all foulcs tbat crccpe anb
go JS fPJSM^
Jbrtbalitfjat therein is,
^ lbc bntleane
* anb it

flialbe «
: Leu

upon all fourc, be an

abomination bjoaen.
unto you. , 34 %\l maner meate alfo ttjat is bfeb to *
Vt tljefcmayye o«e, of enery tree*
ibyngcs;, anb go
be eaten, yf any fuel) ibater come
fyaibe bncleanc : 3inD all maner
bpo it *

dwib tftynff tijat batl) biynfte

5oonfoure[to« : euen tljofc tljat baue
tljat is bfeb to be bmnhe (n all
notboibyngcsaboue bpontljeirfeete, fuel) beffeis, fhalbe bncleanc. .

to leapc lbttiiall
upon tl)e eaFtt). 35 »nb euery tbyng tljat tbeir caraafle '
« tfucn rbcfe of tljcw ye may eate : tl)e falletl)bpon, fyaibcbnclcane, iblicthcr *
%M after bfS ainbe, tlje <3>ciaam after it be ouen o? aettle, let it be biofeen
f oi

hisfembc, the l^argol after Ijis ftinbe, tDeyatebncleane, anb fl;albe bntleane
ann tlje $agab after Dtsmnbe. bntoyou. «
3ll! [<*&«] fbnles
tljat treepe ants Ijauc 36 ^eucrthclatet , vtt rDefountaynes, '
fourc fcete, Ojalbe abDomination bnto ano ibcllcs, anb
collection of tbatcrs

(b,albecleaneftyil: buttl)atibl)(cJ)tou^

24 ^nfucft ye be bntleane: anb tbfjofo* tl)etl)tl)eir carttaOcs.fljaibe bncleanc «

cucr toucljetl) tfte tarfeaOe of tijem, 37 3* t§t beab taraaflc of any fuel) fall
ttialbe bntleane bntyll tl)c euen: bpon any fecbe bfeb to fotbe, it Oiail yet
15 zm ibbofoeucrbcaretljtDetarftaffe bedeanettyil:
of tl)tm,fbau ibauje l)is clotl)cs,anD be 3S ffiutano yf any mater be pott^eo bp* \
bntleane bntyll tljc euen. on tlic feebe, anb a beao caraaffe fall <

16 Mn
cucry bcatt tljatnatl) fyoofe, anb (balbe bnclcane bnto you.
tl)erott,it *

is not clouen f ooteb, no? cbaibcr I) cub, 39 3Jf a«y beaft of )b|)icl) ye may eate,
bntleane unto yon : euery one
fiun are bye, anb anymantouclje rtjebcaDcar^
that toutbctl) tl)cni fbaibc bneieane. , BaflerDereof, Ije u^albe bntleane bn?<
17 3utb lbhatfocuer gocttt bppon bis tyllt^eeuen» *

pathes, among ail maner bcaftcs rtiat 40 i^c rljat eatctf) of tDeDean carfeafTe of*
soonallfoure [feett]fucl) are bneieane it, (ball tbafljeljis clotfjes, anb be bn*'
bnto you : anb tbfyo fo ootl) touelje tleane bntyll tl)e euen : 3lnb Dc alfo tljat <
their caraaffc * fljaibc bntleane bitty u bearctb th'c carhaflc of it, tyall ibalbe
rtjc euen. lus clotljes, anb be bntleane bntyll uje
zS ano be tlwt bearetf) flje carftaffe of euen.
thcin,U)au JbaftjeDis clothes, anb be 41 Het eucry creepyng tljyng that eree* \ &
bntleane bntyll ti|e euen : fo? fuel) are pah upon the earth be an abi)omuuv<
bntleane bnto you. tion, anb not be eaten.
3lnt) let fyefe alfo be bntleane to you, 4z nabatfocuer goetl) bpon tDe b;cft,«
among tljynges tijat treepe bpon
tlje anb ib&atfocucr goetl) bpon fourc, or
thccartlwijenaeafel, anb tDe^oufe, tftat UatD mo fcete among ail ccccpyng
anbtfje Xoaoe after tfjet ainbe: tljyngestfjat creepebpontlje cartb : of.
30 X&e $ebbogge, ^tellio, tt)e
tije tftatfeeye eate not, fojtljey are ab|jo^
Jtaccrt,tl)e £>nayie,anb t&e ^oole. tninabie.
xtjeft are bntleane to you among all 4? Pt not mafte yourfoulcsabljo^
Juat treepe : VbDofoeuer Dotl) touelje minabie Ibitlj notljyng tljat crecpctl),c
jpern uiijen tftcy be
beab, fyaibe to neither mafecy our relucs bncleanc U)«D<
tleantbntyutDeeuen. tl)em,tl)at ye fljoulbe be bcfylcb tOcrby.
bd ^atfoeuer any of tljcbcao cat* 44
nr> 5Fo?giamtl)efLo?beyour(0ob:2i5e;
«ajcs of tfttm Dotl) fall bpon, Ojalbe fanctiftebtl)crfo?e, anb ye (balbe Ijoly,,
» mcane,U)ljctbcr itbe bedell of tboob, fo? 3
am Doly : anb ye mall not befyie
SSw.w famne.o? your foulcs tbitl) any maner of creepmg
^ bcflcll it be that any
facfte, o; lbhat*
We* tDyngtDat creepetl; bpon tbe earti):
: ;,««,««

Ot meaces. L euincus. Of meates,

oifcnngcs of the cfyfltycn of ^jfcael. thefinneof the congregation, to mahe
15 %m bcauc moulbcr 9 cue lbaue tyctt agreement foittytm before the Hojbe.
fl)all tbep bjpng in ttiitlj the facrifices 18 25cboibc,pbloobofittt)as not brought
mabc bp fire of the fat, to rbaue it fo? a in Tbitljin the holp place: $?e (^ouine
lbaue offering before ctje JLom : anb it Dane eaten it in the holp place, as
fbaibetbpneanbtbp tonnes ibith thee tommaunbeb.
bpaiaibc fo; cue t, as cljc fLojbe batn 19 2nb aaron fapbe bnto $)opfes : w&
tommaimbeb. hoioe, this bap baue tyty offereb their
i6 2Jtf> £Popfcs fought the goate that fmne offering, anb their burnt offering
ttjas offr cb fo? fmne, $ fee,it lbas burnt. before the Ho?be ano fuche tfjinges
3mbbett>as angrp ibifh eieasar anb are come bnto me, if 3
Ijab eaten the contemn a

3>tbamar tbc fonnes of 3taron rohtche fmne offering to bap, fboulbe it Dane
tbcrclcftauue,faping: ben acceptcb in the fight of the Hotte* Wow cm,
io 3mb ^opfes 3 betnaici,
17 nahcrcfojerjauepe not eaten thefimte ttiljcn fjearbe that, he fucbe « tn,

offcringin the fjolp platen fcingit is moft ibas content. fnljlamtju,

t)olp,$d5obl)athgeuenitpon,t0 beare

J^The xi. Chapter.

1 of beaflta, ftflbejt.atja bfltbeiJ : to^ic^c be tfeancairt tbfttcjb*
be bncleane.

^3 /I52Dtf)e1Lo?btfpaRe
bnto ^opfesanb3la*
8 €>f their flefhe (hall yt not eate, ami
their carftaffes (bailee not touthc: but,
ron, anb fapbe bnto let them be bncleane to pou. <

them: 9 Xhefc (ball pe eate, of aB that are in

£>peane bnto tbc the tbaters: tbhatfoeuet hath ftnnes;
chplbjenof3Jfrael,anb anbfRalesmthe tbaters, feas, anb tf
Dcucxun.a fay : * Xtjefe are the ucrs,that (bail pe eate.
A<ftcs x c. beauts lbbicne pe fl)au eate, among all 10 anb all that hauenotfinnesnotfaales<
the bcaftes that are on the earth, inthefeaanb riuers, of all that moue'
j nynatfoeucr partem the hoofe, anb is m
anb line the waters, let tl;cm be ab-;
tloucnfooteb, anb chaibeth cub among nomination bnto pon,
tfje beaaes,tljat Ojaii pe eate. 11 3
Xhep fap, fbaibe an abhomination
4 i!5cuettbclcffe,tbcfc (hall yt not eate, bnto pou: pe fljall not eate of their flefh,
of them that cbatbe cub, anb beuibetfj but abho?re their caruaffes.
tlje hoofe : [ontsc] as is the Camell, u ?Let all that haue no fmnes no? feales
lblncbe cljatbeth cub, but he beuibeth inthevbaters, be abljominable bnto.
not the hoofe, therefore is he bncleane pou.
bnto you. 1$ %hefe are thep pe (hall ab-
5 euen fo tl)e Connie tbljicbe chaibeth ho?re among the fonles,anb that ought \
the tub, but beuibeth not tljeljoofe, he not tobe eaten, fojtbep are an abhomi*
is bncleane to pou. nation :Xhe €gle, the d5oa;aube,anb
6 2lnb the $arc,though he thatbeth the the£)fp?ap,
cub,pct beraufe he beuibeth not p hoofe, 14 %\)t lluimr, anb the fStptc after his <j ;

he is therefore bncleane to von. nmbe,

25 7 3nb agapnc the S>ibpne, though he 15 ^nb all Hauens after their Wnbe, .

beuibe the hoofe, anb ts clouen footcb, i6 %\yt cftrich, the npghtCroibe, the.
pet he chaibeth not the cab, he ts bn- Coocftoibc, anb the ^auftc after h»;
;, «•'«

Leumciis. XIX.
it** 1

- ^jfauon,tl)cCo;ino^nt,tDe great
Q ctie £to#e,tlje 3Iay
after bis mnoe, 33 ^l matter of earthen beffeiiumertte'
the £apib?ng>atio
tbc3>ibaiott»e. to an? of tbem fallen},
IhaS? Kane '

„„ txt all foulcs tljat creepe anb go

upon all fourc, be an abhomination
?+ *« maner meate aifo that (s bfebto
, r m 'tlicfe may ye eate, of enery tree*

pvng thpng that Ijatl) ibynges, anD go

be eaten, rt any fuel) ibater
(balbe bncleane : 3nb all maner
come b P 6 t

5,n nfoure[fe«*J:euenthofcthathaue
oSe e

tljat ts
bfeb to be bmnbe an m maner \
notboibyngcsaboue bpon their feete, fu#beffcis,u)aibebncleane.
to leapc ibitbail
bpontlje earth.
tljcfe of them ye map eate the
rJKE l
m m
* l$
falletb bpon, (balbe
that the * wr&ane

D a euen :
bncleane, whether *
3rbc after his RinDe, tfje S>eiaam after itbe ouen oj nettle, let it be bjofeen :
jfo 2

bts&inbc, tbe $argol after his RinDe, they are bncleane, anb (balbe
anc tljc $agab after hismnbe. bnto you. <

w ^[*&»]ftnfes tljat rreept anD haue 36 ifeeuertfjclater, yet the fountaynes,'*'

foure feete, (balbe abhomination bnto anb ibcllcs, anb collection of ibaters
you. (balbe cleane ftyii : but tfjat tt>b<clj tou*
i± ^nfuch ye be bncleane: anb tbfiofo* H®l
9 m arBaffes,ft)aibe bncleane.


ewer tourtjetb tbe carftafle of them, 37 3* the beaD carnaflc of any fuel) fall
(balbe bncleane bntyii the enen: bpon an? feeoe bfeD to foibe, it (ball vet
i5 3utb Xbbofoeucr bearetb the carBaffe betleaneu>m
of n)eni,ujau iba(be hts clotl)es,anD be 38 asm anb pf any Ibater be poXbjeD bp* I
bncleane bntyii rhe euen. on the feebe, anb a DeaD carnafle fail*
i6 Ztib euery beafttbathath hoofe, anD theron,tt (balbe bncleane bnto you. *

is not tlouen footeb, no; cbaibetlj cub, 3? 3Jf any beaft of tbhtcb ye may eate,
fuel) are bncleane bnto you : cucrv one Dye, anb anymantouche tljebeabcar^'
tl>tttoucbctI) mem, (haibt bncleane. nafle tljereof , fie (balbe bncleane W<
il 3fob ibbatfoeuer goer!) bppon ijts tylltheeuen.
patbes, among allmanet bcaftcs mat 4° ^ethateatetboftbebeaDcarBafleof
soonallfoure[ferte]rucft are bncleane it, u)all ibatbe bis clothes, anD be bn*
bnto yon : anb lbbo fo both touehe tteane bntyii tlje enen : 3mb be aifo tljat
tbeir carfouTe* (balbe bncleane bntyii bearctb tlje carftafle of tt, H)all ibalbe
tbe enen. his clothes, anb be bncleane bntyii tbe <
is Snbbe that beareth the carnaffe of euen.
tbent, Oiall tt>a(he bis clothes, anb be
bncleane bntyii tile
41 ILet euery creepyng tfiyng that cree* ' ^
euen : fo? fuch are pcthbpon the earth be an abi)omma*<
bncleane bnto you. tton, anb not be eaten.
19 3toD let tbefe aifo be bncleane to 42 i©hatfoeucr goetl) bpon the b?ca,«
among toe thynges tbat creepe bpon anb ibljatfocucr goctb bpon fottre, o?*
T^^)tmm, anb tbe^oufe, tbat hatb mo feete among all creepyng \
a^tbcXoabeaftertfjermnDe: tljynges tbat creepe bpon tlje eartlj : of <

vZ&iPS!**®, the £*ellto, the tbat fee ye eate not, fo?they are abho^
*Sf*M 3>nayie,anD tbe ^oole. nnnabie.
i~W\t are bncleane to you among all m
8RSP : «,hof0 ^ &°rt) to5ct)e
4? (hall not mane yourfoulesabho*;
mtnable Ibttb nothyng that creepetb,.
neitber mahc your felues bncleane ibttb •

wane bntyii t^t euen. <

them ,tbat ye (houlbe be befyleb tbttby,
haflS ^i tfoc »«any of tljeDeaDcar^ 44 5Fo; % am the Hojbe your 00b \
: m
fanctifteotberfo?e, anb ye (l;albe ljoly, c

fo? %
am boly : anb ye mall not befyic
foS ^u"eu n*we.«&cte, o?ibbat^
tt be that any n>o?ne ts
your foulcs tbttl) any maner of creeping
thyng tbat creepetl; bpon tbe eartlj: .

45 fo? 4

,eremomes. LeV.uncus.
45 5f 02 31 am tbe
?L02be that brought uctb in tbe lbaters, anb of
you out of x\)t lanbc of egypt , to be tutc tljat ereepeth bpon ttje earth
your d5ob : ye fbalbe holy thcrfoje, foj 47 Xhat there may be a Difference
2> ht-
3J am holy.
6 %his is tbe lathe of bcattes $ foules,
nbcene the bncleane anb eleane ann
ttbeene rt)e bead that may be eaten
4 ami
anb of cucrp lyuyng creature that mo* the beaft that ought not to be eaten.

^ The .xij . Chapter.

2 3D tatoe tjott>e ttomen tyoufoe fte purgcD after tt)etr DeUuieraunce.

i!52Dthe|Lo?befpafte anb fire bayes.

bnto$)oyfes,(aying: *3lnb ibhcn the bayes of her purifiyncr
2 &pcauc bnto the are out, mhetper it befojafotmeojfol
chtib?enof3irraei,anb abaughter, fbe (ball toyngaiambe of
fayiyfaibomanhatb one yere olbe fo2 a burnt offeryng, anb
conceaueb feebe, anb a young pigeon 02 a turtle boue foi a
bojne a man chyibe, (tone offeryng, bnto the booie of tlje
(be fbalbe bncleane feuen bayes: euen tabernacle of t&e congregation, bnto
accojbing to the bayes of the feperation thepnett:
of her mftrmitie (ball (he be bncleane. '
nahich (hall offer them before the
3mb in the cyght bay, the flcttje of the Jl02b,anb mane an attonement fo? her,
Gen.xv'ii.b. ehilDes*fo?cf ftinne (baibe cut aibay. anb fhefbaibepurgeb of the uTueof her
anb tye (ban then continue in pbioob Moob.*anbthisistheiavbef02herthat
26 of her puriftyng tfj?ee anb thirtie bayes: hath borne a male 02 female,
&\)t fljaii touche no haiolbeb thyng, zsutanbyf (hebe not abletobjynga
no? come into the fanctuarie, bntyllthe lambe, fbe (hall b2yng*ttbo turtles 02
tymc of her purifiyngbe out. ttbo young pigeons, the one fo; p burnt
3if Q)c bcare a maybe chyibe,fbe fbal* fiffering,f tf)e other foi afinne offering:
brtmcleanettboibeeftes, accojbyng as 3lnb thepziett (ballmaftcanattoncinet
in her feperation : anb the (ball continue fo; her,anb (be (balbc eleane.
in the bloob of her purifiyng thjee fco;e

^ The. xiij . Chapter.

®tjc prtctteji mutt &aue a cottffoeration, ana nifiae tofio are lepers.

47 m tye lepcrow gar mentes.

4152) the fLojbefpafte

m feeme to be lotber tljen the
fo2e alfo
fftinne of bis flefbe , tt is a plague of
faying: lep20fie:anb tbe prieftesfball lofte on
%he man that (ball bym,anb iubgc hym bncleane.
a haue in the fftinne of
4 IJftbere be a mbyte plecfte in p fftinne
bis a ftbellyng,
fteflje, ofhisflefbe, anb feeme not tobeloiber
ettber a fcabbe, 02 a nojtbe beere thereof is
tljen tbe fftinne,
giiftryng tt>byte, anb the plague of le* tumeb bnto ibhyte,tbe pnett (ball tyut
P2oftebe in tbe fftinne of his nefbe, be bp \pmmt Wb]t1)t plague fcuc bayes.
(baibe b2ougbt bnto 3laron the p2ieft,oi 5 3mb p p:icQ (hail lofte bpon bint againe
bnto one of bis fonnes the pjieftcs tf^t reucntb bay: anb if the plague feeme
3nb the p2icft (ball lobe onthefo:e«i to bint to abibc flyii,? tbepiague Qtow
the fftinne of hlsflcfbe : anbibhcrithe not in tbe fftinne, ttn pjicft ttjali fl)»t bp
Ijecre m the foje istumeb to tt)hyte,anb [^Em^atijat^fpiague,reuenbayesmo^

L euiticus. Txx.
^mTpncft fbal lone on Dim agapnc ii 25ut anD pf tlje pnettiottc on it,
fife fcuentb Dap: XDen pf tlje plague be tDcrc be no lbijptc Dcercs tljerin,
anD vf
nirftcr anD not grotben in the fnpnne, it be not loiber then tlje
fnpnne, but be«
Sic mictt 0)311 iuDge Drm cieanc,foj it is Darner, the pneft fDall fDut hwnbpfc'
Kafcabbe: 2nD Dc fball lbafbeDis uen Daves. «

tioilicsanbbcrieane* 22 3uiD vf it fpjeaDc abzobe in tfjc fRvnne, \

\jsitpftDcfcabbcgroibeintbefBpnne tDepiiett (ball maueljvm bnclcane, fe^
7 feene of tDe pneft anD vngitisafoie. ' <
after tljat IjeiS
luogeD ticane, De fbalbe
feene of tbe 2? 26ut anD vf tbc fpot OanDe Ovli anD
groibe not, it isaftarreof abvle, anD
% f tbepneft fee
tftat tDe fcabbe be gro<
tberfoje tlje pneft (ball Declare
it is a lepjofie, 24 3lf tljerebe anv flefbemtbborcfftvnne
tnafte Ijpm bncieane:[f<»]
nahen the plague ofthe lepjofie is in a tberc is a botte burnvng, ano tbe quicHe
matUje fbalbe bjougbt bnto tlje pneft. tbat burnetb baue arbijvtefpot,'

10 2mthe pneft fball fee Dpm : 3mD pf fomettJbat reDDiflje 02 ibbvte,


the ftticllpng be ibbrte in tlje fnpnne, 25 ^be pneft (ball lone bpon it : anD vf
anb baue utaoe tDe Deere ibbpte, anD tbe beere m tbat bngbt fpot be cljaugcD \

tljcrebe rattie flefyc in tlje fttjellpng, to tt)ftyte,anD a appeare loiber tben tbe
git ibflbe an olDe lepjofic in tDe fnpnne fnvnne, it is a lep?ofic
Soften out of tbe *
ofhisfleflje* anbtlje pjicft fDall mane burnvng, anbtberfo2etbep2iefta)air
bvm bnclcane, anD fball not (l)Ut Dpm iuDge bvm bncleane,fevng it is p plague I
t>p,rcpngljcisbncieane. ofiep20fic,
IZ 3Jfalcp;oftcb?eafeeout abjobe mtfje 26 ffiut pf tbe pneft lofce on it, anD there
flipne, anD coucr all tDe fnpnne from be no ibljpte Ijeere in the bivgbt Ipot,'
IjisbcaD to D& foote ibDerefoeuertDe anD be no loiber tben tbe other fftvnne,
pneft lonetD, but be Darner, tbep2ieftft)ailu;ut hvm<
ij Xljen the pneft fDall conftber : anD pf bpfeuenDapes* c

tbeiepjofieljauecouereD all Dis flefhe, 27 ^nD the pneft fball lone on hvm the <
he fball iuDge the plague to be tleane, fcucntl) Da^: anD vf it be grotben ab;obe
betaufe itis all turneD into ibDptencffe, in the fnpnne, tlje pneft fhall tubge Ijvm \
anD be fbalbe cleane. bntleane,fevng it is p plague of lep2ofie. (
i+ ffiutanDiftbereberaibeflctDeonbim 28 2nD pf tbe fpot ftanoe ftpll in it , anD e
u>bcn be is feene, De ujalbe bntleane. •
grott)enotinthefRpnne,butiSDarBe,it <
15 2nD tlje pneft fbal fee tbe raibe flefbe, isarifpngoftljeburnpng,anbtbepncft
ana Declare Ijpm to be bnclcane : fo? tlje (ball tljcrfo2e Declare hpm cleane, fcpng \
raibe flefhe is bntleane, fepng it is a itisafcarre of the bttrnpng.
Icpwfie. 29 3lf man 02 ttjoman Ijath a fo?e bpon <
i6 £>?pf tDe ratbe fleCbe turne agapne tDeljeaoo2tbebearbe,
anb chaungc bnto lbDptc,
De fDall come 50 Xljc pjieft fball fee tlje fee: anDpfit'
t° the pneft:
appeare loiber tljen the fnpnne , anD,
'7 JnDtDepnefttDailfeeDim: $ bet)olD, there beinitapeloibchecreanD tljinne,.
vubefozebe tbaungcb bnto tbDvtc, tlje p2icft fl)all ittbge Dim bncleanc,fcmg

ujcpncftCbail iuoge tDe plague cleane, tljat the fame frettpng isatoBcnof le^'
ana be fbalbe cleane. p2oficbpontDeD"eaD02bearDe.

« Xbc flcfDe airo in ttn>fe ftonne tDerc 31 3mDpftljcp2iieftloBeontbefQ2eofthc<

<sabpie,anDisDealeD, fret, anD it fecme not loiber tljen tlje*
2nti in tDe place of tlje bple there ap* n*pnne,anD that the Deere is not biacftc,
ware a ibbpte rpfpng,eitber a tbpnpng the pneft fball ujut bp tlje frettpng fee
TOtcanDromett)batrcDDin;c,it(l)all feuenbapes. _«
bt feene of
ttjepiiett. 32 SuiD inthcfeuentDDaptbepncftujall,
3taD pf ttiljcntljc pneft
fcetDljpm, tt lone on tDe fiwe : anD pf t\\e fret be not e
appeareioibertftentbefKpnnc.anDtbe groibcn, anD tbere be in it no pelotbe<
«S? ^ttpfbecftaimBeij bnto tbljpte, Deere, anb tDeftetfeeme not loiber;
ntpneft fball inDge
Dpm bncleane t fo? then the fnpnne, •
ni .^^
« ^c ftjaibe ft)auen, but the fret fbatt c

^c not n;attc:anD t|)e pitcft Ojall Ujut
L euincus. L« proL

the fret feuenbayes mo. 49 3{fthcbifcarebehghtgrcene,02fomc"

34 3nb in the fcuenth bay the pricft (ball What rebbifbe in the garmct 02 fiiinnc '

lobe on the fret : anbyf tilt feet be not whether it be in the warpe 02 Woofe 02
groWen in the fnynnc, no? fecnic lower any thyng that is mabe ofTftmne: then the otftcc fftynne, the pneft (ball it is aplaguc of lcp2ofic,fjffbalbe
elenfe hint:? he (hall Wafbe his clothes, bntothep2ieu\ .


nntJbcdcanr. 50 Xbep2te&tberfo2efbalfcethcpiague
?5 26ut \f the feet growe in the fftynne anb (but it bp feucn bayes. ' <

after his clenfyng, 51 anb he fbail lone on the plague the fe* \
36 Xhc pjictt (ball lofte on hym : anb yf ucnth bay: Which,yfit be increarebin<
the fret be groWen in the fftynne, the the garment, Whether it be in p Warpe'
P2iett (ball not feefte fayelowe Ueere, 02 woofe, 02inafftinne,02inany thyng,'
he is bncieane.
fi)2 that is mabe of fftrnne, it istheiepjofic
$ 37 25ut if he fee thefrct flanbe (Ml,? that of a frettyng fo2e,it is bncieane.
there is blacfteheeregrowcnbp there* 5r anb he (hall burne that garment, cy<
m, the fret ishealeb, ? helbaibc cleane, ther warpe 02 Woofe, Whether it be'
$ the P2ie(t fbal Declare him to be cleane. Woollen O2lynnen,02any thyng that is!
?s 3Jf there be many White fpottes in the maoe of feinne WI)enn the plague is <
ftonne of the fletbeofman 02 Woman, fo2 it is a frettyng lcprofie, it ftjaibe'
39 Xbe p2iett (ball lofte bpoh it : anbyf burnt in thefire.
the Ipottes in the fftynne of their flefbc 53 IJf the p2icfi fee that the plagueis not (
be fomeWhatbarfte anb whyte Withal, growen in the garment, either in the'
it isafreftcll growyng in the fftynne warpe 02 Woofe,o? in Whatfoeuer tljing*
tnerfcue he is cleane. offmnneitbe,
40 anb the man Whofe hcerc is fallen of 54 Xhc P2ie(l (hail commatmue them to <

his hcab,he is baulbc.yet cleane. WaU)e the thyng Wherm the plagueis,
41 3mb he that hath his hecre fallen of anb he (Ijail fljut it bp feuen bayes mo.
on the part of his heab towarbe £>Ui 55 3Jno the p2ieft (Ijau loKe on the plague <
face,is ftwbeab baulbc, yet cleane. agayne after that it is wattheb : anbyf!
41 3lf there be in p baulbc heab 02 banlbe the plague banc not chaungeb his to*«
fojehcao a Whyte rebbifbe fine, there is lour, anb is Ip2eab no further ab20be,;
icp .ir.fic fp2ong bp in his baulbe heab 0; it is bncieane ,thou (halt burne it in.
bauibcfo2CbeaD. the fire : fo2 it is fret mwarbe, Whether
4? anb the p2ieft (ball bpon hym: $
lofte it be baulb behynb r»" m
^eau] 02 befo2e. \
yf tfteryfyngof the ftw be Whyte reb* 56 3inb yf the p2ieft fee that the plague is «

bi(bc in his baulbc heab 02 baulbe foje* baraer after that is is w

tftheb, he fljau
heab, after the matter of lepjofic Which cut it out of the garment 02 out of the \
is in the fftpnnc of the flefbc, lkinne,02 out of the warpe, 02 out of the
& 44 Xbcn he 10 a leprous man $ bncieane: woofe. ;
anb the pneft fbal mafte htm bncieane, 57 anb yf it appeare ttpll in the garment, ,

fcu the plague tberof is in his heab. Warpe, 02 in the Woofe, 02.
either in the
45 Xhc leper in Whom the plague is,fbal in any thyng mabe of fUinne: it is a'
Ijaue his clothes rent, 1 his heab bare, fp2eabyng plague, thou (halt burne \
9 (ball putacoucryngbponhis lippes, that Whcrin the plague is,With ure. «

anb (ball crye : tmclcane,bnclcanc. 58 fl0o2coucr the garment, cither warpe <

46 anb as long as fbcbifeafe laftcth bp* 02 Woofe, 02 Whatfoeuer thing of Iterate

on bynt,hc fbalbe bcfiieb anb bncieane: it be Which thouhaa WafOjeb, yf the
he (ball b well aione,euen * Without the plague be beparteb therfrom, it fljalbe £
can ip c his habitation be.
fl jail wafdjeb once agayne , anb then it (bal*
47 Xhc garment alfo that the plague of be cleane.
lcprofie is in, Whether it be a Woollen 59 Xhis is the lawe of the plague of le*
garment 02 a lynnen garment, P20ftcinagarmentWbethcc(tbeWool^
4s nahefhet it be in the warpe 02 woofe len 02 lynnen, either in the Warpe 02 <
of ipnncn 02 of woollen, either in a fhin, woofe, 02 in any thyng of ffeinncs, to'
02 any thyng mabe of f ftynnc: matte it tlcane 02 bncieane. '
, ;«)«



L euiticus. lx •)
^ The. xiiij . Chapter.

3 cfic clcnfpns of the leper, ; 4 and ortiic ijoofc tbat Uc 10 in,

J alflea
nS??.ttftn ^ e,ambe «n«^P''ace!
*Xhisisthelaibeof 222^ ? rtftc ? n B an0 A* 6 "**
offering are ftapne, euen in

the leper tnrtjc Dap of

place: foj as m
tbe bob*
fume offerpngVtbe

«^ w,a,«
3nb the pneft tya! go 14 3tnb the pneft (ball tafee of tbebloob'C
out Mritbout tbe campe, anb ttje pneft oftbctrefpaflcoffering.anbputitbpon*
(hall lone bpon bpm> anD pf the plague tlje tippeof tbe rpgbtcate
of bprnthat
of upjofie be beaicb in tbe leper, ts to be elenfeb, anb bpon tbe
tbumbe of
£bcn (ball tbe pneft coitunaunbe to bis rigbt hanbe, anb bpon tbe great toe
tanc fojbpmthat is elenfeb, ttbo Ipue ofhtsrpgbtfoofe.
butjcsanbcleane,anbcebeeiboob, anb 15 Xhe pneft (ball tafee of the logge cf *
afcartetiiafejanbvfope. opie, anb poitye it into tlje pauime
Sin&tbc pneft (ball commatmbe that bis left hanbe:
one of tftc birtscs be ftiileb in an earthen i6 3faD be (ball bippe his
rpgbt finger to <
beffcu\anb bpon running Abater. the oplc that is in bis left ban&e, anb
3inD be (ball tafee tl)e hunmgbtrbe, fpnncfele of tbe opie »Mb his finger fe*!
nntljtlje eeber iboob, tbe fearlet [larej uen tpmes befo?e tbe ILojbe,
anu tlje yfopc,anb Hjall bippe tljcm,anb 17 3wb of tlje reft of tbe opie tbat is in bis
thcfaiingbirbemthcblooboftheaame nanbe,fbail tbe pneft put bpon tbe tippe
biroe bpon tbe running lbater of the rpght eare of bpm tbat ts fo? to
3nD be (ball fpnncfele bpon hpm that be elenfeb, anb bpon tbe tbumbe of his
mutt be elenfeb of feuen
Ijts lepjofie rpghthanbe, anb bpon tbe great toe of
rpies,ano elenfe hpm, anb O^ali let the hisrpghtfoote, euenbpontbe bloobof '
lyuimg biroe go free into tbe fielbe* tbe trefpafle offering.
Sn& be tbat is elenfeb (ball ibafbe his 18 3(nD tbe remnatmt of tbe ople that is «
clotnes, ano (baue of all bis beere, anb in the pjieftes banbe,be (bal poibie bpo
uiafye bpt felfe tn lbater, that be map t\)t beab of bym tbat isfo«i to be elenfeb:
be cleane: 3inb after tbat (ball he tontc anb tljepneftfbali jnafeeanattonement c
into tbeboaft, anb (ball tarp Ibitbout
fo^bpm before tbe %om. !
Ijtstcntfcucnbapes: 19 ^nb the pneft (jjail offer 0)t finite*
25ut in the feuentb bap,he (ball (bane offering, anb mafee an attonement fo?
of all bis beere, [namely
jjts beab, bis hpm tljat is to be elenfeb from bis bn^ c
fearbe, anb ins bjoibcs, euen all bis cleannefle, anb tljen ujail be ferll ti)t'
peere Ojaibe fyauen of: 3(nb
be (ball burnt offering.
wajbe bistiotbes,anb alfo *ba(be tns 20 ^nb tbe pneft (ball offer tbe burnt of* <

new in ibater,anb he (baibe cleane. ferpng anb mcate offering bpon '
Jti tbe epgbt bap be (bail tafee tibo tfyt aulter : anb tbe pneft (ball mane an
gee lanibcs ibitljout
Wemfflbe, anb an attornment foj Ijpm, f Ije ft;albe cleane.
lambeof apere olbe ttntbout blc* 11 *3lflje be poo?e anb cannot get fo mucb, Le«it.v.b.«

Ha 1
mjbe , anb t&ce tentb beales of fine

? a Imate offing mpnglcb
plc ' ani)aCa)io
P^W«wft«D«»ii cleane,
Ije fliall tafee one lambe fo? a trefpafle 2>
offering, to ibaue it fo; ^\s attonement,
anb atentlj beaie of fine flotbze mingieb
rbith ople fo? ameate offeryng, anb a t

Sfestbe man tbat istobemabe logge of ople, «

Sx>^w%ncje«,tef02etbefto2b ix ^nb tibo turtle boues,02tuio young*

pigeons,fucb as be is able to get: Tbber*
of tlje one (balbe fo; a finite offering, t
anb tlje otljer fo? a burnt offering. «

2? ^nb be fljail b#ng tbem

tbe cpgljt*
bap fo; bis clenfpng bnto t\)t pneft be*»
fo?e the boo;e of the tabernacle of tbe t

« .;

L CUltlCUS. 'eproil.

congregation before tljclUjbc. ox reobifbe, ibhicb feeme to be lonw

24 3nb the pneft Qjali take the lambe that tbcnthettiallitfelfe:
is fo? the trefpafle offcrpng, $ the loggc 38 Xbcn the pjictt fliail go out of p houfe
of oplc, anb U)auc them foj a ibauc offc? to tbc booje of tlje ljoufe,anb fljut bo
rpng before tycJLomc. houfe feuenbapes. *

25 3lnb be fbal bill ttje lambc foj the tcef= 39 3lnb tlje pjieft (hall come agapne the
pafle offering, anb the pneft(balltaBe fcucntb bap, $ pf be fee that tljc piacm*
cf the bioob of the trefpafle offering, be incrcafeb in the ibailes of tljc houfe <
anb pnt It bpon the tippe of ins right 40 Xhen tljc p2icft (ball comaunoc them « c

care that is to be cicnfeb, anb bpon the to tauc albap p floncs in Vbbicb 3f
p piarmt
tbombcof his rtgrjt hanbe, anb bpon is, anb tljcm cad them intoafouie<
the great toe of his right foote. place tbitljout the citie, «

26 3mb tljc pjtctt (ball poibje of the ople 41 ^nbljefl)allcommaunbetheljoufcto'

into the panUne of bis oibne left banbe: be ferapeb lbitljin rounbe about
27 ano pneft (ball forth his right
tlje pouw outtljebufl tljat thep ftrape of I
finger ,fpnncnic of tl)e ople that is in his ibithout the citie into a fouic place. '

left hanb, feuen tpmes bcfo?c the ?Lo?b. 42 3(nb thep (hall tafte other flones anb e
2S ^no the pneft (bat put of tlje oplc that put tljc in the place of tljofe flones ano
is in his hanbc,bpon p tippe of ttjeright otljer mooter to plafter p houfe rbitbaii,
care of I) vii t tbat is to be clcnfcb,^ bpon 43 ^no if the plague come agame, $ bzeaftc <
fbc tbombc of his right banbe, anb bp* out in the houfe after that he hath ta&en <
on the great toe of his rigbt foote , eucn aibaptbcflonesanb fecapco the houfe
in tbe place mDcrc tlje bloob of tlje tier $ after tljat he hath plaflercb tlje ijoufe'
pafle offcrpng rbas put. 44 Xhen tlje p?ieft (ball come anb fecit :

29 anb p^ettofthe ople p^ in trje paefles f pf that the plague hatlj groibcnfar«
hanbc,bc (bal put bpon tljc Ijeab of Ijim ther in the houfe,tt is a frctrpng lep^olic '
thatistobeclenfcb,tbat be map matte in tlje ljoufe,it is therfo^e bncleane . '

an attoncment fo? Dim before the Ho^b, 45 ^nb Ije (ball bjcanc bottmc the houfe, '<

30 3(nb Ije (ball offer one of tlje turtle anb the flones of it,anb the timber the* <
boucs, 0? of tlje young pigeons, fuch as of, anb ail the mooter of the houfe : anb c

he can get: he (ball carp them out of the citie into'

31 ,
£>uclj 1% aw as be is able to get : tlje afouleplace. \
one fo? a fume offering, $ tlje other fo? a 46 ^o^eouer, Ije tljat goetl) into
p houfe <
burnt offcrpng,ibrtb p mcate offering: alltheibhpletljatit is ujut bp, (balbc
2nb p piictt fl)au inane an attoncment bnclcanc bntpll the euen.
fojbpm isto be cicnfeb befojep JL02O.
47 ^e aifo tljat ficcpctlj in the boufe,ujai \
32 Xfjis is tljc laibc of bpm in ibhom is ibauje his clotljcs: he IpBcibpTe tljat c*c
tlje plague of lepjofic.anb ibhofc Ijanbe tcth in p Ijoure, ujaii ibauje his clotljcs.
is not able to get tljat which pertainetlj 4S ^nh pf tljcpneft come ano fee that tljc ®
tobiSclcnfpng. plague ljathrp?eabno further inpljoufe

?? 3inb tljc %om fpafcc bnto flpopfes after that it isnerbc plaflercb: tljcp^icft
anb^aron,faping: fljalliubge that houfe cleanc, bccaufe<
34 n^en ve be conic bnto tlje lanbe of tljc plague is Ijealeb.

£hanaatt,ibbich 3f gcuepouin poflcfc 49 ^(nb lethpnitane to elenfe the Ijoufc;

(ion, anb pf % put tbc plague of lepjofte ibithall, ttbobirbes, cebcr ujooo,anba,
in aljonfe ofn)c lano of pour poffefliom fcarlet[tefe]anbpfope. «

35 .^e tljat oibcth the houfe fljall come, 50 3inb Ije ujal mil one of the birbes in an

$ tell tlje pneft, faping : G&t tbinuc tbat earthen beffell,$ bpon runnpiig mater:
there is as it ibere a plague in p boufc. 51 3lnb taue the ccber tboob , anb the
36 %hen the pneft (ball comaunbe tbcm pfope, anb the fcarlet pwe] tbith the <¥
toentptietljc ljoufc,bcfo?ctljepneft go upng birbe,anb bippe tljem in the bloob <

into itto fee tlje plague, tljat all tljat is oftheflapnebirbe, anb in tljcrunnpng
in tljc Ijoufc be not maoe bnclcanc : anb Abater, ? fp^incble the houfe fcuc tpmes. t
tbc mud tbc pjieft go in,tofee tljc houfe. 52 3fob he ujall elenfe tlje houfe ibitb nje t
n 3(nb be (ball fee tbc plagucanb pf tbe Wood of p birbc,^ mith the running unv
plagucbein the Ibailes of tljchoufc,$ thcliuing birbctbitlj tlje ccocr
tbat there be ijolloibc ftraucs, grecniib iboob, 1 tljc pfope, anb tljc fcarlet [«»
. <«


,euiticus. 1 x Xlj.
S5eSa« lettbelyuyng tm flee 55 3fab of * ,JC !c P ?ofi e °fgarment s boufe
53 intotbebjoocftcibcs, 36 5fo?a fibciiyug, fo?afcabbe,anDfoja
rt i7r of tftc tottmc
S maw an attonement fo? t(je boufe,
Xoteacbeibben ttmuftbemabe bn*<
Lt) it (balbe cleane.
^rSiiststbclaibefojallmancrplague clcane, ant) cleanc : ttjis is the «**
laibe of *
5 lepjofic. «

^" The .xv. Chapter.

ip cijemaner of pitting; t&etmcleanneffe bottj of men anotoomen.
31 €Qt cti!lD?cn of afraelmuttteperate ttjem fellies frombncleanneffe.

/|55>tbe!LojbefpaKc ibbirtjbatbtljetflue^albebjobenianb.
bnto$9oyfesanb;3a* all beffcis of rboob fl)aibe renfeb tn«
ron,faytng: ibater.
-Speaftcbntotftecbil* « naben be alfo tbat batb an? iffue, is*
bjenof31frael,anbfay tlenfeb of bisiffue,bc fbaUnnmberhfm!
btttotbcmtuanofocHci: feuen bayes fo? bis clenfyng,anb tbau> «
batb a running iffue bis clotbes, anb batbe bis flelbe in run* *
outofbtsflea)e,isbncleanebytcafonof nyng ibater ,anb fo (ball be be tlcane. '
tl)at iffue. „
14 anb tbe eygbt bay be (ball tafte to!
^jtiD tl)ts (balbe bis bnelcanncffc in Ins fiym ttbo turtle boues, o; tibo young.
ifliic : if bis flefye runne, o? yf *)is flc(be pigeons,anb come before tbe fLojbe bn-
be ftoppcb from bis iffue, tljen ft is bn* to the boo;e of tbe tabernacle of tbe con*
clcanneffc. .. m
gr t gat ton $ gene t be bnto tbe pnett.
cuery beb ibfieron be lyetb tbat Ijatt) 15 3nb tbe p?icft (ball offer tljcm, tbe,
tbe (flue, is bncleane: anb euery thyng one ft? afinne offetyng, anb the other*
ibbctonbc fittetb, is bncleane. f0? a burnt offering: anb tl)e pneft (ball
naoofocucr touclKtl) bts beb, (ball mane an attonement to; by m before tbe \

ibafbc bis clotbes anb batb bvnifclfe in ^ concerning b»s iffue.
ibatci\anb be bncleane bntyll the euen. 16 3Jf anv ntans feebe bepart fro hyniln <
2ua be tbat fittctb on any tbing lbber* ftisttcepe,be (ball ibattjeall btsfielhe*
on Ijc fat tbat batb tbe iffue, tyal rbafye in ibater , anb be bncleane bntyll p etten. j
bMotbcs,anb batb htm felfe in ibater, 17 2nb euery garment,anb enetpfttftme.
anbbcbnclcanc bntylltbe cuenyng. ibberin is fucb feebe of ttecpe , (balbe,
7 fcctbat toncbetl) tbe flelbe of bint tbat ibaffljcb ibitb ibater, anb be bncleane
!)atl) tbe iffue, (ball lbafbe his clotbes, bntylltbeeuen.
ana batbe bymfelfe in ibater, anb be 18 ^no if be p Ijatb fucb aniffuc of feebe,
bncleane bntyll tbe euen. bo lye ibitb a iboman, tbey (l)all botb <
* 3f be alfo tbat batb tl)t iffue, fpy t bp* ibalbc tbem femes Ibitb ibater, ano be <
on Dvin tbat is cleanc, bncleane bntylltbeeuen.
be (ball Vbattje
l)isciotbts,anbbatb bimfelfcin ibater, 19 3Hfo yf a ibontan (ball baue an iffue, ' C
anb be bncleane bntyll [anaj ber iffue in ber flefbe (balbe bloob,
tbe euen.
9 3foD uiljat fabbie foeuer
be tybctf) ff)e (l)aibe put apart feuen bayes : lbbo*
Bponnjat batb ptffue,n)albe bncleane. foeuer toucbttl) ber, (balbe bncleane
amubbofoeucr toucbetbany tbyng bntylltbeeuen.
Jjatnjas bnberbym, fbaibe bncleane zo ^nb all tbat (be lyetb bpon in p tvme ;
m e tucn: a«b he tbat bearetb any

tbynges tt)ali bis clotbes,

of ber feperation,fbaibc bncleane: lylte,
as euery tl)ing alfo tbat (be fittetl; bp*«
anb batbe «
bymfelfe in tbater, anb be on,iS bncleane. m w
¥?5bntyutbeeucn. xi nsbofoeuer toucljet^ Ucr beo, ijalh
^nM^ofocuerbctoutbetljtbatbatl) ibaQ)ebis clotbes, ano batbe bpmfe
jcurue, anb bntyll tije
baue not ibauljcb b«s ibitb ibater, anb be bncleane t

fff»n ibater, ajaiiiba^ebisclo* wen. . . aita^.*

S5*J b «^e bymfeifc in ibater, anb 2i 3lnb ibbofoeuer toucbetb amj'tbyng
his clo*<
u r /i! V»tbecuen.
u l
tbat (be fat bpon, (bairiba(be
^OebcffeUofeartljtDatDetoucDetl) tDes.anbbatljebymfclfcinlbat^anb'


Leprofie. L euiticus. u'M

be bncleane bntvll tbe enctu (ball count bee feuen oaves: anb after
<B 2$ £>o tljiat lbbctbcr lie toueljc bcr ben, that,fl)c(balbcclcane. <

o?anv bcffcli lbbcron flic hatlj fatten, 29 3lnb in tl)e evgbt bav, fl)e fl)au take

Lcuit iS.c.
Ijeujalbc bncleane bntvll tl)c cuenvng.
*^«o vf a man ive rbitb Ijer , anb bee
bnto Ijer tibo ntrtlcs, o? ttbo voung
gcons, anb b?vng tbem bnto tbe p?iea
I m
24 «

fepcration come bpon bvm, Ije fl)albe bcfo2e tlje boo?c of tbe tabernacle of the
bncleane fcucn oaves: anb all tbebebbe congregation* \

lbbcron Ije ivctb (haibc bncleane. 30 2inb tbe p?icft fhall offer tlje one fo? a
2< aifoifaibomanhauc an time of Oct finnc offervng,anb tlje other fo? a burnt
bloonmanv baves, out of tbe tvme of offervng, anb mane an attonement for
bcr fepcration, o? tfit runne bevonb bet Ijer bcfo?c tlje ?Lo?o, as concernvng
fepcration, let all tbe oaves of the tffue uTue of Ijer bncleancncfle.
of Ijer bneleancneflc, be enen as p oaves 3i %\w (ball ve ft>ft tlje cbvlb?en of 3Jf
ofhtr fepcration, [foflujets bncleane. rael ftom tbeir bnclcancncfie,tbat tljev \
i6 eucrv bebbe rbljcreon (be Ivctlj as bve not in thctr bncleanenefle : iftljep'
longas net t(uiclaactb,fl)aibt bnto her mv tabcruaele tljat is amongtM
as tlje bebbe of ljcr fepcration: anb 32 XbiSisthc laibe of bvm tfjatfjatb an \

lbhatfocucrlbcfittctbbpon fljaibe bm iffue, anb of bvm lbbofe feebe runnetb

cltane, as tlje bneteaneneffe of t)cr fepc- from bvm in Ijis flcepe, anb is bcfoieb'
tljcrtn: .

27 3no tbljofocttcr tottcljctlj anv oftljefe 33 3Ufo of her tbat fo2 bcr fepcration is
fljalbc bncleane , anb (ball lbafyc his put apart, ^ofibfjofocucr batb a run-'
clothes, anb batbe Ijvmfclfe in ibatcr, nvngiflue, tbhetber it be man o?ibo-<
anb be bncleane bntvtt tlje
z$ 26ut if (be becleamebof bet iu"ue,(he
mm. man, anb of bvm that Ivctl) ibitb
ibljiclj is bncleane.
^ The . xvj . Chapter.

toDatfaronmtiffoo. s©f tlje Ccape goate. HCbecletttyngoftbefanctaarte.

17 Of tljefeatt of tbe cfenfpng, i taxm confeffetlj tijefinnes of tbe cljtlojen of


0=^ B2DtbeHo?befpabe of the chitotf ofjfrael, ttbo fjee goates


bnto &5ovfcs*aftcr tlje fo?afinne offervng, anb a ramme fo? a',

ocatlj of v tibo fonncs burnt offervng.
of^aron, lbhentljcv 6 %nto Zwctm (l)all offer Ijis bullocfte fo?
fi ;

offcrcb before y%OM, Ijisfmnc offering, *anb mabc an attone* H«l>ri\i <
anbbveb. ment fo? bvm anb fo? Ijis boufe.
3nbtlje!Lo?Dcfavbe 7 ^nb be (ball tabe tbe tibo Ijee goates,
bnto flpovfes: ^pcabe bnto ^laron tbv anb p?efcnt tbem befo?c tlje Ho?be at.
b?otbcr, tbat be come not at all tvmes tbt boo?c of tlje tabernacle of tbe ton*
into tlje ijolv place ibttljin tlje bavie, bc^ gregation. ',

fo;ethemercicfcatc ibljiclj isbpontlje 8 ^nb^aronfliallcafliottesoucrtbe.

arbe,tljathcovcnot : ifo? 3libvll ap* tibo goates: one lot ujaibe fo? tIjeHo?b, <

J.Rcg.Sb. pcare in the*clonbc bpon pmcrcic fcate. anb tbe otber fo? tbe fcape goate.
j 26ut ibitlj tbis tljvng fljai ^aron tome 9 3inD ^aron fljau b?vng tbe goate bp<
into the Ijolv place : cucn lbitlj a voung on ibbtcb tbe Ho?beslot fell, anb offer <

bullochcfo? a finne offervng, anbttntlj !jvm fo? a ftnne offervng.

a ramme fo? a burnt offervng. io 26«ttlje goate on ibljiclj tbe lot fell to \
4 i^efljau put tbe boiv Ivnnen coate bp« be the fcape goate,fl)albe fet aliue bcfo?e
on bvm,anb fljall bane ivnnen bjcecbes tlje?Lo?be to reconcile ibitlj, anb to let.
bponljis flcfl)C,anb fljalbc girbcb lbitlj bvm go as a ftape goate into tlje ttrifc'

a ivnnen girblc , anb lbttlj a Ivnnen berncfle.

cap(ballhcbcattircb. 3Cbefe arebolv ii ^nb aaron fliall b?vng the bwUocfee
garmentcs : rtjerfojc (l)ail Ije Vbafl)c bis fo?ljis finne offervng, anb reconcile ro?<
ncfl)c inibatcr lbbcnljcbotljputtljcm bvmfclfe anb fo? bis boufe, anb ftjau<

on. bVU tbe buliocbe fo? bis finnc offervng* £

^nb ije fljall tabe a cmfer full «

$ anb Ije fljall tauc of tlje congregation 11

Leuiticus. I XXll
£ J-
i^iiigcoaiesfconiof the aulter befo?c feperation, ano be (ball let the goatego'
ScSDc,anon)aUfiUhisl)anbtuUof into the tbylocrmlTc.

mitt inctnfc beaten fmall, anb b?yng *3 after 3laron (ball come into
the taber* <
bayie. naclc of the congregation^ put of the
llicm nmbtn the
%o pot tijc incenfe bpon the fire be*
linnen clothes U)htche he put on tbhen

mfc map couer the mercy feate that is
them there.
Soon toe tt)itmlTe,anb he (ball
notbye. 24 3mb let hym tbalbe his fleflje ibith
3mb he (hall taue of the blooD of the tbater in the holy place, ano put on his
4 oibne rayment,ano then come out, anb
bullocfcc,auD fp?incnlc it ibith bis finger
boon the mercy feate eaftibaro :
ano be* offer his burnt offering, ano the burnt'

fiuc tljc mercy

feate (ball he fpnncWe of offering of the people, anb make an at*

the mood ttritb bis finger fcuen

tymes. toncment fo? hym fclfe, ano foz the oco* •

£henfl)aliheByll the goate that is pie.

the peoples finne offering, f

b?yng his 25 3lnb the fat of the finne offering than
biosbttntbinthebayle, po ibith t»)at he burnc bpon the aulter.
biooo as he ovD tbttlj the bloob of the z6 31nbhe tljat earyeo foonh the goate «,«
builctae, fp?innlyngitbpon the mercy fo? the fcape goate, (hall ibatbe his do- •

feate,anb before the mercy feate, thes,anb bathe his flefbc in Ibater, anb \

is ano be (ball reconcile the holy place then come into the hoatt.
ftoinlhebncieannefTcs of the chyio?en 27 3nb the buuocucfo? the finne offermg,«
of ilfracl, anb from their trefpaffes in 9 the goate fo? the finne offertag.ibhofe
all tijeir finnes: 3lnb fo fbal he bo fo? the
bloob tbas brought in to cienfc the holy

tabernacle of the congregation that is place , (ball one carp out ibithout the c
fet among them, cuen among their bn* hoafttobebuwtinthe fire, ibith their <

cicanncffcs. finhnes,tbetrflcfbc,anb their bounge. «

*3nDlctthcrebcnobobymthetaber* 28 2nbbcthatburnethtbeni,a)aUtt)auy
nacleofthccogregatton tbhen he goetft. his clothes, anb bathe his fieOjc in rba*;
in to maae an attonement in the holy ter,anb then come into the hoaft.
plate, bntyll he come out, anb haue 29 3utb this (halbc an o?Oinaunce fo? eucr
mabe an attonement fo? hym felfe, anb bnto you: that in the tenth bay of the fe
fozbts houfbolbe, anb fo? all the con* itenthmoneth re humble your foules,'
tjregattonofjfrael. anbbo noibo?ae at all, Vbhethcr ft be t
is anb he go out bntothe aulter
(ball one of your otbnc countrey, 0? a ftraun*
thatisbefo?ethe Ho?be, anb reconnle gertljatfoiountethamongyou. «

bpomt,anb fbal tafee of thebloob of the 30 02 that bay (ball the p?tctt maae an
buiiocfte, anb of the bloob of the goate, attoncmentfo? you to cleanfeyou,anb;
ano put it bpon the ho?nes of the aulter that ye may be cleane from all your
tounbe about. fumes before the !U>?be. *

19 $0 (bail he fp?incRle of the bloob bp* 31 %ct it be a Sabbath of reft bnto you,*
pon it ttnth his finger feucn tymes, anb anbyctbatthunibleyottr foules by an;
tleanre it, $ halotbe it from the bnclcan* ojbinaunccfojeuer.
ntjft of the cbylb?en of
Jjfrael. ix ^nbthep?iefttt)homhea)alannoynt,
10 atnbnjhcnhchathmabeanenbofre* anb rbbom he (hall confecrate to mini*
tonuimg the holy place, anb the taber* fter inljis fathers fteaoe, U)ai
maKe the
naclc of the
congregation, anb the aul* attonement, anb (hall put on the linnen
«r,i)c (hail b?yng clothes, anb holy beftmentes.
1 the liuc goate.
3l,a, anm fl) aU P ut DOth ttis ftanl)es! 3(nb tt)all reconnle the hoi? fiwtt* * *
„ ? 3j
Jpontlje hcao of the hue goate,ano con* rie.anb the tabeniade of the congcega*
ircoucchvmauthe mifbecbes of the tion,anb ttjall tltanft the
[Wen of 3jfracl,anb all their trelpaf* an attonement, fo?thep?ttftcs, anofo?,

a finnes,puttpng thembp*
heao of the goatc,anb feno htm

SSS hv thc hanl) of a conuenient man,

all the people of the
this%albe an

you, to
* eueriaftpng o?bt*
mm «Jgg;


'"^JepVlOecncirc. mentfo? the WW* rf|fjjjg f"

e 8oaten)ail beare bpon Ijvm a
their finnes once **$££&. .
mi mn milbecbcs bnto the lanbe ^ of the|to?bccommaunDebilJ9oyfes. ,
Ordinaunces. Leuincus.
5-frj The. xvij Chapter.

4 3M facriftce nuitt be thought to the Doo;e of the tabernacle 7CoDeurIjsmap

tfiep not offer. 10 cbep map not eate Wood.

'i 41K>the?Lo?befpaKe ringojfacrifice,

»:. bnto flpoyfes, faying: 3tnb bjyngcth it not bnto the (0 boo2enf
<z 5>pcaRebntoaaron the tabernacle of the congregation^
ano bnto his Tonnes,
anb bnto all the chyl*
b?enof3fracl,anbfay ... it be of the hotn>
bnto them: IChtSiS of^lfrael, o?ofthe Oraungers that fo-
the thing tbhtche the %ow
bath char iourne among you, thateatethanVnia'
gcb, faying: nerofbloob,3ltbyllfetmyface amJi,
c5 nahat man foeuct of the houfe of 3?fe that foule that eateth bloob, anb
*mi *

« racl nylleth an ore, oj lambe, o? goatc euthymoffromamonghispcopie; '

< in the hoaft, o? that nylleth it out of the n 5fonljelifeofthefleajeisinthebiooD !

hoaft, ano 3 haue geuen it bnto you bpon the •

4 Sins bjyngcth tt not bnto the booje of aulter, to mabe an attornment fo?
your l

\ the tabernacle of the congregation, to foules:fo2this bloob fbalimaaean at*

< offer an offering bnto the ILojbe before toncmentfo? the foule.
« tI)ebU)ellingplaceofthefiojb, bloob w 12 3
Xberfoje fayb bnto the ehyityen of \
Cn)<£I>aiman t
(balhc cljar: fbaibc imputcD bnto that man, he hath 3lfcael : %tt no foule of you eate bloob
gco isttl)
Hl'ICllC (10
fbcbbiooo, anb that man fbalbe cut of neither let any Oraunger tj)at foiout''
ico a
from among his people, neth among you,eate bloob.
'5 ttjhcrfocibhenthe cbylbjen of 3Jfta< 15 anbtohatfoeuermanttbeofthecto*;
el bjyng their offeringes that ttjep offer bjen ofJfeael,oj of the Oraungers that
in the tbylbe ficlbe, they (ball bjyng foiourne among you, tbhirhe buntetb'
, them bnto the 2Lo?be, euen bnto the and any beatt o? foule that;
. booje of the tabernacle of the congrcga* may be eaten, let hym pottw out tfte<
tion by the pjicft, to offer them foj peace
blooo thcrcof,anb couetitibith bua. '

offeringes bnto the&ojbe. 14 thelyfe of the flefbe is the bioob'G

{ 6
the pneft (ball fpnttcnle the bioob ofit[«opneDjtt)ith htsiyfe: therefore
t bpon the aulter of the Htybe,tbhiche is faybe bntotlje ehyibmtof IJfrael,* ye«^
< before theboojeof the tabernacleof the L
fljai eate tljebloob of no mancr of fleflj,' ,[S a
« congregation , anb burne the fat fo? a fo? the life
of all netye is the bloob the*

fibectefauour bnto the ftojbe. of: ibhofoeuer eatetlj it,0)albe cut of. \
25 , 7 anb let them no moje offer tjjeir offe* 15 ^nb euery foule that eatetlj it ibhtrljc
« tinges bnto beuyis,after w Ibhom they n^ alone, o? that ibljtche ibas to?nc
baue gone a lbbojyng xhis fbalbe an
: ibithVbyioebeaftes, ibhetheritbe one;
ucii anO rcDl'C c
tottjcwojlbip , ojbinannce fojeueebnto them in their ofyourorbnecountrey, o^ a ftraunger, (
ano to commit
generations. heaiali rbafbe his clothes, ano bathe,
( 3 anb thoulbaltfay bnto thcm:»3hafc m
hym felfe Vbater, anb be bnclcanc *
foeucr man tt be of the houfe of Jifracl, to the cuemanb then aiau \yt be clcane.
o? of the Oraungers ibbichc foiourne a* i6 3f he rbaCbe tljem not, no? batl;e his,
mong you, that offcreth a burnt offe* fleuXhe (hall bearehis finne.

^ The. xviij Chapter.


il52[)tlje|Lo?befpafte after the boynges of the lanbe of;

a. bnto ^oyfes, faying: egypt ibherein ye btbelt, (ball ye not
.i ^>peaite bnto tie bo: anb aftetthe boingesof the lanoeof
ehyiojen of 3lfraei, Chanaan rbbythergi tbyu^yngyou,;
anb fay bnto them \% ye not bo : neither ibalae in their
am the Hojbe your ojbtnaunces.
C500. 26ut bo after my (ubgementes, ano

Lcuiticus. 1 XX111
^^^mnaimccs, to lbaiue ther* (bait thou not biftouer her naRcbneflc.
^amtbefLojDevourtfoD. 8 • %\)t nafecbnefle of
fathers tbife

Am fcepe tbcrfoje mme ozDmaun-
anbnrpiubgcmentes: * tbhich tf a
Ojait thou not Difcoucr
: fo? tt is tbv fa
and.xxvii s
i.Cor. v.a.

Sit do he Q»all nme m tJ)cm : 31 am *Xbou (bait not Difcouer the nafeeb-
nefle oftDv the Daughter of thv
fitter, 10 not lanu
Vnettjaliappjotljetoany ftinreD of father^ Daughter of thp mothcrWc* to bneooer ttjt
bis flcflje » to
t0 ^
ttoner rtJ ert nafteD* ther (he be bojne at«home,o* Without MaluliCDncBof
ntffe:§amtHc|Lo?De. 10 Xhou (bait not bntouer the nafeeD- btrjnt botr; bp
one fattier ano

'XhenafteDnefleofthpfatber, 9 the nefle of thp formes Daughter, 0? mother,

tbp no? tic fitter

nafteDnefle of tbp mother Ojait thou not Daughters Daughter, fo; that is tbpne
tr/c Oangtitrt

oftlts fattier,

Mtouer,fo? fl;e is thp mother : therfoje oibncnaKCDnrtfe. rrojlna fitter

ofbiB morhtt
tn mitnmoc

«r Degrees of kinred,whichc let matrimonic, ^ Degrees ofaffinitie or aliaurice,whiche let


a sitisfetfoorthinthe.xviii.of matrimonie,as it isfet foorth in the

Lcuiticus. xviii. of Lcuiticus.

C &focrfo?e ag SBopfeg map not man? to ttli toomcit tliat are of tns ft tnreo 0; altaunce
accojbmg to tftat t»&fe& f (Sbete aboue contapneD : u tBetotre fflparie flOopfcs fitter, map
notmarrptoftbrljemmtoblctjeareofher&mreD ana altaunce. anotttstobenoteD,
H)atbeftDe0tt)epetfonis bere fptctfieb, aw compjtfeDtlje afcenDtng ana oefcenDmrjof
$e fame Degree,etttjer of mnreo 0; aKaunce.

v^natebneireof thrfatherstbtues nefle of thp mothers filler : fo; (be tstftp

oaugbter begotten of thp mothers rtinftboman.
Jgfi ««: thoufljattnotDifcouerher 14. £hou (bait not bncouer the
na&ep* €
nefle of thp fathers toother,
that is,
J^P^Wttnotlmtoiiet the nafteD* thou (bait not go in bnto his
tbhtebcisthpneaunt. ±1^**
i< Xbou ftaltnotbifcouer p nafeebnep
3qjou (bait not Dtfcottet the natter oftbpDaugbtermiattie, fo? fy*®®£

OrJ maunces. L CUitlCUS. Ordin aunccc

ronnes ibyte: therefore (halt tljou not to ivc ootbne thcrto, fo; tt is bnnaturau
bntcucr bcr naftcDnc fTc. confufion.
i6 *%\)ou fbalt not bntouctthc nafteD- 24 jae fbaimot Defile your fciues in
Ma:.xiin.a. anp
ncffcof thy bjotijcrs lbifc,fo2 that is thy of tbefcthinges: fo2inailthcfe,thcnat£
brothers naucDnclTc. ons arc DefileD lbhtchc 3
caft ont before
17 Xbott (halt not Difcouet the naftCD* you.
ttcflc of the lbyfc anb her Daughter, nei< 25 nahcrth2oughthcianDeiSDefileD,anD
thcr fl)att thou tatte bet fonnes tsaugl)' Jibyll bifite the ttjytRCDnetTe thereof

ter,02 t)cr Daughters Daugbtcr,to bnco- bpontt,yea anD the lanDeit felfe hath
net their naftcDncffc : 5F02 they ate her bomitcD out her inbabitauntcs.
, Ktnftbotncn,anD it ibetc tbicKCDncffc. 26 *#e (hall Kcpctherfoje mine ojbinaun* «t witJiJ
« is * Xbou (bait not tatte a lbyfc anD her cesanDmy luDgementes, anD commit
bcre her, that tljou iboul*
ftftcr alfo, to none of thefe abominations, neither I

Deft bncouet her nauetinefle Upon her any of your otbne any ttrafc
tnhcclyfeitpme'4 gcrthat foiourneth among you:
Lcuit XV. c.
i9 * Xbou (halt alfo not go bnto a tbo* 27 (5Fo? all thefc abhominations,hauc ttic
Eztc.xxu C

man to bntouer her naBeDneiTc,as long men of tl)c lanDCDone Ibhiche iberc be
as flic is put apart fo? bet bncieannefle. fo?e you,anD the lanDe is DefileD.)
Leuit xx b.
20 * U!9o2coitcr, thou (halt not lye tbtth
ii.Rci xi.a. ' 28 £>hall not the lanDe fpeibe you out ai- <

thy neighbours ibyfc,to Defile her ibitf) fo ifyc Defile tt, as it fpelbcD out the na- '

y. < fccDc. tionstl)attbere bcfb?eyom

m &«£2 3O' « ftatt alfo not gcuc of thy w fecoc

' 2-
29 5Poi lDftofoeucr fljali commit any of
S'n ' t0 offc,: rt to" 10 * *©olocb , neither (halt
ttjefe abljominations, tt)e fame foules.
Pwt.xx.b. ) tljou Defile the name of thy d50D : 3 am rtjat commit tljcmfljaU be cut of front'
« tljc3L02DC. among tbeir people.
LcuTxx b
» * 3E&°» foalt not lye ibith mannynDe 30 3Ctjerefo?e fljaU ye nepe myne 0201*,'
Dcut.i 7.c. ' asmtthibomanBynDc,fo2ittsabhonii< natutccs.tbat ye commit not one of tbefe <

nation. abominable cuftomes ibljtcbc iberc^
,21 Xhou (halt lye tblfh no maner of committeD before you, anD tfjat ye oc
c beatt to Defile thy fclfc therlbirhmctthcr file not your fciues trjerein: 3
am tbe!
« (ball any ibontan ftanbe before a bcaft |Lo2Deyour<5oD.

^ The. xix. Chapter.

r at rtpettttoti of laws pertapnpng to the ten commaunDementejs. v.TiconfiDc.
ration fo; the pooje. 26 t©itc&craft is fofltDom.

&® lLo?De fpafte

tlje 7 3foD if it be eaten tlje rftjtDe Day, it is 23 •

bnto^oyfcs.faying: bnticane,anD not acccptcD.

S>pcabc bnto all tbe 8 Xberftw l)c tbat catetl) it,fljail bcare
congregation of pefjyl* Dis finnc,bccattfc Ijc batlj DcftlcD tl)c l)a^
D2cnof3Jfraci,anDfay loibeb thing of tbe fLoiD,anD tfjat foule
bntotl)cm:*Pcfbalbc ujaibe cut offrom among ijis people. «

boiy,fo23ltI)e|lo2De * nafjett ye reape tl)e ftarueft of your ; w»J

9 u
, yout<£»oDamboly. lanb, tbou fljait not tfjo2ottiiy reape tljc
. 3 pc fljall fcarc cucry man Ijts motljcr comers of tlje ficlDe, neitljer fbalt tbou.
« anD Ijis fatljcr, 9 ftepe my S>abbatOs: gatljcr tljc gicaninges of tljy Ijaruetf . «

3 am tljc % 02DC your <e»od. 10 Xbou ujalt not Ditboncft tljy binc^
4 Mmoultcn goDDcs
fl)al not Iookc Ditto iDols,no? mane yarDe, neitbergatfter in tljoiorbiy tljc;
. you : 3
ant tfjc |Lo?dc grapes of t^y bincyarDe, but tfjou fljait
• yourc5oD. leaue tbcm fo? tfte pooje anD Oraungcr :

3lf ye offer a peace offering bnto tl)t 3 am tbc H02DC your <e»od.
|Lo2Dc,y c njail offer it at your picafurc. *Pe fbail not ftealc,ncittjcr Dcalc falfc- H
l«« v.. <i '

3t fljalbc eaten tbefame Day yc offer
tt,anD on tljc mojoibe : 3lnD if ougljt re*

lyc,ncitl)cr lye oncto anotfjer,

12 * Pt fljall not ftbeare by my nanie, Ex >•


maync bntyii tlje falfely, neitljer fljait thou Defile tbc d^

tljirDc Day, it fljaibe
burnt in tlje fire. nameoftby<i50D:3Jamthe|lo2De. «

,euiticus. 1 xxv.

^--^iSrSatt not l)0 ^

netgl)bout pete (ball tljep be ^bnrttcumnjcb Unto
pou, anb (ball not be eaten of.
«,S m
SKiftmansi ftp?e abpbc ttntH tbce 24 26ut tt)c fourth vcce,an rlje fruitc of t^ST
tintfll tbc moytipns. _. B .
gema^albe Jjolp anD comincnDable to
not befptfe tfie beafe,* net* ttjc Ho?be.
el otiiaiait
, i

tiicrputa Oumblpng Wotfce before t&e

3 ant
25 r 3*n W fiftb pete (bailee
u map pccioe bnto
eateof tile
Btiw, but (bait fcatc tl)p <5ob : fimtte tbetcof, tbat
von tbe encreafe thereof j 3 am the
,<%Hl)aU bo no bnrigbteoufneffe Ho?be pout (Sob.
ftttwement, tbou (bait not
tbe petfon
m a6 *$*e ttjall not cate bponbloob, neftliet
Setfon poo?e, no? bonout fyailpe bfe tbitcljctaft, no? obferue
butin risbtcoufnes (baitthou
S&ttc, tpmes.
tnbse ^V ncigX)£»owt* 27 *#e(ball not tounbe rtje co?ncts of Leu-,*™.-
i< Cftou (bait not go bp anb botbnc tbitl) poutfttabes, nettfiet(baittbou matte E *<-*>™.«
talcs people, neitljet fljalt
among tljp tbetuftcsoftbpbeatbe.
thou ftanoe
agapnft tbe bioob of tbp *s #e (ball not tent rout flefbe fo? an? _,
neiabbout : 3J am tbe !Lo?be. foules fafte, no? p?int anp matKes bpon e
Xbou u>lt not bate tbp b?otbct tn 3
pou • am tbe IUi?be.
tbvne fteatt, but fliait in any ibpfe* te*
v> %t)ou (bait not maue tbp baugfttet
tbp netgljbout, $ futTct not (tone
common,tbat ttjou iboulbeft taure bet
bponbynt. tobeantt)bo?e,lefttbclanbealfafailto
18 *£bou(baltnotattettgetto?ibapteto Jbbo?ebome,anb become fill of nncueb*
no btfolcafute agapnft %t cbplb?en of nefle.
rt)ypcopic,butttjaitiouetbpnetcjf)bottt 30 iaea)allBepemp5>abbatbes,gr&ate
* tucn as tbp fclfe : 3 am ti)e tobe. 3
mp fanctuatie : am tbe ?Lo?be. rente.

ri? pe(balBepenttneo?binaunces.1!:i)ou 31 #e (ball not tegatbetbem tbat tbo?Be

(halt not let cattell genbet ttritb a con* Jbttft fpttites,* nettljet feefte aftet footh* i.Reg.lS.a.

ttarvUtnbe,nettl)etfoibtDvneiberbitl) facets to be benlcbbp them :3am tije

mtngicbfccbe,neftl)ef(balttbottputott 3Lo?bepoutd5ob.
anp mtngleb gatment of lumen anb ?2 *%bou (bait tpfe bp befo?e the|)o?e
Uioilen. I)eab,anb teuetence tbe face of tbe olbe l»«.m
io naljofoeuet Ken) anb mebletft ttritf) a man, anb b?eabe tbp «5ob : 3
am tbe
ftoman tbat is a bonbmapbe betto* 3lo?be.
tljcbtoabufbanbe, but not tebeemeb, 33 3Jfafttaungetrotoutnetbitl) tjjeeut
nojfreebomegeuebet,(beft)albefcout* pout lanbe,pe u)aU not bete Dpi.
8cb,[Uut]tbepu^aUnot bpe,betaufeO)e 34 *26ut tbe fttaunget tbat bibeUetD Exo.«ii.<

ttiasnotttee. ibttbvou, fbalbeas one of poutotbne

11 3tnbbe (ball b?png fo? W
bnto tbe Ho?be, befo?e nje boo?e of tbe
nation, anb tbou fbalt loue bpmas tbp
felfe,fo? pe ibetc ataungets tn tlje lanbe
tabctnacle of p congtegatton,a famine of egppt : 3
am tbe ?to?be pout d5ob.
rojattefpafle offering. 25 He n^all bo no bntigbteoufneffe fti
3inbtbep?teO (ball mafce an attone* iubgement, in metpatbe, (n ibapgbt,
3Kammett)b<cb o?mmciuuFif.
o?inmcafute. j,^,
<s(o?tbcttefpa(Tebefo?etbeK,o?b,con* 16 Xtuebalaunces,ttue"tt)apgbte5,a **&
«tnvn8 btsfinneibbicbebet)artJbone: ttue eplja,anb a ttue $tn U)ai pe bauet j»»
>» £
anbtljefmneibb(cDbel)atDbone,(bal* 3am tbe ?Lo?be pout 45£>2>tt)bu1)e aCc ^ ey

n ,f
" cn
PWttteo all
w tome to tlje lanbe, anb bane
manet of ttees conuenicnt
tobeeatenof,pe(bailcountetbe fruitc
teougbtpouout of tlje lanbe of egppt. vwko*
37 Xl;ctfo?e (ball peobfetue all
nip og
b(naunces,anb al mp iubgementcs,anb
*ycteot as bnricmmrixrti * tnm tftiee;
asbnrttcumrtjeb: euen tl;?ee

« ,

Vnlawfull coniunctions. L euiticus. VnlawfuUconfunctic,

^ The.xx.Chapter.
2 cfiep gene of tberc c^pID?cn eo flI9oIorfj,ttjan ope tfjetfo?e.
ti&at 6 ataaina Cache as
fecfie after £>ootfirarcr$. i9j©{ faces.

ILojue rpaftc
i!52E> tf)c i? ''llfamanaifoIpeujftfjmanRinbea^r
bnto£popfcs,faptng: »«B*Sl
tertljenianer as ibttf) ibomen ftpnbe,«w
ILinsftialtthoufap tljeplwuebotrjeommitteb an abljonu^
fotljecbplbjenofSJfc nation : let tljcm bpe, tljeir bloob be bp^
rael:ibhofocuerhcbc ontl)em»
oftbcchpibmiof3J£ 14 anb if amantaBeatbpfe,anbl)ermo*
rac^ojoftheftraun* tl)cralfo,it istbicRebncffe : 3Cljep ftSau
Leui.x gcrstljatbibcUin 3Ifraei, that genet!) burne vbitl) fire botf) hpm $ tljem, that
ofhischplb2cnbnto*^oioch, itt fipm therebenonne&ebncfleamongpou.
be dapnc : thepeoplc of tlie lanbe fljall 15 ^nb* if a man ipe Hjitlj a bcatt,iet hpni u
Wo] I

oucrtbhclmc hpmtbitb (tones. bpe,anb pe ujau ttea n> beaft aifo.

31 <w!I bent)!
3tnb 3f ibpi w fetmp fate agapnft that i6 31 a tboman go bnto anp beaft, anb *
tnrnr nngee
agajmtt tljat
man, aim Vbpll cut Ijpm of from anient Ipeiaibne thereto, tljou Ojait npu the *
nan. his people, becaufe he hath geueu his Xbomsn anb the beaft alfo.let them bpe <

chpibjnibntoi$oloch,fo?to Defile my their bioob be bpon them.

famtuaric,j to pollute mp holp name* 17 3f a man tafte his fitter, f)is fathers * '

3mb though tljat tlje people of the bauahicr,02his mothers Daughter, «.

00 ifth.-ittB, lanbe w
hpbc tljcir epes from tfje man fee her nabcbnefTe, ano ftje his naftcb^
tomSctli nno
ncglcrtctl) to tljat geneth his cljplbjen bnto Moloch, nefte, it is a lbtcueD thing, thep lhalbe'
AiibUvHhpmnot: tut of m the fight of their people: he'
3 tbpil put nip face agapnft that man, hath bncouereb his fitters naticbncffe
anb agapnft bis hpnrcb, anb ibpll tut Ijefhalibearehlsanne.
hpm Gf,anD all that go a tbljonng after is *3if a man ipe tbith a lboman hauing l«.x™, «

hpmto commit Urijomome ibith <2&& her natural btfeafe,anbbncouer lierna* m*™» «
loch,from among their people. bebneffe, anb open her fountapne, anb :

3lf afoulcturne hpmfelfe after fuche (he alfo open the foutapne of her bloob,
as ibo&c With fpiritcs,anD after footh* thep ujailboth oe cut of from among 4
fapcts,togoatt)ho;!uig after them, 3 theirpeople.
ibpll put nip face agapnft that foule,anb 19 * Xhou (half not tmcouer the naueb' I L«i^
ttspll nit hpm of fro among i)ts people. neffc of thp mothers fitter, *
no? of tljp
£>anctmcpour anbfclucs tl)crefo?c * fathers filler : fo? he that both fo, h«h
Leuit.xix.a be holp: fo?3J am the Home pour ©Ob. hncouereo-his nert fepn, tljcp ttjal bcare \
3 Bepe pe mpne ominaunces, anb bo their mifbopng.
tl)em:3Jamtl)e?i,ome ibhiclje fancti- zo JJfaman ipe tbith his bncles rbpfe,«
ficpou. anb bn-ouer his bncles naftconeffe/
Matfi.xv.a 9 * ualjofoeuer he be that befpifcth his thep U)^i beare tljeir finne, anb ttjali;
Prou.xx c. father o? his mothcr,lct Ijpm bpe:foj he Dperijpimcfle.
hathbemmtfhcb tlje clmnatiott of Ins ii Slfamantaliehisbmthersibpfe.itiSc-,)
father t mothcr,his bloob be bponhfm. an bncieane tfjpng : he hath bnconcreo
D«J.xxii.a io *3mb the man tljat bjcaftetl) lbeblotfte his b?othecs nauebnefre , thep ujalbe'
ii.Reg.xi.1. tbitlj another mansibpfe, cuen J)e that thplblcfle. ; .
bjeaaertj VbcbiocKc ibith his nepgh- %x *&t than aepe therefore all mpne omi<
bours rbpfc,let be aapne botlj the abul* naunces, anb ailmpiubgcmentes, anb
tcrcr anb tlje abuitrcfle. bo them : that the lanbe inhptb^ 3
Leui.xV'ui II 3fnb the man that ipeth * ibitb
his fa* b?pngpoutobU)cll therein, Ipetbe pou;
DcjCxvii tljcrs rbpfe,anb bneoucreth fjis fathers not out.
nafcebnes ,lct tljcm both bic ,t heir bloob 23 #e (hailnot tbaiae in tlje maners of.
bcbpontljem. this nation, Tbljiche 31 catte out before
Leu > 12 *3jfamanlpeibith his baughtcr in pou: foi tljcp committcb all theft' ,

laibc, let them bpe botlj of tljenutljep thinges,'anbthcrfo?e3Jabho?rcothe. ,
hauc thought abljominatton, their 24 zButj hauc fapbe bnto pou, pe fl;all
bloob be ppontfjem. enljente t^eir lanbe, anb ibpu gc«c «
L euiticus. 1 xxvj,
-r^^uto poffeffe it,eucn a lanbc that pouasbncleane.
SoibcthMth mpiue anp jgmp : 3 am 26 1Ch«fb?eOjaUpebe|)olplimo ««,&?*
SSSntjw 4W04M* !«

Sic ?LO?DC VO"^

<Z50l»,«3l)irt)C 1J fepe* 31 the ?lo?be am l)olp,ant"hatte feuVrcD
Stebpou from other nations. rourromothernanoius,tbatpeaioulbc<
Wtberefojclbali pe put Difference bempne, T •

Vm>ccnccieanebcaaes anb bnelcane, 27 * 3Jf there be a man 02 tboman that

Deu xvii, b

bctmccnc bnelcane foules anb clcanc: ttotfeth tttt a lptnt,o; mat ts a R£S l8j "

foott> I '

raper, let them bpe: ^enthail

«c Ibal not Defile pour foules
in bealles
anD foules, anb in all maner ibhelme tbemrbitb floras, thew bloob
tlnngcs that the grounbe
bjpngeth bebpontbem.
Mi), tt)htche3Jhauefeperateb from
• ^ The.xxj. Chapter.

0B> the %om fapbe o? hismother;

bnto ^opfes,3>peaBe u Neither lhall go out ofrtje fanctuarfe,
bnto the p^efles the no? pollute the I)0lp place of his C5oD,f 02
fonnesof;Saron,$rap the ceoibne of tbe aimopnting ople of e
bnto them: fLet none his C5ob,is bpon him : 3
am the Ho?b. <
bebefiiebbpacozfea* 13 *$e (ball taue a mapbc bnto bis Me, * Ez^aa f.

moug Dispeople: 14 25utaibvbott)e,abeuojrebTboman,o? at


asutbp bis bpnfman that is npe bnto a polluteb, 0? a harlot, thefe 0)all be not \ ^
i)fm,W«0bp bis mother anb his fa* marrte : but (ball taxe a mapbe of 1)is .
tfler, bp bis fonnc, anb his baughter, orbne people to rbpfe.
ant> bis toother, 15 il^eitbct ttial i)t uefile i)ts ftcne amoncj
2nbbpbisfifteramapbethatis npe w 3 am the fLojbe Ibbicbe
his people: fo? \
unto bpm, Jbnom no man bath, rnioibc: fanctifte hpm.
foxier fliaiUie be befueb. i6 3mb the %om Ipafte bnto ^opfes,
Butbelhallnotbebefileb bponhpm facing:
tbatbatbauctbo;Utieamonghispeople, 17 &pea&cbnto:8aron,anDfap:iBhofo';
to pollute him felfe* euer of thp feebe in their generations,
Uct them not mabe * baibnefle bpon hath anpbefomtitie, lethvmnotpjeafe t
tbeir beab,no; fbaue of p locues of their fo: to offer b:can bnto Ins <Pob: <

bearbe, no; malic anp cutttnges m rhcir f

18 * 0? lbbofoeuer hath anp blemiflje, * *&*&*&.
flcttje* fljail not come neare : as tf he be bipnbe \
Xljcpajalbebolp bnto their <5ob,anb m
lame, 0? thathatb a ' bmfeb nore, 0; t "QM*.
not pollute the name of their 45ob, foj that hath anp miflhapen member:
the racnfices of the Hojbe mabe bp fire,
19 £>? is bjoucn footeb,oz b?ofeen hanbeb,

[ana] *
the bjeab of their <E»ob thep bo zo jaE); is croofte bacftt, o? bleare epeb, 0?
ofFtr,tberfo?e thep than be hoh\ haueaVbebbeo? other biemifbe in his'
7 *&ctfhemnottaBeatt>pfethat is an cpes.ojbeftraruie, o;fkabbeb, 0? Ijath,
JwMjpoiiutcD^o? putfrombcr huC hiS(loncsb?oRcn: «

uanjtfcj? fuclj a one is bolpbnto his gob* ii ^0 man that hath a blemime, $ isof «2>
8 Xpou u^alt fanctifte hpm thcrfo?e,fo? tf)t fectje of 3iaron tlje p^icft, fljail come;
beoffctctb bp the b;eab of tbp <5ob : he npc to offer the facrifices of the 1to#e c
fl)aUthcrefo?ebe holp bnto thee, fo;
tncjojucrbhich fanctifte pou,am holp*
3 mabe bv fire : B&hcn he h^th a befonni-
tie,lcthunnotp;eafc to offer tl;e foeab<

«| ta Pi te fttsbaughterfall topiaptljc ofhtsd5ob.

TO c,%poiiutcth her father, there* 2i %tt him eate the bjeab of l)te <$&><
^ "nuftfljebe burnt Ufflh fire. euen of the moll holp, anb of the holp: ,
f at ,s
JJ H tl)e hte
P?^ among his b?e* 23 £)nlp let not go in bnto p baple,no?
Kr mm an0
SuK*"™ pon H,l
J° fe lDcao
J cao the
Mie annopnttng
tftat confecratcb
come npe the aulter, becaufc he i£pctoj* <
Effil? i

hSl nl t0
bncouct L
P on ? bcftments.^ai not
beab,no? rent his clothes:
fo?3l anithclto;bethatfancftficthem«
24 ^nb^oprestolDcUbnto^avon

tJSSP& t0 an V beab bobp no? to hisfonnes,anbbnto alltlje chVlbtfn


bp bis father of3lfraei.

: '

o rduuunces. L euiticus. Ordin aiincc

The.xxij .Chapter,

5 usfio ougftt to ablfapne from eating, tbe tbingej; ttjat tone oBertD. 19 £otoe,tobat,
ano tuftcn tbep Ojouloc be oBewD.

s^r^^jiRSDrhe ILo?De fpanc tsbo?nelnhishoufe: theyftjan eate of'

3C ^^P nt0 i^opfes, faying
Vx^-v ^pcanebntoSlaron iz
3(f the p?icftcs Daughter alfo be mart*

fiL ano his fonnes, tijat cbbntoaftaungcr,ft)cmaynot eate of

SS| they be feperatcb from thehaloibcbheaucofferinges:
thcboiyrbingcsofthe u /Rottbithftano ins ,tf y p?tcftcs baugn*
chilb?cn of 3fracl,anD
5 tec be a lbyboibe o? bcuo?feb, ano haue
that they pollute notnty holy name tn nochylDe, buttsreturnebjbnto herffc'
thofcthutgesibhichethcy haioibc bn* tljers houfc agayne,fbe (ball eate of bet
tomc:3Jamthc!Lo?be, fathers mcatc, aftbcii as (be tyn « m c
Say bnto them : noholbeuer he be of her youth: But there (bail no ftraun*<
all your feebe among your generations gercatetherof.
after you,tbat goetb bnto the Ijoly thin* i4~3if a man eate of the holy tbyng bn* ' c
ges vbhichc the chylb?cn of gjfcael ha* tbtttingly ,ije thai put the fifth part ther*
loibe bnto the !Lo?be, hauing ttfs bn* bnto,anbgcueitbmothep?tettrbiththc'<
clcannesbponbym,tbatfouiclballbe halotbebthyng.
cut of from out of my fight : 3J am the 15 3tnb tlje p?ieftes ftjail not Defile tlje *
|Lo?De. holy thynges ofthe chylb?en of Jfraci, \
Lcuit.xva- *i©hatmanrocuerofthcfceDeof;8a*
f ibhiche they offer bnto the !Lo?be:
ron is a lcper,o? bath a running iflue,he i6 %o labe them felues rbitfj mifboyng<
(ball not eate of the holy tbingcs,bntyll anb trefpatte tbhtle they eate tbeir holy c
he be tleane : 3nD ibho fo touchcth any 3 the %wt bo haioibc'
thinges: fo?
man that is bncleane [byreaton] of a them.
beabboby, o?a man tbhofe feebe run* 17 Stab the %om fpane bnto fl^oyfes,<
nrth from hym in his flcepe, faying:
5 £>? tbhofocuer toueheth any ereepiug 18 5>peaue bnto aaron anb his fonnes,
thyng, ibhcrcby he may be mabe bn* anb bnto all the chilb?en ofJlfrael, anb \
cleanc,o?aman, ofvbhomhemay taite foy bnto them: nahatfoeuer be be of the <
bntleanncs,U)l)atfocucr bnclcannes he houfe of 3Jfraci,o? ftraungcr in ^Ifrael,
hath: tljat ibyll offer his facrifice fo? all hts c

s %Dt fame foule that bath toucheD bolbes, anb fo? all his frecibyu offe*;
any fuchc, (halbe bncleane bntyil eucn, ringes Vbhiche tljey lUyii offer bnto the
anb fl)all not eate of the holy thynges, fLojbe fo? a burnt offering:
bntyiihehaue lbatbeb his
flelhe rbitft 19 m (hall offer at your picafure,a male <
tbttljoutblcmilhe, oftl)ebccfes, of tljc

25 7 3utD ibbcn the funne is boibne, he Cbeepe,o?ofthegoates. \

fbalbe clcanc,anb (ball aftertbarbe eate? 20 But rbhatfocucr hath a blemi(bc,t!)at
of the holy thynges, fo?afmuche as it is ft)ail ye not offer:fo? it (bai not be accept •
hisfoebc. table fo? you*
TxoAxxii 8 * ©f a beaft tljat byeth aione,o? is rent xi ^nbibhofoeuer bjyngcth a peace offe* ;
Vbylbe bcattes, ibl)crby he may be
tbitl) ring bnto the Ho?be,to accomplyfbcbis
beftleb, he Ojall not eate : am tbe 3 boibe, o?a freeibyll offering in bccfeS'
|Lo?oc» o?0)eepe,tta)albeperfitetobcaccepteo
9 ?Lct tljem ftepe tl)ercfo?e myne ojbfe tljcre (halbe alfo no blcmifl)e tljercin. (
naunce, left tljey fo? the fame labe finne zz 2Blynbe,o? b?onen,o?lame, 0? hauyng
bpen them, anb bye fo? it, ifthcybenle aiben, 0? fnuruie, 0? fcabbeb, ye ft)aii'
tt: gjrt)e1Lo?befanctifietl)ejm not offer niche bnto the Ho?be, no? put <

10 Xhcrc fljall no ftraungcr eate of ttre a burnt offering of any fuche bpon tty\
Ijoly thing, neither a gheft of p pjieftes, aulterbntorl)c?to?be4
hctther fl)ailanljy?eb feruaunt eate of 2$ %
buiiocfte 0? a fljecpe that hath any <
the holy tbyng. member fuperfluous 0? lacUyng, may*'
ii 2Sut if the pneft bye any foule ibitft eftthou offer fo? a frceibyll offering:;
moncy,he u^aii eate ofit,UHe as he tljat but fo? a boibc it (hall not be acccptco.
24 P*
: !

Leuiticus. 1XXV1J.

MefliaiinDiOUti- utnuiy* ^M#w»yw is 3md whether it be cotbe 0? etbe re

:4 (ball not Irpu
s bntfcd, o? cruffyed, 02 b?oftcn,
it anb her roung both in
one Dap, J

nffetvngtherofmrourianoe. 29 i©henrewrllofferathanKeofferpng<
Neither of aflraungcrs Ijanttc (ball bnto the fLo?de,offer it VbpUpngrp
<2>od of anr 30 3tao the fame dap it mud be eaten bp,
woffer thebjeaa of rout
co?ruptionts mthe, fo that ve leaue none of it bntvli the.
furo bccaufethcir
dcfo?mitie in thefemes: mo?otbe:3JamthefLo?oe.
a iDtbcrUatic
tbcrfo?c (hall ther not be
accepted 31 Xherfo?e (ball re nepe mp comaunbe*
fo vou.
mente* ami D0 them: am tht ^o?bc.
^ ind the
" %0W fpahe hnto sporfe$, ?z Neither Ojairepouutemrhoipname,*

faX bttt 3
»JPU be baioibeo among the'
m tUcWullocBe,o?afbeepe,o?agoate child?en of Jjfrael: 3 amtheiu?be<
(balbe fenen dapcs
istoonsht foo?th, it which haiowe pou, «

bnoertbedamme::andfromtheepght 3? Smdthat brought pou out of the lanue,

of tfgppt to be your C5od : 3 am the
m» ant thencefoo?th,tt tyalbe accepted

fSaburntfacnficebntotheflo?be» !Lo?oe» «^$

The xxiii. Chapter.
2flDftBcftolpDapej5. ?€>frtje£>abbotij. fCfte^affouer. 6C&etea&ofbnteauMieb I

bieaD. 1° ®&e feafl of tbe firtt fruites*. 15 i©»»tfontiDe. 24 cbe featt

of blotopng «

trumpets, h Cbe feaft of tabernacles, c

iI52>the!to?befpahe tome into the lande Which 3 seue bnto

bnto^opfes,faping: rou,and reape downc the harueftther* *
3>pcaRC bnto the chifc of, ve thall b?rng a tbcafe of the firft'
o?enof3lfrael,andfap frnitesofrourharueft bnto the p?ieft: \

bnto the: Xhefeaftcs 11 nahictj (ball waue

the theafe befo?e
ofthe?U)?oe which pe the !Lo?oe,to be accepted fo? rou: and
fljallcaiiljoirconuoca' cunt tDe mo?oWc after the £>abboth
ttons,eucnthefe are mr fcaftes. the p?icft (ball Waue it.
Snrc baresve (hall wo?ne: but the 12 Slnoye fliall offer that da? ibhenpe.
fenentbbar is the 3>abboth of reft, an Waue the fljeafe, an hee lambe Without <

biemtfye of a rere olde, fo? a burnt offe-


boipcouocation, fothatredono wo?fte '

t!jerm:itisthe3>abboth~ of the|U)?oe rrng bnto the Ho?de:

mall pour owcllpngcs. 13 3lno the meate offcrrng thcrof, (balbe (
Xhere are the feaftes of the |Lo?de, made of two tenth deales of fine noure
enenfioip tonuocations, Which pe (hall mvngled ibith orle, to beafacrifiee<

pjoclapmeinthett fealbns. mabc br fire bnto the ?lo?d fo? a fiueete

3Jn tlje fourteenth dap of the firft mo* fauour:andthed?rnfteotTcrrngtbcrof;
netb at euen,is the fto?oes*0au*buer: fljalbe of ibine, euen the fourth bcale,
3utb on the fifteenth dap of the fame ofanhrn.
moneth,isthefeaaofbnleaucncdb?ead 1+ ^ndrefl)aleateneitljerb?eaono|pag^
bnto the ?Lo?be: feucn dares re nmO cheo co?ne,no? greene eares,bnrpi p felfc;
catcbnicaucncdb?cad < fame dartbatre haue b?ougbtanoff^ c
7 *3fothefiradarpe{ballhaucanholr ringbntorourd5od:HcttIiisbcaiaU)e £
in ail *
conuocation:re fi)al do no feruile ibo?Hc fo? euerinrour gencrations,anb

, ^m relbail offer facrifices made bp 15

^ndre (halicount

bnto rou from c

ii pre bnto tlje Ho?de th20ugbout tljcfe nuuottc after tljc ^abbotl), eutnfeim,
icttcnoares: and in thefeucntb daris
an Doir conuocation,
re (ball do no fcr;

fm* %om l)t fpafte Jmt0 ^°P fcsf '

mu bnt0 W*
cDADiett of
ano far bnto tljem ;* m\)tn re be rrngbntotl;eHo?de*
: '
!« «',,

Solempne feaftcs. L euincus. Solempne feaft


i? anb ye (nail b?yng out of your Ijabita- cut of from among f)is people.
tions two wane loauesinane of two 30 2nb Wbatfocuer foule bo any wo&e
tent!) bealcs of fine flowje, anb tljat are n)atbay,rt)efame foule Wyii^j bcttroy
mabc Witlj leaucn, to? firft fruitcs bnto from among bis people.
tbcfLojbc. 31 jac (ball bo no maner wojne tberfoje:
* letttbealawefoj euer in your general
18 3ino ye (ball bjyng Witb tbc bjcab fe*
ucn lambes Witbout bcfomiitie,of one tions, anb in all your b Wcllynges. {

ycre of age,anb one young buiiocbe,anb 32 net it be bnto you a 3>abbatr) of reft,
tworammes, Wljieb (ball feme fo? a anb ye (ball bumble your foules in tbc
burnt offeryng bnto tbe Ho?be, Witlj nintt) bay of trje monetrj at euen : from
tbeir meate offcrtnges anb tbeir tyintte euen to euen ujall ye celebrate your)
offeringes,tobeafacrifice mabe by fire "Sabbatu.
fo? a IWcete fauour bnto tbe fLojbe. 3j ainb the fLojbe fpafte bnto fl^oyfes,
19 Xijcn ye (ball prepare an bee goate fo? faying:
a finnc offeryng,anb two lambes of one 34 <S>peafte bnto trje tfjylbjen of ^Jfrael,' $
ycre olbc fo? peace offcrynges, 9 fay: *%\)t fifteentb bay of tlje (ante ft* < n™ „ b .

20 %nb tlje pjieft ujall waue tbem Wttrj uentb monetb is tbe feaft of taberna^!;^
tftebjcaboftlje firft fruitcs foja waue ties feucn bayes bnto tbe fLojbe. "
offering before tbe ?Lo?bc, anb Hurt) tlje 35 %$t firft bay is an Ijoly conuocation:
tibo lambes: tbey ujaibe boly to tlje ye (ball bo no feruile Wojfte.
fLo?bcfo;mjepjfeftcs. 36 £>euen bayes ye ujall offer facrtftcc <
21 3lnb ye (ball pzociaymc tbc fame bap, mabc by fire bnto tlje fLojbe,anb in tlje*
njat it may be an I) oly tonuo canon unto eygrjt bay ujaibe an boly conuocation'
you: ye (ball bo no ferutle wojfee tljerin, bnto you, anb ye ujall offer faerifices t
let it be a iaibe foj cucr tn all your bWcl* mabe by fire bnto ti)t ILojbe : 3lt is tlje c
ivngcs th jougbout your generations. folempne aflemblie, anb ye ujall bo no<
22 *3lnbWljcyereapeboWnetljebarueft fcrutleW02Hctl)crin.
of your lanbe, tbou fliait not matte 37 Xncfc are tbe feaftcs of tbe %om]
cleane ribbaunce of the comers of tby Wbicb ye (ball call ijoly conuocations,<
fielbe Wljen thou reaped, neither ftjalt fouo offer facriftce mabe by fire bnto<
tbon mabe any after gatrjeryng of tby tbe?Lo?be, burnt offeryng, meate onV
barucft, but (bait leaue tbcm btuo tbe ryng,facnfices,anbb?ynReofferynges,'
poojc anb tbe (fraunger : Am tbc 3 euery tbyng bpon bis bay
fLojbcyourCBtob. 38 asefybc tlje 5>abbatbcs of tljclLojbe,
i? 3lnb tbe %
o?bc fpatte bnto ^oyfes, anb befybe yourgiftes, befyoc all your'
faying: bowes, anb your free offerynges;

24 s>pcabcbnto trjecbylbjeu of JJfrael, Wljicb ye geuebnto tbe %mt,

anb fay : 3In tbc fcucntb monetb, in tbe 39 #o?couer, in tbe fifteentb bay of tlje <&
firft bay of tbe monetb (ball ye banc fcuentbmonetbWbenyebanegatbctcD'
£>abbatlj , * euen the temembjaunce of in tbe fruite of tbe lanbe, ye (ball fcepe
blowyng of trumpcttes, an boly con* Ijolybay bnto tlje H,o;be feucn bayes:'
notation. %\\,t firft bay ujalbc a S>abbatlj , iyfce* <
25 m ujall bo no feruile Wome therein, WiTeintljceygbtbaylbalbea^abbatb.
but offer facrtftcc mabe by fire bnto tbe 40 anb ye (ball taHe you in tlje firft bay *

fLojbe. tbe fruites of goobly trees , b?auncbe$

i6 3lnb the %wt fpafte bnto fl^oyfes, of palme trees,anb tlje bowes of tljicfee
trees, anb Wiliowes of tbe b^oobe, anb
27 Xbe*tcntlj bay alfo of tlje fclfc fcucntb (ball reioyce before tbe ?lo?b your d5oD
monetb is a bay of rcconnlyng,tberfo?e feucn bayes.
(ball beanbolp conuocation bnto you 41 3lnbye (ball Uepetbis feaft bnto t\ft
it «

9 ye ujall " bumble your foules, anb of* K,o?be feucn bayes intrjeyere:3lt(b^ •

Y»u f hiU
fer famfice mabe by fire bnto rtje %W*
be a lawe foj euer in your generations,
28 M ujall bo no WojUe p fame bay,fo? it tbat ye itepc it in tbe fcucntb monetb* ,
is a bay of recociling,to mabe an attone* 42 jt»e (bai owcli in bootbes feucn bayes:
ment fo? you before tlje &020 your <5ob. euen all tbat are 3Jfraeiites borne tljau*
29 foi Wljatfocuer foule it be tljat bum* DWcll in bootbes:
bictijnotijymrcife tbat bay, ^e ftjalbe 43 %W
V*w 4)ttb?en after you may

Leuiticus. Ixxvnj.
3 mabe
tf)e cljfltyen

3 44
3 am tbe !Lo?bepour tisou.
Stob^oyfes beclarebbnto tfie cM*!
S)ous!)«IjemontoftDetanticofC5(pt: Wof3fcaeitt)efeaaesoftrje&o?bV«^

^ The. xxiiij . Chapter.

i cfic o?ie ro.i tfic lamped « $e t^at warp^cmctl? mutt be Qomd. 17 $c fyat fipnc tij

iB2D tnclLojbcrpasc
8 <£uerp £>abbatrj Be fyau* put ttjem ftt
roibes before tt)e ILom euennoje, of.
*Commaunbe tlje tljecbplbjenof ^frael ujail tbepbeofc
cijttbjenofjfraeltbat fereb fo? an cucrlaitpng couenaunt jtWlWS place
tljep b#ng bnto tticc 9 3tnb rbep ujaibe Karons anb fjfs.i^S:
pure oyleoliue beaten Tonnes, Vbbiclj ujall eate t&em m
t&e «£*,&&
fon&e i^sDf, to caufe Ijolp piace:5f o? tl)ep are mofl Ijoly bnto «jgj^
W lamprs to burne continually, jjpm of tbe offerpnges of rue flojbe ;«*««»*
^irtjouttljebapieof ibitnefle tlje m mabe bp fire,bp a perpetuail ftatute. «*«*«!.

tabernacle of tlje congregation Ojaii 10 3inb tlje fonne of an 3Jfraeutifl)e lbife, an cujll cn=
aaton bjefFe tbembotlj cuenpng anb lbljofe fatljcrtbasanegpptian, ibent calamicicana
that not fim=
nuwipncj before tbe %om
aitbapes: out among tlje cljilbjen of Jftaei: 3fob plp, but
name of (500.
bp tl)«

?Uf ttbealaibe fbjeuer in pour gene* trjis fonne of toe ^jrraclmtyc lbpfe anb ntfapbenot
only 3fcirhe
tattons, aman of 3ifracl ftroue together in tfjc tljecan tii'Ml,
but aOOcb ana
Jc fyaii D? effe tlje lampes bpon p puce hoafl. inopen wo; jo
nameD tlje met
tanb icfhcne before Snb tlje 3Jfraelitifl)C lbomans fonne
f ?Lo?b perpetually. 11 me oftjToB,

Jnbtbou ujait tane fine floure, anb w biarpbemcb tbe name of tbe ILoW, g«j »«*
anb curfeb, anbtljcytoougbtnpmbn* *«>x
ocaicsa^aibeinonecaue. to ^opfes: tys motbers name ibas
ihJ2™'Wt ret tbetntiborottjcs, 5>clonutlj,rbbicl) tt>as tljebaugljterof g^g*
,U)C ' l,pon
^ epure tmt w '

S>ibn,of tlje tribe of 2>an<
2lnb thct>*put livm in ibarbe,tl)at tlje
by tbc name of

imflllc . R0-
7 03&B
p pu
tfi?w !5
" ftanft ^ftn« *>P<>n tlje innibeofp%bcnnslJt^fl)eU3ebtljc.

13 ^nb tbe Ho?oe fpauc bnto ^opicsf, ajapnlt


tabic alio
e tiniuiib"""*
14 S"nfl^^^ DfP eaftcrU,m',0
) ^

romaunces. L CUltlCUS. Ordinaun c
boaft, anb let all that hcarbc hym, put neighbour: as he hath uonejodiaiuT
their hanbes bpon Ins heab, anb let all bebonetohym.
the multitube ftone hym. 20 s?0Be fo? b?o&e,*eye fo? eye,am> tooth
15 3inb thou (halt fpeaftc bnto p chiib2en fo? tooth: eucn as he hath
blcmtlthet XJO,

of JJfrael, faying: nahofoeuer curfeth ntan,fo (ball he be blcnuffbeb agavnc

his dE>ob, (hall beare his finne. ii 3mbhethatByiiethabcaft, let him
i6 3nb he that blafphcmctlj the name of rcfto?e It : anb he that feyileth a
mail let
the 3Lo?be,lct him be flayne,anb all the t)ymbye.
multitube (ball ftone hym to beatl): 22$Je(bailhaueonemancroflatbe eucn
©hcthcr he be borne in the lanbe, 0? a fo? the ttraunger aDbell as fo? one of
ftraungcr, tbhen lje biabpbcmeth the
pout oibne eountrey: fo? %am tfie J
S) 17 3nb*he that Byllcth any man,let hym 2j :M>^oyrestolbcthcchflb?c*of^frfc:
Exodxx,.b t, re t he bcath. 9 the? brought hym that hab turret!
18 3lnb he that Bylleth a beaft, let hym out of the hoaft , anb ftoneb hym ibith
mane hym goob,beaft fo? beaft. ftones : 3lnb the chflb?cn of Ufrael nvi
19 Xrfo yf a man taufea blemfttje in his as the &o?be commaunbeb%oyres.

5" The .xxv. Chapter.

» Cbc^bbatboftftcfeuenpmjj, 8anliof t^epmofg|aWIee,ot5ertDifccanel»
t&e fiftieth ?ete. 23 ®&e fate an& reDeemps of lan&e&Jjoufe&anD pwfonj*.

/I52>the|L02befpaRe the trumpet of tfle^ubilee in thetenth

bnto flJ9oyfcs turnout bay ofthereuentft moneth,euentnpbap
31 £>inaf,faying: of attonement (hal ye maue the trumpe *
£>peaue bnto tlje blotbeth?oughoutail your lanbe. \
thflb2enof3Jfrael,anb 10 anb ye (hall haioibe that yere, euen
fay bnto tljenunahcn the fiftieth yere, anb p?oclayme bbertie
ye be come into £ lanbe throughout all the lanbe bnto all tbein<
lbhirh J
gcue pott, the lanbe (ball reft habiterstljercof: fo?itfhalbea3lubflce
anb uepe 3>abbath bnto the 2Lo?be. Dnto you, anb ye lhail retume eucry.
^ireymsthouajaitforbethynclbe, manbtrtohispoflefriott,anbcueryman
anb fire yeres thou (bait rut thy bine* bnto his uinrebagayne.
yarbe, anb gather (n the fruite therof. 11 ^yereof jubilee (hal tDatftftietlj yere \
26ut the * rcucnth yere (baibe a S>ate be bnto you : Pt fljall not forbe,netther
bath of reft bnto tlje lanbe, the flo?bes reape that lbhieh groibeth of it rclfe,'
5>abbatbit(haibe: thou (halt neither neither gather tlje grapes that arc left: \
foibe thy fielbe,no? tut thy bineyarbe.
iz 5fo? tljat yere of Jubilee Ojalbe Doly
Xljat ibhith groibcth of the oibne bnto you: but ye (hall eate o( tlje en*«
acco?bc of thy Ijarueft, thou iljait not crcafe tljerof out of the fieibc.
r cape, neither gather the grapes that
13 3n the yere of this jubilee ye ftiall
thou haft left behynbe : ft? it is a vere of retucne cucry man bnto hts poflcflton <

reft bnto the lanbe.

3lnb the reft of the lanbe fljalbc meate
14 3fthoufelleft ought bnto thy neyglj 5
fo?you, eucnfo?tljec, fo? tbyferuaunt, bour, 02 byeft ougljt of thy ncyghbourS
frfo?thy maybe,fo?thy hircb femaunt, ljanbc,yc thai not opp?cfle one anortjer.
anb fo? the ftraunger tljat foioumctlj 15 ffiut atco?bing to tlje number
* of yeres
ibtththee: after the jubilee yere thou(l;altbyeof
3lnb fo? thv cattell,anb fo? the bcaftes thy neighbour:anb acco?byng bnto tlje
tljat are in thy lanbe, (hall all the en*
number of yeres of tlje fruitcs he ft;aU
crcafc therof be meate. fellbnto thee.
25 S 3tnbthou (halt number feuen &ab* w ^cco?bing bnto tlje multitube of yeres
batljes of yeres bnto thee, eucn feuen he (hall encrcafe tlje p?ice tljcrof,anb at*
tymes feuen yere, anb tljefpace of tlje
fcncn&abbathcs of yeres ibylbe bnto
co?bing to the fcttmeffc of yercs,he (hal %
mini(he tlje p?ice of it:fo? tlje number
tljce nine anb fourtie yeres.
of fruitcs both he ftll bnto thee,
3tab then tljou (bait caufe to bloibe man
17 £>PP?efle not ye therfo?e euery eWSK
Lcuincus. I XXIX.
anb therefore tbep map be bought out

l^^mwmrTbut thou (halt feare thp
f 02 U am the Hoibc pour C5ob.
wihrrfofc1 pc man Do
vc (ball after mpne
uu uutt 02W*
hi^ihj u^ui> «
Ggpne, anb (Ijal
~* -—
thai go out in the jubilee.
jt iftotibirbftanbpng , *—
the cities of tl)e
nAunces anb Rcpc mp
laibcs, anb bo ILcuitcs, anb the houfes of the cities of

hr 11 anb pe a^all blbcll in the lanbe in their poffr ffton , map Hcuitcs re*

fiSc becmcataufeafons.
Wtnc lanbe ^all seue her ftuite, 35 3lnb pfa man purcbafc of the fLcuitcs,

,h W
itS vc mall eatc pour
K« it.

anb bibell the houfe that ibas foibc, anb the citie
of their poffeffion, a^ail go out in the
pere ofjjubtlce : fto the boufes of the
cities ofthe Heuites, arc tbctr pofTcf*

, , «W
Veyenthvere^fo.2\bea)allnot folbe,
no2 gather in our

mcreafe; f
fenbe mp bleffpng bpon pou tn
vete , anb it 0)all topng fooftft
ftuite fo2th2ceperes.
Ron among the chiltoen of Ijfraci.
34 But the fielbe of the fuburbes of
their cities map not be foibe : fo; it is
their per pctuali pofTefTion.

ano pc (ball foiDc the epght pere, anb 3Jftbpb20therbetbarenpoo?eanb

n 35
fallen in becap tbitl) thee, thou (halt re

catcvetof olbefruite bntpll the ninth

pcrc: euen bntill her fruites come pe i)pm as a frraunger 02 foiourner,

(ball eatc of olbeQoje.

that he map ipue ibith thee.
lanbe (hall not he folbe to 16 *3nb tI;ou (halt taue none bfurie of
• M Xhe Exod.nd.

l ianbeismpne,&pebebut
hpm,02bantage: but thou (halt feare Deut.;j.d.
ftaungers anb foiourncrs ibith me. thp d5ob, that thy toother map ipue
24 5(11 all the lanbe of pour
»* thai " graunt a rcbemption fo? p lanbe. 37 %hou (halt not geuchpmtbvmonep
y bpon bfurie,no2 lenbe htm th? bictuels
25 %tbp anb
toother be ibarcbpooie,
pofTefTion, anb
Dath folbe atbap of his poneufon,
fo? encreafe.

it anv of his tonne come to rebeeme ft, 38 3 am the !L02be pour d5ob, tbbicft

letnpnWeouttfiatibhiehhiStoother toougbtpououtoftheianbcofegppt,
f0l £l
3mbvf hehauenomantorebeemeft, tobepourdsfob.
39 *Ufthp toother that btoellethbp thee
11 a.
anbKnbehathflottenanbfounbe Dcut.ij.c

asmuch asmapbe fufficient to bpe ft Ul HIUIUI pwu^,H»v wv «w.N.» vii.m *V~1

outagapnc: thou fhaltnot compell hpni to ferue as
17 Xheicthvmcounthotbelongttharh abonbeferuaunt:
ben folbe, anb belpuer the reft bnto the 40 ziBut as an hfteb remaunt,anb as a
man to he folbe ft, that he map
mhom foioumer he (halbc ibith thee,ano (hall
returne to his poffeffion agapne. feme thee bnto the pere of jubilee.
18 zauanbpflttShanbe cannot get fuf* 41 ^nb then (hall he bepart from thee,
ftctent to redone to the other agapne, both he anb his chiltoen \bfth hvm,anb
fliall returne bnto his ovbnc
flic that ibhich is folbe iljai remapue in
t^e hanbe of hvm that hath bought it, agapne, anb bnto the poffeffion of his
thepere of jubilee: anb in the
bntpii fathers (hall he returne.
3nbtieetttballcomcout, anb he (hall 4.1 02 thep are mp fcr uauntes,tbhich
f 3
WurncbntohispofTeffionagapne. l ^* ¥°/^%"!5ffi2?
tooughtt out of the lanbe of egppt, ano
» ^nbpfamanfellabibellpnghoufetn
» wniau iiiie, ye may uyz a uui ayo^m.
45 ^honu]alt not ntle oner
Within a ibhole pere after it is folbe: but aialt feare thpd5ob.
Within a pere map he rebeeme it. 4.4. %\yp bonbferuaunt anb thv
c 30 25ut anb pf he bpe ft not out agapne mapbett)htchthoua)althaue,n)a!peot
within the fpacc of a mil pcrc, then the the heathen that are
rounbe abou
uoure that ism the iballeb citie, fbalbc
pblflhea, as tranaateb to hvm that tes anb mapbes. . .
lfc.^rlM ,

J°U5ht it anb his fueceffottrs after 4 < ^o2coucr,ofthechilb2cnofparann^

iJVm,^ ajall not
* gcrs that are foioumersJjnioiffl rg,
go out in the jubilee.
of thnr fu!in.cs
put the houfes of bpliagcs, ibhich of them a)au pc bpe f
thep besat »n
yauenoibailes rounbe about them, that arc ibith pou, lbhtch
w tountcb as the fielbe of the coutrcp:

OrJ maunces. L CUltlCUS. Ordin aunc-,

46 3lnt) pe (ball taftc them as inheritance the p2tcc of bepng, (balbe accojopw,

f02 pour thiiorcn after pon, to poffcffe Ditto tlje number of pcres, aecorolno
them an inhcritaunec, thep (balbe
f02 to the tpmc of anhtrco feruaunt (bail
pour bonomcnforc iter: but oner pour he be with hpm. '

b2eth?cn tbc thtioren of 3lfracl, pe (ball 51 3Jf there be pet man? petes bebpnoe
not rule one ouer another crucllp. a«020png bnto trjem let hpm gene *
<5 47 3if a foiourncr orftraungcr lbarc game fo2 his Oeliucraunce,of themonep
ricl)e bp tbec , ano thp bjotljcr that that be ibas bought fo?,
oioclictb bp hpm
tbare poore, ano fell 52 ^f there remapnc but fetbe peresbn-
hpmfelfe bnto the ftraunger ojfotour* to tbe pere of 3Jubtiee, let hpm count
ncr bv tl)ee,02 to tDc ttotue of ttje ftcaun- Ibttf) hpm agapne :ano aet020png bnto
gcrsmnnc: bis pcres, gcuehpm agapne fo2 bts re*
48 Sifter tbat he isfoioe, he map be re* ocniption.
occinco agapne : one of Dts bjcrtwn 5} 3no he (balbe lbith hpm pere bp pere
mapreocemehpm: as an bir co feruaunt: ano the other (h ai
49 either his bnele, o?h(s bnclcsfonne not ratgne truellp ouer htmtn thp fight.
map bpc hpm out 02 anp that is npc of 54 3* l)ebc not rcoeemeo thus, he Qjaii

ttmnc onto hpm of his Rtnrco, map re go out in the pere of ^Jubilee, both he
fcecme hpm: cither pf his hanoe cau get ano his cbttDjcn Withbpm:
fo much,hc map be bought out. 55 5Fo2bntomethechtt02enonjfraeiare
50 3Uio he fhail recHen rbith hpm that reruauntes, thep are mp (eruauntes
bought hpm,f com the pere that he Was winch 3 brought out of the lanoe of
foloe in, onto the pere of jubilee : ano cgppt: J am the JLojoc pour <£>oo.
^ The. xxvj Chapter.

; Cfte? arc blr fTcti that feepe tbotc tbpngcz tbat <ffoo biDDetO. 14 3D curfe to tBetn

e (ball* mane pou no thep (bal fallbefoie pott bpon p fwojoe.

tools no: grauc image, 8 * ^no fine of pou iball chafe an hutt*
Dcstt-v.i. fefu.fx'i
neither rearc pou bp 02CO, ano an bunoreo of pou (ball put
anppillcr, neither (ball ten tijoufanoe to fligbt: I pour enemies
pcfetbp anp image of ajali fall before pou bpon the Hb020e.
(lone in potir lanoe to 9 fo23Ubpllhauerefpectbntopou,anb 23

bowe ootbne Onto It: mane pou increafe, ano muitfpite pou,
f02 3 am the H02OC pour d5oo ano fet bp mp couenaunt ibith pou.
z J3ea)aiiftq)cmp&abbathes,an0re* 10 3uto pe (ball eate oioe tto2e, ano carp
ucrence mp fanctuarie : fo? am the 3 out oloe,becaufe of tbc neroe.
JL020e. 11 *^no 3J JbpU mafte mp otbellpng i.C*M
3 3lf pe Waine in mp 020inaunces,anb place among pou,ano mp foule (hainot
aepe mp commaunoementes, $00 the: lothepou.
4 3 H>pU fenoe pou rapne in oue lea* n 3 ibpii tbaiue among pou, ano ttnloe
fon ano the lanoe fbailpeeioe her in*
, pour<5oo,anope (balbe mp people.
ereafe, ano thetrccsof the neioe (hall 13 3
am tbe lLoroe pour d5oo tooicp
geuc their friutc: broughtpouout of theianoeof €gppt»
5 3inD pour th2cffbpng(baireache bnto tbatpe a)oulocnot be their bonomen,
the Ointage.^the bintagefball reache ano baue brohen tbe cbapnes of pour
bnto foWpng tpme: ano pe (ball eate pofte.anOmaoepougoOprtgbt. DetoH
pour b?eao in plenteoufncu"c,ano DWell 14 *25ttt ano if pe \bpll not bcar&en
in pour lanoe fafeip. me , no? Vbpu not 00 after thefe com-
6 3inD 3
wpu fenoe peace in the lanoe, maunoementcs: .,
ano pe (ball Ipe DoWne Without anp 15 ^no pf pe (ball Oifpife mpne ojbt-

man to maae pouatrapoe:ano Wpil 3

naunces, ettber if pour foule wWJ
riooe cupil bcaftes out of the ianoe,ano mp lavbes, ro tljat pe tbpll not do all nip
tljere (ball no (Wo?oe go throughout commaunoementes, but bjeaue mp w
pour lanoe. ucnaunt, . t<a

7 anope (ball chafe pour enemies, ano 16 alfo ibpll 00 thisbntopou : 5f« £

3c cu
res o
rfinges. L euiticus. 1 XXIX.
mn bn>ng Upon
burnyng ague
31 anb^ifbylimaueyourrtticsbefoiate,
anb bung vour fanttuarie bnto naught!
onfutne pout epes, anb
genber fojottie anb ibyll not fmell tbe feuourof
of heart : 3ftiD
ye fball foibeyour fcebe fibceteobours.
tn»avnc,fojyour enemies (ball eateit. 32 giibyll bjyng the lanbe bnto a Mber*
if ,-r 2inD Wllfctmyfaceagaynftyou,? nefle, anb vour enemies lblitcljMbetl
enemies : tbey
vtfljaii fall before pour tberinfyauibonbtratit.
Sliatbatcyou fl)ai ratgne oucr you,*anb 3? 3tnb 3f ibvll ttroibe vou among the
n (ball flee mije no man foloibetb you. heathen, anbibyli bjaibeoutanbojbe
>s mo tfV* ibyinot pet fo: all ttjis bear* after vou: anb vour lanbe tyaibc Vbafte
me, tben ibyll
Ken unto punitye you 3 anb vour tities befolate.
fcticn tymes mo?c fo? pour fumes: 34 Xben (bau the lanbe enioy her <§>ab*
i9 %nn ibyll bjeane tbe pjibe of pour bathes as long as it Iveth bovbe,anb ve
potter, anb 3
ibyll mane your beauen fhaibe in vour enemies lanocteuen tben
as iron.anb pour eartl) as bjafle (ball tbe lanbe reft anb cniov ber S>ab*
zo^n&youriabourfbaibefpcntinbayne: batbes.
fo? pour lanbe (ball not gcue ber in* 35 asiongasft Iveth boybMttyau reft:
creafe, neither (ball the trees of the betaufe it h^n not reft in vour £>ate
iaitoegeue their fruites. batbes ibhenyebtbeltbponit.
ii Zvm ye ibaiae tontrarie bnto me,
if 3<j anbbpontbenubatareleftaiyueof r.
ano ibyll not fjeatfcen bnto me, ibyll 3 pou,3l U)iU renbe a fayntnefle into tbeir
bjvngfeuen tymes mo plagues bpon Ijeartes in tbe lanbes of tbeir enemies:
vou,acco?byng to pour finnes* anbthefounbe of afljauyngieafe (ball
2i 3
lbpii aifo fenbe in tbylbe beaftes bp* chafe them,anb tbev tbail flee as flevng
en vou, ibhichfliall tobbe vou of vour fromaftbo?bc: theyfyail fall, no man
rijtltyen, ano beiiroy your cattell, anb folotbyngbpontbem.
mafee vou fcibe in number, anb caufe 37 XbeyfbailfaU one bpon another as
four Ij ve tbayes to be befolate. ft tbere before a ftiwbe , euen no man
i3 3lnD ve mav not be refourmeb by
if roloibyng bpon tbem,anb ye (ball baue
t&cfe tbvnges,but (ball ibalue contrary no potber to ftanb before your enemies.
38 3mb ye (ball pertfbe aniong the bea*
i+ %\\m tt>vll
3 alfo tbarae tontrarie
touo vou,anb ibyl punrtbc yon vet feuen
tben, anb the lanbe of your enemies
Chall eate you bp.
tymes foj your fumes. 39 2nb they tljat are left ofyou,(halpine
% 3taD3J ujyiifenbeaftbojbebpon vou, atbay in tbeir bnrighteoufneffe [euenj m
nwt (ban auenge mv couenannt:3mb vour enemies lanbes,? in tbe mifbeebes
when ve are gatbercntogetber ibithin of tbeir fathers (ball t^ confume
pouctittcs, 3
ibvllfcnbethe peftilcnee Ibithtbcm.
among vou,anb ve (haibc belvuereb In*
40 ^nbtbey fl)altonfeu"etheirmifbeeoes
/otljebanbeoftbecnemie. anb tl)cmi(beebesof tbeir fatljers, fo?

^ % °*o&en th e "ftatTe of
tbeir trefpaffe tDbitb tljey bane trefpaf*
feb agaynft me, anb fo? tbat alfo tbat
h? !i
« °ne ouen,ano they (ball bcliuer tbey baue rbaibeb contrary bnto me.
m Voncb?eabagayne by
; ibaygljt, ye 41 Xberfo^eJaKolbylUbaiKe tontrarie
mil eate,anb not be ^ M * tht
them, anb rbyl b?ing tbcm into t\)c
n^ m «


l? rt f an tbis bear^ lanbe of tbeir enemies: 3lno t\)tn at tbe
leaft Ibay tbeir bncircumcifcb beartcs

in Sn mm
contrary bnto you alfo
on » anl »^«el)a«reronfe*
(baibctameb,anb tbey u>u ibiiiuigly
accept tbeir "finne.
« %W it,

*S ym tmvour

ts f0 ? finnes. 42 Xben 3 ibylt remember my coue« ment for

of your naunt ibitb3Jacob, anbrnycottenaunt

their finnc.
rottoHJ?1! tfteflen)e
lbitblifabac, anb mycouenaunt
h abjaljam Tbyll^ remember, anb ibyll
tu?£ ^^
? out h ?e places, anb
thynue on the lanbe.
Xbeianbealfoajaibcleftoftbeu at^
SSS out
Jpo n .^wbw, anb call your 4 3
SSSH ^ «
ot) vesof your tools,

ft)au cnioy ber ^abbatbes

lyetl) ibafte ibitftout tbcm: »nb tbey

Ord maunces. L CUltlCUS. Ord "Mttllto

u>U rbUUncjip accept their finnc, be* couenauntofoibc,ibhen1Jtommh7rt^"
mp lames, 9 becaufe
caufe thep uifpifcD
their foulc abho?ccb mp o?binaunccs.
out of the lanbe of cgpptIn the finffi
the heathen , that
mpctbt be
mt E
the lanbe of their enemies, *3Ubplinot 46 Xbclearetheo?binaunces,anbtoi^
caftthem atbap, neither ibpii abho?re
them to beltcop them utterly, anb to
mentes, anb laibes, ibhtcb the
mabe bcttbecne hpm anb the cbtibien nf
b?eaue mp couenaunt tbith them fo? : 3 3km in mount S>inai bp the
v*9*mm nf haS
amthefLoibethcird5ob. spopfes.
4$ 3 *W fo? tljeir faftes remember the

f The. xxvij. Chapter.

1 ©f Otucris botoes, anb of titlm. :8 2C tflpng teperate from t&e bfe of man.can not
be folocnoj: reoecmefobut, rcmapnetl) to tije jB,o?oe.

$2Dtbe!lo?betpafte 11 3Jf it be anp maner of bnrteanc beau"

onto £Popfcs,faping: of ibhidj men bo not offer a facrifice'
% ^pcabc bnto the chil* bnto the Ho?bc,he (ball fet tfjc beaft be*;
b?enof3lfrael,anofap fo?ethcp?icft:
bnto them: 3ifanp n Stab the p?ictt (hall balue it 7 tbhetbec'
man tbpi mane a (a Tin* ft be goob 0? bab: anb as the p?ieft fet*'
gulcrbovbeofapcrfon tethtt,folballitbe.
bnto the 1Lo?be, bp thp eOimation, 13 But if he ibpn bpe it agapne, ,'

he (ball
Zhcn thp eftimatton fbalbeW] ; j©f gcuc the ftft part mo?e aboue that it«
the male from tihentie peres olbe bnto lhasfetat.
ftrtie, fbalbe bpthp eOimation fiftie
14 9Jf anp man bebicate his houre to be's
* fides of ftluer, after
the ficle of the ijolp bnto the !Lo?be, the p?icll (ball fet'
fanctuarie: ft, Whether it be goob 0? bab : anbas!
3tnb if it be a female, rljen thp balua* the p?icft hath fet tt,fo (ball it ftanbe. «

tionfyalbcthirtie fides, 15 2mb Jbhcn he that fanctifieb it apli;

anb fromfiue peres to ttbetm'c, thP rebeeme his houfe, let hpmgene the nft
baluation (baibe of the male ttbentte part of ttje monep that it ibas tubgeb'
ftcles,ano of the female ten fides.
attherto,anbit(halbehis. \
3lnb fcomamoneth bnto fiue peres, 16 3Jf a man balotbe a p Cece f hisuu><
thp cftimation Ojalbe of the male at fine rttcb lanbe bnto the Ho?bt, thoulhait;
fides of fiiucr, anb the female at th?ee balue itacco?bpng to the fecoc tljerof:*
ficlcs of ftluer.
3m bonier of barlp feebe fbalbe fet at«
3lnb from firtie peres olbe anb abone,if fifrteficles of ftluer.
he be a male, then thp p?icc (balbefifc 17 3If he haioibe hisfielbe (nmieb(atlp<
tccne ucles.anb fo? the female ten ficies. feo the pere ofjubilee, it (halbe Vbo?th;
8 But if he be pooler then thou haft acco?bpnsas thou boeft efteemc it.
eftccmco hpm,he (hall pjefent hpm felfe 18 But anb if he halorbe his fielbe after'
before the p?ieu\
anb the p?icft (hail the jubilee, the p?ieft n^all recfeen bnto \
balue hpm: acco?bpng asthehanbe of
hpm the monep, acco?bpng to the num«
hpmthat boihcb isabletogct, cuenfo ber of the peres that rcmapne, bnto ttjc
u>ll the p?icft balue hpm. peresofjublilecfoloibpng.anbitujal^
3f it be a bead of lbhich menb?png be abateb bp thp eftimation. \
anofferpng bnto the 3Lo?be, all that 19 3Jfhethatconfecratebthc fielbe lbpjl.
anp man gcucth of fuch bnto the 2Lo?o, rebcemeit agapne, let hpm put the tut <

(baibchoip. part of thep?icethat thou btbft balue it,

10 $ea)aUnotaiterit,no?chaungeit, a at therunto,anb it (halbe his.
goob fo? a bab, 0? a bab fo? a goob : 3nb zo ^nb if he rbpii not rebeeme the fielbe,
ifbcrhaungebcaft fo? bead, then both but rclleth the fielbe to another man: l;e 4
the fame bead anb it alfo ibhcrlbithit [tbat bottcD] map rebeeme it no mo?e. «

ibas chaungeb,(balbe fcoip. ii W9X IbDen the fielbe goeth out in the
Leuiticus. 1.XXX].
anb it fbaibe bolp bnco
re of Uubflee,
feperate bnto the 3U#)e of all that He
Ji c Eo&cuen
as a fieibe feperate from M>, Wberitbemanoibeafto
inMonbfcs,anb itOjalbetiie pjtcttes lanbeofbisinhcritaunce, maybe foibe
ojrebeemeb: foj euery thynct

^aman fanctifie tmto the %om a
ficioc n>bich bebatbbought.anbisnot
riffle grounbe of bisinhcritaunce: zp /ftotbingfepcrate from the
common 5F

n Cfte
weft fl)al mfcen bnto Dim tbljat *kMM)tmbt fepetate So?Sum
tt is ttwffl
Unto the yere of jubilee, fljaiberebccmc^butbyetbebeath (hall gene
the pjiee that it is fet 30 eueryntheoftheianbeairo,bothof
atfflefame bay, as athyng confercate the feebe of ffleianbe, anb of the
unto t\)t %w. m
fhaliretttrnebnto Dimof ibbom it ibas 31 3mb if a man tbyii rebeeme ought of
inheritaunceof bis tttljes, let hpm abbe tlje fift
bousbt, tobym tt>hofe part
lanbetttbas. thereto.
,< anb all tby baluation fbatbeaccojbms ?t Slnb euery tythe of ore anb of fteepe
to t^c ftele
* of tDe fanctuarie : 4Dneficle anb of euery beau" fflat goctlj briber the
00 rob, euen
contayncffltibentiegerahs. euery tenth fflaibe holy bn*
" r tuctp
; *25uttj)cfirft borne of fyebeaftesttjat totheHojbe. irnilj

i$tl)t%owz firtt borne, may no man 33 tyt (bail notloone if it be goob 0? bab it bt malt of

ranmfic,tbbctbcr ft be ore o? ttjeepe, fo? no? cbaunge it: els if be cbauttge rt,botfj female toit^
out accretion

itisfflefLojbcsalrebie. it anb that it tbas cbaungeb ouclbctt.

i 7 3ifttbeanbnrteanebeaO,tje (ball re* (balbehaiotbeb,anbmaynotBe rebee*
Dccmt it as thou ttjalt fet it at,anb gene meb.
ffleftftpartmojefyerto: £>jifitbenot 34 Xftefe are the commannbementes
rcbecmeb, it (halbe foibt aceo?byng to Jbbictje the fLojbe tommannbeb by
thy cffli nation. ^oyfesbnto the chyuyenof 3ffrael in
23 ^ommbftanbyn&notbyng feperate mount &maf. r&
from the tommonbfe that a man bottj

q The ende of the thirde booke of Moyfes.

, . '

The number of the armie N umen. oflfc<

CljiB fottrtl) ,
boohc of iy op
fcs, is calico <
5^ The fourth bookeof Moyfcs,called
irtumberfl :
, in the HebreTt>eVaiedabbar,anclin the Latin JsQtmeri.
bcc.iufc the ' m
bcjpnnrnj of
it, iiHT.'CB I ^ The firft Chapter.
aaron Ovo «
number the , i 311 that are apt toj battafle,are numtycD. 49 Cbe tribe of %cu i mutt minitfet
cliptoicn of
3 fracl , t that
in the tabernacle.
of their tribes .
Ijl5b tlje %oib is anb tfjev cailcb all tfje congregation
|fpai« Dnto toficttjer tljefirllbavofttjefeconbmo-'
X flpoyfesintlje
nettj, anD tljev lbcre recfteneb though*
outt&etrBinrebcs anD Ijoufes of tljeir'
^5>inai, in tlje fathers, aceojbvng to tlje number of«
L25* tabernacle of tljeirnames, from truentit verts oibe«
"'tlje congrcga* anbaboue.ljcabbpncaD.
tion, tlje ftrtt 19 as tfje Hojbe commaunbeb ^opfes/
jbav of tlje fc* eucnfo tje numbjeb tljcm in tlje ibttoer* «
conbemonctlj neu"eof£>tnat» ,

in ttjefcconbvcre after ti)cp rbere come 20 5>otberet!jceIJvlbmiofftttben,3Jfta<

out of tlje lanbe of egvpt,faving: clselbeftfonne,tij2ougIjout tfjeir gene*'^ Xancvetfje fumme of all tlje multt* rations,anb tljeir ftinrcbes, anb ijoufes!
Nu.xxvia. c tube of clje cjjilbzen of 3ifrael,aftcr tljeir of tljeir fatljers, aceozbyng to trjenum-'
ii.Rcg.i+.a ,
mnrcbes 9 Ijouttjoiocs of tljeir fathers, ber of tfjeir names, Ijeab by &eab, all!
until tlje number of tfjeir names, all males from ttt>enne vcrcs olb $ aboue, <
maies,ljeab by Ijeab,
tljat are as man? as bib go foojtl) to tlje ibarce:'
13 jFromtibcntie veres oibeanb aboue, ii Xljcnumberoft&emtljatnjereoftljeL
cuenautljatgofooztlj to tlje ttmrre in tribe of 3Huben, ibasfourtic ^uretljou^^
3)fcaei : tljou anb aaron ftjall number
fanbc,anbfiucl)unbtf&. ;

tljem ttjjougljout tfjeir armies. vl $>f tlje c&plbjen of Simeon tl)?oug^

« 4
anb Jbttlj vou fljaibe men of euerp out tDcir generations, 9 tljcir ninrebes,
trtbcfucl) ras aw] tlje Ijcabes of t&e Ijou* anb l)oufcs of tljeir fathers, tlje fumme

\ fes of tbeir fathers. oftl)cin tlje number of names Ijeab b^

5 - anb tljcfe are tlje names of tlje men licab all the males from tibentie vcrcs

\ tljat fljall ftanb ibmj you: of tbe tribe of] t

anb aboue,tbl)ofoeuer mpgljt go foo;tb •
. Bubcn,eii5ur,tlje fonne of Ǥ>ebeur. to tile Kbarcc*

6 4Df Simeon, 3>elumiel tlje fonne of 13 ICljefummeoftfjemtljatlbereofrtje,
'] &uri S»abbai. tribe of £>imcon,fiftie $ nine tljoufanbe
25 « 7 j©f 3Juba,|5aI)elTon, tlje fonne of a* anbtlj?eel)unb?eb. \

minabab. 14- fl)f tlje cD?ib?en of d5ab tl)zougl)oat<
8 .'
fl>f 3Jfacfjar , #atljanacl tlje fonne tljeir generations, anb tijetr Uincebes,;
« ofzuar. 9 Doufl)Olbcs of tljeir fatl)crs,trje num-,
9 £>f zabulon,eiiab tljefonne of $clo. ber oftlje names from tibentie vcrcs f«
. 10 among tlje cljyibzcn of 3tofeplj ' of aboue,ali tOat lbcnt foo^th to p ibarre:
€pl)?aim, eiifatna tfje fonne of 2mmi* 25 Xlje number of tbcm tljat Vbcrc of tlje
c Ijub: of J©anau"e,(i5amcliel tlje fonne of tribe of d5ab,ibas fourtic anb fiue tljou*;
« ^cba^ur. fanb, fire fjunb?eb anb fiftie.
; n £)f 26eniamin , abiban tlje fonne of 26 4Dftl)ccl)vlbjcnof3fuba tf)?oug^out^
« d5ebcon. tljeir generations, anb tljeir ninccbcs,,

12 <2Df 2Pan, aijicjcr tlje fonne of ammi anb Ijoufcs of tljeir fatljers,tlje number
« dabbai. of names fro ttbentie veres $ aboue, all
« ij jDf afcr ,^agicl the fonne of 4Dcran. tljat ibere able to go foojtlj to p tbarre:

; 14 £>f <Bab, €li(alj tlje fonne of 2>uel. 27 Xlje number of tljcm tljat ibere oftlje
15 €>f #cpljtljali,aijira p fonne of €nan. tribe of 3Juba, rbasttjzefcojeano four*,
C *
i6 Xdere rberc of great fame in tlje con tcene tijoufanbc,anb fire ljunbzeb.
grcgation,p?inccs of tlje tribes of tljeir 28 £>f tlje chvlb?en of 3Jfacljar ttywsw t \

< fatljcrs,anb fteabes oucr tljoufanbes in out tljeir generations, $ tljetc Htnccoes,

3Jlrael. tjljoufes of tljeir fartjcrs,tljc number
. 17 anb flBovfes 9 aaron tone rtjefc men names from tibentie veres ano abouc, 4
ib&ic&e Ibent all footflj to tlje MJarrn
tt)ljitljc arc erp?cfTcb bv tljeir names.


29 %W

Numeri. lxxxi|.
--^mmibetof them that there of the out their generations , anb tucir
ttas nft' e anD foure rebes,anb houfes of their fathers, *

tr»e of HfiwD«P. the

Hioufanw anb foure buubreb. number of names from ttbent&cpcres!

Stbcchviorcnof zabuion.tbrougft*
anb aboue,au that mvght
J u ™
so foo/th to*
™. ww
a Dhoufcsoftheirfathers,thenumber 43 Xhe number of them that there of'
ofnames from tibentte veres anb a* the tribe of^ephtbaii, tuas fifne anb ! ^
three thoufanbe anb foure htmojeo.
Soue ailMjichetbereabletogofoortft «

in the hoaft: * «. "H ^ hefe aretbefummes ibbicbc $J0or*

fcs anb 2aton numbreb, anb the win* •
, che number of them that There of the
of zabulon, tbasfiftie anb feuen cesof 3Jftael, tbofettbeiuementbbith'
tboufanbe anb foure hnnbreb. there euerp one for the houfe of their
ifthec!)plb?enof3}ofeph["^lr] fathers,
ofmecbvlbren of cphraim throughout 45 &o tbere all the numbers of tbectM*'
their generations
anb then: mnrcbes
, bren of 3Ifracl throughout the houfes
anb houfes of their fatbers,tbe
number of their fathers , from tihentie vercs
aboue, anb aboue, all that tbent fborth to the <
of names from tihentie veres 9
ailthattbentouttotheibarre: tbarrem^Ifraet:

Xiienumbcr of them that there of tbt 46 3illtbev3J fay, therein number* fire e
tribe of £pbraim,tbas fourtie
thoufanh Dunbreb th oufanb, anb three thoufanb, ' Num xi * -

anbfiuebunbreb. , fiuehunbrebanbftftie. |

u. <Df the cbpibren of ^anafTe through* 47 26ut tlje ?Leuites after the tribes of.
out their generations,? their hinrebes, their fathers, there notnumbreb a--«
anb boufes of their fatbcrs,the number mongtbem.
ofnanifsfromtthentie veres olbe anb 48 5For nje &orbe fpaae hnto ^opfes,!
abouc,alltbatibcntouttott)eibarre: Caving:
Xbenumbcroftftem that tbere of the 49 £>nly thou ttjalt not number the tribe*
tribe of ^anaffe,tbastbittie anb ttbo ofHeui,ttettberta&cthcfummeof them'
hjoufanbeanbtihofiunbreD, amongtbecbvlbrenof^fracl. ;

36 &ftbeebvlbrenofBcnmmintbronojh> 50 But thou fyaitappovmtljefEcuifes,

outtheirgenerations, $ their Klnrebes ouer the tabernacle of tbvtneffe, $ouer
anbhoufesoftheirfathers,thenumber ailtbebefreistherof, anb ouer ail thin**
of names from tihentie veres anb a* ges that are in it t #ea, the? Ojali beare
bone,ail tbattbent foortb to the lharre: the tabernacle, anb all the heads tber* {
37 Xbenumberoftbemtbattbcteofthe tf£nhtftevtyaumtoffiertatt,anbfbau«
tribe of Keniamm, lhas rbittie anb fiue Dtbell rounbe about the tabernacle. <

tboufanbe, anb foure bunbreb* 51 anbtbbctbe tabernacle goeth foortl),;

38 €>f the cbvlbrcn of 2>an throughout the fUuites (hall tafte it bothne : anb
tbeir generations, anb mhrebes, anb xufjen tl)c tabernacle is to heprtct)ch,tlje
boufesof their fathers, the number of iieuitesu>lfctitbp:anbifanptttaun*<
names from tihentie veres olbe anb a* ger come nve,he (ball bve.
boue,allthatihcntfoorthtotheiharre: 51 3lnb the cbvlbrenof3ifcaclfball pitch
39 Xhe number of themtfjatlbere of the their tentes', cuerv man in oihneW
ttibe of 2Dan, lhas tftrefcore anb tlho tampe,anb cuerv man hnber his oihne
tboufanbcanbfcuenbunbrcb. aanberbtbrongbouttheirboaaes. ;

4° £>f the chvlbren of afar throughout 26«t tbelUuites (ball pitchcrotmbe

tbeir generations, anb theirfeinrebes, about the tabernacle of tbvtneae, toy,
anbhoufes of their fatbcrs,tbe number there be no tbrath hponi[he tongreflan*
otthe names from tihentie veres anb on of the cbvlbren of 3Jfracl : anb
abone,aiithatihent outto the lharre: ILeuites fl)all bepc the lhatcne ot (

^^"^b^ofthemthatihereofthe tabernacle of thvtneffe. .

bvD a or
hnheof^fcr,ihasfourticanboncthou* 54 3fnb Oje clivlbren ofJJfraci :<
fanbeanbfiuchunbreb, bvngtoall that the Horbe commaun-
^sDfthechilbrenofiBepljtljalitDrouglj* bcb^ovfes,euenfobvotbev.

% The*

The order Numcri. ofthete

^The.ij. Chapter.

Cleojtteroffljetmte*. CbebeatwoftyeBmrttegotgrrael,
$3* $® & ^ fPc
Onto $$opfes ano 2a*
0?t)e afee J* ^"^ hte hoaft fr the number of them '

fourtteano fiue tboufanoe,firehun02eo '.

y o;
tonkins: ano fiftie. .
€ucrp man of the k aitbat*berenumbjebmtthtbeeamoe«
cljpn»en of JIfraei fljal of ftuben, an hunojeb tljoufanoe fifoe
pitclje bnoer Ijis oibne ano one thoufanoe, four* f)uno?eo ano
f bnoerthe
ftanocro, fiftte,tbJougbouttljeir armies: ano tbei.
enftgne of rtjcir fathers boufes: farre of (ball fet foojtb in the feconbe place. «
about the tabernacle of the congregate 17 Smortje tabernacle of theamgregatt ,
onfbalitljcppttcbe. on (ball go tbitlj the hoaft of the %&'
i £mtljecaftfioctoibarDetbcrifing of uites,inthemiooesofthctampe:3fao!
tbefunne, (bailtljcpof the ftanocro of astbeplpeinrtjeirtentcs, eucn fofljau«
tlje hoaft of 3Juoapitcbe, throughout rtjep pjocecoe in t|)e ioume^eucrp man
their armies : 3no i5aljeu*bn the fonne in his oegree, anb bnoer tbelr otbne*
of 3uninaoab, ujaibe captapne of the ftanocroes.
fonnes of 3luoa. 18 £>n tbe ibeft fibe fbalbe the ftanbero
4- 3InD bis hoaft? the uumber of them, of tbe campe of tfphiaim, aceojOpngto c

thjefcojeano fourtccne tljoufanoe ano armies,ano tlje captaine ouer tbe

fire!)tino?cb. tonnes of eph?aim,ajaibe eiifama tbe
5 iI5ert bnto bvm (ball that be of
tfjep fonne of amtbuo.
tljetribc of Jjfartjar pitch : ano /Ratha* 19 tys hoaft ano tlje number of them, •

nael tlje fonne of zuar,ftjaibe captavnc fourtie tboufanoe ano fiue bunojeo. '

oftbechviojcnofjrachar. 20 2mo by hpm, fbalbe tlje tribe of!

6 tyis boaft ano tlje number thereof, fifc $)anafle: ano tlje eaptayne oucr tlje*
$ foure tljoufanb ano fonce bunojeo.
tit fonnes of spanauc, (baibe Gamaliel'
25 7 3lno then tbe tribe of zabulon, ano tlje fonne of 0toa5ur. *

eitab tlje fonne of $elon, (baibe cap* 21 fyis boaft ano tlje number of them, IP
tapne oucr the djpiojcnof zabulon. thtrtie ano obo tboufanoe, ano tttio •
s 3lno Ijts boaft? tlje uumber of tjjem,
fiftie ano feuen tljoufanb anb foure hun* 22 2wb tlje tribe of asemamin alio : anb
captapne ouer tlje fonnes of 25cnia< \
£>o that the ibljole number of tDe min,uJaibe»btoanpronneof<l5eDeon.
2Kr2S f£3 ,UM ft ' *"*"&««*«*
m ^ *? r e 1&w »»
13 ^Doaa^tbenumbcrof tbcm,tbit^
SSSK^??t5 *«* fi»* tboufanoe $ foure buno?eo. *

IO ^SRSS&a^S "^
fl)mbe e lhl
rtW*"' mtc an ft"n^ eD tboufanoe,
J&2JS5S?? 9-
WwftJ^^^wWwiBtD 8fi
evgbttboufanoe.anoanbunieb, tbo^
roibouttbeir arnues ; anb fljep (baligo
armies: anb tbe captapne ouer tbe in tbe tbiroe place,

fonne of jS>cbeur.
fl)albe €im ^ z * »fa«t>"boftbeljoaftof3Mn,ft)ai;
... „
r ...,.., v l;ll „i vbitt)
turn; tbeir
luill- armies-
nniiiv--- •

ii 3mbIjisl)oa(l$ the number of them, anortje captapne ouer tbe cbrlb^en of'
fourtie ano fire tbourano ano ftue bun- 2Dan ) ftjaibeabiC3ert!je fonne of am*)
D;eo. mi&aooai. t
12 ^nb faft bp hpm Ojail tbe tribe of &i* 26 fyis boaft anb tlje number of them,
mconpitclje^nD tlje captapne ouer tlje thtffcoje ano ttbo thoulanoe, ano fc*«
fonnes of 3>imcon,uJaibe;£>alunuel the uenhuno,ieo,
fonne of zuri^aobai. 27 anofaftbpbpm(haltIjetrft)eofafer;
13 3mo ijts boaft $ tlje number of tljem, ano the captapne ouer tlje fonnes
pitch :
fiftie ano nine thoulanoe ano ttoee hun-
of afer, Ojalbe ?&agtel ^fonne of £>cran.
o?eo. 28 i^is Ijoaft $ the number of tbem, foot?
C Htavne
^no tbe tribe of0aoaifo,anb the cap tie ano one tljoufano ano fiue huno^eo.
ouer the fonnes of <5ao, Ojalbe 2? ano tijc tnbe of jftepbtbali: « the cap-
€KafapijtIjefonneof2Duel. tapnrm^ecbpnuSi^iv^.'
LofthcLeuites. Numen. 1 XXXllj,
n^Shira the fonne ofenan. pltchct)'throughout tljeic
boaft ano the
anb tl)?ec
number of them,
thoufanbc anb foure

3j 28utthe fUuites Were not numb;eb

StvtWmttnvanbttn tbftD the amongthe chylbren of Jfrael, as the
hoatt of s>an, mere an
hunbjcb thou- %om commaunbeb apopfcs.
fanbc fiftte ano fcuen
thoufanb ano fire 34 3mb the cbpioren of 3)fcacitivb actor*
nunbjeb: 2nb ttiep (hall go hinmoft Dyngto all that the SLorbe commaun*
miro their ftanberbes. beb spoyfes, fo the? pitcheb nntb the*r
XMearethcrommcsofthechvlbjen itanbetbes,anb fo thep iournepcb euerv
throughout the houfes of
of ^frael
one throughout their feinrebes, acco£
tbettfathers,eucnallthenumbersthat Ding to the houtbolbes of their fathers.

IrV The. iij Chapter.


j ®t)e jletifteftgo not to battett,btit mftiffievfti tije fanctaarte. 21 cbep pt'tc&e

ttjeir tenter nert to tlje eaDitation.

^efealfo are the gene* his fonnes to tbapte on their prfeftcs of*
rationsof^aronanb fice: anb the fttaunger that commeth
fl!9opfcs,m£bai?that npe,(balbe(lapnc.
tbcHorbefpaue lbith 11 %wt
Stub the (babe bnto S^opFes,
^JBopfes in momttftf* facing:
nai. u 28e5olbe, 3 haue taken the iLeuites
anb there are tt)e ftom among the chpitycn ofjf frael* fo:
names of the fonnes of 3laron : $abab all tljefitft borne that opencth the ma*

tbe elbeft fonne, anb 3lbthu, eleasar, trite among the cbpltyen of 3Ifrael,anb
anb^jthamar. the Heuitesu^aibe mine.
"Xfccfearethe names
of the fonnes 15 26ecaufe all the ftrft borne are mpne:
cf 3laron ibhiche ibere * pricttes an* fo?the fame bap that 3
fmote all the
nopntcb,anbrbhofe hanbe tbas confe* fir ft borne in the lanbe of egppt, 3
ttatcbtomimfter. loibeb bnto me all thefirft borne in Jfc
3lnb iPJanab anb abibn rsvto before rael.both man anb beafl,anb mine the?
tbclLorbcibhen the? offrcb ftraunge fl)albe:3Jamthe?Lo?be.
fire befo? tlje fLojtie in the ibplbcrncire 14 3(no the fLo^ocfpaKe bnto ^opfesin
of $inai,anb hab no thpibren : 3nb e* the tbplbemelTeof 5>inai,faving:
leasar anb ^tljamar miniftrcb in the 15 il5amber tlje ehplbjen of ILeui after
fight of aaronthcir father. the hottfes of their fathers in tljeir bin*
5 3fob the SLorbe fpaue tmto i^opfes, rebes: ^ll tljatare maiesftom a mo*
faying: neth olb anb about, ihalt tljou number.
s 2B?p ng tin tribe of 2Uui,anb fet them 16 ^nb ^popfes numbrcb them , atco?*
tae3faromlje pjicfty that thep ma? bingto the«jo?be of the ?lo?be,as he
tcruehptm tbascommaunbeb.
7 .,^«btaRc the rljarge With hpm, euen 17 *3lnb tljefe there the thvlb?en of ?Leui
uje charge of the i!i tjjctr names : (Serfon, anb CaatD,
ibhole tongrcgation
wore the tabernacle of the congregate anbi^erati.
otuo do tljc fcruice of the tabernacle. 18 ^nb tljefe are tht names of the eb»>l
Xbcp than uepe all the inftrumentcs

M c ^bcrnacle of the
Jbaue the charge of the chplbrcn of3?f*
b;enofd5erfon in tljeir
ni,anb kernel.
binreoes: 5lib*

19 %be fonnes of Caatlj in their mnrebes:

9 tSiSJ ^
e rmt,ce oftlje tabernacle. amramJclaar > ^efeon,anb £>5iel.
20 anb the ronnes of i^cran tnthnr nm;
thou tDait geue the ?Lcuites bnto
? toh(s fonncs:for thep are reoes: $i©a!)cit, anb^ufi. %l)tk
the Rtnrcocs of tljc ?Lenites,

10 to the Ijoufes of their fathers.

^no thou uinreb of tpcTtib
(bait appoint aaton anb 21 <©f 0erfon came the
% iij mtes

Offices of N umen. thcL eiiite.

nttcsanb iftc femrcb of tfte <§>emcites. 35 ICfte captapne anb tfte moaauntfent^T
Xljcfc ate tfte Binrcbcs of tfte d5crfe= of tbeir boufe that mere of tljc binteb
fumme of tftcm after tfte mm*
5©crari,iba5zurteltlje fonne of ;W C

3lnt) tljc pel anb rtjefe ftjall pittbc on tbe no2th

bet of ail the males , from a monetft

fpbe of tlje tabernacle.

WD '

olDanb aboue,tbas countcb feuen rt)ou* 36 3mb bnber tlje cuttobie anb eftarae of'
fanbc anb fiue ftunbjcb. tbe fonnes of *$erari,tbaibe p booW
13 3inb tlje mntebes of tfte cEfctfomtcs of tlje tabetnatle,^ tbe batres, ppiiers
fftall ptteft bcljinbc tljc tabetnatle tt>cCt= anb fotbettes tftetof, anb all tbe beOels I

lbarbe. tbetof, anb all tbat feructb tbetto:

14. Xljccaptapneanbmoftatmeientof 37 3tno tbe pillets of tfte tourt rounbe a?
of tlje C5ctronites,(baibceiia*
tfte Ijoufc bout, Vbttft tljcitfotbcts, tbeir pinnes
fapft tljc fonne of fLael. anb tbeir eo?bcs.
15 3nb the cljatge of tbe cftplbjcn of <5tv 38 26utontbefb?efrontoftljetabernatle'
ton in the tabetnatle of the rongrcgan tovbarbe tbe eaft, before tbe tabematie
on, fbaibetfte tabernacle ami tfte paufc of tfte congregation eaftibarbe,fbair
lion,tbe coucrtngtljcreof,anb tljc baple fl^opfes 9 2aron anb ftis fonnes,pittbe \
of tfte 0002c of tljc tabetnatle of tl)e con- anb tbapte to bepe tfte fanttuarie,anb to <
gregation: ftepe tfte cbvlb?en of 3Hrael: ^nb tbe'
it 3lnb tlje ftangpnges of tbe toutt, anb ftraunger tbat commcrb npe, u)aibe'
tljeturtapneof tlje booje of tljc toutt flapne.
lbljicljc is tounbe about tljc tabetnatle, 39 ^nb tljc rbftole fumme of tfte lEcuites
anbtljeaulter, anb tbe tojbcs of it fo? rbfticfte ^opfes anb Slaron numb?eb<
alitJjcfcruicctbercof. at tfte commaunbement of tfte %om >


17 3lnb of Caatft, tame tbe Wnteb of the tb?ougbouttfteir Wnrebes, euenaiitbe c

amramitcs, anb tlje binteb of ifte J}< males from a monetft oibe anb about/
3ccljar<tcs,tbc binrcb of tbc^etyonites, Xbasntbentieanbttbotbouranbe. ;
anb tlje binteb of toe £>5iclites : Xljefe 40 anbfljeHojbefapbebnto^opres:. 1
ate tbe binrcbcs of tbe Caatljites. dumber all p fir ft borne tftat are males
18 3lnb tlje number of all tbe males from among tfte cftplbjen
of Jjfrael, from a!
a monett) oibe anb aboue, Jbas ergftt monetft oibe anb aboue, anb tabe thc<
tftoufanbe anb fire bunbieb, hauing tfte numbct of tfteit names. ;

rftargc of tlje fanctuarie. 41 3{nb tftou (bait appopnt tfte Heuites

19 Zxa tbe Hinrcb of tljc djplbjen of Ca* to me (fo? 3 am tfte Hojbe) fo? all t\^t

ati),fl)aii pitclje on the rout!) fpbe of tbe firft borne of tfte cfttio^en of girraei, anb \
tabetnatle. tfte tattell of tfte fLeuites fo? all tbe firft
jo %in captapnc anb ntoft aunttent of gcnbjeb of tbe cattcilof tlje cftpibjenof;
tfttijoufeoftbcbinrcboftljeCaatljites, Srracl.
tbalbe €lifap!jan tljc fonne of dDjttL 41 2utbi^opfesnumb?cb,astftc |Lo?bc;
31 3mb tftcit tljarge ujaibe tbe arue, tbe conmtaunbcobym^utbefirftbojncof^
tabie,tftc canbciftitbc, anb tbe aultets, tbetbpib?enuf3jrrael.
$ tljc beflcis of tbe fanetuatic tbat tljep 43 %m
an tfte firft bo?ne males, tebear*;
mmiftcr in,anb toe baple# Vbbatfoeuct feb bp tfteir names,from a monctb oioe
belongctlj to tljc miniftcation tljcrof. anb aboue, acco2bpng to tfteir number,;
31 3lno cicasar tbe fonne of aaron tlje Kberetibenticanb tibo tboufanbe,tibo t

pjicft, ujaibc captapne ouer all t^t tap? bunb2tb anb tftjcftoie anb tftirtcene. «

taints of tfte anb ftaue tfte o-

fLeuites, 44 ^nb tlje Jlojbe fpabe bwo ip)pfes, \

ucrfigljt of tbemtljattbaptc bpon tbe faping:

fanttuarie. 45 xabc tlje Hcuites foi al tfte firft boine
33 anoof fll9erari came tlje binrcb of tfte of tftecftpibicn of IJfrael, anb tfte tat-.
ffl3aljclites, anb tbe binreb of tfte ^u* of tljc ILcuitcs to? tbeir cattell, 9 t^t «
Xftefe are p binrebes of ^erari.
fites : iLeuitcs n)aibe inpne:J am tfte %om>\
34 3lnb tlje fumme of tljcm accoiopng to 46 ^nbfo? tljc rebcemtng of tfte tiboljun^
tljc number of al tlje males, ftom a mo* bicb anb tljicfcoic anb tftirtecne, lbbtcft
nctlj oibe anb aboue,lbas fiite tboufanb are mo tben tfte fleuitcs, in tljc firft
anbtU)oijunb?eb. borne of tfte cbpib2en of3Jfcael,
W47 %&w
Ca) ©iclcs tocic of two toftee : ftc one rtmmon.fljc ofttt brtongrtig to tljc fanctnsrle Mto ttiat of ttic ranctuarfc fea* Double the toapsJlJ. ™
tljc common. CbccommonficlccoapcDtojogrotcB.anBthefamtuiiritficlcfourt.
<Sbe feiptute tn tb(» place, anb In the tbirtie of »P![JJ!
onD S jccbtcl foutne anb fiuc.fapttlj.ttjat tbe fonctuarte fide botb to»y ttoentie lEcraijs.wbtcbc tbe iBrtcians bo call £>bolus, * S»c in
lrftr, an bclfepcmc, wtjtn TSl* 3">t«» '°Mt m°ntT fe»8 an ounce ;am> tlje l?cb;ucgbo tbmhc tbat ©bouis »0fb S««P fjt JoorSbf. ' V-
leenebatlttwjne*. •
, fthe
Leuites. Numen. lxxxiiij.
^TcaKeTulelrtcies of encry heab, after
4Vn)avgbtof the fanctuarie, *the ftclc rael tofte he this money :r«uen|
a thou*
fant)etl)?cel)una^ei)ani)tD2eerco?e anb
« XSocu* the money lDljecettoitlj tlje
oftljeni is rcbeemcb,bnto i©oyfes gaue the moncv of them
om number
his tonnes.
51 3utt>
that lbcrerebeemeb, bnto »aron
saron anb
%!& seoyfes tofte the rebempttonmo* gts funnes, aceojbing to the U)o#
of the
nevof them that
rbcrerebeemeb,beyng M
S9&5? ** %mz wnimauh*
ntotljenthejXeuitcs: beb^oyfes.

$*> The. iiij . Chapter,,

*Cljc office* of tfjejUuttejS.

*133D the ?Lo?be fpaftc fpjeabe a cloth of bletbe filfte, anb couer

F bnto$Jpoyfesanb;8a* it tt)irh a couering of asabgcrs fftmncs,

ron,faying: anb put to the barres therof.
Xafte the fnmme of n 3lnb they (ball tafte all tlje inftcumen-
thechylb?enof€aath tes rbhereibith they mlnifter in tlje
fro among the tonnes fanctuarie, anb put a cloth of blcib fiiac
of ?Uui,after their ftin* Upon them, anb couer them ibith a to*
rc&es ant houfes of their fathers: uering of 25abgers fftynnes, anb put
jfrom thirtteycres anb aboue, bnttll themonabarre,
fifttc, all that enter into the hoaft fo? to 13 3fnb the? (hall taue amay the affbes
do the rbojfte in the tabernacle of the from tlje auiter, anb Ibjeabe a purple
congregation* tloth thereon.
4. Xftts Ibalbe tlje office of the chylbjen 14 3inb put bpon ft all tlje befleis thereof
of Caath in the tabernacle of the ton; (hat they mintfter tbithall, euen the
flregahon,[about]the moll holy. cole pannes, thcflcCbchooftes, the fire

2nb rbhen the hoaft rcmouetfj, 31& (boucls,thebafens, $ the other befleis
ron anb his tonnes tball come anb tafte of the auiter : anb they fljail fpzeabe bp<
bourne tlje couering bayle, anb rbjap ponita couering of usabgers fhinnes,
thearfteoflbytncu'einit: anb put to the barres ofit.
6 Zrfo thau put thereon a coucryng of 15 3tnb ibhen ^aron 9 Ijis tonnes haue
25abgersfBinnes,anbfl)ail fpjcabcbp* mabean cube of couering the fanctua*
ponttacloththatisaitogether of blcib tie, anb all tlje befleis of the fanctuarie,
the barrcs ttjerof.
tti&c,anb put in agaynft that tlje Ijoaft remoue,tljen tlje
7 anbbpontheCbetbetablc, they (hall tonnes of Caatlj (ball come in fo? to
tpjeabe atyobe a cloth of bieib fiifte,anb beare: but they fljaii not touche any Ijo*
puttljcrconthe bifhes,! tneence] cuppes, lye tljyng, left they bye. Snb tljis ts tlje
ano gobicts,anb pottes to poxu?c ibith: charge of the tonnes of Caatlj,in theta-
anu tljere ujaibc bjcaD tljereon ccntt^ bemaele of tlje congregation.
miaily. i6 2nb to the office of tflcafar tlje tonne
8 3tob they (ball fpjeabe bpon them a of3taron the p?ieft, pertaynetlj the oyle
tottering of luarlct, anb couer the fame foj tlje light,tlje fibeetc incenfe, tlje bay*
with a couering of zsabgers fftinnes, lye meatc offering,anb tlje annoyntyng
ano put in tlje barres thereof. oyie,anb oucrfigbtof all the taber-
-gnbtheyujail taue a cloth of bleibe nacle, anb ofalltljat therein is, both tn

H5£* coucc thc canbcllhcfee of light, the fanctuarie, anb in all the befleis
f«b bislampes,fnuffers, anb cenfars, tl)tttol _ -
aroaUtljeoyicbcflclstt>htche they oc* 17 %\to the fLo?be fpaue bnto s^oyfes
wpieaboutit. anb3taron,faymg: , f _
3»p they fl;au put both it anb all the 18 ^e Hjall not cut of tlje tribe of the ftp
?fl tlJertof u,,th i« a coueryng of
> rebof tlje Caatljitcs, from among tlje
gjbgers ffttnncs, anb put it Upon a ^cuites: , ,,

00 bnto t"oetn,tljat tljcy may

\9 zsut thus
Stobbpon thegolbenautter,thcy tball lyue anb not m%^M the ? 3°

* .

Offices of N umen. thcLe u%

rates anb the binrcb of the 5>emcites. 35 Xhc captavne anb the moa atmcicnr^
Xljcfc are the binrebes of the dScrfc of their Ijoufc that mere of tlje biuret)
nitcs, ijpcrari,maszurtelthe fonne of 3foi- e
n 3lnD t!)c fuinntc of tljem after the rntnv hacl : anb tljefe fljall pitebe on the no:th
f9 '
ber of all the males , from a monctb fpbe of the tabernacle.
olD ant) aboue,tbas countcb feuen thou 16 Znn bnber tlje cuftobie anb charge of'
fanbc anb flue ljunbjcb. tljefonnesofi^erari,fbaibe p booses
13 3inb the binrebes of the perforates of tlje tabernacle^ the barres, ppiiers
fl)all pitch beljinbc the tabernacle melfc anb foebettes tljerof, anb all tlje beOeis
lbarbe. therof, anb all that ferucththcrto:
14 Xbccaptavneanbmottauneientof 37 3tnb tlje pillers of the court rounbe a*
the botife of toe <25crfonites,u)aibceiia* bout, tt>ith tbeirfoebcts, their pinnes '
faph the fonne of JLael. anb their eojbcs.
z5 3mb tbe charge of the chplbjen of <5tv 33 26ut on the fbjefront of the tabernacle
fonm tbe tabernacle of the congregate totbarbe the eaft, befoje the tabernacle
on, ujaibc the tabernacle anb the paui of the congregation eaflibarbe,ujair
lion,the couering tbcreof,anb tbe baple <20oyfz$ $ Slaron anb his fonnes,pitcbe
of the doo;c of the tabernacle of the con* anb tbapte to bepe tlje fanctuarie,ano to <

gregaticn: feepe the chplbjen of 3ffrael : 3htb the'

16 2inb the bangpnges of tbe court, anb ftraunger that commeth npe, fbalbe!
thecurtapneof the booze of the court flapne.
tbhtclje is rounbe about tbe tabernacle, 39 ^nbtljcibholefttmmeoftijelEcuites;
anbtbeaulter, anb the combes of it fo? Ibhtehe $)opfes anb Slaron numb?eb<
all the feruicc thereof. at the commaunbement of the fLojbc*
17 2utb of eaarb, tame the ainreb of the throughout their binrebes, euen all the \
3hnramitcs, anb the binreb of tbe 3* males from a moneth olbe anb about,'
3ccljarttes,tbc binreb of tbe l^ebjonites, mas *m>entieanbttbo tljoufanbe. ;
anb the binrcb of the £>Mtutes : Xhefe 40 3inb tlje 3Lo?be fapbe bnto fi^opres :

are tbe binrebes of the Caathites, dumber all p firft bome that are males i

is nb th e number of all the males from among tlje cbplbjen of JJfrael, from a!
a monctb anb olbe aboue, mas epght moneth olbe anb about, anb tabe tbe<
thoufanbe anb fire hunmeb, hatting the number of their names. ;

charge of the fanctuarie. 41 3mb thou (halt appoint the Hcuitcs

19 2lnD the binreb of the chplbjen of €a* to me (fo? 3
am the ILojbe) fo? all n> *

ath,ujaii pittbc on the fouth fpbc of the firftbome of the chilbjen of 3jfrael,anb!
tabernacle. tlje cattell of the fLeuites fo? all the firtt
30 Xbccaptapne anb moll auncient of gcnb?eb of the cattell of tlje cbpibjen of;
the boufe oftbcbinrcboftbeCaatbites, 3Jfrael.
(baibe €lifap!jan tlje fonne of 4D5ieL 41 2lnbi^opfcsnumb?eb,astljc Ho?be;
?i 2lnb their charge ujaibe the arbe, the commaunbebhvm, all tlje
firftbo?neof t (5
table,t he canbciftubc, anb the aulters, tljecbpiorenufjffrael.
f,the bcffcis of the fanctuarie that tlje? 43 3lnb all the firft bo?ne males, rehear*;
nuntftcr in,anb the bayle# ibharfoeuct feb bp their names,from a moneth olbe
bclongetlj to tlje minittcation tljerof. anb aboue, accojbpngto tljeir number,;
31 3lnb cieasar tlje fonne of 3taron tlje tberetibentieanb tmo tljoufanbe, tibo,
pjicft, (baibe taptapnc ouer all the cap; hunbjcb anb th?cfto?e anb tljirtcene,
tames of the fUuitcs, anb baue theo^ 44 ^nb tlje %om
fpabe bnto ipipfes,
ucrfight of tljem tljat mapte bpon the faping:
fanctuarie. 45 Xabc the %mitts fo? al the firft bozne
33 3mb of fll9erari came tlje binrcb of the of thecljpio?cn of IJfrael, anb tlje cat",
fiBaljelitcs, anb the binrcb of tlje ^u* tell of tlje ?Leuitcs to? their cattell, $ the
fues : Xhefe are p binrebes of ^erari. fLeuitcsu)aibempne:5amthe?Lo?be.;
34 3lnb tlje famine of tljem aceofljyng to 46 ^nb fo? tljcrcbeeming of the tibo bun*
the number of at the males, from a mo bzcb anb tljKfco?e anb thirteene, ibhith
nc th olbe anb about mas fire thoufanb , are mo then the fLeuites, in the firtt,
anbnbohunbjcb. bomeofthccbpibjcnoflJfcael, t

w.47 5P*e;
C») Siiclca fcetc of two fojtcs : one Mtnmon.tljt otlitt bcionsr>ncj to ftc ranctnsrlt uiD Hjat ortljc ranrtuatic Soaa Double tlje ^JWS*J
tlje common. Che common ficlcroapcDttooarotcB.anD tlje fanduatie firic foutc. Che fctiptutcmrijls place, anBtnthethietieof <£t „"'
ann (ffijcchlcl foutue anb fiuc.favctlj.tljat the fanctnartt ftdt both Srop tfeentie (EerahB.whichc the dEreoans Do caU jDbolus, •« SbJ* S Xt.
irtbe, an ijclfcvcnic, wljtn tpgl,! fliottu ototrt tnontp bafi on 8Hncc;«io tlje Bcbjucgbo tl;mhc that jpbolas »otb fo»f tlje SuarS^'. 01

joftlieLeufes. Numeri. lxXX111

XaicTuleficles of entry heat), after 50 €>f tl)c firft bo^nc of t^e cbUDzcn of
.ttuMirfit of the fanttuarie, * the ficle raci tofce he this money : M]
a thou-

mntaynyng flhenttc gerahs. fanhethjee hunpjeh anh tbzee fco?e

fSgcuc the money wheteroith the
number of them is tebeemcb,bnto
51 3uid s^oyfes gaue the money of them
Saronanbhisfonnes. thai ibererebeemeh, bmo aaron
o Inu ©oyfes tohe the
rebemptionmo* his funnes, atcojhing to the Uio?d of the
nevof them that
!%' e en
w the **«>' tomtnaui
m o then the ILeuites:
$& The. iiij . Chapter,

rdjc offtcttt of tljclcujfeiS.

U122Dthe3Lojderpafce fpjeabe a tlotD of bleibe fiine, anh touer

hnto$)oyresanb2ia* a touering of badgers ftonnes
it ttJith

ron,faying: anh put to the barres therof.

Xafee the famine of n 2nd they (hall tanc all the inftrumen*
thethyldzenofCaath tes therewith they minifter in the
fro among the fonnes fanttuarie, anh put a tloth ofblctb fiUtc
of3Leui,aftertheltfcln' hponthem, anh touer them lbith a to*
and houfes of their fathers:
rct>es uering of badgers fnynnes, anh put
ifromthirtleycresanb aboue, tmtfll themonabarre.
fiftfe, that enter into the hoaft foj to
all 13 3lnd they (ball tafee amay rtjc affyes
do the Hwfte in the tabcrnatle of tije from the auiter, anh ipjeade a putpic
congrcgatfon. tloth thereon.
Xbisajaibetljeoffiteof the cljylDjcn 14 anoputhponftafl the beflels thereof
of Caath in the tabernatie of the ton? that they minifter ibithall, euen the
gregation,[about]the moO t)olp. cole pannes, thcflefyehooRes, the fire
3nt) tt>hen the hoaft remouctf), 3a> fbouels,tbebafens, ? the other beflels
ron and his fonnes (hall tome anh tane of the auiter : anh they fball fpjeade bp*
oottme the tonering bayle, anh ibjap pon it a touering of dangers fftinnes,
tbearfceofrbytnefTeinit: anh put to the barres ofif.
2nd (ball put thereon a toueryng of 15 Zvto rbhen ^aron ? his fonnes haue
25adgersfftinnes,and(bail fpjcadchp* mahe an enhe of touering the fanrtua*
pon it a tloth that is altogether of bletb rie, anh all the befleis of the fanttuarie,
liifee,andput in the barrcs therof. agaynft that the Ijoall remoue,then the
23 andbpontheCbetbe table, they (hall fonnes of Caath (ball tome in fi» to
(pttadeab?odeatlothofblerofuite,anb beare: but they (hall not touthe any ho*
pnttbereonrhe bi(hes,i t'neence] cuppes, lye thyng, left they hye. 3lnd this is the
ant) gobicts,anb pottes to potbje rbith: tharge of the fonnes of £aatl),tn the ta*
and there fyalbc bjeah thereon ccntt- bemacle of the tongrcgation.
nuaiiy. 16 3lnb to the office of deafer tlje fonnc
3tob they tyail fpjeade hpon them a of aaron tlje p?icft, pertayncth the oyle
tonering of fearlet, anh toner the fame to? the light.the fiheetc incenfe, tlje hay-
witb a touering of zBadgcrs fninnes, lye meatc offering,anh the annoyntyng
and put in the barres thereof. oyie,anh tlje oucrfigtjt of all tljc wber
ano the? (ball taae a tlotl) of bletbe naclc,anh ofall that therein is, botb tn
,atlD mtt the tandclftithe of light, the fanttuarie, anh in all the bcueis
2 l
"Jitn hisiampes,fnuffers,
anh tenfars, thereof. _ *.

JwaUrtjeoyiebefolsMjiche the? ot< 17 Ztto the fLojoe fpahe hnto si^oyies

wpteaboutit. anh^aron,faymg:
n?tbcpa;aiiputborIjit anh the
all 18 &t Hiall not an of the tribe of the m-
xicls the «tf , Within a toueryng of rehof the Caatbttes, from among the
fbmncs > anD P ut rt to P° n a
Sara* \9 z5ut thus ho hnto them,ibat they
^nuhpon the golden aulter,they (hall lyue anh not hye : ibben tbty
go hnto
% liiji the
« « *
The Leuites office. N umen. TheL eu «csofii

tbcmoftholp tbingcs: let 2aron anD anb corbes, s nnth all thenuTc^mmue?
ills founts go in, anD appoint them euc* of it,forall their feruice : anD bpna ,,!
rpc one to his office, anD to his charge.
io 2Butlcttbemnotgoin,to fee when the
officeanb charge.
» s «tpeir« tS
Ijolv tbingcs arc folDen bp,icft thep bpe. Xhtsisthe feruice of the uinrebes
2> 21 ?J of'
3lnb the Horn fpanc bnto #opfcs, the fonnes of ^crari, aceorbpna to an •

faping: their office in the tabernacle of the con"'


22 Xane alfo the fummc of tljechplbrcn gregation,bnber tlje hanb of Sthamac

of ©crfon , throughout the fjoufes of tbefonncofaarontbepriett. !

their fathers, anD throughout their

54 anb STBopfcs anb aaron anb the pan*
lunrcbes. ces of the multitube, numbreb p fonnes *

23 if com thirtie peres olbe,anb aboue,bn* of the Caatljites, after their Kmrebes!
tillnftiepcrcs,U)alttljou number them, anb houfes of their fathers, ,
ai that enter into the aflcmbiie for to bo 5from thirtie pcres oioe, anb aboue «
fcruieeiu the tabernacle of the congre* bnto fiftie peres, all that enter into the' *
gation. aflemblie,to bo feruice in the tabernacle
24 anD this is the ferutce of tfjc ftinreb of of the congregation.
the C5erfonites,to fecue anb to beare. 36 anb the numbersof them throughout
2$ Xbep (ball bcarc the eurtapnes of the tfjeir tonrcbes, there tibotboufanoe
tabernacle, anb the tabernacle of the uenljunDreD,anD fiftie.
congrcgationjjiseouering, anb tlje co* 37 Xbisistbenumberofthe&tnrebesof'«
ucrtng of 26abgers ftunncs that is an Caatfj,[ n <""cip] all that might bo feruice
l)pcbpoiut,aiiDthc baple of tlje boore in the tabernacle of the congregation,'
of the tabernacle of the congregation: ibhich fipopfesanb aaron bib number,!
26 3lnb the eurtapnes of the court, anb aceorbpng to the commaunbement of.
thcbaplethatisintljc entringinof the tbelloroebptbchanbcof^opfes. «

gate of the court,ibbtcljc is neare the ta* ?8 3tUb the numbers of the fonnes of'
bernaele, anb neare trje aulter rounbe <25erfon throughout their ftinreoes anb
about,tbMj the eorbes,anb ai the inftru* houfes of their fathers:
mentes that feme bnto them, $ all that 39 5from thirtie peres olbe, $ aboue, bn*
is mabe to? them,anb fo tyai thep ferae* to fiftie peres, all that enter into the t& *
27 Zt the mouth of 3laron $ his lonnes, femblie fo?to bo feruice m
the taberna-
fl)al all the feruice of the chplbrcn of the tie of the congregation.
©crfonitcs be bone, in all their charges 40 3fob the numbers of tljem through-
anbinalltbeirferaiee:anDpe ft)all ap* out their binrcbes, anbhoures of their
popnt bnto tljcm all their burbens to fathers, ibere tibo thoufanbe,fire bun*
ftepc. b?cb,anb thirtie.
e 28 2wd this is the feruice oftDe ftmreb of 41 Xhis is the number of the mnreocs.
the chplbrcn oterfon in the taberna* of the fonnes of d5erfon, of all that opb •
tie of the cogrcgation,anb their ibatebe feruice in tlje tabernacle of the tongre*'
fbalbe bnber the hanb of 3Ithamar the gatton,Vbhiche fl^opfes anb 3taron bpb
fonne of aaron the pricfr. number, accorbpngto the commaunbc*
29 3mb thou (halt number the fonnes of mentoftheHorbe.
i^erari after their bmrcbes, anb after 42 2nb the numbers of the fefnrcDCS of' ®
the houfes of tljcir fathers: the fonnes of f^erari throughout their
30 5From thirtie peres oioe anb abouc,bn* uinrebesanbhoufesoftfjeirfathers: ,
to fiftie peres Ojalt thou number them, 43 5From thirtie peres olbe, anb bp, bnto
cuerp one that enter into the affcmbiie, peres,all that enter into the aflem*<
to bo the feruice of the tabernacle of tjje bliefor the feruice of the tabernacle of;
congregation. tljecongregation.
31 3lnD this is their office anb charge, ac* 44 3mb the numbers of them after their.
corDing to all their feruice in the taber* ftinrebes,U)ere three thoufano anb ttbo
naclc of the congrcgatton: %\yt borbcrs hunbrcb.
of the tabernacle, tbitb the barres, ppfc
45 Xbefe be tlje fummes of tlje Wnreocs
lcrs,anb fotuettcs therof. of the fonnes of i$erari,lbbicb ^opfeS
32 3nb the ppllers that are rounb about f 3lar6 numbreb, accorbing to the lboro
the tourt,n)ttb their (bcuettcs, pinnes, of the |torbe,bp the Ijanbes of ^opfe^
46 ^no
« '

N umen. lxxxv.
^TT^foaTienumbers of the ?Leuites, the numbers of them ibere feuen
the fLojbes fanpe,fiue bunbjeb, anb fourefeoje.
' iiihtb <$opfes,3laron,ano '

nf4fracinumb?cb after their lunrcbes 48 2cco20pngtothett)02bcoftbc!Lo2bel
SnDi)oufl)Olocs of theirfathers: umaaronj number them bp the
; hanbe
JVomtbtrtiepercsolbeanb top, bnto of S^opfes, euerp one acco?bmg
to their
fift e vctcsf,
cuerp one that tame to bo ferutceanb charge: Xbus [*>«*] thev of

is buetie, office,
he tabernacle of t&e
anb charge in
congregation. 5>o
that tribe numbzeb, as the 3U?Dt
y *«"^
^ The .v. Chapter.
7 ®&e finotofebg^ng of Ctmte. 8 c&e cleaning of finne.
12 ©fjelatoeoJ geloufie.

#2D the ?L02be Ibafte it &>vtm bnto che ehilb?en of 3ftaei

bnto<$opfes,faptng: anb lap bnto them :JJf anp mans \bpfe '
Commaunbethechil' go afibe, anb trefpaue agapnft bpm, «

b?en of 3frael tljat 13 5)0 that another man ipe lbith her*
thep * put out of the flefblp,anb it be hib from the eves of her
hoaftenerp leper, anb hufbanbe, anb is kept clofe that fyets'
euerp one that hath an befplcb,anb thereis no ttntneiTe againft \
tffue,$tthoroeucriSbefilcbbpthebeab: Der,neither (he tancn xbith the matter. «
'? 250th male anb female fbai pe put out, 14 3fob the fpirite of geloufie commeth
r cuen out of the fjoaft (hall pe put them, bpon hpm, fo that he is gelous ouer his
not their 00 rentes, a*
that the? beftle Ibpfeibbich is befpleb : 02 if the Ipirite \
'no.'mongibhichUbibcll. of geloufie come bpon hvm,fo that he is
U 4 ^nbthethiio?cnof3Ifraelbpbfo,anb gelous ouer Ijisibpfe rbljich. is petbn^
pntthemoutof the hoaft: euen as the befpleb:

3Lo?be fpafec bnto #opfcs, fo bpbtlje 15 XhenlettDemanbnnghistbpfebnto;

tbtlbjcnofSfrael. tftepneft, anbb?ing her offering tbith.^cm,

s zm tlje ftojbefpaue bnto fl^opfes,

I)er,the tenth part of an epha ofbatlp
gjjg $« «

Kit, 6
£>peane bntotijc chilbjen of 3lfrael:
nahcna'manojrboman Cball commit
meale : but let hrm put no opie bpon it, ffiX£
no? put frannenfence theron ; fo? it is an
offering of geloufie, an offering fo2a>°Sw

a ',

anp finne that men comic, anb trelpaiTe remembzaunce, caufpng theunnetobe<SmpV
agapnft the %om
: ttJljen that pcrfon thought bpon. * mcatoeol

ftjauttefpatTe, 16 ^nb the "p2ieft Ojall b:png Ijer,anb fet

s',7 Xben theptball unorblcbge crjeir finne her befo^ethe ?l02be. \S$.",&
, tbhtch thep haue bone, anb let i)pm re* 17 ^nb the p2ie(l ttjall * tahe holp Jbater ,
• ftojc againe the
hurt that he hath bone, in an earthen beu"cl,anb of the buft that « jig?*'*
t £)mtr,oj©03
*toth his piincipall, anb put the fiftpart
is in the floo;e of the tabernacle, (hf met, irtii.i)

out nwcthtrto, anbgcueitbntohpm

, p?ieft(l)altafeeitanbputit(ntoptt)ater. •*> jj^
Whom he hath trerpauco agapnft. 18 3hiblcttI)cp2ieftfettl)c»)onianbtf02c;^: ;on,c;I"

M.8 »ttt anb

fa if the man haue no tonfe* w the Ho?be, anb bncouer the ttonians.fflX?"

man to redone the ljurt bnto, let the

Ijeab, anb put the offering of memo#ffl «2«y*5 -

treipafle be mabc goob bnto the ILojbe, in her hanbes, lbijich is the geloufie of* ^XX*
anbu fyalbe the pneftes, beftbe the •«
f erpng : anb the p?ieft fl^au haue bptter \ anD ten eggt^
Ojeiltu can
wmeofmeattoncmcnt,tt)l)erbyan anb curfeb ibater in his haiibe. conitmc.
attornment fbaibe mabe foj hpm. 19 3lnb the p?icft a;all charge her op an
jino cuerp !)eaue offering that is mabe othc, anb fap bnto the tuoman : Ji no
2 the hoip thpnges of the chilbjen of man haue ipen ibiththee, neither haft,
goncaftbeto bncleanneffeajithout tbp<
ujaW*^ ^^Stonto $ e P# eft >
ljufhanbc, then haue thou noharmeof*

uct P mans Daiotheb changes this bitter anb atrfcbibaters. ;
Xr^^atfocucraupwangcucth io 25ut anb if thou haft gone afibc froin
'fe^'^aiberjis. thpne hufbanbe, a: :b art bcfilcb, c

faS. ^^ imt mo Wwte> fome man hath ipen Xbitl) thee beftbe,
y % ^

Offerings. Nuumcri.
u (Xtjcn p pnclt (l)al charge the Woman it bpon the aulter, anb tljen mabethT
With an ot!)c of curling,? the pzieft wall woman bzpnbctbe waters: «

fap bnto the woman) the 3Lo2bcmaUe ij Znn When he hath mabe the Woman
thee acrurfeb anb bctcttablc fo: the otljc bzpnbe the waters, if webebefiiebanb
amongtbepcoplc,Wbcntbe!Lo2bbotb Daue trerpalTeb agapnft her hufbanue
inane tnp tbf gb to rct,$ thp bellp fibell. then wall the curfeb anb bpttcr Waters'
zi Xhcfe curfeb Waters go into the go into her,anb her bellp waifweii ana
bowels of thee ,tl)at tftep map mane top her tljigh (ball rotte : anb the Woman'
bellp fwell, anb thp thigh to rottc. 2lnb fyalbe a curfc among her people. [

let the Woman rap, 2unen amen. 2$ 3(nb pf the woman be not beftieb but
13 2nb let the pzictt Wzite thefe curfes in is cleane, (be u)all haue no harme,' but
aboofte, anb (ball blot them out With anb beare.
(ball conccaue «

the bitter Waters: 29 XbtSistbe lawe ofgcloufie, wijena'

i4 3lnb gcuc the woman thole bitter anb Wpfe goeth afibe from her bufbanbe
curfeb waters to bzinlte, p thofe curfeb anbisoefiieb:
anb bitter waters map enter into her. 30 £>? When tl)e fpfeit of geloufie cometh
z$ 3lnb then the pneft (ball tafte the ge* bpon a man, anbbebepnggelousouer'
loufie offering out of the Womans his Wpfe,botb bzpng her before p ftozb:'.
hanbe, anb wauc it before tlje flojbe, 3mb the pzieU (ball bo to her aceozbpns
anb bzpng it bnto the aulter. bntoaiithtsiawe,
, %6 3inb the pziett (ball tafte an hanbfttll 31 3lnb the man (balbe giltleffe, anb this'
of tljc offerpng foj a mcmojiall, ?burne Woman (ball beatehetfinne. -E*

^ The .vi. Chapter.

2 cfic latoc oftljc confr cration oi tl;c jcJajante^f. 24 ©be bleftyng oftfle people.

/ISDibeHoWefpafte rton of His <5ob is bpon his lieab,

bnto^opfes,faping: 8 »ll the bapes of \)is feperation,lje is J

£>peabe bnto the cljfl* holp bnto the flo?be.

bzenof3Jfrael,anbfap 9 ^nbtfanpmanbpefobenlpbefb?ebim,«
bnto thcmnohc either o?hebeWare, theheab ofljisconfetra?

man 02 Womanboth riou (baibe befileb : anb he (Ijall (bauc ao» '

fepcrate tl)em felues t)is heab the bap of his deanfpng, etien
hath left free to bowe a bowe of w a /ftasarite, to fc* the feuenth bap ft)ail he fl)auc it.
this oomc to '
thcoifcrction «
pcrate them felues bnto the Hojbe: 10 ^nb the epgtjt bap he (hall bjpng tibo
« ojpli of pets
fbns,nnt))otit < J^c Wall fcperate him felfe from * Wme turtles, o? two poung trjc
lanittuig anp
tertayne tvmc
« anb ftrong bjpnbe, anb ttjall b?pnbe no pneft, before the booze of the tabernacle
station of tt.
' bmeger of Wine 0? of flrong bnnbe, of the congregation. . •
lErep fcrto no? ttjail b?mbe Whatfoeucr is p?cflcb 11 3lnb the pneft fljall offer the one to a
kece thio <
Herat, fojcrc , out of grapes, anb tt;au eate no fre(he finne offerpng,anb the other foz a burnt
an the light of
aoMinfflc ant) < grapes, neither pet b?ieb. offerpng : anb mabe an attornment m ,
tjoimrfTc a=
nctrj other,
^s long as his abftinence enbureth, Dpm as concernpng that he unneD y,
•iaii iiolBen foi <
(ball he eate nothpng that is mabe of
the moll cr.- the beab, anb (hail halo we his heab tne

tciltnt Bil|0=
nouranotocr= c
the bine tree, 0? of the cornels, 01 of the fame bap.

tuc: another- hufkc of the grape. iz ^nb he (hall confecrate bnto the
ef h-iire the?
cf J3a?artc0.

3inb as long ashc bowetl) anb tsfepe*
rateb, there ttjail no rafure come bpon
the tpme of his feperation, 9 ujall Wf «

a lambeofapere olbe fozatrefpafleo^.
iSajir, trher- his Ijeab, bntpli bisbapesbeoutintbe ferpng: but the bapes that Were bctoe.
confecration was

of J3a}5rcr3 ,
Which he fepcrateth hvm Tclfc bnto the are lod, becaufe his
romctij.figiii. <
?lo?bc, he (baibe hoip, anb Ojall let the befileb.
lotfces of his heerc growe.
13 Xhts is the lawe of the i&ajawj-
*: ^s long as he fepcratctl) h?«n felfe When the tpme of his confecration is
bntotl;c?Lo?be, he (ball come at no 01

out, he waibe bought bnto the boozt
bcabbobp. the tabernacle of the congregation : «

; 7 i?e Hjail not maftt hpmfclfe bncleane 14 anbbetyall bzpng his offerpng
, at the beath of his father, mother, bjo- tbc?Lo?be, anhcciainbeofapcre^;
« ther, 0? fitter : becaufc that the confecra; Without blemilbe fo?aburnt ofittp^ t
« «

homes. Numeri. 1 xxxvj.

ano a (bee lambe of a
per* olbe ibittjout
biemtflie fo? a fume offering,^ ramme
be iwlj
e anJ)esof ^^^ante^ftet'
tyauenljtsconfcewtion. ' *>
untljout blemilbe alfo fo? peace offe-
the Ho?be j anb ujefe holi tbpnaes
,< 'anb a bafbet of bttleaueneb b?eab,
rncncauesof ftncfloure mmglcb rbttf) anb tbe Ijeaue (boulber: anb then the*
opic anotbafersofbnleaucncbb?eab Ba5arttemapb?pnbett>tne.
annopntebibitlj ople, ibitbtbcirmeate 21 Xbis is tbe laibe of tbe
offcrpngcsanb o?pnbe offcrpngcs. U>b<clj batb boibeb bis offerpna bnto
16 ano tbe P?iett (ball b?png tljem before tbe?Lo?befo? Ijis confecration,
ttjefLo?be, anb offer Ijis finite offering tbofe tbpnges tbat bis banbe can
anb bis burnt offering. acco^bingtotbeborbeibbitDbebo^eb'!
17 ano (ball prepare tbe
ramme fo? a euen fo be mutt bo after the latbe of
peace offering Unto tbe !Lo?be,ibitIj tlje confecration. c

bafftct of bnlcaucneb b?eab: anb tbe ii anb tbe ?Xo?be (babe bnto fl&opfes c
p^caOjaUinabealfo bis meat offering Taping:
r "
ano l)isb?pnbe offerpng. 23 £>peabe bnto aaron anb fonnes «

is anb tbe iSasarite fyal fbaue facing : £>n tbis Vbpfe pe (ball bleffe mi «
tlje Ijeab

of bis confecration at the boo?e of tbe cljpib?en of Jfrael, anb fap bnto tljem :
tabernacle of tlje congrcgation,ano (bai 2+ Xbe !Lo?be bleffe tbee,anb bepe tbee:
tabe tbehecreof thehcabofhis confo 25 %be|lo?bemahe his face (bine bpon.
cratton, anb put it in the firetbhichts tbee, anb be mercpfall bnto tbee: *

unocr tlje peace offering, 26 Xlje?Lo?be Ipftbp bis countenaunce*

19 ana tbe p?ieft (ball tabe tlje fobben bpontbee, anb gcue tbee peace.
iljouiDcr of tlje ramme, anb one bnlea* 27 3nb rtjcp (bail put mp name bpon the \
ucneb cabe out of tbe baf bet, anb one cljplb?en of Jfrael , anb 31 ibpii bleffe « ^&
bnleaueneb ibafcr alfo, anb put them them,

^ The. vij . Chapter.

of tbe lo?oeg ano beaoest of !Jftael. 8 <? <0oo fpeafictb from tbe
2 Clje offering

i&2D *bhen*^opfes 6 ^nb ^opfes tobe the tharettes anb

hab full fetbp the ta* tlje oren,$ gaue tljem bnto tbe Heuites.

7 %voo cljarettes anb foure oren
gaue bnto tlje fonnes of d5erfon, acco?*'
theinftrumentestber- bpngbntotljeiromce.
of,tbeaulteralfo$all 8 ^nb
foure charettes 9 epght oren he *
thcb:ffclstberof:anb gaue bnto tbe fonnes of C^erari, acco^'
najannopnteD tljemf fanctifieb tbem. btng bnto tbeir omccs,bnoer pljanoe of'
Xbcn tlje p?mces of IJfrael, beabes Stbamar tlje fonne of aaron tbe pneft. . Numiffii b
[wnljc boures of tljeir fathers (Which 9 * 26ut bnto tlje fonnes of Caatb be c
owe tbe lojbes of tbe tribes, anb ouet gaue none: becaufe tbe charge of tlje«
MKmtbatvberenumb?eb) offereb, fanetuartebclongeb bntotljem, ibbicb'
ano brought their facriftce befo?ethe tbcp tyn beare bpon (Ijouibers.
, couereb cbarcttcs,? ttbeluc

10 anb tlje princes offereb fo? tX^t ttnv « 2S

one cbaret fo? ttbo lo?bes, anb tatpng of tlje aulter in tbe bap ttyat it<
anbtbevb?ougbt tbem ibas annopnteb, anb b^ougbt
criftccs before tlje aulter.
tym fa- *


%m fpaftc tnt0 ^ovfes, 11 anb tbe ILojbc fapbe bnto ^opfes : (
r ,

Xbe princes 0;ai b?ing ttyix offeringes,

&S ^m thattbep mar be
e ltoft fo? tbeoebicating*
r . to euerpbaponep;ince,
fte of the tabernacle of tbe of tbe aulter. ^../r^l
HHSP** ^ ^ mt 8t«e tbem 0tt 12 anb fo ontbefirftbap opb
tlje fonne of aminaoab, of
tlje mbe of

^uba, offer his facriftce.

Otferinges. N urnen.
i? 3lub hts offcryng lbas a ftltict charger bonlc of fcttentte fides, after thefidTi?
of anhtmbicb anb thtrtie fides, aulucr tlje fanctuarie, anb they ibere both
boule offcucnncfidcs,attcr the lbatght of fine floure mingleb n>ith oyle
of the fanctuarte, anbthcyibcrcboth meate offering: '

full of fine floure , mmglco Vbith oyle, ?i 31 goloen[«««nfej cup often fides fan «r
fo? a mcatc offcryng: • r--
14 an rtacenfe] tup of ten fides of golbe, 33 X young bullodte, a ramme, a lambe
fuUofintcnfe: ofaycreolbe,fo? a burnt offering:
15 3t young bullotue, a ramme, alambe 34 anbecgoatefo?afinneofFeryng: !

of a yere olbc,fo? a burnt offering: 35 Slno fo?a peaceofferyng,ttbo oren fiue

i6 3in hec goate fo? a finne offering: ranmtes, fiue hec goates, $ fiue lambes *
17 :3nb fo? a pcate offcting,tU)o orcn,fiuc of one yere oloc.Zt)iS aias the offerina
rammes, fiue hee goates,* fiue lambes ofeii3urthefonneof<s>eoeur. ,

ofaycrcoibc-XhtsibasflKgiftofiBa* 36 Xheftftljbay, 3>eUimtelthefonneof<

hcfFon tlje fonne of 3lnrinabab. zuri <S>abbai, captayne of the thUfcen * '

18 Xhefcconbc bay iftatljamci tbe fonne of£>imeon,offcreb:

of zuar, captayne ouer ^factjar, bib 37 $& syft lbas, afiluer charger of an'
offer: hunb?cb anb ihirtte fides, a filuer boule *

19 3lnb he offcreb fo; his gyft, afiltter of feuentie fides, after tbe fide of tbe'
diarger ofan hunbjeb anb thirtic fides, fancmarie, anb they ibere bot&fuu 'of.
a filuer boule of feuentie fides, after the fine floure mingleb rbith oyle, fo?a'
fide of tbe fanrtuarie, both full of fine mcate offering:
floureminglcb )ibitj)oyie,fo?ameatc ofc 38 ^golbent»n«nftjcup of tenfides,fttllof
fcryng tncenfe
20 Zn L<n«nfc]cup of golbe of ten fides, 39 3ivonngbullocRe,aramme, a lambed
full of intenfe: of a yere oloe, fo? a burnt offering : «

11 ^>nc ycug bullodte,a ramme,a lambe 40 2fo hee goate fo? a finne offering: '«

of a pert olbe,fo? a burnt offcryng: 41 31 nb fo? a peace offeryng,tibo o,ren,nue <

22 3Jnb an bee goate fo? a finne offeryng r*mmes, fine bee goates, fiue lambes;
11 %m fo? a pcate offcring,tVbo orcn,fiu£ of ayereolbe. Xljis ibastije offering
rammes, bee goates, fiue lambes
fine ct £>'elumiel thefonne of zuri £>abbai.
of one yere oibc.Xhistbas the offering 41 Xhc firt bay, cliafapl) tbe fonne of!
of iBatljanacl tbe fonne of zuar. Duel, captayne of thec!)ilb?enof <MD,'
24 Xbe tbiroe bay, eiiab tbe fonne of effcreb:
$clon, captayne of the ehflb?cn of za* 45 $ts gyft tbas, a filuer djarger of an .
bulon,btb offer: htmb?eb anb tbirtie fides, a filuer boule
25 3lnb Ijis gyft tbas, a filuer charger of of feuentie fides, after tbe fide of t\)K
an bunbjf b anb djirtie fides, a filuer fanttuarie, botb full of fine floure muv<
boule of feuentie fides, after the fide of gleo iDidj oyle fo? a meate offeryng: ;

tbcfanctuaric,anb bod) Kberefull of fine 44 % goiben Lincenfej cup often fidcs,fuu\

floure mingleb lbitb oyle,fo?amcate of* of tncenfe:
fcryng: 45 3youngbullotBe,aramme,aiambe;
26 % golbemwenfcjcup of tenfides,full of of a yere olbe,fo? a burnt offering:
intenfe: 46 3ln hec goate fo? a finne offeryng: •

27 % young bullor ne, a ramme,a lambe 47 3mbfo?apcace offering, tino ojeen,.

of a y tte olbe, fo? a burnt offcryng fiue rammes, hee goates, fiw;
28 ^u hec goate fo? a finne offcryng: lambes of one yere olbe. Xnis asf ^ .

29 ^no fo? a peace offcting,nbo oren,ftue the offering of eliafaph, tbe fonne of <

rammes,fiue Ijee goates.fiuc lambes of Duel. ;

one yere olbe. %his Vbasdjecffcryng 48 Xbe feucnth bay, gidama tlje fonne
of Cliab tl)e fonne of i^clon. of ^mtub, captaync of thuTwen of;
30 Xbe fourth bay, cit^ur tlje fonne of €pi)2aim,offereo:
^cbeur, captayne of tlje tl)ilb?cn of 49 ^nb hts facrificeibas,a filuer djargee;
&ubcn,byb offer. of an hunbzeb anb tbirtic fides, a,
?i 3inb bis gyft lbas, a filuer tbargcr filuer boule of feuentie fides, after tw«
ofanhunb?cbanbthirtie fides, afiiutr fide of the fantmane , bctb full of:
. : «,

N umen. 1 XXX VI
7° 3ln Ijce goate fo* afinne offering:
71 2mo fo? a peace offering,tibo oren.fme
°ISen ctow^ cup often fides, ful of rammes,fiuehee goates, fme lambes,!
ofa ycre olbe.Xhisibasthe offenmg of'
e « "a vounabnWotRe, a tamme, alambe ataejet the fonne of 3tinmi Sabbat. *
5 c

ofa vereolbe,fo?aburntofferyng: 7iXheeleuemi)i)a^agieltljefonneof

^n nee goate fo? a finne offering: ^ttan,capta?neoftfjechttl)?enof^rer,;
j anbfiv apeace offering, truo own, oftereb.

mc noun
lOntie Ul ^.ua^ui', *yv *«»p*» t ..v ~. » v «. uMtigitu iwuu uj'w. lui a Offering;

chttwcnof dpanaffes 74 3lgoiben [ineenfe] cup of ten fides, full'

2nb his offermgSbas, a filuer charger ofinecnfe:
ofanhuubjebanbthirttefidcs^afUuct 75 a young bulloeB,a tamme, alambe of!
fide of the ayere olbe fo? a burnt offering:
boule of feuentte ftcles, after p
fanctuarie, both full of fine flourc
min- 76 anhee goate fo? a finne offeryngt
gleo tbith ople fo? a mcate offering: 77 3mb foj apeace offering,tibo oren,
tticrnff run of
-h ~nih»r> [wwnfejeup nf tenfides,full of
frnficlrS-ftlllflf Milinir « fuir hfc nnatett fm»iamh»

% golben 1


oneyereoloe, Xhis ibasthe offering,
57 X young bullotfte, a tamme, alambe of^agiel the fonne of £)cran«
a burnt offering,
of a pete oioc fo: 78 Xhettbeifthbape,2hirathefonneof'
58 anheegoatefojaftnneorTerpng:
enan,captatne of the chiibjen of ifteph; \
5? anb fo? a peace offering tvbo oren,fiue thalt, offer CO. «

rammes,fiuc bee goates,nue lambes of 79 3lnb his offering ttms,afiiucr charger

a pere olbe, Xhis ibas the offering of of an hunbjeb anb thirtie fides a filuer <,

Gamaliel the fonne of 0ebasur. bome of feuentte fides, after the fide of;
60 Xhc ninth bay, 3lbiban the fomte of the fanctuarie , both full of fine flourc
d5ebeon captayne of the chtlbjen of minglebibithoyieto? a meate offering: <
2Btniamin,offereb . 80 %
golben [mcente] cup of tenfides, full
6i anbhisgtoasafiiwtchargetofan ofincenfe:
buntyeb anb thirtie fides, afiluerbouie 81 ayoungbuflodtc^tamme^iambeof,
of feuentte fides , after the fide of the one yere olbe fo: a burnt offering:
both full of fme floure min-
fanctuarie, 8i anhecgoatefojafinncofferyng:
gUbttiiflj oyle fojameate offering: 85 £nbfoj apeace Qffcruig,tibooren,fiue
a ^golben [infence] cup of tenfides, fuH rammcs.fiue fjec goates,fiue lambes of'
ofinfence: onepcreoloe.Xhisrbastheofferpngof , &
$ ayoungbullocfte, a ramme, alambe ^Ijiradje fonne of €nan. «
of one yere olbe fo? a burnt offering: 84 Xhis U)as tlje bebication oftlje auiter '

H anhcegoatcfoj.afittncoffcryng: intbe bap \bhtnit ibas annovntco bp c

65 anbfo?apeaceofferyng,tiboorcn,fiue the pjinces of 5lfrael : trbelne chargers
rammes.fiue hee goates,fiue lambes of of filuer, tibclue filuer boules, trbelue.
oneycreolbe. Xt)is ibas the offeryng [incenfej cuppes Of golbc.

ofSbiban the fonne of d5ebeon. 85 cuervchargercontc^nganljunb^b;

« Xhe tenth bap, ^hieser the fonne of anb thirtie fides of filuer, cuerp boule £
3mmi Sabbai, captayne of the djiltyc' feuentte :3Cnb all tlje filuer beffeis con<«
of&anoffereb. tevnebtlbo tljouranbej foure ljunD;eD«€
6 7^noi)is
offering n)as,afiluer charger fides, after the fide of rtjefanctuane. t
otanhunbjeb anb thirtie fides, afiluer golben [faeenfei cuppes lbere
86 3lnb the
joule of feuentte fides,aftcr the fide of ttbelue,fullof incenfe, ccntcpnpng ten.
^ttiarie, bod) full of fine flonre min* fides a pcece after pMt of tt)t fauttiane:
Sieo ibith opic [«n«nft j cuppes
fo? a meate offering fo tljat all p golbe of the
of tnfe
[fncenft]cl,p of tm Mts
m 87
iDas an hunwebanotttientie fides.
^ll tlje buliodtes foi the burnt offt*.

ounsbuiiodie,aramme, alambe
rvng lbere tibelue,tlje rammes tibclue,
tljeiambcsof apercoioe tibelue, ibith«
N umcri. - cr em

tncate offcrrnges : anb the hec

ttjcir 89 anb tthcn^ovfes urns g^mTfonuhT
goac?s fo? fame orTcryng, tlbelue. tabernacle of the congregano
38 anb the orcn fo? the peace offe*
all Mb torn, tJeUearDetSeborceoR \\
rynges were ttbcntie anb foure, the fpeaftvng bntohym from of tlje
rammcs fijctte , the hee goatcs ftrtfe, feate that ibas npon tlje arse
tlic lantbes of a rere oibe fijctie. Hhf s nctte betibeene tlje tn>o Cherubim«
voas the bcbieation of the aulter, after anbhetaiKebttithhym. ^\'=^

f The .viii. Chapter.

:®heo;rt)crof tfjc lamptj* 4 Cfte fourme of tUe canoleflKcBe. <? Clje cfeanfmra

aiiDoffcrpns of tbtttuitoft, j^c^eaflcof t&ejieuttejj wbentbepberoeaueo


jB2>the2Lo?befpaRe before tlje Ho?be fo? a inane offeryiur'

bnto^oyres/aptng: of tlje chflb?en of 3lfraci, tljat they map
dpeanebntoaaron, erecute tlje mmiftration of the feruice of.
anb fay bnto ftpm:* tlje|Lo?be.
nahcn thou fetteft bp u Zvto the ?Leu«es Ojal pnt their Uanbes
theiampes, thefeucn bpon theheaoes of the buliocnestanb;
lampcsfhalgeue light tljou (bait offer the one fozafumeoffe*.
flrtJjarbcpfiwfront of thecanbleflirfte. rpng,anb tlje other fo? a burnt offerpng
anb aaron Dpb cucn fo, ano Ipghteo Ditto the Ho?be }that thoumapeftma&e
tljelampes thereof toibarbe the fo?e* an attornment fo? the ^Unites.
front of thecanblefticne, as tlje %om 13 3(nb tljou ajait fet tlje fLeuites before
commaunbcb£|}oyfcs. ^aron anb his fonnes, anb ibaue tljem
anb tljis inas tDe n)o?fte of tlje canble* f02atbaueolferpngnntotlje?Lo2be, «

wcnc, cucn of goloe beaten out ibith tlje 14 3nbthusthou fbaitfeperate the %t\
hammcr,both tlje (haft ano tlje flours nites from amongthe cljilb;en of 3lfra=
tljcrof ibas beaten out tbith p hammer el,anb tlje Heuites ll;aibe m^ne.
aeco?byng bnto the patcrne lbhieh tlje 15 after that,U)all the Heuites go in, to
fLo?be Ijao tljcibcb i^opfes , euenfo fie bo the feruice of tfte tabernacle of tlje
mabcthccanblcmcKe. tongregation : ^nb tljou (halt cleanfe.
anbthe?U?be fpafte bnto ££oyfes, thcm,$Uiauetljemfo2an)aucoffenng:«
faying: 16 5Fo? thep arc geuen anb beliuereb bn^ «

Xane tlje ILeuites front among tlje to me from among the chiHwen of 3J*\
chtib?cn of 3Jfrael, anb cleanfe them. rael fo? fuch as open euerp tbombe,,
anb thus (halt tljon 00 bnto tljcm, euenfo? the firftbo?ne of all tlje cl)ilt)?crt
ibhcnthouclcanrett them : 5>p?incBle
iMtcr of purmyng bpon them, anb let
of 3(frael haue
5 tanen them bnto me.
17 5f 0? all the ftrft bo?ne of tlje cljilD?en l%oiA;
them (haue all their ne(hc,anb let them of3fraelar«mtne,bothmananbbeaft: ,Luk
pa(hc their clothes, ano fo maftetijem fmce tlje bap that 3
fmote eucrp toil.
fclucsricane. m
bo?ne the lanbe ofcgpptS fanctincb <

8 Xhcn let them take a young bullocfte tljemfo?mpfelfe.

tbith his nteate offering [men] fine
flourcnungcb tbith oyle, anb anotljer
18 ^nb 3
haue tanen the fLcttites fo? all
the firft bo?ne of the cljflb?cn of 3ffracl. ,

young buiioc&c (halt thou taftc fo?a 19 anbhauegcuen tljeHcuites asagut'

finncofFcryng. to aaron anb his fomtcs from among

9 ano thou (halt b?yng thclLeuitesbe* tlje chilb?cn of ^Jfrael, to bo tlje ferine t

fo?c tlje tabernacle of tlje congregation, of tlje cljiib?cn of jfjftacl in tlje tabcrna*
thou (halt gather thcibhoic nuiititnbe tie of the congregation, anb to mauean
of t!jt chilb?cn Of3lfrael togctljcr,
10 anb bjyng the fLcuitcs before tlje
attornment fo?the ehtlb?cn of 3^:\
that there be no plague among the ,

%cm, ano tlje chilb?en of 3Jftaci (hail b?en of ^rraei, if tlje chilb?en of 3 im •

put their hanbes bpon tlje ?Leuites. come npe bnto the fanctuarie, .

11 anb aaron (bail maue the Heuites 20 anb flpovfes, anb aaron,anb all ny
: «;
«« «
< *

N umen. Ixx:xvnj.
7SS5SS of tbe chi!D?m of ^?acl> 2* *"* ft* ?Lo?ue fpaae bnto

att ©at toelLofliec5niauiH>ci> fl|90ffts 24 Xbistsitthat belongcth bmo tne<

tontwngtl)efLe««efi!,euenfoWOti)e £eiUtes:*;ffromttbcntieanbfiueyeres Nu.xx'mi.i
hiiwenoflifraeibntothem. olbeanb bpibarbe, they (ball go to to'<
anotbe Unites Jbere purtfieb, anb lbaytebponthcferuiceofthetabernaele •
3lnb Siaron
their clothes : , of the congregation,
vhaneb them as a lbaue offeryng before 25 3lnb from tlje age offtfttc ycrcs thev>
the 3Lojbe,anb
tnabe an attonement fo? (ball ceaffe ibaytyng bpon the feruicc \
tnem,to cleanfc them. therof,anb (ball feme no moje
aftcrtbat,rbcntthe!Leuitesto,tobo 26 25uta)aUmmtfterU)ttbtl)tirb?ctb2en«
tabernacle of the eon* «» tai«riMri»
<" the nf *n»
tabernacle of AM «.^;L~ '<
the ,congregation,
'their feruice in the to
gregation befoje aaron anb his fonncs: to ftepe thynges committcb to their!
asthe?Lojoe babeomaunbeb fl^oyfes charge: bnt (ball bo no mo?e feruice.c
concerning the fUultes, euenfo the? ILhustherfoje (halt thon 00 bnto the
d?d bnto them. SLeuitestouchyngtheir charge,

The. ix . Chapter.

Cftcpaffoucr. i;^umnmicntfo !f«cf)a06cpctliftnot, irjDfthecIouDc.


/I52DthefLo2befpaBe 9 3nb the Ho?be fpafte bnto fl^oyres,

bnto #oyfes to the faying: c

ibilberncfle of Stoat, 10 5>peafte bnto the cbilbjen of JJfrael, «

in the firft moneth of anb fay: |(f any man be bncleane by the
the feconbeyere, after reafonofacoarfe, 0? be inatbay farre*
.1 they **bere come out of biftaunt from you anb from your gene^
iJtyt lanbe of egypt, rations, he (hall fcepe the ^aflbuer.
facing: bnto the liojbe. «

%tt the of 3!frael celebrate
cfiilbjen 11 %\>t fourteenth bay of the feconbe
tnc paflbuce at the tyme appoynteb moneth at euen let them fcepe it: anb
therbnto: eate it ibith bnieauenebb?eab,^ foib?e e
1 €uenpfourteenthbayof this moneth hearbes. «

at cum: ye fliali ftepe it in his feafon ac* 12 fUt them leaue none of it bnto the'
tojbpngto all the cerenionies of it, anb mo?ntog,*noj tyeaaeany bone of it:25ut « E«d.x». fc
Iohja * t
accojbmgto all the maners thcrof,fbaU accojbyng to all the o?binauncc of t»e;
n ftepe it. 0aflbuer,let themfeepeit. «

4- Sno^oyrcslpa&e bnto the thtUuen 13 26ut the man that is eleane, anb is not «
of 3fraei,tbat they (boulb celebrate the to a tourney, anb yet tbas negligent to«
#aflbuer. nepc the ^affouer : the fame fouie fl^ai*
5 Mt they uept the ^aflbuer the foure* be cut of from his people , becaufe he \
teentftbay of the firft moneth at euen brought not the offcryng of the Ito^oe
HJtbe\biiDernefleofS)inai:acco?btogto in his bue feafon , that man (ball beare<
«utl)at the ?Lo?be comannoeb^oyfes, jjisfinne.
t««ifobyorhechilb?enof3Jfrael. 14 3n& if aftraungerbtbeliamongyou,;
10 cm ayne men
\Derebcftiebbya anb ibyll uepe the ^affoucr bnto the,
Jcabnian,thattheyniyghtnotftepethe ?l02be : accojbyng to the o?binance of.

mm mm
fift£ tfte fame & a?> anb they came
the ^aflbuer anb numet tbcrof,fo
he bo . #c (Ijail haue one laibe both
ibas (

JSS32? fa Vbc bnto hym, tt>e the ftraunger, anb fo? hv>» that
S b?al,eal,man:lbherfo?care
bacfte,that Tbe may not offer 15
bomc in the fame lanoe.
^nb the fame bay that the taberaacle ,

vm rearcb bp, a*clonoe coucreD cj f
tabentacU of «
tabernacle, [tumiv } the
z ;

OviSS fisfa^ umotlKmr^tanbe tcftiinonie ano at eucn.tbcre ibas

the :

bpon tbetabcrnaclc,as it vbercthe ap*

NWcommatmoeeoncerttyngyou. pearaunceoffirc,bntyUthemo?nyncj^
ceremonies. N umen. ' ere *o
n ;.

£>o it tbasaltbay: the cloube coucreb

it by bay,anb the appcarauncc office by
iourneyeb alfo at tbccommaunbcinTm
nycjtjt n ahb tbfjen the cloube abobe bpon the
17 3nb tbhcnthe cloube tbas fahen tip tabernacle from eucn bnto the mo?
from tlje tabernacle, then tbc cbtlbjen nyngjtbastabcnbp in tbe mojnvna
cf 3?frael iourneyeb : anb in the place tljen tbey iourneyeb : naijctljcrtttbas
lUljcre tbc rtonbe abobe, there tbc cbil- by bay o? by nygbt that tljc cloube foas
bjen of 3Jfrael pttcljcb tljcir tcntcs. taften bp, ttjey iourneyeb*
IS Zt tlje moutl) of tlje !Lo?be tljc cljtlb2C 22 $>nt tbetloubetaryebrtbobayes 02
of 3)frael iourneyeb, anb at the moutb a monetb, 02 a yere bpon tbe tabernacle
of the Ho«tbc they pitcbeb :3inb as long anb rcmayneb tberon, tlje c&ttoieti of
as tiie cloubeabobe bpon tlje taberna- 3lfraei remayneb Oyii anb iourneyeb
tlc,tbcyiaylryll: not : 2nb affoone as the cloube tbas
19 3inb tmjen tlje cloube tarycb ttyil bpon bp,tbey iourneyeb.
the tabernacle long tyme,tljc cbilbjcn of 23 3ft tbe moutb of tbe Ho?b they retteb
3jfracl Kept tbe tbatdjc of tbe 3L02be, in tbe tentes,anb at tbe eomaunbement
anb iourneyeb not. of tbc Ho2be tttt^ iourneyeb, bepynct
zo 2lnb ibljen tbe cloube abobe a fetbe the Mtttche of tbe |Lo?be at tbe com*
Daycs bpon tbe tabernacle, they abobe maunbcmcnt of the jL02b by tljc hanbe
in their tcntcs, accojbyng to tbe com* of^oyfes.
maunbcmcnt of tbe ILojbe: anb they

f The. x. Chapter.
: Cbc trumpcttejs of fflucr, ano tljrir bfe. nCljegfraelttesuepOTtfromgrfnat i4€3je
caprapness of tfte Uoaft are numbjcD. ;« obab rcfufetli to so totth apopfejs.
2D tbe Ho?befpabe
|/I5 9 %ub if ye go to tbarre in your lanbe
|bnto09oyfcs,fayutg: agaynftyour enemies tbatbere you, ye
^ahetbeetvbotrum? (ball blotbe an alarme tbith tbe trum
[pcttcsoffiiuer.ofan pcttcs, anb ye (balbe rememtycb before
tbljolcpeecefhalttbou the ?Lo2?>c your d5ob, to be fauebfrom
mafte them, that thou your enemies*
imaycttbfetljemtocall 10 aifo in tbe bay of your gtobnefle, anb
the congregation togetljer, anb tbijen in your feaft bayes, 9 in tbe begynnyng
the campe (ball tourney. of your monctbes, ye (hall bioibc tbe
3 3lnb lbfjcn they fljai blotbe lbith them, trumpettes ouer your burnt facrificcs
all tbe multitube (ball refojt to tbee be- anb peace offerynges, tbat tbey may be
foje tbe booje of tbe tabernacle of the a remembjaunec fo? you befo2e your
congregation. <5ob: gj am tbe fL02be your d5ob.
4 3lnb if tbey blotbe but one trumpet, 11 3lnb it cante to pafle tlje ttbentitlj bay
tben tbe ponces tbljich are bcabes ouer oftljcfeconbe monetb tn tbe feconoc
tlje tboufanbes of Jjfrael (ball tome ycre,tljat tt)t cloube ibas tafecn bp from
bntotljce. of the tabernacle of tbc t eftmionic.
5 26ut if ye blotbe an alarme, the 12 ^nb tlje cbtlb2cn of 3!frael tofec tljetr
boattts that lye on the call partes (ball ioumey out of tbe befert of j&inai, anb
gofojtbarbe. the cloube rcftcD in tlje tbilbewcu'e of
6 3lnb if ye blotbe tbc alarme tbc feconb Pbaran.
tymc, the Ijoaft that lyetb onthefoutb 13 ^nb tbey firft tobe tbeir iourncy at tlje
fibe (ball taUe their ioumey : fo? tbey moutb of tbe Hojbe b^ tbe banbe ot
(ball blotbe an alarme tbljentbey tabe #oyfes. ,

tljeiriourneyes. 14 3Jn tlje firftpiaee ibent tlje ftanberbcot

7 25ut tbben tbe congregation is to be tljeboaaof tbechtlb2cnof jjuoa acco.2*
gatbercb togetber, they (hail blotbe byngto tljetr armies: tbljofc captayne
tbitbout an alarme. tbas jI5alja(Ton tbefonneof anunabab.
8 2nb the fenncs of Siarcu tlje pjicttes 15 3lnb ouer tlje Ijoaft of tlje tribe of tlje
(ball blotbe tbitlj tljetr trumpcttes,anb cbtHwen of ^facljar, tbas iBatljanaci
ye ft) au ijaue tljent as a latbe fo? euer in
your generations.
tbefonneof zuar.
is ^nb ouer tlje Ijoaft of tlje tribe of tne
) .

tlucrtrumpets. N umeri. ixxxix.

Si^nofzabulon, ibas eliab the fonne of cnan. ~ I

fnnncofJ}Clon. 13 Xbcfe aw the tourneys of the chvi^ *

SVib tl)c tabernacle was
tauebottme, bjcnof 3jfrael ti>:oughout their ar*.
mititbefonncs of «5erfon anb sperari mtes, anu thus tbc hoaftes remoueb. .
bent foojth bearing tlje
tabernacle. 29 2nb £0opfcs fopoe bnto $obab the'
,, Whcboaft omubenibent fonne of aaagucltbe ^aotanitc, Which

\m\\ their ttanberb anb

armies, rohofe was ^opfes father iniawetnaeVbri*!
of the
to the place of wbiebe the
tarn, «
» 5nb oner the hoaft of the tribe 31 U)v» geue tt you. come thou there*
foje With bs,anb me wpu 00 thee goob-
tiipiwn of Simeon , tbas
5>uriS>aobai. fo? the Hojbe bath pjomircb gooobnto
roe fonne of
10 2ttD oucr the
hoaft of the tribe of the 3lfrael.

cOviti?cn of C5aD , tbas

euafaph the 30 3tab he aunrtbereb hpm : wpu not 13
fonncof2I>uel. go,but Wpl bepart to mine owne lanoe,
,i Che Caathites alfo went fojtbarbc anbtompUinreb.
ana bare the fanctuane, 9 the
other tyn 3i $e fata 4Dh nap,leaue bsnot,fo? thou

Tetbp the tabernacle agamft

thep came. tmoweftour manfions in the Wpiaer*.
n 2nbtbe aanberb of the hoaft of the nefle,anb thou mapeft be to bs in ftcabc
cMbjcn of ©phjaim Wcntfoojth aeco?* ofepes. «

Dvngto their armies, whofe captapne 31 3lnbif tI)ou go With bs, loose What',
yjas €«fania the fonne of 3mmiub. goobneffe the fLozbcfbcwcth bnto bs,«
1 3inbcuertbcboaftofthetribe of the the fame wpuwefbewe bnto thee. ;

fonncsof^anaflc,was Gamaliel the 3$ %n"b thep beparteb from the mount.

fonne of ^cbasur. oftheHojbetbjee bapes iouenep, ano*
4 ana oucr the hoaft of the tribe of tfie thear&eoftljecouenaunt of tljc ?Lo?bc,'
(tones of iBcniantfn, Was 2biban the tbent before them m
p th?ee bapes iour*
fonne of <25ebeon. nep, to fcarch out a retting place fo? tlj^,
15 smotheftanberb of the hoaft of the 34. ^nbfljeclouocofthclLo^Deibasbp*;
thrown of 2>an came footfbCgathcrfng pon them bp bap, ibben theptbent out.
ail tbc hoaftes together) throughout ofrtjecampe.
thctearinies,Whofecaptainewas3ihics 35 3nb ibijen v arfee ment foojtb, <3$br\ vm^
5er the fonne of ammi £>abbai. fes fapbe : *fttfe bp ?Loibc,anb let thine
16 3lnD oner the hoaft of the tribe of tlje enemies be fcattereo, anb let tljemthat;
cl>viD?cn offerer, was l^agiel ttje fonne ^atcthce,flee before tljee.
ofOcljjan. 36 %\\r\ \bljen tlje arne refteo, he fapbe : <
ii anooucrtljehoaftofthetrfbcofthe
chpltyenof^ephthaii, WasSlhfra the
meturae ^D 1Lo?b,bnto themanpthou*:
^ The. xj. Chapter.
1 €ty people murmtircth. 4ChepDettteflefl)e. rtCcieplotbeflRanna. u©fietoa»
uermgfavthoffl0Dpfej!. i6 Che HLo«tOe DeutDetb tbc Jjuitlien oES^opCestto teuentie
of tfie auncienteg,ano tbep pjoptieftc. 51 gt rat'jnctt) ciuaplej!. y> ®fte t letbe raue»


(/^bVbljen* the people burnt among tljem.

ibpbibichcbip, itibas 4. ^nb a number of people that ibas a*
mong tljcm fell a luttpng, anb turnco
a bifplcafure in the
cares of the fLojbe:
them fciues,anb ibcpt(cttcn as alfo

the chplbjen of Jfrael) anb fapb : ibho

Ijearbe it, his tounte* geue bs fletbe to eate^
=^naunceU)asp?ouoHcb 5 aae remember tlje fime lbljich ibe nib
wibwth,anb tlje fire of the %o;n burnt eateincgppt fo? naught, 5 the ntcum*
among them, anoconfumeb bers,fmelons,leeKes,ontons?gariecK.
them that
^bebttcrnioftofthchoatt. 6 2i5utnoibourfouieisb?peDatt)ap:w
C pc °P le ^eb bnto Q^opfes: ttie can fee noticing els, fane
7 Xhc ^anna ibas as*co?ianoer fecoe,
anb to fee to ipfte « aseocilion.
in §>omi caJt
Dntotbc^o^e^hefircqucncheb. icltiilatoljltc
3tnt) the people ibcntaboutanb
8 ttonc,» lomca

^oeraD,Decaufetljefireoftlje %ow wbit,?grounDeitinnnlies,o?beatitm


jgj jj
: :

The people murmure. N umcn. Thepe oplemu^

mooters, anb baucb it in panties, mtD cntat tljenoarelsofpou, anbitlbalhr
maue tabes of tt:3nt> the taftc of it,ibas lothfome bnto pou,becaufe that pctiaur
ipuc bnto tl)e tafte of frcfl)c oplc. tattle %om aftbe lbljiclje is aniona
9 anD lbhen the DcaiDc fell Doibne bpon pou,anbhaneibcptbcfo?ehpm rapmc? >

thchoaftm tlje npgljMljc ^annafeu naljp came ibe thus out of egppt/
bpon if. 21 ano ^opfrs fapDe: *£>irc hunDjeb £>
10 anDibhcn topics ncarDc the people tbotifanD footcmen arc there of tljc peo* tx °< x

tbeepe throughout their houftjolOcs, 3

plc,among n>h»eh am: anb thou ijaa
cuerp manintljcuoojcof Ijis tent, tlje fapb, 3
ibpll gene them flcfl),tljatthev>
voffll) of the ?Lo?D tuas ttonicieD ercee* mapcate a monetlj long.
Dinglp,anDit grecueD S^opfes alfo. 22 5>rjaU tljc Ojeepe $ the orcn be ttapne
ii 3lnD U^opfcs fapbc bnto tlje HojUe fonhem,tofinDethem; either (hail all
aaijcrcfoje haft riiou Dealt cruciip lbith tlje fiflje of the fea be gatljercD together
tljpferuaunt; anbibljerefoje Ijaue 3 fonijem,tofumfctl)cm;
not fcunbe fauour in thp fight, fepng 23 anD the ILoibe fapDe bnto Copies
tljattliouputtcttthctbapgljtofautljis £>haH * tlje Ho?bes fjanoc be ibareb £ «u
people Upon me* ujojt; Xhou ujalt fee notb ibljetrjcr mp inih

n 3
$aue conccaucb all this people; &>i Ibojbmalcometopau'ebntotheeojnot.
Dane begotten tljem, tbattijou thoui* 24 ano^opfcsrbcntout,anDtolbcthe
Deft fap bnto mc,€u;p tl)em in tljp bo* people tl)e raping oftjje 3Lo?De : ano ga*
fonie as a nurfe bcareth tljc fueKpng trjcreD the th?efco?e anD ten elbers of
chplbe,bntotljeianoeibljicljtljoufu)a* the people, anD fet them rounbe about
bnto their fathers;
rclt the tabernacle.
13 w\)ttt fl)0«ir>c3) haue fleuje to gene 25 anotbe&ojDcameDoibneinailou&e,
into all dispeople, ibbicrje lbcepe be* anb fpauc bnto him, anb tofte of the u>
foje me,faping : <5euc bs flefhe that ibe rite that lbas bpon him,anb gaue it bn*
mapcate. to the tlj?cfcoje $ ten elbers : 3mb Tbhen
C 14- 3am not able to bcare all this people thefpirite refteb bpon them, the? p?o*
aionc,fcpng it is to Ijcauie fo? me. pljefieb, anb DpD not ceaffe.
15 3Jf thou beale thus ibitlj me, fcpll me 26 2But there rcmapneD t*bo of the men
3 p?ap tt)ce,if 31 ijaue founbe fauour in in the ftoaft, thenameof the one tbas
tljp fight^ 3
fee not mp ibjctchcbncfle. cibaD, anD the name of the other $0v
i6 anD the JLojdc fapDe bnto $)opfes: * Dab : %n\y the fpirite refteb bpon them,
dBtttljcrbntomc tljjefcozcanD ten men (anb thei iberc of them that lberc ib?it*
of tlje ciocrs of 31frael,ibhiclj thou Into* ten anb Uicnt not out bnto the taberna*

iDctt that theparetlje elbers of thepco* cle)anb thep p?opheficb inthe hoall.
pic 9 officers oner them : anb thou fljalt 27 3lnD there ran a poung inan,anb tolbe
biyng them bnto the tabernacle of the ^0opfcs, anb fapb : cibaD anD ^ebao
congrcgarton, that tl)cp map flanbe Do p?ophcfie in the hoaft.
there lbith thee: 28 3(nDgiofuah the fonne of iBun thefts ^
17 3uiD3Jibvii come botbnc, anb taise uatint of ^opfes,one of his poung men
lbith tJjee there, anD tanc of the fpirite aunftbereD, anD fapDe : fi]0p lo?DC $$W
lbhich is bpon thcc,anb put bpon thc»n, fes,*fo?bpDthcm. luuxs

anb tljcvihallbcarc the burthen of the 29 anD £0opfes fapD bnto hpm : cnnieft
people umi) thee, left thou be conftrav- thou fo? nn» faucf *iboulbe d5oo that all uh

nebtobeareitalone. the Ho?Dcs people coulD p?ophcfte, anb
18 3luD rap thou bnto thc*people,26e ha* that the HojDc iboulbc put his fpirite
loibcD agapnft to mozotbe, anb pe (hall bpon them.
rate flcfl)e : fo? pour ibhpmng is in the 30 3mb f^opfesgatchprninto the f)0 att >

cares of tl)c Ho?be,fcpng pc fapb, nsljo he anb the elbers of Jjfracl.

fl)aii geue bs ficflic to cut t ibe lberc 31 3lnb there lbentfoojth a ibpnbe from
happp m €gppt : Xhcrcfo?e the fLo;be
the Hojbe, anb * brought quapicsfrom
ibpu gcuc pou flcfl)C,anD pe fl)ail eatc. the fea, 9 let them fall about the h°a ft '

19 Pt (ball not eate one Dap no? tibo, no? encnabapesiourncp rounbe about on
fine bapes, neither ten, no? tibentie eucrp fibc of the hoaft,anb[ ttyv *n ttie m
20 asut euen a moncth long,bnftll it come
w ap?e] as it ibere tibo tubites

tlje earn).
Wo«f *

32 3ftlD
N umen. xc.
-^rtSople ftoobe top all tljat bap, JftiUlcD againft tlje people,
$ tbe ILo?be
fmote peopletlje ibitt)
r a po.**
an creeebpng
SiwsatyewDciuaples: anblje great plague.
X aatW* Utlc, gatbcreb ten bo*
34J? nD ^
? *!> c
Xljegrauesof luftt
callc m™ of
rt)e Place,
becauretlje burieb
to their bfe.tounoe about tbe boaft. tbepcoplctbatiuftcbtljere.
*:£no XDDvle tUe fletye
ibas pet be* 3$ ^nb toe people tofee ttjetr * iournep Kum »<-
tttjecnetbete tcetlj,
$peritibas cbetb* from tlje graues of luftbnto teaserotn

^" The. xij. Chapter.

i srawn ant> ©iriam gruDge asapntt flpopfejs. 10 astfrtam tis Crpcften xoitb
Icp^oftcano licaTcd attt»e p;aper of flftorfesi.

152) * Miriam ana anb nmtorubes of tbe Hojb ftjaii lie fee*
aaron fpalte agapnft naberfojctljcntbetcpe not afrapoe to
3J9opfes,becaufeoftbe fpeafce againft mp feruaum fi^opfesi
ibomcn of ectopia anb tbe?L02b ibas moucb bnto rbmtft
Ijebab taken:
lbljiclje agapnft tljem, anb be ibent Ijis ibap,
fojbebabtattetottnfc Io anb tljccloubcbeparteb from tlje ta*
oneofetfoiopia. betnaele, anb beboibe Miriam ibas be- w«.*.<t.

i anb tbep fapbc : mti) tlje Ho?be in come lepjous, as it iberc fnoibe: anb
Dtm fpofecn onlpc tbjongb ^opfes* Matron loofeeb bpon Miriam anb be* ,

$ati) be not fpofcenaifo bpbs^anb tlje i)olbc,uJeibas leprous.

flojbeljeatbett. • ii 3(nb^aronfaibebnto^opfcs:^las
(But^opfesibasaberp*meeBeman, mpfUtfbe, J
befecbe ttjee put not the
aboue all tlje men of tlje carttj.) (tone bpon bsrbbicljevbe Ijane fooiift)-

4 anb tpe flojbe fpaue at once bnto Ipe committeb anb finneb.
$opfcs,bnto aaton,anbto flprtam: ii ^Db,let!)eenotbeasonebeab,ofU)bo
toj Come out pe t&ee bnto * tlje tabernacle tlje flefoe is ijaife confumeo ibben be

of njc congrcgation.anb ttjep came out commctb out of gts motbers ibljom.
aiitljjee. ij anb Copies ccpeb bnto tlje ILoibc,
xi 5 anb tbe!Lo;be came bottme tn tfje* faptng:^ealet)erno«)e,€) ©ob,3l be*
ppiier of tlje cloube, anb ftoobe tn tUc fecbetbee.
booje of tbe tabernacle, anbcalleb aa* 14 znn p&ojbcfavbe bnto <©opfes:3}f
ronanbflpriam. anb tljep ibent out per fatbee fytto w (pit to bet face, ttjouiD (mjffittti*
Bpon tit

botboftnem. ft)t not be aujameb fcue bapes;Het bet }>lcafur c lljuia

6 anbljefapbe, $caremp lbo?bes:3pf be (but out of tbe noaft feuen bapes,anb face.lljtmap
not ffcfiimi;
tljete be a pjopljcte of tbe fLojbcs a* aftct tbat,let bet be teeeaueb to againe. to come into
1)10 p?cfmcc
mongpou,3J tbpUbctmoibcn of tjimin 15 3inb ^itiam ibas U)trt out of t^t bp iljc fpjic
of fencoai'tjs
a bifton, anb ropll fpcafce bnto Ijpm tn a Ijoaft" feuen bapes: anb tbe people re* ljoro; mucne
tycatne. moucb not, tpUfbe ibas bjougljt in a* not pjcftuiic .

25 7 fi^p retuaunt 4?)oprcs is not fo,lbl)icp gapne. int.

isfaptbftfflinailmpnebottfe. i6 * ^nb afteribatbe tbe people temoucb Nu.xxiii.A

* s tlnto ijpm ibpll

Jpeane * mouto to ftom ^a5erotf), anbpitcpeb mtberbpl*
moutb to abifton,not tn barftc fpcacljcs betnefleof^paran.

^ The. xiij . Chapter.

« Ccttaptte mtn arcfcnt to fearcfte tbe lanDe of 24 C&e? Bipns of t&e
frutte of tftc lanDe. ?i Caleb comfo?tct^ t^e people againtt ttjt Difcourasms of


i!52E)tljefLo?berpaue tribe of tljeir fatljers mall pe Tcnbe a

bnto ^opfes facing: man,anblettbemaUbeuirbeasarem«
*^>enbemenoutto lets among tljcm,
fcarctje tlje lanbe of 3 3lnb £0opfes at tXit commaunbement
Cljanaan, ft)biclje 3 of the !Lo?oe,fent foonlj out of tlje ttjpl-
geue bnto tlje cbvlbjen Detncftc of 0baran,fuctje men as ttere
of 3ftael : of cuctp ailbcaoes of tlje cfjplbjen of Jfrart.

^H 4 tljeir
The people murmure Numeri. The people muin
^ 4- [Xljctr names aw tljcfc. Of tlje tribe of
&uben,S>ammua tl)c Tonne of zacur.
Stljefe are tlje names of tlje men !F*
5 Of tlje tnbe of 3>tmcon, 3>apljat tlje lbljierj ^ovfes fent to fpie outt&c
fonncoftyoji anb^oyfescalleb tlje name of Ofca
6 Of tlje tribe t>f 3Juua,Caicb tlje fonne tlje fonne of i!5un,3tofualj.
ofjjcpljune. 17 anb ^oyfes fent them foojtfj to fo(e
25 7 Of tlje tribe of 3Jraeljar , 3fgal ttje out tlje lanbe ofeijanaan,anb faio bnto
fonne of 3Jofcplj. tJjem:d5et you bp rtjis tbay fouttjtbarb
8 Of tlje tribe of epljjaim, Ofea tlje tljat ye may so bp into tlje Ijie countrey'
fonne of ifrun. 18 anb fee tlje lanbe tb&at maner thino
9 Of tlje tribe of 26cniainin, $aiti tlje it is, anb the people tljat bibeUctl)
fonne of ftaplju. in,tb|jetljer ttjep be ftrong 0; votmm
10 Of tlje tribe of zabulon,d5abbiel tlje tljerfeibeojmany:
fonne of S)0Di. 19 anbibljatttjeianbistljattljeyMbeU
11 Of tlje tribe ofllofeplj, namely of tlje in,ibljetljcr it be goob 0? bab, anb ibljat
tribe of 09anafle, C5abbi tlje fonne of maner of cities tljey be tfjat tljey DVbell
£>ufi. m,Vbtjetijcr tljey bibeii internes 0? uw
ii Oftljc tribe of 2r>an,amieltljc fonne lebtottmes:
of<Rmalii. 20 anb ibljat maner of lanbe tljat is,
13 Of tlje tribe of afer,&ctfjur tlje fonne tt>Detljer it be fat 0? leane, anb ibtjetDer
of ^Jicfjacl. tljete be trees tljerin oj not. 26e of goob
14. Of tlje tribe of /Bepljtijali, i&ajjabf courage, anbbjyng oftljefruite of tlje
tlje fonne of tlapljfi. lanbe : anb it »>as about tlje tyme tljat
15 Of tlje tribe of mb, d5uel t&e fonne grapes are firftrype*

ii anb fo tljey tbentbp,anbfeartljeb out itbpona ftaffe: anb [#«? bmiW ailb
tlje lanbe from tlje ibtlbemetfe of zin, of tlje pomgranates,anb of tlje figg«v
bnto aae!job,as men tome to $ematlj. 24. anbthepiaceibascallebtljeriuew
22 ^nb tljey afcenbcb bnto tlje foutjj,anb col,becanrc of p duller of grapes ib&fcne
come bnto $etyon,tt)ljcre aijiman Vbas tlje cljilbjen of JJfrael cut botbnc tljencc.
anb5>cfai,anblEljaimai,tljefonnesof 25 anbtljeyturncbbaeBeagayncfcoiii
anac. ^cbjon ibas buylt feuen petes fearcljing of p lanbe after fourtie oaye »•
befojezoaninegypt, 26 anb tljey ibent, anb came to topics
23 anb tljey came bnto tlje ryuer of €fc anb aaron, anb bnto all tlje mumtuoc
coi,anb cut bourne tljerea bjaunelj ibitfj oftljecljyib/enof^rrael ttitheibyicrtj
one cloufter of grapes,anb tibayne bare nefle #baran to Caoes, anb to°*g
5 : »

plemurmure. NumCH. XCi
alfo all tlje con-
tlje ftutte
come it
it, fomebe able to ouee*
nfcncianbe. 31 2Sut the men tbat ibent bp ibith him,
., Witijcvtolbeljym, anb fapbe :nac fapbc : nac be not able to go bp agapnft
ramc unto t!)e lanbe Vbljptber ujou fen* tlje people, fo? thep are ftrongce then
rDittj niilfce IbC.
nebftbs, 9 furely it floibctlj
anu ftonp, anu \)ttt is of tbe
ftuite of it 31 3nb thep bjougbt bp an cupli report
,8 ^cucrtljcleffe, rtjc people be ftrong oftlje lanbe ibbiche thep Dab fcarcheb,
rjiatMbciltn tlje lanbe, anb the cities faping bnto the thilbjen of -Jfraci: Xiie
arc ibaiieb anu crcecbimg great: anb lanbe tbhiche Vbe baue gone tmough to
inojeoucr, Ujc faibe the chplbjen of rcarcbeitout,tsaianbe tbat catctn bp
2nac there. tbeinhabttourstherof, anbtlje people
cijcSunalcehitcsmbcllin the fouth thatibefaibem it, are men of a great
tountccp: anb tljc^ctljttcs,ant» tbe^le* Oatute»
buutcs,anb tlje 3unontes btbellin ttjc 33 2nb there lbe fatbe alfo gtauntestlje
mountapnes : $ the Cljanaanites utbcll chpibjcn of 3lnac [**
comej of tlje

,0 »
bv tjje fca, ant) bp the coaft of JJojbane,
$>opfes,faping :
ftpilcb the people before
%tt bs go bp at once,
giauwes: Slnbroefeemebin our
asit\beregratboppers,anbfo *be bvb
mthctr fight.

^ The .xiiij. Chapter.
: ®fte people mummrc agapnft (0oD. 10 3DrtD tootrtbe fiaur fione& Caleb anb Hofua^.
57 ©tje feaw&ew of tbe lanDe ape. <** Siraaleclj fipllety ttjeUftaefttejs.

a 1 !iiliI^3»ailtDemultttube b2^ngbs into tftisianbe anb gcuettbs,

* of the people criebont,
I iui) icnc is futlj a lanbe as floibrtlj ibtt I)
anb ibept throughout inplneanbljbn^
ithatnpght. 9 26ut in anv tbpfe rebell not pe agavnft
3lnb all tlje chplbjen tl)eHo?be,* neither fearctlje people Deutata.
of 3lfraei murmureb oftljeianbc,fo?tl)eparebut "b {eabfo? (
(b)TOC Hall

agapnfl £$opfcs anb bs : ILljeir ujielbe is beparteb from tA'fU OHCt

com! tljcm.

3iaron, anb tlje rbljolc congregation tljcm,anb tlje Ho?be is ibitlj bs, feare
fapDe bnto them: aaoulbe €»ob that me tfjemnottrjerfoje.
Ija&Dpeb in the lanbe of egppt , cither
10 26ut tbe congregation babe (lone
tljatujehabbpcbinthiSJajplberneOe* t&emtt)itftltoncs: ^nb tljeglojpoftbe
j JBljcrfoje hath the ILojbe brought bs f£o?be appcarcb in tlje tabernacle of
bnto tljis lanbeto fall bpon theftbojbe, the congregation before all tlje cljylbjen
ano that out ibpues anb our cbplbjen ofUfrael.
ujouto be a pjap^ete « not better tljat 11 3lnb tlje %wt
fapbe bnto ^opfes
w rcturne bnto egppt agapne* i^oibelongbotljis people p?ouobe me,
4 an&thepfapbonetoanothet:?iUtbS anb Dotb long lbvll it be per tljcp bclcue
maucacaptapne, anb returne bnto c* me, fo? all tbe fignes rbljiclj 3 Dane u>
SVPtagaync. tbeb among tljenu

r? ? f>^ts $ 3faron fell

!jc w on their u J ibiil fmptt rtjcmTbttl) tlje pcttaence
tarcsbcfojeali tbe alTcmblie
of tlje con* anb beftrov tljem, anb ibpil malte of
Brcgahon of tlje cbpibjcnofjfrael. tljee a greater nation anb migbfier tljta

(rSl^thc fonne ofjfeun, anb t^ep.

5Si J^ nne of 3*cpbune [mm 3tnb moyks fapbe bnto
r° ij
tlje :

SlSJ SMS* fcar^ tDe lanbe,
ciJ ICljen tbe cgvpttans ujail Ijcarc it,
tbon bjougljtcft tljis people in tljp
Hn t0al ^ eC0 ^
mtgbtfrom among tljem.)
3lnbittbplbe toibe to tlje tnljabitcrs C
of thisianiicalfo:fonbcv Ijatte bcarbc
IvUeibvfe, trjattljou1Lo?beart
3% £q# ijaue a loue to bs,lje ibm this people, anb tljat tljon Ho^bc
tip it)
The people murmure. N umcn. The people mur^,
fccncface to face, anb that thy clouuc you cuen as ye haue fpofccn intmnT
CXO.X11I c.
ftanbethoucrthcm, $ tljat * tl)ou goeft cares:
before tljcm by bap tymc in a pyller of a 29 pout carftafies (hall fall in the tbvt
clouoe,anb in a pyller office by nyght. berneflc : 3nb all you that ibcre toi^e e
15 31 thou (bait kyil all tins people as throughout your numbers from ttbcn*
the? iberc but one man : then the nati- tie peres anb aboue, tbhiche haue
ons lbhicbc haue hcarbe the fame of murebagainftmc,
tbcc,lbyllfay: 30 S>hall not tome into the lanbc ouet
i6 Bccaufc the !Lo?b is not aWc to bjyng Jbhich 3
lifteb bp myne hanb to
in this: people into the lanbe tbhiche he you btbell therm, faue Caleb the fonne
fvbare bnto them, therefore he hath, of3lcphune, anb^ofuah the fonne of
flatwc them in the ibylberncflc. 0m,
17 3inb noibe 3
befeche thee, let the po* 31 2But your ehyibjen tbljtclje ye faybe
rber of my ?Lo?b be grcat,acco?byng as (boulbebeapjay, tljem 3
tbyll bjyng
thou haft fpoRen,faylng: in , anb they Ojall bnotbe the lanbe
18 Xhc %wt is long per he be angtie, tbhiche ye haue refufeb.
anb of great mercy,anb fttffreth iniqut* 31 3utb your caraafles (ball fall in this
tit anbftnne, anb leaueth no man inno- tbylberneflc.
cent, anbbifiteth the bnrightcoufneae 33 3lnb your chyltyen (hall tbanber in
of the fathers bpon the chyiojen, in the the ibilbcrnefle fourtie yeres,anb fuffcr
thtcbe anb fourth generations. fojyour tbhojbome, bntyll your car*
19 26c mereyroligf befeche thee bnto the ftaucs be ibafteb in the tbyiberneffe.
finne of this people accojbyng bnto thy 34 after the number of the bayes in
great merry, as thou haft fozgeucn this tbhieheyefearchebontthe lanbe, eucn
people front cgypt,eucn bntyllnotbe. fourtie bayes,* euery bay fo? a ycre (bal E«<w
20 3inb thefLojbe faybc : 3
haue fo?ge- ye bcare your bnrightcoufnefle, euen
ucn it, accojbing to thy rcqueuV fourtie ycres, anb ye (ball imotbe my
2> 21 26utas truclyas^Jliue, allthe earth bjeaehcofpjomife.
fbalbe fillcb ibith the glojy of the |Lo?b. 35 3Jthe|Lo?behauefaybe,that3fu)yll
22 isutauthofemcn tbhiche haue fcene bo it bnto all this euyll congreganon
mygbwy, anb my miracles tbhiehegj that are gathereb together againft me:
bib m €gypt anb in the tbtlbernefle,anb 5Fo? in this Tbtlberncffe they fbalbe con*
haue tempteb me notbc this ten tymes, fumeb,anb there they (hall n^t.
anb haue not hearneneb unto myboyee: & 2lnb the men tbhiche £@oyfes fent to f
2? 5>hail not fee the lanbe tbhiche 3 fearche the lanbe, anb ibhiche (tbben
fibare bnto their fathers, neither (hall tljcy came agayne) mabe all the people
an? of them that pzouokcb me fee it. to murmure againft hym, anb brought
24 Butmyfcruaunt* Caleb, becaufe he bp a fclaunbcr bpon the lanbc:
hab another mancr of (pirite, (anb be* 37 <£uen thofe men that n^n bjyng bp
caurehehathfolovbcb me bnto the bt* thatfclaunberbponitas though «hao
moft)hymtbyU3l btyngintotbc lanbe ben cuill,byeb in agreat * plague before .Cor.x.J-

ibbich hchatlj tuaiucbtn, anbhfsfcebe the?Lo?be.

(hailinhcriteit. ?8 But Jofuah the fotme of &vm, ant)
25 anb alfo the simaicchites anb Cha* Caleb the fonne of 3Jephune, ibhtcbc
naanites, remayne in the bailey: Xo ibere of the men that ibent to fcarcljc
mojotbe mrne you, anb get you into the thelanbe,uuebfty!l.
39 ^nb fiJ9oyfcs tolbe thefc fayinges
tbylbernelTe , cuen by the tbay of the bn*

rebfea. to all the ebylbjen of 3jfrad, ano the

26 3lnb the |Lo?bc fpabc bnto ^oyfes people tone great fo?olbe.
anb^aron,faying: 40 3lnb tljcy rofe bp early in the mor
27 $otbe long both this euyii muintuoc ning,anb gate them bp into the toppe or Doll 1

murmure agaynft me t haue hcarbe the mountayne,faying: * lo,ibe be here,
the murmuringes of the chilbjcn of 3Jf* anb tbyll go bp bnto the place of JbuW
racl tbith the tbhiche they murmure the SLojbe faybc: 5fo? ibe haue fmneo.
agaynft me. 41 ^nb^oyresfaybe : i©hccfo?c tram-
28 Xeii them therefore j zs trucly as 3 grefle ye thus the ibojoc of the %w li

ltuefaycththe2Lo?be,3J tbyll bo bnto itibyllnotcometbciltopafle. ^

4! 0»

, !'



5" The. xv. Chapter.

2 <M* Wttte pftrfnge* of tbem t&at enter into ttie Ianoe. jo cRe wmiffinteitt of

pat? 5Sf^«««^^«i^ :

bnto tflwi i Mbhcnpe cojbpng to their number '


becomeintotDe lanbe u am that are borne of the couture? *

an»Mmaneanoff«njbrtete te
tofts 2.«oc,nairoIpabuttitolftttag,
«bw«££5S!»SSSL ""i
14 antiifatttauiiBrelbiiintneiiif«ii.nii •*


wipe nearo,p; ot the florae:

nrtawms, ana xttvii X Si an

the Hojbe : euen as ve bo fo he than oo «

tmg bnto the 2Lo?o, bjpngaifoa meate rhecogregatfon anbalfofoithefteaun'

mm®* fourth part of an Ijut of anojbinaimce fo/euer in pour pS

X HL? .
"?^ att ^°« PW* k €)nclarbeanbonemaner (banreruclM

mmc nj0ufl,aU P^ are 7 *»& #c ?^o?be fpaae bnto

a L ^?Ii

offering tibo tenth, beales



18 &peaae bnto the chpib?en of frael, 3
anb fap bnto them : * nahen
ve be come « Dwt.viiu.i
into the !anb to the ibhieh tying pou,3 *
19 '£hen ibhenpe U>v» eate of the bjeao

8 SSKS^^wjbmhbk,
l)ouwep £
of thclanbe, vefljau offer bp an heane;
offering bnto the Ho>be,
fofa^h.S ?i f rcftal)Ultocfte
ftiffiS»J!^ nR0'S ?aafrtfitet0 10 ^(bailofferbpacaUcoftDefiraof. ....
wnuaboujeo^peaceoffcringbntothc pour bom fo^n hemic offcrmg:* as pe'
bo the rjeaue offering of the bttme,mm ;
fopcfyaiihcaueit. «.
zi ^fthcnraofpourborcepefljrtUgeiie. a>
bnto the fLojbc an bcauc offering to*
pour generations.
zz 3fob if pe haue erreo, anb obferue not
SSSfe ^^pfireofaftbeeteftuour all tljefc commaunbementes tt)hich the

^tecrtu^f* « 3to;oe Oath fpoften bnto ^opres,

'"HJismanertbaiiitbe bone foja 23 cuen all that t\)t %om bath com*'
UJ3 in; tnaunbco*
["he man ftoned. Numen. wmani

maunbcbyouby trjc Ijanbc of i33opfes, 27 * Uf any one foule finne tljzougtj igna=
from ti)e [fifft bay tljat tlje %o;nt com* raunee,lje ujall bjyng a fyee goate of
mannbcb St9oyfes, anb Ijcnee fotfbarbe ycrc olbe foj a finne offering.
among your generations, 2$ 2nb tlje pneft ujall mane an attone*
24 M
ougljt be tommttteb ignojauntly of ment fo? tlje foule tljat finnetlj igno; €
rauntly, tbl)en Ije finnetlj by ignowuwe
tljecongregational the multitude fljall
offerabullocucfojaburnt offering, to before tfjc fLo«zt>e to reconcile Ijym, anb
be a fibcetc ratio nr unto tDc li02D .ibitlj tljat it map be fojgeucn Ijym.
tbemeate offering anb bnnfee offering 29 ^nbbotlj tljou tljat art borne of tlje
njertoaceojbyngto tlje maner, anb an rtjyUKen of gifrael, anb tlje ftrannace
Ijcc goatc fo? a fume offering, tbat Mbeliettj among you, ttjau ijaue
25 3mb tlje pnclt ujall make an attonc* one laibe umo fo botlj finne tlioiouie
mentfoj all tlje multitube of tfjc cljyl- ignojaunte.
bjenof 3Jfracl, anb it fnalbe fojgeucn 30 25ttt tlje roule tljat botlj ougljt >p#
tl)cm,fo? it is ignojaunce: 2nb
tljey ujal fumptuoutly , ibljctljcr !je be borne in
bjyng tljeir offerings facriftce mabe by tlje lanbe o? a ftraunger, tlje fame biaf-

fire bnto tlje?Lo?b,$ tljeir finne offering pljemetlj tlje %om : anb tljat foule

before t'oc %ow to; tgnojaunce.

tljeir ujalbe cut of from among Ijts people.
26 2lnb it u>lbe fojgeuen bnto all tlje ton* 31 2i5ecanfe Ije IjatU befpifeb tlje lbo^c of
gregation of tlje djylb:cn of frael,anb $ fl)clt02bc, anb hatft bjoaen Ins com-
bnto tlje flraungcr tljat DUielietb a- maunbement, tljat fouletljercfojc ttjai-
mong you, feyng all the people tt>ere in be btterly cut of, anb Ijis w fmne u)aibc (b!
<gno2aunce. DpponUyw. mtutm

31 »nbtbljpletl)etUrib?eof3lfraeltbere
mmmmmm lJ]foptiM!WM*

ftoneljimibituftonesibitfjontffjoaft. f
in lbyibcrncffc , tljey founbe a man
t lie 36 ^nb all tlje multitube bjougljt

tljat gatljereb in cues bpon tlje* s>ab= tbinjout tlje Doatt, anb ftoneo bpt»
ban) bay* Mrttfj Hones, anb Ije byeb, as tlje w>e
3; 3inb tljey tljat fonnbe Uym gatljering comtnaunbeb fl^oyfes. e„
mcUes,b?o«Bbt^nibnto^9ovfes anb anotlje |Lo?be fpalte bnto ^oyfes,
aaton, anb bnto all tlje congregation. faying: rf
* 3lnb tbey put
Ijym inibarbe, feyng it 3>pcane bnto tlje cljylbjen of 3lft*J [
Lcui l4_fl. 34 38
(cl g.euigtt
iu.s not fie:
ibas not beciareb (0 lbljat ftjoulbe be anbbyb tljem, tljat tljey* make tljon
(recti te'iat
bonetobym. fringes in borers of tljeir ga^
3mb tlje %om faybe bnto flJ9oyfcs
seztt) lie

35 mentcstfjjougbout tljeir gtnw 81 ?^

fLet tlje man bye, $ let all tlje multitube anbputbpontlje fringe of tlje toff

^ndAbiram. Numeri. XC11

- 1
—^nManocofWciuc filfte.

fringe fyaibe Unto you to lone

40 J5utyeu)ailwmcmberi:atbcr,anDDo
o anb tl)c
boon (fiat ye may remember all tlje
rotnaunbcmcntes of tbe ?Lo?be, anb do 41 3 am tDe Hojbe pour <£>ob, mm
anbtljatyefeefte not after roue bjougbtyouontoftbeianbe of cgypt,
oime Mart, o? your oibne cpes, after fl* 1 am tlje %wi
$t W& W * ft t0 S° a H>Do?yu& JSJSff 31

$& Thc.xvj . Chapter.

0)t retirtliott of Cojali, ©atljan, ano 3f btram. ?i Clicr pcriOjc fcritli


il52D*CojaD tDe Tonne IO §eDatDfaftentDeetoDym,anbaiithy

of gifaar, tlje fonne b?etD?en tDe fonnes of Heut tbitDtfiee:
ofcaatluntfonncof anb fcefte ye tDe office of tDe pjteft aifo«
fleui , Mjcnt a part 11 5Fo?tbD^D caufe botD tDou anb all uj?
ibitD 2>atljan anb 7k tompanie are gatljereb togetDer againtt
biram, tDe fonnes of tlje ILojbctanb lbDat is 3aron,tDat
eiiab,$£>n tlje fonne murmureagaynaijym*
of $clctD, tDe fonne of ffittben: 12 3lnb s^oyfcs fent,anb calleb SDatljan
i anDtljcyrofcbpbcfo?e^oyfes,ibttD anb abiram tlje fonnes of <£liab:H)ljiclj
certaync of tlje tDtlbjen of 3Jfraei, tibo faybe, iBcibyil not come bp.
ijtmbjeb ^fiftie, tbDftD tbcre captaynes 13 3s it a fmali tDpng, tljat tljou Daft
of tlje multitube, famous in tDe tongrc; bjougDtbs out of tDe lanb tljat ffoibetlj
gation,anomen of renoune. mplfte anb Donie, to Uvli bs in tlje
j 3lnb tDey gatDcreb tljem felues f oge* Ibaberncffe : ejecept tDou mauc tDp felfc
tljcr agaynft 4£oyfes anb aaron, anb lojbe anb ruler ouer bs alfo<
fapbebntotDem : Pt taftemucDbpon '4 ^o?eouer, tDouDaOnot b^ougDt bs <£

you, feyng all tlje multitube are Doly bntoaianbe tDat floibetlj ibitlj mplae
eucry one of tljem, anb tDe fLojbe is a* 9 Donie, neitDer geuen bs inljeritaunce
mong tDeimnaDylyftyou vmt ft\ mS of ftelbes anbbineyarbes: i©vit tDou
bp aboue tlje congregation of tlje 2,o?b* put out tDe epes of tijefe mem i©c ibyil
4. 3foD tbben flpoyfes Dearbe it, tie fell not come bp.
bponljisface, 15 3nD t^oyfes tbareb berp angry, anb
5 anb fpane bnto CpM
anb bnto all ftfs faybc bnto tDe Ho?be, Xumc not tDou
company JayingilEomoisOujctfcefLpJlL^^Mi "ttm&kSUMamiot mum
m n>yiiujctt)cibDoareljts,tt>" ncitDtc
anb ibho ongljt to
DpnutinbtbDomlJL CX'-Mf 16 ^nb ^oyfts laybe bnto€o?alj: ffie
tanfe to tome neare bnto i$RJ Dou 9 al tljy company befiw tlje %q$),
6 Xl)fs bo tljcrfoje : ICane you ,tDcy,anb 3laron,to mojoibe.
panncs,botD CojaD $ all Dis tompanie, 17
7 »nb bo fire tDerin, anb put incenfe in ye before ig
tpem before tDe fLojbe to mo?orbc:3mb tDcHo?bc euety ftianTPfenfer, euen
tgentanttDom tlje Hojbe botD tDofe, tibo Ijunb^etD anb fiftie cenfers: tDon
m fame ibaibe Doly : Pt taue much alfo anb ^laron, eucry one t)is cenfer.
tyonpouyefOnncsoffUui. 18 ^(nb tljey tone eucry man his cenfer,
25S anb fibres rapb m
bnto eojaD: *^earc anb put fire tljem, anb laybe inceme
3fW you, ye fonnes of Heui tljcron, anb ftoobe in tlje boo^e of tDe

Ki tl)at the
, ^
but a fmaii tljyng bnto

of3Jfrael DatD fepe*

SSvoufromtDemuititubeof3lfracl, 19
tabernacle of

anb Co,faD gatDereo


tDe congrc*

ffi?>Wroutohptnfcife,to bo tDe gattonagayntt tljem, bnto tljeboo^c of

2!J« f tfte ^ b «nacle of tDe ?Lo?be, tljetabcrnacle of tlje congecgaitontanb
"? befo?etDemultituoc anb
tijegione of tDe^o^oc appeareo bnto

au tDe congregation.
. .

Dathanand Abiram.
ro anb
the ftozue fpaae bnto i!!9oyfcs fLojbc, anb confumeo thTnbThMuuttT^
anb aaron, faying: anb ftfttc men tDat ofFereb incenfe
£>eperatc your felues ftom among
ii 36 3inb tlje Ho?be (pane bnto
©opfe« ***>
fhiscongregation,tDat3f map confumt faying:
tljematonce. 37 ^peafce bnto eieasar tf)c
fonne of

xt anb they fell Upon tDeir faces, anb
faybe : * £> ©ob, tDe ®ob of fpiritcs of
aaron tlje pneft, tljaHje taae bp
cenfersout of tljeburnyng, anbfeatta
all ficfbe,DatD not one man finneb? i©ilt
thou be lbjotlj lbith all tDe multitube i
tDe fire Ijere anb tDere, fo? tbey
are JYm
13 3tnH tDe fLojbe fpafte bnto flpoyfes, 3S XD* centos of tDefennnersb,
14 &>pcafcc bnto tDe congregation, anb
their otbne foules: let tljem
tDembjobcplatcsfojacouetyng of the Sfd
of H
fay : ©ctyouaibay ftom about tDe t*
bernaclc of CojaD, SDatDan, $ abiram.
aulterrjf 0? tljey offcreb tljem
fLo?be,anbtticrfo?e tljcyareDaioibei,
15 anb £0oyfcs rofc bp, anb ibent bnto anbtl)eya;albeafignebntotl)ert)ii^en
SDathan anb Abiram: anb tDe elbers of
3!lraelfo!oibcbDym. 39 anbcleWtDepaeatofcetDebjafen f
s> i6 anb l)c fpaae bnto tfje congregation, cenrers, VbDicD tDcy tDat iberc
faying : Depart 3
pjay you from tlje t)aborTereb,anbmabe tyobe plates
a w coueryngoftDeaulter,
tcntcs of fycfc tbieacb men, anb touehe
wflil ,
nothyng of tljcirs,lcftye pertuje in all 40 %o be a remembjaume bnto tlje
tDeir fumes. cpilb?enof Jftael, tDat no frrattngec
17 anb fo tljey gate tljem from tDe tabe* 5$
nacle of CojaD, SDatfjan, anb Abiram,
oneueryfybe: anb 2>atljan$ abiram
neare to offer incenfe before tlje %om bUIitn,

tDat De be not lyfte bnto CojaD anb his

tame out; $ mtDc boojeof tDeir
ftoobe companie,as tDe Hojbc faybe to Ijvm
tcntcs,U)ftD their lbiucs, tDeir fonnes, bytDcljanbcofi$oyfes.
anb their litlccDilbjen. 41 25ut on tlje mo?otbe,all tlje mulrit ube
is anb movies faybe : hereby ye (hall oftDe chilb?en of 3Jfrael murmureb*
ftnoibctljat tDelLojbeDatljfent me to
boau tf)cfc rbo?bes,fo^ Daue notbone
gaynft fipoyfes anb ^aron, faying : M
Daue uylieb the people of the Hojbe.
tljem of myne otbne mynbe.
41 ^nb rbljcthe multitubeibasgathetcb
19 Jf tijefemen bye the common beatD agaynft ££oyfcs anb ^aron,tl)ey lofteb
ofall men,o?iftf)eybe bifiteb after tj)e
totbarbe tlje tabernacle of tlje congre*
bifttationofailmen, tljcn tDe Ho?be
aation:3lnb beljolbe,tlje cloube couercb
Ijatljnotfcntme: it,anb tlje glone of the ILo^be appeareb.
n-n,st»,pf jo fcifthetobe mafte a w netbe 43 3nbJg2pj)taMMWanm came before
8 tJirognot icnnoutlj,
fnne bcfo;«. the tabernacle of ( congregation.
anb Hbaiumic tl)nn bp
niitl) all that fpafcc biuu ^oyfes,
they hauc, anb they go bourne omefte

tljat tljefc men Ijaue p^ouoneb p WfTtDat^mayconfumc thcquirftlv.

^nbaffoonpflfthpfratf tnat,^
e 31
3nb they fell bpon their faces
Dcut xi.'a.
Num.16 b. cloue afunbetv that ibas bnber tljem:
fFBunb 46 anb^oyfesfaybbntoaaromWe ©
I'&l VX1.C. acenfer, anb put fire tljcnnout of tlje
31 anb the cMh openeb her mouth, anb aulter, anb poibje on incenfe, anb go
fibaloibcb them bp, anb their houfes, quiculy bntot^e congregation, ?maW
anb all tlje men tDat ibere UMD €o:ah an attoncmentfo? tDem : iFo; tljere is
anb all their goobes. Xb^atljgone out from tlje 3Lo?be, anb
anbtDcyanbaii tljat tDeyDab ibent

fSSOSSS.SSHS8afticpuptmm tl
Dct,! > anoranncintothemiooesof

%S?KSfS!55f ?
n a 3ftaelthatlbcrcabouttDem,
«. ptongrcgationtanobchoioctljcpuigjie
fl?k ?. i
Stf^J^lffi^W*? 6 ^' putoninccnrcanbmabehnatoneincnt
the earth ubaloibc bs bp
left alfo f0i the people.
35 anb there came out a fire ftom the 4 s anb U)hc" Jjc ttoobe bettbeene m scao

, «

n<i TO,dde.
Numeri. xci m.
-^jclnlbattbere alpue, the plague fpiracieofCojah.
mas ftapeb. 50 anoaaronlbentagainebntoflBopres
,<, cnep tbatbpeb mtftcpiasuc, ibete before the boojc of the tabernacle
of the
fourtecne tboufanb anb fcuen hunbjeb congregation, anb the plague ibas
them that bpcb about the ton*

5*> The. xvij. Chapter.

, aiaroniS rooDe buooetb ana beared bloffome*,tti&erbp W P?te(H)o& t* confirmee.

i520tfte!Lo?befpafte 7 anb^opfesputtberdbbesbefojetbe
bnto<$opfes,faping: f£o?oc in the tabernacle of ttntneffe. 25
5>peabcbntothechii* 8 3ln0 on the mojoibe, Qftopfes tbent
bjen of 3Jfcael, anb into the tabernacle of lbitncffe: anb be-
tabe of eucrp one of hoibe, * the robbe of aaron foj the
them a robbe, after. houfeof?leuiibasbubbeb,anbb?ought
tbehoufesoftheirfa* roojth bubbes, bare bloflbmcs, anb
tbers, of all their pontes acco?bpng to rppealmonbes.
the fanube of their fathers, euen ttbelue 9 % nb fl$9opfes taotfght out all f robbes
robots: anb rb?ite euerp mans name from before the Hojbe, bnto all the
upon bis robbe. chflb2ttiof3Jfrael:anbtheplo&ebbpon
, 3utb ibziteKarons name bpon the tbcm,anb tobe euerp man his robbe.
robbc of Heui fo? euerp robbe lhaibe
\ 10 3nb the Hojbe fapbe bnto ££opfcs:
fbj p hcab of the houfe of their fathers. 2&png Parous robbe agapne before
4. anb put them m the tabernatle of the the tbitnefTe, to be bept fa: a token
congregation, before [tbear&e] of the to the rebellious cbtib2en,anb that their
tcfttmonie, ibhere^J ibpu bctlare mp tnurmurpngmapceaffefromme, anb
fcifcbntopou. that thcpbpe not.
5 3nb tbc mans robbe tbhom thofc, 3 11 3fob #opfes n^
as the ILozbe torn*
u)ail bioffome^nb 3 ibpu mabe teaffe maunbeb hpm, euen fo bpb he.
from me the grubgpnges of the thilbjen ix 3Snb the chilbjen of 3Jfrael fpabe bnto
of 3lfrael, tbljerbp the? grubgeagapnft fi^opfes, faping : zseholbc, ibe arc
POU. ibaftcb aibap anb peri(heb,tbe all tome
Jmb^opfesfpafte bnto the thtibjen to naught.
of 3Jfrael, anb all the pjinces gaue hpm if nahofoeuer cometh npc,o?app«:othcth
a robbe, one robbe fo? eucrp prince, at* to the tabernacle of the Ho?b,U)ali n^
cojopngto their fathers boufes, euen 5>ijall ibe btterlp tonfume atbap,anb
ttbelue robbes:anb the robbe of 3aron Dpe*
ttas among their robbes.

^The.xviij .Chapter.

1 Cbe office of the iLeurtefS. s flc&e trtbej>i ant) ftrtt ftuttejs mutt be genen tfiem.
20 lawns; heritage.

j/frSDthelLojbefapbe neb bnto thee, anb miniffer bnto t^tti
bntoSaron:1Cbou$ butthouanbthpfonnesibiththcerftai;
tbpfonncs,anotbP fa- mtmtter j before the tabernacle of ibit'

thers houfe ttnth thee, neffe. u *

charge, euett the

fl)albcaretheiniqu<tie 3 Xhep fliall fecpefhp
onlp let
ofthcfanctuarie:3lnb charge of all the tabcrnaclr ?

of the
-—-» thou anb thp fonnes them not come npe the beffels
22 9Sd (bau btm
th c iniquitie of fanetuancanbtbeauUer,thatthepamK
1^ :

ffi S tl
ffWathers houfeholbe thoufhait
4 ^nb°thepSSbciopncbibith
brae the charge of the tabernacle
of the

WSibiththee, that thepmapbeiop* 5SSSJSSSW *^»sSSS5Si8Sl

: «

The red Cowe. N umen. The redC


tabernacle: anbletnoftraungcr come of bnclcane bcaftcs (halt thou rebcenic
\ nyc bnto you. i6 Xhofc that are to be rebeemcb, oW *

« 5 Xbcrfojc (ball ye Kcpc the charge of ttjourebeeme from page of amoncth c

< the fanctuaric , anb tlje ebarge of tl)e accojbyng to thyne cfhmation, tonne"
« aultcr, that there fall no mo?e ibjatlj money of fiuc fides, after the ftele of the'
Upon the chilbijcn of gjfracl fanctuanc, tbbich is ttbentie geraljs.

6 25cnol&e,3} haue tafcen your bjctbjen 17 23ut tbe firtt borne of a coibe,tt)ecpe $
. tlje Hcuttcs from among tlje ebiibjcn goate, tyait thou not rebecme, fo: they
< of gjfraeUbljtclj as a gyft of yours are are boly : therfoje thou (halt fpjiiulne'
gcucn bnto the flojbe, to Do tljc feruice their bloobbpon the aulter, anb (halt'
of tl)c tabernacle of tlje congregation. burne their fat as afacrifice mabe by
',7 ILbcr fo?c (halt tljou $ thy fonnes ibttlj fire,foj a fibcetc fauour bnto the Hotfj.

, tl)ee feepe your pnettes office fo? all is anb tlje of them is tljyne, * as u**
« tljynges that pertayue bnto tljc aultcr the lbaue tyett anb tlje right (houiocn
- anb\bithintljc baylc:anbye(halfcrue, tljcfc are thyne.

foi 3
haue gcuc your pjicftcs office bn* 19 ail tlje fjeaue offerynges of l)oiy!
{ toyouasagift,anbtljcrfo?cpttraungcr tljynges flrtjictj the chiibjen of 3Jfraci<
< that commctlj nye, mutt be fiayne. offer bntotlje?Lo?b,haue3J gcucn rtjee'
«8 anb tlje (pane bnto aaron: %om $thy fonnes anb thy baughters rbith
25 ' 28cftolbe,3I Ijaue geuen thee tbcuepfng thee, to be abuetic fo? euer : let it be a °

1 of mync Ijcaue offerynges, of all tl)c faitebcoucnaut fojeucr before fflofl), «&,"*»
« Ijaioibcb thynges of tne cljilbjcn of %i- both bnto thce,$ to thy fecbe ttmh thee, I

rael [raen] fcnto thee 3 haue geuen tljc" 20 anb p %o& fpafcc bnto aaron:*Xljou d*uu «

fo? tbe annoyntyng, anb to tljy fonnes (l)alt baucno inheritance in tljeir lanbe, ; Mm
« fojanojbinauncefojeuer. neither (halt tljou Ijaue any part amog
> Xljis (halbe thyne of tlje moft Ijoly tljem:J am thy part $ thy inheritaunce •

« tljynges [referue&j ftom tlje fire [° f ^c among the cljilb?en of 3Jfrael. \

< aultcr.
ail their facrificcs fo? all tljcir
21 nBcholbe, %
haue geuen tlje ehiibjen •

\ meatc offerynges, finnc offerynges, 0? of Heui all tlje tenth in gjfrael tointje^;

trefpaffe offerynges, ibljich they bzyng rite, fo?tljeferuice ibljich tljeyferuein,

\ bnto me , that fhalbe mod Ijoly bnto the tabernacle of the congregation. «

thec,anb to thy fonnes. 22 ^either mua the cbilbjen of 3lfracl
' 10 gin the molt i)oly place (halt tljou cate fjencefoo?tlj come me p tabernacle of the <
; it, anballtbataremalcsthailcateofit, tongregatton,lcft they bearefmne,pie.
letitbeljolybntotljee. 2j 2Suttlje!Lcuitesft)aibopftcut«inf») e «
ixuit vi.d. ; 11 3lnb this alfo is thyne:*tfjc Deaue off& tabernacle of the congregation, % bcare <
. tynges of tbeir gyftes, throughout all their finne : git ujalbc a latbc for cuct in
the Tbaue offerynges of tlje chilbjen of your generations, tljat among p cljiib?C;
\ gjfraei : 3 Ijaue geuen them bnto thee, of gifrael they poflcfTc no inljentaunce.
5 tby fonnes anb thy baugljters ibith 24 25ut the tithes of the chtiDzc ofJfrael
\ tljec, to be a butic fb? euer : anb all that Xbhieljtljey pay as an btaue ofrcryng;
are cleane in tl)y houfe,(bail cate of it. bnto rtje %om,3 baue geucnp %tmts
12 2U the'tat of tlje oyie,f al the fat of the to mherite : anbtljcrfo?cg)ljaucfaybe'
0>t bet. ibine,$ of tlje ibbcatc, lbljiclj they tljail bnto them , among the chilb jen of 3J1*
offer bnto the Hojbe fo? firtt fruitcs, tael ye ttiail pofTefTc no inberitauncc.
tlje fame ljauc3 gcucn bnto tljee. 25 ^nb the JLom fpafee bnto ^oyfes,'
^nb vbljatfocucr rype in their
isfirft faying: *»
lanbe ibljicb tljey b^yng bnto tlje Hojb, 26 5>peaRe bnto tbe |Leuites,anb fay bn^;
; fbalbe thyne, anb all that are cleane in to them:t©ljen pe taUc of tlje cljilb?en of,
. tljync Ijoufe, Hjall eate of it. girrael tbe tithes ibhtch 3 M
\>* Sc " e"
C ' 14 an thinges fcperateftom tlje common you of th e fo? your inljcritaunce,ye thai
I bfe in gjfracl,thaibc tljyne. tane anljeaue offering of p" fame fojtljc <

15 ail tbat matrtce in all
b^caftetl) tlje ILojbc, cucn tlje tentb part of tbat tttlje.
fiefhe tljat men b?yng bnto tlje fLojbc, 27 anb tljis your beauc offering fljarce,
\ ibbctheritbeof meno?bcaftes, aialbc recfteneb bnto you, eucnastljougbrtj
tne t
tljyne: iftcucrtbciatcr, tlje firtt borne of ibere of tlje come of tbe barnc, o? as
man Chalt thou rebceme,f the firtt borne ruineu*eofthcibinep?effe,
Cowe. N umen. xcv.
4of this matter pe (hall tberfoje offer
anhcaue offering bnto tbe
a vour tithes
tbhicbpe receaue of the
of Jlftracl, anb pe (hall geue
of %om,
from tt, tt (balbe cotmteD
bnto the %t^
as im,ece ^ ncreafeofthcco2ne'

tberofthe ?U«bes heaue offerpng,ta peanb pour houfehoioes,

fiTJtS pour
19 m aU vo«« giftes re (hall offer all the
Uoioes heaue offering, euen all the fat 3z
natle of the congregation.
3fob pe (ball beare no
fiune bp the!
ipoxnt] tije hoi? thpnges
of the lame,
£herfo?e thou (halt fap bnto them:
i©hen pe haue taften atbap the fat of ft

^ The .xix. Chapter.

i ©f tbe retiDe cotoe. i * c&e iatoe of tjpm ttjat bpetb to a tent, k ana of firm
alfot&attoucfcetb anp bncleane tbpng.

^iI53>tl)e|lo?befpafte anb remapne bncleane bntill euen: 3(nb

bnto ^opfes $ 3la* itfhalbe bnto tDecbtlb;en of 3ffrael,anb«
ron,faping: bnto.tbe frrauger thatbtt»eileth among«
%tys is the o?bi< tbem,aflatutefo;euer.
nauttce of the lavbe * $e tbat t oucrjetfj
tbe beab bobp of ! £un" XXl.t;
tbbirt) the flojb hath anp man,thalbebncleanefeuenbapcs. 1

« fc*
it 3fob he (hall purine bpm fcife tbith «

£peafee bnto tbe cbflbjen of 3frael this tbatertbethirbe bap, (Mbefeuetttb

that tljep tying ttjee a rebbe cotbe tbitl> oaphefbaibeclcane • asut ifljepurifie'
outfpot,anb tbljcrtnisno blemitbe,anb not hpmfelfethe tbirbe bap, tljen the!
bpon tbljicb neuer came pone. feuentb bapbe fhali not be cleans
3tnb pe (ball geue her bnto eleasar 13 nahofoeuer touebctb tlje beab coarfe
tljep?iett,thatl)e mapbjpng* hertb(tl> of anp man that is beab,? purgetb not
out tlje boafl, anb caufe her to be flapne hpm felfe,befiictl) tbe tabernacle of!
before bis face: tbe SLojbe, anb trjat foule fyalbc cut of <
3tab let €lea5ar the pneft taue of her from3ifrael,becaufetbeibater of fepe=
bioob tbith bis finger, anb fpnntfele it ration tbas not fptfnc&lcb bpon 0pm

Dtrertlpbcfozethetabcrnacleoftheeon* he (balbe tberfoje bncleane, his \>w\

Jjtegationfeucntpmes. cleaneffeispct bpon hpm.
^nb caufe the cotbe to be burnt in his 14 Xljis is the lathe of a man tbat bpeth, «

tbiflfber fbinne, flefhe, ?bloob
fiflht, in a tent : 3111 tbat tome into t\)t tent,
anb tbe boung of her fhal he bume aifo. anb all tbat is in tbe tent, fhalbe bn-|
3fab let tlje pjiett tabe Cebar tboob, cleanefeuenbapes.
Jnbbvfope,anbfcarlet[teftjanbcaaitin 15 3lnballtbebcfrelstbatbeopen,tbbtcb
_ ^e mtbbes of tbe burnpng of tbe cotbe. haue no couerpng bounbe bpon tbem,
7 ^plcttbep?iefttbaa)el)isclotDes,
fhalbe bncleane.
«no be ujail batbe 16 anb tbljofocuer toucbeth one tbat is
bis flefhe in tbater,
no then come into tlje hoatt, anb the fiapnc tbitb a ftbojbe in t\)c ficlbes, o^a
Wit (balbe bncleane bntpii tbe euen. beab perfon,o? a bone of a beab man, 0;
n & e that b «ructlj ber (hall tbafl)e a grauc,fl)albe bncleane reuen bapes. ;
h,> ?
sitiotljes in
tbater,? batbe bis ft e(he 17 Xbcrfo?c,fo2 an bncleane perfon tm
uubatcr,anb be bncleane bntpii euen. fbal tabe of tbe burnt affbes of tl;c finne
a an that <s rtwne,(hau gatljcr
the arajes
of the cotbe,
anb lap tljcm
offerpng, anb ntnnpng tbater (balbe
SP^hoaainaclcancpiacc, anb 18 Zrm leta cleanc perfon*talte bpfope,?
be k t f0 the
"uutituoc of tbe
n ofSftati*fo?atbateroffepc*
bippe it in tbe tbatcr,anb fp.zineftie it bp*
ontbetcnt,anb bponall tDt bcfl>ls,ano
ontbe perrons t\tat lbere tberin, anb
flF fo^l)ctbatgatberctbtbeara)es bpon hpm tbat toucbeo a bone, oi a;
^^totbe^jautba^eljisclotbcs, aaine perfon,o; a beab bobp,o? a gratte.
19 3(nb

The water N umcn.

19 3tnD the clcane perfon (ball fpnucfcic
bpon the bnclcane tlic tDirtic Dap dun
the feuenth Da v : 3CnD tlic feuenth Da?
be remapne bnclcane.
f oje (ball

3tabttfbaibeaperpetttan latbe
he (bafl punftc Iiyiit fcifc, aim ibafbc
his clothes, $ bathe h?m feife in xbatcr,
anD fljaibc cleane at cuen.
anD be that tontbetb the ruatct of
ratfon,tt)aibc bnrteane bntvii men
of feperation, 0>ail lbalhehis clothes*!


10 26ut the man that isbnclcanc,anDpu* ti ^nDrubat^oenertbebncleanepecron ,

rifietb not him felfe, the fame fotile fyal* touchcth,<balbe hndeaneanDthefouie
be rut offrom among the congregation: that tomheth immwmtxoa&mS><
becaufe be hath DefiieD the fonctuatie of oftljebncleanepetfon] a>albt
the Ho?De, anD the tbater of feperation
hath not ben fpjincaieb bpon hpm,thcr*
bntpli euen, ^
f The .xx. Chapter.
iflSWriam opett*. 2 c&e people mormmt. sd&ep&auetoateretienoiitoftBe
rocfee. i2fl9offe)5anDaaronftannot5otntott)eIant)eofp?oroffc. uCoom

Denied t&e gftaeitte* paffage ttoougfl tjtjj realme. is Ufa aeatl* of 3Dawn }
tetjofe rotonte <£lea?ar fticcee&ctlj.

]^M5r> the chilbjen of panic D#nttc,anD their bcaftcsalfo, .
" Exo<u'i
i3Jftacl tame ibith the 9 *^nD^ovfestofte the roDDe from be^
lbbolc mnltituDe into fo?etbeHo?D,ashecommaunDeDbpra.
Ntrn jj.J. the Defect* of ztn in 10 ^nD^opfesanD^arongatbereotbe
monetb, anD
tlje firft congregation together before the rocae,
the people aooDe at anD tfl&opfeuj fa^Debnto them:$carepe
CaDcs:3mDthcreDieD rebelies, muft ibe fetch pou lbater out
£!^triam,anD rbas burpcb there. of this rocfee*
2 asut there ibas no lbater fo? tbe niul« 3faD ^opfes Ipft bp his hanoe, anb
titube: anD thcpgathcteD themfelucs
mili§ mM
JWth his *roDDe i)e fmote the rocfee ttto
together agapntt ^opfes anoaaron. tpmes, anD the ibater came out aboun-
? 3nD the people choDe Xbitb ^opfes, Dauntip, anD the multituDe D?anae,anb
anD fpaBc,favmgaBoulDe<i5oDtbatroe tbeirbeaQesaifo.
babpcrifbeD tbben our tyethjen DpeD it ^nb the fLojDe fpauc bnto ^o^k& €
bcfojctbeHojDe. anD 2aron: 2Becaufe ve beleueD me not,
4 »9bv baue pe brought the congrega* to fanctifte me in the epes of the cbflWen
tion of the Hojdc into this ttnlDcrnefle, of Slfrael, therfo^e pe (ball not b#ng
that both *be anD our catteil fhoulDe this congregation into the lanbe ibbtcb
bye in iU 3Jhaucgeuenthem.
Exoxviia. 5 *n9bctfo?e baue vemabebs to come bp 13 %h»sisthetbaterofUTife,becaurett)t
out of €gypt,to b?pngbs into this cupll thilb?en of 3Jfracl Oroue tbith P %*W>
place, ibbith is no place of fecoe, no? of anDherbasfanctifteDinthem. .-,
fpggcs, no? bines, no? pomgranates, 14 ^nD^opfes*fentmeffengerSfcom
nettber is there an? lbater to bjytuta Caoes bnto the av«S of ebom, tb«a
6 3mD (©oyfcs ano aaron Ibent from
the pjefence of the congregation, bnto
fapcth thv bother 3frael : *
lbett ail the trauayle that
ba«f &aD;
m ''

the Doo?e of the tabernacle of the ton* 15 &>ut fathers tbnit Doibne into cerPP^
gregation,anD fel Dpon their faces, anD 9 ibe baue Dtbelt in egvpt a longtime:
the glojie of the flojoe appcarcobnto anb the egpptians bereD t>s anD ow
them. fathers.
2nD tbe %om Ipaae bnto
»7 faputg: fl^opfes, i6 anDibhenlbecrpeD bnto the %op*>
hehearoe our boyce,anD fent an angcu,
3 XaaetberoDDe,anD gather thouanD anD hath fet bs bp out of cgppt 3JJJ

thp brother 3aron the congregation behoibe, tbe arem CaDes, euen m»;c
together, anD fpcafee bnf the rocae be* WtcmtoaeitieofthpbojDcr.
foze their epes, anD it (ball geue foojth 17 Hct bs pafle 3 p?ap thee th?ousu m^
his lbater : 3inD thou (bait typng tljcm countre? : but * rue ruvii uot go tW°yflS
tbater out of the rocBC,to geue the com- tbefielbeso?binevarDcs, neither
^ 3
Serpent. N umcri. XCVJ.
-^jSFof fte^atetof tl)e foun< mitotan in mount $02,harbebpthe
ZnStm ibpligobptbe hyngeshye coattofthcianbeof<£bom,feving.
Sav,anunctt!)« 2* ^pnajaibtgatDercDbntolSspeo^
fictwtotheleft, ^^ ae bepatl Pte:fo?fieO)aiinottomc intothe lanbe
tlivbo^iicrs* ;
of ^jfrael, becaufepe bifoWeb
A %iri^t)omaunftt)ercDl)pm:Xi)ou rm>
nialtnotgobpmMeflJcomeouta* mouthatthenjateeofOtife.
aiwll thee ttttlj the fibojbe. 25 Xaue Saron anb eieasar his Tonne
/cheehflbjenof^fradfapbbmohim, anb bjpng them bp into mounts,
roe lbpll so
the be a^« ibap:anb tf 26 •*"* cauft ^ aton t0 P»t of 6is sat*
anb mv cattell bjpn&c of thp ibater, gj mentes , anb put them bpon eieaW
lbvll pap fo? it : 3 *bpU but only (U)itl> his fonne : anb aaron fbaibc eathereb
utawharme)goth2oughonmpfeete. bntohispeople,anb Chan bpc there.
10 w
aunftbcrcb : Xhou (halt not go 27 3tab ^opfes tyb as the Ho2be torn*
tluougi). ^nb€bom
came out agapnft maunbeb:anbthcvtt)entbp into mount
tiwn With much people , anb Ibith a $02,in the fight of allfhe multitube.
migbtiepoUiet. is ^nb^opfestoue of aarons clothes,
anbput them bpon eieasar his fonne,
a ^nbtbus^bombeniebtogeue^frael
paffaflCth?onghl)iscountcep:lbherf02e *anb Slaron bpcbthcre inthetoppeof d<w.

%taci turncb a'ibay from hpm. the mount : 3mb ^opfes anb £iea5ar

n 3mb t^e ehilbjen of gjfraet beparteb came bourne out ofthe mount,
from Cabes, anb came bnto mount 29 nahen all pmumtubefaibe that aaton
iso2,tt)itb allthe congregation, tt>asbeab,tbepmournebf02 aaro thir*
u M> the Hojbe fpaKfrbnto i^opfcs tie bapes,au the houfholbe of ^fraeu

5^ The. xxj . Chapter.

'gTraclbanqirifftetli&png Strati. ^Cfteftncfcrpcntcssflrngtfem. 24€$e8pttge&
Sefton anD Dg
are ouercorae (n battaple.

/13btt)henKpng*:8rab fought agapnft 3ffrael, anbtofte fome

the Chananite tbhicft ofthemp2ifoners. „
boibe bnto the
Mbelt toumrbe the 3inb IJfcaei boibeb a
fouth,hearbe tell that |Lo2be,anbfavbe:3JftbouibvItbeliucr
Jfraei came bp the this people into mphanbe, 3f ibpll
ibap that the fpycs terlpbeurov their cities.
Dab founbc out, he 3lnb the »be heatbe the tow«
. .

The brafen Serpent. N umen.

3Jfiracl,anD bcliuctcb tbcm tbc Cljana* bpibcii,fpngpebntoit:
amtcs: 3nt>$e? bcftropcb tbem anb is Xl)cp?mccsotggcotljistt)tli,thetaiy
Iud i.cJ.!.
tticic cities, anb calleb tbe name of tlje
place *$onna.
tapncs of tbc people biggeb it
laibe geuct,anb ibitb tljcir>!
4 *3lnb tbep beparteb fro mount tyo^bp from tlje Bnlberneflc tbep «jent t!
tbe ibap or tt)ctct» fca, to compaflc tl;c ^atljana:
lanbe of <ibom:anb tbe fouie of tbe peo* 19 3lno from s$atbana to il5aftaiiti,anb
pie lbas fo?c grccucb,bccaufe of p lbap. from /Raljaliel to asamotrj,
3mo the people fpabe agapnft C5ob anb 20 3mb from asamotlj of tbe bailep that
Kum.xi.a. agapnft $)opfes : *i©berefo?c Ijaue pe is in tbe fielbe of $©oab,
bnto tbe too of
tyougbt bsout of egppt, fo? to ope in t\)tbpU tbat loftctb toibarbe bunion
tbe rbiibcrncfre* foj bcre is nettbec 21 3lnb Jfraei fent mefTengers bnto
bjcabnojibater, anbourfoule lotljctb £>ebon hpng of tf)e^mojites,fapma:
tbisipghttycab. 22 *Ilet me paflcthjougbthp lanbe xot
i.Cor.x j. * aabcrfo?c tlje JLom fent ficrfe fee? ibpllnotturne into tbefieibesoj bine-
pentes among tlje people, lbbicbftong parbes.neitber bjpnue of tbe ibatcrsof
tbem : anb muclj people of 3!fracl bpeb. tlje Jbell : but *be ibpll go along bp the
25 7 Xbcrfo jc tbe people came to $)opfcs, npnges b?e rbap, bntpli ibe be paC rhp
$ fapb:t©e bauc fmncb,fo? ibe bauc fpo? eountr cp,
Hen agapnft tbe ?Lotf>ano agapnft tbec: 23 *26tit 5>eljon iboulbe gcue 3Jfrael no Deity]
Exo.vili.b. * niafcc inrerceflion to tbe Ho?b tbat Ufence to pafTe rt)?ougb fyts tountrep:
?.Rc .i}.l>.
Aa.vm J. tanc aibap tl)e ferpentes from bs. 3inb butgatbereb all bis people togetber,«
^opfes mabc intcrccflton foi p people: Ibentout agapnO^lfrael into tjje m-
8 3lno tbe %oint fapbebnto SJ9opfes: bcrneflc : %n* be came to Sfaja, anu
^afte tljee a ftmc ferpent, anb fet tt bp fousbtagapnftljfrael.
bpen a pole : tljat as manp as are bitten 24. *^nb 3frael finote bim in tbc ebge of Dtntij

map louc bpon it, anb ipue tbe fibojbe, $ conquercb ^is lanbe from
9 *Mn s$opfes mabe a ferpent of toafle, ^lrnonbnto3Jaboft, bnto tfjc ebilfyen a.
anb fet it bpon a pole: anb ibbcntbe fee- of ^mmon : if 0? tbc bojber of tlje cljil*
pent bab bitten anp man,l)e bcfttlbe tlje b*en of Amnion ibas * Orong. Deutii

ferpent of b?au*e,anb Ipueb. 25 ^nb^Jfrael tone all tbefe nnes, anb

Nam.jj.e. 10 *^nb tbc cbilbmt of JJfrael beparteb bibeltinail tbe cities of tlje 3uno?ttes:
tbence,anb pitdjeb in iDbotb. in ibcfbon, anb in autljc toibnes tbat
11 3nb tbep beparteb from £>botl), anb longtbcrto.
pitcl)cbattljcbcapesof^barim,eucnin 26 5P02 $cloon Tbas t^e cine of ^eftoti
tbe lbiiberncffe ibhicb is before ^oab, tfjcBpngoftbe3tmontes,U)bitbfow9bt
ontbceaftfpbe. before agapntt p ftpng of tbc ^oabitcs,
11 3lnb tbep remottcb tljence,anb pitctoeb anb tobc all ^is lanbe out of bis banoe,
bpontbertuerofzareb. euenbnto^rnon.
13 3lnb tljcp beparteb tljcnce,anb pitrijeb 27 aabcrfo^e tbep tbat fpeaftc in p?o^
on tl;c other fpbc of amon, ibbtcb is in ucrbcs,fap:Comc to l^efbon,anb let tl;c
tbc nnlbcmcffc, anb commetb out of cicie of &ebon be built anb tepapjeb
tlje ccaftcs of tbe Almontes : fo^mon 28 5F02 tljere is a ftre gone out of ^cfbon,
is tbe bojber of iDoab,bcnbccnc fi^oab anb aflambefrom tbe citie of £>tl)m,
anbtbe^montes. anb barb confumeb 3Jr in ^oab, anb
c 14. nabcrfb?e,it tyaluc fpoucnin tbe boofte tlje io?bes of Bamotb in Simon
of tbc lbarrcs of tbc Ho?b,vbbat tbpng 29 ibo to tbec fi^oab , €> people of €1)^
n^ in tlje rcb fca, anb in tlje nuers mos pc are bnbonc: be batb furTerco
of anion, l)is fonnes to be purfueb, $ bis
tcrs to be in captiuitie bnto &ebon
15 anb at tbe ftreame of tbe riuers, tbat
goetb botbne to tbe bibellpng of 3ir, bpng of tbe 3lnio?itcs. ,.-
anb ipetb bpon tbc bobber of ^0oab 30 5Cbeir empire is loft from #eibon
16 iFrom tbcnccLtbcp returncDjpnto 23ecr: bnto SDibon, anb me mabe a nriiber*
Xbc fame is tbc ibell lbbcrof tbc Ho^b nefle cuen bnto ifropba, ibijiclj rea^
fpaue bnto S^opfes : <5atbcr tbc people cl)ctl)bntofl0ebaba. -

togctber,anb 3Vbill gcue tljcm tbatcr. 31 anbthusgifcael bKbeltintljeianbeoi

17 Xben3fraclfangtbisfong:5>p?pn3 tDeamo^ites,
N umeri. XCVJ1.
therto,$tootebout the
m <*'«<>«
Xmant™ ^7 th

35 *3ftU)the? turneb, anD fljent bp to* ana his lanbe, ana thou tbaitbo to fttm
lbarbe ffiafan: 3(nb £>g the ftpng of as tgou DiDUefl bnto <t>eljon the Sins of
asafantanteoutagaptt them, he ano theamomruhithebibeitat $c(bon.
all his people to fight at emu 3< Xhepfmote hpm therefore, anb hts
34 3utbthe tebc faptie tmto ^opfefi: fonnes,anb an Dispeople, tmtpii there
feare hpm not, haue beliueteD
foj JF lbasnothyng left hpm, and thev con*
hymintothphanbe, anb all his people qucrcbhts lanbe.

^ The. xxfj . Chapter.

^^fiSSSiSSR68 5Baraam '

to & ofe "*»«* in fl&e $efon« it Wttm Mem.

i2bthtthilbmtof3l& *2Baiaamthefotmeof25eo? to^ethoj, Deut.ij.

welbcparteoanb pit* Ibhtth is br the riuer of the lanue cftfje ii Pctiic.

d)co in the fielbes of


chplbjcn of his folHe,to tall him,faping:

$3oab, on the other 2Schoibe,thcrels a people tome out of
Jibe of 3fojbane from egypt,anbbeholbethep eouer the fate
-=^-J3?critho. of the earthy bibcll w ouer agamft me. (n)fft»ttsnt
from mc.eucn
Come nouie therfojej wv thce,anb ^roebpmc.
cutfe me this people, a? tftep ace to
mightie foj me, fo perabuenture 3
mpght be able to fmytc them, f to tyme
them out of the lanoe: f o; 3J ibotc that
hcibhomthou bicOeft, fs bleffcb, anb
u ^a£5°^ fa ^ **>e tfo elbers of ibhotn thou turfeftis turfeb.
I to
Smbthcclbcrsof £$oab, anb the el* 35
bersof Fabian beparteo, haupng the
[tttoatte] of the fouthfaping in tycit
hanbe : 3Jnb the? tame bnto Balaam,
,mt wefTengers anb tolbe hpm the nwoes of asalac,
^ ftttnfc tonto 8 m annfibcrcb them; %at? here this
Balac. N umen. BaJ

anb^itbyu b?yng you tbojbe,

nygtjt, 13 3nb tbijen tlje aflc fatbe the angell of
cucnastljc jLom fl)aii fay bnto me. fLo?b ftanb in tijc tbay,anb hauyim
3mo the lo?bcs of fl^oab abobe tbith Ijis ftbo?be b?atben in Ijis hanb,toe
Balaam. turneb afibeoutoftlje tbay, anb tbcm
9 3lnb <5on tame bnto Balaam, anb out into tljefielbc: 3inb Balaam fmote
fayb : lBljat men arc thefc tbith tljee* tlje au*e,to turne her into toe tbay.
io 3inb Balaam fayb bnto C5ob : Baiac 24 But tlje angell of tlje |Lo?be ftoobe in
tljc fonne of zipfto? uyng of ^>oab a patlj bettbeene toe bineyarbes, ano
Ijatlj bnto me ^"8:]
fent theretbasatbaiion tlje one fybe, ano
ii Bcljolbc, there is a people come out another on toe other.
of egypt, anb couerctlj the face of the 25 3mb tbtjen the aftc fatbe toe angell of
earth : Come notbe tberefo?c,ano curfe the?Lo?bc, fbeth?uftIjerfelfebnto the
them fo? my fane, if fo peraoucnture 3 tball, 9 cnttyt Balaams foote agaynft
map be able to oucreome to cm in bat> tlje tball : anb he fmote her agaync.
tapir, ano to b?yuethcm out. 26 2nb the angell of thc|Lo?b tbent fur*
u 3lnb ©Ob fatb bnto Balaam : <Bo not tljer, % ftoobe in a naroroc place, tbljere
tljou tbith tljem, neither curfe the peo* tbas no tbay to turne eitoer to tlje right
plc:fo? they are bleffeb. Iwnbc,o?to the left.
13 Znn salaam rofebp inthemo?nyng, 27 3nbtbhcntljcaffe fatbe tlje angell of
anb fayb bnto the lo?bes of Baiac, d5et the Hojoe, flje fell ootbne bnber Bala*
you bnto pour lanbe: fo? the flo?b tbyll am : anb Balaam tbas tbjoto, ? fmote
not fuffcr me to go tbith you. the affc tbitlj a ftaffe.
€ 14 3tnb tlje lams of fi&bab rofe bp anb ,
28 anbthefUybeopenco the mouth of €
tbent bnto Baiac anb faybe: Balaam theafle, anb (be faybe bnto Balaam:
tbouio not come tbith bs. tahat hanc J| Done unto tnecthat tljou
15 3lnD Baiac fent againe a greater corn- haftfmyttcn me notbe th?ce tymes?
panic of io?bes, anb mo?c honourable %9 ^nb Balaam fayb bnto the affe, Be*
thcntljcy. taufc thou haft mocfteb me:31 tbouio ai*
i6 mtytU came to Balaam, anb tolbc fo there tbere a ftbojoc in myne hanbe,
Ijym, SCJjusfayctlj Baiac the fonne of fo? eucn notbe tboulbe 3 uyll tljee.
Zipljo?: £>blctnotljyng let thee, but 30 ^nb tlje affefayb bnto Balaam iZm
come bnto mc: not 3
tljine affc,tbljiche thou haft ryb*
17 5Fo?gut)yiigrcatlyp?omotetoee bn* benbponfince the tyme bnto this
to great honour, anb tbyll bo tbhatfo* bay^ aaas3Jeuertbontto bo fo bnto
ctter toon fayeft bnto mc : come p?ay 3 tljee *^efayoe,nay.
toee,cmfc this people fo? my fane. ^nb the IL020 openeb the eyes of Ba*
18 3lnb Balaam aunftbereb anb faibbn* taam, anbhefatb theangel of the ?Lo?b
Nu.xxiii.c to tlje feruauntes of Balac : 3JfBalac ftanbingin the tbay,hauing Ijis fibo?bc
UjouIDc gcue mc Ijis houfe full of fyluer b^atbeninljis Ijanbe: D?c botbeb tym
anbgolbe, 3J can not go beponbe the felfe therefo?e,ano fell flat onhte face.
ibo?bc of tlje ?Lo?bc mp <5ob,to bo leffe 32 ^nb the angell of the Hojbc faib bnto
o?mo;c: him : naljcrfojc Ijaft thou fmyttcn tljine
19 i^otbc therefore J
pjap thcc,tarie ve affe tljefc ttoee timcs^Beljoloe;5 came
Ocretljis npgljt, thatjjmavtbittbljat out to tbitoftanbe thee, becaufc {^ nt
tlje HojDc ibpli ftivbnto mc mo?e. mu] hath beclincb out of the tbay be*
20 3inD ooo came bnto Balaam by fo?eme.
nigljt,anb fapbebnto Ijvm :3if toe men ^nb tlje affc fatb me,anb tumeb from
come to call thee, ryfcbp ano go tbitlj me notb tlj?ce times:o? els if fbe Ijao not
tljem : butlo&ctbljat 3
fay bnto tljee, turncb fro me,3J hao furely ftayne thee,
tljatn^aittljouDo. anbfauebljeraliue.
2D 21 ^nb Balaam rofe bp early ,anb fableb 34 Balaam faybe bnto the angell of the
hJS au*c,f tbent tbith tlje lo?bes of Q9oab. fLojbe : 3
ijaue finneb, fo? 3
tbyft not
more to butt 2z ^inb the tbjatlj of <5oo tbas ntnoieb, tljattbon ftoooeftm the tbay agaynR
miD Damage
fix chvloicn becaufc he tbent : ^nb tlje angell of the me : ifcolbc therefore ifit bifpleafc tljee,
or "Slrjci.anti
foj ma mn c
fLojbe ftoobe in tljctbay to be agayuft 3
tbyll turne Ijome agayne.
fot iim> aScc- Oym, asherobcbponhtsaffe,anb ^is 35 Xhe angell of the 3Lo?oe faybe bnto
Balaam, dsotbitbtpcmembut what
t)c hJt. to
o!>".r3oD, as ttbo feruauntes tbere tbitlj Ijym.
eitrr ;:.
Numeri. xcviij.
^w^f,tftat^aittpoufpea6e. Balac, &o, Jam come bnto thee, anD
ffioBaiaam tt>ent ibith the lo;Des tan^notteiapanptljrmiatanrxiSe

iM5comc,t)ctt)entouttomemi)vm, 39 JM>Balaamn>entibith Balac, anD
Satitteof fl^oab, ibhlcbe is in the tfjcp came bnto acitic of areateT
bWofarnon,euHntbebmtoflcp*u\ 40 3nD Balac offereDoren anD fheepe.
3nDBaiacfayDbntoBaiaam: a>yb anDfcntL«*«of]to Balaam, anD to the
AtfenDe fo? thee to call thee* 3lnD lojDes that ibereibith hym.

^ The .xxiij. Chapter.

Balaam caufett) ©alac to bu?lt>e aulterjj. 9 Salaam bfeffeth (be people.
/|52>BaiaamfaiDbn* the Death of the rigbtcous,anD that my
toBalac:BuylDeme laftenDcmaybeimehis.
here fcucn aultcrs, $ 11 3toD Balac fayD bnto Balaam: naljat
prepare me hetefeuen haft thou Done bnto me * 3
tone thee to
orcn* fcucn rammes. rurfe mync enemies, anD beljoibe thou
3inD Mat
DyD as them altogether.
Balaam fayDc: 3lnD n $e aunfibereD anD fayD : i©uft 3 not
jgaiacanD Balaam offreD on cucry aui; heebe to fpeane that ibhtcbc the
tcranoreanDramme. I02D c hath put in my mouths
3 anD Balaam fatD bnto Balac: £>tanb 13 2hid Baiac fayDe bnto hym : Come 3
by thy faeriftce,anb 3 Vbillgo,if bapply pjay thee With me bnto another place,
tpe %om Ml meete me : anD tbbatfte ibhence thou may eft fee thcm.anD thou
cutr he (bcibetb mc,3) lbyu tell thee* (bait fee but the btmoa part of them,
atiDhetbctitbphpet. anD (bait not fee them all: curfe them
pMtaam] out of that place foz my fake.
4 But d50D met Balaam, t
fayD bnto hym : hauep;epateofeuenJ 14 3inD be brought hym into a fielDe, $
awtcrs, anD haue offreD upon euerp. lbhcrcmcnmyglitfcefarrc of,euen to
aulter an ore anD a rammc. the toppe of an hyu anD buylt feuen

5 3nD the HozDe put a faring in Bala; auitcrs anD offr cd an ore anD a rammc

ams moutlj, anD fayDc: <&o agape to on euery aulter.

Balac,anD fay on this rbyfe. 15 3lnD he faiD bnto Balac: StfanDe here
6 ;M)u)benbeU)entagayne bnto him,
lo, he flooDe Dp his burnt facriftce, he
by thy burnt facriftce, umyic 3
anDailtbelojDesof^oab. w anDtbe&oflmietBaiaam.anD'put &.***
7 3foD he tone bp his parablc,anb fayD: a ibozbe in his mouth >ano fayD : ^0 a-
*2BaiactbeRtngof ^oab hath brought gayne bnto Balac,anD fay thus.
me fro ©efopotainia,out of the mourn 17 anDu)henhccametohym,bcholDe
ftaynesoftheeaft, [taping] Come.curfe he ftodbe by his burnt facrifite, anb the
acob foz my fafte, tome anD Defie 102Desof£poabtt)ttbbynu SnD Balac
frael. fatbebutobym: ffi»l;at hath the %ow
8 ^pu)eu)aii5turfel)rm,U)l)om(^oD faybe*
gath uot curfeD < o? Ijotbc fball Defie 3 18 3utD he toucbp his parable, anD mm*
8?m,Jbftom <5oD hath not DefteD* ftbereD: mifcbpBaia,canDhearc,anD
9 Wromthetoppe
of thctocftcs3f fee Dearfegbnto me thou fonne of ziphoj.
Pjm, anD from tlje hylles
wa befcolbc 3 1? *d5obisnotamanthatheibouioiye, jcomb.
: lo,thc people
fbail Dibell bp them neitherthefonneofamatbatbcfl)0»ib «*>

116 fl)al n0t be tttlum amons repent: fboulD be fay?notDo?o2tboulD

SeKt? hefpeane,anD not mafte it gooD<
otantelItfteCa)l)U«ofUatob,anD 20 BeholDe,3Jhauetaitenbponmeto
tH. u
thenumbcroftbefourtbpart of 3Jfr* bleffe:fo?hebatb blciTcD,anDitisnotin
q -
^PWoDthatmyfoulcmay Dye ntypovbertoauiterit.

Bal ac.
N umen.
n i^c bchcioe no toanitie in
3f acob, no? 16 But Balaam aunfWctcb anb faibbns
fall) ttanfgreflton in 3jTrael:£tje ILojb Xolbe not^J thee,(avina ani
to Balac:
Ijts©Ob is With Opm, anb tlje topfull mat p Ho?be lpcaBeth,that3J muftio"
fljout of a Hingis among them. 17 3mb Balac feib bnto Balaam : Come
Kum.14.Er 11 (Poo bjougljt them out of egypt,tljev
Ijauc ftrengtlj as an tinieome.
p?av tljee, anb 3 ^n
tovng thee vet
13 5Fo?tbereisnofo2ccricin3Jacob, no? <sob, thattrjoumavatrjenee curie them
0>) »«<« footljfaving in 3Jfrael, (b> accojbingto
(gotten at rtjio fojmvfaac.
time tohat tijistimett thaibc favbe of 3Jacob anb 18 2nb Balac brought Balaam bnto the
«wjhe«fjLoj» 3Jfraei : n&ijat Ijatlj ©ob Wjougtjfc toppe of $cot that looucttj towarbe
t>3tt) Done foj , Ojall 14 Beholbe,tlje people ujau tvfe bp as a 3fetmton.

it tic m time to
comr. JUon,anb Ueaue bp Ijtrn fclf as a voung 19 3nb Balaam faib bnto Baiat : ^aae
Mlicn rtjt
fLion : $e (hall not Ivc bo Wne, (t) bntvll nichcrcfcucnauitcrs, anb prepare me
tyoplc fro 1)10
cnetmc0, ant Dc eate of tljc p?av,anb tymac tljc bloob here feuen oren,anb feucn rammes.
oftljcmthatarefiavne. 30 acnb Balac bvb as Balaam hablavb
15 3nb Balac favbe bnto Balaam: jftefc anb offcrco an ore anb a ramme on cue'
tljct curfc tj)eni,no? bicfle them at all. rieaulter. ^
^ The. xxiiij. Chapter.
r Balaam pjopftcfietft of t&e Bpngoome of 3!fraeI,ano of tlje eoramino of Cfoflfe.
17 ffialac « angric toitft ©ateam. 20 ©)e DeHructtott of tt)e 3malc6tte<s, and
of tljc ittcmtCjJ.

31 I fito when Balaam their bones, anbpearce tftem t^ouM)

fawttjatitpieafebthe With hisarroibes.
Hojbethat he ujouib 9 *^etouchebhrmfelfe,anblavbowne g«,m
bicu"egifcael,l)eibent as a 1L ion, anb as an eiocr ition : Wljo
notasljebpbtwifebe* tyallmrrehvmbp* Bleflebishetijat
fojeto meete a footle bieOethrhee, anbcurfebtslje tljat cut-
Taping: buffet his face feththee.
towarbe the Wplbernctte. 10 anbBaiacwasW?otrjWittjBaiaatn,
1 3lno Balaam lift bp his eves, anb lo* anb (B) fmotehis Ijanocs together, anb m»"H
neb bpon gjftacl as be lav accojovng to Baiacfaib bntoBalaanuJ fentfo?trjee

his tribes, anbtljcfpiriteof <3on came to curfe mine enemies, anb bchoib thou
bponhvm. Daft blefleb them tljis th?ee tvmes.
Numi+d j anb hctoacbpljis parable anb favb: 11 Xherfb?e noWe get thee quicalv bnto
Balaam the fonne of Beo? hatt) favbe, thpplace:3 thought that^ woulbp?o*
C«) We men j anb the man Whofe eves is open hat!)
mote thee bnto ljonour,but lo rtje |Lo?b
nrtli not tlic
cojpouiU cpe
Ijatl) uept thee backe from wo?U)ip.
itjc mlnuc. 4 %t ijath favbe whirrjc hcaretrj the
11 Balaam aunlWereb bnto Baiac:
Wojdcs of <©ob,anb fcetn tlje bifions of Xoioe 3J not tljv ineflengers Whichc
tljcaimtgljtie,anbfalletlj boibne With
thou renbebtt bnto me, raving:
open eves,
13 *3f26aiacwouibegeuemeljtshonfe *«*
5 $oWe gooblv ate trjp tentes
fl> 3Ja>
cob,anb tljvne Ijabitations £>3lftaelf
full of fiiuer anb golbe,
can not pafle
tlje wo?b of theHo?b,tobo either goob
6 €ucn as tlje baiievs ate tljep lavbe a* at ban of mine oWne minbe : But What
bjoce, ^asgatbensbv tjje tiuets fibe,
B as tlje tentes Ibljiclje tlje Ho?be hath
14 ^nbnowebeholb,5gobntomvpco^ ft
pitrtjeb, aiibascpp^es ttees befibe the
bcticri> fru(«=
gaiDrng that water*.
pie : Come thcrfiue, anb 3
tife thee What
this people ujall bo to
mane Cnqic-
7 Xlje ibatet b?oppctlj out of his buc^ thpfolueintljelatterbaves.
touro tcfee fect,$ " Ijis fecoc ujaibe in manv waters,
ttieir names ot 15 Stobhetoncbplnsparable anb favb:
* anb Ijis fting a^albe Ijicr tljen «
moQ noblcft
tlje °3lgag, Balaam the fonne of Beoj hath fa?be»
iSmperour, fo
anb his tnngbome fl)aibe eralteb. the man Wljofe eve is open,hath fapbe:
the hmgc0 of
j 3mal,iUitc0
8 * 000 brought ijvm out of «gvpt,his is ^e hath feib that Ijeareth the wo?ocs
toae tbcit ftrengtlj is as ttjefllnicome: ^e n^all
names of of d5ob,anb hath the anowiebge of the
aigag.aBtljc eate tlje nations !)is enemies, rjgnawe
moll renoio= moaDvgD, anb beljolbeth the bifion of
L.CS p?wct.
N umen. xcix.
rt^mighne, anDthatfallethanb Dts enDe (ball perifbe btterip.
— 21 am> he lobeo on the Benttes,anD
,„ %\m »fec hlm,but not nott>e,3f fbail Dp his parable, anb faybc : Strong
.reWuinubntnotnig^Xherelbail tftv bttjelling plate,anb thou
putted JK hv
Sottie a Oarre of
Jacob, anb rpfe a fop* ncainatocne.
, crofUfwcl, ? (frail* fmytethetoattes 22 /I5cuertl)elefre,theBen<tcaialberoo*
of *$6ab,
anb bnoermine all the thp> tin out,bntyll aflur tabe thee pjifoner.
mciiof.S>Cth. 2j anD he tone Dp hts parabie,anD favb:
,« *3»d tfbomtyalbepofrefleb, f 5>eft aias,TDho(bali lyue lDhcn «5ob both
fliallfalltothe poffeflion oftJjeic enc* this*

tines anD 3Jfrael

(hall do manfully. 2+ %he (bippes alfo (hall tome out of the
,9 Out of Jacob (ball tome he that (ball roatt of Chittlm,anD fubbuc aflhr, anb

jane Dominion, ana fballDeftroy the fubbue€bcr,anbhehymfeife ftiau pc*

tcmnaunt of the title. rfihe at the laft.

» anbtDljenhc lofteD on amaletn, he 25 anb 26aiaamrofe Dp, anb tbent anb

faiD : amaletn retutnebto his plate: anb Baiac
tone Dp l)is parable,anb alfo
i is the firft" of the nations,*but his latter iDenthisibap.

^ The. xxv. Chapter.

i die people commit tctli fornication with the Daughter of 3Boab. s #Iu'neljrj$
fiplletl) ?amri anD Co?W. 17 <0oD commaunoetb to BpH tlje ^aDianites.

jiRDJfraeiabobem plague teafleb fro the thyibjc* of Jfraei;

^ittim, anbthepeo* 9 *anb there tytn in tfiepiague ttben-
piebegan to tommtt tleanbfourethoufanbe.
lbhojcDomc KDtth the 10 anb the Hojbe fpane Dnto ^opfes,
Daughters of #oab. faying:
nahtchc called the 11
* 0hinehes tfje fonne of €lea?ar tfic
people Dnto the facn- fonneof aaronthe pneft, Ijath turneo
fice of their goDS:*ano the people D^D mpne anger atbay from tlje thvlD?enof
eate,anb boibeb ooiDne to their gobs. Wrael, ibftpie heiDas seious fo? mp
anD Jfrael toupleb hym felfe Dnto fane among tljc, tljat^^aD not tonu>
26aal w $eo;,anb the inbtgnatlon of the meb tl)e tljilb?e of Jfrael in inp teioufie.
fLojbeibas binbclebagainajlfrael* 12 naherfojefay : beholbe,*3l geue Dnto

+ ami the Hojbe faybe Dnto spoyfes: Ijpm my couenaunt of peate.

»eali the heabes of the people, anb 15 3mDfje (ballhaue It, anD hisfeebe af-f


mm them Dp before the fLo?be agama ter hym, euen the toucnauntof the
pncftcsomtefo?euer, bctaufe he mas
PL u)e funne, that the Uwath of the
Hojbes tountenaunte map be rurneD 5eiousfo?hisd5oDSfabe,anb mabe an
aibav fromjfrael. attonement fo? the tbvlb^en of Jfrael.
^nb^oyfesfayDebnto the Jubges 14 %he name of the Jfraelite tljus ftpl*
Jt3lftael:* euery « one Hay hismen leb,tDhich ibas flavne VDith the ^abta*
njat ujcreiovneb Dnto 26aal
^eo?. n(tll1?eiDoman,iDaszamrt the fonne «
^tiu behoiD,one of the
thyUwenof jjr* of5)aiu, alLojoeofan houre anD bin-
tatl tame
fought Dnto his bjethjen a reb of Simeon.
Wtanltllbe iboman,euen in the fight 15 ^nb the name of the ^amanitifbe
J ,f
opfes, anDln the fight of all the Ujoma that was flapne,ttjas Cosbi, the
H??oftt)ethilb?enof3Jfrael,that Daughter of zur, a IjeaD ouerthepco*
Jvptbefo?ctheboo?eof the tabernacle pie of his fathers houfe m
I « the congregation. is anD the !Lo?De fpabc Dnto ^ovfesf,
.^fi^P^^^^inehesthefonneof €-

tonne ofaaeonthe pnett,fatD
roft ^P out of the
mybbes of the
17 'Here the ^abianltes, p }nj?tei|!! i :
18 m
thep trouble you ibitb tijetr iDyies

tompame,ftobeaiauelininhisl)anDe, iDhicheDauebegviebpou bv becevte in

^i^tn^fterthemanof^fraeli^ of their
the caufc of 0eo?, $ in the caufc
"t Bfttl em ttwugh both

3 1 » a«"° the Soman,

€05bi, the baughter of a SLojbe
the ^abtanites, iDhicheiDas
eucntljojoaietijcucuvof ijcr: anbthe tl)ebapofthepiaguefo?0eo?sfabe.
ii) The
The Ifraelites N umen. ^numbre,

^ The .xxvj. Chapter.

2 aijc chplD2cu of jffraci arc nnmb;ted. «

4I22D after the plague, 14 Xhcfc are the feinreoes of 5>imeon >
the !Lo?oe fpabe Unto euen tibentie ano ttbo thoufanoe ami
X s©oyfes, ano unto e* tibo hunbjeo.
leasartljefonneofaa* 15 Xbecbviojcn of <!5ao after their bin;!
ron the pnett, faying: reocs,ibcrc zepbon, of ibhom cometlj
Num. i.,a. *Xabctbe number of the binreo ofthezepbonltes:$aggi of
aithcmultituoeoftbe ibhom commeth the binreo of the *
cbyHwcn of 3ifrael,from tibentie yeres gttes : £>unf, ofibhom commeth the'
oio ano abouc,tljjoughout tijcir fathers binreo of the ^unites.
Ijoufes, all that ace able to go to ibarrc 16 3Df 4D5ni, commeth the binreo of the <

m^jfraci. Unites : auo of ert, commetlj the bin* c

2mo *©oyfes ano eleasar the pjfclt rebofthecrites.
fpabe bnto them in the fteioes of ^3oab, 17 ^>f 3roo, commeti) the binreo of the
by 3lo?oan[ouer agaiitttjgf ericbo,faying: 3lrooites:£)f ^riel, commeth the bte«
j. [|>e ©all number t&e people jf
com tibentie reoofthe3lriel(tcs.

y ercs $ aboue,as tie lUwoe commaun* 18 %hcfe are the Rinreoes of the cljao?en
beo $)oyfcs ano the cljtiojcn of Jlftacl, of <5ab, acco?oing to their numbers,!
ibhen they ibcre come out of egypt. ano nue hnnojeo.
fourtie thoufanoe «
j.Par.v. a.
; *&nben
the cioett fonne of 3JftaeU 19 Xhechilb?enof3luoa,€rano€)nan,'
Xfte chylOjen of Kuben: $anoelj, of *ano et ano ^Dnan Opeo in the lanoe of G c„ fa
ibljom commctl) the binreo of the i$& Cftanaan.
nochites: ano paiiu, of ibhom com- 20 26utthe thriven of 3(uoa after their!
metl) the binreo of the pailuites. ftinreoes,tt)ere 5>ela, ofibhom cometlj
s fDt ^cfron,commcth the binreo of the the binreo of the £>elanftes : Shares, '

|i)tfronites: of Charmi, commctl) the of ibhom commctl) tlje binreo of tlje'

Uinceo of the Char mites. phare5ites: zareh, ofibhom comctb,
23 7 3Ehcfe ace the binrcocs of the fonbe* the binreo of the zarehttes*
nites,anbthey iberetn number fourtie ii ^nothechiio?enofphaces,tbece^eD«2>
ano th m
thoufano, feuen inmo.jco ano con, of rbhom commeth the binceo of
tbirtie. the ^cfconites : i^amul, ofibhom com* \
s 3lno the tonnes of 0ailu,€liab. mcth the bmceo of the ^amulites.
9 ano the tonnes of eiiab, Lemuel, ii Xhefe ace the binceocs of 3(uoa after*
2Dathan,$:3biram. Xhteistbat 2>a* theirnumbers, tbjefcoze ano ficteenc
than auo abiram, ibbich ibece famous tljoufanoe ano ftuc bunojeo.
Num.xvi.a in the congrcgation,ano* flcoue agatnft z? %he cbvbwen of gjfachar after their
s^oyfesanoaaron in the company of binrcoes,lbcrc%hola, ofibhom rom*«
Cojah, ibhen the? Ocoue agaynli the metlj tlje binreo of the Xholaitcs: c

Ho?oc. #huua,bf lbftom commeth the binreo \

Num.xvi.c 10 * 3mo the earth openeo her mouth, $ ofthe^huuaites.
ftbaioibeo them top : Cojah alfo ibasm 24 €>f 3Jafub,commeth the binreo of the
the oeath of that muitituoe,lbhat tyme giafubites: of 3nmron, commeth tl)e«
theftccconfumeo ttbo ljuuojeoano fife binreo of tlje <§>imronites. .-

tie mciuano the? became a figne. ti Xhefe are the binrcoes of 3Ifacljar af t

ir Jj5otltoithaan0ing,tljc cbyiojcn of Co* numbers, tlj?efco?e ano

ter their foure,
rahoyconot. thoufanoe ano tlj?ce huno^eo.
\x 3lno the cljyiojen of Simeon after 26 Xbe cljvlo?en of zabuion after their •

their buircocs,ibere>ftcnuicl,of ibhom binrebes, ibere ^>ereo, of ibhotn com*!

comet!) the binreo of the /fremuelltes: metljp binreo of the 5)ereOitcs : €lon,«
giamin, ofibhom commctbthc binreo ofrbljom commeth tlje binreo of the*
of the 3laminites: JJaebin, of ibhom €lonites:3lahcliel, ofibhom commetlj

commctl) the binreo of the Jjacbinitcs. the binreo of the 3Jabelclites.

15 <©f zaceh.commcth the binreo of the 27 Xhefe ace tlje binccoes of tlje zabu
zarehites: 3nO of 5>aui, commctl) lonites aftec theic numbecs, ttycUoit<
the hinrco of the 5>aulites. thoufanoe ano nue hunojeo.
N umen. c.
Che chywen of 3Jofepb throughout tfrtharBtnrebcs^er their numbers'
€ mere fi}9anafle anB e# fourttc j ftuc tl)oufanbe^
tb«r Binrebes, fire hunbjco.

4*W*amhcchpn, W i of Dan after'.
, B SSft0ttw«
of ^anafl"e,tf0acljir,of their binrebes: £>uham,of
ibboin com* -
luliom commeth tl)c Binreb
of the S9a* mem the Binreb of the Suhamitcs/
tbtrites:;3nb flpachir begat <5ileab,anb Xhefcare the houtboioes of Dan
commeth the Binreb of the ter their Binrebes,
of ©ileab
(MtaDttes. 43 m the Binrebes of the 3>ubauutcs<

^^3lnb tljcfeare tht cbplbjcn of <5ileab,

^te5cr,of ibljomcommctlj the fttnrco of
the i^critcs : $elecb, of tthom com* 44
ibere after their numbers

Xhe chpnwen
tffrefa»e anb'
of^lfer after their Bite

nietlj the Binreb of the

^elethites. rebes,ibere femna, of ibhom comcth
3(nb 3Cfttel, of ibhom commeth the the Binreb oftlje 3Jcmnites : 3cfui
binreb of the 3tfrieiitcs : anb :§>ecljem, Ibhom commeth tlje Binreb of the 4 e; '

of ibbom commeth the Binreb of the mites mm, of ibhom comcth tbe bV<

5>ethemites. reboftheasrites.

^emiba,ofU)Uom commeth the but* 45 Xhechplb?enof25«a,»jere^eber,of'
reb of £>emtbites :
tlje anb $epher, of ibhom commeth the Binreb of the fee- \
ibhom commeth the Binreb of the $p berites : u^aichiel, of ibfjom came the <

phctitcs. Kinrcbofthc^alcbicutes.
pmu 3lnb* zalphaab the fonne of j^ephcr 4* 3lnb the bangijtec of 3fcr,tbas caileb ®
Dabnofonncs.butbaugtjters^nbthe &arah. ;

natnesef tbcbaughtersof zalphaab, 47 Xhefearetljemhrcbesof 3fcr after.

iberefil3al)ela, /I^oa, t)agla, £0iicba, their nmnbers,ftffte anb thjeethoufanb'
aubChirsa. anbfoureljunb;eb.
Xbefe are the Binrebes of ^anaffe, 48 Che chtib?en of /Rcpl)thaii,after tbeir \
anb the number of them ftftie anb tibo Binrebes, ibere 3Jalje5iel , of ibhom
thoufanbe anb feuen hunbjeb. came tfje Binreb of the 3}ahe$iclites :
35 Xbefe are tbe chyibjen of ephzajm a£ <£>uni, of ibhom came the Binreb of the
tec tljcir Binrebes: &utbelab,ofibbom ©unites*
commeth the Binreb of the £>utljela* 49 3teer,of ibhom came tf)e Binreb of.
bites : asccher, of ibhom commcttj the tbejleserites: <§>eliem,of ibljom came <
Binreb oftlje asecljerites : Xhaljen, of the Binreb of the <§>ellemttes.
ibhom commeth the Binreb of tt)t 50 Xljefe are the Binrebes of ifrepbtbau;
Xbabcnites. accojbpng to tbeir Ijouujoioes, ibbofc.
$ 36 ^nb tbefe are tftc cljvlb?en of Ǥ>utt> numbers is fourtie anb fine thoufanbe,
lab:€ran,ofibbomcommetlj tlje hin^ anbfottreljunbicb.

reboftbeeranites. 51 Xbcfe are tlje numbers ofrtje ehflbjen
37 Xbcfcare tlje Binrebes of tbe cbilbjen of 3Jfraci,fire ljunbjcb tljoufanbc,anb a <•

of €pb?aini after tljeir numbers,tbirtic thoufanbc,feuen buntycb anb thirtte. c

aiib tibo tljoufanbe anb fiue hunbwb. 51 3mb the jLo?be(pafeebnto#ovfes,'
3tab tbefe are tbe chplbjcn of 5Jofcpb faring: ;
after their bmrebes/ ttfnto tljefc tbe lanbe (balbe ntnitifa
5j <

JS Xbcfcarctbc ch^en of Bemamin to inberite, aecojbpng to tfje number of; &>

after their
Binrebes: Beia, of ibhoni names. ;
commeth tbe Binreb of tlje Belaites:
54 %o manv tl)ou a>alt geue t\)t mo?e in* ^'|-
i % of U)!jom tommeti) the binreb of
bc^fbclites aijiram, of Ibbom coin^
heritaunce,anb to feme tbe lefle: to tw't

rie [trtbe] n^all the mbtrttatmce be ge-«
Jmtlj njc Binreb of
tlje ^hiramites: uen,acco«!Oing to the number tberof. «
59 * uP am,oftt>hom commeth theftm*
55 iftotibitbltanbing , tbe lanbe fyalbe
«pot tlje 5)upbamites: i^upljam, of htumtti bp lot,f accorting to the names \

myo tame tbe Binreb of ^upljamitcs. of tbe tribes of their fetfjers, tljey (hall
*£ £ tl)t th v «n of Bcla, iberc 3lrb
ll) inherits _ *

2J»nHttL fromibljence commeth 56 ^cco?bing totbeiota)alltbe poflcfTt^

Jtumrcb of tlje^lrbites, anb of
H?aa* ontbereof be ntmtn betibecne manv
»w theBinrcboftljc^aamites.
v mm arc tlje cljvlb^c of 26miamin af- anbfeibe. c t „ |
* Xhefe are tbe numbers of tlje %v 4
i5iiij uites
: , '

The la we N umen. ofh erita


; uitcs after their ftinrcoes : ©crfon, of 6t anb after tljefr nmnbers, tbcpBJere*^
t Jbhom came the ftinrcb of the (Serfo*
nites : Caatb, of tbhom came the late
ttbenticanbthzee thonfanbe, ail males' Nu

« rcb of the Caatrjttes: $}erarf , of rbhom

from a moneth oibe anb aboue:
they ibere not mmib^b among the cna-

came tl)e ainrcb of the s^erantes. t»en of3Jfrael,bceaufe there ibas no in-
'.58 %\)tit arc the fcinrebes of the ILe^ genen them among the
J cha*
yu «
« uitcs, the ftmrcb of tfje ILibnttes, the bjcnof^fcael.

feinreb of the ^cbjonttes, the fefntcb of
the ^aljeutes, the Wnrcb of the ©u*
63 Xljefc are the numbers tbhm
fes anb eieasar the pjieft numbjcb
%m «

\ foes, the feintcb ofrtjc Cojathites, anb chyUuen ofJfraei in the playne of fl©o ; c

« Caath begat amram. ab, faft byjojbane l°«« agapnai q» ei


anb Entrants! lbyfe tbas calleb * 3Jo< -*
. 59 richo. ;

thebcb a baughter of ILmi, ibhieh tbas 6+ anb among thefe there ibas not a'
borne bnto ?Letti in €gypt:ano (he bare man of them tt>hom apoyfes 9 aaron
c tonto amram,aaron,i$)oyfes,anb 20^ numbjeb,ibhen they toibe the chylbjeu
« nam tlmr fitter. of3fraelinthetbvlbemeneof«g)tna(. .

60 anb bnto aaron mere bo?nc #abab 6$ 3fo? the fLojbc faybc of them : Xhcy
anbabuxcieasaranb^thamar. (ball bye in the lbylbcrnefTe. anb there
Num,w.a. 1 61 * anb iBabab anb atnhu nyto *bhen ibas not left a man of thenUaue Caleb
• they ortercb ftraungc fire before the the fonne of 3cpb.une, anb jofuah the •

Slojbe. fonneof $un.

f The .xxvij. Chapter.

i€ljc!att«of%iKrttascoftl)tDaugbter£tof?aIpl)a3ft. nCljelan&eof woratfc
i8 QjetoeD bnto fl@opfe0. is %n wfjofe fleaoe tjsappopnteo Jofuab.

l^cncame the baugh- onto inhertccamongtfjetr fathers b^

Nn.xxvi.d. tcrsof*ralphaabthc tlwen,anbu)au turne the inheritauncc
.ind.}«.a. fonne ofi^epher, the of their father bnto thtm.
fonne of cstieab , the 8 3tnb thou (halt fpeafte bnto the ebyl*
fonne of £0acbtr, the 2S
b?en of Jfrael, faying : 3If a man bye
fonne of £l9anaflc, of anbhaueno fonne,ye (hall turne his in*
thcbinrebof^anafTe bnto hisbaughter.
the fonne of 3fofepb : tbhore names 9 3Jf he haue no baughter,ye (hall geue
lbcrc q^aala, iBolja, i^agia, ^elcha ijisinherttannce bnto hisb?eth?en.
anbXhtc5a. 10 3Ifhe haue alfono feeth^en, ye (ball
z 3lnbftobc before u^opfes anb eieasar geue his inhentaunce bnto h»s fathers
the p?tcft, anb before the lojbes, anb all bjethmt.
the tnuitttube bv the boo^e of the taber- 11 ^nb if his father haue no tyetfttf n, yr
#38 au mm nacle of the congregation, faying:
t>jt fof
tt)allgeue his inhentaunce bnto byni
rcv'ij: (bine ? £>ur father byeb in the lbvlbcrnefle, that is nert to him of his ftinreo, ano he
bis fmnc, ana
anb*ibasnotmthe company of them (hailpoOeiTeit: anb this fyaibc bnto
thatgathcrcb them rciucs together a* the chyibjen of 3lfrael alaibe of itiDgc-
6iiv F<irt:cuicr gaynft the Hojbe in the congregation
limit tba(l)C mcnt,asthe 2,o?oe hath commannbtD
hoD none but , of Cozah but (a^ byeb in his oibnc fmne,
fojU)«tSf-c* ptul*
tnllfinn: Hint anbhabnofonnes. it anb the 2,o?bc faybe bnto ^oyfes f
tTic people of
ball comittco,
4 naherefo^cthenisthenamcof ourfa- 0etthee bp into this mount abarim,
rhertaHcnaibayfrom among his bin*
tn 1111

rr.g asauift
reb, bccatifcbcbath no fonne;* ©ette
anb beholbe theianberbhichc3I h^ «ipib^
Qi)ot>rc0,foj geuenbntothechyIb?enof3frael: f b"
fet)ltl)C tljcp
bnto bs therefore a poffemon among thou
nittco not m= u anb ibhe* thon"haftreene it,thon flj^t fait. .
the ^bjetbzen of our father. be co gathereb bnto thy people alfo, as
t ©>ttb;en
5 3lnb S^oyfcs brought tljctr > caufc be* aaron thy toother tbas gathereb.
anb the %om fpaue bnto ^oyfes, 14 tfoi ye tt»ere bifobebient bnto m %m
10 bC 11 BCjCD
mouth in the befert of zin, in the ttryte
to knetv w bat faying. B«J3
of the congregation, neither oyb V<;
tttminc, 7 Xhc baughters of ralpftaab fpeaae fanrttfie me in the "Waters before then
DiO al nrapgl)-
tieniaucts. ryght: thou (bait geue them a pofTeul' msi *5Cbatts, tljeibatcr of ftryfc •" nrrt" 1

. : ; ;

N umeri. q
micompanie of the chilbjen of gjfc

n ii anb be fljau ftanbe
fa before tfleasar the a>
,, J5aie ?Lo2b d5ob of thefoiritcs of all pnefl,tthlcOa)allariiecounreIlfo^pm
flefhc fet a man ouer p congregation, after tfte "iubgement of
mrim, before Hie tficQco
ofetic itiDgc-
,- ©hich map 80 out ? in before them, S e
r^Jjf® aecorbpng bnto bis m cut. to roliS
(Bob tcncaia
anb leaoe tbem out anb in,
that the con* Hwbe^allthep go 'out ano tn,botb be *tomc

onDtrdam) b\>
orcaatton of the %oin be not as ibeepe anbailt^ecl)tib;enof3lfraelU)ttbl)UH, tlrim, ccr«

ftbicbhauenotalbeephearbe. anb all tbe congregation.*

,s anb the %ow

fapbe t>nto i^opfes n anb s^opfes bpb as tbe Uorbe com-
(f ) JBp gouij
cut ano routs

Caftethee 3Jofuahthe fonne of iI5un, maunbebhim:anbhetORc3oruah,anb m,

tilting io j
meant cntcr-
atnanunbhomis ft* rptrtte, anb put fethpm before cieasae the pneu* , anb pitting of
mpnebanbesbponhpm, before all the congregation CMflmg from

19 aWcthpm before eiea5arthep2ieu\ xj *anb put hts hanbes bpon hpm, anb

ano before all the congregation : anb gaue hpm a charge, as the %wztorn*
acucbpmachacgcintheirright. tnaunbeb through the hanb of J$opfes.
zo anb put of thp -"Wipfe
bpon t)im,tr)at

f The .xxviij. Chapter.

nlltf :


2 nsljat mutt be offevea on euerp featt Dap.

/152D the Horbefoafte 9 Znh on the Sabbath bap,ttbo iambes«

bnto $)opfes, Taping: of apere olbe lbithout fpot, anb nbo 1
Conmiaunbethechil- tenth bcaies of flouw fo? a meate offc*
b?enof3lfrael,anbfap rpngmingleb ibtth ople,anb tlje b^pnbe (
bntotljem: ^pofFei offerpng thcrto.
rynganbmpbjeabfo? io Xhis ts the burnt offerpng of euetp <
iij* nip facriftces tbhicl) Sabbath, befibethe bapip burnt offe* c

bill) (
are niabe bp fire fo2 a fibeete fauour, rpng,anb bis b.2pnbe offerpng.
fi^ai pe obferue to offer bnto me in their ^nb in the begpnnpng of pour mo*

tttam < ii
buefcafon. nethes,pe fljall offer a burnt offerpng'
I 111 10
3lnb tljou Q)alt fap bnto tljem : *1Dhis bnto the flojbe : trbo poung buiiocnes,
is the offerpng inabe bp fire,ibfjichpe anb a ramme, anb feuen lambes of a^
tit «

fljau ofcr bnto the|Lo2b:tU}o (a lainbes pere oloe lbithout fpot,
*:' tc

i if me <
ofapereoioeibitfjottt foot, bap bp bap iz Urn th:ee tenth beaies of floure f02 a
itait, fo? a continuall burnt offerpng. meate offerpng minglcb ibithople for
h 4 &ne lambelbait tl)oup?eparein tlje



one buiiocae, anb tibo tenth beaies of \

(ta«)( mowpng,anb tt)e other at euen. floure fo? a meate offerpng mingleb^
itifc g
ttlb. O *3lnb tljcrto the tenthpart of an e pha ibith opic fo? one ramme.
Mil ,
of floure fo? a meate ottcrpng, minglco ij 3lnb a tenth beale of floure mingleb
bran, *
"Hunt Jbitb the fourth part of an i^in of ople to? a meate offerpng bnto one
Mr beaten opie. lambe, fo? a burnt offerpng of a fibeete,
6 3t is abaplp burnt offerpng, fucfi as fauour anb a facrifice mabe bp fire bnto

was o^bapneb in the mount 5>ina< fo? a tljefl02be.

Ubcete fattour, a faenfice mabt bpfire 14 anb bjpnne offcrpnges fl;albe
their »
Wtnj .
bnto tbe ILojbe. halfe an i^in of vbine bnto one bullocfte,
^«itt ; <7 3tnb let the bnnne offenng of the fame anb the thirbe part of an i^in of ibine
be tbe fourth part of bnto a ramme, ano the fourth part of.
nice '
an l^in fo? one
»ambc,anbinthc holp placeman thou an $in bnto a lambe:1Chis is t\yt burnt

Ittlnj, I wmmaunbe the Vbine to be porb^cb bn^ offerpng of cuerpmonetb throughout;

»ta t
totye&oflc: themonethesofthepere:
ttu ,0
° ^nbthe otljcr lambe thou (halt offer 15 3lnbonehcegoatefo2afinneoffcrpngc
-J*ni "tcucn, after the
mancr of the meate bnto the fLojoetbalbc offereb, btitots*
~ni Mretpng anb the 0?pnUe
the bapip burnt offering,anb his b;infte

«Si» '
offerpng of the
*"!>< c n«jnpns, a famftcemabe bpfire, fljalt
offerpng* „ a ^e.n**.*****'

''% fottftbeetefenow J?ntothe i6 *

^nb the fourteenth bap of t\)t nta uu****.

%w monethjiSthe^afloueroftljeHorbe.
17 atu>

N umen. Off,e
i7 Sinn mtlje fifteenth bap of the faint bone befibe the bapip burnt offenmn
monctlj istljefcaft : fcucn bapes long r s
ano Ijis brpnBc offerpng.
fljaiibnicauencb breab be eaten. 15 3fob in tlje fcuentb bap pe (bail
18 tljc * ftrtt bap (baibe an ijolp ton-
uocation.pc ftjailbo no manee of fcruile
an Ijolp conuocation, [tBijcnni y E n ia n
lborBetljerin. 1 aifo in tlje bap of pour firtt fruites
19 25ut pe (ball offer a facrifiee mabe bp lbljcnpc brpnganclbe meate
fire,foj a burnt offering bnto tljeHo;d, bnto tlje JLorbe accorbpng to pouc^
ttbo voting buliocitcs, one ramme, anb wccUes, pe (ball Ijaue an Ijolp couocatt
feucn iambes of a pere olbe, let tljcm be on,anb pe (bal bo no fcruile lborfee in it
17 25utoffcraburntoffcringfo2aftbeete
20 anb nteate offering be of
let their fauour bnto tlje Horbe, tlbo pounn
floure mingleb Ibttlj ople: thjee tentij bmiocucjs,a ramme, anb feuen iambes
beaies alfo ujau pe offer for a buiioclte, ofa pere olbe,
anb tlbo tcntl) beaies for a ramme. 28 i©itij their meate offerpnges of
11 j©ne tcntl) bealc fljait tfjou offer fo? tnfngleb lbitlj ople, three tentij beaies
enerp lainbc of tljc feuen lambcs. bnto abullocue, tuio tentij bcalcs to a
11 anb a Ijee goate for a finne offering, ramme,
to mane attoncment for pou. 19 ^nb
one tentij beale bnto a lambe
13 pc fljail offer thefc befibe tlje burnt throughout tlje feuen iambes,
offering in tlje mowpng, ibfjfrh is a 30 anb an Ijee goate to maae an attone*
continuall burnt facrifiee mentforpou.
14. after this niancr pe fljail offer 31 Xljis pe ujail bo,bcfibes tlje continual
throughout ttjc fcucn bapes, t|)e flellje burnt offerpng anb Ijis meate offerpng
of the facrtftcc tnabe bp fire,for a ftbeete (anbtDepfyaibebntopoutbitfjoutfpot)
fauour bnto tlje Horbc : ano ft (balbe lbitlj tljeir b?inlte offerpnges.

f The. xxix. Chapter.


fox* in tlje firff bap of aecorbpngbntotljemaner of tljcm, for

ttje w fcitentljmonetlj a fauour of ftbeetneffe, it is a facrifiee
peujaiifjaueanljoip mabe bp fire bnto tlje Horbe.
c6uocatton,*pe(baibo *anbpe (hall Ijaue tlje tentij bap of
tbcnnoferutlciborlie: tljat monetlj an hob/" conuocation, anb
font is a bap of bio* peltyui humble pour fouies, anb Hjail
lbpngtlje trumpcttes bo no mancr iborue tljerin.
bnto pou. s 25ut pe (hall offer a burnt offerpng
2 anb pe mall offer a burnt offerpng bnto the florbc for a fibeete fauour, one
for a fibectc fauour bnto tlje
2Lorbe, one poung bullocRe, a ramme, ano feucn
poungbuiiocbe, one ramme, anb fcucn
Iambes of a pere olbe, without blc*
iambes of a pere olbe, mijitlj (balbe
9 SCljeir meate offerpng (haibe of floure
? anb their meate offering ftjalbe mabe mingleb lbitlj ople, three tenth beaies
of floure mingleb lbitlj ople, 00
three to a buiioclte, anb tlbo tenth beaies to a
tenth oealcsbnto the buliocltc,anb
tlbo ramme:
tentij bealesbnto tlje ramme,
10 anb a tentij beale bnto euerp lambe,
4 anb one tentij bealc bnto one lambe ' throughout tlje feuen iambes:
throughout tlje fcucn iambes: 11 anb an Ijee goate (0; a finne offerpng,
5 anb an Ijee goate for a fume offerpner befibe the finne offerpng of attornment
to mauc an attornment for pou:
9 baplp burnt offerpng , anb tlje meate
6 25efibe the burnt offerpng of tlje co
anb brpnfte offerpnges tljat longtotljc
monctlj anb Ijis meate offerpng, ano
bctoc the baplp burnt offerpng anb his 11 anb in the fifteenth bap of tlje ftn^
meate offerpng, anb tlje brpnae offe-
monctlj, pe tyali ijaue an Ijolp conuo
rpnges of tlje famejibljicfj mutt be bone
cation, anb bo then no feruile iborfic
Lmonicts- N umen. c)
bnto tlje |Lo?De
anD pe (ball uepe a featt
DullocueSjtiDo ramnies, anD
fcucnDapesiong. lambes of one pere olDe Without fpot:

» anD vc (ball offer a burnt offering fo? 27 anD let their meate anDDivnftcoftt''
afacrificcmaDebp fire foja ftbeete fa* rtnsesbntotIjebuUocKes,ramnic5,anD:
uour bnto the ILojDe, thJrteene young lambes, be accoflpng to the number
bullocBes,ttbo rammes, anD fourtecne them, anD after the maner
lambes of a pere olDe, Which, ujaibe as anDanljec goate fo? a fume offerpng
befiDe theoaplp burnt offerpng,anD
lbitijoutbicmifhe. his
14. anD their meate offering (baibe of meate anDDjpnne offerpng. l

£ *9 3utD inthe firt Dap,pe (bait offer epght

mingleD tbitlj ople, tljjee tent!)
oeaies bnto eucrp one of tljethtrteene bullocftes, tlbo ramnies, anD fourteene
buiiocftcs, tlbo tenth Deales to either of perelpng lambes Without fpot. «

tijettbo ramnies, 30 anD let their meate anD DzpnUe offe*

tenth Deale bnto eche of the ringesbnto tlje bulloeties,rammcs,anD
« 2lnD one
fourteene lambes: lambes, beaccojbpng to tlje number of <
16 anD one hee goate fo? a them, after tlje maner:
finne offering,
befioe the Daplp burnt offering, ibitlj 31 anDanheegoatefo? afitine offerpng,**
I) is meate anD Djpntte offering. befiDe tlje Daplp burnt offerpng, anD'
pi 17 anDthe'feconoe Dap pe(ball offer his meate anDD^pnKc offerpng.
tUJtlue poung bullocaes, tU>o rammes, 3r 3n the fettenth oap,pe thai offer feuen <

fourteene perelpng lambes ibithont bullocttes, two rammes, anD fourteene \

fpot lambes that are perelpnges Xbitt)ont*
is anD let their meate offerpnges anD blemifbe.
typnKe offerpnges, fcnto the bullotues, 33 anD let tljetr meate anD Djpnue offe* \

rammes, anD lambes, be aceo?Dpng to tinges bnto the bullotfees,rammes,anD

the number of them, $ after the maner. lambes, beaccojDpng to their number,.'
19 anD an hee goate fo? a finne offerpng, anD after the maner

bcfibe tlje Daplp burnt offerpng anD his 34 anD an he goate fo? a finne offerpng,
meate anD Djpnne offerpng. befiDe tlje Daplp burnt offerpng, anD his \
io anD tlje thiroe Dap pe (ball offer a meate anD Djpnfte offerpng.
leucn bullotRes,tibo rammes, jfourc* jjmycepgyi;
35 Jhi the epght oap, yeiymi haueafiV
uniy, pelhail u«mcaiu \ f.
tecne pcrelpng lambes without fpot: lempne affemblie, anD pe (ball Do no*
D ZI anD let their meate anD Djpntte offe* feruile Wo#e therm:
rpnges bnto the buliotues, rammes, 36 26ut pe (ball offer a burnt offerpng, a c
anD lambes, be after the number of facrificemaDebpfire fojaftbeetCwouc'
ttjtm,anD accojDpng to tlje maner. bnto pHo?De,one buuortte,oneramme,
n anD there lhaibeoffcreD an Ijee goate $ feuen pcrelpng lambes Without fpot.
ma finne offerpng,befiDe the Daplp 37 fLettljcirmcateanDDnnfteofferinges,
burnt offerpng, anD Ijis meate Djpntte bnto the buliocRc, ramme,anD lambes, *
offerpng. be acwopng to tlje number, anD aero?*
y jn the fourth Dap,pe (ball offer ten Dpngto tljemaner:
ouuotaes, tlbo rammes, anDfourteene 38 anD an hee goate fo? a finne offerpng, c
perclpng lambes ttnthoiit Define the Daplp burnt offerpng,anD Ijis i
wL e
onto the
meate $D?rnfte offcringes
rammcs,$ lambes,
tlje bullocues,ra
meate anD Djpnue offerpng.
?9 Xhefe thpnges pe (ball do bnto the

,e atc
^Dpng to the number of them,
anb after the maner:
%mt (C
in pour feaftes, befioe pour .jggg
luntarie fa»

uoibes f freeibil offeringes,pour burnt *** ,

h S Danh «Soatefo?afinne offerpng,
oeitbe the Daplp
burnt offerpng, $ Ijis
offerpnges, meate offerpnges, D?pnfte«
offerpnges,anD peace offcrpnges.

40 anD fl3opfes tolDe the cljilD^cn ofyb

Jn the fifth Dap pe (hall offer nine rael,all that the %w comaunoeD him*
. .

Ofvowes. N umea
K& The. xxx. Chapter.

2 ADf tottejs toljen tljep t&albe fiept, anD to^cn not.

i!55> $)opfcs (pane tbbertbitb (bebounbe ber foute,of none

a bntotbcbeabesoftbe cffert,anb tbeflojbe (ball fojgcue ber.
tribes coneernpng tbe 9 26ut euerp boibe of a lbiboibc, anb of
cbiib2enof3Ifrael,fap* ber tbat is bcuojfcb, tbat tijep bane
ing:£biSistbcthpng bounoe their foule ibitljaii, (ball ftanbe
tbijirt) tt)c fLo?ue Ijatlj in effect lbitbtbem.
commaunbcb io 5f (he botbeb in ber <b) hufbanbes
*3Jf a man boibe a boibe bnto tbe f)oufe,o; bounbe ber foule tbitb an otlje:
D«u.xxiii.d * °? Wok Ibi'

fLojbc, ojftbeareanotbe tobpnbe bis ii anb ber bufbanbe bearbeit,anb betoe WtltBMtll,

foule : \)t (hall not go bacbe Vbirt) bis bis peace coneernpng ber,$bifaiou)c&
ttwbe, but (ball fulfil all that is p?o* ber not:tben all ber boibes ftjal ftanbe,
tcebcb out of bis mouth. anb euerp bonbeibberibitlj (be bounbe
? 3lf a lboman alfo botbc a boibe bnto herfoulc,thall ftanbe.
the %,wt# bpnbe ber fclfc being in ber iz 25ut if ber bufbanbe bifanullcb tbem
fathers boufc in tbe tpme of ber poutb: tbe fame bap p be bearbe tbemitben no
4 anb bet fatber beate bet boibe anb tbpngtbatpjoccebetb out of ber lippes
bonbe ibbicb (be l;atbmabe bpon ber in boibes anb bonbes lbhcribith ti»c
foule,? boibe bis peace tljerto : then all bounbe ber foule, (ball ftanbe in effect:
tier boibes anb bonbes lbljirt) (be batb fo? ber burbanbe batb bifanulleb tbem,
mabe bpo ber fimle,(hal ftanbe in effett. anb tbe Ho?be (ball fo?geue ber.
5 26ut anb if ber fatber bifaiott)c ber tbe i; ail boibes anb otbes tbat binbe to
(0 humbiethcfoule,mapherhufbanDe
fame bap that be bearetb al ber boibes (t)Cbm

anb bonbes ibbicb fl)e batb mabe bpon ftablifbeojbjeaKe. b? aWtanu

oi boDtlt

ber rouic:tbep ftjail not be of balue, anb 14 Z5ut if ber bufbanbe boibe bis peace CJCTCllC.

tbe ILojoe (ball fojgeue her,beeaufe ber from w one bap to another, tben be (to
(s>3grtmot Ca) 00 ttoWi
fatber bifaioU)eb ber bliffbetb all ber boibes $ bonbes ibbicb anaUpng tit
6 gjf (be bab an butTmnbe, ibben (he (be bab bpon ber : be cenfirmctb tbem, la? tbji it

boibets o?p?onounceb ougbt out of het betaufe be bcibc bis peace concernpng
Uppcs, ibljcribitb the bounbe ber foule: ber tbe fame bap tbat be bearbe tbem. (£) 3c?Mf
anb w
25 7 anb ber bufbanbe bearbe
it, 15 25ut if be bjeafte tbem, after tbat Ije
tot ip M
bcibebis peace tberat tbe fame bap be batb bearbe tbem, be (ball beare ber
hearbc it : tbenber boibes (ball ftanbe, finneljpmfeife.
anb ber bonbes ibberibftblhe bounbe i6 Xbefe arc tbe ojbinaunces lbbicb tf)c
her foule,(bau ftanbe in effect* Ho?b commaunbeb ^J5opfcs betmeene
3 anb if ber bufbanbe btfalotbe ber tbe amananbbisibpfe, anb betibeenetbe
fame bap tbat be bearbe it, tben be fatber anb bis Daughter bepng pet a

0)ail mabe ber boibe ibbicb (be bat!) bamfell in her fatbers boufe*
bpon ber,anb the opening of her lippes

^ The .xxxj. Chapter.

s Cbe flPaoianf
piav t js
m are flapneano tfietr rttieis bimtt,38alaam ii flapne. 27 ®^e
equal!? beuiDeo. 4? 3D picfetn genen of Jfracl

iI5S)tbe?Lo?berpaBe anb let them go bpon tbe i^abianites,

3 bnto^opfcs,faping: ^auenge tbe Hojbe of the ^pabianites.
*3(uengetbecbflb2cn 4 £)f euerp tribe a tboufanbe, tb^ough^
N*.xxv.<L of 3Jfcael of tbe #» out all tbe tribes of 3Jfrael,(bal pe fence
bianites^aftertbarbe to tbe ibarre.
(bait thou be gathcrcb 5 anb tljere ibere beiiuereb out of the
bnto tljp people, tboufanbes of 3)rrael,tibeluc tljoufanD
^nb fi0opfcs fpabe bnto the folbe, fap* pjepareb bnto ibarre, of euerp tribe a
tng ; ^arneffe fome of pou bnto ibarre, tboufanbe.
6 aw
^ddboH- N umeri. Ciii
^^ioWfcnt the top warre, euen 20 3tobpurifie all yourraymentes, anb
$ With them tbatismaoeoffiunncs, anballwofte
a tiwufanbe of euery

Xiecs the Tonne of <8\tmt the pneft of goates Deere, ano all
twinges maoe
Ot 11)000.
SSe wat»,anl> the holy Dcffcis,^ the
'trumpets to biowe mere in bis banbe.
21 3tnb eicasar the pa eft faybe bnto the 2>
^ ano they warrcb agaynft the *$abia* men of warre Which went to the bat-
7 JtcsastbcfLojocomaunbeb^oyfes, tapie:Xl){ststheo2binaateoftl)eiauje
anoflueall females which the Hojoe cotnaunbeb £J§oyfes:
2nb they flue the ftynges of Fabian 22 Zs to* golbe, filuer, bjafle, ano iron,
among other that Were flayne:/|3ame* tinne,anbleab,
lye em, ano BeKem, zut, $ $ur, anb 23 3lnb all that may abtbe the fircye thai
&eba: flue ftynges of ^aman, With malte it go though the fire, ano it foal*
co salaam the fonne of Beoi, whom be clcane : /|ieuertbelcfle,it (haibe puri*
they flue With the ftboibe.
fieo with water of feperatlon: ano all
2utb the ehiuuen of 3Jfrael tofte all the
1 cot

mat that fuffereth not the ftre,yc (hall maae

iDomcnof Fabian pawners, anbtheit go through the Water:
rt)flb?en, anb fpoyleo all their cattcl,anb 24 3mo walbc your clothes the feuenth
all their floefces, anb all their
goobes, bay, anb ye fhaibecleane, anb aftep
10 ano they burnt all their cities Wberm Warbc come into the hoaft.
they owelt, anb all their goobly bwel- 25 3(nb the %o;Ht fpafte bnto (©oyfes,
lynges, with fire: faying:
11 3uib fhey tofte all the fpoyle, anb all 26 Xafte the fumme of piay that

the bootie,both of men anb bcaftcs. Was tauen, both of the perrons anb of
n 3lnb they bought the eapriues, anb tatteil,thouanoeiea5atthepHea,anb
that Which they hab taften, anb the thec|)iefefathersof the congregation:
fpoyle, bnto ^oyfes anb eica5ar the 27 anb beuibe the pjay into two partes,
p»eft, anb bnto the companie of the betweene them that tohe the warre
cljiiojcnof gjfrael, euen bnto the &oaft bpon them anb went out to battayle,
that were in the fielbes of flj&oab by anb all the congregation*
3Jtotf)ane,ouct agaynft 31 ericho: 28 ^notaueatribute bnto the flojbeof e
13 3foo ^oyfes anb cicasarthepiiett, the men of Warre Which went out to
ano ail the uubcsof the congregation, battayle:onefouleofnuehunb?eb,both
went out of the hoaft to meete them. of the perfons, anb of the beefes, anb of
* 14 3lnb fl^oyfes Was angrie With the the afles, anb of the fheepe
officersofthehoaft,wrththecaptaynes 29 3lnb ye fl)ali taae it of their halfe, anb
oucr thoufanbes, anb ouer hunbiebes, geue it bnto&lea^ar the pneft, as an
which came from the warre $ battayle. ijeaue offeryng of the Ho?be.
15 Sno ^oyfes faybe bnto them : $aue $0 2nbofthchaifeofthechtlb?enof3IP:
yefaueo all the w
womenalyuc* raei,thou fljait taue one potion of fitne,
is Behoibe, thefe caufeb the chiiwen of of thepcrfons,anb of the beefes, of the
Jfraeithjoughthe councel of Balaam, afles,anb ofthe (heepe,ano of al manet
to commit trefpaffe agaynft the SLoibe ofbeaftes, anb gcuethem bnto tljcfLe*

in thebuuncfle of c0 #co?,anb there fo* uites which wayte bpon the charge of
loweb a plague among the congrcga* the tabernacle of theflojbe.
tumofthefLoibe* ji ^nb ^oyfes anb eica3ar tlje p?ieft,
«!,. 17 iBowethcrfo?e,*flayailthemenchfl* xy^ as the %mu comaunbeb fl^oyfes.
pmt,anb uyi the Women that haue lien 32 3mb the bootic,anb the reft of the p?ap
with men flethhn Which the men of warre hab caugOt,
» 25ut all the women ehiibjen that haue was fijre hunb;eb thoufanbe, ano f&ee
not lien with men carnally, ftepe aiyue fo;e anb fiftcene thoufanbe ftjeepe
nwyoutfciucs. « Ztto th?ee fco?e anb twelue tOotuanbe
'Jty*?* tyau tcmayne Without the of beefes, , _
WauTeucn bayes, all that haucftylleb 34 ^nbth?eefco?e?onethoufanbeafles:
any perron, ^nb thirtie $ two thoufanoe perlOns
*anb all that haue toucheo 35
any ocabboby,
anb purifie both your mall, of women that hab lyenby no
i i"i
s anb your pjttbners tfce thirbe
Wnbt&ereuetth* 36 ";& the halfe, whicDwasthepartof
: ) '

Madian defixoyed.
N Uinen. M ^and^
tljcm tijat ibent out to umrre, Vbas hi the.lLeuites tbljtcl) foaptebl)Donthr^
number tlntt hmrtueb thoufanbe, ant) charge of the tabernacle of the
(turn anb thirtic thoufanbe, 9 fine hun*
as tUe H02DC eommaunbbeb ©opfe*
that portion
t»2eb,fl)cepe. 48 anb the officers of thoufanbes of th*.
t»t)ICl)Ctltt 37 anflthe^^tobespartofthefheepc, hoatt,p eaptapnesouer the thoufanbes
taoJiicts B«ac
<o i£>ot>.
ibas fire humwb 9 th2cefco2e 9 fiftcene. anb the eaptapnesouer tDehunb2ebes
e 38 anb the bcefcs Vbcrc thirtte anb fire camcfiwth,
thoufanbe, of ibhich the Ho2bes part 49 anb fapbe bnto fl^opfes : %hr> rn,
Jbas th2ccrco2c anb ttbclue. uauntes haue tafcen the mmme of
39 anbthcaffes Vbere thirtic thoufanbe men of lbarre ibhich are bnber out
aub fiuc hunbjeb, of tbhfch the H02bcs auethontie, anb there fortieth not one
part ibas tlnccfco^e anb one. manofbs:
40 anb the (s)
pcrfons tbcrefirtecnethou*
Tanbe, of tbljichtbe Ho?ocs part Ibas
50 m haue therfoje bought a parent
bnto the fLo?o ibhat euerp man founb
thirtieanb ribo pcrfons. of ietbelsof golbe, bracelets, ehapnes'
41 3lnb ©opfcs gaue the tribute, tbhictj ranges, eare ranges, anblpangies, to
ibas the fLojbes heaue offerpng, bnto make an attonementfo; our foulesbe*
€iea^ar thepneft, as the %om
com- fo2etheHo2be.
maunbeb^opfes: 51 anb fl^opfes anb eieasar thepjfeft, <®
41 ^nb the other » haife of trje chttt^en
0)) a>r «»««
parte of ttpc tofte the golbe of them, authcuwugljt
f fpotlc roljictje
uws aiiottCB of3jfraei tt)hich$5oprcs bcuibeb from feibels.
to t^ofc tfjat
ii.iunot btnaf themcnoflbarre, 5r anb allthe golbe of the heaue offering
43 [^at<0to witj the haife that pertap* that thep heaueb top to the fLojbe, of
neb bnto the congregation, ibas tlncc the captapnes ouer thoufanbes 9 hun*
Inurtucb thoufanbe, anb thirtic 9 fcucn b;cbes, tbasfirteene thoufanbe, feuen
thoufanbc,anb fiue Dtmb2cb,(heepe: hunb2eb anb ftftte fides.
atib thtrtfe anb fire thoufanbe beefes:
5? (ifoj the men
of Kbarre hab fpopleb,
45 anb thirtie thoufanbe afTes, anb Rue euerp man w fo? fnmt feife. 2W
hunojcD: 54 anb ^opfes anb eieasar the p?teft 3ST-
4P 46
anb firtcene thoufanbe pcrfons. tone the golbe of the captapnes ouer the
47 anb flpopfes tofte of the haife that thoufanbes $ hunb^bes, anb brought
(DHoferbat pertapneb bnto the chiibjen of 3f frael,'
it into the tabernacle of the congrega^
»m nofouU
Mcr«. onep02tionoffifne,bothof the pcrfons tton,fo?a m memo?tall of thethtib;enof c»w«
anb of the cattcu, anb gaue them bnto 3lfraelbefo?ethejLo2be. tljemm w

The. xxxij. Chapter.

"SSafiS! t0
«w ^
teraioe ao^anccaatnarbe. ^ mlbe otmmm,t$ piomm t^e
aIfe c
rdjeKubenitesJ anD t^e ©aDitesbc
rcbufieo of
flBopfess. i6cenrp;omiftjJbntofl©opfc0.

a w
^echflb2e ofBuben lanbe meetefoj cattell, anb me thpfee
(»~) ffiirbcn
roaa ttjc fonnc 9 the cl)tb2en of <25ab uauntes haue cattell.
of iLt«3a=
cobs roptc,f hab an ereebtng great 5 n9herfo2efatbthep:3fftbehaucfounb
(onntto Jil» multttube of cattell: grace in thp figljt, let this lanbe be geu£
anbibhenthepfaibe bnto thp feruauntes to poflcu*e,9 bipng
the lanbe of Jaser,
9rtjeianbeof<25fleab 4 6 anb Copies fapbe bnto the chflb;en
of (©abanb of Buben a>hallpourbje<
x %\)t crjflb2en of iauben, anb the chtfc th2en go to ibarre,anb pe tr}aU fit here^
b?en of dE»ab,came 9 fpaac bnto SBovfes
7 n&herfbje oifcourage pe the heart or ©
anb ciea5ar the pjictt, anb bnto the
the chflb2enof 3Jfrael,thattheaiboui;c
tojbcs of the congregation, raping:
not go ouer into the lanoe ibhteh U)e
3 5Chclanbeofataroth92Dibon,3Ja5er
anb /penrah, $cfbon anb Cleaieh^>a?
H02be hath geuen them< M .. Kaa**
bam, anb /I5ebo,anb 25con
8 *%)m\W pour fathers ibhenlf lent

them from Cabes zsmea to fee p lanpe.

4 r n9bich countrep the flojbe Onote be^ 9 ifojtbhentheprbentbpeuenbntotne
fo;e the congregation of
Jlfrael, is a ttuerofefthol^ubfaujethelanbe,r«ep
oflfrael. N umcn. Ciin [

SS mm

SSfflS5e5wrt of ^^»fi«ne thpll nnbc pou out.

Sfcaelthat thep fhoulb not 9° into

th* jiioioc
24. ifiMhetherfo2C,builbc
14. tycctoic, butloc cities fo?pour
few pour BBS*
fiStifth the ILozD hath gcuc them. chtib?en,anb foibes fo? pour fhccpc,anb «&«&
Stheio?i)cs^ati)U)asWnWeD bo that pe haue fpo&en.
%iSamctwne,anD|jefla«w,fevftiB: *5 f5echiib?enof<Mb,anbthcehflb?cn
of the men that came out of
of ftubcn,rpafte Unto i©opfcs, raping
* Sane
rfPftvot frottbentie peresolbef aboue, Xhpfcruauntes tbpll bo asmp|Lo;Dc
Si fee the lance tbhich 3
fthare Dm commaunbeth.
JSbiaham Jfaac,anb3lacob,becaufe 26 £>ur ehtib?en, our tbpues, out fbcepe,
X™iiaue nottbhollp folotbeb me anb out cattell, (hall remapnc here m
2aue Caleb the fonnc of 3Jcphune the cities of C5iieab:
fhTmcnefitc, anb 3Jofuah the fonne of 27 But thp fcruauntes tbpll go all hat
thep haue conftantlp folotbeb neffebfo?thetbarre, anb bnto battapic
$un : fo?
befo?e the Ho?be, as mp ?Lo2be fapth.
£o?betbasberieangrptbtth 28 anb fo? their fanes, fl^opfes com--
n ^Inbtto
anb mabethem tbanber in the maunbeb€lca5arthep?ieft, $ gjontah
the the fonne of /ftun,anb the chiefetathees
lUtiDcrncffc fourticperes,bntpliall
of the tribes of the chilb?en of 3Jftael,
prncration that hab bone eupll in the
29 arib 30opfes fapbe bnto them : 3)f the
fat of the flo?bc, there confumeb. e
u 'im beholbc, pe arerpfen bp in pout chilb?en of <©ab , anb the chtlb?en of
fathers ftcabe, as an increafe of finfull
Buben tbpl go tbith pou oner o?oane, 3
all armeb,to fpght befo?c the 3Lo2be,
men, to augment the fierce tb?ath of
the Ho?be totbarbe 3f feacl
then tbhen the lanbe isfubbucbbefo?e
tume atbap from after hpm, pou, pe (ball geue them the lanbe of
15 5f 0? if pc
be ibpll pet agapne leaue the people in (Meabtopofleue:
the Mberneffe,
anb pe fbail beftrop 30 But anb if thep <» tbpll not go ouer Jiojiun.

all this foiue. tbith pou inharncfre, thep (ball haue

16 3lnb thep tbent neare hpm,anb raphe: their poffeffions among pou in the
j©c tbpll buiibe fbeepe folbcs here fo? lanbe of Chanaan.
our (beepe $ fo? our cattell, anb [wmi 31 3lnb the chilb?en of <5ab, anb the cfifl*

cities fo? our chilbjem b?en of aauben,aunftbcrcb,fapmg : 3fe

17 Buttbeourfeiuesibplgorebparmcb «the ?Lo?be hath fapbe bnto thp fer*
bcfo?c the chilb?en of Jifrael, bnrpll tbe uauntes,fo tbpll tbe bo: CO '53>at
is fpo* ttil)i(l)

*« ^ _
haue b?ought them bnto c0 their place 32 *nae tbpll go harneffebbefo?ep?Lo?bc
3!nb our chilb?en Ojall btbell in the into tljc lanbe of Chanaan,that the pof= <w* m
kmb2 ™-
fenfeu citics,becaufe of the inhabiters of rcfrionofourinhcritauncemapbegcuen
the lanbe. bsonthisfibe3o?bane.
18 mt tbpll not returne bnto our houfes, 33 ^nb tl9opfes gaue bnto the chflb?cn of
bntpti the chtlb?en of 5ifraei haue inhe* <5m, anb to the chilb?cn of Buben, anb
riteb,cuerp man his inherttaunce: bnto halfe the tribe of ^anaffe the
Neither tbpll tbe inherite tbith them
I? fonne of Jofcph, the bpngbomc of5>e*
lion Rpng of thc
^lmo?itcs, anb the a> «mh
onponberfibe3Jo?banefo?tbarbe, be*
caufe our inhcritaunce is fallen to bs on
this toe3Jo?banc eatttbarbe.
hpngbomcof m hpng of Bafan, the
lanbe tbith the cities therof, in p coaftes
% *g&
io anb^opfes fapbe bnto them: 31 pc anb cities of the countrcp rounbe about. Dir.c.ofivliom

w 34 3lnb the chilb?en of <©ab built 2Dibon,

mention 10

f tt)vUbothisthpng,anbgol)arneffcb

btfo?cthc|lo?bctotbarre, anb^taroth,anb^roer,
t) i\ %m
tbiu go all of pou in harnefTc ouer 35 ^nb ^totlj, 5>ophan, 3Jaafcr, anb
3)02Dane bcfo?e the Ho?b,bntil he haue
caft out his w
enemies from his fight 36 BethJtimra, anb Betharan,
anb bntpu the lanbe be fubbueb befo?e cities:?thcpbuatfolbesfo?thclhecpe
the !lo?be : thenpe (hall
returnc^nb be
without finnc (f ^ befo?e the fLo?be anb
,7 ^nb the W« of Bnbcn
built ^ef^

turncb tpcr
b «o?e3jfrael,
anb this lanbe fhalbc
3 iBebo Baauncon, anb

%ames,'anb Albania alfc 1


cittcsibhtch thep
m 1

^ «?uut an-* if W ^VW not bo fo, bcholbe, other names bnto the
ve haue finneb
agapnft the Ho?be : anb WW* 39 anb
. «: '

Tl ie lourneis
N umen.
39 anb tlje tljittucn of fl|9atljir tin fonne 41 anb * 3faic tlje fonne oflgSfc

of tipanaffe lbcnt to (Meab anb tofte it,
anD put out tlje anionics that Mbclt
Ibent ant. tofte tlje final toibncs
ano taueo trjem $auotrj 3Iair
tX '

« tljerin. 41 anb /]5obarj Ibent anb tofte

40 anb £$oyfes gaue
tijtc tlje
d5ileab bnto
fonne of £panafle,anb rje Mbclt
m& ano tfje toibnes longyng ttjeSo
caucbtt^obafj, after Ijisoinename
2 r
? f*i

c ttjcr.n. *£$

The. xxxiij. Chapter.

t cbe fonrnef* of !Jfrael ate mimbjteb. u $8ep are comtnamifieo to Bptt

tl)c cimnaamtcjs.

Dcfc ate tDc iournefs femes in 2>ap!)ita.

oftJ)ccljilb;cnof3Jrra* ij anb tbcp beparteb front SDaptjfta anb
el, MmI) lbentoutof laptnaius. ' °
tljcianoofcgyptibitrj 14 anbttjep remoueb fromaius,anb lap
tl)cirarmics,bnberttje at* Haptjtbtm, ibljere Jbas no
tbatec ExodjrrJ
tiinn rtno coil- * "fjanbof^oyfesanb fo?ttjepeopletoo?vnfte.
Matron. 15 anb trjev beparteb from maphtDtm
anb i$toyfes ttyotc tljeir goyng out op 9 pitrtjebintf)e*tt)ilbemcacof^ina<. Exoil„
tljcir iourneis,
accoftyng to tlje com* 16 anb tUey remoueb from ttjebefert of vll

maunbcmentoftbeSUwbe: euen ttjefe ^>inai,f piterjeb at ttje*graues of lutt. Nuia,x:.j,l

Oil » dMe arc tlje iournefs of their goyng out.
in tlit lanoof
17 anb ttjey beparteb from p fepultft?es
J Xljcy beparteb from (,0 3aamcfes tije ofiuft,anblayat^a5erotfj.
CO wwtfteijc t Nunui.;, I

31c jjcfl tail fiftecne Day of the co firft moncth, en tlje 18 anb trjey beparteb from
' $a3crotb,
coi::c?mrlj «
mojoibc after tlje i&aObuer: ano the anbpittHebinmtttjma.
ano' part of
' tOtityc of 3Jfraelibcnt out CD) lbifh an ftfc 19 anb tfjey beparteb front
3p>il. c
ijanbc in tlje figijt of the
«a; wicljgrtat pifc?)tbatmimon^!jare5.
VIIK.'.Y, 0110
ratijcr Dinute t
the egyptians buryeb all their 20 anbtljeibepartebfromaaimon^li^
tticn Sjumamc. fait borne Which the ?Lojb hao fnutten
CO Ciicit < among tljeni , anb bpon » their gobs 21 anbttjep remoueb from ILibna, anb
ttultco, tiinr
rijicfcraw aifo the Ho?be byb creeutton.)

anb the chiibjen of ijjfrael remouco
22 anbtfjep iourneyebfrom BtlTa,anb
from Bamefts^nb pftcDeb in Smcoth.
Exod.xiii.d' o anb they bepartco from*5>utoth,anb 23 anb ttjey tbent from meljelattja, anb
pttcneb their tentes in €tham,inhu1) is ptttljeo in mount S>ept)cr.
in tlje ebge of the ibaoecneOe. 24 ^nb tljcy remoueb from mount 5>e
anb they remoueb from etham, anb pt)er,anbiayin^araba.
Exo. xiiu.a. ' turutb agaync bnto* idihairoth, lbhich 25 anb tijey remoueb from i^araba, anb
is before asaal zephon anb they pit*
: Piff'jcbiii^.ideiottj.

aubthcy bepartcb from ^ihatroth
26 am i.jey
reaioueb from flBaftelotl),
anb*ibcnt though the mibbes of tlje 27 ano tljep beparteb from Xfjatjath,
fca into the HMbccncfle, anb ibent ttyce
bayes ionrncy in tlje ttnlberucu"c of 28 anb tljey remoueb from 5CtjaeatD,
etham, anb pitchcb in ^aralj. anbpitdjebin^tttjea.
>9 Znn tljcy remouco fromi©aral), anb 29 anb tljeyibent from flpitrjca,anbpit<
End: came bnto * dim, ibljece ibere tuicluc ctjebin^afmona.
fountaynes of ibater, anb tluccfcojc 30 anb ttjey
bepartcb from $afinona,
ten Valine trees, $ tljey pittljeb tljere.
3nb tDcp remoueb from dim, anb 31 ano ttjey beparteb from l^ofccotlj,
tampcb fad by tlje reb fca. anb pittljeb in zBeneJfaaftan.
ill ^nb thep remoueb from tberebfea 32 anb tbey remoueb fto25cne 3faaftan,
ExocbcvLa.' anb tanipeb in tlje'tbiibcrncflc of zin! anbia?at$o?gabgab.
ano tljev tofte tljcir iournev out of tlje 33 anb tljey ibentfrom ^ojgabgab, anb
Uitioernefle of zm, anb fet bp tbeic pttctjeb in Jetljebatha,

34 ^nb
. ;

v s
Numen. c\\
3^j^r7moucbfrom1fettjebatlja, bpeb in mount $o?»
40 anb bins crab tljeCI)anaantte(tbt)itt) <

Mbelt fntrjefoutl) tntbc lanbeof Cna-'

naan) Dearbe of rtje commyng of tljCc

tnt|je*iwnwniclftor Am,
41 3ino rt)cp bepactcb* from mount $o?, | Num xxr,&
%SpitS>« anD pitcncb in zaimona
-%VtfwtSioneDftoin«abe8, anb 41 3lnb tbep Departed from zaimona,'
}7 ID?** is in tljc anbpitcbebm^bunon.
mtcSn mount $0?,
rtmcoftbelanbcofebom. 43 anD they beparteo ftom $ljunon,<
/*& aaton tbepneO went Dp into
commaunbement of 44
anb tljepbeparteb from £>botlj, anb
,,inn nt^oiatthc

! ?/ 020c anbbyebtbere, euen
ourtictWWe after tnec&tlbjen of 3JG :

JaXcre come out of? lanbe of cgppt, 45 3nb tuep beparteb from 3Jtm abat(m,<
anb pitcbeb in 2>ibon <£?ab.
Si in the ftrft bar of tlje fiffl) monetl).
'« 5tan Won mas an Ijunbjeb anb 46 anb the? rcmoueb from l>ibon<15ab,c
anb t&ec teres olbe Kbljen t)e anb lav in aimon 2>tblatl)aim.

C CbiS cbarte foettetfj toap ttjat

tl)e m people of Ifvael patfcD tfic Cpace oftourtre
t>eres,f rom $g?pt (tftougb tbe Defertcs of 3 rabta) till tliep entreD into

tlje laintomk

Cbanaan, as is me ntf oneD in ttje boofies of CroDus, humeri, 9 JWUteroiwmium.

9St conteynetb alfo tbe fourtie ano ttoo iournevs oj Cations, namcD Biptffi
ano ttj^cc Chapter of humeri, xjoity the obferuations of the Degrees, afwu 01 roe
longjtu&e, as of the latitude of ttje places of tfte favoe iourneps, ano alfo t&e
oftrje numbers of them.

;47Jnb tbev remoueb from canton m& of abarim before ^abo.

wDaiu^anbpitt&ebmtDemountaines! 4s anbtljey DC P art ftomn,c {"^"s
^ t
- ' ««'«

N umen. of III

taynes of abaft m, ano pttctjcb in tfje in : fo* 3Jhauegeucnyoutf)e lanbe to

ftcibcs of^poab, faftbyjojbaneiouer cnioyit.
54 anb ye ujail beuibe trje inhetitaunce
49 anbtbeypiterjebbygjojbane, from of the lanb by lot among yout fcintebes '
mtl) gjcftmotl), * bnto tlje piayne of *anb gene to the moe, ttje moje inncrf'
&>tttfm in tDc ftelbcs of iJDoab. taunce, anb to the fetber, the leOe inne- Num l;

50 anb t!je ?Lo:bc fpaUe bnto *$oyfes in ritaunce : ano yout

tnrjetttaunce aiai-
the ficlbeof fl^oab by 3Jo?banc [ouet & be in the tftbes of pone fatfjets, euery
sap"8]3lcftrt)0,faptng: mans inhefttaunce in the place rbhert
51 ;&pcafte bnto the chtibjcn of gjfracl, rjisiotfalletrj. ,

ano fay bnto them : 'when ye ace come 55 *2But anb if verbal notbjyuc ont tne'Uu,
ouct 3Jo?banc e«> entctjuito tlje lanbe of fnhabitersofthe lanbe before yon, then,
Cijanaan, tbore ibhirtj ye let rcmayne of theni «
52, lac ftjali biyuc out all the inrjabltcrs ujalbe pricUcs in yout eyes, anb bactes'
of tfjc lanbe befoje you, anb beftroy all in roue fibes, anb ujail bete you inny'
their pictures j$ bjeaftc a funber all tbetc lanbe ibhertn ye Mbell.
images ofmcttall, anb plucfte boibne 56 40O2couer, it ibyll come topaOe,tliat'
all their hye places. 31 ujail 00 bnto you, as thought to 3
5j anb poOeffe trje ianbc,anbdujellrhct* bobntothenu *

^Thc. xjcxiiij. Chapter.

j qtijc coaffe sj and bomt? of tbe iant>c of p?omtfe, 17 Certaf ne men are afftgneD
toDrutbctljelaiioc. <

iB2> the ILo?be fpane s anb from mount $o;, ye fljali befeftbe m ;

bnto flEtoyfcsJaying: your bozber, tyll it tome bnto ^ematlj,.

Com maunoe tiled) tl $ tfje enb of trje coali ujalbe at zebaba.

ojcnof3Jfcaci,anbfay 9 anb trje coatt ujail reacrje out to zv I

bnto tDcm: E3?)cn ye P0?on,ano go out at i^a5ar enmiXtys «

come into tr)e lanbe of fljaibc your nontj quarter*
€r)anaan, tf)isistl)e 10 anb ye ujail befcribe your eatt quarter <
lanbe that ujail fall bnto your inljeft- from i^asar cnan to s>cprjam.
taunce, [eucn] ttjc lanbe of CDanaan 11 anb ttje coatt ujail go ooibnc front,
ibttljhercoaftes. £>epljam to Hibla on tlje call fine of'
anb * your fouttj quarter ujalbe from am anb tlje fame b02bcr ujail cefccnb
j, along by tfje coatt
of eoom, fo that yout foutrj quartet
anb go

out at tfje ftbe of c0 ttje fea of


1 talletltiH

teadje bpon the ftbc of the Cb) fait Tea II anb then go boibne along by 3w< m
eaftibacoc. bane, anb leaue at tlje fait fea : anb this
4 anb fct a compaiTc from trje foutb bp ujalbe your ianb,ibinj tlje coaftes rtjer-;
toaerabtm,anb&ccrjaetozimta:anb of rontibe about.
go out fro thefouthtoCabcs asarnca, 13 anb J^oyfcs commaunbcb the tW\
anb go out alfo to i^au aoar, anb go b?en of 3Jfraei,raying : Xh»s tlje « W* «

along to amnion. lbljich ye ujal inhcrtte by lot.anb tbljtch


5 anb fet a compaiTe agayne from a? tlje fLojbe commaunbcb togeue bnto;
mon, bnto tfte' titter of tfgypt, anb nine tribes anb an ftalfe. mM *

14 * JPo? tlje tribe of tlje chilb^en of &*; sa»*

ujail go out at trje fea.
6 anb let your luctt quattet be the gteat ben,acco?oingtotheijouujoloesoftl)ctr
fea, let tlje fame fca be yout ibett coatt. fathers, anb tfje tribe of tfte dnibzen or*
7 anb this ujalbe your nojtrj quarter d5ab acco^byngto tljeir fathers Ijotup;
ye Q)aii compaffe your bojbcr from the rjolbes, anb halfc the tribe of ^anaiTe,
great fea, bnto «> mount $?o;. Ijauc teccaueb tljeit mherttaunce. ;


^heLeukes. NumCH. QV1

^co^olribcs anb an balfc hauc recca* xj 5f rom among the chpiojen of Uofepb *

mheritauncc on the otljec fibe fa tljc tribe of the chpibjen of ^anaue
ucb thcic \
ofW2bane,ouccagapnft3ericho eaft- the ipjbe$aniel,the fonne of cpljoo.
Xaroe. ^ , *4 £>Fthctnbeoftbccbiltycofepbjaim,'«
anb the &otf>e fpabc bnto *|5opfes,
the lojbe Camucl the fonne of

/Sfe ace the of the men

names z5 £>f the tribe of the fonnes of zabu*!
n)bithfl)aUbcutbetl)e lanbe tjntopou: ion, the lojbe eitfaphan the fonne
of <
Seaic the pneft, ano JJofuah the £barnactt.
fonne of* /I5un. , ., . wJDfthe tribe of tljethpibjen f gjfa*'
C8 >
,« anb pc (hall tafee alfo a ?U»be of char, tlje lo;be 0althtel the fonne of
\nervtraw,tbhcnpebctnbe the lanbe. afon.
,o £he names ofthe menate there : £>f xj £>f the tribe of the fonnes of afer, the
Caleb ttje fonne of lojbe ahihub the fonne of &aiomt
the tribe of 3iuba,

qnephune. t
& jSDftDc tribe of the ehpibjcn of #cph*

io ^f the tribe of the chpibjcn of £>tme* $au, the io?be 0ebael , the fonne of!
on Lemuel the fonne of amiub. ammiljub,
n £)fthe tribe of Z5eniamin,ciibabtfje 29 Xhefcarertjeplb&omthxfLojbconv'
fonne of Citton. maunbeb to beuibe the inheritaunte bit* *

n £>f the tribe of the chplbjen of 2>an, the chpUuen of 3Jfrael m tfce lanbe of,
tDcio?oc26uclu,thc fonne of Jogu. Chanaan.

^ The .xxxv. Chapter.

^timtotljtXcuitc^arcgeacticfttc^anDtubutbes. nCfiecWcg of refuge, it&fy

lauieof manqueU^ns. p$ot oncman^mptrnffc fftall nomanbcconDcmpneo.

j]5Dthc!Lo?befpahe the fuburbes of their cities.

bnto 3g)opfes in the 6 2lnb from among the cities vulmhe pe
ficlbes of €&oab bp (ball geue bnto tljc fLeuitcs^hcte thai
3Jo;banc oucragamft be fire cities fo? refuge, tbhtehe pe (ball
3Fetieljo,faping: appopnt [» t&at intent] that he rbhiche
Couttitaunbe p clivl- ftplleth, map flee thpther anb to them

bjen of gjrraci, that pe (ball abbe fourcie anb ttbo cities mo.
thep geue bnto the fUuitcs of the to*
w 7 £>o that all the cities ibljtche pe (ball #
eta *
heritaunce of their poffeffion, cities to geue the Heuites, map he fourtte anb
bibeil in : anb pe (hai geue alfo bnto the cpght,thcm L*a« *e se«c]u>ttD their fub*
cities of the JUuites,fuburbcsharbcby. urbes.
their cities rounbe about them. s anb thefe cities Vbhichepc (hall gene,
J Xhe cities (hall thep hane to btbell to, (rjalbc out of the poffeffion of the chpl*
anbthefuburbes foj their cattell, anb b;cnof3Jfracl. Xhepthathaue manp,
fojtheirpoffcffion^almanerofbeafrcs ffjall geue manp: but of them thathaue
oftheirs. feibe,pe Ojail tahefeibc. cuerp one (bai
4 anb the fubucbes of tljc cities tbfttche gcucofhtsciticsbnto the fLeuites, at*
pe (ball geue bnto the ILeuttcs, (hall cojbpng to the mhcritaunceibihtche he
wache from the tbau of the citie out* tnhertteth.
roatbc, a thoufanbe tubttes rounbe 9 ^nb the Hojbe fpaite bnto ^opfirs,
fovin$: mpm, .
5 anb pc (ball meafuce tbftljout tljc cf* 10 <g>peabe bnto the chplb;en of jfrael,
he of the eaft fybe, Deut.xix a
ttbo thoufanbe cu* anb fap bnto them : * nihen pe be tome
S ; anb of

lanbe cubites
: anb of the lbeftftbcttbo
goufenb cubites : anb of the nojth fibe,
oner ^ojbane into the lanbe of Cha*

&t fhall appoint pou cities, to be rtttes

2 thoufanbe cubites alfo.anb the citie
MWbeinthemibbes : anb thefe (balbc

of refuge fo; pou: that he tthiche tteetlj

a perfon bntt)arcs,map flee thpthcr.
£>i) ii anb
T\ ic cities N umcn. of refua
u anb rtjcfe cities you a re-
fljaibe tjnto 25 3nb the congregation ujalibeilucT
c b)
luetic aiync, fuge front tlje aucnger of Wood: that tlje flayer out or tlje Ijanbe of tlje
fablcbtouabt reuen-
to fotoruc tlje De tbhiclj Hi»etrj,l>pe not,bnti!l be ttanb ger of bioob,anb tbe congregation fhaii
futtc. (0
COIbc pt= before tbe congrcgation in iubgement. rcftojebym to tlje citic of ijis refucit
b:u(o Dnotr-
ftanDr bp tlje
13 ami of tftere cities mijirtj ye ujal gcue, tbbytber ljeibasfleb:anbbe fljaiabtbe
f ©cnjiouro
fire cities fljail ye bauc foj refuge. there bnto the beatlj of tlje bye
paett a tk»
ma cbtcfc i+ J»c fljal gene tVjjcc
on tfjis ftbe 5o^ mhicfteibasannoyntcb ibttb the bob i»?
<J6a6iteB,ain> '5
bane,anb tljjcc in tlje lanb of Cljanaan,
lbbiclje fbaibc cities of refuge.
anb tljcfe a refuge,
fire cities fljaibe
i6 25ut if the flayer come
ibitDout the
bo;bersofljiscitie of refuge, tbhythec
^ ^I'^a

tucbatfe tribe
p! dJdJUfftn. botlj foj the cljylbjen of 3Jfraei, anb ftw Ijetbasfleb:
c tbcltraungcr, *foj hym tbatblbellctlj 27 anb the reucnger of bloob ftnbe hym
among you : that all tijey tbljieJje fcyll mithout tlje bobbers of tlje citic of bis
any pcrfon bntbarcs, may flee tijytljer. refuge, anb the reucnger of bloob ftyu
i6 *anbif any man fntyte another with, ttje llayer,lje fljaibe gyitlefle:
Exod.xxi.d an inftrument of iron that be h^t t then 28 25ccaurc be Ibonlbe ^aue bybben in
isljea murtberer, anb tlje murtberer thetoibncofljisremgebntiiitljebeatb €
Ojallbyefojit. of tljcljycpjicfl: anb after tlje beatlj of
17 3K he ftnyte hym tbitlj tbjoibyng a co the X^i pjteft, tlje nayer fljoulb returne
Cs) feoDaull;
gerouo.tbiiM ftonc,tbat a man nmy bye untlj, anb if Ditto the lanbc ofljispoffcfliott.
nu map opt
Ijcbyc,bc tljat lino te hym is a niurtlK- 29 jS>o there tljynges fbalbe » a latbe of m*
rer: let tlje fame murtberer be flayne tubgementbnto you, th?ougl)out youc W'J
tljcrefoje. generations,tn al your bibellinges.
18 fmyte Ijym ibitij a banbmca=
j30; if be 30 aabofohylletljanyperfon^betluuje]
pon of lboob that a man may n^t tbf tb, fljail put tlje murtberer to beatlj tbo
tljcn if tic bye,lje is a murtljerer: let the roibe tbytnefles: but one mytnefle fljall
Tame murtljerer be (lame tljerfiwe. nottc(hficagaynaattyperfon,to caufe
to bun 10
i? 'iLljcreuenger of bloob &imfelfeujal Dym to bye.
mutHjcrcB. flay tlje murtljerer: tbljen Ije mcctctlj 31 i©oicottcr,ycfl)altaftcnorccompcncc
Ijym,bcfijall flay Ijym. fo? tDe lyfe ofcfie murtfjerer tbljiche is
20 26uttf lietbmft bymoffjate, o? Ijurlc momjy to xy^ti but be fbalbe put to
at Ijym by laying of may tc that Ije bye,, bcatb.
2> ii 4D?fmytc hym tbitrj his ijanbe of en* yt anb ye fljalltaae no retompence fo;
ntitietbatbe nvt : be that fmote hym bimtDatisflcbtotbcctttcofbtsrcntgc,
(ball bye tlje bcatb, foj Ije is a murtlje* that Ijcmouioc come agatttc anb blbell
ter: the rcucngcr of tlje bloob ftjail flay uttljcianoc before tlje beatlj of tbe bye
tlje murtberer tbljen be n icctcf Ij Ijym. pneft.
22 2But if be pulttjcb bpm bnabuifebly, 33 £>o ye fljau not pollute tlje ianbe
anb not of Date, o; cad bpon nym any tbhicbeyefbaUbmellin, fo? bloob bcfi^
tbing,anb notin laying of tbayte, ictb tlje ianbe: anb tlje ianbe can not
23 £>* any mancr of done that a man be clenfeb of tlje bloob tljat is fljeb tbcr-
may bye mitb, anb raw bun not,anb Ije ut, but by the bloob of hym tljat u;eo
raufcbittofall upon nym, anb be bye, bloob.
anb mas not bis cnemie,neitbcr fought 34 SDefilenot tUcrefetftBe!anDetb&<tt>
Ijymanybarmc: ye fljai inhabited 3
am in tlje imwcs
24 Xbentbccongrcgationujaliubgebe^ ttjerof:[eacnj3^e|Lo;bblbettamons
ttbeenetlje flayer anb tbe rcucngcr of tbccljyimatdf3lfracl.
bloob } acco?bntg to tljcfc lames.

t^ S
rsofZelaphead. N umen. Cvi
^ The. xxxvj Chapter.

. *n ofttvloi tljc martase of tbe Datjgbter$ of ?clap^ao. 7 fclje irtbetitaunce couia

tribe to another.
not be geuen from one

iftotbeebtefefatners ibep tbem felues tbmfee bed: onlp to tbe

of tlie families oftbe familie oftbe tribe of tbeir fatber (ball *
ebpibjen of <£»eliab, tbepmarrp.
tbe fonne of factor, 7 5>o (bail not tbe inberitannce of tbe 'as
flic fonne of ^anaffe, cbtlbjcn of 3lfracl remoue from tribe to
of rt)e feinreb of tlje tribe :fojcuerp one oftbe cbyitycn of!
fonnes of 3totcp&» ^IfracKball iopne bpm fcife to tbe in* <
cameftwtbanb fpanc befotf ^opfes, peritaunce of tl)e tribe of bis fathers. «
anb before ttje pnnces tbe ctjiefc fathers 8 3lnb euerp baugbter tbat poffefleny
anp inberitaunce w in anp tribe of
oftbe cbplbjcn of IJfrael, tbe',

'i 2fno fapb : %\)t fLojbc commaunbeb cbplbjc*of 3ffrael,(balbe ibpfc bnto one . « »w
< mv H02&C to gcuc ttje lana to mtjertte oftbe ftinreb oftbe tnbe of ber fatber, <iC'JT
by lot to tijc cbplbicn of Jfcacl: anb nip tbattbetbplbien of 3Jfraci map ctTiop'E&Sr*
%om was commaunbeb bp tt)e fLoib, enerp man tbe inljcntauncc of bis fa-'
togcuctbeinberitaunce of zeiapbeab tber. !

our b20tbcr,bnto l)iS baugbters. 9 /Beitberougbt tbeinberitaunceto go <

^f ttjev be matpcb to anp of p tonnes from one tribe to another: but euerp*
ofwtbcotber tribes of tbe ebpttuen'of one oftbe tribes of tbe cbplbjen ofjjiv
Israel, tben (ball tbeir mberitaunce be raeKbaibetopneb to bis ottme inberi--',
tafcenfrom tbe mberitaunce of our fa* taunce.
tl)trs,anb fyalbe put to tbe mberitaunce 10 3lnb astbefLojb tommaunbeb $top*<
of tbe tribe ibbiebtbcp are teceaueb in* fes,euenfobpb tbe baugbters of zcla*«
to,anb fo tyai it be fatten from tbe lot of Pbeab: \

ounnbertauncc. 11 #02 ^abela,Xblr5a,^agia,^Utba,

'4 35nb ibben tl;e jubilee of tbe cbflbien anb #oa tbe baugbters of zeiapbeab,
ofjfraclcommetb, tben (ball tbeir to* mere marpeb bnto tbeir fatljers b20*«
bcrttaunce be put bnto tbc mberitaunce tjjers formes. m \

oftbetribettrtierintotbep are receaueb, u Xbepwereifopuesbntotbe families,

anb To fljau tbeir inberitannce betatten of tbe fonnes of flpanafle tbe fonne of,
llorepb, anb fo tbeir tnberttaunce te*«
afoap from tf)e tnberitannceof tbe tribe
ofourfatbers. mapneb in tbe tribe of tyt ftinreb of;
2lnbS0opfes tommaunbeb tbe ct)pl* tbeir fatber.

&2enofgjfraelLacco2bing to tbe ttwbe 13 %Me arc tbe

oftbe Ho^e/apingtlCbe tribe oftbe lau)CSibbtcbetbe?tOjbecomniaunbcb t win««.
MX fonnes of fofepb baue (t > fapb tbell. bptt)ebanbcof^opfesbntotr>cbP^;^7It

Xb<stberefo?ebotbtbe %Wttorn* toeti'of Ufcael, in tbe fielbesof ?3poab, ;

maunbetbe baugbters of zeiapbeab, bp 3lo?bane [totsarDej ^ericbo. ,"«*
faptng:|Lettbembe«)pues,to tt>bom

^ The ende of the fourth booke of Moyfes.

The lawc D cuteronomium. re

fV Thefifth bookeof Moyfes^called in

the Hebrew, Elle haddelrarim^ndin the Latin,

The firft Chapter.

1 3 bjfefe rctirarrall of tfrintjes Done bef o?c from F)o;cb bnto uraoes Samea; ;> atopics
rcv:onctt) the people fo; tlinr increDultt ic. 44 «lhe 'Jfraelttcs are oucrcomc bp tfte 3mo«
r i tcjs .becaut c t i)c v fought agapnft the commaunoement of the &o;oe.

3i Deft be tl)c U102DCS II Lottie tan*3f mp alone, «beare

felft Eico
lbljicbe^opfcsfpane pour cumbjaunte, pour crjarge, 5 pour
00 'Kn «t
connircp of bnto all Jfracl on w ttrpfe tljat is among pou?
fljjoab : ana
this trploct= tbeotberfibe3io20an IJ zsjpngpoumen of tbpftjome, anb of
ritCc •is.ia bt=
troccnc Hie intbeibplbcraelTe, in bnberftanbing,anb erpert,aecompngto
plamcj :!l3o=
•b « tljc lea. _pplapneoueragapnft pour tribes, anb 3
lbpU matte tbemru*
ttjereb Tea, bctibccne|Mjaran 9
pnci, Haban,^a5erotb,anb 2Dtfarjab.
%W lersouerpou.
14 3(nbpeaunftberebine,ffapbe:lCbat <r
Xljcr c are eleucn napes iourncp front Ktyitl) y baft rpoRnt,ts goob fo? bs to bo.
icpcatcth a^
w $02cb,bp tbe map of mount 5>eir,bn^ 15 2inb fo out of pour trtbes c0 3J tout tbe P£*i
gapnc the Un> toCabcsasarnea. cIjiefemenof£bpO)ome, anotljatibccc ***S\
gcuni fonrtie anb it came to paffe in tfje firft bap of erpert,anb mabe tbem rulers ouer pou, 3BS|
ptrcB h:(o>c,
fo V tl)C 1'Olltll
J>f t)U3
tbe eleucntb moncti) in trje fourtie

•pere, tljat i^opfes fpaftc bnto trje cbpl*

captapnes ouer tfjoufanbcs,$ captaines
ouer bnnbjebes, captaines ouer nfne,
young to tyatofjfracl, accozopng bnto all tbat anb captaines ouer ten, anb ofRtecs a*
iotjicl) fccoiiB
trje Horn bao geucn Ijpm in commaun* mongpourtribes.
booHr to calico
bcmentbntotljem: is anb 3
cbargeb pour Subges tbat
in grcliclDcu-
after be bab fiapne &eljon tlje Ring fametpme,faptng : ^eare tljecaufe of
IrjatiB.tlicfes of ttje amoves rbljicbe mbelt in $cfc pour b;etlj2en, anb *iubge rigbteowfip IoI'ik.tU
cons lajtoc.
bon, 9 4Dg King of 25alan lbbjclje bVbelt betibeeneenerp man ano \as tyotber,
ataftarottjineojai. anb tlje ftraunger tbat is UJitb fjpm.
; £>n tlje otber fibejfomane uttrjelanb 17 Pt (ball Ijaue no refpect ofanp perfon
of <J£oab,bcgan ^opfestobeclaretbts iniubgement, * but pou fyailljcarc tlje "««
la\be,faping: fmall aftbell as tbe great: Pou (ball not
; XbeHome our <sob tpafte bnto bs fearc t^t face of anp man, fo; tbe iubgc*

conn pete *re»

in w $02eb,fapfng
inougbmtbis mount.
Ijaue blbelt long
: ment Cs) is <©obs. 3lnb tbe caufe tljat is

cons wonctt). to barbe fo: pou,referre it bnto mc,ano
25 7 3Cucnepouanbtaftepourioumep,anb
goto tbe mount of tbe amoves, anb
3 ibpllbeare it.
18 anb 3 comaunbeb pou tbe fame fea*
tonto all tbe places npe tberebnto, botlj fon,ali tbe tbinges tbljitb pc (boulb 00,
bnto tljepiapnc,atm l)ilics,anb bales,to 19 anbrbljenibet)eparteb from i^oieb,
tbe foutlj,to tlje feas fme,to tlje lanbe of ibevbenttbomtt) all tbat great anb ter*
€ljanaan,anbbntoHibanon,eucnbnto rible ibplbernefle, aspe Ijaue feene bp
tlje great riucr,tbc riuer eupljjatcs. tlje ibap of tbe mountapne of tlje amo-
8 25ebcltic,3i bauc lanbe before
ret tlje t\)t Home our «5ob cominaun^
Gcn.xv.d. pou: <Bo in aim* poflcfle tlje lanb ibljicl) nt\i bs: anb ibc came to Cabes 26amea.
and xvii. b. tbe Hemfibare bnto pour fathers, a* io anb ^3 fapb bnto pou : &t are come una*"

bjarjam, Ufabac, ano 3lacob, to gcue bnto p monntaine of pamo2ites,ibb«b " " M ,,1

bnto ttjem, 9 to tljcir fcebc after tljem. tbe Home our <5ob botb geuc bnto bs. SSffwl
D) lim" 1 '

councrtof llc=
tt»o ncp 6-
9 3fnb 3J rpauc butopou in tbe fame ^l 26ebolbe, tbe Home tljp C5ob Ijatb ret
tt)t[ in lofojf. time, fapmg: 3J am not able to bcatc tX^t lanbe befoze tbee: go bp anb poffeffe 3)
pou mplelfe alone. tt,as tbe Horn C50b oftbp fatbets Ijatlj
10 5Fo?tbe Home pour ©ob batb multfc fapb bnto rtjee: fearc not, ncittjer be bifc v**\
plieb pou: fo tljat pou be tljis bap as tlje courageb.
Carres of Jjeauen in number. 1Z anb pe came bnto me enerp one, ano s^%
II (Xlje Horn d5oo of pour fatljers mafte fapoe : *ibe JbpU fenbe men before bS,to
pou a tljoufano times fo manp mo aspt fearclje bs out tbe lanb,anb to b2png bs
are, anb bleffepou as be Datlj p;ottMN ibomc agapnc ibljatibap ibe mull go
feopou.) top bp,? bnto ibbat cities ibe (ball come.
J3 3in0
ne vsrcp
eate d. Deuteronomium. cVll ]
-^Siaymg pieafcb me well : anb 36 S>auc Caleb tljcfonnc of 3lep0une,be e
3Ttoftcttbelue men
of you,of eucry (ball fee it, *anb to him tbyu gcue tbe3 Iofa xiiii •«.

tanas tljat be batlj troben bpon, anb to

/Sj c oepartcb, f \bent Dp into tftat bis cbyltyen, becaufebe
ftatli foloxutD

J=Wanbfcarcbcbitout, 37 *Motbe?Lo2berbasangryU)itbme Num.xxt

StoUcoftljciani)cintI)etr!)ant)es, fejyourfaRcs.faying :Xhouaifo (halt and.J7.c.

^nbVugbtitbntobs, anbbiougbtbs
agayne,anb * Tap* i
!aSS«etDtfLo?oeow(I5oi. botb
Jt is a goob 38
2Sut Jofuab tbe fonne of Bnn Tbljicft
w ftanbctb before tbce,be go in tby=

tber. encourage bym tljerfoie :fo? he

St»t«)ftani)rng,^en)OUli)enot go ftjail caufe 3Jfrael to inbetite t\)z lanbe.
Jbutibcrebifobebientbntotbclboib 39 ^ojcouer^yourcbylbien.Vbhicbye MIS!nt,cperB
ofthc!Lo2beyour<i5ob, faybe a)Oulb be a pjay, anb vour fonncs $ c

an& lbbttbcm that bay bab no nnotblebge

in anb nmrmurcb tn your
faS:26etaufep?to?D batctb bs,tber*
<• bettbeene goob anb euyll, tbey fl)au go

fojc Ijatl) Ijc

b;ougl)t t>s out of t^c lanue in tbvtber, anb bnto tbem *byll geue 3
egypt,tobeliuer bs into tljc banbe or tt,anb tbey Chan enioy it,
the amo2ites,anb to beftroybs. 40 But as fo? you, turne vour face, anb

28 wlwtbzt tbaltbe go bp; Our

b?ctrj?cn take vour iournev into tbe Unlberncffe*
bauebifcouragcb our beart,faymg:*tbe cuenby tbe ibay of tbe reb fea.
people is greater anb taller tljcn ibe,tbe 41 Xf)en yeaunftbereb anb faybe bnto
are great, anbibailcbeuenbp to me,*fl3e baue finneb agaynft tbe fLQ2b : n» m*
licauen, anb mojeouertbe baue fcene
m tbe ibyil go bp anb ftgbt,atcozbing to KSS?
10 ilK nature

tbefonncs of tbe ananims tljere.

(,,) autbattbeHo?beour «5ob commaun* of man, wlmi)
topli 00 tljat
beb bs.^nb tt>ben ye bab gyjbe on eue*

Xbcn faybe bnto vou: 2D?cabe not,
ry manbtstbeaponsof ibarre,yeiberc

nojbcafraibeoftbcm. w-m net to

tl).lt iri'.Ujc

s* 30 xi)e (q) 1Lozbcvour(E»obtbl)ict)goet!) tebie to go bp into the bvu\ (Soo comatub

befo?eyou,bea)aUngbtfo?you,acco^ 4* ^nbtbe^o?bfaybbntome:^aybn< HCtl).

(u) ©e ftt!

byngtoailtbat \)t byb bnto you in €> totbem,gonotbp,ncithcr ftgb for^ toet^t!tatoui

gyptbefo^eyour eyes: am not among you: left ye fall before m%*m

31 ^nbintbeibylbernefre,tbberetbou
43 ^nb5tolbeyoutbefetbynges,?you
baretbce,eucnasamanbotbbearebiS tbouioe not beare, but btfobaycb tbe
fonnc,maltbeibayU)bitbpeDauegone ibozbeoftbe&ojb, anb went pjefump*


^^S? ^!?^^^^^.n
44 3nb amoves the
tlje Ho?be your C5ob, tljat mountayne, came out agamft you,

33 $e ibent in tbe Xbay befoje you, to anb cbafeb you as bees bfe to bo, anb
fearcbe you out a place to pitcbe your betteoyebyouin £>ctr, cucn bnto tyop

tentcs in,* in fyje by nygbt, $ ye mygbt
aw tbe iojbc bearoe tbe boyce of

youriboibes,? Vbasib?otb,anbfibare,
^^°^ c:b « trtJ c D
^ ^!n1

beare your boyce, no? bearfcen bnto

Ce)d)«ran ft
H)tp lamcntcB
notChcir fin
butfwf loiTc

faying: Vb«» , e*« th:tn ano To
35 *Xberelbailnotoneoftbefemen,anb 46 anbfoveabobeinCatjesalongrea^ mete hypo ctt»
of tbis frotbarbe generation, fee tljat fon.accoibing bnto tbe tyme tpat ye re- ramtmij.

3 mayneb [tefojej
goob lanbe rbbiclje
ftbarc to gcue bn*

® iitj

What victorie D eutcronomium. ^elfi-ac]


^ The. ij. Chapter.

©Ijat toftic^e teas fcom from tflc tpmetticp Departco from Caoeu Earrtea.bnto ttjtbat.
tapleagapntttrje 6pnge0, ^erjonano £Dg.

a ^entbe^turneb our ij &oXtit rpfe bp [fatucgi anb get pou

face, $ tohe our tour* ouer tf)t rmer zareb: anb Jbe tbent
men then obes
oicncc fftct ncpmtottje c,°ibplber* ouertljcrtnerzareb*
©cbs djaliu
fpng- ncflc,cucnbptljclbap 14 Xtje (pace m ibbtcbe ibe tame from
(JO Che Br*
trriof5in. oftljetebfca, as tlje Cabes isarnea, bnttli ibe lbere contc o< €
mount line ap JLojbcfpaRCbntomc: uer rtjerluer zareb, ibas tljtrtte anb
the }Dnme= anb rbe compafleb (0 epgljt peres, bntvllail tl>c generation
aiiDH'lndjc mount £>cir a long tpme. of men of rbarre lbere rbafteb out
came of ti ran
anb tlje Hojb fpanc Unto mc,faping: from among tlje Ijoaft, as tlje ?Lojbc
Pc bane tompaflcD ttjts mountapne Hbarebntotljem.
longtnougb,turnepouno?rtjlbarbc. 15 *5Fo? tn ntm tlje ijanbc of tlje %mt
aub ibarne tbou } people,faping : Pt tbasagaintt tljemtobeftrov tljemfco ©n.*
(V) atfbetr
tttutn tljitijcr,
fl)all go ttoougb tl)c °coaft of pour b?e* amongp coboaa,tilttjep lbere cofumeb. SKS
tojbefoje thep
mere rcpcllCD tfoen tlje cljpibjcn ofefau lbbtclj bibelt 16 ^nbfo came
to pafle, tljat all tlje
it '

bptbc jlous
in <§>cir,anb tljep (balbe afcafbe of pou. men ofibarre lbere confumeb anb beab
ii^um. ]o.ii. Xaltcpcgoobljccbc bnto pour felues from among tlje people.
tljerfoje: M
(hall not pzouofte trjem,fo? 17 Slnbtlje %m
fpaue bnto me,laping:
3Jibpiinotgeuepouof tfjetr lanbe, no 18 Xljoufbait go tljo?oibe ^r, tlje coatt
not fo mucb as a foote b2eabtlj,*bceaufe of^oab,tljtsbav:
Gcnjcxiii b
3 naue geuen mount 5>crr Unto efau 19 anbibljciitftoutommeftnpcbntome
topoflefle. tUvlb;cn of amnion, tbou fljait not lap
6 Peajallbpcmeatcoftrjemfinnioncp, ftege bnto the, no? moue ibarre agautQ
to eatc, anb pe (ball procure lbatcr of tljem : $01$ ibpli not geue t^ee of tlje
tljem fo? moncp,to b?fn!se. lanbc of tlje cljplb;en of amnion any
26 7 5Fo? tlje Ho^bc tup <£>ob Datf) blcu*cD poireiTton,butS Ijane geuen It bnto tlje
tbec tn all tlje ibojBcs oftljr JjanDe,anD eljplbjcn of Hotlj to poffeflh
(c) fcnoferna Kuoibctlj tljv ibaiapng tljjouglj tljt s io Xtjat alfo ibas taben fo; a lanbc of
tetjt" "Urn
1) Cd»
foifauourpng, great ibpiDerncOc tljts fourtte pcrcs, giauntes,anb gtauntes bibelt ttjeruttn aimumni,

agin mnnpo-
tber places of
anb tlje ?Lo?be rtjp d5ob Ijatlj ben ibitft olbetpme,lbljomtljc ammonites call SS
that tbou ijaftiatRcb nottjing.
tl)cc,fo w zantMtmmtms. m*5R
8 anb ibljen ibe ibetc beparteb from 21 a people tljat tbas great, manp, anb 7£,
our b?etb?en rtje etjilbjcn of efau rbijiclj as tlje anakims: 26ut t^e |Lo?be
tall, fumt, o>p>l
eljrm 'fi»i
albeit tn S>cir, tbjouglj tlje lbap of the bcftropcbtljcm before them, anb tljcp
CO sDJ.beftrt.
co ibpiDcrucficfrom€iatlj,$
from e& fuccccbcb tljem tn tfjetr tnljeritaunte, fitioiuiK r
on©abcr, ibcturnebanbibentbp tfce anb bibelt tn tijetr fleabe: fctutia,
lbap of tljcibplDcrnctte of ^0oab. xz as be nyi> fo? tlje cljplbjcn of* €fau, two. ,

9 anb tlje iLojtbe ravb bnto me : *Xfiou

(bait not figljt agapntt tlje £0oabites,
ibhtcljc bibell tn ^ctr, fo? ibljom Ije w
Geiwl^' 11

Oropebtlje 0o?ims before tbcm, attb

ncitb^rpzouoUetljcmtobattapletfo?^ tbcp poOeOcb tbem, anb bibelt in tljett
ibpll not gcue tljec of ttjetr lanbc to pofc ftcabc bnto tljis Day.
fcfle,bccaufc3l baue geuen ar bnto tlje
2 j anD tlje autmsibbtclj btbelttn^a5a*
tljplbjcn offLotlj to poffefTc* rtm,eucn bnto a55a,tbe Capbtbo?intS o)«*1

(g) (Biaunts, io Xbe emf ms bibclt tijerin tn tpmes

ibljtcftecameoutof Capbtljoz, beftror fe ;

tbc trojbc fia=

rafictbtcrtfe paft\a people great, manp, anb tall, as eb tijem,anb bibelt (ntljetr ftcaoc.
bit mm.
(b) (Biauntc* the^analums, 24 mtfe pe bp tljerefo?e, f taac pour tout?
njir.ib came of
one an.-.b. u nahfebe alfo lbere taben fo: gtauntes nep otter tlje rpuer amomaBcfjolDC,*^
as tlje 3natnms, ibljom tlje i#oabites Ijauc geuen into ttjp banDe5)Cbon tlje
taiicnnms. amojtte, bing of i^efbon anb ftts lanbc:
iz XDe l^onms alfo btbelt tn S>etr before begin to poffefle it, anb pjouobe Dpnt to
tpme, mbom tlje tl)vlb?cn of €fau cba* battaple.
feb out, ^bcftropcbtljcm before tbem,
anb bibelt tn tljctr
15 Xljis bap tbill 3
beginne to fenbe W
tteabe,as 3lfrael bto feare anb b?cab oftbec Upon al nations
bntotbelanoeofb«spofrcmon,tb!jtclje that arc bnber all the beauen, fo tw
tl)eHo?begauctljenu ttepibbitbcljcare fpeabe of tljee, W»]
. . )

nJSehon. Deuteronomium. c IX.

-^^ibieanDquaftc befo?e tljee.
~ lanpe before tDee: begpnneto
<mn fo 3 fent meffengers out ofptbtl^ anDinDertteDtsianDe. Numue .

ncrnes bt%cDcmotb,bnto S>eDon Ring v- %DenbotD£>eDonanD all Dispeople Deut *>^

of feefbo,ibitD
rbo?Dcs of peaee,raping: tanie out apttft ds to figtjt
at 3la5a,
,n *fLct nic pafTc tfj?ouj]tt) t!jp lam>e, 3 3? 3btDe?lo?DefetDpmbcfo?ebs,anD
VllgoalongbptDeDpeibap^ibpil )be fmote Dpm,anD Dis ronncs
, am> all
ntstOtr turne bnto ttjc rpgDt DanDe,no? Dispeople.
to the left. ?4, SnD ibe tofte all fjis cities tlje
,« £Dou fhalt fell me meate fo? monep, feafon, anD due tDe men, tbomen, anD
fo? to cate, 9 seue
me water fo? monep, rDilD?en of all tftt cities,anb let
fo? to D?lnfee : ;©nlp 3 *bPH fl° t&ougD remapne, <g
onmpfeete, „ „ 35 5>aue tDe cattell onelp n>e caught bnto
v) as tftc tl)iio?en of £fau,ibDttD Dtbcl ourfeiues, anD tDe tpople of tDe titles
in £>eir,anD tDe Spabites tbo«D Dtbel tt>DtcDibetoRe.
in ar, dvd Unto me, bntpll JJ be tome 36 3fromaroertt>DltDfcbptDeb?infteof
oucr 3Jo?Dane,into tDe lanDt KbDleD t!je tDe riuer of arnon, anD from the tine
jlo?Dc our d50D geuetD bs» tDatts in tDe riuer, bnto ©ileao , tDete
55? 30 25utS>eDonpupugof ^efbontboulDe lbas not one rule to ffrong fo? bs : Xbe
not let bspaffcbrDpm:fo? tDe 3Lo?De w
Ho?De our d50D DeliuereD all bnto bs. (Oltanon
thp <^ob DatDtneo Disfpirtte,anb maoe
37 £>nip bnto tlje lanoe of tDe tDilD?cn of
DisDeartobftinate, bccaufeDeibouiDe Amnion tDou tamett not, no? bnto
DeliuerDtmintotDvDanDe,astttscome euerpplace oftDe Co) rfuer ^abocu, no? Co) sjfoq»«.
topaflctljisDap. bnto tDctities m
tDe mountapnes, no?
31 ^nD tDe ?Lo?D faiD bnto me:26eIjolDe, bnto ibDatfoeuer tDe ?Lo?oe our d?oD
3 hauc begunne to gcuc £>clj on $ ijis fojbao bs

^The .iij. Chapter.

®t)WW$ tfiat chaunfeb from tfic ttctoik of ttst ttoo npngcjs, $>eijon,ana €>g
bnto the tnffitutton of 31ofuab in d^opfts; flcaDe.

$en rbeturneb,anb b?pngpng to naugDt all tDe titles, ibltD

Went bp tDe tbap to w
men, ibomen, anD cDfiD?en:
(w %a <Boo
2Safan:*3taD£>gtDe 7 25utailtDetatteilanDtDcfpovleoftDe
&png of 25afan came tiries,tbetoRefo? our femes.
outagapnftbs,DeanD 8 anD tDus ibe toue tDe fame fealbn out
aiiDispcoplc,tof?fiDt of tDe Danoe of t\bo uynges of tDe a*
ataD?af. mo?ites,tf)e lanD tDat ibas on tDe otDer
1 ano tDe !Lo?De fapDe bnto me : feare fiDe 3o?Dane, from tDe riuer of amon,
WW not, fo?3Jtbpiioeliuer Dpm, anD bnto mount Sermon;
ailDispeople, anDDts lanDe, into tt)P 9 (i©D«rt) sermon
tDe £>iDons call £>u
panDe, anD tDou fyalt Do bnto
Dpm, as rion,anD tlje amo?ites tall it 5>enir
tDou DiDDeft bnto £>cDon ftpng of tDe 10 ail tDe titles tDat la? in tDe piape,
^mo?ites,tbDicD DTbclt at^efbon. anD all d5tieaD,anD all iisafan bnto &ei«
i anD fo tDe Ho?De our <I50D DcliuereD
tDa anD CD?ai, titles of tDeupngDonte
wto onr DanDes £>g aifo of£>gin26afan:
tDe ftpng of
«aran,anD all Disfolne: anD rbc fmote 11 5fo?onlp£)gftvngof2Bafan, remap*
m\ bntvll none urns left Dvm airue. neD of tDe remnaunt of tDe giauntcs,
4 nD U)e tofte aH *)& ewes tDe fame b
lbDofe bcD Tbas a beD of iron:anD is it
talon ncitDermas
S»a0, the

tDereatitietbDttD notpet at&abbatD amongp cDflwen of raojc


c nof ftDm tl^em, euen tD?ecfco?c ammom il5ine ntbites Dotfj tije lengtD ano porocr to
"?i tDe region of argob, tDerof contapne, anDfburecubites tDe fo* tbe con=

4K,^nstiomcof£)gin2i5afan. b?eaDtD of it,aftertDe cnbiteof a m<m.
w qucS.
mon Uaturc.
MSJv^rtttesaifo iberemaDettrong ii anD fo ibe tonqucrcD tys lanoe tlK
e ^^W'
35 ^ l
Gates, 9 barrcs,bcfiDe fame trme,from arocr rbDiclj is bp tlje
bnujaucDtoibnesagrcatmcanv, riuer ofarnon, bnto Dalfc mount <5v
yUjc btterlpDearo?eD
ovt>bnto ^>eDon
tDem,as ibe
fevng of i^efbon,
lcao,*anD tDe citiestDerof gaue31 bnto
tDe mubenftcs anD ^aDites.

13 3fo0
: , .

VVhat victories D euteronomium. thelfraeli


13 SmotbcrcftofcBilcao, anb all usafan ye rcturneagayne, cucry man bnto his

of the fcyngbomc of £>g, gauc 3) bnto Which
poffclTion 3
baue ocucnyou.
21 *3lnb 31 conunaunbeb 3Jofuah hym
the balfe tribe of t33anau"e : eucn all &
the region of argob, tbtth all asafan felfe tbe fame tyme, faytng:Xhync eyes nL ,

ibbitb is calico tt)c lanoe of giauntcs. baue feene all that tbe ?Lo2be your ooo
14 gjairtbefonneof spmafTe, toucall bath, bone bnto thefe two hynges: eucn
C ibc countrcy of argob, bnto the coattes foajallhebobntoaUByngbomeswtifc
of d5cffuri $ £0aacl)ati,ano caileb them therthougocft.
after his ottmc namc,i6afan $auotf)
22 m
(ball not feare them: fo? the Hojbe
3Jaic, bnto this bay. your d5ob be Ojall fygbt fo? you.
tyoij •iDtjm
t'«0 Hone
15 3inb 3
gane <£tlcab bnto iBaehit. 25 Zvto 3
befougftt the ?Lo?be the fame
i6 3lnb bnto the l&ubcnites anb (Mbitcs tymefaying:
3gaut csilcab bnto the riuer of 3lr* 24 3D iLWt <5ob, thou haft begunne to
non.halfe the bailey anb beyonbe, cutn (beWe thy feruaunt thy greatnefle anb
(t) wbicticDt*
bnto the riuer (0 3(abocb, which is tf)e thy mightie hanbe: foj tbhere is there a
niDctl) the
3iiimomccB bojbcr of tbc chflb?cn of Amnion: ©ooinheaucnoj inearth, that can bo
from tijc 3c
17 Xhe playne aifo,anb gtobanc, anb after thy Wo2Res,aubitBeto thy power*
(g £,-,llcD,iiro
the coaft tberof ,from Ceneretb,cuen 15 3 P?ay tl)ce let me go ouer , anb fee the
e; tij: fed of bnto tbc fea Which is in the playne, goob lanbe that is beyonbe 3to?bane,
u>Ai>ice, 0>
i£iDcnas. eucn tbc fait fea bnber the fpztnges of that goobly cw mountayne, $ fLtbanon. (IllflfflJlSi:

thebylUatttbarbe. 26 *2Sut thelLojbe Xbas angry tbith me wl)trc H(
tmple toy
Nuai.jt.d. is * 3lnb 3
tommaunocb you the lame fo? your fakes, anb tbouibe not btarc buiUtJ,

tymc, faying : %\)t &02be yonr <£ob me.^nbthe!Lo?befaybebntomc: ise

hath gcucn you tbis lanbc to cntoy it:yc content, fpeane no mo?e bnto me of this
(ball go harneffeb befoze your bjethjen matter.
tbe cbiio?cn of 3ifrael,all that are uuete 27 * d5ct thee bp into the top of the byil, NumJ7.o

fcHthcibarre. ^liftbpthyne eyes \bcftrbarbe, nojn>

19 pour lbyucs only, your chilbjcn, anb lbarbe, fouthtbarbe, anb eafttbarbe,
your catteli (foj hnoVbe that ye hauc anb beholbe it Voiti) thyne eyes:fojthou
much cattcil) (ball abybc in vour rules (halt not go ouer this 3io?bane.
II Daue gcucn you,
ttrfitcn 27 26ut charge gjofuah, anb encourage
20 fanryii the Ho2bc baue geuen reft bn* hym, anb bolben hym : *5Fo? he (ball go x™**
to vour bjctbjcn as Uieii as bnto you, before this people, anb he U)aliocufl)e
anbbntyll ti)ey alfo pofleffe the lanoe bnto the the lanbe ibhtch thou ftjait fee.
ibbtcb tbe %om your (Box* hath gcucn 29 3lnb fo ibe abobe in the bailey ouer
them beyonbe 3Jo?bane anb then (ball : agaynft the l)oufe of |^eo^

^ The .iiij. Chapter.

1 Jn crijojtcition to obferur ft): \a\oc wttliout abftpng tfirrto 0; Dimtnifftpn^. 6 STkenn

Ganortli our vinfocnic. 9 mt muGt trachc it to our chilo;rn. 1; ^0 ttnapjC ougl)t to be
nmoe to xcojfoip. 26 cftjcatntngcsi agapntt tfjem that fojfa&e tfie lavue of ©ot>. 57 ©00
crjotfe tljefeeoe,becauft j)e louco tl)cir tatijtrg. 4 ®ije ti)?ce
S citiejs of refuse.

^ > jD)betherfo?eharKen 3 #our eyeshaue feene ibhat p %om


£>3ftael, bnto the op byb agaynft asaal ^co? : fo? all the men
biuaunccs anb lathes thatfoioibcb (0) 26aall 0eo?, the %oiu
lbbicb 3
teache you, thy <50b hath beftroyeb from among •""ST
Oottrmi Qan--
fo? to bo them, that you.
nrrtitnwiUi foyMnaylyucanbgo 4 26ut ye that cleaue bnto the &o?b
kutkneisc> tn^poffelTc the lanbe gob,arc aliue cucry one of you tl)ts bay.
ibhich the Hojbe C5ob of your fathers 5 asebolbe haue taught you
3 ^o?oc
geuethvou. naunccs anb la\bes, ruth as the
(f S«> Sofll
to Tcniro ac:
w &t fliaii put nothyng bnto the U)02b my <©ob comaunbeb me, that ye motuo
bo cuen fo the lanbc ibbtthcr ye go
Ibhich 3
commaunbe you,ncithcr ttjall m
you tabe ought from it y that ye may pofTcfTeit. -_

fn ,
hepethe comaunbementes of the ?L 02b Bepe themtherfo?e anb bo them, '^
that is ^ your ibilbomc anb
your d5ob Vbijich 3 commaunbe you.

repeated. Deuteronomium. c X.
anoyng in the fygtjt of tljc peoplc,tljat
they mayljeare all tljefe ozDinaunces, 18 th timnrntt tbomte
ano fay : purely it i0 a tbtfe anD warn*
}^ the tf£t

earth, o? tlje ime*

ttanDyng people, it is a great nation* neue of any maner fiuje that
is in the
7 5fo?tbljatotIjer nation is fo great that tbaters beneath the earth:
aoos tome fo nye bnto , as the Hojbe 19 * !3ea,anD lett tljou lift
bpttmte evts P«***"i
pi +a
our d5oD is nye
bnto bs in all tljingcs bnto Ijeauen, ano M)m
thoulfccft the £bI.XXI.C.,

as oft as lbe call bnto hym* funne,tije inoone anD tljettarres,

M j3ea,an0U)ljat nation is fo great, that all tlje Ijoaft
8 of Ijeauen, njomocll be
bath ojoinaunccsflaibesfo righteous, D^iuen to tto^ip them,? ferue tljcm,
as all tljisiaibcibljicO fctbcfo^c you anD fhoulDctt n)o?fl)ip ano ferue the
Gen. ;,.!,.
tbiSDay* . . - tt)ynges,M)ljich tlje fLojbefljy'dSoD
, ,
9 Mcbeeoe to thy felfc therefore, anD mt) maoe to ferue all nations bu&er
fecpc tljy fonle Diligently,that thou fo?* tlje ibhole Ijeauen.

get not the tljynges u>t)tcl) tljynccyes zo But the

K,o?De Datlj taftenyou, anD
jjauefeene,anD that they Depart not out bjougljt you out of tlje w iron furnace
01 mot '

of thy Dearc all tlje Dayes of tljy life: but euen ont of egypt, to be bnto hym a ljaroc ti.'i

cruel bonoogc.
*teacbe them tljy fonnes,$ tljyfonnes people $ inljerttaunce,as ye be tljts Day.
fbnnes. zi 5furtljermo?e,the fLo^De tbas angry
io specially flic Day that thou ftooDett ttnttj me fo? yonr \bo?Des, anD fiDare
before the %o;U
thy <250D in ^ojeb, that 3
tyouiDe not go ouer 3fo?Dane,
lbhen tlje flojDe fayD bnto me: <£>atljer anD that 3
(houiDe not go in bnto that
me the people together, f 3J rbyll matte gooDlanoevbhitljthe 1to?De thy 0od
them rjearc my lbojDes, that tljey may geuetlj tljceto inhcritaunce.
learne to feare me
the Dayes that
all 3
zz 26ut muft Dye in this lanDe, anD (hai
tl)ey (ball lyue bponthc earth, *anD not go ouer 3[02Dane : 26ut ye fynli go
tljat they may tcachc fl)cir chilD?cn. ouer,anD poffeffe that gooD lanDe.
ii m tame*anD ftooDe alfo bnDet the zj Xafte heeoe bnto your felucs, that ye
mountaync,anD tlje mountayne ta)buwt fojget not p appoyntment of the jlo?De
iDithnre euen bnto the miDDes of hea* your C50D tbljiclj he maoe tbitlj you,
t)ra uen, ano there ibas DarhneCTe, clouDes, 9 that ye mafee you no grauen image w tent 'Soti ,ejt«

ilir-r anbnnlh o? liftenefTe that the HojDe t^ ^on WO) Dilp

ft 10 fo often

fojbiOBtn of
ii 3uiDtbe?Lo?DefpaRebntoyououtof !)atl)fo?biDDentftcc. IHl.lJCOBCClJa

the miDDes of tljc nre,anD ye IjcarDe tlje Z4 5fo?the?io?Dethy<PoD,isa w conru= ggjas

p.), boy te of tlje tt>o?Des :*but farbe no fimt* myng fire, anD a ielous @»od. trie

in goto
anD alfa
IrtuDe, raue hearDe a boyte only. 25 naijen thou (halt beget chilD?en, anD t!jtit Sot) Ufa
fojtfic tljat f
13 3mD be DeclareD bnto you bis tone* thy thiiDieu beget ci)ilD;cn, anD fijalt people ftjonlB
obanaonc thi
naunt u>bieh he commaunDcD you to Ijauc remayncD long in the lanDe, yc do fcUiretolucljc
bo L euen]tencommaunDementes,vbl)irtj XbicHcDly, 9 maae any maner of grauen G) €ott)"»
come not
mote bpon t\bo tables of Hone.
Ijt * image, anD ibojlte euyll in tlje figljt of
iietcncc ant
'4 .SnotbeHojDc tommaunDeD me that rhe|Lo?DcrIjy<!5oD, top?ououehymto feare, but eon<

ramefeafon that
(houlDeteartjeyou anger:
®o rjjat lit
ortnnaunccs? lathes, Which ye ought 16 3 call Ijeauen anD earth to recojDe a* (m
trill not fuffcr

!je lmU)e UmXytl v* s° t0 gaynft you tljis Day,tljat ye fljall flatly

IjiB tjonour 10
poffeirV perifl;e from of y lanDe tbherbnto you «?**
15 JCa&etljerfoje gooDheeDe bnto your go ouer3o?Dane topoflcfleit: ^efljall
leiucs as
pertaynyng bnto your foules,
q not p^oiongyour Dayes tljerin,butil;a«
JJftwfope no maner of image in tlje bttcrlybcDeftroyeD:

at e ^o?DerpaUc bnto you in
of the miDDes of fire)
Z7 ^nD the |Lo?D ujail fcatter you among
the people, anD ye u)aibe left feme in
^P ™tteyourfelues,$ma&eyou
fi S
n "»age,tpietureofanynianer
number among tlje nations ibljyrtjer
the Ho?Dc (hall bjyngyou.
nX\i ^^^^titbctUcimenefTeof z8 ^nD there ye (ball Tcruc goDS U)I)ich
are the Uiome of mans hanoe, ibooD
thaEJ*?^ °^"P maner of bead anDttone, rbljiclj neither fee,no/ Ijeare,
no?eate,no?fmcll. m iLL'^
anpmanerfetDereofoulc tljat fleefljm 19 *3f from thence rtjou (halt fefte the d«=
Vloyfes repeateth Deuteronommm. *e la *{.

ILojdc thp <25ob,thou (halt fitiDc hpm,if conftoer it in thine heart,that the liojbc
thoufc&c hpmibith all thp heart, ana he is ©ob in heaucn aboue> anb bpon
ifoithaUthpfouie. the earth beneath , ncitljer is there anp
•C 30 nahenthou art in tribulation, ^tbhen other.
all thcfcthpngcs that be here fpobcn of, 40 Xhou (bait uepe therefore his mi-
are come upon thee, eurn in t\)t latter naunccs anb |)is cotnmaunbementes
bapcs pf thou turnc to the %om
thp Which 5 commaunbe thee this bap
d5oo,f lhalt be obebient bnto his Oopee: that it map go tbell tbitl) tl)ee,anb lbttfj
31 (5fo? thefLojbethp ©ob isanterctfull t^p cl)iib?en after tl)ee,anb c« tljat tljoa
d&ob) 6c !fopllnotfotfaBcthce,neither mapeft prolong tljp bapes bpon p earth irafntir
umt .«.g. tjeftrov thee, *no; fo?get the appopnt* lbhitl) tlje Ho?be t^p ©00 geuetl) tljee ^"Ci
00 «««. tncnt of tup fathers, ibhteh hc ftbare foicucr. SS&E

£££&.. tmtothem. 41 xt)cni]0opfesfeuerebtl)?ee cities on

the other fibe ^o;bane toibarbe the
2^35 31 5FojalReofthebapesthatarcpau\ |

Sift hTfff
tthich tbcre befoje 9 ftnce the bap tUac funncrpfpng: Vault.

«a tuaaoM. <^oD crcateb man bpon the earth, anb 4z XHat ^clboulbeflee tftptljer ttljich
[afficj ftom the one fibe of heanen Onto Dab uplleb bis nepghbour bntbares,
the other, tf euer there tame to pafle 9 hatco hpm not in tpme paft, anb thee*
fuch a great thpng,o? ibhethct anp furl) fo?e fljoiiioc flee onto one of the fame
ipfee thpng hath ben hearbe as this. tities,anblpue:
33 2Dpa euer anp people heare the Oopce 43 iframelp Beset in the tbilberneffe,
of (Son fpeaftpngout oftDc mibbes of a eucninthepiapne tountrep of the tribe
fire,as t jjou haft hcarbe,anb pet ipueb* of Ruben, anb^amoth in ©iieab, of
34 i£>; hath (5ob aflapeb to go ant) tafte the tribe of ©ab, anb <Polan tn usafan,
hpm a people from among nations, op ofthetribeof^anaOe.
tcmptations,bp fignes, bp lbonbers,bp 44^n0fothisisthelatt)ett)l)ict)^opfe£i e>
pfaLw b ttarrc,bpamtghttehanb,bpa*ftretcheb fet before the ehilbjen ofjlfrael
outarme, 9 bp greatfightes, accoflpng 45 3ChefearetheCq) »)itneae,ftatutes,anb «»
bnto all that the flojbe pour d5ob bpb o?bmaunccs, tt)fticftfll9opfestoibetl)e *«**.
onto pou in cgppt before pour epes< ci)tlb?en of Jfrael after thep came out wm
35 Unto thee itrbasChcibet), that thou ofegppt,
mighteftlmoibe that the fLojo is d&ob, 46 flDn the ortjet fibe 31o?bane, in the
anb that there is none other but he. ballepoueragapnft rheljoufe of $tu,
Ewd^i» 36 *£>ut of hcauen he maoe thee heare tntht lanbe of 5>ehon Ring of theSim*
his ooprc, mat he might tnftruct thee: rites, ibhichbtt>elt at l^efbon, tbhom
? bpon earth he tyelbei) thee his great
fir c, anb thou hcatbtlt his lOojbe out of
^opfes 9 wchilb?en of 3Jfrael* fmote,
after theptbere come out of cgppt,

themfoDesofthcfire. 47 ^nbpoOeCei)hisianbe,anDtheianbe
(0) «*• ?7
anbbcmufehe Houebthpfathets,he
ofdDgftpngofzsafan, ttboupngesof
££"«* *£?• thofe their feebe after them, 9 bjougtjt the 3lmo?ites,tt)hich tbere on the other
-«*«• t^ce out in his fight ibith his mtghtie (fee 3lo?oane totbarbe tlje funnc

Exod.xi»i.c potter out of * cgppt, 4S 5From »roer tbhith is bp the banrfec

tf 38
%o thmft out nations great anb of the riuer 3tmon, onto mount
y mightier tljcntljou before ti)ee, an* to ibhich is sermon, -
bjpng thee in, ant) to geue thee their 49 ant) au thepiapne on the other fibe
lanDc to inhcrttaume, as it is come to 3o?baneeaftioarbe,euenOntothe"fta Jjjj«
paffcthisoap. ibhichisinthe piapne onocrpfpJinges
39 linDcrftanoe therfoje this bap, anb ofthehpu.
repeated. Deuteronomium. Cxi
^ The .v. Chapter.
<fflovte&it the mcanebettoeenedBo&anothe people. 6flCheIatoefetep«atcD. jjCfic
people are afra? oe at (I50DS bopce. 29 chc Ttojbe toiffoeth that the people toouloe
ftare hrm. 3: Cher mud neither Decline
to the ty aht hanoc,nojt left.

2D $9oyfes calleb anyn)o?Ke,tljouno?tbyfonne, no?thy

2 all 3fftracl, anbfaybe baugbter, no? tby man feruaunt, no?
bnto them: ^eare^D t^ tbine ore, no? tbine afle,
3Jfraeltbco?bmautes no? any of tby cattcll, no?tbcftraungee
anb lames
fpcalte fti your eares
MM 3 tbat is lDitljin tljy gates : tbat tby man
feruaunt, anb tby maybe, may rett as
tbisbay,tbatyemay ibeiiastbou.
icarnctbem,anb roifili tbem in betbe. 15 Hcmember that tbou vbaft" a feruaunt

5Ll)clLo?r> our d5obmabcatouenaunt in tbe lanbe of egypt, anb botbe tbat

n)itbbstn$o?eb. tbe Ho?be ^ d5ob b?ougbt tbec out

ttjente, tb?ouflf)*amigbtie banoe anb

Hfial) 3
%\\t |Lo?be* mabe not tljis toucnaunt
tbttli out fatljers, but tt»«Dt>s:
men a fttettbeb out arme : 3Fo? tbbitb taufe
nmbbs,ibbttb are all tjerealyue this tbe |Lo?be tby<sob commaunbeb tbee
D toftepetbc&abbatbbay.
%l)e lto?Dc talftcD ttjitf) ^ou ^face to i6 *^onourtby co fatbet $ tbymotljer,as Cf)»ptW«
fate in trje mount, out of the mmts
of tf)e Ho?be tby 45ob batb tommaunbeb

tbee: tbat tby bayes may be p?oiongeb,

ficttialo au
tDcftrc: tbofc i^nt art

3lnb 31 ftoobc bettbeene the Ho?be anb anb tbat it may go tbell nmb tbee in tbe In Degree of
you the fame tyme,anb fbelbeb you tbe lanbe ibbitl) tbe?lo?be tby d5ob geuetb in,>gi[ltjttfl,
ibo?De of tbe?Lo?b:5f 0? ye ibere afrayoe tbee. mamrcITo.

at tbe figl)t of the fire,anb tbentnot bp 17 iCbou^fbaitnotaay. (S> l)t loibiD-


into tbe mount,anb be faybe: 18 1Lboufl)altnottommitabulterte, the outwatcc


«j am tbe &o?be tby «5ob, rbDttft 19 Xhouajaltnotfltaic. hncoutjout

bjougbttbee out of tlje lanbe of Cjjypt, 10 %\ym ujait not beare falfe tbitnciTe out n.nai)beus

from theboufc of bonbage. agaynfttbyneygbbour.

7 %\m
a)ait baue none ot&er ©obSin zi *n:bounialt not luft after tbvneygb' Rom.vii.b.
myp?efente. bours ibyfe, tbou fljalt not couct tby 2D
8 Xbou (bait (0 mane tbee no gtauen neygtjboursboufe, bis fielbe, tys fer-

inn image, 0? any liftenefle of tijat rbbttb & uaunt^? bis maybe,bis ore, bis affe, 0?
mijeauenaboue, anb tljat is tn eattt) ougbt tbattby neygbbour batb.
betteatb, anbtbat is tn the rbatersbe* ii 5Cbefe ibo?oes tbe 1Lo?be fpaae bnto
all your multitube tn tbe mount, out
tu\itb the earth.
3Cbou fl)alt neitfter bo«je tby felfe bn- the mibbes of tbe fire, of tbe tloube,ano
to tbcm,no? feme tljemtfo? 3} tbe fLo?b of tbe barfteneffe, vbitbagreat boyte,
tby <0ob,am a ieloufc «5ob, bifityng tt)e anb cw abbeb notbpng: ano vb?otc tbcm 0)OulDMI||«

uncBcbncflc of fatbers bpon tbe

rtje tn ttbo tables of ftone, anb beliuereb tpSr

tbflb?en,cucn bnto tbe tljirb anb fourtt) them bnto me.

generation among
tbemtbatbate me: 13 anb it tame to palTe, tbat ttrtjen ye
Io 3lnb(beibe mertie bpontboufanbes, Iiearbe tbe boyte out of tbe mibbes
among tbem tbat loue me,anb Hepe my tbe barKcneCe (fo?tbemountaynebyb
tommaunbementes. butne Vbitb nee) then ye tame bnto me,
**« n *Xboutt)aitnottabe tbenameoftbe Urttb tlje taptaynes of your trrt>es,ano
%0M tby d5ob inbayne: fo? tbe 1Lo?be
JbpUnot boibe bint gtltlcffe tijat tanetb
z 4 ^nbyefaybe:23ebolbe,the|Lo?t>eour

b<s name inbayne* d&obbatbtbeibebbsbis gio?te anbbis
n %tpt tbe ^abbatbbay, tljat tbou greatneffe, anb*ibe bane bearbe
tancttftc it as tbe 3Lo?be
tby d5ob ^ati) boytcoutof tbemibbesoftjeftre j
"Hill tpmmatmbebtbee. bauefcene tijts bay tbat
IJ ttc 0a cs tl
c ^ )°» fltfto iabout,anb bo tbitbman,anbbeyetiyuetb.
autbattboubafttobo: i< /i5o\betberfo?cibbpfl)ouloe»)ebyci
l H Sut I? c * feucnt b bay is tl)t £>abbatl) tbattbtsgwatfireajouloetonTuinebs:

ottbe|lo?betl)y(0ob;tbouu;aunotbo §f mWK9the boyte of tfte Wjow

Moyfes rcpeateth Deutcronomium. the

C5od any moje,ibe (hall Dpe: myght go ibcll ibith thent, ano ibith
Cure notli oft?
i6 3fo; lbljat flc(bc hath it ben that cuer their djiibenfiveurr*
Hie this a-o:o
hcaruc the boyce of the lyttyng <5ob jo c5o, anb fay bnto them, d5ct you into
(.aciUjc )

P.ictr th.inni fpcaftyncj out of the nubbrs of the ftr yourtentesagapne:

(as ibc hauc Done) anb pet byb lyue* 25ut ftanbe thou here by me , ano
fravtc tl^nS.

17 ®o thou anb hcate all that the ILojbe

lbyll tell thee all the comaunbementes
our <3oD fayth, anb tell thou unto us all ojotnaunees, $iaibcs,ibbicb thou (halt
that the %
02D our 00D fa y t h bnto thee, teachcthem, that they may bo themtn

* anb U)e rbpil Ijeare it,anb bo it

18 3nD the IL02OC hearoe the boyce of

the lanbe ibhich 3
geue the to poflefle.
31 Xafte heebc therfoje that ye bo inbecbe
your ibojbes ibhen yefpaltc bnto me, as the ILojb your d5ob hath commaun-
anb the %om faybe onto me : Ijaue 3 beb you,anb <*> tixmt not aube,etther to * Ttft_
•nan pot
ljearoe the boyce of the ibojbes of this the right hanbe, 02 to theleft
people, lblwh they hauc fpoHen bnto 3? 26ut ibaifcc in all the ibayes tbhitb the 1*1*3
thee : they hauc ibcii faybe all that they Ho?oe your <soo hath tomaunbeb yon
Ijaue fpoitcn. that ye may lyue, anb that it may go
Icr.xxiiii.K 29 *®\) that there ibere futh an heart in you,anb that ye may pjoiong
ibcll ibith
them that they ibouloe feare me,t ftepe youroayesin the lanbe ibfechye (hall
all my comaunbementes alibay, that it poflefle.

The. vj. Chapter.

1 W
3tn r vfioi tat io n to feare cBob anb fiepe comma tinbcmrntcss, j n&tncti is
to louc Dym tmtb all tijmc bcart, 7 sue fame mutt be taugljt to tlic poQe*
ritic, ,/9ot to tempt ©ob. 2 5isigt)troufnelTetpcontfFncomtlielatDe.
i (

i)cfcare the comautv ly eft boibne, anb lbhen thou nfeft bp.
oemc*tes,o?binaunees, 8 ^nb thou (halt binbe them fo? afigne
anb laibes, ibhich the bpon tljine hanbe, anb they (halbe as
Ho?be your C5ob com- frontlettes bettbeene thine eyes
maunbebmetoteathe 9 3nbthou (halt them
ibnte bpon
you, that ye might bo w poftcs of thy houfe,^ bpon thy gates. A)ftM
tbcmuuljc lanbe ibl> 10 3utb ibhen the fLo?be thy ©ob hath fpcwbi IK

ther ye go to poflefle it: bzought thee into the lanbe ibhich he
Unnl nu«<
Deut.x.c Z ^amely,that thou migbteft'feare the ftbare bnto thy fathers, 3tya&am, tttmtlV
%oib thy d5ob,$ ftepe all his o^binaun? 3Ifahat, anb Jacob, anb (hall geue to
tesanb his commaunbementcs ibhich thee great ? goobly titles ibhich thou
3 commaunbe thee thou $ thy fonne,
, builbebfinot,
$ thy fonncs fonne all the bayes of thy 11 $oufes full of all maner of goobes
lyfe:that thy bayes may be pjoiongeb. tbhith thou ftiieoft not, $ ibelles biggcb
j $eate tfterfojc o
gifraei , anb tafte ibhich thou biggebftnot, bineyarbes
Dccbc that thou bo it, that it may go anboliue trees ibhich thou piantebtt
ibcll ibith thee, $ that yctnay encreafe not,anb ibhen thou haft eaten ? art full:
migh ttly,euen as the SLojbe d50b of thy it Xhenbcibare left thou fozgetpHojbe
fathers hath p2omtfcb thce,a lanbe that ibhich bought thee out of theianbe of
*» fioibeth ibttb mylfte anb home. egyptfromthehoufeofbonbage.
Iwtb qrcat
ftojc of an
tbpwjco pat=
4. ^care^O3irrael,the?Lo;beour<0ob 13 *Xhou(bait feare the %oiht thy <Ppb
tcinpn^ito is ?L02be only. anb ferue hym, anb (halt ( ° (tbeare by ,l •
nina rtf^>;
MjfJCjI.C. $ anb * thou (halt lone the ILojbe thy his name. cut**

<25oo ibith all thine heart, anb ibith all l + 5>ee that ye ibalne not after ftrannge €
thyfoule,anb ibith all thy myght. gobs,the gobs of the nations ibhid) ate
6 *3nb thefe ilwbcs ibhich 3 torn* about you:
maunbe tljee this bay, Ojiaibein thine 15 Hofle thy<!5ob is aielous
C5F02 the
heart: <5obamongyon) leftthe tountenaunce
7 3lnb tljou (halt fljeibe them bnto thy of the ?Lo?be thy <5ob be nioueb
tbilbjen, anb (halt talhe of tljcm ibljcn iD?athagaynathee, anb bcdroy tW
thou art at home m thine houfc, anb as from the face of th c earth. „„ r HUb**
thoHU)alBcftbythcibay,?U)hcnthon 16 Pt (hall not temptthe Wbe|°ur
Deuteronomium. Cxn.
^j^isyedyDin tljc place of tempta*

.-"Sot you fyaH diligently nepe tfjc com*

nianndementcs of tbc fLozd your <£>oo,
ffDistcflimotucs, and his ojdinaunccs
lDfttcl) he batb
commaunded tljee:
,8 %xto thou
malt do tbat lbhicb is rtgljt
$ good m (0)
tbc figbt of tljc !Lo?oe : that 23 3md bought bs out from thence to
thou may eft Pzofpcr ,$ that thou mayett toyugbsm and to gene bs the Sn J?
go in f poflefle that good lanDe thhtche ttWcft he ftbare bnto our
the ?Lo?De ftbare trnto thy fathers, l4
£o call out all thyne enemies before £r* %P*® commtoaunDeaistobo a!
19 % fcare the Hoae
tl;ee,asthc %om hatij fayde. out ©Ob foz our mraicn all
^tD w tt)henthyfonnear&eththeein
tbc bayes of '

ilmt 20
j uuuire^sinseometopaOetl
ouritfe.asitiscometopaffethisS sna» ,
tymeto come,faying: uahatmeancth z 5 ^o?couer,thisa)albeourwSent^ tan perfralo
tljefe tefttmonics, ojdinaunces, and nc(Te before tljtfLomomamSr^ fulfill £ lame*
tlicrrfoje foe

iau)cs,n>hicljt!je!Lojdeour<25od DatD taaeljeede, ? fecpeali thefe mutt, tjnne tta

lira conunaunDeD you; he hath mmmi"^!!!?!!-
u £ijcn thou Cbait ray bnto tljy (bnne Sue ate re ja,

^ The. vij . Chapter.


$&e gjfrae liecjs mar mafic no couenatmt tontb
s^eelecttonDepenDetboneijeCreeloaeofCSoD. ,9ct>e
m <Smtm, $ site* mutt beffrow a»ir

of ©od ought to conftrme w. 2$ Co auopoe all occafion of toolatrie


$entoe!Lo?btf)y<£;oD gath cftofen thee, to be a fpenail

flinu b;yng thee into bntobymfelfe, aboue ail nations that
p lanbe ibbitber thou arc bpon the earth.
goeft to poffcffe it, and %bc %om dyd not fet Ijfs lone bpon
Ijatb call out many you,no?chofeyou becaufe ye rberemo 23
nations before thee: tn number tl)en any people
ye tbere
Namely tljei^ethttes, thefeibcflofaiipeopie)
the <0crgcfitcs,the;HmO;Htes,the
naanttcs, the$herc3ites, tbe Centres,
Cba* 8 mt
becaufe t\yt Hozde loued you,mm
becaufe he ibould ftepe tbe * otbe
and tlje 3 cbtmtes,feuen nations, area* pe had fibowe bnto your fatbcrs.ther*

tejandmigbtiertljentljou: fo?c batb Ho;de b^ougbt you out

though amigljtie hande,and deiiucred
ftttbcm before tljce, tl)ou Qjalt fmyte
you outof tlje boure of bondage, turn
nem.ano bttcrly deftroy them,? make
from the hande of i&ljarao feyng of
iiocouenauntibithtbcm^o^ljauecom* cgypt.
9 ^nOertfandetherfo?e,thatthe?l02D
3 ou mafte no manages
#£? 5?* tbitt) thy c5od be is <E?od , and tljat a true
SiKiSPfe* seuetljy daughter bnto d5od, 'ibbicb uepetb appoyntment and

"°na6e D,S Dau tec
^ D *« mercy bnto tljem thatioue bymand

hepe bis commaundementes, eucn

tlj^oughout a thoufande generations:
10 ^ind rcibardetb them that bate Ijynt
to tbeir^ face,fo tbat be bjyngctb ttytm
( b) aSaniftffa
to naugbt, and dotb not defercc tbe lr.o;uitl)iB

< ^"'^^^oytbeefodenly. tyme, but reibardetb bym tljat batetb


I)ym before bis face.

C II Bcpetboutberfojetbe commaunde*
mentes, ando;dfnaunces, and latbes, CO TO* ar*
iiciiiiin; 10 .

BrounCcD tpS
ibbicbe^commaunoctbeetbis day, Ilia ftcc
tbat tbon do tbem. thtrloicin (C<

^oetby 0od, 1j 3f f ye bearuen bnto tfjefe laibes, and ttirirotcDimFe

Ijc rf fpr;
*the ^o?de <5od
ii ill, f
tljy obfecue $ do tbcimtDc |to;d tby (0 d5od to I110 incrcp,
it not to tl)cw
alfo turners.
D euteronomium. and]

aUbCbalincpc bnto tbec tlic appoint* out arme, ibljerebv tbc H02bc tljp ft ©
mentano tbc mcrcv ibljicljc be ftuarc biongbt tljcc out:euen fo fyall tbc 2,02ft
bntothpfatljers. tbv<5obbo bnto all nations of tbhom
13 $c lbyii louc tljcc, atiu blefle tljee,anb tbou art afravbe.
multipltc tbec : be tbvll alfo bleffc tlje 20 H©02coucrtbc?t02bctbp d5ob tt>yu

fruitcoftljvttJombe, anb tlje fruitc of fenbe Comets among tbcm.bntii thev

tbat arc left anb bibc tbcm feines from -'*•'
tbp lanbctbv co2ne,tbv ibine,anb tljine ""tairt
ovlc, anb tbc incrcafe of tbv Uttie, anb tljccbebeftcovcb.
tljcflocbes of tbv fbeepc, in tbc lanbc 21 Xbou Ojalt not fcarc tbcm : fo? the
ibljitbc be ftbarc bnto tbv fatbers to 3L02DC tbv ©ob is among vou, a niiah- SS
gcuetljce. d5ob anb a terrible.
tic 2>

C H Xljou (bait be bleflcb abouc

na* all 22 ifo? tbe fLo?bc tbv C5ob ibvll put out
fions:tbere fbalbe neither man no? ibo* tbefc nations bcfo?e tljee bv a litic anb
man bnrruitfull among vou, no? anv of a litlc : * tbou maveft not confume tbcm Exo •««

vour cattcll fbalbc barren, w

at oncc,lelt tlje bcaftcs of tlje fieibe it* 2&S
Ezo.xxiild ^ojcouer tlje 3Lo?b ibvil *taac aibav crcafc bpon tljce. SSS5
from tbee all mancr infirmities, anb 23 2Snt m
ILoibc tbv <5ob (ball gcue &"25
Exod.i ibvUput none of tlje cupll bifcafes*of tbcm oucr before tljce,anb ujail beQcoy fe
€gypt (lbljicbc tbou unotbeft) bpon tbem ttutlj a migljtie beftcuction,bntpii
tbee: but ttnli fenbe tbem bpon all tljem be Ijauc b?ougbt tbcm to naugljt.
tbat bate tbee. 24 *3nb be (ball beliuer tbeir Binges iw> 1*,
is Xbou (bait confume all tljc nations to tbvne banbe, anb tljou tbait bcttcov
tbbicb tbc fLojoe tbv <5ob (ball bcliuer tbeir name from bnber beaucn : Xljere
tbee : tbluc eve Hjall bauc no pitie bpon (ball no titan be able to ftanbe before
tbem, nettber (bait tljoti feme tijctr tbee ,bntvll tbou Ijauc beliroycb tijem.
gobs,fo2 tbat (balbc tljvbceav. 25 Xbe grant" images of tbeir gobs (bait
tljou burnc ibitlj nre:anb*couet not tbe ¥$**.
17 fjf tbou fav to tbvne bcart : tbefc na*
tionsatemotbcnJJ, botbecan 3 call golbc anb filucr tbat is on tljem, no: 1
tbcm out; tabe it bnto tbee, lea tbou be c0 fnartD ^ȣ
18 *Xboufl)altnotfeare tbcm : but re* tljerein: foi it is an abljomination be-
member tbljat tbc Hojbc tbv d5oo Dyb fore tbe ILo2bctbv d5ob.
bnto pjarao anb bnto all egvpt. z6 zSjpng not tljerfo?e abomination into
19 Xljc great temptations lbljitb tbvne tljincljoufe, left tbou be a curfeb tljing
eyes faib, anb tbc fignes anb tbonbers, as it is : but bttcri y befie it anb abljoirc
anb tbc nugbtic banbe, anb trcetcbeb tt,f02itisacurfcbtbing.

The xlviii. Chapter.

2 ifcoa ftumblctft tbe Iftactttes to trpc tobat tbep baue in ttyit bcart.
(Boo cbaft tfttb

tijein as His chplbien. 14 die beatt ougbt not to be pjouoe fo; ©00s benef ites. » acije
fo^getfutneac ot ©00s benefites caufet^ oefttuction.

a 1 HI tlje commaunbe^ tbcrtljoniboulbcftbcpcbiscoiuinau^

mcntestbljiclj^J com^ mentcs > o2no. HxoJj"'

maunbctljectljisbav, 3 i^e ^bumbicb tbee, anb fuffrcb tWta

(a) ©ljnofag
Iliac ;i ic not
(baiyeKepefojootobo bungcr ,f feb tbec lbitb Joanna, ibbtt"
mo ugh or,
ticarc f
woiD, tbcm,tbatvemavliuc, neitljcr tljou no? tbv fatljers bncuic Natliii"'

piciTcnbp eta
anb multiplic, anb go tomabctbeebnovbe tljat*aman
ample 0! lite. in anb pofTcflc tlje not line bv bicab onlpe: but bv cucrj
lanoe ibbicbe tbe Ho2be ftbare bnto [vwoeitbatpjocccoctljoutoftljcmoiun
vourfatljers. oftbcHo?bebotljamanliue.
^nb tljou (bait remember all tlje Xbay 4 *Xbv tavment ibareo not olbt xm
Hectare* in ofs
ibljub tlje ?l02be tbv ©00 leb tbee tljis
fourtievcrcsin tbc lbilbcrncffc, fo? to
tljcc 3 ncitbcr
W tbv foote
co fu)Cll

. .
tUit , f

fiiction, eitbet
fcvpacicncc, oj bumble tljce,? to tb) p20ue tbee, anb to 5 Xljis alfo ttjalt tljou confiDcrtntm^

bcart: tbat as a man

unottie U)ljat ibas in tbvnc bcart, ibljc^

Deuteronomium. c Xll
14 ^ben beibarc left tbpne^ heart rpfe, w ®«, af«
iberefoje (bait tbou ftepe tbe com- ant, tbou forget tlje
niaunbcmcntesof tbc?Lo?betbp ®ob,
fcoflc tbp </ob
c $P5'23?.f? om the Houfc of bonbage:

3lnb iDljteljc ibas tbp gupoc in

J5 7
S fflefLotfte tbp d&ob bjpngert) tbee
a goob lanbe, a lance in tljc tbbicbe

J topentes, ftojpions, anb

great anb terrible rbpiDetncflc rtoumiii
fonntatnes anb
*"*] toft
are riuers of tbater,anb bjoutb rbitbout anp mater : 2Sut be
Dcaptljcs tbat fpjing out of ballcps ano bjougljt out Vbatct fo; tbec, cnen
out of
tbe rocne of flint.
o % lanbe nrfjenn is tbbeate anb barlie,
mneparbcs^igbtrees, f pomgranates,
i6 $e feb tbee in tbe lbplbcrnefTc Voith
^anna, lbljiclj tbp fathers ftuetbe not
a lanbe ibljcrcm 10 opie oliue anD bonie: eucnfo? to bumble tbee, anb to p?ou*
o a
lanbe tt)hcrm tbou (bait eate b?eab tJ)tt anb tl;at be migbt fo bo tbee
y goob
njum. um»ii»,
ibithont neither «,»»*
fcarcenes, »<,»*,** fljalt . y ««
tljou at tbp latter enbe,
latfte anp tbpng : a lanb lbbofe ftones w 17 fleft tbou fboulbeft far in tbine bcart
are iron, anb out of lbbofe IJVlles tbou * mp potber C8) anb tbe mpgbt of mpnc i Res; ii.b.

CB) 'Wnbtr
ujaltbiggcbjaflc. oujne Ijanoebatljpjepareb me tljis * tljiB tooiDe

(C) jotoer. he

10 naben tbou baft catcn therfoie $ fil* bounbannce: toini'tclKn-

tbp feife,tbou (bait blefle tbe

let) %om 18 26ut remember tlje ILojbe t!jp 00b,
Dttb rolfbonif,
llgcncc .atiD all
tiipcob fo; tbe goob lanbe rbbithe he fo? it isbe ibljicbe geuetb tbee poiber to other mcanco
cw fcbicli mm bv
Ijatbgeuentljee. get fubftaunce, fo? to mate goob tbe mjjgbt get
11 E5cibate tbat tbou fojget not t^t pjomife ibijicbe beftbare bnto tljp fa* CW 3f=n
tiirrblp 30003
2,otfietbP<I5ob,tbat tbou iboulbcft not tbers,as appearetb tbis bap.
anb bis oibinauntes, lbljtcljc
W3 19
Cob, mud)
3(nb if tljoufo?gettbe?Lo2btbp<25ob, moic l;ca=
anb roaite after ftraungc*gobs, anb Ueuciui.d.
niaunbetljee tbis bap: fcrue tbem,anb roojfbip tljemrjj tcftifte
w 2D
ii *Pca, anb rbben tbou baft eaten anb bnto pou this bap, tbat pc Cbal furelp
fflleb tbp felfe, anb baft bnplt gooblp petiftje. CO Boioniici
Ijoufcsanb bibclt tbcrein: 10 ;&tbenanonsibbicbetbe!Lo2bebc
13 anbuujcnthpbeaftes anb tbp fljeepe ftropeb before pour face,euenfo pe fl)aii
are ibaren manp, anb t\^ ftluer anb peri(be,becaufe peiboulbe not be obebi*
soibeismuinpiieb, anb all tbat tbou ent bnto tbe bopce of p %,w pour ©ob.
^ The .ix. Chapter.
4 (Bod noetb tlicm not good fo; ttrctrotoncrisWcotifiieOe, but £01 hisJ ovtuictahc.
7 fl©opfcjs puttetft tftem tn ranemiyaunce o£ t^jeir ftnne?!. 17 ft&c (too tablet ate
bjoficn. % fl@opf«0 p^apttn fo? tee people.

€are C> 3ffrael, tbou tbemtonaugbt quitblp, as tlje Jlotfe

1 (1i )
ouer 3to?bane
batljfapbe bnto tbee.
dpeafte not tbou in tljpne bcart,after
pofTeflc nations great tbat tlje ?Lojbc tbp d5ob batb call tl^cm (O If fee
oefcrne not

anbmigbtiertbcntbp out before tbcc,faping, fo? mp rpgbtc- gco, matb

felfe, cities great anb onfneffe tbe ILo^bc batb brought me in, fotntuall
iballcbbptobeauen: topofleffetbis lanbe: but fo? tbe ibic*
g people great 9 tail,cucn tbe cbilbjen beoneffe of tbefe nattons tbe %ofl} l)ttl)
wtne ^nafeims, Vbbicbe tfaouunotteft caft tbem outbefo?e tbee.

fibbomtboubaftbearbfap,ujbo 3Jt is not fo?tbp rigbteoufnefle fabe,
wpil Janb before tlje
cljilbjen of ^na« 0? foj tbp rigbt b^art,tbat tbou gotft to
urmci-aanbe tberefo?c tbis bap, tbat pofTefle tljetr lanbe : *25ut fo? t\)c am- uax<a
"iJ-o^ctbpcKob is cuen be u>bicbe bebnefle of tbefe nations, tbe %oin tbp
SScT c befwc e ^^
a confuming
d5ob botb caft tbem out before t\)tt, cue
Si f
?)aUbcftroptbeni, anblje (baU
2"S{hcmoon)ne before tljp fate do
to perfourme
ibo?be ibbitbe tlje

tljp d5oD fibare bnto tbp fathers,

wu u)au tafte tbem out, anb b?png :

pi 6 Hubert

're ceptes. D cutcronomium. rccc


mnberttanotberfcuctbatit is not fo? !Lo?b cuen as at the fittt time, $ fottrtfe £ x°Au,
tbyrtgbtcoufnes faue, that the |Lo?be bayes anb fourtie uightcsj OiD nctttiec
t^V <l5ot» not!) gcue ttjee this goob lanbe eate b?cab no? mmt
tbater, betaure
to pofleflc it, fcyng thou art a ftifnee « of all your tones n>bieb ye fmncb,tnb0'
tractable otc
ei) it rcfofcil)
neb people. yng njyeftcbly in the fight of the fLo?oe
ibevo&c. Remember * $ fb?gct not,I)otbe t|)on in that ye p?ouoncb hym bnto n>?atb.
Cbts he
pzonosebQ the ?Lo?bc thy €>oo in the 19 (3Fo?3!ibasaftaybe,tbatfo?tbeib?atb
faith, fo! ib!lbcrncffe,fmec the bay thattboubib* anb ficrcenes rbheribith the ?Lo?b lbas
tt 13 mod K--
cefTartetobattc bcttbepart out of the lanbe of egypt, mouebagaynftyou, heibouiohaueoe*
men brought
totbc ae Knows bntvlivc tame bnto this plate, vc Dane ftroyebyou) 25ut the ILojbebcarb me
ltgv'ii2 0tt!)Cir
rcbelleb agaynft the o;Dc % atthattymealfo.
O aD? S'tnat.
8 3uTo in $o?eb " ve p?ouofteb the !Lo?b 20 Xfte !to?be Vbas bery angry lbith
and.xxxn.c to anger fo that the
, % om
tbas Ib?ot& ^aron alfo, euen to bane (l> beftcopeo
nntb vou ,cucn to bane beftroyeo yon. hym : ano 3 mabe interceffion fo? 3ta=
? nabeu D
lbas gone bp into tl)e mount, ron alfo the fame tyme. Htnjitin]

to rcceanc the tables of ftonctbe tables 21 Znn 3

tobcyour fitme,the calfe ibljid) '«

of the couenaunt luiwb the Horn mabe ye hab mabe,anb burnt hym ibith fire, eomratrttt.

nnth you, anb 3

abobe in the mount anb ftampeb hym,anb grounbe bpm 3)

fourtie oayes $ fourtie nigbtcs, tbhi 3 bery fmau,cuen to bull : anb 3

call tbe
neither bib eate b?cab no? bjinnerbatcr. bull thcrof into theb;oolic that Ocfccn
io 2lnb the |Lo?be bcliuereb me trbo ia* beb out ofthe mount.
(l)3tternoW bles of Hone, ibnttcn ibitb the ( « finger 22 ^ifo at the burnyngpiace,at the place s-
uicmaner, $
notbf tljCBta of C5ob, anb in them tbas contayncb all of temptyng, anb * at the fepuicb?es of
tbe ibo?bcs ibhfcbe the %wt
feibc bn* luft,ye p?ouobeb the %
o?be to anger. Numjcii,

to yoiun the mount out of p miotics of 2} fUbeibife tbhtu the fLo?be fent you
fire, in tbe bay lbben ye tame together. from Cabcs zsarnea, faying, go bp anb
II 3lno lbben the fourtie bayes anb four* poffcflctbelanbctbbubj Dauegeucn
Ut nightes mere fnoen the 1Lo?bc gaue
, y ou : * you rebelleb agamft trje ibo?be of AftttvuJ
me the tibo tables of ftone, the tables of the ILo?be your <5ob, anb neither bele<
the couenaunt. ueb him no? hcarbencb bnto his bopce.

12 3inb the 3Lo?b faybe bnto me :*3lrife, 24 2*on haue ben rebellious bnto the
Exod )i.b.
anb gettbecbottmc quicWy frombente, ?Lo?be ftnee the bay that 3 bnevbe you.
fo? thy people ibbicb thou haft brought 25 ^nb 3 botbne flat bcfo?e the CB> [ifDtm
out of egypt,baue "marreb aiu Xhcy fLo?be fourtie bayes 1 fourtie nightes, jgyf
jngcB ore
tupt, when
eoj- arc turncb at once out of the ibayc 3
as fell boibne befo?e : fo? the fto?oe 6aue H»
tbep Depart
ibbicb 3
commaunbeb them,anb haue faybe, he lboulbe beftroy you. Biftt.

their obe
tiencc to 30B. mabe them a moulten image, 2<; 3 mabe intcrceffton thcrfo?c bnto tbe
13 ifurthermoze, tbe?Lo?be fpafte bnto |Lo?b,anb fayb : *jD !Lo?b C5ob,bcfttop
me, raying: 31 banc fecne this people, not thy people anbthyne mberitauncc Eidl+t

anb bcboibcttisaftifnccHcb people. lbhtche tljou haft oeliuercb tb?ougb t\)v

CO Craning
that eoolp 14
w fLct me alonc,tbat may beftroy 3 great goobnefle, anb ibbicbc thou b<w
Dims pjopcro
bo Qar C600B them, $put out the name of them from b?ought out of egypt tbo?oibc amygb

bnber heaucn,anb 31 vbyii mane of thee tiehanbe.
€ a mtghtic nation,? greater then they be. 27 w laemember thy feruauntes, WW rbp
15 3inb 3
turneb me, anb canie boibne ham,afahac,anb Jacob, anb loobc not
from the hyil,cucn from the byll that bnto the ftubbcrneffe of this pcopie,no?
burnt Unth fire, anb the two tables of to their rbicbebneffe anb finne:
tbe couenaunt ibece in my banbes. 2$ fLeft the lanbe ibhcncc thou b?ougb-
i6 anb 3 totob, anb bchoibe ye bab fin* teft them,ray,Xhe ?Lo?bc is not able to
nebagaiuft the flo^ocyour 00b, anb b?yng them into the lanb lbhich be P?°
Ijab mabe you a moulten calfe, anb bab nufeb thcm,anb becattfe he hateb them,
turneb at once out of the tbay ibbicbc tbercfo?ebatb ht tarycb them out to
tbe?Lo?bc hab commaunbeo you. flay them in the ibylbetnefTe.
17 *^nb 3
tone the tibo tabies,anb taft 29 26cbolbe,thcyarctbypeople,9tbpn£
Exod.jsd. them out of my tibo banbes, anb b?abe inheritauncc, rbljichc thou b?ougb t
O) SBopfea
»--& tfno of a
> them before your eyes. outinthymyghtic poiber, anb
in w
5«rf It-'U.t
not of airba=
metae palDea.
is *2inb 3 fell boibne flat before the ftretcbeboutarme. _.,

Unde tables.
Dcuteronomium. Cxiii
The. x Chapter.

<q%c feconoe table* put in t&e arfec. 8 fcbe tribe of Xeui is oeoicate to tbefertiice
of the tabernacle, u
j©ftattBe Hojoereqairetb of bis. i6CbecircumciCtonofthe
beart. lyd&oorcgarDetbnottfteperfon. 21 ®be]iLo^eis(tbep;agfeof31fraeJ

4R the fame fcafbn the at tljat tpme aifo, anb tbe Hojbe
Ok ,

Ijctbc tDce tuio tables 11
not beftcop thee.
3nb tbe jLojbe fapbc bnto me

: Strife
offtonelpnc bnto the anb go foojtlj in tlje iourneys before tbe'
firtt, anD come bp tot- people,tljat tljcp mapgo in anb pofleOe
to mcinto the mount, the lanbe lbljiclje 3ftbarc bnto their
ant) matte thec an fathers to geuc bnto tljcm.
arbcof tbooD.
W Uvpte <n the tables, the
that ibere m the firft tables
tbp d50D require of thee,* but to fcare
tlje ?Lo?be tljp d5ob, anb to ibame in

thou bjai*cft\anb thou fbalt put

mi)tcl)c Ijis lbapes, to * lone Ijpm, anb to feme

tijcmmtbearBe. . tlje%w tbp <£5qd ibitb all tljpne Ijeart
Mat. xxii.d

u 3uid mane an arKe of co 5>ittim

3 anbrbithauthpfoulef Iofua.xxiid
bjood, anD hcvbcb tibo tables of done 13 i^ameiv,thatthouUepettje comaun^
ly&cbnto the firft,anb ibent bpinto the bementes of the Ho?be, anb Ijis o?bi->
In e monntapne, ijaupngthe tvbo tables in naunces Ibbiche 3
commaunbe tljee
mpnehanbe. tljisbapfonljpibeaith.
3inb be ityote in tlje tables* accojbing 1+ 26el)oloe,heauen anb the heauen of
to the firft ibjpfpng, tlje ten command hcauens, istheHo?bestbp<l5ob, anb c
DcmcntcsibhichethcfLojb fpafte bnto the earth *bitb all tljat therm is.
pouin the mount out of tbe mpbbes of 15 ^ottbithftanbpng, the Ho?be hab a
;\l!cr tbe firc,in tlje bap Urtjcn °pou tbere ga* Delight in tljp fathers to loue thctn,anb
U lit

ft therco together : anb the Ho?be gaue chofe tljeirfeebe after tljcm, euen pou
tljembntome. aboue all nations, as thou feed this
3inD 3
DeparteD , anb tame Dotbne bap*
fromtbcljpll,anb*putthetablcsmthe is ^Circumcife therefore the fo^efuinne (c) ^Cljat IB,
our tiifl
arae ibhichc 3 hab mabe, anb there of pour Ijeart, anD be no mo?e mtnec-
affections be
tut of: !>c rijcoo
thcpbe,asthe?Lo?be commaunbeb me. neD. (tljfnttcfe
irojocs tl)C
6 *;M>thccbpltycnof3fraeltoKetheir 17 3fo? the lLojDepour d5oD, is <5ob of cnoofcucuma
ioutncp from aseroth oftDe chplbjcn of d50DS, anD fLojDe of Ho?Des, a great Gab.u.d.
Attthc to ^ofcra,tbhcre co Slaron nr- 0OD, a migljtie anD a terrible, * rbhicfic Rom.ii.d.
Ming Aftcsx.e.
cd anb urns burpeb, anb eleaser his regarbctljnomans perfon, no? taneth CullofT.iii.b
fomtc became pjicft in his fteabe. retbarbe.

7 ifromthence thep beparteb bnto «5uo* 18 i^e both right bnto the fathcrlcfle anb il'ctj.c.

gotiah : anb from C5ubgobalj to Jf cthe^ ibpboibe, anblouctljthe ftraunger, to

bath,a lanbc ttrfjiche hath riucrs of tt>a* geue Ijpm foobe anb rapment.
UUL 19 *%oue pe therfo« the ftraunger aifo Exo.xxii.e.

8 *1Che fame feafon tlje Hojbe fepcra* fo? pe ibere ftraungers pour mucs in
tep the tribe of lteui,to bearc tlje arue thcianbeofegppt.
otthecoucnaunt of tlje Hojbc, anb to io *Xhou fljait fcare the 2Lo?b thp c5ob, Dcut vi.e.

%» uanbe before the?Lort>e,anb to miniftcr anb Ijpm ontp (halt thou feme, to hpw Mat.iui.d.
pntobpm,anbtobleu*c (,>) in his name (bait tljou tlcaue, anb Hbcare bp Jjis
bnto this Dap. name.

? *J©hcrcfo?c tlje fUuites Ijaue no 21 J^cts tljp pzapfe, $ thp d5ob tWhath
Si, part no? inljeritaunce flntlj Done fo? tljee tljefe great anD terrible
«%g. their toe*
UJJCn:• bUtthe?Lortie
but tlje Ho?be (c
is their inherit
icttlirir inhere thmges mljichc tljpnc cpes hatie feene.
taunce as the &o?be thp
d5ob Ijatlj p?o* zz Xljp fathers ibcntDoibne into cgppt
«d. nmentijcm. *lbitlj th?erco?eanDtenperfons:ano GenjdV 6 i.

a3 n
? 2
tar? cl) m tfte mount, euen as
««uc nrft time,fourtic bapes anb four*
notbe tlje Ho,!be tbp <5on Ijath maoe
thee $ multiplicD thee as the
ftarres (g)Ocallu<

w "PSbtes j anb tlje |to?be hcarbc me of ijeauen.

liti) to tl|C
pioimt'c maDI
to 3ibja!;aiu.

Preceptes. D cutcronomium. rec

5*> The. xj. Chapter.

1 3Cn eitftojtatton to lout (Boo ano Bepe Big fatoejs. 10 cfce p?apftu of Cljanaatt
is Co meDttate continuallp tfte ttotfe of <0oO. 19 Co tcacbe it bnto tbe cbpUwen.'
26 Eleffing; ano cutting.

31 $ererojethouu)ait c">
fa~i ILouttB anD baileys, anD Djiuueth mater of the
ttjcfirQ popnt J
of tlje true :ir=
lOUC p 2.0JD thy <150D, rayne ofheauen.
V.-njol Die
tltcpchisobfcntamt' 12 Xhis lanDe Doth tlje %wt thy <sod
tcs, Dig oiDmatmccs, carefo;, anD the eyes of the%om thv
his lathes, $ his com* <£OD are altbayes bpon it, from tlje b£
mauDcmcntcsaubay. ginning of the yere,bnto the enbe of
Bnotb you this Day, yere.
(to? 3f fpcaue not to your chylDjen SIf'youfyallhearttcntherefojebmo
mhf ch haue neither mtotben no? feenc) mycommaunDementes which 3Jeom<
the chatttfement of the Ho?D pour d50D, maunoe you this Day, that ye loue the
hisgrcahtcflc, bismightiehanDe, anD 1Lo?Dc your (!5od, anD ftrue hym ibith
hisftrcfchcDoutarme, all your heart,anD ibith all your foule:
fyis miracles anD his actes rbhtehehe 14- 3 alfo tbpll geue rayne bnto your
DybutthctmDDcs of €gypt, euen Ditto lanDe in Due fearon,the co firft rayne anu
^harao the bins of egypt, anD Unto all the latter, that thou mayeft gather in icttictjK,

fits lanDe: thy comc,thy ibine,ano thync oyle.

3uiDrbhathe DyD bnto the hoaft of 15 3
^ud ibiil fenDe graOe in thy hemes
€gypt,bnto their hojfes anD charets:* foj thy cartel,that thou maycC eate anD
hovuehe fought the rbater of the reD tyllthyfclfe,
fea bpon them as they pnrfueD you be* i6 26utbeu)are tfjat your CB) ljeart oe^
hutDc,anD both the IL02D hath brought ceaueyounot, anD ye turne afyDe,ano
0>)3fl tol)8
fbonlo Tap, pc
them to naught bnto this Dap: ferue Oraunge goDS,anD ibo?n)ip them:
fatr.clj l)auc
3lnD Cb rubat he DiD bnto you in the tbil* 17 3(nD then the 1Lo?De beyng ib?oth a*
fcenc isitl)
your ci'cs tt)c Dcrncu*c,bntill ye catnc bnto tbisplace gayntt you, *Cbut Dp the heaucn that
tbi'iigco that
<Boo li.\ii) 3lnD ibhat he DyD bnto *2Dathau anD there be no rayne, anD that your lanDe
Nuin.xvi.e. 3ibiram the Tonnes of eiiab the fonne yelDenotherfruite, am> ye peritbe
ofBubcmftoVbc the earth openeD her quicHlyfromofthegooD lanDe Vbljicfje
mouth anD ubaioibcb them,rbith their theHo2Degenethyou.
DonlholDcs 9 their tentes, anD all their 18 Xherefo?e fhail ye put bp ti)efc my
fitbftauncc that rbasin their poOeflion, ttJojDcs in* your heart $ in your foule,
inthtmiDDcsofJJfrael. anDbinDe them fo* a figne bpon your
25 7 S>oubtlcu"e,your eves haue fecne all hanbe, that they may be as a frontlet
the great attcs of the &o?dc tbhiche he betibeenc your eyes.
DyD. 19 anD ye (ball * teacrje them your chyl-
8 Xhercfcjc tyall ye ftcpe all the torn* D2cn,that they may taluc of them ibhcn
maunDcnicntcs Vbhiche3f conunaunDe thou thyne ijouTe, anD ttihcn
fitted in
<rt atfrocl (n
theethiSDay, thatyc may co be ftrong tljoutbalbeft by the may, Vbhcn thou
ftcaiyng pou
t '
anD go in anD poffeffe the'
lanDe why* lycft Doibne,anD tbhen thou rifeft bp.
tictntpng his
thcrycgotopofictt"cit: 20 i^ea, anD thou (haltibjytc them bpon
sfsimltvou 9 3inD that ye may prolong your oayes the Dooje poftes of tljync houfe,anD bp'-
tones. in the lanDe vbhichc the fLojDc ftbare pon thy gates:
bnto your fathers, to gene bnto theut 21 Xhat your Dayes may be multiplieD, 2)
anD to their feeoe, a lanDe that florocth. anDthcDayes of your chylD^en, in the
nmh myiltc anD home. lanDe rbhtch the Ho?D ftbare bnto your'u.d.
10 *5Fo?rt)e lanDe tbtjythcr thou gocftto fathers to geue them as long as tlje
polTcfTcit, is not as the lanDe of €gypt Dayes of hcauen laft bpon the cartrj.
that ye came out of,ibberc tljou fovbeoft 22 ifojifye uepe all theft conunaunDe;
00 CD)
<?C1> »J9s thyrecDe,anD u)atercDftit tbith thy mentcsibhiche3l commaunbe you, ft
tra'tti) rrtoaiB
to^bcin tijat fcctc,as agarben of hearbes* that ye do them: namely, that ye lone
net tlvutlicp 11 2Sut tlje lanDe tbhyther ye go ouer to the Ho?De your C5od, anD ibaraeinaU
ttlcnit nnp.
Uaionicoifc pofleffcit, is a lanDe that Jwth hyiies 5isrbayes,anD cleaue bnto Ijym:
23 % )™

Deutcronomium. Cxv.
-rll^Ubpll the fLojb caft out all theft "g^buTturneontoftljeibapibbicbe e
nations before pou
anb pe (baibc the
ewes of g«at nations, anb of them tangc gobs ibhiche pe haue« not *>***.
aremigbttertbenpourftlues. hnoiuen. m>m j
emainttc t

,,%iw the places tt>he won the foles of

voire feetc (ball
treabe, (baibe pours:
\^}J i^Mt^
hath brought
thee into the lanoe Vbliv^
^m ^ 332. to f oIotm the
wo :Oc of JboD
ant) not the
tnarotun of
tuen from the ibplbeweffc,
anb from thcr thou goeft to poffeffe it,
thou man.
Cibanon, anb fro the riuet euphjates, put the 'bleffing bpon mount
euen bnto the bttermoft rea
(baP> pout anb the curfe bpon mount ebai.
roaft be. 30 ate not theft mountapneson
the o*
i< chcrclball no man be able to ilanbe tfterfibcjojbane, on that pact of
befo/c pou:fo? the JLojb pour d5ob
(ball Ihapibhercthcfumtc goetl) oolbnc, in
caftthe fcare anb bjcabofpoubpon all the lanbe of the Chanaanites, ibhiche
the lanbe that pe (ball treabe bpon,
behathfapbc bnto pou.
as Dibell in the piapne ouer againft
befpbe the grouc of ^ojefr
b< I6 Sscholbe, 3 let befoje pou this bap,; ,a 31 JFojpe (ball paffe ouer 3Jo,ibane,to go
bicffinganbaeutfe: thanb poffeffe the lanbe ibhiche the
fc i7
*ableffing,ifpeobapthecommaun* flojbe pout ®ob
geueth pon, anb pe
Dcntcntes of the Ho?b pour d5ob ibhictj (ban poffeffe it.anb bibcU therein,
II tommaunbe pou
thiSbap: 3z XaKeheebethetfojethatpeboallthe
:$ anba curfe, tf pe tbpll not obap the commaunbementesanbiaibes ibhiche
commaunbemeutesofthe |U»be pour JJfet before pou this bap.

^ The .xij . Chapter.

1do Dcfltor tlic idolatrous placed, a.<ro ferae <£oo tofjerc he commaunDet&ana
0)5 tie comtnaunDeth,ano not as men fantaue. 19 Che Heuitea muft be nourtfteD.
;i jDoiaccrs burnt their cfnjtojen to their go o#. 32 co aooe nothing to ©oo,s tooto.

»J ftcfcatctbcotfmiaun anbrhefititbo?neofpourBpne, anb of

cesanb laibcs ibhiche pourtbeepe.
pe(ballobferueanbbo 7 ^8nb there pe (ball cate CB) befo?e the place btyM


m the lanbe, ibhiche °° ?Lo?be pour (25ob, anb pe (hall reiopa in t\)tax\uVl. i
DUp, thefLojbedSobofthp all that pe put pour hanbe bnto .both pe
fathersgeueth thee to anb pour hou(bolbes,tt)herin tlje %m
poffeffeitasiongaspe thpd5ob hath bicffeb thee.
line bpon the earth.
M (ban 8 M
(hall not bo after all
the thinges (e) ^c n»aj
i *
beftcop all places tbherin the thatttic bo here this bap, euerp man tljrpnoweftt"
not tt)« ncttj

nahonsibhichepelball poffeffe ferueb lbhatfrcimtl) hpn'i goob in his otbne nco o3od after
[hi'" ounic ut»
their gobs, bpon hpe mountapnes, on epes. ucntioiu), but
hplles,anb bnber euerp grcene tree, 9 3Foj pe are not \^tt come to reft, anb to U-ITetljalljulo
fccuclji'tn ret
J l*ou (hall ouerthjoibe their aulters, tbc inhrntauncc ibhiche the %oft pour trtojc ptirelp
in tbc moc 0!
anb b?canc their pillers,anb burne their d5ob geueth pou. Cbanut.

An w groues vbith fire, anb pou (ball heibe

»Mt 10 25utU)henpegoouer3lo ibane,anb <

poibne the grauenimages of thcgobS bVbell in the lanbe ibhiche the Ho?oe
mat thep haue,anb bjpng the names of pour d5ob hath geuen pou to inhectte,
them to naught out of that place, anb ibhcn he hath geuen pou reft from
•ota not
4 n (hail » not bo fo bnto the fLojbc al pour enemies rounbe about,anb ftjal
pourd5ob: Mbcllinfafctte:
,r 25ntpea)alifechetheplace Ibhichthe « Xhen bnto the place ibhich the %ofl)
Wic pout <£ob (ball cboofe out of all pour d5ob hath chofen to put t^is name

» ; ib.
Pour tribes, to put hts name
there, anb there, pe (hall typng all that 3 torn*

|wobibeli,anb*thptherthoua;alt mauiibe pou: namelp, pour burnt ia*

crifices, pour offeringes, pour tithes,
6 3m&thptherpe(halb?pngpourburnt the heaue offering of pour hanbe,
Wices,pour offeringes, pour tithes, all pour fpccialiboibes ibhiche pe
auo heaue
offeringes of pour haube, bnto the JUwbe.
icur boibes, pour
freeujpu offeringes, u ^nb pe (ball retopce before tlje %ow
p iij pour
Preceptes. D cuteronomium. Precc

pour <5od, peanD pour founts, anD tbpne onme titic lbfjatfocucr t!)pfcuiT
pour Daughters, pour feruauntcs, anD luftctb.
pourmapDens, anD the ?Leuite fljatis zi *3(nD astlje Boe bucfte anD the foart
Jc U;
Dcut X b. lbitbin pour gates,* fojafmucbe as lje is eaten, cuen fothou (bait eate them* *u
and.xvm.a. Ijab no part no? inheritance ibitb pou. both the cicane anD tlje bncieane (haii
ICaae beebe that tbou offer not tbp eate of them.
bnrnt otTeringcs in eucrp place that 23 2But be fteong,tbat tbou eate not the
thonfecft: blooD: to; tlje Wood is tbe life,ann tbou
C I+
But in tbe place tbljicb the 2,02b (ball mapeft not eate tbe life ibitb tbe flelbe
•5 ihiflirno (B)
not accompli; cboofc in one of tbp tribes.tljere tbou 24 Xboufbalt not eate it, but poifye it'llllic
temple \ii uo
(bait offer tljp bnrnt offermges, anD bpon tbe eartlj as ibater.
tberc tbou tbait do al that 31 comaunoc 25 Xhou (halt not eate it, that it map go
thee. lbciubith thee, anb ibitb tbp cbplDjen
iftotibitbftanDing, tbou mapeft upll after tbee: 26ut tbou fljait Do tljat
anDcatcflcfbelnallthP cities, lbbatfo; lbbicbeis rpgbt in the fight of the
(h'Suojoms cucr tbp fouie luftctb after, c,»acco:Dpng
to the .ibJit:c
tli j: he huh
to tbe bicffing of tbe 3Lo?De tty C50D, 26 2i5ut tbpbolp ? fhpngesibbicbe tbou C) f tap
Sciicn thee.
lbhtc be be bath geuen tbec : * botb tbe
haft, anb tbpboibes, thou (baittaftc, m.

bncieane anD tbe clcanc map eate tljer*

of, cuen of tbe ftoc bucue, anD of tbe
anb come bnto the place ibbicbe tbe XT
Ho?bc bath cbofen.
$art. 27 anbthou (halt offer tbp burnt offe*
ion was
liittit i6 <©nip pe (ball not co eate the bloob,but tinges, both flelbe anb Wood bpon the
m.iae, thai nit
night Icame pottw it bpon tbe eartb as lbatcr. aulter of the ILojbe tbp <25od : anD the
to ,\M;ojrc
uutltir. 17 Xbonmapeft not eate lbitbin t^ Wood of tbpne offermges fbaibcponY-
anD of tbp opie,anD tbe firtt borne of tbp
reD out bpon the aulter of the
<Z5ob,anb thou u)ait eate the flelbe.

lunc,auDoft!)p (beepe, ncitbcr anp of is lLaftehetDe,^hearealithefeibo?bcs e

tbp boibcsibhicb tbonbotbeft, no? tbp Jbhich II commaimbe thee, that it map
freeibill offcringes, 0? beaue offering gorbellibith thee, anb Ibitb tbp cbpl-
ofthpncljanDt: men after thee fo? cucr, if thou Doeft
18 xsutthou mult tare tfiembcnvc the that lblntbc isgoob anD rpgbt in tlje
% o?be tbp d5oD,in tbe place ibbtclje tbe fight of the Hojbe tbp d50D.
3LojDcti)p<5oDbatbcl)ofcn, tbou anD 29 jBbentbeHojDtbp^oDajailDcatop
tljp fonne,f tbp Daughter ,thp feruaunt, the nations before thee lbbptbcr tbou
anD tbp niapbe, anD tbe JLcnfte tbat is goefttopoOefletbem, anbtljou fuccee-
lbitbin tl)p gatesranb tbou (bait reiopce Deftintbeir ftujeritaunce, anD Dibciicft
before the %omtbp d50D, in all tbat m their lanbe:
tbou putted tbpne bauDc to. 30 25eVbarethatthoubenottaBenin' "a $$>%
Euieviia. 19 *ffieibare that tbou fotfane not fljeJU* fnare after them, after that tljcp be dc^ ££•
utte, as long as tbou liueft bpon the (fropeb before thee, anb that tbou afhe
eartb. not after their gobs, faping: ^oibebo
20 3Jf ibben tbe %*m tbp <25ou (ball en- tljerenationsferue their goDS; 3W il
large tbp bobber as be bath piomifcD bofoliUeibtfc.
tbcc,tboufap,3J Mil eate flea) (becaufe 31 * il5ap, thou (bait not bo fo bnto t\)t

tbp foulc longetb to eate flelbe) tbou ILojbe tijp d50D: fo? all abljominatious,
mapeft eate flefbc ibhatfocucr tljp foule anb that vbbiebe the %om ijatetb, $*
luftctb. fame Ijauethcp bone bnto their goDS. 00 Effli

2> 21
3Jf the plate ibbitlje tbe JUnbe tbp 3^ 5Fo? tljep Ijaue « burneb both $&
(5od bat b cbofen to put bis name there, fonnes anb their Daughters voub Ate mmmQ
be to farre from tbce,tbcn thou (bait ail before their gobs. %herefo?e tbbstw wSW
oftbporenmib of tbp (beepe lbbicb the cuer^lcommaunbepou, taftebeebe pe
%oib gatb geuen tl)ce, as % baue com* do it : anD *put thou naugljt tljetto,no? ^°

niaunDcDtljce, anD tbou (bait eate in tabe ought therefrom. lofiiV

Deuteronommm. Cx I
5*i The.xiij. Chapter.

< C&ttntttergtojtiolatrtetnuabeaarne.femtetucpnraertoljolp, efoneareoc

fitnrrt>o;fren&0)ip, ll ®l e&t tamnUttuDeoj potter,

# there aryfe among 9 *26utcaufeh<mtobeaayne: ®%bme Deu.xvii b.

C») CbOB
•youapjopbeteoja hanoe fbaibe firft bpon him to fern him, thiltcattH)e
dm ttonc at
ojeamcr of ojcames, ano then the hanoes of an the people.
anOgcuctbeeafigne, io ano thou (halt (tone hym
Until ftones
ojaroonoer. that he Oye:becaufc he hath gone about
3mO mat fistic o; to thmfttheeaibay front the fLo?o
motiDtr robtchc lie <5od, rohiche brought thceoiu of the
hart) fayoe come topaffe, ano then fay: janOeof cgypt, ano from the boute of
Kt ?iet Os go after ftraunge goos(robieh bonoage.
Iff" tDou Daft not fcnoroen) ano let us feme u 3lno all ^frael (hall heare ano feare,
V them: ano (hall oo no mo2e any fuche tbicbeo*
i^ear&en not tbou Onto the roojocs of nefTc,as thisis among you.
tbatp?opf)cte o; ojeamer of ojcames: iz 3Jf thou fhait heare fay m
one of thy
if o? the %ow
tby d5oD pjoueth you, to rtties,robichetbe?lotf)ethy C5oo hath

Knoroc tt>t>ctl)cr
ye louetbe %om gcuentbeetoorocllin,
few your C5oo tttitl) all pour heart anD ibitb 13 XhatccrtainemenbeyngthechifO?en
KtOt all pour foulc. of aselial, aregoneoutfroamongyou,

tin. 4 j&efljaiiroaiReafter the ILoroe your ano haue moueotheinhabiters of their

©oo ano feare bun ,fccpc Ins commatm
, ciric,faying:ietbsgoano ferae ftraunge
ocmentes, ano bearften onto bis boy ce, goOS,rohicheye haue not mtorocn:
vou (nail ferae firm ,8 tleaue Onto bvm. 14 %f)tn thou mult feebe,f made fcarclje
5 ano that pjopbetc oj Ozeamer of ano enquire Oiligently: ano beholo,if it
mcanies fbai oie( becaufe be bath fpo* be true,? the thing of a furctie,tbat fuel)
ben to turne vou atbay from the ILojoe ahbomination is rwought among you:
your 000 rohiche toougbt you out of 15 Xben thou (halt fmy tc the oroeiiers
the lance of egypt, ano Oeliuereo you of that effle roiti) the cogc of the froojoc,
out of tfte Ijonfe of Oonoage, to tbmft ano oeftroy it bttcrly, % all that is tber*
thee out the roay rofttcft the Hojoe tfty (n,anO eucn the bery cattell thcrof,rottb.
6oo tommaunoeo thee to roaifte m) tbecogeofthefibojoe:
ano therefore thou (tjalt put the cuyll 16 ^no gather all the fpoyle ofttfnto the
atbay from thee. tuiooes of tlje ftreate therof, ano burne
* Jf » thy o?othcr,tl)e fonne of thy mo* rotth fire both the cine ano all the fpoyle
tljcr,02 thine onme fonne,o? thy oaugb* tbcrofeueryrobyt fo* (l) tg)tlLo?oe thy nour of '£od.
ttr,oj the royfe
that lieth in thy bofonte, <5oo : ano it fbaiOc an beape fo? euer, goo is Ijonoui
o?tby ftenoerohicheis asthyne oronc ano (hall not be buylt agayne. rco.tntiellrop
ingrtsci.i lijjt

17 ano °tbere (hai eleaue naught of the

(1 bnu
onto thee, entice thee fcerctely,
joule rob
bio Ijonour

faymg: net Os go ano ferae ftraunge oamneo thyng m tbyne hanoe, that the CO **•»
th.ilt taut na
sooscrohtchthou&aftnotimorocn^o? fLojDemay turne from the fierceneffe Sart of

23 vetthy fathers) of his rojatb,ano (hero thee mercy.ano

7 2too they be any of the goos of the peo* haue companion on thee, ano muinpuc
Plerohithe are ronnoe about you: robe* thee, as he hath (roome onto thy fa*
per they he nyebnto thee oj farre of fro thers.
pee, from the one enoe of the Exod.xuca
earth bn* 18 * ICberefoje (halt thou hcarben onto
to the other:
the Ooyce ofthe ILo^oe thy 0oo,to feepe
s Xhou (baitnot tonfent Onto ljym,noj all his commaunoementes rohiche 3
hcarbenbntohym, tbyne eye (ball not commannoe tljee this oay.tbat tl;ouoo
P«te hym, neither
(halt thou haue com*
pauion on hym,noj nepe Ijym
that rohiche is ryghtin the m^
of the
fecrete: ILojoetbydEtoo.

P The

Ofmeates. D eutcronomium.
r The .xiiij Chapter.

i&fie manew of tbe gentiles in marfit'ng ttjem felues to* t&e oeao,map not Be foIotoeD.
4 «©6at meates are rteaneto be eaten, ano toftat not. 19 ®b« tit&ejs foj t&e Heuites,
flraunger, fatfierlcfle, ano topootoe.

3 I earctljeclnib2c"oftbc 19 anb let euery creeping thing that fle-

!Lozbyour(25ob:*$>e eth,be bncleane bnto you,anb not be ea=
(baiinot cut your fel* ten of.
ues,no?malteyouany 20 25ut of all eleane foules ye may eate
leoit i.b.
(a) 3o tlje
baibnesbctrbeneyour 21 #e (ball eate of nothyng that byeth
to moiirnpnj
eyesfo?£beabman. alone: 2Sut thou (bait geue it bnto the &
*jfo?tbouartanrjo* ftraungcr (hat is in tljy title, that he
Dcuc. vi a.
lye people bnto the1Lo?be tf)v d5oD,ano cate it, thou mayett fell it bnto a
the &o?be bath ehofen thee to be a feuc*
rail people bnto hym fclfe,aboue all the
nations that are bpon the car tb.
ftraungcr :5fo? thou art an holy people <*«*
bnto the ?Lo?be thy «5ob. Xhou limit
not w feethe a Rib in his mothers matte, &i^
Xhou fyait * eatc no nianer of abho* 2i Xhou tythe all tlje intreare of

initiation, thy fcebe,that tlje Reibe biingetlj foo2th
bag figures Xhefe are tne bealles rbhicl) ye tball yerebyyere.
to the >c\dc0
a fptntiMli eatc of,j©ccn,£>heepe,anb ©oates: a j ^nb tbou fl^ait eate before the Uo2be
Boe,26ucfte,anD 26uglc,rbiibe C5oate, tljyd^ob, in tlje plate * rbhiche he Ijatb Dcut.xiii

flnico?nc,tbyibc £>rcn ano Camoife, thofen ^rbherehehatl) put his name,

3inb all bcaftes that ticaue tl)c noofc, tlje tithe of thy co2ne, anb of thy ibine,
anb clcaucthflje tuft into ttbo tlarbes, anbofthyneoyle, anb tlje firftb02ne of
ano thcrbe the eub,fftem ye (ball cate. thy nine, anb of thy Ojeepc : that thou
25 7 /f5cuertbeiciTe,thefcyelbail not eate mayeft learne to feare tlje !Lo2be thy
of them that cbcibe tub % of them that <25obalTbayes.
beutbe anb cleaue the boofe oniv, the 24 *3f f the tbay be to long fo2 thee,fo that DtU'..S:..

€amel,the iijarc.anb tncConic:fo? tbey thou art not able to carle it, anb if the
theme the tub,but be ni be not the boofe place be farre from thee, rbhiche the
tyerfojc they are bncleane bnto you. H02bethy 00b hath chofen to fet hts
8 anb aifo the 3>rbine, though he be* name tljere, anb the fLo;be thy d5ob
utbc the boofe, pet he tbcrbetb not tub, Datljblelfebtbee:
therefore is he bntleane bnto you: ye 25 Xljen u^alt thou maae it in money,
fyali not eate of the flelbe of futhe, no? w
anbtabe the money inthme Ijanbe,
louche the bcab carftaOe of them. anb go bnto tlje place rbhiet) the JLojnt
Leuit.xi.b. * Xhefe ye fljali cate of all that are in
9 tljy(©obfl)ailchofe,
theibaters : ail that bane finnes anb 16 3nb thou n>ait bettorbe that money
fcalcs (ball ye cate: f02Vbhatfoeuer tl)y foule luttetlj after,
10 anb vbhatfocucr Ijath not finnes anb oren anb (heepe, thine anb ftrong
fcales.of that ye map not eate, but it is b2mbe,anb fo? tbljatfoeuer thy foule oc^
bncleane bnto you. ftrcth : anb thon Ojait eate there befoje
ii £>fall cicane byjbes ye (ball eate. tlje ?Lo2be rhv ©ob, anb bemcric, botlj
12 But thefc arc they of rbhtclje ye (ball thou anb tt vac houlbolbe.
not eate : the egle, the d5o(bauBe, anb 27 anb tlje luuite that is rbithtn thy
tbr£>fp?ay. gates,lhait tljou not fo2faae,fo? he hath
ij Xbe ©lebe, the i&ite, anb the WLM neitherpartnojinheritaunccrbtth thee.
ture after their Htnbe. 28 * at tlje enbe of thjee yeres thou fljalt
14 anb all fttnbe of Eauens. b?yngfoo?thaiithetythes of thyne en-
15 Xbe eftritth, the j&igbtcrotbe, the fame yere,anb lay it bprbitn'-
creaft the
€ocBotbe,anbthe&patoibchauRe af* mtljyneoTbne gates.
ter their ftinbe. 29 anbtljcHeuiterbhicheljathnopart g»j*

i6 Xbelitic£>rble,thegreat£>rble,no? no? inberitaunce rbith thce,(hal come, **s

tbeffiebfljanfte. anb tlje ftraunger, the fethcriclTe, 9 "Jj **
17 Xbe ^eliicane, the £>rbanne,no? the rbiborbe rbhiche are tbitbm thy g^«»
€02in02ant. (hall cate anb be fmeb,tbat the jug
18 Xbe S>to?fcc, the $cron in his binbe, thy ©ob may blefle thec mal pibo?Be5
tbeiLaprbing,the2!5ac&e. of thyne hanbe rbhiche thou boed.

Deuteronomium. Cxxv.
f[ The .xv. Chapter.
©tie pere of releaflftngof ocbtcs. ? ©oo
bleffetlj tbem tftatftcpcftis
7 co bclpe tfte pooje. n clje freeoome of feruauntejs. is- ®&e firft bome of ttje cattel
be offerco bnto tty Xotfe.
% the tenitc of fcucn faying , Xhou (halt open thine hanbe
yeres,thou(baltmaKe bnto thy brother that ts nccby tpooje
afrcebome. inthyianbe.
*3inb this is the ma* 11 *1lf thy bother an $ebmefeli hym
b i
ace of tljefreebome: ftlfetothee, ojan^ebjuc Woman,anb
:n9hofoeuer w lcnbetb ferue thee fire yeres, in the fencntlj yere

ought ibitb his hanbe thou (halt let hym go free from tljee. Lcu.xxvi.f.

hi r' unto Dis neighbour, may

not afce a* U anb Wljen thou fenbeft hym out free
hts from
aayne (that which Ijc bath lent) of thee, thou (halt not let hym go *

neighbour 02 of bis toother, becaufeit away emptier

tscaiicDthe&ojocsfrceyere: Hthyz5ut w (baltgeuebymofthyfbecpe,of J )Conc,
2 pet of a ftraunger tbou mayft call tt come, anb of
thy anb gcue g»BL
bomeagayne: but * he that is thy bjo< hym of t^at ibhertbithtlje Ho;bethy «s;i«™*
bm m ^ -'

f Dec, hym (ball

thine hanbe remit. ©obhathbleffebthee.
«m ^cucctl)cicfrc,tljcre a;albcnobegget 15 ^nbrcmembertljatthourbaaarct*
among von : ftv the ILojbe (ball blefle uaunt in the lanbe of cgypt, anb the
tbec mtbe lanoe U>Dtcl) tlje flojbe thy JLom thy ©00 beliuereb thee thence:

000 geucth tt)ce fo? an mheritaunce: anb therfo?e commaunbe thee this
< 5>o thatthott&catftentmto tbe boyee thyng to bay.
of the Hojb thy <0ob, to obfecne anb do is 2lnb if he fay bnto thee , * 3
ihyll not E»A«i..
ail tbcfe eommaunbementes Which 3 go atbay from thee: becaufe he louctn
rommaunbetbeettisbay: thee anb thine houfc, anb is iheu at
6 5Po; the %nw
thy ^oo bath blefleb eafelWththec:
tbee, as be Ijatt) pjomifeb tljee, *anb 17 SChen (halt thoutafte anaule, $ nayle
thou (bait lenoe bnto man? nations, his earetotheboo?e thertbith, anb let
llS.t but thou thy fclfc (bait not bojorbe:3toD jym be thy feruaunt fo? euer.'^nb bnto
thou (bait raigne once man? nations, thy maybe feruaunt thou (bait bo lute
anb u>y (ball not raigne ouee tbee* tbife.

7 3Jfonc ofthy*b?eth?cnamongyoube 18 ^nb let it not greeue thine eye, tbhen

pooje lbitbin any of thy gates in thy thou letteft him go out free fro thee, foj
lanbc lbbf rt) the Hojbe tljy <i5ob geuctb jje hath ben uwth aboubie hireb Ter*
tbce:thou (bait not fiatben thine heart, uaunt to thee in his feruitc fire yeres:
nozfiwt to thine hanoeftom thypooje Xtto the |Lo?b thy <5oo (ball blefle thee
bjotljer: mail that thou boett.
s 28ut tljou (halt open thine hanbe bnto
hym, anb lenbe bym fumricnt foj his
19 * 3M the firft males thatcomeot^ tin

cattcil anb of thy (heepe, thou (halt ha*

LcBxx ^
neebe Which he hat&. lott)e bnto the ?Lotf>c thy (E»ob : Xhou
9 beware that there be not a Witfteb fbait bo notbo?he Vbith tbe firft borne
thought in thine heart, that thou Woul- bullocae, no? fl)eare the firft gcnbjeb of
beft fay , the feuenth yere, the yere of tljy (heepe. ^ ^ ^
utcoomeis at hanbe: anb tijetfojc it io %hou (halt eate it before the %o$e
geceueththceto lone onthypooje b?o* thy <^oD yew by yere,in the place ibhich
tper, anbgeheft hym naught, anb he the?Lo?bcfl)allchoofe, boththouanb
tljen ccye bnto tlje Hojbe agaynft thee,
anb tt be fume bnto tbee: 21
3lftherebeanyblemifl)ethenn:asif a>
«° Xhoulhait gcuehym, anb let it not it be lame, 0? blynbe, 0? haue
any other
scccuc thine heart to geue bnto hym: euyllfanourcbncfre.thoufbaltnotoffec
Jccaufc tljatfonhis thyng the1Lofl>e it bnto the Ho?be thy c^ob:
;py d5ob (hail blefle thee in all thy 26ut (halt eate it Vbithm thine
JNftes, anb in all that thou putteft gates, the hncleaneano clean
thine hanbe to. tt)aleatcitahnc,asthe^^^
«t out
Xhe lanoe (ball neuer
be tbitbout 13 4Dnly eatenot the bloobthet :

Poo?e:anbtherfo?e3tomaunbe tljee, po^eitbpontDegrounoeasibatei.


Feaft dayes.
D euteronomium.
The. xvj. Chapter.
« fiDr (fatter, r *
nntntfontfoe, nanbtbc
of tabcrnaclcjj. i8J©fjatofftcet0
DuglJCtobEoiDcpucD -i3DoIatr;rfo;b'.LiDcn.

Bferuc °rhemoncth c,
thp <£fob, thou, anb thp fbnne 1

thv ,
of ncibc conic, that battgt)tcr,thpferuatlm,anbthplnaT)cit.
thou ma?eft offer the 9 the fleuite that is Within thp gates «
^aflbuertrntopfLojO anb the Craunger, thefatfjerleue, ami'
thp <L5ob : fo; in the the Wibbowc that are among von n
moncrl) mhen tome the place Which the Hojoe thp
begpnneth to rppc, the hath thofen,to put his name there. «

fLojbe thp <5ob bjougbt thee oat of ii 3mb remember that thou waft a fcc
«gpptbpnpght. naunt in egppt: anb thou (halt obferue *

t Xhou (halt therfoje offer the ^aflb* anb bo thefe ozbtnaunces.

ucr unto the ILojbc thp d5oo (of (heepe ij Xhoufhaitaifo obferucthe w feattof.V^*.
anb oren) to the place mfjicfj the fLo?Be tabcrnacies,feumbapesafterthatthoii''K&
than ctjoofe toput hts name there. haftgathercbmthpcome? thp Wine. <m "^
5 Xhou fliair rate no leaucheb bjcab 14 3uio thou (halt reiopce (n thp feaft !^
linth it : but frnen oaves (halt thou eate tjhou anbthpfotme, thpbaughtcr,
bnleaucneb tycab thcrlbitb, euen tt)e cb) fernaunt, anbthpmapbe, thefumtt •

BOt.TTrt tbc
tyeab of tribulation (fiv thou earned theftraunger, ano ttjeftitljtrlefle^ the
tbcp n rrc hi, out of the lanbe of cgppt in hatte)that WibboWMhatareWithinthp gates.
brrng Dnctt ',

rhoumapefl: remember the bap tbtjen 15 *

3>euen bapes ftyrtt thou ucpe a fo- '%8.j.
thou tamett out of ttjelanbc of Cgppt, iempne featt bntothp|Lo?be thp<Kob
au the Daves of thpipfc. in p place lMtfch the fLo^oe (hall choofe:
4- [ 3inb there Ojaibeno leaueneb bjeab fo; thefLojb thp <&o* ft)ai bleffc thcein;
feene in ai top coaftes feuen bapes long, all tfjp frmtes, 9 in au
p ibo^es of thine
neither (hall there remapne anptfipng nanbes,tberfo?e (halt thou be giab. «

of ttje flea^c u>!jtrf) fljou offered tijc ficft 16 *%fytt tpmesmtheperc (haiiaii tfjp'Exi&a
bap at euen bntpll the mompng. males appeare before the ?Lo?be tup;
5 Xhou mapeft not offer the liaflbuer ^ob,m the place tbhfeh he u;au choofe:,
rbithm any of thp gates lbhich p JLom 3In the c° feaft of Dnleauencbb^eab, fn «(«)*»
thpesobgcueththee: the feaft of ibeettes, anb in the feaft of'
6 26ut in the place lfchich the ILojbe thp t abernatics:^nb thrp fi)al not appeare (J)Vtm '
©obflial choofe to fethis name in,thcre
thou (halt offer the ^affouer at euen,
before the ® flo?be Cs)
emptie. «fe«»
17 euerp man ajall geue (W accoibpng to gg* <

about the etopng bourne of the fannc,

the gift of his fjanbe,^ acco?bpng to the o»g «

cueninthefcafon that tljou earned out bicOpng of the^Lo?be thp (25ob ibljich'
Ijehathgeuenthee. ] •B*
25 7 ShtDthoufhaUroCeanbeateit inthc 18 3Iubgts anb officers ftjalt thou matte
place which the Hotat thp <£ob
hath thee in au thp tbhich the ILow
chofen, anb thou (halt returne on
the tfjp d&ob gencth thee throughout thp
mojott)e,anb go bnto thp tentes*
tribes, anDthepfyall iubgethe people
8 -Sure bapes thtu (halt eate
ftt>cetc ibithinftiubgement.
fceao, ano thcfcuenthbapujalbeafb* * najeft not
19 thou the latbe, no? ftnotbe
fenipneafTembltcbefoze the fcojbetnp
anpperfon, neithertaBeanpreibaroe:
d5ob :thoufhaitbonon)o^ethertn. EtdjoJ

jRnmt-jmg 9
5>cucn tbccBcs (halt thou « number
*fo; giftesbo blinbe the m&
oftlje tbife,

Ctom the nctt fperuerttherbo?besoftherightcous.

bnto thee, anb begptmc to number
aop ct ca>

the IO Xhat Jbhiclj is iuft anb rpght ft^«
feuen tt)ccBC£>,ttihcnthou begptmeftto
Mtr. thou foloibe, that thou mapft ipue, ano
put the ficle to the come:
eniop the lanbe rbhicft the lto?oe th?
Artes.ii.a.' io ^nbbcpethefcaaofibecBcsbntotfte
<5obgeueththee. _ M
fLojbe thp <150b, tttfthafreeibpii offc » Xhou u)ait plant
zi no groue of ativ
rpng of thine hanbe , which thou (halt
trees nearebnto the anlter of the %w*
geuc Ditto the %w thp <5ob, accojtbtna
as the ?lo?b thp (25ob hath bicffeb
thp <t5ob,Tbhich thou Ojalt mane thef.
2(nb thou (hattretopce before tije?,o;b
ii %hou ft}alt fet thee Dp no pi""' %%
Jhhit!)theHo?bethP<i5obhateth. mP'.
: .

Deutcronomium. Cxviii.
^ The. xvij Chapter.

: ®fje pumftmcnt of tlje i Dolat er. s ©arte controuerftes are bjougljt to the wfett
anDtOetuOgc. ucftecontcmpnermuaope. i?®lie election of tfteftpna.
w 1 7 na&at trjyngejs rje ougrjt to auopoe. 18 3ino tuljat rje ougtjt to imtyace
l)ou (bait offer btito tbeyenfourmetbee:
x tljcfUMbe tby <!5ob no ii accojbyngto tbefentence of tlieUttbe
oreno2fbccpe**bberin lbljicb tbey tell tbee, <w (bait tbou 0>) «l)«ftl)t
c0 blcmi(bc oj any anb boibe not from tbat vbljicb tbey conttoucrTte
is map be tlje

(bona enom.
cuyll faiiourrbncfle: fbeibe tbee,neitbcrtotbe rigljt
I ijanbe
fo2tnati3anabnomt- 1102 to the left.

nation bnto tlje fLojbe. iz 3lnb tbat man tbat tbyli oo p2eOmip*
ruoutty, anb ibyll not w bearben bnto
i)t 15 the true
be founbe among you ibitljin
<ljf tbere tbe pneft (tljat aanbetb tbere before tlje ano pjcmoiBu
any of tby sates lbbicb tlje fLojoe tljy Ho?oe tljy d5ob to minifter) o? bnto tbe
to 1)10ivo:Dt.

aob geuctb tljee, man o? Cb) woman tubge: tbat man (ball ^t , anb tbou
Ml tbat batbnwugbt tbttbebncffctn tbe (bait put aujay cuyll from jfrael.
figijt of tbe Hojbe tfjy d5ob, in tranC= 13 ^nb all tbe people fljall bearer feare,
gecflyngbiscouenaunt: anb (ball bo no moje p2efumptuoufly.
3tnb gone anb ferueb ftraunge gobs, 14 naben tbou art come bnto x^t lanbe
anb ibojfibippeb tbem, *as tbe funne 02 lbbicb tbe iCoibe tby d5ob gcuctb tW.
moone, 02 any of tbe Ijoatt of Ijeaucn, anb enioyeft it, anb bibelleft tberin,anb
jbliitlj 3
banc not tommaunbeb: if tljou (baitfay,*3 ibyliretabingouer I.Rc».8.a

4 3nb it is tolbe tt)tt$ tbouljaftbearbc me, lyae as all tlje nations tbat are
of it, tljen (bait tbou encmire biligently: about me:
anb if it be true, $ tbe tbyng of a fur ctie 15 %t)tn tbou (bait matte bym King oner
tbat fucbabljomination isibzougljt in tbee tbljom tlje fLojbe tby d5ob (ball
3lfracl: cboofe: eucn one from among tby bie*
5 Xljcn (bait tbou bjyng foojtl) tbat tlKcn (Ijait tbou mabe byng oucrtbee,
man o? tbat rboman (lbljub Ijaue com? anb tbou mayeft not fet a ftrauuger
mittcb tbat Vbicbeb tbyng) bnto tbe ouer tbee, lbbicb wnot of tby bietbzen.
gatcs,anb fyait tone tbem rbitb (tones 16 *26ut xyt (ball not multiplie b02fcs to
tplltbcybye. bymfelfe, no? b?yng tbe people agaync
6 moutb of ttbo o? tftjee Tbit*
*3lt tbe to^egypt to increafctbe number of ucnge fuib
»!ong as tbt
neu"cs,(baiiljctbatis ttwtby of oeatb, ijojfes:feafmucb astbe?L020e batb (Sgcptians none bnto

bye anb at tbe moutb of one lbitnefle,

: faybe bnto you , ye (ball benccfooitb go tban.

let no man bye. no moje agayne tbat ibay.

fcfbt 7 Xbc^banbes of tbe ttntneflcs (balbe 17 aifo \)t ougbt not to multiplie ibyues (1) ^rom Hit
ntttbpon bim,to uyii bim, $ aftcribarb to bimfcife,lelt bis beart^turneaibay, lji;c»o[J5oo.

t\)tbanbes ty of all tlje pcople.-anb tbou nritber (ball ljegatljcr bym Outer anb
(bait put tl^t ibicfeeb aibay from tbee. goibetoiiiucli.
3f tbere rife a matter to barbe fo2 ^uo ibben be bpon tbe feate of
m m mbgement bettbeene (f } bloob
ano bloob,bettbecne plea anb plea, be*
i s
topic of tbis
is fet
bingbome, be (ball votitt bym outa
iarbe maboobc before
nbeene plague anb plague, anb tlje tlj e
p2icftcs tbe ILeuites

n tlje topic

matters come to ftrife ibitljin tby gates: 19 ^nb it (balbe ibitb bym,anb be ougbt tohicli tl;c

Den (bait tbou arife , ano get tbee bp to reabc tljerin *ail tbe bayes of bis life,

jwot&e place ibbicbc tlje %om tyy tbat be maylearne to feare tbe fto;oe
©obbatljcbofcn, bis d5ob, anb to bepe all tbe uwbes of
9 3ln& come bnto
tbe pjicftes tbe %v tbts ia\be anbtbefco2binaunces, fo;to
wtcs anb bnto ^
tbe iubge tbat (balbc bo tbem:
m t pore uayes, anb af be : anb ttjcy n)all 20 3lnbtbatbisbcartarifenotabouebu?
m ff? VJce tl^ c ftntence of iubgement. bjctbjen, anb tbat be turne not from
b, jnjtbou mutt oo acco^byng to tbat tlie tominaunbcmcnt to tlje rigbt
TO 02 to tbe left: but tbat Ije may

H i

tbey of tbat place (tbmclj tbe
£ ^ftn)(be\bc tbee, anb tbou
m\t obfetuc to bo atcojbyng to all tbat
Ijis bayes in bis Hyngoomc , be
anb bts
Pre ce ptes.
D euteronomium. rece

^ 1 he .xviij. Chapter.

jCfte portion of rite TUUite*. <s€>ftbe'lcu.tecommpna, from another place 9©o

auopoe ttoc abtjominatton of tbe dpcnttlos, i ? ©eo topll not Icauc tfiem tottbout
a true pj opbete. » c&e ealfe pjopbete Qjalbe flapne. 21 ©otoc be map be Bnotoen.

31 I tyt piittUs of t\)tJLt< covTcellethrbithfpit ites,02afoort)rawr

mtes,* all the tribe of 02 that af Beth counfapie of the beab.
Nu.xv'111^. ILeui, 'mufthaucno iz 5f02 all that bofuchtrjpnges,areabhiK
partnortnhcritaunce minatiou bnto tlje il02be : anb becaufe
ttjttlj 3jffracl: but fl)all of trrefcabhomftiations, the Ho2bethp
catepficrteorTeringcs (5ob both catt them out bcfo2cthcc.
ofthelUyor, anb his 13 XIjou ajalt be^petfeet therf02cintlie
tnhcritaunce. figljt of tlje Ho2be ttjp d5ob.
IbsU tin.,

2 1Li)ctfo?e (hail thep rjaue no mrjt* 14 5T02 rtjefe nations ftrjieh thou Hiait
ritaunce among rtjeir bjctttten : but the poffefle, heathen hnto tegatoers of
Hojdc he is their inrjeritaunce, as Ije tpmes,anb bnto fo2teccrs:buttheil02b
hatljfapoe bnto them. trjp (00b hath notfuffeteb thee ro to bo.
5 3inb the pneftes bUctic of tl>c people, 15 Xhe !Lo2be thv <^ob rbvli * ftirce bp
arm of them that offer, whether it be bnto thee a pjophctc among you, euen **w
ore 0? ftjeepe, tber mult geue bnto the of thp b2eth2en Ufce bnto me,*bnto hpm
M ©jttttfjt pneft m the (houioer, $the tttio cheftes, yeujallheatnett, MaM *^
anbtljcmarbe. 16 ^cco2bpng to all that thou befirebtt of
4 Xbe ftrft fruitcs alfo of tl)p come, the ?Lo2be thp c?ob in ^ozeb m
the bap
»nnc,anb ople,anb the ficft of toe fleece of the aflcmbite, tbhen thou favbett:
of tl)v ft)«pc (halt tljou geue hpm. *Het meheare the bopceof mpflo2be bum
N«m lii.b. *5fo? tfje !Lo2be thp (0ob hath cfjofen (Sob no nt02e, no2 fee this great ftre anp
hpm out of all tljp tribes, to ftanbe anb mo2e,that3Jbvenot
to mimltcr in the name of the Hojbe,he 17 3lnb the ?Lo2be faybe hnto me: Xhep
anbljisfonnesfojcuer. Dauetticlifpoftcn.
6 3if a Hcuttc come out of anp of ff)p 18 3IU)pllraifethtmhpap2ophetefrom
etnes of aU3Jftaci,U)Dere lie tsafoiour* among their bjethien lyfte bnto thee,
C<)Cofcrnc net, anb come w iblth all the tod of his anb Xbpll put mp \b020r5 in his mouth,
1B0D Srlih a
goos Sspll heart bnto the place ibrjul) tlje %om anb he (hall fpeane bnto them all that
3 fyatl commaunbe hvm.
25 7 ^efyaiiminiflettothenamcof the 19 Hm Vbhofocucr rbplinot hearfeenb^
fU>2bc rjtsc5ob, as his other b2eth2en tomptb02bes,W)htelj he (halllbeabe in
the lUuites bo tbhictjtemapne there mp name, cs) 3l tbpll require it of h?nt. w 11
before tljefUube. 10 2i5utthcp2ophctetbhich^allp2cuinie &*
8 anb thep (bait tjaue ipltc pontons torpeafteaib02be in mp name, tt>h»#
ft>~i iprfptw toeate, befibe wtfjat vb&fcrj commetf) 3
hauc not tfimannbeb hpm to fpeaftc
tut tabid)
tljcy liaut of
tlinr t.itbcrs
of the fale of his patriniontc. m the name of araage w
02 that fpeafteth
qrooce.tbrp HDiicn thou art come mto tfje lanbe gobs, the fame p2opfjete Chall ope.
rball lyut of
tt)t oltnrngcB tt)l)icl)trje|Lo?be tljpdsob geuethtljec, it ^nb if thou fap in thineheart : hotte
I firlt f.-.uito
••a r'tic other tfjou (halt not icarnc to bo after the afc (hall ibt ftnoibe the tb02be VbhirtJtDf
it to oo>
Dominations of tbofe nations. |Lo2be hath not fpoftem
10 fLct there not be founbeamongpou it cuenU)henap2ophetefpeaKethintrjc
anp one mabetl) his fomte 02 his name of the &02b, if the things foiottie yg*
v c) nrtjittic
oaugljtcr to co go tlnouglj the fire, 0? not, no2 tome to pafle : that is the trjpng adfo
tt)hichthe|L02be hath not fpoficn, but gsa
jofng bc-
riortne !o.'0
tljatbfcth Witchcraft, 02 a rcgarberof
to be a
tpmes, 02 tfjat rcgarbctlj tlje fleevng of the P20phete hath fpeften it pjefimip ga*.*
rift 111 g.
foibles, tuouap : Xhou ujait not thcrfojt ce
11 £vafo?cercr, 02 a Conner, 0; that afrapbc of hpm.

Deuteronomium. Cxix.
The.xix. Chapter.

Cfie franrtweo totomss. 14 ® ot to temoue tbp netsbbom* bonDejj,
i6 ®0e puml&ment of tym tbat beared falfe uritncffe.

ibapcseuce : anb abbe tljjee cities mo

% ^^r¥WA *ljattj rootebont tt)c fo?tljcebefibetl)cfctl)?ee,
Xljat innocent bioob be not fl)eb in mp
nations ln&ofe lanbe 10
tlje !Lo?oe tljp <Z5ob lanbe, lbljtclj tlje?Lo?b tljp mn
geuctft tljee, anb tljou thee to inljerttc, anb ®
fo bioob come (0 W)»t ttjt
Sent!) of the
fuctect)eamtOcirtnl)e= bpontljce. particClcivne,
ritaunee, ana Duelled 11 25ut anb if an? man Date Ijts neygfc Vutotlicc.

fioufes: bour, anb lap albapte fo«i ftwu, anb rpfc

in tbeir eities,anb in tfteir
x Chou {bait w fepctate tlj?ee cities fo? agapnft Ijpm, anb fnipte Ijpm tljat it
miDDes of tlje lanbe rbljtcD bie,$ tljen fleet!) bnto anp of t\y„k tines:
!lo?be tl)p<l5obgcueffj tljee to pot 12 X&e (3) elocrs of l)is citie ttjaii fenbe (81 iCfjCOffia
tije (era 0; m,l;

fcffeit: _
anb fetel) Ijpm tljence, anb beliucr bpnt Bittratcs.

Jtll 3 Xljon (bait ® pupate tUc Nap, ana into tlje ijanbes of tt)c auengcr of bioob,

w beuibc coaftes of tljp lanfce ibljiel) tl)atrje map bpe.


Ho?oe tf)r ^00 gcuetlj tljee to in* 13

m %t)m epe ftjall not fpare &pm, but 0>) -ajpifun

tljou (i)ait * put atbap

tnurttr can
[tbecrpeof] i^
ftcrite, into tlj?ee partes, tljat * ibljoro* notbfpar=
DoncD •iuitii -

co committetl) murtljer, map flee nocent bioob from^jfracl, tljat it map out <£>ODS
hP5t) ttrpltn

gotbclUbitljtljee. fine-
(1) IBcumjc

4 3Fc?tI)tscaufcmufttl)cflaperfleetl)p* 14 XDou fljait not remout t?jp nepgl)* the mnuccnt

tijcr, tljat Ije map ipue : i©i)o fo Rplletr) bours w mar«e,ibl)tc!i tl)ep of olbe time blooo.

Ijauc fetinttjine in^eritaunce,tl)at tl)ou

IjiS neighbour ignorauntlp, anb f)ateo (ft) £©tcte5
IjpninotintpmepaiTeb: fljalt inljerite in tfjc lanbe tbljicl) tlje l> noc: .r.r)t

2lnD ibije a man goetlj bnto tlje tboob ?Lo?be tftp <2>ob geuttlj tljee to cniop it. SiD msgc tuts
* £>ne nJitneffc tljail not rife agapnft a tobcagieat
rbttt) ijts neighbour to fjclbc moob,anb 15 otfencc.

as bis fcanbc fctcljettj a Irrofte ibitft tlje man fo? anp maner trefpafle, 0? fo? anp Num jy.d.

are to cut oorone tlje tree, the licao nianer finite, 0? fo? anp maner fault

(lippctl) front tlje Ijelue, ano fmptctt) tW *

at tlje moutl)
Ije offcnbrtlj in : but

bis nctgljbourtDatljebpctfj : tljefame of ttboJbitncuts 0? of tl)?ee Mjimcffes

fljaii flee into one of tlje fame cities, (nail tl)e matter be ftablifljeb. Sufa.i.g.

anblpuc: 16
31 a faUe ibitnefle rife Dp agapnft a
6 Heft tlje aucnger of tlje bioob folott>e man,to accufc I)pm of trefpafte:
after tljcftapcr ml)plel)isl)cart is Ijot, 17 Xljen botlj tl)e men ujljiclj ftrpue to*
0) iFmifn
* oucrtafcc tjpm becaufe tlje lbapcs is getljer,a)ail ftanbe
befo?e tlje %we, pjci'cntMjac
long, anb nap Ijpm, anb ret tljere is no bcfo?et!jep?ieftesanbtl)eiubgesU)Ijiclj ttcrsaic.

taufe ib3?trjp of beatft in Ijpm, in as aaibeintljofcbapes:
niuclj as Ije Ijateb Ijpm not in tpme 18 3(nb tlje iubges ftjail mane biligent

pau"eb. inciuifition:anb if tlje Vbitneffc be founbe

7 naljerfo?e 3 tommanntje tljee,faping: falfe, anb tl)at Ue ijatlj gcucn falfe tbit*

Xljouttjait appoint out tlj?cc cities fo? neflc agapnft l)isb?otljcr:

U)tt* 19 %U\\ ujallpctio bnto tjpm,asl)el)ab
8 3fob if tt)e Ho?be tljp d5ob « enlarge tftougljt to bo bnto l)is b?otljer, 9 tOou
«)pcoaftes(as tje Ijatrj ftbo?ncbnto rtjp fljalt put cupll atbap from tlje mibbes
fotljers) anb geue tljee all tlje lanbe oftljee. . .
JMtotft Ije fapbe &e Xboulbe geue twto io ^nbotl)era)alll)eare,anofeare,
tljp fathers: ttjall ljencefoo?tl) commit no mo?e anp
9 Xbou (bait ucpe tDefecommaun'
all fuel) iDicUconeffc among pou.
nementes to bo tljem, Xbljielj com* 3 21 ^nb tl)ineepea)alibaucnocopamon
butMpfcfo?lpfe, cpefo? epe, tootbe
maunbetljce tljis bap, tljat tljou louc fo? Exo.xxi.c.

tDeHo?be tljpd&ob, anb Vomt inijts tootDe,Danbcfo?Danbc,footefo?footc.

Precce ptes.
D eutcronomium. rCCe
^ The. xx. Chapter.
i ffljc e rotation of tbe pn'ett toben tfjc gfraeltteg go to battaple. * die etbottatfon
of tbe office ttjetopng tofio fbouto go to battaple. 10 ^eace muff ftrtt be pjoclapmeo.
is> &be trccjS ttjat beare fratte mutt not be oettropeD.

$?en w thougocftoutto peaceabir, anb open bnto thee, then

3 battarlc agarnft thine all the people tbat is founbe thecin

fSUOO. enemies, $ feed hotfes, w tributaries bnto tbee,anb feme thee
anDti)arcttes,anD peo- iz anb if tljer lbrll make no peace tbith Bpnitna-
ple, mo then thou, be thee, but mane
Jbarre agarnft thec
Deut.i.d. not*afcarocofthcm: thoufbaitbefiegeit. '

fojtbefLo2bethr<25ob 13 ^nb ibhen tlje Ho?be tljr d5ob batb

is nut!) thee, tirijict) brought thee out of bcituereb it into tDine |)anbes, thou
thclanbcofcgrpt. ibait fmrte all tbe males tftecof tbith
anb tbben re are come nre bnto bat* tbeebgeoftbeftbo?be:
tar le ,p pjieft fljaiicomc footfh to fpcaue 14 26ut tBe ibomen,anb the tl)ilb;en,*anb c
bnto the people, the cattell,anb all that is in the citie,ano H% I

3tnb (ball far bnto them : ideate £> au the fporlcthcrof (halt thou taue bn-
3ifcael,rou ace come this bap bnto bat* to thr felfe, anb eate the fporle of tljine
Num.xiiiUj tavie agarnft roue enemies, * let not enemies, ibhich the %wt
thr <5ou
roue hcartes farnt,neither feare,no? be hath gcucn thee.
ama5Cb,no? abjcab of them: 15 Xhus ihait thou bo bnto all the cities
(TO (EoDB if o? tbc SLojb
w pouc <5ob goeth lbtth ibhith ace a great mar of from tbee,
CD Of Ac L
'grace ant
(I3IBCT13 curr vou, to frght fo? rou agarnft roue ene- lbijicb are not of tlje cities of «> tjjefe Clwnnt::n|
rcop to :;dpc !nics,anb to (auc rou.
anb let tbc officers fpeaue bnto tnc i6 mm of the tittts of there nations
people, faring : 3Jf anr man hauc built lbhich the H02OC thr (Bon (hall geue
a nctbe houfe, anb hauenot bebicate tljce to inberite, thou ftjait faue alpue
(O Wftw an?
toStpofrcffion it: let I)r«n go anb rctucne to his houfe, notbrngthatbjeatfteth:
of an titmfc.lje
icftbebreinthcbattarle, anb another 17 * 26ut (halt beftror them vbitljout re^
rcnOKO tljans
kc0 to (Bod
to; t;>at btu :- man bebicate tt. bemption, namelr the J^etljitcs, the
anb if anr man Dane planteb a bine* amorites, thedjanaanites, thepje-
racbe,anb haue not mabe it comon : let re5ites,the i^cuites, anb the ^febufites,
hrm go anb cetucne agarne bnto IjiS as the Ho?be thr <£»ob DatD tommaun«
houfc, icftbebreinthcbattarle, anb jjpj) thee:
another mabe it common. 18 Xhat ther teache rou not to bo after
25 *anbifanrmanbebctrouthebbntoa abbomtnations ibljichtber
all tljcir
DalM4«a. Jbrfc, anb hauc not tauen her: let hrm hauebone bnto their C5obs, anbfove
go anb cetucne agarne bnto his houfe, fhouioe finne agarnft the %oW yonc
left be breinthc battarlc, anb another <I50b.
mantaRcbcr. 19 naijen thou haft befiegeb a citie long
3 anb let tbe officers fpeaue further bn« trme, anb mabe macce agarnft ««
Iudi.vii.a. to the people, anb far: *3Jf anr tnan taue it, beftror not the trees tberot,
feace anbbefarnt hcarteb,let hrm go that thou Ujouibeft tftaiftan ace bnto
9 rctutne bnto bis houfe, lefthemaue them: but eate of them, ano cut them
J)is toothers
beact farnt as rbell as his. not bottme to further thee in thr ww*
9 anb ibhcn the omcecs haue mabe an fo^the tree of the ftelbe^is nianslifc.
enbe of fpcaftrng bnto tbe people, tW to C>nlr tbofe trees lbhich thou ftnotttw < i".
t: ''j

(ball maue captarnes of the acmie to tobe^bnfruitfull, thofe ft)altthoube>

gouernethc people. ftror f cut borbne,anb mafte buftbojBcs
io nahen tbou commeft nre bnto a title to Ibacrc
agarnft the citie that mattetb 1

frgbt agarnft it, * offcc them peace.
I>entji.t. ibitl)thee,bntrU thoufubbueit.
lovoe ttn?o£ct ii
anb if ttjep aunftbere thee agarne
: : ,,

Deuteronomium. CXX.
The .xxj . Chapter.

*inqwffturn fojmurt&er. nflDftljctoomantalieitfntoarte. ijcbebirtbrfctbt

cannot be cbaungeDfo? affection, a ®be Dtfobcoientcb?lDe. z^beboop map
not bang all nrsbt.

3foncbefounbeaapne it Xjjou (halt bjpng her home to tfjme

intljcianbe tbhichthe houfc, anb(he(bail«(haueher heab, ft) Cttt u*
clarrtlj tljat
Hojbthp&obgcuetlj anb Ojali pare her navies, tat IhonlDc be
alter re from
theetopoffeflctt, anb i$ 3tob put her rapment that (he Tbas Ijcr olDC con -
ncrtation, be.
ipcthtnthcfieibe, aim taften in,from her,anb let her rcmapne fo:c Qje nterc
m.ioc a men -
ttisnotUuoil»cnU)Ijo in tljine houfe, anb (0 bemeepe her fa- bcrof iSobg
hathflapnehpnt: ther ?her ntotljer amonetljlong: anb (f)3«t)ttcrlp

z £ben thine elbers anb tljp lubges fl^al after that (halt thou go in bnto her,anb lojrnfepntj bec
counttc? ant

tome foojth, ano meafure bnto tlje ^marp her,anb Ibe (baibe thp ttjpfc. Spnttoc.
CB) *l)b»lti
ttttcs that arc rounbe about hpm that 14 3lnb if tljou haue no fauour bnto her, beetle Ssag
ginuiiteD fo)

isttapne: then let her go ibljither (he lufteth, anb fucb at wttt
t.llic mtoot tc
t 3inb let the elbers oftDat title rbhieft te fell her not fiwmonep, no? matte mat*
otlicrtoplc tljt
ncrtbnto theflapneman, tatte out of chaunbfte of her, betaufe thou haft mfijbt not
mar;? out o(
tijc bjoue an hcyffer that hath not ben ^Jjumblebher. tljcir onnt
put to labour, nojtjathbjamcn in tlje 15 IJfamanhauettbotbpues, one be* " ©), Sfeftct
pofte: loueb,anb another hateb,anb thep Ijaue (b) UftD bee

borne hpm rtjilbjen, botlj the loueb anb

as tljp iopfe.
4 anb let the elbers of that title tying the
hepffcr bntoa c) haroe$ rough ballep alfo the hateb : 3ff tlje firft bome be the

n toljifh is neither eareb no? fotben, anb fonne of the hateb:

p flrpfte of tDe hepffers neefce there in the 16 Xhentbhen the tpmc tommeth that
ballep: hebeaiethljts goobes among his tlnl
^ Situ the pjieftes fotmes of fLcuf
tlje bzen, he map not mahe the fonne of the
" ©j.Mflong
Bj (XDljont tlje Hojb thp C5oo hattj chofen beloueb ftrft borne, " before the fottne ob tbc fonne of
to minifter,ano to* blcfle At tlje name of the tjateb,tbi)ith (sin nttht tlje firft IfOC.

oftrje Hojbe) (hall tonte foojth: anb bp borne:

their ibojbc (hall ail ftnfc anb plague 17 25ut he (hall nnoVbe tlje fonne of the
betrpeb. hateb foj the firft boine, anb geuc hpm
e 3mb elbers of the title that
all tlje w boibble po?tton of all that he Ijattj
(i) Owpart
(balbc as great

tome footfb to tlje flapne man, fljall 3fo? heis the

w firft of his ftrength,anb
ae too
other 0.
ot tbc

Ck; Cbat W.
Jbauje their hanocs ouer tlje tjepffet to tym belongeth tlje rpgljtof the firft i>: toJBbccroii
that is behcabeb m
the ballep, borne.
teninf ftouiic
of bio father*

7 3utb (hall aunftbere, anb fap : 4Dur 18 *3Jfanpmanljaueafonnethatisftub* age.

Ijanoes haue not fheb this bloob, net* burnc ano bifobebicnt, that he ibpll not
tljeehaucourepesfccnett. ^earUen bnto the bopte of his fatljcr

8 m mernfull (b) ?Lo?bc bnto thp people anb bopte of hts mother,anb tljep hawe
m id 3»ftael Jbhtth tljou halt bcliucreb, anb tljafteneb hvm, anb he rboulbe not
lav no innotcnt bloob bnto thp people hcarnenbntotljem:
tf Jftaelstharge, 2nb the bloob (hal* 19 Xhen ujail his fatljcr anb his motljer
oefo^geuenthem. taltehpm,anbb?png Ijpntout bnto the
9 w
janb ro (halt thou put innotent bloob doers of that citie, anb bnto the ® gate
0) Cbe t>l«e
E [torn thee, rbhen thou (halthaue bone ofthatfamepiace,
ujatibhith is rpghtintljc fvgljtof tlje 20 ^nb fap bnto the elbers of the ritte:
%ty& our fottne is ftubbume anb btf*
obeblcnt, anb ihpll not hearlteit bnto
©hettthougoeftto ttjarre agapnft
w, (B)


m i
enemies, anb the Hojbe thp
Uatlj bciiuereb

^f/tyoulJaataKcnthe captiue,
them into thine ii
^nb w all the men of tljat rihe Ojaii

On) i£r)f*»t2
n foi blafpbes

ti&rJ*^ amon S tUc taptiues a beau* tDou (Ijalt put cupil avbap front thee, nicro ono ido>
later* Sucre
nruu ujontan, anb haft a beftre bnto anb ail3Jfrael (hallhearc^nbfeare. put to no 01b, cc

Matthourcoulbcfthaueher to tljp n gifamanljauetontmittcbatrelpatte


Dcutcronomium. andl aw

00 5 fjfcbtt
rt,anD thou hangcft hpm » on tree. on l)vm that is hangeb: 2Dentc not thou
23 $is bobp (ball not rcmapne all npgbt thp lanbe ibhicb the ?L02be thp <bod
Upon rtje tree, but thou (bait burp hpm gcueththcetoinherite.
the fame bap , fo; tlje rurfe of 00b 10

The.xxfj. Chapter.

1£e comamiDr tb to ftaue care of our neq$bout£ goo&cjs. * cbc tocman map not
tocare mans apparell, no; tbeman t&e toomang. 6 £>f ttje Damme & ber poung
btroce. x nr>bp tbc v ftoul&e baue battlementejs. 9 $ot to mire Diurra fitnbcs to.
getber. i>€>f tljeictfcnotbcmgfounocabirgiii. 2: cbe puniftmct of aDiiItcrtc.

t>ou fljait notthpfee anb an au*e together.
a brothers ore 02 (beepe 11 Xhou (bait not ibeare a garment mtSA
goaftrap,anb rbith? w mabe of ibool (s)
anb linnen together, ?« mttf
(al Vint is, QWnaiutit
not to be icvi-
Ipnrj to t}Ctpc
toaibc thp fclfc from iz Xhou ft)alt not malic thee garoesbp wuinua.Mi

in rpmc o£ them: but (bait topng pon the foure quarters of thp beftute
them agape bnto thp lbljeretbith thoucoutrefttljpfelfe.
tbtt ih; L
toother, 13 3Jf a man take a ibpfe, anb U)hen he '•"Wiiii*

1 anb tf thp toother be not (b) npe bnto hath ipen ibith her, hatcher,
to be Wti
(t>) Ctiatitfc
mult be ihcir; thee, 02 tf thou knoibc hpm not, then 14 2nb lap (bamcfull thvnges bnto hec
C» to t'iv bio-
tbtr a(u)cU topng tt bnto thine oibne boufe, anD ft charge anb topng bp an eupli name
fare c iibfcnt,
as yjcie at.
(ball rcmapne ibith thee bntpll tljp too* bpon her, anb tap, 3J tofte this ibpfe,
tt)cr affte after them, anb ttjen bcliuer anb ibhm 3 came to her 3
founoe her
hpm them agapne. notamapoe:
3 3Jn ipke mancr (bait thou bo ibitf) 15 Xhcn (ball the father of ttje Damfeii
hisaOe, anbfoa)aitthouboibitbhis $ the mother, topng fb02th the tokens
rapment : anb lbuh all loft thpnges of of the bamfels birgtmtie bnto the tv
thp toother, ibbiclj Ije hatlj loft anb bers of tlje citie in tlje gate,
thou haft founb, (halt thoubo uuetbife, i6 anbthc bamfelsfatBer ajaiifapbnto
anb thou mapeft not hibe it from them. elbers :
tlje gaue 3 mp
baughter bnto
Exod. 2). a.
4 * Xljou (halt not fee tfjp toothers affe tins man to ibpfe, anb he Ijateth Ijer,
02 ore fall bourne bp tlje ibap,anD tbm> 17 3lnblo,he lapeth (hamerail tljpnges
Djaibethpfeife from them : but (halt bnto her charge, faptng, 3
founbe not
hclpe hpm to heaue them bp againe. thp Daughter a mapDe : anD pet tljefe
CO CTiS Hit- 5
Xljc iboman (ball not c0 ibeare that arc tlje tokens of mp Daughters birgi'-
Her Is
nttic. anb thep (hall fpjcaDc tlje befture
to be
Btpt in natti=
ibhichepartepnethbnto the man, net-
tftl comclpncs thcrfhalla man put on ibomans rap* before the elbers of the citie.
fo: DiSuictign
ofpcrfoiifl. ment : .f 02 all that bo fo,are abhomina- is ^nb tlje elbers of that citie (ball take
tion bnto the ILojDe thp d&oD. that man, anb chatttfe hpm,
26 6 3Jf thou chaunce bpon a birbes neO bp 19 anb mcarfc hpm in an hutuueb fides
the lbap, in ibhatfocucr treeit be, 02 on of fplucr, anb gcue them bnto the fa* w rtietiwo"
He iccJp«*

grounbe, ibhethee thep be poung 02 *

tlje therofthebatnfell, becaufe he bath ,,ciuf<
e gges, anb the Damme fittpng bpon the toought bp an eupi name bpon a mapoe bet Atoll
poung, 02 on the egges: thou^ (halt ofJftael: anD ftje (balbc hisibpfe,anb
ifftnt!" )
OO ctnrt.
tie moynotbc
not take the Damme ibith the poung he map not put her aibap all hts oapes.
buocs, imicbe 25ut (halt in anp ibpfe let tlje Damme 20 ffiutanbpfthethpng beofafuretie
klTc to man,
irfcjin lifoi)
go,f taircthepoung to thee, that thou tljat the bamfcll be not founbe a birgin:
tntobimtcKc mapeft pzolper, anD prolong thp Dapcs. 21 Xhep ft)all topng the bamfcll to the
8 «9hcn thou buplbeft a nerbe houfc, D002C of her fathers houfe,anD the men
thou (halt make a battlement on the of that citie (ball ftone ber ibttb ftones
roofe, that thou labe not bioob bpon to beath,becaufe ftje hatlj ibzougljt folip
thpne houfe if anp man fai from thence. m
^frael to plap theibboje ittfjerta;
Leutt.xix.d 9 * Xhou Ujalt not foibe thp bineparbe tljers Ijoure : anb 0) thou (halt put cm
co biuersfcebes left
COflJeanpnj ibith : the ftuiteof from among pou.
tp tins lafee,
tt.ii tbn fliulo
thefecoc lbljich thou Daft foiben, anb 22 *3Jf a man be fonnoc Iping ibith a wo* Lenity
fi.inbc to one
ttuctb m fin. the fruite of thv bineparbe, be bcfplcb. man tljat hath a ibebbeb hufbanb, thep
10 %\)qu ftjait not ploibe nntlj an ore (bail both bpe, both the man that lapj
glciieffe Of
D euteronommm. c XXJ.
1^rtithc*byfc,anD alfo the lbyfc :anb fo harmc, becaufe there is in the
Sou (bait put amay cum from 3Jfraci. no_wurc h of DeatOtifa as ibhen
a man « *or iraie

• <Sf a maybe
be betroutheb unto an huf* ry/cthagautahisneyghbouranb day* ST"*
DanDcanDtDcnanianfinDc her in the ert)hym:cucn^foisthtsmatter. «?^r
toibtic,anb lye with her: 27 3Foz be fount) her in the ftelbes:anb the
, In (ball bnng them both out bnto the betroutheDbamfcllcrpco uthcreibas
? njcrcu)as s«««>«war=

aatcsofthcfamc title, anb (ball (tone nomantoutecourhcr; '

mem U>itb (tones to Death Xhe nam* : 28 *3if a man ftnbe a' maybe that is not ££&&
feu, becaufe
(be etyeb not b^na in the betroutheb,anb taue her, ano ipe ujith ST*

ritte:^nbtheman, becaufe ht hath her,anbtheybefounbe:

buml>lcbhisnctghboursrbife:anbthou 29 Xhen the man that lay lbith her (ball
(halt put atbay cuyll from
thee geuebntothebamrclsfatDErftftieficies
< 26ut if a man fmbe a betroutheb bam* of fuuee , anu flje a>au be his ibyfe, be*
fciiintheftetoe, anbfojeeher, anb lye caufe he hath humble* hcc:anb he may
lbithbcr: then the man that lay lbith not put her albay all his bayes.
bcr, (ball bye alone. 30 ^omana^alltaftehtsfatljccSBjife, £«««$*
26 asut bnto the bamfell thou (halt bo no noj bnhealehis fathers couering.

5^The. xxiij. Chapter.

1 t©fiat men misfit not be aomt ttco to office. 9 i©fiat tftep ottsfit to auopoe tofictt
tfiep go to toarre. €>f tfie fugtttue teruaunt. 17 &o flee all fitnoe of ttljojoome.

i9<Dfbfutte. 2i€>fbotne0 24 £>f tfie neighbours bine an&cojne.

a« 4Dne* that hurt by is 9 aahen thou goeft out ibith the fjoatt
butftyng, 0; hath his againft tljyne enemies, nepe thee from
pzutic members cut of, aiUbichebncfTe.
tyal come into the con* 10 3Jf there be among you any man that
IT! .:::'
grcgation Ca) ofy!Lo?b. is bnclcanc, by the rcafon of bndcan*
anoabatracbc (bail nefle that cljaunceth hym by nyght : let
not come into the con* him go out ofthe hoaft,anb not come m
« K:I: grcgation of the %om
no not in the : agayne into the hoaft.
lltitn tenth generation he (hall not enter into 11 26utateuenlethym lbaPoc hymfeifc
It Mr,
Wirat the congregation of the ?lo*be. Xbith Xbatcr : anb then Vbhcn t^e funne
3 *%\)t ammonttes anb the ^oabitcs iSboibne,lethymcomc into the hoad
(ball not come into the congregation of agayne,
uje 3Lo?bc, no not in the tenth genera* 12 Xhou fljalt Ijaue a place alio ibitljout
tton, no? they fhall neucr come into the the hoall,ibhyther thou (bait rcfozt to.
tongecgation of thelLojbe: 13 3nb tijou fljait haue a pabble ftaffc
4 25ecaufc they met you not tbith "bjeab bpon thy lbeapon: anb Vbhcn tljou ibilt
anbttjaterin the ttmy, ibhen ye came eafe thy fclfe,biggc thcribith,anb tucne
out of egypt, anb becaufc they hy:eba* anb couer that lbbitij is bepar teb from
gatnft thee * Balaam the fonne of 2Bco i tlicc.
of i&thoj of ^efopotamia, to cucfc 1+ tfoifye %wtt\)y <5ob iballtet!) in ^
tljce. themibbesof thync hoaC, to ryb tljee,
5 ifreucrthelcffc, the %om thy d5ob anb to fct C3) thyne enemies before tljee: (q) C0 8 c «
»)ouibcnothearhenbnto26alaam:but X6crf02c ttjali the plate of thync hoait
% <&«> turncb the curfe to a
bnto thee,bccaure tlje Hojbthy
be purc,that he fee bo bnclcanc thyng in
tljee,anb fo turne him fclfc from tljee.
osamft ttjjnc

k Xhoufbaitnotbcluicrbntohis mat*
w the Teruaunt ibhiebe is cfcapcb
i«o 6 Xbou (bait not fcehe their peacc (B) noj Ocr, lutl) tt)ia o(

health authybayes.fojeucr. from his maidcr bnto tljee.

SsbTcljc beiPiig
*Ct» = 7
« H )ouft)<1lt
";«c,ft« he is
thy b?otber
not abho^rc an w €bo*
neither n^alt :
16. i^e (ball Dibell imi) thecp^lamong
you,intbhat plate he hym fclfe uueth

> c

ftcra, fico to
flares, ono
I >
> vkt>

u b 0Jrc an ^syptian, becaufc bea,in one of tljy cities lbhere it is goob

n, a c tutneb
?? » ^ <otbcttuc«=
wjoiiioaftaftraunBetinfttelanne. f02 l)ym,aub thou a^ait not bepe hym.

17 Xljcrc (balbc no U)I)o;e of the baugh^

ec l)^cnthatarebcgottenoftl)c,
the Congregation of tlje ters of Jlfrael, no?U)l)o;cUcpcr of the
«-o?betnt!)etl)irbegencration, fonnesofjffraei.
Preceptes Dcuteronomium. and |
is Xftou (bait neither bjyng the ftyje o f ibyiifttrely require it of tftce,anb tttbau
( 5 '

rot be (mica
>3oD trpD
a CB) ibft02C,no? the pjytc of a bogge into be fume m tftee.
Seitb tljpngc*
fcruip gotten.
tftehoufcoftftc$U«be thy C50b, many iz 3tftftoutyaltieauebomyng,tta)aibe
matter of boib c :fo i tut both o f 1 1) en ace i nofutneintbee.
abft omtnatton bnto t be %
02D tliv <3oo. 23 2Sut that lbbiefte is once gone out of
Exo.xxii.d i? *1Cftou (halt not hurt thy brother by thylippes^houtiiuft acpeatibbo,ae; 3 $
Leuit xxv.f
bfttcic of money, nojtjybfurie of conte, co?oyng as tbou baft borbeo bnto tfte S&"
nojbybfuricofanytbyngtftat he map Hojbethy ©ob of a frceibyii, ano as
behuetrbttftaii. tbou baft fpolitu lbith thy n toutft.
(-10 fficcaofc 20 f^ nto «3a tttaunger thou may e ftlenb 14 i©ftcn tijou tommeft into tby nctgi>
ibep h-ctc a
bai oc he irtco
bponbfurie, but not bnto tfty toother: bours btncyatbc,tftou mayett eate gta=
VropSc, ciicrc -
f c;c coas thia
I'.bcrtic gcucn
tftat the %o;D thy <5ob may bieffe
tbee pes tbv belly ful at thine oibne pleafure:
fljefojatpmc. in all tbat tbou letted tbyne banbe to buttftoufbaitputnomintJhybeffeil.
w tl)e lanbe ibhytbcr tbou goeft to po£ 15 euen fo,tt)ben tftou commeft into tbp
feffe it. neighbours tome, *tbou mayett piurue Mats*:!i
<i) webofec zi n9l)cntbouftaft boU)cbabotbebm tbe eares lbith tbyne hanbe : but tftou
Dniothc lojD.
»rr)CT1 mc bofc> totbc ILojbe fljp <5oo, tbou (halt not fljait not moue a ftcble bnto tfty ncy
WU»t- ftatbe to pap it:3F 0? tbe 1Lo?oe thy <©oo bours come.

The. xxiiij. Chapter.

1 pnioiccmciit tbat <s ncvolp marrr u,t0 rrrmptm from toan*.

10 pr nnitt ct). ? fir
6 €»£ tnc picDgc 14 teageis mad not be retapneo. v, cbe gooD mud not be pumlbeD

to; tbe baD. 17 Cbe care of tbe Braungcr fat iKrleffcano topootpe.

5?cnamanftatfttaUcn abufeth hP»b,o? felleth hpm : the

a albifeanbmariebfter, (hall Dye,
anb tftou (halt put eutu alba?
if (be fmbe no fauout from tftemibbeft of thee.
inbiscyes,betaurehe 8 SCabe fteeoe to thy felfe as concerning
bath fpyeb fottte bn^ the plague of icpidfie, tftat tftou obfetuc
I'utfrcD , onlp
cleamtesutben'tbtn baigently, anb ye (hall bo accojbtng to
ft) pjcucnting
a further mif-
let ijpnt ibjpte fter a all that the pneftes the ILeuites (ball
byilofbeuojtemcnt, anb put it in fter teache you: euen as 3tommaunbeb
l)anbe,anb fenbe her out of bis ftoufe: tft em ,fo ye (ftail obferue to bo.

i 3Cttb ibbett (be is beparteb out of \ni& 9 Bementbcr rbftat the tebe tfty <I5ob
ftoufe, let bcr go anb be anotber mans byb bnto* Miriam by the ibay, after
ibpfe. that ye tbere tome out of cgypt.
3 anbiftberctonbcftufbanbcbatefter, 10 i©henthouboeftlenbthyb?otheranp
thing, thou * (halt not go into bis tjouTc S?«

fter out of
bis ftoufe :
let fttnt tbntc fter alfo a letter
ment,anb put it in fter hanbe anb fenbe
if tftefetonbe

tofetthea plcbgefromtljente:
25ut (halt ftanbe ibitftout, anb tlje
man that bojoibeb it of thee,fbatl toing g?^ "
man bye ibbitbc tobc fter to tbpfe,
4 her atbar
i^er firft titan ibfttcfte fent the piebgc out of the boojes bnto tftee.
may not tahe her agayne to be his myre it 5Purthcnno?e,ifitbeapoo?eboby,tbotJ
after that fbc is befileb : 5F02 that is ab* (halt not ftcepe Until his piebgc:
hoi nutation m the fight of the
fLo^be, 13 25ut beliuer ftym tfte plebge agarnc
tttbttttbe funne goeth boibne, tftat be
;b SbOD Ojalt anb tftou fftalt not taufe the lanbe to
not btfpU tbe
lanbe by finne, rbfticbe tfte !Lo?bc tftv <!5ob (hall may(leepeinhtsoibneraiment,f bieffe J
tt)p lynnt.
gcuetbeetoinfterite. thee^nb it (balbe Ct^ righteoufnes bnto hf
Deu.xxv.b < •nahen a man tabetb a neibe tbyfe, he thee before the %mt thy ILojbe. *$..

(ftail not go a warfare, neither (ftalbe

thargeb lbitb any bufinefle : but fbaibe
14 Xhoua)altnotopp?e(Tcanhy^by
uaunttftat ts neebte anb poo?e,ibbctftcc g
** ^
free at Home one yere, anb reioyte ibith be of thy bietl)2c,02 of the ftraungets
fte ^
ftts lbyfe tbhith^he hath taben. that are in thy lanbe rbitbtn thy gates: «
tabe the (0 neatfter 0?
man (hall fame
ft) «m>ct 6 */i?o 15 *26ut (halt gene htm his hy^e tfte
rttft 1)« corns thcbppcrmplftone to plcbge :fo? then bay, $ let not the funne go boibne tjfter^
picbenbeti) all
in iecnm ernes
he (bail butt a mans life. on,fo? he is neebie,anb theribitft uu»^
i-.nb toolcs
7 '31(f any man be founbe Healing an? of netft h»s Ufe:lefthe crye agatnft tftee
a man gcttcttj
bislfupng. his bjetbjcntfte chvlb?en of JJfrael, anb to tfte &o?oe,anb it be fume bnto tftee.
' ,

Ueutcronommm. cXXI It
the fatbccicu~e,ano the
tbpbotbe: that
Mtbe cbpwen, no* tbe %u»en fonbe thejLojbetbp <£ob map bieOe thee
fc t lJwmin
^ SnrrsVbut ctierp man ftjalbc put to all the tt>o?ncs of
3i fo2 his ottmc finne.
W rpgbt of
io nahentboubeatcft bourne thine
Sou foaltnot pcruert tree, thou torn not featcb p boughes

Sbc a
(W no? of tbe fathcrtcffe,no?
tbpooibes rapment to plebge:
JR.? BMftec bp that tbou lefeft
Xtemcmbcr thatthou ibaft afet* gcr ,tlje fatbcricflc,anb tbe Tbpbouie.
I .
nahen tbou gatbetcft tlje stapes of
I ^JStoewP*, ano fjoibe the fLojbe 21
SS beltueeeo thee thence:
[jjjtftoe^tommaunbetheeto do this
anb tbp butcparbe,tbou fbalt not gather the
grapes dcane after rl)ee:but icaue them

fo? the ftrannger, the fathetleffe,

%^Utboucutteftboibnethpnehar< tbeJbp&otbe.
tirftinthpfielb, anb haft
fojgotatycafe xt 3tnb remember that thou alfo Vbatt a
itbcfieibe,thoutt)altnotgoagapneto feruauntin tlje lanbe of egppt : $ tber*
tfutittyalbefojthelttaunger, foje^Jcomaunbe thee to bothis thing.

^ The .xxv. Chapter.

»C&e beatpng of tbe oBenDerjs. tCoraprebpfcc&ctotljcfifnfcBifin. ugittobat
cafeatDomans^anDemuabecutof. ij£>ftuttt»at8btt8ani>meata*ejj. ip^oae.

3f therebe ftrife be* theranamtinjfracl, neither tbpll be

ttbecnemen,tbep(t)au inarrpme.
come bnto the latbe, 8 %hen tbe elbers of his citie (hall call
anb letthe Jubgcs hpm,anb commune lbirt) bpm:anb if be
gene fentencebettbene ftanbeanbfap, gUbpllnottaneber:
ttjem:anbiuftifie tbe 9 %l)tn (ball bis Binftboinan come bn*
righteous,$conbemne to hpm in tlje p?efence of tbe elbers, anb
tljebngoblp. loofe bts iljoc of his foote, anb fpit in
^nb anp man be bngoblp, anb tbor-
if his face,anb aunftbere,anb fap:5>o (bal
tty of fteppes, tljen let the Jjubge caufe it be bone bnto tbat man, that botlj not
tb) C6)CI)irtio9
bun to Ipe bourne anb to be beaten be* ^^uplbe bp bis toothers boufe. not beget a
fee ins face, aceojbpngto htstrefpafle, io 5lnb his name (halbe caileb in 3Jfracl, tliilbc to

be ire

bnto a cmapne number. the bntbobboufe. name.

CO 'Wboj--
3 *5Fotirtie ftripeshe (ball geue 5pm, ii 3ff co ibben men ftriue togetljcr one 6in:tincc
tlatetb,, tM
anb not paffe : left if he ttjouibe ejeceebe, tt)ith anotber,tbeu)ife of tlje one b^aibe bn(l)arotfii!i»
ttclTc ui a too;
anobeatebpmaboue that tbith manp neare fo? to rpb ber bulbanbe out of tbe man in I'oicu
blc, anb tljcr.
ftripes, tbp bjotber fboulb appeare befc Ijanbesofbpnitljatfmptetb bv«n, anb fo:c.T)Oitliro(
fljatpe pin
pifeb anb bile before thpne epes. putfootfljljcrhanbeanb tane bvm bp moment.

4 *£bou fbalt not moofell the ore that the fecretes*

tceabetl) out tbe come. n %bou ftfatt cut of ber hanbe, anb let
it. $ *3tfb?cth?enbtt>eU together, anb one notthpneepepittcher.
of them bpe, anb haue no cbplbe, tbe
13 1Chou ftjalt not haue in thp bagge Lcui.xix.g.
fttfcofthebeab (ball not marrp ttrtth* ttbo maner of ibapgljtes, a great anb a
Jutbntoaftraunger:buthis "Kfnfman fmail:
P in trjirte bonfe

nut ujaUgoinbntober, $ taue ber tottnfc, 14 iUeitber thalt ttjott baue c
anj ocenpic the rorbme of biucrs meafurcs,a great anb a fmali.
In; bis binfman.
3V ecll)eft tonne ibhiche fl;c bea-
wtb, ibaurucceebein tbe name of his
15 25ut thou thalt baue a rtgbt ano tuft
lbaigbt, anb a perfect anb a init mea*
fotbetibbicbeisbeab, tbathts name furc tibaitthou baue: tbat tbp bapes
benotputoutofjjrrael. map be lengtbeb in tbe lanbc ibbiclj tbe
7 anb if tbe man tbptt not tauc btsftinf* ?LojbetbP<!5obgeuctbtbee*
woman, tbenlether g0 bp to the gate
jnto tbe eioers,
anb rap : fl0p Wnfman
i6 m
all tbat bo fucb tbpnges,
anb all
tbatbobnrigbt, areabbomutanonbn'
Si?' «weth to ftirre (0 bp bnto his b;o* totbeHo?oethp<i&oo.
^Jij i7memembcr
Preccptcs Ueutcronomium.
17 *l&emcmbcrtbhatamalech bpb bn*
10 tl)tt bptlje tbap, ibhcn pc lucre tome
19 Xhcrfoje ibhen thr^S^T^
hath gcucn theercft from
S SL2?
mtcsrounbe about, in the SISS?**
ig tyom be met thee by the tbap, ano thelLo ? othp©ob
fmotc the hpnbmoft of pou, all that SPt?i2!!
rite anb poircAc: fee that

iberc feeble anb came behpnbe, ibhen

tnoum,X :
thouibaltfapmeb anb ibecric, anb he
tonberheauen,anbfo W tnot7 ; ft0m

$*>The. xxvj.Chapter.

3 CUc offertngof tufted ftoitejj. y t»&att&epmuff pjoteffto&en tfiep offer ttwm

11 C&e tit&e of ty tljtrDe pcre. n c&cir pjoteffatfon in oBerma it. 19 Co wtSi
honour <poDp?eferret9t5eintofticljcacfinotDlcoge^m to be t^eirio^oe

a ^enthouartcometn* ^fruites of the lanbe tbhfehc

to the lanbe ihhich the
thee to inherite, anb
fet it before the fLojbe thp <m Z
bafteniopeOit^Mbcl* 11 anb rciopce in alt the goib mvnat*
_ leftthcrin:
Xafeeof thenrtt of all the fruite of bnto thee anb bnto thpne
the earth, ano typng it out of the lanbe
thattfjc %om thp <25ob geueth ttittt
anbputit m a bafaet, anb go bnto the n nahen thou haft mabe an enbe of
place lbhjebe the JLom thp d5ob (ball
chore w to fct hf s name in it thtrbepere,tt>hfch tsthtpere of tithing:
3 3no thou (halt come bnto the pneft Jhoulbattgeuetthmo the ILeuite, the
thatfbaibc inthofe oapes, anb ftp bnto ftraunger, thefatheflrife.anbtheU)^
hpm: 3JfenoiblcbgctbiSbap bnto the
ILojbe thp ©ob, that 31 am come bnto
borbe, that tftep map eate
mm thp

thecountrep tbhiehe the |Lo?be ftbare 13 anb •' thou (halt ftp before the %w it) s(wi
bnto our fathers ftw to geue bs. tnpdpob :3fhaue bought tl;ehalott)co pjiteOai
4 anb the pjteQ (hail tafec the bafttct ont thuigesoutoftfiinehoufe,anohaucgc^
to cn>
of thvnc hanbe, anb fetft botbnc before nen them bnto the fleutte, the uraun Htnitw

the aultec of theHojbe thp «5ob.

Ser,thefatherleu*e, anb tt)e ibpooibe,
5 ano thou a)ait atmftbere anb ftp be* acco?bingto alithp commaunbementes
fo?c the Hojbc thp 0ob: Xhe £>prians
Ibhiche thou haft commaunbeo me :
ibcnt ( ^about to beftrop mp father, anb
tjaue not tranfgreffeo thp commaunoc^
*heibcntbotbnetnto€gppt, anb fofo- mcntcs,no? forgotten them.
14 3hane not eaten therof in mp w mow
iourneb there ibitl) a fevbe folfte, anb
greibe there bnto a nation great, nrtgfr J

npng, no^uiffreboughtto pcriflje tt>

ano full of people.
6 *ano the egpptians bcreb bs, anb
troubicb bs, anb laocb bs lbitlj moft
of fo? thebcab: bat haue hearbenco w
to the bopce of the ILojbe mp d^ob, ano
cruel bonbage.
hauebone* after all tljat thou haft conv Ewjd
7 *3lnbu)hentbccrpeb bnto the Eojbe
maunbebme. .
<25ob of our fathers, *the Hojbe
hearbe 15 "Hofteooihnetherfojefromthphoh; Bjiuu"
ourbopce,anbloheoon our aouerfitte habitation,cuenfrom heauen,anb bieiie
thp people 3fftael,anb the lanbe lbb
8 anbtheflojoe*bzoughtbsout ofe* thouhaft geuen bs, as thou fibarcft dh

gppt, in a mightie hano, anb a ftretcheb to our fathersca ianD]that flotbethaw

out arme,ano in great terriblcneu~e,anb
fignes,ano lbonoers. i6 Xhis bap the %o;n thp ©ob hath com-
9 anohchathtyoughtbsintothis place maunbebtheetobo thefe ojbinatuues
anb hath genenbs this lanbe that flo* anb laibes: uepe thou them,f oo them,
tbeth *bith mpiac anbhonp. "ihith all thine heart,anb all thP l( ' ^
10 3lnb (0 noibe lo, 3 fjaue tyoughc the
17 £&ou haft fet^ bp the 2Lo?o tDtsoap

D euteronomii;m. cXXll K11J.
^)7Hw<3oD,?toU>rtlftetn bistbapcs, &cpc bis eommaunbementes:
i.intoKepe bis ojbtnaunces, ins com; 19 2np to mafte tbeebpc aboueail natfc
aunocinentes, anb Ijis laibes, anb to

tiMtHen bnto bis bopcc. namcanoijonouvanotOattDounia^

. ™inotfte!Lo2De batljfettbce Dp rtJis
mv to oc a feticralP> people bnto bpm,
The. xxvij Chapter.
2ftbep are commaunocD to tojpte t&e latoe bpon done foj a remembjaunee. ? Jifo
tobrojlDeanaulter. nCbcWefffngeparcgcuetionmountdEfanjtm. ij&bccur.
tinges arc gctien on mount <£bal.
jtfto^ovfcsibuljtlje ir »nb^opfcsc!)argeb tl;e people tfte
31 elbetsof3lTraeltom* famebapjaping:
mautiDcortje people, iz Xtjcfcfljaaftanbe bpon' mount
<sa^ P^ X1
B (») Cfttfe
JcU faptngtj&cpcalpcom; ri5im to blcffe tlje pcople,tbl)en pcare Mtflbigcfi frt*
ucs to UicSdc
maunbements ibntrii come ouer 3fottane, Simeon, ILeui, that tljcv
3) commauubc pou 3ubaJfacljar,3Jofepl),f25enianrtn,
tljisbap. ij 3lno tbefe (ball ftanbe bpon mount
ebai w to curfe, 3auben,G5ab,^fer, za-
3n& in tbat bap tbben pou (ball paffe (OlDctUrtna
" t)attljciQ;ult>
ouet 3Jo#ane bnto tlje lanbe ibljtcbe bulon,2Dan,il?epl)tbali. baut caofc to
f cue too foj
tijclUwb tljp <Efob geuert) rtjee, tijou 14 3Jnb tlje Heuites (ball aunfibere anb bw bmqt-
u)ait fetrtjecbp great Hones, ana pla* tap bnto all rtje men of gffrael tbitli a tlj.-p

njouicc not
flertbemnnrtj platter: loubebopce: bio lout.

ami UBpte bpon tlin it all tlje ibojDes 15 *€urfeb be tlje man tbat mauett^ anp **** x*

of tins lauicmiicii tliou art comeouer, caruebo? moulten image, an abbomi*

becaufe tfton art tome tttto tlje lanoe nation bnto tbeHo?be,tbeib02beoftbe
mtyicUe tlje ILojb tbp «5ob geuert) rtjee, ftanbesoftbecraftesman,anb puttetb
a lanbe tljat floibctlj itoitli mplnc ant} it in a feererc place: anb all tlje people
Iionic,as hie iLotbc <5ob of tbp fathers tyailaunftbetcanb fap, ^men.
batbpjonufcbtljee. 16 *Currebbe betljatcurfetb bis fatber Exo«Lb.

4 XberfojettJbenpebetomeouerlfop anb bis motijcr :anb all tlje people fljaii

banc,pe ttjal fet bp tljefe lb)
(tones ibfjitt) Tap,3lmen.
3 eommaunbcpou tfjts
ebai, anb tijou fbait platter tbem
bap in mount
17 *Curfeb be l)e tjat remouetlj
neigbbours marKe : anb all tlje people
W Deaiiixd

hull platter. fljallfap,3Jmen.
BJBl 5 3lnb rtjerc Ojalt tijou buplbe bnto rtje 18 *Curfebbeijetfjatma&etbtbeblpnbe i****.*
M Hojbe tbp <£>ob * an aultcr of (tones, to go out of Ijts lbap: anb all tlje people
E anb lift bp no iron bpon rt)em,
Hie. fljailfap,^mett.
6 Xljou (bait mane tlje aultcr of tbe 19 *€urfeb be Ijc tljat ljinb?ctb tlje rpgtjt Deu.xxiiii c

%Wt tljp d5ob of xb^ole (tones, ano of tbt ttrannger,co fatljerleffe.anb tbib*
CO Miocr
tapneth all
burnt offeringes t&ereon bnto tlje
offer botbe:? all tlje people ftjall fap, amen. tbofc tbat utt

&o?betljpc5ob. 20 *curfcbbebetbatlpctlj ibirtj l)is fa* (ubitcttotn>

tunc ana DU>
7 3nbtfjouttjalt offer peace offeringes, tljersu)pfe,anbbnljcaletb bis fatljcrs ««j[.xvni.a.
anb fljait eatc tbere,anb rciopce "befbje couering : anb all tijc people i bail lap,
tt)c!lo?betl)p(i5ob» ^men.
E Leu xviii.c.
* 3fob tbou fyau tbjptc bpon tlje ftones ii *CurTcb be Ije $ lictlj rbitU anp mancr
auttjeuiotfiesof tbis laiuc, manifettlp of beaft:$all tlje people ttjai fap, 3bnen*
anoibeiu Zl *Curfcb be Ije tljat lieth tbitb bis fitter, Lcui.xviii b
Jnb ^opfes anb rtje pneftes tlje He- tbcbaugbtccofbisfatijer, ozp oaug(>
wes fpaue bnto all 3Jfrael, faping: ter of Ijis motber:anb ai tlje people u)al
^aftcljccbeanb Ijeare jD 3Jfraci,tljis fap,3(mcn.
o«p tijou art Lcui.xrtii b
betome ttje people of tlje zj *Curfcb be be tljat Uttl) tbitlj Ijis 1110*
jto2betl)p<5ob. tber in latbe:anb al rtje people ajaii fap,
10 Exo.xxi.b.
i2?tc J5
0tt att &BW*tn tberfoie bnto tlje 3tmen. , .
.. Csl^btaew

°f fte ?lo?be tbp d5ob,anb
l mentts >a^ ftis oabinaun*
bo bis 24 *Cutfeb be He tbat fmptetlj Ijis nctgb*
bour CB) fctretip: anb all tlje people (ball
fdrbougl) sn
offence be b!v»

«* «H)tri) 5!
fcncnsitn to
man, pc: (Sea
3j tommaunbe tbee tljis bap. lap, 3lmcn. h wpll rcucnfji
, '

Bleffinges. Deuteronomium.
ezcxmc 15 ^urfcDbchethattaBetharctbarDc i6 'CurfeD be he that connnuWrnSTin
to (lay tlje foule of innocent Wood, anD all the tbo:bes of tuts lame to Do them
all tljc people (hall ray, Titian
3(men. *.,*•.! fh#
ano fK-.ii
all the people (hall
r>., ^h c. u
fay. amen. -:.

^ The .xxviij . Chapter.

i Che pjomtff to thrm that obap the commaimocmcntcg. iy Che tlwat«

mngejs to the contrary.

5F *
thou (halt hear? gooD treafure, °° euen tlje heauen*to
Lcui.xx vi i ben Diiigcntiv tmto gcuc rayne bnto thy latiD mDue feafon
theboyeeoftlielLojD 9 to blcflc all thy labours of thy hanDe
tl)y<15oD,anDobferue *3mo thoufl)ait icnbc bnto many nan
anD Do all h(s com? ons,but (halt not bojoibe thy fclfe.
JJ conmiaunDe the'e
13 3fab tlje ILo?De (hall maue thee
fcu\anDnotthciott)cft, anD thou

this Dap : the fLojDe ttivll fet thee on be aboue only, anD not beneath : if that
live aboue all nations of the earth. thou hearten bnto the eommatm.Dc i *anD all theft bleffinges (hall come on mentes of the !Lo?De thy <£od ibhicij 3
thee anD onerta&e tljce, if thou (halt commaunDe tljee this Day, to uepcano
hearken bnto the boyce of the fLojD thy to do them:
<2>0D. 14 3inD fee that thou*bolb not afiDcfrom DttLiiiii

3 zsicfTcD (halt thou be in the title, anD any of there lbojDes Kbhtche com? %
blefTcDintheftelDe maunb tijee thts Day,cither to t0e rigbt
4 thy boby,
2Slf (Tcd (rjalbe the fruite of hanoe 0; to the left, that thou moulDett
anD the fcttttc of thy grounDe, anD tfje go after Oraunge gobs to ferue tljem.
ftutteoftljy cattcll, tf)c (ncreafe of thy 15 *25utanDifthoutbtttnothearBcnbtt* Lcul.xjm|

ftine,anD the floe&cs of thy (hecpe.

totljeboyteof the %wt
tljy ©od, to
5 26lc(TeD Ojaibe thy balket $ thy Ooje. ftcpe anD to
do all his commaunDemen?
6 261effcDft)altthoubett)hcnthougoe&
us anD his otfmiauntes mhtebe com? 3
& hep (balbe out, $ blefleD ibljcn thou commeft in. mamiDc thee this Day, *all thefe turfes Ejniuic

f illco un (I) the

i Ujiut'at
oftljp fnntcB.
7 *Xhc fLojD (hall gcue ouet thyne ene? dial come bpon thee anD oncrtaite thee.
ft)) ailtbat micstbatryfe agaynft thee, that they i6 CurfeD (halt thou be in tlje erne, ano
tbou do eft,
ftall pjotie
may fall before thy face: Xhey (hall turfcbtntljcficlDe.
come out againfr thee one Ibay, anD flee 17 CurfeD u^albe thy bafuetf thy (lo?e. €
before thee fcuenibayes. 18 CurfeD (balbe the fruite of tby booy,
8 Xhe fLojD (hall commaunDe the blef? anD the fruite of thy ianDe,anD tlje in?
fmg bpon thee in thy tto?ehoufes,ano m creare of thy ftine,anD the flocnesof fyv
all that thou retted thyne hanDe to,anD fljcepe.
ttiyii bieffe thee in the lanDe tblnehe tljc 19 CurreD(haltthoubetbhenthougocO
H02DC thy (Sod gcucth thee. tn,anD rar(eD tbhen thou goeft out.
9 Xhe HojDc (hall matte thee an holy io Xhe ?LojDe (hai TenDc bpon tljee nic
people bnto him fclf as he bath ftbome
, anD rebuRe,inalltljat
Dntotljec : if thou (halt ftepc tlje com* thourcttetttljincbanD to anD that thou
maunDcmentcs of tlje %o;u thy <5od, Doell, bntyllheDeftroytljec,anD b?yng
anD rbaiue in his tbayes. theeto naught qntcUly, becaufc of tlK
io Znn all nations of the
earth (hall fee JbicBebnelTe of thyne inuentions, anD
f O Sn
tljatth/ name of the k, «
c ts callcD ^ betaufe thou haQ ftufatten me.
that be to tlip bpon ouer thee, anD they (haibc afcatoe zi Xhe Ho?De (hall maue tlje peftflem?
thou art hts of thee. tleauebntotbee, bntyll Ije haue wnuf
ttjofen people.
ii 3lnD the ?Lo?D Ojall maftc thee plenty meb thee from of the lanDe ibDptbcc
ous in goooes, in the fruite of thy boby thougoefttoenioyit. _ leui
in the fruite of thy cattcll, $ in the fcuitc ii *Xlje fLojDe (hall fmyte tbee ttmJ
of thy grounbe, in tlje lanDe Vbhiche tlje ftbelling,ibithfeuers, heate, burnyng,
HojDcftbare bntotljy fathers to geue anb ibith the ftbozDe,lbith biamngano
thee. mtlDeaibe: anD thcytyallfoloibcuK*
u Xt)e %om ajau open bnto thee his bntyll tljouperifhe,

Deutcronomium. c XXllll


, *:M)tbebcauenthatisouerthpheab
(balbe » b?aflc,anb
the earth that is tin*

of *!* feotc, bnto tlje top of

02t) a)allb

^n Stl)ceanotl)p Cb) <Bori0 .

ciic ?Lo?ocfl)all turne the rapne of bpngibhichc thou (bait let oner tbec;
Snjaib, hart;
ben To: oofoju
"the lanuc unto pott>ber anb Dull, euen bnto anation tt»i)tcl)c neither
tDou no oramplc,!aj)a:
frombeaue(balthcpcomcbotbncbpon thp fatljers haue knoibcn, that there cbrnt, ano

tftee unttll
thou be brought to naught. thou mapettfetue ftraungc goos
, euen

i< 2inb tbe ?Uwbe (ball caufe thee to fall Iboob amniotic.
bcfotftbineencmics:Xbou(baltcome 37 3tnti tljou d^ait be tbon^en at foohen
out one ibap agapnlt t&em, anb flee fo of,anb tetteo at among ai nation's vbljp*
ucn ibapes before them, 9 (balbe fcatte thcr the fLotfic (ball carrp thtc.
reb among al the Wngbomes of p earth. 38 Xhon Ojait carrp mnchc fecoe out in*
* ,6 3nD thp meate bnto
carftaflc (balbe tothefielbe, anoftialt gather but utie
all maner fouies of the apje, anb
unto in : foj tlje grau>pper3 Ojallbefttop
the beaftcs of the earth, anb no man 39 Xhou Ojait plant a bmeparoe ano
(bailfraptbematbap. bjefle it, but (baitneithcr tytnfce of
i7 *Xbe&o?beibpilfmptetbcctt)fthtbe M)ine,neither gather the grapes:fo: the
botch of egppt,anb the emarobcs,fcab, rbomiesfbaiicateft.
ano itcl)e, that thou maped not be hea* 40 'Xhou a,ait baue oliue trees through
leothcrof. outai thp coaftcs,but (bait not annopnt
8 ano the ILojbe (hall fmpte
tbee ibttft thpfelfebjitbtbeople, to? thine oiiues
mabnc(Te,anb blpnbne(Te,anb bafingof (ball fall oorbne. be tips.

ijeart. 41 Xbou (bait beget fonnes anb baugh-

29 Xboutbalt grope at noone bapes as ters, but (halt not haue tljeimfo? thep
the blinbe gropeth in barftnefle,* tbal (balbe carrpeb aibap captiue.
not pjofper in thp tbapes : Xhon (halt 42. 3fll tbe trees anb truite of thp ianbc
Uuth tbjong, fbepoulleb
beoppjefleb fbairnbomiesconmme.
fb) Wnbtt
c urn \mt$ no man (ball fuccotir thee. 43 Xbc ftraunget that is among pou, one io:t.
be compuben.
30 *Xhou(foaltbe betroutheb bnto a fbailclpme aboue thee bp on hpe : anb Hctb oil Umot

tbpfe, anb another man (ball ipe lbtth

of tocrmlne.
tbou (bait tome boibne beneatfj aioibe. Subicbc arc ;

her *Xhott (bait buplbe an boufe, anb

: 44 $e (ball lenbe tbee,anb tbou u^ait not tajontioroti)
furacf ituitcs
tiotbtbelltberetn : tbou (bait alfo plant ienbehim:beu)aibetheheab,anbtbou
abineparbe, anb (halt not gatijer tbe (baltbetbetaple.
grapes. 45 ^o^eouer, all thefeturfesfljail come
31 Xbine ore (balbe aapne before thme bpon the e, anb (ball foioibc thee,anb
anb thou Qjait not eate thereof:
cpes, ouertafte tljeetpll thou be bettropebtbe-
•Xftpne affe (balbe biolentlp tanen a- caufe tbou Ijearttenebft not bnto the
ibapcuen before tbp fate, anb (ball not bopce of the !Lo?be thp 00b to ftepe his
be reftojeb to tljee agapne : Xhp (beepe commauiibemnites, anb bis ojbmaan
djaibegenenbnto thpne enemies, anb ces mhithe be commaunbeb thee.
noman (ball rercue them. 46 ^nb tljep u^aibe bpon thee (0 fo? figncs (0 Cbon
be ptmilbct

31 Xhp fonnesanb tbpbaugljters (bait anb ibonbers,$ bpon thp fecbe fo; euer. after furtic a
fr.t. tint tbou
be gcuen bnto another nation,anb fbalt be com
thine 47 26etaufe tbou femebtt not tbe ?lo?be (Irnpnct) to

lb fvesfljanfee it,anb f t)afe bpon them all thp (5oo ttuth iopfulncflc, anb tbith a confeire tint

<0ot>6 rjanor
*oc bap long:anb there (balbe no migbt goob heart, rbbentboubabbtftaboun* WDpoiubtr.

wtbpnehanbe. baunceofaHthinges.
35 Xbe fruite of thp lanbe anb all tljp la* 48 Xljerfo^e ttjalt thou feme tljpne cne*
J>urs,(hau a nation tbbttbe tbou bno* mie vo\)id)t tyt Hojbc fljall fenoe bpon
«e Q not,eate:anb tbou (bait continual* tljee,in ljunger,anb tbirft,in naHconcs,
Woiente > a"b be oppjeffeb anbinneebcofail tbpng: anb \)t (ball
put a ® pobe of iron bpon thp necftebn-
H Ak Ht thou ^
aW be tleane beRbe tpllbe i)auc brought thee to naugbt.
49 %\\x> tDefLojbe flja» twpng a nation
(M) fiiball
tianblc tl)«
ano crncUp.
bpotuheefrom a farre, ano from the
h?Je ant) lc <Nl fmpte thee in the enbcbf tbe fibpft as an eagle
flcctb , a nation ibljofe tongue tljou
u °ttij
that tan
sses a mirchcuous
not be ftealeb, euen from (bait not bnberftanoe:
<©<n'i 50 ^nation

urlinees. D cutcronomium.
50 31 nation of a (bamclcue aim cruell 59
Xhc Horn tbyll renbe bnto tf)ec anu
tountenauncc,tt)hichc (ball not rcgarbe thy feebe, great plagues, anb of lourr
thepcrfon of the olbc, no? haue eompafc tontinuaunce, cupll fitUnclTcs, anb of
on the young:
fion long buraunte:
5 3Chc fame (ball cate the fruitc of thy 60 Q3otfoucr,he tbfll b^ng bpon tljee all M tesa

canell,anb the fruitc oftljv ianbe,bntill of egrpt.aim thofc ibbithe

tl)e bifcafes IW»tj«3|

hchaucbettroycb thee : anb (ball leaue tljouicbaftaftapbeof fljail cleauc bnto

tf)cc neither come, ibync, no? oyle, nci* t^ee.
thct the encteafe of thy bine, no? the 61 Sum allmanct fitaneues, anb all ma^
floefces of thy fbeepe, bntyll he haue net plagues rbl)ict)eare not lbtftten m
b?oughtthee to naught: the boofte of this iauie,Vbpll tlje Home
<>x Stab he (hailBcpcthccin, inatlthe ci* b^ng bpon thec,bntpll he b^ng tljcc to
ftcs,tontyll he haue caft bourne thy hye naught.
lbaucs atm ftrong hoibes,tt>herin thou 6% 3nbye(halbeleftefeu)e in number
taifttbft\th?oughcut all rije ianbe:3lnb ibncrebefoje pe vbete as the* ftarres co*.^
he (ball btfiege thee in ai tbp cities tho* ofheaueninmultitubc: becaufe thou **?,%
tou>out all the ianDctt)i)icl)c the ?Lo?be iboulbeft not Ijearaen bnto the boyte of %%fi
thy d5ob hath geutn thee. the Homcthp d5ob.
iiii.Rcg vi.f 53 *2nb thou (bait catc tile fcuite of thine 63 *^nbit(haiicometopaue,thatastDc inn*
came to palTc
ouhteboby,thefle(be c,,) of thy tonnes, fLom reiopceb ouetpou,to bo pou goob,
ta Samaita,
111 '.KlMr:3o£
anb of thy baughters, nihtrh the Horn anb to multiplie you : euen fo he ami w
<£ Ulcus the tihy ti5ob hart)gencn n)ee, in that (trait* iopce ouet you,to beurop you,f to bnns
t upline,
nii.iSts. bf. ncfTcanb (iege, ibl)eteu)ith thyne enc* you to naught, anb ye tyaibe rbaftcb
Jiioin Wtcru-
f.iicm toll en it mtc (ball intiofc thee. from of the lanbe Ibhythet thou goeft
Suns bcfirgca
b»tl)Ci£nipc= 54. <s>othat it (hall grceue the man (that to tutor it.
lout Situs,
fcmrtic f ri»o is tenberanb crceebingbelicate among 64 ^nb tl)e 2Lom(hai ftattet thecamong 6
ycrcD after
<£l;?i(tc. yotOtololtc on his b?other, anb bpon all nations, ftom tlje one enbe of n)c
if jjisibyfcthatiicth in his bofomc, aim U)o?lbe bnto the other: anb there thou
onthcremnauntofhischyib?cnu)htch fbaitfcrue flraunge gobs, Kbhiche tljou
hchathyctieft, no; tljy fathers haue snoiben, euen
55 5F 0? fearc of gcuyng bnto any of
them ujoob'aimftoiit. 4
of thcfleRie of his chyib?cn, ibhom he 65 ^tm among theftnations thou (bait
(ball eatc : becaufc he hath nothing left finbenoeaft, neither (ball the * fole of «, w
hym in that OraitncfTc anb fiegc, lhher* thy footchaue reft: 2But the 1Lomefl)al»ir
ibith thine encmie (ball befiege thee in geuethee there an bnquiet heart, anb
all thy cities. tafing eyes,anb fomtbe of mume. ,

56 Pea,anb tlje tboman that is fo tenbet 66 3lnb thy life (hall hang in boubt be
anbbelicatc, that flic bate not atmcu fo?c thee, anb thou (halt feare both bay
turetofctthefolcofherfoote bpon the -
anb nygl)t, anb (halt haue none alfip

§rotmbc,fo?foftnc(Tc anb tenberneffc, raunteoftbylyfe.

jalbe gtecueb to lofec on her hulbanbe 67 3mthemomingthou{baitfay,iboulD
that lien) in her bofome, $ on her fonne, <^ob it rbere nyght : 3mb at nygljt thou
anbonherbaughtcr, (halt fay, tboulb c5ob it iberc mo?nyns>

U boccD
57 3am on hct w aftceby?th that is come fo? feare of tljyne Ijeart lbljithe tDoti
feare, anb fo? the fight of thyne
Iwtli hunger, out from bcttbccnc het feete, anb Dec fl)alt
that D)C (hall
rliinlic it tons cbylb?cn ibhichc (be (hall beate: 5fo? eyes Tbhithe thou (bait fee.
cr her chp'bc
bcbojnr, lbhen all thmges lacUt, (he (hall eate 68 3ltmri)eHo?be (ball b?yng thee into
egypt agayne tbith ™

(fee might catc

thcmfectctly,bttryngtbcuegc $ orait^ fljippes by tnc
ncflc Uihctcrbith thyne enemies (ball tbay Vbljitljc Jlaybe to thec,thou WW
befiege thee m
thy cities* fee it no moze agame:^nb there ye (b^ ni«

ExoJ^v.d. 58 * 31 thou lbyit not Ucpc anb bo all the be folbe bnto your enemies fo? bono*
rbomes of this laibe n)at ate ib?itten in men anb bonblbomen, anb no man £j?
this boofce, anb feate this glorious anb (ball bye you.
featcfull name, 1Che Home thy <£>ob:
Deuteronomium. Cxxv.
^ The .xxix. Chapter.
2 cfle people are erftojteti to obferue tfie
commaunDemenees. 10 cfoe toljole peo»
compjcticnoeo mioer ©odjs couenatmt. 19 cfje
ule from cftc lipett to tfie lotoett are
pumflimcnt of Dpm tljat flatteretfi ij?m felfe in Ijte teicfieDneffe. 24 ®!je caute of
dEfoDsi watt} agapnfl W people.

^efcaretheMwbcsof u 5Fo? to mafte tftceapeopie bnto Ijym

2 the coucnauntibljicb felfe, anb that he may be bnto thee a
the !Lo?be commaun* <Rib,as he hath faybe bnto tbce,anb as
&cb 3£oyfes to mabe Ije hath fibajne bnto thy fathcrs,^a*

lbith tlje chilbjen of ham,gjfahac, anb 3Jaeob.

3Jfraclintheianbeof 14 31 malie not this bonbe anb this othc C
^oab, bcfvr>ctl)cap= Jbitlj you only:
popntment tt)l)tcl) ijc nmue UiitD them 15 But both ibith hynt that flanbeth
m "$o«b. here tbttlj bs this bay before tlje %wt (3) J^candij
tljcnt that tret

3n& ^ovfes calico all 3Jfrael, $ faybe our 00b, anb alfo tbith hym that ts C3) VCt tmboine,

bnto tbcm: f^cijauefeetteall that the not here tbith bs this bay.
5Lo;nc Mb befoze your eyes in tlje lanbe i6 iFo^ycnnotbehoibetbehauebVbeitin
of ecjypt,bnto jdharao anb bnto all his the lanbe of <^gypt, anb ijoibc Vbe came
ftrnauntcs, anb bnto all his lanbe, through the mybbes of the nations
Xlje great" temptations Which thine lbhiehyepaffebby:
(KM ?
evesljaue fcene, thofc great miracles 17 3nb ye haue fcene their abhomina*
anbibonbcrs: tions, anb their ibois, tboob anb ftonc,
i II «
4 anb ret the |Lo?Defiathnot geuen filuer anb goibe, ibljtth ibere among
you an heart toperceaue, anb cpes to tljem.

fcc,ant) eares to beare,bnto this Day. is fLeft th cr c be among you man 0? Tbo*

5 3lno 31 haue ieb you fourtie yeres m man, binrcbe 0? tribe, tbDofe heart tur*
the lbUbernefTc: anb pour clothes are neth atbay this bay from the %wt
not ibareb oibe bpon you, anb thy (hoe our <25ob, to go anb feme the gobs of
ts not tbarcb olbc bpon thy footc. thefe nations : anb left there be among
Ol) «!)«(*,
(in 1?
6 ^chaue eaten no Cb) tecab, no?b?unbe you fome cw roote tljat beareth gall anb fiWK : tl«(

ibine 0} ftrong bjynbe : that ye mygbt ibo?meiboob. mud (pceDrlp

bnobje hoibe that
am tlje Hojbe 3 19 5>othatibljcnhehearcththeibo?bes
be cut tip,

yourd5ob» oftljis othc,lje " blefTc hym felfe inljis bitter rtiritc

7 *3inb ye came bnto this place, anb heart, faying :
3 ttjall haue peace, 3
t lie I'oulr.

8 3>cbon the byng of ^efbon, anb £>g Ibyll lbaibe in the mcanyng of myne 0) j3o batmc
XXI (ball come to

otbne heart : to put the bmnben to tlje me.


the hpng of asafan came out agaynft bs

(ft) S» *»
bmo battaplc,anb ibe fmote them, thirftie. tbetbirflic
5 3htbtohetbcirianbc, anbgauc it fo? 20 anb fo the flojbc ibyll not confent to nottiptm but
Dipntte : lb be
an tnheritaunce bnto the foubenites be mercifuli bnto hym, but then the tlllt bJIb Dtl
(".Dice luftca.
anb<5abites, anb to the Ijaife tribe of ibjath of fLojbe anb h<s gciouftc
tlje cmnolbcfds

(hall fmobc agaynft that man: anb all

the curfes that are tbntten in this boobc
l&cpe tbetfojethe ibojbcsofthtsco*
uenaunt, anb bo them, that ye may (0 fbaillyght bpon hym, anb tlje?Lo?be
bnberftanbe all that ye ought to bo. (bal bo out his name from bnber heauc.
i 10 Vt (lanbe this bay eucry one of you be* zi anbtheHo^belhailfcpcratehymbn*
fo« tlje w fLojbe your <25Qb : your cap* to cuyll,out of all tlje tribes of 3Jfracl,
I tayncs, your tribes, your elbers, your acco?byng bnto all the curfes of the co*
P.but offuers,anb all the men of 3frael uenaunt that are tt)?ittcn in tljcboobe
/ourcbiib:eaifo,your*biues,anbtbc oftljiSiatbe.
waungcr that is in thine hoaft, from x% £>o that the gencratio to come of pour
|h h)c
heiber of thy Vboob, bnto the cbiibjcn that (hall rpfe bp after you,
twnjcrofthyibaten ana the ftraungcr that (bail come from
Xljat thou (boulbcft go rnto tlje ro co* afarrc lanbc,lball fay, lbhen tljcyfcc

the plagues of that lanoe, ano

'W.TJ. icnaunt of the Hojbe tljy d5ob, anb the btfc

»to his otljc ihljiclj eafes rbljcrtbith thefLo^be Ijathfmit*

** -13
the %o;nz thy d50b

I !

23 ^oibe
23 $oibc ail the lanoc is burnt bp mitt) %6 n% thep ibcnt anb fecuebOcaun^p
bnmttonc anb falt,anb that it is neither gobs, anb itoojfbippcb them, p2
fotben, no? bcareth, no? anp graffe
grotbctb therm, ipne as in the place of
Jbbieb tbcp nneibc not,anb tobich
c cn xix.e. p ouertbjorbpngof * &obome,<somo?, 27 %xto tbenjjath of the fLojbe rbarcb
3loama,anb zebofm,tbbicbtbe?lo?be
hot agapnft" this lanbe, to bjpng boon
oucrtbjcibc m
bis nwtb anb anger. it all the curfes that are ibntten
in tins
J 3
i« e .xsi, b. *4 <^«cn ti)cn thai all nations fap:*fl9ber- boofte.
fiwe hath the ILojb bone on this fadjton 28 3fob the Hojbe raft them out of tneic
bnto this lanbcf jDDoibefierfe is this lanbe manger, rbjath, anb greats
great ttwtfr bignatfon,anbcaftthemfntoaih;aunae
15 3lnb men fban fap:25ecaufe tbcp bane lanbe,as this bap bearethrbirncfre.
fozfancn the couenaunt of the Ho;bc 19 %Ue w fecretts of tDe 1Lo2t»e our <sob
<&ob of their fathers, itobicb be mabe are openeb bnto bs, anb to our ct)flb«n SpwS
untl) rl)cmU)l)cn he brought t\)tn\ ont tin euer,ibatibemapbo ailtheiboi&cs SW.tf1IB J
oftbc lanbe of egppt. oftbisiaibe.

The. xxx. Chapter.

j e^ep repent. 6 Cfje fcofle &ot& circomcife t&e beart.

flfcerae Iftetoea tofien
3H ejreute of ignojatmce i$ ta&cn atoap. 19 &pfe ano oeatb fe fet before
1 1

tbem. -oCtyc&ojocffltbarlp&tobicbobepfipm,

31 §en all tbefe Mioses n>fe curfes bpon tfjme enem(es,am> on

are come topon tljrc, tl)em tljat hate tftee, anb that perfecute
tut bleflpng anb the «3ee.
curfe Xbi)tct)e 3 haiic 8 25ut thou (bait turne, anb hearnen 29
(fOlSTtning* fet bef02c tljcc, thou bnto n)e bopte of the |Lo?be, anb bo all
pnj to mynst
bolt) l)U5 f* c (hair turne bnto thine his commaunbementes rbhichjconu
iraur /hid >):»
Sifplrafurc. heart, among all the iiiaunbt thee tins Dap:
nations TbhptljerrhefLo?bethpd5ob 9 (3lnb tlje %oint thp d5ob Vbpll nudte
batbbjpuentbee, trjee plenteous mal the Vboincs of thine
2 3inb come agapne bnto tlje Hojbetbp fcanbe, mthe fruiteoftljpbobp, anbin
d5ob, anb hearten bnto fits toopee all m the fruite of thp cattell, anb in tlje finite Ier.xxxii.f.

lijefe thpngestbatgj commaunbetbec
this bap, thou, anb tbpehiibjen, ibirh
of tl)p lanbe, fo? thp lbealth: *M
to eSuIKi:

ILojbe MipU turne agapne anb reiopce b»tl)t"t|»

fa fMHW
autbtne heart,anb allthpfoule: ouer thct to bo thee goob, as Ije rttor fsBOntni"*

00 ChatW. 3 w
3lnb the lLojbc tbp <5ob ibpll turne cebouerthp fathers. (unral.
tan>ll cl).iunjj«
bis put port, tbpeaptiume anbbauecompaflion bp- 10 gf f thou hearnen onlp bnto the bopce
B>vU vcconiftlt
Ij?m fetfe to on thee, ano ibpll turne anb fetchethee of the |Lo?be thp <25ob, to nepehis com
agapne from all the nations among maunbementes anb his o?bmaunces
lbbicb the Hojo thp d5ob ftab fcattereb are tbntten mnje boone of this
26 thee. latbe,anb if tihou turne bnto tlje fLwue
4 XDougft thou tbaa call bnto tlje ep thp ©ob ibith all thine heart anb all
treme partes of heauen : euen from tljp foule.) -
thence ibpll n)c ?Lort>ethp<25ob gather 11 * 5Fo;
the commaunbement lbhtn) 3 Rorof!>

comaunbe thee this bap,is w not tjiooen
thee,anb from tljence tbtu he fetcft thee:
mitt W»
5 Znn tlje flojbe tbp d5ob ibpll bjpng from thee, neither farre of. -
tljee into tbelanbc ibljicbe tbp fathers 12 3ft is not in heauen, njat thou nccbtit
poflefleo, anb thou fyalt cmop it : 31nb to fap : nabo than go bp fo? bs to ijea- ffsS
Ije njpli Ojcibe tljee KinbncfTe, anb mul* ucn, anb b?pngttbmobs, Rjatibeniap
thee abouc thp fathers.
tiplic hcarcit,anb bo iu 4ha .
' < wti tot 6 3inb the 3Lo?be thp <J5ob rbpii eir* ^ 13 Neither is it beponoe co the fca, tw 0(0 ""T
•iraji tlry tins
rumctfc tbme fjeart,anb the heart of tbp
fit* tuOcB J
tljouthouioeaiap : n9hofl) aI1 s°°""f
W l
fcebe, tl;at thou mapeft loue the Ho;be the fca fo? bs, anb bjpng it bnto bS,
thp<5ob,Vbitlj all thine Ijeart, anb all U)emapheareit,anbbo(t^
tbp foule, that thou mapctt Ipue. 14 25ut the tbo?be is berp npc tonic\twl

7 3tnb the iLo?be thp <5ob M^pii put all euen mthp mouth, anb in t$ineh j* t
c '
: ,

Deuteronomium. cXXVJ.
do it. - thatpe(baii furelpperitbe, anb tbat pe
that tbou i
* iseboiDe
bauefet before tbee tbts (bail not prolong pone Dapes bpontbe
lanDe ibftptbcr tbou paffett ouer 3J02*
l?fe ant) gooD, bcatb anD cnpll:

i6 Jpo? ttDcw as 3 commaunDe

tbee banc to go anb poffefle it.
this Dap, to louc the ILoibt tbp
d5ou, to 19 * 3 call heauen anD eartb to rccojbc

walKc in his Napes, anD to Repe Ijis this bapagapndpou, tbat ^haucftt
commaunDcmentes, his ojDinaunces, before pou, ipfe anD Death ,bic(Tpng anD

anD his latbcs, [pf tbou codoj tbou (halt eurfpng : Xberfoic c *» eboofe ipfe, that
00 ItaatM
hmeanDmultiplte, anD the ?U2De n)p both thou anD thp feeDe map iput: to Tape, fliCuB
louc ano

Son (ball biclTe thee in the lanDe ibhp* zo Xhat thou mapettloue the ILoid tbp obedience to
<1Pod tobicb :

thee thou gocft to pofleffe it. <15oD, anDbeobeDienttohisbopte, anD is not |j«=
fountito b»
heart turne aibap, lb cleaue bnto hpm:5Fo? be is tt)p u(e,$ the out crane
yi 25«t anD pf thine frrcng,tb,bnt
that thou roplt not beare, but (halt go lengtb of thp Dapes, that thou mapeft if 50DB grace
molding, ui
aftrap anD rooifbtp ftraunge gobs, anD Dtbell bpon tbe®earth,tbh(cb the SLoib elect.l)ID

fcruethem: - Abate bnto rt)p fathers, 3lb»ham, W notwbettbp

on rip
v .

meant { lanD
pronounce bnto pou alfo thts Dap, 3lfahac,anD 3Jaeob,to geue them.
is 3 of Cbanaan,
but alio j btai
ucnlp mhertr

^ The. xxxj . Chapter. c.uincctobcrc»

Of tl)C otlicc
to«S a figure.

j. 7 fl©opfc0 prcparpng bpm fclfc to tope, appopntctft Hofuab to rule ttK people.
9 $e geuetb tlje latoe to the Hetrite*, that tbep fboiiioc reaoe it to the people.
i9 ©00 gcuetb them a tons aff a wftnene bettoene bpm ano them. 2; ©oo con*

firmetb 'Jotuah. 29 flBopicj* metoctb tti e that tbep toptt rebell after W

jftDflBopfcsibcntanb gcucitthcmtoinhcrite.
(babe thefeiboiDes bit* 8 3(nD tbe ILo;be be both go before tbee,
toall3frael, he diaibe nnth tbee, hctljau not faple
anbfapbbntotbem: tbee,neitberfo?raRetbee:fearenottber^
3»anianbunDzcbanb fo;e,no;bebifcomrpteb.
trocnticperesolbethis 9 3(nb ^opfes ib?ote tbis laibe, anb (i) 15efbje
fDafltn tpm<
bap, anD can no moje beiiuereb it bnto tbe p?iedes tbe forates trjt Doctrine
fcbicl) contci -

w go out anD in:
the ?io2be hat)) of Hctu ibbich bare tbe arue of i^z neo the miner
of ferupns
fapD bnto me,Xbou (baitnotgo ouet reftament of the |Lo?be,anD bnto all JEo6,tti,i6not
Ml: vutm routing,
ttrtsgjojbane. tbeelDtrsof^Jfraei. batonlp Delp.
ucrra bpoxnll
10 3(nD i ® oyfes comaunDcD tbem,faping:

Xbe&ojDethpdSoDbe tbpll go ouet ofmontl), tj
the fatbera;ea
1 before tbee, anD be ibpU Deftrop tbefe Cuerp co feuentb pere,in tbe folempnitie tbe chilO:cn
from one it-
nations befo?cn)ee, anb thou (halt pofc oftbefreepere, euenmthefeaftofta* neration to
mi nnoebft.
fcfle tbem : 3lnD Jofuab be thall go bernacies, Ce)J3o«nltl)i
come to appeare thm
befoje thec,as tbe Co2be bad) fapbe. 11 «©hcn all 3Ifraci is fl.uiDpn(j
folcmpnc lec-

3foD tbe |Lo?De (ball do bnto tbem,as before tl)t %oint tbp (Bon in n)e place ture of the
tabic at tbe

be DpDto*5>ebon anb £>g fepnges of ibbich be batb tbofen : tbou (bait rcabe cnDcofcuctp
feuen peres,
tbe amoves, anD bnto rt)e lanbe of tbis laibe before all 3(frael, tbat tbep tbep brio in J
meane tpmc
them ibhom be DeltropeD. mapbeareit. oiDmanc ci>

3lnD the Ho?be (ball geuetrjemouer n 0atbcrtbepeopletogetber,men,rbo*
cr nfcfl in tl)(
before pour face, tbat pe map bo bnto men, anb cbilbjen, anb tbe (Icaunger
them accojbpng bnto all tbe comaunbe* tbat is ibitbin tbp gates, tbat tbep map
mentes Jbbicb3 ftaue comaunbeD pou. beare, ano leame, anD feare tbe SLojDe
^lucHe bp pour beartes tberfo?e,anb pour C50D, anD bepe anD obfeme all rtje
Dcftrong,D?eaDenot, nojbeafrapbeof tbojDcsoftbtsiavbe,
tnem : fo? tbe HotfJC tbP ®od Ijpm fclfe ij ^nD tbat tbeir cbflbjen tbljicb ftnome
(f) wbufte
Jotb go ibitb tbee, he 0)311 not fapie (0
notbpng, map beare , anD learne to teere bnbcine

feare tbc?Uwbe pour0oD,as long as

at tbe seuuij
tticcnojfojraRctbee. of tbe labe.
87 3WD ^opfes calieD bntoSofuah, anb pe ipue in tlje lanbe ibbptbet pego ouer
tavb bnto bim in
tbe figbt of all Jfrael: JojDanetopottefleit. .
25c ftcong$ of gooD courage,
fetbou 14 ^nD tbe ?Lo?be fapDe bnto c
muftgoibitbtbispeoplc bnto tljelanbe 25ebolDc, tlip Dapes are conic that tljou
tbeEo?D hatb ftbome bnto their
JJutcb mud Dpe Call 3Jofuab tberfo?e, anb
wtDccs to geue tbem , anb
tbou ujait IlanDepe in H)t tabernacle of the ton*
:: :

Mrtyfes dying
Dcuteronomium. vvritet
Wo n?

grcgano,tl)«3) may gcue hima charge, thar imagination, Which theyl$o^n7

^nb topics anb IJofuah Went $ (loon 3
cum noWc, before haue bzouccht t?
m the tabernacle oTthe congregation. Which (awe.
nito tile lanbc 3 J

15 3lnb the 2Lo?bc appeareb in the tabcr- 22 ^oyfes tl)crfo;c w?ote this fona t\\t
nartc , eucn in the puier of the cloube fame bap, anb taught itthechtlb?cnof
ana th? * ptiier of the cloube (toobe oner 3lfrael.
the dqo?c oftlje tabernacle. 2? 3lnb he gaue Stomal* the fonne
16 3nb tl)c !Lo?bc faybe bnto ^oyfes /Run a charge, anb faybe : * 2Se botoe
23eholbc,thoutt)ait dcepe With thy fa< anb ftrong,fo? tl)ou (halt b?yngthe cM- •"•Rffiiii
thcrs,anb this people Wyll cpfc bp, anb menof3ffrael (ntotl)e lanbe Which*
^iM.fO obCW go <* a Whojyng after ftratinge gobs of 3
(Ware bnto them:f wn be With thee
their the lanbe Whythcr the? go, anb wyll 2+ 3mb when topics hab mabe an enue
«)i,rfcOllfC. fo2fofec me, anb b?canc the appoyntmct of W?itmg the Wo?bes of this lawc in a
3 haue mabe With them.
which boose, bntyll he hah finifheb them
17 ^ub then mywjathwyiiwarchota* 25 £@oyfcs commaunbeb the Huites
gainQ them in that Dap, $ 3 mil folate which bare the arftc of the couenaunt of
0)-> 3*tn them,? wyu <°hibe my face from them,
the &o?be, facing:
turnc mp fact
rromf'.icm..'-a anb they fyalbe confumeb, anb much ** 1Cahe ye the booKe of this latbe, *atto Dmu
•K 13 frttS tbtf
<SoD flirwrU) abuerfttie anb tribulations (hall come put it in the ck) fybe of the ar he of the co* £ *
'tis Ins coun m
ttnauncc Wjf bpon them, fo that then they rbyll fay: uenaunt of the !Lo?De your d5ob, that it ****
Sot^ t'airam
Zre not there troubles come bpon me, may be tljcre fo? a (0 WitneOc agapnQ
becattfe c5ob is not With me t thee.
?3 3mb 3
alfo Wyll furely hybc away 27 5Fo? 3 bnoWe thy rebellion 'anbthp ®*m
my face in that bay,fo? all the cuyisfafte netfteiWhyle j& am yet aiyue ibitij
ffiffe SSJ
Which they (hall haue Wrought, in that you this bay, ye tjaueben bifobebient 4 rs 7 .|

they are turneb bnto ftraunge gobs. bnto the?Lo?be, anb howe much mo?e
;i9 jfcoWc thcrfo?e
itt-iv** w?ite
iv<n 1 ye nnsiuiiyiu;
ji this fong fo? after my beath <
yon,anbtcache it the chab?cn of 3lfrael, 28 dPartjerbntomealltheelbersofyouc *
anb put it in their mouthes, that this tribes, anb your officers, that map 3
long may be my WitnefTe agayntt the fpcahc thefc wo?bes in thetr eares, anb
ehilb?en of 3lfrael. call hcaucn anb earth to reco?be againC
20 Wpiib?yng them into the lanbe
5fo? 31 them.
Which fware bnto their fathcrs,that 29 5fo? 3 am fure,that after my beath pe
flowcth With mylae anb honye: anb Will utterly be eo?rupt, anb tume from
tljcy (hall eatc,anb fyll them felues,anb the Way Which 3 haue commaunbeb
ware fat, anb mrne bnto ftraitge gobs, you: anb tribulation Wyll come bpon
anb feme thcm,anbbla(bhcme me, anb you in the latter bayes, betaufeyeu)ail
b?cahemycouenaunt. haue W?ought Wicuebnefle in the fpgt)t
€ 2i ^nb When much mifchiefc anb tribu oftheflo?be, top?ouohe hymth?ousD
lation is come bpon them , this fong (BO
the wo?nes of your hanbes. bum
hi ;c tb! that
aunfWere them as a WitnefTe 30 3lnb fpoyfes (pane m
the cares of all
" g

Buets ft» tf
5Fb? it Ojall not be fo?gotten out of the the congregation of llfrael the wojbes
I r lltj from mouthesof theirfeebe : fo? 3 uuowe oftljis fong, bntyll he l;abenbeb them.

f The .xxxij. Chapter.

7 C&e fong of a^opteg concerning ©oto benefltej totoaroe tbe people, if Into tBeir
mgratituDe totcaroe bpra. :o<boD menacctft t^m, JiUnDrpeatettiof tbebocati.
on of tfte ©entiles. 46 flftopfejs tommaunoetb to teacbe tbe fatoe to tbe cbtlo^en.
48 ©00 fo?etoarnett)<a©oprcj5ofi)tsitieatb.

lcare£)ye w heauens, thehearbes, anbastfje b?oppes

bpon Lffl

let the earth heare the
5Fo? 3 Wyll publifhe the name
tSW^ #£
H^ -
ncl.r ti4tl|ia
rjoiJmrcnfiblc Wo?besofmymottth.
^ybocttinca)aib?op .
perfect is the Wo?he of the molt
God ,

tie"d50b, fo?ail his wayes arc:

ment: i^eisa<5ob of tmeth, with

DW gg g£ ; nhlf
as both the bcawe,as tljc Ojoure bpon Wicuebncfle, righteous an u

^ ^fDip

vi'cs fong- Deuteronomium. cxxvi1

thep Done agapnft 18 fl>f d5ob
f cottmrblp haue that begattheethou art bn-
hrm bp their
Wees, not bepng his mpnbfuii, anb haft forgotten <s?ob that
burnt chiRuen, but a ibieftcb anb fto* mabethce.
iDarbe generation, 19 1ChcHo2bctherfo2cfatt)eit,anbttoas
x ^opeforeroarbetheSLojb^fooliifoe angrp: betaufe of thepjouo&png of hts
nation anbbnrbife *3Jsnothe thpfa^ fonnes co anb his Daughters. cm *J5ot>fl

ther that hath bought thee< *^ath he 20 3tnb Ije fapbe : gjrbpu hpoe mpface d)plo?cn, not
to honoj tljJ.

nat mabetbec,anb ojbepneb ttjee^ from them, anb toil fee rbhat their cnbe but to (bctec

7 ftemember the Dapcs of the uwlDe

fbaibe : 5Foj thep are a btrpftorbarbe (late

that is paft,confiDer the peres of fo generation,chilD2C in rbhom is no faith.

tnanpgenerations: "aftoethp father, xi Xhep haue angreD me rbith that
anb be rbpii ujerbc thee, thp clDers,anD tbhich is no gob,arib pjouobeo me rmth
the? rbpll tell thee. their fcamties : * 3lnD
3 alfo vopu p?o- Rom.x.d,
8 aahen the moft Ijpctt beuibeb to the 4ioae them ibith thole rbhichc are no
nations their inheritaunce, anb rbhen people, 3 Ibpll anger them rbith a
be fepetateb the fonnes of aoam, he fooitCbe nation.
put the boibtrs of the nations accop 2i *3Fo?ftre iSBtnblebinmptb2ath,anb Icre.xx,c.
Dpng to the number of thechfityen of bnmetlj bnto tlje bottome of hell anb ,

%fcael: Jjath confumeD the eartlj ibir^ jjcr in*

m the?L02bespattfshtepeople,anb
jfaeob is the portion of his inheritance.
creafe, anDfetafirerlje botomes of tlje
io ^efounbehpminabefertianbe, ina 23 3 iDpu heape mifefiiefes bpontIjcm,$
bopbc grounoe,anbfna°roarpngrbiii Ibpllbeftropthcm rbith mine arrorbes.
oernefle: $e leD hpm about, he gaue 24 Shep u>albe burnt rbith hunger anb

bpm bnbetftanbpng, anb Kept hpm as confumeD rbith heate, anb rbith bitter
the apple of tjiscpe. Deaructfon:*3l rbpllalfo fenbe the teeth
h as an «gle that ftirretlj bp her nett, of beaftcs bpon them, rbith the furioufc Ioel.i.b.

ouerher poung, $ fpjea*

anbflittereth nefle of ferpentes in tl)e bud.
Dcth her ropnges, tafteth them, anb 25 n9ttftoutfo?th (ball the ftbo:Derobbe
beareth them on her lbpngcs: them of their ehilD?en,anD rbitljtn in the
u XheHojbe alone rbas his gupbe, anb chamberfearc:bothpoungmen$poung
there rbas no ftcaunge gob rbith hpm. rbomen, anbthefucuelpnges, rbitlj tlje
13 $e carpcb fj^nt bp to the hpgh places menofgrapheabes.
of the earth,that he mpght cate the en* 26 3haue fapbe, 3
rbpU fcatter them
creafe of the ftelbes :
* 3mb he feb hpm ab;obe, anb maae tlje rememb^aunce
Muth honpe out of the rocue, anb rbtth of them to ceafle from among men:
moftharbe ftone:
opie out of tlje 27 naerett not that 3
fearcb the to?atlj
C 14 mb butter of nine, anbmplaeoftfte of the enemte, left then* abucrfanes
fbeepe, rbith fat of the lambes, anbfat lhoulb co bttcrlp ruithb?arbe the feiucs, tofcctbcsobip
of ranunes anb hee goates,rbith the fat anb left tljep fhoulbe faprour hpe Ijanbe iillJictco ,
of the moft plenteous rbheate, anb that hath bone all this,anb not the flofte. to rhenr
fcluco teiiitlic
thou mpghteft bjpnue the moft pure 28 5fo? it is a nation bopoe of counfaple, tuiftongfit bp
gobs banbe.
Wood of tlje grape. neither is there anpbnDerftanDpng in
15 ffiut he that fboulbc haue ben bprfght,
k mm he tbareb °fpurneb rbith his
fat, 29 £> tljattfjep rbere rbpfe, anbbnber*
necie: Xhou art Nell feb, thou art ftoobe this, tljattheprboulbe confibcr
Brapen thicfte , thou art euen laben their latter cnbe.
with fatneffe : anb he fotfoae d5ob hts 30 ^orbe (boulDc one chafe a thoufanoe,
matter, anbregarbeb not the
<0ob of 9 trbo put ten thoufanb to flpght, ercept
ftisfaiuation. their maaerhab foibctljem, anb ercept "©j.Bdpats
.pep pjouofteb hpm to anger rbith the lLojbe hab

(but tljem bp t
ttD them bits
tbett cncinita
waungegobs, enenrbttftabhominatt* 31 3fojtheirgobiSnotasour<0OD:*our i.Kcs-v.b.
on|pjouobebthevhrm. enemies alfo them fclties are iuoges.
jsjb t euen to
bnto bcufls,anb not to 32 5fo? their bine is of the bineparoe of
gobs rbhom thep ftnrtbe 5>oDome, f of the fieioes of d5omo?ra
their grapes are grapes of gall, anb
tijcirclufters be bitter.
3? Xljcir

Moyfes dying Deuteronomium. __J^af 0n?

35 Xbcir bine is the poplbn of Dragons, anD tbpll be mereifull Unto hitsTanbc
anDthccrueligallofafpes. anD to Dispeople.
s« pf lie 34. 5s not ™
this laphe in (tore tbitb me, 44 3(nD sipopfes tame ano fpaBc all the

ottlwt ~£
ioj= anD fcaicD bp anions mp treafurcs* rborbes of this fong in the cares of

nc0: but n*
35 "fltogeaunte is mpne,anb lbpll re* 3 peopie,be£3JofuahtbefonneofiW
brut trjtm t*
the tpinc of ibarbe, their feete (ball llpDe in Due 45 3lnD S0oprcs (pane aiitftefe uWs
pun; irinutifc

Koin.xn.d. f
tpme : 0? the Dap of their beOructton bnto the enDe,to al the people of
is at hanbc,anb the thpnges that (ball 4« fljiu
46 wywvinu them:
StoDfapDe bnto ujcni: -£>tt pour D«mv
come upon them make hade.
heartesbnto all the iborDcs tobiM
?6 "iPo? the fLo?D (bal iuDge his people, temfie bnto pou this bap, anbpeltiau
(I)) <9>UtTTi(
ano hauc compafflon on his femaiites, commaunDe thetn bnto pour chiWen
ibhen he fceth that their porbcr is gone, that tbep map obferue anD Do an the
anD that tbepbe inamanerfhnt Dp, 0? nwDesofthisiaibe. v
brought to naught anD fiwfafcen. 47 3foD let it not be a bapnc rboroe bnto
Icrc.ii.4. 37 anDhe (ball fap: * where are their pour for in it is pour lpfe,anD thrown
goos,thcir goo m whom
the? trutteD; tbtstborDcpefbailproiongpour Dapcs
38 Xbe fat of rbbofe feertfices thcpbpb in the lanDe lhhpther pego oner 3o*
eatc, $D?anfte ttje tbine of their Djinlte banetopoffefleit.
offcrpnges : let them rpfe bp,anD hclpc 48 %xto the ILorDe (pane into fl0opfts
pou, anD be pour protection. the fame Dap,faping:
39 3>ee noibe hofl)e tbatjl,*3[ am d50D, 49 <25et tljee bp into this mountapnc
Deut iiii
anbtljereis none but 3: *3 ftpll,anD Slbarim, unto mount j&ebo, vbljjtcii is

lbpll maae alpue : 3

lbOttnbe,anb lbpll in the lanDe of £©oab,ouer agapnft 'j}t<
lob. xv. Li.
hcale, 'neither is there anp that tan be* ritho, anD beholDe the lanDe of Cpa<
IpuecoutofmphanDe. naanibhitft %
geue bnto the thttbrcn of
40 5Fo?5ibpiiiiftbpmpnchanDctohta* SfraeltopoOefie:
uen,anb lbpll fap : 3
Ipue cuer. 50 3foD Dpe in the mount tbhiche thou
41 3Jf 3
tbjjet the eDge of mp fiborDC, goed hnto, anD thou (bait begathereb
anD mine hanbe tabe hoioe to Do iuttice, bntothppeople, *as3arontbp brother m.*
3tbpl recompence bengeaunce on mine DpeD in mount $or, anDibasgathcrtD
enemies, anD lbpll reibarbe them that hnto his people:
hate me. 51 ffiecaufe pe trefpatTeD agapntt me a<
41 3
lbpll mafte mpne arrotbes brunfte mong the chflDjen of 3Jfraei *at the ttw
lbttbblooD,anD mpfiborbc IhaiDeuour ters of ftrpfe at Caoes in the lbilber-
flefbc, 9 that for the wood of the ilapne, neffe of zin: fo? pe fancttficD me not
anD fo2 their caphuitie, fence the begpn* among the thiuuen of 3ifracL
npng of tbetbratb of the enemie. 5z Xhou (bait therfo?e fee rt)c lanoe be*
CO Ol«
M, co
43 #rapfepebeatbenhfspeopie,fo?b* fo?ethee, anDfbaitnotgothpthet r

goDo goosnt*
tefvaTM ttjf.
lbpll auenge the Wood of htsferuautes, the lanoe lbhtch gcuc the 3
ti)iio;cii of

anDibiliauengchtmofbisabuerfarles, jftael

^ The .xxxiij. Chapter.

1 fl9offt0bcfo?clit0ticatt)bUlTctl)antlictribcjJof3Crac!. asCbmtenotfO*
to tijc <bod of Hftael. z9 j5o? anp people ty&e bnto b<0.

3 1 $is is the w blefTp 3 3lnD be loueb tbe people , «l*P «^"

TbherTbith fl0opres
faintes alfoare mthp hanw^L *S2
cftljcmtrcicfl thcmandfdEfbDbleffeD ibere fmittentogoafter thp feete,
trjot <5£>5>
tr-ontsc CftCti tbcchiiDzenofgjlracl toreceaueoftbptt>o?Des. i^&j

tcrtraro ditto
^opfesgauebsalaTbe&? 'jatiiy
tVjt 3fr«e« before bis Death, anD 4 3»JJv
(i)) Ctitl"; fapDe: rltaunte oftbe tongregation of
bo'.v Btiott.
«Xbe1Lo?Decame 5 awDbett)asin3fraelfemg,ibhen^
CO W" c from s>inai, anD rofe bp from S>eir "
ieaDes of the people anD the tribes
ptoslt in
bntothem, anD appcarebfrom mount 3lfrael there gatbereb together.
glo;isug res
ol rtic
^haran, $ he came ibith ten tboufanbe 6 iLetmubenlpue,anbnotbpe,
utatf ng of of famt cs ,anD in ^i& x pght hano a laVbe fetbe in number. _ „„***
t\)i iatBC.
office fo? them. 7 Sbisfemeailbhappento3« w *^e

bleiTethlfrael. Deuteronommm. cXXVllI

18 Zxxn bnto zabulon he faybe : laefopec
Sana, f b?yng !)im Unto l)is peoplc:I)is
foan&es Ibalbe goob enough
fo? l)?m, pf zabulon in thy goyng out, anbtrjou
thou helpe hym agaynft
inDtonto Jleui be faybe :
W® XDumtm
£l)ey fljali call the people bnto the

m ant>atun(balbe ibitl)tftte, anb ami) &yll,$ there they (ball offer offcringes
cuery one that is gobly in tftee:
Xftoti of rightcoufneOe : 5fo?trjey iball mcae
Drtjoeft P*°w ?)V»n alfo in the
template of the abounbaunce of the fea, anb of
on, ?ftriucbtt ibitljtoym at
the haters treafure hyb in tl)e fanbe.
20 3nbbntod5ab6erapbe:Bleflcbbefie
m that f)atl) faybe » bnto Ijis fat&er
that iniargcb d5ab : he bibciietb as « a
fLton that catchctrjfojapjaythearme %$?$*
Co v-*m
* to nisntotljerCU *)aue not feene I)ym)

be tljat Knetbe not l)is bjetbjcn, Jbttbtbebcab. wmm*.

I anb
21 $e loueb to hym fclfe at the beginning,
no: Kneibc bis otbne
ehilbjen, tljoft ate
obferueb tl)y tt>02be,anb becanfe there mas a portion of the iaib*
tlicv f bat Dane
w geucr i)ib,$ he came ibith the hea&es
10 »y (ball teache 3K»cob thy (ubge*
of the people, anb erccuteb the rpgljtc^
oufncfTe of the ILojbe, anb Ijis tubge- (»«*».
mentes, anb ffrael thy Jaibe:
(ball pnt interne before thy nofe,anb rtje
mentes mitblffrael. {&**£«
burnt fattifite bpon thine anlter. 22 3lnb bnto he faybe : 2>an w is a Jj^g?
h fLojbe J)ts " firft fruttes, anb
usiefle Hions ibhelpe,be ftjai leape fro Bafan. ^„„ „
accept the nwfte of bis hanbes: finite 23 3nb bnto /I5epl)tl)ait fte fa?be : j© ™Z£T
tbe loyncs of the that rife agaynft ttftn, iI5epDtljali,fatifneb tbitl) d5obs fauonr, %&*»
anb of them that Date Jjym, tftat they anb full ibitlj tlje blefling of t^c fLojbe,
ryfenotagayne, poffefTe t|)ou tfte ibeft anb tt)c fout^.
a anbof25eniaminl)e fapbe: 3C|)e be* 24 ^nb to 3tfet De fapbe : 3ifet fljalbe
loucb of tlje ?Lojbc iljall Mbell in fafctte blefleb JbitD tl)ilb?en , fte Ojalbc accep
bpon bpi, anbtljefLozbe fljail touet table bnto l)is b?etD?en, anb ftiall bpp
bvm all tDc bav long, anb Ije u^ail bibcll tnsfootcinorle.
brtlbccncDisfljoulbcts. 25 X^u)oesu)albe(ronanbb?au*e,anb
n 3inbof3Jofcpljt)efavbe:26lefrebofti)e tDv ftrengtD ujai! continue as long as
Ho2be is i)is lanbe fo; the " fruttes of tt)ounnieu\
beautn, ttyougl) tljc beatbe^fpiinges 26 XDcrc is none bnto tlicc^obof
Ml fljatlpebcncatb, 3 frael, [au
tt)f)ic^ ttjougf) De fpt bpon the

14 ^nb fo? tDe ftbeete ftuttes of tf)e tn^ fjeauen tponanftozftjpet is ijetfiJne
crcafir of trjefunne, anbr)>petruitcs of Ijclpcr, Xbl)ofeglo?ie is in tliccciemall
tbemoone: places.
15 5f02 tDe ftrfl fruttes of tlje p2inrtpail 27 X^e etemalI<i5obtsfl)v refuge, anb
mountapnes, anb foi tf)e fruites tl)at bnber tl)e armes of tbe euerlauvng
tbe Dvlles typng fooni) fo? euer (Pod lljalt thou lyue: l?c H)all caft out
3utbfo2tl)eruitesoftl)eeartl),anbfu^ tf)e enemic before tbee,anb fa? , beftrop
neffe tbxrof : anb fo? tUe goob rbpllof ti)cm.
m W ln»mtl)atbtt)cltintl)ebuu5e,(t)ailtfte 28 3Jfrael tDcn a^ail uibell infafette anb
blcffing come bpontlje beab of 3Jofepl), alone , anb tlje fountaync of Sacob
anb bpon tljc toppe of tl)e ijeab of tym fliaibe bpon a lanbe of come anb nunc,
fbat ibas feperateb from among Jis anb l)is Ijeauens fljail b?op tbe beaibe.
b?etb?en. 29 ^appparttl)ou£)3}fraci,U)l)oisiiBe
17 fis ftrft bo?ne ore Datlj beautie.anb bnto tnec €> people, that art fauebin
ptt i)o?nes are as tl)e Do?nes of an tl)e |Lo?be ib^icl) is tlje 0)ielbe oftijp
5mco?ne, anb Mtt) them i)e (ball trou< Ijelpe anbabo?bcoftl)pglo?ic? %t)ine
Jie the nations togetber, euenbntotfje enemies Ijaue lott their ftrengtl) to tljee
ent»csoftbeibo?ibe:Xl)ere are alfo ten ibarbe, anb thou (bait treabe bpon
"Joufanbes of epftiatm , anb ttjetDou* ttjeir Replaces.


Moyfes dyeth.
D cuteronomium. M °yfesdv fl

f Tlle.xxxmij.Chap ter.
(fiKopfcsfectftaHthcIanDcofCiianaan, tfic&petfj. sfftarttccepcth. ^lofttafi
fuccecoctftmS0opftisroome. io«oepj(apftofa9opft]S.

% ^^jf^*^ 2 *fl0opfes merit
* of bis fepulet}:e bnto tl)is Dap.
' Ifevi^ ftom *& c Pi* 1 ?™
of ^opfcs U»as an tjunojeD anD ttbenti>
t19oab, top into mount peresoiDe rbljenrjeDpeD: rjisepeibas
Ca) W))lcl>
toio a part L. Ca)
/i5cbo,anrjbntotl)c not Dpmme, no; rjis natucall fojee
m the mount aba'
ibr.nm topoftrjc Cb bpUttiatu5 teb.
(b) Some
tCdOC,tl){ top oucragapnft3feticbo: 3inD t&e ebflD?en of 3Jftael * ibept
of ^tjafga,
foi Num. J
bcttoeenc anDtljcfUuDfyeUjeD ^opfesintlje plapne of fl^oab tWtte
nym all tl;c lanDc of ©ticaD, euen Unto Dapes: StnDtljc Dapes of tbeeppng
«l)itiui>Dcof 2>an: mournpng io; fi^opfes rbere enDeD.
tunne. i 3lnD all iJcpm&aw, anD t&e lanDe of ^nDfofuaDtbefonneof Bun ibasfui
cptoaun, $ £!9anau"e, anD all tlje lanDe oftbcTpuitcofiDtfbome, *fo*(©opfes
<0 Vbefn
of JIuDa, eucn bnto tiie uttnoft w fca: JjaD put tjts ftanoes Dpon tjpmanD
Nura.rt t

ipcrg iuttts 3 3taDrt)efoutl), anDttjepiapneofttje cljtlDjen of JJfrael ibere obeDtent
nnrDctiom bailep of ^ertctX tljermeofpalme rjpm,
3unc. anDDpoastljeHo^Decommaun-
tWCSteuenjjntozoat, DcD^opfes.
Gcn.xn.b. 4 2nDtl)e2lojDcfapDbntobpm:*Xl)ts IO 3lnD ttjere atofe not a pjopliete finte
is ttje lanDe tttycb ^
Ouarc Dnto abja* inJJfraeUpBebnto ^opfesibhomtbe
t)am,3!fal)ac,ant)3lacob,fapmg, % ftojbe ftnetbe fate c,) to fate,
ifopll geue « bnto thpfeebe:

ttjee alfo to fee it tbittj trjtne cits,
ii 3ltco#png Dnto all miracles anD
tlje Cot if :tr

aonDecs rDbttij tt> |Lo?De few ftwn to ( faimlmt.

Deut.iiii.f. *buttbou ajalt notgoouertbptljet. DointbelanDeof egppt befiye^barao

5 j§>o £0opfcs tlje femaunt of tjje 3Lofl> anD all Dis feruauntes, anbbefojc all
DpeDtijcrctntbe lanbeof $®oab, attoi* ^DtelanDr, ft) 3»*
Dpng to tbc iborte of ttje ?Lo;De. n 3lnD accojDpng to all t&at^tmgbne Kiliatntauntcf

2wd ije m burpeb

of I)i0 lamt,

<o) 1S0BB
6 tjpm m
a bailep, in BanDe, anD all tt> great feaw ib&icb

(tl JUttth,* the lanbe of ($oab, ouer agapntt trje gpopfes

Jb«uioc taht Ijoufe of 0eoj : but <° no man lmoibet&
fl)eiDcD in ty fpgDt of all

occafion of
W. E.

f The ende ofthe fifth booke of Moyfes, called in the

Hebrue Ellekaddebarimy andin the Latine
a*>The feconde part of tlieByble con-
teyning thefe bookcs.

The booke of lofuah. The flrft booke ofthe Chronicles.

The booke of the Iudges. The feconde booke of the Chronicles.
The booke of Ruth. The firft booke of Efdras.
The firfb booke of Samuel. The feconde booke of Efdras.
The feconde booke of Samuel. The booke of Hefter.
The thirde booke of the kinges. The booke of iob.
•The fourth booke of the kinges.
UsM e-

MP The booke of Iofuah, whom the

Hebre&es callfebofua.

^ Tbe.j. Qoapter.
lattoe of pjtomfte.
? Cfce jiojoe pjomt.
; trht iLoibe tacomaaett) Uofuafc to inuatie tty
fctfitoaffittHofualjtf Seobe^btjs toojoe. n goftta&commaunt>etfjt&e people topje.

paKem fellies to paffeouet aoflane,

nana ejtboitety tt»e Kubenftejs to execute
t^eir charge.


beatf) asftbastbuD^opfes, fo tbpll 5 be Tofn.iii.b,

t Mil I)
of^opfesttjefer* voty tljec, * anb lbpll not fapte tljee, no? Hcb.iiii.bk
uauntoftl)e?lo?D, fo?faaetf)ce,
i»;it. it came to pafleal* *25e ftrong tIjerfo?c anbbolbe:fo? bn* [f

14% To tljat fljc fLo?nc to tljfs people Ojalt tf)o« beuibe ^lanbc
•nit, f aue bnto llofu- fo? inberitaunce, tt»l)ict)c 3
ftbare bnto
* >0; pfonneotjftun, tbctr fathers to geuefyem*
4E)nlp be tljou ftrong , anb of a ftoure
|H («!= opfcs'mtMfter,
ping: conragc , tyat tljou mated obferue anb
x ^opfesmyfcruauv tsoeab:4l5oibe boaeco?bingtoailrt)clattibl)tcb $&&
tbcrefo?earife, go out tljis 3io?bane, fes mp feruaunt commaunbeb tbec:
Klitaj tbou anbaii tt)is people, Ditto ttjelanbe * ICurne ftom flje fame neft&er to tlje Dcu v-5-
tlje urtjtdje 3 to ttjemtrje cfjplDjcnof right Ijanbe , no? to trjc lefte, tbat fflpn
3fraeibo geue.

maicft oo vbifcly in al ttjattDou taKeft m

3 *3ffl tlje places t$at tbc folcs of pout

fonn. fccteftjautrcabebpon, 3f geucn l>w 8 *%tt not trje boo&cof fbis laibe be* Doaxvii <t.

p«J. parte out of tbp moutl) but occupic

?ou,as3l fapbebnto^opfes* , frctl.tcqui'

minbe therein bap?mgt)t, tyat

tep« 4 f rom ttje ^ibplbemeOe anb tbts fLt- trjp
Hume of sicn

&anon,bnto ttjc great riuer eupf)?atcs, tyoumaieftobfcrneanb ooc atco?omg ias»t.

all tlje lanbe of tl)e w

$ett)ites,cuenbn* to alibis mitten fljenn:5fo?t5ena)alt r|] 4>ttl0(5«t*
(W p?ofperous, anb gou
tljou ntane tl)p Vbap
great fea totbarbe trje gopng
to tl)c laii>c,ant)bc

"Ncof Donmc of tbc fun *; fbalbepour coatt. tljentboufbaltbounfclp. furc of pjoft)*

tous fncccfTt
5 Xbete 0»ai not i. man be able to ttntl> 9 feauenot3ltoniaunbebtl)ce, tljat m tl;y all

anb otipnsj).
™>e tb,ec all tt)e Daves of ttw life : 5f o? (Douiboulbeftbe ftrong fUarbte,

charge. Iofuah.
not feate no? be faint hcartcb?.foj ft* 3 helpcthem:
%mt t!)y <£ob am ibirh tljce^hyther 15 mntill the Hojbe Ijatte getien vm*
forncrtUougoctl. foetal reft as hchathyon,anofi
i o xijcn 3Jofuah tommaunbeb the oftv they aifo hauc obtaineb the lanbc
the the tebe your d5ob getietn
cers of the people, faying:
<5a thozoujc the niibbcs of the hoaffe,
anb comaunbe the people , faring , |&e*
anb then fbai ye returne bnto the
ofyourpoflcu*ion,anb enioyeit:
pareyottbitatlcs: fojaftcr® thjee bales lanbci$oyfesthelLo?bcsrcntawS
ye (bal paflfc oner this 3Jo?banc,to go m votton thisftbe Jojbane toibarbeZ
anb enioyc t|ie lanbe , lbhich toe fLojbe funnerpfyng,
T>our <!5od gcnctl) you, to pofleffe it, i6 anb they aunHbcreb 3ofuarj,fayii We .
12 3uib bnto the 3&ubenites,<i5abitcs,anb
hatfc the tribe of fl}9anaaes fpafce Jo-
*2lthat thouhatt commaunbebbsS
ibtllbo anbibhythcr foeucc thou
fuab faying: beabs,ibe»ffllgo,
ij "Bemember the ttwbc fthiche $)oy 7 actojbingasibeobeyeb^oyfestnai
fes thefcrnauntoftbelUizbt commafc tbmges, fo U»ttl tbe obey thee: only the
Deb you , faying:3Che |Lo?be your d&ob !Lo?bc thy csob be ibith thee,as he Ws
hath gcuen you reft , $hath geucnyou tt)ith<$oyfes, -

this ^ lanbe, 18 anbibhofoenergebethat not!) bifo*

14. jaourtbyues, your chilbjen, anb your bey thymouth,anb ibil not hearken bn<
tatclittjallremainein the lanoe wbtch to thy ibo?bes in all that thou tominaff*
S^oyfcs gaue yon on (,) this fybc 3fo?* Deft him , let him bye : Dnly be ftrong,
banc:butye Cljal go befbtf your tyeth?tn anbofgoobeouraae.
ariwb, all that be men of lbarrc , aim

The .ij .Chapter.

ilofoab fcnbct&ont fpfejsInto Kerf c&o. 4fcbep be bptoen of aabab. pgafcab

agnifetl) tbe ©00 of Sfrael to be tbe bpgbea ©00 . 1 1 Kabab requ ttetb that tftcre be
toao a rctperte oftjer felte anD bets tDbcn lencbo te oiicrcummen. Cbe
21 fpics Do

3 1 i^if^^b3Jofuahp fotme of ^nb abonttDe time of the tbutting of

jfcunfentoutof^it* the gate ibhentt ibasbarbe, the men
timttbomentolbyefe* ibem out , Xbhyther the men lbcnt 3
treteiy,faying:<i5o,anD rbote not:foloibe ye after them quicftlp,
bieibcthelan^anbal* fo? ye (bail ouertafte them.
fo Jericho. anb they zSutOjehab brought thembp fothe
U)ent,anb*tameintoa w rooffe of the houfe, $ "hyb tljem ibttft

"hatlotes honfe,nameb mahab, ana the ftalftes of flare Uihirj (he hab lying
ptuitc ,

tobgcb there. ab?obebpontljerooffe.

2 anb it ibas tolbc the King of eritfto 3 3lnbthemen purfucb after them the
faying:26eholbe , thcr tamemen in %r- lbay to 3to?banc bnto the fouroes : anb
tl;er to nigljt , of the thilbjen of 3ftael, aflbone as they Kbljidje pttrfueb after
tofpyeotutl)etOHntrcy. them ibere gone owt , they (but the
3 2lnb the King of Jlcritho Cent bnto gate.
3aahab,faying:^) 25«ng foo^tlj the men S Zrto m
eucr they tbere atteepe, u)c
that are tome to thce,anb ibhuh are en^ tame bp bnto thembpon the rooffe,
trebinto thynehoufc: fo? tljey be tome ^nb fayb bnto the men : 3 KwW loft-**-
tofeartheoutailthelanoe* that the ?Lo?be hart) genen you the
4 ^nb the lboman tobe the ttbo men lanb,*rbj the^feare of you is fallen bpo
anb hyb them,aub fayb thtts:3}nbeebe ts,anb the inhabitantcs of the lanoe
25 there tame men bnto me, but Jibille faintattijep?erenceofyom
not ibhente they rbere.
10^0; p*
Iofuah. in.
foTroeDaueDearbeDoibe tbc&ojbe ibpl beblameiefTc of tbts ttjv otD rbhtth
tDou Daft mabebsftbeatc:
rouibbenpou came out of egppt, anb 18 25cDolb,tbDett rbe tome into tDe lanbe,

Stpouoptrbnto t\yt tibo npnges of tDoutDaitbpnbctbis tojbe of tcb tftjebe

were on tbe otDer intDe rbpnborbe bJbieDe tDou bpbftict
Sie 3unorites tbat
ftie3Jo?oane3et)onanl>^>fl,nJl)om bs botbne bp: anb tDou ftiaitbjpngtbp
«»' fatDeranb tljpmotDet, tbp bjctbjcn, 9
anbaflboneasibe Dan Deatbe ffjcfe all tljp fatDetsDoulDoibe teuen] mto tbp

tnvmges, out partes Dpo
fapnt, ant) Doufe.
tfcctcmamcbnonwe courage in anp co
19 3lnb tDentbDofoeuer boetlj 30 out at
tDe boojes of tDp Doufe mto tDe Hecate,
man at tije pjefence of von: 5fo? the
fLojbe pout ©od
DetstDecEtobinDea* ^DfsblooblDalbebponDisotbneDcao,

ntn about, anb in eartD bencatD.
anb tbe tbpll begpltlefle : 3fob tbbo to* Spiticof
cuius otath.

euet fl)aibe tbitlj tDee in tDe Doufe, Dis

u $oibctberfo?e,3P?appourujearcbtt* bioobChaibcon our Deao pf an? mans
to me bp toe fCojbe, tDatasU Dane
ttieuicbpoumercie, pe (DalialfofDeTbe DanbetoueDeDpm.
mcrcic bnto mp facets Doufe,anb geue 20 3inb if tDou btter fDefe our tbojbes,
mcattuetoBen: tbe tbilbe quite of tDp otD *bD»cD tDou

anbtljatpelDallfaue alyue borD mp Daftmabebsftbeare.
fttner anb nip motber,mp bjctD?en anb 21 ^nb(Defaibe:^cco?bing tmto pout
nip fitters, anbalUDat tDep Dane : anb ibo?bes,fobeit4 ^nblDefenttDearbap,
tbat pe u)all belpuer out foulesfrom
anb tDepbeparteb ,^nb (DebounbetDe
beatl). „ , reb cojbe in tDe tbtnboibe.
Ci+ 3tnbtDemenaunfiibetebDet: )©ttt xi 3lnb tDep beparteb,anb tame into tDe
Ipues foj pou to bpe, r f W
Mter not tDis mountame, % tDcre abobetD;eebaves,
out bufpneffe. 3(nb TbDen tDe fUtbe bntj>ltDepurfiicrsujerercturneb:3mb
Ijatb gcuen bs tbe lanbe, tt>e rbpll beale tDe purfuers fougDt tDem tD?ougljout
metepfullp anbtruclpibitDtDee. autDe«ja?,butfounbe tDemnot.
15 2nb tben u> let tDem botbne bp a 23 3lnb tDe tibo men returneb, anb bef
eo?betD?ougb a tbpnbotb: fo?D«Doufe cenbeb from tDe mountaine ,anb pafTeb
o) ouer, anb came to 3JofuaD tDe fonne f6)Co&pt,
JbasbpontljetotbnettjaU, % tt;ebibclt lyua

bpontDetottmciball. of /Bun, anb tolbe Dun all tljat came
i6 3Mbu>fapbebntotbem:(15etpottin* bntotljem.
to tbc (B) mountaine lefle tlje purfuers 24 ^nb tljep faibe bnto 3JofuaD:%rucn>

Hi cue.
mcctcpou, anb Dpbe pout feluestljere tDe ?to:be belpuereb into our
tbjee bapes bntpl tDe purfuers be rctur* Danbes all tDe lanbe, anb all tDe inDabi*
ncb,$tDenfDallpegopourobjnelbap. tauntes of tDe counter? faint at tDe p;e^
Hat: £
17 3tob tDe men fapbe bnto Det : »e w fence of bs.

The .iij .Chapter.

JWeio • loCuaftcomwrtbtDitftt^e people fcntolotfane. ? CBelmftefiDofteare^eaTfie,

mm fiotag before t&e people. 7 ©oD OjetoetB bp mtraclejs tbat be i$ tottb 1ofuab,anD tbat
bcgupDctb the people. 14 ®bc people goctb oucr Somatic, is ©becbanellof J,ou

31 /Rb3fofuaDrofeearlp of tDe !Lo?be pour d50b,anb tDe p?(ettes

anbtDep remoueb fr5 tDat are fleuites bearing it, pe a^aii be*
pa feittim, anb came to w part from pour plate,anb go after it.
3l02nane, Deanb all 4 5)0 pet tDat tDere (Daibe a fpace be*
B tDecDvltyen of3Ifra^ ttbeene pou anb it, about tibo tDou* o; , 4 »yf .

P el : anb lobgeb there fanbtubitesbp meafure: 3lnbpe Ojail

before tDepibent ouer. not come npe bnto it,tDat pe map ftnoib
Jnb after « tD?eebapes , tDe officers tDe rbapbp ibDicDe pe muftgo : fo^pe
^tttt^ougbouttDeDoaae, Daue not gone tbisujap in times pan,
^nb commaunbeb tDe people,faying: 5 3tab 3lofuaD fapbebnto tDe people:
aahenpefee tDe arue ot tlje teftament *5>anctifte pourfelues, fojto mojotbe ^^1
^5 tDe
Jordaije. Iofuah.
tljc?Lo?b fyai oo ibonbcrs amongpou. 7 Zvtof %o;b fapo bnto ^ofuabixiS
3lnb 3JofuablpaKebnto tbcpjieftes, bapibtii 3 beginnetomagnifietbeein
Taping : %aU
bp tlje ar&e of tf)e couc * tbeftgbtof all Ufrael , tbat tljcp ma»
naunt.anb 50 oucr before tbe people* Bttotue boibe that * as 3
ibas toftfi

Smbtbcp touebp ti)tatbeoftl)e tetta* ^opfes, fo M13I be lbttlj tljee,

ment,anb Vbcntbcfojc tft.cpcople.

8 3lnb tboti (bait comaunbe p pjteftes ibaters tfjat come from aboue tyail

tbat beare the arfte of tl)c couenaunt, *ftanbc Ihlibponanljeape.

faptng: Xbben pe are come to tbe ebge of 14 anb fo,ibben tbe people ibcreoepar*
tbe waters of 3lo?banc , ve (ball ttanbe
tt\i fro tbeir tentes to go ouer 3fo2Dane,
(£ (0
lhlltn Ho?oane» tlje pjieftes bearing * tbe arse of tbc IjCvJiiltia

thane" where
the tlrcmc rjaB
9 anb3JoutabfaibebntotbccrjiU«cnof couenaunt, ibent before tbe people. n, 1

runne. farjcrlnttt

3lfraci : Come fcptber , anb tjeare tbe 15 3lnb affbone as tbep tbat bare p arfec (oumaintil
mojbes of tbe Hojbe pour d5ob. came bnto 3Fo?bane,anb t1jc feete of the »nticn:iB

^b3oruabfapbc: w $crebppefbail

<r 15? this 10 pnefles tbat bare tbe arte ibere opp< tnantcmiKi-

among peb in tbe b?pm of tlje ibater*(5Fo? 3op

miracle in
ftnoibe tbat tbeiuung d5ob is
tec. pou,anb tbat l)c ibill ruttbont faple call banc bfetb to fpll all Ijis
bancftes all rg Jn*l
out bcfo?cpou tbe ebanaanites,anbtbe tbetimeofbaruell) fonntlnW

^ctbitljes.tbe ^euites,tbc $.be«5ttes, i6 %be waters alfo tbat cameboibnc fro |)aiutS.i«*

MM*' 1

tbe (Rrgcfttes , tbcSlmojttes , anb tbe aboue, bib rtfcbp bpou an beape anD 111

gjcbufites. bepartcb farre from p citie of aba ,tijat twite tl;t'«*

li»,)i 1,l,
11 Bebolbe, tbe arfce of tbe couenaunt of ibasbefibe zartljan : anb tbe waters niiratlcisW

25 $e fiojbe of all tbe tbojlb,goetl) before tbatrberebeneatbtoibarbepfea oftilc

you into 3lo?bane» ibiiberncs , euentbe fait fea, faplcb ana
IX /|2o\bc tljerfojc taue ftom amongpou lbere cut of:anb tlje people * Went rtgnt
fljoulbc fct tip
« nbelue men out of tbe tribes of 3U oueragain(l3Iericbo. f
racl,out of cucrp tribe a man* 17 anb tbe pjicftes tbat bare tbe aruc ot
tacmc tlcnco
bounce o(
I? 3ut& afToone astljc Coles of tbe feete of t^t couenaunt of tlje Ho?be ,ftoobc W
tbe pneftcs tljat beare tbe arfee of tbe rbitbtnjozbane, rebp <*> p?cparcb, ano
fUnbetbe gouernour of all tlje tt»o?iuc, all tbe 5ftaelites Jbent ouer tl)o;oibc
treaoe in tbe ttmters of 3f ojbane, tbe tbe b«e, bnttu all tbe people ibere gone
ibatcrs of3Io?bane tbalbe beuibeb;anb tleaue ouertbojoxbejwbane* _, pjllW*

Iofuah. 1111.
rhe . //// . Chapter.

icvccluc ffone# out of tilt djanellbe erccteo foj a ftgneof tfie bjpiug of ?o?Dane.
?die iKubcnitce, the ©aDttes, anD tfte balfe tribe of fl©analTc Do go befoie t^cit
tyettj?cn armcD. 19 3!o?Dane commetfi
agapne, attt> fplletfi the chattel!.

/B2Dfottrijentljcpco* Io f 02 the pneftes tbljicDc bare the arhe C

pie ibcreal gone *ouer ftoooe mtljc mibocsof3J02Danc Pntrll

3Jo2bane(afterp?Lo2D all iPas ftnifljeo tljattije ?Lo2bcconv

Ijab fpofcen bnto 3& maunbeb Jlofual) to lape bnto tlje peo-
fualj, faping: ple,acco20png to all tHat SBopfes cljar-
Xaite pott trbclue geojlofualj : ^Inb tlje people Ijaftcb,*
men out of ttjc people, ment otter.

Qtitofcttcrptribcaman, 11 Zvfo U)ljcn all people mere cleanc

paffeb otter, tl)e arltc of tlje Ho2b ibent
3nb commauttbepou tljcm,faputg Of ttjcpur' j

%M pou Dmkc out of tlje mibbes of

^o?Danc[tutn] out of tlje place ttrfKte
ouer aifo,anb tl)e p2ieftes C0) before tlje
ouct after
people, be. ?%
ouer, focjt


m prieftcs ftoobe in a rcDfncOc, tlbcluc

Itonts, uiDf eti y c fljau taftcatbap ml)
iz *^nb tlje cljplb^en of &uben,anbtlje
cftplb2cnofd5aD,anbIjalfe tnc tribe of
befojey peot
plcoa Joftity
tco. cijap.m,

ifcfccit pou, anD leaue tljcmitt tije

lobgpng fljSanaffc, ment before tlje djplD2cn of Num.jt.e.

lDljcre von ttjall lobgc tljis npgijt) 3) ^opfes cljargco tlje.
Xljcn gicfualj caileD tlje tJDeluc men, 13 euen fourtte tljattfanbc p2eparco fo?
lDljicij Ijc Ijab p2cparcb of tlje
cljptbjcn lDarrc, ibcnt before tljc co ^.02bc bmo :e;iEI]Mie,

of Jfrael, out of cttctp tribe amatt.

»f ofualj fapbe bntotijem : ®et
you bcm?c tlje ante of tljcfLojbcpour
battapl, tlj20ttglj trjc piatne of gjericljo.
14 *Xhat bap tlje ?Lo2bc magntneo 30*
fttalj in tlje fpgljt of all 3]frael: anb tijep

d5oo, euen tlj20ugljtljcmtDbesof3Jo2* fcareb Ijpnt, as tljep fcareb ^opfes all

Danc,*anbtaRCDp euerpman of pott a Dapesofljtslpfe.
ftoneDponljis ttjoulbcr, accojbpngDn* 15 ^lub tlje Hoj&c fpaue bnto ^Jofualj,
totlje number of tlje tribes of tlje cijpl* faping:
DKnofjfftael, i6 Commaunbe tlje piieftcs tljat beare m
if wiierefn

s 6 Xljat tljis map be a figne among pott tlje *arUeoftljctcftimottie to tome Dp vmb tb: tta
£ljatuigenpour w
cljplDmtantetljeir outofjojoanc.
ii^,ir.r,u ro,'t*
I I*t8
fatljcrsinfpmetocomc, faping, fl$jat 17 ^ofttalj tljcrcftuccommaunbeb tlje roOiititrftUi •

P2icftes,faptng: Come vc Dp out of Jo?-
*W'.» [incanej tljcfc ftones lbitlj pou? silo n )• t ,',SICfl

«f»» tcfiifipiig
»:hit 7 ^emapcaunftbcrctljcm: Ijotbc tljat Dane. 10UfiB'>'li.

ffimav tljcibatcrsof 3Jo2banc DcnibcD at tlje 18 3ino roljcn tlje p2tcftcs tljat bare tlje
'? wife
of tije couenaunt of
picfente of tlje arise arUc of tlje couenaunt of tije Ho;bc,
the 2L02be , (*te iDJjen it tbent otter ruerecomebpoittoftfjcmJDi)esGf|jo2*
3Jo2tjanc, the maters of 3f ojbanc Dettt* Dane, anD aftbone as the folcs of tlje
Deo) Z\\a tljcfc Hones arc become a mc^ P2ieftcs fecte JDcrc fet on } \Mt lanb, tlje

mo2iaiiDntotljcei)piD2cn of Jfracl fo? Waters of 3Io?Dane rctttrncD Ditto tljcir

eucr. plate, anb vbent otter all tljcirbanftcs
Dpb euen
3tnbtijecljplb2cit of^lfrael astljepopbbefo2e.
10 as 3Jofuat)commaunbeb, anb toftc 19 3nb tlje people came Dp out of ^op (J) CflllCB
Dp tibcluc ftones out oftljemtDbcs Dane tlje tenftj l^ap] of tljc^firft mo* fajt, LOiitr^i

of 3Jo2banc as tlje %wt

fapbe Ditto netD, anb pttcljeb in d5ilgai, euen in tlje
ayauli una
pace oe j.;'iil.
liofualj, accojbpng to the number of caft bobber of tlje cine ^Jcricljo.
«)ctnbcsoftncrijpib2cnof3Jfracl,attD 20 ^nb tlje tTDcluc ftones tbljicljc fljep
tarpcb them aiDap ibttlj tljeitt Dnto tlje toftc out of 3}o?Dane, bpo 31 ofuaD puclj
Place ibncrctljepiobgeb,
$ lapbethem itt(i5ilga!.

21 ^nb Ije fpauc Dnto tlje cljplbzcn of Jf*
3nb giofuaij fct Dp tiDclue » ftones
, rael, faping: 3Jfpottr cljplb2cname
'yufct mtbc miotics of 3«02Dane, in tlje place tljeir fatljcrsintpmeto come, attD tape:
where tlje feetc of tlje P2tcftcsibljtcljc jj©l)atintcane]tDcfe ftones?
;arc the arkc of tlje

m WWteftament ftoobe: 22 m fljail ftjeJDe pour cljplbjen, anb

55 ?Jcte % contmueo Dnto fap : 3Jfrael came otter tljis 3Jo2Sanc ctt
^4 13^?
ford,inc. Iofuah.
23 tfonbclUwoc your <5obbncbbp tlje 24 Xfcat all trje people of F ^^^?^

matte ofjlojbanc bcfoic vow bntui pc , buoujc tbt Ijanbe of tlje fLojOc
hS *$
lucre gone ouet as p tobeyour C5ob

cpotl)crebfea,*ib!jicljlje tuicD Dp be-

nugUtiettis, and tDat ye mtafit
ffi K
fore bs,tyll ibe lucre gone oucr. ""St.

The v . . Chapter.

l.flcneinbabttantejsof Cbanaanoofearetbecommiiigoftlie gitraeuteis, after t&ac

ttjcp UearDe of tuc miracles of tticir ©oD. 2 €>f tfte feconoe ctrcumctuon bnoer gjofaag
ano teberefoie it teas 1 2 flBanna fapletlj , anD becummetij fcarfe. 13 ®^e angel of

tbc Xoioe.toljo QjoulD go befoie tlje armte of tbe g|fraclitei$.

31 /BbiMhcal tlje Binges fo?tl)ey ibere bncircumcifeb: becaufe

C«~) the
ii:oi!tro occtt
of^ ^mo?ttesiDl)tc!) tljcy circumctfcb tljcm not bp tnc ibap
oil bofij Ipbcfl are beponbe 31o?bane 8 3tnb lbljen tljep Ijab circumcifcb al tic
U'VTuI I»J0 ibcftibarbcanbaltDe people, tbey abobe in tljcir places in the
hffljca «,crc
(tojriC clrco? UpngcsoftljeCtjana* tampe tpll tljcy ibere ibljole,
Clllilf lu
., in
uiojti. anttcsiuDicljtbctebp 9 3lnb tlje fLo?be fayu bnto 3Jofuaft
tf)cfca,ljeatbljoibcp Xljis bay Ijaue 3 taken aibaptljc * tot.

H02DC Oab bzicb bp tlje ibaters of 3?o?^ Ujameofcgypt from you : lbljerefo^e tl ill! fi

bancbefo;ctljc cljplbjen of 3Jfracl bn* tlje name of tlje fame place ts calico @i flMlSlI

till tljcp iberc gone oucr,* tljctr bcartcs bnto tijis bay. otainii!
gal, IJtHflM

fapntcb fo2 fcarc, anb tljcre" lbas no 10 ^nb of 3Ifrael abobe in

tlje cljilbjen

fpirite in tbern any tnojc fo? tlje pjefence d5ilgal,*anb Ijclbc tlje feaft of^afToucr lutgnftl
of tl)c enuojen of 3lfracl. tlje fourteenth bay of tljc uionctljat
1 Xnat fame time tlje ILojbe faibc Unto tucn, intljepiayncofjjcncljo. (f)©S

3?ofim!j:*s3|9aftc tljcc fljarp nniues, anb
go to
agapnc anb circumcifc tlje cljil-
11 ^no tljep m
eatc of tne
lanbe on tlje inojoibc after tlje f&#
of the
mxi: i

0>) -Comow
tl'cp fifio lcftc bjen of 3Jfraci t^c feconbe time. ouer ftbeete caftes anb parcljeb cojnc,
U of about +o
Tcics. [ Slno Ijofualj mabcljim ujarpc Kmues, tntbcfelfefamcbay.
anb ctrcmnctfcb tlje c&flbzen of ^fracl 12 Jf02 tlje fi^anna ccaffeb on tlje mo^
CO (ffiitgnl
intlic Ijillof iljcfojcfBinncs. rotbe after ti)cp l)ab begun to eate of
loac To caUco,
llfC, UfC
mere there
4. 2nibtniststnccaufcibf)y 3JofuaIjcir* tljeco?neoftt)e lanbe, neitljer Ijao tlje
CUlilClfcD. cumcifeb all tlje people, eucn tl)c males cbpimcnof ^frael ^anna anp mo?e,
tljat tame out of cgypt : becaufe ttjat al but bib eatc of tl)c fruitc of tlje lanoe of
tlje men of ibarrc bicb in tlje ibilberncs Cbanaan tljat yerc.
by p ibap,aftcr tnep came out of egppt. 13 ^nb iDbcn 3lofual) lbas npc to 3t< 2)

5 5fo? all tbc people tljat tame out,ibcrc rtcl)o,t)e lift bp l)is cpes anb loKcb : ano
citcumctfcb: but al tlje people tl)at ibere benolb,tljcrc ftoobe a man againd pi,
bonic in tlje ibilberncs by trjc lbap after ftauingaftbojbe bjaibcnfnljis Ijanoc:
0) fttjcltotito
not Bo it uMt!)
tijev came out of cgppt iDetc not ^nb 31 ofuan lUent bnto l)ini,anb fayce
out onuncjcr , ctrcumrifeb. bnto fjtat, ^rt tliou on our fpbe , 0? on
m tliat troiu
blcfcmc oncer 6 5fo? tlje cljyltijcn of ^jfracl ibalneb ourabnerfaries*
tarn ftstc tJ)tp captawc
fcicrc in, in fourttc ycres in tlic ibilberneffe, till al p I4. ^nb Ije fapbe,/^aie: but as a
people of p men of ibarrc tljat came out
of <£gppt iberc confumeb, becaufe tl)cy
tlje l)oaft of tbc %wonam 3
3Ctro 3}ofualj fell
Ijis face tor HrW

fapoj liww
Dcarucncb not bnto the bopec of tlje eartfj , anb bib (s) ibo^Ujip , anb lirnli^

fLo?b bnto

ILojbc : tlnto ibljom tnc ?Lo?bc fibare, bnto bint : naijat faitlj mp ;r.:

tl)at Ijc iDoulbc not fl)ciuc tljcm p lanbe Ijtsfcruaunfc .

aft iM
*ibmcl)tl)e1Lo?bcfu)arebnto tljeir fa^ ^ttbtljecapta(neoftl)efCo?besb;5
tl)crs tftat l)e lboulbe gcuc bs, eucn a
flipbe bnto ^ofualj: *2Do tftp fljoc;
° M
lanbe*tbat floibctl) lbitl) mpluc $ l)ony. tljy foote , fo? tl)e place ibljeron tW (ii)tj

2inb tljcir cljiibjcnibUom licfetbp in ftanbc(t,tsDolyanb3ofualjbibW. s?

tljcir ftecbe,tljcm 3Jofual) circumctfcb, n*

Iofuah. V.

The.y . Chapter.

i <0oD gcuctn of lertcfto bntolofualj. 6 lotaaft toittj fl&e p&ffw ooeft tnuaoe
tfie Citiz

icrtcfto. 7 giofuaft cotttmaanDctljtftE tsubemees, ttie ©aot'tes, ami tijc flipanafrites,

to go befo?e the 3rfie tn armes. 20 gjertcbo is tafien. 2: Kabab is faueo. 24 gicrictjo
10 butwa. 25 tsabab ano Her boufeboioe Do otoell among tbe cbrlojen of 3jfracl.
2d ®ije builDet; agapne of 31eri#o is cutfeD,

Si H53> 3fec<cDo mas rammesljontes before tlje ar&e of tlje
anttbp ano °clofco, ftoibe. 0» Ibis W
bccaufcoftbecljtiojcof 7 3utbl)efapDe Ditto tlje people: ct,) d5o, diicfin meant
LSti- l)i- tlic

^ffrael, ncit^ci: anb conipafTc tlje titte, $ let Ijpm tt)at ts Ditcs.anDbdlf

anpmangoout,02itt. !jarncflco go before p arae of tljc 3L020. die tribe of

3utotljc?Lo20cfapoe S 3mo tbljcn 3f ofual) Dab fpoacn bnto p
Dnto3Jofuaij:Be!)oio, people, fcuen poetics bare tlje ttitcit
3 Dane gcuen into tljpne ijanoe Scrt- trumpets of rammes ljo2ncs,ano ttient
c!)o,anotl)eapngtljcrof, ano tl)c flrong foojtlj before tlje arae of tlje flo20e,ano
tncnofibarre. bicibe ibttlj tlje trumpets: anb toe arae
Zwo n fliau compaflc all tlje cttie, al! of tlje coucnaunt of tlje %om foioibeo
petbatbentenof iDarre, ano go rowtbe tljcm,
about it omt'4 fo u>il pott 00 arc oapes, 9 3uto tlje men of armes tbent before tlje
h 3lno feucn piicftes 0»ail beare before pneftes tljat bleibe Utttlj tlje trumpets Cf^caning
Jtttren: the icarc
pin tnear&cfeuentrumpettesof rammes c) co gatt)erpng came after rtjc
f tjte floafl: SDartie.ojItcrs
in ii>ag tlic
» nnns homes: Sutotlje feucntl) bap pc fyaU arae as tljep ibent, anb bleibe ibttlj fjjno.irD of
"> but
to HTl)co(Diin.
"tine It compaue tljc citie fcuen tpmes, anb tlje trumpets. ffiumf.
parties ujai Wott)c ttntlj tfle trumpets. 10 3lnb 3Jofualj flab commaunbcb rije
no ibijcn tljep maac a lottg blaft lbitlj #e (pall not no;

toe rammes Dome , anb
people, iaptng : fljout,
tinoj pe Ijcare ti)e maftcanpnoyfe ibttlj pour bopec, net*
jottnbe of toe Dome, all tlje
people fl)aii tljer fljail anp mo«Jbc p^occebc out of
U)outjbitft a great fljout:
3utb tljcn pour moutlj Dntpli tlje bap SJbpbpou
fliail tlje ibau
of tlje titte fall oottme, fyouMljcnuJailpeujOur.
anu tbc people fljau
aflenoc Dp, cttcrp 11 3lnb fo tljc arae of tlje ?Lo:be com*
wanarapgijtbcfojcljpm. patfeb tlje rite,anb ibent about it once: DlV.
25 J
d orua^ rtJcforaie of iC5nn,calleb anb
ano tflep returneb into tl)c Itoaft,
lobgeo toere.
uptbearfte of tl)e coucnaunt, anb let n 3tno JJofuafj rofe earlp in tlje mo?
lc »tn
pacaesijearc fcuen tnunpets of npng, ano tBepjieUes toae Dp tljearfte
%era ho i r dcjhoycd. Iofuah. ferichwise

Oftl)C?l0.2bC. mall *fell boibneflat, fo tljat ttepcwTH^

13 ana fcucn p2icttcs bare fcucn trum* ibent bp into p citie, euerp man urataht
pettcs of rainmcs Ijomcs, anb ibent be* bef02eljvm, anb *tote tbc citie , jr. 1

fo2ctljcarteoftl)e ?Lo2bc: anbgopng, 21 3lnb tljcp btterip beftropeb all that

blcibc lbitlj rt)c trumpcttes. 3lnb tlje ibas in tlje citie,botlj tuan anb iboman
men of amies Xbcnt before tljcm: but pounganbolbe, ore, fl)eepe, anb aire'
(s) '
Coptic tribe t!je gatl)erpng Ijoaft came after ttje ibitljtncebgeoftl)cfib02bc.
oi E« ava
arte of tnc ?Lo2bc, ibljicljt ibent before 22 26ut 3Jofualj Dab fapbc bnto tbe ttbo
fo c.ilicb, uc=
clKBI.ift, mm lbitb tlje bloibpng of tlje trumpcttes. mentljatljab fppeb out tlje country-
g.iticrcb bp
SntiatfocutT 14 3mbtljcfcconocbapc tljcp paffebtlje <5o into tlje Ijarlottes Ijottfe, anb bjvnci
citte once, anb rctttrneb againc into tlje out tljencette iboman anb all tljatOic

Ijoaft anb fo tljcp byn fire bapes.

: aspe ftbare bnto Ijer.
Ijatl), * Iofni||S

* 15 ^nbibljcn tlje fcucntlj bap came, tljcp 13 ^ub tlje poung men tljat mere fpves
rofe earlp L cucn] witlj tlje balbnpng of ibentin, anbb2ougljtout Ealjab, anb'
tnc bay, .jeompaffebtte citie after tlje Ijcrfatljeranbmotljcr, $ Ijer b2cttj2cn

fame mancr cw fcucn tpmes: onlptbat anbaiitDatfl^eftab: anb tljcpb^ou^t
(.10 0)
cucry bap bap tl)cp compaflcb tlje citie fcuc times. outaiiljcrBpnreb, ^puttljem^ mij^ fill tl|C
(p'.cc of i6 3lnb at tbe feucntlj tpme lbncn tbe outtljel)oaftof3lfrael. 8««ioi,
bilfC/J. men
P2ieftcs blcib ibitlj tlje trumpcttes, 3Jo* 24 3lnb tljep burnt t!je citie tbttl) fire.auD ratal, i,

foal) fapbc bnto tlje people : &ljomt,fo2 all tfjat tbas tljcrin : onlp tbe fplucr ano
Ho2be natl) genen pott tlje ritic.
tlje tijegoibe,tl)Cbcu*eiics of b2ailc$iron,
u Cottbtmp= 0n;
mo uitaipio 17 3inb tlje otic fbalbe ) accurfeb anb al
rlicp put bnto p treafure of tte Ijoufe
tftat arc tnerin, bnto tbc Ho2be: cnlpe oftlje?l02be.
SSahab tlje Harlot fbal lute, anb all tljat 25 ^lub 3lofual) faucb mal)ab tlje barlot,
lohi.ili.ii. a arc Mil) term tlje Ijottfc, becaufe fte* anb ter fatljers IjonfeljolD, anb all tljat l

;n f 01 lit
fl)C Ijab: anb °fl)e bibelt in 3lfracl cttcn
Ijpb tbc meflcngers tljat ibe fent.
18 3lnb in anp lbpfc be vc tbarc of tlje ac* bnto rljis bap, becaufeflje Ijpb ttemcf* iwS
tubcof 3i=

curfeb tbinges, ye mate pour femes

left fengers tbijicl) Jofual) fent to fppe out hi. 1IJ1S;

accurfeb,! take oftlje accurfeb tbpnges, 3Jcricl)0.

Lent xxvii.
anb malic tlje Ijoaft of3lfracl *accurfeb, 16 ^nb 3lofualj ftbarc at tljat tpme, fap;
Num. xxi.a anb trouble it. ing Curfeb be tte man before tlje ?Lo2D
19 zsutailttefplucr, golbc, bcffellcs of tljat rpfctljbp, anb buplbetb ttyis tittc ,0' Btftfl

bjalfe anb iron, fljalbc

confecratc bit- Jcricljo : i^e ujali lap tbe w
Sfffl an* alilyJiW
teaft bcyng to tlje ?lo2bc,anb all fljall come into Ijis tbereof in Ijisclbeftfonnc, anb in Ijis nljith M
be >roytb,anb
allott)crtlim= trcd'utic poungeftfonne fl)alltefet bp tijegates in i?lll«fi

people fljotbtcb, anb bietbe
tJTQ tl).lt totilb
not by fire be 20 3lnb tlje ofit.
moultcn r.nb
ii.m.iojiiaD :
Hntl) trumpcttes :3lno tbljcn tlje pco* 27 3lnb fo tlje H02be ibastbirl) 3fouial),
all nic.-aio.ire
fo rttetucb to
pic bcarbtljcfounb of tbc trumpe, tbcp anb tjis fame ibas nopfeo tl)2oug!jout
the JLo»BC3|iittl)C»
fboibtcbibnija great ujoibt, anb ttje auianbes.
ftoulb ntuir
be conucrteb
to any pjmate Tbe.rij C/wpter.

1 3fcban bfurpetfi otitic dburcbe tetoete. 2 3Bi its fearcfitb. 4 %ty people of M fmptctli
gfrael. 6 gtofualj tocepctft before tfte ULozDe. 7Sofual)compIapnett)befo2ett}e HojOe
tDatgiCraelissouercommcn. isCioticommaiinoetfttiietftcefeof tlje COurcije gooDctf
tobeburnt. ziiiDbattlipngesfcbanbaDconucpeDoEtbofeVDbicUroughtto baue ben
burnt. :s Iclian ip QoncD, anD all ljt3 gooDcp; arc burnt (0; dealing of tbe dijurcyc

^tpettljertjplb2enof tte cbplb2enof5Jfrael. 1in M ,

Dcut.vii. d. ^IfraeltrcfpatTcbinp* 2 3lnb3Iofual) fent men ftomlfennjo bisw;

l (b on
f02bpbbcntljpng:fo2 to ^i,ibljicl)is befpbe26ctbaucn,
I5t> taa
3ltbanKonneofCbar* tbeeaftfpbeofBetljei, anb tpaucbmo
robitb tons
nn, tbc Tonne of zate tljan, raping : d5ct pou bp, anb W»J
bt ocBroptb. bi,rfonneofzarctlj, tbe conntrep. 3lnb tlje men ibent bp, ? oftttjl

oftlje tribe of 3luba, biclbeb^li, . tltf

tote oftlje f02bpbbcn tbpng : 3lnb tlje 3 anb retumeb to gonial), anbfarj ,

bnto l)im, 2Lct not all tte people go

U)2atlj of tteH02be ibarcb Ijot againft


fcom among vou.

^tlct as it ibcre tujo o£ttyee ttjou*
tonne men so bp , anb fmpte 3u : anb 14 %o mo20ibe morning tftetfo:e ?e fljal-
to labour rtjp* be wQugjbtaecojDing to vonr tribesanb
mafte not all tlje people
?Lojbe w tattctb,aiai
tlje tribe ibbicft tlje CO'Slje mna
thcr,fo2d)cparcbutfcibe. ncr of tafcma

Stribfo there Xbcnt bp tljptljcr of tlje,

come accojbing to tljebinrcbes tlierof: ns fomc uiogc
U.MB hp c>

people about a tftjeetljoufanbe men, ^nbtljefeintebttiljiclj tlje ?l02bc fljall lim ano CI)U=
imm.otljcr fii?

mid tbep ficb before tlje men of 3lt. finbegiltie, fball comebp IjounioiBcs: ttraafl bplot»
co fmote of tljem 3lnb the Doufl)Olbc
3uib tbe men of 3K Tbljiclj tbe %o;u

upon a anb fire men: fo? rtjcp

thjrtte fbal finbe faultic,(l)ail come ma bv mam
tbafeb tljem from before tbe gate encn 15 ^nb De tbat is founbe Vbitrj tlje acenc*
tmto&ebarim, anb fmote tljem in tlje feb tl)ing,n)albe burnt ibitlj firc,be, anb
gopng boibnc:i©ljerfo?e tlje Ijcartcs of becaufc l)c batlj trant
all tljat l)e Ijatlj ,

tbc people fo? feare mclteb aVbap Ipfec grclTcb tbe couenaunt of tlje jLo?b , anb
© water. .
" . U)?ougljtfoliiein3JfracU
, r
s 16 3!nb.fo3}ofualj rofc bp earlr in tlje 5f

6 3mb ^ofuab^rentljis dotljes , $ fell
Hoi to tbe cartlj bpo Ijis face before the arltc morning, anb b^ougbt 3lfrael bp tljetr
of tlje fLotfic bntill tbe cuenttbc, ftc anb tribes,? tbe tribe of Juba ibas caugljt.

tlje ciDcrs of 3Jfracl,anb put eartljbpon 17 3Inb Ije tyougijt tlje Wnrebes ofJjuba,
tbeitijeabes. anb tofcc tlje uinrcbof tbczareSjites:
7 3mb3louialjrapbe: Silas, £> tabe ^nbljeb?ougr)ttljemnreboftljezare^
©objtbljcrnwljaft tbou bzougbt tljis ijites manbpm/i^ zabbiibascangbt.

people ouer JJcjbane , to bcliuer bs into i3 ^nb Ije bjougbt bis boufljolbc man bp
tlje banbe ofdjc 3lmo?itcs,$ to oslfrope man, $ 3cfjan the forate of Cljarmi, tbe
bs /naoulb to d5ob ibe Ijab ben content, fonne ofzabbj,pfonneofzarebfjftlje
Ian co
ano bVbelt on tbc otrjcr fibe 3Jo?bane. tribe of 3Juba , ibas caugljt.
iDlj&ozbe ttujat (ball 3
lap, &t)en 19 3lnb Jofualj fiipbe bnto 3lcljan:£!9p
Jfraei turnettj tfoeir bacftes before tljcic fonne ,5 bcfcclje tljeegeue glohe to tlje
CUCIHICS; flo?be d5ob of3Jfrael, anb ma6e con* w u wm
&urclptrjcCftanaanites, anballtfic fcOionbntoljim, anb fljetbe meibbat 8KS?S"
inljabitauntes of tlje ianbe Itjal bcare of tl)ou Ijaft bone,bpbe it not from me. mma -

tt,anb (ball confptre againft bs , anb be* 20 ^nb ^cljan aumjereb 3Jofuab,f fapb:
drop the name of bs out of the Jbo?lbc: £)f atruetlj %
ftaue finncbagaintttbc
3inD tbhat unit tl)ou bo bnto tljp migh,* |Lo?be d5ob ofjlfraei , anb tljus $ tljus
tte namc* Ijaue gibone*

3fob tlje Hojbe fapbe bnto ^f ofuaft 21 3 faibe among tlje fpoples a gocblp
<5tt tijeebp, ibhcrfojc liell tfjou thus babilonilbe garment , anbfiboljun*
I. tin

bpontbpfacc* b^cb fides of filuer, anb a conge of goibe
«. II SJtrael bat!) finneb , anb
tranfgrcfTcu mpnc appointment ibljtrfj
tljep hauc of fiftic fides ibapgtjtc, anb coucteo J
trjem,anb tokc tljem : anb bcbolbctbep
3 commaunbcb tljem :to? thep Ijaue ta* Ipe fjpb in tlje cartlj in tl)e mibbefrofnip
ben of tbe crcommunicatc twinges , anb tent , anb tlje filuer is tljcr bnber.
banc alfo ftolcn, anb bilTemblcb alfo
, f 22 3lnb fo 3 ofuab fent melTcger s:ibljiclj

PuttDem bnto djeir oibne awe. M& tijep ranne bnto Ijis tent , beljoicc
Jnatljcrfcucisit thattfie rijiibjen of ti)ep tbere Ijpb in fjis tent, anb tlje ftiticr
Jiraci cannot ttanbe before ttjctr enc* tljer bnber.
»"es,butajaitutnctljeirbacuesbefo;:e 23 5£Ijctfo?e trjeptouc tljem out of tU
tow enemies, becaufctljcp be ercom* mibbell of fjis tent, anb b?ougbt tnem
• His
niunicate : Neither ibill
an? mo?c,q;ccpt C8)
be tt>itij von bnto JJofuab,anb bnto atlrtje tipmm {V tt3 bis ^ ^
L itlc - p* be{tcop tlje ercom* of 5ftael , anb lapcb trjem out c ° before jg ft« •*
u" ltate from among
"i pou. tI)e?Lo?be.
P [t^50?C] anb fanctifte tlje people,
, )
1)fa P : .^anctifie
24 3
3lnb ofuab toke ^cban t\yt fonne of
?i . vout felucs aaainft zaretl),anb tbe ftluer, anb tbc gannft,
«w anb ttjc ( "°tonge of golb, anb lji£»fonncs, n.,^
anbbisbaugbtcrs, $bisorcn,anbljis SB*"pliU .1

Ha au jutrtKi ; mo tbcrfo^e pe
aires, Ijis^ecpc, tjistcnt, anbaltbat
£*•imc a
vom: enennes,bm
mt ijaue puttlje bampneb® tljing J)ef)ab;anb al jftaci uiitlj Ijim Ivougljt
tljem bnto t0c bailep of Mph
25 3lnD
: :

Achan isjloncd.

(oWljst Ihnrp
luDgiucnt nnD 25 3lnb 3Jofuah fapbe:3In as much asw 26 3tnb they tail bponljymagreatfteape
orccuotic pu -
nuOjincnt tl)rt
thou baft troublebbs, tUefLozbctyaU of (tones bnto this bap: Znn fotbc Ho;b
ciglittoliaue, trouble tbce this bay. 3nb all 3JfraeI tutneb from the XD2at|) of his inbigna*
tljtltb? t»ic«
1;cD:icd Maine
<£oDS \j.jatl)
ftoncb bym urtth Cones , anb butneb tton. 3tnb tDe name of the place is taileb
\.pcn [l)c mid" them Until fire, anb oucriblKlmcb the bailey of p) 2ltho? tnto this bap.

The . "vlij . Chapter.

i ©on geueth m citit of m into elje banoe* of fofuab. j 9!otaab &fe armfe be?ng
fcttcn in arape, goetfc to 3t. if Hofualj fapnetfi a runnpng atoap. is ©oo geuetb
counfcil bnto giofoafi ftpm felfe, tofiat fie fiatft to Do. 20 m
it fetten on fire. 21.
cue people of ati it dapne. 2? ®fie fipng of 3Pt bepng attacfieo, it bjougfit bnto
gofuah,ttBcluetl}oufanDeflapne. 27Cfiep;tapt!SoeutQei>. 29Cfie&pngofaii it
l) angeo. 3° 3tn aulter of flone 10 built, tn
the tohtctj ©euteronomtum it inferi.
ben. Hllofuaft blcffetfi tfie people of Strael.

Af^|g?jift2D the Ho?be faybe atbaybynyght:

bnto3Jofuah:*5Feare 4 anb he commaunbeb them, faying
not, neither be thou 2Scboibe,peO)ali lye in ibayte agaynft
faint hcartcb:1Cafee all
thetoibne on the bacftftbe thereof: m
not berie farre from the title, but be all
thee, anb bp,$ get thee rebie:
to3ii.Behoibe,3fbaue 5 3lnb3f,anbai the people that are tbltb
geuen into tby banbe the byng of %i, me, tt>yll appjothe bnto the titte : 2nb
anb his people, bis title, anb bis lanbe: Jbhentbey tome out againttbs, as tbey
3tnb tboufljalt bo to 3li anb bet ftyng, xsyn at the fitft tyme, then ibyll we flee
as thou bybbeft bnto * 3Jcmho anb her before them:
feing. iReuertbeleu"c,thc fpoyle $*tattcll 6 they rbpll tome out after bs tpu
5f 0?
thereof, (ball ye tafte bnto pout felues M)e baue brought them out of the ntic.
Xbou (halt lye in ibayte agaynft the 5ro?tbepibvllfap, %\>ty flee before bs,
<»l mcanrna Ca)
on tljc ujciI
titte,otfthe barbfibe thereof. asat tl)e firtt tpme : anb ibe ibill fl«bt-
3nb fo 3fofuab arofe,anb all the men fiwethem.
of ibarre, to go bp agaynft 3(i: %t\D 7 3Jn tbe meane tpme Ojall pe rpfe w
3lofuah thole out tnirtic tboufanbe e
from lying in tbayte, anb beftrop »p
flrong men anb baliaunt,anb rent them title : fo? the &o?be pour d5oo rbpH
. ,

nction ftfi.
hutent into your hanoe.
s anb lbben ye Ijauc ta&cn the erne, ye
to the conv
(ball fct it on firc:2lceo?byng
£? .S2?yP?
no place
maunbcment of the 3Lo?bc thall ye do to flee either this vonvoi '*>;**r
26ehoioc,9fhaucchargcbyott. thattanb the people that Act.
to tfte urn*
9 gonial) ttjcrfbic fent them foo?th,anb e UrnCD bat&e Wne ftpon the
they tbcnt to lye inttrayte, anb abobe fo ffiI
benbccne bethel ? 3ft, on the ibeftfybc ^noiftijenf ofnah^ail SJfrael fatfte
of the cine of 3ft : »6ut 3Jofuah lobgeb that the lyers in iftaite hab tafecn
the ti?
that npgljt
among the people. to, anbthatthe fmoneof it
anb Jofuahrofe ftp early m the mop they turneb againeanb flue
the men
nyn&ano numb?eb the people^ ibent
0t/9ft e
|ll)iin bp,he anb the elbcrs of 3Jfracl before ii 3lnb the other nTueb out of the
the people, agatnll 3ft. againftthem, anb fo there they in the
ii 3tnball the men of tt>arre that Vbere mibbeft ofjfracnfojthefe tbere on the
ibith hnn,ibcnt ftp,$ bnte nye,anb came one fipe of them , anb tlje reft on the
agaynft the citie, anb pitcheb on the therfibe, Snbthey laibe ftpon
uojthfpbc of 3ft: anb there Kbas aftalley that they let none of them *cfcape . no?
betibente them anb 3ft. rematne:
iz 2UiD he tofee ftpon a fine thonfanbc 13 3fab tlje feyng of 3tf they tofte aliue,
men, anb fct them to lye thayte be* m mtbbjonghthimtoSJJoruah,

Hi* ttbccncBethel attb3ft,onthetbcftfybe *4 3Cnb tbhen Sfraciljab mabean enbe
S* oftljeotie. ofu^yeng all the inljabitantcs of 3i in
* 13 anotfte people fct all tftehoaftthat theftelbe of theibiiocrnefle tftheretljcy
ibas onthenojthfyoe agaynftthe citie, chafebrtjem, anbifthentljey Vftere all
$ the lycrs inlftayte on the *beu\againa fallen on the ebge of tlje Obo^be , ftntiii
the tifte 3lnb1
ofuah iftaiuco the fame they acre iftatteb, all the ^ftaeiites re^
ttyghtititljemybbes of thehalley. turneb ftnto ^i,anb c ^ fmote it ifttth the (Sifmtfit
firing;of [ije
!4 3lnb tt>Den the nyng of 3ft fatbeit,they ebgeofthefifto?be* nnc w.'fl not
haftcb anbrofeftp early ,anb tlje men of z5 ^nb ai tljat fell that bay , botlfbf men fo; tr)Ct>0»siiia
t At tlje fpoliC
tfteeme!bentoutagaynft3Jlraelto bats anb iftomen, iberetiftelue tljoufanbe, tljctoiroz'i
but nssd
tayle,heanb all I)is people at a tyme ap -
euenaiithemcnof^i, li.'.ap:

to fujnificto

poynteb, euen before tlje piayne : anb i6 fo? Jofuah plucneb not his hanbe JofurJi tijat
toyttnoithatthcrcftjerelyersmtbayte bacfeeagauteibhiclj hettretchcb outftpo tecs.

agaynft i)tm on tlje bactuybe of the citie. thefpeare ftntil, he Ijab fttterly bcuroy;
15 3fob^ruah$ail3Jfrael asbeaten w tn ai the enftabitours of 3ft. f
before tfrm, fltm by the ttmy of the
27 *£>nely the cattclianb tlje fpofle of the Nu.xxxi d.
MbctntfTe. ritie,3ffracitofte ftnto them felucs, ac* Dcuc.xx.c
anbaithcpeopleofthetorbneiftere tombing ftnto tljeifto^b of the flozbe,
taiieb tojether, to foioihe after them: he commaunbeb 3Jofuah
3faD the? foioibeo after 3ofuah, anb 28 3lnb3Jofuah fct Zi on fire anb mabe ,

iftere b?aiftett aiftay from

it an heape fo? 00 euer , f a Vbabecncffc
the citie. coulocn;uTt»
'7 »nb ibas not a tnan left in Zi
ttert [cuenjbntothtsbav. buplt^Qjiu,

anbinieithtMhatihent not out after

19 3lnb tlje Wng of Zi Ijehangcb on a
3rraei:3(nbthcy left the citie open,anb tree, ftntill euen: ^nb aflbone as the
funnc iftas botbne, 3Iofuah conunaun-
^(Si^i 110 ^ fa^ e knto3rofuaft:
* nt\) tl)at
(0 they
Ihoulbtaltcp carsaiTc (IScratWiig

0,t are tftat & »" t^ne botbne of the tree , anb call it at tlje en*
tringofthe gate ofthe citie, anb*iaye
maiintcfi by
tbc lawr.
JJthyhanb4nb3ofuah ftretcheb out theron a great heape of Hones, [W*

,t Dc.xxviij.
19 30 %hen3>ofualj buyit an aulterftnto
the Ho?be <5tiO of Jfraei ui mount
31 Zs UQoyfes the fentaunt of the Ho?D
*m ijaaebsnb f« ^ ^,anotoKe
SSSSffPS on tlje citie fyje.
tommaunbeb chylb?en of Jfrael,
anbasttisib?itteniu tIjc*boo&eof the Dc JCXVD-*.

Wbe (jabaonitcs. Iofuah. >

la\be of ^oyfes, an aultet of ibbole them: balfc eftrjc ouer againft twmiu
<5ari5fm, ^baife of them oueragatntt
nones, oner lbtjicrj no man bath lyft an
nionnt €bal,*as £0oyfcstrje fcruaunt
iron: anb they faerifiecb thcton burnt
oftbe?Lo?behab commaunbeb berW H
focrificcs bnto rtjetabe , anb offereb *Xit

peace offcrynges. that they Ojoulbe Metre the people of

<V fTiat (0, n anbljenjjotetljerebpontrjcftonesa
the fumnic of
t:.'t Uit> ,whicl)
tcjrco in tlje
... ^
00 rehcarfal of tbc latbc of spoyfes, anb
«_Z ^ . ..<w» A f «,• rit«ii>*»ti
nnotcittntljepjefence of trje cbylbjen
34 aftcrtbarbe be reab all the tbojbcs of
the laibc, tlje bleflm§es, anb curfmges
ten (dm. nn=
ofjjfracl. _ _
accojbyng to all tljat is flatten in the
elbcrs tfjerof,
anb trje boofceoftljelaibe.
(5 33 anb all fftael
anb their officers fiuoges, ftoobc part 35 anb there ttms not one Vbojbe of all
ontbtsfybctbearRe, anb part on tbat that *$)oyfes commaunbeb, tbbtch %,
fy&e,bcfo?ctbepncftes tbat iberc %u fuahrcab not before all trje congrega* ''Sim
tionof3Jfrael,aftbci the 'ibomen ano
uitcsibbtchc baretbcarRcof tbecouc*
nauntoftrjcfUttbe, attbcll tbc ftraun^ cbylbjcn , as the ftraungcrs, tljat Were nqufa

tljcy tljat rbere borne among conucrfaunt among fljem.

get , as l«i«i.

Tbe. ix. Chapter.

ccrtalne tynges are gatbereo agatatt lotuab. i €bt

©abaom'tes no gutfe«
fully require peace of giofuab 21 ®t)t ©abaoniteg
. are maoe mmttters tn cut*
tpug toooo, a»D berpng of tcater.

3 iB3DibbenalpWns^ tIjyfemauntes.3uib3ofuafj fymv

tbatbTbcll bcyonbe to themagaint: natjat areye, iibbence
of tbc olatnt
Jlojoancinthcrjylies come yet?
anb baileys, $ along 9 Xtjev aunftbereb bim : 5Frcm a bery
by all the coattes of farre coiitrep thy fcrnauntes come, m
(b) CnlltD
tbe great fea, ouet fo? tlje name °° of tfje ILojbe :by €>on: Mill
nsura. againft 2Libanon:p8a™U' tlje #erfjites, Dearbe rt)e fame »f Ijim f
to? Vbe l)ane ,


tbe Almontes, tbe Cbanaanites, the all that be bib in cgypte, to

10 anb all tfjat be bib to tlje ttto^tnges ratal
0bcre5ttes, trje venues, anb tfje 3Je< tctijin

bnfttes,ljcarbetljerof: of pamo^itcstrjattbere beyoabe %ty

Xbcy gatljercb them felnes together, bane,5>eljonbingof l^efbon, anbiDg

to fygbt againft 3)ofuab , anb againft King of 2SaK, ibbicl) mere at Sftarotb.
3Jfraci,ttntboneacco2be. i©ijerfo?e out elbersanb «ll tfjecn-
*3lnb tl)e inljabitours of dSibeon fjearb babitours of our counrrcp fpifeetobs,
o.Sa xxi ?
faying: XaHe bitaUes ibttlj ym to ftrue

lbljatjlofualj Ijab bone bnto 3Jerictjo,

anb to 3u, by tlje tbay,anb go meete trjen,atH) W

5inbtbcvbvbibo?fte«j^lve3n)ent bnto them,n3e are your feruautes:3ttD
anb mabe tljcm felnes embafTabonrs, noib mafee ye a couenauntof peace
anb tofte olbc fatfees bpon trjeir aftes, 9 Jbitbbs.

TCbinc botteis olb,botl) rent 9 boubc bp:

ir Xbis onr foobe of bjeai ibe ton
3lnb olbe clovbtcb ujoes bpon tvjctr ibitlj bs out of our boufes lb)ot ,p
tbe beparteb to come bnto ?ou : »»
feotcn. 5
feete, anb tljtir ravment tbas olbe: anb
all trjeir pjonifion of bjcabXbas tyytb notbe bebolbe, it is W* J»P, m* l)«JJ;
bp,anbbo?cb. 13 anb tljcfe bottetteiS! of nine rbfjtcije
ibere nelbe, anb fe: tljey be
6 anb tlKv tame bnto 3ofuarj into the filleb , »'
our garments ano ujwj

boaft to <5ilgal,anb faybe bnto bim anb
Dnto all tlje men of 3lfraci, mt be tome
areibome fo?olbcncfle,by the mm nil*

rromafarcountrci?:anbnoU)e manevc of the eicccebing long iouncy.

C0 0»««
14 anb tfje men tone of tfcy? ? ?X
agreement tbitbbs. ot u>
7 anb tbe men of JJfrael favbe bnto tbe 9 tounfeleb not rbitbrDimouth ii« J

fecurtc:3Jtmaybe tfjou bibclleft amog fLo?be« j, t ux 1*

ibljinj tg.
ts, a ib then ijoibc tan 3
mane peace 15 anb iofuah mabepeice l

XMtljtbcef anb*mabe a couenaunt birt) njcj»' JJe llJK

% anbttjevfarbebnto3Jofttatj:i©eatt tljeyujulbe befurTcreboljae:^ ^


Joiuah. •

;^c^f tDe congregation ftbare bnto 22 anb^Jofualjcaiiebfo? tljem, ftalaeb

thctn . „
mi ^
> em an0 » Me,
i©bcrfo?e ftaue
25nt at tlje cnuc of tD?ee bayes,aftet ye bsguileb bs, laying, i©e bibcll farrc

flicv> Dau
« wDe a league ttntD tljem, from you: ibljen ye btbcll among bs*
tl ev hrarbc *& at
tnc? ttece t,Jctc nct8 &* 23 ^nl1 noU)e acc ? e c «tfeo,ano tDcrc fl)al

bones, $ tljat tljey blbclt among tDem.

not ceafle to be of you bonbmen, anb
17 sinb tlje djilb?en of
3jfraci tofte tDeic Deibcrs of iboob, $ matters of mater
Q>) »Vctc
»io?ney, ano tame bnto tljeir tines tDe fo? tlje (W Doufe of my d5ob. omb n- tlic

tbttoe bap : anb tDeir cities ibere d5ibe* 24 3nb tbey aunftbereb 3Jorual), $ fayb, tmto critic
bcrnaclc bnta
on, anb eapljira,26erotD,anb l&iriatD* 3ft ibas toibe tby feruauntes boib tljat of ano after tljat
tbe Ho?be tby C5ob Dab * commaunbeb Hit temple at
l ,
if alcra.

(8 ^nD*t!je tDilb?en of ^Jfrael flue tDem Dis fcniaunt tl^yfcs to gcuc you all tDe «««»« 4.
not,bctaufc tDe p?mccs of tlje congrega* lanbe,ano to beltroy all tbe tnljabitours
tion hao fibo?ne bnto tljem by tlje !Lo?b tljerof out of your figljt, anb tberfo?e
(0ob of 3Jftael:anbau tDe multitube Jbe rbere ejeceebyng fo?e afraybe fo? out
mourneo agayntt tlje p?inees. liues at tDe p?efencc of you, anb Dane

19 25ut all tlje p?inces faybc bnto all tlje bonetljistljing.

congregation: nscDaue fujomebnto 25 3lnb beljoibe, ibe are in tlnme fjanbet
tbcm by tlje ?Lo?be d5ob of 3)frae|, anb as it fcemetl) goob anb rigljt in tbyne
njcrfo?e tbe may not ljurt tDem. eyestobobntobs.fobo,
io 26ut tljis tbe ibyll bo to tDem ,H9c tbvll 26 3lnb etien fo m I)c bnto tljcm,anb rib
tftcm out of tbe Ijanbe of trje cljylb^en of
let tDeni line, lefttb?atljbebponbs be*
caufe of tDe otlje U>DicD tt»e ftbare bnto 3frael,tbat tbey Cue them not.
njem. 27 ^nb 3Jofuab mabe tl;em tljat fame
11 2lnb the pontes faib bnto tljcm againe, bayljcibersofiboob, anb bribers of
fLettnemliue,anbDe\bett)Oob,$b?aTbc ibaterfo? tbe congregation anb fo? tl)c
ibatcr bnto all tDe congregation, [«"& aulter of 00b, bnto ttiis bay, in trje
tlw Was trjepnnccsfaybe bnto tljem. place ibjjiclje Ije fljoulbe cljoofe.

^The.x. Chapter.

f iut fringes) malie toarre auaintt il5tbeon,toliora lofuaft m'ftomff teti>. 1 1 C&e Xo^e
rapneD Ijavleftonegi anD Que nnnp. 1 2 C^e funne UanDetl) at lofuans p.iaper. 26 ®be
fiueBtngejs ate IjangeD, &2©anp mo fiuigeg anD cttiegare DefltopeD.

£)Vbe tbljcn 3!boni3c? cljibzcn of 3}frael.

bec nyng of ^ierufa* XDtrfo?e Binges of tDe ^fmo-
tlje fitte
icmljaoijcarbeljovbe ritcs,tDebingof^ierufalem,tDeBingof
3lofual) fab taucn Zi l^eb?on,tlje Uing of Jarmutb, tlje bmg
anb ijab jeftroyeb it: of?lacDis, anbtljeliingofeglon, ga*
(anbl)otbJtl)at*asl)e tDcrebtbemfclues togctljcr, anbibent
tjab bone to 3fericl)o bp,tDeyibitDall fDcir Doaftes, anb be*
«nb fter lung, eucnfo DeDab bone to ficgeb ©ibeon, $ mabe Vbarre agatnfl: it.
JH anb Dec ning) anb f
tlje inUabi^•
3lnb tlje men of d5ibeonfcnt bnto^jo^
routs of d5ibeon b >..<m peace ibitlj fuaD to tlje Doaft in (25ilgai, faying:
3jftael,anbiber jiongtljem: •oaitljojatbe not tDy Danbc from tljy fer^
* Xbey fear*" .rceebingly, fo?C5ibeon uauntes,come bp to bs quicKly ,anb fatie
gas ^ ^
..* citie as any titie of tbe bs, anb fjelpe bs : fo? all tlje binges of
^fjferte, anb Jbas greater tljen 5ti, tDe 3tmo?itcs KbDiclj bibcll in tDe motin-
Wtncntfterof Vberc bcry migbttc. taynes are gatDereb togctljcr ^agaynft 20
r.i ?l
f0;e ^bonisebec Ring of $icru* bs. Cal XfToone
dioti ma
OS -

?Wentl)nto ^oljam Uing of $cb?on, 3lnb fo gjofualj afccnbeb from <25t!gai, hel a league
anobMo^ira bing of 3}armutl), anb De anb all people of lbarre ibitD
tlje b;cn of >I5od
>p tcsencrniu
C*S8?PJ ltt MnB0f Hadjis, anb bnto Ijim,anb all tDe men of migljt. on : titou fhalt
$JbiTfting of €gion,faying 8 3lno tDe ?Lo?be faybe bnto 3IoruaI),

m ^P^ntome^nbljeipcme, tbat 5feare tljem not: fo? 3
Daue bcliucrcb
tlic toicHcD
»uay finite csibeon: fo? tl)ey Dane tljem into tljine Danbe, neitber ujatl toppc.

^^nfateibftj^afoftu* >anb»)«DtDe any of tDcm ftanbe agaynft tDee.

9 Sofualj

9 came Dnto them fo*
3tofual) thcrfoic after it, that the ILojbeljeltt&eli^
it o?

oapnlp, anb ibcnt top from C5ilgal all

topee of a man: fo? tlje 3Lo?be (l »fouaS
fo? gjfrae!.
io 2lnD tt)e fLofl>e troublcb them bcfb?e
gifcic, ano aue tiicm nuti) a great
15 ano anb all Jb
3Iofualj returneb
ibttlj Dim, tmto tlje tampe to (Nilgai
m ""to!

Uaugbter at oibcon, anti coafcb tncnt 16 25ut ti)c ftuc hinges dcb,anb ibere Im
along the rbap that goettj top to zbc* inataueat^aueba.
tbojon, ano fmotc them to2l5cRa anb 17 ano it Jbas toibe 3Jofuah cot one ] fap;
fl^aReba. ing,Xlje fine Ringes are founbe bpb in a
ii 3inb as tljcp flct» from befoje^fel, caue tbhich is at f^aRcba.
ant) mere in the going boitone to zsctl)o; is 2nti3Jofuahfapo,ffioule great ttones
con, the ?l ojdc tad Downe great flouts bpon the mouth of the eaue,anbfet men
fro mhcauen Upon them Dntplii&cRa, bpit,fo?tOBcpeit:
ant) tfjep opct) J there ibere mo bcab 19 3lnb flanb pe not ffpll,but foloibc after
of cicatuTW
With haple cb (tones, then tljep ibere pour enemies, $ unite all tlje Ijinbmoft
iban acilrop
tl)C tolcUca
tbbom tlje chilb;en of 3lfrael ane tuttf) anofuffer tljem not to otter into their
mgJ tijc LofO
tfteftbojbe. cities: to? tlje fLojbe pour <£>ob Ijatlj \m
l)dUC it To.
n Xben
fpabe 3Jofaalj to the fLojbe in liuereb tljem into pour hanbe.
tl)ebap when the ftojbe bcliucceb tlje 20 2lnb vbljen giofuah anb tlje chilbjenof
Almontes before the ehiibjcn of 3lfrael, 3Jfrael Ijab tnabe an enbe of (laying

Fcde.xlvui $ he fapb in tfje fight of 3Jfcael,*s>unne, them ifcitban ereeebpng great aaugh^
ECu.ild. ftanbe thou flvll upon d5ibeon,anb thou ter,tpll tbep ujere ibaflcb:tl)e rett that
fl^oone in the Dalle? of 3iaion remapneb of tljem, entceb into ibalieb
13 3lno the funne abobe, anb tlje moone cities^
c(loooc ftpll, tontpll tlje people auengeb zt ^nb all tlje people returneb to the Ijoaft
tljem femes Dpon their enemies. 3ls to 'Jtofuah at #aaeba inpeate,neitbcr
Win wojotta not tfjiS iDnttenin t!)e boose of 10 tlje bpbanpmanmoue Ijis tongue agapnd
litmus: rigljteous^o tlje funncci fapiabooe in thecljilb?enof3irrael.
Mjcrfojt fomc
tnpjc.itmcac the mibtieft of ljeaucn,anb hafieb not to it 3Cljenfapbe3Iofualj,€)pentljemouth
act!) i&ivWn
teekt.wiD go botbne bp the fpace of a iDhole bap. of tlje caue, anbtypngout tljefefine
14 3nb tljcr: lbas no bap lifte that before feinges bnto me ourof tlje caue.
tljl JCtjalOcj
«bt Uiof : but
tfecscr; naro«
flf Cftf
l»t)ift) IB toft,

13 ^nb fyt? m fo ,anb brought tftofe fiue Z4 31nb lbljen tljep b?ougl>» o«* ..«
feinges bntoljimoutoftbecaae, [euenj Ringcs bnto 3fofuaft : Jofual) calK
cfteuing of l^iecufalem, tlje lung of $e* fo? ail the men of gjfrael, anb fait
bion,tljc Ring of 3! armutlj, tlje Ring of fcnto the tftiefe of tlje men of wan
Hatljis, urns tlje Ring of eglon.
. 1

loiuah. IX.

(0 necRcsofthcfe c
lent upu ty«- -»«*»»*»«.
OUtyouc .y*w neb « htm.
•*« of y»m.
Hinges. 3ttin they came mate
anb put 34 Stab from Hachis ^Jofuali bepartcb
n tDctr feet e Upon the necRes
of them, tmto tfglon and an Ijirael With litut:
»B ano jofiraft fayb bnto them, #e mall ano they befiegcb tt,anb affaultei it.
tiotfeate, noibefaynthcarteb: but be
ftrong,ano piucRe bp pour heartes , fo?
J?2 the
e (t tD ra

i ™ «»P, anb fntote it 3f
ofthe rtbojbe:? al the fou*
ir'.S thus ihall the tooc do to al your ene* lesthat Were therm hebttcrly
tntcs agatnft Whom ye fight meQa

i6 anothen 3Jofuah fmotc them anb ,

Sffi.i J ^acco?t,mStoaiirt)atlje
acibe them, anb hangeb themonfiuc 26 ^nDgjofuaftDeparteObpfromcertom
trees: 2Mb they hangeb ttillbpon the ano apfrael With him , bnto^e&om
trees bntill the euening 2nb they fought agamftit.
i7 anbatthegoyngbowneofthefunne, 37 3tnb When they hab ta&en it the*
D gjofuab saue cominattnbement
3lofuah .. j 3in& fmote it With the ebgeof thcftboW
they toRc them bowne of thc*trccs,anb the Ring therof,anb all the to Wncs that
can" them iitto the cauc Wberin they hab parteincotoit, anb all the foules that
benhyb, anb layeb great Hones m
the Were therin anb he left none remay *

caues mouth, 0&K& xmam] bnttlthis ning: but n^n accotfing to aii,as
he hab
baye. bone to eglon, ano beftroyeb it btterly,
28 anb that fame bay 3 ofuah toRe $$& anb all the foules that ibere therm.
Rcba , anb fmote ft With the eoge of the 38 31 ttbJJofuah
retumeb, anb all %rae!
fibozbc, $ the King therof atfo beftroyeb IDithhinitoDabir,? fought againftit.
\tttr) he bttcriy,With al the foules that Were 39 ^InbibhenhehabtaRenit, $the Ring
thetin, anb let none remayne : 3tnb he rhcrof,anb all the toibnes that partey*

byb to the Ring of ££aReba, *ashebyb
bnto the Ring of Jericho.
m therto , they fmote them ibith the
ebge ofthe ftbozbe, ? bttecly beftroyeb

29 Xyen 3Jofuah Went from fi^aRcba> all the foules that rberc therin, neither
anb all Jftaci With him, bnto fltbna> let he any remayne : euen as t}^ to he
anb fought agaynft Htbna. $cb2on,fo he b^n to 2>abir anb the Ring
30 anb the fLojbe beliuereb it f the Ring therof, as he hab bone alfo to Hibna
therof into the hanbe ofWraei : anb he anb her Ring.
fmote it With the cbge ofthe fW02b,anb 4° giofuah therfo2e fmote al thehil eoun*
U all the foules that Were therin : $e let treyes , anb the fouth eountreyes $ the
none remayne in it , but byb bnto the baileyes , anb the boibnes, anb al their
Ring therof k as he bib bnto the Ring of ftinges , anb let none remayne of them, Datxxj.
3Jeritrjo. but btterly beftroyeb all that* b2earheb,
e 31 3$nb Jofuaij beparteb front Hibna, as the Ho2bc C5oo of Jjfraei commaum
anball^jfrael Vbith htm bnto Hachts,
anb benegeb it,anbau*aulteb it
41 3mb 3Jofuah fmote them from Caoes
32 2utb the Ho2bebeliuereb HachiS into ffiarnea bnto 3lfah,anb all the eountrey
the hanbe of 3lfrael, Which tone it
the of C5ofan[cuenH)nto d5ibeon.
Kconbebay,anbfmoteitibtth the ebge 42 Sfobali thefe Rmges anb their
ofthe ftbozbe, $ all the foules
lanbe £&r
that were hvn ^ofuahtaReat D one time:becaufe
therm : boing aewbing to ail,as
he hab theCo2b d5obof3Jfracl fought fo2 $b
'^r*'»*w«'WwnHr>fei«an« racl.


S wr
Wn£ 0f ?.ef? cailiel, P 4J ^ nt) 5ofuahanbali3frael,returneb s**«*
toheipe Jlacftis: %nn Sofuah fmote bnto the hoaft that was m Nilgai. &1-,
23 1 he ti)"ti»«o{«.
» '

tQ>iges ivbom fo/uab Iofuah.

The. xi. Chapter.

ictcrtaine Wngeis arc gatbercb agafott lofuaij. 6 ©od Mfactctb an tbe fetagejs bnto
gofuaft.tohtcb bab confpircD againtt Htm. 7 liotuab fiftieth tbe fceuttej*, tbe <jebu.
tttej$,anntbe«a. ioctoe cttteof 3!foj tefmtmn. KCbeHfraelitesaoDeufoetbe
iwape bettoeem tbem. 15 lofuab fulftlletb al tbofetbtngeis tDfcfcb fflEtopfejscommatm.
Deo Dim. b>C&e©euite. 20 ©oDbatDcnctb. the enmricss bcartw. :i C^e Cnac^rosf

of oasoj §au hearbe
to momtb about this time M 3f bete
uer them all liapne before 3Jfraei : thou
'tbofctbinges, hefent fyalt though their hotfes, anb burnt tlittd

to3Jobabtnngof^a* their charettes rbith fire, to Until*

jbon,anbtothcmngof 7 ^nbfo^dfuah came, anb all the men rtjt }lr»'


}£>imron,$totbetuug of ibarre ntftft hun agamft them bp pnttttirm

in tilts.

Fof^cDrapt), the ibaters of fl^erom, anb fobenlpfell

3tnu t>nto the Hinges that ibere bp the bponthem.
north in the mountapnes aim plapnes 8 2uu> the %oint beliuereb them into
toftarbc the fouthfme of °» Ceneroth, f the hanbe of Slfrael , anb the? fmote
in tl) t lotbc tountr cps , ant) tn the bo?* thcm,anbchaubthem bnto great £>v nififi W
bcrsofaDojibelttbarbc, bon, 9 bnto Cc) ^ifrephothmaim , $ bn- Swlni,n

3lnb bnto the Chanaanltcs both bp to the ballcp of flptfpah rbhiche iseafc foine.hW
caaanbibeft, anb bnto the 3montcs, ibarb:anb fmote them, bntfflthcphai)
^etl)ites,0hcre3ttes ,anb 3Jebufitesin none remaining ofthem.
themountames, anb bnto the lactates 9 2lno 3Jofuah tyb bnto them as the
that Were bnbet Sermon in the lanbe
fLomebabhinuhe hougheb their
fes,anb burnt their eharettcs mithnre.
. ^inb thep came ont ,$ all their bcattes 10 2hm3lofuah at that time turneb batR,
nrithfhem, amultttubcof foiue, euen anbtoUe^a50?, $ fmote thehing w&
as the fanbe that is on thefca fboje, of ibith the ftbome: 3mb^a50? befoje
in a great number,tt)ith hojfcs anb cb# time mas the heab of all tljoft Utng'
2mb all thefc Hinges met togcthcr,anb
tame? pltcheb together at the ibaters
3lnb thep fmote all the cc fouies
, rf

there therm ibith p ebge of the ftwwjf

of £!9crom,fo? to fight againttjfrael. bttcrlp beftroptng al, anb nothing
; 3inb the llomfapbe bnto 3Jomah,25e bjeatheb , ibas let rcmaine : W»Jg
not afcapseatthcpjcfcncco'f them; to; burnt $330? ibith fire*
. , '«!

Ionian. x.

aVfmote them ibith the cbge of the 19 #eitberpastbmanprtttethatmabe
frt)02t)c,anD bttcrlpbeftroyeb them,*as peace With the cljrtiwcn of 3jfracl,*faue
$oyfcs the fcruaunt oftDc flojb com* thofe $etbites that mhabfteb
<5ibcon, w« K.».
maunbeo. „ anb tberfo;e all other they toue ibitli
n asut Hftael burnt none of t!)e
that Coooe mil in their
5 bmoj only tljat fofuah burnt.
frrengtft, fauc zo m
it came of tlje %om
ftarben their heartes that thev
, Miichc m
S ,/anbaiitbefpoyieofthc faybe cities* comeagaintt^fcaelin batten jinb that
the cattcl,tbc rf)tlU?en of
3!frael they u^uioebefrroy them btterly
<» cucry ma they fbetb them no mercy: but to banc
unto them felues:2Sut them
* fmote With the ebgcof theftbozb, bntill tonaught,astl)e %om
they ban befiroyebthem neither left , 40oyfes.
tficv ought that hab breath. ii 3lnb that fame fcafon came 3fofuafis ,_

,< astbc fLojbc * commaunbeb $)oyfes beftrovebthe^naftmisoutof^enioi *>
ftts fcruaunt, fo bib £0oyfcs*c6mauttt)c taynes:asoutof$ebjon,2Dabir,3inab,

gjofuah , anb euen fo bib 3fofuah :
* fo anb out of ai tlje mountaynes of 3Juba,
tbathcniiniffbeb no tt>o?be of all that anpontof aiithe mountaynesof gifra?
the ?Lojbe commaunbeb $9oyfes. eianb^ofuah bettroyeb tbembtterly,
C i6 2tnbfo3JoruahtoRe all that lanbe of Unth their cities.
the htlles,anb al the fonth countrey,anb zz Xhere ibas not one SfoaRfm left in
all the lanbe of d5ofan, anb the loinc thcianbeofthe cbilbjen of gjfraei: onlp
tountrey,? the playne,anb thc moun* m^fah,*<25ath,anb^fbob, there re* '*****•*
tayncofjjftacl, anbtljclorbe countrey maynebofthem.
of the fame: 25 3mb 3Jofuah toKcthe Whole lanbc,ac*
17 (Cttcn from the mount'*) $aiaft , tfiat cobbing to ail that the n;o?be faybe bnto
goctb bp to £>cit,bnto Baal ©ab in the J©oyfes,anbJjofuab gaucitfoja pof* Nu.xxvi. ft
bailey of Hibanon, bnber mount $er* fcffionbnto 3Tfracl* accojoing to their
nton : 3nb all the lunges of the fame h e partes anb tribes:anb the lanbe rettcb
tofee,anb fmote them , anb fiett>e thenn fromwarre.

The. xii. Qha^ter.

1 fc&m&catfafloft^nge&toftc^
$efc arc tfie binges of 4 J?nj»^coa(l of«©g&ingof25afan,:
the lanbe lbhict) the Jbhicftibasof the*rcninauntof tlje gi^ <
Deuiii c
chtlbtf of 3jfrael fmote, auntes, anbftttwit at aaharoth , anb
fpoffcffebtljeir lanbe, emu \

onthe other fibe 3Jo;- 5 3inb r aigncb in mount Harmon , anb

bane Ca) eaftibarb,trom in &aieah, anb m
all 25afan , bnto the
theriuer3trnon,bnto bobber of tlje (2>cffurites, ano the $?a*<
mount Harmon, anb all the piaine eaft* chathites,anb haifcmount <Meab,bnto
tl;e borers of 3>chon King of i^efbon.

K *5>chon King of thcStmontcs, that

in ^ efbo«.anb ruleb from
gjttfijs befsoe the riuer of
Srnon , anb
6 *09opfcs the fcruaunt of the Hojbe,
anbthecl)ilb;enof3lfracl ftnote them,
* anb fl0opfes tlie fcruaunt of
the ?lo?o



®w«oftberfttet, anb from gatte theirlanbfo? a pofTcfTtcn bnto tlje »««« s-

wi twt0 ®* rtuer^^abou,
ffi? !
nt^bo?berofthe chilb^en of
aanbenites, C5abitcs,anb tlje halfe mbe \
52 ^ l

5Chefc arc the Kinges of the countrep d««a
' ,

tt>hich3fof«ahanb tty, mmn of 3^l m
SPS? mvom e' eue
anl» *
t,JefaIt fe « taftibarb
mM fta of rael fmote on this fibe 3Jo;oane ibeO*'
ibarbc, from 26aaid5ab, ibbicbtusin;
LiSl! [!

S rmK^^efimoth,
atiDfron the ballepof JLtbanon, euen bnto the.
yutlj bnber the fpjinges of (0 ^r* w
mount $alafc, that goeth bp to 5)e*'
it : Jbfijche lanbe Sofuah gaue bnto'^w^c.
2$ x fhe<
'Dcm/wnof Iofuah. tki
the tnbcsof Jlfracl to poffciTe,to cucrp 2buiiam,one:
manntspart, ™ Xbe*lnngofi$aRcba,one:tfic&fna<
. 8 3ln tnc upper lanbe anb ncatfter lanb, of asctI)el,onc:
"^./» « mtlKpiamcs,anbin"thcntifibes,intl)e 17 XbeRingofXapljuija,onc:tl)e&(nrf:
*** • lMbcntcfotKoutbecountrcpthe^c; ofli?epher,onc: *,£>

tI)ttes ( tl)s3lmo?ites,p€l)anaamtcs,rt)e 18 Xl)clnngof;apljcR,onc:tfteRingof'
; iMKtc^itcs, p ^cuitcs, gt tt)e gicbufitcs. ?Ufaron,onr: ,
^ ^ncRmgof^cricljo.ibasone^tlje 19 XljcRing of Ration, one ttljefetng of
« Ringof;atYbl)icljisbefibe23etl)cl,one: $afo?onc: * ;
iofuvn-a. ,
iQ ^rue^^gof^iecuf^c^onc^cumg 20 XbeRmgof;&imron^eron,onc:thr
offccb2on,one: Ringof;3cljrapl),one: ;

.11 5i:ncfetngof3(atmutl),one:tI)cRmg 21 XbcRingofXljanaclj,one: tfteftinn<

C. ofHatl)ts,onc: ofs$cgibbo,one:

12 Xnc lung of cglon , one : tlje Ring of 22 Xbc Ringof mcbts , one : tlje Ring of'
<5wt one: 3fobncamof€armel,one: «

! 13 Xbc Ring of SDabtr , one : tlje Ring of 23 X&e*Ring of2Doj tn ri)e coutrcp of Do; |

. d5abcr,onc: om: tlje HU13 of tl)c nationsof <25tigai',

<i4 XbeRmgof^o?ma,onc:tIjeRtngof one: .

2rab,one: 24XljeRtngofXfttr5a,onc:altheRinges:^
Xljc Ring of JUbna , one : the Ring of together tljirtie anb one

Thve.xtu Chaptier.

1ctje U-ojOeccmmatmbetfi'Iofual) to ocutDe t^e IattDe tljat remained bnto tfie If

raclttcjs. ijj&oHefifotugnot g,eucn bnto tbe tribe of leut ifC&epofleffiotioftbe
ci)il02cn of isuben. :: 5Saalam is put to oeatij, 24 %\}t poffeffion of t&e tnfic of ©ao.

19 <cbE poffcfftou of tt)c ijalfe tribe ot^auaffe.

€>fuan urns olbe, anb taftout from before tlje cl)ilb?en of %&
3T IcicRcnin percs, anb rael: onlp feetljattljou inanpibifcDe-'
helUibefapbebnio uibettbplot bnto tlje 3Jftaclitcs to \w\
•ptmXhouartolbe, l)erite,as3l Ijaue commaunbeb tljee. «
inbftricReninpereS, 7 /I5oibe tl)erfo?e bcuibe tbis lanbe to
mn there rcmainctlj tnberite bnto tfje nine tribes, ano t\)t\
pet crccebing miuhc l)aifc tribe of ^anafles
Ca 3ftcr tliat (a)
the cucmico lf(nbctobe pofrefJTcb. 8 5f02 ibitlj tljat otOer, tbc Bnbcmtes?;
art oucrcomc.
Xl)ts is the lanbc tbatpct remaincth: tbc©ab«esl)aucreccaucb their in!)c*
Njj Xffl
all the regions of the ^l)tlilhnes,anb al ritauntc * ibbtcl) ^opfes gauc tbcnr^
<25cflitrl: beponbe 3Io?banc calhbarbe, cucn as'.
"l^cbj.Shi- S5
jFcomifttlusvbhicbtS" bponegppt, f^opfes tlje feruaunt of tlje Ho;D gaut
bnto tfce bojbcrs of 3ccavcn notfb* tljem: ;

ttjarb , lbbich lanb is counteb bnto Ctia*

9 5rrom 3rocr that \ittf) on tbebjun of<
« nanie , euen fiuc lojbefbippes of the tlje riuer ^rnon, anb from tlje titic tftat

« 0bilittmes , the 3t5athitcs,;Hlbothitts, isintljemtobcftoftljc " rpucr,?alltl)?<

aftaionites^tijitcs^ccarontteSjanb plaine of Q9cbcba bnto 3>ibon: v
« the Suites. 10 3lnb al tlje cities of £>cI)on Ring of tfte

< 4
3lnb from tlje foutb,ai tbc lanbc of the 3lmo?itcs, ibljich raigncb in mtoo^<
"Wcb^Mca « Cl)anaanitcs,anb tl>c " cauc that is be* cucn bnto tfte bo?bcrof tlje cljilD^tof;
rah. '
fibe tlje ^ibontans , euen bnto apljaR $ Amnion:
to the bozbevs of tbc Almontes. 1 3nb C5tlcab,anb the bo?bcr of <3>clfiirt <

. 5 2lnb tlje lanbc of tlje <5tblitcs , anb all anb ^acljati ano all mount ^crmon,

« flibanon toibarbc tl)e fnnne rifing, ibitljai2Bai;mbnto<S>aiecba: . «

from the plaine of d5ab bnber mount 12 euen all tlje Ringbomeof£)gin25afatJ,<
pernio , bntila man come to^amatij: lbl)ith raigneb in aoharotb anb &>w.'
n)ljicljfamcremaincbpctoftbe*tcaof D^

blithe inljabitours of tl)c btl rountrcp (

from Htbano bnto tlje fi0ifrcpljotl^ ® tbegiauntes.Xhercbpb^opfcsfti«tc,''
n.b. maim, anb all tlje 5)ibonians ibtu 3 anbcafttljemout.
: . : , . : «
'« «

oftbc t)
ibes. lofuali. x
acucrtcieflc rbiuwn of Jtml
, ti> 24. 3nb 09oyfcs gaue [tabcritauncej bnto 3D '

(o rtociicD not tlje
<5efuritcs anb tt)c the tribe of d5ab,eucn bnto the chilb?cn
flSartXtes: isut tlje ©cfurites anb of (25aD be gaue bp their fttnrebes
&acnatnttcs bibcll anions ttje JU 25 3nb their coaftcsibcre3ja3er,anbai'
bap. the cities of ©iicab ,anb ha ife t^e lanbc '<

Settees cucn bnttll tljis

unto rt)C tribe of fLcui §e gaue of the cbilbjcn of Simmon bnto 3lrocr
i+ bnclp
noneinbcritauncc:buttle [acrittcesof thatlicth before &abba.
w utt>
he km
^oo of 3fraciistljeit i6 3tno from ^efbon bnto l&amath *
ritAunce,asfjefapbc bnto them, flpfpcft,anb 26etonim:anbfromfiBa*'
©opfes gaue bnto tlje tribe of tvje cmi< rjanami bnto the borers of 2>abir.
men of ffinben inheritaunce ,
accojbmg 27 anb in the bailey the? hab 26ctbaeam,'
totnctrfcmrcbcs: Betfjtttmra,<S>ocoth,anb zapl;on,tbe'<
arocrtbat reft of the uyngbomc of «S>chon &mg of *
,/ ^notncircoaftibasfrom
riucr anion, i^efbon, bnto gjotfrane anb the coaftes'
iwtn on tlje bantfte of the
the mibbeft that lie thcron,cucnbnto the ebge of the
anb from the ettiethat is in <

oftl)crtuer,anballthe piapne Which is fea of Ccnercth, on th c co otbcr fine $6p * ® tanw

tl)C «i

bvi^ebeba: baneeaftibarbe,
kfbon.ibitfj all their toibnes that l?e 28 Xhisis the inheritaunce of the thtl<
in tl)c p!apnc: 3Dtbon
anb the hitt places b?cn of <5ab, after their Kinrebes , their \
of J6aai,anbtbc houfe of Baalmeon, anb billagcs.

.«"*inb¥abawDi anb i&cbemoth,anb 19 3inb S0oyfes gaue inheritaunce bnto

iBrpljaatb. thehaife tribe of ^anafles: 3nb this!
Bttiathaim, S>abamatft,anb zaratn was tfjepcffefTionoftlje fjalfe tribe of*
za'oar , in tl)C mount oftfje bailev, ^anattcs bp their Kinrebes.
id Xijehoufeof|&eo?, anb the fpjmges 30 Xheir coaft rbas from fiftabanaim ,

of tlje billes, anb 25ctbpheoi,ain * 3m> euen all26afan,anb all the Kmgbomc of *

not!) 0ifga1),anb Bcfjefmioti) ^Dgfeingof26afan,anb all tlje tonmes!

ii Znii altbe cities of tlje plame , anb all of 3lairibl)ict) Uein26afan,euen tl)?ct=
tlje Rtngbomeof^eDonlnng ofttie 3t* fcoje cities,
mojttcs , Urttftt) ratgneb in i^elbon, 31 3mb Jjaifc d5flcab, ^(ftarotrj , f eb?ai, \
lbbicl) fllBoyfes fmote,*5bitl)tl)cIo;bcs amgbojne of £)g in 26afan, <
cities ofjtlje
25eKcm zur anb *ibl)icD pertayne bnto tfje Cs) cfjilb?en of n«»«».s
of Fabian , €ttt ,

$ur,s Beba,t!)c Vb|)icl)C lbcrc buses of

, ,

^artjlr tlje fonne of ^anatTes, euen to




*ttjon, bibellmg in tl)c countrep oneftalfeoftl)cd)ab?cn of ^art)ir;

n 3tnb w ffiaiaam alfo tlje ronne of Bco? bvtbeirfeinrebes.
tlKfootnfaver ,bib tbc cfjilbjc of 3llracl 31 Xljefc are tlje tjcritages tbljicft <J&sp

among fes bib biftribute in tl>e ftclbes of ^oab

flavtbitl) tbe fibo^be otljcr of
tljcmtoatUiewflayne. on tl)e otljer fibe 3lo?bane,oucr agaynft \
Z3 ^nti ti)c bobber of ti)c cfjab?cn of 3Ru* 31ericljo eaftibarbe.
bcn,Tbas 3Jo?bane, tbitl)tl)e countrev 33 *2Sutbntotfjetrtbeof!Lcuf,^opfes<
tljat uetb tUeron.Xl)is ibas tfje inljcrii gaue none inljeritaunce : fo? tlje flojbe Iof xviii 6 -

tauncc of tbc cl)ttb?cn of Huben after d5ob of 3Jfraei is tljeir inljeritauncc/as

t!jnr Kinrebes , cities, anb milages per*
tt^tung tberto.

*The . xiiii . Chapter,

1 Clie lanlic of <fffiattaan teas DeutDeD among tf&e nine tribes} anb tfie fialfc. 6 Caleb
rcqutretft the heritage that teas piomtfeo him. 13 ^ebjon toajt geuen htm

JlUbtfjcfc arc tfje couri* tfje cl)tlb?en of 3Jfraei biftributcbto<

trcis tt)l)tcfj tfje cljil* rbcm
tHcof^fraelinfjcriteb *25y lot tljep receaueb tfjeir poflcflions, ; MU .«tv}.f.
& **™ *
tn tfje lanbe of Cua - as rne *Xojb commaunoeb bv tlje banb
tiaan,* ibljicn €lca5er of 09ovfes,to gcue bnto the nine tnbes,
il)epneft,anb3Jofitaf) anb bnto the balfe tribe. '
^-^ «,«
tlje fonne of il5un, anb 5f m
^ovfes bao gcue mljeritauncc bn ',555^
^ aunncnt Ijeabes of t^e tribes of to
tU)0 tribes f an balfe , on tlje otljcr ».
tm «r
253 fybe
' . , ;
«'. ^
The dcuifion lofuah.
fpbc3io:banc: i5ut bnto tlic fLcuites
ticsane none inhcritaunce among the. a0He G^'tfysfWarofE
aliue '

5f o? the ehittwcn of 3Jofeph lucre tibo yews, cum fence the Horn fpafee E'<
tribes,^anaircsanO€pi)?aim: anb Unto ^opfesf,U)l)pie tljc chuuin
thcrfoic tlicp gaue no parte bnto the ofjftael ibanbjcb in the ibiioecnefo";
fUuitcs in the lanb, faue cities to btbcU 3lnbnoibclo,3Iam this Dap foutfeo*'
m,ibiththcfuburbcsofthcfamc, fo; anbfpucperesoibc:
their bcaftcsanbeattel. ii anbpetamasurongatthlstime a«'
Nu XXXV.3 , *2sthc %oin conunaunbeb $*opfcs: 3 ibas lbhcn J^opfcs fent ntc :!LoS
tuenfo the chilbjcnof 3fraelbpb,ibhcn fjolbe Orons3l Ibas then, fo ttronaaml
thepbeuibeb the lanbe. 3Jnoibc,cpthet fo? ttrarre, ajfo
3mbthethilb?en of 3Iuba came bnto uernment. ,

3Jofuah in <Ktigal:3mb Caleb the fonne n ifroibe therfoje gene me this moon
- <onn ta

of llepljune the Bcnefite fapbe bnto

DinuXbouibottcltibhatptooe fapb
tame ibherof the lojoe fpafte that
m W
bntoj$)opfcs themanofdfrob about '
^naaims ibere there, anb the cities' «J a

lb JDljlcrj
tticp troo
w me anb thee in Cabes asarnca (l,
grcatanbibailcb,) ^fthelLo?benjtu:«««.
beibfth me , anb^l (baibe able to tym 'Sift
only (l)OiilD
ciurc mtiitht
UiiD.J^U.i+.D i
5f ourtie pcrcs olbe tbas^J lbhc* ilj3op*
its tljc feruaunt of thefLojbe fent me
from Cabes zsarnea to efpie out the u
them out,as the 3Lo?be fapbe.
3utb 3Jofuah blefleb him , anb gaue
lanb: anb 3 brought him ibojbe againe tmto Caleb the fonne of 3f ephune , j^
eucn as it ibas in mpne hearte. bjontotnherftc.
ce! Chat is the (
^uertheleffe,m? °tyeth?cthattt>ent , . 2mb
^eb?ontf)erfo?e became thefti^^
ether Iptca
that iuttc
bp ibith me , mfcourageb the hearte of ^"hentaunce of Caleb p fonne of Ifephunc!
(cm with him, ,

the people : 3lnb 3

foloibcb the Hojbe the menefitctmto this bap : becaufe be <

inpd5ob. foiorbeb conOantlp the of %om mn

anb ©opfes ftbarc tl)e fame bap, fap* 3JfraeU
tng:* Xhe lanbe ibhcron thp feetc haue 15 3lnb the name of* $eb*on ibas tailcb i°M <

tcoocn,fhaibethpne inheritauncc anb inolb time, Birtatlj ^rba^hichc^^j

thp chiitycns fo? euer ,bccaufe tljou t)aft ibas a great man among the tfncfttms:
foloibcb the %om mp d5ob» 3lnb the lanbe ceafleb from Ibarra «

The xv. (%apter.

X ) fthclottc 0? portion of <fplj?aim, iofc&e Gb&mmtm

Nu.j4 a.
a 5From theme lbent it alonj to Sfemon,
anbrcachcb bnto the riuer of egwWlfiSS
Nuy.c. 3lubabp their Wnrcbs, thccnbcofthatcoatt ibas on the wfc.&Sr
cucntothe*bo?berof fibe:Xhis is Cb^their fouth coatt. '
€bom in the Mber* 5 Xhcir eaft coaft is the fait fea,euen tw g»»S :

Ca)«t>e tS- neCeof*zin fouth^ to penbe (t) of 5o?bane r^nbthcir bojter v» .

ibarbe,euen from the in the north quarter , ibas from tir^s
gut, tolieibp btmott parte of the fouth coaft. rotae of the fea anb from the cnbe of.#ft
IS men; ctt))Ct 1

tljc urine of 3lno their fbuth coaftibas from the 3o?bane. u \$sr
bnnKe of the fait fca,from aw rocae that
t here .i that
the lent) ,01 a
6 3lnbthefamebo?berlbentbpto2Sct^ (

roebe oj cape leancthfomhU)arbe. hagia,anb lbent along bp theno?thftW'

that goctt) In
lott)(fta. ^nt) it lbcnt out tothefouthfibe to> of 2Setbatabah , anb bp from then* to ,,- ;

ibarbe p gopng bp to spaaie ^crabim the ftonc of ^asohen of fcttben.,

f fonne
$ lbcnt along to zin, anbafcenbebbp 7 %nt> againe , the fame bo?ber lbcnt bp •
on the fouthObe bnto Cabes sarnca: to IBDebir from the balicp of ^cho? , a"?
anb ibent along to ^esron,anb lbcnt bp fouoithlbarbe , turning toibaroe ©*«
abar ,anb fet a toi w;
to 1 ipalTc to Barcaa, fial,tyat lietl) before the gopug bp
:. : , «'

Iofuah. xn

5^»m,rbl)icl) is oftDc foutt) fine of 19 nabo auufvberctodfreue me a Wetting, •

to? thou haft gcuen me a ""*•
Sc nuer : anb the fame bojbct ibcnt fouth lanbe '

flew me aifo *
Si to the waters oWje
fountaynt oftije fp2inges of water . anb he

futmt anb enbcb at the *tbell

of &ogcl. gaue her rpjingcs of mater, both about 4
W anb then nientbp to the bailey of the anb beneath.
fount of H?cnnom , euen bnto the fowl) 20 33)is is the inheritaunce of t!)e fttbc ^

fvDcof SJebuft, the Tame is $tcrufa*

of tljc chabjen of 3fubaby tjjeit Kin*'

lem: anb then ibent bp to rhetoppe w&cs. \

of tbc hyil that ipeth before the bai* *i anb tlje ttmoftof tfjc tribe of'

of i^cnnomfbclttbarbe, anb bptbe the chilbjen of 3Juba,torbarbe p toattcs'

enb of the baUep of the giauntes no#l> of^oomfouthtbarbe, rberc Babttet'
warbc* *•*!•-
'9 3tnb tbm it compafleth from tfje top 22 mmah,iii>tmonalj,anbababaft,
of the bill bnto the fountaine of the rba< 25 1&ebes$a502,anb3iletl)nan,
tec of jfrepDthoah , anb goeth out of tJ)e 24 ztph/SCciem^anbasaioth, ;

cities of mount cpl)2on,anb bjaibetft 2$ ^aso^abattjah, 1&ariotlj$efron,<<!5

toi6aaia,ibhichis miriathtariimw HrtJicij is 1^1502,

v, i° anb then it compafleth from zsaala 26 amam,:§>hema,anb ^oiaoalj

tbeftiuatb bnto mount £>tit , anb then 27 $tear , <5abah , salmon , anb 26ctf)-
one irt

goetb along bnto the fine of mount 3& phclcth,

c; rim,ibljichisCbcfaionontheno2th1ibe, 28 ^asarftwl^eetfabcanb^atfotfjtaj
anb connneth boibne to 26ethlames, 2? 26aala,3*im,anoa5em,
anb goetl) to IChimnah. 30 €lfholab,eecil,anb^02ma;
! n anb goetl) out againe bnto the fybe of 31 ZiRClag,^cbemenat), anb&cn*!
« aRarbnno2thibaro:anbtljertb2arbeth fenna,
; to Perron, anb goetl) along to mount 32 fLabaoth,£>ethim ,ain, anb Btmon:
zsaaia , anb Oretchcth bnto 3fabneel all the cities are ttbentte anb nine, libuj) <
; anb the enbes ofthe coaftes leaue at tlje their baiagc*.
< lbcltfca. 33 anb m the loibe counrrep tfjcp Dab c
iz anb tlje tbas the great
tbeft bo?bcr €fthaoi,zarcah,anb afenah,
fea,anbtl)cfamecoaft*basthe coaaof ?4 zanoab,en3annim,1!:haphuah,anb t
tDc cbiibmi of Juba rounb about , in €nam
\ their iunrebes. 35 3armuth,abulam,&ccoh,anb a5C^:
«i} 5tnb bnto Caleb t$e fonne ofScpljune ual),
bib 3lofual) geue a
parte among tlje 36 <§>aarem,abitDaim, (B'ebcralj , 9 <&v l
tbilbtf of giuba,act02bing to the moutf) berothaim : routtccnccitic ibith their!
« oftbeH02be,eucn*Biriatl)arbaof the tillages,
father of tfnac , ibhiclje eitie is Cb2on ?7 zenau,^aba5ah,anb^agbaigab, ;
'i4 anb Caleb (f)
b2oue thence the thjee ?s SDelcan^ilpelj^anbiJebt^eel,

In) fonnesofenae,3>efai, anb^ljiman,

; 39 fLachis,25a5catl),anb€glon,
H» anb Xljalmai ,\bl)icl) ibere the fonncs
40 Cljabbon,|Lehamam,anoCcrhiis, \
ofenac. '
41 d5cberoth , 26etljbagon,^aamah , % «
.'15 anb be ibentbp thence, to the inhabit flpauebah : firtcene cities ibith rijeir;
tours of 3Dabir:anb tlje name of 3Dabir billages.
in theoib time ibas CB %iriatl)
<S>cpbar. 42 ?Lebnah,€tl)er,anb afan,
i« anb Caleb fapbe : * $e tljat fmpteth
43 3Jepl)thal),afnal),anb iBe?ib, ;

giriatlj5>ephar,$ taUeth it,to Ijim tbil 44 meilah , artj3ib , anb tiaaccfal) : nine
< cities,Vbiti) their biliages.
anbiDihnfei,thefonneofBene5, the 45 auron ibttl; her toibnes anb bflla^;

h TO!«of*aiebtofteft:3uib|)Cflatte
D»*' ges,
yimatfal) ijis baughter to iDife. 46 from abron euen bnto tl)c fea all

t0 affte Df
tljatiicth about aft»oo,ibithtljeir

m ;


lit '
ft« fotljcr afielbe: lages.
m 1
^^uje alighteb of her affe.anb Ca-* 47 aibobibith her toibnes anb tallages, \
'^ravbebntoherrbDatayieththc^ asahibirhfi^tovbnesf Pillages, bnto.
254 h)^<
Judas portion. Iofuah. fyhrainu
jfiUufl. t\)t ^mn of tfgppt ,anb tt>e great Tea rinesTbttbtbeirbiiiages.
f, TbastbetrcoaO. 58 $aibul, 2i5etb5ur,anb(25eb02

. 48 3no in mountaincs ,
<g>amir,3Jatbir anb&>ocob.

tfjc^ Ijab 59^^aacatt),26etbanotb,anbeihietDn.'. <s
fire cities Tbitb tbeir btliagts
m «

•49 ^anab,anbl&artatj£>ninalj,Tbl)fcfj

60 i&arial) zsaal
^ariin, anb mabba
, ttJljtcDc is
: tibo
mart m
cities id Si'

UJ '
, 50 3lnab,eftbcmoft ,anb 3lnini, tijeit tallages.
. 51 <i5ofcn , ^oion,anb (£>ilol),alcuen et* 61 ^n tbe TinlbcmciTe tire? bab 25etlia-

ties Tbitbtbeitbillages. rabab,30cbbin,anb£>acacab, '

4 ft)«
51 arab, 2>umab,anb efean, 6i ii5ebfan,ftbcWcitteof5)aitejcn/.!
! 55 3Janum,2i6ctbtbapbuab,$ 3Cpbecab: gabbi : fpjee cities tbitlj tbetr biiiaocs •mm, '

. 54 Quintal) , 9 * HJirfatljarbe ( tbljtcH 63 /i5euettI)elefle^3lebufitestbatU)cc!

iofu.xaiii d • ts fcctyon)? £>ioj,nine cities Tbitb tl)ctc tbeinbabitauntsof^icrufale.coulbnot'
tlje cbiiojcn of 3Juba w eatt out: M

tillages. 26ut ^»i
\ flpaon,Camtel , zipb, anb 31 utali,
55 tbc 3lcbufites Mbcll UJitl) ttie tbabien'^'fil
. 56 3Jcfrael gjuftaban,anb zanoal) mba at i^ierulalcni bnto tbisoave.;
* 57

Cam, <&abaah, anb Xbanmab • ten


^ Thc.xy. Qiapter.
1 &rjc lot 0? part of Cpbjatm. 10 ©fje ctjanaanuefs otortlea among t&em.

X j&DtljelotoftDec&fr
b#n of 5ofepb fell
6 3lnb tbent out Uicttibarbe to #iicb **
metbatb on tbe no^tbfibe, anb eetur-!
fr6 3Jo?battebp3Jen* nrtl) eatttbarb bnto Xfjaanatli Mo,<
rt)o,bntotfterbatcrof ? paaitontI;e eattfibe bnto^Tonoab.
3JcricI)o eaftibarbe, $ 7 ^nb ibent botbnc ftom Jionoal) to •

totbcTbtlbemciTctbat atljatotb anb iI5aaeatb ,anb came to'

goetb bp fro 3)cricl)o 3ericbo,anb Tbent out at 3lo;bane. «

tluougbout mount asctbel. 8 ^nb tbcic bo;bec ibent from Xba-'C

00 im <»
*z Sutbgoctl) out fro
25etbelto*fUt5, ptjual) TbtftTbarb bnto tbc riucc m\
Inongbt to be anbrunnetb alang bnto tire bobbers of nab , anb tlje enbes Tbcte tbe Tbcft fea.
a one nttbt
cnoc of mount 3trri)iatacotb: %\)is is tbc inberitaunce of tbe tribe of;
tl)t 10 atro ni*
'J 3mb goetb boTbneagafnetbcftTbarb tl>c cbiltycn of cpljjaim bp tbeitittW'

eucn to tbe coafl of 3Japbleti , anb bmo

men 3Pctbcl tcbes '

»n» lb l&t- ^tmirefcperate c(tiesfo?tbe (WtoiK
tbcli« botl) tbe coaft of 25ctt)ho?on tbc martlet, $ 9
ti.e 11,1111c
tint, an* of
of a
to (We , anb tt> enbes of tbeir coaftcs of <£pb,raim,Tbcre among p inbcritautC'
mount. « leaue attbetbeftfea. of tbe cbflbzenofiI0anaiTcs,cucn the;

'4 anb fo tbe cbiKtfcn of 3fofcpb> ^anaf- cities Tbitb tbeir billages.
25 fes, $ €pl)?aim,toftetbelr tnbentaunce. 10 3mbtbeyb?auenot out t^t d)anaa«'

3mo tbebojbcrof tt)e cl)itt»cn of e* nites tbat btbelt in d5a5ee: but ti)t €tyv ,
« pl)2aim was by tbeir ftynrebs. Xbeit naanites bTbelt among t\)t cpbwitefi'
bDjbcr on tbe eaft fibe ibas , Sltarotlj bmo tljis bap anb feme bnbet tribute.

^oac,euenbnto26etb!)o?on tl)ebppcr.

The . iCpij . Chapter.

1. die portion of tliclmlfc tribe of a^anaHc.?. &>alptmabfs geuenfo; a potTefTionto !

Diss Daughter*. 15 dljanaaniteis are tributaries bnto the ? Craeliteg. i4,ct)e tonnes of '

jofcpii *$fenafte,anD <epb;atm,Do require a larger poflcdion.


i^iSTbastbelotoftbc of <5fleab : noTb becaufe be Tbas a man

* of i^anaffes <
tribe y ofTbarre,bebab(!5ileabanb26afan. it*

mbicb Tbas tbe * clticft %W is tbe pofleflion of tljc rcfl ot w

fonof3Iorepb,toTbitte tbc cbilbjen of ^anaffesbp tDetrwns 5m#
of ^acliir tbe elbeft tcOS : [fcamelp] of tbe t^Amttt of #\
fomte of £^ana(Tes
Uibub Tbas tbc fatbec
bicset, tbc cbUb?cn of deleft, &J£ «

D;en of artel, tlje cbtib?en ofW*ffi \


lofuah. X111.
the eljttbzen of $epber, tbe
ebfltoen 11 3lnb ^anaffeshabin^jfacbar anotn
lbere tlje malt tbtb 3uer,25et!)fean 9 ber toibnes, 3JlbIean
of <§>ema>a:fo; rtjcfc
of 3Jofcph anbljer toibnes, anb tlje inhabitours!
ujen of ^anau*es,tlje fonne
>' "V, of 3>oj,U)itl) tbe toibnes pertaining to
, *26ut£>ciapbcab the tonne of $ep&er, tbe fame , anb tbe inbabitours of en*'
the fonne of ©iliab , p fonne
of #acb*r , bojlbitbtlje toibnes of the fame, anb
the fonne of ^anafTcs ,
ijab no fonnes: tbe inbabitours of Xljaanacb ibitlr
btttt>attgl)tccs,tbl)orc names are t&efe, Ijct toibnes , anb tbe inbabitours of

cabala, i!5oa, $agla, sjpeleha , anb ^ageooibitbtlje toibnes of the fame,'

euen tljjee countreps. •
«„ ,„, llh

j©hid) came befoje €leafar the pneft, iz net tbe cbflbjen of ^anafTes
4. coulbel^tS
anb befojejfofuab tbe fonne of /Run, ® not ouercome t&ofe cities : but the <
s before the fLort>cs,faping: %ty %m* Cbanaanites pjefumeb to utbeu in the * ccnoitranioii.-.
ttat; to d>o&«
commaunbcb flppfes to gcuc bs an en* fame lanbe, coinuutttnitt.

hcritaunee amongoue ^bjetljzen. 13 iBtuertbcleu"c,au*boneastbecb(lb?en'

< 3mo tljerfoje aecojbfng to the com* of3Jfrael lbere lbareb ftrong , the? put
inaunbcmentof the fLojbe , he gaue tlje Cbanaanites bnber trtbute,but ep -

them an enhctttannce among the bit* pcilcbtljemnot.

tljzen 3lnb there fcl ten
of their father. 14 3tnb tbe cltiiumt of 3Fofepb fpaae bn= 1
potfonstofl9anaOes, beftbe tbe lanbe to^ofuab.faping : nahpijafttljou geue
of dSilcab anb Baton , ttjhiclje Xbereott mebutonclotte anb one portion to in*!
the otherfibejojbane. fterite,fcpng3 am a great people , anb «)ttc«Mi •

6 Becaufe the Daughters of ^anaffeS fo^afmucbeas tlje 3Ho?be batb'3) bieu"cb ' ?££&
bpoenberite among hts fonnes : 2inb mebptberto^ «& +8J C

£|3ana(res other fonnes fcab rtjelanbc 15 3tnb3lofttaljattftberebtbem:3Jfthou'

ofcMcab. . be mucb people , tben get tb ec bp to tbe
7 ;m> the coatteof^anafostbas from Ujoob [countrepjanb prepare fo? tbv fclfc •
afer to ^atbmathatl) that lietb before herein tx^t lanbe of tbe i&bcresitcs anb wvm
&icbem , ana ibent along on tlje right w of tbe ©iauntes, pf mount <£pb?aiin!Kt ii!' o ' ,,


banbe, euen bnto tbe tnhabitantcs of betonaroibefonbce. .$«*£:

€ntapbuab, 16 ^nbtbecbflb?mof3}ofepbfapb,Xbc'?
^^ m

8 anb the lanbe of Xftapfiuab belongeb biUtsnotpnougbfo?bsanoauKba*:S°K.r*

to ^anaffes:tbbtth
w Xt)apl)wah tsbc* naatiitcstljatbrbcuntbeloujecountrep'""

bobber of ^anaffes, befibe ibe

fibetlje bauc cbarettes of iron, anb fo bane tbep \
bojbcr of rt)e ctjiiu^en of epbjaim. t^atinljabiteBetblcan ftbe toibnes <
9 Znn the coatte befcenbeb bnto rtje of tbe fame , anb thtp alfo tbat Dibell in •
'riuer Canaljfoutfju>arbe,cuen toffee tbebailepof^esreeu

riuer : XEjefe tities of epb.mtm , are a < 17 3mb 31afuab fapbebnto boufeof
mong p cities of s$anafTcs . Xbe coafte ^ofepb , epb?aim , 9 ^anaOesr^e be |

of J^anafTcs \bent alfo on the notfb 5 mudj people , anb haue great pomcr,
ftbe to the riuer , anb tlje enbes of it go anb fbail not tljcrfbjc baue one lotte. '

outattbefca: K 5Lbctfo?e tfyz bpll fl)aibe pours , anb

[o &o tljat p foutb partaineb to ep&aim, pelhaiicutborbne tljciboob fljat is in-
frttw no?tb to ^anaCTes, 9 tlje fea is his it : anb H)t enbes of tt fyalbe pours, pf
bojioer:3ttt> rtjep met together (0 ;afecm pe tafl out tbe Cbananaucs ibbtcb baue
no/tbtbarbe, 9 m
31facljareafttt)arbe. iron cbarettes, anb are berp ftrong. •

The xv Hi
. . Chapter.
JCftetarcfenteccttapne, t9botftoulD appot'ntelanDcfo?(cactttnbe£!6ettoccnc t&e
tonnes ot3iofepU,ant)3luDa. 1 i®be portion of t&e c^ilo;en ot JBentamm. utma,
tofttcn is alfo called ffietfeel. 14 Cariatl) tfaat.
|5btbeibbolecongrci tection before tbem.
garion of the rijilDzcn 3lnbtbere remameb among tbe cbil-
of 3lfraei came togc* b?en of Sfcael(«feuen tribes,U)bicb bab * (b lhat IS
Mt«a HScnumui.
tbcrat^>iio,anbfetDp not pet receaueb rtjeir enberitaunce. c (fotmcon,??*:

tbe w tabernacie of tlje bulon yh-
^nb^ofualj fapbe bnto tbe chflDtfn rfyir ,^iir,


congregation there, afc of 3lfrael :^oibclong are pe fo ftacftc Dan. I

tcrthelanbibasmfute to come anb pofTefle t^z lanbe ibbicbe

' '

'Deuifion of uan.
the }Xo?D «5od of pout fathers ljatlj gc* paffetn tlje comer of tpc fca ftwb^p^
©cue out ft om among you fo? euerp
cuen from m Dpil tljat ipcti) bcfoie'
4 2i5etl)l)o?onfoutl)«)aro,anogoctl) out!
tribe thtfc men,tljat3J map fc noe tljem:
anD that ttjep map rpfc , anD Vbalttc
at Biriatl)baal (lDltfcl) is lairiath
run)a citie of tlje cl)UD^of3MDa:&e'
though theUMDe,anD Dtftnbute ttac* is tlje rbeft quarter* <

(r Chat (B in t cojopng to the w inhcritaunce therof, $ 15 3mo the foutl) coaft goetl) from the'
to ten tea,
to cacrp tribe ' comcagamctonic. cnoc of fjiiriatljiarim, ano goeth out'
5 3nD let tl)em DeutDe it into t\)tm into "
luc ftmaroe, ano tljence it turnctb
feuen partes: Xnn (3Juoa fljail abibe in tlje men of ibaters of i5cpljtljoal) ;
tljeir coaft on
the foutlj,ano tlje houfe of 16 Ztid commctl) Doibne agame to tnc
3Jofepn fljall ftanDein their coaftcson cno oftlje Dpli tljat Ipetl) before tlje b.^'
ttjenoztlj.) lep oftlje fonneof^ennom,cucninthe'
25 e nallcp of tlje gtatuues nozttjibarDc
3>efcrtbc pe the lanoe tljcrfiwc into fe*
ucn partes , ano bjpng tlje Dcfcrtptton ano oefcenoetDtnto tlje nailep of ^1
ijptljer to me: ano 3 fljall caft lottcs fo; nont befioe " gjebufi foutDtbaro,! goctlj •
•©?, J
the ^ jXozd our 05oD.
C» Chfit IB, * •#*
fetfoic the nttt < pou here before oonjnetotlieujcllofHogcl,
oftlic lc;i).
— *iSnt the fLcuites liauc no part among 17 Znn compaOetlj from tlje no?tlj ano «g>
Jolu xm H. / ,

(t) Chat
Cithcfl, *>a- c
pou,fo? tlje co pzieftijooo of tlje ts %om goctlj foonij to (W en ftjemeft) , ano oe^ « m» '

crificcB , ant
tljeir inljcrttatmtc: 3luD <saD,ano Uto
* partetljfrom tljence to tlje places of 'A*
offringa. Jot
lj.B.ji + « . ( ben , ano halfc tlje tribe of ^anafTes, ©cltlotl) , ibljiclje are toUiarDe tlje'
loiu.xu.b. ,
. baue reecaucb their inljcruaunte be* going top tmto ^oommim: ano goctlj'
< pono 3ortwn caQitart>,ttM) ^opfes oonme to tljc^ftone of2isoh,an tlje fonne. w.*.$
tlje fcruauut of tlje %oix* gaue them. cf&ubem
1 8 2lnD tlje men arofe , ano tbent tljeir 18 ^no tljen goetfi along tottmro tlje:
. Vow; 3lnD gjoftialj eljargeo tljcm tljat fjoe oftlje piatne no?ttmiarO , ano goetlj
• Doibne into tlje
ttcnt to oefcribe tljc ianoe, taping : 2Dc* fieioes, \
part , ano go tljjouglj tDc lanDe,ano oc* 19 Znn goetlj along to tlje fpbe of 25etlj*
\ fcribeit,anocome agaiuetome,tljat3J Ijagla no?tljU)arOe, anD enourctlj tlje'

. map here raft lottcs foz pou before tljc popnt oftlje fait Tea no?tlj tqerefconi,:

ILojocm&ilo, [eueti^at tlje foutlj cnoe of 30mm i-iKS " u|
3mo the men DepartcD ,anD VbalncD ^Ijisistljefoutncoaft* :r

through tlje lauDc,anD oefcribco it bp ct* 20

^no Uo^Dane Hcpctlj in tljis coaft on.
ties mto fcuen partes in a boofte,ano re* tlje caft rpDe: ^nD tljis is tlje inUert*;
turneo to 3Jofualj into p ijoaft at 3>tlo. taunce oftlje cijplDjenof asentamin bp«
f;r>iromiott>« 'io 3hto IJofoah caft c0 lottcs fo? them in tljeir coaftesrounoe about, tlj?ougljout'
BI(Tmtion,6nD x
that cucrp mi £nlo befoie tljc ILoiDc: $ tljcre 3Jofual) tljetrutnrcDes.
flimiiebecons *
tftfeitth goBB , ouuoeo ttie lanoe unto tlje cl)ilD:cn of ii ICljefemeretlje cities oftlje trtbesof.
c 3fracl,to ctlje their poztion. tljecljpio^en of 2i5eniamin ttj?ougl)out;
'II 3ln0 tDc lot of tljc tribe of tl)e cljilbzcn their ftinreoes : IJcricljD^etljUagia,.
' of 2i5eniamtn came ip accojoing to tl)cir ano tlje piameofCalis. ;

Uun;cocs:^no tnc coaft of tljctr lot came z% 26ctljarabal), ^amawim, aiD25c*.
« betibeenc me cl)iio;cn of3Juoa,ano tlje
« cl)ilD?cnofJofcpl). 13 ^uim,^ataft,anD£)pljral),
C '

ii 3lnD tljcir nonD coaft tbas from Jop 14. i^aamonai, C*pljni, f c^aba,tn)tiue'
Dane , $ incut up to tlje fibe of JJericrjo cities ttjtflj tljeir milages. I

t on tl)e noztl) fibe, ano went bp through, 25 d5abaon,Bamah,2i6cerotlj,

« tDc inountatncs lbcftlbaroe , ano tncp i6 ^ifpdj,€l)cpljitai),anDSpofalj, ;

cnoeoattljetbiiocrncire ofasetljauen. 27 Becem,3larepl)el,anDXl?areia, c,l)

13 3nDiocntfromtljeweton>arD?Ui5, 28 5>ela,€leplj 1 anD'3ebuft(u)l)icljiS '

cuen to tlje foutlj fioc of ?Lu? (the fame $terul,ilem) <5ibatlj,ano Ctnatlj, font* , & *,
ts C8)
26etljel)f Defccnoeo againe to teenecitiesiDttlj their btllagcs. ^'Sftjri

teas in f tribe
tarotlj ^oar,nnto tlje Ijpll that Ipetlj on is the inheritaunce oftlje cl)piD?en «;#.#
ef JEphwim:
an other lBts
tlje foutlj fioe of p neather 26etljljozon. 25cniamiu t^oughout their fetureocs. ,
tljcl teas in
the tribe of
; 14 %nn t^e coaft turnetlj tljetuc, ? torn*
•' ««

Iofuah. Xlll
The. xix. Chapter.

, cue lot of ^tttieott. 10. *atorton. 4°. W* poflWft'on oftfte tribe of ©an.

T tr gs-^-v; #b to il
tf)e fecob lot
Simeon, euen
lbith their Wllages.
Xitis is the inheritaunce of tfje chfl*

fo? t^c tribe of tt)e cfjtl- b?en of Zabirton throughout their \ww\
b?cn of Simeon bp rebes,anb thefe are the cities tbith their*
their tnnrcbS: anD tjOlages.
their inheritance tbas 17 3nb the fourth tot came out to 3f#
inthe w mibbesofthe char,euen to? the chUbrenof^facharbv'
inhcritaunce oftlje ehtltyenof lluba. their ninrebs.
anD the? hab in their mrjeritaunce, is 3tnb their coafl Vbas 3lefraelah , C#
pngt *
pa 2Sccrrabe,<§>abc,anb ^oiaoal), fuloth,auoS>unem,
'3 #a50?fual,26aiah,anb aseni, 19 ^aphataim^fo^anb^naharath,.
•4. €tthoiab,25ethui,anb ^omiaft, 20 ^arabith,BiTion,anb^be5,
; 5 zifceiag , asethmatcaboth, , anD $a* « 3Rameth,€nganim,enhabah,anb!
. 3etfufal), 26Cthpha5C5.
6 ZBcthicbaoth ', ? S>aruhen , tDictcenc v. ^nb his coaft reacheth to Xhabo?,f
cities tbith their tofflages. 5>aha5imah, anb asethfames : anb en*
7 ain,ffiemmon, ether, $ afan, foute beth at 3lo?bane, fvjeteene cities ibith'
25 ; cities ttittlj ttjctr tallages. their bttlages,
•8 anbthetto alithebiliages thatlbcrc 25 XhiSistheinheritaunceoftiietribe*
rounDe about thefe cities,eucn to zsaia* of the chilb?ettof3Jfacharbp their Rim',
\ fail anb &amath fouthtbarb.
25eet, rebstanb tftefearethecmesttith their <

Xhtststhe inheritaunee of the tribe of biiiages,
\ tbe thilDjen of Simeon throughout 24. ^nb f rVfth tame out fo? the tribe \
« theftmnrebes, of the d)ilo?en of 3(fer bv their ftinrebs. •
; 9 €>ut of thclot ofthe chilbjen of 3Juba, 25 ^nb their coaft rbas ,^elRath,^ali,

« tame the inhcritaunce of the chittucn of B5eten,anbactjfap, ;

Simeon: 5Fo? the part of the chilbjen of 26 aiamelech,amaab,ant)^Bifeai:anb,
f* P!»= 1 3Juba Ibas w
to much fo? them , anD came to Carmelibeftibarbe, anb to &fc
1n ii)t thcrfoje the chUDjen of Simeon hab ho?Hibanatft.

their inheritaunee m the inljeritaunce 27 anbturnethtolbarbthefunneriung
to 25cthbagon , anb commeth to » za* , SwSmS
I to in

H amc.
"*" 3 ""*
io am* the thfrb lot arofe
fo? the tljflbtf bulon,ano to the ballcp of 3JephtljaheI, .
of zabulon throughout their ftpnreos: toibaroe the nojthfiocofBethcmeR f
anb the coaftcs of their inljeritaunce iI5eiei, anb goeth omonthcleftefiocof

Blrifflj \ tametoSmrib. Cabul,

D anb anb to $eb?on &oftob gammon,
'ii bp co ibefrU)arb euen to
Vbent 28 , ,

; Q3aralah , anb reacheb to Dabbafcrb, anb Banah,euen bnto great ^toon. «


came thence to the riucr that tyetrj be* 29 anb then the coatt tumeth to 3aa*

fo«3Jobneam. mah f to the fttong citie of (f)
zo?, anb <
toatb the funne rlftng bnto the bojbcr
turnerh to ^05ah,f enbeth at the fca,bp %g£

the pofTefRon of ach^ibah, !

C, of Cfiidotf) Xftabo? 9 then goeth out

, 30 amah alfo, anb apijeft , anb Boljob:
« toSDaberetfj, anb goeth bp to Japhia. ttbentie anb ttbo cities Xbith their ba*
;i3 anb from thence goeth along caft* lages. «

< nrarb to dE»ethah i^cpher , to 3Jttljah 31 XfiiSistfje inhentaunte oftlje chil'

Ba5in, anb goeth. to ftemmon anb , b?en of afer bp their fttnrcbs : there*
. arc the cities rbith then* btiiages. ;

•14 anb tompafleth it on the anbthefprthlottameoutto thertnl*

north fibe 32
*< ° ^annatljon , anb enbeth in the to D:en of iisepbthaw "«n to the chtlojc of
iRephthalibp their binrcbes. tics iscre 10
i5 ce) '
' ju
=i Jnomatath./Fiahaiol^imeon^c* anb their coaft ibastcom ^eleph,
« oatah,anb w zscthlehem : trbelue cities anb from Clon to zacnanim, aoamt
Tbe dcnifion lofuah.
iftckcb^no JJabnccl, euen to SLabum, bcr tbat ipetlj before 3f apiio.
anb both go out at 31 ojbanc.
34 3nbtbmtbecoattturnetbibcftibarb
47 2nbtbeeoaftesoftbecbUb?cofDa
ibcnt^out from t&cm atobfi
to 3tfonotb Xbabo? , ? then goetb out men of Dan tbcntbp to m fvght ao,i£ 'h>»
from tbcnce to ^uRouab, anb rcacbctl)
zabulonon the foutl) ftbe,anogoet&
fUfem, anb tone it,anbfnffrt SK'^
to ebge of tlje ftbojbe, • conquete?
\%ml 5£ 1

to^fcr on ti»e lbellfibe,anb to jto&a

upon 3Jo?omic toibaio tljc funne w
bibclttbcnn anbcailcbit *2r>an,
the name of 3Dan their father.
f r*

fyng. 48 Xbtsis the inhentaunce of tbe tribe'

35 2nb ttrcng titter ate zibbim,
tljcir of the ebtiojc of 2E>an in tljcpj Hmrcbes'
zer,$amatb, Baccatfj, $ cW Cencretlj, thefe alfo are tlje cities,U)itij their *\ bill
36 3lbamarj,ftamab,anb^a50j, ges.
l&cocs €b?at, anb enbasoj,

49 nafjen tfjcp bab mabe an enbe of \
uibing tbc lanbc bp ber coauTS,tlje ebfc •
anb (,) 2$etljfames,nintecne cities ruit6 bjcnof^fraclgaue an nujeritamueto'

tljcirbttiagcs. 3Joutabtbe fonncofiFmnamongnJc:

39 %i)is is tbe tnbericaunee of tbe tribe 50 3leco?bing to the ibojbe of tlje ftojbt
of tbe cljilbjen of 4i2cphtbaii bp tbeic tbcp gaue bpm tlje title ibhiehe beaC*
Uvnrcbcs: tljcfc alfo are tljc cities anb neb, euen Xbimnatb&etab in mount'
tljcitbiliagcs, cpbjatm^anb i)c buplt tlje cities mt\t]
40 3lnb tbe feuenfy lot came out foj tfte therm.
tribe of the cbiltycn of 2>an bp tljeit 51 Xbcfcatetrje tnljcr itaunees iDljiclje •

ClcasarthepjieO, ^ofuabtbefonne:
41 3lnb tlje coaft of tljcir inberitaunce of jftun, anb tlje auncient fetters of tbe
lbas, zaraab,«ftl)aol,*3rfemes, tribes of tbe cbilbjen of 3Jfrael bcuitcD
4z &aclabin,3liaion,3Jcrt)talj, bv lot in £>i!o before tbe Horn at tlje
43 eion,anoXbenmatljab,anb^&ron,

booze of tlje tabernacle of the congrega*
44 Gitbjfteft, dftbbetbon, anb zsaaiatlj, tion : anb fo tljcp mabe an enbe of ami- \

45 5M)Ub,2Sanebarac,$ dJatljrtmon, bpngfyecountrep.

46 ^eicrcon, anb Simon, vbulj tb* bo^

Iofuah. xv.
The. xx. Qhapter.

- <mt %oit> commairaDertj lofuab to appoint ritfeg of refuge. w$t Me ffcerof.

m II02DC airo fpaue oo iubgcmcnt, *oj

bntpli tlje beatli of<
bnto3lofuab,faping: tfje Ijpe pjtctt tbat (ball be in tbofe; caufc tucic
£>pcabc to tlic dnv bapcs : fonijenfl)autbeflcarrctutnc/
mn of 3ffrael , anb anD tome Unto bis oibne citie , anb bnto nu.»«v. «

rape: "Appoint out fro tws ottmc Doufc, anb bnto tbe citie from
amogpoucttiesofte* Xbbenceljefleb.
rage , nrtjerof Jf fpafee 7 3lnb tS)cp fanctificb Bcbes in Galilee *

bnto von bp tlje banbc of U^opfes:

in mount /frcpljtljali, 9 £>iclje in mount \
1 Xijat the Hear tljat Bplietb anp perron
' eptyaim , anb l&iriatljarba ( \bijiclj is
bnumrcs anb bnibpttpngip , map flee
$eb?on)in tlje mountapne of juba. \

tbptljer : 3lnb tbofe cities ujail be pout 8 2Mb on tlje otljer fpbc 3lo?bane ouee a*
• Ca)
refugefromtbc attctigcrofbloob gainft3Jericl)o eaftibarb , tljep appoptv

4 ^no be tbat botb flee bnto one of tbofe tcb*BC5erintljeibiiberueu"e bponttje'

cities , (ball ftanbe at tljc entrpng of tlje
' plapne , out of tljc tribe of ftuben anb ,

gate of tbc citie , $ (ball Ojeibc Ijis caufe ftamotb in«5ileab out of tbe tribe of!
<5ab , anb ©olan in Bafanout of tlje w

in rtje cares of tlje elbers of tbe citie:

CO Wtte,

3tob tljev fljail tafee bim into tbe titie tribe of £©anafles. 'ouco'vfjaifc
bnto tbcm , anb geue Ijpm a place , tljat 9 Xljefe ibere tbe cities appointebfiwaii;
' nnfrca,bcyonO

be map Mbell among tljettn

mcbUbjcn of 3ffracl , $ to; tbe ftra'un* *
ger tbat foiourneb among tbcm , tbat'
* mmc '

5 ^nb if tbc aucngcr of bioob folotb after


\ bim, tbep fljall not bcliuer tbe Hear into lbljofocuer Uplleb anp perfon ignozaifo c

fjisljanb : becaufebe fmote Ijisfcicnb lp,tbefame migbt fleetbptber,? fljouio
\ ignojauntlp , anb Ijatcb Htm not before not bpe bptbe banb of tbe auenger of!
tyme. bloob , bntil l)e ftoobe before t|)e co; cotv < %VJ$Z
6 %vfo Ije (ball bibcll in tbe fapb citie bn= gecgatton. 'twesnrc.

< tyl be ftanbe befo?e tbe congregation in

The.xxj. Chapter.

41 €#e cttieg geuett to tbe llmttz&in nmribtt etgfct ano fouttie,44.C&e %o}b acco?>
Ding to \)i& pjomife gaue tlje efcutyen of 'lirael rett.

fc- I/I5btl)en came tbe p^ on, anb out of tlje tribe of j&enfamtn,
cipaiifatbersofp^le; tbirteenctities.
uitcs bnto cieasar tbe 5 ^nb tbe reft of ttit of Caatb
p^ieft, anb bnto 3
oftt- Ijaobplot, out of tbe bpnreocs of tbe;
abtbefonneofi5un,f tnbe ofepbwun, out ofp tribe of Dan, <
bnto tlje aunctent fa- anb out of tlje balfe tnbe of ^anafles , <
—1 tbers tbat ibere ouer y ten cities.
frtbes of tbc c&fltuen of
3Utp fpabc bnto tlje at«g>iio in
$ frael. 6 3lno tbc cbilbjen of <5erfon bab bp lot^
tbe lan&e out of tlje bpnrcbes of tbe tribe of Jjffa-;
of€banaan,faping :*%beHo?bc com; tbar,anb out of tlje tribe onifer,? out of,
maimocb bp ^opfes to geue bs cities tiyt tribe of /i5epl)tbaii , ano out of tbe
totrtbcliin, ibitbtlje fuburbes thereof otljcr balfe tribe of $)anafles in 26a<
lojoucratell. fan, tbirteene cities.
,? ^nb tlje cbtlb?en of 3Jfrae!
tot jteuttcs , out of
gaue bnto 7 3lnb tbe cljilb^e of il^crari bp t beir bin- ; M
tbeirinberitaunce rcbes , Ijab out of tlje tribe offtuben , $
^tOebibbpngof tbcllo?oe, tftcfc cities out of tbe tribe of <5ab , anb out of tlje
ralotbtogxbtffj ttjeir fuburbes. rribeofzabulon,ttbeluc cities.
^no tbc lot came out fo? tbe ttpnreb of 8 3lnbtlje cbiimenof11fraclgaiicbplot<
Caa )ltes
2 ft* cl)«b«n Of
; %K bnto tbe SrCtiites tljeft titits ibitlj tftcir
, ibbicb ibere of tbc ?Leufc fuburbes,as tbe %oiD commaunbeo bp <
5ab Btnen tljcm bp lot out of
of 3uba, out of
tbc tribe of £>imc*
m 9
tljeljanbofflppfes. '* •

^nb tljcp gaue out of tlje tribe of tbe;

hui/ion of Iofuah. tbeL

cntitycn of 3Juoa , anb out of the tnbc 26. ail the cities fo; tlie ot^crbvnrcti^
of the clnibjcn of Simeon thcfe cities of tlje chimin of Caath,\bere ten \Zl
ftp name.

their fuburbes. »\
>m •

io lehieh the cftilbjcn of aaron being of 27 anb unto the chilbje of (Serfon tbhtth
the Bynrcbcs of the €aat!)itcs , ano of
mere of the BynreDes of the %mite
the thilbjc of 3Lcui,obtaincb:(fo? tljcirs they gaue outof tlje other haife tribe «
tbastljcfirftlottc.) i^anaflcs, tlje citie of refuge fo?
p a»ar
11 anb they gauc them Birtath arba of <5oianin25afan ibitlj rjcr fuburbts *'
the father of enac(lbl)icl) is $eb?on)in 25ceftl)cral) ibttl) Ijer ftiburbes
, tlbo
the hyll countrcy of 3!uba , ibith the cities. '

ftiburbes of the fame rounbe about it 28 3lnb out oftDe tribe of JHacljar
mi -•

12 But the lanbe that pcrtayneb to tDc on ibitlj Ijer ftiburbes , anb 3>abcteh<
tttie anb tlje billages thcrof , gauc they ibitl) Ijerfuburbes: \
to * Caleb the fonne of 3Jephune , to be 29 ^tnb 3larmutl) ibitlj Ijer fuburbes

hispoffcffion. cnganun ibitl) Ijer fuburbes, foure ci^'

13 anbthusthcygauetothttfjilbtfofa* ties.
aron the pjicft , a citic to the Which the 30 3lnb out of tlje tribe of 3Jfcr , »i',
naycr myght flee , cuen ^ebjon ibith ibitl) l)er fuburbes, ^bbo ibit^ her fuk
ftetfuburbes,anbfUbnatbithljeruu> urbes.
urbes, 31 l^elcatl) ibitl) fjer fuburbes,anb3aoIjob'
14 anb 3fatljir mtthOcr fuburbes, anb ibith fterfuburbes,fourecitics.
€ttcmoa lblthhe ftiburbes: 32 3lnb out of tlje tribe of iBepljtljaii tbe'
15 $oion tbith her fuburbes, 2Dabtr tbith citie fojtfteaear to flecbnto,Bcoesin'
Ijerfuburbes: (Mtlce ibith Ijer fuburbes,^amotljboj!
i6 ain her fuburbes , 3f utta!) ibith
ibitlj her fuburbes , anb Cartljan ibitl)
ibitl) <

her fuburbcs,26etl)famcs ibitl) her Cute Ijer fuburbes, rhzce cities.

urbes : nine cities out of tbofe tlbo 33 3111 the cities of p ©crfonitcs though;'
tribes. outtheir Bynrcbcs, ibere thirtecne ci*'
17 anb out of therribe of iBcniamin.the? tiesibitljtbeir fuburbes,
gaue<mbeon ibitl) her uiburbes,C5abac 34 anbbnro the other aynrcbes of tljt'f
ibith Ijerfuburbes, chilbjen of ^erari, (0 tl)e reft of the %v c«t«> '

18 anatotlj tbirh her fuburbes, ainun uites t\K? gauc out of tlje tnbc of
, SSsa z* -

ibitlj her fuburbcs,fourc cities. bulon,5cmam ibitlj her fuburbes, anb JTJS •

19 ail thcfe cities oftlje chilbjcn of aaron Careba ibitlj her fuburbes. TJZ \

pneftcs,tbcre thirtcene cities ibith their 35 SxmnaDlbitljljerfubiirbe^anb^^'

fuburbes. her fuburbes,fourc cities. X,Z
Ijalai ibith
io anb the ftynrebes of the chiibjen of 36 anb out of the tnbe of &ubc, (0 26C5tr •g» SS* «

Caath tljatibetefUuttes,tljatisto fay, ibith Der fuburbes, anb Jaljafaibitlj'

the w othcr chiibzen of Caath,hab cities Ijerfuburbes, Uvm
geuen them fo? their lot out of the tribe 37 Bebmotlj ibitljDer fuburbcS,anbC0e'
of ephjaim. pljaatl) ibith her fuburbes , foure tK'*m
tiff W.l"!"
21 tfojtljey gaue them the citie that the
D near might ttcc bnto,Ǥ>tchcm Tbitl) her 38 anooutoftl)etnbeof(5ab,tljcygaue'
fuburbes in mount <2ph?aim, anb <SiV the title fo? tlje ttear to nee bnto,&a-;
3tr\t»ttl) Ijerfuburbes. moth in <5ileab ibitfj Ijer fuburbes,anb <

22 anb Cib^aim ibith her fuburbes, anb ^aljanaim ibitlj her fuburbes, ',

i5ethho;on ibitl) her fuburbes , foure 39 !^ef bon ibith fuburbes , anb 3Jafcr
cities. tbitl) Ijer
fuburbes,fourc cities in all. *
23 anboutofp" tribe of aDan^lthcetbiti) 40 &o
tbat all the cities of tlje c&tiwm 6 .

Der fuburbes , <5abcthon ibith her fub* of iI0crari tlj^oughout tljeir Htturcbes,
urbes. ibhicl) ibere tlje reft of the ftynrebes of
24 anb aialo with her fuburbes, <Km> ahelLmites^erebytljcirlottmclucn^s^
remon Ibitl) her fuburbes,foure cities. ttts -
25 anb out of the halfc tnbc of fl^a* 41 anb all the
cities that tlje 3Leuite3;S*;
naflcs, IChanach ibitl) her fuburbes , $ Ijab,^ among tl) e poffeffion of the tW fo£ .

<5atrjremon ibitl) her fuburbes , tlbo b?cn of 3lfrael, ibere. ,rlbiii . ibitlj t|)nr . &£
cities. fuburbes. J**
42 ^nb

'the tribes.
Iofuah. XVJ.

cities lap euerp one icuc* about,aceo?Ding to all tl)at be Obare Un-
ST mm tftctt fuburbes rounbe * to tbctr facets : anb tfjere ttoobe nota \

S man
cities. of all tbeir enemies before tbem:<
Emttffl"bVigbout altbefaib
K&egaue bnto 3frad
^ all IDje fLojbe aifo beliuereb all their enc* *
mies into tbeir banbes.
\XiDCib!)icb *be toate to geue bnto \

!!!cS)crs: anbtftepconcraetcbM 45 *Xbere fcapeb notbing of al tbe goob 3o r» >,

thingesibbirt) tbe |Lo?b bab fapb bnto

^ttT&osauetftemrearounoe p Douft of 3lftaei, but all cametopaffe,

Hoe. xxij. Cbaptet.

. ttithen <Kab,ant> the baife tnte of

^anaffeuawfentagatneto tbefrpoffefftdttt.To.rctjef
memorial, lj.flfte U&aeliteisrepjoiiet&era. *i c&etraunft»«efo?
butSS'an auiter fo; a
Defence of t^»c fame.

$cn « 3Jofuafi tallcb rbith mucfjrapmettt, anb * beuibe tlje

a 1
tfteBubenitcs,tI)e<l5fc: fpople of pour enemies lbitb pour ^ (0 TOMM.
tljcy ba61cf«
at hometo
oitcs,$ the baife tribe biertnen. fcepc their ri=

of^anaffes, 9 3lnb tbe cbilbjen of Bubcn, tbe cljttt»?c tlC0 nnDpof:

3mb fapb bnto tbcm: ofd5ab,f tbe baife tribe of ^auaOcs ISum.ji.n.
i.Keg. 3 o.f.

*#ebauc Kept all that retumeb , anb beparteb from tbe cbfc
3popfes tljcfcruaut of tyenof3Jfraeloutof3>ilo , lbbicb isin
tbe ILojb °° coinaunbeb pou , anb bauc tlje lanbe of Cbanaan, to go bnto tlje

to obepeb mp bopec in all ttwt3f comaun* countrcp of d5ileao,to tbe lanbe of tbeir
aeDpou. poflcfJion, ibfticb tbep bab obtapneb,

3 vc bane not pour b?etft?en of a

lefte aecojbing to tljeibojb of the Ho?bcbp
loncj fcaCon bnto tins bap . but baue tljebanbof^opfes,
urpt tbe commaunbement of tbe % cm io 3lnb tbben tljep came bnto tDc bobbers
pour<£>ob. of 3Jo?bane tbat are in tfyt lanb of CDfc
4 2inD notb tbat the fLojbe ftatfl gtucn naan , tbere the tbilbjcn of 3Kuben , the
reft bnto pour bjetftjenashe p?omifcb cbtlbjenof «i5ab , anbtbeljalfe tribe of
tljem : tberfoje returne pe , anb go bnto &9anau*es buplt co tbere an auiter bp cOCWutoMi
pour tcntes,anb bnto tbe lanbe of pour 3 o?bane, f tbat a great auiter to fee to, Bane : Jfof
foracrpiuc (Ijt

poflcfiion , lbbicb fiI9opfcs tbe feruaunt ii naben tbe cl)ilb?cn of 3lfrael bcarbc bibotccBun?
oftbe3Lotf>*gauepouontheotberubc lapc , bebolbe tbe cljilb^en of Hubcn, tvtta of Jo%i
3Jo?bane. the cbilbjen of <25ab , anb tbe baife tribe bp^haruon.

5 25utinanpibpfefaHebfltgentbeebe,to of^aiuifres,haue buplt anaulterinp

do p commaunbement? co laibe tbljecli forefront of tbe lanbe ofCbanaan in tbe
Hh, 8
^opfes tbe feruaunt of tbe rio^b cbar* bobbers of 3lo?bane , attbepaflageof
bt gcb pou: *tbatpeioucthc Hojbe pour
M tbccbilb^enof3ffracl:

dso& , anb ibaibe in all bis Vbapes , anb u oahen tbe cbiibjcn of3Jfraci bearbe of c
Hi ftepcbis commaunbcments,anb cleaue
m it,tbeibbole congregation of tbe cj)fc
bntobim,anbferue Ijim tbitbail pour b?cii of 3jfrael garbcreb tbcm togetber
bcartes, anb all pour fouies. CB)
at 3>rto,to mabe battcll againtt tbem.
Jtabfo 3lofuab ^bleflebtbem, $ fent 13 3mb tbe cbiib?en of 3Jfrael fent bnto (J) (SoBfl
ti)cm albap j 3mb tljep lbent t\)c cbflbjen of aauben , anb to tlje cbil*
bnto time fo to to, rt)oac
in rentes* bzenof d5ab , anb to tbe baife tribe of the ot.irrlr
frniDi'S lhq>
^nto tbe one Ijaifc of tbe tribe of #a* ^anaOcsinto tlje labe of <2&leab , ^Iji* 1)00, pf thep
arte founoc
15 naues^opfesgaue poflciTion in 25a* neljes tbe fonne of eitmt tyc pteQ, to fall nw&t
gn: jbnto tbe otber baife from true res

m , among
tbereof gauc
tljcir bjctbjcn
3fo#ane tbcfhbarbcanb SJofuab
14 31nb ibitb bun ten lojbes , of eucrp
cbcefc noure a lo?bc , tl^ougbout an tbe

tribes of Jfrael , ibbicb lberc beabes

292 1 aU) apaifobnto

tbcirtcntcs, of tbeir fatbcrsboufljoibcsamong tbe
"0? mJtL
-J«bfapbe bntotbem Beturnetbitft
: 15 ^nb tbep lbent bnto U)t cljiltyen of tuit.
««ttb ritbes bnto pour
a sccat
tentes,anb vbitfi Buben, anb to tbe chiKucn of €?ao, anb
muitttube of cattcii, lbitb fpiucr to tbe cbiib^en of tlje baife tribe of J^a--
wugoiDc, rbitbbjaOe, anb iron,anb nafTcs , bnto tlje lanbe of (25ileab , anb
T^nhenandCjad Iofuah.
tncy fpalte nntlj tbcm,faying: i6 Xberfo^eujefaibe^eiyli^r^
i6 Xbusfaytljc a>boie congregation of anautter,notfo?burntoffering jn
2E> tbe Hojbe: Ibbat tranrgrclftonistljis,
o' §
rbat ye baue tranfgrcflcb agaynft tbe 17 25utfo?a *tt)itncffe bettbeene bsa«h
<Sob of 3Jfracl , to turnc attwy tbis Da?
from tbe ?lo?b, in tfjat ye baue buylbcb
ibe ftjoulb feme tlje JLom voith ouffi
von an aulter
fo? to rebell tljis Da? a* fcrynges, facrifices, $ peace m&mZ $
i 7 3Jstbe * lDiCRebbcebe of $tm tolitie m
notfay to ours tyme to come^ebaue Z&*
fo? bs,*bberof roe arc not yet^elcanfeb nt,rt in fhf> n.tnt»
tin Co) partintbefLo?bc.
^ Jm
iSI ttlflam,'

<r0 Vhc re» "•mi

Unto tins Day, anb there roas a plague 18 Xbcrfo^e faybe ibe,tl)atyftbepa)ouitj
pr.ich 01 that

« sS
\)B frci.tliougl)
in tlje congregation of the Ho?bc<
is p c alfo arc turneb aroay tbis Day from
fo fay to bso? to one QtmSZ Si
tyme to come:tbat lbe Vboibe fay attain

after pumfb=
tneni by ocatb,
of i +. tlnu=
tljc?Lo?bc: anbfeyng ye rebell tobaye of tbe aulter of
2isel)oib tlje faffton 5

f.iriD J?o»S againft tlje Ho?De, it U)yll come to pafle flo?b tbbitft our fathers mabe, neither
S»!i feas
p,1i:flcD. tljat to mo?oibc be u)albero?otljlbtt1j fo? burnt offringesno? facriftces,butfo2 -»•«
all the congregation of JfracL a ibimeffe bettbeene bs anb yon. XIfi
19 iftotroitljftanbyng, yfye tbynnc tnat 19 d5oD fo?byb rtjat lbe U^oulb rebell a- V * Win
CO 3 swans
two tlic Irhc the lanbe of your poflcflton is (,) bn* gaynft tlje ?Lo.2b , $ turne tbis bay from
of the Hotsc,
BBO 1)10 .lUltCC tlcane, then come ouer bnto the lanbe after Ijym, anb buyibe any otber aulter
of tbepofleflton of tbe !Lo?be, tbljcrcm fo? burnt offringes, oblations, oifacrt:

(fe) Co bre
tlje ?Lo?Des tabernacle broclletl), ano ficcs , faue rrjc aulter of tbe %omout
on? other fcrs taUe pofleffton among bs : 25ut (V°rebcll C5ob tbat is before bis tabernacle.
aicc then <Eoo
nlistDCtlj.iaro not againft tlje !Lo?be,no? rebcll againft 30 3lnD rbljen ^binebes tbe p?ieft,ano
tcbcll r.g.ipnU
<S5oD. i.^ara. bs, to buylbc you any ortjer aulter,faue rbe lo?bes of tbe congregations rjeaDes
tljc aultcr of the ?Lo?dc our d5ob. ouer tlje tboufanbes of 33frael iDljitb
zo *^>yD not acljan tbe fonne of zareflj ibere tbitb Dim ,hearbe tbefe Xbom
trefpafle grecuouflie in tlje atcurfeb tl)at tbe cfttlbjen of ftubcn.anb tbe cbil*
e tljyng,ano ro?atb fell on all ttje congre* b?en of 0ab , anb tlje tbilbjtn of £0a-
nation of 31frael< anb this man alone nafrcsfpaBe,tbeyM)ercibcil content.
ft 3Dia;itiff-» ( ,pf
^pcrifl)eDnotmljfs roicuebnes. 31 3lnD ^binebes tlje fonne of €lea5ar 6
luftcrrt) u Xljcn tbe cljylb?cn of ftuben, anb rtje tbe p?ieftfayb bnto tbe rt)ilb?en of &#
mans fault, cbylDzcnofcsab, anb tbe Ijaife tribe of ben , anb to tbe cbfltyen of d5ab , anb to
foi the fault of
manp all foulD
£0anaflcsaunlroeteD, anb faybe bnto tlje ebilbjenof #anafles : Xbis ba? <• im
the beabes ouer tlje tfjoulimbcs of Jfc rbe perceaue tljat tbe %0}H is ^anions Sm
rael: bs, betaufeyebaue not bone tbis tret
2i Xljc %mt <5ob of gobs, ?Lo?be
tfje paffc agaynft tlje Ho?be: fiovo ye bane
(SiobolgobSKnotbctl), anb alfo Jfracl w
rybbctbecljiib?enofJfrael outoftIje(2^B*
(ball bnoroe , yf it be to rebell o? to banooftljeJLo?be. ;sr
tranfgreffe againft tlje 3Lo?be, rtjen 31 3nb ^bineljes tbe fonne of €lea5ar hm
rtjou3Lo?bcfaucbsnottbiSDay. tbe p?ieft , ibtrtj flje lo?bes , rctnrneD Jww
« iDt els yf tt)c baue buylt bs an aulter from tbe cb«b?en of Knbcn , anb from
toturnefromfolotbyng ILo?be, o?
tlje t\^t ebUbjen of ®ab, out of rtje lanbeof
to offer tljcron burnt offcryng o; nteate <!5ileab, bnto tbe lanbc of Chanaan, to
offcryng, o; to offer peace offerynges tb«"
, f b?ougbt
tlje ebilbjen of 3irrael

tJ)cron,lct v %ml)im felfe ^^require it* tbistbo?beagayne. ,
let linn
bo, * rcucngc
14 anb yf ibe bane notratber bone it fo? 3? ^nb tbe faying pieafcb tlje cbilb?en
M. fearc of tljts tljyng, faying, 3Jn tyme to 3Jfracl, anb tbey bleffeb C5oo , ano Dyb
come your cljyibjcn mygbt fay bnto not entenbe to go agaynft lbe* in battel!,
ours nabat banc you to bo ttntb tlje
: anb to beftroy tlje lanee rbljicij t§t tty\f
Ho?be<!5obof3rracU b?en of ftuben ano 0ab bibelt m.
15 %\j,t Ho?be batlj mabe 5o?banc a 34 ^nb tlje cbilbjen of Kuben anb tne

bo?bcr bctlbccne bs anb you ye rt)ilb?en djilb?enof<!5ab,calicbtljeaulter[^f«

of Hubcn anb of Gnu , ye banc no part itu)aibeatbitnesbctu)cenebs,tljattbe
tbcrfojc in tlje fLo^tbe: anb fo fljail your fLo;beis<!5ob. _-
cbiib?cn make our dnitycn w teaffe Tht

fobs exhortation.
ges. XVI 1.

The. xxiii. Chapter.

2 3ofual) ertwtetl)t&e people, t&ac tfccp iopnenot tljem felueg to


tftp ^«m * P
7 ceattficpnamettottf>einDole0. i4®&ep;omifetft^p{earc©oD f

long feafon after that ?5o^
cnabIeto * mt btfo;t ?ou ^
tDe ?Lo?be hab geuen
rellbnto 31fracl fcotn ^iCSfcSE
ranb: fo;tf)c Sf
wnOwHcftarea thou* ua
al their enemies rounb
U [)C
» Dcxxxud
P^ttllfcD poll.

about ,

2nb 3Jofuah calicb fo? all 3ffracl, anb

3Jomah ir

rcHof thefe
S° bar& ^nbcleauet)ntotl)e
tmto pour
tbat tannine umi)
fry their elbers, their hcabes , thci r too* pou,tj than mane manages tbith them
ges,anb orTiccrs,anb fapb bnto thcm:3J ano goinbntothen^anbtheptopoV
am oioe anb HcicBen in age, U Bepefurethat the ILo?Depour <sob
Stnbpe haue fcene all that the Hojbe tbtllno mo?e tall out all
theft nations
pour d5oD hath Done tmto all thefe nati*
w ftoinbcfo;epou:*buttljepa)albefnaresExo. 3cx ii i.g
r?cB ons befo?epon, hotbthe tobepour anb trappes bnto pou , anb um
feourges K »-s
(Sod bun fclf bath foughtfiwpou. c
in pour f.bes
9 thomes in^pour cpes , 5*T
4 26eI)oiDc,3T haue beuibeb bnto pou bp
lottbefe nations thatrctnapne,to be an SSKFf eftomof nittBWD ianb ax
mneritaunce foj pour tribes , euen front uenpou. rotticuufcof
rout acilruc-i
JJotfiane, tbithailthc nations that'll 14.3tnj bcho!D,thisbapoo5 "enter into tion.

pane bcllcopcb , euen bnto the great fca thetbapof aiithctbojio,anopeimoibe

tbelltbarb. "' a P°"^cartesanbinalpourfouies,
cojo'.ngto ttji

nirii 5 ano the 2Lojbe pour <25ob fbau^erpcl that notljpng tjatlj fapleb of all the
courfc at tuu
them before pou, $ call them ftxm out gooo thinges tbhiche the ?Lo?oe pour lolu.xxi.d.

of pour ftght,anb pe (ball conquer their u»op pjomtfco pou , but all are come
ianbe,as tf>c ?Lo?b pour (Sou ijatlj fapo paue bnto pou,ano nothing hath fapleb
bnto pou.

rage, that petaachceoc
is ityittcn in
anb bo all that
the boose of the latbe of
bpon pou, tbhichc the |Lo?bepour <5ob

-^opfes^thatpebotbcnotartOe there*
pjomifeb pou :
bpon pou
fo Ojail the %om Dim
ail eupii, bntili \)t haue be*
8 from to the right hanbe o? to tlteleft.
flcopebpou fro of thisgooblanb tbhich
7 iBcitljcrcompanp ibtth tljefe nations the from pour d5ob ijatlj getfen pou.
tbat ts tuith „, m .
them tljat arc left unth is inaheupehaue "tranfgrelTcbtheap^ $ZX
Vou,neitl)crmaHe*mcntionofthcnamc pomrmet oftljclLo^pour^obiuhtcb ST^SS
Act oftper gobs , no* w
caufc to ftbeare bp hccommaunbebpou,anb haue gone? Sf,fc.Sf
tijcm neither feme them rcrucbflrauitgegobbes, fbotbebpour **""•
, no? botbc
poutfciucsbntothcm. femes to them :tljcnu)allthetb?athof
8 But ftitUe fall bnto the Hojbe pour
^JJMs vehaue bone bnto tljisbap. fliall pcrilhe quitUlie from of the goob €
s>ofl)aii thcHo?b caa out
before pou ianoe tbhich he Dath gcuenpou.
fitcatnationsanbmigljtie, as no man

Thcxxiiii. Qjapter.
m m
tet tewBtt*- '4^»o
Kf cvfto.itetfj people
P to feare Wb.
^or"a&D,e rt,. r-W bone,

iBb IJofual) gatbercb felues^ before ©ob.

a; $*?y
aiip tribes of 3lfrael 3lnb 3/oftiahfapbe bnto ai the people, sj*-***
to^>icl)cm,anbtaiieb Xhus (aprt) tlte Ho?be ©ob of Jfraei: *«w *.
fonijeclbersof^jfra' Pour fathers btbelt on the other fibe of Su^L
eUtjfo^tljeirljeabes, the (c) flubbeinolbe time , cuenXhare ©up^. w
tubges , anb officers the father of 3MJam
anbofiI5atljo?, JSSS
$ thep p?efenteb them anb ferueb Oraungegobbes.
C i ^tib
: : .

Jo/iub cxhortetb Iofuah.

3utb 3 tofte pour father 3b;tat)am on tbc otber fiDeoffflw^T
tljers ferucb
from tbc otber fine of tl)e flubbc , anb anb m €gppt,anb feme pe t jje ioaje
b20ugbtbimtb;ougb,outalltbclanbeof 15 anbpfitfccmccuplibntopouto
CDanaan, anb multiplicbl)isfeebe, anu the fU»bc,t!)cu eljofe pou tbis bap nXs
'gaucbimjlfabac, pou mtlferue,U)hert)etp^obbcs Wch

4 3mo 31* saue bnto gjfafjaclfaeob ano
efau , anbJJ gauc bnto cfau mount
pour fatljcrsferueb (tbat rbcte on
otber ftbc ofttje flubbe ) either p gooncs
Gen.xlvi.Ii. &cit,topoflcfle it: But * 3Jacobanb of tbc 3lmo2ites,in tbbofe lanb pc bum-
Exo.iii.c. bis ebilb2enibcntbotbne into egppf. as foj me anb mp t)oufe, c
«rbe umferue
< anb aaton , anb
*3J fent ©opfes alfo tbe&ojbe.

ix.x.&xmi 3Tpiaguebegppt,anbibben Ijab fo 3 16 Xbe people aunftbeteb anb fapb:<&ob 1ft Wo,
boneamong ttjcni fo?bpb,tbat ibe fyoulb fotfafte tijeHojb B» ftom

Exo.xii.f. 6 3Jnb 3
bjougtjtpour fatijers out of anb feme ftraungc gobbes.
egppt : anb as ttjep came bnto the fea , , 7 5F02 tbe %om out 00b , f)e ft is ttjat
iwnnt to

tbc cgpptians foloibeo after pour & b?ougl)tbs 9 our fathers out of tbc lano Ij™.

tt)erstt>itn c&atettesanb iwfmen bn- of Cgppt, $ from tbe Doufe of bonbaae

to tbc reb fea. anbJbfiicljcbibtbofe great miracles in
Exo. xiiii.c. *3lnb tbhen tftcp erpcb bnto tfje Ho?b, ourfigbt,anbp?cferucbbsinaitl)ett)ap
25 tbc ILojb put barcfeneffe bettbeene pou tljat ibe ibent,anb among ai tlje people

anb tbe £gpptians,anb bjougbt tl;e fea Myitl) ibe came tljo?oibc.
bpontbcm,? cottercb tbcm, anb pour 18 sinbtbcfLojb ^
wft outbefo?ebsali
cpesbauefeenc what 3 baue bone to tlje people, euen the amojitcs ibbitlje

t^c Egyptians : anb ye btbelt in thee bibcit in tlje lanbeanb tberfo?e U)ti ibe
CW<Eum lbiiDerneffe ""along feafon. alfo fcruc tbe ?Lo:b,fo? f)e is^'our ©ob. rbicfiamvr
fo:tic i>ctc«.
Num.xxi.d S anb*3f bjougbtpou into tfttianbeof 19 ^nb 3Jofual) fapbe bnto tbe people, Ttluti boura

tbc 3into2itcs>\bbicb Mbelt oh tbe otber Pt 0) can not ferue tbe Ho?b:fo? Ije is an to fcruc.

fpbc gjo?bane : Slnbtbcp fougbt Voitl) d5ob,anb a ielous C5ob,anb cannot
Ijolp caftBan

pou,anb 3 gauettjem into pourbanbe, bcare pour minuite anb fmnc.
tbat pemigbt conquer tbeir countrep, ao pf pc fojfane tbe ?Lo?bc anb fctue

anb 3 beftroicb ttjem from out of pout ftraungegobbes,*be ttrtUturneanb bo

fight. pou euill , anb confume pou , after tljat
Nu. xxii. a.
Deu. xxm.a
9 *XbenBalaa tbefonneof zipljoj Ije bath bone pougoob.

King of £^oab,arofe $lbarreb againft ii ^nb people fapbe bnto 3lofual): a)

gjfracuhb fent anb caileb Balaam tljc i!5ap, but ibe tbillferue tbe 1Lo?bc
fonne of Beoj fo? to turfe pou ri 3lnb 3fofua!) fapbe bnto the people: h3nW
10 But3 lboulbe not ficarften bnto Ba* ^eare ibitnciTes cb) againft pour femes, $%*

laam , $ tbctfojc be ratljcr blefTcb you
anb fo 3 beluierebpou out of Ins banb.
3tnb pe Jbcnt oucr 3Jo?bane, anb came
tbatpebauc tbofen pou tbe %o;tc to j*w.-
fcrue bim.3lnb tl)ep fapbe : ibe are
ibit- m
to tljf WW
bnto 3lcrict)o:anb tbc w men of 3icric|)o

23 Xbenputawap[fapbe^] tlje^^auge (iwtirtii"
fougijt againft pou,ttjc ^mo?ites, ^>lje< gobbes Vbljicljc arc among pou, f boiuc an """Z.
tljcir atic*. re5ites,Cbanaanites,i^etl)ites,<©ergei pour bcartes bnto |Lo;be C5ob ot
fitcs,$euitcs, anb 3cbufites
ucrebtbemintovout banbe.
, $ 3 bcb> 31frael.
24 %ty people fapbe bnto JofuabiXbe
^ tKBI* s,rt

Dcu. ViLf.
II ^nb 3 fent * b<Wtes before pou, Ho^beour C5ob mill rbcTcrue,anbl)is
rbbtcbe caftc tljem out of pout ftgbt, bopcetbillmcobep. , u

euentbetibo hinges of tbe Simojites: 15 3lnb fo 3Jcfuab mabe a coucnant
but not Vbitb vont oibncftbo?bc )o?U)irt) tljc people tbc fame bap,anb fct an
pouroibneboibe. nauncc f laibc before tbem in -S)f cnein
13 3lnb 3 iwue geuen pou a lanbe in 16 3lnb 3Jofual) ib?otc tbcfe ibo^bcs
rbbicb pc Dyb no labour , $ cities tbljictj tl)eboone of tljeiatbc of C5ob : anb
ve buplt not,^ rbrjicb pe broellin : bine* agreatftone, anb pitcbebtt on cnbciu
c parbes alfo anb olpue trees ibljidjepe tbc fapbe place , cucn bnber an obc tw
ttuc Mc of planteb not, anb lbbcreof pe bo eate. lbas in tbe fanttuaric of tbe Ho?oe. :'-'

titci.tolcarnc H co
iI5oTbetbcrfo?e fearetl)e!Lo?be > anb 27 ^nb Uofuab fapbe bnto al tbc peop
c -

thztb? to feruebiminperfectneu*eanbtruetb,anb BeUoi&isaonen)albcaTbmicffcb^ r

tl WOP^
tort ( fcrnt
tym. putatbap ttje gobbes rbl)ic|je pour fa* to bs,fo?
Cra; th^f h Ijearoc
it jjatij hparlic al tbc 5 1
ofroefUjbetbhitbeheipaRe ibith bs, tpt elbers that ouer hnieb
iofuah, anb

fyaibe therfoje a ibttneflebntopou,
veoenic pour «5ob.
ahiebehab imottmeatt the
Ho?oetl)athehaD bonefo? ffraei!

»8 3fob fo 3lofuab tb e people Depart,

let 3i j4no the* bones of3Jofeph
mute the Iofo ^ li

euerpman Ditto t)is tnheritaunte.

thmges it tame to
d«o 3Hraei toouWon tSFSSm

i9 anb after thefe burteo tbep to &tchein, tna

parteu of
Jofuab ttje fonnc of M\xn y
pafle , that pttnb Jbbtche 3facob bonsbt of the
[he feraaunt of the %ow
Dteb,bcing an fonnesof $emojthe father of
btmweth anb ten yeres olb. foanhunbjeth peecesof fiuier, anoi
to 3lnti the? tmrpeb htmtothecountrep borametheinfterftaitoce of the thtto^cti
£>eraj) , uilnrhc ism mount epmauu, 33 3Jnb eieajat the forate ofSaron bfeb
on the nojthftbe of the htu of <5aas» ibhomtijepburieb toabffltftatpertayw
« 3lno3Hrael ferueb the 1Lojbe ail the neb to ^Ijtoebesbtt fonne , tt)hteh[trfui
capes of ^oftrnlj, ano all the oaves of ibasflenen i)tot tomountcphjaun.

^Thcendeof the booke of Iofuah whom the
Hebrues call lehofuah.
. . 8

hid. i. Iud cs.


f^The booke of Iudges , called in the

Hebrue Soplkim,andin Latinfudicum.

^"The fyrft Chapter.

1 3Cftcr lotuabtoastocao, gitttia toasi conffttute eaptarw. afoonfoesefife tafien.

14 ©tje reqorft of 3 ctifar}. 16 Cfte c^tUijten of Sum. 19 fcfte Cftanaanrtw arc maoc

trtbutarie&but not oeBropco

iFter tlje beat!) of flue &cfat , ^Ijintan , anb Xljaimai,
^ofualMtcamcto ii 3lnb front tljence tijep lDcnt to the in*
jpa{rc,tftatthcclnl* Dabitauntes of2Dabir , UJljofenamcin
pro t*c
bzeofgjftaci^afc bloc ttntcnmscallcb Biriatijfcpbcr.


fLojb,fap* n anb Caleb fapb: * l^e tl)at fmttctt) m lofujtvt.

t;rcij, g.itnol
too.t.iicn in ing:lbnofhallgo riatl)fepl)cr,anb taltctl) it,to tym m\J
ban!) nutlwut
bp foi us againtt gcue acbfalj mp bangl)ter to ibpfc,
fttft innota=
tbeClianaamtes, 13 anb d>t ftonicl tlje fonnc of itf ;ncs €Sf
to figbt We
a- lcbsvotingcrb20ti)er tofecit: toibbont
Ijc ganc aclifal) l)is baughtcr to fljyft,
againft tnem?
, ano tlje HojDc fapbe 3Jut»a fyall go 14. naljen (l)e tame to l)im,U)C r^unfe^tt)
top: bchoibc, 3J ijaue nciutc rcD tljclanb IjinttoafRCofljcr fatljcra f,elbe: 3intJ i{4

mtoUisljanbcs. tben ft)c CB iigiitcts of Ijcr affr; ,anb Caleb

, anb 3Juba fapbe bnto Simeon ijts fapbcbntol)cr,t©»)atiibilt t&ou<
bcrtuiancc °°bjottjer : Conic bp ibit& mt mp lot, m 15 5>he aunftbercb bnto l)iut,(Rucntea
in .is ii^ttrcB
among roc
3 uba
tljat idc mar figljt agatnft rtie Cijanaa* blcffjng:fo? tljou i)aa gcu me a fctitl> m
tr.ut of
«ic;Ding to nitcs>anb 3 liftctbyfc Usui go tbttl) tt)te Vbarb lanb,gcuc me alfo f p«nges of wa-
Jacobs pfo=
poetic . <jl.cne. into tl)y ^lot . anb fo dtnieon ment ter . anb Caleb gauc ljc» ; fp;ingcs,!50tl)
+9 b.
(C J-S if II lbitljl)tm. OllCOtlfc!

were one of
tours ot tbe
anb 3Juoa Vbcnt bp,anb tlje
liucrct) tlie
anb $\)tttw
be* i6 anb tlje chilb?f; of tht ( E) Benite QBop [«
fesfatl)criniaibc,«>'en rbpoutoftben- tittttlli


c uiic to tbee tcs intottjeir Ijanbes : anb tficp Hue tie ofpaulmc trees ibt tntliecbflbjenof DCU.J+*
uv lot
of tnern tn 25C3C6 ten ttjoufanbe men. 3?uba, into the UMbctfitcfle ofSJutia,
t\)i\t lictl) iu tl)c foutl) of arao, anb tjjcp
5 anb tljcp fount) abombesclt in 25c$eR:
&nb tlje? fougftt againft hint , anc flue ibent anb bibclt among \ %t people.
tlje Cijanaanitcs anb 0tjcr elites. 17 anb 3Jusa ibent uiitl i Simeon !j&

* 25ut abonibe5eK flcb , anb tl)ev folo- bjotl)cr,anb tljepfluctl) eCljanaamtts

9 33 bcrtr=
UCB 0t)tl3. To
ibeb after ljpm,caugl)t tjpm , anb cut w tliatinliabitcb rcpftatl), anbbttertvDC'

h? t&OHB HID i
guiunt is
of liis tnombes anb fits great toes.
ftrovcb it ,
* anb tallcb
% t name of tpe (hit*
7 anb abombCBCK fapbe, Xl^eefcoje
K'iucj bun citic^onna. »niM
anb ten Binges ijauing tl)eir tljombcs 1 anb alfo Jfnba toU n " l55afi ttitl) tl)f
9 great toes tut of,gatljcrcb ttjeir tneate toaacstl)crof,ff afualcn ibitl) p ccaftcs hiiiikh-;

Le. xxiiii.c
bnber tup tabic : * as ftauc bone , fo 3 tDcrof , anbauaron B ntlj tlje toaflt^

<©ob ijatlj bone to me agapne. anb ttjcp Wf.

tl .

b?ougl)tl)uuto^ictufalcni, anb tljerc 19 anbthdBLo^bctbasnjttljU^ 3 '^

Ijebicb. Ijcconqucreb ti)c mount. Uncs:bur
01 u>
(Xnc tl)ilb.2c of 3uba ljab w fcugljta<
wii unlit i>rt= not tyyue out tDcinljabt tauntcs
t(nrti:.ia 8 cljarcttcsw
bout 41 • 9- gainft $imtfaitm,ant> l)ab tahcnit,anb tjaiicvcs,becau(ciDcvl)a b
bub Ins tunc, loM
tin u> litre finittcn it ruitlj tl)c cbge of tlje fuwo, 9
fct tlje citic on fire.) 20 anbtl)cvganc^cb?onbntoCal c ft,S

oi ttf ~c=

the cbtlbjcnof 'Jubaibcnt ^opfes fapbc : anb fje en wlltD

®tm D
9 aftecibarb
coUbne to ftolitagainft tbc CDanaanitcs tijet&eefonnescfanaB. .„,10t ,

ti mi btbclt in t he jiiountavnc 9 tolbarbe it anbtljccDtib?cnof26cniaimtn^^

ttjc fourt),f in tlielottic countrev. cattout tlje3l^ufitcs ftft'SSS
10 ^ub 3lu^a tbent againtt tlje Cfianaa* ^icruralcm :but tlje 3J«wfi*?JJS
nitc s tljat b\bclt tn febion , tbtjitlK be* ibitfttoc cljiibjcn of isetuanut »«

foretime Jbas tallcb l&triatl) 3irba , 9 rufaicmbntotljisba^ ^

. «'•« -

Judges. XIX.
-r^^rtTimc mancr thev that tt>ere of €>a5er among tljem.
lionfcof Hofcpl) mm topto*26c= so® m n D ?D Zabulon ) erpell the in*.'
Home ms
hd mm the them.
\btth habitours Bctton of neither toe inba* '

out bttours of iBahaiol: but the Chanaanfc;

« Stlic Doufc of Uofcp!) fearchcb
tailed tcs bttielt among tbem,aub bctamc rev

^laib the foyes fanje a man come ^either bib Met cart out the tnhabt > \
out of 31

flic citic , f the?

foyb bnto him: £>hett>e
Mibcpjay thee the ttay into theeitie,
*anDftcMlfl)C*bcthce mercy.
fbctbeb tbcm
tours of acbo, neither the inhabitours
of ztbon,anb of 3baiab , 3tatb , s feel*
y. 26ut the aferites bibelt among the'
w I

,< anb lbben he hab

the Chanaanites the inhabitours oftlje!
nmv into ti)c eitie,thcy fmote it

rtgcofthcfttwbe: butietthcman anb lanue : foz they byb not b2yue them out,
aiinisboufhoiocgofrce. 33 Neither Hyn $ephthalun b2yue out
tljelanb of the the inhabitours ofasctbfames , no? the!
,6 ano tlic manibcntinto
caileb the inhabitours of 25ethanath : but bibelt*
fccfliitcs,anb buylt a eitie,anb
namctl)crof?Lu5: ibhtchets the name amongeft the Chanaanites the mbabfc'
flictofbnto thiSDay.
tours of the lanbe . iftcucrthclette , the',
i7 Neither WD
^anafrescrpelliscth * mhabitours of ssethfames anb of 2Se* *
yet iuuhks , Xhanach
icaniutll) bertoifones,
Tcanibitb ^y""'»y v w»
ibith thanath uuoua tributaries
*,,»>">i«i became luuuuuus yum them.
bnto iijcili. \(

her toibnes , the inhabitours

of 3>02 34 3lnb the 3lmo2itcs bjone the chtibicn «
.:.. toumes <.
, the
inh^hifrmrrc of
M tt..*<.« t\%r inhabitours nr of tT»,in into <-hr- ihmmmoh.
nr 3>an -..,* r.,cc».,
intothe mountapne, anb ruffe* ^JiLf
ibith her
qjcbiaam tbith her toibneS, neither the teb them not to come boibnc to the!
mbabitoursof^agsbbonnthhcttoib* fcallep.

ncs:but the Chanaanites there bolbe to 35 ^nb the 3fmo# cs tbcre content to « jf
Wbclltn the lanbe. bihcll m mount feeres in ^ialon, ano in \

^ asutitcamcto paffe, thatauoone as daiabim : ^nb

the hanbe of^ofeph'
gjfraeiibas ibarcb mightie , they put p?cuaplcb , fo that the? became tribute *

the Chanaanites to tribute , anberpel* ucs.

leb them not \bholly. 36 anb the eoatt of the Almontes tbas*
i9 *<3nlyftemancr w £ph?aim cjepclleb fromthegovngbpto ^crabim, f fromt^'m"
not the Chanaanites that bibeltin <B& the rocUebptbarbe. * lali.tohict) fia<:
Bilittl) a roch.
5tr: but the Chanaanites btbelt ttiilm

The. ij.£bapter.

?cftc fnsel tebufiefl&tfje people, becaufe t^ep bao ntaDe peace toi'eb trie €bmm*
nttejs. 11 ®he 'Jtraelitesi fcl to toolatrte after aofuafts Deati). 14 cftep are Deltuereo
into tlic enemies banDes. 16 (Bod Dtltueretij t&cm bp ^uDges. 22 asbp ©00 CuffreD

iDolatcrsi to remarnc among tbem

* 1 j!5bthe angelof ttje you,ano their gobbesu^aibeafnaretms
ILojbc came bp front to you.

d5ilgalto26ocl)im,anb 4 ^nbihhentheangeloftheHo2bfpabe
la. fai?be:3lmabepouto n»o:besbnto all the chilbien of 3»fc
{It,! gooutofegipt,$haue rael,the people crpcb out anb ihept:
brought von bnto the 5 3lnb caileb the name of the fayb place

lanocrbhichcjfibare 26ochun, ^offereb facrtficcs bnto the

bnto pour fathcrsanb
J favbe,3l Uiill Home.
b«auc mpne appoyntment that
«cucr 6 ^nbibhc ^Jofuah^hab fent the people fiuilj.i+.S-

3mabe\bithvou. aibav,thethilb2cnof3jrraelU)cntcucrp
3inb*ve alfo fbau mauc no coucnaunt man into his inhcritaunee to poflciTe
with the inhabitours of th<sianbe,*but the lanbe. 25
uwii toeahe boibne their aulters
: i5e* 7 *3lnb thepcoplc feweb tlje ?Lo2be all lcxxiiii. £.
Mcrthcicffcye hauc not hcarncneb
W bovcc:ibhy hauc re this bone*
bnto the bapes of gjofuah , 9 all the bapes of
the elbcrs that outiyucb 3lofnah, 9 hab
^uu 5
3 hauclpHrtbyfc betermi^ feene al the great \b02Ucs of the |Lo2be
t cb,tl)at
3 Ml not wft them out bcf02e thathcbpbfo2gjrracl.
vou: but tbepChaibe'as
tho?nes bnto 8 3lnb3lofnai) t&efonne ofii5un,thcr?r*
C 3 VLMllt
The finite Iud es.

uaunt of the Ho;oc*bteb, ibhcnhe ibas hearken bnto their iubges HmtlanvT
an !iunb;etb .hid ten ycrcs olbe tbent a ihbonng after ftraunge gobbS
9 nabom they buricb in tl)c coaftes of his anb botbeb them femes bnto tbem am
W £>} ©crab nil)cntaunte["«cn] tn Xhhunatb (0 $e* turneb CB) tiuitHlpoutoftbeibav,n)nIh!
Tkn+.g *.
funnc fehoft
resin mount eph;aim,ontl)e no;thfibe tbeirfatljerstbalftebin } obepingtbct&
iinicjctoasfct ofrtjcJjiloaas. maunbementes of rt)c ?lo;be :25m tCx> nipt„,, .

byb not fo. yp :

grant fc:
mc:iio:>' that
a 10 anb cucn fo all that generation there k;t

the umii: lluDc put bnto their fathers: anb there arofe 18 ^nb tbben the !Lo;be tayfeb tbem bn t»fr*
as jj-.o com -
nuunOi incut. another generation after them, tbbirf) iubges,be tbastbitb rt)eiubge,anbb£ Hoi

neither mtctbe tbe!Lo;bc, no? yet the liuercb them out of the hanbes of tfieir
tbojUestbhiehehebabboncfo^frael. enemies all the bayes of the iubgeirfo?
1 anb tl)en the chilb;en of 3lfrael opD the 2Lo;bhabcompafrionoucr their to-
tbicftebly in the fight ofitje Ho;bc , anb rotbinges, tbbiche they hab bp the rea^
maiict of
(D1 fon of them tljat opp;cu"cb them 3 bcrco

iz anb fotfofec tl)c ?Lo;b (J50U of their fa* them :)

tl)ers, tbhicbe b;ougbttbcm out of toe 19 Petfo;authat,*au"ooneastheiubae

lanbe of <£gypt , ano folotbcb ftraunge ibas bcab,they returneb,anb tyb tbotfe
gobbes, eucnoftbc gobbes of thenati* thentheicfathers,mfolott)ingftraunBe
ons that there rounoe about them , anb gobbes,toferuetbem$tbo;fbip them*
botbeb them feluesbnto them , anb an* anb tcafTcb not from their ottme inue^
grcbtljeflojbc: tions,no? from their nialttious rbap.

13 Xbcy fo;foRe the !Lo;be , anb fcrueb 20 anb theibjatb of theHojbe ibasmo*
tt'JWMtt 26aaianb aftharoth. w ueb agatnft3Ifrael , anb he faybe : 25c*
nhich hao trje
Coiirmc of
fliccpe among
14 anb tbe tb;atb oftl)e tharcb hot %m caufe this peopleljath trafgreffeb mpne
agaynftlifracl, anb be beliuereb tbem appovntmenttbhiehe3l commaunoeo
c into the banbes of rauencrs , that fpoy* their fathers , anb hauenot heatUcncb
leo them, * * folbe tbem into tt)t hanbes bntompbopec:
of their cneniies rounbe about tl)cm , fo 21 3 not taft out befoje
tbili bentcfootfh 3D

that they bab no pother any longer to them one man of the nations Mjicbc
(lanbe befo;e their enemies. Sofuab left ibhcn he nvtm

»5 26nt tDhytherfocuer t
co hanbofthe3Lo;btt)asfo;eagatntt
xnmt out, 22 Xhat through them 3
3b;ael, rbhethcrthcpibilbepetherDap

them, euenas fl)e %W
p?omifcb tbem, oftheHo?be,anb«)albethcrinas then:
moue on

anb as be ftbare bnto them: anb he pu* fathers bpb,o? not.

nifbcbtbemfo;e. 23 anbfo the Hojbe left thofc nations,
ifrcucrtbclcfle the !Lo;be rayfcb bp anb bjouc them not outmimeoiatip,nci*
tubges,tbbich beliuereb them out of the ther beliuereb them into the \M*t of
hanbes of tbeir oppjeflets. 3fofuah.
17 anb v« fo; all that they tboulbe not
77jr?. iij. (hapter.

1 cbe Cbanaanttcs toere left to tr? e ^ftael. 9 dtbonfel oeliuetetb Sftacl. 1 1 3CfjuD

fitllctlj Bins <£glon. 23 ^aroaat binctlj tlje ^ftiltttinejf.

a 1
l^efeare the nations €hanaanitcs,anb the Ebonites , f ti)t
iDbKhe the !Lo?be left, ^euites that bibelt in mount fLibanon,
that he might p?oue euenftom mount 25aai i^ermon,bnto
5fraelbpthcm:(euen onecometo$?amath. .

as many of Jifracl as 4 %Wt remayneb to p;oue 3J ftacl » w

babnot hnowen altlie anb to ibyt Whether they vbouio fiejj*
of £00 attopj
wrbarresof€hanaan: feenbnto the tommaunbementes of ti)e
line j toliat
jDnely fo; the learning of the genera* Ho;be,\bhith he tommaunbcb theif ra5
tions of the chilbtf of 3lftael that he al* thers by tl;e hanbe of flj&oyfes.
foaa ofco
oibelt a-
tt)cnn. fomight teach them ibarre ,*onely furf) 5 anb the ehilb;en of 3lfrael
as bcfo;cbnetbe nothing tbcrof .) niongthe€hanaanites,^ethites,amo'
tWr 3
^Dftljofeibhom he left , there Ibere rites, ^herejites , l^cuttes , ano
fme lo;bes of the #h«uuutes, anb all the ««e«,

lud gcs. XX.

anDtoRe the Daughters of tijemto be tlje place of grauen images, that ibas
«tnctriDtucs,$gaucthciroumoauglj< by C5ilgal)atiD rayDe:3J ijane a ferret er-
ranDe Dnto tljee £> King Babtch fayDc:
tersto their fonnes, ano
Ifoni- fenten t|>eic , .

l&epc fnlente.anD all tljat ftooDe before

15 n aSe ehiHwen of^lfcaci bin

of the flojDe anD fojgat
tbicReD* hym,tticnt ont from him.
20 anoabuD came Dnto ljim,anD in a sd
ivnn the fight ,

anD fcrueD asaa? fommcr parler rbbicDe Ijeljao, fatelje

toe &o?dc their d5oD ,

(o |)f nt fcife alone: anD aijuD fa^D,3

utnano attbcroth. Dane
* cbetfoie the ?Lo?De urns angry ttntft a meffage Dnto tljee from C50D, anD he
<3jfrael,anDhcrolDcthem into the ban* arofcoutofljisfeate.
tfcsofCbufan mtfatbaitnRtng of $$t< 21 anD aijuD put foojtlj Ijis left IjanDe,

fopotaima: anD the chtlDjen of gifrael f tone tlje Dagger from Ijis rigbt tbygh,
fcrncD Cljuran&ifathaim cvsl)t vcrcs.
anD tbmft it into his bell?
o anD when the cDUD?cn of ^jrrael crpcD 2i anD the hafte ibent in after the blaDe:
Dnto ti)c !Lo?De , the HojDc ftirreD Dp a anD the fatte clofeD tlje haft , fo tljat
ranee to the chiunen of lifraci , $ fancD he might not D?aiDe the Dagger out of
tDcm , cnen £>tboniel the fonne of %v his beilv,but tlje tyit came out*
ncs,Calcbs younger brother. 25 XhenahuD gat hint out into the
anD the fptrite of the ILojDe tame po?the,anD a)tit tljeDoo?es of tlje parler
Dpon ljim,anD he iuDgcD 3Jfracl,$tticnt Dpon him,anD IocRcd trjem.
ottttoVbarrc:anD tbeHojDe DeltuereD 24 naljen he mas gone out , Ijis fcruaut^
Cljttfan mtfathatm Ring of ^3cfopota^ tes came:anD tbljen tljcv faiDe tljat tlje
mta into his banoc , anD his hanoe p?e* doo^s of the parler tDcre IocRcd , tlje?
uayleD againlt Cbufan mirathaim. favbc,£>uerly Jje (B)
couereth his feetc in ?$w«»i
ii ^nD the lanD haD reft fourtie yercs hisfommcrthamber, a?'
anD sDf boniel the fonne of Benes DteD. 25 anDtheptaricD till tljcp tbere aflia*
ix anD the chtlDjcn of 3ffrael agayne meD , anD ftvng he openeD not tlje
conunittcD ttncReDnes in the fight of Doo?es of the parler ,thep toRe a Rev anD
toe %wt : anD theHoioe^ftreng* openeD tljem^anD DeljoiDe,tljeir %oiU
tjjeDtfglon the Ring of the i^oabites, ibas fallen DotDne DeaD on tlje earth.
againfttljecbilD?cn of 3ifracl, betaufe 26 anD ahuD efcapeD VDljvle thcvtaricD
tljeyhaD tommitteD iincucDncs before anD mas gone beponbe, to the place of
tbe3Lo;De. the grauen images , anD efcapeD into
b anD this Won] gathcreD Unto him &eirath.
thecljilDjcnofanimot^anDtbeamale* 27 anD ailjcn he ttJas come, * he bleibe a Num . s „.
feitcs,anD went anD fmote 3lftael , anD trumpet in mount epbjaim: anD the
poffeffcD the titie of $aulmc trees. tljilD^ of JfraeliDentDoVbneiDttlj Ijtm
H ano the tbtUwen of 3Jfrael ferueD
fo from the hill,anD Ije iDent before them.
€glon the Ring of 0f)oab.rbtit.ycrcs. is anD he fapbe Dnto them , foloibe me:
15 iSutlDljcn they crycDDnto tlje Ho?D, fo? tljc?Lo?De hathDcliucreD yourcne* €
the £ojd ftirreD them Dp a fatter, aijuo mics tlje ^oabitespour IjanDe.
tljefonne of<2>era tlje fonne of d5emint, anD thev DefccnocD after him, anD toRe
a man lame of t»is " right banDe : anD thepaffagesof 3lo?Dane totbaro S90?
1>V Dim tpe ehilDjen of 3Jftacl fent a ab,anD fuffereD not a man to paflc otter.
proem Dnto egion theRingof^oab. 29 anD of the ij^oabites the
tljev flue
J3ittaijnDmaDc tjim a Dagger Until fame time Dpon a ten thoufanDe men,
two cDgts,of a tubite lcngth,anD he DiD rbljich tbereail^fatte,? menofujarre, %**%
'"' p •
jn^eit Dnto his raymftDponhts right anDtherefcapeDnotaman.
30 <g>o 05oaD \Das fubDtteD tljat Dap Dn*
i? ant carieo tlje pjefent Dnto eglon the
Der tlje IjanDe of 3Jfrael : anD tlje lanoe
wng of <©oab : (anD eglon
ibas a bery IjaD rett fourcfco?e peres. ^1'^
wtteman.) after ijimibas Swungarthc fotme of SZ':

* ^
tbhiche flue of the iDljiitmnes **«$»„
rlW lJei
ethe P?cftnteD p?e< anath ,

huno^eD men an tlJ oregoaDe,

, 'y^^nttljepcopletljatbarcttaUjar:
*m fire lDitlj t2ff
ije ijim feife tnrneD agayne ( from anD DcliucreDjfrael alio. %™ sg»

€4 ^he^' e-
'Deborahs victoric. Iud es. 'Deborahs',

"7 he. tiii. Chapter.

tIfrael Knncano are gcaett into t&e batrteg of f able . 4 l^ebojab faogctb "jftart,
ano eirtjojtettj j&araft to Dcltuer t&e people . «6 £nfara aeetij. 17 3no 10 Hiiieo bj

!im,anb of tl)e cbllbjc n of zabuiow
31 tael began agapne to 7 3!nb '3i mill tsjing bmo tfcee to tbe * rfc
teo tbtcfectilr in p figot uet l&fon,£>uat a p taptapne of marre,
oft!)eHo^,\Ut)cn^ bnto 3abin,mirtj ^ts cl)atettes anb bis
Ijuomasbrab. people , anb mtU oeliuet l)im into tbpne
(iVTV.fS feJfl 3mb ti)e tobe folb
y/J [janbes.
one of 'tic vos
Onitic of T '.--
i^^Ujcmtntotljeljanuof 8 2mb usatan fa(b bnto Ijet, <« Jf tfion
bi iu>b>it llo*
w 3abmumgofC5)anaan,ti)attaigneb .mtltgomirt)m?3miUgo: But arts if f;!(Hmn

nti.ti'tt' t>.\=
in ^tyasoz, ibbofe captapnc of matte tgou mat not come mttl; me J ^ ,
l]l BtU|
uiivj rccouc; Kttajj
rf urns'
mas calico £>tfata, m&icl; btbeit $a* m not go* mofil't*

( b Wb«1)
3B ^ tofcti) of tbc gentiles. 9 £>J)c fapb:3I mfli futelp go mitt) tfiec, HIM It"'
b» Joftinb
br"r3r'rb:bat 3 3.nb the cbittwn of ^Jftael rticb into buttl)isioittneprt)at tf)outafccu\ ttjau dioiml

fo? tl)e %mm

tcO shry'.bcB
bvtbe cnc«
tfce |Lo!0(foj be nab nine tnmbzctb clja*
tcttco of pzsm : 9 tmentic petes lie ttou*
not be fo? rt)pnc Ijonout :
OjaU fell j&ifata into t!)c banbe of a m
of hit M'

bico rt)c clnibjcn of Jjftatl beep fo?e.) man.^nb Dcboja atofe anb ment
4 3inS s>cbojaa pjopnctiflc , U)e mifc of jSatafetoBebcs.
ILapffloU) , mbgcb jlftad tl)e fame 10 3lnb 26ataa callcb zabulon 9 ^"P"
time. tliallm to nxebes , anb leb aftet Dim

5 anfi toe fame SDebo?a bmelt bnbet a tboufanbe men: anb2Deb02a metitDp
pauune ttcc ,0etmccnc Hamatt) ? 26e* mitbbim. Af ,

ttjc1,in mourn tfpfyzaun : ann tuedni* 11 (©irt ^abet tlje %tnitt mbicb »JgJ fjgft«

djcu of ^ftael came bp to l;ct fo? iubg* the c!)tlo?c of^obab,tlie fatljct in WJ
of fi0opfc£,vemouco ftom tlje Btmicj

Jui'.v.K 6 ana (be fcnt, anb caneb * asataa ft)t «
anb pittt)ci) bis tent bntiU tbcp^» r
c ,-;:-.

IT--' ..,

(C 7:
eppc.rctli t fame ct ^bmoam,out of Bcbcs iftcpo* of zaanaim,mbicbe is bp Beocs.;
n- 1 .,ocnt
ia mcfligc tnaUm,ano fapb bnto bnmiftatu not ttje it 3nb tbcp ajemco s»ifera,tl)at &ff
bp 10
toiuo timi a=
3Lo;ftc (0ob of 3lftael ° commaunbeo, tlyt fonnc of ^binoam mas gene ffi"
f 0* c.nnb newt
cillttb bpt"
l):m lo: the
Taping: <so,anbbMmetotbatb mount mount Xbabo?. •

w -. DA

anb5)ifata gatbetcb togctlicrau^

5r '! multl=
Xim&M anb tauc mitl) tDec ten tnou*
tube. fanb men of ttjc cjjtlb;cn of /frcpljtlja* cDatettcs^en nine fjunbiet!) cnat
lud r
es. XXI

nfiton f all the people

tbatlbetclbitb 19 3nb he favb bnto herpetic mcl^ap
Em from of ^arofeth of the gentiles, tbeea Utle lbaterto U;tatfce,fo?Vaiii

into the truer of 1&fon.

tbtrfhe . anb (be openeb *
a bottfc of
bnt026aran: tip, milRe,anbgauehimb2incRe,fr cottcrcb i«&^
ft inD3Dcbo?a favD
c + fo2tbisistbc bav in lbbich the H02DC him.
Kadi ocimcrco 5>ifara into
thvnc hanb: 20 2nb agavne fie favb bnto her: -fetaube
the* in the booje of the tent , anb tbban i>nt>
qfsnot the ?L020e gene out before
fo asaraft lbent boibne
%io fr6 mount man both tome anb enouere of thee
cnab02 anb ten thoufanbe men after
lbhctbet ther be an? wan here
mm fbaltfavwe.
k isn't thelLojbebefrroveb&ifara anb 21 %hen3!aei sabers ibvfe,tofte a navie 2>
aUbiscbarcttes,anballhishoaae\bith ofthetcnt, fan hammer in her banbe
rii» cbgc of the
fibojbe before carafe:
, anb tbent foftlv bmo bmt anb fmotc p

fo that &ifara ivgbteb

boibne of his navie into the temples of hisbeab, anb
cnarct.anb fleb aibav on his fecte. fattcneb it into the grounb ( fo; he Hum*

iut 26araft foioihcb after the cha*

* bjcb fiucanb ibas ibe cp) anb fo he bieb.
rettes anb after the hoaft , euen bnto 22 3nb behoioe, as asaraa foloibcb after
fearofctb of the gentiles : 3lnb all the Snfara, 3!ael came out to mecte him , tj
boaaof^tfarafcilbponthecbgcofthe fatb bnto bim:Comc, anb 3
ibill fljeibe

fibo2bc,anb there ibas no t a man left. thee the man ibhom thou feRcft.anb
17 feoibebcit £>ifara fleb albav
on his ibhen he came in to her tent, bchoiD&i*
fecte to tlje tent of 3 acl the Wife of' fara lav beab, anb the navie ibas in his
$aber the Benite ( to? there ibas peace temple*
(Ufa; betujeene^abinthe Ringof ©a^anb 23 3lnb fo <25ob b2Cught3Jabm tbc&vng
the houfbouioc of l^abcr the lamitc.) ofChanaanintofubicction that bapbe*
Iclf 18 3lnb 3)ael ibcntcut tomcetc^ifara, fee the chiUwcn of 3-frael.
anb favo bnto him: Xutne in mv lo?be, 24 anb the hanb of the
chfflwcn of
turnc in to me, feare not .3inb ibhan he
racl p20fpereb , anb pjcuavlcbagamft
bab turneb tn bnto her into her teniae Slabin the Rvng of Cbanaan^ntii the?
toucreb him ibitD a mantell. fjab beftrovebJabinHina of Chanaan.

The.^. Chapter.

1. Cfeefong anD tbanfiefgeumg of JBcborab ana tfarafi after tfjebictotie.

$cna>cb02aanb25a* uciers tbaifteb tho?oibe bve tbapes. 2$

taRthefonneofabi* 7 Xhe inhabitatus of the tottmes ibere (0fl)tbfcOrt)t

noam fange the fame gone, the? ibercgone in 3Jfraci , bntpii ,r.ictlic:uic
piu-cr t

bav,faving: 3 2Dcbo?a came bp, ibhich came bp a w

her foiHc
02apfcvcthc?Lo2b, mother in 3lfrael. 0: hrt
fo citilj
ptoplt, « nit
fo? the ancngvng of 8 Xhep chafe ncibgobbes,anbthenbab to fi!ppjdlc

3fracl,anbfo2the w thev the enemie in the gates: Ibas there rauntw.

tljcm after tt)«
Tier ofn

& 1 Ptoplc that became fo lbillmg.

afbiclbcoj fpeare fenie among fonrtie (0 inaaiitratB
iD-i oleic
5 $earc&vc&inges bcarRcn<©vepnte > thoufanbe of JJfraefc toctc tjmocrcB
tn rtc cecal*
ft^.enenllvbiUfvng bnto the 1102b, 9 fiPv heart louetb the gouerncrsofSf- tinBcfthtit
3 Jnii p2apfe the Hojb (Sob of 3Jfracl. office* nun
racl, anb them that are umivng among chants th ;{

4 !Lo2be, *ibhanthou tbentett out of the people:^ p2avfe ve the &020. tlicn ourft not
scir,U)hanthonbepartebftontofthe 10 S>peaHc
ve that tvoe on fav;e affes, eitictontic.
ncibc of *Cbom,the (c)
(0 a errs
earth trembieb,anb ve that bibeii bv U^ibbin ,anb that t.nnc place
much opp!t"»
ra ^ neD » the rtotibesaifo
ibaibebvtheibaves. fes foith the
enemies oj J .

11 5f02 the novfe of the archers among ptiiceii'co .'0;

lZ?3S ^ imMo^ %m
)nnountapnes meltcb

5 -I;;! r.oiCe

r the (0 bjan)crs of ibater ceaffeo , there to the which


J.?i befo?e the

fo; rare of dief

v fballthcv fpeaRcof the rtgljteoufnesof enemies thctt

\ fo.iB afoit ro
the IL02be, his righteoiifncffc in his bn* tcfofte.

tt)n of **«nBat the fonne
h ofl!!!?« fenfeb toibnesin 3lfraci:Xhen Q;al the the (<) viliom':
mtmie of
£SS l ct,a ^
S0f *3Jaci,thchpe
people of the %o;ne go boibne to the likcpfeoto
fSirniiih upS,
f to cntau£Ct

12 3Up

Ttebor.l. Iud ges.

12 t&p Dtboza top.getthee top, anb fmg a that their tmgbrte men mabe.
fong * Strife Barae anb leabc <*> thp
: , 23 tfutft n
tl)e cttie of ™
^etos(fapb the
capttuittt captiue , tljou fonneof %w angel oftlje Ho?b)curfe the inhabitants
t*!.' ':-C|'IC lit noam. thcrof : becaufe thep came not to hcipe
13 Xhen (ball tljcp tljatrcmapnt, Ijaue the flojb, to hclpe the 12.o?b againtt the
Dominion of tlje pjoubtft of tljt people: mightic.
Xht flojbhatljgtncnmcbominion o* Z4 J
acl the Wpfe of ^abcrthemenitc
fbaibt blefleb aboue other women, bie£

ncc tl)c intgVjtie.

C 14 £>utofepb?atm was there a^roote feb (ball flic be aboue other women in
of them agapnft3lmclCR,anb after thee the tent.
"?ntbi0 ® zscniamin among thp people: £>ut of 15 * $e afneb mater , anb the gauc bim
Ktkep;ng jp
Oil! : n'-irm &9achic tame rulers, ano out of zabu* mvlfte, ttje brought foo?tl; butter in a
Runts of tl)«
Bi.ic: f. fije ion tljcp that hanbell the ptnncof the lojblpbyflhe.

fettj l)tr fclfe, Wnttr. 26 3>he put her hanbe to the nayle,$ her
ec.*ro:te of
un.anB 15 anb of 3ffachar there Wert pjincts rvght hanbe to the fmptbes hammer:
With s>cbo?a, ano Jfachat, ano alfo lbtth the hammer fmote fl)e^>trara,|
3l;ili'.iCH Dp lU 26araR,hcWas fent on foote into the fmo'tc his heab , wounbeb him, ano

CO litinlyhe toallcp:fo?thcbiuiuonsofftubcn[toew] pcarfebljts temples.

mc of
tfcaScnifr: great
thoughtcs of heart. 27 botbeb himbomne at her fecte,be
tnttcs n.r :i.-o
fl)C.H [CttlCB tO i6 mshp abobctt thou among the fbeepe fell boitone, anb lap ftpll: Tit her feete he

tm'.pKc that folbcs, toheare the bleatinges of the boitoco htm frtfc,$ fell, ^nb ibljc he l)ab
flocucsf fo? the otutftons of &ubcn,Wcre funne boibne,he lap there beftroyeb.
I.,.- , :Sjj
Ithljcte oftlje
toiciojit of
great thoughtcs ofheart. 28 Xljc mother of £»(ara loUeb out at a
<feaui asapnft

17 w d5ileao
abooc beponbealfo 3^ rbpnboibe,anbcrveb tho?otbe the lat- *
Wtacrof i £a.
i 5 .t).
banc : anb whpbothDan remapnein tclTc: m\)v is his cljarret fo long a cow
maruepleD (bpppes^fer cotinucb on the fea fbojc, mpng < ashp tarp the wheelesof his
tbatthepcame (m)
not f:ui j o: = ano tarieb in his becapeb places charettes;
t'jem. 18 [»nt] the people of zabulon haue teo* 29 ^l the tbpfe labpes aunftbercb hcr,pea
(I; 3nopet anb htr oibnt lbo?ots aunlmercot)«
CalllCtU .A 1
parbe their Ipuescucntonto tljebeath,
ipUc as bpb i!5epl)tl)altm in the hpe pia*
thou tfttucn
Cdiut \)»M no
tesofthefielbc. 30 ^>urelp tfjep ijaue founb , tljep beuiiie
O'.O 'S'W 19 Xhe came anb fought, then
ttpnges the fpoplcs , euerp man hath a bamfell
ihsciicd fdtte
of, ano tijcit
fought p bpnges of ChanaaninXh^ o?tmo : &tfara hath a p?ap of bitters
eafptot tijcit nach bp tljc maters of fl^egibbo ,anb coulourcb garmentcs . euen a p?ap of
enemies to
get, pi t'jey ibannomouep. rapment ^tn With fufflwp coiours,anb
lc;tt;ici:i :!)«(
this cjceiiiC 20 Xhcp fought from heauen , cuen the that are inabe of neble wo?Be: rapment
cgrtmt d&eos fiacres m their courfes fought agapnft of biuers colours anb of neble wo?ftc
^tfara. onboth fpbes , Which is mecte fo? bun
muit. fiitw*
21 Xhe rpucr of Bifon ftbept them a* that is chiefc in btttribuiing of p fpoplcs. 511611 im
ant "»|i«

map , that auncicnt rpucr the rpuer 1& 31 ^0 pcriflje all thine enemies 4> ?Lo;b: Sienjit*
fon:j© mp foule, tljou hall marehcb toa* asutthep that lone him, let them be as qinHtiW I

p funne Whan he rpfeth in his mpgljt.

2i Xhen mere the hou"choofesrnutten a* 3lnb the lanbe Ijab refi fourtte peres.
funocc bp the meant* of tht pjatmfmgs

The. yj. Chapter.
1 . ifrael tjs opptcffeti of tbt flpaDiamte? fo? ttyit toicfitfineg. 14. ©eDeon in Cent to be
tljctv Dcliuerer.57. ©e atfieo a Rgne.

% 1 jI5bthechflb?cnof3l^ 3lnb the hanb of Fabian pjcuapieb^

cart commtttcb Wic«
w gaina^lfracl: $ co becaufe oftlje ip»i)i;
anitcs , p chilb^en of 3ifrael mabe tbeni
the ?Lo?be : 3mb the benncsin the mountapnes ano taues,

%oiQt beltuercb them anbftrongholoes. rM<rt

ptocr oj
into tht hanbes of Znn when 3lfrart hab fovofi,
gpabtanfcucnpcrcs. then came
tht ©abtanttcs
anb thtp of tht

ta^ 5
Iud- r
es. xxn.

ttjeir «ntcs agaitul tbem,
J3 jt0Hlf tbou
e P° *mto btm
fa : 3 tbtli be
4 a5E&* Jbtth tbec, finvtetbe^a-
ceftcovcD tlje cncrcafc of tbe
cacti), bwnites,astbeviberebutoncman.
fucntvllthou conic ttuo^al),fJcftno 17 anb be annftberebbim : €>b, vf^
fuacnaunccfo?3ftacl, ncitljertbcepe, bane founbe grace in tbv fvgbt , tban

(0 (EctBm tt

Jiucamcttttfttlmr tentcsas a multt* iS 2Departe not bence

3 pzav tbee bntvtl toaa cjB'ods

tubeof grafibopersjo tljatbotlj tbev ^comebntotbec, $tvll1lb2vngmvne not lUufton of

n fpmt.rcqiMa

ano alfo tbcir camels

mtc Without oftTing,anbbaueretttbe!o?etbec.anb Ktljafignc:
33ut js ooa
number: anb tbev cntreb into t\)t lanb be favb: 3
tbtu tarv bntvll tbou come a* TOOfDC unit
tonfir mco bi>

toocftcovit. gaine, f.gncfl, is to

, , .


6 ano *bas Israel f tcecomglr unpo*

I? anb d5cbeon tbent in,anb mabe rebv
be brirucD
ioittjout fignc.

ucrvtbeb^in tljc fight of tbe Arabia* a fevb , anb fibeete cabes of an °» cpba
(h) 3

nftcs,anbcricb bnto the liojbe. of floure , anb put it ibitb tlje flcuje m a of Di;c tiipn=
gto. tontro;
7 anb lbljcn the » cbilbjen of 3Jfrael barbet,anbputtbe b?otbina pot,anb iil't'S about
crtcbbntotbe?Lo?b,becaufeoftheipi? b?ougljt it out bnto him bnber tlje£>ue,

III mamtes, .

s %u ?Lo?be fent bnto tbem a pjopher, 2° anb tbe angel of d5ob favb bnto bun:
mm favb bnto them, Xbus favtb t\)t
Xabc the flea) anb tbe fibeete cabes ,$
%om fct vou from lav tbem bpon tbis rocbe, anb poibje
C5ob of 3Jfeael :
egvpt , $ bjougijt vou out of the houfe
of bonbage.
out tlje b;otb . anb Ije ^ fo*
21 XDen tbe angel of tbe |to?b put Ij s> te
9 anb 3J rvb vou out of tljc hanbe of tbe tl^t enb of tlje ftaffe tbat be b^ibe in bis

cgvptians, ? out of tbe Ijanb of all that ljanbe,anb toucbeb t^t fiefbeanb tlje
oppjeffeb vou , anb call tbem out before fibeete tabes, anb'tljerearofc bp fire
Vou,anb gauc vou tbeir lanb: out of tlje rotbe , anb confumeb tbe fled)
io ^nb3Jfavbbntovou:3Jamtljc?Lo?b anb the fibeete canes : ffiut tbe angel of
vouc ©ob , * fcacc not tlje gobbes of tlje tfoeHojb beparteb out of btsligljt.
amojites in lbljofc lan be vow btbcli: zi anb ibben ©cbeon perceaueb tljatit
23ut vouhaue not obeveb mv bovec. ibasan angel of tbe ftojbe, be favbc:
ii anbtbcangcloftbefUwbecamcanb aias, D
|Lo?be d5ob,*baue3l tbcrfo^e
fate bnber an £)ne jbbiclj Xbas in c* fecne an angel of tlje llo^be face to face, Exodjj.J.
partevneb bnto Jjoas tbe
plj:alj,tbat [ttjatiaoulDDpe:'] Iud.iJ.i

father of tbe efrites : anb Ijis fonne 23 anb the flojbe favb bnto fiim:#caee
<5ebeon tl)?eOjeD ibbcat bv the ibvne be bnto tbee, feare not , tbou ttjalt not
P2Cffc , to ijvbc it from tljc s$)abianitcs. bve.
u ano tlje angel of tljc llojoc appeareb 24 Xben<Kcbeonmabe an auitertbere
bnto btm,anb fatb bnto ljim:Xtje?lo?b bnto tbe &ojb,anb calleb it,Xbe ?Lo;b
tbee,tbou mtgbtie man.
tsibttlj of peace anb bnto this bavitisvetm
Bit »i-
13 anb d5ebcon aunfibereb bint V) £>b epljwtij,that partevnctl) bnto tlje fa*

mvHo?b,iftl)eHo?bebeU)itl)bs,n)l)V fberoftbecfrttes.
come bpon bs*#ea, $ ibljere
is all this
25 anb tf^t famenvgljt tlje!Lo?bcfavbe
• itptiu beau bis miracles ibniclj our fatbers bnto Ijim:Xabe tljv fatljcrs voung bul-
toiuc bs of,anb favb: 2>vb not tlje &ojb
loebe,9 an otljer bullocbe of. bii . veres
tovng bs out of «gvpt i 2But noibe tlje olbc, ano (0 oeftrov tlje aultcr of 25aai tic * to be
Octil ovcD .nno
iloflbatlj fojfabcn bs,anb
beliuereb tljat tljv fatljer batlj,anb cut boibne tlje
true religion
tc'toico : ano
bs into tljc banbes of tbe £0abianitcs. grouetbatisbvit: ftnitbtDclp
|* 14 anb tbe «> ilojb Iorcd bpon bun,anb
cicrr of rlic

16 anb mabe an aultcr bnto tfjc?Lo;o people, 07 rti

lapoe : ©o benccintbistbv w might, tljv(Sob bpon ityt top of tljts rotbc
title soucrs
n.iunctof the
fame to be Mi

anb tljou (bait oeituer 3km
out of tbe
banbes of tbe flpabianites: l^auc not
inaconnenient place , anb ttoe tlje fe* ben in l;am>t.

3 conb bullocbe , aub offer burnt facriuce
bpo tljeiboob of tbegronc ibljitlj tljou
i5 Zm be aunftberebljim: Oh Ho?be, fl)altcutboibne.

bbcribttb Cbail3J fauc 3JfracW25ebolb

27 ICfjen <5ebeon tobe fen men of his

^Uitiemmv fatljers boufe.
feruauntes.f mas tlje fto^b bab bun:
25ut becaufebe fearcb toboitbvbave
GcJeon Iudges:
bis fathers houfbolbc anb ttjc men
ft>2 in the bailey of 3Fefrael:
of the rate, he bpb it bp npght. 34 ffiutthefpirtteoftheHojbeeai
z8 3nb ibhcn the men of the cttte arofc pon«5ebcon, 'anbhebierbe atrnni«ft'
e eariptntbemowpng, bcholbc the aul* anb «
abieser rbas ioyncbibith Km

tcr of zsaal rbas bjohen, f the groue rut
bourne that rbas bp it, anb tbe

conocbullocfteoffereb bpon the aulter

35 3lnbhefcntmeircngerstb?oughout ai
<59anaaes,ttibicb aiforbasioprw
him, anb be fent meffengers bnto 3kiir
mS ^

' til
DC that rbas mabe. zabulon, anb ^cphthaiim, another
Offi.vD tO
©all. 19 3lnb tlicv fapbe one to another : rbho came to meete them. '«$
hath bone this thmg t 3lno rbhan tljcv
enqucreb anb afHcb ,tbcp fapb: dettbeon
36 3lnb <Rbeon fapb bnto d5ob r t\m
Unit fauc 3Jfracl bp mpne hanb,as thou
Honneof^Joas hath bone this thing, haft fapb:
30 Xhen the men of the rate fapbebnto 37 2Seholbe,3f mflputaflccceofrbooiin
3Joas,?6nno out thp fonncthat be map tbe trcafbtng place : 3lnb if the Dcibe
bye: beeaufchc hath bcflropcb the aufc tome on the fleece onelp, anbit be tm>e
tec of asaal , anb cut bourne the groue bpon all the earth befpbe , then Ojau k
that \bas by it. be tore that thou lbtlt faue 3fraci 6p
31 3inb3Joasfapb bnto ai that ftoobcbp mphanb,asthoufapoeu\
htm: uMl ye pieabe asaais caufaoi rbiii 38 stub it came fo to pafle : 5fr# he rofc bp
ye fauc btrn^c that null contcnbefoi carlp on the mo2ome ,$tj)2Uft the fleece
him , let hint bpe 0? the morning . Jf he togcthct,anb rbjong the berbc therout
be a «5ob, let him plcabc fo? htmreife a- a borbie of rbatcr.
atib fylicb
gapntt him that bath cafte bott)ne his 39 3nb <5cbeon faybe agayne bnto <Botn
aulter. Mt not angry rbith me, that * 31 ipcatte
31 zm front that bay, tbas (Rbeontal* once mo?e, fo? 3
rbil p?ouc once agayttc
Icd 3fcrobaal : becaufc his father hab bptheflcece* fLetitbebzpe onely bpon
fayb , ?iet 2Saal pieabe f0? hot tfeife, be* the fleece,anb berbc bpon al the grottno.
raufc he hath b?ofccn boibnc his aulter. 40 anbdfrobbybfo that fame npght: 5Foj
35 3111 the $)abianitcs thcrfoje , anb the itrbas tnyt bpon the fleece only,$ there
amalclutcs, anb they of the eatt, there rbasbcrbconauthegeounbe.
gathereb together, $ tbent anb pptcheb


1.®be xotf eommattnDetij dse&eon to ferto attap a great parte olW compante.22.c5c
SIpQDtamtejJ aw DtfcomftteD by a tconDeroujs fo?t.2j. flDreb anD leet are aatne»

% \
^en3Jerobaai(ibbo tboufanbe,? there abobe ten tboufanDt.

iSd5ebeon)anbaiip 4 3(nb the !lo?o fapb bnto <Rbcon:£ijc

people f tbere ibith people are pet to manp , b?png fytm
bint, rofebp early, ^ bourne bnto the ibater, anb 3
pytcheb befybe tfje them bnto thee there .2mb of ibhotnjl
d ibelof!^arab:fothat fapbnto thee,this u)ai go ibtth thcc:the
^theboaftcofrhc^ai fame (bai go uiitlj thee . 3inb of ibboin
btanites lbcre on the nojthiybc of tljem focucr 3 fap bnto thee, this (hal notgo
by the hyli of moit\) intlje bailey. Xbitbtbee:thefamclba!notgo.
3lnb the %oit> fayb bnto u5ebeon: 1Ehe 5 ^>o he brought boibne the people
people that are ibtth thee , arc to many the ibater : 3lnb the ?Lo?b fatb bnto <&v
#o» topll
fojmc to geue p Sl3abianitcs into their beon,3(smanpasiappc p tbatcribttb
not rtat an? hanbcs,lcft3?irael maHc their baunt w their tongues as a boggc lappetb, them
ttnturc tits
pjmc hpm of againftnte,anb laye: #yne oibne hanb put bp them feiues,anb[fo tmjthcnt that
\)\S 3I0MC.
hathfauebme. hnecle boibnc bpon their fcnecs
w to,
i^oibe therro?e mahe a piotlamatton in bjtneftc.
Dcut.xx.b. the cares of people , anb fape : * 3Jf anp 6 ^nb thenumber of themtbat putrtjetc
i.MaLidi.)g manb?cabo;bcafeaeb,lerbimreturne hanbes to tljetr moutbes anb iappc"»
nnD Depart early front mount €Heab. lbcre tl;?ee buttbjeb men:26ut all
3Utb there rerarneb of the people jcru. nanntofp people ftncclebboibiie bpj»
lud gcs. XX111.
otanttes into tbyne banbe : 2nb
*thrfr hnecs to osmetic ifoatcr,
7 inb
the fLojbc fopb Unto ©ebcon:
m *0c w let aU
otljer people so euety nvm bnto
man omo
rteWXuW .men flat
Dis place.
£Dcp tBerfoje of fl)e people

g t tofteWt*;™ v

tailes tbftD tDem,anb tbett ttnmpcttes: io asm anb if tljon feare to 00 bottme,
3lnb Dc fent all tbc reft of H^ael , encrp tljcnso toon ami ^Data tfcv tabbe
man bnto bis tent, anb tetayncb tbofe bonmetotbeboatt.
ttoce bunbjetbmen : StnDflje boattof 11 2utb tljon (Dait beatften rbftat tljcp
©abian ibas beneatb l)»» in a b 311 ^ fap, anb fo u>U tbine Dances be Orong
9 3mo tlje fame npsDt tbe flojbe fapbe to go boibne bnto p Doatt . Xbntibcnt
bnto Dim : arpfe, get rtjee botbne bnto i)e bottme spbarabis labbebnto the
tDeDoaft, fo?J Dane bclpucteb it into outrvbeof t!jemniof amies tijat Jbctc
tbpebanb. uuljeljoaa.

n £nb

(jcdcon. Iud cs.

iz 2nb tlje ^abtanites,tlje 3(ntalelstte*, fyoe of tlje Doaft in tDe begpnnptwnTth;

Iud s e. anb all along in tlje
ttjey oftlje eaft, lav mybblc lbatclje, $ rayfeb bp tlje
imnftnD tDey bletbe mitlj tljefc
bailey lyhca multttubc of gralhop^ trS
pets, anbtljeit camcilcsibcteibitbout pettes, ? braBetDepytdjcrstDatWre
J mtt
nunttye , euen as tDe fanbeby tlje fca mtljeirDanbes.
fybeinmulfttube. zo 3(nb tlje three companies bletbe ujith
13 3lnbtbDen<i5cbeonn)aseomc,bcDolb, trumpettes , $brafce tDepytcljers anb
there mas a man that toinc a became Deibe tlje lampes in tljeir leftfeamiei
bnto Dts ncygljbour, anb fayb: ffieljolb, anb tDe trumpettes in tljeir right to
3 breameb abjeame , anb me thought biouictbitljai: SmbtDeycryeb %Z
tljat a
cane of barley bjeab tuntbleb into ftborbcof tlje Ho?oe, anb of dsebeon
tDe Doaft of Fabian , anb tame bnto a zi 2nbtDeyftoobettyli,eucrymaMn!its
tent , anb fntote it tDat it fell , anb ouer* place rounoe about tDeDoatt : ^fiiuaii 2>

turneb it that tDe tent la? along. tljchoaft - ranne,anocryeb,anb neb.

14 3lnb l)is fclolbc aunftbereb anb fayb: zz 3lnb tlje three Dunbretj) bletbe ibttfi
€ XDis is notljing els faue tDe ftbojbc of trumpettes , anb tDe Horberercuctv
dSebeon p fonne of 3Joas, a man of 3Jf= mans ftborbc bppon Dts (0 neyghbour
tael: foz into DisDanbcljatD<©obbcli* tljrougDout all tlje Doaft : anb tDe Doaft
uereb i$abian,anb all the noaft. fleo to zsetDDafitaD , to zererath, anb
15 i©Den <Rbeon Dearb tfjc telling of tDe to tDe ebge of tDe playneof ^eholan
bjcamc,$ tlje interpretation of tlje fame, bntoXabbatD.
De roorujyppeb , anb returncb bnto tDe 23 3tab tDe men of JIfrael being gatDereb
Doaft of 3lfrael , anb faybc : flip, fo? the togetDer out of#epDtDaiim, of 3fet,
?Lo;ocbatn beliuereb into your Ijanbc anb of all #anaOes , folorbeb after tlje
the Doaft of #abian, ^abianites.
is 3lnb Dc nmmn
tlje ttytt Dunbjeb men 24 ^nb (25ebeon fent meffengersbnto al
into three companies , anb gauccucry mount € pD?aim, faying Come bourne :

man a trumpet in Dts tjanbe , voitty agatnft tlje ^abiantt;s,anb tafte before 1
emptie pytcDcrs,anb lampes tDerin.
tDemtDe (8) rbatcrs bnto 25etljbaratl), till pits

17 Smbfaybc bnto tijem, JLoU on me, anbtojioibane XDcn all tDe men of ll]iiili;:'-j

KHk means
(SoD tjfcD. CO
ligntftc that
anb bo lyiietbyfc: tDat u>Den come to 3 cpDratm gatDereb togetDer, | tofte the

to jic came 0(
tDe fybc of t|jc ljoaft,cucn as bo, fo bo 3 tt)atersbnt025ctDbatatD#to3o?bane, Pfal*k
you. z; 3lnb tljey tohe ttbo *p?(nces oftDe^a^ Eruoi.

18 naljcn 3J blotbe tbitlj a trumpet anb all bianites, £)?cb anb zeb: anb flue 4D?eb
tDat are ibitD me, bloibe ye ibitlj trum* bpontDe rocttc£)?eb,anb zebattlje^ tcctoSlI:;:

pcttcs alfo oncuery fybe of tDe Doaft, Jbtncprcffe of zeb, anb foloibeb after tiam(0o($
BClcs tb:i

anb fay: 5for tDe %w, anb fo? d5ebcon. Fabian : anb bjougDt tDe Deabes of fftiiimi


19 <£>o d5ebeon anb tDe Dunbreb men jaDKbanb zeb to (Sebeon on tDe other
tijat ibere HMD Dim>tame bnto tlje out* fybe3o?bane.

f The.viij.Qhapter.

! SSSS^SSJHSS?8* ! <Fellcon Wo appeafetb ttjem. 4 $e paiTetW!o?Dane;

1 > 2

tobicft\riaj(thecaufcottDolamc. 30
m®mm Conner ana o&Deatfi.

% /BbtDemenofcpDras
nnfaib bnto Dim: nahy
tm,better tfjen tDe binetage of ^bie5ew
3 ©obljatlj belyuereb into your D^nbcs
haft tljou feruco bs
thclojbes of Fabian , £)rebanbzeb:

ten tcitclje
bs not JbDen tDou
3lnb ibDat ibas 3
able to bo lyfee as
banc Q.ivne , you Ijaue bone ^nb tDcn tljeir fpintcs

tlso princes
jOfcb < 3eb.
ibenteft to fpgDt rbitlj abateb from of ljim,iDljen DeD^ fa c ^
<b tjhio lait
art of the
tDe^abtanitcs^nb tDat.
feljolc crile, they chobe Ibitlj Dim ft^arpcly.
Is urojc fa:
mouotl)cnt))C 3no he faybebntotljem:i»Dat bcebe 4 anb(RbeonKtmeto3lojbanetopaire-
ouer,lje 9 tDetDite Dunb?ebtnen tljaj
one man of Daue3Jbonc lync bnto yours i 31s w mere tbirtj Dim U)eery,anb yet foioibco
sue htutlic.
nottDe ^gleaning of grapes of cpD?^
5 2ln&

lud: p
es. XXllll.
zaimana: nabatmancr of men mere
tbcp mijom ye flue at %babo: i anb
tljcp aunftbercb :XljclpKencffc of tljee
zebal), anb tljem isalone,rocafter tljcfatyton
« tSat 3 ma? fdiotoe after oftljceljilbzenofaKpng,
19 anb Ije fapb, Xljcp mere
iriielojues of Smcotb fa?bc: arc mp tyetrjzen,
& hanbefi of zcbab ana
zaimana euen mp (0 motljcrs cl)ilb2en:asttulp
as tlje %otn linetl) if pe Dab faucb tljcit » ««««*
noVinW IjanbeMljatibefboulb Bi

ipucsj rooulb not flap pou.


Z* <Tm f

am bicabbntotljpneannie;
Seon Xbetfoje ibljen tne
fapbe :
20 anb fapbe bnto 3Jetl)ctijiseibeft
m "**°'

iLozbbatljbeliuercb zcbaljanb zal* fonne,ttp anb flap tl)cm.26ut tbciabbe

manamtomtneljanijcjttjiiucaretje mm not Ijis ftbo?be : fo? Ije featcb , be*
tljomcs of tlje caufeljeibaspctpoung.
flef^e of pou lbitljtlje
nniocrncs,anbmitljbzpers. 21 %\)tn zebal) anb zaimana fapbe:
« ¥
anb Jbcnt bp ftjence to 0l)anucl , $
anb p men
aapfe tljou , anb fall bpon bs : fo? as c « 2>
tbe man is,fo is \)is flrengtl)
foa&e bnto tbemlpReibpre: . ^nb d5e*
pbanucl aunfibereb l)im, as bib tlje bconarofc, anb flue zcbaljatibzal- Z$T"*
menof&ucotlj. mana,anb tone aibaptljeomamcntcs ou.ui?&
anb be fapb alfo bnto tlje men of 0!ja- tDat mere on tljeir tamelsnetncs. %Zu™ :

nucl:i©ljen3J come agapne Cc) in peace, 22 Xtjen tlje men of 3lfrael fapbe bnto $££{»£
j\ Ml bzcaRc bottmc tbis toibze. d5ebcon : maigne tljou oner bs, botl) g ;'^" 1

io zebal) ? zaimana mere in Carcoz, tI)ou,ti)p fonne,anb tl)p ^fonnesfonne,

anb tljeir Jjoafles ibitl) iljem , bpon a foubouljaftbciiuereb bsoutofp lianb ^vtatu.
,1>PI?0,,W ' C '
fiftccne tijouranbe men , lbfjitlj ibere of^abian.
all tbat tbere left of all tlje Ijoaflts of 25 anb d5ebeon fapb bnto tDcm : tbpli 3
tljem of tbe eaft : 5Fo? trjere ibas flaine not raign? otter pou , neitljcr tt)aii mp
an bunbzeb anb tibentic tfjoufanbe men fl)flbe raigne oucrpou: but tDe %om
tljatbiewefibozbes, fl;all >raigneonerpou.

ii anb (E»ebeon lbcnttDozotbetfjcmtljaf 24 ^nbagapned5ebeonfaibbntotf)cm: UmiSU

Duicltintabernaclcsontfjc eaftfpbc of 3Jiboulbbefirca rcqueft of pou, euen SBSSSS"
^obalj anb 3Jcgbaftalj , anb fmote tlje tl;at pou iboulb gene me euerp ntan tlje 8K$K
Ijoafle : fo? tlje Ijoafte bpb caft no pe* *eannges of tljcpljab gol^ CSS
" Btt " tvc "•
rpiies. ben earingcs,becaufe tljep mere 3f- l


u anb Mjanzebalj anb zaimana fob, maeiites.

ijcfoloibeb after tljem, anb tone p tlbo 25 ^nb tljep aunfibercb : nae Mlgpue
ftynges of Fabian , zebal) anb zal* tljem anb tl)epfp?eab a manteii, anb

mana,anb btfcomfitcb all tlje Ijoafte. nvb caft tljerin euerp man tye earpnges
13 anb<scbeontljefonneof3foas,returs ofljisp?ap.
ntb fcom battel afoze tlje funne mas bp, 26 anb ti)c ibapgijt of p golbcn earinges
14 anbcaugbtaiabbcoftljemcnof&u; tljatijerecuurcb, masatljoufano anb
totlj , I enquircb of tjim : anb l)e tbzote fcucn l)unb?cb fides of goioe , brfpbe
pn oftljeiozbcsanb elbersof&ttcotl) cljapnesanb ierbelles, anb purple rap^
ttoeefcozeanb feucnteene men. ment tl)at )bas on tlje Rpnges of ^aoi-
r5 anb be tame bnto ttje men ofctwotlj, an, anb befpbc tlje rijapnes tbat ibere
ana ravb : aseljoibe zebal) anb zai* about tbetr camels necnes.
pe tyn caft me in tlje
'»ana,U)iftj rbljtct) 27 anb C5ebeon mabe an(k) Cpljob tljer* (h' Cube* .


Kctb,faping:arct!je Ijanbcs of zebalj of ano put it in l)is citie GplmtyMn all saflg"

anb zaimana aircbp in tljpneljanbe, ^fraclment a ibrjozpng after it intbe %$$$*

Joat ibe ftjoulb gcue bzeab bnto tljp
mmplace,rbl)icl) tljing became a ntpne
bnto d5ebeon anb to bis Ijoufe

l)t e
#* >«» oftUe titte, anb
of tljcMbcrneffe,anbbzpers,
28 Xljus mas Fabian b^ougljt loibe W €
fo?e tlje cbtib^en of 3lfraei , fo tljat t\\t^
^^bteatctljemenof^ucotDtbitl) Ipftbptljeirljeabes nomoze : anb tbe
countrepJbas in qttiemesfourneperes
nS® & toane botbne ttjetotbze of intljebapesQf«i5ebeon.
'l flue tl^mcn of tljecitie.
is ?;ff 29 anb3lcrobaalpfonneoHfoas,tbent
'Bnb tljtn fapbe
fre bnto zebal) anb anb bmelt in l;is oibne ftoufc.
30 ana
" ) 2
£a ,

Gedeon. Iudj r

30 3inb ©cbeon hab thjccfcoze anb ten tbtlbzcn of 3Jfracl rurncbluhaV*^r~

a »fto^n^aft«

fonncs of his bobp begotten : fo?l)cl)aD
3lnb bis combine that lDas to Sncbem
coucnaunt lbitb 25aai to be their
34 2nb the cbilbjen of Urcaclthoul
S l1

bare buna Tonne alfo , ibbofename be not on tbe %omt their ©ooWch
taiieb^bitnclccb. bcllucreb tbcm outoftbehanbcsoS
their enemies on cucrp fpbe:

31 SlnbcRbeon fottneof 3Joas bpcb

rj)e 1

tn a goob age, anb tbas burpeb in the fc* 35

^cttbcr « fbeibcb thep mere? on
pulcrjjc of foas bis father , eucnin <£- houfe of JJcrobaat [ ot^to^ ca,gf|
pb;tab,tbat partepneb bnto the father ©ebcon , atcojbingto all tbe gooom*
oftbcefcitcs. ibbich he hab fbeibebbntogffraci.
33 2isutafTooncas<l5ebccniba$beab,the I...



1 SBbfmpTccb bftirpett) tfte &pngt>omc,an& put tetft big bjetfijen to Dearb. 7. ioatljam

pjorofect) a parable. :;.^atrEDbcttccEne2bhticIecD,anJ)thefeJcl)cmifcc0. 26. ©aal

confpirctb, agarna&;m,anD i» ouercome. ». abtmelcclj te vtKwnoeotooeat&bpa

Totmc of
2i5(ntclccl) t!)e Ijementanbftoobe in tlje top of mount
a ^jcrobaaltbcntto&i* C5ari5mt,anb Ipft bp Ijis bopce , $ crycb
:l5cnt bnto his ma= anbfapb bnto them: hearken bnto me
ttjersbjethjen^ecm* vou men of &icbetn , that C5ob map
inuneb Uut!) them 9 ,
bcarbrn bnto vou,
ibitb all tbe npnrcbe 8 cb 5Cl)c trees lbent foonh to annopnt
oftbehoufeofbtsmo? mms oucr them , anb fapbe bnto tlje tltil id
tbersfatber,faputg: ^D'.pue tree: ffiatgne tljou ouer bs. iljairttl

1 5>apc1Jp?appou,in the cares of all the 9 26ut the ©ivue tree fapb bnto tbem: ttfillM

mettof&icbcm , ibhetbcr is better fo? ^houlb 31 icaue mp fatneffe lbheruJitt) in


pou, tl)at all tbe (tomes of 3lerobaal, bv me thev honour «s d5ob anb man ,? tl.XiCJ

( ibhich arc tb?cefco?e anb ten pcrfons to be p:omoteb ouer the trees? n!)3l test

raipe oucr pou : cither that one raigne 10 ^nbtijc trees fapb to tlje ftgge tree: ftM IM
oucr potw a&emcmbcr that ant of 3 Come thou,anb be Hpng oner bs. ;c Dtii'
pour bonc,anb of pour flefhe, ti Xhe ftgge tree aunfibcrcb fhcimfboulD opitnU

3 3lnb bis mothers bjetbjcn fpane of bint % fojfaUe mv fibeetnes,anbmv gooD tii.b

in the attbience of all the men of <§>t* fruite , anb go to be pjomoccb oucrtlje turn
them all thefcibo?bes , 9 their heartes trees?
ibercmoucb to folom 3CbunclccU : 5Fc? n Xhcn fapbe the trees bnto the bine:
thep fapbc , tyc is our brother. Come thou anb be bpng ouer bs.
4 3lub t^rp gauc bun thjccfcoje anb ten 13 Xhe bine Tapbc bnto tljem: AhonlD 3
pectes of fiiutr out of the houfc of 26aal Icaue mp tbine ibherbp Jehearebotlj
ascrith , tt)bcrlbith aibimclecb bpjeb w <Kob anb matt,anb go to be p^omotcD
bapne anb light perrons, mhicj) lbcnt oucr the trees? njltti IT

ibtthhpm. 14 Xhen faib all the trees bnto the ba?er:


5 3mbhettjetttbnto fathers houfe at

Ijts Come thou anb raigne ouer bs. „.

* w
ephjab, anb flue his bjctbjen , the 15 ^nbtheb^verfapbebntothefrees:^


»n» |K

of foucr.imtic
fonncsof gjcrobaal, bepng thjccfcojc $ be true that pe ibill aimopnt me
it W% JiiUiC*

ten pcrfons, bpon one (tone : /^otlbith* ouer pou , then come anb put pour trim
m!)Ctt It roo=
tctl), (ticrtittl)
the innocent
Wood that IB
ftanbpng , pet^joatbamthepoungeft
fomieof 3Jcrobaal cfcapcb, fojhe hpb
bnoer mp ttjaboib : jjf no , the (0 W
foonoc In Ins
tome out of the bjper^tbatte tljcCebar Ib""^
few, as a bpmfclfe. trees of ?libanon.
woolfe ocnoita
9 Slttbail the men of £>irhcm gatficreb i6 i2ott>etbcrfo?e,tfpebotrueIpanDM;
togcther,anb ai the houfc ot^clio^nb co?ruptlp to mabe ^bimelecb Hp«g> at
tame anb mabe^bimcicchRvng m tlje if pe hauebcaiteibcll With Jerobaai?
piainie , ibbere the ftone ibas in £>i* hisftoufc , anb haue bone bnto wmj;
tbem, to?bing to the befcruing of his ban?
7 ^nb tbhentfjev tolbe it to 3Joatljam, 17 (tfojeuen mp father foug!)t

Iudges. XXV.
ano ubbc
von ano abucnturco bis life ,
S^offibap.anDbefpabe agmna
vou'outoftbebanbeof^abian. abimelccb: ^abetbuieboattgrcater,
* anb pe are rpfcn Dp agapnft mp fa* ano go out. '
fiicrcboufctms Dap, anbljaue dapne 30 anbibjen zebul tbe ruler of tbe citie
tbJcefttwe 9 ten per* ftcarbe tbe ibojbes of ©aal
His cliiibjcn , bcpng tlic fonne of
fonts Upon one ttone,ano
Dane mabe a* £>beb,berbasn«otb.
fonne of Dis itiapue fer*
b'niclccl) tl;c
?t ano rent rneffengers bnto abimclctn
uaunt,Uing oucr tt)c men of £>icbem,bc* p?iuplp,faping: 26ebolo,d5aaltbc fonne
ranfc be is pour briber.)
anb pure*
of Obeb anb ^ bjctbjen be come to
3>icbem, anbbcbolbe tbep fomfictbe
19 <3jfpctbettbauebcaittruelp

lp ttiitb Jcrobaal
anb rbitlj bts boufe rttieagapnfttbee.
tbicoap, tbenreiopee pcibttbabune* 3z 4i2oru tberfo?e bp bpntgbt , tbou anb
lcco,anb let bunrciopce tbitb von. tbepeople tljatistbitb tljee, anblvetn
truelp , tljen
20 25ut if von baue not beait Xbapteintljefielbe.
let a fire ccme out of
abtmelecb, ? ton* 33 ano rife earlp in tbe morning aflbne as
fume tljc men of ^nebcin , 9 tbe boufe of tbe funne is bp, anb fall bpon tbe citie:
<jBtUo:ano let tbere come outa fire fro anb if be $tbe people tbatis ibitbbpm
anions tl)e men of 3>icbcm, 9 out of tbe tome out againfttbee ,botobpmU)rjat
^eilo,? confumeabimclecb.
lioufc of tbmebanocsaiaibeable.
3Joatljam ran atbap anb fieobe, 34 anb abimeietb rofc bp , anb all tbe
D zi anb
anb Went to zsecr anb Mbclt tl;ere , fo;
, people t!jat ibere U)itbbtnt,bp nigbt,
fcare of abunelccb bis tyotber. anb tbcp lapbe atbapte againtt ^icbem
iz nabe n abimelccb bab raigneb t&ee in foure companies.
peresoucr3Jfracl, 35 anb ©aal tbe fonne of £>beb ibent out, jf
13 C5ob
fent an eupll fptrite bettbeene anb ftoobeintbe entringof tbe gate of
abimeletb, 9 tlje men of dfdjem : anb tlje titie:anb abimeietb rofc bp,anbtbe
rt)ecite5ins of ^>icbemb?afeetl)eirp?o* folue tbat ibere tbitlj tltm , from ipmg
nufetoabiinclccl), mvbapte.
14 Xbattbetbicbebnesboncto t&etffeee 3 6 anb ibben <&at& fatbe p people ,be fapb
fcoje ano ten fonnes of Jcrobaal migbt to zebul : 25el)oibe , tbere tome people
come on bim, anb tbat ©oo migbt lap boibne from tlje top of tbe mountaines.
tljsc bloob of tbem bnto abimelccb tbctr anb zebulfapb bntobinv. (W X!je fba* »)•»?«*
bjotber , tbem, anb bpon
rbljieb lluc botb of tbe bplles fecmc men bnto tl;ee. ?S&a
tbeotbermenof &ic!)cm lbbiclj apbcb 37 anb ©aal aunftbercb agapne,? fapo: S?»*SIS
bim in tbe billing of bis b?etb?en. ^>ee, tbere comefoibe boibncbp^mib* K?.
anotbecitesms of&icbcm fctmento ble of tbe lanb,? anotber companp come
lap atbaptc foj b?ni m
t\yz toppe of tbe along bp tbeplapne of tyi cbarmars.
niQuntapnes,ibbicb men robbeb ai tbat 33 Xbtnfapb zebul bnto biuuoabcrc i$
tame along tlje ibap bp tljcm : anb it noibe tbP moutb tbat raib ,U)l)atfclotbe
tbastolbe abimelccb. is abimelecb,tbat lbe fboulb ferue bim*
is ^nb ©aairbe fonne of £>beb tame gjs not tbis tbe people tbat tbou baft
ibitb bis b?etb?en,anb tbep gat tbem to Uefppfeb; <5d out noVb 9 figbt Ibitb t\)i.
Stcbcm: anb tbe men of £>icljem put 39 ano ©aalVbcntout before tbe cite^inS
tbetrtonftbenteinbim. of £>id)eni,?fi>ugbtn>ttQ abimelecb
7 anb tbepibcnt out into rt)e fielbes,anb 40 anb abimeleclj cbafeb bim, tljat be
gatbertb in tljeir grapes , strobe tbem, fleb btfo;e bim,anb manp rbere ouer*
anb mabe merp, $ ibent into tbe boufc tbjoibm^ibounbeb, euenbntotbcen*
of tljeir gob , anb opo eatcanb bnnbe, rringoftbegate.
ano curreo abimelccb.
41 ano abtmelctt) btbelt atarumab:
C:8•anb Gaal
tbe fonne of £)beb fapbe: ann zebul tbniftout ©aal 91 bis bm\>&
S*J* 3f bimelecb^ ibbat is <t>icbem, tbattbepfboulbenotblbcllin^itbeni.
tbatKbe tyouibe ferue \)im<
IJsbenot 41 ano on tbcmo?oib,tbc people \tft out
jnefotmcof 3Jerobaal*
9 zebul is bis into tbe ficloe:ano tljep tola abimclctl> ©
»K ^ r
mic fuc & s come of ^emo?
a 43anb be touc tlje people,? oeutoco H)tm
Jb -fatljcrof £>icbem:fombatrcafon into tb?eet6panies,?lapbaibaptetn tbe
isu tijat ibe
fielbe, anb lobeb , ano bcboio tbe people

tyouloe ferue bim*
<i5obtbis People ibere
? Danbe , tljen ibouib
3 tabc abime *
ibere come out of tbe
citie, anb l;c ran

2P 1 44anb
« .

^Abimelcch, Iud cs. *Ah

g ''Hi
totnpantons 50 Xljcn lbcnt abimelcclj
' to XhcbeT^
44 anb abtmclccljanbtbc beficgcbit,anbtofteit.
5 '^
tbat lucre ruttl) !jim rufbeb ftuttmrb , %

ftoobc tntlje cntring of tbe gate ofttject- 51 25uttbcreU)asalrrongtoib2eTbithfti

tieranbtljcttbo otljer companions ran tbe citie, anb tbptber ramie alitljcmen
upon all tbe people tbat Bjcre in tlje
nelbcs,anb flue tbem.
anb tt)omcn,anb all tlje cljtcfc tljat
tbe citie,anb (but it to tbem ,anb gate
c W
45 3tnbibbcn abimclccb bab fougljt a* tbem bp to tbe toppe of tbe toitye.
gamft tlje citic ai tljat bap,be tone it,anb 5z 3lnb abunelecb came bnto tbe tou«e
flue tlje people tljat mas tberin, anb be* anb fougbt agapnfl it , anb lbent tjatbe
,(IJhat ftcopcb tljccitic,anb foibcb' falteinit. bnto tbe boo?c of fr toibjc to fct it onftce
frouloc be u ,Rc
53 2inb a certayne ibomaifcalt a peetc of
tnfrutful.anb 46 3inb »)l)cn all tbe men of tlje toibje of J

timer (true to
an; bit. Sucljcm bcarb tbat,t!jep cntreb into an a mylflone bponbis beab , t? alltob;abc
(tcSbatiflof Ijolbc of tl)e Ijoufe of tlje goo
aseritl). bis tyayne panne.
54 %tyn Sfbimelecb caileoijaQvivbnto

00 ofo;c. 47 anbitlbastolb Slbimelccli, tbatall

tbe men of tbe toibjeof £>icljcm lbcre tbe young man tljat bare bis IjarnciTc
gatbereb together. anb faybe bnto bim: Seattle tljy Hajojce
43 3lnb 3ttmnclclj gat Ijfm to mount "ZtV anb flea me, tljatmcnlaynot cfti;c,3i
mon ,botlj be % all tljc people tbat u>cre iboman flue bim : 3nb tis lab t&uit
lbitlj bint,? touearcslbitlj Ijint.anb cut Ijim tbojoibe ,anb be bicb.
boibnc boibes of trees,? tobe tbem anb 55 3mb*bbcntl)e men of 3Jftacl farbe
barctbcmonljisfbulbcr, % faybe bnto tbat ^bimelecb ibas beab , tljey Depart
tlje foibe tljat mere Vbttb bvm Vbljatve teD enery man bnto Ijis oibnc boufe.
!jauc fecne me bo , fpeebe pour fclues , % 56 Xbus C5ob rcttbieb tbe lbicfccbncflc IZ„
bo lyfccibyfc as 3 bauc bone. of abimeiccljtbljicb Ijebybbntoljisfa? ssja
49 3itib ai tbe men tbat ibere among tt)e tbcr.inneyngbtsfcucntie bzetbmi. gj
pcoplc,tut boibne botbes , anb foloibeb 57 3in& t!j?rto all tbe tt>ic&cbneu"e of tlje raj
3lbimciccb,anb put tbcm into tbc boio, menof&itbcm, Hyb C5ob bjyng bpon gjjf
anb fct tlje boibc a fire by tbcm : fo tljat t Jjcir beabes : 3tnb bpon tbem came tlje g«»

ai tbe men of tlje toityc of 3>irt)em bicb 0)

curfe of 3Ioatljam tlje fonne of3/cro*
aifo,bpon a tfjoufanbe men % Xbomen. baa!. Is*

^ The.x. Qiapter.
1 cljoTaDtca. TgiatralfoDiPD. \7®ty%fttokte8MzpuniQ)tbfo}ti)tittitintf!. io®^ep
crpe bnto ©oD, i6lno ije l>ae?) pttie on tSjem.

5fter^bimelecb,rbcre tbe ?Lozb,anbferueb ffiaalim anb Xttfc

arofe to befenbe Jf* $ '&H
rotb, anb tlje gobs of &iria, tlje goos
rael ICboia tbe fomie of^ibon, anb tlje gabs of #oab,tf)c
of^buabtbe fonne of gobs of tbe cljilbjen of 3tmtmm,«tJ0 t\)t
a>obo, amanoflfai gobs of tlje ^ijiiiftines, anb fojfo&e tbe
cbar,tbbicbebibelt in 2iLo2be,anbfcruebnotbun. „r 15
£>anur in mount €> 7 3nb tbe ?Lo,2b ibas ib?otb tbitb 3**
pb^aim. el, anb be "folbetljem into tlje banocs
z 3inbbe itibgcb3jfrael t\bentief tl^ce of tbe ^Ijiliftines , anb mto tbe DatiBes
Veres , tj bico , $ was burieb in ^amtr. of tbe cbilb?en of amnion

3 3inb after bun ,arcfc 'jjair a <5tlca - 8 ngljicb from tbat pere foo?tft,piibc anp
bite,anbiu0gcb3jfracutt)intie anb tibo
oppjefleb tbe cljiibjen ofjfraele*
teene peres, (t) ai tljat Tberc on tbe 0$ m


(a ^Cbat was
4 ^nb be Ijab tbirttc Tonnes tbat robe on fibe3Jo?bane,int!jcianbe of tlje % ' »r.»m*

tic Dfc of
ukh of great
authentic anb
tbtrriecities,ibbicb are calico
anb tbe? bab
it?auotl) 9
rites tbljicbc is mc5ileab.
£Pojeoucr,£ ctjttb?en of Amnion vow
^ ni

(b Or the 3Jair bnto tljis bap,anb arc in tbe lanbe oucr 3o?bane to figljt agavnft •»» f
toooncs of
Jair.lDeut.' ofcsileao. Bcniamin , anb tlje boufe of <sp\)fi m »

5 3lnb3Jairbieb,anbrbas burieb in €a-
anb tbe
fo tbat Jftaei rbasfo?e cumfceb.
^nbtbe cbilb^cn of jfcacl crpcb m
6 cl)ilb?en of
Jfcacl ibjougbt p Ho?b,raping: nac bane finneo asjwj
Xbicbebneflevefagavne mtljefigbtof tDee,fo? tbe Ijaue fo?fabcn our
: , b

fah. g eS "

X XV).
0oD,anbhanccarueb23aanm. 15 31nb the children of 3lfraci
, anb the Horn
w fapde Dnto the chil* the nodose haue fmncd,do
! D;cof;pael:2>yOnot3JryO you from \>s mhatfoeucr pleafc tljte
, Dcliuet bs

the egtpttans and from

the Slmomes, onclp me p?ap thee thtsoay.
from the children of Amnion, and fcom is Znn thep put away the ftraunge
thetehtiiftines; from thcm^rcrueo the fLo:d: Ononis
12 %t)t <§>tOonitesalfo anU the 3tmale*
, foulc had pttie onthe nuferte of
&ites,$ the dpaonites dpd oppjcffe you 17 Xhen tfje Smmon aathe*
children of
ai tt» ye cryed to me,and 31
dcliucred you red together , « pitchedin «5iiead : 3tnd
otttoftheirhandcs. , tfje children of 3Jfraei gathered

au*tI;at,veI)attefo?raftcn inc together ,and pitched in <$ifpah.
B anpfoj
anofcrtied ttraunge gods, H)herfo?e
3 18 and the people and lojoes of
faydc eche to other: tbhofoeucr lout be*
14 d5o anD crye Dnto thegods rohtche ye ginne the battell agaynft the ebitbmi
haue cbofcn,anO let them faue you in the of Simmon, the fame fbalbeheab ouer
tyme of pour tribulation. all theinhabitauntes of ©iieab.

The. xi. Chapter.

2 gjeptitbabbepna; cbafeo attar bp ty$ b.ietbiot.Yuag stttv maoe cajjf apne ottet- Iftart.
30 § 1 maficte a raftc botoe. 3: $e banquilbetlj tljc aimmomtesf, js 3<no facriftcettj Wjs
Datiglitcr acco;Diiig to bw no tuc.

$2D there Idas one 3md there gathered ydle men to 3fepf>
tha^and^entotunnthhim. .^
lt t

4 3(nd in p?oceOc of time, the children PS

of an harlot.
3lnd <25ilcad begat
of Amnion mademarre agaynft

(nil. iiuc of tfjs

Sephthah and *•*•

: C5i= 5 Slnbiuhenthe cljflbzen of Simmon
ton™* %»iTT~^
^ leads
CrtUb W "K oare
ibpfc bare nm
him fougljt thus agavnft JJfrael , tlje elbrrs
ai»» *u J?* v w y» *uiy meet of <25iicab ibent to fet ijephthal)
out of ©o» cm

thelanbeofSCob, Sf^Jt
6 ^nb fapbe bnto l)(m Come, anb CB) bc jjgssS?

dnreaptarne, tbatmemay ftgbt ibuh #%™

of Amnion.
tlje t\)ilbim
jjs jaf*
7 3fephtDaf) aunftbercb the elbers of -j« •'

«J«n,anbbU)eltintljelanDe of <" £ob 2D z d5ileab: «•«.


Iephthab. Iudg es.

<5ilcab: 2E>yb not ye hate mc,$ ctpell mc non,anbibouibc not come Vbithin the
out of my fathers houfe hoibe then coaft of i$oab :foj atnon ibas the boi
" J h
rein c you tmto mc no\bc m tunc of pone
tabulation; 19 anb then 3Jfrael *fent meffengcts
to <§>chon lung of theamojites, $ K
8 ami the elbcts of d5ilcab faybe bnto ntt

5cpbthah:1Ebcrfb?cVbcturne agayne of^efbon,anbfaybe bnto hint: %tt\>l

to thee no\be,that thou mayeft go ibtth paffe Vbe p?ay thee tho?olb thy lanb bn
bs % fight agatnft the chtibjcn of am*
mon, ano be out hcao oner all theutha* ao 26ut£>chon confentcb not to 3Jfrae!
bitauntcsof<5ilcao, that he (boulbe go thojoibe his coaft-
9 anb 3Jcphthah raybc bnto the elbers but gatbcrcD all hts people together *
of «5ileab : 3Jf yc b;ing mc Dome agatne pitcheb tn^afa, $ foughtrotthjjft-aei;
to fight agatnft tlje chrtbjen of amnion, ir anb the ftojbc <5ob of 3jfrael belmt^ D
tbcnyf tbc %om Dctuur them before teb debon fall his folue into the bait
10 me,(bail3J be your hcab; bes of 3Jfrael,ano they fmote thent^o
anb tbc elbersof ©iieao fayb to 3Jcpfi* 3Ifraci fmote them,anb poffefleb authe
thab:%be ?Lotf>e be lbitncflc bctibccnc lanb of the amo^ites the tnljabitauntes
bs,tf lbc bo not aeeojbihg to thy rbojoes* ofthatcountrey.
ii %bcn 3Jcphtbab tbent tbitf) the el* iz anb they poffefleb al the coaftes of the
bees of <Mcab , anb p people mabe hym amoatcs, from arnon bnto 3laboR ,
hcab $ captayne ouer tbcmranb 3Ieph* fromthe ibilbentefle bnto 3iojbane.
thai) rchcarrco al his ibojbcs before the zj ^onott)C,feyngthc|Lo?b(l5obof3lf;
?Lozbcttu$ifpaf). taelljath call out the amoves beftje
u anb 3Jcpbtbah fent nicflcngers bnto his people 3ftael , fl^oulbeft thou pot
the mug of the chilbjcn of amnion, fay* feffeit;
tng:D9l)at baa thou to bo ibith me, that *44i2ay,but ibhat people Cantos thy ©on
thou art come again ,,to fight tn my bjyuethout, that lanbe poflefTe thou:
lanbe* cuen fo mhatfoeuet nation (0 the %m it: 'in as I

13 %\)t fttng of the ehtlbjen of ammon out d5ob etpelleth before bs, that latiDe
limit tt

on III al I

I tijiilt'i

aunllbcreb bnto p meflcngers of 3Jeph* ought tbe to cntoy. Ijnoji'iu

thah : zsecaufe 3lfrael tone albay my i5 anb art thou better then 26aiac tfle M« f tctmtStM

lanbe ibbcn they came out of egypt, fonne of zepho? bing of i30odte 2)ib fie fowtwl« Ibnii


euenrromarnonbntolfaboK.anObnto not ftryue Hjitib 3Iftael anb figljt agauift mutliim:'


3io?bane : /Rome ti)ecto?e rettojc tbofe them, iijmiiw


r In lattbes agayne"tbitb fairc meancs. i6 ailthetbhyle^ffraclbtbeltin^cfbon mi m^

|0;D C'JT

\a anb 3lephthab fent meflcngers a* anb her totbnes,m aroer anb her tott-
€ gayne bnto the Ring of the chilbjen of nes,anb in all the cities that be along bp
amnion, p coaftes of arnon thjec hunb^b ycrcsr
i< anb fayb bnto bim,thus foyth 3?cph* !©hv bib ye not recouet them in all tljat
tbah : * Jfratl tohc not avbay
\.b. the lanbe fpace*
of fl0oab,no? the lanbe of the chiibjen of 7 iBhetfojeSJhattenotfynneoagaymt
amnion. thce,but thou boeft me Uwong to uiarce
k 2i5uttt»htn31u-aelcamebpre6€gypt, againftme:%heHo?btherfo;e tt>hiel)c
anbiballieb tbozoibc the lbilberneue, isa(ubge,bciubge this bay bctibccnc
eucnbnto p ecb fca.tbey came to Cabcs: thechilb^enofSlfrael, anb the chtwen
17 anb 3frael fent meflcngers bnto the ofammon. .
Btogof€bom,faymg,TLetme p?aye 3 i% $otbbeit, tljefeing of the WW*
thee go tbojolb thy lanbe 2Sut the lung
: ammon hearbeneb not bnto the
of eio iboulb not agree tbcrto . anb in bes ofHephthah,ibhtch hr fent hint.
lyfte manet they fent bnto the Ring of i9Xhen the'fpiriteof the fto?b came bp") t
t»'! r
fi^oab: but he lboulbc not confcnt.anb 3Jephtbab, anb hepaffeb ouerto^i-
3lfracl abobc ml in Cabes. leab $to 03anaffes , anb came to sp-
18 anb then tbey ibent along thowibe pah that lieth in C5ileab, ^ from "J^
the ibflbcrneu"e,anb compaffeb the lanb bnto the chilb«icn ofammon. «

of «bom,$ the lano of fi^oab, anb came , anb3lephthahbotbebabou)Cbntop

along by the call fybe of the lanb of fl0o- Ho?be,$fayb:3lf thou ft)alt oeltuer
ab , anb pitcheb on the otjjct fibc of at t eDfltyen of amnion into my W^hga
I udges. xxvn.
SLbcnthattbmgtbatcommeth out of gobacfte.
thcbWcsof mp houfeagamll tfie,n>bc ?6 ant i
IhelapDt bnto him:^p father, if
S ccute home m peacethe
from the chii*
thouhauc oprnebthp mouth bnto the
^o?ce ? t!jenbo
Sen of antmon,fbalbc tbitb tueacco2bing to it

qi lbtli offer it Up fo? a burnt

offering. that p?occcbcD out of tbv mouth ,fo? as

» anb fo ^cphthab ibent unto the chfl* much as the Hojoe hath auengeD thee
menofammontofight agapnft them
ofthpne enemies p chiibmt of amnion.
« ,* riirUoioeoeiiueectj
atio the ?Lo;oe
them into hi*
beliuereb themlntohis 37 anbfbefapb bnto hcrfathcr,30o this
much fo? me: ?Lct me alone tibo nto*
„ anb be fmote them from aroer tpll nethes , that 3
mar so to the moun -
thou come to *$ennith, euen
ttbentie rt* tapnesanb co bclbaple mpbirginite/il (f>:foittS»a»
eormtco IB j
ties anofo footfh
to the piapne of the anbmpfcloibes. flismtinjf.
an crccebmg great 3$i anbhefapb,go.anbherentheraibap racl to Dpc
flaugbtenanb thus the chittue' of Am- tibontoncthes: anbfofhe ibent lbith
Ssitijout ct;i%

nion lbcrc brought buber, before the her companions, ^lamentcbhcrmap?

tbtuncnofjfrael. .^ll-. benheab bpon toe mountapnes.
^henSJepbthah came to J$ifphah bm 39 anb after the enoe of ttbo monethes
tobishoufc fcc,hisbaughter came out
fbe turneb agapne unto her father,
agapntt him with
timbjellcs anb ibhichc tyb ibith her accojbing to his
baunecs, lbhich Was his onelp chplbe ;
borne ibhichc he hab botbeb, $ (be hab
fo tbat befibe her, he hab neither fonne ftnoVbnc no man : anb it grelbe to a cu*
e noz Daughter. ftoincmjjfrael,


*• anb lbhen he fame het,he rent hisw 40 Xbe Daughters of 3ffrael came pcre
m. dotes,! fapbe:aias mp Daughter, thou bp pere to lamc*t the baughter of 3icpl>
in i'i

baft brought me lolbc,! art one of them thah tfje <Meabtte , foure bapes in a
thattroubicthme: 5?o?3)hatte openeb pcre.
mp mouth bnto the JLoioe,anb cannot
^ The.xii. Qiapter.
e^ephthah fitllctl) ttoo ant) fouttte t&oufanbe Cp&aimrte*. 8 3Cftcr3epfjt &a& flic
t«DctU3b?an. nCIon. .-janDaiUOon.

|5Dthemenof€ph^ €ph?aim,among the eplj?a(tes anb the

imgathercD themfel* iI9anaffttes.
ucs together , 9 ttient 5 <s3£ojeouer,tfte men of d5ileab touethe
w nojthibarDe,?fapD pnffages of 3Jo#ane before the ephMi^
bnto3ephthah:i©hcr tcs: 3lnb ibhen thofc eph?aites that
haunts fiwc ibcntcft thou to iberc efcapcb,faib,ILet me go ouer:then
fight w againft the chil- the men of Oiicab fapbe bnto h?m, ^«

Dmt of Amnion, anb bpbDcft not call bs thou an (Ephtfite i 3f he fapbe , nap:
Hjaillll to go ibith thee i Tbe ibill therfo?e burne 6 Xhcn fapbe tlKP bnto him: Xhcn fap,
Hi thine Ijoufe bpon thee lbith fire * w£>chibboletb .^nb hefapbe , ^>ibbo^ nifics an one
x 3too 3Jephthah fa^De bnto them , leth:fo? he coulbc notfo p?onounce,^nb
people ibere at great urpfe ibith then the? toae him, anb flue him at
tnc chUDjcn of amnion : ^nb ibljen
3 the pafTages of^ojoane: Zvto there
tattebvou,i?e beliuereb me not out of lbere ouertlwoibcn at that time of the
their Ijanbcs.
ephjaites fourtieanbtibo thoufanbe.
3 ^nb tbhen gj ratbe that vt beliuereb 7 ^nb 3lephthah iubgcb 3lfraci fir percs,
«l»p me not, « J put niplpfe m m? hanbes, thcnbteb3ephthahtheC5tlcabitc,anb
anb ujent bponthe chilb?en of
Amnion, Ibas burieb in [one ot]f cities of (0tleab
aiiothe ilojbc beliuereb themintomp 8 after this man , iuogeb JJfrael one
ijanbes : aaherfcwe then are
ve come bp* 3lb5an of Bethlehem,
PonmenoU)e,tofightagainftme^ 9 anb he hab thirtie fonnes anb thirtie
4 Jepbthah thcrfo?e gathereb together baughters,ibhom he feut out, anb tofte
?,"5 " ,cnof ®«eab, anb fought lbith
in thirtie baughtcrs from ab?obe f02 his {l!nm , «
S.JS naitcs ^ nt) ft* n, en of €>flcab fonnes.anb ibhen 3Jb5an to ljab iubgcb x»
2SP* ^Pi)?aitcs,bccaure tljcp fayb
^e ©aeabitcs are
Jfraclfeuenpcre, , -,
but runncagates of 10 J5c nitn t s ibas burieb at asethleheni. ««*
SO 3 after
» «
Samjon. ludi
ii lifter bint, tfion a zabulonttc tubgcb ncuetbes, tbat roue ontoleleo?camu^
3jfracitcnycrcs. affecoltes: ^nt)U)ljen^bOontSnS
iz ana clon tbe rrabulonitc bicb# Vbas
bunco in aialon,in tljc countrcy of za* 3jfraeietgl)tycres,
y mm
Union. 15 i^cbicb, $mas buryebin l&fiarathfm

u after bim,abbon toe fonnc of $cllrt,a in tbe lanbc of €p Wm,(n

t|jc mourn 5
taijaratfiomtc, tungc n 31 fracl. tljeamaiebitcs.
i + anobchabfouette ronttcs,anbtlnrtte
^Tbe.xiii. Chapter.

of tl?c pDiltiWmjs. ? coe angel appeared

i Tfrart foi their toirftcDnctTc is oppjrifea
to spanoafistcifc. i«cfcc angell commaunDetO fiira to faetiftcc bnto tfce ju#e,

/RDtbccfttlbjcnofSf* 9 anb (Boh bearb tfte boyceof flj9ano aft

a 1

rael"bcganagayneto anb tbc angel of C5ob came agayncun;

••IpclH Ad-
ded to com- tomitte * njicfectmclTc to tbe ibifc as (be fateinttie feibe
mit. of tlje I02U,
ai tDcfiglic t^anoabbcrbufoablbasnotibitbhcr
Iud. ib.jb.
4.. 1.61 10. j.
anbtbctobcbcUuc* 10 anb tyi ibifc mabe fjafte,anb rann? i
reotbem into tbc ban* fbcibcb ber bufbanbe,f faybe bnto bira^
ocsofdjei&biuwnes bcbolb,tbe man appearcb bnto me tliat
fourtieycrcs, came bnto me w to&a?. (b'ltN

anotberc urns a man in zaraal) of 11 3lnb fi^anoal) arole $ tbent after his


tbcftfnrcb of Dan namcb gpanoaD,

, ttufc, anb came to tl)e (0 man, anb fa^tsc

lbbofc ibifc tttas barrcn,anb bare not. bnto bim : ^rt rt)cu tije rna tbat fpattcft ((


3 anb tbe angell of tbc flojb appearcb bnto tbe lboman^nii be fapbc : \ am, wouieilt
in J. it
bnto tl)c lboman, $ faybe bnto ber : 23c* ii i^anoab favbe , /Sovbe let tfjy taping
tbou art barren , $ beared
Ijoibe, noibc come to paffc: ^oVbe (ball Ibe o;bet tbe
not but tbou fljalt tonccauc, anb bearc
, cbilbe,anbbobntobitm
afonne. 13 ^nb tbe angeu oftbeEojb fayb bnto
4 anb noibe tbcrfoje bcibare*tf)at tbou fi^anoab :Xbe lboman mull abdepnc
b:infeeno Vbyne,uo2ftrong b?mtte,ncf from all %t& 3 fapbe bnto ber: c
tber eate any bnclcane tljmg: 14 5>be mfiV eate of nortjincj tbat tomctb
5 f o? lo , tbou (bait tonteauc anb beare of tbe kne tree , no? b?mbe mine 0?
afounc,anb tber may no*rafoj tome on
IfrongojinRe , no? eate anv bnclcane U fojtHD t?

bis beat), fo? yiabbefyaibe 00 a 0s&i? tbiitQ : but mutt obferue all tDat 3 bao
4)t ihoulo Ijauc
a ycicili u cat-
ting rofcruc rite bbto ©00 cuen ft out bis by2tb: anb
<Soo m , Icp.i-
r.u train tbc be fbai beginne to faue 3frael out of tlje 15 flpanoal) fapbe bnto t\)t angell of tl)c
common ojojc
ef men.
banbes of tbc 0btUftmes, 3Lo?be:31 pwvtbceletbs retap;:e rt)ce

6 Xl;en tbc ttnfe came , f tolbc ber buf bntiiiibcbaucmabe rebpa Uvb bcfo?e
banbc,faying:a man of ©ob came bnto tbee*
me,anb tbc fattyon of Dim n?as ly be tbe i6 anb tbc angel of tbe Hojb fapbe bnto
fafbicn of an angcll of ©ob , er.tccbmg £0JttioaD :Xlioug?) tbou mabe nu a^
fearful: But 3 afacb bint nr,t tbljcnce bibe,3l \M not eate of tbp bjcao: 3f nb it
Arfrll. be ibas,ncitbcrtolbc heme tyts name: tljott rbi'.t offer a burnt offering , tno«
25 2But fayoebnto mc,bcboirj,tboufbait mutt offer it bnto tbe° fLo?oc,5Fo: toiaou.

be ttntb cbilbc anb beare a Sonne, $ nom noabibift not tbat it ibasan angcu ot
bzinUcno ibyne no? ftrong DnnUe , nei< tbe|L02be.
tber eate auv bnclcane tbtng ,. fo? tbe 17 anb ^anoab fapbeagapne bnto cue
labbc fbaibc an abftapner to ©ob, euen angell of tbc 1^020 : J©l;at is tbV n a, '

8 from bis by n b to tbe bay of bis beatft, tl;at Vbbcn tby faying is come to
Xbcn H^anoab mabc tntcrceffion to ibe may 00 tbee tbojfbtppc <
tbcllozbe , anb faybe : 3
pzay tbee my 18 anb tbe angel of tbc Ho?bc faysc »";
Hojbclct tbe man of C5oo vbbiebe tbott to bimf i©by aflteft rtjou iDus after

fcnbcbft,comeagaynebntobs,f teacbe name,tbbtcbisfeercte< M

bs U)batu>e ttjal bo bnto tlje labbeibbe* anb a ftyb,
fo S|3anoal) tofee 'J
vm >11Jt

be is bome,
e "
ludge s. xxvn
2nb t!)e angell DtD
"T^TrtTe fLo;t»t : lv bpe,becaufe ibe haue feenc <5ob.
JioWouap^anoahanbhiSNife ti iSuthisttpfcfavoebntohmujafthe
?Lo?bujOMDUi>llbs,hc\toouionotbaue . ,
tame tip wnweD CB)
retcaueb a burnt offering anb a mcate ffilr
JSffJk tOc <ten*e
auiter the angell of offeringof our banbes .neither ibcuibe ST*S
lit'!' hcauen front the ,

cVoibcafcenbeD bptntbeflambe of he haue fbelbeb bs al tDcfe thinges, no? S3S2XS.

<39anoab anb his ibyfe iboulbe noibe haue tolue bs any fuchc. SSSSS'S
the auiter : 2mo
iofttb bpon it, anb
fell on their faces bn* 24 2nb the tbyfc bare a fonne, anb calleb
_ «Wa4
^"bis name <S>amfon: 3nb p labbc greibe, n " ur,M -

(26iutbe angel of the !Lo?b m mm no anb the Hajbe bicffeb him.
*5 3nb the fpfrite of tbe fLojtbe began to
awTarTtotito ^anoaj) anb Ins ibyfe:)

Snb then ©anoah fcnetbe that it U>as " ftrcngtben him m

the hoatt of a>an ,
anangeloft&elUwbe, benbecnezaraahanbetthaol. •»«»

u 3fob layb bnto his ibpfe:*i©e fbai fare*

77>e . xiiii. Chapter.
2 §)8tnron Defiretft to flattc a ttrfe of tfte £&ilifffneis . 6 $e ftrtlety a llfon. n$
p;opount>ett) a rtoole. i? $e rmictij tijirttc. 20 §t]5 topfe foifaheti) tmn.anD ta&ctu

3mtrontt>entbotbneto 4 25ut his father anb mother ibift ® MStfflrfls

Xfjamnarl),anbfan)c not that it ibas the JLojbes bovng , anb tijep ftao Sn^
aibotnainXbamnaih that lie fought an ottafton againft the ot'SoM ivi'll

afoje tljcp Of*

ofthebaughtersofthe ^hihfhttes:fo?atthattimcthe#!)ilifti' contain

^htumnes: nes raignen ouer 3fraei.

3lno he tame bp, anb 5 Chcnment&amfonanbhtsfatherj
tolb bis father anb bis his mother bourne to Xhamnath anb ,

mothers fafb : 3 ijaue fene a woman in eamc to the btneyarbes of SDhantnath:

Jhanmath of thebaugbters of the
&W ano behoibe , a young SLton roareo
bpon him.
? lJen fefatljcranbniotl)er
fapbfcn* 6 ^nb the fpirite of the ?Lojb w eamc bpo bt
2K tttcn «
ft r
3s ^«» wncr a njomati a*
him,anbhetarehim asheibouib baue ffth £int>
nwngtheoaughtcrsof thpbjetbjen, 9 rentaftvbbe,anb petljab notbmgm his
rSai in? peopic,but tbat thou muft hanbemeither toioc his father ano mo*
80,anotafteaibvfcoftbcbntirninirtfcb thcribbathehaooone. .

ffite^no^amfonfapbbntobia! 7 ^nb he ibent borbne,? talftco ibith the 25

rboman, ibhithefeemeb ibell fauoureb

Samfbm riddle Iud es. SamfonnJ

s 3nb nmljtn a fbojt fpacc after , as be tbvneljufbanbtrjatfjemav beciarci^

lbct tb vtber agatne to tafee Ijer to nnfe the ribblcleU tbc buraetrjeeanb tbvfa
be turner) cut of tbe ibav to fee trje tar* tljers fjoufe lbttlj ftrc: $aue ve caiieo
bvtljcr,to mabe bs beggers* tsit not
uaffc of tlje ILion : 3lnb beljolbe ,trjcre fo.
i6 ^nb5>amfonstbvfeibeptbefo?ehSi
lbasafibarmeof bees anb bonvin t|)t

carUaffcofthclLton. anb favb,S>urelv tbou batett me anb in'

9 m
3inD be tone trjerof rjts ljanbcs,anb utttmenot: fojtboa haft put fooitha
ibent eating,anb tame to bis father anb ribble bnto tlje cljilb?en of mv foihe an!
mother, anb gaue trjem alfo , anb tljcv haftnottolbeitme. Suibrje favbebnto
Dio catc : ffiut lje tolbc not tljcm that be her: 26erjolbe,3 baucnot tolbe it mv fa 5
babtafeen tbe bong out of tfje tarbalTe tljcranbmvmotljer , anbCbaii^j mitt
oftljeSUon. thtti
io 3inb fo his father tbent bottme into 17 3lnb5)amfonstbvfetbeptbefo»btm
the iboman,anb £>amfon mabetbere a feuen baves, tbhvletbe fcaftiattebano
tpsjc. wfeaft:fo? fo bfeb tlje vounge men to Do, tfje feuentfj bav be toib ber,becaufe foe
h 3!nb tbljc tljev faibc bim,tbcv brought lav fofojebpobim. 2lnb fbe tolbe the
tljtrrte companions to be ibttlj Ijim. ribble to tlje cbilbjcn of bcr folue.
u 3inb £>am(bn favb bnto tljcm , Wfll 3 8 3nb tlje men of tfje tirie favb bnto bun
nofte put footfbartbble bnto vou: ^pf tfje feuentb bav, before tbe funne rbent
vou tan Dcrtarc it me ibttbtn feuen oaves boibne:t©bat is ftueeter tben bonvtfno
of tl)c fcaft,anb finbe it out , 3
null gcue ibbat tsftronger tben a fLion* Xhen
vou tl)trtie w fbectcs , % thirtie thaunge
it llrnint
b:tDto be favbljcbntotbem: Jtfveljabnotploifr
foojnc, no
«d: II in Hie
ofgarmentes: in rbitb mv (W Devffer,ve Dab not fount* ft' tWlii
ft ton
b IP .IB Ul ll)t
13 25utanb if voutannot betlare it me, out mv ribble. WtlBIBJ

tben fbal ve gcue me tbirtic fljeetes anb JS> 2nb tbe fpirite oftbe %ttfi tame bpon rtmpbfli.

(f>Co fccrne tbirtie cbaunge of

garmentes. 3lnb i)im ,anbljetbentboibneto co 3lfbalon, MUM
at francs ^r.n
tljcv aunfibcreb bim : #ut foojth tbP anb ttue tbirtie men of tbem , anb fpoy- until iii
(oicinnc Dines.
ami chief:

ribbie,tbatibe mav beare it. Iebtbcm,?gauj tbaungeofgarmentes jwS Oil

£ 14 3lnb be favo bnto tbem: £>ut of tlje bnto tben i wbtrb erpounbeb tbe ribble:
eater tame meate , anb out of tlje ftrong ^nb be ibas ib?otfj,anb ibent bp to Ijis
tame ftbcetncfle.^nb t^ couioe not m fatbersboufe.
tlj?cc baves crpounbe tlje ribble. 20 26ut damfons lbvfc ibas geuen to
15 ^nb tbbe* tbc leuentb bav ibas tome,
(g-ffiiritje one of histompanions tljat be Dab ta
faCCtiC, U)l)lcb
ii" a : t i

tljcv favb bnto ^>amfons Vbvfe:5f latter ben bnto Dim.


^ The.xnp. (Jbapier.
4 feamfon t^eeij ftreb^anlieis to tbe fore taplc* . e fcbe j&^iriflinefj burnt
tnlatce ano his tmfe. isnEutmuc tatoebone ot anafle^efttUetbatboutanDmen.
fat&et W
iv<jDut otaarcattoottjintlje tatoc, ©od gaue^im toater.

^ i|tltXbittjntatbbaeaf* 4 ^nb ^amfon ibent out , anb tangbt

tcr,cucn nunc tunc of tb?ee bunbjeb forest tobeftrcb;anr)E5,
U)bcatljarucft,^)aTon anb turneb tbem tavle to tavle , ano put
btfttcbljisibifetbttlja afiretoanb in tlje mibbesbettbeenetibo
fa*«hat*B'J bVb,faving:3ltbil ^go tavies.
fetll Bfc l>cr
u my upfc. intomvibvfe into tbe 5 anb Vbljcnbc Ijab fet tbe bjanbes on
tijaumbcr.26utljcrfa5 fire, be fent tfjem out into tbe CanbvnjJ
tber ibouibenotfufferbim to go in. come of tbe 0ljiiiames,f burnt bp oonj
3lnb Ijer fatber favbc , 3
tbougljt that tbc reapeb come , anb alfo tbe ttanomg.
tbou Ijabbeft Ijateb Ijer, 9 tljerfo?c gaue Jbitb tlje binevatbes anb oliues.
3Jber to t\)v companion 31s not Ijer
: 6 %$m favb: »9bo b»b
tlje ^biliftines
voungcr filler fav^cr tljen ttje; Xabe bone tljis *anb tljev aunftbcrebr^iin'' «2JSi
Ijer 3p?av tbec,in aeaoc of tlje otber. fontljcfonnetnlaibeoftbe 5CUauutfte» tic'

datnfon favbc bnto bvm iJ5oVbe am :

becaufe be bab taben l)is ibife , 9 scng lisi

OSftnin 3 mojc 9 blamelefretljen tlje ^IjtliOii ber to Ijis tompanton.^nb tbe P^S.
l.l V .«4lUUll..
nes, anb tljerfo?e ibiUJfbo t5cmbif* ms came bp , anb <» burnt ber anb w ftW
1 :

plcafurc. fatherMthfire.
ETL xxix.

7 anb&amfonfaibbntotf)em:Xl)ouglj ii Xncn tlute tljonfanbe men of 3foba

ye feaue Done ttjts , vet ttMl 31 be auen * Ibent to tb e toppe of tnc rotfce € tain , $
geD of you, anb tDcn 3
Will teafle faybe to £>amfon : naotteOt tljou not
8 3m> i)e fniote tfrem leggc and rtjygl) tbat rtje ^brtiftmes are rulers ouer b&
Mb a mygbtfe plague , ant> tijen ije nal)erfo;etljenbaa tnonbone tlwsiw
uxnt $ DiUcitm tlje toppcof tljc rotfce to bs^c aunfibereb tfjem :%s tljey byb
etam. bnto me , baueJJ bone bnto tljem.
9 XtKn tne ^fciirth'ncs came Dp , anb iz Slnb tbey fayb bnto Ijtm agayne : mt
PptctjcD in3luoa,ant) tampeb in flebi. are tome to bynbetftee, anb to beuuet
io 3urt)tbemenof3Jubarapbe:i©ljyare tfjee into f banbe of tbe#biliflines.3mD
pe tome Dp bnto bs i Xi)ey aunftbereb: <§>amfon faib bnto tbem:S>Xbeare bnto
Xo bynbe &amfon are ibe tome bp , $ me, tfjatyeujallnotfai bpon mc your
to bo to &ym,a$i)e Dart) bone to bs. felue&

13 %%tf
on. Iud ges.
aunftbereb l)tm , faying : $0, tlipufanoc men*
u %\\Z9 6
but \bc Ibiu bynoe tl)ee,(i oclvuer tl)ce 17 ano Urtjcn bebab left
rpeaaynp; , h
hi!) ap^oinrca
caft albay tljc taibe bone out of
to be *licir oc=
bnto tfjctr banocs : but ibe ibyll not
Ipucrcr froii
3inbtbcybounbel)ymU)itl) banbe, anb calleb tlje plate Eamathm
jj ts

rtlcrcUcofrl)* byll tljce .

l?l)il ttmes.

C 14
nbo netb to?bcs,anb bjougljt Dim from
3nb lbljenDe camt to %tty ,
tlje £nk
2nb be ttias fiwe a thyjft,am> calico on
tbe !l020,anofaybe : Xhouhaft gcuc n


uftinesfbovbtcbagaynftbnn : 2nb tl) e tbis great bictozy in tbe ijanoe of thv

fptnte of tbc ?Lo?b tame bpon Ijim.anb fcruaunt : anb notbe 3
muft bpe fo>
tljecoibes tbat iberebpon Ijis amies, tbttft,ano fall into tlje Ijanbcs of tbe b^

became as ftare tbat n>as burnt ibitlj citcumcifeb.

firefonncbanbcsioofeofromofljis i* 26ut<i5oobjaBe a great tootl) tbat tbas

banbes. intbe iaibe, $ tbere tameibatee tljet*

Cc) <£!)« (s,
an .life IMC
i< Suiohcfounoca « ncVbe taibe bone out, anb MJljcnbehabbninae, bisfoii
ofan^ffe,^ putfoo,2tbbisbanbe anb , rite tame agayne ,f be tbas refrefrjeo:
ibljerfoje tbe name thereof ibas calico
caugbt it , anb Hue a tljoufanbe men
tijettbitlj. bntotbis bay, Xhe rbeii of tljc caller
_ .
'v» "— -, w
16 anb damfon
^/UUHVII faybc
/Villi) •»•£ V%- : wvfw tame
m*+r*+*/ the
n&tlj »— —-^»- Ti- "V"y
on came -"
: tt)birt) "•"— oftljeiatbe.
of anSuTc, beapes bponbeabes :Uirtlj 20 anbljciubgeb 3Jfraelin tbebayesof
the wvbe of an afte baue flayne a 3 ^e £hiiiftmcs,ttbentie yeres.

The. tft>j. Chapter.

1. ^anifon carfetb atoap tlic (jatc* of 3 win. 1$. fir teas bceeaurb bp J^elfla. 3°. 9e
pullcti) bourne tftc UouCc bpon tlic pi;iMlmcjs,anD orctl; tmtb tljcm.

ntnibent damfon to nygbt , faying : 3Jti tlje momyng ibhan

» ^55ab,anbfatbc there it is oay,Vbe ujail Hyll Ijym,
anljariot,anblbcntin 3 Zvto £>amlbn toftc Ijis reft tyll myfr
bntober. nygbt,anb arofe at mybnygljt,anb tofte
^nb it Ibas tome tbeboo?es of tbe gate of tbe citie,anij
tbe asatbitcs, faying: tlje nbopoftes, anb rent trjem ofttJtrt)
5>amfon tome by* is tlje barre anb all , anb put tbembppott
tbcr.^lnb tbey rbent about, anb laybc a Ijisfbcuibers , anb caryeb tljem bpto
ibaytc fo? bym tbere all nygbt in tbe tbe top of an ftyll , tbat is before I^e-
gate of tbe cttie, anb lberc ftyll all tlje b;on.
ses. xxx.
ano after thishe lottcD a Ionian by
, ptcb ,3 fbaiibcibcafce, anb be asanas
; ryucrof£>o?elt,ibhofenamcVbas tner man.
yfg* n 2E>aliia therfoje tofte neibe ropes , anb
two ibhom came the lojbes (bof the bounbehtm thcribttb,anb faybc bnto
IK Hi" 5
»" ;
idfitUfriticjs , anb faybc bnto
\)tt: ^cr* hfm,Xhe#hiUftincs be bpo tbec&am*

I tin fibabe him, anb fee lbhcrin

his great fon.(3mb there ibere lyersofibayteiti
ftrcngtjt lycth.aub by lbhat
nteanes ibe the chambcr.)anb he bjaue them from
mav oucrcomc him.that ibe map bynbe of his amies , as the? Ijab ben but
biin,anb punifbc hym: anb cucry one of tbicabe.
bsftaiiscue t!jeeaicucnl)unb?ebftl'
13 anb 3>alflafoybe bnto S>amfon
thcrto tljou haft bcguyicb me,anb toibs
6 anb 2Daitia faybc to
: me Ives : J3et tell me hotbc thou niygh*
me ibbcrc tby great ftrength ipcth,anb tcftbebounbe. D?e faybe bnto her : #f
boib tbou myghteft be bouube anb thou piatteft the fcuen forties of my
bjoughtbnbcr. hcab lbith the thicabes of the ibooffe.
25 7 ^antfonaunfibercb bnto her: Mtbcy 14 anbfh>faftencbitibfthapynne,anb ^
binbe me lbith fcucn grcene ibythcs faybe bnto him : Xhe 0hiliftmes be c
that ibere ncucr tyycbjtbalbc lbcaue, bpo thee -Samfon. anbheaibaacbout
anb be as an other man. ofhisficcpe,anbibentaibay lbith the'
the $hiltttines
8 ^nb then the lojbes of pynneoftbeibebbeanbthcibooffc.
bjonght bcr feuen ibythcs that ibere 15 anb (he faybe bnto htm agavne :
w3 §m
pet greene $ ncuerbjycb, anb fbc bounb canft thou faye loue thee, ibhen
bvmtbcrlbith. thyneheart isnottbtth me; Xhcuhaft co fn'

9 ( /ftotibithftanbing fl;e
hab men lying motuco me tbisthjee tymes, anb baft %™™j*'»

in ibayte lbith her in the tbaumb'e): nottolbcmc lb herin thy great fircngaj jg'
anb (be faib bnto him, Xhe |&hilifhnes lyeth. trtcueit.

be bpon thee £>amfon.anb immebiatly 16 anb as (be faye bpon bym

lbith her WEEK
he tease the cojbes , as a ftryng of toibe **««*»»« «mh»» " , « »«>»•««« «f i«...
ib02bes,tonnnually bejryng of htm , his »*»«
tbcp m.tijdt
bjeafceth ibhcnit fcalcth fire . anb fo fouleibascncumb«b euebnto^bea'th. cai'mtrc.
his ftrength ibas not hnolben. 17 anbfohetolbeherallhiShcart.tfaib f"
10 anb 3>aiua faybc bnto &amfon:dee, bnto her:Xhere ncucr came rafcz bpon
thou haft motitcb me,anb tolbe me lies: myne hcab, fo? 3
haue ben a ji3a3a*
meibheribifh tljou
iftoib therfoje tell rite bnto €>ob , euen from my mothers
mysbteftbebounbe. lbombc:Xherfo?e tbhen 3
am fljaucn,
11 $e aunfibereb her : nf they bynbe me mp ftrength lbill go from me, $ JfbaU
unth ncibe ropes that neucr ibere ottu- ibarc rbcane,anb be lyuc all Lotbetjnun.

18 anb
Samfbn. lud § es.
is 3lnb lbljcn 2>auia falbe tljat Ije bab may mane bs laugb ^nblieT£r
tolbc l)et all I)i5 Heart , (be Cent anb cal* 3>amfonout oftI)e p?ifonboure S,Lct
leb fo? tfjc lo?bes of tlje $>biltmnes , fay- piayeb befo?e them : anb tljey
ling: Come Dp pet tljis once ,fo?ljc ftartj bettbecne tljc pyllcrs. *
l D ^
fbcibeb me all bis bcartc.Xbcu } lo?bcs 26 3lnb£>amfon faybe bnto the
leb bym by m lab fhaf
of tbe |DI)tWftmcs came top bnto rjer,
anD b?ougljt rrje money to their banbes*
3lnb fl)C mabc bym ttcepc Upon Ijer ftanDctlj
Jjanbc : <s>ct
may toucljetbc pyliers that the
bpon,anb tljat^ may
Uanc t5
Imces.anb fl)c fent fo? aman,anb be byb
(banc of tbe fcuen locncs of tos Ijeab , $ 27 2tob boufe lbas full of men am

began tobeiccbim , anbbisatengtb co Hbomcn,anb there lbcrc all tbelo?&5

(r flotfoj
Hie lolTc af t)ifl lbas gone from nun. tbe^ljilifhues : Smbtljerc ttcre S„
tljc contempt 20 3lnb fye faybe , Xbe 0t)tli(hnes be tljeroofca tlj?ee tljoufimbe nm>
0^ t!)C 3?0tf
DcUUl- U, CcOD, bpon thee £>amfon . 3lnb lie albOBC out
of bis accpe , anb faybe : 3
lbtll go out
U)omcn,tfjat beDelbe ibljyie

damfon m
nott) as at other tymes before , $ (bane 28 ^nb ^amfon cancb bnto tfte * %mt
my fclfe. 3lnb be ibttt not rtjat tljc ?Lo?b anb faybe : €) Ho?be C5ob 3 mv
tjVt Jt
ibasbcpartcbfromljym. tbvnchcbponmc,anbftrengtijenmc'J
21 26ut tljc fMjilifhncs tone bym,anb put bcfccljc tljce at tbis tyme onclye & e
out bis eyes, anb b?oug!jt Ijim boibne <5ob,tbatgf maybe " at once auenacD
to *^55ab,anb bounbe DtoUbitl) fetters of tl)c ^biltfttoes fo? my tibo eyes.

of b?afle : anb be byb grynbe to tfjc

w 19 ^nb^amfoncaugtjttljetibomttiDle
pytlerson ibljicljtljc DoufcCoobc anD "^

s> 21 $oibbeittljc Ijeere of ftis fteab began on iDbiclj it Hbas bo?ne bp,tlje one in his
aim fo (0 togroibc agayne after tljat !je lbas rygljtbanbe,anb tlje otljer in Ijis left.
tticatt) b» tj»» fbaucn. 30 2nb Aamfon faybe : 40y foule u^ail
pjavn, no 2? XDcntljelo^softljc^ftflifttoesg^ HVt U)itb tty ^bilitttoes , anb boa»cu

MlSeD. tljercb tbcm together , fo? to offer a fo? tbcm tbitb all Ijis niygljt,anb Ujcljonfe
lempnc offrtng bnto 3>agon tbeir C5ob, fell bpon tbe lo?bcs anb bpon all nje

anb to reioyce: 5Fo? tljcy fayb ,£)ur ®an people tljatvberetberto : anDfopucaa
iutl) beliuercb &au.fon our encu neap lbijiclj fte
flue at bis bcatlj , ibere mo
toourbanbes. tben tljey m\)M be Cue in Ijisiyfe.
24. 3lnb Vbljen tbe people fatbe Ijtoi, tbey 3i Z\m tfjen bis b?etb?en f all tljc Ijoufe
p?ayfcb tbeir <Sob : f0; they faybc , ^)ur of Ijis fatber came borbne,anb tohe Ijtm
d50b Ijatb belyuereb into our Ijanbcs bp, anb b?ougljt bym, anb buryeb ljj>m
our encmic , anb bcuroyer of our coun* betibeene zaralj anbeftbaol , in tlje

trey, ibbiclje ttuemanyeof bS.
3lnb ibben tbctr Ijeartes ibere mery,
burying place of &9anoab
^nb be iubgeb Jfcacl ttbentfc ycres.
W fatljer:

tbey faybe : £>enb fo? 5>amfon, tljat Ijc

*fThe.xr»ii. Chapter,

?. a9ic8^j( motljet accojbtng to bet botoe mane ber

tonne a pnefl to; i)t0 alter Ije biceD a
tonne ttoo (Dole^.
s. ©e mane W
Mtt ibasa man of 3 Xtto ibben be bab reflo?eb tlje icncti
% mount €pb?atm, na* bunb?ctb fyluerlynges to b<s«» ot %
^nb be faybe bnto
bis motber feybe : 5
Ijab bebicatebttje
fylucr bnto tbe ?Lo?be of myne Ijanoe
bis motbertXbcfe* fo?tbee myfonne , tbat tbonftonrocw
ucnbunb2Cb <f
°fiiucrs Diabeagrauen anb moultm in«W£
lynges tljat lbcre ta*
Ucnfroni tbec, about ttnjicb tljou cur*
jliotb tljerfo?e 3 tbill geuc it 1

fcbU, anbfpaHcll tt in mync cares ,bc? m

b'Jio tlje fylucr islbitb me ,
auwy.^too bis motijet fayb:26lcffcb be
3 tobe it

tljou my fonne,to tlje %om*

!.»' u Judge; XXX],
niGttitcn image, anb it tbas m trje Ijoufc cornea tljou i Xlje fLeuiteaitnftDcreb
Ijpm:3 ant of 26ctljleijent JJttoa , ano
< awrtw man TOatj
mWs ann mabc an

" confccratcooncof
an fjoufe of
tfpljob anb «
to bibcli mtjere
3 map « fpttbe [a m
IO 3fnb 40iealj fapbe agapnc bntoljpm: r°
£Iirrapbim,anb I. hums, it is

His fonncs,u)l)icb became

ijts p.:iclrc. 2>roellibttljme, anbbc Dnto me a fa, SSM?
9fn tljofe Dapcsttjcre was
no npngin tbcrmtoapjiefie, ano 31 unti gate tbee
4 fracl , but cuerp man Dpb tljat U>rj<el) ten fplttcrlpnges bp pete , udo gar*
fogooo in bis olbne t?zs. tncntes, anb tl)p meate
m m '^"-
anb onmcar. "<#<"«>*«>

7 3inD tbcre mas a poung man out of £>otljc?Lcuiteujentitt.

25ctl)iclicm3noa,of tbe UpnreD of 3& ii 3uto p jZcutteibas cf) content to Dwell *> *«*
oa.ibbul) poung man mas a Hcutte $ , lbitb tljc man ano roasDnto ijpmas S3&S
, n ti
tf>oon lajsc.
foiourncbtbere. oneofrjisottmefonnes.
ano tbeman beparteb out of trje

« citie iz 3lttD ££iealj eonfecrateD tljc fLeuite $ .S

of2SctI)lcl)cm3mba,to go MDcinbljerc tlje poung matt became tjis pjieft , anb tasr
Ijcroulbcfpnbccaconumientplace] : ^nb Ibasitt tljc bonfe of *$icalj. 5*3. *&
be camcto mount€pIj?aim,to tlje rjoufc 13 Xbcnfapoe^tcalj: i!5om3Jamfurc^K£M
ofipeabasljeiourncpeb. tljattbe?lojDu)tllbc (s) gooo bntome, tV 9m
9 anb ^ical) fapbe bntoljim : mtymz fctngf tjauea fLcuite to mp plicae.

The.x^>iii, Chapter

i. fln&e fi&bW of ©an feno men to fearctje tlje lano. n. cben come fl&c fir ljuntyetf)
anotafietije goo* ano tl)epjtcaoeas)ica& attiare. 27, flD&epOel&op&aijj. 28. ®&e?
bu?lD it agapncio, ano fct up toolatrte.

M ttjofc
bapes tnete mtotbelbfjetbet trje Vbapibrjicljtbcgo
fljaibe p?oufpecous,o? no
ft lEhnfl <SoB
rati , anb in tnofe 6 3lnb tljc pjieft fapbe bnto trjem: <Q d?o will feno to

nittur uapestrje tribe of2>an m

peace , fo? trje JLo?bc gttpbctlj pour
fucti ajBloue
llronrt orlns
loitil fougftt them an tube ibapibbicbVtgo. fon.roljCTbv
ttici' att ton
ritauncc to btbeil in: 7 Xbcn tfje fpue men bepartcb ,fcamc firmcD In tlica
ctto: to Hint
Duto tlMt tpmc all
jf 02 to JUis,anb fame tljc people trjat mere Drthlictlon,

tbtir inljcritaunce Ijab not fallen bnto tljcrnt,ljoTbc tfjcp btbelt tarelefie, after
tbem among tljc tribe of 3irrael. tljemanerof trje ^>ibons ttpll,$u]itl)'
i 3lnD tbe ebtlbjcn of SDatt fent of rrjeit out caftpng of penis , anb ttjat no man "Heb.made
ftpnwb fpue actiue men in feates of "mabeanp trouble in trje lanbc,o? bfur^ them aflu-
lbarrcoutoftbeir coaftes,euen out of peo anp oominion:but mere farrc from nicJ.

zaraalj jeft&aol, tobictbe tljelanoc tlje <S>ibons, anb rjab no bufpnctTeibitb

anb fcarcbe it out,anb fapbe bnto tljcm: otlirrmcn.
<5o , anofearcljeouttljelanbe , naljicl) 8 3lnb tljcp came agapne bnto tbeir b?c*
wljan tljep came to mount cpbiaim, zaraalj ano Cftrjaol,anb tljeir
tlj?en to
cucn to tlje Ijoufc of ipcaD, feetlvciiGipbc unto tljcm : ualjat ijauc
tt)ep loogeb
S ^ «tbepiberetntr3el)oureof
nt, £
*0itab,tl)epKneibe « bopceof tbe trje
9 3fnb tljcp aunfibereb : ^rpft, ttjat lbe
map go Dp agapnft trjem , to? ujc banc
voting man tljc
JLeuiteanb mljen tljep lanbe, furclpabcrpgooo one:
fectte tlje
tiitneo in tbptbec,
bnto l)mt:
tljcp rapoe 3(nD bo pe fpt flpll i 25e not aoutljrull to
©nob^ougbt tbcetrjptrjec^ J©l)atma*

Souh " I"

tftlS placc ' m tt) ^ at i)aft
go anb entrc to poUcrTe tlje lanbe
10 ^fpetbingo,peujai!comcbnfoapco*
pie tbat caftettj no perils, ano it isa be*
iS? iJC aunf^^b trjem: Xrjus anb rp large countrep , robictJ ^ob tjartj gc^
K^aictl) ^tcab wiitf) me ant)
3 me »«»b 31am become bis
, ucn into pour tjanoes: 3ltisaifo a placc
noting tljatistntlje

wnnfcii norb of
fa^ tnt0 ^magapne:me ir 3inb tljcre beparteb trjence of t\)t 6pn*
©ob , ttatibc map tcb of the 2>anites,cuen out. of zaraal)

*5\fic\ih Iud es.

anb efibaotftre hunbjcb mcnappopnt- fubftauncc before them.

tet) lbmj tnftrumcntes of itoarrc. n anbUJhcthcpnjcreagoobibapftcm,
1 1 3r.D thcp lbcnt top ,anb pvtcljtD in Bi*
riath iartm, U)|)tidpe is in Jluna : nahcr*
the tjoufe of spcah , the men that
in the houfes ncare to spcahs h^r*
few thepcailcb the place, s ^ahanch gatljcrcb together , $ foloWcb after
Dan, bnto this bap anb it is onpbacte
, chiibzcnofDan: m

fybeofmiriathtartm. i j 2tob eaileb bnto them, anb thep ttmuh

3mothep Went thence bnto mount €* their faces,? faio bnto fl^icar):nohat
phjaim,? came bnto the houfe ofipcah let!) thcc,that thou maaeft an outcrvr?

€i4 Xhen aunfibereb the fme men that 24 2nbhcfapb:PchauetaRenaibapm»

itocnttofppeoutthc countrep of Ms, sobbe£ibincl)3lmabc,anoaifopp^ft
ant) fatbt bnto their bjethzen : naot pe anb go pout ttmpes : anb tt)hat w lW
not that there is in thefe poufrs an c* 3 moje f ^oib then fape pe bnto mc 8L*J
phob, Xhcrapbim, anb a graucn anb a nahat aplcth thee* j. SJ

nionuen imagc^oibe
monlten therfcw w conu*
unaac^ovbe tfjerfoie 25 3lno tlje chtlbjcn of Dan feto bnto font* pft


3lntothep turneb thptheribarbe,anb
Het not thp bopte be hearbe among
bs,lea angrpe feioibes runne b'pon S*ht
H)Cin .iw.iv to
gut otonc tofe. came to the tjoufe of the poung man tlje tiice,? tf)oulofe tljp lpfc,tmtl) the ivuts ?'*>*
flcuite,cucu bnto the houfe of fl}9icah, of ail tljpnc IjouCboltie. &£
anb faltueb hpm pcaecabiie. 26 *^lnb fo tDe ehilbjcn of Dan tbent tfieit
i6 3inb the fire hunbjcb men girbeb ibitb ibapes : ^nb lbljcn i$)icalj fame tljat
Weapons of mam ,Mjichibcre of the thev mere to ftrong fo? Ijpm , ftc turneb
cbiib?cnofDan, ftoobebpthe cntrpng anb ibent bacKe bnto hts tjoufe.
\ of tlje gate. 27 ^nb tbep tone the (0 thinges itobtci)
Ml, M)
S^Sm! '7 3nbtljefiucmcnthatTbenttofppcout £^icalj hab mabe , anb the p?itft rb^tcij OlitlWl.
ncfTc tfoatthd
bcltuc tint the lanoe, tbent m
thpther, $ (0 tone tlje he hab.anb came bnto flats, curnbnto £r "*
tiirfc tools
mhtcl) bp tob=
graunmage,$thc€phoo,Xhcraphtm, a people tljat ibere at reft anb Vbithout
ience N)tp
anb &»• anb the moultcn image (3lnb tlje pneft
: mpftruft,anb fmotc tljcm lbith the eoge m*
t.iKc.ijoav. ftoobc in the entrpng of the gate With ofttjcribo;b,$ burnt the citictbitljfire,
map help th«.
tlje fire Ijunbjcb mm that mere appoint 28 3tab there ibas no man to * helped
teb Vbitlj weapons of tbarrc.) *
caufe ^llaisibasfarre from <&iDon,f
18 nshpie other Went into S^icahs
tfje tljep Ijab no mempng iDirt) anp otljtt gm
Ijoufe , anb fct tlje carueb unage , tlje <e* mananb itibas in the ballep thatipetlj «.*
pbob,Xhcrapbun anb tlje moultcn
, bp25etljrcljob. * PH

unage:Xhen fatbc the pneft bnto ttjem, 29 ^nbthcpbupltthcmrtjereacitie,anii

ibDatbope; bmelttljcrin , $calleb it Dan after the
(Dfnhtrt-. 19 Xljcp aunfibercb Ijpnt : i^oloe ii)y name of Dan tljcir father , lbhicljibas
g,'.rtcD not
450D5 borne bnto Jfraei: ^oibbeit , the name
anb come ibitrj bs , to be our fatljec anb

otonc ho- of tlje citie ibas ILais at p begpnnpng.

tlefilc but all
pneft : 3s it better fo? tljec to be a pnclt 30 Zxto the cljplb?en of Dan fet them Dp
his cute -ui.ib
fo? bu bdlp. bnto tlje rjoufc of one man , then to be a tlje graucn image: 3lnD3Ionatl)annjt
P«cft bnto a tribe oj ftpnrcb in 3)fraelv Tonne of (Kerfom, tlje fonne of ipanaf*
S!«^^ zo tlJ e Xm Wfas
Ijearte «> ibas glab, fes,anb his fonnes, mere the pneftcstu ®w*
anl) toKc tl^ e ^Mob , anb Xljerapljtm, u i.*«
SSSf&S the tribe of Dan, bntpl the bap of the
.11 Uc of the
anb tlje graucn image , anblbcnt Cs) m captiuitteofthelanbe. ****
miDbcft of tlje people.
31 Xnb thepfct them bp the carucb imasc
i-UfOC. tlje
2D 21 3mbtljepturncbanbucpartcb,anbput U)hiclj5©icah mabe, all tlje lbhile tljat
tlje cDitiucu , tlje catell , anb tljcir otljct the houfe of ©ob ibas in ^>i»o.
The. xix. Chapter.
i£f mtmitt toljoic topfc toassbillatiounp fipneb in
% %§§%fo in tljofc bapesf, out of Bethlehem 3rooa.
ibljcn there ibas no Znn his concubine piapeb tlje lbhotfDP
Iud 17. c. & Kpngin3Jrraci,accr' him , anb mentalbape from hi" w °
tapne ffcufte foiour*
npng on the fpbe of
her fathers houfe to leetljlcljem 3

m >

anb there coutinucb fourc monctljc^ t

, mountcph?aim,toUe: 3lnb her huf banbe arofe, anb tteiit »' ^,
Jto Itopfe a concubute terher,tofpeane * frenblpbntoher^j
11 '
Iud es. XXX1111.
places to loogcail npgljt, citber in©i*
SShSn>T»a couple of affes^nbtbe
2ht mwbnto bee facers boufc ,f 14 ^Jno tbep ibent fortbarbebpon tbeir
ibap , ano tljc funne ibeitt ootbne bpon

SftKtUctof tlje Damofel! Tattle
tbem tbljen rtjep voere faft bp <5ibca,
tmn bcrcioyccbof btscommyng.
„ %nobis
fatberin iatbe,tbe bamofeis ibbtcl) belongetb to tbem ofieeniamtn.
4 be abobe 15 3lno tbcp turncb tbvtberibarOe to
fatW, tctayncb bym, *«&
S ftyin tfoee oaves : ano fo tbcp UvD
arm D?inKc,anb lobgcb
tl)crc (l
tn.anoioogeail nvgbt in ©ibca :
lbljcnbecame , be fatljimooibnc in a
arofe early ftrcatc of tbe citie,foj tbere ibas no
< _be fourttj bay tbban tljcy man
5 that ' tone tljem into bis Ijoufc to looce
intbemomyng , tbeman ftoooebp,to *
uamofelsrfatfter fepuc vng. .
Dcoart. 3lnu tftc

imto bis fonne m

ia\bc : Comfotf tljync i6 ^inobcbolb , trjerecame anolbeman aSdZH
of bjeab , anb tben
from bis ibo&e,out of tbe fielbc at eue,
ijeart ml) a mo?fell
ibbtcl) lbas airo of monnt€pl)?aim,ano
bibclt as a ftraunger in d5ibca: 25ut tlje
< Stbcy fete boibne, ano byb cate ano men of tbe piacc,iberc tbe cbiiojcn of
w ^« _
w 5SBS '

DitncBcbotboftbcmtogctber, 3mDtbe

oamcfcisfatbcrfaybebnto rtje mam 3emini.

_3e content _0 p?ay tbec , ano tary all 17 ^nbibl)enfjef)ablpftbpbiscves,be
faibc a lbapfaryng man in tfje (create of
nygbt,anb let tbyne beart be mcry.
07 anoibbcntbc manftoooe teisytobe* tbc citie: ^no tbe oioe man fapoc,
tbergoefttbou i anbibbence commeft
part.bts fatber miaibe compcHeb Ijym:
therfojc be rcturneb , ano tarycb all
is $e aunfroercb tjpm : me come from
s 3no be tore bp early
W _.__
tyffl) bayta

or parte, anb ibe bamofeis fafbctfaiO:

23ert)lebem_0uba toibarbe tbefybcof
mount cpb?aim , from tbence am _J:
bcartcUpjay tbec. anb_0menttO26ctfjlebem_0uba, anb *w«*
ComfiMte tbync
3no fbey tarycb bntyll after mybbay:
go noMjc to t\)t < > Ijoufc of tbe Ho:be, %W
ano tbey byb cate botb of t!)cm toge* anbtbereisno man tljat reccauctljme
tbcr. toboufe.
9 3lno tbben tfje man arofe to bepart 19 nae baue ffraibe anb p?ouenbcr fo; our
Mb bis concubine ano bis lab , bis fa* affes , anb tycab anb ibyne fo? me anb
tfjcrtniatbe tbc bamofeis fatber, fayb tbv banbma?be , anb fo? tbe lab tbat is
Onto bym: Bebolb noibe,tbebay goetl) lbitb tbv feruaunt : $ ibe lacne notbing.
fad aibay, ano bzaibctb tomaroe cucn, io Xbcoioemanfayb: * ^eacebeibitb .
= l
Jpjayyoutaryallnigbfczseljolb tbe tbee , all tbat tbottiacbcft tbalt tbou «'
Vhio £ J?{

fvnbe ruitb me: £>niv abybe not in tljc

utnnc goefb to reft , lobge bete , tbat
tbync bearte map be mcry : ano to mo* ftrcatc [an «ps^].
rotbc get you earn? bpon your lbaye,
21 ^nbfoljebwtgbtbim into bis boufe,
ano gauc foooer bnto tbe ^ffes: anb
that tboumayeftget tbee to tby °tcnt.
io $eucttbeiatcte tbeman Vboulbc not tfjcvvbaltbeb tbeir fecte, anb b?o eatc
tary but arofe anb bepar teb , anb came
, anbb?vn„c. ti1arh , Mn
asfarreas_0ebus ( lbbtcbis $fenira« ix ^nb as tbc? ibere maftpng tbeir JSr
IcnOanobts tmo affes iabcn,anbbts bcartcs merv , bcljolbc , tfje men of tbe that .», gcU e
t ° v" ckcd
concubine ibitb bym. citie ibbtcb Were " ibicfteb , befet tbc
ii c ^!
ii 3lno roben tbey rbere faft bp _0ebus, houfe rounbe about,anb tbmft at the ««£» m.
tw b?Cil , '

tbcoayibasrQjefpent , ano tlje young ooo?e , f fpaftc to tfje man of tbc boufe, IT
man fayoe bnto bis maiftcr : Come _0 tbe oioe man, faying : 2is?ing foo?tl) tl)e v Bofo m ,
P*ay tbcc,anb let bs turnein into tbts man trjat tame into tbvnc boufe , tljat {Kj^
cittc of tbc _flcbufitcs,anb lobge al nigbt tbcmav Cs)
bnoujcbim. ZZV *

there. xi 3lnb tbts man tbc maiftcr of tbe borne *g$g*

If He fc ^ts maiftcr aunftber cb bim : mt Tbyll Xbent out,anb fapbbnto tbem: _[)b,nav jj
*» .

not turnc into a co ftraunge citie tbat arc mvb?etb?cn,bonotrottitcBcoir,^^^^^
• JlCfc
_ 'Sonne not of tbe cbiiojen of _Jfrael, Tbe null go tbat tljis man ts come into mync bouic, f^T""^
*l re, «H»t&to<Bibca. bo not fo bnmcctca tbpng. ,^0"?™;
"tinti ab ""^ m -
Wil ba 15 3no be fayo bnto bis lab:C5o fotfbarbc 24 25cbolb,berciSmvoaugbtcramav;
ano let bs b?aibe ncarcto one of tbefe ben, anb tjjis mans concubine , tbem 3

The Leuites. Iudges.

topngout noibcbnto you, anb
lbyil thelboman euenitslolicubliri^
00 Cbat
«, bumble them, $ boibith them ibhat
fccnittftvougooD : but bnto this man
long before the boo?c of the
her hanbes bpon the tremolo? f
bo not fo abnommabic a tiling. 28 anb he «
fevbe bnto Dee 'mi \m ,„
25 ;&ut the mcniboulbe not hearken to bsbcgoyng mt
XhcnthemantofteherbpbpoaX* mft

bym anb tljc man tone bis

: concubine,
anb brought Ijer out bnto thcm,Xbbiche fttoobebpsgate bym bnto rW
'i2 l

ftneibc her anb abufcb her al the night,


cncn bnto the momyng: anb lbbcnthe bctoBealmyfe, anb caught his s
coZ' iy
bay began to fpjyng, they let her go. bine,anb beuibcb her in pecccs
2 6 3!nb then came the iboman in tbe batb* boncs,intotibeluepartcs, anb fent£
nyng of tbebay, anb fclFborbneattbe mto all quarters of 3lfraei.
CO ©eatt.
boojc of tbe mans boufe ibbcre her lojb 30 anb au that fatbe it, fayoe: %hn,
'tbas,tyllitibasbay. lbasnofucbcbcebc bone oz feeneS

, _ anb her lojbc arofc bp in the morning, the ebilbjc of 3Jftaci came out of €avn
'anb openeb the boozes of tbe boufe, anb bnto this ba^Confibcr the mattcrX
ibentout to go I)is lbay : anb bcljolbe abuifement, anb fay pour mynbes.

^The.xx . Chapter.

1djelfracltecsalTEmWc t'n SEtfpatj, to toftomtfte letitte oeclaretlj&fe Yu^ons. t?C&M>

fcnDc fo; tftcm toat opo t^e btllame. 2$ ©tje Jfraeltte^s are ttopfe ouercome, 26 ano at
len^tlj get tlje bicto^te.

3 1 |pg|!l||||pcn*au the chyltyen of pie of ©ob, foure Ijnnb2cb thoufanw

ofcx b. 1*ot Kit 3 feaci tbentout , anb footemcntbatbzerbefttwbcs.
the congregation ibas (/ftoib the chyltyen of ascnianiin

fa) diatlf,
all a>Ut) one j
jatbereb together as
one man, euen from
thatthe ebylbjen ofSJfraelxbete
bp to ipfoah) Xhen w faybe the
bjcnofgjfrael: XellbsbotbetbfSW'

M vf
thelanbeofC5tieab,bn= ftebnesiscommicteb? . -.,,,„
tothcHo^bein^ifpah. 4 anbtbe?Leintethett>omansburcaw
anb there affemblebtbc ehicfemenof u»w
i that ibas aayne, aunftbereb ano
aun> people, [anojof all the tribes of 3 came into <£>ibca that is in z6eman»»
^fcacljtnthe congregation of the peo* lbitlj my concubine, to looge aU
mmin is
dejlroyeci. lud cs. XXX111.
againft me, tbcrcailnicnofttmrre.
3nt> the men of <©ibca rofe
anobefcttbeboufe rounbe about bpon i8 Sup the ctouuen of 3Jfrael arofe (0 4tt)MfB,
, anb tl)t tnbernaett

SSvrfflbM tbougbtto bauc flaync "St^E ?

t,)e houfc of ©oo ,anb aCnco ml)crmf(itlie
Of (©06 um Bi

my coneubync bauc tbey fojeeb, of d50D faying ^nabitbe of

nie,anb : us (ball go wl)itl)o then
teas in guio.
bp ncfttotbe battel againft the cbtnmn (S)'Il)Ci>pjc
fume To mud)
* anD touc my concubine, ? cut Ijcr in
^ of 23eniamin?anb the Ho2bc favD:
Tf u- Of tlicir mum
c **
wtesfanofentber throughout all the ba than begin. lictjfljtcngttj. thcyjfbi
tnberitatmce of gjfeaci:
19 anb the cbilbjcn of gjfraclftoobe bp no councr II of
<£>0D fo: tiic

tbey baue eommittcb abbomtna*

early, anb campeo agamft <mbea. tictojit : ttitf
f02 hnoc tlicrcfoit

nonanbbilianteinlJfracl. *° anb men of 3ifrael went out to

batten agamft Beniamm ,anutbcmen
5s *3
^ ascbolbe ye are all cbiibzcn of
herein. of 3Jfraei put the fclucs in aray to fight
aeuc your aoutce anb counrcl
s anballtbepeople arofe as one man, againft them.beftbe d5ibca*
favmg:£bcrc (bal not a man of bs go to 21 anbthe chilbjen of leeniamtn came
btstcntneitberturne into bis «boufe. out of <Mbea, anb befttoyeb bovbneto »>
that ibcibiilbo to
26uttl)is fbalbe it fljfrgrounb of the gifraelites tjjatbay
<£tbca:[w unu so bp]by lot againft it tibentie anb tibo thoufanb men.

10 anb vot Ml
taae ten men of the bun- ti anb the people the men of Jjfrad pluc
D2CD throughout 3fc aeb bp their heartes,anb fet tljctr battel
ci,anb an bunbrcb of flic thoufanbe,anb agame inaray,in the fame place ibljcre
atboufanb out of ten thoufanb , to fetch they oyb the firft bay.
bitayle fo? the people , that the? map bo 13 (anb the chilbzen of 3Jfraet rbent bp
ibhcn tbey cometo d5ibea 26eniamin,ae* anb rbept before the ?Lo20cbntocuen,
coibfng to all the abhomination that anb alaeb ofthe ?Lo2b,faying:5>halibe
tbey baue ibioughtm^frael. go agayne to batten againft the chiibjen
u ^nb fo all the men of Jlfraei gathereb of asemamm our biethzc^anb the H02&
together againft the title , ftnyt toge* faybe:C5o bp againft them.)
tber as one man. 24 anb the ehiibjen of 3lfraei came nearc
12 anb the tribes of 3f fracl fent men tho* agamft the ehttbjenof zscniamintlje fc-
totbeailthe tribe of 2Scniamin,faymg: conbebay.
*i©bat Vbieaebnefle is this that is torn- 25 %tfo the ehilbjen of 2Bcniamin ibent a*
mmtteb among you* gainft them out of ©ibea the feconbe
|5oibe therfoze beliuer bs the men, oay , anb beftroyeb to the earth of ri; c
thofc chittucn of belial tbbiche arc in clnibjt" of 3)fraei once againe eyghteenc
m may
ftca them , anb put thoulanb men that b;clbefibo2t)escuc
rie man of them.
14 ^euerthelater, the chilbjcn of ffienia* 26 Xhen ai the chftbzen of3Jfraei,anb all
mintbouW) nothearRc*bntothe boyce the people ,*bentbp anb camebnto the
jMct- of tbctr brethren the chflbren of 3Jfrael boufeof<25ob,anbibcpt, anb fate there
23nt the chtibren of ffientamm gatbereo Ho2b,anb fatten the fame bay
befoje the

I Hi
tljefemes together out of the atita bn* bnto euen, anb offcreo burnt offe*'
to <5ibea , to come out anb fight agaynft rynges anb peace offerynges bcfo;e ti)t
t!)ccl)ii02cnof3lfrael. fLozbe.
*5 anb
the chilbzcn of asentamin ibece 27 anb the ehilbjen of Jfracl afaeb the
numtyeb at that time out of the cities, 3Lo?b:(f02 there tbas the arae ofthe ap* e
tujentte 9 fire thoufanb men that bietbe poyntmentof (25oo,in tljofc bayes
«bo?bes , befybe the inljabitauntes of 28 Snb 0hmebes the fonne of cicasar , £ l*SSr
« w " St8 "f,t, •

<pibca,tbhfch ibere numbjeb fcuen hun* the fonne of aaron ftoobc before itat
b2eDcl)ofenmen. that time ) faying: S>bal 3
set mc bp to
i« 3tno
among all thefe folue,rbcre fcuen go out any mo?e to batten againft tt^c
ptwiujco chofcn men beyng left hanbeb, chilbzcn of Bcniaminmy bzetfjzen, 02
wncije cuecy one couioe ftyug ftoncs at
3 ccalfaXbe %om faybe:d5o bp,
fo? to mo?oib 3 M beliuer them into
anhecreb2eabth,ano notmifle.
17 4n? the chiiujen of 3ftacl befibe 25en* yourbanbes.
mm , ineee uumbzeb fourc hwibzeo 29 anb 3Jfracl fet lyersarbayte rounb a?
"joufflnu men thatbzeibe ,anb bout^ibca,
ei 30 anb

The battell Iud:

e 30 anb tlje cbiioicn of 3lfracl tbent bp a* in p battell, aSeniamin bcgan^tolnw^
gamft tlje ebilb2C of aseniamin nje tnirb
nine, rjputtbcmfelucs tnarapagaintt
bcab of tbc cljilbjcn
tljirticperfons,anb fapoe:
of Jfrael

arc OricRen bottme before bs , as in ill

©ibca, as tibpfe before.
anb tlje cljiltacn of Bcniamin came out full battell.
polline of tbt
agamft tlje people, $ co tbere bjaibcna* 40 But ibljcntljere began to arpreoutfif
chiioicn of lbap from tl) c cities t!)rp began to finite flambe as a
tlje citiea
pilier of
3. tad.
of j' people, bcab as tibife bcfo;e, bp ttbo tljcBeniamitcs lofeeb bacne, sbclinin
Ijpc ibapes at rijcncioc (of lbljicijeone tlje flambeof tlje ibljole citie began
goetlj bp to tlje Ijoufc of gab, 9 tlje ortjet afcenbebptoljeaucn.
to C5ibca)bpona tljirtie men ofjlfracl. 41 i©bcn t&e men of 3lfrael alfo tucnett
3Z (anb tlje cljiUycn of Beniamtn fapbe t ^agavne,ttjemen of Bcniamin ibere aA
Xljep arc fallen befoze bs,as at tbe ftrtt.
But tlje ct)Ub?en ofJfrael fapb : !Lct bs tljebtfjem:
abaujeb ,f02 tljep faibe tljat cupu apnin; S: r

aec,anbplucRetbcmaibap from tljeei* 41 ^nb tljcrfo2e tljey turneb thctc

tie,bnto nje bye ibapes.) 9* bacltes before tlje men of Sftael.bnto
,? anb all tlje men of Jifrael rofc bp out tbe ibap tbat leabetlj to tfje ibiiDcr^
of tfjeir place, 9 put t0em fclues in arap nefle,but tlje battel ouertouc tijcnt:3inD
at asaai Xbamar: anb ipfteibpfctlje bcfpbc tljat, tijey lbljicb came out of tbc
ucrsin ibapte of JJfracl came fcwtlj out titic^cltroiebtljc^'in tbe mibbie of ii)c*, Ktf
of f U nr places,euen out oftljc tueboibes 43 ^nb tljus tbtv compaffeb tbc 25cn^ £
tljat ibere about ©tbea, iamitcs about , anb cljafeo tbem at tyt e
34 anb came agatnltdftbca ten tljoufanb nulja ,anb ouerranne tbem,eucn oucr a-
cl)ofcn men out ofall If fraci , anb tliccc gainllcSibeaontlje eaftfpbe,
O Co fit
ibas a fan battel : But
tijep mttt not » 44 anbtljere ibcreflapne of ascnfomiti
tbat Yu^n ibas neare tljem. epgbtccne tljoufanb men, ibbicljc ibere
&™£t 35 anbtlje?L02bpiagucb26eniammbe* menofibarre.
$S!£2° fat Jfrael anb tlje cljittwn of Jfracl
45 anb tljep turneb $ flcb to tlje ibplDct;
{»*£' befrrcpeb of tlje Beniamitcs tlje fame ncs ttiarb, ? bnto tlje rocke of Etnnnon:
baptibentieanb fpue tljoufanb anb an anb tytf q) gleaneb bp p map of tljercft ,552
DutibjcD men , tljat o?ue ftbojbcs cueric oftbem,fiuettjoufanbemcn: ^purfueo g^
one of tl) cm. after tbem, bnrpii tbep came to dNDoin, j*j
$ 3
6 anb djiUncn of ascniamm faibe
tlje anb flue tibo tljoufanb men of tb cm.
tljat tljep ibcrc put to p OricUen bourne 46 5>o tljat al tljat ibcrcttapne tljat fame
m iwcnrrt foi tbc men (mJ
gauc place to p
of 3jfracl bap of 2Seniamin (0 ibere tibentie 9 $m '»>•

ST * ascroamoes , becaufe tljep trufteb bnto tfjoufanbmentljatb2uefibo;bcs,U)ljK!)



tlje ipers in ibapt ibljiclj tijcp Ijab lapbe Ibcreailmenofttmrre: am

bcfioeeibca. 47 £)neip fire bunb^eb men turneb anD
37 anb tlje ipers in ibapte baftcb,? bjafce flcb to tlje ibiiocrnes , bnto tbe rocfte
• dni mA foonil
asmnft ®ibea,» tlje cmbuujmcnt of Simmon, anb abobe in tlje rocfte of
.^ fLa. bicibc tljcm fclues along,anb fmotc all Simmon fourc monethes.
%ub a „»n. tlje citic ibitlj tlje ebgc of rtjc ftb02bc. 4S anbtbemenofjirracltunicbbacw
tt- 3S anbanappopntmcntljabtljemenof againc bnto tlje ttjilbjen of ascraamin,
3Jfraelfromtbclpcrsmibapt,tljattljcp anb fmotc tljem tbttt) tlje ebgc of tlje
fljouib mauc a great flambc [an&j fmofee ftb02b in tlje cities.botlj man 9 bcaft.anj

anb ibljcn tlje men of 3Jfracl retireb
ai tljat came to banbe, anb fct on fv?c au
tie^citiestijat tljcp couioe come bp.

The.xxi. Chapter.
®$l 5rracW^C^carct«att!)fptoi!notmar?t6ctri)aogl?tet3 tetlje jgcnfamttejJ.
loWPltoyVm oE^abcgt ©ncaa. ana geuetbetr f mm
to ttje seniamtteis.

)^fl)emcnof3Jfracl totbeboufeof©ob,anbabpoctbf«
»u \i)\. yuuic ui v^uo,aiiu twin*** »v-' -
(1 V)10OtI)C
fibare in fl^ifpalj,
nco ,foi after
eucn, bcfo2e d5or>, $ lift i>p tljcic
I buh:
lie? faping:Xfjcrujalttonc anbibeptfbzc,
byofubtm fr d
of bsgeue bis bauglj* anb fapbe : ^D ?L02be d5ob of •
terbntoanpofBenia- tbljp is tljis come to paffein 3lx
tn y "
muttolbtfe. trjat tbere ujouibe be tjjisbap one
anb tlje people came lacBinginJJfraeW
, .

Iudgcs. XXX1111.

TattoonSc mojoibc the people rofe bp 15 Snb the people there fojy foj Bcnia*
4 an « witter, min, becaufc that the ftozb hab mabc a
» wSie, anbmabc there
offcringes anb peace tycaebcinthe tribes of Jfraei.
JS anb otTctcb burnt is 3lnb then the elbers of the congrega-
(gWonsaitftembcsof1lfrjirt,tJat naunt of thcm,to get them tbiuesf fcyna
congregation torn all the lbomen of Bcntamin are be*
tame not bp UWtlj the
othefLo^fojtlievhanntatjeagceat ftroyeb;
came not top 17 anbtheyfaybe: ICbere muft be^an SSftS? 1

oVe concerning Dim that ;

tothello^to^irparj^avmg^eajail inhcritaunce fo* them that be cfcapeb of SFS^T

2Semamin,that a tribe be not betteoycb S&S?
the cftflwn of Ufracl«ftab
n25cniainint!)eicb?etIwen ) anD|ivcc: 18
^otbbeit,\bemay not gene thctbyues


is one tribe cut of from

3frael of our baughters . 5fo? the chtttucnof
Spfcacl haoftbome, faying: Curfcbbe

n S&attibebobntathe
rcmnaunt p that geucth a ibyfe to Beniamtn
of tbem,that tbey may haue lbiucs* The 19 Xhcn they faybe : Bebolb , tbcreisa
haneftbo?ncb?tl)efLo?be,thattt)e\b?l feaft of p jLojbc yerely m
£>ilo,tbhicb is

not gene the of our Daughters

to tbiucs. on the nojthfioe of Bethel,! on the call
there any of the libc of the lbay that goeth from Bethel
s anbthepfaybe: 3JsCB)
camenotbpto to £>Khem, anb font!) from fLtbanon.
tribes of 'Jfrael, that
flftifoab to the %m<%x& bcholb, there 10 Xhcrfojc they commaunbeb the chil *
came none of 3labes «5ileab bnto the b?enof26eniamin,faying:0o,anbly:in
hoaftc anb congregation. ibaytemthebineyarbes. m
9 M
the people ibcrcbieibeb, anb be*
holbe there ibere none of the inhabi*
21 Znn tbhen ye fee that the baughters of
£> tlo come out to battnee in baunccs,the
tauntes of 3Jabes dftleab there, come ye out of the btneyarbes? eatche
io 3inb the congregation fent thytljer you euery man a ibyfe of the baughters
tibcluc tboufanb men of the "flrongctr, of 5>ilo , $ go to the lanbe of Beniamin.
anbcommaunbebthem,faying:(15o,anD ,, %Ms ibhrn their fathers 0? bjetl^cn
fmytcthelnhabitauntes of 3abes d5t* come bnto bs to complayne, tbe ibfli fay
leabtblth theebge of theftbojbc, both bnto them , $aue pttie on bs foi their
lbomcnanbchilbjcn. faftes: becaufeibe rcferueb not toeche
Iixxj.c ii *2nDthiSisitthatycfl)aUbo: yefball man his ibyfe in tyme of ibarre, net*
bttcrly beftroy all the males, anb al the ther haue ye geuen bnto them, that ye
lbomen that haue lyen by men. fbouibfinne at this time.
ii 2lnb they founb among the inhabit 23 3nb the chilb?en of Beniamin n^ cue
tafttesof 3Jabes <micabfourehunb?eD fo, anb tone them ibyues aeeojbing to
bamofcllcs , birgins , p hab ttnotbne no the uunuue of them that bauceb,mhom
iuan,by lycng vbith any male: 3lnb they they caught : anb they ibent, anb return
brought them bnto the hoatt to &llo, neb bnto their inhcritaunce, anb repay*
uiincD'c is in the lanbe of Chauaan. reb the cities, anb bibelt in them.
13 3nb the ibbolc congregation fent anb Z4 3tnb the chilbien of 3)frael bepartcb
fpabevbiththe chilbjcn of zseniamin thence at that tyme, flbent euery man

that There in the roefee of B.mmtou to his tribe,anb to his Binreb,anb ibent
anbcaileb peaceably bnto them. out from thence euery man to his inlje*
*i 14 3nb Bcniamin came againeat that ritaunce.
C time,anb they gaue them lbyues lbhlch i< *3Jn thofe bay es there Ibas
no tting in Iud xvil b>

i*> tm they ijab faueb aiyue of the iboman of gjfrael: but euery man byb that U)I)icl)e & *««*
Uabcs d5fleab:26ut thcy cf fufflfcb them ftcmeb right m l)is oibne tvts.

f The ende of the booke ofIudges,called

in the Hebrue Sophtim.
Elimelech, Ruth. *(*«tmi

J^>The booke of Ruth.

^ The fyrft Chapter.
i CPbimlecbgoetti toftb
fonnejs Dpc.
W torfeanD eftflojen
i* jSaomi anD iButlj come to #etBie&em.
into tfielanoeofflPoab. j2!nD fits*

X came to wttt « *n° ^ 0ttU fapbe, ICurne asainetnp
Daughters: fo?ibt)at taufelbmpou go
"Hcb, Iud- tl>ittbl)crt)eu«>
gcd. ges"ruleb,rt)ete me< arc tftere anp moe tl)iib?en in

fa) Ctyttte, felabcarrtjintbc mp U)ombe,to be pour feuf banner

B;£1*-.'JC Of"
wianb^acertcin 12 Xutnc againe mp baugftters,go pour
man of 26ctt)lc* ibap , 3 am to olbe to baue an
fo: l)uf=

CO Hn tit I)f
w 3aDaU)etit banbeanb 3 fapb, 3 fjaue bopc,if 3
tribe of Jub.i:
fo? to foiournc m tone a man alio tins nigbt, pea % tbough
fO> tljCTC ffidO
•n otbet lisctb in ttjc
couture? of
rtje 31 i)ao airebp borne fonnts:
trriKotiaBB* U0oab, \)t anb !)istbpfe,anbl)isnbo 13 naouib pe tarp after rticm,ttll rtjepbjcre
formes. of age; 0? Iboulbc veto? them fo longrc*
Xi)cnameoftI)cmantbas€limeleelj, feapne from tatting of bufljanbes */!5ot
anb tbe name of his tbpfe /frjornt, ano fo mp
Daughters : fo? ttgrceuertj me
toe names of Ins ttoo fennes tbert •muclje fo? pour faKes,rt)at rt)e bano of
gabion anoCbilion ,<£pl)?aitesout of tbe !Lo?be is gone out cwagatnft me. Wipi
^Sctrjiencm 3Juba:3uib ibbe rtjep came 14 3mbrtjepltftbptficirbopccs, t? wept
too Mm, <

into tbe lanoc of $&oab , tbcp continucb agatnc:anb jD?pba miTeb ber motber

ttocrc. m
ia\be,but Hurt) abobe (Jill bp ber. (b)

km si

3ino eiimelect) /ftaomles ftulbanbe 15 3tnb &m\\i fatb: S>ce,tt)p fitter in latb iipaiiliij.

Cieb , anb ftjc remapneo tbitlj Oer ttbo is gone bathe againe bnto her people,

(t) -&1 tt)(8

fonnes. $ bnto her goos:returne thou after bet.
irsnDctfr.ll nohitbc tone them ibpues/^oabt* 16 3nbftutbaunfibctcD:entreatmcnot
Reinstate of
<con, lSJtb •
tcOts, of tlje i^oabites : tftt ones name to leaue tljee, ant) to returne from after
became one of
<©C03 ^JU.'c was ^)?pba,anb tlje others 3&utrj:3mD trjee:fo? Ujfjptfjer tbon goeft , M\\ go 3
llJlj.-.Of tol|0
<Li),iiicainc, tbt p DiDciico ttjerc about a ten peres. aifo,$ Vbljcre trjouDtbeUcil,rt)ere
5 3lnb ©aljion $ €()flion Uieo alfo euen Xljp people ttjalbemp people,
botb of tbcm, anotljeftomanrbas left anbtrjpgoumpgoD:
ano pet
nno the
^^cftttutc of Ijcr tlbo fonnes anb of l)er 17 nafare t^ou utett^Dcrc tbill bie,anb 3
lyUe f woilDc
hill of ,M>bi--
Durbano. tber e tbpl 3
be burieb:Xt)e %oth no fo
die tbc cbpi s
Xljen Oje arofe tbitl) fter Daughters to me anb mo?e alfo, if ougljt but ocatfj
Djcn of men in latt)e,anbretumeo
bo tout Cs from
coun- trje Depart tlicc anb mc.
trcpof^oabifo? ttjcDao Uearoe fap in is nal)en u^e fatbe tfjat ft)e tbas flebfatt^
tne tountrepof fl^oab , Ijotbe tljat trje Iprtiinbebtogo Vbttl)l)er, fljeleftfpca*
^Lo?oc ijao DiRteo l)is people,ano gcuen Bingbntoljer.
tl)cmb?cab. 19 2nb fo tl)ep \bct botb ,bntil tljep came
i©l)crfo?e otparteo out of tlje place
fl)e to 26etblel)c : 3lnb ibljc tljep tbere come
25 tt)&cre flje tt)as,ano her tvno baugltfcrs to 26ett)lebem , it lbas ^^nopfeb of tnern towrrtW
fe)Otd oring m laiDc ibith Dcr: affl> tljep itient on tl)o?oib all tbe cttie,anb tljep fapDe : 31 s
ncfTc to mc toeir u>ap to rtturne bnto tlje lanbe
of notttjisiBaomiv
s rt
, ttpenti*
tb'lt mnihtr,
b 'is: beatelp _ 3Iuoa. 20 ^nb ft) e annfibcrcb tfjem : Cal mc not
yoa loucb U)t
toben tbo
o 3no ^5aomi TaiD bnto l)er tlbo bangt> "
i!5aomi: but call me " Jil9ara, fo? tlje ai^
Sucre alpue, tcrs in lalbc , d5o ^returne ctljc of pou
an» That af> migljtie rjatl) mabe me berie bitter
fcttton pou bnto pour motljets boufc : $ tlje ILojbe ai 3 Vbent outanb tlje ?Lo?De l)atl)
full, $
b.irc toto'ircs
them, anbtbc
bcaic asmnbip lbitb pou, as pe bauc bzbugbt me Dome agapne emptic: WW
o;;thc:n noist bcaitibttb rtjewbeab,anb vbttlj mc: tl)cn call pe me iBaomi,fcping,tbt^o?D
ih-ittijcp at«
9 ^nbrt)elLo?b gene pou, tbat pou map
fttao. Dart) numbieb me, $ rtjc auntgOtie Datp
fpnberea , eitljcr of pou in tbc boufc of
tbet titbco,
bcr co fjurbanbc. ^nb U)l)cna)eBpaeb
b?ougt)tmebntoaouerfite; ^^, ^i
*i J.
toealtb, not 23 ^nb fo /Baomi ibitl) mutfj tfte ^ofn
gpftof folc
Ipfc: but max
rt|£m,tbepliftbp rtjeitbopec anblbept bitefte fjer oaugbtcr inla\be,rctunico
10 anb fapbe bnto ber : 5>urclp tbe lbill
outoftljccountrcp of S0oab,anb tame
trtmome a-
STCcablc to
lEotB inOfa
tutlon. \ returne ibitb rtjee bnto tljp folue. to 25ert)lebe , in tlje beginning
&W lt)C
. , .

Ruth. XXXV.
The. it. Chapter.

i Ktrtij gatfcereb to?ne j'n tfjc RcResfof jsooj. « Cfjc smtflne* of jboo? totoara far.
i!3D iftaomfeshufbab rt)c heath of thvne hufbanb:
1 hotbe thou
baba^Binfman.ama haft left thvfatheranbthvmother
f«Ct anb
of poibcraiunbeaith the lanb u>herc thou \baftb02nc,ano
[tn^ic^ toas]
of tlje bin ^ tome bnto a peopieibl;tch thou fenetbeft

rcb of Climciechjna* nottntimcpalTeb.
mcb 215005. n Xhc H02D qupte thp tbo?be,anb a full
3mbffiuththc&9oa* relbarb be geuen tljce of the Ho>u
bitcCTc fayb bnto ifraomi: %tt me no U)e
ci £>1 mfrtp;
of 3lfrael, hnber ibljofe » U)tngcs thou

mtglit, vjotccs
tton.nno pjoa
ao to the fielbe , ^gather cares of come artcometotruft. uiDcncc.

after any man in ibhofe fight ftnbe 3 13 Xhen ft)c fapbe : ?Let me finbe fauour
grace. 2lnb fbc faybe bnto Her : <5o nip in th? fight my i02b,thou that haft com*
Daughter. f02teb me, anb fpoftcn"comfo2tabiy bn- - to
2lnb the lbent, anD came to the fielbe to thy maybe, ibhtche yet am
not lyfee hcjrt -

anb gathereb after the reapers: anD fo tmtooneofthymaybens.
itibas, thatthe fame fielbe parteyneb 14 215005 faybe bnto her agayne:3t the C
unto 25005 , lbhtche xbas of the tonreh meale tyme come thou hy ther , anb eate
ofcnmclceh. of thetycab , anb bypthy mozfelinthe
anbbchoibe,2i5oo5 tame from asetfr Wneger.^nb fl)e fat befybc the reapers:
icbcm,anb favbe unto tlje reapers:Xhe anbhereachebherparchco come, $ (be
%o;u be lbitb you 3tab they aunfihe*
rcb btui:%he ILozbe blcfle thee 15
W eate,anb masfuffifco,? lefr^part: SSSffi?
3lnb tbhen (be ibas ryfen hp to ga * lnldwe

p 5
Xben faybe 215005 bnto his voting ther, 2B005 tomaunbeb l)ts young men,
man that ftobe by ttje reapers i uahofe faying:Hethergathereuen among the
I »«
bamofelisthis* fl)eaucs,anb^«rcbuUe her not. aj}**
mn, o 3mb the youngman that ftobe by the i6 ^nb leaue her fome of the (l)eaues foi
reapers aunftbcreb,anb fayb: 3Jtts the the nonce,anb let it lye,that the may ga*
^oabtttlhe bamofel, that tame Mth ther it bp,anb rebuue her not.

^aon« ottt ofthe counttcy of fi^oab,
3lnD fbe faybe bnto tos , P?ay ?ou 3
17 3lno fo fljc gatljereb in the fielbe
til euen, anb ttoefbeb that fljc habga*
let me glean t anb gather after tlje rea- tljereb, anbittbasinmeafure bponan
pers ,amongft the fljtaucs: anb fa fhe *ephaofbarlye. Exo.xyi. s.
ramc,ano hath conttnueo euen from the 18 3lnD fl;e tofee it bp,anb ibent into tlje ci*
mo2nmgbntonoibe,fauc that thetancD tit: anbtbhenher mother in laibchao
antiemthehoufe. feeneibljatlheljab gathereb, a^epiuc*
S Xhen fayb 216005 bnto 3&m\) : $eareft ueboutaifo, ^gaueto^erthatfljehab
thou my Daughter '.<Bo to no other refentcb U)hen ft)e hab eaten enough
ficioe to gather, neither go from hence, 19 ^nb her mother in laiDe faybe bnto
but abybe here by my maybens. her: nahere haft thou gathereb to bay;
Hct » thyneeyesbe on the fielbe that anb ibhere «)20ugl)tcft thou? biefleb be
they bo rcapc , 9 go thou after the [mar* he that aneibe thee.^lnb fhe fl;evbcb her
] aw>3j not chargeb the young
$ m
mother larbe hoihe (he hab Brought
"ten, that the? fhau bo thee nohnete*
Bl5, Jbith him , anb faybe: Xhe mans name
In t59o2couer, ibhenthou artathyjft, go ttHthihhourJftbjought to bay (025005.
bntorhcbcae!s,fb2utBeofthat U)ljirh ct)
20 3nb iRaomi latb bnto her oaughtee
'w labors hauebzatben. iniaU)c:26leu*cb be he of the ?Lo2b,fo2 l)t
TZm the feu on her face, anbbotbeb tobo*goobtothelyutng $
Totji *
)tr rclfe to the
growth, anb faybe bn< to the^beab. ^nb j^aomi fayb agayne p>m^«,
tobun:$oibeisitthat ijaue founoe
swectnthyneeyes, $ that thou fboul*
3 hntohcr:Xhe man isnyc bnto bs, anb s^V:
ofouraffmttie. SSSftT
ou,e me ' fClnfl3, mW m as 21 3!nbmuththc^oabttcfrcfiiyb:hefiiyb
[ S$g
tM *-
Dntomeaifo, Xhou fl^altbe my
ana 25005 aunftbereb anb faybe bnto
young men,bntil they haue cnbcb al my
E? lw ol^fl)eroci)
L ™
'jaODonehntotby mother
that thou Ijarueft.
€ 3 22 mi

"Boo^ Rutl i.
iz anb jftaomf aunfibereb bnto 3SUttH 23 ainbfo 0>e ftept Dec bpttie mavHenT
Dec Daughter m
laioe : 3lt is bcftmy of 25005, to gatbcc,bnto tbc'cnbcof baf>
bangfttcc tDat tljou go out ibitD Dts lye Ijacuea ano of tbljeate ijacucft aifo
maybcns, tDat tDry tonic not agamft $tffl)elt lbitDDecmotDeciniatbe, '

tljcc in any otDecfielbe,

Tie. Hi. Chapter.

iJSaonugeuetfilsutbcoimcel, s^caecpet^atjSoojfcefc. n^eacBnotolcajet^

ijtm ftUe to be tjer fctnfeman.

X 1 $cn $aomi fjer mo* goobnefle in tDe lattec enbe , tDcn atthe
tDccmiaibe faybe bn* beginning, (naunucDe as tDou foiou*
toljcr:i?9yoaugljter, ebft not young men,tt>DetDec tDey Jbcre
>« fljcamng
that (t>«
ftjal3f notfefte w ceft poo2cojnenc.
rooulo p:omDc
li.-r of An
2nb notbc my baugDtec feacenot , 31 #
hul'hanti.TOrth pjofpec* ibill bo to tDe all tDat tljou ccquieeft: (0;
whom [he
a 3lnb is not 25005 our
might Hut all tDe title of my people both tmoU),
lunfman, tbitlj lbljofc maybens tDou tbat tDou att a tboman of bectue,
lbau\25cbolbc,ln lbtnnoibctD barlic to ii 3tnb it is true tDat 3
am of tby ncrt
nf gin in tl)c tbnflbing flooje ftinne,Dotbbeit tljece is one niec tDenJ.

3 reaffbc tljy fcifc tDerfo?e,anb annoynt 13 Xacy tljis nigDt anb rbDen mowing W»illMi

tljcc,anbputtljyraymentbpon tljcc, % iscome,ifDetbilw pecfoucme tlje pact lice to tela

»Pf' bp Hi

get tljcc boibne to tin floon : but let not of a lunfman bnto tljcc , it is goob,lct title of lUvg.

"e uaitiBj
tinman Knoibeof tine, bntill Ije Ijaue Dim bo tDe ninfmans pact : but if be to^ooolin
left canng anb bundling, n>yi not bo tljc ftinfinans pact, tDen tbyl
4 31nb lbljcn be goetb to tteepe , macfte 3 bo tDe buetie of a lunfman , as tbe
tljc place lbljere Ije layctlj bun bourne, ?Lo,jbc liuctljtlleepe bntil tDe mo?nmg.
anb tljcn go anb lyft bp tDe clotljes tljat 14 3ln0 On lay at Ijis feete bnhll tDe mo^
are on Ijis fcctc,$ lap tbee ootbne tljcte: ning : anb fln acofe bp befon one coulbe
anb in (ball tel tljce inljat tbou (bait bo. Unoibc anotDec . 3nb lie faybe : Hct no
5 3tnb U)c aunftbereb Dec: 3111 tDat tljou man nnotbe tDat tDece came any \w
btbbcltme,3Jibiilbo. man into tljefloon.
6 3lnb (In Vbcnt bourne bnto tljc flooje, 1$ ^nb lj e faybe againe: zsnng tljc man* m
ano byb actozbtng to ai tDat Dec motljec M tDat tDou Daft Upon tljee , (fDolttcit.
inlaibebabljcc. ^nbibDen ftje Delbit , De mcttein fire
25 7 3!nbn>bcn25005l)ab eatcnanbbnm* meafuccs of baclye,anb laybe it onljen
Ken, f ebeaccb jjts ijeact, De tticnt to lye XnD Oje gat Dec into tDe citic.
boibne at tljc enbcoftljcljcapc of come: i6 ^nb VbDen ftje came in,to Ijec motljct
ano (In came foftly, anb lift bptbc tlo* tnlaibe, flje faybe: naDoarttljou, my
tins of Ijis fcete,anb layeb Dec boibne. baugljtccanblDetoibcDecaU tDatnje
8 3lnb at mibntgl)t,tln man Vbas afratbe, man Ijab bone to Dec,
anb eaugln boioe : anb beDolbe , a Jbo s 17 ^nb foybc:%befe ftce meafuccs of bar-
maniayatljisfeete. lye gaue Ije me , anb faybe : %b°« fl^ !t
9 3tnb ije raybc : nabat act tDou i £>\)t not tome emptie bnto tljy motljcr in
aunfvbcccb ,3 am ftutlj tDync Datn> latbe.
maybe : S>pjcabe tbe lbing of thy [sa* 18 ICljen faybe 0)e :C0y baugDtec, fit wj]
ment ] ouer tbyne baubmaybc , to? tbou bntil tDou bnorbe Doibe tDe matter lbiu
arttlnmnfman. fall:fonbemantbtilnotbe mccftibn^
10 $e faybc:25icu*eb be tDou in tDe % o?b tiUDeDauefiniujcbtDe tDing tbis^"'
myDangljtcr/oztDoutjaftflicUjcomozc bay.

Ruth. XXXV).
The. iiii. (Jhapter.

i boo* fpeafietfj to tttutUjs twrt frinfeman totic&fnoj fm matfage. 7 c&e atmrfctit at.
flomnnlirael. 10 ffioo? marten iBut&, of to&om.bebesctteHjsDbeo. isrc&eae,

$entt>cnt 25005 bp to 10 ««£»««, &«tft the<®oabite

3 gate, anb fat him
' aJvfsaH^I the theibpfe of i$ahaio,hauc3i punhaieD
boibne ti)ere : abb be* tobempttpfe toffirrcbp tbetuuneof
holbe, tbelnnfmanof tbeoeabbponhis inberitaunte stbat
U)hith25005fpaue,tame the name ofthe beab be not put out
bp , unto rbhom , he among bis tyetbjcn , anb from tlje sate
fapbc: °$o,futheorte, m
ofhis plate:pe are ibitneffes this Dap. <™> *»• .

tome, fit DonMicljece.3ttitil)e turneb, $ 11 3mb all tfte people that ibere in the S&* " 1

fatbolbne. gate,anb the eioers ,fapbe ,nae are tutt=
, 3mb be tofee ten men of the
elbers of nefles:1ChefL02b maftethe njomathat
tlje c ttte,anD faiD:fft pe ooicbnc Ijcce.^nO ts tome into thpne houfe , ipne Babel

' tjjep fatbolbne. anbHea , lbhithe ttbapne bpb buvioe
3lnD befapb tmto the fttnfinan : iftao* thehoufe ofjjfraei: f that thou mapeft
mt that is tome agapne out of the toun* bo ibojthpip in (s > ephjata , anb be fa-
trcp of J^oab,U)ill fel a partell of lanbe, mous in asethiehem. lino S5ctl)le«
Ijcm art both
wind) ibas our biothcr eiimclc th3 1* Xhp houfe be Use the houfe of teham cut.

4 ^nD 31 tDouflijt to do rtjec to tbpt, anD (U)homXhamarbarebnto3iuoa) eug

bpb the bpe it before tljee inhabitauntes ofthefeebevbhithetbe fLo^OjallBeue
anb elbers of my people. 3Jf thou Unit thee of this poungtboman.
rebeeme tt,rebeeme it :but $ tf thou Xbtlt 13 j^nbfo 2B005 toReftuth,anbfl)etbas
not rebeeme it,tbcn tell me,fhat 3J map his lbpfe: 3lnbtt)ften he ibent in bnto
ftnoibe:5f oj there tsnone to rebeeme it, her,tf)eHo?be gaue, that (he tonceaueb
Kit Jrt

fauetbou,anb 3Jnert thee* 3inbthe anbbareafonne.
other aunfiberebij unli rebeemeit. 14 3lnb tlje ibomenfapbe bnto /l5aomi: C
5 Xbenrapb25oo5:tti>hat bap thou bieft 26lefTeb be the ?Lo?be, the lbhithehatlj
the fieluc of the hanbe of /fraomi , thou not left ttttt this bap Without a binfs
nuittbpeit alfo of &uth the £pabite man anb his name Cbaibe tontinueb
, in
tbetbpfe of the bead , to ftirre bp the 3ffrael
name ofrtje beab bpon Ijis <» tnt)ert^ 15 3mb that (hall b?(ng thpipfe agapne,
tl ftat
taunte. anb theria)e thpne olbe age: foi
SCbetanfmanaunftbereD: ^tannot baughter in latbe rbhitlje loueth tljee,
rc&ceine it, fo? marring of mpne oibne
hathbomebntohtnt ,anb (bets
inbcritatmte: rebeeme thou mp right to to thee then^feuen fonnes
n>e,fo?3J tannot rebeemeit. 16 3ino i5aomi tobe the thilb,$ lapcb it in
Hm7ftT oiZT *
S2? ^
ft cl o^wnjnB rcbecming
7 iftoibc tins ibas t|)e maner of olbe
$ 17
ino oerame nune bnto
betamenurfe nnto it.
the ibomen her nepghbours gaue

^S?^S tfta ¥9 t e
,!,ft W :W «taname,faping:iheretearhflbbVne
SffiJSfiSWlJL*?^ ¥" f aorni,? faiiebit£>beb: the fame ts

gS£S3SSSr1^«ttnwwafiire tbefatherof3fai,rhefatherof2>auib.
I. s SSJE^?' r
,Sf«?i ^%nfmanra^ ef02B0
I8 ^^^tt)egcnerationsof^hare5,

are ,WI ,,
ffi2 5S8hL i PP so ^^abbegati5aa(ron,iI2aa(ron
SL'„S a 3 &W$"B&t allthat

begat salmon,
ffi^Sm&S l ffi ?
^ ^ -©beb,
nD ^ ahalo "S,oftl)ehanbeof
salmon ^3« 25005, 25005 begat g.
l all lt
it £>bebbegat3fa(SfaibegatDauib,

fThe endc ofthe booke ofRuth.

Ell^tna. [.S amue 1.
#{< %
^fc>The firft booke of Samuel , called
thefirflbookeofthe fynges.

^ The firft Chapter.

i gtnealogfe of tfffiana fatljtr of &>amucl . 2 $«s two tofuejs. fcanna teas
barcn ano piayeD to t&e lojoe. n $et aunftoere to <£l< . 2° Samuel wbowe.
=4 ^be HottD Dedicate#m to tlje jlof De.

^ I bie of tbpne banbntavbe anb remembje

nte, anb notfozgettbvnc banbmapoc
Caldw but geue bnto tbvnc tjanbmaybe a man
were trao
inatbaim-ro- el)llbc,gj ibtll gene Dim bnto rt)e %mt
tic in mount ptjun,ofmout all tlje bapes of bis lyfe , anb tbere ujaii
S»-rc5opl|(ti>, €plj?aim,na* norafo? come bpon bis beab.
that IS tl|C

men mcb*€lbana, n 3tnb as (be continucb paving befoje

hub p;oul>etc»
tljefonne of tlje U02D, €li maritcb ber incutD.
3Jcrobam,tlje u 5Fo?^annafpaReinberbcatte,fbec
_ tonne of ett* lippes xnn but moue onelp,but ijer boptc
fju, tbefonne of Xbobu, tlje fonneof ibas not bearbe, $ tberfo?e eli tbougijt
zupb,anepb?atljite: a^cbabbenbjunfecn.
CbiTOlH) «)«
•*> naljicb bab
ttbo lbyucs, n)e one cal- 14 ^nb eli fapbe bnto tyt : $ofl)e long I
onoffccnc, ico tyanrta, « tlje otljee 0Denenrui : 3tno ibilttboubcbmnben^ut atbay from
tame tit ti>e
pljcncnna Ijab ctjilb?en,but Joanna Ijab thec tbeibtnc that tbou bad.
pttulkDjc of
no ci)rtti;cn. i< ^anna aunftbereb, anb faybe, iftot fo
<S;lK pjomtfe
prtfoimc j and I
%m tbts manibcnt bp out of D»s cttte myHo?b:3 amaibomanof a"fo?oui> "Httr.Of

tul bearte, 3 baue bmnbe neitber ibine

cnDrt) in * hirdc fp.
Cl)iifl,tl)t eucryycrc, to lbojflnpanb to facriftce rite.
tcatfcth.iina bntotljeHojb of Ijoaftes in3>ito,rbbere no? ttrongbnnc&e,bttt baue poib?eb out
<EoM law:
tikcth place. lbcre tlje nbofonncs of eli , ^opljni i6 mv foulc bcfo?c tlje Hojbe:
tin one
J i» ano i&bincljesjlje Hojbes pjicftcs. Count not tbine Ijanbmaybe fo; a '

43mb itfel onabay,tljat cifeana offeree, ibicbeb tboman: fo? out of tbe aboun*

anb gaue to 0ljcnenna bis ibyfc,anb to battnee of my b t®Wt u"e % gricfe , baue
all ber fonnes ano Daughters, pontons.
17 ciiaunftbcrcb ber againe , anb
co wwtby fayuc:
5 26ut bnto Joanna Ije gauc a
(c Co eticarc pomon:fo?ljcloueb$anna,?tljefLo;bc (5o in peace , tlje d5ob of Jjfrael grauttt
I)£r,t«?l)e of
fcncojc that Ijaomabcber barren. tljce tljy petition tbat tljou baft affceb
fnl.bcoufcnjc 6 3nb l)crencnue[P^ncnna]i)t]cel» ljer
{doji barren.
fo?e, fojafmuclje as u> bpbjaybcb ber, 18 <S>be fatDtfLet tbyne banbmaybc finbe
^c Jboman
>grace in tljy figljt . ^no fo tlje
becaufe tbe fLojb Ijab mabe rjer barren.

n>cntbertbay,anobybcate, anb Iobcd


( 2nb fo byb ije yere by pete) anb as oft fctmi.

15 asujeibct bptotljeljoufcoftbc fLotf), nomo?efab.

tbus (be bereb lj« , tljat (be ibept , anb 19 ^nb tbey rofc bp early , 9 tbw^ippcb
Dyo not rate. before tlje ?lo?be,anbtl)cn returncD, J

s Xljen faybc ClUana ber bufbanb to camcto tljeir Ijoufe to mamatb : *f°
ttiljen (Elbana bneibe l^anna Ijts ibyrc
ber :$?anna,tbby ibepeft tbowanb ibljy
catett tbounofranb ibby is fljinc tj carte tbe fLojbe (f) r ememb;eb ber . _ «sft
to ifo? in p^ocefTc of bme it came to paue,
troubled ^Cm not better to tbee tljcn
ten w fonncs? tbat (be conceaueb , anb bare a fotme , 9
<a> let tijia
calieb bis name Samuel itepms: J 25c-
£>o D?anna rofe bp after tbat tbey Ijab
Cuffiee thee,
tliat 31 ">»e
caufc 3 baue afneb bun of tlje %om. Stf
thee no leflc
eaten anb bnmfte tn 5>ilo . (3lnb €lt tbe 0»
piictt fate bpon a ftoole by one of trje ii 3(nb tlje man< B >eibana anb a 1
boufc ,ibent bp to offer bnto tbe
pottcs of tbe temple of tlje Hojbe.)

mtnbe, tbe yerely facriftce,anb alfo bis

bow. It«!J |J>

10 ^nb (be ibas tronblcb in l)cr

anb p?ayeb bnto tfje %W f ibept fo?c,
zx ^cucrtbele(fc,^annaibctnotbp,c
11 2inoboibebaboibe,aiibfapb:£>?Lo?b
faybebnto ber jttfoanbtU »'" f ™u SJ 1

tiU tbe lab be ibeaneb , anb t&en9

of boaftes,iftbourbatlobcontbe trou-
- . "

r.Kiinges. xxxvi).
tmgl)ym,tDatljemayappearebefo2c djflbruas" voting.
24 ^no fyey flue a bullote, anb brought " ha a
ch ld
intbeiaotocu. '

23 z6 anofl)erayt>:£>DmyfLo2be,asthy c,>
©o SSat fecmeiD flee belt tary at

% Sm W
home tontviuftou&attnwaneu

to mate 9000 ^ts
anbfottetoomanabobe, anb
foulc lyuetb my %mt
man tDat ftoooe before tljee
ing bnto tlje fLojbe.

here pjay*

7 3Fo?t!)islab3Jpjayco,anDtf)e!Lo2De
3 am tlje n>o< ££&

rent rr
Datf) geuen me my befyje ruhicbe U afc
nf him?
mDenfDeDaorbeaneb pym
tfP ( fc.>h
r j^tib
rh!f*l ,

p* «


i Cficfonsof^anna. ;:.cfie tonne* of <CW,toftfte&.i?. Che netce cuff omc of t&e

n/>amuel mtniftretu before the TUjDe cii blcOetb ceifeana ana ma

ttpfe.j? cElt rcpjtouctft flws

fonneis.:7.©oDfenoeth a pjop&ete to dfli.ji.Clt i$ me»
naceo fo; not chaflttyng W tbilotf".

415b $anna pjayeb , 9 9 l^e tbyll w tepe tDe fcete of |)is faintes, ^SSHHSff
3 ' PlSfl^ faybe : flpync Deart re* anb tbitaeb fyalltepc fcilence in ;»« w«w
tlje |

(oytctlj in tDe Ho?be, baranefle,anb *m l)is orbnc mygDt ujai

jm anb myne Dome is nomanbeftrong.
craltcbintDcfUwbe: 10 Xlje loibcs abuetfaries be be? fljai

^ymoutOis^rbybe flroyeb of Dym, 9 out of fteaucn Ojau te
open oner myne cnt> tDunberbponttjem : XDeHoiuefljail
mies,f02 3 reioy ce in tljy faluatton. iubgc tlje enbes oftljc tboiioe, anb fljall
nil 2 Xbcretsnone Ijoly as flojoe : foi
tlje gyue mygljt bnto Dis amg,anb eralt tlje
.; «U.eJ
ruttljout tljee is nothing , neitDcr is Domeofrjisannoyntco.
tbere any of ftrengtD as is out d5ob. 11 3lnb emana tbent to Kamatn toljis
Xalteno mo?e pjoubly , let not arro* Doufe, anb tlje lab byb mimfter bnto tlje
ganrte tome out of your moutljcs : foi Ho?be ( » before cli tlje p;icft £«£2S$&
tbc ILojbe is a d5ob of imoVMcbge , anb n 26ut tlje fonnes of Cli mete tljilb2tn of 5™.
purpofes tome to paffe.
Ijts ^Bclia^anb "anerbc not tDe H02b. s™ j««"
Xbe borbe tbitD tbemigDtie men arc 13 ^nb t^e p2ieftes tuftome torbarb tlje ^®»*

b2oten,anb tljey tljat rbcre rbeate Dauc people rbas,tbatibi)cnfoeuer any man w»«».
gwbetljcmfclucsruttlj ftrengtl). offerebanyoffring,pp2ielles lab tame mISSSim.
naun£CB '
'ft? fin 5 Xljcy tDat rbcre fall, Daue Dy?cb out ibD^le tlje fleflje mas a fectljyr.g,anb a
tljcm felucs foi (c) foeaD , anb tDey tljat flcajljote ibitlj tlj2ce teetlj in 6is Ijanbc:
tiliiut «jcret)ungry, c,,) tcafl*e,tylltl)c barren 14 2nbtlj2uttit into tljcpanne,tettie,tali
DatD bome feuen , anb flje tDat Dab b2en,02pot:anb w
ail tftat tte flcfl)Ci
?:». many cDilb?en,isrbareb feeble. Dote b;ougljt bp, tljat tl)c p;ieft tone to:
* Xte %oin fcyiietD anb matettj aiyue, Dym fclf: ^nofotDey tvn bnto ailtrjc
o:Dci <U'po vn=

b2vngetlj ten m
i utoc.
oottme to tf)c grauc 9 fetcljctlj jjfraclites tljat tame tljy ttjer to 5>ilo.;

bpagayne. 15 ^ca, anbtljerctobef02etljeybnrnttbc «>«'*

2$ 7 Xfte %om matetlj poo?e,anb matetD w fat,tlje pneftes lab came anb fayoe to
pclje,fe2tngctlj lorbe,anb DcauctD bp on tDeman tljat offereb, d5cucflcfl)c,tf)at SS» eomauiis

i^t tayretU
3 may rofte it fo? tDe pneft fo2 Dc lbyir benofb
fit ntoiEoo.
pp poo?e out of tlje butt,
tlie not Dauc fobbc fleflje of tljec , but rarue.
ano lyftetl) bp tlje beggar fcom tlje i6 ^no yf any man faybe bnto Ijym, %tt -
0? ,w.
boungbyll, torcttljemamong p?in^ w tDemburnetDefatact02bingtotbe tu*

ces,anb to mate tljcm interite tlje reatc Cm)J3otF»f=

ftome, anb tljen tate as imitft as tbyne fing imiib (u

°f S ojy :5Fo? tbe pylicrs m fOJ PJ»- tl)CII

of tl)e eartl) are Dcartc Dcftretlj:Xljcn be ibouio aun- StSSS
jnei02pes, anb te fmcre Ijym . *»ea , tDou Ojalt geuc it me 10(10 notoU-
(Sutis liiioe
DatJ) fet t^c VbOilbe
noruc:anb it tDou runt not, 3
rbyii tate
Samuel. i.oamue
i.S i.
it Vbtth btolence. *anb to ibeare an €pbob before mc^
Cn>£mna,thc 17
3JnD the fitme of the young men lbas
w 3 gaue bnto tbcboufe ofthy father an
houitiK' abufc
Dery great bcfoic the Ho?b:5Fo? men tbeofferyngesmabebynre oftnethS'
J im ^
ablwrcb the offering of the too. b?cnof3Jfrael.
18 asuttbecbilbc Samuel munttrebbe* 29 naberfojc ° treabe ye bovbne tm» fa.
fo;c the %om,
girbcb untb a lumen <£; trifice anb mine offering lbbtcb w tt 3
pI)0D. maunbebintbe tabernacle, anb bono'
19 i$o?eouer, bis mother mabebim a rett thy thylbjen aboue me, to
title coate , anb brought it to Dun from yourfeluesfatoftbe ftrtt frttttes of ait
yeteto ycre t tbben (be came bp with the offerynges of Jfrael nty pea'
her bufbanb to offer the yerely facte pie;
nee. 30 nahercfo^etheHo^be <5ob of 3Jfeaci
10 3mbCubieffcb€lBana anb bis rbife, faith : 3
faybe, that thy houfe anb
w the
anbfaib:Xbe Horn geuetbeefecbeof boufe ofthy father fbouio lhaike bi
fo) 3flsfne; a
this tboman , fo? the w
pctitton that (be fo;emefo?euer:z6ut notbe the iLoibe
*nt olhccar

roraic to fttut
flit tcnoc , *
affeeb of tt)e fLojb. 3lnb they Vbent bnto faith, Xbat be farre fro me : 5f 0? tbtm *." RS!
hiutotlic their ottme borne. that«J02a)ipme,3Hbyll tboia^ip, ano
U1CC. 21 2inb the lLojbc bifitcb $anna , fo that they that befpife me, (hall tome to
0)e contcaueb , anb bare tbjee fonnes,$ fbame.
tujo baugbters :3nb the ebilbe damn? ?i 25eholb, the bayes come, that tbyu 3
(p) Chat is el grem
before the fLojbe. tut of thine w arme,anb thearme ofthy cr,Bnt)dcitc«

&V * ^^

"- <£«" ber V olbe, anb bearb all that fathers houfe,tbat there Ojaii not be an
i)is Tonnes bin bnto 31ftael, $ botb they olbe man in tljinc houfe.
lay ibitb the ibomcn that wayteb at the 31 3nb thou lbait fee thine enemie in the
boojc of the tabernacle of the congrega* habitation [oft&exojDej anb in all the
tion. Ibealth ibbicb [«»*) fhail geue 3jfraei,
23 anb he faibc bnto them: nabyboye anb there Ujail not be an olbe man in
racbtbinges; 5F02 of all tljcfc people 31 tbync houfe fozeuer.
heare cum repones of you. 33 ^cuerthclelTc, 3
tbyll not oeQroy
w»24 £>b,naymyfonnes:3fojftisnogoob euery one that come of thee from mine
rcpon that 3 heare, boib that ye mane aulter, to mane thine eyes to fayle, anb
t he itojbcs people to trefpaffe. to mane thine heart fojoMUl : 3lnb all i.Reg .11. b

25 3Jf one man agamft another,

finne they that be multtplieb in thine houfe,*
the Jiubgc (ball tubge it: 2i5nt if a man (ball bye
t^ben ttjer be] men,
fitme agamft the ?Lo?b, tbho flnll be his 34 ^nb this u)aibe a figne bnto tbee,tbat (omcnmol

mans 00=
mim. w bayfemaw /|5otrottbuanbtug,tbey fhal come bpontljy ttbo fonnes*$opbni

ingocnn paci- rjearseneb not bnto the boyce oftheir fa* anb^btnebes: euen in one bay tbep
fic goDBtPJilti)
tot ftnnc. IBM ther, betatife the ?Lo?belboulb Cay the. Uiali bye both*
though tljc

laror tjatJj no 26 (Xbe ebilbe damuelpzofiteb tjgretb, 3< ^nb3l tbyll fhrre me bp a «faytbfuil % UKllIllU

bclpc in tbis
cafe : tl)C gof«
anb mas infauour both *bith thejLojb pneft J
fhallbo aecojoingtomybeart g^-?
pctl fhttDCitl anbaifoibitbmen.) anb minbc,anb 31 ibiibutibe him afure c»*
55»hS^ 27 anb tljere came a man
ofd50bbnto ijoufe , anb he mall roalfte before mine
S% tt* €li, anb faybe bnto hym, thus faith the annoyntebfoKuer.
%om 1 2Dyb not 3playnely appeare 36 3lnb all that are left in tbyne houfe,
bnto the houft of thy father,ibhen they fhail come anb crouch to him ftw a
were in egypt tn^baraos ijoutfe offiluer anb a mojfcii of b?eab, anb Ojai
mctatu 28 3nb 31 cbofe bim out ofal the tribes faye#ut me (3 p?ay thee)in oneofflte
3i.on.Djf*. of3ifracltobemypfleft, fojtoofferbp* o? other among p pieties , that 3 « ia?
ponmmcauttcr, anb to bume intenfe, eateamo;fellofb?eao.

: : , ,

r.Kilnges. xxxvin,
^Tbe. iij . Chapter.

in tt?e ttme c£ «Hi. 4 ©&e %o?t>e tafletij Samuel tftiec

icfiere toa&no mamfef! fcffi'on
times. 11 fiaiDcwctfttoeat ftafl come Upon «H»W»*wtt. is defame Declared

^amucl to CH.

0® the cbyloe £>a* fiwtljy fcruaunt Ijcaretft.

ano the H02OC faioc to Samuel: ssn
mud nnntftreo bnto II

tlje !LD20e befo?e eit, Doloc3IU)viiooatl)ingin3jfraci,that

ano the uwocofthc both the earcs of as many as hcareth it
fUuOibas^pjcetous Ojau^tyngle, (*) ffioS 5H
intbofcoaycs,ncittjer 12 3nttjaroay,3J;byii rayfebpagainll BgMK
ibas there any open eiialltbyngcsibhiclje 3
baue fooftcn (ball come bp-
concccnyngljisljoufe: Ibben3l begyn tljcplballjcatc
DtftOtl tl>attbc dtbc

3mo asattbat t^ntc €li lay in ijis

3 lbyli alfo mafee an cube. is taken
ana alfo fee
tbaje oymmc

plate, bis *eyes began to . 3Hjauctoloeh^m*that3ftt>yllttiOge (Eh bid
Ijonfc is Ota
!)is Ijoufe fo? euer, fo; theVbithconeflTe *:roycD.
thatbecouioenotfce, .

Xbljiclj be Unolbctb : tfoi M)t[tnt people] *^ s "
anoyertljciainpeof d5oo ibent out, i

,&'• 3
curfeo ins fonncsfojKame[*"cfieoiieffe] *
Samuel layoetjymoottme to aecpe in
tbctempieoftlje2U)20,ibhcrethearKe heljatbnot contcteothem.
of mn voas, 14 ^no tberfo?c3l ijauc fibome bnto tlje
4 2mo the ?Lo?oc calleo Samuel. 3uiO Ijoufe of €lt, tbat the ttJichconeOe of

he atmfuiereo,3J amljere. eiies Ijoure a^all not be purgeo rbitl) fa^

< 2mo he ran bnto €lt, ano fayoc : $erc no? offering fo? euer.

am 3, fo? tljou caileoft me. 3lnD he rato, 15 Samuel aept butyl tlje mo?nyng,anO
ca'ilco thee not, go againe ano
% ttcepe. openeo the ooojes oftbeljoufe of tbc
3Jno he went, ano layoc hym oolbne to ILojoe: ano Samuel feareo to fhctte
6 3no the JLoftt calico once againe, i6 Xljen €li calleo Samuel, ano fayoe
Samuel. 3mo Samuel arofeanO lbcnt £>amucl,my fonne, ^no he aunflberco:
to eit, ano fayoc : 3< am here,
fojtbou $eream3J.
otDDcltcallme, 3mo hcaunfibcreb: 3 17 De Caioe : aaljat is tljat tlje |Lo?o hart)
calico tljee not my fonne, go againe ano fatoe bnto tbee i
* (0
p?ay thee byoe it not
llcccc. from me: <5oooofotothee,$ mo?e 5?Ji

tl«l Samuel co unelbe not yet tlje Ho?oe, alfo,tftl)onhyOcanytbyngfrom mcof **&*£


ncitberibastbeibojOcofthe&Djoeyct all tbatbefayoebnto tljce,
lejit openeo bnto hym. 18 ^no Samuel toioe l)ym eueryfthyt, $SSST

8 3ltio the !Lo?oe ibent to , ano calico ano l;yo notljyng from hym, ^no be
Samuel tlje thtroe tymc. 3ln0 he arofe fatoe ^ttstijelLo^Ojlethymoo U)bat 2>
ano ibent to €it, ano fatoc : ant here, 3 fecmctbbymgooo,
foz thou halt calleo mc,3lno e\i percca* I? 3lno Samuel greibe, anb tlje |Lo?oe
uco thattljc3L020 Ijao calico the chtioc. ibas ibith ijym, ano left none of his
9 Xljcreftue €lt fayoe into Samuel iboiocs" bnperfournteo. "aDj, fall to
tbc gramme.

<Ba ano aecpe, ano yflje call thee, then 10 3no all 3Jfrael, from 2>an to zBeerfe-
fay: &pcafee 3Lo20e, fo? thy fcruaunt ba, ibyft that faythfuii Samuel ibas
hcarctljthec. S>o Samuel ibent, ano tl)e?Lo?ocsp2opbete,
ucpttnhts place, 21 3lno |L020e appeareo againe in
Io 3uiotlje?L020e cante, anoftoooeano 5>ilo : fo? tlje |io20e openeo bun felfe to
calico as before, Samuel , Samuel. Samuel initio, through theibojoeof
£ljen Samuel aunftbereo : £>peafte, theH02De.
The. iiij. Cbaplter.
10 ttfte ar fie of tfte Xo?oe 13 taficn. 1 1 iJlt anb W cbP%en Upe.

B^> Samuel fpahe ano tlje ^hiuftmes pitcbeo in 3tpbcc,

bnto all llfrael: 3lno 2iu0 put them femes in aray agamlf
>ibentouta* 3Jfracl : ano lbijcn tljcy ioyneo tlje bat-

garnet the i&hilittincs ten, gifraei tbas fmyttcn ooibne bef 02c
to battell, ano pitcheb the ^bfliftmes, a« D rt) c ttue Wtttow 1

bcfyoethe'ebenc3er, of the armie in tljcneioeabouta foure

The ar^e of the horde i. Km§ es.

tboufanbmcn. bs out of tl)e banb of out enemies.

3 3tnb tbben the people were come into 4 anb fo the people Vbcnt to s>tio nh >

tncirtentes, tfteelbersof^Jfraelfaybe: fet from thence the arfte of the appopnt

(b) ® amort « j©l)crfo?e (jath tt)e ILojbe cafte bs ment of the %Wt of hoaftes , ttjbirh w oo **

«s it is of Com bourne tins bay before tl)c pbthftmes; blbclletb bctlbeene the cberubims: ami »'"% !

fultcb \oith
foictlno ivjs
let bs fetch tl)c arfte of the appoy ntm c t
oftbe&ojbeoutof&tlo bnto bs, that
there tber the tVbo Comics of eit, feopiv
ni anb^htnehes, UMljtlje arfte of the
^ ftlr,

t.ihni in
banD.anbfc? tdljen tt comcth amongbs , it may faue appoyntmcntof(£>ob.
t lute .uife rtjrt
•fket 1)10 que*

3lnb tbhen the arfte of tr)e appoynt* ercccbing great daughter , fo? there ow«
ment of the taoe tame into the hoaft, ibere oucrtbzoibcnof JJfrael co tljirttc n«
all3lfraclfl)0Uiteba migbttc 0)Otbte,fo thottfanbfootemen. SK?
that the earth rang againc. ii 3mb the arfte of d5ob tbas taften, anb Smm
anbibbcn the pjtliftines hearb the
noyfe of the fbotbte , tbeyfaibe: nahat
rhctibo fottnesofeit,*$opbnt $
nehes , Jberebeab.
meancth the founbeof this migbttc iz anb there ran a man of isenianrin*'
fliovbtc in the hoaft of the ebm& 3nb out of the armte , ano came to 5>tio the
tljey bnberftobe home that the arfte of fame bay ibitlj his clothes Ca) rent, ano 2J ft.
the ILojbe tbas tome into the hoaft. earth bpon his heab. SS2JS.

anb the 0btltftines tbere afraibe^nb » anbibbenl)ecamc,lo,<£ltrat upon K/""* a

Oj) ®rrojc fatbe: C5ob is come into the hoaft. 3nb ftoole by tbeibayfibe,ibayting: fozbis
toe fought a:
nom Soil IS
, they faib againc:
00 mo bnto bs, fo? tt heart fcareb fo?the cw arfte of <£>ob.3ntf «*«,
tonic to EKJIlt ruasneucrfo before this, ibbentbe man came into the citie, anb **<*»""
ag-unft B».
s B9o bnto bs, tbb o (ball beliucr bs out toioctt,authecitietryeb.
of the banb of thefe mightie gobbes; 14 anb ibijen cit Ijearb the noyfe of the
thefearethe gobbestljat fntote thee* crying , he fatbe : SBbat meancth ttj»
tea feci mtbt gypttans Vbith many plagues in the c0 noyfe of the tumult? 3nb the matt cante
mctc oclito?*

tilt urtuf all

mt ftrong anb quite your feiues lyfte
men,£> ye i&bitiftines> that ye be no fcr*
in haftyly , anb tolbe li.e
eii ibas .rcbiityeres olbe, %
faaeb,hint that he coulb not fee.
V WM &&»

^nb the man faib bnto €li: amy*
luduxiua uaunts bnto the tfbmcs,* as they haue 16 J
neb this
ben to you: 26c of a manly cojage tber* that came out of the armie, f
foje anb fight. bay out of the boaft.3lno l)e faib: naljat
io 3lnb the i&bfltfflnes fotigb^anb^fra* tiling is bone my fonttc*
ellbasfmittenbolbne ; anb flebcucry 17 Xhe mcffcttgcc aunf ibercb , anb mo:
man into his tent: 3lnb there ibas an 3Jfrael is fleb bcfo?e the ^jjtttftBics, f
[. Samuek xxxix. ttaugbtcc a* M)erebeab,tbe botbeo bcrTclfc,anb tra*
T^Tiiatb ben a
ffiWpwpie. «***«* founts uaylcb,foj hoc pavnes tame bpon Ijcr.
20 3lnb about thetymc of herbcatl), tne
tbomen tbat ftoobe about Ijer, faibc bn*
Sn5 en he fcllftom
nubementionoftfte to &et :5Fearenot,fo;ttl)oul)a& bomea
fount. Z5ut (be aunftberebnot, no? re*
& JToS* lit Dis of ftooie
00 WWtHiB
bp imcrpictj

tion no ^lu *

pntfK 11 3mb (be nameb rtje cltfbew 3Jcha* 01, tabercuj

bob/aping: Xftegloncisbcpartcbfro
tanoiDcman anb l)eauv , anb< > ^Ifiael, (betaufe tjje arfteofdsobibas
taRen,anbbccaufcofl)er father in latbe
S$f tt)itbtoabe,anb nyctlje<
baugbter iu urn* ^incljcs

Sas VDDtn (nchearb nbmgcs

> anbftertnifbanb.)
xx Slnbfbe fatbe agame: Xhe gionete
Sat* ofesob was tafecn,ano tl;c
gone from 3}frael, fo? t&c arise of «5ob
Kec&iniattJ anb&ertjufbanb xstmiu

The.y. Chapter.

•ntht tetrilffifness topns *&« <«*e *" t0 ^

c & oufe of &
a S°n. « ®8e men of aifooo aw
ano aftet to Icron.
plaguS; 8 ©fcearte ijs carpeo into ©attj,

0a> rtje #t)m(iines the nert mo?tting,beholbe, 2>agon\bas

robe tlic arise of <0ob, fallen bpon his face on the gcounbebc*
anbearpebttfromtbe foje the arise of the ILojbe, anb his
Cben e5ec bnto %b heab anb his tvbo hanbes rut of bpon
bob. thethjcfboiocthat onely the ftumpe of
ptn $Dfli(hncs
tl)t 2>agonibasiefttohfm.
tottetfiearBcof ©ob, 3mbtherfo?etsu\ thatthepneftesof
anb bjoughtit into tije t)oufeof oSD* 2>agon, neither anpmantljateoin*
mctb into SDagons boufe, trca&c not
t nc



3nb tbhtn tjjep of^fbob iberebp in ontfte tb?cu)Oibeof Dagonin Stfbob,

thencrtbapeint&e monnmg, be&olbe, bntotljisbap.
2>agon vuas fallen Upon ms face on ; isut tlje banb of tftc ILojbc rbas &ea*
III tbe cacti) before tl)e arise of the !L0?be: uicbpontl)emof^fbob,anbbeocftrov ?
anb they tone H>agon, anbfcthimttt cbtbem, anb fmote tljem lbitl) erne*
lj(s plate agapne. robcs^otlj^ftjob, anb all t&ccoaftcs
1. Zvm ibhen they Vt>m come eatuc tn tljereof.

7 3inb
'he arkc of the horde i.K
7 3inD lbbcn tbe men ofafbobfaibc 10 Xberfo?ctbevfcnttbcariebT^7:
tb at tt ibas fo , tbey faibe:Xbc arne of
tnc (Sou of^fraciujai notabtbe bere
2caron:anb aObone as tlje amc
tame to 3tcaron, tbc^caronitesS
lint!) bs,fb?I)isi)anD isfojebponbs, $ out, faying: Xbcpbauc bjouohtfE
bllllOtlCO, tbC?
bpon w SDagon out <25ob. arfee oftrjc d5ob of Jfracl to bs
to iff;
tie v.ic it

II to
S %Utv fent tbctfoje, ana gatljercbail bs,ano our people. '

t>ic 'if to U|)on t\)t loms of tl)e $!nu(hnes unto tbcm, ii 3inb fo tljcp fent anb gatljcreb
tlj;grounbe toot-
anbfaibc: raijatujauibeDo ibmj tbe tbcrai tbe lojbesof tlje|&biliOines

I'hci blochc,
anb ;ii n j able i
w anL
artie of tljc ©ob of 3)fraefc Xljey aim? : &nn> albay tlje arfee of ff
(tier tlicm noj
bem icik. Obercb : %tt the arftt ofttjc d50D of 3Jf- <2>ob of 3»frael , to go agayne to
racl be carycb about Ditto ©atlj.Suib oibne place, that tt acabsnot,anbout ^6
tbey caricb tljc araeof t^e d5obof3Jfc
racl about.
people, fm tbere wasabeOcuetton
anb bcatij tbojoibout all tlje citic ano

2lnD Vbbcn tljey Dab caryeb it about, tbe Ijanoof ti&ob ibascxccebmsfiw
t!)t Ijanb of tbe fLojbcibas agaynft tlje tbere. * z
cute ibttlj abcry great befrcuction , anb n Znn tlje men tfjat bycb nof,iberc font*
l*,e fmotc tlje men of the cttte botb fmau ten lbttlj tbe emerobes: 3lno tlje cryc of
anb great , anb tbey Ijab emerobes in the citie ujent bp to Ijeaucn.
tljcirfccrctc partes.

qTbe .yi. Chapter.

i C6e time ttjat t&e arfie \»as \»itb tfie |&ljtTiatnes! ,\Dft*cti t&e? Cent agairte toitfc a gift. ::.Tt
commet&to JBetftfames. 17. CDepinlt8mcjJoff;r80lDenemcroDess.i?.c^emenofJ5etft»
famed are 8r tcfecn foj lolling into the arfce.

i^btfje arne of tlje neb tfjeir ^cartes i UBfjiefjibtjen Ot

?lojbtbasintl)ccoun* lb^ougbt tt)onbcrfullie among tljem,
3 trey of tlje 0ljiltlnncs bib tljey not let tlje people go , anb tbey
fcucnmonetljes. bepactcb?
3(nD tlje ^Ijililhncs 7 iBoU)tljerfo?e,mabeaneroccart,anD
calico fo? tbe pneftes tanc tlbo intlcljc uyne on ibnom there
, 25
tlje i)atljcomenoyotae, anbtye tbeftyne
faying: nabat fljall ibe bo tbitlj tbe arae to tbe carte, anb b^ing tlje caiuesljoinc
oftbdLo?b; Xcllbs lbljcretbitfj ibe fiomtbcm.
ujall fenbe it borne agame: 8 3lnb taae tbe arne of tfje fLo^be, anb
00 f0)..:*a« XtjeyfayDe: ^Ifyoufcnbatbaytrjc lay it bpon tlje tart , anb put tlje ieibeis
rouhau. »c» $
famco to rata
nc it area? arnc of tlje <eob of 3Jfraei , fenb tt not of goioe ibbicljeye retbarbc blm ibinj
fro >,k,ici.
emptic: but reVbarbe it ibitlj fmne fat a finne offcring,in a coffer by tbe fine
offcryng,anbtbcnye a)allbe lDfjole, tljcrcof, anb fenb it avbaye,tljat it may
anb it U)attbclmoibcn to you, ibby Ijis go.
Ijanb bcpartctlj not from you. ? 3lnbifycfeetf)atfjegobpbytbetbay
4 ILbcnfayDtljey: ^nb ibfjat fyalbe of IjiS oibne coafte to 26etljfamcs , tljen
tbe finite offering , ibbicb ibcfyallre* UiS be tbat bib bstbis great euill: Jf
lbarbc Wm
tbitb t SCfjey aunftbercb: no. Vbe fbail bnoibe tfjen tftatitisnot
5fiuc golbcn cmcroDcs, anb fiuc goiocn fmotebs, butituiasa^,
inyce , atcojbyng to tlje number of tfje ^^cbauncetbatbappcncbbs. ggT
piinccs off' 0biliftincs : 5Fo? one plague io 3inb tbe men tax) cum fo : 3nb tone *»»
are fozeco to
the true i>=
Vbas on you all ,anb on your pjlnccs.
HSberfiwe ye fljall mauc images lyae
to your emerobes,^ images libc to your ii
ttbobynertjatgauemtlRe, tjtpebtftem w
to tbe cart,anb ncpttljc calucs at
^nb tljey laybe tbe arfte of tbe H02OC
Dome ^

lung Bob, * myce tljat corrupt tlje WitiD,anD y c fl^ail bpontftccart, anb tbe coffer tt)itljtijc
bio mirj'itic
hi.iD. anspct gcue glone bnto tbe d5oo ofllfrael, myte of goibe , anb ibitl) tbe images 01
tlicir iDolatrp tljat Ijc may tafte bis IjanD from of microbes.
tijetr not the
grace to con* yon,ano from of your °° gobbes , anb iz ^nb tbe ayne toUe tlje Oraygbt tt jj
onD •ccoy-
(hiphim. rcomofyourianb. to asctbfames , $ ttent on tljc ttwwjjj
6 nabcrfo?c bo.yc tjarben your ijeartes, Ibay: anb as tljey vbent, lovbeD,
as tlje Egyptians anb pjaraoljarbc* turncb neitDerto tlje rygtjt Ijanoenoj

rcturne tb.
i.S i.
x i.

Mthr lefnano toe pontes of tlje $\yv fo* ©a3a one, fo? afcalon one, fo;
ttSitaftet them, bntothe^ d5atft one ,anb fo? Staron one.
Kjersofzsetbfamcs. is anDgolocnmpce, atco20jmg to the

w 13
Stbcv of Betbfamestbere reaping ano
[belong?^] to tbefpuelojDCS
theft lbbeate harueft in rt)e balfcy: , both of
iiepivftuptUctrcves, anofpiebthe itoallcb tonnes ,ano of tottmes bnibal-
Saubreioyecoibftentbcyfattcit. lcb,cuen bnto the great tftone] of^bcl
Kbetarte tame into tne fteiocof inhcreon tljey fct oottme the ariic of
,auo ftoooc tbc!Lo2bcbnto tbisoay, tnthefietrjc of
one <?jchofua,a2Setbfaniitc
mil thee.
was alfo a great ttone:
%\)M 3Jebofua the Betbfanute.
thep rtauc tJ)c ibooo ofthc tarte, 19 anb he fmoteoftbc men of isethfa*
[:-"•*' S<> 0l)ft>f It

m offccD tbe
a burnt offring ton*
. .
mes, betaufetbey bao^ioReouitbe
ante ofthe Hojoe, ano be ttue among
full to
t!),'r to
oi to ice into

toUe-Dotbne tbe arnc the people ftftie thoulanb ano thjee froje it: laue onc=
,< 2no the ?Leuitcs ly to Saton;
* thetoffertbatitoas ano ten men: 3nb the people lamented, ano
ofthe ILojbe , ant)

<° ieibelsofgoioe betaufe the fLojtoe hab name the people
Into it Abberein tlyt tfiuu. t-

lucre, anb put tbem

on the great (tone: tbttl) fo great a (laughter.
*o nabcrfojc the men of asetbfames fatu:
%\\n the men of Bcthlamcs famficcto
aaijo (s able to ftano before tljis holie
burnt facrifice, anbofferebofferinges CO^Pojw'iat

the fame bap bnto the flojbe.

Ho?oe C5ob< 3lnb to ibhom (ball be
people mill
be tt)U0p!a=

16 3no \bljcn t\yt ftue pnntes ofthe $Wv go from bs? Sto tn>

bao fecnett, the? returneb to 3J*

ii 3lno thev fent meflcngers to the tuba*
carontbe fame bay. bitauntsofBirtatbiaron,faying : Xbe
i7 ano tbefearctbegolben emerobes #bili(hncs hauc bjougbt agatne the
ibbtcb tlje ^hiiittmcs gaue fo;a fimte arbc oftbe Hojo, come ye ooumeanb

offering to the SLojb: fo; >3tfbobone, fet it top to you.


The. y ii. Chapter.
in the

icfie arise it bjougfit to fiirtatbteartm. ;. &>amt:cl crbojtetfi tftctKople to fojfafie Hjctc
fmnc, ana turne to the tloio. io.®fie jMjilisimcss f igijt agama jjtraet ano a* ouercome.

16 ^aniueliuCigctDJfiacI. Cc)JFoj S>U

killirso noise
co BtfolMc, tc=
/15I>fotbemenof Ca) el to ^ifpalj , anb^JibpUpjapcfoj tiinlc : l;c pi,U
liffiticei lj.11)

Etrtatbtartm came Voubntotl)e|Lo2b. tbence

anbfctbptbcarucof ^nothevgathcrebtogctber to^if^
tbefl02be,?*b?ougljt palj, anb ojcibe ibater, ano poureo it (t>) aifecribi

ittmo the ijoufc of ^ out before tlje ?Lo2be, anbfaftcbtlje

Ionic ot thp
IcatncO, it
mtnababtntbe livil, fame oap, anb fayb there: nac Ijauc fin - incanctb tl;nt
anbliwtttficb€lea5aF neb againft the Ho?oe . 3nb Samuel fo;c tlje !o»e:.

bis fonne , to beepe the arbe of tlje iuogcbtbe tljilb;cnof 3fraclin flpf*
Ho20e. pab.
i 3inb ibfitte tlje arbe abobein Bin- mlytn the ^hniaineshearbthat the
atbiarim,tbe t$mt ibasiong,fo? ft ibas 25
Sit* cl)tlb2enof53irael luere gathcrcbtogc^
tjbentieveres : fall the boufc of Jfra^ tberto^iipal), tt)cp;mccsofthc pji-
el^c lamented after tlje ?Lo2be. ^nb

S &m
or 3irrael,faping:3f pe be
wi fpafte bnto ai the Ijoufc
tome agapne
ibljcn the thuojen oHIfrael harb tljat,
they ibere afravbe oftbe pbiltmnes.
witotbe iLo^oe rutthan vourbcartcs, 3lno the cljao2cn of 9fracl fapo to $>v
then put pavtbeflraunge gobs anb mucl: lc 'CeafTe not to tryc bnto the lo;o Keel xlvi.b.
(I .pofctftrt
^itarotij from among you,
anbpje* cur d5ob fo; bs, that be may faue ps liauc IcamcB,
nottottun in
Ivic. parevourbcartesbntotbe1Lo?o, ano out ofthe Ijanb oftbe $hiiimncs. tljcni fclueo,

'lim.b m
S«?i ? nel^ *« : befhailrvoyou 3[nb Samuel tobc a futfttngiambe,
in Jcjqo ;
to fcKc belp
not at ^ rcfec,
outoftbehanooftlje^Diliaincs. anb effcreb it altogether fo2 a burnt biicatriifl

4 l)c
^ibicnof SJfracloroput baito aiont
«vS ^ tlJC offering bnto tl)c H02D, ano trpeo bnto
SSfaMm ant)^ftarotl;,anbfeP
tbcHo#efo23Jftael, anotlje3l02bc
4no Samuel fapoc:
s (Satljer all 3Jfra* 10 Xim as Samuel offcrcb the burnt of^
The people ivm^es.

fcring,thc#bihmncs cametofighta;
gamn^fracl: 26ut thellojbe tbun*
lUwberbas agautftthe iSS^Tr
UM '«aii
the bayes of Samuel.
bjeb a great thunber the fame bay a* 14 Xhcrto the ntics which that the teh
mongtbe ^hilittincs, (t fcattcrcb them, lilhnes bab taben fromWrael riSm*
that tljcp mere dainc before ^jrracl. Gojebtolifrael turn from
u anb the men of gjfcaei went out of
^i(pab,anbpurfueb tbe#hiiifhnes,s
©ath ano the toaOes of the fame

|frael Deltuec out ofthebanbcsofS

fmote thcbnttll [Hw ««»K]bnber2Seth* ^hilifones: anb there njaspcaceS
tbar. tibeene3lfeaeianbtl)e®3(moyes; &»>
7ofua iz anb then Samuel * f ofte a done, anD 15 Samuel iuogebjfrael all tbebarcs "*
(f) U'bltljC
piteheb itbctmcme^irpab$ £>ben, c0 of bis life:
n«s a 31 r t

tKKtoiirr ai
gamll i1?lf»
anb caiieb the name thereof «ben eser, 16 anb went about yerc by yerc to be-
faying:^ttbcrto bath the ILozbe belpeo thel, Nilgai, anb^ifpab,anbiuoetci,
bs. 3ffraeltnalltbofcplaces.
13 anb fo the l&bflinincs were brought 17 3nb tame agatne to ftama,fo? there
bnber ,anb tbey came no mo?e into the Was his boufe, ano there he lubgeb 1|&
coafte of 3lfrael: ano the banbe of the raei aifo,$ there he buyit an « aulttr m **
bntotbe3Lo?be. •"fPIOft,'

The .Vtii. Chapter.
1 Samuel m afictli ins tonnes nogrs ourr Tf,frael,tnt)o folio to not bis tteps. 5
t . ctjc 'J Cralftes
a Sung, i.^amuel nrclarctfl in tohat Cate tftep ftoulo be bnoet tbe fting. i9.^ottottb»
affie i

BanDmg tijcp arise one aili.ano ttjc jlo;dc toiiieth Samuel to graunt bnto tipem.

31 I [LiZ£2£2 t)en£>amtiel«ba50lb, 9 iEtoib therefore hcaruenbnto their

bt ir
a not
be C(°mabe bis fonnes boyce: hotbbett vtt tettifie bnto them, $
«bk to and ^OT tubgcsoucr^ftaei. tbeibe them* tlje maner of the uuig

•no t'.bt tl;c

papnts in 410 2 Xbcnameofbiscl* that fljaii raigne ouer them. Diut,x!ic
belt fonne was (t
anb £>amuel tolbe all
<lyl 112
°3Jo; io the tbo$es of
(b) who 5oaa
atro calico
MM el,anb the name ofthe
the fLojbe bnto the people that afltcD
a King of him,
Were iubges in ascerfeba. ii ^nb he faib:Xhis fbai be the (B) mancr f«1 (KM
(c) Cbntts. 3 anb his fonnes (0 lbaifteb not in his ofthe Ring that (hall raigne ouer you,* rarlm til
tunc Inn f
nit t'.icuiil'cc,
tbayes,but tunien afibe after lu ere ,anb hennlitahe your fonnes anb put them cf i5eobrf:;t
tTwrit r-«, f
*tooUc reibarbe , anb peruertcbthe to his charets, anb mane his bojfemcn rorllfoWh'j
goolpncB.of rpght. of thcm,to run before his tharct. Liotl,uDl
rtotirtaibcr. mt,$iM,
4 %hen all the elbers of 3lfrael gather ii ainbtbillmaRehimofthS captaiiies i'ltiius.S
rcb them together,anb came to&amu* ouer tljoufanbes anb ouer fifties , anb
clbntoiaama, null fet them to care hisgrouttbe, anb
5 3lnbravbbntoljim: 25cholbe,thou to gather mhts hameft, $tomafecinj
Dcut.xvii.c art olbe , anb thy fonnes ibalue not in utumentesofmarre, anbthmgesthat
i.Reg xii.c.
Ofee.xni.c. tbyibayes: i!5oibthcrfo?e*mahcbsa feruefo? his charets.
Actei. xui.d hing to iubge bs,asall other nations 13 anbhenjffltaKeyourbaugbters,ani> €
malic them appoticanes, coobcs, anD
6 25ut the thing bifpleafeb damnei Inhe i*s
Volfytn they faib, gcue bs afting to iubge 4i anbhefhailtaueyourfielbes ,* anb iii.Re.^ J
bs:5lnb Samuel p?ayeb bnto the lo^be. yourbineyaroes , ano your beft oiiue
7 3mbtbe JLo?be faibebnto 5>amuel, trees , anb geue them to his feruauntes.
25 ^eare the boyce of the people in all that 15 anb he fljaii taue the tenth ofyow
they fay bnto thee: 3F02 they hauc not feebe,anbofyourbineyarbes7 anbgeue
caft tl;ce away, but they haue caft me a* it to his emiuches, $ to his feruauntes.

ibay, that 3Jfhoulb not raigne ouer i6 anb he thai tabe your men fcruauntcs,
them. anb maibe feruauntes,young men, anu
8 3lnb as they hauc ewer bone fence 3 the chiefe of your affes.anb put th"i»
brought them out of cgypt bnto this hismo?be. c Mtf
bay,anb haue fo?fafecn me , anb fcrueb i7 anb he (hall tauc the tenth of P™
other goos,euen lb bo they bnto thee. u)eepe,anb ye fbau be his feni aunt
, , ,

r.Kimges. x l..
,« Tint pe (ball eric out at
t&at ttme,be * ano that our Bins map iuogc bs.anb ao
'tfufcofrourtung mbtcbcpcfballbauc outbefo?ebs ,anbftgbtou?battaiies.
nofenpou, « tueiLwueiW
°nothca« zi Xbcrfo?c mben Samuel Ijcarbc

f^/^SMbepeoplerboulbetiot $8»WA*^ a>

hcarc the bopce of

£>amuel,but btb fop,
notfo: 25ut tljctefhalbeamng
_ 1
zz 3lnb the ?Lo?b fapb to 5>amucl:fecar*
fecn bnto tljctr bopce,
bjnfl^nb Samuel faibbnto the men of
map be Ipse other nations, jfraet : d&o euctp man bnto bis title,
io %hat ttc

The ix . Chapter.

i$>aul feefctttsbte fatlKMatreu.ftpteecounftnoffife feraatmf ijoct&fo Samuel.

> ®tjc ^opftctr stcalUD £>eers. ufc&elUH&reucalett) to Samuel §>aul0comtnfon,
commannDinatoannopnt^imfims. " Samuel tyittsetf^aul to tlje fcatt.

J^cre mas a man of manofdBfob: tbhathaucme*

hscnlamtnnameb <£ts 8 an w&e lab aunribereb £>aul agatne,
the Tonne of w abfel, anb fapbe:26cboio hauc founb
3 about
thefenneofzeror, p e IJ part of a
°° firt
tonne of 25echo?ath,
that »&5K?
ibiiij S eue tbc man of
' of f«'ner
about hat
©ob,to tell prate,
thefonncofaphiab, bsouribap.
"the fonne of a man 9
that ibasa 3Jeminite
w migbtte in
iSJ??? ,te< n3fraeliibfiMiattiati
ibent to febe an aunfvberc of ©ob, tljus
poiber. Jbprchcfpabc, Come anb let bs go to
3tab tbc fame hab a fonnc taileb &aul,

a gooblp poung man ano a faire, fo that

Sl^ cc
H :5Fo?hethat(s noibcaiicba
Ptfphcte,ibasint&eolbe tpme talieba
fawt gone ml
rcncil.o tnt«
l)lm i),' ins

among the cbtlb?en of 3lfrael tljercibas Dluuic fpiritc,


none gooblier tljcn he : jfrom tbc fboul* 10

S.hcnIa^^am to his lab,tbcl fapb

rt tbinscatj
oersbpibarbe ijcibas hpgher tljen all £t ajce:Come,let bs come.
go.3lnb fo tljcp volt
tfjeothec people. bnto tlje title mijcre tlje man of d5oo
3lnb tbe affes of rljis €is 5>auis fa* mas.
ther iberc loft.anb Cis fapb to <a>aui bis ii
Jnb as theptbent tljeir map bp the
fonne:Xahe one of tlje labbcsibitb tbec, hatotbecitic, tbep met ibitij oamofcls
aim arife,go anb febe the affes. tljat came out to bmibc
mater ,ana fapb
. 3tabheibent tb?ougb mount <£pb?a* bnto tbcm:3Jstbcrcherca;§>ccr<
im ,anb paffeb tb?ough the lanbe of 3>a< iz ^np tbc mapbens aunfiberebtbem,
!ifa:but tbep founbetbem not. SChen anb fapb: pea, bcboioc be is before pott,
tljcp ibcnttb?ouglj tbe lanbe of 5>alim, mabebaanome, fo? lje came this bap
anDtherethcplberenot. nabenthep
Went alfo tb?ouglj the lanb of Gemini
to the citie M
people tbisbapintbebm.
t\)tt is an (0 offring of the (f Stiat

ftafl after tl)«

tlwfounDtbemnot. » nabenpebe comeinto tbcrttie,peaMii

attbeiatt, ibbcn tbep mere tome to nnbehim Orapgbtlbap per be go bp to
jbc lanoe of w zuph 3>am fapbe to tpe hil to cate : fo?
ijo, ,
p people ibil not catc
utslab that mas ibitb bim:€onie,ict bs bnmbe comc,becanfc be both fa blcffe (g)II)J« (0,
rcturnc, left nip father leaue theoffring , anb then cate tbep tbatbc gene th-i:-.hc«
carina fo? % Oillntutc
flJeaOes.anbtabe thought fo?bs. bpbbcn to the feafi: i5oibe tljerfo^c get the incntc ac=
co; om to
JWbebntobinuascljolb.tbere ism pou bp, fo? rtjis bap Rial \k finoc Dim. tlje tuttottie.

ttjistineaman of ©ob ubetsan bo*

, 14 anb tbep Ibentbp into tbe title: 3fnb
S? f
»an.alltbatbefapth conimeth

Paffc: ®m
then let bs go tbp*
ibben tljep mere come into tlje nitbbes
of the citicbcbolbe 5>anmei tame out a*
mec.if fo be be can
Cbclbe bs lbhat map fiapnlt tbcm,fo? to go bp to tlje bill.
we map go.
23 15 25ut the 3Lo?oe hab toioc Samuel
e * m,lt0 ^toli: 3lfibe m tys eare (a bap bcfo?e 3>aui came)
Sffj.^iWlbauuicbwBtbeman* faping:
^abisfpentin our bcffcis,?
no other p?cfent
i6 %omo?oibe tljts tpme mpll 3
to tying tbe fenbe tbee a man out of tlje lanbe of
5ft Btv>i
. , , : »
Samuel. [.K m^es.
Beniamin, him (halt thou annopntto anb bought them into the ^paricraUrtT^
be captamcouermv people 3lfracl, that mabethc fit in the cbicfeft place amona *•***
he may faue mp people out of p hanbes them that tbere bibben, rbhichc Bjetc
£bat (a,
the .if- of the^hiumnes fo? !)auc lofecD
: 3 bpon a chime pcrfons.
fit ct ion anb

cppielTion of
bponmp people,anb thetr co crie is tome 1} anb Samuel fapbe bnto the toobe*
mi' people
(ijwbcnn tbq>
bnto me. Bjing f002th the ponton ibhith gaue 3
frcKc iitipc J
17 nahen Samuel tI)ccfo?c fatbe Saul thee,anb of lbhith 3
faib bnto thrc^pe
at we the ILojbe aunftbereb him: See, this is ittbiththee.
the man Urtjom 3
(pane to thee of , this i^anbthecooBetoRe bpthe (boulber,* „-.
fame (ball raigne oucr mp people, that Which ibas ^bponit, anb fet it be* 8&
is Xhcn mem
Saul to Samuel in the fojcSaul.anb Samuel fapb: &m
nubble of the gate,anb foyD : %t\\ me 3 that tbhith is left, put it befojethceano "w
pjap thee ibhere the fears houfc is* eate: fo? hitherto hath it ben sept foj R!5
19 Samuel aunftbereo Saul anb fapb,3> thee, fapingaifb^cailcb the people. <.,^
amthefear:<15obp before me bnto the
hil.foj pc (ball eate flntb
to mojoibe
me to bap, anb
3 ibillet thee go,anbVbiltel 15
»nb fo Saul bpb eate ibith Samuel
that bap.
anb tbhen thep tbere tome bolbnc fro

thit thou Dt=

thee all that is in tbpne^hcart. the hpgbc plate into the
communcbibith Saul bponths
eitie , Samuel
°°iop •"•'*?
fit eft to
xo anb as fo? thpne aftes that iberc loft
thjeebapesago , eate not foj them,fo? of the hotue. tiidtiinttt

(ljwbom J5ob
Ijatb Chofcn to thcparcfounbe^nb^Tbbofe (ball the 16 ^nb tbhen thep arofe earelp about the
be tbcn btng.
beattitiful thinges of 3Jfracl be belong fpnngofthc bap,Samuci taiitb Saul i»«iR

tftcr not to thce,anb bnto all tbp fathers bpon the toppe of the houfe,faptncj:t!ilp,
houfe; that 3 map fenb thee atbap. ano Saul
20 1 1 But Saul autuTbcreb anb fapbe: am arofe, anb thep Ibent out, both beano
not 3 the fonneofa Jfetmntte of the , Samuel.
fmaileft tribe of 3Jfracl i anb mp hinreb 27 anb ibhcn tljcp \bcre tome almoft out
is the left of all the ninrcoes of the tribe of the torbne Samuel fapbe to Saul

ofBcnianun* nahcrfoje then fpeaacft Bib the lab go before bs (anb he ibcnt
thou fo to me; bcfo?e)butftanbethouftiiavbhple,tljatwtM»,
li anosamueltofte Saul anb his lab, 3 map Ojeibc thee the CtC ibo?bc ofd^ob. S9

The.x. Chapter.
rt <!>aul tis annovittea fitnc? bp Samuel. 9 ©00 cUaungettj ^auW Ijeatt.ana 6e pzopfie.
Jiettt. Samuel affGmbktft the peopIe,anoO)etr)cti).tljem
1? t^citCnnesJ. zi^aulfe
t^oftn hina bplot. 25 Samuel tu?ttetb tftcfitnsjs office.
a 0n the Samuel toae Blbbes,? another carping th«eioucs of
(a) t>crc be*
Sjpnnctb tbc
abeflcllof w ople,anb bzeab,f another carping abotel of ibinc.
tjft of annoj>n«
po\b;cb it bpon his 4 anb thep ibtV'falute thee anb geue tliec
Snitb oyle bv heab,anb*Biflcbhim, ttbo loues of bjeab^hichthow tyiMtv tbteapi
erotia cDtnnnns
sement. anbfapbt^athnotthe ccauc of their hanbes. ,„.
Ho?bannopnteothce, < after that,a)ait thou come to tlje^hfl

ofd5ob,U)heristhegarifonof the w»
w mtwj
the ebpttjen
(W inhcritauntc<
liftmes : anD ibhenthou art come w

thcr to the cihe, thou ft)alt meete a cow

of Jiratl.
u'btcb onlp b« naben thou art bepartcb from me this
panic of p?ophctes comming oouinc rro
isoulD poffcfTc
as hitjml)cti= bap,tbou ft)alt futbe ttbo men bp (0 3Ra-
the hVShe place, ibithapfaltee, attij
(t) sPftrtjom
helsfepulchjein p bo?bcr of zseniamin,
cuen at zaic^ah , anb thep \bil fap bnto bjeli, a pppe, % a harpe befo?c thcm,atn>
pongeft fonnt
of 3<tcobn>aS theplbaipjopbefie.
bojnt , of the
thee , p affee ibhich thou \bcteft to fcHe
febitb $ tribe
are founb: anb lo , tljp father hath left 6 anb the fpirite of the %oibt tbil cwg
Of Vknuumn,
the care of the aflcs,$ fozoujctb fo<t pou, bpon thee alfo, anb thou (baUp20pnue
jj5,m\ toa», ano-
tore tgcn faping:B9hat fljal^l bo foi mp fonnc? ibiththem, ?(halt betumeomto
Xhen fl^alt thou go foonh frothente, ther man. .

Xhcrfojetbhen tbefe fignes are toiw t

£>i,okt. f (halt come to the plapne of Xhabo;, 7 m
anb tber ft)al mectc tljee th?ee me going bnto thee, bo ibhattbouhafttobo,
bp to €>ob to bethel , one carping tiwcc <5obtsib(thrhee.

8 3tnu tbou (bait go botbne befojc me ofp Ringbome tbfjerof Samuel fpafte
to Nilgai , anD 3
aifo *biu come Doume toioebebimnot.
bntotbeeto facrificc burnt farrmtes, $ 17 3mb Samuel caileb tbe people toge*
* Xarp fo? nte
to offre peace offringes : tber bnto tbe ?Lojoe to <pfpab\
fcuen Dapes till 3
come to trjee , $ fbcibe 18 3(nb fapD bnto tbe cbiiojen of IJfrael:
tbectubattbouTbaltbo. Xbus fapbc tbe fLojDe <Btto of ffraei
Mul. 9 ano rbben be bab turneb bte"bacBe to 3b«20ugbt3irracloutofegppt,anDDc*
go fco Sanuiel, d&ob gaue bim anotbet Uucreb pon out of tlje bano of tbe Egyp-
anu all tljofe toBcns came to
bearte, tians , anb out of tbe banoes of al mng*
pafle tbat fame bap. Domes tbat troubicD pou.
io 3lnD tt>ben tbep cametbptber to tbe 19 3nb pe baue tljis Dap eatt arbap pour
|)tll, tebolbc,tbe eompanie of pjopbetes G5oD,ibbo onelp Deliucretb pou out of al
met bint anb "tX^t fpiritc of <5ob came
, pour aDtieriities anD tribulations . 3biD
in t)ponftim,fbf Cf) PJOpbecicb among tbe*. pe baue fopD bnto bim : if5o , but mafee
M n 3lnD all tbat bnctbe bun before , tbben
:: .-ill)
a Bfng ouer bs.|5oibe tberfoje ttanbe pe
fc mo
n>p raibc tbat be p:opbecieo among tbe before t^t %mt
Dp pout tribes , $ pout
piopbctcs.tbep fapb eclje to otbenibbat thoufaiiDes.
is tljis come bnto tbe fonne of
that is io 3nDwben Samuel bab afTcmbleD to*
CiSf *3s£>auialfo anions tbepjo* getbet all tlje tribes of 3Jfeael, tbe tribe
M pbetes* of Betiiaurin U>as (0 fa&en,
r.ifting of tot.
ii Snu one of tbe fame place aunfibereD, ii w\)tn be bab aflembleD togetljer tbe 2D
anu favoe:t©bo is tbeir <*> father < 2nD tribe of Bcniamin bp tbeir btnrebes,tbe
tneeof came p pjoucrbc : nabat is &aui ftinreo of ^atritbas caugbt, anb at tlje

aao among tbc^pjopbetes; lad Danube fonne of Cis ibas caugbt:
'J 3toDtbbebe bao mabean enbe ofpjo* SlnDibbentbep fougbt &fm,|)e couiDe
Pj)ccpmg,bc came to tbe hpgbc place, notbefounbe.
'4 3nD &auis bncle fapbe bnto bim,anb zz Xbetfoje tbep alfeeb tbe fto?D furtber,
*»: to bis
iaD:u9bptbcr went pe i $c fapbe, if tlje man fboulD pet come tbptber^nD ,h ~Ks tfioajl)
Jofcfeetbeaffes: 3mDibbentbcfatbe tbe fLojD aunfibercD:25ebolo ^be batb
c Ijc roctt Site
idjitj ? nnt
C ttot tbep tbcre
no ibbcre , ibe came to

bpb bim felfc among tbe tturTe. fcnwUUng

xi 3lnb tbep ranne anD fet bim tbence,
i^Msbnclefapbe Xellme,3J : anb rbbenbe ftoobe among tbe people,
H^'^at&amueifavb bnto pom hetbasbpgbcr tben anp of tbe people
ut ftt) ^b bis bncic:^e toibc bs
SI? from tbe fbouioersbpibarDe.
P»p ? l
tbat tbe affes lberc founb.2Sitt 24 ^nD Samuel faiD to al tb c pcopIe:S>ce
f i pe
Samuel. K
i.lxin gcs.

pc not him ibhomthe fLojbchathcho* iimutohisboufc.

fen, ant) hottic there is none ipUe him a* 26 anb Saul alfo rbent home to <stbca
mong all the people ;3nft all tl)e
people anb tljcrc foloibeb inmabanb of men
„Heb. Let IboYbtcb ,anbfapb:C5ob"faue thelung. ibhofc hcartes <£>ob nab toucbeb
the king
25 Xhcn Samuel tolbc the people the 27 25ut tl)c chtibjen of 26eiiai fapbiobir
^bucttc of tlje ftingbome,rj Uijotcit in fbail he fauc bs*anb thep befpifcb linn
0"3« it«
a boohc,anb latbe tt bpbefoze tlje fLojb, anb, b;oufil)t him no pjefentes : ami he ^
J0tat.i7.[. 9E Baku
anD fent all the people auiap, eucrp ^hcibehistongue.
The xi . Qiapter.

1 $abagtfie3!mrtiotifte\»arrctfi agafnft 1abes<Mea& \»fto aflieeij fjclpe of tlje *5f»

raelttes. ^aulpjomtfetfibclpe. u€f}i aimmomteji aw Oapne. ncbe fetng.

31 $en w /!5ahaspam* 8 anb ttihc he numb?cb them in Bereft

(B JFof fcatc
ofrobo:n Jf= monttecamebp,? be* the ehiimcuof ^frael iperc tl)?cc bun'
rati afl>:» a
ftcgcbgiabesincMe* mb thoufanb men ,anb the men of 3fo?
ab:anballlhcmenof batl)irtictfjouranbe.
3Jabesfapbbnto4fra< 9 anb (0 thep fapb bnto the mefTcngers S«Ul II)

has^aacacouenattt that came:So lap bnto the men of 3ja^

nnthbs^nblbcttnlbc bes in d5tlcab,Xo mo?o\be bp tljat nine
thpfernauntes. p funne be Ijotte pe H)al bane helpe.anb
2 anb jRahas the ammonite aunftbe* thcme(Tengerscame,anb fbcibcb it to
teb them: 3(n thislbill 3J mane a cone- the men of 3fabes,rbljitl) mere giab.
jb 0» rea(b=
naunt ibitb pou,tf gj map^thmft out al 10 Xhcrfoje the men of 3labcs fapte:
n .bit conot «
ru.fnc .1
pour right eyes, anb tying thatfhame Xo mo?oibc ibe lbtll tome (() cut bn- tr|C .V': ,::
tVrfoic nob*
bpon all ^fracl. to pou , anb pe (ball bo ibith bs all that tcB.dlftv

roiatl) id not
f acre fro tiun. 3
Xo lbhom the elbers of "Jabcs fapbe: pleafethpott.

©cuebs fcucn bapes rtfpitc, thatibe n anb onthc income Saul put thepec-
map fenbe meflcngcrs bnto all p eoafits pic in tbzee partes, 9 thep came in bpon
of^Jfracl : anb thentftberebenoman thchoaftmthc morning ibatthe anb ,

to bcliucr bs,mc ttnli come out to thee. flue the ammonites bntiiithehcatcof
Xhcn tame the mciTengcrs to d5ibca the bap:anb thep that remapncb,uicre
*+ of Saul , anb tolbc this tpbtngesm the fbattcreb,fo thattibo of tljcm uicrc not
earcs of the people: anb all the people left together.
lift bp their bopecs ,anb lbcpt 12 anb thepcoplc fapu bnto Samuel :

^nb bchoibe,Saul tame folouiingthe i©ho is Ije that fapbe, (hal Saul raigne tbtbMim*
5 tattcll outoftheficlbe rhcptoaUtl
,anbSaulfapbe: oucr bs i b?ing thofe men, that nje map $ul
ttihatalpctbtbis people fhatthctuiepc* flaptbem.
^nb thep toibc him the tpbmgcs of the 13 anb Saul fapbe:Xhere fball no man
menof^abes. w bpe this bap : 5fo? to bap tlje fLo?oe
bcginni bu
fctm tilt Tpiritt
anb the fpiriteof «sob co camc
bpon Datl)faueb3ifraei. kmsBOsi
6 earn
offrrrngrb. *
murage to go
Saul a%nhchcarbthofctpDingcs,$ 14 Xrjcn fapbe Samuel bnto the people:

agatnil this hcttiascjccccbuigangric. €ome,that ibe map go to <E»iigai,anD re- ap)ii'..i-

23 7 anb tout a potte of oren,? heibeb them nuctbehingbometbere.

tnpeeecs , anb rent thcmthojoibout all 15 anb all tbe people ibent to d5ilgal,aw>
the coattcsof ^fraci bp the hanbes of mabc Saul hing there befoic the %w
in Nilgai , anb there thep offreb " pca«
(l tjclopnctl) tbai*ȴ; meflcngcrs, faptng:t©hcrocuer tometl) bib J WW
(Jim foi mo>e
notfoojth after 0) Saul anb after Sa* offringes before the ILmt : anb there birtW'.

Ijt him
muel,fo Q)al his orcn be ferueb.anb the Saul anb ai rile men ofJJfrael reiopf
apwotico of«l
fcare of tfje Hojb fell on the people, anb erteebinglp.
''Hcbr. Ai
thep came ouf'ttiitl) one confent.
, . , «
I .Kimges. x lni.
The . xii. Chapter.

i &>amuel Declaring to tBe people m intcsrtticrcpjonctft t&efr tngrattrirte. » ©ob

caufctfi t&e people to confcffc tljctr finne. 20 Samuel e^bo;tet^
!jfmiracle the people

/Bo Samuel faybbm bsontofrbeDanbesofourenemtes,anb

toai3Jfracl:2Bebolbe, melbillfcruetbee.
3J baue w Ijcarlteneb 11 »nopHo2bfcnt3erobaal,w25cban fSff*
unto your uoyce in all
*39cpbtbab anb* Samuel, ano ocitue*

reovouout of tbe Ijanbes of vour ene* uu.*fc

anbljauemabealmig mies on euerie fibe, anb vc Dibelicb fafe
oueryou. iz ^nbfo^ailtbat, tbbcnvoufaibetbat
0o\tit tbcrfo2e,your bins tbalfeetlj be* iI5abastbebingoftt)e cbilb;enof
mon came agatnft vou,pe fayb bnto me:
fop<*tyou: ano^Jamolbe anb grave
I DcaficD , ano beboibmyfonnes ate lbttl) /ftot fo,butaftingfl)ailratgne oucrbs:
you,? 5
baue tbalftcb before you from Jbben vet t&: Ho;b pour d5ob tbas vout
my clnibcnob bnto tuis bay. King.
25el)oloe Jjcre 3Jam
beare recojbe of
, 13 0am tberfo^e beftolb tlje Wng tbbom
me befoje tbe 3Lo:be 9 before bts an * w ve baue cbofcn,ano ibljom pe baue befi<
(dtaolt noynteb: "°i©bofe ore Dane 3J taken < oj reb:io,p Ho?be Ijatl) fet a Ring oner you.
[Hid wn-
tt)!)ofe affe baue 3
talten ? ibfiom baue 14 3Jfycibtii feare tbe Ho?beanb feme -
item Ji Done ibiong to? t©Ijom baue 31 burt*
btm,anDl)care bis boyce, f notbtfobey
£>> of ibbofe banbe bane retcaueo3 tbe tto^be of tlje 5lo?be,botb ye anb tbe
anybnbctoblinbmyne eves tbertbitt> fttngtbat raignetb ouer you , ujall «^fo* SSMS
anDjJlbillreaojettyott. lotbe tlje ILo?b your d5ob. $&%*•
Xljey faybe: Xbouljatt bone bs no 15 3fye ibill not bear&en bnto tbe boyce l0J" a,wlu

ttuong.noj burt bs, ncitljerbaii tbott oftl)c?lo?be, but bifobey tbe Hozbes
taftcn cugb t of any mans banbe. moutlj,tl)en Ojail tbe banb of tlje ILojb
^efayobntotljcmagaine: XbelLojb be bpon you,anb on c -your fatbers.
i3Mneffeaoainftyou,anbbtsannoyn* 16 0m S8?5LS
alfo ftanb , 9 fee tljis great tiling nouts -

tco is Vbitneffe tbisbay , tbat ye Jjaue ibbicbe tlje ?Lo?be U)ill bo before your
founbnaugbttnmybanbcs. 3nb tljey tyts,
aunfibcreb:^e is Ybttncffe. 17 3teitnotnott)erbf>eatefjeatueft*3r
tea Ztto Samuel fayb bnto tbe people: 3ft lbili call bnto tbe 3Lo;be,9 Ije ujai renbe
fstbe ILo?be tbat co mabe#oyrcs anb tbunber9rayne,tljatyemayperceaue
M» 3aron, anb tbat bjougbt your fathers ano fee boibetbat your ibicRcbnesiS

outoftljcianbeofegypt. w
great tbljiclj ye baue bone in tl)e figljt ?»«*
J87 jBoibe tberfoze ftanb fttll, tftat map 3 cf tbe %ofi> in affetngyou a fting. ffX*"
rcaTon ibitl) vou before tbe ?lojDe,atco^ 18 ^nbfo Samuel caileo bnto tbe %o$, %££$&*
Ding to all tbe rigbtcoufneOcs of tbe
%Wt, nnjiebe be ujeibcb botlj you anb
anbtbe&ojbe fenttbunber anb rayne
tlje fame bay: 3nb all the people feareb
yourfatljcrs. tbe ILoin anb Samuel ejeceebmgly
*3lftcr f Jacob tbas comeinto egypf 19 3tnb ai tbe peo pie rayb bnto Samuel:
ano your fatberscryeb bnto tbe Hozb, 0?ay foubyferuauntes bnto tlje !Lo?o
<UU>. *tbc fLojb fent fllSoyfes 9 3laron,lbbicb tbyd50D, tbatibe bye not :fo?ibe baue
wougbtyour farmers out of <£gypt,anb fmncb in anting bs a mng,bcfybe all our
maoe tbemtyfyel in tljis plate. [ottjerjlimtCS.
L, 9 * 3mo imje tbey fo?gat tlje H02D tbeir to 2nb Samuel faybe bnto tbe people
<3oo , bcfolbe tbetnto banb of Sifara feare not (pt baue in xsitu bone ai tljis
captavne of tbe boaft of 1^502,* 9 into rbtcbebncu"e,yet a depart not from folo* m*vw*
tbcbanoe of tbe ^biiilhncs, anb* into ibing of tbe !Lo?be,but feructlje 3Lo?be FSSttSZ
'lib. tbe banb of tbcmng of
£0oab, anb tijey
Ibitb all your beartes:
zi iI5ettbcrturneycaibay,foi[t^nreso]

^ X? tf

3tao tbey crycb bnto tbe!Lojb,9 fayb: after bayne tbtnges,U)bicb are not able 2D
®e banc fmnco becaufe ibe baue fiwfa*
, top2ontcyou, noibeliucryou, fo;tbey
JfHSl^Mb, anb baueferucb asaabm arebutbanme.)
anb^ftoarotl) : 0oVoe rbcrfo^e beltucr ifo; tt)t %ow U)fll

not fojfabe
, -

Saul. [.K inges.

people,bccanfcofhts great names fa&c: 24 Xhcrfozc fears pouthe ?to^c,^fttue ^^
becaure it hath pleafcb the ILojbc to tructh , anb Tbith all pome.) „.
Dim in the _
fnO Oft)!* maBcpou^htspcople, heartcs:<?conftberhoTbe great tljtnses
» no; of vour ,3 ^ojcoucr^obfojbibthat^fboulbe he hath bone fiupou.
tbmo:chc fmnc againft the 1Lo$s , anb tcaffe p?ap> 25 23ut anb pf pc bo Tbicucblp then foaii,

toill not foj

uigfojpou: but 3
Thill (beTbe pouthe pepcriChe,bothpe ano pour Ring,
goob anb right Thap.

3&he j&biu'ttine* are fmtttttiof u £>aul being atfobebtent to

£>aulano lonatflan.
C5oDj5 commaunDement.te ©etueD of Samuel that Ije ftal not raigne . iv C&e great Ua«
ucrietofccnnttje Wtuainesi btpt t&e giftaelitess.

31 3ulnoTb hah ben Ring 3(nb Saul fapbe : 25?ing a burnt facte
(a 1
w onepcre(f heraig* to me, anb peace orTeringcs.3toi) he
acre tone.
neb tTbo peres oucr offcrcoaburntfacrtftce*
3Jfracl.) 19 3mb afToone as he hab mabe an cnbe
anb&aulchofehun of offering the burnt facriftcebehotoe

thttethoufanbrncnof Samuel came , anb 5>aul merit againtt

33fracl : XTho thou* him,to"falutehim.
fanb There Tbith £>aul in fiBichmas anb ii 3lnb Samuel fapb e : nahat Haft thou him.
ttrinoimt asethei, anb a thoufanb void) bone* £>aui fapbe:Becaufe 3
faibe that

^Jonathan in d5ibea aseniamin anb the : the people fuattcrcb from me, anb that
reft of the people he fentcuerp man to thou earned not Tbithin the bapes ap«
his tent. pointeb,anb that the 0hiuftines gather
, 3ino Jonathan fmote the garifon of rcb them felues together to £0khmas: i".ctc
the arise S»as. tl)e ^hiliftincs that Tbas in the
Dill ii Xhcrfoje fapbe 3
, Xhe ^htliftincs

anb it tame to the idhiliftmes eares: fbalcome botbne noTbe upon me to <B\V
6 »1|ltCUCr? 3inb 3>sul bleTbeptrumpetttooush* gal , anb 3
haue not mabe fuppiication
nun OjmilD
{elf io warn.
out ai the ianb,faping:?Lct the ^cbjucs bnto the %W3 Thas bolbe thetfoje ,?
4. hearbe fap hoTbc tljat
anb all3Jfrael 13 2nb Samuel fapb to <S>3Ul:Xhouart
£>aul hab beftropeb a garifon of p $W become afoole, thou haft not fteptthe
commaunbemet of the %W
thv ®oo

mints : tbhcrfoje TJfrael Tbas tjab in ibtc a


abomination Tbith ^iltmncs.^nb the iDhieh he tommaubcb thee: 5Fo? at this tipon b;a

people gathereb together after £>aul to time tboulbe the ?Lo?oe haue ftabliu^ct)
bpon jjfracl fo? euer
tl;p hingbome
aifo gatftereb them 14* BuTn^cJl)p¥ingbomca)alnotconj
5 iDe'^DaiffineS
felues together to fpght IbUh 31frael, tinue: Xhe Hojbe hath fougDthmta
»man after his otbnc heart, ano tlje
thoufanb char cttes, $ fire thou*
tljirtic ffiinft.

lanbhotfemcn ,tbith other peoplciphe ILojb hath commaunbeb him to hecap;

the fano bp the feas fibc m
nmltitubc , 9 tapne ouer his people,becaufe thou w*
came bp.anb pitcheb in U^ichmas, eaft* not Kept that lhhiche the?Lo;be com*
ibarbe from ct ffiethaucn. maunoebthee.
!< ^nb 5)amuclatofc^ gatehun
bp from
^ubTbhenthemcnofJIfrael falbe \t t
tt»aucn,bc= thep There in aftrapte (anb the people <B«Bai w
*n ©ibea of ascnfanim
caufc of tt)i
toolattie corns ibere ui abiftrcfle ) $ the people hvb the 5>aul numb^eb the people that
about a
felues in caues, anb in hoibes, ano in founo lhith him , anb thep ibere
r ocRcs,anb tin hpc places, anb in pittcs. fire hunbjcb men. _• M .

2S anb fome of the i^ebjues vbent ouer u ^nb^aul anb Jonathan hf toirn^x
qjoioanctogo bnto the lanbof* ©ab foo^MS
the people that There
ttBOttioeB *
anb(25ileab: ^nb^aulTbaspetindEfft* abibmg
Ijab their
c JJg^^R itr
min:butp^hiUftmespitchebtn m*>
gal,anbailthcpcoplc being afrapbe,fo*
(g dinhlns 5l
ftatttjc ab=
°Shctariebfcuenbapes,euenbnto ^nbitherecpeoutofthehoafto^
c^ophct faia
aflgnc that
tbcv (bonlD
thetimcthat Samuel hab appopntcb:
25ut ^amuelcamenotto <2>tlgal, anb
one compamcturnebibnto
lore tbc
ru. the people There therfo?e
faattercb leabethto^ph^^topianoeot^^
from him.
3 .,


"T^jutbanotOcr companie turneb the 21 Pet thep Dao a file

fo? the (bares , fo?
%apto25et0o?on:anb t&etgttje tout* toe mattocBes,fo?uje picBfo?&cs , ant) 2>
t&e coaft
name turneb to the *bap of
fo? the ares, anbfo? to tbarpen
to goa*
Siattsfccnraboue pballep of zcboim DC5.
toumrotbeMlberneffc. 2i anb fo in time of battel tOere lbas net *
no fmith founbc tl)?oug0* tber ° flbo?b no? fpeare fbunb in tlje
,o Cticrc lbas (i>£ooertart
outallthe lanoe of JJfrachif o?
tlje £lji' hanbesof anp oftlje people tljat mere that tli: Mir to.
nr ramconlp
iWesfapoc, ^cfftOe $eb?ues mafee lbttlj 5>anl anb Jonathan : But nnth of ijpeo.

tiiemfibo?bcso?fpcares. &aui 9 Jonathan Ois fonnc lbas there

jirraclitesibcntboibne to founb,
,o 26ut all tl c
the 0hmfttnes,to menbe
cucrp man Ijts ij anb tlje garifon of tOc 0Omames tame
^are,Dismattotftc, htsare^Jbcebtng out,to go oucr unto jipicOmas.

The . xiiii. Chapter.

14 lonatban ana Ms fyamzfc bearer put tlje jMjflflHneg to flt'glit . 24 §>aul bmoetb
t&e people b? an ottie , not to eatc till euemng. 52 cbe people eate toitfc t&e Wood.
iS^auiWoulDput g.cimtijantcticatt). 4 5®&e people Dcliucrliim.

l^enonatimejona* astopneoeartlulfetl);
djantOe fonne of £>aul 8 XOen fcyb 3JonatOan : BcOolbe, tt»e
: fapbe bnto his pouug go ouer bnto tOcfc mcn,anb iball fl)rtbe
tnan that bare ljis Oar- our felues bnto tocm*
nefle: Come,$lctbs 9 Pf tOep fap on this ibpfe to bs , Xarie
gooucrtothc pDiltfli bntil ibe come to pou: tOen ibe lbtl ftanb
Kit nes garifon toat are ftill in our place, 9 not go bp bnto tOcm.

wot ponber on tlje othcrfpoe: anbfjetoloe 10 26ut anb if tOep fay, Come bp bnto bs:

m not Ins father. tljen ibe

bp, fo? the HojbehatO
(ttt % anb &aul tarteb in the tottermoft 'beliuercb themtnto our Oanbes :%tto Icitnco tiqia
tier .it a- !'i=
part of <£ibea bnber a pomegranate this iliai be a figne bnto bs. ncro , itoj

tree tbhich u?tn flptgron : anb tOe peo *

11 2lnb tljep botO fljeibcb tijem felues bn^ but tit the Ipu

pic that ibere tbttl) j)im ibere bpo a ftjee to tlje gartfon of the ^htltfhnes. zm ntc nf ,000
Ijunb?comen. tOe ^Ijiliftines fapoe: S>ce,tOe l^cb?ues hiof.'ptl)b)>
j anb aoia tOe fonne of ahitob Jclja* ,
come out of tOc (to ooles tthere tljcp ijab bco b» tin
fame fptntf.
bobs b?otOer,toe fonne of pjincljestljc Ijpb them felues in.
w p?iett m c
fonne of <uii,ibas tlje 2Lo?bes 12 3lnb tOe men of the garifon aunfibc* O M)ty
fp.ift t tnntrm.
&tto,anb ibare an epljob:ano tlje peo* reb JJonatOan $ Oisljarncflc bearer, 9 tuoufiMino
Irp Cru.ion.
titpleunftnottOatJonatDanibas gone. favb:Comc bp to bs,anb ibe Uiill lljeibe
t« + 3nb »n toe mlbbes of tlje paflage bp pou a tljing. 3lnb Jonathan fiipbe bnto
tbljicO Jonatljan fougljt to go ouer bn* his Ijarneffe bearer :€ome bp after me,
to trje |&btiittines ganfon , there tbas a fo? tlje Hojbe bath beliucreb tljem into
(barpc rocfee on tOe one fybe , 9 a (barpe tOeOanbeofSfrael.
rocKcontOe otljer fpbc: tlje one calico 1 anb Jonathan clpmcb bp bpon Cc) han< eftrjedcqpnt*
of the or he 1

25O3C5,anbtDeot0er£>cnc. bes anb fcete,anb his harncflebearer af* ipbcrethep

S Xhe forefront oftlje one leaneb no?rtj* ter him:anb thepfcll befo?e Jonathan,
ibarbc totbarbe ^tcljmas 9 tOe otijee 9 Ois Oarnefle bearer Hue rtje after Ijitn.
tbas foutOibarb tovbarb d5ibea, 14 3tnb that ftrft flaughteribljicOc 3lo*
e anojonartjan fopb to trje young man nathan 9 Ois OarncfTebearermabcibas
tnatbare Ois ljarnclTc:Come,anb let bs DponatVbentie men, rbitOin tOc com*
30 ouer bnto tlje gartfon of tOefe bnctr* pafTeasitlDere about an Oalfe alter of
nunnfcb it map be that toe 3Lo?be tbill
, . lanb tbOiclj tlbo [orenpioae.]
! Cf-ilUMm
J»02bcu)itObs: fo? itts no Oarbncffc > anb roere rbasa fearc in tlje Ooatt, in hvDerbolttnll

to fib
^" m
t0 faue li ®n m
man(e 0? tlje fielb,? among al p people : tnJbntuclj
bji 10 CujivfitD
tOep tOat ibere gone out oftlje gar tftc
tljat robttft (Won
15 7 JW bis Oameflebearer fatb bnto Oim, rifon to robbe , ibere afrapbc alfo , 9 (tit
ftnt uron
ho arte of the

J>o au tljat is in tOpnc oeart:©o TbOcre

cartO trembleb,fo? toe feare toat rbas J3ft!l'llineB,
W.'B etc«»
»tpltafctOtljce,beljoib31anm)itl)tl)ee fentofc^ob. ouij jecat

f4 i6 anb
,:: . «

I .Kin; r
i6 anb the watchmen of «S>aui in d5ibea anb faybe:Xby father maoe the peonie
aseniamin, fatbe: anb bcbolb, themul* tofibeare,faying:€urfeb bctlje mathat
tihtbc were bifcomfitcb,! Were fmitten eatethany fuaenaunce tljis bay.3mb tb J
as they went. people ibere faynt.
17 %l)tn fayb &aulbnto the people that 29 Xhefayb3lonathan,^yfatherhath '°AVr,.

was With him : Ǥ>earchc , anb fee who troubIebthelanbc:<S>ec holbemvne ro*,*
is gone away fro m
bs anb When they . eyes hatljreteaueb fight, bctaufe^ta^ ft?*
fiab numbjeb ,bcl)oiDe, Jonathan anb ttebaiitieofthishonie:
his barneffe bearer Were not there. 30 ^orbc muthe mo?e then to bay,if the
i8 anb 5>aul fayb bnto abia: Bzinghy* people Ijab eaten of the fpoyle of their
thcr the (B) enemies tbhiehetljeyfounb; 3ln&haD
0 tnr ant rbt arae of <Bon.(foi the arne of
iCpbon robicb
roars fcr top
d5ob was at time With the cljiibzcn of there not ben then a mutfje greater
«>l)tt li
3fraei.) daughter among the ^biliftines t
£ pjicft
RiobIo put on
19 anb while &aul talncb bnto p prteft 31 ^nb they fmote the ^hilimncs that
ft! , ilistotcll thenoyfe that was in the hoafteoftbe bay from ^iehmas to ^ialon :3Jnb the
of tilings to
com:, jiam. #biltfhncsfpjcb farther abjobe anb en* people mere erccebing faynt.
(1) Hcttbc
creafeb. ano <S>aul fayb bnto the p;ieft 32, anb the people gattbem to the fpoyle,
fflpljoo 05 (w b9itl)b;att)e tbyne hanbe. anb tone fbeepe, oren,anb caiues, $ aue
touc,fo: )
furcnoaic to
20 anb5>auliayneb him feife bnto al the tljcm on the grounb, anbtlje people d?d
tfhc council!
people that Were With him,$ the? cainc rate tlj em uut h the bioob.

a> to the battell , anb bchoib * cucry mans 33 Xhen mcntolbc5)aul,faying:2Seho!o,

IuJ.vh.f'. fibo?b was againft his felow, anb there people finne againft tlje
tlje %wt,
Was a bcry great btfeomfiture. tljat they care Untb the bloob. anb he
21 iipojeouer , the $ebmcs that mere faybc, ^chauetrefpaffeb : Koiblea » fiSfflj*
With the 0htlifhncs before that tyme, great ttone bnto me tljis bay }gm
$ were tome With them into all partes 34 anb S>aul faybc againc: <e>o ab^obc a* jjjm
ofthe boafte , turneb to be With the 3U mong the people,anb bib them b;ing me
raclites that Ibere With 5>aul anb jo* eucryman his ore,anb euerynwnliis
natban. fbecpe,anbflay them !jcre,anb catc,anD
^^ anb all the men of gjfracl alfo, Wljtche fume not againft the Hofjc in eating
habbybthc*fclucsin mount epbiaim, until the bloob.anb the people brought
aflboneas they hcarbe home that the euery man his ore in bis hanbe tljat
^hilittineswcrefleb, thcyfolowcbaf* night,anb flue them there.
tcr them in the battel. 35 anb £>aul mabe an aulter bnto pHofl: ±
z5 ano fo the HLojbe faucb ^jfrael that anb that ibas the firfl aulter tljat Ije \m
bay : anb the battel continueb bnto i&v mabe bnto the Hojbc. ,
"•» *'«"

thaucn. 36 anb§>auifiiybe:|Letbsgobou3neaf^
24 anb when the men of 3(fracl tbere tertlje^hrtiftmcsby night, anb fporlc
ftepte bowne With hunger that bay, thctn,bntilitbe bay in tlje mo2trtng,a«D
£>aulchargebthe people lbitlj anoth, letbsnotlcaueonemanof them, ano
CO&nth<»as faying: 0) Curfeb be the man that eateth theyfaybe: 2r)oibhatfoeuer trjoutljm*
bl3 lipp
una arrogant
anyfoobcbntill night, till 3
be auen* BcftbcuMLbenfaybc tljcpncft: H«bS wf ,«
tit, Uiatbc
tboagbttoat* gcbofmyne enemies . 3nbfo none of comehytherbnto(i5ob. „ gf
37 anb-§>auiaiBebof(i5ob:^haH3'S0
tribute to bio
poltinc tl)flt
the people tafteb any fuftcnautue.
rob'cbc iBoo of the lanb tame to a lboob,
-?lnn al they boibneafter the 0ftfltftuieS<nailttljo«
W z5
beliuer tljcni into the hanbes of3 imu
ban gcucn
ththanoc of inhere home lay bpon the grounbe.
%6 3nb the people eame into the lboob 25uthc aunhbercb him notatthattuw.
2nb bcholb,the home bjoppcb , anb no 38 anb 5>aul faybc: fLet al tftC'thicft of Mrn „,

man moueo his hanb to his mouth : fo? thepeoplc come ljyther,anb hnoibc
00 Cfc»K». tlje people fearcb tlje ^oth, fee by Tbljom this finnc is bone thisnay.
the curfc ,ip-
povntcD gf
in 25tit Jonathan hearbc not M)i hts fa* 39 f 0? as the JLojbc liucth, whithc
3frael,tljough it be in Jonathan i«?
punplbmcnt tber thargeb tlje people ibith tljcoth,
ionnclje Ujaibye the beatb . 26ut
ibeorb. tt)herfo?e ljeputfoo?th tlje enbeof the
e rob tljat rbas in his hanb, anb Dipt it in Was no manamongalltbepeopietna*
anhonietombe, $ put Jjis hanbe to his aunfibercbhim. , t9e ^
ton t»frc trpm
fcj fettrpnea
moutb,anohis (0 eyesreccaueb fight. 40 XhenhefaybcbntoalJfrael-OT m
•nobungrr. z8 Xhenaunftbcrebone of the people, ononefybe, anb3 anbfonatljan
M fpbc .anb the
fonne ibili be on the other 47 2rob fo 5>aul hclbe the feingDome
nropie fattie unto S>aul: i©IjattDou oner _3frael, anb fought agamft all his
mit.Bcftbcft,thatbo. enemies on cucrp fibc, agamft i^oab ,a*
MA toe Ho;De gamftthe ch«b;en of amnion, agamft
Eh d Vjitrfo» £>aul faibctmto

(pod of3)frael,gc«c a perfect lotattD ebom.againfttbe Wnges of zoba,anb
3>aul anD IJonathan rbere caught: but agamft the ^htnmnes. ano lbbptbcr
the people uapcD free. rocucr he turncD him fclfe, he pnt them
,_ anD S>aul fails Call lot betrbeenemc
: totherbo;fc.
anDlJonathan mp fonne, anD 3(ona*
6 4S anb he gatbmb his boaft together,?
fmotcfhe co amaiel.ites, $rtb gift-art
than rbas caught.
„ ^ ^„ outoftbe hanbes of themtbatlpopicb
4.2 £Den&aulfafl>eto3fonarl)an: ft) 9a tfcc

merbbatthou haft bone* anD 3lona* them. tnswnDcft.

than tolDe him, anb fapDe: taftcD a n^ 3 49 Xhefonnesof <Sbaul mere, Jona- Deut.:; 0.

tie home rbith the enbe of the

rob that than, wjeuXanb fl0cichifua:anD his
K, ruas in mpnc hanb, 9 lo, <« mutt bye, U nbo Daughters rbere thus nameb, the
S" 44. <S>auI annftber cd : *d5ob Do fo $ 11102c fiber rbas calleD fij&crob, arib the poun3
3 («) Callrt

# aifotome,thou fyait Dpe the Death 3Jo< ger (t) 40ichol. Cljaii.ji.a.

nathan. $0 anDthenamtof-Sbaulsrbife, rbas
45 anD the people falD bnto £>aul: ^>rjai ahinoa,the Daughter of ahimaa3: anD %3g%*
"Jonathan Dpe ,rbhich hath fo mtghttlie the name of his chfefe captaine, rbas 0,JDau,t'-

DcitucrtD3Jfratl^ <_5oDfo;btD. as the abner the fonne of ilicr, £>auls bnele.

|Lo;D Ipueth,* there (ball not one hecrc 51 anb * €is rbas 5>attls father : f |5cr i.Rq
of his hcaD fall to p grounD, fo; he haff) the father of abner, was the fonne of
rwought rbith d5ob thisbape. anbfo abiel.
the people DenucrcD3lonathan,thathe <i anbthercrbasfo;erbarreagatnfttht _., _
DpeDnot. l^hfliihncsatt p Dapesof daul: anD mm*£
46 attDthen&aulDcpartcDbpfromfo*
w rbbomfocner S>aul faibe to be a vSZu
lotting the iMjilifttnes: anD the #hilt' ftrongmau,anD mcctc fo; the rbarre,he
limes rbent to thctr ottme place* tofte htm bnto hmu

The. XV. Chapter.

3$>aat i$ cotnmaantielitoaav 3Imate6.9. ^e fpatetlj aigag anb tlje ftctttWitgesJ.iP.^amat!
rcp^uctftDtm.:8. ^attlfsireiecteDoft^e)Lo?6e, mW9
mud Ijctocrtj 3 333 m pcccc s.

^muel alfo bnto

fatbe 5 anD5>aulcamehnto a tttieof ^ma* 1^»_>»

5)aul:*3EhcfLo?bfent lefeanb fet ibatch in the b;oofce.

- * ,n ba,l( '-

ntetoanopnfthee,tobe 6 ^nD^aulfaiDe bntotlje Bcnites: w &?$£

fting otter his people,^ <E?o,rj Depart, $ get pouDotbnc from a- ^Xl^
uer3Ifrael:ii5oibtl)er^ mongtlje ^maleftttes,lcft 3 Dcttcop «"•»
fo;e w hearRenthouhn* poutt)itl)thcm:fo;pe tt)eroeb
, ^
n tt)cc to
Honour, to the iiopce of tlje toauthechtlD;enof 3lfrael,tbhen tljep i°$%7>l
Btoobc? ttjojbesoffhcflojbe. tame out of egppt. ^TnD fo the Bcnites SSRfjS.
Xljus fatth thc|Lo?De ofljoaftes:3F DepartcD from among p ^maieBttes. 5^"^'"
remember that ibhtth ^maicft DtD to % ^ttD S>aulfmote tlje ^maicitites, %£?*»•

Sfrael.'horb rljev lapeb matte fo; tljcm fromJ9cutia,asthoHcommeftto^)ur, 25

in the Vbape as thev tame bp from €- thatipethbefiwccgppt.
flPPf* 8 ^nb toae agagthe Ring of the 3una<
i5otbe therfo;ego,anb fmpte %\w leuitesaipue, anbhttcrlp beftropebail
ick anDDeftropcveaUtljatpcrtatneth the people Ibith the cbgc of the ftbo;be. Nu Jtxiiii.l,

onto thcm v anD haue no compaffton on 6

*But S>aul anb the people fpareb CO agarnjl
Sibc an
them,* b ) {tap both manfiboman, in* 3lgag, the better fbeepe, "anb the fat* s>mua
* j^S* -

rant anb fucBltng,ore anb fbeepe, camel ter oren, anb the lambcs, anD all that
anDafle. rbas gooD, $rboulDnot Dcftropthcm:
3ittD ^an! gathereD the people toge* But altljat rbasfoule 9 naught U>o;th,
S-iXc. Jpcc,anD* nuntb;cDthemtn Xelatm, thatthepoettropcbbtterlte.
two l)uno;eD thoufanD footcmen, anb 10 Xhtn came the rbo;b of the 3to;b bm
nthoufanDmenof3IuDau to Samuel, faping:
Samuel. I .Samuel.
ii 3Jt *rcpcmctl) me mat 3 haue niaoe better then the fat oframmesi
° ) rebellion is
£>aulUing: 5Fojheisturncofcomme, 23 tfoi as the fame • nf
?hath not perfourmebmycommaun* Witchcraft, anb OubbcrnncfTc is
as the fe<
b ententes, anb -feamttti was eutlia*
payee, $ erycb bnto the ILojb all night.
WieRebnes of iboiatrie: Beeaufethn.,
had cadaway the Woweof the^X SS?
<£ n ano Who <§>amuel rofe early to meete therefore he hath cad away thee
alio SS*
r ywwiojw ttJOJ

£>anl m the mowing, was toioc 5>a-

it fcombemgRtng,
muel t hat £>aul Was tome to Catmcl, 24 anb S>aul faybe bnto Samuel 9t*mum.
anb bchoibe , l)c hath maDe him there haue fmnebrfo? 51 haue gone farthet e
a place, anD is rcturneb,anb beparteb then the Hiying ofthe ILo^be anb tlii

CO Chert to
otto top
fttcfoi tl'C
ftcri=: ant) gone bownc to ro Nilgai. wo?bes, becaufe 3feareb the peoDic
fcutojic got= 13 3lnt) Samuel tame to £>aul, $ £>aul anb obeyeb their boyce.
rath bnto him, Blefleb be thou in the 25 il5owtherfo^3fp?aytheetaueawav
ILojbe: 3 Dane fulfdieb the C2) comaun* my (t,) finne, anb turne agayne With nie
tijc manor of bcmentoftbelLojb. that5mayWo;anptheflo?bc. '&•*
5j>r,enrt)rpfo= 14 Samuel faybe: nahatmeaneththen 26 anb ^aniuel faybe bnto 5>aul, Kfe U
ofonc bnnfcs the bleating oftfje fbeepe in mine eares Wyll not returne With thee : #02 thou ft&«
to fcp tbcv s6 '* 0,
rjauefiilfillco ahb the lowing of the orcn which 3J IjadcadaWaythcWojbeoftlje ILo^be '"

BOOB com =
mnunbrmeta. hcarc? anb the ?Lo?b hath cadaway thee, that
&aiiiaunfwereb,Xheyl)aue brought
15 thou (halt not be nyng ouer Jifrael.
them from the amaiclutcs: f o; the 27 anb as Samuel tumeb hym feife to
people fparcb the bed of the (heepe,ant> go away , he caught the lappe of his
of the oven, to facrifice them bnto the toate,anbitrent.
%o;nttt)v <^>b, anb the remnaunt 28 anb Samuel faybe bnto hym : Xhe *
haue We beftroyeb bttetlie. Ho;oe hath rent the ftyngbome of 3Jf=
is dantnel faib to 5>aul: 1L ct me tell thee rael fcom thee this bay,anb hath gcaen
what the ILojbc hath fatbe to me this «toa (° neighbour of thine that is bet-- .,«
night, anb be fayb bnto him: fayeon.
ter then thou. 2«.
00 (m)
WJttUnonu 17 Samuel faib : nahen thou wad to 29 Xhe drength ofHfrael Wyi not be*
ft to be of
ii c
tlcintbyne oWne fight, mail thou not guyle, no? repent: fo? he »s notaman SIS?*
Italic tribe

of Jfracl ano ,
mabctheheabofthc tribes of^lfrael, that djoulbe repent. SSbSK?
oi ilitk.iilc
fanatic of tbo
anb the Horn annoynteb thee hyng 30 i^e faybe, 3
haue finneb : isut notbe "*«»»

tribe of
Wens oucrjlfracl* honour me before the elbers of my pco^
2> is anb the Ko?bc fent thee on a tourney; pie anb before Jfpael, ano turne againe
anb faib : anb utterly bedroy thofc
<5o, With me,that3l may Wo;d;ip the %W
Tinners the amaleRitcs, $ fight againft thyd5ob,
them btttyll thou bedroy them. 31 anb fo Samuel turneb againe, anb
19 anb whet f02c had thou not h carfte* foloweb^>aul:anb 5>aul wo;d)ippcb
neb bnto the boyce of the %mti but theHo^be. t M
liadturncbtothcpjayc, anb had bone 31 5ChenfaybeS>amuel:i5?yngyouhy'©
that which is wtcucb in the fvsUt of the ther to me agag, the ftyng of the ama<
leftites. anb agag came bnto hyntDa^

2,0 anb S>aul faybebnto Samuel pea, : tately,anb agag faybe : Xruely tljew^
00 bittemeffe of heath is pad.
3 haue hcarhencb onto the boyce of the »»> e**

%oftc, ant) gone

haue way the Which 33 anb Samuel faybe as thy fibotfe
«. of

the How fent me bnto, $ haue brought hath mabe Women chylblcflc, fo wall diumniw
agag the Ryng of amaleb, anb haue thy mother be chylbleffe aboue other % til.

bedroyeb tbcamaicRitcs. Women, anb Samuel heWeb agag in

11 But the people tofte of p fpoylc,fl)cepe,
orcn, anb the cbiefed of the tbynges
wtnchefboulbehaue ben beftroyeb, to
pecces befoze the ftoine in C5ilg«il.
34 anb then
* Samuel beparteb to

aaama, anb £»aul Went ho»« to h»

offer bnto the How
thy C5ob in d5ilgai. houfc to ©ibca^aul. ...
w ^j*

21 anb Samuel faybe : $ath the Howe 35 anb Samuel caine no mo?c to

as great pleafure in burnt facrtfices anb 5>aul,bntyll the bay of &is oeati):^^
iBeuerthclefle Samuel mouruco

orTcryngcs, as When the boyce of the
Howetsobcycb* 2Scbolbe,toobcy,ts <g>aul : anb the Hojbe r epenteo that w
better then facrifice : anb to hearten, is hab mabe 5>aul uyng ouer 3^^ t
i. Samuel. xlvi.
The .xy>i. Chapter.

ft»amneTt!E!rep?ouel)of<!5o&,ann fsiftnttoatmornt©auti).7.ffioiiregatt)£t&tt>eliearf.
u cfie fpittte of m%oW commetft bpon 30autD.14.fcBe tcicteo fpmtcfe fem fcpon £>aul,
i9,*iaul fcnDetl; fo? £>auiD.

$eHo?DerayDbnco 6 3tnD tbljen tbey Sbcre come, be Ioteb m «***
IB tti

damuel: ^otbc long oneuab, ?fatbe:^nrclpetbe3lo?Defi
" 8? $*
Itat tbilt tbou mournc fo? w annopnteDisbcfo?et)im. SSSR"

^aul^fcmg^Jnaue 7 25ut tbe Ho?be faybe bnto Samuel: T^'
KM albay from
caft ijim flobe not on b»s fatbion, o? on v bcigbt
It til

Mill raigntngouer3KraeW ofbisttature, becaufe j

baue reftifcb
Ml tljvn^
cw home Dim: 5fo? [©oafcetbinotas man fcettj.
lbitb oyntment,anD come, tDat35i may 5Fo? man loftetl)
on tbe ounbarb appea*
feno tbec to 3lfat tbe iBetblemite: fo? 3 raunce, but tbe*Lo?DebeboiDctbtbe
Hi ill
bauep?ouiDcbmeaBing among Ijis ijeart.
?KIIJ: fotmes.
s Xbcn Jfai caiicb StbinaDab,? mabe
A ant) '
3taD Samuel fayb : $olb tan 35 go< Ijim come bcfo?e
Samuel, anb be fapb:
5Fo? if <§>«ul beareit, fyettnlitriltnir. i5ettbcr batl) tbe £o?be cljofen tbis.
%\)t %ott aunfibcrcD:XaRe an bcyfer 9 Xbcn 3ifai mabe £>amma come, anb
u>itb ttjee , anb fayc:31amcome to be fayb: /ftettber yetbatbtbeHo?be
offer to tbefLo?be. cbofenbmi,
'"tint }
ton ' 3no call 3lfai to tbe offering , anb 3 io agame^jfatmaDefeucnofrjtsfonnes

"a not
Will fl)cnjc tljec Utyat tboutbaltDo: to come befo?e Samuel ano Samuel
» lilt
3taD tljott Cbait annoynt bnto mt w bun fayDbnto Wai: %\)t |Lo?beijatbcbo^
Hue of
M)oni3i name bnto tbee. fcnnoneoftljefe.
TWO 4> 3JnD fo Samuel did as tbe 3Lo?D baDe 3mb £>amuelfayDe bnto 3Hai:
ii 3fre
bnn.ano came to asetljietjem : anD Ijeare all tljy ct)ilD?cn^e ftyoe : %\)tu
nocrs of t\)t tolbne lbere
nte comming,anD fatbe : *
« aftonycb is yet a Utle one beljinD , that bepetb tbe
« fljeepe^nD Samuel faiD bnto jfat, afSfc^
i>mt 5J Commeft J

njou peaceably*
• torn-:
^enDcanDfctbim: ro?U)eu)illnotryt §&""'
'tone ^caunfibercD:^ea3amcometoo& boU)ne,tttli)e be come Ijytbrr.
JJbntotftc ?Lo?De: * £>anctffie pour iz 3uiD be fent,anD b?ougbt btm in: 2nD
s an t0 mclU(rt mcto
rmi ^ ^ , J ^eorTe^ be U)asruDD(e,anD of an crtcilct beatt^ Gene „ b
tit* anb ibel fauoureD in figljt.^nD tbe
wtmcs,anb babe tljem to tlje
offering. ?Lo?be faiD^ryfe ^annoynt bim : 5fo?
" "

'D.mid is I .Samuel. innoktJ

ana faiO:23cl)otDt,3J tjauc fcenealbmir
13 %l)ixtfoit Samuel toke flic borne of 3jraitl)c 25etblebemite,tbat tan ml
tbttbtbc annoyntment, anbannoyntcb bpon mftrumentes,anb (s ftrong bait- i

(Ifi whereby gtfntin tbemtbbesof bis bzctbjcn. anb aunt, anbamanoftbarre,anbpnu)eiit

tbe 00 fptrite of tbe fLojbe tame bpon mooing of feates, anbtbeil maoe ani u
In oil that ht '
tofce in l^anS. 2DautD from tljat Dave fojuiaroe: tbetabeisibitbbim.
ano Samuel core Dp, ano tuent to ma* 19 j©l)etefo?e 5>aul fern mcffengersbn*
ma. to 3Jfai,anO faiO: 5>cnoc me Dauto thv
i+ 26ut tl)c fpirtte of ttje ?Lo?Dt ueparteD fonnc,lbbicb is lbitb tbe Incept.
from £>aul anb an euillfpirite [fentj f
20 anb Jjfai toobc an afte [latwij tbttft

CO To bew t!)c
3LojbbcrcDt)im. ROMW
b?eab ,ano a flatfcet of mine , ano a ftvo B10lnw '

tije ramot
ftiai'l, u/itii
1$ anb 3>auis feruauntes faib bnto bun: ano fent t!;cm by DauiO bis fonnc bnto >S«Y
ttic mgupibt £>aui.
Seljolbc, aneuill fpirtte [fe»«j of <ii5oD gJSij
anb w 2>autb tame
bvulartsc col- bcrctbtbee.
2i to
ano be
&aui ano , &>
teraim t>l»f=
riciEuig:n> 16 fLet our 3Lojbc tbcrefojc toinmaunbe ftoobe before l)im, ? loueo bini $ »&
ttjr feruauntes (tbat arc before tl)ee)
bery lbell , ? £e *bas maoe bis Ijamcffe
tofecUcaman tbat is a tunnyng play* beater.
rtttntl) an barpe: tbat ruben tbe cutll ii anb3>aulfcntfo3!fai,faying: fUtss*
fptrite of (£>oD tommctb bpontbec, \)t
©aufonotbercmaincibitbmc , fo?t)eS5
founbe fauour in my figbt. 52k
mappiav lbitt; t»isi l)anbe,?tl)oua;aU l)atl)
beeafeb. 23 anb fo ibljcn tbe [*"»«] fpinte of d5oo

17 S>auifayb bnto l)is feruauntes: ^?o« tame bpon £>aul, Dauib tout an lwrpc
uiocmeamantDen tljat tanplavibell, anb piaycb ibtt h Us banb:anb fo Saul
anbbnngbimtomc. ibas w Peftefl)cb,$ bib amcnbe.anb tbe

^ijcaunnbcreb one of l)ts feruauntes euyll fpirtte beparteb from bim. fffi

be rccompni-
The. XMii. Chapter. cctwn ua

i®ht®W&tm$ wafic toarw agamfl 3,©ottatbiJEfiet^Hfrael. [7.©atiiD tsfentto

hfg b;ct^en.?4-®0c ftrengt^ anD boiocneae of
©auto.47.<E&e )Lo;D tauetb not »E ro>op
no? tpeate. so.^auto fiiUetft ©oltatl),anD ttje £t)fltfimei«Iee.

M ^Ijtliftines gattje^ fl)ouioers.

tcbtl)eitl)oalltobat' 7 ^nbtbcfbaftofljisrpcaretbaslv&ea
a taple, anb tame togc* Ibcauersbeame, anb tjts fpeacc l)eao
tt)erto5>oti)o«il)Kl) ibayebfireljunDiteb fttles of iron: ^no
isin35uba , anb pyt one bearing a ttycioe ibent before J)int*
cl)eo benbeenc £>o1* 8 3tno be ftoobe anb trpeb againft toe
ttjo ano ^3eaalj , m Uoaft of^fraeianb faybebntotbem:

tftetoaftcot3Dammim. lebvareve tome to fetvourbattaflem

^no S>aul $ tbe menof 3Jfirart tame arra^amnot^ai&biu&iM anovon ,

":Djofth« togctber,anO pyttbeb in the bailey of feruauntes to £>aul < tljoofe vou a man
eiaD.anb put ttoem felues in battaile fo?you,anb i e tljm tomeooibnctomt.
>f) UK'
aray ,to mccte tl)t ^l)iliftincs. 9 3taD if l)c be able to fpgl)t vbitb tnc,f
^nb t'oc p)iltfhncs ftoobe on a monn* to " RtUme,tl)en ibill «je be vow ftp
Ca) UintW
bewjeenetbe taine on tbe one fybc, anb 3(fraei ftoooe 3
uauntes: 26nt if tan ouercomc bVj" 5
ttoo cnmpCB.
onamountaincon tbcotber fybc,anb beate I)im,tl)en fbal yz be our feruautes
(b) 3 man of tber c ibas a bailey bctibtcnc tljcm. anbferuebs. MM
. .,.,
ti;c UWltlC,
3lnbti)crc tame a man bctvbccnetbc or ano tbc ^bfliftine liivbe: 3 mc?!a ftc

Itiio Ccliact) ^ a^
botl), out of tlje tcntcs of tbe l&btlfc
Ijoaftof 3jrrael t&is bap, gt««
is a cubirc
ehtmfcW.abrt) ftines,namcb ^oliatb, of d5atb:
fire man, ibe map ftgftt togctber. fV«*|
iroft then a
sconofr. tubttcs anb abanob^caotl) long: „ ©ben ^aul anb all llfracl lj{ fj
(c ichattB
|to .i.b.-f, anb Ijab an Ijelmet of b?au"c bpon lits
our.Ci'3 after
anbatoate of male about Dim. bifcourageo^nbgreativ^^^h.,,,
fiaHz m ounce ftcab »
rbefiele, ano of mayle,
anb tlje ibetgbt of(0bis toate iz SDauio ibas tbe fonne of an «PW«'

^ m
tbitc of 26etblcbem 3uoa,namcb |
ibas hue tljcufanD fitles of b?afle.
tctbro iSJUj.
lbbuDbaoeygbtfonncs, %

anb be bao bootes of b?afTe bpon bis ,Si(t.

icggcs,anD a flnclDeoftyaffebponbis lbas tahenfb? an oioe mamntljeMyy

Of&Mfl. bare,bnbee tlje hanbesoftftcneper of
2inb the tyitt tmtt fonnesof 3Jfaf tlje beficls, anb ran into tlje boaft, anb
ibent, ant) folotbeb £>aul to the ftat- came,anb faluteb Dis taethjcm
tell: 3nb the names of his thjee fonncs ** 2jft as be taint bibitfj them, bcbolb,
thatlbenttobattaile, lbrre: eliab tfie tlierc ttoobe a man in tlje mibbcs(©ol('
tiDfa,anotI)cncjrt 3tt»nabab, anb the atlj the ^btlimne by name,of £>atb)out
tljjub&amma: of eijearmic of tlje j&biuftincs, ^fpaftc boot tdjnrfi*.

14 ^b^autbUjasthcleaftcj^nb the m fuel) ttiojbes-anb Dantb beatb tt,

time elbeft ,Ttoent after £>aul. 14 3inb all the people of^ftaci, tbljeti
15 2>amb alfo Went , anb beparteb from tljepfatbe tlje man, ranneasbayfcom
nt 3>aul, to fcebe tjts fathers u>cpe at Jjim.anbibere fojeafraybe.
101] =

asethjehem. 25 3m>cuerymanof3Jftaeifaib:£>aibc
ye not tljis man that commcth bp^euen
«» 3uibtljc$bili&ine eamefoojth in the
mowing anb cucning , a»D tcntinucb toreutic 31frael is he tome:* anb to Iof.xv.c-
Dam foutttebapes.
ibit ia
Ijim that fciilcth bim,nnU tlje Ring gcue
icpc 17 anb^raifapbtmtoS>aufol)(sfonnc: great ntcbes, anb Vbiii gent htm his
Xai$e fo? thy tycthjen an €pha of Daughter thereto, ycaanb inane Ijis fa- m from .


Hi Ki
tiXspattchebeome, jtljcfc tenloaucs, thers boufc (0 free in ^fracl. lajrro,*
raf 3

anb runnc to the hoatt to thy tyethjen. 26

^nbDauib fpane top men that lloobc e
g« is 3lnD tary thefc ten fretl)£ thecresbm by,anb foyn: naijat (ball be bone to the
Z to tbc taptayne, anb lone hoibe
thy bite* man that fttlletlj this ^btuttme, anb w
& 19
tlwcn fare.anb fet out their (B)
3inb Saul anb tbcp anb an the men
ncth aibaye tlje fljamc from 3?fracl<
gy* ^nbtbhattstbis bnnrcumcifeb $»btlt*
ofjfcaci Vbere tn the bailey of €lah, ftsne, that he (boulbe rtuile tlje hoatt of
tpgbtrngnntbtbc^ljutuincs. theliuingy5ob*
auiD rofe b P eacl »« morning,
anb ? tbc fljeepc
V P 27 anb the people annlroercb himCafter
ujtth a neper ,f tone, tljis mancr) faying : £>o fljall it be bone
jnb tbrntas 3jfoibab
j> commaunbeb to tlje man that Rilleth htm.
H a D tamc U)tt in
toe boaft:
« ^ ** tompafle of
the boaft fcent outm
28 anb €liab his elbett b;otIjer hearb
ttiljen he ipane bnto tlje men,attb €iuib
6 a,o; tcl) « n the battailc. Ujasangryc ibith Dauib,f fapbe: aaljp
, , * Jv??
^^ f acl an b the iDUiUftmcs Dab tamca thou bolbne Ijptljer < ano iDUlj
" m
*v a,:n "caSauift lhljomhaft thou left thofc feweiheepe
in the tt)tlbcrncs:3 ftnott) thy pnbe anb
n ^^i>aamufttHc tijmacsiDUtcDDe the maitte of tij pne heart, that tljou art
T>auid i.oamuc
i.S 1.
e comcboibnc to fee tl)t battel. ncarc agamft Dauib, anbthelnanti^r
taiiifat bi0fa=
»t)tto ttm-
•*-' 3(nb Dauib raphe : 3nb what ftaue 3 bare tbe fbiclbe lbcnt befoje toni
maunBrmct, noibe bone* is there not a (1°caure* 42 3nb when the ^hntftmeiofteb atom*
9 fatbe Dauib , be btfbapncD bim-foih!
anD tr.10 ,ilfo
nioutb b?
30 3hib he bepartcb from i)fm into the
<EoB0fpmtto mefence of another , anD fpane of the ibasbutpoung,rubbie 9 ofa tonihS
take that en:
fame maner: ana the people aunftbereb 43 Znn thc^hiiiflmefapb bmoDauh.
himagainc,asbcfoje. 2m
3! a Dogge, tbat thou coinnicfttn
31 2lnb thep that hcarb the tbojbcs mclbitb ftaucs* anDthe l^Ijtliftinc*"^^
ibhtch Dautb fpa&e,rchcarfeb them be* curfeb Dauib in f name of bis goDbes *•&
fojc £>aul,tbhich caufeb him to be fet. 4+ SnDthe ^hiltftme raphe Daufr S$£to
32 3lnbDauibfapbctoS>aui: ?Letno Come to me,anb3 ibpiigeiietbpfUuv S u Bfrnoot

mans heart faple hfmbccaufe of him:

ILhpfcruaunt ibtllgo, anb fight ibith
bntotbc Joules pTtbcaw
beaftes of tl;e fielbe.
Je ^ V!S

ponbcr^hiliftme. 45 pjen fapbe Dauib to tbe ^I)tunhne*

* 33 3lno £>aul fapbe to Dauib agatne: Xbou tommeft touteibft|ianbo;ii a
bout to per
fa;mcf iuo)k 3Chou art (l) not able to 50 agamft pon* fpeare, f a fljielbe: 26ut3J tome to thee
tnt : of 1;10
11 1; ber^hiliftme, to fight ibitbhmi: $01 in tbe name ofrt)efLo?bofboafles,fl)e
fpitit, 'Stcm<
tcbbp t'.einU thou art but a chilbe, but lie is a man of d5ob of tbe Ijoaft of 3Jfrael,U)honi thou
mil era cf£>a
tii i' rn
ibarrc eucn from his poutb. haflravlrbbpon, m
w Xl)isbap(balthc1Lo?oetlofetljee ssf
34 Dauib aunfibereb bnto 5>aul: Xhp 46
nifiDclittc of
leruaunt&cpt bis fathers fbeepc,$thet anb 31 (ball finite thce,» £5?
into njp Ijanb,
lud xiiii.b. came *a lion anb lihctbife a beare, anb taRetbpnebeabfromtbee, f UJOlgcne H%
5? a H) e epeout of the flocuc
tofte tbe carbafes of the ftoaft of t^t $$m JgM?
35 anb J
lbcnt out after him,anb fmote .(lines tljis bapebnto tbe foulcs of the
I)im, auotoKcttout of nismoutmanb ar;e, $ to tbe beaftes of the earth, that
ibhc he arofe againftmc,3J caught him all thep ttJbieb be in tbe nwibcmapc
bptbebcarbe, anb fmote htm, anD flue bnoibe tbattbereisa^obin^frael:
him. 47 ^nballtbis congregation (bamnoa
36 3»nb fo thp fcruaunte flue both the tbat the fLojbefaucth notttitbrtt)o?D, <s
lion, anb tbe beare: anbtruliethisbn* 9 fpeare (ifoj tbe battaiie is p ILo^ocs)
ciraunnfeb ^tjtltfttnc fl)albe as one of anb be fljail gcuc pou into oin; banbes.
tbcm,fcinghc hathrapieD onthehoatt 48 3nb ibben the |0bOiftine arofe to
oftheliupng(i5oD. come anb bjatbcnpe to Dauib, Dauto
37 3nD DauiD fpafte mojeoucr: Xbe haftcb,anb ran to fight agamft tljc $p
flo;b that bcliuereb me out of the banb liftine,
oftbe lion, anb out of the banDe of tbe 49 3lnb Dauib put bis hanb in his bajjge,
beare, be fl)ai bciiucr me alfo out of tbe anb tone out a done, anb dang it, anb
by tbcfc ct- hanb of this 0htiiftine.3lnD £>aulfapb fmote tbe 0biliftinc in bis fo;c!)cab,
fato tbe
fiu 'a ( 1 of bnto Dauib: cn° <Bo, anD the fLojDe that tbe ftone Oincbe into l)isfo?cbeao,* EnUlil
CD frag

famb l,ini.
[ftaiijbe ibith thee. anb be fell groueling to t^t earth.
38 3lnb S>auiput bis rapment bpon Da^ 50 2lnb fo Dauib ouercame the pbtWft»ne
tub, anb put an helmet of btafle bpon ibith a fling anb a ftone , ano fmote the
bis beab, anb put a coate of maple bpon 0hiuftinc, ?flucl)im, eucnibhcn2>#
bun. uibhabnofibojbtnhishanb.
39 3taD gp:beb Dauib ttnth Xfl& elbne 5r 25m Dauib ran anb ftoooc bpon tpe
fibo?b bpon bis rapment, anb he aflap^ 0biliftine,anbtoRe his fibo?b,anDbjue
eb to go,anb becaufe be neuer p;oucb it, it out of his (beathe ,?flue him, anD hb
Dauib faibe bnto £>aul: 31 cannot go of bis beab therewith. 3lnb ibhcn the
ibith thefc,*; 31 baue not bftb nip fcife ^Ijiliftincs fatbe that their champion
thcrcto.3inb Dauib put them of him, rbasbeab,*thepfleb. tfm „.
Cn> 3>»tfic 40 3lnDtoBcl)ts ftaffeinbisljanb,anb <,% ^ubthemcnofjirraeianboffui;;
fetn^ tbat «rofe,anbfl)Oibtcb, aubfoloibcbattct
litronOn uttt
chofc ijim fiuc fmotb ftoncs out ofa
-bjooKe , anb put them in a fbepbearbes the i&bmftincs, bnttll thep tame to
bagge lbhieh he hab .that is in a ftrippe, ballep, anb bnto the gates of awr?";
anb his fling tbas in his hanbe, anb he ^notlje^hiliftines fell boibne iboun-
lbcnt to the 0hfliftine. ttn bp the ibap to s>aaraim, cuen
41 ^nb the ^Dilittinecame anb b?eibe c>atb,anb^caron.
i.S l. xlviu.
-—Slhe tl)UD2cnof ^ftael returned fttng)3taniiottelU
\Xbafing after tDe ^Dttittines, anb 56 anb tbe Ring fayoe: enquire tljou
foovU&tlieirtcntes. lbbofe fonne tDe youngling is,

3>aitfD toue tHe
anb toougDt it to #icrufalem,
Deab oftlic £Dt< 57 anb «bl)ca>autt)U>asreturncb from
tlje aaugljterof tbc^biufline, abner

butncputDisarmourmftiS' tent. tofte Dim, $ bjougbt Dim before Saul,

lbitD tDe Deab of tlje pDOfflfne in Dts
Bin 5 « nancn saulfaibe2Dauib gofoojtDa*
I iSecaptaincofljtsIjoaft: abrnt™ 58 anb Saul faybe to DimrtbDofe fonne

ibliofc fonne is tl)is

young maw Obiter art tbou,tDou young man; 3Dauio aim--
as tDy foule liuetD <,£> ftbereD:3l am toe fonne of tby feruaunt
fjK' aunftbewb :
The ,X\>iri. Chapter.

i of lonatban ano ©auio.s.feaul enuteth ©aufo fo? tbe pjapfc tljat tbe too*
«cfle amt'tie
men aaue b«m. u.$E>auI tootilD baue daine ©amo.i7.$ep.iomtfetb Win fl^rab to tcife,
but aeuetb Dim ^icbol. j 7. ©aui'o oe Uuerctb to £>aul ttto bunojea fojcCfimnetf of tbe
p&tuaines. # .£>aul fcarttb ©auto, feeing tbat ttje noto i» twtb btm.

/|5t)tbbc"beDabmabe fayb:XDe?Daue aftrtbeb bnto Dauib

anenboffpeamngnn* tentDoufanb, $ tonic butatDoufanbe:
toSaul,tDe fouleof anb ibDat wnije mo?eDaue, fauetDe

wii) Jonathan tbas unit uingbome;

untD toe foule of Da* 9 aaDcrfo?e^aulDabaueyeon2Dauib
utb,anb3ionatDanio* from tDat bay fo^ibarbe.
ucb I)im as Dis oibne 10 3tabontDemo?otb, tDeeuyll fpinte
fentof C5oo tame bpon 5>aul, ano De cr> Sv«lmft
foule. odIjctooiDt,

i ano Saul tofte Dim tljatbayc, anb p^opDefieb in themiobesof p Doufe:

(f;> tljtp arc Tome
tpmti'ajnic to

ibouioc let Dim go no mo?e Dome to \)is 3inD a>auib piayebtbitDDtsDanb,liBe pjoptjtctc,
TOljtch as nia»
fatnersDoufe. as at otDer tymes : $ tDere rbas a iaue* men (jjcabc
Hjuigcii that

3 Xbcn 3lonatDan anb Dauto mabe a lyn in Sauls Danb. Ijancnrptijct

fcnfc,noi rca*
coucnaunt, becaufe Ijc loueb Dim as D& n ^nb Saul tobe tDe iauelyn, anb rayb: fon in tt}ctn.

oiDuc foule. gilbitl nayle Dauib to tDe ifoalllbitD

4 anb3?onatDan put of ffje robe tDat it.anb 2Dautb auoybeo out of Dispjc*
tbasbponDim, anb gauetttoDauio, feme tibo times.
ano tDcrctobisgarmcntcs,euen toDis n 2noSaulibasafraybeofDanfb,be*
fu>o#,anb to Dis boibe, anb to Dts SSP taufe tlje ?Lo?be Vbas rbitlj Dun, $ Jbas
bci. Departeo from Saul.
5 ano 2>auib tbent out U)DvtDcrroeuet Xfymfoit Saul put Dimfrom Dim, c
13 C8)Jf!otft»
nma Saul fent Dim , anbbcDaucbDimfclfe anb mabe Dim a captaine ouer a tljou* hiopiclcrmft,
tu'iuhc tjeens
Cb) (b)
ibyfely: anb Saulfet bym ouer Dis faub, anb De Ibentout anbinbefo?e
on l|o
: I1.1t

",'r of

men of ujarre , ano De mas actcpteb in tlje people. Ciint dcOtuC'

ton ttjat
the figDtofalltDe people, $in tljefigDt 14 anb Dauib beDauebgim felfe tbifciy Ssatrcia

of Sauls feruauntes. mall Dis lbaycs, anb tlje %om ibas teonttubilns
to nianp.
6 ano as tljey tame agatne iboen Da* \Ditl)l)im. ctjing liis tnw
(into toifiip
uft) ibas rcturneb from tDe ttaugDter 15 «0Derefo?e »)D«t Saul fatbe tDat De bod, in wan 1
of tt)e« ^ijilimnc, tlje ano peace.
women came tt)asfoerceebingrbife,Dc aasafraybe
Jeofail cities of 3Jfrael, ringing anb of Dim.
PS bauung,to meete lung Saul, UMDtim* 16 26tu allllfrael anb 3Juba loneo 2>a*
Iklb) bjflS, tool) toy, anb UiitD [intttumentes utb,betau«De tbentout anbinbefo;e
»U 7 J»nb tlje
ibomen w aunfvbcrcb one a^ yj anb Saul faybe to 2>auio : 2BeDolbe

jotftr mtDeir play anb faybc:* 5>aul
, myeibeftbaugDterflperob, D« Will J
gftlj ttaine Dis tljouranb, anbSDauib geuetDeetoibife: €)nely bcabaiiaunt
S»inot 1
ststentDonfano. fonnebnto me, ffigDt tDe Hoboes bat*
an^^aulinas taylcs.5f o? Saul tDougljt : spine Danb
crceebing «9 tb?otD,
«»3 tDe faying bifpicafco Dim,anbDe CDallnotbe bpon Dim, buttbeDanoeof
Saul [.Samuel.
ttic ^>iMitftmcs flMUic upon Dim. fpattcDauib.
is 3nD £>auio aunfwereb <§>aul: nabat 2 n ^
luir De > XhistbtrcOjaiiw
m\3< anb What is mp ipfc o? the ftpn* 5f? ?f!
fapeto2Dauib: XbekingcatcthfX
teb of mp father in jfrael, tljat 3 other boib^ butfo?anhuno«ofS
(boulb be fonne in laWc to the fttng* ftinncs of the #hiliftincs,to be
19 $oWbcit, When the time was come
that 40crob £>anls baugbtcr fboulbe
oftbcBpngcs enemies,
thought to make 3>auib
asm sS
fall into iff
baue ben gcucn to 2>auib,(bc wasgeuc* J"
banb es of the ^biliftmes.
flic bare fcum
bnto w abaci a ^c!)olatI)itc,to Wife. 26 anb When his feruauntestoibeSte
fennco, ujlwi)
i^oibbett,^irt)ol £>auls Daughter lo* uiotbcfc wojoes ,« it picafeb
JTvvjid put to
zo«eo 3>autb:anb tbep fljeweb S>aui,anb Wcl to be the hinges tonne UilaWe:anS pits?
tt)c tl)ittg pleafcD l)itn. the bapes were not erpireb.
21 anb S>aulfapbe:3J Will geue him her 27 afterwarb SDauib arofe With bis
that fl)c map be a mare to him anb that men, anb Went anb flueoftfjephuu

the hanb of the philiftmcsmapbca* Owes two bunbjcb men anbDauto ,
gatnft hint. nabercfojc Statu fapbe to brought their fojeuunnes, ano ( "°thcv 5)*SI
« •
2>auib : Xhou (bait this bap be mp gauctbem Wbollpto the lung, that he lOuty,,

fonne in laWein the one of the twapnr. might be the hinges fonne in lavue:
2i anb&aultomaunbeb btsferuautcs HDbcrcfoje&auigauc bim^icboihts
to come With SDauib feerctelp, 9 to lap: Daughter to tbife. .* V
,B '


28cbolo,tbe lung bath a fauour to thee, 28 anb £>aul faw anb bnberftoobt horn
anb all his fcruaiitcs Ioue thee: be now that the Ho;be Was With £>auib, ano
therefore the binges fonne in latbe. that ^tchol his daughter ioucb him:
23 aim 5>auls fcruauntcs fpatte thofc 29 anb he was the nuge 00 aftapbe cf
(to ("Starring wojbcs tn the cares of l>auib.anb Da? S>auib,anb £>aul became aiwap w&
fintllCUJOB (h)
rrat able to cn« utb fatb: femctb it to pou a light thing uibsenernie.
to be a hinges fonne in laWc* feeing that
Xbe %o ms of the tfbtliftincs bfeb
am a poo;e man, anb of final reputa* togo fooMj, anb Wbc incp lbent fowb
tion. 2>auibbcbauebbimfcife mo?e Wpfdp
24 anb the fcruauntcs bjougbt £>aul then an the fcruauntcs of £aul, So
ibo;D againe, facing: £>f this maner that his name was nmcb fct bp.

The ,xix. Chapter.

j Honatfom Dedaretb to J&atifo «je v»fcfirt) purpoft of £>aut. n.^ic^ot b<8 toife fauctft
commetb to Samuel. 2?.®ijt rptrttc of p^op^efte temmett; on ^awl.
bint. is.jeaoiD

^ i ^^^^jpwlfpaRe to 3Ionathii Ijauc bento theetbarbe beep goob.

a iDc !)t>pottt»
Be. 5
fcruauntcs, that the?
5 fiot he ^
*put his life in " his banbe,
anb aue the ^hilittinc, anb the Horn


to open inn
fl)0ulb*hiU2Dauib.* brought to paflc a great health fo? all mM ntl«
JBut3lonatha5)auis 3frael: Xhou faibeft it, anb thou w s
fonne bab a great fa- toptebft: t©hcrfo?e thcnibiitthoii frnne •

niour to 2>auib, $3& agamft innocent bioob , anb ftap 2Da«ib

nathantoibcS>auib, Taping, &aulmp Without a caufc*
father gocth about to nap thee : Lottie 6 ^nb 5>aul hearkeneb bnto the bspec
therfo?e'5pMp tbeetabe heebe to thp of Jonathan, anb £>aul ^fware, as ^*S
felfebntpilthemompng, anb abpbein tbefLojDclpuctfjbefbaUnotopc. g$S
fomc fecrcte place, ano hpbc thp fclfe: j** -
7 anb Jonathan calico 2DauiD, ?3(o*
3 3nb3Vbpilgoout,anoitanbebpnn> nathanlhetbcbijpinall tijofc wotbcs: %
father in the fieibe ibhere tljou art, anb 9 3ouatban brought ^auib to $>&">
Jbpll commune ttntb mp rihe was in his (0 p^cfence as mtpnic* «'"
father of thee, «w*

ano ibhatfoeuer ree, ibpii tell thee. pad.

4 ^nb Jonathan fuahe goob of SDauib 8 »nb the Warre began againe, ano
bnto5>aul his father, anb fapbe bnto Dauib Went out, anb fought With tuc
him : % ct not the tnng finne agamft his i&hiltuines, anb ttue them M)
a great
feruaunt , againlt 2>auib : fo; he hath .
/laughter, anb tljcp fleo from ftpm.
not Dnneb agamft thee, anb his ibo?bes 9 anb the euplfpiritc of the 2U»w ^ 3=
toponSaul a$De tysDoufe, ii«i*
fate in atmf&erco Saul: ifojfte fayB bnto me,
uftigaiauelininDisDanD: 2moa>autti me go,oj els 31 mill Kill tDcc.

m wpiayeonntDtnsDanD. iS 3no fo Dauto flcO,ano efcapeo,? came

to Samuel to ftama, ano tolDe htm all
io 3toD Saul entcn&eo to fmytc DauiO to
tDat Saul Dao oonc to Wm:3ftft De ano

tfte ftall HMD the tauelyn :

III X5ut Oc tyo

hint felfeout of Sauls pjcfence , aoDe Samuel went anoOtt)cttm ([; /!5aiotI). (f'3!t a we
19 ^Inl) one tome Saul ,faying: Bcljoioc,
froolc TOhcr:
fmote tfte (peate into tlje toalle : 3lnD goao tons i.-.nj

SDautD flco | u>as faueo toe famentgDt. DautD is at |5atotl) m ftama. firaicB m.D

ii Saul alfo fent meflcngers Unto 2Da- 20 3tno Saul fent meflcngers to fet 2D a* to IH.iiiia.

mosljoufe, toXbateft bim, ano to flay uiO: 3nu luljen they faibc a company of
DtniintDtmonung :^nD ^leftol 2>a* pjopbetes pjopDeeying, $ Samuel flan*
ntos tt>yfe toioe it Dim, faying: 3lf rt)oit omg as Ci0 appoynteD once them, tne fpi* tlictr tcr.djct,

(aucnottDy fclfe tDtsnigltf ,to mojolbc rite of (500 fell Upon tlK meflcngers of onDtntctet'
tl|..i Tcoolc.

tDoufljaitbcflayne, Saul,anO tl;ey cw pjcpDc rieo to. (I) -iElKP I'OItJ

ff. until

ii 3lno fo * tpcbol to lct S>auiDt>ottmc 21 tbDcn it H>as tclfcc Saul , Oe fent

cud jnyfes
otDcr mrflcngers , ano t\jty pjopDetico

tftjougD a tbmoouje : ano i)e ttcut ant) (Sob.lcauiii^

ot luiuutr
lyaetbyfe. 2!n0Saul fent mcfTengers
flcD,anoiuas fauco.
i3 3lnOiJ0ieDoltoBeantmagc,anolayoeit yet againe the tljito time , ano ttjcy pjo*
tntbebco, fputapillotbe ttutTcoUjltD phcctcoalfo.
goatcs Deere tonocr ttje Ijeao of it, anu zitZbm VbcntDeDim fclfe to mama.ano
coucccd ttltottl) a clotl). tame toagreatmcii ti;at is in Sechu,
C i+ 3taDtt>I)en Saul fent mcflengcrsto ano De afaeo ano fayoe: aahcrcarc Sa*
fetchc 2Dauto,fl)e faiO,De is fieac. muel $ Damo^no one fayO: 25cl)olDe,
15 3fao Saul fent tDemcfTcngcrs agatne tDcy be at /F>aio tlj in aaama.
tofceSDauibXaying: 26?ing Dun to mc 25 2mo l)c
Ibent tl)ytl)ee cuen to jftaiotn uiamiglit the
beo ano ail,tDat 3
may Hay Dim. tnBama, ano tl)efpiritc ofd5D0^ tamc Kittrbp that
is ^noibDcntDe meflcngers rbcrc come bpon Dim alfo,auo De ttent pjopDrcymg Ij IjanUCD-

in bchoio there lay an image in the be 0,

, Dc came to 4i2aiotD m Bama.
to«D a pfflolbe of goates Deecefcnocr 24 Smuhcttrtpt of Ins ciotDcsf pjopnc'
tljelieaoofit. tico before Samuel m
lylic mancr , ano
17 3noSaulfayoe bnto QBicDol : M\v fell aaacD al tl;at oay ano all tfjat wpv,
mt tljou moiaco me fo , ano fent axon? 3lno tDetof it is tDat tDey fay, 3Js Saul
wine enemie,tt)at
De is cfcapco? ^cbol aifo-amongtDepjopDctcsi!
1 V»f
. ^
fomtbamfrindfbip. I .Kinges. 2),
;31unat&atuomfo;ftctIj©atu&. jflcficpremietbetrleague. s^wultooulD&auefcfl.
!eo lonatban. 38 Jonathan aouettifettj #>auiD bp t&jee arrow*, of Btss fattens farp.

to&toiAVLriWto 2Dauib fleb from (ball tell me?

botbe [ftan 31 &n<ro>e ] $
/ftaiotb tt)!)ttt)c is in fatberaunftberetbee cruelly?
Hama,anb came, anb 11 anb 3lonatban faybe bnto S>au«j'
fatbbefoje^onatban, Come ,anb let bs go out into tbc fieiue
©bat Iiauc 31 Done; anb tbey tbent out botb of tljem into
tbberin ant 3
faultier tbefteioe.
'miiat is the rmtictliat iz anb 3lonatban faybe bnto SDauib:©
3 Dane coiitntttteo before tljy fatljet, |Lo?oe d5oo of 3Jfraei, Xbben 3 baue
tbatbcfefcctbmylyfe* gropebmyfatbersmynb as ,tbis time
i>r ravue Ditto hun: <E?ou fojbib, tbou to mojoVbe, 0? tbitbin tbefe tb?ee bayes,
tbait not bye: 25eboib,my fatljet von bo anb if it be votl tbitb Dauib , anb tbett3
nothing eitljrr great 0; fmal,but tbat l)C fenbe not bnto tbee , anb ftjerb it tl)ce:
ibuTttttttie it me:anb botbc (boulb my 13 %bt 1Lo?b bo fo (0anb mucbe mo^e bn- !^

uc.ile it in
father bybc tljts tbing from med&e Ml tojonatban, But if my fatljcr *«5
haue n'""*
not bo it. plcafuretobo tbee euyli, ^libiiiibeuje
anb 2>aufb ftbate againe, anb faybe: tbee alfo, anb fenb tljee aibay,tbat tbou
%bV father nnoibctb tljat baus 3 mayeftgo in peace , ano tbe Ho;be be
fonnb grace tbyne epes , t? tbcrfoje be ibitb tbee, aslje batbben ibitbmyfa?
t|)uiKctl),3}onatl)an fball notmtotbe it, tljcr.

left Dc be foy.-anb in berybcebe, euen 14 anb [Hwquto]notrobaes3H<ue,ifoiC

astbeJLojbclyuctfi , anb as tl)y foule 3 Doutnot 1 but tbou lbflt (beibe me the
liuetb , tbeteisbuta^fteppebettbecne mercie of tbe ?Lo?b , tbat 3
bie not:
3 am in great meanbbcatb. 15 25Ut[H require] tbattbOUCUtUOtOfn)y
bjunjet Of
4 Xbcn faybe JJonatban bnto 2>auib: mercy from my boufe foi euer , no not
"Hcb. fayth nabatfocttcr tby foule"oefiretb , tljat 31 tbbentbelto^b batbbeftroycotbeene*
null bo bnto tbee. mics of 2>auib , euety one from tfje fate
5 anb 3>auibfayb bnto 3fonatban:2fce* of tbe eartb.
<b)5notbtr= bolbe, to mojoibc is tbe ^beginning of i6 anb lbJJonatban mabe a bonbe ibitb
tX^t boule of 2Dauib, [Woe: met tbe
frjcu folcimtc
fc.ilr.anDlo* tUcmonctl), anb^ftjoulbfitibitbtbc
Icmne faff in-
ccs belonging King at meate : 25ut let me go , tbat 3 io?b require it at tl;e banbes of 2E>auO)5
map liibc my felfe in t Ijc ftclbes bnto tbe enemies
tmrbcbayatcuen. 17 anb 3fonatban ftbare againe bnto
6 3f
tby father fpea&e of me, tben rap: 2>auib,becaufe be loueb bmi (5Fo; be
DaniD af&cb leaue of me,tljat be migbt loucb bun as tyis oibne foule)
gotoaBctblcbcmtobis olbne eitie, foj 18 SEben faybe jonatban to 2>auib:£o
tbere is bolbcn a ycrcly fcaft fo; all the mojolbeistbe ftrft bay of tbe moont,
hinreb. anb tbou Ibaltbe milteb, becattfe tljc ,
«* 7 anbifbefayit is tbell bone, tbentyy place ibbete tljou tbaft ibont to fit,(bau M
feruaunt flial banc peace : 25ut anb if tit bremptte,
be angry , tljcn be lute tbat TbicncbnctTe 19 Xbcrfott tbou Ibalt bybc tfty fclf tW
isbttcrly conclubeb of l)im. bayes,[tftenjtbou (bait go botbne qmeft*
8 ^nb tl)cn tbou tbait (bcibe mercy bn* ly , anb come to tht plate lbbere
to tby feruaunt foj tbou baft ioyncb tby bibbeftbybe tby feifeibbentbe bufujes
(MSecanfc feruaunt into accountant of tbefLojb ibasinbanbe 3 anb (baltremaync by tnc
u confine! M ftone"«fel.
nit geolp imo
Xbttt) tbee: /RotU)ttl)ftanbyng , if tbere rf„, * (

Ijnnett mat:
be in me tntquitic ,llay me tby felfe? fo* %o anbjtbamootetbttearotbcs ontuj {ii
« ».
that it toa» lbbytyoulbcft tbou tying mcto tby fa* fybetfjerof, astbougb 3}(bottDtniat d


£ J^
both p«t't» tbet? amarfte, .. Mfttt
br an otb In
anb 3Jonatljan aunftbereb.dsob ftepe ti anbll a iab,anb bybb<»"
tbfl fenbe ,*
name of
tbat from tbee 5foj if 3JftneU)e tbat

ttncltcbnclTe iberc^conclubcb of fa- my

fefee t$earroibes.anbif
iab,5>ee,tbeattovbes ate on
««»»^SS ^
tbere to come bpon tbee, iboulbenot3J tbee,bnng ttjenutben come tbou,t« «j>»
tetimneO 10
hititijct. td it tbee? peace anb no burt,as tbe ^o?DC S,n
10 %\)m fayb2r>aufbto3onatljan: m^o ix 26utanbtf3lfaybntotbeiab,UfPg

wn T)awd.
i. Kinges. 1.
thec,go thp Nap, 3z 3tnp Jonathan aunftbcreb bnto
the acolbs ace beponb &aul
fL th e JLojbc hath fent thee atbap
(f pis fathcr,anb fapbe to Dim : nahetfoje
this ibhith thou anb fhoulbhebpe* ibhat hath he bone*
,1 ainb as touching
qj hauc fpoRcn,bcholb the flojbe
be be* 33
A"*?*!!! ltftb Pa fpcare to hit him,
tUjcencthceanbtncfojcucc. lbhccbp Jonathan una tbett that
,' ana fo Daufb i)fl) Dim fclfe m the lbasbttcrlp betecmineb of his fattier
v fieibe anb tbhen the
nctbe moone ibas Hap Dauib.

tome, thcmngfatehim boibne

to eate 34 anbfo Jonathan atore from the table
meate. .
<n a great anger, anb mb eate no mcate
k anb Ring fate as at other times
tlje tlje feconbe bap of tlje moneth : fo?
iroonhisfcate, euenbpon his featebp ibasfo?pro?2i>auib, betaufe hisfathec
arofe , anb
the timll : anb Jonathan bone him (hatne.

atoncr fate bp5>auisfpbe, anb 2>autbs 35 £>ntDcncrt morning, Jonatljantbcnt 5P

A/.tf 0» fi)(B
place mas emptie out into the $*> time appopnteb tr.10 tiic tur.tti
cay a-ca
fapbe nothmgat
,ib tt
lbith 3>auib,anb a litle lab Tbith him,
16 I5euerthclcfle, 5>aul

agM* Spoil.
allthatbav : 5fo? he thought , £>ome 3<i anb he Tapbe bnto Ijis bop : Statute,
MM tljingbatlj befallen him, tljough he $ anb fcReoutmpne arrotbes tbbirfje 3
HI) nt
lbeccclcane. , ^ fbotcana as the bop ratt,ljc Ojot an ar*
rotbc beponb ljtm.
17 26utonthemo?oU)e,tbfjitf>erbastl)e
feconboap of thenetbe moone,Dauibs 37 anb Mjen the lab Jbas come to tlje
piacctbasemptteagaine: aub£>aul place ibbpthcr Jonatljanhab fljot tlje
(apoe bnto Jonathan Ms fonnc,n9ljer* arronic, Jonathan crpcb after the lab,?
fo?c commeth not tljat fonne of Jfai to fapb:Js not tDearrotbe beponb tljctc*
IK meate,neither pefteroap nojto bap; 3S anb Jonathan cneb after the lao a*
zsanb Jonathan aunfibereb bnto S>aul: gamc:<Jl3aRe w fpcebc, hattt,$ ftanb not (I'Sp tljeft

e SDauib afueb licence of me to go to mil. anb Jonathans labgatljcrcbbp o-osoca f(joUl

Bethlehem. the arrontcs, anb came to his matfter. aouumiocii,

IlM-jiO uiiwc

295Fo?hefapb:TLetmego3Jp?ap thce,fo? 39 25ut the lab Mrnothing of tlje matter, Ijcttjauso.

our Rinreb botlj holb an offenng in tlje onip Jonathan an 2Dauibtt)tft it.
titte, anb mp pother hath fent fo? me: 40 anb Jonathan gaue Dis Cm)
mftcu* l)i»bovrcan»

anb therfoje if J
Daue founb fauour in metesbntotheiabt^atTbasibitljhim, l)i» atou-ts.

tbpne epes , let me go pjap thee , anb 3 anb fapb bnto htm: d5o,anb carrp tljem
fee mptyetljjen . iChis is the caufe that tothctoibne.
Ije commetrj not bnto tlje lunges table. 41 3inbau"ooneastljelabibasgone,2Da*
jo Xljcntttas&aul angrp tbith Jona* uib arofe out of a place that ibas to
tljan,anb fapb bnto him: Xl)ou fonne ibarbe tlje fouth, 9 fel on his face to the

*FI»* of the VbicUco rebellious tboman , bo grouno , $ bolbeb him fclfe thjee timts,
not Jtmoibe tljat thou haft rhofen the anb thep Riffcb eitljcr other, anb ibept
fonne of 3Jfat bnto tljpnc otbnc tcbnUe, togetl)er,fo long till SDauib °°ciececbcb.
anb bnto tlje rebuhe anb fhamc of tljp 41 anb Jonatljan fapb to Dautb, C5o in
mother* peace:anotljcthingesU)ljiclj tDc Ijaue
tfoi as long as the fonne of Jfaf Ituetl) ftbome bath of bs in p name of the lojb,
bpon the earth , thou (halt not be fta* faping,tl)c1to?b be betlbeene tljec f me,
bii(heb,no?pet thp femgbome:i©hecfo?e anb betibeenc thp febe 9 mpne: let them
noibe fenb anb fct him bnto me,fo; l)e is ftanb fo? cuecatib he arofe,$ bepartcb:

tbethiioeof^beath. anb Jonathan Vbcnt into the tovbne.
The.xxi. Chapter,
1©auto fleetl) to ©ob to aifomelecl} tfte p'fett. 6 ©e $ttM\) of 8im t^e 5>etob;eaD to
latiffce ftia ftunjre. 7 ©oeg *iaul0 fewaunt tuais patent. 10 ©auio fleets to fiing
alexia, 13 anb ttiere fametft mm felfe mao.
i^cn came SDautb to anb 2Dautb faib to ahimclccb thtp^ieft:
il5ob to ahimclcclj Xlje Ring hath commaunbeb me a tec
thcp?ieft,anbaijime* tame tljing,anb batlj fapb bnto me,!Let
leclj ibas aftonicb at no man Rnotb tbhec about J fenb thee,
tlje meeting of tDauib, anb tuhat 3 ijaue commaunbeb thee:
jfapbbntohiuunahp anb Jhaueappopntcb mp fecuauntes
art thou alone anb no to fuchc anb Ouljc places.
n 'an tbith
(5 z 3 0$fot

3 #ott3C tberfoje if tbou batt ougbt bn* 9 3mb tbe pjicft fapb:lCbe ftbojb of <B&
uR« u . b. bcr tbpnc banb,*geue me f?>u e loaucs of batb tbe ^bttittine,rbbom tbon fluefl in
b?eab,ojrbbat commetbto hanbe. thebaiiepofeiab, beboibe (ttsbete ,„
a. 3lnD tbe pzieft aunftbereb SDauib, antj tbjapt in a tlotb bcbinb tbe epbob:3lf m3£
lapb:S£bere isno common bjeab bnber tbou tbttt tafee tbat,tabe it:fo? tijer ts no 8? %*
tnpncbanb,butbereis baiotbcb bjeab: otber fane tbat here ,3mb2Dauibfapb: 525T
if rt)c poung me bane ftept them femes %bere is none to tbat, geue it me.
fpeciailpfromtbomen, io 3tnb 2>auib arofe, $ flcb tbefame bap
< 2>atuDaunftuerenfljeptfeft,anDfapD from tW c)
pjefenee of £>aul , anb ibent «** ».

bnto bim:£>f atruetb,tbomen batb ben to aebis tbe bing of «5atb. SB

feparateb fro bs this tibo ojrtoee baps
ii 3lnb tbe reruauntesof achisrapbcbn*
to Dim : 3% not this 3>auib tlje bing of
ructc booua
fmce 3
tame out , $ tbe beflcis of tlje
poung metHberebolp : ^olbcbett, rt)ts tbelante3Dpbtbepnotftng bntobim in
ibap tsbnpure , anb botbe mutbe mo?e bannfes.faping : &aui batb flapne bis
tbonfanb,anbDambbisten tboufanfc fJn9W
(ban there be bolines in tbebettelU
6 3tnbfo tbe pneft gaue bint haioibeb
iz anb SDauib >put tbofe ibotfes
into %&
bzeab: fo? there Vbasnone other ibteab bis beart , $ibas fo;e afcapbe of MP

tbcrc,faue the fbtib bjeab tbat lbas ta* tbebmgofd5atb. ,- *«"**

ben from before tljc?Lo?b, to putfccfbe i 3lnb be tbaungtbbis fpeacbe before
23 7
bjcabrtjerc tljc bap that it rbas tabcn
(3nb there tbas tbcre tbe fame bap a
tbcm,anb faincbbimfclfemabtn
ftam>cs,anb « fcrableb on tbe boojewr
tbe gate ,anbletbis fpettettfaU
certainc man,of tbe fentautes of £>aul bponbisbearb. „ .... i
e s.
tfCamins to (0 abpbin g bcfoje p !Lo?b,namcb 3>oeg, i 4 Xbenfapb^ebisbntobisfcruaunt
Ho, pe fee tbat tbismanis bcfpbcpt
foic cljc exit.
an €bomite
, tbe tljiefcft of £>auis
felfe , w>berfo?e tben ba«e pe wm
« ^noa>auio(apbbnto^btmclctb:gjs bimtome? thatvt
mab men,toai v*
not ftcrc bnDcr tbpne banb ettber fpear e 15 ^aue3fnccbe of
ojftbozbe i fiv3J baue neitber brought Dane bjougbt tbis fciotbc to pW
Jgf jjg
mp ftbojb no? mp barncffc untb ine,be* mab man inmppjefeme* «>^Da»9 Jf^
taufe tbe binges bufmes rcqutreb Datte. tome into mpboufe? crhe^t

f.Kim^es. li.

Tke.xxu Cbapti

i ©auto fet&etb &fm fclfc in acatie. j ©mtp t&ar torn troable came bnto
y ©ocgaccuttt&36ftfmclec&.
is^aul caofetyt&e p.iieifetobeaapne. W

ro n^ljtcl)c afbcD eouncel of

tftc lLo?tie fo?
tbence,jcfcapcbtotDe Dim, ano gauebim btttapies,ano the
tnbr of eaue 3bullam:D©De fttwb of ©oliatlj tDe ^Diliftine alfo

Disbrctb?cnalfo$Dis 11 Xbcn tDe Ring fent anb caueb foj Tilyu

fathers DoufcDearb it, melecD tDcpjicfttDc fonne of abitob, s
tbcp tbcntbottmc tDp* all Disfatljcrs Doufe imtistota^ u
t t
tDertobim. w p?ieftestDat ibercin ^obanb (fwljlcl)6)frt
tljcp tilt remnJunt

2 3lnb tbere gatDereb bnto Dim all men camealitotDebing. ofihchoufc tt

i£ n ,fati oft

tijac ibere in comb*aunce,anb

in bet,anb iz ^nb Ǥ>aui fapbe ideate noibe tbou
j boufcy5oi>
t!i;t,itcntD M
troubieb in tljeir ntinDcs, 9 Ije became a fonne of ^ijitob.^e aunftbercb: i^ete
3 punldjc.

captapnc ouer tljcm: 3lnb tljerc rbcre am.mplojoe.

HMD Dim bpona foure Dunbieo men. 13 ^no 5»aul fapbebnto Dim:!©D^ Daue
x anb ^autbibenttDence to spupaD in peconfptreb agapnft me, tDou,anbtDe
jaiMbtT tbe lano of
w $9oab,anb fapbe bnto tDe fonne of 3jrat, in tbattDouljaft gcucn
fcmgof^oab : fletmp father ana mp Dim btttapic,anb a fibo?oc, anb Daft af *
motljcr (3 pjaptbee) CO nie foo^tl) bnto neb eouncel of mon fo? Dim, ^ De fDoulbe
von, till 3
fcnoibe ibljat C5ob tbvl bo to; arpfe againft mc,anb Ipe in ibaite fo? me
pn»F«t . ,
iil$«ul. 4 3fob De
w toougDt tDem before tDe Btng .
14 ^DimeiecDaunftbercb tDe feing , anb t
of^oab anb tbcp btbcit ibitDbimau
fapbe :i©Do is fo faitDfnil among all tfip
tfte ttiDple tljat 2DautD feept Dim fclfc in
feruauntes, as2Dauib , anbtljertotDe
B, tbe^ljolbc. Rtnges fonnem lame: anb goctD at tDp
p,V». 5 anb tDe pjopDcfe d5ab fapbe bnto Da* bibbing, anb is Dab in Donoutm tljpnc
utb:3lbpbe not in tbc bolb , but bepart f Doufe^
gomtotDelanb of 3Juba.Xben2Dauib 15 i^aue3rtDiSbap begun ficft ^toafitc iocnt about

councell of d5ob fo; Dim; XDat be facte t1)tn6«it».

ocparteb, $ came into tbe fojeft $aretlj.
c 2nb 5>aul Dearbe tDat Dauib ibas from me : Het not tljc Ring impute anp
bifcouereb ,anb alfo tbe men tDat tberc tDing bnto Dis fccuatlt, no? to all p Doufe
tbitb Dim: anb S>aul fat in d5ibea bnber of mp fatDec:jfonDP feruaunt uncibe
a tree tn &ama4)auing Dis fpeare in l)ts notDing of all tDis, citDec lefle 0; mo;e.
iwnbc , anb all Dts men ftoooc about 16 XDe ning fapbe, XDou ft)ait fur eip bie
Dint. ^DunelccD,tDou,f al tDp fatljers Doufr.
7 3lno &aul fapbe bnto Dis feruauntcs 17 ^no tlje Uingfapbe bnto tDefootemcn
tljat ftoobe about Dim , Ideate
PJap 3 tDat ftoobe about Dim : Xurne,anb flap
pou,pefonnesof 31cmini:rbtllpfonne tDepjicftesoftDefLojbe: botD becaufe
ofjfatgeueeucrponeofpoufieibesanb tDeirDanbistbitD2i>auib, anb becaufe
bineparbes,anb maae pouaii eaptatnes tbcp bnelbe ibDen 2Dauib fleb , anb ftje-
oucc tboulanocs anb ouer Duntyebes, lbeb it not to me. ns\xt tDe fcruauntcs of
8 XDat pe Daue alfo confpircb agapnft tDe bing^iboulb not moue tljcir Daocs tbcp ,uco t* ft

me,jtDere is none tDat teiletD me tljat to fai bpon tlje p?ieftes of tlje Hojbc. cent buos.

inpfotmeDatDmabca couenaunt nntb 18 ^nb tne Ring fapbe to 2>ocg : Xurne

tljcfonne of Jfaf ,anb tDcre is none of tbou,$ fall bpon tlje p;ieftcs.2nb Doeg
Vou£ tsfojpfozme ,o?(DeibetD me tljat tDecbomiteturneo, anbranne bpon
mpfonneDatD ftirreb bp mp feruaunt tDe p?icftes,?auc tDat fame bap fotirc*
to ipe in rbaptc agapnft
meLa* appeared] fcozc anb fiue perfons tDat bib ibeare

cn aunftbereb2>oegtfte£bomite
(U)i»cb bias appopnteb bp fcruauntcs
^nb /I5ob tDe title of p p;ieftcs, fmote
De ibitD tDe cbge of tDe fibo#),botb men
f Saul) anb fapb
: falbe 3
tDe fonne of anblbomen, cljilb?enanb fucBltngcs,
JfoMbbcnDccamcto iI5ob to^Dtme- oren anb afles , $ u)cepe, ibitD tDe ebge
IttljtDefonne of;*Ditob, oftDeruwbc.
<& $ 2c ^nb
Samuel. i.Kinees.
20 3nb oneof the fonncs of abimelccb Cbomtte ibas tfjece, tDatI;eiDoui^T
the fonne of :3iliitob, nameb ^btatbar, <S>aul : anu3I am caufc of the bcath
cfcapcb, anb fleb to £>auib. all the perfons of top fathers boiife
ii 3inD 3lbiatbar tyeibeb 3>auib fcoibe « abpbc tI)ou tbltb me, ano fcare not '•

tljat 2Daul bab ttavnc p tabes pjtedes. tfoi be tl)at fcftetf) mp ipfe, be (ball fekj
2i 3lnb 2>autb fapbe bnto abiatljar : 3J thine alio, rbltlj me tljou (bait be in fafc-
U)itt it tlje fame nay, Mjen 3Docg tije garbe.

TA e. xxin Qbaptc,

s ©atria cljafetft toe pijrttfltneis from Sola, i; ©auto aepartetn from fcefla, and remap.
n«DmtrjetoplDerne(reof?iprj. i6!|onatljancomfo?tctrj^autO. 2s£>auljS cnterp?ife
J )3 li:ohcn in purfupng JDatriD.

$entbeptoibc2Dauib, ftropc the eitic fo? mp fane:
faptng : 2Bcboibc,tbe 11 D9til the l02bes of Bella beliuer me
(a"n)Mrt)roa0 ^btltmncs fight a* banbe <
into bis 3lnb nwi &>aul come
a cine of
in the
Juoa gamft « Bella , anb boUme,as tbpfcniaunthatb beatbe ©
3or«.i5.f. fpoplctbcbarnes. ?Lo*be d5Db of gjfraeh 3 befecb thee
Xljcefcie 2Dauib af* tell tbp fcruaunt.3lnb the %wi fapbe •

Bcbcottnfciloftbelojb, ^clbtlcomcbolbnc.
toping: -s>!)ai 3f go anb fmptc tbcfe #bi* iz Xbcn fapbe 2>autb: nam the lows of
ltfhne&atiD the Horn aunfibcrcb bnto Be«a beliuer me anb the men that arc
*E>autb : d5o, anb fmitc tlje ^bilimncs, ibif b me into the banb of £>auianb the
anbraneBeila. fLojbclapbKlLbepibll beliuer theebp.
3nbS>auibs men falb bnto him, 5§>ce, ij Xhcn2Dauib,$ l)ismcn,U)l)icI)e mere
b ^Thatta,
m tUc iniDocfl lbcbeafrapbc \)ttt w in ^uba : Ijoibe bpon a fire bunb?eb,arofe anb beparteb
of jno.i
inucrje rnuje
mud) mo:c tfttn if tbc come to Beila out of Bella , ano ibent Cc) rbbptbcr tbcp {e;7o,ar«
frO .'3 h'M?.]
SDhcntnc* agamic tl)c Ijoaft of tl)e 01)iliftincs i coulbe:3lnb it \bas tolbe ^>aul tljat 3)a- no ccttapnt
comet the
Xbcn 2>auib afneb tounfeil of trjc nib rbas fleb from Beila, anb be let the
enemies. Ho^bc agavne.3tnb tl)c fLo,!be aunfttjc- lourncp alone.
rcb l)im,anb fapb :3lrvfe,anb go ootbne 14 2Dauib abobe in tty Mbcrncffc in
to meila fo^ibillbcUucc trje ^Ijili-
, frrong bolbes,anb remaincb in a moan- C
(lines into tbpnerjanbe, tapnc in tbe ibilberncu'c of zipb : 3Cnu
^nb fo 2Dauib anb t)iS men ftent to £>aul fought blm emty bap , but dE>ob
Beila, anb fougfjt Yoitl) the ^biliftines, w beliucreb bun not into bis banoe. (f fit POM
no? tea::

anb bought albap tUcir cattcll , $ fmotc 15 3nb S>an(b faibc tbat Ǥ>aul ibas come can pjtiiar'e


tbcmrbitljagreataaugfjtct, anb fo out to feue bis Ipfc: ^nb SDaulb u>as (Mtimtm tetjrnbtip-

3>auib (aucb p inrjabitauntcs of Bella. in tljc rbtlbcrnclTe of Tipb in tbc iboob. popnwt Hi

3nb lbDen ^biatfjar tl)e fonne of 3ll> i6 Unto 3Ionatban^auis fonne arofc anb
25 mclcch fleb to 3Dauib to Bella ; ije ibcnt to 3>auib into tbc tt)ooo,anb com- [jlWillcllm

<c So that
bjougfjt an (0 epfjob voitl) l)im in ijis fo2tco bis s banbe C50b, m Ilj;ajtlll)

nowc Defhtutc
17 ^nb fapb bnto blm: tf care not, fo: tbc

of thcofcof
j>j:efthoD anb
the Spbob
^nb itXbas tolbc ^»aul n)at 2Dauib Ijanb of 5>aul mp father (ball not nnoc fioc.

G3oD IV hn lbas come to Beila : 3lnb 5>aul fapbe n)ce, $ thou (bait be king oner 3Hiraci,
V. 0:1.Dc.ce
trnniTctnng d5ob bait) bcliucteb Dim into mpne anbijajallbeneictbntotbce: anb tb^
boilj 10 JJauio
Ijanbc: jru !)c is njnt in , now tljat he is boctb &bx& mp father nnoibe.
come into a toumc that Datb gates anb 18 3lnb thep mabe a bono both of them
barres. together before the Hum
: 3thoa>auib

8 3lifl)S»aui calicb all tbe people togc^ tartcb ftiiiintbetboob , anb3Jonatljan

tf )cr to Uuure,fo.2 to go boibnc to Betla, lbcnttohisboufe.
anb to bcficge Dautb anb bis men 19 Xben came the zipbltcs to £>atrt to
? 3lnb Dautb bailing hnoiblcbgc tbat ©tbca , faplng : SDoth not SDautb Ijpbc
^aullmagincbnufcbicfc agapnfl blm, blm fclfc fall bp bs In ftrong holbcs ,
(t)T.o conRilt
kiii'n thcleioc
fapbe to ^biatljartljc pneft: ^^tng the Uioob in the bill of ^acDfla , ontpc
bv CI ><in, ano tljccpbob. right fibe of jjefimow
10 Xben fapbe 2Dauib: 4D ^o^be (Sob of /15oibetbcrfo;e€) King, thou rnW ft

5fracl,tbpferuauntbatb bcaroe tbat comeboibncacco^btng to all the w»

g>m\is about to come to Beila tobc^ tljp foule,anb our part (balbe to bcij»j
. .

K irises. In.

into the binges hanoe.

tame oowne bnto a roebe, anb abobc in
mD „ anb£>aul fapbe asieffebarepe mthe
: the Wiiocrnefleof w^aon ano when olfo in ibt

£oioM pe baue companion on me: Saul bearo that, he foioweo after 2Da- trtbcoEJubt.
J'ia. 15.
uib in the wtiocrncfle of fl^aon.
SeanDfee where his <»foote hath 16 3mo Saul ano his men tbent on the
ben « ibho Datl) fecne
him there:fo; it is one fpoe of the mountayne , anb SDauto
toiocme that he is bcrp fubtpll his men on the other fpoe of the moun^

« See thcrfoje, anb Knott) al the lurbtng taine:3urt>2>auiDmaoebafte to get fro

oiacts where he hpbetbbhnfclfe, anD thepjefenceof SauWFojSaui ano his
tome ve againe to me with p
ccrtaintie, mencompafleb 2>auto anb his men

ano Wil go With pou : 2no pf he be in

3 rouno about ,to tabc them.
fft me Manbe , 3
tbill fearrhe hint out 17 25utther came ameffengerto Saul
tmoughout al the tboufanbes of 3iuba. faping: J?aftc thee ano come,fo? the tehfc
tbetit to ztph be* Uftincs hauc tnuaoeo the lanbe.
14. ana the? arofcanb
foze £>aul : 2Sut 2>autb $ his
men Were i% leherfoje Sam" returnco from perfe*
in the WlibewcfTe of i$aon ,
in the cuting 2>auib , anb Went againft the
piainetbatts ontherighthanbeof^e* f&hiliftines : anb therfoje tfiep calleb
union. that piace,C0
5>eia $anmahleboth.3inb (l)llwtif.

Saul alfo anb bis «wn Went

to febe 2E>auio Went thence,anb oweit in ftrong 6imflon:bfc
him:3utb thep tolb 2>auiD, Wberfojc he
(aaCc tt)erc
hoibesatsngabt IbcfOcuiDdj
tb'm ttlutj.

The. xxiiii. (Jhapter.

1 ©auto liia (n a caue , fparetl) £>aul. io$e rjictocth to £aul hiss imtoeettcfe. 8 %aul ac

finotolcDgc tfi tjis fault. 22 $e caufetli £>auto to (Weave bnto fjim to be fauoutable to bt*.

t>cn Saul Was 7 3mb fo 2Dauib beptof l)is fcruauntes _

% come againe fro With thefe wojbes , anb fuffreb tljem
foiowing after p notto rife againft S>aul:25utS>aul rofe
^hikftmes, there bp out of the caue,ano went awap.
Were which tolb 8 2>auib alfo arofc aftcrwarb,anb went
him, Taping :t&c? out of the caue , anb crpeo after 5>aui;
holb,2DauiDisin Taping : <^p %om bing . 3lnb When
thewttberneu*eof ^aullobcb bchinb him ,2>auib ftow*
Itctttcfn a)
Hltl engabi. pebftoitb] his face to tbe eartl),ano bow*
Xhen Saul tobc tbjcethoufanb eftofen ebbtmfeife.
men outof all3lfrae!,anowcntto febe 9 Zxtti SDauib fapbe to 5>aul : i©herfo^
Dauto ano his men in the hepght of the geucft thou an eare to mens Wo?bes
ttr. Of rocbes "Where Wiioe goates remapne that fap , behoioe Dauib febctb eupu
fide J 3mo he came to the (beepe coates bp.the againft thee;
wap, Where there was a caue, tj5>aul io26ehoio,thisbap tljpneepes bauefeene
b wcntinto"oohis eafement: ^nb 2Da* hoWethattheHo^bhathbeiiuercbthee
u«sanb bis men remapneb in the "in* this bap into mpne hanbe in the caue:
tor in
waro partes of the caue.

3tao the men of a>auio fapb bnto him:

3nofome bab mebftlthee, but hab 3
compam'on ontbee,anb fapb:^ Will not
f>ec,the oap is come,of Which the Hotf) lap mpne banbes on mp matfter , fo; he
fapbe bnto thee , ffirhoio
will ociiuer
thpne cnemie into tljpnc hano,anb thou
is the IlojDcs annopntco.
11 3no mojeoucr mp father, betjolbe anb
Jbaltooto himasitlhaufeeme goobin fee pet the lap of thp garment in mp
mp figbtirbcn SDauio arofc,anb cut of hanb : Jnafmucb as 3 bflleb thee not
the lappe of ^auls garment
anoaftcrwaroe Dautos heart fmote
When 3 cut ofthe lapoftbpgarment,
bnberftanb therfoze ,| fee thatthcrcis
hun, becaufe he Ijab cut of
the lap of neither cupll no? Wicbebnefle in me,ano
$auis garment.
Jf tonn-

Jnohcfapobntohis men:Xbe!Lo?be-
that 3baue not ftnneo againft thee:
^no pet tljou hunteft after mpfouleto
Kepe me from oopng
tljat thing bnto tabeit.
mp nimftcr the locoes annopntco to lap
mpnehanoebpon him.feing
u Xhe ILozbe be (ubgebetweene thee
'I*. Ije is the anb me,? tfje ?lotf)e auenge me of thee:
attnopnteboftl)elLo?be. but mpne hanoc be not bpon thee.
C5 4 13 2tteo£
. , . . '

Saul. lK
% '<*#

13 accojbing as tlje " olbe pjouerbe fapcti), afmucb as When the fLojbe babflol^
lbicUcbncffc pjocccbeth fro the tbukcb: meintbpne banbes, tbou hiUebtt me
But mpne banbe be not bpon tljee not.
€ 14 after ibrjoin is the lung of "Jfrael come 19 fat tbbo (ball ftnbe his enemie,ano let
out; after Whom Doc ft thai putfuc; him bepart into a(0) goob tbap < j©h t J.
after abcab bog,anb after a flea. fojethefLojb revbarb tbeeibitb g00J'
15 Xfte ILojbe tberfoje be iubge , >? iubge foi that tbou baft bone bnto me
bcttbecne thee f me,anb fee $ pleabe mp bap.
«Hcbr. caufe^'auenge me out of thpne banbe. to anb notbe bebolbe , 3
tbote tbel that
Iiictge. 16 w\)in DamD bab mabc an ettbe of tbou (halt be Ring , t tbat tbe fetngoome

rpcaiuug tbcfetbojbcsto .§>aul , Saul of 3Jfrael ft)albc ftablifbeb in tlnme

fapbe : Js this tbp bopec mp fonne 2E>a* banbe:
tub* anb 5>aul lift bp his bopce, anb xi £>tbere notbe tberfoje bnto me bp the
tr Panfb (0 tbcpt, ?Lotf>e,tbatt&ou (bait not beftropmp
ghlul.bp rcn-
17 anb fapbe to 2Dauib. Xbouartmoje fcebe after me , anb tbat tbou (bait not
f.mrj gOOD foj
eurl.anD couu
righteous tben 3
: fat thou haft re* put mp name out of mp fathers boure.
tocngeannce t»
tbarbcb me tbitb goob , tbbcre as 3 ii anb SDauib ftt)are bnto fisaul , $ Saul
baue revbarbeb tbee tbitb cuplU tbent borne : 25ut 2r>auib anb bis men
18 aub rtjou baft ftjcibcb this bap, botbe gat them bp bnto tbe holbe.
ti)at tbou Daft beau tbci ibitb me: h>

Tbe. xxy. Chapter.

i^aaiucitiirtb. ?/9abal ana Abigail. # inc xojd Hillctb flabai. 4? aiWgail anD
1 tjmoam patuDjs t»puefs. 44 g&tcbol id gcucn to pbalrf
a, r- #b*5>amuelbieb,anb »ibere tbith bs, 9 tbe bib tbem no fpite,
(O ttrni,
bnc utm-
faunt misti
i.Re» iS.a.
allthe gifraclitcs ga* neither ibas there ought fhiflmg bnto tnthticflDn-
tbereb together , anb them ai flje tbhfle tbep ibere in Carmel:
iamentebbim,anbbu- 8 afnetbp:abbcs,$ tbep tbtilfbett thee: "Hcb.Ini
00 Thnt
among bis
rieb bun in \)i&
otbne nabcrfojelet thefe poung men finoefa^ gonldir,

twae uynrcD.
boufcatmama.anb uour in thpne t^ts (tot tbe tome in a


2>aiubarofe, $ tbent 3
goob fcafon) | geue pjap thee tbljat- Cfioumalceft

foeucr w commcthto thpne hanbebnto

(b^iSpaon 11
C arm el, Sucre boibne to tbe tbilberncfle of 0baran. jfeallfbt

citico in die thyffiDKH

tribe of 311* x anbtbenbasamanin^^aon^bofe tbp fcruauntes,anb to tbp fonne 3>auio. 0) tw»,
bit. Carrncl
tlit mountainc poffeffton \bas in Carinel , anb tbe man 9 anb tbhcnDauibspoung men tame, jjlijicrjii

isasui .Salt?
Xbasercccbtngmigbtie , anbbab thjec tbep tolb iftabal all thofc tbo^bcs in the
tboufanbefbeepe 9 atboufanb goates: nameofa>auib:anbhclbc their peatf.
anb be Was (bearing bis fbeepe in Cap 10 anb iftabai aunfibereb Dauibs fcr^
uauntes,anb fatb: w i©ho is Datub^anD
3 %\)t name of tbe man tbas 4l5abai,anb tbbo is p fonneof 3foU %\)ttt is plcntie bwylttpj
tbe name of bis tbpfe iba s abigail , anb of reruauntes notb a bapes that b;eaUc Itappiili*
atbap eucrp man from bis maifter,
ftje tbas a tboman of a fmgulcr tbpfe* ftif

borne anb beautif mi: ssut tbe man tbas

, 11 5>bal3 then tabc mp b;eab,mpibater,
cburlt(l)e,anbofa)2etbbe conbitions, tj anb mp fleftje that baue WlleD to; mp
tbas of tl;e bmreb of Caleb. ftjearers anb geue it bnto men u>bom

anb SDautb bcarbc in tbe tbtlbemefle, ^tbotnottbhcncetbepbe*

4 anb Dauibs feruauntcs

tbat iI5abal bib fljeare })is fbeepe-. ii fo

out ten poung men their tuap,anb tbent againe , anb came
5 anb 3) auto fent
lum in my
name of anb fapb bnto tbem:d5et pou bp to Car* anb tolbe him all thofe fapinges
u anb SDauib fapb bnto his men: <IWJJ
peace. mcl,anb goto iI5abal, anb grcete l3im 13
euerp man bis fiboib about htm.
in mp name.
aub pe fbai fap: 5>o mapeft tbou ipue, tbep girbcb euerp man his fibo^b
25 6
him, anb Dautb tbas girbcb tbttjo»
peace be to tbee,pcace be to tbpnc Uoufe,
anb peace be bnto all tbat tbou baft. ftbo;b: anb there foloibcb Dautb bp JJ
7 bebolbe 3
baue bearbe fap that tbou a foure Ijunb2eb men, anb ttbo bun
haft (bearers: #otbe, ty? (bepljearbes abobebptheftuffc,

1 /. [.Samuel. I in.
isutone of tbclabbes toibc Abigail 16 ^oU)theccfojemplo ibc,asthe!Lo2b

%abais tt)pfc,faplng: 2ecbolbc,2l>auib

rent mcflcngcrs bnto our maitter out %om thatbathUJttbhotbentbce from

ofm ttrtlDtrnclTe to falutt iHtmanb fie
thrwe w hanb : £>o nou3e,3i CO Innocent
goon" 3

(i5ob pw uno cleat*

anb pet the men ibcre berp

,«. ,< thatthpneenemies,?tl)ey thatintenbe
S= bntobs,anbbpbbsnobtfpleafure, net* tobomplojbeeupll.mapbeas iBabal
thcr miflcb ibe anp thpng as
long as
m ibcrc conuerfaunt lbith them tuijcn
fianbmapb hath brought bnto nn> 1020
'" '
16 %l)W ^ m (B)
a ^H bttt0 bS b0t^ b ?
all the lbbfle ibetbere ^% 3 mm thee fojgeuethetrelpacre of
%ne Ijanbmavb: fojthe Ho?beibill WVmu ,

|5oiD therefore taac heebe,? fee tbhat manemyo?ba^uirehoufe,betauremp SftSgS
t!)ou (bait bo:fo2 furclic cupli Hull tome lo?be fighteth the battailes of
the !Lo?b S ^ ,Bp5a

upon out maifter anb ai fiis houfbolbe, anb tljere toulb none emu be founbui
foz be<sfott)icaeb,tbat a man tan not theeinallthpbapcs.
fpcaftetol)tm. z9 3lnbveta«man ftatD rvfentoperfe*
Pis Xben3lbigailmabe!)afte, anbtoouc rate thee, anb to feefte thp foule:
but the *&
" loaues, anb ttbo bottcls foule of mp flozbe Ojallbebounb^in

, tttio hunbrcb

ofibine, anbfiuetyeepe rebie bjeffeb, the bunbel ofthe ipupng rbith

the %on $£$$}
anb fme meafures of parcficb tome,anb Wfifto, anb the foules of thp enemies
anbunbjeb fcatles of reafpnges, anb fl)ailC5ob tattout, euen as out of
the $RS?
I ttbobunbjeb cases of fpgges, $labcb nubble of a llpng. '^ ton3
tbemonafles, 30 ^nb U)hen the fLo^be fbaii Daue bone
f n 3(nbfapbe bnto fitr poung men: <&o tompiozbalthcgoob that he hathP?o* *
befo2cme,beholbe 3Fcomc after pou. mpreb tljec, anb lball haue mabe thee
26ut(be tolbe fier hufbanb /Rabal no* ruler oner 3Jfrael:
thing thereof. * 31 5Chfn no griefe bnto thee,
(ball it be
20 3nb as Aerobe on fterafle,fl)e tame noz oftente of mpnbe bnto mp lo^be,
P2tuplte boibne the rpbe oftDe hill , anb that thou haft not fbeb bioob taufclefle
bcboib&autb anb fits men tame bourne anb that mp 102b hath not auengeb hint
agatnftbcr,anb (bemetthem. felfe: JSuttbhen the?l02be
(ball haue
u 3lnbi>auibfaibe: burette in bapnc bealtlbellibitftmplo^b, thentbinaeon
haue 3
ncpt all that this felotb hath in thpnchanbmapbe.
the u>iibcrnes,fo tbat nothing lbas mi£ 3i 3lnb 2>aiUb fatb to Abigail: Blcffeb
feb of all that pertapneb bnto Dim: anb betheHo2b(i5obof3Ifrael, ibbfcbfeut
he bath quite me cum ft? goob. thee this tav to meetc me.
u S»oanbmo?eaifobo <H5ob bnto the ?3 BlefTeb is tftp faping, anb bleffeb art
encmiesof 3>anib ,if 3 icaue of all that thou lbhicbhaft aept me this bap from
pcrtapne to Dim bp the balbnpng of the commtng to Ojcb bioob, 9 from attcngc*
t>ap,anp that cw ppfletb againtt ingmp felfe ibitftmpnc
the lball. oibncl;anbe.

^ ^nb utben Abigail faibe Dauib,(be ?4 foi in berpbeebe, asthe ?Lo?be ©ob
patted anb Ipghted ofherafle,
anb fell ofSfraeilpueth, rbhith hath beptme
Jefotf SDautbon D«fatc, anb boibcb batHefrom hurttng thee: ercept thou
«« felfe to the grotmbe, Ijabbeft haflcb anb met me, furelp there
anbfciiathisfeete, anbfapbe: %tt
n <f|uitiebetountebmpne mplojb,
" thpnc ftanrtnatw pjapc thee
habbe not ben left bnto /I5abal bptbe
banjjtpng of the bap,anp that ppflctft a*

e m
" aubience, ? hcarc the
S0 ™)Phanbmapb.

ano fo Dautb rcteaueb of her Ijanbe
thatibftich (heljab b^oughtftim , anb
fapbe bnto her: <2>o bp peace to tljpne <«
nS??* Lnan ^ aba!: *w ^ his l)oufe,bel)olbe3J haue hearb thp bopce,
anb haue graunteb thp pentton.
36 3lnb Abigail came to ji3abal anb be* ,

ftoibe, heftclb a feaftin hisftourc ipbe

the fcaft of a aing, anb Cabals heart
S.iid [.Samuel. «*/&
lbas met? ibitbin bpm,fo;i l)c ibas berp to His ttjpfe.
3» a
c hat lino
bmnften: leijcrfoje fl>e tolbe ( *° l)tm no* 40 and tbljcn tfie feruauntes of SDauih
ao rcaibn to tbpng ncitber lefTc no; mo?c, bntpll the ibere come to Abigail to Carmel ttw
contact tt)t
Hunger mojovbemonnmg, fpaKebntohcr,favtng: IDamofcmS
f n 2gnt m tbe morning tbben tije ibine bnto ttjee, to tabe tbec to bis tbvtt. 3foh
tbas gone out of #abal, bts ttipfe toioe ibe arofe, $ boibcbberfclfconnerfate
bimtbcfelbojbes , anoJ)ist)eart bytD to tbe eartb,anb faibe: 26ehoibe,
ibitbin Him ,and became as a (tone.
tic banbmapb be afemaunt, toibafoetbe
38 2m> bpon a ten capes after ,tbe %oin femoftrje feruauntes of mpUwbe.
fiuote jiiabai, that be opeb. 41 2lnb Abigail batteb ,anb arofe, s gate
39 StabibbenDauib bearb tljat /Raba! Decbponan^tTe,tbit!)ftuebanioreisof
ibasbcab,I)c fapb: ffilcffeb be tlje 1LM berstbat
n>ent at btrfeete, anotbe £ 8»«n
• ©?. rtucna that hart) iuogebpcaufcofuiptebuRe went after the mefiengers of2>auib >\* •w,

k .i*i*/ «\
*.r~ tot

oftbel)anbof$abai, $ftatb kept bis became bis tbpfe. '•to.

feruaunt from euill:5f 0? tbe too

batb 41 E>auib aifo tone 3lbinoam of gfejea*
recompeneeb rrje ttnebebnes of iftabai cl,atiO tbep ibere botb \)is ibvues.
bponbisoumebeab. 3lnb2>aui0fcnt 43 26utS>aul babgeuen*
to conniiune ibittj Abigail, to tabe Ijec baugftter, SDauibs ibpfe, to
fonne of juis ,ibbicl) tbas of
flpiebol b(s

u Rt

^ Tbe.xXvi.Qpapter.
Baufo \»ass otCcoucrco bnto £>aal lip the x tpintcss. n.^anfo tafictn a\na? £>aul$

fpcarc.anD a crufc of toatct tljat QooDc at tnss ticaD :i.^>aul confefleti)

, ijte fume. a*

$e zipftftescamea* fibe:28ut 2>an(b btbelt in tfie Ml&p

a game bnto 5>aui to ncffe,anb be faibe tbat S>aul came aftcc

C5ibca, faying: SDoth b«m into tbe ttnloemeiTe: Utv
9 wj
©j> in
feci. not Dauib bioc bun 4 2Dauib tberenwe fent out fpictf ,

felfeintbe'bttlof^a* betfloobe tljat «s>amibascometnWtY

" Ol .tt)t
cmUa,tbbicb is before nttm, „
trUOctmlTf. "3Jcfimom 5 ^nb 2>au<b arofe, | came to tbe P1
S>aul arofe, fibent boibneto tbe tbil* ttberc 5>aul bab pitcbeb : $ S>««SLJS
bemesof zipb\ bailing tb?ee tbonfanb belb tbe place ttrtjere -&aul lar,? 3Pg
(^cftofenmenofjfrael ibitbbim,fo?to t\)t fonne of i|5cr ibbicb tt>as bis
of the mod
ft .* ill una febcSDauib in tbe tbilbemefTeof zipb. captapne:fo: &atrtiapmtbefo?t» ?
1 ^
taltant Ooul»
WCT0. 3 3nb S>aul pitcbcb m tbe btl of ^acbilia, people pptfbeb rounbe about D^^^
rbbtel) is before 3efunon bptljeibaH

t.S amue i. liiii.

Zticnaunftbcrcb SPauiD, anb fpabc iLom lV«eth,*veare"ibonhvto m, >•&«***!.

i^ctl)tte,anr» to abifai becaure ve haue not bept the floibes Htb
to ai)imcle clj the '/ %
riicfonne ofzarttfa,? toother
to 3Joab, annovntcb : an* noibe fcclbbcrctbe fe
dying : ©Do U)pH go bourne Vbith me ntnges fpeare is, anb tljc crufc of n>a*
to£>auI to the Ijoaft * anb abifai faibe: tcrthatibasathishcab.
uwH go bourne untlj thee. 17 anb5)attlbncTb2Dauibsbovcc
qj anb
7 anb fo 2Damb anb abifat
caittc bolbtte favb:* 3Js this thv bovec ntv fonnc 3Da«
t0 thepeople bvnight,anb bcljolb £>aul utbianbDattib favbe: Jtts mvbovee
untljin the fojt, ano tjts ntvlo?be,0ning.
I*" lav dccpvng
18 anb
fpeare ftacbe in p geounbe at his " heab: he favbe: naherefoje both mv
but abner ano the people lav vomnz
lo^be thus perfctute hisferuaunt; foz

about Ijvm. ibhathaue 3Jbonc<oj ibijatcuviitstn

8 Sljcn faibe abifat to SDauib, <5ob mvnehanb;
bath clofeb
lianb ttjvs
me finite
W tljytic cnemic into thvne
/ftotbe 31 pjav tljee let
him onccHrttb mv fpeare to
il5otbc therefore
pwve thee, let **
lo?be the bmg hearc the lboibesof
hisfcruaunt: 3Jf tljc Hojbc haue ftic-
WW clje earth, f 31 tbill not
w finite l;im the rcbthcebp againftme, (v lethimfntcii B^SSf

feconbtvme. thefauotir of afacrtfice : asutanb if tlicv ""^u
lUiifoc q anbJDauib faibe to abifaf, SDcttcove bcthe^>chtlb?enofmen,curfcbarcthevw^
before the ILo?be, fimhev haue call ntc fflX
bint not: f oi Tbljo tan lave his hanb on ""
ngninft mc.
tljc flojbes annovntcb anb be giltlcffe*
; out this bav from abibvng in the inhe* (f)J8ptljar
ritaunte of the Ho?be, w faving: ©o, tlwuglj not
anb SDauib favb furthcrmo2e: as the

io In
flame wo}Bb,
ILojbclvueth , tlje fLojbe fmvte
fljall feme other gobbes.
ftmoz bis bav (ball tometobve, ojljc 20 ii5otb therefore let not mv bloob fall to
(ball befcenb into battaile,anb perifbe. the earth before the face of the ?Lo,!bc:
ii Xlje |Lo?be Bcpe me front laving 5f02theRittg of 3lfrael is come out to
mvne Ijanb bpon thefLojbes annovn* fceftc a (lea, asibhcn one both hunt a
teb: 25ut 31 pjavc thee tane tljou noibe partribgc in the ntounta vncs,
the fpeare that is at ins Ijeab , anb the zi Zhen faibe 5>aui, 31 haue fimteb:
trufe of tbater,anb let bs go, Come agavnemv fonne 2>auib, fo?3J
iz 3f nb fo s>autb tobc the fpeare anb the UJtll bo thee no mo?e harme,becaufe mv
ecttfcofrbaterrrom&auis heab, anb ibas Cs) p?cnous in th vne eves this
fottie ^ »•«*
tbtv gat them aibav, anb no man faibe bav: 26cholbe, 31 haue plaveb the foole, *55 Tw
it,nojmaraeb it, neither atbaRcb: jfo? anb haue crreberceebinlv.
JJ tljev were all afieepe , bccaufetlje zi anb Dauib aunftbereb anb faib: Be?
» ?L02be Dab fent a bcab fleepe bpon the, holbe the binges fpeare, let one of the
•p™ i? Xben 2>auib ibent ouer to the other voung men come ouer anb fet it,
fvbc,anb ftoobe on the toppe of an hill a 13 %\)t%oiot reibarbe euerv man ac<
farreof(a great fpace being betlbcene co?bing to his righteoufnes , anb favtl>
njemO fulneOe: iFojthe&ojbebeliuereb tljce
*H 3inb2DauibervebtothcpeopIe,anbto intomvhanb this bav, but 31 wonib
I'jii. Obiter the fonne of /12er,faving: " $ea* not lav mine Ijattb bpon tljc %oftcs mv
ttfttbounotabnen abner aunfibcreb novntcb,
anb favb: naho art thou rhatcrveftto i4 anb beholb,ltBeasthvKfttt)as much
Hjettngsr fet bv this bav in mvne eves : fo be mv
5 "«.
'5 anb Dauib favbe to abner j art not ivfe fet bv in the eves of the %Wt
, that
tljou a (£j man*anb tbljo is ivfte to thee he beliucr me out of all tribulation,
•tijfraeir Maljerefojetben haft thou 25 %\)tn 5»aul faibe to 2>auib: 25lc(TcD
not&ept tbvlojbe the B(ng;5fo? there artthou mv fonne 2>auib,foj thou (bait
wnieonc oftljefolaein to beftrovc the bo great thingesanb p?cuaiic. anofo
&Whvlojbe. S>auib tbent his ibav , anb ^>aul tun
IS '

JtisnotJbeiiboneofrDee: as the neb to lj(s place agavne.


T>auid fleeth I.SaiTlUel.

/0< i/4
The .x*)w . Chapter.

2 maid neeHj to fcbfofitnoj of «&atb,tobo geuetb bim %Maa. 8 .©auto oettroreth

«ertapneoft^e^ ^9

3 T ^ .«v-^r [|/|2b2>auiD fapDinljts fameDap,fo; ibfticl) caufe Zibiasotta

ljeart,3Jftjallpcrffljc ta^bntotbe.WngeS of3lubaS||
£>aul : tljcrcfo:c is 7 2nD tlje tpme tljat &auiD DUielt in tii> 35t
there nothing bcrtcr countrcp of tlje #&iuihncs,
IDasfoure K*J
me anD
fo.2 , then to
monetbes,anD certaine Dapes.
of tfjc $Ijiiilhne8,anD «S>aul Qjall ceaflc inuaoeo tlje C5efurites,tlje ti5et3ttcs « €
anDfeene nieno mo;c inalitljccoaftes tlje amaleUitcs: 3Fo; tljofe
nanos lbew
« 3frael, anD fou;aii3J eftapcoutof feomtlje beginning tfjc imjabitaumes
IjisljanD. of tlje tanbe,asmcngo to 5>ur,bntothe
z am> 2>auiD arofe, anD lje anD tlje fire lanbofegppt.
ftunD;eo men tljat tt>crc Untlj ljim,Uient 9 anD3>auiDfmofetIjelanDe,frieftnei<
imtoacljis tbe fonne of ^aocD , King tber man no; rboman alpne , ano Djoue
of45atlj. aroap tlje fljeepc,tlje orcn, tlje afles, ca<
3 anD2>auiD bUicituutn adjts at meiies,anb clotljcs, anDrerarneb, anb
dBtttfj^otlj lie ano Ijis men,euerp man camctoaebfs.
Untljljis ljouu>lbe, anD SDautb ttttf) io 3mD3tcl)isfatDf: aabere baue peben
Ijisttboibiucs;, aijinoam tije^esra* a rouing tljis Dap? anD DauiD aunftbe*
Ijclite, ano Abigail Cabals Ujpfc tlje reb.-agatna t|)e foutl) of 3f una, anba*
Carmelite. gainft of flje«%rameelttes, „
tlje Tout!)
25 4 ^nb it ttnis toioe ;§>aul tijat a>auiu ano againft tlje fourtj of tbe wfcerttcs.
tbas flco to csatlj, auD be fongljt no ii anD SDantD faucD nettljer man no; j/jmm
mo;efo;ljim. iboman alpue to b;ing to ©atrj, facing: *%
5 2nb 2E>auio fapDe bnto acljiS: 3If 3F left tljep ftjoulD ten onbs,faptng,fo DpD jwKj

(4) <£!)atts, IjauenoUifounDe grace in tjjpnc epes, 2DantD,anDfon}tlibe Dis maneralUbc SIS
Icrttync offi=
tcrs appopitf
wlet tljem geue me a place fome m ibl)pie De DtbelictD ta tlje country of CT
it a place. tottme in p eountrcp,tIjat 5 map Dibell tljc^ljiliftines.
tljere : 5Fo; ibljp Ojoulb
top feruannt iz 21nD acljis beleucD 2>an<D, faping: §t
DUiciitntlje beaD cttieoftlje&ingDome I)atl) maoe l)ts people 3Jfraei bttcrly to
Untljtljce? abl)o;re l)im, $tl)erefo;e Ijefyalbe m?
Xljcn acljfc gaue Ijim ^z&lagtljat fcniauntfo?cucr.

77>t? .xxnoiii. Chapter.

i ©auto batb tbe cbfefe cbarge p^ompfeti about IcbtS. s.$)aui confuUetfi \nitb a
toi tcb,anD (be caufttb htm to f pcauc xoi tli &>ainuci. is.UDbo Dcclarcty bw mine.

31 l^bintliofebapes.tlje rael !)aD latnenteo Dnn, anD bnrieo btm

^IjiUftmes gatljercD inl^amaljis ottme citie:ano 5>auibao ^ ttm (t

tt)ep;t)oaft together to
\barre, to figl)t lbttb
put c «auiap tDe fo;ccrers ? anD tbe footl> «*-s
fapersoutoftljeianD. c ^
llftacl: anD acDiS 4 ano rt)c 0l)iiiftines gatljercD tone*

(avDto2DauiD,2Befurc tber ,anD came, anD pptc&eD in dunwi:

tnou malt go out Until
metobattapie, thou anD tiiementijat
anD &aul gartjereD all 3^
tljcr,anD the? pptcljeo in doilboa.

areibitl)tl)ce. 5 anb U)hcn 5>aul falbe tlje Ijoaft pf m

anD2DautblapDetoacDis: 5>urelie ^ljiumnes,Ue ttias afr apoe# Ijis l)ca»
rDou fljalt ftnottie U>l)at tljp feruaunt ttiasfo;eaftonieD. ttht
can Do.anD acftis fatD to 2DautD: Xljcn 6 anDU)ften^>aularbeDcounccllottnf
3JU)UimaBe tljcc acper.ofmptjeaDfo; |Lo;dc, tlje ?Lo;oe aunftbereD Ijtni &
neither bp D;eames , no; bp Urim ,
Samuel tbas tften DeaD, anDallJf* petbpp;opljetes.
i.S i.
chenfaybdaulbnto his fcruautcs: thou afbe of me,tbhtlc the Ho;b is gone
p1 aXc me a tboman that hathafamtu* from thce,anb is become thyne enemies
Wso to ber,anb afbe
a foirtte,that 3fcruauntcs
of her. Snb hts
fayb to htm:
17 Xruuc the 3Lo?b hath ooncto whnn, 9
eucn as he ipabe by my hanb:* 5f 02 the ,0 5™
Vboibc,thcretsatbomanthathath a fLo^oe hath rent the bfngbome out etf *+
thynehanb.anb geuen ttthyncygh*
faniiUct fpicttc at <snt»o;.
2nb&aulchaungcbhunfclfe,anbput bourSDauib.
anbthentbenthef 18 asecaufe thou obeyebftnot theboyce of
on other rayment,
the Hojbe, no? erecutebft his fierce
tWicntbithhim ant) they cameto

thctbomanbynyght,anbhcfaybe: 3 Ibjathbponthe 2malebites, trjcrefojc

hath theHo;b bonethis bnto thee this
ma? thee comecture bnto me by the fa*
niflicr fptrite, ? bnng
me htm bp tbhom bay.
91 mail name bnto thee, 19 3nb mojeouer tr> fUwb Bull beiiuer 2>

3Jfrael tbith thee into the hanbes of the

o 3mb the woman fatbe bnto hfm: 25e*
#hiltfttnes:* Xo mojroibe (bait thou
nolbe,tyou*notbcfttbhat £>aulbath
bVj)btbhe1)ath beftroycb tDc feee* anbthyfonnesbe w tbith me , anb the «>««<•
out of the %0}Ht (hall geue the hoaft ofjjfraelin* l^ MU
rers, anb tfte foothlayers
thou a mare to the hanbes of the jdhtitftmcs.
lanb: naherfoje then laycft
to caufc me to bie< 20 Xhen S>aul fell ftraightibay alia*
foj my fouie,
long on theearth,anb tbas fee (( a* ?4W„
3lnb £>aul Abate to her by the 3Lo?b,
faytng:^stl)eHo;belpucth,there(hail fraybe becaufe of the lbojbes of 5>a* lli^'Z"
no harme come to thee foj this thyng.
muel.^nb there tbas nofteength in Jt0»» c -

hint : fb? he ijab eaten no tycab all tl;e

in Xhen fatbe the tboman: B9l)om (ball
3Jfctct) bp bnto thee* $e aunftbereb:
ii 3nb the tboman came bnto <g>aul, $
25?ms me bp Samuel,
n9hmthetfoomanfatbcS>amucl,(be fatbe that he tbas foje troubleb,f faybe
cry cb tbith a loube boyce , anb (babe to
tntol)tm:5>ee,tl)yneI)anbmaybcDatl) „ ...,

haue put my .;. "

S>aul,faytng:t©hyhaft thou beccaueb obcyeb thy boyce,*$ .

ntcffoj thou art £>aul.

fouleinmyhanb, anb haue hearucneb ?*•*'*'
* anb the bins fatbe bnto hcr:2Se not a* bnto thy tbo?bcs Ibhich thou fayebft B«L"

frayb:t©hatfatfcettthou<Xhetbonian bnto me.

fatbe bnto S>aul : 3
fatbe • flobsafeen* ii ii2oibethertto»3lpiJay tfjee Ijearben
bingbp out ofthe earth. thou alfo bnto the boyce of toy ne Ijanb*
14. $e faibe bnto her againe: nahat fafbt*
maybe, anb let me fet a moTfeii of b;eab
on is he ofr S>he aunftbereb: Xtjere co* before titer, that thoumayeft eate, ano
meth bp an oibe man tbith a mantel bp* get thee ftrength, f then goon tljytour*
on hint. 3nb Saul perceaueb that it ney.
tbas «
Samuel ,anb he ftotbpeb tbif1J 13 ^e refufeb ,anb ihybe:3f tbtti not eate.

his face to the grounb , anb botbeb htm 25ut hisferuauntes anb the tboman to*
felfe. gether cottiptUeohim anb hehcaenc-

15 3nb Samuel faib to £>aul:E)hy haft neb bnto their boyce: 3nb fo tie arofe
thou bnquietcbme, to mane me be from the earth,anb fat on a beb.
thought bp; <§>aul aunftbereb : 3 am 24 Xhe tboman hub afatealfetnthc
fo?e cncuntb?co,fozf' ^mltftincs make houfe, anb (he haftco anb silieb it, anb
tbarreagafnft me,anb tf5ob isbtpartco toobe floure anb bnebeb it,anb bib babe
front me, anb atmftbereth menomoje, bnleaueneb b?eab thereof:
neither by prophets, no? by bjeames: 15 %xfo brought them before 5>aul,ano
»nbthercfo?c3Jhauecallebthee, that before his feruauntes: ^utbtbhentbey
"ivm ,uh(n. ».vii mi. muni J) HJUll uu. Dab catcn,they ftoobebp, f tbentaiuap
i6 £h«t fatbe &amucl:r®bcrcfo;eooeft tberamentght.

T>.iuid is [.Samuel.

Thc.xxix. Chapter.

4 €ty vtfntz* of tfee J&bfifltineg caufe £>auto to be Cent bacfte from tfje battaile
ajjamtt Iftaclbecaufe ttjepmiOrutteD btm,

sjidD the \&bfltlhnes ibere e Xbcnachtscaliebt>au<b,anbfapt)>

gathereb together tbitfj bntobim: ^s the |lo?be ipuctbS
all their armies ina= baft ben honeft,anbgoootnmpW
ISp rtt
phcnanbtheJJfraeirtes ibhentbou w tbcnteft out anb mfi
founiiuic. pptcbebbp,ain,tt)hieh me in tlje boaft, ncitber haue
J fount?


anbthe -pontes of bnto tl)isbap:i?eumhelelTe tht"wiS

tbcpbtWhnes tbent foojth bp bun; ces fauour thee not.
(<t) 3>«o;t>ing
bzebs anb tboufanbes: aSutDamo anb 7 nahcrefojenoibe retutne, anb go in pta

oienfcjuctj. his men came bebinbe tbitb acbis. peacc,trjatttjoubirpieafenotthep2inccs 25

§ Xhc fapb the princes of the i&biliftines, oftDe^ljfliftines.
Ibhat Do tbcfe ebjues^n* , aebis faib j 8 anb
a>aufo fapbe bnto achts: Zm
bnto the pontes of the ^biliftincs : 3s Jbbathaue3J oone; ibhat baft thou
not this SDauib, the feruaunt of 5>aul founbe in tbp feruaunt as long as
the King of ^fracl.ibbich hath benunth baue ben iMhtbee bnto thisbap, that
me thcrcbapcs,o,i thefeperes, anb 3 3
map not go fight agaiaftthe enemies
hauefounb no fault in him > fmcciitfoii ofmplojbc the tang*
bnto mc,bnto this oap; 9 achts aunfibereb anb fapb to Dauit):
4 anb tbeprittces of tbe^bftlrinestbcre 31 nnotb that thou art goob in mp
tbou piufcS
ibzotb tbitb bpm, anb ttjc pontes of tf)c fight , as an angell of d5ob: 415otibiu> mt,

tebiUllincs fapbe bnto bpm: spafte this ftanbing, the princes ofthe^biliftmes
telott)creturnc,thathe map
go againe haue fapbe, &etbimnotgobpibmjbs
to bis place lbbicbtbou ball appopntcb to battaile.
hpm,anb let bpm not go botbne nutb io naberefiwe noib rpfe bp earlicinthe
bs to battaplc, left in tlje battaple be be morning lbitb tbp co maifters fcruatltes Hat M Dm
an abucrfartc to bs : 5Fo? rbbercibith that are come to rtjee: ano lbbc* pe be bp tbtdtim

f bouibcbe obtapnc the fauour of bis carlie ,aflbone aspe baue irsUt > t»e
(V' Wou\D (b)
notS'.r.iliC) maiftcr< ajouibe it not be I0btt|> the parte*
t.-.uir iiimto
lit loin- ifhc
beaDcsoftbcfcmcw ii ano fo 2Dauib d I) is men rofe bp car
coulD bettape
5 3s not tbis Dautb , to tbbom tbcp to bepart in the morning, anb to re*

fang inbannces, faping: S>aul Hue bis turne into the lanbof the ^biliftmes:
thoufanbe,! Dauibhts ten thonfanbe* anb the i^htltftines lbc"t bp to 3&wl

i Chf Smalctttteg burtif %Mh<$. jpauitys ttro tttucg arc taficn piifoncrg/^be people
s .

tooulD Done bim.s.eeaCheo councell of the lojoc.andpurfuing&tgenemte&recouerctb

ttjc p;ar---i i£c DcuiDctb tt equallp.26.ain0 fenoetb pact to bi* frenDe?,

% Httbhen2>auib anb $ 5>o 3>auib anb hts men came to the

bismentberetometo title, anb beljolbe tttbas burnt ttith
ziblagthe tljirbbap, fp?e:anb their tbiues, their fonncs, ano
the Sunaicmtes Ijao their oaugbtcrs lbcre taben pnfoners.
inuaoeb bppon the . 1Lhena>auib % the people tljat ibere
foutlj,euenbntoztR' + lbith him,Iift bp their bopces anb ibept,
Bci ttopto t'9« iag,anbhab fmitten w bntfll thep couio lbeepe no mo?e.
Ziniag,anb burnt it tbftb fp;e. 5 2>autbs tibo ibiues iberc taBen
^nb hab taften tlje lbomcn that ibere
therein pnfoners,both fmalianb great:
pnfoners alfo, aijinoamthe1lRr
lite,anb Abigail tlje tt)pfe of
$abal tpf
but aue not a man , fauecarrpcbtbem
aibap }anb roent tljeir ibapes. c anb 2>auib ibas in great cumbjatH^

f.S I.
y s

the tlbylight , euenbntotbc eucntng

wSkW partes of all people vmt ofthencrtnuttovbejfotbat there cfca*

f peb not a man of them fane fonre hun*

m Daughters: I6ut Dauio tofte a gooD

Ijtui ui the fLo^Dc iiis <0oj>
DzcD young mentbljtch roDc bpon cams
coHtagc to
e * anD'fayoe abtatharthepnetta*
to 18 Znn DautDrecouereD an that the 31*
nimelccbsronnc:3Jpjay thee, bnjigme malcKiteshaDcatrycDatbay, anD Da*
uiD refcueD his ttbo ibyucs:
fllcCpIJoD.^no llbiathar b?oust)tti)C
19 5>o that there tbas nothing lacbtng
a ^nbVauibafteD connect at the £ojb, to them, ftiiall 01 great, fonne ojoaugh*
com* ter, ojofthe Ipoyle of all that they hao 2>
fayingr^Dall'J folloib after this
natty" fl)aii3l oucrtate
them* 3nD he tatenatbay,Dautb recoitereD them all.
auntocreD&tm: 5Folott>e,fiH thou (bait 20 3nD DamD toottcallthelhccpe, anD
lucrlic ouertate ttjem , anD
co ttcouet the open, anD they Djauc thent before ama*
hiscattaile^nDfaiDc: XhtstsDautDs MSft
CO maw »rtictu,iuiD

^>o DatriD anD thejire ijmtDjeD men


o V***Y» ©auto from

that ibere ibith l)im , ibent anD

came to zi 3lnD DantD came to the tvbo hunDjeD a
a parte of them men,that thereto ibeery foi to filovbe s* * 1

tlje ryucr 25cfo?, ibhcrc

DauiD, »)hom the? hao maoc alft to a*
10 asnt DantD anD foure hunDjeD men byDeatthetyuer iBefo^nDthey came
folotbcD: t 5fo? tVDo hunDjcD aboDe be* tomeetcDaniD? the people that ibere
btnDe,bcutgtoibeetytofiO ouertljery* ibtthlnnv. ^nblbfjenDansDcamcto

ucrzsefo?) * the peopie,he faiutco them.

m the u
. .

SnDtbey founDe an cgypttan Xhen aunftbereo all the tbicteD anD

brought Dim to DattiD,* anD
thebnthjyftes of the men thattbent
gaue Dim b#aD, * he DiD eate,anD Iba* XbfthDauiD,anDfatDe: 26ccaufcthcy
tcrtoDtfnte. Ibent not tbtth bs,thcrfo?e tbtt ibe gene
a 2nDgauehimafetbefygges,anDm>o themnone ofthepjaythattbehauete*
clutters of reaftnges: 2nD when he hah couereb: ffintleteueryman tatehiS
eaten, hisfpinte came againetohim: MJifeaiiDhtschilDjcn, thofelet thrui
f ojbebaD eaten no bjeab nomuncte carry alba? anD Dcparte.
any tbater in ti»ee Daves anD th;cc 13 Xhen fayD
DaniD: m
Ojall not do fo
my tycthjen unth that tbhich the Ho?D
C ntghtes.
ij anDDauiDfaiDbntohurnXoVbhom hath genen bs, lbho hath p;efrmeD bs,
briongcftthou ?anD tbhence art thou; anbDelpnereD the company that came
§e fayD: 3 am a young man of egypt, agamtt bsanto our hanDes.
anDfcrttanntto an 2unaichitc,anDim> 14 5Po?U)hoibaihcarBfbntopoumth(s!
maitterleft me, beeaufethjee Daves a* matter** z5ut as ^tsparte ts that goetft.
gone3Jfellfictte. Doibne anD ftghteth , fo (hall his parte
14 nse came a rouyng bpon the fouth of be that tar ry etlj by the ftuffe: they (hall
Ctyetus, anD bpon the [coao j belonging parte alyhe.
to 3juoa, anD totbaro the fouth of <£a* ^5 ^nD fo from that Day foflbatb , tbas ^
leb.anD \be burnt ziWag ibith fy?e. that mabe a ftatutc anD latbe mju-aei,
WPt re
15 3mD DauiD faiDe to htm: Canft thou tnto this Day, narortl) Htcm

3nD \)t fatD:

bzingme to this company* 16 ©hen DantD therefore tame to aft* S5S&
w 5>n)carebntomeby<i5oD,that thou
lag,he fent of the p?ay bnto the clbers KSm
MtncttherRiUme , no? Dcliuermem* of 3luDa anD to his frienDes, faptng: Z^°L
to the hanoes of my maifter,anD 31 Vbill 5>ee, theretsableffingftw you oft!;e »»•
bJing thee to this
company. fpoyle of the enemies ofthe Hotfe.
is jano \bhcn he hao brought him thy* 17 $efenttothemof2Bcthel, to t\)tm
Jpct,beholDethey laye fcattereD ab;obe of fonrt) ftamoth, tothemof5(athir,
• mil, bpon ail the earth Seating, anD D?yn* is ICothem of^roer, to them of £>c*
Hmg,^ Daunftng, becaufc of al the great Phamoth,to them of « Oftema
VWt that they hao carrieD aibay out z? Xothemofmachal, to them ofthe
k Jt the lano of the ^hiiimnes, anD out of cities of 3erahmeel, to them of the
tbeianoofUttDa. cities of the Benites,
'7 4no DauiD layoe hpon $em from jo %othemofi&omia,tot!)emofCho2*

The death of Saul [.Samuel. andhis

afOan,to tbcm of atbaclj, all places U)l)erc ^mrnTaluTbi^r-
31 %ot\)tmtbatminmm, anb to ibereibont to Daunt. »nm

Teh .xxxi. Chapter.

4 &aul fitiictD Him felfe.6.©t0 c&fltyeti are dame in t&e ftatrafle. u.atjetnen
o£ J|abej$ toofic Dotone &fc booie to&tcb toa? Ijanjeo on ttie toall.

iI3t)tl)t $hiMmcs anb^ttjepof otbcrrVbegjoflame, ffiSS
fongbtagamajrracl: fiube tbat tbe men of 3Jfrael ibereput JSJJS
anbtbcmcnofjfraci to fltgbt,anb tbat £>aui anb bis tonnes
fleb aibap from the Ibcrebeab, the? left tbe rtttes, anb ran
lafjtlilhnes anb fell
, albap, anb tbe ^btUttmes tame an&
£>}, Qnluc ooibne rbounbeb in btbcitmtbem.
mount (Mboa. 8 *4Dn tbemo?ott)ibbMtbe0bfltffines iPwtc
3nb tbe ^bmftmespjeafleb foje bpon Jberetometo fpoyle tbent tljat mere
;3>aui$ Corniest flue 3Jonatban,$
flame , tljep founbe£>aulanb!)istb.:ce
abtnabab,^cltbtuia,;S>aulsfonnes. fonnes nnngtn mount <25tlboa.
3 3lnb U)l)cn tlje battatte tbent fojea* 9 3tob tbey cut of bis ncab, anb IrrippeD
gamtt &aul, tbe ardjers ibttbboTbcs Ijim out of bis barnefle, $ rent into tl)t
- founb bun anb be ibas fo?c aftaybc
, lanb of p 0biltfltnes on euerp fybe, tljat
oftbearcljcrs. tftcp fl)oulb (0 pupliu)cittntrjc temple of my*
4 XbeTatb&aulbntob&ft^rncflcbea* their 00 tbolles, ano among tljc people. a*-
rcr,* 2>zaibouttbvftt)Ort>, jtbrnflme 3no tliep
Iud. ix.g. io layeo bp bis barnefle in tbe &*»
tfocugb tljctcU)itl):left tlje bnttrcumct* boufeof ^ftarotlj: buttljcpbangcDbp SSffl
feb tonic anb tljmft me t&ougb $ motfte bob? on tbe lball of 2Sc«jfan.
Ijts S3*
mc.3lnb bts barneflc bearer lbolbe not, ii i©!)cn tbe tnbabttauntes of ^abefi gSS
foj be ibas fo?c afrayb:Xbercfoje S>aul in©tleab bearbtbcreof,tt»ba»i)t^^ S*",,
a fibo;b,anb fell upon it.
toitf names bab bone to 5>aul: #$£
5 3lnb lbbcn Ijts barnefle bearer fame ii Xbev arofc,as manp as ibere Irrong ft-*"-
tbat£>aul ibas bcab, be fell tyaeibife mcn^nbibcntall nigbt, jtobctbebo* «»»'
bpon bisfUwo,anb tytD roitb bun. We of^>aul, $ tbebootcsofbisfcKnes,
6 2nb To <$>aul tytn, ? bts tmee fonnes, from tbe lball of Bctbfan, ano came to
anb Ins barnr fTc bearcr,anb al bis men 3fabes,* anb burnt tbem tbcrc. i<«* 1

tbat fame bap together.
ibete on
tbe men of 3Jfracl, tbat
otber fybcoftbe Co;
13 Znh tobe tbetr bones f burvco tbent
bnberatrceatjabes, ^fallco

^ The end ofche firft booke of Samuel, or firft booke ofKinges.

^ es. IVH.

tfr? The feconde booke of Samuel,

otherwyfe called the feconde booke of the kinges.

The fyrft Chapter.

a <lt toaS tolfic ©auto of £>aute l>catt>. i y $e eaufeth fitat to be Cajne tfiat fyouafie
ttic t to ms0.
i9 $e lamented tlje Deatlj of fsaul and Jonathan, j

^5 ifterf^c ncart) of tottibenotltue after tlwt fjerjaD fallen;

3 5>aui,ibben2Da* 3touetbe trottme tbatibas bpon bts
utunmsrcturncD bcao , anD tbe bjafclct tbat Vbas on bis
.from tbe flaugft* arme,anb baue tyougpt tpem bptljct
'*tecofti)e3lmau* bntomplozDr.
Bttes,anDbaDben ii Xben SDautD touc bolDc on his etoffjes,
tuio nates mzuv *anD rent tbem , anD fo DiD all tbt men iReglf.

las: tliatibertnutbmm.
26eIjolDc,tvjcre ii 3lnbtbepmourneD,anDtt)ept,anDfa*
came a matt tbe tftitDe Dap out of tbe Ocbbntueucn fo?&aulanb3lonatban
boaft ftom £>aul,ibnU itfs clothesw bis fonne,? fo; tbe people of tbe %om,

rent , 9 eattb bpon bis bcaD:3mD ibbcn anD fo? tbe boufe of 3Jfrael,betaufe tljep
becameto3>auiD, befell tot|)e eattb, ttjere ouerttttoibcn lbttb tlje ftbojtDe.
Mil aitDDiDobcpfaunce.
13 3nD 2>auiD fapD bnto tbc poung man
2>auiDfapDebntobtm:tbl)cntctomea tljattoougbt bun tbefe tiDmgs. nabcticc
tl)ou * ^c lapDc bnto bim : 4Dut of tl)C
art tfjou i i^e aunftbercb: am tl)c3
Doaft of 3iftaei 3
ant efcapeo. fonne of analtaunt, an^maueitte.

4 3lnb 2>auiD fapDc Ditto bim:3inD tbbat 14 ^nDa>autDfavDebntoIjtm:^oibets

isDonc3Jp?aptbce<tettme. $efapbe: it that tbott ibaft not aftapDe to lap
%\)t people is flcD ftom tbe batten, anD tbpne banDe on tl)e lo?Des annopnteD,to
man? of tbe people are ouertbjoiben Deftrop!)tnu
anDDeaD,anD5>auiatiD JJonatbanbis 15 2lnD 2DautD calico one of fttspoung mc\
fonne arc bcabaifo. anD fapD:d5o to,anD fall bpon Utm^uD
5 3inD2>auiDfapDbntotI)epoungmatt De fntotc bun, tljat fyt DteD.
tbattoIDeitbtm: $otbc tmolbeft tbou i6 Xben fatD DautD bnto bmt.Xbv bloob
tbat&aul anD Jonathan Ijts fonne be
bebpontbpueoW)tte beab:fo; tbpne (b)&t (lift.
Ding or bloob,
DeaD; oibne mouth barb teftifteb againft tbee, thou had Do
fcriico that

6 Xbe poung man tftat toiDe fjim aun* , fapmg , 3

ijaue flapne tlje lo^Des an* th? bloob tH

ftbereD: <»3is 3 tame bnaoutfeDlpto nopnteD.
mount d&flboa , bcbolbc <s>aulicancD 17 3lnD 2DautD moutncb Tbtrl) tfjis lamen*
Dpontjtsfpcare : anD to, tlje tbarettes tationoucr dauiatiD otter Jfonatijatt
ano botfemen foiotbcb barD after bim. bis fonne,
7 3nD tbben be Iokcd bacue,be fatbe me, is (3Hfo be baD tljem teatbe t^e t^tlDzen of (OTbarHq.
be able raiijht
anb talicb me. 3lnb 3
aunfibereD:berc 3JttDa tbe w
bfcof tl)e botbe: ^nD be* tlKOCfftlO
(bctn icilics

am3J. IjoiDe, ittsttvttteninrljeboobe of tbe fromtljflt


8 3inD be fapDe bnto me uebo art
: ttjou; rtgbtcous:)
3aunftbereDl)tm: 3aman (0 2(iiui* 19 3D noble 3Jftael,
l)e is ftatne bpon ti)v
ntHu Ubtte. Ijtc plates: tioVbeacetlje mtgDtte ouer*
9 $efapDebnto meagapne : pjaprbee
tome bpon me , anDfteame: jfojan*
3 tl)iolbeni
io xcll itnotin d5atD , noipubltOje ttin
guylbe ts tome bpon me,betaufc mp life tlje ftreatcs of ^fftalon : left tlje Daugbf
ispctibboictnme. tcrs of tlje ^bflUbnes rctopce, anD left
«" 10
3toDfo 3JftooDc bpon bim, anD due tbe baugljtccs of tbe bnttrtumttfeD rru
Dim , anD betaufe 3 vm face t&at Ije umpl).
$i upe
n jae mountaynes of C5tlboa , thenfUons.
bpon you
bcncithcrbcatt)cnojraine,noj ficlbes 14 B)
baughters of 3Jfraei ibecpe ourr
of offeringcs:5Foj there the (l)ielt» of tt)c <§>aul,U>btcb elothcb you in fcarlet
nrightie is r.irt doUhic , the tniclbc of *;pleafures,anb bangco omamentes
S>aui, as though he t)ab not ben an* golbe bpon your apparell. I It,,

noyntebibitljoyie. 15 fyovot lucre ttje mightie aayne in the

ii Xhe bolbe of Jonathan ncuer turncb mibbelt of the battetaD Jonathan thou
bacRe,netther bib tbe ftiwb of 3>aui re* ttjaft flaync in tbyne bye places.
funic emptte fro the bloob of the 0" ayne, 16 mo is me fo? thee my b?ott)cr 3fona-
anb from the fat ofrtjc mtgrjtte* grander? tonbe hatt thou ben brito me-
13 <§>aui anb ^Jonathan lbere louely anb Xhy loue to me rbas ibonbetful , par -
plcafaunttn ttjeit lyues , anb in ttjetr of tbomen.
fing the loue
beatbes they tberenotbcufbeb : Xbey i7£>hoibaretbe mightte ouertfootben
ibere ftbyfter tljen Cgles , anb (trongee anb the Weapons of ftarrebcttroycb''

7~/>t?. it. Chapter.

4 ©auiD ft annopnteD fittig ©ebjott. 9 acbner maftetft Ifbofetf) fimg ouer Ifrart.
u &i)t battcll of ttic fcruauntr 3 of pautD aiiD Jfbofeti). 32 c&e burial of lialjd.

3 5Fterthts,2Dauib ar* w to
hrbconnfclatthcloib, 9 anb mabc him Uing ouer d5ileab , anb (OCtcnni

faying:5>hali3Jgobp ouerthe aflurites,anb ouer3Jesraei,C' bcpomii,,

tine u,:;u
into any ofthe cities of phwim,2Scniamin,f ouer Cs) ail Jfcaci. tl.igj..U;j,

10 anb 3llbofetl) 5>auls fonne tbas four-

l|»l! ,«,.;;:
In !..'.[..:
iaybbntobim:<i5obp. ticyeresolbe ibbenlje began to ratgne,;|

-ianb Dauib faibtnshy; oufr3Jfracl , anb raigneb ttt)o yeres: is,

-.i mist

thcr iball
w $ebjon. 3 go ityt aunftbereb : ©nto isut the houfe of 3luoa folovbeb 2Da=,

z 3lnb fo 3>auib tbent tbytber tbith htt 11 (anb the time tbhicbe 2>auib raicmcb
ttbo tbyues,abinoam the 3Je5raeitte, $ in i^eb^onouerthe Ijoufeof^uba^as
Abigail jfrabals tbyfe the Carmelite. feucn yeres anb ure monethes.)
3 anb tbe men that there tbitb him « 11 anb abnerthe fonne of jftcr.anbtfte
liia ar>auib carp bp alfo,cuery man ttnth feruauntes of 3Jfbofcth the fonne of
hishoulholbe : anbtf)ey btbclt in the ;§>aui ibft out of ^Bahanaim to ©ifteDn
totbnesof^etyon. 13 anb ^oab the fonne of zarnia>anb
4 anb the men of3Fubacame,anb there tl)e feruauntes of 2E>auib, tbent out anb
thevannovnteb 2>aufb ftyng ouer the met one another by tlje poole of <Pi*
houfcofflubatanbthev tolbe Dauib, beon : anb they fate ooibne, the one on
faying, Jjttsthemenof 33abesd5ileab the one fibe of the poole , anb the other
thatbuncb&aul. on the other ftbe.
anb 2>autb fent mcllcngcrs tnto the £
5 14 anb abner faybe to 3Joab : fLct tt)e Wfl"" (1)1

men of Jabcs d5ileab anb faybe Dnto, young men notbe ar pfc , anb (1,) piay bc^ rtitWi"
tl)em:25ielTcb are ye nnto the lo^b ,that fojebs. anb 3loab faybe: JLtttljem totmoiwu itiiibtn

ye haue fljeibcb fuche BinbnelTe unto aryfe. 0U r(#

your lojb 5>aui anb haue bnrieb Ijim.
, 15 Xh«t tbere arofe 9 \bent ouer trociuc
26 anb noine tl)e |Lo?be fbevbc mercy of 25cniamin by numb^clbhith pevtay*
CO I]19l)t0=
anb trncth bnto you:anb C) 3J Vbtu bo (

neb to 3Jlbofeth tl;c fonne of 5>aul ano ,

to rccompcncc you alfo fuche Uinbncs, as ye haue bone trbelueoftbefcruauntesofDantb.

them tbataTC
tnercrtalL in this thing: 16 anb cucry one caught bis feioibe op p
(c)3b JEoM
Xherfoje noibe let your hanoes be
heab,$th?ua his ftuojb m
b»sfrt0 ?5
charge to c% - ftrong,anb playyethemen: 3Fo?your fibe,anbfothey fell boibnc togetbef-
f cute <£ob0
iril.bp tccom-
maiftcr ^>aul is oeab anb they that are
, nabercfo^ethe place tbas calleb ft*",W-
ncflcano of the houfcof 3fuba haue annoynteb bath ba^^urim, ibhich ts in d5ibeon.
"ricb.Beye me king ouer them. 17 anb there tbas an erceebing cmfu.
battel tbatfame bay:5Fo?abner
anb roc
the children
8 26ut abnerthcfonneofBertljattbas
captayneof5>auls hoaftc, tofee ^ffbo* men of 3Jfraclfell bcfo;etbe feruauntes
feth the fonne of £>aqi,anb b;ou# him ofSPauib.
§ [
anbtljcretbcretfrcefonnesofzar; U)crc on a heape , anb ftoobc
rt on tlje top
«ratIlcrc:39oab , abifti ,anb 2fahcl:
anbafa&ciwasas ligljt of footc as a
nitioc ftoe.
mm n
t0 5oab,anb faib:
tbe< >fn>otfj oeuour foj cucr;
,o 2foD 3flatjel foloroeb after
abncr anb , l^noiDefttl)ounot,tI)atitlbil be bitter* not maHc an
cnoc ofmun

uiaovng Ijc turncb nettljjec to tfje rigljt neje in tlje latter enbe^ome long then tljtruig.

Mtm m2bner
to tlje left, from Slbncr.
lolteb beopnb t>*ni, anb
fl)au it be per tljou bib the people
turne from folotbing their bmhjcV
fapbcj^rt tljou afahefc $c aunftbereb: 27 3inb3Ioabfapoc: as <Sob ipueth if
thou habbeft notfpOKen,fuerlpeuenin
%mtt fapb Xurnc tljee
: cither to tlje the morning thcpeopleljabbeparteo
D right Ijanbe oi tlje ieft,ano cattle one of euerp one from perfecuting his brother!
Irk the voting men,anb ta&c tljce t>is " lDea* 28 3lnb fo 3Joab bletbe a trumpet,anb all
pons, zsut afabel iboulbe not bepart the people ttoobc ftill,anb purfueo after
from him. 3fracl no moje,nctther fought thep anp
uSfiflj 2bncr fapb
agapne to ^Ifaftcl 2De* , moje.
part fro me: naljcrfw fboulo
finite 3 29 3inb 3bner anb l)ts men maiucb all
tbec to the gronnoe , anb not be able to night though the plapne,? ibent

hDlbcbpmpfaceto Jjoab tljp brother* oucr^oj&ane^paft though all 26ett> OlTIKtfi

u feoibcbcit,ttJhcnhc iboulbe in no ibpfe no?on,ttli thep came to 40ahanaim.

Depart , 3bncr ibirh the hpnber enbe of 30 3lnb 3Joab retumcb from perfecunng
thefpeare fmotc ijun bnber tlje fpft 3lbner , anb ibhcnije habgathercball
rtbbe, that the fpcare came out bchinbe
the people together, there lartteb of 2r>&
bun , that he fell borone the fame m uiDsferuaittesninetecnemen,$;Hfahc!.
piace,anbbicb there : an&asmanp as 31 But the rcruauntes of 3>auib hao ftnte
tame to the place tt)hcre afaljel fell teuof ascutamin anb of ^bnersmen/fo
Doume anb bieb,ftoobe mil. tfjatjthjeehuntycb anb t&eefcoje men
24 jjoabaifo anb 2btfal pnrfueb after bieb.
3bner : anbthefunne ibent bourne 32 3nb thep tofcebpafahel, anb burieb
ibhenthcpibcre come to tfjehiiamma, him in tlje fcpulcbje of Ijis fatl)er,lbbirn
ttjat Ipcth before <£>tah>bp the Nap ofthe Ibas in Betbleljem : 3lnb 3Joab anb Dis
MDerneffeofd5tbeon. men ibent all nigljt,anb tlje oap arofe to
25 3mb tt)c cl)tlb?cn of isentamin gathe* tfjemat^etyon.
rebtljemfclucs together after aimer,?


ilongttarrcbEtttcenetScboufcgof&aatanb ©auft). zC^eclirtD/eiiofBauftin

^creU)ast^en w Iong Oeffur:

tbarre betibeene tl)e 4 Xbe fotirtl), ^bonia tlje fonne of $a#
boufeof^>aui,anbtlje gitfjufje fpft , ^epljatia tlje fonnc of^
DoufeofSDauib: ssut bital:
2Dauib Vbarcb ftrogcr 5 3Jnb tlje fijrt Het^eam, bp ^gia a>a*
anbftronger, anb tlje uibs ibpft: Xljefe ibere bome to Dauib
t)oufcofS>aultt>areD to co ^eb?on. ft )"uWWn ttii

ttcaueranbUjeaber. 6
fnicn j-ctco 9
3inb ibljpie tfjere mas rbarre be* (ice monett)C0
Jnobnto SDauibibere clnlb^enbome taig>
flbcciic tlje boufe of 5>aulano tljeljoufe ncDoiui Ju«
tr>at Ijc

«n ^ebjonjljis
elbeft fonnc aifo Vbas %nv u mm »tt))on.
of 2Dauib , ^bner ljclb bp tlje Donfe of "Hcb. For.
raw of SUjinoam toe 31efraelite:
fct«i« 5>auL ti fieri him
P)t fcconDc,^C!)cleab of Abigail tl)e 7 3inb 5>aul ijab a concubine namcb Kif- fclfc for cfic

Me of jftaba! tlje Carmelitettlje tljiro, pl)a,tljebaugl)terof^l)ia: anD3Jfoo*


Jbfa ont tlje Tonne of £0aadja tlje fctlj fapb to ^bner, naberfo^c tjaft tljou
tougljter of XDalmat , tlje lung of flone mbnto mp fatljcrs concubine; 25
1$ z sXIjen
'Daitid. ,.Kiinp-es.
8 XDcn mas abner berp »«otD fo; tDe roitD Dim a fcatt.
lbojocsof^lfbofetD, anbfapbe: amgj 21 anb abner fapbebnto2>auio: ^n,,,,
to IPotft rtjon
ctfccmc mt no
w a boggcs Deab.ibbicDc agamft 3(uoa bp,f go gather augjfraei bnto mvioiS
tro:c tt)cn a Do fbrtb merrie this Dap bnto tDe Doufe tDe Ring , tbat tbcp map mate an an-
popntment HMD t\)tt , ano tbat thou
mv Icruuc of £>aul tbp father , ano to Dis toetbjen
D^ncta t\fi
(atlicrg tjouti anb frenbes, $Dauenot Dcuueren tftce mapcaraigne oner all tbatfbpiic heart
into tbc Danbc of 2Dauib : anb fl)ou fpn* bcfirctD . ano rbljcn 2>autb Dab let S£
Delta fault in me tDisbapfo? tbis any net bepart,Deibent in peace.
man; n anb beDolb,tDe feruauntes of SDaufn
5>o Do d5oD to abner ,anb moje aifo,ei> anb 3Joab came front r&c (c campe ana (ifn,

tcpt as tbe Ho?oe DatD ftbome to 2>a* toougDtagtcatpjaprbttb tDem :(W

utb cucn fo tbill 3J Do to Dun, 3lbncribasnotiDitD2Dantbin $cbjon
io Xo bnng tftc Ringbome fro tDc Doufc fo;De Dab fent Dim albap to bepact tn
of £>aui, tDat tDc tDzone of SDauiD map peace.)
be ftabuttbeb ouetjfraei ano ouer Jw ii naDcnlJoab anb ai tDe DoafttDattbas
Da , cucn from 3>an to Bcerfcba lbttDDtm U)crecome,mcntolbe 3Joab
ii atiD De coulbc gene abner ncuer a fapingrabner tDe fonnc of iBer came to
tbo?betoaunfiberc,becaufe Dc fearca tDe Ring , anb De DatD fent Dim attiap
Dim. tDat Deis gone in peace.
n ana abner fent meflcngcrs to 2Daufl) 24 XDcn 3Joab came to tlje Ringyinb fato:
cw B9DatDafl tljou bone < ascDoib
fecretlp,faptng:i©bofc is tDe lanb i nabo 3u> ,

fboulb [aifojfap, ^attc a bonb uritb me, ner came bnto tDee, anb rbDp Daft tDou I, i. j :,„.,

anbbcljolbempDanbcis ibitbtDee, to fent Dun aVbap,anb lje is qupte gone*

tying all Jfracl bnto tbee. 25 XDou nnoUjeft abner tDe fonne of
n $e fapbc: D9cll,3 null mane abonbe i5er , tame to beceaue •,anD to
fo? Dc
ibttD tDc : 25ut one tDing require of 3 RnolbetDpoutgopng anb ingoing, ant)
tDec , tDat is , tDat tDou fee not nip face, to Rnotbe all tDat tDouboea.
erccpttbou ftrft bnng S19icbol £>auis i6 anb VbDenJloab ibas come out front
Daii6Dtcr,VbDcntDoucomcato fee me. 2Dauib,bc fent meffengers after abner,
C 14 anb2Dauib fent meflcngcrs to 3lfDo* VDDicD bjougbt Dun agatne from the
fetD &auls fonne , faping : 2>eltucr me tbell of Sura, bnbnorbing to 2Dauib.
mp \Difc Ul9icDol
ibDtcDe ,maricb fo; 3 17 3nb Urtjcn ^bner tbas come agatne to
an Dumucb fojefhinncs of p|&Dilimncs. $cb?on , gioab toRe Dim afybe in the
15 3lnD ^fbofctl) fent, anb toRc Dcr from gate to fpeaRe mitD Dim pcaccabip,ano irW[.

Der Duftonb ^Daltt tDe fonne of flats. fmote Dint bnocr tDc fpft ribbe,tDat he
i6 anb Dec Dufbanb ibent Untb Dcr, anb bicb fo? tDe bloob of ^faDcl Dis toother, D
came Tbeeping bcDinbc l;er ,tu tDep came a8 ^nb iDDcn aftcribarbe it came to 2>a^
toisaDurim. XDcnfapbc^bncrbnto uibs care,Dc fapbc:JJ anb mp Hingbontc

arc gfltlcOc before tDe |Lo?DfoKUcr

Dtm.^o anb rcturnc . 3lnb Dc returncb. Motrin; »f

1 5lnb abner Dab communicatton ibttl) conccrningtDebloooof^bncctDefoniic

tDc elbers of 3)fracl, faping : #c fottgln ofjI5tr. „_,
29 ILct tDc bloob fall on tDc Dcab of
fo?2>auibtn tunes pall, tDatljentigDt 3f
be pour Ring: ab anb on all Dis fatDcrs DoufctDat tlje
Doufc of 3loab be ncuer ibttDout one
18 /BoibctDcnbo ittfo; tDc ILojbe DatD
fpoRcn of 2Dauib,faping : ffip tDe Danbe otDettDatDatD running iffttes oncper,
of mp fcruaunt Dauib 3
null fauc mp 0? tDat leanetD on a llatTe , 0? tliat
fall on tDcfu)ojD,oj tDat lacRctD Bj«J;

people 3fcael out of tDc Danbcs of tDe

30 (£>o3loab$ ^abifaiDis b;ortKrftJ
^Dilulittcs, anboutof
their encnttcs.
tDcDanbcof all
abner, becattfe De Dab aapne tftcit lb*
W totltt*"

tDcrafaDelatcSibeonin battcll.)
19 anb abner fpaRe in tl;e cares of zscn*
51 »nb Dauib fapbc to 3foab
anb to a
iamm: anbaftcrlbarb abner lbent to
&?^a .r fpeaRe in tlje w
cares of 2Dauib in fyt 4 tDc people tbat aere ibttD Di»» .
: »2
»»»n all tbat 3Jfracl mas content Uiitlj pour clotDes,anb put on facfeclotD £«"'
xs t\)t mDole
t0 Doufe of asentamin. mournc w Mm
abncr.anb Ring^

20 anb fo abner came to 2>auib to tyt* uib Dim fclfc fololbeb tbc becrc.
(f.TOljo ri)a=

hingoomebes b2on,Daumgtvbenttcmcnibitb Dim :^ 32 anb ibDcn tDep buricb abner tn w

caoli of £>aul
Dautbmabcbimf tbc men tb^t ibtte b?on, tDcRmgliftbpDisbovtc,^ J
,.Ki- 1 IX.

be fpbc the fcpukfijc

of Sbneranb al the

^ntftSe fetngiantenten ouct 3ttmer,anb 37 5f o? ailthe people atib aii.Jffrael

3 Cnn
SvDr:Dtco aimer as a foolc bieth; ftoobetfiatbap,hoibtbatttibasnotthe
lunges bcebc that tinier tije Tonne
, ,
cdv banbes \bcrc not bonnbcno? thp of
P rcf 3
fcet&ought into fetters of bjafle but t /IScrtbasflapne.
agaman falleth bcnwibttKcbchilbjen, 38 anb the sing faifi bnto bis feruaunt cs-

fo fciicft thou,
anb ailthep that rbcre of BnoVbe pe not Dome tbat there is a
ouet t»uii* p;ince anb a great man fallen this
the peoplc,iDept pet moit bap in
,< anb when all tlje people came to caufc
2>amb w eate mcate lbhpie
it tbaspct 39 anbjfamtfiisbap tenber anb neibip
DayS>auibftbare,faping : £>obo<15ob annopntcb King , anb thefe men the

to uic anb moje alfo, tf 3 tattebjeab o? fonnes of zaruia be to barb foz me;
ought els tpll the funnc be bolbnc. XheHojbereibarbetheboer ofeuvii
anb all the people ibift it,anb it pleafeb attojbtng to his njicaeonefle.

The. Hit. Chapter.

j ©aattal) anb lKcctiab Cla? If Mct\) ttjc tonne ot$>M, u jDauio commaiM&eo

/&2>n)fien3>auis Ca:> flept on fits beb in his beb

chamber ,anb
fonnefiearoethatab* thep fmote him anb flue him , $ behea-
neribasbeabin^e* beb him,anb tone his heab , $ gat them
bjon.hishanbestbcre albap though the piaine all the night. 'S&MBIfe
^feebic^aithe^fra* 8 anbthevbjoughttheheaoofjfbafeth
elites tbercaftapbe. bnto Danib to ^ebjon, anb farbc to tije
anb£>auisf6nefiab Bing:25eholb,therc is the fieab ofj foo^
ttt)o mi that ibere eaptaines of banbes, feth&auls fonne tfivne encmieibhitfie
tbe one calico asaanah, $ tfie other ftc* fougfit after rhv ipfe", anb tfie 3Lo?be
chab, the fonnes of ftimmon a2Sero* aucngeb mv
fiatfi lorn the fevng tjjts
thite, of the thiibjen of Z5eniamin : (fo? bav of &aui anb of his reebe.
tMiK (t
^5croth ibas ret&eneb to 2Seniamin, 9 anb SDauib aunfibcreb a^etfiab anb

ana thefe 2Scrothites Hen to ®itl)& w 2Saanah his brother p fonnes of mim^
01*1.1 im, anb foiourneb there bntiil thtsbap) nion tfie 26crothite,anb faib bnto tfiem:
anb ^Jonathan £>auls fonne ijab a 3ts the Ho?be ipuetfi,rbhichc fiatfi belt*
anne that ibas lame on his fcete, anb uerebmp foule out of all abucrfites:
ibas ftuepercsoibe rbhenthetpbittges io nafien one tolbe me $ fapbe tfiat daul
tameof&aul Jonathan out of §t& tt>asbeab(thpntung to fiaue brought
raci anb his nucfc
: tone hpm bp , anb goob tvbinges)3f taught film , anb flue
flcb atbap
, anb as (he mabe film in ztaiag: xuijicfje thought tfiatJJ
fiafte to

fisSf ^Vlbe fell, anb began to halt, Xboulbehauegetten fiima reibarbe io;
Wjsnameibas s©iphtboreffi. tpbinges bringing:
fo " n ^of^tnimonthe

banD2iSaanah 3ent anb

25ero* n
l^oibe mutfi juo?c ibfien tbicneb men
fiaue flapnea righteous perfon in his
oibne fioufe anb bpon fits beb; <§>bal 3
So ^hichefleptonabebat not noibe thetfoje co rtquirc fiis bloob of itmc im„
pourhanbe ,f taaepou from the cartl^ sSSfja.
n anbDauib commaunbeb his poung f*
bmon iins co«
men,anb tfiep flue rhem,anb tut of their j«**«. >* ,

2»^2^ ate
vanD * ethab »"* fianbes anbfeete,anbfiangebthenibp »«.», .i; ":,,
ouerthcpooleinl|eb?on:2i5utthcp tone S5*!«8t

23, the fieab ofJJlbofeth, f buricb it in the SX^i

^ujhentheptamemtotDehoufe, fie fepultfi?e ofabner in i^eb^on. SS SEE,

3 ©atrtb fe maoe ttt'ng otter all 'Jftad. 7 #e taBetij tfie fbite of gfott. ij> fie affieth
counCel of t&e lo;oe. 20 fno ouercommet& flje ptjiliSincsJ ttoitt.

X 1 $cn tame the trt*
all Ijispeoplegrfraelsfabe.
bts of 3Jfracl*to2>a* 13 ano 2Dauib tobe him mo concubines
uiD Dtuo tyebjen, anb anb ibpttcs out of ^ierufaiem , after he
fapbctbus: aBcholbe, lbas tome from ^eb?on ano mo fonnes ,
mot art rt)?
tbearethp^bonejanb fbaughters ibere pet borne to SDauib
fcmrcfi .ma
mod ncarc m
tonnes (nto
tbpflefbe. 14 anbthefe be the names of tlje fonnes
ttci. anbtntimepaittbhe* that there bome bnto him in $ferufo ^aaH
S>aul Vbas out bats, ttjou iebbcft3Jfra< lent : <§>amua , 5>obab, iUattjan, t
el in aitu out anb tb e How bath Cipb to
: lomon,
thee,tbou fbalt feebe mp people jgfracl, 15 3!bhar alfo anb citfua , iBcphcg,anD
f tbou Chart be a captapneouct jfcaei. llaphia,
3 anb To all the elbecs ofJfracl tame to i6 eiifama,eiiaba,anb6hpbclef.
ii.Reg. n.c.
tbc*hing to $cb?on, ano bing DautD 17 iButibhcnthc^htbmneshearberljat
uta'oc a cottcnauiu tbtti) tocm in ibrbion thep bab annopnteb SDauib bing oucr
ttfcimj the
i.010 to tott«
wbcftwe the ?lo;oc : ano thep( '> ahnoin* gjfrael, thep came all bp to ubea>a« w
RCfR, foilllf teb 2>autb bing ouct Jfcael. uiO:anb afToone as 2Dauib hcarbeof it, "itpuniu
itftcwu as
fciin ibmil;
4 2>auibibastbiiticpcrcs olbcwbennc hegathimtoanholbe. Dim.
in Hat is, began to raignc , ano he ratgncb four* 18 anb tbhen the ^hibltines tame ,thcp
»hc tbirt) time
t'l.'.t tun* tiepcres. fp2cabthcm feluesmthe ballep of Ka<
teas annopn-
tco. 5 gjn ^ctoonberatgncboucc^ubafcucn phaim.
vcrcs ant) fire m
ancthes : anb in «?itru- 19 anb IPauib afbeb tounfel of the Ho?b, (fltltH

falcm be raigncb thtr fte anb thjec peres faping: S>hall 3

go bp to tlje ^Ijilt' nut.
oucr all 3Jfraci anb 3Juoa. mneSf mtltthou bcliucr them into mp
6 Xnc butg alfo anb tits nten Went to hanbes? anb the ILojbe aunubcreb w
Dicrufaicm bnto the 3Jcbtiutcs tltc in* to a>auib:C5o bp, fo? 3
ibill tjoubtitlTe
babitauntes of the lanbe, wbithe fpabe be Inter the ^bihfttnes into thp hanues.
bnto 2Dauib,faping:£icecpttbou tabc &= io anb Damb came to zsaal ^erasint,
rbap the bbnte anb the lamcthou fljatt anb fmote them there,anb fopbe : Xbe
not come in bptbcrtjfo; thep faib,XI)OU ILo?be hath btuibebmpne enemies a^
2B art notable to comciubptber. funber before me , as rbatsrs be bcutbcb
7 Jl&uettbelcffc, 2Dauib tobe the Ctrong afunber: anb therefore he callcbtlje
Ijoib of 5>ion:tbc fame is the cttic of 2>a* name of that place " 25aal #era3im. phmtofH"
Ct.W •

utb. 21 anb there thep left their images, ano

s aub 3>autb fapbc the fame bap : nal)o^ 2>amu anb his men burnt them.
focucc finptcth tbejjJcbufitcs , anb get* xi anb the $bauKnes came pet agatne,
n tb bp to tl;t guttecs of the boufc^aab anblapbc them relues in the baliei? of
fmptctl) the lame anb the blmbe,bateb 3aephaim.
Of 3>AUlb fcule , [3 toifl prefcrre &im.] 23 ano iDhcn 2>auib afbeb counfel of ttje
H3bcrfo?c thcpfaib:Xbc biatbeanb the Ho?be,heaunflbereb, 5Ehoufl)altnot
lame il)j.i not come mto that Ijottfe. go bp : but conuKifle them on tbe hacb^
9 anb fo SDautb bibcit in the tou># , anb fpoe . anb come bpon them ouer acjattttt
eaileb it the tttte of Datno , anb twyit the ipulbcrp trees.
rouub about it,from uiMo $ tnibarb. 24 anbibhenthouheareathenopfcota
10 anb 2>auib ptefpereb anb grelbc,anb thing gopng in the toppe of the $9nH}t*
p fLo?b<i5obofboaacstt>as ibttbbim. tp trces,thenrcmouc: foztDcn (baU tlje
11 anb £iram btng of Xpr e fent meu"en* %OiXit go out befoze thee, to fntpte toe
gers to Dauib,ano Ccbat trees , $ car hoaaofthe^btuQmcs.
penters , anbmafons fo? lbailcs: ano 25 anbDauibbibasthe!Lo?behabcom
thep buplt Dauib an boufe. maunbeb him : anb fmote the
12 anb 2Dauib pcrceaucb that the !Lo?b (tints from d5cba , bntill thou come
hf*b Qabiiibcb him btng ouer JJfrael , $
ti;at he hao exalteb bis bingbome fo?
The ^

,. Kmges. lx.

The.yi. Chapter.

j c&e at&e bjougbt CooJttj of tbc&ouft of Ibtnaoab . 7 fflmab <s Briton , ami oicth.
j^autDDauncetb before tt. i& ana ip ti?crfo;c ocipifrtj of ijip tttfeg@icbol.

beb cbom , anb all that partcyneb bnto

2>auib g.itlje^
21 bim,becaufeofthearfteof<!5ob. anb
reb together all the
2>auib Ibent, anb
bjougbt the arfte of
d&ob from the houfe of £Dbcb ebom , K*?*
» gH7
aubarofcanbibrnt into the rttie of 3>aulb tbtti) glabnes. *** m *

mitb all the force that i? anb mhen they that bare the arfte of
mere nuth him, from the Hojsoe.ftab gone fire paces , he offe*
n w zsaaia of 3fuba , to fct amay from rrbanoiceanbafatbeatt.
:!" thence the arfte of (l50b,mbofc name is
calico by the name of the lojb of hoaftcs
that btbclleth bpon it bcm»ccne the the*
rubims. ,
anbtheyputtbe arfte of <E>ob Upon a
4 anb SDatiib baunceb before the fLojbe
Jbithailbismicjht, $ibasgirbebtt)ith
aiinnen co €phob.
15 S>o 2Dauio anb all tlje fjoure of 3f ftael
brought the arfte of the %om

ncmc tart , $ b^ougl)t it out of the houfe fljottung anb trumpet blolbtng.
1W1: of abinabab that ibas
w in d5tbca:anb ieanb asp arfte of the fLotf) came into the
1*1 rt> ^l35aanb ahio the fonnes of abinabab title of a>auib,^ichoi £>auis baughter
Djauc the neme carte. ioftcb tiwough a vbtnboibc , anb (avbe
a. anb mben they brought the arfte of ftmg Dautb fp«ng anb baunce before
d5ob out of the houfe of abinabab that the |Lo?b ,anb tye c «bcfpyfcb him in her S£?„%
htftrt llgljtbrijaui.
mas at (oib'ca , a&iomcnt before the lli-nt*« our oifstatt*

arfte. 17 anb ibhcn they brought in the arfte of j£#5g.

anb 2>auib anb houfe of JJfrael
all the the Ho.jb^hey fet it in his place , cuen in %*£$»
playcb before the lojbon funbjy tnttru* «)emibbesof the tabernacle that 2>a<
mentes matte ofCeoar iboob.mtrh hat* uib habpitchebfo;it: anb Dautb offe^
pes,pfalteries, ttmbjeucs , bojncttcs, rcb burnt offenngesf peace offcringes
an&funbais. before the Ho;be.
anb mhen they came to Racoons 18 anb aflbone as Dauib hao mabe an
thjcftbrng floore,^55a put his hanb to enbe of offer tug burnt offeringes anb
the arfte of (Sob, $ helbe it , fo: the oren peate orTcringes,be blefleb the people in
bibfbaftcft. the name of the Hojbe of boafles,
Mini 7 ana the Horn mas tb?oth mitt) 1155a, 19 anbgaueautongallthefolfte, etten
anb d5ob fmote him in the fame place fo; among the Ibhole multitube of j) fraci
his' fault anbtherehe biebbefo;ethe
, aftuci to thetbomen as men, toeuery
arkcofd5ob. one a cafte of b;eab , $ a pecce of flefihe,
8 anb SDamb mas bifpleafcb , becaufe anb a flacftcb of ttnnc:ano fo al t\)t peo-
& the Hojbebab rmtttett H55a : anb he
taiieb the name of the place " $crc5
pie oeparteb cuery one to his houfe.
10 IChenSDauib rcturneb to^bleOehts ^ss*x
^ »j. w
1155a ,DnttU tfjis t»av ftoua)Olbe,anb ^icholthe oaugbter of j*^
anb 2Dautb rbas then afraibc of the i&atii came out to mcctc Dauib , ? fayb:
&ofl>c,ano fayb:$on>e (ball the arfte of &
home glorious mas the fting of jfc
tnelLojbcomeiomc* racl this bay , mhiche mas bncoue reb to
to anb 2>auib iboulbe not tying the
fo bay in the eyes of the maybensof his
arfte of the ILojbc bnto
tic of £>auib
him into the & feruaumes,asa foolc bneouereth him m
: but Dauib cariebit into * lllv « (Dwljofe
;»*i trjchoufc of £>bcb Cbom, a c,)
d5etbite. it anb Dauibfayb bnto tyftA&ttMUi *g™»*
.£*$* ar6c of tfte ^-°^ e continucb befo;ethe c,) ?Lo?be,mbttbechofemera5 g«>«<«^
in the houfe of
£>beb ebom the d5ethite ther then tljy father anb all his houfe,
tmcc tnoncthes : anb the jLmbt bicttcb anbeommaunoeb me to be ruler ouer
., his houlboibc.
,p all all the people of tl)e ILortc, tarn ouer
^°netoibeinns2Dautb home that 3fftacl, ano therefor mill3f P»? to*
tyes.o?behab bicflcb the houfe of
£ lo;etl;clLo;Oe:
^> 4 xx anb
'Danid. 2. Kingcs.
iz ^nDttrillyctbcmoiJCtoylfthcnf^anD hao in honour. —
Hull be mccBemmyncottmc fight: anD 13 Xherfozc^ichol the Daughter of «n
of tl)c bery fame mavDe fcruauntes haD °na chuoc bnto the Dap nfh

r Ul *>«
lbhich tjjou hatt fpoucn of , (hall be ^ Death .

77^. *«. Chapter.

2jpautD\rouI6ebUFn)e ©ouan
Route, but tss fojbt&Dtn ftptfic pjop&et jSatljan
s ©o& puttcttj iDauiD in mtnoeof tjiss bmeftte^. 12 $e p^tomtfetlj continuauncc of
hies ftmgDomc and portent tc
a ,_ tftcriDarD Ibhen the geu? thee reft from all tljyne enemieg*
king fate in his houfe, ^JnD the %oftz tciictlj tl)cc that lie ujhi

•fthefLojDhaDgeuen maltc thec an houfe.

urn reft rounD ab3ur ii 2noiDhenthyoayesbefulffllcD
from ait his enemies, fl)alta:cpcU)tth tl)y fathcrs^nDli
XhcBingfayDclmio fet Dp thy feeDe after tl)ee , ibljicljt
Nathan the pzophete: P2ocecDe outof tijy boDy , anD ibtu Oa-
ischotoc jji o a>ell notbe in an houfe of
, biyfbe hiskingDome.
CcDar trees but the arUc of C5oD Dlbcl-
, 3i $e a^ail buylD Ijoufe an fo? my name s
'a t^tls,
i>it!]in ilie
leth lbithm the w turtayncs. 3 rbti aablyflje the tljzont of jis tuna*
"CiCB Dlti) 3 3lnD Nathan fayDc to the fcng:d5o,anD DcmcfoKucr.
Do ail that is in thync heart , fo: the 14 3 will be his father, anD he fbaibe m
SlojDfs with thee. fonnc ^f he finne, 3 mill
: him C
4 the fame night the tbctfie of
31ii73 lDith the
-roDDe of nten,anD tbith t^e pT"
the ILom came bnto i^athan faying: , plagues of the ehilDjen of men .
5 <Bo >anD tell my fcruaunt 2Dautb , tints 15 26ut my mercy fljall not Depart attiay
H02De <« (bait thoutuvice
faycth the :
from l)im,as toue it from 3>aw,U)l)o
h.- Qp'u'o not,
meanhoufctoDUJelltm 3 put atuay before thee.
6 jf 02 3 haue not Dibelt in any houfc,frnce i6 ^nD thyne houfe, anD thp inngbomc
f»jt without
coiin'cllo' t!)J time tljatS tyoucjht the chUDzcn of
tl)e fl^aUbc frabl'.ft)cD fo? cucr befojc ti)ce,
JLOJ»cl)C h>9
pcnmttCD \y.<n 3fracl out ofegypt bnto this Day: but , ft ucn]thy
tIj;ouc fhaibe ftablifljeD fo:
$auc ibalHeD ui a tent anD tabernacle. cuer. ciw«
25 7 3\\ althe plates tbherin haue tbal* 3 17 ^ccojDingto allfhefe VbojDes anD at- S»;
kcd with all the chilDtfof 3ffcaci fpanc , coding to all this b»rion,fo DyD fasafom SftJ
31 one ibo.-Dc Wtth any of ftrtbes of 3f= fpeafeebntoSDautD.
racl, when 3 commaunDeD [tfe imw] is Xljcn ibent Ring DauiD m,anD fct Ijim
to fccDc my people JfraeUaying , t©hy Doujuc before the Hozo.anD fayDe:i©ho

bmtD ye not me an houfe of <£tbar trees;
tfim thcrfoje,fa fay bnto my feruaunt
am £> % %om
(5ora anD ibhat is mp
Ijouie that thou haft brought nic ^W-
E>auiD:tlms faycth the I02D of hoaftcs, therto; ftjsfl
3 toac thec from the fbeepe coatc as 19 ^nD this lb as yet a fmall thing ttf?T

thou malt foiowmgfbccpe, that thou fight £) !Lo?De <L5ot) :but thouDattu)0'
mightcft bcrulcrouertny people oucr ten alfo of thy fctuauntcs houfe fo? a
gjfracl. great U)hyle:but Doth thtsappcrtavne u[iA \
3taD 3ibastt)iththcetnailthatthou to nan ,fl> ILo.rDe Q50Df Ji'"
Ibenteft to , anD hauc DefrroyrD all lo 3ud ibhatcan 2>autD fay mo?e bnto
(OS50tl)Oirf» thyne Ct) encmics out of thy fight,? haue thec* foj tl;ou Ho?De d50D unoibcCti)?

£) ii'.:rtuKO:t
" Mi'6,a0
maDe thec a great 0) nanie,lyHC bnto the fcruaunt, >._

®salant bus name of the great men that arcm the 21 €ucn fo? tl)y ibo.2Des fafte, f atto
(o^ot "? earth. tothync oftnc heart, haft thou bone
a %
noble actes.f
ti)C UtQOKS lo (2UfojJ mm appoynt a place fo? my thefc great thinges, to maRe ti;cni
Of CtlV t' ul J=
people 3JfrfltI anDibill plant it , that unoiuen bmo thy fc ruaunt. '.__„.
Dome. >

they may Dtbell in a place of their olbne, ii i©hcrfo;cthou art great, ®V*
$ CJ
moueno moje : neither fhall ibicbcD C5oD:f02 there ts none lifte thee,
mifrth iIkmi
quurtro.'.f people trouble them any mojc,as before <s there any <5od befiocs tljcc jJfJJJ
t!)Cu roll
wnQie inh'B tune, Ding to al that Ibe haue hearD WUD
fr re moot*
Bicncr. 11 3nD fence the time that 3J fct iuDges cares.
oucr my people of 31fracl ) 3lnD M)iU 3
" , •

2. bamuel. ] XI
-anoibhat one people in toe earth is of hoartcs tbtqe @ob ouer ^frael aim :
3Jfracl,ttl)ofc d50D
ivbc tljp people,lpnc
oym fclfe,
SKft&tfftf fmiatmt 2>atub be
lucntanbrcbecmcbthemto ftabufhcDbcfo?etbee.
mat they myght bents people, ano that 27 n! 01?'
r£r L ^
^^be^hoaftes, cob
ftcnivghtmalichymanainc, ano do of3Jfracl/;hafttoiociuihccareoftljv&^
° great thynges ana terrible fcruaunt, faring, $
sVni' fo2 you
ttflibitylDr thee VSSt
3Lo?bc [euen fo? thy an houfe anb
fa tDv lanuc , i£> j
: thercfo?c hati)th?fcr=
naunt founbe in his heart topiavthte
people which thou rebecmebft to thee

out ofegypt ;«««] from the nations w P2aw:bntothce.

anb their gobs. 28 *Xhcrefo?e noibe !Lo?be ©ob ctfiou
" frt " 24. .f 02 thou haft
<° o?beyncb thy people art ©ob, anb thy «JO?bcs be t rite, thou D^At

%racl to be thy people fo? cucr , anb that haft tolbc this goobnes bnto
tjjott ?Lo?be art become tbett
C5ob. fcniaunt)
z< anb noibc 3Lo?be d5ob, the ibo?be a9 Xbcrefo?e norbc let it plcafc thee to
that thou haft fpoben concerning thy bleftethchonfc of thy fcruaunt, that it
fcniaunt anb his houfe, niaHc it goob may continue fo? euer cefojc thee: fo?
f02 eucr, anb bo as thou haft faib:: thou 3Lo?be <£ob haft fpauen it, ano
26 ^nb let tby name be magraficb fo? Mnth tl)p blcfTpng let the houfe of thy
euerofmen that (hall fay, Xhe ?Lo?be feruauntbebicirebfojeuer.

^ TJoe .Vni. Chapter.

i paufo owcrcommctb tftc pijiltatncg-anD otfjer ttraunw nattonjj,
ano raafiettj ttjem tributaries to Ufracl.

»i 5rter this;, now SDautb 7 ^nbSDauibtoRcthefljielbesofgoibe 21s

fmotc the 0hiliftmes, that bclongcb to the femauntesof^a' otn*
anb fubbueb them :anb bare3er,$ bought tljcm to« ^icrufa- SS^!**
Dauioto&c the babel Inn.
i-l!: t
of bonbageoutofthc 8 anb out of25eta anb ©crothai, cities
irpj:c& no a)
u;; tribute. hano of the ptyflfc of ^abarcser, DibSDauib b??ng ercee*
ftmes. bing much tvaffe. 1 w* xi X A
2 *anb he fmotc the ^oabites.anb mea* 9 * rnhen Xhoi Ring of
$amath hcarb
furcb them With a lytic, anb caftthem hoib DauiD hab fmitten all the Ijoa ft of
bownetothegrounbe, cucn with two ^abarc5a*,
lynes meafurco he them, to put them to Xhoifent5o23tnhisfonnebntomng„ F!
Death, ano With one full co2be to ftepe a ,

2Dau«o,to ralutchim,anb to blcfle him, an™.

tbcmalyuc: anb fo became the£0oa< becaufc he habftught againftl^abarc-
bites ©auibsfcruauntcs, anb brought 3er,anD beaten htm(fo2 Xljoi hab great
giftes. lbarre ibtth ^abarc5er)anb ?i*m\] « FLrf in
3 pautb fmote alfo ^abamer y fonne " b?oughtlbitl}himbeflelsoffilucr,b:f ^t^.
'Ji.ntage of ftcijob Ring of zoba, as
he Went to frls of golbe anb beffels of b2affr.
rccoucrhis bo?bcr at the ryucr " &hc* 11 l^hich b?affe Ring 2>anib bib bebicate
rath. hnto the ?Lo?be, njith the ftluct 9 goloe
4 3no 2>auib toae of his,a thoufanb anb that hehabbebttatc of alnationsibl;ich
M togbto
rcuenhunb?ebh02femen,ano " beftroy* he fubbueb.
eb all the charets,anb
twentic thoufmb ir £>f 5>p2ia, of the ^oabites, (t of the * t'Jr

footemen: butrefcrueb an hunb?cb
cha* thilb?encf amnion, ofthe^lnhftmes, C
rets cf them.
anb of 0amaieR,anb of the fpopie ofi)a=
5 Snb when the &y?iansof 2E>amaf<
" barker fonne of 5Kehob Ring of zoba.
ten taint to
fuccour^abart^er Ring of 13 anb S>au«b gat him a name after that
zoba, Dauto flue of the
Solans tibo pcrcturncb 9 hab fmitten of the £>y*
anb tujrnne thoufanb
men. riansin the bailey of fait jcbtii. thou*
foul ^ttsin^iaa)amaf*
nZSSJPA fanbtnen.
con.apt the ^p?tans bctamc fcruautes
fill (I,
14 *^nb he put a ganfon in Cbom, turn nu ™iii.d
SS?' m

^ b20U 3ft r 5iftcs, anb the

throughout all coom put he foulbiers,
ano all they of <£Dom became Dautbs
ftruauntes;anb the 2Lo?bc hept 2bauiD
, .

Vauid 2. Samuel.
Mbatfotucr tic tone in hanb. 17 anb £>aooc fonnc of ^UttobTamT

anbDauib raigncb oucr all ^firad, 2U)unclccl) tl)e fonne of abiatbar

OODcgaue anb erccuteb inbgement anb iufticc tDcpucttes, 9 Aaraiablbas tbe ferine
18 ano asanaiaDu tbc fonne of JJebotoa
in iuntroacra bnto all bis people.
no equine. 16 anb*3!oab rtje fonnc of zaruia Tbas
anb tbe »
11Reg xx J ouer tbe boatt, 1 3Jebofapbat tl;c fonnc Antes, anb 2Dat»s fonnes, ibere cfcfe
tcr o! a out ofabflubU)as rccojbcr. rulers.

Tlje.ix. £bapter.
9 £>auto reflojetfi an the lanors of £>aul to apipoibofct b tnc fonne ot Jonathan.
10. 19c appointed 3 iba to fee to the p;oiitc of W lanoess.

/!52>2>auibfaybc:3ls 3Ionatban fatbers fane, anb tbui

tjiereyetany man left rcltoje tbee all tbc ficioes of Aanitbv
ofpDoufeof&aufcifoj father, 9 tl)ou Ojalt eatc bjcab on mm
J 5 lbilibelbe Dimmer* otbnc table continually.
bo,. in
op ait),
tie fo* » 3lonatDans $ anb be botbeb rjim fcifc, anb fmv
I gu.lO.C. lake. iBbatis femaunt, tbattboufljouis
1 lfci=
anb tDere tbas
of tfje bell lobe topon futlja 6) beab boggcas W4w
houfcbolbc of <&aul,aferuaunt tbbofe 3 am* fan.

name tbas ziba, anoinrjcn tljep Dab 9 Xben tDe bing talieb to ziba £>attls
callcb Dim bnto Dauib, tbe Ring fatbe feruaunt.anb faib bnto Utnrj Dane gc*
bnto fyim:3rt tljou ztba^e faio:Xby uenbnto tby maiftcrs fotuic an tfjat

fcrttauni is be. parteyncb to ^>aul anb to all i)is boufc.

Ringfalbe: ftrmamctb tftcrc
31 not Dc 10 XDou tDerefo,jc, anb tDy fonnes, anb
yet any man of the Doufe of <S»atti, u»D6 tby fentauntes, Ojail tyil tlje lano fo;
(V Tftnt IB 3 map u>lbc tbe (b; mertie of ©obbp* Dim, 9 bzmgtn, tbattby inaillcrs fonne nicrcit
tiiio furt) aa cm ziba aunftbereb tbe Ring: * 3J<ma* may Dane foobe to eate: 26ut ^ipbibo-
1j .iccrptco
briojt vSoo. t Dan bat b yet a fonne, VbDttD is lame on fctl) tDy matttcrs fonnc fball eate b^cao
11 Reg iiu.b.
Ijisfcete, anbay boon my table. 5Po? ziba Dab
. XfjcbingfaibbntommtrofterelsDe? fifteenc fonnes, 9 tlbentie feruauntes.
Ziba Taibe bnto tl)e Ring:
26cbolb,bc is 11 XDcn fatbe ziba bnto tljcbing: 3tccop
(e) who to,i«
in tDe Doufe of fi^atbir tbe fonne of
co Ding to all tDat my Hojbe tDe bing tjatfj
alio calico >1E*
liam ii]£ ta« amieloffLobcbcr. tommaunbcb Dis femaunt, fo fljall tf)y
ir)cro(J0fitt) = m.iphJ'ic
Inn OiwM Xben Hing SDautD fent, 9 fct Dim out feruauntbo,
tDat ^ipDibofetD map vbcrcoHtl)
of tDe boufe of iBarbir tlje fonnc of & eate \m the wng fatoej bpon my table, as toloraitc
tun idle,

it mem D:
mielofltobcber. one of tbe binges fonnes. tl]e*msritt

iftolb VbDcn £{9tpfjibofctU tlje fonneof ir £0ipbibofetb Dab a fonne tDattbas Mi.

3Jonatrjan Honneof £>aul tbas come yottng.nameb $)icba:anDal tDatWbclt

bmo 2>autb,bc fell on rjis face, anbbyb intbcDoufeof ziba, ibere feruauntes
teuercncc:anb2>auib fatbe, Sppbtbo* bntoSPipbtbofctb.
fctb? i^c aunfibcrcb: Bebolbc rt)y fee* 13 anb s^5ipDtbofctD Dtbelt tn ^ierufa
ttaunt. lent, fo? be byb eatc continually at tDe iiRe.iiii.b-

25 ' Dauib Tatbc bnto Dun: f care not, foi binges table,* anb xbas lame on botb
3 ibillfurclie fbrtbc tl)ec binbueffefo? Disfccte.

The .x. Chapter. (a)fW

4 che mclTf itgrns of F>am& are billanouap entreateD of the Bins of 3 m mon (bouejtituM
- 3ioab to fent asatnS rii c ammonites. S duinje"

^ter tDis.tljc bing of
the cDtlb:cn of Amnion
bnto i^anon tDe fotmc of .0aDa5,as His
fatDtr aieibeb -'BlUUlltU*. bnto
U)ClUtU ^binbncffc «••*• s^s.
Wiwo me. £#•*»
byeb, anb i>anon Dis anbDauib fent to comfort Dimbptpc gj*^,
fonnc raigneb Dis m w Danb of Dis fcruauntcs,oucr l)ts fa*
aeabe. tDer:anb DauibS feruauntes came in Bg^
XDenfaibc2)auib:3l totDclanb oftDccDilbjen of amnion, i,^- * ,

U)tU tyiVLK Rtnbncffc 3 anbtljc p;iuccsoftDctbttb;enofalU^

z. Samuel. 1X11
m ger then 3, thou (halt belpe mc:asut if
-^olTfaVbebnto $anon «gwJJ5JJ;

? VS
tbou that 2>autb both
rtat he hatft tent
M thechiUuen of ammonbctoftrongfo?
tljct^ tbffl come anb fuccour thee.
ii Xherefojc auitc thee iptte a man, ana
Stefetuauntest)ntotl)cc,tofearche lethsbchabauntfojour people anofoj
^TiMofpieitoat,ani)tooueP the cities of out C5obOnu the Hoibe Do
that tbliich is goob in his otbne eves.
13 3mt>3!oab pjoceebcb foo2th,$ the pco* C
» naue pie that pas tjith htm to fight
nStt? Tub tyaucoof theone agamft
the&y2tans:btf they neb bcfojcbtm.
-Kffl SShearoea f cut of their garmetes
SSofSwVnb7enttbemaU)'av. ' fatoe that the d^ia^perent^thm
flebtheyalfo bcozeabifei, anb- cniceo
they tolbcit bnto2r>a««>,he
25n entceo
rSmeetetliemCfo? the? there men into the cttie: &tt) fo 3ioab tttumeb
from the ritftoenaf 2lmmon,anb tame
SS ai fkttm ™® vour bearbes '>
3(nD tbhe* the Solans fatb that the?
* *m amnion
ibhen the chilbjenof
there fmitten before 3ffracl, they sathe*
fSBep^aanrfeeintheftghtof reo them together.

tbeptentf iwebttte
*P*»« i6 anh^abareser lent, anb brought out
the Solans that there hcyonb the
win a».«fc
anb of ryuet, ami they came to ^clarn: ?zo* *m*'
zobaS. thoufanb fbotemen,
<p»acbaathoufanDmen } anbof
§)ftob tihelue thoufanb
bathe captayneofthehoaft of $abat*
e^ertbent before tbem.
3jnb tbftcn 2>autb hcarb of
it, he lent 17 3mb thhtn it thas fhctheb 2Dauib, he
^oabanballthehoaftofftrongmen. gatbereb w ai 3fraci together, jpafrebco^c,**
2nb therhflbjen of Amnion tame out,
anbputtheit armie marayat the en*
ouer3Jo2bane,anb came to $elam:3ffi>
the&yiiansrct them femes in araya*
temginof the gate: ant) the S>y2iansof gamft2Dauib,anb fought thitb. him.
zoba,offtebob jftob, anb ^aactja, 18 Sfobthe -Syrians fleb before ^rcaei, ff) »>..<*
tbere by them fclucs tn the ftclbe. anb 2DauiD bettroycb cf) reuen bunbjeb
tbarets of the £>pnans, 9 fourtie thou* $%$£»
tehe joab fatbe that the front of the
battafletbas againft t>tm before anb be* fanb bojfemcn, anb fmote zoba the ««£**«"
hmbc,hetbofcof alltbcchoyfc of^lfra* taptaine of their boaft, tbblchaUo byeb **•«*•
ci,anb put them in aray againft the &y* there. 7E2ST
70 *
dans. 19 Sfobibhcn an tlje Wnges that there SK5;
10 Ztto the reft of the people he beliueteh fcruauntes to ^abare5er ,fath that thev
into the banb of 3bifai hts brother, fel befo?e3lfcael, the? mabepcace tbith
that he might put them in arap againft 3frael, anb ferueb than: anb fo the
the ehittwen of Amnion. £>rnans feareb to helpe the tbiltyen
11 anDbcfatbc:3ftbc#wansbeu^on* of^mmonanpmo;e.

q The. xi. Chapter.

1 crbc cittc sabba *js bcCtc scb.4. ©au tD commtttc tb atiultrp, 1 7 mxiaa ifi Qaftte.
27 ©autD matrpctb 38etbfabe.

^Dtt cametopafTc 3lnMn an euenmgtpbc, Dauib arofe

on be BftD to

u thatafterthcycrcthas outofhis^beb, anbtbalbeb bponthc rtttat.iftir

tit noonf ,aB voiis
c)i:pireb,in the time roofe of the Binges paiace,ano from the rcsof jii'tui
vbhen binges go footfh roofe he fatbe a tboman*iha(htngber Cl)jp.mtc.
to battatie,a>auibfent felfe, anb the thoman tbas bcrp beauti*
Jloab $ his fernafttes full to lobe bpon.
'"U -"ibithhim, anb all Uf* ^nb 2Damb fent to enquire tbhat tbo*
gtt, mm* beftropeo the chflb2cnof man it thoulb bc:^nb one fatbe, 3s not
2nmon,fibefiepjeb Babba: 25ut Da* this scthfabe thebaughter of€Uam,
^taryebftiuat^ierufaiem. anb tbyfe to Urias the WW^ 4^nb

4 3tnb SDtintU fent mefft ngcrs, anb tohc 25? thy lyfe,anb by the lyfc of thy foule,
Lcu.xriii.c. fteraibay: anb (became in bnto him,* 31 Unll not bo this thing. IK'S M
anb he lap ibttb her (anb (be tbas puri* iz 3lnb 2E>auib faibe bttto ttrlas : Xary
bnto bet boufe*
here this bay alfo, anb to mojorb 3
let thee beparte. 3lnb fo tirias abobe in
CD) -ffwring
ka 5 3inu the lboman conceaueb, anb Tent tyicrufaicm that bay ,anb the mo?ou>.
(be iijouiti
bt ftonco.ic;
anb toioe H>aulb,f faybe:3l am Jbith ij 2lnb when SDauib hab calleb him, be
to tt)C

chilbe. bib eateanb bnnfte before him, anb be
6 3tm> 3>auib fent to 3Joab,faying:S>enb mabe him (f) bnmae: 3lnb at cuenbe PJODOdt
to 5>


mcflrlastbctyctbtte. anojjoabfent Ibent out to lye on his couch tbirb p fee-

ItriastoSDauib. naurcs of ins lo;be,but tbent not bourne
7 ^nbifohc'mriasibascomebntoblm, tolnshoufe.
2>autb bemaunbeb ofbimhoibc 3ioab 14 £>n the mojotbe 3>auib ttwte alct=
bib,anb bom the people farcb,anb bom terto^oab, anb fentitbytbebanb of
tlje HDarcc p?ofpercDf Siirias.
CO DmrfB toncnOf

tijouslittip 8 Shin Dauib faybeto Urias: co <5o 15 anbhcttwicthusinthelctter^ut allpUFhiii:

ttjio mcaneo \)BfeltHl3

toclotichW boibnetotby houfc,? Vbafbctbyfcete. ye tlrias in tbefo?efront of the (harper trngtittr Trinl,

ilic mill t«'

3lnb ^Llrias beparttb out of the hinges battaile, anb come ye bacae from him, rrttfsu m 1

to ill
that he mayc be fmptten,anb bye.
Ion j
gaiace, anb tiicix folouieb him a pjefent tjlCfanoii^
:om the King. \6 &oibbm3Joabbcficgeb the titte, be
9 25ut 5Hnas ttcpt at the booje of p hinges affigncbHrias bntoaplaccibbcrebe
palace, lbitb all the feruauntes of bis XbiR that ftrong men iberc.
b;be,anb ibent not botbnc to bis boufc. 17 3lnb the mm
of the citie came out,anb
io nobicb when they hat> toibe Dauib, fought lbitb 3Joabanb there tberc-ccr*
facing ,11 nas ibent not bourne btuo bis tayne ouertlwolbcn ofthepeoplcoftl)c
t)oufe:H>auib faibe bnto Unas , Camcft feruauntes of SDauib : $ tlrias the $v
thou not from thy iourneyrtbby bibbeft thitebyeoalfo. „
thou not go bovbne then bnto tbyne is Xften 3Joab fent, anb tolbc 2>auib all
boufc* the thinges concerning the ibarrc:
n ^iiriasaunubetcb2DauiD:XhearRe, 19 3lnb thargcb the meffenger, faytng:

* 3*fracl, anb Juba buicll in pamlions, naben thou hattmabe an enbe of telling
anb my l°?bc 3ioab anb the feruauntes the matters of the voarrc bnto t\)t lung.
of my lojbe abybc in the open fieioes, zo Jftbe binges anger aryfc, anbbewy
anb (ball 3 then go into mync boufc, to bnto tbec,ibbcrfozc appwbeo ye few*
catc, anb bnnbe, $ lycttntbmyibyfc* bnto the citie ibbcnyebtb ngbt < w*
. «

..Samuel. 1 Xlll
lballcsbpon tbv feruauntcs.anofonte
^Tbattbev njoulbtmrieanbiboote of the hinges fctuauntes be bcab, anb
tb? feruauntmrias tbe^etbitcisbeab
*3S3P ®* «»a lbomantafta
Sofamylflone»ponftim from of 1$ 2nb&amb faibe bnto tbemeffenger,
thus (halt tbou rape bnto gioab: fLct
not thatching trouble thee, fozpftbojb
bcuouretr) " one asrbell as another: "
SFcVaaum twas trjc fcetbttets

^abetb? batraylenuweftrongagainft and fo.
,/£ otbc Wffcnger ibcnt, 9 tame anb the rttic to ouert&oibe it, c encourage
^oabhabfcnt 1 1) Oil 1)1111.
a Ztto lbben the ibpfe of Uriasbeatb
a ^aibtfte meffengcr faibe bnto Dauib: tbatberbufbanbibas beab,u>moiu>
^hc men pjcuafleb agatnft bs, $ came neb fo; hint
St bnto bs into the ttetoc,? ibc"pur< 27 ^nb ibhen the mourning ibaspaft,
tbcm,euen bntotheentringoftbe 2>autb fent anb fet her to his houfe, anb
fhe became his tbyfe, anb bare him a

i+» tbcCbootcrsfbotte from tfie fonne: 2But tbistbingthatai>auibbvb,

"bdpteafcbthe3Lo;be. "waseuill
in the eyes

^ Tbe.xii. Qhapter.
iBAUto r rpjoueb tip j!5atljan, confeffetf) ^isfitine.i 8 c&c ctjtlDe comeaueD rn
aoultrr,DyctH.:4 Solomon ij3lwme,:6 tfiabtia fetaften.5i€&ecitejtnjsare

!Lo?b rent $a*

/12b the ofJftaeT^annopnteb thee Wng ouer Reg xvi
than bnto SDauib, anb 3nrael,anbrvb thee out of the hanbof
he came bnto Inm, anb s>aul.
toibehim:Xhererberc 8 3f gauc thee thy maifters houre,ano
(t) &>m\ m 1)13
tibo men in one citie, thy maifters lbpues mto rbp bo? timgDomc.
the one rich, J the other fome,anb gauetbeetbeboufcof^fra' pounDc tlilDot

pooje. cl anb of 3luba, anb migbt( if that hab «Jta,.inDfl0

ionic thm|[C
1 %\)t rich man hab erceebing man? ben to title) batte geuen ttjee fo muctje Kitip.1 3^
fo? ffljlttiol
(becpeanboren: mo?e. fbcfofio
j 26ut the pooje hab nothing faue one 9 i©hccefo?e then haftthoubefpifeb the C(T.

title theepe, tbhicbhe hab bought anb commaunbement of the Ho?be to bo

nortt?fbeb bp: 3nb it gretb bp tbitb eufll m his fights Xhou haft Uitb Urias
htmanbttJith biscbilbiicnairo, anb bib •
the ^ethiteibiththeftbo?b,f haft taben
co) fo) fl9ott
eateofbtsoibne meate,anb bjancftc of his ibyft to th? ibyfe, anb haft ftainc crucllp otlp=

bisoibnecuppe, $ ftept in bisbofome, ucnnjhimta

him tbtth the fibojo of the chilb?enof ttic linnocs of
anb urns bnto him as his baughtet. Amnion. S°o« enemies.
4 3(nb there came a ftraungcr bnto the 10 ftorortjetcfuMbcftoojbfbailneuer
*" rich man, anb he
" fpareb to tatte of bepart from thvnehoufe,becaufethou
rjisottmclbccpeanbofhts otbnc orcn haft befptfeb me, anb taben the ibpfc of
totyeffe fojp ftraunger that ibas come tlrias the ^ethtte to be thp tbyfe.
bnto him: 25m tobe the pooje mans 11 nahetefoje thus faith the ILozbe:Be*
wepe, anbtyeffebitfo? the man that fiotoe,3l ibill ftirrebp eutl againfttbec,
ibascometobtm. euen out of tbync otbne hou(e,anb ibpti
5 3tat) "a>auib ibas erceebing
J«JS tbjott) *tabethvtbvucsbcfo?ethFneepes, anb
u»ttb the man,anb faibe
to Jj2at&an:a* gcue them bnto thv neygtjbour, anb he
W Hozbe hnietb, the man that hath
b one tbt5tbing««is
fl)all iperbith tbpibpucsin thefightof
Ct) (O £9cantoj
the cbtlbe ofocatb. funne.
tt3is opmlicas at
pe float tcftoje the lambc* fourc fotbe, ii 5Po;thoubtbbeftitfecretlF: but3Jtt>il nooncOa;(0.
caurehe bib this tb?ng anb bo this thmg befo;e at 3Jfrael,anb in the
I hab no
._, c
J5? m® m
23 openfunnctpght.
7 .

Wttje man: SCbusfaitb

fatte to2Dauib,Xhou 13 ^nb 2Dauio faibe bnto Nathan: 3
L.ti xJvii.t.

the |Lo?o ©ob Uaue finneb agatnft the Ho?b. ^nb /15a*

T>anid'ts rebuild 2. Samuel.

than fatbc bnto Dauib:Xhe |Lo?o alfo xi i£c faib: babiie rt)c cbiibc Was pctaitaT
hath ° put auwpthp fume, thou 0>alt
anb wept : fo,t this 31 thouSl
31 fafteb
not ope. nahocan tell Whether ^cbWpiihS
14 ^oibbeit, bctaure in borng this bcebe mercp on me, thattbc chtlbc map ipue"
thou Daft gcuen p enemies of the SLojo 23 *26ut noib feeing it is bcab,Whcrefo>V
acaufe to 5 blafphcmc, rbc chilbc that
is bome bnto thee u^llfurcipbpc.
fhoulb 3
faft; *; Can
gameanp mo?e?3
go to bun r^

15 anbiBathanbepartebbntohishoufe: thcr then he fball conic againe to me.
2htb the Ho?De ftraftcthe chilbe that 24 ^nb^auib
Silrias ibpfe bare bnto Dauib, anb it Wpfe,$wentin bnto her anbiapuuth ^
coinfi)neb'26ctbfab7iii« 2?$5»i

ficRencbfivc. her, anb (he bare a tonne, anbbctaiica

his name * Solomon, anb the
i6 Dauib therefore befought <i5ob fo? the
^ uebhtm,
tote m .
chilbc,anb faftcb, anb ibentin, | lape
all night bpon the earth.
17 3inb the elbets of his houfe arofc anb
15 j*"*^ fcnt b ? ^ftanbof o) (,>»»^
than the pjophet : therefore «o jj c ta iieb &**
Went to him, to tanc him bp from the hisname*3Icoibia, of the Hopes' be £&*
earth :26at be Vbouib not, neither bib he halfe. ..^
rate meatc with them. 26 Xhcn 3Joab fought againO ftabba
is 3htb the feuenth bap the chilbc bpeb, of the chtityen of Amnion, anb »*»*
anb the feruautttcs of Dautbfcarebto the title of the Rtngbome. **»*
tell htm that the chilbc was bcab: jfoj 27 2nb3JoabfmtmciTengcrstoDanti)
thep faib, bcboibe,whtlc the chilbe was fapmg: 3
haue ftmght agatnft ftabba'
pet alpuc We fpaRe bntohpm, anb he anb haue ta&enthccme of waters.
woulb not hearltfbnto our boptc: how 28 iftoib therefore gather the reft of the
Will he then here him fclfe, if ibe tell
' people together, anb befiege the citie,
him that the thilbe isbeab? that thoumapfttaRcit: leftjtaaeit,*
19 26ut Dautb fctng his fcruaiites Whlf= it be tallco after mp name.

pcrtng, pcrccaucb that the thilbe was 29 3lnb Dauib gathereb al the people to
bcab:? Dautb faib bnto his femauntes, gcther,f ttient agatnft ISabba, anb be*
3Js the chilbc beab* %\yv? faibc: $c is ftcgcbit,anbtOReit.
Dean. 30 3mb he tone their Hinges trotbne from i.Par. xx.h
20 3mb Dauib arofe front the earth, anb *of his heabClbhith U>apeb a w
talent of
ibatbeb anb annopntebhtmfclfc, anb golbe, fin it Ibcre precious ftoncs) anb m»/
25 chaungcb his apparell, anb came into it ibasfct on Dautbs htab, anblje?^*

the hotife of tlje ?lo?b, anb ibo?n)tppcb: brought albap the fpopleoftbeciitc,in mr*
anb aftcrVbarb came to his ottme houfe, erceebmg great abunbaunce.
d uao that thep fljouib fetb;eab before 31 ^inb hecarpeb atbap the people that
l)im,aubhcbpbeate. ibas ti)eretn# put thcm Co bnber faures, jo 5-*
21 Xhen faib his fernauntcs bnto him: anbbnber iron harroibes, anb bnber j-jg
iiDhat thing is this that thou haft bone; aresofiron, jthmftthemintothctplc* ^^
%houbtbbcftfaft fVbccpefouhe thilbe hpll: thus bpbhc iblthallthe nties
lbbtlc it Vbas alpue, $ afloonc as it lhas ofthcchiimcnof^nmton. ^nb fo Da-
beab 3 t|)oubibbtftrpfe bp f eate meate. utb anb al the people rcturneo bnto W*

^ Hie .xiii. Chapter.

14 aimnon ©auftjs fonne tirfflctli fttjj fitter djamar ib <iljamar ijs comfojtcO bp f)tt

b;oft)tt 3bfalora. ^
aibtalora trjcrcfo?c Rtllctb 3mnon.

3 5ftcrthis,fo<tibasthat Xhamar: foiflje ftjasa « birgin,anb WSrtM-

^ (mt

3lbfalom the fonne of he thought it harbfb? him to 00 anp S*.«»


Dauib hab a fap?efifi tljittgtohcr.

tcr,nanwb w 1Chantar,
<aee Abf.i:
7S\xt Znmm hab a frenbe calieb^O;
iraOinorticr, ibhom^mnonp fonne nabab, the fonne of £>tmah, a>auibs
trao 'XninonU
onclobp fj- of Dauib loucb. b:othcr :3tnb Jonabab Vbas a beep fob-
^nb he was fo foic ttlctnan.
bejeeb, tljat l;e fell fpthe foj his ftfter 4 ^noyefatb bntohbn^ovbcomnttro
2. Samuel. IXllll
fatbc bnto her :Ilp,anD get tbec bence.
i6 5>bc annftberctj bim, Xhcre ts no'
caufe:Xbts cufll tbat tljou puttcft me a*
lbap ,is greater tl;en tbe other tbat tbou
tiibbcft bnto me. ifteuertheleflc, be
lbouio not!) tare bcr:
Brt» bco,anbmabetbpfelfe 17 mttcaiiebhis bopethatrcruebbim, "Sjfcranrt.
iJSneon tbp
M Sr*a W* ®9 fatberi0tometo anbfaibct^ut aibap this tboman from
tne,anb bolt the booje after bcr.

™ utter
mm owe me
Xbamar «>™> is anbfyehaba garment of « biuers S&f&Ef
Etc anoojcffcitinmp to&W&a* tolours bpon l)et: foj ibitb rucl) tber tlje
Binges baughters(that tbere btrgins) *y »j«

£W amnonanb
lbljcntbe binglbas
appareleb. Xbenljisferuaimtbjougbt s«« cmmM
Ijer out, anb lotfteb tlje boo?eafter bcr. jJJr
q, ' ,M

Ktofeehim, amnon faibe bntotbc 19 ^nb Xljamar tofte anb putaa)eson

pjaptbeclctXhamarmpfifter Der fjcab, anb rent ber garment of m*

come, atrt) mabt me a coople nf» takes uers tolours tbat tbas on bcr, $ lapeb
iniWfisDt,t!)at3Jmaveateon)et bcr fjanb on bcr ncab,anb fo ibent, anb

« 7 x5en 2>aulb fenthome to Xbamar, zo anb abfaiomberfeotljer faibe bnto

noib to thp toother amnos Der:$atlj amnon trjp b?otfjer ben voitfy
raping: <5o
lioure,anbb?eflebimmeate. thee? 0m pet be mil mp fifter,lje ts tbp
8 So Xbamanbent to her toother tyotber , let not tins thing greeue thpne
amnonsbom"e,$beibasiapebboibne: Ijeartanbfo Xbamarrcmapncbbefo*
anb (be tobe floure,anb bneabeb it,anb late in ber tyotbc'r abfaloms boufe.
II 25ut tbljen fting Dauib Ijearb of
maoe tabes in hts fig&t, anb bpb babe all
them. tbefe tljinges, be ibas bcrp ibjotft.
anb tobe apamte,anb potbrcb them 11
anb abfaiomfapbe bnto bis b^otljtr
out befojehim: buthctboulbnoteate. amnon neither goob no? bab:$otbbeit,
anb amnon faibe: $aue out all men abfalombatebamnon,betaufel)ebab
from me. anb thep lbent all out from fo?ceb Ijts filter Xftamar.
bim, z ? anb after tbe tpme of trboperes,ab* .«, ,„,
io anb amnon bnto XDamar:
faibe falom ftab* lljeepe (bearers m the' * m -

mm the meate into tbe cbambct,tbat piapne of ^asoj befibc epft?aim,$ babe
3 map eate ofthpnehanb. anbXha* all tbe binges fonncs.
mar tone p tabes lbhich fli c n ntabc, m 24 anb tame to tbe lung, anb faibe: 25e*
ano toougbt them into tljc chamber to tbp feruaunt batbajeepeOjea*
amnonber toother: rersj piaptljee tljattlbe bingibith bis -
^nDrbljcOje babfetthembefojebfm
ii feruaumes come to tbp feruaunt. ^
to eate,bc tobe her, anb faibe bnto her: z5 Xbe King aunfibcreb abfalom: iHap
Come,ipett)tth mempfifter.
n ana ft)e aunfibcreb t)tm:4!2apmp too*
inpfomte, 3
p?ap tbee letbs not go all,
left vbe be chargeable bnto thee, anb
tbcr,Donotrtoccmc, foz there bath no abfalom lape fo?e bpon him: hotbbcit w.*«icd.

, »«cb tbing ben bone in 3Jfrael: Do not heU)onlbnotgo,but bleflebhim.

LJ. tbouthisfoiip.
26 Xben faibe abfalom: but p?ap thee 3
J,- u (ball not mp b?otber amnon go ibttb j» f?«™-
ibhpthcr (ballU caufemp
ujameto go? anb thou (bait be as one bs^anb tlje Ring aunfibcreb biimibhat $**»%»
of tbe topics »«« **»
m3ifrael: /ftoib therefore, neebeth it tijat 0c go Kbitb tbee?
5 tWbce fpeabe bnto tbe bing, anb 27 26ut abfalom mabe futb mftannte,
.} NpUnotbenie mebntotbec. thatheletamnon $ all the binges thfi*
"1* n °t &earbcn bnto
2s ^ioibbab abfalom tommaunbeb his
poung men, faping: ^arheibbenam*

iSH? mnon tJatcbbetw;teebing^ nons^ heart is mcrp lbitb ibme, anb
«u %x*a
" *tn tbe louc tt>ith
8t Eat
ibben bib pou fmpte amnonrtben bil
!)im,anbfearenot: baue notjlbibben
mmu -

WDebefaeiQuebhctanbamnou pou? be bolbc therfoje, ? plaptlje men.
29 anb
T>Mid s amue 1.

29 anb tDe feruauntes of abfalom DpD ocab," fo? amnon onely is beab
Unto amnon cucn as abfalom Dun 34 26ut abfalom fleb anb vottna
n» H :
cointnaunDcD anb al tlje Ringes fonnes

arofr ,ai to titer v man oat nun bp upon

toRcb, anb beDolbe there tameS
Dismulc,anbftcb. people by tbt Nap oftijc Dm fp^iS
K vv &*J
30 anb Vbrjylc tDey tbere yet in tDe *bay, Ijinbefjim. »t«
rybinges came to 2>auib, laving: ab&v 35 anb^onababfaibbntotDeRmct
lorn Ijatrj flaine alt tDe Hinges formes, Dolbe, tlje Ringes fonnes comc:K« m
ant> tDcrc is none left aiyue. feruauntfaib,foitts.
CO In token 5l XDcn tDe Ring arofc, 9 * tare fjts gar* 36 ^nb affoone as De Dab left fpeafeino
offbjoais (UtO
inentcs,anblay along on tDe 0;) eartD: beDolbe rfje Ringes fonnes tame * 1$
anb all liis feruauntes ttoobe by lbitj) bp tl;cir boyces,anb tbept:5Che \dm2
tDcittlotDesrent. fo$ all ijis feruauntes rbept ertcebtn^
31 anb 3lonabab tDe fonne of ^imeatfj tyfo?e.
2>auibs b?otDer,aunfujcreb,anb faybe: 37 26ut3fbfalomcrcapeb,anb Jbctttto® 2&
fLetnot my lo?oe fuppofe tljat tDey XDaimai tlje fonne of ammtDur bvnet 5^
Daue ttaine all tDe young men of tDe of <2>cfur: anb&autbmournWh£
y ?%
Rings fonnes,but amnon onely is beab: fonne cuery bay.
3ro;ti)at0atl)bcn betermineb inaofa* 38 anb fo abfalom efcapcb, anb tbentto
lomsmtnbe, fmce lie fo;cco ijis fitter <f>erur,anb urns tljerc ttj?ecycres.
XDamar. j9 anb Ring SDauib befireb to go foo?tfj
*o titan.
33 /ftoib tDcrcfoje, let not my lojbe tlje bnto abfalom: 5Fo? lbDcre as ainnoii "Cl,«Ul

Ring take tDe tiling fo grecuoufly, to lbas beab, ije lbas comfojt eb outr Dim.
tyuiKetljat all tDe Ringes fonnes arc

^ The.xiiii. (Jjapter.
23btaIom te reeoncileb to 610 fattret bp Hie fubtiltie of foab.:4 fbfalom map
not fee t He fringes face. :t -acijc beautie of 3 bfaiom jo $e cauf etij 3oabs cojtne to

be burnt,ano »$$ b:ougb t to bus fattjrrtf pjefence.

% Oab p fomtc of zar* 7 anbbcDolbe,tDetbDolcRittbrcbisri'


uiapertcauebtliattDe fenagaintt tDvDanbmayb, $ tDey faib: Drasiv.
fcma faiiojcB R\>uges fjcart lbas *2DelynerDymtDat fmote Distootbcr,
tDatrbemayRtll Dim fo?tlje w fouleof
tovbarb^lbfalom: toitid m
3utbrjefentto%t> DisbjotDer tbDomljcttue, tbe lbill br^ n'hult icii
irrflunnrtli tb*

Roa, anbfet tliencca ttroytDeljeyiealfo: anb fotDeytball DwnBti

ibvfeiboman,ffavbe quentDc my
fparRle ibDtcrj ts left, anD ^ratiib.

bntorjer: gj pmy trjeefatnetDvfclfeto fljalinotieaueto my

ijufbano neither
(b) In When be a mourner,anb put on mourning ap* name no? tiTue bpon tlje cartD.
of mourning
fo; tlicp bfco parell, aub
annoynt not tln> fclf ibitl) 8 anb tlje Ring faybebnto tDeibontan:
annotating to
IcCillttljtH- oyic, but bcasa)bomantl)atI)ablong ti5oDometotDyncDoufe,3libyU gcuea
tymc mounieb fo? n)e beab cDargefojtDee.
3 ^nb tome to trje Ring, anb fpeaRe on 9 anb tDe iboman of XDcRoa Tatbe bn- amw
tbismaner bnto l)vm (anb fo lloab to tDe Ring: fl^y lo?be <© umg, tljis
« Etre.put trefpaffe be on me anb on my fathers blotD.K" "
"taugtjt l)cr VbDat ttje Hjouio fay.; 1
wordes in
her mouth. a anb lbrjen trje iboman of ICrjeRoa Dottfe: anb tDe Ring anb Dis tD?one be titirirt'
fpaRc ibitij tlje Ring, fl)c fell on rjcr face giltieffe. ,


to tl)c grounbe, anb bib obeyfaunte,anb 10 anb tl)c Ring (aiot: 3( any man raj
fapbe:"lpclpe,4DBing. ougljt bnto trjee, bang Dim to me, an" «Eb'fc

< %\)t Ring faib bnto l)cr: nsljat ayletr) De fDall" DurttDeeno mo?e. toucli.

tl)ee^ §>\)t aunftbereb: 31 am in bcebc a 11 XDen faibe 'Hyz: 3

p?ay tDee let tne
" tbvboib, anb mync ftufbanb is beab. Ring remember tDe ILojo tDy d5ob,tnat
tDou njoulbettnotrurTer many rcucn>
wydow wo-
6 anb ti)y fjanbe maybe Dab tuio
(c^ janBtt fonnes, anb tDey nbofougbttogctbee gcrs of bloob to oeftroy, left tljcy j?
tlMB parable,
tntDcficlbe, lbDcrc tbasno man to go my fonne. ano Dcaunfajcreb: asroe Jl«J'+
Ojc Bcfcrtbct^
the ar.ittjot
3umon.bp betvbeene tDcm, but tDconc fmotetlje ILo^bclyuetD^tDere fDal not one
otljcr,anbaucDtm« oftDy fonne fall to tDteartlj.

§ lxv.
Zi n 3oab
„ cue woman faybe: fLettbynebamv- ?J frtj"totbegrounbonbts
bnto my lo?be faf
inapoc fpeafte one Wo?be
rlKBmg.anobefaybct&ayon. tbetangano 3Joab fapo, jftoWtbufer* BlglVei

„5 ibe woman fayotuabettoe then baft uauntbnoWctS, tbat^haw&e

-::i tbotWboUgbt niche a thin} againfttbe
W* or ogle of (5ob;5Fo? tl)c King
both fpeabe
fault! c , that
tbat tbe tang bath fuifuico
of bts feruaunt.
Sje traneft ^™*"
Hitsitinns as one which is
ijcttjouiw not fet homeagaine Insb* 23 3tnb fo JFoab arore,anbWentto dscfur
anb bought abfatom to Uterufaicnt
ilVoi we mud ncbesbye,anb are as wa* 24 3nb tlje tang faybe: fLetbuwurnetn '

thrr font on tlje gtounu ,

Wbtcb cannot htsownehoure^notfeemyface* ^tb
jfleitbct both lo^bfalo returncbto l)\s ownc boure
be gatbereb bp agamc : '
©obfpatcanyperfon, yet botb heap* anb fawe not tl)t binges fate.
poytu mcanes that bis bamfbeb be
25 ; 26ut in aigjfrael there was none to be
m not utterly erpeiicb from him. romitcbemayfcbas 3tbfalom fojbcau*
mm) !< &oM thcrfo?e 3
am come to fpeabe tietfrom p fclc of bisfoote to tbe toppeof
of tljts thing bnto tfjc my lo?b the King, hisbeab^erewasnoblcmtajcinbtm.
[bccauft]ti)cyti)at be of p people ^baue i6 ^nb wben be poilcb his beab ( fo? at
ma&c me afeayb: anb tljy banbmayoe tuery yeres cnoe bepollebit,becaufe
mi rapb,/[5oW Will 3
fpeabe bnto the tang, the hecre Was beauy on him tberfoje be
it may be tbat the btng
Will perfourme pollebit)
Wcighcbthe hcere of his

(be tcquett of bts banbmaybe. hcab at two hnnojetb ^ficles, after »S*
16 2lnb tbe hing (hall beare bts banb* ^4 fe"!SCS waygbt. SSSfSSf
maybe ,to beliucr bcr out of tlje banc of 17 3tnb^braiombabth?cefonnes borne SSSB!"
tbe man tbat lbouioc bane bettroycb hmi ,anb one baughter nameb Xha*
me ant) alfo my fonne out of tbe inberi*
, niar , whtcbe was a fay^e Woman to
tamueoftSob. lobebpon.
17 2nb tbync banbmaybc fayoe : t\yt i% ^>o abfaiom bWelt two yeres in $teru?
\wm of iny lo?b tbe btng (ball now be. falem.anb fawe not tlje tattges fate. •
"cotnfo?table:5Fo? my lo?b the bing is as 29 Xbcrfo^e^bfalomfcntfo,! 3oab to
an » angel of <£>ob,in bearing of goob 9 hatte fent him to the bing, but be Woulo
bao 3Tberfo?e tbe flojbe thy «5ob be
: not tome to him :3ino When he fent a*
ibitb tljee. 8atne,heWoulDnottome.
18 IHjentbetangaunfwereb, anbfaybe 30 Xberfoje he faybe bnto bts fcruauntes:
bnto tbe woman: fy^ne not from me 31 26cboib,31oab hatb a ftelb by my place, "»m»*
p:ay tbee p thing tbat 3
(ball afbe thee. 9be bath barlye tberin : <5o,^° fet it SStw.
%\\b tbe woman faybe:?Ut my lo?o tbe onfy^e.^nb^bfaioms ftruauntcs Sffi
Ring noWc fpeabe. bonfire. ^SSSSSi

19 3taD tUt Hingfayb: 3s not tl)e >banb Cb
31 Xhen3Joabaroft,anbcameto^bfa^
of 3Joab Witb tljee in all tbis matter i lorn hnto bts Ijoufe, anb fayb bnto bim:
*-bc woman aunfwercb.anb faybcas aaberfo^e bane thy fcruauntes burnt
toy foulc ituetb my lozbc tbe tangj
wtl my ftelbe With fire;
notturnetotbe rigbt hanbe no? to tbe 32 2no abfalo aunfwercb 3foabt25cl)olb,
EiMaW thatm? tobe tbe bing
jajo foobc:fo? cnen tby feruaunt lloab
3 fent foz thee , befiringthee to comej
becaufe^j wouibcbauefcnttbceto tbe
jap me , anb be put all
tbefe wo?bes in btng, fo? to fay , n@berfiwe am come 3
from<l5euir; St hab ben better fo? me
Pntm ttwt fl)oume«
njaungc tbe fourme of (bead),
3 to bauc ben thereOrrtlt iBowe therfo?e

Woulb 3 fee the binges face:2thb tf tber

beatty w trefpafrcinme,letbymtal me. %%S?
oAn^V^^^t^bcWilbome 33 ^nb fo 3foab tame to the tang, anb zVZa
ti;S??, » tobnoerttanbcall tolbc him nabtcb ttljen be bao lent fo?
: *gg .
. Mi-
^Sf^areintbccartb. 2lbfalom,be came to tbe bing,anb fcl to %$j cupit

the grouno on bis face befo?c Ijim , anb
£j auc ^net!jistbing:
00 stents
tbe tang ta&b^ibialom.

3Ji n<)C
\Abfalom. 2.Kingcs. itki t

T'be. *?• Chapter.

14 ©attfl) ana W fentatmtegOee.

jvSaKwSw* 54

offercb faertfices , ana

tie d5ilo,tbhilc fje
5Pter tliis, abfalo"p?t-
<«Hcb.nuctc *
parcbl)imct)arettcs$ there tbas ibjought ttrong trcafon: f o*
l)ojfes,anbnfticmen the people ibent anb inceeafeb uwb at*
torunncbefojcrjim. faiom.
anbabfalomrofebp u anb tfjer came a mcOcnger to 2>aui&,
early,anbaoobcintrje anb feybe : %\)t heartes of the men of
place of tnccntrtngm •jfrael are tumeb after abfalom.

of trje gate : anb cuety man that tab 14 anb 2E>auib faib bnto all hts reruautcs
mngfoj that tbere ibith httn at $icrufalcm:fllp,
an? matter ano came to tfje
iubgement , ftim bib abfalom cal onto thatme may flee, to? ibe (hall not as
«im,anb faybc :jDf lbriat citte act trjou< tfcape^from abfalom : £0aae fpeebe >t)ni»ttmb°J'itlW!(l

to beparte , left he come fobenly 9 tatcfte


^eaunfibcreb: Xrjyfcruauntisof one t)cn&:s:nc :

notpng u( Dftrje
trtbcsof3lfrael. bs , anb bjing euyll bpon bs, anb finite Mjutheimbia

the cittc ibith the cbgc of the fuwbe. tomui Abie

anb abfalom faib Unto l)tm: &it ,tby

liUtclje ioa*. }
matters arc goob ano righteous but , 15 anb trje binges fcruauntcs fayb bnto
there is w noman L&nwwjof the Ring him: ffieholbe , rt)p feruanntes are refcy
cnuioius can
tcpjmic ano tohcarcthce. to bo ibftat focucr my lo;b the bmg fljall
negligence *

abfalom faybc mojeoucndDhJhat 3 "appoint. "Hcnr.

irliom *uo (HtWll,
•no 11m ice
coil; c jtumcO
thciatbe miaht tome to me, anb that 3 ^^«^*Rii&9j
tenconcubmes g
toRepethehoufe. l
l fcft aftnc>im.

auo allow.
SKftSSE came nye tohtm, i7 ^nbtDe&ingiDentfoo^anoaUthe
people at his fecte anb tarieb ma place
Sbbenanpman w farre of. fnra !)IB«i

anbbyb him obeyrauncc , heput fooith that \bas . . Wen.

lethftes,anb all the (Rthttes, euctiifire «HcUt
hit fecu.
3Ifraelthatcametotl)c fttngfo* iubge* tF^ ^SSSttS£SSBSB J?

fuiQ tl)«ni ho
ment: foabfalom^ftalethehcartxsof
te fc
» ^henfaybetheRmgtoJtha the<^
commefttljoulbttl) bs<
mm 7 Snoaftcr ^ou7tie?eres,3Cbfalonifaib
3Setume ,anb abybetbitb Ring m
gom jjuto tlje Hing :
3 p;av trjee let me go to rtje ,

VmZfi ^cb^on, 9 pay my botbc tt)l)ic|) Ijauc tbouart a ftraunger , bepart
$»££ borucbbntotl)c?Lo?be: t6y place. ,.« •

215 8 3FDjrtjyfcruauntboibcbabo\bc(ttmett ,. Xrjoucameayefterbay,anba)ouib|

2 jJ
\bas inC5cfur in jS>iria)faying:3f tlje bnquict tljceto bay to go tt)ithbs<
%oim ttjau bnng me againc in beebe to ibill go ibhytljer tan : 3 Wrtoew
(t'ljto COlOOT ^ierufalcm,3 t0 U)il fcrue tl)c Ho?be. turne tl)ou,$ cary againc tDy foolW"'

cfidigionhc trjee.
Jjontcib «"« 9 2nbtDc RtngTatbbnto l)im:©o in peace, fiWcrty anb tructl) be Vbitl) fliatbcX*

zi anb3tfjaiaunvVberebtljefettig,?wt;; ffi
anb fo rje arofcanb \bcttt to tyetyon. pe
10 25ut ^bfalom ftnt fpies tl)?ougl)out all as tDe JLM lyuctl),anb as my io?b ffle
mnglyuetfj ,<n TbDatpiace m|
tlje tribes of 3Jfracl .faying : ^ftoone as
ycl)carctl)cboyceoftl)ctmmpetblott), feing fbalbe, ttJhetfjcrin beatl)
ye ftjall fay,3lbfalom raignctl) infl?cto6. euentftercairo Tbilltrjyfcruauntbe.

11 3lnb lbitl) 3lbfalomVbentnbo tjuntycD ix anba>aumfaibto3ltrjai:Cojnetben,

men out of ^ierufalcm,tl)at tbcre (0 cal*
,o h tcauu.
icu: anb they ibentibitl) pure fjeartes, ibent foo?tfj , anb all nwn , anoau
vbttp^ 1
£25 a*, not nnoibing of ^any trjing. ng«a
;, lftI1
•bout. ir anb3lbfalomfcntfo?ai)itl)opbclt!je xj anb all tDccountrey ibepte
(Kilontte 2DauibS counfcller , fro Dts ci*
,. Kmges. 1 xvi.
lotiDt uopce ,f all tbc people ibent otter:
Che lung alfo hint fclfc paflcb ouer the
bjooftc Ccojon , anb all the people lbcnt
fitter tonwroe
the rbapc that icaoctb
u. anDio&abotaifoattb aiitbefLeuites
Vbitl) Walom. anoKffl S^g
wcreibitbbim^barc thearfee of the
* ^ appointment of <5oo , ano thep fct n naften&auib urns come tothetooneof %®#*
ano 3biathar
oottmc thearfee of (Btob,
wnjentbp , bntill the people tbereall $J£°ffi &»!^* W:anKE «F?
tome otter, out of tbe title. htnt,tt)ithl|iscoateto;ne,
anbbauutg WlV*
fetngfapbebnto&abot, Carp B *«
t < ano the earth upon his heab.
the acfec of €>ob againe into the eitic:3Kf n JJntoU)l)ont2C>auibfapbe:3lfthoucto
gilhaiiftnoe fauottrin the eyes of the »»tbme,thou (halt beaburrtjen onto
?Lojoe,he tutu tying me againe, $ fyeibe me.
me both it,ano the tabernacle therof.
i6 25utlfbethusfap,3Ihauenolulrbnto bnto3lbfalom, 3Jibiiibethpferuaunt
tbee: beholoe beream3J, lethpmbo

tuttb me tubat femeth goob in his epes.

£fetng : as J
haue thus long ben thp
fathers fcruattnt,fo am
JJ novbe thp fe£
ij Xhc fiing (apbe alfo bnto £>abot the
IMJ- p2icfc3lrtnottbou a S>eattfteturne m thecounfclofahithophei.
p "Hcb.To
to toe citie in peace , ano tafte pour two
me, that is,
35 3lnb hatt thou not there ibith thee §>& to my coin-
fonnes ibitb pou , 2htmaa5 tbp fonne, Doc anb auaffiar the pneltes <
thectoe mojitic.
ano Slonatban the fonne of abtathar. Jbhatfocuer thou Ojalt here out of
i% zsehoioj xurt tarp in the fielbes of the
MOerneue,bntiltbere come fome lbo?o anbabiathartl)ep;icftcs.
fcompoutobetolbeme, 36 3"* bcJ?%tbep haue there ibith
29 S>aooc tbcrfoje anb abfatbar carteb
them *
theitttbofonncs, ahmtaas £>aboes
rhearfte of ©ob againe to ^ierufalem, fonne,anb3onatl)an^btatljarsfonnc:
ano tbeptarieb there. bp them airo Oiai pe fenbe me all that
30 anoDautbibcntbpon mount £>huef, J vc"
canheare. •

anoibcptashcrbent bp, ano Ijao his

37 3nb fo i^ufai SDauibs fr eenbe ibent to
Mm bcab c,0 couereD,$ tt>ent barefootc t 3mb rhecttie,anb2lbfalomentreb into ate*
hi all the people that Kbas Unthhmi, bao rufalem.

Tlx. x*i. Chapter.

iI?bU)0en2Dauibrbas 3 3mt the Wng rapbe:«9l)ere is rfip

antic part the (a) toppe
acrsfonnei zibaaunftberebbntothe
[oft^wijbeholbe,zt' fttng,a5cholb he tarieth mil at
batljeferuauntof^ Iem:iFo?hefapbe, Xhts bap (ball the
metre Dim
Pbibofetl) boufe of Jffraci refto?e me the uing^
Jbithacoopleofaffcs v a
borne of mp father.
—fableb, $ bponthem
4 . ^ben fapb tbc Uingto z(ba:26eholb,
rhpne are all tljat pcrtapneb bnto m-
ha phtboret|).3ltib
"beretfje tljeetbat 31
zibafapoe :
3 bmnblp
map fiuoegrace in "Ffebr.I

nfASS l
c msfa ^ et, ntoztba: What tUPUSbt,mplo;be^)6ing.

5 2(nb ibben Hing 2)auiD came to (b) zsa*

antic in t'm
Durim , beboiDc,thence came out a man tiibcot ]£eiu

fo2 SS2SSK ou anD b?caa anti fr «

> it of tlje Itinrco of the boufc of 3>anl , na* tiinun.

mu mmtm
meb kernel the fonne of <25cra , anb he
\>* mttmtm ma? tame out turfing.
3 x 6%n*
Hufii ..K lnzes

Dim came meery ano refrctheD them

6 anb be caft ftones at 2>auiD anD at all ,

anD all the fclucs there. 3 Com

tbcfcruauntcsofaDauiD :

people anD ai tt)e men of matrc mere on 15 anoabfaiom? altbcpeopie tbemen HH

ofjftael tame to $icrufalcin,ano M\.
Dis 'right banDe,anD onbis left. about tbopbcimasmitbbim.
7 anb tbusfayD Fernet mbenbe"curfeb: anD affoone as $ufai the aratbttc
"Heb.Man Come fooitl), tome foojtb thou bloob* 16
2>auiosfrenD, mas come bnto 3lbraio
fbeber, anD thou man of ascltal.
of blood.
$ufatfayDe bnto abfaiom: ©obfauc
8 Xhe flozo bath bjougnt bpon thee all
» Wood of the boufc of 5>aul in the bing, "d5ob faue the bing. "Hcb.l s
the ,
f.ivot . bcc.infe
of t I) of mbofc fteabetbou baft raigncD,anb tl)e 17 anb abfaiom faybc to MjfclJs this the km-

cw ftcnbc;s©|)v
the binbneffe to thv
HojbcbatbDcliueteb the Kingbomcin* rben-
J.uio'.cri) ,ino
asbncr, ftifc
tea thou not mithhtnw E>aui»,

to the banbe of abfaiom thy fotme:anD

to [Ijc
wSEEEESSSZ* tothvnufchicft, 18 ^ufaiaunfibercDbnto»lom,^
SSeffimartaMooDftcwt. notfo:25ut mbomtbe %mt anb tljis
Sen raSSeTonne of Zm people anb all the men of Jftacl cboofr

SSSSSmmSSBm^^^ hisMi3lbe,fn)ithl)tmibii|i)Uicu;

no\bc,anb tahe of tbebeaD of him.

feruice; not to his fonnc? 3no as 3) ibas <™^
to anD the Bing faybe: i©batbauc3Jto
fttuaunt before thy father, fo mill 3w '""•

bo mull you ye fonncs of zatuuwfo j he


(t ©»nfo cutfeth cuen becaufe the %wWb m to %hen rpafte ^bralomto^hftl)opbei:

bibben him cutfe 3>auiD : nabo Dare
fell tl)*t tt)!0 «.
tl)C UIO-
21 anb ah"t)opbel faib bnto 3lbfalom: ^
then fay,iBbcrfo;c baft thon bone fo<
fo „
i«od foM)U>
<5ct thee in bnto thy fathers tocubincs s;af
firm-, -in ii
ii ana Dauib fayoc to abifai,anb to all
tl)'tfo»e Ihiiii-
blct!) l)"ii
fcltC tO 1)10
his ftruautcs, 25ebolb,my ronnembicp
Ibhiche he hart) left tobepe the boitfc, ks
tame of myne ovbnc borneis, rcbetft anb all 3Jftaeifl)aiheate,that thou art jjjwj*
abho?reb of thy father: then fljaii the w»»
my iyfe:lf)om much mo?e then may this
fonncof gjemitu Doit* 5>ufFtc him to
curfc, foz the %Wcbath biDbcn him, zz^lnb fo they fp;eab ^bfalom a tent bpon *» y*
$t may be that the %ofot mill lobe on thctoppeof the houfe , anb Sbfalom •£*
n rbentinbntoljis fathers concubines in

•Heb. On myne"affiietiott,anb
co Dome goob fo;
inyne eye Ijiscurfrng this bay. the fight of all gifrael.
3lnD as 2E>auib anb his men ment by i3 anbthecounTelof^hithophclibhicbe
i&XtSL 13
mas asa
fc .ifniB€tom= u
t t wa
« £>emci ment along on the he counfclebin tbofe bayes ,

^uics fVDC ouct againft him , $ curfeD
ashement, anb tbjeme ftoncs at him,
man hab afbeb counfeP^t the ojacicof
<5ob:cucn fo mas all the tounfci of
thophel, both mith 2t>au»o

anb caft bufte. .

anb the feuig anb all that mere mtth ^bfalom.
€ Uwe.fn>ii.(h#ptcr.
7 3fittlioplirt3 tounfci ii ouertlwotticn bp i^uCai. 14 ®he %Wt
fiab fo ojoefneo. i° CBe
pacttcs fonncss are fttD in tfte tncl. 2: ©auto goettj ouct 3o^Dane. 25 abtt&op^el
rjtmfclfe. :7€;bcpbjingbittaplestoj0auio.

3J ^ithophciaifofaiobn* 4 anb
the raying "plcafrb abfaiomibcl rlgh[ j

to3lbfalom: (,) |Letme anb aithe elbers of Jfrael. .
";; .

qciic tne -lu-
choofeoutnotbtlbclut 5 Xhcn faybe abraloimCal nomc i^ufai H{b :, .

(quote. ti)oufantjmcn,anb3 the aracljitc alfo,anb let bs heart lyftc* ^j-

ibtibpanbfoiomcafi myrc"mhathcfayth.
terSPauft this night: 6 nahen^uGiimascomcto abfalom,^'
anb 31 mil come bpo Talom fpabc bnto him,faying : a»uw
himmhylchcis \bccry anb mcabt han* Phcl hath geucn fuel) counfei: Sbai
wv 6W

ucb,anb mill fcarc him:anb all the peo- Do after his faytng,oj no^ tell thou.
ple that arc mtth him (ball flee anb fo
, 7 ^ufat aunfroerco bnto abfalom: %v[ #
mill jj finite the bing oirty,

tounfci that ahitbopbcl hath gencn ^

anb mil tying agamc all the people bn« not goob at this tinv (,

bnomeft my w
to thee:anb mhen al fliaii rcturne^hc 5
8 fot faybc J^ufat, thou


rher $ bis men home that they be

o r °" 3
manmhom thou fefteft [bcrngoarnc]
all the people Cbalbc in peace mc^anDtheybethafcbinthcirtnnibrs,

,.K ing-es.
ge; I xvn.
arc cnen as a 26eare
robbcb of Dec htsparbe , into the rbhirhethcptbcnt
SdpeSftithefielM: £hpfatherisa DOiune.

man alfo pjacttfeb in rbarre,anb

tbii not 19 2nb the rbpfe tofte anb fpzcab
a co*
ioDgctbit!j»t!jc people. uerietouertherbelics mouth, ffpjcab
zBchclb pe is DrtJ noifce tn
fome caue, grounb cometheromanbthcthingrbas
fli mfome other place: 2mb tljouglj
ouerthjoibcn at tl)e zo anb rbhenabfalomsferuauntcscame
fome of hismen be
ftrftbnmt, pet thep
that hem
it, rmu to the rbpfe to the hotife

5 ihc people that foloibcth abfc

«3hereis3(himaa5f 3lonathani ihe
rbomanaunftberebthfc Xbcpbegone
, thep fapbe:

3lnb !)c alfo that is haliaunt
,tbhofc oner the toooRc of rbater.anbrbhc the?
ftcartisasHjeartofa?Lio,a)ar'n)nnK hah fought them , anb couibc not finbe
P' Rnotbcth,that them,thep returneb to ^fcrufalem.
anb fapnt:tfoj all gifcael
rnv father is a mightie man , anb thep w 3Jno atToone as thep there bepatteb 2D
lbbicb be rbith him are
"(tout men. the other came out of the rbei,anb rbent
llwiof ZWoiz nip connfcli is ,that al3Ifrael anb toibe King Dauib, anb fapbe bnto

be aathcreb bnto thee

fe62Dant02Seer* him: Hp,anb get pou quicRip oucr the
feba, as the fanbe of the
feain numbje, ibater, fo^fuchc counfel hath, ahitho*
IZ-Wo fofr.W
anb that thou go to battaple in thpne phclgeuenagatnapou.
oibnepcrfon. iz Xhen soauib arofc,anb all the people
ii 5f o? fo fl)all the come
Upon him m one that ibere U)ith him , $ thep there come
( *5 Iilfiiof Hey
place o? other Where toe Ojal ftnbe him, oucr3Jomne bpthatitn)as bap: fo tnuavlfOall

anb lbe ttitl fal bpon him,euen as thiefte

ni9l)t,anii bp
thattherelacueb not one of them that moiitrans lw»

asthebearbe falleth on p grounb : 3inD

all Uirlr
ibas not come oucr 3f02bane. coiih

of ai the men that arerbtth hin^rbe ujal

i? 3tnb tbhen ^hitljophcl fan* that his
notleauehimonc. counfel U)asnotfoioibeb,hefabicbhis
i3 ^ojeouer,tf he be gotten into a totbne, 'Mt , anb arofe anb gate htm home to
then than al the men of 3Jfrael tying his oumc houfe , anb to his ottme citie,
ropes to that citie,anb the VbiU bjatbc it $ put his houlholbe in o^ocr^nb^^ han^ (fiClmiJ iffo*
fomttmcB in
intotljeriuer,bntfltherbenotonefmaU gcb him fclfc,anb bieb.anb thas burieb tl)l£f Ipff CIC3
cutclti mcgci
ttonefounbe there. in the fcpulchje of his father. mnitt>|iontl)C

14 3lnb Mlom anb all the men of 3U 14 %hcn 2>autT) came to *$ahana(m, truclfTttfcs
cuto; of iiic

rael fapbe: %he counfel of ^ufai the 3*

^nb 3lbraiom paffeo ouer 3Jo?bane, he , to

m tathttc, is better then the counfcll of & anb ail the men of 3Jfrael nnth him.
atmionidjc do luDgc-
ment nifaci)C
ljitbophel.5Fo? " it rbas euen the flozbcs 15 anb abfalom mabe ^mafa captatne of
Hie coo;ID ta
Determination to bettrop the c0 goob the hoaft in flcbe of 3f oab :tbhtch 3ftna? came.
tfllul tonnfell of ahithopftcUl)at the 0?i)C ^ fa,tbas a mans fonne namco 3Jcth2a
itmait might^bzing cupll bpon abfalom an 3ffraeltte,that tbent into Abigail the
15 Xhenfapbe i^nfai bnto £>aboe $ 3b<a^ baughtcrof^/ftahas, filler to zaruia airoc.iiica ;<i«j

tbarthepnettes: i0f thtSrjthat maner gioabs mother. 'Oa.lltlB fin

W ontrt
bi&ahithophelanbtheelbersofjfrad 16 £>o3ifraci anbabli«om pitcheb intljc
K tounfeiablaiom ,anb thus ? thus haue lanb of ©ileab.
Dcotmfavleb. 17 ^nbrbhcn3>au(b rbas tome to Q®&
i6 BoU)etberfo?efenbquicBlp,$ft)erbe hanatm,5)0bi the fonne of i5ahas, out
S>atub,faying:Xaric not this night in p of &abba of the ehilb?en of Amnion , 9
L h*
Jtcibcsof the rbtibctneu"e,but get thee i^acljir the fonne of 3tnmfei out of %&
^ouer, lett the Ring be bcuoureb ? all heber,anb25ar5ellai thcdftlcamte out
W people that are nnth him.
»7 iSott) Jonathan anb ahimaas abobe
ofaaogclim, e
18 (1) 26«rought bcbbcs,bafcns,earthen bef^ (l)(5cDbp
tlinii luccosf-
b P the ibell
Kogel : (to? tljep might not fels, lbheatanbbarlp,(louref parchco niij the ncccCs
oc iccne to
few come into the eitte) anb a come,bcanes,lenfties , jparchcbpuifc, f.Krtjfirlt
. cr=

wmhibcntanb w tolbthem:^nbthep
Jutim, niK' in hia
J 9 j^onp, butter, u)eepe, % cljeefc of apne, ii;

trouble anO
went.anb (herueb Ring 3Dauib. fo?2[)auiOanbfo ithe people that mere

\;™rtheiciTc,aiabfaVbe them, anb ibith him,to eatc: jro? thep fapbe , Xhe
nf h
lt t0 *b &tom:26itt thep rbent botl) people is hungrp , tbcerp,anb thirfUejin
ni au,a
,,5 V cuiicRip,$ came to a mans tljelUUbcinclTc.
Dourem2gahurim,tt)hichh^bau>cU tn
25 ) The
<trfbpilom. 2. Kinges.
The .xviii. Chapter.
2jrwrio acittoctfi ftts anmcnito tfurc partes. 9 3bfalom tgs ijangco , nap nc, ano can in

a pit, ?;5)auiaiaracntcthtfic acatfi of SDfalom.

3Ci B2> 2>auib numbjeb ternmg^bfalom;

the people that lucre 6 3inb fo the people tbet out into tlje fietoe
ibitljljtm,anbfettap* agamil 3lfraei (anb t|)c battel ttias in
taynes of tljoufanbcs tlje^uJooboftfpljjaini)

ana of l)unD?cucs 0? 7 i©ljcre t\)t people of 33frael mere flame drpbiamitcs

ucrtijem. before tlje feruauntes of Dauib : $ there Heir ftt>

z •-
anbSDauibfetfooztlj whs a great llaugtjtcr tljat bay , enenof Jopantia
tlje tbirb part of tlje people bnber tlje identic tljoufanbe men.
Jwnbe of ^oab , anb tfie tljtrb part bn* 8 jf o? tlje batten *bas fcattereb ouer ai tlje
ber tnc DanD of abtfai tlje fonne of zar* countrcy: 3mbtljeiboobbcuourebnu)
utajjoabs toother, anb the otljer tljiro people tljat bay, then byb tljeftbojb.
part bnber the hanb of 3Jtljai tlje <Bt* 9 3inb 3lbfalom mette the fernauntes of
tljitc:3inb the lung fatb bnto tljcpeopie, 2Dauib rybing bpon a mule , tbbtdje ca-
3 Null go rbitl) voump fcife atfo. tteb Dim bnber tlje thytfte boibcsof a
3lnb the people aunnbeteb,Xljou Ojatt great one , anb his Ijeab mas caught of
notgofootflj : fo2ittbcfleeaujay,tl)cy the one , anb he ibas liftbp bettbeene ptomDcnct,
Ml n ot tare foj bs, neither fbal tney re* the Ijeauen anb tlje eartlj: ano the mule tbatrtu tnigljt m 01
gam bs,thougl) ualfc of bsibere Haine: tljattbas bnber ljim,ibent atuay. ctampltfti'

met A*'"
but tljou^art notbe Vbojtlj tentljou* 10 3nbonetyatfaU)eit,toloc3Joab,faV' to
trjc rorinc
500D soucr=
i.oliv ougl)t to
ftnbe of bs , naiierfo^ it ts better tljat »ng:2Beljolbe , 3
faibe abfaiomljangc
to dispeople,
thou fitccour bs out of tlje title. tnanoue.
11 2lnb 21oab fayb bnto tf)e man that ilir» colli A. 3lnb the King faybc bnto thclm naljat torn
rafter loft
their iilico feemetlj youbcu\thatibtl31 bo.^nbtfte Jjtnnjf tljouotbbcftfce Ijim,tt)ljy mo-
t'nen that
ought (bonlDc
King ftoobe by tlje gate fybc , anb all ttjc beft not tljou tftcre finite Dim to W
people came out by Ijuntyebes, anb by grouno, ano 3
Vboulb Dane geuentDtc
tboufanoes. ten fitles of fiiuer, ano a gyjblc*
3it.o tlje fting commaunbct) 3Joab,anb Ji
11 %ty manfayb bnto 3Joab:5C!jougn
ID; 1"
3lbifat,anb 3]tljai,faying :3Inttcate the (^oulb"reteauc a tljoufanbe fitiesot rj
young man Slbfolom gently fo? my uer in myne Ijanbe, yet mouioc 3
faKe.3inb all the people ijcarbc tljat tlje ftrcttijc ont myne Ijaub agatnft p
"J »*
Ring gauc ail tlje taptayncs tljarge con* loiwf«
1 :

,Kimges. xvm.

fonne : fv *e hcarbibtth our cares fcunnc . Xben abmtaas rannebptbe

njhcntftcWno charge* thee, ^abuat, tttap of tbe plapnc 9 came befoze Cbufi.
mio1Jtl)at,fapittg: aseibarc mat none 14 mn 3>autb ,

Tate bettbecne tbe nbo

mm tbe pennfl man abfalom.
: 3lnb tbe ttiatcbntan lbrnt bp m,*,*
to the took oner tbe gate bnto
tbe \bal, SSSRSy
haucoonc agatnftnnne oumch/fe : to? anb lift bp his eyes ano faibe, 9 ocliolbe "iMlm
tberc came a man running alone.
lucre is no matter hpb
front tbe fting,
yrajtnon thp felfe Uioulbeft banc ben 15 3lno tbe ibatcbman crpco 9 tolbc the ,

binganb tbe King fapb:3Jf be be alone,

aaatnftme. _
e 14. Xbcniapbe$oab,3J map
not ftanb tbcre is tvbittgesinbis month. ^nb ««*»».*.
tluistarvmgttnrt)tl)ee: Smbbetofcc be came a pace anb bzctbe ncarc.
" Sw
thizt oartcs m bis hanoc 9
thjuft tbcm , 26 3lnb tbe lbatcbmm fa\bc another
"rluough abfalcmfthplebc ibas vet man runntng.anb the ibatebman callcb
toil of
asvocm the nubbes of tlje ofte. bnto the pozter.anb favo:25cbolb ,tbere
anb tenferuauntes that bare 3Joabs commcth another man running alone.
F 15
anbfmoteabfalom, 3lnb the fting fapb:l^e is alfo a tpbinges
ana Hue bun. banger.
is anblioabbietbthc trumpet, anb the 17 ^nbtbctbatcbmanfapbe:"^etb^ «„. Tr
people rctttrneb from folouting 3JftaeI: bctbtherunningoftbcfonttoa 2 t3 l^bc th.'ri,„S
fat %oab cn bclbbatfte tbc people. the running of abuiiaa; tbe icnne of
anDtheptolwabfeioin, anbeaftbim 5)abot.Xbe lung (aybe : i^c is a (fc^goob ** ** w


into a great ppt in the iboob, anb laprb
a mightte great bcapc of (tones bpon
man.anb commeth lbttl) goob ttringes.
18 3lnb 3tbimaa? callcb 9 fatb bnto p fting, i 74
K« '

Eka bint : Snb all 3Jfracl fleb cucrp one to peace be tbitbtbec: ^nohefcilboibne
their rentes. n tbe eart.i bpo hfs face befoje tlje fting,
is 2btb tbis abfalom pet in hfslpfejmie anb faj?D:a6if ffeb be the 2,02b thp <5ab,
tobe anb rearcb bp a piller, ibhiche is in ibijichhath fl)utbpthemc that itftbp «««w.
tbefrnges bale:*fo?hefapb,3i battcna tbctr battbes agairift mp lo^be the fting.
<° fonne to ftepe mp name tit rcincm«
19 ^Snjj the fttngfapb:^Js thxpoung man

bjattttcc, anb be callcb tbe piller after %H fcm fafe i ^hbnaa? atutfiuereo
bis ottme name, anb it is callebbmo i©hcn 3Joab fent the binges feruaunt,
6! UDJ

tbtsoap abfalcms place. anb me ihp (,) feruaunt ,^j fa\bc a great itKn.
19 Xben fapb ahtmaas tbe fonne of &>a^ tumttlt,butjvbotcnotlbbatituias. avian.

boc:Hetinerunne nolbe anb beare the 30 3lnb tbe fting fopbe buto him : Xurne
lung tpbinges, boib tbat tbe ?Lo jb bat J) afsbc, anb ttanb here , ^inb he turucb a*
VtU, (f
tnbgco bun qupte of the hanbe of his fibe,anb(roobc(rpir.

anb^joab fapb bnto him:
no man to beare ttbutges to bap,tbon
Xhon art
3 anb bebo'.o.Chun came alfo, anblapb:
%om u
lojbc the fting, foz tbe
bath beiutcreb thee tbis bap on;
« Hebr T


>& (bait beare tpbinges another time: but of the hanbe of ai them that r ofc agauft l;d
T to tmpthcu (bait beare none, becaufe thee. ° "\

S) ii
tbe binges fonne is beab.
Xben fapb 33oab to Cbua:<!50 anb tell
31 3tttb tbe fting fapbc bnto ChufitfJtbe
poungman^bfalcm fafe^ Cbufi nut*
tbcbpng ibhat thou baft fcene. 3lnb ftbcrcb: Xbe cnnttiesofmplojactite
CDuft boibtb bint fcife bnto 31 oab , anb fting,anb all that rpfe againft tbec teua
ranne. thee hurt,bc as that pcung man is.
*> Xbcn fapb 3lb<maa?tbc ronne of £>a* ^nb the fting tttas c,n)
moueb,anb ibint
jw agame to 3Joab:t©bat pjap tljce,
33 BRft
3 bp chamber ouer tlje gate, ai^ im^u
to the
paUbrunne after Cbufi* ibept : anb as he lbcnt,thus be fjpbf ,i- SS ffij
•3nD3ioabfaybe: naberfozc rbflt thou mv fonne ^ fonne, mp fonne cS""°n -

janne my fonne .fcpng that

thou baft no 3lbfalom: lboulbcC5oo3Jbabbicbfo?
tvDmgcstobnng; tbcc,3D ^bfalom mp fonne,mpfotiitc.
> ^«U)battf3irunnc^eraibbntot)inu
3 4 Tie

T>anidsreturne. ,.Kin, cs. r

T>auids r
«tou fi

The. xix Qiaptcr.


7<ioab encourage tli tbc Jung. 8 8>aufo ts rettojtD. :;

f-dftnet ip par&onca.
plnbofetU meetetlj t&e fiing. pjsarjelai Departed. 4i3;fracl ftnuctrjtoitijluca.

n 3lnb Ring 2>auib fent to ^ <§>aboc * at*-

3 413b ibas tolb 3f oab,

bcholbe the Ring ibec atbar the pneftes,feptng: &pea&c bnto

pctl) , 9 mourncthfo?
the ciDcrs of 3Juba,ano fap:n3hy are **.?-
3bfaiom. bebinbeto bung the Ring agame to ins
"Hcl.r.Sal- 3(nbtbe"bicto;neof houfc(fcpng that web tpbinges is conte
nation or
rlMt Dap ibas turncb from all 3Jfracl bnto the Kmgxuen to
into mourning bnto al hishoufeO
t!)c people: foz the people bcaro Tap that iz He are nip bones ,anb mp
bap boibc p Ring fojolbcb fo? bis fonne. flefbe: mwtiwthen are pe the laft
3lnbtbc people rbent that bap into that bjpng the Ring againc;
the cine bp ftcaltb,as people confounocD i3^n0 fop pc to 3Jmafa:3{rt thou not of nip
to tonucp them femes ibhenthcp flee in bone anb of mp ftttytt <Bon do fo to nu
(a^Ss thtv Do
battel!. anD tno^e alfo,lf thou be not captayneof mournc. JL 26ut the Bing^Ijpb bis face ,anb trpeb thchoafttome fo?cucrinrt)e«roome
lbithalonbcbopce: £>mp fonne 3tbf# of^Joab. m^ fBtat ,* 1

lom,£> 3lbfalom mp fonne,mp f&nuc. 14 ^nb he boibcb the hcartes of all the S"»53
(Ulnu '
^nogjoab came into tbc houfe lothe men of ^uoa eucn as thehcartof one »*&

Iting , ano fapb:Xbou haft (bamcD this man fo that tljcp fent [tbte ^om to tlje ^m

bap the fares of all thp fcruautcs.ibbicb Ring : 3&etnrnc thou ibith all tbp fer^ S?w
this bap Dane faueb thp life , f the Hues
ofthpfonncs, anb of thp Daughters, $
uauntes. Sr
15 ^>o theRingrcturneb,anDcameto3fo^
tbciiucsofthpibpucs, anb of thpeon;
Dane: 3lnD 3uDa came to Nilgai io
go to mccte the Ring,anD to conuep him
3ta that thon loucft tl)pne enemies, anb ouer3JojDane. '
batcftthpfrenbcs.-jFoj thou haft bctUv is »nb C3) mnti the fonne of d^cra t!)c Si!
rcbthts bap, tbatthouregarDcftnei* fonm of Gemini, ibhiche ibas of m\i\i-
* ©j,Cap=
Muua. ther tbp pnuccs no? fcruauntcs: 3uib rim,haftcb anb came botbnc ibiththe
this bap 31 bo pcrceaue, that if 3tbte men of 3Juba to meete Ring 2>auib,
lorn hab lyuco,anD all ibc hab bleb tljis 17 2nb there iberea thoufanb men of
"Hcbr.Bcti bap,thatbab " pieafeb thee ibcU. 2Scniamm uxtlj him, anb zfta the fer<
riglit in iftoibc tbcrfiw bp,anb come out, anb uaunt of the houfe of Saul anb his fyf-
tiiync eyes.
fpcaRc"c6fo?tablp bnto thp fcruauntcs: teenc fonnes anb ttbentie fcruauntcs
"Heb.To 5fo?5 fibcarc bp the Hojbe, cjcccpt thou lbith him , anb thep ibent ouer 3Ho^
-t of conic out , there mill not tarp one man banc befoje the Ring.
ibitbtbee this night, anb that lbtlbe 18 2bu> there Vbent ouer a boatc to cane
-nwfc bnto thee then all the cuyll that
, oucrthc Ringcs houft)Oibe,anb to do
tfjon thee from thp pouth bnto this l)im pleafurc : ^nD ^>lmci the fonne of
d5cra fei before the Ring as he ibas come
.:fcof 8 3jhcn the King arofe, anb fate In tbe Cc) oncrJfojDane,
guf :3lnD tbcp toloc bnto all the people, 19 ^ud fapoe bnto f!)e Ring : ?Lct not my
Tavng, beboioe the Rutg both fit In the lojbc impute ibicRebnesbnto me,noj re*
g« t , anb all the people came before the membjetbe thinges that thp fcruaunt (V) w,
!un3 : 3Fo?3irracthaDflcb,cucrp man to bpb wU)lcRcblplbhcn mplo^b the Bins
hwtenn bepartcb out of J^icrufalc, thatthcBiug ....

.iifho fbonto 9 ^tb al p people iberc at^ftrifc though- tljoulb taRe it to his heart !K%5
heme clic cut all the tribes of 3Jfracl,faplng: Xhe zo iFouhp fcruaunt both Rnoibe hoibe
King faueb bs out of the hano of our ene* thatgjhaucboneamiflc: anDtncrfo» gj*
mics# he Dcluicrcb bs out of the hanoc
ofthcphiltftmcs, anbnoujchcisfleb
out of the lanbe fo; ^bfalom:
beholb,3J am the firft this bay of all the fjS
houfe of 3lofcph,thatam comtoonmc

to meete mplojDc the Ring. «';

io 2i6ut 3bfalom lDhom ibc annopntcb ii 26ut ^btfai the fonne of zaruia aim- **£
oucrbs,lsbeabln battcll: Xhercfo;c, ftbcreb,anbfapb: S>hallnot Siinob^ g»
Sucre i»»

foi this , becaufe he curfeb the %o;U5


lbhparcpefo ftiil,thatpcbnng nottl;e t

Blngagapuei annopntcb;
11 3lnb
,.s amueJ ixv
7T5nDa>auiD fayoc : nahat haue 3 to 3
$oid long Dauc to Uuc,tDat tljuio
3 " tbrt liovf

"Wnthyouyc fonncfi of zaruia? iro? go Dp iDttl) tDc king Dnto ^icrti&ienif many djyes

Sjteoap yt be aDucrfanes
Unto me: 35 3am tins Day fouce fcoie ycrcs oioe: s of

my lyfe;

Ahall tDtrc any man Dye this Day in canUDcfernc bttlDecne goco okupIU
fjfracl? 2>o not 3}
hnotbc that am 3 fentaunt any taftc intliat he
i^atlj tljy

tl)isDapftjmgoucr3lfr«fc - • catcth 01 Dimftetfr Can ije heacc any

,. anD tfitrfec the ftps fayDc Dnto £>t* moietheDoyceoffpiigyngmcnanOlDo^
inci^tjoufhaltnotDyc : anDthcbyng men* iDl)cufo;e the uJouid thy femannt
iWtetontohym. -.. De yeta burthen Dnto my I02D the'
u anD ^tphtbofcthrhc fonnc of£>attl 36 xhy fcruaunt VDill go alitle ujay oner

'came Dottwe to mectt the byng,ano haD 3o2Dane lDith the fting : $TDhy lliylihc
neither iDathcD his feetc, no2D2effeD his fting rccompaice it me VDitij fuch are*

bcaroc,no2 ^lDafhcD his clothcs,froni iDaroe;

tfietpme the byng DcpartcD, Dntyll he 37 €> fcruaunt turne bacftc a*
let tljy
cantc againe in peace. gayne, that 3
may Dye in mync ovbne
25 anD lDhenhc
iDascomcto Mem ciric.anD ibeburpcDjm the graue cf my
felcinanDmctthcbing, t!)e hingfayDc father $ of my mother: BchclDc, here
Ditto him: B9herfo2C ibcntcff not thou is thy fcruaunt 'Ctjiinljam,lct htm go
iDifhmc^ujhtbofcrh? iDiiij my io?De
the fting, anD do to Ijim
26 i?e atmftDcrcD : $$y 102DC <® fting, my iDhatfhaiiplcafethce.
fcruaunt DcccaucD me: fonljy fcr- 38 ^nD tlje Chimljam
fting aunfiDcreD:
uauttt fatDc,3J tboulD ijaucmync aire fljall go lDith me, anD 3 iDiil do to him

faMcDtoryDe thereon, fozto go to tht that tljou fhaitDc contcntiDttlj: aino " ©i.c^nfc.

fting: becaufc thy fcruaunt is lame* lDljatfoeucr thonfbalt require of me,

27 anD Ije hath attnfcD thy fcruaunt Dn* that fame TDM 3
Do fo? tljee,
tomylojDe thehing, anD my loiDe the

Mftoinc 39 3hiD ai the people tt>ent oucr JJoiDanc:

D3CU1 atl
king is as an w
angell of <s»od: do thcr* anD lDlje*ti)c fting ibascome oucrjloii " ©i.bnn
lure. fojetbhat reemcth^ gcoD ftt thine eyes. Dane,ljt ftiffeD 2i5ar5ellai,f DieffcD Sim, f;.in(airtcrtj.,

2$ #02 all my fathers houfc there Dut 9 IjciDeut bacftc againe Dntoljis orbne

DcaD men Dcfoic myloiDc the fting, place.
ano vet DiDDcft tljou put thy fcruaunt 40 3inD tljentlje fting tDcnt to d5ilgai,f
among the that DyD catc at thyne oibnc CljtmljamrDcntiDitijljim: ^nD ai the'
table: nahat right therefore Ijauc^J yet 3
people of uDa,eonDuct*& the fting,ano
alfo Ijaife tlje people w of Jftaci.
(t) xoliA
to cryc any moje Dnto tDc fting* tinD tr.kcn
pm un;ij tlje
19 anD tlje fting faiD Dnto him:2©hy fpea* 41 3nDDcholDc, allthcmcnof3Jfracl bins.

belt thou any mo;e of thy matters? 3J came to tlje fting, 9 faiDe Dnto tlje fting:
haue faibe, Xljou anD ziba DcniDc the
B9hy Ijaue our bjetljien rljc men of 3m-
lattDcsbctti)cencyou. Daftolcnthee aiDay, anD Ijaut bought
30 anD ^tpljibofcth fayD Dnto the fting: the King anDljis houfljoD c anD all 224*
pea, icthimtahe fotfomuchas my
all, uiDS men lDith him ouer ^o^Danc;
102b p fting is come againe in peace Dnto 41 3£nDal!thc men ofJIuoaaunfiDcrcD
Insotbnchoufe. the men of 3fracl,26ecaufc the fttng is
31 Zm 2sat3ciiat p d5iieaDif e came DotDnt ncarc of burnt to Ds: m\)tttfo;t be ye
trom Koglim,&n'o VDcnt oucr giotfane angry foitljis matter? i)auc idc eatm
forth tlje fting,to conOttrthim
oucr $op of tlje binges coffc 02 haut lDt taben
Dane. anyD^ybcs?
3x 2Bae5cliat
iDasaDcry agcD man, euen 4? anDtOcmenofSJfracl aunfiDercDthc
pure fcoie yeres oloc, ano piouiDcD tlje men of 3uDa, anD faiDe: mz haue ten
ma of futtcnauncc
iDDiieftc layc at . partes in the btng, anD haue thereto
i0aiwnatin:fi»t)e tDas a man of Dery mo:e ryght to 2>autD then yc:s@hy then
SwatOibQaunce. DID yt Dcfpife Ds, that our aDutfc O^oulD
-Hno tDe fting faiD Dnto
Barscllai.comt not De firft Ijao,in rctto2ingour btng?
outnDitlj me, 9 3 iDillfceDetljceiDiti) ^nD tht iDozDts of the men of J ttoa
ninn^tcrnfalcm. lDere fiercer ttjttht iD02Dcsof tlje men
H anuasarjcilai faiDe Dnto tlje fting: of3ifraeu
Ioab hilletb 2. Samuel.
The. xx. Chapter.

i £*ba rapfttf) Sftaelagafntt © fiflletb afmala tratterouOp.

22 C^eljeaDot^cbatpDEliufreDto 3oab.:j©autD0cbicfeoBi«rjs.

3 I
tbcre came io 25utamafatobenoIjcebetomeftbft)h
OOwbmtbc fftu&cr a cec* tbatU)asin3oabsbanb:foztbcrcU)«h
tnmc tribes
•gnnij Ju«
tame man "
of Ijefmotc bim* in tbc fpft[tvbbci *rwZ ...
Dal). 25clial, nameb out his boibeis to the grounbe
s "
" Oi Snlchrt
man. £>cba, thefonne " tbmft at l)tmnomo?e,$ bebpeb:
of zstr&tf, a man
of 3leinftif, be
3oab anj
after &eba
MM §»q
bis bmlytt foioujcb
tbc fonnc of zsicbtf.

«« h,
bldb a trumpet, n Unbone of 3loabs men ftoooebpbim flroke
anbfaibrtDcbaue anbfatbe: ^ctljat bearetbanpfauouc
no part m
2>autb, neither bauettiefn* to 3ioab m
goob Vom to 2Dauto, let *lan
iicritaunce in the fonnc of 3Jfai : eucrp go after 3Joab.
inan to l)<stcntcs,4D ^Jfraei. ii ^ub 3imafa tballomcb in bloob in the
z 3nb fo cuerp man of ^fracl went fra mibbes of tbc map: ^nb Jbbcn tlje man
2Dauib, anb fololbcb <S>cba the fonnc of fame tbar all tbc people ftoobcfhu be
Blchn: 25ut the men of3fubaclauc fall

remoueb ^mafa out of tbc tbaptnto

bnto their Uing fromjozbanc to Intern* tlje ficibe, anb caft aclotbbpouhfm
falcm. becaufcbefaU) tftateucrp one tjjat tame ^
3 anb 2>amo came to his Ijoufc to mv bpljimftoobeOilU
rufalcm,* anb the ftfng tone the ten tt>o* u ^nb affoone as be ibas remoueb out
men b<s concubines, tbat be oao left be* of tbc ibap,aui)e people lbcnt after jte
biub him to bepc p houfe , f put them m ab, to foiotb after 3>eba tljc fonnc of
ibarbc,? fcD tl)cm,bnt lap no mo?e lbith 26iclj?i.
tDem: 3lnb fo thep rbere tnclofeb bnto i4 ^no be Vbcnt tljo?om ailtlje rnbcsof
the bar of their bcatb, Iputng tt>p*m 3Jfracl,bnto 3tbcl,anb to zsctbmaacha,
boibhoob. anb ailtlje places of
3oiibB toome
4 XtjcnfaibctfteKfngto^^mafajCa!! gatbereb togctljcr, anb lbcnt after bim.
Cl)ip.«t.(. me the nun of gjuba
together nnthiti 15 3lnb tbcp came anb beficgeb bimin 31*
thjee bapcs,ano be thou here alfo. bcl,nearc to 25ctbmaacba: ^nb tljcp
5 3lnb fo 3imafa lbcnt to gather p" men caftbpabanchcagainfttbceitie,anbtbe
of3Juba together ,but tarpeb longer the"
the time lbbicb be hab appopntcb bun.
people tbcrof ttoobcontljc rampcr,anb
all tbc people tljatibas Vbitb JJoab,"
6 ^nb2Dauibfatbeto^btfat:i!5oiba)al tljmft at tbc Vball to ouertlj^otbert. the wall

&ebatbcfouueof 28ichn bobsmoje i6 Xijcn crpco a ibpfc iboman outof tbc

hatmc tben bfb 3lblaiom: 3Lane thou titic,bearc, beare, J
piap pou fap bnto
(rt fl^tminj therefore thp lojbes co fcruauntcs, anb
t:ic foultiicro
3Joau: Come Ijitljcr that map fpcaue 3
thstrocrt ton= foiotbe after hfm,lcft he get Dim ttmilcb lbitfttljce.
net Tjcnbtjifl
tl»cat>;otl)cr. cittcs,anbcfcapcbs. 17 naljen 3Joabibascomcbntobcr,rbc
25 7 3inb tbere lbcnt out after Inm 3foabS iboman faibc: 3trt rbou 3Joab^ ^c am
mcn,anb tbc €crcrbttcs,anb the $bele* Dbercb:3J am be. ^be faibc bnto bun:
tbttcs,anb aHthemigbrpeftmcn: anb i^earc tijc lbojbes of tbpnc banbniapb»
tbeybeparfeb out of ^icrufalcm.tofo? 3lnb ije amtfibcrcb : 3J bo Dearc, fctlDIMlW
lotb after £>cba tbc fotme of astebn.
8 3lnb ibben tbep iberc at p great ftonc
18 Xl)eufl)efpauctbns: f0 %bepfpaftein
the olbe tpme,(aping,Xl)cp flpuib alRC ***£*
tncmbcon, 3mafa lbcnt befojetbem: of ^bcl :^inb fo bauc t\)t^ connnucb. &»»»*
ri»*3rtoatc 3M0 5Joabs w garment tbat be bab a* 19 Slam^oncoftbcmtDatarepcaccablc mm
ttat be stro
to tocite in bout btnUbas girbe bnto bim,$ be bab $faitl)fnllm 3Jfcacl, anb thou gocft » »-
t'oc franc*.
gpjbeb tbcrcon a ftbozb, ibbtch ibas bouttobcOropacitic, anbamotber in g*
iopneb fafi to bis lopnes in a fbcatb, Jfracl: mty unit tbou bcuourtljcin''
tbat as be lbcnt it felt fome time out. ljcritauuceoftbc?Lo?bc;
9 3inb 3Joab faibc to ^mafa: ^rt tboti io 3lnb3Joabaunfujcrcb,anbfapb:(0^
in " bcaltb mp b20ti)er; 3lnb 3Ioab tofec
«« Fbrc.
fo,!bpb , <!5ob fo?bib it me tbat 3 $ oal9
3iutafa bp p bcarb ibit!) tlje rigljt Ijanb, cu1)trbeuour,02bcftrop. ,
to*Htu"ebim. ti Xbcmattcris not fo: Z5uta man ot

2. Samuel— 1 XX

inoffS S\im
rrrr. flfm r^cba the of
ab tetutncb
to l^ietufaicm, bnto the

ffiS cuenagaina3Dau«j:
Sf-S,nonrtv (J^«JPH depart
23 ^oabttmsouetallthcfjoaftofSJfr*
el, anb Janata tljefonne of 3Ichotba
^ £lv lSnrtfShcMwtnanfeiDbn^ n>asoucrtheCercthttcs$iMjclethitcs.
ftfSS Msneabttjalbe tfto< 24 3tm> Slburam Vbas ouee thettibutc,
Noman tbent tntoall
*«* IJcljofaphat the forme of ahiinb,
Mjas recover.
"82ffi he
»5 Seuan>asfcrtoe,anb£>aboc anba<
{ )C
Sith Stt njifebome, anb
blattjat Nete the partes.
Sffi- of the I eab of *eba p tonne
SSffl^aKW'2* " ^nbjeatljesainteitoas^chtefea.^ tounfd;

[, c

^ The .xxi. Qhapter.
t fffticE beare vms.9 €i)t bengeaimce of ttje ftmtejs of &aaMigfttet& onj)fe

^c^ttjeretbas an 7 ButtDe Bingljab compaffionon^ 25

hunger in the bapes of pljibofetl) tlje tonne of Jonathan the

SDanio tfj?cc peres" tonne of &aul, becaufe of the Hojbes

otl) tljat tbas bcttbeene them cuenbe*
together: 2lno 2>auib

"cncmircbofpflo?be* tibeene Dauib $3fotuthan tlje tonne

3nb tlje Hojbe aun* of^>aul.
fitocreb:3Jtisfo?&aul, S 25ut tlje King tone tlje trbo tonnes of
anb the tjoufc ofbloob, becaufe Ije flue aaifpDatljcbaugDtetof^ta ibljomaje
bare bnto 5>aul, eucn ^rmoni anb $&i>

atrbthe fting calleb the Cibeonttes, phtbofctlj, anb tlje fine tonnes of $0i?

anb faibc bnto them: ( iftoib the (£>ibe* chol the baughter of 5)aul, ° mom gyStt
omtesibcre not of the* cljtlbmtof Jt Ojcbareto ^bnei tlje tonne of aBawl* jjujjgfc

rael, but a temnauntof thcamontes, laithe09eljo!atljite. S1SW

anb the chtibjen of 3Jftaeiftt>arcbnto « 3tnb Ije belinercb them bnto p Ijanbes mSm*
them: 2mb Saul fought to flap them, ofthe<!5ibeonttcs, ibhichhangcbthem SASsE
fo? a scale that Dc tjab to tlje cljiltyen of in tlje hui bcfo2C tlje Ho?be: ^nb tljcp "
fell all fcuen together, anblbereaaine
C3) j™****.'
j nahecefojc 2Dauib fatbe Unto trje <25t^ mthebapesofljarucft, euentnthe
bconites : °° nahat ujail 3 bo foz pou,$ fitftbapes, anb in tlje beginning of bac* »» nmai. (iftlll.Htrol

tbhcrcibith ujall 3 matte tlje attone* Ipeljacueft. jiiurilic, antt
parte of3=
incnt.that pe map blcffe p uujetitaunce 10 anb&ifphatljc baughter of 3tia,to&e

Hat Iiu
m. ofthe&ojbc? <w facHdoth,? Dangeb it top fo? her top* Sot?r,
4 Xhe <stbconit es aunftbetcb ljim:nac on tlje rocae [ww} from tlje beginning
Mihauenofiiucrnojgoioe of Saul of harucu\tontill
w tbaterb:oppebbpon S,,?!?
m of his houfe, neither is it our mmo tljem out of Ijeauen, ^fuffercb neitljer 3**jg;

that thou ujoulbea co
anp M in
tacujefaibe: naijatpounjallfap, tljat
man Jf thebp?besoftljcap?etp ipghtonnjcm fllCucD
tE tX c
he wao
bpbap,no? bcaftcs of p fielbc bp night. {ICO.

tbmilbofojpou. h 3mb it Jbas tolbc a>auib itohat ifvifpija ^J.tttt.


5 IChcp aunftbereb tlje Ring: X&e man tlje baugljter of 3lia the concubine of
that tonfunteb tos, anb unagineb to ^>aui,habbone.
brambs to naught,that ibe ate oetttop* la ^nb IDauib Jbent anb toltc tU bones
C U1 rc mamin in anp of the coaftes
9 of Saul anb of ^Jonathan his tonne,
? &°r .
ftom the citC3ins of^abes ind5«"eab,
6 Hctfeucn men of his tonnes be ben* w ibljiclj hab ttolen tljem from the

of 25ctljfan ibhete tljcphiURsnes hab

P« kWS utrcb bnto bs, grtbe ibill
tjang them bp
UQ %0 ^ z n» <5ibcal) Ijangcb them, ibtje the ^hiiittines tjab
te « }} t
»)hoinip notf) bib cl)oore. ^nb tl)c Ring
of S>aul
w^3M)iUBcuctrjcmpou. 15 ^nb Ije b^ougljt thence the bones of
6 ^

Dauid S
2.oamuc i.
£>aul, anb the bones of Jonathan his
fonne, anb tbepgathereb the bones of
thou quenchc not the m liaht"nf^?vnr^ —
18 2lnb pet after this, there
them that ibere hangeb.
14 ano bones of 5>aul$ Jonathan
tatie ibith the
«*>• **« »«25a2»?
^tbbeehai the
at S ^5?
his fonne burpeb thep in tije countrcp of
iseniamin, inzcla, in the fepulchjeof
€is his fatheranb lbhcn thep hab per* 2(nb there ibas another battafle

W aX
fonrnteb ai that the Ring eommaunoeb,
<£obtbasthen(h;, atonerbtth thcianb.
eobibtththe mimmsmnieL
nan the fonne offaere
luffcr faulicfl
15 ^ojeoucr^hiiittutcs hab pet ibarre
lehenute Hue <» <25oiiath %
thcrt tlir 0effi? r«*.
plague of (JioO agamcibith^jfraei, anb Danib ibent theftaffeofibhofe fpeateiasSe ;&"
lyciliopon a
fcoibne anb hts feruauntcs ibith htm, $
Fought againtt the #hiii(hnes:;2mb 2>as
20 3lnb there ibas pet another
uibibarcbfaintie. in cRth, ibhcr ibas a manof
a Teat
16 3lnb 3Jcfbt benob one of the fonnes of ttature,anb haboneuerphanbftrX
the giauntesC the iron of ibhofefpcare gers, ^oncuerp footc fire toes,
(V) xeWO) &-
mount (0 npnc Ibapeo thjee hunbjcb » (teles of bjafle)
pouio ,a quar* tttcntteinnumbcr,anbibasboWfo
tct <mo lj inc. anb he being gpjbcb ttrtfh a neib Itbojb, ofthcRinbjcboffhe giauntcs m<5t
thought to haue ttatnc 2Dauib. 21
17 *25ut31bifatthe fonne of zaruia fur* than the fonne of 3>imea thetoother of
courcbhim# finotethe^ljiltftthe, ano 2Dautbauehitn.
feilleb htm.Xhen the feruauntcs of 2>a* it IChefe foure mere borne to
the enatm*
«ibribarcbntohim,faping:%houfhalt utcRfh, anb bpeb bpthehanbofS
gononto?eomiwthbstobattaile,that «ib,$bpthehanbes of his feruauntcs.

^ The .xxii. Chapter.

2©atitt> am W MtWkfi pmtzty <£fob .s cije M&t of (Bob towmtbeMcm.
440cp?op^eoete of tijemectton ottlje 31c\»ej5,anD bocatton of
% ©entile,
C«)»t)crcui 4t52>a>auibfpaBethe 8 Xhe earth trembleb anb quafteb
U)o?besoft!jts w fong
t t!)e
ijc pjopfctl)
<J50DfOf tl)C founbations of Ijeauen mouco $ ujooRe
iojkc and
tcnciitt Ijc
bnto the ?Lo?oc,lbhat ibhenheibasangrp.
rcccduco al time the 3Lo?bc hab be* ^>moBe
(M0 Ijanoc*.

Ipuereb htm out of the

9 rbent out at his nofthjpis, $
tonfuniing fp?eoutof6ismoHth:toles5'
mm ,*


hanbofal his enemies, ibercRinoiebtl;ereat.

^anboutofthehanbof 10 ^nbhcbottebhcauenftamebolbne:
&aul. anb there urns barRcneOc bnber hi§
anb he faibe:1Che Hojbe is ntp rotfte, feete.
anb mp taftcll.anb mp belpucrer, 3lnb he robe bpon Cherub anb bib flee:
d5ob is mp Orcngth, in him ibm
« £>}, rocbt.

tmtt : he ismp Chielbe, anb ttje home of

3 he ibas fecne bppon thcftinges of tflc
mp faluation, mp hie totb^e, anb mp re* ii $e mabe barbnes a tabernacle ronntie
fuge mp fauiour, fljou haft faneb me
, about him:ibithibatersgatljcrcbtO0C'C
fromlbjong. therinthicRetloubes.
Plal.xviii.a. 4, *3ftbiUtailon the!Lo?be ibljirt) is U 5Ch;ough the bjightnes of fjisp^cfenee
pjapfc ibo?thp: anb fo (hall 3lbefaueb Ibere w
tije coles offwc bmbieb. «**»,
from mpne enemies. 14 Xhe |Lo?be thunb;eb from BcanmsSa
" 3>J,t>n2»»=
5 tfoi the panges of beath clofcbme a* ? hethat is moft hie,put outljis bopec. **$$
bout : the flubes of a&eiial put me in 1$ i^c (hot arroibes,anb fcattereb them: ««->{*
[to toft]
lpghtning,$ oucrtl)?elb tbem. ©
' )£»,»""«.
6 %^t fiworbes of tompaffeb me
" hell 1 3Chc cljaneis of the fca appcareotaiib
about, the fnares: of beatlj oucrtoue the founbatios of the ibojlb ibere fecne,
me. bp the rcafon of § rcbuRing of the &o;D,
7 3fnntp tribulation bib tall bppon3 anb th?ougD the blading of the b?carp
the Ho;be,anb crpe to mp d5ob: anb he ofhisnofth?pls.
25 u&
bpb heare mp bopte out of his temple, 17 ^efcntfromaboueanotoftenie:i)P
anb mp crpe [M mm
into his cares. b;eibmeoutofmanpibaters.
2. Samuel. ixxi
TTSiirlMcttonieftommvmiBlmcetp 36 Xl)ou Ijaftgeucnme tbe ujieioc of thv
faluatfon:ano ttttlj tbp loning mete
nefTe tljou DocftnmitipUe me.
37 Xfjon baft enlarges mp ftcps bnbec
me:anb mp legges OJaunot fatlc me.
tare of mp
El) ft**
38 3Ijauc fololbco bpon mpne enemies,

"fS:i)eb?ougDtme out into roomtft: ano beftropcb tbem : anb turncb not
againe,bntill 31 Ijab tonfumco fbem.
3? 3Ijaue ibafteb tbem, ano ibounbcb

,,*&&&* retbarbeb me attojbing tbem,tbattbep 0)al not be able to arpfe:

pea,tbcpu)aiifalibnbcrmpfcetc. <&
[dim"'. purmesofmp banos &e retompenfeb 40 X!)ou baft gpjbeb me about tbitb
,|j)ffllW migbt to battaple:anb tbem tljat tofea*
gainft me, baft tljou fubbucb bnbec me.
41 3nb tljou Ijaft gcucnme tbe nccbes of
tx V ozailhis latbesvberc inmpfigbt:_$ mpne enemies: rtjat 31 migbt bcfttope
htettatutesjbto notbeparttbecefro. tbem tbat bate me.
alfo ftaue
|nl)tsfigSalfol)aue31 %
ben bpjig&t:
-?.. SES Jl^ ...» frrtm ntwiir ntlnir ttlfe
41 Xbeplobcb about,buttberribasnone
rtiTi* Imr
m$£ Kept me from mpne otbne tm*
to ffltt*
faue HlPtlf
tbem: TMlMll
unto Hi*
[men] linfft tlje If

2<%U)tljc£ojbe bib to me agatne at* 43 Xljcn nib 3 beate t&cm as fmailast

bull of tbe eartlj:3F *fo ftampe tbem
coping to mp rtgl)teoufneffe:cucn after tlje

mppurenesinbisepefigbt. as tbe rlap of tlje ftreate,anb wo fpjeabe

anb K
26 mttbtlje goblp tt)ou 0>alt

be gobltc:
man tljat is bpjigbt, tljou
tlicm abiotic.
44 XDou alfo baft bcliucrcb me from tbe
btfcentionofmp people, tljon baft ftept
27 JBitbtbepw" tljou fbait be pure: anb nte to be an tjeab ouer nations : tbe peo*
ibttbt&e froumebt&ouumtujevbe tljp pleibbicb3lbneibnot,boferueme. $
froibarb. 45 S>traungc tljiibz^'biffcmble ibitl) me: $££?*
28 anbtbepooje people tbou tbilt tauc: at tlje bearing of tbe care,tbcp obep me. zstS» M


but tbpneepes arc bpon tbep?oube,to 46 5>traungerbtlb?en»)ilfbnnBe aibap: ™'»*<™° ; l

tying tbem botbne. anbtbcpfbailbe fmpttcn ibitljfeare in «"«•"« agnmG Iljtlt

29 3Fo2tfjouattmplpgbt,£>5*02bc:anD tljeirpiiuietbamber. Ucai t.

tbe ILojbc (ball ligbt mpbarbeneffe. 47 fLettbeHojblpue,anbbieffebbcmp

30 M
boaft of
bp tljeeJJ fballbjcabe tljzougb an
men: anb bp mpd5obtbpU3
magniftcbbe<i50b [cuettjtijc
fpjmgoueralball. 48 gjtis d5obtbat geuetb me n>oi»er] to
31 ©ob is bntojrupt in bis tbap, tbe reucnge me: $ bjingetlj bourne rtje pco*
ttWb of tbe Ho?b is trpeb in tbe fpje: be piebnberme.
is a fyielbe to all tbem tbat trull in Dim* 49 $e beliueretb me from mpne enemies,
31 3Fo2U)boisa<5obfauctlje1Lo2b;anb tbouaifoljaftlpftmeon bie from tljem
ibbo ismigbtie faue our <3tto < tbatrofcagairiftme: thou baft belpue«
$ 33 Gob ftrengtbnetb me in battaiie:$ rpb^ r cd me from t^t tbitneb man.
Dctbtbcibap tlcarebcftwe me. 50 3nb tberefbtf 3 tbpli pjapfe tljee ©
J4 §t mabetb mp ftcte Ipue bpnbes ® %oiu among tbe nations: anb Jbpll
feete: anb fcttetb me bpon mp Ijie pla* ftngbntotbpname.
tes. Captation foi his
$?c is the toiu^c of
35 ^eteatbetb mp banbes tongbt:tbat bing, anbbeaietlj merrpfullp tbitb his
euen a botbe of ftecleiS b?ouen Ibitlj annopnteb: euenibitb S>au»b,ano Mtti
mpnearmes. bisfccbefo^cucnno;c.

T>auids itoortbies 2.oamuc
..s 1. T>auUs

^ Tbe .xxiii. Qhapter.

i ©fie laft toojow of ©atria. 6 ©fee tof diet) (hall be plticfier) bp 00 tfiojne*.
s CHc names; anD facte? of
W mifibtp t)e Dcfiretb urater, j toould

a tbasaparrcllof ianbftolofictuflaanr,
ipaKc after
lie awbcsofDauiOtSDa* tbe people tteb from tlje ^rjiufttnes*
feat tlje
nib tbe fonne ofllfai ii 2Sutbeaooocmpmibbeftoftbegronii
Gub:anbpmantt)ljub anb befenbeb it, 9 ttue t^t #ljftain. c «'
lbasojbayncD the an* anb tlje Ho?be gaue great bictojtc. , n
no^ntcu of tlje <E>oD of 13 * Xbefe tb?ee (ibbicb ibere of tlje
IJarobanDtljcfmcctc captamcs)ibcnt boibne to
tit cljiefe * &*
iMalmittof3ffraci,faybe: bib in tbe banieft tyme bnto ttje taue
%l)t fpirite of tlje fLotfe fpaae by me, Dullamranb tlje boaftof tlje ^bihttincs
(10Q9* antg
tic[[nhrntt m
anu his tt)o*b mas my cb) tongue. pytebcb in tbe bailey of giauntes.
thing but by
tt)tmotion of %$t <5on of 3Jfcaei fpaue to me, cuen . anb 2>auib ibas tben in anlwuibc

Boo* (pmt«.
tbe moft migbne of Jfracl faybc: ru* a '*anb tbe foulbicrsofp^btiiihnes ibcre
ler ouer men being toft, ruling in p feare masetblebem. ( Ma|
of ©on: anb Dauib (0
15 longeb,? fame : £>b that SSSU
bab of tbe tbatec tbat is to tlje njei bp **
anb as the morning lygfjt
funnc is top,a morning in lbbid) are no
tbftcntlje 3
tbe gate of 25etljlebcmfo?tob^nfte.
doners , ifoftairapboufebcbutnot] as \6 anb t^t tb?ee migfjtie b^afte nj?ongh
graue of ttiecarty teby tyygbtncffe
trje tbe boattof tbe ^bibftines, fbnieuia*
anarayne. ter out of tljeibell of Bctljleljem njat
Sfoi fo fljalnotmy rjoufe betbitt) <£ob: Jbas by tbe gate, anb toftc auti b^ougbt
ii.Rc?vii.c. *5fo? be batb mabe ibftb me aneuer* ft to SDauib: iI5euertbelcu*c be iboulo
laftmg coucnaunt,perfett anb furein aH not bzinfec tbereof,but (B) poib;eb itbnto w «„
poyntes:anb this is truly ail my beaitlj,
that he will
anb aiimy befyje," tljat it groibe, but 17 anbfaibe, Xbe?lo?befo;bybtbat3lKS«
not make it
zBut tbe bngobly man, (ban be asa
fljouibDo fo :3Js not tbts %i Woobof
tlje men tbat ibent in icopcrbic of tljcvj

mnzas the
gM fie which rbomeclcancpiuctubp, lbljtrb cannot lyues i % tljcrcfo;e Ije ibouib not b?inbe
continucth bctaBenUutbljanbcs: it .anb tbefe tbinges bib tljefe tlj?ee
isuttbcman tljat fballtouebctbem, migbticmen.
and fallcth mufi: be bcfcnccb ttrirtj iron, oj ttntb tlje is * abtfai tbe bjotber of ^oab tlje fowie" h« y
away. fljaft of a fpearc, anb rtjcy (haloc burnt of zaruia,ibas cbiefe among tbe %tt y
Xbitbfircin tbe fame place. % be lyft bp bis fpeare agamfttb^ee bun*
25 8 Xbefc be tbe names of tijc migbtte bjcb, " anb flue tbcm,$ bab tlje name a* « ewuint
men uiliom 2DauiDljab:^)nc mat fate mongtljetb^ee: I>
Cc^'XKiont or
rhc Kinnca
m tl)c
Tcatc of tt)ifeoomc,bcing cnicfctt 19 5fo? Ije ibas moft erccllent of tbe rb?ec,
counfeu. among tbe p?inccs,tt)as aoino of csni, anbibastbeircaptayne: i^oibbeitbe
cygbt bunbjet>at one tyme.
ijc flue attayneb not bnto [tbe firttitbjce.
9 after mm
ibas €Ua3ar tlje fonne of io anb ffianaiab tlje fonne of 3JelJot*
2DODO tbe fonne of abobi, one of the ba tt^t fonne of a migbtie man, baii*
mill; oaunscr tbjee lbon lues ibtfl) 2Dauto,ibb(cb be* auntin artes,of iaab5ccl,Ouc tibo Orog
fycD tbe $biuftmes tljat ibere tljcrc ga< men of ^9oab:i^e ibent bourne alfo,ano
tbcreb togctber to battaiUMbbentbc flue a lion in tbe mrDbeft of a pit in nme
flco from tt)t
men of 3Hracl lberc gonc bp. w offuovbe. .
A ,«i
(Olidpa 10 tyc arofe anb layeb on tbe ^biltftines, 21 anb be an Egyptian" a goobiy^""
of iucti bntitl bis banb U)asmccry,ano claue w biggeman,anbtbe Egyptian Ijaba *'$&,
»jmcg anD
ttraming. unto the ftbo?b: anb tbe gaue %ow fpeare inbis banb:a5ut be ibent oottmc *%**
gceat bictojy tljc fame bay, anb tbe pco* to bim anb plurftco tbe.«w>
lbitt) aftaffe,
pic retumeb after bim, only to fpoyle. fpeare out ofrbe Egyptians ljanb,ano
n after bim ibas & tbe fonne of flue bim nmbljts oame fpeare.
3?gertje i^araritc: $tbepjtufhncsga- 2t Xljefe tbinges bio 25anatalj ^ fon^
tbcf eb togetber befybe a toibnc, lbijccc of 3Feboiba,anb Ijao tbe name among
,.s ami ixxn
jo abtalbon ttje
arbattjite, afmaueth
w tfjirtie, ttje^sartjumite:

33 Clipfjelet v fonne of aafoai tne fonne
of ^aattjatlji, €llam tljcfonne of atjis
l ^?t?S^e0atttte,3}ratl;cfonne of tfjoptjeltt)e<0tlonite:
34 $e3raitDeCarmeltte,$aarait!je3tr*

35 3&al tile fount of #att)an of zoba,

V.^mi *» aWte, ^aljaraitfje 2Banitlje<5abite:
j6 zclcc the 3nunonite,jftanatat tlje zsi>

«Se W ttjefonne of mtbaiout of

^trattjontte, fccbbsK of
rott)lte,tbljtet) lbas tl)c liarncfl"c beater
ofJoab tl)c tonne of zaruia:
37 Jtatfte5et^tte,<l5atebp3lctt)me:
H ©riatjje $ct&itr. ttjirticanbfeuenin
—«-*»«»• all.

wTbe .xxiiii . Chapter.

% vmto eaufetb ttje people tabe nombjeb. io m repentetkano ctjoofctb

tofell into ©oou banner u^euentic tfioafanDperittjetoitijtbe petti.


^bagapnetljelLojbe -ftibon.
lbastbjot&againa^f* 7 3nb came to the ttcong ooulo of Xpje,
rati, anb °I)emoucb
c, anb to all ttje cities of tlje $euites anb 25
2>autb agapntt tljem, ofthcCnauaamtcS: 9 tUcnibcutoutto
tttttjatljcfapbc:*<£o tnc fowl) of 3Ittba,cucn to Bcctfcba.
number Jfrael $ 3n* 8 anbfo lblicn tiicp t)ab ben ab;obe
Da. th2ougl)otu all tlje lanb, ttjep returneb
tfojtljelung fapbc to gioab ttje cap* to ^icrufaici n,aftcr tlje enb of nine mo-
tame of tlje tjoaft tbljtetj lbas flnttj tjim: netbes anb ttbentie bapes.
450 tljou abjobc notb tUjougljout aittjc 9 ^nb3loabbeliuerebtljenumberant>
tribes of 3Jftael, cuenfromSDan to m- fummc of tlje people bnto tlje bing, anb
tfjere ibere in ^frael epgljt Ijunb^b

it crfcba> anb number pe tlje people, ttjat

3 map anoibc ttje (b)
number of tljem. tljoufanb men of migtjt mat b;etbe
IStl: j 2tob3loab faibebnto tlje Kins: XDe fu)o;bes: anb ttje men of Jubaibere
Ittonomt TUjocttjp <sob encrcafctlje people an nue imnbzcb tljoufanb men.
l)unb?ctb folbcmo tljentljepbe,$ttjat 10 anDSDauibs tjeart fmote tjim, after
the epes of mp lojbe ttje Ring map fee it: ttjattje hab numbjeb tlje people: 3lnb
anb ibtjat is ttje taufe tljat mp lojbe 2>auio faibe bnto tlje Ho^b, 31 Ijaue fin^
a tuft to tljis tfjpng*
tlje feing tjatfj neb erteebinglp in ttjat 3
tjaue bone:
4 ^otmtljtanblng, ttje binges tbotfi 3tnbnotbe3lbefet^e t&eeHojb tabea*
pjeuapleb agapnft 3Joab $ agatttft tlje rbapttjetrefpafTeof tbp feruaunt,fo?3J
taptames of ttje ftoatt: 3mb ^oab 9 tlje Ijaue bone bcrp foolittjlp.
taptapnes of ttje tjoaft, ttjent out from 11 ^nb Dauibtoasbpintljemop Ww4om
ti)c pjcfcntcof tl)c feins, to number tlje ntng, ttje rbo?b of ttje fLo?be tame bnto gtiSftr
people of 3}ftaeu ttjep;optjet ©abSOauibs fear,faping: »»«j^«»
5 2tabtt)eppafrcbouei;3fo?Dane, spit* p <s>oanb fap bnto 2r>autb, tljus fapttj cw*«w«
tneb in aroer on ttje rtgUt fpbe of ttje tU
fie that ipettj in ttje mpbbeft of tlje ba<
tljetobe: 3Ioffertl)cctUjecttjpnges,
cljoofettjee tt)t)itl) of ttjem^ ujaiibo &&
fourth pck.
«tpof(Kab,anbtott)atb3la5er. bntottjee. tott)CS»l)i(lj

anbttjentbepcametodSiieab, anbto 1? ^0 <!5ab cameto2)auib,anbfl)eTbeb „,

m lanb Xaljtim ftobujt, $ from ttjete t)(m ) anbfaibbntoUim:t0plttljouljauc tlijcc pete*

ben atiDca

wame to a>an3Jaan, aubaboutto i9>

ftuen peres ljungee to tome bpon

T>auids npentaunce. z.Samuel. 2W</.
lanb: oj unit thou flee thjee monetises
before tbpne enemies, the? folotbyng
©absent bp asthelLoii^;
thec : o; that there be fbjee bapes pelh> io 3tab 2reuna
loach am &«,„ «. ,

lenccin tbv ianb^oib therefor abmfe anb bis fecuauntes 'comS ?! ^8

tbee,anbfce tbbat aunftberc (ball 3 him: anoxemia ttem
geuetobimtbatfcntme. CD him
CHa 3uib2>ambfaibebnto<i5ab, 3Tamin
aiu» qn
ibDnberfuii ftraptc: SLetbsfollnotb iz 3taD ^retina raphe:
into tbc hanb of the %wt
(foz much is
bts mere?) anb let mt not fall into the
!o?b the King tome to

banb of man.
15 anb fo tlje Hojbe fent a peftflente (n
floojc of tbce,anb to
matte mfSSS
3Jfrael,from the morning bnto the time
oncfporof tljf apppvntcb: 3lnb there bpeb of the peo* zi anb3lrcunafaibcbnto5Dauto. 1
pic from w
Dan to aeccrfeba fewenttc mplojbcthe mng ta&canb oS?™!!
thoufanb men. fcemcth him gooo in hSStSSZBS?
16 ^bttbentheangclttrctcbcboutbts
hanb bpon^ieruCiiem tobcfltopu tbe
rcts,anbthe ot&erinfeK^S?
u,iUMH,nws otthc
fLojbe tepentcb him of the enill, $ faibt oren fo? tboob.
tothe angel tbatbcttropcb the people:
Jt is noib fuffuicnt, hoioc type hanb. W
233m theft thinges
Binggeuc bntoTthc
area™ *«« <»

Sub tbcangell of the Jlojb n>as bp the

P 0;Dctft
17J?nb Dauib fpabe bnto the flo?bc,
1+ 3lnb the Wngraibc bnto ^rennat^t*
ibben beGttbthe angell that fmote the
25 fo,but3lttaibrcitofthceatap<teani)
people, anb faibe : fLo,it is 3J that haue ibil not offer faenftec bnto
the flofliw
linneb, anb that haue bonctbitfteblie: ^ob of the lbhich both coahienotbina.
fbcepejbbathaue tfjcr bone*
25tit thefe
Snb fo Dauib bought the tbjeObfag
3Lct tbpne hanb JJpjaptbce be agamft floojeanb the oren fo?
me,anb againtt mp fathers houfc. »%ft ficlesof«»»
ftluer. SJS
18 3nb ©ab came the fame bap to Da*
uib,anb fatD bnto bim:©o bp anb reare
25 3!nb Dauto buplt there an auiter bnto *S
the1to?be,anb offcreb burnt farrifites, ««°^
anaulterbntothe lUwbe in tbetbzcfh*
CO Cr.llrt at* anbpeaccoffcringcs:3lnbfotheJLo?De^«
n-Dtnan. ingfloo2cof (t^reimathe3lcbuftte. ibas intreattb ft? tbeianb, anb tyXft
19 3mb Dauib attojbing to the fapingof
Plague teaffebfromjlftacl. e
The end ofthe fecond booke of Samuel, otherwyfe called
the fecond

R. M.

3. rung
:.Ki mges. lxxiii.

^The thirde booke of the kinges, after

the reckcning oftheLatiniftcs: which thirde booke and the
fourth aIfo,is but one with the Hebrues.

I'befirjl Chapter.

lomonWaimofnteufiina. jolDomafleBtotyeautter.
E. VV.
V /p.S>Utug3Dauib
ibas woltie anb 10 20mi&atljan tfiepjopljete , anb isa<
mm ftritRcn in peres, naiah,anb the mightte men,anb £>olo*
Of, 4)ilemo|).
fo that rbhe"
tUcv mon his brother he taiieb not.
rouerebhimibith 11 naberfoje Nathan fpaBebnton5en>
clothcs,hc.caught fabe the mother of Solomon , fapmg:
noheate. $aft thou not hearbc that abonia the
H9l)crcfo?c lii£f fonne of$aggtth hotft raigne , anb 2>a<
feruatmtes fapbc uib our lo;be hnovueth itnotV
11 iftoifoethetfoje tome, anb 3JiCbmgeue
but bun : Het tDcrc be fought fo; nip
theecounfell hoibctofanethpneonmc
OH lo?n the ftitig a poung birgpn, to " ttanbe
btftjzcthcWnganbtotftenft)c|)ini, anb lpfe , anb the w
lpfe of thp fonne £>dlo*

letbcclpein thpbofom'e ,thatmpu»bc mon. Otoytfcy

fonnc finti Hi t*

the Sing map get heate. 13 (5'o anb get thee in hnto Ring Dauto , $ KtjctiigtK.

aiibfothepfoughtftuafaire bamofell fap hnto f Hm:2Mbbctt not thou mp lojbe

throughout al the toaftes of 3Jfraei,am» <DRing,ftbcarebnto tbp ijanbmapbe,
founbeoneabifaga^&unamite, anb faping, aflureblp Solomon thp Tonne
1 in He
bzougbtbertotbeRtag. (hall raigne after me , anb he (hall fit
ano the bamofell uias ertcebing fafre fcpon mp feate < tbhp is then aoonta
anb tbrriiheb the lung , anb mmtftrcb sing;
to Dim But the king ftneibe b er not.
14 2Seirolbe,tbhpletfjou pet taraett there (fUBpnccU.
MM. j
anb aborta the fonnc of fyaggith eral< ibitb the fttng,3F ibti tome m
after thee,
ring fortjt

teo Dim felfe,faping:3l ttMbe Wng .ami ano (0 confirme thp ttrojbes. map futtljcr
he gat him charettes anb hozfemcn,anb 15 anb sethfabe ibent in hnto the Ring
rpftic men to rnnne before him. into thethamberzanb tljehingtbas be*
[Am rpoibe ano abuagtbc £>unamttcuu-

anb bis father fo? his .time ttroulbnot ,

bifpicafe bim,to fap ibhp hall thou bone niftrebbnto the Ring.
foainb be ibas a berp gooblp man: anb i6 anb zBetbfabe ftoupeb 9 mabe obey*
his mother bare him nert after abfa* (auncebntothemngzanbtheRingfapb,
25 lorn. uahat is thp matter*
anb hetofte tounfell at^Ioab the fonne 17 5>he aunftoereb : $)p lo?be , thou
otzatuia, anb at abiatharthe piHcft: ftbareQ bp the fLo;be thv C5ob bnto
tan. anb thep ^ijelpeb foztbarb abonia: thine hanbmapbe [faring] affurebip
8 JSnt&abotthepnea, *25anatah the Solomon thp fonne (ball raigne after
ronncofgjehotaba , Nathanthe pjo* me, anb he (hall fit bponmp feate.
Ppetc,&m.ei, anb&ei,anb the men 18 anb beholbe , notbe is abonia Ring,
of nught ibhicl) tberc ibitlj 2Dauib, thep ftjnoibe thou mplo;bthehing ftnoibctt
«)trtnotlbithabonia. it not.
JJ/footifa fatttfiteb fl)ccpe,anb oren, 19 anb he hath offereo oren fat cartel,

jnjfatcattcl,bptue (tone of sobeietb, anb manp (heepe , anb hath taliebail

Mfts bpthetbell of ftogcl, anb tab the fonnes of the Ring, anoabiatbar
the p;iett,anb 3Ioab the taptapne of the
2KSS hwthjen the hinges fonnes,
am> au the men
of 3luba the hinges fer* hoaft:a6ut Solomon tlbp fcruaunt hath
% 1 20 anb

Dauid. .Kiln^es. hkhrJlK
zo anonoibcmylojbe £> bing, the eyes ftotaoa ,9 thy fcruaunt Solomon, hath
ofaU3Jfracl»)ayteontl)ee, that thou henotcaiieb.
fboulbcft tell them tbijo ought to fit on z7 3Js this thing bone ofmy 102b tljc btno
ttic fcatc of my lojb the King after him:
ano thou haft not fbetbeb it bnto thyw

n 5Fo? els Vbhen my lojbe the bing tball Teruaunt mho tyouib fit on tlje Teate tf &.
fleepctbtthhisfatbers, 3J?myfonne my lojbe the King after him* *

Solomon fl)atbe cs -fynners. 18 Xhen bing Dattib aunfibereb ,9 [av^ **
(liilbc repu-
ii anb lo rbljyic flje yet tatbeb tbttb the Cal me 25ethfabe,anb the came into the fultcj "
tes Pafim
nr3,.iiij ron-
Kmg,4l5athan the pjophet came alfo. binges pjefence , anb ftoooe before bun ijjj**
runcD to
Bcith 30 13 anb tt)cy toto the bing,faying:26choto, i9 3lnb the bing ftbare , faying : as the
coramet^j /ftathanthe pzophct.
[ijere fUwb lyuctb rbat hart) ryb my fouieout
anbtbhenhelbas comefn to the King, ofaltabucrfite,
he mabe obeyfaunce before the bing bpo 30 euen as3l froarebnto thee by tbeftofl
hisfaceontbegrounbe. d5oo of3Jfrael,faying,affurebiy Solo-
i4 anb Nathan faybc :40y WK&> King) mon thy fonne tl)ai raigne after me, $ be
haft thou faybe,aoonia (ball raigne afc thai fit bpon my featc fo? me : fo tbm %
tcr me,anb be tball fit bpon my featc* ccrtcinlyoothisbay.
25 5Fojbetsgoneboibncthisbay,? tjatt) ?i Xtjcn asethfabebotbeb onljerfacc to
flayne orcn , 9 fat cartell , anb tbcepe a the earth, anb bybreuerence bnto tlje
great mean?,? hat!) callcb at the hinges bing,? faybc:3J p:ay d5ob that my io#e
fonncs, ano the captaynes of the honfl, bing 2Dauib ma? lyue fo? cuer.
anbabiatbarthepneft: anb bebolbc, 31 anbKingSDauibfaybe: Call me &&
thcyeatcfojinfte befojehim, anb fa?: boc the pneft, anb i!5atban the prophet
"Hcb.tct d5ob "tone bing abonia, anb zsanatah the tonne of 3Jeboiaba.
the king
i6 25ut me thy fcruaunt , anb S>abot tbc ^nb they came before the bing,
lytic. pjicft, anb 25anaiah the fonne of 3Jc* 33 %\yz bing alfo faybe bnto them: Xafee

rFODtivntag ttritb you tbc feruauntcs of your lojb,?

' fojDetyaibemngutmyfteabc : anu|^,r
fct <S)Oloi no in v fonne bpon my nc onmc Ijauc " commaunoeb him to be eaptayne
the hinges
f' ni "intra
fiictjc <is

niule,anb cary him bolbnc to oihon: ouer 3lfract anb 'JJuua* M
3^om .

34 anoict5>abocthe pneftanbiftathan 36 ano 2Sanaiah the fonne of

the p;ophrt annoynt him there bing aunftberco the bing,anD fayoe, antfj*
ouer 3Jtracl:anbblotbcycM)ith trum* anb the &o?b ©ob of my lo?oc tlje sais
pettcs,? fay, C5ob fauc bing Solomon*
35 ano then ye fbal! tome bp after him, 37 anbastbefLo?behatbbenairt>2
that be may come anb fit bpo my fcate, lo?b ttje bing,eue fo be be niitb
3. Kinges. Ixxiiii.

aifo ano mabehisfeate greater ttcntijc
feate of mp I02D bing Dautos hath
js anbfo&aoottbepnett,
thepjophct, anbssanaiahthe fonncof
^S? M

2 cnt<cl,ftrou^^8amc:
*' mk '
tlJat pc l)m
ictijitc5 tbentbottme, anD fet <§>olomon
m0nfittCt|,on ^^ f of

bpon bing SDauios mule, anb brought O)ro r«ht«

htmtod5tl)on. tameto™ bleflc our ionic t«nga)antb, ljmi aim to


,9 anb&aboctbepnclltobcan home of faptng:(i5obma&ethcnanwof&olomfi

^ople cot of the tabernatle , £ annopn* mo;e honorable thenrtjp name,
9 mabe
(co <S>olomon:anb they bleU) the
trum- his featc greater then thp reate .<«oaX
<Soo MwuhM
pettes,ano a! the people fapbe:<£>ob faue the tang bottKbhlmfelfe bpontliebeb tot >i)C iiwo
Wng Solomon. 48 anb tljns fapb the tang:26leflcb be the fuusttt.

40 ami all the people tame bp after Dim, %oto ©ob of 3Jfraei,Vbhtrh hath mabe
pvping tbttb PVpes anb relopfmg great* one to fit on mp feate thtsbap,mpne
fp , fo that the earth "rang tbith the
founbe of them. 49 anbaithegheftcsthatroereruttha*
41 ano aoonia anb ai the gfje&es that he bonia mere afrapbe.anb rofc bp,*
hao talleo bnto him, Dearbe ft [eum] as tucrpmanhistbap.
tbep bab maoe an enbe of eating . anb 50 anb abonia fearing the pjefenteof
3loab ijearbe trjc founbe of ttje
ttiljen po[omon,arofe,anbU)ent anb taught
mimpet,he fapbe: i©l)at meaneth this holbon the homes of the aulter.
nopfc anb bp?o?e at the titter 51 anbonetolbe Solomon, raping:
4 i anbashevetfpabc, beholbejfona* ? ?L ? S,D n,a fca Krt)Hmg<S>olomon:
than the fonne of abiattjar the pneft fouo he hath'taught hoio on the homes ExoAxxi I>

tame, anb abonia faib bnto him: Come ofthe aulter,faping:?Ut bf ng

in,fouhou art a baliant matt,anb tying; ttbeate bnto me this bap that
he UM not
cftgoootybinges. Oap hts fcruaunt Vbith the ftbojb.
43 anogfonathanaunfiberebatibfapbe 51 3uib3>oioni6faib:3Jf be urn Chetbhmt
toaoonia: tlcrylpour loosening Da* felfe a tbojthp ma, ther fhal not
an liter
uib Hath mabe Solomon bing. of hrm fai to the earrb.'But 9 if rbicbcb'
44 anb the Bing hath rent Uutlihfm 5>a- nefle be founbe m
him,hc (hall bpc.
Doctl)cp2icft,anD jftathan the pjophet, 53 3mofo Btng Solomon fent, anb tfiev
anb 2sanata|) tijc fonne of jjr hoiaba, 9 brought him from the aulttr, anb he
anb the $\>cltt\)ittB t $
tljeCcrcthites, tame anb bib obepfaunce bnto Ring Sa-
t&ep baue fet him bpo the binges mule. lomon: anb dotation ravbe bnto him
S45 anb<s>abotthepnctt $ /ISatljanthe
pjophete , haue annopnteo ljuu bing m
The it. Chapter.
iBHJUft er|ojtetB Solomon , anbatuttt) charge as concerning
f oab,»amlta<.
ano fyemti. 10 && DeatD of ©auto. 17 3Don(a aftctb aWfag to Xorke >t it m
31 I
$e oaves of Dautb that thou mapltp^fper in all that thou
bteibnietbatheChoulb poett,anb in euerp thing that thou meb*
b?e,9hcchargeb5>o* leaibithau.

lonton his fonne, fap* 4 Xhat the Hojbe aifo map mabe goob
ing: his mo^be lbhirh he fpaftc bnto me, fay*
. ®3 80 theibap of af tng : 3Jf thr thao.ien tabe heebe to their
,1,1™°™^ earth , *be tljott tt)av,that the? tbalbe before me in
*SS?*Sf '* fl)elbethpfelfc anian. tructh, tbith all their heartes, 9 tbith al
their fottlcs^thou tbalt notCfaitft he)be iii.Rc. ix A.

S^&S? uU,alftc( ntJ'S\bapes,anb ibithout a man on the featc of 3Jfract

5 *^o?eoner, thou mottcft home 3?oab ii.Rct; ii c
t\)t fonne of zaruia fcrncb me , ano and xx.c
^"isibnttenm theia\be of flJ9o?fes: ttrtjathe bibto the ttbo captaynes of the
% x hoattcs
.Kiinges. SoLJ

hoaftcs of Ufrael,bnto 3ibnct tne fonne

namite toropfe.
of m, anb bnto 3unafatDc fonne of is 2mb BctDfabcfa^reei jMfpeaue
bnto tlje Ring.
3JctDcr,\bljom Ije flue , anb fljcb Wood fo; tljcc
asetljfabe tijetftwe lbent bnto king So-
m time of peace (eucn as it Dab ben in 19
lomon, to fpcafte bnto fjdn fo2 abonia*
ibarre)9put tlje bloobof ibarre bpon
Disgirbic tljat vbas about D*s lopnes,
3inb tlje Ring rofe bpto mectc Der.atni
anb m
Dis Apes tljat iberc on Ijis
bomcb Dim fclfe bnto Ijer anb fate hpm ,

botbnc on Disrate, 9 trjcreibasafeatc
fctfojtije mngcsmotljcr, $fljc fate on
6 2Deale tintD Dim tljercfoje aewbing to
tDp ibifbome , anb b;ing not Ijis Ijooje
Ijcab boibnc to t!)e grauc in peace. io XDcnfl)efapb:3I befire a Uric petition
*25ut fl)Cibe Rinbncs bnto tDc fonnes of tljee,3J p?ap tljce fap me not nap.^nb
7 t^c lung fapb bnto Der afue on,mp mo<
26 of asar^ellai p <J5ileabite , tDat tljcp map
eate at tDp tabic tajne to me
5f 02 tljcp tl>er,f02 3
lbill not fap tljce nap.

n)l)c3Jflcbfrom^bfaiom tbp b20tDer, xi 5>Dtfapbe: fLet ^Ibilag the

mitebegcuento aboniathp
* 3mb bcljolb, tDou Daft nmD tljec <S>c* b2otl)erto
11 Re. xv i.b. mci tlje fonne of ©eta tlje fonne of 31c *
mint of asalnmm, Vbljicljecurrebme ii Znn Ring Solomon aunTtbereb anb
n)itljanlj02riblccurfe ,intDebap U>Den fapbc bnto tjis motDcr:i©Dp bocft tljou
afRc 3lbifagtDc 5)unamitefo2 3lboniai
31 ibent to flpaljanaim : 2But Dc taine
to mccte me at 3l02banc, s 3
fmatc to w affec f02 Dim tDc Rmgbomealfo: fo; Ije

Dim bp flje ILozb ,faptng: 31 ibil not flap is mpne elber bjotDer, anb DatD fo? rjtru
tl)ectt)itl)trjcfib02be. 3unatDartt)e p?ieft,anb3loab tDc fonne U
to ,

9 2But tljou fyalt not count Dim as bn* ofzaruia. gs

gilttc : 5F02 tt)ou art a man of unfbomc, 23 XDen Ring S>olomw fibare bp ffie ^;™,
anbHnou)cttml)at tDou ougDtcfi to bo ?Lo2b,faping:d5obbofo anbfotome,if »*»*
bnto Dim , l)is fjoo2e Dcab tyalt tfjou ^bonialjaue not fpoUcu tlnsiDojbca^
b2ing to tlje grauc untD bloob. gamftDtsoiDnclpfc.
io 3no fo*2>auib flept ibitD l)is fatfjets, 24 iFtouic tl)erefo2e, astDe %Wtlr-
anb was buricb in ttjc ritie of Dauib. uctD iDDicDc DatD ojbepneb mc y anb
ii 3lnb tlje bapes lbrjicljc 20auib ratgncb fct me ontljc fcate of a>auib mp fatljer,

bpon 3Jfrael ibere fourticpcrcs:fcuen anb mabc me an Doufe as Dc p?omifcb,

petes raigneb ije in $cb2on,$ tljirtic anb ^bonia fDall bpc tDisbap.
tluoe petes raigncb Ije in D?ierufalcm. 25 ^nb Ring Solomon fent bp tDc fymu
n *
Xtjen fate Solomon bpon tlje fcatc of of asanaiaD fonne of JeDoiaua,
i-Pa.Xxix.f a>ambl)isfatl)cr , anbDisKingbome anb De fmote Dim tDat De bicb.
Was ftabitujcb migljtplp. 26 3lnbbnto^biatDar tDepjieft fapb tlje
13 3nb 3ibonia tlje fonne of ^aggitf) tame Ring : ®ct tDee to anatotD bnto tljinc
to26ctl)fabctt)emotI)et of Solomon, oiDncficlbcs , fo? tDou art tuo:tljp of

anb fl)c fapbc : *C6mctt tljou pcaccablp* bcatD : but3HbmnotattljtStiinclnll
3lnb Dc fapbc, peaccabip. tDecbccaufe tDou barefl tDe arne of tlje
g 14 J?e fapbc mo2couct:3Hjauefomtbi)at ?Lo2bc d5ob bcfo;e Dauib mp fanjee,
to fap bnto tljcc.&tjc fapb:S>ap on. anb becaufc tDou Daft fuffereb ibitD >»P

15 3lnb Ije fapb: Xljou Rno\bcft tljat tlje
ftingbomc ibas mpne , $ tDat all Jjfracl
fettDcirfaccsonmc , tfjat 3
fatDer in all Ijts afflictions.
^nbfo Solomon put atbap
tljar from bcpngp2icft bnto tDe
* £o2D.
» - ,
(W »

raignc: IjolVbcit, tDcRtngbometstur* rDatDc migDt fulfill tDe nwbes of m
neb atbap,anb gcucn to mp bjottjet : foz ?Lo2b , tbDtcD Dc fpafec oucr tDc Do" ft ot
itisappopntcblnmoftlje 3L02bc. Clitn^ilo.
16 Tim noibe 3
affeea pention oftrjec,t>e^ 28 XDen tpbinges came alfo to 3» 03D
^{ ^
npmenat . 3nb flic fapbe bnto Dim oab Dab tnrneb after abonia,ttjonsl)
<§>apon. Dc turncb not after 3lbfaloni)anb
^ub Dc faib:&peaRc 31 pjap tDce,bnto flcb bnto tDc tabernacle of tlje
-S>olomotDc Ring(f02 Ije ibil not fap trjee anbcaugDtDolbeon tDc bow* ot w
nap)tljatljc gcue me ^bifag tDe 3m* auiter.
W0' 3. Kinges.
19 anb ttibastoio&tng Solomon
that lloab flcb bnto the
tabernacle of
rt W th° u (bait
bpe that bap,anb tb»

the JUwbe, anb beholbe he

ts bp the aul* 38 anb Fernet fapbe bnto the Birig,1Lfiis
let : icjini
tije fonne of
Solomon fent
3Jehoiaba,faping: <EtoanD
Banaiah ppmgisgoob:^mp
fapbe fonniitfip

^ e

fall bpon l)int. meibujeum^etufalemnianp aba?

, anb ffianaiah came to ffie tabetna- 59 anb tt chaunceb aftetttoee petes that
e deofthe?Lo2be, anbfapbe bnto him: ttboofthefetuauntes ofKmrtKK
Chus fayeth the hlng, Come oat. anb
he feybe: j!5ap,but 3J mil o?c enen bete,
«l»p bnto aefiis fonne of

ftmgof (Rtlj:anb thep toib demeiff

anb asanaiah brought the Uinglb02b tng,^eholb,thp fetnauntcs be m
againe, faplug:Xhusfapbc3Joab,anb
w M*temg&Wm to <0ethto aefiis «w OOOCa
anbtheBingfapoe bnto him, t>o tofeBejnsfetuauntesttnb kernel tbet 2WS?
yral 3»
(set' enen as fie hath fapb: finite him , % bit* 9 bought his fetuauntes againeftom $" rW
r te btm,that thou may eft taBe aibap the
b 4i3mo it tbastolbe3>olomon,fiotbethat
bioob rbbich 3Joab (beb caufeleu*e,ftom
tne,anb ftom the houfe of mp fathct. s>emei hab gone ftom $ietufaiem
u anothe &02be (ball bjing his bloob <£etft,anbrbas come againe.
bpon his ottmeheao: fozhefmotetrbo 42-anbtheBmgfemfrcaiieb<s>emei,anb ®
men rightcoufet anb bettet then he,anb faibbnto htm:Dib 3 not chatge thee bp
Hue tbem tttfth the ftbojbe , mp father t|e|Lo?beU)tthanoth, stettifiebbnto
2>auib notBnotbing thetof.cucn abner tfiee ,faping: 26efute,tIjattbhenfocuct
tbefonneof &tt captapneofthehoaff thou goeftout 9 rbalaeft abzoabeanp
of 3)ftael , anb amafa the fonne of 3Jc> ibljptfict,thou (halt bpc the bcathano
tber captapnc of the hoaftof 3luba. thoufapbett bnto me : '$ti$ goob tv*
33 Xheit bloob (hai thetfiw tetutne bpon butgestfiatgjhaueheatD.
thehcaoof^foab, $ onthcheabofhis 43 phpthen oattthou not Kept the otft
feetie fo; enet: 3&ut bpon Dauib,$ bpon of theJL02be,anb t\)t commaunbement
his feeb, | bpon hishoufe,? bp5 his feat that 3 chatgtbtljee tbithaik '

(ball there be peace fo; enet of the ILojb. 44 XheBingfapbemo^eouettodemct: ,1*'-*m

34 &o asanaiah the fonne of 3Jchoiaoa *Shoutememb2eftall the ibiefeebncffe
ibent bp,?he fel bpon him anb One him, tthtch tfipnefieattfenoibeth , anb that
ant) bunco htm in his houfe in the Unl thou bibbed to 2>auibmp fathct: the
berneffe. ?Lo2bealfo ujaiib2ingtljp ttrtcftebneffe
35 anbtftcMngput ffianatan the fonne l>pontl)pncoibneheao:
ofjchoiaoam nistoomc ouetpfioatt, 45 ^nb Ring Solomon (balbe blefleb
ano put £>aboc tf)e pnell in the toome anb the fcatcof 2Dauio aablitheb befb2C
ofabiathat. theHo2bcfo2euet.
j 36 anb the afng fent anb callcb 5>emet, 46 £>othe Hing commaunbeb ©anaiaft
9 faybe bnto him: zsuyibe theean ftonfe the fonne of 3Jehoiaoa:n)hiclj ibentout
in $ietufaicn,anb bibell thete,$ fee anbfmote him that fie bicb: anb the
<pngonotfoojtbthcnceanyn)ftpthct, bingbome lbasOabttujeb in thehanbe
373fo2bethouuttc,thattftebap ttjatthon of£>oiomon.
flocftout, anbpaffettoncrthcrincrof
% i TIk
. : '

Solomon. ^.Kinges. Sol,


The ui. Chapter.

i Solomon tafictb j&fjaroe^ Daughter to topfe. r Cftc Xort appeared to fctm anb gcatttj
fctmttifoome. rj^e pltaomgof ttjettoo^arlottcjs.ann^oloraonsifcntcncet^mn.


^i rft^-ya=e^nsa i dDtomontnabeaffml* piainneffe of heart tbfth thee , anb thou

ttc until 0:)arao kmg had kept fo? him this great mercy, that
ofcgypMtohci&ha* thou haft gcucn him a fonne to fit oubis
CO>B«Wf' raos Daughter , anb fcate,as it is come to paffe thisbay.
b?ougbt her into the 00 7 ^nbnoibe^tobmy^objftisthott u.l'ar i.b.

of 2Dautt», trnttl Ijc

rttie that haft maoe thy fcruaunt Ring in
bab mane an enbe of fteabc of 2>auib my father:* 3nb am 3 Slp.ix.i.

buylbinghis olbuc houfc,anb the houfe but youngs tbote not botbe to go out
d|is pin
of the ?Lo?be , anb the mail of ^ierufa* anb in. cijartjrof

ic.nrounD about. 8 2nb thy femaunt is in the mibbeft of


nultcro were €»ncly the people facrificcb fn^bygb thy people Tbhicb thou haft ehefen: anb
nppojmtco bc=
fojc il)C tcm-
piatcs,bccaufe there ibas no houfe butit beryly the people are fo many, that tljcy
ylciujfl buplt,
tonto the name of the Ho?bc bntill tbofe cannot be tolb no? nub?cb fo? multituDc.
to offer totito
Hit Jio;». oaves. 9 w
<£>euc*tberfo?e thy feruaum an tontov S.ip.'*<-

3 2lno £>olomonloucb the 3Lo?oe,ttiai* ftanbing heart to tubge thy pcoplc,tbat

bins in ti)e o?binauwcs of2>auibhiS 3J mayoifecrne betibecnc goobj bab:
father : fauc oncly that he faenfteeb anb 5Fo? mbo is able to iubge this thy fo
offcrcb incenfe bpon aulters in t)vs!) mightie a people;
places. 10 3Utb this pleafeb the ?Lo?beibc!l tpt
4 hinglbentto ( offer Solomon bab befireb this thing,
ii.Par.ia. *3lirtJtl)e
there , fo? thatibas the fpeciau bygh 11 3Jnb d5ob faybe bnto bint Xhou

p!ace:2lnba tboufanbe burnt offnnges not afbcb fo? thy felfe long lyfc , neither
byb Solomon offer bpontljat aultcr haft aftteb riches fo? thy felfe , no? m
5 3lnb in <2>ibeon tl)t ?Lo?bc appeaceb to aiRCbtbelyfcofthy enemies, butbait
Solomon in a b?came by night, anb affceb fo? thy felfe bnberftanbing 9 M
C5otj rayb:ai&e what thouibiit , thatj trction m iubgement ^
maygeucitthce. u 25eholb,3Jhaueboneacco?binston,v
6 3mo Solomon faybe Xfiou baft (he* 3 haue geuen thee a JJP*

bnto thy fctuaitt SDautb my father

great mercie , ibhen he ibalncb befo?c
tt>o?bcs , lo
rjantonberftanbtng heart, to that
lbas nonclyfcc theebefo?etbee,ttetfy
thee m truetb , in rightcoufucfle, ano m after thee thai any aryfc lyfte bnto
is M»
3. Kinges. lxxvi.
that Which
n anb IJbauealfogcucn thee
rtioa hatt not afRcb ,
eucn rpchcfrc anb fomie Which gropabeare.
honour, fo that tljcr fbalbc no lung IpRc 22 anb the other woman fapb: 3ft Knot
tmto thee all tbpbapes.
£MS n"? Uuetft ' a ^ mkm is
.4. ;MnfthouU>fltibalRcinmprbapes, pMb.anbfbefapbeagainc:/[3o,biittln>
c ojbmaunces anb nip coin* Tonne is beab, anb mp tonne is
to feepe mpne alpue.
maunbcmcntcs, "asthp father 2>auib »nD tDus t«)ep pieaoet) before the &W
DvDiDalBe, 3iu>ill lengthen tbpbapes. 2} XhcnTapbe the Ring: Xhe oneTapth
c0 beholbe it
k ©hen Solomon alboRc, this that is alpue is mp Tonne, anb
tof> ibasabjeame: * anb he tame to $ieru* beab is thvne:3lnb the other fapth,
falem anbttoobe before the arRe of the but thp fomte is the beab,anb the
$offreb burnt chilbetsmpne.
lb t ouenauntofthe?Lo?be,
offrtnejes anb peace offringes,anb mabe 24 anb the Ring raphe: (0 a&tng me a • «*«.
afcafttoallhfsferuauntes. ftbo?bc 3lnbthepb?ougl)toutaribo?be&r j
is Xhen came there ttt>o
women that before the Ring*
tbeteharlottes 3 bnto the Ring, ^ttoobe 25 anb the Ring raphe2>eutbe the liuing

before h«m. cpiibintwo, anb gcuethe onehaifeto

n anb the one tboman raphe: £>hmp the one,aub the other to the other.
anb this woman Mbeiltnone
lojbe, 3J
26 Xhcnrpabe the iboman Whofe the
houfe anb 3 tbas beiiuereb of a chiibe,
, uing chiibe U)as,bnto the Ring (fo* her
Mthherinthehoure: toWellesperneb bpon her Tonne) anb
18 anb the thtrbc
bap after that tbas 3 fapbe : 3
befech thee mp lojbe geue
&eiiuereb,fbe was beiiuereb alfo : anb her the Kutng chflbe,anb in no Wpfc flap
ibe ibere together , $ no araunger ibttlj <t:25ut the other fapbe,!Let it be neither
bs in the houfe,rauc u>e two. mpne no? thpne,but beuibe iu
19 anb this tbtues chtlbe bieb in the night, 27 Xhtn the Ring aunfibcrcb anb raphe:
fozajc'fmothcrtbit. *<5eue her the liuing chiibe, anb aap it r .

Lukvu, *
zo anbfyerofeatmibnightanbtoRcmp not, (oi (be is the mother tljerof.
fonne from mp fpbe ibhilcthpnehanb* 18 anball thepof 3Jfraci hearbeof the
mapbe dept,anb lapbe it in her bofome, iubgement Which the Ring hab mbgeb,
anb put h^r beab chiibe in mp bofome. anb fearcb the Ring : toi thep faWe that
ti 3
anb tbhen rofe in the mompng to thewpfbomeof C50b was in him to bo
gcucnip chplbe AicRc, beholbe itlbas uifttee.
bcab : 25ut ibhen 31 j)ab lottco bpon it

T'he. Hit. Chapter.

7 Cfte#t'nce«anl>rufewbn&er Solomon. 2:Cficpuiwpaunwfoj&febittartejs. ascne
number ofbjjsljojfejj. 3:lfMisboo6e0£m&tyittng0,

Ring Solomon
/15b fo ^nb'^boniram the fonne of abba tbas ulrc* v .d.
was Ring oner all 3JT* ouer the tributes.
raci. 7 ^nb Solomon hab ttbelue officers 0? m
anb theft there h& uer ail 3Jfraci,ibhichp20uibcb bittaples
lojbes: asariahuthe fo?theRinganbhishoufbolb:echeman
fonne of ^>aboc the his moneth in a pere,mabe p^ouifion fo?
pneft. nceefrariethinges.
«liho?eph anb ^hiah the fonncs of 8 anb there are their names:the ronne of
sjla, rcnbcs:3lehofaphat the fonne of i^ur in mount €ph?aim,
^)tiub,thereco?ber. 9 Xhe Tonne of 2>eRar in ^aRa? anb in
4 asanaiah the fonne of 3Jel)oiabatt>as &aaibin,anb ascthfames, elon, anb
juerihthoatt: S>aboc anb^^biathar 26ethhanan.
tbtrcthepnettcs. 10 Xhe fonne of $efeb in aruboth , to
• :

\i« **&&* the Tonne of Nathan Xbhom partepneb 5>ocho anb all the
gsouer the officers : 3lnb zabub tl;t lanbof^epher.
5^fJBathantbasap?iea, pRinges 11 Xh e fonne of abinabab in all tlje re*
gion of2Do; , Xbhiche hab Xapheth the
^n^jifaribasaerbarbofpljoufholb: Daughter of Solomon to ibpfe.
4 asaana
.Kiln^es. Sol.

ii isaana the fonne of 2f)ilub tbas ouer other fpbe cuphjates, from
SCftaanath anb flpcgiDbo, anb ouer all fab to 3135a, ouer ai the hinges onth
25ctl)fan , tbbichc is op zattljana be* ther f?be tlje riuer : 3tob he hab
tbltb all his feruauntes on
neat!) Israel, fro ssetrjfan to f piaine euervrX
ofi$ebola,cuenbmothe place that is *5 »no3uoaanD3irraclou)eltibiti[
oueragalnftlJccmeam. feare,euer? man bnber bis bine
anu bn-
13 1Tbcfonneof(i5abcrbabBamotb<lEte ber bis f(ggetree,from 2>anto 25eerftha
leab, anb l)is there tfte toibnes of gjair all tbe baves of Solomon.

the fonne of ^anaffe tbhicb are in <5i*

leao : anb bnber btmtbas the region of
thonfanbe bojfemen. »'
dalles of botfesfo? charcttes , 9 ttbciue
Strgob tbbicbeis in ffiafan tb?ccfco?c
great cities tbithtballes anb barres of 17 3lno the officers pjoutoeb btttapiefa
b;affc. Ring Solomon anb fo? all tbat came out
C 14 3H)inabab the fonne of^iooo Dab U0a* of any place to Ring Solomons table
henairo. euer? man his moncth, lb that they la*
15 TOyimm tbas in /|5epbtbaiim, anb f)e ftco nothing.

robe asafmath the baughter of Solo* 18 asarlyalfo anb fttatbe fo? the ftotfes
montoinyfc. anb mules brought they bnto the place
i6 asaana tbe fonne of i&ufai tbas in 3tfer tbhere the officers there ,euerymanin
anbin3Uoth. his office;
17 gjchofaphat the fonne of j&atuah tbas 9 *3lnb C50b gaue Solomon tbylbomc &d*i
in^fachar. anb bnberftanbing ercccoing muc|),anb
18 ScmeithcfonncofciatbasmBen* alarge heart , eucn as the fanb thatts
taimn. ontbcfeaCboje.
19 ©aber the fonne of $W
tbas in the 30 3lno Solomons tbyibome ercciieo the
countrcp of d5ilcab , the lanb of S>cl;on tbyfcbomeofallthe cbiltyen of the call
Ring of the 3lmojttcs,anb of £>g Ring of countrey,anb al the tbifoome of egrpr.
26afan,f tbas officer alone in the lanbe. 31 f 0? he tbas thifer then al men,yca then
10 3mo 3mba anb gjfrael there many ethan the C5tahite,anb J?eman, Cbai<
as the fanbe bfthc fea in numbje,
teuenj col, anb SDarbartje fotmes of gjj&pu
eatmg,b?meamg , anb mailing mcry. Znb his name tbas fpoften of tb20ugl>
Gen.xv.d. ii *anb Solomon raigneo ouer all Htng* out all nations on cuery fy oc.
homes from the riuer bnto the lanbe of 31 3lnb Solomon fpahe thiee thonfanbe
the $bilimiics, [tmn bnto the bojber of p?ottcrbes : 3nb his fongee there a <«•»
2D \


cgypt : anb they brought pjcfcntes,anb rl)oufanbeanbfiue.

ferucB Solomon al the bapes of his life. 33 anb he fpaftc of trees , euen from tlje
2i 3lnb Solomons b?eab foj one bap tbas Cebar tree that grotbeth in Hibanon,
JL.itin in JJO tbirtte quarters of manchetiloth^e, 9 bntothc3Jfopethatfp2ingcthoutoftt)c
(on: liirelj
thiccfcojc quarters of mcalc: lhall : $c fpaltc alfo of beatteSjOffouies;,
i3 Xen ftalieb oren,anb ttbentie out of the of tbozmes,anb offiftjes.
patturcs , anb a hunbzeb fhecpe, befibe 34 3tab there came of all nations to fjeare
|)artes,bucRes,anbtbilbcgoates , anb thetbplbomeofSolomon.anbfcomaii
capons. hinges of the earth, tbhich bab t)earb of
24 5fo?De ruleb in all tUc region on tlje his ibpfborae.

The."). Chapter.

1 Bf ram fenaEtft to §feoloroon,ano *iolomon to i)tm,ptirpotlng to Dtiploe tilt ftouft of

<BoD. c^ep?eparct^Buficfonb£:bujIDtng. 13 ®lje number of tbe wotfmen.

iBb^iraRingofXpre A
X fent his fcruauntes z
tbas euer a loner of 2Dauib,
*%nn Soiomonfentto^(ram, W-
bntoS>olomon(fojbe ing* '- 1

habhearbe tljatthcp 3 XhouRnotbea*hotbethatpauiom?

Dab annopnteb him bnio
father coulb not buplb an boufc j
Ring in the roome of name of the ?lo?oe his d5ob BTJJ
ii. Reg. v.h.
his father) *3Fo?^tra Jbarrestbhich thereabout hini° n
^.Kinges. I XXVI)
10 3iuo fo strain gauc Solomon Ccoar
{^TnntiU # e fLojoeputthembnber trees ano firre trees accojbmg to all

4 ucnmcrcfton euery fpbe, fo that there 11 anb Solomon gane $tram nbentte
cnill torefift. tftoufanb quarters of ibljcatc fo? foobe
Xneitbcr abucrfane no?
anobcfioioc,* 31 am betermineb
to to bis boulbolbe, anb ttbentie buts of
pure oyle: Xbus much gauc Solomon
biSo an boufe bnto? name
,w(i5oD,astl)e|Lo?i)fpaBci)ntol)autii to^iramycrcbyyerc.
fonne Jbbom it 3nb tbe Hojbe gaue Solomon tbife*
yfatber, faring: %b?
borne asbepjomyftbbim: 3lnb there
SSf Aon tnr fcatc fo? thee, he Cbal
ft t

buflo an bouft Unto my name. tbas peace bettbecne $iram anb Solo*
toou> therefore commaunb thou
that mon, ? tt)eyttt)ott)ercconfcDcrcbtoge«
thev babe me Cebar trees
out of Htba- tber.
non«nwferuafltesu)aU)eU)ttl)nnme, 1} tubbing Solomon ray ftb a lumme £
U\)ntot|)cen)pU3l gcue thebwefo? ontofgjfrael, anbtbcfummeU)astbir*
thy fcrttauntcs, acco?byng
to all futlj netboufaubmen:
tbiuges astbou (bait
appoynt:fo? t&ou 1+ ©bom be fent to fLibanon, ten thou*
hnouieftrtjat there ate not among
bs fanoamonetbbycourre: fotbatibhen
that tan fnyl to Dett>c tymber
,lybe bnto they hab ben one monctb in JUbanon,
thc&tbones. they abobe ttbo monctbes at borne:
1*1' if ^anbit tame to pafle,tt)Ijcn^itam 3tnb * abonitam ibas oner the fumme. & .kc ias «,
ncarb p ttwbcs of Solom6,bc rcioyftb o anb Solomon hab tbiecftoje ano ten
urn, rrceatly,?faib:i6lcffibbetbc?Lo?btbis tboufanb that bare burbens, anb foure
bay, ibbtcl) hatb geuen bnto 2>auiba fcoje tboufanb mafons in tlje moun-


lbyfc fonne oner tbts mtgbtte people. tatnes:


anb^iramfent to Solomon, faying: 16 26efibestbeIo?bcs tbbom Solomon

<3J bane confibereb
the tbtnges Wbicl) appoynteotoouetfeetbcibozRe, euen
tiSoufmtcfttomefo?,<jrbyiattomptta)e tbjee tboufanb 9 tbjecbunbjeb, tbjjtcl)
autbybefyje tontcrning tymber of Cc* rnicbthe people c&$«"Jthat ttwugbt
oar trees anofirre. tntljeiboibe.
r .

^yftruaumestt)aU tying tbern from 17 3no the King commaunbeb them to

jUbanontotbefca, anb JW\
tonucy tying great aones,eoftlyftones,$hcu>
tbern by fea in nootes bnto tbe place to ftones,ftythefounoati6 of tbehoufc.
that tbou (bait fbetb me, anb tbil caufe iS anb Solomons mafons, anb tljema~
tbmuo be bifebargeb there, anbtbou fonsof ^tram m
heibethem, anbtlje
(tone fquarees: anb fo they pjepareb
ajaltreceaue tbern:anb tboufbalt bo
me a pieafureagaine, if fyou ntlntaec botb tymber anb ftones,fo?tl)c builbing
foobe fozmynchoufe. of the bouft.

^Tbe .Yi.Qjdpter.
iCftebupRifnsoftSctcmpfejatn) tbefourme thereof. i2C9ep?omrfcoftbe
)Lo?Dc to Solomon,

31 iBSDittametopaffe, anb mtit cubites Wc.

that in tbc foure bun- 3 ^ubbemabeapo^cbebefo^thetein^
bjeb f fourefto^e yere, pie of tbe boufe, tt)bit6 was ttbentte cu-
after the ebflbtf of 3b bites long, after f bjeabtb Of tbe houft,
racl mere come out of anb ten cubites b?obe,ieueti] m tpefo^e

r»jii,a, tbeianbofegypt,anb front of the boufe. " ^omc »f

*m tbe fourth
yere of 4 ^nb in tlje bouft be mabe „ tbinbotbes, tbe Icarntt
tbc rayne of Solomon bpon^lfracl,? b?oabe lbitbout,anb naroib ibitbin. role rtiat ttji

3lnb by t\,t tball of the bouft be mape

in tbe monetb
Zif, tbUtcI) is the fe* 5 toctc Hamirc
tout) ont.nnB
tonb moncth, *
be began to buflb tlje chambers rounb about ["«enj to the bint »nl)in

boufcoftbejlojbe. lbaiies of the boufe rounb abotjt tbe

3bibtbcboufc Vbbicb Wng Solomon temple $ the quier : anb be mabe cbanv
bmitfonbe no?be, ibas tb2ecfco?e cut bers rounb about. \ .,
bues long, anb tibentic cubites tyoabc, 6 %U
9 neatbermott
chamber ibas fine

Solomons temple.

tubitestyoabc, 9 themibble ibas fire cu* pie 3ffrael.

bttcslvoaoc, 5 the thitb ibas feu en cu* 14 Solomon therefore buflt the houfe, <*
bites tyoaoc: 5fo; ibtthont in the iball of anb finilheb it. *
the houfe he ma&e rears counD about 15 anb feeieb the tballes of the houfe tbiu>
that [fte beamejs of t&e chamber*] fboulbe in lbith boojbes of Cebar tree: euenftfi
25 not be faftcneb in y iballes of the houfe, the pauement of the houfe bnto the
7 3int) the houfe ibas built of aone, roofc bib he feelc the iballes of it tbftfjnt
mabe perfect alrcbye before it ibas tbith Cebar tree: anb boojbeb the flooje
brought thpthet: fo that there ibas net* of the houfe tbith pianettes of ftrre.
ther hammer no* are, either any toolc 16 anbhcbuttbebtibcntiecubitesintfie
oftronhcarbtn the houfe ibhilcttlbas fvDcs ofthe quiet of the temple both
tnbuylbing. flooje? iballes lbith boojbes ofCcban
S SLhe booze ofthemibble chamber ibas anbbzefleb it ibithintht ferret place of
inthetyejbtfpbeofthehoufe: anb men the temple, euen in the moft holp.
ibent bp lbith tbinebing ttawes into the 17 25ut the houfe, that is the tempiebc*
mtbbic chamber, anb out otthe mibble foje tt.ibas fourtte cubites [i°"80
tntothctbitb. 18 anb the Cebar of the houfe ibithtit,

9 anb fo he built the houfe, anb ftnifbeb tbascatucb lbith unoppes,anbgrauen

tt:anbheroofcb the houfe baulth? lbith lbith nottyes: 9 all ibas Cebar timber,
beames of Ceoar tymbct. fothatnottonctbasfene.
io anb thenhe built chambersto allthe 19 ^nb the quiet that ibas tbithin the
temple hue cubites heyght, 9 the? ibcre temple he pzepareb,to fet there the arftc
iopneb to the houfe lbith beames of Cc* of the appointment of the ILojbe. 2>
bar. io anb thequter befozelbastlbentitett* *'
11 anb the tbozb of the &o;be tame to bites long,! ttbentte cubites in bjeabtp,
£>olomou,fai'iug: anbttbentie cubites tn height: ^nane
iz Concerning the houfe ibhich thou art touercb it lbith pure golbe,anb boo;uco
in builbmg, if thou ibilt ibaibe in mpne the aulter lbith Cebar. . ...
ojbiuaunces , anb erecute mp laibes, it 5>o Solomon couereb the houfe
anb aepe all mp commaunoementes in lbith pure golbe: anb he mabe goioc
toibaifte in them: then lbvii 3
mane barrcs runnc along the quicr, ibbify
iLRegriib. goob bnto thee mppzomife* ibhich 3J hab couereb lbith golbe. _
pzompfeo 2D>auib thp father: zi anb the lbboie houfe he oucrWD*
ExoxxTt. ij *anb3Jibillblbcll among the chilbjcn •lbith golbe bntu he hab cnbcb it :
of3Jfcaei,aubUMinot folate mppeo* the aultctthat ibasin the quier be

^.Kingcs. Ixxvn
tons i

lbitb golbC, [botbj tbul)mc«nttteqwcrj

anbralfojlbithoutcm the temple.]
<0liue tree ten tubttcs 31 3nb in the entering of the outer
, he
<^ctubtms of
61 u mabe ttbo ooojes of OJmctree :3mb

a4 f iuc cubites long
me atbingof tbc both the bppcr? ttbo foe poltes there
onc CDcrub, $
fo that from 3iXi)c ttbo boozes alfo tber e of oliue tree
Kg of the other Cl;erub:
Sewtraiioft part of onelbmg, bnto 9 h e graucb them tbttb graurng of Che'
pact of tlje ofljer, there rubs anb paulme trees anb graucn
Sjc bttcrmoft
flotbics, 9 touereb them tbttb goibe
^StSftecCljetublbagtcnfUbftcs laybe tljmne plates of goioe upon the
hTe alfo:
fotljat both the Cherubs Cherubs anb paulme trees, C
ofonemeafure,anb oncfue: 33 %vto fo mabe he fo? the booje of the tern*
D one Cherub thas ple,poftcs of £>liue tree foure fquarc.
16 To: tl)c height of the
tenrattteWfbibasttoft&eot&er. ? 4 %\yt ttbo boozes there of firre trec^nb
either booje tbitb foutbing ieaues.
itSwd be put the Cherubs
tbith in the in*
graucn tbereon Cherubs,
3lnb be
iSoufc:* anbtbcCbcrubsttretcbeb 35

outtbeiribinges, to tbatthe one thing

paulme trees, 9 tarueb flotbjes: ano to-
of the one toucbeb the
one Nail, anb the uereb tlje tarueb tbojuc tbitb golbc fine*
toucbeb the o* lie thought.
one thing of tlje other
thertbaMnb the other ttbo Xbtngcs 36 3inb he built the inner court tbitb th:ce

ofIthcm toutheb
one another uttlje mm* rotbes of betbcb ttone, anb one rotbc of
oeft of the houfe.
Cebar tboob.
anbbeoucrtavbetijeChctubstbttS 37 3ln the fourtbycrc tbas the founbati*
on of the houfc of the 2Lo?bc lapt>c,eucn
s inthcmonetl) "ztf.
about, he mabe figures of tarueb ?fee? 3S 3lub tntbeleuenth pcre,in tlje monerh
1 dceo*
icotboj&e: [ajmameip] pictures of Che* 2Snl (ibhith is tijt eyght moneto)tttas ber.
tf)e ftoufe ftill fmiftjcb throughout all
rubs,? paulme trees,? graucn flottyes,
[botDiaitljin [tot^eauier] anb tbithout the partes thereof, accojbmg to ail the
rtntije temple.] fafbion of it: Zito fo tbas he feucu 4'cces
jo anbtljcnoore oftheljoufehtcoucreD mbuilbmgtf.

f The Mi. Chapter.

1Cfie buploinoj oftlje fioutess of £>clomon. «f Cbe etteflent toojfeemanUH'p of
l^tram in tbe pecces wb tc& be malic foj tbe temple.

WL% Solomon tbas 6 ^nb be mabe a po?cbc bp tbe pfllcr

[that bare tip tl)e boute] cubite 5'
butlbinge his otbne ftfjfic

long,anb tbirtie cubites bjoabe, anb tl;c


houfc thirtccneperes,
anofinifhcbitall. pojebe tbas before ttjofe anb the other;
3mb he built pboufe pillers: fo? tl;ere tbas atbitfte treefct
inthObooblUbanon, befo?ethem. 25
an bnnmcb cubites 7 Shen ije mabe a pojche to fit ? mm «

long,anb fiftie cubites bzoabe, anb titfe* in,cuen a po?ct)e of iubgmci,fccleb tbith
tie cubites hicanb it
ttoobe bpon foure Cebar throughout all the pancmentiftS.
. rotbes of Cebar pfflers, anb Cebar 8 ^nb his houfe tbhcreiu he btbelt Ijnb j

beanies there lavbe bpon the pillcrs. an other hall,mo?e intbarb then tbe«
, ?
Zwn tbcroofe tbas Cebar abouebp- po?cbe,oflvhetbo?he: ^nb then^oio*'
. Otttbebcamcs that laveonthepillers, ntomabe an houfe fo?0baraosbaugb* ni.Rc-
• eucn .flt), beames in ftftcenc rotbes. tcr (*tbbom he bab taucn to tbrfe) ipue ,
'4 <4ttt) tberc there lbinbotbes inthiee bnto the falhion of thepc?the. L

cotbes , anb the lbinbotbes

there one a? 9 3lnb all thefe there of the bcaftoucs,

sajtiftanother thzeefoioe. hctbeb after a meafnrc anb faibct) ibrth ; t


. 5 ^t«J ai the ooozes thith

the fvbe poCes fatbes tbithtn anb tbithout, ftomthr . *» at

f onnsation bnto the beames

« 9tt)c bppecpoftes
there foure fquarc, that lave , h0 n S«.'. «« on
J™ haoiDinootbes one againft ano* abouc, after the meafurc, anb euetifo.^SK! «*•
tljcctfoeefolbe. onthcoutfvbe tovbaro the great court. <

Solomons houfe 3. Kinges. Solomons


10 3fob the foutmarion mas laptic bpon fliers: eutn feuencrotoe*] bpon tfje one
rfct) (tones, anb that berp great (tones, 8 eabpeece, anb fenen bpon the other. \

whereof fome were ten cubites, atiu ,s

anofohemaoc the pillers, anb ttbo. a*
fonic cvslit cubitcs. (owes of pomegranets rounbe about ^

3fnb abonc Were rtche ffonesjouarcb in the one nettbojfccto couer the pom-'
after a ccr tape rule, anb coucrcb With mclsthat mere bpon the top: anb tfjis*,
Ccbar. Ije bib alfo, fa? the other heab peece. «

ii anb the great tonrt ronnb about,was 19 ^nbthepommcisthatibcreonthetop.

with tt»cc rowes of DetDeD (tones, anb of thepfllers,ibcre after lillie xbo^Hem*
one rotbc of Ccbar pianettes, after tlic the poichc fotire cubites.
matter of inner court of the tiourc
trie 10 anb the pommels bpon tr)e ttbo pillers
of the 1Lo;dc, attD of the pojeheof the hab alfo abonc ouer againtt tbemibbeft

temple. within the netwofte: [pomegranet*] anb
•anb lung Solomon fent anb fet one bpon the feconb heab peecewcre there

fcitamoutofXtfte, ttbo hunbtfb pomegranets in [W3.


14 awtDowcsfonncofp tribe of ^cprj- totbesrounb about.

tDaltm,l)isfatl)er being a man of %p;c: 11 anbbefet bpthepfliersinthepo?(h.
nobith i)natn was a traftefman tn of the temple: anb tbhen bcbablctbp*
bwuVfalofwtlebome,bnbcrftanbtng, the rightpilier,he calico the name thcr*
ant> tunning, to woitie all maner of of gjachtn: anb tbhen he hab fetbp the,
Wojrc in b?aOc: 3inb he tame to Bing leftpiller, he calico the name thereof
&olomon,anb tbjought aiibistbojuc. 26oa5, ,*

15 jtohecalt * tibopiiiers oftyafle of 11 ^nbbponthefopofthepmers^]

e y gh t c enc cubites hie a peete: 9 a firing Wlie tbo?br. $ fo tbas the WojRinanlbip
of nuciuc cubites bib compaflc cither of of the pillers finrfbeb.
them about. lauatojtetcn
13 3lnb he mabea moulten
3tno Oc mabe two pommels rouno
16 of. moul* tnbitestbibe from b?(m to bjim,
ten bjaflc, Caftcr *b e fa *i°n ot a cto\bnc,] to
tn tompafTc, anb fine cubites hie:
the toppes of the pillers : Xbe
fet on firing of thtrnc tubttesbib cotnpaae^
height of the one heabpeece contapneb about. . .„,-.«
fine cubites, anb the height of the other 14 anbbnbetthebn^ofitthttetttW' cuour,
heab pcece contayricb hue cubites alio. tmoppes rounb about, ten in one
touno e
17 $e mabe nctibojac, $ Wjptbcn tbo&e anb thei compaffeb the lauaww
Mechanics fo; the pommels bpon the abounanbtbeftnoppes wcrccaftW
heab peeces that there on the top of the ttinttborotbestbhen tttbascair. •

Hsbwfi XXIX.

25 3fob it ffoobe on ttbclue ojccn,of tbljtcl) to tbe bottome, anbtbeljcigljtofcucrp«

p* tlj?ee lofteb totbarb trjcnojtrj, tljjceto? ibljeele ibas a tubite anb an baife.
ibarbtIjett>cft,tbmorbarbtt>fout!), 33 ^nbtbcibo^manfljipoftbeibbecles,*
anb tD?cc toibarb tlje calfcanb tbc laua* ibas lybe tlje ibojbc of a cljaret ibbcclc:
tojie ftoobe bpon ti)em,anb at ttjeir J)(n? anb tlje areltrecs,tbcnaucilcs,fpoBcs,«
ber partes ibere tfflbarb. anb fnaftes, ibere aimoulten. <

3lt was an Ijanb bteabt?) tntc&c, anD

34 3nb tljere ibere foure bnberfetters in

tbc typm ibasibjougljt lyftctlje bzpin tljefourc cowers of one foote , 9 tlje bn- * 5?

of a tup ibitrj floibjes of lilies, anD it bcrfetters Ibere of £ berp bottome felfc.
tontatneb nbo tljoufanb battel. 2lnb in tl)c bcigljt of tbe bottome ibas
17 3mb t)c mane ten feetc of bmffc: tbcre a ronnbe compaffe of balfeaw
fourc cubites long, anD foure cubites bitcijie: anb in tbat ijeigljt oftljebofc'
tyoabc a pcecc,
ano tbzee cubites l)it. tome tljere p;occcbeb boil) lebges anb |
x% 3nbfljett>o?Bc of tljc feete tbas on fybcsoutoftbeJamc.
tbisnianer: Xbepfjab fibes, anb tlje 36 ipo; in tlje boozbes of tlje lebges anb
ubes ibere bettbeene tlje lebges. ontljcfybes,l)e Ijab graucn pictures of'
i9 3inbontljenbcs tbatibcrcbctibeene Cbcrubims, lions,? paulme trees, one'
tlje icuges, tbtrc lions.oren, anb Clje* by another rounbe about.
nibs : anb li&elbifc bpo tlje lebges fbat mabe
37 1CIJUS l)c tbe ten feete after,
ibere aboue: anb bencatlj tlje lions anb
trjismamr: anotljcpbaballone fau>«
°mt,tt>ere certavnc abbitionsmabcof on of eamng, one meafurc, anb one fyfe.
tlJvnncujojHt. Xljen mabe ten lauers of toaffc,!
38 Ijc
30 3faD bnbercucrpfoote ibere foure one latter contapniug fourtie battes:anb <

Jjaren ibljeclcs.anD " booses of tyaflc: euerpiaueribasfonrc cubitcs, $ bpon*

jno in tlje foure corners
thereof bnoer tucrp oncoi tlje ten feete, Ijeput onr
Jpciauatone,ibcrc bnberfctters moul* laucr. \
jcnattljefibeofeuerv abbmon. 39 2taDncputftueof tbofe feete on tlje.
/jnb tlje ftaifce of tlje lauatone
ttmstn rvgbtfvbeoftbeboufe, anb otljer nuc«
;^,"^bic ofit, anb aboue one cubttc: on tlje left:anb Ijc fet tlje lauatojtc on tlje \
nSFSrS* ttoofUrt* rounb after rigtjtfpbe of tlje Ijcufe eafttbarb, anb,
toibarb tlje foutlj. •
anjagj bpon tlje
ftalbc ibere graumgs 40 3MD strain maoepots,fl)oucls, anb < <&
bm *' f0ucc fcl U(Wam,not bafons, ? fo fintn)cb all tlje tt»o?be tbat |
Ije mabe bing Solomon fo? tlje Douu
* mt nK f ^s
ibere foure
anb tljcarcltreesioynebfaft 41 Xljat is to fap,tibo pfliers, anbttto
Solomon. ^.Kingcs. So/a

rounbhcab pecccs that tbere to be fct TbaigbtoftbetyafTe.
on tt)e roppcs of the ttbo pillcrs. 4$ 3inD fo Solomon mabe ai th e bt ffris ;

4i 3tnD fourc bunbjeb pomegranates fo; that parte yncc bnto the houfc of the
the t U)o ur tujo;U:s, cuen tiuo rowes of %
o?be the golben aulter, anb the gob

pomegranate* in one uctn>o;Rc to co-- ben table ibheron the Ibetu bjeab ibas: {
uer the tu>o beab pecccs that ibere to be 49 3lnb hue tanbelfricRes foz the rpgbt,
fee on the topprs of the pillcrs: ftbc,anb Rue fo? the left before the outer, <

43 3inu the ten fcctc.anb ten Jaucrs on of pure golbe, uuth fiomzes, lanipes/
tbefeete: anb fnuffcrs of golbe.
44 Zuc lauaton'c,anb tibclue orcn tube r 50 anb bou>les , flat pceccs, bafons, (
u: fpoones, 9 mafoues, of pure golbe anb : <

® 45 3lnb potres,^jouels,anb batons: 2nb inmbges mabe rjeofgolbe,botbfojtbe'

alithefe bcfTcisibbtcb strain mabe to boojesof the quicr the place mottbolv,;
Ring ftoioino foj the boufe of the ILojb, anb f 0; the boojes of the temple alfo. ,

Vbcre of tytgbt tyaflc. 51 3mb fo lbas enbcb all the xboiRetrjat'

46 ^ntbcpiapneofjojbane bib the Ring Ring Solomon nmbe fo? the houfe of;
cafttbem leuenj in the tbuRetlapCjbe* tbefLozbe: 3mb* Solomon bought m,ii.p«*
tibtene £>ocob anb zartban. the tbtnges Vbbicb 2>auib bts father'
47 3lnb Solomon left all tbebcfTels [tot. i)ab bebicateb, cucntbeftiuet,golDe, 4
ttapcoj becaufe tbep mere fo cjccccbing anbtoeffels, anb laybe them bp among,
main', neither founbe thep out the the rreafurcs of the houfe ofthe flojb.

^Tbe .viii. Chapter.

4 Ofie arte is borne into tfje temple. 10 3D clouoe fflfctb tlje temple.
1 j €l)i inns bleOetft tlje people.

I $en' Solomon gather tying bp tfje arfte of the

aw t
3» ]S2T>amD,

rcbtbeciocrsofjfta* of the fLojoe'outof tlje rttic of

ci.jauhchcabsofthc lobirb is S>ton. _. Mttl
tribes, x anballthentenofllfraeiafrcmbP
Vbere taptapnesamog tonto Ring Solomon to the fca J
the fathers of the cbib fallctb tn the monefh «t&aiWtfW' ftp*
D?cn of Jjfracl , bnto tstbcfcucntbmoneth. .
rttt1f „
t)imtn ^icrufalem, that tbep might 3 anbaUbcelbersofJftaelu)crecomc,

pen- 5
.K ln^es. 1 XXX.
^bcpncftcstooKc Dp the arac 25ut 3 haue chofen * Dauib to be ruler
sib ther baretljearfec of thc&ojbe,
otter mr people of gjfrael. m» **.
4 rtictabcwaclc of thecongregatton,anb 17 anbitnmstn the heart of Dauib nn> °
father to buflb an houfe fonhc name of
SiWhoiv wffcis that lbcre in the ta*
thofe brbthc pzieftesanbtbe thcflo?be©obof5lfrael:
iruitesbcare. „ _
is 3nb the %om faibe bnto SDauib mr

Bum Solomon anb all the con* fatl)er:aahereasit lbasm thpne beart
, SrtD
ortBatton of Hfrael
bicDDttto I)tm ant) tbent
#* »«'
ibtth hmtbe;
P to builb an l)oufe bnto mr name, thou
btbbcftrbeil that thou Xbaafo mutocb:
offer theepe anb orcn, 19 ^cucrtl)eleu*c,tbou (halt not btttib tl)e
foic flic arbe,DtD
that tottiD notbetolbeno?
numbjebfo? houfc:bttttl)rfonncthat (ball tome out
of thr lornes, Ije ujail builb tljel;oufe
W bnto mr name.
, £totit Ptfefos bought tfte arue of
appointment ofthcfLojb bnto Ijis 20 ^nbtl)e|Lo?be hath mabegoob his
quierofthe temple ibo?btljatI)elpaae, anbjjamrrfenbp
Slate men into the
thcibingcs in the roome of Dauib mr father, anb
anb plate moft holr,bnber
fit on tbe feate of 3Jfrael, as the SLojbe
of the Cherubs:

jfw the Cherubs ftrettheb out their pzomrfeb, anb haue built an houfe fo?
JS ibtuscsouer the place of the arfte,anb the name of thelLojbe d5ob of 3Jftael:
coucrcb both it anb alfo the ftaues thcr* 21 ^nb 3
haue pjepareb therein a place
ofahtebpontt. fo: the arlic, lbDereinisrlictoucnauut

« 2jnt}thcrb?eibouttfteftaues,thatthe oftlje |Lo?be Jbl)itl)hemabcibitl)our

cnocs of them might appeare out of the fathers lbben he brought tljcm out of
holy place Vbtthin the ouier, but thcr theianbeofcgrpt.
ibcrenotfecneibithout,anbtherethcp tz Solomon ftoobe before aulterof

haue benbnto this bar. the fLoibe in the fight of all the tongre*
anb there ibas noting in the arne gallon of gjfracl, anb ftretchebouthis
« faue-the tlbo tables of done, Mjhich 0anbes tolbarb hcatten,anb farbc:

ttg £l3ovfcs put there at $o?cb, in p tbhitij 23 ?Lo?b C5ob of 3lfracl,therc is no <&on
iWc [table*] the flojbe mabc an appoint* li8etl)eeinl)eauenaboue,o?int1jeeartl)

nientibith the thiibjen of 3lfracl when beneath, thou that nepeft touenaunt
K he bought them out of the lanbcof e* 9 merer fo? thr fcruauntes that tuaiue
Kg gppt. before thee Vbitlj all their beart.
Wto 10 3Jno it foztuncb that lbt)en the pjieftcs 24 Xhou tljat haft Ucpt Mty tl)r feruaut

|S= iberc tome out of the hoip place, the Dauib mr father that thottpjomifcoft
ciouoe fiiicb the houfe of the ILojbe, Dim:1Dhou fpaucft alfo lbith tljr moutlj
^m ii Xhat thepneftes touio not ftanb anb anb baft fulftlleb it ibtth thrne ^anb, as
mintfter becaufe of the tloube: fo? the it is come to palTe tl)is bar.

Stor of the Ho?oehabuilcbtl)choufe 25 %hcrfo2enoib ?lo?be(i5obof3}fraer,

of the Home. feccpe ibith thr feruaunt Dauib mrfa^ €
iRcs viil.C
& Xhenfpa&e Solomon: XheHojbe* ther that thou pjomifebft him, fartng,
XI! 1 fotoe that he XboulbbtbeUintDebarne *Xhouft)alt not be tbuhout a manm
ciouoe. mr fightto frt on the feate of 3}fracl fo :

Vi 3 bauebufltthee an 5oufe to blbell in, tbat thr tortbtf tato heebe to their ibar,
an habitation fo? thee to abpbe in foj t^at t^er ibaine before me, as thou haft
eucr. H)aifeebtnmrftgl)t.
H 3tab the Ring turneb his face,anb blefc 26 anb noib €) d5ob of ffrael, let thr
«ej all
tbetongrcgationofjftaelranb tbo?b be bcrtfieb vbhicl) thou fpaneft
withe congregation of Jjfrael ftoobe bnto thr fcruaunt Dauib mr father.
27 fl©rN<5oo in bcebc blbell on the earthy
'5 Jim be faibe: asicftcbbe the Ho?be jscljolbe,* the heauens anb heauens of
tyl ©oo of jfracl, lbhich fpancibithhis allhcauens arc not able to tontapne
°"9 bnto Dauto mr father, * f hatU tl)ce:anb l)olb fhoulb tbat thtsljoufe
«;tijhis bano fulftllcb it, boitthatgjhaucbutioeb;
"«tbe bar thatj brought rnrpeo* 28 ^auctljon therefore refpett bnto the
JJJftael out ofegrpt, 3Jchofenoci* pwrerof thr fcruaunt, anb to hts
S3 mLthc mbcs °f 3ftaci to buiio an plication £> %oW
mr ©oo, to fteare
yomc^hat mr name might be therein: the trre ano p?apcr ibhtcl; tl;r fcntajtnt

Solomon. ^.Kinge.s.
p2apctbbcfo;c thee this bap: Dlbclling place,anb be mcrcpfulTan^r
29 Xhat tbpnc eves map be open totbatb anb geue cucrp man accojbina to iS2
thtc boufe npgnt anb bay, cum to*
marbtbis place, of Which thou baftc
faib,^p name thai be tberc:Xbat thou
his heart m
ibapcs,euen astbou that oncip
thou oncip hnottSSS
hcartes of all the chtlbicn of men*)
mapfthearfeen bnto the pjaper ibbicft 40 Xbat thep mapfearethecasionaa«
thp fcruaunt pzapetb in this place, thep ipue in the lanbe tDDtch thou
uc ft unto our fathers.
1 m
30 3lno regarbe thou the fupplicaticm of
tbpferuaunt anb of top people 3Jfracl 41 anbiibewpfe ifaftraunger matt*
ibben tbep wv
in this place: anb bcace notofrt)ppeopie5ftael,*comeoutofa

thou in bcaucn thy oibeliing place, anb facte counrrcpfojtbp names fattc "*.t

ibben thou bearctt haue mercp. 42(f0; tt)ep thai beare ofthp great name 31
* gifanpman trefpafle againft bis anooftbpmigbtiebanb, ijoftbyftrefc
nepgbbour, frtbere go an otb bettbecne tbeo out arme) anb (ball come anb pia?
tbcm,anb the one compel the otber,anb
tome, Itocaringbefojc tbpne auitet in 43 [cn«*w;) beare tbou in fjeanen tnr>
this houfe: Duelling place, * bo all that tbcftraufc
32 Xbcn hcarKcn tbottinbeaucn,anb gcr calleth to thee fo; : that all nations
Do anb mbge tbp fcruaumes, that of the earth maplmorbethpnamcanD
thou conbemne tbebngobip,to bung fcarttbeeasbotbppeoplegifraeUni)
ms map bpon bis hcab: anb iufttfiethe rbattbcpmaplmoWc that tbpnamets
righteous, to geue bini accojbing to bis caiieb bpon in this houfe n>bicb3i haue
rigbtcoufneflc. buiibeb. IBhcn thp people ^frael be put to the 44 Hf thp people go out to batten againft
JUo^fe before the enemie, becaufe tbep their enemie mbptberfoeuer thou (halt
baue finneb againft thee, 9 afteribarbe
turnc againe to thee, anb ftnoiblebge
fenb them, anb fljai pjap bnto the %w
*[toxoat^fyt map of the citte mind) thou Dm * 4
tmto thp name,anb pjap anb mane fup* haft chofen, anb [totnarDi the houfe that
plication bnto thee in this houfe: gj baue built fojtbp name: *
34 Xhcn hearc thou in be met* 45 ideate thou in bcauen their ptfyer an* \,«*
tifull bnto the finne ofthp people 3?fra* fupphcanon, anb iubge their caufe. SP
ei,anb bung them againe bnto the lanb 46 3jf tljepfmne againft tbee*(fo2 thereto ***
which thou gaueft bnto their fathers. no man that finnetb not )j thou be an-
35 *3tfbcaucnbcfbutbp,anbtberebeno
iii.Rc3.t8. a
grpmitl)thcm, anb belpuer them into
rapne,bccaufe thep haue finneb againft thchanb of their enemies, fo tftattbtp
thec: pet if thep p;ap m this place,anb carp them aibap pnfoners,bnto tlje
tmowicbge bnto tbp name, anbturne lanbcof tljeir enemies vbh«Der farce
from their fmne though thpfcourging ojneare:
ofthem: 47 J^etif theptnrne againe bnto theft
36 Xbcn hearc thou in hcauen, anb be heartcsinthc lanoe of them that carp*
mercpfull bnto the finnes ofthp fer* tb them aibap captiues, $returncanD
uauntcs, anb ofthp people 3jfracl,tbat m
p?ap bnto thee the lanbe of their ctr
thou (heme them a goob Wap to waine mies,faping, mchauefinnco, M\&m
in, anb geue rapnc bpon the lanbe that bone rbicuelp, anb ijaue committcDbn*
thou haft geucn to tbp people to inbe* floblpncflc:
rite. 48 3mb fo turne agapne bnto thee WW
37 3ftherebeinthclanbe hearth, ojpc* ail their heart anb all their foule intg
ftilence, bjoutb.blafttng, graft)opper ,0* laube of their enemies ibhich l ^ Wl
tatcrpillcr:02 if their encmiebeftege the* avbapcapnue, anb p#P&ntothce,L«
to the lanbe of their ctnes, oj wbatfoe* »a«»Jthe ibapof their lanb »&ft&2K
ucr plague 0; ftrftencfle chaunce, saucftbntothcirfathers, ano rw«
Efa.lvi.c 38 *Xhcn What p2apers ano fupplication theeitte mbich thouhaft cDoftmatJjJ'
focucr bemabcof anp man, of all thp toatujthe houfe which 3
ftaue built ro;
people 3lfrael, mhtch mallnnovbiebge thpname: ^
euerp man the plague ofmsoibnc
heart, anb ftrctch foo^h his haiibes to*
49 Xhen hearc thou
fupplication in
their "WSJ
heauen thp bttieiiyna

watbtbisbourc: place, anb iubge their caufe

3? J?care tljon ihcntttDeaucn,euen int
^ 5o ^nl) bc a^fuli mo thPPt°P

3- Kinges. 1 XXXI.

l^Tfimtco agatnttthec anb unto all
nuQurocs ibherby they haueoonc
, 59
^JS??H %
tootHts ibhiche
PS ^«S^be,benpebittotl)e

XcWbiyagamBtljee, sgetthouthem Hp;beone

(25oo bay ano night, that
Xuoutof thofe ibhiehe lebtbem a* befenbethecauTeofhts femaunt
, a "b
the catjfe of ijtspeopie <$fraci,
Saytaptiue, tljattbeymayhauccom* tbbat
thing focuer tljauncc at any time
60 %hat al nations of f earth may
rimutuc,ttJl)tcl)ctOou bjouabtcftoutof that the ?Lo?b is <fcob,am> none buthe.
6i Het your heart therfojc be
perfect vfim
n the JLojbour d50b,tljatye\baiftcinhis
«^nMc°t tWne eyesbe open bntotfc flatutes , anb nepe his commaunbe*
femaunt , anb bnto the mentcs,as this bay.
oiayer of thy
Scrofrt)VPwP»eUftael,*toJearBen 6i 3mb the King anb ai^frael tbith him
they tailfo? into offereb offeringes before tlje ILojbe.
SSo tfteni <n autljat
63 *3inb Solomon offercb a facrifice of
«tfmthoubybbeftfcpcratethemrroma* peace offringes tbhtcfjc he offcreb bn* *w*.*a*'
monaallthenationsof the eartlj to be to tlje %omitomt] tibentie anb ttbo
thwc^fbneinljeritaunce, as thou fay* thoufanbeoren , anbanhunbjebano
oeft by tlje hanbe
of *$oyfes thy fee* MjenticthoufanbeCbecpe: 3lnb fo tlje
Ring anb all the chtibjen of 3Jfracl bew*
uaunt, Xbhenthoutooughteaoutf*
thers*out of egypt 3D
€»ob. %om tatebthehonfeofthefLojbe.
<± *3Wb ibhcn Solomon hab mabe an 64 SCtje fame bay byb the Wng Ijaioibc
cnocofpjaying all this p?ayer anb fop* inentibbleofthetourt thatibas befoje
nutation bnto the !U»be, he arofe from
thehoufe of the &o?b : fo? there he offe*
before tlje aulter of tlje ?Lo?be,
s from reb burnt offermges, meate offeringes,
on his fences , $ fr omtftetthing
ano tljefatofthepeate offermges: be*
ofljishanbesbptoheauen, caufethc bjafen aulter that ibas before
<< anbttoobe^blcffebailtljetongrcga* tlje %om , tbas to Htle to receane tlje

boof^ftaelAbithalouocboyceJaying: burnt offringes, meate offeringes, ano

56 zsietfeb bethe %m*t
thattjath gcucn the fat of tlje peate offeringes.
reftbntoh(speople3rrael,acco?bingto 65 anb Solomon heibe that fame time an
U, al that be pjomifeb:*thcre hath not fay* bye fcau\anb all JJfrael ibitlj him,a be*
leu one u>o?be of all tlje goob pjonnfe rtc great congregation , euen from tlje

lbhiclj De pjomifeb by tlje hanb of fi^oy* entringtnof ^emath bnto theruicr of

feshts femaunt, egypt befojc the Hon>e our ©ob w fb
57 £be!Lo?beoue(15obbeibtthbs,asljc uenbayes, anb feucnbayes,euen foure- tapes fDj tlje
ttas tbith out fathers , anb fotfalte bs teenebayes. nnD Icurn foj

not, neither leauebs: 6« anb tlje eyghtbay be fent tlje people tljcftJtt.

5Wut that Ije may botbe out hcartcs bn* fflbay,$ they bicfTcb the btng,anb ibent
to mm, that Ibemay fbalfee in all ins bnto their tentes, toyous anb ibtth glab
Wares , $ tope hts tommaunbetnentes, heart , becaufe of all tlje goobneffc that
bisftatutes, anbhtsiaibes ibhtchc he the !lo2bc hao bone fo? 2Dautb Ijis fec-
wmmaunbcb our fathers. uaunt,anb fo? 3)frael his people.

The.ix. Chapter.

: Ct)cUo?De appedrctft the feconoe time to Solomon. 1 Solomon geuetl) ctttes to ©iram.

$ty cbanaanitesi become tributaries. 26 J^c CcnDctt) foojtu Qjtppcjs to; goloc.

/BS)tbl)en Solomon feconb rime, as he appcarcb bnto Ijiut at

hab*ftnifl)ebtljebuyl^ <5ibeon.
Dingof trje Ijoufe of ttje 3lnbp1Lo?bfarT>brttofjim,1Ifjauelje(iro
!Lo?be,anb the Binges thyp?ayer$ thy ttttcrccffion that thou
palace, anb all thathe haft mabe before me : 5Po? 3 Ijaue halo*
habintjtsmmbeftbas ibeo this houfc,lbljtclj tljou Ijaft built to
appoyntebtomabc: put my name there fo?eucr,$ mine etcs
^De3vo?beappearebto Solomon the ^ mync Ijcarte u^albe there perpetually.
%i 4 2lnb

.K ln^es.
thou tbilt tbalRc before me,as anb<5a5cr
4 anb tf
ifo^harao Ring of egppt rbent bn
2E>auib thy father tbaiRcb,inpurencs of
anbtoReC5a5cranb burnt it tbttfj fa»'
heart anb in rightcoufues, to do all that
3K ijauc tommaunoeb thee, anb tbtlt anb ttue tlje Chanaanites that ntbeitm
Repempftatutes,anbmplatbes: the citie , anb gaueit fo?a pzercnt bnto
Xhentbill 3
ftablifbc the fcatcof tftp his Daughter, -Solomons rbpfe.
Ringbome bpon gjfrael fw euer asj
, 17 ^nb Solomon bupit <Sa5er $ 25ttli-
pjomifeb to 3Dauib tbp father, taping
'Xboufyaitnotbetbitbouta ma bpon 18 anb zsaalath anb 3thamar in tlje tbit
berneffe in the lanbe t
6 mt
anb tfpe anb pour cbiuwenturne 19 anb all the treafure cities that ^oio^
tnon hab , anb cities foz h<s charettes
atbap from me , anb tbill not Rcpe m?
commautiocmentcs anb mp ftatutcs anb cities foj his ho?fcmen, anb all tljat
tbbichc jl hatte fet before you , but go
Solomon befireb, anb rbouiDebupibui
i^icmfalcm, in ILibanon,anbinaiitljc
anb feme other gobs,? tbojfbip than:
2S lanbe of his bominion)
Xhcn Ml 3
tbeebe ^Ifraei out of the
lanbe tbhicbf hatte geuen them, ana 20 anb ai the people that there left of tlje
4 Re.zi a. * amontes,^ethites,^here5ites,^cuitcs •
this bonfc tbbicbJJ haue balotbeb foi
anb^Jcbufttes, tbhtche there notof the
mp name , tbill iftaft out of nip fight,
anb ^jfraclfbalbea pjouetbeanbafa thilb^enof^frae!,
ble among all nations, zi Xheir chtiojen that there left after tDein r>
tCdDC. t»t)ttl S 3inb this Ijoufe a)aibe taficn atbap:fo mthe lanbe, tbhomthe chiib^cnof 3J&
that cuerp one that paffeth bp it, fbalbe raelalfo there notableto beftrop thofc:

in 91 cat

artomcb,attb fball bpffe, anb tbep fball ^n Solomon compell to tying tribute,
Deu.xxix.d rap:*09bp bath the bone thus bn-tab bnto this bap.
Icr.xxu.b. c to this lanbe, anb to this Doufe; xi 25utofthechilb?enof3lfcaelbvt)^
9 anb tbep (bat aunftbere: jeeeatife tbep lomon * maRe no bonbmen : 25ut tljcv Lwi H
fotfouc the Hojbe their C50D , tbbiche there men oftharre, his minifters , l)is

bjongbttbcir fathers out of the lanb of lo?bes,his taptapnes, anb rnlersof l)is
€gppt,anb haue taRcn holb bpon other charettes,anb his ho^femen.
gobs,anb haue nwfbippcb them , anb zj anb there there the lojbes that mi
fcrucb them : thcrfoje hath the %om fet oner Solomons tbo^ne
[enwi fiue

brought bpon them all tfjts cupll. hunb?eb there thep anb ftftic , anutlw
l.Par.S.1 io * anb it fojtuncb , tbat at the enbe of ruicb the people that thought puiojiit.
ttbentie petes tbben Solomon habfi* 14 anb^haraos baugbtcr came bp out
niCbebtbcbttplbingof the ttbo houfes, of fi)t citie of 2>auib,bnto h« § w[i
[t^atustottptc] the houfe of the Ho?be tbhtch S>oiomonhab bupitfo?hct:
anb tbcRingcs palace, thenbpbheaifobuplbe^illo.
15 3inb ttopfe a pere bib Solomon
ii (anb strain the King of %yit bought upon
Solomon titnbjc of Cebar,? fare trees, burnt offringes 9 peace offringes
golbe,anb tbbatfoeuer he befireb)Xbcn the aulter tbhiche he bnpit bnto D
Solomon gaue i^iram ttbentie cities in 2Lo?bc, anb he burnt tnctnfe
lanbe of dsaltiee.
tl;c aulter that tbas before the 1Lo?D,anD
n anb*^iram tame out from 3Tp?erofee he fimfbcb the houfe. _„.«
16 anbRing^olomonmapcang
U.-Re;, v.b
the cittcs tbbichc Solomon Ijab geuen l
a)ippesina5ion©aber,tbhui^ J
hpm ,anb tbep plcafcb him not,
anbbcfapbc : i©bat cities are tftcfe m v
€ioth,on the bnnRe of the reb

tbbicb thou baft geuen me mp toother? lanbe of e bom. ..refits

anbbccaiicDthcmthe lanbe of barren
tmto this Dap.
feruauntcs,thattbere fbipmena
C 14 atiD^iramfcnt the Ring fire fcojeta* Rnotbicbgeofthefea, tbithtnf^
lentcsofgolD. uanntes of Solomon: ^^ffront !

15 (anD this is the fumme tbbiche Ring z% anbthcpcameto^ph^SisS

thence °
ep came
to flDPhie^;;- t3 ,
mx>bm0Mom f&
Solomon rapfebfoz a tribute ibhen he
bupiocb the houfe of the fLo?bc,anb bis lentesofgolbe
D\bnc houfe, anb ^illo, anb the iball of Solomon.
^ierufaiem } anb V}tim , anb flj9cgebbo, fbt
0C* e o/Saba. 5. Kmges. ixxxn.

The.x . Chapter

$ty wtmtct^ba eommetb

to beare tbe toffoome of Solomon, is
i ty$ ropall
tbtone }»$# potter ano magnificence-

f fatten Met) titpne eves:3fob beftolbe, B
ba Iicactng the fame of trje one Ijaife ibas not tolbe me J fo? tljp
&olomon(conccrning lbplbome anb pjofperitie ejccccbetlj tlje
trjenameoftt)c?Lo?b) 3
fame lbrjielj fjearbe ofthtt*
tan it to pzour Him U>itf> 8 ^appyare tfop men , anb Ijappp are
Oatot cuiettions* fcruaunteswljttbelranbcuec
ttjefe ttjp
anbtbecameto^te* befoje tbee,anb bearctby tbyfoome.
rufalem tbttft abetie great trapne,tbttrj 9 zBlciTcb be tlje Hojbe thv t£ob,Ui&tcne
camels tliat bare fibeete ooours , ano loueb tbee, to fct tljee on tfjc fcate of 3b
golbcrcccbing mud),$ precious flones: rael, bccaufe tbe ?Lo?be loueb 3lfrael
3inD flje came to $>olomon,attD comma fo? eucr,T mabe tfjee lung "to bo equttc pcoplt to

nets ibitr) tjtmof aittjatibas (rtljttOtart. ano rignte oufnes. iuliom I;r gc«t
lictli fl \l))'!c

5 3ino Solomon Declares bnto rjcr all 10 3(nb fl)e gdue tfje King fire fcoje ralen- ruler.

bcr qucttions/o tbattftere ibasnotone res of golbe,anb of fibeetc obourtf crcee* of ,1 hunt.

tbingbpbfrom tlje lung iWbicDe fje tp bfog muclj,anb precious (tones : Xljcre"
pounbeb not bnto ber. came no mo;e fucfje abounbaunce of
4 3nb trjc queene of Saba eonfibcreb al ftbeeteobours, as tlje queene of Saba
. Solomons Vbyfoome, frtljerjoufetljat gaue to lung Solomon*
ftebabbupibeb, 11 %\yt nauie alto of tlje * (rnppcs of tyi*
5 3tab the tneatc offtis table , anb ttje fit* tamCtfjat eatteb golbefrom €)pbtr) **w*
bngofijisferuauntes , the ojber of bis tyougrjt lynelbpfe great plcntie of 311*
mtnifters $ tljeirapparclUtjisbjinke, muge trees, anb pectoris Hones from
anb bis burnt facrifices tljat rjc offrcb
tnnjc howft of tlje ?Lo?ot : anbttjetbas ir 3mb tne King mabe of tbe Sflmuge
trees pillers fo? tlje boufe of tlje %oftz
3 nl)a)eIia ^ et,ntot w«s:Ut»Jasa
ft e anb fo? trje binges palace, anb mabe

«ue «)02b trjat

Wbeitj bcieucb
3 bearbe in mpnc oUme
Ganges, $ of tl)v Vbttoome.
it not , tM3f came
Ijarpcsanb pfaltertes fo? fmgcrs:Xbcr
camcnomo^efucbc^lmugc trees, no?
ibere anv mo?e feenebnto tljis bar.
%z 13 3(nb
, g
3. Kinges. SoL

13 3lnb Bing Solomon gauc bnto the banonttere of pare golbe: Sfabasfoz
quccneof «£>abaaeeo?bing to an her be riiuer,ttihasnothtogibo;thtothebaws
fire lbliatforucr t1)c aflicD , brfocstliat of&olomon:
lie gauc iicr of a free \w untU his oibne 22 5fonhc Hinges name of Ojippesibent
hanbe : 3lnofo (l)e returneo bnto her ontljefea bnto Xharfis ibith thenanie
olbnc countrcp , botbfbc anD Dec ftp of grants fhippes : euen outein tfeee
uauntes. yercs Vbent the nauic to Xhatfis , anb
C 14 Xbcftaight of golbe that came to <§>o* fought golbe anbfiiuer, eiephantcs
lonion in one pete , ibas Dice htmtyco tccth,apcs,anbpecocRes.
tbccfcMc anb fire talentcs of nolDc 23 *3lnb fo Ring Solomon erceebeb ai the ii.Pan.ixf,

15 ascfybes that he hab of marchauntcs, Binges of the earth both in rpches anD
anD of the marcbaunbifcsof tbefpiecs, ibyfbome.
anb of ail the ttttiges of Arabia, f of the 24 3lnb allfhettwlbe refotfeb to $olo>
lojbcsofthecountrep. nton,to heare his ibpfbome ibhicb #ob
16 3lnb aing Solomon mabe ttbo hun- hao put in his heart:
tyebtargcttcs of beaten solbe: fire hun*
b;r d fides of goloc ibent to a target
25 3lnb brought him euerp man his w
fent, beffels of fiiuer, 9 beffeis of gome,
17 2lnb l)c mane thjee hunbjeb fbielbes of rayment,harncu~e , anb ftbeete obours,
beaten golbc:tb2ec pounbe of golb ibent ano hotfes^nb mules , yere by yere.
to one fbiclbe, anb the Ring put them in 26 3nb Solomon gathercb together u>
»s**» the *l)oufr of tbciboob of JUbanou. rettes anb hotfementanb he bab a thou*
18 3f nb the Ring mabe a great featc of too* fanbe anb foure hun&cb cbarettes, anb
rie,anb couer eb it ibith the bed golbe. tuieiue thoufanbe hojfcmen, lbbom ¥
19 3lnb the featc bab fire fteppes, anb the beftotbebinthecharet cities, anbttitl)
toppcof the featc ibasrounbe behmbc, tbeRingat^ierufaiem,
$ there ibere ponunelicson either fybe 27 *^nbtheBingmabcfiltierin^iernr^ i.Pn^
on tl;e place of tDcfcatc , anb ttbo lions lem as plenteous as ttones anb CeDat

ttoobe befybe the pommelles. as plenteous as the ibilbe fegge wts

20 3lnb there ftoobe tibcluc lions on the that groibc abounbauntly tntbefieioe*.
ftcppcs,fireonafpoe:Xhere tbasnone 28 2lfo <6>oiomonhab bojfes brought out
^ lyRclbojIterccncmnnyRingbomc. of tf gypt , anb fine linnemtbe to"S«
Deaxvud x\ *3tnbalBing Solomons bjinRingbcfs marchauntcs receaucb the itnncn to? a
fcls iberc of golbc, anb lyRctbpfe all the prtte.
bcffcis of tl;e houfc of rlje iboob of %v 2? a rharet camebp out of egppt fcj
5. Kinges. lxxxiii.

T^olcltluics of ftiucr,that is,ont ^ctongcsofs>ttja,wDtDcpb;tnot!)em
SbunwcoaniJfiftic: anbcucnfo out though theft hattbes,

lunges of the Scthftcs, anb fo?

Tve.xi. Chapter.

t flBoTomoniiatfj a t&otifanti topuos ano concubine* , toWcOe fopng ftm to (bolattfe

14910 ©00 raptetl) top aouerfariw againB&im. 45 ©e otettt.

lit King* Solomons popntment , anb mp ttaftttestbhicheli

3 uebmanpoutianbifhc tonunaunbcb theCJ tbil rent the tori*
*M tbomen,$thcoaugb* borne fromthee, anb tbm geue tttotbp
tctof^hatao, anb fcruaunt.
tbomcnoftheflpoa* iz jfiotibithftanbtag, fn thp bapcsgi tbui
bites, Ammonites, <£* not bo it , becaufe of SDaufbthp rather:
631 bomiteSjZibomtes,! but ton tane tt fro the hano of thy fonne.
^ethfteS: 13 ^orbbcit,3libiiinottaHcaU)a?authe «*««**
b u°
©betas vetconcerning tfjefc nations, feingbome : ffiutlbill gene one cc^ttibe to S ri2L
tfielUwbefapb bnto the chilbjenof 3Ff; thp fonnc,becaufe ofa>aim> nip fcruaat, SSSVSSr-
IlO)f b '

racl:*d5o not peinto them, no? let them ano becaufe of ^ierufalem ibhfche 3 Z°^.
tonic into, els Ml
thep tucne your Ijauechoren. ;^,,w
heartcsaftettheirgobSijRcucrthclelTe, i^j. 3fnb the Home ftirreb bpan abuerfa^ C
Solomon elauc bnto tl)em fnloue. cfe bnto Solomon, euenonei^ababan
'3Jnb * he has feuen hunbjcb quecnes, enomitt , of the binges feebt , UJljicje
anb th2ee hnntweb concubines : anb his ibasinebonu
tbpuesturncb atbap his heart. 15 3fo*tbhen2>au(btbasmebont, anb
HtBtccaft *h

tfojitcametopaffe When Solomon 3Joabrhe captapne of the hoaftibas

til (IS

c. p.0 airo
tbasoibe,histt)pues turncb his heart gone bp to burf e them that tbere ttaine,
after other gobs.-anb his heart tbas not he fmote all the men chflb?en fn €bom:
perfect tbith the 1L02b hfs ©ob, as tbas i6 (f 0? fire monethes tyb Joab remapne
the rjcart of Dautb his father there,anbaU3lfracl,mihehabbcftropj

*i 5F oj Solomon folotbcb aftaroth the eb ailthe men thilb?en of €bom,)

uol tic gob ofthe zibons,anb £Pcom the ate 17 3lnb thf s $abab fleb, anb certafne 0*
mice Domination of the Ammonites. titer Cbomftcs of his fathers feruautes
(ft: but
Si9 batt| 2lnb Solomon thought ibfcncbncfTe ibith!)pm,tocomefntoegppt ,^abab
M IIIlD: fit the fight of the ILojbe , anb fololbeb bepngpctalitlechiibe.
not the Hojbe perfectly , as nfb Dautb 18 3lnbtheparofe out of Fabian ,$ came
M«. his father. to ^aran , anb tone men tbith them out
of0aran,ano came to e gppt bnto ^ha*
I&B.1 0,
ifonhenbpb Solomon buplbeanhpe
plate fojCbamos the abhommationof rao King of $gppt , tbhictje gaue hint an
£J3oabim the hill that is before $ierufa? ltonfc,anb appopntcb l)fmbfttaaes,anb
lent, fjbnto Moloch the abhommation gaue him lanbc.
oftbechtUwn of amnion. 19 %\m loabab gat great fattour tn the
Si » ib o (1,)
• Of 8 ;8nbipBetbpre bpb he fin all hfs out* fight of $harao , fo that he gaue htm to
lonuiajc ibpues, \bl)iclj burnt cenfe anb rbpfc the fitter of his otbne ibpfe, etten
oftcrebbnto their goos. the fpftcr of Xhafrpenes tijc qucenc,
Jt ",ll!.l.
anbthc&ojbetbasangrptbithSolo' 10 3lno the fitter of Xhahpcncs bare hfm
mon, becaufehisltearttbas turncb fro <I5enubath his Tonne, tbho Xhahpcncs
the !Lo?b<!5ob of 3jjftael*tt)hicl)
hab ap; nojf fheb in ^haraoshoufe : 3lnD <Bzm
peaccb bnto him tibpre, bathtbastbfth ^hawos houfboioea*
10 3tob gaue
hfm a charge concerning mong the fonnes of $hatao
Wstbpng, that he (boulbcnot folotbe
other sobs:25ut
ti ^nb tbhen $aoab hearbe fn egppt m
he kept not that tbhiclj that Dauib ibaslapbe tofleepe tbith
„ Wjlojbecominaunbcb him Xiis fathers , 9 tUat 3Joab the captapne
" nsbcrfo2e the fLojbe fapbe bnto Solo* ofthehoafteibasocabalfo, he fapbe
won : jfojafmuthc as this fs ooncof to^harao: fLet me bepart, tljat 3
mee , anb thou haft not Kept mpneap;
map go to mpne otbne coutttrep.
% 3 zi $harao
Solomon. 3. jving
:.Kilnges. Soh
22 ^haraofapoebntohtm: nahathatt ttio?a)ippeo aftharoth tbcloVoFth;
thouiatRcohererbithnte , that thou Zibons anoebamosthegoonffK

ibouibcftthus goto thpne otbne coum 40oabitcs ,& ^ilcom the gob of the
ttcp^eaunftDcrcb,$Qtl)ing:b.otbbcit, Djen of amnions haue not rbaiki n
let me go. mpttwpes^oralfiilmppieatanipftfc
2 j 3foD d5ob ttirreb Dim bp another abucr* tutes,anb mp latbes,asbpb2!>auit)i)|s
fane, one ftesonthe fonne of eliaba,
ibbiche fleD from his lo?Dc ^aoaoeser 34 3 *bill not taRe the tbljole Ringbome
Ringofzoba: out of his hanb : 25ut3f ibtli niatehim
tljicfe all his Ipfe long ft* 3>auib
24 anbhegatherebmenbntohint,anD mp re*
became captapne ouee the tompanie $
uauntes faRe ibhom chofe:becaufe £
ttrtjcn 2Dauib Hue them: 2nb thep iDent Rept mp commaunbementes ano m»
to 2>amafco,anb bibelt there, anbraig* ttatutes:
nebin2>amafco. •
35 *26ut3JibffltaRC theRingbome outof, Rf.
25 Xherfoje lbas be an abucrfarie to Jb hisfonneshanbe,anbnmigcue itbmo wS
raciailthe bapes of Solomon, anb thee,euen ten tribes of it:
this mas the mi&hiefe, what $abaD 36 anbbnio his fonne ibiirj seMcone j
DpDabhojre 3Jfraeianb raigncoouer tribe,that 2Dauib my feruaut map haue
3>pria. alight airoap before mein^ierufaicm
ae 3lnD Jeroboam the fonne of /I5abat,an thecitfemhich31&auechofen metoput
ephtfthiteofzareba (Xbljofe mother nip name there*
lbas taiieb zeruah,ibbiche tbasaibps 37 3(nb 3 mm
taRe thee , anb thou (bait
Doibe ) anb be Solomons feruaunt,lpft raigne aeeojbing to all that top fouie be*
bp bis banbc againft the Ring. uteth,ano fyaitbe Ringouerjfraei.
27 26ut this tbas the caufe that he lift bp 38 3inb if thou hearRen unto all tbat^
his ftanbe againtt the Ring: Solomon commaunoe thee,anb mat lbaittc in my
bupWeilo, anbmenbeb the bjoRen ibapes, anb bo that is right in mp fight,
places of the ciueof2>auibbfsfather. that thou Repe mp ttatutes anb nip com*
3lno this feioibe Jeroboam tbas a maunbementes as 3>auib mp feriiaunt
e 28 man ofurcngth? courage: anb 5>olo* bpb,t^enrbai3JbeU)iththee,anbbupib
monfaUJethepoung manthatheWas thee a fure houfe, as 3
buptt fo? nip kv
able to bo the ujo?Rc,he mabe htm ruler uaunt Dauib, anb Xbill geue 3 fraci luv-

otter all the charge of the houfe of JJo* tothee:

fcph. 39 3Cnb3 Jbaifo?thiS tamnwffltm <5
29 anbitchauncebatthatfeafon that lomon iiatt) committed J ijcrctlje fccDtOf
Jeroboam lbtut out of 3Jcruralcin,anD 3Dauib,butno?fo;euer.
the pjopbetc ahia the 5>flonitc met 40 Solomon fought tljerfo^e to ftfl 3&
him bp the ibap, bauing a neM)e mantel roboam, anb Jeroboam arofe ,anb fleb
on him,anb thep tVbo Xbcrc alone in the intoegppt,bnto 5>ifacRing of^gvpt,
flClDC. anb continueb there in €gppt bntflltbe
30 &hta caught the nevbe mantel that Death, of Solomon.
ttias on him, % rent it in ttbeluc peeces, 41 Xhe reft of the ibo?oes that eoncernt
3i anb fapb to 3lcroboam,3CaRe thee ten &olomon,anballthatbebpb, anotjiss
peeces: 5fo? thus faptb the ILojbedUoD ibplbome, arethep not bitten in the
of 3Jfracl,26cholo 3
vbiiirent the Ring* booReoftherbo?bes of Solomon;
Dome out of tlje hanoes of Solomon, 42 1Chetpmethat5>olomonraignebin
anb null geue tcnttioes to tijec. i^ierufalem Dpon ai3ifrael lbas fourtie
«Par Vue 3i*3mbhc(bai haue onefojmpferuaunt peres.
Dauios faRe, anb fo? i^icrufalem.the cfc 43 ^nb Solomon ttcpt tbith h^ ^^1
tteibhich^hauechofen out of all the anbttasbunebintbecitieofDam&pu*
tribes of 3ifracl:
father: anb SRehoboam
fonne rats-

3. Kingcs. 1 XXXllll.
Thexii Chapter
. .

1weBo&ofmtftKttc&rte Solomon, s $e refufet&t&ecotmfelof tfeamcfrnt ,„».

wboatnraiBnctlj oucr gfraci. 2. ©00 eommaunDettj lfc&oboam„ot to
roboam ma&etD gotoen caluejJ.
vu fft
"JW*- -*s i«* £
#b* fceboboam ibent covert pott tbith ftourctes

3(1 to £>icbe\-fo* aH Ufcflrt
It 3biD fo^eroboam m
all the neooic
ta»ietomcl)oboatntl)ctSSa J

to mahe hint bing the bins Dab appopntcb/apin
3lnbibhcn3Jcroboan! tomeagainethethirbebap.
3> wme
the fonne of ifrabat 13 3tob the Ring aunftbereb the
lbbicheibas pet me* c)urlta)lp,anblefttlj(olbnieiistounfcI
J.liig- gppt,bcarbofit:*fo;i he flebto egppt thatthepgauehim:
ftomtbepzefeneeofbmgS>olomon,anb 14 Stabfpabe to them after the tounfeiof C
Duultinegppt. _ thepoungmen,faping:^p father mabe
&otbepfent,anbcallcbhiin: mlk* pourpocbe greeuouiahb^Mln abe
roboamanoaUthecongregattonof3Jf= ttgreeuoufer: ^pfatljeraifothaS
gjfraelcame, ffpabebnto&ehoboam, pou ibith robbes, but 'SttMl thaS
faying: poulbithfcourges.
4 £hpfatbermabe our pocbe greeuous, 15 3lnb the bing hearbeneb not bnto the
noUjetberfoVeinabethdu thelgreenous people: fontibas the ojomaiuice
feriiiceofthp father anb his foje pocbe ^^s.
ibhithe he put bpon bs, lighter, ano m <0ob,thathemight*pcrfourmehis fap>-
ing,n)hichcthe %on fpabc bp 3ihta the
Mlfccuctbee. drtonitebnto JJcroboam the fonne of
5 anb he fapbe bnto them : depart pet ^Jabat
tothcfpatc'of tb?ee bapes, ano then i6 3inDfo Mjenau3Jfraelfatbetbattbe
come agame to me . Znn the p eople o c bmgregatbeb them not, tl)e people
parteb. aunftbereb thebing ibith thefc lbojbes
MH bing fteboboam tobe totmfel lbitlj fapmg: *i©bat portion haueibcinSDa* i,,Res,XJf' a

the olbe men that ftoobe before £>oio- tub; lbe haue no inhcritaunce in the
monhisfather,ibhachepetlpueb, anb
fapb: nahat tounfel gene pe,that3l map
fonne of gjfai: *5Copour rentes Mfc a Pm xd
raei,noibe fee to th pne ottme houfc a>#
haue matter to aunfibere this people; uib.^nb fo 31frael bepartcb bnto their
15 7 3lnb thep fapb bnto bim: 3)f thou be w
it ml

tSBSSSSSSSSSSSH ^asfiftssM*!!***
anb foioibe their minbes,anb aunfibere
lbhich the of Juba bpb blbelt in cities ,
thtm , 9 fpeabe binbe ibojbes to them fteboboamraignemii.
the? Mil be thp fcruauntesfo? euer.
18 Xbe bing iXchoboam fent aourant
25ut he fotfobe the tounfell that the olb
men hab geucn him bnto
, anb eaileb of 3Jfracl ttoneb bim to beath:26ut bing
biscounfeipoungmcn,thattbcregrouje 3Rehoboammaoefpeebe to get him bp
top ibtth him anb tbaptcb
on him, t0 i)is th arct,anb to flee to ^letufaiem.
oinh hVft«w;r 71L'™ ~""Z">
r^^^^tmummtott^ 19 ^nbthepof^fraelrcbcUcbagainathe
m& ^ i e t at
)emapaunm,ccct ^ houfeoffeatiio,bntothisbap.

me faptng: qBabe the potbe lbhiche thp boam urns come againe thep fent , ano
0!m! n,en tDatibcregro\be;t Dim bing ouer al 3fftael:airt> there ibas
faS?i? l
Ki«j^fpabebntohtni, fapingt no tribe that foloibcb tljehoufeof SDa*
ti *3lnb lbhcn Behoboam ibas tome to a.p„
labe our porbc
heaup,but niabe thou tt ^ieruliilcm.hegatherebailthehotifcof
Smoa, lbiththe tribe of2Seniamin,an
hunb^cb anb fourefco;e thoufanoe of
n 5^ n '"Pfathern)astnthelopnes.
chofennten lbhich lbere goob ibar*
riours, to fight agatnUthcIjotifc of 3lf^
8«cuous potbebponpou,
rael , ano to tying the ftingbome a?
mmn m he ««»er:fi0p
father bath gaine to H&ehoboamtbcfonueof&o*
u>ttij robbes , but 3 vm louion.
%4 xi Zxd
.K inp-es. ma,

2D 22 anb the nwoc of <£oD tame bnto &e* to them,3lt is nnirtje fo? voulo^obnttT^
mata thc (0 mau>of C5ob,faymg: lfttcrufalcm:*26cholb£>3jrrael, theft e,
plirt of <5o»

23 £>pealte bnto aaehoboam the Tonne of are tljp gooues.tbhtth bought thee out
Solomon King of 3JuDa, $ bnto all the ofthelanoeofegypt.
ijoufc of 3JnoaanD 2isemamin, $ tottjc w ^nDl)efettheonetn25eti)el,anDthe
temnauntofthepeople,faying: other fethcm Dan.
24 Xhusfayctb the ?U»be, pefhaflnot 30 anb tbisthing turneb to finnc : foj the
gobp , no? yet fight agatntt your b*e* people U)cnt(becaufe of the one)asfatre
tb?cn the thiibjen of3Jfracl:retucne eue* asSDan.
rymantohishoufe,fethtsthtngtsmy 31 anb be mabe an houfe of buiaultets,
boyng.lLbey bearbeneb therfoje to the anb mabe pjieftes of tlje lorbeft of the
ibojbe of the ?Lo?oe,anb retutncb to he* people, ibhich tberenotof tlje fonnesif *S,
part,atto?bing to the lbojb of the 1Lo?b ILcui.

25 Xljcn Jeroboam buylt 5>tchent in 32 anb Jeroboam ntabe a feaft the fofi

mount €pb?aim,anb brbelt tljerin anb : teene bay of the eyght moneth , Ipfeebn*
Ibentfrom tbentc,*anb buylt #enuel. tothefeaftthattsmgmoa, anboffeceb
26 3lnb gjeroboam thought ftt bis heart: on the aultenanb fo bib he in 26ethei,to
noibc u>iil tbe bingbome returne to the offer bnto the tames that he hao ntabe:
houfe of 2>autb. anb be ptttin ffiethel tlje pjieftes of the
(B)WOflDMt 27 CB:)
5F02 if this people go bp anb bo fattf* hill aulters mhith he Dab mabe.
pollute a=
Biimft flood fiteinthc houfe of the fLojbc at $ierufa* 33 anbheibentbptotheaultertoburne
lent , then (hall the heart of this people intenfe lbljithe he hao niabe in ascthel

tume againe bnto their lojbe &eho* thefyfteene bay of the eygbt moneth,
boam King of 3Juba,anb fo (bal they hill euen in the moneth niljitlje Ije Ijab i\w
me,anb go againe to ftehoboamfcmg of gtneb of his ottmehearte:anbtnaoea
folcmne feaft bnto the cljilbzenof JU
e 3Juba.
raei,anb offercb bpon the aulter , ano
Tob. ia :
z8 *i©herupon the Ring toftetounfei, anb
t,d xivid
mm mo (jj^g of goibe , anb faybbn* burnt intenfe.

The .xiii . Chapter.

1 Jeroboam tawpiebm&eb of toe pjtopbete 4©fe&anb tufetbbp. irCIjepjop&etefe

feDureD, 24 3CnD 10 btUco of a lion. 33 ctjeobftmacie of Jeroboam.

ifrbbchouvhertame ^olbe htm :anb hts fianb ttbltb fJtput

(b:» pwi)«f
a manof(i5obontof foo?tl) againft him o?teb bp ,? he toulDe
gjubabytbeibojbcof not pull it in againe to him.
5 Xbe aulter alfo claue afunoer , anb
the lo?b, bnto 26cthel:
anb^eroboamftoobe athes fell out from tlje aulter, attojouts
by the aulter to put uv to tlje tohen lbhich tbe man of d5ob Uab
^»tenfe. geuen by the Hwbe of the fLo;be.
z anb he tvicb agatnft tbe anltet in the e anb the mngaunftbereb, anb fapb bnto
Vbojbe of the flojoe, anb fayb:£> aulter
auiter,thus fapeth tl)e Hojbe : i5cl)oib,
the man of C5ob : *
m WV
anbmaheintcrceluott Act^
a thilbe than be borne bnto tbe houfe of foz me , that m? hanbe may be teuWj
2Dauib,3(ofiabyname, anb bpon tbee meagaine.anbthemaof(l5obbeliougot
he offer the pieties of tlje bill aul^
fliau the?Lo?b,anbtl)cbingeshanb was
ters that burnt intenfe bpontbee , anb fto?cb againe , anb betame as it vbasa^
mens bones (balbc burnt bpon tbee
3 anb he gaue a toitcn the fame time, fav- 7 anbtbehmgfaybebntothemanoto
tng: IChists Hje tofeen that the flo?be <I5ob : Come borne ibtth me, tbattbju
hath fpohai it:25choloc,tbe anltcr fhall mayeftbme, anb^ibfligeuetljeea^
rent,aivo tljeafljcs that are bponit mall ibarb.
ig ^^
fall out. 8 anb tlje man of C5ob faybc bnto
4 anbibhenthehinghearbethe fapmg Ring: gjftbouibouioeftgeuenieprc
oftlje man of C50b ibhtthe hab erveb a^ J
tbyne houfe tbill not go in «wgg
gainft the aulter in asetbel, l)e Oretebcb neither mm 3 eate bjeab , no? m®
out bis hanbefrom tbe aulter , favmg, lbatcrintljis plate:
" .

iktM' 3
.Kiin£es. 1 XXXV.
l^foibasitcbargebmetbjouglj tlje come bnto tlje fcpulcl)2e oftbpfatOcts.
no bjeab 23 ^nb foit cametopaOetbat niDenbe
tto;D ofti)e ?L02b,faping:eatc
ibater,no?turneagapne bp Jab eaten b?eab, anb b2uncftc, be rableb
noz Djtnfte
tijcfamcttmptbattboucaincl*. ptm toe mt, to tlje p20pnet ibho
.0 anb fo lie ibent another
lbap, anb re* oebabb2ongl)tagaine. "^"^
mrncb not bv tDe lbap tfjat lje came to 24 3lnb lbl)enl;cibas gone, '"a lion !

(bailie mt-
met Ijimbp tlje ibap, anb flucbumanb *«««•.»

snD an oioe pjopbet fti

tljecc btbeit OiscarftaiTe ibas cattin tbetbap,?tfte ^°°S-

zsctbei ,anb Ijts fonnes tante anb

toibe affelloobctDercbp, anb tlje lion ftoobe S3?*J"
™ ft

banal tbcib02RestbattbemanofC5ob bptl)eco2feaifo.

nab oone tljat cap in asetljcl, anb tbe 2; anb men trjat paCTcb b^ fatbe tlje car* T'
nwbcs tbljlcb bebab fpottcn bnto tbe eaffc catt in toe Jbap, $tl)e lion ftanbing

Htna tome tljep tijetr father alio. bp tlje caccaffc:anb tbep tame anb toibe
„ anbtbetr father fapbe bnto tbcm: it in tlje toUme iboere tlje olbe p?op^et
©bat lbap tbent Dc i anb Dts fonnes btbelt.

fl)eiueD bini Vbljat lbap toe man of <&on

is ^nbiboen tlje p?opl)et toatb20ugljt
ibent lbljirb tame from 3luba. fiimbacne againe from toe vbapljeaeb
x. » anb lie faibe bnto l)ts fonnes babble tbereof,ljc fapb : 3lt is tlje man of d5ob,
c be ibas bifobebient bnto tlje tb02bof
me tlje aflc. natiicl) lbljcn tbep bab fab*
leb,ljcgatbimbptbereon, tbe Ho2be,anb tbcrefo^e tbe ?L02b bath
14. 3(ub tt)cnt after tlje man of <5ob, ano beltuereb Ijimbnto tlje iion,ibljiclj batb
founbe |>tni fyttmgbnbcr atcee, ano lje rent bint, $ttaine ijim acco?bingto tlje
fatD bnto hfni:2(tt tljou toe man of <£>ob lbojboftbe llojbe lbbicbbcfpafte bn*
tbat eameafcom3Juba<anb Ijefapbe, toljim.
3Jam. 27 3lnb be (pane to b& fonnes, Taping:
15 fccfoybcbntoi)im:€oiucljomeibu1j 5>ablemeanalTe:5lnbtbepfablcoijim.
me,anbcateb;eab. 28 ^utbljetbent, anbfounbeljisbobp
K ^eaunftbereb : 3
mapnotrerurne call in tlje ibap,anb tlje aiTe anb tlje lion
Ibitbtljee, togointbftb t^ee: neitljer ftoobe bp tl)t co2fc, anb tbe lion Ijab not
ibpl3J cate b?eab,o? bjinfte lbater tbittj eaten tlje carcau*e,no2 burt tlje aflc.
tljcc in tbis plate. 29 ^nb t^t piopnettour bp tlje bobpof
17 5F02 rbas faibe to me in tbe tbojb of
it tbe man of 00b, anb lapbeitbpontbe
tlje S,02b:Xl)on (bait eate no b2eao,no? aflc,anb bjougb t tt againe: anb toe olbe
Dzuiiic vuatct tnece, nocturne againe P2opoc t came to tbe citie to lament, anb
togobp tbe lbap tljat tljou earned. totutncbmi.
is $e faibe bnto him: 31 am a pjopbet al* 30 anb Ije
lapbe b»s bobpin fyis otbne
foasibcilasthou, anb anangeiifpane grauc,anb tiicn lamenteb oucr Dm t r tap.
bnto me in tlje rbo?b of tbe ILojbe, fap* insDaiasmpbjotber.
ing: asjpng Dim againe lbitbtljec into 31 anbibljcnlje ijabbutpeb bim, ft* 5F
thpncljoufctljatlje map cate bjeab, $ fpabe to Ijts fonnes,faping:D@btt» ant 3
bjinlte nmtcr.r3nDjbe ipeb bnto Ijim. bcab, fee tbat pe bnrie me in tbeftpul*
» anb fo be tbent againe tbitb bim,anb clj2c u>l)crcm tbe man of d5ob is burieb:
a> bib eate b;cab in bis boufe, anb bjantBC lape mp bones befibe Ijis bones.
mater. 32 * tfoi tlje faping ibijitlj be crpeb at tbe
anbitfojtuneb.tbatastbcpfatattbe rb02b of tlje »bc
againlltbe aultct m iiii Reg .i|.d
tabie,ttjeU)02b of tbe Ho2bc came bnto j5ctbcl,anbagainaalltbeboufcsofbic
tlje pjophct trjat
b20ugbt him againe: plates ibbiclj are in tbe cities of^a*
"10 he tfpeobnto tbemanof<©ob
i 2

maric,a)all tome to pafle.
Taping, Xbus 33 i^oibbeit, fo; all tbat Jeroboam con*
Ho2b: asccaufe tljou Ijatt bifo* uerteb not from bis ibicftco ibap j but
jaitt) tlje

JS? the mouth of the &o;bc,anb baft

not kept tbe
commaunocment VbDiti) t\)t people p2icftes of tbehie piaccsanb
tne?Lo2be top <5ob commaunbeb ctauD bun
tljee: ibbo fo pleaftb Ijim, be ullcb Ijis Ijanb,
u ®jit ta »«tt bacfee againe,
anb baft ca* anb Ije became pnett of tljeljte places.
n b? cab,f 02uncne tbatcr
in tlje place ?4 anbtbis tbingtucnebtofinnebnto
t^c bouft of 3Jcroboam,euen to beftcop
mm (bait eate no b2cab,no?
no U)ater:tDp tacbaffe a^all not
bim, anb to b2ingljim tonaugbtftom
of tbe fate of tlje eartb.

Jeroboam • ^.Kinges.

^Tbe .xiiii. Chapter.

i f eroboam fcnoe t h bid to pfc atfgupCcO to 3iah the pioplict, loofto Declare t
into hirathc Dettruction of hfe fioufe. :s luoa i? puntqjeD bp^ifac.

8 , i,_ .„ ,_„_,ix rljattimeSlbfat&e thattsin p?yfon anb fo?fafcen tnHtrfc

fonne of 3Jeroboamfel cUnoibvUtafteattaptljeremnattntSf
fiefce. the boufe of Jeroboam, as amanta'
3inb3Jcroboamfaibe ftetrj arbay bonng tyiifje
hath eatyci)
bntomsibpfe: SftpJ all.
p?aptl)ee,anbbtfguife ii i©ljofocuer of Jeroboams Doufebic
tltffelfe, rrjatttjoube in tl)c totbne,l)im ttjall tbe bogges eate^
notlmotbentobe tljeibyfe of3lcrobo* anbljetftatbpctl) intljefjelbe, Chaiithe
am:anb get tbee to £>ilo, fo? there is 3C* foulcs of tbe ap?e eate: fo? the
' e %mt
»i.R*s xif. i)<a tirje p?oprjet ibbicl) tolbc me* ttjat 3 ix
fboulb be Ring oner this people* ^Ltptl)eTfo?ef gettfjeetotfjpcorbm
3 3lnb tanc tbirt) rtjeetenloaue^anu Ijoufc:c»^oioeorbl)en tl)p foote entteth C
craclmelles,anb a crufe of anb go lw, into tbe citte,tlje cftiibe ftjaiibve,
to \)Un, tljat !)e map tell tDce Xbjjat ttjal! o 3(nb all tl)ei? of 3Jfracl (ball mourne
become of trjecljiioe. fo? i)im,anb burie Ijim : 5f o? be ontij> of
4 3mo 3letoboams ibpfe bib fo, anb a- Jeroboam (bal come to tlje fepulel)?e,
roft,anb ibent to £nio anb came to tnc , becaufe in l)im tljer e is founb goobnefle
Doufc of Mm
: i5ut 3U)ia coulb not fee, toibarb tlje Ho?b 00b of 3ffraeiint[)e
fo? his eyes mere ibarcn bimme fo? age. Ijoufcof^fcroboam.
5 'anbtbe3Lo?befaibcbntoa!)ia: ase* 14 ^3o?eouer,tbeHo?ba)almrrel)unbp
Doftxtbcropfe of Jeroboam commetD abingoucr Sfrael rol)tcl) (bailbeOro?
to affec a tying of tf)ee fo? l)er fonne, fo? tlyt htmk of Jeroboam in tljat bay:
thus $ thus (halt thou
l)c is firUe: iBixt ButTbljatisitnoib;
fape bnto her. 3(nb M)t (he came in,ft)e 15 5fo?tDeHo?befl)alifmrte3ifracias!
fayneb Ijer felfe to be an other tboman. rbljenareebe is fbanen intl)enjater,$
6 26ttt uihen ^anta Ijearb the founbe of l)ca)aii ibeebe 3Jfrael outofttnsgooo
licr feete as tye came in at the boo?e, he lanberbl)itl)l)e gauetotljetrfatbers,
iayb:€omc in tftottttpfe ofJeroboam, 9 fl)all fcatter tljem beyonb " tbc ryucr, ^«"
ibbpfayneft thouthpfelfeloto beano* becaufe tl)cp haut mabe tljem groues,
thcr* 3
am fent to ititt [totbeibtijeej anbangrcbtl)eHo?be.
hcauptbynges. i6 ^nbljeajail geue Jfrael bp becaufe
25 7 d5o, teU Jeroboam, tints fapth the oftljcfinnes of Jeroboam, ibljid) utu

?Lo?beC50b Of 3lftael: [Itwpentetbme:) fmne,anb mabe 3lfrael to ftttne.

iiiRc S xii. e fo?afmucl) as *
3 ejcaiteb thee from a- 17 3lnb Jeroboams ropfe arofe anb De- ,

mong the people, anb mabe thee p?ince parteb,anb came to Xbit5alj : $ lbben
oner my people 3Jfrael, tt)e came to tlje tJ)?efft)olbe of tljc ooo?e,

8 3 bib rent the tungbome atbap front tfjecljilbcibasbeab.

trjehoufeof&auib, $ gauetttbee:j!3e* 18 2nb al3Jfrael burieb \>i\% anb lamen*
tterthcicfle, thou haft not ben as my ting Dim, acco?bingto tljeibojBoftije
fetuauntSDauto, ibljfrrj ttept my com* |Lo?beH)!)ierj De fpafte bp ttjeljanbeof

tnaunbementes, anbfolotbcb meibitrj DisreruauntaiXatl)ep?opbet.

an Ins heart, tobothatonciyibhicl) 19 ^nb tfje reft of the tbo?ocs tljat con-
ttias right in myne eyes: cemcKeroboam, DoibIjett)arreb,anb
25uthaftbonecuiiabouealthatn>ere Dotb Dcraigneb^cftolbe tyv are
befo?etljee: jFo?thoubaftgone ^rnaoc tenintlje booUeoftDccroniclesottpe
trjee other goos, anb moultcn images, mng«sof3Jfrael. wa<(T/
to p?ouo«e me,anb Dad raft me bcljinb t 20 ano ttje bapes iDfjicI) Jeroboam raw-
Xherefo?e beholoe,3I ibyll b?tng euill
neb,roeretrboanb tmenticperes:
jbljcn Ijc mas lapeb aflecpe lbttb

bpon the l;oufe of Jeroboam, anb lbyll tr)ers, iI3abab t)ts fonne raigncb
roote out from Jeroboam euen Dim
that * pyflcth againft tlje iball, anb him ftelJoboam tljefonne of

btngs Ijoufe, 9 fpovlco all tloat tbas

tobehab: ainb hctobc atbapalithemR< .x.d.
fhtelbes of jjoibe *tbhich Solomon hab
S% "mo
Sftad to
tboofc out of all H>e trtbcsof
Putins name there: ftisnio*
27 ^ntbhofe aeabe ferngftchoboam
mabe bjafen fbieibes, anb tommittcb
Same ibas^aama, an ammo* them bnto the hanbescottijefcepmg] f
the taptapnes of the garbe,tbhich tuap*
n %3J«w thoughtanb
ibitnebneffe in
tcb atthe booje of the binges boufc.
28 3nb tbhen the Ring tbent into the
houfeofthefLojbe, thepofthe garbe
bare them, $ brought them againe into
ntljctcfmnes tt)J)«tnt!)pfinnei3,
alfomaoet!)cmI)te plates, the garbe thamber.
« fo? tl)er
29 Xhc rett of the ttwbes that tonterne
images, anb groues
on euerp Die Dili,
anDbttber'euervthitBetree. &ehoboam,anb all that he bto,are tbep
*** anDtbereibasalleibcsofmalcthfl* nottb#ttenc ' } tnthc botmeofttietroni* «»w*
ties of the binges of3toba; SbS&
mm (n ianbe,anb the? Did accojbing
of the nations 30 anb there tbas ibarre bettbeeneme* jfiw
to all the abhominations
ibbfth tfte fLojb taft out before the thfc
ftoboam anb Jeroboam all their ipucs. %£F"~
mmofffracl. 31 3(nb ftehoboam flept tbith his fa-
_ c
2nD fo?tuneD,that in the ftft pere of thers, anb Tbas burpeb bcfpbefnsfa*
2< tt

e bing Behoboam,:S>ifac Uing of egppt thersinthetitie of 2>auib:i£is mothers

tame bp againtt $ierufaiem: name ibasiftaama,an:ammonite,3taD
26 2nb toBeanjapthetrcafuresof the Obtain his Tonne raigneb in his fieabe.
ijoufe of the &o?De,anb the treafures of

^ The .xV. Chapter.

i abtam ouct %im, s> Jtfa fuccccftctb in
rat'gttetb roome. W
k ®ftc battel
bettoeeneataanbjeaafa. 243cljotapt>attuccee0et&3ifa. zj^abaMwceeDetlj
gieroboam. :S35aaraiuUctDj3aDab.

%\ tftityt eighteenth perc 7 Xhe rett of the tbo?bes tfjat conceme

of Ring *
Jeroboam 31biam,anb all rtjat he bib, arethevnot 2S
the fonnc of i!2abat, ibjittenintheboofteofthecronitles of
raigneb 3biam oner thcRingesonmba ^nb there lbas

3Juba. Jbarre bctibeene ^biam % Jeroboam,

Xhjeepercs raigneb 8 2Jnb Xbtam flept ibith his fathers, f
-faein^icrufalcm:anb tljep buritb htmmthentfeofSDauiO:
bis mothers name tbas fl^aatha, the anb ^Cfa his fonne raigneb in his ttcabe.
Daughter of»»to&iom. 9 * 3m the ttbenttth vere of Jeroboam ii.Pa.xiiii.a.

3 anbljetbalBeb inautheflnnesofhfs bing of ^ftael raigneb 3fa oner 3Jnoa.

rather tbhith he hab bone io fourtief one peres raigneb Ije in fcte*
before htm,
anb Jisbeart tbas not perfetttbtth rufalem:anb his co mothers name lbas
the mother.

?Lo?beJns ©ob, *as the heart of 2PautD spaatha, the baughter of ^biHiionn
bis father. n sinb^fit bib [tftatftemcui^ght in the
4 ftuerthclefTe/o^auiDsrabebibthc
scuchim (b> aipghtm
a » e "Uhat he fet bp
his fonne af* ii
cpes ofthe ju#e, as bib 2>auib ijisfa-
* 3&nb
he tohe aibap the male fleibes
'2 «JJ
abufl> ct> ^icrufalem: outoftheianbe, anbputatbapaiithe iiiRe.xxii

abhominableibols that his fathers hao

k tt ^'
^figbtofthc?Lojb, anbtur*
^'"Srtiathetommannbcb 13
w ;anbheputbotbne* ^paarhahis
0>) JMit-.
tcto .ire to be

out rfipect ot
(err en.
mother from bearing rule, bctaufefhe nl j jr xv. d.
hab mabe an iboii in a groue: 3tnb 3fa
beftropeb her iboll, anb burnt it bp the
uS ^3(eroboam, asiongashe b;oobe€eb2on.
14 Z5ut the Ijte plates tbere not put

Ieroboam. ^.Kingcs. Jerok,'am.

w boUmc:il3euertbclctte afa bis heart bcb, are trjcv not nmttenin rbebooicof
C«1 IfttaSt; was perfect ibub the ju«be all ijts the croraclcs of the binges ofUuba!
rtottjatotcDt hisolbe agebeibas
•nt iv of 1311a j
$e brought in the holy beu"els of bis bu"eafcoinhisfcetc,
father, aiio tbathc haboebtcatebnto
the boufe of t|)e 3lo;b,goloe, ano fuuer,
H 31nb3UafleptU)tt!jhiSfathers,*rbas
burieb beftbe his fathers intbeeitieof
anDitUiels. 2>autb his father: anb • Scliotapbat **"**•i
16 3(nD tljere Xbas warre bettbecne afa, bis fonne rafgnco in bis fttabe.
f asaafa bing of 3lfracl all tfjetc bayes. 15 anb iUabab the fonne of Jeroboam
lp« xvi a. 17 * 3ffl) asaafa bing of 31frael went bp began to raigncbponjfrael thefctonb €
againttjuba, ano built &ama, fo tljat yercofafamngof Juba, anb ratgneb
I)c iDouinc let none go out 0; m to 21 fa bpon3ifraelttboyeres.
bingofjuba. 16 3lno he bib eutii in p fight of the Uteb
18 Xhcn afa tobe al the frtuer anb golbe Umlbingtn p may of his rather, $ in his
ktljat ibasieft mthetreafures of the
houfe ofthe&ojbc, anb the treafures
fmnetbheretbtth hemabc Jfraelfome
27 anb 25aafa the fomte of abta, tbhuli
of tbc binges boufe,ano bcliucreb them rbas of tbc boufe of ^fachar, eonfoircb
tonto tbc banbes of bis fecuauntcs,anb againtt him, anb asaafa fmote him
ii.Ileg.xx.a bing afa fent tbcm to * asenbabab the Bbbetbon.robicb ts acttieoftbe m\c
fonne of Xabjimon rt)e fonnc of 8?C5ion Itmncs(fo^aoabanb atjfraellayeb
bing of S> yna that mbc it at 2Damafco, fiegetod5ibbethon)
2D Taytng: 28 €uen m the thirb yere of^fabtngof
19 Xbercisabonbebctibecncmcflithee, 3Juba,btb zsaafa ttay him,!anbra(gneb
bctlbcenc my father anb tby fatber:anb tnhisftcabe.
3 bcbolbe !)auc fent bnto tj)ce a pjefent 29 * »nbitfo?tunebthattt)fjenhe»)aSiu w
ofulner anb golbe, tbattbou come anb fting,he fmote all the boufe of Jerobo*
>bjcaBetbebonbe that thou baft Until am, anb he left him naught t0atb;ea^
zsaafa bing of3lfrael, that be ma? be- theb,bnti« he bab put him cleancout,
part from me. acco^bing bnto the faying of the ?Lo;be
10 &02i5rnuababi)ear!tenebbnt0bmg ibhicb he fpaHe by husferuauntabta
afa, $ fent tbc captayncs of the boaftcs thc&clonite:
ibbicb he bao, againtt the cities of gif 30 asctanfc of the fumes of Jeroboam,
racl, anb fmote $ion, anb SDan, anb a* lbhcreibtthhefinnebanb mabe3!frael $
bci,26ctl) Ul9aacab,ano all c^e region ofj fiune,\bhen he tbtth his p;ouocanon m
Cenerotb, with all tbelanbcofiftcph* greb thelLoroe ©ob of jfrael.
tbalt. 31 Xl)c reft of the ibojbcs that conterne
zi anb ibljen 25aafa beans thereof, be i!5abab,anb all that he btT>, are they not
leftbutibing of Kama, anb oibcit m Hm'ttcn in the boobe ofthecronidesof
Xbiria. tl;ehmgesof3jrraek

5? 3?
-*».»**. zz Xbcnbingafa mabeapjoclamatfon
throughout all giuba, that none fboulb
bccwufcb: anb to they tobe the ftoncs
32 ^nb there tbas ibarre bctibcene afa
9 asaara bing of 3Jfracl all their bayes.
3 ? £>o Uithc thirb ycre of afa bing of yw
of ftamab afib the tvmbcr ttibcrcuntb ba, began asaafatbeforaicofabiato
zsaafabab butibcb, anb bing afa built raigne ouer aligifrael(n1E:htr5a,ttt)cn'
ftntb them the hill of iSentamin anb tieanbfoureyeres.
flptfpab. 34 ano he otb tbatfobicbiseuillintoe
*3 Xbcrcmnaimtofautbetbofljcsthat fightoftl)e».o?be, walbmg mtbcH>ay
conccrne afa, anb all bis might,anb all of gjcroboam, anbinhisftnne.lbhcrtf
flat he bfo,anb tlje cities rbbttt) be buti- J
With he mabe fracl to finne«
3- Kinges.
^The .xvi. Chapter.

uDftfaata. *«a. s>?fatrf. i63Cmri. ji^abmarwtliiweM

* »*swn.

tym the nwbe of the

jLojoe came to 3fehu
thcfonne of Manama*
topyfleagainftatbaihjaea hefltimf*
Rlnfcfomcsanofrecnoesalfo .
?I? ft? "? 2inm
Iz 6e ftroy an the
gamft26aafa,faymg:. hpufeof26aafa,act02bingtotheibo20e
altco tl)ce out of the
of the ftofl>e, fchtth he
%£ £m
Dude, anbmabethee
raptapne oner my people 3lfraei, ano 13
f o?allthefinnesof2Baafaanbfinnes C
thou baft ttalfceom the ttwyofjjero* of ciahlsfonne which they finncb,ano
boam,anb haft maoe my people Jfrael mabc Jjfracl to finne ano angtc the
to finne,to anger me ttnth their finnes: ?l020e C5oo of Jfrael Jbith their bant
asehoioe, 3 ibiilrooteoutthepofteri* ties.
ticofjisaafa, ano the his pofteritie of 14 SChereftof the ibojbes that contcme
boufc:anb Mil maftc thy houfe lyue the eia $ all tljat he bio, are tljey not ante
houfe ofjctoboa the fotme of jRabat. ten m the boohe ofthecronicicsof the
L..4 * %w
man of asaafa rbhich oycth in Binges of 3Jftaefc
the citie,him (hall the oogges eate : ano 15 3m the ttbentic $ feueuth yerc of2fa
that man of him ihhlch Dyeth in the mngof^Juba, bio Zlmriralgncfcuen
ftciDcs,Chail the foules of the ay?e eate. bayes m 1Lhir?a^ the people ibas then
5 £he reft of the iboiOes that concerne tnthehoaftbeftegmgcsibbetDonjacuie
zsaafa, anbtbhatfte DID, nhtspottjer, ofthc^htbftines.
are they not tt>j<ttenm thebooucofthe i6 2lno the people in thehoaft hearo [one]
tromcles of the hinges of 3Jfrael < faye,ztmrlhath confptrco, ano ftayne
6 anbfo 25aafa fleptttnthliis fathers, thching:nal)ercf02e all they ofgifratl
ano urns bunco in Xhtrsa, ano <£ia his maDe3lmrl the taptayne of the hoaft,
fonncratgncb in his ftcabc. mng ouer 3Jfrael that lame oay.euen m
7 ano by the hanoe ofthepjophct 3Je* the hoaft.
bu the fonnc of $anani,tame the nwbe 17 3lffi) ^mrioeparteo bp from d^lbbe*
of tbcHojb againft zBaafa, ano again!* tljon.anb all Jfrael ibith Ijim,ano they
Dtshoure, $ againft all the UncfccDneflc befiegebXhtrsa.
that he bib inthefightofthe?lQ20e, in 18 3lno lbhcn zimri fatbc that the title
angryng him ttxth tlje U)02fee of his muft neeoesbe tauen, heibcntintothc
oibnc hanbcs, that he Ihoulb be hue palate of the hinges houfe <® ano burnt ffffi*
houfc of Jeroboam, ano becaufc heM* himfcife? the hinges Ijoufemithfyie,
leu « him. anofooyeo
,3tro= o
item. ° Xhe tibentie f fijctU yere of 3tfa Ring
pfju&a.bcgan ela the fonne of ffiaafa
19 5ro2 ijis fmnesibhith he finneb, in bo*
tng that lbhith is euill in the fight of the
to taigne ouer
3irrael in£hir5a,ttt>o 3l020e, ano mumming in the lbaye of
3Jcroboam, anotnljisfinnesibliirhhe
tt ftruaunt zfmri( ibhttft bib,ano in that he maoe Jfraei to fume.
ih2X ?
BSSPSSSfWk his chai: <*s ) J0n '-
20 %hc reft of the rb02bes that tontcnic
S& 1utfth,mas

SS% mJ° HS

»" the W«W«

to**® zmiri,? the treafon that Ijc

are they not U)2(tten in the bootte of the


gg* ar5a,ftettarOofhis houfe in trontclesofthehlngesofjfrae^

%\ Xhen there the people of Iffraelbeut*
bco into tiho partcs:fo2 halfe the people
folomeb Xhtbnl the fonne of ©math,
gafemgofJuoMnOraicjncblnljls tnamng hlmfeing: ano the other halfe
** b
!P J
fi «tt)henhemas az 26ut the people that folorbeo ^Imn,
p2euayleo agatnft tljc people that folo*
thereof one rbeoXhibnithc fonne of d5inath: ^no

<sj[fa. ^.Kin^es.
fo zt)itmto?eD,itnii hmg of 3luba, began abairtbclbMeof
23 3Jn tbe tblrtieanb one percof 3fa 3mri to raignc ouer 3Jfrael, $ tbc rami
Ring of 3foba,bcgan3mrito raignc a&ab tbe fonne of 3unri taigneb oucr
oucr 3Jfraeitibciueperes:;S>ijce peres gjfrael in Samaria tibentie anb
raigncobeinlthusa. petes.
I" u II. 24 $c bought the hill Scbomron of one 30 2nb:al>ib the tonne of amri bib eufli
5>cbemar fo? ttt)o talents of bluer, ano in the fight of the ?U>?be abouc all that 1

bupltmtbc bill, anbtailcbtbcnameof mere before bim»
tbe citie U)l)icl) he buplt, after tbe name 31 5Fo? w it feemeb bnto bim but a liaht
ofScbemar, ibhicb bab benoibnerof tbtng to rbalbe in tbe fmnes of ijcrobo- IS*" ""«i
tbe hill S>chomron. am tbe fonne of /Rabat: $e tone 3Je?a'
25 26ntamrtn>?oughttbattbhitb ts eutl oangbter of etbbaaitona
bel alfo tbc
tn tbe eves of the ?Lo?be, anb bib ibo?fe oftbcSibonitcs to ibpfe, ano * lbcnt iiiiRc,^
then all that ibere before Dim. anb ferueb Z5aal, anb tbo?fbtppeb bim
26 5Fo? be roaineb in all the tbap of 3Jero= 3z 3lnb Ijc reareb bp an auitcr fo? asaai
boam the fonne of /Rabat, anb in his Baal Kbbich he ban
in tbe temple of
!mnes,tbat mabe 3Jfrael finne,to anger buiibcbinScbomtom
the ?Lo?be <£>ob ofjftacl ibitb their 33 3lnb 3lbab mabe a groue,anb p?otec*
canities. bebfuttbet in angring tbe?Lo?be<Bob
* 7 Xbc tett of the ibo?bes tljat tontcrne of 3lfrael then all tbe hinges ofjfrael
3lmri,? al rtjat be bib, anb rjts fttcngtl) tljatibere before bim.
tbatbcfbeibcb, ate thepnotib?tttenin 34 3In his bapes bib $iel of zsetbrtbifflD
thcbooRc oftbettonitles ofttjeninges 3lcricbo:$elapbctbe fouhbationtber;
brJJfraeU of in 3biram bis elbctt fonne,anb fct bp
e 28 3tnbfo 3lmri aept ttritQ rjis fathers, the gates thereof in Dtspoungeft forme
ano mas bunco in Samaria, $ aijab Segub, atco?bing bntotbcrbo?boftbe
in £. fonne taigneb in bts fteabe. %Wt * ibhitlj »jc fpahe bp Jofualj

29 3intDethirtte anb epgbtpcte of 31fa Tonne of Mm.

<j" Tbe .xyil. Chapter,

lOEtfag fojetDatnctb of tljefamute to come. 4$e te fetj of rattcna.

9©eusfentto?arp9at&, Inhere &e rettojetb&teboatteire fonne to

/15b eiiasp" Xbefbite, b?eabanb flefbe in tbe cheningi anb be

ibhicb ibas of the inba* bzancheoftheb?oohe.
biters of d&leao, faybc 7 3lno it cbauntco after a ibijile tbat tbe
bnto3lhab:* Slsthe b?oOhe b?pcb bp* bctaufe tberefeilno
lli.Rw. 18.C.
!Lo?oc €»ob of JJfracl rapnebpon tlje earth.
ipuctb, bcfo?c inborn 8 2inb the tbo?b of tbe Ho?be tame bnto
3Jttanbe,*tbcrcfbalbe bunding:
neither bcaibe no? rapne tijefe yeres, * tlp,anb get tljee to zarpbatb,ibb<ch
but acco?bing to mp ttwbe. IS in5)ibon, anbbtt)eiltbcre:i5cbome,
3lnb the voqm of tlje Hojbe tame bm 3 Oaue tommaunbeb a ftjpboibtljctc
to him,faping: to fultainc thee.
d5ct tljcc bcntc,f turne tbee catttbarb, 10 5>o be aroft, anb ibent to zarpbatb^
anb bibc thp fclfc in the bjooUc Cberitb, anb ibben be tame to the gate of tlje w
that is, it that ivctb bcfo?e 3Io?bane. tit, beljolbe tbelbiboibibastbcrega-
Hbou fl)alt b2inlte of tbe rpuer.anbj tbering of ftitftcs: %\\n be calleb to Ijcr,
bane tommaunbeb thcrauenstofecoc 3
anb fatb:*fct me p?ap tljcc a litle tta* ludi.iiiic

thee there. ter in a beffcl,tbat $ map b?intbe.

5 3inbfo be U)cnt,anb bib atco?bingbn=: 11 3lnb as tbeibas going to fet it, he trr
to the Uwb of tbc flo?be : fo? bclbcnt, tn after ber,anb Taibe:b?png me 3 W?
ano bibclt bp the b?ooftc Cberitb tljat tbec a nio?rell of b?cab alfo inthpnc
Ail <£oB DoH) isbcfo?e3Jo?oane.
ikouiDc fo;
w 3lnbtbcraucns b?ought bini b?cab ii She fapoet 3tstbe fto^K
fels.m Liliiiclt
anb flcfl)cm t[)e mo?iting } anbUHeibpn; dfrob lpuetb,3l baue no b?eab rebp ,
^.Kinges, 1 XXXVlll.
"^SanDfulofnicaic in a barrel, 9 art thou come bnto me to tall my fame
Stmt ma crufc: 3nH beDoibe, 3 ^amctorcmemtyauntMnbtoaaymy
am^tbering two roehes fojtogoin
Kcffc ttfo? nteanbmy fonne, tljat 19
ife?? ^^- seuemetDyfonnc.
iBcmapeatett,atflW» JlnbhetoUehunoutofberlap, *> 9carteD
*nb tflias raiue bnto Der ,5Feare not, htmbpmtoa loft «)l)crebtabobe,anb
t\oanbboastbouhaft faibe: but mane lavbchimbponbisolbnebeb:
20 anb talleb bnto the Hojue, anb
£« thereof a Utle cahe Rrft of all, 9 bjtng fatbe*
itWo mc,anb afteribarb maae fo? thee £>?lommy<Sob,battthou puntfoeb

, /f o?thu°0 W m%w*
<5?b ofUfr*
V-cbe meale in the barrel fyall not be
alfothistbybolb lbith tthom%mbell
asaftraunger,9 Datt aatnc her tonne -
ii *3nb he Oretcljeb bimfelfebponthe

W** M*
Sattei, neither thai
the oyle the crufc m cDflbetbJeetymcs, anb talleb bnto the
benttnth)tb,bn«lthe Ho?behaue fent ?Lojbe,anb faibc : m
Tlozbe my <5ob TT
rawebpont^e earth. pjay tbee let thischiibesfouie tomem*
fl)c U)cnt,anb bib as
inn eifas faybe: tohimacjatne.
2nDtt)e,anbhe,anbherhoufe,mb eate iianb the %om hcarb the bo? ce of eiias
aaoobfpace. 9 the foule of tlje cDilbe came into him a'
16 2nb the meale ttmfteb not out of the gaine,anbDereuiueb,
barren, neither tbas tDeoylefpentout 13 anb ciias toac tlje boyc,anb brought
of the trufc,atto?bingto tbe
ibo?b of tbe Dim bourne out of the cbambcrinto the
%Wt ibljich ijefpaucbpthehanbeof Doufe, anbbeliuereb Ijimbntoijis mo*
cuas. tbenanb euas faibe,25eDolb,tDy fonne
17 ^nb after tinges, it happeneb
thefe Ipueth.
that tlje fonne oftheibyfeofthchoufe i4^nb the lboman faib bnto <£ltas: j!3ott»
fci ftcbe, 9 D*s fttbnefTe ibas ro foje tljat 3 bnotbe that thou art a man of ©ob,
there tbas no bjcatD left in Dint. anb that the lbojbe of the %om in tt)y

18 anb foe faib bnto €lias:i©Dat Dane IF mounts true.

to bo lbith thee £> thou man of <5od?

'The .xn>iii. Qiapter*

j Clt'ass tss fertt to f bab. n €>bat>f a Woetb an btfntyeo pioptyttg, 40 <flia$ fttnetb
all jeaaiwopfietejf. 4? $e obtarnetb rarne.

a fterpHKCfTcofmany mules aliue, anb that ibebeftrov not

baycs,tDeibQ2bofthc [fomeofjtbebeaftes.
fLojbcametoeuasln 6 3Jnbfbtbcy beuibeb tlje lanbebe*
thetbirbpere, faying: nbcenethcmtoibaiftcrh.20ugl)tt : 31--
dSofhcibethy fclfc bn- Jjab ibent one tbap bp Dim felfe, anb $y>
to 3hab, anb* ibyll 3 babia Ibent another lbap by him felfe.
fenbe rayne bpon tf)e 7 3lnb it tDaunceb tljat as £>bama ibas 25
eartl). in the tbap,behoibe cuas met him,anb
1 anb ciias rbent to u>ibe him retfe bn* he Hncib Dim, anb fell on his face, anb
to aijabtanb tijere tbas
a great fanuu> faibe ; art not tDou mp lo?be euas;
mtnt in Samaria. 5 ^nbDeaunftberebDimJamDet^o,
3 31b aijab talleb £)babia,ibhtch tbas anb tel tbp lo?be,bcDolbc,ciias is Dere.
me gouernour of his Doufe : (anb £>ba* 6 $e faibe: aaDatDaueiJfmneb, that

biafearebc&ob greatly.
5?omhcn3Je5abeI beftro^eb tbepjo*
tDou ihoulbett bclpucr w
to the Ijanbc of ^Dab,to flap me; ;

Pbetsof tljefLo?b,£)babia toftc an Dun* 10 3ts tDc Ho?be tD? <25ob liuetD,
;?eb prophets, anb bib them bp fiftie in tDere is no nation ojatngbome, tbhp-
nwuc, anb pjouibcbbjeabanbttmtee thtr my lojb DatD not fent to feebe ttftt:
fouhem.) ^nbibDentDepfaibe,Deisnottbere:De
^hab fart)e ^hto ©babia : in*
to the lanDc,
bnto all fonntaines of tba-
m tofte an otD of ttit bingbome anb
on ibDcn De founo tl;ce not.

tew unto all bjoobes,ffhapppiyrbe 11 ^nb noib tDou ftpeft.^o^nb tell tD?
map ftnbe grafleto fauerhe ho?fes anb lojberDatdiasisDert*
n anb affooncasjl am gone from tbee, groues foute buuO;eo, ibljitl) eate at
tbe fpirtte ofttje Come (ball tarrie tbce labels table.
into 3
fame plate tbat bo not Unoibe, io $>a abab Cent bnto all tbe tWibzcn of
ant) fo M)I)cn3( tome anb tell abab,anb 31fraei, anb gatbcteo tbepjopljcts to
\yt tan not fume ttjce, |jc (ball dap me: gctber bnto mount Carmel.
26ut 3 tbp feruaunt feare tbe Home i 1 anb (Ellas tame onto all tljc people,
frommppoutbbp. anb faib : bolb long bait f e betlbeenc ISIUIUIIO.
€ 13 was it not toioemplome lbftat 3 tibo optatons<3Jf tbe Home be ©oo,fo* oiDTcrcat

bto,tt)ben lotbe bun: but if 25aal be be, tben go af< iutioip to tr

tbe Home* Oorb 3

IjiD anbunbjeb men tcrlnm.anotbc people aunfujcteOljun corutdiillp

of tbe Homes p?opljets, ftftiementn notoneibome.

one taut, ano uftictnanotbcr, ano p?o* n %l)tn faibe €lias bnto tbe people c «•
utoeo tbem of toeab ano ibater* same j^j onelp remapnea pjopbete of tjd[ijlnc:(

tbe Home: but 26aais pppljea are

14 »no tbou rayea,d5o t&ounott> % (betbe

lomr ,btlioibc £ lias is Ijcrc :tbat Ijc

tliv fourebunbjebanbfiftie.
map (lav me. a? HettbemtbcrcfojegcucbSttboorcn,
15 anb € lias fame: as toe Home of anblcttbem tbooretbe one, $ tut bpm f
Doaftcs Uuttl) before \bbom3J ftano, inpeetes, anb lap bint ontbooo,ano put
31 Wpll fl)«bt mp fclfc bnto Ijim tins no ftre bnoer: anb 3
ibpii b;effc tbe o*
bap. tbetojce, anb iapebimonU)ooo,$ibpll
i6 «g>o£>babfan)cnttomeeteabab,atm put no fvje bnber.
toloe bun J ano auab lbent to meetc e- 14 ano call peon tbe name of pout goos,
lias. 93 ibpl callontbe name of tbe Home:
17 anbitfotfuncotbatttibcnababfatbc anb tben tbe 00b tbat aunfmcretbbp
fire,iet ton be ©00.* ano all tl)t
people iRcg.ix*.
<£ltas,bc fatbe bnto limuart tbou be
tlMttroublctb'Jjfracfc aunfibereb anb fame, 3Jt ts loci fpoften.
:8 fcc J
aunfibereb : t is not
tbat liauc 15 anb eitas fame bnto tbe pmpbets

troubleb 1jfrael,but tbou ano tbp fa* Z5aai: Cboofcpouanore, frOieficbun

too;D ought to tbers boufc,in tbat pe baue fotfaben tl)e fitttjoj pe are manp:? tall on tbe
of pour gobs,but put no fire bnoer.
no bomr in tommaunbements of tljc Home,? tbou
2<s ano tbep tobe tlje one ore tbat be
«ODo taufr.
gcue tijem.ano tbep ojeffco it, ano
* cat* Mjth.viJ-
i? jftoib tbcrefoje fcnb,anb gatber to me
a> all 3Jfeael bnto mount Carmel, ano tbe leo ontbename offfiaalftommojmns
pzopbctsofBaal *foure bunbjco anb to noone,fapmg,C> 26aal bcare
ftfttc> anl) jtj e p^opijets of tbe [«w«j tbere ibas no bopce, no? one
» .

4-K mges. 1 XXXIX.

aHC bone1ml5c¥tft1nacs
$earc me €> 2Lojb,hearc
fteisatfob ,per*
tammg, ttotrupict)
Sffi Tl
cmvot m that this
thou art tbl

King bpon bisenemies,onstnhts

Xpojbappplphcaepcth,anbmua 38
their b car t againe noibe
at tbe laft
*anh the fire of the ILo^fci.anotonfu.
meo the burnt facrince,ano the ibooo, i«d.v,«i.

,* StnotfteverteDloiMje, anDtutthem ann the ftones,anb the ttutte

,am»iitUeo E «>*"«i»

(Hues astbeirmancrnjasifoith minus Dp the mater that mas m thipit. i,Mldai *

Kters,ttllthe bioobfoiogeo ontbc. 39 atno ruhen all the people raiue it , thev
J %m it chaumeb ,
that Nhen nub on their faccs,aut> fapue: Xhc

mv NaspaflcD.ttW pjophefieb bntill he is <5ob , the he (s <5oo.
facrtftcc: 25ut 40 an&€liasfapbbnto them: Xaae the
the time of the euenmg
bopcc,no* one to ami* pwphctcs of 25aai , am> let not one of
there ibas neither
ut)erc,no;anptDatfcsacjtDt^ent. themc&ape. 3in&theptotietbcm,ant>
anDeiiasfafi) bntoailthcforac:Come <£lias brought them bnto the tyoohe
I&fon, w ant) Hue them there
tome. anDaUthepeoplecametobun: (*«* n*
»;M>bctepaireDtheaulterofthe?U?t> 41 3lnt> €lias fopoe Unto 3thab : <0ct thee i1«t Wi
that mas bjoften.
bp,catc ano Dnnfec fo; there is a founuc

« *2no€liastoitettbelueftones,acto;t* ofmuchrapne.
Dinato toe number of the tlbeluc
tribes 41 2nDfo3ibabibcntbptoeateanDto
oftbe tonnes of JJatob, bntoibhpmthe unnue , anD ciias ibent bp to the top of
tt)o;o of tbclLojoe came,faping:*3ifracl Carmel , ano he lapDe himfelfe nat ppo
** the car th,ano put his fate betibeene his
3i ^tjMthtbe&oneshenta&eanaultet botes,
in the name of the ?Lotf>e: 3lnb he mane 43 ^nhfapbetohtsferuaunt: ©obpei
amttb about the aulter , as great as fvapt&eej ann loftetorbarDethc map of
ftoutD tontepne tlbo meafures of feefce. the fca.^no he Vbcnt bp, anu lofteb, ano
3robbe put the tbooD in ojber, anb fapbe:Xhere is nothmg.^lnb againe he
bemto tbe ore mpcetes , anb lapco him faytK:©o againe feuen times
on tbcroooD,anbfai6:5Fillfoure barrels 44 anb it fotfuncb thatatthefeucnth
nmb mater , anb pottje it on the burnt time, he fapbe : aschoiue there arpfcth a ®
facrifiee,affl) ontbe iboob. title tlotiDe of the fea ivitc a mans hanD.

34 3lnt> be faptr. 2Do fo agame. 2nb the? $c fapue:C5o,ano fap bnto 3lhab,#afee
byb fo tbe fctonbe timcanh fie fapbe a* fan [tf)v cbarctj anb get thee bottme, tljat
gaine:2Dotttbetbtrbetime 2n& thep the rapne ftoppe thee not.
bpbittbetbitbetime: 45 2lnt> it came to pau*c,that nt the meane
353lnDtbeibaterranroun& about the aul ib^vlc the heauen ibas blarfte ujitl)
. ter,f be fuieftthe ptttc tbith ibater ano. tlouoes ano ibinoe, f there ibas a great
* 36 anOttfommeD.tbatibhenthepfbouU) rapne:3nb 2lhab gat bp, anb tame to
cffettbecumingfamfitc^hasthepiio* Jterahel.
pbetc camc,anh fapbe:Ho?be d50D of %- ^nbthehanbeofthelLoibeibason
toabam Jfahat,ant> of 3Jrrael,tt (baibe Clias, anD he giroeu bp htslopnes, ano
Rnoujen tbis bap that thou art tfic <£>ob ranne before ^pab , till he tame to Sty
fojfrael, % [tbatjjicamj tfip feruaunt, raljcl.

Hoe.xix. Chatter.
«<Slta8n£in8fromgiefabri,f0ttotma)cDl3ptbe attaelof<»o5. i^efefommann5et>
_toannopntl9a?acI, jct)u,anD cEWa.

i.Reg- fib
^b^habtoioc3Ie?a^ Taping: *&o anb folet thegobs 00 to
bel all that eiiashaD nip
tnc, if-^l tbpfouictpBe oncof
make not tIn>fouleh>Be
tfjj mane

bonc,anbhoibhchaQ theirs bp to mojoibc this time,

uahen he falbc that , he arofc, ano
napneaithep?opljctes lbent

»)ithrhenho?be. fo? hislifcano tame toaseerfeba

in 3w
3Cbcn3(e5abeifcnta ba,anb left his feruaunt there,
$0i 4 23«t
. :

.K inp-es. a 'as.

4 25ut|)t bun felfc went a bayes tourney With his mantle , anb Went oat
t)»s fate

into the wilbcrncffe , ant) tame anb fat ant) ftoobc tn the entringm of the tanc:
aownebnbctagiuntperttce, anbbeft* anbbchoibc, there tamcaboyce bnto
rcbfcwbisroulc that he might bye, anb htm.fjraibitBhatboea thou here euasj
liwDc: *3it is noWc enough &> %oftt y 14 anbhcaunfwcrcbtjhaucbentcious
taftc my fouie , fo? 'jj am not better then fo? thefLojbc d5ob of hoaftcs fe&e be* ,

my fathers. taufe the cbilbzcn of 3!frael hauc foz.

^ faftcn thy toucnaunt , taft bowne thyne
5 anb as he lav ano fltpt bnber the J\x-
nipcr trcc:bebolb an angel toucbeb him, aultcrs , anb aayne thy pjophctcs With
ano faybe bnto nim:i*p,anb eate, the ftt)o?be:anb3l oncly am left , $ thro
anb when he loBCb abont him,bcholbc feRe my lyfe to taBc it away.
there was a taRc bahenon the toales, 15 anb the ^Lojb faybe bnto bfm:<i5o,anb

anb a bcfTcli of water at his heab anb :

rurnctby way to the Wilbeweffc bnto
he byb eate anb bMBe , anb laybe htm SDamafco: $ When thou commeft there
bowncagainetotteepc. annoynf^asael Ring ouer £>vum
26 anb*3Iehufomieof ii5unft ttjait thou
anb the anctel of the SLojb tame agatne 16
^i^r..l„^^?.„.^ Xlot»A.«*t»*<iiini anb nnnnviifluiirmnrrQlfr^rl*
annoynt King ouer JJfrael : lint*
anb net.r.
the fetonbe time , anb touthcb htm, (sFufo

faybe:mp, anb eate , fo? thou haft yet a thefonneof Saphat of abel 0)ehoiah
great tourney. (halt thou annoynt tobepjophetemthy

3lnb hearoic , anb ty* eateanb blithe, roome.

d Wal&eb tn the (trennthof that meate 17 anb it (hall tome to pau"e,that wbofo
Exoj+d. eftapcth the fwojbe of ^a$acl,htm than
*fourtic bayes anb fourth nightcs,euen
Mat >ni. d.
bnto ^o?cb the mount of d5ob. 3Jebu flay:$ if any man ftape the fwojb
nahen he tame thyther bnto a tauc, he of3jehu,hmt (ball -Elifa put to heath.
lobgcb therein alntght:anbbcholb,the 18 anb[ti)erto]3jnjaue left me feuen thou* Rom
ibo;b of the 3Lo;iD came tohim,ano fayb fanbein^lfrael , ofwijicfjeneuerntan
bnto htm:B9hatbocft thou here citasr bowcb his ftnees bnto 2Saai , nojfeif5 l»Ulrn ite

10 anb he aunfiDcrcb , 3
hauc ben telous fco Dun llntl) his mouth. iuioC iEu.

fo? the %oinc d5ob of hoaftcs faUc : fox 19 s>o he beparfeb thente, $ founb clifa
the chilbjcn of JJfrael hauc fotfaften thy the fonne of daphat plowing , $ batting
Roin.xi i.

toucnaunt , * b^onen boibnc thync mv twelucyotBeoforcnbcnwhin^anbhe

ters,anb flayne thy p?ophctcs With With the tWelue : anb €ltas went by
the ftbo?D:anb 31 oncly am ieft,anbthey l)tm,anb call his mantle bpon him.
(cue my ivfc to taftc it away, 20 anb he left the ojeen, anb rannc after
11 anb he fayb :€omc out anb ftanb bpon eiias,anbfaybc: *?Utme3Jp2aythcc Lukix.g.
p mount before tlje Hojbc. anb beholb, Byffe my father anb my mother , f then
*thc ILojbc wentby , 9 a mightic ftrong 3) Will folowc thee . $c faybc bnto h«n
ibtnoe that rent tVjc mottntaynes ano d5obatBeagaine,fojWhat isit that j
bwlic the rocHes before the Hojbe , but hauc bone to thee^
thc?Lort>wasnotinthewmoc:anbafc 21 anb whcnheWent batBeagainetrom
tcr the Wtnbe,tame an earthquaBc >but htm,hetoBeacoupleofO]cen , anottue
flo;be was not in the catthquane:
tlje them, anb bzeflebthc fleO)C With tb* tn^
iz anb after the carthquaBc tame fire, ftrumentes of the ojeen , anb gauebnto
the peopie,anb they byb eate : anb
but the fLojbc was not in the fire: anb
after the fire,tanteafmallftillboyte. he arofe ano went after Clias , anb
13 anb When citas hcarbe , he touereb ntftrcb bnto hum
Tbe.xx Chapter

^amarfausbefiegea. ii®fteXo^p?omffctbtbcbtcto«eto 3Dhabbpap?opl)tt. CbeBing;

of Ifracl raatjc peace twttj 5BcnftaQaD.ano in rcp^uco tljertoje bp t^t p;opbcte.
Pf^liBS) 2Benhabab the anb he fent meffengers to afjab fttnj
n Bing of 5>yna gathc- of3lfraci into the citie,anb faybe
rcballhishoaft toge- him,thus faith 2i5cnhabao. ..r,,,,
ther, hauingthtrtic? 3 Xbvuhw thygoioismyne,|th«wr'
two Binges With him, reftofthy Wiucs fOmm^Si jann
anb ho;fcs anb cha
rets: anb went bp anb
4 anbthefetngofSJftaelaunfwer
faib:^ylowfeing,acto;bmgwthP w
bcfitgcb Samaria,? Warrcb agatnft it. ing,3iamtDyneanbaUthat3l^ D
5. Kinges.
2Mb U)})eii the meffcngcrs tame a*
Lafniutlj as 3 l)aue fent bnto rtjce,

£hou fbalt wittier me thp filuer

fovins 16
^"^W^outatnoonc' but mm-
anWfioUw, anbthpU)pttes,anb thp
WluWo;efeni>mv fcruauntesbn- cnCt&tttttraoftftises.tba fto'Dcfim
fo thcc to ntojotuc
ttus ttmc : atu> thep
thpne houfe , ? the houfes
17 anotheferttaunttr-
rpcicruatmtcs of the eoueniours
(ball fear the
anb ibhatfocucr is bab fcnt out,* thep (hc^o
D fthv feruauntes,
nieafaunt in thpne epcs, thep fbailtaae Xhere are men come out of Aamarta


goetl)aboutmtfchtefe:5Fo?ptfentbnto i9 3fab fo thofepoungmen of the gouer*
ine fo? nip ttuties,fo?
nip t nip nours of tlje tt)p?es came out of the title,
filuer, anbfo? nip golbe, anbjbcnpcb anbthchoaft after them:
bun not „ •
20 j^nbthep flue encrp one his enemte
3lnball the elbers anb all the people [pmtarmtotfigiMM anb tlje S>pnans
faib^caraen not bnto him, no? confent. ficb $ thep of 3Jfrael foioibeb after
©herfo?e be fepbe bnto the meffcngcrs 2fcb 3cnhabab the lung of <§>pn a fca ,
of ©enhabab: Xcll mp lo?b the king,ali peb ona ljo?re,*bith bis hozfetnen.
that tbou bpbbctt fenb fo? to ttj? fer uaut 21 :Snotheautgof3]ftaellbemout,anb a>
at tftcMttiuc ,that3i U)lllbo;but this imoretJ:£hc?fcsanbcharcitcs, $ ibith
thing 31 map notbQ 3lnb t&i meficn a great slaughter flue he the £>p?sans.
gets beparteb , anb brought aunfibere zx (3uib thcrz tame a p?ophctc to the inng
agatne. of 3ffrael,anb faib bnto hurc<&o foouh,
10 3uib scnljabab fent bnto him againe, anb plap the man,bc ibpfe, v take hecbe
anb favbe : Xhus anb thusbo the goos ibhat thou boeft : fo? iDhcn the pere m
bnto me the buftof &aniaria be
, if gone about,the king of 5>p?ta ibill tome
enough f0? al the people thatfoloibc me, bpagainathce.)
to taae euerp man an hanbfuil 25 3lnb tlje feruauntes of the aing of £>r-
11 anb the King of Jfracl aunfujereb,anb tin lapbe bnto him : %he gobs of the
fapb: %cll him,lct not htm that putteth hilies are their goos, anb therefor thep
onbisljatncfTc boaft him fclfe , aslje hao the better of bs : but let bs figljt a*
that putteth it of. gainft them in tlje piapnc,anb[foj torn se
11 3nb itfojtuneb,that when 2Benhabab »» Wflbe fljall hauc tlje better of them.
btarbetbattpbinges, ashcrbasibith 24 anb this bo:%aKe the Binges aibap
the hinges biinftlng ibitbm the pauis cuerp man out of his plate , $ put buftes
lions,anbhcfatbebntot!)isfcruauntcs, roomest
in their
putvourfciues ino?ber. ^nb thep fet 25 3hib bo thou number thee an hoaft\lp&e
thcmfeiucsin arapagainft thetitie. tlje hoaft that thou had loft, fuch ho?fr s
i) anj beljoloc,there tame a p?opl;ete b\v
anb futhe Carets, anb ibe Wii fight a-
fcahabaingof3Jrracl,faping, thus gainft tljcm intheplaine,anb thou ujalt
wKti) the Ho?b:^aft tljou fcenc all this fee bs get the better of thc.3lnD he hear*
patnuiltitube^beholbe^lbiiibcliuer lieneb Unto their bopte,ano tyb eucnfo.
K%w h anb this bap, $ thou ftjalt zs 2utb it fo?tuttcb,that after the pere
gone about , 25enhabab numb?co tl)t
favb:23p ibhom^c fapbe: s>p?(anS, anb tbent bp to apher to fight
1 %mt mm b " the fct
SSSSSP > ' asainft 3Jfraei.
?S softhe SOuernoursof (hp?cs.

S? ^?me nuh0 ^ aU
02DCC tlje bat*
27 anbthethtlbjenof Jjfraellberenum*
b?cb, $ ibith thrtr ibljole number lbcnt
(avltanbljeaunftbcreb:1Chou. thep againft them, anb tlje thiimenof
,mm wcX> tl)c f««anntes llfracl pittheo bcfo?e tljcm ipfee
wohunb?ebanbthirticamifninr ann
of tlje
Utie aotaes of bibbes: but the
ftlUbtljctountrep. :M

c 28 ano there tame a man of d5ot> , anb With h<m,anb fent htm away,
faybbnto the Ring of 3jfracl,tbusfayth 35 anb there tbas a tertapne man of the f

tbc?lo?bc: 2Sccaufctbc£>y?tansbaue cbilb?en of the p?ophctes,Wbitbcfapbe

faT>b,tbe ?Lo?bc is but <5ob of the IWics,

bnto his ncygbbourin theWo?bof tbc
3Lo?b:<S>myte me 3J p?ay thee. anb tijc
ano not ©00 of the baileys :tljcrfo2C tt)tt
3JbeliucraU tt)ts great multttube into man woulbc not fmyte him.
tbyne hanbe,anb ye (ball Rnotbc that 3 36 Xhcnfayb he bnto him: 25«aufe thou
amthefUwbe. batt not hcarfteneb bnto tbeboyte of the
one oucragatntt the ?Lo?oe: beholbc, affoone as tbouart be*
19 anb they pittheb
other feucn oaves: ano tt came to pane, partcb fro me,a lion thai Hay thee . ano Rc **
that in the feuenth bay the battaiie was it tame to paflc.tbat affoone as he Was

beparteo from him , *a lion founb him,

toyneb, ano the tbtio?cnof JJfraeiauc
anb Hue hmi.
of the S>y?ians an buno?eo tboufanbe
footcmeninoncbay. .
~ ,- Xben he founbe another man, $ faybe:
xo asutthercttflcbto aphcttntotberitte,
<5>myte me %p?ay thee . anb the man
fmote hmt ,To that in fmyting he U)oun=
ano tbcrcfellalball Upon nbenttc ano
feuen thoufanbeof the men that Were
5)0 the pjopbete ibent foo?th,f bJap*
left:anb 26cn!)aoao fleb , anb came into 38
ttti fo? the bing by the lbay,anb put him
the citie,from thambcr to chamber.
out of hnotblcbge ibtth au)es
31 anb bis feruauntes faib bnto him: zsc* felfe
ibhithc \)t layeb bpon his fate.
holbAbc baue hcarb fay that the binges
of tlie houfe of Hfracl arc mertyfuH 39 anb vbben the mng tame by,he trpeb
bingcsiiec Ml
tbcrfo?c put fachcioth a* bnto the bing,anb faybc : Xhy fcruaunt
ttrftoutintbemibbes of the battel, ano
bout om loynes, anb ropes about our
bebolb there tbent away a man, ibbom
heabcs,anb go out to the Ring of 3Jfrae!,
another man brought bnto me,$ fapbe,
tfbappyly be will fauc thy lyfc. ,

fachtlotb about their laepe this man : anb if he be myflcb 0?

v. anb fo tljcp girocb
loynes,tputropes about their heabes, lofUhV lyfe (hall go fo? his, 0? els thou
tyait pay a talent of filuer.
anbtamc to the bing of31frael,anb faib:
%hv fcruannt asenbabab faytb,1J p?ay 40 3lnb as thy fetuaunthab here ?tbere
$cfaybe:3Js heyet a* to bo,be Vbas gone. 5lnb the bingof
thee let me l?uc .

lyuc?heisniyb?otber. rael faybe bnto htm : cuenfo ttiaii thy

tubgementbe , asthou haft beftneo it
?anb p iucn tobctbat tbo?b fo? goob lucbe
anbbauyly taught it out of bismoutb,
anofarb^catbv^otljcr^^cnbabab. 41
anb h ehafteb# tofec the aajes My ®
$>c faybc:d5o,b«ngI)im bytber. anb fromhisfate , anbthebing of Jftael
asenbabab tame out bnto htm, anb be bncujc him,that he tbas of p p?opbctcs.
taufeb bint to tome bp into the cbarct. 41 anb he faybc bnto him , Xhns lavm
tbc!U)?be:zsetaufetboubaftl ct SO out
34 anb he faibbnto binuXbc cities Which
of thy hanoe a man that is in my
my father tohefromtby father ,31 Wili thyivfeu)allgofo?htsiyfc,anbthyP^
retto?e agaync , anb thou (bait
ftrcatcs f 0? thec in Damafco , as my fa*
pic fo? his people. ;. fcM
ibent to bis
tber byb in Samaria: anb 31 wil mabe 43 anb the bing of 3Jftacl
anappoyntment Witbtbec , $fcnb the
away.anbfo be mabe anappoyntment tame to Samaria.

The. xxi. Chapter .

% s Sewbel comraaunbetb to Rffl fcabotb fo? tbe bincrato tbat be
ret ufeo to CHI to 3&ab.
i9<Hiais repjouctb 3ljab,anl) be repentetb.

IFterthefethinges, it tng: *<5eue methybineyarbe,that|

thaimteb,that/^aboth may mabe mc a garoc of hearbestm*r .w
of,bctaufc tt ipeth fo nyc my
the Israelite hab a

bincyarbin3le5rahcl, 3ibilgeucthccfo?itabcttctbittcvato
harb by the palate of Sett it is : 0? rather if « :

aijab Ring of &m\& gjibiUgeue thee tlje ttJO?tD of

fpabe bnto iJaboth, far^

?• Kinges. XCJ.
tliat ijabotl) u>as ftoneu to beatl),

4 ,*n
ftiv l
tame into the houfe bcauy
apaybebecanfe of the Nome

elite, Sffi? of ^abothtl)c3jc ra*

lbjtthehe bcnicbtogeuc&mo*
16 »niiU>ljcn 3hab hearbc tljat
ibas bcab , he ftoobe bp to go

S thee the mljcritaunce

EVanbDclaybeDim bourne bpon
of my fa* tlje Dineyatbeof ^abotrj
bourne to
the Ucsrac*
J2gbeb,anbturnebaU)ayDts face, arm 17 3ftm tije ibomc of tije fLojbe came brr*
to cliastrje Xhcfoitcfaying:
< 25ut Isabel Ute
tt>yfc came to torn, r8 Bp anb go bonme to meete aijab

is tDv rpirtte hingofgifracl, lbbitijcisin Samaria:

anofayoe imto ijmi : H9|jp
fo m
vttacD tDattDoucatcftnobjcao*
r)cc:fo?3l fpabebn*
25cl)oloe I)eis in thebincyarbc of jfta*
< ano tocfaybbnto
trje 3c5raclitc,anb fam Unto feffeit.
1 iBabatl)

him ©cue me tljy bincyarbe

fo? mo* 19 ^nb rhcrfoje fljait tr)on fay bnto him,

cvr^cisifrt pleafethee ttnllgcuc 3 thns faytl) tl)c1!lo?oe:^afttl)oufiiUco

fo? it . 3Jno he 9 alfo gotten poiTelTton i 3Cnb trjon Hjalt
thee ranotDer] wneyarbe
aiimbereb: 3JUHlinotgcuetDeemy fpeahebntobim^aying, tljus faytl) the
biucvatbe Hom:*3lntl3epiaccU)ereboggeslitHcb „ ,
ano3ie5abelr)isn)vfefavbebntot)(rrr: the.bloobofii5abotl),ujailboggesiirtte ?"***
«7 euen thy bloob alfo.
wDoefttljou nottie gouetne tije tring*
Dome of 31ftaeUbp,ano catc bjcab , arm 20 ^nb^hab faybeto ciias: ^aftthon
;:::( a ft
fcttrjvner)eactatcea:3Hbil geue tr)ee founbe me , £> thou myne enemie t ^e
8 btneyarbe of /Babotl) the gtoraclite.
aunuDmb:^ hauc fonnbe thee,fo? tljou
hatt folb tr)p to Kbojfcc ibitRebneile
anb fo fbe tbmte a letter in 3trjab$ felfe

name anbfealebttttritb ljisfcaie,anb

in trje fight of tr)e Home,

fcnttlje letter bntotlje clbers, anb to

zi 26cljoib,3Jmiiityingeupllbpon tljce,
DiS Mbel* $lbrt mafee cleane ribbaunccof tljypo-
the nobles tljat ibere in citte

lingttntb/frabotD. fleritic,anbtbtrbeftrop fro 3lhab,c» I£ »J jd

2inb (hcuwote intt)e letter, Taping: himthatniaftctbibatcragamftthcibai, 4 Regs. b.

#joclapmea w faa , anb fet $abotr) on anb Ijinr tljat is (t)nt bp, 9 left bcljino in

rjpe among the people: 3ifrael.

ft io
)M< mult
anDfettmobnthriftesbefojeljtm , to ii 3(nb Ml
nrane tl)yne houfe lync t\)t
WtnilFUM bcare ibitnefTe againtt him, faying, Doufc of Jeroboam the fonne of ^I2a*
XfjoubybbcftblafpDeme 000 ano tijc bat,f lybe tije houfe of zeaafa the fonne
king : anb trjen carte Ijtm out,ano Hone of3tbia,f02ttje p?ouocation mhcrlbah
rjtmtobcatD. tljou Daft p?ouobeb,anb nrabe Jifraelto
««! II 3tab w tye nren of ftfe eitie , eucn tlje el* fynne.

•Un am,
bets anb
gouernours Vbhtche bttielt m 233mb of llesabcl fpalte tDe ?Lom,fay<ng:
Ijis citie ,byb as 3Je5abclljab fent bnto XDe boagesft)aileate 3le5abcl by tije Of«.i.t..J
Sy-* tljcnt , anb as it ibas Umttcn in tr)e let* tt>allof3Jc5rabel, Ilil.Hc. I.N.U.

ter ibtjtche the Dab fent bnto tljein. 2+*anb Dc tljatbictD of aijab in p totbne, 111 Rc.xiiih.
r; Xrjey pjoclaymcb a fall,anb fet /|2a* Dinr n^all bogges eatc:anb De tljat btcth 411 L.'.VI.J.

botlj among trje cljiefe of the people, in tlje fielbe , Dim ujaltlje foibles of tije
13 came in tibo men tlje rDil*
3tab tljere ay^eeate. „

pienof 2$cliai,anb fate before Dim: 3(nb i< 2Sut tljere Uias none ivfcc ahab,u)hici)
perfons tbitnciTen nvt\ eucn fell Dim felfe to Vbojuc Mtlicfr
neflc intDefigDt oftljc Home, anb
againftBabotD m
tbepjefence of trje
Ptople,taving:iBabotl) byb blafprjcme becaufe gteabclljis ibyfc p?icBeb
Job anb tDcning.'anb tDey carreo him foiibarbe. „ ,,. AhMl A ,
, ,

out of the cities ftoncb abDonunablic in fo*

Dim Ibitrj ftoncs, 26 fce byb crceebing Num-xxif.
accommfl .to all
tDatljebieb. lotting foule ibois

* l4
3ftbcntDeyfcntto3Je5abel,iaying: thinaes as bvo the ammontes* mijoni
^nbttfonunebjtbljen gteabelljeatoe 3,ftaeK
£0} 2 7 ^nl>
.K inges. Mtcbe,

z7 3lno it fojtunebjbat ibbc 3ujab Ijcato 29 S>eeftthou boibe3lbab ljunibietlj him

Gcn.^ 7 s;. tbofe lb02bes,*be rent bis clothes , anb felfcbefore me; bctaufebc fo fubmtttctb
put facbclotb about bis flefb.anb fatten, Dint felfe before mc,3 rbti not bjtng tbat
!•»; t?10 "; ano lap in facbtlotlj t? rbent bate foote. euil in bis bapcs:but in bis fonnesoapes
SKSi. 28 anotbettwocof tbe ?Lo?be came to ibill 3 tying cupll bpon bis boufe.
Cita tbcSCbefbptcfaping:

Tbe.xxii. Chapter.

23!fftofapl)at ana 3!&ab Rgftt agatnd tftcfitng of *>pr(a. irSPcbca foctoettj t&efiing tobat (bal.;
betUefucceffcoftijctr interpjtfe. :4?c0chtatlicfalfep?opl)ctrmttcti)bim. H^babtsdapne.
40 3ba?ia bte tonne fucceetetb- 4' ®be tatgnc of J ebofapbat,
51 ano gjojam W tonne.

/2btljcpc6tlnucbtbJce pbat tbe bingof 3Juoa,fate eptbetinljis

petes lbitbout lbarre fcate,anbtbeitappatcll otttbem , tna
betrbeettc&pjia? 3& bopbe place befpbe tlje cutting tn of tbe
tacl. gate of Samaria ,anb all tlje pjopbetcs
x.Par.iS.a. • ;Hn0*in tbe tbirb pete p^opbecieb before tbem.
bpb gjebofapbat tfje 11 2ttb zebeftta tbe fonnc of Cbanaana
bing of 31110a tome mabebomesofiron, ano fapbe , trjus
boibnctotbcbtng of3iftacl, faptb tX^t SLojbtttMtb tljefe [bo?ncsjn)ait
(3utb tbebing of Jftaelfapbc bnto DiS tbou puflje tbe ^pjians , bntill tbou
fetuauntcs:Bno\b pe not tbat ffiamotb Dauc mabe an cnoc of tDcm,
[in j (Meab is outs anb lbe fit ftill , anb
it Smballtbe p?opbctespjopberiebeucn
takcttnotoutof tbe toanoe of tbc King fo,faping:d5obptoaaamotbrinJd5aeab,
of&pnaO anbp?ofper:fo? tbe flonjefljall bebucc
it into tbe binges Danbe.
4 3mb be fapbe bnto3f eljofapbat : aaflt
tboutomelbitbmcto battaple againft ij Zvto tyt meffenget tljat ibas gone to
mamotbr'" Jdftlcab < 3uib3Jcljofapbat cal ^icbea,fpabc bnto Dim, faping:25e^
4. Reg »,a. fapbe bnto tbc bing of 3Jfracl : *3Jam ljolbc,tDeibo2besofpp?opbetesfpeaue
as tlpuart, ntp people as tbp people, goob bnto tbe bing luitb one moutl):
anb nip bojfcs as tbP bojfes. ?Lettbpibo?be tljcrefo^e 3lp?aptbce,
3(nb 3lebofapbat fapoe bnto tbe &tng be ipbc tbe ibo?be of euerp one of tbcm,
n^n an our w
of 3Jfcari: 3lfltt counfel 3 VW
t&ce at to fpeabe tbat ibbtclje is goob.
14 3mo fl^itbea fapbe : 2s tlje flo^e C
oiiQlit firrt to tbc lbojbe oftlje ?Lo?be to bap.
nf he coiinftll
6 3btb tben tbe Ring of gircaci gatbeteb Ipuctl) ,ibbatfoeuct tbc !Lo?b faptl) bn^
|,Reg .8.C.
tlje pjopljctes togctbet,bpon
* a foutc to me, w tbat ibill 3 fpeabe. SSSft
bunbzeb men,? fapbe bnto tljcm:£>ball 15 3tnb fo lie came to tljc bing , f tljc bing [g;»«
fapb bnto ljim:£0icbea , ougbt lbe to go g«f
3 go againft ffiamotlj r««J <25ilcab to
againft 3aamotDtin]d5tleao to battaple, #*
battaple,oj ft)all3l let it aloneanb tljcp
o? to be ftil^e aunfibcrcb to btni: d5o, m>
it into tbe Ijanbcs of tbc King. anb pjofpet , tlje %o;u
ujall belittetit gfflU.

7 anb 3icljofapljat Tapb: 3s

tbctcbete into tlje Ijanbe of tbe bing.
25 neuct a pjopbetc of tbe ILojb mo?e, tljat is 3btb tbe bing fapbe bnto Ijtm: do anb
lbe migbt inquire of Dim; fomanp times bo 3
cbatge tbec tbat
8 3Ittb tbe bing of 3ifrael fapbe bnto 3Jc< tbou tell me notbing but tljat ibbtclje ts
Dofapljat : Xljercts pet one mm(tyfc true, in tbc name of tbc 1Lo?oe.
cbca tbc (otitic of 3Jintla ) bp lbljom lbe 17 ^c fapb:3J fam alitbcm of ^frael
mapafbc counfell of tbe 3U;tbc: 23ut3l teteb bpon tlje as fbeepe ttjat
billcs ,

Date Dim,fQj Ijc botb not pzopDcttc goob Daue not a fbecpbcatbe.anb tlje %otot
bnto me , but cupll . 3bto Ijcljofapljat fapoe : Xljefc Ijaue no maifter, let
fapbc:?~ct not tljc bingfapfo. man retume to Ijis Dottfc in peace.
9 %\)t\\ tljc bing of 3Jftaci talicb a tbam* 18 (3Cnb tbc bing of Jftacl fapbe
betlapnc,? fapbe: 5Fet 4J9iiDca tljc fonnc 3}cljonipljat : a>pb 3
not tell tbcc,ti)«
ofjlimiabptljctat once. De ibonioepjopbecteno goob bnto
10 anb tljc bing of Jlftacl, anb 3Jcbofa> butcupllO
j9 ^
3. -~^
T & ^. xci l

^!no^[mj<i5ii ca6 ,^^rjr--

thou£)«** J'
« ano he fapb agame:
Dc fepb i?earc njou
againe:$earc irjeees jaamoi
t/enwooftDefLojbe.:* fatbetbe
fozetbe»wooftDe?UKbe.3J fetbetbe fl)fsm«
rtjts mancr,anoano
ILo2DfitonI)isfcate^nDaUtl)e!)oaaof zi 3nb
3mo „
there «n?HJ" ? tc'rtam
gauen toow^bout
hcauen Dini on
ftoooe about Ijftii w » bis
y right
.».,*~ fP^anoaoooebtfojettjUiS
lanbeanoonDlsleft. fapoe: ^nnupcrfaabebini
AotbefLo^cfapbe^ljo^allpcr* 1Lo?ocrapDcbtuoi)mi:2«aSv
k* 1

fuaoe Wb, fljatDcttiavfloanbfattat zz anbhefapbe:


falfefpitftemtbe mouth of all ins p;o« pbattDeftingof 3Juba,tt)entbp toBa*

pDetes.tyefapbe, XDoufbaltperfuabc
him anbp;cuaplc : m
foonl; tljcn ? Do , 30
3mbtbe&mgof Jfraelfaybe bnto^c*
cucnfo. ftofapDat: 5 urn cbaunge in p apparel!,
« ^5oU)etfjercfo?e befjoioe * tlje ftojtie atibumi enter into the battel, but put
Ijatbputahnngfpirite to the mouth of tDou on tDpne apparent tlje Ring of
all theft thppjopDetes, anbthe %mtt 3frael cDanngeo Dimfelfe,ano mentto
bath fpobcn eupiitonjarbe tijce, battell.
H ffiwtzcbeWatDcfonne of CDanaana 31 25ut tDe King of &#(a commaunbeb
ftcottofr Onote fl^icDea on tDe cheae, thctmrficaubtnio taptapnes tljatljao
miD fa?be: ©Den u>cm the fpinte of rule ouer his rDarettes , faping : 3f igljt
Wefcom fpeaaebnto tljce* neither with fmallnoj great/aueonelp
*5 SnbjBicbea fapbe.-Beljoib.thou (halt againfttDebingof3Jfrael.
£ n at Da P a WI th0 »
$ * Mt
go from
tbamberto cbambcr to bvbethee.
3z 3lnb tbben the captapnes of tf)c rDa*
Ip it is tDe Ring of 3Jfracl. 3mb tljep tnr*

«Hla anP «rv Dim bnto Simon ti)e neb to ngDt againft Dim : 2lnD Jeljofa*
33 31nb fo it came to pafTe , tDat tuOcn the
captapnes of tDe cDarettes faibe tljat be
SKS fSnDoure,anbfeebeDmi
e ruas not tDe btng of 3Jfcael,tDeptumeo
bactie from him.
iS S"g2 ntt n 3wturnempeace.
r 34 3nb a tcrtapne man o:eroe abotbe
ignowntlp, ?fmotc tDcfemgof JJrrael
bttlbeene tDe nbbcsanohis haniefle:
iBDcefozc he fapb bnto tDe bziuer of ins
15 ^ fotDeftmS
outof tJ;eyoaft,fj;S am hurt.
sp + 35^(nb
3- Kln
35 (anb the battel cncrcafcb that bap: anb tenfe pet in the higij plates.
rhc femg ftoobc mil m his chatct agamft 44 ^nb
3Jehofaphat inaoc peace
the Syrians ) anb web at cuen:anb the thebingofjfrael,
bloob rati out of the tbounbe into the 45 *%\)t reft oftheibojbes tijat tontcme
miDbcsoftbctljaret. 3feftofiipij3t , $ tljc might that he bfer. "'R:.

36 another rbftapjotiamation through* ? boibe he ibarrco, arcthep not uwttcii

mitthcboatt about the gopngbotbneof in the boobe of tlje tronides of
the J
the funne,faping: eucrp man to his ri* binges of 3Juba;
tie,anb to his orbne countrep. 4-6 anb the remnaunt of tljc ftetbes of the
37 5>othcbmgbieb, anblbasbjougljtto males lbhicb remapneb in the bave--; of
Samaria, anbthepburiebthe hingin Ijis father afa , Ije put cleane out of
^aiiiana. lanbe.
38 anb one tbatbeb the eljaret (n tfjc 47 w X&ere tbas thennobingincboni '
pooicof Samaria, $ tbeboggesiicbcb tbebcputiclbashuig. timco(ti,

bphtsbloobranb thep ibafbeb his ar* 48 anb 3Jehofapbat mabe fhippesin the fubitit io

mour^ccojbing bnto tljc ibojbeof the fca , to come thoughXharfts to ^Dpfor 3u0a,£ria
faiO jo utl!

^ojbcibljicbchcfpabe. fojgolbe, but thep tbent not: fojthc «»> if ittn,

'9tp of
j ull(
39 Xhe reft of tlje ibo?oe5 that tonccme fl)ippesb?abeat €5iond5aber. "PPOpniH,

ahab anb all that he bib , anb the iuojie 49 IChen fapb aija5ta tljc fonne of aiiab
Douft lbhicbc he mabe, anb all the titles bnto 3Ieljorapljat:^et mp feruatitcs go
that he buplbcb, ate thep not lbjittcn in lbith thp fcruauntes in tljc fhippcs,25ut
tbcboohe of the cronicics of theblngcs 3Jchofaphatiboulbenot.
of3Jfcael< 50 anb 3Jehofapbat bpb aeepe Xbttli his
40 anb fo ahab ttepttbithhJS fathers, 9 fathers, 9 mas burieb Tbith his fathers
aha^a his fonne raigncb in bis fteabe. in the citic of 2>auib hisfathenano
i..par. xx .c. 41 *3J cnofapbat of afa began
tlje fonne hojam his fonne raigncb in his fteabe.
to raigne bpon 3iuba in the fourth pere 51 aija?ia tljc fonne of ahab began to
ofababhingofjfrae!. raigne oucrjjifrael in 3>amaria tljcfc-
41 anDlichofapbatmasthirticanbfiuc ucntccntlj-pcre of JJchofaphat bing of
pcrcs oio ibhcn he began to raigne , anb 3J«ba,9 raigneb tibo peres oucr gjftaci.
ratgncb tvbentie anb fiue percs in $ic* 52 26ut he m
eupl in th e fight of the Hojb,
anb ibalbeb in the ibap of Ijis father, $
rufaicm:tyis mothers name n>as %ya?
ba tljc baugbter of <S>Mji. in the roap of his mother , 9 in the Jbap

45 anb be ibalbeb in all the tbapes of afa of Jeroboam tlje fonne of /5abat,
his father, anb boibeb not therefrom, ibhitljc mabe 3Jfracl to fpnne.
but ty* that ibhichc Jbas right in the 53 f 0} he rerucb Baal,$ ibo?fl)ippcb him,
eyes of the Home : /EJcucrtbelcffe the anb pjouohcb the ?Lo?bed5ob of 3ffract
high plates tbere not taben out of tljc bnto ibwtlj ,acco?btng bnto all tljatljis

ibap:fo?thepcopleoffrebanb burnt in* father hab bone.

The ende ofthe third booke of the kinges after the reckening ofthe La-
tiniftes,whiche the Hebrues call the firll booke ofthe kinges.

^ The the Latiniftes:

fourth booke of the Kinges a fter
which booke and the third together is W
one with the Hebrues

f The'firjl Chapiter.
2 3 iwta bp a fall fallerb tf cite, ana
confalretb tot'tfj Kctlftbtib. ?$e i* remoucn
Cbecaptatness ouer filtiz toerefent to €tiais. thereof ttoo toere
b» Clt'ajs. i° burnt
ttttft fire from heauen b?
Big p^aper. 17 abasia ojetb.anD Sebojam bis bjotaer

bcllcb againft 9 Xben the King fent bnto him a tap;
il/fracl , after tavne oucr ftftie, VDtrft his fiftie men:
the Death of Which came to him (anb bcboioe be fat
3lbab. on the top of an bill) 3fnb he fpafee bnto
3tab abasia him, Xhou man of d5ob, the lung hath
fell ttooiigii a faibc:comebottine«
lattcffe ibpn- 10 cuas aunfibereb anb faioe to
the cap*
COlliC Of IJlS tameouertbefift<e:3f be a man of CH . h 3
Upper chant* d50b,letfV?ecomebotbne fromheauen w*™*'
bee that be bab in Samaria, anb lbbile ^ tonfumc thee fthv fifties ^nb there £?'£#
be ibas in bis fitbeneffe, be fent meffen* tame t>?e from heauen, anb tonfumco mSw
gets anb fatbe bnto them : <5o anb eip htmanbhisfiftte.
mM -

;rltrSo» qutrc of 25cel5ebub the gob of tfhrom, 11 3gaine alfo he fentbnto htm an other
(Sti:(o tab
B.tjttrtfot ibi)cthcr3ffball tecouer oftbtsmpbl* captaine ouer fiftie , ibitb his fiftie: 3nb
feafe. he fpaiteanb faibe bnto him, €> man
25uttbeangell oftfte Ho?be fpabcto

pftracrtltni ofd5ob,thushaththebingfaibe:^afte
fmtatb eiias tbe Xbeujite : arifc,anb go bp a* fialte,anDtomeboibne.
f? tountrrp
gatnft the meffengers of the King of n
ciias aunfibereb % fatbe bnto them:
&amaria,ano fap bnto them: gfs there gif^lbca man of 00b, let tome %e
not a d5ob in 3Ifrael, that pe go to afne oottme from heauen, anb tonfumc thee
tsmccor tlje
tounfel at ascebebubthe <5ob of gte anb th? fiftie. 3lnb there came f^c of
::cd to
win* (Fob from heauen, anb tonfumco him
a: ML
4 thus faith the %om:
naberefoite anb his fiftie. &
Stjou tbalt not come bolbne fro the beb u 3inb the btng pet againe fent the
on lbljicb tbou art gone bp,but (bait Die thtrD captaine ouer fiftic,ibitb htsfiftic
tljcbeatb.anb€iias oeparteb. men:^nbthethirb captaine oucrftaie
5 3ln& ibbcn tbe meffengers turneb ibent bp,aub came anb fell on his Knees
batbe againe bnto him, he fatbe bnto before euas,anb befought him, 9 faybe
thctmnabp are pe noib tome againe; bnto htm:€)h man of <5od 33 , WW
6 XhcvaunfibcrcDbumXberecamea let mp Ipfe anb the lyfe of the fiftieth]?
manbp agatnft bs, anb fapbe bnto bs: fcruauntes be pjecions in thy fight.
f 0, 9 turne agatnebnto the King that 14 25ebolbe,tbere came r>zc ooibnc from
cntpou.anbfapcbnto him, thus faith heauen, anb burntbp the tibo fo;e cap*
gywfcet 3s there notacsobinjfc taincs oucr fiftie lbith their ftftics:tbcr;
that tbou fenbeft to cngupje of fo;c let mp lyre noujbe precious uttb?
*eci5cbub the d5ob of €Kroi w Xbere* fight.

c 0u
Si J5
fl)alt w 01 c0 boibne from 15 2htD the angell of the Hojoc faibe bn-

thou art gone bp, but
to Cltas: C5o boibne ibitb bim,anD be ^ «»»*.
notafrapbeofhim. 3lnohe arofe,anb c Do

8 11; 1,'ci

SS M**? bnt0 *&"« tame
: ibent boibne \bith tym bnto Ring.
iljcir intfioat.

n r 2 tlJatanb *## i6 ^nb hefaibe bnto him, thus faith the

s SX >a,tt) tol e vou there
aunfU)crel,ftin;: 3tU)asan
mi*w ?Lortie : 5fo?afmucb astboubaft

meffengersto afae counfcll at ffircfce*

uiit, iicm>,S?*
a™tf"Untb agnail of bub the gob of carom,as though there
rather about Ijts 3Jfracl,Tbhofcii>wo
lopnes. ^iid Ijc faiDc: habbenno
" 000111

Eli*u. 4.Kinges.
mi gl) t c ft fe cue after tt)er f i c thou
1 1) o tt : tatgne in ftts flcapejn tbe feeono yere
Hi alt not come borone of tbe btDon gjebojam tbe tonne of Hebo&nhat
lDbicb thou art gone Dp, but (bait Dye Ring of^uba.becaufebebabnouTrinc
tjjebcatO. 18 tajewttoftfteifoozbestftatconcerne
17 2nbfobebycbacco?buigtotberbo;?bc abasia, ibbat tbfnges &ebyb,atetbev
of the fLojbe tbbtel) citasftabfpofeen: not bitten in ti)t boofte of the ttonteleg
2lnb 3Je&o;am 0W»twt9»j began to tftbebingesofjlfraeu-


8 <ET<aj3 OeuioetB tbc toatcr^ tottfi Ins* cloftc. iifcefetafeenbpintoticatmi.

n «Wa tafietfc Ute clo&e anD DeutDet& 3io#ane.
maters orttjcaico. r, crjc ctjtf D;cn ttjat mocfte eiifa, are rent in peecejs u>itf)

ai /152>ittbaunteb,tljat fLo?belyuetI),anb astftyfoule lytietft,

Geneve rubetbe'&ojbibouib 3
nmi not leaue tftec»anb lb tftey tame
taKcbpeiiasintobea* togjerfebo.
uenbyalbbotferoinb, 5 ^othe djttbjen ofttjepjopftetestfiat
©j, ««fu €liastbentibttl)'eu* ibere at Jericho came to eufa,anb&iD
fa from<I5ilgal. bnto btm: BnolbefttbounoMDatthe
anbeiiasfatbebnto %om ma tabe aroay tfiy maittet from
«lifa:1Eary Herein pjaye tbee,fo? tbe tby beao this bay < $e aunfiberco : 3
fLojbcbatb fenttne to aBetljel. CHfa bnotb it alfo,bo!be ye your peace.
lrcS .is.a faibebntohtm: *astbcfLo?belyuetb, 6 anb €uasfatbbntob<m:1i:ary1l P#P
anb as thy foulc ituctb 3
lbill not leaue t\) ec bere,foj the ?Lo?be ftatb fent me to
thee, anbtbey camebowmeto bethel, 3lo?bane.$efatbe:ast&e?U;ibltuetb,
anb the chtibjai of the pjopbetes that eastbyfoule lyuetb, ^tbyllnot leaue
Dim of tlit
jjophrttB, lbereat Bethel came out to® Ufa, anb tbee. anb to tbty tibo ibenfMgetbet.
fdpico of tht fatbebnto Dim: bnolbeft thou not bo\b 7 anbftfhcmenof tbefonnc6«^ep^ fi
that the ftojb lbyli tabe aibay thy mafc pbetes came 9 ttoobeontflebtner mz
tree frottt thy beao tljis bay* $ e fatbe:3I a farce of: anbtbeyflbottoobebyJW*
unoibc it alto ,bolbc you your peace.
4 anb€luiftroebntohim:€iifa, tarv S
anb €bas tobe t>is mantcll, 9 «w

bere^pjayetbee, fo? the ?Lo?Dcbatb it together, anb fmotc the maters, am>
fent me to 31cricbo. ^cfaibc: as tbe tbey ibewbetnbebpatte tbe owrnv^
anD part the other
fo that the? nbo bath tafcen ljunbp,
anDcaft Dim bn"^
iScntoucrtft^ougljthcDirclanDe. fome mountamc, o u ibi iaS?
9 aU « fommcD,tbatwuiu afoonc as the? anD be fatDe: * c hjSfam SS P *

lljcrc OUCr,<Jtuo5
cum ^aittt
tljcc, per J be taben
; 17 3lnD lbhcn the? n him tml™n
ltobat U fl)a! do fo; ftettasaftamiiefioi-AS?Sr22
aibay from thee . anbtfiuafaibe: 3}
Double bpon S
p?ap t|)te let tDr ftrtrttc be Ijuntl^cei)ape£,butfounM
11 if

3inDbefaiD,XhoubaaafBcD anharD «JHSJS2 tUeptanie agamc to

10 (^b!c!)MrrcDat|crKbo)bcfaiocbnto
tning:i5cucrtbclcffc,if tbon fee me ibbc them 2DtD 3 not fape bnto
% am ta&cn aiuay from tbcc,tbou (bait

banc it fo: pf tbou do not,it (ball not be. 19 3lnD the men of the rttie faiDebntoe 20
11 2inDtt fomweD.tbatasthepibcnt ibal* hia:bcbolDc fir, tbcDUmiingoftlns
lung anD taming: bebolbe, there appea* ctttcispicaraunt,as tljoutbp fcife
rcDa cljaretoffp?c,anD hotfesoffwe,! but the ibater is naught, $ tbe
parteD them both afunber, anD clias barren.
uicnt bp ttoough the ibbotfe Vbinbe into 20 $c faiDc: 26;ing me a neuj crnTe, anb
bcauen. putfaltthercin. Xnb thep bought it
n smo e itfa falbe, anb tcpeb: 4D nip Uv hint.
ffler4>mpfather,tljccbarctof3Jfrael, 21 StoDfte ibent bnto tlje fpnng of the
anD the bojfemen thereof. 3inD be falbe ibatcrs,anD caft tlje faitin tbrther, atio
Ijtin no mo?e: anD be tobe bis olbne clo* faiDe, thus faith tlje SLortuJj fjaue Ijca^
tljes,anD rent them in ttbo pceccs. leDtljefclbaters, tljereajalt not tome
C '3 $c tobe bp alfo the manteli of elite foencefoo?tij eitljcr Deatlj 0: barenneffe.
tbat fell from htm, anD ibent bacbea* 2z 5)0 tlje ibatcrs rbere IjeaieD bnto tljis
game,atiD ftooDc bp 3Jo?Dancs ftDe. Dap, atco?Dingtotije facing of ^«as,
1+ ano tobe the mantel of eitas tljae fel ibfotcljljcfpafte.
frombim,anDfmote the maters, $ foe 23 3lnD fie ibent bp from tljente bnto
fails: neljere is the ?Lo?D tiSoD of eiias, 2Setljel: ^nb as Ijeibas going bptbe
$Ijeljnnfeifc*3lnDlbbenhe hab finite ibav,tfoere came ittle djtiD?cn out oftlje
ten the rbatcrs,tbey parteD this ibape cttic,anD mocbeD bim, % faiDe bnto Ijini:
anD tbat ibape: anD €hfa went oner. ©obptfjoubaibeljeao, go bptljou
15 anDMjenthecbrtDjcofthepjopbetcs baioeljcao.
lbhtcb tbece atjicricho falbe bim from
24 ^nbfte tumebbatbe,anb lobeoon
a farre,thcp fapoe, £be
fpiritc of eiias them, ano curfco them in tlje name of
on eiifa :3mDtbep came to
Dotlj reft

niectehmymD feito thcgrouuDc bcfo2e

tbeflojDc: %m
there came tbjolhee
bim, anb tibo djilD?en ofthem.
16 2taD faiDe bnto Aim: See,noib there
be 25 3lnD Ije ibent from thence to mount
wtbfbpferuauntes fiftic ttrong men, Carmci, ano from thence he turneb a<
ictt|)egoU)cp^tb«$feebe tbp mat* gaine to Samaria.
wnpfbappiptljc fpirite of the from

^ The
'he Mi. Chapter.

J2SS^il*W^ <s $Mifo %et)ofopm go to team agaftitt fl^oab \x>m

IS n <Htfa rcp?ouc
awee^areouercome. 27
tt! e,m '
x 7 anD geucta
Wit ftoatt toater. 24 ®fjefl©o<

©ib 3tmm\ the Dis motbenfiu ije put aibap tty muses
fonneof^ljab began of 25aal that his father bab maoe.
foraignebpon^Jfrael 3 ii5euerthcle(Te, he cleaueb bnto tlje
m Samaria the epght^ finncs of Jeroboam tlje fonne of fia*
tecnrtjvereofgichofai bat lbhiclj mabe 3ffrael tofinne, anD
PbatbingofSuba^nb beparteD not therefrom.
^Buiuiiwnueperes. 4 ^nb^efafemgof ^9oabibasalo?De
Sf^^S^cmimthefigljtofthe ofCbcepcanorenDereD bnto the Ring of
m >
out not Ipbe his
father anD Ipbc 3lfrael an bunD/co rhoufanD lambcs,
•» anD
Mo.nb. 4.Kinges,
" *"-
anb an bunbjeb rboufanb ranmtcs il^abc this ballev full of Ditches: ~ !

lbitb fbc ibooll. 17 3f o? thus raitft the 3Lo?be: J3e ttjail fee
5 zsutibbenababibasbcab, ttfomt* ncitbce ibvnbc no? rapne, vet tlje baiiei
neb tbat the bing of SQoab tcbelleb a* fbaU be fillcb U)itb lbater, tljat vt mam
gainftthcbingof3Jfracl. Wtrttt, botb pe,anb pour beaaes,* r>ouc
6 anb btng 31 cbozant ibent out of &a* tattavie: * uc

nutria tbeTamc fcafon,anb numtycb ail 18 ^nbtbistspet butafmalltljmginttit

3Jfrael: figljt of tbe ILojbe, fojafmucb as be

7 anb ibent, 9 fent to Jlcbofapbat the gcucouertbe$3oat)itcs alfo mtovont
bfng of 3Juba,faving: Xbc btng of^|3o= Jjaubes.
ab Ijatlj rebcileD agatnftmc, lbilttbou 19 ^no vt ujal finite euerp ftcong totbne
romcibitbmc agamft fl0oab in battel!* anb cuerv goooip ntie, anb n^ai feu cue'
fyt auttfibereb , 3 ibtu come bp:fo? as rp plcafaunt tt:ee,anb flop cuerv tbcll of &
3 act tbou: anoas mv people be, lbater, anb marre cuerv goob plattc of
fo ace thv people: f tbv bo?fcs,as mvne. grounblbitfj (tones.
8 anb Ije faibe: ualjat ibav (ball ibe go to ^nbintbe morning M)tn tbe meate
top* anb he aunftbcteb : Xbc ibav offering ibas offercb, beboibc, tbere
fbzougb thclbtlDcrncffcof€bom. tame lbater bp tbe ibav of€bom, ano
9 anb fo tl)t King of 3Ifcacl tobc b»s iour* tbe cuntrcp ibas ftllcb ibitb lbater.
ncv,anb the bing orjuba, anb the bing ti anb tbben aitljc ^oabitcs Ijcaro tbat
ofcEbonu anb ibbcntbevbabcompaf: tfje binges ibere come bp tofigljta=
fcb the ibav feuenbavcs, tbep Dab no gatnft tbem,tljev gatbereb all tbat ibas
lbater fo? tlje boalt, anb fo? the cattavle able to put on hameffe,anb ftoobe intbe
tbatfclolbcbtbem. bo?beroftftelanbe:
io anbtbcbingof3Jfraelfaibe:aias,fbe it anbtficv ibcrc bp carlte in tbe nto^
3Lo?be bath calleb tfjefc th2cc binges to* ning, anb tlje funne fl)0tte bpon tbe ttw
gctbcr, tobcliuer them once into the tcr,tbatt!)c ^oabitcs faibe tbe lbater
tjanbeofflpoab. afarreofasrcbasbloob.
ii zsut 3f ebofapbat fart) : * Js there not 23 anbtbevfaioc, Xbis istbebloooof
Li.Rt.wa. Dereap?opbereoftbcfU>?bc, tbatvbe daughter : Xbc binges arc flainc,fone
mave enquire of tbe !Lo?b bv Htm i anb Ijaue fmitten another: i!5oib therefore
one of tlje bingof 3Jfracls fcruauntes £|9oab get tljce to the fpovle.
auufibe r cd anb faibe : $ere is eitfa tbe 24 anblbhen tfjev came to tbe hoaflof
fonne of -Siapbat ibbteh polb;eb mat c c
, 3Jfrael,tl)c 3ifraciites ttoobc bp ? fmote
ontbcbanbcsofciias. the^oabites, fo tbat tljev fleb befo^
it anb SJeljolapbat faibe %bt tbo?b of
: them: but the? foloibcb bpon them anb
the %wt is lbitb bim. anb fo tbe bing fmote £l9oab,
of3Jfracl, tj3Jcbofapbat, anb the bing i5 anb the? ouetthjeib tlje tities,ano on
of €bom ibent bovbne to bim. cuerv goob parccllofianoc caftcucrv
€ 13 anb euasi faibe bnto the bing of 3J£ manbisftonc, anb fillcb it, ?tbcv&opt
raci: nabatbaue 3(tobo lbitb fbee; autbcibcllcs of lbater, anb feloaHtbe
©et tbee to roe p?opbetes of tbv father, goob trees, onelv in Birbarafctb left
$ to tbepzopbctcsofthv mother, anb tbcv theftones thereof: JjoibOeit tljcv
tl)e bing of 3Jfracl faibe bnto bim, 4DI) ibent about it ibitb fltngcs,f fmote it.
nape: fo;thcSLojbe hath calleb tbefe 26 anblbbcnthcbingof^oabfaU) tijat

tli;rr binges together, to bclmer tbcm ti)t battaile ibas to fo?e fo? bim , i)t touc
mtotbcbanbofi^oab. lbitbbtmfcucnljuiib^ebmcnthcttDieib
eucn -
14 anb tflfas fatoc: as
tbe !Lo?bc of v ftbo?o,to bauc gone tb?ougl)[ *";
fjoaftes liwtb, in lbljofc figbt 31 ftanbe, to tbe bing of €bom:but tbcv conio
anbitlbcrc not that 31 regatbetbepje* 27 anb then he tobc bis elbca fonne that
fence of 3Jchofapbat tbe bins of 3Juba, fljoulbbauc ratgncDtnbisfteatic, a"f
(a") Son
31 iboulb w not lobetoibarbcthcCjno? offcreb bim fo? a burnt offering upon (s ^, v ,

(uffcrctti Ijio
tro;b to be
vet fee thee.
the iball: anb there ibas great ttdnp -g&
Declares to
tlic WIClltO,
15 26utnoibb?vngmcamin(rrell. anb tion agamft3Jfracl, anb tbevbcpa™; sf^Sf
BuDlo tt)at nibcn tbe mi nftrcll plapeb, the banb of fromljim, anb retutneb tott;eiroiwie «<»*
arc amancj
tijew. tbe Horn came bpon bim: lattne.
16 anbbefavbe, ttjusfatttj tbe from
The .iiij. Qbapiter.

4 0o&tncteafet& uBeobtatncthfoz
t&e&imamtteafonneatgoOgbanD. :« m*
iDpmg, ?ilierartetDi)tmt>p£
gaine. 4o$ema&rt&n»eetet&epotage. 4i3nDmuttipHetbt&eloaiief$

2M Pi TJT1
^^i| /BSD there cryeb a cec* W'3 Daue no mo. 3tnb $ oyle tcaffeo.
IrffivAY w3 tayne ibotnan of the 7 Xfocntbe came anb toibe the man
"SmI lbyuesofthefonnesof
oyle,anb pap them that thou artin Debt
ttfa,faving: bnto: but iy ue thou anb thy chiibjen of
uauntmyhufbanbiS the reft.
— beab,$ tijou murtbelt 8 ^nb it fen on a bay, that €Itfa came to
tljat tbyferuauntbibfeare the !Lo?be: <§>unem, ibhere lbas a great iboman,
3nb tometofct my tibo
tbcerebitojts that tobe him in fojtocatebjcab: 3lno
fonncstobeblsbonbmen. fo it came to paffe, tljat from that tymc
i €lifafoibebntoher:Xcllme*bhat3J foojth(asoftas he tame that ma?) he
ftjaubofojtbec* naljat haft thoum turneb in thyther to eate bjeab.
tbync boufe * &hefaibc:%hyne hanbe* 9 3lnb the faibe bnto her bufbanb: m*
maybe bath nothing at all in the houfe,
fauc a pitdjctlbttl) ople.
holbe, 3
perceaue that this is an holy
man of (0oo ibhichpaffethbybsconti*
? /a, b* tow her: C5o, anb bojoib befc
3 c nuaily.
ftlSfo? tt)CC [oftbem tljat are] Without, io ?Lctbs mane him alitlechambcrgj
reuenjofaiitDpneiahbour^cnipticbcf* pjay thee, mthtballcs, jletbsfetbim
ws,anbtbatnotaferoe: there a beb,ano a table,anb a ftooic.aiio
4 «*?£**" tUou art come in,thou (halt acanbelfttcne: that he may turnem
•sm mi the booje after thee tbytljer vbhenhc commetb to bs.

S m" cs
anb after thy
out "«o » all thofc
P oU ^nb it f ojtuneb on a oay that be came
22 ii
c s nl)r afybe that Which is roll. thither,anb turneb into the chamber, £

° )Cl? cm from t)tnt,anb fl)tit the
lJWaftcrberfonnes^no n
lay therein, m .^„

6 "S^ttobct^fbcpovbzcbout. tljts *tmamtte. awjJJgJgfW

3"? "canic to paffe, that ibhcn the hcr,Q)cp?efcntebhctftlftbcfo?cI)iJ i.

HE?" f«»>"> faio bnto her fonne:

^ngmcpetabcirci^nbljefaibbnto beholbe thou Daft ben

carefull tog

With alltbts carc, rahat (hai we now

her away, anb thcmanofu5oblav^
<£>ob arc not
bofo;thec< a^ouiorft thoubefponen Hct her alone, fojherfoule is btreh
fc; Dcncfitcs
taptayne of the
fo; to the Ring, o* to ttte Within her, anb theHowch<tthbunt
Krc.iucs. hoa(te§>he aunfwereb:3l bWell among from mcanb hath nottoiocitme
myncownc people. 18 Xhenlhefawe: Dib 3
14 anb he fatD againe: nahat <s to be Done of my Howe* dkj 3J not requite thee
fo? hcr< <L5eI)e5i aunftbereb: tleryly fl)e that thou (houlbeft not bceeauemc
hath no thilbe, anb her hufbanb is oibe. 19 acben he faibe to <Sehe3i : *
©irb'c bo '"'•Rtix^

15 anb he faib-.Call her.anb When he Ijab thyloynes, anbtaftemyftaffeinthwie

talleb hcr,(l)c ttoobc in the booje. Ijanbe.anb go thy Way:* Jf thou meete t-olc.x,

K anb \)t faibe: * at this tyme appoym any man « falute him not:anb if any fo £0*4,

teb,ateowmg tothetymcoflyfe, thou lute thee,aunfwcrc him not againe:3nb

fl)ait tmbjatc afbnne.anb (he faib: £>h lay my ftaffe bpon the fate of the tlitltte
naymylowe thou man of<J5ob,bo not 30 anb the mother of the thtlbe fatb: * as
lye Unto tljyne hanbmaybe. the Howe lyucth, anb as thy fouiciv
17 anb tljcWyfe tonteaueb,anbbarea ueth, 3
wylinotleauethee. anb he h
fonne that fame fcafon that <£lifa hab rofc,anbfoloWcbhef.
faybebntoljcr, atoning to the tyme of ?r d5ehe3i Went before them, anblayeb
lyfe, the (laffe bpon the fate of the thiibc.but
18 anb When the chflbe Was groWtn, it ther was neither boyte no? any feeling:
€ fell on a bay that lit went out to h& m wherfo?c he Went againe to meete htm,
ther,anb to the reapers, anb tolbe him,fay(ng: Xhe thtlbe ts not
19 anb he faib bnto his father: heab, ^y awabeb.
my hcab. anb he faibe to a lab: €ary 32, anb When clifa Was tome into the
him to his mother. houfe,bcholb thethilbewasbcab,anb
20 anb ibhen he hab ta&en him 9 brought laybe bpon his beb.
him to hts mother, he fate on her ances 33 $ewentuuhcrefb?e, $(huttheboo?e
till nooue,anb then byeb. bpon them twayne, $ p?ayeb bnto the
21 anb (he Went bp,anb laibe him on the Howe,
beb of the man of <!5ob,?(l)Utct8eooo?e] 34 * anb Went hp, anb laye bpou the lab, ii..Rejr?,J,

upon him,anb Went out, anb put his mouth onhis mouth, 9his
2i anb tailcbbnto her hufbanb, ?faybe: eyes bpon his eyes, $ hisljanbesbpon
5>cnbWithme3p?ay thee one of the his hanbes, $ when he fo laye bpon the
young men, anb one ofthe affes : foj 3 thilbc, the f?cu> of the thilbe warcb
Will runnc to the man of «5ob,anb tome warme.
againe. 35 anbheWentagame,anbWaiBcbontc
23 anb he fatbc:i©herefo?e Wylt thou go bp anb bowne in the houfe,$ then Went
to hinufctng that to bay is neither nc we bp, $ laybe him fcife hpon htm againe:
moonenozlabbath bay. anb fyc aim* aub then the thilbe " gafpeb ftuetimes, »^!,(hft6fc

fwmb:ail(halbewell. anb openeb his eyes.

24 Xhenfl)ClamtbanaiTe,antjfaibc to 36 anb he talleb <^che3<>anb faibe: Call
her feruaunt SDjyuc anb go fo?warsc,
: fo? this <§>unamttc. 3>o he talleb fjcr:
ftayc not fo? mctogctbp,crtept3JbvuJ Whith When (he was tome in bnto him,
thee. he faibe bnto her:* Xaltc thy fonne.
a> 25 anb fo (he Went, anb came bnto tlje 37 Xherftwclbewentin, anb fell at his
man of<5ob to mount Carmel: anb it feete.anb boweb her fclfe to the grotmb, i
fojtuneb, that When themanofdsob anb tone bp her fonne, anb went out.
(awe her farrcof, hcfatbc to«5ehC3i there
38 <£ltfa tame agatne to 0tlgal,anb
his feruaunt : 26cljolDc, yonber is the wasabcarthmthcianbc, anbtheth^
<§>unamttc: men of the pjophetesbwclt With Dim:
26 ffiunne therefore to meete her, 9 fayc anb he faibe bnto his feruaunt,S>eta
3Is all Well With thcc,tj Wtth
tonto her : great pot on [ «fte tmi anb maltc potagc
thy hufbanb,anb With tl)c lab i anb (he fb2 the thflbjen of the p^ophetes.
to ga-
aunfwereb: Willis well. 99 anb onewent out into the nclbc
27 anb When (he tame to the man of «5ob ther hearbes, anb founb a wylbc
bp to the hill, (he taught him by the anb gatherebtherofwylbe gouroes
feetc: jsut ©cheji Went to l)er>to thzuft" hts lap ful,anb tatne anb (hreb then«"

wfifJMof pottage: (0; tbey bnclb tt
??f Slu
cs ' mm tu,cnttc loauesof
"°L flieypotbjeb out fo; the men to
Jnb be fatii
5 csoft owtntrjebuIkc:
<£euc bnto
40 they may eate.
, tlje
F f«>hw

tattcD of
§d 4> thou
m man
pottagc,they cryeb out anb
of ©ob.therc is bcath
m\ 3
mm ®«
thisbefoe anhunbjeb men
Scpot^no they coulb not eatetfjer* §e Hub againe, d5eue it bnto thtpeoole
that fycy may eate: 5fo? thtts faith

a. i°isttt he faibe:

b?ingmcale.3utb he call
the pot, ant) be faibe: if til fo; t!)e
Hojbe^hev than eate,attb the*

D coplc,fhat tbey
may eate. 3mb there 4+ ^nbfoheretftbefo?ethem,attbthep
lijasnomojcharmctnthepot. bibeate, anb left oucr ,acco?Ding to tbe
, , cDcrc tame a man
from asaal <§>ait* ibojboftbc&ojbe.
fa ano bought
the man of <&on tycab of

^ The. y .Chapter.
1 jSaamantbe £>wt'an fe beaten ofbfe lepjotte. i« (ClitaKfufctb I):'* 3teitc0.
27 <®m}t to ttt'iucu tcitu irpjoftc.bccaufe ije toiscmoucp anorapment of

— "rfte*^3 banian captaync of both fenb to me that3J(boulbbelyuet
thchoaftoftheuingof amanfromhislep?ofie:©herefo?econ«
§y,tta , ttias a great fiber 3
pjay you, ?fee hoU) hefcebetb
1 T'\
man, anb honorable in
tbc fight of his niaifter,
8 nahich rbben eiifa t\)t man of 00b
}§*%*£ that by Dim
becattfe hab hearb hoib tbat the bfngof 3Jfrael
the fLojbe hab geuen Dab rent bis tIotl)es,hefcnt to the bing,
bcaltb bnto 5>y?ia:^e ibas alfo a mtgh' faying:B9hcrfoje baa thou rent thy clo*
be man, 9 ejepert in Xbarre ibuwrnni thesi Hct him come nott) to me,attb be
alcaper. Ojali bnoibc that there tsapjophct in
1 3tab the 5>y;ians hab gone out by com* ^frael.
9 hab brought out of the conn-
patties, 9 ^nbfo/l^aamancametbith bishop
trey ofjfraei a litle maybe, ffbelbas fcsanbibith hiscbarets, anbttoobcat
umbjftaamansibyfe. the boojc of the boufc of eiifa.
j anb fyc faibe bnto her laby:3ffboulb 10 ^nb €lifa ftnt a meffenger bnto bim,
to ©ob my lojbe ibere umh tbc p?o* faying: d5o,anb Ibailjc thee in ^o?oanc
pbcttbatisin&amaria , fojheiboulb feuentymes, anb thy flcil)efl)aiuontc
Myiicrbfmofhislepjoftc. againe to thee, anb tfjou (halt be clean-
4 2btb bc w tt)cnt in, anb tolbe his iojbc,

faying: Xbus anb thus fatbc tbcmayb « 11 25ut /^aaman Vbas ibwrt),anb tbent
tljat ts of the lanbe of 3lfracl. aibay, anb faibe: 26ebolbe tbongljt , j
5 anothefcing ofSyjiafatbc: d5o thy Ibith my felfe, be iboulbutrelycome
Nay thither, anb 3Jrbyiifenb a letter out,anb ftanbe anb tall on the name of
Jmto the bing of 3Jfracl, 3lnb he bepar* thelLojbhis gob,$ pmhishanbontljc
placc,tbat he may hcale the lep^ofie.
tco, anb tobe
ibitb htmtcntaientcsof
uiuccanb ftjee tboufonb peeces of golbe,
«no ten cbaunges of
b arenot3banaanb#harpbarruters
raymentcs, of2)amafco, better then all the maters
^ougl)t the letter tothebingof of 3Jftael<3lf 3
tba^e me alfo in then?,
ratl ./ontcvntngthis
tcnour. iftotb, (hal 3not be tleanfebtfmb fo be turncb
s lmcc ls tomc tmtothee, be* !)im,anb beparteb ibitb bifpieafnre.
ffi 21
3f 3haucthcreU)ithfent^aaman 13 anb his fcruauntes came,ano comntp
SS au «ttothee, that thou mayrft neb ibitb him, anb fatbc: fatber,tf the
pjopbet hab bybtbee bo fotne
*3 / _-?nbttt02tunph rimMiil
^tuneb,thatU)henthebingof thing,onghtefl thou not to banc
hi. fiSRa fteiettit, he rcnthis ^o\btnucb rather then ©ben befaitb
to thee, Vbatbcanb be rieanc^
* wuib aay,anb mabe a 1yue^5fo? he 14 Xben Vbenthe boibne,? iba^cbhbn
Elifa. 4.Kin^es.
fclfefeuen tpmes in 3>otf>ane, accozbing ipuettj , 3 wa runnc after tjinTF^r
to tbe (aping of tbe man of d5ob,and ins fomeibbatofhim.
flcfbecamcagaute lpUc bnto tbe flcfbc 11 anbfo<5elje5tfoioU)ebii5aaman:3fnh
of a litle cbiibc,* ant) be tbas cleanfcb. ibben jfftaamanfaib ijim runnmg
Luk iiii c. after
15 and befurnebagatnetotbemanof Dim, be ligbt bottmefrom tbe BEX
<5oo,beand at Ins company ,and ftoooc to ntcete bim,and fatde:* 3sau xatSi
3 22 §eaunftbcrcd ,ail tsvbell: Beboioe emtiini
bcfojc bun, and (aide: 26enold, luioib
noidc that tbcrc is no God in ail tbe
H)02lDe,but(n3ftaci: 0ovot\)ttfo}t3
mp maifter barb fent me,faping:
tDcccbe come to me etien notbe
Snaiot. pzap ttjce tanea blcfftng oftbpfers mount cpbzatm tlbo poungmenofthe
naunfr cbtldzen of tbepzopbctes:(Seue tbem4 «
ii..Re.xvii j i6 »utbcfatde: :Ss thelozoelpuetbbc; one talent of fiiuer, anotnio
fozeibbom3ftanoc, ^ttpitreccaue chaungcofgarmciitcs.
none: ar.b ibbcn the otl)ct idoulb baue 23 anb jftaaman faib: nattl) a goob urni
tonu"rapnedl)imtoreccaucit,bett)ouid tabenbotalentes: and beconftraineb
not. l)tm, jbounbe tlbo talentesofftlucrin
C 17 and #aaman (aide: -S>rjallt!)crcnot tibobagges, Wirt) tlbo ebaunge of gar*
be gr uf to tbp fer uaunt as mucb of tins mcntes,anb latbettjem bpon tlbo of big
eartb as tlbo mules map bcarc?5foz tbp feruattntes,to beare tbem before bf m.
fcrnaimt lbpll benccfooztb offer neitijer 24 anb tbhen l)e came to tbe lorber plate
burnt lamftcc no; offering Unto any Ik toae e w»] from tbetr hanb, anb be*'
ortjer <5od,fauc bnto tbe Hozbe. ftotbed [ tt""Jin tbe !)oufe,anb ije icttfje

18 25ut Derctn tbe ?Lozdc be lncrcpfttll to men go,anb tl)ep beparteb.

tr)p feruaunt,tbat ibbcn mp maifter go- 25 But be ibent in anb ftoooe befoje bis
ctD into t\\c boufc of Simmon fc; to matftcnand €lifa faib bnto bim,njbc*ce
Jbozfbtp tbcrc,anb icanetb on nip banc, commcfttboutScbcsfe $efaidc: 5Lbp
anj bolbe mp fcifc in t!)c boufc of
3 fcruaunt ibent no ibrjvtrjcr.
a&immomlbbtnTJbo boibc bourne 3 i6 26ut ftcfaibe bnto bum^tuentnot ®~m
fap in tbe boufc ofBtmmon,tbe Hozoe mpne Ijeart [*>«& nice] ibben tbe man 2.SS.
bemcrcpfullbnto tup fcruaunt becaufc tnrncbagainc from bis cbaret to ntcete
oftbtstbing. tbet i 3
s it noil) a tpme to receaue mo
19 flltito lbbom be faidc: °° <J5o in peace, ncp,torcccauegarmentcs,olpue trees,
pbtttiio not
nppiout I110
na,t»tt after
and ibbcn be lbas beparteb from bun bntcparbes, fbcepc^uborcn^ienfep
fie common as it lbcrc a furlong of grounbe, uauntes,anbmapbe fcruauntes.
min-i or
Uilif.ll Swill.
20 <E>cbc3i tbe fcruaunt of cufa tbe man 27 <0 %belep;ofietberefojcof#aaman w«w*
of <5oo,fiui): 26eboloc,mp mauler batb ajal cicaue bnto tbee,anb bnto tbp feebe !U
fparcbil5aaman trjts 5>pzian, tbatbc fozcucr. * ^nbb( ibent out from bis
luouibiiot receauc atlnsbanbetborc pzcfcncc a leper as lbtjitc as fnoibe. ^1
tljingcstbat^coffcreb: astbcjLozbc

The .yj. (halter.

6 itlifa maficti) iron tofttimmc abooc tiittoatct;. s $e ntfclofetu tbe Bingof S>p?fas
counftt to tue htng of 5,Crad. 1 ; nf»ho fenotng certaine to tafie Bimtoetc ftept faftem
^amarta. 24 ^amaria is beftcgeo anD cnourctl) wtrcmc famine.

i^ccbilb;enoftftep?o' aunftbereb: 3
W)pH tome.
plntcs fatbe bnto «li* 4 anb fo be ibent lbitlj tljem:2to& tt)b«t
fa: zscboioc ibe p;ap tbcpcameto3o;bane, tb«P nttbottue
tbee, tbe place ibbcrc lboob. ..
ibcbibcliibttbtbceis 5 But it fojruncd, tfjat as one toas
tolitieto;bs: fcilttii
ling bolbnc of a trcctbe arc bean
?Lctbsgo ibepjap totbeibater: 3lnb becrpeb, anbfatoc,
tbee bnto 3o?oanc, $ tauc tbence cucrp aias maifter, it lbas lent me. ,

man a beanie,? butlb bs a place to bibel < ^nb tbe man of d5oo fatbe: a06«^.tc "
ni.anbbcaunrtt)ereb, ©0. ano
toSlnd be tbcibcb bim tbe place:
^inb one fatbe: Be content 3
pjap tbee, I)e cut bourne a fticbe, anb caft it
«i w
anb come ibi tb tijp fcruauntes. ^nb be tber , anb immediatlp wjgJ$i
4-Kinges. xcvn.

* ciierfojefaydc f)c:1Caftert> he lilariu,

23 fftctrtcdoutbishand,andtoKettbp. 2
tome 2
°rnS %£""* «>«ibbentl)c? Jbtre
26utt&c&GiS0f&#iatt>arreDagaina to &amarta,€Hfafavdc:
« %om
«aftael, andtoBceounfciiibitbhisfer*
uauntcs,anbraybe: 3mfuchandfucha
the ?to;dc
feSopened their eyes and thev

ofUfrael, faying : aseVbare that thou zi anbtbebingofjfraelfavdebntoeii^

no not oucr to fuel) a place, fo? there the faabcnbefametDem:^vfart)er,aTall
|>y;tans are rorltyng. Sfmvtctnem,a)all3J fmfctbemV
io Icberite*
the Ring of ffeacl fcttt to the ^^ anbhcaunfibereb, Xhou fbaitnot
place tbtltcl) themanot©od tolde him fmyte tbem: asut fmy tc thofe
that thou
atiD ttmrncd him of ,
and fauco him halt ratten lbith thine oibnefujojdcand
fclfc from it,not
once,no? ttdyfe. lbith tbync otbne botbe : 28ut rather
sffff fet
SsS ii and the heart ofthe King of 3>y;iaibas tocaa and ibatcr before them , that thev
troubled fo* this thing, and he calico fo* map eate $ dnnfte % go to their maifter.

his feruauntes,and fatD bnto them:UM 23 and he prepared a great refection fo?
ye not fljexue me, lbhiebe of our men them , and ibljen thev had eaten and
[betray me]tothemngof3lfracl? disunite, he fent them avbap,? thev njent
n 3indoneofhisferuauntesfayde,4i2one to their maittcr : and fo the fouldiours
mplo?Dc£)Wng:26ut€Ufatl)ep?opl)ct of dptfa came no mo?e into the lande of
that is mffrael , tellcth tlje King ofljf* 3Jftaei,
racl, yea euen the tbojdcs that tffou i+ after this itchaunecd , that 25enha*
top pjiuic chamber
fpeafteft in dad King of Ǥ>pna gathered ai his hoa&
u $e faybe:(£>o,and fpte lhherc he is, that and rbent bp,and befiegcd datnana*
3 may fcntie and fet him and one told
. 25 26ut there ibasa great dearth in ^>a«
him,faymg:2i5ebold,he is in Dothan. maria:and beholbe,thcv beficged it, bn*
<£ 14 £hercfo?e fent be thy ther hojfcs and till an aflcs head tbas folb io; fourefcoje

charcts,and a mlgbtic boaft : anb they filuerpence, anbthe fourth part of a tVmi9t
w ,

tame by night , andcompaffedthe erne tabofboucsboungfo?hucpceces of fi> S!*KS:

ti»|* nnituiche
15 and ibhen the fcruaunt of the man of 26 anb as the Wng of gjfraelibasgovng »'»»»•

d&obrofcbp early to go cut: beholbe, bpon the tbai,there crved a ttioman bn*
tbere ibas an hoaft rounbe about the to him,faving: l^clp me mv I02D $) hing.
toibnetbith hojfesjcharets : anb bis 27 i^e fevde:3Jfthe?Lo;dedonotfurcour
fcruaunt faydc bnto him, aias maiftcr, thee,U)herlDith can 3 helpe thee i lbitlj
ibbatfballibedo* thebanic^lbiththc ibtnep»cffc*
i6 $e aunnbered,*5f eare not:foj 28 ^nd the bing fapbc bnto her nahat e
they that :

bcuwhbs , are mo then they that be Mtthouidhcaunftbered: bonder

ibtththem. rboman favb bnto me, a&ing thv fonne,
>7 and citfo pjayed anb favb:?Lo?b 3 be* that tticmav eate him to bav , andibe
lech theeopen bis eyes that he may fee. lbiileatemvnctomo^oibe, . .

and the !Lo;de opened the epes of the z9 *and fo ibe djeffed mv fonne, and dvd £;*£.
young man , anb be lofted: anb behoide eate him : and fayde to her the other Th.«.. 4 i
t&cmountaynerbasfuliofhotfcs , anb day , b;tng thy fonne, that ibe may eate
roarers of fire round about tflifa. hiimand ajc Ijath hyd her fonne.
*•** X]) ^ $*? mnt boibne to Dim, 3o and it came to pafTc , that lbhcn the
cuwpwyeb unto the 2to*d and faydc: , mnghearde the tbo;des of tlje tboman,

*Utc S!S
<spe °P lt 3l
bWnaneflc . 3lnd be fmote
them ibtth
he rent his clothes and lbent bp on the «**,*.

iball.anb the people lobcd, and behoide

he had a facbclotb bnder
(0 bpon his

19 n €I<fa
^dhntothem:Xhis(snot 31 %hcnhefayd:*<!5oddofof mo^ealfato AS^
^ <s ^ ton) » c: f0i
t?, J,
,nc ,eris me,iftbebeaDof€ltfatbcfonncof£>a* j^-g.
wweme, Sf
f 3tt>aib;ingyoutothcman phatfhallftandeonbiint[)isday.
Eli/a. 4.Kinges. '%«.
31 26ut tfhfa fate in bis l)ouft(f the elbets Ijoio him at the boo;tc:3ls not the founo
fate op bun) anb the bing fent a man of his maiftcrs feete bemmbe bum
befozc bim: but per the meffenger tame 3J nihflebepmalbeoibitbthetmbebon)
to bim,be lapb tortjc eioerstbaue pe not the mciTenger tame bottme Onto him, i
reeneboibe that the fonne of this mur* fapb, asebouxtbis eupl is of the fLo^oe:
tberer bat!) fent to tabe atbap mvnc 3
anb lbhat mojefbau lobe fo? of the
Deab<25etittumfpettrbljentbemeiien* ILojbe*
flertommeth,anbOMtthebooie , anb
T.he vii. Chapter.
i GHifa pjophcactfiplrntit of btttatfcanDoUicr things to Samaria. 6ftQe fepjiana
run atoap ano hauc no man f olotomg ttjem. Che pjmce that toouloc not bclcue tut
too.2oc of ceitfa t0 troQcn tooeat&.

3 £3sJ $cn<£hfafaibe:$eare bpealfo .^tbetherfojetome,anblet

petbetbojo of the lojo, bsfalibpon the hoaft of the 5>pjiatis:
thus fapth the flojbe: 3lf tbcp fane our Hues, tbe than ipue:3lf
4..IU.7. a.
'Xomojott) this time tbep bill bs,ttjen are tbe beao.
5m$i [fl)an]abua)Ciioffvne 5 ^nb tbep rofe bp in the tibpligbt to
floitye rtefoiDe] foj a go to the boaft of the ^pjians : atib
fifle,anbttt)obufbcis ibhen the? ibere tome to the btmoft
of barlpe fo? a fine in the gate of £w part of the hoaft of;S>p;ia, bcholb there
maria. rbas no man there.
z %\)tn a tertapnc iotf>c(on vbbofe Ijanb 6 5Fo; the Ho;oe bab mabe the f)oa& of
the bing leancb ) aunftbereb the man of the 5>p2fans*to heareanopfe of tba;
<5ob,anb fapoe : 28eboibe,if the 1Lo;be rets, $ a nopfe of bojfes, 9 the nopfe of a
lbouio matte ibinooujcs bcauc\mtgbt great hoaft : 3mfomutb that they fap&e
tl)ts faying tome to pafTc^c fapoe: 2Se* one to another, Ho ,tbe bing of 3Jfrael
bolb, thou ttjait Tee it ibith tbyne epes, hath bPJCbagainftbstbe binges of the
but fbalt not catr flier of. ^etbites , anb the binges of the egpp*
5 ano tberc ibere foure lepeeous men at tfans.totomebponbs.
the enrring in of the gate:anb trjcp fapb 36
7 naherfoje tbep arofe , anb fleo in tlje

one to another, nsbpfit lbc herebnnil tlbpligbt , anb lefttheir tentcs,tbelf

ibcbye* ho;fcs,ano their afTes, anotbefteiDe
4 3lf\befav,ibetbiU enter into the title: ibbitb tbep bao ptttheo ,euen as itibas,
bcboib,tbc bearth is in the title, anb ibe (,)
anb fleo fo? their Ipues. 55*22,
fljaibie tbeun:anb if ibe fit ml here,tbe 8 anb ibhen tbefe lepers tame to the ebg*
4-Kinges. XCVlll.

*n rate anD o?mnc,anocaneD thence ffl* fcnD,attDrce.

V,mtDgolDc,anDtaymetrt,*ibentanD i4^hcytoitctbetfo?ethebo?resoft\bo^
mt:aut.tanicagamcanl)cntrelJ mto fharets^nD the lung font after C
5v tlic l/oaft
another oft!)e^^ians,(avui8:©o,atti)fcc
wrntanbnyDtt. 15 3tnD tbcyibentaftcrthcmeucnbnto
rnenfaybe one is auotberiuacDo not 3Jo?Danc,anD io,au the ma? u>as fan
as it is a Day
mlil tbtsDap ,fo?afmntbc
to bang g°°&
tybtnges , anD U>c holDe
m can from them in then: ftatteTaS
the mefTcngersreturncD , anD toiDc the
fo nc
mtftDtcfe «* come b P on *>* jftotb
Aetftoe come , that lbc map
go anb tell ie 3utD the people \bcnt out, anD fpoyitb
tiicuttigcshouCbolbr. tftetentesoftbe&y?iansanDrottcantc
ant) fo they tame , anD
tallcD bnto the to pafle that a btiftjcll of fync flottue
anD tolb tbem,faying: lbas folDc fo? a ficle , anD ttbo bnfbciies
noitcr of toe title,
became tothe pauilltons of the 3>r- of batlye fo? a fide , *acco?Dtng to the *R«. 7*

nans anD fee there tbas no man there, ibo?De oftfte H,o?De.
neitberboyteofman, buthotfes^affes 17 3ud the lung appoynteD that UnDe (on
weD,anDtbetentts ibere euenas the? n)borehanDbeicancD)tobeat the gate:
Uiereibonttobe. ,
,1 ;M)fo the man tallcb bnto the po?tetf, gate,anbbeDyeD acto?Dtngtotbett)o?D fefe.
anD they toio the Uingcs houre tbtthtn . of the man of 0oD ibbicbe he fapDc **•«*•
n anD the tang arofe in the night,? fayhe
ibbcn the Ring tame Doibne to him
Dittohis fcruauntes: 3JU)iia)cVbeycu i? 3mDfo came the thing to paffe, that the
noibe ibhat the &y?ians haue Done bn* man of <5od bao fpoften to the tang,fay*
totos:£bep hnoibe that the bebungrie, ing: Xlbo bufbeis of barlye fo? a fide,
anD therefo?e are they gone out of the anD a butbeli offyne flonw fo? another
pauiliions tobybe them femes in the fbaibe*tomo?otbetbis tymeintbegate 4R „
4 7
fieiDe,faying:n9ben they tomeoutof the of Samaria.
ntie,vbe (hall catthc them alyue,anD get i9 HDhecbnto that lo?De aunfibereb the
into the ntic. man of d5oo, anD fayDc: Pea anD if
13 anD one ofhis fcruauntcs aunfibereD, the ?Lo?De maDeibinboibesmbeaucn,
anDfayDc : fUtmentaaegi p?ay you might it come to paffaanb he fayD:?Sc*
fyuc of the ho?fes that temayne anD are holDe ,tboufyaltfceitU)ftbtbynecyes,
left mtbemuitituDe:(25cboiDe they are anD fliait not eate thereof.
cunt as all the muttttuDe of 3i fracl that is 3tnD cuen fo tbaunccD it bnto biiiuif0?
are left in the title :26ebolDef1!fap]tbey the people troDe bpon Ijun in the gate,
atceucnasau the multituDe of tlje 3Jf- anobcDyeD,

The. viii. Chapter.

1 tfltfa
pjopfteefeD bnto tbc $nmamftcc&e Dearth of feustt peres. u f$t pjopfleefeto to ©a? ael
U)at tie Bmibe fang of £wta. it tjje taignctft after njentmoao. 16 3o?am raignettj oucc 3uoa.
jo C-Doin failed from
luoa sDtio 5 tali fucccocctii 3,o?am
^eufpaue'-fflifabnto m thetanD of the 0hil<ftinesfcucyeres.
the iboman (ibljofe 3 ^nD at the fcuen yctcs cnDe, it fo?nincD
fonneheljab refto?cD that the iboman came agatne out of the
to lyfcagaine) faying: lanD of the ^hiliftincs , anD ibent out to
Slp,anDgo thou anD tall bpon the lung fo?hcr boufe anD fo?

thr>» r ^rZ
tbynchoufe,anD fo^
iournc ibhercfo
"Jhereto euer
cuer 4
anDtljefting tamcD vbith Am

_ t

mej p?ay thee al the great dccdcs that

eiifa hath Done.
clb manaroft ' AtiDDyDaftec < i^etolDthebing hotbehehaprefto?co
oot Xf c ,
^)eanDherhoua)oiD,t fotounicD
aDcao booyto lyfe againc : but m the
Haarael. 4-Kinges. form.
bab rayfco *>P againe , cryeb to tDe tuns 16
Jz^.W* v2£r0{ 3IOiamtbelbHn7oT
fo; l)tt Doufe,anb fo? lice lanb: 3nb <&v ^Dab Ring of 3fracl,3iEDofapbat bcinn
l)C5i fapDc,U0p lo?ue €> bing,tbisistbc alfo Ring of JuDa , 'jozamtDc fonnc
Woman , anb tbicislitr fonne lbDoin 3lcDorapDat Ring of 3uba began to
€lifa rayfeb Dp again*. raignc.
6 Tint* lbben tbe King afbcb tbe iboman, 17 *Xbtrtic anb tmo yeresoibe ibasbe , D
(be toltic Imn 3uu fo the Ring
: dc UucrcD IbDcnDe began to raigne , anb Dcraii xU
DcraeDamberlayne, laying , Beftoje neo cygbt yercs in ^iccufalcnt
u «b.SSmh2 thou tett0 het aU tnat are l)Crs anD att is anb De tbalRcb in tbe lbaycs of the
U» tbe °fruitcs of tbe ficiuc fence tlje Dap
, Rmges of 31fracl as tljcy
, tbat tbcre of
&$%*&* tbat (be left tbe lano, bnto tbistyme. tDcboufcofSbab: fo; tbe oaugbtcrof
!!K£ 7 2mb* eitfa came to Damafcon,? Ben* ^Dabibas bis ibyfc,anb lie bybcuvllin
tt&. t)aDau tbe bing of £>yrta *bas fpchc: tDeftgDtoftDcHo?bc.
25 anbonetolocbim,faying,%Demanof 19 anDtbcfLoiblboulbenotbeftroyilH*
csobiscomebytDer. ca [anu tijatjbecaure of s>auib
Ijts Tec*

m*.** 8 3nb tbe bing fayb bnto tya5ael:*1Cabe uaunt,*as Dc pjomifeo Dim,to gcucbim
a parent in tbyne banbe ano go mecte , aiffiayaligbtamongDiscbilb^cn. '
tbemanoftfod , thattbou mayefi in* 20 *3"tDofe baycs€bomrebciicD from
quire of tbe ?LojO by Dim, faying:;£>bal bnbcrtbcDanoof3(uba :fo;tDeymaoc It^t
gi recouer of tljts mfcafcte tbcm a Ring of tfjetc oibne, w«.«x5
9 3lnb fo J^asaci ibent to mecte Dim ,ano 21 5>o 3towm lbct to zair,fte 9 al Dts cljas
tobc tbe pjefent Witb Dim, ano of cuery rettcsmitDDbn: ^nbDerofcbynigbt,
gooo tDing of 2>amafcon,euenasmuri) anb fmote tbe «bomites Votyty compaf:
as fourtie camels coulbe bcaee: f came feb Dim in ibitb tbe captaynes of bis
anb pjefcntcb Dim fclfc before b<m , ano tbarettes , anb tbe people fleb into tbeic
fort): XDr fonne asenbabab Ring of <S>y= tcntcs
tela DatD fent me to tbcc,raying:5>bal % x% 25m €bom rebelled , fo tbat be tboulbe D
rccoucroftbisbifcafc; not be bnber tbe banbe of giuoa bnto
io Zixa eiifa faybc unto Dim: &o ,anb fay ms bay ICben HibnaD rebcilcb tbat
fin 5!°.u°t
bttt > W
&»"> ou fbaftwreamer: bolbc*
?Lo?t)C & at & WW mt at be $ 23
fame time,

Xbe reft of tDe ibozDes tDat conccme

SfUcrctbi (ball fur cly bye. 33o?am, anb al tbat be byb,are tbey not
!S;;Si' ii ioRcbbponb<mfteofaftlie,btmlibe
i)c ib?ittcnintbe booRcof tbe enmities of
JUStSX*. lbas afbamcb : $tbc manof €>oo ibepf. t$t binges of 3luba*
ii andtyasaclfaybe: ttBbytticepctbmy 24 3btb |lo?am tcaebrbitbDts fatbers,
lo?be^e aunfibereb : 3Fo? 31 Rnorue tDe anb rbas burteb befybe bis fatbers to lSluu
cuyl tDinges tDat tbou (bait bo bnto tbe
cbilDjen of llftael: fo? tbeir llrong ctties
tbccitieof2Dauib: anb*aba3iaDu
fonnc raigneb in bis fteabc.
fl)alt tbou (ct on fire , anb their young 25 3Jn tbe nbeiftb yere of 3fo?am tlje
men (bait tbou flay ibitb tDc fibo?b,ano fonnc of 3lbab bing of Jjfrael, byb %W
(bait baft;c out tDc bjayncs of tbeir furR* 5iabu tbe fonne of 3Jo?am bing of 3bioa
lug cbflb?en,ano al to tcace tbeir ibomen begin to raigne.
ibitDcbilbe. 26 Xibo ano tibentic y cres olb ibas %w
U 25ut^a3acifayb:a©batistDyrcmaunt 3iabu ttibcn De began to raigne , ano
aboggc , tDat 3l(boulbc bo this great De raigneb one yere in $icrufaicm ano :

tDing^nb ^lifaaunfibercb:XDc !Lo?o Dismotbcrsnamc ibas »tbaliabu,tDe

DatD fl)cibco mc tljat tljou (bait be bins bausbter of jDmri bing of 3lfrael.
Dfdptfa, 27 25m be maibcb in tbe ibay of tbe Doup
C 14 Slnofobcbcpartcb from enfa,? came of 3lbab,anb byb cuyll in ti)t figbt oftbe
to ins maiftcnmDicD fayb to bim,U3bat fLo?bcCE«wj as byb tbe Uoufc of XWf
faybe <£lifa to tbec? tye aunfibereb: toe fo? be ibas tlje fonne in laib of tbe bo«
tolbc mctbat tbou fboulbeft rccoucr. of3lbab.
15 anb on tljc mojotbe it fo;tuncb,tbat Dc 28 anb be lbent ibitb ^o?am tbe fonne e
n'«nM ta> tobe a tbyebe ciotD,anb bipt it in ibatet, of 3u>b, to Ibarrc againft ^a5aeimns
?»" TZm anb co fp?eab it on bis face: 9 Dc btcb,anb of&yjia mKamotD(25ilcaD anDt"e 3

*2X<Sm m
*&Wl ratgncb Ijis ft cabe. -S>y?»ansuionnbeb3lo^m.
& . "

4- Ki "ges. XC1X
^ttMunslwam tbcnt bacli agatne to saeiftmgof&pjta : anbahasiahurt^

mt mm **
seuenDtmat ftottnetoftejjo^Vfceo !

S& *> e f° »3J wflWwwfc De uasficfcc Ujere

T/^e zx. Chapter.

/Irftttt'JsmabeWnsiifllftacI, 24aiiti)ftffiet& HojamttjeBtng tfterof. ^anbau*.

««B Wn«n?fe callE0 ^^
? tas tl> c fim « of Duoa. n 3nt> caufen) jcjabcl "«>«««
to be call
Eeo utofatl[,<nI,otoe,ani) ^
eDoS8e0Dpt,£atc ^ cr -

/RbtfufatDepjopDete arofe, anb went tato tDc Doufe ] anb De

calico one of t6cri)UD2C pouwb tlje oyle on Dis Deab , anb fapoc
of tDe p;opDctes , ana bnto IjitntXljusfattlj tDe 3Lojb ©oo of
fop&lmtolj{m:*<l5p?&e w
3jfcaei,*3JDaue annovntebtl)cctobe
bptDploynes,anbtaRc Ring ouei; tDe people oftDe %om, euen ,, Rc viv t

tl)is twc of ople in otter jfrnel. «<«*>«*

tDyneDanb,fgettDee 7 XDou (Dait fmpte tDe Doufe of aijab KK"
to&amotI)[m]<Mcaih tDv matflct:, rtjat 3
map auenge tlje SSiST
i Snb ibDcn tDoy commeft tltvt^cr, loftc bloobofmy feruauntes rt)e pjopljetcs, SKy*
lbhcr isScDu tlje fonneof 3JcljofapDat ?tDe bloob of all tDe fernauntes of tlje SC&ff
tDe tonne of iBtmft , anb go to Dim, anb 3Lo?b,of tDe Danbe ofgje^abcl: gss,
inafeeDiniatife bp from among Dis b;c*
ttyen, $ carp Dim to a fecrete cDamber
8 3Foj tlje tt>Dole Doufe of 3lf)ab fljall be
befteopeb , anb *3ftbilibearop fronts

, .

3 Xhcn tahc tlje bore of ople , anb polbjc Dab [eucnj Dpm tDat mafeetDUjatcca*
"onhtsbeab, anbfap , tlnis faun the gainft tDe tt)ai,anb Dim tljat is pjyfonco
%m z$ Dane annopntcb tljec to be Ring anbfo;fafeentn3lu*aelt
ouecjjrcael: 3utb tDen open tDe booje, 9 anoHttilmafeetDeDonfeofSlfta^Hlte
anb flcc,ttjitDout any tapping*
tDe Doufc of Jeroboam tDe fonne of
4 iftabat anb line tlje Doufe of Baafa t\)t
i?w °J)C fcruat"« oftlje pjopDetegat ,

NttomamotDaieab: fonneof^Dia*
#5!? ?%!
e c amem,beDoibe,tDe cap* •io 2nbasfoj3Fe5abel,*tDeboggeslDall
„ „,..
^w? i

SK tt ^ »3 Dane
" ^ oaft ttc
l ft«ing togc* eateDerintDeftcloe of jteraDd, anb
Km ** raanerranb
c to tDere fyalbe none to buric l;cr ^nb ije
opencb tDe boo,:c, anb fleb
S|eljunivp:(Entoii)Dit!)cofalbSi ii 3lcDn came ottt to tDe fetuauntes D<5
i?cia b: ai njeiu
V Xotljcc,£)captavne.3tnbljc lo;b,anb one fapb bnto i)tm:3ls

4- Kin g es.
uabcrfojc came tbts mabbc felotbc to 21 2fobft fojtunco, tbat ttW^io^^-----
tbcc^nb Ijc fapb Unto tbem:$c fcnolbe ^llrtu^efapb^sitp^a^cfcS
lbbat mancr of mantt is ,anb lbbat l)i5 ^eaunfibcrcb:n8batpeacca)oulbtbert
communication is. be,fo long astbe lbljo;boms of
ii Xbcp faib Unto l)tm againc^t is notfo,
tell bs.l^c faib:Xbus j tljus fpabc Ijc to fo l? ^^^^M^attwarc
»ie,(aptng . tljus (aitht&e lLofli:3 Ijauc 23 anbitoamturneb Ijisbanbc , ami
annopntcb tljcc to be feing otter frael. Jeb,anb favbe to 3lba3tabu : xijcrc s
y m
13 Xljentljep bafteb,anb tofte cuccp man falfl)oob£>:aija5ialju.
bis garment, anb put itbnber frtmon 24 ^no^cbutoacabovbinbisbanbe^
tlje toppe of tbe ttaircs , anb bieibe lbttb anb fmote 3?o?am bctlbeene tbc amies' '

trnmpcttes, Taping : 3Jcbu is King. 9 tlje arroibeibcnt tlj?ougbbisbca«

g 14 anbfo^jebu tbe fonnc of 3Jebofapljat anbljcfcllboibnclatinbtscljarct '

tbe fonnc of /frimfi, confpireo agatnft

1$ Xljcn fato 3felju to mmm
a captapnc
Xabcrbtmj anb catt bmitn tbe
be anb ai 3Jfrael,becaufe of J^aeltnng tbc gcounb of iRabotb tbc3e5rahelite-
of£>p«a: 3
^0; remember tljat ibljni » tliou 3
•(..Rc.viii ,g
15 anb "lung 3Jojam rcturncb to be Ijca* robe togctber after 3lbab Ijis fatber
leb in 3tenii)el oftljcibounbcslbbtclj tlje fLo?be lapcb rtns Deaup
burtheti -" ,
tbc «t>pnansbabgcuenbim rubenbe bponbtm:
fougbt lbttb Dasacl Ring of 5>pna)3lnb i6 3 baue feene peftcrbap tbe bioob of
3ebufapbe:3Jf itbepourminbes , tben /I?abotb t bloob of bis fonncs,favoe
let no man Depart anb efcape out of t Ijc tbe ?Lo;b:anb 3 mil quite tbee it in tilts
cttic.togo anb tell in3Jc3rabel. grounb faptlj tbe Hojb. jI5o\be tljcrfo?c
16 3
do ebu gat bp rtnto a cijarct] $ foent tabe [twn] anb caft Ijim in tlje plat of
to 3f otaljei lbbcrc 3Jo?am lap : anb & grounb acco?bingtoptbo?boftbe?lo?D.

bajtabu lung of 3Kuba lbas tome boibne 27 But ibben ^llja5iaiju tbe King of giu*
tbptbertofcc3!ojam. b a faibc tbis M^tn
bp tbc ibap oftljc
17 2Mb tlje ibatcbman tljat ftoobc on tlje garben Ijoufc: Ztto 3Jclju foloibcb after
tQiluc tn 3toraDcl, fpicb tbe compamc bim,anb fapbe , 3>myte Ijim alfti in tlje
of 3Jebu as be came.auo faybe : 3
fee a rbarct attbcgopngbpto<25urbp3Jcb^

£ompante.3lnb "jlojam faybe: Xauc an icam.^lnb Ijc flcb to «3J9egibbo,anb tljec

bomnan ,anbfcnbtomcctctbcm, tbat
be may afftclbljctber it be peace. 18 3inb bis feruauntes carpcb Ijim in a &
1 s %\\D fo tbere ibent one on Ijozfoactic to cbarctto^ierufalcm anbbunebbtm
mcctc bim, anb faybe : Xijus faytlj tlje tbcrcinljis fcpulcb?c rbitlj Ijis fathers
iung:isitpcate^nb3Jebufapb:HDbat intljccitieofSDauib.
ball tbou to bo ibitlj peace < tunic thee 29 3lnb in tlje eleuentb pcrc of 3(o;am tbe
bcljmb mc.3nb tlje ibatcbman tolb,fa> fonnc of aijab , began 3llja5ialju to
ing: Xlje mcflcngercamctotbcmjjut raigneoucrSuba.
bccommctljnotagainc. 30 ^nb lbljen 3ebu Vbas tome to J&w
19 Xbcnljc fent out anotljer on bojlbatlte, bcl,3le5abci ijcarbe of it , 9 pavuicb Ijcc
lbbicljc came to tljcm,anb faybe: Xbus face , anb tircb Ijer bcab , anb lohcb out
faytlj tlje King: is it peace i 3lcljn ami- ataibpnbotbc.
ftbcrcb nabat baa tbou to bo wmb
31 3tob as^lcbu entrcb at tbe gate, flje
peace < turnc tljcc beljynb me. fapb^ab^zunripeaccibljiclj mieijis *%%&
io 3Mb tbc ibatebman toibc, faring: $e nmiHtti tffS,
came to tljcm alfo , anb commctb not a* atib Unnuoibe, &<&
32 be lift bp Ijis epes to tlje
game: 31ub tbc bluing , is lyftc tbc
utng of 3Jcbu tbc fonnc ofilmift : fo; Ijc
W anb fapbe:U9bo ts of mp fibe, lbbo^n"
tbcre lofecb out to bim tibo 0? tlj?ee
bjiuctlj tbc cbaret as be iberc mab. tbamberlaynes.
ii 3lno 3Jo;am faybe : italic reby.3lnb 33 anbljefapb:Xb?on)eljerbott)ne.s>o
tlje cbaret lbas mabcrcby . 3lnb3lo' tbcp tljjcibe bcr boibne# b« blooDDM-
ram mug of 3f fracl,anb abasialm Htng flKb tolbarb tljcTball, anb totbaroc t\)t
of 3luoa,ibcnt out cytljcr of tbcm in bts Ijo;rcs:anb Ije troabe b« bnocr foote.
cljarctagainft3Jcbu,anb met ijimin tlje 34 2inbibbenbe lbas come in, torn
fieibe of ^abotb thejiejrabelite rate anb b;inae, f fapO:d5o ano
bibtc 9
4. Kmges. c.
tuavpou ponoer curfcb creature ,
bSer:*fo? the is a Hinges baugbtcr. SffiSS?^
,< anb fo foben thep tame to bune her, ino
«JB s 'Xf
s thc
3Jn ??

tjjc fteluc
«u5we; rap-
of 3lc3rafic! (bail „
tfitv founbe no mozc
of ber then the
bogges cate u> flcu>
of fSe * Rcs

^mSfotgtbtf tame againe, anb toiuc
ftitn:»nb befepb,3lbisisthe towbe of

6 g|eDneaufttfttI«efeaenttcfoniit3of
babtobe aame. i 3trt after
9c f ?
ano two oi Sbafiab* bjctfren. a Mlety alfo all tbe pmt* ot Baal «
hiss Deatb bte t""n E raignetbm bis ScaDe
$abbab*tb?eefco?e$ in tfjeentrutg in of the gate
, bmflitbe
ten fonnes in S>ama*
rta: anb'jlebunwote 9 anbujbenttfoasbap,beuicntout,anb
lettcrs,anbfcntto£>a* ftoobc,anb fapbe to ai the foibe , jicbc
maria,bnto the rulers righteous: 25cbolo,3J toufpirco agamft
of 3Jc3rai^cl,to tljcci* mpmatfter,anb flue him; zsutuibo aue
ucrs, anb to them that authefe?
fought bp 3ttjabs ctwbzen,faping: 10 JLcarnc here that there fljallfaUbnto
> $oO>e ibbcn this letter commetb to tbe eartb nothing of tl)e rbojbe of the
pou ( pe that bauc rt»ftt> you pour mai* fUjbe,tobicbehefpalte concerning tbe
ftcrs fonnes,pe baue until you both iba* yowft of ahab : foi tbe 5.o;be bath
retsanbbozfes.aurong titie hauepeal* brought to pafle p tbinges tljat be fpabc
fo,anbbarneu"e) bp tbe banbe of bis feruaunt^uas.
^nb fo Jlebu ttuc all tbat remapneb of Rcsu,£
3 Hoftclbbicbofpout maifters fonnes is it

beftanbmoftmcete, anb fet htm on bis tbcbouleof^babinllesrabcl.anbaii

fatbersfeatc, anb fight f02 pout lojbes tbat tbete great lbltb him, anb bishmfc
boufe. folbes, anb bis p^icftcs^o that lie lei no*
'4 ^uttbcpuierecrccebinglpafrapbe, $ thing of him remapne.
fapbc:S>ec,m)0 binges There not able to n ^nb he arofe, f bcparteb,anb came to
ftanoc before him: boibcfball lbcthcn Samaria: 3lnb ibhcn JJcbu lbas in tlje
bcabletottanbe* ibap of the houfe ibhere the u)ecp*
5 3lnbbe that lbas gouernottr of ababs h carbes nvn fbearc then; tbeepe,
boufe,f betbatrulebtbc ntie,tbc elbers u §t met tbith the toetluen of ^hasiahn
alfo# the tutours, fent to 3Iebu, faping: bing of 3Juba,atib fapbe : ouhat arc pc*
S9catetbpfmtaunics,$unHboalltbat Xhep aunfibcreb : %ty b.ieth?en of Z-
tbou Cbalt bpb bs, ibc unl mabe no man hartal hi ar e lbe, anb go botbnc to falute
King : therefore bo thou ibbat feetwtb the ebilbzen of the bing $ of the queene,
soobintbpneepes. <E
14 3lnbhefaib:Xabetheuiaipue.i©hotu
6 Xbenbe vom another letter to tljein, ibhen thep hab taben them alpue , thep
fapmgi^f pc be mpne ,anb tbil hearken flue them at the tt>elti)bicbe lbas befibc
onto mpbopte, then tabt thebeaoes of the houfe ibherc the flicepc arc fl)o?en,
tbementbatarepour maifters fonnes, cuutttboanb fourtiemen, neither left
ano tome to me to gjcsrabci bpto mo* heanpofthenn
row ibis time: (3tnb the binges fonnes 15
re tbjeefcoje anb tenperfons anb met BJith ^chonaoab the fonne of *3Rc* Ici'.Xxt..!.
tbcp ujere ibitb the

great men of the ci* thab comming againtt him, ano he blcf*
hettWcbbjougbttbembp.) feb him,? fapbe to him ^jstbpnc ijcart

23 7 S^bcntbe letter cameto tbem,thcp right,as mpne heart is true rbitlj thine*
tl c to
"S cs tbtuwen ,anb Hue tbem, anbjebonaoab aunfiberco : ^ca that
gen tljjcefcozcanDten perfons,$ tapco it is* Xbcngeue me tbpnc batik %W
Sy^^csinbafeettes^nofenttDem Ibhen bchabgeuenbim nts HartDc, He
toltmto3Je W aheU tobc him bp to him into the charct
hff P7 C camt a wefTengcr , anb tolb 16 »nb fapbe: Come until me , anbifccthe
SShI ??l)z %}
ap :
W bm" nought
&tn 9 cs fotw es .
the seale that 3 haue fo; the %w~3UIO0J
thep mabe him ribe in bischaret.
ZS?i :l
»«o.Hetthemiapthemouttt)oheapes 17 anbttheiihctameto Samaria, he
4 flue
. .

Jcbit. 4.Kinges.
flue al that rcmaincb bnto abab m &a* lbitb tbe ebgc of tbe fmojbratujtbclucir
maria,till be bab iDtpco l)im out , act w of lbarre 9 tbe taptapnes caa tbem
coding to tbe raping of tbelLotf) VbbttiJ ^ tbent to tbe citic of tbe temple of 2Saal'
bcfpaBctotflias. 26 anbfet tbe images out of tlje temple
18 anb gjebu gatbereb all the people to* of26aal, anb burnt tbem,
gctbcr,anb fapb bnto tbem: abab fet*
* 27 anb tbep b;abe tbe (mage of 25aal,anb
!S.Rcxvi.». w
uco 25aaiaiitle , but3lebufballferue btafee tlje boufe of zsaal , $ maue a biaft
Co"! Usual fig:
mficth 3llla- ,
fmtimo2C. boufeof it bnto tbis bap.
rot!) t!,ciDotl
ofriic &!»<*
19 iRoYb tt)crfo?c call bnto mc all tbe pjo* 28 anb fo 3lcftu befrropeb 25aai out of *
pbctcsofasaal, all fuel) asfcrucljmi, gifrael. «
anb al Ins pnefrcs, $ let none be lacking: 29 25ut from tbe fumes of Jeroboam tbe
fo; 3 Dauc a great facrificc to bo to fonne of /Rabat ibbiebe mabc gjftaei to
2i6aal,$ therefore tbbofocucr is miffrb be ftnne, JJelju beparteb not fromtljem
fljall not Ipue. is\xt$cl)i\ tyb itfo? a fut* [mttijertromjtljegolbencalucstijatujere
tbat be might bcftrop
teltic, to tlje intent utasctbclanbinDan.
tfje feruauntes of zsaal. jo anb tbe fLojbe fapbe bnto 3Jcbu : 25e*
20 anogjebufapbe: i&ociapme anbolp caufe tljou baftoone rigbt ibel, in tying*
connotation fo? asaal . anb tbcp P?o* ing to paffe tbing tbat is rigbt

tiapmebit. mmpnecpes , anb baft bene bnto tbe

21 anbjjcbufcntbntoaligjfracl, anbal boufe of ababaceojbingto all tbinges
2D tbe feruauntes of 26aai tamc.tbat there tbat are in mpne heart , therefore fball
Jbas not a man left bebinb ttu't came tbp*cbtlb?en bnto tlje fourtb generation * K w
not : anb tbcp tame into tbe boufeof fitontbefcateofgifraeu
25aai , anb tbe boufe of jeaal urns full 31 25m 3lebu careb not fo? tbis , to ibalfte
from one ciM to another. in tbe latbe of tbe ?l om
(Btm of 3ifraei
2z anb be fapbe bnto bim tbat tbas tfte lbith all bis heart: fo; be beparteb not
Kcpcroftbcbettrte: asking foonbgar* from tbe finnes of Jeroboam robiclje
mentcsfojail tbe feruauntes of asaal. mabc^ftaeltofmne.
anb l)e bwtgbttbcm out garmentes. 32 'JtttbofebapestbelLo^bebcgantocut
23 anorbbenjebuvbennbitb 3febona= 3(frael fbozt,*anb l^a5ael fmote tljem in »%« *
bab the fonnc of ftccbab mto tbe boufc alitbctoattesofjlfrael,
of asaal , be fapb bnto tbe feruauntes of 33 5from3lo?banc cattibarb ,cuen all tbe
26aal:«S>earcl)c, $ lone that tber be bcre lanb of dftleab, tbe C5abites ,tbe 3Rube*
lbitb vou none of tbe feruauntes of t\)t nitcs,anb tbem tijat ibere of *$anaffes,
|Lo;o,but tbe feruauntes of 2i5aal cnlp. fromaroer(\bb(cbis bp i^t riuerar*
24 anb ibbcn tljcp Xbent in to offer fa* non) euen oilcan anb aeafan
crificc anb burnt offrtng, 3f clju appopn* 34 Xbc rcaof tbe vbo?bcs tbat concemc
tco fourc fcoje men UMbout , anb fapbe: 3Jebu,anb al tbat be bto,$ albts pouicr,
3If anp of p men tt>bom3J Ijauc bzongbt aretbepnottb?tttenintbe boobc of tbe
bnberpourbanbcsefcape , be that let* troniclcs of tbe binges of ^frvfc
ictl) bim go,fball bpe fo? bim 55 anb llebu Ocpt ibitb b»s fa^ cc6 an0 3

25 anb it fon uncb,t bat affoonc as be bab tbcp burpcb bim in Samaria #3Jcboa*
mabc an cube of offring tbe burnt facrfc Ijas bis fonne ratgneb in bis fteaoe.
nce,3i(cbufapbtotbemenof ibarrcanb 36 anb tbe time tbat gjcburaigiicDbpon
to tlje captapnes cso in, anb flap tbem,
: gifrael in Samaria , is tvbentie $ epgot
ict none come ounanbtljcp fmote tljem peres*
The .xi Chapter.
1SDthaba putted to beatb all tyt fit'ngccronnes.eiccept ?oas tfte tonne of ©bofiab. 4 3S°a$
DsappornteDftmg. lylcDotaDacautetnaitnaliatobeaapne. i7©emafietbacouenauntoe»
ttoecne ©o& anb the people, is ©aal ana iuj5 p;k8cp are oefiropo.
/I5b $ mother baugbter of bing 3fo?am anb fpftp
ot a-
ofaha5iahu,\bbcnu3e of aha5iabu,tobe gjoas tbe fonne
faib that bcr fonne ibas ha5tahu , anb from among
ttaic ftim
ocab^earofe.anbbe* tbe binges fonnes tbat were flapne,
bis nurfe bim in tbe bebbetbam'
frropeb all tbe binges
26ut Jjcljofaba the
bcr: anb m
ibas not flapne.

b»tn from atbaiia,tbat


«WanWs anb(amc: > ©obfauctljc
of the %oin fire
peres:anb athaita bpb
13 *
raigrjc ouer the lanbe. .^,^
gicbotaba fent
3tnbtt)fien3tba«al)earbtbenovreof "Pa.xxiii.d
/anbtbefeurnthpere J^S«8oftl) nctamcto
C people, c
ant) ftt the rulers
ouer Dunb2cbC3,Mtb. the people mto tlje temple of
the H02W.
tneraptapncsanb them of thegarw, 14 ^nblbhefteloobeb%bolo%Tbm (ti)TOhcrttln
3 binges pia(«
anb tone fbcm to bint into theboufeof ftoobc bp a ptlier astbe tnancr
lbas s fcdniniljt

the %om, 9 maw a bonw

tbith them, the fingers $ tbe trumpets by
tbe binn
anb tobcanoth of them inthchoufeof anb all tbe people of tbe lanb reiopfeb
*be?L02W,anb fbribcb them the binges anb bictb ibitb trumpets: anb athana
fonue. l . .
rent her clothes ?crpeb, trcafon,
< anb he commaunbeb tfjem, faring, ton.
%hisfsitthatpemuftbo: C>nc trjtru 15 26ut 3Jefjotaba tbe prteft commaun*
partofpou.mhofc buctieisto come in beb tbe captaines of tbe htmbjews that
on tbe Sabbath bap, (ball beepe the Ijab the rule of the hoaft, anb fatoe buto
of the binges houfe:
ruatrtjj them: $aue her footfh. of thetanges
< an!) another thiro part (bai beepe the if anp foloibe her, htU him lBitij the
gate of Stir: anb another thirb part fU)02b.3fo2thcp2icftb,ab fiuw:(be map
fballbecpe the gate lbhich is behinDe not be flaine in the hcufe of the H02W.
them of tbegarw: anb fo (bail pe beepe i6 anb thcpiapbehanwsonhcr.hiilbc
tbe match of the houfe of £@effah. came into the map bp the ibhichthe
S 7 ano ttt>o partes of rou, that is,al that hojfcs ibent in to tfje binges paiace,anb
go owt on the Sabbath bap,fbaii beepe there lbas (be flafne.
tbematth of the bonfeof the llojwa* i7*3nb3Jehoiabamawabonbbetrocene mb*
bout the bing. the Hojbc anb the bing anb the people,
8 ^nb pe (hall compafle the bing rounb that thep fboulo be the llojbcs people,
about, i euerp man (ball bauc his ibca* anb atfo be tibe enc the bing anb tlje peo*
pontnbishanb: anb lbhofoeucr com* pie.
mctb mtthin p ranges,let htm be flame: iS anb an the people ofthe lanbe tbeut
anb fee that pe be with the bing as he into the boute of 25aai,anb beflropcb it,
goctboutanbm. lit* aultersaifo, anb his images tyaite

9 anb tbe captapnes ouer tlje hunbjebes tyepboibneiufrplic, «ib(lue#athan

btb accojbing to all thinges that* 3Jcho* the pjicft of 26aal before thcaultcrs:
iaba thepneft commaunbeb: anb thep anb the pneft fetibatch ouer the Doufc
tohecuerp man his men that mere to oftheHo^be.
comein on the Sabbath bap,tt)ith them i6 anb tobetlje rulers ouer hunb^ebes, 2D
that (boulb go out on the Sabbath anb , the c?jptaines,anb them of the garo,anb
tameto 3Jeho(aba the pneft. all tlje people of tlje lanbe, anb thep
io 3h.b to the raptapnes ouer hunbjews, b20ugljt the bing front the houfe of tbe
bib rbc pneft geue bing Dautbs fpcares fl02be,anb came bp the map of the gate
anb fl)iclbes,that iberc the temple. of them of the garb to the bings palace,
ii anb thep of the garbe ftoobe,anb cue* anb he fat him boiunc on the fcate of
rpmanhab his ibcapon in Ijis hanw the binges.
rounbeaboutthebing, from the rpght ao anb all the people of tht lanbe reiop^
tojnerof thetempie to the left,along bp ceb,anb the citte mas in quiet: anb tljcp
toeaulteranb the temple. flue athalia£bitl)thefib02b,bertDe the
u anb he bought out the binges fonne, binges palace.
anb put the croibne bpon him,anb help* ai Seuen peres olbe n)as3Jehoas mhen
utrcb him * ^the mitnefle,
$ mabe htm lie began to raignc.
r« Htng^annopntebhim: a«b thep clapt
U Wu,d.
it tbe
Iehoas. 4.Kinges.

^Tbe.xii. Chapter.

gHefcoasntatottj wouffion fbj tbe reyafrma of tbe temple. t« $c ffapettj tbe Una
of fpRto b? a portent from commute aaamtt ©ferutalcm, *o $c f * 6tHeo bf ttoo of
bte feruatmtej5.

/15b ^ehoas began « anb tolbe the money that Tbasfounbftt

raigne tn the fcucnth the houfe of the fcojbe ,anb put it into a
yere of 3leDu,fouretie bagge.
>>crcs taigneb be tn it anb they gaue the money feaieb into
$#erufalcm:Jbi5mo* tbehantsesof them that erceutebtne
thets name tbas ze* lbojbc,anb that hab the ouerfigbt of
biabof?seerfcba. tooufe of the SLojbe :anb they bjougbtit
2 3lnb be bib that tbbicb tbas good in -out to the tarpenters anb buUbers that
tbeftgbt of the flort>e,as long as 3z*
w thought bpon the houfe of the Hojbe
hotaoa the p;left enfourmcb hint. 11 3lno to mafons, anb hetbers of done*
U ruler*
gcuc care to
tictrucnu. 5 26ntfhe high pla«s there not tabena* 3nb they bought timber anb free ftone
» to repaire the becaye in the houfe of
tfSoo lliqt
tbav: foj the people offrcb anb burnt in* the
tuttu t«ue yet bpon the high plates. ILojbe, anbtoaitbattbcutouttomenb
the temple.
4 3inb ^Jeboasfaybe to the p:iettes:3fll
f^otbbcit , there ibas not mabe fat the

the ftlucr of tbcbcbicatc thmges that be 13

brought to tbcboufe of the fLojoe, that houfe of the Hbjoe bottles of filuer, in*
ts, tjje money of them that tbcte mnn* ftrumentes of mufitbe, batons, trum*
b?cb, the money that cucry manisfet pcts,o? any beffcis of golbe,oj btiTcls of
at, anb all the money that eucry man filuer, of the money that tbas bought

tbitbatbilung heart gcuetb anb b?yn* into the houfe of the Hwtfe*
gcttj into the houfe of the ILojbc: Hanb
%tt the pjlcftestabe it to thcm.eucry repatrcb therewith the houfe of the
man of his acquayntaunce, to repays fLojbe.
the bjoben places of the houfe tbbcrc- i$ ^ojcouer, they retbeneb not tblth the
foeuer any becaye is founbe. men into ibbofebanbestbey beltuereb
6 anbtbttcametopafTe, that bnto the that money to be beftotbeb on ibojfetuc":
tfrce anb ttbcnttth ycrcof hing 3Jcbo* fot they mn their bufines faithfully:
as, the pzlcftes hab menbeb nothing i6 ^otbbeit, trcrpalTc money, anb finnc
that tbasbecayeb in the temple. money, tbas not brought into the houfe
25 of the Ho?bc,foj it tbas the pneftes.
7 Xben hing 3eboas calico fojjjebola*
ba the p«cft,anb the other pjtcOcs, anb 17 Xben came $a5ael hing of &ytfabp,'
faibe bnto tbcm:i©by wpairc ye not the ano fought againft ©ctb, anbtobett:
toobcnplaccsof the temple; /ftotb thcr* 3lnb ^<i5acl fet his fate to go bp to ^ic<
fo;c, fee that ye rcccaue no moje money rutoetn.
of your acquayntaunce, ertept ye bcli* 18 anb3JcboasBtngof3fuba, tofteaU
uerittorepaite the temple untbaii. the haiotbcbthingcs that IJebofapbat,
S Stabtbcpueftcs tonfenteb to rcccaue 3Jeho^m 9 ^a5iahu h»s fathers lunges
no moje money of the people, erceptto of Juba hab bebicatc, anb that he Wm
repaire the becayeb places of the tem- felfchab bebicateb,anb ai the goib that
ple. tbasfounbe in the tceafures oftlje
9 28ut 3Jeboiaba the pjlcft tobe a theft, houfe of the |Lo;be anb in the Binges
anbbojeoahole mihclybof it, anb fet houfe, anb fent it to $a5ael Bitig of s>r
it befybe the aultcr , on the right fybe as tta, 9 fohebcpartcbfroml^ierufaleni. jp
eueryman commethuuo the temple of i9 £he remnaunt of the tbozoes that
theMbe, anb the pneftes that Kept concernegjehoas, anb all that hcpPJ.
tbcbcflcls put thcrem all the money are they not tbntten in the booBe ot
that tbas brought into the houfe of the tromcles of the binges of -Juba*
fLwbe, 10 3lno his otbnc feruauntcs aroft, a«J
io stub it fojtuneb, that tbljen they fatbc thought treafon, anb flue^eboasw
ther tbas much money in the theft, *tbe the houfe fi^iilo, tbhen he tame*
binges ftnbe $ the bye pneft tame Dp, 10 ^^ ztUojathat

jo5achar the fonnc of&cmaath anb they burycb him ibith his fathers
m the
'^Uo5abaDt!jefonncof^omctl)tsfe^ cittcofH>auio,ani)^nia5ia!juDisronnc
HaunttS 3 fmotel)ini,ani)I)cDpeo:
anb raigncotnhisfteabc.

77;? .xiij. Qhaptcr.

5 1 eboaba? tl»c tonne of lebu fe oelpuerco into ttje banoes of the §>wf
s©cu;apctUbnto<!5oDanDi?!DcIpuereD. 9 aoajsbijsronnerafanethmtiia
fleaoe. 24.$ajaelDpctb. :e Clifa Dpctlj.

/!5theth2ec$ttbentith ii anb bfo that tbbith is cnfli in the fight

ycrc of 3Joasthc fonnc of the ?Lojbc, anb bepartcb not from
of ahasiahu Ring of the finncs of Jeroboam the fount
3iuba, Jchoahas the iI5abat that mabe Sfraciftnnc: fo;
fonne of 3Tchu began ibalReb therein.
to ratgnc oucr Jlfrael n 3Dhcrcmnauntofthcibo?besthatcon''
tn Samaria fencu- ccrnc 3Ioas, anb all that he bib,anb his
polbcr lbhcrcmuh he fought agamtt
2 "anb befought that tbljtcS tbas ctttl ama3iahuRmgof3Juba, are they not
lnmcfigbtofthcllwbc, anbfololbeD Uvttten in the booRc of tljc rronicles of
tnefinncsof Jeroboam the fonne of tbcRmgcsofJfrack
#abat ibhicf) mabe 3Jfraclto finne,anb 13 anb5oasacptttithhisfathers,anb c
Dcpartconotthccfrom. Jeroboam fat bpon his feate: anb 3Jo*
3 anb the %ow
ibas angry MM 3& as ibas burycb in Samaria among the
rael, anb bclyuereb them into the hanb Binges of 3Jfrael.
of Israel Ring of £>yna,? Into the hanb 1+ n&heneiifaibasfallenftcRe of Otsfics^
of 26cnhababtfte fonne of ^ajael all neffeibhereofhcbvco, gjoasthetnng
their bayes. of^lfracl tame boibne bnto hint, ano
5tnb3lehoal)a5befonghttl)e|Lo?b,f lbcpt before him, anb fatbc:*€>mpfa'
4 iiii.Rc; ii e.

the ?Lo?be hearb him:5f o? he confibereb ther, my fatljcr, tbe tljaret of Jf frael, 9
tljcttoubie of 3Jfracl, therewith the tlje ho^femen of the fame.

Ring of 5>yna troublcb them. 15 €lifa faibc bnto him: Xafte botbe anb
5 (anb the 3Lo?b gaue 3f frael a beliuerer, arroiues. ^nbljctoBebntoljimboujc
fothattbey lbent out from bnberthe anbarroibes.
uibicction of the S>ynans: anb the chfl? 16 3lno Ijc faibc to tlje King of 3Jfrael: put
tycitofgjfraclbrbelt in their tcntcsas thyne Ijanb bpon the boVbc. ^nb he put
befojetymc. !)is hanb bpon it: 3lnb Clifa putbis
6 ^cueethclcffe, they bepartcb not from Ijanbes bpon the Binges hanbes,
trjc fumes of the ftoufe of Jeroboam 17 3ln& fatb: £)pen a lbinborbc cafttbarb.
lbljithmabcgjftaeifinne, but ibalReb ^nb lbhcn he l)ab openeb it,€lifa fayb:
in them: anb there remayncb anibols Ojootcanb he fbot:3lnb he raibe, %\">z
gcouc lull alfo in Samaria.) arroibc of health of the ILojbe, anb the ,

7 Neither bib he leaue of the people to arroibc of hcaitlj againtt ^>fia: fo?
3choaha5 but fiftie hotfemen, ten tha< thou Ujalt fmyte 5>yna in 3(pa«, till
rets, anbtenthoufanb footcmcn:*fo? thou haue mabe an cnbe of tbem.
tbefeingof <S>y?ia beltroyebthem, anb 18 anb be faibe:Xabe the arro«)es.anb
mabe them lyRc thjeffbeb bull. he tone tljem: anb he faib bnto the ferns
XDc reft of the
tbojoes that conccrnc of 3lfrael ,S>myte the grounbe. ano ht
ileboahasanb ailthathebyb, anbhis fmote ttyifc,anb teaffeb. , m
Ppiber, ace they not nmtte tn the boofte 19 anbtheman of ©obibas angry lbitb
Xhon njouiocft haue
1 "*
"°niclcs of tDe binges of 3Jfraek
3el)oaha3 Ucpt U)ith his fathers,
him, anb faibc:
fiuittcn fine o? fire tymes,anb then
anb they burycb
him in Samaria, anb habbeft fmytten £>vM tffl thou haopeB

JlS onnc w, neD tn
f S bis ft 0C - ^ mabe an cnb of them : lbberc noib tl;ou
r anb feuenth vcre o(3&
tlje thirtie fl)altrmytcS)ynabuttlji;ifc. .._,.
£ l
"9ofJjuba, began gjehoastbe
onneofjjehoaha? toraigneoucc3f;
zo anbfociifabycb, 9 thcybnncbhnn:
anb the fouiotcrs of tl;c ^oaottes
CO 3>tl)tr
««i m Samaria firteenc yerc gcccni n-iii)

yeres. into the lanbcHtje fame

ajfma^iahu. 4-Kinges.
2i 3ln0 of t ben i mere
u crjaunccb as fomc he them from him as pet.
burpmg a man, anb fpp cb the foulbiers, 24 S>o$a5ael the King of S>p2fabvtb *
tbcp tail p man nuo the fcpulcbjcof e* Jfienbabab his fonne ratgneb
Ufa: 3lno when the man Was roulleb ftcabe.
bownc,anb toutbeb the bones of €hfa, 25 anb^Jehoas the fonne ofljeboaha*
he r ciimcb anb ftoobc bpon Ins fectc.
, Wcntagaine, anb tone out oftbehatSr
ir asut ^asacimng of £>puabereb 31fta^
ciaiitbebapes of JJcboabas.
ofasenbababtbe fonne offcawi
ttttes wbitb he hab tabcnaWapoVnf
U ^nbthe ILojbehab metcie on them, thehanbeof JJehoaha? hts father in
ano pttieb them, anb hab refpeet bnto warre : $ 0} tbjec times bto 3Joas beatc
them,becaufe of his appointment maoc him,anbrefto?ebtberttiesbnto3fraei
With abjahani, ^Jfabac, anb JJacob, ngaine.
anbWoulb not befttop them, neither

^ The .xiiii. Chapter.

i3ma3WlniUtfIiingot'JtiM ptttfrtluoocath them that fludius lather. ?Sn&
after fmvtctfiCDom. » j goais Dpetfi, ano Ueroboam fit? fonne fuccceoctb him,
anD after htm ratgrotft ^acharia.

%l 8?efeconb pere of 3Jo* 6 3(nb 3Jehoas the Ring ofJfrael fent to

as, fonne ofJJcboabas amastabufcingofjuoa, taping:* 3>i& iu^,.
aingof^Jfracljaigucb notatbtftle tbattsinJUbanon, fenbto
Xmatfabu the fonne of a Cebar tree that is in ILibanon,faping:
ti.Par.zy.a. 2.
5loas Ring of 3luba, <£»cuc thp baugbter to mp fonne to Wife*
*$eWastWenticanb 3lnb the Wilbe beat! that Was in Hiba-
petes oibc when
ftuc non went anb trobe DoWnctbc tljpf
bebeganrotaigne, anb raigncbttben- tic.
tie anb npiie petes in ^ierufalcm: anb 10 xbou Ijaft Gurtten Cbom.tbpnebeart
his mothers name Was 3JeboaDan,of hath mabe thee pjoube: cntope this
tyicrufalem. glojp, $ tarrp at home: nahPbotft thou
3 2inD he bib that Which is goob in the pjottohe to miff htcfe, that thou fboub
fight of the Horn, pet not IpncSDamb Deft be oucrtbjo Wen 9 JJuba With ft)ee<
hts father: but bib accojbmg to all 11 28ut3lma5iabu Wouio not heare:3nb
tbuigcs as 3Joas his father btb. 3Jchoas king of JJfrael went bp,anb be
4 ^cither were the high plates ratten a anb^ma^iahu bingof gjuba, falbcei*
Wap:5Fo? as pet the people bib facrince thcr other at 25cthfamcs,ibh(th is »n
anb bttrnt mcenfe on the high plates. 3Juba.
5 3lnb affoone as the btngbomc Was fcfc 12 3lnb 3Juba tbas put to the ttwfc be=
leb in his hanbe, * it tame to pafTc, that^frael, anb thepflcbcuerpmanto
iui.Rc. xii.d
he anc hts fcrnanntes Which hab btlicb their tcntes.
the king his father. i) 3fnb 3)choas htng of JJfcacl tobe &£
6 ©tit the thilbjcn of tljofc tmtrthcrcrs ma?ialm bmg ofjluba the fonne of %v
he fluent, accofling bnto it that is Ijoas the fonne oniha^ialju at zsethfa-
written in the boobc of the lalb of iT9op* mes, anb came to^iernfalem 7 |bjafte
fes, Wherein the ILojbctommaunocb, botbnctherbailof^ierufalem^romttje
Taping:* Het not the fathers bpc fo? the gate of ephwim, to the tomee gate,
thtibjen, no? let the cbilbjcn be name foj Fourchunb;ebtnbites.
the fathers: btitlttcucrpmanbcput
14 ^nbhe tobe all the golbe anb fiiuef,
to bcatlj fo; hts oibnc fume. anb all the bcflcls that rbere founbe in
25, fyt ttuc of €bom in the fait ballep *ten thehoufe of the fLo^be, anbtnthetrca^
thoufanb, anb tobe the tattciiontbc furesofthc binges houfc: anb the tW
rochc in the fame battailc,anb tallcb tije mmtobe he to be his ibarbes, anb re*
name of it 3Jobtbccl bnto this oap. turneb to ^atnaria againe. ,
8 Xbcn 3iiia3<abii fent meffengcrs to 15 %\>t reft of the attcs of^eboas ibbijh
31choasthc fonne of Jchoaha? fonne he bib,anb his power , $ how he fous"

of^Jchn lung of 3ifracl,faptng: Come, With ^masiabu bmg of gjttoa.are tljep

00 let bs
fee ccbe other. not Written in the boobe of the rronicies
4'Kinges. cm.

Modems ttcpt ujitf) hts fathers, tt ®t %me

at Samaria among
fr3$ £ 1

I)e au>ap from ail

> neftftwturncii
anb ttias burtcb ti)c finnes of Jerobo*

,h C binges of 3!ftacl,s3lewb°M» Diss

fonne ratgncb m hisfteabe.
amtjje fonne of |5abat
MM mabe
Tnuc&u the fonne ofjoasbingof z$ $e reftojeb the toaftof3ifraclfrom
, 7

f ehoai^mngof ^ uX m the cntring of^emath onto thefeaof
tljcUnlbcrncfTe, attojbfngtotbetbojbe <S
Sfficrnnanntof«je«)0^efi!t|)at fpafte bp the hanbe of fysfcruanht'
, ona w
conccrneamastahu, arethepnotlbip nastlje fonne of Slmitbat thepjopbete,

ttn in tl)c boobe of the tronitles of the lbbich tbas of ©etlj ftepber:
binges of 3inba*
z6 $oi the ?Lo?be faibe hoibe thatfhcafc
trcafon agamft ofjfracl ibas ejrtecbtngbptter,
D 19 zsut thep tonfpircb

in l&teturalem: 3lnb ibhen he

Mm infomucbthat thepnfoneb anb thefts

to Harris, thep fent

after Dim to %fr fatten ibere at an cnbe, anb there ibas
cMs,anbmiehimtbere. nonctohelpe^frael.
, anb thep brought Inm on hozfes, anb z7 * 3tnb the fLojbe faibe not tDatDe
«ctt>as buriebat ^icrufalem tt>itl)hiS Iboulb pnt out tlje name of 3lfraci from
fathersin the title of 2£auib, toibcr Ucaucn: bnt he helpeb them bp

bi „* 2I *
anb all the people of Juoatobea^ the hanbe of Jeroboam n> fonne of
riaOnbich ttas ftrte ene petes oioe) ano 3foas,
tnabeMmbing fo;his father amasia* i8 %\yt reft oftDe ibojbes that conterne
bu. Jeroboam, anb all that lit bio, anb ins
,, ii fee built* eiath, anb tyonght ft agatne ftrength, anb tonne he fought in the
to 3toba after that the bing ibas lapbe lbarres,? tonne he rettaeb Damafcon
to reft nnt&t)is fathers. ^miathtojubainjfrael, are thep
ij Jin the fifteenth pere of 3una3taim notibnttenin the boobe of the rronicies
tbefonneof3oasbingof3juba, ibas oftht binges ofjrraci?
gjcroboamthe fonne of 3Joas mabe z93lnb Jeroboam fteptibitl) his fathers,
bmgouer^fraelin&amana^nbratg* cuen roith tlje binges of Jfrael, $ za*
nebfourtleanboneperes: t Dana his fonne raigneo m his fleabe.

^ The. xV .Chapter.
s3;anattie6ingoE'JuDabfcommcrtialcaper. vflDf|otfiam. io Vallum.
i4fl©enabera. ijpeca#a. pnajia^u. 32goH}am. jsai&a?.

tlje ttbentie anb fe* tie: anb Gotham the binges fonne go*
uenthpere ofjero* uerneb the palate,anb mbgeb the people
boambingofjfrael, of theianbe.
began ^arta fonne 6 Xhe rcftof thetbojbes that tonterne
of 3ma3<a bmg of 3l3aria, anb all that he nib,are thep not
Jubatoraigne. inntten in theboobe of thetromtlesof
5>i]rteene petes oibc the binges of 3Inba<
«)as \ft tbasmabebing, anb
Jbfjenlje 7 31nb fo ^5aria ftcpt Ibith his fathers, 25
w raigneb «bo anb ftftie peres in i^icr u* anb thep bntpeb him Kbith his fathers
wiem: anb Ijis mothers name Ibas 3e* in the title of 2>anib, anb Gotham his
of^ierufalem. fonne raigneb in his fteabe.
j ^nbihebibthat vbDirtjrbasrigDttn 8 Jn
the thirtic anb epgtft pere of %w
C «8Dt of the
flojbe, atto^bing to all tia bmg of jjnba, bib zarbarta the
tbmges asbib his father 3Ima5iah«» fonne of Jeroboam raignebpon jfra«
4 &auc that the high plates ibere not el in 5>amana fire monethes:
put a lbaptiro?
the people offereb anb 9 anb Brought that ibljith tbas enill in
SS S te rcft '»onthehighpiates. thefightofthefLo;be, asbic \Ww
tSW^Wefntotethebing^nb to thersi anbturnebnotaibapfrouithe
fonne of
**'&! S£; «P ccto ntothcbapofhisbcath, finnes of Kcroboam the
anbbibeitinafeueraii tjonfe at liber* batibhithmabe3ffF^^ 0f,nne*
Menahem. 4.Kin^es.
10 anb &auum the fonne of 3Jabcscon- anb #ctabia bis fonne btbra^nTmhTT
fpireo agamft I) mi anD fmote Dim in tbc ftcabe.
fioDt of tljc pcopic,anD biiicb bun, atio ij JInflje frftitf) pete of 3fcaria btna
raigncbuibfsftcabc. 3luoa,bcgan0etal)iatl)c fonne of hri
£bcreft of tbc lbojbcstbat tonteme naljem to raignc ouer gjfrael in £>anut
zatbatia,bel)olbc tftep areitotttenin riatwopcres:
the booBe of tljc tronttus of the binges X4 3lnb bib trjat Which Ibas rnfll in the
ofjfrael. fight oftlje flojbe, anb
not of from
iz Xhtsfsairotbctbojbcoftbe ILojfte tbc fumes of Jeroboam the fonne
tbbtcb be fpaBe bnto 3JcDu, laying: Jfcibat Whittj mabc gjfrael fmne.
* SLljy fonncs fballftt on the feate of ^f- 25 25ut 0ctab the fonne of Ktmauahn <e
ratlin the fourth generation after th«* Wbiclj wasa taptameofhts, confptceb
Smbfotttamctopaffe. againfl hint, 9 fmote htm in Samaria
Co Vallum tbc fonne of Jlabes began to cuentn tfje plate of themnges houfc'
ratgne in the tbtrtte anb ninth pcre of With 3rgob anb 3lrta anb With bpni

ftof ab King of ^luoa, anb be ratgneb a Were ftftie men of the (Btleataco: mo
mcnetljittt&amarta. be Btllcb bim,attb raigncb in his rocme
14 fQl il^enabcm the fonne of d5abi 26 Xhc reft of the uwbes that tonteme
rbcntbpfromXhirsa, dcnmcto&a #ccabia, 9 all that be bib, tcboib tijcv
maria, anb fmotc Galium the fonne of arc bitten in the booBe of the cronttlcs
gjabestn&amarfa, anb flue btm, anb of the Binges of 3Jfracl.
ratgneb in htsfteabe. 17 3" the ftftie anb two pete of asaria
15 %he reft oftbeibojbcs that concerne Bingofjuba, began £ecab the fonne
Galium, anb tljc treafon winch he con- of ftcmaltahu to raignc ouer 3Jfracl in
rptrc'o,bd)oibctl)evarc Wnttcnin tlic 5>amarta twentte peres:
boofte of ti;c tronitles of tljc Binges of 28 3inb bib eutll in the fight of the flozbe,
gjfcacl. anb turneb not albap from tlje finnes
16 Xbc fame time ^enahem befrropcb of^croboam the fonne of iI2abat tljat
Xhipbfab, anb all that were therein; 9 mabc3lftacifinnc. ..
the toaftcs thcrof from ZJjirja : 3nb 29 3jn the baves of 0etalj Bing of $b
becaufe tbey openeb not to him, be tael,tamc Xbiglatlj ^elefar bing of 2$
fmotc (t,anb ript bp al the Women ibitb fv?ia, % toBc 3Iion,abcl26ethmaatba,
thilbe. 3Janoab, Bebes, Da50?, <!5tleab,(!5ait''
17 Xbe anbnintljverc ofasarta
tljirtic lee, anb all tlje lanbe of /Rcpbtbaii, anb
Bing of 3Hiba began ^enahem tbc carryeb tljem atbav to ^flfria.
fonne oTc5abi to raignc bpon^ftael 30 Tim l^ofea the fonne of €la,conrpireb
tcnpcrcsm&amaria. treafon againft i^cealj tljc fomtc of
18 2inb hcbio cuil in tljc figljt of thcHoib, 3acmalialju,anb fmote hint,? flue Ijiin,
anb turneb not away al Ijts bayes from 9 ratgneb in btsftcabe mthc t\bcnntb
tljefmne of Jeroboam the fonne of && perc of Gotham tljc fonne of 3H55talj.
bat Wbttb mabc gjfrael to finnc. 31 Xbcreftoftlje ibo?bes that tonteme
jts 19 3tab phttl tljc Bing of affyna tame 0ceab, atibaithatljebtb,bcbo!btbep f
bpontbclanbc: 2nb ii)3enahcm gattc are ttnttentn the boobc oftlje tronitles
$bnl athoufanb talcntcs of ftlucr, that of the Binges of gjfracl.
Dis hanb nugbt be With hint 9 ftabltfbe 32 Xljc fctonb rcrc of 0ecab the fonne
the Bingbomc in his hanbe. of memaltalju Bing ofjrcail, began
20 anb ^enahemmabcap;otlamatton fotham tljc fonne of fll53iab bi"30t
fo* tljc money m gift-art, tljat all men of uba to raignc. ,
fubftauncc fljoulb gcuc tljc Bing of^Jfrv-
tfiueanbtujcnticpcrcsoibctbas! ijc
tta ftftie ficlcs of filner apcccc: 3lnb lb Xbhenlje began to ratgne, anb Ijeraig*
tlje Bing of aflyna turneb baeBe againe, itebfiyteenevcrcstn ^icrttfalctn: ms
anb tarycb not there in tlje lanbe. morbersnameu)as3Jcrufa,tbebaugy*
21 Xlje reft of tlje lbojbes that tonteme tcrofzaboc. ut .„
^cnaljcm, anb all that be bib, are they 34 2no Ijc btbthatibbttft is right
not wnttcn in the booBc of tljc tronitles the figljt oftlje 1Lo;bc : cucn acto?Ding
oftbeBmgesof3Hracl« to all as did b»s fatbet ^55iab, fo
tx %i\n ^enaljcm Oeptibitlj hisfatbers, & e*
4-Kinges. Cllll.

IK umtScfttgft places: De built the na,f feecatnhefomteofmemauahu.)

/Srcft'oftljcii)o?Dcsrt)atnmtetne anonjasburieblbitbhtsfathersintbe
anbaiithattoebib, aretbey rttfe of ©amb his father, anb
%iotbatn, 3ha3 his
Sitttnmtl)cboofteoftt>ecwincle« fonne ratcjneb in his Oeabe.

^ 77>t? .XT/. Chapter.

1 3&a? fiins ft luba confeeratetb bfe fonne in Rre. j ^ferafatem is beficgeft.
<; jpamafcon id tafien. anD isejin Oame. jjDolattic.
1 1 is &ljc ocatt) of 3l)a ?.

jo £e?ecljia fuccceoct^^im.

$efcuenteenthyetcof tohim>;ffojtf)eRtngofafiy?fatbrntbp
jkcabthefonncoflfte* agamtt SDamafco, anb when he bab ta-
maiiahu c&mgofarraeij Renit, be carrycb the people alba? to
w aha? tf)c fonne of mie,anbauc-Ke?tn.
3JothamRingof3Juba 10 ^nbftmgaha5ibcnttoDamafcon,to
began to raigne. mecte %higlatb#eicfcttongofau>
Xtbentie ycres olbe rta:3mbH)henRing aha? fa\bcanaul*
ltoashcttbenbeibasmabeRtng, ana terthat tbas at 2Damafcon, he fentro
rafgncD ftrtccne ycres in ^icrufaiem, f Uriathe pjicuVbcpatcrne of the aultct
risDt in tl)c ties
bid not tljat tbljtcl) tt>as ano the fafbion of it, anb ail the unites
oftDe?Lo;behiS(£>ob, iyae 2>autb bis manttnp thereof.
father: 11 3lnb Uriathe p;iett mabe an auUer,fn

26utfoalBebtntbeibayoftbeRmgcs poyntesiyRe to the pater ne r&btcb
all ntjpimcno

of 3jfraci,yea anb inabt ? Dts fonnes to Ring aha3 hab fent from 2Damafton, e- islchn.but
tic n»ll fmDt
50 though the fire after the abbomina* Unapplied mabe it againft
tten fo bib flfiit : tro gut


tionsoftbe beaten ibhom thcfLojbe Ringaha? came from Damafcon. to feme Ijib

caftoutbefo'etbe tbtlbjcn ofgifracl. iz anb fo U»hen the fting tbas come from
4 anb be offrebanb burnt incenfeinthe 2>amafcon,he fatbc the auitcr : anb the
high plates, anb onthebillcs,anobn* Ring Vbent to it anb offreb thereon:

bcrcucrythtcRetree. 13 anb he burnt his burnt offring, anb

Ik. 5 * Xbcn Ke?in Ring of 5>yna, anb 0e* his mcate offring, 9 polb^eb hts b?mcbe
tab fonne offtcmaiiabu Ring of 3& offring,anbfp tinchlebthcbloobof his

rati, tame bp to $ierufalem to fight: peace offringes beftbe the aultrr,

3nb they fought againtt aha?, but 14 atnbbythebjafen aulter ahich Xbas
cotutmotouertomehfm. befoie the 3Lo?be, anb fetit lbtthcut
^t the fame tyme ftcsin Ring of &r- the temple bettbecne the aulter anb the
na brought eiath agatnc to &ytfa, anH temple of the Ho?be, anoputitontbc

W theses theme: 3mbtbcS>y# nonhfybeoftheauuet.
ans*tametociatlj, anb bibclt thereto 15 3lnb Ring ^fta? commaunbeb ^ria
bnto this bay. the p,Jieft,f faibe : Upon the great aul*
S7 *o aha? fentmeffengersto Xhig* ter,fetonfireintI)e morning the burnt
lath^clercrbingof a%ta,faytng : $ offring, anbinthe euenthemeateoffe-

2 ?? fccn aunt anb

thy fonne,comc bp
anbDeiiuerme out of the banbe of the
rtng.anb the Ringes burnt farriftce, anb
his tneate offring, rtith the burnt offc
wjB of Sy^ta, anb out of the banoc of ring of all the people of the lanbe, anb

3fracl *rel)p
' *** * tbetrmcate offring,anb their b^infte of*
fringes,anb polb^c thereby al the bloob
B 8

£1&^ - founbe in the bonfe of the

of the burnt offring,ano all the woob
the faenficr. anb the b?afen aulter

C'S?thctrcafuresofthebuigcs gfcome,anbfec. Jl.*^to al

nDfemaw »j arbctothf Ring of is anbllriatheiwieft bib attD?btng

*%£ >
thmgesas Ringaba? commaunbto
*anbti)camgof^%taconfenteb Dm ^ tnu 17 anb
Hofiea. 4.Kin^cs.
- » ,17 "anDtnngabastyaBetbcfpbesofthe
Bi.R«.v U .d.
botomtS) fln0 tobe thc lauctfrom of 19 Xhe red of the tbojDcs that corner™
them,* tohcDotbnethe lauatotfeftom aha5 ibhat he bip,ate the? not ttX
cfthetyafenoiccn that tbete bnbcr it, tnthe boo&e of the enmities
anD put tt bpon a paucmcnt of Hones. hinges of 3JuDa<
of the ^
18 3nD the toaplefonbc<£>abbatb that 20 anD^astteptibttbhlsfatbers.anb
tncy Dab ntabc in the houfe, anD the lhas bunco ibithhis fathers m
Wngcs enttte Ibtthout, tumeo be to the ttcofaxmiD, $mtm hisfonnc rati
Ijoufc of the % ojDe, fo; fear c of the lung ncDtnhtsfteaDe.

The xW*
. . Chapter.

5 Korea frfng oflfrael a taficti. 4 3!no Ik ana al his realme bzouglit to ttje SBCfo.
rtansi is foj 24ifon0oearoptl)e3ffi>jten0t&atDttelttn§ia'
tucir fDoIatcte.
mana. 29 currp one wojlDippcD tijc goD of i;iss nation, 3; contrary to ttje
commaunDement ot ©od.

51-Ubetibclftbpeteof m the prpfon houfe.

aha* tang of gjuba, 5
* King of aflpjta came bp u*«i
3nD then the
began lijofca the fonne throughout all the lanDe, anD gat bp a-
of <£lah to ratgne tn gatnft £>amana, anD bcficgcD it tb?ce
Samaria bpon 3jfra* pcres.
el nine petes: 6 3Jn the ninth pete of^ofca, the ' King
3lnD DiD that Winch ofaflprtatofceSjamarta, anbcarrpcD
ibas cuill tn the fight of the ILojDe, but gjfrael attapbntoaapjta, f put them
not as tl)e hinges of 3lfraci that ibere tn $ala 9 tn $abo? bp the truer of
©05a g*%
before htm. w
anD in the cittes of the 0)cdcs. t:ert°;

3 ano <§>aimanafar Wng of aifyrta 7 foi it came to pafTc, that tbc ehiiwen
came bp agatnlt bun.anD ?? ofca became of gjfraelfmneDagainft tl)e fLwbtncit
• lOj.frftaK, his fcruaunt, anD gaue htm prefentes. (Bod lbhtch hao tonight them out
4 anD the hmg of aflpna founoc trca* tbclanD of ecjppt,from bnocr the bano :

feu tn l)ofca: 0: he hao fent uicfTcngcrs
f of #barao lung of egppt, anD
to Poking of <£gppt, anDbzougbtno othctgoDs. tinf

kA pjefent bntothc htng of aflprta from 8 3nD tbcplbalhcD tnthe cctentonirs

ycrecopcre: anD therefore the Wng of the heathen ibhont tbe?Lo?Dcra

a%ta (but him bp,anD bounoc htm before the chOD;cnof3ffaei,ano;^

• I
4.Kinges. cv.
T^^juihichthcRinges of 3Jfcacl 20 3tab the IL020 caft of all tlje fccoc

2K ff8? *%
) e
,, >
9 bclmcrcbtljtm
wbofethtngcsthattterc notibcl raft them out of bis fight.
LS?io»etW<EfDli: Shibthey 21
C J etut ofmaoetl)cn.ahin
lifwltronitDcfioufc A
St tfjcm hygh Places »n
J all tfttfc
g ,cuen fL,,,
Sort) m W
touws where they Kept Jeroboam the fonne of jpabat *
3Jeroboam bjetbe
,, ",ml,t *-

Eel) ano aifointhe (irons toibncs: 3fcaeiaW

»',al,e theimagesj groucsin they fbouioe not folottjc the fLo.aje
,0 ano At? ano
entry b?c hM,$
WW* entry thicRc tree. maoe them finne a great fume.
anotbercthey burnttnrenfe tnalltbc 22 5fo; the chtiojcn of 3Jfraci n>aiReb
„ in
heathen whom all the fumes of Jeroboam
iwah places , as 010 tfjc ibt)tnjc he
M ?LojD carycb attay before thcm,anb
bought lbicRcb thinges to anger the 23
byb,anb bepartcb nottherfrom
%oft put 3?fcaei auiay out
JUttiii the

ILortetbtthall: of hisRght,as he hab fayb by all bts fee-

„ fo2 they feruebmoft bile ibols, ttmer*

oftbcWthabfayb tmto them: *#e
uauntes the p^opljetesanb fo mas
njaiioonofutbthing. toaffyaa euen bnto this bay.

ii inonjefLojbe tefhficbtn 3Jfrael and 24 3Cnb the Ring of afTyna brought men
inlluoabyallthcpjophctcs ano by all from Babylon, ftom^Cutha, fro 3tua,
the fears, faying:*£urne from your from^amath,anbfrom ^cpharnaun, SS.'SSlt
bxt.b uncReb ibayes ,anb Repe my tommaun- anb put tljcm in the cities of <§>amaria %&F*
ortnentes ano my ftatuf cs , aceojbing to infteebeofrbcthflojenof gjfraei : anb SniSi
all the Which 31 commaunbeb your
lau) they poflefleb Samaria , ano bibeit in
m ^ '* c fl> -

fatl)crs,anoib!)ttl)3Ifcnttoyou by my tljectticsthcrof.
fcrnauntcsfbcpjopljetcs. 25 3nb itfotfuncb that at tlje beginning

14 ^othunthftanoing thcytbouibe not of their blbelling tl)cre, they fcareb not

bcare ,
* but rather harbeneb their the %om ,anb the Hotbefcnt lions a?
U.ui.b, iieeftcs, l^e to the ttubburneffc of their mong them ,\bhtcn fine tljcm.
w fathers, that byb not btlcue in the 26 lBDcrfo^e tbey rpalte to tlje Ring of 2>U
Jlortic their <i5ob. fy;ia,faying:XDe nations rbljicl) thou
15 rtfufeb his ftatutes , ano hiss
5f oj they haft tranttatcb 9 put m tlje cities of 3><v
tot tot

fan appoyntmentthathe mabc ibtth their marta Unoiur not tljc laibc of the odd
fanjcrs,anbthc lbttneffcs ruherUrith he of tljc lanbe: therefore he hath rent lions
lbitncffcb bnto them,anb they foloibeb bpon them, anb bcholb they aay them,
banitfe,anb became bayne,anb rbent afc betaufc they ftnoibe not the maner of
tbere rcunb about
tcr the heathen that ujoj flapping the ©ob of the lanbe.
thenyoncerningibhom the JLojbehab 27 Xljcn the Ring of 3Jffyna commaun*
djargebthem that they fboulbe not bo beb, faying : Cary tljyrtjcr one of the
lyfecthcm. pneftes tbfrom ye b^ougljt thence , ano
i6 26uttl)evleftalthe tommaunbemftes let hym go anbb)bell there, anb tcache
ofthe Horn rtjeir <5ob , anb mabe them them tlje faftion ljo\b to feme tlje d5oo
images of metal,* euen flbo calues, anb ofthecountrey. -
[mane] itsol groucs 3lnb then one of the fricftes ibhom
j$ UwChippeb all t|)e
- femeb Baal.
Doaft of bcauen,anb tljeyhab carieb from Samaria, came
--- 17 *3lnb tbeyfacrmeeb their fonncs anb anb brbelt in Bethel, anb taught them
Ma totft oaughtcrs in fire, anb bfeb ihttcl> hotbe tf)ey a)oulbefearetlje?Lo;oe.
tcaftts,! enchauntmentes , euen felling 29 ^otbebeit euery nation maoe tbem
pern femes to lbo&e VbicRebncfTe in tljc gobs of their ottme, anb put them in the
ubw of the ?Lo^be,anb to anger him hourcs of the hygh places ibhicljc the
tCM ^beibas ereccbingityoth

!S3ftael,$ put them out of l)is fight,


ba J"?
We UWS!cft bUt ^ UM of c
^ 30 Xljc men of Babylon maoe
Betiotl), f the men of Curtj
maoe gcr*

uc »heieffe,3JubaalfoBeptnot
""waunoementcsofthe ?Lo?bc their
d)c Tims maoe fiMto anb jar %
u "*, mt
* in thc tcrcmonies of thaR : anb the ^ephjruttes burnt
IS;, «!
: '

He^cl^a. 4-King es. Hi

their cbtiojen in fire fo: 3R>7amelecD 36 B6utfcaret^elLomiD^itl)etoiahT
3mamclcrb,tbe goos of £>cpharuaim. pou out of the lano of egppt ibttb great
3z 3InDfo the? feareo the lLojDe, f maoe poTDer«a(rrcttt)eDontarme,htmfeare
themprteftes of the banttofthcm,tbbicft ano to Dim Dotb,anD to Dim do facrtfite
facrififcD foj themin ti)e Ijoufcs of thc 37 Xheftatutes.ottJtnaunces , latbea^
tjpgl) plates, commaunDcmenttbbtcbe be ibiotc fa
«•»« «.« 33 anDfo^hcpfcarcDthelLojD.anDfcr* pou,fec tbat?e be Diligent to Do fa
orbne goi, S) aftec the maner of
ueD ttjeir mojc,anD feare not any other goos
the people tbhom thep carpeD thence. 38 3lnD the appopntment that 3J tjaue
34 2tnD Dnto this tap thep Do after tlje maoe tbitb pou fee pe fojgct not, ano
oioe maner:anD neither fear e <£>oD , net* fcare none other gobs:
thcr do after their twoinauntcs anD cu* 39 zsut ttje Ho?D pour <5on pe thai fcare
uomes,anD aftcrthelaibe? eommaun* frbclbailDeliuerpouout oftbebanoes
cennt bementtbhich the fLojoc tommautiDeD of all pour enemies.
the chiiDjen of Jacob, *u>t)om he calico 40 J?otbebeit,tbepDpDnotbeatften, but
3!frael. DiD after their olDc cuftcmc.

wvib 35 anDthefLojDemaDcanappopntment 41 2lnD 10 tfjefe nations fear cD ttje 2Lo,to

i„c. x . a . lbitbtbcm,anDtharficDUjcm,faping ano fcrneD their images alfo, itt$e asum
*5Feare none other goos, no? bolbe pout their ehilDjen ano their cbilDjens cbiu
feiucsto the iii,noj feme them^o? facte D?en : €nen as DpD their fathers, fo 00
ficetothem: tijepbnto tins Dap.

The.tfpiii. Chapter.

4©ncfitaftiir5ofl!ut)ap«ttrfIiC)oinnctIic bMfcn ferpent ; ant) acQEropctn tftc ioola,

rant) pjotprrctij. u J trad
; wcaricaawap captiuc. ;o x&e blatpberafc of Sennacherib.

a 1 0tf\t thfrDe pere of King of SUTprta , anD feracDhim not.

!> jfca Tonne of Cla 8 $e fmotc the jfMjilittfnescucn Dnto 355a
fting of 3Jfracl,itranie 9 the coattcs therof , both caftcls tt)l;etc
topaOctbati^eftia thep Ucptlbatthes,anD ftcongtihes.
pfonne of abas fting s> *3nD in the fourth pcreof King ^c?e<
oHtooaDiDraignc. aia, (lbhiche Vbas the fcucnth pcrc of
x.Pa.xxix.f 2 'Xtbcntie anD fpuc ^ofca fonne of eia fting of 3lfrael)it fop
pcrcs oioe lbas be tbljcn be began to tuneD that ^aimanasar Ring of Mr
raignc,anoralgncDttbcntie anD nine tria came Dp agamft Samaria, ano be-

percs(n^icritfalem:^ismott)crsnamc fiegcDit.
alfo lbas 3ibi, p Daughter of zacbarta. 10 3htD after tljzce pcres thep to&c it:eucn
3tnb be DpD that U)l)icl)e is right in tbc tnthefitthperc of ^cftia (tliat is to
fight of tbc Hon), accojDing to al as DtD fap the npnth pere of 5?ofea fting of 311*
H>autD bis father. . rael) Samaria lbas U)onne.
q. ^>c putatbap tbcbigb places, $b?afte
3uid the fting of 2lTp;ia DpD carp aibflp
nctl) to a goon
Kmcc to purge
tbc cUnttljc the images, ano tut Doronctfjc groucs, 3Jfracl Dnto ^iTpjia , 9 put thcin m
ano all to bjaftc lab anD in $abo;t bp the nucr of
tljc *
tyafen fcrpent that
£!9opfes DaDmaoc:5f ojbnto tbofc Dapes m
anD the cities of the ^cDcs:
tbecbilDjcn of 3Jfcaei DpD burne facte n zsccaufctbcplbouiDenot hcatfttnw-
fttc to it : ano be taiico it tftt Ijuftan* to the bopec of the ILojD their <Soo ,

5 $c truftcD in tljc Ho?De ©od of Jjfracl, tranfgreflcD hisappopntment ,
fotljataftcrljtmiDas nonelpbc"t)im a* that ^opfesthe feruaunt of t fteftww
tnongatltUc lunges of llnDa , neittjec commaunDeDtanD iboulD ncitb« v
ibcrc tljere anp futli bcfacriim. them ,no? do them. _ ^
6 f
0? I)c clanc to tlje ^.o;De,ano DepartcD 13 'Xbcrfoje in the fourteenth V«c

not from Diiiuinttttcpt his commamiDe

incntes,iDhtcl) tlje JLofbi commaunDeD ttacomc tip agatnft all ttje
fl0opfcs. , A of
1fuDa,anD toftc them. hec
7 3lnD the HojDe mas ibith hmt , fo that
! + inoVe3erttaftmgof3nwW .% c
he pjofpcreD tn all thinges lbhiche he
coKcinhanDe : 3inD he rebel! cd agatnft
tnngof aflpjtato JLadns
haucoffenDeD: Departfrommcfln^

4-Kingcs. cvj,
-x^HTpattrft onme , that unit 3 heftrop \t< %§ t jlozd feto to jiic •
v* unto Wkia King of 3Hida thjce zs andeiiaBimthefonncof
Wikia *nt»

•2nd ^e^cfeta gauc Itfm alltheulua: to the &rnansiauguagc(fonbc bndcr*
that tdas fowfce w ^ e & ouft of the ftandctt) andtalkenot
tbtth bs the m
S o:m, fin t|)ewafu«softl;etanscs 3 eibcs tongue in the caccs
of thtsoco*
^ Pie thatareonthetball.
27 3md&abfakehfapdebntothcm -featft
,< iattDt fiime

hcDoojes of the temole

«h*Mtn*r« Hoide
temple of the fLojoe mvmaffier
nip maiftcrfentme m *h«
font me to thp «,*,*»'.. ~..L'
mauler "and
the fapde fyvit* thee, to fpcafce thefc tbojoes i
auD the ptllcrs ( tt)htche t?ath he
m king of 3f uoa had couercd ouer)and not fent me becaufe of the men tbhtch
on the than , that thep map eatc their

aaue them to the king of afipna.

n andtheking of 2tOV2»a fent«Xhar* ottJiiedOH3ue,$DM&ethetrottmcpifre
t-as than, and mabfaris,
?&abfakeh from unthpotu
$Lathis,to king l&esckia tbith a great 28 3tod fo mabrakeh ftoode , ? crped tbith ®
hoaft" agatnft ^ierufalem : 3lnd thep aiothde bopccinthc3Jctbcs language,
ibent bp,and came to> $ierufalem , and and rpakc,faping : $care the tbows of
.JHJJ> :

gat them dp and ftoode bp the condttite %U

the great king.cuen of the King of
of the topper poolc,tbhiche is in the tbap fpna.
oFtbcfulicrsfielde. 29 Xhus fapth the king:lLet not lochia
18 3tnD tbhen thep had called to the king, beguile pon,fo: he Chal not be able to dc*
tl)ere came out to them* Cliakim the
litter pou out of mpne handc:

fonne of <$lkia,tbhieh Idas ftetbarde of 30 ^cither let fyvekia make pou to trull
n> houfl)Oid,and 3>obna the fcribe,and inthc?Lo?de, Taping, %\yt%mt%\\\
^oah the fonne of^fap^.thereco^der, furelp dcliuer bs, f this citie Chall not be
19 ano ftabfakch fapd bnto thennXeli pe genen oucr into the handc of the Bing of
^eata^pwpou, thus fapth the
great king, euen the kmg of Stflpjia: 31 ^earBenttotbntoit>e5eBia: ifothus
tdhat confidence is this that thou haft; fapth the king of 3flpna,S>eaie&inoeip
loXhouthinKettfurelp 3 ijaueeloqucce, urit h me,and come out to me , and then
but counfcll and ftrcngti) are fo; the rate eucrp man of ins otbne dine,and of
tbarre:4Dn tbhom then docft thou truft, his otbne figgc tree , and dnncae cuerp
5 that thou rebelleftagamft me* man of the tdatcr of his otbne tbcll,
i\ *H>oeftthou truft to the. ftaffe of this 52 Xill 31 come and fet pou to as good a

tyofeenrcede tfgppt , on Vb^ich if a man lande as pours is, alandeofcome and
leanest uitu go into his hande , % pcarfe U)ine,a lande of b?ead and btnepardes, a
enen fo is ^harao Bing of ^gppt dn^
to aa that truft on hpm. that pe map liue,and not dpe:3nd hear*
» *3f re fap dntomc,U)e truft in tfje Ben not bnto $c5elna,fo?he bcguiieth
pjticourdSod: 3JsnotthatheU)hofe pou,raping:Xlje Ho?de ft^all dcliuer bs
wghplacesandrdhofeauiters^c^cBia $3 *^ath cuerp one of the gods of the na
[ Ntal hath 'putdoumciand hath fapd to 3fu*
'Rat tions dcituercd his land out of the Ijand
JO*1 fa ami ^ierufaiem , pe ftjaii uwChip be*
m t his aalter here in ^terufalem
34 inhere is the god of $amath , $ of 2fr*
;*, »3

fJouie therfo?e3J
P?ap thee gcue ho*
the bin 5 of ^ffpna,
lt) eliucrthce tido tljottfande
thou be able to fct rpders dpon
phad^and ttihcre is the god of ^>ephar*
uaini,^cna,and3lua? SDpd thep beliuer
Samaria out of mpne hanoc*
HLHvthmBeftrhou ftomeatthep^c* out ofmpnchandc; w ^>haiithe?Lo;t)e gfia
ncc of
one of the leaft 2Dubcs of mp dcliuer ^icrufalcm out of mpne haaoc* g-g^
'"S^nauntcs, andtrufteftto €* 36 I5ut the people held their peace,
and ™>
aunfibcrcd not him a ttwfcfo? the king
tiS ucc
'W >«enotbe Without
^ebtddmgofthe|Lo detotl)ispiace,to
commaundcd , fapmg J ^uiuajere
5pm not.

® 2 37 £lKn
He^el^ia. 4.Kinges. a ^.
37 1Chen euawm the fonne of ^eiRfa, of afaph the recover, taimtol^Eiir
ibhtch lbas the ftctbarb of thchouujolb, «)itlj ttieic dotiKS rent ,
c Wn
anb ^obtm the fcnbc,* 3icah the fonne the mms of fcabfaRch.
The.xix. Chapter.

6 <Po& tnomtfetf) Tfat btctojie to ©cjcfiia . « cbe angel of t ft c lojo fitilctft an tmntatft ana
fouwfto;te anb of ti&e afflatus. r^ennacftertDiis&flleo of ftfeotone

&>tt tame to paflc,that mWhomtf)Outruftcft,faytng: I^femfa^
lbhen Ring tyeseRta Imilhaiinotbebcltuercb intothehanb
nearocit, he rent his ofthcRittgofaflyirta.
clothes, j put on facRe, 11 Beholbe, thouhafthearbetbhatthe
Efa. ?S.a
?r ramc into tljc * t)oufe Rtnges of 3l%ia haue bone to all
ofthe?Lo;be, lanbes, hoiu njep haue btterlv beftrov*
anb fcnt €liaRtm eo thcm:^nb ftjait thou cfeape*
ttmich was the fteibarb of tl)c houfhoib, n ^auetljegobs of the heathen beiiuereb
anb <§>obna th e ftribc , anb the elbers of them, Ibhtthe mpne aunteftoursljauc
thcpjicftes cioihcbtnfacbe,to 3!faithe beftropeb^sdEfosanjanb^aran, anb

pjophete, the fonne of amo5. 3ac5eph,anb the t^tlb^en of €bentt)hith

3 anb thcp fapb bnto htauhus fapth $e* IbcrcuiXheiaffar*
3chia:Xhts oap is abay oftribuiation,$ 13 naheretsthemngof ^amath,anbtl)e
of rcbuRe anb biatphemic: tfoj the c&it Ringof^rphab , the Ring ofthctttteof
senate come to thebpnh, anbtl)ere is ^epharuatm^anb of i^cna anb3«a<
no ftccngth to be bcliucreb. 14 2lnb $C5cRia rceeaueb tlje letter of the
4 |&crabitcnture the fLojbe thy d5ob null hanb oftlje meflcngcrs,anbreabttanb
heare ai the nio2besof&abfaRch,tbho $C5cRia ibentbp into the houfe of the
t!jc Ring of affpjfo hts maiftcr hath fent ?L02be, anblapbett ab^obe before n>
to rayle on ttjc lyuing ©ob , 9 to rcbuUe
flo;be. (ucnuiuiil

I)im lbith ibojbcs Which the Hojbe thp 15 3lnb i^e^eRfa w p?apeb before tl)e !Lo?b,

d5ob hath hcarbe : anb lift thou bp tljp anbfapb:^>|Lo?bC5obof3lfrael ttibtcb

csmiti pjini

pjaycr foj the rcmnaunt that are left. bujelicft betroeene p Cherubs, thou art
5 £>o the fcruauntcs of Ring $c3eRia <0oo alone oucr ai the Rmgbomes of tlje
tamcto3Jfa(. earth, thouhaftmabeheauen 9 cartl).
6 anb3Jlaifaybebntothem,:£>o thailyc 16 fLo?be borne bourne tljpnc eare , anb
fay to your maiftcr : Xhusfayththe heare: )©pcnflo?oe thrnccpes ,&*»
3Lo?bc, zscnotafraybcoftheibojbcs feci) ti)cc, janb
fce:anb heare the flwbes
Which thou haft hcatb, With Which the of -Sennacherib ibljltlje h«b fott l*"
young men of the Ring of aflyjia hauc man] to raple on the lining 00b.
raylcbonmc. 17 ^>f a trueth ?Lo?bc, the Ringes of 3fflr
2$7 25cl)o!be 31 wniputhymm another
, rta Ijaue beftroveb nations anb theit
Efi)7.c mynbc,anb he (hall heare tyblngcs,anb lanbes,

fo rcturnc to his ownc iano,*anb 3
Will 18 3lnb hauc fet fire on then* gobS:5f oj the?
tying to paflc,that he (hail fall bpon the ibere no gobs , bnt n)e tbo?Rc of nje
fwojbc* men in his ownc lanb. hanbes of jnan,euen of ujooo anb ftonc:
s anbaaabfaRchWcntbachcagainc.anb anb thepbeftropeb them.
19 |5oujc tljerfo^e i0 Ho^b our <5 ob y w
founbe the Ring of afly?ia fighting a*
gainft1Libna:fo2hchao hearbc hotbc fech thee, fauc thou bs out of his hanbe,
that he Was bepartcb from !Urhis. that all the Rmgbomes of the earth mg
9 ana When he hearbc men fay ofSCljir- ftnoibe that ti;ou onelp artthc^°^ e
haRahmg of the biacftc $)o;ics,2echolb
he is come out to fight againft thee : he to anb 3Jfai the fonne of a«t05 J^ g
bcpartcb,anb fort mcflcngers bntol^ ^C5CRta,faping,Xhus farth the fttgj
3cRia,faying. <5ooof3lfraei:2:hatlbhtche thotj \W
10 ILhus fpeaRc to $e5cRta Ring of 3Juba, pwpcb me concerning j&tnnacncw
faying: jlctnot thp <©ob beteauc thee ttngofaffwfajhauchf^eit.

4- Kinges. cvn.
CUC aflfUnc
m fame mw™
SrntfS daughter of
*«m hathoefpt; 29 beafi snc»«tto^ec,
Itoclua: M ff
laugheo tftcc totaiec©
Daughter of
Ojail eatetbts pew of huh
thmges as grol\) of them fclues,auo

#era(aiem Ijatrj fbaften Ijet heao at nert pcre fncrj as conic top of
thofc that
pto groltoc of their oume attojSe,
D *i@Vmt)aftt|)ourapleiion^U)ftom the thirbc pere foltoe pc ano rcapc
n bVpbemco^gamttlbhom bmeparoes,anoeatcthemittcsthcrof.
Baft thou
thptoopce, anblpfteo 3°' 3lnDit thatts efcapcoano
iiatttnou craitco left of the
fohpe^cuenagainftthe Daughter of 3ruoa,fbaii pet againetaite
bpSftne epes
roottngbott>neitoarbc,aub beare fcuttc
i3Svwan?eofthpmeiTen«r« thou topmarDr.
haft tavleo ontfte 3Lo?o,
ano fatD: B9itt) 3* #02 out of I^icrufalcm fbail go a renv
themumtnbe ofmp chatets 3 ant conic naunt, ano a number thatttjaiiefcape
mountapnes, out of mout&iomChc 3eaic of the 1020
dd tothetoppesoftijc
emit along bpthe floes of &tbanon,anD
of hoaftcs fbal tymg this thing to paffc
% UMI tut ooibnethchpe Ceoar trees 3zi©hcrefo2cthus faith the H020 comet;
m the mate firre trees therof : ano
go into the lobglng of his boiocrs,
3 ningthemngof3uTp2ia:hc 0)All not
tome to this titie, no; fljoote an arroibe
anu into the ibooo of his CarmeU Into it, noi come before it nnthfbielDc,

24 haue oiggco ano omncne ftraunge

3 nojeaft a banttc agatnft it.
'maters : f Mth the fteppe of nip gopng 33 aButfballgobacfte againe the ibap he
mJjojpcal the Jbatetpooles that ate came, ano (hall not come into tljis cine,
faith the 3Lo?be.
15 §M thou not heato Ijotbe 3 f)aue 02* f 3
34 o? ibpliocfeno this cine, to fauc it,
Dcpncb a thing a great ibhpie ago,
fort) fo? mpne otbne fafte, ano (0; DattiO mp
art) haue pjepareo tt from tjje begin- fcruauntesfaRe*
ning i anofbail 3 not noitoe bang it 35 ^no it came to paffe,that tlje fclfc fame
foojth,thattt oettrop ano bung
map night the angel of the 3Lo?oc lbent out,
fltongcmcsintolbafiheapcs of ftones* ano fmote in the hoatt of the ^ffpuans
i<5 2inD the inhabiters of them fbalbe an hunbieb fourcfco;c $fiue tljoufanb:
of ittic potber, ano faint hearteo, anb 3lno ibtjen the remnaunt iberc bp carlp
tonfounoco,ano * fbalbe ipfte the graffe in the morning, beholbcthcpibcreaU
greeneftearbe,oias the
ofthefteio, o? beaocoarfes.
bap on the toppesoftlje houfes, oi as 3« *3nofo Sennacherib btng of 3lffp;ia
the come that is tonrtpe $ fmittcn itoitl) auopoebano oeparteo, $ lbcnt agatne
WaOtng. anOOibeltat/Eltntue.
17 3
Knotbe tf)p btbelling tt)p comming 37 3tnO <tfoituneo,that as Uetbasina
oat ano thp gopng in, ano thp furica* temple nwfl)ipptngi{Wrocrjh<s <5oo,
gamftme, 3l02amclecljf!S)arefarhisolbncfonnc3
i« 3toD becaufe tljott rageft agatnft me, co fmote him itoith thcfiboioe : %m ti,CUl(tlltt>5.'<

come bp to mpne eares,

fop tumult is thep cfcapeo into the lanoe of Armenia, incntofSoc,
£J foi l|ID blitf-
Jibpu put mp hooue in thp nottreis, ano^farhaooon^isfonne ratgneo in
ano mpbpt in thp itppes, ano tying Ml ijisfteabe*

The >xx. Chapter.

'1cjcfitat£(ftcBe,anb receauet^ t^e fmn e of Dt0 Health, ii ©creccauetftretoamsfof
Kcroaacft, uftetoetfttiiistreaftire^anD issrepjetjen&eDof 3fai. *z J^e bitty, anD
s^anaQc ftts tonne raignetij in
W flca&e.

souttljattime'ibas 0utthpne l)oua)oio ino^ocr, fo? tpott

^C5CBiafituebntothe Ojaltopcanonotipue.
oeatft j zm
the p?o« ^nb ^e5cHta turneo bis face to the u?ai,
phete3Jfat the fonne ano piapco bnto tlje fLo;oe,
of^mo5cametohtm, 3 bere the thee,£) Ho?oc,
ano fapoe bnto htm, nou) holto 3 haue ttiaiftcb beftse tljcc
Xljus faith thcHojb; mieth ano With a perfect heart, *
: X w

none that tbbitrje isgoob mtljpfigfjt. 13 anDitoebta aasgiaDoTthntT^

3lnDt?C5cmaibcptfoze. fbelbeD them all Ijistrcafurchoufe
4 »no it fomineD that afojc efaf lb as uer,golDe,oDours, p^eriousopntinc

gone out into p mtDDle of the court, the

lbojD of the ILojbc came to Dun, raping:
all the houfe of Ijis armojp,
mas founD in his trcafures: -Cherc
au ffi

5 Xurnc agatnc ,anu tell lochia the cap* nothing in hts Ijoufe $ in ail his reainS
tapne of nip people, thus faith tlje tljat ^C3eftta ujeVbeD them not.
00 CoD to
mouco >wtl)
ILojbc ©OD of 2DautDtbp father: <° 5 14 3nD efat the pjopbetc came
•rue placer Dane Ijcaro tbvpjapcr, ano fecnethp Ring ^e5ebia,anD fatoe bnto biminahat
an* tmfalnca
rfpcniaamt. traces, ant) bcDoioc Jj .bpiincaicthcc", fatDe thefc mem anD from tbbenrt
fo that ontlKthfrDcDapthoufbaitcji) ttjep to thee < anD l^efeia fame: %\L
Dp into tlje rjoufc of the ?LoiDe. be come from a farre countrcp, tun,
r> uin
6 3lnD3J ibtiiaDDc bnto thp Dapespetfif* fromaBabplom
tccne pcres,$3l lbpll Deltucr tbec s this 15 anD he fatoe againe: ifcfjat rjauc ttjev
tttie out of tlje IjanD of p King of aflpria, feetiem thp houfe^ejebia aunfujccca:
fribiUDcfcnDtbiscitie, fo; mpncoibnc 3«l p thinges that are in mp houfe &auc
&!»,$ fo2 Danio ntp feruauntesfalun tljep feene : there is nothing among mv

C 7 anD €faifaiD:1Lahealumpeof DjpeD treafurcs,tljat 31 haue not ujebjeo tlje.

fsggcs . anbthep toltcanDlaptDtt oil 16 anD tffaifaibe bnto D?e3elua:^eai;c
tlje fo;e,anD Ijc rctouercD* tbcibojDeoftljefLojDe,
S ano ix^ciiia fame unto €faf:2@f)at 17 26eljolDe tlje Dapes come, that all ujat
fhalbe tlje figne that thc.liojDe lbpll is in thp houfe, anD ibhatfoeucr tljp fa
Ijcalc mc,an'o tljat 3
thai go Dp into tlje there bauc lapoc bpinftojc bnto this
Ijoufc of the Home tlje thirD Dap; bap,*lljaibeearpeD into isabplon: and
€ fat aunfibc r cd : %\y\& figne fljalt thou nothing ujalbe left faith the %-om. andxxii).
tjaucoftbc3Lo?D thattbe?Lo?DiDtUDo
> 18 anb of thp fonnes that (hail pjoceetie
that be bath fpoltcn : *5>hall the (ha* out of tljee, anD ibbicb ttjou fljalt beget,
botbc go fojlbatDc ten Degrees * o? go fhalltljep tafee aibap, anD tljcp ajaibe
baclte againe ten Degrees; tljambcriapnes in tlje palace of the btncj
io J?C5clua atmfiDrr cd it is a light thing
: ofasabpion.
fojthefhaDolbetogo Doumetcn dc 19 ano $c5e&ia fatDe bnto €fat
w nael^
gtees,3J Dcfire notctftaWbut let the uja- tome be tlje lbojDe of the %oM toljtcb tnttftl
Doihc go bacuibarDe ten Degrees* thou hall fpoften. 3lnD he fatoe: dhail
ii 2fnD eiai tlje pzopljctc callcDbnto tlje there not be peace $ trueth in mp oaves.
E«ociviiu c . ?Lo?D, * anD he bjought tlje fljaDott) ten zo Xhe remnaunt of the IbojDes that con^
Degrees bacBibatDe, bp ibljtcbe it haD terne^C5eUia, anD all his power, ano
gone bourne in the Dpall of Ija5. a tjolbc hemaoca poole anD a ronbuite,
Efijs.j. n *%bc fame fcafon ascroDaclj 26alaDan brought ibatcr into tlje citicarc tlje?

tlje fonncof 25alaDanbiug of asabplon, not votmm in the booHc of tlje cconicies
fent letters anD apjefent bnto l^cma: of the Binges of 3K»Da;
fojhc ijaD IjcarDc Ijoiuc that lochia 2i*3lnD^C5ema aeptlbtthbis fathers,? i.Pirr-1

Mill' 1 '

masftcbe. ^anaffe hisfonneraigneD in his Oeaoc.

The .xxj. Chapter.

;ftinB S^anaffe rc&ojetb iDoIattfe. uWttomtl) great crueltie. 18 $eDicrtMmD#mon tjfjffonrie

tuccceDetb, -jtciioijs i.iilcb oEIhjs otone rcruauntcjs. leaiftcrtjimraignftugofia.
% I anafft *ibastnjelue heathen ibhom tlje*5Lojbccaftoutb^
Pir.W-1. petes olDtoben be be* fo.:etljccljilD;enof3Ifracl. .

iFoMjeibcnt ano built bp tltPh

gneD fpftie anD flue places * ibljichc C)C3e&(a his fatljer W +W'
pcresin!^ierufalf:h(s DeftropeD, anD be rearcD bp ain«JJ
mothers name alfo fo? 26aal,anD maoe tuoll groues as dpj t

\basi?eph3iba. a&ab Ring of 3Jftael, anD
i anD he Did euil in the fight of the !Lo;D, anofcrn^
alltljehoaft of heaucn,
euen after tlje abhotntnations of the them. ^
4. King es.
•1/j»#- CVJJJ.
~2lnDbcbuyIt aultcrs in the Doufc of
the !Lo?o,of lbhich
the ?Lo?o fapD : *3Jn
< 3lnD be buylt aultcrs fiw all the hoaft
courtes of the
of Ijcaucn [«««Q in itto
6 *2ntJ be offreD his otbne fonnc in ftre,
anD sauc beeoe unto Witchcraft anD {op
tern, anD mapntapneD roomers nntft is 3lnD fl0»anafle fyeD innocent
Wood ttt
fpintes, anD tellers of fortunes, anD tceDinj much, till be rcpicmnjcD
fought much tbicbcDneffe in the fight talent from comer to cower, bcfvDc his
ofthcfLoiDe to anger twin. fume tbhertbith he maDegiuDato
3inDljcputan image of agroue that anD to do eupll in tlje figbtof the
* 7
IjeljaDmaDeceuen] in the temple, of 17 Xlje «ft of the tt)o;Dcs tljat comernc
lDbtcbetbefLozDehaDfapDe to DauiD jPanaffe,anDalithatbcbpD, ano his
s Solomon his fonne : *3Jn this houfe rinnethatljefmneD, are the? not nwt*
anD in ^icrufaiem ttibiche 3J haue cbo* ten in tlje boofte of the Chronicles
of the
fen out of all tribes of 3Jfrael, tUpll 3 npngesofgiuDa*
put my name fojeuer. 18 anD #anaflc flept mitlj hfs fathers,
8 ^ettbcrttwll3JmaKethefeeteof3(f' anDrbasburpeDinthe garden of his
ra'ci inctic any moje out of the lanDe owne houfe, euen m tlje garocn of W,y
iui)icl)e3l gaue their fathers: fo that 5a, anD 3tmon his fonne ratgncD in his
tiiq> Ml obferue anD do ai that 3J haue flcaDe.
commaunocD them ,ano accotfjlng to al 1? ^tnott ttias tVbentie anD troo pcres *Pjra.»d.
tlje latt) that nwferuauntfipopfes com* olDeiDhenhe began to raigne, ano r)e
inaunDcDtbcm. raigneotiboperes in $lerufaicm: $ts
9 25uttljepDearueneDnot:anD^anafTe mothers name alfo ibas tiftefullemetb
leDtijem out of the ttmpe, to Do moje the Daughter of $arus of ^otba.
uwttcDiy then DpD the heathen people 20 SmDheDpD eupll in tlje figljt of the
tt)bomtljc?lo?Dc DettroyeD before the fLo?oe,as his fatljer ^9anaffc DpD:
tbpiDjenofSJfrael. 21 3fnD maiBCD <n all the vo&y that his 2)
10 anD tlje 3Lo?D fpafte by his feruaunts father niaiftcD in, anD ferueD the iDois
ujepjopbetes,faping: that his father ferueo, anD uwfbippcD
11 26ecaufc^anaOemngof5uDaftath them:
Donefuclje abhominations, anD hath 22 ^nD he fotfone the %om <5ot of his
bought moje lbicneDip then all tlje a* fathers, anD maiitco not in the tbap of
mojitesibbicherbere before twm D?D, tbe&ojDe.
anD bath maoe 3Juoa finne alfo Jbitft
23 3lnD tlje fcruauntcs of 3mon confpi^
reDagainaijpm, ano flue the ftyng m
n Xljerfoje thus faith the
%m <I50D of hisoiimcljoufc.
Jftael : *2SeholDe,
5 uwll b^ng fuche 24 anDthepeople of the lanDe flue an
bpon ^ierufaiem anD 3JnDa, tfjat them that Ijao confpireo agatnft apng
Ppft fjcareth of it ,both his eares ujal aimon, anDtljc people mabejofia his
fonne ftvng in his fteaoe,
Bill 13 jno 3%liffrctcheouct$ierttralem
25 Xhc reft of the £bo;Des that concerue
J fquaring ime
of« Samaria, anD anion ibljat thinges he d^>d, are tljep

SSSfjnw of fl» houfe of abab:anD
wppctl)aDtfhe,anDTbhenftefiath aw*
not bitten mthebooUcof tlje Clj2oiu=
ties of the binges of 3toDa?
16 anDthepburveDhmiinthefcpulctoe
I rj
mthegarDenoftl55a, ano 3Jofia bis
+ ^nojibpiueauethewtemnauntof fonne raigncD in his fleaoe.

€>4 The
Jofu 4.Kinges.
The . xxij. Chapter.

4 lofia repapjetfitfie temple, g ©cl&fa fmoetft tfie booSe of cfte Iatoe,ano caafeth it tn h» „,»
fcntcD to aofw. i4 n&fto tenoctft to fculoa t&e pjopbetiffeto enquire the
».Para !+ >.
< !©riaibas*etgDtpcres DaoUcarOetUeroortesof tlje boobf n fr
olDciblKiiDc began to tlje latte,Ije rent fjisclotljcsf
raignejanoDeraigneo n ^notljenvng commaunoco feciku
tt)trttc f one petes in p«ea,ano 3ttjitiani tlje fonnc ofS
tyterufalem : $is mo* Pban, ano ^cljbo^ tlje fonnc of
tDciG name alfo tbas
jjlcoioa tnc oaughtcc
ia,ano £>apljan tlje ftribc, ano
^fa a S
of^oaiaofBoscatlj. ij 'mo vt ano enciuire of tlje Hojoe fo?
z $e did tljat tbl}ul) is rfgDt in tlje ftgDt me,ano fo; tDc pcople,ano to? nil hit..ttu

t.Pir.H b.
of the -iLojoe^ umlaeo in all

Dance oj to tlje left.
tlje r igljt

*3JnD it came to pafTc,tDat (n tDc epgb-

tljc concerning tlje lbojoes of ttjis
tljat is founoe: fo; great is
of tlje %wt tljat (SBinoieo
becaufeour fatljcrs tjanc not

tecnti) vere of tlje ratgne of bing 3lofia, neo Dnto tlje Uwoes of tljis booiie to
tljc fting fent 3>apban the fonnc of^a^
ftatljc fomie of fipcfulain tDc fcribc to
Do acco^oing Dnto all
bitten tljcrinfo;Ds.
tljat MMz is

tlje Doufc oftftc |Lo;iOe,faping:
*<!5o Dp to l?elftia tlje Ijpe pneft, tljat

a tl)t l P^ tcft
anD ^DiBam,

fjc map fnmtne tlje fiiuer tbljitlje is Dnto ^uioa tlje pjoptjetuTe tlje uiyfe of
bjougljt into tlje Ijoufe of tlje %om, ^allum tlje fonne of Xljinua the fonnc
With tljc nepers oftlje pojelje Ijaue ga* of ^arljas bepec of tlje toarojope:
tljcrco of tljc people: (iDIjtclj p^opljetiffc DUJdtin Jjiccufnlcin
5 3md let tlje m ticiuir r it into ttje uanDc in tlje tjotife of Doctrine:) ano tljep
of tljcm tljat Do tlje Uwbe, ano tljat tommuncDiDitljfjcr.
Ijaue ouctfigUt of tlje Doufe of tlje
tlje i$ 3ln0 Oje aunftDereo tljcm : tljus fliitlj
fLtytoant) let tljcm geue it to tljcm tljat tljefLo?o 000 of 3Jfrael, Xelltljc man
lbojftc in tlje Ijonfc of tlje 2Lo?oc, to tv tljat fent pou to me,
pan* tlje DecapcD places of tlje temple, 16 5Cijus faitlj tlje Ho?D:z5cljoloj tbr!
6 Cuen bnto Carpenters ano #afons, bjpngcuillbpontljis place, ano on tbe
anoibojUcrsbpon tljcibaiies, ano fo* tnljabttcrstljereof,euenalltljctbo?oes
to bpe tpmber ano free (tone, to repairc oftljeboo&ettJljicljetDe ftps of3l«Da
tlje temple. Ijatlj reao:
26 7 $ott)bcit, let no reeftenpng be maoe 17 26ecaufctfjep fjauefo,jfaftcn me, ano
tljcm of tDe moncp tljat is Dcliue*
Ijaue burnt incenfc bntootljcr goos,to
icDintotbctrljanOc, foj tljeit bfeis to auger me iDitlj all tDe tt)o?ftes of tljcir
iParjf c. Dcalcfaptljfullp.
Danoes : mp ttjatb alfo ajalbe lunoicD
fccD llingi-o 8 »3mo DclRia tl)c Ijpe pjieu" fapDe bnto againft tDis place, ano fijall not be
3fti)jn 1 .ric3,int)
3k imiti.h.'otv 5>apljan tlje fcrtbe: w3
Ijaue founbe cuiencljco. ili:
people onO a- tljeboobc of tljc latt) in tlje Ijoufe of tlje is 2$ut to tDe ftpngof 3fuoa JDljicljercnt
boHflivo I he
boolicof t\)e ?Lort>e. 31iid i^ciiua gaue tDc Dooftc to pon to afftc counfeii oftljc ILoft, fo fljaii
;§>apljan,anoljcrcaoinit. pcfap: Xljusfattljtlje ?Lo;oe (5oD of
9 2mD5>apljan tljc Tcribe came to tht 3Jfracl,as toucljing tlje ujo;ocs ibljicljc
lung, ano bjougljt ijpm ibojoe agapne, pcbaucljcarDc:
ano fapo : %l)y feruauntcs Ijaue gatlje- 9 25ccaufetDpneIjcartopO melt, ano ^ ib«i v ko
rcDtljcmoucp tljat was founoe in tlje becaufe tDou Daft ljumbico tljp felfe t»ej

templc,anO Ijaue ocliucccD it bnto tljcm fo?c me tlje Ho;oe,rDDen tDou IjeacDcit
tljat oo tfje ido^rc, ano tljat rjauc tlje o* ttiljat3J rpaftc againft trjts place, anoa*
ucrftgljt of tlje Ijoufe of tlje ILojoc. gainft tDe inDabttcrs of tDe ftme.Dowe
io 3tno £>apljan tlje fcrtbe flicmcD tlje tljat tDepftjouloe be oeftropeo ano
fttng.faying, $cltua tlje pjicft Ijatlj octe rarfeo, ano Ijaft rent tljp clotljcs ar©
ucreomeaboone: 3luD -^apljan reao iDcptbcfojc me, of tljat alfo Daw J»
m it befoje tlje npng. DcarofattDtlje?Lo;oe:
ii 3uto it fo;timcD, tljat U)Ijen tlje bpng 20 ascDciiot
4-Kinges. cix.

anbthouthaltbc put
Shy fathers,peace, anb thine cpes
mto tDP flrane fn
rbe.xxiij. Qbapter.

> %oti& reaDctft t&e tatoe befoje the people. > $e maRett) a cooenatmt tp teb the
jtojDe. 4$e put ootone
the fools, after fjeijaoftfllca tljepjtettes. 22
fie he!
petfl paffouer. 2 4 ©eDcftropeth thecumurer*. 29 igc wa0 fipiReo in SBegtoiiij
jo Ino m
Tonne lehoaha? raignetlj in
tonne jeljoacljf tea? maoe 6 jnoj.
tjtjj Oeaoe. u liter tje tow tahtn, hu

,^a> then* the fepng 4 ^nu the Ring commaunbeb ^eicljia 0<O

31 fern, anb there gather the hpe ptfett.anb the infenour pzicftcs, lie purgrll) tlje

tcmulc of
rco unto him all tuc anb the ftcpersof the omamentes, to C5oD,antDC:
fhoptll) oi ilie

eibersofgjubaanbof typng out of the temple oftlje ILojbe all monmnenfrfl

0( IDotntTUC
feicrufalem. tlje beflels that lbere inaDe fo* asaai, jnO fnptrftl

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