The Gospels Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Wycliffe and Tyndale Versions Arranged in Parallel Columns 1907

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- a epe pee
t anCES ; |
D.D., D.C.L.)
An Introduction to the
Christia nity. Transla ted by N. DARNEL L, M.A. Second
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Edition. Two Vols. Demy 8vo, 12s. net.
that are embedded in Dr. Dól-
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This forms a sequel to the above, and is a
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in 1842 for the Cambridge
The reprint of this translation, which was made
are attracted by symbolism in
Camden Society, will be welcomed by all who
ture, as it concerns our churche s and our church services."—
art and architec
Church Quarterly Review .


nal Differences
SYMBOLISM ; or, Exposition of the Doctri
en Cathol ics and Protes tants, as eviden ced by their
ated from the Germa n by J. B.
Symbolical Writings. Transl
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comprehensiveness of its
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whose very name (Cardinal Wiseman) is an authorit
Divinity which our time has produced .
"— Dæðlin
work on the philoso phy of




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: Tavistock Street, London. Vó

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THE Scriptures contain the revelation of God's will to man,—God’s
- word addressed to all mankind. As the Scriptures are Truth, the closer
we adhere to them, the nearer we are to Truth. But the nearest ap-
proach we can make to the inspired originals, is in faithful translations,
as they express the sense with the greatest brevity and precision. Hence
good translations afford the best helps for obtaining a true knowledge of
. the Scriptures, and different versions, by learned and religious men,
- must be the best and shortest commentaries. The same truths are there
- expressed in different words. Where some are too brief and obscure,
others may be more full and clear, while together, being the same in
sense, they mutually illustrate and confirm each other.
The present volume contains four translations of the Gospels. These
j translations were made by the leading men,—the intellectual aristocracy
_ of their day. The first version is the Gothic by Ulphilas, in the 4th
century. What vigour and decision of mind,—what a clear view of
the future extension and influence of the Germanie race, must Ulphilas
X have had to induce him to translate the Seriptures into the vulgar
_ tongue of his people, in an age when Greek and Latin were the only
languages employed for literary purposes! Ulphilas deeply felt, from
his own experience, that the power of the word of God to convince
the understanding and to influence the conduct would be limited, unless
; it was not only preached, but read in the mother tongue, through which
the best affections of the heart are most easily touched.—These remarks
are equally applicable to the translation of the Gospels in the 8th or toth
century from the Vetus Italica into Anglo-Saxon, and to the Wycliffe
version of the whole Bible from the Vulgate into English in the 14th
century, which was the dawn of that scriptural light that preceded
. the Reformation. In the 16th century, Tyndale presented the Gospel —
ma still clearer light by his translation of the New Testament from

Esra tinpDAby
the original Greek into English, so faithfully, that it is, in substance,
our present authorized Version, which constantly uses the same phrase-
ology and often employs the very same words.
These versions, extending from A.D. 360 to 1526, are not only of
great value to Divines, but deeply interesting to the philologist, who
is here supplied with ample specimens of the earliest German, and of
the Anglo-Saxon, as well as early English. The first German comes
down to us in the translation of Ulphilas, made about a.D. 360. Though
the Anglo-Saxon Gospels were translated in 735 or before, and the
version printed in this volume is from a MS. written about A.D. 995,
yet we have an earlier record of Anglo-Saxon writing, in the Laws
of Ethelbert, king of Kent. From the Title of these Laws, we learn
that “they were established in the days of Augustine*,? that is,
between A.D. 597, when Ethelbert was baptised, and the death of
Augustine in 604. The most probable date is 599. From this time
to the present, we have our written Laws; and we are told that
Bede, just before his death in 735, had finished the translation of |
St. John’s Gospel into his native tongue, called English [Englise] in
the early Laws. 'The Germans have the first written specimen of a
Germanie language in Ulphilas, and we the next specimen in our
Anglo-Saxon Laws, and at a later date in the Gospels. "The English
philologist will now be able to trace many words and phrases from
the present time, 1865, to the translation of Tyndale in 1526, of
Wycliffe in 1389, of the Saxon about 995, and of the Gothie about
360, a space of more than 1500 years. The Gothic is a language of
Low German origint, as well as the Anglo-Saxon and English, we
are, therefore, not surprised to find many phrases apparently identical
in Gothie, in Anglo-Saxon, and in modern English.

In bokom Psalmo. In the book of Psalms. On tham Sealme. Lk. xx. 42.
Ik im thata daur. I am the door. Ic eom geat. Jn. x. 9.
Langai wheilai. For a long while. Langre tide. Lk. xviii. 4.
Nauh leitila wheila. Now a little while. Gyt sume hwilet. Jn. vii. 33.
Whis brothar. Whose brother. . Hwees bróthor. Lk. xx. 28.
Kaurno whaiteis. A corn of wheat. Hwætene corn. Jn. xii. 24.

* Da dómas, de Æþelbirht cyning ásette, on Augustinus dege.—Thorpe’s Ancient Laws -

and Institutes, Svo. 1840, vol. i. p. 2.
+ Professor Max Müllers Survey of Languages, 2nd Edn. 8vo. 1855, p.63 ; and his
Science of Language, Lecture V. p. 175. t Yet some while or time.
Hardu-hairtei. Hardness of heart. Heortan heardness. Mk. x. 5
Hardu ist thata waurd. Hard is that word. Heard is theos spræc*. 6o.
Sibun brothryus. Seven brothers. Seofon gebróthru. Lk. xx. 29.
Wheitos swe snaiws. White as snow. Swa hwite swa snáw. Mk. ix. 24
Yuka auhsne. Yokes of oxen. An getyme oxenat. Lk.-xiv. 19.
Wha ist namo thein? What is thy name ? Hweet is thin nama? Lk. viii. 30.
. Galeiks ist mann. Heis like a man. He ys gelic men. Lk. vi. 48.
THE GOTHIC translation. of Ulphilas is the first, in
date and
importance, which claims attention in a brief notice
of these four
versions, and of their celebrated translators.
The heathen Goths settled in Dacia, on the north-west of the
Black Sea, at an early period. While resident there
they became
Christians, and before the Council of Nice in A.D. 325,
the Christian
Goths were so numerous as to elect their own Bishop,
Whose signature appears in the records of that Council
. The most
celebrated of their Bishops was Ulphilast, born in A.D. 318
the Goths in Dacia. His eminent talents, learning, and benevolence
í gave him unbounded influence over his countrymen.
It, therefore,
became a proverb among the Goths, “ Whatever is done by Ulphilas
is well done." This favourable impression prepares us to hear
of his
consecration, at the age of 30, as Bishop$ of the Goths in a.p.
— by Eusebius Bishop of Nicomedia. He continued to discharge
episeopal duties with great fidelity for forty years, and in A.D. 388
went to Constantinople to promote the interest of his Church, where
he died at the age of 7o. Ulphilas wrote in Latin, Greek, and Gothic,
and was full of energy in the practical application of his learning.
F No difficulty or literary labour deterred him when he had in view
the cherished desire of his heart, the translation of the New Testame
— from the original Greek, and part of the Old from the Septuag
- into Gothic, that every one of his countrymen might read the
. of God in his own tongue. It is most likely that this great literary
work was completed before A.D. 360; because, as a faithful and
.preacher of the Gospel, anxious for the instruction and edificat
ion of
the people, he had been accustomed to translate into their own languag
* Hard is this speech. + Literally A team of oxen.
t Some eminent Germans write the name Ulfilas, Ulfila, Wulfila, &c. As I have not
- seen the name so written in any original document, the old orthography is retained.
other reasons in Origin of Eng. and Germanic Lang. vii. § 7, p. 115, note
*. i
$ Waitz, Ueber das Leben und die Lehre des Ulfila. Svo. Hanover, 1840.


the passages of the Scriptures which he quoted. Ulphilas drew ths

water of life from the pure fountain, and delivered it to his people un-
contaminated. He imbibed the doctrines of the Gospel at the fountain
head, the original Greek, and preached those doctrines to the Goths
in their own nervous and expressive Germanic tongue.
Ulphilas had always taken the greatest interest in the welfare of
the Goths. When, in the year 376, he saw they were grievously
oppressed by the Huns, he hesitated not to implore the protection of
the Emperor Valens, and pleaded their cause with such success, that
the province of Mæsia was assigned to them. Their innumerable tribes
then passed over the Danube into Mesia, now Servia and Bulgaria:
it was from the residence of these Visigoths, or West Goths in Meesia
that they have been called Mæso-Goths, and their language Mæso-
Zealous Arians have always been anxious to claim Ulphilas, as
belonging to them. Valens and his Arian bishops would naturally |
ise all their influence with Ulphilas, and he would be disposed to
concede as much as possible for the sake of peace and the welfare of
his people. Further, as a man of principle, he could not go. In the
strife, contention, and bitter persecution of the times, it is difficult to
arrive at the exact truth. We know that Ulphilas was not only a
‘man of great learning, but of honest principles, and practical wisdom;
he was, therefore, with his cautious and judicious antecedents— his
early and extensive knowledge of the Scriptures—not very likely to
fall into fatal errors. We are certain of this, that so far as the trans-
lation of Ulphilas has been recovered, there is not a trace of Arianism to
be found. On the contrary, in passages clearly unfavourable to the doc-
trine of Arius, Ulphilas has honestly and plainly given the literal meaning
of the Greek. The chief point in which we are now concerned, is this,
that those who read the Gothic version of Ulphilas are not likely to be.
led into error, as it is a faithful representation of the Greek. ‘This
was the opinion of the learned Junius and Dr. Marshall, the first
editors of the Gothie Gospels, and of Cardinal Mai, and the great
body of learned men in the past age, as well as the present. ;

Codex Argenteus. — We gladly leave this subject to speak of the

principal MS. and the chief editions of the Gothic Gospels. The most cele-
brated MS. is Zhe Codex Argenteus, or Silver Book, so called from being
transmitted to us in letters of a silvery hue, though the letters of a few
words in the beginning of each paragraph are in gold. I once thought with
Ihre, Meerman*, and others, that the words of this splendid Codex were not
written on the vellum, which is of a reddish purple colour, but that each word
was formed letter after letter by metallie characters heated, &nd then impressed
on silver or gold leaf which was made to adhere to the vellum by some
glutinous substance, in the manner that bookbinders now letter and ornament
the backs of books. On showing the facsimile to Henry Latham, Esq., M.A.,
of Brasenose College, and of the Oxford University Press, he observed the
letters were not so uniform as they would be if made by the impression of
metallie characters, and suggested that the form of each letter was more
probably drawn with some glutinous preparation, and the silver or gold leaf
pressed upon it. On looking minutely at our accurate facsimile, I saw
variations which could not have occurred if metallie letters had been used.
The word at the end of the third line of our facsimile is abbreviated, to
make it accord with the preceding line. In the roth line of Dr. Uppström's
larger facsimile, to prevent a confused junction of the long stem of d with
the long stem of E in the preceding line, the top of p is bent to the left
in such a manner as could only be done by a pen or pencil.
Being anxious to obtain the most accurate information, even as to
„the colour of this invaluable MS., I wrote to Professor Uppström. Not
receiving an answer with that promptitude, which his liberality and
kindness of heart always induced him to give, I presumed he had not
received my letter, and wrote again. The answer came, not from the
learned editor of the Codex Argenteus, but from a mutual friend, A.
Diedrich Wackerbarth, whom I had known long ago, as graduating in
honours at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. I may add that he has
proved himself to be one of our best Teutonic scholars by his accurate
and spirited translation of Beowulf, from the Anglo-Saxon into English
verse, published in 1849. His letter gives the last sad tidings of one
Í of Sweden's most learned men, and contains so minute a description of
— the MS. that I feel assured my readers will thank me for introducing
the substance of it.
“Uppsala, May 6th, 1865.
“Your two letters were unfortunately too late to reach Professor Uppstróm
Our good friend died on the 21st of January last. His death was very unex
pected, and was caused by inflammation of the lungs. Your letter of the 6th
ult. was accordingly placed in the hands of the Professor of Ancient Northern
Literature, Prof. Säve, who went, in company with me, to the library two or
three days ago, where I endeavoured by mixing water-colours to get a few
approximations to the colour of the vellum of the Codex Argenteus. Since
* Origin of Eng. and Germanie Lang. vii. § 10, p. 116.

then your second letter has arrived, that of the 28th ult. Professor Säve is at
the present moment exceedingly busy; but, being desirous not to keep you
waiting for an answer, he this morning requested me to go up to the library,
re-examine the Codex with reference to your questious, and make my report
accordingly. This I have done and herewith communicate the result.” —After
an unsuccessful attempt to give the colour with greater precision, he sent me five
specimens of the purple shades of the vellum taken from five different parts of
the Codex. Our facsimile is the medium colour. My friend then proceeds,—
“The vellum is still somewhat glossy. The colour varies very greatly in
different parts of the Codex, in some parts indeed it may be said to have dis-
appeared altogether or very nearly so, whereas in others it is even slightly
darker than the darkest of my imitations, and has much the appearance of
ripe mulberries. The leaves seem to have been coloured on one side only,
the colour of the back of the sheet being that of the front showing through.
Calling the highly coloured side of a sheet the front, and the other side the
back, the leaves seem to have been so arranged that fronts are turned to fronts _
and backs to backs, so as to present uniformity of colour on both pages of the
same opening of the book.
«I now turn to your other question, namely the probability of Ihre's con-
jecture that the letters are stamped ; or, in other words, that the book is in
fact printed, only letter by letter instead of sheet by sheet. To this conjecture
. I cannot assent, and I may add that Professor Uppström held the same opinion
as myself, so does also Prof. Sáve. The Codex is certainly very beautifully
written and the letters are remarkably uniform, but strictly uniform they are
not. . . The breadth of the letter N is usually about 44 millimetres : similarly
the letter N : when the writer has been a little pressed for room the T1 and N
are reduced in breadth each to about 34 millimetres. Now had the writer
formed his letters by means of a stamp, he could only have contracted the
spaces between the letters, not the letters themselves, unless indeed we suppose
he had several stamps of different breadths for each letter, which I do not think
probable. It appears then, that the Codex has not been formed by stamping
the letters but is throughout manuscript : a most beautiful and uniform manu-
script it must have been, worthy of the pen of Brother Sintram of St. Gall
himself, but written, not stamped.
“ Another circumstance, which I think may be worth mentioning, is the
following : On comparing Uppstróm's facsimile page with the original, I observe
that in the Codex the tail of the silver Ç; which forms the first letter of the r2th
line, goes quite over the are of the golden Í, which begins the next following
line. From this I presume we may infer, that the gilding was done before
the silvering.
* | may mention that the upper part of the dy is not unfrequently slightly
bent to the left, as in the example eited by you, even when there is no letter

with which it would otherwise interfere. Indeed all the letters, though quite
sufficiently uniform to present to the eye that regularity which constitutes so
important a portion of what we call beauty in writing, present, when examined
with a magnifying glass and a fine scale, differences of form and dimensions
greater than I think would exist had they been formed with a stamp.
“Prof. Uppstróm, during bis last journey in Italy, carefully collated the
MSS. in the Ambrosian and Vatican Libraries as well as that of Wolfenbüttel.
These he prepared for the press and had even just commenced printing when
death put an end to his labours. The work will however not be lost to the
world, as it has been placed in able hands. In fact, it will be edited by Prof.
“I may add that the Codex has evidently been ruled throughout with
double lines for writing : single lines would have been sufficient for stamping.”
The Codex Argenteus, containing fragments of the four Gospels, is supposed
to be the work of Italians in their own country at the close of the fifth
century, or the beginning of the sixth. The only MS. in exactly the same
style of writing, is the celebrated Gallican Psalter* now in the Abbey of
St. Germain des Près. Itis of the sixth century and is said to have belonged
to St. Germain, Bishop of Paris, who died May 28, 576. The vellum is stained
of a purple-violet colour, and the writing is in silver letters, and a few particular
words in gold. This description would serve for the Codex Argenteus, the
vellum of which, however, is purple, exactly as in our facsimile, of a reddish
rather than a violet tint.
The Codex Argenteus was preserved for many centuries in the monastery
of Werden on the river Rhur, in Westphalia. In the r7th century it was
transmitted for safety to Prague; but, Count Königsmark taking that city
in 1648, the Codex Argenteus came into the possession of the Swedes, who
deposited it in the Library at Stockholm. Vossius in 1655, when visiting
Sweden, became possessed of it, and brought it to Holland. Puffendorf, as
- he travelled through Holland in 1662, found it in the custody of Vossius, and
purchased it for Count de la Gardie; who, after having it bound in silver,
presented it to the Royal Library at Uppsala, where it is still preserved.
I. This imperfect copy of the Four Gospels, beginning Matt. v. 15, was
first printed from a beautiful facsimile made by Derrer; and, with the Gothic
Glossary of Junius, published by Junius and Marshall, in 2 vols. 4to., at

* A most beautiful facsimile of this MS. was published by Count Bastard, 1843, in his
splendid and expensive work on this subject. Another is given, with a minute description
of Plate CX. vol. i. p. 296 in Universal Palæography, by M. J. B. Silvestre, translated from
the French and edited by Sir Frederic Madden: Folio Plates, and descriptions in 2 vols. Svo.
H. G. Bohn, London, 1850. I am indebted for the sight of these facsimiles to Professor
J. O. Westwood, MA. F.L.S., author of the very beautiful work, Paleographia Sacra
Pictoria, &c.

Dordrecht, 1665. There are two columns in each page, the Gothic on the left
column, and the Anglo-Saxon on the right; both in their original characters,
the types for which were cast in Holland, at the expense of Junius. The same
book, apparently published with new titles, and a reprint of the first sheet
in Vol. II, the Glossary by Junius, appeared again at Amsterdam in 1684.
II. Stiernhielm, a Swede, republished Ulphilas, with additions, entitled,—
Evangelia ab Ulphila Gothice translata, cum versionibus Sueo-Gothicá Norræna
seu Islandica, et Vulgatá Latina, Stockholmiæ, 4to. 1671. Sometimes there is
bound up with it— Glossarium Ulphila-Gothicum per F. Junium, nune Sueo-
Gothica auctum, efc. per Georg. Stiernhielm, 4b. 1670.
III. The Gothie Gospels were again prepared for the Press by Dr. Erie
Benzelius, and published by Lye, 4to. Oxford, 1750, with a Latin translation,
and notes below the Gothic: a short Gothic Grammar, written by Lye, is pre- —
fixed. This handsome 4to. of the Clarendon Press was printed with the type
which Junius had presented to the University of Oxford after it had been
used at Dordrecht in the Edition of 1665.
IV. A learned Swede, Ihre, a native of Uppsala, and afterwards professor,
favoured the literati in 1753 with his remarks upon the editions of Junius,
Stiernhielm, and Lye. He had constant access to the Codex, and his eriti-
cisms and remarks upon the editors’ deviations from it are very valuable.
All Professor Thre’s treatises on the Gothic version, and other tracts connected
with the subject, were published under the following title: J. ab Ihre scripta
, versionem Ulphilanam et linguam Moso-Gothicam illustrantia, edita ab Anton.
Frid. Büsching, Berolini, 4to. 1773.
V. The Codex was again prepared and printed in Roman characters um
out accents, after the corrected text of Ihre, with a literal interlinear Latin
translation, and a more free Latin version in the margin, with a Grammar and
Glossary by F. K. Fulda. The Glossary revised and the text corrected by
W. F. H. Reinwald, published by J. C. Zahn, Weissenfels and Leipsie, 4to. 1805.
VI. A commentary on parts of the Gospel of St. John, with the following
title: — Skeireins Aiwaggelyons thairh Iohannen.— Auslegung des Evangelii
Johannis in gothischer Sprache von H. F. Massmann, Doctor der Philosophie,
Professor der älteren deutschen Sprache etc. 4to. München, 1834.—
It contains
an account of the manuscript, p. ix-xvii :C-the Commentary in Gothic, printed
in facsimile types, p. 3-34 :—the same Gothic text, in Roman and Italie type
accented, in one column, and a literal Latin version in the other, with notes
at the foot, p. 37-52 :—an account of the MS. and a short notice of Ulphilas
and the Goths, p. 53-118 :—a complete Glossary of the Gothie words with
explanations in Latin, and the Greek equivalents, p. 121—182 :—a facsimile of
Skeireins, and other MSS. p. 183.
VII. Ulfilas:—Veteris et Novi Testamenti versionis Gothiez fragmenta,
gue supersunt, ad fidem codd. castigata, Latinitate donata, adnotatione critica

instructa, eum Glossario et Grammatica linguæ |Gothic, conjunctis curis.

ediderunt H. C. de Gabelentz et Dr. J. Læbe. Lipsiæ, apud F. A. Brockhaus,
1836 et 1846.— This is a very valuable work in 2 vols. 4to. Vol. I. contains.
Prolegomena, p. ix-xxxvii: the Gothic text of the Gospels and Epistles, as
far as they have been discovered, with fragments of the Old Testament, printed
in Roman type, without accents ; below is e Latin translation, and under this.
are very useful notes in Latin, in 2 cols. small type, p. 1-359.— Vol. II. con-
tains Vorwort, p. vi-xi : Skeir. p. xii-xvi : Calend. Goth. p. xvii, xviii: Gloss.
p. 1-214: Griechisch-gothisches Wörterbuch, p. 215-241: Gram, der Goth.
p. 1-298.
VIII. Ulphilas von Gaugengigl: Vol. I. Sprachlehre und Wörterbuch =
Vol. IL Gothic New Testament, 2 vols. in 1, royal 8vo., with a plate of Gothic
Alphabets. Passau, 1849.
IX. Uppstrém’s Codex Argenteus, 4to. 1854-1857: v. Notes, p. 570, Matt.
EDI xi. 10.
X. Massmann's Ulfilas*, Stuttgart, 1857, 1 vol. 8vo. The Gothic text is
printed entirely in Roman letters, of a good legible size, and fills the left hand
'pages. Parts ofthe Septuagint and of the original Greek text and the Vulgate
Latin Version, both in smaller type than the Gothie, fill the right hand pages.
They are in two columns, and the verses, both of the Greek and Latin, are
parallel with the Gothic. The Gothic text is accented according to the system
introduced by the celebrated Professor, Dr. James Grimm. Many very valuable
notes,a Glossary, and a brief Gothic Grammar are appended to the Text.
It is a most useful and comprehensive book, containing, in one moderate
8vo. volume, the whole of the Gothic translation of the Old and New Testa-
ments hitherto discovered, and all that is known on the subject.
XI. Ulfila oder die uns erhaltenen Denkmiler der Gothischen Sprache.
Text, Grammatik und Worterbuch. Bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Friedrich
Ludwig Stamm, Pastor zu St. Ludgeri, in Helmstedt. Paderborn, 1858.—A
plain, good sized, readable text, in Roman type, without accents. The p is used.

D ANGLO-SAXON.— Before Gregory the Great planted Christianity

— in England by his missionaries, the energetic and warlike Anglo-Saxons.
had scarcely any facilities for intellectual improvement. A gradual
—— preparation for the publie reception of the Christian faith had been
. made by the marriage of Ethelbert, king of Kent, with Bertha, a
— *Frankish princess. Bertha and her attendants continued their Christian
worship in England, under the direction of the Bishop who accompanied
her from France. The exemplary conduct of the Queen impressed the
mind of Ethelbert and his court with a favourable opinion of Chris-
* The exact title of this scholarlike and most handy book is given in the Gothic notes
on Matt. i. 21, p. 570.

tianity. The way being opened by Bertha, Ethelbert in A.D. 597 gave
a friendly reception to Augustine, the leader of the Christian messengers
of peace, and assigned them a residence in Canterbury. As Christian
doctrines and discipline expand the mind, and produce a love of
learning and intellectual pursuits, these results were seen by the
establishment of the first school in Kent by Ethelbert, and by his
written Laws, as well as by the thirst for knowledge raised among
his subjects. Those, who applied themselves to literature, manifested
the strength of their intellectual powers, by a success which could
not have been expected, and can scarcely be surpassed. That within
a hundred years after the dawn of Christianity and literature upon |
the Anglo-Saxons, two such men as Bede and Bonifacius should have
arisen, the one from the most northerly and the other from the southerly
part of England, —from Durham and Devonshire,—is an adequate proof
that the previous absence of literary knowledge did not arise from the
want of intellect, but of opportunity for its cultivation. Bede had
a European reputation as a Scholar, and Bonifacius as a Christian
Missionary. Bonifacius, a native Saxon, and like all the Angles
and Saxons of Germanie origin, speaking a Germanie dialect, was a
most successful herald of peace to his kindred race on the Continent.
His talents, and his heart glowing with benevolence and Christian
zeal made him the missionary Bishop over the numerous tribes to \
whom he had preached with such success, that he is said to have
been the means of converting to the Christian faith more than a
hundred thousand Germans. Bede was born in 672, and died in
735. His works were spread over Europe, and so highly esteemed,
that his Ecclesiastical History, written in Latin, was printed about
the year 1474, among the early works that issued from the German
press. It was translated into Anglo-Saxon by King Alfred, and is still
a well-known and popular book, though tinged with the credulity of
she age in which it was written. Bede was a diligent student and
translator of the Seriptures, as will soon appear; but, we must first
observe, that among the many books sent by Gregory the Great to
Augustine, two copies of the Gospels in Latin, of the same size, and
written in the same Roman uncials, are now extant. After being safely
kept in the Bibliotheca Gregoriana in St. Augustine's Abbey, Canter-
bury, Archbishop Parker, at the dissolution of religious houses, took
charge of these precious MSS.; one of these he presented, with his
other MSS. and books, to the Library of Corpus Christi College,
Cambridge, where it still remains in perfect safety. The other copy
we know from the following entry in the margin fol. 2a, * Robertus
Cotton Cuningtonensis 1602," was among the manuscript treasures of
Sir Robert Cotton. It is now in the safe custody of the Bodleian,
Oxford. This Oxford Codex appears, from its history, as well as from
its internal evidence, to have been the original from which numerous
copies were made and spread over England as far north as the residence
of Bede in the Monastery of Wearmouth, Durham. The internal evi-
dence is this, that all the Anglo-Saxon MSS. have the large interpola-
tion given in the note upon Matt. xx. 28, with others which will
shortly be mentioned. This MS. of the Gospels, sent by Gregory the
Great, is not the Vulgate, but the old Latin Version, the Vetus Italica,
in constant use till the time of Jerome, who guided by it, finished his
Vulgate translation of the Gospels in a.D. 384. As the Anglo-Saxon
Version was made from the Vetus Italica, it may be useful in ascertain-
ing the readings of this oldest Latin Version. We may cite one or two
examples more in proof that the Anglo-Saxon was from the Vetus
. Italica, and not from the Vulgate of Jerome.

In St. Matt. xxvii. 32, the Vulgate has Invenerunt hominem Cyrenæum,
and omits venientem obviam illis. The Anglo-Saxon is word for word from
the Vetus Italica, as will be seen below. In this instance the Anglo-Saxon
was evidently translated from the Vetus Italica.
Invenerunt hominem Cyrenæum, venientem obviam illis. Vet. Ital.
Ha gemétton hig ænne Cyreniscne man, cumende heom togénes. Ang.-Saæ.
A clause is also omitted in the Vulgate of St. Matt. xxiv. 41, when it is
both in the Vetus Italica and Anglo-Saxon.
Duo in lecto, unus assumetur, et unus relinquetur. Vet. Ital.
Twegen beop on bedde, an byþ genumen, and óder byþ læfed. Ang.-Saæ.
Sometimes a word is different in the Vulgate and in the Italic Version, anà
the Anglo-Saxon then follows the Italic, as in St. Luke xv. 8.
Et evertit domum. Vet. Ital.
And awent hyre hús. Ang.-Saz.
Et everrit domum. Vuig.
The Vetus Italiea sometimes omits a whole verse, and the same omission
“is observed in the Codex Augustinius and in the Anglo-Saxon, when it is con-
tained in the Vulgate, as in St. Matt. xxiii r4. This affords further evidence,
that the Anglo-Saxon was translated from the Vetus Italica, and also that the
Bodleian Codex Augustinius is the Italic, and not the Vulgate Version. See the
note upon Matt. xxiii. 14, p. 577.

It is then an interesting fact, that we still possess, in the Bodleian,

one of the copies which Gregory the Great sent to England,—that
it is not a copy of the Vulgate, but of the Vetus Italiea, and that it
may be the very copy from which the Anglo-Saxon Version was made.
We are not certain as to the names of those patriotie Anglo-Saxons,
who devoted their time, talents, and learning to the translating of the
Seriptures into Anglo-Saxon, that they might be read by the people,
and in their churches; but we have an indisputable evidence in the
Rubries, printed in our notes from the MS. that they were constantly
read in Anglo-Saxon churches, as the rubrieal directions declare what
part of the Scriptures was appointed for successive seasons. We have
no more knowledge of the exact date when the Gospels were first trans-
lated into Anglo-Saxon, than we have of the translators. We are,
however, assured by Cuthbert*, a pupil of the learned Venerable Bede,
the glory of the Anglo-Saxon Church, that he was finishing his trans-
lation of St. John’s Gospel immediately before his death on the 27th.
of May, 735. As St. John is the last of the Gospels, the three pre-
ceding had most likely been previously translated. Cuthbert describes
the last day of Bede’s life with Christian simplicity and feeling. ‘When
the morning dawned he told us to write diligently what we had begun.
This being done, one of us said,— There is yet, beloved Master, one.
chapter wanting; will it be unpleasant to be asked any more questions?

He answered, Not at all. Take your pen and write with speed.— He
did so. At the ninth hour he said to me, I have some valuables in
my little chest; fetch them that I may distribute my small presents.
He addressed each and exhorted to prayer. We wept. In the evening
when his pupil said, Dear Master, one sentence is still wanting. Write
it quickly, exclaimed Bede. When it was finished, he said, Support
me while I go to the holy plaee, where I ean pray to my Father.
When he was placed there he repeated the Gloria Patri, and expired
in the effort.’
We have no satisfactory evidence to prove that this was the first
translation of the Gospels, nor that Bede's version has come down to
us. The Scriptures, in their own tongue, were revered by the Anglo-
Saxons, for Alfred the Great placed the Commandments at the head
of his Laws, and incorporated many passages from the Gospels. Sub-
sequent translators would naturally avail themselves of the versions
made by their predecessors, and write them in the orthography, the
language, and the style of the time in which they lived. From these
* Smith's Bede, p. 793.
distinguishing features, the age of a MS. may be ascertained with
tolerable accuracy. Sometimes persons and places are named, which
aid in fixing the dute.

Anglo-Saxon MSS. of the Gospels. Our Anglo-Saxon text* is based

upon the MS. No. CXL. in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, denoted
by B;
and the MS. Ti. 2. 1r. in the University Library, Cambridge, designate
d by C;
collated with Cot. or the Cotton Otho C. I. the MS. in the British
and with the Hatton MS. No. 38 in the Bodleian, Oxford, referred
to in the
notes, by the signature H, compared with Rl. or the MS. of nearly the
form and date J. A. XIV. in the Royal Library, British Museum :—collate
also with the Oxford MS. in the Bodleian No. 441, to which a reference
made in the notes by O.—Also Rush. or the Rushworth Gloss, in the Bodleian,
No. 3946 ; and the Lindisfarne in the British Museum, Nero D. IV.
The value of these MSS. and the text formed upon their authority will be
best ascertained from a short account of each, chiefly in the alphabetical order
of the letters by which they are designated.
I, B. is described in Wanley's Catal. p. 116, and by Nasmith, Pp. 253
is said to be copied from an older MS. before the Conquest. I think
| A.D. 990 and 1030. Many vowels are accented. At the end of St. Matthews
Gospel is the following note, written in the same form of letter as the
but of a somewhat later date :—Ego Ælfricus scripsi hune librum in Monasterio
Badonio, et dedi Brihtwoldo Preposito t.—Dr. Marshall, speaking of this MS.
in 1664, says,—Hune Codicem et Oxoniensem, rarius reperi ab invicem dis-
sentientes ; superioremque eos vetustatem spirare existimo. (p. 490.)
TI. C. denotes the MS. of the Anglo-Saxon Gospels, in the University of
Cambridge, marked li. 2. rr. This MS. in small folio, written in a good
clear hand about the time of the {Norman Conquest, if not earlier, is very
valuable for its accuracy in grammatical forms, and orthography as adopted in
the best West-Saxon ; and because it is the only copy which has the Rubries
complete, and written in the same hand and just after the other parts of the
MS. Many vowels are accented. In 1704, when Wanley wrote his Catalogus
Historico-Criticus Manuscriptorum Septentrionalium, the leaf, containing the
following note, stood among the waste leaves at the beginning of this MS. : it is
now (1865) placed at the end§:—Hune textum Euangeliorum dedit Leofricus
* See Anglo-Saxon Notes, p. 574, col. 1. The Anglo-Saxon text.
+ See Anglo-Saxon Notes upon Matt. xxviii. 20w. ti Wanley’s Catal. p. 152.
$ I might merely state the fact, but I may add, that Mr. Bradshaw of King's College,
- who has the care of the MSS. and examines them most minutely, is satisfied, from the size
and the cutting of the parchment, with other concurring circumstances, that, when the MS.
was originally written, this was the last leaf; he has, therefore, restored it to what, he is-
assured, was its first position.

episcopus ecclesim Sancti Petri Apostoli in Exonia ad utilitatem successorum

suorum. Then immediately follows in the same Anglo-Saxon hand as the Codex,
but of a little later date,—Das boe Leofrie biscop gef Sancto Petro and eallum
his æftergengum into Exancestre Gode mid to denienne.
At the foot of a waste leaf, placed before the MS. is this note :—Hune Codi-
cem Evengeliorum Gregorius Dodde, Decanus Ecclesi: Exoniensis, cum assensu
fratrum suorum Canonicorum dono dedit Matthzo Cantuariensi Archiepiscopo.
qui illum in hane novam formam redigi et ornari curavit. 1566.
On the upper margin of page 1 of this MS. is written in the bold, clear
hand of Archbishop Parker, —* Mattheus Cantuar: 1574." At the foot of this
page in the same clear hand, * Continet pag. 401," i. e. The entire MS. contains
401 pp. The Gospels occupy p. 1-343.— Pseudo-Evangeliwm Nichodemi, p.
344—383, published by Thwaites at the end of his Heptateuchus in 8vo. 1698.— _
Nathanis Judæi Legatio Fabulosa ad Tiberium Cesarem, p. 383-401. All the
401 pages of the MS. are written in the same bold and distinct Anglo-Saxon
hand. The Rubrics are in faded, dark red letters of the same form as the MS.,
but written after the text was finished, as they often extend far into the margin,
the latter words being placed at the end of one or more consecutive lines of =

the MS. : for example in Matt. xi., MS. p. 37, line 14-17. The letters of the
Rubrics were most likely formed, when the Capital letters were coloured. The
Gospels are divided into paragraphs, denoted by large plain Capital letters of
different colours, some of which, especially the green and light blue, are as
bright as if recently coloured. There is generally, but not always, a Rubric,
‘at the head of each paragraph. Three or four paragraphs are often included in
a Chapter; and the chapters of our modern versions sometimes begin in the
middle or other parts of the paragraphs of this MS., in which there was not
originally the least indication of such a division.
III. This is what remains of the once fine MS. written on vellum before
the Norman Conquest, and denoted by Cot. because it is in the Cotton Library,
British Museum, Otho C. I. A minute description is given of it by Wanley
in A. D. 1704*, when it was in a perfect state from Matt. xxvii. 6. It was so
much injured by the fire, which destroyed many of Sir Robert Cotton’s MSS.
on the 23rd of Oct. 1731, that, what was defective only as far as Matt. xxvii. 6
before that calamity, afterwards looked like a charred mass. Planta, in his
Catalogue of the Cotton MSS., describes it as “ once consisting of 290 leaves,
but now (1802) so much burnt and contracted as to render the binding of it
impracticable.” It was fortunately kept in a case; and what was found im-
practicable by Mr. Planta, has been effected under the careful superintendence
of Sir Frederic Madden, by whose judicious arrangements many MSS. have
been restored, and made accessible to the public. The smallest part of this
burnt mass has been carefully mounted on thick folio paper, which is cut away
* Catal. p. 211, 212.
in the middle to fit the injured vellum, and made fast by transparent paper,
gummed to the edges of the paper and the vellum ; the MS. can, therefore, be
easily read on both sides. It is now bound in two large folio vols. Sir Frederie
Madden tells us —that twenty-five folios are lost since Wanley described it.
The first small fragment of this MS. now remaining is from folio 26, whieh St?
F. Madden has marked as part of St. Mark vii. 22. Such a note deserves the
best thanks of all who consult the MS. as it saves much of their time. The
' fragments increase a little in size from folio 26 to 38. St. Luke is nearly com-
plete, and occupies fol. 39-93. St. John fills fol. 95-135, and is nearly perfect,
especially in the latter part. There are not any rubrical directions, and only
a few badly formed capital letters of a dingy red colour in this MS. The
accents are neither numerous nor carefully applied.
IV. H. The Hatton MS. No. 38 in the Bodleian*, Oxford, is the size of
a large 8vo. and written ‘on vellum, in a very uniform and beautiful, but late
hand, about the time of Henry II. The letters are so uniform, upright, and
near together, as to appear like printing in facsimile types. It formerly be-
longed to the Rev. John Parker, son of Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canter-
bury, who wrote his name in red chalk, * Iohés parker,” on the verso and top of
the first fly-leaf. Wanley tells us that the missing leaf Lk. xvi. was neatly
written and inserted by Mr. Parker. The four Gospéls are arranged not in the
i usual order, but St. Matt. is placed after St. Luke; thus, Mark, Luke, Matthew,
and John. The only Rubric in Anglo-Saxon is this at the beginning of St.
John,—Her onginp det god spell de Johannes se godspellere gewrat on Path-
mos dam eiglande.— The accents are few, and capriciously applied.
V. This MS. denoted by RL is in the Royal Library, British Museum, I. A.
XIV. It is very similar to the Hatton in the 8vo. size, but a little smaller.
The writing is somewhat earlier in date, and less regular than the Hatton.
The Rubrics are very few, and of a brighter red than the Hatton. There are
scarcely any accents; yet Ysáac is found in fol. 33, 5. The four Gospels are
placed in this order, —Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John.—St. Mark begins, .
Initium Sei Euangelii secundum Marcum. Her ys Godspelles angin, Halendes
Cristes Godes sune, swa awriten is on pas witegan bec Isaiam.— Her ongind
Matheus boe pas halga Godspelleres.—Begins, Sodlice wel is to understanden þ
efter Matheus gerecednysse her his oneneornysse boc Hælendes Cristes Dauides
‘suna.—St. Luke, Nu we willað her eow areccen Lucas boc ðæs halgan God-
spelleres.— Begins, Forðam Se wytodlice manega pohte pare pinge wace ge.
i endebyrden ðe on us gefylde sint, swa us betahten þa þe hit of frimóe gesawon,
and Sare spræce pe nas weron.—Then follows the Rubric to St. John precisely
as in the Hatton MS.—This Royal MS. belonged to St. Augustine’s Abbeyt,
Canterbury. It was also in possession of Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of
- Canterbury, whose name is written on the upper margin of the first leaf.
* Wanley's Catal. p. 76. + Ibid. p. 181.
VI. O. The Oxford MS. in the Bodleian, No. 441, is closely allied to the
best MSS. B, C, and Cot. ; namely to I, IT, and III.—This Oxford MS. of the
four Anglo-Saxon Gospels is in small folio, written before the Norman Con-
quest*, in a fine bold Anglo-Saxon character, and has some vowels accented.
"The Rubrics are written in a small aud recent hand, between the paragraphs ;
or, for wantof room, in the margin. The first six leaves of St. Mark, fol.
57-62, fol. 90, fol. 131, and fol 150, also the last three leaves of St. John,
fol 192-194, are written in a small and recent hand upon new parchment,
with few accents. — The first edition of the Anglo-Saxon Gospels by John
Foxe, in 1571, was printed from this Oxford MS. No. 441. It was also the
basis of the edition by Junius and Marshall in 1665.
VII. The Latin of the Lindisfarne Gospels, or the Durham Book, is said to
have been written about A.D. 687 by Eadfrith, a monk, and the interlinear and
verbal Anglo-Saxon Gloss, by Aldred a Priest, between 946 and 968. Both
Eadfrith and Aldred became Bishops of Durham. Tt is one of our finest MSS.
VIII. The Latin of the Rushworth Gospels appears to be written about the
end of the 7th century; and the interlinear and verbal Anglo-Saxon Gloss of
the roth. The first three Gospels have been ps-ished by the Surtees Society
St. Matthew, edited by the Rev. Joseph Steveuson, M.A., 8vo. 1854. St. Mark
in 1861, and St. Luke in 1863, both edited by Geo. Waring, Esq., M.A.
Printed editions.—I. The Anglo-Saxon Gospels were first printed, at
the suggestion and expense of Matthsw Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury,
under the care of John Foxe, the Martyrologist, with this title :—‘“ The Gospels `
of the fower Euangelistes translated in the olde Saxons tyme out of Latin into
the vulgare toung of the Saxons, newly collected out of Auncient Monumentes ~
of the sayd Saxons, and now published for testimonie of the same at London.
Printed by John Daye dwelling ouer Aldersgate. 1571. Cum Priuilegw Regie
Maiestatis per Decennium.” The text is in the clear and readable Anglo-Saxon
type, used by Daye in Ælfric's “Sermon on Easter day," 1567t, the first book
printed in Anglo-Saxon. The Anglo-Saxon occupies two-thirds the width of
the page, and the remaining third is filled with the English Version of the
Bishops’ Bible in small old English. Foxe wrote the long dedication to Queen
Elizabeth. The chief object for the publication of these Gospels is thus stated
in the Preface —“ We haue published especially to this end, that the said boke
imprinted thus in the Saxons letters, may remaine in the Church as a profitable
example, and president of olde antiquitie, to the more confirmation of your
gratious procedinges now in the Church agreable to the same. Wherin as we haue
to see how much we are beholden to the reuerend and learned father in God,
Matthew Archbishop of Cant. a cheefe and a famov“ trauailler in thys Church
of England, by whose industrious diligence and learned labours, this booke,
* Wanley, p. 64.
+ See Origin of Eng. and Ger. Languages, iii. 9. page 18, note *.
with others moe, hath bene collected and search
ed out of the Saxons Monu-
mētes : so likewise haue we to vnderstand and concea
ue, by the edition hereof,
how the religion presently taught and professed
in the Church at thys present,
is no new reformation of thinges lately begonn
e, which were not before, but
rather a reduction of the Church to the Pristine state of
which once it had.” (p. 9.)
IL A much improved edition of the Anglo-Saxo
n Gospels* was published,
with the Gothic by Junius and Marshall, in
1665, with the following ample
title,—Quatuor D. N. Jesu Christi Euangelior
um Versiones Þerantiquæ duse,
Gothica scil. et Anglo-Saxonica : quarum illam
ex celeberrimo Codice Argenteo
nune primum depromsit Franciscus J unius, Franci
sci filius. Hanc autem ex Codi-
cibus MSS. collatis emendatiüs recudi curavit Thoma
s Mareschallus, Anglus :
eujus etiam Observationes in utramque Versionem
subnectuntur.—Accessit et
Glossarium Gothicum : cui premittitur Alphabetum
Gothicum, Runicum, etc.
opera ejusdem Francisci Junii.—Dordrechti. Typis
et sumptibus Junianis,—
Excudebant Henricus et Joannes Essæi, Urbis Typographi
Ordinarii. crorocrxv.
IIL A very neat and handy edition of the Anglo-Saxon
Gospels appeared
„in 12mo, London 1842, with this title—BDa Halgan Godspe
l on Englisc.— The
Anglo-Saxon Version of the holy Gospels, edited from the origina
l manuscripts,
by Benjamin Thorpe, F.S.A. London, Rivington : Oxford,
Parker: 1842.
One peculiar feature of the Anglo-Saxon version may
be noticed,
before we speak of the next translation. Those terms, which
are adopted
in other versions from the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, are
translated by indigenous Anglo-Saxon compounds, so descrip
tive as to
be intelligibleto every reader. A very few examples will be suffici
to show this principle, and the compositive power of the Anglo-
language. For Centurion they used hundred-man, similar to the
Centurio :—Disciple, leorning-cniht, a learning youth —Dropsy,
a man
with the dropsy was called wæter-seoc-man :—Parable, bigspel,
a near
example :—Repentance, dæd-bót, an amends-deed :—Resurrecti
on, áríst,
a rising again:—Sabbath, reste-deg, a day of rest :—Seribe, bóc-ere
— bóe-wer, a book man :— Synagogue, gesamnung, æ congregati
Treasury, gold-hórd, gold-hoard.

WYCLIFFE.—Till the discovery of printing in the 1 5th century

the Holy Scriptures and other writings could only be publish
ed, or
made generally known, by Lectures and by the slow process
of manu-
scripts. Between forty and fifty years, Wycliffe was more
or less
closely connected with the University of Oxford. As
Tutor, Head of
* See Description of this vol. in Gothic, p. vii.
No. I,
xviii PREFACE.

a College, and Professor of Divinity, he had great facilities for making

the Gospel generally known. In addition to the members of noble
families, and men educated for lay professions, those especially preparing
for the Church attended his Lectures, and were educated under his
superintendence ; taking with them into every parish throughout the
whole country, the learning and impressions they-had received in the
University, giving lectures upon his principles, and often becoming his
willing agents in transcribing his works. The important part, taken
by Wycliffe in preparing for the Reformation by the translation of
the Scriptures, will be best seen by a short notice of the chief incidents
of his life. j
John Wycliffe is said to have been born in 1324 at a small village of
that name, near Richmond, in Yorkshire; and, at the age of sixteen,
to have become one of the first members of Queen’s College, founded
in 1340. He was a fellow of Merton College in 1356. With much
natural talent, unwearied assiduity, and a facility in acquiring know- |
ledge, this diligent and unobtrusive student gained in the University
great reputation for his learning, and faithful friends by his decision
of character, combined with kindness of heart and unassuming manners.
He was deservedly popular, and was much attached to Oxford for the
literary facilities and the uninterrupted quietude which he could not find
anywhere so perfect as in the University. During more than twenty
years he gratified his insatiable desire for knowledge on all subjects,
never neglecting to devote a specified time for reading the Bible, making
all other knowledge subservient to the great object he ever kept in view, |
a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures. He read the Latin Fathers
with great care, and studied Aristotle, the profound reasoner of the
Greeks. As the Greek language and literature were little known and
almost forgotten in England before the taking of Constantinople by
the Turks in A.D. 1453, when the Greeks fled for refuge to other
countries, where they introduced and interpreted the ancient Greek
authors, Wycliffe had not the means of acquiring a knowledge of Greek.
He could, therefore, study Aristotle only in the Latin translations and
commentaries. Even with such inadequate assistance he became a most
subtle reasoner, and an unrivalled disputant, able to encounter the
intricacies of scholastic divinity. His great opponent, the Chronicler
Knighton, admits that, while Wycliffe was generally esteemed a most
eminent theologian, he had no equal in the employment of the scholastic
art of disputation.
About the year 1360, circumstances occurred which called forth
Wycliffe's extraordinary talents. Oxford was so celebrated as a seal
of learning in the reign of Henry III. that an immense number of
students came to the University from all parts of England and from
the Continent. Anthony Wood, in his Annals *, tells us they amounted
to thirty thousand. When all allowance is made for this almost in-
credible estimate of the students by one of Oxford's most partial
friends, it at least indicates the popularity of the University. By
the undue influence of the mendicant Friars, the younger students were
tempted to leave the Colleges for the Convent, till they are said
to have been reduced to six thousand. The Church of Rome, to re-
vive the monastic institutions, established the four orders of Mendicants,
the Augustines, Carmelites, Dominicans and Franciscans. The first
establishment of the Dominicans was at Oxford in 1221. With other
- privileges, the Popes had allowed the Friars the liberty of superintending
education. They had their own exempt jurisdietion; and, in their un-
remitted endeavours to gain converts by trespassing on the statutes
of the University, they were involved in continual disputes with the
Chancellor and Scholars. The University and the Church suffered so
much by this interference, that a Convocation was assembled, and a de-
Cree passed, that no youth, under the age of eighteen, should be received
by the Friars into their orders. The contest became so warm and
exasperating, that Wycliffe entered into the defence of his beloved
University with such zeal, energy and success, as to confound the
Friars. They could not resist his plain and honest reasoning. He
overwhelmed them by his arguments and learning, and brought them
into popular disgrace by his pamphlets on the “able beggary” ab-
surdly advocated by the Friars.
_ The whole University was gratified by this display of Wycliffe's
- energy, talents and learning; and, in testimony of respect and gratitude,
- elected him Warden or Master of Balliol College or Hall, as it was then
called. In the early part of 1361, he was presented by his College to
the valuable Rectory of Fillingham in Lincolnshire, which he afterwards
exchanged for Ludgershall in Buckinghamshire, that he might be within
. à few miles of his numerous friends in the University. In the year 1365
- Simon de Islip, Archbishop of Canterbury, appointed him Warden of
- Canterbury Hall, now occupied by the Canterbury Quadrangle of Christ
Church. In 1367 he defended Edward III. in refusing to pay Pope
Urban the tribute which had been claimed ever since it was exacted
from the weak King John. Wycliffe wrote with such ability, and used |
* Vol. i. p. 206; Baber, p. 11.
- C2

such convincing arguments, as to prove, beyond any future douvt, the

illegality of the claim. The See of Rome was silent but indignant,
looking upon Wycliffe with a jealous eye, as the cause of the defeat.
In England this defence increased the fame of its author, and procured
for him the favourable regard of the Duke of Lancaster and both Houses
of Parliament. Edward III. had previously made him one of his
In 1372 Wycliffe was gratified by obtaining the chief desire of his
heart, the election to the Professorship of Divinity. His whole life had
been spent in preparing himself for the faithful discharge of the duties
devolving on the Divinity Professor. Being elevated to a Professorship,
which enabled him to diffuse with authority that light which had
already beamed on his own mind, he used great judgment in his lectures
and in the theological discussions over which he presided. His experi-
ence taught him that deep-rooted principles and old customs must be
treated with a gentle hand. His heart was filled with piety towards
God and love to man, which were always manifested by his unaffected
simplicity of manner, in language as plain and expressive as it was
elegant. His lectures always attracted a large audience, as he was ever
more desirous of correcting error by the statement of truth, than by
direct and personal attacks. When he had felt his way, and had
obtained numerous supporters in the University, the majority of whom `
read and studied the Scriptures not only critically but practically ;
with such friends, he threw off all reserve and spoke of vital religion,
the religion of the heart with its practical results, and the best means of
promoting them amongst the people. His lectures and sermons were
full of the Scriptures, forming short treatises on Divinity, worthy of the.
Oxford Professor. He entertained a deep conviction, that the only way
of promoting vital and practical religion in the mass of the population,
was by giving them the Word of God in their own tongue. He had,
therefore, for some time been engaged in translating the Scriptures into
English, from the Latin Vulgate, the authorised version of the Church
of that day. Many of his most able and faithful friends assisted him in
this holy work. While he was increasing in Christian knowledge, and
imparting it to the common people, as well as to those numerous
students of the University who attended his Lectures for the acquisition -
of that scriptural knowledge, which would enable them to discharge
faithfully the duties of parish Priests throughout the whole land,—his
reputation, his piety and worldly prosperity went hand in hand. His
past services to the crown were rewarded in 1374, by his being presented
to the valuable Rectory of Lutterworth. As ecclesiastics were generally
the best educated men of that time, and therefore well prepared to assist
state affairs, Wycliffe was employed by the Government as a Diplomatist
in several embassies. The See of Rome could not forget the rebuke and
victory of Wycliffe. Though silent, Rome was ever watchful for an
opportunity of crushing the successful opporent. Wycliffe and his
friends went on, with great zeal and energy, in their work of translating
and disseminating the Scriptures. As his knowledge of revelation in-
ereased, and his view of divine truth was cleared, he manifested greater
decision and fully declared his religious opinions. When his friends, who
had supported him from motives of state policy, saw that his govern-
ing principle was scriptural truth, they forsook him. The See of Rome
seized the opportunity, and annoyed and persecuted him ; but opposition
= could not retard his work.
This brief notice must not be lengthened by entering into details: it
is only necessary to state, that Courtney, Archbishop of Canterbury,
under the influence of the Church of Rome, with the aid of the Aristoc-
racy and the sanction of the timid Richard II., brought a bill into the
„ House of Lords to arrest Wycliffe and his followers, “and hold them in
“strong prison till they justify themselves according to the law and
“ reason of Holy Church*." As soon as the Bill had passed the Lords,
Courtney endeavoured to carry it into effect. The House of Commons
remonstrated upon its illegality, not having passed their house. The
Chancellor of the University excused himself by declaring, that his own
life and the peace of the University would be endangered, if Wycliffe
were taken. To allay the fury of the storm, Wycliffe thought it prudent,
in Nov. 1382, to retire to the country. But persecution was so severe
and unrelenting, that he was compelled to descend from what had been
his throne—his professorial chair, and to leave the University for ever.
- He sought retirement at Lutterworth, where, despite all opposition and
. persecution, he fearlessly wrote in defence of his doctrines, and proceeded
in his work of completing and revising the translation of the Scriptures,
till his death, on the last day of Dec. 1384.
The bitter feeling and hostility of the See of Rome did not end with
Wycliffe's death, but by a decree of the Council of Constance his remains
were disinterred in 1428, then burnt and the ashes cast into the Swift,
a streamlet which runs by Lutterwortht. But Wycliffe lives, and ever
- * Gibson’s Codex Jur. Eccles. Angiican. p. 399.
+ See Life of Wycliffe by Foxe, 1610: Lewis, 1720: Baber, 1810: Le Bas, 1823: Tytler
1826: Vaughan, 1845.
will live in the hearts and affections of the Anglo-Saxon race, as the first
translator of the whole of the Scriptures into English.
As Oxford was the chief scene of Wycliffe’s literary enjoyment ana
fame, the home of his heart, a retreat which he always sought with
pleasure and left with regret, it is gratifying to know that Oxford has
raised an imperishable monument to Wycliffe’s memory by publishing,
at its own expense, the splendid edition in 4 vols. 4to. of
“The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apoc-
ryphal Books, in the earliest English Versions made from the Latin Vulgate
by John Wycliffe and his Followers ; edited by the Rev. Josiah Forshall, F.R.S.
etc., late Fellow of Exeter College, and Sir Frederic Madden, K.H. F.R.S. etc.,
Keeper of the MSS. in the British Museum. Oxford, at the University Press

This is one of the best, most laborious, and accurate editions of any
early English author I have ever seen. The editors have examined
and described 170 MSS., and selected and most carefully printed two of
the best in parallel columns, the first written before 1390, and the
second before 1420. The Prologues and every available and desirable
information have been given. A very excellent and ample Glossary is:
appended to the 4th vol. Altogether, this edition is the work of sound
and ripe scholars,—an honour to the University of Oxford and their,
‘press, as well as to the literary veterans, the editors. All must acknow-
ledge with them, that “they have spared neither time nor pains to
render their work complete; especially when it is known, that “ A
considerable portion of their time, during nearly twenty-two years, has
been spent in accomplishing their task."— Pref. p. xxxviii.
Our text of Wycliffe’s Gospels is founded upon the first version given in
this Oxford edition of 1850, collated with the original MS. in the Bodleian,
No. 369 of the Douce Collection. This MS. is written on vellum, in large fol.
2 cols. ff. 486 [429 bis], consisting of two distinct MSS., both imperfect. The
first is written with marginal corrections throughout, in three different lands,
all before 1390*. The second part of the volume, from fol. 251 to the end,
containing the Text of our Gospels, is written about the same time as the -
former, that is before 1390, say the preceding year 1389, the date I have
adopted. A facsimile of this MS., Matt. vi. 14, 1 5, 18 given in the plate facing
the Title. Sir F. Madden says, in Pref. p. xxi., that “the version described»...
74 to a greater or less degree the work of Wycliffe ; that it is the earliest transla-
tion of the whole Bible in the English language, admits of no reasonable doubt.”
* Sir F. Madden’s Pref, p. 1. No. 87.

Editions of Wycliffe.—The numbers I. IT. and ITI. were from the text
before 1420, adopted as the later text in the Oxford edition of 1850.
I. The New Testament of Wycliffe was first printed in folio, London 1731,
by the Rey. John Lewis, Minister of Margate, Kent, with à short Glossary or
Explanation of the old and obsolete words in Dr. Wycliffe’s Translation. The
text was taken from two MSS., one of which was his own [now, 1850, Sir F.
Madden states, in the Bodleian, Gough, Eccl. Top. 5] and the other the property
of Sir Edward Deering, Bart, now, 1850, of the Very Rev. Wm. Conybeare,
dean of Llandaff.
II. The Rev. Henry Baber, M. A., republished in 4to., London 1810, a
reprint of the preceding with the following additions, which are very valuable,
aud deserve the attention of every scholar. “A short memoir of the Life,
Opinions and Writings of Dr. Wycliffe: an historical account of the Saxon
and English versions of the Scriptures which have been made previous to the
fifteenth Century. The Glossary of Lewis at the end of the vol. is corrected
and eonsiderably enlarged." (p. v.)
III. The New Testament in the same version as that published by the
Rey. John Lewis was again published in 1841, from a MS. then belonging to
H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex, [now, 1850, in the collection of the earl of
Ashburnham,] by Messrs. Bagster, in the English Hexapla, 4to. Lond. 1841.
IV. When the 4to. edition-of 1850 was commenced, Sir F. Madden says,—
Pref. p. i. note 2,—* No part of the earlier of the two versions before 1390 had
ever been printed, with the exception of the Song of Solomon, given by Dr.
Adam Clarke in his commentary on the Bible, [8 vols. 4to. Lond. 1810-25, |
from a MS. in his own library,” [now Brit. Mus. Eg. 618, 619].
V. In 1848, the New Testament in the earlier version, was printed by
Mr. Lea Wilson, from a MS. in his own possession, [now, 1850, in the hands
of the earl of Ashburnham,| under the title The New Testament in English,
translated by John Wycliffe, circa M CCCLX X X. etc. 4to. Lond.

TYNDALE.—The mind cannot be fettered by man, however power-

ful. We yearn for freedom of heart and soul. All the gifts of God are
as free as the light of the sun. So is the light of his divine revela-
tion free to all. By the light of the divine word man sees and knows
the truth, and the truth makes him free*. Free from the thraldom of
evil—and to do good. His freedom is not for selfishness, dissension and
strife, but for order, harmony and truth. At particular times, we see
man raised up, whose love for truth is so great, that it frees him from
all fear of evil and even from the fear of death, when put in competition
make you
* «Ye shall know the truth, and [h &àAf0eta €AeuBepáger ópás] the truth shall
free." St. John viii. 32.
with truth. Such was William Tyndale,
as will be seen by a few par-
ticulars of his life. William Tyndale, the
second of three sons of John
Tyndale of Hunt’s Court, in the parish
of North Nibley, in Gloucester-
shire, is said to have been born there about
the year 1484. He descended
from Hugh Baron de Tyndale. At an
early age he was sent to Oxford.
John Foxe tells us, Wm. Tyndale * was
brought up from a child in the
University of Oxford, where he by long
continuance grew up and in-
creased, as well in the knowledge of tong
ues and other liberal arts; as
. specially in the knowledge of the Scrip
tures, whereunto his mind was
singularly addicted ; insomuch that he
read privily to certain students
and fellows of Magdalen College some parce
l of divinity. His manners
and conversation were such tha, all,
who knew him, reputed and
esteemed him to be a man of most virtu
ous disposition and of life un-
spotted. Thus he in the University
of Oxford, increasing more and
more in learning, and proceeding in degre
es of the schools, spying his
time, removed from thence to the Universi
ty of Cambridge.” He pro-
bably went to Cambridge with the view
of profiting by the instruction
of Erasmus, who lectured on the Greek
language in that University,
from 1509 till the beginning of 1514.
At Cambridge he formed an
acquaintance with a young and diligent stude
nt, John Frith, who after-
wards assisted him in his translation of the
New Testament. It must
have been about 1 518, in his thirt
y-fourth year, when, as Foxe tells us, ©
Tyndale “had made his abode a certain
space now further ripened in
the knowledge of God’s word, leaving that
University also, he resorted
to one Maister Welch, a knight of Gloucestershire, and
was there school-
maister to his children, and in good favour
with his maister." This was
Sir John Welch, of Little Sodbury, at whos
e house Tyndale held many
disputes on religious subjects with the cleri
cal dignitaries of the neigh-
bourhood, who frequented Sir John’s table
. This brought him into so
much danger, that he deemed it prudent to
leave the country and go to
It is difficult to fix the time of his ordin
ation; we only know that,
after preaching at St. Dunstan’s in the
West the same earnest and
practical sermons delivered in the count
ry, he attempted to obtain
the patronage of Tonstall, Bishop of Londo
n, by sending his translation
of the Attic Greek Orator, Isocrates. He was unsuccessful, as the
Bishop’s palace was full; but an eminent merch
ant, Humfrey Monmouth E
a favourer of Luther, admitted him into his
house; and when Tyndale
* understode at the laste, not only that there
was no rowme in my lorde
of london's palace to translate the new testa
ment, but also that there
was no place to do it in all englonde," [Prol. to Pentateuch, 1 530,] he
determined to go to Germany. His friend Monmouth settled upon
him an annuity of ten pounds, about £1 50 of our money, and paid his
passage that he might live abroad and finish his translation of the New
Testament from Greek into English. He is said to have gone to Witten-
berg to confer with Luther, who published in 1522 his first edition of
his New Testament in German. Tyndale and his friend John Frith
were driven from place to place, till at last they settled in the free
imperial city of Worms on the Rhine, where Tyndale's first edition of
the New Testament was printed at the end of 1 525 or in the early part
of 1526, in very small octavo.
The beautiful facsimile edition of Mr. Francis Fry, F.S.A., has been noticed
and the full title given in the notes on Tyndale’s translation*. He has taken
‘so much pains to acquire accurate information, as to the printer, the place and
the date of this first edition of Tyndales New Testament, that I gladly refer
to his satisfactory introduction, illustrated by facsimiles. I have only room
for a very brief summary. Peter Schiffer on becoming a Lutheran, found it
necessary to leave Mayence, and to settle in the free city of Worms in 1512.
Fourteen works printed by Schöffer from 1518 to 1529, seven of which have the
imprint Worms, have been carefully compared with the capital letters, the three
sizes of type, the woodcut of St. Paul, and the numerals used in the New Testa-
ment of Tyndale, and they perfectly accord. Not only the type, but the length
of the lines and their number in each page, are exactly the same in the two
German editions of the Prophets as in Tyndale’s Testament. The water-marks
in the paper are also the same, If then the same type, the length and the
number of lines in a page, the same woodcut and water-mark are found in the
other works of Schöffer, printed at Worms, as in Tyndales New Testament of
1526, can there be any reasonable doubt that it was printed at Worms by
Peter Schéffer, corroborated as this inference is by the Lutheran profession of
"Behüffer, and the residence of Tyndale at Worms! * There is not any date in
the Testament; but, as Cochleus caused Tyndale to flee to Worms in the
middle of 1525, and the Testament was printed there immediately after, we
may conclude it was published by the end of that year, or the beginning of the
next, as it was sold in Oxford “ before the 7th of Feb. 1526+.” -
There is an imperfect copy of Tyndale’s New Testament of 1526 in the
Library of St. Paul’s Cathedral. The only copy known to exist, perfect_from
the beginning of St. Matt. to the end of Revelation, is in the Baptist’s College,
Bristol. Of this Bristol copy, Mr. Fry has taken a very correct facsimile,
which was made on tracing paper, transferred to stone, and printed. The
* Notes, p. 584. t Anderson’s Annals of the English Bible, vol. i. p. 93.

whole lithographic impression consists of one hundred and seventy-seven copies,

of which twenty-six are in 4to.

Our gratitude is due to the free city of Worms, for the protection
of Tyndale, while printing the first edition of his New Testament. In
England’s days of darkness and persecution, on the false plea of religion,
which, when pure, and under the mild and sympathizing influence of
the Gospel, abhors tyranny, we are deeply indebted to Hamburg and
other free cities of Germany ; and, in after times of still greater gloom,
to Holland and Switzerland for their friendly reception and protection
of our refugee countrymen, when their lives were imperilled at home, for
conscientiously adhering to those truths which they had learned from
the Scriptures. In these free cities and states, our countrymen were
received as brethren, with honour,—their talents and learning acknow-
ledged, and their works printed and published. Though Tyndale had
the reputation of being well versed in modern as well as ancient lan-
guages, we should not have known the extent of his lingual acquire-
ments, nor whether the first impression of his New Testament was
large or small, if the following facts in the year 1526 had not been re-
corded, by the friendly hand of a foreigner, in the diary of Spalatinus,
secretary of Frederic, the elector of Saxony, and supporter of Luther.
Von Busche, Professor of Hebrew in the University of Marburg, a per-
` sonal friend of Tyndale, “ told us that six thousand copies of the New
Testament in the English language had been printed at Worms; and
that this translation had been made by an Englishman, sojourning there ~
with two other natives of England, who was so skilled in seven lan-
guages, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, English, and German,
that whichever he might be speaking, you would think it to be his
native tongue*."
The quarto translation with notes, partly printed at Cologne, was
finished at Worms in 1526, as well as the very small octavo already
described. The Dutch booksellers found such ready sale for Tyndale’s
translation, that they issued several editions, without any correction or
supervision of the translator, who is supposed to have gone to Hamburg
after 1526 to obtain the best Hebrew criticism, from the learned Jews in ayi


that city, and to correct what he had translated of the Old Testament —
by the original Hebrew. There he met with Miles Coverdale, who
assisted him in translating the five books of Moses into English, printed —
* Schelhornii Amoenitates Literariæ, tom. iv. p.431. Excerpta qusedam e diario Geo,
by the Hamburg press in 1530. "Tyndale's English version of Jonah
issued from the same press in 1531. We next hear of Tyndale at Ant-
werp, where he found a faithful friend in Thomas Poyntz, an English
merchant, who cordially received him into his house. While residing
in this respected family, besides preaching to the English residents, he
most carefully revised his translation of the New Testament, and in
1534, after the lapse of eight years, published it with this title :—
The Newe Testament, dylygently eorrected and compared with the Greke
by Willyam Tindale : and fynesshed in the yere of oure Lorde God anno M.D.
and XXXIIIIL in the moneth of Nouember.—Then follows. “ W. T. vnto the
Reader. Here thou hast (moost deare reader) the New Testament, or covenaunt
made wyth us of God in Christes bloude. Which I have looked over agayne
(now at the last), with all dylygence, and compared it vnto the Greke, and have
weded oute of it many fautes, which lacke of helpe at the begynninge and
oversyght dyd sowe therin.”

Tyndale’s translation of the Scriptures had been denounced by publie

authority in England; and, by an imperial decree promulgated at the
diet of Augsburg in 1530, persons accused of heresy could be seized and
' east into prison. Those who opposed the reading of the Scriptures in
the language of the people were enraged when they saw the increased
supply of the English version; and, availing themselves of the imperial
deeree, they employed secret influence and agency for the capture of
Tyndale. Henry Philips was sent to Antwerp, who, under the guise
of friendship, inveigled him from the house of Poyntz in August 1535,
and then delivered him into the hands of the officers, sent to apprehend
him as a denounced heretic. Tyndale was at once conveyed to the
Castle of Vilvoord, about eighteen miles from Antwerp. "lhough great
efforts were made for his liberation, they were all ineffectual; for, after |
being confined in prison more than a year, he was brought to trial; and
« at last," says Foxe, *he was eondemned by virtue of the Emperor's
- decree, made in the assembly at Augsburg; and upon the same brought.
forth to the place of execution; was there tied to a stake; and then first
strangled by the hangman, and afterward with fire consumed, in the
-morning [*of October 6th], at the town of Vilvoord, in the year 1536,
when he was about the age of fifty-two. Thus much of William Tyndale,
who, for his notable pains and travail, may be worthily called an apostle
of England.”
* The date in Foxe's Calendar. See Walter's Biographical Notice, p. Ixxiv, prefixed to
ihe Works of Tyndale, 8vo. 1848.
xxviii PREFACE.

Though Henry VIII did not appear to have any connection with
carrying into effect this arbitrary, unjust and cruel decree, Tyndale
earnestly and with a loud voice prayed at the stake—“ Lord ! open the
King of England's eyes !”—The prayer of the dying martyr was heard ;
for, Po the close of 1536, the first volume of the Holy Scriptures in
English ever printed in this country, the folio edition of the *New
Testament, issued from the press of the king’s own printer, with the name
of William Tyndale on the title. Nay more, when what is generally
called Matthew’s Bible was published in 1537, the king gave his royal
« Licence that the same may be sold, and read of every person, without
* danger of any act, proclamation, or ordinance heretofore granted to
“the contrary.” This Bible received its designation from the name of
Thomas Matthew being given on the title-page. It was chiefly a repub-
lieation of Tyndale's version; but those parts of the Old Testament,
which he did not live to translate, were taken from Coverdale's Bible of
1535. 'The New Testament of Tyndale had been in circulation for eleven
years; and it was the best translation and popular, because the language
was familiar to the people. Some of the Prologues and notes of Tyndale
had been introduced into Matthew’s Bible, and given offence and raised
opposition. To remove these objections Archbishop Cranmer, with the
king’s sanction, proposed the publication of the whole Bible without
note or comment. He had the translation of Tyndale copied, and sent
in portions to the Bishops for their correction, and then to be returned
to him for his final revision. This version was published in 1539, and
is known as Cranmer’s, or the Great Bible, the first that was authorized
í to be sett up in summe convenyent place within the churche, whereat
the parishners may rede yt.” The Great Bible was the authorized
version in the reign of Henry and Edward; and, after the death of
Mary, it was authorized by Elizabeth, and continued in general use till
superseded by the revised edition of 1568 under the superintendence of
Archbishop Parker, assisted by the most learned Bishops, hence called
the Bishops’ Bible. The first rule, recommended by King James J. in
the preparation of our present authorized version of 1611, was thig,s
« The ordinary Bible read in the Church, commonly called the Bishops’
« Bible, to be followed, and as little altered as the original will permit.”
From this very brief detail, it appears that our present English Version
was based upon the Bishops! Bible of 1568, and that upon Cranmer's of
1539, which was a new edition of Matthew's Bible of 1537, partly from
Coverdale of 1535, but chiefly from Tyndale; in other words, that our
* A copy is in the Bodleian.
present authorized translation is mainly that of Tyndale, made from
the original Hebrew and Greek. It has stood the test of the severest
criticism, from his last revision to the present time, without material
alteration; because Tyndale, having a critical knowledge of Hebrew and
Greek and deep Christian experience, caught the very spirit of the
original, and gave the impression of it in plain, idiomatic English. His
style is easy, correct and vigorous. His translation of the New Testa-
ment is a fine specimen of our language, in what may be called the first
stage of maturity. It is the foundation of our standard translation, which
is also the standard of our language. He avoids Latin derivatives, and
generally uses indigenous words, the strong and expressive Saxon terms,
known by all the people. In this respect our version happily follows
him. Tyndale translates rj» áyánnu rod @cod, Lk. xi. 42, the love of
God, which «our established version has adopted; but Wycliffe has the
charite of God, from the Vulgate charitatem Dei. Our translators seldom
depart from Tyndale, but when they do, in a particular word, the spirit
of the passage is often lost; for instance, in 1 Cor. xiii. 13, Tyndale has,
. —Nowe abideth fayth, hope and love, even these thre ; but the chefe of these
as love [? áyámn|. Love is divine affection in the soul, for God is love
[ort 6 Oeós àyámy éovív]. Faith in the Saviour is the foundation of good
works, hope raises the superstructure, and love completes and crowns it
in eternity. Faith works by love, and love is the fulfilling of the law
[mAjpopa vógov áyánm). The perfection of a good work is, that it
springs from love. Every Christian knows this to be his ruling prin-
ciple. We have an illustration of it in filial love. How different is the
. feeling and conduct of an affectionate child from that of a servant! The
child, influenced by love, is unwearied in attention, and the only Zope is
an increase of mutual affection ; while the servants constraining principle
is naturally the ope of material wages. Thus, while Christian love is
the constraining principle of action here, and the fulfilling of the law,
when our present faith is lost in sight, and hope in enjoyment, this dyárn
will continue, and increase throughout eternity.—Now, if this be the
literal and true meaning of St. Paul's Greek, let /ove be substituted for
charity, wherever it occurs in 1 Cor. xiii., as it is in Tyndale 1526, fol-
lowed by Coverdale 1535, Matthew 1537, Archbishop Cranmer 1539,
and Parker 1568,—and there can be little doubt that Jove is more in
accordance with the scope of the chapter than charity, and that Tyndale's
last clause, —44e chefe of these is love, is far better than the Vulgate major
korum est charitas, or than Wycliffe’s,—the moost of thes is charite, or
even than our version,—the greatest of these is charity.

Before I close my Preface, I must have the pleasure of alluding

to the friendly assistance I have received in the preparation and printing
of these Gospels. First, and most of all, I am deeply indebted to
George Waring, Esq., M.A., of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Mag-
dalen Hall, Oxford, whose contributions to Anglo-Saxon philology as
editor, for the Surtees Society, of the Lindisfarne and Rushworth Glosses,
are already before the public. Many years ago the text of the Gothic
and Anglo-Saxon Gospels had been very carefully transeribed, and the
Anglo-Saxon collated with the oldest and best MSS. The final revision
had been long deferred in consequence of other pressing engagements
and failing sight, till all impediments were removed in the early part
of 1864 by my friend, who made an arrangement with the Publisher to
take the responsibility of preparing my transcript for the press, and
seeing it accurately printed: of harmonizing the division of verses,
and the punetuation of the Gothie, Anglo-Saxon, and the translation
of Tyndale with Wycliffe and our authorized version: and of regulating,
as far as possible, the accents, which indicate the long sound of the
Anglo-Saxon vowels over which they are plaeed. The accent on
diphthongs is here omitted, except when found in the MSS., as it was
not employed by Dr. Grimm and others to denote the length of the
vowel, but merely to-indicate the etymological origin of the accented .
vowel. Every accent in the Anglo-Saxon text, therefore, denotes the
long sound of the vowel over whieh it is placed, and the diphthongs
eo, ea, ete. are accented. exactly as in B. or in C.
As the simplicity of Anglo-Saxon accentuation has frequently been over-
looked, or involved in a complicated system, it will tend to remove false im-
pressions, and to make the matter clear, by recollecting that the Anglo-Saxons
only used one accent, which always indicated the long sound of the vowel over
which it was placed. Our complicated system of English vowels arose from |
the Norman scribes, whó first confused the Anglo-Saxon accents, and then
attempted to supply their place by a multiplicity of vowels, which we have
adopted, as will be seen by the following examples —Cwén a eween, fét feet,
gés geese, etc. :—Dic a dike, lie like, lim lime, win wine, ete. —Bóc a book, for
fore, before, gôd good, gós a goose, etc. :—Du thou, hú how, hús a house, mús
a mouse, ete.:—Bryd a bride, fýr fire, mys mice. In all these instances the
Anglo-Saxon is quite plain and consistent, expressing the same sound by the
same accented vowel, while the English employs different vowels for the same
purpose, as in cween, geese ;—good, goose, fore s—thou, how, house, and mouse.
"The greatest complication of vowels is seen in our expression of the long open
Sound of o, heard in no and bone. We use oe, oa, and o with a silent final e,
while the Anglo-Saxons, in all cases, merely accented the a, as—Dá a doe. fá
a foe, ta a toe, etc.—Bat a boat, ác an oak, fam foam, etc.—Bán a bone, stan
a stone, etc. This superabundant employment of English vowels is troublesome
to natives, and most perplexing to foreigners. On the contrary, the Anglo-
Saxon system of accenting the long vowels is plain and definite. Mr. Waring
has been guided by these general principles in accenting the Anglo-Saxon, but
Gothie words have not been accented, because not a single accent has been
found in Cod. Arg. Every possible care has, however, been taken to secure
the greatest verbal accuracy in the Gothic and Anglo-Saxon texts, as well as
in the other two.

I believe Mr. Waring has exerted himself to thé uttermost to fulfil

his engagement, and I have devoted a far longer time to the work
than I anticipated would be at my disposal. Neither labour nor expense
has been spared, when either could be profitably employed to benefit
the work. I have, therefore, not only willingly assisted in preparing
the MS. for the press, collated the B text with the C, but I have
carefully read over every proof twice and the revise once, after being
read in the same manner by Mr. Waring, and by a friend; every sheet
has, therefore, been carefully read over at least nine times.
Mr. Waring suggested and superintended the placing of p and d, or the
hard and soft sound of our modern ¢h, as they are used in all parts of England
at the present day. Though in our numerous provincial Dialects almost
every letter has a diversity of sounds, I believe there is greater uniformity
in the hard and soft sound of our th,—the Anglo-Saxon p and d,—than in
any other letters. As the true archaism of our good old English and its
nervous energy are retained in the provincial Dialects of our Island*, I have
no doubt the original and genuine hard and soft sounds of the Anglo-Saxon
|p and d have been transmitted to us by the secluded peasantry of our rural
districts, and confirmed by those educated in our Universities and towns.
The only way then of recovering the right sound of p and d, and of correctly
applying these characters in writing and printing Anglo-Saxon, is to adopt
the true English sound of these letters. If the two distinct sounds of our
modern £5 have been faithfully conveyed to us, we only ascend to Anglo-Saxon
times and re-adopt their rational system by using their two distinct characters
for these two distinct sounds. The Norman scribes could not distinguish
between the hard and soft sound of p and d ; they therefore, in writing Anglo-
Saxon, confounded them, using the one or the other without any apparent
distinction. Some scribes only employed 3 or d, which is the same letter

* See Origin of the English and Germanic Languages, part iii. § 19, p. 26.
xxxii PREFACE.

in a modified form, as in the Rushworth Gloss, which discards the use of p

altogether in St. Mark, Luke, and John. Hence the / for both sounds in
modern English, to the confusion of foreigners. Our present printed Anglo-
Saxon text, indicating the true, the distinct hard and soft sound of th by p and
d, will: be a great assistance to foreigners, in showing the correct pronunciation
of th, in English words cognate with the Anglo-Saxon.
The hard, sharp, or acute sound of the English £& in thin and sooth, is
represented by the Anglo-Saxon D and p; the soft, flat, or grave sound of TH
in THine and sooTHe is represented by D, d or 9.
For ascertaining the hard and soft sound of th, equally applicable to English
and Anglo-Saxon, are given the following general

I. The hard, sharp or acute P or p, is used in the beginning of all words,
not pronominal, as þincan to think, pin thin.
a. And at the end of radical and inflectional terminations, as bæþ a bath,
clap cloth, sop sooth, þincþ thinketh. Except wid wiTH, etc.
b. And sometimes when th is preceded or followed by a consonant, as
embpencan to think about ; épnes easiness ; pritig thirty.
II. The soft, flat or grave D, d or 8 is used in the beginning of all
pronouns and of all words derived from pronouns, as det THat; de THe ;
deslic like THis, danonne THence, derd&r THere.
a. Also often between two vowels, as badu barus, badian to barHe, cladum .
with clorHes.
These Rules are in perfect accordance with those given in our best works
on orthoepy.

In the printing department, we have had the most willing assistance

and co-operation from all engaged in the work at the University Press,
to whom our thanks are due.
To the Master of Corpus Christi Coe Cambridge, Dr. Pulling,
to the Rev. Henry Octavius Coxe, M. A., Librarian, and to the Assistant- -
Librarians of the Bodleian, Oxford, I am greatly indebted, for the most
ready and friendly assistance, in the consultation and use of MSS. under
their care. Though I had carefully collated the whole of the Bene’t, or
Corpus MS. of the Anglo-Saxon Gospels, with my own copy, in 1832,
and examined it again in 1841, I have frequently had to consult it
since 1850. While the stringent regulations, made by Archbishop
Parker, for the preservation of the MSS. and printed books left to
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, have been observed, the Master,
Dr. Pulling, and the Fellows of the College, have had the happy art
of giving every facility, in so friendly a manner as to avoid
the least
appearance of conferring a favour. The same may be said of
Dr. Guest,
Master of Caius College, who has most kindly removed doubts
consulting the MS. My best and most willng aeknowledgme
nts are
due to the Rev. J. E. B. Mayor, M.A., Librarian of the Univer
of Cambridge, and to Henry Bradshaw, Esq., M.A., Fellow ef
College, for their ready assistance in procuring a Grace of the
to take out of the Library one of their treasures, the MS.
of the
Anglo-Saxon Gospels. 1 have, therefore, had the great advantage

the unrestrained possession and use of this MS. for reference,
the time the Anglo-Saxon text has been passing through the
University Press.

Oxford ; June 27th, 1862.


a, after a number, denotes the right C The Cambridge MS, v. Pre?, p. xiii. H. or Hat, The Hatton MS .v. Pre£. p a
hand page, recto; and b, the left hand 91i. i.e. 5d est,
Page, verso, Cast. Mai, Oount Castiglioneand An- Jn, St. John's Gospel.
a indicates the first word in a verse, gelo Mai, v. Notes, p. 571:
v. 2 and Lk. St. Luke.
2=2, c—3, d—4 etc. to z=26: ab denote vii, 28e, Mass, Massman, v, Pref. p. ix, § x.
words 1 and 2, cd=8 and 4: a-d denote Cod. Arg. Codex Argenteus, v. Pref. Mk, St. Mark,
the words from 1 to 4, both inclusive: dd p. iv-ix. Mt. St, Matthow,
indicate a double alphabet, i. e. 25 letters Cod, Aug. Codex Augustinius Bodl. D. O. The Oxford MS. v. Pref. p. xvi. í vi.
9f one alphabet, and d—4 of the next 2, 11. Rl. Royal MS. v. Pref. p. xv. € v.
or 26 + 4—30, the number of the word Col, Column. Rush. or Rushw. Rushworth, v. Pref.
in the verse, Thus, in Notes, p. 571, Corp. Corpus Christi Coll, Camb. v, B. P. xvi.
€ol.2,]5e—chap, v. verse 15; e—5, the Cot. Cotton, v. Pref. p. xiv. § iif. Skeir, Ezeireins, v. Pref. p. viii, § vi.
. fifth word in verse 15, i D. 2.11, v. Cod. Aug. Opps. Uppströms Cod, Arg. 4to. Upp-
| Arg.or Arg. v. Cod. Arg. etc. or etc, et ctetera. sala i554-10^7, v. Notes, p. £70.
A.S. Anglo-Saxon. Fol. or fol, folio or leaf. Upps. Frag. Goth. v. Notes, y. 570.
B The Bene't or Corp. Christi MS. v. 3=9, gh and y. v. vide, see.
Fref, p. xiii, § i. Gab. Lib. Gabelentz and Lébe, v, Pref, Vet. Ital, The Old ltalc Version, #.
b. v.a. p. viii, $ vii, Pref. p. xi,
b, v. a Grk. Greek. w. wanted or omitted in MSS,

xliv. Enim si remittitis hominibus
transgressiones eorum, remittit et
vobis pater vester ò super coelis.
Autem si non remittitis hominibus trans-
gressiones eorum, neque pater ves-
ter remittit transgressiones vest-
xlv. tras. Autem quum jejunatis, non fia-
Matt. vi. 14-16, v. Alphabet, p. xxxvi.


nunge acalyy uy oy yyele yoblice ; Picodlice
cost-nunge,: ac alys
TITus A:Y Tele dee ite hae AI
temp-tation, but loose us from evil. Amen. Verili SR
Se ponsyya$ manni hypa yynna por von syyb
ge EAE mannum MES Len ponne Fi
ye forgive men their sins, then forgweth
open ye heoyenlica yeven Cop coppe xylcay:
ME D heofenlica Fidel an SAR pei Í
your — Í heavenly father you, your guilt.
Gyy sé yo$ lice ne ponsyya® manni. ne Copen pæ
Gyf ge sodlice ne
forgyfad mannum, ne eower fæ-
Jf ye soothly forgwe not men, neither your fa-
dep ne aea €op coppe yynna;
der ne forgyfd eow eowre synna. P
ther Jorgweth you, your sins. Pref. pS

on coyténunse: ac alyy uy or Yale: yoðlice- picoolice

on costnunge, ac alys us of yfele. sodlice. ^ Witodlice
ES Se ropswa?9 manni heona yynna: ponne yop
ge forgifat mannum heora synna, þonne for-
E €opep ye heoyenlica yævep cop coppe sil
gifed ^ eower se heofenlica feeder eow eowre gil-
tay: Sip se yodlice ne yonsiyad manni: ne copen
tas. gif ge sodlice ne forgifad mannum, ne eower
pevep ne yon sýrð cop coppe yynna: Dyy se bypad
feder ne forgyfd eow eowre synna. Ðys gebyrad **
Matt. vi. 13-15,v. Pref. p. xiii. § ii.

yuel amen. pat is so be it / forsope
sif see shulen forjeue to men her
synnys: & 30ure heuenly fadir. shal
forjeue to 3ou 30ure trespassis / so
|j pely sif zee shulen forjeue not to
; men: neip 3oure fadir shal for3eue
to 30u 30ure synnes. But when 3ee
Matt. vi. 13-16. Pref. p. xxii.

tempta-cion. but delyvre vs ffrom yvell / Amen. For ad
yff yeshall forgeve other men there treaspases /
youre father i hevé shal also forgeve you. but ad
ye wyll not forgeve men there trespases / nomoz
Y re shall youre father forgeve youre treaspases.
Moreovre when ye faste / be not sad as the yz
poeryts are. For they disfigure there faces / that
hit myght apere vnto men that they faste. Vere:
ly y say vnto you / they have there rewarde. But
D thou / whé thou fastest / anoynte thyneheed / ad
Matt. vi. 13-17.

* v, Facsimile facing the Title; and Preface, p. vi. vii. + v. Notes, p. 574, col, 1; and
Preface, p. xiii. t Verbally, the heavenly Father of you. || The Cambridge MS. : v. Preface,
posi. $i. The verbal English of C is given in the preceding example, marked B. ** The Rubric:
v. the entire Rubric, in Notes, p. 575, col. 1. Matt. vi. 16a. The literal English of this Rubric is, Tis
belongeth to the head of the fast on Wednesday.

Notes on the Gothic Alphabet.

GOTHIC!, 1 The Gothic alphabet is evidently ANGLO-SAXON.
formed from the Greek. It was first
Form Sound Number | used by Ulphilas about a.p. 360. See Form Sound
Facsimile, and Preface, p. iii. b
À I 2 Most of the Gothic letters have the A A a A
b „ | same sound as their English representa- B b b
= tives; but, as in Greek so in Gothic,
r? g has always a hard sound, as in give; L C C
3 and g before another g, or before k, has
o 4
the sound of z: thus, Lk. i. 11, aggilus,
an angel, is pronounced angilus, as the
D Ò d
5 Grk. &yyedos: Lk. v. 21, bagkyan, to € e Q
QJ m
think, is pronounced thankyan. "e
6 3 [s represented by our q sounded as F
kw, thus qens a wife, Lk. i. 18, is pro-
nounced kweens. ]4 G
“| * Our indefinite zb would have been H b
8 used, but the A.S. p was necessary to "5
distinguish þ from th as separate letters I ið
Q | in such words as athaitands, Lk. vii. 19.
5 As ya yea, yuk a yoke. K k
L1 es
aes 10? 9 As oy between two consonants.
7 The hard ch as the Grk. x. L mt
— ie
K k 20 8 As in wheila while, whan when; hw
could not be used, as hw occur as separate m M n m
A l 30 | letters in hwssopo, pronounced boyssofo,
M 6 Skeir. p. 179. N n n n
; =11: KAÀ-er: NP= O (0) of
N n 50 | ga: Rith=:1s8: FAZ =537. p p p
G y 60 Notes on the Anglo-Saxon Alphabet. Q í q q
b nan,
a as a in mán o as o in cock. 2 $
a p 80 as as ai in main. * oias o in coke, Y S
e as e in met. 6 as oo in cook.
tu] QO | ¢ eld as ea in meat. f u as z in full. C
d R i / 6 as ee in meet, & as ou in foul. 1
] TATTOO jiasin win. | frasyin bab u u u
i as in wine. y as y in lye life. r
S S S 200 i D, d, 3 have the sound of Z5 in thine y Y Y 4 Ww
and soo/be. See p. xxxii.
T T t 300 k p, p have the sound of ¢ in éin
400 | and d sootb. sooth.See p. xxxiix xi . ESX
y ;
Y° W w Seep.
Note— The accent, in Anglo-Saxon, <
LH F f 500 indicates the long vowels [see notes b—z
and p. xxx] and must not be confounded
of ke z
x7 CH ch 600 with syllabic emphasis, or the stress of the € & Ææ |
voice, which falls upon the chief syllable Sha!
© 8 WH wh 700 ina word. This emphasis, in Gothic and D ð d oi þ*
Anglo-Saxon, is always upon Zzbe first
R Oo c 800 radical syllable of a word, and never p p that: J and.
upon prefixes, such as a, be, ge, etc.




pairh on of of
MAppart, Engliscum MATHEU, 8. MATHEW,


yah and and


in Englische :

Translated from ‘Translated from the Translated from the Translated from

by by by
and printed chiefly
Bishop of from a MS.
and printed and printed
THE Morso-Gorus, written between from from
between A. D. 990 and A. D. 1050; a manuscript, the first edition,
A.D. 348 and 388, written published
probably about about
about in
A.D. 360. A. D. 995. A. D. 1389. A. D. 1526.



Is wanting till Chapter V,15 : except | Cuar. I. 1 Hér is on cneorisse boc

a few verses and fragments of verses, the Hælendes Cristes, Dauides suna, Abra-
sources of which are indicated m the hames suna.
notes*. 2 Soplice Abraham gestrýnde Isaac.
Isaac gestrynde Iacob. Iacob gestrynde -
Iudam and his gebródra. AR
3 ludas gestrynde Phares and Zaram,
of dam wife de wees genemned Thamar.
Phares gestrynde Esrom. Esrom ge- uu
strynde Aram.
4 Aram gestrynde Aminadab. Ami-
nadab gestrynde Naason. Naason ge- —

strynde Salmon. ue
5 Salmon gestrynde Booz, of dam wife —
Raab. Booz gestrynde Obeth, of dam —
wife Ruth. Obeth gestrynde Iesse.
6 lesse gestrynde done cyning Dauid.
Dauid cyning gestrýnde Salomon, of dam —
wife de wes Urias wif.
ee ` ES
7 Salomon gestrynde Roboam. Robeas |
gestrynde Abiam. Abia gestrýnde Aga. -

8 Asa gestrýnde Iosaphath. Tosaphath

gestryndeloram. Ioras gestrýnde Oziam. -
9 Ozias gestrynde Ioatham. Ioatham —
gestrýnde Achaz. Achaz gestrynde Eze-
10 Ezechias gestrynde Mannasen. Man-
nases gestrýnde Amon. Amon ge-
strynde Iosiam. |
11 losias gestrýnde lechoniam and his |
gebrodru, on Babilonis geleorednysse.
t Refers to the Chapter and Verse of the Notes
at the end of the Volume, belonging to that
12 And æfter Babilonys geleorednysse,
Version, and the Word of the Verse after which Iechonias gestrynde Salathiel. Salathiel
the + stamds. gestrynde Zorobabel.




Cmar. I. 1 The boke of generacioun Cuar.l. x Tys is the boke off the
of Jhesu Crist, the sone of Dauyd, the generacion off Jhesus Christ, the sonne
sone of Abraham. of David, the sonne also of Abraham.
2 Abraham gendride* Ysaac. Ysaac 2 Abraham begat Isaac. Isaac begat
forsothe bigate Jacob. Jacob forsothe | Jacob. Jacob begat Judas and hys
bigate Judas and his bretheren. | brethren.
3 Judas forsothe bigate Phares and 3 Judas begat Phares and Zaram, off
Zaram, of Thamar. Phares forsothe Thamar. Phares begat Esrom. Esrom
bigate Esrom. Esrom forsothe bigate | begat Aram.
` Aram.
4 Aram forsothe bigate Amynadab. | 4 Aram begat Aminadab. Aminadab
Amynadab forsothe bigate Nason. Na- begat Naasson. Naasson begat Salmon.
son forsothe bigate Salmon.
5 Salmon forsothe bigate Booz, of Raab. 5 Salmon begat Boos, of Rahab. Boos
Booz forsothe bigate Obeth, of Ruth. begat Obed, of Ruth. Obed begat Jesse.
Obeth forsothe bigate Gesse.
6 Jesse forsothe bigate Dauith the kyng. 6 Jesse begat David the kynge. David
Dauith forsothe kyng bigate Salomon, the kynge begat Solomon, of her that
of that womman that was Uries wyf. was the wyfe of Ury.
4 Salomon forsothe bigate Roboam. 7 Solomon begat Roboam. Roboam
Roboam forsothe bigat Abias. Abias begat Abia. Abia begat Asa.
forsothe bigate Asa.
8 Asa forsothe bigate Josophat. Jo- 8 Asa begat Josaphat. Josaphat begat
sophat forsothe bigate Joram. Joram Joram. Joram begat Osias.
forsothe bigate Osias.
9 Osias forsothe bigate Joathan. Jo- 9 Osias begat Joatham. Joatham begat
athan forsothe bigate Achaz. Achaz Achas. Achas begat Ezechias.
forsothe bigate Ezechie.
ro Ezechie forsothe bigate Manasses. ro Ezechias begat Manasses. Manasses
Manasses forsothe bigate Amon. Amon begat Amon. Amon begat Josias.
forsothe bigate Josias.
1I Josias forsothe bigate Jechonyas and tr Josias begat Jechonias and hys
his bretheren, in to transmigracyoun of brethren, aboute the tyme of the cap-
Babiloyne. tivete of Babilon.
12 And after the transmygracyoun of 12 After they wer ledd captive to
Babiloyne, Jechonias bigate Salatiel. Sa- Babilon, Jechonias begat Salathiel. Sa-
latiel forsothe bigate Zorobabel. lathiel begat Zorobabel.
4 GOTHIC, 36c. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
13 Zorobabel gestrynde Abiud. Abiud
gestrynde Eliachim. Eliachim gestrynde
I4 Ázor gestrynde Sadoc. Sadoc ge
strýnde Achim. Achim gestrynde Eliud.

r5 Eliud gestrynde Eleazar. Eleazar

| gestrynde Mathan.m. Mathan gestrýnde
16 Iacob gestrynde Ioseph, Marian
wer, of dere wes ácenned se Hælend,
de is genemned Crist.
17 Eornostlice ealle cneoressa fram
Abrahame od Dauid synd feowertyne
cneoressa, and fram Dauide od Babilo-
nis geleorednysse feowertyne cneoressa,
and fram Babilonis geleorednesse od
Crist feowertyne cneoressat,

18 Sóplice dus wees Cristes cneores.

Da des Helendes módor, Maria, wes
Iosepe beweddod, ær hi to somme be-
comun, heo wees gemét on innode hæb-
bende of dam Hálegan Gáste.
19 Soplice Iosep, hyre wer, dá he
wees rihtwis, and nolde hi gewidmærsian,
he wolde hi dihlice forlætan. |
20 Him dá sóplice dás ping pencen-
dum, Drihtnes engel on swefnum ætýwde,
and him to eweep, losep, Dauides sunu,
nelle du ondrædan Marian, dine gemæc-
cean, to onfónne ; det on hyre ácenned
ys hyt ys of dam Hálgan Gäste. —
2i . . . lp pabairip sunu, yah baitais 21 Witodlice heo cenþ sunu, and au
name is iesu :' nemst hys naman H&lend: He sóplice
hys fole hál gedép fram hyra synnum.

22 Sóþlíce eal dys wees geworden, daet

gefylled ware, det fram Drihtne ge-
cweden wees þurh done witegan.
23 Soplice! seo fæmne hæfþ on innode,
and heo cenp sunu, and hi nemnap his
naman Emanuhel, det ys gereht on üre
gepeode, God mid us.

24 Da árás Iosep of swefene, and dyde

swa Drihtnes engel him bebead, and
he onféng hys gemæccean ;
25 And he ne grétte hi, [od đæt]t heo
cende hyre frum-cennedan sunu, and
nemde hys naman Hélend.t

Ll13-25.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 5
13 Zorobabel forsothe begate Abyut. 13 Zorobabel begat Abiud. Abiud be-
Abyut forsothe bygate Eliachim. Elja- gat Eliachim. Eliachim begat Azor.
chym forsothe bigate Asor.
14 Asor forsothe bigate Sadoc. Sados I4 Azor begat Sadoc. Sadoe begat
forsothe bygate Achym, Achym forsothe Achin. Achin begat Eliud.
bygate Elyut.
15 Elyut forsothe bygate Eleasar. Elea- 15 Eliud begat Eleasar. Eleasar be-
sar forsothe bigate Mathan. Mathan gat Matthan. Matthan begat Jacob.
forsothe bigate Jacob.
16 Jacob forsothe bigate Joseph, the 16 Jacob begat Joseph, the husbande
husbond of Marie, of whiche Marie Jesus off Mary, of whome was boren that Jhe-
is born, that is clepid Crist. sus, which is called Christ.
17 And so alle generaciouns from Abra- 17 All the generacions from Abraham
ham til to Dauith ben fourtene gene- to David are fowretene generacions,
raciouns, and fro Dauith vnto trans- and from David vnto the captivete of
mygracioun of Babiloyne ben fourtene Babilon are fowrtene generacions, and
generaciouns, and from the transmygra- from the captivete of Babilon vnto
cioun of Babiloyne vnto Crist ben four- Christ are also fowrtene generacions.
tene generaciouns.
18 Forsoth the generacioun of Crist was 18 The byrthe off Christe was on thys
thus. Whane Marie, his modir, was wyse. When hys mother, Mary, was
spousid to Joseph, bifore that thei shul- maryed vnto Joseph, before they cam to
den come to gidre, she is foundun hau- dwell togedder, she was founde with
ynge in the wombe of the Holy Gost. chylde by the Holy Goost.
19 Joseph forsothe, hir husbond, when 19 Then her husbande, Joseph, beinge
he was iust man,* and wolde not pup- | a parfect man, and loth to defame her,
liche* hir, wolde priuyly forsake hire. was mynded to put her awaye secretly.
20 Sothely hym thenkynge these | 20 Whill he thus thought, behold! the
thingus, lo! the angel of the Lord ape- angell of the Lord apered vnto him
ride in sleepe* to hym, sayinge, Joseph, in slepe, sainge, Joseph, the sonne of
the sone of Dauyd, nyl thou drede to David, feare not to take vnto the Mary,
take Marie, thi wyf ; forsothe that thing thy wyfe ; for that which is conceaved
that is born in hire is of the Holy Goost. in her is of the Holy Goost.
21 Sothely she shal bere a sone, and 21 She shall brynge forthe a sonne,
thou shalt clepe his name Jesus ; for he | and thou shalt call his name Jesus ; for
shal make his peple saif fro her synnes, he shall save his people from theire
22 Forsothe al this thing was don, that 22 All thys was done to fulfill that
it shulde be fulfillid, that thing that was which was spoken of the lorde be the
seid by a prophete, seiynge, prophet, saynge,
23 Loo! a virgyne shal haue in wombe, 23 Beholde! a mayde shalbe with
and she shal bere a sone, and his name chylde, and shall brynge forthe a sonne,
shal be clepid Emanuel, that is inter- and they shall call his name Emanuel,
pretid,t God with us. which is as moche to saye be interpreta-
cion, as God with vs.
24 Sothely Joseph rysynge vp fro sleep, 24 Joseph as sone as he awoke out
did as the angel of the Lord comaundiae of slepe, did as the angell off the Lorde
hym, and toke his wijf ; bade him, and toke hys wyfe vnto hym ;
25 And he knewe hir nat, til she had 25 And knewe her not, tyll she had
boren hir first bygoten sone, and clepide brought forth her fyrst sonne, and ealled
his name Jhesus, hys name Jesus.
GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
Cuap. II. 1 Eornustlice dá se Hælend
ácenned wees on Iudeiscre Bethleem, on
| des cyninges dagum Herodes, dá comon
da tungol-witegan fram east-dæle to
2 And ewædon, Hwer ys se, Iudea
cyning de ácenned ys? sóplice we ge-
sawon hys steorran on east-dæle, and we
comon us him to ge-eadmédenne.
3 Da Herodes det gehyrde dà wearp
he gedréfed, and eal Hierosolim-waru
mid him.
4 And dá gegaderode Herodes ealle
ealdras dæra sacerda, and folces writeras,
and áxode, hwer Crist ácenned were.

5 ba sædon hi him, On Iudeiscere

Bethlem ; witodlice dus ys áwriten purh
done witegan,
6 And dá, Bethleem, Iudea land, witod-
lice ne eart da lest on Iuda ealdrum ;
of dé forþ-gæþ se here-toga, se de recþ
min fole Israhel.

7 Herodes dá clypode on sunder-

spréce da tungel-witegan, and befran hi
georne hwænne se steorra him æteowde.
8 And he asende hi to Bethlem, and
dus cwæþ, Farap, and axiap geornlice be
dam cilde, and donne ge hyt gemétap, |
cydap eft me, dst ic cume and me to
him gebidde.

9 Da hi det gebod gehyrdon, da fér-

don hi. And sóplice! se steorra, de hi
on east-dæle gesáwon, him befóran férde,
od he stód ofer, der det cild wees.

10 Sóplice da, da tungel-witegan done

steorran gesáwon, [hig]' fægenodon
swyde myclum gefean.
11 And ganggende into dam hüse, hí
gemétton det cild mid Marian, hys mé-
der ; and hi ápénedon hi, and hi to him
gebedon. And hi untyndon hyra gold-
hordas, and him lac brohton, Geet wees
gold, and récels, and myrre.
12 And hi afengon andsware on swef-
num, ðæt hi eft to Herode ne hwyrfdon,
ac hi on óderne weg on hyra rice férdon.*

13 Da hi dá férdon, da ætýwde Drihtnes

IL 1-13.} WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1826. "
Canar. II. z Therfore when Jhesus Cuar. II. r WHEN Jesus was borne
was born in Bethlem of Juda, in the days in Bethleem a toune of Jury, in the
of kyng Herode, loo! kyngis! camen fro tyme of king Herode, beholde! there
the sest to Jerusalem, cam wyse men from the est to Jerusalem,

2 Sayinge, Wher is he, that is borun 2 Saynge, Where is he, that is borne
kyng of Jewis? forsothe we han seyn his kynge of the Jues? we have sene his
sterre in the este, and we comen for to starre in the est, and are come to wor-
wirshipe hym. ship hym.
3 Sothely kyng Herode herynge is 3 Herode the kynge after he hadd
trublid, and al Jerusalem with him. herde thys was troubled, and all Jerusa-
lem with hym.
4 And he, gedrynge to gidre alle the 4 And he sent for all the chefe prestes,
princis of prestis, and scribis of the peple, and scribes off the people, and demaunded
enquiride of hem, wher Crist shulde be off them, where Christ shulde be borne.
5 And thei seiden to hym, In Bethlem 5 They sayde vnto hym, In Bethleem
of Juda ; for so it is writen bia pro- a toune of Jury ; for thus it is written
phete, be the prophet,
6 And thou, Bethlem, the lond of Juda, 6 And thou, Bethleem, in the londe
thou art nat the leste in the princis of Jury, shalt not be the leest as per-
of Juda ; for of thee a duk shal gon out, teyninge to the princes of Juda ; for out
that shal gouerne my peple of Yrael. of the shal come a captaine, whych
shall govern my people Israhel.
7 Than Herode, priuyli the kyngis + Then Herod prevely called the wyse
clepid to hym, bisily lernyde of hem the men, and dyligently enquyred of them
tyme of the sterre that apperide to hem. the tyme of the starre that appered.
8 And he, sendynge hem in to Beth- 8 And sent them to Bethleem, saynge,
lem, saide, Go 3ee, and axe 5ee bisily of When ye be come thyder, searche dyli-
the chyld, and whan 5ee han founden, gentily for the childe, and when ye
telle a3ein to me, that and Y cummynge have founde hym, bringe me worde,
wirshipe hym. that Y maye come and worshippe hym
9 The whiche, when thei hadden herde 9 When they had herde the kynge,
the kyng, wenten awey. And loo! the they departed. And lo! the starre,
sterre, the whiche thei sayen in este, whych they sawe in the este, went before
wente bifore hem, til that it cummynge them, vntyll it cam and stod over the
— stood aboue, wher the child was. place, where the chylde was.
10 Forsothe thei, seeynge the sterre, 1o When they sawe the starre, they
—— ioyeden with a ful grete ioye. were marveylously gladd.

11 And thei, entrynge the hous, foun- rz And entred into the house, and
den the child with Marie, his modir ; and founde the childe with Mary, hys mother ;
‘thei fallynge doun worshipiden hym. and kneled doune and worshipped hym.
And her tresours opnyd, thei offreden to And opened there treaseures, and offred
hym iftis, gold, encense, and merre. unto him gyftes, gold, franckynsence,
and myr.
12 And answer taken in sleep, that 12 And after they were warned in
thei shulden not turne agein to Herode, ther slepe, that they shulde not go ageyne
thei ben turned by an other wey in to to Herod, they retourned into ther awne
her cuntree. countre another way.
13 And when thei hadden gon awey, 13 After that they were departed, lo!
GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Mary. -
engel Josepe on swefnum, and dus ewep,
Ans, and nim dst cild and his módor,
and fleoh on Egypta-land, and beo der,
od dzt ic dé secge; toweard ys, det
Herodes sécp dit cild, to forspillenne. -
14 He árás dá, and nam det cild and
his módor on niht, and férde on Egyp-
15 And wes der od Herodes forþ-siþ ;
det ware gefylled, det de fram Drihtne
gecweden wes purh done witegan, Of
Egyptum ie minne sunu geclypode. 4

16 Da wes Herodes swyde gebolgen, |

fordam de he bepzht was fram dam j
tungel-witegum ; and he ásende dá and
ofslóh ealle da cild, de on Bethleem
wæron, and on eallum hyre gemérum,
fram twý-wintrum cilde and binnan dam, — —
æfter dere tide de he ge-axode fram ——
dam tungel-witegum. E
17 Da wes gefylled, det gecweden wes —
purh Hieremiam, done witegan, f
18 Stefn wes on héhnysse gehyred,
wóp and mycel potorung, Rachel weop E
hyre bearn, and heo nolde beon gefréf- —
red, fordam de hi næron.“

19 Soplice dá Herodes wes forpfaren,

witodlice! on swefne Drihtnes engel
&tywde Iosepe on Egyptum,
20 And dus cwæþ, Aris, and nim det
cild and his módor, and far on Israhela
land ; nú synd forþfarene de des cildes
sáwle sóhton.
2x He árás dá, and onfémz det cild
and his módor, and com on Israhela land.

22 Da he gehyrde det Archelaus rixode

on Íudea peode, for dene Herodem, he
ondréd dyder to farende. And, on swef-
num gemynegod, he férde on Galileisce
élas ;

23 And he com dá and eardode on

dere ceastre, de is genemned Nazareth, _
| det were gefylled, det gecweden wes |
purh done witegan, Fordam de he Na-
zarenisc byp genemned.*
IL 14-23.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 9
loo! the aungel of the Lord apperide in | the angell of the Lorde apered to Joseph
sleep to Joseph, sayynge, Ryse vp, and in his slepe, saynge, Aryse, and take the
| take the child and his modir, and flee in childe and his mother, and flye in to
to Egipt, and be thou there, til that í Egipte, and abyde there, tyll Y bringe
seye to thee ; sothely it is to cume, that the worde; for Herod wyll seke the
Herode seeke the child, for to lese hym. chylde, to destroye hym.
14 The whiche Joseph, rysynge vp, 14 Then he arose, and toke the chylde
toke the chijld and his modir by nyste, | and his mother by night, and departed
and wente into Egipt, in to Egipte,
r5 And was there til to the deth of I5 And was there vnto the deeth of
Erode; that it shuld be fulfillid, that Herod ; to fulfill that which was spoken
thing that was said of the Lord by the of the Lorde by the prophet, which say-
prophete, sayinge, Fro Egypt Y haue eth, Out of Egipte have Y called my:
clepide my sone. sonne.
16 Thanne Erode seeynge that he was 16 Then Herod perceavynge that he
- scorned? of the kyngis, was gretely was moocked off the wyse men, was ex-
- wroth; and he sendynge slew; alle the ceedynge wroth ; ana sent forth and slue
- ehildren, that weren in Bethlem, and in all the chyldren, that were in Bethleem,
- alle the eendis of it, fro two 3eer age and and in all the costes there of, as many as
with ynne, after the tyme that he hadde were two yere old and vnder, accordynge
sou3t out of the kyngis. to the tyme which he had diligently
searched oute of the wyse men.
- 17 Than it was fulfillide, that thing 17 Then was fulfilled that which was
- that was said by Jeremye, the prophete, spoken be the prophet, Jeremi, saynge,
_: sayinge,
18 A voice is herd an hee3e, weepynge 18 On the hilles was a voyce herde,
and myche weilynge, Rachel weepynge mournynge wepynge and greate lamen-
hir sonys, and she wolde not be comfortid, tacion, Rachel wepynge ffor her chyldren,
for thei ben not. | and wolde nott be comforted, because
they were not.
19 Sothely Erode dead, loo! the an- 19 When Herod was deed, lo! an angell
gel of the Lord apeeride in sleep to off the Lorde apered vnto Joseph in
Joseph in Egipt, Egipte,
— 20 Sayinge, Ryse vp, and take the 20 Saynge, Arise, and take the chylde
— ehilde and his modir, and go in to the and his mother, and go in to the londe
lond of Yrael ; for thei that sousten the of Israhel ; fortheyare deed which sought
. lijf of the chyld ben dead. the chyldes deeth.
The whiche Joseph, rysynge vp, 21 Then he arose vp, and toke the
— 21
- toke the child and his modir, and cam in chylde and his mother, and cam into the
to the lond of Yrael. londe of Israhel.
—— 22 Forsothe he heerynge that Arche- 22 But when he herde that Archelaus
laus regnede in Jude for Eroude, his did raygne in Jury in the roume off hys
- fadir, dred for to go thidir. And he, father, Herode, he was afrayde to goo
monestid in sleep, wente in to the parties thether. Notwithstondynge, after he was
of Galilee ; warned in his slepe, he tourned a syde
into the parties off Galile ;
23 And he cummynge dwelte in a 23 And went and dwelt in a cite
citee, that is clepid Nazareth, that it called Nazareth, to ffulfill that which was
shulde be fulfillid, that thing that is said spoken be the prophetes, He shalbe called
by prophetis, For whi he shal be clepid of Nazareth.
of Nazareth.
10 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sv. Mama,
Cuar. IIT. í On dam dagum com
Iohannes se Fulluhtere, and bodude on
dam wéstene Iudeæ,
2 And cwæþ, Dóþ dæd-bóte, sóþlice
' genealæceþ heofona rice.
3 Stibna wopyandirs in supidai, Man- 3 Dis ys se, be dam de gecweden ys
weld wig Frauyins ; raihtos waurkeiþ purh Esaiam, done witegan, Clypiendes
staigos is. ' stein wes on wéstene, Gegearwiap
Drihtnes weg; dóp his sidas rihte.

4 Se Iohannes witodlice hæfde reaf of

olfenda harum, and fellenne gyrdel embe
hyslendenu ; and hys mete wees gserstap-
an, and wudu hunig.

5 Da férde to him Hierosolim-waru,

and eal Iudea peod, and eal đæt rice
wid geondam Iordanen ;
6 And hi wæron gefullode on Ior-
dane fram him, and hi andettan hyra
synna. l
7... Kuni nadre, whas eataiknida izwis 7 Soplice dá he geséh manega đæra
þliuhan faura pamma anawairpin hatiza 1* Sunder-halgena, and diera Riht-wisendra
to his fulluhte cumende, he ewæþ to him,
La næddrena cyn, hwá geswütelode eow-
to fleonne fram dam toweardan yrreí
8 Waurkyaip nu akran wairpata idrei- 8 Eornostlice dóp médemne weastm
gos. Í dera ded -béte, A
9 Yah ni [puggkyaip] qipan in izwis, 9 And ne cweðaþ betwux eow, We
Attan aigum Abraham; qipa auk izwis, habbap Abraham us to feeder ; sóþlice ie |
patei mag Gup us stáinam paim urraisyan secge eow, det God ys swá mihtig dæt he
barna Abrahama, t | meg of dysum stánum áweccean Abra-
hames bearn.
10 Áþþan yu soaqiziat waurtim bagme 10 Eallunga ys seo ex to đæra treowa
iigiþ ; all nu bagme unbairandane akran wurtrumum ásett ; eornustlice éle treow
god, usmaitada, yah in fon galagyada.t de gódne wæstm ne bringp, byþ forcorf-
en, and on fyr áworpen.
tr Ik allis izwis daupya in watin, [du 11 Witodlice ie eow fullige on wæ-
idreigai]; ip sa afar mis gagganda swin- | tere, to dæd-bóte; se de æfter me to-
poza mis ist, pizei ik ni im wairps [sko- werd ys he ys strengra donne ic, des
hans bairan] ; sah [pan] izwis daupeip gescy neom ie wyrde to berenne ; he eow
in Ahmin Weihamma [yah funin].* fullaþ on Hálgum Gáste and on fyre.

I2 Dss fann ys on his handa, and

he áfeormap his pyrscel-flore, and he ge-
gaderap his hwæte on his bern; da ceafu
he forbærnþ on unádwæscendlicum fyre.t

13 Da com se Hælend fram Galilea

to Iordane to Iohanne, det he hine
14 lohannes da sóplice forbead him,
II. 1-14.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. Lk

Cmar. Ili. 1 In thilke days came Cuar. III. 1 In those dayes Jhon
Joon Baptist, prechynge in the desert of the Baptiser cam, and preached in the
Jude, wildernes off Jury,
2 Sayinge, Do 3e penaunce, for the 2 Saynge, Repent, the kyngdome of
kyngdom of heuens shal nei." heven is at honde.
3 Forsothe this is he, of whom it is 3 This is he, of whom it is spoken be
said by Ysaye, the prophete, A voice of a the prophet, Esay, which sayeth, The
eryinge in desert, Make 3e redy the voyce off a cryer in wyldernes, Prepare
wayes of the Lord; make 5e ristful the the Lordes way; and make hys pathes
pathes of hym. strayght.
4 Forsotbe that ilk Joon hadde cloth 4 This Jhon had hys garment off camels
of the heeris of cameylis, and a girdil of heer, and a gerdell off a skynne aboute
skyn aboute his leendis; sothely his his loynes ; hys meate was locustes, and
mete weren locustis, and hony of the wylde hony.
— 5 Thanne Jerusalem wente out to hym, 5 Then went oute to hym Jerusalem,
and al Jude, and al the cuntre aboute and all Jury, and all the region rounde
Jordan ; aboute Jordan ;
6 And thei weren cristenyd of hym in 6 And were baptised of hym in Jor-
Jordan, knowlechynge there synnes. dan, knoledging their synnes.

7 Sothely he seeynge many of Phari- 7 When he sawe many off the Phari-
sees and of Saducese commynge to his ses and off the Saduces come to hys bap-
them, O generacion
bapteme, saide to hem, Generaciouns of tism, he sayde vnto
eddris, who shewide to 5ou for to flee fro of vipers, who hath taught you to fle
wrath to cumme ? from the vengeau nce to come Í
worthi fruytis of 8 Brynge forth therefor e the frutes
8 Therfore do see
penaunce, belongy nge to repenta unce.
9 And nyl se say with ynne 30u, We 9 Ànd se that ye ons thinke not to
han the fadir Abraham ; sothely Y saye saye in yourselves, We have Abraham to
to 3ou, for whi God is misti to reyse vp | oure father; for I say vnto you, that
of these stonys the sonys of Abraham. God is able off these stones to rayse vp
chyldren vato Abraham.
10 For now the axe is putt to the rote io Even nowe is the ax put vnto the `
soo that every tree
"of the tree ; sothely euery tree that mak- | rote of the trees;
be kitt doun, and which bringe th not fforthe goode frute,
ith nat good fruyt, shal cast intothe tyre.
' shal be sent in to fijr. shalbe hewne doune, and
cristene 30u in water, ii Í baptise you in water, in token
it Forsothe Y he that cometh
of repen taunc e ; but
in to penaunce ; forsothe he that is to
me is strenger than Y, whos after me is myghti er then I, whose
-eumme after
shon Y am not worthi to bere ; he shal shues I am not worthy to beare ; he shal
the Holy Gost and with
baptiset 3ow in the Holy Goost and fijr. baptise you with
-12 Whos wynwing cloth* in his hond, 12 Which hath also his fan in his
hond, and will pourge his floore, and
and he shal fully clense his corne floore,
and shal gedre his corne in to his berne ; gadre the wheet into his garner ; and
will burne the chaffe with everlastynge
but chaffis he shal brenne with fyr un-
quenchable.* fyre.
13 Thanne Jhesus came fro Galilee in 13 Then cam Jesus from Galile into
Jordan to Jhon, ffor to be baptised off
to Jordan to Joon, for to be cristned ot
h ym. hym.
14 Soothly Joon forbeed hym, sayiuge, - 14 But Jhon fforbade hym, saynge, I

12 GOTHIC, 260. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
{ and ewe). Ic sceal fram dé beon gefullod,
and cymst du to me?
15 ba andswarode se Helend him
and cwæþ, Læt nú, dus une gedafenap
ealle rihtwisnesse gefyllan. Da forlét
he hine.
16 Soplice dà se Hælend gefullod wes,
, hrædlice he ástáh of dam wætere; and
| nim wurdon der rihte heofenas ontjn-
ede, and he geseah Godes Gast niðer.
stigende swá swa culfran, and wunigende
| ofer hyne ;
| 17 And sóplice! dà com stefn of heof-
enum, and dus ewep, Hér is min se
| gecorena sunu, on dam me gelicode.*

HAP. IV. í Då wes se Hælend geled

fram Gáste on wésten, det he were fram
deofle costud. i
2 And dà da he fæste feowurtig daga
and feowurtig nihta, dá ongan hyne
syddan hingrian.
3 And da genealæhte se costnigend,Í
and ewzep, Gyf dú Godes sunnu sy, ewep
| det dás stánas to hlafe gewurdon.

4 = . . Ni bi hlaib ainana libaid | 4 Da andswarode se Hælend, Hit ys

manna, ak bi all waurde d uos zu awriten, Ne leofap se man be hlafe anum,
ac be ælcon worde de of Godes miipe gæþ.
5 >- . . yah gasatidaina ana gib- | 5 Da gebrohte se deofol hine on da
lin alhs, yah qap du imma,* hálgan ceastre, and ásette hine ofer dees
temples heahnesse, and eweep to him,
6 Yabai sunus siyais Gups, wairp puk 6 Gyf dü Godes sunu eart, ásend dé
dalap; gamelid ist auk, patei aggilum | donne nyder ; sóplice hit ys áwriten, Dæt —
seinaim anabiudip bi puk, yah ana handum he his englum bebead be dé, det hig dé
puk ufhaband, ei whan ni gastagqyais by on hyra handum beron, de-lzes de din föt
staina fotu peinana.t | æt stáne ætsporne.
. . . Nifraisais Frauyan Gup | 7 Da cwæþ se Hælend eft to him, Hit
peinana.* ys àwriten, Ne costna dü Drihten dinne
| God.
8 Eft se deofol hine genam and lædde
hine on swide heahne münt, and æteowde
him ealle middan-eardes ricu, and hyra
wuldor ;
9 And ewep to him, Falle das ic sylle
. dé, gyf dà feallende to me ge-eadmétst.
10[Panuh] imma lesus qap.. gamelid 10 Da cwæþ se Hælend to him, Gang
III. 15.-—IV. xc.] WYCLIFFE, 1585. TYNDALE, 1526. 1S
I owe for to be cristnea ot thee, and ought to be baptysed off the, and coin-
thou commest to me ? mest thou too me?
15 Forsothe Jhesus answermze saice 15 Jesus answered and sayde to hym,
to hym, Suffre now, for so it becummeth | Lett hyt be so nowe, for thus hit becom-

vs for to fulfille all vi5twisnesse. Than | meth us to fulfyll all rightewesnes. Then
Joon leete hym.” he suffred hym.
16 Forsothe Jhesus cristened stei3 vp 16 And Jesus as sone as he was baptised
anoon fro the water; and loo! heuens cam strayght out of the water ; and lo!
ben opened to hym, and he say the Spirit heven was open vnto hym, and he sawe
of God cummynge doun as a culuer, and tne Spirite of God descende lyke a dove,
cummynge vpon hym ; and lyght vppon hym ;

— 17 And loo! a voice fro heuenes, say- 17 And lo! there cam a voice from
inge, This is my byloued sone, in the | haven, sayng, Thys ys my deare sonne,
whiche Y haue plesid to me. in whom is my delyte.

E E —

— Quar. IV. í Thanne Jhesus was ledCumar. IV. 1 Then was Jesus ledd
‘in to desert of a spirit, that he shuide be
awaye of the spirite in to a dex_rt, to be
temptid of the deuel. tempted of the devyll.
2 Ànd whanne he hadde fastid fourty 2 And when he had fasted fourtye
days and fourety nistis, afterward he dayes and fourtye nyghtes, att the last
hungride. i he was an hungred.
-3 And the tempter cummynge mis, 3 Then came vntyll hym the tempter,
aide to hym, 3if thou be Goddis sone, and sayde, Yff thou be the sonne of God,
say that these stoons be maad looues. commande that these stones be made
- 4 The whiche answerynge said to hym, 4 He answered and sayde, Yt is wryt-
It is wryten, A man lyueth not in breed ten, Man shall nott live only by breede,
aloon, bot in euery word that cometh but by every worde that proceadeth out
forth fro the mouthe of God. off the mouth off God.
5 Thanne the deuyl toke hym in to 5 Then the devyll tooke him vpp in
an hooly citee, and sette hym on the to the holy cite, and set hym on a pyn&-
_pynacle of the temple, and saide to hym, cle-of the temple, and sayd vnto hym,
- 6 3if thou be Goddis sone, sende thee 5 Yf thou be the sonne of God, cast -
doun; sothely it is wryten, For to his thysylfe doune; for hit ys wrytten, He
aungels he comaundide of thee, and thei shall geve his angels charge over the,
- shulden take thee in haandis, lest pera- and with there handes the shall stey
uenture thou hurte thi tote at a stoon. the vpp, that thou dashe not thy fote
agaynst a stone.
. 4 Eftsone Jhesus saith to hym, It is 7 Jesus sayde to hym, Hit ys wrytten
writen, Thou shalt not tempte the Lord also, Thou shalt not tempte thy Lorde
thi God. God.
8 Eftsone the deuel toke hym in to a 8 The devyll toke hym up agayne and
ful hee; hill, and shewide to hym alle the ledde hym in to an excedynge hye moun-
-rewmys of the world, and the glorie of tayne, and shewed hym al the kyngdomes
hem; of the worlde, and the beauty of them ;
9 And saide to hym, Alle these thingis 9 And sayde vnto hym, All these
Y shal 3eue to thee, sif thou fallynge will I geve the, iff thou wilt faull doune
doun shalt worshipe me. and worship me.
zo Than Jhesus saide to hym, Go, 10 Then sayde Jesus vnte hym, Avoyd

14 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr Marr.
ist, [Auk] Frauyan Gup peinana inweit- du sceocca onbæc : sóplice hit ys áwriten,
ais, yah imma ainamma fullafahyais. * To Drihtne dinum Gode du dé ge-ead-
métsp, and him ánum peowast.
11 Dáforlét se deofol hine ; and englas
genealæhton, and him pénodon.*

r2 Sóþlice da se Hælend gehyrde ðæt

Iohannes belæwed wes, dà férde he to
13 And forlétenre ære ceastre Na-
zareth, he com, and eardode on Caphar-
naum, on dam sæ-gemærum, on endum
Zabulon and Neptalim,
14 Det were gefylled, det de gecwed-
en wes purh Esaiam, done witegan,

15 *[Zabulones eorpu and Neptalimes

eorþe, sis weg ofer Iordane, dara peoda
Galilea, |
16 Peoda-fole de on pystrum sæt gesenh
mycel leoht, and sittendum on gearde
deapes sceade, is leoht up-ásprungen,

th og Tdreigop, atnewhida sik 17 Syddan ongan se Hælend bodian,

jiudangardi himine. Í and cwedan, Dóþ dæd-bóte, sóMice heof-
ona rice genealiécp. t
Tom . Wharbonds pan faur marein Ga- | 18 Da se Hælend eode wid da Gali-
nerd gasawh twans bropruns, Seimona, leiscean sæ, he geséh twegen gebródru,
[saei heitada] Paitrus, yah Andraian, Simonem, se wes genemned Petrus, and
bropar is, wairpandans nati in marein; Andream, his bródor, sendende hyra nett
wesun auk fiskyans. on da sæ ; sóplice hi weron fisceras.
19 Yah qap im [lesus], Hiryats afar | 19 And he sæde him, Cumap efter
mis, yah gatauya igqis nutans manne." me, and ie do det gyt beop manna
20 [Ip pai] sunsaiw afletandans po 20 And hi der rihte forléton hyra net,
natya, laistidedun afar imma. and him fyligdon. |
21 Yah inngaggans framis yainpro, 21 And dá he danon eode, he geséh
gasawh [anparans twans broþruns,| Ía- twegen ódre gebródru, Iacobum Zebedei,
ida pana Zaibaidaiaus, yah lohannen, and Ioannem, his bródur, on scype mid
bropar is, in skipa [mip Zaibaidaiau, hyra feeder, Zebedeo, remigende hyra
attin seinamma, manwyandans natya net, and he clypode hi. Et
[seina], yah haihait ins.
22 Ip pai sunsaiw afletandans pata skip 22 Hi da sóna forléton hyra nett and
yah attan seinana, [laistidedun] afar hyra feeder, and him fyligdon,t Na
23 And da beférde se Hælend ealle
Galileam, lærende on hyra gesomnungum,
and he wees bodiende gódspel dees rices,
and hælende ælce dle, and élce untrum-
nysse on dam folce.
24 And da férde his hlisa into ealle
Syriam ; and hi brohton him ealle yfel-
IV. ir-24. WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 19

Sathanas ; forsothe it is wrytin, Thou Satan ; for it is written, Thou shalt

shalt worshipe the Lord thi God, and to worshyp thy Lorde God, and hym onlv
hym alone thou shalt serue. shalt thou serve.
11 Than the deuel lafte hym; and 11 Then the dyvell left hym ; and lo!
loo! aungelis camen nize, and serueden the angels cam, and ministred vnto hym.
to hym.
12 Sothely whanne Jhesus hadde herde 12 When Jesus had herde that Jhon
that Joon was taken, he wente into was taken, he departed in to Galile.
I3 And the cite of Nazaret laft, he 13 And left Nazareth, and went, and
— eame, and dwelte in the citee of Capher- dwelte in Capernaum, which is a cite
- naum, beside the see, in the eendis of apoun the see, in the coostes off Zabulon
—— Zabulon and Neptalym, and Neptalim,
— 14 That it shulde be fulfillid, that 14 To ffulfill that whiche was spoken be
thing that was said by Ysay, the pro- Esay, the prophet, saynge,
15 The lond of Zabulon and the lond r5 Beholde the londe of Zabulon and
of Neptalym, the weye of the see ouer Neptalim, the waye of the see beyonde
-— Jordan, of Galilee of hethene men, Jordan, Galile off the Gentyls,
16 The peple that dwelte in derknes- 16 The people whiche sat in dercknes
wee sis say grete li3t, and men sittynge in
queue sawe greate lygbt, and to them which
the cuntree of shadew of deth, li3t is sate in the region and shadowe of deeth,
sprunge to hem. lyght is spronge.
17 Fro thennus Jhesus bygan for to 17 From thatt tyme Jesus began to
preche, and say, Do 3e penaunce, forsothe preache, and to say, Repent, for the
the kyngdom of heuens shal cume nije. kingdome of heven is at honde.
18 Sothely Jhesus, walkynge bisidis 18 As Jesus walked by the see off
_ the see of Galilee, say two bretheren, Galile, he sawe two brethren, Simon,
- Symon, that is clepid Petre, and Andrew, which was called Peter, and Andrew, his
-his brother, sendynge nett in to the see ; brother, castynge a neet into the see;
— forsothe thei weren fisheris. for they were fisshers.
7 19 And he saide to hem, Come 3e 19 And he sayde unto them. Foawe
— after me, and I shal make 30u to be maad me, and I will make you fissners or men.
- fisheris of men.
qe 20 And anon her nettis forsakyn, they 20 And they strayght waye lefte there
4 sueden hym. nettes, and folowed hym.
- 21 And he goynge forth fro that place, 21 And he went forthe from thence,
— say tweyn other bretheren, Jamys of and sawe other twoo brethren, James the
b.Zebedee, and Joon, his brother, in the sonne of Zebede, and Jhon, his brother,
— ship with E nodes, her fadir, makynge in the shippe with Zebede, their father,
— agein? her nettis, and he clepide hem. mendynge their nettes, and called them.

_ 22 Sothely anoon the nettis forsaken 22 And they with out taryinge lefte
— and the fadir, thei sueden hym. the shyp and their father, and folowed
1 23 And Jhesus enuyraunyde al Ga- 23 And Jesus went aboute all Galile,
- lilee, techynge in the synagogis of hem, teachyng yn their sinagoges, and preach-
» and prechynge the aed of kyngdam, ynge the gospell of the kyngdome, and
— and helynge al sorow,! and al sekenesse healinge all manner of sicknes, and all
~ in the peple. manner dyseases amonge the people.
- 24 And his opynyount wente in to al 24 And hys ffame spreed abroode
Syrie ; and thei offriden to hym alle men through oute all Siria; and they brought

M GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
hæbbende missenlicum ádlum, and or
tintregum gegripene, and da de deofel-
seocnyssa heefdon, and mónod-seoce, and
laman ; and he da gehælde.

25 And him fyligdon mycele menigu

fram Galilea,- and fram Decapoli, and
fram Hierusalem, and fram Iudea, and
fram begeondan Iordanen.*

Cuar. V. 1 Sópliee dá se Hælend

geséh da menigu, he ástáh on done münt ;
and dá he sæt, dà genealæhton his leorn- —
ing-cnihtas to him.
2And he ontýnde his múþ, and lerde
hi, and cweep,
3 Audsgai pai unledans ahmin, unte 3 Eadige syndt da gastlican pearfan,
{ize} ist piudangardi himine.* fordam hyra ys heofena rice.
5 Eadige synd da lipan, fordam de hi
eorpan águn.
4 Eadige synd da de nú wépap, fordam
de hi beop gefréfrede.*
6 Eadige synd da de for rihtwisnesse —
hingriap and pyrstap, fordam de hi beop
7 Eadige synd da mild-heortan, for-
dam de hi mild-heortnysse begytap.
8 Audagai pai hrainyahairtans, unte 8 Eadige synd da clæn-heortan, for- —
pai Gup gasaiwhand.* dam de hi God geseop.
9 Eadige synd da gesybsuman, for-
dam de hi beop Godes bearn genemnede.

10 Eadige synd da de ehtnysse þoliaþ

for rihtwisnysse, fordam de hyra ys heof-
onan rice.
II Eadige synd ge, donne hi wyriap Ld

eow, and ehtap eow, and secgeap ælc -

yfel ongén eow leogende, for me,

12 Geblissiap and gefægniaþ, fordam

de eower méd ys mycel on heofonum ;
swa hi ehtun da witegan de beforan eow

13 [Yus siyup] salt [airpos}; ip ya- 13 Ge synd eorþan sealt; gyf dæt
bai salt baud wairpip, whe gasupoda ? *. . | sealt áwyrþ, on dam de hit gesylt bip?
| Hit ne meg syddan to náhte, büton
IV.25.-V. 13.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 17
hauynge yuele, takyn with dyuers sorowis vnto hym all sicke people, that were
and tourmentis, and hem that hadden taken with divers diseases and gripinges,
deuelis, and lunatijk men, and men in and them that were possessed with
palsie, and he helide hem. devils, and those which were lunatyke,
and those that had the palsey, and he
healed them.
25 And there sueden hym many cum- 25 And there folowed hym a greate
panyes of Galilee, and of Decapoly, and nombre off people from Galile, and from
of Jerusalem, and of Judee, and of be- the ten cites, and from Jerusalem, and
sonde Jordan. from Jury, and from the regions that lye
beyonde Jordan.

Crap. V. 1 Jhesus forsothe, seynge Cmar. V. 1 When he sawe the peo-

eumpanyes, wente vp in to an hill ; and ple, he went vp into a mountayne; and
when he hadde sete, his disciplis camen when he was set, his disciples cam vnto
nise to hym. hym.
2 And he, openynge his mouthe, tau3te 2 And he openned his mought, and
to hem, sayinge, taught them, saynge,
3 Blessid be the pore in spirit, for the 3 Blessed are the poore in sprete, for
kingdam in heuenes is heren. theirs is the kyngdome off heven.
5 Blessid be mylde men, for thei shuln 4 Blessed are they that morne, for they
welde the eerthe. shalbe comforted.
4 Dlessid be thei that mournen, for thei 5 Blessed are the meke, for they shall
shuln be comfortid.* inheret the erth.
6 Blessid be thei that hungren and 6 Blessed are they which honger and
thristen ristwisnesse, for thei shuln ben thurst for rightewesnes, for they shalbe
fulfillid. filled.
7 Blessid be mercyful men, for thei 7 Blessed are the mercifull, for they
shuln gete mercye. shall obteyne mercy.
8 Blessid be thei that ben of clene 8 Blessed are the pure in herte, for
herte, for thei shuln see God. they shall se God.
- 9 Blessid be pesible men, for thei shuln 9 Blessed are the maynteyners of peace,
_ be elepid the sonys of God. for they shalbe called the chyldren of
$ God.
= 10 Blessid be thei that suffren perse- ro Blessed are they which suffre per-
-cucioun for ri;3twisnesse, for the kyngdam secucion for rightewesnes sake, for theirs
of heuenes is herun. ys the kyngdome off heven.
11 3ee shulen be blessid, when men 11 Blessed are ye, when men shall re-
shulen curse 30u, and shulen pursue 30u, vyle you, and persecute you, and shall
and shulen say al yuel ageins 30u lee3ing, falsly say all manner of yvell saynges
for me. agaynst you, ffor my sake. ;
_ 12 loye 3ee with yn forth, and glade 12 Reioyce, and be glad, for greate is
see with out forth, for 30ure meede is youre rewarde in heven ; for so persecuted
plenteuouse in heuenes ; forsothe so thei they the prophets which were before
han pursued and prophetis that weren youre dayes.
before 30u.
.13 3ee ben salt of the erthe ; that sif +3 Ye are the salt of the erthe; but
the salt shal vanyshe awey, wherynne and if the salt be once vnsavery, what
shal it be saltid? To no thing it is can be salted ther with? It is thence-
18 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST. Mart.
det hit sy út-áworpen, and sy fram mann-
um fortreden.

14 Ge synd middan-eardes leoht ;

mæg seo ceaster beon behyd de byþ
uppan mint áset ;
UR eeA Lo 15 Ne hi ne ælaþ hyra leoht-fæt, and
e... . ~ . akana lukarnastap- hit under cyfe settap, ac ofer candel-steef,
in, yah liuhteip* allaim paim in pamma deet hit onlihte eallum dam de on dam
garda. húse synd.
16 Swa liuhtyai liuhap izwar in and- 16 Swa onlihte eower leoht beforan
wairpya manne, ei gasaiwhaina izwara mannum, det hi geseon eowre gódan
goda waurstwa, yah hauhyaina attan weore, and E eowerne fzder de |
izwarana pana in himinam. on heofonum ys. t
17 Ni hugyaip ei qemyau gatairan 17 Nelle ge wénan Geet ic come towurp-
witop, aippau praufetuns; ni qam ga- an da á, odde da witegan ;ne com ic
tairan, ak usfullyan. ná towurpan, ac gefyllan.

18 Amen auk qipa izwis, und patei 18 Sópes on eornost ie secge eow,
usleipip himins yah airpa, yota ains, aip- ærðam de gewite heofon and eorþe, án i,
pau ains striks, ni usleipip af witoda, odde án prica, ne gewit fram dere d,
unte ailata wairþiþ. ærðam ealle þing gewurdan.
19 Ip saei nu gatairip aina anabusne 19 Eornostlice se ðe towyrpþ án of
pizo minnistono, yah laisyai swa mans, dysum lestum bebodum, and da men
minnista haitada in piudangardyai him- swá lærþ, se byþ læst genemned on heof-
ine; ip sæi tauyip, yah laisyai swa, sah onan rice; sóþlice se de hit dép, and
mikils haitada in piudangardyai himine. lær, se bip mycel genemned on heofonan |

. 20 Qipa auk izwis, patei nibai manag-

izo wairpip izwaraizos garaihteins þau
pize bokarye yah Fareisaie, ni pau qimip
in piudangardyai himine. onan rice.
21 Hausidedup patei qipan ist paim 21 Ge gehjrdon det geeweden wees
airizam, Ni maurpryais ; ip saei maurpr- on salah tidum, Ne ofsleh di; se dà
eip, skula wairpip stauai. ofslihp, se byp dóme scyldig.
22 Appan ik qipa izwis, patei whazuh 22 Ie secge eow, sóplice det ælc de
modags bropr seinamma sware, skula yrsap hys bréder, byþ dome soyldig;
wairpip stauai; ip saei qiþiþ bropr sein- sóplice, se de segp hys bréder, Du áword.
amma, Raka, skula wairpip gaqumpai; ena, he bip gepeahte scyldig; se desegp,
aþþan saei qiþiþ, Dwala, skula wairpip Du stunta, se byp scyldig helle fyres.
in gaiainnan funins.

23 Yabai nu bairais aibr pein du hunsl- 23 Eornostlice gyf dú bringst dine láe
astada, yah yainar gamuneis, patei brop- to weofode, and dú der gepenegst, deet
ar peins habaip wha bi puk, din brodor heefp ænig ping agén dé,
24 Aflet yainar po giba peina in and- 24 Læt der dine lac befóran dam al-
wairpya hunslastadis, yah gage faurpis tare, and gang ær and gesybsuma wid
gasibyon bropr Lane oe yah bipe at- dinne bröden, m donne cum dà syddan
gaggands atbair po giba peina, and bring dine lác.*
V.14-24.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 19
worth ouer, no bot that it be sent out, forthe goode for nothynge, but to be cast
and defoulid of men. oute at the dores, and that men treade it
vnder fete.
. 14 3e ben li3t of the world ; a citee 14 Ye are the light of the worlde; a
putt on an hill may nat be hid ; cite that is set on an hill cannot be hid ;

15 Nether men tendyn a lanterne, and 15 Nether do men lyght a candell, and
putten it vndir a busshel, but on a can- put it vnder a busshell, but on a candel-
dilstike, that it 5eue li3t to alle that ben stick, and it lighteth all them which are
in the hous. in the housse.
16 So shyyne 3oure list before men, 16 Se that youre light so shyne before
that thei see 3oure good werkis, and glo- men, that they maye se youre good
rifie 3oure fadir that is in heuens. workes, and glorify youre father which
is in heven.
17 Nyle 3e gesse* that Y came to 17 Ye shall not thynke that I am come
vndot the lawe, or the prophetis ; I came to disanull the lawe, or the prophets ; no
not to vndo the lawe, but to fulfille. I am nott come to disanull them, but to
fulfyll them.
18 Forsothe I say to 30u trewthe, til 18 For truely I saye vnto you, till
heuen and erthe passe, oon it, or titil, heven and erth perisshe, one iott, or one
shal nat passe fro the lawe, til alle thingis tytle, of the lawe shall not scape, tyll all
be don. be fulfilled.
19 Therfore he that vndoth* oon of 19 Whosoever breaketh one of these lest
„these leste maundementis, and techith comaundmentes, and shall teache men.
- thus men, shal be clepid the leste in the so, he shalbe called the leest in the kyng-
rewme of heuenes; forsothe this that. dome off heven ; but whosoever shall
doth, and techith, shal be clepid grete in observe, and teache them, that persone
the kyngdame of heuenes. shalbe called greate in the kyngdome off
20 Forsothe Y say to 30u, no but 3if 20 For I saye vnto you, except youre
zoure ri3twisnesse shal be more plenteu- rightewesnes excede the rightewesnes off
ouse than of scribis and Pharisees, 3ee the scribes and Pharises, ye cannot en-
shulen not entreinto kyngdamof heuenes. tre into the kyngdome off heven.
21 3ee han herde that it is said to 21 Ye have herde howe it was sayd
olde men, Thou shal nat slea; forsothe vnto them off the olde tyme, Thou shalt.
he that sleeth, shal be gylty of dome. not kyll; whosoever shall kyll, shalbe in
daunger of iudgement.
22 But I say to 30u, that euereche that 22 But I say vnto you, whosoever his:
is wrothe to his brother, shal be gylty angre with hys brother, shalbe in daun-
— of dome ; forsothe, he that shal say to hisger off iudgement ; whosoever shall saye’
brother, Rachat, shal be gylty of coun- vnto his brother, Racha, shalbe in
seile; sothly he that shal say, Fool", | daunger off a counsell; but whosoever’
shal be gylti of the fijr of helle. shall saye vnto his brother, Thou fole,
| shalbe in daunger off hell fyre.
23 Therfore 3if thou offrist thi 3ift at 23 Therfore when thou offerest thy
the auter, and there shalt bythenke, that | gyfte att the altre, and there remembrest,.
thi brother hath sum what a3eins thee, that thy brother hath eny thynge agaynst:
| the,
24 Leeue there thi 3ift before the au- 24 Leve there thyne offrynge before:
ter, and go first for to be recounseilid’ to the altre, and go thy waye first and.
= thi brother, and thanne thou cummynge | reconcile thy silfe to thy brother, and!
shalt offre thi 5ifte. | then come aud offre thy gyfite.
29 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. Marr.
25 Siyais wailahugyands andastauin 25 Beo dü onbügende dinum wider-
peinamma sprauto, und patei is in wiga winnan hrade, da hwile de dü eart on
mip imma, ibai whan atgibai puk sa anda- wege mid him, de-les de din wider-
staua stauin, yah sa staua puk atgibai winna dé sylle dam déman, and se déma
andbahta, yah in karkara galagyaza. dé sylle dam péne, and dü sy on ewertern
26 Amen qipa pus, Ni usgaggis yain- 26 Sópes ic secge dé, Ne gest dú
pro, unte usgibis pana minnistan kintu. danone, &r dü ágylde done ytemestan
27 Hausidedup patei gipanist, Ni hor- 27 Ge gehyrdon Get on ealdum cwyd- |
inos. um geeweden wees, Ne unriht-héme du.

28 Appan ik qipa izwis, patei whazuh 28 Sóþlice ic secge eow, det ele dæra
saei saiwhip qinon du luston izos, yu ga- de wif gesyhp and hyre gewilnap, eallunga
horinoda izai in hairtin seinamma. deet se gesyngaþ on hys heortan.

29 lp yabai augo pein pata taihswo 29 Gyf din swydre eage dé æswicie,
marzyai puk, usstigg“ ita, yah wairp af | ahola hit üt, and áwurp hyt fram dé ; —
pus; batizo ist auk pus, ei fraqistnai ains | sóþlice dé ys betere, dæt an dinra lima
lipiwe peinaize, yah ni allata leik pein | forwurde, donne eal din lichama si on
gadriusai in gaiainnan. | helle ásend. 3
30 Yab yabai taihswo peina handus | 30 And gyf din swidre hand dé áswice, — .
marzyai puk, afmait po, yah wairp af aceorf hi of, and áwurp hi fram dé;
pus; batizo ist auk pus, ei fraqistnai | witodlice dé ys betere, det an dima |
ains lipiwe peinaize, yah ni allata leik | lima forwurde, donne eal din lichama
pein gadriusai in gaiainnan. fare to helle.*
.31 Qipanuh þan ist, Datei whazuh saei 31 Sóþlice hit ys gecweden, Swa hwyle
afletai qen, gibai izai afstassais bokos. swá his wif forlæt, he sylle hyre hyra .
hiw-gedáles bóc.
32 Ip ik qipa izwis, patei whazuh saei 32 Ic secge eow to sóþum, diet &le de
afletip qen seina, inuh fairina kalkinass- his wif forlæt, búton forlegenysse þingum,
aus, tauyip po horinon, yah sa ize afsat- | he dép dæt heo unriht-hæmþ, and se un-
ida liugaip, horinop. riht-hémp, de forlætene efter him ge-
nimp. à
33 Aftra hausidedup, patei qipan ist 33 Eft ge gehyrdon, det gecweden wees
paim airizam, Ni ufarswarais, ip usgibais on ealdum ewydum, Ne forsweredü, sóp- —
Frauyin aipans peinans. lice Drihtne dú ágyltst dine áþas. ‘
34 Appan ik qipa izwis, ni swaran allis ;
ni bi himina, unte stols ist Gups ;
34 Ic secge eow sóplice, dzet ge eallunga
ne swerion ; ne purh heofon, fordam de

heo ys Godes prym-setl ;

35 Nih bi airpai, unte fotubaurd ist 35 Ne purh eorpan, fordam de heo ys
fotiwe is; nih bi lairusaulwmai, unte hys fót-scamul; ne purh Hierusalem,
bàurgs ist pis mikilins piudanis ; fordam de heo ys meres cynineges
cester ;
36 Nih bi haubida peinamma swarais, 36 Ne dú ne swere purh din heafod,
unte ni magt ain tagl wheit, aippau swart fordam de dú ne miht ænne loce gedón
gatauyan ; hwitne, odde blacne ; ]
37 Siyaiþ-þan waurd izwar, Ya, ya; 37 Soplice si eower spree, Hyt ys, hyt
Ne, ne 5 ip pata managizo paim, us pam- ys; Hyt nys, hyt nys; sóþlice gyf der
ma ubilin ist. mare byþ, dzet bip of yfele. 2
V. 25-37.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 21
25 Be thou consentynge to thin ad- 25 Agre with thine adversary at once,
uersarie soon, the whijle thou art in the whyles thou arte in the waye with hym,
way with hym, lest perauenture thin ad- lest thine adversary delyvre the to the
uersarie take thee to the domesman, and | iudge, and the iudge delivre the to the
the domesman take thee to the mynystre, minister, and then thou be cast in to
and thou be sente in to prisoun. preson.
26 Trewely I say to thee, Thou shalt 26 I say unto the verely, Thou shalt rot
not go thennes, til thou 3elde the last come out thence, till thou have payed the
ferthing. vtmost farthinge.
27 3e han herd for it was said to olde 27 Ye have herde howe yt was sayde to
men, Thou shalt nat do lecherye. them off olde tyme, Thou shalt nott com-
mitt advoutrie.
28 Forsothe Y say to 30u, for why 28 But I say vnto you, that whosoever
euery man that seeth a womman for to eyeth a wyfe lustynge affter her, hathe
coueite hire, now he hath do lecherie by committed advoutrie with her alredy in
hire in his herte. his hert.
29 That sif thi ri3t eige sclaundre thee, 29 Wherfore yf thy right eye offende
pulle it out, and cast it fro thee ; for it the, plucke hym out, and caste him from
speedith to thee, that oon of thi membris the ; better hit is for the, that one of thy
perishe, than al thi body go in to helle. membres perisshe, then that thy whole
body shuld be caste in to hell.
30 And sif thi ri5t hond sclaundre thee, 30 Also yf thy right honde offend the,
kitt it awey, and cast it fro thee; for it cut hym off, and caste hym from the;
. spedith to thee, that oon of thi membris better hyt ys, that one off thy membres
. perishe, than that al thi body go in to perisshe, then that all thy body shulde be
helle. caste in to hell.
31 Forsothe it is said, Who euere shal 31 Hit ys sayd, Whosoever put awaye
. leeue his wyf, 3eue he to hir a libel.* his wyfe, let hym geve her a testymonyall
of her devorcement.
32 Sothely Y say to 30u, that euery 32 But I say vnto you, whosoever put
ian that shal leeue his wyf, outaken awaye hys wyfe, except hyt be for fornica-
cause of fornicacioun, he makith hire do tion, causeth her to breake matrimony,
lecherie, and he that weddith the forsaken and whosoever maryeth her that is di-
wif, doth auoutrie. vorsed, breketh wedlocke.
33 Efte soonys 3ee han herd, that it was 33 Agayne ye have herde, howe it was
said to olde men, Thou shalt not for- sayd to them off olde tyme, Thou shalt
Ne swere, sothely to the Lord thou shalt not forswere thy silfe, but shaltt performe
3eeld thin oethis. thyne othe to God.
34 Forsothe Y say to 30u, to nat swere 34 But I say vnto you, swere not at all;
on al manere ; neither by heuene, for it nether by heven, for hit ys Goddes
is the trone of God ; seate ;
35 Nether by the erthe, for it is the 35 Nor yet by the erth, ffor it ys hys
stole of his feet ; neither by Jerusalem, fote stole ; nether by Jerusalem, ffor hit
for it is the citee of a greet kyng ; ys the cite of the grete kynge ;

36 Neither thou shalt swere by thin 36 Nether shalt thou sweare by thy
heued, for thou maist not make oon heed, because thou canst not make one
heer whyt, or blak ; heer whyte, or blacke ;
37 But be 3oure word 3ea, 3ea ; Nay, 37 But your communicacion shalbe Ye,
nay ; forsothe that that is more than ye; Nay, nay ; for what soever is more
this, is of yuel. than that, cometh off yvell.
22 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST. Marr.
38 Hausidedup patei qipan ist, Augo 38 Ge gehyrdon? det gecweden wes,
und augin, yah tunpu und tunpau. Eage for eage, and top for tép.
39 Ip ik qipa izwis, ni andstandan allis 39 Sóþlice ie secge eow, ne winne ge
amma unselyin; ak yabai whas puk ongén da de eow yfel dóþ; ac gyf hwa
stautai bi taihswon peina kinnu, wandei dé slea on din swydre wenge, gegearwa
imma yah po anpara ; him deet oder ;
40 Yah pamma wilyandin mip pus staua, 40 And dam de wylle on dóme wid dé
yah paida peina niman, aflet imma yah flitan, and niman dine tunecan, let him
wastya ; tó dinne wæfels ;
41 Yah yabai whas þuk ananaupyai 41 And swá hwá swa dé genyt püsend
rasta aina, gaggais mip imma twos. stapa, gá mid him ódre twa püsend.

42 Pamma bidyandin puk gibais, yah 42 Syle dam de dé bidde, and dam de
pamma wilyandin af pus leiwhan sis ni [wylle]* æt dé borgian ne wyrn da
uswandyais. him.
43 Hausidedup patei qipan ist, Friyos 43 Ge gehyrdon det gecweden wes,
newhundyan þeinana, yah fiais fiand þein- Lufa dinne nextan, and hata dinne feond.
44 Appan ik qipa izwis, friyop fiyands 44 Sóþlice ie secge eow, lufiap eowre
izwarans, piupyaip pans wrikandans izwis, fynd, and dóp wel dam de eow yfel dop,
waila tauyaip paim hatyandam izwis, yah and gebiddap for eowre ehteras, and tæl- |
bidyaip bi pans uspriutandans izwis ; endum eow ;

45 Ei wairpaip sunyus attins izwaris pis 45 Det ge sin eowres feeder bearn de
in himinam, unte sunnon seina urranneip on heofonum ys, se de dép dst his
ana ubilans yah godans, yah rigneip ana sunne up-áspringp ofer da gódan and
garaihtans yah ana inwindans. ofer da yfelan, and he læt rinan ofer da
rihtwisan and ofer da unrihtwisan. |
46 Yabai auk friyop pans friyondans 46 Gyf ge sóplice da lufiap de eow luf-
izwis ainans, who mizdono habaip? niu iap, hwylee méde habbap ge ? hú ne dop
yah pai piudo pata samo tauyand? mánfulle swá ?
47 Yah yabai goleip pans friyonds izwar- 47 And gyf ge det án dóp det ge eowre
ans patainei, whe managizo tauyip? niu gebróðra wylcumiaþ, hwæt dó ge mare?
yah motaryos pata samo tauyand. hú ne dóp hæðene swa ?

48 Siyaip nu yus fullatoyai, swaswe 48 Eornustlice beop fulfremede, swá

atta izwar sa in himinam fullatoyis ist. eower heofonlica feeder is fullfremed.

Cumar. VI. í Atsaiwhip, armaion iz- Cmar. VI. 1 Begymap, det ge ne

wara ni tauyan in andwairpya manne, du dón eowre rihtwisnesse beforan mannum,
saiwhan im, aippau laun ni habaip fram dæt ge sin geherede fram him, elles
attin izwaramma pamma in himinam. næbbe ge méde mid eowrum feeder de
on heofonum ys.
2 Pan nu tauyais armaion, ni haurnyais 2 Eornustlice donne dú dine ælmessan
faura pus, swaswe pai liutans tauyand in sylle, ne blawe man byman befóran dé,
gaqumpim yah in garunsim, ei hauhyain- swá liceteras dóp on gesomnungum and
dau fram mannam; amen qipa izwis, on wieum, d:et hi sin ge-árwurþode fram
andnemun mizdon seina, Amannum ; sop ic secge eow, hi onféngon
hyra méde.
V. 38.-VL 2] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 23
38 3ee han herde that it is said, Eise 38 Ye have herde howe it ys sayd, An
for eize, toth for toth. Í eye for an eye, a tothe for a tothe.
39 But Y say to 30u, to nat agein stonde 39 But I saye vnto you, that ye with-
yuel ; but 3if any shal smyte thee in the stond not wronge ; but yf a man geve
ri3t cheeke, 3eue to hym and the tother ; the a blowe on thy right cheke, tourne
to him the othre ;
40 And to hym that wole stryue with 40 And yff eny man will sue the at the
thee in dome, and take awey thi coote, lawe, and take thy coote from the, lett
leeue thou to hym and thin ouer clothe ; hym have thy cloocke also ;
41 And who euere constrayneth thee a 41 And whosoever wyll compell the to
thousand pacis, go thou with hym other goo a myle, goo wyth him twayne.
42 Forsothe sif to hym that axith of 42 Geve to him that axeth, and from
thee, and turne thou nat awey fro hym him that wolde borowe tourne not awaye.
that wol borwe of thee.
43 3ee han herd that it is said, Thou 43 Ye have herde howe it is sayde, Thou
shalt loue thin neizbore, and hate thin shalt love thyne neghbour, and hate thine
enmy. enemy.
44 But Y say to 30u, loue 3ee 3oure 44 But Y saye vnto you, love youre
enmyes, do 3ee wel to hem that haten enemies, blesse them that coursse you,
30u, and preye see for men pursuynge, do good to them that hate you, praye
and falsly chalengynge 30u ; ffor them which doo you wronge, and
persecute you ;
45 That 3ee be the sonys of 3oure fadir 45 That ye maye be the chyldren of
' that is in heuenes, that makith his sune youre hevenly father, ffor he maketh his
to springe vp vpon good and yuel men, sunne to aryse on the yvell and on the
and rayneth vpon iuste men and vniuste good, and sendeth his reyne ou the iuste
men. and on the iniuste.
46 For yif 3e louen hem that louen 30u, 46 For yf ye shall love them which love
what meed shul 3ee haue ? whether and you, what rewarde shall ye have! doo
puplicans don nat this thing? not the publicans even so?
47 And sif 3ce greten' zoure bretheren 47 And if ye be frendly to youre bre-
oonly, what more ouer shul 3ee don í thren onli, what singuler thynge doo ye?
whether. and paynymmys don nat this doo nott the publicans lykewyse?
thing ?
48 Therfore be 3ee parfit, as and 3oure 48 Ye shall therfore be perfecte, even
aena heuenly fadir is parfit.
in as youre hevenly father is perfecte.


. Cmar. VI. 1 Take 3ee hede, lest se Cmar. VI. r Take hede to youre
don sour rigtwisnesse before men, that almes, that ye geve it not in the syght of
3ee be seen of hem, ellis 5e shule nat han men to the intent that ye
wolde be sene
meed at zoure fadir that is in heuenes. off them, or els ye gett no rewarde off
youre father in heven.
| 2 Therfore when thou dost almesse, nyle 2 Whensoever therfore thou gevest thine
t to
thou synge byfore thee in a trumpe, as almes, thou shalt not make a trompe es
ypocritis don in synagogis and streetis, be blowne before the, as the ypocrit
Srt that thei ben maad worshipful of men ; do in the synagoges and in the stretes,
forsothe Y saye to 30u, thei han resceyued ffor to be preysed off men; verily Í say
her meede. vnto you, they have there rewarde. — —

94 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
3 lp puk tauyandan armaion, ni witi 3 Soplice donne dú dine ælmessan dó,
hleidumei peina wha tauyip taihswo peina, nyte din wynstre hwæt dó din swydre,
4 Ei siyaiso armahairtipa peina in fulh- 4 Det din xlmesse sy on diglum, and
snya, yah atta peins saei saiwhip in din feeder hit ágylt dé, se de gesyhp on
fulhsnya, usgibip pus in bairhtein. diglum.
5 Yah pan bidyaip, ni siyaip swaswe pai 5 And donne ge eow gebiddon, ne beo ge
liutans, unte friyond in gaqumpim yah swylce liceteras, da lufiap det hig gebid-
waihstam plapyo standandans bidyan, ei don hi standende on gesomnungum and
gaumyaindau mannam ; amen qipa izwis, stréta hyrnum, det men hig geseon ; sop
patei haband mizdon seina. ic secge eow, hi onféngon hyra méde.
6 Ip þu pan bidyais, gagg in hepyon 6 Du sóplice donne dú dé gebidde, gang
peina, yah galukands haurdai þeinai, into dinum bed-elyfan, and dinre dura be-
bidei du attin peinamma pamma in fulh- locenre, bide dinne fæder on dihlum, and
snya, yah atta peins saei saiwhip in din feeder de gesyhp on dihlum, hyt
fulhsnya, usgibip pus in bairhtein. ágylt de.
7 Bidyandansup-pan ni filuwaurdyaip, 7 Soplice donne ge eow gebiddon nell-
swaswe pai piudo, pugkeip im auk ei in on ge sprecan fela, swá swá hæðene,
filuwaurdein seinai andhausyaindau. hig wénap det hi sin gehýrede on hyra
menigfealdan spræce.
8 Ni galeikop nu paim, wait auk atta 8 Nellen ge eornostlice him ge-efenlæc-
izwar þizei yus paurbup, faurpizei yus an, sóþlice eower feeder wat hwæt eow
bidyaip ina. þearf ys, érðam de ge hyne biddap.
9 Swa nu bidyaip yus, Atta unsar pu in 9 Eornustlice gebiddap eow dus, Feeder
himinam, weihnai namo pein ; üre dü de eart on heofonum, si din nama
gehálgod ;
Io Qimai piudinassus peins ; wairpai 10 To-becume din rice; gewurde din
wilya peins swe in himina yah ana airpai; willa on eorpan swá swá on heofonum ;
11 Hlaifunsarana pana sinteinan gif uns II Une deghwamlican hláf syle us
himma daga ; to-dæg ;
12 Yah aflet uns patei skulans siyaima, 12 And forgyf us tre gyltas, swá swa
swaswe yah weis afletam paim skulam we forgyfap trum gyltendum ;
unsaraim ;
13 Yah ni briggais uns in fraistubnyai, 13 And ne geld dü us on costnunge
ak lausei uns af pamma ubilin; unte ac alysus of yfele. . . . OMM
peina ist piudangardi, yah mahts, yah does Sóþlice.
wulpus in aiwins, Amen.
14 Unte yabai afletip mannam missaded- 14 Witodlice gyf ge forgyfaþ mannum
ins ize, afletip yah izwis atta izwar sa hyra synna, donne forgyfþ eower se heof-
ufar himinam. enlica feeder eow eowre gyltas.
15 Ipyabai ni afletip mannam missaded- 15 Gyf ge sóplice ne forgyfap mannum,
ins ize, ni pau atta izwar afletip missa- ne eower feder ne forgyfp eow eowre
dedins izwaros. synna.*
16 Appan bipe fastaip, ni wairpaip swa- 16 Sóþlice donne ge fæston, neilon ge
swe pai liutans gaurai, frawardyand auk wesan swylce lease-licceteras, hig fornym-
andwairpya seina, ei gasaiwhaindau mann- ap hyra ansyna, det hig æteowun.
am fastandans ; amen qiþa izwis, patei mannum fæstende ; sóplice ie seege eow,
andnemun mizdon seina. deet hig onféngon hyra méde.
17 lp pu fastands, salbo haubip pein, 17 Du sóplice donne dú fæste, smýra
yah ludya peina pwah, din heafod, and pweah dine ansyne,
WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 95
VI. 3-17.]
3 But thee doynge almesse, knowe nat 3 But when thou doest thine almes, let
the left hond what thi ri3t hond doth, not thy lyfte hond knowe what thy
righte hand doth,
4 That thi almes be in hidlis, and thi 4 That thyne almes may be secret, and
fadir that seeth in hidlis, shal 3elde to thy father which seith in secret, shall
thee. rewarde the openly.
5 And when 3e shuln preye, 3ee shuln 5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt
nat be as ypocritis, the whiche stondynge nott be as the ypocrites are, for they love
louen to preye in synagogis and corners to stond and praye in the synagogges
of streetis, that thei be seen of men; and in corners of the stretes, because
trewly Y say to 30u, thei han resseyued they wolde besene of men ; vereley I saye
her meede. vnto you, they have there rewarde.
6 But whan thou shalt preye, entre in 6 But when thou prayest, entre into thy
. to thi couche, and the dore schet, preye chamber, and shutt thy dore to the, and
thi fadir in hidlis, and thi fadir that seeth praye to thy father which ys in secrete,
- in hidlis, shal 3eelde to thee. and thy father which seith in secret, shal
rewarde the openly.
7 Sothely preyinge nyle 5ee speke + But when ye praye bable not moche,
moche, as hethen men don, for thei gessen as the gentyls do, for they thincke that
that thei ben herd in theire moche speche. they shalbe herde ffor there moche bab-
lynges sake.
8 Therfore nyl3e be maad liche to hem, 8 Be ye not lyke them there fore, for
for 3oure fadir woot what is need to 30u, youre father knoweth wherof ye have
before that 3e axen hym. neade, before ye axe off him.
- 9 Forsothe thus ye shulen preyen, Oure 9 After thys maner there fore praye ye,
fadir that art in heuenes, halwid be thi O oure father which arte in heven, halow-
name ; ed be thy name ;
. xo Thi kyngdom cumme to; be thi ro Let thy kingdom come; thy wyll
wille don as in heuen and in erthe ; be fulfilled as well in erth as hit ys in
heven ;
11 3if to vs this day oure breed ouer 11 Geve vs this daye oure dayly breade ;
other substaunce ;
12 And forseue to vs oure dettis, as we 12 And forgeve vs oure treaspases, even
forzeue to oure dettours ; as we forgeve them which treaspas vs ;

i 13 And leede vs nat in to temptacioun, 13 Leede vs not into temptacion, but

delyvre vs ffrom yvell. Amen.

i but delyuere vs fro yuel. Amen.’

14 Forsothe sif 3ee shulen forseue to 14 For and yff ye shall forgeve other
. men her synnys, and 30ure heuenly fadir men there treaspases, youre father in
shal for3eue to 30u 5oure trespassis. heven shal also forgeve you.
15 Sothely sif 3ee shulen forseue not to 15 But and ye wyll not forgeve men
men, neither 3oure fadir shal for3eue to there trespases, no more shall youre
| gou 5oure synnes. father forgeve youre treaspases.
16 But when see fasten, nyl 5e be maad 16 Moreovre when ye faste, be not sad
as ypocritis sorweful, for thei putten her as the yprocrites are, for they disfigure
facis out of kyndly termys, that thei there faces, that hit myght apere vnto
seme fastynge to men; trewly Y say to men that they faste ; verely Y say vnto
30u, thei han resseyued her meede. you, they have there rewarde.
- 17 But whan thou fastist, anoynte thin 17 But thou when thou fastest, ann-
hede, and washe thi face, oynte thyne heed, and washe thy face,

26 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
18 Ei ni gasaiwhaizau mannam fastands, 18 Det di ne sy gesewen fram mann-
ak attin peinamma pamma in fulhsnya, um fæstende, ac dinum feeder de ys on
yeh atta peins saei saiwhip in fulhsnya, dyglum, and din fæder de gesyhp on
usgibip pus. dyglum, hyt agylt dé.
19 Ni huzdyaip izwis huzda ana airpai, 19 Nellen ge gold-hordian eów gold-
parei malo yah nidwa frawardeip, yah hordas on eorpan, dzv óm and moppe hit
parei piubos ufgraband yah hlifand; fornimp, and dzr peofas hit delfap and
forstelap ;
20 Ip huzdyaip izwis huzda in himina, 20 Gold-hordiap eów sóplice gold-hordas
parei nih malo nih nidwa frawardeip, yah on heofenan, der nádor óm ne moþþe
parei piubos ni ufgraband, nih stiland. hit ne fornimp, and dar peofas hit ne
delfap, ne ne forstelap.
21 Darei auk ist huzd izwar, paruh ist 21 Witodlice der din gold-hord is,
yah hairto izwar. dær is din heorte.
22 Lukarn leikis ist augo ; yabai nu 22 Dines lichaman leohtfet is din
augo pein ainfalp ist, allata leik ad liuh- cage; gyf din eage bip anfeald, eall din
adein „wairþiþ; lichama bip beorht ;
23 Ip yabai augo pein unsel ist, allata 23 Gif din eage sóplice bip manfull,
leik pein riqizein wairpip. Yabai nu eall din lichama byþ pysterfull Horn-
liuhap pata in pus riqiz ist, pata riqiz ustlice gyf det leoht de on dé is synt
whan filu ? ; pystru, hú mycle beop da pystru 1*
24 Ni manna mag twaim frauyam 24 Ne meg nan man twám hláfordum
skalkiwon, unte yabai fiyaip ainana, yah peowian, odde he sóplice ænne hatap,
anparana friyop ;aippau ainamma ufhaus- and óðerne lufap; odde he bip ánum
eip, ip anparamma frakann, Ni magup gehyrsum, and ódrum ungehyrsum. Ne
Gupa skalkinon yah mammonin.t magon ge Gode peowian and woruld-
25 Duppe qipa izwis, ni maurnaip saiw- 25 Fordam ie secge eow, det ge ne
'alai izwarai, wha matyaip yah wha sin ymbhydige eowre sáwle, hwet ge
drigkaip; nih leika izwaramma, whe eton ; ne eowrum lichaman, mid hwam *
wasyaip. Niu saiwala mais ist fodeinai, ge syn ymbserydde. Hú nys seo sáwl
yah leik wastyom? sélre donne mete, and eower lichama .
betera donne d:et reaf ?

26 Insaiwhip du fuglam himinis, pei ni 26 Behealdap heofonan fuglas, fordam

saiand, nih sneipand, nih lisand in banst- de hig ne sáwap, ne hig ne ripap, ne hig
ins; yah atta izwar sa ufar himinam ne gadriap on berne; and eower heof-
fodeip ins. Niu yus mais wulprizans onlica feeder hig fét. Hu ne synt ge
siyup paim ? sélran donne hig ?
27 lp whas izwara maurnands mag 27 Hwyle eower meg sóplice gepencan
anaaukan ana wahstu seinana aleina dæt he ge-eacnige ane elne to hys an-
aina Í licnesse?
28 Yah bi wastyos wha saurgaip? Ga- 28 And to hwi synt ge ymbhydige dn
kunnaip blomans haipyos, whaiwa wahs- reáfe ? Besceawiaþ secyres lilian, hú
yand. Nih arbaidyand, nih spinnand ; hig weaxap. Ne swincap hig, ne hig ne
spinnap E;
29 Qipuh pan izwis, patei nih Saulaumon 29 le secge eow sóplice, deet furdon
in allamma wulpau seinamma gawasida Salomon on eallum hys wuldre nes
sik swe ains pize. oferwrigen swa swa an of dyson.
30 Yah pande pata hawi haipyos, himma 30 Splice gyf scyres weod, det de
daga wisando, yah gistradagis in auhn to-dæg is, and bip to-morgen on ofen
VI.18-3o.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 27
18 That thou be nat seen fastynge to 18 That it appere nott vnto men howe
men, but to thi fadir that is in hidlis, and that thou fastest, but vnto thy father
thi fadir that seeth in hidlis, shal 3eelde which is in secrete, and thy father which
to thee. seith in secret, shall rewarde the openly.
19 Nyle se tresoure to 30u tresours in 19 Gaddre not treasure together on
erthe, wher rust and mou3the distruy- erth, where rust and mothes corrupte,
eth, and wher theeues deluen out and and where theves breake through and
stelen ; steale ;
20 But tresoure see to 5ou tresouris in 20 But gaddre ye treasure togedder in
heuene, wher neither rust ne mou3the heven, where nether rust nor mothes
distruyeth, and wher theues deluen nat corrupte, and wher theves nether breake
out,* ne stelen. vp, nor yet steale.
21 Forsothe wher thi tresour is, there 21 For whearesoever youre treasure ys,
and thin herte is. there are youre hertes also.
22 The lanterne of thi bodyis thin e3e; 22 The light off thy bodyis thyne eye ;
„sif thin ei3e be symple, al thi body shal wherfore if thyne eye be single, all thy
- be listful ; body ys full of hght ;
— 23 Bot sif thyn eise be weyward, al thi 23 But and if thyne eye be wycked,
body shal be derkful. "Therfore sif the then is all thy body full of derckues.
list that is in thee be derknessis, how Wherefore yf the light that is in the be
grete shulen thilk derknessis be ? dercknes, howe greate ys that dercknes ?
24 No man may serue to two lordis, for- 24 No man can serve two masters, for
sothe ethir he shal haat the toon, and other he shall hate the one, and love the
loue the tother; other he shal susteyn the other; or els he shall lene the one, and
toon, and dispise the tothir. 3e mown despise the other. Ye can nott serve
‘nat serue to God and richessis. God and mammon.

_ 25 Therfore Y say to 30u, that 3e ben 25 Therefore I saye vnto you, be not
nat besie to 5oure lijf, what 3e shulen carefull for youre lyfe, what ye shall eate,
ete; othir to 5oure body, with what 5e or what ye shall dryncke ; nor yet for
shuln be clothid. Wher 5oure lijf is nat youre boddy, what rayment ye shall weare.
more than mete, and the body more than Ys not the lyfe more worth then meate,
clothe ? and the boddy more off value then ray-
ment ?
.26 Beholde 3e the flee3inge foulis of 26 Beholde the foules of the aier, for
the eir, for thei sowen nat, ne repyn, they sowe not, neder reepe, nor yet cary
neither gadren in to bernys ; and 5oure into the barnes ; and yett youre hevenly
fadir of heuen fedith hem. Wher se ben father fedeth them. Are ye not better
nat more worthi than thei? : then they ?
27 Sothely who of 3ou thenkinge may 27 Whiche off you though he toke
. putte to to his stature oo cubite ? tought therefore coulde put one cubit
vnto his stature?
28 And of clothing what ben se besye? 28 And why care ye then for rayment?
Beholde se the lilies of the feelde, how Beholde the lyles off the felde, howe
thei wexen. Thei traueilen nat, nether thy growe. They labour not, nether
spynnen ; spynn ;
| 29 Trewly I say to sou, for whi neither 29 And yet for all that I saie vnto you,
Salamon in al his glorie was keuerid as that even Solomon in all his royalte was
oon of thes. nott arayed lyke vnto one of these.
30 For sif God clothith thus the heye 30 Wherfore yf God so clothe the
of the feeld, that to day is, and to morwe grasse, which ys to daye in the felde, and
(ST. Marr. |
28 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995.
galagip, Gup swa wasyip, whaiwa mais ásend, God serýt, ealá ge gehwædes
izwis leitil galaubyandans ! geleafan, dam mycle ma he scrjt eow Í

31 Ni maurnaip nu, qipandans, Wha 31 Nellen ge eornustlice beon ymbhyd-

matyam ? aippau, Wha drigkam f aiþþau, ige, dus cwedende, Hwæt ete we! odde,
Whe -vasyaima Í Hwæt drince we? odde, Mid hwam beo
we oferwrogene ?
32 All auk pata piudos sokyand ; waituh 32 Sóplice ealle dás þing peoda séceap ;
pan atta izwar sa ufar himinam patei witodlice eower feeder wat det ge ealra
paurbup. dyssa pinga bepurfon.

33 Eornustlice séceap ærest Godes

rice and hys rihtwisnesse, and ealle das
ping eow beop dær-to ge-eacnode,

34 Ne beo ge ná hogiende ymb da

morgenlican neode, sóplice se morgenlica
dæg carap ymb hyne sylfne; æghwyle
deg hefp genóh on hys ágenum ymb-

tCmap VIL í Nellen ge déman, det

ge ne syn fordémede ;
2 Witodlice dam ylean dome de ge
démap, eow bip gedémed, and on dam
ylean gemete de ge metap, eow byp.
3 To hwi gesihst da det mot on dines
bródor égan, and dü ne gesyhst done
beam on dinum ágenum eaganÍ
4 Odde húmeta ewyst dú to dinum |
bréder, Bródur, pafa dæt ic út-ádó det
mot of dinum eagan, donne se beam
bip on dinum ágenum eaganÍ
5 La dú liccetere, ádó ærest üt done
beam of dinum ágenum eagan, and be-
háwa donne dæt dú út-ádó det mot of
dines bródur eagan.
6 Nellen ge syllan đæt hálige hündum,
ne ge ne wurpen eowre mere-grotu to-
fóran eowrum swynon, de-les hig mid
hyra fotum hig fortredon, and hig donne
ongean gewende eow toslyton.t
7 Biddap, and eow bip geseald ; séceap,
and ge hit findap; cnuciap, and eow bip
ontyned. ;
8 Witodlice ælc deera de bit, he onfehp;
and se de sécp, he hyt fint; and dam
enuciendum bip ontjned.
VL3:.—VII.8.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 29

issente in to the fourneyse.

how moche to morowe shalbe cast into the fournace,
more 30u of litil feith ? shall he not moche more do the same
vnto you, o ye off lytle fayth ?
31 Therfore nyl 3e be bisie, sayinge, 31 Therfore take no thought, saynge,
What shulen we ete? or, What shulen What shall we eate ? or, What shall we
we drynke? or, With what thing shulen dryneke! or, Wherewith shall we be
we be keuered ? clothed ?
32 Forsothe heithen men sechen alle 32 Aftre all these thynges seke the
these thingis ; trewly 30ure fadir wote gentyls ; for youre hevenly father know-
that 3e han need to alle these thingis. eth that ye have neade off all these
.33 Therfore seke 3ee first the kyngdam 33 But rather seke ye fyrst the kyng-
of God and his ri3twisnesse, and alle dom off heven and the rightewesnes ther
these thingis shulen be cast to 30u. of, and all these thynges shalbe ministred
vnto you.
- 34 Therfore nyle 5e be besie in to the 34 Care not therfore for the daye folo-
- morwe, for the morew day shal be besie ynge, for the daye foloynge shall care ffor
to it self; sothely it sufficith to the day yt sylfe ; eche dayes trouble ys sufficient
his malice. for the same silfe day.

-. Crap. VII. í Nyle 3e deme, that 3e Crap. VII. 1 Indge not, lest ye be
be nat demyd ; iudged ;
- 2 For in what dome 3e demen, 5e shulen 2 For as ye iudge, so shall ye be iudged,
ben demyd, and in what mesure 5e and with what mesur ye mete, with the
meten, it shal be meten to 304. same shall it be mesurd to you agayne.

3 But what seest thou a festu in the 3 Why seist thou a moote in thy brothers
eise of thi brother, and thou seest nat a eye, and percevest not the beame that ys
beme in thin owne ei3e ? in thyne awne eye?
4 Or what maner saist thou to thi 4 Or why sayest thou to thy brother,
brother, Brother, suffre that I caste out Suffre me to plucke oute a moote oute
a festu fro thin ei3e, and loo! a beme is off thyne eye, and behold! a beame is in
in thin owne eize ? thyne awne eye!
5 Y pocrite, cast out first a beme of thin 5 Ypocryte, first cast oute the beame
- eise, and than thou shalt see for to cast oute of thyne awne eye, and then shalte
out a festu of the eise of thi brother. thou se clearly to plucke oute the moote
oute off thy brothers eye.
6 Nyl 3e 3eue holy thing to houndis, 6 Geve not that which is holy to dogges,
nether sende 3e 30ur margaritis! before nether cast ye youre pearles before
swyne, lest perauenture thei defoulen swyne, lest they treade them vnder their
hem with theire feet, and lest howndis fete, and the other tourne agayne and all
turned to gidre al to-breke 30u. to rent you.
- 7 Axe 5e, and it shal be 5ouen to 30u; 7 Axe, and it shalbe geven you; seke,
and ye shall fynd; knocke, and it shalbe
- geke 3e, and 5e shulen fynde ; knocke 5e,
and it shal be opnyd to 30u. opened vnto you.
8 For eche that axith, takith ; and he 8 For whosoever axeth, receaveth ; and
that sechith, fyndith ; and it shal be ne :hat seketh, fyndeth ; and to hym
opnyde to a man knokynge. | that knocketh it shalbe opened.
30 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST. Marr.
9 Hwyle man is of eow, gyf his sunu
hyne bit hláfes, sylst dü him stan?

1o Odde gyf he bytt fisces, sylst dú

him næddran ?
tr Eornustlice nú ge, de yfele synt,
cunnun góde sylena eowrum bearnum
syllan, myclé ma eower feder de on
heofenum ys sylep gód dam de hyne
biddap ?
12 12 Eornustlice ealle da ping, de ge
0225... yaina izwis mans, swa wyllen det men eow dôn, dóþ ge him
yah yus tauyaip im, pata auk ist witop diet sylfe, dæt ys sóplice Æ and witegena
yah praufeteis. bebod.
13 Inngaggaip pairh aggwu daur ; unte 13 Gangap inn purh dzt nearwe geat ;
braid daur, yah rums wigs sa brigganda fordon de det geat is swyde wid, and se
in fralustai, yah managai sind pai inn- weg is swide rüm de to forspillednesse
galeipandans pairh pata. gelæt, and swyde manega synt de purh
done weg farap. ON
14 Whan aggwu pata daur, yah praih- r4 Ealà hú neara and hú angsum is
ans wigs, sa brigganda in libainai, yah det geat, and se weg, de to life gelædt,
fawai sind pai bigitandans pana. and swyde feawa synt de done weg
15 Atsaiwhip swepauh faura liugnaprau- 15 Warniap eow fram leasum witegum,
fetum, paim izei qimand at izwis in da cumap to eow on sceapa gegyrelum,
wastyom lambe, ip innapro sind wulfos ac hig beop innane reafigende wulfas ;
wilwandans ; !
16 Bi akranam ize ufkunnaip ins. lbai 16 Fram hyra wæstmun ge hi under- .
lisanda of paurnum weinabasya, aippau af gytap. Cwyst da gaderap man win-
wigadeinom smakkans ? berian of pornum, odde fic-æppla of
þyrneinum ?
17 Swa all bagme godaize akrana goda 17 Swa æle god treow byrp góde wæst- .
gatauyip; ip sa ubila bagms akrana mas; and æle yfel treow byrp yfele
ubila gatauyip. weestmas. ;
18 Ni mag bagms piupeigs akrana 18 Ne meg det góde treow beran
ubila gatauyan, nih bagms ubils akrana yfe wæstmas, ne det yfele treow góde
piupeiga gatauyan. wæstmas.
19 All bagme ni tauyandane akran 19 Æletreow de ne byrp gódne wæstm,
god, usmaitada, yah in fon atlagyada. sj hyt forcorfen, and on fjr áworpen.
20 Pannu bi akranam ize ufkunnaip 20 Witodlice be hyra wæstmum ge hig
ins. onenáwap.
21 Ni whazuh saei qipip mis, Frauya, 21 Ne gæþ slc dera on heofena rice,
Frauya, inngaleipip in piudangardya him- de ewyp to me, Drihten, Drihten ; ac se
ine; ak sa tauyands \wilyan attins de wyrcþ mines feeder willan de on heof-
meinis pis in himinam. enum is, se gæþ on heofena rice.
22 Managai qipand mis in yainamma 22 Manege ewedap on dam dæge to me,
daga, Frauya, Frauya, niu peinamma nam- Drihten, Drihten, hú ne witegode we on
in pranfetidedum, yah peinamma nam- dinum naman, and on dinum naman we
in unhulpons uswaurpum, yah peinamma út-áwurpon deoflu, and on dinum naman
namin mahtins mikilos gatawidedum? we worhton mycle mihta ?
VII. 9-22.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 31
9 Other who of 30u is a man, whom 9 Ys there eny man among you, which
3if his sone axe breed, wher he shal wolde proffer his sonne a stone, if he
dresse to hym a stoon 1 axed him breed?
10 Other 3if he shal axe a fishe, wher to Or if he axed fysshe, wolde he proffer
he shal dresse to hym a serpent? hyme a serpent ?
II Therfore sif 5e, when se ben yuel rr Yff ye then, whiche are evyll, cann
men, han knowen for to 3eue good thing- geve to youre chyldren good gyftes, howe
us 30uen to 30ure sonys, hou myche moche moore shall youre father which ys
more 5oure fadir that is in heuenes shal in heven geve good thynges to them that
. eue good thingis to men axinge hym ? axe off hym ?
12 Therfore alle thingis, what euer 12 Therfore, whatsoever ye wolde that
thingis 3ee wolen that men don to 30u, men shulde do to you, even so do ye to
1 and 3e do to hem, forsothe these thingis them, this ys the lawe and the pro-
_ ben the lawe and prophetis. phettes.
. 13 Entre 5e bi the streyt 3ate ; for the 13 Enter in at the strayte gate; ffor
gate that ledith to perdicioun’ is brode, wyde is the gate, and broade ys the waye
— and the weye large, and ther ben many thatt leadeth to destruccion, and many
- that entren bi it. there be which goo yn there att.

14 How streit is the 3ate, and narewe 14 For strayte ys the gate, and narowe
the weye, that ledith to lijf, and there is the waye, that leadeth vnto lyfe, and
ben fewe that fynden it. feawe there be that fynde it.
A _. 15 Perceyue se, and flee fro fals pro- 15 Beware off falce prophettes, whiche
phetis, the whiche cummen to 30u in come to you in shepes clothynge, but in-
clothingis of sheepis, bot wythynne thei wardly they are ravenynge wolves;
d ben rauyshynge wolues ;
16 Of her fruytis 3e shulen knowe 16 Ye shall knowe them by their frutes.
hem. Whether men gaderen grapis of Do men gaddre grapes off thornes, or
— thornys, or fijgis of breeris? figges of bryres ?

17 Bo euery good tree makith good 17 Even soo evry good tree bryngethe
fruytis ; sothely an yuel tree makith yuel forthe good frute; butt a corrupte tree
_ fruytis. bryngethe forthe evyll frute.
I8 A good tree may nat make yuel 18 A good tree cannott brynge forthe
; fruytis, nether an yuel tree make good bad frute, nor yett a bad tree can brynge
fruytis. forthe good frute.

19 Euery tree that makith nat good 19 Évery tree that bryngethe not forthe
fruyt, shal be kitte doun, and shal be good frute, shalbe hewne doune, and cast
sent in to the fire. into the fyre.
_ 20 Therfore of her fruytis 3ee shulen 20 Wherfore by there frutes ye shall
knowe hem. knowe them.
: Lord,
21 Nat eche man that saith to me,
Lord, shal entre into the kyngdam
21 Not all they thatt say vnto me,
Master, Master, shall enter into the
! of heuenes ; but he that doth the wille kyngdome off heven ; but he that ful-
: of my fadir that is in heuenes, he shal filleth my fathers will which ys in heven,
entre in to the kyngdam of heuenes.
22 Many shul say to me in that day, 22 Many will saye to me yn that daye,
Lord, Lord, whether we han nat pro- Master, Master, have we nott in thy
phecied in thi name, and han cast out name prophesied, and in thy name have
deuelis in thi name, and han don many we not cast oute devyls, and in thy name
vertues in thi name ? | have we nott done many miracles?

32 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
23 Yah panandhaitaim, Patei ni whan- ! 23 Donne ewede ic to him, Det ic eow
hun kunpa izwis ; afleipip fairra mis, yus næfre ne cúðe; gewitap fram me, ge de
waurkyandans unsibyana. worhton unryhtwysnesse.
24 Whazuh nu saei hauseiþ waurda 24 Kornustlice ze dara de das mine
meina, yah tauyip po, galeiko ina waira word gehyrp, and da wyrep, bip gelic
frodamma, saei gatimrida razn sein ana dam wisan were, se hys hüs ofer stán
staina. getimbrode.
25 Yah atiddya dalap rign, yah qemun 25 Da com der rén, and mycele flód,
awhos, yah waiwoun windos, yah bistugq- and deer bleowun windas, and áhruron on
un bi pamma razna yainamma ; yah ni dæt hús; and hyt ná ne feoll, soplice hit
gadraus, unte gasulip was ana staina. wees ofer stan getimbrod.

26 Yah whazuh saei hauseip waurda 26 And æle dæra de gehyrp das mine
meina, yah ni tauyip po, galeikoda mann word, and da ne wyrcþ, se bip gelic dam
dwalamma, saei gatimrida razn sein ana dysigan men, de getimbrode hys hüs ofer
malmin. sand- ceosel.
27 Yah atiddya dalap rign, yah qemun 27 Da rinde hit, and der comun flód,
awhos, yah waiwoun windos, yah bistugq- and bleowun windas, and áhruron on
un bi yainamma razna; yah gadraus, det hús; and dzet hús feoll and hys
yah was drus is mikils. hryre wees mycel.

28 Yah warp, pan ustauh lesus! po 28 Da wees geworden, dá se Hælend

waurda, biabridedun manageins ana lais- das word ge-endode, dá wundrode det
einal is ; fole his lare ;
29 Was auk laisyands ins, swe waldufni 29 Soplice he lærde, swylce he anweald
habands, yah ni swaswe bokaryos. heefde, and na swa swá hyra bóceras, and

Crar. VIII. í Dalaþ pan atgaggandin Crap. VIII. 1 Sóplice dá se Hælend!

imma af fairgunya, laistidedun afar im- of dam múnte nyder-ástáh, dá fyligdon
ma iumyons managos. hym mycle meenio.
2 Yah sai! manna prutsfill habands 2 Da genealæhte an hreofla to him, and
durinnands inwait ina, qipands, Frauya, hine to him ge-eadmédde, and dus ewzep,
yabai wileis, magt mik gahrainyan. Drihten, gyf du wylt, di miht me ge-
3 Yah ufrakyands handu, attaitok im- 3 Da astrehte se Hælend hys hand, and
ma, qipands, Wilyau, wairp hrains. Yah hrepode hyne, and dus ewep, Ie wylle,
suns hrain warp pata þrutsfill is. beo geclénsod. And hys hreofla wees
hrædlice geclænsod.
4 Yah qap imma Iesus, Saiwh, ei mann 4 Dà cwæþ se Hælend to him, Warna
ni qipais ; ak gagg, puk silban ataugel dé, det dú hyt nænegum men ne secge ;
gudyin, yah atbair giba poei anabaup ac gang, æteowe dé dam sacerde, and
Moses, du weitwodipai im. bring hym da làc de Moyses bebead,
on hyra gecjdnesse.
5 Afaruh pan pata innatgaggandin im- 5 Soplice da se Hé&lend ineode on
ma in Kafarnaum, duatiddya imma hunda- Capharnaum, di genealæhte hym án
faps, bidyands ina, hundredes ealdor, hyne biddende,
6 Yah qipands, Frauya, piumagus meins 6 And dus cwæðende, Drihten, mn
ligip in garda usliþa, harduba balwiþs. cnapa lip on minum hise lama, and mid
yfle gepread.
VII. 23.-VIII. 6.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 33
23 And than Y shal knowliche to hem, 23 Andthen will I knowlege vnto them,
For I knewe 30u neuer ; departe awey That I never knewe them; depart frotn
fro me, 3e that worchen wickidnesse. me, ye workers of iniauite.
24 Therfore eche man that herith these 24 Whosoever hearethe off me these
my wordis, and doth hem, shal be maad saynges, and doethe the same, I wyll
liche to a wijse man, that hath bildid his lyken hyme vnto a wyseman, which byllt
hous vpon a stoon. his housse on a rocke.
25 And rayn came doun, and flodis 25 Andaboundance off rayne descended,
'eamen, and wyndis blewen, and rusheden and the fluddes cam, and the wynddes
in to that hous ; and it felle nat doun, blewe, and bett vppon that same housse ;
for it was foundid on a stoon. and it was not over throwen, because it
was grounded on the rocke.
26 And euery man that herith these my 26 And whosoever heareth of me these
wordis, and doth hem nat, is liche to a sainges, and doth not the same, shalbe
man fool, that hath bildid his hous on lykened vnto a folysh man, which bilt
grauel.* his housse apon the sonde.
. 27 Ànd rayn came doun, and floodis 27 Andabundaunce of rayne descended,
camen, and wyndis blewen, and thei and the fluddes cam, and the wynddes
hurliden in to that hous ; and it felle blewe, and beet vppon that housse ; and
doun, and the fallyng doun therof was it was over throwen, and great was the
grete. fall off it.
28 And it is maad, when Jhesus hadde 28 And it cam to passe, that when
eendid these wordis, the cumpanyes won- Jesus had ended these saynges, the peple
- dreden on his techyng; were astonnied at his doctryne ;
_ 29 Sothely he was techynge hem, as a 29 For he taught them, as one havynge
man hauynge power, and nat as the power, and not as the scribes.
- Scribis of hem, and Pharisees.

Cuar. VIIL 1 Forsothe when Jhesus Crap. VIII. 1 When Jesus was come
hadde comen doun fro the hil, many downe from the mountayne, moch people
cumpanyes folewiden hym. folowed him.
2 And loo! a leprouse man cum- 2 And lo! there cam a lepre and
myrge worshipide hym, sayinge, Lord, worsheped him, saynge, Master, if thou
3if thou welt, thou maist make me clene. wylt, thou canst make me clene.

3 And Jhesus, holdynge forthe the 3 He putt forthe his hond, and
hond, touchide hym, sayinge, I wole, touched him, saynge, I wyll, be clene.
be thou maad clene. And anoon the And immediatly his leprosy was clensed.
lepre of hym was clensid.
4 And Jhesus saith to hym, See, say 4 And Jesus said vnto him, Se, thou
thou to no man; thee | tell no man; but go, and shewe thysilf
but go, shewe
to prestis, and offre that 3ifte that to the preste, and offer the gyfte that
Moyses comaundide, in to witnessing Moses commaunded to be offred, in
to hem. witnes to them.
5 Sothely when he hadde entride in 5 When Jesus was entred in to Caper-
to Capharnaum, centurio neiside to naum, there cam vnto him a certayne
- hym, preyinge hym, Centurion, besechyng him,
6 And saide, Lord, my child lyeth in 6 And saynge, Master, my servaunt ly-
the hous sike on the palsie, and is yuel eth sicke att home off tle palsye, and
tourmentid. is grevously payned.
34 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. Marr.
7 Yah qap du imma lesus, Ík oimands 7 Da ewæþ se Hælend to him, Ic cume,
gahailya ina. and hyne gehæle.
8 Yah andhafyands sa hundafaps qap, 8 Dà andswarode se hundredes ealdor
Frauya, ni im wairps, ei uf hrot mein and dus cwæþ, Drihten, ne eom ie wyrde,
inngaggais ; ak patainei qip waurda, yah det dá ingange under mine pecene ; ac
gahailnip sa piumagus meins. ewep din án word, and min cnapa bip
9 Yah auk ik manna im habands uf 9 Sóplice ic eom man under anwealde
waldufnya meinamma gadrauhtins ; yah geset, and ic hæbbe pegnas under me;
qipa du pamma, Gagg, yah gaggip ; yah and ie ewede to dysum, Gang, and he
anparamma, Qim, yah qimip; yah du gép; and ie cwede to ódrum, Cum,
skalka meinamma, Tawei pata, yah tau- and he eymþ; to minum peowe, Wyre
ip. dis, and he wyrcþ.
2 Gahausyands pan lesus sildaleikida, ro Witodlice dà se Hælend, dis gehýrde,
yah qap du paim afarlaistyandam, Amen dá wundrode he, and cweep to dam de
qipa izwis, ni in Israela swalauda galaub- hym fyligdon, Sop ie secge eow, ne
ein bigat. gemétte ie swá mycelne geleafan on
11 Appan qiþa izwis, patei managai fram 11 To sópum ic secge eow, det man-
urrunsa yah saggqa qimand, yah ana- ige cumap fram east-dæle and west-
kumbyand mip Abrahama yah Isaka yah déle, and wuniap mid Abrahame and
lakoba in piudangardyai himine ; Isahace and Iacobe on heofena rice; |
12 Ip pai sunyus piudangardyos us- 12 Witodlice dises rices bearn beop
wairpanda in riqis pata hindumisto ; áworpene on da $temestan pystro ; der
yainar wairpip grets, yah krusts tunpiwe. bip wóp, and tópa gristbitung.

. I3 Yah qap lesus pamma hundafada, 13 And se Hælend cwæþ to dam hund-
Gagg, yah swaswe galaubides, wairpai rydes ealdre, Ga, and gewurde dé, swa |
pus. Yah gahailnoda sa piumagus is in swá di gelyfdest. And se cnapa wes
yainai wheilai. » gehæled on dere tide.t
I4 Yah qimands lesus in garda Pai- 14 Da se Hælend com on Petres húse,
traus, yah gasawh swaihron is ligandein dá geseah he hys swegre licgende, and .
In heitom. hripigende.

15 Yah attaitok handau izos, yah affai- 15 And he sthrán hyre hand, and se
lot iya so heito ; yah urrais, yah and- fefor hig forlét ; dá árás heo, and pénode
bahtida imma. him.
16 At andanahtya pan waurpanamma, 16 Sóþlice dá hyt æfen wees, hig broht-
atberun du imma daimonaryans manag- on him manege deofol-seoce, and he
ans, yah uswarp pans ahmans waurda, yah út-ádræfde da unclænan gástas mid hys
allans pans ubil habandans gahailida; worde, and he ealle gehælde da yfel-
heebbendan ;
17 Ei usfullnodedi, pata gamelido pairh 17 Det were gefylled, det de geewed-
Esaian, praufetu, qiþandan, Sa unmaht- en is purh Esáiam, done witegan, dus
ins unsaros usnam, yah sauhtins usbar. ewedende, He onféng tre untrumnessa,
and he aber tre adla.
18 Gasaiwhands pan lesus managans 18 Da geseah se Hælend mycle menig-
hiuhmans bi sik, haihait galeipan sipon- eo ymbütan hyne, dá hét he hig faran
yans hindar marein. ofer done müpan.*
19 Yah duatgaggands ains bokareis, 19 Da genealæhte him án bócere, and
gap du imma, Laisari, laistya puk, pis- ewzp, Lareow, ic fylige dé, swa hwæder
whaduh padei gaggis. swa du færst.
VIII. 7-19.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 35
7 And Jhesus saith to hym, I shal 7 And Jesus sayd vnto him, I wyll
cume, and shal hele hym. come, and cure him.
8 And centurio answerynge saith to 8 The Centurion answered and saide,
hym, Lord, I am not worthi, that thou Syr, I am not worthy, that thou shuldest
entre vndir my roof; but oonly say com vnder the rofe of my housse ; but
bi word, and my child shal be helid. speake the worde only, and my servauat
shalbe healed.
9 For whi and I am a man ordeynd 9 For Y also my selfe am a man vndre
vnder power, hauynge vndir me knistis ; power, and have sowdeeres vndre me ;
and I say to this, Go, and he goth; and Y saye to one, Go, and he goeth ;
andto an other, Come thou, and he and to anothre, Come, and he cometh;
cometh ; and to my seruaunt, Do thou and to my servaunt, Do this, and he
this thing, and he doth. doeth it.
ro Sothely Jhesus, heerynge these ro When Jesus herde these saynges,
thingis, wondride, and saide to men he marveyled, and said to them that
suynge hym, Trewly I saye to 30u, I folowed him, Verely Y say vnto you,
fonde nat so grete feith in Yrael. I have not founde so great fayth, no,
not in Israell.
ir Sothely Y say to 30u, that manye 1I I say therfore vnto you, that many
shulen come fro the est and west, and shall come from the eest and weest, and
shulen rest with Abraham and Ysaac shall rest with Abraham Ysaac and
and Jacob in the kyngdam of heuenes; Jacob in the kyngdom of heven ;
12 Forsothe the sonys of the rewme 12 And the children of the kingdom
shulen be east out in to vttremest shalbe cast out in to the vtmoost derck-
derknessis ; there shal be weepynge, nes; there shalbe wepinge, and gnassh-
and beetynge togidre of teeth. ing of tethe.
13 And Jhesus saide to centurio, Go, 13 Then Jesus said vnto the Centurion,
and as thou hast bileeued, be it don to Go thy waye, and as thou hast beleued,
thee. And the child was helid fro that so be it vnto the. And his servaunt was
houre. healed that same houre.
14 And when Jhesus hadde comen in 14 And Jesus went into Peters housse,
to the hous of Symond Petre, he say his and sawe his wyves mother lyinge sicke
wyues moder liggynge, and shakun with of a fevre.
. feueris.
= 15 And he touchide hir hond, and the 15 And he thouched her hande, and
„feuer lefte hir; and she roose, and the fevre leeft her; and she arose, and
_ seruyde hem. ministred vnto them.
16 Sothely whan the euenyng was 16 When the even was come, they
maad, thei brouste to hym many hau- brought vnto him many that were pos-
ynge deuelys, and he castide out spiritis sessed with devylles, and he cast out the
by word, and helide alle hauynge yuel ; spirites with a worde, and healed all that
were sicke ; ^
17 That it shulde be fulfillid, that thing 17 To fulfill that whiche was spoken
that was said by Ysaie, the prophete, by Esay, the prophet, sainge, He toke
sayinge, He toke oure infirmytees, and on him oure infirmytes, and bare oure
bere oure sykenessis. sicknesses.
18 Sothely Jhesus seeynge many cum- 18 When Jesus saw moche people about
panyés about hym, bad Ais disciplis go him, he commaunded to go over the
ouer the water. water. ;
19 And oo scribe* commynge to, saide 19 And there cam a scribe, and said
to hym, Maistre, I shal sue thee, whidir vnto him, Master, I woll folowe the,
euer thou shalt go. whythersumever thou goest.
D 2
: E

36 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, oos. [Sr. Marr.

20 Yah qap du imma lesus, Fauhons 20 Da cwæþ se Hælend to him, Foxas
grobos aigun, yah fuglos himinis sitlans, habbap holu, and heofenan fuglas nest,
ip sunus mans ni habaip whar haubip soplice mannes sunu nzfp hwær he hys
sein anahnaiwyai. heafod ahylde.
21 Anparuh pan siponye is qap du im- 21 Da cwæþ to hii óðer of hys leorn- |
ma. Frauya, uslaubei mis frumist galeip- ing-enihtum, Drihten, álýfe me ærest to
an, yah gafilhan attan meinana. farenne, and bebyrigean minne feeder.
22 Ip lesus qap du imma, Laistei afar 22 Da ewtep se Hælend to him, Fylig =
mis, yah let pans daupans filhan seinans me, and læt deade bebyrigean hyra
daupans. deadan.* Mx.
23 Yah innatgaggandin imma in skip, 23 And he ástáh on seyp, and hys |—
afariddyedun imma siponyos is. leorning-enyhtas hym fyligdon.
24 Yah sai! wegs mikils warp in mar-
24 Da wearp mycel styrung geworden —
ein, swaswe pata skip gahulip wairpan on dere sæ, swa det det scyp wearp |
fram wegim ; ip is saislep. ofergoten mid ydum ; witodlice he slép. Er
25 Yah duatgaggandans siponyos is, 25 And hig genealæhton, and hy aweht-
urraisidedun ina, qibandans, Frauya, nasei on hyne, dus cwedende, Drihten, hele
unsis ; fraqistnam. _ us; we móton forwurdan.
26 Yah qap du im lesus, Wha faurht- 26 Da cwæþ he to him, To hwi synt ge
eip leitil galaubyandans? Panuh urreis- forhte ge lytles geleafan? Da árás he
ands gasok windam yah marein, yah and bebead dam winde and dere sæ,
warp wis mikil. and der wearp geworden mycel smylt-
27 Ip pai mans sildaleikidedun, qipand- 27 Gewisslice da men wundrodun, and
ans, Whileiks ist sa, ei yah windos yah dus cwedon, Hwæt is des, det windas
marei ufhausyand imma 1 and sæ him hýrsumiaþ ?
28 Yah qimandin imma hindar marein 28 Da se Hælend com ofer done múþ-
in gauya Gairgaisaine, gamotidedun an on Geraseniscra rice, dá urnon him
imma twai daimonaryos, us hlaiwasnom togénes twegen de heefdon deofol-seoc-
rinnandans, sleidyai filu, swaswe ni mahta nesse, of byrgenum útgangende, da wær-
manna usleipan pairh pana wig yainana. on swide réde, swá dst nán man ne
mihte faran purh done weg.
29 Yah sai! hropidedun, qipandans, 29 And hig hrymdon, and ewædon, La!
Wha uns yah pus, lesu, sunau Gups? Hælend, Godes sunu, hwæt ys dé and
qamt her faur mel balwyan unsis ? us gemæne? come du hider ær tide us
to preagenne ?
30 Wasuh pan fairra im hairda sweine 30 Der wees sóplice unfeorran swyna
managaize haldana. heord manegra manna leswiende.
31 Ip po skohsla bedun ina, qipandans, 31 Da deofla sóplice hyne bædon, dus
Yabai uswairpis uns, uslaubei uns galeip- ewedende, Gyf dú us út-ádrifst, ásende
an in po hairda sweine. E us on das swina heorde.
32 Yah qap du im, Gaggip. Ip eis 32 Da cwæþ he to hym, Farap. And
usgaggandans galipun in hairda sweine ; hig dá ütgangende férdon on da swin;
yah sai! run gawaurhtedun sis alla so and ðær rihte férde eall seo heord myc-
hairda and driuson in marein, yah ga- lum onræse niwel on da sæ, and hig
daupnodedun in watnam. wurdon deade on dam weetere.
33 lp pai baldandans gaplauhun, yah 33 Da hyrdas witodlice flugon, and
galeipandans gataihun in baurg all bi comun on da ceastre, and cyddon ealle
pans daimonaryans. dás ping, and be dam de da deoful-
seoenyssa hæfdon.
34 Yah sai! alla so baurgs usiddya 34 Da eode eall seo ceaster-waru to-

VIII. 20-34.] WYCLIFFE, 1539. TYNDALE, 1526. 37

20 And Jhesus said to hym, Foxis han | 20 And Jesus said vnto him, The foxes
dichis,* and briddis of the eir han nestis, have holes, and the bryd of the aier
but mannes sone hath nat wher he reste have nestes, but the sonne of the man
his heued. hath not where on to leye his heede.
21 Sotheli an other of his disciplis saide | 21 Anothre that was one of hys dis-
to hym, Lord, suffre me go first, and ciples seyd vnto him, Master, suffre me
í birye my fadir. fyrst to go, and burye my father.
22 Forsothe Jhesus saide to hym, Sue 22 But Jesus said vnto him, Folowe
Et hou me, and late dede men birye her | me, and let the deed burie their deed.
dead men.
23 And Jhesu steyinge vp in to a litel 23 And he entred in to a shyppe, and
5E ship; his disciplis sueden hym. his disciples folowed him.
— 24 And loo! a grete steryng was maad 24 Andlo! there arose a greate storme
in the see, so that the litil ship was hilid in the see, in so moche that the shippe
with wawis ; but he slepte. was hyd with waves; and he was aslepe.
25 And his disciplis camen ni3 to hym, 25 And his disciples cam vnto him,
and raysiden hym, sayinge, Lord, saue and awocke hym, sayinge, Master, save
vs; we perishen. v8 ; we perishe.
26 And Jhesus seith to hem, What ben 26 And he said vnto them, Why are
see of litil feith agast? Thanne he rys- ye fearfull o ye endewed with lytell
ynge comaundide to the wyndis and the faithe? Then he arose and rebuked the
see, and a grete pesiblenesse is maad. wyndes and the see, and there folowed a
greate calme.
. 27 Forsothe men wondreden, sayinge, 27 And men marveyled, and said, What
What manere man is he this, for the man is this, that bothe wyndes and see
wyndis and the see obeishen to hym ? obey hym ?
28 And whan Jhesus hadde comen ouer 28 And when he was come to the other
the water in to the cuntre of men of syde in to the countre off the Gergesens,
Genazereth, twey men hauynge deuelis there met him two possessed of devylles,
runnen to hym, goynge out fro birielis, which cam out off the graves, and were
ful feerse,* so that no man mi3te passe out off measure fearce, so that no man
by that wey. myght go by that waye.
29 And loo! thei crieden, sayinge, 29 And lo! they cryed out, saynge, O
What to vs and to thee, Jhesu, the Jesu, the sonne off God, what have we
‘sone of God? hast thou comen hidir to do with thee? art thou come hyther
before the tyme for to tourmente vs? to torment vs before the tyme be come!
NINE 30 Sothely a floc of many hoggis 30 There was a good waye off from
- lesewynge was nat fer from hem. them a greate heerd of swyne fedinge.
31 But the deuelis preyeden him, sey- 31 Then the devyles besought him,
inge, 3if thou castist out vs hennes, sende saynge, If thou cast vs out, suffre vs to
- vs in to the droue of hoggis. go oure waye into the heerd of swyne.
32 And he saith to hem, Go 3ee. And 32 And he said vnto them, Go youre
thei goynge out wente in to the hoggis ; wayes. Then went they out and de-
and loo! in a greet bire al the droue parted into the heerd of swyne ; and Jo!
wente heedlynge in to the see, and thei all the heerd of swyne was caryed with
ben dead in watris. violence hedlinge into the see, and
perisshed in the water.
33 Forsothe the hirdes fledden awey, 33 Then the heerdmen fleed, and went
and cummynge in to the citee, tolden there ways into the cite, and tolde every
allethese thingis, and of hem that had- thinge, and what had fortuned vnto them
den the fendis. that were possessed of the devyls.
34 And loo! al the citee wente azeinis 34 And lo! all the cite cam out, and
38 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr:
wipra lesu; yah gasaiwhandans ina, bed- geanes dam Hælende; and da da hig
un ei usliþi hindar markos ize. hyne gesawun, dá bædon hig hyne, det
he fér de fram lieorá gemærum.

Cuar. IX. 1 Yah atsteigands in skip, tCnap. IX. 1 Da ástáh he on seyp

ufarlaip, yah qam in seinai baurg. and cfer-seglode, and com on his ceastre,

2 Panuh atberun du imma uslipan, ana 2 Ðá brohton hig hym ænne laman, on
ligra ligandan. Yah gasaiwhands Jesus bedde liegende. Ðá geseah se Hælend .
galaubein ize, qap du þamma uslipin, hyra geleafan, and cwæþ to dam laman,
Prafstei þuk, barnilo ; afletanda pus fra- Lá beárn, gelyfe dé; beop dine synna
waurhteis peinos. forgifene.

3 Paruh sumai pize bokarye qepun in : 3 Da cwedont sume da bóceras him

sis silbam, Sa wayamereip. betwinan, Des sprycp bysmor-spræce.
4 Yah witands lesus pos mitonins ize, 4 Da se Helend geseah hyra gepane,
qap, Duwhe yus mitop ubila in hairtam dá cwæþ he, To hwi pence ge yfel on
izwaraim ? eowrum heortum ?
5 Whapar ist raihtis azehizo qipan, 5 Hwæt is eadelicre to ewedenne, Dé -
Afletanda pus frawaurhteis, pau qipan, beo» forgyfene dine synna, odde to ewed-
Urreis, yah gagg? anne, Aris, and gá?
6 Appan el witeip, patei waldufni habaip 6 Det ge sóplice witon, det mannes
sa sunus mans ana airpai afleitan fra- sunu hæfþ anweald on eorpan synna to
waurhtins, panuh qap du pamma uslipin, forgyfenne, dá cwsep he to dam laman,
Urreisands ; nim pana ligr peinana, yah Aris; nym din bedd, and gang on din
gagg in gard peinana. hüs. E
7 Yah urreisands, galaip in gard sein- 7 And he árás, and férde to hys hüse.
8. Gasaiwhandeins pan manageins, oht- 8 Róplice dá dá seo mænigeo dis gesaw-
edun sildaleikyandans, yah mikilidedun on da ondrédon hig hym, and wuldrod-
Gup, pana gibandan waldufni swaleikata on God, de sealde swylene anweald man-
mannam. num.
9 Yah pairhleipands lesus yainpro, ga- 9 Da se Hælend danon férde, he geseah
sawh mannan sitandan at motai, Mappaiu ænne man sittende æt toll-sceamule, dees
haitanana. Yah qap du imma, Laistei nama wees Matheus. And he cwæþ to
afar mis. Yah usstandands, iddya afar him, Fylig me. And he aras, and fyligde
imma. him.
to Yah warp, bipe is anakumbida in 10 And hyt wes geworden, dà he sæt
garda, yah sai! managai motaryos yah innan hüse, dá comun manega manfulle
frawaurhtai qimandans mipanakumbide- and synfulle and séton mid dam Hælende
dun lesua yah siponyam is. and mid hys leorning-enyhtum.

1I Yah gaumyandans Fareisaieis qepun rr Da da Sundor-hálgan det gesáwon

du paim siponyam is, Duwhe mip motar- da eweedon hig to hys leorning-enyhtum,
yam yah frawaurhtaim matyip sa laisareis Hwi yt eower láreow mid mánfullum .
izwar! and synfullum?
12 Ip Jesus gahausyands, qap du im, 12 And se Hælend cwæþ dis gehyrende,
Ni paurbun hailai lekeis, ak pai unhaili Nys hálum læces nan þearf, ac seocum.
13 Appan gaggaip ganimip wha siyai, 13 Gap soplice and leornigeaþ hwæt is,
IX.:-13.]] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE. 1826. 39

Jhesu, metynge hym ; and hym seen, met Jesus; and when they sawe him,
thei preiden Ayn, that he shulde passe they besought him to departe out off
fro hér coostis. there costtes.

Quar. IX. 1 And Jhesus, goyng vp Crap. IX. 1 And he entred into the
in te a boot, passide ouer the water, and shippe, and passed over, and cam into
cae in to his citee. his awne cite.
2 And loo! thei offreden to hym a man 2 And lo! they brought vnto him a
syke in palsie, liggynge in a bed. For- man sicke off the palsey, lyinge in his
sothe Jhesus, seeynge the feith of hem, bed. And when Jesus sawe there faith,
gaide to the man sike in palsie, Sone, he said to the secke off the palsey,
haue thou trust; thi synnes ben for- Sonne, be off good chere; thy sinnes
-zeuen to thee. are foryeven the.
3 And lo! sum of the scribis said with 3 And lo! certeyne of the scribes said
in them selves, He blasphemeth.
. ynne hem self, This blasfemeth.
4 And when Jhesus hadde seen her 4 And whenJesus sawe there thoughtes,
thoustis, he said, Wherto thenken 3e he said, Wherfore thinke ye evyll in your
yuel thingis in 30ur hertisÍ herttes ?
g What is liter to saye, Thi synnes 5 Whether ys esyer to saye, Thi sinnes
ben forseuen to thee, other to saye, Ryse ar foryeven the, or to saye, Arise, and
thou, and walke ? walke ?
.6 Forsothe that 3e wite, that mannes 6 That ye may knowe, that the sonne
sone hath power to forseue synnes in of man hathe power to foryeve synnes
erthe, thanne he saide to thilke man in in erth, then sayd he vnto the sicke of
palsie, Ryse vp; take thi bed, and go the palsey, Aryse ;take vppe thi beed,
in to thin house. and go home to thyne housse.
7 And he roose, and wente in to his 7 And he arose, and departed to his
. house. housse.
8 Sothely the companyes seeynge dred- 8 The people that sawe it marveylled,
den, and glorifieden God, that 3aue siche and glorified God, which had geven
power to men.
suche power to men.

9 And when Jhesus passide thennis, he 9 And as Jesus passed forth from
Sei3 a man sittynge in a tolbothe, Matheu thence, he sawe a man sytt at the re-
by name.
And he saide to hym, Sue ceyte off custume, named Matheu. And
to him, Folowe me. And he arose,
^ thou me. And he, rysynge, folowide said
h ym. and folowed him.
And hit cam to passe, thatt Jesus
to And it is don, hym sittynge at the 10
mete in the house, loo! many pupli- satt at meate in his housse, and lo!
canys and synneful men cummynge saten many publicans and synners cam and
atthe mete with Jhesu and his disciplis. satt downe also with Jesus and his
11 And Pharisees seeynge saiden to his 11 When the Pharyses had perceaved
disciplis, Whi etith 3oure maister with that they sayd vnto hys disciples, Why
puplicanys and synful men? eateth youre master with publicans and
12 And Jhesus herynge saide, A leche 12 When Jesus herde that he sayde
is nat nede to men that faren wel, but vnto them, ‘The whole neade not the
to men hauynge yuel. visicion, but they thatt are sicke.
13 Sothely 5ee goynge lerne what it is; 13 Goo and learne what that meaneth,
GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. St. Marr.
^ ymabhairtipa wilyau, yah ni hunsl ; nip- | Ie wylle mild-heortnesse, næs onsægd-
pan gam, lapon uswaurhtans, ak fra- | nesse; sóplice ne com ic, rihtwise to
waurhtans. gecigeanne, ac da synnfullan.*

14 Panuh atiddyedun siponyos lohan- | 14 Da genealéhton Iohannes leorning-

nes, dipandans, Duwhe weis yah Farei- | cnihtas to hym, and dus* cwædon, Hwi
saieis fastam filu, ip pai siponyos peinai fæste we and da Sundor-hálgan gelóm-
ni fastand? lice, sóþlice dine leorning-cnihtas ne.
fæstaþ ?
15 Yah qap du im lesus, Íbai magun 15 And se Hælend ewæþ to him, Cwede
sunyus brupfadis qainon, und pata wheil- ge sceolun des brydguman cnihtas wép-
os bei mip im ist brupfaps? Ip atgagg- | an, da hwile de se brydguma mid hym
and! dagos, pan afnimada af im sa byp? Sóplice da dagas cumap, det se
brupfaps, yah pan fastand. brydguma byp afyrred fram hym, and
donne on dam dagum' hig fzestap.
16 Appan ni whashun lagyip du plata | 16 Ne dép witodlice nan man niwes
fanan parihis ana snagan fairnyana ; unte | clades scyp on eald reaf ; he to-bryep hys
afnimip fullon af pamma snagin, yah stede on dam reafe, and se slite bip de
wairsiza gataura wairpip. wyrsa.

17 Nip-pan giutand wein niuyata in 17 Ne hig ne dóp niwe win on ealde

balgins fairnyans, aippau -distaurnand bytta, gyf hi dop, da bytta beop to-
balgeis, bipeh pan yah wein usgutnip, brocene, and det win ágoten, and da
yah balgeis fraqistnand. Ak giutand bytta forwurdap. Ac hig dop niwe win
wein yuggata in balgins niuyans, yah on niwe bytta, and ægðer byþ gehealden.*
bayopum gabairgada.
18 Mippanei is rodida pata du im, 18 Da het das ping to him spree, da
paruh reiks ains qimands, inwait ina, genealæhte án ealdor, and ge-eadmédde
qipands patei, Dauhtar meina nu gaswalt ; hyne to him, dus ewedende, Drihten,
akei qimands, atlagei handu peina ana min dóhtor is dead; ac cum, and sete
iya, yah libaip. 3 dine hand uppan hig, and heo lyfap.
19 Yah urreisands lesus iddya afar 19 And se Hælend árás and fyligde
imma, yah siponyos is. hym, and hys leorning-cnihtas.
20 Yah sai! qino bloparinnandei .25. 20 And da an wif de polode blód-ryne
wintruns, duatgaggandei aftaro, attaitok twelf gear, genealæhte wiðæftan, and
skauta wastyos is. æthrán hys reafes fnæd.

21 Qapuh auk in sis, Yabai patainei 21 Heo cwæþ sóplice on hyre móde,
atteka wastyal is, ganisa. For an ic beo hal, gyf ic hys reafes
22 Ip lesus gawandyands sik, yah ga- 22 And se Hælend bewende hyne,
saiwhands po, qap, Prafstei puk, dauhtar ; and hig geseah, and cwæþ, Gelyf, dóhtor ;
galaubeins peina ganasida puk. Yah din geleafa dé gehælde. And dat wif
ganas so qino fram pizai wheilai yainai. wes gehæled on dere tide.

23 Yah qimands lesus in garda pis 23 And da se Hælend com into des
reikis, yah gasaiwhands swiglyans, yah ealdres healle, and geseah hwistleras, and -
haurnyans haurnyandans, yah managein hlydende menigeo,
' 24 Qap du im, Afleipip, unte ni gaswalt 24 He cwæþ, Gap heonun, nys dys
so mawi, ak slepip. Yah bihlohun ina. mæden dead, splice ac heo slæpþ. And
hig tældon hyne.
IX. 14-24.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 4]
Y wole mercye, and nat sacrifice ; for- I have pleasure in mercy, and not in
sothe Y came, nat to clepe ri3tful men, offerynge ; for I am not come to call
bot synful men. the rightewes, but the sinners to repent-
14 Thanne the disciplis of Joon camen 14 Then cam the desciples of Jhon to
nize to hym, sayinge, Whi we and Phari- hym, saynge, Why do we and the Farises
sees fasten ofte, but thi disciplis fasten fast ofte, but thy disciples fast not ?
nat Í

15 And Jhesus saide to hem, Whether r5 And Jesus sayde vnto them, Can
the sonys of the spouse’ mow weilen,* the weddynge chyldren morne, as longe
how longe the spouse is with hem? as the bridegrom is with them? The
Sothely days shulen come, when the tym will come, when the brydgrome
spouse shal be taken awey fro hem, and shalbe tacken awaye from them, and
thanne thei shulen faste. then shall they faste. j
16 Sothely no man sendith ynne a 16 Noo man peceth an olde garment
medlynge of rudee* clothe in to an olde with a pece off newe cloothe ; for then
clothe ; sothely he takith awey the tacketh he away the pece agayne from
plente of it fro the clothe, and a wors the garment, and the rent ys made
kittyng is maad. worsse.
17 Nether men senden newe wijne in 17 Nether do men put newe wyne into
to olde botelis ellis the wijn vessels olde vessels, for then the vessels breake,
ben broken, and the wijn is shed out, and the wyne runneth oute, and the
and the wijn vessellis perishen. But uessels perysshe. But they powre newe
men senden newe wijn in to newe wijn wyne into newe vessels, and so are both
vessellis, and bothe ben kept. saved togedder.
18 Jhesu spekynge these thingis to 18 Whyls he thus spake vnto them,
hem, loo! oo prince came to, and wor- lo! there cam a certayne ruler, and
shipid hym, sayinge, Lord, my doustir worshipped hyme, saynge, My doghter
is now dead ; but cume thou, and put is deed all redy ; but com, and lay thy
thin hond vpon hire, and she shal lyue. honde on her, and she shall live.
19 And Jhesus rysynge suede hym, 19 And Jesus arose and folowed hym,
and his disciplis. with hys disciples.
20 And loo! a womman that suffride 20 And beholde! a woman which was
the flixt of blood twelue 3eer, cam to diseased with an issue of bloud xij yeres,
~ byhynde, and touchide the hemme of his cam behynde hym, and toched the hem
. clothe. off hys vesture.
21 Sothely she saide with ynne hir 21 For she sayd in her silfe, Yff I maye
self, 3if I touche oonly the clothis of toche but even his vesture only, I shal
hym, I shal be saaf. be safe.
22 And Jhesus turnyde, and seeynge 22 Jesus tourned hym about, and be-
hir, saide, Douster, haue thou trust ; thi helde her, saynge, Doughter, be off
faith hath made thee saaf. And the goode comforte ; thy fayth hath made
womman was maad saaf fro that houre. the safe. And she was made whole even
that same houre.
23 And when Jhesus came in to the 23 And when Jesus cam into the ruelers
hous of the prince, and see3 mynstrelis, housse, and sawe the minstrels, and the
and the companye makynge noyse, people wondrynge,

24 He saide, Go 3e awey, for the 24 He sayde vnto them, Get you hence,
wenche is nat dead, but slepith. And for the mayde is not deed, but slepeth.
thei scornyden hym, And they leughe hym to scorne.
42 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
25 Panuh pan usdribana warp so man- 25 And dá he da menigeo üt-ádráf, he
agsi, atgaggands inn, habaida handu eode* in, and nam hyre hand ; and det
izos ; yah urrais so mawi. meden aras.
26 Yah usiddya meripa so and alla 26 And des hlisa sprang ofer eall dæt
yaina airpa. a land.*
27 Yah wharbondin lesua yainpro, laist- 27 Da se Hlend danun for, da fylig-
idedun afar imma twai blindans, hrop- dun hym twegyn blinde, hrymynde, and
yandans, yah qipandans, Armai uggkis, cweðende, Lá Dáuides sunu, gemiltsa
sunau Daweidis. unc.
28 Qimandin pan in garda, duatiddye- 28 Sóplice dá he hám com, da blindan
dun imma pai blindans; yah qap im genealæhton to him; and se Hælend
lesus, Gaulaubyats, patei magyau pata ewæþ to him, Geljfe gyt, det ic inc mæg
tauyan? Qepun du imma, Yai, Frauya. gehelan? Hig cweedon to him, Witod-
lice, Drihten.

29 Danuh attaitok augam ize, qipands, 29 Da æthrán he hyra eagena, ewed-

Bi galaubeinai iggqarai wairpai iggqis. ynde, Sy inc æftyr incrun geleafan.

30 Yah usluknodedun im augona. Yah 30 And hyra eagan wærun ontjnede.

inagida ins lesus, qipands, Saiwhats, ei And se Hælynd bebead him, cwedende,
manna ni witi. Warniap, det ge hyt nánum men ne
31 Ip eis usgaggandans, usmeridedun 31 Hig sóplice ütgangynde, gewidmer-
ina in allai airpai yainai. sudun hyne ofer eall deet land.

32 Panuh biþe ut usiddyedun eis, sai! 32 Da hig wæron sóþlice út-ágáne,

atberun imma mannan baudana, daimon- hig brohton him dumbne man, se wes
ari. deofol-seoc.
33 Yah bipe usdribans warp unhulpo, 33 And út-ádryfenum dam deofle, se
rodida sa dumba. Yah sildaleikidedun dumba spræe. And da menigeo wundre-
manageins, qipandans, Ni aiw swa us- don, cwedende, N&fre ætýwde swyle on
kunp was in Ísraela. | Israhela folce.
34 Íþ Fareisaieis qepun, In fauramaplya 34 Soplice da Sundor-hálgan eweedon,
unhulpono usdreibip unhulpons. On deofla ealdre he drifp ut deoflu.

35 Yah bitauh lesus baurgs allos yah 35 And se Hælend ymbfór ealle burga
haimos, laisyands in gaqumpim ize, yah and ceastra, lærende on hyra gesom-
meryands aiwaggelyon piudangardyos, nungum, and bodiende rices gódspell,
yah hailyands allos sauhtins, yah alla and hælende ælce ádle, and ælce un-
unhailya. trumnesse.
36 Gasaiwhands pan pos manageins, 36 He gemiltsude sóþlice deere menigeo,
infeinoda in ize ; unte wesun afdauidai, dá he hi geseah; fordan hig wærun
yah frawaurpanai swe lamba ni haband- gedréhte, and licgende swa swa sceap de
ona hairdeis. hyrde nabbap.
37 panuh qap du siponyam seinaim, 37 Ðá he sæde hys leorning-enihtun,
Asans raihtis managa, ip waurstwyans Witodlice micel rip ys, and feawa wyrht-
fawai. yna.
38 Bidyip nu frauyan asanais, ei us- 38 Biddap des ripes hláford, det he |
sandyai waurstwyans in asan seina. sende wyrhtan to hys ripe.
IX. 25-38.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 43

25 And when the cumpanye was cast 25 As sone as the people wer put
out, he entride in, and held hir honde ; forthe a dores, he went in, and toke her
and the wenche roose vp. by the hond; and the mayde arose.
26 And this fame wente out’ in to al 26 And this was noysed through out
the londe. all the londe.
27 And Jhesu passynge thennes, twey 27 And as Jesus departed thence, two
blynde men sueden hym, cryinge, and blynde men folowed hym, crying, and
sayinge, Thou sone of Dauith, haue sayng, O thou sonne of David, have
mercy of vs. mercy on vs.
28 Sothely when thei came home, the 28 And when he was come into the
cam to hym; and
blynde men camen mi; to hym; and housse, the blynd
Jhesüs saith to hem, What wole 5e, that Jesus sayde vnto them, Beleve ye, that
Ido to sou? And thei seiden, Lord, that T am able to do thys? They sayde vnto
— oure eegen ben opnyd. And Jhesus saide, hyme, Ye, Master.
- Bileeue 3e, that I may do this thing to
30u And thei sayn, Sothely,* Lord.
— 29 Than he touchide her eejen, say- 29 Then touched he their eyes, sayng,
-inge, Vp 5our feith be it don to 30u. Acordynge to youre faythe be it vnto
30 And the eesen of bothe ben opnyde. 3o And their eyes wer opened. And
And Jhesus thretynyde to hem, sayinge, he chaurged them, sayng, Se, that no
See 3ee, that no man wite. man knowe of it.

„31 But thei goynge out, defameden 31 But they as sone as they were de-
hym thorws al that lond. parted, spreed abroade hys name through
oute all the londe.
32 Sothely thei gon out, loo! thei 32 As they went out, beholde! they
- offriden to hym a man doumb, hauynge brought to hym a domne man, possessed
a deuel. of a devyll.
33 And whan the deuel was cast out, 33 And as sone as the devyll was cast
. the doumbe man spac. And the cum- oute, the domne spake. And the people
panyes wondreden, sayinge, It aperede merveled, saynge, It never soo appered
neuere so in Yrael. in Israhel.
34 But the Pharisees saiden, In the 34 Butt the Pharises sayde, He casteth
- prince of deuelis he castith out deuelis. oute devyls by the power of the chefe
35 And Jhesus compaside aboute alle 35 And Jesus went about all the cites
~ citees and castels, techynge in synagogis and tounes, teachynge in their sina-
- of hem, and prechynge the gospel of goages, and preachyng the gospell off
- kyngdam, and helynge al languyshynge', the kyngdome, and healinge all maner
and al siknesse. sicknes, and desease amonge the people.
36 Forsothe Jhesus, siynge cumpanyes, 36 But when he sawe the people, he
hadde rewthe of hem ; for thei weren hadd pite on them ; because they were
traueilid, and liggynge as sheep nat pined awaye, and scattered abroade even
hauynge a sheperde. as shepe havynge no shepheerd.
37 Thanne he saide to his disciplis, 37 Then sayde he to hys disciples, The
is greate, but the laborers ar
Sothely there is moche rype corne, but hervest
fewe werkmen. feawe.
38 Therfore preye 3e the lord of the 38 Wherfore praye the harvest lorde, to
rijpe corn, that he sende workmen into sende forthe labourers into hys harvest.
his rijp corn, —

3 M

44 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
Crap. X. 1 Yah athaitands pans Crap. X. 1 And to somne gecigyd-
twalif si um hys twelf leorning-cnihtun, he sval-
de him unclénra gasta anweald, det hig
adryfon hig út, and hældun ádle, and
ælce untrumnysse.
2 Dis synt sóplice æra twelf Apostela
naman ; se forma ys, Simon, de ys ge-
nemned Petrus, and Andreas, hys bró-
dor; lacobus Zebedei, and Iohannes,
hys bródur ;
3 Philippus, and Bartholomeus ; Them- —
as, and Matheus Publicanus ; and iac-
obus Alphei, and Taddeus ;

4 Simon Chananeus, and Iudas Sca-.

rioth, de hyne belæwde.
5 Das twelf se Hælynd sende, him.
bebeodende, and cweðende, Ne fare ge .
on peoda weg, and ne ga ge innan Samar-
itana ceastre ;

6 Ac gáp ma to dam sceapum de for-

wurdun Ísraela hiw-rædene.
4 Se Hælend ewzp to hys leorning-
cnihtun, Gap and bodiap, ewedende, deet
heofona rice genealæcþ ; ;
8 Hælaþ untrume, áwecceaþ deade, |
clænsiaþ hreofle, drifap üt deoflu; ge
onféngun to-gyfe, syllap to-gyfe.
9 Næbbe ge gold, ne seolfer, ne feoh
on eowrum bigyrdlum,
1o Ne codd on wege, ne twa tunecan, |
ne gescy, ne gyrde; sóplice se wyrhta
ys wyrde hys metys.

11 On swa hwylce burh, odde ceastre,

swa ge ingáp, ahsiap hwa si wyrde on
dere, and wuniap dzr, od ge üt-gán.

12 Donne ge ingan sóplice on det hús,

grétap hit, cwedende, Sy syb disum hüse.
13 And gyf det his witodlice wyrde
bip, eower syb cymep ofer hyt; gyf hyt
sóþlice wyrde ne byþ, eowur syb byþ to
eow gecyrred.
I4 And swa hwá swá eow ne under-
fehb, ne eowre spréca ne gehyrp, donne
ge út-gán of dam hüse, odde of dere
ceastere, ásceacap det dust of eowrum
15 Soplice ic eow secge, ácumendlicre
X. 1-15.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 45
Crap. X. 1 And the twelue disciplis Cuar. X. 1 And he called his xij
clepid to gidre, he 3aue to hem power of disciples vnto him, and gave them power
yntlene spiritis, that thei shulde casten over all vnelene sprites, to cast them
hem out, and that thei shulden heele al oute, and to heale all maner of sick-
ache, and al siknesse. nesses, and all maner off deseases.
2 These ben the names of twelue apo- 2 The names of the xij apostles are
stelis ; the first, Symoun, that is clepid these; the fyrst, Simon, which ys called
Petre, and Andrew, his brother ; Peter, and Andrew, his brother ;

3 Philip, and Bartilmew ; Jamys of 3 James the sonne off Zebede, and
Zebedee, and Joon, his brother ; Tho- Jhon, his brother; Philip, and Bartle-
mas, and Matheu puplican ; and James mew ; Thomas, and Mathew the publican;
Alphei, and Thadee ; James the sonne off Alphe, and Lebbeus,
otherwyse called Taddeus ;
4 Symount Canane, and Judas Scarioth, 4 Simon off Cane, and Judas Iscarioth,
the whiche betraiede Crist. which also betrayed hym.
5 Jhesus sente these twelue, comaund- 5 These xij sent Jesus, and com-
ynge to hem, and sayinge, Goth 3e nat maunded them, saynge, Goo nott into
into the wey of heithen men, and entre the wayes thatt leade to the gentyls, and
3e nat in to the citees of Samarietanys ; into the cites off the Samaritans enter
ye nott ;
6 But rather goth to the sheep of the 6 But go rather to the lost shepe off
hous of Yrael, that perishiden. the housse of Israhel.
- 4 Sothely 3ee goynge preche, sayinge, 7 Go and preach, sayng, that the kyng-
for the kyngdam of heuenes shal neige; dome off heven ys at hande ;

8 Hele 3e seke men, vpreyse 3ee dead 8 Heale the sicke, clense the lepers,
men, clense 3e meselis, cast 5e out deuelis ; rayse the deed, caste oute the devils ;
- frely 3e han taken, frely 5eue 5e. frely ye have receved, frely geve agayne.
E) Nyl se welden gold, nether syluer, 9 Posses nott golde, nor silver, nor
b money in 5oure girdlis, brasse yn youre gerdels,
Bs Not a scripe in the weye, nether 10 Nor yet scrip towardes your iorney,
„two cootis, nether shoon, nether 3eerd ; nether two cotes, nether shues, nor yet
- for a workman is worthi his mete. a rod; for the workman is worthy to
have his meate.
= it In to whateuer citee, or castel, 3e ir Into whatsoever cite, or toune, ye
— shulen entre, axeth who therinne is shall com, enquyre who ys worthy yn it,
. worthi, and there dwelle 3e, til that 5e and there abyde, till ye goo thence.
. gon out.
12 Forsothe 3e entrynge in to an house, 12 And when ye come into an housse,
grete 3e* it, sayinge, Pees to this hous. grete the same.
13 And sothely 3if that ilk hous be 13 And yff the housse be worthy, youre
worthi, youre pees shal cume on it; peace shall come apon the same ; but yf
forsothe 3if that house be nat worthy, it be not worthy, youre peace shall re-
zoure pees shall turne a3ein to 30u. tourne to you agayne.
.14 And who euere shall nat resceyue 14 And whosoever shall nott receave
ou, nether heer youre wordis, 3ee goynge you, nor will heare youre preachynge,
forth fro that hous,* smytith awey the when ye departe oute off that housse, or
dust fro 30ure feet. that cite, shake of the duste of youre
15 Trewly I say to 30u, it shall be i5 Truely I say vnto you, it shalbe

46 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr,
byp Sodoma lande and Gomorra on
domes deg, donne dere ceastre.t
16 Nú! ic eow sende swá sceap gemang
wulfas ;beop eornustlice gleawe swa næd-
dran, and bilwyte swa culfran.
17 Warniap-eow sóplice fram mannum,
hig syllap eow sóplice on gemótum, and
swingap eow on hyra gesomnungum ; _
13 And ge beop gelædde to démum,
and to cynyngum for me, to hyra dóme,
and peodun.
19 Donne belæwaþ hig and" syllaþ eow,
ne pencege, hu odde hweet ge sprecun,
eow byp geseald sóþlice on dire tide,
hweet ge sprecun;
20 Ne synt ge na de der sprecap, ac
eowres feeder gást, de sprycp on eow.

21 Sóplice bródur sylp hys bródur to

deape, and feeder hys sunu, and bearn
árisap ongén magas, and to deape hi

22 Ànd ge beop on hatunge eallum

mannum, for minum naman ; sópKee se
þurhwunaþ od ende, se byþ hal.

23 23 Donne hi eow ehtap on dysse byrig,

fleop on ódre; and donne hi on dere
noy. 5 pizai bsürg, pliuhaip iin eow ehtap, fleop on da pryddan. Sóþlice
anpara. Amen auk qipa izwis, ei ni us- ic eow secge, ne befarap ge Israhela
tiuhip baurgs lsraelis, unte qimip sa burga, erdan de mannes sunu cume.
sunus mans.
24 Nist siponeis ufar laisarya, nih 24 Nys se leorning-cniht ofer hys l&-
skalks ufar frauyin seinamma; reow, ne peow ofer hys hláford ;

25 Ganalı siponi, ei wairpai swe laisar- 25 Genóh byp sóplice dam leorning-
eis is, yah skalks swe frauya is. Yabai enihte, dzet he sy swylce hys láreow, and
gardawaldand Baiailzaibul haihaitun, und peow swylee hys hlaford. Gyf hi des
whan filu mais pans innakundans is ? hiredes feeder Belzebub clypedun, mycle
swydur hig eow clypiap?
26 Ni nunu ogeip izwis ins ;ni waiht 26 Eornustlice ne ondræde ge hig ;t
auk ist gahulip, patei ni andhulyaidau ;7 nys sóplice nan ping dyhle, æt ne wurde
yah fulgin, patei ni ufkunnaidau. geswütelod; ne nan dihle ping, det ne
wurde geopenod.
27 patei qipa izwis in riqiza, qipaip in 27 Det ic eow secge on pystrum, Poe.
liuhada; yah patei in auso gahauseip, gap hyt on leohte; and dæt ge on eare
meryaip ana hrotam. gehyrap, bodiap uppan hrófum.

28 Yah ni ogeip izwis pans usqimand- 28 And ne ondræde ge da de eowyrne

X. 16-28.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 47
more suffreable to the lond of men of easier for the londe off Zodoma and Ge-
Sodom and Gomor in the day of iuge- mora in the daye off iudgement, then for
ment, than to that citee. that cite.
16 Loo! I sende 30u as sheep in to 16 Lo! I sende you forthe as shepe
the mydil of wolues ; therfore be 5e wart amonge wolves ; be ye therfore wyse as
as serpentis, and symple as dowues. serpentes, and innocent as doves.
17 Forsothe be 3e war of men, for thei 17 Beware off men, ffor they shall de-
shuln taken 30u in counseilis, and thei liver you vp to the counseils, and shall
shuln bete 30u in there synagogis ; scourge you in there sinagogges ;
18 And to presidentis,* and to kyngis 18 And ye shall be brought to the heed
3e shulen be led for me, in to witness- ruelers, and kynges for my sake, in wit-
ynge to hem, and hethen men. nes to them, and to the gentyls.
19 But whenne thei shulen taket 30u, 19 But when they put you vp, take no
nyl 3e thenke, how or what thing 3ee thought, howe or what ye shall speake,
speeken, forsothe it shal be 30uen to 30u for yt shall be geven you even in that
in that hour, what 3e shuln speke ; same houre, what ye shall saye ;
20 For it ben nat 3e that speken, but 20 For it is not ye that speke, but the
the spirit of 5oure fadir, that spekith in sprete of your father, which speaketh in
ou. you.
-21 Sothely the brother shal take the 21 The brother shall betraye the bro-
brother in to deth, and the fadir the ther to deeth, and the father the sonne,
sone, and the sonys shulen ryse a3eins and the chyldren shall aryse agynste
fadir and modir, and shulen tourmente their fathers and mothers, and shall put
: hem bi deth. them to deethe.
22 And 3e shulen be in hate to alle 22 And ye shall be hated off all men,»
men, for my name; forsothe he that ffor my name ; but whosoever shall con-
shall dwelle stille in to the eende, this tinew vnto the ende, shalbe saved.
shal be saaf.
.23 Sothely whenne thei shulen pursue 23 When they persecute you in wone
sou in this citee, flee 5e in to an other. cite, flye in to another. I tell you for a
Trewly I saye to 30u, 5e shulen nat treuth, ye shal nott fynysshe all the cites
eende the citees of Yrael, til that mannes of Israhel, tyll the sonne of man be
sone cume. come.

24 The disciple is nat aboue the maistre, 24 The disciple ys nott above hys
ne the seruaunt aboue his lord ; master, nor yet the servaunt above his
lorde ;
25 It is ynow to the disciple, that he 25 It is ynough for the disciple, to be
be as his maistre, and to the seruaunt as hys master ys, and that the servaunt
as his lord. 3if thei han clepid the be as his lorde ys. Yf they have called
husbonde man Belzebub, hou myche the lorde off the housse Beelzebub, howe
more his housholde meynee? moche more shall they call them of his
householde so ?
26 Therfore drede 3e nat hem ; for no 26 Feare them nott therefore; there
thing is couerid,* that shal nat be shewid; is no thinge so close, that shall not be
and no thing is preuy, that shal nat be openned; and no thinge so hyd, that
wist. shall not be knowen.
27 That thing that Y say to 30u in 27 What I tell you in dercknes, that
derenessis, saye 3ee in the list; and speake ye in lyght ; and what ye heare
preche 3e vpon housis, that thing that in the eare, that preache ye on the
see heere in ere. housse toppes.
28 And nyl 3e dreede hem that sleen 28 And feare ve nott them which kvll
48 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Mart
ang leika patainei; ip saiwalai ni mag- lichaman ofsleaþ ; ne mágon hig sóþlice
andans usqiman; ip ogeip mais pana da sáwle ofslean ; ac ondrædaþ ma done,
magandan yah saiwalai yah leika fragists de mæg sáwle and lichaman fordón on
yan in gaiainnan. helle.
29 Niu twai sparwans assaryau bug- 29 Hü ne becypap hig twegen spear-
yanda? yah ains ize ni gadriusip ana wan to peninge? and án of dam ne be-
airpa inuh attins izwaris wilyan. fylp on eorpan bütan eowrun feeder.
3o Appan izwara yah tagla haubidis 30 And sópliee ealle eowres heafdes
alla garapana sind. loccas synt getealde.
31 Ninunu ogeip; managaim sparwam 31 Ne ondræde ge; ge synt sélran
batizans siyup yus. donne manega spearwan.*
32 Sawhazuh nu saei andhaitip mis in 32 Alene eornustlice de me cyp be-
andwairpya manne, andhaita yah ik im- fórau mannum, ic cyde hyne befóran
ma in andwairpya attins meinis saei in minum feeder de on heofonum ys.
himinam ist.
33 lp piswhanoh saei afaikip mik in 33 Se de me wiðsæcþ beforan mannum,
andwairpya manne, afaika yah ik ina in and ic widsace hyne befóran minum feeder
andwairpya attins meinis pis saei in him- de on heofenum ys.
inam ist.
34 Nih ahyaip, þatei qemyau lagyan 34 Ne wene ge, det ic come sybbe on
gawairpi ana airpa ; ni qam lagyan ga- eorþan to sendanne; ne com ie sybbe
wairpi, ak hairu. to sendanne, ac swurd.
35 Qam auk skaidan mannan wipra 35 Ic com sóplice mann ásyndrian
attan is, yah dauhtar wipra aipein izos, ongén hys fzeder, and dóhtur ongén hyre
yah brup wipra swaihron izos ; módur, and snóre ongén hyre swegre ;

36 Yah fiyands mans innakundai is. 36 And mannes fynd hys gehüsan.*
37 Saei friyop attan aippau aipein ufar 37 Se Helend cwæþ to hys leorning-
mik, nist meina wairps. Yah saei friyop enihtum, Se de lufap fzeder odde módor
sunu aippau dauhtar ufar mik, nist meina má donne me, nys he me wyrde. And
wairþs. se de lufap sunu odde dóhtor swydur
donne me, nys he me wyrde.
38 Yah saei ni nimip galgan seinana, 38 And se de ne nimp hys ewyiminge,
yah laistyai afar mis, nist meina wairps. and fyligp me, nys he me wyrde.
39 Saei bigitip saiwala seina, fraqisteip 39 Be de gemét hys sáwle, se forspilp
izai; yah saei fraqisteip saiwalai seinai hig; and se de forspilp hys sáwle for
in meina, bigitip po. me, he gemét hi.
40 Sa andnimands izwis, mik andnim- 40 Se de eow underfehp, he underfehp
ip; yah sa mik andnimands, andnim- me ; and se de me underfehp, he under-
ip pana sandyandan mik. fehp done de me sende.
41 Sa andnimands praufetu in namin 41 Se de underfehp witegan on witegan
praufetaus, mizdon praufetis nimip. Yah naman, he onfehp witygan méde. And
sa andnimands garaihtana in namin ga- se de underfehp rihtwisne on rihtwises
raihtis, mizdon garaihtis nimiþ. naman, he onfehp rihtwises méde.

42 Yah saei gadragkeiþ ainana þize 42 And swa hwyle swá sylp anne drine -
minnistane stikla kaldis watins patainei cealdes wæteres ánum dyssa lytylra man-
in namin siponeis, amen qipa izwis, ei na on leorning-cnihtes naman, sóp ie
ni fraqisteip mizdon seinai. . secge eow, ne ámyrþ he hys méde.
X. 29-42.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 49
the body; trewly thei mowen nat slea the body ; and be nott able to kyll the
the soule; bot rather dreede 3e hym, soule; but rather feare him, which is
that may lese soule and body in to helle. able to destroye bothe soule and body
in hell.
29 Whether twey sparwis ben not sold 29 Are nott two sparowes solde for a
for an halpeny ? and oon of hem shal nat farthinge ?and none of them dothe lyght
falle on the erthe withouten soure fadir. on the grounde with out youre father.
30 Forsothe alle the heeris of 3oure 30 And nowe are all the heeres of
heued be noumbrid. youre heedes numbred.
31 Therfore nyle 3e drede; 3e ben 31 Feare ye not therfore; ye are off
better than many sparwis. more value then many sparrowes.
32 Therfore euery man that shal know- 32 Who soever therfore knowlegeth
leche me before men, and I shal know- me before men, him will I knowledge
leche hym byfore my fadir that is in before my father in heven.
33 Sothely he that shal denye me 33 But whosoever shall denye me be-
bifore men, and Í shall denize hym be- fore men, him will I also denye before
fore my fadir whiche is in heuenes. my father which ys in heven.

34 Nyl see deme, that I cam to sende 34 Thynke not, that Y am come to
pees in to erthe; I cam not to sende sende peace in to the erth ; I cam nott
pees in to erthe, but swerd. to send peace, but a swearde.
35 Sothely Y cam to departe a man 35 For Y am come to sett a man att
. ageins his fadir, and the douster a3einys varyaunce ageynst hys father, and the
hire modir, and the sonys wyf a3eins the doughter ageynst her mother, and the
wyues, or husbondis, modir ; doughterelawe ageinst her motherelawe ;
36 And the enmyes of a man ben his 36 And a mannes fooes shalbe they
homly meynee. of his owne housholde.
37 He that loueth fadir or modir more 37 He that lovith hys father or mother
than me, is nat worthi of me. And he more then me, is not worthy of me.
that loueth sone or dou3ter ouer me, is And he that loveth his sonne or doughter
nat worthi of me. more then me, is not mete for me.

38 And he that takith nat his crosse, 38 And he that taketh nott his crosse,
and sueth me, is not worthi of me. and foloweth me, ys nott mete for me.
39 He that fyndith his soule*, shal 39 He that fyndeth his lyfe, shall lose
leese it; and he that lesith his soule* it; and he that losith hys lyfe for my
. for me, shal fynde it. sake, shall fynde it.
` 40 He that resseyueth 30u, resceyueth 4o He that receavith you, receavith
me; and he that resceyueth me, re- me ; and he that receavith me, receavith
sceyueth hym that sente me. him that sent me.
41 And he that resceyueth a prophete 41 He that receavith a prophet in the
in the name of a prophete, shal take the name of a prophet, shall receave a pro-
mede of a prophete. And he that re- phetes rewarde. And he that receavith
sceyueth a iust man in the name of a a righteous man in the name of a righ-
iust man, shal take the meede of a iust teous man, shall receave the reward of a
man. righteous man.
42 And who euer 3iueth drynke to oon 42 And whosoever shall geve vnto won
of these leste a cuppe of cold water of these lytle wonnes to drinke a cuppe
oonly in the name of a disciple, trewly I of colde water only in the name of a dis-
saye to 30u, he shal nat leese his mede. ciple, I tel you of a trueth, he shall not
lose his rewarde.
50 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr

Cmar. XL í Yah warp, bipe usful- Crap. XI. 1 And hyt wees geworden,
lida Íesus, anabiudands paim twalif sip- dá se Hælynd dys ge-endude, hys twelf
onyam seinaim, ushof sik yainpro du leorning-enihtum bebeodende, he fór
laisyan yah meryan and baurgs ize. danun dzet he lærde and bodude on hyra
2 Ip lohannes gahausyands in karkarai 2 Dá Iohannes on bendum gehyrde
waurstwa Christaus, insandyands bi sip- Cristes weorue, dá sende he to him
onyam seinaim, twegen hys leorning-cnihta,
3 Qap du imma, Pu is sa qimanda, pau 3 And cwep, Eart du de to cumenne
anparizuh beidaima ? eart, odde we óðres sceolon abidan4

4 Yah andhafyands lesus, qap du im, 4 Se Hælend antswarude, and cwep

Gaggandans gateihip lohanne patei ga- to him, Gap and cydap Iohanne da ping
hauseip yah gasaiwhip. de ge gehyrdon and gesawon.
5 Blindai ussaiwhand, yah haltai gagg- 5 Blinde geseop, healte gap, hreofe
and, prutsfillai hrainyai wairpand, yah synt aclénsude, deafe gehyrap, deade
baudai gahausyand, yah daupai urreis- árisap, pearfan bodiap.
and, yah unledai wailameryanda.
6 Yah audags ist whazuh, saei ni ga- 6 And eadig ys, se de ne swicap on me.
marzyada in mis.
„7 At paim pan afgaggandam, dugann 7 Da hi út-eodon, sóplice da ongan se
Hælynd secgan be lohanne, and cwæpþ
lesus qipan paim manageim bi lohannen,
Wha usiddyedup ana auþida saiwhan ! to dere menigeo, Hwi eode ge üt on
raus fram winda wagidata? wéstent geseon 1winde awegyd hreod 1

8 Akei wha usiddyedup saiwhan ? mann- 8 Odde hwi eode ge út geseon ! mann
an hnasqyaim wastyom gawasidana ? hnescum gyrlum gescrjdne? Nu! da
Sai! paiei hnasqyaim wasidai sind in de synt hnescum gyrlum gescrydde synt
gardim piudane sind. on cyninga hüsum.

€ Akei wha usiddyedup saiwhan? prauf- 9 Ac hwæt eode ge út witegan geseonÍ

etu? Yai, qipa izwis, yah managizo Ie eow secge, eac máran donne witegan.
10 Sa ist auk, bi panei gamelip ist, 1o Des ys sóþlice, be dam áwryten ys,
Sai! ik insandya aggilu meinana faura Nú! ie sende minne engyl befóran dine
pus, saei gamanweip wig peinana faura ansyne, se gegearwap dinne weg beforan
pus. dé.
rr Amen qipa izwis, ni urrais in baur- tr Sóþlice ic eow secge, ne árás be-
im qinono maiza lohanne pamma Daup- twyx wifa bearnum mara Iohanne Ful-
yandin ; ipsa minniza in piudangardyai wihtere; sóplice se de læssa ys, ys on
himine, maiza imma ist. heofena rice him mára.

12 Framuh pan paim dagam Iohannis 12 Sóþlice fram Iohannes dagum Ful-
pis Daupyandins und hita piudangardi wihteres od dis heofena rice polap nead,
himine anamahtyada, yah anamahtyand- and strece.nimap diet.
ans frawilwand po.
.13 Allai auk praufeteis yah witop und 13 Sóplice ealle witegan and Ææ witeg-
lohanne fauraqepun. udun od Iohannes.
14 Yah yabai wildedeip mipniman, sa 14 And gyf ge wyllap gelýfan, he ys
ist Helias saei skulda qiman. Helias de to cumenne ys.
r5 Saei habai au[sona! hausyandona, 15 Se de eáran hebbe to gehyrynne,
ga]hausya[i]. gehyre.
XI 1-15.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. bí
Cuar. XI. 1 And it is don, when Cmar. XI. r And it cam to passe,
Jhesus hadde eendid, he, comaundynge when Jesus had ended his preceptes vnto
to his twelue disciplis, passide fro thennes his disciples, he departed thence to
for to preche and teche in the citees of preache and teache in there cites.
2 Forsothe when Joon in boondis hadde 2 When Jhon beinge in preson herde
herd the werkis of Crist, he, sendynge the workes of Christ, he sent two of his
two or threeof his disciplis, disciples,
3 Beide to hym, Art thou he that art 3 And sayde vnto him, Arte thou he
to cummynge, or we abiden an other? ` that shall come, or shall we loke for
another ?
4 And Jhesus answerynge, seide to hem, 4 Jesus answered, and sayde vnto them,
3ee goynge telle a3ein to Joon the thingis Go and shewe Jhon what ye have herde
that 3e han herde and seen. and sene. —
5 Blynde men seen, crokid men wan- 5 The blind se, the halt goo, the lyp-
dren, mesels ben maad clene, deef men pers ar clensed, the deef heare, the ded
heeren, dead men risen azein, pore men are reysed vp ageine, and the gospell is
ben taken to prechynge of the gospel.* preachede to the povre.
6 And he is blessid, that shal nat be 6 And happy is he, thatt is noott hurte
sclaundrid in me. by me.
7 Sothely hem goynge awey, Jhesus 7 Even as they departed, Jesus began
biganne for to seye of Joon to the cum- to speake vnto the people of Jhon, What
panyes, What thing wenten 3e out for went ye for to se in the wyldernes?
. to see in desert? whether a reede wawid went ye out to se a rede waveringe with
with wynd ? the wynde?
8 But what thing wente 3e out for to 8 Oder what went ye out for to se!
seen? whether a man clothid with soft went ye to se a man clothed in soofte
thingis? Loo! thei that ben clothid rayment? Beholde! they that weare
with softe thingis ben in housis of soofte clothing are in kynges howses.
9 But what thing wenten se out for to 9 Butt what went ye oute for to se?
se! whether a prophete? 3e, I seie to went ye outt to se a prophet? Ye, I
3ou, and more than a prophete. saye vnto you, and more then a prophet.
10 For this is he, of whom it is writyn, 10 For this is he, off whom it is wryt-
Loo! I sende myne aungel before thi ten, Beholde! I sende my messenger
face, that shal make redy thi wey bifore before thy face, which shall prepare thy
thee. waye before the.
11 Trewly I say to 3ou, ther roose rr Verely Y saye vnto you, amonge
noon more than Joon Baptist amonge the chyldren off women arose there not
- children of wommen ; forsothe he that a gretter then Jhon Baptist; not with
is lesse in the kyngdam of heuenes, is stondinge he thatys lesse in the kyng-
more than he. dom off heven, ys gretter then he.
12 Sothely fro the days of Joon Baptist 12 From the tyme off Jhon Baptist
til now the kyngdam of heuenes suffreth hytherto the kyngdom of heven suffreth
_ Strengthe,! and violent men rauyshen it. violence, and they that make vyolence
pull it vnto them.
13 For alle prophetis and the lawe til 13 For all the prophetes and the lawe
Joon Baptist prophecieden ; prophesyed vnto to tyme of Jhon ;
14 And sif 5e wolen resseyuen, he is 14 Also yf ye wyll receave it, thys ys
Ely that is to cume. Helyas which shuld come.
15 He that hath eeris of heerynge, 15 He that hath eares to heare, let him
heere he. here,
52 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
16 [We nu galeiko] pata ku[ni? Galeik 16 Sóþlice hwam telle ic das cneorysse
ist barnam] sitandam [in garunsai, yah gelice? Heo ys gelic sittendum cnapun
wopyan|dam anpar anpa[ris, yah qip- on foretige, da hrymap to hyra efengelic-
an dam, Bur on, and ewedap,
17 Swiglodedum izw[is, yah] ni plinsid- 17 We sungun eow, and ge ne fricud-
edup ; huf[um, yah] ni qainodedup. un; we cwiddun, and ge ne weopun.

18 Qam raihtis [ohan[nes nih mat]- 18 Sóplice Iohannes com ne etende ne

yands nih drigkan[ds, yah qi]pand, Un- drincende, and hi ewædun, He hæfþ
hulp[on habaip]. deoful-seocnysse.
19 [Qam] sa sunus man[s matyands 19 Mannes sunu com etende and drync-
yah] drigkands, y[ah qipand, Sai! man]- ende, and hi cwedap, Hér ys ettul-man,
na afetya, yah af[drug]kya, [mo ]tarye and win-drincende, mánfulra and syn-
friyonds yah frawaurhtaize. Yah us- fulra freond. And wisdóm ys geriht-
waurhta gadomida warp handugei fram wisud fram heora bearnum.*
barnam seinaim.
20 Panuh dugann idweitya[n] baurg- 20 Dá ongan he hyspan da burga, on
im, in paimei waurpun pos managistons dam wærun gedóne manega hys mægena,
mahteis is, [patei ni idreigodedun| sik. fordam de hi ne dydon dæd-bóte.

21 [Wai pus! Kaurazein, wai plus! Bep- 21 Wade! Corozaim, wá dé! Bethsaida ;
[saidan ; unte ip wa Jurpeina [in Tyre yah fordam gyf on Tyro and Sydone werun
Seidon]e landa mah[teis pos waur |panons gedóne da megnu de gedóne synt on
in izwis, [airis p|au in sakkau yah azgon eow, gefyrn hi dydun dæd-bóte on hæran
[idreig Jodedeina. and on axan.
22 Swepauh qi[pa izwis] Tyrim yah 22 Deah ie secge inc, Tyro and Sydone
Seidonim [sutizo wa]irpip in daga stau- byp forgyfendlicur on domes deg, donne
[os, pau izwi]s. eow.
23 Yah pu, Kafarna[um, pu und hi|min 23 And dá, Capharnaum, ewyst du byst
ushauhida, [dalap und haly]a galeipis. dú up-áhafen od heofen? Ac du nider-
Unte yabai in Sjaudaumyam |wau |rþe- færst od helle. Fordam gyf on Sodomum
ina mahteis, pos waurpanons in izwis, wæron gedóne da mægnu, de gedone
aibþau eis weseina und hina dag. synt on dé, witodlice hi wunedun od
dysne deg.
24 Swepauh qipa izwis, patei airpai 24 Deah hwedere ic secge eow, det
Saudaumye sutizo wairpip in daga stauos, Sodom-wara lande byp forgyfenlicre on
pau pus. dómes deg, donne de.*
25 Inuh yainamma mela andhaf- 25 Se Hælynd cwæþ andswariende, Ic
andytte dé, drihten heofenes and eorpan,
di de behyddyst das ping fram wisum
and gleawum, and onwruge da lytling- .
un ;
26 Swa, feeder, fordam hyt wes swá
gecweme befóran de.
27 Ealle ping me synt gesealde fram
minum fedyr, and nan man ne can done
sunu, bütun fædyr, ne nan mann ne
can done fedyr, bütun sunu, and dam
de se sunu wyle onwreon.
28 Cumap to me, ealle de swincap, andi
gesymede synt, and ?« eow geblissige.
XI. 16-28.| WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 53
16 But to whom shal I gesse this 16 But wheare vnto shall Y lyken this
generacioun lichy? It is lichi to chil- generacion? It ys lyke vnto chyldren
dren sittynge in cheepynge, the whiche, which syt in the markett, and call vnto
cryinge to her peeris, seien, there felowes, and saye,
17 We han sungen to 30u, and 3e han 17 We have pyped vnto you, and ye
nat lippid; we han mourned to 30u, have not daunsed ; we have morned vnto
and 3e han nat weilid. you, and ye have not sorowd.
18 Sothely Joon cam neither etyinge 18 For Jhon cam nether eatynge nor
ne drynkynge, and thei seien, He hath drinkinge, and they saye, He hath the
2 deuel. devyll.
r9 The sone of man came etynge and 19 The sonne of man cam eatynge and
drynkynge, and thei seyen, Loo! a man drinkynge, and they saye, Beholde! a
deuourer,t and drynker of wyn, and glutton, and a drynker of wyne, and a
frend of puplicanys and synful men. frend vnto publicans and synners. And
And wijsdam is iustified of her sonys. wysdome ys iustified off her chyldren.

20 Thanne Jhesus began for to seie 20 Then began he to vpbraid the cites,
repreue to citees, in whiche ful manye in which most of his miracles were don,
vertues of hym ben don, for thei diden because they did not repent.
nat penaunce.
21 Woo to thee! Corozaym, woo to 21 Wo be to the! Chorasin, wo be to
thee! Bethsaida ; for sif tho vertues the! Betzaida ; for if the miracles which
that ben don in 3ou hadden ben don in wer shewd in you had bene done in Tiyre
"Tyre and Sydon, sum tyme thei hadden and Sidon, they had repented longe agon
don penaunce in haire and asch. in sack cloth and asshes.
22 Netheles I say, it shal be softer? to 22 Neverthelesse Y say to you, it shall
Tyre and Sydon than to 30u, in the day be esier for Tyre and Sidon at the day
of dome. of iudgment, then for you.
23 And thou, Caphernaum, whether 23 And thou, Capernaum, which art
til in to heuen thou shalt be rerid vp? lift vp vnto heven, shalt be thrust doune
Thou shalt go doun til into helle. For to hell. Ffor if the miracles which have
3if the vertues that ben don in thee, bene done in the, had bene shewed in
hadden be don inSodom, perauenture thei Zodom, they had remayned to this daye.
. shulden han dwellid til vn to this day.
24 Netheles Y saye to 30u, for to the 24 Neverthelesse I say vnto you, it
lond of Sodom it shal be softer” in the shall be easiar for Zodom in the day of
day of dome, than to thee. iudgement, then for the.
25 In the ilk tyme Jhesus answerynge 25 Then Jesus answered and sayd, I
saide, I knowleche to thee, fadir, lord of prayse the, o father, lorde of heven and
heuen and erthe, for thou hast hid these erth, because thou hast hid these thynges
thingis fro wijse men and ware,’ and from the wyse and prudent, and hast
hast shewid hem to litil men ; opened them vnto babes ;
26 So, fadir, for whi so it was plesynge 26 Even so, father, for so it pleased
tofore thee. the.
27 Alle thingis ben taken to me of my 27 All thynges are geven vnto me of
fadir ; and no man knewe the sone, no my father; and no man knoweth the
but the fadir, neither eny man knewe sonne, but the father, nether knoweth
the fadir, no but the sone, and to whom eny man the father, save the sonne, and
the sone wolde shewe. he to whome the sonne will open hym.
28 Alle 3e that traueilen, and ben 28 Come vnto me, all ye that labour,
chargid, come to me, and I shal refreshet and ar laden, and Y will ese you.
54 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. |ST. Mart.
29 Nimap min geoc ofer eow, and leorn-
lap æt me, fordam ie eom bilwite and
eadmód on heortan; and ge gemétap
reste eowrum sáwlum.
30 Sóþlice min geoc ys wynsum, and
min byrdyn ys leoht.

Cuar. XIL* 1 Se Hælynd fór on reste-

dæge ofyr zecyras ; sóplice hys leorning-
cnihtas hingryde, and hig ongunnun
pluccian da ear, and etan.

2 Sóþlice dá da Sundor-hálgan det

gesáwon, hi ewedon to him, Nú! dine
leorning-cnihtas dóp deet him álýfyd nys
reste-dagum to donne.
3 And he ewep to him, Ne rædde ge
hwæt Dauid dyde, da hyne hingrede,
and da de mid hym wærun ?

4 Ht he ineode on Godes hús, and æt

da offring-hláfas, de nærun him alyfede
to etynne, ne dam de mid him werun,
bütun dam sacerdum ánum?

5 Odde ne rædde ge on dere Æ, det

da sacerdas on reste-dagum on dam
temple gewemmap done reste-deg, and
synt bútan leahtre ?
6 Ic secge sóplice eow, det des ys
márra donne dzet tempel.
4 Gyf ge sóplice wistun, hwæt ys, Ie
wylle mild-heortnesse, and ná onsægd-
nysse, ne genydrude ge éfre unscyldige.

8 Sóplice mannes sunu ys eac reste-

dæges hláfurd. :
9 “pa se Hælend danun 6n he com
into hyragesomnunge.
ro Da wes der án man se hefde for-
seruncene hand. And hi ahsudon hyne,
dus cwedende, Ys hyt alyfed to hælenne
on reste-dagum ? det hi wréhton hyne.

11 He sæde him sóplice, Hwyle man ys

of eow de hæbbe án sceap, and gyf det
áfylþ reste-dagum on pytt, hú ne nimp
he dæt, and hefp hyt upp?

12 Witodlice micle má mann ys sceápe

XI 29.-XII. 12.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 55
29 Take 3e my 50c vpon 30u, and lerne 29 Take my yoke on you, and lerne of
se of me, for I am mylde and meeke in me, for Y am meke and loly in herte;
herte; and 3e shulen fynde reste in and ye shall fynde ese vnto youre soules.
30ure soulis.
30 For my 30c is swete,* and my charge 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden
li;t.* is light.

Cmar. XII. 1 In that tyme Jhesus Crap. XII. 1 In that tyme went
wente by cornys on the sabot day ; for- Jesus on the sabot day thorow the corn ;
sothe his disciplis, hungrynge, bigunnen. and his disciples wer anhongred, and
to pluc eris of corn, and to ete. began to plucke the eares off coorne, and
to eate.
2 Sothely Pharisees seeynge, seiden to 2 When the Pharises had sene that,
hym, Loo! thi disciplis don that thing they sayde vnto him, Behold! thy dis-
that is nat leeful to hem to do in sab- ciples do that which is not lawfull to do
otuis. apon the saboth day.
3 And he seide to hem, Whether 3e 3 He sayde vnto them, Have ye nott
han nat rad, what Dauith didde, when reed, whatt David did, when he was an-
he hungride, and thei that weren with houngered, and they alsoo which were
hym? with hym ?
4 Hou he entride in to the hous of 4 Howe he eutred into the housse of
: God, and ete loouis of proposicioun,* the God, and ate the halowed loves, whiche
whiche loowis was nat leeful to hym to wernot lawfull ffor hym to eate, nether
eet, nether to hem that weren with hym, ffor them which were with hym, but
no but to prestis only? only for the prestes ?
5 Or whether 3e han nat rad in the 5 Or have ye not reed in the lawe,
lawe, for in sabothis prestis in the tem- howe that the prestes in the temple
ple defoulen the sabothis, and thei ben breake the saboth daye, and yet are
with outen grete synne? blamlesse Í
6 Sothely Y saye to 30u, for this is 6 But Í saye vnto you, that here is one
more than the temple. greater then the temple.
7 Forsothe sif 3e wisten, what it is, I 7 Wherfore if ye had wist, what this
wole mercy, and nat sacrifice, 3e shulden saynge meneth, I requyre mercy, and
neuer han condempnyd innocentis. not sacrifice, ye wold never have con-
demned inocentes.
8 Trewly mannys sone is, 3he, lord of 8 For the sonne off man is lord even
the sabot. off the saboth daye.
g And whenne he passide thennus, he 9 And he departed thence, and went
came in to the synagoge of hem. into their sinagogge.
to And loo! a man hauynge a drye to And beholde! there was a man
hond. And thei axiden hym, sayinge, whiche had his hande dryed vp. And
3if it is leeful to heele in the sabot ?that they axed hym, saynge, Ys yt lawfull to
thei shulden acuse hym. heale apon the saboth daye? because
they myght acuse him.
11 Sothely he seide to hem, Who shal 11 And he sayde vnto them, Whyche
be a man of 30u, that hath oo sheep, ys he a monge you, iff he had a shepe,
and 3if it shal falle doun in to a dike in fallen into a pitt on the saboth daye,
the sabotis, whether he shal nat holde, that wolde not take hym, and lyft hym
and lift it vp ? out?
12 Hou moche more is a man betro 12 And howe moche ys a man better
56 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 095. [Sr. Marr.
betera? Witodlice hyt ys ályfed on reste-
dagum wel to dónne.
13 Da cwæþ he to dam menn, Apene
dine hand. And he hi ápenede ; and heo
wees hál geworden swá seo óder.*

14 Da Sunder-hálgan eodun dá út
sóþlice, and worhton gepeaht ongén
hyne, hú hi hyne forspildon.
15 Se Hælend sóplice det wiste, and
férde Ganon; and him fyligdon mycel .
mænigeo, and he hælde hig ealle.
16 And bebead him, deet hig hyt nánum
inen ne sedon ;
17 Det were gefylled, det de gecwed-
en wees purh Isaiam, done witegan, dus
18 Her is min cnapa, done ic geceas,
min gecorena, on dam wel-gelicode minre
sáwle ; ic ásette minne gást ofer hyne, .
and dóm he bodap peodum.

r9 Ne flit he, ne he ne hrymp, ne nán

man ne gehyrp hys stemne on strétom.

20 To-cwysed hreod he ne forbrytt, and

smeocende flex he ne ádwæscþ, erdam
de he áworpe dóm to sige ;

21 Andon hys naman peoda gehyhtap.t

22 Da wes him broht án deofol-seoe

man, se wees blind and dumb ; and he
hyne hælde, swá det he sprze, and ge-

23 Ànd da menigeo ealle wundrudon,

and cwædon, Cwede we is des Dauides
sunu ? à f
24 Soplice da da Sundor-hálgan dis
gehýrdon, dá cwædon hig, Ne ádrifp des
deoflu üt, baton purh Belzebub, deofla
25 Se Hælend sóplice wiste hyra ge-
pancas, and cweep to him, Ælc rice de
byþ twýræde on him sylfum, byþ to-worp-
en, and ele ceaster, odde hús, de byþ
widerweard ongén hyt sylf, hyt ne stent.
26 And gyf se deoful ádrifp üt done
deoful, hig beop to-dælede ; hú mæg don-
ue hys rice standan?
27 And gyf ic purh Belzebub adrife út
XII. 13-27.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 57
than a sheep? And so it is leeful to do then a shepe? Wherfore it ys lefull to
gocd in the sabot. do a good dede on the saboth daye.
13 Thanne he seide to the man, Strecche 13 Then sayde he to the man, Stretch
forth thin hond. And he strei3te forth ; forth thy hand. And he stretched it
and it is restorid to helthe as the tother. forthe ; and yt was agayne made even
as whole as the other.
14 Forsothe Pharisees goynge out, 14 Then the Faryses went forthe, and
maden a counsel a3eins hym, hou thei toke counsell agaynst hym, howe they
shulden leese hym. myght destroye hym.
15 Sothely Jhesus witynge, wente awey 15 When Jesus knewe that, he departed
thennes; and many sueden hym, and thence ; and moche people folowed him,
he helide hem alle. and he healed them all.
16 And he comaundide to hem, that 16 And charged them, that they shulde
thei shulden nat make hym opyn ;* not make him knowne ;
17 That that thing shulde be fulfilled, 17 To fulfyll that which was spoken
that was said by Ysay, the prophete, by Esay, the prophet, which sayeth,
= 18 Loo! my chosen child, whom T 18 Beholde! my sonne, whom I have
haue chosen, my derlyng, in whom it chosen, my derlinge, in whom my soule
.hath wel plesid to my soule; I shal hath had delite; I wyll put my sprete
putte my spirit on hym, and he shal on him, and he shall shewe iudgement
telle dome to heithen men. to te gentyls.
19 He shal nat stryue, ne crye, nether 19 He shall not stryve, he shall not
. eny man shal here his voice in stretis. erye, nether shall eny man heare hys
voyce in te streetes.
20 He shal nat breke to gidre a schak- 20 A brosed rede shall he not breacke,
en reed, and he shal nat quenche smok- and flaxe that begynneth to burne he
ynge flax, til that he cast out dome to shall not quenche, tyll he sende forth
victorie ; iudgement vnto victory ;
21 And hethen men shulen hope in his 21 And in hys name shall the gentyls
name. truste.
22 Thanne a blynd man and doumb, 22 Then was brought to hym, won
hauynge a deuel, was offrid vp to hym ; possessed with a devyll, whych was both
and he helide hym, so that he spac, and blynde and domne ; and he healed him,
say. insomuch that he which was blynd and
domne both spake, and sawe.
23 And alle the cumpanyes wondreden, 23 And all the people were amased,
and saiden, Wher this be the sone of and sayde, Ys not this the sonne of
Dauith ? David !
24 But the Pharisees, herynge, seiden, 24 When the Pharises herde that, they
He this castith not out feendis, no but sayde, He dryveth the devyls no nother
in Belzabub, prince of fendis. wise oute, but by the helppe off Belse-
bub, the chefe of the devylls.
25 Sothely Jhesus, witynge her thoustis, 25 Dut Jesus knewe their thoughtes,
seide to hem, Eche kyngdam departid and sayde to them, Every kyngdom de-
ayeins hym self, shal be desolat,! and vided with in it sylfe, shalbe desolate,
eche citee, or hous, departid azeins it nether shall eny cite, or housholde,
self, shal nat stonde. devyded ayenst it sylfe, contynue.
26 And 3if Sathanas castith out Sa- 26 So if Satan cast out Satan, then ys
thanas, he is departid a3eins hym seli ; he devyded ayenst him sylfe; howe
. therfore hou shal his kyngdam stonde? shall then hys kyngdom endure ?
27 And 3if I in Belzabub cast out 27 Allso yf Y by the helppe of Belze-
58 GOTHIC, 390. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Mart.
deofla, purh hwæne ádrifap eowre bearn4
Fordam hig sylfe beop eowre déman.

28 Gyf ic sóplice on Godes Gáste á-

wurpe deoflu, witediice on eow becymp
Godes rice,
29 Odde hú mæg man ingán on stranges
hüs, and hys fata hyne bereafian, büton
he gebinde «rest done strangan, and
donne hys hús bereafigett

30 Se de nys mid me, he is ongén me ;

and se de ne gaderap mid me, he
31 Fordam ie secge eow, æle synn
and bysmur-spréc byþ forgyfen man-
num, sóþlice des Hálgan Gástes bysmur-
spræc ne byþ forgyfen.

32 And swa hwyle swá cwyþ word on-

gén mannes sunu, him byþ forgyfen ; se
de sóþlice ewyp ongén Háligne Gast, ne
byþ hyt hym forgyfen, ne on disse wor- -
ulde, ne on dere toweardan.

33 Odde wyrceap gód treow, and hys

weastm gódne ; odde wyrceap yfel treow,
and hys wæstm yfelne ; witodlice be dam _
weastmme byþ deet treow oncnáwen.
34 La ge nedrena cynryn, hú mágon
ge god sprecan, donne’ ge synt yfele?
Soplice of dere heortan willan se múþ
spicþ. |
35 Gód mann sóplice of gódum gold-
horde bringþ gód forp, and yfel mann of |
yfelum gold-horde bringp yfel forp.

36 Sóplice ic secge eow, det zéle idel

word de menn sprecap, hi ágyldap ge-
scead be dam on domes dæge;
37 Soplice of dinum wordum dé byst
geryhtwisod, and of dinum wordum dü
byst genyderod.t
38 Da andswarodun hym sume da bóc-
eras and da Sundor-halgan, dus ewed-
ende, Láreow, we wyllap sum taen of dé
39 He andswarode hym and ewep,
Yfel cneorys and forliger sécþ tácn, and
XII. 28-39.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 59
deuelis, in whom! soure sonys casten bub east out devyls, by whose helppe do
out? Therfore thei shulen ben 30ure youre children cast them out? Therfore
domys men. thei shalbe youre iudges.
28 Forsothe 3if I in the Spirit of God 28 But if I cast out the devyls by the
caste out fendis, therfore the kyngdam Sprete of God, then ys the kyngdom of
of God is cummen in to 3ou.* God come on you.
29 Ether hou may eny man entre in 29 Other howe can a man enter into a
to the hous of a stronge man, and take mighty mannes housse, and violently
awey his vesselis, no but first he shal take awaye his godes, excepte he fyrst
bynde the stronge man, and than he bynde the stronge man, and then spoyle
shal rauyshe his hous? hys housse ?
30 He that is nat with me, is ageinus 30 He thatt ys not with me, ys agaynst
me; and he that gadrith nat to gidre me; and he that gaddereth not with
with me, scatrith abrood. me, scattereth abrode.
-31 Therfore Y seye to 30u, al synne 31 Wherfore I say vnto you, all maner
and blasfemye shal be for3ouen to men, off synne and blasphemy shalbe forgeven
but the spirit of blasfemye shal nat be vnto men, but the blasphemy against
forgouen. the Holy Goost shall not be forgeven
vnto men.
32 And who euere shal seie a word 32 And whosoever speaketh a worde
a3eins mannys sone, it shal be forgouen agaynst the sonne off man, it shalbe
to hym; forsothe he that shall seye a forgeven him ; but whosoever speaketh
word ageins the Holy Goost, it shal nat agaynst the Holy Goost, yt shall not be
be for3ouen to hym, nether in this world, fforgeven hym, no, nether in this worlde,
ne in the tother. „nether in the worlde to come.
. 33 Ether make 3e the tree good, and 33 Other make the tree good, and his
his fruyt good; ether make 5e the tree frute good also; or els make the tree
yuel, and his fruyt euyl; forsothe a tree evyll, and his frute evyll also ; for the
"is knowen of the fruyt. tree ys knowen by hys frute.
34 3e generacioun of eddris, howe mowe 34 O generacion of vipers, howe can
3e speke good thingis, when 3e ben yuel? ye saye well, when ye youre selves are
Sothely the mouth spekith of the grete evyll? For of the aboundance of the
plente of the herte. hert the mouthe speaketh.
35 A good man brengith forth good 35 A good man oute of the good trea-
thingis of good tresoure, and an yuel sure of hys hert bryngeth forth good
. man bryngith forth yuel thingis of yuel thynges, and an evyll man out off his
! tresour. evyll treasure bryngeth forthe evyll
E thinges.
j- euery
36 Forsothe Y
ydel word
seie to 30u, for whi of
that men speken, thei
36 But I say vnto you, that of every
ydell worde that men shall have spoken,
shul 3elde resoun therof in the day of they shall geve a countes at the daye off
dome; iudgement ;
37 For of thi wordis thou shalt be 37 For by thy wordes thou shalt be
iustified, and of thi wordis thou shalt be iustifyed, and by thy wordes thou shalt
. dampnyd. be condemned.
38 Thanne sume of the scribes and 38 Then answered certayne off the
Pharisees answereden to hym, seyinge, scribes and off the Pharises, saynge,
Maistre, we wolden se a tokne of thee. Master, we wolde fayne se a sygne of
39 The whiche answerynge seith to 39 He answered them saynge, The
hem, An iuel generacioun and auoutrere evyll and advoutrous generacion seketh
sekith a tokne, and tokne shal nat be a signe, but there shall no signe be

60 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (St. Marr.
hyre ne bip nan taen geseald, búton
Ionas tacn, des witegan.
40 Witodlice swa swá Ionas wes on
dees hwæles innope pry dagas and preo
niht, swa byp mannes sunu on eorpan
heortan pry dagas and preo niht.
41 Niniuetisce weras árisap on dóme
mid dysse eneorysse, and hig genyderiap
hig ; fordam de hig dydon dæd-bóte on
Ionas bodunge, and des is mára donne
42 Súþ-dæles cwén áríst on dôme
mid disse eneorysse, and heo genyderap
hig; fordam de heo com fram landes
gemærum, to gehyranne Salomones
wisdóm and des is mára donne Salom-

43 Soplice donne se uncléna gást út-

færþ fram menn, he gæþ geond drige
stówa, sécende reste, and he ne gemét.

44 Donne cwyþ he, Ie gecyrre on min

hus, danon ic út-eode. And eumende he
gemét hyt æmtig, and geclénsod mid
besmum, and gefrætwod.

45 Ðonne gæþ he, and him to-genimþ

seofun óðre gastas, wyrsan donne he;
and ingangende hig eardigeap der. And
donne wurdap des mannes ytemestan
wyrsan donne da rran. And swá byþ
dysse wyrrestan cneorysse.
46 Da he das þing dá gyt spree to
dam mænegum, da stód hys módor and
his gebródra der ute, sécende spréecon
to him.
47 Soplice da cwæþ sum to him, Wit-
odlice! din módur and dine gebródra
standap hér üte, dé sécende. A
48 And he andswarode hym secgend-
um, and cwæþ, Hwyle ys min módur?
and hwylce synt mine gebródra ?
49 And he ápenude hys hand on his
leorning-enihtas, and eweep, [Hér is min
moder and mine gebródru ;*] E
50 Witodlice swá hwyle swá wyrep
mines feeder willan de on heofenan is,
he is min bródur, and min swustor, and

XII. 40-50.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526 61
zouen to it, no but the tokne of Jonas, geven to them, but the signe of the pro-
the prophete. phete, Ionas.
40 For as Jonas was in the womb of 40 For as Ionas was thre days and thre
a whall three days and three ni3tis, so nyghtes in the whales belly, soo shall
mannus sone shal be in the herte of the the sonne of man be thre days and thre
erthe three days and three ni3tis. nightes in the hert of the erth.
41 Men of Nynyue shal ryse in dome 41 The men of Ninivite shall rise at
with this generacioun, and shulen con- the day of iudgement with this nacion,
dempne it; for thei diden penaunce in and condemne them; for they repented
the prechynge of Jonas, and loo! here at the preachynge of Jonas, and beholde!
is more than Jonas. a greater then Jonos ys here.
42 The queen of the south shal ryse in 42 The quene of the south shall ryse
dome with this generation, and shal at the day of iudgement with this gene-
condempne it; for she came fro the racion, and shall condemne them; for
eendis of the erthe, for to here the wis- she cam from the vtmost parties of the
dam of Salomon, and loo! heere is more worlde, to heare the wisdome of Solo-
than Salomon. mon, and behold! heare is a greater then
43 Forsothe whan an vnclene spirit 43 When the vnclene sprete is gone
shal go out fro a man, he goth by drye out of a man, he walketh throughout
places, seekynge reste, and he fyndyth dry places, seking reest, and fyndeth
nat. none.
= 44 Thanne he saith, I shal turne agein 44 Then he sayeth, I will retourne
‘in to my hous, fro whennys Y came out. ageyne into my housse, from whence I
“And he cummynge fyndith it voide, cam oute. And when he is come he
clensid with bismes, and maad faire. fyndeth the housse empty, and swepte,
and garnisshed.
45 Thanne he goth, and takith seuen 45 Then he goeth his waye, and taketh
other spiritis with hym, worse than hym seven spretes, worsse then hym silfe; and
self ; and thei entrynge yn dwellen so entre they in and dwell there. And
there. And the last thingis of that man the ende of that man is worsse then the
ben maad worse than the former. So it beginnyng. Even so shall it be to this
shal be and to this worst generacioun. frowarde nacion.
46 3it hym spekynge to the cumpanyes 46 Whill he yet talked to the people,
of peple, loo! his modir and his bre- beholde! hys moder and his brethren
theren stoden with outeforth, seekyng stode with out the dores, desyring to
for to speke to hym. speake with him.
47 Sothely sum man saide to hym, 47 Then won said vnto him, Behold !
Loo ! thi modir and thi brethren stonden thy moder and thy brethren stond with-
‘with outforth, seekynge thee. out, desiringe to speke with the.
48 And he, answerynge to the man 48 He answered, and sayd to him that
seiynge to hym, seith, Who is my modir ? tolde him, Who is my mother? or who
and who ben my brethren ? are my brethren?
49 And he holdynge forth his hond in 49 And he stretched forth his hond
to his disciples, seide, Loo! my modir over his disciples, and sayd, Behold! my
and my bretheren ; mother and my brethren ;
£o Treuly whoeuer doth the wil of my so For whosoever fulfilleth my fathers
fadir that is in heuenes, he is my bro- will whiche is in heven, he is my brother,
ther, suster, and modir. my suster, and my mother.
62 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
Cuar. XIII. i On dam dæge dam
Helende út-gangendum of hüse, he sæt
wid da sæ.
2 And mycle mænigeo wæron gesam-
node to hym, swa dat he eode on seyp
and der sæt; and eall seo mænigeo
stód on dam warope.
3 And he spree to him fela on bigspel-
lum, cwedende, Sóþlice ! üt-eode se sæd-
ere! hys sæd to sáwenne.
4 And dá dá he seow, sume hig feollon
wid weg, and fuglas comun, and æton
5 Sóplice sume feollon on stænihte,
deer hyt næfde mycle eorpan ; and hræd-
lice up-sprungon, fordam de hig næfdon
dore eorpan dypan.
6 Sóplice up-sprungenre sunnan, hig a-
drüwudon, and forscruncon, fordam de
hig neefdon wyrtrum.
q Sóplice sume feollon on pornas ; and
da pornas weoxon, and forprysmudon
8 Sume sóplice feollon on góde eorpan,
and sealdon weastm ; sum hund-fealdne,
sum sixtig-fealdne, sum prittig-fealdne.
9 Se de hæbbe earan to gehyrenne,
ro And dá genealæhton his leorning-
cnihtas and cwædon to hym, For hwig
spyest dú to hym mid bigspellum?
11 Da andswarode he hym, Fordam
de eow is geseald to witanne heofena
rices gerynu ; and him nys ná geseald.

12 Sóplice dam de hæfþ him byþ ge-

seald, and he hæfþ ; sóplice se de næfþ,
| and det de he hæfþ him bip ætbroden.

13 Fordam ic spæc to him mid big-

spellum, fordam de lóciende hig ne ge-
seop, and gehyrende hig ne gehyrap, ne
ne ongytap ; f
14 Ðæt on him sý gefylled Esaias wit-
egung, Of gehýrnysse ge gehjrap, and
ge ne ongytap; and lóciende ge geseop,
and ge ne geseop ;

15 Sóplice dises folces heorte is ahyrd,

and hig hefelice mid earum gehyrdon,
XIU. 1-15.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 63
Cumar. XIII. 1 In that day Jhesus Cmar. XIII. 1 The same daye went
goynge out of the hous, sat besidis the Jesus out off the housse, and sat by the
see. see syde.
2 And manye cumpanyes of peple ben 2 And moch people resorted vnto him,
gedrid to hym, so that he steyinge vp so gretly that he went and sat in a
in toà boot sat; and al the cumpanye shyppe ; and all the people stode on the
stode in the brynke. shoore.
3 And he spak to hem many thingis in 3 And he spake many thynges to them
parablis, seiynge, Loo! he that sowith, in similitudes, sayinge, Beholde! the
goth out to sowe his seed. sower wentt forth to sowe.
4 And the while he soweth, sum felden 4 And as he sowed, some fell by the
byside the weye, and briddis of the eyre wayes syde, and the fowlles cam, and
camen, and eeten hem. devoured it vppe.
- 5 Sothely other seedis felden into stoony 5 Some fell apon stony grounde, where
placis, wher thei hadden nat moche it had not moche erth; and a non it
erthe ; and anoon thei ben sprungen vp, spronge vppe, because it had no depht
for thei hadde nat depnesse of erthe. off erth.
6 Sothely the sunne sprung vp, thei 6 And when the sun was vppe, hitt
swaliden,' and for thei hadden nat roote, cauth heet, and for lake off rotynge,
thei drieden vp. wyddred awaye.
4 Forsothe other seedis felden amonge 7 Some fell amonge thornes ; and the
thornis ; and the thornis wexen vp, and thornes arose, and chooked it.
„strangliden hem.
. 8 But other seedis felden in to good 8 Parte fell in goode grunde, and broght
lond, and sauen fruyt ; sume an hundred forth good frute ; some an hundred fold,
fold, another sexti fold, another thritti some fifty fold, some thyrty folde.
9 He that hath eris of heerynge, heere 9-Whosoever hath eares to heare, let
he. him heare.
1o And disciplis cummynge to seiden 10 And hys disciples cam and sayde to
to hym, Whi spekist thou in parablis to him, Why speakest thou to them in
hem ? parables ?
11 The whiche answerynge seith to 11 He answered and sayde vnto them,
hem, For to 30u it is 30uen for to knowe Hit is geven vnto you to knowe the
the mysteriet of the kyngdam of heuenes; secrettes off the kyngdom of heven ; but
but it is nat 5ouen to hem. to them it is not geven.
— 12 For it shal be 30uen to hym that 12 For whosumever hath to him shall
1 ath, and he shal have plentee ; trewly hit be geven, and he shall have abound-
who that hath nat, that thing that he is ance ; but whosoever hath not, from him
seen to haue shal be taken awey fro shalbe takyn awaye even that same that
hym. he hath.
13 Therfore I speke to hem in parablis, 13 Therfore speake Y to them in simi-
for thei seeynge see nat, and thei heer- litudes, for though they se, they se not,
ynge heeren nat, nether vndirstonden ; and hearinge they heare not, nether
vnderstonde ;
14 That the prophecie of Ysay seiynge 14 And in them ys fulfylled the pro-
be fulfillid in hem, With heerynge 5e phesy of Esay which prophesi sayth,
shulen heere, and 5ee shulen nat vnder- With youre eares ye shall heare, and
stonde; and see seeynge shulen see, and shall not vnderstonde ; and with youre
3ee shulen nat see ; eyes ye shall se, and shall not perceave ;
15 For the herte of this peple is en- 15 For this peoples hert ys wexed
fattid, and thei herden greuously with grosse, and their eares were dull of
64 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
and hyra éagan beclysdon, de-les hig
æfre mid eagum geseon, and mid earum
gehyron, and mid heortan ongyton, and
sin gecyrrede, and ic hig gehæle.

16 Sóþlice eadige synt eowre eagan

fordam de hig geseop, and eowre earan
fordam de hig gehyrap. —
17 Soplice on eornust ic eow secge,
det manega witegan and rihtwise gewil-
nudon da ping to geseonne de ge geseop,
and hig ne gesáwon, and gehyran da ping
|de ge gehyrap, and hig ne gehyrdon.
18 Gehyre ge sóplice des sawendan
19 /Ele dera de Godes wurd gehyrp,
and ne ongyt, donne cymp deoful, and
bereafap deet on hys heortan asawen is ;
dzet is se de wid done weg ásáwen is.

20 Sóþlice se de ofer done stân ásáwen

is, dis is se de det Godes wurd gehyrp,
and hrædlice dæt mid blisse onfehp.
21 Sóþlice hyt næfþ done wyrtrum on .
him, ac is hwilwendlie. Gewordenre ge-
dréfednesse and ehtnesse for dam wurde, |
hreedlice hig beop ge-untreowsode.

22 Soplice det de ásáwen is on pornum,

æt is se de det wurd gehyrp, and donne
eornfullness disse worulde, and leasung —
dissa woruld-welena forprysmiap Geet
wurd, and hit is bütan weastme ge-
23 Soplice det de ásáwen wees on det
góde land, det is se de det wurd ge-
hyrp and ongyt, and done weastm -
bringþ. And donne dép sum hund-
fealdne, sum sixti-fealdne, sum þritti-
24 He rehte him dá óder bigspel, and
dus cwæþ, Heofena rice is geworden dam
men gelie, de seow gôd sæd on his
| gecyre.
25 Soplice, da da men slépon, da com
his feonda sum, and ofer-seow hit mid
coccele on middan dam hwéte, and
ferde danon. .
26 Soplice dà seo wyrt weox, and done
XII. 16-26.] WYCLIFFE, 1589. TYNDALE, 1526. 65
eris, and thei han closid her eesen, that herynge, and their eyes have they closed,
sum tyme thei see with ee3en, and with lest they shulde se with their eyes,
eris heeren, and vndirstonden in herte, and heare with their eares, and shuld
and thei ben to gidre turned, and I heele vnderstonde with their hertes, and shuldo
hem. tourne, that Y myght heale them.
I6 Forsothe 3oure eesen that seen ben 16 But blessed are youre eyes for they
blessid, and soure eris that heeren. 8e, and youre eares for they heare.
17 Forsothe I saye trewthe to sou, for 17 Verely Y say vnto you, that many
many prophetis and iuste men coueit- prophetes and perfaicte men have desired
iden to see thoo thingus that 3ee seen, to se tho thinges which ye se, and have
„and thei saien nat, and to heeren thoo not sene them, and to heare tho thinges
- thingis that 3ee heeren, and thei herden which ye heare, and have not herde
mat. them.
18 Therfore heere se the parable of the 18 Heare ye therfore the similitude off
sowynge man. the sower.
19 Eche that heerith the word of rewme, 19 When a man heareth
and vndirstondith nat, the yuel spirit the kingdom, and vnderst the worde of
ondeth it not,
cometh, and rauyschith that that is there cometh the evyll
man, and catcheth
sowyn in his herte ; this is that is sowen awaye that which was sowne in hys hert ;
besidis the weye. and thys is he which was sowne by the
| waye syde.
20 Sothely he that is sowen on the 20 Dut he that was sowne in the stony
-Stoon, this it is, that heerith the word of grunde, ys he, which heareth
the worde
God, and anoon with ioye takith it. of God, and anon with loye receaveth itt,
_ 21 Forsothe he hath nat roote in hym
21 Yet hath he no rottes in him selfe, >

self, but it is temporal.t Forsothe tribu- and therefore he dureth but a season.
lacioun and persecucioune maad for the For as sone as tribulation
or persecucion
word, anoon he is sclaundrid. aryseth because of the worde, by and by
he falleth.
_ 22 Bot he that is sowen in thornys, is 22 He that was sowne amonge thornes,
this that herith the word, and the bysy- ys he that heareth the worde off God,
nesse of this world, and the falsnessis of but the care off this worlde, and the
ritchessis stranglith the word, and it is dissaytfulnes off ryches choke the worde,
maad with outen fruyt. and so ys he made vnfrutfull.
23 Bot he that is sowen in to good 23 He which is sowne in the good
lond, is this that herith the word, and grounde, ys he that heareth the worde,
vndirstondith, and bryngthe forth fruyt. and vnderstondeth it, which also bereth
And sothely sume makith an hundre- frute. And bringeth forth, some an
fold, treuly another sixtyfold, forsothe hundred folde, some fyfty folde, and
another thrittifold. some thyrty folde.
24 Another parable Jhesus putte forth 24 Another similitude put he forth
to hem, seyinge, The kyngdam of heuenes vnto them, saynge, The kyngdom off
is maad liche to a man, that sew good heven ys lyke vnto a man, which sowed
seed in his feeld. good seede in his felde.
25 But, when men slepten, his enmye 25 Butt, whyll men shlepte, ther cam
came, and sew aboue dernelt in the his foo, and sowed tares amonge the
midil of whete, and wente awey. wheate, and went his waye.
26 Sothely when the herbe hadde 26 When the blade was spronge vp, and
66 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr,
weastm Lrohte, dá steowde se coccel
27 Dá eodon des hláfordes peowas,
and ewxdon, Hláford, hú ne seow di
god sd on dinum æcere ?hwanon heefde
he coccel?

28 Da cwep he, Det dyde unhold-

mann. Pa cwedon da þeowas, Wylt dú
we gáþ, and gaderiaþ hig!

29 Da cwæþ he, Nese, de-les ge done

hwste áwurtwalion donne ge done coc-
cel gaderiap.

30 Létap &gder weaxan od rip-timan ;

and on dam rip-timan ie secge dam rip-
erum, Gadriap ærest done coccel, and
bindap sceaf-mælum to forbærnenne, and
gadriap done hwæte into minum berne.

31 He rehte him dá gyt óder bigspel,

dus ewedende, Heofena rice is geworden
gelie senepes corne, det seow se man on
hys secre.

32 Det is ealra séda læst, sóþlice don-

ne hit wyxp, hit is ealra wyrta mest,
and hit wyrþ treow ; swá det heofnan
fuhlas cymap, and eardiap on his bogum.

33 He spree to him óder bigspel, and -

dus cwæþ, Heofena rice is gelic dam -
beorman, done det wif onféng, and þe-
hydde on prim gemetum melwes, od he
wees eall áhafen.
34 Ealle das ping se Hælend spree
mid bigspellum to dam weredum, and
nán ping ne sprec he bútan bigspel-
35 Det were gefyled des witegan
ewyde, Ic átyne minne müp mid big-
spellum ; ic bodige digelnesse fram mid-
dan-eardes gesetednesse. i

36 He forlét dá da mænegeo, and com

to his inne; and dá genealæhton to him
his leorning-enihtas, and cwædon, Arece
us det bigspell des hwætes and deg
XIII. 27-36.] WYCLIFFE, 1589. TYNDALE, 1526. 67
growid, and maad fruyt, thanne the had brought forth frute, then appered
dernel* apperiden. the tares also.
27 Forsothe the seruauntis of the hus- 27 The servauntes cam to the house-
bondeman comynge nis, seiden to hym, holder, and sayde vnto him, Syr, sowed-
Lord, wher thou hast nat sowen good est not thou good seed in thy closse?
seed in thi feeld ? wher of than hath it from whence then hath it tares?
dernel ?*
28 And he seith to hem, The man 28 He sayde to them, The envious man
enmye hath don this thing. Trewly the hath done this. Then the servauntes
seruauntis seiden to him, Wolt thou we sayde vnto hym, Wylt thou then that we
go, and gedren hem ? go, and gader it ?
29 And he saith, Nay, lest perauenture 29 And he sayde, Nay, lest whyll ye
ye gedrynge dernels? draw vp by the go aboute to wede out the tares ye
roote togidre with hem and the whete. plucke vppe also with them the wheate
by the rottes.
30 Suffre se hem bothe wexe til to 30 Let bothe growe to gether tyll
rype corne ; and in tyme of rype corn I harvest come ; and in time of harvest I
shal seie to reperis, First gedre 3ee to wyll saye vnto my repers, Gadther ye
gedre dernels and byndeth hem to fyrst the tares, and bynd them in sheves
gidre in knytchis? for to be brent, but to be brent, but gadther the wheete in
gedere 3e whete in to my berne. to my barne.
31 An other parable Jhesus putte forth 31 Another parable he putt forthe vnto
to hem, seiynge, The kyngdam of heu- them, saynge, The kyngedom of heven
enes is like to a corn of seneuey, the ys lyke vnto a grayne of mustard seede,
' whiche a man takynge sewe in his feeld. whych a man taketh and soweth in his
32 The whiche trewly is leest of alle 32 Whych ys the leest of all seedes, but
_seedis, but when it hath wexen, it is when it is growne, it is the greatest
most of alle wortis, and is maad a tree ; amonge yerbes, and is a tree; so that
so that briddis of the eyre cummen, and the bryddes of the aier come, and bylde
dwellen in bowis* therof. in te braunches of it.
33 An other parable Jhesus spac to 33 Anothere similitude sayde he to
hem, The kyngdam of heuenes is lic to them, The kyngdome of heven ys lyke
soure dow3, the whiche taken, a wom- vnto leven, which a woman toke, and
man hidde in three mesuris of meele, til hyd in iij peckes off meele, tyll all was
it were al sowrdowid. levended,
34 Jhesus spac alle these thingis in 34 All these thynges spake Jesus vnto
parablis to the cumpanyes of peple, and the people by similitudes, and withoute
he spac nat to hem with outen parablis, similitudes spake he nothinge to them,
35 That it shulde be fulfillid, that thing 35 To fulfyll, that which was spoken by
that is seid by the prophete, seyinge, I the prophet, sayinge, I wyll open my
shal opyn my mouth in parablis ; I shal mouth in similitudes ; and wyll speake
bolke out hid thingus fro makyng of forth thinges whyeh have bene kepte
the world. secrete from the begynnynge off the
36 Thanne the cumpanyes laft, he came 36 Then sent Jesus the people awaye,
into an hous; and his disciplis camen and eam to housse; and hys disciples
ni; to hym, seiynge, Expoune to vs the cam vnto him, saynge, Declare vnto vs
parable of dernelis* of the feeld. the similitude of the tares off the felde,

68 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
37 Da andswarude he him, Se de seow
deet gode sæd se is mannes sunu ;

38 Sóplice se æeyr is des middan-

geard ; det góde sæd, det synt des
heofonlican rices bearn, se coccel synt
sóþlice da manfullan bearn ;
39 Se unholda-man se de done coccel
seow det is deoful; sóplice det rip is
worulde endung, da riperas synt englas.
40 Eornustlice swá swá se coccel byp
gegaderud, and mid fyre forbærned, swa
byp on worulde endunge.
41 Mannes sunu sent his englas, and
hi gadriap of his rice ealle gedréfednesse,
and da de unrihtwisnesse wyrceap ;

42 And ásendap hig on fyres ofen, deer

byp wóp and tópa gristbitung.

43 Donne scinap da rihtwisan swá swa |

sunne, on hyra feeder rice. [Gehyre, se
de earan to gehyranne heefp.*|

44 *tHeofona rice is gelic gehyddum

gold-horde on dam æcere, done behyt
se man de hine fint ; and for his blysse
gæþ, and sylp eall dæt he ah, and gebigp
done æcer.
45 Eft is heofena rice gelic dam mang-
ere, de sohte det gode meregrot ;

46 Da he fünde det an deorwyrde

meregrot, dà eode he, and sealde eall .
det he ahte, and bohte Geet meregrot.
47 Eft is heofena rice gelic asendum
nette on da sæ, and of ælcum fisceynne
gadrigendum ;
48 Da hi dá dæt nett upp-atugon, and
sæton be dam strande, da gecuron hig
da gódan on hyra fatu, da yflan hig
áwurpon üt.
49 Swa byp on disse worulde endunge.
Da englas farap, and ásyndriap da yfelan
of dera gódra midlene.

50 And áworpap hig on dees fyres ofen;.

der byp wóp and tópa gristbitung.

51 Ongyte ge ealle das ping? Da

cwedon hig, Witodlice we hit ongytap.
XIII. 37-51.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 69
37 The whiche answerynge saith, He 37 Then answered he and sayde to
that sowith good seed is mannes sone ; them, He that soweth the good seed, ys
the sonne,of man ;
38 Sothely the feld is the world; bot 38 The felde ys the worlde ; the chil-
the good seed, these ben sonys of the dren off the kyngdom are the good seed,
kyngdam, dernels,* forsothe these ben the evyll mans children are the tares;
yuel sonys ;
39 But the enmye that soweth hem is the 39 But the enemy which soweth them
feend ; but the ripe corn is the eendyng of is the devill; the harvest is the end of
the world, sothely the repers ben angelis. the world, and the repers be the angels.
40 Therfore as dernels ben gedrid to 40 For even as the tares are gaddred,
gidre, and brent in fijr, so it shal be in and brent in the fyre, so shall it be in
the eendyng of the world. the ende off this worlde.
41 Mannes sone shal sende his angels, 41 The sonne off man shall send forth
and thei shulden gedre of his rewme his angels, and they shall gadther out
alle sclaundris, and hem that don wick- off his kyngdom all thinges that do
idnesse ; hurte, and all them which do iniquite ;
42 And thei shulen sende hem into the 42 And shall cast them into a furnes
chymney of fijr, there shal be weepynge of fyre, there shalbe waylynge and
and betynge togidre of teeth. gnasshyng off teth.
43 Thanne iust men shulen shyine as 43 Then shall the iuste men shyne as
the sunne, in the rewme of her fadir. bryght as the sun, in the kyngdom of
He that hath eris of heerynge, heere he. their father. Wosoever hath eares to
heare, let him heare.
44 The kyngdame of heuenes is lijk to 44 Agayne the kyngdom off heven is
tresour hid in a feeld, the whiche a man lyke vnto treasure hidde in the felde,
that fyndith, hidith ; and for ioye of it the which a man founde, and hidde it ;
he goth, and sellith alle thingis that and ffor ioy there of goeth, and selleth
hath, and bieth the ilk feeld. all that he hath, and byeth that felde.
45 Eftsones the kyngdam of heuenes 45 Agayne the kyngdom off heven is
is lie to a man marchaunt, seekyng good lyke vnto a marchaunt, sekynge after.
margarytis ; good pearles ;
46 Sothely oo preciouse margarite 46 Which when he had founde one
founden, he wente, and solde alle thingis precious pearle, wentt, and solde all that
that he hadde, and bouste it. he had, and bought it.
47 Eft the kingdam of heuenes is lic 47 Agayne the kyngdome off heven is
to a nette sent in to the see, and of alle lyke vnto a neet cast in to the see, that
kynd of fishis gedrynge ; gadereth off all kyndes of fysshes ;
48 The whiche whan it was fulfillid, 48 Which when it is full, men drawe
men ledynge out, and sittynge bysidis to londe, and sitt, and gadre the good
the brynke, cheesiden the good into her in to their vessels, and caste the bad
vessels, but thei senten out the yuel. awaye.
49 So it shal be in the eending of tlie 49 So shall it be at the ende of the
world. Angelis shulen gon out, and worlde. The angels shall come, and
shulen departe yuel men fro the mydil sever the bad from the good.
of iuste men.
50 And thei shulen sende hem into the 50 And shall cast them into a furnes of
chymney of fijr ; there shall be weep- fyre ; there shalbe waylinge and gnassh-
ynge and betynge togidre of teeth. ynge of teth.
51 Han see vnderstonden alle these 51 Jesus sayde vnto them, Have ye
thingis? Thei seien to hym, 3he. vnderstonde all these thynges? "They
| sayde, Ye, Syr.
76 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. Marr.
52 Da sede he him, Fordam is ele
gelæred bócere on heofenan rice gelie
dam hiredes ealdre, de forp-bringp of his
gold-horde niwe ping and ealde.

53 And hit wes geworden, dá se Hæl-

end ge-endode das bigspel, da férde he
54 And da he com to his earde, he
lærde hig on hyra gesamnungum, swá
dt hig wundredon, and cwædon, Hwan-
on ys dysum des wisdom and dis mægen ?

55 Witodlice des is smipes sunu ; hú ne

hátte hys módor Maria? and hys bródru,
Iacob, and Ioseph, and Simon, and
56 And hú ne synt ealle hys swustra
mid us? Hwanon synt dysum ealle das
ing ?
; 57 And hig wæron ge-untrywsode on
him. Da sóplice sæde se Hælend him,
Nys nan witega bútan wurpscype, büton
on hys earde, and on hys húse.

58 And he ne worhte der manega

mægena, for hyra ungeleafulnysse. —

. Cuar. XIV. 1 On dere tide gehyrde

Herodes se feorpan dæles rica dees Hæl-
endes hlisan ;
2 And da sede he his cnihtum, Des is
Johannes se Fulluhtere de ic beheafd-
ode, he árás of deape, and fordan synd
das wundru gefremode on him.
3 Soplice Herodes nam Iohannem, and
geband hyne, and sette on cwertern for
dam wife Herodiaden Philippes hys
4 Johannes him sæde, Nys dé alyfed
hi to wife to hæbbenne.
5 And da he hyne ofslean wolde, he
ádréd him det fole; fordam de hig
hæfdon hyne for ænne witegan.
6 Da on Herodes gebyrd-dege, tumb--
ude dare Herodiadiscean dóhtur befór-
an him, and hit licode Herode. i
7 Da behét he mid ape hyre to syllenne,
swá hwæt swá heo hyne béde,

XI. 52.-XIV. 7.]. WYCLIFFE, t389. TYNDALE, 1526. 71

52 He seith to hem, Therfore euery #2 Then sayde he vnto them, Therfore
wryter tau3t in the kyngdam of heuenes, every scrybe which is coninge vnto the
is lie to an husbonde man, that bryngith kyngdom of heven, is lyke an housholder,
forth of his tresour newe thingis and which bryngeth forth out of hys treasure
olde. thynges bothe newe and olde.
53 And it is don, whanne Jhesus hadde 53 And hyt cam to passe, when Jesus
eendid these parables, he passide fro had fynnesshed these similitudes, that
thennis. . he departed thence.
54 And he, cummynge in to his cun- 54 And cam into his awne countre, and
tree, taut hem in her synagogis, so that taught in there synagogges, in so moche
thei wondriden, and seiden, Wherof to that they were astunyed, and saide,
hym this wisdam and vertues ? Whence cam all thys wysdon and power
vnto him?
55 Wher is nat this the sone of a smyth 55 Is not thys the carpenters sonne?
Wher his modir be nat seid Marie? and Is not hys mother called Mary * and hys
his brethren, Jamys, and Joseph, and brethren be called, James, and Joses,
Symount, and Judas? and Symon, and Judas!
56 And his sistris, wher thei alle ben 56 And are not hys systers all here
nat at vs! Therfore wherof to hym alle with vs? Whence hath he all these
these thingis! thynges ?
57 And so thei weren sclaundrid in 57 And they wer hurte by him. Then
hym. Forsothe Jhesus seide to hem, Jesus sayde vnto them, There is no pro-
A prophete is nat with outen wirshipe, phet with out honoure, save in hys awne
- no but in his owne cuntree, and in his countre, and amonge his awne kynne.
= owne hous.
58 And he dide nat there manye ver- 58 And he dyd not many myracles
tues, for the vnbyleue of hem. there, for there vnbelefes sake.

Cuar. XIV. 1 In that tyme Eroude Cuar. XIV. 1 In that tyme Herod
tetrarcha* herde the fame of Jhesu ; the tetrarcha herde off the fame of Jesu ;

2 And seide to his children, This is 2 And sayde vnto his servauntes, This
Jon Baptist, he hath risen fro dead, and is Jhon Baptist, he is risen agayne from
therfore vertues worchen in hym. deeth, and therfore hys power ys so
3 Forsothe Eroude helde Joon, and 3 For Herod toke Jhon, and bounde
bounde hym, and putte him in to pri- hym, and put hym in preson ffor Hero-
soun for Erodias, the wif of his brother. dias sake, hys brother Phips wyfe.

4 For Joon saide to hym, It is nat 4 For Jhon sayde vnto hym, Hit ys
leful to thee for to haue hir. not lawfull for the to have her.
5 And he willynge to slea hym, drede 5 And when he wold have put hym to
the peple; for thei hadden hym as a deeth, he feared the people; because
prophete. they counted hym as a prophet.
6 Forsothe in the day of Eroudis 6 When Herodes birth daye was come,
birthe, the douter of Erodias leepte in the doughter off Herodias daunsed be-
the mydil, and pleside to Eroude. fore them, and pleased Herod.
7 Wherfore with an ooth he byhiste 7 Wherfor he promysed with an oth
for to 3eue to hir, what euer thinge she that he wolde geve her, whatsoever she
Nadde axid of hym, wolde axe.
GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (St. Marr.
8 Da cweep heo, fram hyre méder ge-
myngod, Syle me on ánum disce Iohan-
nes heafod dees Fulluhteres.
9 Da wees se cyning ge-unrét, for dam
ape, and fordam de him ston mid,! .

1o And he ásende dá, and beheafdode

Iohannem on dam cwerterne.
11 And man brohte dá his heafod on
ánum disce, and sealde dam mædene,
and dæt mæden hyre méder.
12 And da genealæhton his leorning-
cnihtas and námon hys lichaman, and
bebyrgdon hyne; and comon and cyd-
don hyt dam Hælende.
13 Da se Hælend det gehyrde, dá
férde he danon on-sundron on ánum
scype. And da da gangendan mænigeo
det gehyrdon, hig fyligdon him of dam

14 And dá he Ganon férde, he geséh

mycele mænigu, and he him gemyltsode,
and gehælde da untruman.

15 Sóþlice dá hyt wes æfen geworden,

him to genealæhton hys leorning-enihtas,
and him to cwædon, Deos stów ys wéste,
and tima ys forp-ágán ; forlet dás mæn-
egeo, det hi faron into das burga, and
him mete bicgean.
16 Da cwæþ se Hælend to him, Nabbap |
hi neode to farenne ; sylle ge him etan.

17 Da andswarodun hig, We nabbap

hér, büton fif hlafas and twegen fixas.
18 Da ewep se Hælend, Bringap me
hider da.
19 And da he hét da menegu ofer det
gers hi sittan, and he nam da fif hláfas
and twegen fixas, and beseah on done
heofon, and bletsiende, bræc da hláfas,
and sealde his leorning-cnihtum ; and
hi dam folce.
20 And hi æton ealle, and wæron ge-
fyllede. And hi námon da láfa, twelf
wylian fulle dæra gebrytsena. Je
21 Soplice d:ra etendra getæl wees fif
pusenda wera, bútan wifum and cildum.*

22 And dá sóna hét se Hælend his —

XIV. 8-22.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 75
8 And she bifore monestid? of hir 8 And she beinge informed of her mo-
modir, seith, 3eue thou to me hidir the ther before, sayde, Geve me here Jhon
hed of Joon Baptist in a dische. Baptistes heed in a platter.
9 And the kyng was sorowful, but for 9 And the kynge sorowed, neverthe-
the ooth, and for hem that seeten to lesse for his othes sake, and for tneir
gidre at the mete, he comaundide to be sakes which sate also att the table, he
gouen. comaunded yt to be geven her.
1o And he sente, and bihedide Joon in to And sent, and behedded Jhon in
the prisoun. the preson.
11 And his heed is brou3t to in a rir And his heed was brought in a
dische, and it is 3ouen to the whenche, platter, and geven to the damsell, and
and she bare it to hir modir. she brought it to her mother.
12 And his disciplis cummynge to 12 And his disciples cam and toke vp
token his body, and biryeden it; and his body, and buryed it ; and went and
thei cummynge tolden to Jhesu. tolde Jesus.

13 The whiche thing when Jhesus 13 When Jesus had herde that, he de-
hadde herd, he went fro thennus in to a parted thence by shippe, into a desert
boot, in to desert place besidis. And place out of the way. And when the
whenne the cumpanyes of peple hadden people had herde therof, they folowed
herd, thei folowiden hym and on the him afote out of there cites.
feet fro citees.
I4 And Jhesus, goynge out, saw a 14 And Jesus went forth, and sawe
greet multitude of peple, and hadde moche people, and his herte dyde melte
.rewthe of hem, and heelide the sike men vppon them, and he healed off them
of hem. those that were sicke.
r5 Sothely the euenynge maad, his 15 When even was come, his disciples
- diseiplis camen ni3 to him, seiynge, The cam to him, saynge, This ys a deserte
place is desert, and the hour hath now place, and the daye is spent; let the
passid ; leeue thou the cumpanyes of people departe, that they maye go in to
peple, that thei, goynge in to castels, the tounes, and bey them vytaylles.
bigge meetis to hem.
16 Forsothe Jhesus seide to hem, Thei 16 But Jesus sayde vnto them, They
lian nat neede to go; 3eue 3e to hem have no neade to go awaye; geve ye
for to ete. them to eate.
17 Thei answeriden, We han nat here, 17 Then sayde they vnto him, We
no but fiue looues and two fishis. have here but .v. loves and two fysshes.
18 The whiche seith to hem, Brynge 18 He saide, Bringe them hydther to
~ 3ee hem hidir to me. me.
. 19 And when he hadde comaundid the 19 And he comaunded the people to
cumpanye for to sitte to mete on hay, syt downe on the grasse, and toke the
fyue looues and two fishis taken, he by- .v. loves and the .ij. fysshes, and loked
holdynge in to heuen, blesside, and brak, vp to heven, and blessed, and brake,
and 3aue to his disciplis; sothely the and gave the loves to his disciples ; and
disciplis 3auen to the cumpanyes. the disciples gave them to the people.
20 And alle eeten, and weren fulfillid. 20 And they all ate, and wer suffised.
And thei token the relifis of broken And they gadered vp of the gobbetes
gobetis, twelue cofyns ful. thatt remained, xij basketes full.
= 21 Forsothe the noumbre of men etynge 21 They that ate were in nombre about
- was fyue thousand of men, out taken v. M. men, besyde wemen and children.
wemmen and litel children.
22 And anon Jhesus compellide* the 22 And strayght way Jesus made his
74 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Mart.
leorning-enihtas on scyp ástigan, and
tofóran him faran ofer done müpan, od
det he da menegu forléte.
23 And dá he hig forlæten hæfde, he
eode on done múnt and hyne ðær ána
gebæd. Sóplice da hyt æfen wees, he
wees ána deer.
24 Witodlice wes det scyp of dam
ypum totorfod, fordam de hyt wes
strang wind.
25 Da com se Hælend embe done feorp-
an han-créd to him, ofer da sæ gang-
26 Da hi gesáwon dæt, hi wurdon ge-
dréfede ; and for dam ege clypodon, and
cwædon dus, Sóplice hyt ys scinlae.

27 Da sprec se Hælend, and cwæþ,

Habbap geleafan, ic hyt eom ; nellen ge
eow ondrædan.
28 Dà andswarode him Petrus and
eweep, Drihten, gyf dü hyt eart, hát me
cuman to dé ofer das weeteru.
29 Da cwæþ he, Cum to me. Ðá eode
Petrus of dam scype, ofer det weeter
det he to dam Hælende come.
30 Da he geseah done strangan wind,
he him ondréd; da he wearp gedofen,
he cwæþ, Drihten, gedó me hálne.

31 And dá hredlicet . . 47
. he gefénge hyne, and .
dus cwæþ, Lá lytles geleafan, hwi twyn-
edest du ?
32 And da hi wæron on dam scype,
geswác se wind.
33 Sóþlice da, de on dam scype wæron,
comon, and to him gebædon, and dus
eweedon, Sóplice, dú eart Godes sunu.
34 And da hig ofer-segelodon, hi comon
on det land Genesareth.

35 And da deet fole hyne gecneow, hi

sendon geond eall diet land; and broht-
on to him ealle untrume.

36 And hyne bidon, det hig hüru-

þinga his reafes fnæd æt-hrinon; and
swá hwylce his æthrinon wurdon hile.
XIV.23-36.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 25
disciplis for to go vp in to a boot, and | desciples enter into a shippe, and to goo
go bifore hym ouer the see, til that he over before him, whili he sent the peple
lefte the cumpanyes. a way.
23 And the cumpanyes left, he steiside 23 And as sone as he had sent the
vp in to an hil aloone for to preye. peple a way, he went vp into a moun-
Sothely the euenyng maad, he was there tayne alone to praye. And when nyght
aloone. was come, he was there hym silf alone.
24 Sothely the boot in the mydil see 24 And the shippe was in the middes
was throwen with wawis, forsothe the of the see, and was toost with waves, for
wynd was contrarie. it was a contrary wynde.
25 But in the fourthe wakyng of the 25 In the fourthe watche of the night,
nist, he came to hem walkynge aboue Jesus cam vnto them walkynge on the
the see. see.
26 And thei, seeynge hym walkynge 26 And when hys disciples sawe him
aboue the see, weren distourblid, sey- walkynge on the see, they were amased,
inge, For it is a fantum ; and for drede sayinge, It is some spirite; and cryed
thei eryeden. out for feare.
27 And anoon Jhesus spac to hem, 27 And streyght waye Jesus spake
sayinge, Haue 3e trust, I am; nyl 3e vnto them, saynge, Be of good cheare,
dreede. it is Y ; be not a frayed.
28 Sothely Petre answerynge seide, 28 Peter answered and sayde, Master,
Lord, 3if thou art, comaunde me to cume and thou be he, bidde me come vnto
to thee vpon the watris. the on the water.
.29 And he seith, Cume thou. And 29 And he sayde, Come. And when
Petre goynge doun fro the bote, walkide Peter was come doune out of the shyppe,
on the wateris for to cume to Jhesu. he walked on the water to go to Jesus.
30 Trewly he, seeynge a strong wynde, 30 But, when he sawe a myghty winde,
was aferde ; and whan he bygan for to he was afrayed ; and as he began to
be drenchid, he cryede, seyinge, Lord, synke, he cryed, sayinge, Master, save
make me saaf. me.
31 And anoon Jhesus, holdynge forth 31 And immediatly Jesus stretched
the hond, caute hym, and seith to hym, forth his honde, and caught him, and
Thou of litil feith, whi hast thou doutid ? saide to hym, O thou of lytell fayth,
wherfore diddest thou dout ?
32 And whenne he hadde stied vp in 32 And as soone as they were come in
to the boot, the wynde cesside. ‘to the shippe, the winde ceassed.
33 Sothely thei, that weren in the 33 Then they, that were in the shyppe,
boot, camen, and worshipiden hym, sey- cam, and worshypped him, sayinge, Of a
inge, Veryly, thou art Goddis sone. truth, thou arte the sonne off God.
34 And whenne he had passide ouer 34 And when they were come over,
the see, thei camen in to the lond of they went in to the londe of Genazareth.
35 And whenne men of that place 35 And when the men of that place
hadden knowen hym, thei senten into had knowledge of him, they sent out in
al that euntree ; and thei offriden to to all that countre rounde about ; and
hym al hauynge yuel. brought vnto him all that were sicke.
36 And thei preyiden hym, that thei 36 And besought him, that they myght
shulden touche ether the hem of the touche the border of hys vesture only ;
clothing of hym ; and who euer touch- and as many as touched hytt were made
iden ben maad saaf. safe, :
GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. Marr.
Cuar. XV. í Da comon to him fram
Hierusalem da bóceras and Fariseisce,
and cwædon,
2 Hwi forgymap dine leorning-enihtas
üre yldrena lage? ne pweap hi hyra
handa, donne hig mete picgeap.

3 Da andsworode he him and [ewef,*]

Hwi forgyme ge Godes bebod for eowre
lage ?

4 Witodlice God cwep, Wurpa dinne

feeder and módor, and se de wyrigp hys
feeder and módor, swelte se deape.

5 Soplice ge ewedap, Swá hwyle swá

segþ hys feder and méder, Swa hwyle
lac swa of me is, fremap dé ;
6 And ne weorpiap feeder and médor ;
and ge for náht dydon Godes bebod for
eowre lage.

7 Là licceteras, wel be eow witegode

Isaias, se witega, dá he cwæþ,
8 Dis fole me mid welerum weorpap,*. .
....and hyra heorte is feorr fram me ;

9 Bútan intingan hig me wurpiap, and -

læraþ manna lára.

10 And he dá, dam menegum togædere

geclypedum, dus cwæþ, Gehyrap, and.
11 Ne besmit done mann, det on hys
müp gæþ; ac hyne besmit, det of hys.
müpe gap.

12 Da genealæhton hys leorning-eniht-

as and cwedon, Wást dú, det da Far-
iseiscean synt gedréfede, disum wurde
gehyredum ?
13 Da andswarode he him, Ælc plant-
ung, de min heofenlica feeder ne plant-
ode, byp áwurtwalod.

14 Lætaþ hi; hig synt blinde, and

blindra látteowas. Se blinda gyf he
blindne læt, hig feallap begen on anne
15 Da andswarode him Petrust. . .,
Arece us dis bigspell.
XV. 1-15.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 77
Crap. XV. 1 Thanne scribis and Cumar. XV. 1 ‘Then cam to Jesus
Pharisees camen ni; to hym fro Jerusa- serybes and Pharises from Jerusalem,
lem, seyinge, sayinge,
2 Whi thi disciplis ouerpassen* the 2 Why do thy disciples transgresse the
tradiciouns? of elder men? for thei tradicions of the seniours? for they
washen nat hondis, whenne thei eten wesshe not there hondes, when they eate
breed. breed.
3 Sothely he answerynge seith to hem, 3 He answered and sayde vnto them,
And whi and 3e breken the maunde- Why do ye also transgresse the com-
ment of God for 30ure tradicioun? maundment of God thorowe youre tra-
dicions ?
- 4 For whi God seide, Honoure thi fadir 4 For God commaunded, sayinge, Hon-
and thi modir, and he that cursith fadir oure thy father and moder, and he that
„or modir, dye he by deth. speaketh evyll ayeynst hys father or
mother, shall suffer deeth.
5 But se seyn, Who euere shal saye to 5 But ye saie, Every man shall saie to
fadir or modir, What euere 3ifte is of his father or mother, Whatsoever thyng
me, it shal profite to thee ; I offer, that same doeth profyt the ;
6 And he hath not worshipid his fadir 6 And so shal he not honoure hys
or modir ; and 3e han made the maunde- father and mother; and thus have ye
ment of God voide' for 30ure tradicioun. made that the commaundment of God is
with out effecte through youre tradicions.
.7 Ipocritis, Ysay, the prophete, pro- 4 Yypocrites, wel prophesied off you,
pheciede wel of 30u, seyinge, Esay, sayinge,
8 This peple honoureth me with lippis, 8 This people draweth nie vuto me
forsothe her herte is fer fro me ; with there mouthes, and honoureth me
with their lippes, yet their hert is farre
from me;
9 Trewly thei worshipen me with outen 9 But in vaine thei worshippe me,
cause, techynge the doctrines and teachinge doctrine which is nothing but
maundements of men. meus precepts,
. ro And the cumpanyes of peple lepid 10 And he called the people vnto him,
to gidre to hym, he seide to hem, Heere and saide to them, Heare, and vnder-
3e, and vnderstonde. stonde.
11 Nat that thing that entrith in to rr That which goeth in to the mougth,
the mouth, defoulith a man; but that defyleth not a man; but that which
thing that cummeth forth fro the mouth, commeth out of the mougth, defyleth
defoulith a man. the man.
12 Thanne his disciplis cummynge ni3 12 Then cam his disciples and sayde
seiden to hym, Wost thou, that, this vnto hym, Perceavest thou, howe that
word herd, Pharisees ben sclaundrid? the Pharyses are offended, hearinge thys
13 And he answerynge seith, Euery 13 He answered and sayde, All plantes,
plantynge, the whiche my fadir of heuen which my hevenly father hath nott
ath nat plantid, shal be drawen vp by planted, shalbe plucked vppe by the
the roote. rotes.
14 Suffre 3e hem; thei ben blynde, 14 Lett them alone ; they be the blynde
and lederis of blynde men. Sothely 3if ledders of the blynde. If the blynde
a blynd man 3eue ledynge to a blynd leede the blinde, boothe shall fall in to
an, bothe fallen doun in to the diche. the dyche.
15 Forsothe Petre answerynge saide to 15 Then answered Peter and sayd to
ym, Expoun to vs this parable.: him, Declare vnto vs thys parable.
8 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Marr.
16 Da andswarode he him, And synt
ge gyt bútan andgyte ?
17 Ne ongyte ge, dzet call æt on done
müp gap, gæþ on da wambe, and byþ on
forpgang ásend ?

18 Sóplice da ping de of dam müpe

gap, cumap of dere heortan, and da
besmitap done mann.
19 Of dære heortan cumap yfle gepanc-
as, mann-slyhtas, unriht-hæmedu, for-
ligru, stala, lease gewitnyssa, tallice
20 Dis synt da ping de done mann
besmitap ; ne besmit done meni deah
he unpwogenum handum ete.‘

21 And dá férde se Hælend danon, on

Tyrisce and Sidonisce endas.
22 And efne ! dá of dam Chananéiscum
gemærum clypode sum wif, and ewsep,
Drihten, Dauides sunu, gemiltsa me;
min dóhtor ys yfle mid deofle gedreht. .

23 Da ne ge-andswarode he hyre. Da,

genealéhton hys leorning-enihtas and
him to ewedon, Forlæt hig, fordam heo
clypap efter us.
24 Da andswarode he, Ne eom ic ásend,
büton to dam sceapun de forwurdon of
Israhela hüse. |

25 Ha com heo, and hig to him gebæd,

by dus eweep, Drihten,gefylst
g me.
26 Da cwæþ he, Nys hit ná gód de
man nime bearna hláf, and end
27 Da cwæþ heo, Drihten, det ys
sóþ; witodlice da hwelpas etap of dam
crumum, de of hyra hláforda beodum
28 Dà andswarode Drihten hyre, Eula!
dú wif, mycel ys din geleafa ; gewurde
de, ealswa dú wylle. And da of dere
tide wees hyre dóhtor hal geworden.

29 Da se Hælend danon férde, eft he

com wid da Galileiscean sé. And ástáh
on done múnt, and Ger sæt,

30 Da genealæhton him to myceiÐ

menegu, mid him hæbbende manega
XV. 16-30.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 79
16 And he seide, 3it and 3e ben with- 16 Then sayde Jesus, Are ye yett with
out vnderstondyng? outen vnderstondinge ?
17 Wher se vnderstonde nat, that al 17 Perceave ye not, that whatsoever
thing that entrith in to the mouth, goth goeth in at the mouth, descendeth doune
in to the wombe, and is sent out in to in to the bely, and ys cast out in to the
the goyng awey? draught ?
18 But tho thingis that cummen forth 18 Butt those thinges which procede
fro the mouth, gon out of the herte, and out of the mought, come from the herte,
tho thingus defoulen a man. and they dyffyle a man.
19 For of the herte gon out yuel 19 For out of the herte come evyll
thoustis, mansleayngis, auoutries, forni- thoughtes, murder, breakyng of wed-
eaciouns, theftis, fals witnessis, blas- locke, whordom, theefte, falce witnes-
femyes. berynge, blasphemy.
20 These thingis it ben that defoulen 20 These are the thinges which defyle
& man; sothely for to ete with hondis aman; but to eate with vnwesshen
vnwashen, defouleth not a man. hondes, defyleth nott a man.

. 21 And Jhesus gon out fro thennys, 21 And Jesus went thence, and de-
wente into parties of Tyre and Sidon. parted in to the costes of Tire and Sidon.
22 And loo! a womman of Canane 22 And beholde! a woman which was
gon out of the costis, cryede, seyinge to a Cananyte cam out of the same coostes,
hym, Lord, the son of Dauid, haue and cryed vnto him, saynge, Have mercy
mercye on me; my douster is yuel tra- on me, Lorde, the sonne off Dauid ; my
ueilid of a deuyl. doughter is pytiously vexed with a
. 23 The whiche answerid nat to hir o 23 And he gave her never a worde to
word. And his disciplis cummynge to answer. Then cam to him his disciples
preyeden hym, seyinge, Leeue thou hire, and besought him, sayinge, Sende her
for she crieth after vs. awaye, for she foloeth vs cryinge.
24 Forsothe he answerynge seith, I am 24 He answered and sayde, I am not
nat sent, no but to the sheep of the hous sent, but vnto the loost shepe of the
of Yrael that perishiden. housse of Israhel.
| 25 Bot she came, and wirshipide hym, 25 Then she cam, and worshypped
. seyinge, Lord, help me. him, sayinge, Master, sucker me.
— 26 The whiche answerynge seith, It is 26 He answered and saide, It is not
. nat good for to take the breed of sonys, good to take the childrens breed, and to
, and sende to houndis. cast it to whelpes.
- 27 And she seide, 3he, Lord; forwhi 27 She answered and saide, It is
and the litel whelpis eten of the crum- truthe ; neverthe lesse the whelppes eate
mys, that fallen doun fro the bord of of the crommes, which fall from there
her lordis. masters table.
28 Thanne Jhesus answeringe seith to 28 Then Jesus answered and sayde vnto
hir, O ! thou womman, thi feith is grete ; her, O! woman, greate ys thy fayth ;
be it don to thee, as thou wolt. And be hit to the, even as thou desyrest.
hir dou3ter was heelid fro that hour. And her doughter was made whole even
at that same tyme.
29 And whenne Jhesus hadde passide 29 Then Jesus went awaye from thence,
thennes, he came bisidis the see of Gali- and eam nye vnto the see of Galyle.
lee. And he steiynge in to an hyl, sat And went vppe in to à mountayne, and
there. sat doune there.
30 And many cumpanyes camen ni3 to 30 And moche people cam vnto hym,
hym, hauynge with hem doumbe men havinge with them halt, blinde, domne,
GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, gos. [St. Marr. -
healte and blinde, and wanhále, and
manega ódre; and álédon to hys fótum,
and he gehælde da,
31 Swá det da mænegu wundredon,
geseonde dumbe sprecende, healte gang
ende, blinde geseonde; and hig mars
odon Israhela God.“

32 Da cwæþ se Hælend, togedere ge-

clypedum his leorning-cnihtum, Disse
menegu ic gemiltsige, fordam hig pry
| dagas mid me wunodon, and hig nabb-
ap hwæt hig eton; and ic hig nelle
fæstende forlætan, de-læs hig on wege
33 Da cwædon hys leorning-cnihtas,
Hwar nime we swá fela hláfa on dis
wéstene, det we gefyllan swá mycele
mænegu ?
24 på cweep he, Hú fela hláfa hæbbe
ge? Da cwedon hig, Seofon, and feawa
35 And he bebead da Get seo menegu f
sæte ofer dere eorpan.

36 And he nam da da seofon hláfas,

and da fixas, and bræc, and sealde hys
leorning-cnihtum ; and hig sealdon dam -
37 And hig æton ealle, and wæron
gefyllede, and diet toláfe wees of dam ge-
brote, hig namon seofon wilian fulle.
38 Witodlice da der ton wæron feo- -
wer püsend manna, bütan cldum and
39 And. he forlet dà da menegu, and
eode on scyp, and com on da endas

Cuar. XVL! 1 And dà genealehton

him to Farisei and Saducei and hyne
costodon, and bedon det he him sum
tácen of heofone ætýwde.
2 Da andswarode he him and cwep,—
On æfen ge cwedap, To morgen hyt byþ
smylte weder, des heofon ys read ;

3 And on morgen ge ewedap, To deg |


XV. 31.-XVI 3.] WYCLIFFE, 1389.
TYNDALE, 1226. 8]
and crokid, feble and blynde, and many maymed, and other many; und cast
othir; and castiden hem doun at his them doune at Jesus fete. And he healed
feet. And he helide hem,
31 So that the cumpanyes wondriden, 31 In so moche that the people won-
seeynge doumbe men spekynge, and dred, to se the domne speake, the maym
crokid goynge, blynd men seeynge ; and -
ed whole, the halt to go, and the blinde
thei magnyfieden God of Yrael, to se; and they glorifred the God of
32 Sothely Jhesus, his disciplis gedered 32 Jhesus called his disciples to him,.
to gider, seide, I haue rewthe of the and saide,
I have compassion on the
cumpany of peple, for now the thridde people, because they have contynued
. day thei dwellen still with me, and thei with me nowe
iij dayes, and have no-
han not thing whiche thei shulen ete; thinge to eate
- and Y wole nat leeue hem fastynge, lest departe fastin ; and I wyll not let them
ge, leste they perisshe in
thei failen in the weye. the waye.
33 And the disciplis seyen to hym, 33 And his disciples sayd vnto him,
Therfore wherof so many loouys to vs Whence shuld we get so moche breed in
in desert, that we fulfille so grete a the wyldernes, as shulde
suffyse so greate
cumpanye of peple ? a multitude ?
34 And Jhesus seith to hem, Hou 34 And Jesus sayde vnto them, Howe
many loouys han 3ee? And thei seiden, many loves have ye? And they seyde,
Seuene, and a few smalle fishis. Seven, and a feawe fysshes.
35 And he comaundide to the cumpany, 35 And he commaunded the people, to
that thei shulde sitt to the mete vpon syt doune on the grounde.
the erthe.
36 And he takynge seuen looues, and 36 And toke the seven loves, and the
fishis, and doynge thonkyngis, brak, and fysshes, and gave thankes, and brake
.5aue to his disciplis ; and disciplis 3auen them, and gave to hys disciples; and
to the peple. his disciples gave them to the people.
= 37 And alle eten, and weren fulfillid, 37 And they all ate, and were suffysed,
and thei token that that was ouer of and they toke vppe of the broken meate
relyues, seuene lepis fulle. that was lefte, vij basketes full.
.. 38 Forsothe thei that eten weren foure 38 They that ate were iiij M. men, be-
thousand of men, with outen litil chil- syde wemen and chyldren.
‘dren and wemmen.
| 39 And, the cumpanye of peple laft, 39 And he sent awaye the people, and
he styede vp in to a boot, and cam into toke shyppe, and cam in to the parties
the coostis of Magedan. of Magdala.

Crap. XVI. 1 And Pharisees and Cuar. XVI. 1 Then cam to hym the
Saduceis temptynge him camen niz to Pharises with the Saduces also and dyd
hym, and preiden hym for to shewe to tempte hym, desyringe that he wold
hem a tokene fro heuene. shewe them some signe from heven.
2 And he answerynge seith to hem, 2 He answered and sayde vnto them,
‘The eeuenynge maad, 3e seien, It shal Att even, ye saye, We shall have fayre
be cleer, for the henene is lijk to reed ; wedder, and that because the skye ys
reed ;
3 And the morwe, To day tempest, for 3 In the morninge ye saye, To daye
d l
82 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [St. Marr.
hyt byp hreoh weder, deos lyft scinp
unwederlice. Nú cunne ge tocnawan
heofones hiw, witodlice ge ne magon
witan dira tida tacnu. i

4 Seo yfele cneoryss and unryht-hém-

ende tácen sécp ; and hyre ne byþ
geseald, büton Ionas tacen, des witegan.
And, him forlétenum, he férde.

5 And dá his leorning-enihtas comon

ofer done müpan, hig forgéton det hig
hláfas namon. |
6 And dá sæde he, Gýmaþ, and warn-.
iap fram dam beorman Fariseorum and
y Da pohton hig betwux him, and
cwædon, Námon we hláfas mid us?

8 Da se Hælend wiste hyra geþancas,

he cwep to him, Hwæt pence ge betwux
eow lytles geleafan, det ge hlafas nabb-
ap? :
Á Ne understande ge gyt, ne ge ne
gepenceap diera fif hlafa and fif þúsend
manna, and hú fela wyligena ge námonÍ

io Ne dæra seofon hláfa and feower |

þúsend manna, and hú fela wyligena ge
námon ?
11 Hwi ne ongyte ge gyt, det ic ne
sæde be hláfe, Warniap fram dam beorm-
an Fariseorum and Saduceorum ?

12 Da ongéton hig, det he ne sede,

warniap fram hlafa beorman, ac fram
láre Fariseorum and Saduceorum.t

13 Witodlice da com se Hælend on da

dælas Cesare Philippi, and ahsode hys
leorning-cnihtas, Hwæne secgeap menn
det sy mannes sunu!

14 Da cwædon hig, Sume Iohannem

done Fulluhtere ;sume Heliam ; sume
Hieremiam, odde án dera witegena.*
15 Da sæde he, Hwæt secge ge det ic
16 Da andswarode him Petrus, Du eart
dees lyfigendes Godes sunu.

17 Da andswarode him se Helend,

XVI. 4-17.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. £3
heuen shyneth heuy.t Therfore 3e han shalbe foule wedder, and that because
knowe to deme wisely the face of heuen, the skye ys troubbelous and reed. O ye
but 5e mowen not wite the tokenys of ypocrytes, ye can discerne the fassion
tymes. of the skye, and can ye not discerne the
sygnes of the tymes?
4 The yuel generacioun and avowtrer 4 The frowarde nacion and advoutrous
sekith a tokne; and a tokene shal nat seketh a sygne; there shall nonother
be souen to it, no but the tokne of sygne be geven vnto them, but the sygne
Jonas,the prophete. And, hem forsaken, off the prophet Jonas. So lefte he them,
he wente awey. . and departed.
5 And whenne his disciplis camen ouer 5 And when bis disciples were come to
the see, thei forsaten for to take loouys. the other side of the water, they had
forgotten to take breed with them.
6 The whiche seide to hem, Beholde 3e, 6 Then Jesus sayd vnto them, Take
and beth war of the sourdow3 of Phari- hede, and beware of the leven of the
= sees and Saducees. Pharises and of the Saduces.
7 And thei thou3ten amonge hem, sei- 7 They thought a monge them selves,
ynge, For we han nat taken loouys. sayinge, We have brought no breed with
8 Forsothe Jhesus witynge seide to 8 When Jesus vnderstode that, he sayd
hem, What thenken 3e amonge 30u of vnto them, O ye of lytell fayth, why
litil feith, for 5e han nat loouys 1 are youre mindes eumbred because ye
have brought no breed?
` 9 3it 5e vndirstonden nat, nether han 9 Do ye not yet perceave, nether re-
mynde of fyue loouys in to fyue thou- member those v lovesse when there were
sand of men, and hou many cofyns 3e v M. men, and howe many baskettes toke
token ? ye vp?
to Trewly nether of seuen loouys in to ro Nether the vij loves when there
four thousand of men, and hou many were iv M. and howe many baskettes
. lepis 3ee token? toke ye vppe?
11 Whi vndirstonden 3e nat, for I seide rr Why perceave ye not then, that Y
nat to 30u of breed, Be 3e war of sour- spake not vnto you of breed when I
dow3 of Pharisees and of Saducees ? sayde, Beware off the leven of the Pha-
rises and of the Saduces ?
12 Thanne thei vnderstoden, that he 12 Then vnderstode they, howe that.
seide nat to be war of sourdow3 of
tenn he bad not them beware of the leven of
- loouys, bote of the techynge of Pharisees breed, butt of the doctryne of the Pha-
and Saducees. rises and of the Saduces.
13 Sothely Jhesus came in to the 13 When Jesus cam in to the coostes
parties of Cesarie of Philip, and axide of the cite which is called Cesarea Phi-
his disciplis, seyinge, Whom seyn men lippi, he axed hys disciples, sayinge,
to ben mannes sone ? Whom do men saye that I the sonne of
man am ?
14 And thei seiden, Summe Joon Bap- I4 They saide, Some saye that thou
tist; other forsothe Hely; but other arte Jhon Baptist ; some Helyas ; some
Jeremye, or oon of the prophetis. Jeremias, or won of the prophetes.
15 Jhesus seith to hem, Sothely whom 15 He seyde vnto them, But whom
seien 5e me to be? saye ye that I am?
16 Symon Petre answerynge seide, Thou 16 Symon Peter answered and sayde,
art Crist, the sone of God lyuynge. Thou arte Crist, the sonne of the livynge
17 Forsothe Jhesus answerynge seide | 17 And Jesus answered and sayde to
84 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
Eadig eart di, Simon culfran bearn ;
forðam hit dé ne onwreah flese ne blód,
ac min feeder de on heofenum ys.

18 And ic secge dé, æt dú eart Petrus,

and ofer disne stan ic timbrige mine
cyricean, and helle gatu ne mágon ongén
19 And dé ic sylle heofona rices cægia ;
and swá hwæt swa du ofer eorpan ge-
bindst, det byp on heofonum gebünden ;
and swá hwæt swá da unbindst ofer
eorpan, đæt byþ unbúnden on heofonum.

20 Da bebead se Hælend hys leorning-

cnihtum, det hig nánum menn ne sédon,
ðæt he were Hælend Crist.
21 Syddan he ongan swütelian hys
leorning-cnihtum, det he wolde faran to
Hierusalem, and fela pinga polian fram
yldrum, and bócerum, and ealdor-man-
num Gera sacerda; and beon ofslegen,
and dy pryddan dæge árisan.

22 Ànd dá genam Petrus hyne on-sun-

dron, and cwep to him, Drihten, ne
gewurde diet.

23 Da beseah he hyne, and cwæþ to

Petre, Gang bæftan me, Satanas ; wider-
rede dü eart me; fordam du nást da
| þing de synd Godes, ac da de synt |
24 Da sæde se Hælend hys leorning-
cnihtum, Gyf hwá wylle fyligean me,
widsace hyne sylfne, and nyme hys róde,
and me fylige ;
25 Sóplice se de wyle hys sáwle hale
| gedón, he hig forspilp ; and se de wyle
hig for me forspyllan, se hig fint.

26 Hwæt fremap ænegum menn, ðeah

he ealne middan-eard gestrýne, gyf he
hys sáwle forwyrd polap? odde hwyle
gewrixl sylþ se mann for hys sáwle

27 Witodlice mannes sunu ys to cum-

enne on hys feeder wuldre, mid hys
englum, and donne ágylt æghwyleum be
hys ágenum weorce.'
28 Sóþlice ic seege eow, sume synt hér
standende, de deap ne onbyrigeap, &r
XVI. 18-28.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 85
to hym, Blessid art thou, Symon Bar- him, Happy arte thou, Simon the sonne
iona ;* for flesh and blood shewide nat of Jonas; for fleshe and bloud have
to thee, but my fadir that is in heuenes. nott opened vnto the that, butt my father
which is in heven.
18 And Y seye to thee, for thou art 18 And I saye also vnto the, that thou
Petre, and vpon this stoon I shal bilde erte Peter, and apon this roocke I wyll
my churche, and the 3atis of helle shulen bylde my congregacion, and the gates
nat han mist? a3eins it. off hell shall nott prevayle a geynst it.
19 And to thee I shal 3eue the keies r9 And I wyll geve vnto the the keyes
of the kyngdam of heuenes ;and what of the kyngdom of heven ; and whatso-
euer thou shalt bynde vpon erthe, shal ever thou byndest vppon erth, yt shall be
be bounden and in heuenes; and what hounde in heven ; and whatsoever thou
euer thou shalt vnbynde vpon erthe, shal lowsest on erthe, yt shalbe lowsed in
be vnbounden and in heuenes. heven. |
20 Thanne he comaundide to his dis- 20 Then he charged his disciples, that
eiplis, that thei shulden seie to no man, they shulde tell no man, that he was
that he was Crist. Jesus Christ.
21 Fro that tyme Jhesus bygan for to 21 From that tyme forth Jesus began
shewe to his disciplis, that it byhouith to shewe vnto hys disciples, howe that
hym to go to Jerusalem, and suffre he must go vnto Jerusalem, and suffer
many thingus of the eldris, and scribis, many thinges of the seniores, and of the
and princis of prestis ; and be sleyn, and hye prestes, and of the scribes; and
the thridde day ryse vp agein. must be killed, and ryse agayne the
thirde daye.
22 And Petre, takynge hym to, began 22 Peter toke him a side, and began
for to blame hym, seyinge, Fer be it fro to rebuke hym, sayinge, Master, faver
thee, Lord; this thing shal not be to thy sylfe; this shall not come vnto the.
23 The whiche, turnyd, seide to Petre, 23 Then tourned he aboute, and sayde
- Sathanas, go after me; thou art sclaundre vnto Peter, Go after me, Satan; thou
to me ; for thou sauerist nat? tho thingis offendest me; because thou perceavest
that ben of God, but tho thingis that nott godly thynges, but worldly thinges.
ben of men.
24 Thanne Jhesus seide to his disciplis, 24 Jesus then sayde to hys disciples,
Sif eny man wole cume after me, denye Yf eny man wyll folowe me, leet hym
' he hym self, and take his crosse, and forsayke hym sylfe, and take hys erosse,
sue me; and folowe me ;
25 For he that wole make his soule 25 For who soever wyll save hys lyfe,
-saaf,' shal lese it ; forsothe he that shal shall loose yt ; and whosoever shall loose
lese his soulet for me, shal fynde it. hys lyfe for my sake, shall fynde yt.

26 Sothely what profitith it to a man, 26 Whatt shall hit proffet a man, yf he

3if he wynne al the world, trewly he shulde wyn all the whoole worlde. so he
. Suffre peyrynge of his soule? or what loose hys owne soule? or els what shall
chaungynge shal a man 3eue for his a man geve to redeme hys soule agayne
soule? with all?
27 For mannes sone is to come in 27 For the sonne off man shall come
glorie of his fadir, with his angelis, and in the glory of hys father, with hys
thanne he shal 3elde to euery man aftir angels, and then shall he rewarde every
his workis. man accordinge to hys dedes.
28 Treuly I seie to 30u, there ben 28 Verely I saye vnto you, some there
summe of men stondynge heer, the be a monge them that here stonde,
86 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
hig geseon mannes sunu cumendne on
hys feeder rice.

Crap. XVII. 1 And æfter six dagum

nam se Helend Petrum, and Iacobum,
and Iohannem, hys bródor, and lædde
hig on-sundron on ænne heahne múnt,
2 And he wæs gehiwod befóran him.
And his ansýn scean swá swá sunne;
and hys reaf wæron swá hwite swá
3 And efne! dá ætýwde Moyses and
Helias, mid him sprecende.

4 Da cwæþ Petrus to him, Drihten, gód

ys us hér to beonne. Gyf dü wylt, uton
wyrcean hér preo eardung-stówa; dé
áne, Moyse áne, and Helie áne.

5 Him dà gyt sprecendum, and sóplice!

dà beorht wolen hig oferscean ; and dá
efne! com stefn of dam wolene, and cwæþ,
Hér ys min leofa sunu, on dam me wel-
gelicap ; gehyrap hyne.
6 And da hig dis gehyrdon hys leorn-
ing-enihtas, hig feollon on hyra ansyne,
and hym swyde ondrédon. |
7 He genealæhte da, and hig æt-hrán,
and him to cwæþ, Arisap and ne on-
drædaþ eow. K
8 Dà hig hyra eagan upp-áhófon, ne
gesáwon hig nnne, büton done Hælend
9 And da hig of dam münte eodon, se
Hælend hym bebead, and dus cwæþ,
Nánum menn ne secgean ge dis, ær
mannes sunu of deape rise."

to And dá àxodon hys leorning-cnihtas

hyne, Hwæt secgeap da bóceras, det ge-
byrige ærest cuman Heliam?
11 Ha andswarode he hym, Witodlice
Helias ys toweard, and he ge-edniwaþ
ealle ping. d
12 Sóþlice ie eow secge, det Helias
com, and hig hyne ne gecneowon, ac hig
dydon ymbe hyne, swá hwæt swá hig
woldon ; and swá ys mannes sunu eac
fram him to prówigenne.
XVII. 1-12] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 87
whiche shul nat taaste deth, til thei whych shall nott taste of deeth, tyll
Seen mannys sone cummynge in his they shall have sene the sonne of man
kyngdom. come in hys kyngdome,

Cmar. XVII. 1 And after sexe Cuar. XVII. t And affer vj dayes
dayes Jhesus toke Petre, and Jamys, Jhesus toke Peter, and James, and Jhon,
and Joon, his brother, and ledde hem hys brother, and brought them vppe
asydis in to an hig hill, into an hye mountayne out of the waye,
2 And was transfigured? bifore hem. 2 And was transfygured before them.
And his face schoon as the sunne ; for- And hys face dyd shyne as the sun ; and
sothe his clothis were maad white as hys clothes were as whyte as the light.
3 And lo! Moyses and Helye apperiden 3 And beholde! there appered vnto
| to hem, spekynge with hym. them Moses and Helyas, talkinge with
4 Sothely Petre answerynge seid to 4 Then answered Peter and sayde to
Jhesu, Lord, it is good vs to be here. Jesus, Master, here is good beinge for
3if thou wolt, make we here three taber- vs. Yff thou wylt, leet vs make here iij
naclis ; to thee oon, to Moyses oon, and tabernacles ; won for the, and won for
oon to Helie. Moses, and won for Helyas.
5 3it hym spekynge, loo! a lišty cloude 5 Whyll he yet spake, beholde ! a bright
shadewid hem; and loo! a vois of the cloude shadowed them ; and lo! a voice
cloude, seyinge, This is my derworth out of the cloude sayde, This is my deare
sone, in whom Í haue wel pleside to sonne, in whon I delite ; heare hym.
me; heere 5e hym.
6 And the disciplis, heerynge, fellen 6 And when the disciples herde that,
doun in to her facis, and dredden gretely. they fell flatt on there faces, and were
soore afrayed.
7 And Jhesus came ni3, and touchide 7 And Jesus cam, and touched them,
hem, and seide to hem, Ris vp, nyl 5e and sayde, Aryse, and be not a frayed.
8 Forsothe thei, rysynge vp her ei;en, 8 Then lyfte they vppe their eyes, and
sawen no man, no but Jhesus aloon. sawe no man, but Jesus only.
9 And, hem cummynge doun fro the 9 And as they cam doune. from the
he charged them, sayinge,
mounteyn, Jhesus comaundide hem, mountayne,
seyinge, Saie 5e to no man the visioun, Se that ye shewe thys vysion to no man,
til mannes sone ryse a3ein fro dead. tyll the sonne of man be rysen ageyne
from deeth.
10 And his disciplis axiden hym, sey- ro And hys disciples axed off him,
inge, What therfore seyn scribis, that it sayinge, Why then saye the scribes, that
behoueth Hely first come ? Helias muste fyrst come ?
- 11 And he answerynge seith to hem, 1I Jesus answered and sayd vnto them,
Forsothe Hely is to come, and he shal Helias shall fyrst come, and restore all
restore alle thingis. thynges.
12 Treuly Y seye to 30u, that Hely is 12 And I saye vnto you, that Helias
now comen, and thei knewen hym nat, ys come alredy, and they knewe hym
but thei diden in hym, what euere thingis nott, butt have done vnto him, whatso-
thei wolden ; so and mannys sone is to ever they lusted ; in lyke wyse shall also
suffre of hem. the sonne of man suffre of them.
$8 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
13 Da ongeton hys leorning-cnihtas,
det he hyt sæde be Iohanne dam Full-
14 And dá he com to dere menegu, `
him to genealæhte sum mann, gebigedum
cneowum toforan him, and ewzep,
15 Drihten, gemiltsa minum suna, ford-
am de he ys fylle-seoc, and yfel polap, oft
he fylp on fjr, and gelómlice on wæter.

16 And ie brohte hyne to dinum leorn-

ing-enihtum, and hig ne mihton hyne
sehælan. |
17 Da andswarode he him, Ealá ge
ungeleaffulle and pwyre eneores; hálange |
beo ic mid eow? hú lange forbere ic
eow? Bringap hyne to me hider.

18 And da preade se Hælend hyne, and

se deofol hyne forlét ; and se cnapa wees
of dere tide geheéled.
19 Da genealæhton hys leorning-cnihtas
him to, and him to ewaédon diglice, Hwi
ne myhte we hyne út-ádrifan? `
20 Da cwæþ he, For hyra ungeleafful-
nesse. Sé6plice on eornost ic eow secge,
gyf ge hæfdon geleafan, swá senepes
corn, and ge cwædon to dissum múnte,
Far heonone, donne férde he ; and eow
ne byþ &nig ping unmihtelic;

21 Sóþlice dis cynn ne byþ út-ádryfen,

búton purh gebed and fæsten.
22 Dá hig wunedon on Galilea, dá
cwæþ se Helend, Mannes sunu ys to
syllenne on manna handa ;

23 And hig ofsleap hyne, and he áríst

on dam priddan dæge. Dé wurdon hig
pearle ge-unrótsode.
24 And dá he com to Cafarnaum, dá
genealæhton to Petre, da dæt gafol nám-
on, and dus cwædon, Eower láreow ne
gylt he gafol?
25 Da cwæþ he, Gyse he dép. And
da he com into dam hüse, dá cwæþ se
Hælend, Hwæt pinch dé, Symon? Æt
hwam nimap cyningas gafol odde toll?
of hyra bearnum, hweder de of frem-
26 Da cwæþ he, Of fremedum. Ðá
XVII. 13-26.| WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 89
13 Thanne disciplis vndirstoden, that 13 Then hys disciples perceaved, that
of Joon Baptist he hadde seid to hem. he spake vnto them of Jhon Baptist.

14 And whanne he cam to the cum- 14 And when they were come to the
panye of peple, a man cam to hym, people, ther cam to hym a certayne
foldid on knees byfore hym, seyinge, man, and kneled doune to hym, saynge,
15 Lord, haue mercy on my sone ; for 15 Master, have mercy on my sonne ;
_ he is lunatyke, and suffrith yuel, for why ffor he is franticke, and ys sore vexed,
oft tymys he fallith in to the fijr, and and oft tymes falleth into the fyre, and
oft tymys in to water. oft into the water.
16 And I offride hym to thi disciplis, 16 And I brought him to thy disciples,
and thei my3ten nat hele hym. and they coulde not heale him.

17 Jhesus answerynge seith, A! thou 17 Jesus answered and sayde, O!

generacioun vnbyleeful,* and weiward; generacion faythles, and croked ; howe
hou longe shal I be with 3ou? hou longe shall I be with you? how longe
longe shal I suffre 30u? Brynge 5ee hym shall Y suffre you? Bryng him hidder
hidir to me. to me.
18 And Jhesus blamyde hym, and the 18 And Jhesus rebuked the devyll, and
deuel wente out fro hym ; and the child he cam out; and the child was healed
is helid fro that houre. even that same houre.
19 Thanne disciplis camen ni3 to Jhesu 19 Then came hys disciples secretly,
priuyly, and seiden to hym, Whi miste and sayde, Why could not we cast him
nat we casten hym out? out?
20 Jhesus seith to hem, For 3oure 20 Jesus sayd vnto them, Because off
vnbyleue. Treuly I seie to 30u, sif 3e youre vnbelfe. For I saye veryly vnto
shulen haue feith,as a corn of seneuey, you, yff ye had faythe, as a grayne off
se shulen seie to this hill, Passe thou musterd seed, ye shuld saye vnto this
hennus, and it shal passe; and no thing mountayne, Remeve hence to yonder
shal be impossible to 30u ; place, and he shulde remeve; nether
shuld eny thynge be vnpossyble for you
to do ;
21 Forsothe this kynde is nat cast out, 2r But this kynde goeth not oute,
. no but by preyinge and fastynge. butt by pryer and fastynge.
22 Treuly hem lyuynge togidre in 22 Whill they passed the tyme in
Galilee, Jhesus seide to hem, Mannes Galile, Jesus sayde vnto them, The
gone is to be bitraied in to the hondis sonne off man shalbe betrayed into the
of men ; hondes off men ;
23 And thei shulen slea hym, and the 23 And they shall kill hym, and the
thridde day he shal ryse agein. And thyrd daye he shall ryse agayne. And
thei ben maad ful sory. they sorowed greatly.
.24 And whanne he came to Caphar- 24 When they were come to Caper-
naum, thei that token tribut, camen to naum, they that were wont to gadre
Petre, and seiden to hym, 3oure maister poll money, cam to Peter, and sayde,
payeth nat tribute ? Doth youre master paye tribute ?
25 And he seith, 3he. And whenne 25 He sayd, Ye. And when he was
he had entrid in to an house, Jhesus come into the housse, Jesus spake fyrst
came bifore hym, seyinge, Symount, to hym, sayng, What thynkest thou Si-
what semeth to thee? Of whiche taken mon? Of whome do the kynges off the
the kyngis of erthe tribut?! of her owne erth take tribute, or poll money? of
-sonys, ether of alyenys?* their chyldren, or of straungers?
26 And he seide, Of other mennus 26 Peter sayde vnto hyme, Of straungers.
90 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Mart
cwæþ he, Eornostlice da bearn synt
27 Deah-hwedere det we hi ne ge-
unrótsigeon, gang to dere sæ, and wurp
dinne angel út, and nim done ærestan
fisc; and, hys müp ge-opena, du fintst
anne wecg on him; nim done, and syle
for me and for dé.

Cuar. XVIIL! 1 On dere tide ge-

nealæhton hys leorning-cnihtas to dam
Hælende, and ewædon, Hwa, wénst dú,
ys yldra on heofena rice1
2 And da clypode se Hælend æénne
lytling, and gesette on hyra midlen ;
3 And ewsp, Sóplice ie secge eow,
büton ge beon gecyrrede, and geword-
ene swá swá lytlingas, ne gá ge on heof-
ena rice.
4 Swa hwyle swá hyne ge-eadmét swá
des lytling, se ys mara on heofena rice.

5 And swá hwyle swá anne dilicne

lytling on minum naman onfehp, se on-
fehp me.
6 Sóplice se de beswicp ænne of dyssum
lytlingum, de on me geljfap, betere him
ys det án cwyrn-stán si to hys swyran
geenytt, and si besenced on ss grind.

7 Wádysum middan-gearde, purh swic-

dómas ; neod ys, det swycdémas cumon ;
deah-hwedere wá dam menn de swye-
dóm þurh hyne cymp.

8 Gyf din hand odde din fot dé swicap,

áceorf hyne of, and áwurp fram dé.
Betere dé ys det di gá wanhál, odde
healt, to life, donne dú hæbbe twa handa
and twegen fet and sy on éce fyr ásend.

9 And gyf din eage dé swicap, áhola

hyt út, and áwurp hyt fram dé. Betere |
dé ys mid ánum eage on life to gánne,
donne du si mid twám ásend on helle
XVII 27.-XVIII. 9:] WYCLIFFE, 1589. TYNDALE, 1526. 91
sonys. Jhesus seide to hym, Therfore Then sayd Jesus vnto hym agane, Then
sonys ben free. are the chyldren fre.
27 Forsothe that we sclaundre nat 27 Neverthelesse lest we shulde of-
hem, go thou to the see, and sende an fende them, goo to the see, and cast in
hoke, and take the ilke fishe that first thyne angle, and take the fysshe that
eummeth vp; and, his mouth openyd, fyrst cometh vp; and, when thou hast
thou shalt fynde stater ;* thou takyng opened his mouthe, thou shalt fynde a
it, 3eue to hem for me and for thee. pece of twelve pens ; that take and paye
for me and the.

Cmar. XVIII. 1 In that hour the Cuar. XVIII. 1 The same tyme the
disciplis camen niz to Jhesus, seiynge, disciples cam vnto Jesus, sayng, Who is
Who, gessist thou, is more in the kyng- the greatest in the kyngdom off heven ?
dam of heuenes ?
2 And Jhesus, clepynge to a litil child, 2 Jesus called a chylde vnto hym, and
putte hym in the mydil of hem ; set hym in the middes of them;
3 And seide, I seie trewthe to 30u, no 3 And sayd, Verely I say vnto you,
but sif 3e shulen be turnyd, and maad except ye tourne, and become as chil-
as litil children, 5e shulen nat entren dren, ye cannot enter into the kyngdom
in to the kyngdam of heuenes. off heven. |
“4 Therfore who euere shal meeke 4 Whosoever therfore shall submit him
hym as this litil child, he is more in silfe as this chylde, he is the greatest in
the kyngdam of heuenes. the kyngdom of heven.
5 And he that resceyueth oon siche 5 And whosoever receaveth suche a
— litil in my name, resceyueth me. chylde in my name, receaveth me.

6 Forsothe who shal sclaundre oon of 6 But whosoever offend won of these
these smale leste, that byleeuen in me, lytell wons, which beleve in me, yt were
it spedith to hym that a myln stoon better for hym that a millstone were
of assis be hanged in his neeke, and hanged aboute his necke, and that he
be drenchid in to the depnesse of the were drouned in the depth of the see.
| 4 Woo to the world, for sclaundris ; 7 Wo be vnto the world, because of
- treuly it is neede, that sclaundris come ; evill occasions; hit is necessary, that
- netheles woo to the ilk man by whom a evyll occasions be geven ; neverthelesse
sclaundre cometh. woo be to that man by whom evyll
occasion commeth.
8 Forsothe 3if thin hond or thi foot 8 Wherefore yff thy honde or thy fote
sclaundre thee, kitt it of, and kast awey geve the an occasion of evyll, cut hym
fro thee. It is good to thee to entre in of, and cast hym from the. Hit is
to lyf feble, other croked, than hauynge better for the to enter into lyfe halt, or
two hondis or two feet to be sent in to maymed, rather then thou shuldeste
euerlastynge fijr. havynge two hondes or two fete be cast
into everlastyng fyre.
.9 And sif thin eize sclaundre thee, 9 And yf also thyne eye offende the,
pulle it out, and cast awey fro thee. It plucke him oute, and caste hym from
is good to thee with oon eise to entre the. It is better for the to enter into
in to lyf, than hauynge two eizen to be lyfe with one eye, then havyng two eyes
sente in to fijr of helle. to be cast into hell fyre.
92 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
10 Warniap, dæt ge ne oferhogian ænne
of dysum lytlingum de gelýfaþ on met.

II Soplice mannes sunu com to gehæl-

anne det forwearp.
12 Hwæt ys eow gepuht? Gyf hwyle
mann hæfþ hund sceapa, and him losab
an of dam, hú ne forlæt he da nigon and
hund nigontig on dam müntum, and
gæþ and sécþ det án de forwearp?

13 And gyf hyt gelimpp det he hyt

fint, soplice ic eow secge, det he swydor
geblissap for dam ánum donne ofer da
nigon and hund nigontig de ná ne los-
14 Swà nys willa befóran eowrum
feeder de on heofenum ys, det án for-
wurde of disum lytlingum.f
15 Soplice gyf din bródor syngap wid
dé, ga, and styr him, betwux dé and him
sylfum ; gyf he dé gehyrp, di gestapel-
ast dinne bródor.

16 Gyf he de ne gehjrp, nim donne

gyt ænne odde twegen to dé, det le
word stande on twegra odde preora
17 Gyf he hig ne gehyrp, sæge hyt
geferrædene. Gyf he hig ne gehyrp, -
si he dé swá swa hæðen and mánfull.

18 Sóþlice ie secge eow, swá hwylce

swá ge gebindap ofer eorpan, da beop
gebündene on heofonum ; and swá hwyl-
ce swa ge ofer eorpan unbindap, da beoþ
on heofonum unbündene.

19 Eft ie eow secge, gyf twegen of

eow geþwæriaþ ofer eorpan, be ælcum
pinge de hig biddap, hit gewurp him of
minum feeder de on heofonum ys.

20 Der twegen odde pry synt on min-

um naman gegaderode, der ic eom on
hyra midlene.
21 Da genealæhte Petrus to him, and
ewæþ, Drihten, gyf min bródor syngap
wid me, mot ic him forgyfan? Od seofon
sidas ?
XVIII. 10-21.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 93
ro Se 3e, that 3e dispise nat oon of 10 Se, that ye despise not won of these
these litile. Trewly I seie to 3ou, that litell wons. For I saye vnto you, thatt
the angelis of hem in heuenes seen euer- in heven their angels behold the face of
more the face of my fadir that is in my fader which ys in heven.
11 Forsothe mannys sone came for to II Ye and the sonne of man is come
saue that thing that perishide. to save that which is lost.
12 What semeth to 3ou? 3if ther 12 How thynke ye? Yf a man had an
weren to summan an hundrid sheep, hondred shepe, and one of them shuld
and oon of hem shall erre, wher he shal goo astray, will he not leve nynty and
nat leeue nynty and nyne in desert, nyne in the mountains, and go and seke
and .shal go for to seeke that that that won which is gone astray?
erride 1 i
_ 13 And if it befalle that he fynde it, 13 If it happen that he fynd him,
trewly I seie to 30u, for he shal ioye veryly I say vnto you, he reioyseth
theron more than of nynty and nyne more of that shepe then of the nynty
that erriden nat. and nyne which went not astray.

14 So it is nat will before youre fadir 14 Even so hit is nott the wyll of youre
that is in heuenes, that oon of these litil father in heuen, that won off this lytell
perishe. wons shulde perishe.
15 Forsoth 3if thi brother shal synne 15 Moreover yf thy brother trespas
in thee, go thou, and reproue hym,’ ayenst the, go, and tell hym his faute,
bitwixe thee and hym aloone ; sif he betwene hym and the alone; yf he
shal heere thee, thou hast wonnen thi heare the, thou hast wone thy brother.
16 Trewly 3if he shal nat heere thee, 16 But yf he heare the not, then take
take with thee oon or two, that euery with the won or two, that in the mouth
word stonde in the mouthe of two or of two or thre witnesses all sainges maye
three witnessis. stonde.
17 That 3if he shal nat heere hem, 17 Yf he heare not them, tell hit vnto
seie thou to the chirche. Forsothe sif the congregacion. Yf he heare not the
he shal not heere the chirche, be hee to congregacion, take him as an hethen
thee as an hethen and a puplicane. man and as a publican.
18 I seie to 30u trewli, what euere 18 Verely I say vnto you, whatsoever
_thingis 3ee shulen bynde vpon erthe, ye bynde on erth, shalbe bounde in
‘tho shulen be bounden and in heuenes ; heven ; and whatsoever ye lose on erth,
"and what euere thingis 3ee shulen vn- shalbe losed in heven.
bynde vpon erthe, tho shulen be vn-
Sbounden and in heuenes.
19 Eftsoone I seie to 30u, that 3if two 19 Agayn I say vnto you, that if two
of 30u shulen consente on the erthe, of off you shall agre in erth, in eny maner
euery thinge whateuer thei shulen axe, thinge whatsoever they shall desyre, hit
it shal be don to hem of my fadir that shalbe geven them of my fader which is
is in heuenes. in heven.
20 For where two or three shulen be 20 For where two or thre are gadered
gedrid in my name, ther I am in the togedder in my name, there am I in the
midil of hem. myddes off them.
21 Thanne Petre, cummynge niz to 21 Then cam Peter to hym, and
hym, seide, Lord, hou ofte shal my sayde, Master, howe ofte shall my brother
brother synne in me, and I shal forgeue trespas ageynst me, and I shall foryeve
hym? Whether to seuen tymes? hym? Shall I forgeve hym seven tymes?
94 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [St. MATT.
22 På cwæþ se Hælend, Ne secge ie
dé, od seofon sidas ;ac od seofon hund
seofontigon sidon. t
23 Fordam ys heofena rice anlic dam
cyninge, de hys peowas geradegode.

24 And dá he det gerád sette, him

wees án broht, se him sceolde tyn þúsend
25 And dá he nefde hwanon he hyt
águlde, hyne hét hys hláford gesyllan,
and hys wif, and hys cld, and eall det

26 Da ástrehte se peow hyne, and cwep,

Hláford, gehafa gepyld on me, and ie.
hyt dé eall agylde.
27 Dá gemiltsode se hláford him, and
forgeaf him done gylt.

28 Dá se peowa üt-eode, he gemétte

hys efen-peowan, se him sceolde án hund
penega ; and he nam hyne dá, and for-
prysmede hyne, and ewzep, Agyf det dú
me scealt.
29 And dá ástrehte hys efen-peowa -
hyne and bed hyne, and dus cwep, -
Gepyldega, and ie hyt dé eall ágyfe. ,
30 He dá nolde; ae férde, and wearp
hyne on cweartern, od det he him eall
31 Da gesáwon hys efen-peowas det, .
dá wurdon hig swyde ge-unrótsode.
And comon, and sédon hyra hláforde
ealle da dæde.

32 Da clypode hys hláford hyne, and

cwæþ to him, Ealá du lypra þeowa,
eallne dinne gylt ie dé forgeaf, fordam
de dú me beede.
33 Hú ne gebyrede dé gemiltsian
dinum efen-peowan, swá swa ic dé
34 Da wes se hláford yrre, and sealde
hyne dam witnerum, od det he eall
agulde. sA
35 Swá dép min se heofonlica fæder,
gyf ge of eowrum heortum eowrum
bródrum ne forgyfap. d
XVIII. 22-35.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 95
22 Jhesus seith to hym, T seie nat to 22 Jesus sayd vnto hym, I saye nott
thee, til seuen sithis; but to seuenty vnto the, seven tymes; but seventy
sythis seuene sithis. tymes seven tymes.
23 Therfore the kingdom of heuenes 23 Therefore is the kyngdom off heven
is liekened to a man kyng, that wolde lykened vnto a certayne kynge, which
putte resoun with his seruauntis. wolde take a countes of his servauntes.
24 And whanne he began for to putte 24 And when he had begune to recken,
resoun, oon was offrid to hym, that won was browghte vnto hym, whiche
owste to hym ten thousand talentis. ought hym ten thousande talenttes.
25 Trewly whanne he hadde nat wher- 25 But when he had nought to paye,
of to 3elde, his lord comaundide hym to the lord commaunded him to be solde,
be sold, and his wif, and sonys, and alle and his wyfe, and his children, and all
_ thingis that he hadde, and to be payed. that he had, and payment to be made.
26 Forsothe the ilk seruaunt, fallynge 26 The servaunt fell doune, and be-
doun, preide hym, seyinge, Haue pa- sought hym, sainge, Syr, yeve me re-
cience in me, and alle thingis I shal spyte, and I vyll paye hit every whit.
seelde to thee.
27 Sothely the lord of that seruaunt 27 Then had the lorde pitie on the
hauynge mercy, leete hym,! and forsaue servaunt, and lowsed hym, and forgave
to hym the dette. hym the dett.
28 Trewly thilk seruaunt gon out, 28 The same servaunt went out, and
fonde oon of his euen seruauntis, that founde wone off his felowes, which ought
ou3te hym an hundrid pens; and he, hym an hundred pence; and leyed
- holdynge hym, stranglide hym, seyinge, hondes on hym, and toke hym by the
3eld that thou owist. throote, sainge, Paye that thou owest.
29 And his euen seruaunt preiede hym, 29 And his felowe fell doune and
seyinge, Haue pacience in me, and alle besought hym, saynge, Have pacience
thingis I shal quyte to thee. with me, and I wyll paye the all.
30 Forsothe he wolde nat; but wente, 30 And he wollde not; but went, and
and sent hym in to pryson, til that he cast hym into preson, tyll he shulde
paide al the dette. paye the dett.
31 Sothely his euen seruauntis, seeynge 31 When his other felowes sawe what
the thingis that weren don, gretely was done, they were very sory. And
hadden sorowe. And thei camen, and cam, and tolde vnto there lorde all that
tolden to her lord alle the thingis that had happened.
weren don.
- 32 Thanne his lord clepide hym, and 32 Then the lorde called him, and
seide to hym, Weyward seruaunt, I sayde vnto hym, O evyll servaunt, Y
forjaf to thee al the dette, for thou forgave the all that dett, because thou
preidist me. praydest me.
33 Therfore wher it behouede nat 33 Was it not mete also that thou
and thee to haue mercy on thi euen shuldest have had compassion on thy
seruaunt, as I hadde mercy of thee? folow, even as Y had pitie on the?
34 And his lord wroth, tok hym to 34 And his lorde was wrooth, and
tourmenturs, til that he paiede al the delyvered hym to the ioylers, tyll he
dette. shulde paye all that was due to hym.
35 So and my fadir of heuen shal do 35 So lyke wyse shall youre hevenly
to 30u, sif 5e forseue nat euery man to father do vnto you, yf ye wyll notforgeve
ls brother, of 5oure hertis. with youre herttes, eache won to his
brother there treaspases.
—— MÀ
—— É c
GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. Marr.
Cuar. XIX. 1 And dá se Hælend
ge-endode das spræca, he férde fram
Galilea, and com on Iudeisce endas
| begeondan Iordanen.
2 And hym fyligdon mycele mænegu,
and he hig gehælde deer.
3 Da genealæhton him to Farisæi, hyne
costnigende, and ewedon, Is alyfed æn-
egum menn hys wif to forlætenne, for
ænegum þinge?
4 Da andswarode he him, Ne rædde
ge, se de on fruman worhte, he worhte
wæp-mann and wif-mann ?

5 And cwæþ, Fordam se mann forlætt

feeder and módor, and hyne to hys
wife gepeot; and beop twegen on ánum
6 Witodiice ne synt hig twegen, ae án
flæsc. Ne getwéme nan mann da de
God gesomnode.

7 Da ewédon hig, Hwi hét Moyses,

sylan hiw-gedáles bóc, and hig for-
læton ?

8 Da cwæþ he, Moyses, for eower he-

ortan heardnesse, lyfde eow eower wif to
forlétenne; sóþlice næs hyt on frympe
9 Sóþlice ic secge eow, swá hwá swa
forlett hys wif, büton for forligere, and
Oder fetap, se unryht-hémp ; and se de
forictene efter him nymp, se unriht-

10 Da cwædon hys leorning-enihtas,

Gyf hyt swá ys dam menn mid hys wife,
ne fremap nánum menn to wifienne. `
11 Da cwep he, Ne underfóp ealle
menn dis word ; ac dam de hyt geseald
S Soplice synd belistnode, de of hyra
módor innodum cumap; and eft synd
belistnode, [da men de man belistnap,
and eft! synd belistnode,] de hig sylfe
belistnodon, for heofena rice. Under-
nyme se, de undernyman mage.

13 Da wæron him gebrohte lytlingas

to, det he hys hand on hig ásette, and
XIX. 1-13.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, r526. 97
Crap. XIX. 1 And it is don, whenne | Crap. XIX. 1 And it folowed, when
Jhesus hadde eendide these wordis, he | Jesus had fynysshed those sayinges, he
passide fro Galilee, and to the gat hym from Galile, and cam in to the
eendis of Judee ouer Jordan. coostes off lewry beyonde Jordan.
2 And manye cumpanyes of men sueden 2 And moche people folowed hym, and
hym, and he helide hem there. he healed them theare.
3 And Pharisees camen ni3 to hym, 3 Then cam vnto hym the Pharises, to
temptynge hym, and seyinge, Wher it tempte hym, and sayde to hym, Ys hit
be leeful for a man for to leeuet his lawfull for a man to put a waye his
wijf, of what euer cause? wyfe, for all manner off causes!
4 The whiche answerynge seith to 4 He answered and sayde vnto them,
hem, Han nat 3ee rad, for he that made Have ye not redde, howe that he which.
. men at the bygynnynge, male and female made man at the begynnynge, made
he made hem ? them man and woman ?
5 And he seide, For this thing a man 5 And saide, For thys thinge shall a
shal leeue fadir and modir, and he shal man leve father and mother, and cleve
cleuet to his wif; and thei shulen be vnto his wyfe; and they twane shalbe
two in oo flesh. won flesse.
6 And so thei ben nat now two, bot 6 Wherfore nowe are they not twayne,
oo flesh. Therfore a man departe nat but won fleshe. Let not man therefore
that thing that God enioynyde.! put asunder that which God hath cup-
pled to gedder.
4 Thei seyen to hym, What thanne 7 Then sayde they to hym, Why did
'eomaundide Moyses, to 3eue a litil boke Moses commaunde, to geve vnto her a
of forsakynge, and to leeue off? testimoniall of divorsement, and to put
her a waye?
. 8 And he seith to hem, For Moyses, 8 He saide vnto them, Moses, because
at the hardnesse of zoure herte, suffride of the hardnes of youre hertes, suffred
3ou forsake 30ure wyues ; forsothe at you to put awaye youre wyfes ; but
the begynnyng it was nat so. from the begynnynge hit was nott so.
9 Trewly I seie to 30u, that who euer 9 I saye therefore vnto you, whosoever
leeueth his wif, no but for fornicacioun, putteth awaye his wyfe, except hit be
and weddith an other, doth a vowtrie ; for fornicacion, and maryeth another,
and he that weddith the forsaken wife, breaked wedlocke ; and whosoever mari-
doth avowtrie. eth her which is divorsed, doeth commyt
REpee 10 His disciplis seien to hym, 3if the 10 Then spake his disciples to hym,
cause of a man with a wijf is so, it Yff the matter be so betwene man and
speedith nat to wedde. wyfe, then is it not good to mary.
11 The whiche seith to hem, Nat alle rr He sayde vnto them, All men can
men taken this word ; but to which it not awaye with that saynge; but they
is 3ouen. to whom it is geven.
12 Sothely there ben geldyngis, the 12 There are chaste, which were su
—whiche ben thus born of the modris borne out of the mothers belly ; and
wombe ; and there ben geldyngis, that there are chaste, which be made of men,
ben maad of men, and there ben geld- and there be chaste, which have made
yngis, that han geldid hem self, for the them selves chaste, for the kyngdom off
kyngdam of heuenes. He that may heveus sake. He that can take it, lett
take, take he. hym take it.
13 Thanne litil children weren offrid 13 Then were brought to hym yonge
vp to hym, that he shulde putte hondis | chyldren, that he shulde put his hondes
: H
98 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
hig gebletsode. Da preadon hys leorn-
ing-cnihtas hig.
14 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Lætaþ da
lytlingas, and nelle ge hig forbéodan
cuman to me; swylera ys heofena rice.

15 And dá he him hys handa on-ásette,

dá férde he danon.
16 And dá genealæhte him án man to,
and cwæþ, Lá góda láreow, hwæt gódes
dó ic, dst ic éce lif hæbbe ?

17 Da ewep he, Hwæt axast dú me be

góde* An God ys gód. Sóplice gyf dú
wylt on lif becuman, heald da beboda.
18 Da cwæþ he, Hwylee? Da cwæþ se
Hælend, Ne dó da mann-slyht, ne dó
dú unryht-hæmed, ne stel du, ne sege -
dú leáse gewittnysse ;

19 Wurpa dinne fzeder and módor, and

lufa dinne nehstan swá dé sylfne.

20 Da cwæþ se geonga, Eall dis ic

geheold, hwzet ys me gyt wana?

21 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Gyf da wylt

beon fullfremed, gá, and becyp eall det
dü ahst, and syle hyt pearfum, and
donne hæfst dú gold-hord on heofone ;
and cum, and folga me.
22 Dá se geonga mann gehyrde dis
word, dá eode he áweg unrót, sóplice he
hæfde mycele æhta.

23 Witodlice se Hælend cwæþ to hys

leorning-cnihtum, Sóþlice ie eow secge,
dæt earfoþlice se welega gæþ on Godes
24 And eft ic eow secge, deet eadelicre
byþ dam olfende to ganne purh nædle
eage, donne se welega on heofona rice
^28 Da hys leorning-cnihtas dis gehýrd-
on, hig wundrodun, and ewédon, Hwa
m:eg dis gehealdan?
26 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Uneadelie dæt
ys mid mannum ; ac ealle þing synt mid
Gode eadelice.*
XIX. 14-26.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 99
to hem, and preie. Sothely his disciplis on them, and praye. And his disciples
blameden hem. rebuked them.
I4 But Jhesus seith to hem, Suffre 3e 14 Jesus sayde vnto them, Suffre the
litil childre cume to me, and nyl se for- chyldren, and forbid them not to come
bede hem for to come to me; for of to me; ffor vnto suche belongeth the
siche is the kyngdam of heuenes. kingdome off heven.
15 And whenne he hadde putte to hem 15 And when he had put his hondes
hondis, he wente thennus. on them, he departed thence.
16 And loo! oon, cummynge to, seith 16 And beholde! won cam, and sayde:
to hym, Good maister, what of good vnto hym, Good master, what good
thing shal I do, that I haue euerlastynge thinge shall I do, that I maye have
1 eternal lyfe?
17 The which seith to hym, What axist 17 He sayde vnto him, Why callest
thou me of good thing? There is oo thou me good? "There is none good but
good God. For sif thou wolt entre in won, and that is God. But and thou wilt
to lif, kepe the comaundementis. entre in to lyfe, kepe the commaund-
18 He seith to hym, Whiche? Trewly 18 He sayde, Which? And Jesus sayde,
Jhesus seide, Thou shalt nat do man Thou shalt not kyll, thou shalt not breake
sleaynge, thou shalt nat do avowtrie, wedloocke, thou shalt not steale, thou
thou shalt nat do thefte, thou shalt nat shalt nott beare falce witnes ;
seye fals witnessinge ;
19 Worshipe thi fadir and thi modir, 19 Honoure thy father and mother, and
and thou shalt looue thi neigbore as thi thou shalt love thyne neghbour as thy
self. sylfe.
20 The 3ung man seith to hym, I haue 20 The yonge man sayde vnto him, I
kepte alle these thingis fro my 3outhe, have observed all these thinges from my
what sit failith to me? youth, what have Y more to do?
21 Jhesus seith to hym, 3if thou wolt 21 Jesus sayde vnto him, Yf thou wylt
be perfit, go, and selle alle thingus that be perfecte, soo, and sell that thou hast,
thou hast, and 3eue to pore men, and | and geve it to the povre, and thou shalt
thou shalt haue tresour in heuene ; and have treasure in heven; and come, and
cum, sue thou me. folowe me.
22 Forsothe whenne the sung man 22 When the yonge man herde that
hadde herde these wordis, he wente awey sayinge, he went a waye morninge, for
sorwful, for he was hauynge many pos- he had greate possessions.
23 Forsothe Jhesus seide to his dis- 23 Jesus sayde then vnto his disciples,
ciplis, I seie to 30u trewthe, for a riche Verely I saye vnto you, a ryche man
man of hard shal entre in to the kyng- shall with difficulte enter into the kyng-
dam of heuenes. dome of heven.
24 And eftsone I seie to sou, it is 24 And moreover I saye vnto you, it
lister? a camel for to passe thorw3 a is easier for a camell to go through the
nedelis eise, than a riche man to entre eye of a nedle, then for a ryche man to
into the kyngdam of heuenes. enter into the kingdome of heven.
25 Treuly these wordis herd, the dis- 25 When his disciples herde that, they
ciplis wondriden gretely, seyinge, Who were exceedingly amased, sayinge, Who
therfore may be saaf ? then can be saved?
26 Forsothe Jhesus beholdynge seide 26 Jesus behelde them and saide vnto
to hem, Anentis men this thing is im- them, With men this is vnpossyble ; but,
possible ; but anentis God alle thingis with God all thinges are possyble.
ben possible.
100 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, gos. [Sr. Marr.
27 Da andswarode Petrus and ewæþ,
Nú! we forléton ealle ping, and folgod-
on dé; hweet byþ us to mede?

28 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Sop ic eow

secge, dzet ge de me folgodon, on edcen-
ninge donne mannes sunu sitt on hys
mægen-þrymme, det ge sittap ofer twelf
setl, démende twelf mægþa Israhel.

29 And slc de forlæt, for minum naman,

hys hüs, odde hys gebródru, odde swus-
tra, odde feeder, odde módor, odde wif,
odde bearn, odde land, be hund-fealdon
he onfehp lean, and hæfþ éce lif.

30 Sóplice manega fyrmeste beop ytem-

este, and ytemeste fyrmeste.

Crap. XX. 1 Sóplice heofona rice ys

gelic dam hiredes ealdre, de on ærne
mergen út-eode, áhýrian wyrhtan on
hys win-geard.
2 Gewordenre. gecwydrédene dam
wyrhtum, he sealde ælcon ænne penig
wid hys dæges weorce, he ásende hig on
hys win-geard.
3 And dá he út-eode embe undern-tide,
he geseah ódre on strate idele standan.

4 Da cwæþ he, Ga ge on minne win-

geard, and ie sylle eow det riht byþ.
And hig dà férdon.

5 Eft he üt-eode embe da sixtan, and

nigopan tide, and dyde dam swa gelice.

6 Dà embe da endlyftan tide he üt-

eode, and fünde odre standende ; and da
sæde he, Hwi stande ge hér ealne deg
idele ?
7 Da ewedon hig, Fordam de us nan
man ne hyrode. Da cwæþ he, And ga
ge on minne win-geard. *

8 Schlice da hyt wes æfen geworden,

4a sede se win-geardes hlaford hys ge-
retan, Clypa da wvrhtan, and ágyf hym
XIX. 27.-XX. 8.] WYCLIFFE, 1384. TYNDALE, 1526, 10;
27 Thanne Petre answerynge seide to 27 Then answered Peter and saide to
hym, Loo! we han forsaken alle thingis, him, Beholde! we have forsaken all,
aud we han sued thee; what therfore and have folowed the; what shall we
shal be to us? have ther fore ?
28 Jhesus forsothe seide to hem, Trewly 28 Jesus sayde vnto them, Verely I
Y seye to 30u, that 3e that han forsaken saye to you, thatt ye which have folowed
alle thingis, and sued me, in regenera- me, in the seconde generacion when the
cioun? whenne mannes sone shall sitte sonne off man shal syt in the seate of
in the sete of his mageste, and 3e shulen his maieste, shall syt also vppon xij
sitt on twelue setis,* demynge the twelue seates, and iudge the xij trybes off
kynredis of Yrael. Israhel.
29 And euery man that shal forsake 29 And whosoever forsaketh housse,
hous, or bretheren, or sistren, or fadir, or brethren, or systers, other father, or
or modir, or wif, or sonys, or feeldis, mother, or wyfe, or children, or lyvelod,
for my name, he shal take an hundrid for my names sake, the same shall re-
fold, and shal welde euere lastynge lyf. ceave an hundred folde, and shall inheret
everlastynge lyfe.
30 Forsothe many shulen be, the firste 3o Many that are fyrste shalbe laste,
the laste, and the laste the firste. and the laste shalbe ffyrste.

CHAP. XX. 1 The kyngdam of he- Cmar. XX. 1 For the kyngdom off
uenes is lic to an husbond man, that heven ys lyke vnto an houssholder, which
wente out first erly,* to hyre workemen went out erly in the morninge, to hyre
in to his vyne 3erd. labourers into hys vynyarde.
2 Forsothe the couenaunt maad with 2 And he agreede with the labourers,
workmen, of a peny for the day, he for a peny a daye, and sent them into
sente hem in to his vyne 3erd. his vynyarde.
3 And he, gon out about the thridde 3 And he went out about the thyrde
hour, say other stondynge ydil in the houre, and sawe other stondyng ydell in
chepyng. the market place.
4 And he seide to hem, Go and 3ee in 4 And sayd vnto them, Go ye also into
to my vyne 3erd, and that that shal be my vynyarde, and whatsoever is right,I
rigtful, I shal 3eue to 30u. Sotheli thei wil geve you. And they went there
wenten forth. way.
5 Forsothe eftsoone he wente out aboute 5 Agayne he went out about the syxte,
the sixte hour, and the nynethe, and and nynthe houre, and dyd lyke wyse.
dide on liche manere.
6 But aboute the elleuenthe houre he 6 And he went out aboute the eleventhe
wente out, and foond other stondynge; houre, and founde other stondynge ydell ;
and he seide to hem, What stonden 3e | and sayde vnto them, Why stonde ye
her ydil al day? here all the daye ydell?
7 Thei seien to hym, For no man hath 7 They sayde vnto hym, Because no
hirid us. He seith to hem, Go and 3e in man hath hyred vs. He sayde to them,
to my vyne 3erd. Goo ye alsoo into my vynyarde, and
whatsoever shalbe right, that shall ye
8 Forsothe whenne euenynge was maad, 8 When even was come, the lorde of
the lord of the vyne 3erd seith to his the vyneyarde sayde vnto hys steward,
procuratour, Clepe the workmen, and Call the labourers, and geve them their
102 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAZON, 995. (St. Marr,
heora méde, ágynn fram dam ytemestan,
od done fyrmestan.
9 Eornostlice dá de* gecomon, de embe
da endlyftan tide comon, dá onfengon
hig ælc his pening.
10 And dà de der Ærest comon wénd-
on, det hig sceoldon mare onfon, da
onféngon hig syndrige penegas.

11 Da ongunnon hig murcnian ongén

done hiredes ealdor,

t2 And dus ewedon, Das ytemestan

worhton ane tide, and da dydest hig
gelice us, de baron byrdena on dises
dæges hætan.
13 Da cwæþ he, andswarigende hyra
ánum, Ealá dú freond, ne dó ie dé
nænne teonan; hú ne come dü to me
to wyrceanne wið ánum peninge ?
r4 Nim det din ys, and gá; ic wylle
dysum ytemestum syllan, eal swá mycel .
swa dé.
15 Odde ne mót ic dôn det ie wylle?’
Hweeder de din eage mánful ys, fordam :
de ic gôd eom?
16 Swá beop da fyrmestan ýtemeste,,
and da ytemestan fyrmeste ;sóþlice man-:
ega synt geclypede, and feawa gecorene,t
17 Da férde se Hælend to Hierusalem,.
and nat hys leorning-cnihtas onsundron, .
and dus cwæþ.
18 Nu! we farap to Hierusalem, and.
mannes sunu byþ geseald dæra sacerda .
ealdrum, and bócerum ; and hig genyd- -
eriap hyne to deape,

19 Peodum to bysmrigenne, and to:

swingenne, and to áhónne; and dam
pryddan dæge he árist.

20 Dá com to him Zebedeis bearna

módor mid hyre bearnum, hig ge-ead-
médende, and sum ping fram him bid-
21 Da cwæþ he, Hwæt wylt dú?! Ðá.
cwæþ heo, Sege det dis mine twegen
suna sittan, án on dine swidran healfe,.
and àn on dine wynstran, on dinum.
22 Ðá andswarode him se Hælend,
Gyt nyton hwæt gyt biddap. Mage gyt-

XX. 9-22.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 103

selde to hem her hijre, bygynnynge at hyre, begynnyng at the laste tyll thou
the laste til to the firste. come to the fyrste.
9 Therfore whenne thei weren com- g And they whiche were hyred aboute
men, that camen about the elleuenth the eleventhe houre cam, and receaved
hour, and thei token synguler pens.* every man a peny.
ro Trewly and the firste cummynge to Then cam the fyrst, supposyng that
demeden, that thei weren to take more, they shulde receave mooare, and they
trewly and thei token echon by hym silf like wyse receaved every man a peny.
& peny.
11 And thei takynge grutcheden a3eins 1r And when they had receaved it they
the husbond man, grudged agaynst the good man of the
12 Seyinge, These laste diden worche 12 Sayng, These laste have wroght
oon our, and thou hast maad hem euen but one houre, and thou hast made them
to vs, that han born the charge of the equall vnto vs, which have born the
day and hete. burthen and heet of the daye.
13 And he answerynge to oon of hem, 13 He answered to one of them, saynge,
seide, Frend, I do thee no wronge; Frende, I do the no wronnge ; dyddeste
whether thou hast nat accordid with me thou not agre withe me for a penny !
for a peny ?
14 Take that that is thine, and go; I4 Take that which is thy duty, and
forsothe Y wole 3eue and to this the goo thy waye; I will geve vnto this
laste man, as and to thee. last, as moche as to the.
15 Wher it is nat leful to me for to do 15 Ys yt not lawfull ffor me to do as
that that I wole? Wher thin eije is me listeth with myne awne? Ys thyne
wickid, for I am good? eye evyll, because I am good?
16 So there shulen be the last men the 16 Soo the laste shalbe fyrste, and the
firste, and the firste men the laste ; for Íyrste shalbe laste ; for many are called,
many ben clepid, bot few chosun. and feawe be chosen.
17 And Jhesus, steyinge vp to Jerusa- 17 And Jesus ascended to Jerusalem,
lem, toke his twelue disciplis in priuytee, and toke the xij disciples aparte in the.
and seith to hem, way, and sayde to them,
18 Loo! we gon vp to Jerusalem, and 18 Loo! we goo vp to Jerusalem,
mannes sone shal be taken to princis of and the sonne off man shalbe betrayed
prestis, and scribis; and thei shulen vnto the chef prestes, and vnto the
condempne hym by deth. serybes; and they shall condemne hym
to deeth.
19 And thei shulen bitake hym to 19 And shall delivre hym to the gen-
hethen men, for to be scornyd, and tils, to be mocked, to be scourged, and
scourgid, and crucified ; and the thridde to be crucified; and the third day he
day he shal ryse agein. shall ryse agayne. ]
20 Thanne the modir of the sonis | 20 Then cam to hym the mother off
of Zebede came nij to hym with hire Zebedes children with her sonnes wor-
sonys, honourynge, and axinge sume shippynge him, and desyrynge a cer-
thing of hym. tayne thynge off hym.
21 The whiche seide to hir, What 21 He sayde vnto her, What wylt thou
wolt thou? She seith to hym, Seie that have? She sayde vnto hym, Graunte
these two my sonys sitten, oon at thi that these my two sonnes maye sitt, one
riz3thalf, and oon at thi lefthalf, in thi on thy right hond, and the other on thy
kyngdam. lifte honde, in thy kyngdom.
22 Forsothe Jhesus answerynge seide, 22 Jesus answered and sayd, Ye wot
3e wyten nat what 3e axen, Mowen 5e not whatt ye axe. Are ye able to
194 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
drincan done calic de ic to drincenne
hebbe?? . ... . Da cwædon hig, Wyt

23 Da cwep he, Witodlice gyt minne

calic drincap ; . . . to sittanne on mine
swydran healfe odde on wynstran, nys
me ine to syllanne ; ac dam de hyt fram
minum feeder gegearwod ys.

24 And da da tyn leorning-cnihtas

gebuleon wid da twegen gebródru. `
25 Da clypode se Hælend hi to him,
and cwæþ, Wite ge, det ealdor-menn
wealdap hyra peoda, and da de synt
yldran, habbap anweald on him.

26 Ne byþ swa betweox eow; ac swa

hwyle swá wyle betweox eow beon yldra,
sy he eower pén ;
27 And se de wyle betweox eow beon
fyrmest, sy he eower peow.
28 Swá mannes sunu ne com det him
man pénode, ac det he pénode, and
sealde his sawle lif to alysednesse for
29* And da hig férdon fram Hiericho,
him fyligde mycel menegu.

eee30 And dá sæton twegen blinde wid
done weg, and gehyrdon det se Hælend
férde; and da clypodon hig to him, and
ewedon, Drihten, gemiltsa une, Dauides
31 Da bead seo menegu him, det hig
süwodon; dá clypodon hig des de má,
Drihten, gemiltsa unc, Dauides sunu.

32 Da stód se Hælend, and clypode

hig to him, and cwæþ, Hwæt wylle gyt
deet ie inc dó?
33 Da eweedon hig, Drihten, det uncre
eagan sin ge-oponede.
34 Da gemiltsode he him, and hyra
eagan æt-hrán; and hig sóna gesáwon,
and fyligdon him.

Cnar. XXL* 1 And dá he genealæhte

Hierusalem, and com to Bethfage, to
XX. 23.-XXI.1.] WYCLIFFE, 1589. TYNDALE, 1526. 105
drynke the cuppe that I am to drynke? | drynke off the cuppe that Y shall drynke
of, [and to be baptised with the bap-
Thei seien to hym, We mowen, tim that Y shalbe baptised with ?] They
answered to him, That we are.
23 He seith to hem, Forsothe 3e shal 23 He sayd vnto them, Ye shall drynke
drynke my cuppe; but to sitte at the of my cupe, and shalbe baptised with
risthalf or at lefthalf, it is nat myn to the baptim that Y shall be baptysed
3eue to 30u; but to whiche it is made with ; but tosyt on my ryght hond and
redy of my fadir. on my lyft hond, is not myne to yeve;
but to them for whom it is prepared of
my father.
24 And the ten herynge hadden indig- 24 And when the ten herde this they
nacioun of the two bretheren. desdayned att the two brethren.
25 Sothely Jhesus clepide hem to hym, 25 But Jesus called them vnto hym,
and seith, 3e witen, for princis of heithen and saide, Ye knowe, that the lordes of
men ben lordis of hem, and thei that the gentyls have dominacion over them,
ben more, hawnten power in to hem. and they that are great, exercise power
over them.
26 It shal nat be so among 30u ; bot 26 It shall not be so amonge you ; but
who euere wole be maad more among whosoever wyll be greate among you,
3ou, be he 5oure mynystre ; let hym be youre minister ;
27. And who euere amonge 30u wole 27 And whosoever wilbe chefe, let
be firste, he shal be 3oure seruaunt. him be youre servaunt.
28 As mannes sone came nat for to be 28 Even as the sonne off man cam not
'serued, but for to serue, and for to 3eue to be ministred vnto, butt to minister,
his soule* redempcioun for many. and to geve his lyfe for the redempcion
off many.
29 And hem goynge out of Jerico, 29 And as they departed from Hierico,
manye cumpanyes of peple sueden hym. moche people folowed hym.
30 And loo! two blynd men sittynge 30 And beholde! two blynde men
besidis the weye, herden that Jhesus syttinge by the way syde, when they
passide ; and thei crieden, seyinge, Lord, herde that Jesus passed by, cryed, say-
the sone of Dauyth, haue mercy on vs. inge, Master, the sonne off David, have
mercy on vs.
31 Forsothe the cumpanye blamyde 31 And the people rebuked them, be
. hem, for to be stille ; and thei crieden cause they shulde holde there peace;
j more and more, seiynge, Lord, the sone but they cryed the moare, sayinge, Have
. of Dauyth, haue mercy on vs. mercy on vs, Master, which arte the
sonne off David.
32 And Jhesus stood, and clepide hem, 32 Then Jesus stode styll, and called
and seith, What wole 3e, that I do to them, and sayde, What will ye, that Y
30u? shall do to you?
33 Thei seien to hym, Lord, that oure 33 They said vnto hym, Master, that
eisen be openyd. oure eyes maye be opened.
34 Forsothe Jhesus, hauynge mercy on 34 Jesus pitied them, and touched
hem, touchide her eisen; and anoon thei there eyes ; and immediatly theire eyes
sayen, and sueden hym. receved syght, and they folowed hym.

Cumar. XXI. 1 And whanne Jhesus Cuar. XXI. 1 When they drewe nye
came ni5 to Jerusalem, and cam to Betn- vnto Jerusalem, and were come to Bet-
106 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. Mart.
Oliuetes düne, dá sende he hys twegen
2 And sæde him, Farap on det castel
det foran ongean eow ys, and donne
sóna finde gyt ane assene getiggede, and
hyre folan mid hyre ; untigeap hig, and
lædaþ to me. -
3 And gyf hwá eow ænig þing to ewyp,
secgeap, det Drihten hæfþ dyses neode ;
and donne forlæt he eow hrædlice.

4 Eall dis wes geworden, det were

gefylled det purh Esaiam done witegan
gecweden wees,
5 Secgeap heahnesse déhter, Nu! din
eyning dé cymp to, gedæfte, and rit up-
pan tamre assene, and hyre folan.

6 Da férdon hys leorning-enihtas, and

dydon swa he him bebead.
7 And léddon da assene to him, and
hyra folan, and lédon hyra reaf uppan
hig, and setton hyne an uppan.
8 Witodlice deet fole strehton hyra reaf
on done weg; sume heowun dæra treowa
bogas, and streowedon* on done weg.

9 Det fole det dar befóran férde, and

diet dar æfter férde, clypodon, and ewæd-
on, Hal sý di Dauides sunu; sj ge-
bletsod se de com on Drihtenes naman ;
sy him hæl on hehnessum.

to Da he férde to Ierusalem, dà wearp

eall seo burh-waru onstyred, and cwæd-
on, Hweet is des ?
ir Da cwæþ det fole, Dis ys se Hæl-
end, witega, of Nazareth on Galilea.

12 Ðá se Helend into dam temple

eode, he ádráf ut ealle da de ceapodon
innan dam temple ; and dara mynetera
sceamelas, and hyra setlu, dara de culf-
ran sealdon, he tobreec.
13 And cweep to him, Hyt ys áwriten,
Min hús ys gebed-hüs; witodlice ge
worhton det to peofa cote.

14 Da eodon to him da blindan and

da healtan, and he hi gehælde.

15 Witodlice dá dara sacerda ealdras

XXI 2-:5.] WYCLIFFE, 1289. TYNDALE, 1526. 107
fage, in the mount of Olyfeet, thanne phage, vnto mounte Olivete, then sent
Jhesus sente his two disciplis, Jesus two off his disciples,
2 Seyinge to hem, Go 3e in to the | 2 Sayinge to them, Go in to the toune
castel that is ajeinus 30u, and anon 3e | that lyeth over agaynste you, and anon
shal fynde a she asse tyed, and a colt ye shall fynde an asse bounde, and her
with hir; vnbynde 3e, and bryng to | colte with her; lose them, and bringe
me. them vuto me.
3 And sif eny man shal seie to 30u eny 3 And if eny man saye ought vnto you,
thinge, seie 5e, that the Lord hath need | saye ye, that youre Master hath neade
to hem ; and anoon he shal leeue hem. off them ; and streyght waye he will let
them go.
4 Trewly al this was don, that that 4 All this was donne, to fulfyll that
thing that was seid by the prophete which was spoken by the prophet, say-
shulde be fulfillid, seyinge, inge,
5 Beie 3e to the douster of Syon, Loo! 5 Tell yethe doughter of Sion, Beholde!
thi kyng cometh to thee, homly,* sitt- thy kinge commeth vnto the, meke, sitt-
ynge on an asse, and a fole, the sone of inge vppon an asse, and a colte, the foole
a beest vndir 300k. off an asse vsed to the yooke.
6 Forsothe disciplis, goynge, diden as 6 The disciples went, and did as Jesus
Jhesus comaundide hem. commaunded them.
4 And thei brousten to a she asse, and 7 And brought the asse, and the colte,
the fole, and puttiden her clothis on and put on then there clothes, and set
hem, and maden hym sitte aboue. him there on.
3 Forsothe ful muche cumpanye strew- 8 Many of the people spreed theire
| iden her clothis in the wey; sothely garmentes in the waie ; other cut doune
other kittiden braunchis of trees, and braunches from the trees, and strawed
‘strowiden in the weye. them in the waye.
9 But the cumpanyes that wenten be- 9 Moreover the people that went be-
"fore, and that sueden, crieden, seyinge, fore, and they also that cam after,
'Osanna* to the sone of Dauith; blessid cried, sayinge, Hosianna to the sonne of
David; blessed be he that commeth in
ís he that cummeth in the name of the
| Lord; Osanna in the hee3ist thingis. the name of the Lorde; Hosianna in
the hyest.
- ro And when he had entrid in to Jeru- 10 And when he was come in to Jeru-
‘salem, al the cite was stirid, seyinge, salem, all the cite was moved, sayinge,
„Who is this? Who ys this?
|— 11 Treuly the peplis seiden, This is rr And the people sayde, Thys ys
Jhesus, the prophete, of Nazareth of Jesus, the prophet, off Nazareth a cite
'Galilee. of Galile.
12 And Jhesus entride in to the temple 12 And Jesus went in to the temple of
„of God, and kest out of the temple alle God, and caste out all them that bought
sellynge and byinge; and he turnyde and solde in the temple; and overthrew
vpsadoun the bordis of chaungeris, and the tables of the mony chaungers, and
the chaiers of men sellynge culueris. the seates of them that solde doves.
13 And he seith to hem, It is writen, 13 And saide to them, It is written,
My hous shal be clepid an hous of Mine housse shalbe called the housse off
preiere ; forsothe 5e han made it a prayer; butt ye have made it a denn of
denne of thefes, theves.
14 And blynde and erokid camen ni3 14 And the blinde and the halt cam
to hym in the temple, and he helide to hym in the temple, and he healed
hem. them.
15 Forsothe the princis of prestis and 15 When the chefe prestes and scribes
108 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. Mara.
and da bóceras gesáwon da wundru de
se Hælend worhte, and gehyrdon hu da
cild clypodon on dam temple, and eweed-
on, Sy Dauides sunu hal, dà wæron hig
16 And ewadon, Gehýrst dü hwæt das
ewedap? Da cwæþ he, Witodlice ;ne
reddon ge néfre, Pú fulfremedest lof, of
cilda, and of sucendra* múþe ? |

17 And he forlét hi dá, and férde of

dere byrig, to Bethania ; and lerde hi
dar be Godes rice.

18 On morgen, da he eft to dere

byrig fór, dà hingrede hyne.
19 And he geséh án fic-treow wid
done weg, dá eode he to him, and ne
fünde on him büton da leaf áne; dà
ewæþ he, Ne wurde næfre weastm of
dé acenned. Ðá sóna forscrane det
20 And his leorning-enihtas wundrod-
on, and ewadon, Loca nú há hreedlice
diet fic-treow forscranc.
21 Da andswarode he him, and ewsep,
Sóþ ic eow secge, gyf ge habbap geleaf-
an, and ne twyniap, ne dó ge na dzet án
be dam fic-treowe, ac eac deh ge ewedon
to disum münte, Ahefe dé upp, and feall
innan da sæ. i

22 And ealles des de ge biddap ge

beop tipa, gyf ge gelyfap.*
23 Da he com into dam temple, da
comon dara sacerda ealdras .......
him to, and ewedon, On hwylcere mihte
wyrest du das ping? and hwá sealde de
disne anweald ?

24 Da andswarode se Hælend him and

cwæþ, And ie áhsige eow anre spræce,
gyf ge me da spræce secgeap, donne
secge ic eow, on hwyleum anwealde ic
das ping wyrce.
25 Hwæðer wes Iohannes fulluht;
de of heofonum, de of mannum? Da
cwædon hig betwux him, Gyf we
xod CIF secgap of heofone, donne ewyp he,
XXI. 16.-25.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 105
scribis, seeynge the marueilouse thingis | sawe the marveylles thatt he dyd, and
that he dide, and children cryinge in the chyldren cryinge in the temple, and
the temple, and seiynge, Osanna to the sayinge, Hosianna to the sonne of David,
sone of Dauith, dedeyneden, they desdayned,

16 And seiden to hym, Heerist thou 16 And sayde vnto hym, Hearest thou
what these seyen? Sothely Jhesus seith what these saye? Jesus sayde vnto them,
to hem, 3he ; wher 3e han nat rad, For Have ye never redde, Off the mouth off
of the mouth of children? and of souk- babes and suckelinges, thou haste or-
ynge mylk, thou hast made parfite deyned prayse!
17 And, hem forsaken, he wente forth 17 And he lefte them, and went out of
out of the citee, in to Detanye; and the eite vnto Dethani; and passed the
there he dwelte, and tau3te hem of the tyme there.
kyngdam of God.
18 Forsothe on the morw, he, turn- 18 In the mornynge, as he returned
ynge agein in to the citee, hungride. in to the cite ageyne, he hungred.
19 And he, seeynge a fige tree bysidis 19 And spyed a fygge tree in the waye,
the weye, came to it, and fonde no and cam to it, and founde nothinge there
thing ther on no but leeuys oonly ; and on but leves only; and said to it, Never
he seith to it, Neuer be fruyt born of frute growe on the, hence forwardes. And
thee, in to with outen eende. And anon the fygge tree wyddered awaye.
anoon the fijge tree was dried vp.
20 And disciplis seeynge, wondreden, 20 And when his disciples sawe that,
seyinge, Hou anon it driede. they marvelled, sayinge, How sone is
the fygge tree wyddered awaye.
21 Sothely Jhesus answerynge, seith to | 21 Jesus answered, and sayde vnto
hem, Trewly I seye to 30u, 5if 5e shulen them, Verely I saye vnto you, yff ye
han feith, as a corn of seneuey, and shall have fayth, and shall not dout, ye
douten nat, nat oonly 3e shulen do of shall nott only do that which Y have
this fijge tree, bot and sif 5e seien to done to the fygge tree, but also yf ye
this hill, Take thee, and caste thee in shall saye vnto this mountayne, Take
to the see, and so 1t shal be don. thy silfe a waye, and cast thy silfe in to
the see, it shalbe done.
22 And alle thingis what euer 3e 22 And whatsoever thinge ye shall axe
shulen axe in preier byleuynge, see in youre prayers if ye beleve, ye shall
shulen take. receave hit.
23 And whenne he came in to the 23 And when he was come into the
temple, the princis of prestis and eldre temple, the chefe prestes and the seni-
men of the peple camen nij to hym ores of the people cam vnto him as he
techynge, seyinge, In what power dost was teachinge, and sayde, By what
thou these thingis? and who 3af to thee auctorite doest thou these thinges? and
this power ? who gave the this power?
24 Jhesus answerynge seide to hem, 24 Jesus answered and sayde vnto
And I shal axe 30u o word, the whiche them, I also wyll axe of you a certayne
sif 5e shulen seie to me, and I shal question, which if ye asoyle me, Y in
seie to 30u, in what power I do these lyke wyse wyll tell you, by what auc-
thingis. torite I do these thinges.
25 Of whennes was the baptem of 25 Whence was the baptim of Jhon; .
Joon ; of heuene, or of men? And thei from heven, or of men? And they
thou3ten with inne hem self, seyinge, | thought in themselves, sayinge ; Yf we
3ifwe shulen seie of heuene, he shal | shall saye from heven, he wyll saye
110 GOTHIC, 36o. ANGLO-SAXON, 695. [ST. Marr.
Forhwam ne gelýfde ge him?

26 Gyf we secgap of mannum, we

ondrédap dis fole, ealle hig heefdon.
Tohannem for anne witegan.
27 Da andswaredon hig and ewedon,
We nyton. Da ewep he, Ne ic eow ne
secge, of hwyleum anwealde ic das ping
28 Hú pinep eow? A'n mann heefde
twegen suna; dá cwæþ he to dam yld-
ran, Suna, gá and wyrce to deg on
minum win-gerde.

29 Dacwep he, Ic nelle; . .. s 2. 2

eode deh syddan to dam win-gerde.

30 Da cwep he eal swá to dam ôd-

rum. Ðá andswarude se him, and ewzep,
Hláford, ic gá ; and ne eode swa deah.

31 Hwæðer dara twegra dyde des

feder willan? Da ewædon hig, Se
[yldra.]t Ðá cwæþ se Hælend to him,
Sóp ie eow secge, det manfulle and —
myltystran gap befóran eow on Godes
32 Iohannes com on ryhtwisnesse wege,
and ge ne gelyfdon him; witodlice
mánfulle and myltystran gelyfdon. And
ge gesáwon, and ne dydon syddan nane
dxd-béte, det ge gelyfdon on him.

33 Gehyrap nú óðer bigspel.t Sum

hiredes ealdor wees, se plantode win-
gerd, and betynde hyne, and sette deer |
on win-wringan, and getimbrode anne
stypel, and gesette done myd eorp-tylion,
ond férde on elpeodignysse.
34 Da dera weastma tid genealæhte,
da sende he hys peowas to dam eorp-
tylion, det hig onféngon his wæstmas. —
35 Da namon hig hys peowas, and
swungon sumne, sumne hi ofslógon,
sumne hig oftorfodon.

36 Da sende he eft óðre þeowas, sélran

donne dam ærran w&ron, dà dydon hig
dam gelice.
37 Æt nyhstan he sende hys sunu hym
XXI. 26-37.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. isl
sele to vs, Whi therfore beleuen 5e nat vnto vs, Why dyd ye not then beleve
to hym? hym?
26 Sothely sif we shulen seie of men, 26 But and iff we shall saye of men,
we dreden the eumpanye of peple, for then feare we the people, for all men
alle hadde Joon as a prophete. helde Jhon as a prophet.
27 And thei answerynge to Jhesu 27 And they answered Jesus and sayde,
seiden, We witen nat. And he seith We cannot tell. He lyke wyse sayd
to hem, Nether I seie to 30u, in what vnto them, Nether tell I you, by what
power I do these thingis. auctorite Y do these thinges.
28 Forsothe what semeth to 30u? Sum 28 What saye ye to thys? A certayne
man hadde two sonys; and he cum- man had ij sonnes; and cam to the
mynge ni3 to the firste seide, Sone, go elder sayinge ; Go and worke to daye in
for to worche this day in to myn my vyneyarde.
29 Sothely he answerynge seith, I 29 He answered and sayd, I wyll not ;
nyle; forsothe afterward he stirid by but afterwarde repented, and went.
penaunce,* wente.
30 Forsothe he,. cummynge to the 30 Then cam he to the seconde, and
tother, seide lic maner. And he an- sayde lyke wyse. And he answered and
swerynge seith, Lord, I go; and he sayde, I wyll, Syr ; yet went he not.
. wente nat.
31 Who of the two dide the fadris 31 Whedder of these ij fulfylled there
| will? Thei seien to hym, The firste. fathers wyll? And they sayde vnto
Jhesus seith to hem, Trewly I seie to hym, The fyrst. Jesus sayde vnto them,
30u, for puplicanys and hooris shulen Verely I saye vnto you, that the pub-
go before 3ou in to the kyngdam of lieans and the harlotes shal come into
God. the kyngdome off God before you.
32 Forsothe Joon cam to 3ou in the 32 For Jhon cam vnto you in the waye
weye of rigtwisnesse, and 5e bileeueden of righte wesnes, and ye beleved hym
nat to hym ; but puplicanys and hooris not; but the publicans and the whoores
beleueden to hym. Sothely 5ee seeynge beleved hym. But ye though ye sawe
nether hadde don penaunce afterward, it, yet were not moved with repentaunce,
that 3e bileeuyden to hym. that ye myght afterwarde have beleved
33 Heere 3e an other parable. Ther 33 Herken another similitude. There
„was an husbondman, that plantide a was a certayne housholder, whych set a
Jvyne serd, and 3aue an hegge aboute, vyneyarde, and hedged it rounde about,
-and dalue a pressour therynne, and and made a wynpresse in it, and bilt a
bildide a toure, and hiride* 4£ to erthe tower, and lett it out to husbandmen,
tiliers, and wente ferre in pilgrimage. and went in to a straunge countre.
34 Forsothe whenne the tyme of fruytis 34 And when the tyme of the frute
neizide, he sente his seruauntis to the drewe neare, he sent his servauntes to
erthe tiliers, that thei token fruytis of the husbandmen, to receave the frutes
it. of it.
35 And, his seruauntis taken, the erthe 35 And the husbandmen caught his
tiliers beeten the toon, an other thei servauntes, and bet won, kylled another,
slewen, but another thei stoonyden to and stoned another.
36 Eftsones he sente other seruauntis, 36 Againe he sent other servauntes,
mo than the firste, and liche maner moo then the fyrst, and they served
thei diden to hem. them lyke wyse.
37 Forsothe at the laste he sent his 37 But last of all he sent vnto them
112 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. |St. Marr.
to, and cwæþ, Hig forwandiap det hig
ne dón minum suna swa.
38 Witodlice dá da tylian done sunu
gesáwon, dá ewedon hig betwyx hym,
Des ys yrfenuma, uton gan, and ofslean
hyne, and habban us hys æhta.

39 Dá námon hig, and ofslógon hyne,

and áwurpon widütan done win-geard.

4o Hweet dép des win-geardes hláford

dam eorp-tylion, donne he cymp?

41 Da ewadon hig, He fordép da yfel-

an mid yfele, and gesett hys win-gerd
mid ódrum tilion, de him hys wæstm
hyra tidum àgyfon.

42 Pa cwæþ se Hælynd, Ne rædde ge

næfre on gewritun, Se stan de da timbri-
endan áwurpon, ys geworden to dere
hyrnan heafde? Dys ys fram Drihtne
geworden, and hyt ys wundorlie on
ürum eagum.
43 Fordam ic secge eow, det eow byþ
ætbroden Godes rice, and byþ geseald
deere peode de hys earnap.

44 And se de fylp uppan dysne stan,

he byp tobrysed ;and he tobrysp done,
de he on uppan fylp.

45 Da dera sacerda ealdras and da

Pharisei dys bigspel gehyrdon, da on-
géton hig det he hit seede be him. |
46 Hi sóhton hyne, and ondrédon dæt
fole, fordam de hi hæfdon hyne for ænne

Cuar. XXII. 1 Da sæde he hym

eft óder bigspell, and dus cweep.

2 Heofona rice ys gelic gewurden dam .

cyninge de macode hys suna gyfta.

3 And sende his peowas and clypode

da geladodan to dam gyftum, dá noldon
hi cuman.
4 Da sende he eft odere peowas, and
XXI. 38.-XXII.4.) WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 113
sone to hem, seyinge, Thei shuier:| hys awne sonne, sayinge, They wyil
shame! my sone. reare my sonne.
38 Sothely the erthe tiliers, seeynge 38 When the husbandmen sawe his
the sone, seiden with ynne hem self, sonne, they sayde amonge them selves,
This is the eire ;cume 3e, slea we hym, Thys ys the heyre; come on, lett vs
and we shulen haue his eritage. kyll hym, and lett vs take hys inheryt-
aunce to oure selves.
39 And, hym taken, thei kesten out of 39 And they caught hym, and thrust
the vynserd, and slewen. him out of the vyneyarde, and shlewe
40 Therfore whenne the lord of the 40 When the lorde of the vyneyarde
vyneserd shal cume, what shal he do commeth, what wyll he do with those
to the ilk erthe tiliers? husbandmen ?
41 Thei seien to hym, He shal lese 41 They sayde vnto hym, He will evyll
yuele the yuel men, and sette to hire destroye those evyll persons, and wyll
his vyneserd to other erthe tiliers, the lett out hys vyneyarde vnto other hus-
- whiche shulen 3elde to hym fruytis in bandmen, whych shall delyver hym his
her tymes. frute att tymes convenient.
42 Jhesus seith to hem, Redden 3e 42 Jesus saide vnto them, Dyd ye
neuer in scripturis, The stoon the whiche never redde in the scriptures, The same
beldynge men reproueden, this is maad stone which the bylders refused, is set
in to the heued of the corner? Of the in the princypall parte of the corner?
Lord this thing is maad, and it is mer- This was the Lordes doinge, and yt is
-. ueilous in oure eisen. mervelous in oure eyes.
43 Therfore I seie to 30u, for the 43 Therfore saye I vnto you, the king-
kyngdam of God shal be taken fro 3ou, dome of God shalbe taken from you,
and shal be 3ouen to a folk doinge and shalbe geven to the gentyls which
fruytis of it. shall brynge forth the frutes off it.
_ 44 And he that shal falle on this stoon, 44 Aud whosoever shall fall on thys
shal be broken togidre; forsothe vpon stone, shalbe alto broken ; and whom-
whom it shal falle, it shal togidre poune soever thys stone shall fall oppon, he
shall grynde him to powder.
45 And when the princis of prestis 45 And when the chefe prestes and
and Pharisees hadden herde his parablis, Pharyses herde his similitudes, they
thei knewen that he seide of hem. perceaved that he spake of them.
46 And thei, seekynge to holde hym, 46 And they went about to laye
dreden the cumpanyes of peple, for thei hondes on hym, but they feared the
- hadden hym as a prophete. people, because they counted hym as
a prophet.

Cuap. XXII. 1 And Jhesus answer- Cuar. XXII. 1 And Jesus answered
= ynge seide eftsone in parablis to hem, and spake vnto them agayne in simili-
seiynge, tudes, sayinge,
2 The kyngdam of heuenes is maad lic 2 The kyngdome of heven is lyke vnto
to a man kyng that made weddingus to a certayne kinge which maryed his
his sone. sonne.
3 And he sente his seruauntis for to 3 And sent forth his servauntes to call
clepe men beden to the weddyngis, and them that were byd to the weddinge,
thei wolden nat cume. and they wolde nott come.
4 Eftsoone he sente other seruauntis, 4 Ageyne he sentt forth other ser-
i I
114 GOTHIC 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. Mare
sede dam geladedon, Nú ! ic gegearwode
mine feorme, mine fearras and mine fug-
elas synt ofslegene, and ealle mine ping
synt gearwe ; cumap to dam gyftum.

5 Da forgymdon hig det, and férdon,

sum to hys tüne, sum to hys mang-
6 And da óðre námon hys peowas, and
mid teonan geswencton, and ofslógon.

7 Da se cyning, det gehyrde, dá wees

he yrre; and sende hys here to, and
fordyde da manslagan, and hyra burh
8 Da cwep he to hys peowum, Witod-
lice das gyfta synt gearwe,! ac da de
geladode wæron, ne synt wyrde.

9 Gap nú witodlice to wega gelætum,

and clypiap to disum gyftum, swá
hwylce swá ge geméton.
io Dá eodon da peowas üt on da
wegas, and gegaderedon ealle da de hig -
gemétton, góde and yfele ; dà wærun
da gyft-hüs mid syttyndum mannum
11 Ha eode se cyning in, det he wolde
geseon da de der s&ton; dà geseah he
der ænne mann de næs mid gyftlicum
reafe gescryd.
12 Da cwæþ he, Lá freond, hümeta
eodest du in, and næfdest gyftlic reaf?
Da gesúwode he. :

13 And se cyning cwæþ to hys pénon,

Gebindap hys handa and hys fét, and
wurpap hyne on da üttran pystro ; der
byp wóp and tópa gristbitung.

14 Witodlice manega synt geladode,

and feawa gecorene.!
r5 Dá ongunnon da Pharisei reédan,
det hig woldon done Hælendon hys
spræce befón.
16 Da sendon hi him hyra leorning-
enihtas to, mid dam Herodianiscum,
and dus eweedon, Lareow, we witon dst -
dú eart sópfzst, and du lærest Godes .
weg myd sopfeestnysse, and dú ne wand-
ast for nánum menn, ne dü ne besceaw-
ast nánes mannes had,
XXIL 5-16.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 115
seiynge, Scie 3ee to the men beden to vauntes, sayinge, Tell them which are
the feeste, Loo! I haue made redy my bydden, Lo! I have prepared my dyn-
mete, my boles and volatilis ben slayn, ner, myne oxen and my fatlinges are
and alle thingis redy ; cumme 3e to the kylled, and all thinges are redy ; come
weddyngus. vnto the mariage.
5 Sothely thei dispisiden,t and thei 5 They made light of it, and went their
wenten awey, oon in to his vyneserd, wayes, won to his ferme place, another
forsothe an other to his marchaundise. about his merchandyse.
6 But the other helden his seruauntis, 6 The remnaunt toke his servauntes,
and slowen hem, ponished with contek. and intreated them vngoodly, and slewe
4 Forsothe the kyng, whenne he hadde 7 When the kinge herde that, he was
herde, was wroth; and, his hoostis sente, wroth ; and sent forth his warryers, and
he loste* the man quellcrs, and brente distroyed those murtheres, and brent
her citee. vppe theire cite.
8 Thanne he seith to his seruauntis, 8 Then sayde he to hys servauntes,
Sothely the weddyngis ben redy, but The weddinge was prepared, butt they
thei that weren clepid to the feeste, which were bydden there to, were not
weren nat worthi. worthy.
9 Therfore go 3ee to the outgoyngis 9 Go ye therefore out in to the hye
of weyes, and whom euere 5e shulen ways, and as many as ye fynde, byd
fynde, clepe to the weddyngis. them to the mariage.
to And his seruauntis, gon out in to 10 The servauntes went out in to the
the weyes, gedreden togidre alle that wayes, and gaddered togedder as many
thei founden, good and yuel; and the as they coulde fynde, booth good and
weddyngis of men sittynge at mete ben bad ; and the weddinge was furnysshed
fulfillid. with gestes.
11 Forsothe the kyng entride, that 11 The kinge cam in, to viset hys
he shulde see men sittynge at mete; gestes ; and spyed there a man which
and he see3 there a man nat clothid had not on a weddinge garment.
with brijd clothis.
12 And he seith to hym, Frend, hou 12 And sayde vnto hym, Frende, howe
entridist thou hidir, nat hauynge brijd camyst thou in hydder, and hast not on
clothe? And he was doumbe. a weddyng garment? And he was even
13 Thanne the kyng seide to the my- 13 Then sayde the kynge to hys minis-
= mystris, His hondis and feet bounden, ters, Take and bynde hym hande and
sende 3ee hym into vttermore derk- fote, and caste hym into vtter dercknes ;
nessis; there shal be weepyng and there shalbe wepinde and gnassinge of
betyng to gidre of teeth. teth.
14 Forsothe many ben clepid, but fewe r4 For many are called, and feawe be
chosen. chosen.
15 Thanne Pharisees, goynge awey, 15 Then went the Farises, and toke
token a counseile, that thei shulden counsell, howe they myght tangle him
take Jhesus in word. in his wordes.
16 And thei senden to hym her dis- 16 And sent vnto him there disci-
eiplis, with Erodyanys,' seiynge, Maister, ples, with Herodes servauntes, sayinge,
we witen, that thou art sothfast, and Master, we knowe, that thou arte true,.
thou techist in trewthe the weye of God, and that thou teachest the waye of God
and there is no cure* to thee of eny trueli, nether carest for eny man, for:
man, for thou beholdist nat the persoone thou consydrest nott mennes estate,
f of men, |
"M |
| A
118 GOTHIC, 360, ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Marr.
17 Sæge us, hwæt pinch dé. Ys hyt
alyfed det man Casere gafol sylle, de
18 Dá se Hælend hyra fáen gehyrde,
dá ewæþ he, Lá licceteras, hwi fandige
ge min Í
19 Æt-ýwaþ me des gafoles mynyt.
Da brohton hi him anne penine.

20 Da cwæþ se Hælend to him, Hwæs

anlienys ys dis, and dis ofergewrit?
21 Hig cwædon, Des Caseres. Ðá
cwæþ he, Agyfab dam Casere da ping
de dæs Casyres synt, and Gode da ping
de Godes synt.

22 Da hig det gehýrdon dá wundrod-

on hig; and forléton hyne, and férdon
23 On dam dæge comon to him Sad-
ucei, da secgeap det nan ærýst ne sy,
and hig acsedon hyne,
24 And cwædon, Láreow, Moyses sæde,
gyf hwa dead syg, and bearn næbbe,
deet his brodor nyme hys wif, and stryne
hym bearn.
25 Witodlice myd us wæron seofun
gebrcdru ; and se forma fette wif, and .
forp-ferde. And læfde hys bréder his
wif bütan bearne ;
26 And se óder ealswá, and se prydda,
od done seofopan. l
27 Da æt sidemestan, forp-ferde det
28 Hwylees dera sufona byþ det wif,
on dam æriste! ealle hig hæfdon hig.

29 Da andswarode se Hælend hym and

eweep, Ge dweliap, and ne cunnon hálige
gewritu, ne Godes mægen.

30 Witodlice ne wifiap hig, ne hig ne

ceorliap, on dam ærýste; ac hig synt.
swylce Godes englas on heofone.

31 Ne rædde ge, be deadra manna

&ryste, det eow fram Gode gesæd was,

32 Ic eom Abrahames God, and Isááces

God, and Iacobes God? nys God ná
deadra, ac lybbendra.
XXII. 17-32.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, :526. 117
17 Therfore seie to vs, what it semeth 17 Tell vs there fore, howe thynkeste
to thee. Is it leful to 3eue to Cesar! thou. Is it lawfull to yeve tribute vnto
rente1* Cesar, or not ?
18 Forsothe, the wickednesse of hem 18 Jesus perceaved there wylynes, and
knowen, Jhesus seith, Ypocritis, what sayde, Why tempte ye me, ye ypocrytes?
tempten 3ee me ?
19 Shewe 5ee to me the prynte of the 19 Lett me se the tribute money.
moneye. And thei offriden to hym a And they toke hym a peny.
20 And Jhesus seith to hem, Whos is 20 And he sayde vnto them, Whose
this ymage, and the wrytyng aboue ? ys thys ymage, and superscripcion?
21 Thei seyen to hym, Of Cesar. 21 They sayde vnto hym, Cesars. Then
Thanne he seith to hem, Therfore selde sayde he vnto them, Geve therefore to
„see to Cesar tho thingis that ben Ces- Cesar that which is Cesars, and geve
aris, and to God tho thingis that ben vnto God that which is Goddes.
of God.
22 And thei heerynge wondreden ; aud, 22 When they herde that they mar-
hym laft, thei wenten awey. velled ; and lefte hym, and went there
23 In that day Saducees, that seyen 23 The same daye the Saduces cam
there is no rysyng a3ein, camen ni3 to vnto hym, which saye that there is no
hym, and axiden hym, resurreccion, and they axed hym,
24 Seyinge, Maister, Moyses seide, 3if 24 Saynge, Master, Moses bade, if a
eny man be dead, nat hauynge a sone, man dye, havinge no chyldren, that the
that his brother wedde his wyf, and brother mary his wyfe, and reyse vppe
reyse seed to his brother. seed vnto his brother.
25 Forsothe seuen bretheren weren at 25 There were with vs seven brethren;
vs; and the first, a wijf weddid, is dead. the fyrst maried, and dyed with out
And he nat hauynge seed, left his wijf ysshewe. And lefte hys wyfe vnto hys
to his brother; brother;
26 Also the secounde, and the thridde, 26 Lyke wise the seconde, and the
til to the seuenthe. thryd, vnto the seventhe.
_ 27 Forsothe the laste of alle, and the 27 Laste of all, the woman dyed also.
womman is dead.
'28 Therefore in the rysynge a5ein, 28 Nowe in the resurreccion, whose
whos wijf of the seuene shal she be? wyfe shall she be of the vij ? for all had
for alle hadden hir. her.
- 29 Sothely Jhesus answerynge seith to 29 Jesus answered and sayde vnto
hem, 3ee erren, nether knowynge the them, Ye are deceaved, and knowe not
Scripturis, nether the vertu of God. what the scripture meaneth, nor yett the
vertue of God.
30 Forsothe in the rysyng a3eyn, 30 For in the resurreccion, they nether
neither thei wedden, nether ben weddid ; mary, nor are maryed ; but are as the
but thei ben as the aungelis of God in angels of God in heven.
31 Sothely of the rysynge asein of 31 As touchynge the resurreccion off
dead men, 3ee han nat rad, that it is the deed, have ye nott redde, what ys
seid of the Lord, seyinge to 30u, sayde vnto you off God, which sayeth,
32 I am God of Abraham, and God of 32 I am Abrahams God, and Ysaaks
Ysaae, and God of Jacob? he is nat God, and the God of Jacob? God ys-
God of deed men, but of lyuynge men. nott the God of the deed, but of the
118 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. ST. Marr.
33 Da det fole det gehyrde, da
wundredon hig hys láre.*
34 Da da Phariseiscan gehyrdon, det
he hét da Saduceiscan stylle beon, da
eodon hig togædere.
35 And án, de wes dere 2 láreow,
acsode hyne, and fandode hys, dus
cwedende, |
36 La láreow, hwet ys det mæste
bebod on Gere ?
37 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Lufa Drihten
dinne God, on ealre dinre heortan, and
on ealre dinre siwle, and on eallum
dinum móde.
38 Dis ys det mæste and det fyrmeste
39 Oder ys dysum gelie ; Lufa dinne
nehstan swá swa dé sylfne.

40 On dysum twám bebodum byp

gefylled eall seo æ.
41 Da da Phariseiscan gegaderode
wæron, dà cwæþ se Hælend,
42 Hweet pinch eow be Criste, hwæs |
sunu ys he? Hig cwædon, Dauides.

43 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Hwi elypap -

Dauid hyne on gáste Drihten, and -
ewyp, -
44 Drihten ewep to minum Drihtne
Site on mine swydran healfe, od dæt ic
gesette dine fynd dé to fót-sceamole 1
45 Gyf Dauid hyne on gáste Dryhten—
clypap, hú ys he hys sunu?
46 Da ne mihton hig him nan word
andswarian, ne nan ne dorste of dam
dæge, hyne nan ping mare &csian.

Cuar. XXIII. 1 Da spree se Hæl-

end to dam folce, and to hys leorning-
2 And cwep, Bóceras and Pharisei
sæton ofer Moyses láreow-setl.
3 Healdap, and wyrceap, swá hwset swá
hig secgeap. And ne dó ge ná æfter
heora worcum; hig seegeaþ, and ne dóp.

4 Hig bindap hefige byrdyna, de man

{ áberan ne meg, and lecgeap da uppan
XXII. 33.-XXIII. 4.) WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 119
33 And the cumpanyes of peple heer- 33 And when the people herde that,
ynge, wondreden in his techynge. they were astonyed at hys doctrine.
34 Forsothe Pharisees, heerynge that 34 When the Pharises had herde howe
he hadde put silence to Saducees, camen that he had put the Saduces to silence,
to gidre in to oon. they drewe togedder.
35 And oon of hem, a techer of the 35 And won of them, whych was a
lawe, axede Jhesus, temptynge hym, doctour off lawe, axed him a question,
temptinge him, and sayinge,
36 Maistre, whiche is a greet maunde- 36 Master, whych is the grett com-
ment in the lawe? maundment in the lawe?
37 Jhesus seide to hym, Thou shalt 37 Jesus sayde vnto him, Thou shalt
loue the Lord thi God, of al thin love thy Lorde God, with all thyne
herte, and in al thi soule, and in al thi herte, wyth all thy soule, and with all
mynde. thy mynde,
38 This is the firste and the most 38 This is the fyrst and that grett
maundement. commaundment.
39 Forsothe the secounde is lic to 39 And there ys another lyke vnto
this; Thou shalt loue thi neigbore as thys; Thou shalt love thyne neghbour
thi self. as thy selfe.
40 In these two maundementis hangith 40 In thesetwo commaundmenteshange
al the lawe and prophetis. all the lawe and the prophettes.
41 Sothely the Pharisees gedrid to 41 Whyll the Pharises were gaddered
gidre, Jhesus axide hem, togedder, Jesus axed them,
42 Seyinge, What semeth to 30u of 42 Saynge, What thinke ye of Christ,
Crist, whos sone is he? Thei seyen to whose sonne is he? They sayde vnto
hym, Of Danith. hym, The sonne of David.
43 He seith to hem, Therfore hou 43 He sayde vnto them, Howe then
Dauith in spirit clepith hym Lord, doeth David in spirite call him Lorde,
seyinge, saynge,
44 The Lord seide to my Lord, Sitte 44 The Lorde sayde to my Lorde, Sytt
on my risthalf, til that I put thin on my ryght honde, tyll I make thyne
enmyes a stole of thi feet? ennemyes thy fote stole?
45 Therfore 3if Dauyd clepith him 45 Yf David call hym Lorde, howe is
Lord, hou is he his sone? he then his sonne?
46 And no man mist answere a word 46 And none of them coulde answere
to hym, nether eny man was hardy fro him ageyne one worde, nether durste
that day, for to axe hym more. eny man from that daye forth, axe hym
eny moo questions.

Cuar. XXIII. 1 Thanne Jhesus spac Cmar. XXIII. 1 Then spake Jesus
to the eumpanyes of peple, and to his to the people, and to hys disciples,
2 Seiynge, Vpon the chaier of Moyses, 2 Saynge, The scrybs and the Pharises
scribis and Pharisees seeten. sitt in Moses seate.
3 Therfore kepe 3ee, and do see alle 3 Whatsoever they byd you observe,
thingis, what euere thingis thei shulen that observe, and do. But after their
seie to 30u. But nyl see do after her workes do not; for they saye, and do
werkis ; sothely thei seien, and don nat. not.
4 Sothely thei bynden to greuouse 4 Ye and they bynde hevy burthens,
chargis, and vnportable,t and putten in and greveous to be borne, and ley them
120 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
manna exla; and nellap hig da mid
heora fingre æt-hrínan.

5 Halle heora wore hig dóp, det menn

hi geseon; hig tobrædaþ hyra heals-
béc,! and mærsiaþ heora reafa fnadu.

6 Hig lufigeap da fyrmestan setl on

gebeorscypum, and da fyrmestan láreow-
setl on gesamnungum ;
7 And det hig man gréte on strætum,
and det menn hig láreowas nemnon.
8 Ne gyrne ge det eow man láreowas
nemne ; án ys eower láreow, ge synt
ealle gebródru.

9 And ne nemne ge eow fæder ofer

eorpan, án ys eower feeder, se de on
heofonum ys.
10 Ne eow man ne nemne láreowas,
fordam án, Crist, is eower láreow.
11 Se de eower yldest sy, beo se eower
12 Witodlice se de hyne upp-áhefþ, se
byþ genyderod ; and se de hyne sylfne
ge-eadmét, se byþ up-áhafen.f
13 Wà eow, bócyras and Pharisei, lic-
ceteras, fordam ge belücap heofona rice
befóran mannum ; ne ge in ne gáp, ne
ge ne gepafiap dæt óðre ingán.

15 Wa eow, bócyras and Pharisei, lic-

ceteras, fordam ge befaraþ sé and eorp--
an, det ge dón anne ælþeodine; and
donne he geworden byp, ge gedóp hyne
helle bearn, twyfealdlicor donne eow.

16 Wa eow, blindan látteowas, ge sec-

geap, Swa hwyle swá swereþ on temple,
det ys.náht; swá hwá swá swereþ on
dees temples golde, se ys scyldig.

17 Ealá ge dysegan and blindan, hwæð-

er ys mare, de det gold, de det templ
de det gold gehálgap?
18 And swá hwá swá swerep on dam
weofode, det ys náht; swá hwyle swá
XXIII 5-18.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 121
to shuldres of men; but with her fyngir on mennes shulders; but they them
thei wolen nat moue hem. sylfe wyl not move them with one
5 Therfore thei don alle her werkis, 5 All there workes they do, for to be
that thei be seen of men; forsothe thei sene of men; they sett abroade there
alargen her filateries and magnyfie philateris, and make large borders on
hemmys. there garmenttes.
6 Sothely thei louen the first sittyng 6 And love to sytt vppermooste at
placis in sopers, and the first chaiers in feastes, and to have the chefe seates in
synagogis ; the synagogges ;
7 And salutaciouns in the chepyng, 7 And gretynges in the marketes, and
and to ben clepid of men maistirs. to be called of men rabi.
8 Sothely nyl 3ee ben clepid maistir; 8 But ye shall nott suffre youre selves
for oon is 3oure maistir, forsothe alle to be called rabi; for one ys youre
-3e ben brethren. master, that is to wytt Christ, and all
ye are brethren.
. 9 And nyl se clepe to 30u a fadir on 9 And call ye no man youre father on
erthe, for oon is 30ure fadir, that is in the erth, for one is youre father, and he
heuenes. is in heven.
10 Nether be 3e clepid maistirs, for 1o Be ye not called masters, for one
soon is our maistre, Crist. ys youre master, and he is Christ.
rr He that is more of 30u, shal be 11 He that is greateste amonge you,
, 5oure mynystre shalbe youre servaunte.
12 Forsothe he that shal hie hym self, 12 But whosoever exalteth hym silfe,
‘shal be mekid ; and he that shal meeke shalbe brought lowe; and he that sub-
hym self, shal ben enhaunsid. mitteth him silfe, shalbe exalted.
13 Sothely woo to 30u, scribis and 13 Wo be vnto you, scribs and Pharises,
Pharisees, ypocritis, for 3e closen the dissemblers, for ye sheet vp the kyng-
kyngdam of heuenes before men ; sothe- dom of heven before men; ye youre
ly 3e entren nat, ne suffre men entrynge selves goo nott in, nether suffre ye them
for to entre. that come to enter in.
14 Woo to 30u, scribis and Pharisees, 14 Wo be vnto you, scribes and Pha-
ypocritis, that eten the housis of widues, rises, for ye devoure widdowes houses,
in longe preier preyinge ; for this thing and that vnder a coloure of praying
3e shulen take the more dom. longe prayers ;wherfore ye shall receave
greater damnacion.
4 15 Woo to 3ou, scribis and Pharisees, 15 Wo be vnto you, scribes and Pha-
_ ypoeritis, that cumpasen the se and the rises, ypocrites, for ye compasse see and
lond, that 3ee maken o proselite ;* and londe, to brynge one in to youre belefe ;
whanne he shal be maad, 3e maken hym and when ye have brought him, ye
a sone of helle, double more than 30. make hym two folde more the chylde
off hell, then ye youre selves are.
16 Woo to 30u, blynde lederis, that 16 Wo be vnto you, blynd gides, for
seien, Who euere shal swere by the ye saye, Whosoever sweare by the tem-
temple of God, no thing is ; sothely he ple, yt ys nothinge ; but whosoever
that shal swere in the gold of the temple, sweare by the golde of the temple, he is
owith.* detter.
17 3ee folis and blynde, forsothe what 17 Ye foles and blinde, whether is
is more, the gold, or the temple that greater, the golde, or the temple that
- .halowith the gold? sanctifyeth the golde?
18 Aud who euer shal swere in the 18 And whosoever sweareth by the
auter, no thing is; but he that shal aulter, it is nothinge ; but whosoever
122 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [fir Marr.
swerep on dere offrunge de ofer det
weofod ys, se ys gyltig.
19 Ealá ge blindan, hwæðer ys mare,
de offrung, de det weofod de gehálgap
da offrunge ?
20 Witodlice se de swerep on weofode,
he swerep on him, and on eallum dam
de him ofer synt.
21 And se de swerep on temple, he
swerep on him, and on dam de him on-
22 And se de swerap on heofonan, he
sweryp on Godes prym-setle, and on
dam de ofyr det sitt.
23 Wa eow, bóceras and Pharisei, lic- -
ceteras, ge de teodiap mintan, and dile,
and cumyn, and ge forléton da ping de
synt hefigeran dere æ, dóm, and mild-
heortnysse, and geleafan. Das ping hyt
gebyrede dæt ge dydon, and da ódre ne
forléton. i
24 Lá blindan látteowas, ge drehnigeap
done enæt áweg, and drincap done olfend. '
25 Wa eow, bóceras and Pharisei, lic-
ceteras, fordam ge clænsiaþ dzet widütan —
ys, caliceas and discas ; and ge synt in-
nan fulle reafláces and unclænnysse.

26 Falá dá blinda Phariseus, clænsa

æryst deet widinnan ys calices and disces, -
dæt hyt si clæne dæt widütan ys. 3

27 Wå eow, bóceras and Pharisei, lic-

ceteras, fordam ge synt gelice hwitum
byrgenum, da þinceaþ mannum útan
wlitige; and hig synt innan fulle de-
adra bána, and ealre fylpe.
28 And swá ge ætýwaþ mannum útan
rihtwise ; innan ge synt fulle liecetunge
and unrihtwisnesse.

29 Wa eow, bóceras and Pharisei, lic-

ceteras, ge de timbriap witegena byrg-
ena, and glengap rihtwisra gemynd-
30 And ge ewedap, Gyf we wæron on
tire feedera dagum, næron we heora ge-
féran on Gera witegena blódes gyte. -

31 Witodlice ge synt eow sylfum to

gewitnysse, det ge synt dera bearn de
ofslógon da witegan,
XXIII. 19-31.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 123
swere in the sifte that is on the auter, sweareth by the offeringe that lyeth on
owith. the aultre, ys detter.
19 Blynde men, forsothe what is more, I9 Ye foles and blinde, whether is
the sift, or the auter that halowith the greater, the offeringe, or the aultre
sifte? whych sanctifyeth the offeringe?
20 Forsothe he that swerith in the 20 Whosoever therfore sweareth be
auter, swerith in it, and alle thingis that the aultre, sweareth bi it, and by all
ben theron. that there on is.
21 And he that swerith in the temple, 21 And whosoever sweareth by the
swerith in it, and in hym that dwellith temple, sweareth by it, and by hym that
in the temple. dwelleth there in.
22 And he that swerith in heuene, 22 And he that sweareth by heven,
swerith in the trone of God, and in hym sweareth by the seate of God, and by
that sittith theron. hym that sytteth thereon.
23 Woo to 30u, scribis and Pharisees, 23 Wo be to you, serybes and Pha-
ypocritis, that tithen mente, anete, and rises, desemblers, for ye tythe mynt,
comyn, and han lefte tho thingis that annys, and commen, and leave the
ben greuouser' of the lawe, dom, and waygthtyer mattres of the lawe ondone,
mercy, and feith. And these thingis it iudgement, mercy, and fayth. These
behofte* for to do, and not to leeue ought ye to have done, and not to have
hem. lefte the othre ondone.
24 Blynde leders, clensynge a gnatte, 24 Ye blinde gydes, which strayne out
but swolowynge a camel. a gnat, and swalowe a cammyll.
25 Woo to 30u, scribis and Pharisees, 25 Wo be to you, scrybes and Pharises,
ipocritis, that maken clene that thing of ypocrites, for ye make clene the vtter
the cuppe and plater, that is with out- side off the cuppe and off the platter ;
forth ; forsothe with ynne 3e ben ful of but with in they are full of brybery and
raueyne and vnclennesse. excesse.
26 Thou blynd Pharisee, clense first 26 Thou blynde Pharise, clense fyrst
that thing of the cuppe and plater that that which is with in the cuppe and the
is with ynneforth, that and that thing platter, that the outsyde maye also be
that is with outenforth be maad clene. clene.
27 Woo to 30u, scribis and Pharisees, 27 Wo be to you, scrybes and Pharises,
ipocritis, that ben lie to sepuleris maad ypoerites, for ye are lyke vnto paynted
whijt, the whiche with outen forth semen tombes, which appere beautyfull out-
faire to men ; sothely with ynne thei ben wardes; but are with in full off deed
ful of boonys of dead men, and al filthe. mens bones, and of all fylthynes.
28 So and see forsothe with outen 28 So are ye, for outwardes ye appere
forth aperen iuste to men; but with rightous vnto men; when with in ye
. yune ee ben ful of ypocrisie and wickid- are full of dissimulacion and iniquite.
29 Woo to 30u, scribis and Pharisees, 29 Wo be vnto you, scribes and Pha-
ipocritis, that belden sepuleris of pro- rises, ypocrytes, ffor ye bilde the tombes
phetis, and maken faire the birielis of off the prophetes, and garnisshe the
| juste men, sepulchres off iuste men,
30 And seien, 3if we hadden ben in 30 And saye, Yf we had bene in oure
the dayes of our fadris, we shulden fathers tyme, we wolde not have bene
nat han be here felowis in the blood of partners with them in the bloud of the
prophetis. prophetes.
31 And so 5e ben in witnessyng to sou 31 So are ye witnesses vnto youre
self, for 3e ben the sonys of hem that selves, that ye are the children of them
slowen the prophetis. which killed the prophetes.

124 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [St. Marr.
32 And getylle ge det gemet eowra
33 Ealá ge næddran, and næddrena
cynn, hú fleo ge fram helle domet*

34 Ie sende to eow witegan, and wise

bóceras ;; and ge hig ofsleaþ, and hóp,
and swingaþ on eowrum gesomnungum,
and ge hig ehtap of byrig on byrig ;

35 Det ofer eow cume ele rihtwis

blód, de wees ágoten ofer eorpan, fram
Abeles blóde des rihtwisan od Zach-
arias blód, Barachias suna, done ge of-
slógon betwyx dam temple and dam
36 Sop ie eow secge, ealle das ping
cumap ofer das cneorisse.

37 Ealá Ierusalem, ealá Ierusalem,* dú

de da witegan ofslihst, aud mid stánum
oftorfast da de to dé ásende synt, swide
oft ic wolde dine bearn gegaderigan,
swa seo henn hyre cicenu under hyre
fyderu gegaderaþ, and dú noldest.
38 Witodlice nú! byþ eower hús eow
wéste forlæten.
39 Sóp ie secge eow, ne geseoþ ge
me heonon-forp, Zur de ge secgeon,
Sy gebletsod se, de com on Drihtnes

Cmar. XXIV. 1 And da se Hælend

üt-eode of dam temple; him to-genea-
læhton hys leorning-cnihtas, dæt hi him
setywdon des temples getimbrunge.

2 Da andswarode he him and cwæþ,

Geseop ge eall dis? Sop ic seege eow,
ne byþ hér læfed stan uppan stane, de
ne beo toworpen.

3 Da he sæt uppan Oliuetes düne, da

comon hys leorning-enihtas dihlice, and
cwedon, Sæge us, hwenne das ping
gewurdon, and hwyle tácn si dines
focymes, and worulde ge-endunge.
4 Dá andswarode he him ánd cweep,
i arnap] dæt eow nan ne beswice.
XXIII 32.-XXIV. 4.] WYCLIFFE, 389. TYNDALE: 1526. 95
32 And 5e fulfillen the mesure of »oure 32 Fulfyll ye lyke wyse the measure
fadris. of youre fathers.
| 33 3ee sarpentis, fruytist of eddris,* 33 Ye serpentes, and generacion of
hou shulen see flee fro the dom of vipers, howe shall ye scape the damp-
helle? nacion of hell?
34 Therfore loo! I sende to 3ou pro- 34 Wherfore beholde! Y sende vnto
phetis, and wise men, and scribis ;+ and you prophetes, wyse men, and scribes;
uf-hera 3ee shulen slee, and crucifie, and off them some shall ye kyll, and
und of hem 3e shulen bete in 3our syna- crucifie, and some shall ye scourge in
rogis, and shulen pursue fro citee in to youre synagogges, and persecute from
Atee ; cite to cite;
35 That al the iuste blode come vpon 35 Thatt all righteous bloud may fall
jou, that was shed on the erthe, fro on you, which was sheed apon the erth,
the blood of iust Abel til the blood of from the bloud of rightous Abell vnto
Zacharie, the sone of Barachie, whom the bloud of Zacharias, the sonne of
jee slowen bitwixe the temple and the Barachias, whom ye slewe betwene the
iuter, temple and the altre.
36 Trewli I seie to 3ou, alle these 36 Verely Y say vnto you, all these
thingis shulen come vpon this genera- thinges shall light apon this genera-
cioun. cion.
37 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that sleest 37 Hierusalem, Hierusalem, which kyll-
prophetis, and stonyst hem that ben est prophetes, and stonest them which.
sent to thee, hou oft wold I gedre to are sent to the, howe often wolde I have
-. gidre thi sonys, as an henne gedreth gaddered thy children to gedder, as the
| togidre hir chikenys vndir hir wengis, henne gaddreth her chickens vnder her
and thou woldist nat. wynges, but ye wolde not.
38 Loo! 5oure hous shal be lefte to 38 Beholde! youre habitacion shalbe
30u desert." lefte vnto you desolate.
39 Forsothe I seie to 30u, 3ee shulen 39 For Y saye vnto you, ye shall not
nat see me fro hennys forth, til that 3ee se me hence forth, tyll that ye saye,
seien, Blessid is he, that cumeth in the Blessed ys he, that commeth in the
name of the Lord. name off the Lorde.

Crap. XXIV. 1 And Jhesus, gon out Cuar. XXIV. 1 And Jesus went out,
of the temple, wente ; and his disciplis and departed from the temple ; and his
camen niz to hym, that thei shulden disciples cam to hym, for to shewe hym
shewe to hym the bildyngis of the the byldinge of the temple.
2 Forsothe he answerynge seith to 2 Jesus sayde vnto them, Se ye not
- hem, Seen see alle these thingis ? Trewly all these thinges? Verely Y saye vnto
lseie to 5ou, a stoon shal nat be lefte you, there shall not be here leeft one
here on a stoon, the whiche shal nat be stone vppon another, that shall not be
distruyed. destroyed.
3 Bothely hym sittynge on the hil of 3 And as he sat vppon the mount
Olyuete, disciplis camen niz to him Olivete, his disciples cam vnto hym
priuely, seiynge, Seie to vs, whanne thes secretly, sayinge, Tell vs, when this
thingis schulen be, and what tokene of shalbe, and what signe shalbe of thy
thi comynge, and of ending of the world. comminge, and of the ende of the worlde.
4 And Jhesus answeringe seide to hem, 4 And Jesus answered and sayde vnto
Se 5e, that no man disceyue 30u. them, Take hede, that no man desceave
128 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 965. [Sr. Marr.
5 Manega cumap on minum naman,
and cwedap, Ic eom Crist; and be-
swicaþ manega.
6 Witodlice ge gehýraþ gefeoht, and
gefeohta hlisan; warnigeap, det ge ne
beon gedréfede ; das ping sceolon ge-
weordan, ac nys donne gyt se ende.

7 Peod winp ongén peode, and rice

ongén rice, and mann-ewealmas beop,
and hungras, wide geond land, and eorp-
an styrunga ;
8 Ealle das ping synt dera sara an-
9 Donne syllap hi eow on. gedréfed-
nysse, and ofsleap eow, and ealle menn
eow hatigeap for minum naman.

ro And donne beop manega unge-

try wsode, and belæwaþ betwyx him, and
hatigap him betwynan.
11 And manega lease witegan cumaþ,
and beswicap manega.
12 And fordam de unrihtwisnys ricsab,
manegra lufu ácólap ;

13 Witodlice se de purhwunap od ende,

se byp hal.
14 And dis gódspel byp bodod ofer
ealle eorpan, on gewitnesse eallum pe-
odum ; and donne cymp seo ge-endung.

r5 Donne ge geseop da onsceonunge

deere toworpennysse, de se witega ge-
cwæþ, Daniel, dá he stód on háligre
stowe ; ongyte, se de hyt ræt;

I6 Fleon donne to müntum, da de on

Tudea-lande synt ;
17 And se de ys uppan hys hüse ne:
gá he nyder det he ænig ping on his.
hüse fecce ;
18 And se de is on æcere, ne cyrre he
deet he hys tunecan nyme.
19 Wa eacniendum and fédendum on.
dam dagum.

20 Biddap, æt eower fleam on wintra,.

odde on reste-dæge, ne geweorde.

.21 Witodlice donne byþ swá mycel ge-

deorf, swá næs of middan-geardes fruman.
XXIV. 5-21.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 127
5 Many schulen come in my name, 5 For many shall come in my name,
seyynge, l am Crist; and thei schulen sainge, Y am Christ ; and shall deceave
disceyue manye. many.
6 Sothly 3e ben to heere bateyls, and 6 Ye shall heare of warres, and of the
opynyouns of bateyls ; se 3e, that 5e ben noyse of warres ; but se, that ye be not
not distroblid ; forsoth it bihoueth thes troubled ; for all these thinges muste
thingis to be don, but not sit is the come to passe, but the ende is not yet.
7 Folk schal ryse to gidere asen folk, 7 For nacion shall ryse ageynste nacion,
and rewme in to rewme, and pestilencis, and realme ageynste realme, and there
and hungris, and erthemouyngis schulen shalbe pestilence, and honger, and erth-
be by placis ; quakes in all quarters ;
. 8 Forsothe alle thes thingis ben bigyn- 8 All these are the beginnynge off
nyngis of sorwis. sorowes,
9 Thenne thei schulen bitake 30u in to 9 Then shall they put you to trouble,
tribulacioun, and thei schulen slee 30u, aud shall kyll you, and ye shalbe hated
and 3e schulen be in hate to alle folkis off all nacions ffor my names sake.
for my name.
to And thanne manye schulen be to And then shall many fall, and shall
sclaundrid, and to gidere bitraye,! and betraye won another, and shall hate won
in hate haue to gidere. the other.
II And many false prophetis schulen ii And many falce prophetes shall
ryse, and disceyue many. aryse, and shall deceave many.
„12 And for wickidnesse schal be plen- 12 And because iniquite shall have the
teous, the charite of manye schal wexe vpper hande, the love of many shall
coold; abate;
13 Forsothe he that schal dwelle stable 13 But he that endureth to the ende,
ynto the ende, he this schal be saaf. shalbe safe.
14 And this gospel of kyngdom schal 14 And this gospell off the kyngdom
be prechid in al the world, in to witness- shalbe preached in all the worlde, for a
inge to alle folkis ; and thanne the ende witnes vnto all nacions ; and then shall
schal come. the ende come.
15 Therfore whenne 3e schulen se the 15 When ye then shall se the abomi-
-abhomynacioun of discomfort, that is nacion and desolacion, spoken of by
seid of Danyel, the prophete, stondynge Daniell, the prophet, stonde in the holy
„in the hooly place ; he that redith, vndir- place ; whosoever redeth it, let hym
stonde ; vnderstonde it ;
— 16 Thanne thei that ben in Judee, fle 16 Then let them which be in Iury,
to mounteyns ; flye into the mountaynes ;
17 And he that is in the hous roof, 17 And lett hym whych is on the
come not down to take ony thing of his housse toppe, not come doune to take
hous ; enytinge out of his housse ;
18 And he that is in the feeld, turne 18 Nether let hym which is in the
not azen to take his coote. felde, returne backe to fetche his clothes.
19 Forsoth wo to wymmen with childe 19 Wo be in those dayes to them that
and noryschinge in tho dayes. are with chyldé and to them that geve
20 Sothly preie 3e, that 3oure fleynge 20 Butt praye, thatt youre flyght be
be not maad in wyntir, or saboth. not in the winther, nether on the saboth
daye. i
21 Forsothe thanne schal be greet tri- 21 For then shalbe greate tribula-
. bulacioun, what maner was not fro the cion, suche as was not from the begin-
128 GOTHIC, 567. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
oð dis, ne nú ne geweorp.

22 And búton da dagas geseyrte wer-

on, nære nin mann hal geworden; ac
for dam gecorenum, de he geceas, da
dagas beop gescyrte.
23 Donne gyf eow hwá segp, Nú!
Crist ys hér; odde der, ne geljfe ge
24 Donne cumaþ lease Cristas and
lease witegan, and dóp mycle táen and
fóre-beaen ; det da beop on gedwolan
gelædde, gyf hyt beon meg, de gecorene -
25 Witodlice ! ie hyt eow fóresæde.
26 Gyf
eow secgeap,
he ys on
wéstene, ne fare ge üt ; gyf hig seegeap,
Hér he ys on purh-farun, ne gelyfe ge.

27 Witodlice swá swá liget færþ fram

ést-dæle, and ætýwþ od west-dæl, swa
byp mannes suna tocyme.

28 Swa hwer swá hold byþ, dzder

beop earnas gegaderode.
29 Sona efter dera daga gedréfyd-
nesse, seo sunne byp forsworcen, and se
móna hys leoht ne sylp, and steorran
feallap of deere heofenan, and dere heof- -
enan mægenu beop astyrede.

30 And donne ætýwþ mannes suna

tacn on heofonan, and donne wépap
ealle eorpan mægþa ; and geseop man-
nes sunu cumendne* on heofonan genip-
um,’ mid myclum mægene and mægen-
31 And he ásent hys englas mid bym-
an, and mycelre stefne ;and hi gegad-
erigap hys gecorenan of feower middan-
eardes endum, of heofona heahnyssum
od hyra gemæru.
32 Leornigeap bigspel be dam fie-
treowe. Donne hys twig byþ hnesce,
and leaf acennede, ge witon, det sumor
ys gehende ;
33 And wite ge swá, donne ge das
ping geseop, dæt he ys on durum ge-
34 Sóþ ie secge eow, det deos eneorys
ne gewit, €rdam de ealle dás ping ge-
| weordon ;
XXIV. 22-34.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 151%. 129
bigynnyng of the world to now, nethir | nynge off the worlde to this tyme, ner
schal be maad. shalbe.
22 And no but tho dayes hadden be 22 Ye and except those dayes shulde
breggid, al fleisch” schulde not be maad be shortened, shulde no flesse be saved;
saaf; but tho dayes schulen be maad butt for the chosens sake, those dayes
schort, for the chosun men. shalbe shortened.
23 Thanne if ony man schal seie to 23 Then yff eny man shall saye vnto
30u, Lo! here is Crist, or there, nyle 5e you, Lo! here is Christ, or there is
bileue. Christ, beleve it not.
24 Forsothe false Cristis and false pro- 24 Ffor there shall arise falee Christes
phetis schulen ryse, and thei schulen and falee prophetes, and shall geve
3yue grete tokenes and wondris ; so that greate signes and wonders ; so greatly
also the chosyne be ledd in to errour, if that yff it were possible, even the chosen
it may be don. shulde be brought in to erroure.
25 Lo! I haue bifore seid to 5ou. 25 Take hede ! I have tolde you before.
26 Therfore if thei schulen seie to 30u, 26 Yff they shall saye vnto you, Lo!
Loo! he is in desert, nyle 5e go out; he is in the desert, go not forth; yff
loo! in pryuey chambris,* nyle 5e bileue. they saye, lo! he is in the secret places,
beleve nott.
27 Sothli as leyt goth out fro the cest, 27 For as the lightnynge cometh out
and apperith til in to the west, so schal off the eest, and shyneth vnto the weest,
be and the comynge of mannus sone. so shall the commynge off the sonne of
man be.
28 Where euere the body schal be, and 28 For wheresoever a deed body is,
the eeglis schulen be gederid thidur. even thyther wyll the egles resorte.
29 Forsotbe anoon aftir the tribula- 29 Immediatly after the tribulacions
cioun of tho dayes, the sunne schal be off those dayes, shall the sun be derken-
maad derk, and the mone schal not 3yue eth, and the mone shall not geve her
hir lišt, and sterris schulen falle down light, and the starres shall fall from
fro heuene, and the vertues of heuenes heven, and the powers of heven shall
schulen be mouyd. move.
3o And thanne the tokene of mannus 30 And then shall appere the sygne of
sone schal appere in heuene, and thanne the sonne off man in heven, and then
alle kynredis? of erthe schulen weyle; shall all the kynreddes of the erth
and thei schulen se mannus sone com- morne; and they shall se the sonne of
ynge in the clowdis of heuene, with man come in the cloudes of heven, with
moche vertu and mageste. power and greate maieste.
37 And he schal sende his angelis with 31 And he shall sende his angelles
a trumpe, and greet voice; and thei with the greate voyce of a tromp ; and
schulen gedere his chosyne fro foure they shall gadder to gedther his chosen
wyndis of heuene, fro the hiseste thingis from the fower wyndes, and from the
of heuenes til teermes* of hem. one ende off the worlde to the other.
32 Lerne 5e the parable of a fyge tree. 32 Learne a similitude of the fygye
Whenne his bou3' is now tendre, and tree. When his braunches are yet tender,
leeuys sprungen, 3ee witen, that somer and his leves spronge, ye knowe, that
23S niy; sommer is nye;
33 So and see whenne 3ee shulen se 33 So lyke wyse when ye se all these
alle these thingis, witith that it is niz, thynges, be ye sure that it is neare, even
and in the 3atis. at the dores.
34 Trewly I seie to 30w, for this genc- 34 Verely I saye vnto you, thatt this
racioun shal nat passe, til that alle generacio n shall not passe, tyll all be don; fulfilled ;
130 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 99x. ST. Marr,
35 Heofone and eorpe gewitap, witod-
lice mine word ne gewitap.
36 Nat nán mann be dam dege ne
be dere tide, ne furdan englas, büton
feeder ana.
37 Witodlice swá swá on Noes dagum
wees, swá byþ mannes suna tocyme.

38 Swa hi wæron, on dam dagum ær

dam flóde, etende and drincende, and
wifigende and gyfta syllende, od done
deg, de Nóe on da earce eode ;

39 And hi nyston,' ér dæt flód com,

and nam hig ealle, swá byp mannes suna

40 Donne beop twegen on æcere, án

byþ genumen, and óder byþ læfed ;

41 Twa beop æt cwyrne grindende, án

byþ genumen, and oder byþ læfed;
twegen beop on bedde, án byp genumen,
and óder byþ læfed.t

42 Wacigap witodlice, fordam de ge

nyton on hwyleere tide eower Hláford
cuman wyle.
43 Witap, det gyf se hiredes ealdor
wiste on hwylcere tide se peof toweard
weere, witodlice he wolde wacigean, and
nolde gepafigan* dæt man hys hús un-
44 And fordam beo ge gearwe, fordam
de mannes sunu wyle cuman, on dere
tide de ge nyton.
45 Wenst dü hwá sy getrywe and
gleaw peow, done geset hys hláford ofer
his hired, dæt he him on tide mete
46 Eadig*t ys se peow, de hys hláford
hyne gemét dus dóndne, donne he eymp.

47 Sóþ ic eow secge, Geet ofer eall dzet

he áh he hyne geset.
48 Gyf se yfela þeowa pencp on hys
heortan and ewyp, Min hláford uferap
hys cyme, l
49 And ágynp beatan hys efen-peowas, .
and yt and drincþ mid druncenum ;

5o Donne cymp dees weales hláford on -

XXIV. 35-50.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 131
35 Heuene and erthe shulen passe, but 35 Heven and erth shall perisshe, but
my wordis shulen nat passe. my wordes shall abyde.
36 Forsothe of thilk day and hour no 36 But of that daye and houre knowith
man woot, nether angelis of heuenes, no no man, no not the angels of heven, but
but the fadir alone. my father only.
37 Forsothe as it was in the dayes of 37 As the tyme of Noe was, so lyke
Noye, so shal be and the comyng of wyse shall the commynge of the sonne
mannes sone. off man be.
38 For as in the days bifore the grete 38 For as in the dayes before the floud,
flood, thei weren etynge and drinkynge, they dyd eate and drynke, mary and
weddynge and takynge to weddynge, til were maried, even vnto the daye, that
in to that day, in the whiche Noe entride Noe entred in to the shyppe ;
in to the ship ;
- 39 And thei knewen nat, til that the 39 And knewe of nothynge, tyll the
grete flood came, and toke alle men, so floude cam, and toke them all awaye, so
shal be the cummyng of mannes sone. shall also the commynge off the sonne
off man be.
40 Thanne two shulen be in a feeld, 40 Then two shalbe in the feldes, the
oon shal be taken to, and an other one shalbe receaved, and the other shalbe
left ;* refused ; :
41 Two wymmen shulen be gryndynge 41 Two shalbe gryndinge at the myll,
in oo querne, oon shal be taken to, and the one shalbe receaved, and the other
the other forsaken ; two in oo bed, the Shalbe refused... 25... 4. abs
toon shal be taken to, and the tother
- forsaken.
42 Therfore wake see, for see witen 42 Wake therefore, because ye knowe
nat in what houre 30ure Lord is to nott what houre youre Master wyll
|J eumme. come.
43 Sothely that thing wite 3ee, for 3if 43 Off this be sure, that yff the good
the housbonde man wiste in what houre man off the housse knewe what houre
the theef were to cumme, trewly he the thefe wolde come, he wolde suerly
shulde wake, and suffre nat his hous to watche, and not suffre his housse to be
be vndirmynyd. broken vppe.
44 And therfore and 3ee be redy, for in 44 Therfore be ye also redy, for what
what hour 3ee gessen nat, mannes sone houre ye tinke leest on, in the same
is to cumme. shall the sonne of man come.
45 Who gessist thou is a trew seruaunt 45 Who is a faythfull servaunte and
-~ and prudent,' whom his lord ordeynyde wyse, whom his master hath made ruler
on his meynee, that he 3eue to hem over his housholde, ffor to geve them
mete in tyme? meate in season convenient?
46 Blissid is that seruaunt, whom his 46 Happy is that servaunt, whom hys
- lord, whenne he shal cumme, shai fynde master, when he cometh, shall finde so
doynge so. doinge.
~ 47 Trewly I seie to 30u, for vpon alle 47 Verely Y saie vnto you, he shall
his goodis he shal ordeyne hym. make him ruler over all his goodes.
48 Forsothe sif thilk yuel seruaunt 48 But and yf the evyll servaunt shall
shal seie in his herte, My lord makith saye in his herte, My master wyll differ
dwellynge* to cum, his commynge,
49 And bigynne to smyte his euen 49 And begynn to smyte his felowes,
seruauntis, sothely 3if he ete and drynke ye and to eate and to drynke with the
. with drunkenlewe men ; dronken ;
50 The lord of thilk seruaunt shal 5o That servauntes master wyll come
K 2

129 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
dam dæge de he ná ne wénp, and on
deere tide de he nat,
5r And todælþ hyne, and aset hys del
myd licceterum ; der byþ wóp, and topa

Crap. XXV.! 1 Donne byþ heofena

rice gelic dam tyn fámnum, de da leoht-
fatu námon, and férdon ongén done
brydguman and da bryde;

2 Hyra fif wæron dysige, and fif

3 Ac da fif dysegan námon leoht-fatu,
and ne námon nanne ele mid hym ;
4 Da gleawan namon ele on hyra fatum
mid dam leoht-fatum. i
5 Da se brýdguma ylde, dá hnappedon
hig ealle and slépon.
6 Witodlice to middere nihte man
hrýmde and ewsp, Nú! se brydguma
cymp, farap him togenes.
4 Da áryson ealle da fæmnan, and
glengdon heora leoht-fatu.
8 Dá ewedon da dysegan to dam
wisum, Syllap us of eowrum ele, fordam
úre leoht-fatu synt ácwencte. |a

9 Ðá andswaredon da gleawan, and
ewsdon, Nese, deles de we and ge Pa—
nabbon genóh, gáp to dam eýpendum,
and byegap eow ele.
10 Witodlice dá hig férdon and woldon
bycgean, dá com se brydguma ; and da
de gearwe wæron, eodon in mid him to
dam gyftum ; and seo duru wees belocen.
11 Þá æt-nehstan comon da ódre fæm- |
nan, and ewædon, Dryhtyn, dryhtyn,
læt us in.
12 Da andswarode he heom and ew:eb,
Sóp ie eow secge, ne can ic eow.
13 Witodliee waciap, fordam de ge
| nyton ne done deg ne da tide. . .
14 Sum man férde on elpeodinysse,
and clypode hys peowas, and betæhte
hym hys &hta ;
15 And ánum he sealde fif pünd,
XXIV. g1.-XXV.15.] WYCLIFFE,1389. TYNDALE, 1526. )33
cume in the day in whiche he hopith in a daye when he loketh not for hym,
nat, and in hour that he knowith nat, and in an houre that he is not ware of,
51 And shal departe hym, and put 51 And wyll devyd hym, and geve
his part with ypocritis ; there shal be hym his rewarde weth ypocrites ; there
weepynge, and betynge togidre of teeth. shalbe wepinge, and gnasshinge of tethe.

Crap. XXV. 1 Thanne the kyngdam Cuar. XXV. 1 Then the kyngdom
of heuenes shal be lie to ten virgynys, of heven shalbe lykened vnto x virgins,
the whiche, takynge her laumpis, wente which toke their lampes, and went to
out meetynge the spouse, and the mete the brydgrom ;
spousesse ;*
2 Forsothe fyue of hem weren foolis, 2 Fyve of them were folysshe, and fyve
and fyue prudent. were wyse.
3 But the fyue foolis, her laumpis taken, 3 The foles toke their lampes, but toke
token nat oyle with hem ; none oyle with them ;
4 Forsothe the prudent token oyle in 4 But the wyse toke oyle with them
her vessels with laumpis. in their vysselles with their lampes also.
5 Forsothe the spouse* makynge dwell- 5 Whyll the brydgrome taryed, all
ynge, alle nappiden and slepten. slombred and slepte.
6 Sothely at myd nist a cry was maad, 6 And even at mydnyght there was a
‘Loo! the spouse cummeth, go 5ee out crye made, Beholde! the brydgrome
metynge to hym. commeth, goo and mete hym.
4 Thanne alle the virgynys rysen vp, 7 Then all those virgins arose, and
and anourneden her laumpis. prepared their lampes.
8 Sothely the foolis seiden to the wise, 8 And the folysshe sayde to the wyse,
3eue 3ee to vs of soure oile, for oure Geve vs of youre oyle, for oure lampes
laumpis ben qwenchid. goo out.
9 The prudent answereden, seyinge, 9 But the wyse answered, sayinge, Not
Lest perauenture it suffise nat to us and so, lest there be not ynought for vs and
to 30u, go 3ce rather to men sellynge, you, but goo rather to them that sell,
and bye to 30u. and by for youre selves.
10 Forsothe the while thei wenten for 1o Jn conclusion whyll they went to
to bye, the spouse came ; and tho that bye, the brydgrom cam ; and they that
weren redy, entriden in with hym to were redy, went in with hym to the
the weddyngis ; and the gate is shit. weddinge ; and the gate was shett vppe.
. 11 Sothely at the last and the other 11 Afterwardes cam also the other
virgynys camen, seyinge, Lord, lord, virgins, sayinge, Master, master, open
opene to vs. to vs.
12 Ànd he answerynge seith, Treuly I 12 But he answered and sayde, Verely
seie to 30u, I knowe nat 5ou. I saye vnto you, Y knowe you not.
13 And so wake 3ee, and preye, for 13 Loke that ye watche therefore, for
see witen nat the day ne the hour ye knowe nether the daye nor yet the
* houre, when the sonne of man shall
r4 Sothely as a man goynge fer in 14 Lykwyse as a certeyne man redy to
pilgrimage, clepide his seruauntis, and take his iorney to a straunge countre,
bitoke to hem his goodis ; called hys servauntes to hym, and de-
lyvered to them hys gooddes ;
r5 And to oon he 3aue fyue talentis," 15 And vnto won he gave v. talentes,

134 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, gos. [St. Marr.
sumum twa, sumum án, æghwylcum be
hys ágenum m:egene ; and férde sóna.

16 Da férde se de da fif púnd under-

feng, . . . . and gestrjnde ódere
17 And ealswá se de da twa underfeng,
gestrynde odre twa.
18 Witodlice se de det án underféng,
férde, and bedealf hyt on eorpan, and
behjdde hys hláfordes feoh.
19 Witodlice efter miclum fyrste, com.
dera þeowa hláford, and dyhte hym
20 Dá com se de da fif púnd under-
feng, and brohte óðre fife, and ewæþ,
Hláford, fif pind dú sealdest me, nu!
ic gestrynde odre fife.

21 Da eweep hys hláford to hym, Beo

blíþe, di góda peow and getrywa ; for-
dam de dú were getrywe ofer lytle ping, p
ie gesette dé ofer mycle; gà into dines
hláfordes blisse.
22 Da com se de da twa pünd under-
féng, and cwæþ, Hláford, twa pünd dü
me sealdest; nú! ie hebbe gestryned
óðre twa. i
23 Da cwæþ hys hláford to hym, Ge-
blissa, Gi góda þeowa and getrywa ;
fordam de dú were getrywe ofer feawa,
ofer fela ic dé gesette; ga on dines
hlafordes gefean.
24 Da com se de det án pind under-
feng, and cwæþ, Hláford, ic wat det dú
eart heard man; du ripst der du ne
seowe, and gaderast der du ne spreng-
dest ;

25 And ic férde of-dræd, and behydde

din pind on eorpan ; her du heefst dæt
din ys.
26 Da andswarode hys hláford him,
and ewzp, Du yfela þeow and slawa, du
wistest Gat ic rype der ie ne sawe, and
ic gaderige deer ic ne stredde;

27 Hyt gebyrede det dú befæstest —

min feoh myneterum, and ie name donne
ic come det min ys mid dam gafole.

28 Anymap det pind æt hym, and .

XXV.16-28. WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1826. 135
forsothe to an other two, but to an other to another ij, and to another one, to
oon, to eche after his owne vertu ; and every man after his abilite ; and streyght
wente forth anoon. waye departed.
16 Forsothe and he that hadde take 16 Then he that hadde receaved the
fyue talentis, wente forth, and wrouste fyve talentes, went, and bestowed them,
in hem, and wan other fyue. and wane other fyve.
17 Also and he that hadde taken two, 17 Lykwyse he that receaved ij, gayned
wan other two. other ij.
18 Sothely he that hadde taken oon, 18 Büt he that receaved one, went, and
goynge forth, dalf in to the erthe, and digged a pitt in the erth, and hyd his
hidde the mone of his lord. masters money.
19 Bot after muche tyme, the lord of 19 After a longe season, the lorde of
tho seruauntis came, and puttide resoun those servauntes cam, and reckened with
with hem. them.
20 And he that hadde taken fyue 20 Then cam he that had receaved fyve
talentis, cummynge to, offride other talentes, and brought other fyve, sayinge,
fyue, seyinge, Lord, thou bitokist me Master, thou deliveredes vnto me fyve
fyue talentis! loo! I haue geten ouer talentes, lo! I have gayned with them
other fyue. fyve moo.
21 His lord seith to hym, Wel be thou, 21 His master saide vnto him, Well,
good seruaunt and feithful;* for vpon good servaunt and faythful; thou hast
fewe thingis thou hast ben trewe, I shal bene faythfull in lytell, I wyll make the
ordeyne thee vpon many thingis ; entre ruler over moche; entre in into thy
thou in to the ioye of thi lord. masters ioye.
22 Forsothe and he that hadde taken 22 Also he that receaved ij talentes,
two talentis, came to, and seith, Lord, cam, and sayde, Master, thou delyver-
thou bitokist to me two talentis ; loo! edes vnto me ij talentes; lo! I have
-I haue geten ouer other two. wone ij other with them.
23 His lord seith to him, Wel be thou, 23 His master saide vnto hym, Well,
good servaunt and faythfull ; thou hast
good seruaunt and trewe ; for vpon make the
fewe thingis thou hast ben trewe, I shal bene faythfull in litell, I woll
ruler over moche; go in into thy mas-
ordeyne thee vpon many thingis ; entre
thou in to the ioye of thi lord. ters loye.
24 He which had receaved the one
24 Forsothe and he that hadde taken Master , I
talent, cam also, and said,
oo talent, cummynge to, seith, Lord, I
wote that thou art an hard man ; thou considered that thou wast an harde
repist wher thou hast nat sewen, and man; which repest where thou sowedst
thou gederist to gidre wher thou hast not, and gadderest where thou strawedst
nat spreedde abrood ; not ;
25 And I dredynge wente, and hidde 25 And was affrayde and went, and
thi talent in the erthe; loo! thou hast hyd thy talent in the erth ; lo! thou
that that is thin. hast thyn awne.
26 Sothely his lord answerynge, seide 26 His master answered, and sayde
to hym, Yuel seruaunt and slowe, wistist vnto hym, Evyll servaunt and slewth-
thou that I repe wher I sewe nat, and full, thou knewest that I repe where I
gedere to gidre wher I spradde nat sowed nott, and gaddre where I strawed
- abrood ? nott ;
27 Therfore it bihouyde thee to sendet 27 Thou oughtest there fore to have
my monee to chaungers, that and I had my money to the chaungers, and
cummynge shulde haue resceyued for- then at my commynge shulde Í have
sothe that that is myn with vsuris. receaved my money with vauntage.
28 And so take 3e awey fro hym the 28 Take therefore the talent from nym,
136 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. Marr.
syllap dam de me da tyn pünd brohte.

29 Witodlice ælcon dæra de hæfp man

sylp, and he heefp genóh ; dam de neefp,
deet hym pinch dæt he hæbbe, dæt hym
byþ ætbroden.
30 And wurpaþ done unnyttan þeowan
on da úttran pjstru ; der byþ wóp, and
tópa gristbitung.*

31 Witodlice donne mannes sunu eymþ

on hys mægen-þrymme, and eille englas
mid him, donne sit he ofer hys mægen-
prymmes setl ;
32 And ealle peoda beop tofóran hym
gegaderode, and he ásyndrap hi him
betwynan, swá swá se hyrde ásyndrap
da scép fram tyecenum ;
33 And he geset da scép on hys
swidran healfe, and da tyccenu on hys
wynstran healfe.
2e Cumaþ ge, gebletsode mines
feeder, and onfóp det rice diet eow ge-
gearwod ys of middan-geardes frympe.

35 Me hingrode, and ge me sealdon —

etan; me þyrste, and ge me sealdon
drincan ; ic wes cuma, and ge me in-
ladodon ;
36 Ic wes nacod, and ge me seryddon ;
ie wes untrum, and ge eodon to me $
ic wes on cwearterne, and ge comon
to me.
37 Donne andswariap da riht-wisan,
and cwedap, Drihten, hwenne gesáwe
we dé hingrigendne, and we dé féddon E
pyrstendne, and we dé drinc sealdon?
*38 Whanuh pan puk sewhum gast, yah 38 Hwænne gesáwe we det dú cuma
galabodedum ; aippau nagadana, yah were, and dé in-ladodon; odde nacodne,
wasidedum ? and we dé scryddon?
39 Whanuh pan puk sewhum siukana, 39 ['Odde hwenne gesáwon we dé
aippau in karkarai, yah atiddyedum du untrumne,] odde on ewearterne, and we
us? comon to dé
jM Yah andhafyands sa piudans qipip 40 Donne andswarap se cyning hym
du im, Amen qipa izwis, yah panei and ewyp to heom, Sóp ie eow secge,
tawidedup ainamma þize minnistane swá lange swá ge dydon ánum of dysum
bropre meinaize, mis tawidedup. minum lestum gebródrum, swa lange
ge hyt dydon me.
41 Panuh qipip yah paim, af hleidumein 41 Donne sægþ he dam, de beop on
ferai, Gaggip fairra mis, yus fragipanans, hys wynstran healfe, Gewitap, awyrgede,
in fon pata aiweino, bata manwido un- fram me, on det éce fjr, de ys deofle
XXV. 29-41.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE. 1526. 137
talent, and 3eue 3e it to hym that hath and geve hit vnto him which hath x
ten talentis. talentes.
29 For to euery man hauynge it shal 29 For vnto every man that hath shal-
be 3ouen, and he shal haue plente ; and be geven, and he shall have abound-
to hym that hath nat, and that that he ance; and from hym that hath not,
semeth to haue, shal be taken fro hym. shalbe taken awaye, even that he hath.
50 And caste 3ee out the vnprofitable 3o And cast that vnprophetable ser-
seruaunt, and send 3ee hym in to vtter- vaunt into vtter dercknes; there salbe
more derknessis; there shal be weep- wepynge, and gnasshinge of theth.
ynge, and betyng to gidre of teeth.
31 Forsothe whanne mannes sone shal 31 When the sonne of man shall come
eume in his mageste, and alle his angelis in hys maieste, and all hys holy an-
with hym, thanne he shal sitte on the gelles with him, then shall he sytt
sege of his magestee ; vppon the seate of his maieste ;
32 And alle folkis shulen be gederid 32 And before hym shalbe gaddred all
before hym, and he schal departe hem nacions, and he shall sever them won
atwynne, as a sheperde departith scheep from another, as a shepherde putteth
- fro kidis ; asunder the shepe from the gootes ;
33 And sothli he schal seette the 33 And he shall sett the shepe on his
scheep on his ri3thalf, the kidis forsothe right honde, and the gotes on his lyfte
on the lefthalf. honde.
34 Thanne the kyng schal seie to hem, 34 Then shall the kynge saye to them
that shulen be on his ri5thalf, Come 3ee, on his right honde, Come ye, blessed
the blessid of my fadir, welde 3ee* the chyldren of my father, inheret ye the
kyngdam maad redy to 30u fro the kyngdome prepared for you from the
.bygynnynge* of the world. beginninge of the worlde.
35 Forsothe I was hungry, and 3e 35 For I was anhongred, and ye gave
zauen to me for to ete ; I thristide, and me meate; I thursted, and ye gave me
3ee 3euen to me for to drynke; I was drinke; I was herbroulesse, and ye
herberlesse, and 3ee gederiden* me; lodged me ;
36 Nakid, and see heliden me; seik, 36 1 was naked, and ye clothed me;
and see visitiden me; Í was in prisoun, I was sicke, and ye visited me; Í was
and3e camen to me. in preson, and ye cam vnto me.

. 37 Thanne iust men shulen answere to 37 Then shall the iuste answere hym,
hym, seyinge, Lord, whenne sy3en we sayinge, Master, when sawe we the.
"thee hungry, and we fedd thee ; thristy, anhongred, an feed the; or a thurst,
=_ and we 3euen to thee drynke ?
and gave the drynke ?
38 Whenne forsothe seien we thee 38 When sawe we the herbroulesse,
herberlesse, and we gedriden thee; or and lodged the; or naked, and clothed
nakid, and we heliden thee? the!
39 Or whenne seien we thee seek, or 39 Or when sawe we the sicke, or in
in prisoun, and we camen to thee? preson, and cam vnto the?

40 And he answerynge shal seie to 40 And the kynge shall answere and
hem, Treuly I seie to 30u, as long as saye vnto them, Verely I saye vnto you,
3ee diden to oon of these my leste bre- in as moche as ye have done it vnto
. thren, 3ee diden to me. won of the leest of these my brethren,
ye have done it to me.
41 Thanne the kyng shal seie and to: 41 Then shall the kynge saye vnto
hem, that shulen be on his left half, them, that shalbe on the lyffte hande,
Depart fro me, 5ee cursid, in to euer- Departe from me, ye coursed, into ever-

138 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
hulpin yah aggilum is. and hys englum gegearwod.

42 Unte gredags was, yan-ni gebup 42 Witodlice me hingrede, and ge ne

mis matyan; atpaursips was, yan-ni sealdon me etan ; me pyrste, and ge me
dragkidedup mik ; drinean ne sealdon ;
43 Gasts, yan-ni galapodedup mik; 43 Ic wes cuma, and ge me in ne
naqaps, yan-ni wasidedup mik; siuks, geladodon; ie was nacod, and ge ne
yah in karkarai, yan-ni gaweisodedup scryddon me; ic wes untrum, and on
meina. cwearterne, and ge ne comon æt me.
44 Panuh andhafyand yah pai, qipand- 44 Donne andswarigeap hym da, and
ans, Frauya, whan puk sewhum gred- eweðaþ, Dryhten, hwænne gesawe we
agana, aippau afpaursidana, aippau gast, dé hingrigendne, odde pyrstendne, odde —
aippau naqadana, aippau siukana, aippau cuman, odde untrumne, odde on eweart-
in karkarai, yan-ni andbahtidedeima pus? erne, and we ne pénedon de ?
45 Panuh andhafyip im, qipands, Amen 45 Donne andswarap se cyning heom,
qipa izwis yah panei ni tawidedup and cwyp, Sop ic eow secge, swá lange
ainamma pize leitilane, mis ni tawided- swa ge ne dydon ánum of dysum læst-
up. um, ne dyde ge hyt me.
46 Yah galeipand pai in balwein aiw- 46 And donne farap hig on éce susle ;
'einon; ip pai garaihtans „in libain and da rihtwisan on deet éce lif.

Cuar. XXVL* í Yah warp, bipe Cuar. XXVI. 1 Witodlice, da se

ustauh lesus alla po waurda, qap sipon- Hælend hæfde ealle das spræca ge-
yam seinaim, endod, dá ewæþ he to hys leorning-
2 Witup, patei afar twans dagans paska 2 Wite ge, det efter twám dagum
wairpip, yas-sa sunus mans atgibada, du beop eastro, and mannes bearn byp
ushramyan. ; geseald, det he si on rode ahangen.
3 panuh oad a Oly "uy S owes 3 Da weron gesamnode da ealdras.
dara sacerda and hláfordas des folces
to dera sacerda ealdres botle, de wes
genemned Caiphas,
4 And hig hæfdon mycel gemót, dzet
hig woldon done Hælend mid faene
besyrwan, and ofslean ;
5 Hig eweédon witodlice sume, Dat hyt
ne mihte beon on dam freols-dæge, de-læs
to mycel styrung wurde on dam folce.
6 Da se Hælend wees on Bethania, on
Symones hüse dees hreoflan,
7 Da genealæhte him to sum wif, seo
hæfde box mid deorwyrpre sealfe, and
agéat uppan hys heafod der he sæt.

8 Da gesawon hys leorning-cnihtas dæt

and wurdon geboleene, and ewedon, To
hwan ys dis forspilled?
9 Dis mihte beon geseald to myclum |
wurpe, and pearfum gedæled.
XXY.42.-XXVI. 9.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 136
lastynge fijr, the whiche is maad redy lastinge fire, which is prepared for the
to the deuyl and his angelis. devyll and hys angels.
42 Sothely I hungeryde, and 3e 3auen 42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave
nat to me for to ete; I thristide, and me no meate; Í thursted, and ye gave
3ee 3auen nat to me for to drynke ; me no drynke ;
43 I was herberlesse, and see gedriden 43 I was herbroulesse, and ye lodged
‘nat me; nakid, and 3ee couereden nat me nott; I was naked, and ye clothed
me; seik, and in prisoun, and 5ee me nott; I was sycke, and in preson,
visitiden nat me. and ye visited me not.
44 Thanne and thei shulen answere to 44 Then shall they also answere hym,
hym, seyinge, Lord, whanne seien we sayinge, Master, when sawe we the
anhungred, or a thurst, or herbroulesse,
thee hungrynge, or thristynge, or her-
or naked, or sicke, or in preson, and
- berlesse, or nakid, or seik, or in prisoun,
and we seruyden nat to thee? have not ministred vnto the?
45 Thanne he shal answere to hem, 45 Then shall he answere them, and
saye, Verily I saye vnto you, in as moche
- seiynge, Treuly I seie to 30u, hou longe
-3ee diden nat to oon of these leste, as ye dyd it nott to wou off the leest of
- nethere 3ee diden to me. these, ye dyd it nott to me.
- 46 And these shulen go in to euer- 46 And these shall go into everlastinge
-lastynge tourment; forsothe the iust |payne; and the rightous into lyfe
men in to euere lastinge lyf. eternall.

í Crap. XXVI. 1 And it is don, Cumar. XXVI. 1 And hit folowed,

whenne Jhesus hadde eendid alle these when Jesus had fynisshed all these
—wordis, he seide to his disciplis, sayinges, he sayd vnto his disciples,

2 Wite see, for after two dayes pask 2 Ye knowe, that after .ij. dayes shal-
shal be maad, and mannes sone shal be be ester, and the sonne of man shalbe
- bitaken, that he be crucified. delyvered, for to be crucified.
3 Thanne the princis of prestis and 3 Then assembled togedder the chefe
eldre men of the peple ben gedrid in to prestes and scrybes and seniours of the
„the halle of the prince of prestis, that people in to the palice off the hye
„was said Caiphas, reste, which was called Cayphas,
| 4 And maden a counseile, that thei 4 And heelde a counsell, howe they
- shulden holde Jhesu with gile, and mygt take Jesus by suttelte, and kyll
slea; him ;
- 5 Sothly thei seiden, Nat in the feste 5 Butt they sayd, Not on the holy
day, lest per auenture noys were maad daye, lest eny trouble aryse amonge the
in the peple. eople.
6 Forsothe whenne Jhesus was in Bet- 6 When Jesus was in Bethany, in the
anye, in the house of Symount leprous, housse of Symon the lypper,
7 À womman hauynge a boxe of ala- 7 There cam vnto him a woman which
bastre of preciouse oynement, came ni3 had an alablaster boxe of precious oynt-
to hym, and shedde out on the heued of ment, and powred it on his heed as he
hym restinge. sate att the bourde.
8 Sothely disciplis seeynge hadden 8 When his disciples sawe that they had
dedeyn, seyinge, Wherto this losse? indignacion, sayinge, What neded this
wast Í í
9 Forsothe it mizte be solde for mycho, 9 This oyntment myght have bene well
and be 30uen to pore men. 1 solde, and yeven to the povre.
140 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [St. Marz
10 Da se Hælend hyt wiste, da ewzeb
he to heom, Hwi synt ge grame dysuni
wife? witodlice gód weorc heo worhte
on me.
11 Symle ge habbap pearfan mid eow,
ac ge nabbap me symle.

12 Heo dyde das sealfe on minne

lichaman, det ic were gesmyred to
13 Sop ie secge eow, swá hwær swa
dys gódspel byþ gebodod on eallum
middan-earde, byþ gesæd on hyre ge-
mynd, dzet heo dis dyde.

14 Da férde án of dam twelfum, de

wes genemned ludas se widersaca, to
dera sacerda ealdrum,
15 And cwæþ to heom, Hwæt wylle ge
me syllan, and ie hyne beléwe eow%
Da behéton hig hym pritig scyllinga.

16 And syddan he smeade geornlice,

dzt he hyne wolde belæwan.
17 Da on dam forman gearcung-dæge
genealæhton da leorning-cnihtas to dam
Hælende, and dus cwædon, Hwær wylt
dü dæt we gegearwion dé dine þénunga,
to eastron Í
18 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Farap on das
ceastre to sumum men, and secgeap
him, Se láreow segp, Min tima ys ge- -
hende ; dæt ic mid dé wyrce mine eastro
mid minum leorning-cnihtum.
19 And da leorning-cnihtas dydon swá
se Hælend heom bebead ; and hig ge-
gearwodon him easter-þénunge.
20 On dam æfene, sæt se Hælend mid
hys twelf leorning-enihtum et gereorde.
21 And da hi æton he cwæþ to him,
Witodlice ic secge eow, det an eower
belæwþ me.
22 Ðá wurdon hig swiðe ge-unrótsode
and ongan ánra gehwyle ewedan, Drihten,
ewyst du eom ic hyt!
23 And he andswarode and dus ewsep,
Se de bedypp on disce mid me hys
hand, se me belæwp.
24 Witodlice mannes sunu færþ, swá .
hit áwriten ys be him; wá dam men,
purh done de byp mannes sunu be-
XXVI. 10-24.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 141
ro Sothely Jhesus wytinge, seith to to When Jesus vnderstod that, he
hem, What be 3e heuy* to this wom- sayde vnto them, Why trouble ye the
man? sothely a good work she hath woman? she hath wroght a good worke
wroust in me. apon me.

11 For whi 3ee shulen euermore haue 11 For ye shall have povre folke
pore men with 3ou, but 5ee shulen nat alwayes with you, butt me shall ye not
algatis haue me. have all wayes.
12 Forsothe this womman sendenge 12 And in that she casted this oynt-
this oynement in to my body, made for ment on my body, she dyd hit to bury
to birye me. me with all.
13 Treuly I seie to 30u, wher euer this 13 Verely I saye vnto you, where-
gospel shal be prechid in al the world, soever this gospell shalbe preached
it shal be seide and that this womman throughoute all the worlde, there shall
dide, in to mynde of hym. also thys thatt she hath done be tolde,
for a memoriall of her.
14 Thanne oon of the twelue, that was 14 Then won of the twelve, called
seide Judas Scarioth, wente forth to the Judas Iscarioth, went vnto the chefe
princis of prestis, prestes,
15 And seith to hem, What wolen 3ee 15 And sayd, Whatt wyll ye geve me,
.geue to me, and I shal bitake hym to and I wyll delyver hym vnto you? And
30u? And thei ordeyneden to hym they apoynted vnto hym thirty peces of
thritti platis of seluer. sylver.
16 And fro that tyme he sou3te coue- 16 And from that tyme he sought
nablete, for to bitake hym. oportunite, to betraye hym.
17 Forsothe in the first day of the fest 17 The fyrst daye of vnlevended breed
of pask disciplis camen to Jhesu, sey- the disciples cam to Jesus, sayinge vnto
inge, Wher wolt thou we make redy to hym, Where wylt thou that we prepare
thee, for to ete paske ? for the, to eate the ester lamhe ?

18 And Jhesus seith, Go 3ee in to the 18 And he said, Go into the cite vnto
- eitee to sum man, and seie to hym, The souche a man, and saye to hym, The
maister seith, My tyme is ni3 ; at thee master sayeth, My tyme ys almoste come;
I make paske with my disciplis. I wyll kepe myne ester att thy housse
with my disciples.
4 19 And the disciplis diden, as Jhesus 19 And the disciples dyd, as Jesus had
comaundide to hem; and thei maden apoynted them; and made redy the
redy pask. ester lambe.
- 20 Forsothe euenyng maad, he sat at 20 When the even was come, he sate
the mete with his twelue disciplis. doune with the xij.
21 And he seide to hem etynge, Treuly 21 And as they dyd eate, he sayde,
I seie to 30u, for oon of 30u is to be- Verely I saie vnto you, that won of you
traye me. shall betraye me.
22 And thei ful sory bygunnyn eche 22 And they were excedinge sorofull
to seie, Lord, wher I am ! and began every man to saye vnto hym,
Ys hit I, master ?
23 And he answerynge seith, He that 23 He answerede and sayde, He that
- with me in puttith the hond in the depeth his honde with me in the disshe,
plater, this shal bitraye me. shall betraye me.
24 Forsothe mannes sone goth, as it is 24 The sonne of man goeth, as yt is
- writen of hym ; but woo to that man, wrytten of hym; butt wo be to that
- bi whom mannys sone shal be bitrayed ; man, by whom the sonne of man shalbe
142 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
læwed ; betere were dam men, det he
næfre nære ácenned.
25 Da cwæþ Iudas de hyne belæwde,
Cwyst dú, láreow, hweeder ic hyt si? Da
cwæþ se Hælend, Du hyt sædest.
26 Witodlice dá hig æton, se Hælend
nam hláf, and hyne gebletsode, and
| bræc, and sealde hys leorning-cnihtum,
.; and cwæþ, Onfóp, and etap; dis ys min
: lichama.
27 And he genam done calic, panciende,
and sealde hym, dus ewedende, Drineap
ealle of dysum;
28 Dis is witodlice mines blódes calic
niwre 2, det byþ for manegum E
on synna forgyfennesse.
29 Witodlice ie secge eow, Geet ie ne
drince heononforp, of dysum eorplican
wine, ér dam dæge de ie drince det
niwe mid eow, on mines feeder rice.

30 Da hig hæfdon heora lofsang gesung-

enne, da férdon hig uppan Oliuetes düne. 1
„31 Da sede se "Hsdlend heom, Ealle
ge wurdap ge-untreowsode on me. on
dysse nihte; hyt ys áwriten, Purh des
hyrdes slege, byþ seo heord todræfed.

„32 Witodlice æfter dam de ie of deape

árise, ic cume to eow on Galilea.
33 D& andswyrde Petrus him, and dus
cwæpþ, Deah de hig ealle ge--untreowsion `
on dé, ic néfre ne ge- untreowsige. l
34 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Sop ie secge
dé, det on dyssere nihte xd de coce
crawe, priwa dü wiðsæcst min.

35 Da sede Petrus him, Witodlice

deah de ie scyle sweltan mid dé, ne
widsace ic din. Gelice dam cwædon
ealle da ódre leorning-cnihtas.
36 Da com se Helend mid him on
done tün, de is genemned Gethsemani.
And sáde hys leorning- enihtum, Sittap
hér, od det ic gá hider- geond, ‘and me
37 And he genam Petrum, and Zebe-
deus twegen suna, and ongan unrótsian
and beon unrót.
38 Da sæde se Hælend heom, Unrót
ys min sawl od deap ; gebidap hér, and
waciap mid me.


XXVI. 25-38.] WYCLIFFE, 1989. TYNDALE, 1526. 143
it were good to hym, 3if that man betrayed ; it had bene good for that
hadde nat ben boren. man, yff he had never bene borne.
25 Forsothe Judas that bitrayed hym, 25 Then Judas which betrayed him,
answeride, seyinge, Maister, wher I am? answerede, and sayde, Ys yt I, master?
He seith to hym, Thou hast seid. He sayde vnto hym, Thou haste saide.
26 Forsothe hem soupynge, Jhesus 26 As they ate, Jesus toke breed, and
toke breed, and blisside, and bracke, gave thankes, brake it, and gave it to
and 3aue to his disciplis, and seith, Take his disciples, and sayde, Take, eate;
3ee, and ete; this is my body. thys ys my body.
27 And he takynge the cuppe, dede 27 And toke the cuppe, and gave
thankyngis, and 3aue to hem, seyinge, thankes, and gave it them, sayinge,
Drinke see alle herof ; Drinke of it every won ;
28 This is my blood of the newe testa- 28 This ys my bloudde of the newe
ment, the whiche shal be shed out for testament, which shalbe shedde for many,
many, in to remissioun of synnys. for the foryevenes of synnes.
29 Forsothe I seie to 3ou, I shal nat 29 I saye vnto you, Í wyll not drynke
drinke fro this tyme, of this fruyt of the hence foorth, of this frute of the vyne
vyne, til in to that day whenne I shal tree, vntyll that daye when I shall
drinke it newe with 30u, in the kyng- drynke it newe with you, in my faders
dam of my fadir. kyngdom.
30 And an ympne* seid, thei wenten 30 And when they had sayd grace,
out in to the mount of Olyuete. they went out into mounte Olyvete.
-31 Thanne Jhesus seith to hem, Alle 31 Then sayd Jesus vnto them, All ye
- $e shulen suffre sclaundre in me, in this shall fall this nyght, because of me ; for
nist ; for it is wrytyn, I shal smyte the yt ys wrytten, I wyll smyte the shep-
sheperde, and the sheep of the floc herde, and the shepe of the flocke shalbe
shulen be scatered. scattered abroode.
32 Forsothe after that I shal ryse 32 But after I am rysen ageyne, I wyll
asein, I shal go bifore 30u in to Galilee. goo before you into Galile.
33 Sothely Petre answerynge, seith to 33 Peter answered, and sayde vnto
him, And 3if alle shulen be sclaundrid him, Though all men shulde be hurte
in thee, I shal neuere be sclaundrid. by the, yett wyll not I be hurte.
. 34 Jhesus seith to hym, Trewly I seie 34 Jesus sayde vnto hym, Verely I
„to thee, for in this ništ bifore the cok saye vnto the, that thys same night
Crowe, thries thou shalt denye me. before the cocke crowe, thou shalt denye
me thryse.
| 35 Petre seith to hym; And sif it shal 35 Peter sayde vnto hym, Yff I shulde
behoue me to dye with thee, I shal dye with the, yet wyll I not denye
nat denye thee. Also and alle disciplis the. Lyke wyse also sayde all the dis-
seiden. ciples.
36 Thanne Jhesus came with hem in 36 Then went Jesus with them in to a
to a toun, that is seid Gessemanye. And place, which ys called Gethsemane. And
he seide to his disciplis, Sitte 3ee heer, sayde vnto hys disciples, Sitt ye here,
the while I shal go thidir, and preie. whyll I go, and praye yonder.

37 And Petre taken to, and two sonys 37 And he toke with hym Peter, and
of Zebedee, he began for to be dis- the two sonnes of Zebede, and began to
tourblid* and sory in herte. wexe sorofull and to be in an agony. .
38 Thanne he seith to hem, My soule 38 Then sayd Jesus vnto them, My
is sorowful til to the deth; susteyne soule is hevy even vnto the deeth ; tary
3ee* here, and wake 3ee with me. ye here, and watche with me.
m Á
144 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
39 And da he wes lyt-hwon danon
gån, he áfeoll on hys ansyne, and hyne
gebæd, and dus cweep, Feeder min, gyf
hyt beon mæge, gewite des calie fram
me; ðeah hwæðere ná swá swa ie wylle,
ac swá swa du wylt.
40 And he com to hys leorning-eniht-
um, and he- gemétte hig slépende.
And he sæde Petre, Swá, ne mihte ge
nti wacian ane tid mid me?
41 Waciap, and gebiddap eow, det ge
in ne gân on costnunge ; witodlice se
gist is hræd, and dæt flæse ys untrum.
42 Eft Gdre side he férde, and hyne
gebæd, and cweep, Min feeder, gyf des
calic ne mæge gewitan, büton ie hyne
drince, gewurde din willa.
43 And he com eft, and gemétte hig
slæpende; sóplice heora eagan wæron
44 And he forlét hig eft, and férde,
and hyne gebæd pryddan side, ewedende
det ylee gebed. i
45 Da com he to hys leorning-cnihtum,
and sede heom, Slápaþ eallunga, and
restap eow ; nú! gcnealæcþ seo tid, and
mannes sunu byp geseald on synfulra
hand ; ,
46 Arisap, uton faran ; nú! genealæcþ ?
se de me belæwp.
47 Da he das ping sprec, dá com
Iudas, án of dam twelfum, and micel.
fole mid hym, mid sweordum and sahl-
um, ásende fram dera sacerda ealdrum,
and dees folces ealdrum.
48 Se de hyne belæwde, sealde heom
tácn, and cwep, Swá hwæne swá ie
cysse, se hyt is; nimap hyne.
49 And he genealæhte hrædlice to dam
Helende, and ewsep, Hal beo du, láreow ;
and he cyste hyne.
50 Da cwæþ se Hælend to him, Ealá
freond, to hwam becom di? Da genea-
læhton hig, and done Hælend genámon. |

51 Witudliee! án dera de mid dam

Helende wees, ábræd hys sweord ; and
áslóh of anes æra sacerda ealdres peow-
an eáre.

52 Da ewæþ se Hælend to hym, Do

din sweord on hys scæþe; witodlice
XXVI. 39- 52.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 145
39 And he gon forth a litil, felle doun 39 And he went a way a lytell aparte,
in to his face, preyinge, and seyinge, and fell flatt on hys face, and prayed,
My fadir, 3if it is possible, passe this sayinge, O my father, yf it be possyble,
cuppe fro me; netheles nat as I wole, lett this cuppe passe from me ; never-
but as thou wolt. thelesse nott as I wyll, butt as thou
40 And he came to his disciplis, and 40 And he cam vnto hys disciples, and
foonde hem slepynge. And he seith to founde them a slepe. And sayde to
Petre, So, wher see mizte nat oon hour Peter, What, coulde ye not watche with
wake with me ? me one houre ?
41 Wake 3ee, and preie, that see en- 41 Watche, and praye, that ye fall not
tren nat in to temptacioun ; forsothe into temptacion; the spirite ys will-
. the spirit is redy, bote the flesh seik.* ynge, but the flesshe is weeke.
42 Eft the secounde tyme he wente, 42 He went agayne ons moare, and
and preide, seyinge, My fadir, 3if this pryed, sayinge, O my father, yf this
euppe may nat passe, no bote I dryuke cuppe can nott passe away from me, but
- it, thi wille be don. that I drynke of it, thy will be fulfylled.
43 And eftsone he came, and foonde 43 And he cam, and founde them
hem slepynge ; forsothe her e3en weren aslepe a gayne; for their eyes were
greued. hevy.
44 And hem left, he wente eftsone, 44 And he leffte them, and went
and preide the thridde tyme, the same agayne, and prayed the thrid tyme,
word seyinge. sayinge the same wordes.
: 45 Thanne he came to his disciplis, 45 Then cam he to hys disciples, and
and seith to hem, Slepe 3ee nowe, and sayd vnto them, Slepe hence forth, and
reste 5e; loo! the hour hath neised, take youre reest; take hede! the houre
and mannes sone shal be taken in to is at honde, and the sonne of man shal-
the hondis of synners ; be betrayed in to the hondes of synners ;
46 Ryse see, go wee; loo! he that 46 Ryse, lett vs be goinge; he is at
- ghal take me, shal nei3e. honde, that shall betraye me.
47 And sit hym spekynge, loo! Judas, 47 Whyll he yet spake, lo! Judas, won
oon of the twelue, and with hym came of the twelve cam, and with him a
a grete cumpanye, with swerdis and greate multitude, with sweardes and
- battis, sent of the princes of prestis, staves, whych were sent from the chefe
. and of eldre men of the peple. prestes, and seniours of the people.
— 48 Forsothe he that bitraiede hym, 3aue 48 He that betrayed hym, gave them
_ to hem a tokne, seiynge, Whom euer Y a token, sayinge, Whomsoever I kysse,
_ shal kisse, he it is; holde 3ee hym. that same is he; ley hondes on him.
49 And anon he cummynge niz to 49 And forth withall he cam to Jesus,
Jhesu, seide, Haile, maistre; and he and sayde, Hayll, master; and kyssed
kisside hym. him.
50 And Jhesus seide to hym, Frend, 5o And Jesus sayde vnto him, Frende, :
-wherto art thou comen? Thanne theiwherfore arte thou come? Then cam
camen ni3, and castiden hondis in to they, and layed hondes on Jesus, and
Jhesu, and helden hym. toke him.
51 And loo! oon of hem that weren gr And beholde! won of them which.
with Jhesu, holdynge out the hond, were with Jesus, stretched oute his honde,
drow3 out his swerd ; and he, smytynge and drue his swearde; and stroke a
the seruaunt of the prince of prestis, servaunt of the hye preste, and smote
kitte of his litil ere. of his eare.
52 Thanne Jhesus seith to hym, Turne 52 Then sayde Jesus vnto hym, Putt
thi swerd in to his place; sothely alle - vppe thy swearde in to his sheathe ; for
GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
ealle da de sweord nymap, mid sweorde
hig forwurdap.
53 Wénst du, det ic ne myhte biddan
minne feeder, det he sende me nú má
donne twelf eoredu engla?
54 Hú mágon beon gefyllede da hálgan
gewritu, de be me áwritene synt! for-
dam dus hyt gebyrap to beonne.
55 On dere tide cwæp se Hælend to
dam folce, Eallswá to peofe ge synt
cumene, mid sweordum and mid sahlum,
me to nymanne; dæghwamlice ie sæt
mid eow on dam temple, and lærde eow,
and ge me ne námon.
56 Dis eal ys geworden, det dera
witegena hálgan gewritu syn gefyllede.
Dá flugon ealle da leorning-enihtas, and
forléton hyne.
57 And hig genámon done Hælend,
and læddon hyne to Caiphan, dera
sacerda ealdre, der da bóceras, and da
ealdras gesamnode wæron.
58 Petrus hym fyligde feorrane, od he
com to Gera sacerda ealdres botle ; and
he in-eode, and set mid dam pénum,
det he gesáwe done ende.
59 Witodlice dzra sacerda ealdras, and
eall dæt gemót sóhton lease saga ongen
done Helend, det hig hyne to deape
sealdon ;
6o And hig ne mihton nane findan, da
dá manega mid leasum onsagum genea- - M
læhton. Da æt-nehstan comon twegen
dæra leogera,
6r And ewedon, Des sede, Ic meg
towurpan Godes templ, and efter prym
dagum hyt eft getimbrigean.
62 Da árás se ealdor dira sacerda and
cwæþ, Ne andwyrdst dú nan þing ongén
da, de dis dé onsecgeaþ Í l

63 Se Hælend süwode. Da se ealdor

dara sacerda cwæþ, Ie hálsige dé purh
done lifigendan God, det dú secge us,
gyf du sy Crist, Godes sunu.

64 Da ewep se Hælend him to, Det |

dú sædest; sóp ic eow secge, efter
dysum ge geseop mannes bearn sittende -
on da swidran healfe Godes mægen-
prymmes, and cumendne on heofones
XXVI. 53-64.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 147
that shulen take swerd, shulen perishe all they that ley hond on the swearde,
by swerd. shall perysshe with the swearde.
53 Wher gessist thou, that I may nat 53 Other thynkest thou, that I can
preie my fadir, and he shal 3eue to me not praye my father, and he shall geve
now more than twelue legions of angelis ? me moo then xij. legions of angelles ?
54 Hou therfore shulen the seripturis 54 Howe then shall the scriptures be
be fulfillid ? for so it behoueth to be fulfylled ? for so muste it be.
55 In that hour Jhesus seide to the 55 The same tyme sayd Jesus to the
cumpanyes of peple, As to a theef 3ee multitude, Ye be come out as it were
han gon out, with swerdis and battis, vnto a thefe, with sweardes and staves,
for to cacche me; day by day I satte for to take me; dayly I sate a monge
at 30u, techynge in the temple, and 3ee you, teachinge in the temple, and ye
helden not me. toke me not.
56 Forsothe al this thing was don, that 56 All this was done, that the serip-
the scripturis of prophetis shulden be tures off the prophettes myght be ful-
fulfillid. Thanne alle disciplis fledden, filled. Then all his disciples forsoke
hym forsaken. him, and fleed.
57 And thei holdynge Jhesu, ledden 57 And they toke Jesus, and leed hym
hym to Caiphas, prince of prestis, wher to Cayphas, the hye preeste, where the
Scribis and Pharisees, and the eldre men scrybes, and the senyours were assem-
of the peple hadden cummen to gidre. bled.
58 Forsothe Petre suede hym afer, til 58 Peter folowed hym a farre of, vnto
` in to the halle of the prince of prestis ; the hye prestes place; and went in,
and he gon ynne with ynne, sate with and sate with the servauntes, to se the
seruauntis, that he shulde se the eend. ende.
59 Forsothe the princis of prestis, and 59 The chefe prestes, and the seniours
alle the counseile sousten fals witness- and all the counsell sought false witnes
ynge aseinus Jhesu, that thei shulden ageinste Jesus, for to put him to deeth ;
take hym to deth ;
60 And thei founden nat, whenne 60 And they founde none, in so moche
many fals witnessis hadden cummen to. that when many false witnesses cam,
Treuly at the laste, two fals witnessis yet founde they none. At the last, cam
camen, two false wytnesses,
61 And seiden, This seide, I may dis- 6r And sayd, This felowe saide, I can
truye the temple of God, and after the distroye the temple of God, and bylde
thridde day bilde it a3ein. the same in iij dayes.
62 And the prince of prestis rysynge 62 And the chefe preste arose and
seith to hym, Answerist thou no thing sayde to hym, Answerest thou nothinge,
to tho thingis, the whiche these wit- howe is it that these beare witnes
nessen ageinus thee 4 ageynst the?
63 Forsothe Jhesus was stile. And 63 Butt Jesus helde hys peace. And
the prince of prestis seith to hym, I the chefe preeste answered and said to
.eouniour thee by quycke God, that thou hym, I charge the in the name off the
seie to vs, 5if thou be Crist, the sone of lyvinge God, that thou tell vs, whether
God. thou be Christ, the sonne of God.
64 Jhesus seide to hym, Thou hast 64 Jesus sayd to hym, Thou haste
seid; netheles I seie to 3ou, an other sayd ; neverthelesse I saye vnto you,
tyme! see shulen se mannes sone sitt- here after shall ye se the sonne of man
yuge at the risthalf of the vertue of syttinge on the right honde of power,
God, and cummynge in cloudis of and come in the clowddes of the
. heuene. skye.
148 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
65t 65 Da Gera sacerda ealdor slat hys
agen reaf, and cwæþ, Dis ys bysmor-
SRM paurbum weitwode ? sprée; to hwi wilnige we ænigre óðre
sai! nu gahausidedup po wayamerein is ; sage? nú! ge gehyrdon of hym gyltlice
66 Wha izwis pugkeip? Ip eis and- 66 Hwæt ys eow nú gepuht ? Hig and-
hafyandans qepun, Skula daupaus ist. werdon ealle and cwedon, He is deaþes-
67 Panuh spiwun ana andawleizn is, 67 Da spætton hig on hys ansýne, and
heora fystum; sume
yah kaupastedun ina ; sumaip-pan lofam beoton hyne mid
slohun, hyne slógon on his ansyne mid hyra
brádum handum,
68 Qipandans, Praufetei unsis, Christu, 68 And ewædon, Sege us, Crist, hwæt
whas ist sa slahands puk4 ys se de de slóh!
69 Ip Paitrus uta sat ana rohsnai; yah 69 Petrus sóplice sæt tite on dam cafer-
duatiddya imma aina piwi, qipandei, Yah tüne; dá com to hym án peowen, and
pu wast mip Íesua pamma Galeilaiau. cwep, And dú ware mid dam Galilei- *

scean Hælende.
70 tTp is laugnida faura paim allaim, 7o And he wiðsóc befóran eallum, and
qipands, Ni wait wha qipis. ewæþ, Nat ic hwæt du segst.
71 Usgaggandan pan ina in daur, ga- 71 Da he tt-eode of dere dura, dá
sawh ina anpara, yah qap du paim yainar, geseah hyne óðer wyln, and sæde dam
Yah sa was mip lesua pamma Nazoraiau. de der wæron, And des wes mid dam
Nazareniscean Hælende.
72 Yah aftra afaiaik mip, aipa swar- 72 And he widsóe eft mid ape, det he
ands, patei ni kann pana mannan. hys nán ping ne cüde.
.73 Afar leitil, pan atgaggandans pat 73 Ðá efter lytlum fyrste, genealæhton
standandans, qepun Paitrau, Bi sunyai da de deer stódon, and ewædon to Petre, -
yah pu pize is; yah auk razda peina Sóplice dú eart of hym ; and din spræc -
bandweip puk. dé geswútelaþ.
74 Panuh dugann afdomyan yah swar- 74 Da ætsóc he and swerede, det he.
an, patei ni kann pana mannan. Yah næfre done man ne cide. And hreedlice
suns hana hrukida. dá creow se coce.
75 Yah gamunda Paitrus waurdis Les- 75 Da gemunde Petrus des Hælendes
uis, qipanis du sis, Datei faur hanins word, de he ewep, Avrdam de se coce
hruk, prim sinpam afaikis mik. Yah cráwe, priwa dú me wiðsæest. And he
usgaggands ut, gaigrot baitraba. eode út, and weop bityrlice.

Cmar. XXVII. í At maurgin þan Cuar. XXVII. 1 Witodlice dà hyt-

waurpanana, runa nemun allai gudyans, morgen wes, dá worhton ealle dera
yah pai sinistans manageins bi lesu, ei sacerda ealdras gemót, and dees folces
afdaupidedeina ina. ealdras ongén done Hélend, det hig
hyne to deape belæwdon.
2 Yah gabindandans ina gatauhun, yah 2 And hig læddon hyne gebúndenne,—
anafulhun ina Pauntiau Peilatau, kind- and sealdon hyne dam Pontiscean Pilate,
ina. dam déman.
3 Panuh gasaiwhands ludas sa galew- 3 Da geseah Iudas de hyne belæwde,
yands ina, patei du stauai gatauhans det he fordémed wes, dá ongan he
warp, idreigonds, gawandida pans prins | hreowsian, and brohte da þrittig seyl-
XXVI.65.-XXVIL3.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 149
65 Thanne the prince of prestis kittet 65 Then the hye preste rent his clothes,
his clothis, seyinge, He hath blasfemed ; sayinge, He hath blasphemed ; what nede
what 3it nede han we to witnessis? loo! we off eny moo witnesses? lo! nowe
now 3ee han herd blasfemye ; have ye herde his blasphemy;

66 What semeth to 30u? And thei 66 What thyncke ye? They answered
answerynge seiden, He is gilty of deth. and sayd, He is worthy to dye.

67 Thanne thei spitten in to his face, 67 Then spat they in hys face, and bett
and smyten hym with buffetis ; forsothe him with there fistes ;and other smote
other 3ouen strokis with the pawm of him with the palme of there hondes on
hondis in to his face, the face,
68 Seyinge, Thou Crist, prophecie to 68 Saynge, Arede to vs, Christ, who
vs, who is he that smote thee? ys he that smote the?
69 Sothely Petre sat with outen in the 69 Peter sate with out in the palice;
porche ; and an hond mayden came ni3 and a damsel cam to hym, saynge,
to hym, seyinge, And thou were with Thou also waste with Jesus of Galile.
Jhesu of Galilee.
70 And he denyede before alle men, 70 He denyed before them all, sayinge,
seyinge, I woot nat what thou saist. I woot not what thou sayst.
71 Forsothe hym goynge out the 3ate, 71 When he was goone out into the
an other hond mayden say hym, and poorche, another wenche sawe hym, and
seith to hem that weren there, And this sayde vnto them that were there, Thys
< was with Jhesu of Nasareth. felowe was also with Jesus of Nazareth.
72 And eftsone he denyede with an 72 And agayne he denyed with an
ooth, for he knewe nat the man. oothe, and sayde, I knowe nott the man.
73 And after a litil, thei that stoden 73 And after a whyle, cam vnto hym
came nis, and seiden to Petre, Treuly they that stode bye, and sayde vnto
and thou art of hem ; for whi and thi Peter, Suerly thou arte even won of
speche makith thee opyn. them ; for they speache bewreyeth the.
. 74 Thanne he began to warye and 74 Then began he to course and to
swere, that he knewe nat the man. sweare, that he knewe not the man.
And anon the cok crew. And immedyatly the cocke krewe.
75 And Petre bithouste on the word 75 And Peter remembred the wordes
3 of Jhesu, that he hadde seide, Bifore of Jesu, whych he sayde vnto hym,
| the cok crewe, thries thou shalt denye Before the cocke crowe, thou shallt
~ me. And he gon out, wepte bittirly. deny me thryse. And went out at the
dores, and wepte bitterly.

Cuar. XXVII. 1 Forsothe the morwe Crap. XXVII. 1 When the morn-
maad, alle the princis of prestis, and ynge was come, all the chefe prestes,
eldre men of the peple token counseil and senyours off the people helde a
ageins- Jhesu, that thei shulden take counsayle agenst Jesu, to put hym to
hym to deth. deth.
- 2 And thei ladden hym bounden, and 2 And brought hym bounde, and de-
bitoken hym to Pilat of Pounce, meire.* lyvered hym vnto Poncius Pylate, the
.3 Thanne Judas that bitrayede hym, 3 Then when Judas which betrayed
seynge that he was dampnyd, he led by hym, sawe that he was condempned, he
penaunce,' brouste agein thritti platis of repented him sylfe, and brought ageyne
150 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Marr.
tiguns silubrinaize gudyam, yah sinist- lingas to deera sacerda ealdrum,
4 Qipands, Frawaurhta mis, galewyands 4 And ewæþ, Ie syngode, da ie sealde
blop swikn. Ip eis qepun, Wha kara det rihtwise blód. Da cwedon hig,
unsis?! pu witeis. Hwæt spryest da deet to us?
5 Yah atwairpands paim silubram in 5 And he áwearp da scyllingas in on
alh, aflaip, yah galeipands ushaihah sik. dæt templ, and férde, and mid gryne
hyne sylfne aheng.
6 Ip pai gudyans nimandans pans 6 Da sóplice dira sacerda ealdras on-
and cwædon, Nis
skattans, qepun, Ni skuld ist lagyan féngon des seolfres,
pans in kaurbanaun, unte andawairþi hyt ná ályfed det we ásendon hyt on
blopis ist. úre maðm-eyste, fordam de hyt is blódes
y Garuni pan nimandans, usbauhtedun 7 Hig worhton dá gemot, and smea-
us paim pana akr kasyins, du usfilhan don hú hig sceoldon des Hælendes wurþ
ana gastim. áteon, dá gebohton hig ænne æcer mid
dam feo tigel-wyrhtena, on to bebyrg-
enne elpeodisce men.
8 Duppe haitans warp akrs yains akrs 8 Fordam is se æcer gehaten Achel-
blopis, und hina dag. demah, det is on tre gepeode, blodes
æcer, and swá he is geháten od disne dæg.
.9 Panuh usfullnoda, pata qipano pairh 9 Da wes gefylled, det geeweden is
Íairaimian praufetu, qipandan, Yah us- urh Hieremiam done witegan, dus ewed-
nemun prins tiguns silubreinaize, and- ende, And hi onféngon prittig scyllinga,
wairpi pis wairpodins, patei garahnidedun des gebohtan wurp, done de wees ær
fram sunum Israelis ; gewurþod fram Israhela bearnum ;
ro Yah atgebun ins und akra kasyins, 10 And hig sealdon dæt on tigel-wyrht-
swaswe anabaup mis Frauya. ena æcer, swá swá Drihten me gesette.
ir Ip lesus stop faura kindina; yah 11 ba stód se Hælend befóran dam
frah ina sa kindins, qipands, pu is piud- déman ; and se déma hyne àxode, dus
ans ludaie? Ip lesus qap du imma, pu ewedende, Eart di Iudea cyning? Da
qipis. ewp se Hælend, Det du segst. í
12 Yah mippanei wrohips was fram 12 And mid dy de hyne wrégdon æra
paim gudyam, yah sinistam, ni waiht sacerda ealdras, and da hlafordas, nan
andhof. ping he ne andswarode.
13 Panuh qap du imma Peilatus, Niu 13 Da cwæþ Pilatus to him, Ne ge-
hauseis, whan filu ana puk weitwod- hýrest di, hú fela sagena hig ongean
yand? de secgeap?
r4 Yah ni andhof imma wipra ni 14 And he ne andwyrde mid nanum
ainhun waurde, swaswe sildaleikida sa worde, swá æt se déma wundrode swid-
kindins filu. lice.
15 And dulp pan wharyoh biuhts was 15 Hig hefdon heom to gewunan to
sa kindins fraletan ainana pizai managein heora symbel-dæge dzet se déma sceolde
bandyan, panei wildedun. forgyfan dam folee ænne forworhtne
man, swylene hig habban woldon.
16 Habaidedunuh pan bandyan, ga 16 He hæfde dá sóplice ænne strangne
tarhidana Barabban. peofman gehæftne, se wees genemned
17 Gaqumanaim pan im, qap im Pei- 17 Da det fole gesamnod wes, da
latus, Whana wileip ei fraletau izwis? ewep Pilatus, Hwæðer wylle ge det ic
Barabban, pau lesu, saei haitada Christ- eow agyfe? de Barrabban, de done Hæl-
us? end, de is Crist gehaten!
XXVII. 4-17.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 151
seluer to the princis of prestis, and to the xxx. plattes off sylver to the chefe
the eldre men of the peple, prestes, and senyoures,
4 Seyinge, I haue synned, bitrayinge 4 Saynge, I have synned, betraynge
iust blood. And thei seiden, What to the innocent bloud. And they sayde,
vs? se thou. What is that to vs? se thou to that.
5 And the platis of seluer cast awey in 5 And he cast doune the sylver plates
the temple, he wente awey, and goyinge in the temple, and departed, and went
awey he hangide hym with a grane.” and hounge hym sylfe.
6 Forsothe the princis of prestis, taken 6 'The chefe prestes toke the sylver
the platis of seluer, seiden, It is nat plattes, and sayd, It is not lawfull for
leueful to sende hem in to the tresorie, to put them in to the treasury, because
for it is the pris of blood. it is the pryce of bloud.

7 Sothly counceil taken, thei bou3ten y And they toke counsell, and bought
with them the feeld of a potter, in to with them a potters felde, to bury
byryinge of dead men. strangers in.

8 For this thing the ilk feeld is clepid 8 Wherfore that felde is called the felde
Acheldemak, that is, a feeld of blood, of bloud, vntyll this daye.
til in to this day.
9 Thanne it is fulfillid, that thing that 9 Then was fullfylled, that which was
is seid by the prophete Jeremye, sey- spoken by Jeremi the prophet, sayinge,
- ynge, And thei token thritty platis of And they toke xxx. sylver plates, the
syluer, the pris of a man preysid, whom value of him that was prysed, whom
thei preysiden of the sonys of Yrael ; they bought of the chyldren of Israhel ;
10 And thei 3auen hem in to the feeld ro And they gave them for the potters
of a potter, as the Lord ordeyned to me. felde, as the Lorde appoynted me.
-11 Sothely Jhesus stood byfore the 11 Jesus stode before the debite ; and
meyre ;* and the presedent axide hym, the debite axed him, saynge, Arte thou
seyinge, Art thou kyng of Jewis! Jhesus the kynge of the lewes! Jesus sayd
seith to hym, Thou seist. vnto hym, Thou sayest.
r2 Ànd whenne he was acusid of the 12 When he was accused of the chefe
prinees of prestis, and eldre men of the preestes, and senioures, he answered
peple, he answeride no thing. nothinge.
13 Than Pilat seith to hym, Herist 13 Then sayd Pilate vnto him, Hearest
thou not, howe many thinges they laye
thou nat, hou many witnessyngis thei
seien ageinus thee1 ayenste the?
14 And he answeride nat to hym to 14 And he answered him to never a
eny word, so that the presedent won- worde, in so moche that the debyte
dride gretely. marveylled very sore.
15 Forsothe by a solempne day the 15 Att that feest the debyte was wonte
presedent was wont for to delyuere to to deliver vnto the peple a presoner,
the peple oon bounden, whom thei whom they wolde chose.
< 16 Forsothe he hadde a noble man 16 He hade then a notable presoner,
bounden, that was seid Barabas. called Barrabas.

17 Therfore Pilat seid to hem gedrid 17 And when they were gaddered to-
to gidre, Whom wole 3ee, I leeue? to gether Pilate sayde vnto them, Whether
you? wher Barabas, or Jhesu, that is wyll ye, that Y geve losse vnto you!
seid Crist? Barrabas, or Jesus, which is called Cryst!
152 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (St. Marr.
18 Wissa auk, patei in neipis atgebun 18 He wiste sóplice, det hig hyne for
ina. andan him sealdon.
19 Sitandin pan imma ana stauastola, 19 He set da Pilatus on his dóm-setle,
insandida du imma qens is, qipandei, Ni da sende his wif to hym, and ewep, Ne
waiht pus yah pamma gavaihtin; . . e. beo dé nan ping gemæne ongén disne
rihtwisan ; sóplice fela ic hæbbe gepolod
to deg, purh gesyhpe, for hym.

20 Da l&rdon dra sacerda ealdras

and da hláfordas dæt fole, dzet hig bædon
Barrabban, and done Hælend fordydon.

21 Da andwyrde se déma and sæde

heom, Hwæðerne wylle ge det ie for-
gyfe eow of disum twám 1 Da ewsédon
hig, Barrabban.
22 Da cwæþ Pilatus to heom, Witodlice
hwæt dó ie be dam Hælende, de is Crist -
genemned? Da ewædon hig ealle, Sy
he on róde áhangen. |
23 Da cwæþ se déma to heom, Witod-
lice hweet yfeles dyde des? Hi dá swidor
clypodon, dus ewedende, Sy he áhangen.
24 Da geseah Pilatus det hyt náht ne .
fremode, ac gewurde mare gehlyd, dá
genam he weter, and pwóh hys handa
beforan dam folce, and cwæþ, Unseyldig
ic eom fram dyses rihtwisan blóde; ge
geseop. j
25 Da andswarode eall dæt fole and
ewæþ, Sy hys blód ofer us, and ofer tre
26 Da forgeaf he hym Barrabban, and
done Hælend he lét swingan, and sealde
heom to áhónne.
27 Da underféngon des déman cempan
done Hælend on dam dóm-erne, and
gegaderodon ealne done þreat to heom.
28 And unserýddon hyne hys ágenum
reafe, and scryddon hyne mid weolcen-
readum scyccelse ;
29 And wündon cyne-helm of pornum,
and asetton ofer hys heafod, and hreod on
hys swidran ; and bigdon heora eneow
beforan him, and bysmerodon hyne, dus
cwedende, Hal wees dú, Iudea eyning.
30 And spætton on hyne, and námon
hreod, and beoton hys heafod.
31 And efter dam de hig hyne dus
bysmerodon, hig unserýddon hyne dam
scyccelse, and seryddon hyne mid hys 4-
genum reafe, and læddon hyne to Chcune,
XXVII. 18-31.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 153
18 Sothely he wiste, that by enuye 18 For he knewe well, that for envy
thei betraieden hym. they had delyvered hym.
19 Forsothe hym sittynge for iustise,t 19 When he was sett doune to geve
his wyf sente to hym, seyinge, No thing iudgement, his wyfe sent to hym, say-
to thee and to that iust man; sothely I inge, Have thou nothinge to do with
haue suffrid this day many thingis for that iuste man ; I have suffered many
hym, by a visioun.* thinges this daye in my slepe, about
20 F'orsothe the prineis of prestis and 20 The chefe preestes and the seniours
the eldre men tisiden* to the peplis, that had parswaded the people, that they
thei shulden axe Barabas, but Jhesu shulde axe Barrabas, and shulde destroye
thei shulden lese. Jesus.
21 Forsothe the president answerynge 21 The debite answered and sayde vnto
seith to hem, Whom of the two wolen them, Whether of the twayne will ye
3ee to be left? to 30u? And thei seiden, that [ lett loosse vnto you? And they
Barabas. sayde, Barrabas.
. 22 Pilat seith to hem, What therfore 22 Pilate sayde vnto them, What shall
shal I do of Jhesu, that is seid Crist? I do then with Jesus, which 1s called
Alle seien, Be he crucified. Crist? They all sayde to hym, Lett
hym be crucified.
23 The presedent seith to hem, Sothely 23 Then sayde the debite, What evyll
what of yuel hath he don? And thei hath he done? And they eryed the
= erieden more, seyinge, Be he crucified. more, saynge, Lett him be crucified.
24 Forsothe Pilat seynge that he pro- 24 When Pilate sawe that he prevayled
fitide no thing, but the more noyse was nothinge, butt that moare busenes was
maad, water taken, washide the hondis made, he toke water, and wasshed his
byfore the peple, seyinge, I am innocent" hondes before the people, sayinge, I am
fro the blood ot this iust man ; se 5ee. innocent of the bloud of this iuste per-
son ; and that ye shall se.
25 And al the peple answerynge seide, 25 Then answered all the people and
His blood vpon vs, and on oure sonys. sayde, His bloud fall on vs, and on oure
26 Thanne he lefte to hem Barabas, 26 Then lett he Barrabas loosse vnto
but he toke to hem Jhesu scourgid, them, and scourged Jesus, and delyvered
that he shulde be crucified. him to be crucified.
27 Thanne knistis of the president tak- 27 Then the soudeours of the debite
„ynge Jhesu in the mote halle, gedriden toke Jesus vnto the comen hall, and
- to hym alle the cumpanye of knistis. gaddered vnto him all the company.
28 And thei vnclothinge hym, diden 28 And stripped hym, and put on hym
aboute hym a rede mantel ; a purpyll roobe ;

29 And thei foldynge a crowne of 29 And platted a croune off thornes,

thornis, puttiden on his heued, and a and putt vppon hys heed, and a rede in
reed in his ri3t hond; and the knee his ryght honde ; and bowed theire
bowid* bifore hym, thei scornyden hym, knees before him, saying, Hayle, kinge
seyinge, Hayle, kyng of Jewis. of the Iewes.
30 And thei spittynge in to hym, token 30 And spitted vppon hym, and toke
a reed, and smyten his heued. the rede, and smoote hym on the heed.
31 And after that thei hadden scorned 31 And when they had mocked him,
hym, thei vnclothiden hym of the mantel, they toke the robe off hym ageyne, and
and thei clothiden hym with his clothis, put his awne reyment on him, and leed
and ledden hym for to crucifie. hym awaye to crucify hym.
154 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sz. Marr.
32 Sóþlice da hig út-férdon, da ge-
métton hig ænne Cyreuisene man, cum-
ende heom togénes, dees nama wees
Symon ; done hig nýddon, det he béere
hys rode.
33 Da comon hig on da stówe de is
genemned Golgotha, d:et is, Heafodpan-
nau stów,
34 And hig sealdon hym win drincan
wid geallan gemenged ; and da he hys
onbyrigde, dà nolde he hyt drinean.
35 Soplice efter dam de hig hyne on
rode áhéngon, hig todældon hys reaf,
and wurpon hlot “deer ofer, det wære
gefylled, det de gecweden wees purh
done witegan, and “aus cweep, Hig to-
dældon heom mine reaf, and ofer “mine
reaf hig wurpon hlot. j
36 And hig beheoldon hyne sittende;

37 And hig ásetton ofer hys heafod hys

gylt, dus áwritenne, DIS IS SE HÆ'L-
38 Da wæron áhangen mid hym twegen
sceapan, án on da swidran healfe, and
óder on da wynstran.
39 Witodlice da weg-férendan hyne
bysmeredon, and ewehton heora heafod,
40 And eweedon, Wa, dæt des towyrpp
Godes templ, and on prim dagum hyt
eft getimbrap ; gehæl nú dé sylfne; gyf
dú sy Godes sunu, gà nyder of dere
41 Eae dæra sacerda ealdras hyne by-
smeredon, mid dam bócerum and mid
dam ealdrum, and ewedon,
42 42 O'dere he gehælde, and hyne sylfne
. Israelis gehælan ne meg; gyf he Israhela cyn-
ist, atsteigadau nu af pamma galgin, ei ing sy, gà nú nyder of dere róde, and
oO asaiwhaima yah galaubyam imma; we gelyfap hym ;
43 Trauaida du Gupa, lausyadau nu 43 He gelyfp on God, alyse he hyne
ina, yabai wili ina; qap auk, Patei Gups nú, gyf he wylle; witodlice he sæde,
im sunus. Godes sunu ic eom.
44 patuh samo yah pai waidedyans, 44 Gelice da sceapan, de mid. him &-
pai mipushramidans imma, idweitidedun hangene wæron, hyne hyspdon.
45 Fram saihston pan wheilai warp 45 Witodlice fram Gere sixtan tide
riqis ufar allai airpai, und wheila ni- wæron gewurden þýstru ofer ealle eorp-
undon. an, od da nigopan tid.
46 Ip pan bi wheila niundon ufhropida : 46 And ymbe da nygopan tid clypode
lesus stibnai mikilai, qipands, Helei, se Hælend micelre stefne, and dus
Helei, lima sibakpani, patei ist, Gup cwæþ, Heli, Heli, lema zabdani, det is
XXVII. 32-46.| WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 155
32 Sothely thei goynge out, founden a 32 And as they cam out, they founde
man of Syrynen, cummynge fro a toun, a man of Cyren, named Simon; him
Symont by name; thei constreyneden they compelled, to beare his crosse.
hym, that he shulde take his crosse.

33 And thei camen in to a place that 33 And cam vnto the place which is
is clepid Golgatha, that is, the place of called Golgotha, that is to saye, a place
Caluarie. of deed mens sculles.
34 And thei 3auen hym for to drinke 34 And they gave him veneger to
wiyn meyngid with galle; and whenne drynke myxte with gall; and when he
he had tastid, he wolde nat drinke. had tasted there of, he wolde not drinke.
35 Sothely after that thei hadden cru- 35 When they had crucified hym, they
cified hym, thei departiden his clothis, parted his garmentes, and did cast lottes,
sendynge lot, that it shulde be fulfillid, to fulfyll that was spoken by the pro-
that is seid by the prophete, seyinge, phet, They have parted my garmentes
Thei departiden to hem my clothis, and amonge them, and apon my vesture
on my cloth thei senten lot. have cast loottes.

36 And thei sittynge kepten hym ; 36 And they sate and watched hym
37 And thei puttiden on his heued the 37 And they set vppe over his heed
cause of hym wryten, This is Jhesus of the cause of his deeth written, This is
Nazareth, kyng of Jewis. Jesus, the kynge of the Lewes.
38 Thanne two theeues ben crucified 38 And there were two theves crucified
with him, oon on the ri3t half, and oon with hym, won on the right honde, and
on the left half. another on the lyfte honde.
39 Forsothe men passynge forth blas- 39 They that passed by revyled hym,
femyden hym, moouynge her heuedis, waggynge ther heeddes,
40 And seyinge, Vath,! that distroyist 40 And sayinge, Thou, that destroyest
the temple of God, and in the thridde the temple off God, and byldest it in
day bildist it agein ; saue thou thi self; thre dayes; save thy sylfe; if thou be
3if thou art the sone of God, cume doun the sonne of God, come doune from the
of the crosse. crosse.
41 Also and princis of prestis scorn- 41 Lykwyse also the prelates mock-
ynge, with scribis and eldre men, seiden, inge hym, with the scribes and seniours,
| 42 He made other men saaf, he may 42 He saved other, hym sylfe he can
-nat make hym self saaf; sif he is kyng not save; yff he be the kynge off is-
of Yrael, cume he nowe doun fro the rahell, let hym nowe come doune from
erosse, and we bileuen to hym ; the crosse, and we woll beleve hym ;
43 He trustith in God, delyuere he 43 He trusted in God, lett God delyver
hym nowe, 3if he wole; forsothe he hym nowe, yf he will have hym ; for he
seide, For I am Goddis sone. sayde, I am the sonne off God.
44 Forsothe and the theeuys, that 44 That same also the theves, which
weren crucified with hym, puttiden to were crucified with hym, cast in his
hym with repreue the same thing. tethe.
45 Sothely fro the sixte hour derenessis 45 From the sixte houre was ther
ben maad on al the erthe, til to the dercknes over all the londe, vnto the
nynethe hour. nynth houre.
46 And about the nynthe houre Jhesus 46 And about the nynth houre Jesus
eriede with grete voice, seyinge, Hely, eryed with a loude voyce, sayinge, Eli,
Hely, lamazabatany, that is, My God, Eli, lama sabathani, that is to saye, My
156 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Marr.
meins, Guþ meins, duwhe mis bilaist ? on Englise, Min God, min God, to hwi
forléte dà me?
47 Ip sumai pize yainar standandane, 47 Soplice sume da de der stódon,
gahausyandans, qepun, patei Helian and dis gehyrdon, cwædon, Nú he
wopelp sa. clypap Heliam.
48 Yah suns pragida ains us im, yah 48 Da hreedlice arn an heora, and ge-
nam swamm fullyands aketis, yah lag- nam áne spongean and fylde hig mid
yands ana raus, draggkida ina. ecede, and ásette an hreod ðær on, and
sealde hym drincan.
49 Ip pai anparai qepun, Let; ei sai- 49 Witodlice da Cdre ewædon, Læt;
wham qimaiu Helias, nasyan ina uton geseon hweeder Helias cume, and
wylle hyne álysan.
5o lp lesus aftra hropyands stibnai 50 Da clypode se Hælend eft mieelre |
mikilai, aflailot ahman. stefne, and asende hys gist.
5r Yah pan faurhah alhs diskritnoda* 51 And der rihte des temples wah-
in twa, iupapro und dalap. Yah airpa ryft wearp tosliten on twegen dælas,
inreiraida, yah stainos disskritnodedun ; fram ufeweardon od nydeweard. And
seo eorpe bifode, and stánas toburston ;
52 Yah hlaiwasnos usluknodedun, yah 52 And byrgena wurdon ge-openode,
managa leika pize ligandane weihaize, and manige halige lichaman de er
urrisun. slépon, áryson.
53 Yah usgaggandans us hlaiwasnom, 53 And da hig üt-eodon of dam byrg-
afar urrist is innatgaggandans ïn po enum, æfter hys ærýste hig comon on
weihon baurg, yah ataugidedun sik man- da haligan ceastre, and æteowdon hig
agaim. manegum.
54 lp hundafaps yah pai mip imma 54 Witodlice dos hundredes ealdor and
witandans lesua, gasaiwhandans po reir- da de mid him wæron healdende done
on, yah po waurpanona, ohtedun ab- Hælend, da hig gesáwon da eorp-bifunge,
raba, qipandans, Bi sunyai Gups sunus and da ping de der gewurdon, hig
ist sa. ondrédon heom þearle, and ewædon,
Soplice Godes sunu wees des.
55 Wesunuh pan yainar qinons manag- 55 Witodlice der wæron manega wif |
os fairrapro saiwhandeins, pozei laisti- feorran, da de fyligdon dam Hælende
dedun afar Iesua fram Galeilaia, and- fram Galilea, him pénigende.
bahtyandeins imma.
56 In paimei was Marya so Magdalene, 56 Betwuh dam wes seo Magdalenisce |
yah Marya so lakobis, yah losez aipei, Maria, and Maria Iacobes moder, and
yah aipei suniwe Zaibaidaiaus. Iosephes moder, and Zebedeis sunena
57 lp pan seiþu warp, qam manna 57 Soplice da hyt æfen wes, com sum
gabigs af Areimapaias, þizuh namo Josef, welig man of Arimathia, dees nama wees
saei yah silba siponida Íesua. losep, se sylfa wes des Hælyndes
58 Sah atgaggands du Peilatau, bap pis 59 He genealæhte to Pilate, and bed
leikis lesuis. panuh Peilatus uslaubida des Hælendes lichaman. Da hét Pi-
giban pata leik. i latus ágyfan him done lichaman.
59 Yah nimands pata leik, Ïosef biwand 59 And Iosep genam done lichaman,
ita sabana hrainyamma, and bewand hyne mid elznre scytan,
6o Yah galagida ita ïn niuyamma 60 And léde hyne on hys niwan byrg-
seinamma hlaiwa, patei ushuloda ana ene, da he áheow on stáne; and he
staina ; yah faurwalwyands staina mikil- toawylte mycelne stan to hlide dere
amma daurons pis hlaiwis, galaip. byrgene, and ferde syddan.
XXVII. 47-60.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 157
my God, wherto' hast thou forsaken God, my God, why hast thou forsaken
mee Í me?
47 Sothly summen stondynge there, 47 Some of them that stode there,
and heerynge, seiden, This clepith Hely. when they herde that, sayde, This man
calleth for Helias.
48 And anon oon of hem rennynge, 48 And streyght: way won off them
fillide a spounge taken with aycel,* and ranne, and toke a sponge and filled it
puttide to a reed, and 3aue to hym for full of veneger, and put it on a rede,
to drinke. and gave hym to drynke.
49 Dut other seiden, Suffre thou ; see 49 Other sayde, Let be; let vs se
we wher Hely cumme, delyuerynge whyther Helias wyll come, and delyver
hym. hym.
50 Forsothe Jhesus eftsones cryynge 50 Jesus cryed agayne with a lowde
with grete voice, sente out the spirit. voyce, and yelded vppe the goost.
51 And loo! the veile of the temple is 51 And beholde! the vayle of the
kitt in to two parties, fro the heizest temple was rent in two parties, from
til doun. And the erthe is moued, and the toppe to the bottom. And the erth
stoonys ben cleft ; did quake, and the stones did rent ;
52 And biriels ben openyd, and many 52 And graves did open, and the
bodies of seintes that slepten,’ rysen bodies off many saynctes which slept,
asein. arose.
53 And thei goynge out of her biriels, 53 And cam out off their graves after
after his resureccioun camen in to the his resurreccion, and cam in to the holy
holy citee, and apeeriden to manye. cite, and appered ynto many.

54 Treuly centurio and thei that weren 54 When the pety captayne and they
with hym kepinge Jhesu, the moouynge that were with hym watchinge Jesus,
of the erthe seen, and thoo thingis that sawe the erth quake, and those thynges
weren done, dredden greteli, seyinge, which hapened, they feared greatly,
Verrely this was Goddis sone. sayinge, Off a surete this was the sonne
off God.
55 Forsothe there weren there many 55 And many wemen were there be-
wymmen afer, that sueden Jhesu fro holdinge hym a farre off, which folowed
Galilee, mynystrynge to hym. Jesus from Galile, ministringe vnto
- 56 Amonge whiche was Marie Mawae- 56 Amonge the which was Mary Mag-
leyne, and Marie of Jamys, and the dalen, and Mary the mother off James,
modir of Joseph, and the modir of and the mother of Joses, and the mother
Zebedees sones. off Zebedes chyldren.
57 Forsothe when the euenyng was 57 When the even was come, there
maad, there came a riche man fro cam a ryche man off Aramathia, named
Armathia, Joseph by name, the whiche Joseph, which same also was Jesus
and he was disciple of Jhesu. disciple.
58 He wente to Pilate, and axide the 58 He went to Pilate, and begged the
body of Jhesu. Thanne Pilate com- body of Jesus. Then Pilate commaunded
aundide the body to be golden. the body to be delivered.
59 And the body taken, Joseph wlap- 59 And Joseph toke the body, and
pide it in a clene sendel,* wrapped it in a clene lynnyne clooth,
60 And puttide it in his newe biriel, 60 And put it in his newe tombe,
that he hadde hewen in a stoon ; and he which he had hewen out even in the
walowid to a grete stoon at the dore roke; and rolled a greate stone to the
of the biriel, and wente awey. dore of the sepulcre, and departed.

158 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marr.
61 Wasuh pan yainar Marya Magdalene 61 Der wes sóplice seo Magdalenisce
yah so anpara Marya, sitandeins and- Maria and seo óder Maria, sittende set
wairpis pamma hlaiwa. deere byrgene.
62 lftumin pan daga, saei ist afar par- 62 Witodlice ódrum dæge, de wes
askaiwein, gagemun auhumistans gud- gearcung-deg, comon togædere diera
yans yah Fareisaieis du Peilatau, sacerda ealdras and da Sundor-hálgan
to Pilate,
63 Qipandans, Frauya, gamundedum, 63 And ewedon, Hláford, we gemunon,
patei yains airzyands qap nauh libands, dæt se swica sede da he on life wees,
Afar prins dagans urreisa. After prym dagon ic arise.

64 Hait nu witan pamma hlaiwa und 64 Hat nü healdan da byrgene od

pana pridyan dag; ibai ufto qimandans done pryddan dæg ; de-les hys leorning-
pai siponyos is, binimaina imma, yah cnihtas cumon, and forstelon hyne, and
qipaina du managein, Urrais us daupaim; secgeon dam folce, det he aryse of
yah ist so speidizel airzipa wairsizei deape ; donne byþ dst æftere gedwyld
pizai frumein. wyrse donne dæt rre.

65 Qap im Peilatas, Habaip wardyans, 65 Da eweep Pilatus, Ge habbap heord-

gaggip, witaiduh swaswe kunnup. rædenne; farap, and healdap swá swá
ge witon.
66 Ip eis gaggandans, galukun pata 66 Sóplice hig férdon, and ymbe-trym-
hlaiw, faursiglyandans pana . . . cdon da byrgene, and inseglodon done
9 . . . . D . . . . . . ee stán, mid dam weardum.

Crap. XXVIII.’ 1 Sóplice dam reste-

d:zges æfene, se de onlihte on dam
forman veste-d:ege, com seo Magdalen-
isce Maria, and seo oder Maria, det hig
woldon geseon da byrgene.
2 And der wearp geworden micel eorp-
bifung ; witodlice Drihtenes engel ástáh
of heofonan, and genealæhte and awylte
done stan, and sæt deer on uppan.

3 Hys ansyn wes swylce ligyt, and

hys reaf swà hwite swá snáw ;
4 Witodlice da weardas weron áfyrhte,
and wæron gewordene swylce hig deade
5 Ðá andswarode se engel and sæde
dam wifon, Ne ondræde ge eow,ie wát
witodlice dst ge séceap done Helend,
done de on róde áhangen wees ;
6 Nys he her, he aras, sóplice swá swá
he sæde; cumap, and geseop da stówe,
de se Helend wees on-aléd.
7 And farap hrædlice, and seegeap hys
leorning-cnihtum, det he árás. And
sóplice he cymp befóran eow on Gali-
XXVII 61.-XXVIII. 7.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 159
61 Forsothe Marye Mawdeleyne and 61 There was Mary Magdalene and
an othere Marye weren there, sittynge the other Mary, sittinge over ayenste
ageins the sepulcre. the sepulere.
62 Sothely on the tother day, that is 62 The nexte daye, that foloweth good
after paseke euenynge, the princis of frydaye, the hye prestes and Pharises
prestis and Pharisees camen to gidere got them selves to Pilate,
to Pilate,
63 Seiynge, Sire, we han mynde, for 63 And sayde, Syr, we remember, that
the ilke traitour* sayde sit lyuynge, this deceyver sayde whyll he was yet
Aftir thre dayes I shal ryse a3en. alyve, After thre dayes Y wyll aryse
64 Therfore comaunde thou the sepul- 64 Commaunde therfore that the sepul-
cre to be kept til in to the thridde day; cre be made sure vntyll the thyrd daye;
lest perauenture his disciplis comen, and lest paraventure his disciples come, and
stelen him, and seyen to the peple, He steale hym awaye, and saye vnto the
is risun fro deeth ; and the laste errour people, He ys rysen from deeth ; and
schal be worse than the formere. then the laste erroure shalbe worsse
then the first was.
65 Pilat seith to hem, 3e han the 65 Pilate sayde vnto them, Take watche
kepinge ; go 5e, kepe 5e as 5e kunnen. men; go, and make ytt as sure as ye
66 Forsoth thei goynge forth, kepten' 66 They went, and made the sepulcre
the sepulcre, markinge! the stoon, with sure with watche men, and sealed the
keperis. stone.

Cuar. XXVIII. 1 Forsothe in the Crap. XXVIII. 1 The saboth daye

euenyng of the saboth,* that schyneth att even, which dauneth the morowe
in the firste day of the woke, Marie after the saboth, Mary Magdalene, and
Mawdeleyn cam, and another Marie, for the other Mary cam, to se the sepulcre.
to se the sepulcre.
2 And lo! ther was maad a greet 2 And beholde! there was a greate
-erthe mouyng; forsoth the aungel of erth quake ; for the angell of the Lorde
descended from heven, and cam and
the Lord cam doun fro heuene, and
-eomynge to turnide awey the stoon, and rowlled baeke the stone ffrom the dore,
sat theron, and sate apon it.
3 Sothli his lokyng was as leyt, and 3 His countenaunce was lyke lyght-
his elothis as snow ; nynge, and his rayment whyte as snowe ;
4 Forsothe for drede of him the keperis 4 For feare of hym the kepers were
ben afferid, and thei ben maad as deede astunnyed, and were as deed men.
5 Forsothe the aungel answeringe seide g The angell answered and sayde to
to the wymmen, Nyle 3e drede, for I the wemen, Feare ye not, I knowe wele
woot that 3e seken Jhesu, that is cruci- ye seke Jesus, which was crucified ;
6 He is not here, sothli he roos, as he 6 He is not here, he is rysen, as he
seide; come 3e, and sayde ; come, and se the place, where
seeth the place,
where the Lord was putt. the Lorde was put.
7 And 3e goynge sone, seie to his dis- 7 And goo quickly, and tell his dis-
ciplis and to Petre, for he hath risun. ciples, that he is rysen from deeth.
And lo! he schal go bifore 5ou in to - And beholde! he wyll go before you
160 GOTHIC, 560. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (St. MATT.
leam; deer ge hyne geseoþ. Nu! ic secge
8 Da férdon hig hrædlice fram dere
byrgene, mid ege and mid myclum
gefean, and urnon and cyddon hyt hys
9 And efne! da com se Hælend ongean in

hig, and cwep, Hale wese ge. Hig

genealæhton, and genámon hys fét, and
to him ge-eadméddon.
10 Da cwæþ se Hælend to heom, Ne
ondræde ge eow ; farap and cydap
minum gebródrum, det hig faron on
Galileam ; ðær hig geseop me.
11 Da da hig férdon, dá comon sume
da weardas on da ceastre, and eyddon
dera sacerda ealdrum ealle da ping de
deer gewordene wæron.
12 Da gesamnodon da ealdras hig,
and worhton gemót, and sealdon dam
pegnum micel feoh,
13 And ewedon, Secgeap, det hys
leorning-cnihtas comon nihtes, and for-
stælon hyne, da we slépon.
14 And gyf se déma dis ge-ácsaþ, we
læraþ hyne, and gedóp eow sorhlease.

15 Da onféngon hig des feos, and |

dydon, eallswá hig gelérede wæron.
And dis word wes gewidmærsod mid|
Iudeum, od disne andweardan deeg.t
16 a férdon da endlufen leorning-
enihtas on done münt, ðær se Hiélend
heom dihte.
17 And hyne der gesáwon, and T to
him ge-eadméddon;"witodlice sume hig
18 Dà genealæhte se Hælend, and
spræc to hym das ping, and dus ows,
Me is geseald ælc anweald, on heofonan
and on eorpan.
19 Farap witodlice and læraþ ealle
peoda, and fulligeab hig on naman
Feeder, and Suna, and "dees Hálgan |
20 And lérap det hig healdon ealle
da ping, de ic eow bebead ; and ie beo
mid eow ealle dagas, od worulde ge g
| endunge. Amen. Á
XXVIIL 8-20.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 161
Galilee ; there 3e schulen se him. Lo! into Galile; there ye shall se hym. Lo!
I haue bifore seid to 30u. I have tolde you.
8 And Marie Mawdeleyn, and another 8 And they departed quickly from
Marie wenten out soone fro the buryel, the sepulere, with feare and great joye,
with drede and greet ioye, rennynge and did runne to bringe his disciples
for to telle his disciplis. werdo.
9 And lo! Jhesus ran a3ens hem, sey- 9 And as they went to tell his disci-
inge, Heil se. Forsothe thei camen to, ples, beholde! Jesus mett them, sayinge,
and heelden his feet, and worschipiden God spede you. They cam, and held hym
him. by the fete, and worshipped hym.
10 Thanne Jhesus seith to hem, Nyle ro Then sayde Jesus vnto them, Be
3e drede ; go se, telle 5e to my britheren, not afrayde ; go, and tell my brethren,
that thei go in to Galilee; there thei that they goo into Galile; and there
schulen se me. shall they se me.
ir The whiche whanne thei hadden rr When they were gone, beholde!
gon, loo! summe of the keperis camen some of the kepers cam in to the cite,
in to the cytee, and tolden to the princes and shewed vnto the prelattes all thinges
of prestis alle thingis that weren don. whych had hapened.
12 And thei gedrid to gidre with the 12 And they gaddered them togedder
eldere men, a counceil takun, 3aue to the with the senioures, and toke counsell,
knystis plenteuous money, and gave large money vnto the souders,
13 Seyinge, Seie 3e, for his disciplis 13 Saynge, Saye, that his disciples
camen by niste, and han stolen him, vs cam be nyght, and stoole hym awaye,
slepinge. whyll ye slept.
14 And if this be herd of the pre- 14 And yf this come to the rulers
sedent,’ we schulen conceile him, and eares, we wyll pease him, and make you
make 30u sikir. safe.
15 And the money takun, thei diden, 15 And they toke the money, and did,
as thei weren tau3t. And this word is as they were taught. And this saynge
pupplissid at the Jewis, til in to this is noysed amonge the Jewes, vnto this
day. daye.
16 Forsothe enleuene disciplis wenten 16 Then the xi. disciples went there
in to Galilee, in to an hil, where Jhesus waye into Galile, in to a mountayne,
hadde ordeyned to hem. where Jesus had appoynted them.
17 And thei seynge him, worschip- 17 And when they sawe hym, they
- iden ; sothli summe of hem doutiden. worshipped hym; but some of them
18 And Jhesus comynge to, spak to 18 Jesus came, and spake vnto them,
hem, seyinge, Al power is 5ouun to me, saynge, All power ys geven vnto me,
in heuene and in erthe. in heven and in erth.

19 Therfore 5e goynge teche alle folkis, 19 Goo therefore and teache all nacions,
eristenynge hem in the name of the baptisynge them in the name of the
Fadir, and of the Sone, and of the Father, and the Sonne, and the Holy
Hooly Gost ; | Goost ;
20 Techinge hem for to kepe alle 20 Teachinge them to observe all
thingis, what euere thingis I haue com- thynges, whatsoever I commaunded you;
aundid to 30u; and lo! I am with 30u and lo! I am with you all waye, even
inalle dayes, til the endyng of the world. vntyll the ende off the worlde.





Cumar. I. í Anastodeins aiwaggel- Crap. I. 1 Hér ys gódspelles angyn

yons Íesuis Christaus, sunaus Guþs. Hælendes Cristes, Godes suna.

2 Swe gamelip ist in Esaiin, praufetau, 2 Swá áwriten is on des witegan béc
Sai! ik insandya aggilu meinana faura Isaiam, Nü! ie ásende minne engel che

pus, saei gamanweip wig peinana faura befóran dinre ansyne, se gegearwaþ
pus. - dinne weg befóran dé.
3 Stibna wopyandins in aupidai, Man- 3 Clypigende stefen on dam westene,
weip wig Frauyins, raihtos waurkeip Gegearwiap Drihtnes weg, dóp rihte his
staigos Gups unsaris. sidas.
4 Was lohannes daupyands in aupidai, 4 lohannes wees on wéstene fulligende,
yah meryands daupein idreigos, du and bodiende dæd-bóte fulwiht, on synna
aflageinai frawaurhte. forgyfenesse.
5 Yah usiddyedun du imma all Tudaia- | s And to him férde eall Iudeise rice,
land, yah Íairusaulwmeis; yah daupidai | and ealle Hierosolima-ware; and wæron
wesun allai in laurdane awhai fram | fram him gefullode on Iordanes flóde, |
imma, andhaitandans frawaurhtim sein- hyra synna anddetende.
aim. á nie

6 Wasup-pan lohannes gawasiþs tag- 6 And Iohannes wes geseryd mid

lam ulbandaus, yah gairda filleina bi oluendes hærum, and fellen gyrdel wees
hup seinana ; yah matida þramsteins, ymbe his lendenu ; and gærstapan, and
yah milip haipiwisk, wudu hunig he æt,
7 Yah merida, qipands, Qimip swinpoza 7 And he bodode, and cwæþ, Strengra
mis sa afar mis, pizei ik ni im wairps cymp efter me, des ne eom ie wyrde
anahneiwands andbindan — skaudaraip det ic his sceona pwanga bugende
skohe is. uncnytte.
8 Appan ik daupya izwis in watin ; ip 8 Ie fullige eow on wetere; he eow
is daupeip izwis in Ahmin Weihamma. fullap on Halgum Gaste.

.9 Yah warp in yainaim dagam, qam 9 And on dam dagum, com se Hælend
lesus fram Nazaraip Galeilaias, yah fram Nazareth Galilee, and wes ge-
daupips was fram Iohanne in Íaurdane. fullod on Iordane fram lohanne.

10 Yah suns usgaggands us pamma ro And sóna of dam wætere, he geseah —

watin, gasawh usluknandans himinans, opene heofonas, and Háligne Gast swa
yah Ahman swe ahak, atgaggandan ana culfran ástigende, and on him wunig-
ina. ende.




Cmar. I. : The bigynnynge of the Cnar. I. 1 The begynnyng off the

gospel of Jhesu Crist, the sone of God. gospell of Jesu Christ, the sonne off
2 As it is writun in Ysaie, the pro- 2 As yt ys written in the prophettes,
phete, Lo ! I sende myn angel bifore thi Beholde! I sende my messenger before
face, that schal make thi weye redy thy face, whych shall prepare thy waye
bifore thee. before the.
3 The voice of oon eryinge in desert, 3 The voyce of won that cryeth in the
Make 3e redy the weye of the Lord, wildernes, Prepare ye the waye off the
make 5e his pathis ri3tful. Lorde, make his pathes streyght.
4 Jhon was in desert baptisynge, and 4 Jhon did baptise in the wyldernes,
prechinge the baptym of penaunce, in and preache the baptim of repentaunce,
to remiscioun of synnes. for the remission of synnes.
5 And alle men of Jerusalem wenten 5 And all the londe off lewry, and
out to him, and al the cuntre of Judee ; they of Jerusalem went out vnto hym ;
and weren baptisid of him in the flood and were all baptised of hym in the
of Jordan, knowlechinge her synnes. ryver Jordan, knowledgynge theire
6 And John was clothid with heeris of 6 Jhon was clothed with cammylles
camelis, and a girdil of skyn abowte his heer, and wyth a gerdyll off a beestes -
Jeendis; and he eet locustus, and hony skyn about hys loynes; and he ate
_of the wode, locustes, and wylde hony,
7 And prechide, seyinge, A strengere 7 And preached, saynge, A stronger
than I schal come aftir me, of whom I then I commeth after me, whos shue
knelinge am not worthi for to vndot the latchett I am not worthy to stoupe
thwong of his schoon. doune and vnlose.
8 I haue baptisid 30u in water; for- 8 I have baptised you with water;
sothe he shal baptise 30u in the Holy but he shall baptise you with the Holy
Goost. Goost.
9 And it is don in thoo dayes, Jhesus 9 Ànd yt cam to passe in those dayes,
came fro Nazareth of Galilee, and was that Jesus cam from Nazareth a cite
baptisid of Joon in Jordan. of Galile, and was baptised of Jhon in
to And anoon he styinge vp of the 10 And immediatly he cam out of the.
water, say3 heuenes openyd, and the water, and sawe the hevens open, and
Holy Goost cummynge doun as a the Holy Goost descendinge vppon hym
culuere, and dwellynge in hym. lyke a dove.
164 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Mark
11 Yah stibna qam us himinam, þu is II And dá wes stefn of heofenum
sunus meins sa liuba, in þuzei waila geworden, Dü eart min gelufoda sunu,
galeikaida. on dé ic gelicode.
12 Yah suns sai Ahma ina ustauh in T2 And sóna Gast hine on wésten
aupida. genýdde.
13 Yah was in pizai aupidai dage 13 And he on wéstene wæs feowertig
fidwor tiguns, fraisans fram Satanin, yah daga and feowertig nihta, and he wes
was mip diuzam, yah aggileis anbahti- fram Satane gecostnod, and he mid wild-
dedun imma. t deorum w:es, and him englas pénodon.
14 Ip afar patei atgibans warp lohan- 14 Syddan Iohannes geseald wees, com
nes qam lesus in Galeilaia, meryands se Helend on Galileam, Godes rices
aiwaggelyon piudangardyos Gups, E bodigende,
r5 Qipands, Datei usfullnoda pata mel, 5 And dus ewedende, Witodlice tid is
yah atnewhida sik piudangardi Guþs ; BR and heofena rice genealæcþ; dóp
idreigop, yah galaubeip in aiwaggelyon. dæd-bóte, and gelyfap dam gédspelle.

16 Yah wharbonds faur marein Galei- 16 And da he férde wid da Galileiscan

laias, gasawh Seimonu, yah Andraian sæ, he geseah Simonem, and Andream,
bropar is, pis Seimonis, wairpandans his brodor, hyra nett on da sæ lætendö 3
nati in marein ; wesun auk fiskyans. sóþlice hi wæron fisceras.
17 Yah qap im lesus, Hiryats afar 17 And dá ewæþ se Hælend, Cumap
mis; yah gatauya igqis mm nutans wfter me; and ie do ine det gyt beop
manne. sáwla onfónde.
18 Yah suns afletandans po natya seina, 18 And hi dà hrædlice him fyligdon,
laistidedun afar imma. and forléton heora nett.
19 Yah yainpro inngaggands framis 19 Ànd danon hwon ágán, he geseah
leitilata, gasawh Íakobu Jana Zaibai- lacobum Zebedei, and Iohannes his
daiaus, yah lohanne, broþar is, yah pans bródor, and hi on heora seype heora
in skipa manwyandans natya. nett logodon.

20 Yah suns haihait ins; yah aflet- 20 And he hi sóna clypode; and hi
andans attan seinana, Zaibaidaiu, in heora feeder, Zebedeo, on scipe forléton
pamma skipa mip asnyam, galipun afar mid hyrlingum, . . . . EN
21 Yah galipun in Kafarnaum, yah 21 Aud férdon to Cafarnaum, and sóna
suns sabbato daga galeipands in swn- reste-dagum he lærde hi, on gesamnunge
agogen, laisida ins. ingangende.
22 Yah usfilnans waurpun ana pizai 22 And hi wundredon be his láre;
laiseinai is; unte was laisyands ins, swe sóþlice he wes hi lærende, swa se de
waldufni habands, yah ni swaswe pai anweald heefp, næs swa bóceras.
23 Yah was in pizai swnagogen ize 23 And on heora gesamnunge wes
manna in unhrainyamma ahmin, yah sum man on unclénum gaste, “and he
afhropida, hrymde,
„24 Qipands, Fralet, wha uns yah pus, 24 And ewep, Ealá Nazarenisca Hæl-
esu Nazorenai? qamt fraqistyan uns! end, hwæt is us and dé? com dt us
sann þuk whas pu is, sa weiha Gups. to forspillanne? ic wat dú eart Godes

25 Yah andbait ina lesus, qipands, 5 Ðá cidde se Hælend him, and cweep,
Pahai, yah usgagg ut us pamma, ahma ane and ga of disum men.

I. 11-25.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 165
I: And a voys is maad fro heuenes, II And there cam a voyce from heven,
Thou art my sone loued, in thee I haue T-2u arte my dere sonne. in whom Í
plesid. | delite.
12 And anon the Spirit puttide hym 12 And immediatly the Sprete drave
in to desert. hym into à wildernes.
13 And he was in desert fourty dayes 13 And he was there in the wildernes
and fourty nigtis, and was temptid of xl. dayes, and was tempted off Satan,
Sathanas, and was with beestis, and and was with wylde beestes, and the
angelis mynystriden to hym. angels ministred vnto hym.
14 Forsothe after that Joon was taken, | 14 After that Jhon was taken, Jesus
Jhesus came in to Galilee, prechinge cam in to Galile, preachynge the gospell
the gospel of the kyngdam of God, off the kyngdom of God,
15 And seiynge, For tyme is fulfillid, 15 And saynge, The tyme ys ful come,
and the kyngdam of God shal come | and the kyngdom of God is even att
niz; forthinke 3ee, and bileue see to honde; repent, and beleve the gospell.
- the gospel.
16 And he passynge bisidis the see of 16 As he walked by the see of Galile,
Galilee, say Symont, and Andrew, his he sawe Simon, and Andrewe, his bro-
brother, sendynge nettis in to the see; ther, castinge nettes in to the see; for
sothely thei weren fishers. they were fysshers.
17 And Jhesus seide to hem, Come 17 And Jesus sayde vnto them, Folowe
see after me; I shal make 30u to be me; and I wyll make you to be fysshers
maad fishers of men. of men.
„18 And anoon the nettis forsaken, thei 18 And they strayght waye forsoke
sueden hym. their nettes, and folowed him.
19 And he gon forth thennes a litil, 19 And when he had gone a lytell
say James of Zebede, and Joon, his bro- further thens, he sawe James the sonne
ther, and hem in the boot makynge off Zebede, and Jhon, his brother, even
nettis. as they were in the shippe dressynge
their nettes.
20 And anoon he clepide hem; and zo And anon he called them; and
Zebede, her fadir, left in the boot with they leeft their father, Zebede, in the
hirid seruauntis, thei sueden bym. shippe with his heyred servauntes, and
went their waye after hym.
21 And thei wenten forth in to Cafar- 21 And they entred in to Capernaum,
- naum, and anoon in the sabotis he gon and streight waye on the sabot dayes he -
_ yn into the synagoge, tau3te hem. entred in to the sinagogge, and taught.
22 And thei wondreden on his tech- 22 Ànd they mervelled att hys learn-
yuge ; sothely he was techynge hem, as inge ; for he taught them, as won whych
hauynge power, and not as scribis. had power with him, and not as the
scrybes did.
. 23 And in the synagoge of hem was a 23 And there was in the sinagogge a
man in an vnclene spirit, and he criede, man vexed with an vnclene spirite, and
he eryed,
24 Seyinge, What to vs and to thee, 24 Sayinge, Lett me a lone, what have
thou Jhesu of Nazareth? haste thou we to do with the, Jesus of Nazareth?
cummen bifore the tyme for to destroie arte thou come to destroie vs? I knowe
vs? Y woot that thou art the holy of what thou arte, thou arte that holy man
God. ) promysed of God.
25 And Jhesus thretenyd e to hym, 25 And Jesus rebuked him, saynge,
seyinge, Wexe dowmb, and go out of Hoolde thy pace, and come out of the
the man. l | man.

166 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Mark
26 Yah tahida ina ahma sa unhrainya, 26 And se unclæna gást hine slitende,
yah hropyands stibnai mikilai, usiddya and mycelre stefne clypigende, him of
us imma. eode.
27 Yah afslaupnodedun allai, silda- 27 Da wundredon hi ealle, swa deet hi
leikyandans, swaei sokidedun mip sis betwux him ewædon, Hwæt ys dis?
misso, qipandans, Wha siyai pata? who hweet is deos niwe lar? det he on
so laiseino so niuyo? ei mip waldufnya anwealde unclænum gástum bebyt, and
yah ahmam paim unhrainyam anabiud- hi hyrsumiap him.
3p, yah ufhausyand imma.

28 Usiddya pan meripa is suns and 28 And sona ferde his hlisa to Galilea
allans bisitands Galeilaias. rice.

29 Yah suns us pizai swnagogen us- 29 Hrædlice of hyra gesamnunge hi

gaggandans qemun in garda Seimonis comon on Simonis and Andreas hús,
yah Andraiins mip lakobau yah Io- mid Iacobe and Iohanne.
3o Ip swaihro Seimonis lag in brinnon ; 30 Soplice dà set Simonis sweger
yah suns qepun imma bi iya. hripigende ; and hi him be hyre s&don.
31 Yah duatgaggands, urraisida po, 31 And genealæcende, he hi up-áhóf,
undgreipands handu izos, yah aflailot hyre handa gegripenre, and hrædlice se
po so brinno suns, yah andbahtida im. fefer hi forlét, and heo pénode him.

32 Andanahtya pan waurpanamma, pan 32 Sóþlice dá hit wees æfen geworden,

gasaggq sauil, berun du imma allans dà sunne to setle eode, hi brohton to
pans ubil habandans, yah unhulpons him ealle da unhálan, and da de wóde
habandans. wæron.
33 Yah so baurgs alla garunnana was 33 And eall seo burh-waru wæs LA
at daura. ; gaderod to deere duran.
34 Yah gahailida managans ubil hab- 34 And he manega gehælde de mis-
andans missaleikaim sauhtim, yah un- senlicum Zdlum gedréhte wæron, and
hulpons managos uswarp, yah ni fralailot manega deofol-seocnyssa he út-ádráf,
rodyan pos unhulpons, unte kunpedun and hi sprecan ne lét, fordam hi wiston
ina. deet he Crist wees.
35 Yah air uhtwon usstandands, usid- 35 And swide ær árisende, he férde on
dya, yah galaip ana aupyana stap, yah weste stówe, and hine dar gebæd.
yainar bap.
36 Yah galaistans waurpun imma Sei- 36 And him fyligde Simon, and da de.
mon, yah pai mip imma. mid him wæron.
37 Yah b'gitandans ina, qepun du ïm- 37 And da hi hine gemétton, hi sédon.
ma, patei allai puk sokyand. him, Eall dis fole dé séep.
38 Yah qap du im, Gaggam du paim 39 Da cwæþ he, Fare we on gehende
bisunyane haimom yah baurgim, ei yah túnas and ceastra, æt ic dar bodige,
yainar meryau, unte dupe qam. wituallice to dam ic com.
39 Yah was meryands in swnagogim 39 And he wes bodigende on heora E
ize, and alla Galeilaian, yah unhulpons gesamnungum, and ealre Galilea, and
uswairpands. deofol-seocnessa tit-Adrifende.t
40 Yah qam at imma prutsfill habands, sö And to him com sum hreofla, hine
bidyands ina, yah kniwam knussyands, biddende, and gebigedum eneowum, him
I. 26-40.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 167
26 And the vnclene goost debrekynge 26 And the vnelene spirite tare him,
hym, and cryinge with grete vois, wente eryed out with a lowde voyce, and cam
awey fro hym. out of him.
27 And alle men wondriden, so that 27 And they were all amased, in so
thei sou3ten togidre amonge hem, sey- moche that they demaunded won off
inge, What is this thinge? what is this another a monge them selves, saying,
neve techyng? for in power he com- What thinge ys thys? what newe doc-
aundith to vnclene spiritis, and thei trine is thys? for he commaundeth the
obeyen to hym. foule spirites with power, and they
obeye him.
28 And the tale* of hym wente forth 28 Anon his name spreed abroade
ancon in to al the cuntree of Galilee. through oute all the region borderynge
on Galile.
29 And anoon thei goynge out of the 29 And immediatly as sonne as they
synagoge eamen in to the hous of Sy- were come out of the sinagogge and
mont and Andrew, with James and entred in to the housse of Symon
Joon. Andrew, with James and Jhon.
30 Sothely and the modir of Symontis 30 Symones motherelawe lay sicke ‘of
wif sik in feueris restide;' and anoon a fiver; and annon they told hym of
thei seien to hym of hir. her.
31 And he eummynge to, reride hir 31 And he cam, and toke her by the
vp, the hond of hir taken, and anoon honde, and lifte her vppe, and the fiver
the feuere left hire, and she mynystride forsoke her by and by, and she ministred
'to hem. vnto them.
32 Forsothe the euenynge maad, 32 And at even, when the sun was
whenne the sone wente doun, thei doune, they brought vnto him all that
brousten to hym alle hauynge yuel, were disease d, and them that were pos-
and hauynge deuelis. sessed with devyls.
33 And al the cite was gaderid at the 33 And all the cite gaddred togedder
3ate. at the dore.
34 And he helide many that weren 34 And he healed many that were
s, and he cast
traueilide with dyuers soris, and he sycke of dyvers desease d not the
and he suffride out many devyls, and suffere
castide out many deuelis, knewe
devyls to speake , becaus e they
hem nat for to speke, for thei knewen
hym. him.
35 And in the morewynge ful erly he 35 And in the moorninge very erly
rysynge, gon out, wente in to desert Jesus arose, and went out in to a solitary
place, and preiede there. place, and there prayed.
...36 And Symont suede hym, and thei 36 And Simon and they that were
that weren with hym. with hym folowed after hym.
37 And whanne thei hadden founden 37 And when they had founde him,
hym, thei seiden to hym, For alle men they sayde vnto him, All men seke for
seeken thee. the.
38 And he seith to hem, Go we in to 38 And he sayd vnto them, Let vs go
the nexte townes and citees, that and in to the next tounes, that Y maye
there I preche, for to this thing I preache there also, for truly I cam out
came. for that purpose.
39 And he was prechynge in the syna- 39 And he preached in their sina-
gogis of hem, and in alle Galilee, and gogges, throughout all Galile, and cast
devyls out. :
castynge out fendis.
40 And a leprous man cam to hym, 40 And there cam a leper to him, be-
bisechynge hym, and, the knee folden, sechinge him, and kneled doune vnto
168 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Mark
yah qipands du imma patei, Yabai wileis, to ewæþ, Drihten, gif da wylt, dú miht
magt mik gahrainyan. geclænsian me.
41 Ip lesus, infeinands, ufrakyands 41 Soplice se Hælend him miltsode,
handu seina, attaitok imma, yah qap and his hand ápenode, and hine æt-hrin-
imma, Wilyau, wairp hrains. ende, and dus cwæþ, Ie wylle, beo dú
42 Yah bipe qap pata lesus, suns pata 42 And dá he dus cwæþ, sóna seo
prutsfill aflaip af imma, yah hrains warp. hreofnes him fram gewát, and he wæs
43 Yah gawhotyands imma, suns us- 43 And sóna he bead him, . . J .
sandida ina,
44 Yah qap du imma, Saiwh, ei mann- 44 And cwæþ, Warna, det dú hit nán-
hun ni qiþais waiht ; ak gage, puk silban um men ne secge; ac gá, and ætýw dé
ataugyan gudyin, yah atbair fram ga- dara sacerda ealdre, and bring for dinre
hraineinai peinai patei anabaup Moses, clensunga dæt Moyses bebead, him on
du weitwodipai im. gewitnesse.
45 lp is, usgaggands, dugann meryan 45 And he, dá ütgangende, ongan
filu, yah usqipan pata waurd, swaswe is bodian, and widmærsian da spræce, swi
yuþan ni mahta andaugyo in baurg det he ne mihte openlice on da ceastre
galeipan, ak uta ana aupyaim stadim gin, ac beon tite on wéstum stówum ^
was ; yah iddyedun du imma allapro. and hi æghwanon to him comon.

Crap. IT. 1 Yah galaip aftra in Cuap. IL 1 And eft efter dagum,
Kafarnaum, afar dagans. Yah gafrehun, he eode into Cafarnaum. And hit wes
patei in garda ist, gehyred, det he wes on hase,
2 Yah suns gaqemun managai, swaswe 2 And manega togædere comon, . .
yupan ni gamostedun, nih at daura. . And he to
Yah rodida im waurd. heom spree.

3 Yah qemun at imma uslipan bair- 3 And hi comon anne Jaman to him
andans, hafanana fram fidworim, berende, done feower men bron.

4 Yah ni magandans newha qiman 4 And da hi ne mihton hine in-bring-

imma faura manageim, andhulidedun an for deere mænigeo, hi openodon done
hrot, þarei was lesus; yah usgraband- hrof, dar se Hælend wes; and . . .
ans, insailidedun pata badi, yah fra- . . A . * . . hi dá in-ásendon
lailotun, ana pammei lag sa uslipa. dit b ed, de se lama on-læg.

5 Gasaiwhands pan lesus galaubein ize, 5 Sóþlice dà se Hælend geseah heora

qap du pamma uslipin, Barnilo, aflet- geleafan, he cwæþ to dam Jaman, Sunu,
anda pus frawaurhteis peinos. dé synt dine synna forgifene.
6 Wesunuh pan sumai pize bokarye 6 Dar weron sume of dam bócerum
yamar sitandans, yah pagkyandans sis sittende, and on heora heortan pencende,
in hairtam seinaim,
. 7 Wha sa swa rodeip naiteinins? Whas 7 Hwi spycp des dus? He dysegap;
I. 41.-IL. 7.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 169
seide, 3if thou wolt, thou maist clense him, and sayde vnto him, Yf thou wylt,
me. thou arte able to make me clene.
41 Forsothe Jhesus, hauynge mercy 41 Jesus had compassion on him, and
on hym, streist out his hond, and, touch- put forth his honde, touched him, and
ynge hym, seith to hym, I wole, be thou sayde vnto him, I will, be clene.
maad clene.
42 And whanne he hadde seide, anoon 42 And as sone as he had spoken,
the lepre partide awey fro hym, and he immediatly the leprosy departed from
is clensid. him, and he was clensed.
43 And he thretenyde to hym, and 43 And he charged hym, and sent him
anoon he putte hym out, awaye forthwith,
44 And seith to hym, Se thou, seie to 44 And sayd vnto him, Se that thou
no man; but go, shewe thee to the tell no man; but gett the hence, and
. princis of prestis, and offre for thi clens- shewe thy sylfe to the preste, and offer
ynge tho thingis that Moyses badde, in for thy clensynge those thinges which
to witnessynge to hem. Moses commaunded, for a testimoniall
vnto them.
45 And he, gon out, biganne to preche, 45 But he, as sone as he was departed,
and diffame* the word, so that nowe he began to tell many thinges, and to pub-
miste nat opynly go in to the citee, but lyshe the dede, in so moche that Jesus
be with out forth in deserte placis ; and coulde no more openly entre in to the
thei camen to gidre to hym on alle cite, but was out in desert places; and
sydis. they cam to him from every quarter.

Crap. Il. 1 And eft he entride in Crap. II. 1 After a feawe dayes, he
to Capharnaum, after eiste days. And entred into Capernaum againe. And it
it is herd, that he was in an hous, was noysed, that he was in a housse,
2 And many camen togidre, so that 2 And anon many gaddered togedder,
it tok nat, nether at the 3ate. And he in so moche that nowe there was no
spae to hem a word. roume to receave them, no nott in places
about the dore. And he preached vnto
3 And there camen to hym men bryng- 3 And there cam vnto hym, that
ynge a man sike in palesie, the whiche brought wone sicke off the palsey, borne
was borun of foure. off fower men.
4 And whanne thei mi3te nat offre hym 4 And be cause they coulde not com
to hym for the campanye of peple, thei nye vnto hym for preace, they opened
maden the roof nakid, wher he was; the rofe of the housse, where he was;
and makynge opyn, thei senten doun the and when they had broken yt open, they
bedd, in whiche the sike man in palasie lett doune the beed, where in the sicke
lay. of the palsey ley.
ESothely whanne Jhesus say the feith 5 When Jesus sawe their fayth, he
„of hem, he seith vnto the sike man in sayde to the sicke of the palscy, Sonne,
palasie, Sone, thi synnes ben for3zouen thy synnes are forgeven the.
to thee.
6 Forsothe there weren summe of the 6 There were certeyne of the scrybes
scribis sittynge, and thenkynge in her : sittinge, and reasoninge in their hertes, ©
4 What spekith he thus? He blas- 7 Howe doeth thys felowe blaspheme?
170 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Mark
mag afletan frawaurhtins, niba ains hwi meg synna forgyfan, büton God
Gup? f ána?
3 Yah suns ufkunnands lesus ahmin 8 Da se Hælend det on his gaste
seinamma, patei swa pai mitodedun sis, oneneow, det hi swa betwux him poht-
qap du im, Duwhe mitop pata in hairt- on, he ewzep to him, Hwi pence ge das
am izwaraim ? ping on eowrum heortum?

9 Whapar ist azetizo du qipan pamma 9 Hweeder is édre to secgenne to dam

uslipin, Afletanda pus frawaurhteis peinos, laman, Dé synd dine synna forgifene,
pau qipan, Urreis, yah nim pata badi lwider de ewedan, Aris, nim din bed,
peinata, yah gage ? and ga ?
IO Appan el witeiþ patei waldufni ` 10 Het ge sóplice witon det mannes
habaip sunus mans ana airpai afletan sunu hzfp anweald on eorpan synna to
frawaurhtins, qap du þamma uslipin, forgyfanne, he cweep to dam laman,

ir Pus qipa, urreis, nimuh pata badi 11 Dé ie secge, aris, nim din bed, and
pein, yah gage du garda þeinamma. gá to dinum huse.

12 Yah urrais suns, yah, ushafyands 12 And he sóna árás, and, [underleat |
badi, usiddya faura andwairpya allaize, bere,|- befóran him eallum eode, swá |
swaswe usveisnodedun allai yah hauh- det ealle wundredon, . . . 29 a
idedun, mikilyandans Gup, qipandans, . . . and dus cwædon, Næfre we ær —
patei aiw swa ni gasewhun. - dyllie ne gesawon.
13 Yah galaip aftra faur marein, yah 13 Eft he út-eode to dere sæ, and eall |
all manageins iddyedun du imma; yah seo, meenigeo him to com; and he hi
laisida ins. lerde.
I4 Yah wharbonds, gasawh Laiwwi r4 And da he forp-eode, he geseah
pana Alfaiaus sitandan. at motai, yah Leuin Alphei sittende æt hys cép-setle,
qap du imma, Gage afar mis. Yah and he ewsp to him, Folga me. Da
usstandands iddya afar imma. árás he and folgode him.
15 Yah warp, bipe is anakumbida in 15 And hit gewearp, di he sæt on his|
garda is, yah managai motaryos yah húse, det manega minfulle . . . saton
frawaurhtai mipanakumbidedun lesua mid dam Hælende and his leorning-
yah siponyam is; wesun auk managai enihtum ; sóplice manega, da de him
yah iddyedun afar imma. fyligdon, wæron :

16 Yah pai bokaryos yah Fareisaieis 16 Boceras and Farisei, and ewædon,
gasaiwhandans ina matyandan mip paim Witodlice he ytt mid mánfullum and
motaryam yah frawaurhtaim, qepun du synfullum, and hi ewædon to his leorn- |
paim siponyam is, Wha ist patei mip ing-enihtum, Hwi ytt eower láreow and
motaryam yah frawaurhtaim matyip yah drinep mid mánfullum and synfullum?
driegkip ? -
I7 Yah gahausyands lesus, qap du im, 17 Dá se Hælend dis gehýrde, he sæde
Ni paurbun swinpai lekeis, ak pai ub- him, Ne bepurfon ná da hálan læces, ac
ilaba habandans; ni qam lapon us- da de untrume synt; ne com ic ná det
waurhtans, ak frawaurhtans, ic clypode rihtwise, ac synfulle.
18 Yah wesun siponyos lohannis yah 18 And dá wæron Iohannes leorning-
Fareisaieis fastandans ; yah atiddyedun, cnihtas and Pharisei feestende; and da
yah qepun du imma, Duwhe siponyos comon hi, and sædon him, Hwi fæstaþ
Íohannes yah Fareisaieis fastand, ip pai Iohannes leorning-cnihtas and Pharis-
pelnai siponyos ni fastand ? eorum, and dine ne fæstaþ?
II. 8-18.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 171
femeth ; who may for3eue synnes, no Who can forgeve synnes but God
but God alone? only ?
8 The whiche thing anoon knowen by 8 And immediatly when Jesus per-
the Holy Goost, for thei thousten so ceaved in his sprete, that they so rea-
with inne hem self, Jhesus seith to hem, soned in them selves, he sayde vnto
What thenken see these thingis in 3oure them, Why thynke ye soche thinges in
hertis? youre hertes?
9 What is listere for to seie to the sike 9 Whether ys it easyer to saye to the
man in palasie, Synnes ben for3ouen to sicke of the palsey, Thy synnes ar for-
thee, or for to seie, Ryse, take thi bed, geven the, or to saye, Aryse, take vppe
and walke ? thy beed, and walke ?
ro Sothely that 3ee wite that mannes to That ye maye knowe that the sonne
sone hath powere in erthe to for3eue of man hath power in erth to forgeve
synnes, he seith to the sike man in sinnes, he spake vnto the sicke of the
palasie, palsey,
1r I seie to thee, ryse vp, take thi 11 I saye vnto the, aryse, and take vp
bed, and go in to thin hous. thy beed, and get the hens in to thyne
awne housse.
12 And anoon he roos vp, and, the 12 And by and by he arose, toke vp
bed taken vp, he wente bifore alle men, hys beed, and went forth before them
so that alle men wondriden, and honour- all, in so moche that they were all
iden God, seyinge, For we sayen neuer amased, and glorified God, sayinge, We
so. never sawe it on thys fassion.
13 And he wente out eftsone to the 13 And he went out agayne vnto the
see, and all the people resorted vnto
gee, and al the cumpanye oi peple cam
hym ; and he taught them.
to hym ; and he tauste hem.
14 And whenne he passide, he say 14 And as Jesus passed by, he sawe
Leui Alfey sittynge at the tolbothe, and Levy the sonne of Alphey sytt att the re-
he seith to hym, Sue thou me. And he ceyte of eustome, and sayde vnto him, Fol-
rysynge suede hym. owe me. And he arose and folowed hym.
15 And it is don, whenne he sat at 15 And yt cam to passe, as Jesus sate
the mete in his hous, many puplicanys att meate in his housse, many pubpli-
and synful men saten togidre at the cans and synners sate att meate also
mete with Jhesu and his disciplis ; with Jesus and his disciples ; for there
sothely there weren manye that folew- were many that folowed him.
eden hym.
16 And scribis and Pharisees seeyinge, 16 And when the scribs and Pharises
for he eet with puplicanys and synful sawe him eate with publicans and syn-
men, seiden to his disciplis, Whi 3oure ners, they sayde vnto his disciples, Howe
maister etith and drinkith with pupli- is it that he eateth and drynketh with
canys and synnersÍ publicans and synners Í

17 This thing herd, Jhesus seith to 17 When Jesus had herde that, he
hem, Hoole men han no nede to a leche, sayd vnto them, The whole have no nede
but thei that han yuele ; forsothe I cam of the visicion, but the sicke ;I cam to
not for to clepe iuste men, but synners. cal the sinners to repentaunce, and not
the iuste.
18 And disciplis of Joon and the Pha- 18 And the disciples of Jhon and of
risees weren fastynge ; and thei camen, the Pharises did faste; and they cam,
and seien to hym, Whi disciplis of Joon and sayde vnto him, Why do the dis-
and of Pharisees fasten, but thi disciplis ciples of Jhon and off the Pharises faste,
fasten nat? go and thy disciples fast nottÍ
172 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [St. MARK
19 Yah qap im Íesus, [bai magun 19 Da cwæþ se Helend, Cwede ge
sunyus brupfadis, und patei mip im ist sceolon des brydguman cnihtas fæstan,
brupfa|s, fastan? Swa lagga wheila swe swa lange swa se brydguma mid him is?
mip ss haband brupfad, ni magun Ne magon hi fæstan, swa lange tide swa
fastan. hi done brydguman mid him habbap.
20 Appan atgargand dagos, pan af- 20 Soplice da dagas cumap, donne se
nimada af im sa brupfaps, yah pan fast- brydguma him bip fram acyrred, and
and in yainamma daga. donne hi fæstaþ on dam dagum.

21 Ni manna plat fanins niuyis siuyip 21 Nan man ne siwap niwne scyp to
ana snagan fairnyana, ibai afnimai fullon ealdum reafe, elles he áfyrp done niwan
af pamma sa niuya pamma fairnyin, yah scyp of dam ealdan reafe, and bip máre
wairsiza gataura wairpip. slite.
22 Ni manna giutip wein yuggata in 22 And nan man ne dép niwe win on
balgins fairnyans, ibai aufto distairai ealde bytta, elles det win tobryep da
wein pata niuyo pans balgins. yah wein bytta, and det win bip ágoten, and da
usgutnip yah pai balgeis fraqistnand. bytta forwurdap. Ac niwe win sceal beon
Ak wein yuggata in balgins niuyans gedón on niwe bytta, donne beop butu
giutand. gehealden.
23 Yah warp, pairhgaggan imma sab- 23 Eft ws geworden, dá he reste-
bato daga pairh atisk, yah dugunnun dagum purh æceras eode, his leorning-
siponyos is skewyandans, raupyan ahsa. cnihtas ongunnon da ézr pluccigean.

24 Yah Fareisaieis qepun du imma, 24 Da cwædon Pharisei to him, Lóca

Sai! wha tauyand siponyos peinai sab- ni! hwæt dine leorning-cnihtas dóp,
batim, patei ni skuld ist. . det him alyfed næs on reste-dagum.
25 Yah is qap du im, Niu ussuggwup 25 Da sæde he hym, Ne rédde ge
aiw wha gatawida Daweid, pan paurfta, næfre hwæt dyde Dauid, . . . . .
yah gredags was is, yah.pai mip imma? - . . . da hine hingrode, and da de
mid him wæron ?
26 Whaiwa galaip in gard Gups, uf 26 Hu he in Godes hüse eode, under
Abiapara, gudyin, yah hlaibans faur- Abiathar, dara sacerda ealdre, and he æt
lageinais matida, þanzei ni skuld ist da offrung-hlafas, de him ne álýfede
matyan, niba ainaim gudyam, yah gaf næron to etanne, búton sacerdum ánum,
yah paim mip sis wisandam. and he sealde dam de mid him wæron.

27 Yah qap im, Sabbato in mans warp 27 And he sede him, Reste-deg was
gaskapans, ni manna in sabbato dagis ; geworht for dam men, næs se man for
dam reste-d:ege ;
28 Swaei frauya ist sa sunus mans yah 28 Witodlice drihten is mannes sunu
þamma sabbato. eac swylce reste-d:eges.

Cuar. IIT. í Yah galaip aftra in Crap. III. 1 And eft he eode on
swuagogen, yah was yainar manna ga- gesomnunge, and dar wes an man for-
paursana habands handu. scruncene hand hæbbende.
2 Yah witaidedun imma, hailidediu sab- 2 And hi gymdon, hweeder he on reste
bato daga, ei wrohidedeina ina. dagum gehælde, det hi hine gewrégdon.
r589. TYNDALE, 1526. 173
19 And Jhesus seith to hem, Whether 19 And Jesus sayde vnto them, Can
the sonnys of weddyngis mown faste, as the chyldren of a weddinge iste, whils
long as the spouse is with hem? Hou the brydgrome is with them? As longe
longe tyme thei han the spouse with as they have the brydgrome with them,
hem, thei mowe nat faste. they cannot faste.
20 Forsothe dayes shulen come, whenne 20 Butt the dayes wyll come, when the
the spouse shal be taken awey from bryde grome shalbe taken from them,
hem, and thanne thei shulen faste in and then shall they faste in thoose
thoo days. dayes.
21 No man seweth a pacche of rude* 21 Also no man soweth a pece of newe
clothe to an old clothe, ellis he takith cloth vnto an olde garment, for then
awey the newe supplement,’ and a more tuketh he awaye the newe pece from the
brekynge is maad. olde, and so is the rent worsse.
22 And no man sendith newe wyn in 22 In lyke wyse no man poureth newe
to oold botelis,* ellis the wyn shal berste wyne in to olde vesselles, for yf he do
the wyn vesselis, and the wyn shal be the newe wyne breaketh the vesselles,
held out, and the wyne vesselis shulen and the wyne runneth out, and the
perishe. But newe wyn shal be sent in vessels are marde. Butt newe wyne
to newe wyn vesselis. must be poured in to newe vesselles.
23 And it is don eftsoone, whanne the | 23 And it chaunsed, that he went
Lord walkide in the sabothis by the thorowe the corne feldes on the sabboth
cornes, and his disciplis bigunnyn to daye, and his disciples as they went on
passe forth, and plucke eris. their waye, began to plucke the eares
of corne.
24 Sothly the Pharysees seiden, Loo! 24 And the Pharises sayde vnto him,
what don thi disciplis in sabotis, that is Take hede! why do they on the sabboth
nat leeueful. : daye, that which is vnlaufull.
25 And he seith to hem, Radde 3e 25 And he sayde vnto them, Have ye
neuere what Dauyth dide, whanne he never redde what David did, when he
hadde neede, and he hungride, and thei had nede, and was anhongred, bothe he
that weren with hym ? and they that were with him?
26 Hou he wente in into the hous of 26 Howe they went into the housse of
God, vndir Abiathar, prince of prestis, God, in the dayes of Abiathar, the hye
and eete loouys of proposicioun, the preste, and ate the halowed loves, which
whiche it was nat leeful to ete, no but is not laufull, but for the prestes only,
to prestis alone, and he 3aue to hem to eate, and gave also to them which
"that weren with hym. were with him.
27 And he seide to hem, The sabote is 27 And he sayde to them, The saboth
maad for man, and nat a man for the daye was made for man, and nott man
sabote ; for the saboth daye ;
28 And so mannys sone is lord also 28 Wherfore is the sonne of man lorde
of the saboth. even of the saboth daye.

Cuar. III. 1 And he entride eft- Cuar. IIT. 1 And he entred agayne
soone in to the synagoge, and ther was into the synagog, and there was a man
a man hauynge a drye hond. which had a widdred honde.
2 And thei aspieden hym, 3if he helide 2 And they watched him, to se yf he
in sabothis, for to accuse hym. wolde heale him on the saboth daye,
- that they myght accuse hym.
174 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Mark
3 Yah gap du pamma mann pamma 3 Da cwæþ he to dam men de for-
gapaursana habandin handu, Urreis in scruncene hand hefde, A’ris gemang
midumai. him.
4 Yah gap du im, Skuidu ist in sab- 4 Da cwæþ he, A’lyfp reste-dagum wel
batim piup tauyan, aippau unpiup tauyan? to donne, hweder de yfele? sáwla ge-
saiwala nasyan, aippau usqistyan? Ip hælan, hwæðer de forspillan? And hi
eis pahaidedun. sü wodon.
5 Yah ussaiwhands ins mip moda, 5 And hi besceawigende mid yrre, ofer
gaurs in daumiþos hairtins ize, qaþ du hyra heortan blindnesse ge-unrét, cwæþ
ns mann, Ufrakei po handu peina. to dam men, Apene dine hand. And
ah ufrakida, yah gastop aftra so he ápenede hi, dà wearp his hand ge-
handus is. heled-sona.

6 Yah gaggandans pan Fareisaieis suns- 6 Da Pharisei mid Herodianiscum út-

aiw, mip paim Herodianum, garuni ga- gangende, peahtedon ongén hine, hü hi
tawidedun bi ina, ei imma usqemeina. hine fordón mihton.

7 Yah lesus aflaip mip siponyam sein- 7 And da férde se Hælend to dere sæ
aim du marein; yah filu manageins us mid his leorning-cnihtum ; and mycel
Galeilaia laistidedun afar usn yah us menigeo him fyligde fram Galilea and
ludaia, Iudea,
8 Yah us lairusaulwmim, yah us I- 8 And Hierusalem, and fram Idumea,*
dumaia, yah hindana Taurdanaus, yah and begeondan Iordane, and to him com
pai bi Twra yah Seidona, manageins filu, mycel menegeo ymbe Tirum and Sidone,
gahausyandans whan filu is tawida, gehyrende da ping de he worhte.
qemun at imma.

9 Yah qap þaim siponyam seinaim, ei 9 And he cwæþ to his cnihtum, det hi
ES habaip wesi at imma, in þizos him on scipe pénodon, for deere men-
manageins, ei ni praiheina ina; igum, diet hi hine ne ofprungon;

IO Managans auk gahailida, swaswe to Soplice manega he gehælde, . . .

drusun ana ina, ei imma attaitokeina. swá det
Yah swa managai swe habaidedun wund- hi æt-hrinon his. Jen swá fela swá un-
ufnyos, tramnessa, ;
11 Yah ahmans unhrainyans, paih pan Ir And uncléne gástas hæfdon, dá hi
Ina gasewhun, drusun du imma, yah hine gesáwon, hi tofóran him ástrehton,
hropidedun, qipandans, Datei pu is sun- and dus ewedende, clypedon, Dü eart
us Gups. Godes sunu.
12 Yah filu andbait ins, ei ina ni ga- 12 And he him swyde forbead, deet hi
swikunþidedeina. hine ne geswütelodon.
13 Yah ustaig in fairguni, yah athai- 13 And on ánne münt he férde, and to
bait panzei wilda is; “yah galipun du him geclypode da de he wolde ; and hi
imma. to him comon.
14 Yah gawaurhta, twalif du wisan mip 14 And he dyde, det hi twelfe mid
sis, yah ei insandidedi ins meryan. him weron, and he hi ásende gódspell
to bodigenne.
15 Yah haban waldufni du hailyan 15 And he him anweald sealde un-
sauhtins, yah uswairpan unbulpons. trumnessa to hælanne, and deofol-seoc-
nessa üt to ádrifanne.
16 Yah gasatida Seimona namo Pai- 16 And he nemde Simon Petrum,
IIL. 3-16.) WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 175
3 And he seith to the man hauynge a 3 And he saide vuto the man whych
drye hond, Ryse in to the mydil. had the widdred honde, Aryse and
stonde in the middes.
4 And he seith to hem, Is it leeueful 4 And he sayd to them, Whether ys it
to do wel in the sabothis, or yuele? for laufull to do a good dede on the saboth
to make a soule saaf, whether to lese? daye, or an evyll? to save a mannes life,
And thei weren stille. or to kyll? Butt they helde their peace.
5 And he biholdynge hem aboute with 5 And he loked rounde aboute on them
wrathe, hauynge sorwe vpon the blynd- angrely mornynge on the blindnes of
nesse of her herte, seith to the man, their herttes, and sayd to the man,
Holde forth thin honde. And he helde Stretch forth thyne honde. And he
forth, and the honde is restorid to hym. stretched it forth, and the honde was
restored even as whole as the other.
6 Sothely Pharisees goynge out anoon, 6 The Pharises departed, and streyght
maden a counseil with Herodyans a3eins waye gaddred a counsell with them that
hym, hou thei shulden lese hym. belonged to Herode agaynst hym, that
they myght destroye him.
4 Forsothe Jhesus with his disciplis 7 And Jesus avoyded with his disciples
wente to the see ; and myche cumpanye to the see; and a greate multitude
from Galilee and Judee suede hym, folowed him from Galile and from
8 And fro Jerusalem, and fro Ydume, 8 And from Hierusalem, and from
and bigendis Jordan, and thei that aboute Idumea, and from beonde Jordane, and
"Tyre and Sydon, a grete multitude, heer- they that dwelled about Tyre and Sidon,
ynge the thingis that he dide, camen to a greate multitude, which when they
ym. hade herde what thynges he did, cam
vnto him.
9 And Jhesus seith to his disciplis, 9 And he comaunded his diseiples,
that the litil boot shulde serue hym, for that a shippe shulde wayte on him, be-
the cumpanye of peple, lest thei oppres- cause off the people, leste they shulde
siden hym ; throunge hym ;
10 Sothely he helide many, so that to For he had healed many, in so
thei felden fast to hym, that thei shulden moche that they preased apon him, for
touche hym. Forsothe hou many euere to touche him. As many as had plages,
hadden soris,*
11 And vnclene spiritis, whenne thei 1i And when the vnclene sprites sawe `
seien hym, felden down to hym, and
HET him, they fell doune before him, and
crieden, seyinge, Thou art the sone of eryed, sayinge, Thou arte the sonne of
God. God.
12 And gretely he manasside hem, that 12 And he streyghtly charged them,
thei shulden nat make hym opyn.* that they shulde not vtter him.
13 And he styinge in to an hil, clepide 13 And he went vppe into a moun-
to hym whom he wolde ; and thei camen tayne, and called vnto him whom he
to hym. wolde; and they cam vnto him.
.14 And he made, that there weren 14 And he ordeined the twelve, that
twelue with hym, and that he shulde they shulde be with him, and that he
sende hem for to preche. myght sende them to preache.
15 And he 3aue to hem power of heel- 15 And that they might have power
ynge siknessis, and of castynge out to heale syknesses, and to cast out
fendis. devylles. i
16 And to Symount he putte name 16 And he gave vnto Simon to name
Petre, | i Peter,

176 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Mark
17 Yah lakobau pamma Zaibaidaiaus | 17 And Iacobum Zebedei
and Iohan-
yah Lohanne, bropr Jakobaus, yah gasat- nem, his bródor, and him naman onsette
ida im namna Bauanairgais, patei ist,
Boanerges, diet is, punres bearn;
sunyus peiwhons ;
18 Yah Andraian yah Filippu, yah 18 And Andream and Philippum, and
Barpaulaumaiu yah Matpaiu, yah Poman Bartholomeum and Matheum, and Thom-
yah Íakobu pana Alfaiaus, yah Paddaiu am and lacobum Alphei, and Taddeum
yah Seimona pana Kananeiten, and Simonem Chananeum,
19 Yah ludan Iskarioten, saei yah 19 And Iudam Scarioth, se hine sealde.
galewida ina. Yah atiddyedun in gard, . . . . .

20 Yah gaiddya sik manage, swaswe 20 And eft him to com swá micel men-
ni mahtedun nih hlaif matyan, igu, Geet hi næfdon hláf to etanne.

21 Yah hausyandans fram imma bok- 21 And da hi hine gehýrdon, hi férdon

aryos yah anparai, usiddyedun gahaban dæt hi hyne námon ; and dus ewædon,
ina; qepun auk, patei usgaisips ist. Soplice he is on hát-heortnesse gewend.
22 Yah bokaryos pai af Íairusaulwmai 22 Ànd da bóceras de wendon fram

qimandans, qepun, Jatei Baiailzaibul Hierusalem, cwædon, Sóplice he heefp

habaip, yah patei in pamma: reikistin Beelzebub, and on deofla ealdre he deofol-
unhulpono uswairpip paim unhul bom. seoenessa út-ádrifþ.
23 Yah athaitands ins in gayukom, 23 And he hi togædere geclypode, and
qap du im, Whaiwa mag Satanas Sat- on bigspellum him to eweb, Hi mag |
anan uswairpan? Satanas Satanan Ut ádrifan 1
24 Yah yabai piudangardi wipra sik 24 And gif his rice on him sylfum byp
gadailyada, ni mag standan so piudan- todæled, hú mæg hit standan?
gardi yaina. i
'25 Yah yabai gards wipra sik gadail- 25 And gif det hús ofer hit sylfe ys
yada, ni mag standan sa gards yains. todæled, hú meg hit standan ?
26 Yah yabai Satana usstop ana sik 26 And gif Satanas winp ongén hine
silban, yah gadailiþs warp, ni mag gast- sylfne, he bip todæled, and he standan
andan, ak andi habaip. ne meg, ac hæfþ ende.
27 Ni manna mag kasa swinbis, galeip- 27 Ne mæg man done strangan his
ands in gard is, wilwan, niba faurpis æhta and his fatu bereafian, and on his
pana swinpan gabindip, yah pan pana büs gán, büton man done strangan ærest
gard is diswilwai. gebinde, and donne hys hús reafige.
28 Amen qipa izwis, patei allata aflet- 28 Soplice ic eow secge, det ealle sinna
ada pata frawaurhte sunum manne, yah synd manna bearnum forgyfene, and
naiteinos, swa managos swaswe wayam- bysmerunga, dam de hi bysmeriap.
29 Appan saei wayamereip Ahman 29 Soplice ic eow secge, se done Hál-
Weihana, ni habaip fralet aiw, ak skula gan Gäst bysmerap, se næfþ on éenysse
ist alweinaizos frawaurhtais, forgyfenesse, ac bip éces gyltes seyldig.
30 Unte qeþun, Ahman unhrainyana 3o Fordam de hi ewædon, He heefp
habaiþ. unclænne gist.
31 Yah qemun þan aiþei is yah bropr- 31 Da com to him his módor and his
yus is, yah uta standandona, insandi- gebrodra, and dar tite stódon, and to
dedun du imma, haitandona ina. him sendon, and to him clypedon.
32 Yah setun bi ina managei; qepun 32 And mycel menigu ymb hine sat ;
III. 17-32.] WYCLIFFE, 1380, TYNDALE, 1526. 177
r7 Ànd James of Zebede and Joon, the 17 And he called James the sonne of `
brother of James, and he putte to hem Zebede and Jhon, James brother, and
names Boonerges, that is, the sones of gave them Bonarges to name, which is
thondrynge ; to saye, the sonnes of thounder ;
18 And Andrew and Philip, and Bar- 18 And Andrewe and Philippe, and
tholomewe and Mathew, and Thomas Bartlemewe and Mathewe, and Thomas
aud James Alfey, and Thadee and Sy- and James the sonne of Alphey, and
mount Cananee, Taddeus and Symon of Cane,
19 And Judas Scarioth, that bitraide I9 And Judas Iscarioth, whiche same
hym. And thei comen to an hous, also betrayed hym. And they came
vnto housse,
20 And the cumpanye of peple came 20 And the people assembled togedder
togidre eftsoone, so that thei miste not agayne, so greattly that they had nott
nether ete breed. leesar somoche as to eate breed.
21 And whanne his kynnesmen hadden 21 And when they that longed vnto
herdde, thei wenten out for to holde hym herde off it, they went out to holde
hym ; sothely thei seiden, for he is hym ; for they sayde, he ys to fervent.
turnyd in to wodenesse.
22 And the scribis that camen doun 22 Ànd the scribes which came from
fro Jesusalem, seiden, For he hath Belse- Jerusalem, sayde, He hath Beelzebub,
bub, and for in the prince of deuels he and by the power off the chefe devyll
castith out fendis. casteth out devylles.
23 And, hem gadrid togidre, he seide 23 And he called them vnto hym, and
to hem in parablis, Hou may Sathanas in similitudes sayde vnto them, Howe
caste out Sathanas1 can Satan drive out Satan 1
24 And if a rewme be departide in 24 And yf a realme be devided ageynste
itself, the ilke rewme may not stonde. it silfe, that realme cannot endure.
25 And if an hous be disparpoilid on 25 And if a housse be devided agaynste
. it self, thilke hous may not stonde. it silfe, that housse cannot continue.
26 And if Sathanas hath risen a3eins 26 Bo yf Satan make insurreccion a-
hym self, he is disparpoilid, and he shal gaynste him silfe, and be devided, he
not mowe stonde, but hath an ende. can not continue, but hath an ende.
27 No man, gon in toa stronge mannes 27 No man can entre into a stronge
. hous, may take awey his vessels, no but mans housse, and take awaye hys.
- he bynde firste the stronge man, and gooddes, excepte he fyrste bynde that
'thanne he shal diuersly rauyshe his stronge man, and then spoyle hys
~ hous. housse.
28 Trewly I seie to 30u, for alle synnes 28 Verely I saye vnto you, that all
and blasphemyes, by whiche thei han synnes shalbe forgeven vnto mens chyl-
blasfemed, shulen be forsouen to the dren, and blaspheme, where with they
sones of men. blaspheme.
29 Sothely he that shal blasfeme aseins 29 But he that blasphemeth the Holy
the Holy Gost, shal not haue remissioun Goost, shall never have forgevenes, but
in to with outen eend, but he shal be is in daunger of eternall dampnacion.
gilty of euerlastynge trespas.
30 For thei seiden, He hath an unclene 30 For they sayde, He had an vnclene
Spirit. Sprete,
31 Andhis modir and bretheren comen, 31 And there cam his mother and his
and thei stondynge with oute forth, brithren, and stode with oute, and sent
senten to hym, clepynge hym. vnto him, and called hym.
32 And a cumpany sat aboute hym; 32 And the people sate aboute hym ;
178 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 095. [Sr. Marx
pan du imma, Sai! aipei peina, yah and to him cwedon, Hér is din módor,
bropryus peinai yah swistryus peinos and dine gebródra tte and sécap dé.
uta sokyand puk.
33 Yah andhof im qipands, Who ist so 33 He dà him andswarode and ewsep,
aiþei meina aippau pai bropryus meinai? Hwyle is min módor and mine ge-
bródru ?
34 Yah bisaiwhands bisunyane, pans 34 And he cwep, da behealdende, de
bi sik sitandans, qap, Sai! aiþei meina him ábüton sæton, Hér is min módor
yah pai bropryus meinai. and mine gebródru.

35 Saei al'is waurkeip wilyan Gups, sa 35 Soplice se de dép Godes willan, se

wah bropar ;neins, yah swistar, yah aiþei is min módor, and min bródor, and
ist. swustor.

Crap. IV. 1 Yah aftra lesus dugann Cmar. IV. 1 And eft he ongan hi
Jaisyan at marein; yah galesun sik du æt deere sæ læran ; and him wes mycel
imma manageins filu, swaswe ina ga- menegu to gegaderod, swa det he on
leipandan in skip, gasitan in marein, yah scip eode, and on dere sæ wes, and
alla so managei wipra marein, àna stapa eall seo menegu ymbe da sæ was, on
was. lande.

2 Yah laisida ins in gayukom manag. 2 And he hi fela on bigspellum lærde.

Yah qap im in laiseinai seinai, And him to cwæþ on hys láre,

3 Hauseip. Sai! urrann sa saiands du 3 Gehyrap.t U't eode se sædere his

salan fraiwa seinamma. — sed to sáwenne. l
4 Yah warp mippanei saiso, sum raihtis 4 And dá he séw, sum feoll wid done
gadraus faur wig, yah qemun fuglos, yah weg, and fugelas comon, and hit fræton.
fretun pata. i

5 Anparup-pan gadraus ana stainaham- 5 Sum feoll ofer stán-scyligean, dar

ma, parei ni habaida airpa managa ; yah hit næfde mycele eorpan ; and sóna up-
suns urrann, in pizei ni habaida diupaiz- edde, fordam de hit næfde eorpan pice-
98 alrþos. nesse.
6 At sunnin pan urrinnandin, ufbrann, 6 Da hit up-eode, seo sunne hit for-
yah unte ni habaida waurtins, gapaurs- swelde, and hit forscranc, fordam hit
noda. wyrtruman næfde.
7 Yah sum gadraus in þaurnuns, yah 7 And sum feoll on pornas, da stigon
ufarstigun þai þaurnyus, yah afwhapided- da pornas, and forprysmodon Get, and
un þata, yah akran ni gaf. hit wæstm ne bær.
8 Yah sum gadraus in airþa goda, yah 8 And sum feoll on gód land, and hit
gaf akran, urrinnando, yah wahsyando ; sealde, uppstigende, and wexende, wæstm ;
yah bar ain JJ. yah ain .y. yah ain .r. and án brohte þritig-fealdne, sum syxtig-
fealdne, sum hund-fealdne.

9 Yah qap, Saei habai ausona hausyand- 9 And he cwæþ, Gehýre, se de earan |
ona, gahausyai. hebbe to gehyranne.
10 Íp bipe warp sundro, frehun ina pai ro And da he ána wes, hine áxodon
bi ina mip paim twalibim pizos gayuk- det bigspell da twelfe de mid him
ons. wæron.
III. 33.-IV. 10.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 179
and thei seien to hym, Lo! thi modir, and sayde vnto hym, Beholde! thy
and thei bretheren with outen forth mother, and thy brethren seke for the
seken thee. with out.
33 And he answerynge to hem seith, 33 And he answered them saynge,
Who is my modir and my bretheren ? Who ys my mother and my brethren ?

34 And biholdynge hem aboute, that 34 And he loked rounde about on his
saten in the cumpas of hym, he seith, diseiples, which sate in compasse about
Lo! my modir and my bretheren. hym, and sayde, Beholde! my mother
and my brethren.
35 Forsoth who that doth the will of 35 For who soever doeth the will off
God, he is my brother, and my sister, God, he is my brother, my syster, and
and modir. mother.

Crap. IV. 1 And eft Jhesus bigan Crap. IV. 1 And he began agayne
for to teche at the see; and myche to teache then by the see syde; and
cumpany of peple is gedrid to hym, so there gadered to gedder vnto hym moche
that he styinge in to a boot, sat in the people, so greatly that he entred in to
see, and al the cumpany of peple was a shippe, and sate in the see, and all
aboute the see, on the lond. the people was by the see syde, on the
2 And he tauste hem in parablis many 2 And he taught them many thynges
| thingis. And he seide to hem in his in similitudes. And sayde vnto them
techynge, in his doctrine,
3 Heere see. Loo! ! a man sowynge 3 Herken to. Beholde! the sower
goth out for to sowe. went forth to sowe.
4 And the while he sowith, an other 4 And it fortuned as he sowed, that
seed felde aboute the wey, and briddis some fell by the waye syde, and the
of heuene* camen, and eeten it. fowles off the ayre cam, and devoured
it vppe.
5 Forsothe an other felde doun on 5 Some fell on a stony grounde, where
stony placis, wher it had nat myche it had not moche erth ; and by and by
erthe ; and anoon it sprong vp, for it sprange vppe, because it had not deepth
hadde nat depnesse of erthe. of erth.
6 And whenne the sunne rose vp, it 6 And as sone as the sun was vppe, it
welwide for heete, and it dried vp, for caught heet, and because it had nott
it hadde not roote. rotynge, it wyddred awaye.
_ 7 Andan other felde doun into thornes, 7 And some fell amonge the thornes,
and thornes stieden vp, and strangliden and the thornes grewe vppe, and choked
it, and it 3aue not fruyt. it, so that it gave no frute.
8 And an other felde doun in to good 8 And some fell apon good grounde,
lond, and 3aue fruyt, styinge vp, and and did yelde frute, that spronge, and
wexinge ; and oon brouste thritty fold, grewe ; and brought forthe some thirty
and oon sixtyfold, and oon an hundrid- folde, some fourty folde, and some an
' fold. hundred folde.
9 And he seide, He that hath eris of g And he sayde vnto them, He that
heeryng, heere. hath eares to heare, lett hym heare. _
10 And whenne he was singuler,t the 10 When he was alone, they that were
twelue that weren with hym axiden hym aboute hym with the twelve axed hym
for to expowne the parable. of the similitude.
190 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. MARK

11 Yah qap im, Izwis atgiban ist kun- 11 And he sæde him, Eow is geseald
nan runa piudangardyos Gups. Ip yain- to witanne Godes rices gerinu. Dam de
aim paim uta, in gayukon allata wairpip, tite synd, ealle ping on bigspellum ge-

12 Ei saiwhandans saiwhaina, yah ni 12 Det hi geseonde geseon, and ná ne

gaumyaina, yah hausyandans hausyaina, geseon, and gehyrende gehyron, and ne
yah ni fraþyaina; nibai whan gawand- ongyton; de-les hi hwenne syn ge-
yaina sik, yah afletaindau im frawaurht- cyrede, and him sin hyra synna for-
cis. gyfene.

13 Yah qap du im, Ni witup po ga- 13 Dà séde he him, Ge nyton dis

yukon? yah whaiwa allos pos gayukons bigspell? and hu mage ge ealle bigspell
kunneip ? witan ?
14 Sa saiyands, waurd saiyip. 14 Se de sæwþ, word he sxwp.
15 Appan pai wipra wig sind, parei 15 Sóþlice da synd wid done weg, dar
saiada pata waurd ; yah pan gahausyand dæt word is gesiwen ; and donne hi hit
unkaryans, suns qimip Satanas, yah us- gehyrap, sóna cymp Satanas, and áfyrp
nimip waurd pata iusaiano in hairtam det word de on heora heortan asawen
ize. ys.

16 Yah sind samaleiko þar ana stain- 16 And da synd gelice de synd ofer da
ahamma saianans, paiei pan hausyand stán-seylian gesiwen, sóna denne hi
pata waurd, suns mip fahedai nimand det word gehýraþ, and det mid blisse
ita ; onfcp ;
17 Yah ni haband waurtins in sis, ak 17 Aud hi nabbap wyrtruman on him,
wheilawhairbai sind ; paproh bipe qimip ac beop unstadolfeste ; and syððan.
aglo, aippau wrakya in pis waurdis, suns upeymp deofles costnung, and his ehtuys
gamarzyanda. for dam worde, . = + = se

18 Yah pai sind pai in paurnuns saian- 18 Hi synd on pornum gesáwen det
ans ; pai waurd hausyandans, synd; da de det word gehyrap,

19 Yah saurgos pizos libainais, yah 19 And of yrmpe, and swicdóme

afmarzeins gabeins, yah pai bi pata anpar worold-welena, and ódra gewilnunga,
lustyus innatgaggandans, afwhapyand det word of-prysmiap, and synd baton
pata waurd, yah akranalaus wairpip. westme gewordene.

20 Yah pai sind pai ana airpai pizai 20 And da de gesawene synd ofer det
godon saianans, paiei hausyand pata góde land, da synd de det word ge-
waurd, yah andnimand, yah akran bair- hyrap, and onfóp, and wæstm bringaþ,
and, ain .l. yah ain .y. yah ain .r. sum pritig-fealdne, sum syxtig-fealdne,
and sum hund-fealdne.
21 Yah qap du im, Íbai lukarn qiniip, 21 He sede him, Cwyst dú cymp diet
dupe ei uf melan satyaidau, aippau un- leoht-fet, det hit beo under bydene
dar ligr? niu ei ana lukarnastapan sat- áset, odde under bedde? wite geare, dzet
yaidau 1 hit sy ofer candel-stæf aset?

22 Nih allis ist wha fulginis, patei ni 22 Sóþlice nis nan ping behydd, de ne
gabairhtyaidau ; nih warp analaugn, ak sy geswütelod ; ne nis digle geworden,
ei swikunp wairpai. ac deet hit openlice cume.

IV. 11-22.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. Tél
II And he seide to hem, To 3ou it 1I And he saide vnto them, To you it
is 3ouen for to knowe the mysteriet of is geven to knowe the mistery of the
the kyngdam of God. Sothely to hem kyngdom of God. But vnto them that
that ben with oute forth, alle thingis ben are with out, shall all thinges be done in
maad in parablis, similitudes,
12 That thei seynge se, and se nat, 12 That when they se they shall se,
and thei heerynge heere, and vnder- and not discerne, and when they heare
stonde not ; that sum tyme thei be con- they shall heare, and not vnderstonde;
uertid, and synnes be for3ouen to hem. leste at any tyme they shulde tourne,
and their synnes shulde be foryeven
I3 And he seith to hem, Witen not 13 And he sayde vnto them, Perceave
3ee this parable? and howe see shulden ye not this similitude? and howe Je
knowe alle parablis ? shall knowe all similitudes?
14 He that sowith, sowith a word. I4 The sower soweth the worde.
15 These sothly ben that aboute the 15 These be they whiche are by the
weye, where the word is sowun; and wayes syde, where the worde is sowen;
whenne thei han herd, anoon cometh to whom as sone as they have herde itt,
Sathanas, and takith awey the word commeth the devyll, and takith awaye
that is sowun in her hertis. the worde that was sowen in their
16 And also these ben that ben sown 16 And these also are they that are
on a stoon, the whiche whanne thei han sowen on the stony grounde, which
herd the word, anoon taken it with when they have herde the worde, att
loye ; once they receave it with ioye ;
17 And thei han nat roote in hem silf, 17 Yett have no rote in themselves,
but thei ben temporal ;* afterward tri- and so endure but for a season ; after-
bulacioun sprongen vp, and persecucioun warde as sone as eny trouble or perse-
for the word, anoon thei ben sclaundrid. cucion ariseth, for the wordes sake,
anon they fall.
18 And there ben other that ben sowun 18 And these are they that are sowen
in thornis; these it ben, that heeren amonge the thornes; which heare the
the word, worde of God,
19 And myseiste of the world, and 19 And the care of this worlde, and
disseit of richessis, and other charge of the disseytfulnes of ryches, and the
= fintai coueitise entrynge yune, strangulen the lustes of other thynges entre in, and
word, and it is maad with outen fruyt. choocke the worde, and it 1s made vn-
20 And these it ben that ben sowun 20 And these are they that are sowen
on good lond, the whiche heren the in good grounde, which heare the worde,
word, and taken, and maken fruyt, oon and receave it, and brynge forth frute,
thritti fold, oon sixti fold, and oon an some thirty folde, some sixty folde,
hundrid. some an hundred folde.
21 And he seide to hem, Wher a lanterne 21 And he sayde vnto them, Is the
come, that it be put vndir a bushel? candle lighted, to be put vnder a
wher not, that it be put vpon a candil busshell, or vnder the borde? ys it not
stike? therfore lighted, that it shulde be put
on a candelsticke?
22 Forsothe ther is no thing hid, that 22 For there is no thinge so prevy,
shal not be maad opyn; nether ony that shall nott be opened; nether
thing is preuy, the whiche shal not come so secreet, butt that it shall come
in to apert. abroade.
182 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. MARK
23 Yabai whas habai ausona hausyand- 23 Gehyre, gif hwá earan hæbbe to
ona, gahausyai. gehyranne.
24 Yah qap du im, Saiwhip wha haus- 24 And he cwæþ to him, Warniaþ
eip. In pizaiei mitaþ mitip, mitada hwæt ge gehyron. And on dam gemete
izwis, yah biaukada izwis paim galaub- de ge metap, eow bip gemeten, and eow
yandam. bip ge-ict.
25 Unte piswhammeh saei habaip, gib- 25 Dam bip geseald de hæfþ, and dam
ada imma, yah saei ni habaip, yah patei de næfþ, eac det he hæfþ, him bip
habaip, afnimada imma. æt-broden.

26 Yah qap, Swa ist piudangardi Gups, 26 And he cweep, Godes rice ys, swylce
swaswe yabai manna wairpiþ fraiwa ana man wurpe gód sæd on his land, and
airpa, sáwe,
27 Yah slepip, yah urreisip naht yah 27 And arise deges and nihtes, and
daga, yah pata fraiw keinip, yah liudip, dæt sæd grówe, and wexe, donne he nat.
swe ni wait is.
28 Silbo auk airpa akran bairip, frum- 28 Sóþlice syif-willes seo eorpe weestm
ist gras, paproh ahs, paproh fulleip kaurn- berap, ærest gærs, syddan ear, syddan
is in pamma ahsa. fulne hwæte on dam eare.

29 Panuh bipe atgibada akran, suns 29 And donne se westm hine forp-
insandeiþ gilpa, unte atist asans. bringp, séna he sent his sicol, fordam
deet rip et is.
3o Yah qap, Whe galeikom. piudan- 30 And eft he cwæþ, For hwam ge-
gardya Gups? aippau in whileikai ga- anlicie we heofena rice? odde hwyleum
yukon gabairam po? bigspelle widmete we hit?
31 Swe kaurno sinapis, patei pan saiada 31 Swa swá senepes sæd, donne hit
ana airpa, minnist allaize fraiwe ist pize bip on eorpan gesáwen, hit is ealra séda `
ana airþai ; læst de on eorþan synd ;
32 Yah þan saiada, urrinniþ, yah wairþ- 32 And donne hyt ásáwen bip, hit
ip allaize grase maist; yah gatauyip ástihþ, and bip ealra wyrta mæst; and
astans mikilans, swaswe magun uf skad- hæfþ swá mycele bogas, det heofenes
au is fuglos himinis gabauan. fugelas eardian mágon under his sceade.

33 Yah swaleikaim managaim ga- 33 And manegum swylcum bigspellum

yukom rodida du im pata waurd, swa- he spræc to him, det hi mihton ge-
swe mahtedun hausyon ; % hyran ;
34 Ip inuh gayukon ni rodida im. Ip 34 Ne spec he na bütan bigspelle.
sundro siponyam seinaim andband al- Eall he his leorning-cnihtum asundron
lata. rehte.

35 Yah qap du im, in yainamma daga, 35 And sæde him, donne æfen bip,
at andanahtya pan waurpanamma, Us- Uton faran ágén.
leipam yainis stadis.
36 Yah afletandans po managein, and- 36 And da menigu forlætende, hi on-
nemun ina, swe was in skipa; yah pan fengon hine, swá he on scipe wees; and
anpara skipa wesun mip imma. odre scipu wæron mid him.

37 Yah warp skura windis mikila, yah :37 And dá wes mycel yst windes
wegos waltidedun in skip, swaswe ita geworden, and ypa he awearp on Get
yupan gafullnoda. scyp, det hit gefylled wees.
IV. 23-37.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 183
23 lf ony man haue eeris of heryng, 23 Yf eny man have eares to heare,
heere he. ' lett him heare.
24 And he seide to hem, Se 3ee what 24 And he sayd vnto them, Take hede
3ee heeren. In what mesure 5ee meten, what ye heare. With what measure ye
it shal be meten to 30u, and be kast to mete, with the same shall it be measured
ou. vnto you agayne.
eo Sothely it shal be 3ouen to hym 25 And vnto you that have shall more
that hath, and it shal be taken awey be geven, for vnto hym that hath shall
from hym that hath not, also that that it be geven, and from hym that hath
he hath. nott, shall be taken awaye, even that he
26 Ard he seide, So the kingdom of 26 And he sayd, So is the kyngdom
God is, as if a man caste seed in to the of God, even as yf a man shulde sowe
erthe, seede in the grounde,
27 Aad it slepe, and ryse vp in nist 27 And shuld slepe, and rise vp night
and day, and brynge forth seed, and and daye, and the seede shulde springe,
wexe faste, the while he wote not. and growe vppe, whyll he is not ware.
28 Forsothe the erthe by his owne 28 For the erth bryngeth forthe frute
worchynge makith fruyt, first an erbe," off her silfe, first the blad, then the
afterward an eere, afterward ful fruyt in eares, after that full corne in the eares.
tke ere.
29 And whanne of it silf it hath brou3t 29 As sone as the frute is brought
forth fruyt, anoon he sendith a sikil," for forth, anon he throusteth in the sykell,
| rype corn cometh. be cause that hervest is come.
30 And he seide, To what thing shulden 30 And he sayde, Where vnto shall we
we likene the kyngdom of God? or to lyken the kyngdom off God? or with
what parable shulen we comparisoune it ? what compareson shall we compare it ?
31 As a corn of seneueye, the which 31 It is lyke a grayne off mustardseed,
whann it is sowun in the erthe, is lesse which when it is sowen in the erth, is the
than alle seedis that ben in erthe ; leest of all seedes that be in the erth ;
32 Aud whanne it is bredd,* it sty3eth 32 And after that it is sowen, it grow-
vp in to a tree, and is maad more than eth vppe, and is greatest of all yerbes;
alle wortis ;* and it shal make grete and bereth greate braunches, so that
braunchis, so that briddis of heuene the fowles offthea ayre maye dwell vnder
mowe dwelle yndir the shadewe ther of. the shadowe of it.
33 And in many siche parablis he spac 33 And with many soche similitudes
to hem a word, as thei misten heer ; he preached the worde vnto them, after
as they myght heare 1t ;
34 Sothely he spak not to hem with 34 And with out similitude spake he
outen parable. Forsothe he expounyde nothinge vnto them. But when they
to his disciplis alle thingis on sidis were a parte he expounded all thinges
hond.* to his disciples.
35 And he seith to hem, in that day, 35 And the same daye, when even was
whenne euenyng was maad, Passe we come, he sayde vnto them, Lett vs passe
aseinward. over into the other syde.
:36 And thei leeuynge the cumpanye 36 And they late the people departe,
of peple, taken hym, so that he was in and toke him, even as he was in the
the boot; and other bootis weren with shippe ; there were also with him other
hym. shippes.
37 And a greet storme of wynd is 37 And there arose a great storme of
maad, and sente wawis in to the boot, wynde, and dasshed the waves into the
so that the boot was ful. shippe, so that it was full.
184 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marx
38 Yah was is ana notin, ana wage- 38 And he wæs on scipe, ofer bolster
arya slepands. Yah urraisidedun ina, slapende. And hi áwehton hine, and
yah qepun du imma, Laisari, niu kara ewedon, Ne belimpp to dé, diet we
puk, pizei fraqistnam? forweordap !

39 Yah urreisands, gasok winda, yah 39 And he árás, and dam winde be-
qap du marein, Gaslawai, afdumbn. Yah bead, and ewsep to dere sæ, Sawa, and
anasilaida sa winds, yah warp wis mikil. gestil. And se wind geswác da, and
wearp mycel smyltnes. |
40 Yah qap du im, Duwhe faurhtai 40 And he sede him, Hwi synd ge
siyup swa? Whaiwa ni nauh habaip forhte? Gyt ge nabbap geleafan?
41 Yah ohtedun sis agis mikil, yah 41 And hi micclum ege him ondrédon,
qepun du sis misso, Whas pannu sa and ewedon ele to ódrum, Hwat wénst
siyai? unte yah winds yah marei uf- du, hwæt is des? det him windas and
hausyand imma. sæ hyrsumiap.

Crap. V. 1 Yah qemun hindar mar- Crap. V.! 1 Da comon hi ofer dare
ein in landa Gaddarene. ses müpan on det rice Hierasenorum.
2 Yah usgaggandin imma us skipa, 2 And hym of scipe gangendum, him
suns gamotida imma manua us aurah- sóna agén arn án man of dam byrgenum |
yom in ahmin unhrainyamma. on unclænum gaste. |
3 Saei bauain habaida in aurahyom, 3 Se hæfde on byrgenum scræf, and |
yah ni naudibandyom eisarneinaim man- hine nân man mid racenteagum ne
na mahta ina gabindan. mihte gebindan.
4 Unte is ufta eisarnam bi fotuns 4 Fordam he oft mid fót-copsum and
gabuganaim yah naudibandyom eisarn- racenteagum gebunden, toslát da racet-
einaim gabundans was, yah galausida eaga, and da fot-copsas tobræc, and hine
af sis pos naudibandyos, yah po ana nan man gewyldan ne mihte.
fotum eisarna gabrak, yah manna ni
mahta ina gatamyan.
5 Yah sinteino, nahtam yah dagam, in 5 And symle, dæges and nihtes, he
aurahyom yah in fairgunyam, was hrop- wes on byrgenum and on müntum,
yands, yah bliggwands sik stainam. hrymende, and hine sylfne mid stanum
6 Gasaiwhands pan lesu fairrapro, rann, 6 Sóþlice dá he done Hælend feorran
yah inwait ina. geseah, he arn, and hine gebæd.
7 Yah hropyands stibnai mikilai, qap, 7 And mycelre stemne hrymende, and
Wha mis yah pus, lesu, sunau Gups pis dus cwæþ, Eala mæra Hælend, Godes
hauhistins? Biswara puk bi Gupa, ni sunu, hweet is me and dé? Ie hálsige
balwyais mis. dé purh God, dzet dü me ne preage.

8 Unte qap imma, Usgagg, ahma un- 8 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Ealá unclæna
hrainya, us pamma mann. gást, ga of dysum men.
9 Yah frah ina, Wha namo pein? Yah 9 Da áhsode he hyne, Hwet is din
qap du imma, Namo mein laigaion; unte nama? Da cwæþ he, Min nama is
managai siyum. legio; fordam we manega synd.
IV. 38.-V. 9.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, r526. 185
38 And he was in the hyndir part of 38 And he was in the sterne, a slepe
the boot, slepynge on a pilewe. And ona pelowe. And they awoke hym,
thei reysen hym, and seien-to hym, and sayde vnto hym, Master, carest
Maistre, perteneth it nat to thee, that thou nott, that we perisshe?
we perishen?
39 And he rysynge vp, manasside to 39 And he rose vppe, and rebuked the
the wynd, and seide to the see, Be stille, wynde, and sayde vnto the see, Peace,
wexe doumb. And the wynd ceeside, and be still. And the wynde alayed,
and greet pesiblenesse is maad. and there folowed a greate calme.
40 And he seith to hem, What dreden 40 And he sayde vnto them, Why
3ee? Nat sit han see feith? are ye fearfull? Howe is it that ye
have no fayth?
41 And thei dredden with greete dreed, 41 And they feared exceedingly, and
and seiden to eche other, Who, gessist sayde won to an other, What felowe is
thou, is this? for the wynd and the see this? for booth wynde and see obey
obeyshen to hym. hym.

Crap. V. r And thei camen ouer Crap. V. r And they cam over to
the wawe of the see into the cuntree the other syde off the see in to the
of Genazareth. countre of the Gaderens.
‘2 And anoona man in vnclene spirit 2 And when he was come out of the
ran out of a biryel, to hym goynge out shippe, anon mett hym out of the graves
of the boot. à man possessyd of an vuclene sprete.
3 The whiche man hadde an hous in 3 Which had his abydinge amonge the
graues, and nether with chaynis now graves, and no man coulde bynde hym
mi3te eny man bynde hym. with cheynes.
4 For oft tymes he bounden in stockis 4 Be cause that when he was often
and chaynes, hadde broken the chaynes, bounde with fetters and cheynes, he
and hadde brokun the stockis to smale plucked the chaynes asundre, and brake
gobetis, and no man miste dauntef the fetters in peces, nether coulde eny
hym. man tame him.

=] 5 And euer more, nist and day, in 5 And alwayes, boothe nyght and daye,
-biriels and hillis, he was cryinge, and he eryed, in the mountaynes and in the
betynge hym silf with stoones. graves, and bet hym silfe with stones.

6 Sothely he seynge Jhesus afer, ran, 6 When-he had spied Jesus afarre of,
and worshipide hym. he ranne, and worshipped him.
7 And he cryinge with greet voice, 7 And eryed with a lowde voyce, and
seide, What to me and to thee, thou sayde, What have I to do with the,
Jhesu, the sone of God hieste? I con- Jesus, the sonne of the moost hyest
loure thee bi God, that thou tourmente God? I requyre the in the name of
not me. God, that thou torment me nott.
8 Forsothe Jhesus seide to hym, Thou 8 For he had sayd vnto hym, Come
ynelene spirit, go out fro the man. forthe of the man, thou fowle sprete.
9 And Jhesus axide hym, What name 9 And he axed hym, What is thy
is to thee? And he seith to hym, A name? And he anshwered hym, My
legioun is name to me; for we ben „name is legion; for we are many.
186 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [St. Mark
to Yah bap ina filu, ei ni usdrebi im ro And he hine swyde beed, det he
us landa. hine of dam rice ne nydde.

11 Wasuh pan yainar hairda sweine 11 Dar wes embe done mint mycel
haldana at pamma fairgunya. swyna heord leswigende.

12 Yah bedun ina allos pos unhulpons, 12 And da unclénan gástas hyne
qipandeins, Insandei unsis in po sweina, bædon, and cwedon, Send us on das
ei in po galeipaima. — swyn, deet we on hi gegán.
13 Yah uslaubida im lesus suns. Yah 13 And da lýfde se Hælend sóna. And
usgaggandans ahmans pai unhrainyans dá eodon da unclænan gástas on da
galipun in po sweina, yah rann so hair- swyn, and on myclum hryre seo heord
da and driuson in marein, wesunup-pan wearp on se bescofen, twa pusendo, and
swe twos pusundyos, yah afwhapnodedun wurdon ádruncene on deere sæ.
in marein.
14 Yah pai haldandans po sweina, ga- 14 Sóþlice da de hi heoldon, flugon,
plauhun, yah gataihun in baurg, yah in and cyddon on dere ceastre, and on
haimom ; yah qemun, saiwhan wha wesi lande ; and hi üt-eodon, det hi gesawon
pata waurpano. » hwæt dar gedón ware.
r5 Yah atiddyedun du lesus, yah ga- 15 And hi comon to dam Hælende,
saiwhand pana wodan, sitandan yah and hi gesáwon done de mid deofle
gawasidana, yah frapyandan, pana saei gedréht wees, gescrydne sittan, and háles
habaida laigaion ; yah ohtedun. módes ; and hi him ondrédon.

16 Yah spillodedun im, paiei gase- 16 And hi rehton him, da de hit ge- |
whun, whaiwa warp bi pana wodan, yah sáwon, hi hit gedón wes be dam de
bi po sweina. i deofol-seocnesse hæfde, and be dam |
17 Yah dugunnun bidyan ina, galeipan 17 And hi bedon, det he of hyra
hindar markos seinos. gemerum fore.

18 Yah inngaggandan ina in skip, bap 18 Da he on scip eode, hine ongan —

ina sael was wods, ei mip imma wesi. biddan, se de &r mid deofle gedréht
wees, deet he mid him were.
19 Yah ni lailot ina, ak qap du imma, 19 Him da se Hælend ne getidode, ac
Gagg du garda peinamma du peinaim, he sade him, Ga to dinum húse to
yah gateih im, whan filu pus Frauya ga- dinum hiwum, and cyp him, hú mycel
tawida, yah gaarmaida puk. Drihten gedyde, and he gemiltsode dé.

20 Yah galaip, yah dugann meryan in 20 And he da férde, and ongan bod-
Daikapaulein, whan filu gatawida imma igean on Decapolim, hú fela se Hælend
lesus; yah allai sildaleikidedun. him dyde; and hig ealle des wund-
21 Yah usleipandin Íesua in skipa 21 And da se Helend eft on scype
aftra hindar marein, gaqemun sik man- férde ofer done mupan, him com to |
ageins filu du imma, yah was faura mycel menigu, and wes ymbe da sæ.
22 Yah sai, qimip ains pize swnagoga- 22 And da com sum of heah-gesam-
fade, namin Yaeirus, yah saiwhands ina, nungum, láirus hatte, and dá he hyne
gadraus du fotum lesuis, geseah, he ástrehte hine to his fótum,
V. 10-22.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 187
10 And he preide hym myche, that to And he prayd hym instantly, that
he shulde nat put hym out of the he wolde nott sende them awaye out of
cuntreie. that region.
11 Forsothe there was there aboute 11 There was there nye vnto the
the hill a flock of hoggis lesewynge in mountayns a greate heerd of swyne fed-
feeldis. inge.
12 And the spiritis preieden Jhesu, 12 And all the devyls besought hym,
seyinge, Sende vs into hoggis, that we saynge, Sende vs in to the heerde off
entre into hem. swyne, that we maye enter in to them.
I3 And anoon Jhesus grauntide to 13 And anon Jesus gave them leave.
hem. And the vnclene spiritis entriden And the vnelene spretes went out and
in to the hoggis, and with greet biret entred in to the swyne, and the heerd
the floc was cast doun in to the see, to starteled and ran hedlyng into the see,
tweyne thousynde, and thei ben stran- they were a bout ij M. swyne, and they
gelid in the see. were drouned in the see.
14 Sothely thei that fedden hem, fled- I4 And the swyne heerdes fleed, and
den, and tolden in to the citee, and in tolde it in the cite, and in the countre ;
to the feeldis ; and thei wenten out, for and they cam out, for to see what had
to see what was don. hapened.
r5 And thei camen to Jhesu, and thei 15 And they cam out to Jesus, and
seen hym that was traueilid of the fend, they sawe hym that was vexed with the
sittynge clothid, and of hoole mynde; fende and had the legion, sytt both
and thei dreden. clothed, and in his right mynde; and
were a frayed.
16 And thei tolden to hem, that sayen, 16 And they that sawe it, tolde them,
hou it was don to hym that hadde a howe it had hapened vnto hym that was
fend, and of the hoggis. possessed off the devyll, and also of the
17 And thei bygunnen for to preie 17 And they began to praye hym, that
hym, that he shulde go awey fro her he wolde departe from their coostes.
18 And when he stiede in to a boot, he 18 And when he was come in to the
that was traueilid of the deuel, bygan to shippe, he that had the devyll, prayed
preye hym, that he shulde be with hym. hym, that he myght be with hym.
_ 19 Sothly Jhesus resceyued hym nat, 19 Jesus wolde not soffre him, but
but seith to hym, Go thou in to thin sayde vnto him, Goo home in to thyne
hous to thine, and telle to hem, hou awne housse and to thy frendes, and
many thingis the Lord hath don to thee, shewe them, what thinges the Lorde
and hadde mercy of thee. hath done vnto the, and howe he had
compassion on the.
20 And he wente forth, and bigan for 20 And he departed, and began to
to preche in Decapoly,t hou manye publisshe in the ten cites, what thinges
thingis Jhesus hadde don to hym ; and Jesus had done vnto hym ; and all men
alle men wondriden. did merveyle.
21 And whanne Jhesus hadde stiede 21 And when Jesus was come over
in to the boot eftsoone ouer the see, agayne in the shippe vnto the other
myche eumpanye of peple cam togidre syde, moche people gaddered vnto hym,
to hym, and was aboute the see. and he was nye vnto the see.
22 And oon of the princis of synagogis, 22 And beholde, there cam vnto hym-
by name Jayrus, cam, and seyinge hym, won of the rulers of the sinagogge,
fel doun at his feet, whose name was Jairus, and when he
sawe hym, he fell doune att his fete,
188 GOTHIC, 560. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. MARK
23 Yah bap ina filu, qipands, patei 23 And hine swyde bæd, and he ewæþ,
dauhtar meina aftumist habaip ; ei qim- Min dóhtor is on ytemestum sde;
ands, lagyais ana po handuns, ei ganisai, cum, and sete dine hand ofer hi, det
yah libai. heo hal sy, and lybbe.

24 Yah galaip mip imma, yah iddyedun 24 Dá férde he mid him, and him
afar imma manageins filu, yah praihun fyligde mycel menigeo, and þrungon
ina. hine.
25 Yah qinono suma wisandei in runa 25 And da det wif de on blódes ryne
blopis yera twalif, twelf winter wees,

26 Yah manag gapulandei fram manag- 26 And fram manegum lecum fela
aim lekyam, yah fraqimandei allamma þinga polode, and dælde eall det heo
seinamma, yah ni waihtai botida, ak áhte, and hit náht ne fremode, ac wes
mais wairs habaida, _ de wyrse.
27 Gahausyandei bi lesu, atgaggandei 27 Dá heo be dam Hælende gehyrde,
in managein aftana, attaitok wastyal is. heo com wið-æftan da menigu, and his
reaf æt-hrán.
28 Unte qap, patei yabai wastyom ig 28 Sóplice heo eweep, Gif ic furdon his
atteka, ganisa. reafes æt-hríne, ie beo hal.
29 Yah sunsaiw gapaursnoda sa brun- 29 And di sóna wearp hyre blódes
na blopis izos, yah ufkunpa ana leika ryne ádrüwod, and heo on hire gefrédde
patei gahailnoda af pamma slaha. dæt heo of dam wite gehæled wees.

30 Yah sunsaiw lesus ufkunpa in sis 30 And dá se Hælend oncneow on him

silbin po us sis maht usgaggandein, ga- silfum det him mægen of eode, he
wandyands sik in managein, qap, Whas ewæþ, bewend to dere menigu, Hwa
mis taitok wastyom? æt-hrán mines reafes?

31 Yah qepun du imma siponyos is, 31 Da ewedon his leorning-enihtas,

Saiwhis bo managein preihandein þuk, Du gesyhst das menigu dé pringende,
FS = Ss :
yah qipis, Whas mis taitok? and du cwyst, Hwa æt-hrán me!

32 Yah wlaitoda, saiwhan po pata 32 And da beseah hine, dzet he gesáwe

tauyandein. d:ne de deet dyde.
33 Íþ so qino ogandei yah reirandei, 33 Dat wif dà ondrædende and forht-
witandei patei warp bi iya, qam, yah igende,. . . . . . REN
draus du imma, yah qap imma alla po com, and ástrehte hi befóran
sunya. him, and sede him eall deet riht.
34 Ip is qap du izai, Dauhtar, galaubeins 34 Da ewep se Hælend, Dóhtor, din
peina ganasida puk ; gagg in gawairpi, geleafa dé hale gedyde; ga dé on sibbe,
yah siyais haila af pamma slaha peinam- and beo of disum hal.
35 Nauhpanuh imma rodyandin, qem- 35 Him da gyt sprecendum, hi comon
un fram pamma swnagogafada, qipand- fram dam heah-gesamnungum, and eweed-
ans, Datei dauhtar peina gaswalt; wha on, Din dóhtor is dead; hwi dréest dú
panamais draibeis pana laisari Í leng done lareow?

36 Ip lesus, sunsaiw gahausyands pata 36 Da he gehyrde dzt word, da ewsep

waurd rodip, qap du pamma swnagoga- se Helend, Ne ondred du dé, gelyf
fada, Ni faurhtei, patainei galaubei. for an.
V. 23-36.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 189
23 And preiede hym myche, seyinge, 23 And besought hym greatly, saynge,
For whi my dou3ter is in tbe laste My doughter lyith att poynt of deeth;
thingis ; come thou, putte thin hond on I wolde thou woldest come, and ley thy
hire, that she be saaf, and lyue. honde on her, that she myght be safe,
and live.
24 And he wente forth with hym, and 24 And he went with hym, and moche
myche eumpanye of peple suede hym, people folowed hym, and thronge hym.
and oppresside hym.
25 And a womman that was in the 25 And there was a woman whiche was
flux of blood twelue sere, diseased off an yssue off bloude twelve
26 And hadde suffride many thingis 26 And had suffered many thinges of
of ful many lechis, and spendid alle hir many fisicions, and had spent all that
thingis, and no thing prophitide, but she had, and felte none amendment at
more hadde worse, all, but wexed worsse and worsse,
27 Whanne she hadde herd of Jhesu, 27 When she had herde off Jesus, she
she cam in the cumpanye byhynde, and cam into the preace behynde hym, and
touchide his cloth. tewched hys garment.
28 Sothly she seide, For if I shal 28 For she sayde, Yf I maye butt
touche or his cloth, I shal be saaf. tewche his clothinge, I shall be whole.
29 And anoon the welle of blood is 29 And streyght waye her fountayne
dried vp, and she felide in body that of bloude was dreyed vppe, and she felt
she was helid of the wound.* in her body that she was healed off the
30 And anoon Jhesus knowynge in 30 And Jesus immediatly felt in him
hym silf the vertu that was gon out of silfe the vertue that went out off hym,
hym, he, turned to the cumpenye, seith, and tourned hym rounde aboute in the
Who touchede my clothis? preace, and sayde, Who tewched my
clothes ?
31 And his disciplis seiden to hym, 31 And his disciples sayde vnto hym,
Thou seest the cumpenye pressinge thee, Thou seist the people thrustinge the on
and seist thou, Who touchide me? every syde, and yet sayest, Who did
tewche me?
32 And Jhesus lokide aboute, for to 32 And he loked round about, ffor to
see hir that hadde don this thing. se her thatt had done that thinge.
483 Forsothe the womman dredinge 33 The woman feared and trembled, for
and quakynge, witynge that it was don she knewe what was done with in her,
in hir, cam, and fel down bifore him, and she cam, and fell doune before hym,
and seide to hym al treuthe. and tolde hym the trueth of every thinge.
- 34 Forsothe Jhesus seide to hir, Dou3- 34 And he sayde vnto her, Doughter,
tir, thi feith hath maad thee saf; go in thy fayth hath saved the ; goo in peace, .
pees, and be saf fro thi sykenes. and be whole off thy plage.

35 3it him spekynge, messageris camen 35 Whyll he yet spake, there cam from
to the prince of a synagoge, seyinge, the ruler of the synagogis housse cer-
For thi dou3tir is deed ; what traueilist tayne, which sayde, Thy doughter is
thou the maistir ferthere? deed; why deseasest thou the master
eny further ?
36 Forsothe the word herd that was 36 As sone as Jesus herde thatt worde .
seide, Jhesus seith to the prince of the spoken, he sayde vnto the ruler of the
synagoge, Nyle thou drede, oonly byleue synagoge, Be not afrayed, only beleve.
190 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Mark
37 Yah ni fralailot ainohun ize mip | 37 And he ne lét him ænig ne fylig-
sis afargaggan, nibai Paitru, yah la- | ean, büton Petrum, and lacobum, and
kobu, yah Íohannen, bropar Íakobis. Iohannem, Tacobes bródor.
38 Yah galaip in gard pis swnagoga- 38 And hi comon on des heah-ealdres
fadis. Yah gasawh auhyodu, yah gret- hús. And he geseah mycel gehljd,
andans yah wairfairwhyandans filu. wépende and geomriende.

39 Yah innatgaggands, qap du im, 39 And dà he in-eode, he ewsep, Hwi

Wha auhyop, yah gretip? Pata barn ni synd ge gedréfede, and wépap? Nis
gadaupnoda, ak slepip. dis m&den ná dead, ac heo slæpp.

40 Yah bihlohun ina. Ip is, uswairp- 40 Da tældon hi hine. He dá, eallum

ands allaim, ganimip attan pis barnis út-ádrifenum, nam dees mædenes [feeder
yah aipein, yah pans mip sis, yah galaip and] móder, and da de mid him wæron,
inn, parei was pata barn ligando. and inn-eodon súwiende, dar Get mæden
wees, |
41 Yah fairgraip bi handau pata barn, 41 And hire hand nam, and ewæþ, —
qapuh du izai, Taleipa, kumei, patei ist Thalimtha, cumi, dæt is on ure gepeode |
gaskeirip, Mawilo, du pus qipa, urreis. gereht, Maden, dé ic secge, aris.

42 Yah suns urrais so mawi, yah id- 42 And heo sóna árás, and eode;
dya ; was auk yere twalibe. Yah usgeis- sóplice heo wzes twelf wintre. And ealle
nodedun faurhtein mikilai. hi wundredon mycelre wundrunge.

43 Yah anabaup im filu, ei manna ni 43 And he him pearle bebead, det hi

funpi pata. Yah haihait izai giban hyt nánum men ne sædon. And he het
matyan. hire etan syllan.

Cuar. VI. í Yah usstop yainpro, yah Crap. VI. 1 And da he danun eode,
qam in landa seinamma; yah laisti- he férde on his édel ; and him folgodon.
dedun afar imma siponyos is, his leorning-cnihtas.
2 Yah bipe warp sabbato, dugann in 2 And gewordenum reste-dege,he on-
swnagoge laisyan. Yah managai haus- gan on gesamnunge léran. And man-
yandans sildaleikidedun, qipandans, Wha- ege gehyrdon and wundredon on his
pro pamma pata? yah who so handugeino lâre, and ewedon, Hwanon synd dys-
so gibano imma, ei mahteis swaleikos sum ealle dis ping? and hwet is se
þairh handuns is wairpand? wisdom de him geseald is, and swylce
mihta de purh his handa gewordene
3 Niu pata ist sa timrya, sa sunus 3 Hu nys [dys] se smip, Marian sunu,
Maryins, ip bropar lakoba yah Luse yah Iacobes brodor and losepes and lude
Judins yah Seimonis?.-yah niu sind and Simonis? hü ne synd his swustra
swistryus is her at unsis. Yah gamarz- hér mid us? And da wurdon hi ge-
idai waurpun in pamma. dréfede.
4 Qap pan im Iesus, Datei nist praufet- 4 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Soplice nis nan
us unswers, niba in gabaurpai seinai, witega büton wurpscipe, büton on his
yah in ganipyam, yah in garda seinam- édele, and on his megpe, and on his
ma. hüse.

5 Yah ni mahta yainar ainohun mahte 5 And he ne mihte dar ænig mægen
Y. 37.-VI. 5.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 191
37 And he resceyuede not ony man to 37 And he suffred no man to folowe
sue him, no but Petre, and James, and hym, moo then Peter, and James, and
John, the brother of James. Jhon, James brother.
38 And thei camen in to the hous of 38 And he cam vnto the housse of the
the prince of the synagoge. And he si3 ruler off the synagoge. And sawe the
noyse, and men wepinge and weilinge wondrynge, and them that wepte and
moche. wayled greatly.
39 And he gon yn, seith to hem, What 39 And he went in, and sayde vnto
ben see troublid, and wepyn? ‘The them, Why make ye this adoo, and
wenche is not deed, but slepith. wepe? The mayden is not deed,*but
40 And thei scorneden him. Forsothe 40 And they lawght hym to scorne.
alle kast out, he takith the fadir and Then he put them all out, and toke the
modir of the wenche, and hem that father and the mother off the mayden,
weren with him, and thei entren yn, and them that were with hym, and
where the wenche lay. entred in, where the mayden laye.
4r And he holdinge the hond of the 41 And toke the mayden by the honde,
wenche, seith to hir, Tabita, cumy, that and sayde vnto her, Tabitha, cumi, which
is interpretid,! Wenche, to thee I seie, is by interpretacion, Mayden, I saye vnto
rise thou. the, aryse.
42 And anon the wenche roos, and 42 And streight the mayden arose, and
walkide ; sothly she was of twelue 3eer. went on her fete; for she was of the
And thei weren abaischt with greet age of twelve yeres. And they were
stoneyinge. astonied at it out of measure.
43 And he comaundide to hem greetly, 43 And he charged them straytely,
that no man schulde wite it. And he that no man shulde knowe off it. And
comaundide to 3iue to hir for to ete. commaunded to geve her meate.

Crap. Vi. 1 And Jhesus gon out Cuap. VI. 1 And he departed thens,
thennis, wente in to his owne cuntree ; and cam in to his awne countre; and
and his disciplis folwiden him. his disciples folowed hym.
2 And the saboth maad, Jhesus bigan 2 And when the saboth daye was come,
for to teche in a synagoge. And manye he began to teache in the synagoge. And
heeringe wondriden in his techinge, many thatt herde hym were astonyed,
Seyinge, Of whennis to this alle these and sayde, From whens hath he these
thingis? and what is the wysdom that thinges? and what wysdom is this that
is 3ouun to him, and suche vertues the is geven vnto him, and suche vertues
whiche ben maad by his hond ? that are wrought by his hondes?

3 Wher this is not a smyth,* the sone 3 Ys not this that carpenter, Marys
of Marie, the brother of James and sonne, the brother off James and Joses
Joseph and Judas and Symound? wher and Juda and Simon? and are not his
and his sistris ben nat here with vs? sisters here with vs? And they were
And thei weren sclaundrid in him. hurt by the reason of him.
4 And Jhesus seide to hem, For a pro- 4 And Jesus sayde vuto them, A pro-
phete is not with outen honour, no but phet is not despysed but in his awne
in his owne cuntree, and in his hows, countre, and amonge his awne kynne,
and in his kyn. and amonge them that are of the same
5 And he myste not make there ony - 5 And he coulde there shewe no myra-
192 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. MARK
gatauyan, niba fawaim siukaim handuns wyrcan, büton feawa untrunie, on-áset-
galagyands, gahailida. tum his handum, he gehælde.
6 Yah sildaleikida in ungalaubeinais 6 And he wundrode for heora unge-
ize. Yah bitauh weihsa bisunyane, leafan. He dá lærende da castel beférde.
7 Yah athaihait pans twalif, yah du- 7 And him twelfe to geclypode, and
gann ins insandyan twans whanzuh ; yah ágan hi sendan twám and twam; and
gaf im waldufni ahmane unhrainyaize, him anweald sealde unclænra gasta, ~
8 Yah faurbaup im, ei waiht ni nem- 8 And him bebead, dæt hi náht on
eina“ in wig, niba hrugga aina, nih wege ne námon, büton gyrde áne, ne
matibalg, nih hlaif, nih in gairdos aiz, codd, ne hláf, ne feoh on heora gyrdlum,

9 Ak gaskohai sulyom, yah ni wasyaip 9 Ac gesceode mid caleum, and det hi

twaim paidom. mid twám tunecum gescrydde næron.

ro Yah qap du im, Piswhaduh pei gagg- tro And he ewæþ to him, Swa hwyle
aip in gard, par salyaip, unte usgaggaiþ hús swa ge in-gap, wunigap dar, od
yainþro. det ge ut-gan.
11 Yah swa managai swe ni andnim- Ir And swa hwylce swa eow ne ge-
aina izwis, ni hausyaina izwis, usgagg- hyrap, donne ge danon út-gáþ asceacap
andans yainþro ushrisyaip mulda po det dust of eowrum fótum, him on ge-
undaro fotum izwaraim, du weitwodipai witnesses. . . » +
im. Amen qipa izwis, sutizo ist Sau-
daumyam aippau Gaumauryam in daga
stauos, pau pizai baurg yainai.
12 Yah usgaggandans, meridedun, ei 12 And üt-gangende, hi bodedon, det
idreigodedeina. hi deéd-bote dydon. S
` 13 Yah unhulþons managos usdribun, 13 And hi manega deofol-seocnessa ût-
yah gasalbodedun alewa managans siuk- ádrifon, and manega untrume mid ele
ans, yah gahailidedun. smýredon, and gehældon.
14 Yah gabausida piudans Herodes, 14 And dá gehyrde Herodes se cyng,
swikunp allis warp namo is, yah qaþ, dæt sóþlice his nama wes swütol ge- -
patei lohannis sa Daupyands us daup- worden, and he ewep, Witodlice Ioh- |
aim urrais, duppe waurkyand pos mahteis annes se Fulluhtere of deape aras, and
in imma. on him synd fordam mægenu geworht.
15 Anparai pan qepun, Datei Helias 15 Sume ewædon, He is Elias ; sume
ist; anparai pan qepun, Datei praufetes ewedon, He is witega, swylce án of
ist, swe ains pize praufete. dam witegum.
16 Gahausyands pan, Herodes qap, 16 Da Herodes det gehyrde, he cwæþ,
Datei pammei ik haubiþ afmaimait, Se Iohannes, de ie beheafdode, se aras
Johanne, sa ist sah urrais us daupaim. of deape.t
17 Sa auk raihtis Herodes insandyands, 17 Sóplice Herodes sende, and het
gahabaida lohannen, yah gaband ina in Iohannem, gebindan on ewerterne, for
karkarai, in Hairodiadins, qenais Filip- dere Herodiadiscan, his bródor láfe,
paus, broprs seinis; unte po galiugaida. Philippus; fordam de he nam hi.

18 Qap auk Íohannes du Heroda, Patei 18 Da sæde Iohannes Herode, Nys đe

ni skuld ist pus, haban qen broprs alyfed, to hæbbenne dines bróder wif.
19 Ip so Herodia naiw imma, yah 19 Da syrwde Herodias ymbe hine,
wilda imma usqiman, yah ni malta. and wolde hyne ofslean, and heo ne
mihte. Í
VI. 6—19.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 193
vertu, no but heelide a fewe sike men, cles, butt leyd his hondes apon a feawe
the hondis put to. sicke foolke, and healed them.
6 And he wondride for the vnbileue of 6 And he merveyled at their vnbelefe.
hem. And he wente aboute castelis in And he went aboute by the tounes that
enuyrown, techinge. lye in circuite, teachynge.
7 And he clepide twelue, and bigan 7 And he called the twelve, and began
for to sende hem bi tweyne ; and 3af to to sende them two and two ; and gave
hem power of vnclene spiritis, them power over vnclene spretes,
8 And comaundide hem, that thei 8 And commaunded them, that they
schulde not take ony thing in the weyo, shulde take notthinge vnto their iorney,
no but a 3erd oonly, not a scrippe, not save a rodde only, nether scrippe, nether
bred, neither money in the girdil, breed, nether mony in their pourses,
9 But schoon with sandalies,* and that 9 Butt shoulde be shood with sandals,
thei weren not clothid with tweie cootis. and that they shulde not put on two
to And he seide to hem, Whidir euere ro And sayd vnto them, Whersoever
3ee schulen entre in to an hous, dwelle ye entre into an housse, there abyde,
3e there, till 3e gon out thennis. tyll ye departe thens.
11 And who euere schulen not resseyue, II And whosoever shall nott receave
ne heere 30u, 5e goynge out fro thennes you, nor heare you, when ye departe
shake awey the powdre fro 3oure feet, thens shake of the duste that is vnder
in to witnessinge to hem. youre fete, for.a remembraunce vnto
them. Isaye verely vnto you, itt shalbe
easyer for Zodom and Gomor att the
daye off iudgement, then for that cite.
12 And thei goynge out, prechiden, 12 And they went out, and preached,
that men schulden do penaunce. that they shulde repent.
t3 And thei castiden out many fendis, 13 And they caste out many devylles,
and anoyntiden with oyle manye syke and they annoynted many that were
men, and thei weren heelid. sicke with oyle, and healed them.
r4 And kyng Eroude herde, forsothe I4 And kynge Herode herde of him,
his name was maad opyn, and he seide, for his name was spreed abroade, and he
For Johne Baptist hath risun agen fro said, Jhon Baptiste is risen agayne from
deed men, and therfore vertues worchen deeth, and ther fore myracles worke in
„in hym. hym.
+ 15 Sothely othere seiden, For it is Ely; 15 Wother sayd, It is Helyas; and
= but othere seiden, For it is a prophete, some sayde, It is a prophet, or as won
= as oon of prophetis. of the prophettes.
16 The whiche thing herd, Eroude 16 But when Herode herde of him, he
seith, Whom I haue bihedid, John, this sayd, It is Jhon, whom I beheded, he
hath risun fro deed men. ys risen from deeth agayne.
17 Forsothe the ilke Eroude sente, 17 For Herode him silfe had sent forth,
and held Joon, and bond him in to pri- and had taken Jhon, and bounde him
soun, for Erodias, the wyf of Philip, his and cast him into preson, for Herodyas
brother; for he hadde weddid hir. sake, which was hys brother Philippes
wyfe ; for he had maried her.
18 Sothly Johne seide to Eroude, It 18 Jhon said vnto Herode, It is not
is not leefful to thee, for to haue the laufull for the, to have thy brothers
wyf of thi brother. wyfe. i
19 Erodias forsothe leide aspies to him, 19 Herodias layd waite for him, and
and wolde sle him, and miste not. wolde have killed him, butt she coulde
194 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. MARK
20 Unte Herodis ohta sis Tohannen, 20 Sóplice Herodes ondréd Iohannem,
kunnands ina wair garaihtana yah weih- and wiste det he wees rihtwis and hálig,
ana, yah witaida imma. Yah haus- and he heold hine on cwerterne. And
yands imma, manag gatawida, yah ga- he gehyrde dst he fela wundra worhte,
bauryaba imma andhausida. and he lufelice him hyrde.
21 Yah waurpans dagsgatils, pan Herod- 21 Da se deg com Herodes gebyrd-
is mela gabaurpais seinaizos nahtamat tide, he gegearwode mycele feorme his
waurhta paim maistam seinaize, yah ealdormannum, and dam fyrmestum on
pusundifadim, yah paim frumistam Gal- Galilea.
22 Yah atgaggandein inn dauhtar 22 And dá da dere Herodiadiscan
Herodiadins, yah plinsyandein, yah ga- dóhtor inn-eode, and tumbode, hit licode
leikandein Heroda, yah paim mipana- Herode, and eallum dam de him mid
„kumbyandam, qap piudans du pizai mau- sæton, se cing cwæþ dá to dam mædene,
yai, Bidei mik piswhizuh pei wileis, yah Bide me swá hwæt swá dü wylle, and ic
giba pus. dé sylle.
23 Yah swor izai, Datei piswhah pei 23 And he swór hire, Sópes ie dé
bidyais mik, giba pus, und halba piud- sylle, swá hwæt swá du me bitst, ðeah
angardya meina. du wylle heaif min rice.
24 lp si, usgaggandei, qaþ du aipein 24 Da heo üt-eode, heo cwæþ to hyre
seinai, Whis bidyau? Ip si qap, Haub- méder, Hwæs bidde ic? Da cwæþ heo, |
idis Iohannis pis Daupyandins. Iohannes heafod des Fulluhteres.

25 Yah atgaggandei sunsaiw sniumun- 25 Sóna dá heo mid ófeste in to dam

do du pamma piudana, bap, qipandei, cyninge eode, heo bed, and dus ewæþ,
Wilyau ei mis gibais ana mesa haubip Ie wylle dæt dú me hrædlice on ánum
lohannis pis Daupyandins. disce sylle Iohannes heafod.
26 Yah gaurs waurpans sa piudans in 26 Da wearp se cyning ge-unrét for-
pize aipe, yah in pize mipanakumbyand- dam ape, and fordam de him mid séton
ane ni wilda izai ufbrikan ; nolde deah hi ge-unrétan ;

27 Yah suns insandyands sa piudans 27 Ac sende nne cwellere, and bebead

spaikulatur, anabaup briggan haubip is. det man his heafod on ánum disce
lp;is galeipands afmaimait imma haubip brohte. And he hine dá on cwerterne
in karkarai, beheafdode,
28 Yah atbar pata haubip is ana mesa, 28 And his heafod on disce brohte,
yah atgaf ita pizai mauyai, yah so mawi and hit sealde dam mædene, and det
atgaf ita aipein seinai. mæden hit sealde hire méder.
29 Yah gahausyandans siponyos is, 29 Da his cnihtas det gehyrdon, hi
qemun, yah usnemun leik is, yah ga- comon, and his lic namon, and hine on
lagidedun ita in hlaiwa. byrgene lédon.
„30 Yah gaiddyedun apaustauleis du 30 Sóplice dá da apostolas togædere
lesus, yah gataihun imma allata, yah comon, hi cyddon dam Hælende eall,
swa tilu swe gatawide[dua, | dat hi dydon, and hi lærdon.

31 And he sæde him, Cumap and uton

gan on-sundron on wéste stówe ; and us
hwon restan. Soplice manega weron :
de comon, and ágén-hwyrfdon, and fyrst
næfdon dæt hi æton.
32 And on seyp stigende, hi fóron on-
sundron on weste stowe.
VI. 20-32.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 195
20 Sothly Eroude drede John, witinge 20 For Herode feared Jhon, knowynge
him a iust man and hooly, and kepte that he was iuste and holy, and gave him
him. And him herd, he dide many reverence. And when he herde him, he
thingis, and gladly herde hym. did many thinges, and herde him gladly.

21 And whanne a couenable day hadde 21 And when a convenyent daye was
fallun, Eroude in his birthe day made a come, Herode on hys birth daye made a
soupere to the princis, and tribunys, supper to the lordes, captayns, and chefe
and to the firste of Galilee. estates of Galile.

22 And whanne the douster of thilke 22 And the doughter of the same Hero-
Erodias hadde entrid yn, and lepte, and dias cam in, and daunsed, and pleased
pleside to Eroude, and also to men rest- Herode, and them that sate att bourde
ynge, the kyng seide to the wenche, also, then the kinge sayd vnto the
Axe thou of me what thou wolt, and I mayden, Axe of me what thou wilt, and
schal 3yue to thee. I will geve it the.
23 And he swoor to hir, For what 23 And he sware vnto her, What soever
euere thou schalt axe, I schal 3yue to thou shalt axe of me, I will geve it the,
thee, thous the half of my kyngdom. even vnto the one halfe of my kyngdom.
24 The whiche, whanne sche hadde 24 And she went forth, and sayde to
gon out, seide to hir modir, What schal her mother, What shall I axe? And she
laxe? And she seide, The heed of John sayde, Jhon Baptistes heed.
25 And whanne she hadde entrid anon 25 And she cam in streigth waye with
with haste to the kyng, she axide, sey- haste vnto the kinge, and axed, sayinge,
inge, I wole that anoon thou 3yue to me I wyll that thou geve me by and by in
in a dische the heed of John Baptist. a charger the heed of Jhon Baptist.
26 And the kyng was sory for the 26 And the kinge was sorye, yet for
ooth, and for men sittinge to gidere at hys othes sake, and for their sakes which
mete he wolde not hir be maad sory ; sate att supper also he wolde not put
her besyde her purpost;
27 But a manquellere sent, he co- 27 And immediatly the kynge sent the
maundide the heed of John Baptist for hangman, and commaunded his heed to
to be broust. And he bihedide him in be brought in. And he went and be-
the prison, heeded him in the preson,
28 And brouste his heed in a dische, 28 And brought his heedde in a
and gaf it to the wenche, and the wench charger, and gave hit to the mayden,
saf to hir modir. and the mayden gave it to her mother.
29 The which thing herd, his disciplis 29 When his disciples herde of it, they
—eamen, and token his body, and puttiden cam, and toke vppe his body, and put it
it in a buriel. in a toumbe.
30 And apostlis comynge to gidere to 30 And the apostles gaddered them
Jhesu, tolden to hym alle thingis, that selves to geddre to Jesus, and tolde him.
thei hadden don, and tau3t. all thynges, booth what they had done.
and what they had taught.
31 And he seith to hem, Come 3e by 31 And he sayd vnto them, Come ye
3ou selue in to a desert place ; reste 3e aparte in to the wyldernes ; and rest a
a litel. Forsoth there weren manye whyle. For there were many commers,
that camen, and wenten as3en, and thei and goers, and they had no leasur wons
hadden not space for to ete. for to eate.
32 And thei stizynge in to boot, wenten 32 And he went by shippe, asyde oot
in to a desert place by hem selue. off the waye into a desertt place.
196 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Mark
| 33 And gesáwon hi farende, and hi
gecneowon manega, and gangende of
dam burgum, dyder urnon, and him
»efóran comon.

24 And dá se Hælend danon eode he

geseah mycele menegu, and he ge-
miltsode him, fordam de hi wæron swá
swa scép de nánne hyrde nabbap. And
ne ongan hi fela læran.
35 And da hit mycel ylding wees, his
leorning-cnihtas him to comon, and
cwædon, Deos stow is wéste, and tima
is forþ-ágán ;
36 Forlæt das manegu, det hi faron dic

on gehende tünas, and him mete biegan

deet hi eton.

37 Da cwæþ he, Sylle ge him etan.

Da cwædon hi, Uton gin and mid twam
hundred penegum hlafas biegan, and we
him etan syllap.

38 Da cwæþ he, Hú fela hlafa hæbbe

ge? Gap, and lóciap. And da hi wiston,
hi eweedon, Fif hláfas, and twegen fixas.

39 And dà bebead se Hælend, det ee


diet fole sete ofer det gréne hig.

40 And hi dá ston, hundredum, and


41 And fif hláfum, and twám fixum

onfangenum, he on heofon lócode, and
Li bletsode, and da hláfas bree, and
seolde his leorning-enihtum, det hi
toforan him ásetton. And twegen fixas
him eallon dælde;
42 And hi æton da ealle, and gefyllede
43 And hi námon dara hláfa, and fixa
tafa, twelf wilian fulle.

44 Soplice fif þúsend manna, dara

etendra waron.*
45 Da sóna he nydde his leorning-
enihtas on seyp stigan, det hig him
befcran foron ofer dene müpan to Betu-
suida, od he dæt fole forléte.

46 And da he hi forlét, he férde

VI. 33-46.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 197
33 And thei sy3en hem goynge awey, 33 And the people spyed them when
and manye knewen, and goynge on feet they departed, and many knewe him,
fro alle citees, thei runnen to gidere and they hasted afote thether out of
thidir, and came bifore hem. every cite, and cam thyther before them,
and cam togedder vnto hym.
34 And Jhesus goynge out sy3 moche 34 And Jesus went out and sawe moche
cumpanye, and hadde mercy on hem, people, and had compassion on them, be
for thei weren as scheepe not hauynge cause they were lyke shepe whych had
a shepherde. And he bigan for to teche no sheppherde. And he began to teache
hem manye thingis. them many thinges.
35 Ànd whanne moche our was maad 35 And when the daye was nowe farre
now, his disciplis camen nys, seyinge, spent, his disciples cam vnto him, say-
This place is desert, and now the our inge, Thys ys a desert place, and nowe
hath passid ; the daye ys farre passed ;
36 Leeue hem, that thei goynge in to 36 Lett them departe, that they maye
the nexte townes or vilagis, bye to hem goo in to the countrey rounde about
metis whiche thei schulen ete. and in to the tounes and bye them
breed, for they have nothinge to eate.
37 And he answerynge seith to hem, 37 He answered and sayde vnto them,
3yue 5e to hem for to ete. And thei Geve ye them to eate. And they sayde
seiden to hym, Goynge bye we loues vnto hym, Shall we goo and bye ij. C.
with two hundrid pens, and we schulen penyworth of breed, and geve them to
3yue to hem for to ete. eate ?
.38 And he seith to hem, Hou many 38 He sayde vnto them, Howe many
loues han 3e? Go 3e, and se. And loves have ye? Goo, and loke. And
whanne thei hadden knowun, thei seien, when they had serched, they sayde, v.
Fyue, and two fyschis. and .ij. fysshes.
39 And he comaundide to hem, that 39 And he commaunded them, to make
thei schulden make alle men sitte to them all sytt doune by companyes, apon
mete aftir cumpenyes, vpon greene hey. the grene grasse.
40 And thei saten down by parties, by 40 And they sate doune here a rowe
hundridis, and fyfties. and there arowe, by houndredes, and by
41 And the fyue looues taken, and two 41 And he toke the v. loves, and the
fyschis, he biholdynge in to heuene, Jj. fysshes, and loked vppe to heven,
- blesside, and brak loouis, and 3af to his and blest, and brake the loves, and gave
disciplis, that thei schulden putte bifore them to hys disciples, to put before
hem. And he departide two fyschis to them. And the ij. fysshes he devyded
alle ; a monge them all;
32 And alle eeten, and weren fillid. 42 And they all ate, and were satis-
43 And thei token the relyues of 43 And they toke vppe twelve basketes
broken mete, twelue coffyns full, and of full, off the gobbettes, and of the fysshes.
the fyschis.
44 Sothli thei that eeten, were fyue 44 And they that ate, were about fyve
thousynd of men. thousand men.
45 And anon he constreynede his dis- 45 And streyght waye he caused hys
ciplis for to stige vp in to a boot, that disciples to goo into a shippe, and to
thei schulden passe bifore him ouer the goo over the water before vnto Beth-
see to Bethsayda, the while he lefte the saida, whill he sent awaye the people.
46 And whanne he hadde left hem, he - 46 And as sone as he had sent them
198 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. MARK
on done münt, and hine ána dar
47 And dà æfen wees, dst scyp wees
on middre se, and he ána wes on
lande ;
48 And he geseah hi on réwette swine-
ende; him wes wider-weard wind.
And on niht embe da feorpan weeccan,
he com to him ofer da sæ gangende, and
wolde hi forbügan. :

49 Da hi hine gesáwon ofer da sæ

gangende, hi wéndon det hit unfæle
gast were, and hi clypedon ;
50 Hi ealle hine gesáwon, and wurdon
gedréfede. And sóna he spree to him,
and cwzp, Gelyfap, ic hit eom; ne
purfon ge eow ondrædan.
5r And he on scyp to him eode, and
se wind geswác. And hi des de má
betwux him wundredon ;

52 Ne ongéton hi be dam hláfum;

soplice heora heorte wees áblend.
53 And da hi ofer-segledon, hi comon
e . . . yah duatsniwun. to Genesaret, and dar wicedon. x

54 Yah usgaggandam im us skipa, 54 And da hi of scipe eodon, sóna hi

sunsaiw ufkunnandans ina. hine geeneowon.
55 Birinnandans all pata gawi, dugun- 55 And eall det rice befarende, hi on
nun ana badyam pans ubil habandans seeccingum bæron da untruman, dar hi
bairan, padei hausidedun ei is wesi. hine gehýrdon.

56 Yah piswhaduh padei iddya in 56 And swá hwar swá he on wie odde
haimos aippau baurgs, aippau in weihsa, on tünas eode, on stræton hi da un-
ana gagga lagidedun siukans, yah bedun truman lédon, and hine bædon, deet
ina, ei pau skauta wastyos is attaitok- hi huru his réfes fneed æt-hrinon ; and
eina; yah swa managai swe attaitokun swá fela swá hine æt-hrinon, hi wurdon
imma, ganesun. hále.

Cmar. VIL í Yah gagemun sik du Crap. VII. 1' Ðá comon to him,
imma, Fareisaieis yah sumai pize bok- Pharise1 and sume bóceras cumende
arye qimandaus us lairusaulwmim. fram Hierusalem.
2 Yah gasaiwhandans sumans pize sip- 2 And da hi gesawon sume of his
onye is gamainyaim handum, pat-ist leorning-cnihtum besmitenum handum,
urþwahanaim, matyandans hlaibans. det is, unpwogenum handum, etan, hi
tældon hi and ewædon, id
3 lp Fareisaicis yah allai Íudaieis, 3 Pharisei and ealle Iudeas ne etap,
VI.47.-VII.3.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 199
wente in to an hil, for to preie. awey, he departed into a mountaine to
praye. —
. 47 And whanne euenyng was. the 47 And when even was come, the shippe
boot was in the myddil see, and he was in the myddes of the see, and he
aloone in the lond ; alone on the londe ;
48 And he sy3 hem trauelinge in row- 48 And he sawe them troubled in row-
ynge ; sothli the wynd was contrarie to inge; for the wynde was contrary vnto
hem. And aboute the fourthe waking them. And aboute the fourth quartre
of the ny3t, he wandrynge on the see of the nyght, he cam vnto them walk-
cam to hem, and wolde passe hem. inge apon the see, and wolde have passed
by them.
49 And thei, as thei sy3en him wan- 49 When they sawe him walkinge apon
drynge on the see, gessiden for to be a the see, they supposed yt had bene a
fantum, and crieden; sprete, and cryed oute ;
50 Forsoth alle sy3en hym, and thei 5o For they all sawe hym, and they
weren disturblid. And anon he spak were a frayed. And a non he talked
with hem, and seide to hem, Triste 3e, with them, and sayde vnto them, Be of
Iam; nyle 3e drede. good chere, it is I; be not afrayed.
51 And he cam vp to hem in to the 51 And hé went vnto them into the
boot, and the wynd ceesside. And thei shippe, and the wynde ceased. And
more wondriden with ynne hem ; they were sore amased in them selves
beyonde measure and marveyled ;
52 For thei vndirstoden not of the 52 For they remembred nott off the
.looues ; sothli her herte was blyndid. loves ; be cause their hertes were
53 And whanne thei hadden passid 53 And they cam over, and went into
ouer the see, thei camen in to the lond the londe off Genazareth, and drue vp
of Genazareth, and setten to londe. into the haven.
54 Ànd whanne thei hadden gon out 54 And as sone as they were come out
of the boot, anon thei knewen him. off the shippe, streyght they knewe hym.
55 And thei rennynge thur3 al that 55 And ran forth through out all the
cuntree, bigunnen to bere aboute in region rounde about, and began to cary
beddis hem that hadden hem yuele, beeddes all that were sicke,
where thei herden him be. when they herde tell that he was there.
56 And whidur euere he entride yn to 56 And whither soever he entred into
vilagis and townes, or in to citees, thei the tounes or cites, or vyllages, they
^ puttiden syke men in stretis, and preie- leyde their sicke in the stretes, and
den him, that thei schulden touche either prayed hyme, thatt they myght touche
the hem of his cloth; and how manye and hit wer but the edge off hys vesture;
~ euere touchiden him, weren maad saf. and as many as touched hym were sale.

Crap. VII. 1 And Pharisees and Crap. VII. 1 And the Pharises cam
summe of scribis comynge fro Jerusa- togedder vnto hym, and dyvers off the
lem, camen to gidere to him. seribes which cam from Jerusalem.
2 And whanne thei hadden seyn summe 2 And when they sawe certayne of hys
of his disciplis ete breed with comune disciples eate breed with commen handes,
hondis,! thei blamyden. that is to saye, with vnwesshen hondes,
they complayned.
3 Forsoth Pharisees and alie J ewis 3 For the Pharises and all the Jewes,

200 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marx
niba ufta pwahand handuns, ni matyand, büton hi hyra handa gelómlice pwean,
habandans anafilh pize sinistane. healdende hira yldrena gesetnessa.

4 Yah af mapla, niba daupyand, ni 4 And on stræte, hi ne etaþ, baton hi

matyand; yah anpar ist manag, patei gepwegene beon; and manega óðre
andnemun du haban, daupeinins stikle, synd, de him gesette synd, det is ca-
yah aurkye, yah katile, yah ligre. licea fyrmpa, and ceaca, and ár-fata, and
mæstlinga. :

5 Paproh pan frehun ina pai Fareisaieis 5 And dá ácsodon hine Pharisei and
yah pai bokaryos, Duwhe pai siponyos da bóceras, Hwi ne gáp dine leorning-
peinai ni gaggand bi pammei anafulhun enihtas æfter úre yldrena gesetnysse, ac
pai sinistans. ak unpwahanaim handum besmitenum handum hyra hláf piegap?
matyand hlaif ?
6 Íþ is andhafyands qap du im, patei 6 Da andswarode he him, Wel witegode
waila praufetida Esaias bi izwis, pans Isaias be eow, licceterum, swá hit áwrit-
liutans, swe gamelip ist, So managei en is, Dis fole me mid welerum weorpap,
wairilom mik sweraip, ip hairto ize fair- soplice hyra heorte is feor fram me ;
ra habaip sik mis ;
7 Ip sware mik blotand, laisyandans 7 On idel hi me weorpiap, and manna
laiseinins anabusnins manne. lára and bebodu lérap.

8 Afletandans raihtis anabusn Gups, 8 Soplice ge forlétap Godes bebod,

habaip patei anafulhun mannans, daup- and healdap manna laga, pweala ceaca,
einins aurkye, yah stikle; yah anpar and calica; and manega ódre dyllice
galeik swaleikata manag tauyip. ping ge dóp.
9 Yah qap du im, Waila inwidip ana- 9 Da sede he him, Wel ge on idel
busn Gups, ei pata anafulhano izwar dydon Godes bebod, det ge eower laga
fastaip. healdon.
10 Moses auk raihtis qap, Swerai attan 10 Moyses cwæþ, Wurpa dinne fæder
peinana yah aipein peina ; yah saei ubil and dine módor; and se de wyrigp his
qipai attin seinamma aippau aipein seinai, feeder and his módor, swelte se deaþe..
daupau afdaupyaidau.
II lp yus qipip Yabai qiþai manna 11 Sóþlice ge cweðaþ, Gif hwá segp
attin seinamma aippau aipein, Kaurban, his feeder and méder, Corban, det is on
patei ist, Maipms, þiswhah patei us mis tre gepeode, Gyfu gif hwyle is of me,
gabatnis ; dé fremab ; 2
12 Yah ni fraletiþ ina ni waiht tauyan 12 And ofer diet ge ne lzétap hine ænig
attin seinamma aiþþau aipein seinai, ping don his feeder odde méder,
13 Blaupyandans waurd Gups pizai 13 Toslitende Godes bebod for eower
anabusnai izwarai, poei anafulhup; yah stuntan lage, de ge gesetton; and mane-
galeik swaleikata manag tauyip. ga óðre ping dyssum gelice ge dóp..

14 Yah athaitands alla po managein, t4 And eft da manegu he him to

gap im, Hauseip mis allai, yah frapyaip. clypode, and cwæþ, Gehyrap me ealle,
and ongytap.
15 Ni waihts ist utaþro mans inngagg- 15 Nys nan þing of dam men on hine
ando in ina, patei magi ina gamainyan ; gangende, det hine besmitan mæge; ac
VIL. 4-:5.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 201
eten not, no but thei waisschen ofte excepte they washe their handes ofte,
her hondis, holdinge the tradiciounst cate not, observinge the tradicions of
of eldere men. the seniours.
4 And thei turnynge a3en fro chepynge, 4 And when they come from the mar-
eten not, no but thei ben waischun ; kett, except they washe them selves,
and manye othere thingis ben, that ben they eate not ; and many other thinges
takun to hem for to kepe, waischingis there be, which they have taken apon
of cuppis, and cruetis, and of vessels of them to observe, as the wasshinge of
bras, and of beddis. cuppes, and cruses, and of brasen vessels,
and of tables.
5 And Pharisees and scribis axiden 5 Then axed hym the Pharises and
him, seyinge, Whi gon not thi disciplis scribes, Why walke not thy disciples
aftir the tradicioun of eldere men, but accordinge to the tradicions of the seni-
with comyne hondis thei eten bred? ours, butt eate breede with vnwesshen
hondes ?
6 And he answeringe seide to hem, 6 He answered and sayde vnto them,
Ysaie propheciede wel of 30u, ypocritis, Well prophesied hath Esayas of you,
as it is writun, This peple worschipith ypocrytes, as it is written, This people
me with lippis, forsothe her herte is fer honoreth me with their lyppes, but their
fro me ; hert is farre from me;
7 In veyn trewli thei worschipen me, 7 In vayne they worshippe me, teach-
techinge doctrinys and preceptis of men. inge doctryns which are nothinge but
the commandementes off men.
8 Forsoth 3e forsakinge the maunde- 8 For ye laye the commandement of
ment of God, holden the tradiciouns of God aparte, and ye observe the tradi-
men, waischingis of cruetis, and cuppis ; cions of men, as the wessinge off cruses,
and manye othere thingis lyke to thes and off cuppes; and many other suche
3e don. lyke thinges ye do.
9 And he seide to hem, Wel 3e han 9 And he sayde vnto them, Well ye
maad the maundement of God voyde, putt awaye the commandement of God,
that 5e kepe 5oure tradicioun. to mayntayne youre owne tradecions.
ro Forsoth Moyses seide, Worschipe 10 For Moses sayde, Honoure thy
thi fadir and thi modir; and he that father and thy mother; and whosoever
Schal curse fadir or modir, by deeth sayeth evyll to his father or mother, let
deie he. hym dey for it.
. 11 Sothli 5e seyen, If a man schal seye II But ye saye, A man shall saye to
to fadir or to modir, Corban, that is, his father or mother, Corban, that is,
-What euere 3ifte of me, schal profite toWhatsoever thynge I offer, that same
thee ; doeth proffit the ;
12 And ouer 5e suffren not him do ony 12 And ye soffre no more that a man
thing to fadir or modir, do eny thynge for his father or mother,
13 Brekynge the word of God by 13 And thus have ye made the com-
3oure tradicioun, that 3e han 3ouun; maundement off God off none effecte
and 3e don manye othere suche thingis. through youre awne tradicions, which
ye have ordeyned ; and many soche
thynges ye do.
14 And he eftsoone clepinge to the 14 And he called all the people vnto
cumpanye of peple, seide to hem, 3e alle hym, and sayde vnto them, Herken
heere me, and vndirstonden. vnto me every one off you, and vnder-
15 No thing with outen man is entr- 15 There is no thynge with outt a
inge in to him, that may defoule him; man, that can diffyle hym, when hitt
202 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. |ST. Mark
ak pata utgaggando us mann, pata ist da ping de of dam men forp-gap, da
pata gamainyando mannan. hine besmitap.

16 Yabai whas habai ausona hausyand- 16 Gif hwá earan hæbbe, gehlyste me.
ona, gahausyal.
17 Yah pan galaip in gard, us pizai 17 And dá se Hælend fram dere
managein, frehun ina siponyos is bi po menegu eode, his leorning-enihtas hine
gayukon. an bigspel ácsodon.
18 Yah qap du im, Swa yah yus un- 18 Da eweep he, And synd ge dus un-
witans siyup? Ni frapyip pammei all gleawe? Ne ongyte ge, det eall dat
pata utapro inngaggando in mannan, ni ütan cymp on done man gangende, ne
mag ina gamainyan ? meg hine besmitan?

19 Unte ni galeipip imma in hairto, 19 Fordam hit ne gæþ on his heortan,

ak in wamba, yah in urrunsa usgaggip, ac on his innop, and on forp-gang ge-
gahraineip allans matins. witeþ, ealle mettas clænsigende.

20 Qapup-pan, patei pata us mann 20 Da sede he him, Det da ping de

usgaggando, pata gamaineip mannan. “of dam men gap, da hine besmitap.

21 Innapro auk, us hairtin manne 21 Innan, of manna heortan yfele ge-

mitoneis ubilos usgaggand, kalkinassyus, pancas cumap, unriht-hemedu, and for-
horinassyus, maurpra, ligeru, manslihtas, 1
22 Piubya, faihufrikeins, unseleins, 22 [Stala,] gitsung, man, facnu, sceam-
liutei, aglaitei, augo unsel, wayamereins, least, yfel gesihp, dysinessa, ofer-módig-
hauhhairtei, unwiti. nessa, stuntscipe.
23 po alla ubilona innapro usgaggand, 23 And ealle dás yfelu of dam innode
` yah gagamainyand mannan. cumap, and done man besmitap. j
24 Yah yainpro usstandands, galaip in 24 Da férde he danon on da endas
markos Twre yah Seidone. Yah ga- Tyri and Sidonis. And he in-ágán on
leiþands in gard, ni wilda witan mannan; dæt hús, he nolde det hit ænig wiste ;
yah ni mahta galaugnyan. and he ne mihte hit bemipan.

25 Gahausyandei raihtis qinobi ina, 25 Sona dá án wif, be him gehyrde,

pizozei habaida dauhtar ahman un- dere dóhtor hæfde unclénne gást, heo —
hrainyana, qimandei, draus du fotum is. in-eode, and to his fotum hi ástrehte.

26 qino haipno, Saurini 26 Sóþlice det wif wes hæðen, Siro-
fwnikiska gabaurpai. Yah bap ina, ei fenisces cynnes. And bæd hine, det he
po unhulpon uswaurpi us dauhtr izos. done deofol of hyre déhter adrife.

27 lp lesus qap du izai, Let faurpis 27 Da sede he hire, Læt ærest da

sada wairpan barna; unte ni gop ist bearn beon gefylied; nis na god det
niman hlaib barne, yah wairpan hund- man nime dara bearna hláf, and hándum
am. werpe.
28 Ip si andhof imma, yah qap du 28 Da andswarode heo, and ewæþ,
imma, Yai, Frauya; yah auk hundos Drihten, dæt is sóp ; witodlice da hwelp-
undaro biuda matyand, af drauhsnom as etap under dere mysan, of dara
barne. cilda cruman.
29 Yah qap du izai, In pis waurdis 29 Da sæde he hyre, For dere spræce
gagg, usiddya unhulpo us dauhtr peinai. ga, nu se deofol of dinre dehter gewit.
VIL 16-29. WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 203
but tho thingis that comen forth of man, entreth in to hym; but thoo thynges
tho it ben that defoulen a man. which procede out of a man are those
which defyle a man.
16 Forsoth if ony man haue eeris of 16 Yf eny man have eares to heare, let
heeringe, heere he. hym heare.
17 And whanne he hadde entrid in to 17 And when he cam into a housse,
an hous, fro the cumpany of peple, his awaye from the people, his disciples axed
disciplis axiden him the parable. him of the similitude.
18 And he seith to hem, So and 5e ben 18 And he sayd vnto them, Do ye then
vnprudent.! Vndirstonden 3e not, for lacke vnderstondinge? Do ye not yet
al thing withoute forth entringe in to perceave, that whatsoever thinge from
aman, may not defoule him ? with out entreth into a man, hit can
not defyle hym?
19 For it hath not entrid into his 19 Be cause hit entrith not into his
herte, but in to the wombe, and bynethe hert, but into the belly, and goeth out
it goth out, purgynge alle metis. into the draught, that porgeth oute all
20 Sothli he seide, For the thingis 20 And he sayde, That defileth a man,
that gon out of a man, tho defoulen a whiche cometh oute of a man.
21 Forsoth fro withynne, of the herte 21 For from within, even oute off the
of men comen forth yuele thoustis, auou- herte off men proceade evyll thoughtes,
tries, fornicaciouns, mansleyngis, advoutry, fornicacion, murder,
22 Theftis, couetises,' wickidnesses, 22 Theeft, coveteousnes, wickednes,
gyle, vnchastite, yuel y3e, blasphemyes, diceyte, vnelennes, and a wicked eye,
pride, folye. blasphemy, pryde, folisshnes.
23 Alle thes yuelis fro withynne comen 23 All these evyll thynges com from
forth, and defoulen a man. with in, and defile a man.
24 And Jhesus risynge thennis, wente 24 And from thence he rose, and went
in to the endes of Tyre and Sidon. And into the borders off Tire and Sidon.
he gon in to an hows, wolde no man And entred into an housse, and wolde
wite; and he miste not dare.* that no man shulde have knowen off
hym ; butt he culde nott be hid.
25 Sothli a womman, anon as sche 25 For a certayne woman, whose
herde of him, which wommanis dou3tir doughter had a foule sprete, when she
hadde an vnelene spirit, entride, and fel herde off hym, cam, and fell doune att
doun at his feet. hys fete.
26 Sothli the womman was hethene, 26 The woman was a greke, out off
of the generacioun of Sirefen. And she Sirophenieia. And she besought hym,
preide him, that he wolde caste out a that he wolde easte out the devyll out
deuel fro hir doustir. off her doughter.
27 The which seide to hir, Suffre thou 27 Jesus sayde vnto her, Lett the
the sones be fulfild first; it is not good chyldren fyrst be feed ; it ys nott mete
to take the bred ot sones, and sende to to take the chyldrens breed, and to
houndis. ! caste itt vnto whelppes.
28 And she answeride, and seide to him, 28 She answered, and sayde vnto hym,
Forsothe, Lord ; for whi and litle welpis Even soo, Master; neverthelesse the
eten vndir the bord, of the crummes of whelppes also eate vnder the table, off
children. l the chyldrens cromes.
29 And Jhesus seith to hir, For this 29 And he sayde vnto her, For thys
word go, the fend is went out of thi sayinge goo thy waye, the devyll ys gon
dou3tir. "out off thy doughter.
204 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 095. (ST. Marx
30 Yah galeipandei du garda seinam- 30 And dà heo on hyre hús eode, heo
ma, bigat unhulpon usgaggana, yah po gemétte det mæden on hire bedde
cauhtar ligandein ana ligra. liegende, and done deofol üt-gán.*

31 Yah aftra galeipands af markom 31 And eft he eode of Tyra gemærum,

Twre yah Seidone, qam at marein Ga- and com purh Sidonem to dere Galileisc-
leilaie, mip tweihnaim markom Daika- an sæ, betwux midde endas Decapoleos.
32 Yah berun du imma baudana stam- 32 And hi leddon him ænne deafne
mana, yah bedun ina, ei lagidedi imma and dumbne, and hine bædon, det he
handau. his hand him on asette.

33 Yah afnimands ina af managein 33 Da nam he hine onsundran of dere

sundro, lagida figgrans seinans in ausona menigu, and his fingras on his earan
_ imma; yah spewands attaitok tuggon is. dyde ; and spætende his tungan onhrán.

34 Yah ussaiwhands du himina, ga- 34 And on done heofon behealdende,

swogida, yah gap du imma, Aiffapa, geomrode, and cwæþ, Effeta, det is on
patei ist, Uslukn, ure gepeode, Sy du ontyned,
35 Yah sunsaiw üsluknodedun imma 35 And sona wurdon his earan ge-
hliumans, yah andbundnoda bandi tugg- openode, and his tungan bend wearþ
ons is, yah rodida raihtaba. unslyped, and he rihte spreec.
36 Yah anabaup im, ei mann. ni qep- 36 And he bead him, dest hi hit nánum
eina; whan filu is im anabaup, mais men ne sædon; sóplice swá he him
pamma eis meridedun, swidor bebead, swa hi swidor bodedon,

37 Yah ufarassau sildaleikidedun, qip- 37 And des de má wundredon, and

andans, Waila allata gatawida, yah ewedon, Ealle ping he wel dyde, and he
baudans gatauyip gahausyan, yah un- dyde dst deafe gehyrdon, and dumbe
rodyandans rodyan. spræcon.

Crap. VIII. 1 In yainaim þan dag- Crap. VIII. xt Eft on dam dagum,
am, aftra at filu managai managein him wees mid micel menigu, and næfdon
wisandein, yah ni habandam wha mati- hwæt hi æton, da ewsp he, vo somne
dedeina, athaitands siponyans, qapuh du geclypedum his leorning-cnihtum,
im, s
2 Infeinoda du pizai managein, unte 2 Ic gemiltsige dysse menegu, fordam
yu dagans prins mip mis wesun, yah ni hi pry dagas me ge-anbidiap, and nabbap
haband wha matyaina ; hweet hi eton ;

3 Yah yabai fraleta ins lausqiprans du 3 Gif ic hi fæstende to hyra húsum

garda ize, ufligand ana wiga; sumai læte, be wege hi geteorigeap; sume hi
raihtis ize fairrapro qemun. comon feorran.

4 Yah andhofun imma siponyos is, 4 And dá andswarodon him his leorn-
Whapro pans mag whas gasopyan hlaib- ing-cnihtas, Hwanon meg ænig man
am ana aupidai? das mid hláfum on disum wéstene ge-
fyllan ?
5 Yah frah ins, Whan managans habaip . 5 Da áxode he hi, Hà fela hláfa hæbbe
hiaibans? Ip eis qepun, Sibun. ge? Hi cwædon, Seofon.
VII. 3o.- VIIT. 5.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 905

30 And whanne she hadde gon hom, 30 And when she was come home to
she fond the wenche sittinge on the her housse, she founde the devyll de-
bedd, and the deuel gon out fro hir. parted, and her doughter lyinge on the
31 And eftsoone Jhesus goynge out 31 And he departed agayne from the
fro the endis? of Tire, cam thur3 Sidon coostes off Tyre and Sydon, and cam
to the see of Galilee, that is bitwixe the vnto the see off Galile, throwe the myddes
myddil endis of Decapoleos. off the coostes off the .x. cites.
32 And thei leeden to him a deef man 32 And they brought vnto him won
and doumb, and preieden him, that he that was deffe and stambred in hys
putte to him the hond. speche, and prayde hym, to laye hys
honde apon hym.
33 And he takynge him asydis fro the 33 And he toke hym a syde from the
cumpanye, sente his fyngris in to his people, and putt hys fyngers in hys
litle eeris; and spetinge towchide his eares; and did spet and touched his
tunge. tounge.
34 And he biholdynge in to heuene, 34 And loked vp to heven, and syghed,
sorwide withynne, aud seith, Effeta, that and sayde vnto hym, Ephatha, that ys
is, Be thou openyd, to saye, Be openned,
35 And anon his eeris weren openyd, 35 And streyght waye hys eares were
and the bond of his tunge is unbounden, openned, and the stringe off hys tounge
and he spak ri3tly. was loosed, and he spake playne.
36 And he comaundide to hem, that 36 And he commaunded them, that
thei schulden seye to no man; forsoth they shulde tell no man ; butt the more
how moche he comaundide to hem, so he forbad them, soo moche the more a
moche more thei prechiden more, greate deale they pubblessed it,
37 And by that the more thei won- 37 And were beyonde measure astonyed,
driden, seyinge, He dide wel alle thingis, sayinge, He hath done all thinges well,
end deef men he made to heere, and and hath made booth the deffe to heare,
doumbe for to speke. and the dom to speake.

Crap. VIII. 1 In tho dayes, whanne Cmar. VIII. rIn those dayes, when
moche eumpenye of peple was with Jhe- there was a very greate companye, and
su, and hadde not what thei schulden had nothinge to eate, Jesus called hys
— ete, his disciplis gaderid to gidere, he disciples to hym, and sayd vnto them,
. seith to hem,
2 I haue rewthe on the cumpanye of 2 My herte melteth on this people, be
peple, for loo! now the thridde day cause they have nowe bene wyth me iij.
thei susteynen* me, and han not what dayes, and have nothinge to eate ;
thei schulen ete;
3 And if I leeue hem fastinge in to 3 And yf I shulde sende them awaye
her hous, thei schulen faile in the weye ; fastinge to their awne houses, they shulde
forsothe summe of hem camen fro fer. faynt by the waye; for dyvers of them
cam from farre.
4 And disciplis answeriden to him, 4 And hys disciples answered hym,
Wherof a man schal mowe fille hem From whence myght a man suffyse them
with looues here in wildirnesse? with breed here in the wyldernes?

5 Andheaxide hem, How manye looues | 5 And he axed them, Howe many loves
han 3e? The whiche seiden, Seuene. have ye? They sayde, Seven.
206 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST. Mark
6 Yah anabaup pizai managein ana- 6 Da hét he sittan da menegu ofer da
kumbyan ana airpai. Yah nimands pans eorþan. And nam da seofon hláfas, and
sibun hlaibans, yah awiliudonds, gabrak, Gode þancode, and hi bræc, and sealde
yah atgaf siponyam seinaim, ei atlagi- his leorning-enihtum, det hi toforan
dedeina faur. Yah atlagidedun faur po him ásetton. And hi swa dydon.
7 Yah habaidedun fiskans fawans ; yah 7 And hi næfdon büton feawa fixa;
pans gapiupyands, qap ei atlagidedeina and he da bletsode, and hét befóran him
yah pans. settan.
8 Gamatidedun pan, yah sadai waurpun ; 8 And hi æton, and wurdon gefyllede;
yah usnemun laibos gabruko, sibun and hi namon det of dam brytsenum
spwreidans. belaf, seofon wilian fulle.
9 Wesunup-pan pai matyandans, swe 9 Sóþlice da de dar æton, wæron fif
fidwor pusundyos ; yah fralailot ins. þúsend ; and he hi da forlét. |

ro Yah galaip sunsaiw in skip, mip ro And sõna he on scyp, mid his
siponyam seinaim, yah qam ana fera leorning-enihtum, ástáh, and com on
Magdalan. . -a dælas Dalmanupa.
rr Yah urrunnun Fareisaicis, yah du- ir And dá férdon da Pharisei, and
gunnun mipsokyan imma, sokyandans du ongunnon mid him smeagean, and tacen
imma taikn us himina, fraisandans ina. of heofone sohton, and his fandedon.

12 Yah ufswogyands ahmin seinamma, 12 Da ewsp he, geomriende on his

qap, Wha pata kuni taikn sokeiþ? gáste, Hwi sécþ deos cneoris tacen?
Amen qiþa izwis, yabai gibaidau kunya Sóplice ic eow secge, ne bip disse
pamma taikne. eneorisse tácen geseald.

13 Yah afletands ins, galeipands aftra 13 And hi da forlætende, eft on seyp

in skip, uslaip hindar marein. ástah, and férde ofer done müpan.

14 Yah ufarmunnodedun niman hlaib- 14 And hi ofergeton det hi hláfas ne

ans, yah niba ainana hlaif ni habaidedun namon, and hi næfdon on seype mid
mip sis in skipa. him büton ænne hláf.
15 Yah anabaup im, qipands, Saiwhip, 15 And he him bead, and eweep, Lociap, -
ei atsaiwhip izwis pis beistis Fareisaie, and warniap fram Pharisea, and Herodes
yah beistis Herodis. heefe.

16 Yah pahtedun mip sis misso, qip- | 16 Da pohton hi betwux him, and
andans, Unte hlaibans ni habam. ewedon, Næbbe we nane hláfas.
17 Yah frapyands lesus, qap du im, 17 Ðá se Hælend det wiste, he cwæþ,
Wha paggkeip, unte hlaibans ni habaip? Hweet pence ge, fordam ge hlafas nab-
Ni nauh frapyip, nih witup ; unte daub- bab? Gyt ge ne oncnáwaþ, ne ne
ata habaip hairto izwar. ongytaþ; gyt ge habbap eowre heortan
18 Augona habandans, ni gasaiwhip, 18 Eagan ge habbap, and ne geseop,
yah ausona habandans, ni gahauseiþ; and earan, and ne gehyrap; ne ge ne
yah ni gamunup, þencaþ,
19 Pan pans fimf hlaibans gabrak fimf 19 Hwænne ie bree fif hláfas and |
pusundyom, whan managos tainyons twegen fixas, and hu fela wyligena ge
fullos gabruko usnemup? Qepun du námon fulle? Hi ewedon da, Twelfe.
imma, Twalif.
20 Appan pan pans sibun hlaibans 20 And hwænne seofon hlafas feower
VIII. 6-20.] WYOLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 207
6 And he comaundide the cumpanye 6 And he commaunded the people to
to sitt doun on the erthe. And he sitt doune on the grounde. And he toke
takynge seuene looues, and doynge the .vii. loves, gave thankes, brake, and
thankynges, brak, and 3af to his dis- gave to hys disciples, to set before them.
ciplis, that thei schulden putte forth. And they sett them before the people.
And thei setten forth to the cumpany.
7 And thei hadden a fewe smale fischis , 7 Aud they had a feawe smale fysshes ;
and he blesside hem, and comaundide and he blessed them, and commaunded
for to be put forth. them also to be sett before them.
8 And thei eeten, and ben fulfild ; and 8 They ate, and were suffysed ; and
thei token vp that lefte of relyf,t seuene they toke vp off the broken meate that
leepis. was lefte, vij. basketes full.
9 Forsoth thei that eeten, weren as 9 They that ate, were in nomber aboute
foure thousand of men; and he lefte fowre thousandt ; and he sent them
hem. awaye.
10 And anon he wente vp in to a | 10 And a non he toke shippe, whith
boot, with his disciplis, and cam in to his disciples, and cam in to the parties
the partis of Dalmamytha. of Dalmanutha.
11 And Pharisees wenten out, and bi- rr And the Pharises cam forth, and
gunnen to seke* with him, axynge a began to dispute whith hym, and sought
tokene of hym fro heuene, temptinge of hym a signe from heven, temptinge
= hym. him.
„12 And he sorwynge withynne in 12 And he syghed in his sprete, and
Spirit, seith, What sekith this genera- sayde, Why doth thys generacion seke
cioun a tokene? Treuly I seie to 30u, a signe? Verely I saye vnto you, there
if atokene schal be 5ouun to this gene- shall no signe be geven vnto thys gene-
racioun. racion.
13 And he leeuynge hem, wente vp 13 And he lefte them, and went into
eftsoone in to a boot, and wente ouer the shippe agayne, and departed over
the see. the water.
14 And thei forsaten to take breed, 14 And they had forgotten to take
and thei hadden not with hem no but o breed with them, nether had they in the
loof in the boot. shippe with them more then one loofe.
15 And he comaundide to hem, sey- 15 And he charged them, sayinge,
- inge, Se 5e, and be 3e war of the sour- Take hede, be ware of the leven of the
dow3 of Pharisees, and sourdow3 of Pharises, and the leven of Herode.
. Eroude.
16 And thei thouyten oon to another, 16 And they reasoned amonge them
seiynge, For we han not breed. selves, saynge, We have no breed.
17 The which thing knowun, Jhesus 17 And when Jesus knewe that, he
seith to hem, What thenke 3e, for 3e sayde vnto them, Why take ye thought,
han not breed? 3it 3e knowen not, ne be cause ye have no bread? Perceave
vndirstonden; sit 3e han goure herte ye not yet, nether vnderstonde ; have
blyndid. ye youre herttes yett blynded?
18 3e hauynge y3en, seen not, and 5e 18 Have ye eyes, and se nott, and have
hauynge eeris, heeren not; nether 3e ye eares, and heare not; do ye nott
han mynde, remember1.
19 Whanne I brak fyue looues in to 19 When I brake v. loves a monge .v.
fiue thousande, and hou manye coffyns M. men, howe many baskettes full of
ful of brokene mete 5e token vp? Thei broken meate toke ye vpp? They sayde
seyn to him, Twelue. vnto him .xij.
20 Whanne and seuene looues in to 20 When I brake vij a monge iiij M,
208 GOTHIC, 360 ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Mark
fidwor pusundyom, whan managans spwr- þúsendum, and hú fela wyligena brytsena
eidans fullans gabruko usnemup? Ip ge namon fulle? Hi sædon, Seofon.
eis qepun, Sibun.
21 Yah qap du im, Whaiwa ni nauh 21 Da sæde he him, Hwi ne ongyte
frapyip ? ge gyt?
22 Yah qemun in Beþaniin, yah berun 22 And hi comon da to Bethzaida, and
du imma blindan, yah bedun ina, ei hi brohton him dá ænne blindne, and.
imma attaitoki. hine bædon, dzet he hine æt-hrine.

23 Yah fairgreipands handu pis blind- 23 And dá æt-hrán he des blindan

ins, ustauh ina utana weihsis, yah speiw- hand, and lzidde hine bútan da wie, and -
_ ands in augona is, atlagyands ana hand- spætte on his eagan, and his hand on-
uus seinos, frah ina, gau wha sewhi. ásette, and hine áxode, hwæðer he aht.
24 Yah ussaiwhands, qap, Gasaiwha 24 Da cwæþ he da, dá he hyne beseah,
mans patei swe bagmans gasaiwha gagg- Ie geseo men swylce treow gangende.
25 Þaþroh aftra galagida handuns ana 25 Eft he ásette his handa ofer his
po augona is, yah gatawida ina ussaiwh- eagan, and he geseah dá, and wearp
an, yah aftragasatips warp, yah gasawh geedniwod, swa dt he beorhtlice eall
bairhtaba allans. geseah.
26 Yah insandida ina du garda is, "26 Da sende he hyne to his hüse, and
aipands, Ni in pata weihs gaggais; ni ewep, Gà to dinum húse; and ðeah
mannhun qiþais, in þamma wehsa. du on tún gá, nænegum dé hit ne
27 Yah usiddya lesus yah siponyos is 27 Da eode he and his leorning-enih-
in wehsa Kaisarias þizos Filippaus. Yah tas on dæt castel Cesare; Philippi. And
ana wiga frah siponyans seinans, qipands he on wege his leorning-cnihtas áhsode,
du im, Whana mik qipand mans wisan 1 Hwæt secgap men diet ic sy ?

28 lp eis andhofun, lohannen pana 28 Da andswarodon hi, Sume, Iohan- -

Daupyand ; yah anparai, Helian ; sum- nem done Fulluhtere; sume, Heliam;
aih pan, ainana praufete. sume, sumne of dam witegum.

29 Yah is qap du im, Appan yus whana 29 Da cwæþ he, Hwæt secge ge det ic
mik qipip wisan? Andhafyands pan sy? Da andswarode Petrus him, and |
Paitrus, qap du imma, pu is Christus. cwæþ, Du eart Crist.

30 Yah faurbaup im, ei mannhun ni 30 And dá bead he him, dst hi næn-

qepeina bi ina, egum be him ne sædon.
31 Yah dugann laisyan ins, patei skal 31 Da ongan he hi læran, det mannes
sunus mans filu winnan, yah uskiusan sunu gebyreep fela pinga polian, and beon
skulds ist fram paim sinistam, yah paim aworpen fram ealdormannum, and heah-
auhumistam gudyam, yah bokaryam, sacerdum, and bócerum, and beon of- |
yah usqiman, yah afar prins dagans slegen, and æfter prim dagum árisan.

32 Yah swikunpaba pata waurd rodida. 22 And spree dá openlice. And da

Yah aftiuhands ina Paitrus, dugann nam Petrus hine, and ongan hine
andbeitan ina. preagean.
33 Ip is gawandyands sik, yah gasaiwh- 33 Dà bewende he hine, and cidde
ands pans siponyans seinans, "andbait Petre, and cwæþ, Ga onbæe, Satanas;
VITI. 21-33.] WYCLIFFE, 1989, TYNDALE, 1526. 209
four thousande of men, how many ieepis howe many baskettes of the levinges of
of brokene mete 3e token vp? And thei broken meate toke ye vp? They sayde,
seyen, Seuene. vij.
21 And he seide to hem, How vndir- 21 And he sayde vnto them, Howe is
stonden 3e not sit? it that ye vnderstonde not
22 And thei comen to Bethsayda, and 22 And he cam to Bethsayda, and they
thei bryngen to him a blynd man, and brought a blynde man vnto him, and
preieden hym, that he schulde touche desyred hym, to touche him.
him. j
23 And the hond of the blynd man 23 And he caught the blinde by the
takun, he ledde him out of the streete, honde, and ledd hym out off the toune,
and spetynge in to his y3en, his hondis and spat in hys eyes, and put hys hondes
put to, he axide him, ii he sy3 ony apon hym, and axed him, yf he sawe
thing. eny thinge.
24 And he biholdinge, seith, I se men 24 And he loked vp, and sayde, I se
as trees walkynge. men, for I se them walke as they were
25 Aftirward eftsoones he puttide 25 After that he put his hondes agayne
hondis on his y3en, and he bigan for to apon his eyes, and made hym see, and
se, and he is restorid, so that he sy3 he was restored to his sight, and sawe
clerely alle thingis. every man clerly.
26 And he sente him in to his hous, 26 And he sent hym home to his awne
seyinge, Go in to thi hous; and if thou housse, sayinge, Nether go into the
schalt go in to the streete, seye to no toune, nor tell it to eny in the toune.
27 And Jhesus entride yn and his dis- 27 And Jesus went out and his dis-
eiplis in to the castels of Sezarie of ciples into the tounes that longe to the
Philip. And in the weye he axide his cite called Cesarea Philippi. And by
disciplis, seiynge to hem, Whom seyn the waye he axed his disciples, sayinge,
men me for to be? Whom do men saye that Y am ?
28 The whiche answeriden to hym, 28 They answered, Some saye, that
seiynge, Summe, John Baptist; othere thou arte Jhon Baptiste; some saye,
seyn, Helye; but othere seyn, as oon Helyas; and some, one off the pro-
„of the prophetis. phetes.
— 29 Thanne he seith to hem, But whom 29 And he sayde unto them, But whom
„seye 5e me for to be? Petre answeringe, saye ye that I am? Peter answered,
— geith to him, Thou ert Crist. and sayd vnto hym, Thou arte very
30 And he thretenyde hem, that thei 30 And he charged them, that they
schulden nat seie to ony man of him. shulde tell no man off it.
31 And he bigan for to teche hem, for 31 And he began to declare vnto
it bihoueth mannis sone suffre manye them, howe that the sonne of man muste
thingis, and to be reproued of the hiseste suffre many thynges, and shulde be re-
prestis and of eldere men, and scribis, proved off the seniours, and off the
and to be slayn, and aftir thre dayes, hye prestes, and scrybes, and shulde be
for to rise a3en. kylled, and after thre dayes, aryse
32 And he spak playnli the word. 32 And he spake that sayinge openly.
And Petre takynge him, bygan for to And Peter toke hym a syde, and began
blame him. to chyde hym.
33 The which turnyd, seynge his dis. 33 He tourned aboute, and loked on
ciplis, manaside Petre, seiynge, Go aftir his disciples, and rebuked Peter, sayinge,
210 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Mark
Paitru, qiþands, Gagg hindar mik, Sat- fordam dú nást da þing de synd Godes,
ana; unte ni fraþyis paim Gups, ak paim ac da ping de synd manna.
34 Yah athaitands po managein, mip 34 Da cwæþ he, togædere geclypedre
siponyam seinaim, qap du im, aei wili menegu, mid his leorning- cnihtum, Gif
afar mis laistyan, inwidai sik silban, yah hwa ‘wyle me fyligean, widsace hine
nimai galgan seinana, yah laistyai mik. sylfne, and nime his cwylminge, and
folgige me.
35 Saei allis wili saiwala seina ga- 35 ‘Be
8 de wyle [^n siwle hale gedón,
nasyan, fraqisteip izai; ip saei fraqisteip se hi forspilp; se de forspilp his sawle
salwalai seinai in meina yah in pizos for me and for dam gódspelle se hig
aiwaggelyons, ganasyip po. gehælþ.
36 Wha auk boteip mannan, yabai 36 Hwæt fremaþ men, ðeah he eallne
gageigaip pana fairwhu allana, yah gga- middan-eard gestrýne, and dó his sáwle |
sleipeip sik saiwalai seinai? forwyrd ?
37 Aippau wha gibip manna inmaidein 37 Odde hwyle gewryxl sylþ se man
quin seinaizos Í for his sawle?
38 Unte saei skamaip sik meina, yah 38 Sóþlice se de me forsyhp, and mine
waurde meinaize in gabaurpai pizai hor- -Fword on disre unriht-hæmedan and syn-
inondein yah frawaurhton, yah sunus fulran cneorisse, done mannes sunu for-
mans skamaip sik is, pan qimip in syhp, donne he cymp on his feder
wulpau attins seinis, mip aggilum fun wuldre, mid hálgum englum.

Cuar. IX. 1 Yah qap du im, Amen Cuar. IX. í Da sæde he him, Sóplice
‘qipa izwis, patei sind sumai þize her ie secge eow, det sume synd her wun-
standandane, pai ize ni kausyand daup- iende, de deap ne onbyrigeap, ær hi
aus, unte gasaiwhand piudinassu Gups geseon Godes rice on mægne cuman, tað
qumanana in mahtai.
2 Yah afar dagans saihs ganam lesus 2 Da efter syx dagum nam se Hælend
Paitru, yah fakobu, yah Íohannen, yah Petrum, and Iacobum, and Iohannem,
ustauh ins ana fairguni hauh sundro and lædde hi sylfe on sundron on sumne
ainans ; yah inmaidida sik in andwairþ- heahne münt; and wearp beforan him
ya ize. ofer-hiwod.
3 Yah wastyos is waurpun glitmun- 3 And his reaf wurdon glitiniende swa
yandeins wheitos swe snaiws, swaleikos hwite swá snáw, swá nán fullere ofe E
swe wullareis ana airpai ni mag ga- eorpan ne meg swa hwite gedón.
4 Yah ataugips warp im Helias mip 4 Da ætýwde him Helias mid Moyse,
Mose, yah wesun rodyandans mip Íesua. and to him spræcon.

5 Yah andhafyands Paitrus qap du 5 Da andswarode Petrus him and ewep.

Íesua, Rabbei, gop ist unsis her wisan; Láreow, god is det we hér beon; and
yah gawaurkyam hliyans prins, pus ain- uton wyrcan hér þreo eardung-stówa, dé .
ana, yah Mose ainana, yah ainana He- âne, and Moyse ane, and Helie âne. |
6 Ni auk wissa wha rodidedi; wesun
auk usagidai. | wees áfæred mid ege.
7 Yah warp milhma ufarskadwyands 7 And seo lyft hi ofersceadewode;3 and
ïm; yah qam stibna us þamma milhmin, stefn com of dere lyfte, and ewsep, Des -
VIL. 34.-IX. 7.] WYCLIFFE, r389. TYNDALE, r526. 211
me, Sathanas ; for thou saucrist not tho | Goo after me, Satan ; for thou saverest
thingis that ben of God, but tho thingis not the thynges off God, but the thynges
. that ben of men. off men.
34 And the cumpanye of peple gederid, 34 And he called the people vnto hym,
with his diseiplis, he seide to hem, If with his disciples also, and sayd vnto
ony man wole sue me, denye he him them, Whosoever wyll folowe me, lett
self, and take he his cros, and sue he hym forsake hym silfe, and take vp his
me. crosse, and folowe me.
35 Sothly who so wole make his soule* 35 For whosoever wyll save his lyfe,
saf, he schal leese it; forsothe he that shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose
schal leese his soule* for me and the his lyfe for my sake and the gospels, the
gospel, schal make it saf. same shall save it.
36 Sothli what profiteth it a man, if he 36 What shal it profet a man yf he
wynne al the world, and do peyringe to shulde wyn all'the worlde, and loose his
his soule? awne soule ?
37 Or what chaungyng schal à man 37 Or els what shall a man geve to
- syue for his soule?. redeme his soule agayne?
38 Forsoth who that schal knoleche 38 Whosoever therfore shall be as-
me, and my wordis in this generacioun shamed off me, and off my wordes a-
auoutresse, and mannis sone schal know- monge this advoutrous and sinfull gene-
leche him, whanne he schal come in the racion, of hym shall the sonne of man
glory of his fadir, with his aungels. be ashamed, when he commeth in the
glory of his father, with the holy angels.

Cnar. IX. 1 And he seide to hem, Cuar. IX. 1 And he sayde vnto them,
Treuly I seie to 30u, for ther ben summe Verely I saye vnto you, there be some
of men stondinge here, the whiche off them that stonde here, which shall
schulen not taste deeth, til thei sen the
not taste of deeth, tyll they have sene
rewme of God comynge in vertu. the kyngdom off God come with power.
2 And aftir sixe dayes Jhesus took 2 And after .vj. dayes Josus toke Peter,
Petre, and James, and John, and ledith James, and Jhon, and leede them vp in
hem by hem selue aloone in to an his to an hye mountayne out of the waye
hil; and he is transfigurid byfore hem. | alone; and he was transfigured before
— 3 And his clothis ben maad schynynge | 3 And his rayment did shyne and was
- and white ful moche as snow, and which made very whyte even as snowe, so
maner clothis a fulleret may not make whyte as noo fuller can make apon the
white on erthe. erth.
4 And Helye with Moyses apperide to 4 And there apered vnto them Helyas
hem, and thei weren spekynge with with Moses, and they talked with Jesu.
5 And Petre answeringe seith to Jhesu, 5 And Peter answered and sayde to
- Maistir, it is good vs for to be here; Jesu, Master, here is good beinge for vs ;
make we here thre tabernaclis, oon to let vs make .iij. tabernacles, one for the,
thee, oon to Moyses, and oon to Helye. one for Moses, and one for Helyas.

6 Sothli he wiste not what he schulde 6 And wist not what he sayde; for
. seie ; forsothe thei weren agast by drede. they were afrayde.
7 And ther is maad a cloude schadew- 7 And there was a cloude that shad-
inge hem ; and a voys cam of the cloude, dowed.them ; and a voyce cam out of
212 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST. MARK
Sa ist sunus meins sa liuba, bamma is min leofesta sunu, gehyrap hine.
8 Yah anaks insaiwhandans, ni pan- 8 And sóna dá hi besáwon, hi nánne hi
aseips ainohun gasewhun, alya lesu mid him ne gesáwon, büton done Hæl-
ainana mip sis. end sylfne mid him.
9 Dalap pan atgaggandam im af pamma 9. And dá hi of dam münte ástigon, he
fairgunya, anabaup im, ei mannhun ni bead him, det hi nánum ne sædon da
spillodedeina patei gasewhun, niba bipe ping de hi gesawon, biton donne man-
sunus mans us daupaim usstoJi. nes sunu of deape arise.

10 Yah pata waurd habaidedun du sis ro Hi dá dæt word geheoldon betwux

misso, sokyandans wha ist pata, us him, and smeadon hwet det were,
daupaim usstandan. donne he of deape árise.

rr Yah frehun ina, qipandans, Unte rr And hi hine áhsodon dá, Hwæt |
qipand pai bokaryos, patei Helias skuli secgap Pharisei and da bóceras, det
qiman faurpis! gebyrap «rest Helias cume ?
12 Ip is andhafyands gap du im, Helia 7
12 Da sede he him andswariende,
swepauh qimands faurpis, aftragaboteip Helias ealle ping ge-edniwap, donne he
alla; yah whaiwa gamelip ist bi sunu cymp; swá be mannes suna áwriten is,
mans, ei manag winnai yah frakunps dæt he fela polige, and si oferhogod.
wairþal. : a

13 Akei qiþa izwis, patei yu Helias 13 Ac ic secge eow, det Helias com,
qam, yah gatawidedun imma swa filu and hi dydon him swá hwæt swahi
swe wildedun, swaswe gamelip ist bi woldon, swá be him áwriten is.
14 Yah qimands at siponyam, gasawh 14 And dí he com to his leorning-
filu manageins bi ins, yah bokaryans enihtum, he geseah mycele menegu
sokyandans mip im. ábúton hi, and bóceras mid him sprec- —
15 Yah sunsaiw alla managei ga- 15 And sóna eall fole dene Hælend
saiwhandans ina, usgeisnodedun ; yah geseonde, wearp áfæred, and forht ; and
durinnandans, inwitun ina. . hine grétende, him to urnon.
16 Yah frah pans bokaryans Wha 16 Da áhsode he hi, Hwæt smeage ge
sokeiþ mip paim? betweox eow 1* j
17 Yah andhafyands ains us pizai 17 Him andswarode án of dere men-
managein qap, Laisari, brahta sunu igu, Láreow, ie brohte minne sunu
meinana du pus habandan ahman un- dumbne gast hæbbende ;
rodyandau ;
18 Yah piswharuh þei ina gafahip, ga- 18 Se swá hwer swá he hine gelæcþ,
wairpip ina, yah whapyip, yah kriustip forgnit hine, and tópum gristbitap, and
tunpuns seinans, yah gastaurknip. Yah forscrincp. And ic sæde dinum leorn-
qap siponyam peinaim, ei usdreibeina ing-cnihtum, ðæt hi hine ut-adrifon, and
ina, yah ni mahtedun. hi ne mihton.

19 Íp is andhafyands im qap, O! kuni 19 Da andswarode he him, Kala! un-

ungalaubyando, und wha at izwis siyau, geleaffulle cneorys, swá lange swá ic
und wha pulau izwis? Bairip ina du . mid eow beo, swa lange ic eow polige?
mis. Bringap hine to me.

IX.8-19.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 213
seyinge, This is my mooste deereworthe the cloude, saynge, This ys my dere
sone, heere 3e him. sonne, here hym.
8 And anon thei biholdinge aboute, 8 And sodeuly they loked rounde
sy3e no more any man, no but Jhesus | aboute them, and sawe no man more,
oonly with hem. but Jesus only.
9 And hem comynge down fro the hil, | 9 As they eam doune from the hill, he
he eomaundide hem, that thei schulde charged them, that they shulde tell no
not telle to any man tho thingis that man what they had sene, tyll the sonne
thei hadde seyn, no but whanne mannis of man were risen from deeth agayne.
sone hath risun fro deede spiritis.
to And thei heelden the word at hem to And they kepte that saynge with
silf, sekynge what schulde be, whanne in them, and demaunded won of another,
he hath risun fro deede. what that rysinge from deeth agayne
| shulde meane.
11 And thei axiden him, seyinge, What II And they axed hym, sayinge, Why
therfore seyn Pharisees and scribis, for then saye the scribes, that Helyas muste
it bihoueth Helye for to come first? fyrste come?
12 The which answeringe seith to hem, 12 He answered and sayde vnto them,
Whanne Helye schal come first, he schal Helyas at his fyrste commynge, shall
restore alle thingis ; and hou it is writun | brynge all thynges agayne into good
in to mannis sone, that he suffre many order; and even so ys it wrytten off
. thingis, and be despisid. the sonne off man, that he shall suffre
many thinges, and. shall be set att
-. 13 But I seie to 30u, for and Helye is 13 And I saye vnto you, thatt Helyas
comun, and thei diden to him what euere ys come, and they have done vnto hym
thingis thei wolden, as it is writun of whatsoever pleased them, as it is wrytten -
him. off hym.
14 And he comynge to his disciplis, 14 And he cam to his disciples, ana
them, and
sy3 a greet cumpany aboute hem, and. sawe moche people aboute
scribis axynge with hem. the scribes disputing e with them.

15 And anon al the cumpanye seynge i5 And streyght waye all the people
„Jhesu, was astoneyed, and thei dreden ; behelde hym, and were amased; anc
„and thei rennynge to, greeten him. ran to hym, and saluted hym.
| 16 And he axide hem, What seken 3e r6 And he sayde vnto the scribes,
. among 30u? What dispute ye with them?
- 17 And oon of the cumpany answer- 17 And won of the companye answered
inge seide, Maistir, I haue broust to and sayde, Master, I have brought my
thee my sone hauynge an vnclene spirit ; sonne vnto the which hath a dom spirite ;

18 The which wher euere he schal take 13 And whensoever he taketh hym, he
hym, hirtith him, and he frothith,’ and teareth hym, and he fometh, and gnassh-
betith to gidere with teeth, and wexith eth with his tethe, and pyneth awaye.
drye. And I seide to thi disciplis, that And I spake to thy disciples, that they
thei schulden caste hym out, and thei shulde caste hym out, and they coulde
my3ten not. nott.
19 He answered him and sayd, O!
19 The which answeringe to hem seide, longe
generacion without faight, howe
A! thou schrewid generacioun and out
of bileue, hou longe schal I be at 30u, shall Y be with you, howe longe shall Y
hou longe schal I suffre 20u? Brynge suffre you? Bringe him vnto me.
3e hym to me.


214 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 9905. Sí. MARK

20 Yah brahtedun ina at imma. Yah 20 Da brohton hi hine. And da he
gasaiwhands ina, sunsaiw sa ahma tahida | hine geseah, sóna se gast hine gedréfde;
ina; yah driusands ana airpa, walwisoda and on eorpan forgnyden, fæmende he
whaþyands. | tearflode.
21 Yah frah pana attan is, Whan lagg 21 And da áhsode he hys feeder, Hu
mel ist, ei pata warp imma ? Ip is qup, lang tid is, syddan him dis gebyrede!
Us barniskya ; Di eweep he, Of cildhade;
22 Yah ufta ina yah in fon atwarp yah 22 He hine gelómlice on fjr and on
in wato, ei usqistidedi imma; akei weeter sende, dst he hine forspilde ; ac
yabai mageis, hilp unsara, gableipyands gif dú hwæt miht, gefylst us, ure ge-
unsis. miltsod.

23 Ip lesus qap du imma, pata yabai 23 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Gyf du ge-

mageis galaubyan, allata mahteig pamma ljfan miht, ealle þing synd gelyfedum
galaubyandin. mihtlice. eo

24 Yah sunsaiw ufhropyands sa atta 24 Ðá sóna hrýmde des cildes fæder

pis barnis mip tagram qa, Galaubya ; and wépende cwæþ, Drihten, ie gelyfe;
hilp meinaizos ungalaubeinais,
gefylst minre ungeleaffulnysse.
25 Gasaiwhands þan Íesus þatei samaþ 25 And dà se Helend geseah da to-
rann managei, gawhotida ahmin pamma yrnendan menegu, he bebead dam un-
unhrainyin, qiþands du imma, Pu ahma clænan gáste, dus cwedende, Ealá deafa
pu unrodyands yah baups, ik pus ana- and dumba gást, ic beode dé, gà of him,
biuda, usgagg us pamma, yah panaseips and ne gá du leng on hine. '
ni galeipais in ina. 0


26 Yah hropyands, yah filu tahyands 26 He dà hrymende, and hine swýðe

ina, usiddya; yah warb swe dauþs, swa- slitende, eode of him; and he wes
swe managai qepun, patei gaswalt. swylce he dead were, swá Geet manega
eweedon, sóplice he is neut
27 Ip lesus undgreipands ina bi hand- 27 Dà nam se Hælend his hand, and
au, urraisida ina ; yah usstop. hine up-áhóf; and he árás da.
28 Yah galeipandan ina in gard, sip- 28 And da he into dam hüse eode, his
onyos is frehun ina sundro, Duwhe weis leorning-enihtas hine digollice ahsodon,
ni mahtedum usdreiban pana? Hwi ne mihton we hine üt-ádrifan?
29 Yah qap du im, pata kuni in 29 Da sede he, Dis cyn ne meg of
waihtai ni mag usgaggan, niba in bidai nánum men út-gán, baton purh gebedu
yah fastubnya. and on fæstene.
30 Yah yainpro usgaggandans, iddye- 30 Da hi danon férdon, hig forbugon
dun pairh Galeilaian ;: “yah ni wilda ei Galileam; he nolde det hit ænig man
whas wissedi. wiste.
31 Unte laisida siponyans seinans, yah 31 Soplice he lærde his leorning-
qap du im, patei sunus mans atgibada cnihtas, and sede, Sóplice mannes sunu
in handuns manne, yah usqimand imma, bip geseald on synfulra handa, dset hi
yah usqistips, pridyin daga usstandip. hine “ofslean, and ofslagen, dam priddan
dæge he árist.

32 lp eis ni fropun pamma waurda, 32 Da nyston hi det word, and hi

yah ohtedun ina fraihnan. ádrédon hine áhsiende.

33 Yah qam in Kafarnaum. Yah in 33 Pa comon hi to Capharnaum. And

garda qumans, frah ins, Wha in wiga dà hi st ham weron, he áhsode hi,
mip izwis misso mitodedup ! Hwæt smeade ge be wege?
IX. 20-33.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 215
20 And thei brouyten hym to. And 20 And they brought him vnto him.
whanne he hadde seyn him, anon the And: as sone as the sprete sawe him, he
spirit troublide him ; and he cast doun tare him; and he fell doune on the
in to the erthe, was walewid frothinge. grounde, walowinge and fomynge.
21 And he axide his fadir, Hou moche 21 And he axed his father, Howe longe
of tyme it is, sithen this thing fel to is it a goo, sens this hath happened hym ?
him? And he seith, Fro childhod ; And he sayde, Of a chylde ;
22 And ofte he hath sent him and in 22 And ofte tymes casteth hym in to
to fier and in to watir, that he schulde the fyre and also in to the water, to
leese him ; but and if thou maist ony destroye hym ; butt yff thou canste do
thing, help vs, hauynge mercy on vs. eny thynge, have mercy on vs, and
helppe vs.
23 Sothli Jhesus seith to him, If thou 23 Jesus sayde vnto him, Ye yf thou
maist bileue, alle thingis ben possible to couldest beleve, all thynges are possyble
a man bileuynge. to hym that belevith.
24 And anon the fadir of the child cri- 24 And streygthwaye the father off the
ynge with teeris seide, Lord, I bileue; chylde eryed with teares sayinge, Lorde,
help thou myn vnbileuefulnesse. I beleve ; sucker myne vnbelefe.
25 And whanne Jhesus hadde seyn the 25 When Jesus sawe that the people
company of peple rennynge to gidere, cam runnynge togedder vnto hym, he
he manaside to the vnclene spirit, sey- rebuked the foule sprete, sayinge vnto
- inge to him, Thou deef and doumb hym, Thou dom and deffe sprete, I
spirit, I comaund thee, go out fro him, charge the, come out of hym, and entre
and entre not more in to him. no more in to hym.
26 And the sprete cryed, and rent him
26 And he criynge, and moche to-
breidynge him, wente out fro him ; and sore, and cam out; and he was as won
that had bene deed, in so moche that
he is maad as deed, so that manye seiden,
that he was deed. many sayde, he is deed.
27 Forsoth Jhesus holdynge his hond, 27 Butt Jesus caught hys honde, and
lifte vp him ; and he roos. lyfte hym vpp ; and he roose.
28 And whanne he hadde entrid in to 28' And when he was come in to the
housse, his disciples axed him secretly,
an hous, his disciplis axiden him priuely,
Whi mysten not we caste hym out? Why coulde nott we caste hym out?
29 And he seyde to hem, This kynde 29 And he sayde vnto them, Thys
kynde can by non other meanes come:
in no thing may go out, no but in preier
and fastinge. forth, but by prayer and fastynge.
30 And they departed thens, and toke
3o And thei gon fro thennis, wenten
forth in to Galile; and he wolde no there iorney thorowe Galile ; and wolde
man wite. not that eny man shulde have knowen itt.
31 For he taught hys disciples, and
3r He tauste his disciplis, and seide
to hem, For mannus sone schal be bi- sayde vnto them, The sonne off man
trayed in to the hondis of men, and thei shalbe delyvered in to the hondes off
men, and they shall kyll hym, and after
schulen sle him, and he slayn, on the
thridde day schal rise aen. that he ys kylled, he shall aryse agayne
the thryd daye.
32 And thei knewen not the word, and 32 Butt they wiste nott what that say-
inge meant, and were affrayed to axe
dredden for to axe him.
33 And he cam to Capernaum. And
33 And thei camen to Cafarnaum.
Which whenne he was in the hous, axide when he was come to housse, he sayde
hem, What tretiden 5e in the weie? to them, What was that ye disputed by-
twene you by the waye?
216 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [9v. MARK
34 Ip eis slawaidedun; du sis misso 34 And hi süwedon ; witodlice hi on
andrunnun, wharyis maists wesi. wege smeadon, hwyle hyra yldost were.

35 Yah sitands atwopida pans twalif, 35 Da he sæt he clypode hi twelfe,

yah gap du im, Yabai whas wili frumists | and sæde him, Gif eower hwyle wyle
wisan, siyai allaize aftumists, yah allaim beon fyrmest, beo se eadmódost, and
andbahts. eower ealra pen.
36 Yah nimands barn, gasatida ita in 36 Dá nam he ánne cnapan, and ge-
midyaim im; yah ana armins nimands sette on hyra middele; dá he hine
ita, qap du im, beclypte, he sede him,

37 Saei ain pize swaleikaize barne 37 Swá hwyle swá ánne of dus ge-
andnimip ana namin meinamma, mik rádum enapum on minum naman onfehp,
andnimip; yah sawhazuh saei mik and- se onfehp me; and se de me outer he
nimip, ni mik andnimip, ak pana sand- ne onfehp me, ac done de me sende.*
yandan mik. TU
38 Andhof pan imma lohannes, qip- 38 Da andswarode Iohannes, and ewzep,
ands, Laisari, sewhum sumana in pein- Táreow, sumne we gesáwon on dinum P

amma namin usdreibandan unhulpons, naman deofol-seoenessa út-ádrifende, se

sael ni laisteip unsis, yah waridedum ne fyligp us, and we him forbudon.
imma, unte ni laisteip unsis.
39 Ip is qap Ni waryip imma; 39 Da cwæþ he, Ne forbeode ge him;
ni mannahun auk ist saei tauyip maht nis nin de on minum naman megen
in namin meinamma, yah magi sprauto wyrce, and m:ege rade be me yfele
ubil waurdyan mis., sprecan. T
40 Unte saei nist wiþra izwis, faur 40 Se de nis ágén eow, se is for
izwis ist. eow.
41 Saei auk allis gadragkyai izwis 41 Sóplice se de sylp drine eow calie
stikla watins in namin meinamma, unte fulne weeteres on minum naman, fordam
Christaus siyup, amen qipa izwis, ei ni ge Cristes synd, ic eow sóp secge, ne
fraqisteip mizdon seinai. ` forlyst he his méde.

42 Yah sawhazuh saei gamarzyai ain- 42 And swá hwá swá gedréfp ænne of
ana pize leitilane þize galaubyandane du dyssum lytlingum on me gelyfendum,
mis, gop ist imma mais ei galagyaidau betere him were det án cweorn-stan
asiluqairnus ana balsaggan is, yah fra- were to his sweoran gecnyt, and were
waurpans wesi in marein. on se beworpen.
43 Yah yabai marzyai puk handus 43 And gif din hand dé swicap, ceorf
peina, afmait po; gop pus ist hamfamma hi of; betere dé is det di wanhál to
in libain galeipan, pau twos handuns life ga, donne dú twa handa hæbbe and
habandin galeipan in gaiainnan, in fon fare on helle, and on unácwencedlic
pata unwhapnando, fyr,
44 parei mapa ize ni gaswiltip, yah fon 44 Dar hyra wyrm ne swylt, and fyr
ni afwhapnip. ne bip acwenced.
45 Yah yabai fotus peins marzyai puk, 45 And gif din fot swicap dé, ceorf
afmait ina; gop pus ist galeipan in hine of; betere dé is det dú healt
libain haltamma, pau twans fotuns hab- gà on éce lif, donne dú hæbbe twegen —
andin gawairpan in gaiainnan, in fon fet and si áworpen on helle, una-
pata unwhapnando, cwencedlices fyres,
46 parei mapa ize ni gaswiltip, yah 46 Dar hyra wyrm ne swylt, ne fyr ne
fon ni afwhapnip. bip ádwæsced.
47 Yah yabai augo pein marzyai puk, 47 Gif din eage dé swicap, weorp hit
IX. 34-47.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 217
34 And thei weren stille; sothli thei 34 And they helde their peace ; for by
disputiden among hem in the weie, who the waye they reasoned amonge them
of hem schulde be more. selves, who shulde be the chefest.
35 And he sittinge clepide the twelue, 35 And he sate doune and called the
and seith to hem, If any man wole be twelve vnto hym, and sayd to them, Yf
the first among 30u, he schal be the eny man desyre to be fyrst, the same
laste, and mynystre of alle. shalbe last off all, and servaunt ynto all.
36 And he takinge a childe, ordeynede 36 And he toke a chylde, and sett hym
him in the myddil of hem; whom in the myddes of them; and toke hym
whanne he hadde byclippid, he seith to in hys armes, and sayde vnto them,
37 Who euere schal receyue oon of 37 Whosoever receave eny sochs a
suche children in my name, he receyueth chylde in my name, he receaveth me;
me; and who euere receyueth me, he and whosoever receaveth me, receaveth
receyueth not me aloone, but him that not me, but him that sent me.
sente me.
38 John answeride to him, seyinge, 38 Jhon answered him, sayinge, Master,
Maistir, we sy3en sum oon for to caste we sawe won castinge out devyls in thy
out fendis in thi name, the which sueth name, which foloweth not vs, and we
not vs, and we han forbedun him. forbade hym, be cause he foloweth ve
39 Sothli Jhesus seith to him, Nyle 3e 39 But Jesus sayde, Forbid hym nott ;
forbede him ; ther is no man that doth for there ys no man that shall do &
yertu in my name, and may soone speke myracle in my name, and can speake
yuele of me. lightly evyll of me.
40 Forsothe he that is not agens vs, is 40 Whosoever is not agaynste you, is
for vs. on youre parte.
41 Sothli who euere schal 3yue drynke 41 And whosoever shall geve you a
to 30u a cuppe of cold watir in my name, cuppe off water to drinke for my nams
for 3e ben of Crist, treuly I seie to 30u, sake, be cause ye are belongynge to
he schal not leese his mede. Christe, verely I saye vnto you, he shall
nott loose his rewarde.
42 And who euere schal sclaundre oon 42 And whosoever shall bourte won of
of thes litle bileuynge in me, it is good this litell wons that beleve in me, it
to him that a mylne stoon of assis were were better for him that a myll stone
3 aboute his necke, and were sent in were hanged aboute his necke, and that
to the see. | he were cast in to the see.
43 And if thin hond sclaundre thee, 43 And yf thy hande offende the, cut
kitt it awey ; it is good to thee feble to hym of; itt ys better for the to entre
entre in to lyf, than hauynge twey hondis into lyffe maymed, then to goo with two
go in to helle, in to fier that neuere schal hondes in to hell, in to fire that never
be quenchid, shalbe quenched,
44 Where the worm of hem deieth not, 44 Where there worme dyeth nott, and
and the fier is not quenchid. the fyre never goeth oute.
45 And if thi foot sclaundre thee, kitt 45 And yf thy fote offende the, cut
it of; it is good to thee for to entre hym of ; it is better for the to goo halt
erokid in to euerlasting lyf, than hau- in to lyfe, then with ij. fete to be cast
ynge twey feet to be sent in to helle of into hell, into fyre that never shalbe
fier, that neuer schal be quenchid, quenched,
46 Where the worm of hem deieth not, 46 Where there worme dyeth not, and
and the fier is not quenchid. the fyre never goeth oute.
47 That if thin y3e sclaundre thee, cast | 47 And yf thyne eye offende the, plucke
GOTHIC, 560. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. Mark
uswairp imma; gop pus ist haihamma | út; betere dé is mid ánum eagan gan
galeipan in piudangardya Gups, pau twa on Godes rice, donne twa eagan hæb-
augona habandin atwairpa n in gaiainna n bende sý áworpen on helle fýr,
48 Darei mapa ize ni gadaupnip, yah 48 Dar hyra wyrm ne swylt, ne fjr ne
fon ni afwhapniþ. biþ acwenced.
49 Whazuh auk funin saltada, yah 49 Sóþlice clc man bip mid fyre ge-
wharyatoh hunsle salta saltada. sylt, and æle offrung bip mid sealte - ——eT)

5o Gop salt; ip yabai salt unsaltan 5o Gód is sealt; gif det sealt unsealt
wairpip, whe supuda? Habaip in izwis biþ, on dam de ge hit syltap? Habbap
salt, yah gawairpeigai siyaip mip izwis | sealt on eow, and habbap sibbe betwux
misso. eow.

Crap. X. r1 Yah yainpro usstand- . Cmar. X. 1 And danon, he com on

ands, qam in markom ludaias hindar Iudeisee endas of Iordane; dá comon
Jaurdanau; yah gaqemun sik aftra man- eft menigu to him, and swá swa he
ageins du imma, yah swe biuhts, aftra gewunode, he hi lærde eft-sóna.
laisida ins.

2 Yah duatgaggandans Fareisaieis, 2 Da genealéhton him Pharisei, and

frehun ina, Skuldu siyai mann qen af- hine áxodon, Hwæðer alyfp ænegum
satyan ? fraisandans ina. men his wif forlætan? his dus fand-
| igende.
3 lp is andhafyands qap, Wha izwis 3 Da andswarode he him, Hwæt bead
anabaup Moses? Moyses eow?
4 1p eis qepun, Moses uslaubida unsis 4 Hi sédon, Moyses lyfde det man -
bokos afsateinais melyan, yah afletan. write hiw-gedáles boc, and hi forléte.

5 Yah andhafyands Iesus qap du im, 5 Da cwep se Hælend, For eowre

Wipra harduhairtein izwara gamelida heortan heardnesse he eow wrat dis
izwis po anabusn. bebod.
6 lp af anastodeinai gaskaftais gumein 6 Fram fruman gesceafte God hi ge-
yah qinein gatawida Gup; worhte wæpnedman and wimman; |
7 Inuh pis bileipai manna attin seinam- y And ewæþ, Fordam se man forlæt
ma yah aipein seinar .. . « » his feeder and móder, and hine his am
wife gepeot,
8 Yah siyaina po twa du leika samin. 8 And beop twegen on ánum flesce.
Swaswe panaseips ni sind twa, ak leik Witodlice ne synd ná twegen, ac an Ww

ain. flæsc.
9 patei nu Gub gawaþ, manna þamma 9 Det God gesamnode, ne syndrige |
ni skaidai. deet nam man.
10 Yah in garda aftra siponyos is bi io And eft innan húse his leorning-
pata samo frehun ina. enihtas hine be dam ylcan áhsodon.
ir Yah qap du im, Sawhazuh saei ir Da ewep he, Swá hwyle man swa
afletip qen seina, yah liugaip anpara, his wif forlæt, and óðer nimp, unriht- .
horinop du pizai. hæmed he wyrep purh hi.
12 Yah yabai qino afletip aban seinana, r2 And gif det wif hire were forlæt,
yah liugada anparamma, horinop. and óderne nimp, heo unriht-hæmp.r
IX. 49.-X, 12.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 219
it out; it is good to thee for to entre hym oute ; itt ys Letter for the to goo
gogil y3ed in to rewme of God, than in to the kyngdom of God with one eye,
hauynge twey y3en for to be,sent in to then havynge two eyes to be caste into
helle of fier, hell fyre,
48 Where the worm of hem deieth not, 48 Where their worme dyeth nott, and
and the fier is not quenchid. the fyre never goeth oute.
49 Forsoth euery man schal be saltid* 49 Every man therfore shalbe salted
with fier, and euery slayn sacrifice schal with fyre, and every sacryfyse shalbz
be sauorid with salt. seasoned with saltt.
5o Salt is good thing; that if salt be 50 Salt ys good; but yf the salt be
vnsauori, in what thing schulen 5e make vnsavery, what shall ye salte there with í
it sauori? Haue 3e salt in 30u, and Se that ye have saltt in youre selves,
haue 3e pees among 30u. and have peace amonge youre selves onc
with another. .

Crap. X. 1 And Jhesus risynge vp Cumar. X. 1 And he rose from thens,

fro thennis, cam in to the endis of Jude and went in to the coostes of Jewry
ouer Jordan ; and eftsoones the cum- through the regyon that ys beyonde
panyes of peple camen to gidere to him, lordan; and the people resorted vnto
and as he was wont, eftsoone he tau3te hym afresshe, and as he was wont, he
hem. taught them agayne.
2 And Pharisees comyuge ny3, axiden 2 And the Pharyses cam, and axed hym
‘him, If it be leefful to à man for to a question, Whether it were laufull for
leeue! his wyf? temptinge him. a man to putt awaye hys wyfe! to
prove hym.
3 And he answeringe seith to hem, 3 He answered and said vnto them,
What comaundide Moyses to 30u? What did Moses bid you do ?
4 The whiche seiden, Moyses suffride 4 And they sayde, Moses suffred to
to write à libel of forsakinge, and to wryte a testimoniall of her divorsment,
forsake. and to putt her awaye.
5 To whom Jhesus answeringe seith, 5 And Jesus answered and sayd vnto
To the hardnesse of 3oure herte Moyses them, For because of youre harde herttes
wroot to 30u this precept. he wrote thys precept vnto you.
6 Forsothe fro the bigynnyng of crea- 6 But at the fyrst ereacion God made.
aTA ture God made hem male and female ; them man and woman ;
7 And he seide, For this thing a man 7 Sayinge, For thys thinges sake shall
schal leeue fadir and modir, and schal a man leve father and mother, and byde
clefe to his wif, by his wyfe,
8 And thei schulen be tweyne in o 8 And .ij. shalbe made won flesshe. So
fleisch. And so now thei ben not then are they nowe nott twayne, but
tweyne, but o fleisch. won flesshe.
9 Therfore that thing that God ioynede 9 Therfore that whych God hath cup-
to gidere, no man departe. pled, let nott man separate.
* 10 And eftsoone in the hows his dis- 1o And in the housse his disciples axed
ciplis axiden him of the same thing. him agayne of that mater.
rr And he seith to hem, Who euere tr And he sayde vnto them, Whoso-
Schal leeue his wyf, and wedde another, ever putteth awaye his wyfe, and maryetk
he doth auoutrie vpon hir. another, breaketh wedlocke to her warde.
12 And if the wyf schal leeue hir hose- 12 And yf a woman forsake her hus-
bonde, and be weddid to another, she band, and be maryed to another, she
doth auoutrie. | committeth advoutry.
990 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. MARK

13 Panuh atberun du imma barna, ei 13 And hi brohton him hyra lytlingas,

attaitoki im; ip pai siponyos is sokun det he hi æt-hrine ; dá ciddon his leorn-
paim bairandam du. | ing-enihtas dam de hi brohton.

r4 Gasaiwhands pan lesus, unwerida, 14 Da se Hælend hi geseah, unwurd-

yab qab du im, Letip po barna gaggan lice he hit forbead, and sæde him, Lætaþ
du mis, yah ni waryip po, unte pize ist da lytlingas to me cuman, and ne for-
piudangardi Gups. beode ge him, sóplice swylcera is heofona
15 Amen qipa izwis, sael ni andnimip 15 Sópliee ie secge eow, swa hwyle
piudangardya Gups swe barn, ni pauh swa Godes rice ne onfehp swa lytling,
qimip in izai. ne gæþ he on det.

16 Yah gaþlaihands im, lagyands hand- 16 Da beclypte he hi, and his handa
ung ana po, piupida im. ofer hi settende, bletsode hi.* I

17 Yah usgaggandin imma in wig, 17 And dà he on wege eode, sum him

duatrinnands ains, yah knussyands, bap to arn, and gebigedum eneowe tofóran
ina, qipands, Laisari piupeiga, wha tauyau, him, cweep, and bed hine, Lá góda
ei libainais aiweinons arbya wairþau? láreow, hweet dé ie, deet ic éce lif age?

18 Ip is qap du imma, Wha mik qipis 18 Di ewep se Hælend, Hwi segst da

piupeigana? Ni whashun þiuþeigs, alya me gódne? Nis nin man god, büton
ains Gup. God ana.
19 Pos anabusnins kant, ni horinos, ni 19 Canst dü da bebodu, ne unriht-
maurpryais, ni hlifais, ni siyais ga- hém di, ne slyh du, ne stel dá, ne
liugaweitwods, ni anamahtyais, swerai sege dü lease gewitnesse, ficen ne dó
' attan peinana yah aipein þeina. du, weorpa dinne feeder and dine móder.
20 Paruh andhafyands qap du imma, 20 Ðá andswarode he, Góda láreow,
Laisari, po alla gafastaida us yundai eall dis ie geheold of minre geogude.
meinai. _
21 lp lesus insaiwhands du imma, 21 Se Helend hine dá behealdende,
friyoda ina; yah qap du imma, Ainis lufode; and sede him, An ping dé is
pus wan ist; gagg, swa filu swe habais wana; gesyle eall det du age, and syle
frabugei, yah gif parbam, yah habais hit pearfum, donne hæfst du gold-hord
huzd in himinam; yah hiri, laistyan on heofonum ; and cum, and folga me .
mik nimands galgan.

22 Ip is ganipnands in pis waurdis, 22 And for dam worde he wes ge-

galaip gaurs, was auk habands faihu unrét, and férde gnornigende, fordam
manag. " he hæfde mycele æhta.
25 Yah bisaiwhands lesus, qap sipon- 23 Da ewep se Hælend to his leorning-
yam seinaim, Sai whaiwa agluba pai faiho cnihtum, hine beseonde, Swyde earfop-
gahabandans in piudangardya Gups ga- lice on. Godes rice gap da de feoh
le eaud. habbap. 4
24 lp pai siponyos afslaupnodedun in 24 Da forhtodon his leorning-cnihtas
waurde ís. Paruh lesus aftra andhaf- be his wordum. Eft se Helend him
yands qap im, Barnilona, whaiwa aglu andswariende cwep, Ealá cild, swyde
ist, paim hugyandam afar faihau in earfoplice da de on heora feo getruwig-
piudangardya Gups galeipan. eap gap on Godes rice.

25 Azitizo ist ulbandau pairh pairko 25 Eadere ys olfende to farenne purh .

X. 13-25.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 221

13 And thei offriden to him litle chil- 13 And they brought chyldren to hym,
dren, that he schulde touche hem; that he shoulde touche them ; and hys
sotheli disciplis thretenyden to men of- disciples chid thoose that brought them.
14 Whom whanne Jhesus hadde seyn, 14 When Jesus sawe that, he was dis-
he baar heuye,* and seith to hem, Suffre pleased, and sayd vnto them, Suffre the
se litle children for to come to me, and chyldren to come vnto me, and forbid
forbede 3e hem. not, forsoth of suche is them not, for vnto suche belongeth the
the kyngdom of God. kingdom of God.
15 Treuli I seie to 30u, who euere 15 Verely I saye to you, whosoever
schal not receyue the kyngdom of God shall not receave the kyngdom of God
as this litle child, he schal not entre in as a chylde, he shall not entre therin.
to it.
16 And he biclippinge hem, and putt- 16 And he toke them vppe in his
inge hondis vpon hem, blesside hem. armes, and putt his hondes apon them,
and blessed them.
17 And whanne. Jhesus was gon out ry And when he was come out into
in the weye, o man rennynge bifore, the the waye, there cam won runninge, and
kne bowid, preiede him, seiynge, Goode kneled to him, and axed him, Goode
maistir, what schal I do, that I receyue master, what shall I do, that I maye
euerlastinge lyf ? enheret eternal lyfe?
18 Forsothe Jhesus seide to him, What 18 Jesus said vnto him, Why callest
seist thou me good? No man good, no thou me goode? There is no man goode
but God aloone. but won, whych ys God.
r9 Thou hast knowen the comaunde- 19 Thou knowest the commaundmentes,
mentis, do thou non auoutrie, sle not, breake not matrimony, kyll not, steale
stele not, seie not fals witnessinge, do nott, bere no falce wytnes, defraude no
no fraude, worschipe thi fadir and modir. man, honore thy father and thy mother.
20 And he answeringe seith to him, 20 He answered and said to him,
Maistir, I haue kept alle these thingis Master, all theese I have observed from
fro my 3outhe. my youth.
21 Sothli Jhesus biheld him, and louyde 21 Jesus behelde him, and had a favour
hym; and he seide to him, O thing to him ; and said vnto him, Won thinge
` failith to thee; go thou, selle thou what is lackinge vnto the; goo, and sell all
euere thingis thou hast, and 3yue to pore that thou hast, and geve itt to the
men, and thou schalt haue tresour in povre, and thou shalt have treasure in
heuene ; and come, sue thou me. heven ; and come, and folowe me and
take thy crosse on the.
sX he which maad sorwful in the 22 But he was discumforted with that
word, wente awey mornynge, forsoth he sayinge, and went awaye mornynge, for
was hauynge many possesciouns. he had greate possessions.
23 And Jhesus biholdinge aboute, seith 23 And Jesus loked rounde aboute,
to his disciplis, How hard thei that han and sayd vnto hys disciples, With what
money schulen entre in to the kyngdon: difficulte shall they that have ryches
of God. i entre into the kingdom of God.
24 Forsothe the disciplis weren ston- 24 Hys disciples were astonnyed att
And Jhesus eft- hys wordes. Jesus answered agayne
eyed in his wordis.
soone answeringe seith to hem, 3e litle and sayde vnto them, Chyldren, howe
sones, how hard thing it is, men trist- harde is it, for them that truste in their
ynge in richessis for to entre in to the ryches to entre in to the kyngdom off
_kyngdom of God.
2g It is li3ter* a camel for to passe 25. Hit ys easyer for a camell to go
222 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Mark
neplos galeipan, pau gabigamma in piud- nædle pyrel, donne se rica and se welega
augardya Gups galeipan. on Godes rice ga.

26 lp eis mais usgeisnodedun, qip- 26 Hi des de ma betwux him wun-

andans du sis misso, Yah whas mag dredon, and ewædon, And hwa meg
beon hal?
ganisan ? A 27 Da beheold se Hælend hi, and
27 Insaiwhands du im lesus, qap, Akei
fram mannam unmahteig ist, ni fram eweep, Mid mannum hit is uneadelie, ac
Gupa; allata auk mahteig ist fram ná mid Gode; ealle ping mid Gode
Gupa. synd eadelice.
28 Dugann pan Paitrus qipan du im- 28 Da ongan Petrus cwedan, Witod-
ma, Sai! weis aflailotum alla, yah laist- lice! we ealle ping forléton, and fol-
idedum fuk. i godon dé, di

29 Andhafyands im lesus qap, Amen 29 Dá andswarode him se Hælend,

qipa izwis, ni whashun ist saei aflailoti Nis nan de his hús forlæt, odde ge-
gard, aippau bropruns, aippau aipein, bródru, odde geswustra, odde feeder,
aippau attan, aippau qen, aippau barna, odde móder, odde bearn, odde æceras
aippau haimoplya in meina yah in pizos "for me and for dam godspelle,
30 Saei ni andnimai .z. falh nu in 30 De hund-feald ne onfó nü on disse
pamma mela, gardins, yah bropruns, yah tide, hüs, and bródru, and swustra, and
swistruns, yah attan, yah .aipein, yah feeder and móder, and bearn, ‘and —
barna, yah haimoplya, mip wrakom, yah æceras, mid ehtnessum, and on to-
in aiwa pamma anawairpin libain aiw- weardre worulde éce lif.
31 Appan managai wairpand, frumans 3r Manega fyrmeste beop ytemeste,
aftumans, yah aftumans frumans. and ytemeste fyrmeste.
32 Wesunup-pan ana wiga gaggandans 32 Noplice hi férdon on wege to Hieru-
du lairusaulwmai; yah faurbigaggands salem; and se Helend him befóran
ins lesus, yah sildaleikidedun, yah afar- eode, and hi ádrédon him hine, and him
laistyandans faurhtai ^waurpun. Yah fyligdon. And eft he nam hi twelfe,
andnimands aftra pans twalif, dugann and ongan him secgan, da ping de him
im qipan, poei habaidedun ina gadaban. towearde weeron.

33 patei sai! usgaggam in lairusaul- 33 Det we nú astigap to Hierusalem,

wma, yah sunus mans atgibada paim and mannes sunu bip geseald sacerda
ufargudyam, yah bokaryam; yah ga- ealdrum, and bécerum, and ealdrum ;
wargyand ina daupau,. e . . . . and hi hine deape genyderiap, and hi
hine peodum syllap.

34 Yah bilaikand ina, yah bliggwand 34 And hi hine bysmriap, and hi him
ina, yah speiwand ana ina; yah usqimand on spætaþ, and hine swingap ; and ofsleap
imma, yah pridyin daga ustandip. hine, and he árist on dam briddan
.35 Yah athabaidedun sik du imma 35 Him da genealæhton to lacobus
lakobus yah lohannes, sunyus Zaibai- and Iohannes, Zebedeis suna, and eweed-
daiaus, qipandans, Laisari, wileima, ei on, Láreow, we wyllap, det da us dó,
patei buk bidyos, tauyais uggkis. — swá hweet swa we biddap.
36 lp lesus qap im, Wha wileits 36 Da cwæþ he, Hwæt wylle gyt det
tauyan mik igqis? ic inc dó? l
37 ip eis qepun du imma, Fragif ugkis, 37 Da cwedon hi, Syle une, det wyt
ei ains af taihswon þeinai, yah aius af sitton, on dinum wuldre, án on dine |
X. 26-37.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 223
shorw a nedlis y3e, than a riche man for thorowe the eye of an nedle, then for a
to entre in to the kyngdom of God. ryche man to entre into the kyngdom
of God.
26 Whiche wondriden more, seyinge 26 And they were astonnyed out of
at hem selue, And who may be maad measure, sayinge betwene them selves,
saf? Who then can be saved 1
27 And Jhesus biholdinge hem, seith 27 Jesus loked apon them, and sayd,
to hem, Anentis men it is impossible, With men it is vnpossible, but not with
but not anemptis God ; for alle thingis God ; for with God all thinges are pos-
ben possible anemptis God. A sible.
25 And aftirward Petre bigan for to 28 And Petre began to saye vnto hym,
seye to him, Loo! we han left alle Loo! we have.forsaken all, and have
thingis. and han sued thee. folowed the.
26 Jbesus answeringe séith, Treuli I 29 Jesus answered and sayde, Verely
seie to 30u, ther is no man that schal lsaye vnto you, there ys no man that
leeue hous, or bretheren, or sistris, or hath forsaken housse, or brethren, or
1 fadir, or modir, or sones, or feeldis for sisters, or father, or moder, or wyfe,
me and for the gospel, other chyldren, or londes, for my sake
and the gospelles,
30 The which schal not taken an hun- 30 Whych shall nott receave an houn-
dridfold so moche now in this tyme, dred foolde nowe in thys lyfe, houses,
housis, and bretheren, and sistris, and and brethren, and sisters, and mothers,
modris, and sones, and feldis, with per- and children, and londes, whith persecu-
secuciouns, and in the world to comynge cions, and in the worlde to come eternall
euerlasting lyf. lyfe.
31 Forsoth many schulen be, the firste 31 Many that are fyrst shalbe last, and
the laste, and the laste the firste. the last fyrst.
32 Forsothe thei weren in the weye 32 They were in the waye goinge vppe
stizynge to Jerusalem ; and Jhesus wente to Jerusalem ; and Jesus went before
bifore hem, and thei wondriden, and them, and they were amased, and as
folowinge dredden. And eftsoone Jhe- they folowed were affrayde. And Jesus
sus takinge to twelue, bygan to seye toke the xij agayne, and began to tell
to hem, what thingis weren to come to them, what thinges shulde happen vnto
him. him.
| 33 For lo! we stigen to Jerusalem, 33 Beholde! we goo vppe to Jerusa-
El and mannus sone schal be bitrayed to lem, and the sonne off man shalbe de-
_ the princes of prestis, and to. scribis, lyvred vnto the hye preestes, and vnto
and to eldere men; and thei schulen the scribbes; and they shall condempne
dampne him by deeth, and thei schulen | hym to deeth, and shall delyvre hym to
bytake him to hethene men. the gentyls.
34 And thei schulen scorne him, aud 34 And they shall mocke hym, and
byspeete him, and beete him ; and thei scourge him, and spit apon hym; and
schulen sle him, and in the Migidde day kill him, and the thirde daye he shall
he schal ryse a3en. ryse agane.
35 And James and Jon, pest sones, 35 And James and Jhon, the sons off
camen ny3 to him, seyinge, Maistir, we Zebede, cam vnto hym, sayinge, Master,
wolen, that what euere we schulen axe, we wolde, that thou shuldest do for vs,
thou do to vs. . what soever we desyre.
36 And he seide to hem, What wolen 36 He sayde vnto them, What wolde
3e that I do to 30u? ye I shulde do vnto you?
And thei seiden, 3yue to vs, that 37 They sayd vnto hym, Graunt vnto
we sitten that oon at thi risthalf, and | vs, that we maye sitt won on thy ryght
924 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [or. MARK

hleidumein peinai sitaiwa, in wulpau swydran healfe, and oder on dine wyn-
peinamma. stran.
38 Ip lesus qapuh du im, Ni witups 38 Da cwæþ se Helend, Gyt nyton
whis bidyats; magutsu driggkan stikl, hwæt gyt biddap; mage gyt drincan
panei ik driggka, yah daupeinai pizaiei done calic, de ic drince, and beon ge-
ik daupyada, ei daupyaindau? fullod on dam fulluhte, de ic beo ge-
„30 Ip eis qepun du imma, Magu. Ip 39 Da cwædon hi, Wyt mágon. Da
lesus qapuh dw im, Swepauh pana stikl | cwæþ se Hælend, Gyt drincaþ done calis
panei ik driggka driggkats, yah pizai, de ie drince, gyt beop gefuliode dam
daupeinai, pizaiei ik daupyada, [daup- fulluhte, de ic beo gefullod :
yanda ;]* 40 Sóplice nis hit na min ine to syl-
40 Ip pata du sitan af taihswon meinai
aippau af hleidumein nist mein du gi- lenne det gyt sitton on mine swydrar
ban, alya paimei manwip was. healfe odde on da wynstran, ac dam de
hit gegearwod ys.
41 Yah gahausyandans pai taihun du- 41 Da gebulgon da tyne hi be Iacobe e
gunnun unweryan bi lakobu yah lohan- -and lohanne.
nen. l
42 lp is athaitands ins, qap du im, 42 Da clypode se Hælend hi, and ©
Witup, patei [paiei]* puggkyand reikinon cwæþ, Wite ge, det da de on peodum
piudom, gafrauyinond im, ip pai mikil- ealdorscype habbap, det hyra ealdras
ans ize gawaldand im. anweald ofer hi habbap. A


43 Ip ni swa siyai in izwis, ak sa- 43 Soplice on eow hit nis swa, ac swa
whazuh saei wili wairpan mikils in izwis, hwyle swá wyle mid eow yldest beon,
siyai izwar andbahts, se byþ eower én,
44 Yah saei wili izwara wairpan frum- 44 And se de wyle on eow fyrmest
ists, siyai allaim skalks. beon, se byp ealra peow.
45 Yah auk sunus mans ni qam, at 45 Soplice ne com mannes sunu, det
him man þénode, ac deet he pénode, and
andbahtyam, ak andbahtyan, yah giban PT
saiwala seina faur managans lun. his sáwle sealde for manegra álysed-
46 Yah qemun in lairikon ; yah us- . 46 Da comon hi to Gericho ; and he
saggandin imma yainpro, mip siponyam férde fram. Gericho, and his leorning-
seinaim, yah managein ganohai, sunus enihtas, and mycel menegu, Timeus
Teimaiaus, Barteimaiaus, blinda, sat faur sunu, Bartimeus, set blind, wid done
wig du aihtron. weg weedla.

47 Yah gahausyands, patei lesus sa 47 Da he gehyrde, det hit wees se

Nazoraius ist, dugann hropyan, yah qipan, Nazarenisca Helend, he ongan da
Sunau Daweidis, lesu, armai mik. clypian, and cwedan, Hælend, Dauides
sunu, gemiltsa me.
48 Yah whotidedun imma managai, ei 48 Da budon him manega, det he
gapahaidedi; ip is filu mais hropida, süwode; he clypode da des de ma,
Sunau Daweidis, armai mik. Miltsa me, Dauides sunu.

49 Yah gastandands lesus haihait at- 49 Da ætstód se Hælend and hét hine
wopyan ina ; yah wopidedun pana blind- clypian ; da sædon hi dam blindan, Beo
an, qipandans du imma, prafstei puk, geheortra, and aris, se Hælend de clyp-
urreis, wopeip puk. ap.
X. 38-49.| WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 225

the tothir at the left, in thi glorie. honde, and the other on thy lyfte honde,
in thy glory.
38 Forsothe Jhesus seith to hem, 3e 38 Butt Jesus sayd vnto them, Ye wot
witen not what 3e schulen axe ; mown not what ye axe ; can ye dryncke of the
3e drynke the cuppe, the which I am to cuppe, that I shall drynke of, and be
drynke, or be waischun with the bap- baptised in the baptim, that I shalbe
tym, in which I am baptisid ? baptised in?
39 And thei seiden to him, We mown. 39 And they sayd vnto him, That we
Sothli Jhesus seith to hem, Treuli 3e can. Jesus sayde vnto them, Ye shall
schulen drynke the cuppe that I drynke, drynke off the cuppe that I shall drynke
and 3e schulen be waischun with the of, and be baptised with the baptim,
baptym, in which I am baptisid ; that I shalbe baptised in ;
40 Sothli for to sitte at my risthalf or 40 But to sitt on my right honde and
lefthalf is not myn to 3yue to 30u, but on my lifte honde ys not myne to geve,
to which it is ordeyned. but to them for whom it ys prepared.

41 And the ten heeringe hadden endig- 41 And when the .x. herde that they
nacioun of James and John. began to disdayne at James and Jhon.

42 Sothli Jhesus clepinge hem, seith 42 Butt Jesus called them vnto him,
to hem, 3e witen, that thei that sement and sayd to them, Ye knowe wele, that
to haue princehed on folkis, lordschipen* they whych seme to beare rule amonge
of hem, and the princes of hem han the gentyls, raygne as lordes over them,
‘power of hem. and they that be greate men amonge
them exereyse auctorite over them.
43 Forsoth it is not so in 30u, but who 43 So shall it not be a monge you, but
enere schal wolle be maad more, schal wosoever of you wilbe greate amonge
be 3oure mynystre, you, shalbe youre minster,
44 And who euere schal wolle be the 44 And wosoever wilbe chefe, shalbe
firste in 30u, schal be seruaunt of alle. servaunt vnto all.
45 Forwhi and mannis sone cam not, 45 For even the sonne of man came
that it schulde be mynystrid to him, nott, that other shulde minister vnto
but that he schulde mynystre, and 5yue hym, but to minister, and to geve his
- his soule* redempcioun! for manye. lyfe for the redempcion of many.
46 And thei camen to Jerico; and 46 And they cam to Hierico ; and as.
him goynge forth fro Jerico, and his he went oute off Hierico, with his dis-
diseiplis, and a ful moche cumpany of
ciples, and a greate nombre of people,
peple the sone of Tymey, Darthymeus, Barthimeus, the sonne of Thimeus, which
blynd, saat bisydis the weye beggynge. was blynde, sate by the hye wayes syde
47 The which whanne he hadde herd, 47 And when he herde, that it was
for it is Jhesus of Nazareth, bigan to Jesus off Nazareth, he began to crye,
crie, and seye, Jhesu, the sone of Dauith, and to saye, Jesus, the sonne off David,
haue mercy on me. have mercy on me.
"48 And manye thretnyden hym, that 48 And many rebuked hyme, be cause
he schulde be stille; and he criede he shulde hoolde is peace; but he cryed
moche more, Jhesu, the sone of Dauith, the moore a greate deale, Thou sonne
haue mercy on me. off David, have mercy on me.
49 And Jhesu stondinge comaundide 49 And Jesus stode still and com-
hym for to be clepid ; and thei clepiden maunded hym to be called; and they
the blynde man, seiynge to him, Be thou called the blynde, saynge vnto hym, Be
of betere herte, ryse vp, he clepith thee. off good comfort, ryse, he calleth the.
296 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. |ST. MARK
so Ip is, afwairpands wastyai seinai, 5o He da, áwearp his reaf, and forp-
ushlaupands qam at Lesu. reesde and to him com.
51 Yah andhafyands qap du imma 51 Da ewep se Hælend, Hwæt wylt
iesus, Wha wileis ei tauyau pus? Ip dú dete dé dót Da cweep he, Láreow,
sa blinda qap du imma, Rabbaunei, ei dæt ic geseo.
52 Ip lesus qap du imma, Gagg, ga- 52 Da cwæþ se Hælend to him, Ga,
laubeins peinaganasida puk. Yah sun- din geleafa dé hálne gedyde. And he
salw ussawh, yah laistida in wiga lesu. scna | geseah, and him fyligde on wege.

Cmar. XI. í Yah bipe rewha wes- Cmar. XI. 1 tba he genealæhte
un Íairusalem in Bepsfagein yah Bip- Hierusalem and Bethania, to Oliuetes
aniin, at fairgunya Alewyin, insandida dane, he sende his twegen leorning-
twans siponye seinaize, enihtas,
2 Yah qap du im, Gaggats in haim po And ewæþ to him, Farap to dam
wiprawairpon iggqis ;yah sunsaiw inn- castele de [ongén] ine ys; and gyt dar
gaggandans in po baurg bigitats fulan sóna gemétap assan folan getigedne, ofer
gabundanana, ana þammei nauh ainshun dene nan man gyt ne set; untigeap
manne ni sat; andbindandans ina, at- hine, and to me gelædaþ.
3 Yah yabai whas iggqis qipai, Duwhe 3 And gyf hwa to inc hwæt ewyb,
pata tauyats? qipaits, patei Frauya pis secgap, dzt Drihten hæfþ his neode,
gairneip, yah sunsaiw ina insandeip and he hine sóna hider læt.
-4 Galipun pan, yah bigetun fulan ga- 4 And da hi üt-férdon, hi gemétton
bundanana at daura uta, ana gagga; done folan tte, on twycenan, beforan
yah andbundun ina. dura getigedne ; dà untigdon hi hine.

5 Yah sumai pize yainar standandane 5 And sume de dar stódon dus sædon
qepun du im, Wha tauyats, andbind- him, Hwæt dó gyt, done folam un-
andans pana fulan? tigende?
6 Ip eis qepun du im, swaswe anabaup 6 Da cwædon hi, swa se Hælend une
im lesus; yah lailotun ins. bead; and hi léton hi da.

7 Yah brahtedun pana fulan at Íesua, 7 Da leddon hi done folan to dam

yah galagidedun ana wastyos seinos, yah Helende, and hi hyra reaf on-álédon,
gasat ana Ina. and he on-set.
8 Managai pan wastyom seinaim straw- 8 Manega hyra reaf on done weg
idedun ana wiga, sumai astans mai- strehton, sume da [bogas]* of dam treo
maitun us bagmam, yah strawidedun um heowon, and streowodon on done
ana wiga. weg.
9 Yah pai fauragaggandans, hropide- 9 And da de beforan eodon, and da de
dun, qipandans, Osanna, piupida sa qim- æfter-folgodon, ewædon dus, Osanna,
anda in namin Frauyins ; sy gebletsod se de com on Drihtnes
naman ;
10 Piupido so qimandei piudangardi in 10 Si gebletsod dæt rice de com ures
namin attins unsaris Daweidis ;Osanna feeder Dauides; Osanna on heahnes-
in hauhistyam. sum, '
X. 5o.-XI. 10.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 227
50 The which, his cloth cast away, 50 He threwe awaye his clooke, and
sturtinge cam to him. roose and cam to Jesus.
5r And Jhesus answeringe seide to 51 And Jesus answered and sayd vnto
him, What wolt thou I schal do to thee? hym, What wilt thou that I do vnto
The blynde man seide to him, Maistir, the? The blynde sayde vnto hym, Master,
that I se. that Y myght see.
52 Sothli Jhesus seide to him, Go 52 Jesus sayd vnto hym, Goo thy
thou, thi feith bath maad thee saaf. waye, thy fayght hath saved the. . And
And anon he sy3, and suede him in the by and by he receaved his sight, and
weye. folowed Jesus in the waye.

Crap. XI. r And whanne Jhesus Crap. KI. r And when they cam
cam ny3 to Jerusalem and to Betanye, nye to Hierusalem vnto Bethphage and
to the mount of Olyuete, he sendith two Bethani, be sydes mount Olivte, he sent
of his disciplis, forth .ij. of his disciples,
2 And seith to hem, Go 5e in to the 2 And sayde vnto them, Goo youre
castel that is asens 30u; and anon 3e wayes into the toune that is over a-
entrynge in thidur schulen fynde a colt gaynste you; and as sone as ye entre
tyed, on the which non of men sat 3it ; into it ye shall fynde a coolte bounde,
vnbynde 5e, and bryng him. where on never man sate; loose hym,
and brynge hym hidder.
3 And if ony man schal seie ony thing 3 And if eny man saye vnto you, Why
to 30u, seie 3e, that he is nedeful to do ye soo? saye, that the Lorde hath
the Lord, and anon he schal leeue him neade of him, and streight waye he wyll
hidur. sende hym hidder.
4 And thei goynge forth, founden a 4 They went their waye, and found a
colt bounden byfore the 3ate with oute- coolte tyed by the dore with out, in a
forth, in the meeting of tweye weyes ; place where two wayes mett; and they
and thei vnbounden him. losed hym.
5 And summe of men stondinge there 5 And divers of them that stode there
seiden to hem, What don 3e, vnbynd- sayd vnto them ; What do ye, loosynge
. inge the colt1 the coolte ?
6 And thei seiden to hem, as Jhesus 6 And they sayd vnto them, even as
comaundide to hem ; and thei leften Jesus had commaunded them ; and they
hem. let them goo.
7 And thei brousten the colt to Jhesu, 4 And they brought the coolte to Jesus,
and thei puttiden to him her clothis, and caste their garmentes on hym, and
and Jhesus sat vpon him. he sate apon hym.
8 Forsothe manye strewiden her clothis 8 And many spreede there garmentes
in the weye, sotheli othere men kittiden in the waye, other cutt doune braunches
bowist fro trees, and strewiden in the of the trees, and strawed them in the
weye. waye.
9 And thei that wenten bifore, and 9 And they that went before, and they
that sueden, cryeden, seyinge, Osanna, that folowed, eryed, saynge, Hosianna,
blessid 4s he that cometh in the name of blessed be he that cometh in the name
the Lord ; ; off the Lorde ;
to Blessid the kyngdom that cometh 10 Blessed be the kyngdom that com-
of oure fadir Dauith ; Osanna in histees. meth in the name off hym that is Lorde
off oure father David ; Hosianna in the
228 GOTHIG, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. MARK

rr Yah galaip in Tairusaulwma lesus, ii And he eode dá on Hierosolima

yah in alh; yah bisaiwhands alla, at templ; and ealle ping he besceawode,
andanahtya yupan wisandin wheilai, us- dá æfen tima wes, he férde to Beth-
iddya in Bepanian, mip paim twalibim. aniam, mid his twelf leorning-enihtum.

12 Yah iftumin daga, usstandandam r2 And óðrum dege, da hi férdon

im us Bepaniin, gredags was. fram Bethania, hine hingrode.
13 Yah gasaiwhands smakkabagm fair- 13 Da he feorran geseah an fic-treow
rapro habandan lauf, atiddya, de leaf hæfde, he com, and sohte hweder
ei aufto
bigeti wha ana imma; yah qimands at he dar on áht finde; dá he him to com,
imma, ni waiht bigat ana imma, niba | ne fúnde he dar, büton leaf ane; sóp-
lauf; ni auk was mel smakkane. lice hit wees Gees fic-treowes tima.

14 Yah usbairands qap du imma, Ni 14 Da cwæþ he, Heononforp on êc-

panaseips us pus aiwmanna akran mat- nesse ne ete ænig man westm of de. eE

yai. Yah gahausidedun pai siponyos is ; -And his leorning-cnihtas det gehyrdon;

15 Yah iddyedun du Jairusaulwmai. 15 Da comon hi eft to Hierusalem.

Yah atgaggands lesus in alh, dugann And da he on deet templ eode, he on-
uswairpan pans frabugyandans yah bug- gan drifan of dam temple syllende and usn

yandans in alh; yah mesa skattyane, bicgende; and mynetera prócu, and
yah sitlans pize frabugyandane ahakim heah-setlu de da culfran cypton he
uswaltida ; tobræc ;

16 Yah ni lailot, ei whas pairhberi kas 16 And he ne gepafode, det ænig man
pairh po alh. &nig feet purh det templ bére.
17 Yah laisida, qipands du im, Niu 17 And he da lærende, dus ewæþ to
amelip ist, Datei razn mein razn bido him, Nis hit áwriten, Det min hus
haitada allaim piudom? ip yus gatawi- fram eallum peodum biþ genemned
dedup ita du filigrya waidedyane. gebed-hiis? sóplice ge dydon det to
sceapena scræfe.
18 Yah gahausidedun pai bokaryos yah 18 Da deera sacerda ealdras and da
gudyane auhumistans, yah sokidedun bóceras dis gehyrdon, hi þohton hú hi
whaiwa imma usqistidedeina ; ohtedun hine forspildon ; déh hi him ádrédon
auk ina, unte alla managei sildaleik- hine, fordam eall seo menigu wundrode
idedun in laiseinais is. be his lare.
19 Yah bipe andanahti warp, usiddya 19 And da hit æfen wees, he eode of
ut us pizai baurg. deere ceastre.
zo Yah in maurgin faurgaggandans, 20 On merigen da hi ferdon, hi ge-
gasewhun pana smakkabagm paursyana sáwon Geet fic-treow forscruncen of dam
us waurtim. wyrtruman.
21 Yah gamunands Paitrus, qap du 21 Da cwæþ Petrus, Láreow, loca! hú
imma, Rabbei, sai! smakkabagms panei forscranc Geet fic-treow, de du wyrig-
fraqast, gapaursnoda. dest.

22 Yah andhafyands lesus qap du im, 22 Da cwæþ se Hælend him and-

Habaip galaubein Gups ; swarigende, Habbap Godes trüwan ;
23 Amen auk qipa izwis, piswhazuh ei 23 le secge eow to sópe, swa hwyle
qipai du pamma fairgunya, Ushafei puk, swá cwyp to disum múnte, Si da afyr-
yah wairp pus in marein ; yah ni tuz- red, and on sæ áworpen; and on his
weryai in hairtin seinamma, ak ga- heortan ne twynap, ac gelyfp, swa hweet
XT. 11-23.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 229
Ir And he entride in to Jerusalem, in tr And the Lorde entred into Hieru-
to the temple; and alle thingis seyn salem, and into the temple; and when
aboute, whanne the our was now euen- he had loked roundabout apon all
yng, he wente in to Betanye, with thinges, and nowe the even tyde was
| .

twelue. come, be went out vnto Bethany, with

the twelve.
12 And another day, whanne he wente 12 And on the morowe, when they were
out of Betanye, he hungride. come out from Bethany, he hungred.
13 And whanne he hadde seyn a fyge 13 And he spyed a fygge tree a farre
tree afer hauynge leeuys, he cam, if off havinge leves, and went to se whether
happily he schulde fynde ony thing he myght fynde eny thinge there on;
therynne ; aud whanne he cam to it, but when he cam there to, he founde
he fond no thing, out taken leeuys ; for nothinge butt leves; for the tyme off
it was no tyme of fygis. fygges was nott yet.
. I4 And Jhesus answeringe seide to it, 14 And Jesus answered and sayd to it,
Now no more with outen ende ony man Never man eate frute of the here after
ete fruyt of thee. And his disciples whill the worlde stondith. And his
herden ; disciples herde it ;
15 And thei camen to Jerusalem. And 15 And they cam to Hierusalem. And
whanne he hadde entrid iu to the tem- Jesus went into the temple, and began to
ple, he bigan for to caste out men sell- cast out them which soolde and bought
inge and biggynge in the temple; and in the temple ; and overthrewe the tabels
he turnyde vpsodoun the boordis of of the money chaungers, and the stoles
. ehaungeris, and the chaieris of men sell- of them that soolde doves ;
inge culueris ;
16 And he suffride not, that ony man 16 And wolde not suffre, that eny man
schulde bere a vessel thur3 the temple. caried a vessell thorowe the temple.
17 And he tau3te hem, seyinge, Wher 17 And he taught, saynge vnto them,
it is not writun, For myn hous schal be Ys it not written, Howe that myne
clepid the hous of preiynge to alle folkis ? housse shalbe called the housse of prayer
forsoth 3e han maad it a den of theues. vnto all nacions? butt ye have made it
a deen of theves.
18 The which thing herd, the princes 18 And the scribes and hye prestes
of prestis and scribis sousten hou thei herde yt, and sought howe to distroye
schulde leese him ; forsoth thei dreden him ; for they feared hym, be cause all
hym, for al the cumpanye of peple won- the peple marveld at his doctrine.
dride on his teching.
19 And whanne euenyng was maad, 19 Ànd when even was come, he went
he wente out of the citee. out of the cite.
. 20 And whanne thei passiden eerly, 20 And in the mornynge as they passed
thei sy3en the fige tree maad drye fro by, they sawe the fygge tree dryed vpp
the rootis. by the rotes.
21 And Petre hauynge mynde, seide 21 And Peter remembred, and sayd
to him, Maistir, lo! the fyge tree, whom vnto hym, Master, beholde! the fygge
thou cursedist, hath dryed vp. tree, which thou cursedes, ys widdred
22 And Jhesus answeringe seith to 22 And Jesus answered and sayde vnto
him, Haue 3e the feith of God ; them, Have confidens in God ;
23 Treuli I seie to 30u, that who euere 23 Verely I sye vnto you, that whoso-
seith to this hil, Take, and sende in to ever shall saye vnto this mountayne,
the see; and doutith not in his herte, Take awaye thy silfe, and cast thy silfe
but bileueth, for what euere he schal in to the see; and shall not waver in
230 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (St. Mark
laubyai, pata ei patei qipip, gagaggip, swá he cwyp, gewurde dis, dat ge-
wairpip imma, piswhah pei qipi y. wyrp.

24 Duppe qipa izwis, allata piswhah pei 24 Fordam ic eow secge, swa hweet
bidyandans sokeip, galaubeip patei nimip, swa ge gyrnende biddap, gelyfap dzet ge
yah wairpip izwis. hit onfóp, and hit eow becymp.

25 Yah pan standaip bidyandans, aflet- 25 And donne ge standap eow to ge-
aip, yabai wha habaip wipra whana, ei biddenne, forgifap gif ge hwæt agen
yah atta izwar sa in himinam, afletai ænigne habbap, det eow eower synna
izwis missadedins izwaros. forgyfe, eower heofonlica feeder se de
on heofonum ys.
26 Ip yabai yus ni afletip, ni pau atta 26 Gyf ge ne forgyfap, ne eow eower
izwar sa in himinam, afletip izwis mis- synna ne forgyfþ, eower fæder . 2
sadedins izwaros. » . . . .

27 Yah iddyedun aftra du Íairusaulw- 27 Dá com he eft to Hierusalem. And

mai Yah in alh wharbondin imma, "dà he on dam temple eode, him to ge-
atiddyedun du imma pai auhumistans nealæhton da heah-sacerdas, and bócer-
gudyans, yah bokaryos, yah sinistans, as, and ealdras,

28 Yah qepun du imma, In whamma 28 And dus ewedon, On hwyleum

waldufnye pata tauyis? yah whas pus anwealde dést di dis ping? and hwa
pata waldufni atgaf, ei pata tauyis? sealde dé disne anweald, det du dis
29 lp lesus andhafyands qap du im, 29 Da cwæþ se H&lend, And ie áhsige
Fraihna yah ik izwis ainis waurdis, yah cow ánre sprace, andswariap me, and ie
andhafyip mis, yah qipa izwis, in wham- secge eow donne, on hwyleum anwealde
ma waldufnye pata tauya. ic dis do.

3o Daupeins lohannis uzuh himina 30 Hweder wes lohannes fulluht de

was, pau uzuh mannam ? andhafeip mis. of heofone, de of mannum? andswariap
3r Yah pahtedun du sis misso, qipand- 31 Da pohton hi, and ewædon betweox
ans, Yabai qipam us himina, qipip appan, him, Gif we secgap of heofone, he segp
Duwhe ni galaubidedup imma ; us, Hwi ne gelyfde ge him ;

32 Ak qipam us mannam, uhtedun po 32 Gif we secgap of mannum, we on-

managein ; allai auk alakyo habaidedun drædaþ dis fole ; ealle hi hæfdon Iohan-
Lohannen, Þatei bi sunyai praufetes was. nem, dzet he were soplice witega.
33 Yah andhafyandans qepun du Íesua, 33 Da andswaredon hi dam Hælende
Ni witum. Yah andhafyands lesus qap and cwedon, We nyton. Da cwæþ se
du im, Nih ik izwis qipa, in whamma Helend, Ne ic eow ne secge, on hwyle-
waldufnye pata tauya. um anwealde ic das ping dó.

Cmar. XII. r Yah dugann im in Crar. XII. r Ðá ongan he him big-

gayukom qipan. Weinagar d ussatida spel reccan. Sum man him plantode
manna, yah bisatida ina fapom, yah us- win-geard, and betynde hine, and dealf
-grof dal uf mesa, yah gatimrida kelikn, inne seap, and getimbrode ænne stýpel,.
XI. 24.-XII. 1.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 231
seye, be it maad, it schal be maad to his herte, butt shall beleve, that thoose
him. thinges which he sayeth, shall come to
passe, what soever he sayeth, shalbe done
vnto him.
24 Therfore I seie to 30u, alle thingis 24 Therfore I saye vnto you, what
what euere thingis 3e preiynge schulen soever ye desyre when ye praye, beleve
axe, bileue 3e that 3e schulen take, and that ye shall have it, and it shalbe done
thei schulen come to 30u. vnto you.
25 And whanne 3e schulen stonde for 25 And when ye stond and praye, for-
to preie, for3yue se, if 3e han ony thing yeve, yf ye have eny thinge agaynste eny
agens ony man, that and 30ure fadir man, that youre father also which is in
that is in heuenes, foryyue to 30u 30ure heven, maye foryeve you youre tres-
synnes. pases.
26 That if 3e schulen not for3yue, 26
neither 3oure fadir that is in heuenes,
schal forgyue 30u 30ure synnes.
27 And eftsoone thei camen to Jeru- 27 And they cam againe to Hierusa-
salem. And whanne he walkide in to lem. And as he walked in the temple,
the temple, the hijeste prestis, and there cam to hym the hye prestes, and
scribis, and eldere men camen ni3 to the scribes, and the seniours,
28 And seien to him, In what power 28 And sayd vnto hym, By what auc-
doist thou thes thingis? or who 3af to torite doest thou these thinges? and
'thee this power, that thou do thes who gave the this auctorite, to do these
thingis? thinges ?
29 Forsothe Jhesus answeringe seith 29 Jesus answered and sayde vnto
to hem, And I schal axe 30u o word, them, I wyll also axe of you a certeyne
and answere 3e to me, and I schal seie thynge, and answere ye me, and I wyll
to 30u, in what power I do thes thingis. tell you, by what auctorite I do these
30 Whether was the baptym of John 30 Whether was the baptim of Jhon
of heuene, or of men? answere 3e to me. from hevin, or of men? answer me.

31 And thei thou3ten with inne hem 31 And they thought in them selves,
saynge, Yf we shall saye from heven,
| heuene, seiynge,
| selue, If we schulen seie of
j he schal seie to vs, Whi ther- he will saye, Why then did ye not beleve
m fore bileuen 3e not to him ; hym ;
32 If we schulen seie of men, we dreden 32 But yf we shall saye of men, then
the peple; for alle men hadden John, feare we the people ; for all men counted
for he was verily a prophete. Jhon, that he was a veri prophett.
33 And thei answeringe seyen to Jhesu, 33 And they answered and sayd vnto
We witen neuere. And Jhesu answer- Jesu, We cannot tell. And Jesus an-
inge seith to hem, Neither I seie to 30u, swered and sayd vnto them, Nether wyll
in what power I do thes thingis. I tell you, by what auctorite I do these

Crap. XII. 1 And Jhesus bigan to Cumar. XII. 1 And he began to

speke parably. A man plauntide a speake vnto them in similitudes. A
vynegerd, and puttide aboute an hegge, certayne man planted a vineyarde, and
and dalf a lake, and bildide a tour, and compased it with an hedge, and ordeyn-
232 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Mark
yah anafalh ina waurstwyam, yah aflaip and gesette hine mid eorp-tilium, and
alyap ; férde on elpeodignysse ;

2 Yah insandida du paim waurstwyam 2 Da sende he to dam tilium his peow

at mel skalk, ei at paim waurstwyam on tide, det he dees win-geardes wæstm
nemi akranis pis weinagardis. onfénge.

3 Ip eis nimandans ina usbluggwun, 3 Da swungon hi dene, and forléton

yah insandidedun laushandyan. hine idel-hende.
4 Yah aftra insandida du im anparana 4 And eft he him sende óderne peow,
skalk, yah pana stainam wairpandans and hi done on heafde gewundodon, and
gaaiwiskodedun, yah haubip wundan mid teonum geswencton.
brahtedun, yah insandidedun ganaitid-
5 Yah aftra insandida anparana, yah 5 And eft he him sumne sende, and
yainana afslohun, yah managans anpar- hi deene ofslogon, and manega óðre,
ans, sumans usbliggwandans, sumanzuh sume hi beoton, sume hi ofslogon.
pan usqimandans.
6 Panuh nauhpanuh ainana sunu aig- 6 Da hæfde he dá gyt ænne leofostne
ands liubana sis, insandida yah pana du sunu, dá sende he æt nehstan him
im spedistana, qipands, patei gaaistand dene, and cwæþ, Witodlice minne sunu
sunu meinana. : : hig forwandiap.
7 lp yainai pai waurstwyans qepun du 7 Da ewedon da tilian him betweonan,
sis misso, Datei sa ist sa arbinumya; Hér is se yrfenuma ; uton ofslean hine,
hiryip usqimam imma, yah unsar wairpip donne bip ure seo yrfweardnes.
pata arbi.
8 Yah undgreipandans ina, usqemun, 8 Hi di ofslógon hine, and wurpon
yah uswaurpun imma ut us pamma widütan done win-geard.
9 Wha nuh tauyai frauya pis weinagard- 9 Hweet dép dees win-geardes hlaford?
is? Qimip, yah usqisteip pans waurst- He cymp, and fordép da tiligean, and
wyans, yah gibip pana weinagard an- sylp ódron done win-geard.
to Nih pata gamelido ussuggwup, 10 Ne rédde ge dis gewrit, Se stán
Stains pammei uswaurpun pai timryans, de da wyrhtan áwurpon, des ys ge-
sah warp du haubida waihstins? worden on dere hyrnan heafod?
11 Fram Frauyin warp sa, yah ist 1I Dis ys fram Drihtne geworden, and
sildaleiks in augam unsaraim. hit is wundorlie on üron eagum.
12 Yah sokidedun ina undgreipan, yah 12 Ha smeadon hi det hi geféngon
ohtedun po managein ; fropun auk patei hine, and hi ondrédon da menigu; hi
du im po gayukon qap ; yah afletandans oncneowou da det he dis bigspel to
ina, galipun. him sede; hi férdon dá, and hine
forléton.* l
13 Yah insandidedun du imma sumai 13 Da sendon hi to him sume of
pize Fareisaie yah Herodiane, ei ina Phariseum and Herodianum, det hi
ganuteina waurda. befengon hine on his worde. 3
14 lp eis qimandans qepun du imma, 14 Dá comon hi and dus mid fácne.
Laisari, witum patei sunyeins is, yah ni ewedon, Láreow, we witon det du eart
kara þuk manshun ; ni auk saiwhis in sóþfæst, and da ne récst be ænegum
andwairpya manne, ak bi sunyai wig men; ne besceawast dü manna ansyne,
Cups laiseis. Skuldu ist kaisaragild ac du Godes weg lærst on sóþfæstnysse.
XII. 2-14.| WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 233
hirede it to erthe tilieris, and wente ed a wyne presse, and bilt a toure in
forth in pilgrymage; hytt, and lett it out tohyre vnto husbande-
men, and went into a straunge countre ;
2 And sente to the erthe tilieris in 2 And when tyme was come he sentt
. tyme a seruaunt, that he schulde receyue to the tennauntes a servaunt, that he
of the fruyt of the vyneserd at the erthe myght of the tenauntes receave of the
tilieris. frute of the vyneyarde.
3 The whiche beten him takun, and 3 And they caught hym and bett hym,
leften him voyde. and sentt hym agayne empty.
4 And eftsoone he sente to hem a 4 And mooreover he sentt vnto them
nother seruaunt, and thei woundiden another servaunt, and at hym they cast
him in the heed, and ponyscheder with stones and brake hys heed, and sent
chidingis.* him agayne all to revyled.

5 And eftsoone he sente another, and 5 And agayne he sentt another, and
thei slowen him, and othere mo, betynge hym they kylled, and many other, beet-
. summe, but sleynge othere. ynge some, and kyllinge some.

6 Therfore 3it he hauynge a sone most 6 Yet had he one sonne whom he loved
dereworth, and to hem he sente him the tenderly, him also sent he att the last
laste, seyinge, For by hap thei schulen vnto them, sayinge, They wyll feare my
schame my sone.* sonne.
7 Forsothe the tenauntis seyden to 7 Butt the tenauntes sayde with in
. hem self! This is the eier ; come se, sle themselves, Thys ys the heyre; come,
we him, and the eritage schal be oure. lett vs kill him, and the inheritaunce
shalbe oures.
8 And thei takynge him, castiden out 8 And they toke him, and killid him,
withoute the vyneserd, and slowen. and cast hym out of the vyneyarde.

9 Therfore what schal the lord of the 9 What shall then the lorde of the
. vyneserd do? He schal come, and leese vyneyarde do? He will come, and dis-
_ the tenauntis, and 3yue the vyneserd to troye the tenauntes, and let out the
othere. vyneyarde to other.
1o Wher 3e han not rad this scripture, ro Have ye nott redde thys scripture, .
: The stoon the which men bildinge han The stoone which the bylders did refuse,
dispisid, this is maad in to the heed of ys made the chefe stoone in the corner?
lud the corner?
11 This thing is maad of the Lord, and Ir Thys was done off the Lorde, and
is wondirful in oure y3en. ys merveyllous in oure eyes.
12 And thei sousten for to holde him, 12 And they went about to take hym,
and thei dreden the cumpanye of peple ; butt they feared the people; for they
sothli thei knewen for to hem he seide perceaved that he spake that similitude
this parable ; and him left, thei wenten agaynst them ; and they left hym, and
away. went their waye.
13 And thei senden to him summe of 13 And they sent vnto hym certayne
the Farisees and Erodians, for to take off the Pharises with Herodes servauntes,
hym in word. to take hym in hys wordes.
14 The whiche comynge seyn to hym, | 14 And as sone as they were come
Maistir, we witen for thou ert sothfast, they sayd vnto hym, Master, we knowe
and reckist not of ony man; sothly that thou arte true, and careste for mo
neither thou seest in to face of man. man; for thou consydereste nott the
but thou techist the wey of God im- degre off men, butt teacheste the waye
234 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. Marx
giban Kaisarat . . .'. . . « Alyfp gaful to syllanne dam Casere? .

15 Pau niu gibaima? Ip lesus ga- 15 Hwæðer de we ne syll? Da

salwhands ize liutein, gap du im, Wha cwæþ he, and heora lot-wrenceas wiste,
mik fraisip? atbairip mis skatt, ei ga- Hwi fandige ge min? bringap me done
saiwhau. pening, deet ic hine geseo.

16 lp eis atberun. Yah qap du im, 16 Da brohton hi him. Da sæde he d

Whis ist sa manleika, yah Po unfar- him, Hwees is deos anlienys, and dis
meleins? Ip eis qepun du imma, Kais- gewrit? Hi cwedon, Dees Caseres. O

17 Yah andhafyands lesus qap du im, 17 Da cweep se Hælend to him, Agyfap
Usgibip po Kaisaris Kaisara, yah po dam Casere da ping de des Caseres
Gups Gupa. Yah sildaleikidedun ana synd, and Gode da de Godes Ee
. þamma. Da wundrodon hi be dam.

18 Yah atiddyedun Saddukaieis du 18 Da comon him to Saducei, da

imma, paiei qipand usstass ni wisan; secgap det ærist ne sy, and hine âh- |
yah frehun ina, qipandans, sodon, and dus cweedon,
19 Laisari, Moses gamelida unsis, patei 19 Láreow, Moyses us wrat, gif hwees
yabai whis bropar gadaupnai,.yah bi- bródor dead bip, and læfþ his wif, and
leipai qenai, yah barne ni bileipai, ei nefp nan bearn, det his bródor nime
nimai bropar is po qen is,-yah ussatyai his wif, and his brédor sed wecce.
barna bropr seinamma.
20 Sibun broprahans wesun; yah sa 20 Eornostlice seofon gebródru wæron ;
frumista nam qen, yah gaswiltands, ni and se æresta nam wif, and wearp dead,
bilaip fraiwa. ná lefedum sæde.
21 Yah anpar nam po, yah gadaupnoda, 21 And dá nam se oder hi, and wearp
yah ni sa bilaip fraiwa. Yah þridya dead, ne se sed ne læfde. Gelice se
samaleiko. pridda.
22 Yah nemun po samaleiko pai sibun, 22 And ealle seofon hi hæfdon, and
yah ni bilipun fraiwa. Spedumista al- sed ne léfdon. Ealra æftemest da
laize gaswalt yah so qens. forpférde dzt wif.
23 ln pizai usstassai, pan usstandand, 23 On dam &ériste, . .
wharyamma ize wairpip qens? pai auk . . hwylees dara seofona bip det
sibun aihtedun po du qenai. wif1 hi ealle hi hæfdon.

24 Yah andhafy ands lesus qap du im, 24 Ðá andswarode him se Hælend, Hú

Niu dupe airzyai siyup, ni kunnandans ne dweligaþ ge, fordam de ge nyton da
mela, nih maht Gups ? hálgan gewritu, ne Godes mægen Í

25 Allis þan usstandand us dauþaim, 25 Soplice donne hi of deaþe árisap, ne

ni liugand, ni liuganda, ak sind swe wifiaþ hi, ne ne giftiap, ac bi synd
aggilyus pai in himinam. swylce Godes englas on heofonum.
26 Appan bi daupans, patei urreisand, 26 Be dam deadum, dst hi árison, ne
niu gakunnaidedup ana bokom Mosezis, redde ge on Moyses bée, hú God to
ana aiwhatundyai, whaiwa imma qap him ewæþ, ofer done gorst-beam, Ie eom | J
Gup, qipands, Ik im Gup Abrahamis, Abrahames God, and Isaaces God, and
yah Gup Isakis, yah Íakobis ? Tacobes God?

27 Nist Gup daupaize, ak qiwaize; 21 Nys God deadra, ac he ys lybbend-

XIT. 15-27.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526, 235
treuthe. Is it leefful for to 3yue tribute off God truly. Ys yt laufull to paye
to Cesar ? tribute to Cesar, or nott?
15 Or we schulen not 3yue? The which 15 Ought we to geve, or ought we
witinge her priuey falsnesse, seith to nott to geve? He knewe their dis-
hem, "What tempten 5e me? brynge 3e simulacion, and sayd vnto them, Why
to me a peny, that I se. tempte ye me? brynge me a peny, that
I maye se yt.
16 And thei offriden to him. And he 16 And they brought hym one. And he
seith to hem, Whos is this ymage, and sayde vnto them, Whose ys thys ymage,
the in wrytinge? Thei seien to him, and superscripcion? And they sayde
Cesaris. vnto hym, Cesars.
17 Forsothe Jhesus answeringe seith 17 And Jesus answered and sayde
to hem, Therfore 3elde 3e to Cesar that vnto them, Then geve to Cesar that
ben of Cesar, and to God tho thingis which belongeth to Cesar, and geve God
that ben of God. And alle wondriden that which perteyneth to God. And
on him. they mervelled att hym.
18 And Saducees, that seyen no resur- 18 And the Saduces cam vnto hym,
ecioun to be, camen to him, and axiden which saye there is no resurrection, and
him, seyinge, they axed hym, sayinge,
19 Maistir, Moyses wroot to vs, that 19 Master, Moses wroote vnto vs, yff
if the brother of a man were deed, and eny mans brother dye, and leve hys wyf
lefte a wyf, and lefte not sones, his bro- behynde him, and leve no chyldren, that
ther take his wyf, and reyse vp seed to then hys brother shulde take hys wyfe,
his brothir. and reyse vppe seed vnto his brother.
= .20 Therfore seuene britheren weren; 20 There were seven brethren; and
“and the firste took a wyf, and is deed, the fyrst toke a wyfe, and when he dyed,
no seed left. leeft no seede behinde hym.
21 And the secunde took hir, and he 21 And the seconde toke her, and
‘is deed, and neither this leite seed. And dyed, nether leeft he eny seede. And
the thridde also. the thyrde lyke wyse.
22 And seuene tooken hir, and lefte not 22 And seven had her, and leeft no
- geed. And the womman the laste of alle seed behynde them. Last of all the
is deed. wyfe dyed also.
23 Thanne in the resureccioun, whanne 23 In the resurrecion then, when they
- thei schulen rise a3en, whos wie of these shall ryse agayne, whose wyfe shall she
E" sche be? sothly seuene hadden hir be of them? for seven had her to wyfe.

A And Jhesus answeringe seith to 24 Jesus answered and sayde vnto

ESM Wher 3e erren not ier re not them, Are ye not ther fore deceaved,
knowinge the scripturis, nother the be cause ye knowe not the scryptures,
vertu of God? nether the power of God ?
25 Forsothe whanne thei schulen rise 25 For when they shall ryse agayne
azen fro deed men, neither thei wedden, from deeth, they nether mary, nor are
nother ben weddid, but thei schulen be maryed, butt are as the angels which
as aungels of God in heuenes. are in heven.
26 Sothli of deed men, that thei rysen 26 As touchynge the deed, that they
asein, han 3e not rad in the book of shall ryse agayne, have ye nott redde in
Moyses, on the bousche, hou God seide the boke off Moses, howe, in the busshe,
to him, seiynge, I am God of Abraham, God spake vnto him, sayinge, I am the
and God of Ysaac, and God of Jacob ? God of Abraham, and the God of Ysaac,
and the God of Jacob?
27 He is not God of deede men, but | 27 He is not the God of the deed, butt
236 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 095. (Sr. MARR
ra; sóplice swyde ge dweligeap.

appan yus filu airzyai siyup.

28 Yah duatgaggands ains pize bok- 28 Da genealæhte him án of dam

arye, gahausyands ins samana sokyand- bócerum, de gehyrde hi smeagende, and
ans, gasaiwhands patei waila im andhof, geseah det he him wel andswarode, and
frah ina, wharya ist allaizo anabusne áhsode hine, hwæt were ealra beboda
frumista. mæst.

29 Ip lesus andhof imma, patei frum- 29 Da andswarode he him, Ðæt is det

ista allaizo anabusns, Hausei, Israel, mæste bebod ealra, Israhel, gehyr, úrne
Drihten God he is àn God ; j
Frauya Gup unsar Frauya ains ist ;
30 Yah friyos Frauyan Gup peinana us 30 And lufa dinne Drihten God of ealre
allamma hairtin peinamma, yah us allai dinre heortan, and of ealre dinre sáwle,
saiwalai peinai, yah us allai gahugdai eallum dinum móde, and of eallum din-
peinai, yah us allai mahtai þeinai. So um megene. Det is det fyrmeste
frumista anabusns. bebod.
31 Yah anpara galeika pizai, Friyos 31 Sóþlice is óder dissum gelie, Lufa
newhundyan peinana swe puk silban. dinne nehstan swá dé sylfne. Nys
Maizei paim anpara anabusns nist. óder máre bebod.

32 Yah qap du imma sa bokareis, 32 Da cwæþ se bócere, Láreow, weil

Waila, laisari, bi sunyai qast ; patel ains dú on sópe ewæde; det án God is, and
ist, yah nist anpar, alya imma ; nys óder, bütan him ;

33 Yah pata du friyon ina us allamma 33 And det he si gelufod of ealre

hairtin, yah us allamma frapya, yah us heortan, and of eallum andgyte, and of
allai saiwalai, yah us allai mahtai, yah ealre sáwle, and of ealre streugpe, and
pata du friyon newhundyan swe sik lufigean his nehstan swá hine sylfne,
silban, managizo ist allaim paim ala- det is mare eallum onsægdnyssum and |
brunstim yah saudim. offrungum. |
34 Yah lesus gasaiwhands ina patei 34 Da se Hælend geseah det he him
frodaba andhof, qap du imma, Ni fairra wislice andwyrde, he sæde him, Ne eart
is piudangardyai Gups. Yah ainshun dú feor fram Godes rice. And hine ne
panaseips ni gadaursta ina fraihnan. dorste nán man ácsian. :

35 Yah andhafyands lesus qap, lais- 35 Da cwep se Hælend, on dam tem- |

yands in alh, Whaiwa qipand pai bokaryos, ple lærende, Hú secgaþ da bóceras, dæt
patei Christus sunus ist Daweidis ? Crist sy Dauides sunu ?

36 Silba auk Daweid qap in Ahmin 36 Dauid sylf ewæþ to dam Halgan -
Weihamma, Qipip Frauya du frauyin Gáste, Drihten cwæþ to minum drihtne, -
meinamma, Sit af taibswon meinai, unte Site on mine swydran healfe, od ic
ik galagya fiyands peinans fotubaurd dine fynd ásette to fot-sceamole dinra. A
fotiwe peinaize. fóta. : A
37 Silba raihtis Daweid qipip ina 37 Dauid sylf nemde hine drihten,
frauyan, yah whapro imma sunus ist! and hwanon is he his sunu? And mycel |
Yah alla so managei hausidedun imma menegu hine luflice gehyrde. E
gabauryaba. " i
38 Yah qap du im in iaiseinai seinai 38 Da sæde he him on his lire, War- |
Saiwhip faura . . . . niap fram bócerum, da wyllap on ge-
gyrlum gan, and beon on strætum
XII. 28-38.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 237
God of lyuynge men; therfore 3e erren the God of the livynge; ye are therfore
moche. greatly deceaved. i
28 And oon of the scribis, that hadde 28 And there cam won off the serybes,
herd hem sekynge to gidere, cam nis, and when he had herde them disputynge
and seyinge that he hadde wel answerid to gedder, and perceaved that he had
hem, axide hym, which was the firste answered them well, he axed hym, which
maundement of alle. is the fyrste of all the commaunde-
29 Jhesus answeride to him, that the 29 Jesus answered hym, The fyrste of
firste of alle comaundementis is, Heere, all the commaundementes is, Heare,
Israel, the Lord thi God is oon ; Israhel, oure Lorde God is wone Lorde ;
30 And thou schal loue the Lord thi 30 And thou shaltt love thy Lorde
God of al thin herte, and ot ai thi soule, God with all thy hert, and with all thy
ant. of al thi mynde, and of al thi vertu." soule, and with all thy mynde, and with
This is the firste maundement. all thy strengthe. This is the fyrste
31 Forsothe the secunde is lyk to this, 31 And the seconde is lyke vnto this,
Thou schalt loue thi neizebore as thi Thou shalt love thy neghbour as thy
silf. Ther is non othir maundement silfe. There is none other commaunde-
| more than these. ment greater then these.
32 And the scribe seith to him, Maister, 32 And the scribe sayde vnto hym,
in treuthe thou hast wel seid; for o Well, master, thou hast sayde the truthe ;
God is, and ther is non, out taken him ; thatt there ys one God, and that there
is none but he;
33 And that he be loued of al herte, 33 And to love hym with all the herte,
and of al thoust,* and of al vndirstond- and with all the mynde, and with all
the soule, and with all the strengthe,
inge, and of al the soule, and of al
strengthe, and to loue the neizebore as and to love a mans nehbour as hym silfe,
him silf, is more than alle brend of- ys a greater thynge then all holocaustes
- fringis and sacrificis. and sacrifises.
34 Jhesus forsothe seyinge that he 34 And when Jesus sawe howe that he
hadde answerid wysely, seide to him, answered discretly, he sayd vnto hym,
Thou ert not fer fro the kyngdom of Thou arte nott farre from the kyngdome
God. And now no man durste axe of God. And no man after that durst
axe hym eny question. ;
35 And Jhesus answeringe seide, tech- 35 And Jesus answered and sayd, teach-
inge in the temple, Therfore how seyn ynge in the temple, Howe saye the
scribis, Crist for to be the sone of scribes, that Christ is the sonne off
Dauith? David?
36 To whom Dauith him silf seide in 36 For David hym silfe inspyred with
the Holy Goost sayd, The Lorde sayde
the Hooly Gost, The Lord seide to my
lord, Sitte on my risthalf, til I putte to my lorde, Sytt on my right honde,
thin enemyes the stool of thi feet. tyli I make thyne enemys thy fote stole.

37 Therfore Dauith him silf seith him 37 Then David hym silfe calletb hym
a lord, and wherof is he his sone? And lorde, and by what meanes ys he then
moche cumpany gladli herde him. his sonne? And moche people herde
hvm gladly.
38 And he seide to hem in his teching, 2% And he sayd vnto them in his doc-
- Be 3e war of scribis, that wolen wandre ; wie, Be ware off the scribes, which
in stoolis, and be salutid in chepingo, love to goo in longe clothynge, and love
| salutacions in the market places,
238 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (St. Mark
39 And on fyrmestum láreow-setlum
sittan on gesamnungum, and da fyrmest-
an setl on gebeorscipum ;
40 Da de wudewena hús forswelgap,
mid heora langsuman gebede ; da onfóp
lengestne dóm.
41 Da sæt se Hxlend ongén done toll-
sceamol, and geseah hú det fole hyra
feoh torfode on done toll-sceamul; and
manega welige torfodon fela. i
42 Ðí com án earm wuduwe, and
wearp twegen feordlingas.

43 Da elypode he his leorning-enihtas,

and sæde him, Soplice ic eow seege, deet
deos earme wuduwe eallinga mæst sealde, |
dara de on toll-sceamul sealdon.

44 Ealle sendon of dam de hi genóh

hæfdon ; sóplice deos of hyre yrmpe eall
d:t heo hzfde sealde, ealle hyre and-

Cmar. XIII. í Da he of dam temple

eode, da cwæþ án of his leorning-enih-
tum to him, Lareow, lóca, hwylee stánas
her synd, and hwylce getimbrunga disses
2 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Ne geseo ge
ealle dis mycelan getimbrunga? ne bib
her læfed stan ofer stan, de ne beo

3 Da hi s&ton on Oliuetes dúne ongén

dzet tempel, synderlice hine Petrus, and
Iacobus, and Iohannes, and Andreas
4 Sege us, hweenne das ping gewurdon,
and hwyle tacen bip, denne ealle dis
ping onginnap beon ge-endod.

5 Da ongan se Hælend him andswar-

igende to cwedan, Warniap, dat eow
nan man ne beswice ;
6 Sópliee manega cumap on minum
naman, and ewedap, Ie eom Crist; and
beswicap manega.
7 And donne ge gehyrap gefeohtu and
gefeohta hlisan, ne ondréde ge eow ;
hit gebyrap dot hit gebelimpe, ae donne
gyt nis ende.


XII. 39.-XIIL 7.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 259
39 And sitte in synagogis in the firste 39 And the chefe seates in the sina-
chaires, and the firste sitting places in goges, and to sit in the vppermost
Soperis ; roumes att feastes ;
40 The whiche deuouren the housis of 40 And devoure widowes houses, and
widewis, vndir colour of long preier; vnder a colour praye longe prayers;
thei taken lenger dom. these shall have greater damnacion.
41 And Jhesus sittinge aseins the 41 And Jesus sat over agaynst the
treserie, biheld hou the cumpany of treasury, and behelde howe the people
peple caste money in to the tresorie ; putt money into the treasury; and
and manye riche castiden many thingis. many that were ryche cast in moch.
42 Sothli whanne o pore widowe hadde 42 And there cam a certayne povre
comen, sche sente tweye mynutis, that widowe, and she threwe in two mytes,
is, a ferthing. whiche make a farthynge.
43 And his disciplis clepid to gidere, 43 And he called vnto hym his dis-
he seith to hem, Treuly I seie to 30u, ciples, and sayd vnto them, Verely I
for this pore widowe sente more than saye vnto you, that thys pover widowe
alle, that sente in to the tresorie. hath cast moare in then all they which
have caste into the treasury.
- 44 Sothli alle sente of that thing that 44 For they all putt in off their super-
was plenteuous to hem ; but this of hir fluite; but she off her poverte cast in
. myseste sente alle thingis that she hadde, all that she had, even all her livynge.
al hir lyflode.

Crap. XIII. 1 And whanne he wente Cuar. XIII. 1x And as he went out
out of the temple, oon of his disciples of the temple, won of his disciples sayd
seith to him, Maistir, bihold, what maner vnto hym, Master, se, what stones, and
Stoones, and what manere bildingis. what bildynges are here.

2 And he answeringe seith to him, 2 And Jesus answered and sayde vnto
- Beeste thou alle thes greete bildingis? hym, Seist thou these greate byldynges?
ther schal not be left a stoon vpon a there shall not be leefte one stone apon
-.stoon, the which schal not be distroyed. a nother, that shall not be throwen
3 And whanne he sat in the mount of 3 And as he sate on mounte Olivete |
-Olyuete azens the temple, thei axiden over ayenst the temple, Peter, and
ym by hem silue, Petre, and James, James, and Jhon, and Andrew, axed
and John, and Andrew, liym secretly,
4 Seie thou to vs, whanne thes thingis 4 Tell vs, when these thinges shalbe,
schulen be maad, and what tokene, and what is the signe, when all these
whanne alle thes thingis schulen bigynne tüinges shalbe fulfilled,
for to be endid.
-5 And Jhesus answeringe bigan for to 5 And Jesus answered them and began
seie to hem, Se 3e, that no man disceyue to saye, Take hede, lest eny man deceave
gou ; you;
6 For many schulen come in my name, 6 For many shall come in my name,
seiynge, For I am; and thei schulen sayinge, I am Christ ; and shall deceave
disceyue manye. 1nany.
4 Sothli whanneye schulen heere batels 7 When ye shall heare off warre and.
and opyniouns of bateils, drede se not; tydinges off warre, be ye not troubled ;
forsothe it bihoueth these thingis for to for they muste nedes be, butt the ende
be don, but not 5it anon the end. is nott yett.
240 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. MARK

8 Sóplice peod árist ágén þeode, and

rice ongén rice, and beop eorpan styr-
unga geond stówa and hungor; dis.synd
sára angin.

o Warniap eow sylfe, hi syllap eow on

gepeahte, and swingap on gesamnungum ;
and ge standap befóran démum and
cyningum for minum naman, him on

ro And on ealle þeoda ærest gebyrap

beon dæt gódspel gebodod.
11 And donne hi syllende eow lædaþ,
ne fóre-smeage ge hwet ge specon, ac
specap det eow on dere tide geseald
bip; ne synd ge ná specende, ac se
Halga Gast.

12 Sóþlice se brodor done bródor to

deape sylp, and se feeder his sunu, and
da bearn árisap ágén hyra magas, and
mid deape hi geweeceap.

13 And ge beop eallum on hatunge for

minum naman; sóplice se bip hal, se
de od ende purh-wunap.
14 Donne ge geseop dere toworpen-
nysse ásceonunge . . . + M
a 0. 52 . . o anda
ne sceal; donne ongyte se de ræt;
fieon donne on müntas, da de synd on
r5 And se de is ofer þecene, ne stige
he on his hús, ne he in ne ga, deet he
áht on his hüse nime ;

16 And se de bip on æcere, ne cyrre

. LI . ° . . . . wastya sema. he ongean deet he his reaf nime.

17 Appan wai þaim qipuhaftom, yah 17 Wa cennendum on dam dagum, . .

daddyandeim in yainaim dagam. . . * . . *

18 Appan bidyaip, ei ni wairpai sa 18 Biddap, det dis on wintra ne ge-

plauhs izwar wintrau. weorde.
19 Wairpand auk pai dagos yainai aglo 19 Sóplice on dam dagum beoþ swylce -
swaleika, swe ni was swaleika fram gedréfednessa, swylee ne gewurdon of.
anastodeinai gaskaitais, oci gaskop Gup, frympe dere gesceafte, de God gesceop,
und hita, yah ni wairpip. od nu, ne na ne geweordep.
XIII. 8-19.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, r526. 24]
8 For folk schal rise vpon folk, and 8 For there shall nacion aryse agaynste
rewme vpon rewme, and erthe mouyng nacion, and realrae agaynste realme, and
schal be by places and hungur; bigyn- there shalbe erthquakes in all quarters
nyngis of sorwis these thingis. and famysshment and troubles; these
are the begynnynge off sorowes.
9 Sothli se 3e 30u silf, for thei schulen 9 Butt take ye hede to youre selves,
take šou in counceils, and 3e schulen for they shall brynge you vppe to the
be beten in synagogis; and 3e schulen counsels, and into the synagogges, and
stonde bifore kyngis and domesmen for ye shalbe beeten ; and ye shalbe brought
me, in to witnessing to hem. before rulers and kynges for my sake,
for a testimoniall vnto them.
10 And in to alle folkis it bihoueth 10 And the gospell muste fyrste be
first the gospel for to be prechid. publysshed amonge all nacions.
II And whanne thei schulen lede 30u 11 Butt when they leade you and
bitrayinge, nyle 5e thenke what 3e schulen presentt you, take noo thought afore
speke, but speke 5e that thing that schal honde what ye shall saye, nether yma-
be 3ouen to 30u in that our; sothli 3e gion, butt whatsoever is geven you att
ben not spekinge, but the Hooly Gost. the same tyme, that speake ; for it shall
nott be ye that shall speake, butt the
Holy Goost.
12 Forsothe a brother schal bitraye 12 Ye and the brother shall delyvre
the brother in to deeth, and the fadir the brother to deeth, and the father the
the sone, and sones schulen ryse to gidre sonne, and the chyldren shall ryse a-
. agens fadris and modris, and ponysche gaynste their fathers and mothers, and
` hem by deeth. shall putt them to deeth.
13 And se schulen be in hate to alle 13 And ye shalbe hated off all men for
men for my name; but he that schal my names sake; butt whosoever shall
susteyne in to the ende, this schal be saf. endure vnto the ende, shalbe safe.
14 Forsothe whanne 3e schulen se the 14 Moreover when ye se the abominable
abhomynacioun of discomfort, b" desolacion, where off is spoken by Daniel
BE... stondinge wher it the prophete, stonde were itt ought
owith not; vndirstonde he that redith ; nott; let hym that redeth it vnder-
thanne thei that be in Judee, flee in Stonde itt; then let them which be in
to hillis. Iewry, fle to the mountaynes.
15 And he that is aboue the roof, come 15 And let hym that is on the housse
he not doun in to the hous, neithir entre toppe, nott descende doune into the
he, that he take ony thing of his hows ; housse, nether entre there in, to fetche
eny thynge oute off his housse ;
16 And he that schal be in the feeld, 16 And lett hym thatt is in the felde,
turne not a3en byhynde for to take his not tourne backe agayne vnto tho
cloth. thynges which he leefte behynde hym,
for to take his cloothes with hym.
17 Sothli wo to hem that ben with 17 Butt woo is then to them that are
childe, and norischinge in tho dayes. with chylde, and to them that geve
soucke in thoose dayes.
18 Therfore preie 5e, that thei ben not 18 But praye, that youre flyght be not
don in wyntir. in the wynter.
19 Forsoth the ilke dayes of tribula- 19 For there shalbe in those dayes
cioun schulen be suche, whiche manere suche tribulacion, as was not from the
weren not fro the bygynnynge of crea- begynnynge off creatures, which God
ture, the which God made, til now, created, vnto this tyme, nether shalbe.
neither schulen be.
242 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (St. Mars
20 Yah ni Frauya gamaurgidedi pans 20 And gif Drihten das dagas ne ge-
dagans, ni pauh ganesi ainhun leike; scyrte, nan fleése ne wurde hal; ae for
akei in pize ggawalidane þanzeigawalida, dam gecorenum de he geceas, he ge-
gamaurgida pans dagans. scyrte da dagas.

21 Yah pan yabai whas izwis qipai, 21 And gif eow hwyle segþ, Witodlice!
Sai! her Christus, aippau sai! yainar, hér is Crist, witodlice! der he is, ne
ni galaubyaip. gelyfe ge.
22 Unte urreisand galiugachristyus 22 Sóþlice lease Cristas and lease wit-
yah galiugapraufeteis, yah giband taik- egan árisap, and wyrcap fore-beacnu, to
nins yah fauratanya, du afairzyan, yabai béswicanne, eac, gif hit beon meg, da
mahteig siyai, yah, pans gawalidans. gecorenan.
23 ip yus saiwhiþ; sai! fauragataih 23 Warniap eow ; nú! ealle ping de
ïzwis allata. ic eow fóre-sæde.
24 Akei in yainans dagans, afar po 24 Ac on dam dagum, efter dere
aglon yaina, sauil riqizeiþ, yah mena ni geswencednysse, byþ sunne áþeostrod,
gibip liuhap sein, and se mona his beorhtnesse ne sylþ,

25 Yah stairnons himinis wairpand 25 And heofones steorran beop feal-

driusandeins, yah mahteis pos in himin- lende, and beop ástyrode, da megenu
am, gawagyanda. de on heofonum synd.
36 Yah pan gasaiwhand sunu mans 26 Donne geseop hi mannes sunu cum-
gimandan in milhmam, mip mahtai endne on genipum, mid mycelum mæg-
managai yah wulpau. ene and wuldre.
27 Yah pan insandeip aggiluns seinans, 27 Donne sent he his englas, and hi
yah galisip pans gawalidans seinans gaderiap his gecorenan of feower wind-
af fidwor windam, fram andyam airpos um, of eorpam heahnesse od heofones
und andi himinis. heahnesse.
28 Appan af smakkabagma ganimip po 28 Leorniap án bigspel be dam fie-
gayukon. Pan pis .yupan asts plaqus treowe. Donne his twi biþ mearu, and.
wairþiþ, yah uskeinand laubos, kunnup leaf beop ácennede, ge witon det sumor
patei newha ist asans. is gehende.
29 Swah yah yus, pan gasaiwhip pata 29 And wite ge, donne ge das ping
wairpan, kunneiþ patei newha siyup at. . geseop, dzet he is dura gehende.

3o Sóplice ic eow secge, det deos

cneores ne gewit, erdam ealle das ping
31 Heofon aud eorpe gewitap, witeas
lice mine word ne gewitap.
32 Be dam dæge and dere tide nan
man nat, ne englas on heofone, ne man-
nes sunu, büton feeder ana.

33 Warniaþ, and waciaþ, and gebiddaþ

eow; ge nyton, hwænne seo tid ys.
34 Swá se man de ælþeodilice férde,
forlét his hús, and sealde his peowum -
dene anwald gehwylees weorces, and
beode dam dure-wearde, æt he wacige.

35 Eernostlice wacigeap, ge nyton,

XIII. 20-35.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 243
20 And no but the Lord hadde breig- 20 And excepte that the Lord had
gid tho dayes, al fleisch* hadde not be shortened those dayes, no man shulde
saf; but for the chosene whom he chees, be saved ; but for the electes sake which
the Lord hath breiggid dayes.* he hath chosen, he hath shortened thoose
21 And thanne if ony man schulde seie 21 And then yff eny man saye ynto
to 30u, Lo! here is Crist, loo! there, you, Loo! here is Christ, loo! he is
beleue 5e not. there, beleve nott.
22 For fals Cristis and fals prophetis 22 For falee Christes shall aryse and
schulen ryse vp, and schulen syne falce propetes, and shall shewe myracles
tokenes and grete wondris, to disceyue, and wonders, to deceave, yf it were pos-
if it may be don, she, the chosene. sible, evyn the electe.
23 Therfore se 5e ; loo! I haue bifore 23 But take ye hede ; beholde! I have
seid to 30u alle thingis. shewed you all thinges before.
24 But in tho dayes, aftir that tribula- 24 Moreover in thoose dayes, after that
cioun, the sunne schal be maad derk, tribulacion, the sunne shall wexe darke,
and the mone schal not 3yue hir schyn- and the mone shall not geve her light,
_ 25 And sterris of heuenes schal be fall- 25 And the starres off heven shall fall,
inge doun, and vertues that be in he- and the powers which are in heven,
uenes, schulen be mouyd. shall move.
26 And thanne thei schulen se mannis 26 And then shall they se the sonne of
sone comynge in clouds of heuene, with man commynge in the cloudes, with
greet vertu and glorie. greate power and glory.
27 And thanne he schal sende his 27 And then shall he sende his angels,
aungels, and schal gedre his chosene fro and shall gaddre to gedder his electe
foure wyndis, fro the loweste thing of from the fouare wyndes, and from the
erthe vuto the hiseste thing of heuene. one ende off the worlde to the other.
28 Forsothe of the fyge tree lerne 5e 28 Learne a similitude of the fygge
the parable. Whanne now his braunche tree. When his braunches are yett
_ Schal be tendre, and leeuys ben sprongen tender, and hath brought forthe leves,
- out, 3e witen for somer is in the nexte. ye knowe that sommer ys neare.
29 So and whanne 3e schulen se alle 29 So in lyke maner when ye se these
these thingis ben maad, wite 5e, that it thinges come to passe, vnderstond, that.
is in the nexte in the doris. it ys nye even att the dores.
30 Treuly I seye to 30u, for this gene- 30 Verely I saye vnto you, that thys
- racioun schal not passe awey, til alle generacion shall nott passe, tyll all these
_ these thingis be don. thynges be done.
31 Heuene and erthe schal passe, for- 31 Heven and erth shall passe, butt.
— sothe my wordis schulen not passe. my wordes shall nott passe.
32 Treuly of that day or our no man 32 Butt of the.daye and the houre
— woot, nethir aungelis in heuene, nether knoweth no man, no nott the angels
.. the sone, no but the fadir. which are in heven, nether the sonne
hym silfe, save the father only.
33 Se 5e, wake 5e, and preie 3e; sothli 33 Take hede, watche, and praye; for
3e witen not, whanne tyme is. ye knowe nott, when the tyme ys.
- 34 For as a man the which gon fer in 34 As a man which ys gone in to a;
pilgrimage, lefte his hous, and 3af to his straunge countrey, and hath lefte hys
— Seruauutis power of euery work, and housse, and geven auctorite to hys ser-
comaundide to the porter, that he schulde vauntes and to every man hys worke,
wake. and commaunded the porter to watche.
35 Therfore wake se, forsothe 3e witen 35 Watche therfore, for ye knowe not,
244 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. MARK
hweenne des hüses hlaford eymp,
on fen, de on midre nihte, de on han-
crede, de on mergen ;

36 Ðe-læs he eow slápende gemete,

donne he færinga cymp.
37 Soplice det ie eow secge, eallum
ic hit secge, Waciap.

Cumar. XIV. tr Sóplice da efter twám

dagum wæron eastron. . . 2. And dà
REM da heah-sacerdas and da bocer- 2

as, hú hi hine mid fáene námon, and

2 DA cwædon hi, Næs ná on freols-
dæge, de-lzs dees folces gehlyd weorde.

3 And dá se Hælend wes on Bethania,

on Simones hüse ánes hreoflan, and dax
sæt, di com án wif, and hæfde hyre
sealf-box deorwyrpes nardes; and to-
brocenum gealf-boxe, ofer his heafod

4 Sume hit unweordlice forbæron, and

fare him sylfum cweedon, Forhwi
. . teins pis balsanis warp? wees disse sealfe forspillednesg
geworden Í n

5 Maht wesi auk pata balsan frabugyan 5 Deos sealf mihte beon geseald to ic

in managizo pau priyahunda skatte,yah prim hund penegum, and beda pearfum
giban unledaim. Yah andstaurraidedun geseald. And yrsodon ágén hi.
x Tp lesus qap, Letip po; duwhe izai 6 Ðá cwæþ se Helend, Lætaþ hi;
uspriutip? pannu gop waurstw waurhta hwi synd ge hyre grame? god weore
bi mis. heo on me worhte.
7 Sinteino auk pans unledans habaiþ 4 Sóþlice symble ge habbap pearfan
mip izwis, yah pan wileip, magup im mid eow, and donne ge wyllap, ge mag-
waila tauyan; ip mik ni sinteino habaip. on him teala dón; me ge symble nab-
8 patei habaida so gatawida; faursnau 8 Deos sealde det heo hæfde; heo
salbon mein leik du usfilha. com to smyrianne minne lichaman on
9 Amen qipa izwis, piswharuh þei 9 Sóþlice ic eow secge, swá hwar swá
meryada so aiwaggelyo and alla manas- dis gódspell gebodod bip on eallum
ep, yah patei gatawida so, rodyada du middan-earde, bip gebodod, dzet heo dis
PR 1208. on his gemynde dyde.

to Yah ludas Ískarioteis, ains þize io Da Iudas Scarioth, det is wider- |

twalibe, galaip du paim gudyam, ei ga- saca, án of dam twelfum, férde to dam
lewidedi ina im. heah-sacerdum, đæt he hine belæwde.
XIII. 36.-XIV.1o.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 245
not, whanne the lord of the hous when the master of the housse wyll come,
cometh, in the euentide, or in the myd- whether att even, or at mydnyght, whe-
ny3t, or kockis crowynge, or morwynge ; ther att the cocke crowynge, or in the
daunynge ;
36 Lest whanne he schal come sudenly, 36 Lest yff he come sodenly, he shulde
he fynde 30u slepinge. fynde you slepynge.
37 Forsothe that that I seie to 30u, I 37 And that I saye vnto you, I saye
seie to alle, Wake 5e. vnto all men, Watche.

Cmar. XIV. 1 Forsothe pask and the Cuar. XIV. 1 After two dayes fol-
feeste of therf looues! was aftir the owed ester and the dayes of swete breed.
secunde day. And the higeste prestis And the hye prestes and scrybes sought
and scribis sou3ten, hou thei schulden meanes, howe they myght take hym by
holde him with gile, and sle. crafte, and putt hym to deeth.
2 Sothli thei seiden, Not in the feeste 2 Butt they sayde, Nott on the feaste
day, lest perauenture noyse were maad daye, leest eny busynes aryse amonge
in the peple. the people.
3 And whanne he was at Betanye, in 3 When he was in Bethania, in the
the hous of Symount leprous, and restid, housse off Simon the leper, even as he
a womman comynge, hauynge a box of sate att meate, there cam a woman, with
- precious oynement spikanard ; and the an alablaster boxe of oyntment called
_ box brokun, helde out on his heed. narde that was pure and costly ; and
she brake the boxe, and powred it on
his heed.
4 Forsoth ther weren summe beringe 4 There were some that disdayned in
. vnworthily* with ynne hem silf, and them selves, and sayde, What neded this
- seyinge, Wherto is this loss of oynement waste of oyntment ?
. maad?
5 For this oynement myste haue be 5 For it myght have bene soolde for
- sold more than for thre hundrid pens, more then two houndred pens, and bene
. and be 30uun to pore men. And thei geven vnto the povre. And they grudged
- groyneden in to hir. agaynste her.
X 6 Sothli Jhesus seide, Suffre hir ; what 6 And Jesus sayd, Lett her be in reest ;
ibe 3e heuy to hir? she hath wroust good why greve ye her? she hath done a
work in me. goode worke on me.
7 For euer more 5e schulen haue pore 7 Ye and ye shall have povre with you
ð all wayes, and when soever ye will, ye
E “men with 30u, and whanne 3e schulen
- wolle, 5e mown do wel to hem ; forsoth maye do them goode; butt me ye shal
3e schulen not euermore haue me. not have alwayes.
8 She dide that that she hadde ; sche 8 She hath done that she coulde; she
à bifore cam for to anoynte my body into cam a fore honde to anoynt my boddy
f buriynge. to his buryinge warde.
E? Treuli I seie to 30u, where euere this 9 Verely I saye vnto you, wheresoever
— gospel sehal be prechid in al the world, thys gospell shalbe preached thorow out
- and that this womman hath done, scha! the whole worlde, thys also that she
— be told in to mynde of hir. hath done, shalbe rehearsed in remem
braunce of her.
ro And Judas Scarioth, oon of the ro And Judas Iscarioth, won off the
_ twelue, wente to the hizeste prestis, that twelve, went awaye vnto the hye prestes,
he schulde bitray him to hem. to betraye him vnto them.

246 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. |ST. Marx
II Ip eis gahausyandans faginodedun, ir Ðá hi dis gehýrdon hi fahnodon,
yahgahaihaitun imma faihu giban. ven and behéton him feoh to syllanne. Anc
Eb whaiwa gatiiaba ina galewidedi. he smeade hú he hine digellice sealde.

12 Yah o frumistin daga azwme, 12 And dam forman dæge azimorum,

pan paska salidedun, qepun du imma jai dá hi eastron offrodon, his leorning-
siponyos is, Whar wileis ei galeipandans, cnihtas bim sædon, Hwyder wylit da
manwyaima, ei matyais paska? det we faron, and gegearwian dé, det
dú eastron eteÍ
13 Yah insandida twans siponye sein- 13 Dá sende he twegen of his leorning-
aize, qapuh du im, Gaggats in po baurg, cnihtum, and sade him, Gap on da
yah gamoteip igqis manna kas watins ceastre, and ine ágén-yrnp sum man
bairands; gaggats afar pamma. berende sume weter-flaxan ; folgiap
14 Yah padei inngaleipai, qipaits pam- 14 And swá hwyder swá he in-gæþ,
ma heiwafrauyin, patei laisareis qipip, secgap dees hüses hlaforde, U're lareow
Whar sind salipwos, parei paska mip segþ, Hwar is min gyst-hüs and min
siponyam meinaim matyau ? gereord, hwar ete ic eastron mid min-
um leorning- cnihtum?
15 Yah sa izwis taikneip kelikn mikil- 15 And he ine geswütelap mycele
ata gastrawip manwyata, yah yainar healle gedzefte, and gegearwiap us dara.
manwyaip unsis. >
16 Yah usiddyedun pai spon . . 16 Da férdon his leorning-enihtas, and
a . . . . . comon on da ceastre, oad findes hit
eall swá he sade; and gegearwodon da
17 Sóþlice dá æfen com, him twelfum
mid him
18 Sittendum, and etendum, sæde se
Hælend, Sóplice ic eow secge, det eower
án de mid me yt, gesylp me.

19 Dá ongunnon hi beon dreorige, and

betwux him ewedan, Cwyst dü eom ie
hib. 2 2. e 1 EE
20 Da sæde he him, An of eow twelf-
um me sylp, se de his hand on disce
mid me dypp.
21 And witodlice mannes sunu gæþ,
swá be him áwriten is; wa dam men,
purh done de mannes sunu geseald bip.
Betere him wære, det se man ácenned
22 Him dá etendum, áféng se Hælend
hláf, and hine bletsiende bree, and
sealde him, and dus cwæþ, Nimap ; dis
ys min lichama,
23 And onféng calice, and Gode ues |
dyde and sealde him, ‘and ealle him of
24 Da sæde he him, Dis ys min blód
XIV. 11-24.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 947
11 The whiche heerynge ioyeden, and 11 When they herde that they were
bihisten hem to 3yue him money. And gladde, and promised that they wolde
he souste how he schulde bitraye him geve hym money. And he sought
couenably. howe he myght convenyently betraye
12 And the firste day of therue loues, 12 And the fyrst daye of swete breed,
whenne pask was offrid, disciplis seyn when they offered the pascal lambe, his
to him, Whidir wolt thou we go, and disciples sayd vnto hym, Where wylt
make redy to thee, that thou ete pask? thou that we goo, and prepare, that thou
mayste eate the ester lambe?
13 And he sendith tweyne of his dis- 13 And he sent fourth two of his dis-
ciplis, and seith to hem, Go 5e in to the ciples, and sayde vnto them, Goo ye into
citee, and a man beringe a galoun of the cite, and there shall a man mete
watir schal renne to 3ou;' suwe 3e you beringe a pitcher of water; folowe
him. hym.
14 And whidir euere he schal entre, 14 And whidthersoever he goeth in,
seye 3e to the lord of the hous, For the saye ye to the good man off the housse,
maister seith, Wher is my fulfilling,* The master axeth, Where is the geest
where I schal ete pask with my dis- chambre, where I shall eate the ester
ciplis ? lambe with my disciples?
15 And he schal shewe to 30u a greet 15 And he wyll shewe you a greate
souping place strewid, and there make parlour paved and prepared, there make
3e redy to vs. reddy for vs.
16 And his diseiplis wenten forth, and 16 And his disciples went fortb, and
eamen in to the citee, and founde as he cam in to the cite, and founde as he had
hadde seid to hem; and thei maden sayd vnto them; and made reddy the
redy pask. ester lambe.
17 Sothli euen maad, he cam with 17 And att even, he cam with the
twelue. twelve.
18 And hem sittinge at the mete, and 18 And as they sate att borde, and ate,
etinge, Jhesus seith, Treuli I seie to 30u, Jesus sayde, Verly I saye vnto you, that
for oon of 30u that etith with me, schal won off you shall betraye me, which
bitraye me. eateth with me.
19 And thei bigunnen for to be sori, tg And they began to morne, and to
and to seie, ech by hym silf, Whether I? saye to hym, won by won, Ys it I? and
another sayde, Ys it I?
20 The which seith to hem, Oon of 20 He answered and sayd vnto them,
= £welue that puttith yn the hond with It is won of the .xij and the same
me in the plater. depeth with me in the platter.
21 And sothli mannis sone goth, as it 21 The sonne of man goeth, as it is
is writun of him ; forsoth wo to that written of hym ; but woo be to that
man, bi whom mannis sone schal be bi- man, by whome the sonne of man is
trayd. It were good to him, if that betrayed. Goode were hitt for hym, if
ilke man hadde not be borun. that man had never bene borne.
22 And hem etinge, Jhesus took bred, 22 And as they ate, Jesus toke breede,
and blessinge brak, and 3af to hem, and gave thankes, brake it and gave it to
seith, Take 3e; this is my body. them, and sayd, Take, eate ; thys ys my
- 23 And the cuppe takun, he doynge 23 And he toke the coppe, gave
graecis gaf to hem, and alle drunkun thankes and gave it to them, and they
therof, dronke all off it.
24 And he seith to hem, This is my 24 And he sayde vnto them, Thys ys


24N GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. MARK
deere niwan cydnesse, deet bip for man-
egum ágoten.
25 Soplice ic eow secge, deet ic heonon-
forp ne drince of dyses win-geardes
cynne, od done deg donne ie hine
niwne drince on Godes rice.
26 And gecwedenum lofe, hi férdon on
Ele-bergena münt.
27 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Kalle ge beop
ge-untreowsode on disse nihte ; fordam
de hit áwriten is, Ic slea dene hyrde,
and beop da scép todræfede.

28 Ac efter dam de ic arise, ic cume

beféran eow on Galileam.
29 Da sede Petrus him, Deah dé
| ealle swicion, ne swicige ic dé ná.

30 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Sóplice ic dé

secge, Geet dú on disse nihte er hana
tuwa cráwe, priwa wið-sæcst min.

31 And he des de mare sprec, And

deah me gebyrige mid dé to sweltanne,
ae ætsace ic din. And swá hi cwædon
32 Da comon hi to ánum tine, des
nama wes Gezemani. And he cwæþ to
his leorning-cnihtum, Sittap hér, od det
ic me gebidde.
33 And he nam dá mid him Petrum
and Iacobum and lohannem, dá ongan
he forhtian, and sárgian.
34 And sede him, Unrót is min sáwl
od deap; gebidap hér, and waciap.

35 Da he lyt-hwon forp-stóp, he á-
strehte hine ofer da eorpan, and he beed,
gif hit beon mihte, det he on dere tide
fram him gewite.
36 And dà cwæþ he, Abba, det is,
Feder, on tre gepeode, ealle ping dé
synd mihtiglice, afyr dysne calie fram
me; ac ná Geet ic wylle, ac det au.

37 Da com he, and fünde hi slæpende.

And cwæþ to Petre, Simon, slæpst dú?
ne mihtestdü áne tide wacian?

38 Waciap and gebiddap, dst ge on

eostnunge ne gan; witodlice se gast is
gearu, ac det flaése is untrum.
XIV. 25-38.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 249
blood of the newe testament, the which my bloude of the newe testament, which
schal be shedd out for manye. shalbe sheed for many.
25 Treuly I seie to 30u, for now I schal 25 Verely I saye vnto you, I wyll
not drynke of this fruit of vyne, til in drynke no moore off this frute off the
to that daye whanne I schal drynke it vyne, vntyll that daye that I shall
newe in the rewme of God. drynke it newe in the kyngdom of God.
26 And the ympne* seid, thei wenten 26 And when they had sayd gace,
out in to the hil of Olyues. they went out in to the mount Olivete.
27 And Jhesus seith to hem, Alle se 27 And Jesus sayde vnto them, All ye
schulen be sclaundrid in me in this nist; shalbe hurtt thorowe me thys nyght;
for it is writun, I schal smyte the schep- for it is written, I wyll smyte the shep-
herde, and the scheep of the floe schulen heerd, and the sheepe shalbe scattered.
be disparplid.
28 But aftir that I schal ryse azen, I 28 Butt after that I am rysen agayne,
schal go bifore 30u in to Galilee. I wyll goo into Galile before you.
29 Forsoth Petre seith to him, And if 29 Peter sayde vnto hym, And though
- alle schulen be sclaundrid, but not I. all men shulde be hurte, yett wolde
nott I.
3o And Jhesus seith to him, Treuly I 30 And Jesus sayd vnto hym, Verely
seie to thee, for thou to day bifore the I saye vnto the, thys daye even in this
cok in this ny3t twyes 3yue vois, thries nyght before the cocke crowe twyse,
thou ert to denye me. thou shallt deney me thryse.
31 And he spak more, And if it bihoue 31 And he spake boldlyer, No, if I
me to dye to gidere with thee, I schal shulde dey with the, I woll not deny
not denye thee. Sothli and lyk manere the. Lyke wyse also sayd they all.
alle seiden.
32 And thei camen in to a place, to 32 And they cam in to a place, named
whom the name Gethsamany. And he Gethsemani. And he sayde to his dis-
seith to his disciplis, Sitte 3e here, the ciples, Sitt ye here, whyll I goo aparte
while I preie. and praye.
33 And he takith Petre and James 33 And he toke with hym Peter James
and John with him, and bigan for to and Jhon, and he began to waxe abassh-
drede, and to heuye. ede, and to be in an agony.
34 And he seith to hem, My soule is 34 And sayde vnto them, My soule is
— sorwful til to the deeth ; susteyne 3e" very hevy even vnto the deeth; tary
here, and preie 3e with me. here, and watche.
35 And whanne he hadde gon forth a an "And he went forth a lytle, and fell
- litel, he felde down on the erthe, and dounne on the grounde, and prayede,
preiede, that, if it myste be, the our that, yf it were possible, the houre myght
Schulde passe fro him. passe from hym.
' 36 And he seide, Fadir, alle thingis 36 And he sayde, Abba Father, all
= ben possible to thee, turne fro me this thinges are possible vnto the, take awaye
. cuppe; but not that I wole, but that this cuppe from me; neverthelesse nott
that thou. that I wyll butt that thowe wilt be
37 And he cam, and fond hem slep- 37 And he cam, and founde them slep-
ynge. And he seith to Petre, Symount, inge. And sayd to Peter, Simon, slepest
slepist thou? my3tist thou not wake thou? coudest not thou watche with me
with me oon our! one houre ?
38 Wake 5e, and preie 5e, that 3e entre 38 Watche ye, and praye, least ye entre
not in to temptacioun ; forsothe the into temptacion; the sprete is redy but
spirit is redy, but the fleisch syk. the flessh isi weeke.

250 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. MARK /
39 And eft he gebæd da ylcan spræce.

40 And da he hine eft agén-bewende,

he fünde hi slæpende; hyra eagan wær-
on gehefegode. And hi nyston, hwæt
hi him andswaredon.
4I 41 Da com he priddan side, and sæde
him, Slápap nú, and restap ; genóh hit
. . . sai! galewyada sunus mans in ys. Tima ys cumen; nú! is mannes
handuns frawaurhtaize. sunu geseald on synfulra handa.

42 Urreisip, gaggam ; sai! sa lewyands 42 Arisap, uton gân ; nú! is gehende

mik atnewliida. se de me sylp.
43 Yah, sunsaiw nauhpanuh at imma 43 Him da dá gyt sprecendum, com
rodyandin, qam ludas, sums pize twalibe, Iudas Scarioth, det ys widersaca, án of.
yah mip inima managei mip hairum yah danr twelfum, and mid him mycel men-
triwam, fram paim auhumistam gud- egeo mid swurdum and mid sahlum,
yam, yah bokaryam, yah sinistam. fram heah-sacerdum, bócerum, and eald-
44 Atuh pan gaf sa lewyands im 44 Sóþlice his leéwa him tácen sealde,
bandwon, qipands, Pammei kukyau, sa and dus cwæþ, Swa hwylene swá ic
ist; greipip pana, yah tiuhip arniba. cysse, he hit ys; nimap, and lædaþ hine
45 Yah qimands, sunsaiw atgaggands 45 And sóna swá he com, he ge-
du imma, qap, Rabbei, rabbei; yah | nealæhte him to, and cwæþ, Lareow;
kukida imma. and cyste hine.

46 Ip eis uslagidedun handuns ana ina, 46 And hi hyra handa on hine wurpon,
yah undgripun ina. and námon hine. :
47 lp ains sums þize atstandandane 47 Sóþlice án of dam de dar embe
imma, uslukands hairu, sloh skalk auhu- üton stódon, his swurde ábræd, and
mistins gudyins, yah afsloh imma auso sloh dees sacerdes peow, and his eare
fata taihswo. " of-ácearf.
48 Yah andhafyands lesus qap du im, 48 Da cwep se Hælend him and-
Swe du waidedyin urrunnup mip hairum swariende, Swa swa to ánum sceapan
yah triwam, greipan mik ? ge ferdon mid swurdum and treowum,
me gefon?
49 Daga whammeh was at izwis, in alh 49 Donne ie deghwamlice mid eow
laisyands, yah ni gripup mik; ak ei wees, on temple lærende, and ge me ne
usfullnodedeina bokos. námon; ac det da gewritu syn gefyl-
50 Yah afletandans ina, gaþlauhun 50 Da forléton his leorning-onihtas
allai. ealle hyne, and flugon.
51 Yah ains sums yuggalauþs laistida 51 Sum iungling him fyligde, mid anre
afar imma, biwaibips leina ana naqad- scytan bewæfed nacod; and hi námon
ana; yah gripun is pai yuggalaudeis, hine.

52 Íþ is bileipands pamma leina, naqaps 52 Da áworpenre dere scytan, nacod

gaplauh faura im. he him fram fleah. ;
53 Yah gatauhun lesu du auhumistin 53 And hi leddon dene Heélend to
gudyin, Yah garunnun mip imma, dam heah-sacerde. And comgn ealle
XIV. 39-53.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 251
39 And eftsoone he goynge preiede, 39 And agayne he went awaye and
the same word seyinge. prayde, and spake the same wordes.
40 And he turnyd asen eftsoone, fond 40 And he returned, and founde them
hem slepinge ; sothli her ysen were aslepe agayne ; for their eyes were hevy.
greuyd. And thei knewen not, what Nether coulde they tel, what they
thei schulden answere to him. myght answere to hym.
41 And he cam the thridde tyme, and 41 And he cam the thyrde tyme, and
seith to hem, Slepe 5e nowe, and reste sayd vnto them, Slepe hens forth, and
3e; sothli it sufficith. The our cometh ; take youre ease; it is ynough. The
loo! mannis sone schal be bitrayed in houre is come ; beholde! the sonne of
to hondis of synful men. man shalbe delyvred into the hondes
of synners.
42 Ryse 3e, go we; loo! he that schal 42 Ryse vppe, let vs goo; loo! he
bytraye me is ny3. that betrayeth me is come nye.
43 And, 3it him spekinge, Judas Sca- 43 And immediatly, whill he yett spake,
rioth, oon of the twelue, cam, and with cam Judas, won off the twelve, and. with
him moche cumpeny with swerdis and hyme a greate nomber off people with
staues, sent fro the hizeste prestis, and sweardes and staves, from the hye prest:s,
scribis, and fro the eldere men. and scribes, and seniours.

44 Forsothe the traitour hadde 3ouun 44 He that betrayed hym gave them
to hem a tokene, seyinge, Whom euere a generall token, sayinge, Whosoever I
I schal kisse, he it is; holde 3e him, do kisse, he it is; take hym, and leade
and lede 3e warly.* hym awaye warely.
45 And whanne he cam, anon he com- 45 And as sone as he was come, he
inge to him, seith, Maistir; and he went streight waye to him, and sayd
kisside him. vnto hym, Master, master; and kissed
46 And thei layden hondis in to him, 46 And they leyde their hondes on
and heelden him. him, and toke him.
47 Sothli oon of men stondinge aboute, 47 Won off them that stode by, drue
ledinge out a swerd, smot the seruaunt out a swearde, and smote a servaunt off
of the hiseste prest, and kitte of to him | the hye preste, and cutt off hys eare.
an eere.
48 And Jhesus answeringe seith to 48 And Jesus answered and sayd vnto
hem, As to a thef 5e han gon out with them, Ye cam out as vnto a thefe with
swerdis and staues, for to take me sweardes and with staves, ffor to take
i: me?
- 49 Forsoth day by day I was at sou, 49 I was dayly with you in the temple,
techinge in the temple, and 3e heelden teachinge, and ye toke me not ; but
not me; but that the scripturis be ful- that the scriptures shulde be fulfilled.
50 Thanne him forsakun, alle his dis- 50 And they all forsoke hym, and
eiplis fledden. ranne awaye.
51 Sothli sum song man, clothid with 51 And there was a certeyne yonge
lynnen cloth on the bare, suede him; man thatt folowed hym, cloothed in
and thei heelden him. linnen apon the bare; and the yonge
men caught hym.
52 And the lynnen cloth forsakun, he 52 And he lefte his lynnen, and fleed
nakid fleiz awey fro hem. from them nakeed. à
53 And thei ledden Jhesu to the hiseste 53 And they leedde Jesus awaye to the
prest. And all camen to gidere in to hyest preste off all. And to hym came
GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [St. Mark
and bóceras and ealdras to-
auhumistans gudyans allai yah pai sinis- sacerdas
tans yah bokaryos. geedere.
54 Yah Paitrus fairrapro laistida afar g4 Petrus him fyligde feorran od des
heah-sacerdes cafer-tún. And he sæt
imma unte qam in garda pis auhumistins
eudyins. Yah was sitands mip and- mid dam þénum, and wyrmde hine æt
bahtam, yah warmyands sik at liuhada. dam fyre.

55 Tp pai auhumistans gudyans, yah 55 Da heah-sacerdas sóhton, and eall

alla so gafaurds, sokidedun ana lesu gepeaht, tale ágén done Helend, deet
weitwodipa, du afdaupyan ina; yah ni hi hine to deape sealdon; and hi ne
bigetun. fandon.
56 Managai auk galiug weitwodidedun 56 Manega sxdon lease gecydnysse
ana ina, yah samaleikos pos weitwodipos ágén hine, and da cydnessa næron
ni wesun. dæslice.
57 Yah sumai usstandandans galiug 57 Da árison sume and sædon lease
weitwodidedun ana ina, qipandans, cydnesse ágén hine, and dus ewædon,

58 Patei weis gahausidedum qipandan 58 Sópes we gehyrdon hine seegan, Ie

ina, Patei ik gataira alh po handuwaurh- towurpe dis hand-worhte tempel, and
ton, yah bi prins dagans anpara un- efter prim dagum ie oder unhand-worht
handuwaurhta gatimrya. getimbrie. |
59 Yah ni swa samaleika was weit- 59 And hyra cjdnys næs deeslic.
wodipa ize. s
60 Yah usstandands sa auhumista 60 Da árás sum heah-sacerd on hyra
gudya in midyaim, frah lesu, qipands, midlene, and áhsode dene Hælend, Ne
Niu andhafyis waiht wha pai ana puk andswarast Gi nan ping ágén det das
weitwodyand ? dé onwurpaþ ? !

61 Ip is pahaida, yah waiht ni andhof. 61 He süwode, and náht ne and-

Aftra sa auhumista gudya frah ina, yah swarode. Eft hine acsode se heah-
qap du imma, Pu is Christus, sa sunus sacerd, Eart dú Crist, des gebletsodan
pis Piupeigins? i Godes sunu?

62 lp is qapuh, Ik im; yah gasai- 62 Dá sæde se Hælend, Ie eom ; and

whip pana sunu mans af taihswon ge geseop mannes sunu on swydran
sitandan mahtais, yah qimandan mip healfe sittan his mægenes, and cumende
milhmam himinis. mid heofones genipum.
63 Ip sa auhumista gudya, disskreit- 63 Da ewæþ se heah-sacerd, his reaf
ands wastyos seinos, qap, Wha panamais slitende, Hwi gewilnige we gyt cydera?
paurbum weis weitwode ?
64 Hausidedup po wayamerein is. Wha 64 Ge gehyrdon his bysmer. Hwæt
izwis pugkeip? Paruh eis allai ga- pinch eow? ba hyrwdon hi ealle hine
domidedun ina skulan wisan daupau. and ewædon det he were deapes scyl-
65 Yah dugunnun sumai speiwan ana 65 And sume águnnon him on spætan,
wlit is, yah hulyan audwairpi is, yah and ofer-wreon his ansyne, and mid
kaupatyan ina, yah qejun du imma, fystum hine beoton, and him to ewædon,
Praufetei. Yah andbahtos gabauryaba Aræd. And da pénas hine mid handum .
lofam slohun ina. beoton. -
66 Yah wisandin Paitrau in rohsnai 66 And dá Petrus wæs on cafer-tüne,
dalapa, yah atiddya aina piuyo pis auhu- dá com to him án pinen des heah-
mistins gudyins. sacerdes.
XIV. 54-66.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 253
oon, the prestis and the scribis and | all, the hye prestes and the seniours and
eldere men. the scribes.
54 Forsoth Petre suede him afer til 54 And Peter folowed a greate way of
with ynne in to the halle of the hijeste even into the pallys of the hye preste.
prest. And he sat with the mynystris, And he was there and sat with the ser-
and warmyde him at the fier. vauntes, and warmed hymsilfe att the
55 Forsothe the hizeste prestis, and al 55 And the hye prestes, and all the
the counceil, sou3ten witnessinge ajens counsell, sought for witnes agaynste
Jhesu, that thei schulen 3yue him to Jesu, to putt hym to deeth ; and they
deeth ; nether thei founden. founde noone.
56 Sothli manye seiden fals witness- 56 Yett many bare falce witnes a-
inge a3ens him, and the witnessingis gaynste hym, butt their witnes aggreed
weren not couenable. not to gedder.
57 And summe risynge sousten fals 57 And there aroose certayne and
witnessing agens hym, seyinge, brought falce witnes againste hym, say-
58 For we han herd him seiynge, I 58 We herde hym saye; I wyll destroye
schal vndo this temple maad with hondis, this temple made with hondes, and with
and aftiv the thridde day I schal bilde in thre dayes I wyll bilde another made
a nother not maad with hondis. with out hondes.
59 Aud the witnessing of hem was not 59 And there witnes aggreed not to
couenable. gedder.
6o Forsothe the hizeste prest rysinge 60 And the hyeste preste stode vppe
yp in to the myddel, axide him, sey- before them all, and axed Jesus, say-
inge, Answerist thou not ony thing to inge, Answerest thou nothinge, howe is
tho thingis that ben put to thee of it that these beare witnes agaynst the?
6r Sothli he was stille, and no thing 61 And he helde his peace, and an-
answeride. Eftsoone the higest prest swered noothynge. Agayne the hyeste
axide him, and seide to him, Ert thou preste axed hym, and sayde vnto hym,
Crist, the sone of blessid God ? Arte thou Christ, the sonne off the
62 Sothli Jhesus seide to him, I am ; 62 And Jesus sayde, I am; and ye
and 3e schulen se mannis sone sittinge shall se the sonne off man sitt on the
ryght honde of power, and come in the
E[ on the ri3t half of the vertu
and comynge in cloudis of heuene.
of God,
cloudes off heven.
63 Forsoth the higest prest, kittinge 63 Then the hyest preste rent his
his elothis, seith, What 3it desyren we cloothes, and sayd, What nede we eny
i witnessis ? : further of witnes?
64 3e han herde blasphemye. What 64 Ye have herde the blasphemy. What
semeth to 30u% The whiche alle con- thinke ye? And they all gave sentence
dempneden him for to be gilty of deeth. that he was worthy of deeth.

65 And summe bigunnen for to bispitte 65 And some began to spit at hym,
him, and to hide his y3en, and smyte and to cover his face, and to bet hym
him with boffatis, and seie to him, Pro- with their fistes, and to saye vnto him,
phecie thou. And the mynystris beeten Arede vnto vs. And the servauntes
him with strokis.* boffeted him on the face.
66 And whanne Petre was in the halle 66 And Peter was beneeth in the pallys,
bynethen, oon of the hand maydens of and there cam won off the wenches off
the hisest prest cam. the hyest preste.
954 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Mark
67 Yah gasaiwhandei Paitru warm- 67 And dá heo geseah Petrum wyrm-
yandan sik, insaiwhandei du imma qap, ende, dá ewsp heo, Da were mid dam
Yah pu mip lesua pamma Nazoreinau Nazareniscan Hælende.
68 Ip is afaiaik, qipands, Ni wait, 68 Da ætsóc he, and cwep, Ie nat, ne
kann, wha pu qipis. Yah galaip em ne can, hwæt dú segst. And he eode
gard; yah hana wopida. da of dam cafer-túne; and se hana
creow. :
69 Yah piwi gasaiwhandei ina, aftra 69 Eft dá hine gecneow oder pinen,
dugann qipan paim faurastandandam, heo ongan ewedan to dam de dar ábütan
Patei sa pizei ist. stódon, Soplice des ys of dam.

7o lp is aftra laugnida. Yah afar 7o And he eft sztsóc. And eft da

leitil, aftra pai atstandandans, qepun du ymbe lytel, da de æt-stódon ewædon
Paitrau, Bi sunyai pizel is,. . . . to Petre, Sóplice dü eart of dam, Ga-
yah auk razda peina galeika ist. lilerso rdu eart e m E

71 lp is dugann afaikan yah swaran, 41 Da ongan he ætsacan and swerian,

patei ni kann pana mannan, panei qipip. Sóþes ne can ic dzne man, de ge secgap.

72 Yah anparamma sinpa hana wopida. 72 And dà eft-sóna creow se hana.

Yah gamunda Paitrus pata waurd swe Dá gemunde Petrus des Hælendes
qap imma lesus, patei faurpize hana worde de he him sæde, Ær se hana
hrukyai twaim sinpam, inwidis mik prim cráwe tuwa, priwa dü me eetseest. Da
sinpam. Yah dugann greitan. ongan he wépan.

Crap. XV. r Yah sunsaiw in maur- Cumar. XV. 1 Da sóna on mergen,

gin, garuni tauyandans pai auhumistans worhton da heah-sacerdas hyra gemót
wudyans, mip paim sinistam, yah bok- mid ealdrum, and bócerum, and eallum
aryam, yah alla so gafaurds, gabindand- werodum, and læéddon dene Heélend,
ans lesu, brahtedun ina at Peilatau. gebündenne, and sealdon hine Pilato.

2 Yah frah ina Peilatus, Pu is piudans 2 Da ácsode Pilatus hine, Eart du

Íudaie ? Ip is andhafyands yap du imma, Iudea cyning? Da andswarode he him,
Pu qipis. Ðú hit segst.
3 Yah wrohidedun ina pai auhumistans 3 Ðá wrégdon hine da heah-sacerdas
gudyans filu. on manegum pingum.
4 Ip Peilatus aftra frah ina, qipands, 4 Eft Pilatus hine acsode, Ne and-
Niu andhafyis ni waiht? Sai, whan swarast du nan ping! Lóca, hu micel-
filu ana puk weitwodyand ? um hi dé wrégeap ?

5 Ip lesus panamais ni andhof, swaswe 5 Da ne andswarode se Hælend him

sildaleikida Peilatus. na mire, swá det Pilatus wundrode.
6 Ip and dulp wharyoh fralailot im 6 On symbel-dege wes his gewuna.
ainana bandyan, panei bedun. dæt he him forgeafe ænne gebundenne,
swa hwylene swa hi bædon.
7 Wasuh pan sa haitana Barabbas, mip 7 Da bædon hi Barraban, se wes ge-
| aim mipi imma drobyandam gabundans, bünden mid dam ræplingum, se þurh
| viel in auhyodau maurpr gatawidedun. swic-eræft man-slyht geworhte.
XIV. 67.-XV. 7.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 955
67 And whanne sche hadde seyn Petre 67 And when she sawe Petre warm-
warmynge him, sche biholdinge him ynge hym silfe, she loked on hym and
seith, And thou wast with Jhesu of sayd, Wast not thou also with Jesus of
. Nazareth. Nazareth ?
68 And he denyede, seyinge, Nethir I 68 And he denyed it, sayinge, I knowe
woot, nether I haue knowun, what thou hym not, nether wott I, what thou sayest.
seist. And he wente forth bifore the And he went out in to the poorche;
halle; and anon the cok song. and the cocke crewe.
69 Eftsone forsothe whanne a nother 69 And a damsell sawe hym, and
hand mayde hadde seyn him, she bigan agayne began to saye to them that stode
for to seie to men stondinge aboute, For by, Thys ys won of them.
this is of hem.
70 And he eftsone denyede. And aftir 7o And he denyed yt agayne. And
a litil, eftsoone thei that stooden ny3, anon after, agayne they that stode by,
seiden to Petre, Verily thou ert of hem, sayde to Peter, Suerly thou arte won off
forwhi and thou ert of Galilee. . . them, for thou arte of Galile, and thy
speache agreth therto.
71 Sothli he bigan for to curse and 71 And he began to coursse and to
swere, For I knowe not this man, whom sweare, sayinge, I knowe nott thys man,
3e seyn. off whom ye speake.
72 And anon eftsoones the cok song. 72 And agayne the cocke crewe. And
And Petre bithouste on the werd that Peter remembred the worde that Jesus
Jhesus hadde seid to him, Bifore the sayd vnto him, Before the cocke crowe
cok synge twyes, thries thou schalt twyse, thou shalt deny me thryse. And
denye me. And he bigan for to wepe. began to wepe.

Crap. XV. 1 And anon the morwe Crap. XV. 1 And anon in the dawn-
maad, the hiseste prestis, makinge coun- ynge, heelde the hye prestes a counsell
ceil with the eldere men, and scribis, with the seniours, and the scribes, and
and al the counceil, byndinge Jhesu, also the whoole congregacion, and bounde
ledden, and bitooken to Pilat. Jesus, and ledde hym awaye, and de-
lyvered hym to Pilate.
. 2 And Pilat axide him, Art thou kyng 2 And Pilate axed hym, Arte thou the
of Jewis? And he answeringe seith to kynge off the Jewes? And he answered .
him, Thou seyst. and sayde vnto hym, Thou sayest yt.
- 3 And the hijeste prestis accusiden 3 And the hye prestes accused hym off
him in manye thingis. many thynges.
4 Pilat forsothe eftsoone axide him, 4 Pylate axed hym agayne, sayinge,
seyingé, Thou answerist not ony thing! Answerest thou nothynge? Behoolde,
Seest thou, in how manye thingis thei howe many thinges they lay vnto thy
accusen thee? charge?
. 5 Forsothe Jhesus more no thing an- 5 Jesus yett answered never a worde,
sweride, so that Pilat schulde wondre. so that Pilate merveled.
6 Forsoth by a solemne day he was 6 Att the feast Pilate was wont to
wont to leeue to hem oon bounden, delyvre att their pleasure à presoner,
whom euere thei axiden. whomsoever they wolde desyre.
7 Forsoth there was he that was seid 7 And there was one named Barrabas,
Barabas, that was boundun with sleeris which laye bounde with them that
of men, and that hadde don manslau3tre caused in surrettion, and in the in sur-
„in seducioun.* rection committed murther,
256 GOTHIC, 360 ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [St. Mark
8 Yah usgaggandei alla managei, du- 8 And dá he férde, dá ongan seo
gunnun bidyan, swaswe sinteino tawida menegeu hine biddan, swà heo symle
im. dyde.
9 lp Peilatus andhof im, qipands, 9 Da cwæþ Pilatus, Wye ge det ic
Wileidu fraleitan izwis pana piudan eow forgyfe Iudea cyning?
Iudaie ?
10 Wissa auk, patei in neipis atgebun 10 He wiste, det purh andan hine
ina pai auhumistans gudyans. sealdon da heah-sacerdas.
11 Ip pai auhumistans gudyans in- 1I Da ástyredon da bisceopas da men-
wagidedun po managein, ei mais Barab- egu, det he him Barraban forgéfe.
ban fralailoti im.
12 ]p Peilatus aftra andhafyands qaþ 12 Eft Pilatus him andswarode, Hwæt
du im, Wha nu wileip ei tauyau pammei do ic be Iudea cyninge?
qipip piudan Íudaie !

13 Íþ eis aftra hropidedun, Ushramei 13 Hi eft hrymdon and ewedon, Hóh

ina. hine.
14 lp Peilatus qap du im, Wha allis 14 Da sede Pilatus, Hweet yfeles dyde
ubilis gatawida? Ip eis mais hropi- he? Hi des de ma clypedon, A’hoh
dedun, Ushramei ina. hine.
15 Ip Peilatus wilyands pizai managein 15 Pilatus wolde dá dam folce ge- |
fullafahyan, fralailot im pana Barabban, cwéman, and forgef him Barraban, and
ip lesu atgaí, usbliggwands, ei ushramips sealde Um done Hælend, beswungenne,
wesi. dæt he áhangen ware.
16 Ip gadrauhteis gatauhun ina innana 16 Da læddon da cempan hine on des
gardis, patei ist praitoriaun, yah ga- dóm-ernes cafer-tún, and hi tosomne
haihaitun alla hansa, eall werod clypedon,

17 Yah gawasidedun ina paurpurai. 17 And serýddon hine mid purpuran.

Yah atlagidedun ana ina þaurneina wipya, And him onsetton pyrnenne helm, áwun-
uswindandans ; denne ;
18 Yah dugunnun golyan ina, Hails, 18 And ongunnon hine dus grétan,
piudan Tudaie. Hal wes, da Iudea cyning.
I9 Yah slohun is haubip rausa, yah 19 And beoton hine on dat heafod
bispiwun ina; yah lagyandans kniwa mid hreode, and spætton him on; and
Inwitun ina. heora cneow bigdon and hine ge-ead-
20 Yah bipe bilailaikun ina, andwasi- 20 And syddan hi hine bysmrydon,
dedun ina pizai paurpurai, yah gawasi- unserýddon hine dam purpuran, and
dedun ina wastyom swesaim, yah ustauh- scryddon hine mid his reafum, and
un ina, ei ushramidedeina ina. læddon hine, det. hi hine ahéngon.
21 Yah undgripun sumana manne, 21 And genyddon sumne wegférendne;
Seimona Kwreinaiu, qimandan af akra, Simonem Cyreneum, cumende of dam
attan Alaiksandraus yah Rufaus, ei nemi tine, Alexandres feeder and Rufi, ðæt
galgan is. he his róde bære.

22 Yah attauhun ina ana Gaulgaupa 22 And hi læddon hine on ða stówe

stap, patei ist gaskeirip Whairneins Golgotha, det is on ure gepeode gereht,
staþs. Heafodpannena stow.
23 Yah gebun imma drigkan wein mip 23 And sealdon him gebiterod win,
smwrna, ipiis ni nam. and he hit ne onfeng.
XV.8-23.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 957
8 And whanne the cumpany hadde 8 And the people called vnto hym, and
stize vp, he bigan for to preye, as he began to desyre off hym, accordinge as
euermore dide to hem. he had ever done vnto them.
9 Sothely Pilat answeride to hem, and 9 Pylate answered them, and sayd,
seide, Wolen 5e I leeue to 30u the kyng Wyll ye that I loose vnto you the kynge
of Jewis ! off the Jewes?
to Sothli he wiste, that the hiseste to For he knewe, that the hye prestes
prestis hadden taken him by enuye. had delyvered hym off envy.
rr Forsothe the bischopis stireden the rr Butt the hye prestes had moved
cumpenye of peple, that more he schulde the people, that he shulde rather delyvre
leeue to hem Barabas. Barrabas vnto them.
12 Forsoth eftsoone Pilat answeringe 12 Pylate answered agayne and sayd
seith to hem, What therfore wolen 3e I vnto them, What wyll ye then that I do
schal do to the kyng of Jewis? with hym whom ye call the kynge of
the Jewes ?
13 And thei eftsoone crieden, Crucifie 13 And they cryed agayne, Crucify
hym.* | hym.
14 Forsoth Pilat seide to hem, Sothli 14 Pylate sayde vnto them, What
what of yuel hath he don? And thei harme hath he done? And they cryed
crieden more, Crucifie him. the moore fervently, Crucifi hym.
15 Sothli Pilat willinge for to do ynow 15 Pylate willinge to content the peo-
to the peple, lefte to hem Barabas, and ple, loused Barrabas, and delyvered Je-
bitook to hem Jhesu, smytent with sus scourged, for to be crucifyed.
scourgis, that he schulde be crucified.
< 16 Forsothe kny3tis ledden him with- 16 And the souddeers ledde hym a-
ynne, in to the floor of the moot halle, waye, in to the commen hall, and called
and clepiden to gidere al the cumpenye togedder all the whoole multitude,
of kny3tis,
17 And clothiden him with purpur. 17 And they clothed hym wyth purple.
And thei foldinge a corowne of thornes, And they plated a croune off thornes,
puttiden to him ; and crouned hym with all;
18 And bigunnen for to greet him, 18 And began to salute hym, Hayl,
sayinge, Hail, thou kyng of Jewis. kynge off the Jewes.
19 And thei smyten his heed with a 19 And they smoote hym on the heed
. reede, and bispatten him; and puttinge with a rede, and spatt apon hym ; and
her knees thei worshipiden him. kneled doune and worsheped hym.
20 And aftir that thei hadden scornyd 20 And when they had moocked him,
him, thei vnelothiden him fro purpur, and they toke the purple off him, aud put
clothedyn him with his clothis, and led- his awne cloothes on him, and ledde him
den him, that thei schulde crucifie him. oute, to crucify him.
21 And thei constreyneden sum man 21 And they compelled won that
passynge forth, Symount of Syrenen, passed by, called Simon of Cerene,
comynge fro the town, the fadir of Alys- which cam oute of the felde, and was
andre and Rufe, that he schulde take father off Alexander and Rufus, to
his cross. beare hys crosse.
22 And thei ledden him in to a place 22 And they brought him to a place
- Golgotha, that is interpretid,! the place named Golgotha, which is by interpre-
of Caluarie. tacion, the place off deed mens scoulles.
23 And thei 3auen him for to drynke 23 And they gave him to drynke wyne
wyn meddelid with myrre, and he took myngled with mirre, butt he receaved
not. it not.
958 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [St. MARK

24 Yah ushramyandans ina disdail- 24 And dá hi hine áhéngon hi dældon

yand wastyos is, wairpandans hlauta ana his reaf, and hlotu wurpon, hwæt gehwa
pos, wharyizuh wha nemi. nàme.

25 Wasuh pan wheila pridyo, yah 25 Dá wes undern-tid, and hi áhéngon

ushramidedun ina. hine,
26 Yah was ufarmeli fairinos 1s ufar- 26 And ofer-gewrit his gyltes wees
melip, Sa piudans Íudaie. awriten, IUDEA. CYNING.

27 Yah mip imma ushramidedun twans 27 And hi áhéngon mid him twegen
waidedyans, ainana af taihswon, yah sceaþan, anne on his swýðran healfe,
ainana af hleidumein is. and óderne on his wynstran.
28 Yah usfullnoda pata gamelido pata 28 Da wes det gewrit gefylled det
qipano, Yah mip unsibyaim rahnips was. cwyp, And he wes mid unrihtwisum
29 Yah pai faurgaggandans wayameri- 29 And da de forp-stópon hine greme-
dedun ina, wipondans haubida seina, yah don, and hyra heafod ewehton, and dus d

qipandans, O! sa gatairands po alh, yah cwædon, Wala! se towyrpp dzet tempel,

bi prins dagans gatimryands po ; and on prim dagum eft getimbrap ;

30 Nasei puk silban, yah atsteig af 30 Gehæl dé sylfne, of dere róde

pamma galgin. stigende. ;
31 Samaleiko yah pai ~ auhumistans 31 Eall-swá da heah-sacerdas bysm-
gudyans bilaikandans ina, mip sis misso, riende, betwux dam bócerum, ewadon,
mip paim bokaryam, qepun, Anparans O'dre he hále gedyde, hine sylfne he ne
ganasida, ip sik silban ni mag ganasyan. meg hálne gedón.

32 Sa Christus, sa piudans Israelis, 32 Crist, Israhela cyning, astige nú

atsteigadau nu af pamma galgin, ei ga- of róde, det we gescon, and gelyfon.
saiwhaima, yah galaubyaima. Yah pai And da de him mid hangodon, wæron
mipushramidans imma, idweitidedun im- him mid gebündene.
ma. i
33 Yah bipe warp wheila saihsto, riqis 33 And dere syxtan tide, wurdon |
warp ana allai airpai und wheila niun- þýstru gewordene geond ealle eorpan
don. " od nón-tide.
34 Yah niundon wheilai wopida lesus 34 And to nón-tide se Hælend clypode |
stibnai mikilai, qipands, Ailoe, Ailoe, mycelre stemne, Heloi, Heloi, lema sab- .
lima sibakpanei, patei ist gaskeirip, Gup battani, det is on tire gepeode, Min
meins, Gup meins, duwhe mis bilaist? God, min God, hwi forlete du me?

35 Yah sumai pize atstandandane ga- 35 And sume de dar ábüton stódon
hausyandans qepun, Sai! Helian wopeip. and dis gehyrdon, hi ewedon, Nú! des
clypap Heliam.
36 Pragyands pan ains, yah gafullyands 36 Da arn hyra án, and fylde ane
swam akeitis, galagyands ana raus, dragk- spingan mid ecede, and on hreod sette,
ida ina, qipands, Let, ei saiwham, qimaiu and him drincan sealde, and cweb,
Helias athafyan ina. Lætaþ, det we geseon, hwæðer Helias
cume hine nyder to settanne. i
37 Ip Jesus, aftra letands stibna mikila, 37 Se Helend, dá ásende his stefne,
uzon. and forp-ferde.
38 Yah faurahah alhs disskritnoda in 38 And dus temples wah-rift wees
XV. 24-38.] WYCLIFFE, 1589. TYNDALE, 1526. 259
24 And thei crucifiynge him departiden | 24 And when they had crucified hym
his clothis, sendinge lot, who what they parted hys garmentes, castinge
schulde take. loottes for them, what every man shulde
25 Forsoth it was the thridde our,* and 25 And it was aboute the thyrde houre,
thei crucifieden him. and they crucifyed hym.
26 And the title of his cause was writ- 26 And the title of the cause of hys
un, Jhesus of Nazareth, kyng of Jewis. deeth was wrytten, The kynge of the
27 And thei crucifien with him twey 27 And they erucifyed with him two
theues, oon at the risthalf, and oon at theves, the one on his ryght honde, and
his lefthalf. the other on hys lifte honde.
28 And the prophecie is fulfild that 28 And the scripture was fulfilled
seith, And he is gessidet with wickide which sayeth, And he was counted
men. amonge the wicked.
.29 And passinge forth thei blasfem- 29 And they that went by rayled on
yden him, mouynge her heedis, and sey- hym, waggynge their heedes, and say-
inge, Fy3! thou that distroyest the inge A! wretche that destroyest the
temple of God, and in thre dayes azen temple, and byldest yt in thre dayes ;
bildest it ;
30 Thou comynge down fro the cros, 30 Save thy silfe, and come doune
make thi self saf. from the crosse.
j 31 Also and the hizeste prestes scorn- 31 Lyke wyse also mocked him the
ynge him, ech to other, with scribis, hye preestes, amonge themselves, whyth
seiden, Crist, kyng of Yrael, maade the scribes, and sayde, He saved other
othere men saf, he maye not saue him men, hym silfe he cannot save.
32 Come he down now fro the cross, 32 Lett Christ, the kynge of Israel,
that we se, and bileue. And thei that nowe descende from the crosse, that we
weren crucified with him, puttedyn maye se, and beleve. And they that
wrong! to him. were crucified with him, checked hym
33 And the sixte ourt maad, derk- 33 And when the sixte houre was
nessis ben maad vpon al the erthe til in come, darknes aroose over all the erth
to the nynthe our.* vntill the nynthe houre.
J 34 And iu the nynthe our Jhesus 34 And att the nynthe houre Jesus
criede with greet vois, seyynge, Heloy, eryed with a loude voyce, sayinge, Eloi,
— Heloy, lamazabatany, the which inter- Eloi, lama sabaththani, which is yf yt
pretid is; My God, my God, whi* hast be interpreted, My God, my God, why
. thou forsake me? hast thou forsaken me?
b 35 And summe of men stondinge 35 And some off them that stode by
. aboute heeringe seiden, Lo! he clepith when they herde that sayde, Behoolde!
à. Hely. he calleth for Helias.
36 Sothli oon rennynge, and fillinge a 36 And won ran, and filled a sponge
= Sponge with vynegre, and puttinge a- full off veneger, and putt yt on a rede,
. boute to a reede, aue him drynke, sey- and gave it hym to. drynke, sayinge,
inge, Suffre 3e, se we, if Hely come for Lett hym alone, let vs se, whither Helias
. to do hym down. wyll come and take hym doune.
n 37 Forsoth Jhesus, a greet vois sent 37 Butt Jesus cryed with a loude voyce,
. out, deiede.* and gave vppe the gooste.
38 And the veil of the temple is kitt 38 And the vayle off the temple did
260 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Mark

‘wa iupapro und dalap. tosliten on twá of ufeweardum od neode- —

de dar stód
39 Gasaiwhands pan sa hundafaps, sa | 39 Da se hundred-man, Í
atstandands in andwairpya is, patei swa ácén, geseah dæt se Hælend swa elyp-
Soplice, des
hropyands uzon, qap, Bi sunyai, sa manna | iende forp-férde, he ewzep,
sa sunus was Gups. man wes Godes sunu.

40 Wesunup-pan qinons fairrapro saiwh- 40 And da wif wæron feorran beheald-

andeins, in paimei was Marya so Mag- ende, and betwux dam wees seo Mag-
dalene, yah Marya Íakobis pis minniz- dalenisce Maria, and Maria Iacobes
ins, yah losezis aipei, yah Salome. médor [des gingran, and losepes mód-
er,]* and Salomeæ.
4I Yah pan was in Galeilaia, yah 41 And dá he wes on Galilea, hi
laistidedun ina, yah andbahtidedun im- fyligdon him, and him þénedon, and
ma, yah anparos managos, pozei mipid- manega ódre, de him mid férdon on
dyedun imma in Íairusalem. lerusalem.

42 Yah yupan at andanahtya waurp- 42 And ðí æfen wes geworden, det

anamma, unte was paraskaiwe saei ist wies parasceue det is er sæter-dæge,
fruma sabbato, — —
43 Qimands losef af Areimapaias, ga- 43 Da com Iosep, se æðela geréfa, of
guds ragineis, saei was silba beidands Arimathia, se sylfa Godes rices ge-
piudangardyos Gups; anananpyands ga- anbidode; and he dyrstigliee in to
laip inn du Peilatau, yah bap pis leikis Pilate eode, and bed des Helendes
lesuis. lichaman.
44 lp Peilatus sildaleikida, ei is yupan 44 Da wundrode Pilatus, gif he da
gaswalt. Yah athaitands pan hundafap, gyt forþ-férde. Da clypode he dene a
frah ina, yupan gadaupnodedi ; hundredman, and hine áhsode, hwæðer
he dead wzre ;
45 Yah finpands at pamma hundafada, 45 Dá he wiste det, da agef he done
fragaf pata leik Losefa. lichaman Iosepe.

46. Yah usbugyands lein, yah usnim- 46 Da bohte Iosep ane seýtan, . . =
ands ita, biwand pamma leina, yah ga- and hine dar-on befeold, and on byrgene
lagida ita in hlaiwa patei was gadraban léde seo wes of stane áheawen, and
us staina, yah atwalwida stain du daura wylte ánne stán to dere byrgene dura!
pis hlaiwis.

247 Ip Marya so Magdalene, yah Marya 47 Dá com Maria Magdalene, and

losezis sewhun, whar galagips wesi. Iosepes Maria and beheoldon, hwar he
geléd wære.

Cuar. XVI. 1 Yah inwisandins sab- Cmar. XVI. 1 And dá seternes

bate dagis, Marya so Magdalene, yah dæg wes ágán, seo Magdalenisce Maria,
Marya so Iakobis, yah Salome usbauht- and Iacobes Maria, and Salomez bohton
edun aromata, ei atgaggandeins gasalb- wyrt gemang, det hi comon and hine
odedeina ina. smýredon.
2 Yah filu air pis dagis afarsabbate, 2 And swyde ær ánum reste-dæge,
atiddyedun du pamma hlaiwa, at urrinn- comon to dere byrgene, up-ásprungenre
andin sunnin. sunnan. i
XV. 39.-XVI. 2.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 261
in to tweyne fro the hiseste til to rent in two parties from the toppe to
down.* the boottome.
39 Forsoth centurio seynge, the which 39 And the vnder captayne, which stode
stood euene asenst, for so ériynge he before hym, sawe that he so eryed and
hadde deied, seith, Verrili, this man was gave vppe the gooste, and he sayd,
Goddis sone. Truely, this man was the sonne of
40 Sothli there weren and othere wym- 40 There were also wemen a good waye
men biholdinge fro affer, among whiche of beholdinge him, amonge whom was
was Mary Mawdeleyn, and Mari of Mary Magdalen, and Mary the mother
James the lasse, and modir of Joseph, of James the lytle, and of Joses, and
and Salome. Mary Salome.
41 And whanne Jhesus was in Galilee, 41 Which alsoo when he was in Galile,
thei folowiden him, and mynystriden to folowed hym, and minstred vnto him,
him, and manye othere wymmen, that and many other wemen, which cam vppe
to gidere stiseden vp with him to Jeru- with hym to Hierusalem.
42 And whanne euentyd was now 42 And nowe when nyght was come,
maad, for it was the euentyd bifore the because it was the even that goeth be-
saboth, fore the saboth,
43 Joseph of Armathie, the noble de- 43 Joseph of Arimathia, a noble senatour,
eurioun,! cam, the which and he was which also loked for the kyngdom of
abidinge the rewme of God; and hardily God, cam ; and went booldly vnto Pylate,
he entride in to Pilat, and axide the and begged the boddy off Jesu.
body of Jhesu.
44 Forsothe Pilat wondride, if he hadde 44 Pylate merveled, that he was alredy
now deied. And centurio axid to,* he deed. And called vnto hym the vnder
axide him, if he were now deed ; captayne, and axed of him, whether he
had bene eny whyle deed ;
45 And whanne he hadde knowun of 45 Ànd when he knewe the trueth off
centurio, he 3af the body of Jhesu to the vnder captayne, he gave the boddy
Joseph. to Joseph.
46 Sothli Joseph byinge him lynnen 46 And he bought a linnen cloothe,
cloth, and doynge him doun, wlappede and toke hym doune, and wrapped hym
‘in the lynen cloth, and puttide in a in the lynnen cloothe, and layde hym in
newe sepulere that was hewen in a & tombe that was hewen oute of the
Í stoon, and walewid to a stoon at the rocke, and roolled a stone vnto the dore
mouth of the sepulcre. off the sepulere.
47 Marie Mawdeleyn forsothe, and 47 And Mary Magdalen, and Mary
Marie of Joseph biheelden, where he Jose beheld, where he was layde.
was putt.

Cmar. XVI. 1 And whanne the sab- Crap. XVI. 1 And when the sabboth
L oth hadde passid, Marie Mawdeleyn, and daye was past, Mary Magdalen, and
— Marie of James, and Salome bousten Mary Jacobi, and Salome bought oynt-
oynementis, that thei comynge schulden mentes, that they myght come and
anoynte Jhesu. — anoynt him.
2 And ful eerly in oon of woke dayes, 2 And yerly in the morninge the nexte
thei camen to the sepulcre, the sunne daye after the sabboth day, they cam vnto
now pprungen vp. the sepulcre, when the sun was risen.
262 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr Mark

3 Yah qepun du sis misso, Whas af- 3 And cwædon him betwynan, Hwa
walwyai unsis pana stain af daurom pis awylt us dysne stan of dere byrgene
hlaiwis? dura?
4 Yah insaiwhandeins gaumidedun pam- 4 Da hi hi besáwon hi gesiwon dene
mei afwalwips ist sa stains, was auk stân áweg áwyltne, sóþlice he wees
mikils abraba. swyde mycel.
5 Yah atgaggandeins in pata hlaiw 5 And dá hi eodon on da byrgene hí
gasewhun yuggalaup sitandan, in taihs- gesáwon ánne geongne, on da swydran
wai biwaibidana wastyai wheitai ;; yah healfe sittende, "hvítum gegyrlan ofer-
usgeisnodedun. wrogenne ; and hi dá forhtodon.
6 Varuh qap du im, Ni faurhteip izwis; 6 Ðá ewzep he to him, Ne forhtige ge
tes sokeip Nazoraiu pana ushramidan; ná; ge sécap dene Nazareniscan Halend
nist her, urrais; sai! pana stap parei áhangenne ; he árás, nis he hér; hêr is
galagidedun ina. seo stow der hi hine lédon.

4 Akei gaggip, qipiduh du siponyam y Ac faraþ, and secgap his leorning-

is, yah du Paitrau, patei faurbigaggip enihtum, and Petre, det he gap toforan
izwisin Galeilaian; paruh ina gasaiwhip, eow on Galileam ; dar ge hine geseop,
swaswe qap izwis. swa he eow sæde.
8 Yah usgaggandeins af pamma hlaiwa 8 And hi üt-eodon and flugon fram
gaplauhun; “dizuh þan sat iyos reiro dere byrgene ; and weron áfærede for
yah usfilmei, yah ni qepun mannhun dere gesyhpe de hi gesáwon, and hig
waiht, ohtedun sis auk. nánum men náht ne sædon, sóþlice hi
him ádrédon.*
9 Usstandands pan in maurgin frumin 9 Da he árás on &rne morgen on
sabbato, ataugida frumist Maryin pizai reste-dæge, æryst he setywde dere Mag-
Magdalene, ab þizaiei uswarp sibun un- daleniscan Marian, of dere he út- ádraf
hulpons. i seofon deofol-seocnyssa.
10 Soh gaggandeigataih paim mip im- to And heo da üt-eode and hit dam .
ma wisandam, qainondam yah gretand- eydde de mid him wæron, heofendum
am. and wépendum.
1I Yah eis hausyandans patei libaip, 11 Da hi gehyrdon det he leofode,
yah gasaiwhans warp fram izai, ni ga- and hi hine gesáwon, da ne gelyfdon
laubidedun. hi him.
12 Afaruh pan pata + 2 . . « . 12 Æfter dam him twam he wes
ætýwed on óðrum hiwe, him on done
tan farendum.

13 And hi da fóron and det odrum

eyddon, and hi him ne gelyfdon.t
14 Ðá et nehstan, he ætýwde him
ændlefene, dar hi ætgædere sæton, and
telde hyra ungeleaffulnesse, and hyra
heortan heardnesse, fordam de hi ne
gelyfdon dam, de hine gesawon of deape
5 And he sæde him, Farap into ealne
middan-eard, and bodiap gódspell ealre:
16 Se de gelyfp, and gefullod bip, se
bip hal; sóplice se de ne gelyfp, se bip
XVI. 3-16.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 263
3 And thei seiden to gidere, Who schal 3 And they said won to another, Who
turne a3en to vs the stoon fro the dore shall rolle awaye the stone from the
of the sepulcre? dore off the sepulcre?
4 And thei biholdinge sysen the stoon 4 And when they behelde yt they sawe
walewid awey, forsoth it was ful greet. how the stone was rolled awaye, for it
was a very greate won.
5 And thei goynge yn into the sepulere 5 And they went in to the sepulcre
sy3en a song oon, hilid with a whit stoole, and sawe a yonge man, sittinge on the
sittinge at the rijt half; and thei weren ryght syde, cloothed in a longe white
abaist.* garment ; and they were abasshed.
6 The which seith to hem, Nyle se 6 He sayd vnto them, Be nott afrayed ;
drede ; 5e seken Jhesu of Nazareth cru- ye seke Jesus of Nazareth which was
cified ;he hath risun, he is not heere; crucified ; he ys rysen, he ys nott here ;
lo! the place where thei puttiden him. behoolde! the place where they putt
7 But go se, seye 5e to his disciplis, 7 Butt go youre waye, and tell his
and to Petre, for he schal go byfore 30u disciples, and namly Peter, that he is
in to Galilee ; there 3e schulen se him, goone before you in to Galile; there
as he seide to 30u. shall ye se hym, as he sayde vnto you.
8 And thei goynge out fledden fro the 8 And they went oute quicly and fleed
sepulere ; forsothe drede and quakynge from the sepulere; for they trembled
hadde assaylid hem,* and to no man thei and were amased, nether said they eny
seiden ony thing, forsoth thei dredden. thinge to eny man, for they were
< 9 Sothly Jhesus, rysinge erly in the 9 When Jesus was risen, the morowe
first day of the wouke, apperide firste to after the sabboth daye, he appered fyrst
Mary Mawdeleyn, of whom he hadde to Mary Magdalen, oute off whom he
cast out seuene deuelis. cast seven devyls.
to She goynge tolde to hem that 10 And she went and toolde them that
weren with him, hem weylinge and wep- were with hym, as they morned and
e. weppte.
x And thei heeringe that he iyuede, ir Ana when they herde that he was
and was seyn of hir, bileueden not. alive, and had appiered to her, they
beleved it not.
12 Sothli after thes thingis tweyne of 12 After that he appered vnto two of
hem wandringe, he is schewid in an them in a straunge figure, as they walked.
! other lyknesse* to hem goynge in to a and went in to the country.
13 And thei goynge toolden to othere, 13 And they went and toolde it to the
nethir thei bileuyden to hem. remnaunt, and they beleved them nether.
14 Forsoth at the laste, hem enleuene 14 After that, he appered vnto the
restinge, Jhesus apperideto hem, and eleven, as they sate at meate, and cast in
reprouyde the vnbileue of hem, and the their tethe their vnbelefe, and hardnes
hardnesse of herte, for thei bileuyden off herte, be cause they beleved not
not to hem, that hadden seyn him to them, which had sene hym after his
haue risun fro deede. resurreccion.
15 And he seide to hem, 5e goynge in r5 And he sayd vnto them, Goo ye in
= to al the world, preche the gospel to to all the woorlde, and preache the gos-
— ech creature. pell to all ereaturs.
16 He that schal bileue, and schal be 16 Whosoever beleveth, and ys babtised,
— baptisid,! schal be sauyd ; sothli he that shalbe safe; and whosoever beleveth
schal bileue not, schal be dampned. nott shalbe dampned.
264 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Marx
17 Das tacnu fyliap dam, de geljfap.
On minum naman hi deofol-seocnessa
ut-drifap ; hi sprecap niwum tungum ;

18 Næddran hi áfyrraþ; and him ne

derap, ðeah hi hwæt deadbærlices drinc-
on. Ofer seoce hi hyra handa settaþ,
and hi beop hale.

19 And witodlice Drihten Hælend,

syddan he to him spræc, he wes on
heofonum afangen, and he sit on Godes
swidran healfe.
20 Sóþlice hi da farende æghwar bode-
don, Drihtne mid-wyrcendum, and trym-
mendre spræéce æfter-fyligendum táen-
XVI. 17-20.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526 265
17 Forsoth these tokenes schulen sue 17 And these signes shall fulowe them,
hem, that schulen bileue. In my name that beleve. In my name they shall
thei schulen cast out fendis ;thei schulen cast oute devyls ; and shall speake with
speke with newe tungis ; newe tonges ;
18 Thei schulen do awey serpentis ; 18 And shall kill serpentes; and yf
and if thei schulen drynke ony venym,* they drynke eny dedly thynge, yt shall
it schal not noye hem. Thei schulen nott hurte them. They shall laye their
putte hir hondis vpon sike men, and hondes on the sike, and they shall
thei schulen haue wel. recover.
19 And sothli the Lord Jhesu, aftir 19 So then when the Lorde had spoken
that he hadde spoke to hem, is takun vnto them, he was receaved in to heven,
vp in to heuene, and sittith on the ri3t- and sate on the right honde of God.
half of God.
20 Sothli thei gon forth prechiden 20 And they went forth and preached
euerywhere, the Lord worchinge with, every where, and the Lorde wroght with
and conferminge the word with signes them, and confirmed their preachynge
folowinge. with myracles that folowed.




Cmar. I. x Unte raihtis managai Cuar. I.t 1 Fordam de witodlice

dugunnun melyan insaht, bi pos ga- manega pohton ðæra þinga race ge-
fullaweisidons in uns waihtins, endebyrdan, de on us gefyllede synd,

2 Swaswe anafulhun unsis, paiei fram 2 Swa us betæhton, da de hit of frympe

frumistin silbasiunyos, yah andbahtos gesáwon, and dere spræce pénas wær-
wesun pis waurdis, on,

3 Galeikaida yah mis yah Ahmin 3 Me gepuhte . . . . geornlice eallum

Weihamma, fram anastodeinai allaim od endebyrdnesse, writan dé, dü se sel-
glaggwuba 'afarlaistyandin, gahahyo pus esta Theophilus,
melyan, batista Paiaufeilu,
4 Ei gakunnais, pize bi poei galaisips 4 Det dú onenáwe dera worda sóþ-
is waurde astap. fæstnesse, of dam de da gelæred eart.

5 Was, in dagam Herodes, piudanis 5 On Herodes dagum, Iudéa cyninges,

Íudaias, gudya, namin Zakarias, us afar wees sum sacerd, on naman Zacharias,
Abiyins, yah qeins is us dauhtrum of Abian tûne, and his wif wes of
Aharons, yah namo izos Aileisabaip. Aarones dóhtrum, and hyre nama wes
6 Wesunuh pan garaihta ba in and- 6 Soplice hig wæron butu rihtwise
wairpya Gups, gaggandona in allaim befóran Gode, gangende on eallum his
anabusnim yah garaihteim Frauyins, bebodum and rihtwisnessum, bútan
unwaha. wrohte.
7 Yah ni was im barne, unte was 7 And hig næfdon nan bearn, fordam
Aileisabaip stairo, yah ba framaldra de Elizabeth wees unberende, and hig
dage seinaize wesun. on heora dagum butu forþ-eodon.
8Warp pan, mippanei gudyinoda is, in 8 Sóþlice wees geworden, da Zacharias
wikon kunyis seinis in andwairpya Gups, his sacerdhádes bréac, on his gewrixles
endebyrdnesse beforan Gode,
9 Di biuhtya gudyinassaus, hlauts im- 9 After gewunan des sacerdhádes
ma urrann du salyan, atgaggands in hlotes, he eóde det he his offrunge
alh Frauyins. sette, dà he on Godes tempel eode.

io Yah alls hiuhma was manageins ro Eall werod ds folces wes tte,
beidandans uta, wheilai pwmiamins. gebiddende on dere offrunge timan.




Cmar. I. 1 Forsothe for manye men Cmar. I. 1 For as moche as many

enforceden to ordeyne the tellyng of have taken in hond to compyle a treates
thingis, whiche ben fillid in vs, off thoo thynges, which are surely know-
en amonge vs,
2 As thei that scyn atte the bigyn- 2 Even as they declared them vnto vs,
nyng, and weren ministris of the word which from the begynynge sawe them
bitaken, with their eyes, and were minsters at
the doyng,
3 It is seen also to me, hauynge alle 3 I determined also, as sone as I had
thingis diligentli bi ordre, to write to searched out diligently all thinges from
thee, thou best Theofile, the begynynge, that then I wolde wryte
vnto the, goode Theophilus,
4 That thou knowe the treuthe of tho 4 That thou myghtest knowe the cer-
wordis, of whiche thou art lerned. tente off thoo thinges, whereof thou arte
5 Ther was sum prest, Zacharie by 5 In the tyme of Herode, kynge of
name, in the dayes of Eroude, kyng of lewry, there was a certayne prest, named
Judee, of the sort of Abia, and his wyf Zacarias, off the course of Abie, and his
of the dou3tris of Aaron, and hir name wyfe was of the doughters of Aaron, and
„Elizabeth. her name was Elizabeth.
. 6 Sothli thei bothe weren iuste bifore 6 Booth were perfect before God, and -
God, goynge in alle the maundementis walked in all the lawes and ordinacions
— and iustifyingis of the Lord, with outen of the Lorde, that no man coulde fynde
pleynte. fawte with them.
4 And a sone was not to hem, for that 7 And they had no childe, be cause
Elizabeth was bareyne, and bothe hadden that Elisabeth was barren, and booth
gon forth fer in her dayes. were wele stricken in age.
8 Sothli it was don, whanne Sacharie 8 Hit cam to passe, as he executed the
was set in presthod, in the ordre of his prestes office, before God as his course
sort bifore God, cam,
9 Vp the custom of presthod, by sort 9 Accordinge to the custome of the
he wente forth, that he enirid in to the prestes office, his lott was to bren odoures,
temple of the Lord, schulde putte en- and went into the temple of the Lorde.
ro And alle the multitude of the peple 1o And all the multitude of people
was withouteforth, preiynge in the our were with out, in their prayers whill
of encence. the odoures were abrennynge.
268 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. LUKE
rr Warp pan imma in siunai ageilus 11 Da ætýwde him Drihtnes engel,
Frauyins, standands af taihswon hunsla- standende on dees weofodes swydrau
stadis pwmiamins. healfe.
12 Yah gadrobnoda Zakarias gasaiwh- 12 Da wearp Zacharias gedréfed det
ands, yah agis disdraus ina. geseonde, and him ege on--hreas.

I3 Qap pan du imma sa aggilus, Ni 13 Da cwep se engel him to, Ne

ogs pus, Zakaria ; dupe ei andhausida ondred da dé, Zacharias ; fordam de
ist bida peina, yah qens peina, Aileis- din bén ys gehyred, and din wif, Eli-
abaip, gabairid sunu pus, yah haitais zabeth, dé sunu cenp, and da nemst his
namo is Íohannen. naman Iohannes.
14 Yah wairþiþ pus faheds yah sweg- 14 And he byp dé to geféan and to
nipa ; yah managai in gabaurpai is fag- blisse ; and manega on his ácennednysse
inond. gefagniap.
15 Wairpip auk mikils in andwairpya 15 Sóþlice he byþ mare befóran Driht-
Frauyins, yah wein yah leipu ni drigkid, ne, and he ne drincp win ne béor, and—
yah Ahmins Weihis gafullyada nauhþan he byþ gefyled on Háligum Gáste
in wambai aiþeins seinaizos. donne gyt of hys módor innode.

16 Yah managans suniwe Israelis ga- 16 And manega Israhela bearna he

wandeip du Frauyin Gupa ize ; gecyrp to Drihtne hyra Gode;
17 Yah silba fauraqimid in andwairpya 17 And he gep tofóran him on gáste
is in ahmin yah mahtai Haileiins ; ga- and Elias mihte ; dzet he fædera heortan
wandyan hairtona attane du barnam, to heora bearnum gecyrre, and unge-
yah untalans in frodein garaihtaize, leaffulle to rihtwisra gleawscype, Drihtne
manwyan Frauyin managein gafahrida. full-fremed fole gegearwian.

18 Yah qap Zakarias du pamma aggi- 18 Da cwæþ Zacharias to dam engele,

lau, Biwhe kunnum pataÍ ik raihtis im Hwanon wat ic dis? ic eom nú eald,
sineigs, yah qens meina framaldrozei ïn and min wif on hyre dagum forp-eóde.
dagam seinaim.
19 Yah andhafy ands sa agggilus qap du 19 Da andswarode him se engel, Ie
imma, Ík im Gabriel, sa standands in eom Gabriel, ic de stande befóran Gode ;
andwairpya Gups ; yah insandips im and ic eom ásend wid dé sprecan, and
rodyan du pus, yah wailameryan pus dé dis bodian.
20 Yah siyais pahands, yah ni magands 20 And ni! dü byst süwigende, and
rodyan und pana dag, ei wairpai pata ; dú sprecan ne miht od done deg, de -
dupe ei ni galaubides waurdam mein- dàs ping gewurdap ; fordam dü minum
aim, þoei usfullyanda íin mela seinamma. wordum ne gelyfdest, da beop on hyra
timan gefyllede.

21 Yah was managei beidandans Zaka- 21 And det fole wes Zachariam ge-
riins, yah sildaleikidedun, wha latidedi anbidigende, and wundrigende, det he
ina in pizai alh. on dam temple læt wees.
22 Usgaggands pan ni mahta du im 22 Da he üt-eóde ne mihte he him to
rodyan, yah.fropun þammei siun gasawh sprecan, and hig oneneowon dæt he on —
in alh. Yah silba was bandwyands im, dam temple sume gesyhpe geseah. And
yah was dumbs. he wees bieniende him, and dum þurh-
23 Yah warp, bipe usfullnodedun dagos 23 Da wes geworden, dá his pénunga
I. 11-23.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 269
ir Sothli an aungel of the Lord ap- 11 There appered vnto him the Lordes
peride to him, stondinge on the risthalf angell, stondinge on the right syde off
of the auter of ensence. the aultre off odours.
12 And Sacharie seynge was disturblid, 12 And when Zacharias sawe hym
and drede felde doun on him. he was abasshed, and feare cam on
13 Forsoth the aungel seith to hym, 13 The angell sayde vnto hym, Feare
Zacharie, drede thou not ; for thi preier not, Zacary ; ffor thy prayer is herde,
is herd, and Elizabeth, thi wyf, schal and thy wyfe, Helyzabeth, shall beare
bere to thee a sone, and his name schal the a sonne, and thou shalt call his name
be clepid John. Jhon. |
14 And ioye and gladinge schal be to 14 And thou shaltt have ioye and glad-
thee; and manye schulen enioye in his nes ; and many shall reioyce att his
natyuite. birth.
15 Sothli he schal be greet bifore the r5 For he shalbe greate in the sight
Lord, and he schal not drynke wyn and off God, and shall nether drynke wyne
Sydir, and he schal be fulfillid of the ner stronge drynke, and he shalbe filled
Hooly Gost 3it of his modir wombe. with the Holy Goost even in his mothers
16 And he schal conuerte manye of 16 And many off the chyldren off Is-
the sones of Israel to the Lord God of rahel shall he tourne to their Lorde
hem ; God ;
17 And he schal go bifore him in the 17 And he shall goo before hym in the
spirit and vertu of Helye; and he schal sprete and power off Helyas ; to tourne
turne the hertis of fadris in to sones, the herttes off the fathers to their chyl-
and men out of bileue to the prudence dren, and the vnbeleveres to the wisdom
of iuste men, for to make redy a parfyt off the iuste men, to make the people
peple to the Lord. redy ffor the Lorde.
18 And Zachari seide to the aungel, 18 And Zacary sayde vnto the angell,
Wherof schal I wite this? for I am old, Wherby shall I knowe this? seinge that
and my wyf hath gon fer in hir dayes. T am olde, and my wyfe wele stricken
in yeares.
19 And the aungel answeringe seide to 19 And the angell answered and sayde
him, Forsoth I am Gabriel, that stonde vnto hym, I am Gabriell, that stonde in
my; bifore God ; and I am sent to thee the presens off God; and am sentt to
-for to speke, and to euangelise' to thee speake vnto the, and to shewe the this .
‘thes thingis. glad tydinges.
— 20 And loo! thou shalt be stille,* and 20 And take hede! thou shalt be
- thou schalt not mowe speke til in to the domme, and not able to speake vntyll
day, in which thes thingis schulen be the tyme, that these thinges be per-
for that thou hast not bileuyd to formed ; because thou belevedst not my
4 don;
my wordis, whiche schulen be fillid in wordes, which shalbe fulfilled in there

her tyme. season.

2t And the peple was abidinge Za- 21 And the people wayted for Za-
charie, and thei wondriden, for he tariede careas, and mervelled, that he taryed in
in the temple. . the temple.
22 Forsoth he gon out my3te not speke 22 When he cam oute he coulde not
to hem, and thei knewen that he hadde speake vnto them, and they perceaved
seyn a vicioun in the temple. And he that he had sene some vision in the
was bekenynge to hem, and dwellide temple. And he beckened vnto them,
doumb. and remayned speachlesse.
23 And it was maad, as the dayes of 23 And it fortuned, as sone as the
270 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST. Luxe
andbahteis is, galaip du garda seinam- dagas gefyllede wæron, he ferde to his
ma. hüse.
24 Afaruh pan pans dagans inkilpo 24 Soplice efter dagum Elizabeth, his
warp Aileisabaip, qens is, yah galaug- wif, ge-eáenode, and heo bediglode hig
nida sik menops fimf, gipandei, fif mónpas, and ewzep,
25 patei swa mis gatawida Frauya in 25 Soplice me Drihten gedyde dus on
dagam, paimei insawh, afniman idweit dam dagum, de he geseah, minne hosp
mein in mannam. betweox mannum áfyrran.*
26 Panuh pan in menop saihstin in- 26 Sóplice on dam syxtan mónpe wees
sandips was aggilus Gabriel fram Gupa ásend Gabriel se engel fram Drihtne on
in baurg Galeilaias, sei haitada Nazar- Galilea ceastre, dere nama wes Na-
aip, zareth,
27 Du magapai, in fragibtim abin, þizei 27 To beweddadre fæmnan ánum were,
namo Josef, us garda Daweidis; yah dees nama wees Iosep, of Dauides húse ;
namo pizos magapais Mariam. and deere fæmnan nama wes Maria.
28 Yah galeipands inn sa aggilus du 28 Da cwæþ se engel ingangende, Hal
izai qap, Fagino, anstai audahafta ; wes du, mid gyfe gefylled; Drihten
Frauya mip pus ; piupido pu in qinom. mid dé ; du eart gebletsod on wifum.

29 Ip si, gasaiwhandei, gaþlahsnoda bi 29 Da wearp heo on his spréce ge-

innatgahtai is, yah pahta sis wheleika dréfed, and pohte hwæt seo gréting
wesi so goleins, patei swa piupida izai. ware.
30 Yah qap aggilus du izai, Ni ogs 30 Da cwæþ se engel, Ne ondréd du
pus, Mariam, bigast auk anst fram dé, Maria, sóþlice di gyfe mid Gode
Gupa. geméttest. l
31 Yah sai! ganimis in kilpein, yah 31 Soplice nú! da on innode ge-
gabairis sunu, yah haitais namo is eacnast, and sunu censt, and his naman —
Jesu. Helend genemnest.
32 Sah wairþiþ mikils, yah sunus Hauh- 32 Be byp mere, and des Hehstan
istins haitada ;yah gibid imma Frauya sunu genemned ; and him sylp Drihten
Gup stol Daweidis, attins is, God, his feeder Dauides setl,

33 Yah piudanop ufar garda lakobis 33 And he riesap on écnesse on Iacobes

in ayukdup, yah piudinassaus ïs ni huse, and his rices ende ne byp.
wairpip andeis.
34 Qap pan Mariam du pamma aggilau, 34 Da cwæþ Maria to dam engle, Hú
Whaiwa siyai pata, pandei aban nmi gewyrp dis, fordam ic were ne onenáwe ?
kann ?
35 Yah andhafyands sa aggilus qaþ 35 Da andswarode hyre se engel, Se
du izai, Ahma Weihs atgaggiþ ana þuk, Hálga Gast on dé becymp, and dies
yah mahts Hauhistins ufarskadweid þus; Heahstan miht dé ofer-sceadap; and
dupe ei saei gabairada weihs, haitada fordam det hálige de of dé ácenned
sunus Guþs. byp, byp Godes sunu genemned.

36 Yah sai! Aileisabaip, nipyo peina, 36 And nú! Elizabeth, din mæge,
yah so inkilpo sunau in aldomin seinam- sunu on hyre ylde ge-eacnode, and des
ma, yah sa menops saihsta ist izai sei mónap ys hyre syxta seo is unberende
haitada stairo ; genemned ;
I. 24-36.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 971
his office weren fulfillid, he wente in to tyme off his office was oute, he departed
his hous. home in to his awne housse.
24 Forsoth after dayes Elizabeth, his 24 Affter thoose dayes his wife, Eliza-
wyf, conseyuede, and hidde hir fyue beth, conceaved, and hid her silfe .v.
monethis, seyinge, monethes, saynge,
25 For so the Lord dide to me in the 25 This wyse hath God dealte with
dayes, in the whiche he bihelde, for to me in the dayes, when he loked on me,
take a wey my schenschip a mong men. to take from me the rebuke that I
suffered a monge men.
26 Sothely in the sixte monethe the 26 And in the .vj. moneth the angell
aungel Gabriel was sent fro God in to Gabryel was sent from God vnto a cite
a citee of Galilee, to which the name off Galile, named Nazareth,
27 To a mayden, weddid to a man, to 27 To a virgin, spoused to a man,
whom the name was Joseph, of the whose name was Joseph, of the housse
house of Dauith ; and the name of the of David; and the virgins name was
mayden Marie. Mary.
28 And the aungel gon yn to hir seide, 28 And the angell went in vnto her
Heil, ful of grace ; the Lord be with and sayde, Hayle, full of grace; the
thee; blessid be thou among wymmen. Lorde is with the; blessed arte thou
amonge wemen.
29 Which, whanne she had herd, was 29 When she sawe hym, she was a-
troublid in his word, and thou3te what basshed att his saynge, and cast in her
= maner salutacioun this was. mynde what maner of salutacion that
shulde be.
3o And the aungel seide to hir, Ne 3o And the angell sayde vnto her,
drede thou, Marie, sothli thou hast Feare not, Mary, thou hast founde grace
founden grace anemptis God. with God.
31 Loo! thou schalt conseyue in the 31 Loo! thou shalt conceave in thy
wombe, and schalt bere a sone, and thou wombe, and shalt beare a childe, and
schalt clepe his name Jhesu. shalt call his name Jesus.
32 This schal be greet, and he schal be 32 He shalbe greate, and shalbe called
clepid the sone of the Hiseste; and the the sonne off the Hyest ; and the Lorde
Lord God schal 3yue to him the seete God shall geve vnto hym the seate off
= of Dauith, his fadir, his father, David, `
- 33 And he schal regne in the hous of 33 And he shall raygne over the housse .
—Jacob with outen ende, and of his rewme off Jacob for ever, and of his kyngdom
schal be non ende. shalbe none ende. ;
— 34 Forsoth Marie seith to the aungel, 34 Then sayd Mary vnto the angell,
On what manere schal this thing be Howe shall this be, seinge that I knowe
don, for I knowe not man? no man ?
35 And the aungel answeringe seide 35 And the angell answered and sayd
to hir, The Hooly Gost schal come fro vuto her, The Holy Goost shall come
aboue in to thee, and the vertu of the apon the, and the power off the Hyest
Hiseste schal schadewe vnto thee ; ther- shall over shaddowe the; therfore also
- fore and that hooly thing that schal be that holy thynge which shalbe borne,
born of thee, schal be clepid the sone of shalbe called the sonne of God.
36 And loo! Elizabeth, thi cosyness, 36 And marke! thy cosen, Elizabeth,
and sche hath conceyued a sone in hir hath also conceaved a sonne in her olde
- elde, and this moncthe is the sixte to age, and this is the .vj. moneth to her
hir that is clepid bareyne ; which was called barren ;
279 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. LUKE
37 Unte nist unmahteig Gupa ainhun 37 Fordam nis &le word mid Gode
waurde. unmihtelic.
38 Qap pan Mariam, Sai! piwi Frau- 38 Da cwep Maria, Hér is Drihtnes
yins ; wairpai mis bi waurda peinamma. pinen; geweorde me efter dinum worde.
Yah galaip fairra izai sa aggilus. And se engel hyre fram-gewát.*

39 Usstendandei pan Mariam in paim 39 Scplice on dam dagum árás Maria,

dagam, iddya in bairgahein sniumundo, and férde on müntland mid ófste, on
in baurg Íudins. Tudeisce ceastre.
4o Yah galaip in gard Zakariins, yah 40 And eode into Zacharias hüse, and
golida Aileisabaip. grétte Elizabeth.
41 Yah warp, swe hausida Aileisabaip 41 Da wees geworden, da Elizabeth
golein Mariins, lailaik barn in qipau gehyrde Marian grétinge, dá gefagnode

izos. Yah gafullnoda Ahmins Weihis det cild on hyre innode. And da
Aileisabaip, wearp Elizabeth Hálegum Gaste ge-
42 Yah ufwopida stibnai mikilai, yah 42 And heo clypode mycelre stefne,
qap, Piupido pu in qinom, yah piupido and cwep, Du eart betwux wifum ge-
akran qipaus peinis. bletsod, and gebletsod is dines innodes
43 Yah whapro mis pata, ei qemi aipei 43 And hwanon is me dis, det mines
Frauyins meinis at mis ? Drihtnes módor to me cume ?

44 Sai! allis sunsei warp stibna gol- 44 Sona swá dinre grétinge stefn on
einais peinaizos in ausam meinaim, lai- minum earum geworden wes, da feg--
laik pata barn in swignipai in wambai node min cild on minum
menal. innode.

45 Yah audaga so galaubyandei, patei 45 And eadig dü eart, du de gelyfdest,
wairpip ustauhts, pize rodidane izai fram dæt fulfremede synd da ping de dé fram
Drihtne gesæde synd.


46 Yah qap Mariam, Mikileid saiwala 46 Ðá cwæþ Maria, Min sáwl mærsaþ
meina Frauyan, Drihten,
47 Yah swegneid ahma meins du 47 And mín gást geblissode on Gode,
Gupa, nasyand meinamma. minum hælende.
48 Unte insawh du hnaiweinai piuyos 48 Fordam de he geseah hys pinene J
seinaizos. Sai! allis fram himma nu ead-módnesse. Sóplice! heonon-forp me
audagyand mik alla kunya. eadige secgap ealle cneoressa.

49 Unte gatawida mis mikilein sa 49 Fordam de me micele ping dyde se Á

mahteiga, yah weih namo is. de mihtig is, and hys nama ys hálig. —

50 Yah armahairtei is in aldins alde, 50 And hys mild-heortnes of eneoresse

paim ogandam ina. on cneoresse, hyne ondrædendum.

51 Gatawida swinpein in arma seinam- 5i He worhte |mægne| on hys earme,

ma, distahida mikilpuhtans gahugdai he to-dælde da ofer-módan on móde
hairtins seinis. hyra heórtan. à

52. Gadrausida mahteigans af stolam, 52 He áwearp da rican of setle, and —

yah ushauhida gahnaiwidans. da ead-módan up-ahof.
I. 37-52.] WYCLIFFE, 1380. TYNDALE, 1526. 273
37 For euery word schal not be inpos- 37 For with God shall nothinge be
sible anemptis God. vnpossible.
38 Forsoth Marie seide, Loo! the hand 398 Mary sayd, Beholde! the honde
mayden of the Lord; be it don to me mayden off the Lorde; be it vnto me
aftir thi word. And the aungel depart- even as thou hast sayde. And the angell
ide fro hir. departed from her.
39 Sothli Marie risinge vp in tho 39 Mary arose in thoose dayes, and
dayes, wente with haste in to the hilly went into the mountayns with hast, into
placis, in to a citee of Judee. a cite off Iewry.
40 And sche entride yn to the hows of 40 And entred in to the housse off
Zacharie, and grette Elizabeth. Zacary, and saluted Elizabeth.
41 And it was don, as Elizabeth herde 41 And it fortuned, as Elizabeth herde
the salutacioun of Marie, the 3onge child the salutacion of Mary, the babe spronge
in hir wombe gladide. And Elizabeth in her belly. And Elizabeth was filled
was fillid with the Hooly Gost, with the Holy Goost,
42 And criede with grete voys, and 42 And cryed with a loude voyce, and
seide, Blessid be thou a mong wymmen, sayde, Blessed arte thou among wemen,
and blessid be the fruyt of thi wombe. and blessed is the frute off thy wombe.
43 And wherof this thing to me, that 43 And whens hapeneth this to me,
the modir of my Lord come to me? that the mother off my Lorde shulde
come to me?
44 Loo! forsothe as the vois of thi 44 Loo! as sone as the voyce of thy
salutacicun was maad in myn eeris, the salutacion sownded in myne eares, the
3onge child glidide with ioye in my babe lepte in my belly for ioye.
45 And blessil thou ert, that hast 45 And blessed arte thou, that belev-
bileuyd, for tho thingis that ben seid to edst, for thoose thinges shalbe performed,
thee fro the Lord, schulen be parfytli which were tolde the from the Lorde.
. don.
_ 46 And Marie seide, My soule magny- 46 And Mary sayde, My soule magni-
. fieth the Lord, fieth the Lorde,
47 And my spirit hath gladid in God, 47 And my sprete reioyseth in God,
. myn heelthe. my savioure.
. 48 For he hath biholden the meke- 48 For he hath loked on the povre .
-nesse of his hand mayde. Loo! forsoth degre off his honde mayden. Beholde!
‘of this alle generaciouns schulen seie me nowe from hens forth shall all genera-
— blessid. cions call me blessed.
49 For he that is my3ti hath don 49 For he that is myghty hath done
grete thingis to me, and his name ís to me greate thinges, and blessed ys his
. hooly. name.
50 And his mercy is fro kynredis in to 50 And hys mercy is always on them
kynredis, to men dredinge him. that feare him, thorow oute all genera-
51 He made myste in his arme, he 51 He hath shewed strengthe with his
- seateride proude men with mynde of his arme, he hath scattered them that are
herte. proude in the ymaginacion of their
52 He puttide doun my3ty men fro 52 He hath putt doune the myghty
_ Beete, and enhaunside meke. from their seates, and hath exalted them
| of lowe degre.
274 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [S9r. LvkE
53 Gredagans gasopida piupe, yah ga- 53 Hingriende he mid gódum gefylde,
bignandans insandida lausans. and ofer-móde idele forlét.

54 Hleibida Ísraela, piumagu seinam- 54 He áféng Israhel, hys cniht, and

ma, gamunands armahairteins ; gemunde hys mild-heortnesse ;
55 Swaswe rodida du attam unsaraim, 55 Swá he spræc to ürum fæderum,
Abrahama yah fraiwa is, und aiw. Abrahame and hys sæde, on á woruld.*
56 Gastop pan Mariam mip izai swe 56 Sóplice Maria wunede mid hyre
menops prins, yah gawandida sik du swylce pry mónpas, and gewende dà to
garda seinamma. hyre hüse.
57 lp Aileisabaip usfullnoda mel du 57 Da wes gefylled Elizabethe cen-
bairan, yah gabar sunu. ning-tid, and heo sunu cende.

58 Yah hausidedun bisitands yah ga- 58 And hyre nehcheburas and hyre
nipyos izos, unte gamikilida Frauya cüdan dst gehyrdon, det Drihten hys
armahairtein seina bi izai ; yah mipfag- mild-heortnesse mid hyre mærsode; and
inodedun izai. hig mid hyre blissodon.
59 Yah warp, in daga ahtudin, qemun 59 Da, on dam ehteopan dege, hig
bimaitan pata barn; yah haihaitun ina, comon det cild ymb-snidan ; and nem-
afar namin attins is, Zakarian. don hine, hys feeder naman, Zachariam.

60 Yah andhafyandei so aipei is qap, 60 Da andswarode his módor, Nese

Ne, ak haitaidau lohannes: sópes, ac he byp Iohannes genemned.
61 Yah qepun du izai, Datei ni ainshun 61 Da cwædon hig to hyre, Nis nan
ist in kunya peinamma, saei haitaidau on dinre mægþe, dyson naman ge-
pamma namin. nemned.
62 Gabandwidedun pan attin is, pata 62 Da bienodon hi to hys feeder, hwæt |
whaiwa wildedi haitan ina. he wolde hine genemnedne beón.

63 lp is sokyands spilda, nam `gah- 63 Da wrát he, gebedenum wex-brede,

melida, qipands, lohannes ist namo Iohannes is hys nama. Da wundrodon
is. Yah sildaleikidedun allai. hig ealle.
64 Usluknoda pan munps is suns, yah 64 Da wearp sóna hys müp, and hys
tuggo is, yah rodida, piupyands Gup. tunge ge-openod, and he spræc, Drihten
65 Yah warp ana allaim agis paim 65 Da wearp ege geworden ofer ealle
bisitandam ina, yah in allai bairgahein hyra nehcheburas, and ofer ealle Iudéa
ludaias merida wesun alla po waurda. múnt-land weron dis word gewid-
66 Yah galagidedun allai pai hausyand- 66 And ealle da de hit gehyrdon on
ans in hairtin seinamma, qipandans, heora heortan setton, and cweedon,
Wha skuli pata barn wairpan? Yah Wenst dú, hwæt byþ des cnapa? Witod-
pan handus Frauyins was mip imma. lice Drihtenes hand wees mid him.
67 Yah Zakarias, atta is, gafullnoda 67 And Zacharias, his feeder, wees mid
Ahmins Weihis, yah praufetida, yah Hálegum Gaste gefylled, and he witeg-
qap, á ode, and cwæþ,
68 piupeigs Frauya Gup Israelis, unte 68 Gebletsod si Drihten Israhela God, |
gaweisoda, yah gawaurhta uslausein fordam de he geneosode, and his folees .
managein seinai. alysednesse dyde.
69 Yah urraisida haurn naseinais unsis 69 And he us hæle horn arérde on —
in garda Daweidis, piumagaus seinis. Dauides hüse, hys cnihtes.
I. 53-69.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1326, 275
53 He hath fillid hungry men with 53 He hath filled the hongry with
goode thingis, and he hath left ryche goode thinges, and hath sent awaye the
men voyde. ryche empty.
54 He, hauynge mynde of his mercy, 54 He hath remembred mercy, and
took vp Israel, his child ; hath holpen his servaunt, Israhel;
55 As he hath spoken to oure fadris, to 55 Even as he promised to oure fathers,
Abraham and to his seed, in to worldis. Abraham and to his seede, for ever.
56 Forsoth Marye dwellide with hir as 56 And Mary aboode with her iij.
three monethis, and turnyde a3en in to monethes, and retourned home agayne.
hir hous.
57 Sothly the tyme of beringe child 57 Elizabethes tyme was come that
was fillid to Elizabeth, and sche childide she shulde be delyvered, and she brought
à sone. forth a sonne.
58 And the neiseboris and cosyns of 58 And her neghboures and her cosins
hir herden, for the Lord hadde magny- herde tell, howe the Lorde had magni-
fied his mercy with hir ; and thei thank- fied hys mercy vppon her; and they
iden him. reioysed with her.
59 And it was don, in the eistethe day, 59 And hit fortuned, the eyght daye,
thei camen for to circumside the child ; they cam to circumcise the childe; and
and thei clepiden him Sacharie, by name called his name Zacari, after the name
of his fadir. of his father.
60 And his modir answeringe seide, 60 And his mother answered and sayd,
} Nay, but he schal be clepid John. Not soo, but he shalbe called Jhon.
61 And thei seiden to hir, For no man 61 And they sayd vnto her, There ys
is in thi kyn, that is clepid bi this none of thy kynne, that is named with
name. thys name.
62 Sothli thei maden a syngne to his 62 And they made signes to hys father,
fadir, whom he wolde him for to be howe he wolde have hym called.
63 And he axinge a poyntel, wroot, 63 And he axed for wrytynge tables,
||J men
seyinge, John is his
name. And alle and
wroote, saying, Hys name is Jhon.
they mervelled all.
| 64 Forsoth his mouth was openyd 64 And hys mought was opened imme-
anon, and his tunge, and he spak, bless- diatly, and hys tonge, and he spake,
inge God. lawdynge God.
. 65 And drede was maad on alle her 65 And feare cam on all them that’
-meiseboris, and thes wordis weren pup- dwelt nye, and all these sayinges were
plischid on alle the hilly placis of Judee. noised abroade throughoutt all the hylly

countre of Jewry.
66 And alle men that herden puttedyn 66 And all they that herde them layde
in her herte, seyinge, Who, gessist thou, them vppe in their hertes, saying, What
this child schal be? And sothli the maner chylde shall thys be? And the
- hond of the Lord was with him. honde of God was with hym.
67 And Zacharie, his fadir, was fillid 67 And his father, Zacherias, was fylled
with the Hooli Gost, and prophesiede, with the Holy Goost, and prophisyed,
seyinge, sayinge,
68 Blessid be the Lord God of Israel, 68 Blessed be the Lorde God of Israhel,
for he hath visitid, and maad redemp- for he hath visited, and redemed his
cioun of his peple. people.
69 And he hath rerid to vs an horn of 69 And hath reysed vppe the horne
helthe in the hous of Dauith, his child. off health vnto vs in the housse of his
| servaunt, David.
276 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Luxe
zo Swaswe rodida pairh munp weih- yo Swa he spræc purh hys hálegra
aize, pize fram anastodeinai aiwis, prau- witegena müp, da de of worldes frympe
fete seinaize. sprecon.
71 Giban nasein us fiyandam unsaraim, 71 And he álýsde us of trum feondum,
yah us handau allaize pize hatandane and of ealra dra handa de us hatedon.
72 Tauyan armahairtipa bi attam un- 72 Mild-heortnesse to wyreanne mid
saraim, yah gamunan triggwos weihaizos trum fæderum; and gemunan his háleg-
seinaizos. an cydnesse.
73 Aipis panei swor wipra Abraham, 73 Hyne us to syllanne done áp de he
attan unsarana, ei gebi unsis. ürum feeder, Abrahame, swór.

74 Unagein us handau fiyande un- 44 Det we bitan ege of tre feonda

saraize galausidaim, skalkinon imma, handa álýsede, him peowian,

75 ln sunyai yah garaihtein in and- 75 On halignesse beforan him eallum

wairpya is allans dagans unsarans. urum dagum.

76 Yah pu, barnilo, praufetus Hauh- 76 And du, cnapa, byst des Hehstan
istins haitaza; fauragaggis auk faura witega genemned ; du gest beforan
andwairpya Frauyins, manwyan wigans Drihtnes ansyne, his wegas gearwian.
77 Du giban kunpi naseinais managein 77 To syllanne his folee hys hele ge-
is, in afleta frawaurhte ize ; wit, on hyra synna forgyfenesse ;

78 pairh infeinandein armahairtein 78 purh innodas ures Godes mild-

Gups unsaris, in pammei gaweisop un- heortnesse, on dam he us geneosode of
sara urruns us hauhipai. east-dele up-springende.
79 Gabairhtyan paim ïn riqiza, yah 79 Onlihtan dam de on pystrum, and
skadau daupus sitandam ; du garaihtyan on déapes sceade sittap ; Ure fét to ge-
fotuns unsarans in wig gawairpyis. reccanne on sybbe weg.

8o Ip pata barn wohs, yah swinpnoda 80 Soplice se cnapa weóx, and wes on
ahmin, yah was ana aupidom und dag gaste gestrangod, and wes on wéstenum
ustaikneinais seinaizos du lsraela. od done deg hys ætiwednessum on

Cmar. II. 1 Warp pan in dagans Cuap. II. Í1 Sóplice on dam dagum,
yainans, urrann gagrefts fram Kaisara wes geworden gebod fram dam Casere
Agustau, gamelyan allana midyungard. Augusto, det eall ymbe-hwyrft were
2 Soh pan gilstrameleins frumista warp 2 Deos tomearcodnes wes ærest ge-
at wisandin kindina Swriais, raginondin worden fram dam déman Syrige, Ci-
Saurim Kwreinaiau. rino.
3 Yah iddyedun allai, ei melidai 3 And ealle hig eodon, . . . . and
weseina, wharyizuh in seinai baurg. syndrie férdon on hyra ceastre.

4 Urrann pan yah losef us Galeilaia, 4 Da férde Iosep fram Galilea, of dere
us baurg Nazaraip, in ludaian, in baurg .eeastre Nazareth, on Iudeisce, ceastre
Daweidis, sei haitada Beplahaim, dupe | Dauides, seo is genemned Bethleem,
I. 70.-I1. 4.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 277
7° As he spak by the mouthe of hooly 70 Even as he promised by the moughth
prophetis, that ben fro the world. of his holy prophetes, which were sens
the worlde began.
71 Helthe fro oure enemyes, and fro 71 That we shulde be saved from oure
the hond of alle men that hatiden vs. enimys, and from the hondis of all that
hate vs.
72 To do mercy with oure fadris, and 72 To shewe mercy towardes oure
to haue mynde of his hooly testament. fathers, and to remember hys holy
73 The ooth that he swor to Abraham, 73 That is to saye the oothe which he
oure fadir, to 3yue him silf to vs. Sware to oure father, Abraham, for to
geve vs.
74 That we withoute drede deliuerid 74 That we delivered oute of the hondes
fro the hond of oure enemyes, serue to of oure enemis, myght serve hym with
him, oute feare,
75 In hoolynesse and ristfulnesse bifore 75 All the dayes of oure lyfe in suche
him in alle oure daycs. holynes and ryghtewesnes that are ac-
cept before him.
~ 76 And thou, child, schalt be clepid 76 And thou, chylde, shalt be called
the prophete of the Hiseste; for thou the prophet off the Hyest ; for thou
schalt go bifore the face of the Lord, to shalt goo before the face off the Lorde,
‘make redy his weyes. to prepare his wayes.
77. For to 3yue the science of helthe 77 And to geve knowlege off health
to his peple, in to remiscioun of her vnto hys people, for the remission of
' synnes ; sinnes ;
78 Bi the entraylis of mercy of oure 78 Through the tender mercy off oure
God, in whiche he spryngynge vp fro an Lorde, wher with hath visited vs the
hiz hath visytid vs. daye springe from an hye.
769 For to 3yue list to hem that sitten 79 To geve light to them that sate in
in derknessis, and in schadewe of deth ; darcknes, and in shadowe of deth; and
for to dresse oure feet in to the wey of to gyde oure fete into the waye of
pees. peace.
8o Sothli the child waxide, and was 80 And the chylde encreased, and
comfortid in spirit, and was in desert til wexed stronge in sprete, and was in
to the day of his schewinge to Israel. wildernes tyll the daye cam when he
shulde shewe hymsilfe vnto the Is-

Crap. IL. 1 Forsothe it was don in Crap. II. 1 Hit folowed in thoose
‘tho dayes, a maundement went out fro dayes, that there went oute a commaund-
Cesar August,! that al the world schulde ment from Auguste the Emperour, that
be discryued. all the woorlde shulde be valued.
- 2 This firste discryuyng was maad of 2 This taxynge was fyrst executed when
Cyryne, iustice of Cirye. Syrenus was leftenaunt in Siria.

' 3 And alle men wenten, that thei 3 And every man went in to his awne
-sehulde make profescioun, ech by him shyre toune, there to be taxed.
self in to his cite.
4 Sothly and Josep stizede vp fro Gali- 4 And Joseph also ascended from Ga-
‘lee, of the cite of Nazareth, in to Jude, lile, oute of a cite called Nazareth, vnto
in to a cite of Dauith, that is clepid Iewry, into a cite of David, which is
278 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (St. Luxe
ei was us garda fadreinais Daweidis, fordam de he wes of Dauides hüse and
5 Anamelyan mip Mariin, sei in fragift- 5 Det he férde mid Marian, de him
im was imma qeins wisandein inkilpon. beweddod wees and wees ge-eacnod.
6 Warp pan, mippanei po wesun yainar, 6 Soplice wees geworden, da hi dar
usfullnodedun dagos, du bairan izai. wæron, hire dagas wæron gefyllede, dæt
heo cende.
7 Yah gabar sunu seinana pana frum- 7 And heo cende hyre frum-cennedan
abaur, yah biwand ina, yah galagida ina sunu, and hine mid cild-cládum bewand,
in uzetin, unte ni was im rumis in and hine on binne áléde, fordam de hig
stada pamma. neefdon rim on cumena hüse.

8 Yah hairdyos wesun in pamma sam- 8 And hyrdas wæron on dam ylean
in landa, pairhwakandans yah witand- rice, waciende and niht-wæccan heald-
ans wahtwom nahts ufaro hairdai seinai. ende ofer heora heorda.

9 Ip aggilus Frauyins anaqam ins, yah 9 Da stód Drihtnes engel wid hig,
wulpus Frauyins biskain ins; yah oht- and Godes beorhtnes him ymbe-scean;
edun agisa mikilamma. and hi him mycelum ege ádrédon.

10 Yah qap du im sa aggilus, Ni to And se engel him to ewep, Nelle ge

ogeip; unte sai! spillo izwis faheid eow ádrædan ; sóplice nú! ie eow bodie
mikila, sei wairpip allai managein. mycelne gefean, se bip eallum folce.

II Datei gabaurans ist izwis himma 11 Fordam to-deg eow ys hælend

daga nasyands, saei ist Christus Frauya, acenned, se is Drihten Crist, on Dauides
in baurg Daweidis. ceastre.
12 Yah pata izwis taikns; bigitid barn 12 And dis tácen eow byp; ge ge-
-biwundan, yah galagid in uzetin. métap án cild hreglum bewunden, and
on binne áléd.
13 Yah anaks warp mip pamma agg- 13 And da wes færinga geworden mid
ilau managei haryis himinakundis, haz- dam engle mycelnes heofonlices werydes,
yandane Gup, yah qipandane, God herigendra, and dus ewedendra,
14 Wulpus in hauhistyam Gupa, yah 14 Gode sy wuldor on heahnesse, and
ana airpai gawairpi in mannam godis on eorpan sybb mannum gódes willan.
r5 Yah warp, bipe galipun fairra im 15 And hit wees geworden, dá da en-
in himin pai aggilyus, yah pai mans pai glas to heofone férdon, da hyrdas him
hairdyos qepun du sis misso, Dairhgagg- betwynan spræcon, and cwædon, Uton
aima yu und Beplahaim, yah saiwhaima faran to Bethleem, and geseon dat
waurd pata waurpano, patei Frauya ga- word de geworden is, det Drihten us
kannida unsis. sety wde.

16 Yah qemun sniumyandans, yah bi- 16 And hig étstende comon, and ge-
getun Marian yah losef, yah pata barn métton Marian and Tosep, and det cild
ligando in uzetin. on binne áléd.
17 Gasaiwhandans pan, gakannidedun 17 Da hi det gesáwon, dá oneneowon
bi pata waurd patei rodip was du im hig be dam worde de him gesæd wes
bi pata barn. be dam cilde.
18 Yah allai pai gahausyandans sil- 18 And ealle da de gehyrdon wund- |
daleikidedun, bi po rodidona fram paim redon, be dam de him da hyrdas
hairdyam du im. sædon.
II. 5-:18.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1826, 279
Bedleem, for that he was of the hous called Bethleem, because he was of the
and meyne of Dauith, housse and linage of David,
5 That he schulde knowleche with 5 To be taxed with Mary, his wedded
Marie, with child spousid wyf to him. wife which was with childe.
6 Sothli it was don, whanne thei weren 6 And it fortuned, whill they there
there, the dayes weren fulfillid, that she were, her tyme was come, that she shulde
schulde bere child. be delyvered.
7 And sche childide her firste born 7 And she brought forth her fyrst be-
sone, and wlappide him in clothis, and gotten sonne, and wrapped hym in swad-
puttide him in a cracche, for ther was lynge cloothes, and layed hym in a
not place to hym in the comyn stable. manger, be cause there was no roume
for them with in in the hostrey.
8 And schepherdis weren in the same 8 And there were in the same region
euntre, wakinge and kepinge the watchis shepherdes, abydinge in the felde and
of the ny3t on her flok. watching their flocke by nyght.

9 And loo! the aungel of the Lord 9 And loo! the angell of the Lorde
stood by sydis hem, and the clerenesse stode harde by them, and the brightnes
of God schynede aboute hem ; and thei of the Lorde shone rounde aboute them ;
dredden with greet drede. and they were soore afrayed.
1o And the aungel seide to hem, Nyle 10 And the angell sayd vnto them, Be
3e drede ; lo! sothli I euangelise to 30u not afrayed; beholde! I brynge you
a grete ioye, that schal be to al peple. tydinges off greate ioye, that shall come
to all the people.
11 For a sauyour is borun to day to 11 For vnto you is borne this daye in
| vs, that is Crist the Lord, in the cite of the cite of David, a saveoure, which is
Dauith. Christ the Lorde.
12 And this a tokene to 30u ; 5e schulen 12 And take this for a signe ; ye shall
fynde a song child wlappid in clothis, fynde the childe swadled, and layed in a
and put in a cracche. manger.
. 13 And sudenly ther is maad with 13 And streight waye there was with
the aungel a multitude of heuenly knyst- the angell a multitude of hevenly sow-
hod, heriynge God, and seyinge, diers, laudynge God, and sayinge,
14 Glorie be in the higeste thingis to 14 Glory to God an hye, and peace on
- God, and in erthe pees be to men of the erth, and vnto men reioysynge.
good wille.
15 And it was don, that whanne the 15 And itt fortuned, as sone as the
aungelis passiden a wey fro hem in to angels were gone awaye in to heven,
heuene, the schepherdis spaken to gidere, the shepherdes sayd won to another, Let
seiynge, Passe we ouer til to Bedleem, vs goo even vnto Bethleem, and se this
and se we this word that is maad, the thynge thatt is hapened, which the Lorde
whiche the Lorde maad, and schewid hath shewed vnto vs.
to vs.
16 And thei hy3inge camen, and found- 16 And they cam with haste, and
en Marie and Joseph, and a 3ong child founde Mary and Joseph, and the babe
put in a cracche. ` layde in à manger.
17 Sothli thei seinge, knewen of the 17 When they had sene it, they pub-
word that was seid to hem of this child. lisshed abrode the saynge which was
tolde them off that chylde.
18 And alle men that hadden herd 18 And all that herde itt wondred, att
wondriden, and of thes thingis that thoose thynges which were tolde them
weren seide to hem of the schepherdis. off the shepherdes.
980 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. LUKE
19 Ip Maria alla gafastaida po waurda, 19 Maria geheold ealle dás word, on
pagkyandei in hairtin seinamma. hyre heortau smeagende.
20 Yah gawandidedun sik pai hairdyos, 20 Dà gewendon hám da hyrdas, God
mikilyandans yah hazyandans Gup in wuldrigende and heriende on eallum
allaize pizeei gahausidedun yah ga- dam de hi gehýrdon and gesáwon, swá
sewhun, swaswe rodip was du im. to him geeweden w:es.*
21 Yah bipe usfulnodedun dagos ahtau, 21 /Efter dam de ehta dagas ge-
du bimaitan ina, yah haitan was namo fyllede wæron, det dæt cild emb-snyden
is Iesus, pata qipano fram aggilau, faur- were, his nama wes Helend, se wes
pizei ganumans wesi in wamba. fram engle genemned, ær he on innode
ge-eacnod were.
22 Yah bipe usfulnodedun dagos hrain- 22 And æfter dam de hyre clænsunge
einais ize, bi witoda Mosezis, brahtedun dagas gefyllede wæron, efter Moyses
ina in Íairusalem, atsatyan faura Frau- æ, hi læddon hine on Hierusalem, dzet
yin, hi hine Gode gesetton,
23 Swaswe gamelid ist in witoda 23 Swa swá on Drihtnes Æ áwriten is,
Frauyins, Patei whazuh gumakundaize Det æle wæpned gecynd-lim ontjnende,
uslukands qipu, weihs Frauyins haitada ; byp Drihtne hálig genemned ;
24 Yah ei gebeina fram imma hunsl, 24 And det hig offrunge seáldon,
swaswe qipan ist in witoda Frauyins, efter dam de Drihtnes Æ gecweden is,
Gayuk hraiwadubono, aippau twos yugg- Twa turtlan, odde twegen culfran brid-
ons ahake. " das.
25 paruh was manna in lairusalem, 25 And dá wes án man on Hieru-
pizei namo Swmaion ; yah sa manna salem, des nama wees Simeon ; and des
was garaihts yah gudafaurhts, beidands man wees rihtwis . . . and od Is-
laponais Israelis; yah Ahma Weihs was rahela frófor ge-anbidiende; and Hálig
ana imma. Gast him on wees.
26 Yah was imma gataihan fram Ah- 26 And he andsware fram dam Háleg-
min pamma Weihin, ni saiwhan daupu, an Gaste onféng, det he deap ne ge-
faurpize sewhi Christu Frauyins. sáwe, büton he sr Drihten Crist ge-
sáwe. l
27 Yah qam in ahmin in pizai alh. 27 And on gáste he on det tempel
Yah mippanei innattauhun berusyos pata com. And da his magas læddon done
barn lesu, ei tawidedeina bi biuhtya Holend, det hig for him efter dere
witodis bi ina, & gewunan dydon,
28 Yah is andnam ina ana armins 28 He onféng hine mid hys handum,
seinans, yah piupida Gupa, yah qap, and God bletsode, and ewæþ,
29 Nu fraleitais skalk peinana frau- 29 Drihten, nú dü lætst dinne þeow
yinond, Frauya, bi waurda peinamma in æfter dinum worde on sibbe ;
gawairpya ;
30 Pande sewhun augona meina nasein 30 Fordam mine eagan gesáwon dine
peina, hæle,
31 Poei manwides in andwairpya al- 31 Da du ge-earwodest befóran ansyne
laizo manageino ; eallra folca ;
32 Liuhap du andhuleinai piudom, yah 32 Leoht to peoda áwrigenesse, and to
wulpu managein peinai Ísraela. dines folces wuldre Israhel.*
33 Yah was losef yah aipei is silda- 33 Da wes his fæder and his módor
WU. ana paim, poei rodida wesun .wundriende be dam, de be him gesæde
i ina, wæron.
II. 19-33.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 281
19 Forsoth Marie kepte alle thes wordis, 19 Put Mary kept all thoose sayinges,
beringe to gidere in hir herte. and pondered them in hyr hert.
20 And tbe schepherdis turneden aen, 20 And the shepherdes retourned,
glorifiynge and heriynge God in alle praysynge and laudynge God ffor all
thingis that thei hadden herd and seyn, that they had herde and sene, evyn as
as it is seyd to hem. itt was told vnto them.
21 And aftir that eiste dayes weren 21 And when the eyght daye was come,
endid, that the child schulde be cireum- thatt the chylde shuld be circumcised,
sidid, his name was clepid Jhesus, which his name was called Jesus, which was
was clepid of the aungel, bifore he was named off the angell, before he was con-
conseyued in wombe. ceaved in his mothers wombe.
22 And aftir that the dayes of purga- 22 And when the tyme of their purifi-
cioun of Marie weren fulfild, vp Moyses cacion, after the lawe of Moyses, was
lawe, thei token him in to Jerusalem, come, they brought hym to Hierusalem,
that thei schulden offre him to the to present hym to the Lorde,
23 As it is writun in the lawe of the 23 As yt is written in the lawe off the
Lord, For ech male kynde openynge Lorde, Every man chylde that fyrst
the wombe to go out, schal be clepid openeth the matrix, shalbe called holy
hooly to the Lord; to the Lorde ;
24 And that thei schulen 3yue an off- 24 And to offer, as yt ys sayde in the
ryuge, vp that it is seid in the lawe of lawe of the Lorde, A payre off turtle
the Lord, A peyre of turtris, or twey doves, or ij. yonge pigions.
euluere briddis.
25 And lo! a man was in Jerusalem, 25 And beholde! there was a man in
to whom the name Symeon; and this Hierusalem, whose name was Simeon;
man was iust and dredful, abidinge the and the same man was iuste and feared
comfort of Israel ; and the Hooly Gost God, and longed for the consolacion off
= was in him. Israhel ; and the Holy Goost was in hym.
26 And he hadde taken answere of the 26 And an answer was geven hym of
Hooly Gost, that he schal not se decth, the Holy Goost, that he shulde not se
no but he saiz first the Crist of the deethe, before he had sene the Lordes
Lord. Christ.
27 And he cam in spirit in to the 27 And he cam by inspiracion in to
temple. And whenne his fadir and the temple. And as the father and
modir ledden in the child Jhesu, that mother broght in the chylde Jesus, to
thei schulden do vp the custom of lawe do for hym after the custome of the
- for him, lawe,
. 28 And he took him in to his armes, 28 Then toke he hym vppe in his
and he blesside God, and seide, armes, "o and sayde,
29 Lord, now thou leeuyst thi seruaunt 29 Lorde, nowe lettest thou thy ser-
vp thi word in pees ; vaunt departe in peace accordinge to
thy promes ;
30 For myn y3en han seyn thin helthe, 30 For myne eyes have sene the saveour
sent from the,
31 The which thou hast maad redy 31 Which thou hast prepared before
- bifore the face of alle peplis ; the face of all people ;
32 List to the schewing of hethene, 32 A light to lighten the gentyls, and
and glorie of thi peple of Israel. the glory off thy people Israhel.
33 And his fadir and his modir weren 33 And his father and mother mervel-
wondringe on thes thingis, that weren led att thoose thinges, which were spoken
seid of him. - off hym.
282 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [S81. Luxe
34 Yah piupida ina Swmaion, yah qap 34 And dá bletsode hig Simeon, and
du Mariin, aipein is, Sai! sa ligip du ewep to Marian, his méder, Loca nú!
drusa yah usstassai managaize in Is- des is on hryre and on ærýst ásett
raela, yah du taiknai andsakanai. manegra on Israhel, and on tacen, dam
de wid-cweden byp.

35 Yah pan þeina silbons saiwala 35 And his sweord dine sáwle purh-
pairhgaggip hairus, ei andhulyaindau us færþ, det gepohtas syn áwrigene of
managaim hairtam mitoneis. manegum heortum.

36 Yah was Anna praufeteis, dauhtar 36 And Anna wes witegestre, Fan-
Fanuelis, us kunya Aseris. Soh fram- ueles dóhtor, of Asseres mægþe. Deos
aldra dage managaize, libandei mip abin wunode. mænigne deg, and heo lyfode
yera sibun fram magapein seinai. mid hyre were seofen gear of hyre

37 Soh pan widuwo yere ahtautehund 37 And heo wes wuduwe od feower
yah fidwor; soh ni afiddya fairra alh, and hund-eahtatig geara; seo of dam
fastubnyam yah bidom blotande Frau- temple ne gewát, dæges and nihtes
yan nahtam yah dagam. |eowigende on fæstenum and on hál-
38 Soh pizai wheilai atstandandei, and- 38. And deos dere tide become
haihait Frauyin, yah rodida bi ina in Drihtne andette, and be him spree
allaim paim usbeidandam lapon Íairu- eallum dam de ge-anbidedon Hierus-
saulwmos. alem alysednesse.
39 Yah bipe ustauhun allata, bi witoda 39 And dà hi ealle ping gefyldon,
Frauyins, gawandidedun sik in Ga- efter Drihtnes s, hi gehwurfon on
leilaian, in baurg seina Nazaraip. Galileam, on heora ceastre Nazareth.

40 Ip pata barn wohs, yah swinpnoda, 40 Sóplice dat cild weox, and was
ahmins fullnands yah handugeins; yah gestrangod, wisdómes full; and Godes
ansts Gups was ana imma. gyfu wees on him,

41 Yah wratodedun pai birusyos is 41 And his magas férdon &lee geare
yera whammeh in Íairusalem, at dulp to Hierusalem, on easter-dæges freols-
paska. tide.
42 Yah bipe warp twalibwintrus, us- 42 And dà he wæs twelf wintre, hy
gaggandam pan im in lairusaulwma, bi fóron to Hierusalem, to dam easterlican
biuhtya dulpais, freolse, efter hyra gewunan,
43 Yah ustiuhandam pans dagans, mip- 43 And gefylledum dagum, dá hig
pane gawandidedun sik aftra, gastop ágen-gehwurfon, beláf se Hælend on
lesus sa magus in lairusalem, yah ni Hierusalem, and his magas det nyston.
wisedun fosef yah aipei:is.
44 Hugyandona in gasinpyam ina wis- 44 Wéndon det he on heora gefére
an, qemun dagis wig, yah sokidedun ina were, dá comon hig ánes deges fer,
in ‘ganipyam yah in kunþam. and hine sóhton betweox his magas and
his cúðan.
5 Yah ni bigitandona ina, gawandi- 45 Da hig hyne ne fúndon, hig ge-
PE sik ïn " Jairusalem, sokyandona wendon to Hierusalem, hine sécende.
46 Yah warp, afar dagans prins bige- 46 Da, efter prim dagum hig fündon
tun ina in allh, sitandan in midyaim hine on dam temple, sittende on mid-
IL 34-46] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 283
34 And Symeon blesside hem, and 34 And Simeon blessed them, and sayd
seide to Marie, his modir, Lo! this is vnto Mary, his mother, Behold! this
put in to the fallinge and in to the rys- childe shalbe the fall and resurreccion
inge asen of many men in Israel, and off many in Israhel, and a signe, which
in to a tokene, to whom it schal be shalbe spokyn agaynste.
35 And a swerd schal passe thorw thin 35 And moreover the swearde shall
owne soule, that thou3tis be schewid of pearce the very hert off the, that the
manye hertis. thoughtes of many hertes maye be
36 And Anna was a prophetisse, the 36 And there was Anna a prophetes,
doustir of Fanuel, of the lynage of the doughter of Phanuel, of tribe of
Aser. And sche hadde gon forth Aser. And she was off a greate age,
in many dayes, and hadde lyued with and had lived with an husbande .vij.
hir hosebonde seuen 3eer fro hir mayd- yere from her virginite.
37 And this was a widowe til to foure 37 And this wedowe was aboute .iiij.
score 3eer and foure; which departide scoore and „iiij. yere off age; which
not fro the temple, seruynge ny3t and went never oute of the temple, but
dayto fastingis and bisechingis. served there with fastinge and prayer
nyght and daye.
38 And this in thilke our aboue com- 38 And she cam forth that same houre,
ynge, knowlechide to the Lord, and and praysed God, and spake of hym to
spak of him to alle that abiden the re- all that loked for redempcion in Hieru-
- dempceioun of Israel. salem.
39 And as thei hadden perfytli doon 39 And as sone as they had performed
alle thingis, by the lawe of the Lord, all thinges, accordinge to the lawe off
thei turnyden a3en in to Galilee, in to the Lorde, they returned into Galile, into
her citee Nazareth. their awne cite Nazareth.
. 40 Sothli the child wax, and was coum- 40 And the childe grewe, and wexed
fortid, ful of wysdom ; and the grace of stronge in sprete, and was full off wys-
God was in him. dom ; and the favour of God was with
41 And his fadir and modir wenten by 41 And his father and mother went to
alle 3eeris in to Jerusalem, in the so- Hierusalem every yeare, att the feeste
" lempne day of paske. of ester.
45 42 And whanne Jhesus was maad of 42 And when he was xij. yere olde,
_ twelue 3eeris, hem stiyynge vp in to Je- they went vppe to Hierusalem, after the
rusalem, by custom of the feeste day, custome of the feeste,
43 And the dayes endid, whanne thei 43 And when they had fulfilled the
- turneden agen, the child dwelte in Jeru- dayes, as they returned home, the chylde
salem, and his fadir and modir knewen Jesus boode styll in Hierusalem, vnknow-
not. ynge to his father and mother.
44 Forsothe thei gessinge him to be in 44 For they supposed he had bene in
the felowschipe, camen the wey of a day, the company, they cam a days iorney,
and sou3ten him a mong his cosyns and and sought hym amonge their kynsfolke
knowen. and acquayntaunce.
45 And thei not fyndinge, wenten azen 45 And founde hym not, they went
in to Jerusalem, sekynge him. backe agayne to Hierusalem, and sought
hym. í
46 And it was don, aftir the thridde 46 And hit fortuned, that after .iij.
day thei founden him in the temple, | dayes they founde hym in the temple,
984 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. LUKE
laisaryam, yah hausyandan im yah fraih- dan dam láreowum, hlystende and hi
nandan ins. ahsiende. l
47 Usgeisnodedun pan allai pai baus- 47 Dà wundrodon hig ealle de ge-
yandans is, ana frodein yah andawaurd- hyrdon, be his gleawscipe and hys and-
yam is. swarum.
49 Yah gasaiwhandans ina sildaleiz- "ECRANS Da cweep his módor
idedun. Yah qap du imma so aipei is, to him, Sunu, hwi dydest dú une dus!
Magau, wha gatawides uns swa? Sai! din feeder and ic sárigende dé sóhton.
sa atta peins yah ik winnandona soki-
dedum puk.
49 Yah qap du im, Wha patei soki- | 49 Da cwæþ he to him, Hwæt is det
dedup mik? niu wissedup, patei in
paim gyt me sohton? nyste gyt, det me
attins meinis, skulda wisan ? gebyrap to beonne, on dam pingum de
mines feeder synd?
50 Yah iya ni froþun pamma waurda, 50 Da ne ongeaton hig det word, de
patei rodida du im. he to him spree.
51 Yah iddya mip im, yah qam in 51 Da férde he mid him, and com to
Nazaraip, yah was uthausyands im. Yah Nazareth, and wes him under-þeod.
alpei is gafastaida po waurda alla in And his módor geheold ealle dis word,
hairtin seinamma. on hyre heortan smeagende.
52 Yah Jesus þaih frodein, -yah wahs- 52 And se Hælend peah on wisdóme,
tau, yak anstai, at Gupa yah mannam. and on ylde, and mid gyfe, mid Gode
and mid mannum.

Crap. III. 1 Ín yera þan fimfta- Crap. IIT. 1 *Sóplice dam fifteopan
` taihundin piudinassaus Teibairiaus, Kai- geare des Caseres anwealdes, Tiberii,
saris, raginondin Puntiau Peilatau Íudaia, begymendum dam Pontiscan Pilate
yah fidurraginya pis Galeilaias, Herodeis, Tudéa-peode, feorpan dæles rica Galiléé,
Filippauzuh, pan broprs is, fidurrag- Herode, Filippo, his bréder, feorpan
inya pis Ituraias, yah Trakauneitidaus dæles rica Iturie, and des rices Tra-
landis, yah Lwsaniaus, Abeileni fidur- conitidis, and Lisania, Abiline feorpan
raginya, dæles rica,
2 At auhmistam gudyam Annin yah 2 Under dera sacerda ealdrum Anna
Kayafin, warp waurd Gups at lohannen, and Caifa, Godes word wes geworden
Zachariins sunau, in aupidai. ofer Zacharias sunu, on wéstene.

3 Yah qam and allans gauyans Íaur- 3 And he com into eall Iordanes rice,
danaus, meryands daupein idreigos du bodigende dæd-bóte fulluht and synna
fraleta frawaurhte. forgyfenesse.
4 Swaswe gamelid ist in bokom waurde 4 Swa hit áwriten ys on Isaies béc,
Esaeiins, praufetaus, qipandins, Stibna dees witegan, Clypiendes stefn on wêst-
wopyandins in aupidai, Manweid wig ene, Gegearwiap Drihtnes weg, dóp his
Frauyins, raihtos waurkeip staigos is. sidas rihte.
5 All dalei usfullyada, yah all fairgunye 5 /Ele denu bip gefylled, and zle
yah hlaine gahnaiwyada; yah wairpip münt and beorh byþ genyderod; and |
pata wraiqo du raihtamma, yah usdrus- pweoru beop on gerihte, and ungerydu
teis du wigam slaihtaim ; on sméde wegas ;

II. 47.-III. 5.) WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 285
sittinge in the myddil of doctours, heer- sittinge in the middes of the doctours,
inge hem and axinge hem. both hearynge them and posinge them.
47 Sothli alle men that herden him, 47 And all that herde hym, mervelled
wondriden on the prudence and answeris at his witt and answers.
of him.
48 And thei seynge wondriden. And 48 And when they sawe hym they were
his modir seide to him, Sone, what hast astonyed. And his mother sayde vnto
thou don to vs thus? Lo! thi fadir and hym, Sone, why haste thou thus dealte
I sorwynge han soust thee. with vs? Beholde! thy father and I
have sorowed and sought the.
49 And he seith to hem, What is it 49 And he sayd vnto them, Howe is it
that 3e sousten me? wisten 3e not, for that ye sought me? wist ye not, that I
in tho thingis that ben of my fadir, it muste goo aboute my fathers busines?
— bihoueth me to be?
50 And thei vndirstoden not the word, 50 And they vnderstod nott the saynge,
which he spak to hem. that he spake to them.
51 And he cam doun with hem, and 51 And he went with them, and cam
cam to Nazareth, and was suget to hem. to Nazareth, and was obedient to them.
And his modir kepte to gidere alle thes His mother kept all these thynges in
wordis, beringe to gidere in hir herte. her hert.
52 And Jhesu profitide in wysdom, 52 And Jesus inereased in wisdom,
age, and grace, anemptis God and men. and age, and in favoure, with God and

Cuar. III. 1 Forsothe in the fyf- Crap. III. 1 In the fiftenthe yeare
tenthe 3eer of the empyre of Tiberie, of the raigne off Tiberius, the emperoure,
- emperour, Pilat of Pounce kepinge Judee, Pontius Pilate beinge leftenaunt of Jewry,
sothli Eroude, prince of Galilee, Philip and Herode beinge tetrarch of Galile,
forsoth, his brother, prince of lturee, and his brother Philip, tetrarch in Iturea,
and of the cuntre of Tracon, and Lisany, and in the region of Traconitis, and Ly-
prince of Abilyn, sanias the tetrarch of Abyline,

2 Vndir the princis of prestis Annas 2 When Anna and Cayphas were the
and Cayfas, the word of the Lord is hye prestes, the commaundment of God
= maad on John, the sone of Zacharie, in
was puplisshed vnto Jhon, the sonne off
desert. Zacarias, in the wildernes.
3 And he cam in to al the cuntre of 3 And he cam into all the coostes
Jordan, prechinge baptym of penaunce aboute Jordan, preachynge the baptim of
in to remyscioun of synnes. repentaunce for the remission of synnes.
4 As it is writun in the book of wordis 4 As it is written in the boke of the
of Ysaye, the prophete, The voys of oon sayinges of Esayas, the prophet, which
" eriynge in desert, Make 3e redy the saeth, The voyce off a eryar in wylder-
E of the Lord, make se his pathis nes, Prepare the waye off the Lorde,
ri3t. make hys pathes straight.
áEch valey schal be fulfillid, and ech 5 Every valley shalbe fylled, and every
mountayn and litil hil schal be maad mountayne and hyll shalbe broght lowe ;
lou3 ; and schrewide thingis schulen be and crocked thynges shalbe made streight,
- in to dressid thingis, and scharpe thingis and the rought wayes shalbe made smoth ;
in to playne weyes ; |
286 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Luxe
6 Yah gasaiwhip all leike nasein Gups. 6 And ele flæsc gesihp Godes hæle.

7 Qap pan du paim atgaggandeim 7 Soplice he ewæþ to dam menegum,

manageim, daupyan fram sis, Kuni nad- de férdon, deet hi wæron gefullode fram
re, whas gataiknida izwis pliuhan faura him, Eala ge neddrena cynn, hwa et-
pamma anawairþin hatiza ? ywde eow det ge fleon fram dam to-
weardan yrre?
8 Waurkyaip nu akran wairpata id- 8 Dóþ geornlice weordlice dæd-bóte
reigos, yah ni duginnaip qipan in izwis, wæstmas, “and ne ongynne ge cwedan,
Attan aigum Abraham ; qipa auk izwis, We habbap us to feder Abraham; ie
patei mag Gup us stainam paim urrais- secge eow, det God is swa mihtig dæt
yan barna Abrahama. he mæg of dysum stánum Abrahames
bearn aweccan.
9 Appan yu so aqizi at waurtim bagme 9 Nú is seo sx áset to des treowes
ligip ; all nu bagme unbairandane akran wyrtruman ; witodlice ele treow de ne
god, usmaitada, yah in fon galagyada. bryngp gódne wæstm, bip forcorfen, and
on fyraworpen.

to Yah frehun ina manageins, qip- to Ba áhsodon hyne da menegu, and

andans, An wha tauyaima? cwædon, Hwæt dó we ?
11 Andhafyands pan qap, Sa habands Ir Da cwæþ he to him, Se de hefp
twos paidos, gibai pamma unhabandin; twa tunecan, sylle dam de næfþ; and
yah saei habai matins, samaleiko tauyai. dam gelice do, se de mettas heefp.

12 Qemun pan motaryos daupyan ; yah 12 Da comon da mánfullan det hig

qepun du imma, Laisari, wha tau- áþwegene wæron; and cwedon to him,
yaimaÍ Lareow, hweet do we?
13 paruh qab du im, Ni waiht, ufar 13 Da cwæþ he, Ne dó ge naht mare,
patei garaid siyai izwis, lausyaip. donne dæt eow geset is.

14 Frehun fan ina yah pai militond- 14 Da &hsodon hine da cempan, and
ans, qipandans, Yah weis wha tau- ewédon, And hwæt dó we? Da sæde
yaima? Yah qap du im, Ni mannanhun he him, Ne slea ge nanne, ne tale ne
holop, ni mannanhun anamahtyaid, yah dóp, and beop édhylde on eowrum and-
waldaip annom izwaraim. lyfenum.
15 At wenyandein pan allai managein, 15 Sóplice dam folee wénendum, and
yah pagkyandam allaim in hairtam seinaim eallum on hyra heortan pencendum be
bi Íohannein, niu aufto sa wesi Christus, Iohanne, hweeder he Crist were,
16 Andhof þan Iohannes, allaim qip- 16 Da andswarode Iohannes, him eal-
ands, Ík allis izwis watin daupya ; ip lum secgende, Witodlice ie eow on
gaggip swinpoza mis, pizei ik ni im weetere fullige ;; sóþlice cymp strengra
wairps andbindan skaudaraip skohisis ; donne ic, des ic ne eom wyrde diet.ic
sah izwis daupeip in Ahmin Weihamma hys sceo-pwang unenytte; he eow fullap
yah funin. on Hálgum Gäste and on fyre.

17 Habands winpiskauron in handau 17 And his fann ys on his handa, and

seinal, yah gahraineip gaprask sein, yah he feormap his bernes flore, and ga-
briggip kaurn in bansta seinamma; ip derap hys hwæte into his berne; det
ahana intandeip funin unwhapnandin. ceaf he forbernp on unácweneedlicum.
18 Managup-pan yah anpar prafstyands, 18 Manega ódre ping bodigende, he
piupspilloda managein. deet fole lærde.
III. 6-18.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 287
6 And ech fleisch* schal se the helthe 6 And all flesshe shall se the saveour
of God. sent off God.
4 Therfore he seide to the cumpanyes, 7 Then sayde he to the people, that
the whiche wenten out, that thei schulden were come to be baptised of hym, O
be baptysid of him, Kyndlis of eddris, generacion of vipers, who hath shewed
who schewide to 30u to flee fro wraththe you the crafte to flye from wrath to
. to comynge ? come ?
8 Therfore do 3e worthi fruytis of pen- 8 Brynge forth due frutes of repent-.
aunce, and bigynne 3e not to seye, We aunce, and begyn nott to saye in youre
han a fadir Abraham ; sothli I seie to selves, We have Abraham to oure father ;
jou, God is my3ti to reise of thes for I say vnto you, God is able of these
- stoones the sones of Abraham. stones to reyse vppe children vnto Abra-
9 Forsothe now an ax is put to the 9 Nowe also ys the axe leyd vnto the
roote of the tree; sothli ech tree not rote off the trees; every tree therfore
makynge good fruyt, schal be kitt doun, which bringeth not forth good frute,
and schal be sent in to the fier. - shalbe hewen doune, and caste in to the
to And the cumpanyes axden him, 10 And the people axed him, sayinge,
. seiynge, What therfore schulen we do? What shall we do then t
= 11 Sothli he answeringe seide to hem, 1I He answered and sayde vnto them,
He that hath twey cootis, 3yue to him He that hathe ij. coottes, lett hym parte
that hath non; and he that hath metis, with him that hath none; and he that
do on lyk manere. hath meate, let him do lyke wyse.
. 12 Sothli and pupplicans camen for to 12 Then cam there puplicans to be
be baptised; and thei seiden to him, baptised ; and sayde vnto hym, Master,
- Maistir, what schulen we don ? what shall we do ?
. r3 And he seide to hem, Do se no 13 He answered vnto them, Requyre
thing more, than that that is ordeyned no more, then that which ys appoynted
to 30u. vnto you.
14 Forsothe and knystis axiden him, 14 The soudiers lykewyse demaunded
= seiynge, What schulen also we do? And off hym, sayinge, And what shall we do?
he seith to hem, Smyte 3e wrongfulli no And he sayde to them, Do violence to
. man, nether make 5e fals chalenge, and noo man, nether trouble eny man wrong-
be 3e apaid with 30ure soudis. fully, and be content wyth youre wages.
.— 15 Forsoth al the peple gessinge, and 15 As the people were in a doute, and
- alle men thenkinge in her hertis of John, all men disputed in there hertes of Jhon,
-lest perauenture he were Crist, whether he were very Christ,
116 John answeride, seyinge to alle 16 Jhon answered, and sayd to them
men, Sothli I baptise 3ou in watir ; all, I baptise you wyth water; butt a
- forsothe a strengere than I schal come stronger then I commeth, whose shue
— aftir me, of which I am not worthi for latchet I am nott worthy to vnloose ;
— to vnbynde the thwong of his schoon; he will baptise you with the Holy Goost
he schal baptyse 30u in the Hooly Gost and with fyre.
! and fyer. ;
- 17 Whos wynewyng tool in his hond, 17 Which hath his fan in his hond,
- and he schal purge his corn floor, and and wil pourge his floore, and will gader
- Sehal gedere the whete in to his berne; his corne in to hys barne; and the
. sothli the chaffis he schal brenne in fier chaffe wyll he bourne with fyre that
. ynquenchable. never shalbe quenched.
— 18 Forsoth and he monestinge manye 18 And many other thynges in hys ex-
_ ethere thingis, euangeliside to the peple. "hortacion, preached he vnto the people.

B t
288 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. LUKE
19 Ip Herodes, sa taitrarkes, gasakans 19 Herodes, se feorpan dæles rica, da
fram imma bi Herodiadein, gen broprs he wes fram him gepread be dere
is, yah bi alla poei gawaurhta ubila Herodiadiscan, hys broder wife, and be
Herodes, eallum yfelum de Herodes dyde, i
20 Anaaiauk yah pata ana alla, yah ga- 20 And ofer eall deet he ge-icte, det
lauk Johannen in karkarai. he beclýsde Iohannem on cwearterne.
21 Warp pan, bipe daupida alla man- 21 Sdplice wees geworden, da eall det
agein, yah at lesu ufdaupidamma, yah fole wees gefullod, and dam Helende
bidyandin, usluknoda himins. gefulledum, and gebiddendum, heofon
wes ge-openod.
22 Yah atiddya Ahma sa Weiha leikis 22 And se Halega Gast astah licham-
siunai, swe ahaks ana ina; yah stibna liere ansýne, on hyne swa án culfre ;
us himina warp, qipandei, Pu is sunus and stefen wes of heofone geworden,
meins sa liuba, in puzei waila galeik- and dus cwæþ, Du eart min gecorena
aida. i sunu, on dé me gelicode.
23 Yah silba was lesus swe yere pri- 23 And se Hælend wes on ylde swylce
yetigiwe uf gakunpai, swaei sunus munds pritig wintre, det men wendon diet he
was losefis, sunaus Heleis, wre losepes sunu, se wees Helies sunu,”
24—38 se wees Nazareth. Swa of eneor-
24 Sunaus Matþatis, sunaus Laiwweis, ysse on cneorysse, od Adam, se wees
sunaus Mailkeis, sunaus Yannins, sun- Godes sunu, od fif and hund-seofentig
aus losefis, Cneoryssa. y

25 Sunaus Mattapiwis, sunaus Am-

mons, sunaus Naumis, sunaus Aizleimis,
sunaus Naggais,

26 Sunaus Mahaþis, sunaus Mattapiaus,

sunaus Saimaieinis, sunaus losefis, sun-
aus lodins,

27 Sunaus lohannins, sunaus Resins,

sunaus Zauraubabilis, sunaus Salapielis,
sunaus Nerins,

28 Sunaus Mailkeins, sunaus Addeins,

sunaus Kosamis, sunaus Airmodamis,
sunaus Heris,

29 Sunaus losezis, sunaus Aileiaizairis,

sunaus loreimis, sunaus Mattapanis, sun-
aus Laiwweis,

30 Bunaus Swmaions, sunaus Íudins,

sunaus losefis, sunaus lohannins, sun-
aus. Aileiakeimis,
IIl. 19-3o.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 289
19 Sothli Eroude, the forthe prince, 19 Then Herode, the tetrach, when he
whanne he was blamyd of John for was rebuked of hym for Herodias, his
Herodias, wyf of his brother, and of alle brother Philippes wyfe, and for all the
euels that Eroud dide, evyls which Herod had done,
20 Addide this ouer alle, and closide 20 Added this above all, and leyd Jhon
John in prisoun. in preson.
21 Forsoth it was don, whanne al the 21 And yt fortuned, as all the people
peple was baptisid, and Jhesu cristenyd, receaved baptim, and when Jesus was
and preiynge, heuene was openyd. baptised, and did praye, that heven was
22 And the Hooly Gost cam doun in 22 And the Holy Goost cam doune in
_ bodily licknesse, as a culuere in to him ; à bodely shape, lyke a dove apon him ;
and a voys was maad fro heuene, Thou and a voyce cam from heven, sayinge,
| ert my dereworthe sone, in thee it hath Thov arte my dere sonne, in the do I
- plesid to me. delyte.
23 And Jhesu him silf was bygynnynge 23 And Jesus him silfe was about thirty
as of thritti 3eer, that he was gessid the yere of age when he began, beinge as
- sone-of Joseph, which was of Hely, men supposed the sonne of Joseph,
which Joseph was the sonne of Heli,
24 Which was of Mathath, which was 24 Which was the sonne of Mathat,
of Leuy, wich was of Melchy, which was which was the sonne of Levi, which was
. of Jamne, that was of Joseph, the sonne of Melchi, which was the sonne
of Janna, which was the sonne of Joseph,
25 That was of Mataty, that was of 25 Which was the sonne of Matatthias,
„Amos, that was of Naum, that was of which was the sonne of Amos, which
Hely, that was of Nagge, was the sonne of Nahum, which was the
sonne of Esli, which was the sonne of
26 That was of Mathath, that was of 26 Which was the sonne of Maath,
Mathatye, that was of Semy, that was which was the sonne of Matathias, which
of Joseph, that was of Juda, was the sonne of Semei, which was the
sonne of Joseph, which was the sonne ef
27 That was of Johanna, that was of 27 Which was the sonne of Johanna,
Resa, that was of Zorobabel, that was of which was the sonne of Rhesya, which
. Balatiel, that was of Nery, was the sonne of Zorobabel, which was.
the sonne of Salathiel, which was the
sonne of Neri,
. 28 That was of Melchy, that was of 28 Which was the sonne of Melchi,
Addy, that was of Cosan, that was of which was the sonne of Addi, which was
Elmadan, that was of Her, the sonne of Cosam, which was the sonne
of Helmadam, which was the sonne of
1 29 That was of Jesu, that was of Ele- 29 Which was the sonne of Jeso, which
asar, that was of Jorym, that was of was the sonne of Helieser, which was
Mathath, that was of Leuy, the sonne of Joram, which was the sonne
of Mattha, which was the sonne of Levi,
30 That was of Symeon, that was of 30 Which was the sonne of Simeon,
Juda, that was of Joseph, that was of which was the sonne of Juda, which was
Jona, that was of Elyachim, the sonne of Joseph, which was the
sonne of Jonam, which was the sonne
4 | of Heliacim,
290 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Lucr
31 Sunaus Mailaianis, sunaus Maein-
anis, sunaus Mattapanis, sunaus Napanis,
sunaus Daweidis,

32 Sunaus laissaizis, sunaus Obeidis,

sunaus Bauauzis, sunaus Salmonis, sun-
aus Nahassonis,

33 Sunaus Ameinadabis, sunaus Ar-

amis, sunaus Aizoris, sunaus Faraizis,
sunaus ludins,

34 Sunaus Íakobis, sunaus Ísakis, sun-

aus Abrahamis, sunaus Jarins, sunaus

35 Sunaus Sairokis, sunaus Ragawis,

sunaus Falaigis, sunaus Aibairis, sunaus

36 Sunaus Kaeinanis, sunaus Arfak-

sadis, sunaus Semis, sunaus Nauelis,
sunaus Lamaikis,

37 Sunaus Mapusalis, sunaus Ainokis,

sunaus laredis, sunaus Maleilaielis, sun-
aus Kaeinanis,

38 Sunaus Ainosis, sunaus Sedis, sun-

aus Adamis, sunaus Gups.

Crap. IV. 1 Ip lesus Ahmins Weih- Cuar. IV. 1 Sóplice se Hælend wees
is fulls gawandida sik fram Íaurdanau, full Háligum Gáste and férde fram Iord-
yah tauhans was in ahmin in auþidai ane, and he wes fram Háligum Gaste
gelæd on sumum wéstene
2 Dage fidwortiguns, fraisans fram 2 Feowertig daga, and wæs fram deofle
diabulau, yah ni matida waiht in dagam costod, and he on dam dagum nán þing
yainaim; yah at ustauhanaim þaim dag- ne æt; and dam gefylledum dagum,
am, bipe gredags warp. hine hingrede.
3 Yah qap du imma diabulus, Yabai 3 Ðá cwæþ se deofol him to, Gif dú
sunaus siyais Gups, qip pamma staina, sy Godes sunu, sege disum stáne, det
ei wairpai hlaibs. he to hlafe geweorde.
4 Yah andhof lesus wipra ina qipands, 4 Da andswarode him se Hælend, Hit
III 31.-IV. 4.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 291
31 That was of Melca, that was of 31 Which was the sonne of Melea,
Menna, that was of Mathatha, that was which was the sonne of Menam, which
of Nathan, that was of Dauith, was the sonne of Mathathan, which was
the sonne of Nathan, which was the
sonne of David,
32 That was of Jesse, that was of Obeth, 32 Which was the sonne of Jesse, which
that was of Booz, that was of Salmon, was the sonne of Obed, which was the
that was of Nason, sonne of Boos, which was the sonne of
Salmon, which was the sonne of Naason,
33 That was of Amynadab, that was of 33 Which was the sonne of Aminadab,
Aram, that was of Esrom, that was of which was the sonne of Aram, which
Phares, that was of Judas, was the sonne of Esrom, which was the
sonne of Phares, which was the sonne of
34 That was of Jacob, that was of 34 Which was the sonne of Jacob,
- Ysaac, that was of Abraham, that was whieh was the sonne of Ysaae, which
. of Tare, that was of Nacor, was the sonne of Abraham, which was
the sonne of Tharra, which was the sonne
of Nachor,
35 That was of Seruch, that was of 35 Which was the sonne of Saruch,
— Ragau, that was of Phaleth, that was of which was the sonne of Ragan, which
Heber, that was of Sale, was the sonne of Phalee, which was the
sonne of Heber, which was the sonne of
. 36 That was of Caynan, that was of 36 Which was the sonne of Cainan,
- Arfaxat, that was of Sem, that was of which was the sonne of Arphaxat, which
Noe, that was of Lameth, was the sonne of Sem, which was the
sonne of Noe, which was the sonne of
37 That was of Matusale, that was of 37 Which was the sonne of Mathusala,
Enok, that was of Jareth, that was of which was the sonne of Enoch, which
Malaliel, that was of Caynan, was the sonne of Jareth, which was the
sonne of Malalehel, which was the sonne
of Cainan,
_ 38 That was of Enos, that was of Seth, 38 Which was the sonne of Enos, which
. that was of Adam, that was of God. was the sonne of Seth, which was the
sonne of Adam, which was the sonne of

Crap. IV. 1 Forsothe Jhesu ful of Crap. IV. 1 Jesus then full off the
_ the Hooly Gost turnede agen fro Jordan, Holy Goost returnyd from Iordan, and
and was led by the spirit in to desert was caryed off the sprete into a wilder-
2 Fourty dayes, and was temptid of the 2 And was xl. dayes tempted of the
deuyl, and eet no thing in tho dayes; devyl, and in thoose dayes ate he no
and tho dayes endid, he hungride. thinge ; and when they were ended, he
after ward hongred.
3 Forsothe the deuel seide to him, If 3 And the devyll sayd vnto him, Yf
thou ert Goddis sone, seye to this stoon, thou be the sonne of God, commaunde
that it be maad bred. this stone, that he be breed.
_ 4 And Jhesus answeride to him, It is 4 And Jesus answered hym, sayinge,

292 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST. LUKE

Gamelid ist, Patei ni bi hlaib ainana is áwriten, Det se man ne lyfap be
libaid manna, ak bi all waurde Gups. hláfe ánum, ac of élcum Godes worde.

5 Yah ustiuhands ina diabulaus ana 5 And dá lædde se deofol hyne, and
fairguni hauhata, ataugida imma allans ætýwde him ealle ricu eorpan ymbe-
piudinassuns pis midyungardis in stika hwyrftes on ánre byrhtm-hwile;
6 Yah qap du imma sa diabulus, Pus 6 And to him cwep, Ealne disne an-
giba pata waldufni pize allata, yah wulpu weald ic dé sylle, and hyra wuldor,
ize, unte mis atgiban ist, yah piswham- fordam de hi me synd gesealde, and ic
meh pei wilyaug giba pata ; hi sylle dam de ic wylle ;

y Pu nu yabai inweitis mik in and- 7 Witodlice ealle hig beop dine, gif dt
wairpya meinamma, wairpip pein all. ge-eadmétst befóran me.

8 Yah andhafyands imma lesus qap, 8 Da andswarode him se Helend, .

Gamelid ist, Frauyan Gup Hit is awriten, Drihten dinne
peinana inweitais, yah imma ainamma God dú ge-eadmétst, and him ánum
fullafahyais. þeowast.
9 Paproh gatauh ina in Íairusalem, 9 Ðá lædde he hyne on Hierusalem,
yah gasatida ina ana giblin alhs, yah and gesette hine ofer dees temples hricg,
qaþ du imma, Yabai sunus siyais Gups, and him to cwæþ, Gyf du sy Godes
wairp puk papro dalap; sunu, ásend dé heonun nyder;
10 Gamelid ist auk, patei aggilum 10 Sóplice hyt is áwriten, Det he hys
seinaim anabiudip bi puk, du gafastan englum be dé bebyt, diet hig dé ge-
puk, healdon,
11 Yah patei ana handum þuk ufhab- 11 And det hig dé mid handum nim-
.and, ei whan ni gastagqyais bi staina on, de-les Gi dinne fot æt stáne æt-
fotu peinana. speorne.
12 Yah andbafyands qap imma lesus, 12 Da cwæþ se Hélend him andswar-
patei qipan ist, Ni fraisais Frauyan Guþ iende, Hyt is gecweden, Ne costna du
þeinana. Drihten dinne God.
13 Yah ustiuhands all fraistobnyo, 13 And ealre dere costnunge ge-
diabulus afstop fairra imma und mel. fylledre, se deofol him sume hwile fram:
14 Yah gawandida sik lesus in mahtai 14 Ðá férde se Hælend on gástes
ahmins in Galeilaian, yah meripa ur- mægene on Galileam, and his hlisa be
rann and all gawi bisitande bi ina. him. férde on eall dzet rice.

15 Yah is laisida in gaqumpim ize, 15 And he lérde be hyra gesamnung-

mikilids fram allaim. um, and wees fram eallum gemársod.
16 Yah qam in Nazaraip, þarei was 16 Dá com he to Nazareth, dar he
fodips, yah galaip inn bi biuhtya sein- aféd wees, and he eode on reste-dæge on
amma in daga sabbato in swnagogein, da gesamnunge efter his gewunan, and
yah usstop siggwan bokos. he árás Geet he rædde.
17 Yah atgibanos wesun imma bokos 1; And him wees geseald Isaias boc,
Eisaeiins, praufetus ; yah uslukands pos des witegan ; and sóna swá he da boe
bokos, bigat stad parei was gamelid, unfeóld, do e he dar áwriten,

18 Ahma Frauyins ana mis, in pizei 18 Drihtnes Gást is ofer me, fordam |
gasalboda mik; du wailameryan unled- de he smyrede me; he sende me pearf-
aim insandida mik, du ganasyan pans um bodian, and gehæftum álýsednesse,
IV. 5-18.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 293
. writun, For a man lyueth not in breed| It ys written, Man shall nott live by
aloone, but in euery word of God. breed only, butt by every worde of
5 And the deuyl ladde hym in to an 5 And the devyll toke him vppe into
hi3 hil, and schewide to him alle the an hye mountayne, and shewed hym all
rewmes of the roundnesse of erthe in a the kyngdoms of the erth even in the
moment of a tyme ; twyneklynge of an eye;
6 And seith to him, I schal 3yue to 6 And the devyl said vnto him, All
thee al this power, and the glorie of this power will I geve the everywhit,
hem, for to me thei ben 5ouun, and to and the glori of them, for that is de-
whom I wole I 3yue hem ; lyvered to me, and to who soever I wyll
Igeve it;
7 Therfore if thou fallinge doun schalt 7 Yf thou therfore wilt worshippe me,
worschipe bifore me, alle thingis schulen they shalbe all thyne.
be thine.
8 And Jhesus answeringe seide to him, 8 Jesus answered and sayd vnto hym,
It is writen, Thou Sobslt Hence from me, Satan, for hit is written,
worschipe the Lord thi God, and to Thou shalt honour thy Lorde God, and
hym aloone thou schalt serue. hym only serve.
9 And he ledde him in to Jerusalem, g And he caryed hym to Hierusalem,
and settide on the pynacle of the temple, and set him on a pynacle of the temple,
and seide to him, If thou art Goddis and sayd vnto him, Yf thou be the sonne
sone, sende thi self fro hennis down ; of God, cast thy silfe doune from hens;
ro For it is writen, For he hath co- 10 For it ys written, He shall gevc
maundid to his aungels of thee, that thei hys angelles charge over the, to kepe
kepe thee in alle thi weyes, the,
11 And for thei schulen in hondis take ir And with there hondis they shall
thee, lest perauenture thou hirte thi foot stey the vppe, that thou hurt nott thy
at a stoon. fote agaynst a stone.
12 And Jhesus answeringe seith to I2 Jesus answered and sayde vnto
him, It is seid, Thou schalt not tempte hym, It ys sayd, Thou shalt nott tempte
the Lord thi God. thy Lorde God.
13 And euery temptacioun endid, the 13 And as sone as the deryll had ended
deuyl wente away fro him til to a tyme. all his temptacions, he departed from
hym for a season.
14 And Jhesu turnyde ajen in the I4 And Jesus retourned by the power
vertu of the spirit in to Galilee, and the of the sprete in to Galile, and the fame
fame wente forth of him thur3 al the off hym went throwe oute all the region
cuntre. rounde aboute.
15 And he tau3te in the synagogis ot 15 And he taught in there sinagogges,
hem, and was magnyfied of alle men. and was commended off all men.
16 And he cam to Nazareth, where 16 And he cam to Nazareth, where he
he was norischid, and he entride by was noursed, and as hys custume was
custom in the day of saboth in to the went in to the sinagog on the saboth
synagoge, and roos for to rede. daye, and stode vppe for to rede.
17 And the book of Ysaie, the pro- 17 And there was delyvered vnto hym
phete, was takun to him; and as he the boke off the prophet, Esaias ; and
turnyde the book, he fond a place where when he had opened the boke, he founde
it is writun, the place where hit was wrytten,
18 The Spirit of the Lord on me, for 18 The Sprete off the Lorde apon me,
which thing he anoyntide me; he sente be cause he hath annoynted me; to
me for to euaungelise to pore men, for to preache the gospell to the povre he hath
294 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. LUKE
gamalwidans hairtin, meryan frahunp- and blindum gesihpe, forbrocene ge-
anaim fralet, yah blindaim siun ; fralet- helans n
an gamaidans in gaprafstein ;

19 Meryan yer Frauyins andanem. 19 And bodian Drihtnes andfenge gér,

and edleanes deg,
20 Yah faifalp pos bokos, yah usgib- 20 And da he da bóc befeold, he hig
ands andbahta, gasat; yah allaim in dam pene agef, and sæt; and ealra
þizai swnagogein wesun augona fair- heora eagan on dere gesamnunge wær-
weityandona du imma. on on hyne behealdende.
21 Dugann pan rodyan du im, patei 21 Da ongan he him to ewedan, Sóp-
himma daga usfullnodedun mela po in lice to-deg dis gewrit is on eowrum
ausam izwaraim. earum gefylled.
22 Yah allai alakyo weitwodidedun 22 And hig eale wæron des ge-

imma, yah sildaleikidedun bi po waurda cnæwe, and wundredon be dam wordum,

anstais, bo usgaggandona
us as munpa is. de of his müpe eodon. And dus cwed- -
Yah qepun, Niu sa ist sunus Íosefis ? on, Nys des Iosepes sunu t:

23 Yah qap du im, Aufto qipip mis po 23 Da cwæþ he, Witodlice ge secgap
gayukon, Pu leiki, hailei puk silban. me das gelicnesse, Ealá læce, gehæl dé
Whan filu hausidedum waurpan in sylfne. D6 hér on dinum earde, swá NATE
Kafarnaum, tawei yah her' in gebaurpai fela wundra swá we gehjrdon gedóne
þeinai. on Cafarnaum.
24 Qap þan, Amen izwis qipa, patei ni 24 Da cwæþ he, Sóþlice ie eow secge, d7
ainshun praufete andanems ist in ga- det nan witega nis andfenge on his
baurpai seinai. édele.
25 Appan bi sunyai qipa izwis, patei 25 Sóþlice ic eow secge, manega wud-
managos widuwons wesun in dagam ewan wæron on Helias dagum on Is-
Heleiins in Israela, pan galuknoda him- rahel, da da seo heofon wes belocen
ins du yeram prim yah menops saihs, swe preo gér and syx mónpas, dá wæs ge-
warp huhrus mikils and alla airpa ; worden mycel hunger on ealre eorpan ;
26 Yah ni du ainaihun pizo insandips 26 And to dara nánum næs Helias
was Helias, alya in Saraipta Seidonais, ásend, büton to ánre wudewan, on
du qinon widuwon. Sarepta Sidonie.
27 Yah managai prutsfillai wesun, uf 27 And manega lic-próweras wæron
Haileisaiu, praufetau, in Ísraela, yah on Israhel, under Heliseó, dam witegan,
ni ainshun ize gahrainids was, alya and hyra nin næs áclæénsod, büton
Naiman sa Saur. Naaman se Sirisca.
28 Yah fullai waurpun allai modis in 28 Da wurdon hig ealle on dere ge-
pizai swnagogein, hausyandans pata. samnunge mid yrre gefylled, das ping
29 Yah usstandandans, uskusun imma 29 And hig árison, and seufon hine
ut us baurg, yah brahtedun ina und of deere ceastre, and læéddon hine ofer
auhmisto pis fairgunyis ana pammei so dies müntes enæpp ofer done hyra burh
baurgs ize gatimrida was, du afdrausyan getimbrod wes, det hi hine nyder-
ina papro. bescufon,
30 lp is pairhleipands pairh midyans 30 Da férde he purh hyra midlen ;
ins iddya;
31 Yah galaip in Kafarnaum, baurg 31 And he férde to Cafarnaum, on
IV. 19-31.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 295
heele contrite nien in herte, and for to sent me, and to heale them which are
preche remyscioun to caytifs, and si3t troubled in there liertes, to preache
to blynde men; and for to delyuere deliveraunce to the captive, and sight to
brokun men in to remiscioun ; the blynde ; and frely to sett att liberte
them that are brused;
19 For to preche the 3eer of the Lord 19 And to preache the aceptable yeate
plésaunt, and the day of 3eldynge. off the Lorde.
20 And whanne he hadde closid the 20 And he cloosed the booke, and gave
book, he 3af agein to the mynystre, and it agayne to the minister, and sate
sat; and the y3en of alle men in the doune ; and the eyes off all thatt were
synagoge weren biholdinge in to him. in the synagog were fastened on hym.
21 Sothli he bigan for to seie to hem, 2t And he began to saye vnto them,
For in this day this scripture is fulfillid This daye ys thys scripture fulfilled in
in 5oure eeris. youre eares.
22 And alle men 3auen witnessinge to 22 And all they bare hym witnes, and
him, and wondriden in the wordis of wondred att the gracious wordes, which
grace, that camen forth of his mouth. proceded oute off hys mouth. And sayde,
And thei seiden, Wher this is not the Is not this Josephs sonne 4
sone of Joseph?
23 And he seide to hem, Sothli 3e 23 Aud he sayde vnto them, Ye maye
schulen seie to me this liknesse, Leeche, very wele saye vnto me this proverbe,
heele thi silf. Thei sayden, Hou grete Visicion, heale thy silfe. ^Whatsoever
thingis han we herd don in Capharnaum, we have herd done in Capernaum, do
‘make thou and here in thi cuntre. the same here lyk wyse in thyne awne
countre. 4
24 Sothli he seith, Treuli I seie to 24 And he sayde, Verely I saye vnto
30u, for no man prophete is receyued in you, no prophet is accepted in his awne
his owne cuntre. countre.
25 In treuthe I seie to 30u, for manye 25 But I tell you off a trueth, many
widewis weren in the dayes of Elye, the wyddowes were in Israhell in the dayes
prophete, in Israel, whanne heuene was off Helyas, when hevyn was shet thre
closid thre 3eer and sixe monethis, yeres and syxe monethes, when greate
whanne greet hungir was maad in euery fammisshment was troughoute all the
„lond; londe ;
. 26 And to non of hem was Elye sent, 26 And vnto none off them was Helyas
; no but to Sarepta of Sydon, to à wom- sent, save in to Sarepta besydes Sydon,
man widowe. vnto a woman that was a widow.
27 And manye meselis weren in Israel, 27 And many leppers were in Israhel,
vndir Elyse, the prophete, and non of in the tyme off Heliseus, the prophet,
hem was clensid, no but Naman of Sirie. and yet none off them was healed, sav-
ynge Naaman off Siria.
28 And alle in the synagoge heer- 28 And as many as were in the sinagog
inge thes thingis, weren fulfillid with when they herde that, wer filed with
— wraththe. wrath.
= 29 And thei risen vp, and castiden out 29 And roose vppe, and thrust hym
him with oute the citee, and ledde him oute of the cite, and ledde hym even
to the cop of the hil on which the cite vnto the edge of the hill wheron their
of hem is foundid, that thei schulden cite was bilte, to cast hym doune hed-
caste him doun. lynge.
30 Sothly Jhesus passynge wente thorw 30 But he went his waye even thorowe
— the myddil of hem ; the myddes of them ;
| 31 And he cam doun in to Cafarnaum, | 31 And cam in to Capernaum, a cite

296 GOTHIC, 360. » ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. LUKE
Galeilaias, yah was laisyands ins in sab- Galileisce ceastre, and hi dar on reste-
batim. dagum lærde.
32 Yah sildaleikidedur bi po laisein is, 32 And hig wundredon be his láre,
unte in waldufnya was waurd is. fordam his spræc on anwealde wees.

33 Yah in pizai swnagogein was man- 33 And on hyra gesamnunge wees sum —
na habands ahman unhulpons unhrain- man unclæne deofol hæbbende, and he
yana, yah ufhropida, hrymde micelre stefne,
„34 Qipands, Let, wha uns yah pus, 34 And cwæþ, Læt, lá Nadzarenisca
lesu Nazorenu Í qamt fraqistyan unsis ? Hælend, hwæt is us and dé? com du
Kann þuk whas is, sa weiha Guþs us to forspillanne? Ic wit, det dú
eart Godes hálega.

35 Yah gawhotida imma lesus, qip- 35 And dá cidde him se Hælend, and
ands, Afdobn, yah usgagg us pamma. ewæþ, Adumba, and gá him of And
Yah gawairpands ina sa unhulpa in di he üt-ádráf hine on heora midlene,
midyaim, urrann af imma, ni waihtai he him fram-gewát, and him náht mne
gaskapyands imma. derede.
36 Yah warp afslaupnan allans, yah 36 Da wurdon hig ealle forhte, and
rodidedun du sis misso, qipandans, Wha sprecon him betwynan, and cwædon,
waurde pata, patei mip waldufnya yah Hweet ys det word, det he on mihte
mahtai anabiudip paim unhrainyam ah- and on mægene unclénum gastum
mam, yah usgageand? bebyt, and hig út-gáþ ?
37 Yah usiddya meripa fram imma and 37 Ðá wæs his hlisa gewidmærsod on —
allans stadins pis bisunyane landis. ælcere stówe dees rices.*

38 Usstandands pan us pizai swnagogai, 38 Sóþlice he árás of heora gesam-

-galaip in gard Seimonis; swaihro pan nunge, and férde on Simones his; dá .
pis Seimonis was anahabaida brinnon wes Simones sweger geswenced on
mikilai, yah bedun ina bi po. mycelum feferum, and hig hyne for
hyre bædon.
39 Yah atstandands ufar iya, gasok 39 And he standende ofer hig, dam
pizai brinnon, yah aflailot iya; sunsaiw fefere bebeád, and he hig forlét ; and
pan usstandandei andbahtida im. heo sóna árás and him pénode. —
to Mippanei ban sagq sunno, allai swa 40 Sóþlice dá sunne ásáh, ealle de
managai swe habaidedun siukans sauh- untrume wæron on mislicum ádlum, hig
tim missaleikaim, brahtedun ins at im- læddon him to ; and he, syndrygum hys
ma ; ip is, ainwharyammeh ize handuns hand on-settende, hig gehælde.
analagyands, gahailida ins.
41 Usiddyedun jan yah unhulpons af 41 Da férdon da deoflu of manegum,
managaim, hropyandeins, yah qipand- hrymende, and cweðende, Sópes d eart
eins, Datei pu is Christus sunus Gups. Godes sunu. And he ne gepafode det
Yah gasakands im ni lailot pos rodyan, hig ænig ping spræcon, fordam de hig
unte wissedun silban Christu ina wisan. wiston det he Crist wees.
42 Bipeh, pan warp dags, usgaggands, 42 Da, gewordenum dæge, se Hælend.
galaip ana aupyana stad; yah manag- üt-gangende, férde on wéste stówe; and
eins sokidedun ina, yah qemun und ina, da mænegu hine sóhton, and hi comon |
yah gahabaidedun ina, ei ni aflipi fairra to him, and behæfdon hine, det he him
im. fram ne gewite.
43 Paruh is gap du im, Datei yah paim 43 D& séde he him, Sóplice me ge-
IV. 32-43.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 297
a citee of Galilee, and there he tauste of Galile, and there taught them on the
hem in the sabothis. sabboth dayes.
32 And thei weren astonyed in his 32 And they were a stonied at his
teching, for his word was in power. doctrine, for hys preachinge was with
33 And in the synagoge was a man 33 And in the sinagoge there was a
hauynge an vnclene fend, and he criede man which had a foule sprete whith in
with greet vois, him, and eryed with a loude voyce,
34 Seyinge, Suffre, what to vs and to 34 Sayinge, Let me alone, what haste
thee, Jhesus of Nazareth? hast thou thou to do wyth vs, thou Jesus off Naza-
comen for to leese vs? I knowe thee, reth? arte thou come to destroye vs? I
that thou art the hooly of God. knowe the what-thou arte, thou arte the
holy man of God.
35 And Jhesu blamyde him, seyinge, 35 And Jesus rebuked hym, sayinge,
Waxe doumbe, and go out fro him. And Hoolde thy peace, and come oute of
whanne the fend hadde east him forth hym. And the devyle threwe him in
in to the myddel, he wente a wey fro the myddes of them, and cam oute of
him, and 3it noyede hym no thing. hym, and hurt hym not.
36 And drede is maad in alle men, and 36 And feare cam on them all, and
thei spaken to gidere, seyinge, What is they spake amonge them selves, sayinge,
this word, for in power and vertu he What manner a thinge is this, for with
‘comaundith to vnclene spiritis, and thei auctorite and power he commaundeth
gon out? the foule spretes, and they come out1
37 And the fame was pupplischid of 37 And the fame of hym spreed abroode
hym in to ech place of the cuntre. throwoute all places of the countre round
. 88 Forsothe Jhesu risynge of the syna- 38 And he roose vppe and eam oute of
goge, entride in to the hous of Symount ; the synagoge, and entred into Simons
sothli the modir of Symondis wyf was housse; and Simons motherelawe was
holden with grete feueris, and thei taken wyth a greate fever, and they
preieden him for hir. made intercession to him for her.
39 And Jhesu stondinge on hir, co- 39 And he stode over her, and rebuked
maundide to the feuir, and it lefte hir; the fever, and hit leeft her ; and imme-
and anon sche risynge mynystride to diatly she roose and ministred vnto
hem. them.
- 40 Forsoth whanne the sunne wente 40 When the sun was doune, all they
doun, alle that hadden sike men with that had sicke taken with divers deseases,
. dyuerse langwischingis, ledden hem to brought them vnto him ; and he layde
hym; and he, puttinge hondis to ech his hondes on every won of them, and
by him silf, heelide hem. healed them.
41 Sothli fendis wenten out fro manye, 41 And devils also cam out of many
- eriynge, and seyinge, For thou ert the of them, cryinge, and saying, Thou arte
sone of God. And he blamynge suffride Christ the sonne of God. And he re-
not hem for to speke, for thei wisten buked them and suffered them nott to
him to be Crist. speake, for they knewe that he was
42 Sothli, the day maad, he gon out, 42 As sone as it was daye, he departed,
wente in to desert place; and the cum- and went awaye into a desert place;
. penyes of peple sousten him, and thei and the people sought hym, and cam to
- camen til to him, and thei helden him, hym, and kept hym, that he shulde not
ithat he schulde not go awey fro hem. departe from them.
- 43 To whiche he seyde, For and to Í 43 And he sayde vnto them, I muste
298 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. LURE
anparaim baurgim wailameryan ik skal dafenap ódrum ceastrum Godes rice
bi piudangardya Gups, unte dupe mik bodian, fordam to dam ic eom ásend.
44 Yah was meryands in swnagogim 44 And he wes bodigende on Galilea
Galeilaias. gesamnungum.

Crap. V. 1 Yah warp, mippanei man- Crap. V. «1 *Sóplice wies geworden,

agei anatramp ina, du hausyan waurd dá da manegu him to comon, det hig
Gups, yah is silba was standands newha Godes word gehyrdon, he stód wid done
saiwa Gainnesaraip, mere Genesareth,

2 Yah gasawh twa skipa standandona 2 And he geseah twa scipu standende
at pamma saiwa; ip fiskyans afgagg- wid done mere; da fisceras eodon, and
andans af im, uspwohun natya. wóxon heora nett.

3 Galaip pan in ain pize skipe, patei 3 He dá ástigende on án scyp, det

was Seimonis, haihait ina aftiuhan fairra wes Simones, bed hyne det he hit
stapa leitil; yah gasitands laisida us lyt-hwon fram lande tuge ; and on dam
pamma skipa manageins. scipe sittende he lærde da mænegu.

4 Bipeh pan gananpida rodyands, qap 4 Da he sprecan geswac, he cwæþ to

du Seimonau, Brigg ana diupipa, yah Simone, Teoh hit on dypan, and lætaþ
athahid po natya izwara du fiskon. eowre nett on done fisc-wér.

5 Yah andhafyands Seimon qap du im- 5 Da cwæþ Simon him andswariende,

ma, Talzyand, alla naht pairharbaidyand- Ealá bebeodend, ealle niht swincende
ans waiht ni nemum, ip afar waurda we náht ne geféngon, sóplice on dinum
peinamma wairpam natya. worde ic min nett ut-lete.
6 Yah pata tauyandans, galukun man- 6 And da hi det dydon, hig betugon
agein fiske filu ;swe natya dishnupno- mycele menigeo fixa; and hyra net wee
dedun ize. tobrocen.

7 Yah bandwidedun gamanam, poei 7 And hig bienodon hyra geféran, de

wesun in anparamma skipa, ei atiddyed- on óðrum scipe weron, det hi comon,
eina, hilpan ize. Yah qemun, yah ga- and him fylston. Da comon hig, and
fullibedun ba po skipa, swe sugqun. gefyldon butu da scipu, swa det hi neh
weron besencte.
8 Gaumyands pan Seimon Paitrus, 8 Da Petrus det geseah, he feoll to
draus du kniwam lesuis, qipands, Bidya des Hælendes cneowum, and cwæþ,
puk usgagg fairra mis, unte manna fra- Drihten, gewit fram me, fordam ic eom
waurhts im, Frauya. synfull mann.
9 Sildaleik auk dishabaida ina, yah 9 Ànd he wundrode, and ealle da de
allans pans mip imma, in gafahis pize mid him wæron, on dam wêre dara fixa
fiske panzei ganutun. de hi geféngon.

„10 Samaleikoh pan yah Íakobau yah ro Gelice Iacobum and Iohannem,
Johannen, sununs Zaibaidaiaus, paiei wes- Zebedeis suna, da wæron Simones ge-
un gadailans Seimona. Yah qap du féran. Da cwæþ se Hælend to Simone, .
Seimona lesus, Ni ogs pus; fram him- Ne ondréd dú dé; heononforþ dú byst
ma nu manne siud nutans, men gefónde.
IV. 44.-V. 10.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 299
othere citees it bihoueth me for to euaun- to other cities also preace the worde of
gelise the kyngdom of God, for therfore God, for therfore am I sent.
I am sente.
44 And he was prechinge in the syna- 44 And he preached in the synagoges
gogis of Galilee. off Galile.

Cmar. V. 1 Sotheli it was don, whanne Cmar. V. 1 Hit cam to passe, as the
cumpanyes of peple felden in* to Jhesu, people preased apon hym, to heare the
that thei schulden heere the word af worde off God, that he stode by the lake
God, and he stood bisydis the stondinge of Genazareth,
Fatir of Genasereth,
2 And sy3 twey bootis stondinge bi- 2 Ànd sawe two shippes stonde by the
sydis the stonding watir; sothli the lake syde ; for the fisshermen were gone
fischeris hadden gon doun, and waischide out of them, and were wasshynge their
nettis. nettes.
3 Sothli he stizynge in to a boot, that 3 Jesus entred in to one of the shippes,
was Symoundis, preiede him to lede which perteyned to Simon, and prayed
asen a litil fro the lond ; and he sittinge hym that he wolde cary hym a litell
tauste the cumpanyes fro the boot. from the londe ; and he sate doune and
taught the peple out of the shippe.
4 Sothli as he ceesside to speke, he 4 When he had leeft speakynge, he
seide to Symound, Lede thou in to his, sayde vnto Simon, Cary vs in to the
and slake 3e 3oure nettis in to the depe, and lett slippe thy nett to make a
takinge. draught.
"5 And Symount answeringe seide to 5 And Simon answerid and sayde to
him, Comaundour, we trauelinge by al hym, Master, we have labored all nyght
the ny3t token no thing, but in thi word and have taken nothynge, yet nowe at
I schal leye out the nett. thy worde I wil loose forthe the net.
.6 And whanne thei hadden don this 6 And when they had so done, they
thing, thei closiden to gidere a plenteu- inclosed a greate multitude of fisshes;
ous multitude of fysches; forsoth her and the net brake.
nett was broken.
7 And thei bekenyden to felowis, that 7 And they made signes to their fel-
weren in an othir boot, that thei séhulden owes, which were in the other shippe,
come, and helpe hem. And thei camen, that they shulde come, and helpe them. .
„and filliden bothe litle bootis, so that And they cam, and they filled bothe the
thei weren al moost drenchid. shippes, that they soncke agayne.
8 Which thing whanne Symound Petre 8 When Simon Peter sawe that, he fell
sy3, he felde doun to the knees of Jhesu, doune at Jesus knees, sayinge, Lorde,
seyinge, Lord, go fro me, for I am a man goo from me, for I am a sinfull man.
9 Sothli greet wondir hadde bigon 9 For he was vtterly astonyed, and all
aboute him, and alle that weren with that were with hym, att the draught off
him, in the takinge of fisches whiche fisshe which they toke.
‘thei tooken.
to Sothli in sd manere James and ro And so was also James and Jhon,
John, the sones of Zebede, whiche weren the sonnes of Zebedei, which were parte-
felowis of Symount Petre. And Jhesu takers with Simon. And Jesus sayd
seith to Symound, Nyle thou drede; vnto Simon, Feare not ; from hence
now fro this tyme thou schalt be tak- forthe thou shalt catche men.
yuge men.

y E
300 “GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 095. [Sr. Luxe
ir Yah gatiuhandans po skipa ana rr And hig tugon hyra scypu to lande,
airpa, afleipandans allata, laistidedun and forléton hig, and folgodon dam
afar imma. Hælende.
12 Yah warp, mippanei was is in ainal 12 Da he wes on ánre ceastre, da
baurge, yah sai! manna fulls prutsfillis; wees dar án hreofla; and dá he geseah
yah gasaiwhands iesu, driusands ana done Hælend, dá ástrehte he hine, and
andwairpi, bad ina, qipands, Frauya, bæd, and dus ewep, Drihten, gyf du
yabai wileis, magt mik gahrainyan. wylt, dú miht me geclænsian.

I3 Yah ufrakyands handu, attaitok 13 And he et-hran hine, his handa

imma, qipands, Wilyau, wairp hrains. áþenede, and cwep, Ic wylle, si du ge-
Yah suns pata prutsfill aflaip af imma. clénsod. And sóna se hreofla him fram
14 Yah is faurbaud imma, ei mann ni 14 And he bebead him, det he hit
qepi; Ak gagg, yah ataugei puk silban nánum men ne sede; Ac gá, and ætýw|
gudyin, yah atbair imma fram pizai ga- dé dam sacerde, and bring for dinre|
hraineinai peinai, patei anabaud Moses, clænsunge, swá Moyses bebead, him on
du weitwodipai im. gewitnesse.

15 Usmernoda pan [ata waurd mais r5 Witodliee des de má seo spræc be

bi ina; yah garunnun hiuhmans man- him férde ; and mycele menegeo comon,-
agal, hausyon, yah leikinon fram imma det hi gehýrdon, and wurdon geh:ledað
sauhte seinaizo. fram hyra untrumnessum. |
16 Ip is was afleipands ana aupidos, 16 He da férde on wésten, and hine
yah bidyands. gebæd.t i

17 Yah warp in ainamma dage, yah is 17 Da wes ánum dæge geworden, det
was laisyands; yah wesun sitandans he set and hig lerde, and di wæron T 1
Fareisaieis, yah witodalaisaryos, paiei da Farisei sittende, and deere Æ líreow- 4
wesun gaqumanai us allamma haimo as, da comon of xlcum castellum Gal-
Galeilaias, yah Íudaias, yah lairusaulw- liléæ, and Iudez, and Hierusalem ; and
mon ; yah mahts Frauyins was du hail- Drihtnes mægen wees hig to gehælenne.
yan ins.
r8 Yah sai! mans bairandans ana ligra 18 And dá bæron men on ánum bedde-
mannan saci was uslipa, yah sokidedun anne man se wes lama, . . 2 » «6
whaiwa ina innatbereina, yah galagi-
dideina in andwairpya is.

19 Yah ni bigitandans whaiwa ïn- tg And hig ne mihton hine in bringan |

natbereina ina, in manageins, ussteig- and álecgan befóran him, for deere men-
andans ana hrot, and skalyos gasatide- igeo de mid dam Hzlende wes, da
dun ina mip pamma badya in midyaim, ástigon hig uppau dzene hróf, and purh
faura lesua. da watelas hine mid dam bedde ásendon,
befóran done Hælend.
20 Yah gasaiwhands galaubein ize, qap 20 Dá he geseah hyra geleafan, he
du pamma uslipin, Manna, afleitanda pus cwep, Lá mann, dé synd dine synna
frawaurhteis peinos. forgyfene.
21 Yah dugunnun pagkyan pai bok- 21 Da águnnon pencan da bóceras and
aryos yah Fareisaieis, qipandans, Whas Farisei, and cwædon, Hwæt is des, de
ist sa, saei rodeip naiteinins ?whas mag hér spryep wóffunga í hwá msg synna
afletan frawaurhtins, alya ains Gup ? forgyfan, büton God âna?
22 Ufkunnands pan lesus mitonins ize, 22 Da se Hælend geeneow hyra ge-
V. 11-22.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 301
11 And the bootis led vp to the lond, 11 And they broughtt their shippes
alle thingis left, thei sueden him. to londe, and forsoke all, and folowed
12 And it was don, whanne he was in 12 And itt fortuned, that he was in a
oon of the citees, and lo! a man ful of certayne cite, and beholde! there was a
leper; and seynge Jhesu, and fallinge man full of leprosy ; and when he had
doun in to his face, preiede him, sey- spied Jesus, he fell on his face, and be-
inge, Lord, if thou wolt, thou maist sought hym, saying, Lorde, yff thou
make me clene. wilt, thou canst make me cleane.
13 And Jhesu holdinge forth the hond, 13 And he strethed forth his hond, and
touchide him, seyinge, I wole, be thou touched hym, sayinge, I will, be thou
maad clene. And anon the lepre passide cleane. And immediatly the leprosy
a wey fro hym. departed from hym.
14 And Jhesu comaundide to him, that 14 And he warned hym, that he shulde
he schulde seie to no man ; But go thou, tell no man; But that he shulde goo,
schewe thou thee to a prest, and offre and shewe hym silfe to the preste, and
thou for thi clensinge, as Moyses bad, in offer for his clensynge, accordynge as
to witnessinge to hem. Moses commaundement was, for a witnes
vnto them.
15 Sothli the word walkide aboute the 15 But his name spreed the moare
more of him ; and manye cumpanyes abroade ; and the people cam togedder,
camen to gidre, that thei schulden heere, to heare, and to be healed of hym of
‘and be heelid of her syknessis. infirmities.
16 Forsothe he wente in to desert, and 16 And he kepte hym silfe aparte in
preiede. the wildernes, and gave hym silfe to
17 And it was don in oon of dayes, 17 And itt happened on a certayne
and he sittinge tau3te ; and there were daye, that he taught ; and there sate the
Pharisees sittinge, and doctours of the Pharises, and doctours of lawe, which
- awe, that camen of ech castel of Galilee, were come out off all the tounes of
and of Judee, and of Jerusalem; and Galile, Jewry, and Jerusalem ; and the
the vertu of the Lord was for to heele power off the Lorde was to heale them.
syke men.
r8 And loo! men beringe in a bed a 18 And beholde! men brougt a man
man that was syk in palasye, and thei lyinge in hys beed which was taken with
-sougten for to bere in hym, and to putte the palsey, and they sought meanes to
bifore him. brynge hym in, and to laye hym before
— 19 And thei not fyndinge in what part r9 And when they coulde not fynde by
thei schulde bere him yn, for the cum- what waye they myght brynge hym in,
penye of peple, stizeden vp on the rof, be cause off the preace, they went vp on
and by the sclattis thei senten him doun the toppe of the housse, and lett hym
with the bed in to the myddil, byfore doune thorowe the tylynge beed and all
Jhesu. in the myddes, before Jesus.
- 2o The feith of whiche as Jhesu sys, 20 When he sawe their fayth, he sayde
he seide, Man, thi synnes ben foryouun vnto hym, Man, thy synnes are forgeven
Tto thee. the. “
— 21 And scribis and Pharisees bigunnen 21 And the scribes and the Pharises
for to thenke, seyinge, Who is this, that began to thynke, saynge, What felow is
-spekith blasphemyes ? who may for3yue this, which speaketh blasphemy? who
synnes, no but God aloone ? can forgeve synnes, butt God only?
22 Forsoth as Jhesu knew the thoustis |. 22 When Jesus perceaved their

^ ^
302 GOTHIC, 560. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Luxe
andhafyands qap du im, Wha bipagkeip pancas, he andswarigende cwæþ to him,
fn hairtam izwaraim ? Hweet pence ge on eowrum heortum?

23 Whapar ist azetizo qipan, Afletanda 23 Hweeder is édre to cwedenne, Dé

pus frawaurhteis, bau qipan, Urreis, yah synd dine synna forgyfene, hwæðer de
gagg Í ewedan, A’ris, and ga?
24 Appan ei witeid, patei waldufni 24 Det ge witon, det mannes sunu
habaid sa sunus mans ana airpai afletan on eorpan anweald hæfþ synna to for-
frawaurhtins, qap du pamma uslipin, Du gyfanne, and he sade dam laman, Dé
pus qipa, urreis, yah ushafyands pata ic secge, aris, nim din bed, and gá on
badi peinata, gagg in gard peinana. din hús.
25 Yah sunsaiw usstandands in and- 25 And he sóna befóran him árás, and
wairpya ize, ushafyands ana pammei lag, nam det he on leg, and to his hüse
galaip in gard seinana, mikilyands Gup. férde, and God wuldrode.

26 Yah usfilmei dissat allans, yah mik- 26 And hig ealle wundredon, and God
ilidedun Gup; yah fullai waurpun ag- mersodon ; and wæron mid ege ge-
isis, qipandans, Patei gasaiwham wulpaga fyllede, and ewaédon, Sópes we to-dæg
himma daga. wundru gesawon.
27 Yah afar pata usiddya, yah ga- 27 Da efter dam he üt-eode, and ge-
sawh motari, namin Laiwwi, sitandan seah publicanum, he wes ódrum naman
ana motastada. Yah qap du imma, Levi geháten, æt ceap-sceamule sittende.
Laistei afar mis; And he eweep to him, Filig me ;
28 Yah bileipands allaim, usstandands 28 And he him dá filigde, and ealle
iddya afar imma. hys ping forlét.
29 Yah gawaurhta dauht mikila Laiw- 29 And Leui dyde hym mycelne ge-
weis imma in garda seinamma; yah was beorscype on his hüse; and dar wes
managei motarye mikila, yah anparaize mycel menegeo manfulra, and óderra de
|aiei Wesun mip im anakumbyandans. mid him sæton.
30 Yah birodidedun bokaryos ize yah 30 Da murenodon da Farisei and da
Fareisaieis, du siponyam is qipandans, boceras, and cwædon to hys leorning-
Duwhe mip paim motaryam yah fra- enihtum, Hwi ete ge and drincaþ mid
waurhtaim matyid yah drigkid ? mánfullum and synfullum? ]
31 Yah andhafyands lesus qap du im, 31 Da andswarode se Hælend and
Ni paurbun hailai leikeis, ak pai un- cweep to him, Ne bepurfon laces da de -
hailans ; hale synd, ac da de unhælþe habbap;
32 Ni qam lapon garaihtans, ak fra- 32 Ne com ic rihtwise clypian, ac
waurhtans in idreiga. synfulle on dæd-bóte.
33 lp eis qepun du imma, Duwhe 33 Da cwedon hig to him, Hwi fæstaþ
siponyos lohannes fastand ufta, yah bid- Tohannes leorning-cnihtas gelomlice, and
os tauyand, samaleiko yah Fareisaiei, ip halsunga dóp, and eall-swá Farisea, and
pai peinai siponyos matyand yah drigk- dine eta} and drincap?
34 Paruh is qap du im, Ni magud 34 Da cwæþ he, Cwyst dú mágon dees
sununs brupfadis, unte sa brupfads mip brydguman bearn fæstan, swa lange swa
im ist, gatauyan fastan ? se brydguma myd him ys?
35 Appan qimand dagos, yah þan 35 Soplice da dagas cumap, donne se
afnimada af im sa brupfads, yah pan brýdguma him byp áfyrred, donne fæstaþ
fastand in yainaim dagam, hig on dam dagum,
V. 23-35.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 303
of hem, he answeringe seide to heri, thoughtes, he answered and sayde vnto
What thenken se yuele thingis in goure them, What thynke ye in youre hertes ?
hertis ?
23 What is listere to seye, Synnes ben 23 Whether is easyar to saye, Thy synnes
foryouun to thee, ethir to seie, Ryse vp, are forgeven the, or to saye, Rise, and
and walke ? walke ?
24 Sothli that 3e wite, for mannis sone 24 That ye maye knowe, that the sonne
hath power in erthe to foryyue synnes, off man hath power to forgeve synnes
he seith to the syke man in palasy, To on erth, he sayde vnto the sicke of the
thee I seie, ryse vp, take thi bed, and palyse, I saye to the, aryse, take vp thy
go in to thin hous. beed, and goo home to thy housse.
25 And anon he risinge vp bifore hem, 25 And immediatly he rose vp before
took the bed in which he lay, and wente them all, and toke vp his beed where on
in to his hous, magnyfyinge God. he laye, and departed to his awne housse,
praysynge God.
26 And greet wondir took alle men, 26 And they were all amased, and they
and thei magnyfieden God; and thei lauded God ; and were filled with feare,
weren fulfillid with greet drede, seyinge, sayinge, We have sene straunge thynges
For we han seyn merueilouse thingis to to daye.
27 And aftir thes thingis Jhesu wente 27 And after that he went forthe, and
out, and sy3 a pupplican, Leeuy by name, sawe a publican, named Levi, sittynge
sittinge at the tolbothe. And he seith at the receyte off custome. And sayde
to him, Sue thou me ; vnto hym, Folow me ;
. 28 And alle thingis forsaken, he risynge 28 And he leeft all, roose vppe and
suede him. folowed hym.
29 And Leuy made to him a greet 29 And that same Levi made him a
feeste in his hous; and there was a greate feaste at home in his awne housse ;
greet cumpanye of pupplicans, and of and there was a greate company of pub-
othere that weren with hem, sittinge at licans, and off other, that sate at meate
the mete. with hym.
30 And Farisees and the scribis of hem 30 And the scribes and Pharises
grucchiden, seyinge to his disciplis, Whi grudged agaynst his disciples, sainge,
eten 3e and drynken with pupplicans Why eate ye and drynke ye with publi-
. and synful men? cans and synners?
. 31 And Jhesu answeringe seith to hem, 31 Jesus answered and sayde vnto
Thei that ben hoole han no nede to a them, They that are whole nede not of
‘leche, but thei that han yuele ; the phisicion, but they that are sicke ;
= 82 Sothli I cam not to clepe iust men, 32 I cam not to call the rightewes to
but synful men to penaunce. repentaunce, but the synners.
33 And thei seiden to him, Whi dis- 33 They sayde vnto hym, Why do the
eiplis of John fasten oft, and maken diseiples off Jhon fast often, and praye,
bisechingis, also and of Pharisees, but and the disciples of the Pharises also,
thi disciplis eten and drynken ? and thyne eate and drynke?
34 To whiche he seith, Wher 3e mown 34 To whome he sayde, Can ye make
make the sones of the spouse for to faste, the children of the weddynge fast, as
the while the spouse is with hem ? longe as the brydegrome is present with
them ?
35 Sothli dayes schulen come, whanne 35 The dayes will come, when the bryd-
the spouse schal be taken awey fro hem, grome shalbe taken awaye from them,
thanne thei schulen faste in tho dayes, _ then shall they fast in thoose dayes,
304 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST. Luxx
36 Qapuh pan yah gayukon du im; 36 Da sede he him án bigspell; Ne
patei ainshun plat snagins niuyis ni ásent nan man scyp of niwum reafe on
lagyid ana snagan fairnyana ; aippau eald reáf; elles Geet niwe slit, and se
yah sa niuya aftaurnid, yah þamma niwa scyp ne hylpp dam ealdan.
fairnyin ni gatimid pata af þamma
37 Yah ainshun ni giutid wein niuyata 37 Ne nán man ne sent niwe win on
in balgins fairnyans ; aippau distairid ealde bytta ; elles dæt niwe win bryep
pata niuyo wein pans balgins, yah silbo da bytta, and det win byþ E and
usgutnip, yah pai balgeis fraqistnand. da bytta forwurdap.

38 Ak wein yuggata in balgins niuyans 38 Ac niwe win is to sendenne on

giutand, yah bayopsg
gafastanda. niwe bytta, donne beop da bytta ge-
39 Yah ainshun driggandane fairni, ni 39 And ne drincp nan man eald win,
suns wili yugg ; qipip auk, Data fairnyo and wylle sóna det niwe; he ewyp,
batizo ist. Det ealde is betere.

Cumar. VI. 1 Yah warp in sabbato Cuar. VI. 1 Soplice wes geworden
anparamma frumin, gaggan imma þairh on dam efteran reste-dege ærest, da
atisk, yah raupidedun ahsa siponyos is ; he férde purh da æceras, hys leorning-
yah matidedun, bnauandans handum. cnihtas da ear pluccedon; and mid
hyra handum gnidon, and «ton.
Tp sumai Fareisaie qepun du im, 2 Da ewadon sume of dam Sundor-
Wha tauyid, patei ni skuld ist tauyan in hálgan, Hwi do ge, deet eow alyfed nis
sabbato dagam ? on reste-dagum ?
3 Yah andhafyands wipra ins lesus 3 Da andswarode him se Hælend, Ne
qap, Ni pata ussuggwud, pateigatawida rædde ge det, hwæt Dauid dyde, dá
Daweid, pan gredags was silba, yah paiei hine hingrede, and da de mid him
mip imma wesun ; wæron ;
4 Whaiwa inngalaip in gard Gups, yah 4 Hú he eode into Godes hüse, and
hlaibans faurlageinais usnam, yah mat- nam da offrung-hlafas, and hig æt, and 1
ida, yah gaf þaim miþ sis wisandam ; dam sealde de mid him weéron; da næron
panzei ni skuld ist matyan, nibai ainaim ályfede to etanne, büton sacerdum àn-
gudyam. um.
5 Yah gap du im, patei frauya ist sa 5 And he séde him, Det drihten is
sunus mans, yah, pamma sabbato daga. mannes sunu, eac swylce, reste-dæges.
6 Yah warp pan in anþaramma daga 6 Sóþlice on ódrum reste-dege wees
sabbato, galeipan imma in swnagogein, geworden, det he on gesamnunge eode,
yah laisyan. Yah was yainar manna, and lærde. And dar wes sum man,
yah handus is so taihswo was þaursus. and his swydre hand wees forscruncen.
7 Witaidedunuh pan pai bokaryos yah 7 Da gymdon da bóceras and Farisei,
Fareisaleis, yau in sabbato daga leik- hweeder he on reste-deege hælde, dæt hi
inodedi, ei bigeteina til du wrobyan hyne gewrégdon.
8 Ip is wissuh mitonins ize, yah qap 8 Sóplice he wiste hyra gepancas, and
du pamma mann pamma paursya haband- he sede dam men de da forseruncenan.
in handu, Urreis, yah stand in midyaim. hand hæfde, Aris, and stand hér ámid-
Paruh is urreisands gastop. dan. Da árás he and stod.

V. 36.-VI. 8.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 305
36 Forsoth he seide to hem also a lik- 36 He spake vnto them in a simili-
nesse; For no man sendith a medling tude; No man puttheth a pece of an
of newe cloth in to an old cloth ; ellis newe garment into an olde vesture ; for
and he brekith the newe, and the med- yf he do, then breaketh he the newe, and
ling of the newe acordith not to the the pece that was taken out of the newe
oolde. agreeth nott with the olde.
37 And no man sendith newe wyn in 37 Also no man poureth newe wyne
to olde wyn vesselis; ellis the newe wyn into olde vessels; yf he do, the newe
Schal breke the wyn vesselis, and the wyne breaketh the vessels, and runneth
wyn schal be sched out, and the wyn out it silfe, and the vessels perisshe.
vesselis schulen perische.
38 But newe wyn is to be sent in to 38 But newe wyne must be poured
newe wyn vesselis, and bothe ben kept. into newe vessels, and boothe are pre-
39 And no man drynkinge old, wole 39 Also no man that drynketh olde
anon newe ; sothli he seith, The olde is wyne, strayght waye can awaye with
the betere. newe; for he sayeth, The olde is ple-

Cmar. VI. 1 Forsothe it is don in the Crap. VI

secunde firste saboth, whanne he passide 1 Hit happened on an
aftersaboth, they went thorowe the corne
by cornes, his disciplis pluckeden eeris ; felde, and his disciples plueked the eares
. and thei frotinge with her hondis, eeten. of corne ; and ate them, and rubbed them
in their hondes.
2 Sothli summe of the Pharisees seiden 2 Certayne of the Pharises sayde vnto
to hem, What don se this, that is not them, Why do ye that, which is not lau-
leefful in sabotis? full to be done on the saboth dayes ?
3 And Jhesu answeringe seide to hem, 3 Jesus answered them and sayde,
Neithir 3e han rad this, that Dauith Have ye nott redde what David did,
. dide, whanne he hungride, and thei that when he hym silfe was anhungred, and
weren with him ; they which were with hym ;
4 Hou he entride in to the hous of 4 Howe he went into the housse of
God, and took looues of proposicioun, God, and toke, and ate the loves off
and eet, and 3af to hem that weren with halowed breed, and gave also to them
him; whiche /ooues it was not leefful to which were with hym ; which was nott
- ete, no but to preestis aloone. laufull to eate, but for the prestes only.
' 5 And he seide to hem, For mannis 5 And he sayd vnto them, The sonne
. sone is lord, se, of the saboth. of man is lorde, even of the saboth daye.
6 Sothli it was don and in an other 6 And it fortuned in a nother saboth
saboth, that he entride in to a synagoge, also, that he entred into the sinagoge,
and tau;te. And a man was there, and and taught. And there was a man,
his ri3thond was drye. whose right honde was dryed vp.
7 Forsothe scribis and Pharisees aspi-
7 The scribes and the Pharises watched
eden him, if he schulde heele him in the hym, to se whether he wolde heale on
Saboth, that thei schulden fynde cause, the saboth daye or not, that they myght
wherof thei schulden accuse him. fynde an accusacion agaynst hym.
8 Sothli he wiste the thoustis of hem, 8 Butt he knewe their thoughtes, and
and he seith to the man that hadde a sayde to the man which had the wyddred
drye hond, Rise vp, and stond in to the honde, Ryse vp, and stonde forthe in
myddel And he risinge stood. the myddes. He arose and stepped

306 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 095. [ST. Luxe

9 Qap pan lesus du im, Fraihna ïz- 9 Dá ewep se Hælend to him, Ie
wis, wha skuld ist sabbato dagam þiuþ áhsige eow, álýfþ on reste-dagum wel
tauyan, pau unpiup tauyan? saiwala dón, odde yfele? sáwle hále gedón,
ganasyan, pau usqistyanÍ hweeder de forspillan?

10 Yah, ussaiwhands allaus ins, qap du 1o And, him eallum gesceawodum mid
imma, Ufrakei po handu peina. Paruh yrre, he sæde dam men, Apene dine
is ufrakida, yah gastop so handus is hand. And he ápenode, and his hand
swaswe so anpara. wees ge-edniwod. i

11 lp eis fullai waurpun unfrodeins, ir Dá wurdon hig mid unwisdóme

yah rodidedun du sis misso, wha taw- gefyllede, and spræcon betwux him,
idideina pamma Íesua. hwæt hig dam Hælende dydon.
12 Yah warp in dagam paim, ei usid- 12 Sóþlice on dam dagum, he férde on
dya lesus in fairguni bidyan ; yah was anne mint hine gebiddan; and wees
naht pairhwakands in bidai Gups. dar wacigende on Godes gebede.

13 Yah bipe warp dags, atwopida 13 And dá da deg wes, he clypode

siponyans seinans, yah gawalyands us hys leorning-cnihtas, and geceas twelf
im twalib, panzei yah apaustuluns nam- of him, and da he nemde apostolas; |
nida ;
14 Seimon, panei yah namnida Paitru, 14 Simonem, dene he nemde Petrum,
yah Andraian, bropar is, lakobu yah and his bródor, Andream, Iacobum and *
lohannen, Filippu yah Barpulomaiu, Iohannem, Philippum and Bartholo-
15 Thomam and Matheum, Iacobum
15 Mappaiu yah Poman, Íakobu pana
Alfaius, yah Seimon, pana haitanan Alphei, and Simonem, se is genemned d
Zelotes, EN |
Zeloten, ^ i : ^
16 ludan Jakobaus, yah ludan ls- 16 Iudam Iacobi, and Iudam Scarioth,- 3

karioten, saei yah warp galewyands ina. se wees læwa.

17 Yah atgaggands dalap mip im, ga- 17 And mid him farendum, he stod on
stop ana stada ibnamma ; yah hiuma feldliere stówe; and mycel wered his
siponye is, yah hansa mikila manageins, leorning-enihta, and mycel menegeo,
af allamma Íudaias, yah lairusalem, yah fram ealre Iudea, and fram Ierusalem,
pize faur marein, Twre, yah Seidone, and ofer múþan, and sé-gemære, Tiri,
yah anparaizo baurge, paiei qemun and Sydonis, da comon, det hi hyne
hausyan imma, yah hailyan sik sauhte gehyrdon, and wæron of hyra ádlum
seinaiZ0. gehælede.

18 Yah pai anahabaidans fram ahmam 18 And da de wæron of unclénum

unhrainyaim, yah gahailidai waurpun. gástum gedréhte, wæron gehælede.
19 Yah alla managei sokidedun attekan 19 And eal seo menigeo sóhte hine to
imma, unte mahts af imma usiddya, yah æt-hrinanne, fordam de mægen of him |
ganasida allans. eode, and he ealle gehælde. |
20 Yah is, ushafyands augona seina du 20 Da ewep se Hælend, beseonde to
siponyam seinaim, qap, Audagai, yus his leorning-enihtum, Eadige synd, ge
unledans ahmin, unte izwara ist piud- pearfan on gáste, fordam de Godes rice -
angardi himine. is eower. m
21 Audagai yus, gredagans nu, unte 21 Eadige synd, ge de hingriap nú,
sadai wairpip. Audagai yus, gretandans fordam de ge beop gefyllede. Eadige
nu, unte ufhlohyanda. synd, ge de ná wépap, fordam ge hlihap.
22 Audagai siyup, pan fiyand izwis 22 Eadige beo ge, donne eow men
VI. 9-22.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 307
9 Sothli Jhesu seith to hem, I axe 3ou,
if it is leefful to do wel in the sabot, |
9 Then sayde Jesus vnto them, I will
| axe you a question, whether is it laufull
ether yuele? for to make a soule saf, || on the sabot
h dayes to do goode, or to
ether for to leese? | do evill? to save life, oder for to de-
stroye hyt?
10 And, alle men lookide aboute, he to And he behelde them all in com-
seide to the man, Hold forth thin hond. | passe, and sayd
ynto the man, Stretche
And he held forth, and his hond was forth thy honde. He did soo, and his
restorid to helthe. honde was restored and made as whoole
as the other.
II Sothli thei weren fulfilld with vi- II And they were filled full of made-
wysdom, and spaken to gidere, what nes, and counselled won with another,
thei schulden do of Jhesu. what they myght do to Jesu.
12 Forsothe it is don in tho dayes, he 12 Hit fortuned in thoose dayes, he
wente out in to an hil for to preye ; and went out into a mountayne for to praye ;
he was al ny3t dwellinge in the preier and continued all nyght in prayer to
of God. | God.
_ 13 And whanne the day was maad, he I3 And as sone as it was
© elepide his disciplis, and chees twelue of daye, he
called his disciples, and of them he chose
hem, whiche he clepide also apostlis; twelve, which also he called his apo-
steles ;
14 Symound, whom he clepide Petre, 14 Simon, whom also he named Peter,.
. and Andrew, his brother, James and and Andrew, his brother, Jannes
Jon, Philip and Bartolmew, and.
Jhon, Philip and Bartlemeaw,
| 15 Matheu and Thomas, James Alphei, 15 Mathew and Thomas, James the:
. and Symound, that is clepid Zelotis, sonne of Alpheus, and Simon, called
16 Judas of James, and Judas Scariot, 16 And Judas James sonne, and Judas:
that was traitour. Iscariot, which same was the traytour.
17 And Jhesu comynge doun fro the 17 And he cam doune with them, and:
hil with hem, stood in a feeld place ; stode in the playne felde; with the:
and the eumpenye of his disciplis, and a company of his disciples, and a greate:
plenteuous multitude of pore peple, of al multitude of people, out off all parties:
- Judee, and of Jerusalem, and of the se
SA off Jewry, and Jerusalem, and from the-
... eoostis, and of Tire, and of Sydon, whiche see cooste off Tire, and Sidon, which
camen, that thei schulde heere hym, cam to heare hym, and to be healed of“
. and that thei sehulden be heelid of her their diseases ;
9 langwischingis ;
= 18 And thei that weren trauelid with 18 And they also that were vexed with
= vnelene spiritis, weren heelid. foule spretes, and they were healed.
19 And ech cumpeny of the peple 19 And all the people preased to:
i sousten for to touche him, for vertu touche hym, for there went vertue out
- wente out of him, and heelide alle. off hym, and healed them all.
20 And, his y3en reysid vp in to his | 20 And he lefte
- disciplis, he seide, Blessid be 3e, pore disciples, and sayde, his eyes apon his
Blessed are ye,
men, for the kyngdom of God is 3oure. povre, for youers is the kyngdom off’
| 21 Blessid be 36, that hungren now, for 21 Blessed are ye, that honger, for yer
3e schulen be fillid. —Blessid be se, that shalbe satisfied. Blessed are ye, that-
wepen now, for 5e schulen ley3e. wepe, for ye shall laugh.
. 22 5e schulen be blessid, whanne men - 22 Blessed are ye,
when men hate you,-

308 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. LUKE

mans, yah afskaidand izwis, yah Yd- hatiap, and ehtap, and onhiscap, and
weityand, yah uswairpand namin izwar- áwurpap eowerne naman swa swa yfel,
amma swe ubilamma, in sunaus mans. for mannes suna.

23 Faginod in yainamma daga, yah 23 Geblissiap, and gefægniaþ on dam

laikid ; unte sai! mizdo izwara managa dagum ; nú! eower mêd is mycel on
in himinam ; bi pamma auk tawidedun heofenum ; sóplice æfter disum þingum
praufetum attans ize. hyra feederas dydon dam witegum.

24 Appan wai izwis, þaim gabeigam, 24 Deah-hwedere wá eow weligum,

unte yu habaidg gaplaiht `izwara. fordam de ge eowerne frófer habbap.
25 Wai izwis yus sadans nu, unte 25 Wá eow de ge fyllede synd, fordam
gredagai wairþiþ. Wai izwis yus hlah- de ge hingriaþ. Wa eow de nú hlihap,
yandans nu, unte gaunon, yah gretan fordam de ge heofiap, and wépap.
26 Wai, pan waila izwis qipand allai 26 Wá eow, donne eow ealle men
mans; samaleiko allis tawidedun ga- bletsiap; efter disum þingum byra
liugapraufetum attans ize. fæderas dydon dam . . witegum.
27 Akei izwis qipa faim hausyandam, 27 Ac ic eow secge fordam de ge
friyod pans hatandans izwis, waila tau- gehyrap, lufiap eowre fynd, dop dam tala
yaid paim fiyandam izwis ; de eow hatedon ;
28 piupyaip pans fraqipandans izwis, 28 Bletsiap da de eow wirgiap, ge-
bidyaid fram paim anamahtyandam iz- biddap for da de eow onhisceaþ.
29 Pamma stautandin puk bi kinnu, 29 And dam de dé slihp on din ge-
galewei imma yah anþara ; yah pamma wenge, wend óder agen ; and dam de
nimandin af pus wastya, yah, paida ni din reaf nimp, ne forbeod him na dine
waryais. tunecan.
30 Whammeh pan bidyandane puk gif, 30 Syle ælcum de dé bidde, and se de :
yah af pamma nimandin pein, ni lausei. nimp da ping de dine synd, ne mynega
dú hyra.
31 Yah swaswe wileid ei tauyaina iz- 31 And swa ge wyllap det eow men
wis mans, yah yus tauyaid im samaleiko. dón, dóp him gelice.

32 Appan yabai friyod pans friyondans 32 And hwyle pane is eow, gif ge |
izwis, wha izwis laune ist? yah auk pai lufiap da de eow lufiap? sóplice syn-
frawaurhtans pans friyondans sik friyond. fulle lufiap da de hi lufiap.
33 Yah yabai piup tauyaid paim piup 33 And gyf ge wel dóp dam de eow
tauyandam izwis, wha izwis laune ist? wel dóp, hwyle pane is eow? witodlice
yah auk pai frawaurhtans pata samo det dóp synfulle.
34 Yah yabai leiwhid, fram paimei 34 And gif ge lænaþ, dam de ge eft
weneid andniman, wha izwis laune ist? æt-onfóþ, hwyle þanc is eow! sóplice
yah auk frawaurhtai frawaurhtaim leiwh- syufulle synfullum lenap, det hi gelice
and, ei andnimaina samalaud. onfón.

35 Swepauh friyod pans fiyands iz- 35 Deah-hweedere lufiap eowre fynd,

warans, piup tauyaid, yah leiwhaid, ni and him wel dóp, and lene syllap, nan
waihtais uswenans, yah wairpip mizdo ping danun eft gehihtende, and eower
izwara managa, yah wairpip sunyus méd byp mycel on heofone, and ge beop
Hauhistins, unte is gods ist paim un- des Hehstan bearn, fordam de he is
fagram yah unselyam. gôd ofer unpancfulle and ofer yfele.
VI. 23-35.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 309
schulen hate sou, and schulen departe and thrust you out off their companye,
30u awey, and schulen putte schenschip and rayle on you, and abhorre youre
on 30u, and schulen caste out soure náme as an evill thynge, for the sonne
name as yuel, for mannis sone. off mannes sake.
23 Joye 3e in herte in that day, and 23 Reioyse ye then, and be gladde;
glade 3e with oute forth; loo! sothli for beholde ! youre rewarce is greate in
30ure mede is moche in heuene; for- heven ; after this manner their fathers
sothe vp thes thingis the fadris of hem entreated the prophetes.
diden to prophetis.
24 Netheles woo to 30u, riche men, 24 But wo be to you, that are ryche,
that han 30ure comfort. for ye have ther in youre consolacion.
25 Woo to 5ou that ben fulfillid, for 3e 25 Wo be to you that are full, for ye
schulen hungre. Woo to 30u that lau3hen shall honger. Wo be to you that nowe
now, for 3e schal morne, and wepe. laugh, for ye shall wayle, and wepe.
26 Woo, whanne alle men schulen 26 Wo be to you, when all men prayse
blesse 30u ; aftir thes thingis the fadris you ; for so did their fathers to the falce
of hem diden to . . prophetis. prophetes.
27 But I seie to 30u that heeren, loue 27 But I saye vnto you which heare,
3e 3oure enemyes, do 3e wel to hem that love youre enemys, do goode to them
haten 30u ; whych hate you ;
28 Blesse 5e to men cursinge 30u, preie 28 Blesse them that coursse you, and
= 56 for men falsly chalengynge 30u. praye for them which wrongfully trouble
_ 29 And to him that schal smyte thee 29 And vnto hym that smyteth the
on o cheke, 3yue also the tother; and on the one cheke, offer also the other ;
fro him that takith awey fro thee a cloth, and hym that taketh awaye thy goune,
3he, nyle thou forbede the coote. forbid nott to take thy coote also.
30 Sothly 3yue to ech axinge thee, and 30 Geve to every man that axeth of
who takith away tho thingis that ben the, and yf eny man take awaye thy
thyne, axe thou not a3eyn. goodes, axe them nott agayne.
31 And as 3e wolen that men do to 31 And as ye wolde that men shulde
30u, and do 3e to hem in lyk manere. doo to you, soo do ye to them lyke
32 And if 3e louen hem that louen 30u, 32 Yf ye love them which love you,
. what grace’ is to 30u? for whi and syn- what thanke are ye worthy of? seinge
| ful men louen men louynge hem. that the very synners love their lovers.
33 And if 3e don wel to hem that don 33 And yf ye do for them which do
wel to 30u, what grace is to 30w? sothly for you, what thanke are ye worthy of?
- and synful men don this thing. for the very sinners doo even the same.

34 And if 3e 3yuen borwynge to hem, 34 Yff ye lende to them, off whome ye

of whiche 3e hopen to take a3en, what hoope to receave, what thanke shal ye
grace is to 30u? for whi and synful men have? for the very synners lende to sin-
leenen to synful men, that thei taken ners, to receave as moch agayne.
ageyn euene thingis.
35 Netheles loue 3e 3oure enemyes, 35 Love ye youre enemys, do goode,
and do 3e wel, and 3yue 3e borwyng, and lende, lokynge for nothynge agayne,
- hopinge no thing therof, and zoure mede and youre rewarde shalbe greate, and ye
schal be moche, and 3e schulen be the shalbe the chyldren off the Hyest, for he
sones of the Hiseste, for he is benyngne is kynde vnto the vnkynde and to the
on ynkynde men and yuele men. + evyll.
310 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. LUKE
36 Wairpaid bleipyandans, swaswe yah 36 * Eornostlice beop mild-heorte, swa
atta izwar bleips ist. eower feeder is mild-heort.
37 Yah ni stoyid, ei ni stoyaindau. 37 Nelle ge déman, and ge ne beop
Ni afdomyaid, yah mi afdomyanda; démede. Nelle ge genyderian, and ge
fraletaid, yah fraletanda. ne beop genyderode ; forgyfap, and eow
byp forgyfen.
38 Gibaid, yah gibada izwis. Mitads 38 Syllap, and eow byp geseald. God
goda, yah ufarfulla, yah gawigana, yah gemet, and full, and geheapod, and ofer-
ufargutana gibada in barm izwarana ; flówende hig syllap on eowerne bearm ;
pizai auk samon mitadyon, pizaiei mitid, dam sylfan gemete de ge metap, eow
mitada izwis. byp gemeten.

39 Qajuh pan gayukon im, Íbai mag 39 Da sæde he him sum bigspell, Segst
blinds blindana tiuhan? niu bai in dal dú meg se blinda dæne blindan lædan 1
gadriusand ? hú ne feallaþ hig begen on dene pytt?

40 Nist siponeis ufar laisari seinana ; 40 Nis se leorning-cniht ofer done

ip gamanwids, wharyizuh wairpai swe láreow ; ele byþ fulfremed, gif he is
laisaris is. swylce hys láreow.
41 Appan wha gaumeis gramsta Yn 41 Hwi gesihst di da egle on dines
augin broprs peinis, ip anza in peinamma
augin ni-gaumeisÍ |
bródor eagan, and ne gesihst dene beam,
on dinum eagan?
42 Aippau whaiwa magt qipan du bropr 42 And hü miht du secgan dinum |
peinamma, Bropar, let, tk uswairpa gram- bréder, Bródor, let, det ic ateo da egle
of dinum eagan? and du sylf ne ge-
sta pamma in augin peinamma? silba in
augin peinamma anza ni gaumyandsÍ syhst dene beam on dinum ágenum
Liuta, uswairp faurpis pamma anza us eagan? Ealá licetere, teoh ærest done
augin peinamma, yah pan gaumyais, us- beam of dinum eagan, and donne du
wairpan gramsta pamma in augin broprs gesihst, det dú áteo da egle of dines
peinis. bródor eagan.
43 Ni auk ist bagms gods, tauyands 43 Nys gúd treow, de yfelne wæstm ,
akran ubil, nihpan bagms ubils, tauyands dép, ne nis yfel treow, gódne wæstm
akran god ; dónde ;

44 Wharyizuh raihtis bagme us swe- 44 ZEle treow is be his wæstme on-

samma akrana uskunps ist. Ni auk us cnáwen. Ne hig of pornum fic-æppla
paurnum lisanda smakkans, nihpan us ne gaderiap, ne win-berian on gorste ne
aiwhatundyai trudanda weinabasya. nimap.
45 piupeigs manna us piupeigamma 45 Gód man of gódum gold-horde hys
huzda hairtins seinis usbairid piup, yah heortan gód forp-bringp, and yfel man
ubils manna us ubilamma huzda hairtins of yfelum gold-horde, yfel forp-bringp ;
seinis, usbairid ubil; uzuh allis ufar- sópliee se müp spycþ swa seo heorte
fullein hairtins rodeid munps is. penep.

46 Appan wha mik haitid, Frauya, 46 Hwi clypige ge me, Drihten, Drih-
Frauya, yah ni tauyid patei qipa. ten, and ne dóp dzet ic eow secge.

47 Whazuh sa gaggands du mis, yah 47 JEle dara de to me cymp, and mine

hausyands waurda meina, yah tauyands spréca gehyrp, and da dep, ie him
po, ataugya izwis, whamma galeiks ist. . etywe, hwam he gelic is.

VI. 36-47.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 311
36 Therfore be 3e mercyful, as and 36 Be ye therfore mercifull, as youre
zoure fadir is mercyful. father ys mercifull.
37 Nyle 3e deme, and 3e schulen not 37 Judge nott, and ye shall nott be
be demyd. Nyle 3e condempne, and 3e judged. Condemne nott, and ye shall
schulen not be condempned ; for3yue 3e, not be condemned ; forgeve, and ye
and it schal be foryouun to 30u. shalbe forgeven.
38 3yue 3e, and it schal be 3ouun to 38 Geve, and yt shalbe geven vnto
3ou. Thei schulen 3yue in to 3oure you. Goode measure, pressed doune,
bosum. a good mesure, and wel fillid, shaken to gedder, and runnynge over
and shakun to gidere, and ouerflowynge ; shall men geve into youre besomes ; for
forsothe by the same mesure, by which with what measure ye mete, with the
3e schulen mete, it schal be meten to same shall men mete to you agayne.
39 Sothli he seide to hem and a lik- 39 And he put forthe a similitude vnto
nesse, Whethir a blynd man may leede them, Can the blynde ledde the blynde ?
the blynde? whethir thei falle not bothe do they nott both then fall into the
in to the dyche? dyche?
40 A disciple is not aboue the maistir ; 40 The disciple is not above his master ;
sothli ech schal be perfyt, if he is as his every man shalbe perfecte, even as hys
maistir. master ys.
41 Sothli what seest thou in thi bro- 41 Why seist thou a moote in thy
theris y3e a festu,” but thou biholdist brothers eye, and considerest not the
not a beem, which is in thi owne y3e? beame, that is in thyne awne eye?
42 Othir hou maist thou seye to thi 42 Other howe cannest thou saye to
^. brother, Brother, suffre, I schal caste out thy brother, Brother, lett me pull out
a festu of thin y3e? thou biholdist not the moote that is in thyne eye? when
a beem in thin owne y3e? Ypocrite, thou perceavest nott the beame that is in
first tak out the beem of thyn y3e, and thyne awne eye? Ypocrite, cast out the
thanne thou schalt biholde, that thou beame out off thyne awne eye first, and
lede out a festu of thi brotheris y3e. then shalt thou se perfectly, to pull out
the moote out of thy brothers eye.
43 Forsothe it is not a good tree, that 43 Hit is nott a goode tree, that
makith yuele frutis, nother an yuele bryngeth forthe evyll frute, nether is
tree, that makith goode fruytis; that an evyll tree, whych bryngeth forthe
goode frute ;
44 Sothli euery tree is knowun of his 44 For every tree ys knowen by his
fruyt. Sothli neither men gederyn fygis frute. Nether off thornes gader men
of thornes, neither men gederyn a grape fygges, nor of busshes gadrer they grapes.
= of a boysch of breris.
45 A good man of the goode tresour 45 A goode man off the goode treasure
of his herte bryngeth forth good thing, off hys hert bryngeth forthe that which
and an yuel man of yuel tresour, bryng- ys goode, and the evyll man of the evyll
ith forth yuel thing ; sothli of the plente treasure off hys hert, bryngeth forthe
of the herte the mouth spekith. that whych ys evyll ; for off the abound-
aunce off the hert the mought speaketh.
46 Forsothe what clepen 3e me, Lord, 46 Why call ye me, Master, Master,
Lord, and don not tho thingis that I and do not as I bid you.
47 Ech that cometh to me, and heerith 47 Whosoever commeth to me, and
. my wordis, and doth hem, I schal schewe heareth my sayinges, and doeth the
to 30u, to whom he is lyk. same, I wyll shewe you, to whome he
ys lyke.
312 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST. Luxe
48 Galeiks ist mann timryandin razn, 48 He ys gelie timbriendum men his
saei grob yah gediupida, yah gasatida hüs, se dealf deope, and hys gründ-weall
grunduwaddyau ana staina. At ga- ofer dene stan ásette. Scplice geword-
runyon pan waurpanai, bistagq awha bi enum flóde, hit fleow into dam hase,
yainamma razna, yah ni mahta gawag- and hit ne mihte det hus astirian, hit
yan ita, gasulid auk was ana pamma wees ofer deene stân getrymed.
49 Ip sa hausyands, yah ni tauyands, 49 Se de gehyrp, and ne dép, he is
galeiks ist mann timryandin razn ana gelie dam timbriendan men his hüs ofer
airpai inuh grunduwaddyu; patei bistagq da eorpan bútan grund-wealle ; and diet
flodus, yah suns gadraus ; yah warp so flód in-fleow, and hreedlice hyt afeoll;
uswalteins pis raznis mikila. and wearp mycel hryre dees huses.

Cuar. VIL 1 Biþe pan usfullida alla Cmar. VII. 1 Sópliee dá he ealle
po waurda seina in hliumans manageins, his word gefylde on dees folees hlyste,
galaip in Kafarnaum. he eode into Cafarnaum.

2 Hundafade pan sumis skalks siuk- 2 Da wes sumes hundred-mannes

ands, swultawairpya, saei was imma peowa untrum, se wes sweltendlic, se
swers. NS wes him dyre.
3 Gahausyands pan bi Lesu, insandida 3 And da he gehyrde be dam Hælende,
du imma sinistans Íudaie, bidyands ina, he sende to him Iudea ealdras, and beed,
ei qimi, yah ganasidedi pana skalk is. dæt he come, and hys peow gehælde.

4 lp eis qimandans at Iesua, bedun 4 Da hi to dam Hsélende comon, hi

ina usdaudo, qipandans, patei wairþs bædon hyne geornlice, and dus cwædon,
ist, pammei fragibis pata; He is wyrde, dzet da him tilige ;

5 Unte friyop piuda unsara, yah swn- 5 Witodlice he lufap tre peóde, and he
agogein is gatimrida unsis. us üre samnunge getimbrode.
61p lesus iddyuh mip im. Yah yuþan 6 Da ferde se Hælend mid him. And
ni fairra wisandin imma [amma garda, dà he wees unfeor dam húse, se hundred-
insandida du imma sa hundafads fri- man sende hys frýnd to him, and cwæþ,
yonds, qipands du imma, Frauya, ni Drihten, nelle dà beon gedréht, ne eom
draibei puk, unte ni im wairps, ei uf ic wyrde, dzt du gá under mine pecene ;
hrot mein inngaggais ;
7 Dupei ni mik silban wairpana rah- 7 Fordam ic ne tealde me sylfne, det
nida, at pus qiman ; ak qip waurda, yah ie to dé come; ac cweþ din word, and :
gahailnid sa piumagus meins. min eniht byþ gehæled.

8 Yah pan auk ik manna im uf wald- 8 Ie eom an man under anwealde ge-
ufnya gasatids, habands uf mis silbin sett, cempan under me hebbende ; and
gadrauhtins; yah qipa du pamma, Gagg, ie secge dissum, Ga, and he gæþ, and
yah gaggid, yah anparamma, Qim her, ie secge dissum, Cum, donne cymp he,
yah qimid, yah du skalka meinamma, and ie secge minum peowe, Dé dis, and.
Tawei pata, yah tauyid. " he dép.
9 Gahausyands pan pata lesus, sil- 9 Da wundrode se Hælend, dam ge- '
daleikida ina; yah wandyands sik du hyredum ; and ewæþ, to dere menigeo
pizai afarlaistyandein sis managein, qap, bewend, Soplice ic secge eow, ne fünde
VI.48.-VIL 9.] WYCLIFFE, :389. TYNDALE, 1526. 313
48 He is lyk to a man bildinge an 48 He is lyke a man which bilt an
hous, that diggide deepe, and puttide housse, which digged depe, and layde
the foundement on a stoon. Sothli the foundacion on a rocke. When the
greet flowing maad, flood was, hurtlid to waters arose, the fludde bett apon that
that hous, and it my3te not moue it, for housse, and coulde nott move-hyt, for it
it was foundid on a sad stoon. was grounded apon a rocke.

49 Sothli he that heerith, and doth 49 But he that heareth, and doth not,
not, is lyk to a man bildinge his hous is lyke a man that with out foundacion
on erthe with oute foundement; in to bylt an housse apon the erth; agaynst
which the flood was hurlid, and a non it which the fludde bet, and it fell by and
felde doun ; and the fallinge doun of by; and the fall of that housse was
that hous is maad greet. greate.

Cmar. VII. í Forsothe whanne he Cmar. VII. í When he had ended

hadde fulfillid alle his wordis in to the all his sayinges in the audience of the
eeris of the peple, he entride in to Ca- people, he entred into Capernaum.
2 Sothli a seruaunt of sum man cen- 2 And the servaunt off a certayne cen-
. turio hauynge yuel, was to deyinge, turion was sicke, and redy to dye, whom
which was precious to him. he made moche of.
3 Ànd whanne he hadde herd of Jhesu, 3 And when he herde of Jesu, he sent
he sente to him the eldere men of Jewis, vnto hym the seniours of the Iewes,
preiynge him, that he come, and heele besechynge him, that he wolde come,
his seruaunt. and save his servaunt.
4 And, whanne thei camen to Jhesu, 4 And they cam to Jesus, and besought
thei preieden bisyli, seyinge to him, For him instantly, sayinge, He is worthy,
he is worthi, that thou 3yue to him this that thou shuldest do this for hym ;
thing ;
5 For he loueth oure folk, and he 5 For he loveth oure nacion, and hath
bildide to vs a synagoge. bilt vs a sinagoge.
6 Sothly Jhesu wente with hem. And 6 And Jesus went with them. And
. whanne now he was not fer fro the hous, when he was nott farre from the housse,
= centurio sente to him frendis, seyinge, the centurion sent to hym hys frendes,
Lord, nyle thou be trauelid, for I am sayinge vnto hym, Lorde, trouble not
not worthi, that thou entre vndir my thy silfe for I am nott worthy, that
roof; thou shuldest enter into my housse ;
7 For which thing and I demyde not 7 Wherfore I thought nott my silfe
my silf worthi, that I schulde come to worthy, to come vnto the ; but saye the
thee; but seye thou by word, and my worde, and my servaunt shalbe whoole.
child schal be heelid.
8 For whi and I am a man ordeyned 8 For I lyke wyse am a man vnder
vndir power, hauynge knystis vndir me ; power, and have vnder me soudiers;
— and I seie to this, Go thou, and he goth, and I saye vnto won, Goo, and he goeth,
and to anothir, Come thou, and he and to another, Come, and he cometh,
cometh, and to my seruaunt, Do thou and to my servaunt, Do this, and he
this thing, and he doth. doeth it.
9 The which thing herd, Jhesu won- 9 When Jesus herde this, he merveyled
dride ; and he turnyd, seide to the cum- at him; and turned hym about, and
panyes suynge him, Treuli I seye to 30u, sayd to the people that folowed hym, I

j T
314 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST. Lure

Amen qipa izwis, ni in Ísraela swalauda ic on Israhel swá mycelne geleafan.

galaubein bigat.

.Io Yah gawandyandans sik, pai in- ro And dá da him comon, de asende
sandidans, du garda, bigetun pana siukan | wæron, hig gemétton hálne done, de ær
skalk hailana. untrum wees.!
1r Yah warp in pamma afar daga 1I Da wes syddan geworden he ferde
iddya in baurg, namnida Naen, yah on da ceastre, de is genemned Naim,
mididdyedun imma siponyos is ganohai ; and mid him férdon hys leorning-eniht-
yah manageins filu. as; and mycel menego.
12 Bipeh pan newha was daura pizos 12 Dá he genealehte dere ceastre
baurgs, paruh sai! utbaurans was naus gate, dá wes dar án dead man geboren,
sunus ainaha aipein seinai ; yah si silbo | anre wudewan sunu, de nanne óðerne
widowo ; yah managei pizos baurgs ga- næfde; and seo wudewe wees dar; and
noha mip izai. mycel menegu dere burh-ware mid
13 Yah gasaiwhands po Frauya lesus, 13 Da se Hælend hig geseah, dà wees
infeinoda du izai, yah qap du izai, Ni he mid mild-heortnesse ofer hig ge-
gret. fylled, and eweep to hyre, Ne wép du na.
r4 Yah duatgaggands, attaitok whilf- 14 Da geneal&hte he, and da cyste
tryom ; ip pai bairandans, gastopun. æt-hrán; dá æt-stódon da de hyne
Yah qap, Yuggalaud, du pus qipa, urreis. baron. Da ewæþ se Hælend, Eala
geonga, dé ic secge, aris. |
15 Yah ussat sa naus, yah dugann 15 Ðá árás se ðe dead wæs, and ongan
rodyan ; yah atgaf ina aipein is. sprecan; dá ágef he hine hys méder.

16 Dissat pan allans agis, yah mik- 16 Da ofer-eode ege hig ealle, and hig
ilidedun Gup, qipandans, Patei praufetus God mærsodon, and ewzédon, Det mere
mikils urrais in unsis, yah, patei ga- witega on us árás, and, Det God hys.
weisoda Gup manageins seinaizos. fole geneosode. ee

_17 Yah usiddya pata waurd and alla 17 Da férde deos spec be him on
Íudaia bi ina, yah and allans bisitands. ealle Iudea, and embe eall deet rice.

18 Yah gataihun lohannen siponyos 18 Dà cyddon Iohannes leorning-eniht--

is bi alla po. as him be eallum dysum þingum.
19 Yah athaitands twans siponye sein- 19 Dá clypode Iohannes twegen of his
aize lohannes, insandida ins du lesua, leorning-enihtum, and sende to dam
qipands, Pu is sa qimanda, pau anparanu Helende, and dus ewæþ, Eart du de
wenyaima Í to cumenne eart, hwæðer de we odres
sculon onbydan ?
20 Qimandans pan at imma pai wairos, 20 Dá hig to him comon, dus hig
qepun, lohannes sa Daupyands insand- ewedon, lohannes se Fulluhtere us
ida ugkis du pus, qipands, pu is sa sende to dé, and dus cwep, Eart dú
qimanda, pau anparanu wenyaimaÍ de to cumenne eart, de we sculon óðres
onbidan ? :
21 Inuh pan pizai wheilai gahailida 21 Sóþlice on dere tide he gehslde
managans af sauhtim, yah slahim, yah manega of ádlum, ge of witum, and of
ahmane ubilaize ; yah blindaim manag- yfelum gástum ; and manegum blindum
aim fragaf siun, : he gesihpe forgeaf. i
22 Yah andhafyands lesus qap du im, 22 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Farap and
Gaggandans gateihats lohannen patei cydap Iohanne da ping de ge gesawon
gasewhuts yah gahausideduts; patei and gehyrdon ; det blinde geseop, and
VII. 10-22.] WYCLIFFE, 1589. TYNDALE, 1826. 315
nethir in Israel I fond so moche feith. saye vnto you, I have not founde soo
greate fayth, noo nott in Israhel cer-
to And thei that weren sent, turnyd rio And they that wer sent, turned
ayen hom, founden the seruaunt hool, backe home agayne, and founde the ser-
which was syk. vaunt that was sicke, whoole.
ir And it was don aftirward Jhesu 11 And it fortuned after that he went
wente in to a cite, that is clepid Naym, into a eite, called Naym, and hys dis-
and his disciplis; and ful greet cum- ciples went with him; and a greate
panye of peple wente with him. nomber off people.
12 Sothly whanne he cam ny3 to the 12 When he cam nye to the gate off
sate of the citee, loo! an oonlypi sone the cite, beholde! there was a deed man
of his modir was born out deed; and caried out which was the only sonne of
this was a widowe ; and moche cumpany his mother ; and she was a widowe ;
of the citee was with hir. - and moche people off the cite was with
13 Whom whanne the Lord Jhesu 13 Ànd the Lorde sawe her, and had
= hadde seyn, he meuyd by mercy on hir, compassion on her, and sayde vnto her,
seide to hir, Nyle thou wepe. Wepe not.
14 And he neizede, and touchide the 14 And went, and touched the coffyn ;
bere ; and thei that baren stooden. and they that bare hym stode still. And
And he seith, 3ong man, I seie to thee, he sayde, Yonge man, I saye vnto the,
ryse vp. aryse.
15 And he that was deed sat vp, and 15 And the deed sate vp, and began
bigan to speke; and he 3af him to his to speake ; and he delivered hym to his
modir. mother.
16 Sothli drede took alle men, and 16 And there cam a feare on them all,
thei magnyfieden God, seyinge, For a and they glorified God, sayinge, A greate
greet prophete hath risun among vs, prophet ys rysen amonge vs, and, God
and, For God hath visitid his peple. hath visited hys people.
17 And this word wente out of him in 17 And thys rumor off hym went forthe
to al Judee, and in to al the cuntre throughout all Jewry, and thorowout all
aboute. the regions whych lye rounde about.
18 And disciplis of John tolden him of 18 And vnto Jhon shewed hys disciples
alle thes thingis. off all these thynges.
19 And John clepide to gidere tweyne 19 And Jhon called vnto hym two off
of his disciplis, and sente to Jhesu, sey- hys disciples, and sent them to Jesus,
inge, Art thou that art to comynge, sayinge, Arte thou he that shall come,
other we abiden another! or shall we loke for another ?

20 Sothli whanne the men hadden 20 When the men wer come vnto hym,
come to him, thei seiden, John Baptist they sayde, Jhon Baptiste sent vs vnto
sente vs to thee, seyinge, Àrt thou that the, sayinge, Arte thou he that shall
art to comynge, other we abiden an- come, or shall we wayte for another?
21 Forsothe in that our he heelide 21 Att that same tyme he cured many
many men of her sykenessis, and woundis, off their infirmittes, and plages, and off
and yuele spiritis ; and he 3af si3t to evyll spretes ; and vnto many thatt
manye blynde. men. were blynde he gave sightt.
22 And Jhesu answeringe seide to 22 And he answered and sayd vnto
hem, 3e goynge telle asen to John tho them, Goo youre wayes and shewe Jhon
thingis that 3e han herd and seyn; for what thinges ye have herde and sene;
316 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Luke

blindai ussaiwhand, haltai gaggand, healte gap, hreoflan synd gehælede, deafe
prutsfillai gahrainyanda, baudai gahaus- gehyrap, deade árisap, pearfan bodiap.
yand, naweis urreisand, unledai waila-
23 Yah audags ist, sawhazuh saei ni 23 And eadig ys, swá hwyle swá ne
gamarzyada in mis. byp on me ge-untreowsod.
.24 At galeipandam pan paim airum 24 And da da Iohannes erend-racan
iohannes, dugann rodyan du managein férdon, dá ewsep se Hælend to dam folce
bi Íohannen, Wha usiddyedup in auþida be Iohanne, Hwi’ férde ge on westene
saiwhan ? raus fram winda wagid* geseon? det hreod de byþ mid winde
ástyred ?
25 Akei wha usiddyedup saiwhan? 25 Ac hwi férde ge to seonne? done
mannan in hnasqyaim wastyom ga- man mid hnescum reafum gescrydne!
wasidana? Sai! pai in wastyom wulþ- da de synd on deorwurpum reafe and
agaim yah fodeinai wisandans, in piud- on éstum, [*synd on cyninga húsum.
angardyom sind.
26 Akei wha usiddyedup saiwhan? 26 Ac hwi férde ge dene witegan
praufetu? Yai qipa izwis, yah mais geseon? Witodlice ic eow secge, he is
praufetu. mára donne witega.
27 Sa ist, bi panei gamelid ist, Sai! 27 Des is, be dam de áwriten is, Nú!
ik insandya aggilu meinana faura and- ic ásende minne engel beforan dine
wairpya peinamma, saei gamanweid wig ansyne, se gegearwap dinne weg beforan
peinana faura pus. š dé.
28 Qipa allis izwis, maiza in baurim 28 Scplice ic eow secge, Nis betwux
qinono praufetus, lohanne pamma Daup- wifa bearnum, nan mærra witega, donne
yandin, ainshun nist ; ip sa minniza im- Tohannes se Fulluhtere ; se de is læssa
ma in piudangardyai Gups, maiza im- on Godes rice, se is his mara.
ma ist. i
29. Yah alla managei gahausyandei, 29 And eall fole dis gehyrende, Sun-
yah motaryos, garaihtana domidedun dor-hálgan God heredon, and gefullede
Gup, ufdaupidai daupeinai lohannis; on Iohannes fulluhte ;
30 lp Fareisaieis yah witodafastyos, 3o Sóplice da Sundor-hálgan and da
runa Gups fraqepun and sik, ni daup- æ-gleawan, forhogodon des Hælendes.
idai fram imma. gepeaht on him sylfum, nà fram dam
Hélende gefullode.
iios 5 M Le Whe nu galeiko pans 31. . . . . Hwam telle ie gelice
mans pis kunyis, yah whe siyaina ga- disse eneorisse men, and hwam synd
leikai ? hi gelice? =
32 Galeikai sind barnam paim in ga- 32 Hi synd gelice cildum on stræte
runsai sitandam, yah wopyandam seina sittendum, and specendum betwux him,
misso, yah qipandam, Swiglodedum iz- and ewedendum, We sungon eow be
wis, yah ni plinsidedup; gaunodedum hearpan, and ge ne saltedon ; we heof-
izwis,! yah ni gaigrotup. don, and ge ne weopon.

33 Urrann raihtis lohannes sa Daup- 33 Sóplice Iohannes com se Fulluhtere,

yands, nih hlaif matyands, nih wein hlaf ne etende, ne win drincende, and
drigkands, yah qipip, Unhulpon habaip. ge cwedap, Deofol-seocnysse he heefp.
34 Urrann sunus mans matyands yah 34 Mannes sunu com etende and drin-
drigkands, yah qipip, Sai! manna afetya, cende, and ge cwedap, Des man is
yah weindrugkya, friyonds motarye yah swelgend, and win drincende, mánfulra
frawaurhtaize. and synfulra freond.
VII. 23-34.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 317
blynde men seen, crokide men gon, howe that the blynde se, the halt goo,
meselis ben maad clene, deef men heeren, | the lepers are clensed, tlie deafe heare,
deede men rysen asen, pore men ben the deed aryse, to the pover is the
takun to prechinge of the gospel.t gospell preached.
23 And he that schal not be sclaundrid 23 And happi is he, that falleth not
in me, is blessid. by the reason of me.
24 And whanne the messangers of 24 When the messengers of Jhon wer
John hadden gon away, he bigan to departed, he began to “speake vnto the
seye of John to the cumpanyes, What people of Jhon, What went ye out for
wenten 3e out i to desert for to se? a to se in to the desert 1 went ye to sea
reed wawid with the wynd? rede shaken with the wynde?
25 But what wente 5e out for to se? a 25 But what went ye out for to se? a
man clothid with softe clothis? Lo! man clothed in saufte rayment? Beholde!
thei that ben in a precious cloth and in they which are gor geously apparelled
deliees, ben in housis of kyngis. and lyve delicatly, :are in kynges courtes.

26 But what thing wente 3e out for to 26 Butt what went ye forth to se? a
se? a prophete? Sothli I seie to 30u, prophet? Ye I saye to you, and moare
and more than a prophete. then a prophet.
— 27 This it is, of whom it is writen, 27 This is he, of whom hit is wrytten,
Lo! Isende myn aungel byfore thi face, Beholde! I sende my messenger before
the which schal make thi weye redy thy face, to prepare thy waye before
bifore thee. the.
28 Sothly I seye to 30u, among the 28 I saye vnto you, a greater prophett
. ehilderen of wymmen, no man is more then Jhon, amonge wemens children, is
"than John Baptist, prophete; sothli he there none; neverthelesse won that is
that is lesse in the kyngdom of heuenes, lesse in the kyngdom of God, is greater
is more than he. then he.
29 And al the peple heeringe, and pup- 29 And all the people that herde, and
plieans, baptisid with baptym of John, the publicans iustified God, which wer
iustifieden God ; baptised in the baptim of Jhon ;
30 Forsoth Pharisees and wyse men of 30 But the Pharyses and scribes de-
the lawe, not baptisid of him, dispiseden spised the counsell off God agaynst them
the conseil of God in hem silf. selves, and wer not baptised of hym.

31 Sothli the Lord seyde, Therfore to 31 And the Lorde sayd, Where vnto
— whom schal I seye men of this genera- shall I lyken the men of this generacion,
í cioun lyk, and to whom ben thei lyk ? and whatt thynge are they lyke?
32 Thei ben lyk to children sittinge in 32 They are lyke vnto chyldren sitt-
chepinge, and spekynge to gidere, and ynge in the market place, and cryinge
seyinge, We han songun to 3ou with one to another, and sayinge, We have
pipis, and 3e han not daunsid ; we han pyped vnto you, and ye have nott
maad lamentacioun, and se han not daunsed ; we have mourned to you, and
wept. ye have not wept.
33 Forsoth John Baptist cam, nethir 33 For Jhon Baptist cam vnto you,
etinge breed, nether drynkynge wyn, nether eatynge breed, ner drynkynge
and 3e seyn, He hath a fend. wyne, and ye saye, He hath the devyll.
34 Mannis sone cam etinge and drynk- 34 The sonne off man is come and
inge, and 3e seyn, Lo ! a man deuourere,* eateth and drynketh, and ye saye, Be-
and drynkinge wyn, frend of pupplicans holde! à man which is a glotton, and a
and of synful men. drynker of wyne, the frende of publicans
and sinners.

tl -

318 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. LUKE
35 Yah gasunyoda warp handugei fram 35 And wisdóm is gerihtwisod on eall-
barnam seinaim allaim. um his bearnum.t
36 Bap pan ina sums Fareisaie, ei 36 Da bed hine sum of dam Sundor-
matidedi mip imma. Yah atgaggands halgum, dst he mid him æte. Da eode
in gard pis Fareisaiaus, anakumbida. he into đæs Fariseiscan hüse, and ge-
37 Paruh sai! gino in pizai baurg, sei 37 And dá det wif, de wes on dere
was frawaurhta, yah ufkunnandei, patei ceastre, synful, di heo oncneow, det he
anakumbida in razna pis Fareisaiaus, sæt on des Fariseus hüse, heo brohte
briggandei alabalstraun balsanis; hyre sealf-box ;

38 Yah standandei faura fotum is, 38 And stód wið-æftan his fét, and
aftaro greitandei dugann natyan fotuns ongan mid hyre tearum hys fét pwean,
is tagram, yah skufta haubidis seinis and drigde mid hyre heafdes feaxe, and
biswarb, yah kukida fotum is, yah ga- cyste hys fét, and mid sealfe smýrede.
salboda pamma balsana.

39 Gasaiwhands pan sa Fareisaius, saei 39 Ðá se Sundor-hálga, de hyne in-

haihait ina, rodida sis ains, qipands, Sa gelapode, det geseah, he cwæþ on hys
ip wesi praufetus, ufkunpedi pau, who geþance, Gyf des man witega were,
yah whileika so qino sei tekip imma, witodlice he wiste, hwæt and hwyle dis Se
patei frawaurhta ist. wif were de his æt-hrinþ, det heo
synful is.
40 Yah andhafyands Tesus qap du 40 Da cwæþ se Hælend him and-
Paitrau, Seimon, skal pus wha qipan. swariende, Symon, ic hæbbe dé to see- S

Ip is qap, Dan. qip. genne sum ping. Da cwæþ he, Láreow,

sege donne.
41 'Twai dulgis skulans wesun dul- 41 Twegen gafol-gyldan wæron sum-
- gahaityin sumamma ; ains skulda skatte um lænende ; án steolde fif hund pen-
fimf hunda, ip anpar fimf tiguns. ega, and óder fiftig.
42 Ni habandam pan whapro usgebeina, 42 Da hig næfdon hwanon hi hyt
baim fragaf. Whapar nupize, qip, mais aguldon, he hit him bam forgeaf. Hwæd-
ina friyod ? r...lufode hyne swydor?

43 Andhafyands pan Seimon qap, Pana 43 Da andswarode Simon, Ic wéne, se

gawenya, pammei managizo fragaf. Par- de he mare forgeaf. Da enun he, Rihte
uh is qap du imma, Raihtaba stauides. dú démdest.

44 Yah, gawandyands sik du þizai 44 Da bewende he hyne to dam wife,

qinon, qap du Seimona, Gasaiwhis po and séde Simone, Gesyhst dü dis wif?
qinon? <Atgaggandin in gard peinana, Ic eode into dinum húse, ne sealdest
wato mis ana fotuns meinans ni gaft; dú me weter to minum fótum; deos
ip si tagram seinaim ganatida meinans mid hyre tearum mine fét pwóh, and
fotuns, yah skufta seinamma biswarb. mid hyre loccum drigde.

45 Ni kukides mis; ip si, fram pam- 45 Coss da me ne sealdest; deos,

mei innatiddya, ni swaif bikukyan fot- syddan ie in-eode,: ne geswác det heo
uns meinans. mine fét ne cyste.
46 Alewa haubid meinata ni salbodes; 46 Min heafod dà mid ele ne smyred-
ip si balsana gasalboda fotuns meinans. est ; deos smyrede mid sealfe mine fét.

47 ln pizei qipa pus, afletanda fra-` 47 Fordam ic secge dé, hyre synd
VIL 35-47.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 319
35 And wysdom is justified of alle her 35 And wisdom is iustified of all her
sones. chyldren.
36 Forsoth sum Pharise preiede Jhesu, 36 And one off the Pharyses desired
that he schulde ete with him. And he hym, that he wolde eate with hym.
entringe in to the hous of the Pharise, And he eam in to the Pharises housse,
sat at the mete. and sate doune to meate.
37 And lo! a womman synneresse, 37 And beholde! a woman in that
that was in the citee, as sche knew, that cite, which was a synner, as sone as she
Jhesu hadde sete at the mete in the knewe, that Jesus sate at meate in the
hous of the Pharisee, brou3te an ala- Pharises housse, she brought an ala-
hastre box of oynement ; blaster boxe of oyntment ;
38 And sche stondinge byhynde bisydis 38 And she stode at his fete behynde
his feet, bigan to moiste his feet with hym wepynge, and began to wesshe his
teeris, and wypide with heeris of hir fete with tearés, and did wipe them
heed, and kiste his feet, and anoyntide with the heares off her heed, and kyssed
with oynement. his fete, and anoynted them with oynt-
39 Sothli the Pharise seynge, that 39 When the Pharise which bade hym
elepide him, seith with ynne him silf, to his housse, sawe that, he spake with
seiynge, If this were a prophete, sothli in hym sylfe, sayinge, Yf this man wer
he schulde wite, who and what maner a prophet, he wolde surely have knowen,
womman it were that touchith him, for who and what maner woman this is
she is a synneresse. which toucheth hym, for she is a synner.
40 And Jhesu answeringe seide to him, 40 And Jesus answered and sayde
Symound, I haue sum thing for to seye vnto hym, Simon, I have somwhat to
to thee. And he seith, Maistir, seie saye vnto the. And he sayd, Master,
thou. saye on.
4t And he answeride, Tweye dettours 41 There was a certayne lender which
were to sum leenere ;* oon ou3te fyue had two detters; the one ought five
hundrid pens, and an other fyfty. hondred pence, and the other fifty.
42 Sothli hem not hauynge wherof 42 When they had nothinge to paye,
thei schulden 3elde, he 3af frely to euer he forgave them boothe. Which of them,
eythir. Who therfore . . . loueth him tell me, will love hym moostÍ
43 Symound answeringe seide, I gesse, 43 Simon answered and sayde, I sup-
— for he to whom he frely gaf more. And pose, that he to whom he forgave moost.
he answeride to him, Thou hast demyd And he sayde vnto him, Thou hast
dier s A
ri5tly. truely iudged.
44 And he, turnyd to the womman, 44 And he turned to the woman, and
seide to Symound, Seest thou this wom- sayde vnto Simon, Seist thou thys wo-
man? I entride in to thi hous, thou man? I entred into thy housse, and
hast not 3ouun watir to my feet ; forsoth thou gavest me noo water to my fete ;
this womman hath moistid my feet with butt she hath wesshte my fete with
teeris, and hath wypt with hir heeris. teares, and wiped them with the heeres
of her heed.
45 Thou hast not 30uun to me a cosse ; 45 Thou gavest me no kysse; but she, ,
forsoth this womman, sithen sche entride, sence the tyme I cam in, hath not
ceesside not to kisse my feet. ceased to kysse my fete.
46 Thou hast not anoyntid myn heed 46 Myne heed with oyle thou didest
with oyle ; forsothe this oyntide my feet nott anoynte; and she hath annoynted
with oynement. my fete with oyntment.
47 For which thing I seie to thee, 47 Wherefore I saye vnto the, many

2 ca
320 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (St. Luxe
waurhteis izos pos managons, unte friyoda manega sinna forgyfene, fordam heo me
filu; ip pammei leitil fraletada, leitil |
swyde lufode ; læsse lufap, dam de læsse
friyod. |i forgyfen ys.
48 Qapuh pan du izai, Afletanda pus | 48 Da eweep he to hyre, Dé synd dine
frawaurhteis peinos. synna forgyfene.
49 Yah dugunnun, pai mipanakumb- 49 Da begunnon, da de dar sæton,
yandans, qipan in sis silbam, Whas sa betwux him eweðan, Hwæt is des de
Ist saei frawaurhtins afletai ? manna synna forgyfp?

50 Ip is qap pan du pizai qinon, Ga- 50 Da cwep he to dam wife, Din ge-
laubeins peina ganasida puk ; gagg in leafa dé dyde hale ; gá nú on sybbe.

Crap. VIII. r Yah warp bipe afar Cuar. VIII. 1 Syddan wes ge-
pata, ei yah is wratoda and baurgs yah worden, det he férde þurh da ceastre
haimos, meryands yah wailaspillonds and dt castel, Godes rice prediciende
piudangardya Gups, yah pai twalib mip and bodiende, and hig twelfe mid him ;
imma ;
2 Yah qinons pozei wesun galeikinodos 2 And sume wif de wæron gehælede
ahmane ubilaize yah sauhte, yah Marya, of áwyrgdum gástum and untrumnes- —

sei haitana was Magdalene, us pizaiei sum, seo Magdalenisce Maria, of dere
usiddyedun unhulpons sibun, seofen deoflu üt-eodon,
3 Yah lohanna, qens Kusins, faur- 3 And Iohanna, Chuzan wif, Herodes
agagyins Herodes, yah. Susanna, yah geréfan, and Susanna, and manega ódre,
anparos managos, pozei andbahtededun de him of hyra spédum pénedon.
im us aiginam seinaim.
4 Gaqumanaim pan hiumam managaim, 4 Soplice dá mycel menegeo com, and
yah paim paiei us baurgim gaiddyedun of dam ceastrum to him éfstun, he sæde
du imma, qap pairh gayukon, him an bigspel,
5 Urrann saiands du saian fraiwa sein- 5 Sum man his sæd seów. Da he det
amma. Yah mippanei saiso, sum ga- seow, sum feoll wid done weg, and
draus faur wig, yah gatrudan warp, yah wearp fortreden, and heofones fugulas
fuglos himinis fretun pata. hit fræton.
6 Yah anpar gadraus ana staina, yah 6 And sum feoll ofer dene stân, and
uskiyanata gapaursnoda, in pizei ni hab- hit forscrane, fordam de hit wætan
aida qrammipa. næfde.
7 Yah sum gadraus in midumai paurn- 7 And sum feoll on da pornas, and da
iwe, yah mipuskeinandans pai paurnyus pornas . . hyt forprysmodon.
afwhapidedun pata.
8 Yah anpar gadraus ana airpai godai, 8 And sum feoll on góde eorpan, and
yah uskeinoda, yah tawida akran taih- worhte hundfealdne westm. Da elypode
untaihundfalp. pata pan qipands uf- he and cwep, Gehyre, se de earan
wopida, Saei habai ausona du hausyan, heebbe.
9 Frehun pan ina siponyos is qipan- 9 Da ahsodon hine hys leorning-eniht-
dans, wha siyaiso gayuko. as, hwæt deet bigspel were.
to Ip is qap, Izwis atgiban ist kunnan 10 Da cwep he, Eow is geseald det
runos piudinassaus Gups; ip paim an- ge witon Godes rices gerýne; and óð-
paraim in gayukom, ei saiwhandans ni rum on bigspellum, det hi geseonde

_ VII. 48.- VIII. 10.) WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 321
manye synnes ben for3ouun to hire, for synnes are forgeven her,
because she
sche hath loued myche; sothli he to loved moche ; to whom lesse is forgeve
whom is lesse forz3ouun, loueth lesse.
the same doeth lesse love.
48 Sothli Jhesu seide to hir, Synnes | 48 And he sayde vnto her, Thy
ben forsouun to thee. are forgeven the.
49 And thei that saten to gidere at the 49 And they that sate at meate wyth
mete, bigunne to seie with ynne hem hym, began to saye with in them selves,
silf, Who is this that also forjyueth Who is this whych forgeveth synnes
synnes ? also ?
50 Forsothe he seide to the womman, 50 And he sayde to the woman, Thy
Thi feith hath maad thee saf; go thou fayth hath saved the; goo in peace.
in pees.

Cuar. VIII. 1 And it was don aftir- Crap. VIII. í And it fortuned after
ward, and Jhesu made iorney by citees that, he hym silfe went troughout cities
and castelis, prechinge and euangelys- and tounes, preachynge and shewinge
inge the rewme of God, and twelue with the kyngdom of God, and the twelve
him ; with hym ;
2 And summe wymmen that weren 2 And also certayne wemen whych
heelid of wickide spiritis and syknessis, wer healed of vnclene spretes and in-
Marie, that is clepid Mawdeleyn, of firmittes, Mary, called Magdalen, out of
whom seuene deuelis wenten out, whom went seven devyls,
3 And Jone, the wyf of Chuse, procu- 3 And Joanna, the wyfe of Chusa,
. ratour of Eroude, and Susanne, and Herodes stewarde, and Susanna, and
manye othere, whiche mynystriden to many other, which ministred vnto hym
him of her riches. of their substaunce.
4 Forsoth whanne ful moche cumpanye 4 When moch people wer gadred to
cam to gidere, and fro citees hastiden to gether, and were come to him out of
him, he seide by a liknesse, the cities, he spake by a similitude,
5 He that sowith, 3ede out for to 5 A sower went out to sowe his seede.
sowe his seed. And the while he sow- And as he sowed, some fell by the waye
ith, sum felde by sydis the weye, and syde, and hit was troden vnder fete, anc
was defoulid, and briddis of the eyr the foules of the ayre devoured it vp.
eeten it.
6 And another felde doun on a stoon, 6 And some fell on ston, and as sone
and it sprungen vp dryede, for it hadde as yt was spronge vp yt widdred awaye,
not moisture. because yt lacked moystnes.
7 And anothir felde doun among 7 And some fell amonge thornes, and
thornes, and the thornes sprungen vp the thornes spronge vp with it and
to gidere strangliden it. choked it.
8 And another felde doun in to good 8 And some fell on goode grounde, and
erthe, and it sprungun vp made an hun- spronge vp and bare frute an hondred
drid foold fruit. He seyinge thes thingis foolde. And as he sayde these thynges
criede, He that hath eeris of heeringe, he eryed, He that hath eares to heare,
heere he. lett hym heare.
9 Sothli his disciplis axiden him, what 9 Hys disciples axed hym, sayinge,
this parable was. what maner similitude this shulde be.
Io To whiche he seyde, To 30u it is 10 And he sayde, Vnto you is it geven
3ouun to knowe the mysterie of the to knowe the secretes of the kyngdom
kyngdom of God; forsothe to othere of God; butt to other in similitudes,
322 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. LUKE '
gasaiwhaina, yah gahausyandans ni frap- ne geseon, and gehyrende ne on-
yaina. gyton.

ir Appan pata ist so gayuko. Pata 11 Sóþlice dis is det bigspell Ðæt
fraiw ist waurd Gups ; sæd ys Godes word ;
12 lp pai wipra wig, sind pai haus- i12 Da de synd wid dene weg, dat
yandans; paproh qimip diabulus, yah synd da de gehjrap; syddan se deofol
usnimip pata waurd af hairtin ize, ei cymp, and set-bryt det word of hyra
galaubyandans ni ganisaina. heortan, det hig purh done geleafan
hile ne geweordon.
13 lp pai ana pamma staina, ize pan 13 Da de synd ofer dzne stan, . :
hausyand, mip faheidai andnimand pata da det word mid gefean onfop. And
waurd. Yah pai waurtins ni haband ; da nabbap wyrtruman; fordam de h*
paiei du mela galaubyand, yah in mela hwilum gelyfap, and áwáciap on dieere
fraistubnyos afstandand. costnunge timan.

14 lp pata in paurnuns gadriusando, 14 Det sed de feoll on da pornas,

pai sind paiei gahausyandans, yah af dæt synd da de gehyrap, and of carum, -
saurgom, yah gabein, yah gabauryopum and of welum, and of lustum dyses lifes
pizos libainais gaggandans afwhapnand, synd forprysmede, and nánne wæstm ne
yah ni gawrisqand. bringap. ar
15 p pata ana pizai godon airpai, pai 15 Det feoll on da gódan eorpan, det
sind, pai ize in hairtin godamma yah synd, da de on gódre and on sélestre
selyamma, gahausyandans pata waurd heortan, gehjrende dst word healdap,
gahaband, yah akran bairand in pul- and wæstm on gepylde bringap.
16 Appan ni manna lukarn tandyands 16 Ne ofer-wrihp. nan man mid fete
:'dishulyip ita kasa, aippau uf ligr ga- his on-ælede leoht-fæt, odde under bed .
satyip ak ana lukarnastapin satyip, ei áset, ac ofer candel-stæf áset, det da —
pai inngaggandans saiwhaina liuhad. in-gangendan leoht geseon.

17 Ni auk ist analaugn, patei swikunp 17 Sóplice nis nan ping digle, deet ne |
ni wairpai, nih fulgin, patei ni ga- sy geswütelod, ne behydd, det ne sy
kunnaidau, yah in swekunpamma qimai. cup, and open.

18 Saiwhip nu, whaiwa hauseip; unte 18 Warniap, hú ge gehyran ; dam byþ

saei habaip gibada imma, yah saei ni geseald de hæfþ, and swá hwyle swa
habaip, yah patei pugkeip haban, afnim- næfþ, det he wéne det he hæbbe, him
ada af imma. byp afyrred.

19 Atiddyedun pan du imma aipei yah 19 His módor and his gebródru him
bropryus is; yah ni mahtedun andqiþan to comon ; and hi ne mihton hine for
imma faura managein. dere manegu geneosian.
20 Yah gataihan warp imma, patei 20 Dá wes him gecyded, Din módor
aipei peina yah bropryus peinai standand and dine gebródru standap hér úte,
uta, gasaiwhan puk gairnyandona. wyllap dé geseon.
21 Ip is andhafyands qaþ du im, Aipei 21 Da ewep he to him, Min módor
meina yah bropryus meinai pai sind, pai and mine gebródru synd da, de ge-
waurd Gups gahausyandans, yah tau- hyrap, and dóp Godes word.
22 Warp pan in ainamma pize dage, 22 Sdplice ánum dæge wees geworden,
yah is galaip in skip yah siponyos is. dá he on scyp eode and his leorning-
VIT 11-22.) WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 323
men in parablis, that thei seynge se not, that when they se they shulde nott se,
and thei heeringe vndirstonde not. and when they heare they shulde not
vnderstonde. x
II Sothli this is the parable. The t1 The similitude is this. The seede
seed is Goddis word ; ys the worde of God;
12 Sothli thei that ben bisydis the weye, 12 Thoose that are besyde'the waye,
ben thes that heeren ; aftirward the are they that heare; and afterwarde
fend cometh, and takith awey the word commeth the devyll, and taketh awaye
fro her herte, lest thei bileuynge be the worde out of their hertes, lest they
maad saaf. shulde beleve and be saved.
13 Forwhi thei that felden doun on a 13 They on the stonnes, are they which
|; stoon, ben these men whiche whenne when they heare the worde, receave yt
| thei han herd, receyuen the word with with ioye. And these have noo rotes ;

loye. And thes han not roote; for at a which for a whyle beleve, and in tyme
tyme thei bileuen, and in tyme of temp- of temtacion goo awaye.
tacioun thei gon awey. '
- 14 Forsothe thes that felden doun in

14 That which fell amonge thornes,
thornes, ben thes that herden, and of are they which heare, and goo forth and
bysinessis, and richessis, and lustis of lyf are choked with care, and riches, and
_ thei goynge ben stranglid, and bryngen voluptrous livynge, and brynge forth
. not asein fruyt. noo frute.
15 Forsoth this that felde down in to 15 That in the good grounde, ar they
good erthe, ben thes men whiche, in which, with a goode and pure hert, heare
good herte and best, heeringe the word the worde and kepe it, and brynge forth
holdun, and bryngen forth fruyt in frute with pacience.
16 Forsoth no man listinge a lanterne 16 No man lyghteth a candell and
. hilith it with a vessel, ethir puttith vndir coverit hyt vnder a vessell, nether putt-
a bed, but on a candilsticke, that men eth hit vnder the table, but setteth it
entringe se list. on a candelsticke, that they that enter
in maye se lyght.
..17 Forsoth no thing is priuey, which 17 Noo thinge is in secret, that shall
Schal not be openyd, neither hid, which nott come abroode, nether eny thinge
»scehal not be knowun, and come into hyd, that shall not be knowen, and
apert. come to light. )
. 18 Therfore se 3e, hou 3e heeren ; for- 18 Take hede therfore, how ye heare ;
-Sothe it schal be 30uun to him that for whosoever hath to him shalbe geven,
hath, and who euere hath not, also this and whosoever hath not, from hym shalbe
he gessith him silf to haue, schal be taken, even that same whiche he sup-
takun awey fro him. poseth that he hath.
19 Forsoth his modir and britheren 19 Then cam to hym hys mother and
camen to him; and thei mysten not go his brethren ; and coulde nott come at
fully to him for the cumpany of peple. hym for preace.
20 And it is told to him, Thi modir 20 And they tolde hym, sayinge, Thy
and thi britheren stonden with oute mother and thy brethren stonde wyth
forth, willinge to se thee. out, and wolde se the.
21 Which answeringe seide to hem, 21 He answered and sayd vnto them,
My moder and my britheren ben thes, My mother and my brethren are these,
whiehe heeren the word of God, and which heare the worde of God, and
don. do it.
. 22 Forsoth it was don in oon of dayes, 22 Hit chaunsed on a certayne daye,
and he stizede in to a boot and his dis- that he went into a shippe and his dis-
324 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. LUKE

Yah qap du im, Galeipam hindar pana enihtas. Da cwep he to him, Uton
marisaiw. Yah galipun. seglian ofer disne mere. And hig seg-
ledon da.
25 Daruh, ban swe faridedun, anasai- 23 Da hig seowon, da slép he. Da
slep. Yah atiddya skura windis in pana com windi yst,
marisaiw, yah gafullnodedun, yah birek-
yai waurpun. and hig forhtodon.

24 Duatgagsandans pan urraisidedun 24 Da genealéhton hig him to, and

ina, qipandans, Talzyand, fraqistnam. ewadon, Hláford, we forweordap. Da
Íp is urreisands gasok winda, yah pam- árás he and preade dene: wind, and
ma wega watins ; yah anaslawaidedun, des wæteres hreohnesse; dá geswáe se
yah warp wis. wind, and wearp mycel smyltnes.
25 Qap pan du im, Whar ist ga- 25 Da cwep se Helend, Hwar is
laubeins izwara? Ogandans pan sild- cower geleafa? Da ádrédon hig and
aleikidedun, qilandans du sis misso, wundredon, and betwux him cwædon,
Whas siai sa? ei yah windam faurbiudip Wénst dú, hwæt is des? det he bebyt
yah watnam, yah ufhausyand imma. ge windum ge se, and hig him hýr-
26 Yah atfaridedun in gawi Gad- 26 Dà reowon hig to Gerasenorum
darene, patei ist wiprawairp Galeilaia. rice, æt is fóran ongén Galileam.

27 Usgaggandin pan imma ana airþa, 27 Da he to lande com, him ágén-arn

gamotida imma wair sums us baurg, sura man . . . „se hæfde deofol-seocnesse
saci habaida unhulpons mela lagga, yah lange tide, and næs mid nánum reafe
wastyom ni gawasips was, yah in garda gescrd, and ne mihte on húse ge-
ni gawas, ak in hlaiwasnom. wunian, ac on byrgenum. Ñ
28 Gasaiwhands pan lesu, yah uf- 28 Da he geseah dene Hælend, he
hropyands draus du imma, yah stibnai ástrehte hyne tofóran him, and ewæþ
mikilai qap, Wha mis yah pus, lesu, mycelre stefne hrymende, Hwæt is me
sunau Gups hauhistins! Bidya puk, ni and dé, lá Hælend, des hehstan Godes
balwyais mis. sunu? Ic hálsige dé, det da ne preage —
29 Unte anabaud ahmin pamma un- 29 Da bead he dam unclænan gáste,
hrainyin, usgaggan af pamma mann. diet he of dam men férde. Soplice
Manag auk mel frawalw ina, yah bund- lange tide he hine gegrap, and he was
ans was eisarnabandyom yah fotuband- mid racenteagum gebünden and mid
yom fastaips was, yah, dishniupands fót-copsum gehealden, and, toborstenum |
pos bandyos, draibips was fram pamma bendum, he wes fram deofle on westen
unhulpin ana aupidos. gelæd.
3o Frah jan ina lesus, qipands, Wha 30 Da áhsode se Hælend hine, Hwat
ist namo pein? Paruh qap, Haryis ; is din nama? Da cwep he, Legio,
unte unhulpons managos galipun in dæt is on Gre gepeode, Eored ; fordam
ina. de manega deoflu on hyne eodon.
31 Yah bad ina, ei ni anabudi im, in 31 Da bidon hig hine, ðæt he him ne
afgrundipa galeipan. bude, dæt hi on gründ ne bescuton. —

32 Wasup-pan yainar hairda sweine 32 And dar wes mycel heord swyna
managaize haldanaize in pamma fair- on dam múnte læsiendra, dá bædon hy,
gunya, yah bedun ina, ei uslaubidedi im det he lyfde him on da gan. Da lyfde
in po galeipan. Yah uslaubida im. he him.
VIII. 23-32.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 325
ciplis. And he seith to hem, Passe we ciples alsoo. And he sayde ynto them,
ouer the stondinge watir. And thei Lett vs goo over vnto the other syde of
stiseden vp. the lake. And they lanched forthe.
23 Sothli, hem rowynge, he slepte. 23 And, as they sayled, he fell a slepe.
And a tempest of wynd cam doun in to And there arose a storme of wynde in
the watir, and thei weren driuen hidur the lake, and they wer fylled with water,
and thidur with wawis, and weren in and wer in ieopardy.
24 Forsothe thei comynge ny3 reysiden 24 And they went to hym and awoke
him, seyinge, Comaundour, we perischen. hym, sayinge, Master, master, we are
And he risynge blamyde the wynd, and loost. He arose and rebuked the wynde,
the tempest of watir; and it ceesside, and the tempest off water; and they
and pesyblete was maad. ceased, and it wexed calme.
25 Forsoth he seyde to hem, Where is 25 And he sayd vnto them, Where is
3oure feith? Whiche dredinge won- youre fayth? They feared and wondred,
driden, seyinge to gidere, Who, gessist sayinge one to another, Who is this?
thou, is this? for he comaundith to for he commaundeth windes and water,
wyndis and to the see, and thei obeyen and they obey him.
to him.
26 And thei rowiden to the cuntree of 26 And they sayled vnto the region of
Gerasenus, which is a3ens Galilee. the Gaderens, which is over agaynst
27 And whanne he wente out to the 27 As he went out off the shippe to
dond, sum man ran to him . . . , which londe, there met hym a certayne man
hadde a deuyl now longe tymes, and was out off the cite, whych had a devyll
. not clothid with cloth, neither dwellide longe tyme, and ware noo clothes, nether
in hous, but in sepuleris. aboode in eny housse, but amonge graves.
28 This as he sy3 Jhesu, felde doun 28 When he sawe Jesus, he cryed, and
bifore him, and criynge with greet voys fell doune before hym, and with a loude
seide, What to me and to thee, Jhesu, voyce sayde, What have I to do wyth
the sone of God the hizeste? I beseche the, Jesus, the sonne off the moost
thee, that thou turmente not me. Hyest ! I beseche the, torment me noot.
29 Sothli he comaundide to the vnclene 29 For he commaunded the foule
Spirit, that he schulde go out fro the sprete, to come out of the man. For
„man. Forsothe he took him longe ofte tymes he caught hym, and he was
"tymes, and he kept in stockis was bounde with chaynes and kept with
- bounden with chaynes, and, the boondis fetters, and he brake the bondes, and
broken, he was led of fendis in desert. was caryed of the fende into wildernes.
30 Sothli Jhesu axide him, seyinge, 30 Jesus axed hym, sayinge, What is
What name isto thee? And he seyde, thy name? And he sayde, Legion; be
A legioun ; for manye fendis hadde cause many devyls wer entred into hym. -
entrid in to him.
31 And thei preiden him, that he 31 And they besought hym, that he
schulde not comaunde hem, that thei wolde nott commaunde them, to goo
schulden go in to the depnesse. into the depe.
32 Forsothe a flok of manye hoggis 32 There was therby an heerde of many
was there lesewynge in an hil, and thei swyne feadynge on an hill, and they
preieden him, that he schulde suffre hem prayed hym, that he wolde soffre them
to entre in to hem. And he suffride to enter into them. And he soffered
hem. them.

326 GOTHIC, 36o. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sz. Luxe
33 Usgaggandans pan suns pai unhulþ- 33 Da eodon hig of dam men, on da
ans af pamma mann, galipun in po swyn; dá férde seo heord mycelum
sweina ; yah rann so wripus and driuson rese on dene mere, and wearp dar
-n pana marisaiw, yah afwhapnodedun. adruncen.
34 Gasaiwhandans pan pai haldandans 34 Da da hyrdas det gesawon, d.
pata waurpano, gaplauhun, yah gataihun flugon hig, and cyddon on da ceastre,
in baurg, yah in weihsa. and on tunum.
35 Usiddyedun pan saiwhan pata waurp- 35 Da eodon hig út det hig gesawon
ano. Yah qemun at lesua, yah biget- det dar geworden wes. Da comon hig
un sitandan pana mannan, af pammei to dam Hælende, Gi fündon hig dene
unhulpons usiddyedun, gawasidana yah man, de deofol of eode, gescrydne, and
frapyandan, faura fotum lesuis; yah hálum móde, æt his fótum; and hig
ohtedun. adrédon him.
36 Gataihun pan im yah pai gasaiwh- 36 Da cyddon him da de gesáwon, hú
andans, whaiwa ganas sa daimonareis. he wees hal geworden of dam eorede.

37 Yah bedun ina allai gauyans pize 57 Da bæd hyne eall menego des rices -
Gaddarene, galeipan fairra sis, unte Gerasenorum, det he fram him gewite, |
agisa mikilamma dishabaidai wesun. fordam hig mycelum ege gehæfte wær= -
Ip is galeipands in skip gawandida sik. on. Da wende he on scype ágen.

38 Bap pan ina sa wair, af pammei pos 38 Da bed hyne se man, de se deofol
unhulpons usiddyedun, ei wesi mip im- of eode, det he mid him wunede. Da
ma. Fralailot pan ina lesus, qipands, forlét se Hælend hyne, and cwep to
him, ;
39 Gawandei puk du garda peinamma, 39 Wend to dinum húse, and cyp hú
yah usspillo whan filu gatawida pus mycel dé God gedón hæfþ. Da férde
Gup. Yah galaip and baurg alla, mer- he into eall da ceastre, and cydde hú~
yands, whan filu gatawida imma Iesus. mycel se Hélend him gedón hzfde.t —

.40 Warp pan, mippanei gawandida sik 40 Sóplice wes geworden, dá se Hæl-
lesus, andnam ina managei; wesun auk end ágen-com, seo manegeo hine onféng; |
allai beidandans is. ealle hig gebidon his.

„41 Yah sai! qam wair, pizei namo 41 And dá com án man, des nama -
laeirus, sah fauramapleis swnagogais wees láirus, se wes dere gesamnunge |
was; yah, driusands faura fotum ie- ealdor; dá feoll he to des Hzelendes
suis, bad ina gaggan in gard seinana, fótum, and bed hyne, det he ferde to
hys huse,
42 Unte dauhtar ainoho was imma 42 Fordam he hæfde ane dóhtor nean
swe wintriwe twalibe, yah so swalt. twelf wintre, and seo forþférde. Da ge-
Mippanei pan iddya is, manageins praih- byrede hyt, da he ferde, of dam mer-
un ina. egum he wees of-prungen. —.
43 Yah qino wisandei in runa blopis 43 Da wes sum wif on blód-ryne
yera twalif, soei in lekyans fraqam twelf gér, seo for-dælde on læcas eall
allamma aigina seinamma, yah ni mahta det heo ahte, and ne mihte deah of
was fram ainomehun galeikinon, ænegum beon gehæled, e
44 Atgaggandei du aftaro, attaitok 44 Da genealæhte heo widæftan, and |
skauta wastyos is, yah suns gastop sa æt-hrán hys reafes fnzed, dá æt-stód sóna
runs blopis izos. dæs blódes ryne.
VIII 33-44.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 397
33 Therfore fendis wenten out fro the 33 Then went the devyls out off the
man, and entride in to hoggis; and man, and entred into the swyne; and
with bire the floc wente hedlinge in to the heerd toke their course and ran
the lake of watir, and was stranglid. heedlynge into the lake, and wer choked.
34 Which thing, as thei that lesewiden 34 When the herdmen sawe what had
sy3en don, thei fledden, and tolden in to chaunsed, they fleed, and tolde it in the
the citee, and in townes. cite, and in the villages.
35 Sothli thei 3eden out to se that thing 35 Aud they cam out to se what was
that was don. . . . And thei founden the done. And cam to Jesus, and founde
man sittinge clothid, fro whom the fendis the man, out of whom the devyls wer
wenten out, and in hool mynde at his departed, sittynge att the fete of Jesus
feet; and thei dredden. clothed, and in hys right mynde; and
they wer afrayde.
36 Sothli and thei that sy3en tolden 36 They also which sawe it tolde them,
to hem, how he was maad hool of the by what meanes he that was possessed
legioun. of the devyll was healed.
37 And al the multitude of the cun- 37 And all the whole multitude of the
tree of Gerasenus: preieden him, that he Gadarens besought hym, that he wolde
schulde go fro hem, for thei weren holde departe from them, for they wer taken
with greet drede. Sothli he stiyynge in with greate feare. And he gate hym
to a boot turned asein. into the shyppe and returned backe
38 And the man of whom the fendis 38 The man out off whom the devyls
- wente out, preied him, that he schulde were departed, besought hym, that he
be with him. Sothli Jhesu lefte him, myght be with hym. But Jesus sent
Seyinge, hym awaye, sayinge,
39 Go aseyn in to thin hous, and telle 39 Goo home agayne into thyne awne
hou grete thingis God hath don to thee. housse, and shewe what thynges God
And he wente thorw al the citee, prech- hath done to the. And he went his
inge, hou grete thingis Jhesu hadde waye, and preached thorowe out all the
don to him. cite, what thynges Jesus had done vnto
40 Forsothe it was don, whanne Jhesu
40 Hit fortuned, that when Jesus was
hadde gon a3eyn, the cumpanye of peple come agayne, the people receaved hym ;
receyuede him ; forsothe alle weren for they all longed for hym.
abidinge him.
41 And loo! a man, to whom the name 41 And beholde! there cam a man,
was Jayrus, and he was a prince of a named Jairus, and he was a ruler off
synagoge; and he fel doun to the feet the sinagoge; and he fell doune at
of Jhesu, preiynge him, that he schulde Jesus fete, and besought hym, that he
entre in to his hous, wolde come into his housse,
42 For olypi doustir was to him al- 42 Ffor he had but a doughter only
moost of twelue 3eer, and this deiede. of twelve yere of age, and she laye a
And it bifel, the while he wente, he was dyinge. As he went, the people thronge
Xhrongun of the cumpeny. hym.
43 And sum womman was in flix of 43 And a woman havynge an issue of
blood fro twelue seer, which hadde bloud twelve yeres, whiche had spent all
spendid al hir catel in to lechis, nether her substannce amonge phisicions, nether
myste be curid of ony, ` coulde be holpen of eny,
|be 44 Cam ny3 bihynde, and touchide the 44 Cam behinde hym, and touched the
t hem of his clooth, and a non the flix of hem of his garment, and immediatly her
hir blood stood. issue off bloud staunched.


| i
Jib Id
328 GOTHIO, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST. Luxe
45 Yah qap lesus, Whas sa tekands 45 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Hwæt is se
mis? Laugnyandam pan allaim, qap de me et-hran? Da hig ealle æt-sócon,
Paitrus, yah pai mip imma, Talzyand, dá cwæþ Petrus, and da de mid him
manageins biwhairband puk, yah preih- weron, Ealá hlaford, dás menegeo dé
and, yah qipis, Whas sa tekands mis ? pringap, and geswencap, and dd segst,
Hwa set-hrán me ?
46 paruh is qap, Taitok mis sums, ik 46 Da cwep he, Sum me æt-hrán, ic
auk ufkunþa maht usgaggandein af mis. wiste det mægen of me eode.

47 Gasaiwhandei pan so qino, patei ni 47 Da det wif geseah, det hit him
galaugnida, reirandei, yah atdriusandei nes dyrne, heo com forht, and ástrehte
du imma, in pizei attaitok imma gataih hig to his fótum, and geswütelode be-
imma in andwairpya allaizos manageins, fóran eallum folee for hwyleum þinge
yah whaiwa gahailnoda suns. heo hine et-hran, and hú heo wearp
sona hal.
48 1p lesus qap du izai, Drafstei puk, 48 Da cwæþ he to hyre, Dóhtor, . .
dauhtar, galaubeins beina ganasida puk ; . din geleafa dé hale gedyde ; gá nú
gagg in gawairpya. on sybbe.
49 Nauhpan imma rodyandin, gaggip 49 Him da gyt sprecendum, da com
sums manne fram pis fauramapleis swn- sum man to dere gesamnunge ealdre,
agogeis, qipands du imma, patei ga- and cwæþ to him,'[Dyn dohtor ys dead,
daupnoda dauhtar peina, ni draibei pana ne dréce dú hyne.
50 lp is gahausyands, andhof imma 50 Da se Hælend det word gehyrde,
qipands, Ni faurhtei, patainei galaubei, he andswarode des mædenes feeder, Ne
yah ganasyada. ondred du de, gelyf witodlice, and heo
bip hal.
51 Qimands pan in garda, ni fralailot 51 And da dà he to dam hüse com, ne
ainohun inngaggan, alya Paitru yah lét he nánne mid him in-gán, búton
Íakobu yah lohannen, yah pana attan Petrum and lohannem and Iacobum,
pizos mauyos yah aipein. and ds mædenes feeder and hyre
módor. A
52 Gaigrotun pan allai, yah faiflokun 52 Da weopon hig ealle, and heofodon
po. Paruh qap, Ni gretip, unte ni ga- hi. D& ewæþ he, Ne wépe ge, sóplice
swalt, ak slepip. nis dis mæden dead, ac heo slapp.
53 Yah bihlohun ina, gasaiwhandans 53 Da tældon hig hyne, and. wiston
patei gaswalt. dzt heo dead wees.
54 Panuh is usdreibands allans ut, yah DAL ENS . Da nam he hyre hand,
fairgreipands handu izos wopida, qip- and cweep, Maden, dé ic secge, aris,
ands, Mawi, urreis.
55 Yah gawandida ahman izos, yah 55 Da gehwearf hyre gást ágén, and
ustop suns. Yah anabaud izai giban heo sóna árás. And he hét hyre syllan
mat. etan.
56 Yah usgeisnodedun fadrein izos ; 56 Da wundredon hyre magas; da
ip is faurbaud im, ei mann ni qipeina bead he dam, dzet hi hit nánum men ne
pata waurpano. sædon deet dar gedón wees.

Cmar. IX. 1 Gahaitands pan pans Cnuar. IX. tz Da clypode he to-

twalif apaustauluns, atgaf im maht yah gædere his twelf apostolas, and sealde
VIII. 45.-IX. 1.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 329
45 And Jhesu seith, Who is it that touch- 45 And Jesus sayde, Who is it that
ide me? Sothli alle men denyinge, Petre | touched me? When every man denyed,
seide, and thei that weren with him, Peter and they that were with hym
Comaundour, eumpanyes thringen, and sayde, Master, the people thrust the,
turmentyn thee, and thou seist, Who and vexe the, and thou sayest, Who
touchide me ? touched me ?
46 And Jhesus seide, Sum man touch- 46 And Jesus sayd, Some boody touched
ide me, forwhi and I haue knowe vertu me, for I perceave that vertue is gone
to haue gon out of me. out of me.
47 Sothly the womman seynge, for it 47 When the woman sawe, that she
was not priuey, sche tremblinge cam, was not hid from hym, she cam trim-
and felde doun bifore his feet, and for blynge, and fell at his fete, and tolde
what cause sche hadde touchid him sche hym before all the people for what cause
schewide byfore al the peple, and hou a she had touched hym, and howe she
non sche was heelid. was healed immediatly.
48 And he seide to hir, Dou3tir,. . . . 48 And he sayde vnto her, Doughter,
thi feith hath maad thee saaf; go thou be of goode comforte, thy fayth hath
in pees. made the safe; goo in peace.
49 3it him spekinge, sum man cam to 49 Whyll he yett speake, there cam
the prince of the synagoge, seyinge to won from the rulers off the synagogis
him, For thi dou3tir is deed, nyle thou housse, which sayde to hym, Thy doughter
trauaile the maystir is deed, disease not the master.

. 50 Sothli this word herd, Jhesu an- 50 When Jesus herde that, he answered
- sweride to the fadir of the damysele, to the maydens father sayinge, Feare
Nyle thou drede, but oonly bileue thou, nott, beleve only, and she shalbe made
and sche shal be saaf. waole.
51 And whanne he had come to the 51 And when he cam to the housse, he
hous, he suffride not ony man for to suffred no man to goo in with hym,
entre with him, no but Petre and John save Peter James and Jhon, and the
and James, and the fadir and the modir father and the mother of the mayden.
of the damysele.
52 Sothli alle wepten, and biwayleden 52 Every body weept, and sorowed for
- hir. And he seide, Nyle 3e wepe, sothli her. And he sayde, Wepe nott, for she
the damysele is not deed, but slepith. is nott deed, butt slepeth.
53 And thei scorniden him, witinge 53 And they lewgh hym to scorne, for
for sche was deed. they knew thatt she was deed. .
54... . Forsothe he holdinge hir 54 And he thrust them all out att the
hond criede, seyinge, Damysel, ryse vp. dores, and caught her by the honde and
eryed, sayinge, Mayde, aryse.
55 And hir spirit turnyde ageyn, and 55 And her sprete cam agayne, and
sche roos anon. And he comaundide to she roose strayght waye. And he com-
siue to hir for to ete. maunded to geve her meate.
56 And hir fadir and modir wondriden 56 And the father and the mother of
gretly ; to whiche he comaundide, that her were astonyed ; but he warned, thatt
thei schulden not seye to ony man the they shulde tell noo man whatt was
thing that was don. done.

Cuar. IX. 1 Forsothe twelue apo- Crap. IX. 1 Then called he the .xij.
stlis clepid to gidere, Jhesu 3af to hem together, and gave them power and

my 7»
330 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (St. Luxe
waldufni ufar allaim unhulpom, yah him mihte and anweald ofer ealle deofol-
sauhtins gahailyan. seocnessa, and dzet ádla hi gehældon..
2 Yah insandida ins meryan piudan- 2 And he sende hig to bodianne Godeg
gardya Gups, yah gahailyan allans pans rice, and untrume gehælan.
3 Yah qap du im, Ni waiht nimaip in 3 Da cwæþ he to him, Ne nime ge
wig, nih waluns, nih matibalg, nih hlaib, nán þing on wege, ne gyrde, ne codd,
nih skattans, nih pan tweihnos paidos ne hláf, ne feoh, ne ge nabbon twa
haban. tunecan.
4 Yah in panei gard gagg aip, par 4 And on swá hwyle hüs swá ge in-
salyip, yah paproh usgaggaip. gap, wuniap dar, od ge út-gán.

5 Yah swa managai swe ni andnimaina 5 And swá hwylce swá eow ne onfóþ,
izwis, usgaggandans us pizai baurg donne ge of dere ceastre gáþ asceacap
yainai yah ‘mulda af fotum izwaraim eower fota dust ofer hig on witnesse.
afürisyaip du weitwodipai ana ins.
6 Usgaggandans þan, pairhiddyedun 6 Da férdon hig purh da burhga,
and baimos, wailameryandans yah leik- bodiende and æéghwar hælende.
inondans and all.
7 Gahausida pan Herodis, sa taitrarkes, 7 Da gehyrde Herodes, se feorpan dæles
po waurpanona fram imma alla, yah pahta, rica, ealle da þing de be him wæron ge-
unte qepun sumai, patei lohannes urrais wordens, dá tweonode him, fordam de—
us daupaim; sume sdidon, det lohannes of deaje |
aras; á
8 Sumai pan qepun Helias ataugida 8 Sume sædon, det Helias æt-ýwde ;
sik ;sumaiuþ-þan, patei praufetus sums sume, det án eald witega árás. Í
þize airizane usstop. —.
9 Yah qap Herodes, Íohannau ik haub- 9 Da cwep Herodes, Iohannem w
ip afmaimait ; ip whas ist sa, bi panei ik beheafdode ; hwæt is des, be dam ie |
hausya swaleik? Yah sokida ina ga- dile gehjre? Da smeade he det he |
saiwhan. : hine gesawe. E |
10 Yah gawandyandans sik apau- 1o Ha cyddon him da apostolas, swa
stauleis usspillodedun imma, swa filu swe hwæt swa hig dydon. Ðá nam he hig, |
gatawidedun. Yah andnimands ins, af- and férde on-sundron on wéste stówe,
iddya sundro ana stap aupyana baurgs, seo is Bethsaida.
namnidaizos Baidsaiidan.
11 lp pos manageins finpandeins, laist- 11 Da da menego det wiston, dá fili-
idedun afar imma. Yah andnimands don hig him. Da onféng he hig, and |
ins, rodida du im po bi piudangardya spræc to him be Godes rice ; and da he
Gups; yah pans Jarbans leikinassaus gehælde de lacnunga beporfton.*
12 Danuh dags yupan dugann hneiwan, 12 Da gewát se deg forp, and hig
atgaggandans pan du imma pai twalif twelfe him genealæhton and sædon him,
qepun du imma, Fralet po managein, ei Læt das menego, det hig faron on dis
galeipandans in pos bisunyane haimos castelu and on Gis tünas, de hér ábütan
yah weihsa, salyaina, yah bugyaina sis synd, and him mete findo, fordam de il
matins, unte her in aupyamma stada we synd hér on wéstere stowe.
13 Panuh qap du im, Gibip im yus 13 Da ewep he to him, Sylle ge him ©
matyan. Ip eis qepun du imma, Nist etan. Da cwaedon hig, We nabbap
hindar uns maizo fimf hlaibam yah búton fíf hláfas and twegen fixas, büton
fiskos twai, niba pau þatei weis gagg- we gan, and us mete bicgon and eallum
IX. 2-13.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 331
vertu and power on alle deuelis, and auctorite over all devyls, and that they
that thei schulde heele sykenessis. myght heale diseases.
2 And he sente hem for to preche the 2 And he sent them to preache the
kyngdom of God, and for to heele syke kyngdom of God, and to cure the sick.
3 And he seith to hem, Take 5e no 3 And he sayd to them, Take noo
thing in the weye, nethir 3erd, nethir thinge to sucker you by the waye, nether
scrippe, nethir breed, nethir money, and staffe, nor scripe, nether breed, nether
nethir haue 3e twey cootis. money, nether have two cootes.
4 And in to what euere hous 3e schulen 4 And watsoever housse ye enter into,
entre, dwelle 5e there, and go 5e not out there abyde, and thence departe.
5 And who euere schulen not receyue 5 And whosoever will not receave you,
3ow, 3e goynge out of that citee schake when ye departe from that citie shake
of also the.poudir of 30ure feete in to of the very dust from youre fete for a
witnessinge on hem. testimony agaynst them.
6 Sothli thei gon out, cumpassiden bi 6 They went forthe, and went thorowe
castels, euangelisinge and heelinge euere- the tounes, preachynge the gospell and
where. healynge every wheare.
4 Forsoth Eroude, the fourthe prince, 7; Herod, the tetrarch, herde off all
herde alle the thingis that weren don of thatt by hym was done, and douted,
him, and he doutide, for that it was seid because that it was sayd of some, that
of sum men, for Joon roos a3en fro Jhon was rysen agayne from deeth ;
, deede
8 Forsoth of sum men, for Elye ap- 8 And off some, that Helias had apered ;
peride; sothli of othere men, for oon of and off other, that won off the olde pro-
the olde prophetis roos. phettes was rysen agayne.
9 And Eroude seith, I haue bihedid 9 And Herod sayde, Jhon have Y be-
Joon; sothli who is this, of whom I hedded; who is this, of whom I here
heere thes thingis? And he sou3te for suche thynges? And he desired to se
to se him. hym.
10 And apostlis turnynge a3eyn toolden 10 And the apostles retourned and
to him, what euere thingis thei diden. tolde hym, all that they had done. And
And hem takun to, he wente on an- he toke them, and went a syde into a
othere half in to desert place, which is solitary place, neye to a citie called Beth-
Bethsayda. saida.
11 Which thing whanne the cumpanyes rr The people knewe off it, and folow-
hadden knowen, thei folowiden him. ed hym. And he receaved them, and
. And he receyuyde hem, and spak to spake vnto them of the kyngdom off
hem of the kingdom of God; and heel- God; and healed them that had nede
ide hem that hadden nede of cure. to be healed.
12 Sothli the day bigan for to bowe 12 The daye began to weare awaye,
doun, and the twelue comynge ny3 then cam the twelve and sayde vnto
seiden to him, Leeue the cumpanyes, hym, Sende the people awaye, that they
that thei goynge turne in to castels and maye goo in to the tounes and villages
townes, that ben aboute, that thei fynde roundabout, and lodge and get meate,
metis, for we ben here in a desert for we are here in a place of wildernes.
13 Forsothe he seith to hem, 5yue 5e 13 Then sayde he vnto them, Geve ye
to hem to ete. And thei seiden, Ther them meate. And they sayde, We have
ben not to vs more than fyue loouys no moo but five loves and two fisshes,
and tweye fischis, no but perauenture except we shuld goo, and bye meate for
339 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Luxe |
andans, bugyaima allai pizai manaseidai dissum werede.
14 Wesun auk swe fimf pusundyos 14 Dar wæron neah fíf þúsenda wera.
waire. Qap pan du siponyam seinaim, Da cwæþ he to his leorning-cnihtum,
Gawaurkeip im anakumbyan kubituns, Dóp dæt hig sitton purh gebeorseypas,
ana wharyanoh fimftiguns. fiftigum.
15 Yah gatawidedun swa, yah ga- 15 And hig swá dydon, and hi ealle
tawidedun anakumbyan allans. sæton. d
16 Nimands pan pans fimf hlaibans yah 16 Da nam he da fif hláfas and da
twans fiskans, insaiwhands du himina, twegen fixas, and on done heofon be-
gapiupida ins, yah gabrak, yah gaf seah, and bletsode hig, and bræc, and
siponyam, du faurlagyan þizai man- dælde his leorning-cnihtum, det hig
agein. asetton hig beforan dam menegum.
17 Yah matidedun, yah sadai waurþun 17 Da æton hig ealle, and wurdon ge-
allai; yah ushafan warp patei aflifnoda fyllede; and man nam da gebrotu de
im gabruko, tainyons twalif. dar belifon, twelf cypan fulle.
18 Yah warp, mippanei was is bidyands 18 Da wes geworden, dá se Hælend
sundro, gamotidedun imma siponyos is, wes ana hine gebiddende, hys leorning-
yah frah ins, qipands, Whana mik qip- cnihtas wæron mid him, da áhsode he
and wisan pos manageins? ` " hig, Hwæt secgp dis fole det ic sý?
19 Ip eis andhafyandans, qepun, Ïo- 19 Da andswarodon hig, and ewsédon,
hannen pana Daupyand, anparai pan He- Iohannem Baptistam, sume Heliam,
leian, sumai pan, patei praufetus sums sume, det sum witega of dam ealdum
pize airizane usstop. árás.
20 Qap pan du im, Appan yus whana 20 Da sæde he him, Hwæt secge ge i
mik qipip wisan? Andhafyands þan dæt ic sy ? Da andswarode Petrus, pum
Paitrus qap, Pu is Christus sunus Gups.
21 Ip is pan gawhotyands im faurbaup
eart Crist Godes sunu.
21 Da preade he hig and bead det hig
ei mann ni qipeina pata, hit nánum men ne sædon,
22 Qipands, Datei skal sunus mans 22. . Fordam de hit gebyrep det
manag winnan, yah uskusans fram sin- mannes sunu fela þinga polige, and beo
istam wairpan, yah gudyam, yah bok- aworpen fram ealdrum, and ealdor-man-
aryam, yah usqiman, yah pridyin daga num, and fram bócerum, and beo of-
urreisan. slagen, and priddan dege árise.
23 Qap pan du allaim, Yabai whas 23 Da cwæþ he to eallum, Gyf hwá
wili afar mis gaggan, afaikai sik silban, wyle efter me cuman, ætsace hine
yah nimai galgan seinana dag whanoh, sylfne, and nime his cwylminge, and
yah laistyai mik. me folgige.
24 Saei allis wili saiwala seina nasyan, 24 Se de wyle hys sáwle hale gedón,
fraqisteip izai; appan saei fragisteip se hig forspilp; witodlice se de his
saiwalai seinai in meina, ganasyip po. sawle for me forspilp, he hi gehælep.
25 Who allis paurfte gatauyip sis man- 25 Hwæt fremap ænegum men, ðeah
na, gageigands po manased alla, ip sis he ealne middan-eard on æht begite, and
silbin fraqistyands, aippau gasleibyands? hyne sylfne forspille, and hys forwyrd -
wyrce ?
26 Saei allis skamaip sik meina aippau 26 Se de me and mine spæca forsyhp,
meinalze waurde, þizuh sunus mans done mannes sunu forsyhp, donne he
skamaid sik, bipe qimip in wulpu sein- cymp on his mægen-þrymme, and hys
IX. 14-26.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 333

and we go, and byen metis in to al the all this people.

14 Sothli the men weren almoost fyue 1 4 And they wer about a five thousandde
thousynd e. Forsothe he seith to his men. He sayde vnto his disciples,
disciplis, Make hem to sitte to mete by Cause them to sit doune by fyftie, in à
feestis, fyftyes. company.

15 And thei diden so, and thei maden 15 And they did soo, and made them
alle men sitte to the mete. all sit doune.
16 Forsothe fyue looues and tweye 16 He toke the five loves and the twc
fysches takun, he byheld in to heuene, fisshes, and loked vp to heven, and blessed
and blesside hem, and brak, and delide them, and brake, and gave to his dis-
to his disciplis, that thei schulden putte ciples, to sett before the people.
bifore the cumpanyes.
17 And alle men eeten, and weren 17 And they all ate, and wer satisfied ;
off thatt re-
fillid; and this that lefte to hem of and there was taken vp full
twelue coffyns. mayned to them, twelve baskettes
broken metis was taken,
off broken meate.
18 And it was don, whanne he was 18 Hit fortuned, as he was alone pray-
aloone preiynge, and his disciplis weren inge, hys disciples were with hym, and
with him, and he axide hem, seiynge, he axed them, sayinge, Who saye the
Whom seyn the cumpanyes me to be? people that I am?
tg And thei answeriden, and seiden, 19 They answered, and sayd, Jhon
John Baptist, forsothe othere seyen Baptist, some saye Helias, and some
-—. Elye, but othere seyen, for o prophete saye, won of the olde prophetes is risen
of the formere hath risun. agayne.
20 Sothli he seide to hem, But whom 20 He sayde vnto them, Who saye ye
seye 3e me to be? Symoun d Petre an- that I am? Peter answered and sayde,
sweringe seide, The Crist of God. Thou arte the Christ off God.
21 And he blamyn ge hem comaund ide 21 He warned and commaunded them
to no that they shulde tell no man that
hem that thei schulden seie
. man 2
22 And seith thes thingis, For it bi- 22 Sayinge, That the sonne off man
houeth mannis sone to suffre manye must suffre many thynges, and be re-
thingis, and to be repreued of the eldere proved of the seniours, and of the hy
and scribes, and be slayne, and
men, and of princes of prestis, and of prestes,
scribis, and for to be slayn, the the thirde daye rise agayne.
thridde day to ryse a5en.
23 Forsothe he seide to alle men, If 23 And he sayde to them all, Yf eny
ony man wole come aftir me, denye he man will come after me, let hym denye
him silf, and take he his cross euery hym silfe, and take his crosse on hym
day, and sue he me. dayly, and folowe me.
24 Sothli he that schal wilne to make 24 Whosoever will save his life, shall
his lyf saaf, schal leese it ; forwhi he lose it ; and whosoever shall lose his life
that schal leese his lyf for me, schal for my sake, the same shall save it.
make it saaf. |
25 Forsothe what profitith it to a man, 25 For what shall itt avauntage a man,
if he wynne al the world, sothli leese to wyn the whole worlde, yff he loose
him silf, and do peyringe of him silf? hym silfe, or runne in domage off hym
26 Forwhi who that schal schame me 26 For whosoever is ashamed of me
and my wordis, and mannis sone schal and off my sayinges, off hym shall the
schame him, whanne he schal come in sonne of man be ashamed. when he
334 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Luxe
amma, yah attins, yah pize weihane feeder, and hálegra engla.

27 Qipuh pan ïzwis, sunya sind sumai 27 Ic secge eow, sóplice hér synd sume
pize her standandane, paiei ni kaus- standende, da deade ne wurdap, er hig
yand daupau, unte gasaiwhand piud- Godes rice geseon.
inassau Gups.
28 Waurpun pan afar po waurda swe 28 Da wes geworden efter dam word-
dagos ahtau, ganimands Paitru yah um nean eahta dagas, det he nam
Íakobu yah Íohannen, usiddya in fair- Petrum and Iohannem and Iacobum, "

guni bidyan. and eode on anne múnt, det he hyne

29 Yah warp mippanei bap is, siuns 29 Ðá he hyne gebæd, ai wees hys
andwairpyis is anpara, yah gawaseins is ansyn óðres híwes, and his reáf hwit
wheita skeinandei. scinende.
30 Yah sai! wairos twai miprodidedun 30 Da spræcon twegen weras wid hyne,
imma, paiei wesun Moses yah Helias, Moyses and Helias
31 Pai gasaiwhanans in wulpau ; qep- 31 Gesewene on mægen- prymme ;; and dg
un urruns is, poei.skulda usfullyan in sædon his gewitendnesse, de he to ge-
Tairusalem. 5 fyllenne wes on Hierusalem.
32 lp Paitrus, yah pai mip imma, 32 Petrus, and da de mid him sin
wesun kauridai slepa, gawaknandans pan wurdon mid slæpe gehefegode, and dá
gasewhun wulþu is, yah pans twans hi onwæcnedon hi gesáwon his mægen-
wairans pans mipstandandans imma. prym, and twegen weras de mid him
33 Yah warp, mippanei afskaiskaidun 33... And hi him fram eodon, Petrus
sik af imma, qap Paitrus du Íesua, cwæþ to him, Ealá bebeodend, gédis
Talzyand, god ist unsis her wisan, yah det we hér beon, and uton wyrean preo
gawaurkyaima hleipros prins, aina pus, eardung-stówa, áne dé, and ane Moyse,
yah aina Mose, yah aina Heliyin; ni and ane Helie; and he nyste hwæt he
witands wha qipip. cweep.

34 Pata pan imma qipandin, warp 34 Da he dis spwe, dá wearp genip, po

milhma, yah ufarskadwida ins; faurht- and ofer-sceadede hig; and hi ondrédon,
idedun pan, in pammei yainai qemun him gangende on det genip. m
in pamma millimin.
35 Yah stibna warp us pamma milh- 35 Da com stefen of dam genipe, and
min, qipandei, Sa ist sunus meins sa cwæþ, Des ys min leofa sunu, ge- LM
liuba, pamma hausyaip.
hyrap hyne.
36 Yah warp mippanei so stibna, bi- 36 Da seo stefen wes gehyred, dá wes
gitans warp lesus ains. Yah eis pah- se Helend gemét ana. And hi süw-
aidedun, yah mann ni gataihun in yain- odon, and ne sædon nánum men on
aim dagam ni waiht, pizei gasewhun. dam dagum nán ping, des de hi ge- PMTg

37 Warp pan in pamma daga, dalap 37 O'drum dæge, him of dam múnte
atgaggandam im af fairgunya, gamotida farendum, him ágén arn mycel menego.
imma manageins filu. —

38 Yah sai! manna us pizai managein 38 Da clypodeán wer of dere menego,
ufwopida, qipands, Laisari, bidya puk, and cwæpþ, Láreow, ie hálsige dé, geseoh.
insaiwhan du sunu meinamma, unte minne sunu, fordam he is min ánlica
ainaha mis ist; sunu ;
IX. 27-38.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 335
his mageste, and of the fadir, and of the | commeth in his awne maieste, and in
hooly aungels. the maieste of his father, and of the
holy angels.
27 Forsoth I seye to 5ou, verily ther ben 27 I tell you of a surety, some there
summe stondinge here, whiche schulen are of them thatt here stonde, which
not taste deeth, til thei seen the rewme shall not tast of deeth, till they se the
of God. kyngdom of God.
28 Sothli it was don aftir thes wordis 28 And it folowed about an viij. dayes
almoost eiste dayes, and he took Petre after thoose sayinges, he toke Peter
and James and John, and he stizede in James and Jhon, and went vp into a
to an hil, that he schulde preie. mountayne to praye.

29 And the while he preiede, the lik- 29 And as he prayed, the fassion of his
nesse of his cheere was maad othir maner, countenaunce was changed, and his gar-
and his clothing whit schynynge. ment was whyte and shoone.
3o And loo! tweye men spaken with 30 And beholde! two men talked with
. him, forsothe Moyses and Elye him, and they were Moses and Helias,
31 Weren seyn in mageste ; and thei 31 Which apered gloriously ; and spake
seyden his goynge out, which he was to of his departinge, whych he shulde ende
fillinge in Jerusalem. att Jerusalem.
32 Forsothe Petre, and thei that weren 32 Peter, and they that wer with hym,
with him, weren greuyd with sleep, and wer hevy a slepe, and when they woke
thei wakinge sy3en his mageste, and they sawe his maieste, and two men
__tweye men that stooden with him. stondinge with him.

33 And it was don, whanne thei depart- 33 And hit chaunsed, as they departed
iden fro him, Petre seith to Jhesu, Com- from hym, Peter sayde vnto Jesus,
andour, it is good to vs for to be here, Master, it is goode beinge here for vs,
and make we here thre tabernaclis, oon let vs make thre tabernacles, won for
to thee, and oon to Moyses, and oon to the, and won for Moses, and won for
Elye ; not witinge what he schulde Helias ; and wist nott what he sayde.
. Seye.
34 Sothli him spekinge thes thingis, a 34 Whyll he thus spake, there cam a
cloude was maad, and schadewide hem ; cloude, and shadowed them ; and they
and thei dredden, hem entringe in to feared, when they entred into the cloude.
the clowde.
"El 35 And a voys was maad fro the clowde, 35 And there cam a voyce out of: the
seyinge, This is my dereworthe sone, cloude, sayinge, This is my deare sonne,
. heere 5e him. heare hym.
-36 And the while the vols was maad, 36 And as sone as the voice was past,
Jhesu was founden aloone. And thei Jesus was founde alone. And they kept
- helden pees, and seide to no man in tho it cloosse, and tolde noo man in thoose
dayes ou3t of tho thingis, whiche thei
ae dayes eny of those thynges, which they
hadden herd. had sene.
37 Forsothe it was don in the day 37 Hyt chaunsed on the nexte daye,
suynge, hem comynge doun of the hil, | as they cam doune from the byll, moche
myche cumpanye of peple renneth to people cam and met hym.
38 And loo! a man of the cumpanye 38 And beholde! a man off the com-
criede, seyinge, Maistir, I biseche thee, pany eryed out, sayinge, Master, I be-
= byhold in to my sone, for he is oon seche the, beholde my sonne, for he is
aloone to me ; 1 all that I have;

a i).

336 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. LUKE

39 Yah sai! ahma nimip ina unbrains, 39 And nú! se uncléna gást hine
yah anaks hropeip, yah tahyip ina mip æt-hrinþ, and he fece hrymp, and
whabon, yah halisaiw aflinnip af imma fornimþ hyne, and famp, and hyne tyrþ
gabrikands ina. and slit.

40 Yah bap siponyans þeinans, el 40 And ic bed dine leorning-enihtas,

usdribeina imma, yah ni mahtedun. det hig hine út-ádrifon, and hig ne
mihton. -
41 Andhafyands pan lesus qap, O! 41 Da cwæþ se Hælend him to and-
kuni ungalaubyando yah inwindo, und sware, Ealá! ungeleafulle and pweore
wha siau at izwis, yah pulau izwis? cneoresse, swá lange swa ic beo mid
attiuh pana sunu peinana hidrei. eow, and eow polie? led hider dinne
42 Paruh nauhpan duatgaggandin im- 42 And dá he hyne lédde him to, se
ma, gabrak ina sa unhulpa, yah tahida. deofol hine fornam, and fordyde. Da
Gawhotida pan lesus ahmin pamma un- nydde se Hælend done unclænan gäst
hrainyin, yah gahailida pana magu, yah út, and gehælde dene cnapan, and ágeaf
atgaf ina attin is. hine his feeder.
43 Usfilmans pan waurpun allai ana 43 Da wundredon hig ealle be Godes —
þizai mikileim Gups. At allaim pan mærþe. And eallum wundriendum be
sildaleikyandam bi alla þoei gatawida dam pingum de gewurdon,
lesus, qap Paitrus, Frauya, duwhe weis
ni mahtedum usdreiban pamma! Ip
Íesus qap, Pata kuni ni usgaggip, nibai
in bidom yah in fastubnya. Qap pan
du siponyam seinaim, he ewzep to his leorning-cnihtum,
-44 Lagyiþ yus in ausona izwara po 44 Asettab das spræca on eowrum
-waurda, unte sunus mans skulds ist heortum, hit ys toweard, det mannes
atgiban in handuns manne. sunu si geseald on manna handa.

45 lp eis ni-fropun pamma waurda, 45 Dá pohton hig dis word, and hit
yah was gahulip faura im, ei ni fropeina wes bewrigen befóran him, dæt hi hit
imma; yah ohtedun fraihnan ina bi ne ongéton ; and hi ne dorston hine be |
pata waurd. dam worde áhsian.

46 Galaip pan mitons in ins, pata 46 Sdplice det geþanc eode on hig,
wharyis þau ize maists wesi. hwyle hyra yldest were.
47 lp lesus gasaiwhands po miton 47 Da se Hælend geséh hyra heortan
hairtins ize, fairgreipands barn, gasatida gepancas, he gesette dane cnapan wid
faura sis ; hine ; j
48 Yah qap du im, Sawhazuh saei 48 And ewep to him, Se de dysne
andnimip bata barn ana namin mein- enapan on minum naman onfehp, se me
amma, mik andnimip; yah sawhazuh onfehp ; and se de me onfehp, he onfehp
saei mik andnimip, andnimip pana sand- dene de me sende; witodlice se de is
yandan mik; unte sa minnista wisands lest betweox eow ealle, se is mára. —
in allaim izwis, sa wairpip mikils.
49 Andhafyands pan lohannes qap, 49 Da andswarode Iohannes, Bebeod- -
Talzyand, gasewhum sumana ana pein- end, we gesáwon sumne on dinum
amma namin usdreibandan unhulpons, naman deofol-seocnessa üt-ádrifende, and
yah waridedum imma, unte ni laisteip we hine forbudon, fordam he mid us ne
mip unsis. fylygp.
go Yah qap du im lesus, Ni waryip, 5o Da cwæþ he, Ne forbeode ge, se de

£X. 39-5o.] WYCLIFFE, 1589. TYNDALE, 1526, 337
39 And lo! a spirit takith him, and 39 And se! a sprete taketh hym, and
sudenly he crieth, and hurtlith down, sodenly he eryeth, and he teareth hym,
and to-drawith him with froth, and that he fometh agayne, and vneth de-
vnnethe he goth awey to-drawinge him. parteth he from him when he hath
rent him.
40 And I preiede thi disciplis, that 40 And I have besought thy disciples
thei schulde caste him out, and thei to cast hym out, and they coulde nott.
Iny3ten not.
41 Sothli Jhesu answeringe seide to 4I Jesus answered and sayde, O ! gene-
hem, A! vnfeithful generacioun and racion with oute fayth and croked, howe
weyward, hou longe schal I be anentis longe shall I be with you, and shall
3ou, and schal suffre 3ou? leed hidur suffre you? brynge thy sonne hidder.
thi sone.
42 And whanne he cam ny3, the fend 42 As he yett was a commynge, the
hurlide him doun, and to-brayd. And fende rent hym, and tare hym. Jesus
Jhesu blamede the vnclene spirit, and rebuked the vnclene sprete, and healed
heelide the child, and 3eld him to his the chylde, and delivered hym to hys
fadir. father.
43 Sothli alle men wondriden greetly 43 And they wer all amased att the
in the greetnesse of God. And alle men myghty power of God. Whyll they
wondringe in alle thingis whiche he dide, wondred every one att all thynges whych
he did,

he seide to his disciplis, he sayde vnto hys disciples,

44 Putte 3e thes wordis in 3oure hertis, 44 Lett these sayinges synke doune
for it is to comynge, that mannis sone into youre eares, the tyme wyll come,
be bitrayed in to the hondis of men. when the sonne off man shalbe delivered
into the hondes off men.
45 And thei knewen not this word, 45 Butt they wist nott what that
and it was hid bifore hem, that thei worde meant, and yt was hyd from
feeliden it not; and thei dreden to axe them, thatt they vnderstod hytt nott;
| him of this word. and they feared to axe hym off that
| 46 Forsothe a thou3t entride in to 46 There arose a disputacion amonge
hem, who of hem schulde be more. them, who shulde be the greatest.
47 And Jhesu seynge the thoustis of 47 When Jesus perceaved the thoughtes
the herte of hem, takynge a child off their hertes, he toke a chylde, and
settide him bisydis him silf; sett hym hard by hym ;
TEESE - 48 And seith to hem, Who euere schal 48 And sayde vnto them, Whosoever
receyue this child in my name, receyueth receave thys chylde in my name, re-
A me; and who euere schal receyue me, ceaveth me; and whosoever receaveth
Í receyueth hym that sente me; for whi me, receaveth hym that sent me; for
F- he that is lesse among 3ou alle, is the he that amongest you ys the least, the
more. same shalbe greate.
49 Forsoth John answeringe seide, 49 Jhon answered and sayde, Master,
Comaundour, we sy3en sum man cast- we sawe won castynge out devyls in thy
inge out fendis in thi name, and we han name, and we forbade hym, be cause he
forbodyn him, for he sueth not thee with foloweth not with vs.
4 vis.
5o And Jhesu seith to him, Nyle se. 50 And Jesus sayde vnto hym, Forbid
: Z
4 i
338 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sz. LUKE
unte saei nist wipra izwis, faur izwis nis ongén eow, se is for eow. . . =.
ist. "Ni ainshun auk ist manne, saei
ni gawaurkyai maht in namin mein-
5r Warp pan, in pammei usfulnodedun 51 Sóþlice wes geworden, dà his and-
dagos andanumtais is, yah is andwairpi fenga dagas weron gefyllede, he ge-
seinata gatulgida, du gaggan in lairu- trymede hys ansyne, det he férde to
galem ; Hierusalem ;-
52 Yah insandida airuns faura sis. Yah 52 Dá sende he bodan befóran his
gaggandans galipun in haim Samareite, ansyne. Da eodon hig on da ceastre
swe manwyan imma. Samaritanorum, det hi him gegear-
53 Yah ni andnemun ina, unte and- 53 And hig ne onféngon hine, fordam
wairpi is was gaggando du Jairusalem. de he wolde faran to Hierusalem.

54 Gasaiwhandans pan siponyos is, 54 Da his leorning-cnihtas det ge-

Jakobus yah lohannes, qepun, Frauya, sáwon, Iacobus and Iohannes, da cwæd-
wileizu ei qipaima, fon atgaggai us him- on hig, Drihten, wylt dú we secgap,
ina, yah fraqimai im, swe yah Heleias det fyr cume of heofone, and fornime
gatawida ? j hisp pu |
55 Gawandyands pan gasok ïm, yah 55 And he hine bewende, and hig -
qap du im, Niu witup, whis ahmane preade.
siyup ; i
56 Unte sunus mans ni qam saiwalom 56
qistyan, ak nasyan. Yah iddyedun in
anpara haim. And hig férdon on óder castel.
57 Warp pan, gaggandam im in wiga, sy Da hi férdon on wege, sum him *
qap sums du imma, Laistya puk, pis- to cwæþ, Ie fylige de, swa hwyder swa —
whaduh padei gaggis, Frauya. du færst. Á

58 Yah qap du imma lesus, Fauhons 58 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Foxas habbaþ

grobos aigun, yah fuglos himinis sit- holu, and heofones fugelas nest, sóþlice
lans, ip sunus mans ni habaip whar mannes sunu næfþ hwar he hys heafod
haubip galagyai. áhylde.
„59 Qap pan du anparamma, Laistei mik. 59 Da cwæþ he to ódrum, Filig me.
Tp is qap, Frauya, uslaubei mis galeipan Da cwep he, Drihten, ályf me ærest
faurpis, yah usfilhan attan meinana. byrigan minne feeder.
60 Qap pan du imma lesus, Let pans 60 Da cwep se Hælend, Læt da dead-
daupans usfilhan seinans nawins ; ip pu an byrigan hyra deadan; ga du, and
gage, yah gaspillo piudangardya Gups. boda Godes rice.
61 Qap pan yah anpar, Laistya puk, 61 Da cwæþ óðer, Ic fylige de, Drih-
Frauya, ip faurpis uslaubei mis andqipan ten, ac let me ærest hit cydan dam de
paim paiei sind in garda meinamma. æt hám synd.

62 Qaþ þan du imma lesus, Ni manna 62 Ðá cwæþ se Hælend him to, Nán
uslagyands handu seina ana hohan, yah man de hys hand áset on hys sulh, and
saiwhands aftra, gatils ist in piudan- on-bæc besyhp, nys andfenge Gode
gardya Gups. rice. e

Crap. X. 1 Afarup-pan pata ustaik- Cmar. X. tı Æfter dam se Hælend

nida Frauya yah anparans sibuntehund, gemearcode ódre twa and hund-seofentig,
IX. 51.-X. 1.] WYCLIFFE, 1589. TYNDALE, 1526. 339
forbede, forsothe he that is not a3ens ye hym not, for he that is nott agaynst
30u, is for 30u. . you, is with you. :

51 Sothli it was don, whanne the dayes 51 And it folowed, when the time was
of his takynge vp weren fillid, and he com that he shulde be receaved vp, that
settide faste his face, that he schulde go he determined hym silfe, to goo to Jeru-
in to Jerusalem ; salem ;
. 52 And he sente messangeris bifore his 52 And sent messengers before hym.
-Six. And thei goynge entriden in to a And they went and entred into a citie
_citee of Samaritans, that thei schulden of the Samaritans, to make redy for
make redy to him. hym.
. 53 And thei receyueden not him, for 53 And they wolde nott receave hym,
E face was of him goynge in to Jeru- because his face was as though he wolde
alem. goo to Jerusalem.
- 54 Forsothe whanne James and J ohn, 54 When hys disciples, James and J hon,
his disciplis, hadden seyn, thei seiden, sawe that, they sayde, Lorde, wilt thou
Lord, wolt thou we seye, that fier come that we: commaunde, that fyre come
doun fro heuene, and waaste hem, as doune from heven, and consume them,
Helye did? even as Helias did 1
55 And he turned blamyde hem, sey- 55 Jesus turned about and rebuked
inge, 3e witen not, whos spiritis 3e ben ; them, sayinge, Ye wote nott, what maner
sprete ye are off ;
56 Forsothe mannis sone cam not for 56 The sonne of man ys not come to
toleese soulis, but for to saue. And destroye mennes lives, but to save them.
thei wenten in to another castel. And they went to an other toune.
57 Forsoth it was don, hem walkynge 57 Hit chaunsed, as they went on their
in the weye, sum man seide to him, I lorney, a certayne man sayd vnto hym,
chal sue thee, whidur euere thou schalt I wyll folowe the, whither soever thou
go. goo.
58 And Jhesu seide to him, Foxis han 58 Jesus sayd vnto him, Foxes have
ennys, and briddis of the eyr han nestis, holes, and bryddes of the ayer have
but mannis sone hath not where be schal nestes, but the sonne of man hath nott
reste his heed. where on to laye hys heed.
59 Forsothe he seide to another, Sue 59 And he sayde vnto a nother, Folowe
thou me. Sothli he seide, Lord, suffre me. And the same sayde, Lorde, suffre
me first to go, and to burie my fadir. me fyrst to goo, and bury my father.
- 60 And Jhesu seide to him, Suffre that 60 Jesus sayd vnto hym, Lett the deed
deede men burie her deede; but go bury the deed ; but goo thou, and preache
hou, and telle the kyngdom of God. the kyngdome off God.
ór And anothir seide, Lord, I schal 61 And another sayde, I wyll folowe
sue thee, but first suffre me to telle agen the, Lorde ; but lett me fyrst goo bid
9 hem that ben at home. them fare wele which are at home at
my housse. j
62 Forsothe Jhesu seith to him, No 62 Jesus sayd vnto him, No man that
man sendynge his hond to the plous, putteth hys honde to the plowe, and
nd biholdinge azen, is able to the loketh backe, is apte to the kingdom
»wme of God. of God.

[Cmar. X. 1 Forsothe aftir thes thingis CHAP. X. 1 After that the Lorde
Lord Jhesu ordeynede and othere , apoynted other seventie also, and sent
: Z2
340 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [St. LUKE
yah insandida ins twans whanzuh faura and sende hig twám beforan his ansyne
andwairpya seinamma in all baurge yah on elce ceastre and stowe, de he to
stade, padei munaida is gaggan. cumenne wes.

2 Qapuh pan du im, Asans managa, ip 2 And ewep to him, Her is mycel rip,
waurstwyaus fawai; bidyip nu frauyan and feawa wyrhtena ; biddap des ripes
asanais, el ussatyai waurstwyans in po hláford, det he sende wyrhtzn to his
asan seina. ripe.

3 Gaggip, sai! ik insandya izwis swe 3 Farap, nú! nú ie eow sende swá.
lamba in midumai wulfe. swá lamb betweox wulfas.
4 Ni bairaip pugg, nih matibalg, nih 4 Ne bere ge sacc, ne codd, ne gescy,
gaskohi, ni mannanhun bi wig golyaip. ne ninne man be wege ne grétap.

5 In pane gardei inngaggaip, frumist 5 On swá hwyle hús swa ge in-gap,

qipaip, Gawairpi pamma garda. ewedap crest, Sib si disse hiw-rædenne.
6 Yah yabai siyai yainar sunus ga- 6 And gyf dar beop sybbe bearn, reste
wairpyis, gawheilaip sik ana imma ga- dar eower sib; gif hit elles sy, heo sy
wairpi izwar; ip yabai ni, du izwis to eow gecyrred.
7 lnuh pan pamma garda wisaip, y Wunigap on dam ylean húse, and
matyandans yah driggkandans po at im; etap and drincaþ da ping de hig habbap ; -
wairps auk ist waurstwya mizdons sein- sóplice se wyrhta is his méde wyrde.
aizos. Ni faraip us garda in gard. Ne fare ge fram hüse to hüse. i

8 Yah in poei baurge gaggaip, yah 8 Ac on swá hwylce ceastre swá ge

andnimaina izwis, matyaip pata faur- in-gáþ, and hig eow onfóp, etap dæt eow
lagido izwis ; tofóran áset ys ; i
9 Yah lekinop pans in izai siukans. 9 And gehælaþ da untruman de on
Yah qipip du im, Atnewhida ana izwis dam hüse synd. And secgap him, Godes
piudangardi Gups. rice to eow genealæcþ.
10 Ip in poei baurge inngaggaip, yah 10 On swá hwylce ceastre swá ge in-
ni andnimaina izwis, usgaggandans ana gáp, and hig ne onfóp eow, gáp on hyra
fauradaurya izos, qipaip, stræta, and cwedap,

it Yah stubyu pana gahaftnandan II Det dust det of eowre ceastre on

unsis us pizai baurg izwarai ana fotuns trum fótum clifode we drigeap on eow;
unsarans afhrisyam izwis ; swepauh pata witap deah, det Godes rice genealæcþ.
witeiþ, patei atnewhida sik ana izwis
piudangardi Gups.
12 Qipa izwis, patel Saudaumyam in 12 Ic eow secge, deet Sodom-warum
yainamma daga sutizo wairpip pau pizai on dam dege bip forgifenlicre donne
baurg yainai. deere ceastre.
13 Wai pus, Kaurazein; wai pus, 13 Wa dé, Corozaim; wa dé, Beth-
Baiþsaidan ; unte ip in Twrai yah Sei- sada; fordam gif on Tyro and on
donai waurpeina mahteis, pozei waurpun Sydone gewordene wæron da megenu,
in izwis, airis pau in sakkum yah azgon de on eow gedóne synd, gefyrn hig on
sitandeins, gaidreigodedeina. hæran and on axan, hreowsunge dydon. -

14 Swepauh Twrai yah Seidonai sutizo 14 Deah hweedere Tiro and Sydone on
wairpip in daga stauos pau izwis. dam dæge byþ forgyfenliere donne eow.
X. 2-14.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 341
seuenty and tweyne, and sente hem by them two and two before his face into
tweyne and tweyne bifore his face in to every citie and place, whither he him
euery citee and place, whidir he was to silfe wolde come.
2 And he seide to hem, Sothli myche 2 And sayde vnto them, The harvest is
ripe corn is, but fewe workmen ; ther- greate, but the laborers are feawe ; praye
- fore preie 5e the lord of the ripe corn, therfore the lorde of the harvest, to send
- that he sende workmen in to his rype forth hys laborers into hys hervest.
3 Go 5e, lo! I sende 5ou as lambren a 3 Goo youre wayes, beholde! I sende
mong wolues. you forthe as lambes amonge wolves.
4 Nyle 3e bere a sachel, nether scrip, 4 Beare noo wallet, nether scryppe, nor
nether schoon, and greete 5e no man by shues, and salute noo man by the waye.
the weye.
5 And in to what euere hous 3e schulen 5 In whatsoever housse ye enter in,
entre, first seye 3e, Pees to this hous.fyrst saye, Peace be to this housse.
6 And if a sone of pees schal be there, 6 And yf the sonne of peace be theare,
30ure pees schal reste on him; if non, | youre peace shall rest apon hym; yf
it schal turne a3en to 30u. nott, yt shall returne to you agayne.

4 Forsothe dwelle 3e in the same hous, 7 And in the same housse tary still,
etynge and drynkinge tho thingis that , eatynge and drinkynge suche as they
ben at hem; forsothe a workman is have; for the laborer is worthy off hys
worthi his hyre, Nyle 3e passe fro hous rewarde. Go not from housse to housse.
in to hous.
8 And in to what euere citee 5e schulen | 8 And in to whatsoever citie ye enter,
entre, and thei schulen receyue 30u, ete | yf they receave you, eate whatsoever is
3e tho thingis that ben put to 30u ; set before you ;
9 And heele 5e the syke men that ben 9 And heale the sicke that are theare.
ther ynne. And seye 3e to hem, The And saye vnto them, The kyngdom of
kyngdom of God schal neise in to 30u. God is come neye apon you.
10 In to what euer citee 3e schulen | 1o But into whatsoever citie ye shall
entre, and thei schulen not receyue 30u, | enter, yf they receave you not, goo youre
se goynge out in to the streetis thereof, wayes out into the stretes of the same,
eie, and saye,
.1i1 Also we wypen of in to 30u the 11 Even the very dust which cleaveth
poudere that cleuyde to vs of 3oure on vs of youre citie we wype of agaynst
citee ;nethelees wite 3e this thing, for you; nott with stondynge marke this,
the rewme of God schal come ny3. that the kyngdom of God was come
neye apon you.
12 Forsoth I seie to 30u, for to Sodom 12 Ye and Í saye vnto you, that it shalbe
it schal be esyere* than to that citee in easier in that daye for Sodom then for
thilke day. that citie.
13 Woo to thee, Corosaym ; woo to 13 Wo be to the, Chorozin ; wo be to
thee, Bethsayda ; for if in Tyre and the, Bethsaida ; for if the miracles had
Sydon the vertues hadden ben don, bene done in Tyre and Sidon, which have
whiche ben don in thee, sum tyme thei bene done in you, they had a greate
sittinge in heer and aische, schulden whyle agone repented, sittyng in “heere
haue don penaunce. and asshes.
14 Netheles to Tyre and Sydon it schal 14 Neverthelesse it shalbe easier for
be esyer in the dom than to 30u. Tyre and Sidon at the iudgment then
for you.
349 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Luri
15 Yah pu, Kafarnaum, pu und himin 15 And dú, Cafarnaum, od heofon up
ushauhido, und halya¢gadrausy aza. ahafen, dú byst od helle besenced.

16 aei hauseiþ izwis, mis hauseiþ; 16 Me gehyrp, se de eow gehyrp ; anc

yah saei ufbrikip izwis, mis ufbrikip ; ip me oferhogap, se de eow oferhogap ; se
saei ufbrikip mis, ufbrikip pamma sand- de me oferhogap, he oferhogap done de
yandin mik. me sende.
17 Gawandidedun pan sik pai sibun- 17 Da gecyrdon da twa and hund-
tehund mip fahedai, qipandans, Frauya, seofentig mid gefean, and ewædon, Drih-
yah unhulpons ufhausyand unsis in ten, deofol-seocnessa us synd on dinum
namin peinamma. naman under-peodde.
18 Qap pan du im, Gasawh Satanan, 18 Da sæde he him, Ic geseah Satanan,
swe lauhmunya, driusandan us himina. swá swa lig-ræse, of heofone feallende. |

19 Sai! atgaf izwis waldufni trudan 19 And nú! ic sealde eow anweald to
ufaro waurme, yah skaurpyono, yah ana tredenne ofer næddran, and snacan, and|
alai mahtai fiyandis, yah waihte aino- ofer alc feondes mægen, and nan ping
hun izwis ni gaskapyip. eow ne derap.
20 Swepauh pamma ni faginop, ei pai 20 Deah hweedere ne blissige ge, on
ahmans izwis ufhausyand ; ip faginod, dam de eow synd gastas under--peodde ;
in pammei namna izwara gamelida sind geblissiap, det eower naman synd 3
in himinam. heofonum áwritene.
21 Inuh pizai wheilai swegnida ahmin 21 On Gere tide he on Hálgum Gústa
lesus, yah qaþ, Andhaita pus, atta, geblissode, and cwæþ, Ic andette dé,
Frauya himinis yah airpos, unte affalht fæder, Drihten heofones and eorþan,
po faura snutraim yah frodaim, yah and- fordam de du das ping wisum and
hulides po niuklahaim. Yai, atta, unte gleawum behyddest, and lytlingumâ-
swa warp galeikaip in andwairpya pein- wruge. . . . fordam hit beforan dé
amma. Yah gawandips du siponyam swa ‘gelicode. aem.
seinaim qaþ, -
22 All mis atgiban ist fram attin 22 Halle ping me synd fram minum
meinamma, yah ni whashun kann, whas feeder gesealde, and nan man nat, hwyle
ist sunus, alya atta; yah whas ist atta, is se sunu, büton se feeder; ne hwyle
alya sunus, yah pammei wili sunus is se feeder, baton se sunu, and se de se
andhulyan. sunu hit áwreon wyle.*
23 Yah gawandips du siponyam sein- 23 Da cwep he, to his leorning-
aim, sundro qap, Audaga augona, poei cnihtum bewend, Eadige synd da eag-
saiwhand þoei yus saiwhip. an, de geseop da ping de ge geseop.
24 Qipa auk izwis, patei managai 24 Sdplice ic eow secge, læt manega
praufeteis yah piudanos wildedun saiwh- witegan and cyningas "woldon geseon
an, patei yus saiwhip yah ni ga- dæt ge geseop, and hig hit ne gesawon;
sewhun; yah hausyan, patei yus ga- and woldon gehýran. det ge gehýraþ,
hauseip yah ni hausidedun. and hig hit ne gehyrdon,

25 Yah sai! witodafasteis sums ustop, 25 Da árás sum æ-gleaw man, and
fraisands ina, yah qipands, Laisari, wha fandode his, and cweep, Láreow, hwæt
tauyands libainais aiweinons arbya wair- dó ic dzet ic éce lif hæbbe ?
pa? P
26 Paruh qap du imma, In witoda wha 26 Da cwæþ he to him, Hwet is ge-
gamelip ist ? whaiwa ussiggwis ? writen on dere x ? hú rætst du?
27 lp is andhafyands qap, Friyos 27 Da andswarode he, Lufa Drihten
Frauyan Gup peinana us allamma hair- dinne God of ealre dinre heortan, and
X. 1g-27.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 343
15 And thou, Cafarnaum, ert enhaunsid 15 And thou, Capernaum, which art
til to heuene ; thou schalt be drenchid exalted to heven, shalt be thrust doune
til in to helle. to hell.
16 He that heerith 30u, heerith me; 16 Whosoever heareth you, heareth
and he that dispisith 30u, dispisith me; me; and whosoever despiseth you, de-
forsothe he that dispisith me, dispisith spiseth me ; and he that despeseth me,
him that sente me. despiseth hym that sent me.
17 Forsoth two and seuenty disciplis 17 The seventie returned agayne with
turnedyn agein with ioye, seyinge, Lord, loye, sayinge, Lorde, even the very
also fendis ben sujet to vs in thi name. devyls are subdued to vs thorowe thy
18 And he seith to hem, I sy3 Sathanas 18 And he sayde vnto them, I sawe
fallinge doun fro heuene, as leit. Sathan, as it had bene lightenyng, faule
doune from heven.
19 And loo! I haue 30uun to 30u power 19 Beholde! I geve vnto you power
of defoulinge’ on serpents, and scor- to treade on serpentes, and scorpions,
piouns, and on al the vertu of the enemy, and apon all maner power of the enemy,
and no thing schal anoye 5ou. and nothynge shall hurte you.
20 Netheles nyle 3e haue ioye in this 20 Neverthelesse in thys reioyse nott,
thing, for fendis ben sujet to 30u; but that the spretes are vnder youre power ;
ioye 3ee, that 3oure names ben writun butt reioyse, be cause youre names are
in heuenes. written in heven.
21 In thilke our he gladide in the 21 That same time reioysed Jesus in
Hooly Goost, and seide, [ knowleche to the Sprete, and sayde, I prayse the,
thee, fadir, Lord of heuene and erthe, father, Lorde of heven and erth, be cause
which hast hid thes thingis fro wyse thou hast hyd these thynges from the
men and prudent, and hast schewid hem wyse and prudent, and hast opened them
to litle. 3he, fadir, for so it pleside to the folisshe. Even soo, father, for
bifore thee . d soo pleased it the .

22 Alle thingis ben 3ouun to me of my 22 All thynges are geven me off my

fadir, and no man woot, who is the sone, father, and noo man knoweth, who the
no but the fadir; and who is the fadir, sonne is, butt the father ; nether who
no but the sone, and to whom the sone the father is, save the sonne, and he to
wolde schewe. whom the sonne wyll shewe hym.
23 And he turned to his disciplis, seide, 23 And he turned to his disciples, and
Blessid ben the y3en, whiche seen tho sayde secretly, Happy are the eyes,
thingis that 3e seen. which se that ye se.
24 Sothli I seie to 30u, for many pro- 24 For I tell you, that many prophetes
- phetis and kyngis wolden se tho thingis, and kynges have desired to se thoose
whiche 3e seen, and thei sy3en not; and thyngés, which ye se, and have nott
heere tho thingis, that 3e heere, and thei sene them ; and to heare those thynges,
herden not. whych ye heare, and have nott hearde
them. :
25 And lo! a wyse man of the lawe 25 And marke! a certayne lawere
roos, temptinge him, and seyinge, Maistir, stode vp, and tempted hym, sayinge,
what thing doynge schal I welde euer- Master, what shall I do to inheret eter-

lastinge lyf? nall lyfe ?

26 And he seide to him, What is writun 26 He sayd vnto him, What ys written
in the lawe? hou redist thou?
in the lawe? howe redest thou?
27 He answeringe seide, Thou schalt 27 And he answered and sayde, Thou
loue the Lord thi God. of al thyn herte, shalt love thy Lorde God wyth all thy

344 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. |ST. Luxe
tin peinamma, yah us allai saiwalai of ealre dinre sáwle, and of eallum
peinai, yah us allai mahtai peinai, yah dinum mihtum, and of eallum dinum
us allai gahugdai peinai ; yah newhund- mægene; and dinne nehstan swá dé
yan peinana swe þuk silban. sylfne.
28 panuh qap du imma, Raihtaba and- 28 Da cwæþ he, Rihte dú andswarod-
hoft ; pata tawei, yah libais. est; do det, donne lyfast dú.
29 lp is wilyands uswaurhtana sik 29 Da cwæþ he to dam Hælende, and
domyan, qap du Íesua, An whas ist wolde hine sylfne gerihtwisian, And
mis newhundya 1 hwyle is min nehsta?
3o Andhafyands þan Íesus, qap, Manna 3o Da cwep se Hælend hine, up-
galaip af lairusalem in laireikon, yah beseonde, Sum man férde fram Hieru-
in waidedyans frarann, paiei yah biraub- salem to Hiericho, and becom on da
odedun ina, yah banyos analag . . sceaþan, da hine bereafodon, and tint-
regodon hine, and forléton hine sám-
31 Da gebyrode hit, det sum sacerd
férde on dam ylcan wege, and, dà he
dst geseah, he hine forbeah.
32 And eall-swá diácon, dá he wees
wid da stówe, and det geseah, he hyne
eac forbeah.
33 Da férde sum Samaritanise man
wid hine; dà he hine geseah, dá wearp
he mid mild-heortnesse ofer hine 4-
styred. om

34 Da genealéhte he, and wràp his

wunda, and on-ágeat ele and win. And
hine on hys njten sette, and gel:(dde
on hys læce-hús, and hine lácnode.

35 And brohte ódrum dæge twegen

penegas, and sealde dam læce, and dus
cw:ep, Begym hys; and swá hwæt swá
dú mare to-gedést, donne ie cume, ic
hit forgylde dé.
36 Hwyle dara þreora pynep dé diet sy
des mæg, de on da sceapan befeoll?

37 Da cwep he, Se de him mild-

heortnesse on dyde. Pa cwæþ se Hæl-
end, Gá, and dó eall-swá.*
38 Sóþlice hit wees geworden, dá hig
férdon, se Hælend eode on sum eastel $
and sum wif, on naman Martha, onféng
hyne on hyre hús.
39 And dære swuster wæs, Maria, seo .
cac sæt wid des Hælendes fét, and his
word gehyrde.

40 Soplice Martha geornlice him þén-

X. 28-40.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 345
and of al thi soule and of alle thi hert, and wyth all thy soule, and with
mystis, and of al thi mynde; and thi all thy strengthe, and with all thy
neizebore as thi silf. mynde; and thy neghbour as thy sylfe.
28 And Jhesu seide to him, Thou hast 28 And he sayde vnto hym, Thou hast
answerid ri3tly ; do thou this thing, and answered right ; this do, and thou shalt
thou schalt lyue. live.
29 Forsothe he willinge to iustifye him 29 He willynge to iustifie hym silfe,
silf, seide to Jhesu, And who is my sayde vnto Jesus, Who ys then my
neizebore 1 neghbour?
30 Sothli Jhesu biholdinge, seide, Sum 30 Jesus answered, and sayde, A cer-
man cam doun fro Jerusalem in to Je- tayne man descended from Jerusalem
rico, and felde among theuues, whiche into Jericho, and fell into the hondes off
also robbiden him, and, woundis putt theves, whych robbed hym off his ray-
in, wenten awey, the man lefte half ment, and wonded hym, and departed,
quyk. levynge hym halfe deed.
31 Forsothe it byfel, that sum prest 31 And yt chaunsed, that there cam a
cam doun in the same weye, and, him certayne preste that same waye, and
seyn, passide forth. sawe hym, and passed by.
32 Also forsoth and a dekene, whanne 32 And lyke wyse a levite, when he
he was bisydis the place, and sy; him, was come neye to the place, went and
passide forth. loked on hym, and passed by.
33 Forsoth sum man Samaritan, mak- 33 Then a certayne Samaritane, as he
ynge iourney, cam bisydis the weye; iornyed, cam neye vnto hym ; and be-
` and he seynge him, was stirid by mercy. helde hym, and had compassion on hym.

34 And he comynge ny3, bond to gidere 34 And cam to hym, and bounde vppe
his woundis, heeldynge yn oyle and hys wondes, and poured in wyne and
wyn. And he puttinge on his hors, oyle. And layed him on his beaste, and
ledde in to a stable, and dide the cure brought hym to a commen hostry, and
of him. drest hym.
35 And another day he brouste forth 35 Ànd on the morowe when he de-
twey pens, and saf to the kepere of the parted he toke out two pence, and gave
stable, and seide, Haue thou the cure them to the host, and said vnto him,
of him; and what euere thing thou Take cure of him ; and whatsoever thou
schalt 3yue ouer, I schal 3elde to thee, spendest above this, when I come agayne,
whaune I schal come ajen. I will recompence the.
36 Who of thes thre semeth to thee to 36 Which nowe off these thre thynkest
haue be neizebore to him, that felde a thou was neghbour vnto him, that fell
mong the theues + into the theves hondes 1
37 And he seide, He that dide mercy 37 And he answered, He that shewed
on him. And Jhesu seith to him, Go mercy on hym. Then sayd Jesus vnto
thou, and do thou in lyk manere. hym, Goo, and do thou lyke wyse.
38 Forsoth it was don, while thei 38 Hyt fortuned, as he went, that he
wenten, and he entride in to sum castel ; entred into a certayne toune; and a
and sum womman, Martha bi name, certayne woman, named Martha, receaved
receyuede him in to hir hous. hym into her housse.
39 And to this Martha was a sister, 39 And this woman had a sister, called
Marie bi name, which also sittinge by Mari, which sate at Jesus fete, and herde
sydis the feet of the Lord, herde the
Jesus preachynge. á
word of him.
40 Forsothe Martha bisyede aboute 40 Martha was combred about moche

346 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [8v. Luxe
ode. Pa stód heo, and eweep, Drihten,
nis dé nán caru, det min swuster lét
me ænlypige bénian? sege hyre, det heo
fylste me.
41 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Martha, Mar-
tha, geornfull dü eart, and embe fela
pinga ~gedréfed
g ;

42 Gewisliee án ping is nead-behéfe.

Maria geceas done sélestan dal, se hyre
ne byp áfyrred.

Cuar. XI. 1 Sóþlice wees geworden,

dà he wæs on sumere stówe hine ge-
biddende, dá dá he geswáe, him to
cwæþ án his leorning-cnihta, Drihten,
lær us us gebiddan, swá Iohannes his
leorning-cnihtas lerde.
á D& cwæþ he to him, Cwedap dus,
donne ge eow gebiddaþ, U're feeder, du
de on heofone eart, si din nama ge-
hálgod. To-cume din rice. Geweorde
din willa on heofone, and on eorpan.
. 3 Syle us to-dæg ürne dæghwamlican
4 And forgyf us tre gyltas, swá we .
forgyfap ælcum dara de wid us ágylt.
And ne ld di us on costnunge, ac alys
us fram yfele.
5 Da cwep he to him,*Hwyle eower
hæfþ sumne freond, and gæþ to midre
nihte to him, and ewyp to him, Lá freond,
læn me pry hláfas ;
6 Fordam min freond com of wege to
me, and ic næbbe hwæt ic him toforan
7 And he donne him dus andswarige,
Ne beo dú me gram; nú min duru is
belocen, and mine enihtas synd on reste
mid me; ne meg ic árisan nú, and
syllan dé.
8 Gyf he donne purhwunap enuciende,
ic eow secge, gyf he [ne] árist and him
sylp donne, fordam de he his freond ys,
ðeah hwæðere for hys onhrope he ärist,
and sylp him his neode.
9 And ie eow secge, biddap, and eow
byp geseald; sécap, and ge findaþ; enuc-
iap, and eow byþ vntyned.
X. 41.-XI. 9.) WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1326. 347
moche seruyce. Which stood, and seide, | servynge. And stode, and sayde, Master,
Lord, is it not of charge to UEM that my doest thou not care, that my sister hath
sistir lefte me aloone, for to mynystre ? leeft me to minister alone? bid her
therfore seye to hir, that she helpe me. therfore, that she helpe me.
41 And the ld answeringe seide to 41 And Jesus answered and sayde vnto
hir, Martha, Martha, thou E bysi, and her, Martha, Martha, thou arte busied,
art troublid anentis ful manye thingis; and troublest thy silfe about many
thynges ;
42 Forsoth o thing is necessarie, Marie 42 Verely one ys nedfull. Mary hath
hath chose the beste part, which schal chosen her a good parte, which shall not
not be take a wey fro hir. be taken awaye from her.

Cmar. XI. 1 And it was don, whanne Cuar. XI. 1 And it fortuned, as he
he was preiynge in sum place, as he was prayinge in a certayne place, when
ceesside, oon of his disciplis seide to he ceased, won of his disciples sayd vnto
him, Lord, teche vs to preye, as and him, Master, teache vs to praye, as Jhon
John tau3te his disciplis. taught his disciples.

2 And he seide to hem, Whanne 3e 2 And he sayd vnto them, When ye

preyen, seye 3e, Fadir, . . . . halewid praye, saye, Oure father which arte in .
be thi name. Thi kyngdom come to. . heven, halowed be thy name. Lett thy
kyngdom come. Thy will be fulfillet,
even in erth as it is in heven.
3 3yue to vs to day oure eche dayes 3 Oure dayly breed geve vs this daye.
4 And foryyue to vs oure synnes, as 4 And forgeve vs oure synnes, for even
and we for3yuen to ech owynge to vs. we forgeve every man that traspaseth
And leed not vs in to temptacioun. . . . vs. And ledde vs not into temptacion,
butt deliver vs from evyll. Amen.
5 And he seith to hem, Who of 30u 5 And he sayde vnto them, Which of.
schal haue a frend, and schal go to him you shall have a frende, and shall goo
at mydny3t, and schal seie to him, to hym att mydnyght, and saye vnto
Frend, leene to me thre loouys ; hym, Frende, lende me foure loves;
6 For my frend cometh to me of the 6 For a frende of myne is come out off
weye, and I haue not what I schal sette the waye to me, and I have nothynge to
bifore him. sett before him.
7 And he withynne forth answeringe 4 And he with in shall andswer and
seye, Nyle thou be noyful to me; the saye, Trouble me nott; nowe is the
dore is now schit, and my children beth dore shett, and my servaunttes are with
with me in the cowche; I may nost me in the chamber ; I cannot ryse, and
ryse, and 5yue to thee. geve them to the.
8 And if he schal contynue knockynge, 8 I saye vnto you, though he woll
I seye to 30u, thou; he schal not 3yue not aryse and geve hym, be cause he is
to hym, for he is a frend, netheles for his frende, yet because of hys impor-
his vnrestefulnesse he schal rise, and 3yue tunite he woll ryse, and geve him, as
to hym, how manye he hath nedeful. many as he nedeth.
9 And I seie to 30u, axe 3e, and it 9 And I saye vnto you, axe, and yt
schal be 3ouun to 30u; seke 5e, and 5e shalbe geven you; seke, and ye shall
Schulen fynde ; knocke 3e, and it Bohal fynde; knocke, and it shalbe opened
be ppenyd to 30u. vnto you.

345 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. |ST. Luxe
10 /Ele dara de bitt, onfehp ; and se
de sécp, he fint; and cnuciendum byþ
11 Hwyle eower bitt his feeder hláfes,
segst dú sylp he him stan? odde gif he
byt fisces, sylp he him næddran for
fisce ?
12 Odde gif he bit æg, segst dú ræcþ
he him scorpionem? det is án wyrm-
r3 Witodlice gif ge, donne de synd
yfele, cunnon syllan góde sylene eowrum
bearnum, swá mycele ma eower feeder of
heofone sylp gódne gást dam de hyne
14 Da wes se Helend üt-ádrifende
sume deofol-seocnesse, and seo wees
dumb. And dá he út-ádráf da deofel-
seocnesse, da spree se dumba; and
da mænigeo wundredon.
15 Sume cwædon, On Belzebub, deofla
ealdre, he ut-adrifp da deofol-seocnessa.

16 And sume his fandodon and gyrn-

don of heofone tácnes of him.
17 Da he geseah hyra geþancas, he
cwep, Æ'le rice on hyt sylf todæled,
byp toworpen, and det hus ofer det
hüs fealp.
18 Gyf Satanas is todéled on hine
sylfne, hú stent his rice? Fordam de
ge secgap, dst ic on Belzebub deofol-
seocnessa üt-ádrife.
19 Gif ie on Belzebub deofla üt-ádrife,
on hwam út-ádrifaþ cower bearn? For-
dam hig beop eowere déman.

20 Gewislice gif ic on Godes fingre

deofla út-ádrife, eallunga Godes rice on
eow becymp.
21 Donne se stranga gewæpnod his
cafertún gehealt, donne beop on sibbe
da ping de he áh.
22 Gyf donne strengra ofer hine cymp
and hine ofer-winp, ealle his wæpnu, de
he on-trüwode, he him áfyrp, and todælþ
his here-reaf. "


23 Se de nis mid me, se is ongean me;

and se de ne gaderap mid me, se hit
24 Donne se unclena gást gæþ of dam
men, he gæþ purh unweeterige stówa,
XI. 10-24.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 349
ro Forsoth ech man that axith, takith ; 10 For every one that axeth, receaveth ;
and he that sekith, fyndith ; and to a and he that seketh, fyndeth ; and to him
man knockynge, it schal be openyd. that knocketh, shall it be openned.
11 Therfore who of 30u,axith the fadir 11 Yf the sonne axe breed off eny off
breed, wher he schal 3yue to him a stoon ? you whieh ys hys father, wyll he proffer
ether if he axith fysch, wher he schal hym a stone? or yff he axe fisshe, wyll
3yue to him a serpent for the fysch? he geve hym a serpent?
12 Ethir if he schal axe an ey, whethir 12 Or yf he axe an egge, wyll he proffer
he schal dresse to him a scorpioun? him a scorpion !

13 Therfore if 3e, whanne 5e ben yuele, 13 Yf ye then, which are evyll, know
kunne 3yue to 30ure children goode howe to geve good giftes vnto youre
thingis 30uun, hou moche more 3oure chyldren, howe moche more shall youre
fadir of heuene schal 3yue a good spirit father celestiall geve a goode sprete to
to men axynge him. them that desire it of hym.
14 And Jhesu was castinge out a fend, 14 And he was a castynge out a
and he was doumbe. And whanne he devyll, whyche was dom. And it folowed
hadde cast out the fend, the doumb man when the devyll was gone out, the dom
spak ; and the cumpanyes wondriden. spake ; and the people wondred.

15 Forsoth summe of hem seiden, In 15 Some off them sayde, He casteth

Belsebub, prince of deuelis, he castith out devyls by the power of Belzebub,
out deuelis. the chefe of the devyls.
16 And othere temptinge axiden of him 16 And other tempted hym sekynge of
a tokene fro heuene. hym a signe from heven.
17 Forsoth he, as he sy3 the thou3tis 17 He knewe their thoughtes, and
of hem, seide to hem, Euery rewme de- sayde vnto them, Every kyngdom at
partide agens it silf, schal be desolat, debate with in it silfe, shalbe desolate,
and an hous schal falle on an hous. and won housse shall fall apon another.
18 Forsoth and if Sathanas is departid 18 Soo if Satan be at variaunce with
agens him silf, how schal his rewme in hym silve, howe shall his kyngdom
stonde? For ge seyn, that I caste out endure? Be cause ye saye, that I cast
fendis in Belsebub. out devyls by the power off Belzebub.
19 Forsoth if I in Belsebub caste out 19 Yf I by the power of Belzebub caste
fendis, in whom 3oure sones casten out Í oute devyles, by whose power do youre
Therfore thei schulen be 3oure domes- chyldren cast them out? Therfore shall
men. they be youre iudges.
20 Forsoth if I caste out fendis in the 20 Butt if I with the finger off God
fyngir* of God, sothli the rewme of God cast out devyls, noo doute the kyngdom
is comen in to 30u. of God is come apon you.
21 Whanne a strong armed man kepith 21 When a stronge man armed watch-
his hows, alle thingis that he weldith eth his housse, that he possesseth is in
ben in pees. peace.
22 Sothli if a strongere comynge aboue 22 But when a stronger then he cometh
ouercome him, he schal take a wey alle apon hym and overcommeth hym, he
his armeris, in whiche he tristide, and taketh from him his harnes, wherin he
schal dele abrood his spuylis. trusted, and devideth his gooddes. _
23 He that is not with me, is agens 23 He that is not with me, is agaynst
me; and he that gedrith not to gidere me; and he that gadereth nott with me,
with me, scaterith a brood. scatterch. ?
24 Whanne an vnclene spirit hath gon 24 When the vnclene sprete is gone
out of a man, he wandrith by drye placis, out of a man, he walketh through water-
350 GOTHIC, 560. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. LUKE
reste sécende; and náne ne gemét,
donne cwyþ he, Ie gewende eft to min-
um húse, de ic of-eode.
25 And dænne he cymp, he hit gemét
æmtig mid besmum áfeormod. . . .

26 Donne gæþ he, and nimp seofen

Odre gástas wyrsan donne he, and in-
gap, and dar eardiap. Donne synd des
mannes endas wyrsan dam ærrum.

27 Soplice wes geworden, da he dis

sede, sum wif . . him to cwæþ,
Eadig is se innop de dé ber, and da
breost de dt suce.

28 Da cwæþ he, Eadige synd da, de

Godes word gehyrap, and dzet gehealdap.

29 Da hyra manega togædere comon,

he cwæþ to him, Deos eneorys is mân-
full eneorys; heo sécp tácen, and hyre
ne bip nan geseald, büton Ionan tácen.

30 Swa swa Iona wes tácen Niniuet-

um, swa bip mannes sunu tácen disse
31 Súþ-dæles cwén árist on dôme mid
disse cneorysse mannum, and genyderap
hig; fordam de heo com of eorpan
endum, to gehyranne Salomones wis-
dom, and efne! des is mara donne
32 Niniuetisce men árisap on dóme
mid disse cneorysse, and genyderiap
hig; fordam de hig dæd-bóte dydon æt
Ionam bodunge, and des is mára donne
33 Ne on-ælþ nan man his leoht-fæt,
and sett on diglum, ne under bydene,
ac ofer candel-stæf, det da de in-gáp, n—_

leoht geseon.
34 Din eage is dines lichaman leoht-
fet ; gif din eage bip hluttor, donne
bip eall din lichama beorht ; gif hit byþ
deorc, eall din lichama byp pystre. Mm—

35 Warna, det det leoht de dé on is,

ne syn pystru.
36 Gyf din lichama eall bip beorht,
and næfþ nanne del pystra, donne byþ

XI. 25-36.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, r526. 351
sekinge reste; and he fyndynge not, lesse places, sekynge reest ; and when he
seith, I schal turne agen in to myn hous, fyndeth none, he sayeth, I will returne a-
wher of I cam out. gayne vnto my housse, whence I cam out.
25 And whanne he schal come, he 25 Ànd when he commeth, he fyndeth
fyndith it clensid with beesmes, and it swept, and garnisshed.
26 Thanne he goth, and takith with 26 Then goeth he, and taketh seven
him seuene othere spiritis werse than other spretes with hym worsse then
him silf, and thei gon yn, dwellen there. hym silfe, and they enter in, and dwell
And the laste thingis of that man ben there. And the ende off that man is
maad worse than the formere. worsse then the begynnynge.
27 Forsoth it was don, whanne he 27 Hit fortuned, as he thus spake, a
seide thes thingis, sum womman of the certayne woman of the company lyfte vp
cumpany reysinge hir vois, seide, Blessid her voyce, and sade vnto hym, Happy
be the wombe that bar thee, and blessid is the wombe that bare the, and the
be the teetis whiche thou hast sokun. pappes which gave the sucke.
28 And he seide, Rathere blessid ben 28 Butt he sayde, Happy are they,
thei, that heeren Goddis word, and that heare the worde off God, and kepe
kepen it. it.
29 Forsothe the cumpanye comynge to 29 When the people wer gadered thicke
gidere, he bigan to seye, This genera- to geder, he began to saye, This is an
cioun is a weyward generacioun ; it evyll nacion ; they seke a signe, and
sekith a tokene, and a tokene schal not there shall noo signe be geven them,
be 30uun to it, no but the tokene of but the signe off Jonas, the prophet.
—.. Joonas, the prophete.
30 For whi as Joonas was a tokene to 30 For as Jonas was a signe to the
men of Nynyue, so mannis sone schal Ninivites, so shall the sonne off man be
be to this generacioun. to this nacion.
31 The queene of the south schal ryse 31 The quene off the southe shall ryse
in dom with men of this generacioun, at the iudgement with the men of this
and schal condempne hem; for sche generacion, and condempne them; for
cam fro the endis of the erthe, to heere she cam from the ende of the worlde, to
the wysdom of Salomon, and lo! here heare the wisdom of Solomon, and be-
is more than Salomon. holde! a greater then Solomon is here.
32 Men of Nynyue schulen ryse in 32 The men off Ninivite shall ryse at
dom with this generacioun, and schulen the iudgement with this generacion,
condempne it; for thei diden penaunce and shall condempne them ; for they re-
at the prechinge of Joonas, and lo! here pented at the preachynge of Jonas, and
is more than Joonas. beholde! a greater then Jonas is here.
33 No man listneth a lanterne, and 33 Noo man lighteth a candell, and
-puttith in hidlis, other vndir a boyschel, putteth it in a preve place, nether vnder
but on a candel sticke, that thei that a busshel, butt on a candelsticke, that
gon yn, se list. they that come in, maye se light.
34 The lanterne of thi body is thin 34 The light off thy body is thyne eye ;
y3e; if thin y3e schal be symple, al thi therfore when thyn eye is single, then is
body schal be Iistful; forsoth if it schal all thy body full off light ; butt if thyne
be weyward, also thi body schal be eye be evyll, then shall all thy body be
derkful. full off darknes.
35 Therfore se thou, lest the list which 35 Take hede therfore, thatt the light

is in thee, be derknessis. whiche is in the, be nott darknes.

36 Therfore if al thi body schal be li3t- 36 For if all thy body shalbe light,
ful, not hauynge ony part of derknessis, havynge noo parte darke, then shall all
259 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. LUKE
he eall beorht, and de on lyht swá dæt
leoht-fæt dees lig-resces.*
37... Da bed hine sum Fariseisc
man, det he &te mid him. And he
in-eode, and sset.
38 Da ongan se Fariseisca on him
smeagan, and cwedan, hwi he gepwogen
nære ær his gereorde.
39 Da cwæþ Drihten to him, Nú ge
Farisei det tte is calices and disces $
geclænsiaþ; Geet eow innan is, det is — —
full reafláces and unrihtwisnesse. Á

40 Lá dysegan, hú ne worhte dæt dæt

inne is, se de worhte deet tte is?

41 Deah hweedere det to láfe is, syllap

ælmessan, donne beop eow ealle pus ;
42 Ac wá eow, Fariseum, ge de teodiap
mintan, and rüdan, and ælce wyrte, and |
ge forbúgaþ dóm and Godes lufe. Das
ping eow gebyrede to donne, and da
ping ne forletan.

43 Wa eow, Fariseum,ge de lufiap đa |

forman heah-setl on gesimnungum, and i
grétinga on strætum.
AMER COND R forðað de |ge.
synd swylce da byrgena, de man innan
ne sceawap, and da men nyien de p
on-ufan gap.
45 Da andswarode him sum m
Láreow, teonan da wyrcst us, mid disse

46 Da cwæþ he, Wa eow &-gleawum,

fordam de ge sýmaþ men mid dam
byrdenum de hig áberan ne mágon,—
and ge ne áhrinap da seamas mid eow-
rum ánum fingre.
47 Wa eow, ge de timbriap witegena
byrgena ; eower fæderas hig ofslógon.

48 Eallunga ge cydap, and ge pafiap

eower federa weorcum ; fordam hig
ofslogon hig, and ge timbriap hira byr-
49 Fordam cwæþ Godes wisdóm, Ie
sende to him witegan, and apostolas, —
and hig ofsleaþ hig and ehtap,
XI. 37-49.] WYCLIFFE, 1589. TYNDALE, 1526. 353
it schal be al listful, and as a lanterne of be full off light, even as when a candell
bristnesse it schal 3yue list to thee. doeth light the with his brightnes.
37 And whanne he spak, sum Pharisee 37 And as he spake, a certayne Pharise
praiede, that he schulde ete at hym. besought hym to dyne with hym. And
And he gon yn, saat to the mete. Jesus went in, and sate doune to meate.
38 Sothli the Pharisee bigan to seie, 398 When the Pharise sawe that, he
gessynge with ynne him silf, whi he was marveylled, that he had nott wessched
not waischun byfore the mete. before dynner.
39 And the Lord seith to him, Now 3e 39 And the Lorde sayde to hym, Nowe
Farisees clensen that thing that is with do ye O Pharises make clene the out-
outenforth of the kuppe and plater ; syde of the cuppe and of the platter;
but that thing of 30u that is with ynne, but youre inwarde parties are full of
is ful of raueyn and wickidnesse. raveninge and wickednes.
40 Foolis, wher he that made that 40 Ye foles, did not he that made that
thing that is with oute forth, made not which is with out, make that which is
also that thing that is with ynne? within alsoo?
41 Netheles that thing that is ouer," 41 Neverthelesse ye geve of that that
. 3yue 5e almes, and lo! alle thingis ben ye have, and beholde! all is clene to
clene to 30u. you.
42 But woo to 30u, Pharisees, that 42 But wo be to you, Pharises, for ye
tythen mynte, and ruwe, and al wort, tythe the mynt, and rewe, and all man-
and passen dom and the charite of God. ner erbes, and passe over iudgment and
Forsoth it bihofte to do thes thingis, the love of God. These ought ye to
and not for to leeue hem. have done, and nott to have left the
other ondone.
43 Woo to 30u, Pharisees, that louen 43 Wo be to you, Pharises, for ye love
the firste chaieris in synagogis, and salu- the vppormost seates in the sinagoges,
taciouns in cheping. and gretynges in the markettes.
Bea Wootojou,...... that ben as 44 Wo be to you, scribes and Pharises,
sepuleris, whiche apperyn not, and men ypocrites, for ye are as graves, which
walkynge aboue witen not. apere not, and men that walke over
them are nott ware of them.
45 Forsoth oon of the wyse men of 45 Then answered one of the lawears,
lawe easweringe, seide to him, Maistir, and sayd vnto hym, Master, thus say-
thou seyinge thes thingis, doist dispit inge, thou puttest vs to rebuke also.
also to vs.
46 He seide, And woo to 30u, wyse 46 Then he sayde, Wo be to you also,
men of lawe, for 3e chargen men with ye laweras, for ye lade men with bur-
birthins whiche thei moun not bere, and thens greveous to be borne, and ye youre
5e 30u silf with 3oure o fynger touchen selves touche nott the packes with one
not the heuynessis. of youre fingers.
47 Woo to 5ou, that bilden hirielis of 47 Wo be to you, that bilde the sepul-
. prophetis; forsoth 30ure fadris slowen cres off the prophetes ; for youre fathers
hem. kiled them.
48 Treuly 3e witnessen, that 3e con- 48 Truely ye beare witnes, that ye
senten to the werkis of 3oure fadris ; for alowe the dedes of youre fathers ; for
sothli thei slowen hem, but 3e bilden they killed them, and ye bilde their
her sepulcris. sepuleres.
49 Therfore and the wysdom of God 49 Therfore sayde the wisdom off God,
seide, I schal sende to hem prophetis, 1 will send them prophetes, and apostles,
and apostlis, and of hem thei schulen and off them they shall slee and perse-
_ Slee and pursue, cute,
364 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. LUKE
5o Det ealra witegena blód sy gesóht,
de wees ágoten of middan-geardes frum-
an, fram disse cneorysse ;

gr Fram Abeles blóde od Zacharian

blód, se forwearp betweox dam altáre
and dam temple. le eow seege swa,
bip gesóht fram disse cneorysse.
g2 Wá cow, &-gleawum, fordam de ge
ætbrudon des in-gehydes cage; ge im
ne eodon, and ge forbudon da de in-
53 Da he him dis to cwæþ, dá on-
gunnon da Farisei and da x-gleawan
hefilice him ágén standan, and his müp
54 And embe hine syrwan, sécende
sum ping of his mupe, det hig hine

Cuar. XII. í Mycelum weredum

him embe standendum, det hig hine |
trædon, dà cwæþ he to his leorning-
enihtum, Warniap wid Farisea lâre, diet
is licetung.

2 Sóplice nis nán ping ofer-heled, de

ne beo un-heled ; ne behydd, dæt ne sy
3 Fordam de det ge secgap on byst-
rum, beop on leohte sæde; and det ge
on earum sprécum on bedd-cofum, bip
on hrófum bodod.

4 Ie secge eow, minum freondum, ne

beo ge brégede fram dam de done
lichaman ofsleap, and nabbap syddan
hwæt hig má don.
5 Ic eow ætýwe, hwæne ge ondrædon ;
ádrædaþ done, de anweald heefp, syddan
he ofslyhp, on helle ásendan. Dus ie
eow seege, ádrædaþ dor e,
6 Ne becypap hig fif spearwan to
helflinge ;and án nis of dam ofergyten
befóran Gode ?
| 5 Ac ealle eowres heafdes loccas synd
| getealde. Ne ádræde ge eow ; ge gynd
XI, 5o.-XIL. 7.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 355
5o That the blood of alle prophetis, 50 That the bloud off all the prophettes,
that was sched out fro the makyug of which was sheed from the begynnynge
the world, be sou3t of this generacioun ; off the worlde, maye be requyred off this
generacion ;
5I Fro the blood of Abel til to the 51 From the bloud of Abel vnto the
blood of Zacharie, which perischide by- bloud off Zacary, whiche perisshed bi-
twix the auter and the hous. So I seie twene the aulter and the temple. Verely
fo 30u, it schal be sou3t of this genera- I saye vnto you, it shalbe requyred of
— cioun. this nacion.
52 Woo to 30u, wyse men of lawe, for 52 Wo be to you, lawears, for ye have
3e han take awey the keye of kunnynge ; taken awaye the kaye of knowledge ; ye
5e 30u silf entriden not, and 5e han for- entred not in youreselves, and them that
boden hem that entriden. came in ye forbade.
53 Sothli whanne he spak thes thingis 53 When he thus spake vnto them, the
to hem, Pharisees and wyse men of lawe lawears and the Pharises began to wexe
bigunnen greuously to asenstonden, and busy about hym, and to stoop his mougth
oppresse his mouth of many thingis, with many questions,
54 Aspiynge him, and sekinge to take 54 Layinge wayte for hym, and sech-
sum thing of his mouth, that thei ynge to catche some thyng of his mought,
schulden aceuse him. wherby they myght accuse hym.

Crap. XII. 1 Sotheli manye cum- Cuar. XII. 1 As there gadered to-
-. panyes stondinge aboute, so that thei gedther an innumerable multitude off
- troden ech othir, he bigan to seie to his people, in so moche that they trood won
disciplis, Be 3e war of the sourdow3 of another, he began to saye vnto his dis-
_ Pharisees, which is ypocrisye. ciples, Fyrst of all beware of the leven
off the Pharises, which is ypocrysy.
2 Forsoth no thing is hilid, which sohal 2 For there is nothynge covered, that
mot be schewid ; nether hid, that schal shall not be vncovered ; nether hid,
. not be wist. that shall not be knowen.
3 Forwhi tho thingis that 3e' han seyd 3 Wherfore whatsoever ye have spoken
- in derknessis, schulen be seid in list; in darknes, that same shalbe hearde in
. and this that 3e han spoken in eere in light ; and that which ye have spoken
X. the cowchis, schal be prechid in rooues. in the eare even in secret places, shalbe
preached even on the toppe of the
- 4 Forsothe I seie to 30u, my frendis, 4 Í saye vnto you, my frendes, feare
be 3e not a feerd of hem that slen the ye not them that kyll the body, and
- body, and aftir thes thingis han no more after that have nothynge that he can
what thei schulen don. moare do.
5 Sothli I schal sehewe to 30u, whom 5 l will shewe you, whom ye shall
= 3e schulen drede; drede 3e him, which feare; feare hym, which after he hath
aftir that he hath slayn, hath power to kylled, hath power to cast in to hell.
- sende in to helle. So I seie to sou, Ye I saye vnto you, hym feare.
. drede 5e hym.
_ 6 Wher fiue sparrowis ben not seeld 6 Are nott five sparowes bought for
for tweyne halpens ; and oon of hem is two farthynges; and none off them is
not in forseting bifore God ? forgotten of God ? :
. 4 But and alle the heeris of youre heed 7 Ye the very heers of youre heed are
ben noumbrid. Therfore nyle 5e drede ; nombred, Feare nott therfore; ye are
| beteran manegum spearwum.

8 Sóþlice ic eow secge, swá hwyle swa

| me andet befóran mannum, done
nes sunu andet beforan Godes englu

9 Se de me wið-sæcþ befóran man-

num, se byp wid-sacen befóran Godes
io And &le de seg) ænig word agen
mannes sunu, dam bip forgyfen; dam
de wider-sacap ongean Haligne Gast,
ne bip dam forgyfen.' ;

11 Donne hig lédap eow on gesam-

nunga, and to dugode-ealdrum, and
anwealdum, ne beo ge embe-pencende,
hú odde hwæt ge sprecon, odde and-
12 Hálig Gast eow lérp on dere tide,
— ;
í da ping de eow sprecan gebyrap.

13 Dá ewep sum of dam menegum,

Láreow, sege minum bréder, det he
| dæle uncer æhta wið me.
|i , . s
14 Da cwæþ he, Lá! man, hwá sette
me déman, odde dælend, ofer inc?

1g Då cwæþ he, Gýmaþ, and warniaþ

ASH ælce gýtsunge; fordam de nys
| nánes mannes lif on gytsunge of dam
l de he ah. ;

16 Da sæde he him sum bigspel,

Sumes weliges mannes æcer brohte forþ
| góde wæstmas.
17 Ðá þohte he on him sylfum, and
cwæþ, Hwæt dó ic, fordam ic næbbe
hwyder ie mine wzestmas gadrige ? a

18 Da cwæþ he, Dus ic dó;ic toweorpe

mine bernu, and ic wyrce máran, and ic
gaderige dyder eall det me gewexen
ys, and mine gód. À

19 And ie secge minre sáwle, Eala

siwel, dú hæfst mycele god ásette to
manegum gearum; gerest dé, et, and .
drine, and gewista.
20 Da ewep God to him, La dysega,
on disse nihte hig feccap dine sáwle |
XII. 8-20.]] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526, 357
3e ben of more priys than many spa- moare off value then many sparowes.
9 Treuli I seie to 30u, ech man which 8 I saye vnto you, whosoever con-
euer schal knowleche me byfore men, fesseth me before men, even hym shall
and mannis sone schal knowleche him the sonne off man confesse also before
bifore the aungelis of God. the angels of God.
9 Forsoth he that schal denye me bifor 9 And he that denyeth me before men,
men, schal be denyed bifore the aungelis shalbe denyed before the angels off
of God. God.
to And ech man that seith a word to And whosoever speaketh a worde
a3ens the sone of man, it schal be for- agaynste the sonne of man, itt shalbe
3ouun to him; sothli it schal not be forgeven hym; butt vnto hym thatt
foryouun to him, that blasfemeth a3ens blasphemeth the Holy Goost, it shall
1 the Hooly Gost. not be forgeven.
11 Forsoth whanne thei schulen leede 11 When they brynge you into their
3ou in to synagogis, and to magestatis, sinagoges, and vnto their rulers, and
and to potestatis, nyle 3e be bisy, how officiers, take noo thought, how or what
ether what 3e schulen answere, ether thynge ye shall answere, or what ye
what 3e schulen seye. shall speake.
12 Forsoth the Hooly Gost schal teche 12 For the Holy Goost shall teache
30u in that our, what it bihoueth 30u to you in the same houre, what ye ought
seye. to saye.
. 13 Forsoth sum man of the cumpany 13 Won off the company sayde vnto
seith to him, Maistir, seie to my bro- hym, Master, bid my brother devide
ther, that he departe with me the the enherytaunce with me.
14 And he seyde to him, A ! man, who 14 And he sayde vnto hym, Man! who
ordeynede me domesman, ether departer, made me a iudge, or a devider, over
on 30u? you!
. 15 And he seyde to hem, Se 3e, and 15 And he sayde vnto them, Take
be 3e war of al auarice ; for the lyf of a hede, and beware off coveteousnes ; for
man is not in the haboundanse of tho no mannes life stondeth in the habound-
thingis whiche he weldith. aunce of the thynges which he pos-
16 Sothli he seide to hem a liknesse, 16 And he put forth a similitude vnto
seiynge, The feeld of sum riche man them, sayinge, The londes of a certayne
| prouste forth plenteuous fruytis. mau brought forth frutes plenteously.
17 And he thouste with ynne him silf, 17 And he thought in hym silfe,
: seyinge, What schal I do, for I haue sayinge, Whatt shall I do, because
not whidir I schal gedere my fruytis? I have noo roume where to bestowe
my frutes?
18 And he seith, I schal do this thing ; 18 And he sayde, This will I do; I
I schal distrye my bernis, and I schal will destroye my barnes, and bilde
make grettere, and thidir I schal gedere greater, and ther in will I gadder all
alle thingis that growen to me, and alle my fruetes, and all my goodes.
my goodis.
19 And I schal seye to my soule, Soule, 19 And I will saye to my soule, Soule,
thou hast many goodis kept in to ful thou haste moch goodes layde vp in
manye 3eeris; reste thou, ete, drynke, stoore for many yeares; take thyne
and ete thou plenteuously. ease, eate, drynke, and be mery.
. 20 Sothli God seide to him, Fool, in 20 But God sayde vnto hym, Thou
this ny3t thei schulen axe of thee thi fole, this nyght will they fetche awaye
3o 8 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Luxe
fram dé. Hwæs beop da ping, de dú
gegearwodest Í

21 Swá is se de him sylfum strýnþ,-

and nis welig mid Gode.
22 Dá cwæþ he to his leorning-eniht--
um, Fordam ic eow secge, ne beo ge
ymbe-hydige eowre sáwle, hwæt ge eton,-
ne eowrum lichaman, hwæt ge serý-
23 Seo sáwel ys má donne se lichama:
and se lichama má donne Geet reaf.
24 Besceawiap da hrefnas, dst hig ne
sáwap, ne ne ripap, nabbap hig héddern,
ne bern, ac God hig fétt. Des de ma
ge synd hyra sélran?

25 Hwyle eower meg pencende icam

áne elne to his anlicnesse ?
26 Gyf ge dæt lesse ne mágon, hwi
synd ge be ódrum. þingum ymbe-
27 Sceawiap da lilian, ha hi wexap a
hi ne swincaþ, ne ne spinnap. Scplice
ie eow secge, det Salomon on eallum —
his wuldre nes geserydd swa dissa án.

28 Gyf God serytt det hig, de is to-

deg on æcere, and to-morgen forscrinep 5
swá mycele má God scrýt eow ge-
hwædes geleafan?

29 And nelle ge sécean, hwæt ge eton,.

odde drincon; and ne beo ge up-
30 Ealle das þing peoda séceap; eower
feeder wat, dæt ge dises bepurfon.

31 Deah hwedere séceaþ Godes rice,

and ealle dás þing eow beoþ ge-ihte.

32 Ne ondræd dà de, lá lytle heord,.

fordam eowrum fæder gelicode eow rice:
33 Syllap dat ge agon, and syllap
ælmessan. Wyrceap seodas da de ne:
forealdigeap, ungeteorodne gold-hord
on heofenum, dyder peof ne genealæcþ,
ne moppe ne gewemp.
34 Dar eower gold-hord is, dar byþ |
eower heorte."
XII. 21-34.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 359
soule. Forsothe whos schulen tho thingis thy soule agayne from the. Then whose
be, whiche thou hast maad redy? shall thoose thynges bo, which thou hast
provided ?
21 So is he that tresourith to him silf, 21 So is itt with hym thatt gaddreth
and is not ryche in God. ryches, and is not ryche in God.
22 And he seide to his disciplis, Ther- 22 And he spake vnto his disciples,
fore I seie to 30u, nyle 3e be bisy to Therfore I saye vnto you, take no
soure lyf, what 3e schulen ete, nethir to tought for youre lyfe, what ye shall
soure body, with what 5e schulen be eate, nether for youre body, what ye
elothid. shall putt on.
23 The lyf is more than mete, and the 23 The lyfe is moore then meate, and
body more than clothing. the body is moore then rayment.
24 Biholde 3e crowis, for thei sowen 24 Marcke wele the ravens, for they
not, nether repen, to whiche is no celer, nether sowe, nor repe, which nether
nether beerne, and God fedith hem. have stoore' housse, ner barne, and yet
How myche more 3e ben of more prys God fedeth them. "Howe moche are ye
than thei. better then the foules?
25 Forsothe who of 3ou bythenkynge 25 Which of you with takynge tought
may adde o cubite to his stature? can adde to his stature won cubytt?
26 Therfore if 5e mown not this that 26 Yf ye then be nott able to do that
is the leeste, what ben 3e bisy of othere thynge which is least, why take ye
thingis? thought for the remnaunt 1
27 Biholde se lilies of the feeld, how 27 "Consydere the lylies, howe they
thei wexen; thei trauelen not, neither growe; they laboure nott, they spyn
spynnen. Sothly I seye to 30u, for not. And I saye vnto you, Solomon in
nether Salomon in al his glorie was all his royalte was nott clothed lyke
clothid as oon of these. vnto one of these.
= 28 Forsothe if God clothith thus the 28 Yf God then soo cloth the grasse,
hey, which to day is in the feeld, and to which is to daye in the feldes, and to
morwe is sent in to a furneys; how morowe shalbe cast into the fornace ;
moche more 30u of litel feith? howe moche moore wyll he clothe you,
o ye endued with litell faith?
29 And nyle 3e seke, what 5e schulen 29 And axe nott, what ye shall eate,
ete, ethir what 3e schulen drynke ; and or what ye shall drynke ; nether clyme
nyle 3e be reysid in to an hi5. ye vp an hye.
30 Forsoth folkis of the world seken 30 For all suche thynges the hethen
ale thes thingis ; sothli 3oure fadir people of the worlde seke for; youre
woot, for 3e neden thes thingis. father knoweth, that ye have nede off
suche thynges.
31 Nethelees seke 5e first the kyngdom 31 Wherfore seke ye after the kyng-
of God, and alle thes thingis schulen be dome off heven, and all these thynges
cast to 3ou. shalbe ministred vnto you.
32 Nyle 5e, litil floc, drede, for it 32 Feare not, litell floocke, for it is
pleside to 30ure fadir to 3yue to 30u a youre fathers pleasure to geve you a
kyngdom. kyngdom.
33 Sille 3e tho thingis that 3e welden, 33 Sell that ye have, and geve almes.
and yyue 5e almes. Make 3e to 30u And make you bagges which wexe noot
gachels that wexen not olde, tresour not olde, and treasure that fayleth nott in
failinge in heuenes, whidur a theef ney3- heven, where noo thefe commeth, nether
eth not, neyther mowste distryeth. moth corrupteth.
34 Forsothe where thi tresour is, there 34 For where youre treasure ys, there
also thin herte schal be. will youre hertes be also.

"6e C'OTIIIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. Sr. Luxe
35 Sin eower lendenu begyrde, and
leoht-fatu byrnende;
36 And beo gelice dam mannum de
hyra hláfordes abidap, hwænne he sj
fram gyftum gecyrred, det hig him
sona ontjnon, donne he cymp, and
enucap. ;
37 Eadige synd da peowas, de se
hlaford wæccende gemét, donne he
cymp. Soplice ic eow secge, Get he
begyrt hine, and dép det hig sittap,
and gangende him pénap.

38 And gif he cymp on Gere æfteran

wæccan, odde on dere priddan, and dus
gemét, eadige synd da peowas.

39 Witap, deet gif se hiredes ealdor

wiste, hwænne se þeof cuman wolde,
witodlice he wacode, and ne gepafode
deet man his hús under-dulfe.

40 And beo ge were, fordam de man-

nes sunu cymp, dere tide de ge ne
41 Da eweep Petrus, Drihten, segst du
dis bigspell to us, hwæðer de to eal-
42 Da cwæþ Drihten, Hwa, wénst du,
det ys getrywe and gleaw dihtnere,
dene se hlaford geset ofer his hired, |
det he him hwétes gemet on timan
sylle ?
43 Eadig is se peow, de his hlaford
gemét dus dóndne, donne he cymp.

44 Soplice ic secge eow, det he gesett

hine ofer eall deet he ah.

45 Gyf donne se peow cwyp on hys

heortan, Min hláford uferap hys cyme;
and ágynp beatan da enihtas, and da
pinena, and etan, and drincan, and beon
46 Donne cymp des peowan hláford,
on dam dæge de he ne wénp, and Gere
tide de he nat ; and todælþ hine, and:
sett his dæl mid dam ungetreowum.

47 Soplice done peow de his hláfordes

willan wiste, and ne dyde efter his
XII. 35-47.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 361
35 Be 30ure leendes gird by fore, and 35 Lett youre loynes be gerdde about,
lanternes brennynge in 3oure hondis ; and youre lightes brennynge ;
$6 And be 3e lyk to men abydinge her 36 And ye youre selves lyke vnto men
lord, whanne he schal turne azen fro that watche for their master, when he
weddingis, that whanne he schal come, woll returne from a weddynge, that as
and knocke, anoon thei opene to him. sone as he commeth, and knocketh, they
maye open vnto hym.
37 Blessid ben tho seruauntis, whiche 37 Happy are thoose servauntes, which
whanne the Lord schal come, he schal their Lorde when he commeth, shall
_fynde wakynge. Treuli I seie to 3ou, fynde wakynge. Verely I saye vnto you,
that he schal bifore girde him, and he he will gerdde hym silfe about, and make
Schal make hem to sitte at the mete, them sitt doune to meate, and walke by
and he passinge schal mynystre to hem. them and minister vnto them.
38 And if he schal come in the secunde 38 And yf he come in the seconde
wakyng, and yf he schal come in the watche, ye yf he come in the thyrd
thridde wakynge, and schal fynde so, watche, and shall fynde them soo, happy
tho seruauntis ben blessid. are thoose servauntes.
39 Forsoth wite 5e this thing, for if an 39 This shall ye vnderstonde, that. yff
hosebonde man wiste, in what our the the good man of the housse had knowen,
theef wolde come, sothli he schulde what houre the thefe wolde have com-
wake, and not suffre his hous to be men, he wolde suerly have watched,
mynyd. and not have suffered his housse to have
bene broken vppe.
40 And be 3e redy, for in what our 30 40 Be ye prepared therfore, for the
gessen not, mannis sone schal come. sonne of man will come att an houre,
when ye thynke not.
4T Forsothe Petre seith to him, Lord, 41 Then Peter sayd vnto him, Master,
seist thou this parable to vs, ether to tellest thou this similitude vnto vs, or
alleí to all men?
42 Sothli the Lord seide, Who, gessist 42 And the Lorde said, Who is a faith-
thou, is a feithful dispender, and pru- full stewarde, and a discrete, whom his
dent, whom the lord ordeynede on his lorde shall make ruler over his hous-
meyne, that he 3yue to hem in tyme a holde, to geve them their dueti of meate
mesure of whete? at due season?
43 Blessid 4s that seruaunt, whom 43 Happy is that servaunt, whom his
whanne the lord schal come, he schal master, when he cometh, shall finde soo
fynde doynge so. doinge.
44 Verili I seie to 30u, for on alle 44 Of a trueth I saye vnto you, that
_ thingis which he weldith, he schal or- he will make him rueler over all that
- deyne him. he hathe.
45 That if thilke seruaunt schal seye 45 But and if the evyll servaunt shall
in his herte, My lord makith tariynge to sayein his hert, My master wyll differre
come; and bigynne to smyte children, his commynge; and shall begyn to
. and handmaydens, and ete, and drynke, smyte the servauntes, and maydens, and
and be fillid ouer mesure, to eate, and drynke, and to be dronken,
46 The lord of that seruaunt schal 46 The lorde off that servaunt wyll
come, in the day that he hopith not, come, in a daye when he thynketh nott,
and our that he wot not; and schal and att an houre when he is not ware ;
departe him, and schal putte his part and wyll devyde hym, and will geve
with vnfeithful men. him his rewarde with the onbelevers.
-. 47 Forsothe thilke seruaunt that knew 47 The servaunt that knowe his masters
. the wille of his lord, and made not him wyll, and prepared nott him silfe, nether
362 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sv. LUKE
hlafordes willan, he bip witnod man-
egum witum.
48 Done peow de his willan nyste, and
dealin dyde; sa he bip witnod
feawum witum. Ælcum de mycel ge-
seald is, him man mycel to sécp; and
et dam de hig micel befzston, hig
mycel biddap.

49 Fyr ie sende on eorpan, and hwæt

wylle ic, büton dæt hit bærne ?

50 Ic hæbbe on fulluhte beon gefullod,

and hú beo ic gepread, od hyt sy ge-
51 Wéne ge, fordam de ic com sybbe |
on eorpan sendan? Ne, secge ic eow,
ac todál.
52 Heonon-forp beop fife on ánum
hüse todélede; pry on twegen, and
twegen on pry beop todælede ;
53 Feder on sunu, and sunu on his
feeder ; móder on dóhter, and dóhter on
hyre moder; swegr on hyre snóre, and
snóru on hyre swegre.

54 And he cwæþ to dam folce, Donne

ge geseop da lyfte cumende on west-
dale, sóna ge cweðaþ, Storm cymp;
and hit swá byp.

55 And donne ge geseop sudan blawan,

ge secgap, Det .. . is toweard; and -
hit byp.
56 Lá liceteras, cunne ge áfandian
heofones ansyne and eorpan, himeta ná
afandige ge das tide ?

57 Hwi ne déme ge of eow-sylfum

d:et riht is?
58 Donne dú gest on wege mid dinum
wider-winnan to hwyleum ealdre, dó
det du beo fram him álysed; de-les
he dé sylle dam déman, and se déma
dam bydele, and se bydel dé sende on

59 Ic secge dé, Ne gast dü danone,


XII. 48-59.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 363
redy, and dide not vp his wille, schal be did accordynge to his will, shalbe beten
betun with many woundis. with many strypes.
48 Sothli he that knew not, and dide 49 Butt he that knewe nott, and hath
worthi thingis of woundis, schal be beten committed thynges worthy of strypes,
with fewe. Forsoth to ech man to shalbe beaten with feawe strypes. For
whom moche is 3ouun, moche schal be vnto whom moche ys geven, off hym
axid of hym ; and thei schulen axe shalbe moche requyred ; and to whom
more of him, to whom thei bitoken men moche commytt, the moare of hym
. moche. will they axe.
49 1 cam to sende fier in to erthe, and 49 I cam to sende fyre on erth, and
what wole I, no but that it be kyndelid? what ys my desyre, but that yt were all
redy kyndled ?
50 Sothli I haue to be baptisid with 50 Nott with stondinge I muste be
baptym, and hou am I constreyned, til baptised with a baptim, and how am
it be perfytli don ? I payned, till it be ended ?
51 Gessen 3e, for I cam to 3yue pees 51 Suppose ye, that I am come to
„im to erthe? Nay, I seye to 3ou, but sende peace on erth? I tell you, naye,
'departynge. but rather debate.
52 Forsoth fro this tyme ther schulen 52 For hence forthe there shalbe five
Ibe fyue departid in oon hous; thre in won housse devided ; thre agaynst
schulen be departid agens tweyne, and two, and two agaynst thre ;
tweyne schulen be departid agens thre ;
53 The fadir agens the sone, and the 53 The father shalbe devided agaynst
sone asens his fadir; the modir a3ens the sonne, and the sonne agaynst the
the dou3tir, and the dou3tir agens the father ; the mother agaynst the doughter,
modir ; the hosebondis modir agens the and the doughter agaynst the mother ;
sones wyf, and the sones wyf a3ens hir the motherelawe agaynst the doughtere-
hosebondis modir. lawe, and the doughterelawe against the
54 Forsoth he seid and to the cum- 54 Then sayde he to the people, When
panyes, Whanne 5e schulen se a cloude ye se a cloude ryse out off the west,
rysinge fro the sunne goynge doun, strayght waye ye saye, We shall have a
anon 3e seyn, Reyn cometh; and so it shewer ; and soo it is.
is don.
55 And whanne 5e seen the south blow- 55 And when ye se the south wynde
ynge, 5e seyen, For heete schal be ; and blow, ye saye, We shall have heet; and
so it is don. it commeth to passe.
56 Ypocritis, e han knowe to proue 56 Ypoerytes, ye can skyll of the fassion
the face of heuene and of erthe, but hou of the erth and of the skye, but what is
prouen 5e not this tyme? the cause that ye cannot skyll of this
57 Forsothe whi and of 3ou silf deme 57 Ye and why iudge ye nott off youre
se not this thing that is iust ? selves that which is rightewes?
58 Forsothe whanne thou goist with 58 Whill thou goest with thyne adver-
thin aduersarie to the prince in the weye, sary to the rueler as thou arte in the
syue thou bisynesse to be delyuered fro waye, geve diligence that thou mayst be
him; lest perauenture he drawe thee delivered from hym ; least he brynge
to the domesman, and the domesman the to the iudge, and the iudge deliver
bitake thee to the wrongful axere, and the to the ioylar, and the ioylar cast the
‘the wrongful axere sende thee in to in to preson.
59 Lseie to thee, Thou schalt not go 59 I tell the, Thou departest not

ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. Luxz
er dü ágylde done jtemestan feorp-

Crap. XIII. í Dar wæron sume on

dére tide, of Galileum him cydende,
dera blód Pilatus mengde mid heora
2 Da ewwp he him andswarigende,
Wéne ge, wæron da Galileiscan synfulle
to-foran eallum Galileiscum, fordam de
hig swyle poledon ?

3 Ne, secge ic, ná; ac ealle ge gelice

forweordap, büton ge dæd-bóte dón.

4 Swa da ehtatyne, ofer da feoll se

stypel on Syloá, and hig ofslóh, wéne
ge, det hig wæron scyldige ofer ealle
menn de on Hierusalem wunedon ?

5 Ne, secge ic; ac swá ge forweordap, a

búton ge dæd-bóte dón.*

6 Da sede he him dis bigspel Sum

man hæfde án fie-treow geplantod on
his win-gearde, dá com he and sóhte —

his westmas on him, dá ne fünde he
7 Da cwæþ he to dam hyrde, Nú synd
preo gear, syddan ic com wæstm sécende
on dissum fic-treowe, and ie ne finde; '
forceorf hine, hwi ofþricþ he dzet land?

8 Da cwæþ he, Hláford, læt hine gyt

dis gear, od ic hine bedelfe, and ie hine
beweorpe mid meoxe ;

9 And witodlice he wæstmas bring,

gif hit elles hwæt byþ ceorf hine syd-
10 Da wes he reste-dagum on heora
gesamnunge lærende.
IIT Da wes dar sum wif seo hefde
untrumnesse gást ehtatyne gear, and
heo wes ábogen, ne heo eallunga ne
mihte up-beseon.
12 Da se Hælend hig geseah, he
clypode hig to him, and sæde hyre,
Wif, du eart forléten of dinre un-
. *-umnesse.
XIII. 1-12.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 365
thennis, til thou 3elde also the last fer- thence, tyll thou have made goode the
thing. vtmose farthynge.

Crap. XIII. 1 Forsothe sum men Crap. XIII. 1 There were present
neiseden in that tyme, tellinge to him at the same season, that shewed hym of
of Galilees, whos blood Pilat myngede the Galileans, whose bloude Pilate meng-
with the sacrificis of hem. led with their awne sacrifice.
2 And he answeringe seide to hem, 2 And Jesus answered and sayde vnto
Wenen 3e, that thes men of Galilee them, Suppose ye, that these Galileans
weren synneris byfore alle Galileis, for were greater synners then all other
thei suffriden suche thingis? Galileans, be cause they suffred suche
punysshment ?
3 Nay, I seye to 30u; but alle 3e 3 I tell you, naye; but except ye re-
. Schulen perische in lyk manere, no but pent, ye shall all in lyke wyse perysshe.
= 3e schulen haue penaunce.
4 And as tho ten and ei3te, on which 4 Or thynke ye, that those xviij. apon
the tour of Siloa felde doun, and slou3 whom the toure in Siloe fell, and slewe
hem, gessen se, for and thei weren det- them, were synners above all men that
tours more than alle men dwellinge in dwell in Jherusalem ?
5 Nay, I sei to 30u; but also se alle 5 I tell you, naye ; butt excepte ye
schulen perische, if 5e schulen not do repent, ye all shall lyke wyse perisshe.
6 Forsothe he seide this lyknesse. Sum 6 He put forthe this similitude. A
man hadde a fyge tree plauntid in his certayne man had a fygge tree in his
vyner, and he cam sekynge fruyt in it, vyneyarde, and he cam and sought frute
and fond not. theron, and founde none.

4 Sothli he seide to the tilier of the 7 Then sayde he to the dresser of his
vyner, Loo! thre 3eeris ben, sithen I vyneyarde, Beholde ! this thre yeare,
come sekinge fruyt in this fyge tree, have I come and sought frute in this
and I fond not; therfore kitt it doun, fygge tree, and fynde none; cut it
wherto occupieth it, 3he, the erthe ? doune, why combreth hit the grounde?
8 And he answeringe seide to him, 8 And he answered and sayde vnto
Lord, suffre also this 3eer, til the while him, Lorde, lett it alone this yeare also,
I delue aboute it, and sende toordis ; till I digge rounde aboute it, and donge
9 And if it schal make fruyt, ellis in 9 To se whether it will beare frute, yt
tyme to comynge thou schalt kitte it not then after that cut hym doune.
10 Forsothe he was techinge in the ro He taught in won of their sina-
synagoge of hem in sabotis. gogges on the saboth dayes.
11 And loo! a womman that hadde a 11 And beholde! there was a woman
spirit of sykenesse ten and eiste 3eeris, which had a sprete off infirmitie .xviij.
and was bowid doun, nether in ony ma- yeares, and was bowed to gether, and
nere my3te looke vpward. coulde nott well lifte vp her silfe.
12 Whom whanne Jhesu hadde seyn, r2 When Jesus sawe her, he called her
he clepide to hym, and seide to hir, to hym, and sayde to her, Woman, thou
Womman, thou ert left of thi sykenesse. arte delivered from thy disease

856 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST. LUKE
13 And his hand hyre on sette, da
wes heo sóna up-áræred, and heo God
14 Da gebealh se dugude-ealdor hine,
fordam de se Heéiend on reste-dæge
hælde, and sæde dam menegum, Syx
dagas synd, on dam gebyrap det man
wyrce; cumap on dam, and beop ge-
hælede, and na on reste-dege.

15 Da andswarode se Hælend and

cwæþ, La liceteras, ne untgp eower ælc
on reste-dæge his oxan, odde assan,
fram deere binne, and læt to wætere Í

16 Ðás Abrahames dóhtor, de Satanas

geband, nü! ehtatyne gear, ne ge-
byrede hyre beon unbunden of dissum
bende on reste-dæge?
17 Ðá he dis sade, dá sceamod ealle
his wider-winnan. And eall fole. ge-
blissode on eallum, dam de wuldorfullice
fram him gewurdon.
18 Sóþlice he cwæþ, Hwam is Godes
rice gelic? and hwam wéne ie det hit
beo gelic?
19 Hit ys gelie senepes corne, det se
man onféng, and seow on his wyrt-tün ;
and hit weox, and wearp mycel treow, .
and heofenes fugelas reston on his
20 And eft he cwæþ, Hwam wéne ie
dæt Godes rice si gelic ?

21 Hit is gelic dam beorman, de det,

wif onféng, and behydde on dam melewe
þreo gemetu, od hit wearp eall áhafen.
22 Da férde he purh ceastra and —
castelu, to Hierusalem and dar lærde.

23 Da cwæþ sum man to him, Drihten,

feawa synd, de synd gehelede? Da
cwæþ he to him,
24 Efstaþ det ge gangon purh det
nearwe geat; fordam ie secge eow,
manega sécap det hig in-gán, and hi
ne mágon. ;
25 Donne se hiredes ealdor in-gæp,
and his duru beclyst, ge standap deer
üte, and da duru cnuciaþ, and ewedap,
Drihten, atyn us. Donne ewyp he to
XIII. 13-25.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 367
13 And he puttide to hir the hoondis, 13 And he layde his hondes on her,
and a non she was reysid, and glorifiede and immediatly she was made strayght,
God. and glorified God.
14 Sothli the prince of synagoge an- I4 The ruler off the sinagoge answered,
sweringe, hauynge dedeyn for Jhesu with indignacion be cause that Jesus
hadde heelid in the saboth, seide to the had healed on the saboth daye, and
cumpany, Sixe dayes ben, in whiche it sayde vnto the people, There are sixe
bihoueth to wirche; therfore come in dayes in the weke, in which men ought
thes, and be 3e heelid, and not in the to worke ; in them come, and be healed,
dayes of saboth. and nott on the saboth daye.
15 Forsothe the Lord answeringe to 15 Then answered hym the Lorde and
him seide, Ypoerite, wher ech of 3ou sayd, Ypoeryte, doth not eache one of
vntyeth not in the saboth his oxe, ethir you on the saboth daye loose his oxe,
asse, fro the stable, and ledith for to or his asse, from the stall, and leade
watre ? i hym to the water?
16 Bihofte it not this doustre of Abra- 16 And shulde not this doughter of
ham, whom Sathanas hath bounden, loo! Abraham be loosed from this bonde on
ten and eite seeris, to be vnbounden of the saboth daye, whom Sathan hath
this bond in the day of saboth 1 bounde, loo! xviij. yeares ?
17 And whanne he seide thes thingis, 17 And when he thus sayde, all his
alle his aduersaries weren aschamyd. adversaris were ashamed. And all the
And al the peple ioyede in al thingis, people reioysed on all the excellent
that weren don gloriously of him. dedes, that were done by hym.
18 Therfore he seide, To what thing is 18 Then sayde he, What is the kyng-
„the rewme of God lyk? and to what dom of God lyke? or where to shall I
thing schal I gesse it to be lyk? compare it?
19 It is lyk to a corn of seneuey, which 19 It is lyke a grayne of mustard seede,
takun, a man sente in to his 3erd; and which a man toke, and sowed in his
- it wax, and was maad in to a greet tree, garden; and it grewe, and wexed a
and fowelis of the eyr restiden in the greate tree, and the foules off the ayer
braunchis therof. bilt in the braunches of it.
20 And eftsone he sayd, To what thing 20 And agayne he sayde, Where vnto
schal I gesse the kyngdom of God shall I lyken the kyngdom of God?
21 It is lyk to sourdows, which takun, 21 It is lyke leven, which a woman
. a womman hidith in thre mesuris of toke, and hidde in thre busshels of floure,
mele, til al were sourdowid. till all was thorow levended.
` 22 And he wente by citees and castels, 22 And he went thorowe cities and
. techinge and makinge iurney in to Jeru- tounes, teachynge and toke his iorney
salem. towardes Jerusalem.
23 Sothli sum man seide to him, Lord, 23 Then sayde won vnto hym, Lorde,
if there ben fewe, that ben sauyd? Sothli are there feawe, that shalbe saved? And
— he seide to hem, he sayde vnto them,
24 Stryue 5e for to entre by the streit 24 Stryve with youreselves to enter in
gate ; for I seye to 30u, many men seken at the strayte gate; for many, I saye
- for to entre, and thei schulen not mowe. vnto you, will seke to enter in, and shall
nott be able.
- 25 Forsothe whanne the hosebonde 25 When the good man of the housse is
man hath entrid, and closid the dore, risen vp, and hathe shett fast the dore,
se schulen bigynne to stonde with oute and ye begyn to stonde with out, and
forth, and knocke the dore, seyinge, to knocke at the dore, saynge, Lorde,
368 GOTHIC, 360 ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. LUKE
eow, Ne can ic eow, nat ie hwanon ge

26 Donne ongynne ge cwedan, We

ston and druncon befóran dé, and on
trum strætum du lærdest.
24 Donne segp he eow, Ne cann ic
hwanon ge synd; gewitap fram me,
ealle unriht-wyrhtan.
28 Dar bip wop and tópa grystlung,
donne ge geseop Abraham, and Isaac,
and Iacob, and ealle witegan on Godes
rice ; and ge beop ut-adrifene.

29 And hig cumaþ fram east-dæle and

west-dæle, and norp-déle . . .. and |
sittap on Godes rice.

3o And efne! synd ytemeste, da de

beop fyrmeste ; and synd fyrmeste, da
de beop ytemeste.
31 On dam dæge him genealehton
sume Farisei, and him sædon, Far, and
gá heonon, fordam de Herodes dé wyle
32 And da cwæþ he to him, Gap, and
secgap dam foxe, Deofol-seocnessa ic út- -
ádrife, and ic hæla gefremme, to-dæg
and to-morgen, and priddan dæge ic
beo fornumen.
33 Deah hwæðere me gebyrep to-dæg, -
and to-morgen, and dy æfteran dæge,
gin; fordam de ne gebyrep det se
witega forweorde bütan Hierusalem.
34 Ealá Hierusalem, Hierusalem, dú
de da witegan ofslyhst, and heust da |
de to.dé ásende synd, hü oft ic wolde
dine bearn gegaderian, swá se fugel dép
his nest under his fiderum, and du
35 Nú! bip eower hús eow forlæten. |
Séplice ic eow secge, det ge me ne
geseop, erdam de cume se, donne ge
cweðaþ, Gebletsod sy, se de com on
Drihtnes naman. i


Crap. XIV. tı Da wes geworden,

dá he eode on sumes Farisea ealdres
hús, on reste-dæge, deet he hláf sete, and
hig begymdon hine.

XIII. 26.-XIV. 1.) WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, r526. 369
Lord, opyne to vs. And he answeringe lorde, open vnto vs. And he shall an-
schal seye to 30u, I knowe not 30u, of swer and saye vnto you, I knowe nott
whennis 3e ben. whence ye are.
26 Thanne 5e schulen bigynne to seye, 26 Then shall ye begyn to saye, We
We han ete and drunke bifore thee, and have eaten and dronken in thy presence,
in oure streetis thou hast taust. and thou hast naught in oure stretes.
27 And he schal seye to 3ou, I knowe 27 And he shall saye, I tell you I wott
not 30u, of whennis 3e ben; go 3e awey nott whence ye are; departe from me,
fro me, alle worcheris of wickidnesse. all ye workers off iniquytie.
28 Ther schal be wepinge and betinge 28 There shalbe wepynge and gnassh-
to gidere of teeth, whanne 3e schulen se ynge of teth, when ye shall se Abraham,
| Abraham, and Ysaac, and J acob, and and Ysaae, and Jacob, and all the pro-
_ alle prophetis in the kyngdom of God; phetes in the kyngdom of God; and
- sothli 30u to be put out. youre selves thrust oute a dores.
29 And thei schulen come fro the eest 29 And they shall come from the eest
- and west, and fro the north and south, and from the weest, and from the northe
and sitte at the mete in the rewme of and from the southe, and shall reest in
. God. the kingdom of God.
3o And loo! thei that weren firste, 30 And beholde! there are last, which
_ ben the laste ; and thei that weren the shalbe fyrst; and there are fyrst, which
„last, ben the firste. shalbe last. ,
31 In that day summe of Pharisees 31 The same daye there cam certaine
. camen ny3, seyinge to him, Go out, and of the Pharises, and sayd vnto him,
go hennis, for Eroude wole slee thee. Gett the out of the waye, and departe
hence, for Herode will kyll the.
' 32 And he seith to hem, Go 3e, and 32 And he sayd vnto them, Goo ye,
seye ge to that fox, Loo! I caste out and tell that foxe, Beholde! I cast oute
-fendis, and I make perfitly heelthis, to devils, and heale the people, to daye and
day and to morwe, and the thridde day to morowe, and the thyrd daye I make
I ain endid. an ende.
33 Netheles it bihoueth me to day, 33 Neverthelesse I must walke, to daye,
aud to morwe, and the day suynge, to and to morowe, and the daye folowinge ;
Walke; for it fallith not a prophete to for it cannott be that a prophet perisshe
perische out of Jerusalem. eny other where save att Jerusalem.
34 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that sleest 34 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which kill-
prophetis, and stoonest hem that ben est prophetes, and stonest them that are `
sent to thee, hou ofte wolde I gedere to sent to the, howe often wolde I have
gidere thi sones, as a brid his nest vnder gadered thy children to gedder, as the
pennes, and thou noldist. hen her nest vnder her wynges, and
thou woldest nott.
35 Loo! 30ure hous schal be left to 35 Beholde! youre habitacion shalbe
30u desert. Sothli I seie to sou, for 5e left vnto you desolate. For I tell you,
Schulen not se me, til it come, whanne ye shall not se me, vntill the time come,
3e schulen seye, Blessid is he, that that ye shall saye, Blessed ys he, that
cometh in the name of the Lord. commeth in the name off the Lorde.

Cmar. XIV. 1 And it was don, Crap. XIV. 1 And it chaunsed, that
whanne he had entrid in to the hous of he went into the housse of won off the
sum prince of Pharisees, in the saboth, chefe Pharises to eate breed, on a saboth
to ete breed, and thei aspieden him. daye, and they watched des
370 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Lure

2 Da wes dar sum wæter-seoc man

befóran him.
3 Da cwæp se Hælend to dam æ-gleaw-
um and Fariseum, Is hit alyfed det man
on reste-dagum hele ?

4 Dâ súwodon hig. Dé nam he hine

and gehælde, and forlét hyne.

5 Da cwæþ he to him, andswariende,

Hwylees eowres assa odde oxa befealp
on anne pytt, and ne tihp he hyne hræd-
lice up on reste-dæge?
6 Dà ne mihton hig ágén dis him ge-
andwyrdan. :
7 Da sæde he sum bigspel be dam in- —
gelapedon, gymende hu hig da fyrmestan
setl gecuron, and dus ewzep,

8 Donne dü byst to gyftum gelapod,

ne site Gi on dam fyrmestan setle ; de-
les wénunga sum weorpfulra sig in-
gelapod fram him,
9 And donne cume se de dé in-ge-
lapode, and secge dé, Rym dysum men
caia a ee sma aftumistan setl, and dü donne mid sceame nyme
buban stah. l deet ytemeste setl.
ro Ak pan haitaizau, atgaggands, an- ro Ac donne dú geclypod byst, ga,©
-akembei ana pamma aftumistin stada, ei and site on dam ytemestan setle, dæt se
bipe qimai, saei haihait þuk, qipai du de dé in-gelapode, donne he cymp, ewede
pus, Friyond, usgagg hauhis. Panuh to dé, Lá freónd, site ufer. Donne byp
ist pus hauhipa faura þaim mipanakumb- dé weorpmynt befóran mid-sittendum.
vandam pus.

rr Unte whazuh saei hauheip sik silba, 11 Fordam &le de hine up-áhefp, bip
gahnaiwyada ; yah saei hnaiweip sik genyderod ; and se de hine nyderap, se -
silban, ushauhyada. bip up-áhafen.
12 Qapup-pan yah þamma haitandin 12 Da cwæþ he to dam, de hine in-ge- -
sik, Dan waurkyais undaurnimat, aippau lapode, Donne dú dést wiste, odde feorme, |
nahtamat, ni haitais friyonds peinans, ne clypa dá dine frynd, ne dine ge- |
nih bropruns peinans, nih nipyans pein- bródru, ne dine eüdan, ne dine welegan
ans, nih garaznans gabeigans ; ibai aufto nehheburas ; de-les hi dé ágén lapion, —
yah eis aftra haitaina puk, yah wairpip and dú hæbbe edlean. A |
pus usguldan.
: |
13 Ak pan waurkyais dauht, hait un- 13 Ac donne dú gebeorscype dó, elypa|
ledans, gamaidans, haltans, blindans, pearfan, and wanhále, and healte, and
blinde, e
14 Yah audags wairpis ; unte eis ni 14 Donne bist da eadig; fordam de
haband usgildan pus, usgildada auk pus hi nabbap, hwanon hig hit dé forgyldon,
in ustassai pize uswaurhtane. sóþlice hit byþ dé forgolden on rihtw.sra

XIV.2-14.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 371
2 And loo! sum man syk in ydropesie 2 And beholde! there was a man be-
was bifore him. fore hym which had the dropsy.
3 And Jhesu answeringe seide to the 3 And Jesus answered and spake vnto
wyse men of lawe, and to Pharysees, the lawears, and Pharises, sayinge, Ig hit
seiyinge, Where it is leeful for to heele laufull to heale on the saboth daye?
in the sabotis ?
4 And thei heelden pees. Forsothe 4 And they helde their peace. He
— Jhesu heelide him takun to, and lefte. toke the man and healed him, and lett
hym goo.
5 And he answeringe to hem, seyde, 5 And answered them sayinge, Whiche
Whos asse ether oxe of 3oure schal falle of you shall have an asse or an oxe fallen
in to a pitt, and not a non he schal into a pitt, and will nott straight waye
drawe out him on the day of sabot? pull him out on the saboth daye?
6 And thei mysten not answere to him 6 And they coulde not answer hym
to thes thingis. agayne to that.
7 Forsothe he seyde also a parable to 7 He putt forthe a similitude to the
men bodun to a feeste, biholdinge how gestes, when he marked howe they
thei chesiden the firste seetis, seyinge preased to the hyest roumes, and sayd
to hem, vnto them,
8 Whanne thou schalt be bedun to wed- 8 When thou arte bidden to a wedd-
dingis, sitte thou not at the mete in the ynge of eny man, sitt nott doune in the
firste place ; lest perauenture a worschip- hyest roume; lest a more honorable
fullere than thou be bedun of him, man then thou be bidden of hym,
9 And he eomynge that clepide thee 9 And he that badde bothe hym and
D and him, seye to thee, 3yue place to the come, and saye to the, Geve this
this, and thanne thou schalt bigynne man roume, and thou then begyn with
with schame to holde the laste place. shame to take the lowest roume.
ro But whanne thou schalt be bedun 10 But rather when thou arte bidden,
to feeste, go, and sitte doun in the laste goo, and sit in the lowest roume, that
_ place, that whanne he schal come, that when he that bade the commeth, he
bad thee to feeste, he seye to thee, maye saye vnto the, Frende, sitt vp
. Frend, stize hijere. Thanne glorie schal hyer. Then shalt thou have preyase in
be to thee bifore men syttinge to gidere the presence of them that sitt at meate
at the mete. with the.
11 For ech that enhaunsith him silf, 1I For whosoever exalteth hym silfe,
_ Schal be maad low; ; and he that mekith shalbe brought lowe ; and he that hum-
him silf, schal be hised. bleth him silfe, shalbe exalted.
12 Forsoth he seide also to him, that 12 Then sayde he also to him, that
- hadde bedun him to the feeste, Whanne bade him to diner, When thou makest
thou makist a mete, ether souper, nyle

à diner, or a supper, call not thy frendes,
thou clepe thi frendis, nether thi bri- nor thy brethren, nether thy kinsmen,
theren, nethir cosyns, nethir neizeboris, nor yet riche neghbours ; lest they bidde
nether riche men ; lest perauenture and the agayne, and make the rec^mpence.
- thei bidde thee azen to feeste, and seld-
inge agen be maad to thee.
13 But whanne thou makist a feeste, 13 Butt when thou makest a feast, call
elepe pore men, feble men, crokid, and the povre, the maymed, the lame, and
b'ynde, ; the blinde,
a4 And thou schalt be blessid ; for 14 And thou shalt be happy ; for they
thei han not, wher of to 3elde to thee, cannot recompenee the, butt thou shalt
- forsoth it schal be 3oldun to thee in the be recompensed at the resurreecion of
= risyng agen of iuste men, the iuste men.

: Bb2

372 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Luke

15 Gahausyands pan sums pizei an- 15 Da dis gehýrde sum of dam sittend-
akumbyandane pata, qap du imma, Aud- um, dá cwæþ he, Eadig is se, de hláf
ags, saei matyip hlaif in piudangardyai yt on Godes rice.*
16 Paruh qap imma Frauya, Manna 16 Da sæde he him, Sum man worhte
gums gawaurhta nahtamat mikilana, yah | mycele feorme, and manega gelapode.
haihait managans.
17 Yah insandida skalk seinana wheilai | ry Da sende he his þeowan to dere
nahtamatis, qipan paim haitanam, gagg- feorme timan, det he sæde dam gelap-
ip unte yu manwu ist allata. edum, det hig comon, fordam de ealle
ping gearwe wæron.
18 Yah dugunnun suns faurqipan allai. 18 Da ongunnon hig ealle hig beladian.
Sa frumista qap, Laud bauhta, yah parf Se forma him sæde, Ic bohte ænne tún,
galeipan, yah saiwhan pata ; bidya puk, ie hæbbe neode dst ic fare, and hine
habai mik faurqipanana. geseo ; ic bidde dé, det da me be-
19 Yah anþar qap, Yuka auhsne us- r9 Da cwæþ se óder, Ic bohte án ge-
bauhta fimf, yah gagga kausyan pans; tyme oxena, nú wille ic faran and fand-
bidya puk, habai. mik faurqipanana. ian hyra ; nú bidde ic dé, beláda me.

20 Yah sums qap, Qen liugaida; yah 20 Da cwæþ sum, Ic lædde wif hâm ;
dupe ni mag qiman. fordam ic ne meg cuman.
21"Yah qimands sa skalks, gataih frau- 21 Da cyrde se peowa, and cydde his
yin seinamma pata. Panuh pwairhs sa hláforde dæt. Ðá cwæþ se hlaford mid
gardawaldands, qap du skalka seinamma, yrre to dam þeowan, Gá hraðe on da
Usgagg sprauto in gatwons yah staigos stráta and on wie disse ceastre, and
baurgs, yah unledans, yah gamaidans, pearfan, and wanhále, and blinde, and
yah blindans, yah haltans attiuh hidre. healte led hider in.

22 Yah qap sa skalks, Frauya, warp, 22 Da cwæþ se peowa, Hláford, hit ys

swe anabaust, yah nauh stads ist. gedón, swa dá bude, and nú gyt her is
semtig stow.
23 Yah qap sa frauya du pamma skalka, 23 Da ewep se hláford da gyt to dam
Usgagg and wigans yah fapos, yah naupei peowan, Ga geond dis wegas and hegas.
innatgaggan, ei usfulnai gards meins. and nyd hig det hig gan in, det min
his si gefylled.
24 Qipa allis izwis, patei ni ainshun 24 Soplice ic eow secge, det nan deera
manne yainaize pize faura haitanane, manna de geclypode synd, ne onbyrigeaþ
kauseip pis nahtamatis meinis. minre feorme.*
25 Mipiddyedun pan imma hiuhmans 25 Sóþlice mid him férde mycel mæn-
managai; yah gawandyands sik, qap ego; dá cwæp he, to him bewend,
du im,
26 Yabai whas gaggip du mis, yah ni 26 Gyf hwá to me cymp, and ne hatap
fiyaip attan seinana, yah aipein, yah qen, his feeder, and móder, and wif, and
yah barna, yah bropruns, yah swistruns, bearn, and bródru, and swustra, and
nauhup-pan seina silbins saiwala, ni mag donne gyt his sáwle, ne meg he beon
meins siponeis wisan. min leorning-cniht. j
27 Yah saei ni bairip galgan seinana, 27 And se de ne byrp hys cwylminge,
yah gaggai afar mis, ni mag wisan meins and cymp æfter me, ne meg he beon
siponeis. min leorning-cniht. |
28 Izwara whas raihtis wilyands kelikn 28 Hwyle eower wyle timbrian ánne
XIV. 15-28.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 373
I5 Whanne sum man of sittinge at the 15 When won of them that sate at
mete had herd thes things, he seide to meate also herde that, he sayde vnto
hym, Dlessid 4s he, that schal ete breed hym, Happy is he, that eateth breed in
in the rewme of God. the kyngdome of God.
16 And he seide to him, Sum man 16 Then sayd he to hym, A certayne
maade a greet souper, and clepide man ordened a greate supper, and bade
manye. many.
17 And he sente his seruaunt in the 17 And sent his servaunt att supper
our of souper, to seye to men bedun to time, to saye to them that wer bidden,
feeste, that thei schulden come, for now come, for all thynges are redy.
alle thingis ben redy.
18 And alle bigunnen to gidere to ex- 18 And they all atonce began to make
cuse. The firste seide, I haue bou3t a excuse. The fyrst sayd vnto him, I
toun, and I haue nede to go out, and to have bought a ferme, and I must nedes
se it ; I preie thee, haue me excusid. goo, and se it; I praye the, have me
19 And the tothir seide, I haue boust 19 And another sayd, I have bought
fyue 30kis of oxen, and I go to proue fyve yooke of oxen, and I must goo
hem ; I preie thee, haue me excusid. to prove them; I praye the, have me
20 And an othir seide, I haue weddid 20 The thyrde sayd, I have maried a
a wyf; and therfore I may not come. wyfe ; and therfore I cannot come.
21 And the seruaunt turnyd asen, 21 And the servaunt went agayne; and
- toolde thes thingis to the lord. Thanne brought his master worde there of.
"the hosebonde man wroth, seide to his Then was the good man of the housse
seruaunt, Go out soone in to grete displeased, and sayd to his servaunt,
stretis and smale streetis of the citee, Goo out quickly into the stretes and
and brynge in hidur pore men, and quarters of the citie, and brynge in
feble, and blynde, and crokid. hidder the povre, and the maymed, and
the halt, and the blinde.
_22 And the seruaunt seith, Lord, it is 22 And the servaunt sayd, Lorde, it is
. don, as thou hast comaundid, and sit done, as thou commaundest, and yet
place is. there is roume.
23 And the lord seith to the seruaunt, 23 And the lorde sayd to the servaunt,
Go thou into weyes and heggis, and Go out into the hie wayes and hedges,
constreyne for to entre, that myn hous and compell them to come in, that my
be fillid. housse maye be filled.
24 Forsothe I seie to 30u, for noone 24 For I saye vnto you, that zone of
of tho men that ben clepid, schal taaste those men which were bidden, shall tast
my souper. of my supper.
25 Sothli many cumpanyes wenten 25 There went a greate company with
with him ; and he turned, seide to hem, him; and he turned, and saide vnto
26 If ony cometh to me, and hatith 26 Yf aman come to me, and hate not
not his fadir, and modir, and wyf, sones, his father, and mother, and wyfe, and
and britheren, and dou3tris, 3it forsoth children, and brethren, and sisters, more
and his lyf, he may not be my disciple. over and his awne life, he cannot be
my disciple.
27 And he that berith not his cross, 27 And whosoever beare nott hys
and cometh aftir me, may not be my crosse, and come after me, cannot be
disciple. my disciple.
28 Forsoth who of 30u willinge to 28 Which of you is he that is desposed
374 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. LUKE
timbryan, niu frumist gasitands rabneip stýpel, hú ne sytt he rest and telep da
manwipo, babaiu du ustiuhan ? andfengas de him behéfe synd, hwæðer
he hæbbe hine to full-fremmenne !
29 Íbai aufto bipe gasatidedi grundu- 29 De-les syddan he dene grúnd-weall
waddyu, yah ni mahtedi ustiuhan, allai legp, and ne mæg hine full-fremman, ealle
pai gasaiwhandans, duginnaina bilaikan de hit geseop, ágynnon hine tælan,
30 Qiþandans, Datei sa manna dustod- 30 And ewedan, Hwæt des man agan
ida timbryan, yah ni mahta ustiuhan. timbrian, and ne mihte hit ge-endian.
31 Aippau whas piudans gaggands stigq- 31 Odde gyf hwyle cyning wyle faran
an wipra anparana piudan du *wiganna, and feohtan ágén 6derne cyning, hú ne
niu gasitands faurpis pankeip, siaiu maht- sit he ær and þencþ, hwæðer he mage
eigs mip taihun pusundyom gamotyan mid tyn püsendum cuman agen done
pamma mip twaim tigum pusundyo gagg- de him ágén cymp mid twentigum þú-
andin ana sik? sendum ?
32 Eipau yabai nist mahteigs, nauh- 32 And gif he donne wid hine gefeoht-
panuh fairra imma wisandin, insandyands an ne meg, he sent æryndracan,
airu, bidyip gawairpyis. and bitt sibbe.
33 Swah nu wharyizuh izwara, saei 33 Witodlice swá is ele of eow, de ne
ni afqipip allamma aigina seinamma, ni wið-sæcþ eallum þingum de he ah, ne
mag wisan meins siponeis. mæg he beon min leorning-cniht.
34 God salt ; ip yabai salt baud wairpip, 34 Gód ys sealt; gif hit awyrp, on
whe gasupoda? dam de hit gesylt bip?

35 Nih du airpai, ni du maihstau fagr 35 Nis hit nyt ne on eorpan, ne on

ist, ut uswairpand imma. Saei habai myxene, ac hyt bip út-áworpen. Gehýre,
ausona gahausyandona, gahausyai. se de earan hæbbe to gehýrenne.

Cmar. XV. x Wesunup-pan imma Cmar. XV. fr Sóþlice him genea-

newhyandans sik allai motaryos yah fra- læhton mánfulle and synfulle, dst hig
waurhtai hausyan imma. his word gehýrdon.
2 Yah birodidedun Fareisaieis yah bok- 2 Da murenedon da Farisei and da
aryos, qipandans, Datei sa frawaurhtans bóceras, and ewædon, Des onfebp syn-
andnimip, yah mipmatyip im. fulle, and mid him ytt.
3 Qap pan du im po gayukon, qipands, 3 Da cwæþ he dis bigspel to dam,

4 Whas manna izwara aigands taihun- 4 Hwyle man is of eow de hæfþ hund |
tehund lambe, yah fraliusands ainamma scenpa, and gif he forlyst án of dam, ha -
pize, niu bileipip po niuntehund yah ne forlét he donne nigon and hund
niun ana aupidai, yah gaggiþ afar pamma nigontig on dam wéstene, and gæþ to
fralusanin, unte bigitip pata? dam de forwearp, od he hit fint ?
5 Yah bigitands, uslagyip ana amsans 5 And donne he hit fínt, he hit set on
seinans faginonds ; his exla geblissiende ;
6 Yah qimands in garda galapop fri- 6 And donne he ham cymp, he to-
yonds yah garaznans, qipands du im, somne elypap hys frynd and his nehhe-
Faginop mip mis, pammei bigat lamb buras, and ewyp, Dlissiap mid me, fordam -
mein, pata fralusano. ic finde min sceap, de forwearp.

4 Qipa izwis, patei swa faheds wairþiþ 7 le secge eow, det swá byþ on heofone
XIV. 29.-XV. 7.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 375
bylde a tour, wher he sittinge countith to bilde a toure, and sitteth not doune
not first the spensis that ben nedful, if before and counteth the cost, whether
he haue to performe? | he have sufficient to performe it ?
29 Lest aftir he hath sett,the founde- 29 Lest after he hathe layde the foun-
ment, and my3te not performe, alle that dacion, and is nott able to performe it,
seen, bigynne to scorne him, all that beholde it, begyn to moocke
30 Seyinge, For this man bigan to 30 Sayinge, This man began to bilde,
bilde, and my3te not ende. and was not able to make an ende.
31 Ether what kyng to goynge to 31 What kynge goeth to make batayle
make batel agens another kyng, wher agaynst another kynge, and sitteth not
he sittinge bythenkith not first, if he doune fyrst and casteth in his mynde,
may with ten thousynd go agens him wether he be able with ten thousande
"that cometh to him with twenty thou- to mete him that cometh agaynst hym
synd? with twenty, thousand ?
32 Ellis him sit doinge a fer, he send- 32 Or els whill the other is yett a
inge a messanger, preieth tho thingis greate waye off, he will sende embasseat-
that ben of pees. ours, and desyre peace.
33 So therfore ech of 30u, that re- 33 Soo lyke wyse none of you, that
» nouncith not alle thingis whiche he forsaketh nott all that he hathe, can be
-weeldith, may not be my disciple. my disciple.
34 Salt is good thing; forsoth if salt 34 Salt is good ; but if salt be corupte,
schal vanysche, in what thing schal it what shall be seasoned there with?
be sauerid ?
35 Nether in erthe, nether in the 35 It is nether good for the londe, nor
dunghil it is profitable, but it schal be yet for the donge hill, men cast it out
sent out. He that hath eeris of heer- at the dores. He that hath eares to
inge, heere. heare, let him heare.

Cuar. XV. í Forsothe pupplicans Cuar. XV. 1 Then resorted vnto

sud. synful men weren neijinge to him, him all the publicans and synners, for
cat thei schulden heere him. to heare him.
2 And Farisees and scribis grucchiden, 2 And the Pharises and scribes grudged,
-seyinge, For this man receyueth synful sainge, He receaveth to his company
men, and etith with hem, synners, and eateth with them.
..3 And he scith to hem this parable, 3 Then put he forthe this similitude to
selynge, them, sayinge,
4 What man of jou that hath an hun- 4 What man of you havynge an hun-
ärid scheep, and if he hath lost oon of dred shepe, if he loose one of them,
hem, wher he lecuith not nynty and doth not leve nynty and nyne in the
vpne in desert, and goth to it that wildernes, and goo after hym which is
perischide, til he fynde it? loost, vntill he fynde hym ?
z And whanne he hath founden it, he 5 And when he hath founde hym, he
ioyinge puttith on his shuldris ; putteth hym on his shulders with ioye ;
6 And he comynge hoom clepith to 6 And as sone as he commeth home he
^ gaere his frendis and nei3ebors, seyinge calleth to gedder his lovers and negh-
io hem, Thanke 3e me, for I haue bours, sayinge vnto them, Reioyse with
founden my scheep, which hadde per- me, for I have founde my shepe, which
ischid. was loost.
7 Sothly I seye to jou, so ioye schal 4 I say vnto you, that lyke wyse ioye
376 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. LUKE |
in himina in ainis frawaurhtis idreigond- blis be ánum synfullum de dæd-bóte
ins, pau in niuntehundis yah niune ga- dép, mà donne ofer nigon and nigontig-
raihtaize, paiei ni paurbun idreigos. um rihtwisra, de dæd-bóte ne bepurfon.

8 Aippau suma qino drakmans haband- 8 Odde hwile wif hæfþ tyn seyllingas,
ei taihun, yabai fraliusip drakmin ain- gif heo forlyst ænne scylling, hú ne on-
amma, niu tandeiþ lukarn, yah usbaug- &lp heo hyre leoht-fæt, and awent hyre
eip razn, yah sokeip glaggwaba, unte hus, and sécþ geornlice, od heo hine
bigitip? fínt?
9 Yah bigitandei, gahaitip friyondyos 9 And donne heo hine fint, heo clypap
yah garaznons, qipandei, Faginop mip hyre frynd and nehhebyryna, and ewyp,
mis, unte bigat drakmein, pammei fra- Blyssiaþ mid me, fordam ic fünde minnə |
laus. scylling, de ic forleas.

1o Swa qipa izwis, faheds wairpip in to le secge eow, swá bip blis befóran
andwairpya aggele Gups in ainis idreig- Godes englum be ánum synfullum de
ondins frawaurhtis. dæd-bóte dép.
11 Qapup-pan, Manne sums aihta twans rr He cwæþ, Sóplice sum man hæfde
sununs ; twegen suna ;
12 Yah qap sa yuhiza ize du attin, 12 Da cwæþ se gingra to his feeder,
Atta, gif mis, sei undrinnai mik, dail Feeder, syle me minne del minre æhte,
aiginis. Yah disdailida im swes sein. de me to gebyrep. Da dælde he him
his æhte.

13 Yah afar ni managans dagans, brahta 13 Da efter feawa dagum, ealle his
samana allata sa yuhiza sunus, yah aflaip ping gegaderode se gingra sunu, and
in land fairra wisando ;- yah yainar ferde wræclice on feorlen rice ; and for-
distahida pata swes seinata libands us- spilde dar his æhta lybbende on his
stiuriba. gælsan.
14 Dipe pan frawas allamma, warp 14 Ðá he hig hæfde ealle ámyrrede, Í
huhrus abrs and gawi yainata, yah is dà wearp mycel hunger on dam rice,
dugann alaparba wairpan. and he wearp weedla.

15 Yah gaggands, gahaftida sik sum- 15 Da férde he, and folgode ánum
amma baurgyane yainis gauyis. Yah burh-sittendum men dees rices. Da
insandida ina haipyos seinaizos, haldan sende he hine to his tune, dæt he heolde
sweina. his swyn.
16 Yah gairnida sad itan haurne poei 16 Da gewilnode he his wambe gefyl-
matidedun sweina, yah manna imma ni lan of dam bean-coddum de da swyn
gaf. æton, and him man ne sealde.
17 Qimands pan in sis, qap, Whan filu 17 Da bepohte he hine, and ewsb,
asnye attins meinis, ufarassau haband Ealá hú fela hyrlinga on mines feeder
hlaibe ; ip ik huhrau fraqistna. húse, hláf genóhne hzbbap: and ie he.
on hungre forweorde.
18 Usstandands, gagga du attin mein- 18 Ie àrise, and ic fare to minum feeder,
amma, yah qipa du imma, Atta, fra- and ie secge him, Ealà feeder, ie syngode
waurhta mis in himi in, yah in andwairpya on heofenas, and befóran dé ;
tg Yu panaseips ni im wairps ei hait- 19 Nu ie ne eom wyrde det ie bao dix
aidau sunus peins, gatawei mik swe sunu geneinned, dó me swa anne of £i»
ainana asnye peinaize. um hjrlingum.
20 Yah usstandands qam at attin sein- 20 And he árás dá and com to t
XV. 8-20.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 377
be in heuene on o synful man doynge shalbe in heven over one synner that
penaunce, than of nynti and nyne iuste, repenteth, moore then over nynety and
that han no nede of penaunce. nyne iuste persons, whiche nede noo
..8 Ether what womman hauynge ten 8 Other what woman havynge .x.
dragmes,* and if sche hath lost o dragme, grotes, if she loose won, doth not light
wher sche listeth not a lanterne, and a candell, and swepe the housse, and
turneth vpsodoun the hous, and sekith seke diligently, till she finde it?
diligently, til sche fynde ?
9 And whanne sche hath founden, sche g And when she hath founde it, she
clepith to gidere frendis and neiseboris, calleth her lovers and her neghbours,
seyinge, Thanke se me, for I haue saynge, Reioyce with me, for I have
.founden the dragme, which I hadde founde the groate, which I had loost.
to So I seie to 30u, ioye schal be to 10 Lykwyse I saye vnto you, ioye
the aungels of God on o synful man shalbe in the presence off the angels off
doynge penaunce. God over one synner that repentheth.
rr Forsothe he seith, Sum man hadde 11 And he sayde, A certayne man had
tweye sones; — two sonnes ;
12 And the 3ongere seide to the fadir, 12 And the yonger of them sayde to
Fadir, 3yue to me the porcioun of sub- his father, Father, geve me my parte
staunce,! that byfallith to me. And the off the goodes, that to me belongeth.
fadir departide to him the substaunce. And he devided vnto them his sub-
13 And not aftir manye dayes, alle 13 And not longe after, the yonger
thingis gederid to gidre, the 3ongere sonne gaddered all that he had to gedder,
sone wente in pilgrymage in to a fer and toke his iorney into a farre countre ;
euntree; and there he wastide his sub- and there he wasted his goodes with
= staunce in lyuynge leccherously. royetous livinge.
14 And aftir that he hadde endid alle r4 And when he had spent all that he
thingis, a strong hungir was maad in had, there rose a greate derth thorow
that euntree, and he bigan to haue nede. out all that same londe, and he began
to lacke.
15 And he wente, and cleuyde to oon r5 And he went, and clave to a citesyn
of the eiteseyns of that cuntree. And of that same countre. Which sent hym
he sente him in to his toun, that he to the felde, to kepe Lis swyne.
schulde feede hoggis.
16 And he coueitide to fille his wombe 16 And he wold fayize have filled his
„of the coddis whiche the hoggis eeten, bely with the coddes that the swyne ate,
and no man saf to him. and noo man gave hym.
17 Sothli he turned asen in to him silf, 17 Then he remembred bym silfe, and
seyde, Hou many hirid men in my fadir sayde, Howe many hyred servauntes at
hous, han plente of looues; forsothe I my fathers, have breed ynough; and I
perische here thur3 hungir. dye for honger.
18 I schal ryse, and I schal go to my 18 I will a ryse, and goo to my father,
fadir, and I schal seie to him, Fadir, I and will saye vnto hym, Father, I have
haue synned a3ens heuene, and bifore synned agaynst heven, and before the ;
thee ;
19 Now I am not worthi to be clepid 19 Nowe am I not worthy to be called
thi sone, make me as oon of thi hyrid thy sonne, make me as one of thy hey:
men. servauntes.
20 And he rysinge cam to his fadir. 20 And he arose and cam to his father.
GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Luxe
amma. Nauhpanuh pan fairra wisandan, feeder. And dá gyt dá he wæs feor, his
gasawh ina atta is, yah infeinoda. Yah feeder he hyne geseah, and wearp mid
pragyands, draus ana hals is, yah kukida mild-heortnesse ástyrod. And ágén hine
imma. arn, and hine beclypte, and cyste hine.
21 Yah qap imma sa sunus, Atta, fra- 21 Da cwæþ his sunu, Feeder, ic syn-
waurhta in himin, yah in andwairpya gode on heofon, and befóran dé ; nú ic
þeinamma; yu panaseips ni im wairps ne eom wyrde det ic din sunu beo ge-
ei haitaidau sunus peins. nemned.
22 Qab pan sa atta du skalkam sein- 22 Da cwæþ se feeder to his peowum,
aim, Sprauto *bringip wastya po frum- Bringap rade dene sélestan gegyrelan,
iston, yah gawasyip ma, yah gibip figg- and serydap hyne, and syllap him hring
ragulp in handu is, yah gaskohi ana on his. hand, and gescy to his fótum ;
fotuns ïs ;
23 Yah *bringandans stiur pana alidan, 23 And bringap án fætt styric, and
ufsneiþiþ, yah matyandans, wisam waila. ofsleap, and uton etan, and gewistful-
24 Unte sa sunus meins daups was, yah 24 Fordam des min sunu wes dead,
gaqiunoda; yah fralusans was, yah bi- and he ge-edeucode; he forwearp, and
gitans warp. Yah dugunnun wisan. he is gemét. Da ongunnon hig ge-
wistlæcan. |
25 Wasup-pan sunus ïs sa alpiza ana 25 Sdplice hys yldra sunu wes on
akra; yah qimands, atiddya newh razn, æcere; and he com, and dá he dam
yah gahausida saggwins yah laikins. húse genealæhte, he gehyrde dene swég
and det wered. á
26 Yah athaitands sumana magiwe, 26 Da clypode he anne peow, and áes-
frahuh, wha wesi pata. ode hine, hwæt det were.

27 Paruh is qap du imma, Patei bropar 27 Da cwæþ he, Din bródor com, and
peins qam, yah afsnaip atta peins stiur din feeder ofslóh án fætt cealf, fordam de
pana alidan, unte hailana ina andnam. he hyne hálne onféng.

28 Panuh modags warp, yah ni wilda 28 Da gebealh he hine, and nolde in-
inngaggan. Ip atta is usgaggands ut, gin. Ðá eode his fæder ut, and ongan -
bad ina. i hine biddan.
29 Daruh ïs andhafyands, qap du attin, 29 Da eweep he his feeder andswar-
Sai! swa filu yere skalkinoda pus, yah igende, Efne ! swa fela geara ic dé peow-
ni whanhun anabusn peina ufariddya; ode, and ie næfre din bebod ne for-
yah mis ni aiw atgaft gaitein, ei mip gfmde; and ne sealdest dú me næfre
friyondam meinaim biwesyau. án ticcen, dzt ic mid minum freondum
30 ip pan sa sunus beins, saei fret pein 30 Ae syddan des din sunu eom, de -
swes mip kalkyom, qam, ufsnaist imma hys spéde mid myltystrum ámyrde, dà -
stiur pana alidan. ofslóge him fætt cealf.

31 Paruh qap du imma, Barnilo, pu 31 Da cwæþ he, Sunu, dú eart symle

sinteino mip mis wast yah is, yah all mid me, and ealle mine ping synd dine.
pata mein pein ist.
32 Waila wisan, yah faginon skuld was ; 32 Dé gebyrede gewistfullian, and ge-
»nte bropar peins daups was, yah ga- blissian ; fordam des din bródor wees
qiumoda; yah fralusans, yah bigitans dead, and he ge-edeucode; he forwearp
warp. and he is gemét.
XV. 21-32.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 379
Sothli whanne he was sit fer, his fadir When he was yett a greate waye of, his
8y3 him, and he was stirid by mercy. father sawe hym, and had compassion
Aud he rennynge to, felde on his necke, on hym. And ran vnto him, and fell
and kiste him. on his necke, and kyssed hym.
21 And the sone seyde to him, Fadir, 21 And the sonne sayd vnto hym,
I haue synned a3ens heuene, and bifor Father, I have synned agaynst heven,
thee; and now I am not worthi to be and in thy sight; nether am I worthy
clepid thi sone. hence forthe to be called thy sonne.
22 Forsoth the fadir seyde to his ser- 22 Then sayde the father to his ser-
uauntis, Soone bringe 3e forth the firste vauntes, Bringe forth that best garment,
stoole, and clothe 5e him, and 3yue 3e a and put it on hym, and put a rynge on
ring in his hond, and schoon in to the his honde, and shewes on his fete ;
feet ;
23 And brynge 3e a calf maad fat, and 23 And brynge hidder that fatted
sle 3e, and ete we, and plenteuously ete caulfe, and kyll hym, and lett vs eate,
we. and be mery.
24 For this my sone was deed, and 24 For this my sonne was deed, and
hath lyued a3en; he perischide, and is is alive agayne; he was loste, and ys
founden. And alle bigunnen to eat nowe founde. And they began to make
plenteuously. goode cheare.
25 Forsoth his eldere sone was in the 25 The elder brother was in the felde ;
feeld ; and whanne he cam, and nei3ede and when he cam, and drewe nye to the
to the hous, he herde a symphonye and housse, he herde minstreley and dauns-
a crowde. ynge.
26 And he clepide oon of the ser- 26 And called one of his servauntes,
uauntis, and axide, what thingis thes and axed, what thoose thynges meante.
27 And he seide to him, Thi brodir is 27 He said vnto him, Thy brother is
comen, and thi fadir hath slayn a fat come, and thy father hath killed the
calf, for he receyuede him saf. fatted caulfe, be cause he hath receaved
him safe and sounde.
28 Forsoth he was wroth, and wolde 28 And he was angry, and wolde not
not entre. Therfore his fadir gon out, goo in. Then cam his father out, and
bigan to preie him. entreated him.
29 And he answeringe to his fadir, 29 He answered, and sayde to hys
seide, Lo ! so manye 5eeris I serue to father, Loo! these many yeares have I
thee, and I brak neuere thi comaunde- done the service, nether brake at eny
ment; thou hast neuere 30uun a kyde time thy commaundment; and yet gavest
to me, that I schulde ete largely with thou me never soo moche as a kyd, to
my frendis. make mery with my lovers.
. 30 But aftir that this thi sone, which 30 But as sone as this thy sonne was
deuouride his substaunce with hooris, come, which hath devoured thy goodes
cam, thou hast slayn to him a fat calf. wyth harloottes, thou haste for his plea-
sure killed the fatted caulfe.
31 And he seide to him, Sone, thou 31 And he sayd vnto him, Sonne, thou
ert euere with me, and alle myne thingis wast ever with me, and all that I have
ben thyne. is thine.
32 Forsothe it bihofte to ete plenteu- 32 It was mete that we shulde make
ously, and for to ioye; for this thi bro- mery, and be glad ; for this thy brother
ther was deed, and lyuede azeyn; he was deed, and is a live agayne ; and was
e _ peryschide, and he is founden.
n loste, and is founde.

P à

380 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Luxe
Cmar. XVI. 1 Qaþuþ-þan du sipon- Crap. XVI. tı Då cwæþ he to his
yam seinaim, Manne sums was gabeigs, leorning-cnihtum, Sum welig man wees,
saei aihta fauragaggyan ; yah sa fra- se hæfde summe gerefan ; se wearp wid
wrohips warp du imma, ei distahidedi hine forwréged, swylce he his gód for-
aigin is. spilde.
2 Yah atwopyands ina, qap du imma, 2 Da elypode he hine, and sæde him,
Duwhe pata hausya fram pus? usgif Hwi gehyre ic dis be dé? ágyf dine
rapyon fauragaggyis þeinis, ni magt auk scire, ne miht-dü leng tün-scire bewitan.
yu banamais fauragaggya wisan.

3 Qaþ pan in sis sa fauragaggya, Wha 3 Da cwæþ se geréfa on his geþance,

tauyau, þandei frauya meins afnimiþ faur- Hwæt dó ie, fordam de min hlaford
agaggi af mis? graban ni mag, bidyan mine geréf-scire fram me nimp? ne mæg
skama mik. ic delfan, me sceamap diet ic wædlige.

4 Andpahta mik wha tauyau, ei pan 4 Ic wit hwæt ic dó, det hig me on
bipe afsatyaidau us fauragaggya, and- hyra hús onfón, donne ic bescired beo
nimaina mik in gardins seinans. fram tún-scire.
5 Yah athaitands ainwharyanoh faihus- 5 Da da gafol-gyldan gegaderode wær-
kulane frauyins seinis, qap pamma frum- on, dá sæde he dam forman, Hú mycel
istin, Whan filu skalt frauyin meinam- scealt dú minum hláforde!
ma Í
6 Paruh qap, Taihuntaihund kase al- 6 Pa sæde he, Hund sestra eles. Da
ewis. Yah qap du imma, Nim pus bokos, sæde he him, Nim dine federe, and site
yah gasitands sprauto, gamelei fimf hrade, and writ fiftig.
7 paproh pan du anparamma qap, 7 Da sæde he ódrum, Hu mycel scealt
Appan pu whan filu skalt? Ip is qap, dá? Ðá cwæþ he, Hund mittena hweet-
Taihuntaihund mitade kaurnis. Yah es. Da cwæþ he, Nim dine stafas, and |
qap du imma, Nim pus bokos, yah writ hund-eahtatig.
melei ahtautehund.
8 Yah hazida sa frauya pana fauragage- 8 Dá herede se hláford dere unriht-
yan inwindipos, unte frodaba gatawida ; wisnesse tün-geréfan, fordam de he
unte pai sunyos pis aiwis frodozans gleawlice dyde ; fordam de disse worulde
sunum liuhadis in kunya seinamma bearn synd gleawran disses leohtes
sind. bearnum on disse cneoresse.
9 Yah ik izwis qipa, tauyaip izwis 9 And ie seege eow, wyrcaþ eow frýnd
friyonds us faihupraihna inwindipos, ei of disse worulde-welau unrihtwisnesse,
pan ufligaip, andnimaina izwis in aiw- det hig onfón eow on éce eardung-
einos hleipros. stówa, donne ge geteoriap.t

ro Saei triggws ist in leitilamma, yah 1o Se de ys on lytlum getry we, se ys on

in managamma triggws ist; yah sa in máran getrywe; and se de ys on lytlum
leitilamma untriggwa, yah in managam- unrihtwis, se ys eac on máran un-
ma untriggws ist. rihtwis.
tr Yabai nu in inwindamma faihup- ii Gif ge on unrihtwisum weoruld-
raihna triggwai ni waurpup, pata sun- welan næron getrywe, hwá betæcþ eow
yeino whas izwis galaubeip? dæt eower ys? ;
12 Yah yabai in pamma framapyin 12 And gyf ge on fremedum næron
triggwai ni waurpup, pata izwar whas getry we, hwa sylp eow deet eower ys!
izwis gibip!
13 Niainshun piwe mag twaim frau- 13 Ne meg nin þeow twám hlafordum
XVI. 1-13.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 381
Crap. XVI 1 Forsothe he seide also Cmar. XVI. 1 He sayd also vnto
to his diseiplis, Ther was sum riche msn, his disciples, There was a certayne rich
that hadde a fermour ;* and this was man, which had a stewarde, that was
defamyd anentis him, as he hadde wastid acused vnto him, that he had wasted his
his goodis. goodes.
2 And he clepide him, and seide to | 2 And he called him, and said vnto
him, What heere I this thing of thee? | him, Howe is it that I heare this
of the?
3eld resoun of thi ferme, for now thou ! geve a comptes off thy
steward shippe,
schalt not mowe holde thi ferme. for thou mayste be ne longer my stew-
3 Forsoth the fermour seide with ynne 3 The stewarde said with in him silfe,
him silf, What schal I do, for my lord What shall I do, for my master will
takith awey fro me the ferme? I may take a waye from me my stewarde
not delue, I am aschamyd to begge. shippe? I eannot digge, and to begge
I am a shamed.
4 I woot what I schal do, that whanne 4 I woote what to do, that when I am
Ischal be remouyd fro the ferme, thei put out of my stewardshippe, they maye
receyue me in to her housis. receave me in to there houses.
5 And alle the dettours of the lord 5 Then called he all his masters detters,
clepid to gidere, he seide to the firste, and sayd vnto the fyrst, Howe moche
Hou moche owist thou to my lord ? owest thou vnto my master ?

6 And he seide to him, An hundrid 6 And he sayd, An hondred tonnes of

barelis of oyle. And he seide to him, oyle. And he sayd to him, Take thy
^ Taak thin obiigacioun, and sitte Soon, bill, and sitt doune quickly, and write
and wryt fyfti. fiftie.
7 Aftirward he seyde to another, Sothli 7 Then said he to another, What owest
hou moche owist thou? Which seide, thou? And he sayde, An hondred quar-
An hundrid mesuris of whete. And he ters of wheate. He sayd to him, Take
seide to him, Tak thi lettris, and wryt thy bill, and writte foure scoore.
foure score.
8 And the lord preiside the fermour of 8 And the lorde commended the vniust
wickidnesse, for he hadde don prudently ; stewarde, because he had done wysly;
for the sones of this world ben more for the chyldren of this worlde are in
prudent in her generacioun than the their kynde wyser then the chyldren off
sones of list. light.
9 And I seie to 30u, make to 3ou g And I saye also vnto you, make you
frendes of the richesse of wickidnesse, frendes of the wicked mammon, that
that whan 3e shulen fayle, thei receyue when ye shall have nede, they may
- 5ou in to euerlastynge tabernaclis. receave you into everlastinge habita-
ro He that is feithful in the leeste 10 He that is faithful in that wiche is
thing, is feithful also in more; and he leste, the same is faithful in moche . . .
that is wickid in a litil thing, is wickid
also in the more.
II Therfore if e weren not trewe in 11 So then if ye have not byn faithfull
wicked riches, who schal bitake to 30u in the wicked mammon, who will beleve
this that is verri ? you in that which is true ?
12 And if 3e weren not trewe in alien 12 And if ye have not bene faithfull in
thing, who schal 3yue to 30u this that is another mannes busines, whoo shall geve
zoure ? you youre awne 1
13 No man seruaunt may serue twey 13 No servaunt can serve two masters;

382 GOTHIC, 360. ANCLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Luxe
yam skalkinon ; andizuh ainana fiyaip, peowian; odde he anne hatap, and
yah anparana friyop ; aippau ainamma óðerne lufap; odde he ánum folgap,
andtilop, ip anparamma frakann. Ni and óderne forhogap. And ge ne mágon
magup Gupa skalkinon yah faihupraih- Gode peowian and weoruld-welan.
14 Gahausidedun þan po alla yah pai 14 Das ping ealle da Farisei gehyrdon,
Fareisaieis, faihufrikai wisandans, yah da de gifre wæron, and hig hine tældon.
bimampidedun ina.
15 Yah qap du im, Yus siyuþ, yuzei 15 Da cwep he to him, Ge synd, de
garaihtans domeip izwis silbans in and- eow-sylfe befóran mannum gerihtwisiap ;
wairpya manne; ip Gup kann hairtona sóþlice God can eowre heortan, fordam
izwara, unte pata hauho in mannam, de befóran Gode ys áscuniendlic, dæt
andaset in andwairpya Guþs. mannum heah ys.
16 Witob yah praufeteis und lohannen; 16 Seo Ææ and witegan od lohannem ;
paproh piudangardi Gups wailameryada, and of him is bodod Godes rice, and
yah whazuh in izai naupyada. ealle on dæt strangnesse wyrcap.

17 Ip azetizo ist himin yah airþa 17 Eadre is det heofen and eorpe
hindarleipan, pau witodis ainana writ gewiton, donne án stæf of dere æ
gadriusan. fealle.
18 Whazuh sa afletands qen seina, yah 18 Æle man de his wif forlæt, and
liugands anþara, horinop ;yah whazuh óder nimp, se unriht-hæmþ ; and se de
saei afleitana liugaip, horinop. det forlætene wif nimp, se unriht-

19 Appan manne sums was gabigs, yah 19 Sum welig man wees, and he wes
gawasids was paurpaurai, yah bwssaun, geseryd mid purpuran, and mid twine,
_ yah waila wisands daga whammeh bairh- and dæghwamlice riclice gewistfullode.
20 Ip unleds sums was, namin haitans 20 And sum weedla wes, on naman
Lazarus, sah atwaurpans was du daura Lazarus, se leg on his dura swyde
is banyo fulls, forwundod,
21 Yah gairnida sap itan drauhsno, 21 And wilnode det he hine of his
pizo driusandeino af biuda pis gabeigins, crumum gefylde, de of his beode feollon,
.....3 akei yah hundos atrinnandans, and him nan man ne sealde; ac hünd-
bilaigodedun banyos is. as comon, and his wunda liccedon.

22 Warp pan, gaswiltan pamma un- 22 Da wes geworden, det se wædla

ledin, yah briggan fram aggilum in forp-férde, and hine englas bæron on
barma Abrahamis. Gaswalt pan yah sa Abrahames greadan. Di wearp se wel-
cabelga, yah gafulhans warp. ega dead, and wees on helle gebyrged.

23 Yah in halyai ushafyands augona 23 Dá &hóf he his eagan upp, dà he

seina, wisands in balweinim, gasawh on dam tintregum wes, and geseah
þan Abraham fairrapro, yah Lazzaru feorran Abraham, and Lazarum on his
in barmim is. greadan.
24 Yah is ufhropyands, . . . « . 24 Da hrymde he and cwæþ, Eala
feeder Abraham, gemiltsa me, and send
Lazarum, det he dyppe his fingeres lip
on wætere, and mine tungan gecæle ;
fordam de ic eom on dis lige ewylmed.
XVI 14-24.] WYCLIFFE, 1:389. TYNDALE, 1526. 383
lordis ; forsothe ether he schal hate oon, | for other he shall hate the one, and love
and loue the tothir ; ether he schal cleue the other; or els he shall lene to the
to oon, and dispise the othir. 3e mown one, and despyse the other. Ye cannot
not serue to God and to riches. serve God and mammon.

14 Forsoth Farisees, that weren coueyt- 14 All these thinges herde the Pharises
ouse, herden alle thes thingis, and thei also, which were coveteous, and they
scornyden him. mocked him.
15 And he seide to hem, 3e it ben, 15 And he sayd vnto them, Ye are
that iustifyen 3ou bifore men; sothli they, which iustifie youre selves before
God knowith 30ure hertis, for that thing men; but God knoweth youre hertes,
that is hij to men, is abominacioun for that which men magnifie, is abhomi-
anemptis God. nable in the sight of God.
16 The lawe and prophetis til to John ; 16 The lawe and the prophettes raygned
fro that tyme the rewme of God is vntyll the tyme of Jhon; sence that
prechid, and ech man makith violence tyme the kyngdom of God is preached,
Sin to jt. and every man stryveth to goo in.
17 Forsothe it is lister heuene and 17 Soner shall heven and ecth perisshe,
erthe to passe ouer, than o titil falle fro then won title of the lawe shall perisshe.
the lawe.
18 Ech man that forsakith his wyf, 18 Whosoever forsaketh his wyfe, and
and weddith another, doith auoutrie ; marieth another, breaketh matrimony;
and he that weddith the wyf forsakun and every man which marieth her that
of the hosebonde, doith auoutrie. is divorsed from her husbande, com-
mitteth advoutry also.
19 Sum man was rich, and was clothid I9 There was a certayne riche manm,
„in purpur, and biys,! and he eet ech day which was clothed in purple, and fyne
schynyngli. raynes, and fared deliciously every daye.

20 And ther was sum beggere, Lazarus 20 And there was a certayne begger,
by name, that lay ful of bylis at his name Lazarus, whiche laye at hys gate
3ate, full off soores,
eee 21 Coueytinge to be filid of the 21 Desyrynge to be refresshed with
crummes, that felden doun fro the riche the cromes, whiche fell from the ryche
< mannis boord, and no man 3af to him; mannes borde, eee onm n ; neverthelesse the
but and houndis camen, and lickiden his dogges cam, and licked his soores.
22 Forsothe it was don, that the beg- 22 Ànd yt fortuned, that the begger
— gere deiede, and was borun of aungels dyed, and was carryed by the angelles
in to Abrahams bosum. Forsothe and into Abrahams bosome. "The riche man
ec . the
c riche man is deed, and is biried in also died, and was buried in hell.
23 Forsothe he reysinge his ysen, 23 When he lifte vppe his eyes, as he
whanne he was in turmentis, sy3 Abra- was in tourmentes, he sawe Abraham a
ham a fer, and Lazarus in his bosum.
NEMPE farre off, and Lazarus in his bosome.

24 And he criynge seyde, Fadir Abra- 24 And eryed and sayd, Father Abra-
ham, haue mercy on me, and send Laza- ham, have mercy on me, and sende
rus, that he dippe the laste part of his Lazarus, that he maye depe the tippe
fyngur in watir, and kele my tunge; off his fynger in water, and cole my
for I am turmentid in this flawme. tonge; for I am tourmented in this
25 Da cwæþ Abraham, Ealá sunu,
gepenc, det dú gôd onfénge on dinum
life, and gelice Lazarus onfeng yfel ; nú
|. ys des gefréfrod, and du eart ewylmed.

26 And on eallum dissum betweox us

and eow is mycel dwoima getrymed ;
da de willap heonon to eow faran, ne
mágon, ne danon faran hidere. i
27 Da cwæþ he, Fader, ic bidde de,
dæt du sende hine to mines feeder huse.

28 Ic hebbe fif gebrodru, det he eyde

him, det hig ne cumon on dissa tintrega
29 Dá sæde Abraham hym, Hig hab-
bap Moysen and witegan ; hig hlyston
30 Ba cwæþ he, Nese, feeder Abraham, |
ac hig dóp dæd-bóte, gif hwyle of deape
to him feerp.
31 Da cwep he, Gif hig ne gehýraþ 1]
Moysen and da witegan, ne hig ne ge-
lyfap, deah hwyle of deape arise.

Crap. XVII. +1 Da cwæþ he to his

leorning-enihtum, Unmihtlie is det ge-
dréfednyssa ne cumon ; wá dam, de hig
purh cumap.

2 Nyttre him were, det an ċweorn-

stan sy gecnyt ábütan his sweoran, and
si on se beworpen, donne he gedréfde
anne of dyssum lytlinzum.
SE TP E yabai frawaurkyai bropar 3 Warniap eow ; gyf din bródor syng-
þeins, gasak imma; yah þan yabai ap cid hym; . w ... MEME :
idreigo sik, fraletais imma. L] ° e

4 Yah yabai sibun sinpam ana dag 4 And gif he on deg seofen sidum —
frawaurkyai du pus, yah sibun sinpam syngap, and seofen sidum to dé on deg
ana dag gawandyai sik, qipands, Idreigo gecyrred byþ, and ewyp, Hit me cf-
mik, fraletais imma. pincp, forgyf hit him.

5 Yah qepun apaustauleis du Frauyin, s Da cwædon his apostolas, Drihten,

Biauk uns galaubein. geyc ürne geleafan.
6 Qap pan Frauya, Yabai habaidedeip 6 Da ewep Drihten, Gif ge hæfdon
galaubein swe kaurno sinapis, aippau geieafan swa senepes corn, ge sædon
yus yabai qipeip du bairabagma pamma, dissum treowe, Sy du áwyrtwalod, and

VI, 25.-XVII. 6.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 385
25 And Abraham seide to him, Sone, 25 Abraham sayd vnto hym, Sonne,
haue mynde, for thou hast receyued remembre, that thou in thy lyfetyme
good thingis in thi lyf, and Lazarus also receavedst thy pleasure, and contrary
yuele thingis; sothli he is now com- wyse Lazarus payne ; nowe therfore is he
. fortid, but thou art turmentid. coinforted, and thowe art punnysshed.
.26 And iu alle thes thingis a greet | 26 Beyond
e all this bitwene you and
derk placet is stablischid by twixe vs vs there is a greate space sett ; so that
and 30u ; that thei that wolen fro hennis | they
which wolde goo from hence to
passe to 30u, mown not, nether fro you, canot, nether from thence come
thennis passe ouer hidur. hidder.
27 And he seide, Therfore I preye 27 And he sayd, I praye the therfore,
thee, fadir Abraham, that thou sende father, send him to my fathers housse.
„him in to the hous of my fadir.
28 For I haue fyue bretheren, that he 28 For I have fyve brethren, for to
. witnesse to hem, lest also thei come in warne them,
lest they also come into
to this place of turmentis.
this place off tourment.
. 29 And Abraham seide to him, Thei 29 Abraham sayd vnto hym, They have
yw han Moyses and the prophetis; heere Moses and the prophettes ; lett them
thei hem. | heare them.
30 And he seide, Nay, fadir Abraham, 3o And he sayd, Naye, father Abraham,
- but if ony of deede men schal go to but yf won
from the ded cam vnto
hem, thei schulen do penaunce. them, they wolde repent.
31 Forsothe he seyde to him, If thei 31 He sayd vnto hym, Yf they heare
. heere not Moyses and the prophetis, not Moses and the prophetes, nether
neither if ony of deede men schal ryse woll they beleve, though won roose from
a3en, thei schulen bileue to him. deeth agayne.

Cmar. XVII. ; And he seide to his Cmar. XVII. 1 Then sayde he to

disciplis, It is inpossible that sclaundris his disciples, It can not be avoyded but
come not; but woo to him, by whom that occasions of evyll come; neverthe-
thei comen.
lesse wo be to hym, throw whom they
2 It is more profitable to him, if a
2 It were better for hym, if a mylstone
mylne stoon be put a boute his necke,
| wer hanged aboute his necke, and that
and he be cast in to the see, than that |
he were cast into the see, rather then he
he sclaundre oon of thes litle.
| shulde offende won off this litle wons.
. 3 Take 3e heede to 3ou silf ; if thi bro- |
3 Take hede to youre selves; if thy
ther hath synned asens thee, blame him ; brother trespas agaynst the, rebuke
and if he schal do penaunce, forsyue to hym ; and if he repent, forgeve hym.
. him.
4 And if seuene sithis in the day he 4 And though he syn agenst the seven
schal synne agens thee, and seuene sithis tymes in won daye, and seven tymes in
in the day he schal be conuertid to a daye tourne agayne to the, sayinge, It
thee, seyinge, It forthenkith me, forzyue repenteth me, forgeve hym.
to him.
. 5 And the postlis seiden to the Lord, 5 And the apostles sayde vnto the
Encreesse feith to vs. Lorde, In crease oure fayth.
6 Forsoth the Lord seyde, If 3e schulen 6 The Lorde sayde, Yf ye had fayth
haue feith as the corn of syneuey, 3e lyke a grayne off mustard sede,
schulen seye to this more tree, Be thou shulde saye vnto thys sycamyne tree,
386 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. Se. Luxe
áplantod on sæ, and hit hýrsumode
Uslausei puk us waurtim, yah ussatel
puk in marein, yah andhausidedi pau eow.
7 Whas pan izwara skalk aigands ar- 4 Hwyle eower hæfþ eregendne peow,
odde scép læsgendne, dam, of dam æcere j
yandan, aippau haldandan, saei atgagg-
andin af haipyai, qipai, Suns, hindarleip, gehworfenum, hé him sône seg, Gà,
anuhkumbei ; and site ;

8 Ak niu qipp du imma, Manwei, 8 And ne segp him, Gearwa, Geet ic

ete, and gyrd dé, and þéna me, da
wha du naht matyau, yah bigaurdans,
andbahtei mis, unte matya yah drigka, hwyle de ic ete and drince, and syddan
yah bipe gamatyis yah gadrigkais pu ; dú ytst and drinest ;

9 Iba pank pus fairhaitis skalka yain- 9 Wénst dú hefp se peowa ænigne
amma, unte gatawida patei anabudan pane, fordam de he dyde dzet him bebod-
en wes? Ne, wene ic. j
was? Ni man.
ro Swa yah yus pan tauyaip alla po io Swi ys eow donne ge dóp eall dæt |
anabudanona izwis, qipaip, Datei skalk- eow beboden ys, eweðaþ, Unnytte -
os unbrukyai siyum, unte patei skul- peowas we synd, we dydon det we dón
sceoldon.* i
dedum tauyan gatawidedum.

.11 Yah warp, mippanei iddya is in 11 Dá he férde to Hierusalem, he eode —4
Tairusalem, yah is pairhiddya pairh purh midde Samarian, and Galileam.
midya Samarian, yah Galeilaian.
12 Yah inngaggandin imma in suma 12 And dá Le eode on sum castel, him. 1
haimo, gamotidedun imma taihun pruts- 4gén urnon tyn hreofe weras, dá stódon |
fillai mans, paih gastopun fairrapro, hig feorran,
13 Yah silbans ushofon stibna, qip- 13 And hyra stefna up-áhófon, and
ewxdon, Hælend, bebeodend, gemiltsa
andans, lesu, talzyand, armai unsis.
14 Yah gaumyands, qap du im, Gagg- 14 Da he hig geseah, dá cwæþ he,
andans, ataugeip izwis gudyam. Yah Gáp, and stjwap eow dam sacerdum. |
warp, mippanei galipun, gahrainidai pa hig férdon, hig wurdon geclænsods..
waurpun. i
15 lpains pan ize, gaumyands pammei 15 Da hyra án geseah, det he ge- 1
hrains warp, gawandida sik, mip stibnai clænsod w:es, dá cyrde he, mid mycelia |
mikilai hauhyands Gup. stefne God meersiende.

16 Yah draus ana andawleizn faura 16 And feoll to hys fótum, and hym
fotum is, awiliudonds imma; sah was pancode ; and des wees Samaritanisc. I
17 Andhafyands pan lesus qap, Niu 17 Da ewep se Hælend him and-
taihun pai gahrainidai waurpun, ip Jai swariende, Hú ne synd tyn geclænsode, ©
niun whar ? j hwær synd da nigone ?
18 Ni bigitanai waurpun, gawandyand- 18 Næs gemét, se de ágén-hwurfe, and |
ans, giban wulpu Gupa, niba sa alya- Gode wuldor sealde, büton des æl-
fremeda. |
19 Yah qap du imma, Usstandands, 19 Ðá cwæþ he, Aris, and gá; fordam
gagg ; galaubeins peina ganasida puk. de din geleafa dé hálne gedyde. -

20 Fraihans pan fram Fareisaium, 20 Da ácsodon hine da Farisei, hween-

whan qimip piudangardi Gups, andhof ne Godes rice come, dá andswarode he,
= XVII. 7-20.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 387
drawun vp by the roote, and be plauntid Plucke thy silfe vppe by the rotes, and.
Duer in to the see, and it schal obeye to plant thy silfe in the see, he shoulde
30u. obey you.
7 Forsothe who of 30u hauynge a ser- 7 Which of you havynge a servaunte a
uaunt eringe, other lesewynge oxun, plowynge, or fedynge catell, wolde saye
which seith to him, turnyd agen fro the vnto hym, when he were come from the
feeld, Anoon go, and sitte to mete ; felde, Goo quickly, and sitt doune to
meate ;
8 And seith not to him, Make thou 8 And rather sayeth not to hym, Dresse,
redy, that I soupe, and girde thee, and wherwith I maye suppe, and apoynt thy
mynystre to me, til I ete and drynke, silfe, and serve me, tyll I have eaten
and aftir thes thingis thou schalt ete aud dronken, and afterwarde eate thou
and drynke ; and drynke thou ;
9 Wher he hath grace to that seruaunt, 9 Doeth he thanke that servaunt, be-
for he dide this that he comaundide to cause he did that which was commaunded
. him? Nay, I gesse. vnto hym? I trowe not.
10 So also 3e whanne 3e han don alle 10 Soo lykewyse ye when ye have done
thingis that ben comaundid to 3ou, seie all thoose thynges which are commaunded
36, We ben vnprofitable seruauntis, we vnto you, saye, We are vnprofitable ser-
han don this that we ouste to do. vauntes, we have done that which was
oure duety to do.
11 And it was done, the while Jhesu II And it chaunsed, as he went to
wente in to Jerusalem, he passide thorw Jerusalem, that he passed thorcwe Sa-
the myddel of Samarie, and of Galilee. maria, and Galile.
12 And whanne he entride in to sum 12 And as he entred into a certayne
castel ten leprouse men camen asens toune, there met hym ten men that were
him, whiche stoode afer, lepers, which stode a farre of,
13 And reyside the vois, seiynge, Jhesu, I3 And put forth their voices, and
comaundour, haue mercy on vs. sayde, Jesu, master, have mercy on vs.

14 Whiche as he sys, he seide, Go 3e, I4 When he sawe them, he sayde vnto

schewe 3e 30u to prestis. And it was them, Goo, and shewe youre selves to
don, the while thei wenten, thei weren the prestes. And hit chaunsed, as they
clensid. went, they were clensed.
15 Forsothe oon of hem, as he sy3 for 15 And won of them, when he sawe
he was clensid, wente aen, magnyfiynge that he was clensed, turned backe -a-
God with greet vois. gayne, and with a loude voice praysed
- 16 And he felde doun in to the face 16 And fell doune on his face at his
. bifore his feet, doynge thankingis ; and fete, and gave hym thankes; and the
this was a Samaritan. same was a Samaritan.
17 Forsothe Jhesu answeringe seide, 17 Jesus answered and sayde, Are there
- Wher ten ben not clensid, and where not ten clensed, but were are those
ben the nyne? nyne ? :
18 Noon is foundun, that turnyde 18 There are not founde, that returned
a3en, and 3af glorie to God, no but this agane, to geve God prayse, save only
. alien. this straunger.
19 And he seith to him, Ryse thou, go 19 And he sayde vnto hym, Aryse,
thou ; for thi feith hath maad thee saaf. and goo thy waye; thy fayth hath
> saved the.
A] 20 Forsothe he axid of Pharisees, 20 When he was demaunded off the
at whanne the rewme of God cometh, an- Pharises, when the kyngdom off God
á cca

Lu X s
388 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. |ST. LUKE
im, yah qap, Ni qimip piudangardi and cwep, Ne cymp Godes rice mid
Qups mip atwitainai, begymene, |
21 Nih qipand, Sai! her, aippau sai! 21 Ne hig ne ewedap, Efne! hér hyt
yainar; sai! auk piadangardi Gups in ys, odde dar; Godes rice is betwynan Í
1zwis ist. eow.
22 Qap pan du siponyam, Appan qim- 22 Da cwæþ he to his leorning-eniht-
and dagos, pan gairncip ainana pize dage um, Da dagas cumap, donne ge ge-
sunaus mans gasaiwhan, yah ni ga- wilniap det ge geseon ænne deg man-
saiwhip. nes suna, and ge ne geseop.
23 Yah qipand izwis, Sai! her, aippau 23 And hig secgap eow, Hér he is,
sai! yainar. Ni galeipaip, nih laist- and dar he is. Ne fare ge, ne ne fyliap ;
yaip; 24 Witodlice swá se lig-ræse lyhtende
24 Swaswe raihtis lauhmoni lauhat-
yandei us pamma uf himina ip pata uf scinp under heofone on da ping de
himina skeinip, swa wairpip sunus mans under heofone synd, swá bip mannes
in daga seinamma. sunu on his dæge. 3

25 Appan faurpis skal manag gapulan, 25 Æryst him gebyrep det he fela
yuh uskiusada fram pamma kunya. þinga þolige, and beon fram disse cneor-
ysse aworpen.
26 Yah swaswe warp in dagam Nauel- 26 And swá on Noes dagum wæs
is, swah wairpip yah in dagam sunaus worden, swá beop mannes suna to
mans. cyme.
27 Etun yah drugkun, liugaidedun, 27 Hig &ton and druncon, and wifodon,
yah liugaidos wesun, und panei dag and weron to gyftum gesealde, od done
galaip Nauel in arka; yah qam mid- deg de Noe on earce eode; and fló
yasweipains, yah fraqistida allans. com, and ealle forspilde.

28 Samaleiko yah swe warp in dagam 28 Eall-swá wees geworden on Lopes

Lodis, etun yah drugkun, bauhtedun dagum, hig ton and druncon, and
yah frabauhtedun, satidedun timridedun ; bohton and sealdon, and plantedon and
timbredon ; M
29 lp pammei daga usiddya Lod us 29 Scplice on dam dæge de Lop eode
Saudaumim, rignida swibla yah funin of Sodoma, hyt rinde fyr and swefl of
us himina, yah fraqistida allaim. heofone, and ealle forspilde.

30 Bi pamma wairpip pamma daga ei 30 Æfter dysum þingum biþ, on dam

sunus mans andhulyada. dæge de mannes sunu onwrigen biþ. d

31 In yainamma daga saei siyai ana 31 On dam dege se de bip on pecene,

hrota, yah kasa is in razna, ni atsteigai and his fatu on húse, ne stihp he nyder
dalap niman po; yah saei ana haipyai, det he hig nime; and se de bip o
samaleiko ni gawandyai sik ibukana. . . scere, ne went he on-bæc. . . . .
* * `

32 Gamuneip qenais Lodis. 32 Beop ge myndige Lopes wifes

33 Sael sokeip saiwala seina ganasyan, 33 Swà hwyle swa sécp his sawle ge-
fragisteip izai; yah saei fraqisteip izai dên hile, se hig forspilp; and swá hwyle
in meina, ganasyip po. swa hig forspilp, se hig geliffæstaþ.
34 Qipa izwis, patei pizai naht twai 34 Sóþlice ic eow secge, on deere nihte
wairpand ana ligra samin, ains usnim- beop twegen on bedde, án byp genumen,
XVII. 21-34.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 389
sweride to hem, and seide, The rewme shulde come, he answered them, and
of God cometh not with aspying, sayde, The kyngdom of God commeth
not with waytingefore,
21 Nethir thei schulen seye, Lo ! here, 21 Nether shall men saye, Loo! here,
ether lo! there ; forsothe lo ! the rewme loo! there; for beholde! the kyngdom
of God is with ynne 3ou. of God is within you.
22 And he seide to his disciplis, Dayes | 22 And he sayde vnto hys
schulen come, whanne 3e schulen desyre | The dayes will come, when ye shall ,
to se o day of mannis sone, and 3e | sire to se won daye of the sonne of man,
schulen not se. and ye shall not se it.
23 And thei schulen seye to 3ou, Lo ! 23 And they shall saye to you, Se!
here, and lo! there. Nyle 3e go, nether here, se! there. Goo nott after them,
sue 5e ; nor folowe them ;
24 For as leit schynynge fro vndir 24 For as the lightenynge that apereth
heuene schyneth on thoo thingis that out of the one parte of the heven and
ben vndir heuene, so mannis sone schal shyneth vnto the other parte of heven,
be in his day. soo shall the sonne of man be in his
dayes. .
25 Forsothe first it bihoueth him to 25 But fyrst must he suffre many
suffre many thingis, and to be reproued thinges, and be reproved of this nacion.
of this generacioun.
26 And as it was don in the dayes of 26 As it happened in the tyme of Noe,
Noe, so it schal be in the dayes of mannis soo shall it be in the tyme of the sonne
sone. of man.
27 Thei eeten and drunken, and wed- 27 They ate they dranke, they maryed
diden wyues, and weren 3ouun to wed- | wyves, and were maryed, even vnto that
dingis, til in to the day in which Noe same daye that Noe went into the arke ;
entride in to his schip; and the greet | and the floud cam, and destroyed them
-flood cam, and loste alle. | all.
28 Also as it was don in the dayes of | 28 Likewise also as it chaunsed in tlie
Loth, thei eeten and drunken, bou3ten dayes of Lot, they ate, thei dranke, thei
and seelden, plantiden and byldeden ; bought, thei solde, thei planted, they
bilte ;
29 Sothli in what day Loth wente out 29 And even the same daye that Lot
of Sodom, the Lord reynede fier and went out of Zodom, hit rayned fyre and
brymstoon fro heuene, and loste alle. brymstone from heven, and destroyed
them all.
3o Vp this thing it schal be, in what 30 After these ensamples shall the
day mannis sone schal be schewid. daye be, when the sonne of man shall
31 In that our he that schal be in the 31 Att that daye he that is on the
roof, and his vesels in the hous, come | housse toppe, and his stuffe in the
he not doun to take hem awei; and he housse, lett hym nott come doune to
that schal be in the feeld, also turne not take hit out; and lyke wyse lett nct
asen bihynde. "LR him that is in the feldes, turne backe
agayne to that he lefte behynde hym.
32 Be 5e myndeful of the wyf of Loth. 32 Remember Lottes wyfe.
33 Who euere schal seke to make his | 33 Whosoever will goo about to save
lyf saf, schal leese it; and who euere his lyfe, shall loose it; and whosoever
schal leese it, schal quykene it. shall loose his life, shall quycken it.
34 I seye to 30u, in that nist tweyne 34 I tell you, in that nyght there shalbe
= schulen be in o bed, oon schal be re- | two in one beed, the one shalbe receaved,
ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Luxe
390 GOTHIC, 360.
ada, yah anpar bileipada ; and óder biþ forlæten ;

35 Twos wairpand malandeins samana, 35 Twa beop ætgædere grindende, am

aina usnimada, yah anpara bileipada ; bip genumen, and oder bip læfed ;

36 36 Twegen beop on scere, an bip ge-

numen, and óder bip læfed.
37 Yah andhafyandans qepun du im- 37 Da cwædon hig to him, Hwar,
ma, Whar, Frauya! Ip is qap im, Drihten? Ðá cwep he, Swá hwar swa
Parei leik, yaindre galisand sik arans. se lichama bip, dyder beop earnas ge-

Crap. XVIII. 1 Qapup-pan yah ga- Cmar. XVIII. 1 Da sæde he him

yukon im, du pammei sinteino skulun sum bigspel, det hit ys riht dst man
bidyan, yah ni wairpan usgrudyans ; symle gebidde, and na geteorige ;

2 Qipands, Staua was sums in sumai 2 And dus ewsp, Sum déma wees on
baurg, Gup ni ogands, yah mannan ni sumere ceastre, se God ne ondréd, ne de

aistands. nánne man ne onpracode. i

3 Wasup-pan yah widuwo in pizai 3 Da wes sum wuduwe on dere
baurg yainai, yah atiddya du imma, ceastre, dá com heo to him, and cwæþ,
qipandei, Fraweit mik ana andastapya Wrec me wid minne wider-winnan ;
meinamma ;
4 Yah ni wilda laggai wheilai. Afarup- 4 Ðá nolde he langre tide. Æfter dam
pan pata qap in sis silbin, Yabai yah dá cwæþ he, . . . Deah ie God ne on-
. Gup ni og, yah mannan ni aista, dræde, ne ic man ne onpracige,

5 Ip in pizei uspriutip mis so widuwo, 5 Deah fordam de deos wuduwe me is Q

fraweita po; ibai und andi qimandei gram, ic wrece hig; de-les heo et
usaglyai mis. neahstan cume me behropende.
6 Qap pan Frauya, Hauseip, wha staua 6 Då cwæþ Drihten, Gehjrap, hwset
inwindipos qipip ; se unrihtwisa déma ewyp; l
7 lp Gup niu gawrikai pans gawalid- 4 Sdplice ne dép God his gecorenra
ans seinans, pans wopyandans du sis wrace, clypiendra to him dæges and
dagam yah nahtam, yah usbeidands ist nihtes, and he gepyld on him heefp?
aha im Í
8 Appan qipa izwis, patei gawrikip ins 8 Ie eow secge, det he rade hyra
sprauto. lp swepauh, sunus mans qim- wrace dép. Ðeah-hwæðere wénst du,
ands biugitai galaubein ana airpai? denne mannes sunu cymp, gemét he
geleafan on eorpan4
9 Qap pan du sumaim, paiei silbans 9 Da cwæþ he to sumum dis bigspel,
trauaidedun sis, ei weseina garaihtai, de on hig sylfe trüwedon, and ódre
yah frakunnandans paim anparaim, po forhogodon,*
10 Mans twai usiddyedun in alh bid- ro Twegen men férdon to sumum tem- -
yan; ains Fareisaius, yah anpar mot- ple det hig hig gebædon; án Sundor-
areis. hálga, and óðer manfull.
11 Sa Fareisaius standands, sis po bad, tr Da stód se Fariseus, and hine dus
Gup, awiliudo pus, unte ni im swaswe gebæd, God, dé ic pancas do, fordam de
pai anparai mans, wilwans, inwindans, ie ne eom swylce óðre men, reaferas,
XVII. 35.-XVIIL. 11.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 291
ceyued, and the tother schal be for- and the other shalbe forsaken ;
sakun ;
35 Tweye wymmen schulen be grynd- 35 Two shalbe also a gryndynge to
inge to gidere, oon schal be receyued, gedder, the one shalbe receaved, and the
and the tother schal be forsakun ; other forsaken ;
36 Tweyne in a feeld, oon schal be re- 36
ceyued, the tother schal be forsakun.
37 Thei answeringe seyden to him, 37 And they answered and sayde to
Where, Lord? Which seide to hem, him, Wheare, Lorde? And he said vnto
Where euere the body schal be, also the them, Whersoever the body shalbe, thid-
eglis schulen be gederid to gidere thidur. ther will the egles resoorte.

Cuar. XVIII. 1 Forsothe he seide Crap. XVIII. 1 He put forth a simi-

also a parable to hem, for it bihoueth to litude vnto them, signifyinge that men
preie euere, and to fayle not ; ought alwayes to praye, and not to be
wery ;
2 Seyinge, Sum iuge was in sum citee, 2 Sayinge, There was a iudge in a cer-
which dredde not God, nether schamede taine cite, which feared not God, nether
of men. regarded man.
3 Forsothe sum widowe was in that 3 And there was a certayne widdowe »
citee, and sche cam to him, seyinge, in the same cite, whych cam vnto hym,
Venge me of myn aduersarie ; sayinge, Avenge me of myne adversary ;

4 And he wolde not by myche tyme. 4 And a greate whyle he wolde noott.
Sothh aftir thes thingis he seide with Afterwarde he sayd vnto hymsilfe,
ynne him silf, Thou; I drede not God, Though I feare nott God, nor care for
and schame not of man, man,
5 Netheles for this widowe is heuyt to 5 Yett because this widdowe troubleth
me, I schal venge hir ; lest at the laste me, I woll a venge her ; lest at the last
sche comynge strangle me. she come and rayle on me.
6 Sothli the Lord seide, Heere 3e, what 6 And the Lorde sayd, Heare what
the domesman of wickidnesse seith ; | the vnrightewes indge sayeth ;
+ Forsoth wher God schal not do the 7 And shall not God avenge his electe,
veniaunce of his chosene, criynge to which crye nyght and daye vnto him?
him nyst and day, and schal haue pa- ye, though he differre them, ^
S [|
Se cience in hem?
8 Sothli I seie to 30u, for soone he 8 I tell you, he will avenge them, and
sehal do the veniaunce of hem. Nethe- that quicly. Neverthelesse when the
les gessist thou, mannis sone comynge sonne of man commeth, suppose ye,
schal fynde feith in erthe? that he shall fynde faithe on erthe ?
9 Forsoth he seide also to sum men, 9 And he put forthe this similitude
that tristiden in hem silf, as rigtful, and vnto certaine, which trusted in them
dispiseden othere, this parable, seyinge, selves, that they wer perfect, and de-
spysed other.
10 Tweye men stigeden in to the tem- 10 Two men went vp into the temple
ple for to preie; oon a Pharise, and the to praye; the one a Pharise, and the
tothir a pupplican. other a publican.
tr Forsothe the Farise stondinge, prai- 11 The Pharise stode, and prayed thus
ede anentis him silf thes thiugis, sey- with hym silfe, God, I thanke the, that I
inge, God, I do thankingis to thee, for am nott as other are, extorsioners, vniuste,

592 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Luxe
horos, aippau swaswe sa motareis ; unrihtwise, unriht-hæmeras, odde eac
‘| swylce des manfulla ;
12 Fasta twaim sinpam sabbataus, yah t2 Ic feste tuwa on wucan, ie sylle
afdailya taihundon dail allis pize ga- teopunga ealles dees de ic hæbbe.
13 Yah sa motareis fairrapro stand- 13 Da stod se mánfulla feorran, and
ands ni wilda nih augona seina ushaf- nolde furdun his eagan áhebban up to
yan du himina, ak sloh in brusts seinos, | dam heofone, ac he beot his breost, and
qipands, Gup hulps siyais mis, frawaurht- cwæþ, God beo da milde me, syn-
amma. fullum.
14 Qipa izwis, atiddya sa garaihtoza | 14 Sóþlice ic eow secge, æt des ferde
gataihans du garda seinamma pau raiht- gerihtwisod to his hüse, . . . fordam
is yains. Unte sawhazuh saei hauheip | de ale de hine upp-ahefp bip genyderod,
sik silba gahnaiwyada, ip saei hnaiweip | and se de hine nyderap, byþ upp-áhafen.
sik silba, ushauhyada.
15 Berun pan du imma barna, ei im 15 Da brohton hig cild to him, det
attaitoki; gasaiwhandans pan siponyos, he hig æt-hrine; da his leorning-eniht-
andbitun ins. as hig gesawon, hig ciddon him.

16 Ip lesus athaitands ins, qap, Letip 16 Da clypode se Hælend hig to him,

po barna gaggan du mis, yah ni waryip and cwæþ, Lætaþ da lytlingas to me
po, unte pize swaleikaize ist piudangardi cuman, and ne forbeode ge hig, swylcera
Gups. i ys Godes rice.
17 Amen qiþa izwis, saei ni andnimip 17 Soplice ic eow secge, swá hwyle swa
piudangardya Gups swe barn, ni qimip ne onfehp Godes rice swá swa cild, ne
in izai. gæþ he on Godes rice.
18 Yah frah ina sums reike, qipands, 18 Da acsode hine sum ealdor, Gódne
Laisari piupeiga, wha tauyands libainais lareow, hwet dó ic det ie éce lif
aiweinons arbya wairpauí heebbe 2 “a
19 Qap pan du imma lesus, Wha mik 19 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Hwi segst dú
qipis piupeigana? Ni ainshun piupeigs, me godne? Nis nan man gód, büton
niba ains Gup. God ana.
20 Pos anabusnins kant, Ni horinos, 20 Canst du da bebodu, Ne ofsleh dú, :
Ni maurpryais, Ni hlifais, Ni galiuga- | Ne fyrena du, Ne stel dú, Ne leoh du,
weitwods siyais, Swefai attan peinana Wurpa dinne feeder and dine móder.
yah aipein.

er Ip is qapuh, Pata allata gafastaida 21 Da cwæþ he, Eall dis ie heold of

us yundai meinai. " minre geogupe.
22 Gahausyands pan pata, lesus qap 22 .... Da cwæþ se Hælend, An
du imma, Nauh ainis pus wan ist; all ping dé is wana; syle eall det dú heefst,
patei habais, frabugei, yah gadailei un- and syle eall det pearfum, donne heefst
ledaim, yah habais huzd in himina ; yah dú gold-hord on heofone ; and cum, and
hiri, laistyan mik. folga me.

23 Ip is gahausyands pata, gaurs warp, 23 Da he das word gehyrde, he wearp

was auk gabeigs filu. ge-unrét, fordam de he wees swide welig.
24 Gasaiwhands pan ina lesus gaurana 24 Da se Hælend hine unrótne geseah,
waurpanana qap, Whaiwa agluba pai he ewæþ, Ealà hú earfoplice on Godes |
faihu habandans inngaleipand in piud- rice gap da de feoh habbap ;
angardya Gups ;
25 Rapizo allis ist ulbandau þairh 25 Eadelicor meg se olfend gân purh

XVIII. r2-25.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 393
I am not as othere men, raueynouris, acdvoutres, and even as this publican is;
vniust, auouters, as also this pupplican ; |
12 I faste twyes in the woke, I 3yue | 12 I fast twyse in the weke, I geve
tythis of alle thingis whiche I haue in tythe of all that I possesse.
13 And the pupplican stondinge a fer | 13 And the publican stode afarre of
nolde nethir reyse the y3en to heuene, _ and wolde not lifte vp his eyes to heven,
but smoot his brest, seyinge, God be _ but smote hys brest, sayinge, God be
mercyful to me, synnere. | mercyfull to me, a sinner.
I4 Treuli I seye to 3ou, this cam doun | 14 I tell you, this man departed home
in to his hous iustified of him. For ech | to his housse iustified moore then the
that enhaunsith him silf schal be maad | other. For every man that exalteth
lou, and he that mekith him silf, schal him silfe shalbe brought lowe, and he
be enhaunsid. | that humbleth hym silfe, shalbe exalted.
15 Forsothe thei brou3ten to him 3onge | 15 They brought vnto him also babes,
children, that he schulde touch hem ; that he shulde touche them ; when his
which thing whanne disciplis sy3en, thei disciples sawe that, they rebuked them.
blamyden hem.
16 Sothli Jhesu clepinge to gidere | 16 But Jesus called them vnto him,
hem, seide, Suffre 3e children to come and sayde, Suffre children to come vnto
to me, and nyle 3e forbede hem, for of me, and forbidde them not, for vnto
siche is the rewme of heuenes. souche belongeth the kingdom of God.
17 Treuli I seie to 3ou, who euere schal 17 Verely I saye vnto you, whosoever
< not take the kyngdom of God as a child, receaveth not the kyngdom of God as
he schal not entre in to it. - a chylde, he shall not enter there in.
18 And sum prince axide him, seyinge, 18 And a certayne ruler axed him,
Good maistir, what thing doynge schal sayinge, Goode master, what ought I to
I welde euerlastyng lyf? do to obtaine eternall lyfe?
19 Sothli Jhesu seyde to him, What | 19 Jesus sayd vnto hym, Why callest
seist thou me good? No man 4s good, thou me goode? No man is goode, save
no but God aloone. God only.
20 Thou knowist the comaundementis, 20 Thou knowest the commaundmentes,
Thou schalt not sle, Thou schalt not do Thou shalt nott commit advoutry, Thou
leccherie, Thou schalt not do thefte, shalt nott kill, Thou shalt nott steale,
- Thou schal not seye fals witnessyng, | Thou shalt not beare falce witnes,
CX Worschipe fadir and modir. Honoure thy father and thy mother.
21 Which seide, I haue kept alle thes 21 And he sayde, All these have I kept
thingis fro my 3outhe. from my youthe.
22 Which thing herd, Jhesu seide to 22 When Jesus herde that, he sayde
him, jit o thing faylith to thee; sille vnto hym, Yett lackest thou one thynge;
thou alle, what euere thingis thou hast,sell all that thou hast, and distribute it
and 3yue to pore men, and thou schalt vnto the povre, and thou shalt have
haue tresour in heuene; and come, and treasure in heven; and come, and
sue me. folowe me.
23 Thes thingis herd, he was sorwful, 23 When he heerd that, he was hevy,
for he was ful riche. for he was ryche.
- 24 Sothli Jhesu seinge him maad sorw- 24 When Jesus sawe hym morne he
ful seide, How hard thei that han rich- | sayde, With whath difficulte shall they
essis schulen entre in to the rewme of that have ryches enter into the kyngdom
God: off God ;
25 Forsoth it is esyer a camel to passe 25 Esyer it is for a cammell to passe

394 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [8r. Luke
pairko neplos pairhleipan, pau gabigam- anre needle eage, donne se welega on
ma in piudangardya Gups galeipan. Godes rice.
26 Qepun pan pai gahausyandans, An 26 Da ewædon da de dis gehyrdon,
whas mag ganisan Í And hwá meg hal beon?
27 Ip is qah, Pata unmahteigo at man- 27 Da sede he him, Gode synd mihte-
nam, mahteig ist at Gupa. lice da ping, de mannum synd unmihte-
28 Qap pan Paitrus, Sai! weis aflai- | 28 Da cwæþ Petrus, Ealle ping we for-
lotum allata, yah laistidedum puk. léton, and folgodon dé.
29 Ip is qapuh du im, Amen qipa 29 Da cwæþ he, Soplice ic eow secge,
izwis, patei ni ainshun ist, pize afletand- nis nan man, de his hús forlæt, odde
ane gard, aippau fadrein, alppau bro- magas, odde brodru, odde wif, odde
pruns, aippau qen, aippau barna, in prud- bearn, for Godes rice,
angardyos Gujs,
30 Saei ni andnimai managfalþ in pam- 30 De ne onfó mycele mare on dysse .
ma mela, yah in aiwa pamma qimandin tide, and éce lif on towerdre worulde.
libain aiweinon.
31 Ganimands pan pans .ib. qap du im, 31 Da nam se Helend his leorning-
Sai! usgaggam in lairusalem, yah us- cnihtas, and cwæþ to him, Farab to Hie-
tiuhada all, pata gamelido pairh praufet- rusalem, and ealle ping beop gefyllede, de
uns bi sunu mans. be mannes suna purh witegan áwritene
32 Atgibada auk piudom, yah bilaik- 32 He byþ þeodum geseald, and biþ
ada, yah anamahtyada, yah bispeiwada; gebysmrod, and geswungen, and on-
spæt ;

33 Yah usbliggwandans, usqimand ïm- 33 And æfter dam de hig hine swingap,
ma, yah pridyin daga usstandip. hig hine ofsleap, and he priddan dæge |
34 Yah eis ni waihtai pis fropun ; yah 34 And hig naht des ongéton ; and
was pata waurd gafulgin af im, yah ni him dis word wes behydd, . . .
wissedun po qipanona.

.35 Warp pan, mippanei newha was is 35 Da he genealæhte Hiericho, sum

laireikon, blinda sums sat faur wig du blind man sæt wid done weg weedlig-
aihtron. ende.
36 Gahausyands pan managein faur- 36 And dà he gehyrde da meenigeo
gaggandein, frah, wha wesi pata. farende, he ácsode, hwæt deet weere.
37 Gataihun pan imma, patei lesus 37 Da sædon hig, det der ferde se
Nazoraius pairhgageip. Nazarenisca Heelend.
38 lp is ubuhwopida, qipands, Tesu, 38 Da hrymde he, and cweep, Ealà `
sunu Daweidis, armai mik. Helend, Dauides sunu, gemiltsa me.
39 Yah pai faurgeaggandans andbitun 39 And da de fore-stcpon hine preadon,
ina, ei pahaidedi; ip is und filu mais deet he súwode; he dees de ma cleopode, -
hropida, Sunau Daweidis armai mik. Dauides sunu, gemiltsa me.

40 Gastandands pan lesus haihait ina 40 Da stód se Helend and hét lædan |
tiuhan du sis. Bipe newha was pan hine to him. Da he genealæhte, he
imma, frah ina, acsode hine,
.41 Qipands, Wha pus wileis ei tauyau? 41 Hweet wylt dá det ic dé dó? Da
Ip is qap, Frauya, ei ussaiwhau. cwæþ he, Drihten, dzet ic geseo.
XVIII. 26-41.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 395
thur3 a nedlis y3e, than a riche man for thorowe a nedles eye, then for a ryche
to entre in to the kingdom of God. man to enter into the kyngdom off God.
26 And thei that herden thes thingis 26 Then sayde they that herde that,
seiden, And who may be maad saf? And who shall then be saved?
27 And he seide to hem, Tho thingis 27 He sayde, Thynges which are vn-
that ben vnpossible anemptis men, ben possible with men, are possible with
possible anemptis God. God.
28 Forsoth Petre seide, Loo! we han 28 Then Peter sayde, Loo! we have
forsake alle thingis, and han sued thee. forsaken all, and have folowed the.
29 Which seyde to hem, Treuly I seye 29 He sayde vnto them, Verily I saye
to 30u, no man is, that schal forsake vnto you, there is noo man, that for-
hous, ether fadir, ethir modir, ethir bri- saketh housse, other father, and mother,
theren, ether wyf, ether sones, ether other brethren, or wyfe, or children, for
feeldis, for the rewme of God, the kyngdom off Goddes sake,
30 And schal not receyue myche mo 30 Which same shall nott receave
thingis in this tyme, and in the world moche moore in this worlde, and in the
to comynge euerelasting lyf. worlde to come lyfe everlastynge.
31 Forsothe Jhesu took twelue disciplis, 31 He toke vnto hym the twelve, and
and seide to hem, Lo! we stizen to Je- sayde vnto them, Loo! we go vp to
rusalem, and alle thingis schulen be Jerusalem, and all shalbe fulfilled, that
. endid, that ben writun by the prophetis are written be the prophettes off the
- of mannis sone. sonne off man.
32 Forsoth he schal be bitrayed to 32 He shalbe delivered vnto the gen-
- hethen men, and he schal be Scorned, tyls, and shalbe mocked, and shalbe
„and scourgid, and bispet ; despyitfully entreated, and shalbe spetten
on ;
33 And aftir that thei han scourgid, 33 And when they have scourged hym,
thei schulen sle him, and the thridde they will putt hym to deeth, and the
. day he schal ryse asein. thyrde daye shall he aryse agayne.
34 And thei vnderstoden no thing of 34 They vnderstode none of these
these; and this word was hid fro hem, thynges ; and this sayinge was hid from
„and thei vndirstoden not tho thingis them, and they perceaved nott the
. that weren seid. thynges which were spoken.
35 Forsothe it was don, whanne Jhesu 35 Hit cam to passe, as they were come
cam ny3 to Jerico, sum blynd man saat
= neye vnto Jerico, a certayne blynde man -
bisydis the weye beggynge. sate by the waye syde begeynge.

36 And whanne he herde the cumpany 36 And when he herde the people
passynge, he axide, what this thing was. passe by, he axed, what it meant.
5 37 Sothli thei seiden to him, that
37 They sayd vnto hym, that Jesus off
Jhesu of Nazareth passide. Nazareth went by.
38 And he eryede, seyinge, Jhesu, the 38 And he eryed, saynge, Jesus, the
sone of Dauith, haue mercy on me. sonne of David, have mercy on me.
= 39 And thei that wenten bifore blam- 39 And they which went before re-
yden him, that he schulde be stille ; bucked hym, be cause he shulde holde his
sothli he cryede myche more, Thou sone peace; and he moche the moare cryed,
of Dauith, haue mercyon me. The sonne of David, have mercy on me.
40 Forsothe Jhesu stondinge comaund- 40 Jesus stode styll and commaunded
ide him to be broust forth to him. And him to be brought vnto hym. And
— whanne he cam ny3, he axide him, when he was come neare, he axed hym,
41 Seyinge, What wolt thou I schal do 41 Sayinge, What wilt thou that I do
— to thee? And he seide, Lord, that I se. vnto the? And he sayde, Lorde, that I
maye raceave my sight.
396 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, o9s. [Sr. LIKE
42 Yah lesus qap du imma, Ussaiwh ; 42 Da cewwp se Hælend, Beseoh ; din
galaubeins peina ganasida puk. geleafa dé gehælde.
43 Yah suns ussawh, yah laistida ina, 43 And hs sóna geseah, and him folg-
awiliudonds Gupa. Yah alla managei ode, God wuldrigende. And eall fole
gasaiwhandei, gaf hazein Gupa. Gode lof sealde, dá hig det gesawon.


Cmar. XIX. 1 Yah inngaleipands, Cuar. XIX. I Da eode he geond |

pairhlaip Laireikon. Hiericho.
2 Yah sai! guma, namin haitans Zak- 2 Da wes dar sum man, on naman
kaius, sah was fauramapleis motarye, Zacheus, se wees welig.
yah was gabigs,
ey Wm sókn. gasaiwhan lesu, whas 3 And he wolde geseon hwyle se Hæl-
wesi, yah ni mahta, faura managein, unte end were, dá ne mihte he, for dere
wahstau leitils was. mænegu, forðam de he wæs lytel on
4 Yah bipragyands faur, usstaig ana 4 Ðá arn he befóran, and stáh up on
smakkabagm, ei gasewhi ina ; unte is án treow sicomorum, det he hine ge-
and pata munaida þairhgaggan. sáwe ; fordam de he wolde danon faran.
5 Yah bipe qam ana pamma stada, `in- 5 Da he com to dere stówe, dá geseah
saiwhands iup lesus, gasawh ina, yah se Hælend hine, and cweep to hym, Za-
qap du imma, Zakkaiu, sniumyands dalap cheus, éfst to dinum hüse, fordam de ic
atsteig, himma daga auk in garda pein- wylle to-dæg on dinum hüse wunian. _
amma skal ik wisan.
6 Yah sniumyands atstaig, yah andnam 6 Da éfste he, and hine blidelice on-
ina faginonds. feng.
7 Yah gasaiwhandans allai, birodide- 7 Ðá hig det gesáwon, dá murenodon
dun, qipandans, patei du frawaurhtis hig ealle, "and ewedon, Det he to syn-
mans galaip in gard ussalyan. fullum men gecyrde.
8 Standands pan Zakkaius qap du Frau- 8 Dástód Zacheus and cwæþ to Drihtne,
yin, Sai! halbata aiginis meinis, Frauya, Nú ! ic sylle pearfum healfe mine æhta ;
gadailya unledaim ; yah yabai whis wha and gif ic ænigne bereafode, ic hit be
afholoda, fidurfalp fragilda. feowerfealdum ágyfe.

9 Qap pan du imma lesus, Datei him- 9 Da cwep se Hælend to him, To-dæg
ma daga naseins pamma garda warp, disse hiw-rædene ys hæl geworden, for-
unte yah sa sunus Abrahamis ist ; dam de he wæs Abrahames bearn ;

ro Qam auk sunus mans sokyan, yah 10 Mannes sunu com sécan, and hál
nasyan pans fralusanans. don det forwearp.
rir At gahausyandam þan im pata, iri Da hig dis gehyrdon, da seich
biaukands, qap gayukon, bi patei newha he sum bigspell, fordam de he wes neh
lairusalem was, yah puhta im, ei suns Hierusalem, and fordam de hig wendon,
skulda wesi piudangardi Guþs gaswi- det hrædlice Godes rice gorwitera
kunþyan. were."
12 Qap þan, Manna sums godakunds 12 Witodlice he eweep, Sum æðel- bore
gaggida landis, franiman sis piudangard- man férde on fyrlen land, det he him |
ya, yah gawandida sik. rice onfénge, and eftágén come.

13 Athaitands pan taihun skalkans 13 Da clypode he his tyn peowas, and -

XVIII. 42.-XIX. 13.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 397
42 And Jhesu seide to him, Dihold | 42 Jesus sayde vnto hym, Receave thy
thou ; thi feith hath maad thee saaf. | sight ; thy faith hath saved the.
43 And anon he sy3, and suede him, | 43 And immediatly he sawe, and folowed
magnyfiynge God. And al the peple, as | hym, praysinge God. And all the peo-
it sy3, 3af heriynge to God. ple, when they sawe it, gave laude to

Cuar. XIX. r And Jhesu goynge | Cuap. XIX. 1 And he entred in, and
yn, walkide thorw Jerico. went thorowe Jerico.
2 And lo! a man, Zachee by name, 2 And beholde! there was a man,
and he was prinee of pupplicans, and he named Zacheus, and he was a rueler
was riche. amonge the publicans, and ryche alsoo.
3 And he souste to see Jhesu, who he 3 And he made meanes to se Jesus,
was, and he myste not, for the cumpany, what he shulde be, and he coulde nott,
for he was litel in stature. for the preace, be cause he was off a
| lowe stature.
4 And he rennynge bifore, stigede in 4 And he ran before, and ascended
to a sycamoure tree, that he schulde see vppe into a sicomore tree, to se hym ;
Jhesu; for he was to passinge thennis. for he wolde come that same waye.
5 And Jhesu biholdinge vpward, whanne 5 And when Jesus cam to the place,
he cam to the place, sy3 him, and seyde he loked vp, and sawe him, and sayd
to him, Zachee, hastinge cum doun, for vnto hym, Zache, attonce come doune,
‘to day I moot dwelle in thin hous. for to daye I muste a byde at thy
- 6 And he hastinge cam doun, and ioy- 6 And hastely he cam doune, and re-
inge reseyuede him. ceaved hym ioyfully.
7 Ànd whanne alle men sayen, thei 7 And when they sawe that, they all
grucchiden, seyinge, For he hadde turned groudged, sayinge, He is gone into tary
to a synful man. with a man that is a synner.
8 Forsoth Zachee stondinge seide to 8 Zache stode forthe and sayde vnto
the Lord, Lo! Lord, I 3yue the half of the Lorde, Beholde! Lorde, the haulfe
my goodis to pore men; and if I haue of my gooddes I geve to the povre ; and
ony thing defraudid ony man, I selde ifI have done eny man wronge, I wyll
the fourefold. restoore hym fower folde. :
g Jhesu seide to him, For in this day 9 Jesus sayd vnto hym, This daye is
heelthe is maad to this hous, for and he healthe come vnto this housse, for as-
is the sone of Abraham ; moche as it also is become the childe
off Abraham ;
10 Forsothe mannis sone cam to seke, 10 For the sonne off man is come to
and make saaf this thing that perischede. seke, and to save that which was looste.
rr Hem heringe thes thingis, he putt- tr As they herde these thynges, he
inge to, seide a parable, for he was ny3 added therto a similitude, be cause he
Jerusalem, and for thei gessiden, that was neye to Jerusalem, and be cause
the kyngdom of God schulde be schewid also they thought, that the kyngdom of
a non. God shulde shortely apere.
12 Therfore he seide, Sum noble man 12 He sayde therfore, A certayne noble
wente in to a fer cuntree, to take to him man went into a farre countre, to re-
a kyngdom, and to turne aseyn. ceave a kyngdom, and then to come
13 Sothli his ten seruauntis clepid, he 13 He called his ten servauntes, and

A ‘

398 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [SrT. LUKE
seinans, atgaf im taihun dailos. Yab | sealde tyn púnd him. And ewæþ to
qap du im, Kaupop, unte ik gimau. him, Ceapiap, od deet ic cume.
14 Ip baur gyans is fiy:aidedun ina, yah 14 Ðá hatedon hine his leode, and
insandidedun airu afar imma, qipanJans, sendon zrend-racan efter him, and
Ni wileima pana piudanon ufar unsis. cwædon, We nyllap, dæt des ricsie ofer
15 Yah warp, bipe atwandida sik, aftra 15 Da he agén com, and Get rice on-
andnimands piudangardya ; yah haihait feng; he hót |clypian his peowas, de he
wopyan du sis pans skalkans, þaimei det feoh se 'alde, deet he wiste, hu mycel
atgaf pata silubr, ei gakunnaidedi, wha gehwile gemangode.
wharyizuh gawaurhtedi.

16 Qam pan sa frumista, qipands, 16 Da com se forma, and cwæþ, Hláf-

Frauya, skatts peins gawaurhta taihun ord, din pünd gestrynde tyn pund.
17 Yah qap du imma, Waila, goda 17 Da cwep se hláford, Geblissa, dü |
skalk ; unte in leitilamma wast triggws, góda peowa; fordam de dü were on
siyais waldufni habands ufar taihun lytlum getrýwe, du byst anweald hæb- -
baurgim. bende ofer tyn ceastra.
18 Yah qam anpar, qipands, Frauya, 18 Da com óder, and ewsep, Hláford,
skatts peins gawaurhta fimf skattans. din pünd gestrynde fif púnd.
19 Qap pan yah du pamma, Yah pu 19 Da cwæþ he to dam, And beo dü
siyais ufaro fimf baurgim. ofer fif ceastra.
20 Yah sums qam, qipands, Frauya, 20 Da com oder, and cwæþ, Hlaford, |
sal! sa skatts peins, panei habaida, ga- her ys din pund, de ie hæfde, on.
lagida ina in fanin. swát-lin aléd.
21 Ohta mis auk puk, unte manna 21 Ie dé ádréd, fordam de ðú eara
hardus is; nimis patei ni lagides, yah stip man; da nimst det da ne settesé, -
sneipis patei ni saisost. and du ripst det du ne seowe.

22 Yah qap du imma, Us munpa 22 Da cwæþ he to him, Of dinum |

peinamma stoya puk, unselya skalk, yah müpe ic dé déme, lá lypra peowa. Du
lata. Wisseis, patei ik manna hardus wistest, det ic eom stip man, det ic * 1
im, nimands patei ni lagida, yah sneip- nime det ie ne sette, and ripe det.
ands þatei nl saiso? ic ne seow?

23 Yah duwhe ni atlagides pata silubr 23 And hwi ne sealdest dü min fech
mein du skattyam, yah qimands mip to hire, and donne ic come, ie hit
wokra galausidedyau pata? witodlice mid gestreone onfénge ?

24 Yah du þaim faurastandandam 24 Da cwæþ he to dam de him ábútan

qap, Nimip af imma pana skatt, yah stodon, Nimap dæt pind fram him, and
gibip bamma pos taihun dailos haband- syllap dam de hæfþ tyn púnd.

25 Yah qepun du imma, Frauya, ha- 25 Da cwædon hig to him, Hlafords E

baip taihun dailos. he heefp tyn pünd.

26 Qipa allis izwis, patei wharyammeh 26 Sóþlice ic secge eow, det dió
habandane gibada ; ip af pamma unhab- hæbbendum bip geseald; fram dam de
andin, yah patei habaip, afnimada af næfþ, ge det dæt he P him byp
imma. áfyrred.

XIX. 14-26.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 399
saf to hem ten besauntis. And he seide delivered them ten pounde. fayinge
to hem. Marchaundise 5e, til I come. vuto them, By and sell, till I come.
r4 Forsoth his citeseyns hatiden him, 14 But his citesens hated hym, and sent
and sente a messager aftir him, seyinge, messengers after hym, saynge, We will
We nyle, that he regne on vs. not have this man to raigne over vs.

15 And it was don, that the rewme 15 And it cam tq passe, when he was
takun, he turnede a3en; and he com- come agayne, and had receaved his
aundide Ais seruauntis to be clepid, to kyngdom, he commaunded his ser-
whiche he 3af money, that he schulde vauntes to be called to hym, to whom he
wite, hou moche ech hadde wunne by gave his money, to witt, what every
chaffaring. man had done.
16 Forsoth the firste cam, seyinge, Lord, 16 Then cam the fyrst, sayinge, Lorde,
thi besaunt hath wunne ten besauntis. thy pcunde hath encreased ten pounde.

17 He seide to him, Wel be, thou 17 And he sayde vnto hym, Well, goode
goode seruaunt ; for in litil thing thou servaunte ; be cause thou wast faithfull
hast be trewe, thou schalt haue power in a very lytell thynge, take thou aucto-
on ten citees. — — rite over ten cities.
18 And another cam, seyinge, Lord, 18 And the other cam, sayinge, Lorde,
thi besaunt hath maad fyue besauntis. thy pounde hath encreased fyve pounde.
19 And he seide to this, And be thou 19 And to the same he sayde, And be
on fyue citees. thou alsoo rueler over fyve cities.
20 And the thridde cam, seyinge, Lord, 20 And the thirde cam, and sayde,
„lo! thi besaunt, which I hadde, kept in Lorde, beholde! here thy pounde, which
. a sudarie.* I have, kepte in a napkyn.
21 Forsoth I dredde thee, for thou art 21 For I feared the, be cause thou arte
au austerne man ; thou takist awey this a strayte man; thou takest vp that thou
thing which thou settist not, and thou laydest nott doune, and repest that thou
repist this thing which thou hast not diddest nott sowe.
22 He seith to him, Weyward seruaunt, 22 And he sayde vnto hym, Of thyne
of thi mouth I deme thee. Wistist thou, awne mougthe iudge I the, thou evyll
that I am an hausterne man, takinge servaunt. Knewest thou, that I ara a
a wey this thing which I settide not, strayte man, takynge vppe that I layde
aud repinge this thing which I haue not not doune, and repinge that I did not
sowe Í sowe?
23 And whi hast thou not 3ouun my 23 Wherfore then gavest not thou my
money to the boord, and I comynge money into the banke, and then at my
schulde haue receyued it sothli with commyng shulde I have required myne
vsuris ? awne with vauntage?
24 And he seide to hem that stooden 24 And he sayde to them that stode
| ny3, Take 3e awey fro him the besaunt, by, Take from hym that pounde, anc
and 3yue 3e to him that hath ten be- geve it hym that hathe ten pounde.
25 And thei seiden to him, Lord, he 25 And they sayd to hym, Lorde, he
hath ten besauntis. hath ten pounde.
.26 Sothli I seie to 30u, for to ech 26 I saye vnto you, that vnto all them
hauynge it schal be 5ouun, and he schal that have it shalbe geven; and from
be plenteuous ; but fro him that hath hyme that hath not, even that he hath,
not, also this thing that he hath, schal shalbe taken awaye. i
— be takun of him.


400 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (St. LUKE

27 Appan swepauh fiyands meinans | 27 Ðeah hwæðere da mine fynd, de
yainans, paiei ni wildedun mik piudanon | noldon det ic ofer hig ricsode,
briggip her, yah usqimip faura | hider, and ofsleap hig befóran me.
ufar sis,
28 Yah qipauds pata, iddya fram, us- 28 And dysum geewedenum, he ferde
gaggands in Íairusaulwma. to Hierusalem."

29 Yah warp, bipe newha was Bep- 29 Då he genealæhte Bethfage and

sfagein yah Bepaniyin, af fairgunya, patei Bethania, to dam münte, de is genemned
haitada Alewyo, insandida twans siponye Oliueti, he sende his twegen cnihtas,
30 Qipands, Gaggats in po wiprawairp- 30 And ewæþ, Farap on det castel,
on haim; in þizaiei inngaggandans de ongén inc ys; on dam ....----
bigitats fulan asilaus gabundanana, ana gyt gemétap assan folan getiged, on
ammei ni ainshun aiw manne sat; dam nan man gyt ne set; untigap hyne,
andbindandans ina, attiuhip. and lædaþ to me.

31 Yah yabai whas inqis fraihnai, 31 And gif inc hwá ácsap, hwi gyt
duwhe andbindip, swa qipaits du imma, hine untigap, secgap him, Drihten heefp
Patei Frauya pis gairneip. his neode.
32 Galeipandans pan pai insandidans, 32 ba férdon da de ásende wæron,
bigetun swaswe qap du im, . . - - and fandon swá he him sæde, done
folan standan.
33 Andbindandam pan im, qepun pai 33 Da hig hine untigdon, da ewædon
frauyans pis du im, Duwhe andbindats da hláfordas, Hwi untige ge done folan?
ana fulan?
34 lp eis qepun, Frauyin paurfts pis 34 Da cwædon hig, Fordam de Drihten
hæfþ his neode.
55 Yah attauhun pana fulan Tesua ; 35 Da leddon hig hyne to dan Hál-
yah uswairpandans wastyos seinos, ana ende; and hyra reaf wurpon ofer done
pana fulan ussatidedun lesu. folan, and done Hælend on-ufan setton.
46 Gaggandin pan imma, ufstrawi- 36 And dá he fér, hi strehton under
seinaim ana wiga. hine hyra reáf on dam wege. :
dedun wastyom
5; Bipe pan is newha was yuþan at 37 And dá he genealæhte to Oliuétes
ongunnon ealle
ibdalyin pis fairgunyis Alewabagme, du- | müntes nyder-stige, da
siponye faginon- da mænigeo geblissian, and mid mycelre
gunnun alukyo managei
daus hazyan Gup stibnai mikilai in stefne God heredon be eallum
allaizo, poze sewhun, mahte, mihtum, de hig gesáwon,

38 Qipandans, piupida sa qimanda 38 And cwædon, Gebletsod sy se cyning,

piudans in namin Frauyins ; gawairpi de com on Drihtnes naman ; syb sj on
in himina, yah wulpus in hauhistyam. heofenum, and wuldor on heahnessum.
39 Yah sumai Fareisaie us pizai man- 39 Ðá cwædon sume of dam Fariseum
agein qepun du imma, Laisari, sak paim to him, Láreow, cid dinum leorning-
siponyam peinaim. cnihtum.
40 Yah andhafyands qap du im, Qipa 40 Da cwæþ he to him, Ie eow seege,
izwis, patei yabai pai slawand, stainos deah das súwion, stánas clypiap.*
41 Yah sunsei newha was, gasaiwhands 41 And dá he genealæhte, and geseah
da ceastre, he weop ofer hig, á
po baurg, gaigrot bi po;
42 Qipands, Datei ip wissedeis, yah þu, 42 And cwæþ, Ealá gif du wistest, and
in pamma daga peinamma. po du ga- witodlice on dysum dinum dæge, de dé
XIX: 27-42.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 401
27 Netheles brynge se hidir tho myne 27 Morover thoose myne enemya, which
enemyes, that nolde me to regne on wolde not that I shulde raigne over
hem, and sle 3e bifore me. them, brynge hidder, and slee them
fore me.
28 And thes thingis seyd, he wente 28 And when he hadd thous spoken,
bifóre, stisynge to Jerusalem. he proceded forthe before them, and
went vppe to Jerusalem.
29 And it was don, whaune he cam 29 And it fortuned, when he was come
ny3 to Bethfage and Betanye, at the noye to Bethfage and Bethany, besydes
mount, which is clepid of Olyuete, he mounte Olivete, he sent two of his dis-
sente his tweye disciplis, ciples,
3o Seyinge, Go 3e in to the castel, 30 Sayinge, Goo ye into the
which is asens 30u; in to which ge toune,
which is over against you ; in the which
entrynge schulen fynde a colt of a she as sonne as ye are come ye shall
asse, on which non of men euere saat 3 fynde
a coolte tyed, wher on yett never
vnbynde 5e him, and brynge 3e to me. man sate; loose hym, and brynge hym
31 And if ony man schal axe, whi 3e 31 And if eny man axe you, why that
. vnbynden, thus 5e schulen seye to him, ye loose hym, thus saye vnto hym, The
. For the Lord desyrith his work. Lorde hathe nede of hym.
32 Forsothe thei that weren Sent, 32 They that wer sent, went their
wenten forth, and founden as he seyde waye, and founde even as he had sayde
to hem, a colt stondinge. vnto them, .
33 Sothli hem vntyynge the colt, the 33 And as they were aloosynge the
„lordis of him seyde to hem, What vntyen coolte, the owners sayde vnto them,
3e the colt? Why loose ye the coolte1
34 And thei seiden, For the Lord hath 34 And they sayde, For the Lorde
= him nedful. hath nede of hym.
35 And thei ledden him to Jhesu ; and 35 And they brought hym to Jesus ;
thei, castinge her clothis on the colt, and they cast their rayment on the
puttedyn Jhesu on him. coolte, and sett Jesus theron.
36 Forsothe him goynge, thei vndir 36 As he went, they spredde their
strewiden her clothis in the weye. cloothes in the waye.
- 37 And whanne now he cam ny3 to 37 When he was come wheare he
the comynge doun of the hil of Olyuete, shulde goo doune from the mounte Oli-
alle the cumpanyes of men comynge vete, the whole multitude of his disci-
doun bigunnen ioyinge to herie God ples began to reioyce and to lawde God
with greet vois on alle the vertues, with a loude voyce for all the miracles,
— whiche thei sy3en, that they had sene,
39 Seyinge, Blessid is the kyng, that 38 Sayinge, Blessed be the kynge, that
cometh in the name of the Lord ; pees commeth in the name off the Lorde ;
in heuene, and glorie in his thingis. peace in heven, and glory in the hyest.
. 39 And summe of the Pharisees of 39 And some off the Pharises off the
the cumpanyes seyden to him, Maister, company sayde vnto him, Master, re-
blame thi disciplis. buke thy disciples.
40 To whiche he seide, I seye to 3ou, 40 He answered and sayde vnto them,
for if thes schulen be stille, stoones I tell you, yff these holde their peace,
. Schulen crye. the stones will erye.
41 And whanne he neizede, he seynge 41 And when he was come neare, he
. the citee, wepte on it, behelde the citie, and wept on hit,
42 Seyinge, For if thou haddist knowe, 42 Sayinge, Yff thou haddest knowen
and thou, and sotheli in this thi day, | thoose thynges, whych belonge vnto

402 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Luxe

wairpya peinamma ; ip nu gafulgin ist to sybbe synd ; nú hig synd fram dinum
faura augam peinaim. eagum behydde.
43 patei qimand dagos ana pus, yah 43 Fordam de da dagas to dé cumap,
bigraband fiyands peinai grabai puk, and dine fynd dé betrymiap, and behab-
yah bistandand puk, yah biwaibyand bap dé, and genyrwap dé æghwanon ;
puk allapro ;

44 Yah airpei puk gaibnyand, yah 44 And to eorpan áfyllap dé, and dine
Darna peina in pus; yah ni letand in bearn de on dé synd; and hig ne læfaþ
pus stain ana staina, in pizel ni ufkunp- on dé stán ofer stáne, fordam de dü ne
es pata mel niuhseinais peinaizos. oncneowe da tide dinre geneosunge.

45 Yah galeipands in alh, dugann us- 45 Da ongan he of dam temple út-

wairpan pans frabugyandans in izai yah drifan da syllendan and da bicgendan,
46 Qipands du im, Gamelip ist, Datei 46 And him to cwep, Hit ys áwriten,
gards meins gards bido ist, ip yus ina Det min his ys gebed-hüs, ge hit
gatawidedup du filegrya piube. worhton to sceapena screefe.
47 Yah was laisyands daga whammeh 47 And he wes deghwamlice on dam
in pizai alh. Ip pai auhmistans gud- temple lærende. Sdplice dara sacerda
yans, yah bokaryos sokidedun ina us- ealdras, and da bóceras, and des folces
qistyan, yah pai frumistans manageins ; ealdor-men smeadon hü hig hine fordón
mihton ;
48 Yah ni bigetun wha gatawidedeina, 48 And hig ne fündon hweet hi him to
managei auk alakyo hahaida, du hausyan gylte dydon, sóplice eall fole wees ábysgod,
imma. de be him gehyrde secgan.

Crar. XX. 1 Yah warp in sumam- Cuar. XX. 1 Da wes ánum dege —
ma dage yainaize, at laisyandin imma geworden, da he dæt fole on dam temple
po managein in alh, yah wailameryandin, lærde, and him bodude, da comon Gera -
atstopun pai gudyans yah bokaryos mip sacerda ealdras and da bóceras ;
paim sinistam ;
2 Yah qepun du imma, qipandans, 2 And to him cwedon, Sege us, on
Qip unsis, in whamma waldufnye pata hwylcum anwalde wyrest du das ping,
tauyis, aippau whas ist saei gaf pus odde hwæt ys se dé disne anweald
ata waldufni? sealde ?
3 Andhafyands pan qap du im, Fraihna 3 Da cwæþ he him to andsware, And
izwis yah ik ainis waurdis ; yah qipip ic acsige eow an word ; andswariap me.
mis. í
4 Daupeins lohannis uzuh himina was, 4 Wes Iohannes fulluht of heofone,
pau uzuh mannam ? hwæðer de of mannum ?
5 lp eis pahtedun mip sis misso, qip- 5 Da pohton hig betweox him, and
andans, Datei yabai qipam, Us himina, cwædon, Gyf we secgap, Det he sy of
qipip appan, Duwhe ni galaubidedup im- heofone, he ewyp to us, Hwi ne gelyfde
ma? ge him ?
6 lp yabai qipam, Us mannam, alla 6 Gyf we secgap, Det he sy of man-
30 managei stainam afwairpip unsis ; num, eall folc us hzenp; hi wiston geare,
triggwaba galaubyand auk allai, lo- deet Iohannes wees witega.
hannen praufetu wisan.
7 Yah andhofun, ei ni wissedeina 7 Da andswaredon hig, det hig nyston,
whapro. hwanon he wees.
XIX. 43.-XX. 7.) WYCLIFFE, 1339. TYNDALE, 1526. 403
which ís to pees to thee; but now thei peace, even att thys daye; but nowe
ben bid fro thin y3en. are they hidde from thyne eyes.
43 For daies schulen come into thee, 43 For the dayes shall come apon the,
and thin enemyes schulen enuyroune and thyne enemys shall compas the
thee with pale, and schulen enuyroune about wyth a banke, and shall besege
thee, and thei schulen make thee streyt the rounde aboute, and kepe the in or
on allo sydis ; every syde ;
44 And thei schulen caste thee doun 44 And make the even wyth tho
ĉo erthe, and thi sones that ben in thee; grounde, wyth thy chyldren whych are
and thei schulen not leeue in thee a in the ; and they shall nott leve in the
stoon on a stoon, for thou hast not one stone apon another, because thou
knowe the tyme of thi visitacioun. knewest nott the tyme off thy visitacion.
45 And he gon in to the temple, bigan 45 And he went into the temple, and
to caste out, men sellinge ther ynne and began to cast out them that solde therin
biggynge, and them that bought,
46 Seyinge to hem, It is writun, For 46 Sayinge vnto them, Hyt is written,
myn hous is an hous of preier, forsothe My housse is the housse off prayer,
. 5e han maad it a den of theuys. butt ye have made it a den off theves.
47 And he was techinge euery day 47 And he taught dayly in the temple.
in the temple. Forsoth the princes of The hye prestes, and the scrybes, and
prestis, and scribis, and the princis of the chefe off the people went about to
the peple sousten to leese him ; destroye hym ;

^ 48 And thei founden not what thei 48 Butt coulde nott fynde what to do,
- Schulden do to him, for al the peple for all the people stacke by hym, and
„Was al ocupyed, heeringe him. gave him audience.

— Omar. XX. í And it was don in Cmar. XX. 1 And yt fortuned in

oon of dayes, him techinge the peple one off those dayes, as he taught the
in the temple, and prechinge the gospel, people in the temple, and preached the
the princis of prestis and the scribis gospell, the hye prestes and the serybes
camen to gidere with the eldre men ; cam vnto hym wyth the seniours ;
2 And seiden, seyinge to him, Seye 2 And spake vnto hym, sayinge, Tell
to vs, in what power thou dost this vs, by what auctorite thou doest these
pos ether who 3af to thee this power? thynges, other who is he that gave the
thys auctorite 1
"13 Forsothe Jhesu answeringe seide to 3 He answered and sayde vnto them,
hem, And I schal axe 30u a word; I also will axe you a question ; and
r answere 5e to me. answer me.
_ 4 Was the baptym of Joon of heuene, 4 Was the baptem of Jhon from heven,
ether of men? or of men ?
5 And thei thousten with ynne hem 5 They thought wyth in them selves,
-Selue, seyinge, For if we schulen seye, sayinge, Yff we shall saye, From heven,
Of heuene, he schal seye, Whr therfore he will saye, Why then beleved ye hym
- bileuen 36 not to him ? not ?
' 6 Forsoth if we schulen seye, Of men, 6 But and yff we shall saye, Of men,
„all the comyn peple schal stoone vs ; all the people will stone vs; for they
for thei ben certeyn, that John is a suerly beleved, that Jhon was a pro-
prophete. phett.
_ 4 And thei answeriden, that thei witen 7 And they answered, that they coulde -
mot,of whennis it was. nott tell, whence it was.

404 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [9T. LUKE

8 Yah lesus qap im, Ni ik izwis qipa, 8 Di cwæþ se Hælend him to, Ne ic
in whamma waldufnye pata tauya. cow ne secge, on hwyleum anwalde ic
das ping wyrce.
9 Dugann pan du managein qipan po 9 He ongan da dis bigspel to dam
gayukon. Manna ussatida weinagard, folee ewedan. Sum man plantode him
yah anafalh ina waurstwyam ; yah aflaip win-geard, and hine gesette mid tilium ;
yera ganoha. and he wees him feor manegum tidum.

10 Yah in mela, insandida du þaim 10 Da on tide, he sende hys peow to

aurtyam skalk, ei akranis pis weina- dam tilium, det hig him sealdon of
gardis gebeina imma; ip pai aurtyans des win-geardes wæstme; dà swungon
usbliggwandans ina, insandidedun laus- hig done, and idelne hine forléton.
ir Yah anaaiauk sandyan anparana 11 Da sende he óderne peow ; da beot-
skalk ; ip eis yah yainana bliggwandans, on hig done, and mid teonum gewee-
yah unswerandans, insandidedun lausana. ende, hine forléton idelne.

12 Yah anaaiauk sandyan pridyan, ip 12 Da sende he priddan, dà wurpon

eis yah pana gawondondans, uswaurpun. hig üt done gewundodne.

13 Qap pau sa frauya pis weinagardis, 13 Da cwæþ des win-geardes hlaford,

Wha tauyau? Sandya sunu meinana Hwæt dó ic? Ic ásende minne leofan
pana liuban ; aufto pana gasaiwhandans, sunu; wénunga hine hig forwandiap,
aistand. donne hig hine geseop.

r4 Gasaiwhandans pan ina pai aurt- 14 Da hine da tilian gesáwon, hig

yans, pahtedun mip sis misso, qipandans, pohton betweox him, and cwædon, Hér
Sa ist sa arbinumya, afslaham ina, ei ys se yrfe-weard, cumaþ, uton hine of
uns wairpai pata arbi. slean, det seo «ht ure sy.
15 Yah uswairpandans ina ut us pam- 15 And hig hine of dam win-gearde
ma weinagarda,. usqemun. Wha nu áwurpon, ofslegene. Hwet dép dees
tauyai im frauya pis weinagardis? wingeardes hlaford ?

16 Qimip, yah usqisteip aurtyam paim, 16 He cymp, and forspilp da tilian,

yah gibip pana weinagard anparaim. and sylp done win-geard ódrum. Hig
Gahausyandans, qeþun jan, Nis-siyai. ewædon, dá hig dis gehyrdon, Det ne -
17 Ip is insaiwhands du im, gap, Appan 17 Da beheold he hig, and cwæþ, Hweet
wha ist pata gamelido, Stains pammei is det áwriten is, Done stán de da
uskusun timryans, sah warp du haubida wyrhtan áwurpon, des is geworden on
waihstins ? dere hyrnan heafod ?

18 Whazuh saei driusip ana pana stain, 18 Ale de fylp ofer done stan, byþ
gakrotuda ; ip ana panei driusip, diswinp- forbryt; ofer done de he fylp he to-
eip ina. ewyst.

19 Yah sokidedun pai bokaryos, yah 19 Da sóhton dæra sacerda ealdras,

auhumistans gudyans, uslagyan ana ina and da bóceras, hyra handa on dere |
handuns in pizai wheilai, yah ohtedun tide on hine wurpan, and hig ádrédon
po managein ; fropun auk patei du im | him dæt fole; sóplice hi ongéton det
po gayukon qap. he dis bigspell to him ewzep.
20 Yah afleipandans insandidedun fer- 20 Da sendon hig mid searwum, da de
XX. 8-20.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 405
8 And Jhesu seide to hem, Neither I 8 And Jesus sayde vnto them, Nether
seie to 30u, in what power I do thes tell I you, by what auctorite I do these
thingis. thynges.
9 Forsothe he bigan to seye to the 9 Then began he to put forthe to the
comyn peple this parable. Sum man people this similitude. A certayne man
plantide a vyner, and settide it to ferme planted a vyneyarde, and lett it forthe
to tilieris; and he was in pilgrymage to fermers ; and went hym silfe into a
many tymes. straunge countre for a greate season.
10 And in the tyme of gedrynge of to And when the time cam, he sent
grapis, he sente a seruaunt to the tilieris, a servaunt to his tennauntes, that they
that thei schulden 3yue to him of the shulde geve hym of the frutes of the
fruyt of the vyner ;whiche leften him, vyneyarde ; the tennauntes bett hym,
betun, voyde. and sent hym awaye empty.
rir And he addide to sende another 11 And he ceased nott therby but sent
seruaunt ; forsothe also thei betinge yett another servaunt ; and they bett
this, and ponyschynge with dispisingis, hym, and foule entreated hym alsoo,
leften voyde. and sent hym awaye empty.
. 12 And he addide to sende the thridde, 12 Morover he sent the thyrde alsoo,
whiche also woundinge him, castiden and hym they wounded, and cast hym
out. out.
= 13 Sothli the lord of the vyner seide, 13 Then sayde the lorde off the vyne-
What schal I do? I schal sende my yarde, What shall I do? I wyll sende
dereworthe sone; perauenture whanne my deare sonne; hym per adventure
thei schulen se him, thei schulen be they wyll reverence, when they se hym.
sawe hym, they
14 Whom whanne the tilieris hadden ' 14 When the fermers
- seyn, thei thou3ten with ynne hem selue, thought in them selves, sayinge, This is
seyinge, This is the eyr, sle we him, the heyre, come, lett vs kyll hym, that
oure. the enherytau nce maye be oures,
that the eritage be maad
15 And thei killiden him, cast out of r5 And they cast hym out of the vyne-
hym. Nawe what
the vyner. What therfore schal the lord yarde, and kylled
shall the lorde off the vyneyarde do vnto
. of the vyner do to hem?
them ?
16 He schal come, and lese these til- 16 He wyll come, and destroye those
jeris, and he schal 3yue the vyner to fermers, and will lett out his vyneyarde
"othere. Which thing herd, thei seiden to other. When they herde that, they
sayde, God forbid. ;
— to him, Fer be it.
'- r7 Forsothe he biholdinge hem, seide, 17 He behelde them, and sayd, What
— What t'erfore is this thing that is meaneth thys then that is written, The
writun, The stoon whom men bildinge stone that the bylders refused, is made
reproueden, this is maad in to the heed the heed corner stone!
of the corner ?
18 Ech that schal falle on that stoon, 18 Whosoever stomble at that stone,
‘schal be brysid; forsothe on whom it shalbe brused; but on whomsoever it
schal falle, it schal breke him in to faul, it wyll alto breake hym.
smale parties.
19 And the princes of prestis, and the 19 And the hye prestes, and the scrybes,
- scribis, sousten to sette hondis on him the same howre went about to laye
jn that our, and thei dredden the peple , hondes on him, but they feared the peo-
forsothe thei knewen that to hem he ple; for they perceaved that he had
seide this lyknesse. spoken this similitude agaynst them. -
. 20 And thei aspyinge senten aspieris, 20 And they watched him and sent
406 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Luke
yans, pans us liutein taiknyandans sik hi ribtwise léton, dst hig hine geseyld--
garaihtans wisan, ei gafaifaheina is egodon, and dæt hig híne gesealdon |
waurdei, yah atgebeina ina reikya, yah dam ealdron to dóme, And to dios déman |
waldufnya kindinis. anwalde to fordémanne.
21 Yah frehun ina, qipandans, Laisari, 21 Da ácsodon hig hine, and eweedon, '
witum, patei raihtábá rodeis, yah laiseis; Láreow, we witon, deet dú rihte spryest
yah ni andsaiwhis andwairpi, ak bi sun- and lxrst; and for nánum men ne
yai wig Gups laiseis. wandast, ac Godes weg on sóþfæstnesse
lérst. 1
22 Skuldu ist unsis Kaisara gild giban, 22 Is hit riht Get man dam Casere
pau niu ? $ gafol sylle, de ná ?
23 Bisaiwhands þan ïze unselein, Lesus 23 Da cwæþ he to him, dá he tjs
qap du im, Wha mik fraisip? fácen onget, Hwi fandige ge min?

24 Ataugeip mis skatt; whis habaip 24 V'waþ me anne penig ; hwæs anlic-
manleikan yah ufarmeli ? Andhafyand- nesse hæfþ he and ofer- gewrit 1 på
ans þanqepun, Kaisaris. cwædon hig, Dees Caseres.
25 lpis qapuh du im, us nu gibip po 25 Dà ewæþ he to him, Agyfap dam
Kaisaris cies yah po Guys, Gupa. Casere da ping de des Caseres synd
and Gode, da ping de Godes synd.

26 Yah ni mahtedun gafahan is waurde 26 Da ne mihton hig his word befón

in andwairpya manageins ; yah sildaleik- befóran dam folce ; dá süwedon hig,
yandans andawaurde is, gapahaidedun. wundrigende be his andsware.*

27 Duatgaggandans pan sumai Sad- 24 Da genealæhton sume of Saduceum,

dukaie, paiei qipand usstass ni wisan, da ætsaca . dæs ærýstes, and áesodon
frehun ina, hine,
28 Qipandans, Laisari, Moses gamelida 28 And ewædon, Láreow, Moyses us
uns, yabai whis bropar gadauþnai aig- wrát, gif hwæs bródor byþ dead and wif.
ands gen, yah sa unbarnahs gadaupnai, hæbbe, and se byþ bútan bearnum, dæt
el nimai bropar íis po qen, yah urraisyai his bróðor nime his wif, p hys bródor
fraiw bropr seinamma. sæd áwecce. l

29 Sibun nu bropryus wesun. Yah sa 29 Seofon gebródru wæron. And se

frumista nimands gen, gadaupnoda, un- forma nam wif, and wes dead, bútan
barnahs; bearne;
30 Yah nam anpar po qen, yah sa ga- 30 Da nam óðer hig, and wes dead
swalt unbarnahs ; butan bearne;
31 Yah pridya nam po samaleiko;j 31 Da nam se pridda hig; and swá
samaleiko pan yah pai sibun, yah ni calle seofone, and nán sæd ne læfdon,
bilipun barne, yahgaswultun; and weron deade ;H

32 Spedista allaize gadaupnoda yah so 32 Da ealra ytemest wees det wif

qens. dead.
33 In pizai usstassai nu, wharyis pize 33 On dam ee hwylees hyra wif 1
wairþiþ qens? pai auk sibun aihtedun po bib dat? = eR
du qenai.
34 Yah andhafyands qap du im Tesus, 34 Da cwæþ se Hælend to him, Dysse
Pai sunyus pis aiwis liugand, yah hug- worulde bearn wifiap, and beop to giftum
anda ;; gesealde;
35 Ip paiei wairpai sind yainis aiwis 35 Da de synd dere worulde wyrde,
XX. 21-35.] WYCLIFFE, 1380. TYNDALE, 1526. 407
whiche feyneden hem selue iuste, that forth spies, whych shulde fayne them
thei schulden take him in word, and selves perfecte, to take hym in hys
bitake him to the prince, and to the wordes, and to delyvre hym vnto the
power of the iustise. power, and auctorite off the presydent.
21 And thei axiden him, seyinge, 21 And they axed hym, sayinge, Master,
Maistir, we witen, that thou seist and we knowe, that thou sayest and teachest
techist ri3tly ; and thou takist not per- ryght ; nether considerest thou eny
soone of man, but thou techist in treuth mannes degre, but teachest the waye of
— the wey of God. God truely.
22 Is it leefful to vs to 3yue tribute to 22 Ys it laufull for vs to geve Cesar
Cesar, ether nay! tribute, or noo?
23 Forsothe he biholdinge the disseyt 23 He perceaved their craftynes, and
of hem, seide to hem, What tempte 3e sayde vnto them, Why tempt ye me?
24 Schewe 3e to me a peny; whos 24 Shewe me a peny; whoose ymage
ymage and writynge aboue hath it? and superscripcion hath it? They an-
'Thei answeringe seiden to him, Cesaris. swered and sayd, Cesars.
25 And he seide to hem, Therfore 3elde 25 And he sayde vnto them, Geve then
se to Cesar tho thingis that ben of vnto Cesar that which belongeth vnto
Cesar, and tho thingis that ben of God, Cesar, and to God, that whych pertayn-
to God. eth to God.
26 And thei my3ten not reproue his 26 And they coulde nott reprove his
word bifore the pore peple ; and thei sayinge before the people; and they
wondringe in his answere, helden pees. marvayled at his answer, and helde their
27 Summe of the Sadducees, that de- 27 Then cam to hym certayne off the
nyen agen rysinge to be, neizeden, and Saduces, which denye that there is eny
axiden him, resurreccion, and they axed hym,
28 Seyinge, Maistir, Moyses wrot to 28 Sayinge, Master, Moses wrote vnto
vs, if the brother of ony man hauynge vs, if eny mannes brother dye havinge a
wyf deiede, and he was with oute fre wyfe, and the same dye wyth out issue,
children, that his brother take his wyf, that then hys brother shulde take his
and reyse seed to his brother. wyfe, and rayse vp seede vnto hys bro-
29 Therfore seuene britheren weren. 29 There were seven brethren. And
The firste took a wyf, and is deed, with the fyrst toke awyfe, and died, with out
outen sones ; children ;
30 And the brother suwinge took hir, 30 And the seconde toke the wyfe,
— and he is deed with oute sone ; and he dyed chyldlesse ;
— 31 And the thridde took hir; also and 31 And the thyrde toke her; and in
alle seuene, and leften no seed, but ben lyke wyse the resydue off the seven, and
deede ; leeft noo chyldren be hynde them, and
32 And the womman the laste of alle 32 Last of all the woman dyed also.
is deed.
33 Therfore in the risynge a3ein, whos 33 Nowe at the resurreccion, whose
wyf of hem schal sche be? forsothe wyfe of them shall she be? for vij had.
seuene hadden hir wyf. her to wyfe.
34 And Jhesu seide to hem, Sones of 34 Jesus answered and sayd vnto them,
this world wedden, and ben 3ouun to The chyldren off this worlde mary wyves,
" weddingis ; and are maryed ;
35 Forsothe thei that be worthi to 35 But they which shalbe worthy of

408 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. LUKE
niutan, yah usstassais us daupaim, ni and ærýstes of deapum, ne giftiap hi, ne :
liugand, ni liuganda, wif ne lædaþ,

36 Nih allis gaswiltan panaseips mag- 36 Ne ofer det sweltan ne mágon;

un ; ibnans aggilum auk sind, yah sun- hig synd sóþlice englum gelice, and hig
yus sind Gups, usstassais sunyus wis- synd Godes bearn, donne hig synd æryst-
andans. es bearn. l
37 Appan patei urreisand daupans, yah 37 Fordam de sóplice deáde arisap,
Moses banwida ana aiwhatundyai, swe and Moyses st-ywde wid ænne beig-
qiþiþ, Sawh Frauyan Gup Abrahamis, beam, swá he cweep, Drihten Abrahames
yah Gup Isakis, yah Gup lakobis. God, and Isaaces God, and Tacobes God.

48Aþþan Gup nist daupaize, ak qiwaize; 38 Nys God deadra, ac lybbendra ;

allai auk imma liband. ealle hig him lybbap.

39 Andhafyandans pan sumai pize bok- 39 Da andswaredon him sume diera

arye qepun, Laisari, waila qast. bócera and ewædon, Lareow, wel du
40 Nip-pan þanaseiþs gadaurstedun 40 And hig hine leng ne dorston ænig
fraihnan ina ni waihtais. ping ácsian.
41 Qap pan du im, Whaiwa qipand, 41 Da cwæþ he to him, Hwi secgap
Christu sunu Daweidis wisan, hig, det Crist sy Dauides sunu,
42 Yah silba Daweid qipip in bokom 42 And Dauid ewyp on dam Sealme,
Psalmo, Qap Frauya du frauyin mein- Drihten sede to minum drihtne, Site on
amma, Sit af taihswon meinai, mine swidran healfe,
43 Unte ik galagya fiyands peinans 43 Od dæt ic ásette dine fynd to főt-
fotubaurd fotiwe peinaize. sceamele dinra fóta.
44 Daweid ina frauyan haitip, yah 44 Dauid hine clypap drihten, and hú- -
' whaiwa sunus imma ist? meta ys he hys sunu?
45 At gahausyandein pan allai man- 45 Da sede he hys leorning-cnihtum,
agein, qap du siponyam seinaim, eallum folce gehyrendum,
46 Atsaiwhip faura bokaryam, paim 46 Warniap wid da bóceras, da de
wilyandam gaggan in wheitaim .... wyllap on gegyrlum gan, and lufiaþ
grétinga on stréte, and da yldstan setl
on gesamnungum, and da forman hleon-
unga on gebeorscypum;
47 Da forswelgap wuduwena hüs, hiw-
igende lang gebed; da onfóp máran

— -——— 03

CHAP. XXI. 1 Da he hine beseah,

he geséh da welegan heora lác sendan
on done sceoppan ;
2 Da geseah he sume earme wudewan
bringan twegen feorplingas.
3 Da cwæþ he, Sóþ ie eow secge, deat
deos earme wudewe ealra mæst brohte. |

4 Sopes ealle das brohton Gode láe,

| ef hyra mycelan welan ; deos wudewe
XX. 36.-XXI. 4.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 409
that world, and rysing azen fro deede | that worlde, and of the resurreccion from
men, ee ben weddid, nether wedden deeth, nether mary wyves, nether are
wyues, maryed,
36 Nether schulen mowe deye more: ' 36 Nor yet can dye eny moare; for
forsoth thei ben euene with aungels, and i they are equall vnto the angels, and are
ben the sones of God, sithen thei ben | the sonnes of God, in as moche as they
the sones of rysinge a3en. are the chyldren off the resurreccion.
37 Forsothe for deede men rysen azen, 37 And that the deed shall ryse agayne,
also Moyses schewide bysyde the boysche. even Moses signified besydes the busshe,
as he seith, The Lord God of Abraham. when he sayde, The Lorde God of Abra-
and God of Isaac, and God of Jacob. | ham, and the God off Isaac, and the
God of Jacob.
38 Forsoth God is not of deede men, 38 For he is not the God off the deed,
but of lyuynge men ; forsoth alle men but off them whych live ; for all live in
lyuen to hym. hym.
39 Sothli summe of the scribis answer- 39 Certayne oft the Pharises answered
inge seide, Maistir, thou hast well seide. and sayd, Master, thou hast wele sayde.

40 And thei durste no more axe him 40 And after that durst they not axe
ony thing. hym eny question at all.
41 Forsoth he seide to hem, How seyn 41 Then sayd he vnto them, Howe saye
men, that Crist is the sone of Dauith, they, that Christ ys Davides sonne,
42 And Dauith him silf seith in the 42 And David hym silfe sayth in the
book of Salmes, The Lord seide to my boke off the Psalmes, The Lorde sayde
“lord, Sitte thou on my rist half, vnto my lorde, Sytt on my ryght honde,
43 Til I putte thin enemyes a stool of 43 Tyll I make thyne enemys thy fote
thi feet. stole.
44 Therfore Dauith clepith him lord, 44 David then called hym lorde, howe
' and how is he his sone? ys he also hys sonne?
45 Sothli al the peple heeringe, he 45 Then in the audience off all the
seyde to his disciplis, people, he sayde vnto his disciples,
46 Be 3e war of scribis, that wolen go 46 Beware off the serybes, whych de-
in stoolis, and louen salutaeiouns in the syre to goo in longe clothynge, and love
cheping, and the firste chayris in syna- gretynges in the marketes, and the hyest
gogis, and the firste sitting places in seates in the sinagoges, and chefe roumes
feestis ; at feastes ;
47 Whiche deuouren the housis of 47 Which devoure widdowes houses,
= widowis, feynynge long preier ; thes and praye longe vnder a coloure ; the
schulen take more dampnacioun. same shall receave greater damnacion.

Cmar. XXL 1 Forsothe he bihold- Crap. XXI. 1 As he behelde he

inge sy3 tho riche men, whiche senten sawe the ryche men, howe they cast in
her 3iftis in to the tresorie ; their offeringes into the tresury;
2 Forsothe he sy3 also sum litel pore 2 He sawe also a certayne povre wid-
widowe sendynge tweie litle moneys." dowe which cast in thydre two mytes.
3 And he seyde, Treuli I seye to 30u, 3 And he said, Of a trueth I saye vnto
for this pore widowe sente more than you, this povre widdowe hath putt in
alle men. moare then they all.
4 Forwhi alle thes senten in to jittis 4 For they all have of their super-
of God, of the thing plenteuously to | fluyte, added vnto the offerynge off God ;
410 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. ([Sr. LUKE
brohte of dam de heo hæfde, ealle hyre —


5 And dá cweep he, to dam de sædon

be dam temple, det hit w&re geglenged
mid godum stánum and gódum gifum,
6 Das ping de ge geseop, da dagas
cumap, on dam ne bip stan læfed ofer
stan, de ne beo toworpen.

7 Da ácsodon hig hine, La bebeod-

end, hwænne beop das ping? and
hwylee tácna beop, donne das ping ge-
weordap 1
8 Da cwæþ he, Warniap, det ge ne
syn beswicene ; manige cumap on minum
naman, and ewedap, Ie hit eom, and
tid genealæcþ ; ne fare ge æfter him. -

9 Ne beo ge brégede, donne ge geseop

gefeoht and twý-rædnessa ; das ping ge-
byrigeap æryst, ac nys donne gyt ende.

10 Da cwæþ he to him, Peod árist

ongean peode, and rice ongean rice ;

tz And beop mycele eorpan styrunga

geond stówa, and cwealmas, and hunger,
and egsan of heofene, and mycele tácnu
12 Actoforan eallum dissum hig nimaþ
eow, and ehtap, and [syllap]t eow on ge-
samnunga and on hyrdnyssa, and lædaþ
eow to cyningum and to démum, for
minum naman ; i
13 Dys eow gebyrap on gewitnesse.

14 Ne scyle ge on eowrum heortum -

fore-smeagean, hú ge andswarion ;

15 Ie sylle eow müp and wisdóm, dam

ne magon ealle eower widerwinnan wid-
standan, and widewedan.

16 Ge beop gesealde fram magum, and

gebrodrum, and cúðum, and freondum,
and hig eow to deape gesweneap ;

17 Ànd ge beop eallum on hatunga for

minum naman.
18 And ne forwyrp án loce of eowrum
heafde ;
XXI. 5-18.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. AM
hem; forsothe this widowe of this thing but she of her penury, hath cast in all
that fayleth to hir, sente al hir lyfloode, the substaunce, that she hadde.
that she hadde.
5 And sum men seyinge of the temple, 5 Às some spake of the temple, howe
that 16 was ourned with goode stoones it was garnesshed with goodly stones
and 5yftis, he seyde, and iewels, he sayde,
6 Thes thingis that 3e seen, dayes 6 The dayes wyll come, when off these
schulen come, in which a stoon schal thynges which ye se, shall nott be lefte
not be left on a stoon, which schal not stone apon stone, that shall nott be
be distroyed. throwen doune.
4 Sothli thei axiden him, seyinge, Com- 7 Ànd they axed hym, sayinge, Master,
aundour, whanne schulen thes thingis when shall these thynges be? and what
be? and what tokene, whanne thei signes will there be, when suche thynges
schulen bigynne to be don? shall come to passe?
8 Which seide, Se 3e, that 3e be not 8 And he sayd, Take hede, that ye
disceyued ; forsothe manye schulen come be not deceaved ; for many will come
in my name, seyinge, For I am, and the in my name, saying of them selves, I
tyme schal neige; therfore nyle se go am he, and the tyme draweth neare;
aftir hem. folowe ye nott them therfore.
9 But whanne 3e schulen heere batels 9 Butt when ye heare of warre and
and dissenciouns with ynne, nyle 3e be dissencion, be not afrayd; for these
aferd ; it bihoueth first thes thingis to thynges must fyrst come, butt the ende
be don, but not 3it a noon the ende. foloweth not by and by.
1o Thanne he seide to hem, Folk schal io Then sayd he vnto them, Nacion
ryse asens folk, and rewme asens rewme ; shall ryse agaynst nacion, and kyngdom
agaynst kingdom ;
11 And grete mouyngis of erthe schulen 11 And greate erthquakes shalbe in all
be by places, and pestilensis, and hun- quarters, and honger, and pestilence,
gris, and dredis fro heuene, and grete and fearfull thinges, and greate signes
tokenes schulen be. shall there be from heven.
12 But bifore alle thes thingis thei 12 But before all these they shall laye
schulen sette hir hondis on 3ou, and their hondes on you, and persecute you,
schulen pursuwe, bitakinge in to syna- delyverynge you vppe to the synagoges
gogis and kepingis,! drawynge to kingis and into preson, and brynge you before
aud iustisis, for my name; kynges and rulers, for my names sake ;
r3 Forsothe it schal bifalle to 30u in 13 And this shall chaunche you ffor a
to witnessing. testimoniall.
14 Therfore putte 3e in 30ure hertis, 14 Lett it sticke therfore faste in youre
not to thenke bifore, how 3e schulen hertes, nott once to stody before, whatt
answere ; ye shall answere for youre selves ;
r5 For I schal 3yue to 30u mouth and 15 For I will geve you a mouth and
` wysdom, to whiche alle 3oure aduer- wysdom, were agaynste all youre adver-
saries schulen not mowe agenstonde, and sarys shall not be able to speake, nor
asenseye. resist.
r6 Sothli ye schulen be bytrayed of 16 Ye and ye shalbe betrayed of youre
fadir, and modir, and britheren, and fathers, and mothers, and of youre bre-
cosyns, and frendis, and by deeth thei thren, and kynsmen, and lovers, and
schulen turmente summe of 30u ; some of you shall they put to deeth ;
17 And 3e schulen be hatid of alle men 17 And hated shall ye be off all men
for my name. for my names sake. ;
18 And an heer of 3oure heed schal 18 Yet there shall not one heer of
not perische ; youra heeddes perisse ;

41z GOTHIC, 3€c. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Luxe
:9 On eowrum gepylde ge gehealdap
eowre sáwla.
20'Bonne ge geseop Hierusalem mid
here betrymede, witap, deet hyre toworp-
ennes genealæcþ.

21 Donne fleop on müntas, da de on

Iudea synd; and nyder ne ástigaþ, da
de on hyre middele synd ; and into hyre
ne magon, da de dzr-üte synd.

22 Fordam de dis synd wrace dagas,

dæt ealle ping syn gefyllede, de áwritene
23 Sóplice wá eacnigendum wife, and
fedendum on dam dagum; donne bip
mycel ofpriccednes ofer eorpan, and yrre
disum folce.

24 And hig feallap on sweordes ecge,

and beop heeftlingas on ealle peoda ;
Hierusalem bip fram peodum fortreden,
od mægþa tida synd gefyllede.

25 And beop tacnu on sunnan, and on

monan, and on steorrum ; and on eorpan
peoda forpriccednes, for gedréfednesse
ses swéges and yda ;

26 Bifigendum mannum for ege and

anbide de eallum ymbe-hwyrfte to-be-
cumap ; donne beop heofones myhta
27 And donne hig geseop mannes sunu
on lyfte cumende, mid mycelum anwalde
and mægen-þrymme.
28 Donne das ping agynnap, beseop,
and eowre heafdu upahebbap, fordam de
eower álýsednes genealæcþ.

20 Ðá sæde he him sum bigspel, Be-

| keaidap done fic-beam, and ealle treowa,

30 Donne hig wæstm bringap, ge witon

dæt sumor ys gehende ;

31 And donne ge das ping geseop, .

witap, dæt Godes rice is gehende.

32 Soplice ic eow secge, det deos

XXL 19-32.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 413
19 In 30ure pacience 3e schulen welde tg With youre pacience possesse youre
zoure soulis. soules.
20 Forsoth whanne se schulen se Je- 20 And when ye se Jerusalem beseged
rusalem enuyrowned of an oost of batel, with an hoste, then vnderstonde, that
thanne wite 3e, that the desolacioun the desolacion of the same is nye.
therof schal neise.
21 Thanne thei that ben in Judee, flee 21 Then lett them which are in Iewry,
in tc hillis ; and thei that ben in the flye to the mountaynes ; and let them
myddel of it, go awey ; and thei that which are in the myddes off hit, departe
ben in the cuntreis, entre not in to it. oute; and lett not them that are in
other countreis, enter there in.
22 For thes ben the dayes of veniaunce, 22 For these be the dayes of venge-
that alle thingis that ben writun, be aunce, to fulfill all that are written.
23 Forsothe wo to hem, that ben with 23 Butt wo be to them, that be with
childe, and norischen in tho dayes ; for chylde, and to them that geve sucke in
a greet tribulacioun schal be on erthe, those dayes ; for there shalbe greate
and wraththe to this peple. trouble in the londe, and wrathe over
all this people.
24 And thei schulen falle in the mouth 24 And they shall fal on the edge of
of swerd, and thei schulen be ledd caytif the swearde, and they shalbe leed cap-
in to alle folkis; and Jerusalem schal tiue in to all nacions; and Jerusalem
be defoulid of hethen men, til the tymes shalbe trooden vnder fote off the gen-
of naciouns be fillid. tyls, vntyll the tyme of the gentyls be
25 And tokenes schulen be in the 25 And there shalbe signes in the
sunne, and moone, and sterris; and in sunne, and in the mone, and in the
the erthe schal be ouerleying of folkis, starres ; and in the erth the people
for confusioun of sown of the see and shalbe in soche perplexite, that they
wawis ; shall not tell which waye to turne them
selves, the see and the waves shall roore ;
26 Men waxinge drye for drede and 26 And mennes hertes shall fayle them
abidinge that schulen come on al the for feare and for lokynge after thoose
world ; forwhi vertues of heuene schulen thinges which shall come on the erth ;
be mouyd. for the powers of heven shall move.
27 And thanne thei schulen se mannis 27 And then shall they se the sonne of
i sone comynge in a cloude, with greet man come in a clowde, with power and
power and maieste. greate glory.
28 Sothli thes thingis bigynnynge to 28 When these thynges begyn to come
be don, biholde 3e, and reyse 3e 3oure to passe, then loke vppe, and lifte vppe
heedis, for zoure a3en bying nei3ith. youre heddes, for youre redemcion draw-
ith neye.
29 And he seide to hem a lienesse, Se 29 And he shewed them a similitude,
se the fige tree, and alle trees, Beholde the fygge tree, and all other
3o Whanne thei bringen forth of hem 3o When they shute forth their buddes,
fruyt now, 3e witen for somer is ni3 ; ye se and knowe of youre awne selves
that sommer is then neye att hond ;
31 So also, whanne 3e schulen se thes 31 Soo lyke wyse ye, when ye se these
thingis to be don, wite 3e, for the thynges come to passe, vnderstonde, that
kyngdom. of God is ny3. the kyngdom of God is neye.
32 Treuli I seie to 30u, for this genera- 32 Verely I saie vnto you, this genera-
414 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. ST. Luxe
eneores ne gewit, érðam de ealle das
ping geweordon.
33 Heofen and eorpe gewitap, soplice
mine word ne gewitap.'
34 Warniap eow, de-les cower heortan
gehefegode syn on ofer-fylle, and on
druncennesse, and dises lifes carum, and
on eow se færlica deg becume ;

35 Swá swá grin he becymp on ealle,

da de sittap ofer eorpan ansyne.

36 Waciap on ælcere tide, and biddap,

dæt ge weorde syn diet ge das towerdan
ping forfleon, and standan beforan man-
nes suna.
37 Sóþlice he wes on deg on dam
temple lérende, and on niht he eode
and wunode on dam münte, de ys ge-
eweden Oliueti.
38 And eall fole on morgen com to
him, to dam temple, det hi hine ge-

Cuar. XXII. tr Da soplice genea-

læhte freols-dæg azimorum, se is ge-
eweden eastre.
2 And dara sacerda ealdras and da
bóceras smeadon, ht hig hine forspildon,
sóplice hig ondrédon him deet folc. á
3 Da eode Satanas on Iudam, se wes —
ódre naman Scarioth, an of dam twelf-
4 Da férde he, and spree mid dara
sacerda ealdor-mannum, and dugude.
ealdrum, hú he hine him gesealde.

5 And hig fagenodon, and him wed-

dedon feoh to syllanne.
6 And he behét, and he sóhte hü he
eadelicost hine, be-æftan dere menego,
gesealde. Aan
+ Da com se dæg azimorum, on dam
hí woldon hyra eastron gewyrcan,

8 And he sende Petrum and Iohannem;
and cwæþ to him, Farap and gearwiap.
us, det we ure eastron gewyrcon.
9 Da cwædon hig, Hwar wylt da, det - m

„We gearwionÍ
XXI. 33.-XXII. 9.) WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 415
cioun schal not passe, til alle thingis be cion shall not passe, tyll all be fulfilled.
33 Heuene and erthe schulen passe, 33 Heven and erth shall passe, but my
but my wordis schulen not passe. wordes shall not passe.
34 Forsothe take 3e heede to 30u silf, 34 Take hede to youre selves, lest
lest per auenture youre hertis be greuyd youre hertes be overcome with surfett-
with glotenye, and drunkenesse, and ynge, and dronkennes, and cares of this
bisynessis of this lyf, and thilke day worlde, and that that daye come on you
come sudeyn on 30u; vnwares ;
35 For as a snare it schal come on 35 For as a snare shall hit come on all
alle men, that sitten on the face of al them, that sit on the face of the erthe.
36 And so wake 3e, preiynge in ech 36 Watche therfore continually, and
tyme, that 3e be worthi to fle alle thes praye, that ye maye scape all this that
thingis that schulen come, and to stonde shal eome, and that ye maye stonde
bifore mannis sone. before the sonne of man.
37 Forsoth in dayes he was techinge 37 Iu the daye tyme taught he in the
in the temple, but he goynge out dwell- temple, and at nyght he went out, and
ide in nystis in the hil, which is clepid had abydynge in the mount Olivete.
of Olyuete.
38 And al the peple roos erly, to come 38 And all the people cam in the morn-
to him in the temple, for to heere him. ynge to hym, into the temple, for to
heare hym.

Cmar. XXII. 1 Forsothe the hali- Cmar. XXII. 1 The feaste off swete
day of therf looues, which is seid paske, breed drue nye, whych is called ester.
2 And the princes of prestis and the 2 And the hye prestes and scrybes:
scribis sou3ten, hou thei schulden slee sought, howe to kyll Jesus, but they
— Jhesu, but thei dredden the peple. feared the people.
3 Sothli Sathanas entride in to Judas, 3 Then entred Satan into Judas, whose
that was clepid Scarioth, oon of the syr name was Iscariot, which was of the
twelue. nombre off the twelve.
4 And he wente, and spak with the 4 And he went his waye, and com-
prinees of prestis, and with the mages- mened with the hye prestes, and officers,
tratis, how he schulde bitraye him to how he wolde betraye hym vnto them.
= hem.
5 And thei ioyeden, and maden couen- 5 And they were glad, and promysed
. aunt to 3yue money to him. to geve hym money.
6 And he bihiste, and he souste couen- 6 And he consented, and sought opor-
ablete, that he schulde bitraye him, with tunite, to betraye hym vnto them, when
oute the cumpanyes. the people were awaye.
7 Sothly the day of therf looues cam, 7 Then cam that daye of swete breed,
in which it was nede, that pask" be when off necessite, the ester lambe muste
slayn. be offered.
8 And he sente Petre and John, sey- 8 And he sent Peter and Jhon, seiynge,
inge, 3e goynge make redy pask to vs, Goo and prepare vs the ester lambe,
that we ete. — that we maye eate.
g And thei seiden, Where wolt thou, 9 They sayde to hym, Where wilt thou,
Y. that we make redy? that we prepare?
416 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sz. LUKE
to And he cwep to him, Na! donne
ge on da ceastre gáp, eow ágén yrnp an
man mid wæter-buce; filigeaþ bim on
dæt hús, de he in-gep.

11 And seegap dam hús-hláforde, U're

láreow dé secgp, Hwar ys cumena hüs,
dar ic mine eastron wyrce mid minum
leerning-enihtum ?

12 And he eow betæcþ mycele healle

gedæfte, gegearwiap dara.

13 Da férdon hig, and gemétton swa

he him sade, and hig gegearwodon
14 And dá tima wes, he sæt, and his
twelf apostolas mid him.

15 And he sede him, Of gewilnunge

ic gewilnode etan mid eow das eastron,
ær ic forp-fare ;
16 Ic eow secge, Geet ic heonon-forp ne
ete, ær hit sy on Godes rice gefylled.
17 And onféng calice, and pancas dyde,
and cweep, Onfop, and dælaþ betwux -
eow ;
18 Sóplice ic eow secge, æt ic ne drince -
of dises win-geardes cynne, er Godes
rice cume.
19 And he onféng hláfe, and pancode,
and him sealde, and cwæþ, Dis is min -
lichama, se is for eow geseald ; dóp dis —
on min gemynd,

20 And swá eac done calie, syddan he

ge-eten hæfde, and cweep, Des ealie is
niwe gecydnes on minum blóde, se bip
for eow ágoten.
21 Deah hweedere, hér is des læwan
hand mid me on mysan.
22 And witodliee mannes sunu gæþ,
efter dam de him fóre-stihtod wees ;
ðeah hweedere wá dam men, de he þurh
geseald bip.
23 And hi águnnon betwux him smea-
gan, hwyle of him dzet to donne were.

24 And hi fliton betwux him, hwyle

hyra were yldest.
XXII 10-24.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 417
10 And he seide to hem, Lo! 3ou en- ro And he sayde vnto them, Beholde !
tringe in to the citee, sum man beringe as ye enter into the cite, there shall
a vessel with watir schal come a3ens a man mete you bearynge a pitcher
30u; sue 5e him in to the hous, in to off water; hym folowe into the same
which he entrith. housse, that he entreth in.
Ir And 3e schulen seye to the hose- II And ye shall saye vnto the goode
bonde man of the hous, The maistir man off the housse, The master sayeth,
seith to thee, Where is the herborgerie, Where is the gest chamber, where I
where I schal ete pask with my dis- | shall eate myne ester lambe wyth my
ciplis? dissciples ?
12 And he schal schewe to 30u a greet 12 And he shall shewe you a greate
souping place strewid, and there make parloure paved, there make redy.
3e redy.
r3 Sothli thei goynge founden as he 13 They went and founde as he had
seide to hem, and there thei maden sayde vnto them, and made redy the
redy the paske. | ester lambe. `
14 Ànd whanne the our was maad, he 14 And when the houre cam, he sate
sat to the mete, and twelue. apostlis doune, and the twelve apostles witb
with him. hym.
15 And he seide to hem, With desyr 15 And he sayde vnto them, I have in-
I haue desyrid to ete with 30u this pask, wardly desyred to eate this ester lambe
bifore that I suffre ; with you, before that Y suffre ;
16 Forsothe í seie to 30u, for fro this I6 For I saye vnto you, hence forthe
tyme I shal not ete it, til it be fillid in I will nott eate of it eny moore, vntill
4 the rewme of God. itt be fulfilled in the kyngdom of God.
17 And the cuppe takun, he dide 17 And he toke the cuppe, and gave
. thankingis, and seide, Take 3e, and de- thankes, and sayde, Receave this, and
parte 5e among 50u ; devyde itt amonge you ;
18 Forsothe I seie to 30u, I schal not 18 For I saye vnto you, I will not
drynke of the generacioun of this vyne, drynke of the frute of the vyne, vntill
til the rewme of God come. the kyngdom of God be come.
r9 And the breed takun, he dide 19 And he toke breed, and gave thankes,
thankingis, and brak, and 3af to hem, and brake itt, and gave it vnto them.
seyinge, This is my body, which schal sayinge, Thys is my body, which is
be 3ouun for 30u; do 5e this thing in geven for you ; thys do in the remem-
to my commemoracioun. braunce of me.
20 Also and the chalys, aftir that he 20 Lykewyse alsoo when they had
hadde soupid, seyinge, This cuppe is the supped, he toke the cuppe, sayinge, This
newe testament in my blood, which is the cuppe, the newe testamentt in my
-. gehal be sched for 30u. bloud, which shall for you be shedde.
- 2r Netheles lo! the hond of a man 21 Yet beholde! the honde off hym that
bitrayinge me is with me in the bord. betrayeth me is with me on the table.
22 And sothli mannis sone goth, vp 22 Ànd the sonne of man goeth, as hit
that it is determynd ; netheles wo to is appoynted ; but wo be to that mau,
R that man, bi whom he schal be bitrayed. by whom he is betrayed.

23 And thei bigynnen to seche among 23 And they began to enquyre amonge
hem silf, who it was of hem, that was them selves, which off them it shulde
to doynge this thing. be, that shulde do that.
24 And stryf was maad among hem, 24 And there was a stryfe amonge
E. "which of hem schulde be seyn to be them, which of them shulde seme great-
|. more. est.

418 GOTHIC, 360.

25 Da sæde he him, Cyningas ——

peod a, and da de anwe ald ofer hig

habbap synd frem full e gene mned ,
rde ;
a6 Acne beo ge ná swá; ac gewu -
ys be-
he swá swá gingra, se de yldra
d ys,
twux eow, and se de fóre-stæppen 1
beo he swylce he pén sy.
p, —
ay Hwæðer ys yldra, de se de péna Á
wito dlic e se de sit. le
de se de sit?
se de
eom on eowrum midlene, swá swá
28 Ge synd, de mid me þurh-wun
on min um gesw incu m ;
ag And ie eow dihte, swá min
me rice dihte ,
30 Det ge eton and drincon ofer
| mysan on minum rice, and ge
-set l, déme nde twel f mæg þa
ofer prym
31 Da ewep Drihten Simon, Simon,-
| nu! Satanas gyrnde, dit he eow hrid

rode swa swa hwæte ;

32 Ie gebæd for dé, det din geleafa
ne geteorige ; and dü æt sumum cyrre
e ewend, getryme dine gebrodru.
u -
33 Da ewep he, Drihten, ic eom gear

to farenne mid dé, ge on cwertern ge

on deap.
34 Di ewep he, Ie seege dé, Petrus,
ne cræwþ se hana to-dæg, er di me

35 Da cwep he to him, Da ie eow |

sende bútan seode, and codde, and gescy, -
wes eow énig ping wana? Da ewædon
hig, Nán þing.
36 Da cwæþ he, Ac nú se de heefp seod, |.
A eds . gelice nime codd ; and se de
næfb, sylle his tunecan, and byege him

37 Sóplice ic eow secge, det gyt sceal -

beon gefylled dæt be me áwriten is, And -
det he mid unrihtwisum geteald wees ;
witodlice da ping de be me synd habbap |
ende. |
38 And hig ewedon, Drihten, hér synd |
tw& sweord. And he ewæþ, Dat is
genóh. a
39 And efter gewun an, he üt-eo de on
dene mint Oliuarum, det is Ele-herg- -

XAI. 25-39.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1726. 413
25 Forsoth he seide to hem, Kyngis 25 And he sayde vnto them, The
of hethen men ben lordis* of hem, and kynges of the gentyls raigne over them,
thei that han power on hem ben clepid and they that beare rule over them are
goode 3yueris, called gracious lordes,
26 But 3e not so; but he that is the 26 But ye shall nott be soo; but he
more in 30u, be maad as the songere, that is greatest amonge you, shalbe as
aud he that is bifore goer, as a seruaunt. the yongest, and he that is chefe, shalbe
as minister.
27 Forwhi who is the more, he that 27 For whether is greater, he that
restith, other he that mynistrith ? wher sitteth at meate, or he that serveth? is
not he that restith? Forsoth I am in the not he that sitteth at meate? And I
myddis of 30u, as he that mynistrith. am amonge you, ag he that ministreth.
28 Sothli se it ben, that han dwelt 28 Ye are, which have bidden with me
with me in my temptaciouns ; in my temptacions ;
29 And I dispose to 3ou, as my fadir 29 And I apoynt vato you a kyngdom,
hath disposed to me, a rewme, as my father hath apoynted to me,
30 That 5e ete and drynke on my bord 3o That ye mayo eate and drynke at
in my rewme, and sitte on trones, dem- my table in my &yngdome, and sit on
ynge twelue kynredis of Israel. seates, and iudge the twelve tribes of
31 Forsothe the Lord seide to Symount, 31 And the Lorde sayde, Simon, Simon,
Symount, lo! Sathanas hath axid 3ou, beholde! Satan hath desired you, to
that he schulde ridele as whete ; sifte you a3 it were wheate ;
32 But I haue preied for thee, that 32 Butt I bave prayed for the, that
thi feith fayle not; and thou conuertid thy fayth fayle nott; and when thou
.^ sum tyme, conferme thi britneren. arte converted, strengthen thy brethren.
33 Which seide to him, Lord, I am 33 And he sayd vnto hym, Lorde, I
redi to go with thee, and in to prisoun am redy to goo with the, in to preson
and in to deeth. and to deth.
34 And he seide, I seie to thee, Peter, 34 And he sayde, I tell the, Peter, the
the koc schal not crowe to day, til thou cocke shall nott crowe this daye, till
. thries forsake to knowe me. thou have thryse denyed that thou
knewest me.
35 And he seide to hem, Whanne I 35 And he sayde vnto them, When I
sente 30u with oute sachel, and scrip, sent you with out wallett, and scrippe,
and schoon, wher ony thing failide to and shoues, lacked ye eny thynge ? And
30u And thei seiden, No thing. they sayd, No thynge.
36 Therfore he seide to hem, But now 36 Aud he sayde to them, But nowe
he that hath a sachel, take also and a he that hath a wallet, let him take itt
- serippe ; and he that hath not, selle his and lykewyse his scrippe ; and he thatt
. eoote, and bye.a swerd. hath noo swearde, let hym sell his coote,
and bye won.
37 Sothli I seie to 30u, for sit it bi- 37 I saye vnto you, that yet that which
houeth this thing that is writun to be is written must be performed in me,
fulfillid in me, And he is demyd with Even with the wicked was he nombred ;
wickide men ; forsothe tho thingis that for those thynges which are written of
ben of me han an ende. me have an ende.
38 And thei seiden, Lord, lo! tweye 38 And they sayd, Lorde, beholde!
- gwerdis here. And he seyde to hem, It here are two sweardes. And he sayde
isynows. . vnto them, It is ynough.
39 And he gon out, wente bi custom 39 And he cam out, and went as he
n to the hil of Olyues; sothli and the was wonte to mounte Olivete ; and hig

pu |
490 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sz. Luxe
ens; and his leorning-cnihtas him
40 And dá he com to dere stówe, he
sæde him, Gebiddaþ, dzet ge on costnunge
ne gan.
41 And he wees fram him álocen, swá
mycel swá is ânes stánes wyrp; and
gebigedum cneowum, he hine gebeed,
42 And cwep, Feder, gif da wylt,
áfyr dysne calic fram me ; deah hwæðere
ne geweorde min willa, ac din.

43 Da æt-ýwde him Godes engel of

heofene, and hine gestrangode.
44 And he wes on gewinne, and hine
lange gebzed ; and his swat wes swylce
blédes dropan on eorpan yrnende.

45 And dá he of gebede árás, and com

to his leorning-enihtum, he hig fünde
slæpende for unrótnesse.
46 And he sæde him, Hwi slape ge!
Arisaþ, and biddap, det ge on costnunge
ne gàn.
47 Him dá dá gyt sprecendum, dá
com det wered, and him to-fóran eode
án of dam twelfum, se wes genemned
Iudas; and he genealæhte dam Hel-
ende, æt he hine cyste.
48 Da eweep se Hælend, Iudas, mannes
sunu dü mid cosse sylst!

49 Di gesiwon da de him ábütan .

wæron, dæt deer towerd wees, and cwæd-
on, Dribten, slea we mid sweorde?

so Da slóh hyra án dara sacerda ealdres

peow, and his swydre eáre of-acerf.
g1 Ðá andswarode se Hælend, Lætaþ
dus. And dá he æt-hrán his eare, he
hit gehælde.

52 Da cwæþ se Hælend to dam ealdor-

mannum, and to dam witum, and des
temples ealdrum, Ge férdon swa swa to
ánum sceapan mid sweordum and mid
sahlum, det ge me gefengon?
53 Da ie wes dæghwamlice on temple
mid cow, ne ápenedon ge eower handa
on me; ac dis is cower tid, and pystra.
XXII. 40-53.| WYCLIFFE, : 389.
TYNDALE, 1526. 43]
disciplis sueden him. | disciples folowed hym.
40 And whanne he cam to the place, 40 And when he cam to the place, he
he seyde to hem, Preie 3e, lest 3e entre sayde to them, Praye, lest ye fall into
in to temptacioun. temptacion.
41 And he was takun awey fro hem, 41 And he gate hym silfe from them,
as myche as is a stoones cast; and the about a stones cast ; and kneled doune,
knees put, he preide, and prayed,
42 Seyinge, Fadir, if thou wolt, turn 42 Bayinge, Father, if thou wilt, with-
ouer this cuppe fro me; netheles not drawe this cuppe from me ; neverthe-
my wille be don, but thin. lesse nott my wyll, butt thyne be ful-
43 Forsoth an aungel apperide to him 43 And there apered an angell vnto
fro heuene, cumfortinge him. hym from heven, confortynge hym.
44 And he maad in agonye,’ preiede 44 And he was in agony, and prayed
lengere; and his swoot was maad as somwhat longer; and hys sweate was
dropis of blood rennynge doun in to lyke droppes of bloud tricklynge doune
the erthe. bi to the grounde.
45 And whanne he hadde rise fro 45 And he rose vppe from prayer, and
preier, and hadde come to his disciplis, cam to his disciples, and founde them
he fond hem slepinge for heuynesse. slepynge for sorowe.
46 And he seide to hem, What slepen 46 And he sayde vnto them, Why slepe
3e? Ryse se, and preie se, that 3e entre ye? Ryse, and praye, lest ye fall into
not in to temptacioun. temptacion.
47 3it him spekinge, lo! a cumpany, 47 Whyll he yet spake, beholde! there
and he that was clepid Judas, oon of cam a company, and he that was called
the twelue, wente bifore hem ; and he Judas, one off the twelve, went before
neigede to Jhesu, that he schulde kisse them ; and preased neye vnto Jesus, to
him. | kysse hym.
48 Sothli Jhesu seide to him, Judas, 48 Jesus sayd vnto hym, Judas, be-
bitrayest thou mannis sone with a coss ? trayest thou the sonne off man
with a
49 Forsoth thei that weren aboute 49 When they which were about hym
hym, seynge the thing that was to com- sawe what wolde folow, they sayde vnto
ynge, seiden to him, Lord, wher we hym, Lorde, shall we smyte with a
smyten by swerd ? swearde ?
S 50 And oon of hem smoot the seruaunt 50 And one off them smote a servaunt
uA of the prince of the prestis, and kittide off hym, which was the chefe preste of
of his litel ri3t eere. all, and smote off his righte eare.
. BI Forsothe Jhesu answeringe seyde, 51 Jesus answered and sayde, Soffre
Suffre 3e til hidur. And whanne he ye thus farre forthe. And he touched
hadde touchid his litil eere, he heelide his eare, and healed hym.
52 Forsothe Jhesu seide to hem, that 52 Jesus sayde vnto the hye prestes,
camen to him, the princes of prestis, and rulers off the temple, and the sen-
and magestratis, and eldere men, As to yours, which were come to hym, Be ye
a theef 5e han gon out with swerdis and come outt as vnto a thefe with sweardes
staues 1 and staves ?
53 Whanne I was eche day with 3ou 53 When I was dayly with you in the
in the temple, 3e strei3ten not out the temple, ye stretched not forth hondes
_hondis into me; but this is 3oure our, agaynst me; butt this is even youre
and the power of derknessis. very houre, and the power off darknes.

422 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST. Luxe
54 Da námon hig hine, and læddon to
dæra sacerda ealdres hüse ; and Petrus
fyligde feorran.
nu WwPV. And Petrus wees mid him
on middan dam cafer-ttine, dar hig æt
dam fyre sæton.

56 Da hine geseah sum þínen æt leohte

sittendne, and hine beheold, dá ewæþ
heo, And des wees mid him.

57 Da æt-sóc he, and cwæþ, Ealá wif,

ne can ic hine.
58 And dá ymbe lytel hine geseah
óðer, and cwep, Da eart of him. Da
cwæþ Petrus, Ealá! mann, ic ne eom.

59 And dá efter lytlum fæce swylce

ánre tide, sum óðer sedde, and cwebp,
Sóplice des wæs mid him; witodlice he
is Galileisc.
60 Dá cwep Petrus, Ealé man, nat
ic hwæt dú segst. And da hig det
spræcon, samnunga se hana creow.
6: Da Drihten bewende hine, and
beseah to Petre; dá gemunde Petrus
Drihtnes wordes, de he ewsep, Det dú
min æt-sæcst priwa to-deg, er se hana
62 Ðá eode Petrus üt, and biterlice
63 And da de done Hælend heoldon,
hine bysmredon and beoton.
64 And ofer-wrugon his ansýne, and |
pureson his nebb, and ácsodon hine,
Ared, hwyle is se de dé slóh?
65 And manega óðre ping hig him to
ewedon dysigende. ÓH

66 And da dá deg wees, da togedere —

comon des folees yldran, and dara sa-
cerda ealdor-menn, and bóceras, and
læddon hine to hyra gemóte, and
67 Sege us, gif du sy Crist. Da eweep
he, Deah ic eow secge, ge me ne ge-
lvfap ;
58 Deah ic cow ácsige, ge ne and-
swariap me, ne ne forlætaþ.

4o IHeonon-forþ bip mannes sunu sit-

tende on Godes mægnes swydran healfe.
XXII. 54-69.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1226. 422

54 Sothli thei takinge him, ledden to 54 Then toke they hym, and ledde
the hous of the prince of prestis ; Petre hym and brought hym to the hye prestes
forsothe suede him a fer. housse ; and Peter folowed a farre off.
55 Sothli a fyer kyndlid in the mydcel 55 When they had kyndled a fyre in
greet hous, and ‘hem sittinge aboute, the myddes of the palys, and were sett
Peter was in the myddel of hem. doune to gedder, Peter alsoo sate doune
a monge them.
56 Whom whanne sum handmayde 56 And won off the wenches as he sate
hadde seyn sittinge at the list, and beholde him by the light, and sett goode
hadde biholde him, she seide, And this eyesight on hym, and sayde, This same
was with him. was also with hym.
57 And he denyede him, seiynge, 57 Then he denyed hym, sayinge, Wo-
Womman, I knowe him not. man, I knowe hym nott.
58 And aftir a litil a nothir man 59 And after a lytell whyle another
seynge him, seide, And thou ert of sawe hym, and sayde, Thou arte alsoo
hem. Petre forsothe seide, A! man, I off them. And Peter sayd, Man, I am
am not. ~ nott.
59 And a space maad as of oon our, 59 And aboute the space off an houre
sothli anothir affermyde, seyinge, Treuli after, another affirmed, sayinge, Verely
and this was with him ; forwhi and he even this felowe was with hym ; for he
is of Galilee. is off Galile.
60 Peter sayde, Man, I woote nott
60 And Petre seide, Man, I wot not
what thou seist. And a non jit him what thou sayest. And immediatly
^. spekinge, a cok crew. whill he yett spake, the cocke crewe.
61 And the Lord turned azen, biheeld 61 And the Lorde tourned backe, and
Petre; and Petre hadde mynde of the loked apon Peter; and Peter remem-
word of Jliesu, as he hadde seid, For bred the wordes off the Lorde, howe
bifore that the koc crew, thries thou he sayde vnto hym, Before the cocke
schalt denye me. crowe, thou shalt denye me thryse.
62 And Petre gon forth, wepte bit- 62 And Peter went out, and wepte
turly. bitterly.
63 And the men that heelden him, 63 And the men that stode about
scornyden him betinge. Jesus, mocked hym and smoote hym.
64 And thei veyliden *him, and smyten 64 And blyndfolded hym, and smoote
his face, and axiden him, seyinge, Pro- his face, and axed hym, sayinge, Arede,
- phesie thou, who is he that smoot thee. who it is that smoote the?
65 Also thei blasphemynge seiden 65 And many other thynges despyt-
= manye othere thingis agens him. fully sayde they agaynst hym.
66 And as the day was maad, the 66 And as sone as it was daye, the
' eldere men of the peple, and the princes seniours off the people, and the hy
of prestis, and the scribis camen to prestes, and serybes cam togedder, and
gidere, and ledden him in to her coun- ledde hym into their counsell, sayinge,
ceil, seyinge,
67 If thou art Crist, seie to vs. And 67 Arte thou very Christ? tell vs.
he seide to hem, If I schal seye to 30u, And he sayde vnto them, If I shall
se schulen not bileue to me ; tell you, ye woll not beleve ;
68 Sothli and if I shal axe, 3e schulen 68 And if alsoo I axe you, ye will nott
not answere to me, nether 3e schulen answere me, nether lett me goo.
leue. |
69 Forsoth aftir this tyme mannis sone 69 Here after shall the sonne of man
PRAschal be sittinge on the ri5thalf of the sit on the right honde of the power of
i vertu of God,
m d d
$9 x GOTHIC. 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr LUKE
40 Da cwædon hig ealle, Eart dú
Godes sunu? Da cwæþ he, Ge secgaþ
det ic eom.
71 And hig cwædon, Hwi gyrne we
gyt gewitnesse ? sylfe we gehyrdon of
his müpe.

Cuar. XXIII. 1 Ðá árás eall hyra

mænigeo, and leddon hine to Pilate.

2 And águnnon hyne wrégan, and

cwædon, Disne we gemétton forhwyrf-
ende tre peode, and forbeodende det .
man dam Casere gafol ne sealde, and
segp deet he sig Crist cyning.
3 Da acsode Pilatus hine, Eart du
ludea cining? Ðá andswarode he, Du
hit segst. ;
4 Da cwæþ Pilatus to dam ealdrum,
and dam werede, Ne finde ie nánne
intingan on dysum men.

5 Da hlyddon hig, and ewædon, He

astyrap dis fole, lærende purh ealle
Tudeam, agynnende of Galilea od hyder.

6 Da Pilatus gehyrde Galileam, he

ácsode, hwæðer he were Galileise man.

7 And da he gecneow đæt he wees of |

Herodes anwalde, he hine ágén-sende
to Herode ; he wes on dam dagum on
8 Sóplice Herodes fagnode, dá he done T"3"

Helend geseah ; mycelre tide he wilnode á

hine geseon, fordam de he gehyrde my- .
cel be him, and he hopode det he gesáwe
sum tácen de fram him gewurde.

9 Da acsode he hine manegum wordum, A

and he naht ne andswarode.

ro Ðá stódon dara sacerda ealdras

hine án-rædlice wrégende.

11 Da oferhogode Herodes hine mid

his hirede, and bysmrode hine gescrydne.
hwitum reafe, and hine ágén-sende to
Pilate. i
12 And on dam dæge wurdon Herodes
XXIT. 7o.-XXTIT. 12.) WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 425
79 Therfore alle seiden, Therfore ert 70 Then sayde they all, Arte thou then
thou the sone of God? Which seide, the sonne of Gol? He sayd, Ye saye
3e seyn for I am. that I am.
71 And thei seiden, What zit desyren 71 Then sayde they, What nede we
we witnessing? forsoth we vs selue han eny further witnes? we oure selves have
herd of his mouth. herde off his awne mouthe.

Crap. XXIIT. 1 And al the mul- Cuar. XXIII. 1 And the whole
titude risinge of hem, ledden him to multitude of them arose, and ledde hym
Pilat. vnto Pilate.
2 Forsoth thei bigunnen to accuse him, 2 Ànd they began to accuse hym, say-
seyinge, We han founden this man turn- inge, We have founde this felowe per-
ynge vpsodoun oure folk, and forbedinge vertynge the people, and forbiddynge
tributis to be 30uun to Cesar, and sey- to paye tribute to Cesar, and sayeth
inge him silf to be Crist king. - that he is Christ, a kynge.
3 Forsothe Pilat axide him, seyinge, 3 And Pilate apposed him, saynge,
Ert thou kyng of Jewis? And he Arte thou the kynge of the Lewes! He
answeringe seide, Thou seist. answered him and sayde, Thou sayest.
4 Forsothe Pilat seide to the princes 4 Then sayde Pilate to the hye prestes,
of prestis, and to the cumpanyes of and to the people, I fynde noo faute in
peple, I fynde no thing of cause in this man.
this man.
5 And thei woxen strengere, seyinge, 5 And they were the moore fearce, say-
. He moueth to gidere the peple, techinge inge, He mooveth the people, teachynge
thorw al Judee, bigynnynge fro Galilee thoroout all Iewry, and began at Galile
til hidur. even to this place.
6 Pilat forsoth heeringe Galilee axide, 6 When Pilate herde mencion off Ga-
if he were a man of Galilee. lile, he axed whether the man were off
7 And as he knew that he was of the 7 And as sone as he knewe that he
power of Eroude, he sente him asen to was of Herodes iurisdiccion, he sent
Eroude; which and he was at Jerusalem hym to Herode; which was at that
in tho dayes. tyme in Jerusalem alsoo.
8 Forsothe, him seyn, Eroude ioyede 8 When Herode sawe Jesus, he was
ful myche; for he was coueitinge of merveliously gladde ; for he was de-
~ moche tyme to se him, for he herde syrous to se hym off a longe season,
many thingis of hym, and hopide to se be cause he had hearde many thynges
sum myracle to be don of him. of hym, and trousted to have sene some
myracle done by hym.
9 Sothli he axide him in manye wordis ; 9 Then questenned he with hym of
and he no thing answeride to him. many thynges; but he answered hym
not won worde.
10 Forsothe the princes of prestis and 1o The hye prestes and serybes stode
the scrybis stooden, stedfastli accusinge forthe, and accused hym straitly.
- 11 Sothli Eroude with his oost dispiside 11 And Herod with his men off warre
him, and scornyde him clothid with a despysed hym, and mocked hym and
whit cloth, and sente a3en to Pilate. arayed hym in whyte, and sent hym
agayne to Pilate.
12 And Eroude and Pilate weren maad 12 And the same daye Pilate and
49 GOTHIO, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [St. Luxe
and Pilatus gefrynd ; sóþlice hig wæron
ær gefynd him betweonan.
13 Da cwæþ Pilatus to dara sacerda
ealdrum and dugude ealdrum and to
dam folce,
14 Ge brohton me disne man, swylce
he dis fole for-hwyrfde, and nú ! befóran
eow áesiende ic nánne intingan findan
ne meg on disum men, of dam de ge
hine wrégap ;

15 Ne furdon Herodes, ic hine sende

ágén to him, and him naht des-lices
deape gedón wees.
16 Ic hine gebetne forlæte.

17 Niede he sceolde him forgyfan

&nne to hyra freols-dæge.
18 Ðá hrymde eall det fole ætgædere,
and cwæþ, Nim disne, and forgif us
Barrabban ;
19 Se wes for sumere twy-rednesse
and man-slyhte on ewertern ásend.

20 Eft spec Pilatus to him, and wolde

forlætan done Hælend.
21 Dé hrýmdon hig, and cwædon, Ahop
hine, áhóþ hine.
22 Da cwæþ he to him þriddan side,
Hweet dyde des yfeles? Ne gemétte ic
nin ping yfeles on dissum men Geet he
sig deapes scyldig ; ic hine preage, and -
23 And hig ástódon and mycelre stefne
bædon, dæt he wære áhangen ; and hyra
stefna swidredon.

25 And he forgef him done, de wees
for man-slyhte and sumere sace on
cwerterne, done hi bedon ; and done
Hélend he sealde to hyra willan.

26 And da hig hine leddon, hi ge-

féngon sumne Cyrenisene Simonem, se
com of dam tüne, and da róde him on
setton det he hi bære efter dam Hæl-
27 Him fylide mycel wered folces, and
wifa da hine heofon, and weopon.

XXIIL 13-27.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. Á

frendis in thilke day ; forwhi biforeto Herod wer made frendes togedder ; for
thei weren enemyes to gidere. before they were at variaunce.
13 Sothli the princes of prestis and 13 Pilate called to gedder the hye
the magestratis of the peple clepid to prestes and rulers and the people,
14 Pilat seide to hem, 3e han offrid 14 And sayde vnto them, Ye have
to me this man, as turnynge awey the brought this man vnto me, as won that
peple, and lo! I axynge byfore 30u perverted the people, and loo! I ex-
fynde no cause in this man of thes amined hym before you, and founde noo
thingis, in whiche 3e accusen him ; faute in this man off those thinges,
where of ye accuse hym ;
15 But nethir Eroude, for I a3ein sente 15 No nor yett Herode, for I sent
zou to him, and lo! no thing worthi you to him, and lo! noo thynge worthy
of deeth is don to him. of deeth is done to him.
16 Therfore I schal delyuere him a- 16 I will therfore chasten hym, and
mended. lett hym loosse.
17 Forsothe he hadde nede to deliuere 17 For off necessite he must have lett
to hem oon by the feeste day. one loosse vnto them at that feast.
18 Sothli al the cumpanye criede, sei- 18 And all the people cryed at once,
ynge, Do him a wey, and deliuere Bar- saynge, Awaye with him, and delivre
abas to vs; to vs Barrabas ;
19 Which was sent in to prison for 19 Which for insurreccion made in
sum dissencioun maad in the citee, and the cite, and morther, was cast into
for mansleyng. preson.
20 Forsoth eft Pilat spak to hem, wil- 20 Pilate spake agayne to them, wil-
linge to delyuere Jhesu. lynge to lett Jesus losse.
21 And thei vndircryeden, seyinge, Cru- 21 And they cryed, sayinge, Crucify
cifie, crucifie him. hym, crucify hym.
22 Sothli the thridde tyme he seide to 22 He sayde vnto them the thymte
hem, Sothli what of yuel hath he don? tyme, What harme hath he done? I
I fynde no cause of deeth in him ; ther- fynde noo cause off deeth in hym; I
fore I schal chastise hym, and I schal will therfore chasten hym, and lett hym
delyuere. goo losse.
23 And thei contynueden axinge with 23 And they cryed with loude voyce,
greete voices, that he schulde be cruci- and requyred that he myght be cruci-
fied ; and the voyces of hem woxen fyed; and the cryinge off the hye prestes
stronge. prevayled.
24 And Pilat demyde her axinge to 24 And Pilate gave sentence that it
be don. shulde be as they requyred.
25 Sothli he deliuerede to hem him, 25 And lett losse vnto them hym, that
that for mansleynge and dissencioun for insurreccion and morther was cast
was sent in to prisoun, whom thei into preson, whom they desyred ; and
a, axiden ; sothli he bitook Jhesu to her delyvered Jesus to do with hym what
wille. they wolde.
26 Aud whanne thei ledden him, thei 26 And as they ledde hym awaye, they
took sum man, Symount of Sirenen, caught won, Simon of Sirene, commynge
comynge fro the toun, and thei puttiden out of the felde, and on hym layde they
to him a cross to bere aftir Jhesu. the crosse to beare it after Jesus.
27 Sothli ther suede him moche cum- 27 There folowed hym a greate com-
panye of peple, and of wymmen thst pany of people, and of wemen, which
weileden, and bymoornvden hin, wemen bewayled, and lamented hym,

128 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Luxe
28 Da cwæþ se Hælend bewend, Eala
dóhtra Hierusalem, nelle ge ofer me
wépan, ac wépap ofer eow sylfe, and
ofer eowre bearn.
29 Fordam da dagas cumap, on dam
hig ewedap, Eadige synd da untymend-
an, and innodas de ne cendon, and
da breost de ne sicton.
3o Donne ágynnap hig ewedan to dam
müntum, Feallap ofer us, and to beorgum,
Ofer-wreop us.
31 Fordam gif hig on grénum treowe
dis ping dóp, hwet dóp hig on dam
32 And mid him weron gelædde
twegen óðre mánfulle, det hig wæron
33 And syddan hig comon on da stówe,
de is genemned Caluarie, dzet is, Heafod-
pannan stów, dar hig hine héngon, and
ánne sceapan on his swidran healfe, and
óðerne on his wynstran.
34 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Feder, forgif
him, fordam hig nyton hwet hig dop.
Sóþlice hig dældon hys reaf, and wurpon _
35 And det fole stód ge-anbidiende ;—
and da ealdras hine teldon mid him,
and ewædon, O'dre he gehelde ; gehæle
he hine sylfne, gif he sig Godes ge-
corena. »
36 And da cempan hine bysmredon,
and him eced brohton, ,
37 And dus cwædon, Gif dá si Iudea
cyning, gedó dé hálne.
38 Da wes his ofer-gewrit ofer hine
áwriten Greciscum stafum,...and Ebre-

39 An of dam sceapum de mid him

hangode, hine gremede, and cwæþ, Gif
dú Crist eart, gehæl dé sylfne and unc.

40 Dá andswarode se óder, and hine

preade, and cwæþ, Ne da God ne on-
drætst, det dü eart on deere ylcan ge-
nyðerunge !
41 And wyt witodlice be uncer ær-
dædum onfóp; sóplice des naht yfeles
ne dyde.
XXIII. 28-41.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 429
28 Sothli Jhesu turnyd to hem seide, 28 Jesus turned backe vnto them and
Doustris of Jerusalem, nyle 5e wepe on sayde, Doughters of Jerusalem, wepe not
me, but wepe 3e on 30u silf, and on for me, but wepe for youre selves, and
zoure sones. for youre children.
29 For lo! dayes schulen come, in 29 For marke! the dayes will come,
whiche it schal be seid, Blessid be bareyn when men shall saye, Happy are the
wymmen, and wombis that han not baren, and the wombes that never bare,
gendrid, and the teetis whiche han not and the pappes which never gave sucke.
3ouun souke.
30 Thanne thei schulen bigynne to 30 Then shall they begyn to saye to
seye to monteyns, Falle 5e doun on vs, the mountaynes, Fall on vs, and to the
and to litle hillis, Hile 5e vs. hilles, Cover vs.
31 For if thei don thes thingis in a 31 For yf they do this to a grene tree,
grene tree, what schal be don in a drye? what shalbe done to the drye?

32 Sothli and othere tweye wickide 32 There were two evyll doers ledde
men weren led with him, that thei with hym to be slayne.
schulde be slayn.
33 And aftir that thei camen in to a 33 And when they wer come to the
place, which is clepid of Caluarie, there place, which is called Calvary, there they
thei crucifieden him, and the theues, crucifyed hym, and the evyll doars, one
oon on the risthalf, and the tother on on the right honde, and the other on
the left half. the lefte honde.
34 Forsothe Jhesu seide, Fadir, for3yue 34 Then sayde Jesus, Father, forgeve
j to hem; for thei witen not what thei them, for they woot not what they do.
don. Forsothe thei departinge his And they parted his rayment, and cast
clothis, senten lottis. loottes.
35 And the peple stood abydinge; 35 And the people stode and behelde ;
and the princes scornyden him with and the rulers mocked hym with them,
hem, seyinge, Othere men he made saf ; saying, He holpe other men ; lett hym
make he him silf saf, if he is Crist, helpe hym silfe, yf he be Christ, the
the chosun of God. chosen of God.
36 Forsoth and kny3tis neiyynge scorn- 36 The soudiers alsoo mocked hym,
yden him, and offriden vynegre to him, and cam and gave hym veneger,
37 Seyinge, If thou ert kyng of Jewis, 37 And sayde, Yf thou be that kynge
. make thee saf. off the Iewes, save thy silfe.
38 Sothli and the wrytinge aboue was 38 His superscripcion was written over
writun on him with lettris of Greek, of him in Greke, Latin, and Ebrue letters,
Latyn, and of Ebrew, This is the kyng This is the kynge off the Lewes.
of Jewis.
39 Forsoth oon of tho theues that 39 The one off the malefactours which
hangiden, blasphemyde him, seyinge, If hanged, rayled on hym, sayinge, Yf thou
thou ert Crist, make thi silf saf and be Christ, save thy silfe and vs.
40 Sothlithe tothir answeringe, blamyde 40 The other answered, and rebuked
him, seyinge, Nethir thou dredist God, hym, sayinge, Nether fearest thou God,
that thou art in the same dampnacioun ? because thou arte in the same damna-
41 And treuly we iustly, for we han 41 We are righteously punnesshed, for
receyued worthi thingis to dedis ; sotby. we receave accordynge to oure dedes;
this hath don no yuel. butt this man hath done noo thynge
430 GOTHIC, 362, ANGLO-SAXON, 995. {St. LUKE
42 And he ewep to dam Hælende,
Drihten, gemun dü me, donne dü cymst
on din rice.
43 Da cwep se Hælend to him, .
to-dæg di bist mid me on paradiso.

44 Da wes nean seo syxte tid, and

þýstro wæron ofer ealle eorpan od da
nigopan tide.
45 And sunne wes áþýstrod, and dees
temples wah-ryft wearp tosliten on mid-
46 Da ewæþ se Hælend, clypiende
mycelre stefne, Feeder, ic bebeode minne
gast on dine handa. And dus ewedende,
he forþ-ferde.
47 Da se hundred-man geseah diet dar
geworden wes, he God wuldrode, and
ewæþ, Sóþlice des man wees rihtwis.
48 And eall wered de æt disse weefer-
sýnne wæron, and gesiwon da ping de
gewurdon, wæron ágén gewende, and
hyra breost beoton.
49 Da stódon ealle hys cüdan feorran,
and da wif de him fyligdon fram Galilea,
dis ping geseonde.
so And dá án man, on naman Íosep,
se wees geréfa, god wer and rihtwis,

51 (Des ne geþwærode hyra gepeahte

and hyra didum ;) fram Arimathia, Iu- -
dea ceastre ; se sylfa ge-anbidode Godes
rice. :
52 Des genealæhte to Pilate, and bæd
dees Hælendes lichaman.
3 And nyder-áléde hyne, and on scjtan
befeold, and léde hine on áheawene byrg-
ene, on dere næs dá gyt nænig aled.
54 And dá wæs se deg parasceue, dxet
is gegearwunge, and sæter-dæg onlyhte.

55 Da wif de him fyligdon, de comon

mid him of Galilea, hig gesáwon da
byrgene, and hú his lichama aléd wees.
56 And hig cyrdon, and gearwedon
wyrt-gemang, and sealfa ; and on sæter-
deg hig gestildon, æfter bebode,
XXIII. 42-56.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 431
42 And he seide to Jhesu, Lord, haue , 42 And he sayde vnto Jesus, Lorde,
mynde on me, whanne thou schalt come , remember me, when thou commest into
in to thi kingdom. thy kyngdom.
43 And Jhesu seyde to him, Treuli I 43 And Jesus sayde vuto hym, Verely
seie to thee, this day thou schalt be with I saye vnto the, to daye shalt thou be
me in paradys. with me in paradise.
44 Sothly it was almost the sixte our, 44 And it was about the sixt houre,
and derknessis weren maad in al erthe and there cam a darcknes over all the
til to the nynthe our. londe vntyll the nynth houre.
45 And the sunne was maad derk, and 45 And the sonne was darckened, and
the veyl of the temple was kitt the the vayle of the temple rent even thorow
myddel. j the myddes.
46 And Jhesu cryinge with greet voys, 46 And Jesus cryed with a greate voyce,
seide, Fadir, in to thi hondis I bitake and sayd, Father, into thy hondes I
my spirit. And he seyinge thes thingis, commende my sprete. And when he
sente out the spirit. thus had sayd, he gave vp the goost.
47 Forsothe centurio seynge the thing 47 When the centurion sawe what had
that was don, glorifiede God, seyinge, happened, he glorified God, sayinge, Of
Verily this man was iust. a surtie this man was perfecte.
48 And al the cumpany of hem that 48 And all the people that cam to
weren there to gidere at this spectacle, gedder to that sight, beholdynge the
and sy3en tho thingis that weren don, thinges which were done, smoote their
smytinge her brestis turneden a3eyn. brestes, and returned home.
49 Forsoth al his knowen stooden a fer, 49 All hys acquayntaunce stode a farre
.. and wymmen that sueden him fro Qali- of, and the wemen which folowed hym
lee, seynge thes thingis. from Galile, beholdynge these thynges.
50 And lo! a man, Joseph bi name, 50 And beholde! there was a man,
that was a decurioun,’ a good man and named Joseph, a senatour, which was
iust, of Aramathie, a citee of Judee, a goode man and a iuste,
51 He consentide not to the counceil 51 (He did nott consent to their coun-
-and dedis of hem ; which and he abood sell and dede ;) which was of Aramathia,
the kingdom of God. a cite off the Iewes ; which same alsoo
wayted for the kyngdom off God.
52 He cam ny3 to Pilat, and axide the 52 He went vnto Pylate, and begged
. body of Jhesu, the boddy of Jesus,
53 And wlappide it don doun in a 53 And toke it doune and wrapped
lynnen cloth, and puttide him in a ib in a lynnen clooth, and layed it in
graue hewun, in which not sit ony man an heawen toumbe, wherin was never
was put. man before layed.
54 And the day was the makinge 54 And that daye was the saboth even,
. redy of pask, and the saboth bygan to and the saboth drue on.
_ 55 Sothli the wymmen suynge, that 55 The wemen that folowed after,
camen with him fro Galilee, sy3en the whych cam with hym from Galile, be- `
graue, and hou his body was put. helde the sepulere, and howe hys body
was layed.
56 And thei turnynge agen, maden 56 And returned, and prepared swe
redy swete spices, and oynementis ; and odoures, and oyntmentes ; and the sa-
sothli in the saboth thei restiden, vp the both daye they rested, accordynge te
comaundement. the commaundement.


132 GOTHIC, 36o. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Luke
[ Crap. XXIV. 1 On ánum reste-dege
| swyde ær on dæg-réd hig comon to dere
byrgene, and bæron mid him da wyrt-
gemang, de hi gegearwedon. . . ..

2 And hig gemétton done stán áwyltne

of dere byrgene.
3 And dá hi in to dere byrgene eodon,
hig ne gemétton ná des Hælendes lich-
4 And dá wes geworden, da hig on
móde áfærede wæron be dissum, da
stódon twegen weras wid hig on hwitum
5 And da hig ádrédon, and hyra and- {
wlitan on eorpan hyldon, hig ewædon
to him, Hwi séce ge lybbendne mid
6 Nis he hér, ac he árás. Geþencaþ,
hú he spec wid eow, dá gyt da he was
on Galilea,
7 And cwep, Det mannes sunu bip
geseald on handa synfulra manna, and
beon áhangen, and dy priddan dæge
8 And hig gemundon his worda.
9 And hig gewendon fram dere byrg- |
ene, and cyddon eall dis dam endlut-
enum, and eallum ódrum.
10 Sóþlice wes Maria Magdalene, and -
Iohanna, and Maria Iacobi, and óðre de |
mid him weron, da sedon das ping
dam apostolum.
11 And das word weron gepuhte be- |
fóran him swá wóffung, and hig ne ge-
lyfdon him.
12 Dá árás Petrus, and arn to dere
byrgene; and álütende, he geseah da
lin-wæda sylfe áléde. And he férde,
wundrigende des dar geworden wses.*

13 And dá férdon twegen of him on

dæt castel, det wees on fece syxtig fur-
| langa fram Hierusalem, on naman Em-
14 And hig spæcon him betweonan be
callum dam de dar gewordene wæron. |
15 And dá hig spelledon, and mid him
| smeadon, se Hælend genealæhte and
| férde mid him.
16 Sóplice hyra eagan wæron forhæfde,
dwt hig hine ne gecneowon.

XXIV. 1-16.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 433
Cmar XXIV. I Forsothe in oon of | Cuar. XXIV. 1 On the morowefier
the woke ful erly thei camen to the | the saboth erly in the
mornynge they
graue, bryngynge swete spicis, whiche cam vnto the toumbe, and brought the
thei hadden maad redy, . . odoures whych they had prepared, and
other wemen wyth them.
2 And thei founden the stoone turned2 And they founde the stone rouled
a wey fro the graue. | awaye from the sepulere.
3 And thei gon yn, founden not the | 3 And went in, and
founde nott the
body of Jhesu. body off the Lorde Jesu.
4 And it was don, while thei weren 4 And it happened, as they were amased
astoneyed in thoust of this thing, loo! ther at, loo! two men stode by them
twey men stooden bisydis hem in cloth in shynynge vestures.
= Schynynge.
5 Sothli whenne thei dredden, and | 5 As they were a fraide, and bowed
bowiden her semelant in to erthe, thei | doune their faces to the erth, they sayd
seiden to hem, What seke 5e the lyuynge | to them, Why seke ye the livynge a-
with deede men ? monge the deed ?
6 He is not here, but he hath rise. 6 He is nott here, but is rysen. Re-
. Haue 3e mynde, how he spak to 30u, | member, howe he spake vnto you, when
whanne sit he was in Galilee, | he was yett with you in Galile,
7 Seyinge, For it bihoueth mannis sone 7 Sayinge, That the sonne off man
_be bitakun in to hondis of synful men, must be delivered into the hondes off
_ and to be crucified, and the thridde day synfull men, and be crucified, and the
- to ryse asen. thyrde daye ryse agayne.
8 And thei bithou3ten on his wordis. 8 And they remembred his wordes.
9 And thei gon agen fro the graue, 9 And returned from the sepulere, and
. telden alle thes thingis to the enleuene, | tolde all these thynges vnto the eleven,
and to alle othere. ; and to all other.
10 Forsothe Mary Mawdeleyn was, and ! 19 Hytt was Mary Magdalen, and
Joone, and Marye of James, and othere | Joanna, and Mary Jacoby, and other
wymmen that weren with hem, that that were with them, whych tolde these
- seiden thes thingis to apostlis. thynges vnto the apostles.
tr And thes wordis weren seyn bifore 1I And their wordes semed vnto them
hem as madnesse,* and thei bileueden fayned thynges, nether beleved they i
not to hem. them.
| 12 Forsothe Petre rysinge, ran to the 12 Then aroose Peter, and ran vnto
-graue; and he bowynge doun, sy3 the the sepulcre ; and stouped in, and sawe
-lynnen clothis put aloone. And he the lynnen cloothes layde by them sylfe.
wente, wondrynge with him silf this And departed, wondrynge in hym sylfe
thing that was don. att thatt whych hadd happened.
13 And lo! tweyne of hem wenten in 13 And beholde! two of them went
that day to a castel, that was fro Jeru- that same daye to a toune, whych was
salem in space of sixty furlongis, by
— from Jerusalem about thre scoore for-
name Emaws. longes, called Emaus.
- 14 And thei spaken to gidere of alle 14 And they talked togedder of all
thes thingis that hadden falle. thinges which had happened.
15 And it was don, while thei talkiden, 15 And it chaunsed, as they commened
and sou3ten with hem silf, and Jhesu togedder, and reasoned, that Jesus hym
him silf neizynge, wente with hem. silfe drue neare, and went with them.
16 Sothli her y3en weren holdun, lest 16 But their eyes were holden, that
thei knewen him. they coulde nott knowe hym.
: \
A i

434 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Lutz
17 And he ewæþ to him, Hwæt synd
da spæca, de gyt recceap ine betweonam
gangende, and synd unróte ?

18 Dá andswarode him án, des nama,

wes Cleofas, and cwæþ, Eart du âna |
forwrecen on Hierusalem, and mystest —
dü da ping, de on hyre gewordene synd`
on dysum dagum! |
19 He sæde da, Hwæt synd da ping? |
And hig sædon, Be dam Nazareniscan .
Hálende, se wees wer and witega, mihtig |
on spéce and on weorce befóran Gode
and eallum folce ;
20 And hú hine sealdon da heah-sacer-
das and tre ealdras on deaþes genyder- .
unge, and áhéngon hine.
21 We hopedon, det he to alysenne
ware Israhel And nú is se pridda dæg
to-dæg, det dys wes geworden.

22 And eac sume wif of úrum us brég- *

don, da wæron ær leohte æt deere byrg-
ene ;
23 And ná his lichaman gemétton, hig
comon, and sédon, det hig gesáwon
engla gesihpe, da secgap, hine lybban.
24 And dá férdon sume of drum to —
dere bergene, and swa gemétton swá —
da wif sédon, hine hig ne gesáwon.

25 Da cwæþ se Hælend to him, Ealá !

dysegan, and on heortan læteto gelýf-
enne eallum dam de witegan spæcon.
26 Hu ne gebyrede Criste das ping
polian, and swa on his wuldor gan?

27 And . ... . he rehte him of Moyse

and of ealum háligum gewritum, de
be him áwritene wæron. :

28 And hig genealæhton dam castele,

de hig to férdon. And he dyde swylee
he fyr faran wolde.
29 And hig nýddon hine, and eweedon, —
Wuna mid une, fordam de hit æfen-
læcþ, and se deg wees áhyld. And he
in-eode deet he mid him wunode. i

30... And di he mid him sæt, he

XXIV. 17-3o.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 435
17 And he seide to hem, Whiche ben 17 And he sayde vnto them, What
thes wordis, that 3e speken to gidere maner of communicacions are these,
goynge, and 5e ben sorwful ? that ye have one to another as ye walke,
and are sadde1
I8 And oon answeringe, to whom the 18 And the one off them, named Cle-
name was Cleofas, seide to him, Thou ophas, answered and sayd vnto hym,
aloone ert a pilgrym of Jerusalem, and Arte thou only a straunger in Jerusalem,
hast thou not knowe, what thingis ben and haste nott knowen the thinges, which
don in it in thes dayes? have chaunsed therin in these dayes
19 To which he seide, Whiche? And 19 To whom he sayd, What thynges?
thei seyden to him, Of Jhesu of Naza- And they sayd vnto hym, Of Jésus of
reth, that was a man prophete, my3ti in Nazareth, which was a prophet, myghty
work and word bifore God and al the in dede and worde before God and all
peple; the people ;
20 And hou the hijeste prestis and 20 And howe the hye prestes and oure
oure princes bitoken him in to dampna- ruelers delivered hym to be condempned
cioun of deeth, and crucifieden him. to deeth, and have crucified hym.
21 Forsoth we hopiden, for he schulde 21 We trusted, that it shulde have
azen bye Israel. And now in alle thingis bene he that shulde have delivered
the thridde day is to day, that thes Israhell. And as touchynge all these
thingis ben don. thynges to daye is even the thyrd daye,
that they were done. ;
22 But and sum wymmen of oure 22 Ye and certayne wemen alsoo of
maden vs a ferd, whiche bifore the list oure company made vs astonyed, whych
weren at the graue ; cam erly vuto the sepulcre ;
23 And his bodi not foundun, thei 23 And founde nott his boddy, and
camen, seyinge, that thei sy3en a si3t of cam, sayinge, that they had sene visions
aungels, whiche seyn, that he lyueth. off angels, which sayde, that he was
24 And sum men of oure wenten to 24 And certayne of them which were
the graue, and thei founden so as the with vs went their waye to the sepulere,
wymmen seiden, but thei founden not and founde ytt even soo as the wemen
him. had sayde, but hym they sawe nott.
25 And he seyde to hem, A! foolis, 25 And he sayde vnto them, O! foles,
and slowe of herte for to bileue in alle and slowe of herte to beleve all that the
thingis whiche the prophetis han spoke. prophetes have spoken.
26 Where it bihofte not Crist to suffre 26 Ought not Christ to have suffered
thes thingis, and so for to entre in to these thinges, and to enter into his
his glorie ? glory !
27 And he bigynnynge at Moyses and 27 And he began at Moses and at all
alle prophetis, expownede to hem in alle the prophetes, and interpreted vnto them
seripturis, whiche weren of him. in all scriptures, which were written of
28 And thei camen ny; to the castel, 28 And they drue neye vnto the toune,
whidur thei wenten. And he made which they went to. And he made as
euntenaunce him to go ferthere. though he wolde have gone further.
29 And thei constreyneden him, sey- 29 And [they] constrayned hym, say-
inge, Dwel with vs, for it drawith to inge, Abyde with vs, for it draweth
ny3t, and the day is now bowid doun. tawardes nyght, and the daye is farre
| And he entride with hem. ... . passed. And he went in to tary with
them. j
30 And it cam to rar as he sate att
435 GOTHIC, 360.
onféng hláf, and hine bletsode, and
bræc, and him ræhte.

31 Da wurdon hyra eagan ge-openode,

and hig geeneowon hine; and he gewat
fram him.
32 And hig cwédon him betwynan, -
| Nees uncer heorte byrnende, dà he on
| wege wid une spec, and une hálige ge-
writu ontynde?
33 And hig arison on dere ylean tide,
| and wendon to Hierusalem, and ge-
métton endlufan gegaderode, and da de
mid him wzron,
34 And cwædon, Det Drihten sóplice .
árás, and Simone æt- ywde.
35 And hig reliton da ping da de on
wege gewordene wæron,and hú hig hine
oncneowon on hláfes brice.”
36 Sóplice dà hig dis sprætun, se
Hsélend stód on hyra midlene, and sede
him, Sib sy eow; ic hit eom, ne on-
dræde ge eow.
37 Da waron hig gedréfede and a-
ferede, and hig wéndon det hig gast
38 And he sæde him, Hwi synd ge ge-
dréfede, and gepaneas on eowre heortan
ástigap ?
39 Geseop mine handa and mine fet,
diet ic sylf hit eom. Grapiap, and ge- -
seop ; dzet gást neefp flæse, and ban, swá
ge geseop me habban. e
40 And dá he dis sæde, he æt-eowde
him fét and handa.

41 Da cwæþ he to him, dá hig dà gyt

ne gelýfdon, and for gefeán wundredon, -
Heebbe ge hér ænig ping to etanneÍ
42 And hig brohton him del gebræddes
fisces, and beo-breád.
43 And dá he æt befóran him, he nam
da láfa, and him sealde.
44 And ewzp to him, Dis synd da
word de ie spæc to eow, dá ic wees dá
gyt mid eow; fordam de hit is neod
dzet beon ealle ping gefyllede, de awritene -
synd on Moyses æ, and on witegum, and
on sealmum, be me. |
45 Da ontynde he him andgyt, det
hig ongéton hálige gewritu.
46 And he ewæþ to him, Det dus is
XXIV. 31-46.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 437
with hem, he took bred, and blesside, meate wyth them, he toke breed, and
and brac, and dresside to hem. blessed yt, and brake ytt, and gave it
vnto them.
31 And the y3en of hem weren opened, 31 And their eyes were openned, and
and thei knewen him ; and he vanysch- they knewe hym; and he vannisshed
ide fro her y3en. out of their syght.
32 And thei seiden to gidere, Wher 32 And they sayde bitwene them selves,
oure herte was not brennynge in vs, Did not oure hertes burne wyth in vs,
while he spac in the weye, and openyde whyll he talked with vs by the waye,
Scripturis to vs? and openned to vs the scriptures?
33 And thei risinge in the same our, 33 And they roose vp the same houre,
wenten asen in to Jerusalem, and thei and returned agayne to Jerusalem, and
founden enleue gederid to gidere, and they founde the eleven gaddered to
hem that weren with hem, gedder, and them that were wyth them,
34 Seyinge, For the Lord roos verily, 34 Sayinge, The Lorde is risen in dede,
and aperide to Symount. and hath apered to Simon.
35 And thei telden what thingis weren 35 And they tolde what was done in
don in the weye, and hou thei. knewen the waye, and howe they knewe hym by
him in brekynge of breed. the breakynge off breed.
36 Forsothe while thei spaken thes 36 As they thus spake, Jesus hym silfe
thingis, Jhesus stood in the myddel of stode in the myddes of them, and sayde
hem, and seide to hem, Pees to 30u; I vnto them, Peace be with you. . . ..
am, nyle 3e drede.
37 Sothli thei troublid and agast, gess- 37 And they were abasshed and afrayde,
aden hem to se a spirit. supposinge that they had sene a sprete.
38 And he seide to hem, What ben 5e 38 And he sayde vnto them, Why are
troublid, and thou3tis sty3en vp in to ye troubled, and why do thoughtes aryse
zoure hertis ? in youre hertes ?
39 Se 5e myn hondis and my feet, for 39 Beholde my hondes and my fete,
I my silf am. Feele 3e, and se 5e ; for a for it ys even I my sylfe. Handle me,
spirit hath not fleisch, and boonys, as 3e and se; for spretes have nott flesshe,
seen me for to haue. and bones, as ye se me have.
40 And whanne he hadde seyd this 40 And when he had thus spoken, he
„thing, he schewide hondis and feet to shewed them his hondes and his fete.
' hem.
| 41 Forsoth 3it hem not bileuynge, and 41 And whyll they yett beleved nott
. wondringe for ioye, he seyde, Han se for ioye, and wondred, he sayde vnto
ony thing here that schal be etun? them, Have ye here eny meate ?
.42 And thei offriden to him a part of 42 And they gave hym a pece of a
a fysch roostid, and a coomb of hony. brouled fisshe, and of an hony combe.
43 And whanne he hadde etun bifore 43 And he toke it, and ate it before
hem, he takynge the relyfs, 3af to hem.
44 And he seyde to hem, Thes ben the 44 And he sayde vnto them, These are
wordis whiche I spak to 3ou, whanne I the wordes which I spake vnto you,
was 3it with 30u; for it is nede that whil I was yett with you; that all
alle thingis be fillid, whiche ben writun must be fulfilled, which were written of
in the lawe of Moyses, and in prophetis, me in the lawe of Moses, and in the
and in salmes, of me. prophetes, and in the psalmes.
45 Thanne he openyd witt to hem, that 45 Then openned he their wyttes, that
thei schulde vndirstonde scripturis. they myght vnderstond the scriptures.
46 And he seyde to hem, For thus it 46 And sayde vnto them, Thus ys yt

3 "
438 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON; 995. [ST. LuEX
awriten, and dus gebyrede Criste polian,
and dj priddan dæge of deape arisan;

47 And beon bodod on his naman

dæd-bóte and synna forgyfenesse on
ealle peóda, ágynnendum fram Hieru-
48 Soplice ge synd pinga gewitan.

49 And ie sende on eow mines feeder

behát; sitte ge on ceastre, od ge syn
ufene gescrýdde.

5o Sóþlice he gelædde hig út on Beth-

aniam, and he bletsode hig, his handum
sr And hit wees geworden, dá he blet-
sode hig, he férde fram him, and wies
féred on heofen.
52 And hig gebiddende hig gehwurfon
on Hierusalem mid mycelum gefean ;
53 And hig weron symle on dam
temple, God “herigende, and hyne eac
bletsigende. Amen.
“XXIV. 47-53.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 439
is writun, and thus it bihofte Crist to written, and thus it behoved Christ to
suffre, and to ryse a3en fro deed men in suffre, and to ryse agayne from deeth
the thridde day ; the thyrde daye ;
47 And penaunce and remyssioun of 47 And that repentaunce and remission
synnes to be prechid in his name to alle of synnes shulde be preached in his
folkis, men bigynnynge at Jerusalem. name amonge all nacions, and the be- .
gynnynge must be at Jerusalem.
48 Forsothe 3e ben witnessis of thes 48 And ye are witnesses of these
thingis. thynges.
49 And I sende the biheeste of my 49 And beholde, I wyll sende the pro-
fadir in to 30u; sothli sitte 3e in the mes of my father apon you; butt tary
citee, til that 3e be clothid with vertu ye in the cite of Jerusalen, vntill ye be
fro an his. endewed with power from an hye.
50 Forsoth he ledde hem forth in to 50 And he ledde them out into Beth-
Bethanye, and, his hondis reysid, he any, and lifte vp hys hondes, and blest
blesside hem. them.
5i And it was don, while he blesside 51 And it cam to passe, as he blessed
hem, he departide fro hem, and was them, he. departed from them, and was
borun in to heuene. caryed vp in to heven.
52 And thei worshippinge wente a3en 52 And they worshipped hym and re-
in to Jerusalem with greet ioye ; turned to Jerusalem with greate ioye ;
53 And weren euere in the temple, 53 And were continually in the temple,
heryinge and blessinge God. praysynge and laudinge God.




Cuar. I. 1 On fruman! wes word,

and det word wes mid Gode, and God
wees Geet word.
2 Deet wees on fruman mid Gode.

3 Ealle þing wæron geworhte purh

hyne, and nan ping nes geworht butan
4 Det wes lif de on him geworht wes,
and deet lif wees manna leoht ; ;
5 And det leoht lyht on pystrum, and
pystro det ne genámon.
6 Man wes fram Gode ásend, des
nama wees lohannes.
7 Des com to gewitnesse, det he ge-
witnesse cydde be dam leohte, deet ealle
men purh hyne gelyfdon.

8 Nes he leoht, ac det he gewitnesse

forp-beere be dam leohte.
9 Sóp leoht wees, det onlyht ælcne
cumendne man on disne middan-eard.
ro He wes on middan-earde, and mid-
dan-eard wes geworht purh hine, and
middan-eard hine ne gecneow.
1I To his ágenum he com, and hig
hyne ne underféngon.
12 Sóþlice swa hwylce swa hyne under-
féngon, he sealde him anweald dæt hig
wæron Godes bearn, dam de gelyfap on.
his naman ;
13 Da ne synd ácennede of blódum,
ne of flæsces willan, ne of weres willan,
ae hig synd of Gode ácennede.
14 And dst word wees flase geworden,
and eardode on us, and we gesawon hys
wuldor, swylee án-cennedes wuldor of




Cuar. I. I In the bigynnynge was j Crap. I. 1 In the begynnynge was

the word," and the word was at God, that worde, and that worde was with
and God was the word. God, and God was thatt worde.
2 This was in the bigynnynge at God. 2 The same was in the begynnynge
wyth God.
3 Alle thingis ben maad by hym, and 3 All thynges were made by it, and
with outen him is maad nost, that thing with out it was made noo thinge, that
that is maad. made was.
4 Was lyf in him, and the lyf was the 4 In it was lyfe, and lyfe was the light
` list of men; of men ;
5 And the list schyneth in derknessis, 5 And the light shyneth in darcknes,
and derknessis tooken not it. and darcknes comprehended it not.
6 À man was sent fro God, to whom 6 There was a man sent from God,
the name was Joon. whose name was Jhon.
7 This man cam in to witnessinge, 7 The same cam as a witnes, to beare
that he schulde bere witnessinge of the witnes of the light, that all men through
list, that alle men schulden bileue bi him myght beleve.
8 He was not the list, but that he 8 He was nott that light, but to beare
schulde bere witnessing of the list. witnes of the light.
9 It was verri list, which li3tneth ech 9 That was a true light, which lighten-
man comynge into this world. eth all men that come into the worlde.
ro He was in the world, and the world io He was in the worlde, and the
was maad bi him, and the world knew worlde by him was made, and the worlde
him not. knewe hym not.
11 He cam in to his owne thingis, and 11 He cam into his awne, and his
` hise receyueden not him. receaved him not.
12 Forsothe hou manye euere re- 12 Vnto as meny as receaved him,
ceyueden him, he 3af to hem power for gave he power to be the sonnes of God,
to be maad the sones of God, to hem in that they beleved on his name ;
that bileuen in his name ;
13 Whiche not of blodis, nether of the 13 Which were borne not of bloude,
will of fleisch, nether of the will of man, nor of the will of the flesshe, nor yet of
but ben born of God. the will of men, but of God.
14 And the wordt is maad fleisch,” and 14 And that worde was made flesshe,
hath dwellid in vs, and we han seyn the and dwelt amonge vs, and we sawe the
glorie of him, the glorie as of the oon glory off yt, as the glory off the only

feeder, dæt wees ful mid gife, and sóþfæst-
r5 Iohannes cjp gewitnesse be him,
and clypaþ, dus cwedende, Des wees, de
ic sæde, Se de to cumenne is efter me,
wes geworden befóran me, fordam he
wes ær donne ic;
16 And of his gefyllednesse we ealle
onféngon, gife for gife.
17 Fordam de æ wes geseald purh
Moysen ; and gifu and sóþfæstnes is ge-
worden purh Hælend Crist.
18 Ne geseah næfre nan man God,
bútan se án-cenneda sunu hit cydde, se
is on his feeder bearme.
19 And dæt is Iohannes gewitnes,t da
da Iudeas sendon hyra sacerdas and
hyra diaconas fram lerusalem to him,
det hi ácsodon hyne and dus cwædon,
Hweet eart du?
20 And he ejdde, and ne wid-sóe, and
dus cweep, Ne eom ic na Crist.

21 And hig fesodon hine and dus

cwædon, Eart dú Elias? And he ewæþ
Ne eom ie hit. Da cwædon hi, Eart dú
witega? And he andwyrde and ewæþ,
22 Hig cwædon to him, Hwæt eart
dú ? det we andwyrde bringon dam de
us to dé sendon, Hweet segst dú be de
sylfum ?
23 He cwæþ, Ic eom elypiendes stefn
on westene, Gerihtap Drihtnes weg, swa
se witega, Isaias, cwæþ.

24 And da de der ásende wæron, da

wæron of Sundor-hálgon. h
25 And hig ácsodon hine, and cwædon
to him, Hwi fullast dú, gif Gi ne eart
Crist, ne Helias, ne witegaÍ

26 Iohannes him andswarode, Ic fullige

on weetere, to-middes eow stód, de ge
ne cunnon ;
27 He is, de æfter me toweard is, se
wes geworden befóran me, ne eom ic
wyrde, đæt ic unbinde his sceo-pwang.

28 Das ping wæron gewordene on

Bethania begeondan Iordanen, deer To-
hannes fullode,*
I.r5-28.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALFE, 1526. 443
bigetun of the fadir, the sone ful of grace, begotten sonne off the father, which
and of treuthe. worde was full of grace, and verite.
15 John berith witnessing of him, and | 15 Jhon bare witnes off hym, sayinge,
eryeth, seyinge, This it was, whom I Thys is he, of whome I spake, He that
seide, He that cometh aftir me, is maad commeth after me, was before me, be
bifore me, for he was the formere cause he was yer then I;
than I;
16 And of the plente of him we alle I6 And of his fulnes have all we re-
han takun, and grace for grace, ceaved, even favour for favour.
17 For the lawe is 5ouun by Moyses; 17 For the lawe was geven by Moses;
forsoth grace and treuthe is maad by but favour and verite cam by Jesus
Jhesu Crist. Christ.
18 No man euere sy3 God, no but the 18 No man sawe God at eny tyme, the
oon bigetun sone, that is in the bosum only begotten sonne, which is in the
of the fadir, he hath told out. fathers bosum, hath declared hym.
19 And this is the witnessing of John, 19 And this is the recorde off Jhon,
whanne Jewis senten fro Jerusalem when the Iewes sent prestes and levites
. prestis and dekenys to hym, that thei from Jerusalem, to axe hym, What arte
schulden axe him, Who art thou ? thou?

20 Ànd he knowelechide, and denyede 20 And he confessed, and denyed nott,

not, and he knowlechide, For I am not and sayde playnly, I am nott Christ.
- 21 And thei axiden him, What ther- 21 And they axed hym, What then?
‘fore? art thou Elye? And he seide, I arte thou Helias? And he sayde, I am
am not. Art thou a prophete? And nott. Arte thou a prophet? And he
he answeride, Nay. answered, Noo.

z2 Therfore thei seyden to him, Who 22 Then sayd they vnto hym, What
art thou? that we 3yue answere to thes arte thou? that we maye geve an answer
that sente vs. What seist thou of thi to them that sent vs. What sayest thou
sif? of thy silfe?
23 He seith, I a vois of the crying in 23 He sayde, I am the voyce of a cryar
desert, Dresse 3e the wey of the Lord, in the wildernes, Make strayght the
as Ysaye, the prophete, seyde. waye of the Lorde, as sayde the prophet,
Esayas. ;
24 And thei that weren sente, weren 24 And they which were sent, wer off
of the Pharisees. the Pharises.
25 And thei axiden him, and seiden to 25 And they axed hym, and sayde vnto
him, What therfore baptysist thou, if him, Why baptisest thou then, yf thou
- thou art not Crist, nethir Elye, nether be nott Christ, nor Helias, nether a pro-
prophete ? phet ?
26 John answeride to hem, seyinge, I 26 Jhon answered them, sayinge, I
baptise in watir, sothli the myddil man baptise with water, butt one is come
of 30u stood, whom 3e knowen not ; amonge you, whom ye knowe nott ;
27 He it is, that cometh aftir me, that 27 He it is, that commeth after me,
is maad bifore me, of whom I am not whiche was before me, whose shoue
worthi, that I vnbynde the thwong of latchet I am not worthy to vnlose.
his schoo.
28 Thes thingis ben don in Bethany 28 These thynges were done in Beth-
ouer Jordan, wher John was baptisinge. abara beyonde Jordan, where Jhon did

444 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. ÍST. JogN

29 29 O'dre dæge lohannes geseah done

Helend to him cumende, and ewzp,
d opes Sai! sa ist wiprus Gups ; saei Hér is Godes lamb; hér is se de dép
afnimip frawaurht pizos manasedais. aweg middan-eardes synna.
30 Des is, be dam ic sede, Æfter me
cymp wer, de befóran me geworden wæs ;
forðan de he wees ær donne ie.
31 And ic hyne nyste, ac ic com and
fullode on wætere, to dam det he were
geswutelod on Israhela folce.
32 And Iohannes cydde gewitnesse,
cwedende, Det ic geseah nyder-cumend-
ne gast of boo onan swa swa culfran,
and wunode ofer hine.
33 And ic hine ne cade; ac se de me ©
sende to fullianne on wætere, he ewsep
to ine, Ofer done de Gu gesyhst nyder-
stigendne Gást, and ofer hine wuniendne,
dæt iis, se de fullap on Hálgum Gáste.

34 And ic geseah, and gewitnesse

cydde, æt des is Godes sunu.
35 Eft óðre dæge stód Iohannes, and
twegen of his leorning--cnihtum;
36. And he cwep, dá he geseah done
Hælend gangende, Hér is Godes lamb.

37 Ðá gehyrdon hyne twegea 'eorning-.

| enihtas specende, and fyligdon dam
38 Ðá beseah se Hælend, and geseah
| hig him fyliende, and cwap to him,
Hwæt séce gyt? Hi cwædon to him,
Rabbi, det is gecweden and .gereht,
Lareow, hwar eardast du?
39 He cwep to him, Cumap, and ge-
seop. Hig comon, and gesawon hwar
he wunode ; and mid him wunodon on
dam dege. Hit wees da seo teope tid.
40 Andreas, Simones bréder Petres,
wes oder of dam twam, da gehyrdon æt
Iohanne, and him fyligdon.

41 Des gemétte ærest Simonem his

| bróder, and cweep to him, We gemétton
Messiam, Geet is gereht Crist ;

42 And hig gelæddon hine to dam

! Hælende. Da beheold se Hælend hyne,
and cwæþ, Ðú eart Simon, Iónan sunu ;
dü bist genemned Cephas, det is gereht
L 29-42.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 445
29 Another day John sy3 Jhesu com- | 29 The nexte daye Jhon sawe Jesus
ynge to him, and he seith, Lo! the commynge vnto hym, and sayde, Be-
lomb of God; lo! that dorth a wey the holde! the lambe of God, whych taketh
synnes of the world. awaye the synne off the worlde.
30 This is, of whom I seide, Aftir me 30 This is he, of whom I sayde, After
cometh a man, that is maad bifore me ; me commeth a man, which ‘was before
for he was the formere than I. me ; for he was yer then I.
31 And I knewe not him, but that he 31 And I knew hym nott, butt that he
be schewid in Israel, therfore I cam shuld be declared to Israhell, therfore
baptisinge in watir. cam I baptisynge with water.
32 And John bar witnessing, seyinge, 32 And Jhon bare recorde, sayinge, I
For I si; the spirit comynge doun, as a sawe the sprete descende from heven,
culuere fro heuene, and dwellinge on lyke vnto a dove, and it aboode apon
him. hym.
33 And I knew not him; but he that 33 And I knewe hym not ; but he that
sente me for to baptise in watir, seyde sent me to baptyse in water, sayde vnto
to me, On whom thou schalt se the me, Apon whom thou shalt se the Sprete
Spirit comynge doun, and dwellinge on descende, and tary styll on hym, the
him, this it is, that baptisith in the same is he, whych baptiseth wyth the
Hooly Gost. Holy Goost.
34 And I sy3, and bar witnessing, for 34 And I sawe yt, and have borne re-
this is the sone of God. | corde, that thys ys the sonne off Goa.
35 Another day John stood, and tweyne 35 The next daye after Jhon stode
of his disciplis ; agayne, and two off hys disciples ;
< 36 And he biholdinge Jhesu walkynge, 36 And he behelde Jesus as be walked
seith, Lo! the lomb of God. by, and sayde, Beholde! the lambe off
37 And tweye disciplis herden him 37 And the two disciples heide hym
spekynge, and folwiden Jhesu. speaxe, and they folowed Jesus.

38 Sothli Jhesu conuertid, and seynge 38 Jesus turned about, and sawe them
hem suwynge him, seith to hem, What folowe, and sayde vnto them, What seke
seken 3e? Whiche seiden to him, Raby, ye? They sayde vnto hym, Rabi, which
that is interpretid, Maistir, where dwell- is to say be interpretacion, Master,
` ist thou ? where dwellest thou?
39 He seith to hem, Come 5e, and se 39 He sayde vnto them, Come, and se.
ye. Thei camen, and sy3en where he They cam, and sawe where he dwelt ;
dwelte ; and thei dwelten at him in that and abode with hym that daye. For it
day. Sothli the our was as the tenthe. was about the tenthe houre.
- 40 Forsothe Andrew, brother of Sy- 40 Won off the two, whych herde Jhon
mount Petre, was oon of the tweyne, speake, and folowed Jesus, was Andrew,
that herden of John, and hadde sued Simon Peters brother.
- 41 This fond first his brother Symount, 41 The same founde hys brother Simon
and he seith to him, We han founde fyrst, and sayde vnto hym, We have
Messias, that is interpretid Crist; founde Messias, whych ys be interpre-
tacion Announted ;
42 And he ledde him to Jhesu. Sothli 42 And brought hym to Jesus. And
Jhesu biholdinge him, seide, Thou ert Jesus behelde hym, and sayde, Thou arte
Symount, the sone of Johanna; thou Simon, the sonne off Jonas ; thou shalt
schalt be clepid Cephas, that is inter- be called Cephas, which is by interpre-
pretid Petre. tacion, A stone.

446 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 095. [Sr. JoEN
43 On mergen he wolde faran on Gali-
lea, and he gemétte Philippus ; and se
Halend ewæþ to him, Fylig me.
44 Sóþlice Philippus wees fram Beth-
saida, Andreas ceastre and Petres.
45 Philippus gemétte Nathanahel, and
ewep to him, We gemétton done Hal
end, losepes sunu, of Nazareth, done
wrát Moyses and da witegan on Gere æ.

46 And Nathanahel ewzep to him, Meg

ænig ping gódes beon of Nazareth!
Philippus cwæþ to him, Cum, and ge-
47 Da geseah se Hælend Nathanahel
to him cumendne, and ewep be him,
Hér is Israhelise wer, on dam nis nan
48 Da cwep Nathanahel to him,
Hwanon cúðest di me? Da andswar-
ode se Hælend, and ewep to him, Ie
geseah dé, da da were under dam fic-
trecwe, erdam de Philippus dé clypode.
49 Him andswarode dá Nathanahel, and
dus eweep, Rabbi, dú eart Godes sunu,
and du eart Israhela cing.
5o Da cwæþ se Heélend to him, Du
gesyhst mare donne dys sy ; fordam de.
du gelýfdest, da ie cweep, deet ic gesawe
dé under dam fic-treowe.

51 And he sæde him, Sóþic seege eow,.

ge geseop opene heofenas, and Godes
englas up stigende and nyder stigende
ofer mannes sunu.

Cuar. II. tz On dam priddan dæge

wæron gifta gewordene on Chanaa Ga-
lileæ ; and des Hælendes médor wees |
2 Sóþlice se Hælend, and his leorning:
cnihtas wæron geladode to dam giftum.
3 And da deet win geteorode, dá ewæþ
des Hælendes médor to him, Hi nabbap:
4 Da cwæþ se Hælend to hyre, La wif,
hwæt is me and de? gyt min tima ne
5 Da cwæþ des Hælendes médor to
I. 43-11. 5.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 447
43 Forsothe on the morwe he wolde 43 The daye folowynge Jesus wolde
go out in to Galilee, and he fond Philip; goo into Galile, and founde Philip ; and
and Jhesu seith to him, Sue thou me. sayde vnto hym, Folowe me.
44 Philip was of Bethsayda, the citee 44 Philip was of Betsaida, the cite of
of Andreu and Petre. Andrew and Peter.
45 Philip fond Nathanael, and he seith 45 Philip founde Nathanael, and sayde
to him, We han founden Jhesu, the sone vnto hym, We have founde hym, off
of Joseph, of Nazareth, whom Moyses whom Moses wrote in the lawe and the
~ wroot in the lawe and prophetis. prophetes, Jesus, the sonne of Joseph,
of Nazareth.
46 And Nathanael seide to him, Of 46 And Nathanaell sayde vnto hym,
Nazareth may sum good thing be? Can there eny goode thynge come out
Philip seith to him, Come, and se. off Nazareth? Philip sayde to hym,
Come, and se.
47 Jhesu sy3 Nathanael comynge to 47 Jesus sawe Nathanael commynge
him, and he seith of him, Lo! verily to hym, and sayde of hym, Beholde!
a man of Israel, in which is no gile. a right Hisrahelite, in whom is no gyle.

48 Nathanael seith to him, Wherof 48 Nathanael sayd vnto bym, From

hast thou knowe me? Jhesu answeride, whence knewest thou me? Jesus an-
and seith to him, Bifore that Philip swered, and sayde vnto hym, Before
clepide thee, whanne thou were vndir that Philip called the, wheu thou wast
the fyge tree, I sy3 thee. vnder the fygge tree, I sawe the.
49 Nathanael answeride to him, and 49 Nathanael answered, and sayde vnto
‘seith, Rabi, thou ert the sone of God, hym, Rabi, thou arte the sonne off God,
thou ert kyng of Israel. thou arte the kynge of Israhel.
50 And Jhesu answeride, and seide to 50 Jesus answered, and sayd vato
him, For I seyde to thee, I sy3 thee hym, Be cause I sayde vnto the, I sawe
vndir the fige tree, thou bileuest ; thou the vnder the fygge tree, thou belevest ;
schalt se more than these thingis. thou shalt se greater thynges then
51 And he seide to hem, Treuli I seie 51 And he sayde vnto hym, Verely,
to 3ou, 5e schulen se heuene openyd, and verely I saye vnto you, here after shall
the aungels of God stijynge vp and ye se heven open, and the angels off
comynge doun on mannis sone. God ascendynge and descendynge over
the sonne off man.

Crap. II. r And the thridde day Cmar. II. í And the thryde daye
weddingis ben maad in the Canet of was there a mariage in Cana, a citie
Galilee; and the modir of Jhesu was of Galile; and Jesus mother was there.
2 Sothli Jhesu is clepid, and his dis- 2 Jesus was called also, and his dis-
ciplis, to the weddingis. ciples, vnto the mariage.
3 And wyn faylinge, the modir of 3 And when the wyne fayled, Jesug
Jhesu seide to him, Thei han not wyn. mother sayde vnto hym, They have no
4 And Jhesu seith to hir, What to me 4 Jesus sayde «nto her, Woman, what
aud to thee, thou womman? myn our have I to do with the? myne houre is
cam not 3it. not yett come.
5 The modir of him seith to the 5 His mother sayde vnto the ministers,



dam pénum, Dóþ swa hwæt swa he eow
6 Der w&ron sóplice áset six stænene
weeter-fatu, æfter Iudea geclænsunge, sele
wæs on twegra sestra gemete, oððe on
7 Da bead se Hælend đæt hig da fatu
mid wætere gefyldon. And hig gefyl-
don da, od done brerd.
8 Da cwæþ se Hælead, Hladap nú, and
berap deere drihte ealdre. And hi namon.

g Da se drihte ealdor des wines on-

byrgde de of dam wætere geworden wees,
he nyste hwanon hit com, da þénas
sóþlice wiston, de det wæter hlódon,
se drihte ealdor clypode done bryd-
ro And cwæþ to him, ZElle man sylp.
ærest god win, and donne hig druncene
beop, det de wyrse byþ; du geheolde
det góde win od dis.

II Dis wes det forme tácn de se

Helend worhte on Chanaa Galiléæ, and
geswütelode his wuldor ;and his leorning-
cnihtas gelyfdon on hine.*
12 Æfter dysum he, and bys modor,
and his gebródru, and his leorning-
cnihtas fóron to Capharnaüm ; and wun-
edon dar feawa daga.
13 And hit wes neah Tudea esstron,
and se Hælend for to Hierusalem. |
14 And gemétte on dam temple da de
sealdon oxan, and sceép, and culfran,
and sittende myneteras.
15 And he worhte swipan of streng-
um, and hig ealle of dam temple adr«f,
ge sceap, ge oxan; and he ágeát
dara mynetera feóh, and towearp hyra

16 And sæde dam de da culfran cýp-

ton, Dóp das ping heonon, ne wyrce
ge mines feeder hús to mangung-huse.

17 Dá gemundon his leorning-cnihtas, -

det de áwriten is, Dines hüses anda
me et.
18 Dá andswaredon him da Iudeas,
and ewsdon, Hwyle tácn et-ywst du
us, fordam de du das ping dést?
IL 6-18.] WYCLIFFE, 1380. TYNDALE, 1526. 449
mynystris, What euere thing he schal Whatsoever he sayeth vnto you, do itt.
seie to 30u, do 3e.
6 Forsothe ther weren put sixe stoonun 6 There were stondynge sixe water
pottis, aftir the clensinge of Jewis, tak- pottes of stone, after the maner of the
inge ech tweyne or thre mesuris. purifyinge of the Iewes, contaynynge
two or thre fyrkyns a peve.
7 Jhesu seith to hem, Fille 3e the 7 Jesus sayde vnto them, Fyll the
pottis with water. And thei filliden water pottes with water. And they
hem, til to the higeste part. fylled them, vp to the harde brym.
.8 And Jhesu seith to hem, Drawe 3e 8 Ard he sayde vnto them, Drawe
now, and bere 5e to architriclyn.! And outt nowe, and beare vnto the governer
thei token. of the feaste. "And they bare itt.
9 And as architriclyn tastide the watir 9 When the ruler off the feast had
maad wyn, and he wiste not wherof it tasted the water that was turned vnto
was, sothli the mynystris wisten, that wyne, nother knewe whence it was, butt
drowen watir, architriclyn clepith the the mynisters, which drue the water,
spouse, knew, he called the brydegrome,
ro And seith to him, Ech man puttith to And sayde vnto hym, All men att
first good wyn, and whanne men schulen the be gynnynge sett forth goode wyne,
be tillid, thanne that that is worse; sothli and when men be dronke, then thatt
thou hast kept good wyn til to now. which is worsse ; butt thou hast kept
backe the goode wyne hetherto.
11 Jhesu dide this the bigynnynge of rr Thys begynnynge off myracles did
signes in the Cane of Galilee, and schewide Jesus in Cana of Galile, and shewed his
his glorie; and his disciplis bileueden glory ; and his disciples beleved on hym.
in to him.
12 Aftir thes thingis he cam doun to 12 After thatt descended he in to
Capharnaum, and his modir, and his Capernaum, and hys mother, and hys
britheren, and his disciplis ; and thei brethren, and his disciples ; bv’ con-
dwelten there not many dayes. tinued not longe there.
13 And the paske of Jewis was ny3, 13 And the lewes ester was even at
and Jhesu wente vp to Jerusalem. honde, and Jesus went vp to Jerusalem.
14 And he fond in the temple men 14 And founde in the temple those
Sellinge scheep, and oxen, and culueris, that solde oxen, and shepe, and doves,
and chaungeris sittinge. and chaungers of money syttynge. l
15 And whanne he hadde maad as a 15 And he made a scourge off smale
scourge of smale coordis, he castide out cordes, and drave them all out off the
„alle of the temple, and oxen, and scheep; temple, bothe shepe, and oxen; and
and he schedde out the moneye of powred doune the changers money, and
chaungeris, and turnede vpsodoun the overthrue their tables.
16 And he seide to hem that selden 16 And sayde vnto them that solde
culueris, Take a wey fro hennis thes doves, Have these thynges hence, and
thingis, and nyle 5e make the hous of make nott my fathers housse an housse
. my fadir an hous of marchaundise. off marchandyse.
17 Forsothe his disciplis hadden mynde, 17 Hys disciples remembred, howe that
for it is writun, The feruour of loue of yt was written, The zele of thyne housse
thin hous hath etun me. hath even eaten me.
- 18 Therfore the Jewis answeriden, and 18 Then answered the Iewes, and sayde
seyden to him, What syngne* schewist vnto him, What token shewest thou vnto
thou to vs, for thou doist thes thingis? vs, seynge that thou dost these thynges?
45( GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Jonn
19 Se Hé&lend him andswarode, and
eweep, Toweorpap dis tempel, and ie hit
árære binnan prim dagum.
20 DA Iudeas cewidon to him, Dis |
tempel wees getimbrod on six and feower-
tigum wintrum, and árærst da hit on
prym dagum?
21 Sóþlice he hyt eweep be hys lichaman
22 Da he of deape árás, dá gemundon
his leorning-cnihtas, det he hit be him
sylfum ewsp; and hi gelyfdon halgum
gewrite, and dere spræce de se Hælend
23 Da he wes on Hierusalem on east-
ron, on freols-dege, manega gelyfdon
on his naman, dá hi gesáwon da taena
da he worhte.
24 Se Helend ne geswütelode hine
sylfne him, fordam he cide hi ealle; |

25 And fordam him næs nan pearf, |

det ænig man sæde gewitnesse be men, -
he wiste witodlice hwæt wees on men. |

Crap. IIT. ti Sóplice sum Pharis-

eise man wes, genemned Nichodcmins, |
se wees Iudea ealdor. .
2 Des com to him on niht, and cwap
io him, Rabbi, det is láreow, we witon,
dst dá come fram Gode; ne msg nån
man das tícn wyrcán de du wyrcst,
büton God beo mid him.

3 3 Se Helend him andswarode, and

eese Amen, amen, qipa pus, niba cwæþ, Sóp, ie dé scege, búton hwá beo
saei gabairada iupabro, ni mag gasaiwh- edniwan gecenned, ne meg he geseon
an piudangardya Gups.t Godes rice.
EO Whaiwa 4 Da cwæþ Nichodemus to him, Ha
mahts ist manna gabairan, alpeis wis- meg man beon eft ácenned, donne he
ands? ibai mag in wamba aipeins sein- bip eald? cwyst dú meg he eft cuman
aizos aftra galeipan, yaggabairaidau ? on his móder innop, and beon eft ácen-
5 Se Helend him andswarode and
SA S .. Àmen, amen, qipa pus, niba cwæþ, Sóp, ie dé secge, büton hwa beo
saei gabairada us watin, yah Ahmin, ni ge-edcenned of wætere, and of Háligum
mag inngaleipan in piudangardya Gups. Gáste, ne meg he in-faran on Godes
á Det de ácenned is of flésce, det ys
IT. ro.-III. 6.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1836. 451
I9 Jhesu answeride, and seyde to hem, 19 Jesus answered, and said vnto them,
Vndo 5e this temple, and in thre dayes Destroye this temple, and in thre dayes
I schal reyse it. I will rayse it vppe agayne.
20 Therfore the Jewis seyden to him, 20 Then sayde the Tewes, In xlvj. yeares
In fourty and sixe 3ceris this temple is this temple was bilt, and wylt thou rayse
byldid, and thou in thre dayes schalt it vppe in thre dayes?
reyse it ?
21 Forsothe he seide of the temple of 21 Butt he spake of the temple off hys
his body. boddy.
22 Therfore whanne he hadde rysun 22 As sone therfore as he was rysen
fro deed men, his disciplis hadden mynde, from deeth agayne, his disciples remem-
for he seyde this thing ; and thei bileueden bred, that he thus sayde vnto them;
to the scripture, and to the word that and they beleved the scripture, and the
Jhesu seide. wordes whych Jesus had sayde.
23 Forsothe whanne Jhesu was at Je- 23 When he was at Jerusalem at ester,
rusalem in pask, in the feeste day, manye in the feaste, many beleved on his name,
bileuyden in his name, seynge the syngnes when they sawe the signes which he
of him that he dide. did.
24 Sothli Jhesu him silf bileuede not 24 But Jesus put nott hym sile in
hym silf to hem, for that he knew alle their hondes, be cause he knewe all
men; men ;
25 And for it was not nede to hym, 25 And neded nott, that eny man
that eny man schulde bere witnessing shulde testify off man, for he knewe
of man, sothli he wiste what was in what was in man.

Crap. IIT. 1 Forsothe ther was a Crap. III. 1 There was a man off
man of Pharisees, Nicodeme bi name, a the Pharises, named Nicodemus, a ruler
prince of Jewis. amonge the Lewes.
2 He cam to Jhesu in the ny3te, and 2 He cam to Jesus be nyght, and sayde
seide to him, Raby, we witen, for of God vnto him, Master, we knowe, that thou
thou hast come a maistir ;sothli no man arte a teacher whyche arte come from
- may do thes signes that thou dost, no God ; for no man coulde do suche mira-
but God
were with him. cles as thou doest, except God were
wyth hym.
3 Jhesu answeride, and seyde to him, 3 Jesus answered, and sayde vnto hym,
Treuli, treuli, I seye to thee, no but Verely, verely, I saye vnto the, except
a man Schal be born azen, he may not that à man be boren a newe, he eannot
se the kyngdom of God. se the kingdom of God.
4 Nycodeme seide to him, How may a 4 Nicodemus sayde vnto hym, Howe
-man be born, whanne he is olde? wher can a man be boren, when he is olde?
he may entre a3en in to his modris can he enter into hys moders body, and
wombe, and be born agein? be boren agayne 1

5 Jhesus answeride, Treuli, treuli, I 5 Jesus answered, Verely, verely, I saye

seie to thee, no but a man schal be vnto the, except that a man be boren
born agen of watir, and of the Hooly of water, and of the Sprete, he cannot
Gost, he may not entre in to the kyng- enter into the kyngdom of God. Í
dom of God.
6 That that is born of fleisch, is fleisch ; i 6 That whych is boren of the flesshe,
459 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sm. Joun
flésc; and det de of gáste is acenned,
dæt is gast.
7 Ne wundra dá, fordam de ic sede
dé, Eow gebyrap det ge beon acennede
8 Gist orédap dar he wile, and du
gehyrst his stefne, and du nást, hwanon
he cymp, ne hwyder he gáp ; swá is æle
de acenned is of gaste.

9 Dá andswarode Nichodemus, and

cwæþ, Hi mágon das ping dus ge-
weordan ? |
10 Se Hælend andswarode, and cwæþ
to him, Du eart láreow Israhela folce,
and da nást das ping ?
11 Sop, ic dé secge, det we sprecap,
det we witon, and we cydap, dat we
gesiwon, and ge ne underfop ure cyd-
12 Gif ic eow eorplice ping sæde, and
ge ne gelýfaþ, hümeta gelýfe ge, gif ic
eow heofenlice ping secge ?

13 And nán man ne ástihp te heof-

enum, büton se de nyder com of
heofenum, mannes sunu se de com
of heofenum.
14 And swá swá Moyses da næddras,
up-áhóf on dam wéstene, swa gebyral:
det mannes sunu beo up-áhafen,
15 Det nan dara ne forweorde, de on
hyne gelýfþ, ac hæbbe det éce lift

16 God lufode middan-eard swa, deet

he sealde his an-cennedan sunu, Geet
nán ne forweorde de on hine gelyfp,
ac hæbbe det éce lif.
17 Ne sende God his sunu on middan-
eard, Get he démde middan-earde, ac
dst middan-eard sy gehæled purh hine.

18 Ne bip dam gedémed, de on hine

gelyfp; se de ne gelyfp him, bip gedémed,
fordam de he ne gelyfde on done naman
dees án-cennedan Godes suna.
19 Det is se dóm, det leoht com on
middan-eard, and menn lufedon pystro
swydor donne det leoht: hyra weore
weron yfele.
20 Alle dara de yfele dép, hatap dæt
ILI. 7-20.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 493
and that that is born of spirit, is spirit. is flesshe ; and that which is boren of
the sprete, is sprete.
4 Wondre thou not, for I seye to thee, 7 Marvayle nott, that I sayd to the,
It behoueth 30u for to be born asein. Ye must be boren a newe.

8 The spirit brethith wher it wole, and 8 The wynde bloweth where he listeth,
thou heerist his vois, but thou wost not, and thou hearest his sounde, butt thou
fro whennis he cometh, or whidir he canst nott tell, whence he commeth, and
goth ; so is ech man that is borun of whether he goeth ; so is every man that
the spirit. is boren of the sprete.
9 Nycodeme answeride, and seide to 9 Nicodemus answered, and sayde vnto
him, Hou mown thes thingis be don ? him, Howe can these thynges be?

10 Jhesu answeride, and seyde to him, IO Jesus answered, and sayde vnto
Art thou a maistir in Israel, and knowist hym, Arte thou a master in Israhell,
not thes thingis 1 and knowest nott these thynges?
II Treuli, treuli, I seye to thee, for 11 Verely, verely, I saye vnto the, we
that that we witen, we speken, and that speake that we knowe, and testify that
that we han seyn, we witnessen, and 5e we have sene, and ye receave not oure
taken not oure witnessing. witnes.
12 If I haue seid to 5ou ertheli thingis, 12 Yff I have tolde you erthely thynges,
and 5e bileuen not, how if I schal seie and ye have not beleved, howe shulde
to 5ou heuenli thingis, schulen 3e bileue? ye beleve, if I shall tell you of hevenly
thynges ?
13 And no man styeth in to heuene, 13 And noo man hath ascended vppe
"mo but he that cam doun fro heuene, to heven, butt he that cam doune from
mannis sone that is in heuene. heven, that ys to saye the sonne of man
which is in heven.
14 And as Moyses reride vp a serpent 14 Aud as Moses lifte vppe the serpent
in desert, so it bihoueth mannus sone in wyldernes, even soo must the sonne
for to be areysid vp, off man be lifte vppe,
I5 That ech man that bileueth in to 15 That noo man which beleveth in
him, perische not, but haue euerelastinge hym perisshe, but have eternall lyfe.
de Forsothe God so louede the world, 16 God soo loved the worlde, that he
„that he 3af his oon bigetun sone, that gave his only sonne, for the entent that
ech man that bileueth in to him perische none that beleve in hym shulde perisshe, -
not, but haue euere lasting lyf. butt shulde have everlastynge lyfe.
17 Sothli God sente not his sone in to 17 For God sent not his sonne into
the world, that he iuge the world, but the worlde, to condempne the worlde,
that the world be sauyd by hym. but that the worlde through him myght
be saved.
18 He that bileueth in to him, is not 18 He that beleveth on hym, shall not
demyd ;* forsothe he that bileueth not, be condempned ; but he that beleveth
is now demed, for he bileueth not in nott, is condempned all redy, be cause
the name of the oon bigetun sone of he beleveth nott in the name off the
God. | only sonne off God.
19 Sothli this is the dom, for li3t cam 19 And this is the condempnacion,
in to the world, aud men louede more light is come into the worlde, and the
derknessis than li3t ; forsoth her workis men have loved darcknes more then
weren yuele. light ; be cause their dedes were evyll..
20 Sothli ech man that doth yuele, 20 For every man that evyll doeth,
454 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. Joun
leoht ;and he ne cymp to leohte, deet
his weore ne syn gerihtlehte.
21 Witodlice se de wyrcp sóþfæstnesse,
cymp to dam leohte, det his weore syn
geswütelode, fordam de hig synd on
Gode gedóne.
22 /Efter dyssum com se Hælend, and
his leorning-enihtas, to Iudea lande, and
wunode dar mid him, and fullode.

23 23 And Iohannes fullode on Enon, wid

e... naga wesun Salim, fordam de der wæron manega
yainar; yah qemun, yah daupidai wesun.* wætro ; and hi togædere comon, and
weron gefullode.
24 Ni nauhþanuh galagiþs was in kark- 24 Da gyt nes lohannes gedon on
arai lohannes. cweártern.*
25 Paproh pan warp sokeins us sipon- 25 Da smeadon Iohannes leorning-
yam lohannes mip ludaium, bi swikn- cnihtas and da Iudeas, be dere clæns-
ein * 6) -» e €. unge.
26 26 And comon to Iohanne, and ewædon
. . . . Rabbei, saei was mip pus.hindar to him, Rabbi, se de mid dé wes be-
Yaurdanau, pammei pu weitwodides, sai! geondan lordanen, be dam dú cyddest
sa daupeip, yah allai gaggand du imma. gewitnesse, nú! he fullap, and ealle hig
cumap to him.
27 lohannes andwyrde, and cwæþ, Ne
meg mann nan ping underfén, büton
hit beo hym of heofenum geseald.
28 Ge sylfe me synd to gewitnesse,
det ie sede, Ne eom ie Crist, ae ic.
eom ásend befóran hine.
ay) 29 Se de bryde hæfþ, se ys brydguma;
se de is des brydguman freond, and
stent, and gehjrp hyne, mid gefean he
geblissaþ, for des brýdguman stefne.
.... So nu faheþs meina usfullnoda.* Des min gefea is gefylled.

30 Yains skal wahsyan, ip ik minznan. 30 Hit gebyrap det he weaxe, and

det ic wanige.
31 Sa iupapro qimands, ufaro allaim 31 Se de ufenan com, se is ofer ealle;
ist ; se de of eorpan is, . .. se sprytþ be -
. . sa us himina qumana, ufaro allaim eorþan; se de of heofone com, se is
ist. ofer ealle.

32 Yah patei gasawh, yag-gahausida, 32 And he cyp, det he geseah, and

pata weitwodeip, yah po weitwodida is gehýrde, and nan man ne underfehp his |
ni ainshun nimip. cydnesse.
33 Sdplice se de his cydnesse under-
fehp, he getácnap det God is sóþfæstnes.

34 Se de God sende, sprych Godes

word; ne sylp God done gast be ge-
III. 21-34.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 435
hatith list ; and he cometh not to the hateth the light; nether commeth to
list, that his workis be not reproued.* light, lest his dedes shulde be reproved.
21 Sothli he that doth treuthe, cometh 21 Butt he that doth the trueth,
to the list, that his workis be schewid, commeth to the light, that his dedes
for thei ben don in God. myght be knowen, howe that they are
wroght in God.
22 Aftir thes thingis Jhesu cam, and 22 After that cam Jesus, and his disci-
his disciplis, in to the lond of Judee, ples, into the Iewes londe, and there
and there he dwellide with hem, and abode with them, and baptised.
23 Sothli John was baptisynge in En- 23 And Jhon also baptised in Enon,
non, bisydis Salym, for many watris besydes Salim, because there was moche
were there ; and thei camen, and weren water there; and they cam, and were
baptisid. baptised.
24 Sothli John was not 3it sent in 24 For Jhon was not yet cast into
to prísoun. preson.
25 Sothli a questiount is maad of 25 There a rose a question bitwene
Johnis disciplis with the Jewis, of the Jhons disciples and the Iewes, a bout
purificaciounf. purifiynge.
26 And thei camen to John, and seyde 26 And they cam vnto Jhon, and sayde
to him, Rabi," he that was with thee vnto hym, Master, beholde ! he that was
ouer Jordan, to whom thou hast born with the beyonde Iordan, to whom thou
witnessinge, lo! he baptyseth, and alle barest witnes, baptyseth, and all men
men comen to him. come to hym.
“27 John answeride, and seyde, A man 27 Jhon answered, and sayde, A mau
may not take ony thing, no but it be can receave nothynge at all, except it
souun to him fro heuene. be geven hym from heven.
28 3e 30u silf beren witnessing to me, 28 Ye youre selves are witnesses, howe
that I seyde, I am not Crist, but for I that I sayde, I am nott Christ, butt am
am sent bifore him. sent before hym.
29 He that hath a spousesse! is the 29 He that hath the bryde is the
spouse ;* forsothe a frend of the spouse, brydegrome ; but the frende off the
that stondith, and heerith him, ioyeth brydegrome, which stondeth by, and
in ioye, for the vois of the spouse. heareth hym, reioyseth greately, of the
brydgromes voyce. Therfore this my
/ Therfore in this thing my ioye is fillid.
ioye is fulfilled.
+ go It bihoueth him for to wexe, for- 30 He must increace, and I muste de-
soth me to be menusid.' creace.
31 He that cam fro aboue, is aboue 31 He that commeth from an hye, is
alle; he that is of the erthe, ET above all; he that is off the erth, is of
spekith of the erthe ;he that comith the erth, and speaketh off the erth ;
fro heuene, is aboue alle. he that commeth from heven, is above
32 And this thing that he sy3, and 32 And testifyeth that he hath sene,
herde, he witnessith, and no man takith and herde, and his testimony noo man
his witnessing. receaveth.
33 Forsoth he that hath takun his wit- 33 Whosoever receavith his witnes, the
nessing, hath markid that God is soth- same hath sealed that God is true.
. fast.
34 Forsoth he whom God sente, spekith 34 For he whom God hath sent, speak-
the wordis of God; forsothe not to eth the wordes off God ; for God geveth

| mesure God 3yueth the spirit. nott the sprete by measure.

i » j)
456 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. |ST. JOHN
35 Feeder lufap done sunu, and sealde
ealle ping on his hand.
36 Se de gelýfþ on sunu, se hæfþ éce lif;
se de dam suna is ungeleaffull, ne ge-
syhp he lif, ac Godes yrre wunap ofer

Cuar. IV. 1 Da se Hælend wyste,

det da Pharisei gehyrdon, det he hæf-
de má leorning-cnihtas . . . donne Io-

2 Deah se Hælend ne fullode, ae his

3 Da forlét he Iudea land, and for eft —
| on Galilea.
4 Him gebyrode deet he sceolde faran
purh Samaria land.
5 Witodlice he com on Samarian ceastre,
de is genemned Sichar, neah dam tüne,
de Iacob sealde Iosepe, his suna.

6 Der wes Iacobes wyll ; se Hælend

sæt æt dam wylle dá he wes wérig -
gegan. And hit was mid-dæg.

7 Ðá com der án wif of Samaria,

wolde wæter feccan. Da cwæþ se Heel- —
end to hyre, Syle me drincan.
8 His leorning-cnihtas ferdon da to i
deere ceastre, woldon him mete bicgan.

9 Da cwep det Samaritanisce wif to

him, Húmeta bitst dú æt me drinean,
donne dü eart ludeise, and ic eom Sa-
maritanise wif? ne brücap Iudeas and
Samaritanisce metes ætgædere.

1o Da andswarode se Helend, and

cwæþ to hyre, Gif da wistest Godes
gyfe, and hwæt se is, de ewyp to dé, -
Syle me drincan, witodlice dü bæde
hine, det he sealde dé lifes weeter.

ri Da cwæþ det wif to him, Leofne,

du neefst nan ping mid to hladenne, and
des pytt is deóp ; hwanon hæfst du
lifes wæter ?
12 Cwyst da det dú si mærra donne
III. 35.-IV. 12.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 457
35 The fadir loueth the sone, and he 35 The father loveth the sonne, and
hath 3ouun alle thingis in his hond. hath geven all thynges into his honde.
36 He that bileueth in to the sone, 36 He that beleveth on the sonne, hath
hath euere lastinge lyf; forsothe he that everlastyng lyfe; and he that beleveth
is vnbileueful to the sone, schal not se nott the sonne, shall nott se lyfe, but tha
euerelasting lyf, but the wraththe of God wrathe of God bydeth on hym.
dwellith on hym.

„Cmar. IV. 1 Therfore as Jhesu knew, Crar. IV. 1 As sone as the Lorde
that Pharisees herden, that Jhesu makith had knoweledge, howe that it was come
mo disciplis and baptysith, than John, to the eares off the Pharises, that Jesus
made and baptised moo disciples, then
2 Thou3 Jhesu baptiside not, but his 2 Though that Jesus hym silfe baptised
disciplis, not, butt his disciples,
3 He lefte Judee, and wente a3en in to 3 He lefte Iewry, and departed agayne
. Galilee. into Galile.
4 Sothli it bihofte him to passe bi Sa- 4 And it was soo that he must nedes
marie. goo thorowe Samaria.
5 Therfore Jhesu cam in to a citee of 5 Then cam he to a cite of Samaria,
Samarie, that is seyde Sycar, bisydis the called Sichar, besydes the possession,
manere,! that Jacob 3af to Joseph, his that Jacob gave to his sonne, Joseph.
6 Forsoth the welle of Jacob was there; 6 And there was Jacobs well; Jesus
sothli Jhesu maad wery* of the iurney, then weried in his iorney, sate thus on
sat thus on the welle. Sothli the our the wel. Hit was about the sixte
was, as the sixte.* houre.
7 À womman cam of Samarie, for to 7 There cam a woman of Samaria, to
drawe watir. Jhesu seith to hir, 3yue drawe water. Jesus sayde vnto her,
to me for to drynke. Geve me drynke.
8 Forsoth his disciplis hadden gon in 8 For his disciples wer gone awaye
to the citee, that thei schulden bye vnto the toune, to beye meate.
- 9 Therfore the ilke womman of Xa- 9 The woman off Samaria sayde vnto -
‘marie seith to him, How thou, whanne hym, Howe is itt thatt thou, beinge a
"thou ert a Jew, axist of me for to Iewe, axest drynke of me, which am
drynke, which am a womman of Sa- a Samaritane? for the Iewes medle not
marie? forsothe Jewis vsen not with with the Samaritans.
ro Jhesu answeride, and seide to hir, 10 Jesus answered, and sayde vnto her,
If thou wistist the 3ifte of God, and If thou knewest the gyfte of God, and
who it is, that seith to thee, 3yue to who it is, that sayeth to the, Geve me
me for to drynke, thou perauenture drynke, thou woldest have axed of hym,
schuldest haue axid of him, and he and he wolde have geven the water of
schulde haue 30uun to thee quyk watir. lyfe.
rr The womman seith to him, Sire, ir The woman sayde vnto hym, Syr,
nether thou hast in what thing thou thou hast noo thynge to drawe it with
- schalt drawe, and the pitt is deep ; ther- all, and the well is depe; from whence
l fore wherof hast thou quyk watir ? then hast thou that water off lyfe ?
12 Wher thou art more than oure 12 Arte thou gretter then oure father
GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sæ. Jonn
tire feeder lacob, se de us disne pytt
sealde? and he, and his bearn, and his
nytenu of dam druncon.
13 Da andswarode se Hælend, and
cwæþ to hyre, Ælcne dara pyrst eft, de
of dysum weetere drinep ;
14 Witodlice æle dara de drinep of
dam wætere de ic him sylle,

bip on him will, forp-résendes wæteres

on éce lif.
15 Da ewep det wif to him, Hláford,
syle me det wæter, æt me ne þyrste,
ne ic ne purfe her feccan.
16 Ðá cwep se Hælend to hyre, Ga, -
clypa dinne ceorl, and cum hider.
17 Da andwyrde dzt wif, and cwæþ,
Nebbe ic nanne ceorl. Da cwæþ se
Hælend to hyre, Wel du eweede, dæt da
næfst ceorl ;
18 Witodlice du hæfdest fif ceorlas,
and se de dú nú hæfst, nis din ceorl.
Æt dam dú sædest sop.

19 Da cwæþ dot wif to him, Leof, dies

de me pincp, dü eart witega.
20 U're fæderas hig gebædon on dis-
sere dune, and ge secgap, æt on Hieru-
salem sy seo stow, Geet man on-gebidde.

21 Da cwæþ se Hælend to hyre, Lá

wif, gelyf me, det seo tid cymp, donne
ge ne gebiddap feeder, ne on dissere
düne, ne on Hierusalem.
22 Ge gebiddap det ge nyton ; we ge-
biddap det we witon; fordam de heel
is of Iudeum.
23 Ac seo tid cymp, and nú is, donne
sópe gebed-men gebiddap feeder on gáste
and on sóþfæstnesse; witodlice fæder
sech swylce, de hyne gebiddon.

24 Gast is God, and dam de hyne ge- |

biddap, gebyrap deet hig gebiddon on
gáste and on sóþfæstnesse. —. j
25 Det wif cweep to him, Ie wat dæt
Messias cymp, de is genemned Crist;
donne he cymp, he cyp us ealle ping.

26 Se Hælend ewæþ to hyre, Ie hit

eom, de wid dé sprece.
IV. 13-26.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE 1526. 450
fadir Jacob, that 3aue to vs this pitt? Jacob, which gave vs this well? and he
and he drank therof, and his sones, and hym silfe dranke there of, and his chyl-
his beestis. dren, and his cattell.
13 Jhesu answeride, and seide to hir, 13 Jesus answered, and sayde vnto
Ech man that drynkith of this watir, her, Whosoever drynketh of this water,
schal thirste eftsoone ; shall thurst agayne ;
14 Forsothe he that schal drynke of 14 But whosoever shall drynke of the
the watir that I schal 3yue to him, schal water that I shall geve hym, shall never
not thirste in to with outen ende ; but be moare a thyrst ; but the water that
the watir that I schal 3yue to him, schal I shall geve hym, shalbe in hym a well
be maad in him a welle of watir, spryng- of water, spryngynge vp in to everlast-
ynge vp in to euerelastinge lyf. ynge lyfe.
15 The womman seith to him, Gire, 15 The woman sayde vnto hym, Syr,
3yue to me this watir, that I thirste not, geve me of that water, that I thyrst not,
nether come hidir for to drawe. nether come hedder to drawe.
16 Jhesu seith to hir, Go, clepe thin I6 Jesus sayde vnto her, Go, and call
- hosebonde, and come hidur. thy husband, and come hydder.
17 The womman answeride, and seide, 17 The woman answered, and sayde
I haue not an hosebonde. Jhesu seith vnto hym, I have no husband. Jesus
to hir, Thou seidist wel, For I haue not sayde to her, Thou hast well sayd, I
an hosebonde ; have no husbande ;
I8 Forsoth thou hast had fyue hose- 18 For thou haste had five husbandes,
bondis, and he whom thou hast, is not and he whom thou nowe hast, is not
thin hosebonde. This thing thou seidist thy housband. That saydest thou truely.
19 The womman seith to him, Lord, 19 The woman sayde vnto hym, Syr,
I se, for thou art a prophete. I perceave, that thou arte a prophet.
20 Oure fadris worschipiden in this 20 Oure fathers worshipped in this
hil, and se seyn, for at Jerusalem is a mountayne, and ye saye, thatt in Jeru-
place, wher it bihoueth for to worschipe. salem is the place, where men ought to
21 Jhesu seith to hir, Womman, bileue 21 Jesus sayde vnto her, Woman, trust
to me, for the our schal come, whanne me, the houre cometh, when ye shall
nether in this hil, nether in Jerusalem, nether in this mountayne, nor yet att
3e schulen preye' the fadir. Jerusalem, worshippe the father.
22 3e worschipen that that 3e witen 22 Ye worshippe ye wot neare what;
not ; we worschipen that that we witen ; we knowe what we worshippe; for sal-
- for heelthe is of Jewis. vacion commeth of the Iewes.
23 But the our cometh, and now it is, 23 But the houre commeth, and nowe
- whanne trewe worschiperis schulen wor- is, when the true worshippers shall wor-
schipe the fader in spirit and treuthe ; shippe the father in sprete and in verite ;
- forwhi and the fadir sekith suche, that for verily suche the father requyreth, to
schulen worschipe him. worshippe hym.
24 God is a spirit, and it bihoueth hem 24 God is a sprete, and they that wor-
' that worschipen him, for to worschipe shippe hym, must honoure hym in sprete
in spirit and treuth. and verite.
25 The womman seith to him, I woot 25 The woman sayde vnto hym, I wot
for Messias is comen, that is seid Crist ; well Messias shall come, which is called
therfore whanne he schal come, he schal Christ ; when he is once come, he will
telle to vs alle thingis. tell vs all thynges.
26 Jhesu seith to hir, I am, that speke 26 Jesus sayde vnto her, I thatt speake
. with thee. vnto the, am he.
460 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr.Jouw
2} And der-rihte comon his leorning-
enihtas, and hig wundredon, det he wid
diet wif spræc; deah hyra nan ne ewe.
Hwæt sécst du, odde, Hwæt spryest du
wid hig ?
28 Witodlice dæt wif forlét hyre wæter-
feet, and eode to dere byrig, and cwæþ
to dam mannum,
29 Cumap, and geseop done man, de
me sade ealle da ping de ie dyde;
cwede ge is he Crist!
30 Da eodon hi út of dere byrig, and
comon to him.
31 On gemang dam his leorning-enihtas
hine bidon, and dus ewædon, Láreow,
32 Da cwæþ he to him, Ie hæbbe done
mete to etanne, de ge nyton.
33 Da ewædon his leorning-enihtas
him betwynan, Hweder énig man him
mete brohte ?
34 Dá cwæþ se Hælend to him, Min
mete is, æt ic wyrce dees willan de me
sende, det ic fullfremme his weore.
35 Hú ne secge ge, det nú gyt synd
feower mónpas, ér man ripan mage?
Nú! ie eow secge, hebbap upp eowre
eagan, and geseop das eardas, det hig
synd scire to ripanne. 1
36 And se de ripp nimp méde, and
gaderap wæstm on écum life ; deet æt-
gædere geblission se de sæwþ, and se de |
ripp. |
37 On dyson is witodlice sop word,
fordam óðer is se de sæwþ, óder is se -
de ripp. |
38 Ie sende eow to ripanne, ðæt det
ge ne beswuncon; óðre swuncon, and
ge eodon on hyra geswinc.

39 Witodlice manige Samaritanisce of

deere ceastre gelyfdon on hine, for des
wifes wordum de be him cydde, Det he |
sæde me ealle da ping, de ic dyde.

4o Ðá da Samaritaniscan comon to-

him, hig gebædon hine, det he wunode -
deer ; and he wunode der twegen dagas.
41 And mycele ma gelyfdon for his
42 And cwædon to dam wife, Ne ge-
IV. 27—42.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 461
27 And anon his disciplis camen, and 27 And even at that poynte cam his
wondriden, for he spak with a womman ; disciples, and marvelled, that he talked
netheles no man seide, What sekist with the woman; yet no man sayde
thou, or, What spekist thou with hir? vnto hym, What meanest thou, or, Why
talkest thou with her?
28 Therfore the womman lefte the 28 The woman lefte her water pott
watir pott, and wente in to the citee, behynde her, and went her waye into
and seith to tho men, the cite, and sayde to the men there,
29 Come 5e, and se 3e the man, that 29 Come, se a man, whiche tolde me
seide to me alle thingis what euere all thynges thatt ever I dyd ; is not he
thingis I haue don ; wher he is Crist? Christ?
30 And thei wenten out of the citee, 3o Then they went out off the cite,
and thei camen to hym. and cam vnto hym.
31 In the mene while his disciplis 31 In the meane whyle his disciples
preieden him, seyinge, Raby,* ete. prayed hym, saynge, Master, eate.
32 Sothli he seide to hem, I haue mete 32 He sayde vnto them, I have meate
for to ete, that 3e witen not. to eate, that ye knowe nott off.
33 Therfore the disciplis seiden to 33 Then sayd the disciples bitwene
gidere, Wher ony man brou3te to him them selves, Hath eny man brought
. for to ete? hym meate?
34 Jhesu seith to hem, My mete is, 34 Jesus sayd vnto them, My meate
that I do the will of him that sente me, ys, to fulfill the will off hym that sent
and that I performe the work of him. me, and to fynnysshe hys worcke.
35 Wher 3e seyn not, for 3it foure 35 Saye not ye, there are yett foure
< monethis ben, and rype corn cometh? monethes, and then commeth harvest ?
— Lo! I seie to 30u, lift vp 3oure y3en, Beholde! I saye vnto you, lyfte vppe
and se 3e the regiouns,! for now thei youre eyes, and loke on the regions, for
ben white to ripe corn. they are whyte allredy vnto harvest.
36 And he that repith takith hyre,t 36 And he that repeth receaveth re-
and he that gederith, fruit in to euere- warde, and gaddereth frute vnto lyfe
lasting lyf; that and he that sowith eternall; that bothe he that soweth
haue ioye to gidere, and he that repith. myght reioyce also, and he thatt repeth.
37 In this thing sothli the word is 37 And here in ys the sayinge true,
trewe, for another is that sowith, and that won soweth, and another repeth.
another that repith.
38 I sente 30u for to repe, that that 3e 38 I sent you to repe, that wheron ye
traueliden not; othere men traueliden, bestowed no laboure; other men la-
- and 5e entriden in to her trauelis. boured, and ye are entred into their
. 39 Forsoth of the citee many Samari- 39 Many off the Samaritans off the
tans bileueden in to him, for the word cite beleved on: hym, for the womans
of the womman beringe witnessing, For sayinge whych testifyed, He tolde me
he seide to me alle thingis, what euere all thynges, that ever I did.
thingis I dide.
40 Therfore whanne Samaritans camen 40 Then when the Samaritans were
to him, thei preieden him, that he come vnto hym, they besought hym,
- gehulde dwelle there ; and he dwelte that he wolde tary wyth them ; and he
there twey dayes. aboode there two dayes.
4r And many mo bileueden for his 41 And many moo beleved because o
. word, hys awne wordes, :
42 And seyden to the womman, For 42 Ànd sayde vnto the woman, Nowe
462 GOTHIC, 366. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Jonn
lyfe we ná for dinre spreéce ; we sylfe .
gehýrdon, and we witon, det he is sop
middan-eardes hælend.

43 Sóþlice efter twám dagum he ferde

danone, and fór to Galilea.
44 Se Heélend sylf cydde gewitnesse,
dæt nin witega næfþ nánne wurpscipe
on hys agenum earde.
45 Dá he com to Galileam, dá under-
féngon hi hine, dá hi gesáwon ealle da
ping de he worhte on Hierusalem, on
freols-dege ; and hi comon to dam

46 And he com eft to Chanaa Galilea,

der he worhte det win of weetere.t
Sum under-cyning wees, dees sunu wes
gesyclod on Capharnaum.
47 Da dà se gehýrde, det se Hælend Ó—

for fram Iudea to Galileá, he com to

him, and bæd hine, det he fore, and ge-
hælde his sunu ; sóplice he leg æt forþ-
48 Da cwæþ se Hælend to him, Búton
ge tácna and fóre-beacna geseon, ne
gelýfe ge.
49 på cwæþ se under-cing to him,
Drihten, far, ær min sunu swelte.

50 And se Hælend cwæþ, Ga, din sunu

lyfap Da eode he, and gelyfde dere
spræce, de se Hælend him sæde.

51 Da he for, dá urnon his peowas on-

gean hyne, and sædon, Det his sunu
52 Da ácsode he, to hwyleum tíman
him bet ware. And hi sædon him,
Gyrstan-dæg to deere seofepan tide se
fefer hine forlét.
53 Da ongeat se fæder, det hit wes
on dere tide, de se Hélend cwæþ, Din
sunu leofap; and he gelyfde, and eall E
his hiw-rædden.
54 Se Hælend worhte dis tácen eft
ódre side, dá he com fram Iudea lande
to Galilea.

Cuar. V. tr Æfter dyssum wees

IV. 43.-V. 1.] WYCLIFFE, 1389.
TYNDALE, 1526. 463
now not for thi speche we bileuen ; for- we beleve nott be cause off thy sayinge ;
soth we han herd, and we witen, for for we have herde hym oure selves, and
this is verily the sauyour of the world. knowe, thatt thys ys even in dede Chris
the savioure off the worlde.
43 Forsoth aftir twei dayes he wente 43 After two dayes he departed thence,
thennis, and wente in to Galilee, and went awaye into Galile.
44 Sothli Jhesu bar witnessing, for a 44 And Jesus hym silfe testifyed, that
prophete in his owne cuntree hath not a prophet hath none honoure in hys
honour. àwne countre.
45 Therfore whanne he cam in to 45 Then as sone as he was come into
Galilee, men of Galilee receyueden him, Galile, the Galileans receaved hym,
whanne thei hadden seyn alle thingis which had sene all thynges that he did
that he hadde don in J erusalem, in the at Jerusalem, on the feast ; for they
feeste day; and sothli thei hadden went also vnto the feast daye.
come to the feeste day.
46 Therfore he cam eftsoone in to 46 And Jesus cam agayne into Cana
Cana of Galilee, where he made the of Galile, where he tourned water into
watir wyn. And sum litil king was, wyne. And there was a certayne rueler,
whos sone was syk at Capharnaum. whose sonne was sycke at Capernaum.
47 Whanne this hadde herd, for Jhesu 47 As sone as he herde, that Jesus was
sehulde come fro Judee in to Galilee, come out of Iewry into Galile, he went
he wente to him, and preiede him, that vnto hym, and besought him, that he
he schulde come doun, and heele his wolde descende, and heale his sonne p
sone ; forsoth he bigan to deye. for he was even redy to deye.
48 Therfore Jhesu seide to him, No 48 Then sayde Jesus vnto hym, Ex-
but 3e schulen se tokenes and grete cepte ye se signes and wonders, ye
wondris, se bileuen not. beleve not.
49 The litil kyng seith to him, Lord, 49 The rueler sayde vnto hym, Syr,
come doun, bifore my sone deye. come awaye, or ever that my chylde
5o Jhesu seith to him, Go, thi sone 5o Jesus sayde vnto him, Goo thy
lyueth. The man bileuede to the word, waye, thy sonne liveth. And the man
that Jhesu seide to hym, and he wente. beleved the wordes, that Jesus had
spoken nto hym, and went his waye.
51 Sothli now him comynge doun, the 51 And anon as he went on his waye,
seruauntis camen a3ens him, and telden his servauntes mett hym, and tolde hym,
to him, seyinge, For his sone lyuede. sayinge, Thy sonne liveth.
52 Therfore he axide of hem the our, 52 Then enquyred he of them the
= in whiche he hadde betere. And thei houre, when he began to amende. And
seiden to him, For 3istirday in the they sayde vnto hym, Yester daye the
- geuenthe our the feuere lefte him. seventhe houre the fever lefte hym.
53 Therfore the fadir. knew, that the |. 53 And the father knew, that it was
ilke our it was, in which Jhesu seide to the same houre, when Jesus sayde vnto
him, Thi sone lyueth ; and he bileuede, hym, Thy sonne liveth ; and he beleved,
and al his hous. and all his houshold.
54 Jhesu dide eft this secunde tokene, 54 Thys ys agayne the seconde myracle
whanne he cam fro Judee in to Galilee. that Jesus did, after he cam out of Iewry
into Galile.

= Cmar. V. 1 Aftir thes thingis was Cmar. V. 1 After that there was a

GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Jon
Tudea freols-dæg, and se Hælend for to
2 On Hierusalem. . . . - ys àn mere,
se is genemned on Ebreise Bethzaida,
se mere hæfþ fif porticas.
3 On dam porticon læg mycel menigeo
ge-idledra, blindra, and healtra, and
forseruncenra, and ge-anbidedon des
! weeteres styrunge.
4 Drihtenes engel com to his timan op
done mere, and det wæter wees ástyred;
and se de raðost com on done mere,
sefter Ges wæteres styrunge, wearp ge-
hæled fram swá hwylcere untrumnesse
swa he on wees.

5 Deer wees sum man, eahta and prittig

wintra on his untrumnesse.

6 Ðá se Hælend geseah dysne liegan,

and wiste, æt he lange hwyle dar wees,
dà cwæþ he to him, Wylt dú hal beon?

7 Da andswarode se seoca him, and

ewep, Drihten, ie næbbe nánne man
det me dó on dove mere, donne det
wæter ástyred biþ; donne ie cume,
donne bip óder befóran me.
8 Da cwæþ se Hælend to him, Aris,
nim din bed, and ga. À
9 And se man wes sóna hál, and he .
nam his bed, and eode. Hit wes reste-
dæg on dam dæge. i
ro Da cwædon da Iudeas to dam de
dar gehæled wes, Hit is reste-dæg, nis
dé álýfed, æt dú din bed bere.

ii He andswarode him and ewep, Se

de me gehælde, se cwæþ to me, Nim
din bed, and gà.
12 Da áesedon hi hine, Hweet se man
were, de dé sæde, Nim din bed, and
13 Se de der gehæled wes, nyste hwá
hit wes. Se Hælend sóplice beah fram
dere gegaderunge.

14 Æfter dam se Hélend hine gemétte

on dam temple, and ewsep to him, Nú!
dü eart hal geworden; ne synga dú,
de-les de dé on sumum þingum wyrs
V. 2-14.] WYCLIFFE, 1380. TYNDALE, 1526. 465
a feeste day of Jewis, and Jhesu wente feast off the Iewes, and Jesus went vppe
vp to Jerusalem. to Jerusalem.
2 Forsoth in Jerusalem is a stonding 2 There is at Jerusalem by the slaugh
watir of beestis, that in Ebrew is named ter housse a pole, called in the Ebrue
Bethsayda, hauynge fiue litle atis. tonge Bethesda, havynge five porches.
3 In thes lay a greet multitude of lan- 3 In them laye a greate multitude off
gwischinge men, blynde, krokid, drye, sicke folke, off blynde, halt, and wyd-
abidinge the stiring of the watir. dered, waytynge for the movynge off
the wather.
4 Forsothe the aungel of the Lord 4 For an angell went doune at a cer-
aftir tyme cam doun in to the stonding tayne ceason into the pole, and stered the
watir and the watir was moued ; and water; whosoever then fyrst, after the
he that first cam doun in to the sisterne, sterynge off the water, stepped doune,
aftir the mouyng of the watir, was maad was made whoale of what soever disease
hool of what euere siknesse he was he had.
5 Forsothe sum man was there, hau- 5 And a certayne man was there, which
. ynge eite and thritti seeris in his syk- had bene disieased .xxxviij. yeares.
6 Whanne Jhesu hadde seyn him ligg- 6 When Jesus sawe hym lye, and
ynge, and hadde knowe, for now he knewe, that he nowe longe tyme had
hadde moche tyme, he seith to him, Wolt bene diseased, he sayde vnto hym, Wilt
thou be maad hool ? thou be whoale ?
7 The syke man answeride to him, 7 The syke answered hym, Syr, I have
‘Lord, I haue not a man that whanne no man when the water is moved, to
the water schal be troublid, he sende put me into the pole ; butt in the meane
. me in to the sisterne ; forsoth the while tyme whil I am about to come, an-
. I com, another goth down bifore me. other steppeth doune before me.
8 Jhesu seith to him, Ryse vp, taak 8 Jesus sayde vnto hym, Ryse, take vp
thi bed, and wandre. thy beed, and walke.
= 9 And a non the man is maad hool, 9 And immediatly that man was whole,
and took vp his bed, and wandride. and toke vp his beed, and went. And
And saboth was in that day. the same daye was the saboth daye.
IO Therfore the Jewis seyden to him 10 The Iewes therfore sayd vnto hym
= that was maad hool, It is saboth, it is that was made whole, It is the saboth
not leefful to thee, for to take thi bed. daye, it is nott laufull for the to cary
thy beed.
ii He answeride to hem, He that rr He answered them, He that made
maade me hool, seide to me, Taak thi me whole, sayde vnto me, Take vp thy
bed, and wandre. ! beed, and gett the hence.
12 Therfore thei axiden him, Who is 12 Then axed they hym, What man is
that man, that seide to thee, Taak thi that, which sayd vnto the, Take vp thy
bed, and wandre ? | beed, and walke?
13 Sothli he that was maad hool, wiste 13 And he that was healed, wist not
not who it was. Forsothe Jhesu bowide who yt was. For Jesus gatt hym silfe
him fro the cumpany ordeyned! in the awaye, be cause that there was preace
place. of people in the place.
- r4 Aftirward Jhesu fond him in the 14 After that Jesus founde hym in the
temple, and seide to him, Lo! thou ert temple, and sayd vnto hym, Beholde!
maad hool; now nyle thou do synne, thou arte made whole; se thou synne
-leste ony thing worse bifalle to thee. no moore, lest a worsse thinge happen
vnto the.
466 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST.Jomw |
1g Da fór se man, and cjdde hit dam -
Iudeum, det hit were se Hælend de
hyne hælde.
16 Fordam da Iudeás ehton done Hæl- |
end, e . fordam de he dyde das
ping on reste-dæge.'

17 Da andswarode se Hælend him and

cwæþ, Min feeder wyrep od dys nu gyt,
and ic wyrce.
18 Des de ma da Iudeas sóhton hine
to ofsleanne, næs ná fordam ánum de he:
done reste-dæg brze, ae fordam de he a S
cwæþ dæt God wære his feeder, and hine
sylfne dyde Gode geliene.
19 Witodlice se Hælend andswarode,
and cwæþ to him, Sop, ie eow secge, ne
meg se sunu nan ping dôn, büton dæt m —
he gesyhp his feeder don ; da ping de he
wyrep, se sunu wyrcþ gelice.

20 Se feeder lufap done sunu, and ge-

swútelaþ him ealle da ping de he wyrcþ ;
and máran weore donne das syn he ge-
swütelap him, dzet ge wundrion.

21 Swaswe auk atta urraiseip daupans, 21 Swá se feeder áwecp da deadan, arð |
yah liban gatauyip, swa yah sunus panzei geliffæst, swá eac se sunu geliffæst da
wili liban gatauyip.* de he wyle. |
22 Nih pan atta ni stoyip ainohun, ak 22 Ne se feeder ne démp nánum menn,
staua alla atgaf sunau, ac he sealde ælene dóm dam suna, |
23 Ei allai sweraina sunu, swaswe 23 Det eale árwurpion done sunu,
swerand attan. . e . swa swá hig árwurpiap done feeder. Se
de ne árwurpap done sunu, ne árwurþaþ
he done fæder de hine sende. |

24 Sop, ie secge eow, det se de min

word gehyrp, and dam geljfp de me
sende, se hæfþ éce lif and ne eymþ æt
dam dóme, ac fzrp fram deape to life.

25 Sop, ic secge eow, dzet seo tid eymp,

and nü is, donne da deadan gehjrap
Godes suna stefne, and de lybbap, de
hig gehyrap. Ens

26 Swa se feeder hæfþ lif on him syl£-

um, swá he sealde dam suna det he
hæfde lif on him sylfum ; q
V. 15-26.] WYCLIFTE, r 389.
TYNDALE, 1526, 4€7
15 The ilka man wente, and telde to 15 The man departed, and tolde the
the Jewis, for it was Jhesu that maad lewes, that yt was Jesus the whyche
him hool. had made hym whole.
16 Therfore the Jewis pursueden J hesu, 16 And therfore the Iewes did perse-
ae for he dide this thing in the cute Jesus, and sought the meanes to
saboth. slee hym, be cause he had done these
thynges on the saboth daye.
17 Forsoth Jhesu answeride to hem, 17 Jesus answered them, My father
My fadir worchith til now, and I worche. worketh hidderto, and I worke.
18 Therfore thanne the Jewis sousten 18 Therfore the Iewes sought the moore
more for to slee hym, for not oonly to kill hym, not only be cause he had
he brak the saboth, but and he seide broken the saboth, but sayde alsoo that
his fadir God, makinge him euene to God was his father, and made hym silfe
God. equall with God.
19 And so Jhesu answeride, and seide 19 Then answered Jesus, and sayde
to hem, Treuli, treuli, I seie to 3ou, the vnto them, Verely, verely, I saye vnto
sone may not of him silf do ony thing, you, the sonne can do noo thynge of
no but that thing that he schal se the hym silfe, but that he seyth the father
fadir doynge ; what euere thingis sothli do ; for whatsoever he doeth, that doeth
he doith, thes thingis and the sone also the sonne also.
20 Forsothe the fadir loueth the sone, 20 For the father loveth the sonne,
'and schewith to him alle thingis that he and sheweth hym all thynges whatsoever
doith ; and he schal schewe to him more he him silfe doeth ; and he will shewe
workis than thes, that 3e wondre. hym gretter thynges then these, be cause
ye shoulde marvayle
21 Forsothe as the fadir reysith deede 21 For lykwyse as the father rayseth
. men, and quykeneth, so and the sone vppe the deed, and quyckeneth them,
- quykeneth whiche he wole. even soo the sonne quyckeneth whom
he woll.
22 Sothli neither the fader iugeth ony 22 Nether iudgeth the father eny man,
- man, but hath 3ouun al the dom to the but hath committed all iudgment vnto
. gone, the sonne,
.- 23 That alle men honoure the sone, 23 Be cause that all men shulde honoure
„as thei honouren the fadir. He that the sonne, even as they honoure the —
honoureth not the sone, honoureth not father. He that honoureth nott the
—the fadir that sente him. soune, the same honoureth not the father
which hath sent hym.
— 24 Treuli, treuli, I seye to 3ou, for he 24 Vyrely, verely, I saye vnto you, he
that heerith my word, and bileueth to that heareth my wordes, and beleveth
him that sente me, hath euere lasting on hym that sent me, hathe everlast-
lyf, and cometh not in to dom, but ynge lyfe, and shall not come in to dam-
. passith fro deeth in to lyf. nacion, but is scaped from deth vnto lyfe.
25 Treuli, treuli, I seye to 30u, for the 25 Verely, verely, I saye vnto you, the
- our cometh, and now it is, whanne deede tyme shall come, and nowe ys, when the
-men schulen heere the vois of Goddis deed shall heare the voyce off the sonne
- sone, and thei that schulen heere, schulen of God, and they that heare, shall live.
. lyue.
= 26 Sothli as the fader hath lyf in him 26 For as the father hath life in hym.
silf, so he 3af and to the sone for to silfe, soo lyke wyse hath he geven to
haue lyf in him silf ; the sonne to have lyfe in hym silfe ;
. Hh 2
468 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr.Joux
27 And sealde him anweald det he
méste déman, fordam de he is mannes
28 Ne wundrion ge des, det seo tid
cymp, det ealle gehjrap his stefne, de
on byrgenum synd.

29 And da de gód worhton, farap on

lifes æréste ;and da de yfel dydon, on
dómes æréste."

30 Ne mæg ic nán þing dón fram me

| sylfum, ic déme, swa swa ic gehýre, and
min dóm is ryht, fordam ic ne séce
minne willan, ac e € o a joe des de me
31 Gif ie gewitnesse be me cyde, min
gewitnes nis sop;
32 O'der is se de cyp gewitnesse be
me, and ic wat dæt seo cydnes is sóþ,
de he eyþ be me.

33 Ge sendon to Iohanne, and he

cydde sóþfæstnesse gewitnesse.
34 Ic ne onfó gewitnesse fram menn ;
ac das ping ic secge, det ge syn hale.

35 Yains was lukarn brinnando yah 35 He wes byrnende leoht-fet and

linhtyando ; ip yus wildedup swignyan lyhtende ; ge woldon sume hwile geblis-
du wheilai in Huhada is.* sian on his leohte.
36 Appan ik haba weitwodipa maizein 36 Ic hebbe máran gewitnesse donne
pamma lohanne, po auk waurstwa poei Iohannes, witodlice da weore de feeder
atgaf mis atta ei ik tauyau po, po waurst- me sealde det ic hig fullfremme, da
wa poei ik tauya weitwodyand bi mik, weore de ic wyrce cydap gewitnesse be
patei atta mik sandida. me, det feeder me sende.
37 Yah saei sandida mik atta, sah 37 And se feeder de me sende, cyp ge-
weitwodeiþ bi mik. Nih stibna is whan- witnesse be me. Ne ge næfre his stefne
hun gahausidedup, nih siun is gasewhup. ne gehyrdon, ne ge his hiw ne gesawon.

38 Yah waurd is ni habaip wisando in 38 And ge nabbap his word on eow

izwis ;; pande panei insandida yains, pam- wunigende ; fordam de ge ne gelýfaþ,
muh yus ni galaubeip. dam de he sende.
39 Smeageaþ hálige gewritu, fordam
de ge wénap det ge habbon éce lif on
dam ;; and hig synd, de gewitnesse cydap
be me.
40 And ge nellap cuman to me, det
ge habbon lif.
41 Ne underfó ic náne beorhtnesse æt
mannum ;
42 Àc 1d gecneow cow, det ge nabbap
Godes lufe on eow.

"e SB
V. 27-42.]] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 469
27 And he 3af to him power for to 27 And hath geven hym power alsoo
make dom, for he is mannis sone. to iudge, in that he is the sonne off
28 Nyle se wondre this thing, for the 28 Marvayle nott at this, that the
our cometh, in which alle men that ben houre shall come, in the whych all that
in buriels, schulen heere the vois of are in the graves, shall heare his voice,
Goddis sone.
29 And thei that han do goode thingis, 29 And shall come forthe, they that
schulen come forth in to rysinge azen of have done goode, vnto the resurreccion
lyf; forsothe thei that han don yuele off life; and they that have done evyll,
thingis, in to rysinge a3en of dom. voto the resurreccion of dampnacion.
30 I may not of mysilf do ony thing, 30 I can of myne awne silfe do noo
but as I heere, I iuge, and my dom is thynge at all, as I heare, I iudge, and
iust, for I seke not my wille, but the my iudgment ys iust, be cause I seke
will of the fadir that sente me. nott myne awne wyl!, butt the will off
the father which hath sent me.
31 If I bere witnessing of my silf, my 31 Y! I beare witnes off my silfe, my
witnessing is not trewe ; witnes ys nott true;
32 Another is that berith witnessing 32 There ys another thatt beareth
of me, and I woot for his witnessing is witnes off me, and I am sure that the
trewe, that he berith of me. witnes whyche he beareth of me, is
| true.
33 3e senten to John, and he bar wit- 33 Ye sent vnto Jhon, and he bare
.. messing to the treuthe. witues vnto the trueth.
34 Sothly I take not witnessing of 34 But I receave no recorde of man ;
man; but I seie thes thingis, that 3e neverthelesse these thynges I saye, that
be saf. ye myght be safe.
35 Sothli he was a lanterne brennynge 35 He was a burnynge and a shyuynge
and schynynge ;' forsothe 3e wolden light; and ye wolde for a season have
glade at oon our in his 1i3t. reioysed in his light.
36 Sothli I haue more witnessing than 36 But I have gretter witnes then the
John, forsoth the workis that my fadir witnes off Jhon, for the workes whych
. saf to me that I performe hem, the ilke my father hath geven me to fynnysshe,
` workis that I do beren witnessyng of the same workes whych I do beare wit-
me, that the fadir sente me. nes off me, thatt my father sent me.
37 And the fadir that sente me, he bar 37 And my father hym silfe which
witnessing of me. Nethir 5e herden hath sent me, beareth witnes off me.
euere his vois, nethir say3en his lienesse.* Ye have nott herde hys voice att eny
tyme, nor yett have sene hys shape.
38 And se han not his word dwellinge 38 And his wordes have ye nott abyd-
in 30u ; for 3e bileuen not to him, whom ynge in you ; for ye beleve not hym,
he sente. whom he hath sent.
. 39 Beke 3e scripturis, in whiche 3e 39 Searche the scriptures, for in them
gessen to haue euerlastinge lyf; and tho ye thynke ye have eternal lyfe; and
it ben, that beren witnessing of me. they are they, whych testify off me.

40 And 3e wolen not come to me, that 40 And yett will ye nott come to me,
‘3e haue lyf. that ye myght have lyfe.
art I take not clernesse of men ; 41 I receve nott prayse off men ;

42 But I haue knowen 30u, for 5e han 42 Butt I knowe you, that ye have nott
. not the loue of God in 30u. the love off God in you.

i nDE.
470 GOTHIG, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. |ST. Jon
43 Ic com on mines feeder naman, and
ge me ne underféngon. Gyf oder cymp
on his agenum naman, hyne ge under-
44 Hú mage ge gelýfan, de eow be-
tweonan wuldor underfóp, and ne sécap
det wuldor de is fram Gode sylfum!
45... . «. patei ik wrohidedyau 45 Ne wéne ge, det ic eow wrege to
izwis du attin; ist saei wrohida izwis feeder ; se is de eow wrégp Moyses, on -
Moses, du pammei yus weneiþ.' done ge gehyhtap.
46 Yabai allis Mose galaubidedeip, ga- 46 Witodlice gif ge gelyfdon Moyse,
pau-laubidedeip mis; bi mik auk yains ge gelyflon eac me; sóþlice he wrat
gamelida. be me.
47 Dande nu yainis melam ni galaub- 47 Gif ge his stafum ne gelyfap, hú
eip, whaiwa meinaim waurdam galaub- gelyfe ge minum wordum ?
yaip t

Cmar. VI. 1 Afar pata galaiþ lesus Crap. VI. tr Æfter dyssum fór se
ufar marein po Galeilaie, yah Tibairiade. Helend ofer da Galileiscan sæ, seo is
2 Yah laistida ina manageins
filu ; unte 2 And him fylide mycel fole; fordam
gasewhun taiknins, pozei gatawida bi de hig gesawon da tacna, de he worhte
siukaim. on dam de weron ge-untrumode.

3 Usiddya pan ana fairguni lesus, yah 3 Witodlice se Hælend ástáh on anne
yainar gasat mip siponyam seinaim. münt, and set dar mid his leorning-
enihtum. !
.4 Wasuh pan newha. pascha, so dulps 4 Hit wes gehendé eastron, Iudea
udaie. ~ freols-dæge.
5 Paruh ushof augona lesus, yah ga- 5 Ðá se Hælend his eagan up--áhóf,
umida, þammei manageins filu iddya du and geseah, deet micel fole «com to hints
imma, qapuh du Filippau, Whapro bug- he cwep to Philippe, Hwær biege we
yam hlaibans, ei matyaina þai? hláfas, dæt das eton ?

6 Patuh pan qap, fraisands ina; tp 6 Det he cwæþ, his fandigende; he

silba wissa patei habaida tauyan. wiste hweet he dón wolde.

7 Andhof imma Filippus, Twaim hund- 7 Da andwyrde him Philippus and

am skatte hlaibos ni ganohai sind paim, cwæþ, Nabbap hi genoh on twegra hund-
pei nimai wharyizuh leitil. red penega weorþe hláfes, doeet,ele sumne
del nyme.
8 Qap ains pize siponye is, Andraias, 8 Da andwyrde him án his leorning-
bropar Paitraus Seimonaus, cnihta, Andreas, Simones bróðer Petres, .
9 Ist magula ains her, saei habaip.e 9 Hér is an cnapa, de hæfþ fif berene
hlaibans barizeinans yah .b. fiskans; akei hláfas and twegen fixas; ac hwæt synd
pata wha ist du swa managaim ? da ping betweox swa E man-
num ?
IO 1p lesus qap, Waurkeip pans mans 10 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Dóp det dis
anakumbyan. Wasuh pan hawi manag men sitton. On dere stówe wæs mycel
V. 43.-VI. 10.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 421
43 I cam in the name of my fadir, and 43 I am come in my fathers name, and
3e token not me. If another schal come ye receave me not. Yff another shall
in his owne name, 5e schulen receyue come in hys awne name, hym wyll ye
him. receave.
44 How mown 5e bileue, that receyuen 44 Howe can ye beleve, whych receave
glorie ech of other, and 3e seken not the prayse won of another, and seke not the
glorie that 1s of God aloone? prayse which eommeth of God only?
45 Nyle se gesse, that Lam to accus- 45 Suppose nott, that I wyll accuse
inge 30u anemptis the fadir ; it ts Moyses you to my father; there is won that
that accusith 30u, in whom 5e hopen. accuseth you, verely Moses in whom ye
46 Forsoth if 3e bileueden to Moyses, 46 For had ye beleved Moses, ye wolde
perauenture 3e schulden bileue and to have beleved me ; for he wrote of me.
me; sothli he wroot of me.
47 Sothli if 3e beleuen not to his let- 47 But when ye beleve not hys writt-
tris, how schulen 3e bileue to my ynge, howe shall ye beleve my wordest
wordis ?

Cuar. VI. 1 Aftir thes thingis Jhesu Crap. VI. 1 After that went Jesus
wente ouer the se of Galilee, that is his waye over the see of Galile, nye to
Tiberiadis. a cite called Tiberias.
_ 2And a greet multitude suede him; 2 And a greate multitude folowed
for thei sy3en the tokenes, that he dide hym ; because they hadde sene the myr-
on hem that weren syke. acles, that he did on them which were
3 Therfore Jhesu wente in to an hil, 3 Jesus went vp into a mountayne,
and there he sat with his disciplis. and there he sate with his disciples.

4 Forsoth pask was ful ny3, a feeste 4 And ester, a feast of the Iewes, was
day of Jewis. nye.
5 Therfore whanne Jhesu hadd lyft vp 5 Then Jesus lifte vppe hys eyes, and
the y3en, and hadde seyn, for a greet sawe a greate company come vnto hym,
multitude cam to him, he seith to Philip, and sayde vnto Phillip, Whence shali
Wherof schulen we bie loues, that thes we bye breed, that these might eate? ->
men eteÍ
6 Sothli he seide this thing, temptinge 6 This he sayde, to prove hym ; for he
him; forsoth he wiste what he was to hym sylfe knewe what he wolde do.
- doynge.
7 Philip answeride to him, The looues 7 Philip answered him, Two hondred
of two hundrid pens suffysen not to peny worthe of breed are not sufficient
hem, that ech man take a litle what. for them, that every man have a litell.

- 83 Oon of bis disciplis, Andrew, the 8 Then sayde vnto hym won off hys
brother of Symount Petre, seith to him, disciples, Andrew, Simon Peters brother,
9 O child is here, that hath fyue barley 9 There ys a ladde here, whych hath
- Jooues and tweye fysches ; but what ben fyve barly loves and two fisshes; butt
thes thingis among so many men ? what ys that amonge so many?

10 Therfore Jhesu seith, Make 3e men 10 Jesus sayde, Make the people to sit
for to sitte at the mete. Forsoth there doune.

There was moche grasse in the

472 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Jon
ana pamma stada. Paruh anakumbi- gers. Der sexton da, swylce fif þúsend
dedun wairos, rapyon swaswe fimf pus- Manna.
undyos. j
rı Namuh pan pans hlaibans lesus, 11 Se Hælend nam da hláfas, and
yah awiliudonds, . . . . gadailida paim þanc-wurþlice dyde, . . and hig to
anakumbyandam, samaleiko yah þize dælde dam sittendum, and eallswá of
fiske, swa filu swe wildedun. dam fixum, swá mycel swá hig woldon.
12 Panuh bipe sadai waurpun, qap du 12 Da hig fulle wæron, dá cwæþ he to
siponyam seinaim, Galisip pos aflifnand- his leorning-cnihtum, Gaderiap da bryt-
eins drauhsnos, pei waihtai ni fraqistnai. sena de dar toláfe wæron, det hig ne
13 Panuh galesun, yah gafullidedun .2d. 13 Hig gegaderodon, and fyldon twelf
tainyons gabruko us fimf hlaibam paim wylian fulle dæra brytsena of dam de
barizeinam, patei aflifnoda paim mat- da læfdon, de of dam fif berenan hláfon
yandam.: æton.
I4 paruh pai mans, gasaiwhandans 14 Da men cwædon, dá hig gesáwon
poei gatawida taikn lesus, qepun, Datei deet he dæt tácen worhte, Dat des is sóþ-
sa ist bi sunyai praufetus, sa qimanda in lice witega, de on middan-geard cymp.
po manasep.

15 Ip lesus kunnands, patei munai- 15 Da se Hælend wiste, det hig wold-

dedun usgaggan yah wilwan, ei tawide- on cuman and hine gelæccan, and to
deina ina du piudana, afiddya aftra in cynge dón, dá fleah he ána uppon done
fairguni is ains. múnt.
16 Ip swe seiþu warp, atiddyedun sip- 16
onyos is ana marein.
17 Yah usstigun in skip, iddyedunuh 17 And da hig eodon on seyp, hi.
ufar marein in Kafarnaum. Yah riqis comon ofer da sæ to Capharnaum. Hit
yupan warp, yah ni atiddya nauhpan du wearþ dá pystre, and se Hælend ne com
im lesus. to him.
18 Ip marei, winda mikilamma wai- 18 Mycel wind bleow, and hit ws
andin, urraisida was. hreoh. sæ.
19 Paruh faryandans swe spaurde .A. 19 Witodlice da hig hæfdon gerówen
yah .e. aippau ./. gasaiwhand lesu gagg- swylce twentig furlanga odde prittig, dá
andan ana marein, yah newha skipa gesáwon hig done Hælend uppan dere
qimandan ; yah ohtedun sis. sé gân, and det he wes gehende dam
scype ; and hi him ondrédon.
20 Paruh is qap, Ik im ; ni ogeip izwis. 20 He cwæþ dá to him, Ie hit eom ;
ne ondrædaþ eow.
21 Paruh wildedun ina niman in skip, 21 Hig woldon hyne niman on det
yah sunsaiw pata skip warp ana airpai Scyp, and sóna det scyp wes æt dam
ana þoei eis iddyedun. lande de hig woldon to faran.
22 lftumin daga managei, sei stop 22 Soplice óðre dæge seo menigeo, de
hindar marein, sewhun, patei skip an- stod begeondan dam mere, geseah, diet
par ni was yainar alya ain, yah deer næs büton án scyp,
patei mip ni qam siponyam seinaim
lesus in pata skip, ak ainai siponyos and deet se Hælend ne eode on scyp mid
VI. 11-22.] WYCLIFFE, 1380. TYNDALE, 1526. 473
was myche hey in the place. Therfore place. And the men sate doune, in
men saten at the mete, in noumbre as nombre about five thousande.
fyue thousandis.
II Therfore Jhesu took fyue looues, | 11 Jesus toke the breed,
and gave
and whanne he hadde do thankingis, . thankes, and gave to his disciples, and
- he departide to men sittinge at his disciples to them that were
mete, also and of the fischis, as myche doune, and likwyse of the fysshes, as
as thei wolden. moche as they wolde.
I2 Forsothe as thei ben fillid, he seide 12 When they had eten ynough, he
to his disciplis, Gedere 3e the relyfs that sayde vnto his disciples, Gadder vppe
ben left, that thei perischen not. the broken meate that remayneth, that
nothinge be loost.
13 Therfore thei gedriden, and filleden 13 They gaddered it togedder, and
vwelue coffyns of relyfs of the fyue filled twelve, basketes wyth the broken
barly looues and tweye fischis. that leften meate of the five barly loves, which
to hem that haddun etun. broken meate remayned vnto them that
had eaten.
I4 Therfore tho men, whanne thei 14 Then those men, when they had
hadden seyn the tokene* that he hadde sene the myracle that Jesus did, sayde,
don, seyden, For this is verily the pro- This is off a trueth the same prophet,
phete, that is to comynge in to the which shall come into the worlde.
15 Therfore whanne Jhesu hadde 15 Jesus knew wele ynough, that they
= knowun, for thei weren to comynge that wolde come and take hym vppe, to
. thei schulden rauysche him, and make make hym kynge, and therfore departed
him kyng, he aloone fledde eft in to an he agayne into a mountayne hymsilfe
Bil: a lone.
I6 Sothli as euentyd was maad, his 16 When even was come, his disciples
disciplis wenten doun to the see. went vnto the see.
17 And whanne thei hadden stized vp 17 And entred into a shyppe, and
in to the boot, thei camen ouer the see went over the see vnto Capernaum.
in to Capharnaum. And derknessis And anon it was darcke, and Jesus was
weren now maad, and Jhesu hadde not not come to them.
comen to hem.
18 Forsothe a greet wynde blowynge, 18 And the see arose, with z greate
the see roos vp. wynde.
19 Therfore whanne thei hadden rowid 19 When they had rowed aboute a
. as fyue and twenty furlongis or thritty, xxv. or à xxx. furlonges, they sawe
thei seen Jhesu walkinge on the see, Jesus walke on the see, and to drawe
andto be maad next to the boot; and nye vnto the shyppe; and they were
thei dredden. afrayed.
20 Sothli he seyde to hem, I am ; nyle 20 He sayd vnto them, Itt is I; be
3e drede. nott a frayde.
21 'Therfore thei wolden take him in 21 Then wolde they have receaved
to the boot, and anon the boot was at hym into the shippe, and the shippe
the lond in to which thei wenten. was by and by at the londe whyther
they went.
22 On the tothir day the cumpanye, 22 The daye folowynge the people,
that stood ouer the see, sy3, for there which stode on the other syde of the
- was non othir boot there no but oon, see, sawe, that there was none other
and for Jhesu entride not with his dis- shyppe there save that won wher in his
ciplis in to the boot, but his disciplis disciples were entred, and that Jesus
474 GOTHIC, 36o. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Jonx
is galipun. his leorning-cnihtum, ac his leorning-
cnihtas sylfe ána foron.

23 Anpara pan skipa qemun us Tibai- 23 O'dre scypu comon fram Tiberiade
riadau newha pamma stada, parei mat- wid da stówe, dar hig done hlaf æton,
idedun hlaif, ana pammei awiliudoda Drihtne panciende.
.24 Paruh pan gasawh managel, patei 24 Da seo menigeo geseah, Get se
lesus nist yainar, nih siponyos 3s, ga- Hælend dar næs, ne his |leorning-cniht-
stigun in skipa, yah qemun in Kafar- as, dà eodon hig on scipu, and comon
naum, sokyandans iesu. to Capharnaum, sóhton done Hælend.

25 Yah bigetun ina hindar marein, 25 And dá hig gemétton hyne be-
qebunuh du imma, Rabbei whan her geondan dam mere, hig cwædon to him,
qamt? Lareow, hwænne com dt hider?

26 Andhof im lesus, yah qap, Amen, 26 Se Hælend him andswarode, and

amen, qipa izwis, sokeip mik, ni patei cwæþ, Sóþ, ic secge eow, ne sece ge me,
sewhuþ taiknins yah fauratanya, ak patei fordam de ge tacnu gesawon, ac fordam
matidedup pize hlaibe, yah sadai waurp- de ge æton of dam hláfon, and synd
up. fulle.*
27 Waurkyaip ni pana mat pana fralus- 27 Ne wyrcap efter dam mete de for-
anau, ak mat pana wisandan du libainai wyrp, ac æfter dam de purh-wunap on
aiweinon, panei sunus mans gibip izwis ; éce lif, done mannes sunu eow sylp ;;
panuh auk atta gasiglida Gup. done God feder getácnode.

28 Paruh qepun du imma, Wha tau- 28 Hig cwædon to him, Hwæt dó we,
yaima, ei waurkyaima waurstwa Guþs? dst we wyrceon Godes weorc ?

29 Andhof lesus, yah qap du im, Pat- 29 Da andswarode se Hælend, and

ist waurstw Gups, ei galaubyaip, pammei cwæþ to him, Ðæt is Godes weore, dzet
insandida yains. ge gelyfon on done, de he sende.
30 Qepun du imma, Appan wha tauyis 3o Da ewædon hig, Hwæt dést du to
pu taikne, ei saiwhaima, yah galaub- tácne, dzt we geseon, and gelyfon, det
yaima pus? wha waurkeis 4 dú hit wyrce?
31 Attans unsarai manna matidedun 31 U're fæderas æton heofonlicne mete
ana aupidai, swaswe ist gamelip, Hlaif us on wéstene, swá hit áwriten is, He
himina gaf im du matyan. sealde him etan hlaf of heofone.
Do paruh qap im lesus, Amen, amen, 32 Se Helend cwæþ to him, Sóþ, ic
qipa izwis, ni Moses gaf íizwis hlaif us secge eow, ne sealde Moyses eow hláf
himina, ak atta meins gaf izwis hlaif of heofenum, ac min feeder eow sylp
us himina þana sunyeinan ; sópne hlaf of heofenum ;
33 Sa auk hlaifs Gups ist saei atstaig 33 Hit is Godes hlaf de of heofene
us himina, yah gaf libain þizai man- com, and sylp middan-earde lif.
34 Panuh qepun du imma, Frauya, 34 Hig ewedon to him, Drihten, syle
framwigis gif unsis pana hlaif. us dysne hláf.
35 Yah qaþ du im Íesus, Ík ím sa 35 Se Helend cwæþ to him, Ie eom
hlaifs libainais; pana gaggandan du mis, lios hlàf; ne hingrap done, de to me
ni huggreiþ; yah pana galaubyandan du cymp ; and ne pyrst done næfre, de on
mis, ni paurseip whanhun. me gelyfp.
VI. 23-35.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 475
aloone wenten. went nott in with them into the shippe,
butt that hys disciples were gone awaye
23 Forsothe othere bootis camen fro 23 There cam other shippes from Ti-
Tiberiade bisydis the place, where thei berias nye vnto the place, where they
eeten breed, doynge thankingis to God. ate breed, when the Lorde had blessed.

24 Therfore whanne the cumpany 24 Then when the people sawe, that
hadden seyn, for Jhesu was not there, Jesus was not there, nether hys dis-
nethere his disciplis, thei stigeden in ciples, they also toke shippynge, and
to bootis, and camen to Capharnaum, cam to Caparnaum, sekinge for Jesus.
sekinge him.
25 And whanne thei hadden founden 25 And when they had founde hym on
him ouer the see, thei seyden to him, the other syde of the see, they sayd
Raby, hou hast thou com hidur? vnto hym, Master, when camest thou
26 Jhesu answeride to hem, and seyde, 26 Jesus answered them, and sayde,
Treuli, treuli, I seie to 30u, 5e seken me, Verely, verely, I saye vnto you, ye seke
not for 3e sy3 the tokenis,t but for 3e me, nott be cause ye sawe the myracles,
eeten of looues, and ben fillid. but be cause ye ate of the breed, and
were filled.
27 Worche 3e not mete that perischith, 27 Laboure not for the meate which
but that dwellith in to euerlastinge lyf, perissheth, but for the meate that en-
which mete mannis sone schal 3yue to dureth vnto everlastynge lyfe, whiche
3ou ; forsothe God the fadir bitokenede* meate the sonne of man shall geve vnto
him. you; for hym hath God the father
28 Therfore thei seiden to him, What 28 Then sayde they vnto hym, What
schulen we do, that we worche the shall we do, that we myght worke the
workis of God? workes of God ?
29 Jhesu answeride, and seide to hem, 29 Jesus answered, and sayd vnto
This is the work of God, that 3e bileue them, This is the worke of God, that ye
' in to him, whom he sente. beleve on him, whom he hath sent.
30 Therefore thei seiden to him, Ther- 30 They sayde vnto hym, What sigue
fore what tokene doist thou, that we se, shewest thou then, that we maye se, and
and bileue to thee? what worchist thou ? beleve the? what doest thou worke ?
31 Oure fadris eeten manna in desert, 31 Oure fathers did eate manna in the
. as it is writun, He 3af to hem breed fro desert, as yt ys written, He gave them
heuene for to ete. breed from heven to eate.
32 Therfore Jhesu seith to hem, Treuli, 32 Jesus sayde vnto them, Verely,
treuli, I seie to 30u, not Moyses 3af to verely, I saye vnto you, Moses gave you
30u very breed fro heuene, but my fadir not breed from heven, but my father
syueth to 30u verri breed fro heuene ; geveth you the true breed from leven ;
33 Sothli it is verri breed that cometh 33 For he is the breed of God which
‘doun fro heuene, and 5yueth lyf to the commeth doune from heven, and geveth
world. lyfe vnto the worlde.
34 Therfore thei seiden to him, Lord, 34 Then sayde they vnto hym, Master,
ae euere 3yue to vs this breed.
ae ever moore geve vs this breed.
35 Sothly Jhesu seide to hem, I am 35 And Jesus sayde vnto them, I am
breed of lyf; he that cometh to me, that breed of lyfe; he that commeth to
~ Schal not hungre; he that bileueth in me, shall not honger; and he that be-
me, schal neuere thirste. leveth on me, shall never thurst.

476 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. JOHN
36 Akei qap izwis, patei gasewhup mik, | 36 Ac ic eow sæde, det ge gesawon
yah ni galaubeip. | me, and ne gelyfdon.
31 All, patei gaf mis atta, du mis |
37 Eall, det feeder me sylp, cymp to
as ; yah pana. gaggandan du mis, ni | me ; and ie ne weorpe üt done, de to
uswairpa ut.
me cymp.
38 Unte atstaig us himina, nih peel | 38 Fordam de ic ne com of heofenum,

tauyau wilyan meinana, ak wilyan pis dst ic minne willan dó, ac des willen
sandyandins mik. |
de me sende,
39 |
39 Det is des feeder willa de me sende,
dt ic nanping ne forleose of dam, de
he me sealde, ac áwecce det on dam
ytemestan dæge.

40 Patuh pan ist wilya pis sandyandins 40 Dis is mines fæder willa de me
mik, ei whazuh saei saiwhip pana sunu, sende, det ælc de done sunu gesyhp,
yah galaubeip du imma, aigi libain and on hine gelyfp, hæbbe éce lif; and
aiweinon ; yah urraisya ina ik in sped- ic hine áwecce on dam ytemestan dæge.
istin daga.
41 Birodidedun þan Íudaieis bi ina, 41 Da murenodon da Iudeas be him,
unte qaþ, Ík im hlaifs sa atsteigands us fordam de he cwæþ, Ic eom hláf de of
himina. y heofenum com.
42 Yah qepun, Niu sa ist lesus, sa 42 And hig cwædon, Hu nis dis se
sunus losefis, þizei weis kunpedum attan Hælend, Iosepes sunu, we cunnon his
yah aipein? Whaiwa nu qipip sa, Datei feeder and his móder ? Hümeta segp des,
us himina atstaig? Ic com of heofenum ?

43 Andhof pan lesus, yah qap du im, 43 Se Hælend him andswarode, and
Ni birodeip mip izwis misso. ewep to him, Ne mureniap eow be-
44 Ni manna mag qiman at mis, nibai 44 Ne meg nan man cuman to me,
atta saei sandida mik, atpinsip ina ; yah büton se fæder de me sende, hyne teô ;
ik urraisya ina in pamma spedistin daga. and ie hine arére on dam ytemestan |
45 Ist gamelip ana praufetum, Yah 5 On dæra witegena bócum is awriten,
wairpand allai laisidai Gups. Whazuh Ealle eaðlære beop Godes. Ele de ge-
_ nu sa gahausyands at attin, yah ganam, hyrde æt feeder, and leornode, cymp to
gaggip du mis. me.
46 Ni patei attan sewhi whas, nibai 46 Ne geseah nan man fæder, büton
sael was fram attin, sa sawh attan. se de is of Gode, se gesyhp feeder.

47 Amen, amen, qipa izwis, saei ga- 47 Sop, ie secge eow, se hæfþ éce lif,
laubeip du mis, aih libain aiweinon. de on me gelyfp.

48 Ik im sa hlaifs libainais. 48 Ie eom lifes hláf.

49 Attans izwarai matidedun manna in 49 U're fæderas æton heofenlicne mete
aupidai, yah gaswultun. on wéstene, and hig synd deade.
50 Sa ist hlaifs saei us himina atstaig, 50 Dis is se hlaf de of heofenum com,
ei saei pis matyai, ni gadaupnai. dæt ne swelte, se de of him ytt.

51 Ík im hlaifs sa libanda, sa us himina 51 Ie eom lybbende hláf, de of heofenum

qumana. Yabai whas matyip pis hlaibis, com. Swa hwá swá ytt of dyson hláfe,
libaip in ayukdup. Yah pan sa hlaifs he leofap on éenysse. And se hláf de
VI. 36-51.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 477
36 But I seide to 30u, for and se han | 36 Butt I saye vnto you, that ye have
seyn me, and 5e bileueden not. i sene me, and yett beleve ye not.
37 Al thing, that the fadir 3yueth to 37 All, that my father geveth me, com-
me, schal come to me ; and I schal not meth to me; and hym that commeth
caste out him, that cometh to me. to me, cast I not out at the dores.
38 For I cam doun fro heuene, not 38 For I cam doune from heven, nott
that I do my wille, but the wille of him to do myne awne will, butt his will
that sente me. | whiche hathe sent me.
39 Forsothe this is the wille of him | 39 And this 1s my fathers will which
that sente me, the fadris, that al thing | hath sent me, that of all which he hath
that the fadir 3af to me, I leese not of | geven me, I shulde loose noo thynge,
it, but aen reise it in the laste day. | but shulde rayse it vp agayne at the
| last daye.
40 Sothly this is the wille of my fadir | 40 And this is the wyll off hym that
that sente me, that ech man that seeth sent me, that every man whych seith
the sone, and bileueth in to him, haue the sonne, and beleveth on hym, have
everlasting lyf; and I schal a3en reyse everlastynge lyfe; and I wyll rayse
him in the laste day. hym vp att the last daye.
41 Therfore Jewis grucchiden of him, 41 The Iewes murmured att itt, be-
for he hadde seyd, I am breed that cam cause he sayde, I am thatt breed which
doun fro heuene. is come doune from heven.
42 And thei seiden, Wher this is not 42 And they sayde, Is nott this Jesus,
Jhesu, the sone of Joseph, whos fadir the sonne of Joseph, whose father and
and modir we han knowun? Therfore | mother we knowe? Howe ys yt then
hou seith this, I cam doun fro heuene? | thatt he sayeth, I cam doune from
| heven?
43 Therfore Jhesu answeride, and seide 43 Jesus answered, and sayde vnto
to hem, Nyle 3e grucche to gidere. them, Murmur not betwene youre selves.

44 No man may come to me, no but 44 No man can come to me, except
the fadir that sente me, schal drawe my father which hath sent me, drawe
him ; and I schal azen reyse him in the hym ; and Y will rayse hym vp at the
laste day. last daye.
45 It is writun in prophetis, And alle 45 Hit is written in the prophetes,
men schulen ben able to be tau3t of | And they shall all be taught of God.
God. Ech man that herde of the fadir, Every man which hath herde, and
- and lernede, cometh to me. learned of the father, commeth vnto me.
46 Not for ony man sy3 the fadir, 46 Not that eny man hath sene the
no but this that is of God, this sy3 father, save he which is off God, the
the fadir. same hath sene the father.
47 Sothli, sothli, I seye to 3ou, he that 47 Verely, verely, I saye vnto you, he
bileueth in me, hath euerlastin g lyf. that beleveth on me, hath everlastynge
48 I am the breed of lyf. 48 I am that breed of lyfe.
49 3oure fadris eeten manna in desert, 49 Youre fathers did eate manna in
and ben deede. the wildernes, and are deed.
50 This is breed comynge doun fro 5o This is that breed which commeth
heuene, that if ony man schal ete therof, from heven, that he wich off it eateth,
- he deyeth not. shulde also not deye.
51 am quyk breed, that cam doun 51 I am that livynge breed, which eam
If ony man schal ete of doune from heven. Yf eny man eate
fro heuene.
this bred, he schal lyue with outen ende. of this breed, he shall live for ever.
A78 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST.Jonw
panei ik giba, leik mein ist, patei ik giba ic sylle, is min flæsc for middan-eardes
in pizos manasedais libainais. life.

52 Panuh sokun mip sis misso Tudaieis, 52 Da Iudeas fliton him betweonan,
qipandans, Whaiwa mag sa unsis leik and ewædon, Hu meg des his flese
giban du matyan ? us syllan to etanne ?
53 Paruh qap du im lesus Amen, 53 Da cwæþ se Hælend to him,* Sép,
amen, qipa izwis, nibai matyip leik pis ie secge eow, nebbe ge lif on eow, büton
sunaus mans, yah driggkaip is blop, ni ge eton mannes suna |fliése, and his blód
habaip libain in izwis silbam. drincon.

54 Saei matyip mein leik, yah driggkip 54 Se hæfþ éce lif, de ytt min flæsc,
mein blop, aih libain aiweinon, yah ik and drincþ min blód, and ic hine árære
urraisya ina in pamma spedistin daga. on dam ytemestan dege.

55 pata auk leik meinata bi sunyai ist 55 Sóþlice min flæsc is mete, and min -
mats, yah pata blop mein bi sunyai ist blód ys drinc.
56 Saei matyip mein leik, yah driggkip 56 Se de ytt min flæsc, and drincþ min
mein blop, in mis wisip, yah ik in imma. blód, he wunap on me, and ic on him.

57 Swaswe insandida mik libands atta, 57 Swá swá lybbende feeder me sende,
yah ik liba in attins, yah saei matyip and ic lybbe purh feeder, and se de me
mik, yah sa libaip in meina. ytt, he leofap purh me.
58 Sa ist hlaifs, saei us himina atstaig. 58 Dis is se hlaf, de of heofenum com.
Ni swaswe matidedun attans izwarai Ná swá swá úre fæderas æton heofen-
manna, yah gadaupnodedun ; ip saei liene mete, and deade wæron; se de
matyip pana hlaif, libaip in ayukdup. ytt dysne hláf, he leofap on éenysse.
59 pata qap in swnagoge, laisyands in 59 Das ping he sede on gesamnunge,
Kafarnaum. da he lærde on Capharnaum.
60 Panuh managai gahausyandans pize 60 Manega his leorning-enihta ewedon,
siponye is, qepun, Hardu ist pata waurd, | da hig dis gehyrdon, Heard is deos
whas mag pis hausyon ? sprec, hwá meg hig gehyran?

61 Ip witands lesus in sis silbin, patei 61 Da wiste se Helend, det his leorn-
birodidedun pata pai siponyos is, qap du ing-cnihtas murenedon betweox him
im, Pata izwis gamarzeip ? sylfum be dysum, and he cwæþ to him,
Deet eow beswicþ?
62 Yabai nu gasaiwhip sunu mans 62 Gif ge geseop mannes sunu ástig-
ussteigan, padei was faurpis? endne, deer he ær wees ?

63 Ahma ist saei liban tauyip, pata 63 Gast is se de geliffæst, flæsc ne

leik ni boteip waiht; po waurda poei fremaþ nánping; da word de ic eow
ik rodida izwis, ahma ist yah libains sæde, synd gást and lif.
64 Akei sind izwara sumai paiei ni 64 Ac sume ge ne gelyfap. Witodlice
galaubyand. Wissuh pan us frumist- se Hælend wiste fram fruman, hwæt da
ya lesus, wharyai sind pai ni galaub- gelyfendan wæron, and hwá hine belæw-
yandans, yah whas ist saei galeiweiþ an wolde. r
65 Yah qap, Dupe qap izwis, patei ni 65 And he cwep, Fordig ic eow sæde,
ainshun mag qiman at mis, nibai ist det nán man ne mæg cuman to me,
VI. 52-65.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1326. 479
And the breed that I schal 3yue, is my And the breed that I will geve, is my
fleisch for lyf of the world. flesshe, which I will geve for the lyfe
of the worlde.
52 Therfore the Jewis chidden to gi- 52 The lewes strove amoáge them
dere, seyinge, Hou may this 3yue to vs selves, sayinge, Howe can this felowe
his fleisch for to ete? geve vs his flesshe to eate?
53 Therfore Jhesu seith to hem, Treuly, 53 Jesus sayde vnto them, Verely,
treuli, I seye to 30u, no but 3e schulen verely, I saye vnto you, except ye eate
ete the fleisch of mannis sone, and the flesshe off the sonne of man, and
drynke his blood, 3e schulen not haue drynke his bloude, ye shall not have
lyf in 3ou. lyfe in you.
54 He that etith my fleisch, and drynk- 54 Whosoever eateth my flesshe, and
eth my blood, hath euerlasting lyf, and drynketh my bloudde, the same hath
Í schal a3en reyse him in the laste day. eternal lyfe, and I wiil rayse hym vp
at the last daye.
55 Forsoth my fleisch is verily mete, 55 For my flesshe is meate in dede,
amd my blood is verily dryuke. and my bloudde is drynke in dede.

56 He that etith my fteisch, and drynk- 56 He thatt eateth my flesshe, and

ith my blood, dwellith iu me, and I in drynketh my bloudde, dwelleth in me,
him. and I in hym.
57 As my fadir lyuynge sente me, and 57 As my lyvynge father hath sent
1 lyue for the fadir, and he that etith me, even soo lyve I by my father, and
me, schal lyue for me. he that eateth me, shall live by me.
58 This is breed, that cam doun fro 58 This is the breed, which cam from
heuene. Not as soure fadris eeten heven. Nott as youre fathers have eaten
manna, and ben deed; he that etith manna, and are deed; he that eateth
this breed, schal lyue with outen ende. of this breed, shall live ever.
59 He seide thes thingis in the syna- 59 These thinges sayd he in the sina-
goge, techinge in Capharnaum. goge, as he taught in Capernaum.
: 60 Therfore manye of his disciplis 60 Many of his disciples when they
heeringe, seyden, This word is hard, had herde this, sayd, This is an herde
who may heere him ? sayinge, who can abyde the hearynge
! of it?
61 Forsoth Jhesu witynge anemptis 61 Jesus knew in hym silfe, that his
him silf, for his disciplis grucchiden of disciples murmured at hit, and sayde
this thing, seide to hem, This thing vnto them, Doth this offende you?
selaundrith 30u ?
62 Therfore if 3e schulen se mannis 62 What and if ye shall se the sonne
- gone stizynge vp, wher he was bifore? off man ascende vp, where he was be-
63 It is the spirit that quykeneth, the 63 It is the sprete that quyckeneth,
fleysch profiteth nothing ; the wordis the flesshe proffeteth nothynge; the
that I haue spokun to 30u, ben spirit wordes that I speake vnto you, are
and lyf. sprete and lyfe.
64 But ther ben summe of 5ou that 64 But there are some off you that
bileuen not. Sothli Jhesu wiste at the beleve not. For Jesus knewe from the
| bigynnynge, whiche weren bileuynge, begynnynge, which they were that be-
and who was to bitrayinge him. leved not, and who shulde betraye hym.

65 And he seide, Therfore I seide to 65 And he sayde, Therfore sayd I vnto

30u, that no man may come to me, no you, that no man can come vnto me,
GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [St. Jonw
fram attin meinamma. |báton min feeder hit him syile.
atgiban imma

66 Uzuh pamma mela managai galipun 66 Syddan manega his leorning-enihta

sipoaye is ibukai, yah panaseips mip cyrdon onbze, and ne eodon mid him.
imme ni iddyedun.
.67 Paruh qap iesus du paim twalibim, 67 Da cwæþ se Hælend to dam twelfum,
Íbai yah yus wileip galeiþan? Cwede ge wylle ge fram me?
68 Panuh andhofimma Seimon Paitrus, 68 Dá andwyrde him Simon Petrus
Frauya, du whamma galeipaima? Waurda and cwep, Drihten, to hwam gà we!
libainais aiweinons habais ; Ðú hefst éces lifes word ;
69 Yah weis galaubidedum, yah uf- 69 And we gelyfap, and witon, dat da
kunpedum, patei pu is Christus, sunus eart Crist, Godes sunu.
Gups libandins. |
7o Andhof im Tesus, Niu ik izwis .ib. yo Se Hælend him andswarede and
gawalida, yah izwara ains diabaulus ist? cwæþ, Hü ne geceas ic eow twelfe, and
eower án is deofol ?
.71 Qapuh pan pana ludan Seimonis, 71 And he hyt cwæþ be Iuda Scarioþe,
cealewyan des hine belæwde, da he wees
E á a ina SAM
auk habaid
cai sa a án dara twelfa.
ains wisands pize twalibe.

x Yah wharboda lesus Cmar. VIL tr Syddan for se Hel-

Guar. VIL
afar pata in Galeilaia, ni auk wilda in end to Galilea, he nolde faran to Iudea,
Íudala gaggan , unte sokide dun ina pai fordam de da Iudeás hine sóhton and
Íudaieis usqiman. i woldon hyne ofslean.
2 Wasuh pan newha dulps ludaie, so 2 Hit wes gehende Iudea freols-dæge.
3 Panuh qepun du imma bropryus is, 3 His bródro cwædon to him, Far
Usleip þaþro, yah gagg in ludaia n, ei heonon, and gá on Iudea land, deet dine
yah pai siponyos saiwhaina waurst wa leornin g-cniht as geseon da weore de da
peina poei pu tauyis; wyrcst ;
4 Ni manna auk in analaugnein wha 4 Ne dép nán man nánping on diglum, |
tauyip, yah sokeip sik uskunpana wisan. ac sécp dst hit open sy. Gif dú das
Yabai pata tauyis, bairhte i puk silban ping dést, geswütela dé sylfne middan-
pizai manasedai. earde.
5 Ni auk pai bropry us is galaub idedun g Witodlice ne his magas ne gelyfdon
imma. A on hine.
6 Paruh qap im lesus, Mel mein ni 6 Pa ewep se Hælend to him, Gyt
nauh ist, ip mel izwar sinteino ist manwu. ne com min tid, eower tid is symle
7 Ni mag so manaseþs fiyan izwis, ip y Ne meg middan-eard eow hatian, ac
mik fiyaip; unte ik weitwodya bi ins, he hatap me ; fordam ie cde gewitnesse
patei waurstwa ize ubila sind. be him, dæt his weore synd yfele.

8 Yus galeipip in dulp po, ip ik ni 8 Fare ge to disum freols-dæge, ic ne

nauh galeipa in po dulp, unte meinata fare to disum freols-dege, fordam min
mel ni nauh usfullip ist. tid nis gyt gefylled.
9 Patuh pan gap du im, wisands in 9 He wunode on Galilea, dá he das
Galeilaia. ing sede.
ro Ip bipe galipun pai bropryus is, ro Eft dá his bróðru fóron, da fór

VI. 66.-VIL. 10.] WYCLIFFE, 1389.
TYNDALE, 1526. 481
but it were 3ouun to him of my fadir. except it were geven vnto hym of my
66 Fro this tyme manye of his dis- 66 From that tyme many of his dis-
ciplis wenten a bak, and now wenten ciples went a waye from him, and com-
not with him. panyed no moore with hym.
67 Therfore Jhesu seide to the twelue, 67 Then sayde Jesus to the twelve,
Where and 3e wolen go awey 1 Will ye alsoo goo awaye ?
68 Therfore Symount Petre answeride 68 Simon Peter answered hym, Master,
to him, Lord, to whom schulen we go? to whom shall we goo? Thou haste the
Thou hast wordis of euerelasting lyf ; wordes off eternall lyfe ;
69 And we han bileuyd, and knowun, 69 And we have beleved, and knowen,
for thou art Crist, the sone of God. that thou arte Christ, the sonne off the
lyvynge God.
19 Therfore Jhesu answeride to hem, 70 Jesus answered them, Have not I
Wher I chees not 30u twelue, and oon chosen you twelve, and yett one off you
of 3ou is a deuel ? is the devyll ?
71 Forsothe he seide of Judas of Sy- l
71 He spake it off Judas Iscariot, the
mount, of Scarioth, forsoth this was to sonne of Simon, for he itt was that
bitraiynge him, whanne he was oon of shulde betraye hym, and was one of the
twelue. twelve.

Crap. VIL 1 Forsothe aftir thes Cuar. VII. r After that Jesus went
thingis Jhesu walkide in to Galilee, for about in Galile, and wolde not goo
he wolde not walke in to J udee, for the about in Iewry, for the Tewes soughtt
Jewis sou3ten for to sle him. to kyll hym.
2 Sothli ther was in the nexte a feeste 2 The Iewes Tabernacle feast was at
day of Jewis, Scenofegia.* ~honde.
3 Forsothe his bretheren seiden to him, 3 His brethren therfore sayde vnto
Passe fro hennis, and go in to Judee, hym, Gett thy silfe hence, and goo into
that and thi disciplis se thi werkis that lewry, that thy disciples maye se thy
thou doist ; workes that thou doest;
4 Forsothe no man doth ony thing in 4 There is no man that doeth eny
hid place," and he sekith to be in to opyn. thynge secretly, and he hym silfe seketh
If thou dost thes thingis, schewe thi silf to be knowen. Yf thou do soche thynges,
to the world. shewe thy silfe to the worlde.
5 Forsothe nether his britheren bi- 5 For as yet his brethren beleved not
leueden in to him. in hym.
6 Therfore Jhesu seith to hem, My 6 Then Jesus sayd vnto them, My
time cam not sit, but 3oure tyme is tyme is not yett come, youre tyme is
euermore redy. all waye redy.
7 The world may not haue hatid 30u, 7 The worlde can not hate you, me it
sothli it hatith me ; for I bere witness- hateth ; be cause I testyfy off hitt, thatt
ing therof, for the workis of it ben the workes off itt are evyll.
| yuele.
8 Stize 3e vp at this feeste day, but 8 Goo ye vppe vnto this feast, I will
| I schal not sti3e vp at this feeste day, nott goo vppe yett vnto this feaste, for
for my tyme is not sit fillid. my tyme is nott yett full come.
9 Whanne lie hadde seid thes thingis, g These wordes he sayde vnto them,
he dwelte in Galilee. : and aboode still in Galile. ;
10 Forsothe as his britheren stizeden 10 As sone as his brethren were goone
482 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Jonny
he eac to dam freols-dege, nes má
panuh yah is galaiþ in po dulp, ni
audaugyo, ak swe analaugniba, openlice, ac dygollice.
ina in i: Ðá ludeas hine sóhton on dam
ii Panuh Íudaieis sokidedun
pizai dulpai, yah qepun, Whar ist yainsÍ freols-dege, and cwedon, Hwar is he!
12 Yah birodeins mikila was in man- 12 And mycel gehljd wes on dere
agein. Sumaih qepun, patei sunyeins menigeo be him. Sume cwædon, He
ist; anparai qepun, Ne, ak airzelp po ys gód ; óðre cwædon, Nese, ac he
managein ; beswicp dis fole;

13 Nth pan ainsnun swepauh balpaba 13 Deah hwæðere ne spxe nan man
rodida bi ina, in agisis Íudaie. openlice be him, for deera Iude& ege.*
„14 Ip yupan ana midyai dulp, usstaig 14 Da hit wes mid-deg des freols-
lesus in alh, yah laisida. dæges, dá eode se Hælend into dam
temple, and lærde.
15 And da Tudeas wundredon, and —
15 Yah sildaleikidedun manageins, qip- des stafas, donne
andans, Whaiwa sa bokos kann, unus- ewédon, Húmeta can
he ne leornode? '
laisips ? |
16 Se Háælend him andswarode, and
16 Andhof pan lesus, yah qaj, So mín, ae Ges de
meina laiseins nist meina, ak pis sand- cwæþ, Min lar nis ná
yandins mik. me sende.
17 Yabai whas wili wilyan is tauyan, 17 Gyf hwá wyle his willan dôn, he
ufkunnaip bi po laisein, framuh Guþa gecnæwp be dere lâre, hwæðer heo si
siyai pau iku fram mis silbin rodya. of Gode, hwæðer de ic be me sylfum
18 Saei fram sis silbin rodeip, hauhipa 18 Se de be him sylfum sprycþ, sécþ
seina sokeip ; ip saei sokeip hauhipa pis his Agen wuldor ; se de séep dees wuldor
sandyandins sik, sah sunyeins ist, yah de hyne sende, se is sóþfæst, and nis
inwindipa in imma nist. nán unrihtwisnys on him.

19 Niu Moses gaf izwis witop, yah ni 19 Hú ne sealde Moyses eow æ, and
ainshun izwara tauyip pata witop? Wha eower nan ne healt da x1 Hwi séce
mik sokeip usqiman ? ge me to ofsleanne?
20 Andhof so managel yah qepun, 20 Dá andswarode seo menigeo, and
Unhulpon habais ; whas puk sokeip us- ewep, Deofol dé sticap on; hwá sécþ
qiman ? r ; dé to ofsleanne?
21 Dá andswarode se Hælend, and
21 Andhof lesus, yah qap du ïm, Ain
waurstw gatawida, yah allai sildaleikeip. ewæþ to him, An weorc ie worhte, and
ealle ge wundriap.
22 Duppe Mases atgaf izwis bimait ; 22 Fordj Moyses eow sealde ymb-
ni patei fram Mose siyai, ak us attam; snyden ysse ; nes ná fordi de heo of
yah in sabbato bimaitip mannan. Moyse sy, ac of fæderon ; and on reste-
deege ge ymb-snydap mann.
23 Yabai bimait nimip manna in sab- 23
2... det Moyses
bato, ei ni gatairaidau witop pata Mo-
allana mannan Æ ne sy toworpen, and ge belgaþ wid
sezis, ip mis hatizop, unte
hailana gatawida in sabbato ? me, fordam de ic gehælde ánne man on
reste-dzege 1
24 Ni stoyaip bi siunai, ak po garaihton 24 Ne déme ge be ansjne, ae démap
staua stoyaip. rihtne dóm.
25 Qepunuh pan sumai pize Íairu- 25 Sume ewædon da de wæron of
saulwmeite, Niu sa ist, þammei sokyand Hierusalem, Hú nis dis, se de hi sécap
usqiman 1 to ofsleanne4
VII. 11-25.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 483
Yp, thanne and he stijede vp at the vppe, then went he also vppe vnto the
feeste day, not opynti, but as in pryuei. feast, nott openly, butt as it were prevely.
II Therfore the Jewis sousten him in 11 Then sought hym the Iewes at the
the feeste day, and seiden, Wher is he? feast, and sayde, Where is he
I2 And moche grucching was of him 12 And moche murmurynge was there
in the cumpany of peple. Forsothe of hym amonge the people. Some sayde,
summe seiden, For he is good ; forsoth He is goode ; wother sayde, Naye, but
othere seiden, Nay, but he disceyueth he deceaveth the people ;
the cumpanyes ;
I3 Netheles no man spak opynly of 13 No man spake openly of hym, for
him, for the drede of Jewis. feare of the Tewes.
I4 Forsothe now the feeste day med- 14 In the myddes of the feast, Jesus
linge; Jhesu wente vp in to the temple, went vppe into the temple, and taught.
and tauste.
.15 And the Jewis wondriden, seyinge, 15 And the Iewes marveylled, salynge,
Hou kan this man lettris, sithen he hath Howe knoweth he the scriptures, seynge
not lernyd? that he never learned?
16 Jhesu answeride to hem, and seide, 16 Jesus answered them, and sayde,
My doctrine is not myn, but his that My doctrine is nott myne, butt hys
sente me. thatt sent me.
17 If ony man schal wilne to do his 17 Yff eny man wyll do hys will, he
wille, he schal knowe of the techinge, shall knowe of the doctrine, whether it
wher it be of God, wher I speke of be of God, or whether I spake of my
f my silf: silfe.
I8 He that spekith of himself, sekith 18 He that speaketh of him silfe, seketh
his owne glorie; forsoth he that sekith his awne prayse ; butt whosoever seketh
the glorie of him that sente him, this his prayse that sent him, he ys true, and
is sothfast, and vnristfulnesse is not in no vnrightewesnes is in hym.
19 Wher Moyses 3af not to 30u a lawe, I9 Did not Moses geve you a lawe,
and no man of 30u doth the lawe? What and yet none off you kepeth the lawe?
. seken 5e to sle me? Why goo ye a boute to kill me?
20 The cumpany answeride, and seide, 20 The people answered, and sayde,
Thou hast a deuyl ; who sekith for to Thou hast the devyll ; who goeth aboute
4 sle thee ? to kill the ?
21 Jhesu answeride, and seide to hem, 21 Jesus answered, and sayde vnto
I haue don o work, and alle 3e wondren. them, I have done won worke, and ye
all marvayle.
22 Therfore Moyses saf to 30u circum- 22 Moses therfore gave vnto you cir-
. eisioun ; not for it is of Moyses, but of cumcision ; not because it is of Moses,
fadris; and in the saboth 3e circum- but of the fathers ; and yet ye on the
sididen a man.
saboth daye circumcise a man.
23 If a man takith circumcisioun in 23 Yf a man on the saboth daye re-
the saboth, that the lawe of Moyses be ceave circumcision, with out breakynge
| not brokun, han se indignacioun* to me, of the lawe off Moses, disdayne ye at
for I made al the man hool in the sa- me, be cause I made a man every whit
bot? whoale on the saboth daye?
24 Nyle 3e deme vp the face, but deme 24 Judge not after the vtter aperaunce,
a ristful dom. but iudge rightewes iudgement.
25 Therfore summe of Jerusalem seiden, 25 Then sayd sum of them of Jeru-
Wher this is not, whom the Jewis seken salem, Is nott this he, whom they went
to slee? aboute to kill ?
484 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. |ST. JOHN

26 Yah sai! andaugiba rodeip, yah 26 And ni! he spycp openlice, and
waiht du imma ni qipand. Ibai aufto hig ne cwedap nan fing to him. Cwede
bi sunyai ufkunpedun pai reiks, patei we hweeder da ealdrzs ongyton, det dis
sa ist bi sunyai Christus! is Crist ?
27 Akei pana kunnum, whapro ist ; ip 27 Ac we witon, hwanon des is ; donne
Christus bipe qimip ni manna wait Crist cymp, donne nát nán man hwanon
whapro ist. A he bip.
28 Hropida þan, ïn alh laisyands lesus, 28 Se Hélend clypode, and lærde on
yah qipands, Yah mik kunnup, yah witup dam temple, and cwæþ, Me ge cunnon,
whapro im; yah af mis silbin ni qam, and ge witon hwanon ic eom; and ie
ak ist sunyeins saci sandida mik, panei ne com fram me sylfum, ac se is sop de
yus ni kunnup. me sende, done ge ne cunnon.
29 Ic hine can, and gif ic secge æt
ic hine ne cunne, ic beo leas, and eow
.... ip ik kann ina, unte fram imma gelic ;ie hine can, and ic eom of him,
im, yah is mik insandida. and he me sende.
30 Sokidedun pan ina gafahan, yah ni 3o Hig hine sóhton to nimanne, and
ainshun uslagida ana ina haudu, unte hyra nan hys ne æt-hrán, fordam de his
nauhþanub ni atiddya wheila is. tid ne com dà gyt.
31 lp managai pizos manageins ga- 31 Manega of dere menigeo gelyfdon
laubidedun imma, yah qepun, Christus on hine, and ewedon, Cwede ge wyrcþ
pan qimip, ibai ei managizeins taiknins Crist má tácna, donne he cymp, donne
tauyal, paimei sa tawida Í des dép?
32 Hausidedun pan Fareisaieis po man- 32 Da Pharisei gehjrdon da menigeo
agein birodyandein bi ina pata ; ïnuh- dus mureniende be him ;* d^ ealdras
sandidedun andbahtans pai Fareisaieis, and da Pharisei sendon hyra pénas, deet
yah pai auhumistans gudyans, ei ga- hig woldon hine gefón.
faifaheina ina. .
33 Panuh qap lesus, Nauh leitila wheila 33 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Gyt ie beo
mip izwis im, yah pan gagga du pamma sume hwile mid eow, and ie gauge to
sandyandin mik. dam, de me sende.
34 Sokeiþ mik, yah ni bigitip; yah 34 Ge sécap me, and ne findap ; and
parei im ik, yus ni magup qiman. ge ne mágon cuman, dar ic eom. |

35 Paruh qepun pai ludaieis du sis 35 Da Iudeas cweedon betweonan him

misso, Whadre sa skuli gaggan, pei weis sylfum, Hwyder wyle des faran, dæt we
ni bigitaima ina? nibai in distahein hine ne findon? ewyst da wyle he faran
piudo skuli gaggan, yah laisyan piudosÍ on peoda todræfednesse, and hig læran?

36 Wha siyai pata waurd, patei qap, 36 Hwæt is deos spræc, de he sprycþ,
Sokeip mik, yah ni bigitip ;yah parei Ge sécap me, and ne findap ; and ge ne
im ík, yus ni magup qiman? mágon cuman, dar ie eom ?

37 Íþ in spedistin daga pamma mikilin 37 On dam æftemestan mæran freols-

dulfais, stop lesus, yah hropida, qipands, dæge, stód se Hælend, and clypode,
Yabai whana paursyai, gaggai du mis, Cume to me, se de hine pyrste, and
yah driggkai. drince.
38 Saei galaubeip du mis, swaswe qap 38 Se de gelyfp on me, swa det gewrit
gameleins, Awhos us wambai is rinnand ewyp, Lybbendes wætres flód flowap of
watins libandins. his innode. í
39 Patuh pan qap bi Ahman, panei 39 Det he ewæþ be dam Gaste, de
skuldedun niman pai galaubyandans du da sceoldon underfón de on hine geljf-
VII. 26-39.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 485
26 And lo! he spekith opynly, and 26 Beholde! he speaketh boldly, and
thei seyn no thing to him. Wher the they saye nothynge to him. Do not
princes knewen verili, for this is Crist ? oure ruelars knowe in dede, that this
is very Christ!
27 But we witen this man, of whennis 27 Butt we knowe this man, whence
he is ; forsoth whanne Crist schal come, he is; but when Christ commeth, no
no man wot of whennis he is. man shall knowe whence he is.
28 Therfore Jhesu criede in the temple, 28 Then eryed Jesus in the temple, as
techinge hem, and seyinge, And 3e witen he taught, sayinge, And me ye knowe,
me, and of whennis I am ; and I cam and whence I am ye knowe ; and I am
not of my silf, but he is trewe that sente nott come off my silfe, butt he thatt
me, whom 5e knowen not. sent me is true, whom ye knowe nott.
29 I woot him, and if I schal seie 29
for I woot not him, I schal be lyk to
30u, a lyere; and I woot him, for of .. . I knowe hym, for I am off hym,
him I am, and he sente me. and he hath sent me.
30 Therfore thei sousten for to take 30 Then sought the Iewes to take
him, and no man sente in to him hondis, hym, butt no man layde hondes on hym,
for his our cam not sit. be cause his tyme was nott yett come.
31 Sothli many of the cumpanye bi- 31 Many off the people beleved on
leueden in to him, and seiden, Whanne hym, and sayde, When Christ commeth,
Crist schal come, wher he schal do mo will he do moo myracles, then this man
tokenes, than this doth? hathe done?
, 32 Pharisees herden the cumpenye of 32 The Pharises herde that the people
peple gruechinge of him thes thingis ; murmured suche thynges about hym ;
and the princes of Pharisees senten and the Pharises and scribes sent minis-
mynistris, that thei schulden take him. ters forthe, to take hym.

33 Therfore Jhesu seide to hem, jit 33 Then sayde Jesus vnto them, Yett -
a litel tyme I am with 30u, and I go am I a lytell whyle with you, and then
to the fadir, that sente me. goo I vnto hym, that sent me.
34 3e schulen seke me, and 3e schulen 34 Ye shall seke me, and shall nott
not fynde ; and where I am, 5e mown fynde me ; and where I am, thither can
not come. ye nott come.
35 Therfore the Jewis seiden to hem 35 Then sayde the Iewes bitwene them
silf, Whidur is this to goynge, for we selves, Whither will he goo, that we
schulen not fynde him? wher he is to shall nott fynde hym? will he goo
goyinge in to scateringe' ot hethene amonge the gentyls which are scattered
men, and is to techinge hethene men ? all a broade, and teache the gentyls?
_ 36 What is this word, which he seide, 36 What maner off sayinge ys thys,
3e schulen seke me, and 3e schulen not that he sayde, Ye shall seke me, and
fynde ; and where I am, 3e mown not shall nott fynde me; and where I am,
come ? thither can ye nott come?
37 Forsoth in the laste day of the 37 In the last daye, that grett daye off
grete feeste, Jhesu stood, and criede, the feaste, Jesus stode, and cryed, say-
seyinge, If ony man thirstith, come he inge, Yf eny man thyrst, lett hym come
to me, and drynke he. vnto me, and drynke.
| 38 He that bileueth in to me, as the 38 Whosoever beleveth on me, as sayeth
Scripture seith, Flodis of quyke watir the scripture, Out off his belly shall
[schulen flowe of his wombe. flowe ryvers off water off lyfe. i
39 Sothli he seide this thing of the 39 This spake he off the Sprete, which
ooly Goost, whom men bileuynge in | they that beleved on hym shulde re-
486 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Joms
imma ; unte ni nauhpanuh was Ahma don; dá gyt næs se Gast geseald, fordam
sa Weiha ana im, unte lesus nauhjanuh de se Hælend næs da gyt gewuldrod.'
ni hauhips was.
40 Managai pan pizos manageins, haus- 40 Of dere tide seo menigeo cwæþ, da
yandans pize waurde, qepuu, Sa ist bi heo gehýrde das his spræce, Des is sop
sunyai sa praufetes. witega.
41 Sumaih aepun, Sa ist Christus. Sum- 41 Sume ewadon, He is Crist. Sume
aih qepun, Íbai þaut us Galeilaia Christus ewadon, Cwede ge, cymp Crist fram
qimip? Galilea 1
42 Niu gameleins qap, patei us fraiwa 42 Hi ne ewyp det gewrit, det Crist
Daweidis, yah us Beþlaihaim weihsa, cymp of Dauides cynne, and of Bethleem
pare) was Daweid, Christus qimipÍ ceastre, dar dar Dauid wees ?

43 Panuh missagiss in pizai managein 43 Witodlice ungeþwærnes wes ge-

warp bi ina. worden on dere menigeo for him.
44 Sumaih pan ize wildedun fahan ina, 44 Sume hig woldon hine niman, ac
akei ni ainshun aslagida ana ina hand- hyra nán his ne æt-hrán.
45 Galipun pan pai andbahtos du paim 45 Da pénas comon to dam bisceopum
auhumistam gudyam yah Fareisaium, and to dam Phariseum, and hig ewædon
paruh qepun du im yainai, Duwhe ni to him, For hwi ne brohton ge hine
attauhup ina? : hider?
46 Andhofun pai andbahtos, Ni whanhun 46 Da andwyrdon da pénas and eweedon,
aiw rodida manna, swaswe sa manna. Ne spree næfre nan man, swá des man
.47 Andhofun pan im pai Fareisaieis, 47 Da cwedon da Pharisei to him,
lbai yah yus afairzidai siyup ? Synd ge beswicene?
48 Sai yau ainshun pize reike galaub- 48 Cwede ge gelyfde ænig Gera ealdra,
idedi imma, aiþþau Fareisaie Í odde dæra Pharisea on hyne?
49 Alya so managei, paiei ni kunnun 49 Ac deos menigeo, de ne cade da Æ, —
witop, fraqipanai sind.. hig synd awyrgede. i
5o Qap Nikaudemus du im, saei atid- 50 Da cwæþ Nichodemus to him, se
dya du imma in naht, sums wisands izei, de com to him on nyht, se wes hyra
àn, ,
gı lbai witop unsar stoyip mannan, 51 Cwyst da demp tre Æ ænigne man, -
nibai faurpis hauseip fram imma, yah búton hyne man ær gehyre, and wite |
ufkunnaip wha tauyai? hwæt he dó!
.52 Andhofun, yah qepun du imma, 52 Hig andswaredon, and ewædon to
ibai yah pu us Galeilaia is? Ussokei, him, Cwyst da det du si Galileise?
yah saiwh, patei praufetus us Galeilaia Smea, and geseoh, det nan witega ne
ni urreisip. cymp fram Galilea.
we 53 And hig cyrdon ealle hàm.

Crap. VIII tr Se Helend fcr on

Oliuetes dune. ; E
2 And com eft on dæg-réd to dam 7
temple; and eall dæt fole com to him ;
and he sæt and lærde hig,
VII. 4o- VIII. 2.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1826, 487
to him weren to takinge; forsoth the ceave ; for the Holy Gost was not yet
Spirit was not sit 30uun, for Jhesus was there, because that Jesus was nott yett
not 3it glorified. | glorified.
40 Therfore of that cumpanye, whanne 40 Many off the people, when they
thei hadden herde thes wordis of him, herde this sayinge, sayd, This is no
thei seiden, This is verili a prophete. doute a prophet.
41 Othere seiden, This is Crist. For- 41 Wother sayde, This is Christ. Sonie
soth summe seiden, Wher Crist cometh sayde, Shall Christ come out off Galile?
fro Galilee?
42 Wher the scripture seith not, that 42 Sayeth nott the scripture, that
of the seed of Dauith, and of the castel Christ shall come off the seed off David,
of Bethleem, where Dauith was, Crist and out of the toune off Bethleem, where
cometh ? David was?
43 And so dissencioun is maad in the 43 So was there dissencion amonge
cumpany for him. the people for hys sake.
44 Forsothe summe of hem wolden 44 And some off then: wolde have
take him, but no man sente hondis on taken hym, butt noo man layed hondes
him. on hym.
45 Therfore the mynistris camen to 45 Then cam the ministers to the hye
the bischopis and Pharisees, and thei prestes and Pharises, and they sayde
seiden to hem, Whi brou3te 3e not him ? vnto them, Why have ye not brought
46 The mynistris answeriden, Neuere 46 The servauntes answered, Never
man spak so, as this spekith. man spake, as thys man speaketh.

47 Therfore the Farisees answeriden 47 Then answered them the Pharises,

to hem, Wher and 3e be disceyued? Are ye alsoo disceaved?
48 Wher ony of the princes bileueden 48 Doth eny of the ruelers, or off the
in to him, or of the Pharisees ?- Pharises beleve on hym ?
49 But this cumpany of peple, that 49 Butt the commen people, whyche
knew not the lawe, ben cursid. knowe nott the lawe, are a cursed.
50 Nycodeme seith to hem, he that 50 Nicodemus sayde vnto them, he
cam to him in ny3te, that was oon of that cam to Jesus by nyght, whych was
hem, one off them,
51 Wher oure lawe demeth a man, no 51 Doth oure lawe iudge eny man,
but first it haue herd of him, and knowe before it be herde, and knowen what
what he doth? he hath done?
52 Thei answeriden, and seiden to him, 52 They answered, and sayde vnto
Wher and thou ert a man of Galilee? hym, Arte thou alsoo off Galile ? Searche,
Seke thou scripturis, and se thou, for a and loke, for out of Galile aryseth noo
prophete rysith not of Galilee. prophet. )
53 And thei turnedyn a3en, ech in to 53 And every man went vnto his awne
his hows. housse.


Crap. VIII. 1 Forsothe Jhesu wente Crap. VIII. I Jesus went vnto the
in to the mount of Olyuete. Mounte Olivete.
2 And erly eft he cam in to the temple; 2 And erly in the mornynge cam
and al the peple cam to him; and he agayne into the temple; and all the
sittinge tau3te hem, people cam vnto hym ; and he sate
doune and taught them.
488 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Jon
3 Ðá læddon da Pharisei and da bóe-
eras to him án wif seo wees aparod on
unriht-hæmede, and setton hig to-middes
4 And cwædon to him, Láreow, dis
| wif wees áfúnden on unrihton hemede, .

t 5 Moyses us bebead ow dere & det

we sceoldon dus gerade mid stánum
oftorfian ; hwæt cwyst du?
( Dis hig ewædon his fandiende, det
hig hine wréhton. Se Hælend ábeah
nyder, and wrát mid his fingre on dere
7 Da hig purh-wunedon hine ácsiende, -
dá árás he upp, and cwæþ to him, Lóca,
hwyle eower si synleas, weorpe ærest
stan on hi.

8 And he ábeah eft, and wrát on deere

9 Da hig dis gehyrdon, da eodon hig
út án fter ánum, . . . e EE
. ; and he gebád dar sylf, and det
wif stod deer on middan.

10 Se Hælend árás up, . ...: and

ewep to hyre, Wif, hwar synd da de
dé wrégdon? ne fordémde dé nan man.

ri And heo cwæþ, Na, Drihten. And |

se Hælend eweep, Ne ic dé ne fordéme ;
dó ga, and ne synga du næfre ma.

.12 Aftra du im lesus rodida, qapuh, 12 Eft se Hælend spree das þing to
Ik im liuhap manasedais ; saei laisteip him, and cwæþ, Ic eom middan-eardes
mik, ni gaggiþ in riqiza, ak habaip liuhap leoht ;se de me fyligþ, ne gæþ he na
libainais. on pystro, ac he heefp lifes leoht.

13 panuh qepun du imma pai Farei- 13 Da Pharisei cwedon to him, Du

saieis, Pu bi puk silban weitwodeis ; so cýðst gewitnesse be dé sylfum ; nis din
weitwodipa peina nist sunyeina. gewitnes sop.
14 Andhof lesus, yah qap du im, Yah 14 Se Hælend andswarode, and cwæþ
yabai ik weitwodya bi mik silban, sunya to him, Gif ic cyde gewitnesse be me
ist so weitwodipa meina ; unte wait sylfum, min gewitnes is sóp ; fordam de
whapro qam, yah whap galeipa. Ip yus ic wat hwanon ic com, and hwyder ic
ni witup whapro qima, aippau whap ga- gá. Ge nyton hwanon ic com, ne hwyder
leipa. ic ga.
15 Yus bi leika stoyip, ip ik ni stoya 15 Ge démap æfter flæsce, ic ne deme
ainnohun ; nánum men ;
16 Appan yabai stoya ik, staua meina 16 And gyf ic déme, min dóm is sop,
VIII. 3-16.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 489
3 Sothli scribis and Pharisees bryngen a 3 The scribes and Pharises brought
woraman takun in auowtrie, and settiden vnto hym a woman taken in advoutry,
hir in the middil, and sett her in the middes,

4 And seiden to him, Maistir, this 4 And sayde vnto hym, Master, thys
womman is now takun in auoutrie, . . woman was taken in advoutry, even as
the dede was a doyng.
5 Forsoth in the lawe Moyses com- 5 Moses in the lawe commaunded vs
aundide vs for to stoone siche ; therfore that suche shulde be stoned ; what sayst
what seist thou? thou therfore?
6 Sothli thei seiden this thing tempt- 6 And thys they sayde to tempt hym,
inge him, that thei my3ten accuse him. that they myght have wher off to accuse
Forsothe Jhesu bowinge him silf doun, hym. Jesus stouped doune, and wyth
wrot with the fyngir in the erthe. hys fynger wrote on the grounde.
7 Sothly whanne thei lastiden* axinge 7 And whill they continued axynge
him, he reiside him silf, and seide to hym, he lifte hym sylfe vppe, and sayde
hem, Which of 3ou that is with oute vnto them, Lett hym thatt ys a monge
synne, first sende a stoon in to hir. you wyth out synne, cast the fyrst stone
at her.
8 And eft he bowinge doun him silf, 8 And agayne he stouped doune, and
wroot in the erthe. wrote on the grounde.
9 Sothli thei heeringe thes thingis, 9 As sone as they herde that, they
wenten awey oon aftir an other, thei went out won by won, the eldest fyrst ;
bigynnynge at the eldere men; and and Jesus was lefte a lone, and the
Jhesu dwelte aloone, and the womman woman stondynge in the myddes.
stondinge in the myddel.
10 Sothli Jhesu reisynge him silf, . . . 10 When Jesus had lifte vppe hym
seide to hir, Womman, wher sylfe agayne, and sawe noo man butt
ben thei that accusiden thee? no man the woman, he sayde vnto her, Woman,
dampnede thee. where are those thyne accusars ? hath
no man condempned the?
11 The which seyde, No man, Lord. t1 She sayde, Syr, no man. Jesus
Jhesu seith to hir, Nether I schal &avde, Nether do I condempne the;
dampne thee ; go thou, and now aftir- goo hence, and synne no moare.
ward nyle thou do synne.
12 Therfore eft Jhesu spak to hem, 12 Then spake Jesus agayne vnto them,
seyinge, I am the list of the world ; he sayinge, I am the light off the worlde;
that sueth me, walkith not in derk- he that foloweth me, shall nott walke
nessis, but schal haue the list of lyf. in darcknes, butt shall have the light
of lyfe.
13 Therfore the Pharisees seiden, Thou 13 The Pharises sayde vnto hym, Thou
berist witnessing of thi silf ; thi witness- bearest reccorde of thy sylfe; thy re-
ing is not trewe. corde ys not true.
14 Jhesu answeride, and seide to hem, I4 Jesus answered, and sayde vnto
And if I bere witnessing of my silf, my them, And yf I beare recorde off my
witnessing is trewe ; for I woot fro sylfe, my recorde is true ; for I knowe
whennis I cam, and whidur I go. For- whence I cam, and whither I goo. Ye
sothe 3e witen not fro whennus I come, cannot tell whence I come, and whither
or whidur I go, I goo.
15 Forsoth 3e demen vp the fleisch, I 15 Ye iudge after the flesshe, I iudge
deme not ony man ; no man ;
16 And if I deme, my dom is trewe, 16 And yff I iudge, then ys my iudg-
490 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Jons

sunycina ist, unte ains ni im, ak ik yah fordam de ic ne eom ána, ac ic and se
saei sandida mik atta. feeder de me sende.
17 Yah pan in witoda izwaramma ga- 17 And on eowre æ is áwriten, diet
melip ist, patei twaddye manne weit- i tweora manna gewitnes is scp.
wodipa sunya ist.
18 Ik im, saei weitwodya bi mik sil- 18 Ic eom, de cyde gewitnesse be me
ban, yah weitwodeip bi mik, saei sandida sylfum, and se fæder de me sende, cyp
mik, atta. gewitnesse be me.
19 Qebun pan du imma, Whar ist sa 19 Witodlice hig ewædon to him, Har
atta peins? Andhof lesus, Ni mik kun- is din feeder? Se Hálend him and-
nup, nih attan meinana ; ip mik kunp- swarode and cwæþ, Ne cunne ge me, ne
edeip, yah pau attan meinana kunpedeip. minne fader ; gyf ge me cüdon, wên is
det ge cüdon minne feeder.
20 Po waurda rodida in gazaufwlakio, 20 Das word he spæc æt ceap-sceamele,
laisyands in alh ;yah ainshun ni faifah . ; and nan man hyne ne nam, -
ina, unte nauhpanuh ni qam wheila is. fordam de hys tid ne com da gyt.

21 Panuh qap aftra du im Íesus, lk 21 Witodlice eft se Hælend ewsep to

galeipa, yah sokeip mik, yah in frawaurht- him,' Ic fare, and ge me sécap, and ge
ai izwarai gadaupnip; padei ik gagga, sweltap on eowre synne; ne mage ge
yus ni magup qiman. cuman, dyder ic fare. i
22 Qepun pan ludaieis, Nibai usqimai 22 Ðá cwædon da Iudeas, Owede ge
sis silbin, ei qiþiþ, Dadei ik gagga, yus ofslyhp he hine sylfne, fordam he segp,
ni magup qdiman? | Ge ne mágon cuman, dyder ie fare!
23 Yah qap du im lesus, Yus us paim 23 Di cwæþ he to him, Ge synd nyd-
ic eom ufane; ge synd of
dalapro siyup, ip ik us þaim iupapro im ; ane, and
yus us pamma fairwhau siyup, ip ik ni disum middan-earde, ie ne eom of disum
im us pamma fairwhau. middan-earde. ,
24 Qap nu izwis, Datei gadaupnip 24 Ie eow sæde, Det ge sweltap on
in frawaurhtim izwaraim ; yabai auk eowrum synnum ; gif ge ne gelyfap dæt
ni galaubeip patei ik im, gadaupnip in ie hit sy, ge sweltap on eowre synne. .
frawaurhtim izwaraim.
25 Paruh qepun du imma, Pu whas is ? 25 Da cwædon hi to him, Hwæt eart |
Yah qap du im lesus, Anastodeins, patei dai? Se Hælend ewzp to him, Ie eom
yah rodya du izwis. fruma, de to eow sprece.

26 Manag skal bi izwis rodyan, yah 26 Ic hæbbe fela be eow to sprecanne,

stoyan, akei saei sandida mik sunyeins and to démanne, ac se de me sende is
ist; yah ik, patei hausida at imma, pata sóþfæst ; and ic sprece on middan-earde
rodya in pamma fairwhau. da ping, de ic æt him gehyrde.
27 Ni fropun, patei attan im qap. 27 And hig ne undergéton, det he
tealde him God to feeder.
28 Qapuh pan du tm lesus, pan ushauh- 28 Se Helend ewsp to him, Donne
eip pana sunu mans, banuh ufkunnaip, ge mannes sunu up-áhebbap, donne ge-
patei ik im, yah af mis silbin tauya ni cnawe ge, det ic hit eom, and ie ne dó
waiht; ak swaswe laisida mik atta nin ping of me sylfum; ac ic sprece
meins, pata rodya. das ping, swá feeder me lærde.

29 Yah saei sandida mik mip mis ist, 29 And se de me sende is mid me, ahd
ni bilaip mis ainamma atta; unte ik, he ne forlæt me anne ; fordam de ic wyrce
patei leikaip imma, tauya sinteino. symle da ping, de him synd gecweme,
VIII. 17-29.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 491
for I am not aloone, but I and the fadir ment true, for Iam not a lone, butt I
that sente me. and my father that sent me.
17 And in soure lawe it is writun, for 17 Itt ys also written in youre lawe,
the witnessing of twei men is trewe. that the testimony of two men ys true.
18 I am, that bere witnessing of my 18 I am won, that beare witnes off my
silf, and the fadir that sente me, berith sylfe, and my father that sent me, beareth
witnessing of me. witnes off me.
19 Therfore thei seiden to him, Wher 19 Then sayde they vnto hym, Where
„is thi fadir? Jhesu answeride, Nether is thy father? Jesus answered, Ye
3e witen me, nether 3e witen my fadir ; nether knowe me, nor yet my father;
if 3e wisten me, perauenture and 3e yff ye had knowen me, ye shulde have
schulden wite my fader. knowen my father alsoo.
20 Jhesu spak thes wordis in the tre- 20 These wordes spake Jesus in the
serie, techinge in the temple; and no tresury, as he taught in the temple;
man toox him, for his our cam not sit. and no man layde hondes on hym, for
hys tyme was nott yett come.
21 Therfore eft Jhesu seide to hem, 21 Then sayde Jesus agayne vnto them,
Lo! I go, and 3e schulen seche me, and I goo my waye, and ye shall seke me,
3e schulen deye in 3oure synne ; whidur and shall deye in youre synnes; whither
Í go, 5e mown not come. I goo, thither can ye not come.
22 Therfore the Jewis seiden, Wher he 22 Then spake the Iewes, Wyll he kyll
schal sle him silf, for he seith, Whidur I him sylfe, be cause he sayth, Whither I
go, 5e mown not come? goo, thither can ye not come?
23 And he seide to hem, 3e ben of 23 And he sayde vnto them, Ye are
bynethe, I am of aboue ; 3e ben of this from beneth, I am from above; ye are
world, I am not of this world. of this worlde, I am nott off thys
24 Therfore I seide to 30u, For 3e 24 I sayde therfore vnto you, That ye
schulen dye in 3oure synnes; forsothe shall deye in youre synnes ; for except
if 3e schulen not bileue for I am, 3e ye beleve that I am he, ye shall deye in
schulen deye in 30ure synne. youre synnes.
25 Therfore thei seiden to him, Who 25 Then sayde they vnto hym, Who
art thou? Jhesu seide to hem, The bi- arte thou? And Jesus sayde vnto them,
gynnyng,’ which and speke to 30u. Even the very same thynge, that I saye
vnto you. s
26 I haue many thingis for to speke, 26 I have many thynges to saye, and
and deme of 30u, but he that sente me to iudge of you, but he that sent me is
is sothfast ; and I speke in the world true; and I speake in the worlde those
thes thingis, that I herde of him. thynges, whych I have herde of hym.
27 And thei knewen not, for he seide 27 'They vnderstode not, that he spake
his fadir God. of his father.
28 'Therfore Jhesu seith to hem, Whanne 28 'Then sayde Jesus vnto them, When
3e hau reysid mannis sone, thanne 3e ye have lift vppe an hye the sonne off
schulen knowe, for [ am, and of my silf man, then shall ye knowe, that I am he,
Ido no thing; but as my fadir tauste and thatt I do nothynge off my silfe;
me, I speke thes thingis. butt as my father hath taught me, even
soo I speake.
29 And he that sente me is with me, 29 And he that sent me ys with me,
and lefte not me aloone ; for I do euere my father hath nott lefte me alone ; for
tho thingis, that ben plesaunt to him. Ido alwayes those thynges, that please
492 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST.Jomw

30 Pata imma rodyandin, managai ga- 30 Da he das ping spræc, manega ge-
laubidedun Imma. lyfdon on line.!
31 Panuh qap lesus du paim galaub- 31 Witodlice se Hælend cwæþ to dam
yandam sis Iudaium, Yabai yus gastandip Iudeum, de him gelyfdon, Gif ge wuniaþ
in waurda meina:nma, bi sunyai sipoayos on minre spæce, sóplice ge beop mine
meinai slyup ; leorning-enihtas ;
32 Yah ufkunnaiþ sunya, yah so sunya 32 And ge onenáwap sóþfæstnysse, and
friyans izwis briggiþ. sóþfæstnes eow álýst.
33 Andhofun imma, Fraiw Abrahamis 33 Da andswarodon hi him and ewæd-
siyum, yah ni mannhun skalkinodedum on, We synd Ábrahames cynnes, and ne
aiw whanhun; whaiwa pu qipis, patei peowedon we nánum men nefre ; hümeta
friyai wairpip ? " ewyst du, Ge beop frige4
34 Andhof im lesus, Amen, amen, 34 Se Hælend him andswarode and
qipa izwis, patei whazuh saei tauyip fra- cwæþ, Sóp, ic eow secge, deet zle de
waurht, skalks ist frawaurhtai. synne wyrcþ, is deere synne peow.
35 Sah ban skalks ni wisip in garda, 35 Witodlice se peow ne wunap on
du aiwa, sunus wisip du aiwa. hüse, on écnesse, se sunu wunap on
36 Yabai nu sunus izwis friyans briggip, 36 Gif se sunu eow áljst, ge beob sop-
bi sunyai friyai siyup. lice frige.
37 Wait patei fraiw Abrahamis siyuþ, 37 Ic wat det ge synd Abrahames
akei sokeip mis usqiman, unte waurd bearn, ac ge sécap me to ofsleanne, for-
meinni gamot in izwis. dam min spæc ne wunaþ on eow.
38 Ik patei gasawh at attin meinamma 38 Ic sprece det, de ic mid fæder ge-
rodya; yah yus, patei hausidedup fram seah ;and ge dóp da ping, de ge mid
attin izwaramma, tauylp. eowrum feeder gesawon.
39 Andhofun, yah. qepun du imma, 39 Da andswarodon hig, and ewædon
Atta unsar Abraham ist. Qap im lesus, to him, Abraham is tire feeder. Da cwæþ
lp barna Abrahamis weseip waurstwa se Hælend to him, Gif ge Abrahames
Abrahamis tawidedeip. bearn synd, wyrcap Abrahames weorc.

40 Ip nu sokeip mik usqiman, mannan 4o Nú ge sécaþ me to ofsleanne, done

izei sunya izwis rodida, poei hausida man de eow sæde sóþfæstnesse, da de ic
fram Gupa ; patuh Abraham ni tawida. gehyrde of Gode; ne dyde Abraham
41 Yus tauyip toya attins izwaris. 41 Ge wyreap eowres fæder weorc.
Panuh qepun imma, Weis us horinassau Hig ewædon witodlice to him, Ne synd
ni siyum gabauranai; ainana attan aig- we of forligere ácennede ; we habbap
um, Gup. 3 anne, God, to feeder.
42 Qap du ïm lesus, Yabai Gup atta 42 Witodlice se Hælend cwæþ to him
izwar wesi, friodedeip pau mik ; unte ik Gif God were eower fæder, witodlice ge
fram Gupa urrann, yah qam ; nih pan lufedon me; ic com of Gode; ne com
auk fram mis silbin ni qam, ak is mik ic na fram me sylfum, ac he me sende.
43 Duwhe maþlein meina ni kunnup? 43 Hwi ne gecnáwe ge mine sprece?
unte ni magup hausyan waurd mein. [fordam de ge ne mágon gehyran mine
44 Yus us attin, diabaulau, siyup, yah 44 Ge synd deofles bearn, and ge willap
lustuns pis attins izwaris wileip tauyan. wyrcan eowres feeder willan. He wees
Yains manamaurprya was fram frum- fram frympe man-slaga, and he ne wun-
istya, yah in sunyal ni gastop ; unte ode on sóþfæstnesse ; fordam de sóþfæst-
nist sunya in imma. Pan rodeip liugn, nes nis on him. Donne he sprycþ leas-
VIII. 3o-44.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 493
io Him spekinge thes thingis, many 30 As he spake these wordes, many
men bileueden in to him. beleved on hym.
31 Therfore Jhesu seide to the Jewis, 31 Then sayde Jesus to those Iewes,
that bileueden in to him, If 3e schulen which beleved on hym, Yf ye continue
diwelle in my word, verili 5e schulen be in my sayinge, then are ye my very
my disciplis ; disciples ;
32 And 3e schulen knowe the treuthe, 32 And ye shall knowe the trueth,
and the treuthe schal delyuere 30u. and the trueth shall make you free.
33 Therfore the Jewis answeriden to 33 They answered hym, We are Abra-
him, We ben the seed of Abraham, and hams seede, and were never bonde to
to no man we seruyden euere ; hou seist eny man; why sayest thou then, Ye
thou, 5e schulen be free? shalbe made fre?
34 Jhesu answeride to hem, Treuli, 34 Jesus answered them, Verely, verely,
treuli, I seie to 3ou, for ech man that I saye vnto you, that whosoever com-
doth synne, is the seruaunt of synne. mitteth synne, is the servaunt of synne.
35 Sothli the seruaunt dwellith not in 35 And the servaunt abydeth nott in
the hous, into withouten ende, the sone the housse, for ever, buts the sonne
dwellith into withouten ende. abydeth ever.
36 Therfor if the sone schal delyuere 36 Yf the sonne therfore shall make
30u, verili 3e schulen be free. you fre, then are ye fre in dede.
37 I woot for 3e ben Abrahams sones, 37 Í knowe that ye are Abrahams seed,
but 3e seken for to sle me, for my word butt ye seke meanes to kyll me, be cause
takith not in 30u. my sayinges have noo place in you.
38 And I speke tho thingis, that I sy3 38 I speake, that I have sene wyth my
at my fadir; and 3e don tho thingis, father ; and ye do that, whych ye have
that 3e sy3en at 30ure fadir. sene wyth youre father.
39 Thei answeriden, and seiden to him, 39 They answered, and sayde vuto
Abraham is oure fadir. Jhesu seith to hym, Abraham is oure father. Jesus
hem, If 3e ben the sones of Abraham, sayde vnto them, Yf ye were Abrahams
do 3e the werkis of Abraham. children, ye wolde do the dedes of Abra-
40 Sothli now 3e seken to sle me, a 40 But nowe ye goo about to kill me,
man that haue spoken to 30u treuthe, a man that have tolde you the truthe,
that I herde of God ; Abraham dide not which I have herde off my father ; this
this thing. did not Abraham.
41 3e don the workis of 3oure fadir. 41 Ye do the dedes of youre father.
And so thei seiden to him, We ben not Then sayde they vnto hym, We were
born of fornycacioun ; we han o fadir, nott borne of fornicacion ; we have won
God father, that is God.
42 Therfore Jhesu seide to hem, If 42 Jesus sayde vnto them, Yf Goc
God were 3oure fadir, sothli 3e schulden were youre father, then wolde ye have
loue me; forsothe I procedide* of God, loved me; for I procede forthe, and
and cam; nether sothli I cam of my come from God; nether cam I of my
silf, but he sente me. sylfe, butt he sent me.
43 Whi knowen 5e not my speche? for 43 Why do ye nott knowe my speache ?
ge mown not heere my word. be eause ye cannot abyde the hearynge
off my wordes.
44 3e ben of the fadir, the deuel, and 44 Ye are of youre father, the devyll,
se wolen do the desyris of 3oure fadir. and the lustes off youre father ye will
He was a mansleere fro the bigynnyng, folowe. He was a murtherer from thé be-
and in treuthe he stood not ; for treuthe gynnynge, and aboode nott in the trueth ;
. js not in him. Whanne he spekith a be cause there ys noo trueth in hym.

494 GOTHIC, 36a. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST. Joly
us seinaim rodeip; unte liugnya ist, unga, he sprycþ of him sylfum ; fordam
yah atta is. de he is leas, and his feeder eac.

45 Ip ik patei sunya rodida, ni ga- 45 Witodlice ge ne gelyfap me, fordam

laubeip mis. de ic secge eow sópfzestnesse."
46 Whas izwara gasakip mik bi fra- 46 Hwyle eower ascunap me for synne!
waurht? pande sunya qipa, duwhe ni gif ie sóp secge, hwi ne gelyfe ge me!
galaubeip mis?
47 Sa wisands us Gupa, waurda Gups 47 Se de is of Gode, gehýrþ Godes
hauseip; dupe yus ni hauseip, unte us word ; fordig ge ne gehyrap, fordam de
Gupa ni siyup. ge ne synd of Gode.
48 Andhofun pan pai Íudaieis, yah 48 Witodlice da Iudeas andswaredon,
qepun du imma, Niu waila qipam weis, and ewedon to him, Hwi ne ewede we
patei Samareites ïs pu, yah unhulpon wel, det dú eart Samaritanise, and eart
habais ? E wód?
49 Andhof Jesus, Ik unhulpon ni haba, 49 Se Hælend andswarode, and eweep,
ak swera attan meinana, yah yus un- Ne eom ie wód, ac ic árwurpige minne
sweraip mik. feeder, and ge unarwurpedon me.
50 lk ni sokya hauhein meina; ist, 50 Witodlice ne séce ie min wuldor ;
saei sokeip, yah stoyip. se is, de sécp, and démp.
51 Amen, amen, qipa izwis, yabai whas 51 Sop, ie secge eow, gif hwá mine
waurd mein fastaip, daupu ni gasaiwhip spræce gehealt, ne gesyhp he deap næfre.
aiwa dage.
52 panuh qeþun du imma pai Íudaieis, 52 Da cwedon da Tudeas, Nú we
Nu ufkunpedum, patei unhulpon habais. witon, det dú eart wod. Abraham wees
Abraham gadaupnoda, yah praufeteis, dead, and da witegan, and dü cwyst,
yah pu qipis Yabai whas mein waurd Gif hwa mine spræce gehealt, ne bip he
fastai, ni kausyai daupau aiwa dage. nefre dead.

53 lbai pu maiza is attin unsaramma 53 Cwyst dú det du sy mærra donne

Abrahama, saei gadaupnoda, yah prau- ure feeder Abraham, se wees dead, and
feteis gadaupnodedun ; whana puk silban da witegan wæron deade; hwæt pine}
tauyis pu? dé det dá sy Í .
54 Andhof lesus, Yabai ik hauhya mik 54 Se Hælend him andswarode, Gif ic
silban, so hauheins meina ni waihts ist; wuldrige me sylfne, nis min wuldor
ist atta meins, saei hauheip mik, panei náht; min feeder is, de me wuldrap, be
yus qipip, patei Gup unsar ist. dam ge cwedap, dæt he sy tre God.
55 Yah ni kunnup ina, ip ik kann ina ; 55 And ge ne cüdon hine, ic hine cann;
yah yabai qepyau patei ni kunnyau ina, and gif ie secge dæt ic hine ne cunne, ic
siyau galeiks izwis liugnya; ak kann beo leas and eow gelie ; ac ie hyne cann,
ina, yah waurd is fasta. and ic healde his spræce.

56 Abraham, atta izwar, sifaida, ei ga- 56 Abraham, cower feeder, geblissode,

sewhi dag meinana; yah gasawh, yah deet he gesáwe minne deg; and he ge-
faginoda. seah, and geblissode.
57 Panuh qeþun pai ludaieis du imma, 55 Ðá Tudeas ewsdon to him, Gyt dü
Fimftiguns yere nauh ni habais, yah ne eart fifüg wintre, and gesáwe du
Abraham sawht ? Abraham ?
58 Qap im lesus, Amen, amen, qiþa 58 Se Helend ewzp to him, Ie wes,
izwis, faurþizei Abraham waurþi, im ik. ærðam de Abraham wes.

59 Panuh nemun stainans, ei waurpeina 59 Hig námon stánas, to dam det hig
VIII 45-59.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 495
lesinge, he spekith of his owne thingis ; When he speaketh a lye, then speaketh
for he is a lyiere, and fadiv of it. he off hys awne ; for he ys a lyar, and
the father therof.
45 Sotheli for I seye treuthe, 3e bileuen 45 And be cause I tell you the trueth,
not to me. therfore beleve ye nott me.
46 Who of 30u schal reproue me of 46 Which of you can rebuke me off
synne? if I seie treuthe, whi bileuen se synne? yf I say the trueth, why do not
not to me? ye beleve me?
47 He that is of God, heerith the 47 He that is of God, heareth Goddes
wordis of God ; therfore 3e heeren not, wordes ; ye therfore heare them not, be
for 3e ben not of God. cause ye are nott of God. i
_ 48 Therfore the Jewis answeriden, and 48 Then answered the Iewes, and sayde
seiden, Wher we seyn not wel, for thou vnto hym, Saye we nott well, that thou
art à Samaritan, and hast a deuel? arte a Samaritan, and hast the devyll?

49 Jhesu answeride, and seide, I haue 49 Jesus answered, I have not the
not a deuel, but I honoure my fadir, devyll, butt I honour my father, and ye
and 5e han vnhonourid me. have dishonoured me.
5o Forsothe I seke not my glorie ; 50 I seke nott myne awne prayse ;
ther is, that sekith, and demeth. there is won, that seketh it, and iudgeth.
51 Treuli, treuli, I seie to 30u, if ony 51 Verely, verely, I saye vnto you, yf
man schal kepe my word, he schal not a man kepe my sayinges, he shall never
se* deeth in to with outen ende. se deeth.
— g2 Therfor the Jewis seiden, Now we 52 Then sade the Iewes to hym, Nowe
han knowen, for thou hast a deuel. knowe we, that thou hast the devyll.
- Abraham is deed, and the prophetis, Abraham is deed, and also the pro-
and thou seist, If ony man schal kepe phettes, and yett thou sayest, Yf a man
— my word, he schal not taaste deeth in kepe my sayinge, he shall never tast
- to with outen ende. deeth.
53 Wher thou ert more than oure fadir 53 Arte thou greater then oure father
- Abraham, that is deed, and the prophetis Abraham, which is deed, and the pro-
E deede ; whom makist thou thi silf? phettes are deed; whome makest thou
thy silfe ?
— 54 Jhesu answeride, If I glorifie my 54 Jesus answered, Yf I prayse my
silf, my glorie is no3t; my fadir is, silfe, my prayse is nothynge worth; hit
that glorifieth me, whom se seyn, for he is my father, that prayseth me, which"
is zoure God. ye saye, is youre God.
| pp And se han not knowen him, for- 55 And yet have ye not knowen hym,
"goth I haue knowe him ; and if I schal but I knowe hym ; and yf I shulde saye
eUg seye for I woot not him, I shal be a I knowe hym nott, I shulde be a lyare
- lyere lyk to 30u; but I woot him, and lyke vnto you; but I knowe hym, and
_ I kepe his word. kepe his sayinge.
56 Youre father, Abraham, was glad
56 Abraham, 3oure fader, ful out loyede,
that he schulde se my day ; and he sys, to se my daye; and he sawe it, and
. and he ioyede. reioysed.
57 Therfore the Jewis seyden to him, g7 Then sayde the Iewes vnto hym,
Thou hast not sit fifty 3eer, and hast Thou arte not yet .l. yere olde, and hast
thou seyn Abraham ? thou sene Abraham ?
p8 Therfore Jhesu seide to hem, Treuli, 58 Jesus sayd vnto them, Verely, verely,
treuli, I seye to 30u, bifore that Abraham Isay vnto you, yer Abraham was, I am.
was maad, Í am.
59 Therfore thei token stoones, that 59 Then toke they vppe stones, to caste
496 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sx. Jor
hine torfian; se Hælend hire
ana ina; ip lesus pan gafalh sik, yah | woldon
usiddya us aih, usleipands pairh midyans i bediglo
de, and eode of dam temple, . .
ins, yah wharboda swa. ! P.qc


(Har. IX. 1 Yah pairbgaggands, Cuar. IX. tr Då se Hælend for, dà

gaumida mann blindamma us gabaurpai. geseah he anne man de wees blind ge-
2 Paruh frehun ina siponyos is qipand- 2 And his leorning-cnihtas hine acsodon
ans, Rabbei whas frawaurhta, sau, þau and ewadon, Láreow, hwet syngode,
fadrein is, ei blinds gabaurans warp! des, odde his magas, dat he were blind
geboren ? )
3 Andhof lesus, Nih sa frawaurhta, 3 Se Hælend andswarode and cwæ
nih fadrein is; ak ei bairhta waurpeina Ne syngode he, ne his magas ; ac det
waurstwa Gups ana imma. Godes weore were geswütelod on him. |

4 lk skal waurkyan waurstwa pis sand- 4 Me gebyraþ to wyrcanne dies we

yandins mik, unte dags ist ; qimip nahts, de me sende, da hwile de hit deg
panei ni manna mag waurkyan. niht eymp, donne nan man wyrean :
5 Dan in pamma fairwhau im, liuhap 5 Ic eom middan-eardes leoht, da hw
im pis fairwhaus. de ic on middan-earde eom.
6 pata qipands, gaspaiw dalap, yah ga- 6 Da he das ping sæde, dá spættehi
waurhta fani us pamma spaiskuldra, yah on da eorpan, and worhte fenn of
gasmait Imma ana augona pata fani spátle, and smyrede mid dam fenne o
his eagan, |
pamma blindin,
7 Yah qap du imma, Gagg, pwabanin 7 And ewæþ to him, Gá, and pweah d
swumfsl Siloamis, patei gaskeiryada, In- on Syloes mere,. .. . - - He for,
sandips. Galaip, yah afpwoh, yah qam pwóh hine, and com geseonde

8 Panuh garaznans, yah pai saiwhand- 8 Witodlice his neah-geburas, and

ans ina faurpis, patei is bidagwa was, de hine gesáwon, dá he wædla w
qepun, Niu sa ist, saei sat, aihtronds? ewadon, Hú nis dis se, de set, a
w:edlode í
9 Sumaih qepun, patei sa ist; sumaih, 9 Sume ewædon, He hyt is;
patei galeiks pamma ist. Ip is qap, ewædon, Nese, ac is him gelic. 1
patei ik im. cwæþ sóplice, Ic hit eom.

ro Panuh qepun du imma, Whaiwa 1o Da cwædon hig to him, Hú wai

usluknodedun pus po augona ? dine eagan ge-openede?
rr Andhof yains yah qap, Manna hait- rı He andswarode and eweep, Se
ans lesus, fani gawaurhta, yah bismait de is genemned Hælend, worhte fe
mis augona, yah qap mis, Gagg, afpwah- and smyrede mine eagan, and cwæþ *
an in pata swumfsl Siloamis ; ip ik ga- me, Gá to Syloes mere, and pweah
laip, yah bipwahands, ussawh. and ie eode, and pwóh me, and geseah.

.12 Qepun pan du imma, Whar ist sa? 12 DA ewádon hig to him, Hwar
Ip is qap, Ni wait. he? Da cewep he, Ic nat. vð
13 Gatiuhand ina du Fareisaium pana 13 Hig lddon to dam Phariseon dc
saei was blinds. de dar blind wes.
IX. 1-13.] WYCLIFFE, 1380.
TYNDALE, 1526. 497
thei schulden caste in to him; sothli i at hym ; but Jesus hid
Jhesu hidde him, and wente out of the hym silfe, and
| went out of the temple. . . "T
temple Mw e je. 6

Cmar. IX. 1 And Jhesu passinge, Cuar. IX. í And as Jesus passed
8y3 a man blynd fro the birthe. by, he sawe a man which was blynde
| from his birth.
2 And his disci plis axiden him, Raby,*
| 2 And his disciples axed hym, sayinge,
who synnede, this man, or his fadir and
Master, who did synne, this man, or his
modir, that he schulde be born blynd ?
| father and mother, that he was borne
3 Jhesu answeride, Nether this man 3 Jesus answered, Nether this man
synnede, neither his fadir and moder ;
hathe synned, nor yet his father and
but that the werkis of God be schewid mother; but that the workes of God
. in hym. shulde be shewed on hym.
- 4 It bihoueth me for to worche the
4 I must worke the workes off hym
-werkis of him that sente me, the while |
that sent me, whill it is daye ; the nyght
the day is; the ny3t schal come, whanne commeth, when no man can worke.
no man may worche.
5 Hou longe I am in the world, I am 5 As longe as I am in the worlde, I am
the list of the world. the light of the worlde.
6 Whanne he hadde seid thes thingis, 6 As sone as
he spette in to erthe, and made cley of spate on the he had thus spoken, he
grounde, and made claye
he spotle, and leyde* the cley on his | of the spetle,
and rubbed the claye on
the eyes off the blynde,
- 7 And seide to him, Go, and be thou 7 And sayde vnto hym, Goo, wesshe
wayschen in the watir* of Siloe, that is the in the pole
of Siloe, which by in
nterpretid, Sent.Therfore he wente acion signifieth,
| seinge.waye, and wesshed,
and waischide, and cam seynge.
, Sent. He went
and cam agayne
S And so neizeboris, and thei that
hadden seyn hym byfore, for he was a
beggere, seiden, Wher this is not he,
| 8 The neghboures, and they that had
sene hym before, howe that he was a
begger, sayde, Is not this he, that sate,
that sat, and beggide ? and begged?
9 Othere men seiden, For this it is; 9 Some sayde, This is he; other sayd,
othere men forsothe, Nay, but it is a He is lyke hym. He hym silfe sayde,
lyk of him. Forsoth he seide, For I I am even he.
to Therfore thei seiden to him, How IO They sayde vnto hym, Howe are
ben thin y3en openyd to thee? thyne eyes openned then?
ri He answeride, The ilke man, that
11 He answered and sayde, The man,

is seid Jhesu, made cley, and anoyntide is called Jesus, made claye, and
myn ysen, and seide to me, Go thou to myne eyes, and sayd vnto
the watir! of Siloe, and waische ; and I me, Goo to the pole Siloe, and wesshe ;
wente, and waischide, and sy3. I went, and wesshed, and receaved my
12 And thei seiden to him, Wher is 12 They sayde vnto hym, Where is he?
he? He seith, I woot not. He sayde, I cannot tell.
13 Thei leden him that was blynd to | 13 Then brought they to the Pharises
the Pharisees. him that a litell before was blynde.
498 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995 (St. Jony

14 Wasuh pan sabbato, pan pata fani 14 Hit wæs reste-dæg, dá se Helend
gawaurhta lesus, yah uslauk imma worhte dat fenn, and his eagan untynde.
15 Aftra pan frehun ina yah pai Farei- 15 Eft da Pharisei hyne acsedon, hú
saicis, whaiwa ussawh. Ip is qap yeb he gæáwe. He cwæþ to him, He dyde
paim, Fani galagida mis ana augona ; fenn ofer mine eagan ; and ic pwoh, and
yah afpwob, yah saiwha. io gaze.
16 Qepun pan sumai pize Fareisaie, 15 Seme dá Pharisei cwedon, Nis des
Sa manna nist fram Guba, pande sabbate man of Gode, de reste-dæg ne hylt. Sume
daga ni witaiþ. Sumaih qepun, Whaiwa cwidon, Hi meg synful man das tacn
mag manna frawaurhts swaleikos taikn- wyrean? And hig fliton him betweonan.
ins tauyan? Yah missagiss warp mip
17 Qepunuh du pamma faurpis blindin 17 Hig ewédon eft to dam blindan,
aftra, Pu wha qipis bi pana, ei uslauk Hwæt segst dú be dam, de dine eagan
pus augona? Ip is qapuh, patei prau- untynde? He cwæþ, He is witega.
fetus ist. á
18 Ni galaubidedun þan Íudaieis bi 18 Ne gelýfdon dá Iudeas be him, det
ina, patei 3s blinds wesi, yah ussewhi, he blind were, and gesiwe, erdam de
unte atwopidedun pans fadrein is, pis hig clypodon his magas, de gesáwon. —

r9 Yah frehun ins, qipandans, Sau ist 19 And ácsodon hig, and ewædon, Ís
sa sunus izwar, panei yus qipip, patei dis eower sunu, de ge secgap, dzet blind
blinds gabaurans waurpi? whaiwa nu were ácenned ? hümeta gesyhp he na? —
saiwhip ?
20 ^ Hys magas . him andswaredon, and
20 Andhofun pan im pai fadrein is, yah \ ^

qepun, Witum, patei sa ist sunus unsar, ewsidon, We witon, det des ys ure
yah patei blinds gabaurans warp ; sunu, and Geet he wees blind ácenned ;

21 Ip whaiwa nu saiwhip, ni witum, 21 We nyton, hümeta he nú gesyhp,

aibpau whas uslauk Imma po augona, ne hwá his eagan untjnde; acsiap hine.
weis ni witum; silba uswahsans ist, ina sylfne, ylde he h:efp, sprece for hine
sylfne. l
fraihnip, silba bi sik rodyai.

22 Pata qepun pai fadrein is, unte 22 His magas spieton das ping, for-
ohtedun sis ludaiuns; yupan auk ga- dam đe hig ondrédon đa Iudeas; dà
qepun sis ludaieis, ei yabai whas ina gedihton da Iudeas, gif hwá Crist and-
-andhaihaiti Christu, utana swnagogais ette det he ware, bútan hyra gefér-
wairpai. rædene.

23 Duhpe pai berusyos is qepun, patei 23 Fordam ewædon his magas, He

aswahsans ist, silban fraihnip. heefp ylde, ácsiap hine sylfne. |
24 Atwopidedun pan anþaramma sinpa 24 D& clypedon hig eft done man, de
pana mannan, saei was blinds, yah qepun <r blind wæs, and ewædon to him, Sege
du imma, Gif hauhein Guba ; weis wit- Gode wuldor; we witon, diet he is
um, patei sa manna frawaurhts ist. synful. o
25 panuh andhof yains, Yabai fra- 25 And he cwæþ, Gif he synful is, Geet
waurhts ist, ik ni wait; þat-ain wait, ei ic nat; án ping ic wat, det ic we
blinds was, ip nu saiwha. i blind, and dæt ic nu geseo.

IX. 14-25.] WYCLIFFE, 1389.
TYNDALE, 1526. 499
14 Forsoth it was saboth, whanne Jhesu T4 Hit was the saboth daye, when
made cley, and openyde his y3en. Jesus made the claye, and opened his
15 Eft Pharisees axiden him, how he 15 Then agayne the Pharises also axed.
hadde seyn. Sothly he seide to hem, hym, howe he had receaved his sight.
He puttide to me cley on the y3en ; He sayde vnto them, He putt claye apon
and I waischide, and I se.
myne eyes ; and I wasshed, and T se.
16 Therfore summe of Pharisees seiden, 16 Then sayde some of the Pharises,
This man is not of God, for he kepith This man is not of God, be cause he
not the saboth. Othere men seyden, How kepeth not the saboth daye
may a man synnere do thes syngnyst Other
sayde, Howe can a man that is a synner
And dyuysioun was à mong hem. do suche myracles? And there was
stryfe a monge them.
17 Therfore thei seyn eftsoone to the 17 Then spake they vnto the blynde
blynd man, What seist thou of him, agayne, What sayst thou of hym, be
that openyde thin y3en? Sothli he seide, cause he hath openned thyne eyes? And
For he is a prophete. he sayd, He ys a prophet.
18 Therfore Jewis bileueden not of 18 The Iewes did nott beleve off the
him, for he was blynd, and hadde seyn, felowe, howe that he was blynde, and
til thei clepiden his fadir and modir, had receaved hys sight, vntill they had
that hadde seyn. called the father and mother off him,
that had receaved his sight.
19 And thei axiden hem, seyinge, Is 19 And they axed them, saying, Ys
this 3oure sone, whom 5e seyn, for he is this youre sonne, whome ye saye was
born blynd ! hou therfore seeth he now ? borne blynde? howe doth he nowe se
20 His fadir and modir answeriden to 20 His father and mother answered
hem, and seyden, We witen, for this is them, and sayde, We wote wele, that
oure sone, and for he is born blynd ; this is oure sonne, and that he was borne
21 Sothli how he seeth now, we witen 21 Butt by what meanes he nowe seyth,
not, or who openyde his y3en, we witen that can we nott tell, or who hath open-
nob; axe 5e him, he hath age, speke he ned his eyes, can we nott tell; he is
of him silf. olde ynough, axe hym, lett hym answer
for hym sylfe off thynges that pertayne
to hym sylfe.
22 His fadir and modir seiden thes 22 Suche wordes spake his father and
thingis, for thei dredden Jewis; forsoth mother, be cause they feared the Iewes
now the Jewis hadden conspirid, that if for the Iewes had conspyred all redy,
ony man knowlechide him Crist, he that yff eny man did confesse that he
schulde be don out of the synagoge. was Christ, he shulde be excommunica
out of the sinagoge.
23 Therfore his fadir and modir seiden, 23 Therfore sayde his father and mo-
For he hath age, axe 3e him. ther, He is olde ynough, axe hym.
24 Therfore eftsoone thei clepiden the 24 Then agayne called they the man,
man, that was blynd, and seyden to him, that was blynde, and sayd vnto hym,
3yue thou glorie to God; we witen, for Geve God the prayse; we knowe, thatt
this man is a synner. thys man ys a synner.
2 5 Therfore he seide, If he is a synner, 25 He answered and sayde, Whither
I woot not; o thing I woot, for whanne he be a synner or noo, I cannot tell ;
I was blynd, now I se, won thynge I am sure ofi, that I was
blynde, and nowe I se.
K ka

500 3OTHIQC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr.Jomw
26 pauuh qepun aftra, Wha gatawida | 26 Da cwáædon hig to him, Hwæt dyde
pus Í whaiwa uslauk pus augona *
he dé? hú ontýnde he dine eaganÍ

27 He andswarode him and cwæþ, le

27 Andhof im, Qaþ izwis yu, yah ni
hausidedup ; wha aftra wileiþ hausyan ? eow sæde ær, and ge gehyrdon; hwi
ibai yah yus wileip pamma siponyos wylle ge hyt eft gehjran! ewede ge
wairþan Í | wylle ge beon his leorning-cnihtas ?
28 Panuh lailoun imma, yah qepun, pu 28 Dá wyrigdon hig hine, and cwedon,
is siponeis pamma ; ip weis Mose sipon- Si dú his leorning-eniht; we synd
yos siyum. Moyses leorning-enihtas.
29 Weis witum, patei du Mose rodida 29 We witon, det God spsec wià Moy-
Gup ; ip pana ni kunnum, whapro ist. sen ; nyte we, hwanon des 1s.

30 Andhof sa manna, yah qaþ du im, 30 Se man andswarode, and cwæþ to

Auk in pamma sildaleik ist, patel yus ni him, Det is wundorlic, det ge nyton á
witubl whabro ist, , yah uslauk mis aug- | hwanon he is, and he untjnde mine,
eagan. (
ona. sóþlice , det God ne ge-
31 We witon
51 Witumuh þan, patei Gup frawaurht-
aim ni andhauseiþ, ak yabai whas guþ- hjrp synfulle, ac gif hwa is Gode ge-
blostreie ist, yah wilyan is tauyip, pam- coren, and his willan wyrep, done he
gehyrb. |
ma hauseip.
32 Fram aiwa ni gahausip was, patei 32 Ne gehýrde we næfre on worulde,
ustnkib whas augona blindamma ga- dæt ænig ontynde des eagan de were
bauranamma ;
blind geboren ;
32 Nik wesi sa fram Guba, ni mahtedi 33 Ne mihte des nan ping dón, gif he
tauyan ni waiht. Á nære of Gode.
34 Andhofun, yah qepun du imma, Ín 34 Hig andswaredon, and eweedon to
frawaurhtim þu gabaurans warst alls, him, Eall dú eart on synnum geborer,
yah pu laiseis unsisÍ Yah uswaurpun and dá lérst us? And hig drifon hine
ut. j
imma ut. *
35 Hausida lesus, patei uswaurpun 35 Da se Hælend gehjrde, det hig
imma ut; yah bigat ina, qapuh du im- hyne drifon út; dá cwep he to him, dà
ma, pu gaulaubeis du sunau Gups ? he hine gemitte, Gelyfst dú on Godes
sunu ? d
36 Andhof yains, yah qap, Àn whas ist, 36 He andswarode, and cwæþ, Hwyle
Frauya, ei galaubyau du imma! is, Drihten, dæt ic on hine gelyfe ?

37 Qaþ pan imma jesus, Yah gasawht 37 And se Hælend cwæþ to him, Da
ina, yah saei rodeip mip pus, sa ist. hine gesáwe, and se de wid dé sprycþ,
se hit 1s.
38 Ip is qapuh, Galaubya, Frauya. 38 Da cwæþ he, Drihten, ie gelyfe.
out Yah inwait ina. And he feoll nyder, and ge-eadmedde
39 Yah qap lesus, Du stauai, ik in 39 And se Hælend ewæþ to him, Ic
pamma fairwhau qam, ei pai unsaiwhand- com on dysne middan-eard, to démenne;
ans, saiwhaina, yah pal saiwhandans, det da sceolon geseon, de ne geseop.
blindai wairþaina. and beon blinde, da de geseop.
40 Yah hausidedun þize Fareisaie 4o Da det gehyrdon da Pharisei, d.
sumai pata, pai wisandans mip imma, mid him wæron, dá ewædon hig tc
yah qepun du imma, Íbai yah weis hym, Cwyst da synd we blinde?
blindai siyum? "
41 Qap im lesus, Ip blindai weseip, ni 41 And se Hælend cwzep to him, Gi
IX. 26-41.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 501
26 Therfore thei seiden to him, What 26 Then sayde they to him agayne,
dide he to thee? how openyde he thin What did he to the? howe opened he
ysen? thyne eyes ?
27 He answeride to hem, I seide to 27 He answered them, I tolde you yer-
30u now, and 3e herden ; what wolen 3e whyle, and ye did nott heare ; wherfore
eftsoone heere? wher and 3e wolen be wolde ye heare ytt agayne? wyll ye
maad his disciplist alsoo be hys disciples?
28 Therfore thei wariden* him, and 28 Then rated they hym, and sayde,
seiden, Be thou his disciple; we ben Thou arte hys disciple; we are Moses
disciplis of Moyses. disciples.
29 We witen, for God spak to Moyses ; 29 We are sure, that God spake wyth
forsoth we witen nost this, of whennis Moses ; thys felowe we knowe not, from
he is. whence he ys.
3o The ilke man answeride, and seide ' 30 The man answered, and sayde
to hem, Forsoth in this thing is wonder- them, This is à merveleous thynge, that
ful, that 3e witen not of whennis he is, ye wote nere whence he is, and yet
and he hath opened myn y3en. he openned myne eyes.
31 Sothli we witen, for God heerith 31 We knowe wele ynought, that God
„not synneris, but if ony man is wor- heareth noo synners, but yf eny man be
shiper of God, and doth his wille, hym a worshipper of God, and do what his
he heerith. will is, him heareth he.
32 Fro the world it is not herd, that 2 Sence the worlde began was it nott
ony man openyde the y3en of a blynd herde, that eny man openned the eyes
_ born man; off won that was borne blind ;
* 33 No but this were of God, he my3te 33 If this man were not of God, he
not do ony thing. coulde have done noo thynge.
34 Thei answeriden, and seiden to 34 They answered, and sayd vnto him,
him, Thou art al boren in synnes, and Thou arte altogedder borne in synne,
techist thou vs? And thei castiden out and dost thou teache vs? And they cast
him. hym out.
35 Jhesu herde, for thei han cast out 35 Jesus herde, that they had excom-
him; and whanne he hadde founden municate him ; and as sone as he had
him, he seide to him, Bileuest thou in founde hym, he sayd vnto hym, Doest
to the sone of God ? thou beleve on the sonne of God?
36 He answeride, and seide, Lord, who 36 He answered, and sayde, And who
is he, that I bileue in to him? ys yt, Lorde, that I myght beleve on.
| hym?
. 37 And Jhesu seide to him, And thou 37 And Jesus sayde vnto hym, Thou
hast seyn bim, and he it is, that spekith bast both sene hym, and he it is, thai
with thee. talketh with the
38 And he seide, Lord, I bileue. And 38 And he sayde, Lorde, I beleve.
he fallinge doun, worshipide him. . .... And worshipped hym.
39 Therfore Jhesu seide to him, I cam 39 Jesus sayde, I am come vnto iudge-
in to this world, in to dom, that thei ment, into this worlde, that they which
that seen not, se, and thei that seen, se nott, myght se, and they which se,
be maad blynde. myght be made blynde.
_ 40 And summe of the Pharisees herden, 40 And some off the Pharises, whych
that weren with him, and thei seiden to were wyth hym, herde these wordes,
him, Wher and we ben blynde? and sayde vnto hym, Are we then
blynde ?
41 Jhesu seide to hem, If 3e weren 41 Jesus sayde vnto them, Yf ye were
E k
. i
GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [9r. Joux
pau habaidedeip frawaurhtais; ip nu ge blinde wæron, næfde ge náne synne ;
aipip, Datei gasaiwham, eipan frawaurhts nú ge secgap, det ge geseon, det is
izwara pairhwisip. eowre syn.

Cuar. X. tr Sóp, je secge eow, se

Cuar. X. x Amen, amea, qipa izwis,
saei inn ni atgaggip paizhdaur in gardan de ne gæþ æt dam geate into sceapa
lambe, ak steigip alyapro, sab. hliftus ist falde, ac styhp elles ofer, he is peof and
yah waidedya. sceaba.

2 Tb sa inngaggsnds bairb daur, haird- 2 Se de in-gæþ æt dam geate, he is -

eis ist lambe. sceapa hyrde. ‘
3 Þammuh daurawards uslukip, yah þo 3 Dene se geat-weard læt in, and da .
lamba stibnai ïs hausyand, yah bo swe- sceap gehyrap his stefne, and he nemp á
sona lamba haitip bi namin, yah ustiuhip his ágene sceap be naman, and læt hig -
ut. |
4 Yah pan po swesona ustiuhip, faura 4 And donne he bis ágene sceap læt
im gaggiþ, yah po lamba ina laistyand; út, he gæþ befóran him, and da sceap -
unte kunnun stibna is. him fyliap; fordam de hig gecnáwap |
his stefne. d
g Ne fyliaþ hig uncúðum, ac fleop fram
5 Ip framapyana ni laistyand, ak pliuh-
him ; fordam de hig ne gecneowon un-
and faura imma ; unte ni kunnun pize Á
framapyane stibna. Á cüdra stefne.
6 po gayukon qaþ im lesus; ip yainai 6 Dis bigspell se Hælend him sæde;
hig nyston hwæt he spree to him.
ni fropun wha was patei rodida du im.

7 Panuh qap aftra du im lesus, Amen, 7 Eft se Hælend cwæþ to him, Sóp, ie
amen, qiþa izwis, patei ik im daur pize eow secge, ic eom sccapa geat.
8 Allai swa managai swe qemun, piubos 8 Ealle da de comon, weron peofas”
sind yah waidedyans, akei ni hausidedun and sceapan, ac da sceap hig ne ge-
im po lamba. hyrdon. 3
9 ik im pata daur. pairh mik yabai 9 Ic eom geat. Swá hwyle swa purh
whas inngaggip, ganisip ; yah inngaggiþ, me g&p, byþ hál; and gæþ in, and út,
yah utgaggip, yah winya bigitip. and fint læse.

1o Piubs ni qimip, nibai ei stilai, yah 10 Peof ne cymp, büton det he stele,
ufsneipai, yah fraqistyai ; ip ik qam, ei and sled, and fordó ; ic com, to dam
libain aigeina, yah managizo aigeina. dæt hig habbon lif, and habbon genôh.*

1I lk ïm hairdeis gods; hairdeis sa 11 Ic eom gód hyrde ; god hyrde sylp

goda saiwala seina lagyip faur lamba. his lif for his sceapum.

12 lp asneis, yah saei nist hairdeis, 12 Se hyra, se de nis hyrde, and se

þizei ni sind lamba, swesa gasaiwhip de nah da sceap, donne he done wulf
wulf qimandan, yah bileipip paim lambam, gesyhp, donne flyhp he, and forlæt da
yah pliuhip; yah sa wulfs frawilwip po, sceap ; and se wulf nimp, and todrifp da
yah distahyip po lamba. sceap.

12 lb sa asneis afpliuhip, 2 unte asneis 13 Se hyra flyhp, fordam de he bip

X. 1-13.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 503
blynde, 3e schulden not haue synne; | blynde, ye shulde have noo synne ; but
but now 3e seyn, For we seen, 5oure nowe ye saye, We se, therfore youre
synne dwellith. synne remayneth.

Cuar. X. 1 Treuli, treuli, I seie to Cuar. X. 1 Uerely, verely, I saye

30u, he that. cometh not in by the dore vnto you, whosoever entreth not in by
in to the fold of the scheep, but stizeth the dore into the shepe folde, but clym-
vp by another weye, is ny3t thef and eth vppe some other waye, he is a thefe
day thef. and a robber.
2 Forsothe he that entrith by the dore, 2 He thatt goeth in by the dore, is thc
is the schepherde of the scheep. shepheerde of the shepe.
3 To this the porter openeth, and the 3 To this man the porter openueth the
scheep heeren his vois, and he clepith dore, and the shepe heare hys voyce,
his owne scheep by name, and ledith and he calleth hys awne shepe by name,
out hem. and leadeth them out.
4 And whanne he hath sent out his 4 Ànd when he hath sent forthe hys
owne seheep, he goth bifore hem, and awne shepe, he goeth before them, and
the scheep suwen him ; for thei knowen the shepe folowe hym ; for they knowe
his vois. hys voyce.
5 Sothli thei suwen not an alien, but 5 A straunger they will nott folowe,
fleen fro him ; for thei han not knowen butt wyll flye from hym ; for they knowe
_ the voys of alyens. nott the voyce of straungers.
6 Jhesu seide to hem this prouerbe ; 6 This manner of sayinge spake Jesus
- forsoth thei knewen not what he spak vnto them ; and they vnderstode nott
to hem. what thynges they were whych he spake
vnto them.
7 Therfore Jhesu seide to hem eftsoone, 7 Then sayde Jesus vnto them agayne,
Treuli, treuli, I seie to 30u, for I am the Verely, verely, I saye vnto you, thatt I
dore of the scheep. am the dore of the shepe.
8 Alle how manye euere camen, ben 8 All even as many as cam before me,
ny3t theues and day theues, but the are theves and robbers, but the shepe
scheep herden not hem. | did not heare them.
9 I am the dore. If ony man schal 9 I am the dore. By me yf eny man
entre by me, he schal be saued ; and enter in, he shalbe safe ; and shall goo
he schal go yn, and schal go out, and in, and out, and fynde pasture.
he schal fynde lesewis. i
to A nist theef cometh not, no but ro The thefe commeth not, but for to
that he stele, and sle, and leese ; I cam, steale, and kyll, and destroye ; I cam,
that thei haue lyf, and haue more plen- that they myght have lyfe, and have yt
teuously. more aboundantly.
ir I am a good schepherde ; a good 11 Í am a goode shepheerd ; a goode
schepherde 3yueth his soulet for his shepheerd geveth his lyfe for his shepe.
. 12 Forsoth a marchaunt,* and that is 12 An heyred servaunt, which is not
not schepherde, whos ben not the scheep the shepheerd, nether the shepe are his
his owne, seeth a wolf comynge, and he awne, seith the wolfe commynge, and
leeueth! the scheep, and fleeth ; and the leveth the shepe, and flyeth ; and the
wolf rauyschith, and disparplitht the wolfe catcheth, and scattereth the shepe.
13 Forsoth the marchaunt fleeth, for 13 The heyred servaunt flyeth, be cause

504 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Jons
ist, yah ni kar-ist ina pize lambe. áhýrod, and him ne gebyrak to dam
14 Ik im hairdeis sa goda, yah kann 14 le eom gód hyrde, and ie gecnáwe
meina, yah kunnun mik po meina, mine sceap, and hig gecnáwaþ me.

15 Swaswe kann mik atta, yah ik kann 15 Swá min fæder can me, ic can
attan ; yah saiwala meina lagya faur po minne feeder; [and ie sylle min agen
Jamba. lif for minum sceapum].*
16 Yah anpara lamba aih, poei ni sind 16 And ie hæbbe ódre sceap, da ne
bis awistris, yah po skal briggan, yah synd of disse heorde, and hit gebyrap
stibnos meinaizos hausyand; yah wairp- d:et ic lade da, and hig gehyrap mine
and ain awepi ains hairdeis. stefne ;and hyt byp án heord and án
17 Duhpe atta mik friyop, unte ik 17 Fordam fæder me lufap, fordam de
lagya saiwala meina, ei aftra nimau po. ie sylle mine sáwle, and hig eft nime.

18 Ni whashun nimip po af [mis, akei 18 Ne nimp hig nin man æt me, ac

ik lagya po af]' mis silbin. Waldufni lete hig fram me sylfum. Ie hæbbe
haba aflagyan po, yah waldufni haba anweald mine sáwle to álætanne, and
aftra niman po. po anabusn nam at ie hæbbe anweald hig eft to nimanne.
attin meinamma. Dis bebod ic nam æt minum feeder. MM


19 panuh missaqiss alge warp mip 19 Eft wes ungepwernes geworden

Íudaium in pize waurde. betwyx dam Iudeum for dysum spræc-
20 Qepunuh managai ize, Unhulpon 20 Manega hira eweédon, Deofol is on
habaip, y ah dwalmop ;wha pamma haus- him, and he wét ; hwi hlyste ge him?
eip ? In

21 Sumaih qeþun, Po waurda ni sind 21 Sume ewiédon, Ne synd ná dis

anhulpon habandins. lbai mag unhulpo wódes mannes word. Cwyst du meg
blindaim augona uslukan? wód man blindra manra eagan ontyn-
an! t
22 Warp pan inniuyipa in Íairusaul- 22 Da wærontempl- -halgunga on Hieru-
wmai, yah wintrus was. salem, and hit wees winter.

23 Yah wharboda lesus in alh, in 23 And se Hælend eode on dam temple,

ubizwai Saulaumonis. a on Salomones portice.
24 panuh birunnun ina ludaieis, yah 24 ba bestódon da Iudeas hyne útan,
qepun du imma, Und wha saiwala uns- and cwædon to him, Hu lange gælst du
ara hahis? yabai pu siyais Christus, Gre lif? sege us openlice, hwæðer du
qip unsis andaugiba. Crist sy.
.25 Andhof lesus, Qap izwis, yah ni 25 Se Hælend him andswarode and |
galaubeip; waurstwa poei ik tauya in cweep, le spece to eow, and ge ne ge-
namin attins meinis, po weitwodyand bi ljfap; da weorc de ie wyrce on mines
mik. feeder naman, da cydap gewitnesse be
26 Akei yus ni galaubeip, unte ni siyup 26 Ac ge ne gelyfap, fordam de ge
lambe meinaize, swaswe qap izwis. ne synd of minum sceapum....
27 Lamba meina stibnai meinai haus- 27 Mine sceap gehyrap mine stefne,
yand, yah ik kann po, yah laistyand and ic gecnáwe hig, and hig folgiap me. "

28 Yah ik libain aiweinon giba im, 28 And ie him sylle éce lif, and hig
yah ni fraqistnand aiw, yah ni frawilwip ne forwurdap næfre, and ne nimp hig
X. 14-28.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 505
he is a marchaunt, and it perteyneth he is an heyred servaunt, and careth not
not to him of the scheep. for the shepe.
I4 l am a good schepherde, and I I4 I am that goode shepheerd, and
knowe my scheep, and my scheep knowen knowe my shepe, and am knowen of
me. myne.
15 Ás my fadir hath knowun me, aud 15 As my father knoweth me, even soo
I knowe the fadir; and I putte my lyf knowe I my father ; and I geve my sylfe
ior my scheep. for my shepe.
16 And I haue othere scheep, that ben 16 And other shepe I have, which are
not of this folde, and it bihoueth me not off this folde, them also must I
for to leede hem to, and thei schulen bringe, and they shall heare my voyce ;
heere my vois; and it schal be maad o and there shalbe won flocke and won
fold and o schepherde. shepheerde.
17 Therfore the fadir loueth me, for I 17 Therfore doth my father love me,
putte my soule, that eftsoone I take it. be cause I put my lyfe from me, that
I myght take it agayne.
18 No man takith it fro me, but I 18 No man taketh it from me, butt I
putte it fro my silf. I haue power for put ytt away off my sylfe. I have power
. to putte it, and I haue power for to take to put it from me, and power I have to
it eftsoone. This maundement I haue take it agayne. Thys commaundment
take of my fadir. have I receaved of my father.
19 And so dissencioun was maad 19 Agayne there was dissencion amonge
among the Jewis for thes wordis. the lewes for these sayinges.

20 Forsoth manye of hem seiden, He 20 And many of them sayd, He hath

hath a deuel, and maddith ;* what heeren the devyll, and is madde ; why heare ye
3e him? hym ?
21 Othere men seiden, Thes wordis 21 Other sayde, These are nott the
beth not of a man hauynge a fend. wordes off hym that hath the devyll.
Wher a deuel may opene the y3en of Can the devyll open the eyes off the
blynde men? blynde ? j
22 Forsothe newe feestis of halwing of 22 Hit was at Jerusalem the feaste of
the temple ben maad in Jerusalem, and the dedicacion, and itt was wynter.
it was wyntir.
23 And Jhesu walkide in the temple, 23 And Jesus walked .. . in Solomons
in the porche of Salomon. hall. i
24 Therfore Jewis enyyrowneden him, 24 Then cam the Iewes rounde aboute
and seiden to him, Hou longe dost thou hym, and sayde vnto hym, Howe longe
. a wey oure soule? if thou ert Crist, seie dost thou make vs doute? yff thou be
to vs opynly. Chryst, tell vs playnly.
25 Jhesu answeride to hem, I speke to 25 Jesus answered them, I tolde you,
30u, and 5e bileuen not; the workis that and ye beleve nott; the workes that I
I do in the name of my fadir, thes beren do in my fathers name, beare witnes off
witnessing of me. me.

26 But and 3e bileuen not, for 5e ben 26 Dutt ye beleve not, because ye are
not of my scheep. . . .. not of my shepe, as I sayde vnto you.
27 My scheepe heeren my vois, and I 27 My shepe heare my voyce, and I
knowe hem, and thei suen me. knowe them, and they folowe me.

28 And I 3yue to hem euerelasting lyf, 28 And I geve vnto them eternall lyfe,
and thei schulen not perische in to with and they shall never perisshe, nether
506 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Joun
whashun po us nandau meinai. nán man of minre handa.

29 Atta meins patei fragaf mis, maizo 29 Det de min feder me sealde, is
allaim ist; yah ni aiw ainshun mag marre donne ænig oder ping ; and ne
frawilwan po us handau attins meinis. mæg hit nán man niman of mines feeder
3o Ik yah atta meins ain siyu.. 30 Ie and fæder synd an.
31 Nemun aftra stainans pai ludaieis, 31 Da Iudeas námon stánas, det hig
ei waurpeina ana ina. woldon hyne torfian. 3
32 Andhof im lesus, Managa goda 32 Se Hælend him andswar<de and
waurstwa ataugida izwis us attin mein- ewæþ, Manega góde weore ie eow æt-
amma, in wharyis pize waurstwe staineiþ eowde be minum feeder, for hwyleum
mik ? . N üsra weorca wylle ge me hænan Í
33 Andhofun imma pai ludaieis, lu 33 Da Iudeas him andswaredon and |
godis waurstwis ni stainyam puk, ak in ewedon, Ne hæne we dé for godum
wayamereins, yah patei pu, manna wis- weoree, ac for dinre bysmer-spæce, and
ands, tauyis puk silban du Gupa. fordam de dá eart man, and wyrest dé
to Gode.
34 Andhof im lesus, Niu ist gamelip 34 Se Hælend him andswarode and |
in witoda izwaramma, lk qap, Guda cwæþ, Hú nys hit áwriten on eowre æ,
siyup ! Det ic sede, Ge synd godas!
35 Yabai yainans qap guda, du paimei 35 Gif he da tealde godas, de Godes
waurd Gups warp, yah ni maht ist ga- spæc to wes geworden, and det hálige
tairan pata gamelido, gewrit ne meg beon awend,

36 Panei atta gaweihaida, yah insand- 36 De feder gehálgode, and sende on

ida in pana fairwhu, yus qipip, patei middan-eard, ge secgap, Det dú bysmer
wayameryau, unte qap, Sunus Gups im ? spyest, fordam ic sæde, Ie eom Godes
sunu ?
37 Niba tauyau waurstwa attins meinis, 37 Gif ie ne wyrce mines feeder weore, |
ni galaubeip mis ; ne gelyfap me ; M$

38 lp yabai tauyau, niba mis galaub- 38 Gif ic wyrce mines fæder weorc,
yaip, paim waurstwam galaubyaip; ei and gif ge me nellap gelyfan, gelyfab
ufkunnaip yah galaubyaip, patei in mis dam weorcum ; det ge oncnawon and
atta, yah ik in imma. gelyfon, det feeder ys on me, and ie on
39 Sokidedun ina aftra gafahan, yah 39 Hig smeadon witodlice ymbe det
usiddya us handum ize. hig woldon hine gefon, and he eode út
fram him. i
40 Yah galaip aftra ufar laurdanu, in 40 And he for eft ofer lordanen, to
pana stad parei was lohannes frumist deere stówe de Iohannes wees and ærest
daupyands, yah salida yainar. on fullode, and he wunode deer. Á
41 Yah managai qemun at imma, yah 41 And manega comon to him, and
qepun, patei lohannes gatawida taikne ewædon, Witodlice ne worhte Iohannes
ni ainohun ; ip allata patei qap lohannes nan tácn; ealle da ping de lohannes
bi pana, sunya was. sæde be dyssum, wæron sópe.
42 Yah galaubidedun managai du imma 42 And manega gelyfdon on hyne.

Cuar. XL í Wasuh pan sums siuks, Cuar. XI. fr Witodlice sum seoc
X. 29-XI. 1.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 507
outen ende, and ony man schal not shall eny man plucke them out off my
rauysche hem of myn hond. honde.
29 That thing that my fadir 3af to me, 29 My father wich gave them me, is
is more than alle ; therfore no man may greatter then all men; and no man is
rauysche fro my fadris hond. able to take them out off my fathers
30 I and the fadir ben o thing. 30 And I and my father are one.
31 Jewis token vp stoones, for to stoone 31 Then the Iewes agayne toke vppe
^ hym to the deeth. stones, to stone hym with all.
32 Jhesu answeride to hem, I haue 32 Jesus answered them, Many goode
Schewid to 30u manye goode werkis of workes have I shewed you from my
my fadir, for which werk of hem stoonen father, for which off them wyll ye stone
3e me? me?
33 The Jewis answeriden to him, We 33 The Iewes answered hym, sayinge,
stoonen not thee of good work, but of For thy goode workes sake we stone the
blasphemye, and for thou, sithen thou not, but for thy blasphemy, and be
art à man, makist thi silf God. cause that thou, beinge a man, makest
thy silfe God.
34 Jhesu answeride to hem, Wher it is 34 Jesus answered them, Is it not
not writun in 5oure lawe, For I seide, written in youre lawe, I have sayde, Ye
3e ben goddis? are goddes ?
35 If he seide hem goddis, to whiche 35 Yf he called them goddes, vnto
the word of God is maad, and the scrip- whom the worde of God was spoken,
ture, which the fadir halwide, and sente and the scripture can nott be broken,
i. to the world, may not be vndon,
36 And se seyn, for I blaspheme, for I 36 Saye ye then to hym, whom the
seide, I am Goddis sone 1 father hath sanctified, and sent into the
worlde, Thou blasphemest, because I
sayd, I am the sonne of God 1
37 If I do not the workis of my fadir, 37 Yf I do not the workes off my
nyle 3e bileue to me; father, beleve me not ;
38 Sothli if I do, thou3 3e wolen not 38 Butt... though ye beleue not
bileue to me, bileue 3e to the workis ; me, yett beleve the workes; that ye
that 3e knowe and bileue, for the fadir maye knowe and beleve, that the father
is in me, and I in the fadir. is in me, and I in hym.
39 Therfore thei sousten for to take 39 Agayne they went aboute to take
him, and he wente out of her hondis. hym, but he escaped out of their hondes.

40 And he wente eftsoone ouer Jordan, 40 Ánd went awaye agayne beyonde
in to that place where John was first Jordan, into the place where Jhon be-
baptisinge, and he dwelte there. fore had baptised, and there aboode.
41 And manye camen to him, and 41 And many resorted vnto hym, and
seiden, Forsoth John dide no signe ;! sayd, Jhon did no miracle ; butt all
forsothe alle thingis what euere John thynges that Jhon spake of this man,
seide of this, weren sothe. are true.
— 42 And many bileueden in to him. 42 And there many beleved on hym.

Cuar. XI. í Forsothe ther was sum Cuap. XL 1 A certayne man was
508 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sz. Jony
Lazarus af Bepanias, us haimai Maryins man wes, genemned Lazarus of Bethania,
yah Marþins, swistrs Yzos. of Marian ceastre and of Marthan, his
2 Wasuh pan Marya, soei salboda 2 Hit wees seô Maria, de smýrede
Frauyan balsana, yah biswarb fotuns Drihten mid dere sealfe and drigde
is skufta seinamma, pizozei bropar Laz- his fét mid hyre loccum, Lazarus hyre
arus siuks was. bróder wees ge-yfelod.
3 lnsandidedun pan pos swistryus is His swustra sendon to him, and
du imma, qiþandeins, Frauya, sai! panei ewædon, Drihten, nú! is seoc, se de du
friyos, siuks ist. lufast.
4 1p is gahausyands qap, So siukei nist 4 Da se Hælend det gehyrde, da ewaep
du daupau, ak in hauheinais Gups, ei he to him, Nys deos untrumnys na for
hauhyaidau sunus Guþs pairh pata. deape, ac for Godes wuldre, dæt Godes
sunu sig gewuldrod purh hyne. |
g Friyoduh þan Íesus Marpan, yah 5 Sóþlice se Hælend lufode Marthan,
swistar izos, yah Lazaru. and hyre swustor Marian, and Lazarum
hyra broder.
6 Swe hausida, patei siuks was, panuh 6 Witodlice he wes twegen dagas on
pan salida in pammei was stada twans dere sylfan stówe, dà he gehyrde, det
dagans. he seoc wes.
7 Paproh pan afar pata qàp du sipon- 7 /Efter dyssum he cwæþ to his leorning-
yam, Gaggam in Tudaian aftra. cnihtum, Uton faran eft to Iudea lande.
8 Qepun du imma jai siponyos, Rab- 8 His leorning-enihtas ewædon to him,
bei, nu sokidedun puk afwairpan stainam Láreow, nú da Iudeas sóhton dé det
Íudaieis, yah aftra gaggis yaind! hig woldon dé hænan, and wylt da eft :
faran dyder?
9 Andhof Íesus, Niu twalif sind wheilos 9 Se Hælend him andswarode and
dagis ? Yabai whas gaggip in dag, ni ewæþ, Hú ne synd twelf tida dees dægesÍ
gastiggqip, unte liuhap pis fairwhaus ga- Gif hwá gæþ on dæg, ne æt-spyrnþ he,
salwhip. forðam he gesyhþ dyses middan-eardes
to Appan yabai whas gaggip in naht, ro Gif he gæþ on niht, he æt-spyrnþ,
gastigeqip, unte liuhad nist in imma. fordam de deet leoht nis on hyre. l

11 Po qap, yah afar pata qipip du im, 11 Das ping he cwæþ, and syddan he
Lazarus, friyonds unsar, gasaizlep, akei cwæþ to him, Lazarus, tire freond, slæpþ,
gaggam ei uswakyau ina. ac ic wylle gan and awreccan hyne of
12 Panuh qepun pai siponyos is, Frauya, 12 His leorning-enihtas ewedon, Driht-
yabai slepip, hails wairpip. en, gif he slæpp, he byþ hal.
13 Qapuh pan lesus bi daupu is; ip 13 Se Hælend hit cwæþ be his deape ;
yainai hugidedun, patei is bi slep qepi. hi wéndon sóplice, det he hyt sade be
swefnes slæpe.
14 Danuh pan qap du im lesus swi- 14 Da cwæþ se Hælend openlice to
kunpaba, Lazarus gaswalt ; him, Lazarus ys dead ;
15 Yah fagino in izwara, ei galaub- 15 And ic eom blipe for eowrum ping-
yaip, unte ni was yainar; akei gaggam um, det ge gelyfon, fordam ic næs dara ;
du imma. ac uton gin to him.

16 panuh qap pomas, saei haitada 16 Da cwep Thomas ..... to hys

Didimus, paim gahlaibam seinaim, Gagg- geférum, Uton gan, and sweltan mid
am yah weis, ei gaswiltaima mip imma. him.
XI. 2-16.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 509
syk man, Lazarus of Bethanye, of the | sicke, named Lazarus of Bethania, the
eastel of Mary and Martha, his sistris. | toune off Mary, and her sister Martha.

2 Forsoth Mary it was, which anoyntide 2 It was that Mary, which annoynted
the Lord with oynement, and wipte his Tae with oyntment, and wept his fete
feet with hir heeris, whos brother Laza- with her heere, whose brother Lazarus
rus was syk. was sicke.
3 Therfore his sistris senten to him, 3 And his sister sent vnto hym, say-
seyinge, Lord, lo! he whom thou louest, inge, Lorde, behold! he whom thou
is syk. lovest; is sicke.
4 Forsoth Jhesu heeringe seide to hem, 4 When Jesus that herde he sayd, This
This sicknesse is not to the deeth, but infirmite is not vnto deth, but for the
for the glorie of God, that Goddis sone laude of God, that the sonne off God
be glorified bi it. myght be praysed by the reason of it.
5 Sothli Jhesu louede Martha, and hir 5 Jesus loved Martha, and her sister,
sistir Marye, and Lazarus. and Lazarus.

6 'Therfore as Jhesu herde, for he was 6 After he herde, thatt he was sicke,
syk, thanne sothli he dwellide in the then aboode he two dayes still in the
same place tweye dayes. same place where he was.
7 Therof aftir thes thingis he seide to 7 Then after that sayd he to his dis-
his disciplis, Go we eft in to Judee. ciples, Let vs goo into Iewry agayne.
S Disciplis seyen to him, Raby,’ now 8 His disciples sayde vnto hym, Master,
the Jewis sousten for to stoone thee, the Lewes lately sought meanes to stone
and eft thou gost thidur? the, and wilt thou goo thither agayne?

9 Jhesu answeride, Wher ther ben not 9 Jesus answered, Are there not twelve
twelue ouris of the day? If ony man houres in the daye? Yf a man walke
schal wandre in the day, he hirtith not, in the daye, he stombleth not, because
for he seeth the li3t of this world. he seith the light of this worlde.

10 Sothli if he schal wandre in the 10 Yi a man walke in the nyght, he

nyst, he hirtith, for lit is not in him. stombleth, be cause there is no light in
. 11 He seith thes thingis, and aftir thes rr This sayd he, and after that he
thingis he seith to hem, Lazarus, oure sayde vnto them, Oure frende Lazarus
frend, slepith, but I go for to reyse him slepeth, but I goo to wake hym outt of
fro slepe. slepe.
12 Therfore his disciplis seiden, Lord, 12 Then sayde his disciples, Lorde, iff
if he slepith, he schal be saf. he slepe, then shall he do wele ynough.
13 Forsothe Jhesu hadde seid of his 13 Jesus spake of his deeth ; but they
deeth ; but thei gessiden, that he seide thought, that he had spoken of the
of the slepinge of sleep. naturall slepe.
14 Thanne therfore Jhesu seide to hem 14 Then sayde Jesus vnto them playnly,
opynli, Lazarus is deed ; Lazarus is deed ;
15 And I enioye for 30u, that se be- 15 And I am gladde for youre sakes,
leue, for I was not there; but go we that I was not there, be cause ye maye
to him. beleve; neverthelesse let vs goo vnto
16 Therfore Thomas, that is seid Didy- 16 Then sayde Thomas, which is called
mus, seide to euen disciplis, puo go we, Didimus, vnto the disciples, Let vs also
that we deye with him. goo, that we maye deye with him,
510 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. St. Joun
17 Qimands pan lesus, bigat ina yu- | 17 Da fór se Hælend, and gemétte
pan fidwor dagans habandan in hlaiwa. det he wes forp-faren, and for feower
| dagum bebyrged.
^18 Wasuh pan Beþania newha Íairu- 18 Bethania ys gehende Hierusalem,
saulwmiam, swaswe ana spaurdim fimf- ofer fyftyne furlang.
taihunim. A
19 Yah managai ludaie gaqemun bi 19 Manega dara Tudea comon to Mar-
Marpan yah Maryan, ei gaprafstidedeina than and to Marian, det hig woldon hi
iyos bi pana bropar izo. fréfrian for hyra brodor pingum.
.20 lp Marpa sunsei hausida, patei 20 Da Martha gehyrde, det se Hælend
lesus qimip, wipraiddya ina ; ip Marya com, dá arn heo ongean hyne; and
in garda sat. Maria sæt æt hám.
21 Panuh qap Marpa du Íesua, Frauya, 21 Da cwæþ Martha to dam Hælende,
ip weseis her, ni pau gadaupnodedi brop- Drihten, gif dú wære hér, nære mín
ar meins. bróðor dead.
22 Akei yah nu wait, ei piswhah pei 22 And eac ie wit nú dá, det God dé
bidyis Gup, gibip pus Gup. sylþ, swá hwæt swa da hyne bitst.
23 Qap izai lesus, Usstandip bropar 23 Ðá cwæþ se Hælend to hyre, Din
peins. bródor árist.
24 Qap du imma Marpa, Wait, patei 24 And Martha cwæþ to him, Ic wat,
usstandip in usstassai in pamma sped- dæt he árist on dam ytemestan dæge.
istin daga. | n
25 Qap pan Lesus, Ik im so usstass yah 25 And se Helend cwæþ to hyre, Ie
libains ; saei galaubeip du mis, pauh ga- eom ærýst and lif; se de gelyfp on me,
ba-daupnip,* libaid; deah he dead sy, he leofap ;

2% Yah whazuk saei libaip, yah ga- 26 And ne swylt nán dara, de leofap,
tanbeip du mis, ni gadaupnip aiw. Ga- and gelýfþ on me. Geljfst dú dyses?
!subeis pata?
77 Qap imma, Yai, Frauya, ik galaub- 27 Heo cwæþ to him, Witodlice, Driht- |
‘da, patei pu is Christus, sunus Gups, en, ic gelyfe, det dú eart Crist, Godes
sn in pana fairwhu qimanda. sunu, de on middan-eard come.

28 Yah pata qipandei, galaip, yah wop- 28 And dá heo das ping sæde, heo
ida Maryan, swistar seina, piubyo, qipand- eode, and clypode, d'gollice, Marian, hyre -
ei, Laisareis qam, yah haitip puk. swustor, dus cwedende, Hér is úre
lareow, and clypap ðe.
29 lp yaina, sunsei hausida, urrais 29 Da heo det gehyrde, heo aras rade,
sprauto, yah iddya du imma. and com to him.
30 Nip-pan nauhpanuh qam Íesus in 30 Da gyt ne com se Hælend binnan
weihsa, ak was nauhpanuh in pamma da ceastre, ac wes da gyt on dere
stada, parei gamotida imma Marpa. stowe, der Martha him ongean com,
31 Íudaieis pan pai wisandans mip izai 31 Da Iudeas de weron mid hyre on
im garda, prafstyandans iya, gasaiwhand- húse, and hi fréfrodon, dá hig gesawon,,
ans Maryan, patei sprauto usstop, yah det Maria árás, and mid ófeste üt-eode
usiddya, iddyedunuh afar izai, qipand- hig, fyligdon hyre, dus cwedende, Heo:
ans, Datei gaggip du hlaiwa, ei greitai gæþ to his byrgene, dzet heo wépe dara.
.32 lp Marya, sunsei qam parei was 32 Da Maria com dar se Hælend wses, -
lesus, gasaiwhandei ina draus imma du and heo hine geseah, heo feoll to his
fotum, qipandei du imma, Frauya, ip fótum, and cwæþ to him Drihten, gif
XL 17-32.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 511
17 And so Jhesu cam, and fond him 17 Then went Jesus, and founde that
hauynge now foure dayes in the graue. he had lyne in his grave foure dayes
18 Sothli Bethanye was bisydis Jeru- 18 Bethani was neye vnto Jerusalem,
salem, as fiftene furlongis. aboute .xv. furlonges of.
19 Forsothe manye of Jewis camen to I9 And many of the Iewes cam to
Marie and Martha, for to comforte hem Martha and Mary, to conforte them over
of her brother. their brother.
20 Therfore as Martha herde, for Jhesu 20 Martha as sone as she herde, that
cam, she renneth to him; Marie for- Jesus was commynge, went and met
sothe sat at hom. hym ; Mary sate stille at home.
21 Therfore Martha seide *o Jhesu, 21 Then sayde Martha vnto Jesus,
Lord, if thou haddist be here, my bro- Lorde, yff thou haddest bene her, my
ther hadde not be deed. brother had not bene deed.
22 But and now I woot, that what 22 But neverthelesse I knowe, that
euere thingis thou schalt axe of God, whatsoever thou axest of God, God will
God schal 3yue to. thee. geve it the.
23 Jhesus seith to hir, Thi brother 23 Jesus sayde vnto her, Thy brother
Schal ryse a3en. shall ryse agayne.
24 Martha seith to him, I woot, for he 24 Martha sayde vnto hym, I knowe
schal ryse a3en in the azenrysing in the wele, he shall ryse agayne in the resur-
laste day. reccion att the last daye.
25 Jhesu seith to hir, I am asenrisyng 25 Jesus sayde vnto her, I am the
and lyf; he that bileueth in me, 5he, if resurreccion and lyfe ; whosoever be-
he schal be deed, schal lyue ; leveth on me, ye, though he were deed,
yet shall he lyve;
26 And ech that lyueth, and bileueth 26 And whosoever liveth, and beleveth
in me, schal not deie with outen ende. on me, shall never deye. Belevest thou
. Bileuyst thou this thing? this ?
27 She seith to him, Forsothe,t Lord, 27 She sayde vnto hym, Ye, Lorde, I
I haue bileuyd, for thou art Crist, the beleve, thatt thou arte Christ, the sonne
sone of quyk God, that hast come in to off God, which shall come in to the
this world. worlde.
28 And whanne she hadde seide this 28 And as sone as she soo had sayde,
thing, she wente, and clepide Marie, hir she went her waye, and called her sister,
sistir, in silence,” seyinge, The maistir secretly, sayinge, The master is come,
cometh, and clepith thee. and calleth for the.
29 She, as she herde, roos anon, and 29 She, as sone as she herde thatt,
eam to him. arose quickly, and cam vnto hym.
30 Sothli Jhesu cam not sit in to the 30 Jesus was not yet come into the
castel, but he was 3it in that place, wher toune, but was in the place, where
Martha hadde comen a3ens him. Martha mett hym.
31 Therfore the Jewis that weren with 31 The Iewes then which were with
.hir in the hous, and comfortiden hir, her in the housse, and comforted her,
whanne thei sigen Marie, for soone she when they sawe Mary, that she rose
roos, and wente out, sueden hir, seyinge, vppe hastely, and went out, folowed her,
For she goth to the graue, for to wepe sayng, She goeth vnto the grave, to
there. wepe there.
32 Forsothe Marie, whanne she hadde 32 Then when Mary was come where
seyn wher Jhesu was, seynge him felde Jesus was, and sawe hym, she fell doune
- to his feet, and seide to him, Lord, if at his fete, sayinge vnto hym, Lorde, if
519 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr.Jonux

weiseis her, ni pauh gaswulti meins ai were hér, nære min bródor dead.
bropar. A
33 Panuh lesus sunsei gasawh iya 33 Da se Helend geseah dat heo
greitandein, yah Judaiuns þaiei qemun weop, and dst da ludeas weopen de
mip izai gretandans, inrauhtida ahmin,
mid hyre comon, he geomrode on hys
yah inwagida sik silban, gaste, and gedrefde hyne sy line,
34 Yah qap, Whar lagidedun ina? Qe- 34 And cwep, Hwar léde ge hine!
pun du imma, Frauya, hiri yah saiwh Hig ewedon to him, Drihten, ga and
35 Yah tagrida lesus. . 35 And se Hælend weop.
36 Paruh qepun pai Íudaieis, Sai! 36 And da Iudeas cwædon, Lóca nú!
whaiwa frioda ina. hü he hyne lufode.
37 Sumai pan ize qepun, Niu mahta 37 Sume hi cwædon, Ne mihte des, de
sa, izei uslauk augona pamma blindin, ontynde blindes eagan, don eae deet des
gatauyan ei yah sa ni gadaupnodedi 4 nære dead?

38 Panuh lesus aftra inrauhtips in sis 38 Eft se Hælend geomrode on him

silbin, gaggip du pamma hlaiwa. Wasuh sylfum, and com to dere byrgene. Hit
pan hulundi, yah staina ufarlagida was wees án scræf, and dar wes án stan on-
ufaro. uppan geléd.
39 Qap lesus, Afnimip pana stain. Qap 39 And se Hælend cwæþ, Dóp aweg
du imma swistar pis daupins, Marpa, done stân. Da ewæþ Martha to him,
Frauya, yu fuls ist, fidurdogs auk ist. des swustor de dar dead wes, Drihten,
nú he stineþ, he wes for feower dagum
40 Qaþ izai lesus, Niu qap pus, patei 40 Se Hælend cwæþ to hyre, Hu ne
yabai galaubeis, gasaiwhis wulþu Gups? sæde ie dé, æt di gesyhst Godes wuldor,
gif dú gelyfst!
„ár, Ushofun pan pana stain parei was. 41 Da dydon hig áweg done stan. .
Tp lesus uzuhhof augona iup, yah qap, Se Hælend áhóf his eagan up, and
Atta, awiliudo pus, unte andhausides cwep, Feder, ic dó pancas dé, fordam |
mis; dü gehyrdest me ;

42 Yah pan ik wissa, patei sinteino 42 Ic wat, det dú me symle gehyrst, ac

mis andhauseis, akei in manageins pizos ic eweep, for dam folee de hér ymbutan
bistandandeins, qap, ei galaubyaina, patei stent, dzet hi gelyfon, dzet di me úsend- |
pu mik insandides. est.
43 Yah pata qipands, stibnai mikilai 43 Da he das ping sæde, he elypode
hropida, Lazaru, hiri ut. mycelre stefne, Lazarus, gà üt.

-44 Yah urrann sa daupa, gabundans 44 And sóna stóp forp, se de dead.
handuns yah fotuns faskyam, . . . . .- wies, gebúnden handum and fótum, . . . Li

2... yah wlits is auralya bibundans. . and hys neb wes mid swat-line
Qap du im lesus, Andbindip ina, yah gebúnden. Da cwæþ se Helend to
letip gaggan. him, Unbindap hine, and lætaþ gan.

45 Panuh managai pize Yudaiei pai 45 Manega dara Iudea de comon to

qimandans at Maryin, yah saiwbandans Marián, and gesáwon da ping de he
patei gatawida, galaubidedun imma. dyde, gelyfdon on bine.

46 Sumaip-pan ize galipun du Farei- 46 Hi sume fóron to dam Phariseon,

XI. 33-46.] WYCLIFFE, 1389.
TYNDALE, 1526. 512
thou haddist be here, my brother hadde thou haddest bene here, my brother had
not be deed. not bene deed,
33 Therfore as Jhesu sig hir wepynge, 33 When Jesus sawe her wepe, and
and the Jewis that weren with hir wep- | the Iewes
inge he made noyse in spirit, and
also wepe whych cam with
her, he groned in his spret, and vexed
troublide him silf,
hym silfe,
34 And seide, Wher han 3e putt him ? 34 And sayde, Where have ye layed
Thei seyen to him, Lord, come and se. hym? They sayde vuto hym, Lorde,
come and se.
35 And Jhesu wepte. 35 And Jesus wept.
36 Therfore the Jewis seiden, Lo! hou 36 Then sayde the Iewes, Beholde !
he louede him. howe he loved hym.
. 987 Forsothe summe of hem seiden, 37 Some off them sayde, Coulde not he
Wher this man that openyd the y3en of which openned the eyes of the blynde,
the born blynde, miste not make that have made also that this man shulde
and this deiede not? not have deyed ?
38 Therfore Jhesu eft makynge noyse 38 Jesus agayne gronynge in hym silfe,
in him silf cam to the graue. For- cam to the grave. It was a cave, and
sothe ther was a denne, and a stoon was
a stone layde on it.
put theron.
39 Jhesu seith, Take 3e a wey the 39 Jesus sayd, Take ye awaye the stone.
stoon. Martha, the sistir of him that Martha, the sister of hym that was deed,
was deed, seith to him, Lord, he stynk- sayde vnto him, Lorde, by this tyme he
_ith now, sothli he is of foure dayes. stenketh, for he had bene deed foure
40 Jhesus seith to hir, Wher I haue 40 Jesus sayde vnto her, Sayde I not
not seid to thee, for if thou schalt bi- vnto the, that if thou diddest beleve,
. leue, thou schalt se the glorie of God? thou shuldest se the glory of God ?
. 41 Therfore thei tooken a wey the 41 Then they toke awaye the stone
Bion . . . . Forsothe the y3en reysid from the place where the deed was layde.
vpward, Jhesu seide, Fadir, I do thank- Jesus lifte vppe his eyes, and sayd.
yngis to thee, for thou herdist me ; Father, I geve the thankes, be cause
that thou hast herde me;
42 Forsoth I wiste, for thou euere 42 I knewe wele, that thou hearest me
heerest me, but for the peple that all wayes, but because of the people that.
- Stondith aboute, I seide, that thei bileue, stonde by, I sayde it, that they myght
! for thou hast sent me. beleve, that thou hast sent me.
43 Whanne he hadde seid thes thingis, 43 And when he thus had spoken, he
he eriede with greet vois, Lazarus, come cryed with a loud voyce, Lazarus, come
thou out. forthe.
44 And anoon he that was deed, cam 44 And he that was deed, cam forth,
forth, bounden the hondis and feet with bounde hand and fote with bondes, after
bondis, . . . . and his face was boundun the manner as they were wonte to bynde
with a sudarie.t Jhesu seith to hem, their deed with all, and his face was
. Vnbynde se him, and suffre 5e go awey. bounde with a napkyn. Jesus sayde
vnto them, Loose hym, and lett hym
| 45 Therfore manye of the Jewis that 45 Then many of the Jewes which cam
camen to Marie and Martha, and sy3en to Mary, and had sene the thynges which
what thingis he dide, bileueden in to Jesus did, beleved on hym.
|46 Sothli summe of hem wenten to 46 But some off them went their wayes
514 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST. JonN
saium, yah qepun du im, patei gatawida and sxdon him, da þing de se Hælend
lesus. dyde.*
47 Galesu n pan pai auhumi stans gud- | 47 Wítodlice da bisoeopas and da
yeas yah pai Farei „ o oè o Pharis ei gaderodoa gemét, and cwædon,
Hwat dó we? feriam des man wyrep
mycele tacna. |
48 Gif we hine forlætaþ, ealle gelýfaþ
on hine ; and Romane cumaþ, and nimaþ
úre land and úrne þeodscipe.

49 Hyra án wæs genemned Caipnas,

se wes dá on geare bisceop, and ewæþ -
to him, Ge nyton nánping,

go Ne ne gepenceap, dat us ys betere, -

det án man swelte for folce, and eall
peod ne forwurde.
51 Ne cwæþ he det of him sylfum, ae -
dà he wees det gear bisceop, he witegode, |
diet se Hælend sceolde sweltan for dære
s2 And ná synderlice for deere peode,
ac det he wolde gesomnian togzdere
Godes bearn de todrifene wæron.
g3 Of dam dæge hig pohton dæt bi
woldon hyne ofslean. o
r4 Då ne fór se Hælend ná opentice
gemang dam Tudeum; ac fór on diet.
land wid det wésten, on da burh, de.
ys genemned Effrem, and wunode deer
mid his leorning-enihtum. o
55 Iudea castron wæron gehende, and
manega fóron of dam lande to Hieru-
salem ær dam eastron, det hig woldon
hig sylfe gehálgian. t
56 Hig sóhton done Hælend, and
sprécon him betwynan, der hig stódon
on dam temple, and dus ewaédon, Hwæt
wéne ge, det he ne cume to freols-
dæge 1 ?
sy Da bisceopas and da Pharisei
hæfdon beboden, gif hwá wiste hwar
he wre, det he hyt ejdde, det hig
mihton hine niman.

Quar. XII. 1 Cuar. XII. tr Se Hælend com syx

„oe es tin Bepaniyin, dagum ær dam eastron to Bethania,
XL 47.-XIT. 1.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 515
Pharisees, and seiden to hem, what te the Pharises, and tolde them, what
thingis he dide. Jesus had done.
47 Therfore the bischops and Pharisees 47 Then gadered the hye prestes and
gedriden a counceil azens Jhesu, and Pharises a counsell, and sayde, What do
seiden, What don we? for this man we? this man doeth many miracles.
doth many signes.*
49 If we leeue him thus, alle men 48 Yf we lett hym scape thus, all men
schulen bileue in to him ; and Romayns will beleve on hym; and the Romaynes
schulen come, and schulen take oure shall come, and take awaye oure countre
place and flok. and people.
49 Forsoth oon of hem, Cayfas by 49 And won of them, named Cayphas,
name, whanne he was bischop of that which was the hye prest that same yeare,
3eer, seide to hem, 3e witen no thing, sayde vnto them, Ye perceave nothynge
att all,
50 Nethir thenken, for it spedith to 50 Nor yett consider, that it is expe-
30u, that o man deie for the peple, and dient for vs, that won man deye for the
that alle folk perische not. people, and nott that all the people
51 Forsoth he seide not this thing of 51 This spake he nott of hym silfe,
him silf, but whanne he was bischop of butt beynge hye preste that same yeare,
that 3eer, he prophesiede, for Jhesu was prophesied he, that Jesus shulde deye
to deyinge for the folk, for the people,
52 And not oonly for the folk, but 52 And not for the people only, but
4 that he schulde gedere in to oon the that he shulde gadder to gedder in won
sones of God that weren scaterid. the children of God which were scattered
53 Therfore fro that day thei thou3ten 53 From that day kept they a counsell
for to sle him. togedder for to put hym to deeth.
54 Therfore Jhesu walkide not now 54 Jesus therfore walked no more
opynli at the Jewis ; but he wente in to openly amonge the Iewes ; butt went his
a cuntree bisydis the desert, in to a waye thence vnto a countre ny to a
citee, that is seid Effrem, and there he wildernes, into a cite, called Effraym,
dwelte with his disciplis. and there haunted with his disciples.
55 Forsothe the pask of Jewis was 55 The Iewes ester was neye att hond,
next, and many of the cuntree stizeden and many went out of the countre vppe
| vp to Jerusalem the day bifore pask, for to Jerusalem before the ester, to purify
to halowe hem selue. them selves.
56 Therfore thei sou3ten Jhesu, and 56 Then sought they for Jesus, and
spaken to gidere, stondinge in the tem- spake bitwene them selves, as they stode
ple, What gessen 3e, for he cometh not in the temple, What thynke ye, seynge
to the feeste day? he commeth not to the feast 1
57 Forsothe the bischopis and Pharisees 57 The hye prestes and Pharises had
hadden 3ouun a maundement, that if ony geven a commaundment, that yf eny
man knew wher he is, he schewe, that man knew where he were, he shulde
thei taken hym. shewe it, that they myght take hym.

Crap. XII. 1 Therfore Jhesu bifore Cnar. XII. 1 Then Jesus before size
sixe dayes of pask cam to Bethanye, | dayes of ester cam to Bethany, where

— i
516 GOTHIC, 460.
þarei was Lazarus sa daupa, panei ur- dar Lazarus wes dead, de se Hælend
| áwrehte.
yaisida us daupaim lesus.
2 Paruh gawau rhted un imma nahtam at, 2 Hig worhton him der gebeorseipe,
; ip Lazar- and Martha pénode; Lazarus wes án
yainar yab Marpa andbahtida dera de mid him sæt.
us was sums pize anakumbyandane mip
3 Íþ Marya nam pund balsanis nardaus 3 Maria nam án pund deorwyrpre
pistikeinis filugalaubis, yah gasalboda
sealfe mid dam wyrt-gemange de hig
fotuns lesua, yah biswarb fotuns ís nardus hátap, and smyrede dees Hæl-
skufta seinamma ; ip sa gards fulls warp endes fét, and drigde mid hyre loccum ;
daunais pizos salbonais. | and det hús wes gefylled of dore sealfe
4 Qap pan ains pize siponye is, Yudas 4 Ðá ewmp án his leorning-cnihta,
Tudas Scariod, ...... . de hine be-
Seimonis, sa Iskariotes, izei skaftida sik
du galewyan ina, læwde,
5 Duwhe pata balsan ni frabauht was g Hwi ne sealde heo das sealfe wid
in .t. skatte, yah fradailip wesi parbamÍ prym hundred penegum, dæt man mihte
syllan pearfum ?
6 Patup-pan qap, ni peei ina pize parb- 6 Ne cwæþ he ná diet, fordig de him
ane kara wesi, ak unte piubs was, yah cebyrode to dam þearfum, ae fordam de
arka habaida yah pata innwaurpano bar. he wis þeóf, and hæfde serin aud bær
da ping de man sende.
7 Qap pan Tesus, Let iya, in dag ga- 4 Da ewwp se Hælend, Lat hig, dæt
filhis meinis fastaida pata; heo healde da of done deg de man me
bebyrige ;
8 Ip pans unledans sinteino habaip mip 8 Ge habbap symle pearfan mid eow,
izwis, ip mik ni sinteino habaip.
ac ge nabbap me symle.

.9 Fanp pan manageins filu Íudaie, patei 9 Micel menigeo dara Iudea gecneow,
esus yainar ist ; yah qemun, ni in les- dot he wæs der; and hig comon, næs. a

uis ainis, ak ei yah Lazaru sewheina, ná for des Hælendes pingon synderlice,
panei urraisida us daupaim. ac det hig woldon geseon Lazarum, de -
he áwehte of deape.
ro Munaidedunup-pan auk pai auhum- io Dara sacerda ealdras pohton dieti
istans gudyans ei yah Lazarau usqem- hig woldon Lazarum ofslean,
eina, i
ir Unte managai in pis garunnun Lu- 11 Fordam de manega fóron fram dam
daiei, yah galaubidedun lesua. Iudeum for his pingon, and gelyfdon on
done Heelend.
.12 lftumin daga manageins filu, sel 12 On morgen mycel mænigeo, de com
qam at dulpai, gahausyandans patei to dam freols-dege, dá hig gehyrdon
qimip lesus in Jairausaulwmai, det se Hælend com to Hierusalem,

13 Nemun astans peikabagme, yah ur- 13 Hi námon palm-treowa twigu, and

runnun wipragamotyan imma, yah hrop- eodon út ongean hine, and elypodon,
idedun, Osanna, piupida sa qimanda in Si Israhela cing hál and gebletsod, de
namin Frauyins, piudans Israelis. com on Drihtnes naman.

14 Bigat pan lesus asilu, gasat ana 14 And se Hælend gemétte anne assan,
ina, swaswe ist gamelip, and rád on-uppan dam, swá hit awriten
15 Ni ogs pus, dauhtar Sion; sai! 15 Ne ondræd dú, Siones dóhter ; nu!
XII. 2-15.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 517
wher Lazarus was deed, whom Jhesu Lazarus which was deed was, whom
reyside. Jesus raysed from deeth.
2 Forsoth thei maden to him a sopere 2 There they made him a supper, and
there, and Martha mynistride to hym ; Martha served ; butt Lazarus was won
Lazarus forsothe was oon of men sit- of them that sate at the table with hym,
tinge at the mete with him.
3 Therfore Marie took a pound of 3 Then toke Mary a pounde off oynt-
oynement spikenard," precious, and an- ment called nardus, perfecte and pre-
oyntide the feet of Jhesu, and wipte his cious, and anoynted Jesus fete, and
feete with her heeris; and the hous is wept his fete with her heer; and all
fillid of the sauour of oygnement. the housse smelled off the savre off the
4 Therfore Judas Scarioth, . . . . oon 4 Then sayde won
of his disciplis, that was to bitraynge of his disciples,
named Judas Iscariot, Simons sonne,
hym, seide, which after warde betrayed hym,
5 Whi this oygnement is not seeld for 5 Why was not this oyntment solde
thre hundrid pens, and is 3ouun to nedy for thre hondrede pence, and geven to
men 1 the povre?
6 Forsoth he seide this thing, not for 6 This sayde he, not that he cared for
it perteynede to him of nedy men, but the pover, butt be cause he was a thefe,
for he was a theef, and he hauynge and kept the bagge and bare that which
pursis baar tho thingis that weren sent. was geven.
7 Therfore Jhesu seide, Suffre se hir, | 7 Then sayde Jesus,
^ that in to the day of my birying sche agaynst the daye off myLett her alone,
buryinge she
kepe that; kept it;
8 Forsothe 3e schulen euer haue pore | 8 The povre all wayes shall
ye have
men with 30u, sothli 3e schulen not | with you, butt me shall
ye noti all
euere haue me. wayes have.
9 Therfore myche cumpany of the 9 Moche people off the fewes had know-
Jewis knewe, that Jhesu was there ; ledge, that he was there ; and they ear,
and thei camen, not oonly for Jhesu, nott for Jesus sake only, butt that they
but for to se Lazarus, whom he reysede myght se Lazarus also, whora he rayssd
fro deede men. from deeth,
10 Forsothe the princes of prestis 10 The hye prestes held a counsell that
thousten for to sle Lazarus, they myght put Lazarus to deeth also, ~
_ II For manye of the Jewis for hym z1 Be cause that for his sake many of
wente awei, and beleueden in to Jhesu. the Iewes went awaye, and beleved on
12 Forsothe on the morwe a myche 12 On the morowe moche people, which
eumpany, that cam to gidere at the cam to the feast, when they herde that
feeste day, whanne thei hadden herd, Jesus shulde come to Jerusalem,
for Jhesu cometh to Jerusalem,
13 Tooken braunchis of palmes, and 13 Toke braunches off palme trees, and
camen forth azens him, and crieden, O- went and mett hym, and eryed, Ho-
„sanna, blessid is he, that cometh in the sianna, blessed is he, that in the name
name of the Lord, king of Israel. of the Lorde commeth, kynge of Isra-
14 And Jhesu fond a litil asse, and sat 14 Jesus gott a yonge asse, and sate
on him, as it is writun, theron, acordynge to that wich was
15 The doustir of Syon, nyle thou 15 Feare nott, doughter of Sion ; be-

GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995 [Sr. Jon
piudans peins qimip, sitands ana fuMn
din cing cymp, uppan assan folan sitt-
astlaus. 16 Ne undergéton hys leorning-enihtas
16 patüp-pan ni kunpedun siponyos ís
dis ping ærest, ac adi se Hælend wees
frumist, ak bipe gasweraips was lesus,
du gewuldrod, dà gemundon hig, det das
panuh gamundedun, patei pata was áwritene be him, and das
yah pata gataw idedu n ping weron
pamma gamelip,
imma. ping hig dydon him.

17 Weitwodida pan so managei, sel was 17 Seo mænigeo de wees mid him, da
a, he Lazarum clypode of dere byrgene,
mip imma, pan Lazaru wopida us hlaiw
and hine áwehte of deape, cydde ge-
yah urraisida ina us daupaim. '
.18 Duppe iddyedun gamotyan imma
18 And forði him com seo meenigeo
managei, unte hausidedun ei gatawidedi ongean, fordam de hi gehyrdon det he
worhte Geet tacn. à;
po taikn.
19 Panuh pai Fareisaieis qepun du sis 19 Dá Pharisei cwædon betwux him
misso, Saiwhip, patei ni bovuip walht ; sylfum, We geseop, dæt we nánping ne
fremiap; na! wyle eall middan-eard
sai! so manaseds afar imma galaip.
æfter him.
20 Wesunup-pan sumai piudo, pize ur- 20 Sume de w&ron hæðene, de fóron
rinnandane ei inwiteina in pizai dulpai. det hig woldon hi gebiddan on dam
21 Pai atiddyedun du Filippau, pamma 21 ba genealæhton to Philippe, se wes
fram Beþsaeida Galeilaie, yah bedun ina, of dere Galileiscan Bethsaida, and
bædon hine, and cwedo n, Leof, we
qiþandans, Frauya, wileima Íesu gasai-
whan. wyllap geseon done Hælend. e

22 Ðá eode Phili ppus, and sæde hit

22 Gaggip Filippus, yah qipp du An- -
draiin ; yah aftra Andraias yah Filippus Andre ; and eft Andreas and Philippus
qepun du Lesua. hit sædon dam Hælende.
23 lp lesus andhof im, qipands, Qam 23 Se Hælend him andswarode, and
wheila, ei sweraidau sunus mans. ewæþ, Seo tid cymp, dst mannes sunu
byp geswütelod.'
24 Amen, amen, qipa izwis, nibai 24 Sóþlice, ic secge eow, det hweetene |
kaurno whaiteis gadriusando in airpa corn wunap ána, büton hyt fealle on
gaswiltip, silbo ainata aflifniþ ;ip yabai eorpan and sy dead; gif hit byp dead,
hit bringp mycelne wæstm. á
gaswiltip, manag akran bairip.

25 Saei friyop saiwala seina, fraqisteip 25 Se de lufap his sáwle, forspilp hig ;
izai ; yah saei fiaip saiwala seina in and se de hatap his sáwle on disum
‘pamma fairwhau, in libainai aiweinon middan-earde, gehylt hi on écum life.
bairgip izai.
26 Yabai mis whas andbahtyai, mik 26 Gif hwá pénige me, fylige me ; and
laistyai; yah parei im ik, paruh sa and- min þén bip dier, der ie eom. Gif me
bahts meins wisan habaip. Yah yabai hwá þénaþ, min feeder hine wurpap.
whas mis andbahteip, sweraip ina atta.

27 Nu saiwala meina gadrobnoda, yah 24 Nú min sáwl ys gedréfed, and hwæt

wha qipau? Atta, nasei mik us þizai secge ic? Feder, gehæl me of disse
wheilai ; akei duppe qam in pizai wheilai; tide ; ac for dam ic com on das tid ;

28 Atta, hauhei namo peinata. Qam 28 Feder, gewuldra dinne naman. Da

pan stibna us himina, Yah hauhida, yah com stefn of heofone, dus cweðende,
XII. 16-28.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 519
drede ; lo! thi king cometh, sittinge on hole !thy kynge commeth, sittynge on
the coit of a sche asse. an asses coolte.
16 His disciplis knewen not first thes 16 These thynges vnderstode not his
thingis, but whanne Jhesu is glorified, disciples at the fyrst, but when Jesus
thanne thei recordiden,* for thes thingis was gloryfied, then remembryd they,
weren writen of him, and thes thingis that soche thynges were written of hym,
thei diden to him. and that soche thynges they had done
vnto hym.
17 Therfore the cumpany baar wit- 17 The people that was with hym,
nessing, that was with him, whanne he when he ealled Lazarus out off his grave,
clepide Lazarus fro the graue, and and raysed hym from deeth, bare re-
reyside him fro deede men. corde.
18 'Pherfore and the cumpany cam 18 Therfore met hym the peple, be
metinge to him, for thei herden him cause they herde that he had done soche
to haue don this signe. a myracle.
19 Therfore the Pharisees seiden to 19 The Pharises therfore sayde amonge
hem selue, 3e seen, for we profiten no them selves, Ye se, that we prevayle no
thing ; lo! al the world wente aftir him. thynge ; loo! all the worlde goth after
20 Forsothe ther weren summe hethen 20 There were certayne grekes, amonge
men, of hem that hadden sty3ed vp for them which cam to praye at the feast.
to worschipe in the feeste day.
21 Therfore thes camen to Philip, that 21 The same cam to Philip, which was
." was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and preieden of Bethsayda a cite in Galile, and de-
him, seyinge, Sire, we wolen se Jhesu. sired hym, sayinge, Syr, we wolde fayne
se Jesus.
22 Philip cometh, and seith to Andrew ; 22 Philip cam, and tolde Andrew ; and
eft Andrew and Philip seiden to Jhesu. agayne Andrew and Philip tolde Jesus.
23 Sothli Jhesu answeride to hem, sey- 23 And Jesus answered them, sayinge,
inge, The our cometh, that mannis sone The houre is come, that the sonne of
be clarified. man must be glorified.
24 Treuli, treuli, I seie to 30u, no but 24 Verely, verely, I saye vnto you,
a corn of whete fallinge in to the erthe except the wheate corne fall into the
schal be deed, it dwellith aloone ; sothli grounde and deye, it bydeth alone; yf
j if it schal be deed, it bringith moche it deye, it brengeth forth moche frute.
25 He that loueth his soule,t schal 25 He that loveth his life, shall de-
„leese it ; and he that hatith his soulet stroye it; and he that hateth his lyfe
in this world, kepith it in to euere- in this worlde, shall kepe it vnto lyfe
lasting lyf. eternall. :
26 If ony man seruith to me, sue he 26 Yf eny man mynister vnto me, lett
me ; and where I am, there and my hym folowe me ; and where I am, there
mynystret schal be. If ony man schal shall also my minister be. And if eny
^ mynistre to me, my fadir schal worschipe man minister vnto me, hym will my
him. father honoure.
. 27 Now my soule is troublid, and what 27 Nowe is my soule troubled, and
Schal I seye?. Fadir, saue me fro this what shall I saye? Father, delyvre me
our ; but for that thing I cam in to this from this houre; but therfore cam. I
our ; vnto this houre ;
28 Fadir, clarifie thi name. Therfore 28 Father, glorify thy name. Then
a vols cam fro heuene, seyinge, And I cam. there a voyce from heven, I have

520 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. ([Sr.JoHn
aftra hauhya. And ic gewuldrode, and eft ic gewul-
29 Managei pan sei stop, gahausyandei, 29 Seo mænigeo de der stód, and deet
qepun, peiwhon wairpan ; sumaih qepun, gehyrde, sædon, det hy5 punrode ; sume
aggilus du imma rodida. sædon, deet engel spæce wid hyne.

30 Andhof lesus, yah qap, Ni in meina 30 Se Hælend. him andswarode, and

so stibna warp, ak in izwara. cwæþ, Ne com deos stefen for minum
pingum, ac for eowrum pingum.
31 Nu staua ist pizai manasedai, nu sa 31 Na ys middan-eardes dóm, nü byp
reiks pis fairwhaus uswairpada ut. dyses middan-eardes ealdor út-áworpen.

32 Yah ik yabai ushauhyada af airpai, 32 And gif ie beo up-áhafen fram

alla atpinsa du mis. eorpan, ie teo ealle ping to me sylfum.

33 Patup-pan qap, bandwyands whileik- 33 Det he sæde, and tácnode hwylcum

amma daupau skulda gadaupnan. deape he wolde sweltan.
34 Andhof imma so managei, Weis 34 Seo mænigeo him andswarode and -
hausidedum ana witoda, patei Christus ewep, We gehyrdon on Gere Æ, det
siyai du aiwa ; yah whaiwa pu qipis, Crist bip on éenysse ; and humeta segest
patei skulds ist ushauhyan sa sunus dú, Hit gebyrap det mannes sunu beo
mans? Whas ist sa sunus mans? up-áhafen ? Hwæt ys des mannes sunuÍ

35 Qap pan du im lesus, Nauh leitil 35 Da ewsep se Hælend, Nú gyt ys

mel liuhap in izwis ist; gaggip, pande lytel leoht on eow ; gap, dá hwile de ge
liuhap habaip, ei riqiz izwis ni gafahai; leoht habbon, dæt pystro eow ne befón;
yah saei gaggip in riqiza, ni wait whap se de gæþ on pystrum, he nat hwyder
gaggip. he gap.
36 Pande liuhap habaip, galaubeip du 36 Dà hwile de ge leoht habbon, ge-
liuhada, ei sunyus liuhadis wairpaip. lyfap on leoht, deet ge syn leohtes bearn. -
Pata rodida lesus, yah galaip, yah ga- Das ping se Hælend him sæde, and
falh sik faura im. eode, and bediglode hine fram him.
37 Swa filu imma taikne gatauyandin 37 Da he swa mycele tácn dyde be-
in andwairpya ize, ni galaubidedun im- fóran him, hi ne gelyfdon on hyne ;
ma ;
38 Ei pata waurd Esaeiins, praufetaus, 38 Det des witegan word, Isaias, wxre
usfullnodedi, patei qap, Frauya, whas gefylled, de he cwzep, Drihten, hwa ge-
galaubida hauseinai unsarai, yah arms lyfde des de we gehyrdon, and hwam
Frauyins whamma andhulips warp? wes Drihtnes strencp geswütelod?

39 Duppe ni mahtedun galaubyan, unte 39 Fordi hi ne mihton gelyfan, fordam .

aftra qap Esaeias, Isaias cwæpþ eft,
40 Gablindida ize augona, yah gadaub- 40 He ablende hyra eagan, and áhyrde
ida ize hairtona, ei ni gaumidedeina hyra heortan, det hi ne geseon mid
augam, yah fropeina hairtin; yah ga- hyra eagon, and mid hyra heortan ne
wandidedeina, yah ganasidedyau ins. ongyton ; and syn gecyrrede, and ic hig
41 Pata qap Esaeias, pan sawh wulpu 41 Isaias sede das ping, di he geseah -
is, yah rodida bi ina. hys wuldor, and spræc be him.
42 Panuh pan swepauh yah us paim 42 And deah manega of dam ealdron
relkam managai galaubidedun du imma, gelyfdon on hyne, ac hi hit ne cyddon
akei faura Fareisaium ni andhaihaitun, for dera Pharisea þingum, de-les hig
XII. 29-42.] WYCLIFFE, 1385. TYNDALFE, 1526. 521
haue clarified, and eft I schal clarifie. glorified it, and will glorify it agayne,
29 Therfore the eumpany that stood, 29 Then sayde the people that stode
and herde, seide, thundir to be maad; by, and herde,
it thoundreth ; other
othere men seiden, an aungel spak to sayde, an angell
him. spake to hym.
30 Jhesu answeride, and seide, This 30 Jesus answered, and sayde, This
vois cam not for me, but for 30u. voyce cam nott be cause of me, but
for youre sakes.
31 Now is dom of the world, now the 31 Nowe is the iudgement of this
prince of this world schal be cast out. worlde, nowe shall the prynce off this
worlde be cast out a dores.
32 And if I schal be enhaunsid fro the 32 And I yf I were lifte vppe from
erthe, I schal drawe alle thingis to my the erthe, will drawe all men vnto me.
33 Sothli he seide vhis thing, signifi- 33 This sayde Jesus, signifyinge what
ynge bi what deeth he was to deiynge. deeth he shulde deye.
34 The cumpany answeride to him, 34 The people answered hym, We have
We han herd of the lawe, for Crist herde of the lawe, that Christ bydeth
dwellith in to with outen ende ; and ever ; and howe sayest thou then, That
hou seist thou, It bihoueth mannis sone the sonne of man must be lifte vppe ?
- for to be arerid? Who is this mannis Who is that sonne of man?
sone ?
' 35 Therfore Jhesu seith to hem, jit a 35 Jesus sayde vnto them, Yet a lytell
litil list is in 30u ; walke 3e, the while whyle is the light with you; walke,
3e han list, that derknessis catche not whill ye have lightt, lest the darcknes
30u ; and he that wandrith in derknessis, come on you; he that walketh in the
woot nere whidur he goth. darke, wotteth not whither he goeth.
36 The while 5e han li5t, byleue 3e in 36 Whyll ye have light, beleve on the
to lit, that 3e be the sones of list. light, that ye maye be the children of
Jhesu spak thes thingis, and wente, light. "These thynges spake Jesus, and
and hidde him fro hem. departed, and hid hym silfe from them.
37 Sothliwhanne hehadde don so manye 37 And though he hade done soo many
Signes! byfore hem, thei bileueden not myracles before them, yet beleved not
in to him ; they on hym ;
íC 38 That the word of Ysaie, the pro- 38 That the sayinge of Esayas, the
. phete, schulde be fillid, which he seide, prophet, myght be fulfilled, that he
Lord, who bileuede to oure heering, spake, Lorde, who shall beleve oure say-
and to whom is the arm of the Lord inge, and to whom ys the arme off the
schewid ? Lorde declared?
39 Therfore thei mysten not bileue, 39 Therfore coulde they not beleve, be
for eft Ysaye seide, cause that Esaias sayth agayne,
40 He hath blyndid her y3en, and he 40 He hath blinded their eyes, and
hath endurid* the herte of hem, that hardened their hertes, that they shuld
thei se not with y3en, and vndirstonde not se with their eyes, and vnderstonde
not with herte; and that thei be con- with their hertes; and shulde be con-
uertid,’ and I heele hem. verted, and I shulde heale them.
41 Ysaie seid thes thingis, whanne he . 41 oche thynges sayde Esaias, when
| sy3 the glorie of hym, and spak of him. he sawe hys glory, and spake of him.
42 Netheles and of the princes manye 42 Neverthelesse amonge the chefe
- bileueden in to him, but for the Farisees rulers many beleved on hym, but be-
- thei knowlechiden not, that thei schuld- cause of the Pharises they wolde not be

52? GOTHIC, 462. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (ST, JouN
gesomnunge ;
ei us swnagogein ni aswaurpsaed weurp- | man út-ádrife of hyra
eina ;
43 Friyodedun auk mais hauhein man- 13 Hi lufodon manna wuldor, swidor
niska, pau hauhein Gups. donne Godes wuldor

44 Ip lesus hropida, yah qap, Saei ga- 44 Se Hælend elypode, and ewæþ to
laubeip du mis, ni galaubeip du mis, ak him, Se de gelyff on me, ne gelyfp he
du pamma sandyandin mik. ná ou me, ac on done de me sende.
45 Yah saei saiwhip mik, saiwhip pana 45 And «e de me gesyhp, gesyhp done
sandyandan mik. de me sende.
46 lk liuhad in pamma fairwhau qam, 46 Ic com te leohte on middan-eard, |
ei whazuh saei galaubyai du mis, in and nan dara de gelyfp on me, ne wunap |
on pystrum. i
riqiza ni wisai.
47 Yah yabai whas meinaim hausyal 47 And gif hwá gehyrp mine word, |
waurdam, yah galaubyai, ik ni stoya and ne gehylt, ne dëme ic hine ; ne com —
ina; nih pan qam, ei stoyau manased, ie middan-eard to démanne, ac det ie -
ak ei ganasyau manased, gehæle middan-eard.

48 Saei frakann mis, yah ni andnimiþ 48 Se de me forhigp, and mine word —

waurda meina, habaid pana stoyandan ne under-fehp, he hefp hwá him déme; |
sik ; waurd patei rodida, pata stoyip ina seo spée de ie spæe, seo him démp on
in spedistin daga, i dam ytemestan dæge.

49 Unte ik na mis silbin ni rodida, ak 49 Fordam de ie ne spece of me sylf--

saei sandida mik, atta, sah mis anabusn um, ac se feeder, de me sende, he me
bebead, hwæt ic ewede, and hwæt ic
spece. Y |
at > * > .

5o And ie wat, det his bebod ys éce

lif; da ping de ic sprece, ic sprece, swá
feeder me sede. 3

Cuar. XIIL* í Ær dam easter-freols-

dæge se Hælend wiste, dzet his tid com,
dæt he wolde gewitan of dysum middan--
earde to his feeder, dá he lufode his
leorning-enihtas de wæron on müddan- |
earde, od ende he hig lufode.
2 And dá Drihtnes penung wees ge-
macod, dá fór se deofol on Iudas heortan
Scariothes, . . . det he hine belæwde,

3 He wiste dæt feeder sealde ealle þing

on his handa, and dst he com of Gode,
and cymp to Gode,

4 He árás fram his pénunge, and léde

his reaf; and nam linen hregel, and
begyrde hyne. 4
£ After dam he dyde wæter on fet,
XII. 43.-XIIL. 5.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 523
en not be cast out of the synagoge ; a knowen off it, lest they shulde be ex-
communicate ;
43 Forsothe thei loueden the glorie of 43 For they loved the prayse that is
men, more than the glorie of God. geven off men, more then the prayse
that commeth of God.
44 Forsothe Jhesu cryede, and seide, 44 Jesus cryed, and sayd, He that be-
He that bileueth in to me, bileueth not leveth on me, beleveth nott on me, butt
in to me, but in to him that sente me. on hym that sent me.
45 He that seeth me, seeth him that 45 And he that seeth me, seeth hym
sente me. that sent me.
46 I list cam in to the world, that ech 46 I am come a light into the worlde,
man that bileueth in to me, dwelle not that whosoever beleveth on me, shulde
in derknessis. nott byde in darcknes.
47 And if ony man schal heere my 47 And yf eny man heare my wordes,
wordis, and schal not kepe, I deme not and beleve nott, I iudge hym not; for
him; forsoth I cam not, that I deem Icam not to iudge the worlde, butt to
the world, but that I make the world save the worlde.
48 He that dispisith me, and takith 49 He that putteth me a waye, and
not my wordis, hath him that schal receaveth nott my wordes, hathe won
iuge him ; the word that I haue spoken, that iudgeth hym; the wordes that I
that schal deme him in the laste day. have spoken shall iudge hym in the last
< 49 For I haue nost spokun of my silf, 49 For I have not spoken off my silfe,
but the fadir, that sente me, 3af to me but my father, which sent me, gave me
a maundement, what I schal seie, and a commaundment, what I shulde saye,
what I schal speke. and whet I shulde speake.
50 And I woot, for his maundement is 50 And I knowe wele, that his com-
euerelasting lyf ; therfore tho thingis maundment ys lyfe everlastynge ; what-
that I speke, as the fadir seide to me, so soever I speake therfore, eveu as my
I speke. father bade me, so I speaks.

Crap. XIII. 1 Forsothe bifore the Cmar. XIII. 1 Before the feast off
feeste day of pask Jhesu witinge, for his ester when Jesus knewe, that hys houre
- our cometh, that he passe of this world was come, thatt he shulde departe out
to the fadir, whanne he hadde loued of this worlde vnto the father, when he
hise that weren in the world, in to the loved his which were in the worlde, vnto
ende he louede hem. the ende he loved them.
2 And the souper maad, whanne the 2 And when supper was ended, after
deuel hadde sent now in to the herte that the devyll had put in the hert off
of Judas, that Judas of Symount Scari- Judas Iscariot, Simons sonne, to be
oth schulde bitraye him, traye him,
3 He witinge for the fadur jaf alle 3 Jesus knowynge that the father had
thingis to him in to hondis, and that he geven him all thinges into his hondes,
wente out fro God, and goth to God, and that he was come from God, and
went to God,
4 Risith fro the souper, and puttith his 4 He rose from supper, and layde a
clothis ; and whanne he hadde takun. a syde hys vpper garmentes; and toke a
lynnen cloth, he bifore girde him. towell, and gyrd hym sylfe.
5 Aftirward he sente water in to a 5 After that poured he water into a
594. GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [S1. Joun
and pwoh his leorning-enihta fet, and
drigde hig mid deere lin-wade, de he
wes mid begyrd.
6 Da com he to Simone Petre, and
Petrus cwep to him, Drihten, scealt du
pwean mine fet?
7 Se Hælend andswarode, and «weep
to him, Du nást nú, det ic dó; ae du
wast syddan. l
8 Petrus cwæþ to him, Ne pwyhst du
næfre mine fét. Se Hælend him and-
swarode and cwæþ, Gif ie dé ne pwea,
næfst dú nanne del myd me.

9 Da cwep Simon Petrus to him,

Drihten, ne þweh dú ná mine fét ane, í
ac eac min heafod and mine handa. |
ro Da cwæþ se Hælend to him, Se de
clæne byþ, ne beþearf büton det man |
his fet pwea, ac ys eall clæne; and ge
synd sume clæne, næs ná ealle. j
TY ir He wiste witodlice, hwá hyne sceolde —
^N T exea we "e el. qap, Ni allai belæwan ; fordam he cwæþ, Ne synd ge
hrainyai siyup. ealle clæne.
12 Bipeh pan uspwoh fotuns ize, yah 12 Syddan he hæfde hyra fét ápwogene,
nam wastyos seinos ; anakumbyands he nam his reaf; and da he set, he
aftra, qap du im, Witudu wha gatawida cwæþ eft to him, Wite ge hwet ie eow
izwis ? dyde?

13 Yus wopeid mik laisareis yah frauya, 13 Ge clypiap me láreow and drihten, -
waila qiþiþ ; im auk. and wel ge cwedap ; swa ic eom sóþlice. -
:4 Yabai nu uspwoh izwis fotuns, frau- 14 Gif ic þwóh eowre fét, [ic de eom -
ya yah laisareis, yah yus skulup izwis eower láreow and eower hláford, and ge -
misso pwahan fotuns ; sceolon eae pwean eower ælc ódres fét ;*]
15 Du frisahtai auk atgaf izwis, el swa- | 15 Ie eow sealde bysne, det ge dôn,
swe ik gatawida izwis, swa yus tauyaip. swa ic eow dyde.
16 Amen, amen, qipa izwis, nist skalks 16 Sóþlice, ic eow secge, nys se peowa
maiza frauyin seinamma, nih apaustaulus furdra donne se hláford, ne se ærend-
maiza pamma sandyandin sik. raca nys mærra donne se de hyne sende. |
17 pande pata witup, audagai siyup, 17 Gif ge das ping witon, ge beop ead-
yabai tauyip pata. ige, gif ge hig dóp.
18 Ni bi allans izwis qipa, ik wait 18 Ne secge ic be eow eallon, ie wát
wharyans gawalida; ak ei usfullip waurpi hwylce ic geceas ; ac det det hálige
pata gamelido, Saei matida mip mis gewrit sy gefylled, de cwyp, Se de ytt.
hlaib, ushof ana mik fairzna seina. hláf myd me, áhefp hys hó ongean me.
tg Fram himma qipa izwis, faurpizei 19 Nú ie eow secge, erdam de hyt
waurpi ei bipe wairpai, galaubyaip patei gewurde, det ge gelyfon donne hyt ge-
ik im. worden bip, dzet ic hit eom.
20 Àmen, amen, qipa izwis, saei and- 20 Sop, ie eow secge, se de underfehp
nimip pana panei ik insandya, mik and- deene de ic sende, underfehp me ; and se
XIII. 6-20.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1226. 525
basyn, and bigan for to waische disciplis | basyn, and began to washe hys disciples
feet, and to wype with the lynnen eloth, fete, and to wyppe them with the towell.
with which he was bifore gird, where with he was gyrde.
6 Therfore he eam to Symount Petre, 6 Then cam he to Simon Peter, and
and Petre seith to him, Lord, waischist Peter sayde to him, Lorde, shalt thou
thou to me the feet? wesshe my fete?
7 Jhesu answeride, and seide to him, 7 Jesus answered, and sayde vnto hym,
What thingis I do, thou woost not now ; What I do, thou wottest nott nowe;
forsothe thou schalt wite aftirward. thou shalt knowe here after.
8 Petre seith to him, Thou schait not 8 Peter sayd vnto hym, Thou shalt not
waische to me the feet, in to with outen wesshe my fete, whill the worlde stond-
ende. Jhesu answeride to him, If I eth. Jesus answered him, Yff I wasshe
- Schal not waische thee, thou schalt not not thy fete, thou shalt have no part
haue part with me. with me.
9 Symount Petre seith to him, Lord, 9 Simon Peter sayde vnto hym, Lorde,
not oonly my feet, but and the hondis nott my fete only, butt also my hondes
and the heed. and my heed.
ro Jhesu seide to him, He that is IO Jesus sayde to hym, He that is
waischun, hath no nede no but that he wesshed, nedeth not but to wesshe his
waische the feet, but he is clene al ; and fete, but is clene every whit; and ye
3e ben clene, but not alle. are clene, butt nott all.
ri Forsothe he wiste, who schulde II For he knewe his betrayer ; ther-
bitraye him ; therfore he seide, 3e ben fore sayde he, Ye are not all clene.
mot clene alle,
12 Therfore aftir that he waischide the 12 After he had wesshed their fete,
fcet of hem, he took his clothis; and and receaved his clothes, and was sett
whanne he hadde restid agen, eft he doune agayne, he sayde vnto them, Wot
seide to hem, 3e witen what I haue done ye what I have done to you?
to 30u.
13 3e clepen me maistir and lord, and 13 Ye call me master and lorde, and
3e seyn wel; forsoth I am. ye saye wele ; for soo am I.
14 Therfore if I, lord and maistir, 14 Yf I then, youre lorde and master,
haue waische 30ure feet, and 3é owen to have wesshen youre fete, ye alsoo ought
-waische another the totheris feet ; to wesshe one anothers fete ;
15 For I haue 30uun ensaumple to 30u, 15 For I have geven you an ensample,
„that as I haue don to 30u, so and 3e do. that ye shulde do, as I have done to you.
16 Treuli, treuli, I seie to 30u, the ser- 16 Verely, verely, I saye vnto you, the
uaunt is not more than his lord, neither servaunt is not gretter then hys master,
apostle is more than he that sente him. nether the messenger gretter then he
that sent hym.
17 If 3e witen thes thingis, 3e schulen 17 Yf ye vnderstonde these thynges,
be blessid, if 5e schulen do hem. happy are ye, yf ye do them.
18 I seie not of alle 30u, I woot whiche 18 I speake not off you all, I knowe
I haue chosun ; but that the scripture whom I have chosen ; but that the
be fillid, He that etith my breed, schal scripture be fulfilled, He that eateth
- reyse his heele a3ens me. breed with me, hath lifte vppe his hele
againste me.
19 Treuli, treuli, I seie to 30u, bifore it 19 Nowe tell I you, before it come,
- be don, that whanne it schal be don, 3e that when yt is come to passe, ye myght
- bileue for I am. beleve that I am he.
Bus Treuli, treuli, I seye to 30u, he that 20 Verely, verely, I saye vnto you, he
‘taketh whom euere I schal sende, re- that receaveth whomsoever I sende, re-
526 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST. Jonn
nimip; ip saei mik andnimiþ, andnimip ! de underfehp me, underfehp dæne de me
pana. sandyandan mik. l sende.
21 Pata qiþands iesus, indrobnoda ! 21 Da se Helend dis ping sade, he
ahmin, yah weitwodida, yah qap, Amen,
| wes gedréfed on gáste, and cydde, and -
amen, iib izwis, patei ains Tzwara ga-
cwæþ, Sop, ic eow secge, det eower an 3
leweip mik. i me belæwp.
22 l'anuh sewhun du sis misso pai sip- | 22 Má leorning-enihtas beheold hyra.
onyos, pagkyandans bi wharyana qepi. || &le oderne, and him twynode be hwam |
he hit dide.
23 Wasuh pan anakumbyands ains pize 23 An dera leorning-enihta hlinode
siponye is in barma Íesuis, panei friyoda on des Heélendes bearme, dene se Hæl-
lesus. end lufode.
24 Bandwiduh pan pamma Seimon 24 Simon Petrus bicnode to disum,
pu du fraihnan, Whas wesi, bi panei and cwæþ to him, Hwet ys, se de he
qapÍ hyt big segp? ]
25 Anakumbida pan yains swa ana 25 Witodlice dà he hlinode ofer Gees
barma lesuis, qapuh imma, Frauya, whas Helendes breostum, he ewæþ to him,
ist Í Drihten, hwæt ys het
26 Andhof lesus, Sa ist, pammei ik 26 Se Hælend him andswarode and
ufdaupyands pana hlaif giba. Yah uf- ewæþ, He ys, se de ie rice bedyppedne
daupyands pana hlaif, gaf Íudin Seimonis hláf. And dá dá he bedypte done hlaf,
Skariotau. ; he sealde hyne Iudas Scariothe . . . .
27 Yah afar pamma hlaiba, pan galaip 27 And di æfter dam bitan, Satanas
in yainana Satana. Qap pan du imma eode on hyne. Ðá cwæþ se Hælend to
lesus, Datei tauyis, tawei sprauto. him, Dó rade, det da don wylt.

28 Patuh pan ainshun ni wissa pize an- 28 Nyste nan dara sittendra, to hwam
akumbyandane, duwhe qap imma. he dæt sæde.

29 Sumai mundedun, ei unte arka 29 Sume wéndon, fordam Yudas hæfðe

habaida ludas, patei qepi imma lesus, scrin, Geet se Hlead hit ewáde be Bina
Bugei þizei paurbeima du dulpai, aippau Bige da þing, de us pearf SP to dar
paim unledam ei wha gibau. freols- dæge, oade det he sealde sumii
ping þearfendum mannum. D
30 Bipe andnam pana hlaib yains, suns 30 Da he nam dene bitan, he eade tt
galaip ut; wasuh pan nahts. dar-rihte;
; hit wees niht.

31 Pan galaip ut, qap pan lesus, Nu 31 Da he út-eode, and se Hælend

gasweraids warp sunus mans, yah Gup cwæþ, Nú ys mannes sunu geswütelod,.
hauhips ist in imma. and God ys geswútelod on him.
32 Yabai nu Gup hauhips ist in imma, 32 Gyf God ys geswütelod on him, and.
yah Gup hauheip ina in sis, yah suns God geswütelap hine on hym sylfum. . .-
hauhida ina.
33 Barnilona, nauh leitil mel mip izwis 33 ÍLá bearn, nú gyt ic eom gehwæde
im; sokeip mik, yah, swaswe qap du tid mid eow; ge me sécaþ, and, swá ie|
todaium, Ei padei ik gagga, yus ni dam Iudeum sede, Ge ne magon faran, |
magup giman ; yah izwis qipa nu. dar dar ic fare ; and nú ie eow secge.

34 Anabusn niuyagiba izwis, ei friyop 34 Ic eow sylle niwe bebod, det ge

izwis misso, swe ik friyoda ïzwis, þei lufion eow betwýnan, swa ic eow lufode,
yah yus friyop misso izwis. e. 9*9 9 69 |
XIIT. 21-34.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 527
ceyueth me ; forsothe he that receyueth ceaveth me; and he that receaveth me,
me, receyueth him that sente me. receaveth hym that sent me.
21 Whanne Jhesu hadde seid thes 21 When Jesus had thus sayde, he was
thingis, he was troblid in spirit, and troubled in his sprete, and testified, say-
witnesside, and seide, Treuli, treuli, I inge, Verely, verely, I saye vnto you,
sele to 30u, oon of 30u schal bitraye me. that won off you shall betraye me.
22 Therfore the disciplis lokiden to 22 Then the disciples loked won on
gidere, doutynge of whom he seide. another, doutinge of whom he spake.
.23 Therfore oon of his disciplis was 23 There was one of his disciples which
restinge in the bosum of Jhesu, whom leaned on Jesus besome, whom Jesus
Jhesu louede. loved.
24 Therfore Symount Petre bekenyde 24 To hym beckened Simon Peter,
to him, and seith to him, Who is it, of that he shulde axe who it was, off
which he seith? whome he spake?
25 And so whanne he hadde restid 25 He then as he leaned on Jesus
azen on the brest of Jhesu, he seith to brest, sayde vnto hym, Lorde, who ys it?
him, Lord, who is it?
26 Jhesu answeride, He it is, to whom 26 Jesus answered, He yt ys, to whom
I schal dresse breed dipped yn. And I geve a soppe when I have dept hit.
whanne he had dippid yn breed, he saf And he wet a soppe, and gave ytt to
to Judas of Symount Scariot. Judas Iscarioth Simons sonne.
27 And aftir the morsel, thanne Sa- 27 And after the soppe, Satan entred
„thanas entride in to him. And Jhesu into hym. Then sayde Jesus vnto hym,
- seith to him, What thing thou dost, do Thatt thou dost, do quycly.
thou sunnere.
28 Forsoth no man sittinge at the 28 That wist noo man at the table, for
mete wiste this thing, to what thing he what intent he spake vnto hym.
seide to him.
29 Forsothe summe gessiden, for Judas 29 Some off them thought, be cause
hadde pursis, that Jhesu hadde seid to Judas had the bagge, thatt Jesus had
him, Bye thou tho thingis, that ben sayd vnto hym, By those thynges, that we
. medeful to vs at the feeste day, or that have nede of against the feast, or that he
_he schulde 3yue sum thing to nedy men. shulde geve some thynge to the povre.
30 Therfore whanne he hadde take the 30 As sone then as he had receaved.
- morsel, he wente out a non ; forsoth it the soppe, he went immediatly out ; and
J was ny3t. it was nyght.
31 Therfore whanne he hadde gon out, 31 When he was gone out, Jesus sayde,
Jhesu seide, Now mannis sone is clari- Nowe is the sone of man glorified, and
— fied, and God is clarified in him. God is glorified by hym.
32 If God is clarified in him, and God 32 Yf God be glorified by him, God
. Schal clarifye him in him silf, and a non shall also glorify him in him sylfe, and
- he schal clarifie bim. shall strayght waye glorify hym.
- 33 Litil sones, sit a litil I am with 30u; 33 Deare children, yet a lytell whyle
se schulen seke me, and, as I seide to the am I with you; ye shall seke me, and,
- Jewis, Whidur I go, 3e mown not come; as I sayde vnto the Iewes, Whither I
. and to 5ou I seie now. goo, thither can ye nott come ; alsoo to
you saye I nowe.
34 I 3yue to 30u a newe maundement, 34 A newe commaundment geve I vnto
that 3e loue to gidere, as I louede 30u, you, that ye love to gedder, as I have
. that and 5e loue to gedere. loved you, that even soo ye love one

35 Bi pamma ufkunnanda allai, þei
35 Be dam oncnáwaþ ealle men, det
meinai siponyos siyup, yabai friapwa ge synd mine leorning-cnihtas, gif ge
habbap lufe eow betwynan.
habaid mip izwis misso. d» :
36 Panuh qap du imma Sermon Paitrus, 36 Simon Petrus cweep to him, Drihten,
hwyder gæst di? Se Hælend him
Frauya, whad gaggis? Andhafyands Le-
sus qap, Padei ik gagga, ni magt mik nu andswarode and cwep, Ne miht da me
laistyan, ip bipe laisteis. fylian, dyder ie nú fare, du færst eft
efter me. -
37 Paruh Paitrus qap du imma, Frauya, 37 Petrus ewzp to him, Hwi ne mag -
duwhe ni mag þuk laistyan nu? Saiwala ic dé nú fylian? Ie sylle min lif for dé.
meina faur puk lagya.
Hélend him andswarode and
39 Andhof lesus, Saiwala peina faur 38 Se
cwæþ, Din lif dú sylst for me? Sop,
mik lagyis? Amen, amen, qipa pus, pei
hana ni hrukeip unte pu mik afaikis ic dé secge, ne cræwþ se coco, ser dü
wið-sæcst me priwa. í
kunnan prim sinpam.

CHARMLV shin tin «Gs gea e 2 Crap. XIV. tz And he cwæþ to his
. .. + + 5 . Ni indrobnai izwar leorning-enihtum, Ne sy eower heorte
hairto ; . galaubeip du Gupa, yah gedréfed; . . . ge gelýfaþ on God, and |
du mis galaubeip. ; gelyfap on me. i
2 Ín garda attins meinis salipwos man- 2 On mines fæder hüse synd manega
ayos sind; appan niba weseina, aippau eardung-stówa ; ne sæde ic eow, hyt ys
qepyau du izwis, gagga manwyan stad lytles wana, Geet ic fare and wylle eow
izwis. eardung-stówe gegearwian. |
3 Yah pan yabai gagga, manwya Yzwis 3 And gif ic fare, and eow eardung-
stad, aftra qima, yah franima izwis du stówe gegearwige, eft ic cume, and nime
mis silbin, ei parei im ik, paruh siyup eow to me sylfum, det ge syn, deer ie
yah yus. eom.
4 Yah padei ik gagga, kunnup, yah 4 And ge witon, hwyder ie fare, and
pana wig kunnup. ge cunnon done weg.
5 Paruh qap imma Pomas, Frauya, ni 5 Thomas ewæþ to him, Drihten, we -
witum whap gaggis, yah whaiwa magum nyton hwyder du færst, and hú máge
pana wig kunnan Í we done weg cunnan Í |
6 Qap imma Iesus, ik im sa wigs, yah 6 Se Hælend ewæþ to him, Ie eom
sunya, yah libains ; ainshun ni qimip at weg, and sóþfæstnys, and lif; ne cymp
attin, niba pairh mik. nan to feeder, büton purh me.
7 Ip kunpedeip mik, aippau kunpedeip 7 Gif ge cádon me, witodlice ge eüdon
yah attan meinana ; yah pan fram minne feeder ; and heonon-forþ ge hyne
himma kunnup ina, yah gasaiwhip ina. gecnáwap, and ge hine gesáwon. y

8 Ip Filippus qapuh du imma, Frauya, 8 Philippus cwæþ to him, Drihten, æt-

augel unsis pana attan, patuh ganah ýw us done fæder, and we habbap genóh. —
unsis. á
9 Paruh qap imma lesus, Swalaud 9 Se Hælend eweep to him, Philippus, -
melis mip izwis was, yah ni ufkunpes swá lange tid ic wees mid eow, and ge
mik? Filippu, saei gasawh mik, ga- ne gecneowon me? Se de me gesyhp,-
sawh attan. Yah whaiwa pu qipis, Augei gesyhp minne feeder. Húmeta ewyst dú,
unsis pana attan ? Æt-ýw us dinne feeder! s
XIII. 35.-XIV. 9.] WYCLIFFE, 1389.
TYNDALE, 1526. 529
35 In this thing alle men schulen | 35
By thys shall all men knowe, that
knowe, for 5e ben my disciplis, if se ye
are my disciples, yf ye shall have
schulen haue loue to gidere. love won to a nother.
36 Symount Petre seith to hym, Lord, 36 Simon Peter sayd vnto hym, Lorde,
whidir goist thou? Jhesu answeride,
whither goest thou? Jesus answered
Whidir I go, thou maist not sue me hym, Whither I goo, thou canst not
now, but thou schalt sue aftirward.
folowe me nowe, thou shalt folowe me
37 Petre seith to him, Whi may I not 37 Peter sayd vnto hym, Lorde, why
sue thee now? I schal putte my soulet cannot I folowe the nowe? I will geve
for thee.
38 Jhesu answeride, Thou shalt putte my lyfe for thy sake.
38 Jesus answered hym, Wilt thou geve
thi soulet for me? —Treuli, treuli, Í scie thy lyfe for my sake1 Verely, verely, I
to thee, the koc schal not crowe, til saye vnto the, the cocke shall nott crowe,
thou schalt denye me thries. till thou have denyed me thryse.

CHAP. XIV. x And he seith to his Crap. XIV.

diseiplis, Be not 3oure herte disturblid, í And he sayde vnto
hys disciples, Lett nott youre hertes be
nether drede it ; 3e bileuen in to God, trubled;. . . beleve in God, and beleve
and bileue 3e in to me. in me.
2 In the hous of my fadir ben many 2 In my fathers housse are many man-
| dwellingis ; if any thing lesse, I hadde
sions ; if it were
not soo, I wolde have
‘seid to 30u, for I go for to make redy tolde you,
I goo to prepare a place for
to 30u a place. you.
3 And if I schal go, and schal make |
redy to 30u a place, eftsoone I schal 3
come, and I schal take 30u to my silf, and receve Ere ioo I will come agayne,
you even vnto myselfe, that
that where I am, and 3e be. where I am, theare maye ye be also.
4 And whidur I go, se witen, and se
4 And whither I goo, ye knowe, and
witen the wey. the waye ye knowe.
5 Thomas seith to him, Lord, we witen
5 Thomas sayde vnto him, Lorde, we
not whidur thou goist, and hou mown
knowe not whyther thou goest, also
„we wite the weye? ! howe is it possible for vs to knowe the
| 6 Jhesu seith to him, I am weye,
6 Jesus sayde vnto hym, I am the
- treuthe, and lyf; no man cometh to the
waye, verite, and lyfe ; no man commeth
fadir, no but by me. vnto the father, but by me.
7 If 3e hadden knowen me, sothli 3e 7 Yf ye had knowen me, ye had
hadden knowen and my fadir ; and aftir- knowen my father alsoo ; and nowe ye
ward 3e schulen knowe him, and 3e han knowe hym, and ye have sene hym.
seyn him.
8 Philip seith to him, Lord, schewe to 8 Phillip said vnto him, Lorde, shew
vs the fadir, and it suffisith to vs. vs thy father, and it suffiseth vs.
9 Jhesu seith to him, So moche tyme 9 Jesus sayde vnto him, Have I bene
I am with 30u, and han 3e not knowun so longe time with you, and yet hast
me? Philip, he that seeth me, seeth thou not knowen me? Philip, he that.
and the fadir. Hou seist thou, Schewe hath sene me, hath sene the father.
to vs the fadir ? And howe sayest thou then, Shewe vs
the father?
GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Jonn
1o Niu galaubeis, patei ik in attin, yah 10 Ne gelýfst dú dæt ic eom on feeder,
Po waurda poei ik and fæder ys on me? Da word de ic
atta in mis ist?
rodya izwis af mis silbin ni rodya; to eow sprece ne sprece ic hi of me
saei in mis ist, sa tauyip po sylfum ; se fæder de wunap on me, he
ak atta
wyrcþ da weorc.
11 Ne gelyfe ge, dæt ic eom on feeder,
1r Galaubeip mis, patei ik in attin, yah and feeder ys on me? Gelyfap for dam

atta in mis. Ip yabai ni in pize waurst-

we galaubeip mis.
12 Amen, amen, qipa izwis, sael ga- 12 Sóp,ie eow seege, se de gelyfp on
laubeid mis, po waurstwa poel ik tauya me, he wyrep da weore de ic wyree;
he wyreþ máran donne da synd, |
yah is tauyip ; yah maizona paim tauyip, and
unte ik du attin gagga. fordam de ic fare to feeder.

13 Yah patei wha bidyip in namin 13 And ic dé, swá hwet swá ge biddap
meinamma, pata tauya, ei hauhyaidau on minum naman, det feeder sig ge- -
atta in sunau. wuldrod on suna.

14 Yabai whis bidyip mik in namin 14 Gif ge hwæt me biddap on minum -

naman, deet ic dó."
meinamma, ik tauya.
15 Yabai mik friyop, anabusnins meinos 15 Gif ge me lufiaþ, healdap mine be-
bodu. 1
16 Yah ik bidya attan, yah anparana 16 And ie bidde feeder, and he sylþ
parakletu gibip izwis, ei siyal mip izwis eow óderne fréfriend, dzt beo æfre mid
du aiwa, eow,
17 Ahma sunyos ; panei so manaselps 17 Sóþfæstnysse gist ; de des middan-
ni mag niman, unte ni saiwhip ina, nih eard ne meg underfón, he ne can hyne, -
kann ina. Íþ yus kunnup ina, unte is fordam de he ne gesyhp hyne. Ge hyne
mip izwis wisip, yah in izwis ist. cunnon, fordam de he wunap mid eow,
and bip on eow. j

18 Ni leta izwis widuwairnans, qima 18 Ne léte io eow steop-cild, ic eume -

to eow.
at izwis.
r9 Nauh leitil, yah so manaseips mik 19 Nú gyt ys án lytel fyrst, and middan-
ni panaseips saiwhip ; ip yus saiwhip mik, eard me ne gesyhp ;ge me geseop, fordam —
ic lybbe, and ge lybbap. |
patei ik liba, yah yus libaip.
20 Ín yainamma daga ufkunnaip yus, 20 On dam dæge ge gecnáwaþ, det ic -
patei ik in attin meinamma, yah yus in eom on minum fæder, and ge synd on
mis, yah ik in izwis. me, and ie eom on eow.
21 Saei habaid anabusnins meinos, yah 21 Se de hæfþ mine bebodu, and hylt |
fastaip pos, sa ist saei friyop mik; yah da, he ys de me lufap; min feeder lufap |
pan saei friyop mik, friyoda fram attin dene de me lufap, and ie lufige hyne, -
meinamma, yah ik friyo ina, yah ga- and geswütelige him me sylfne.
bairhtya imma mik silban.

22 Paruh qap imma Íudas, ni sa Ís- 22 ludas ewep to him, næs ná se p

karyotes, Frauya, wha warp, ei unsis Scarioth, Drihten, hwæt ys geworden, -
munais gabairhtyan puk silban, ip pizai det dú wylt dé sylfue geswüteliaus,
næs middan-earde ? F
manasedai ni ?
23 Andhof lesus, yah qap du imma, 23 Se Hælend andswarode, and ewsep|
Yabai whas mik friyop, yah waurd mein to him, Gif hwá me lufaþ, he hylt mine >
fastaip ; yah atte meins friyop ina, yah sprece ; and min feeder lufap hine, and 1

XIV. 10-25.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 531
IO Bileuest not thou, for I wm in the 10 Belevest thou nott, that I am in
fadir, and the fadir is in me? I speke the father, and the father in me?
not of my silf the wordis that I speke The
wordes that I speake vnto you, I speake
to 30u ; sothli the fadir dwellinge in me, not of my silfe ; but the father dwellinge
he doith the workis. in me, is he that doeth the workes.
II Beleue 3e not, for I am in the fadir, II Beleve that I am in the father, and
and the fadir is in me? Ellis bileue 36 the father in me. Att the leest beleve
for thilke workis. me for the very workes sake.
I2 Treuli, treuli, I seie to 30u, he that 12 Verely, verely, I saye vnto you,
bileueth in to me, and he schal do the whosoever beleueth on me, the workes
workis that I do ; and he schal do more that I doo the same shall he do ; and
workis than thes, for I go to the fadir. gretter workes then these shall he do,
be cause I go vnto my father.
I3 And what euere thing se schulen I3 And whatsoever ye axe in my name,
axe the fadir in my name, I schal do that will I do, that the father might be
this thing, that the fadir be glorified in glorified by the sonne.
the sone.
14 If 3e schulen axe ony thing in my 14 Yf ye shal axe eny thynge in my
name, I schal do it. name, I will do it.
15 If 3e louen me, kepe 3e my co- 15 Yf ye love me, kepe my commaund-
maundementis. mentes.
16 And I schal preie the fadir, and 16 And I will praye my father, and he -
he schal syue to 3ou another coum- shall geve you a nother comforter, that
fortour, : he maye byde with you ever,
17 The spirit of treuthe, that he dwelle 17 Which is the sprete of truthe,
with 30u into with outen ende; which whome the worlde cannot receave, be
spirit the world may not take, for it cause the worlde seyth him not, nether
seeth not him, neither woot him. For- kuoweth hym. Butt ye knowe him,
sothe 3e schulen knowe him, for he _ for he dwelleth with you, and
schal dwelle at 30u, and he schal be in you.
in 30u.
18 I schal not leeue 30u fadirlees, I 18 I will nott leave you comfortlesse,
schal come to 3ou. I will come vnto you.
19 3it a litil, and the world seeth not 19 Hit is yet a litell whyle, and the
me now ; forsoth 5e schulen se me, for worlde seyth me noo moare; but ye
I lyue, and 5e schulen lyue. shall se me, for I live, and ye shall live.
E 20 In that day 3e schulen knowe, for 20 That daye shall ye knowe, that I
I am in my fadir, and see in me, and I am in my father, and my father in me,
in 30u. aud I in you.
. 21 He that hath my comaundementis, 21 He that hath my commaundmentes,
and kepith hem, he it is that loueth and kepeth them, the same is he that
me; sothli he that loueth me, schal loveth me ; and he that loveth me,
be loued of my fadir, and I schal loue shalbe loved of my father, and I will
him, and I schal schewe to him my silf. love him, and will showe myne awne
silfe vnto him.
22 Judas seith to him, not he of 22 Judas sayd vnto him, not Judas
Scarioth, Lord, what is don, for thou Iscarioth, Lorde, what is the cause, that
art to schewe to vs thi silf, and not thou wilt shewe thy silfe vnto vs, and
to the world? not vnto the worlde ? á
23 Jhesus answeride, and seide to him, 23 Jesus answered, and sayde vnto
If ony man loueth me, he schal kepe my hym, Yf a man love me, and wyll kepe
word ; and my fadir schal loue him, and | my sayinges; my father also will love
M m 2
532 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. |ST. JoHN

du imma galeipos, yah salipwos at im- we cumaþ to him, and we wyrcap

ma gatauyos. eardung-stówa mid him.
24 lp saei ni friop mik, po waurda 24 Se de me ne lufap, ne hylt he mine
meina ni fastaip ; yah pata waurd patei spræca ; and nis hyt min spree, de ge
hauseip, nist mein, ak pis sandyandins gehyrdon, ac dees feeder, de me sende.
mik, attins.
25 Pata rodida izwis, at izwis wisands ; 25 Das ping ic eow sæde, dá ic mid
eow wunode ;
26 Appan sa parakletus, Ahma sa 26 Se Hálga Frófre Gast, de feeder
Weiha, panei sandeip atta in namin sent on minum naman, eow lærþ ealle
meinamma, sa izwis laiseip allata, yah ting, and he lærþ eow ealle da ping, de
gamaudeip izwis allis, patei qap du iz- Ic eow secge.
27 Gawairpi bileipa izwis, gawairpi 27 Ic léfe eow sibbe, ie sylle eow mine
mein giba izwis ; ni swaswe so manaseps sibbe ; ne sylle ie eow sibbe, swá middan-
gibip ik giba izwis ; ni indrobnaina eard sylp; ne sy eower heorte gedréfed,
izwara hairtona, nih faurhtyaina. ne ne forhtige ge.
28 Hausidedup, ei ik qap izwis, Ga- 28 Ge gehyrdon, det ic eow sede, Ie
leipa, yah qima at izwis. Yabai friyo- gá, and ic cume to eow. Witodlice gif
dedeip mik, aippau yus faginodedeip, ei ge me lufedon, ge geblissodon, fordam
ik gagga du attin, unte atta meins de ic fare to feeder, fordam feeder ys
maiza mis ist. mara donne ic.
29 Yah nu qap izwis, faurpizei waurpi, 29 And nú ic eow sæde, erdam de hit
ei bipe wairpai, galaubyaip. gewurde, det ge gelyfon, donne hit ge-
worden bip.
30 Panaseips filu ni maplya mip Yzwis ; 30 Ne sprece ic nú ná fela wid eow;
qimip saei pizai manasedai reikinop, yah dysses middan-eardes ealdor cymp, and
jin mis ni bigitip waiht. he neefp nan ping on me.

31 Ak ei ufkunnai so manaseþs, patei 31 Ac det middan-eard onenáwe, det

ik friyoda attan meinana, yah swaswe ic lufige feeder, and ic do, swa feeder me
anabaud mis atta, swa tauya. Urreisip, bebead. Arisap, uton gan heonon.
gaggam papro.

Cuar. XV. 1 Ik im weinatriu pata Cmar. XV. tz Ic eom sóp win-eard,

sunyeino, yah atta meins waurstwya ist. and min feeder ys eorp-tilia.
2 All taine in mis unbairandane akran 2 He dép ælc twig áweg on me, de
gop, usnimip ita ; yah all akran bairand- bléda ne byrp; and he feormap ele
ane, gahraineip ita, ei managizo akran dara, de blæda byrp, dzet hyt bere blæda
bairaina. de swidor.

3 Yu yus hrainyai siyup, in pis waurdis 3 Nú ge synd clæne, for dere spræce
patei rodida du izwis. de ic to eow spræc.

4 Wisaip In mis, yah ik in izwis ; swe 4 Wuniap on me, and ic on eow ; swa
sa weinatains ni mag akran bairan af twig ne meg blæda beran him sylf,
sis silbin, niba ist ana weinatriwa, swah büton hit wunige on win-earde, swa ge
nih yus, niba in mis siyup. ne mágon eác, büton ge wunion on me.
XIV. 24.-XV. 4.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1 520. 533
we schulen come to him, and we schulen | him, and we
woll come vnto him, and
make dwellinge at him. wyll dwell wyth hym.
24 He that loueth me not, kepith not 24 He that loveth me not, kepeth nott
my wordis; and the word which se han. my sayinges; and the wordes which ye
herd, is not myn, but his that sente me, heare, are nott myne, but my fathers,
the fadris. which sent me.
25 Thes thingis I haue spokun to 30u, 25 This have I spoken vnto you, beynge
dwellinge at 30u ; yett present with you ;
26 Forsoth the Hooly Gost, coum- 26 But that comforter, which is the
fortour, whom the fadir schal sende in Holy Gost, whom my father will sende
my name, he schal teche sou alle thingis, in my name, shall teache you all thynges,
and schal schewe* to sou alle thingis, and brynge all thynges to youre re-
what euer thingis I schal seye to 30u. membraunce, whatsoever I have tolde
27 Pees I leeue to 30u, my pees I 3yue 27 Peace I leve with you, my peace
to 5ou ; not as the world 3yueth, I 3yue I geve vnto you; nott as the worlde
to 30u; be not 30ure herte disturblid, geveth, geve I vnto you ; lett not youre
neither drede it. hertes be greved, nether feare ye.
28 3e han herd, for I seide to 30u, I 28 Ye have herde, howe I saide vnto
go, and come to 30u. If se louedyn you, I goo, and come agayne vnto you.
me, forsoth 3e schulden haue ioye, for I Yf ye loved me, ye wolde verely reioyce,
go to the fadir, for the fadir is more be cause I sayde, I goo vnto the father,
than I. for the father is gretter then I.
29 And now I haue seid to 30u, bifore | 29 And nowe have I shewed you, be-
it be don, that whanne it schal be don, fore it come, that when it is come to
3e bileue. passe, ye myght beleve.
3o Now I schal not speke many thingis 30 Here after will I not talke many
to 30u ; forsoth the prince of this world wordes vnto you; for the chefe ruelar
cometh, and he hath not ony thing in off thys worlde commeth, and hath
me. nought in me.
31 But that the world knowe, for I 31 But that the worlde maye knowe,
loue the fadir, and as the fadir 3af co- that I love my father, and as my father
maundement to me, so I do. Ryse 3e gave me commaundment, even soo do I.
go we hennis. Ryse, lett vs goo hence.

CHAP. XV. 1 I am a verri vyne, and Cuap. XV. 1 I am the true vyne,
my fadir is an erthe tilier. and my father ys an husbandeman.
2 Ech syoun* not berynge fruit in me, 2 Every braunche that beareth nott
he schal do a wey it; and ech that berith frute in me, he will take awaye ; and
fruit, he schal purge it, that it more every braunche that beareth frute, will
bere fruit. he pourge, that it maye bringe moare
3 Now se ben clene, for the word that 3 Nowe are ye cleane, be the meanes
I haue spokun to 30u. of the wordes which I have spoken vnto
4 Dwell 5e in me, and I in 3ou ; as a 4 Byde in me, and I in you; as the
braunche may not make fruit of him braunche cannot beare frute off it sylfe,
silf, no but it schal dwelle in the vyne, excepte it byde in the vyne, no more
so nether 5e, no but 3e schulen dwelle can ye, excepte ye abyde in me.
in me,
534 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (St. Jonx
5 Ïk im pata weinatriu, ip yus weina- 5 le eom win-eard, and ge synd twigu.
tainos. Saei wisip in mis, yah ik in Se de wunap on me, and ic on him, se
imma, sa bairip akran manag, patei nuh byrp mycle blæda, fordam ge ne magon
mik ni magup tauyan ni waiht. nan ping don bútan me.

6 Niba saei wisip in mis, uswairpada 6 Gif hwá ne wunap on me, he byp
ut swe weinatains, yah gapaursnip; yah áworpen út swá twig, and fordrúwaþ;
galisada, yah in fon galagyand, yah and hig gaderiaþ ða, and dóþ on fýr,
inbranyada. and hig forbyrnap.*

7 Appan yabai siyup in mis, yah waurda 7 Gyf ge wuniap on me, and mine word
meina in izwis sind, patawhah pei wileip, wuniap on eow, biddap, swá hwæt swa:
bidyip, yah wairpip izwis. ge wyllon, and hyt byp eower.

8 In pamma hauhips ist atta meins, ei 8 On dam ys min fæder geswütelod,

akran manag bairaip, yah wairpaip meinai det ge beron mycele bléda, and beon
siponyos. mine leorning-cnihtas.
9 Swaswe friyoda mik atta, swah ik 9 And ie lufode eow, swa feeder lufode
friyoda izwis ; wisaip in friaþwai meinai. me; wuniap on minre lufe.

ro Yabai anabusnins meinos fastaid, 10 Gif ge mine bebodu gehealdap, ge

siyup in friapwai meinai; swaswe ik wuniap on minre lufe; swá ie geheold
anabusnins attins meinis fastaida, yah mines feeder bebodu, and ie wunige on
wisa in friapwai is. hys lufe.
II pata rodida izwis, ei faheps meina 11 Das ping ie eow sæde, det min
in izwis siyal, yah faheds įizwara usfull- gefea sy on eow, and eower gefea sy
yaidau. gefulled. t
12 Pata ist anabusns meina, ei friyop 12 Dis ys min bebod, det ge lufion
izwis misso, swaswe ik friyoda izwis. eow gemænelice, swá ic eow lufode.
13 Maizein pizai friapwai manna ni 13 Næfþ nán man máran lufe donne
habaip, ei whas saiwala seina lagyip faur deos ys, det hwá sylle his lif for his
friyonds seinans. freondum.
14 Yus friyonds meinai siyup, yabai 14 Ge synd mine frynd, gif ge dóp da |
tauyip, patei ik anabiuda izwis. ping, de ic eow bebeode.
15 Panaseifs izwis ni qipa skalkans, 15 Ne telle ic eow to peowan, fordam
unte skalks ni wait, wha tauyip is frauya; se peowa nit, hwet se hlaford dép; ic
ip ik izwis qap friyonds, unte all patei tealde eow to freondum, fordam ie eydde:
hausida at attin meinamma, gakannida eow, ealle da ping de ic gehyrde æt.
izwis. minum fæder.

16 Ni yus mik gawalidedup, ak ik ga- 16 Ne gecure ge me, ac ic geceas eow ;.

walida izwis; . . . ei yus sniwaip, yah and ic sette eow, det ge gan, and blæda.
akran bairaip, yah akran izwar du aiwa beron, and eowre bléda gelæston ; ðæt.
siyal; el patawhah pei bidyaip attan in feeder sylle eow, swá hwæt swá ge biddap-
namin meinamma, gibip izwis. on minum naman.*

17 pata anabiuda izwis, ei friyop izwis 17 Dis ping ic eow beode, det ge:
misso. lufion eow gemænelice.
18 Yabai so manaseds izwis fiyai, kun- 18 Gif iðar eard eow hatap, witaþ,.
neip, ei mik fruman izwis fiyaida. deet he hatede me er eow.

19 Yabai pis fairwhaus weseib, aippau 19 Gif ge of midda--earde wæron,.

XV. 5-19.) WYCLIFFE, 1380. TYNDALE, 1526. 535
5 I am a vyne, 53e ben the braunchis. 5 I am the vyne, and ye are the
He that dwellith in me, and I in him, braunches. He that abydeth in me,
this berith moche fruit, for with outen and I in hym, the same bryngeth forth
me 5e mown no thing do. moche frute, for with out me can ye do
6 If ony man schal not dwelle in me, 6 Yff a man byde nott in me, he ys
he schal be sent out as a braunche, and cast forthe as a braunche, and is wyd-
schal wexe drye ; and thei schulen ga- dered ; and men gadder them, and cast
dere him, and thei schulen sende him in them into the fyre, and they burne.
to the fier, and he brenneth.
7 If 3e schulen dwelle in me, and my 7 Yff ye byde in me, and my wordes .
wordis schulen dwelle in 3ou, what euere also bide in you, axe what ye will, and
thing 3e schulen wilne, 3e schulen axe, it shalbe geven you.
and it schal be do to 50u.
8 In this thing my fadir is clarified, 8 Heare in is my father glorified, that
that 3e brynge moost fruyt, and se be ye beare moche frute, and be made my
maad my disciplis. disciples.
9 As my fadir louede me, and I louyde 9 As my father hath loved me, even
30u ; dwelle 5e in my loue. soo have I loved you ; continue in my
to If se schulen kepe my comaunde- 10 Yf ye shall kepe my commaund-
mentis, 3e schulen dwelle in my loue; mentes, ye shall byde in my love; even
as and I haue kept the comaundementis as I have kept my fathers commaund-
of my fadir, and I dwelle in his loue. mentes, and byde in his love.
11 Thes thingis I spak to 30u, that my 1I These thinges have I spoken vnto
loye be in 30u, and 3oure ioye be fillid. you, that my ioye myght remayne in
you, and that youre ioye myght be full.
12 This is my comaundement, that 3e 12 Thys ys my commaundment, that
loue to gidere, as I louede 30u. ye love togedder, as I have loved you.
13 No man hath more loue than this, 13 Gretter love then this hath no man,
that ony man putte his soulet for his then that a man bestowe his lyfe for his
frendis. frendes.
14 3e ben my frendis, if 3e schulen do 14 Ye are my frendes, yf ye do what-
tho thingis, that I comaunde to 3ou. soever I commaunde you.
15 Now I schal not seye 30u ser- 15 Hence forth call I you nott ser-
uauntis, for the seruaunt woot not, what vauntes, for the servaunt knoweth nott,
his lord schal do; forsothe I haue seid what hys lorde doeth ; butt you have I
3ou frendis, for alle thingis what euere I called frendes, for all thynges that I have
. herde of my fadir, I haue maad knowun herde of my father, I have openned to
to 30u. you.
16 3e han not chosun me, but I chees 16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have
30u; and I haue put 30u, that 3e go, chosen you ; and ordeyned you, that ye
and brynge fruit, and 3oure fruit dwelle; goo, and bringe forthe frute, and that
that what euere thing 3e schulen axe youre frute remayne ; that whatsoever
the fadir in my name, he 3yue to 30u. ye shall axe off my father in my name,
he shulde geve it you.
17 Thes thingis I comaunde to 30u, 17 This commaunde I you, that ye
that 3e loue to gidere. love to gedder.
18 If the world hatith 30u, wite 3e, 18 Yf the worlde hate you, ye knowe,
for it hadde me in hate first than that he hated me before he hated you.
19 If 5e hadden be of the world, the 19 Yf ye were of the worlde, the
536 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Jon
so manaseds swesans friyodedi; appan middan-eard lufode dæt his wees; fordam
unte us pamma fairwhau ni siyup, ak ik de ge ne synd of middan-earde, ae ie eow
gawalida izwis us pamma fairwhau, duppe geceas of middan-earde, fordi middan-
fiyaid íizwis so manaseps. eard eow hatap.
20 Gamuneip pis waurdis, patei ik qap 20 Gemunap minre spræce, de ic eow
du izwis, Nist skalks maiza frauyin sede, Nis se peowa merra donne his
E Yabai mik wrekun, yah hláford. Gif hi me ehton, hi wyllap |
izwis wrikand ; yabai mein waurd fast- ehtan eower ; gif hi mine spræce heold-
aidedeina, yah izwar fastaina. on, hi healdap eae eowre.

21 Ak pata allata tauyand izwis in 2r Ae ealle dás ping hi dóp eow for
namins meinis, unte ni kunnun pana minum naman, fordam de hi ne cunnon
sandyandan mik. done de me sende.

22 Nih qemyau, yah rodidedyau du 22 Gif ic ne come, and to him ne

im, frawaurht ni habaidedeina ; ip nu spræce, næfdon hig nane synne; nu hi.
ïnilons ni haband bi frawaurht seina. nabbap nane lade be hyra synne. :

23 Saei mik fiyaip, yah attan meinana 23 Se de me hatap, hatap minne feeder. l
24 lp po waurstwa ni gatawidedy au in 24 Gif ie náne weore ne worhte on
im, poei anpar ainshun ni gatawida, fra- him, de nin oder ne worhte, næfdon hi
waurht ni habaidedeina ; A nu yah ga- nine synne; nú hi gesáwon, and hi
sewhun mik, yah fiyaidedun yah mik hatedon ægðer ge me ge minne feeder.
yah attan meinana.
25 Ak ei usfullnodedi waurd, pata ga- 25 Ac det seo spræc sy gefylled, de
melido in witoda ize, Ei fiyaidedun mik on hyra æ áwriten ys, Det hi batedon |
arwyo. me bütan gewyrhtum.*
26 Appan pan qimip parakletus, panei 26 Donne se fréfriend cymp, de ic eow |
ik insandya izwis fram attin, ahman sende fram feeder, sópfzestnysse gast, de
sunyos, izei fram attin urrinnip, sa weit- cymp fram feeder, he cyp gewitnesse =
wodeip bi mik ; me ; |

27 Yah pan yus weitwodeip, unte fram 27 And ge cydap gewitnesse, fordam|
fruma mip mis siyup. ge weron fram fruman mid me. |

Crap. XVI. 1 pata rodida izwis, ei Cuar. XVI. 1 Das ping ie eow sæde,
ni afmarzyaindau. det ge ne swicion.

2 Us gaqumpim dreiband izwis, akei 2 Hi dóþ eow of gesomnungum, ac seo -

qimip wheila, ei sawhazuh izei usqimip tid cymp, Geet cle de eow ofslyhp, wenp -
izwis, þuggkeiþ hunsla salyan Gupa. dst he pénige Gode.

3 Yah pata tauyand, unte ni ufkunp- 3 And dás ping hig dóp, fordam de hi
edun attan, nih mik. ne cúðon minne feeder, ne me.

4 Akei pata rodida Yzwis, ei bipe qimai 4 Ac das ping ie eow sæde, det ge 1
so wheila ize, gamuneip pize, patei ik gemunon, donne hyra tid cymp, det
qap izwis. Ip pata izwis fram fruma ni ie hit eow sede. Ne sede ie eow dàs |

XY. 20.-XVI. 4.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 537
world schulde loue that thing that was worlde wolde love his awne ; be cause
his ;but for 3e ben not of the world, ye are not of the worlde, but I have
but I chees 30u fro the world, therfore chosen you out of the worlde, therfore
the world hatith 3ou. hateth you the worlde.
20 Haue 5e mynde of my word, which 20 Remember my sayinge, that I sayde
I seide to 3ou, The seruaunt is not more vnto you, The servaunte is not gretter
than his lord. If thei han pursuwed then his lorde. Yf they have persecuted
me, and thei schulen pursue 3ou ; if thei me, so will they persecute you ; yff they
han kept my word, and thei schulen have kept my sayinge, so will they kepe
kepe soure. youres.
21 But thei schulen do to 30u alle thes 21 But all these thynges will they do
thingis for my name, for thei witen not vnto you for my names sake, be cause
him that sente me. they have nott knowen hym that sent
22 If I hadde not come, and hadde not 22 Yf I had not come, and spoken
spoke to hem, thei schulden not haue vnto them, they shulde have no synne;
synne ; forsoth now thei han not excusa- butt nowe have they nothynge to cloke
cioun of her synne. theyr synne with all.
23 He that hatith me, hatith and my 23 He that hateth me, hateth my
fadir. father.
24 If I hadde not don werkis in hem, 24 Iff I had nott done workes amonge
whiche non othir man dide, thei schulden them, which none other man did, they
not haue synne; forsoth now and thei shulde be with oute synne ; but nowe
. han seyn, and hatid me and my fadir. have they sene, and yet have hated bothe
me and my father.
25 But that the word be fillid, that is 25 Even thatt the sayinge myght be
writun in the lawe of hem, For thei fulfilled, that is written in theyr lawe,
hadden me in hate with outen cause.* They hated me with outt a cause.
26 Forsoth whanne the cumfortour 26 Butt when the comforter is come,
schal come, which I schal sende to 30u whom I will sende vnto you from the
fro the fadir, a spirit of treuthe, the father, wich is the sprete of verite, which
whiche procedith* of the fadir, he schal proceadeth off the father, he shall testifie
bere witnessing of me ; off me ;
27 And 3e schulen bere witnessing, for 27 And ye shall beare witnes also, be-
- 3e ben with me fro the bigynnyng. cause ye have bene with me from the

Cuar. XVI. 1 Thes thingis I haue Cuar. XVI. r These thynges have
spokun to 30u, that 3e ben not sclaun- I sayde vnto you, be cause ye shulde
drid. nott be hurte in youre fayth.
2 Thei schulen make 3ou with oute 2 They shall excomunicat you, ye the
synagogis, but the our cometh, that ech tyme shall come, thatt whosoever killeth
man that sleeth 30u, deme him silf for you, will thynke that he doth God true
to 3yue sacrifice to God. service.
3 And thei schulen do to 30u thes 3 And suche thynges will they do vnto
thingis, for thei han not knowe the you, be cause they have not knowen the
fadir, nethir me. father, nether yet me.
4 But thes thingis I spak to 30u, that 4 These thynges have I tolde you, that
whanne the our of hem schal come, 3e when that houre is come, ye shulde
. haue mynde, for I seide to 30u. I seide remember them, that I tolde you so.
538 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (Sr. Jon
qap, unte mip izwis was. ping æt fruman, fordam de ic was mid

5 ip nu gagga du pamma sandyandin 5 Nú ic fare to dam de me sende, and —

mik, yah ainshun us izwis ni fraihniþ eower nån ne ácsap me, Hwyder ic fare? -
mik, Whap gaggis Í
6 Akei unte pata rodida izwis, gauriþa 6 Ac fordam de ic spree das ping to|
gadaubida izwar hairto. eow, unrótnys gefylde eowre heortan. —|

7 Akei ik sunya izwis qipa, batizo ist 7 Ac ie eow secge sóþfæstnysse, eow
izwis, ei ik galeipau; unte yabai ik ni fremap, Geet ic fare; gif ie ne fare, ne
galeipa, parakletus ni qimip at izwis ; cymp se fréfriend to eow ; witodlice gif
appan yabai gagga, sandya ina du izwis. ic fare, ic hyne sende to eow. 1

8 Yah qimands is, gasakip po manasep 8 And donne he cymp, he pywp dysne
bi frawaurht, yah bi garaihtipa, yah bi middan-eard be synne, and be rihtwis-
staua. nesse, and be dóme,
9 Bi frawaurht raihtis pata, patei ni 9 Be synne, fordam hi ne gelyfdon on
- galaubyand du mis; me;
ro Íþ bi garaihtiþa, patei du attin mein- 10 Be rihtwisnesse, fordam ic fare ti
amma gagga, yah nl panaseips saiwhip feeder, and ge me ne geseop ;
rr Íþ bi staua, patet sa reiks pis fair- ir Be dóme, fordam dyses middan-
whaus afdomips warp. eardes ealdor ys gedémed.

12 Nauh ganoh skal qipan izwis, akei 12 Gyt ic hæbbe eow fela to secgenne,
ni magup frabairan nu. ac ge hyt ne magon nú ácuman.

r3 lp pan qimip yains ahma sunyos, 13 Donne dere sóþfæstnysse gist eymþ
briggip izwis in allai sunyai; nih pan he lærþ eow ealle sópfestnysse ; n
rodeip af sis silbin, ak swa filu swe sprycp he of him sylfum, ae he sprycþ
hauseip, rodeip ; yah pata anawairpo da ping de he gehyrp; and eyp eowda
gateihiþ izwis. ping de towearde synd. ;

14 Yains mik hauheip, unte us mein- 14 He me geswütelap, fordam he nim

amma nimip, yah gateihip izwis. of minum, and cyp eow.
r5 All, patei aih atta, mein ist ; duhpe 15 Ealle da þing, de min feeder heefp,
qaþ, patei us meinamma nimip, yah ga- synd mine; fordig ic cwep, det he
teihip izwis. nimp of minum, and cýþ eow.*

16 Leitil nauh, yah ni saiwhip mik ; 16 Nú ymbe an lytel, ge me ne geseop 5

yah aftra leitil, yah gasaiwhip mik, unte and eft ymbe lytel, ge me geseop, for.
ik gagga du attin. dam de ic fare to fæder.
17 Paruh qepun us paim siponyam du .17 Ðá cwædon hys leorning-enihtas
gis misso, Wha ist pata patei qipip unsis, him betwynan, Hwæt ys det he us seg},
Leitil, ei ni saiwhip mik; yah aftra Ymbe lytel, ge me ne geseop; and eff
leitil, yah gasaiwhip mik, yah patei ik ymbe lytel, and ge me geseop, and die
gagga du attin! ic fare to feeder! To
18 Qepunuh pata, Wha siyai, patei
qipip, Leitil? ni witum wha qipip. det he cwyp, Ymbe lytel? we nytor
hweet he sprycp.
XVI. 5-18.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 639
not to 30u thes thingis fro the bigyn- These thynges sayde I not vnto you af
nyng, for I was with 30u. the begynnynge, be cause I was present
with you.
5 And now I go to him that sente me, 5 Butt nowe goo I my waye to hym
and no man of 30u askith me, Whidur thatt sent me, and none of you axeth
thou goist? me, Whither goest thou?
6 But for I haue spokyn to 3ou thes 6 But be cause I have sayde suche
thingis, sorwe* hath fulfillid 5oure herte. thynges vnto you, youre hertes are full
off sorowe.
4 But I seie to 30u treuthe, it spedith 7 Neverthelesse I tell you the trueth,
to 30u, that I go; sothli if I schal not it is expedient for you, that I goo a
go a wey, the coumfortour schal not waye; for yf I goo nott awaye, that
come to 30u; forsoth if I schal go a comforter will nott come vnto you; yff
wey, I schal sende hym to 30u. I de parte, I will sende hym vnto you.
— 8 And whanne he schal come, he schal 8 And when he is come, he will rebuke
'reproue the world of synne, and of ri3t- the worlde off synne, and of rightwesnes,
fulnesse, and of dom. and of iudgement.
9 Forsothe oí synne, for thei han not 9 Of synne, because they beleve not
bileuyd in to me; on me;
- 10 Forsothe of ristfulnesse, for I go to 10 Of rightwesnes, be cause I goo to
“the fadir, and now 5e schulen not se me; my father, and ye shall se me no moare ;

- 11 Forsothe of dom, for the prince of rir And of iudgement, be cause the
"this world is now demyd. chefe rueler of this worlde is iudged
"12 jit I haue many thingis for to seie 12 l have yet many thynges to saye
to 30u, but 3e mown not bere now. vnto you, but ye cannot beare them
awaye nowe.
13 Sotheli whanne the ilke spirit of 13 When he is wons come, I meane
treuthe schal come, he schal teche 30u the sprete of verite, he will leade you
al treuthe; sothli he schal not speke into all trueth ; he shall nott speake of
of him self, but what euere thingis he hym silfe, but whatsoever he shall heare,
schal heere, he schal speke; and he
that shall he speake; and he will shewe
schal telle to 30u the thingis that ben you thynges to come.
to comynge.
' 14 He schal clarifie me, for of myne r4 He shall glorify me, for he shall re-
he schal take, and schal telle to 30u. ceave of myne, and shall shewe vnto you. .
| 18 Alle thingis, what euere thingis the 15 All thynges, that my father hath,
fadir hath, ben myne; therfore Í seide ar myne ; therfore sayd I vnto you, that
to 30u, for of myne he schal take, and he shal take of mine, and shewe vnto
ischal telle to 30u. | you.
y 16 A litil, and now 3e schulen not se 16 After a whyle, ye shall nott se me ;
me; and eft a litil, and 3e schulen se and agayne after a whyle, ye shall se
‘me, for I go to the fadir. me, for I goo to my father.
17 Therfore summe of his disciplis 17 Then sayd some of his disciples
- :geiden to gidere, What is this thing that bitwene them selves, What is this that
he seith to vs, A litil, and 3e schulen he sayth vnto vs, After a whyle, ye shall
‘not se me ; and eft a litil, and 3e schulen not se me; and agayne after awhyle, ye
‘se me, for I go to the fader? shall se me, and that I goo to my father?
18 Therfore thei seiden, What is this, r8 They sayde therfore, What is this,
that he seith to vs, A litel? we witen that he sayth, After a while? we cannot
‘not what he spekith. tell what he saith,

540 GOTHIC, 360.
wiste, det hi woldon
19 Ip Iesus wissuh, patei wildedun ina | 19 Se Hælend
he ewsp to him, Be
fraihuan, yah qap im, Bi pata sokeiþ í hyne ácsian, and n eow, fordam
[patei qap, Leitil, yah dam ge smeagea p betwyna
mip izwis misso, ne geseop ;
ic sæde, Ymbe lytel ge me
ni saiwhip mik; yah aftra leitil, yah
ip and eft ymbe lytel, ge me geseop.
gasaiwh mik.

20 Amen, amen, qipa izwis, pei greitip 20 Sóp, ie eow secge, det ge heofiaþ
yah gaunop yus, ip manase[s faginop; and wépap; middan-eard geblissaþ ;and
yus saurgandans wairpip, akei so saurga ge beop unréte, ac eower unrótnys byþ
izwara du fahedai wairpip. gewend to gefean.

21 Qino pan bairip, saurga habaid, unte 21 Denne wif cenp, heo hæfþ unrót-
qam wbeila izos; ip bipe gabauran ist nysse, fordam de hyre tid com ; donne
barn, ni panascips ni gaman pizos aglons, heo cenp cnapan, ne geman heo dere -
faura fahedai, unte gabaurans warp hefinysse, for gefein, fordam man byp
manna in fairwhau. ácenned on middan-eard.

22 Yah pan yus auk nu saurga habaip, 22 And witodlice ge habbap nú unrót-
ip aftra saiwha izwis, yah faginop izwar nysse, eft ic eow geseo, and eower heorte -
hairto, yah po fahed izwara ni ainshun geblissap, and nan man ne nimp eowerne o47UM

nimip af izwis. gefeán fram eow. | d

23 Yah in yainamma daga mik ni 23 And on dam dæge ge ne biddaþ me.
fraihnip waihtais ; amen, amen, qipa iz- nánes þinges ;* sóp, ic eow secge, gif ge
wis, patei piswhah pei bidyip attan in hwæt biddap minne feeder on minum
namin meinamma, gibip izwis. naman, he hyt sylp eow. E
24 Und hita ni bedup ni waibtais in 24 Od dis ne bide ge nan ping on|
namin meinamma ; bidyaip, yah nimip, minum naman ; biddap, and ge under-
ei faheps izwara siyai usfullida. fóp, deet eower gefeá sy full. n
25 Pata in gayukom rodida izwis; 25 Das ping ic eow sæde on bigspel- |
akei qimip wheila, panuh izwis ni pan- lum ; seo tid cymp, donne ic eow ne
aseips in gayukom rodya, ak andaugiba sprece on bigspellum, ac ie eyde eow
bi attan gateiha izwis. openlice be minum feeder. : E

26 In yainamma daga in namin mein- 26 On dam dæge ge biddap on minum |

amma bidyip ; yah ni qipa izwis, pei ik naman ; and ie eow ne secge, fordam ic-
bidyau attan bi izwis ; bidde minne feeder be eow ; Í
27 Ak silba atta friyop izwis, unte yus 27 Witodlice se fæder eow lufaþ, for-
mik friyodedup, yah galaubidedup, patei dam de ge lufedon me, and gelýfdon,
ik fram Gupa urrann. dæt ic com of Gode. 1
28 Uzuhiddya fram attin, yah atiddya 28 Ie fór fram feeder, and com on mid-
in pana fairwhu; aftra bileipa pamma dan-eard ; eft ie forléte middan-eard,
fairwhau, yah gagga du attin. and fare to feeder. U
29 Paruh qeþun pai siponyos is, Sai! 29 His leorning-enihtas ewædon to
nu andaugiba rodeis, yah gayukono ni him, Nu! du spryest openlice, and ne
ainohun qipis. segst nin bigspell. E
30 Nu witum, ei pu kant alla; yah ni 30 Nú we witon, det dú wast ealle
þarft, ei puk whas fraihnai. Bi pamma ping; and dé nis n^n pearf, det ænig
galaubyam, patei pu fram Gupa urrant. dé ácsige. On dysum we gelýfaþ, det
du come of Gode. 1

31 Andhof im lesus, Nu galaubeip. 31 Se Hælend him andswarode andi

| cwæþ, Nu ge gelyfap. C
XVI. 19-31.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 541
19 Forsothe Jhesu knew, for thei wold- 19 Jesus perceaved, that they wolde
en axe him, and he seide to hem, Of axe hym, and sayde vnto them, This is
this thing 3e seken a mong 30u, for I it that ye enquyre of bitwene youre
seide, A litil, and 3e schulen not se me ; selves, that I sayd, After a whyle, ye
and eft a litel, and 5e schulen se me. shall nott se me; and agayne after a
whyle, ye shall se me.
20 Treuli, treuli, I seye to 30u, for 3e 20 Verely, verely, I saye vnto you, ye
schulen morne and wepe, forsothe the shall wepe and lament, and the woride
world schal enioye ; forsothe 3e schulen shall reioyce ; ye shall sorowe, but youre
be sorwful, but 3oure sorwe schal turne sorowe shalbe tourned to ioye.
in to ioye.
21 Sothly a womman whanne sche 21 A woman when she traveyleth,
berith child, hath sorwe, for hir our hath sorowe, be cause her houre is come ;
cometh ; forsothe whanne sche hath but as sone as she is delivered off her
borun a sone, now sche thenkith not on chylde, she remembreth no moare her
the pressure,’ for ioye, for a man is anguysshe, for ioye, that a man is borne
borun in to the world. in to the worlde.
22 And therfore3e han now sorwe, 22 Ànd ye nowe are in sorowe, butt I
sothli eft I schal se 30u, and 3oure herte wil se you agayne, and youre hertes
schal enioye, and no man schal take fro shall reioyce, and youre ioye shall no
30u 5oure ioye. man take from you.
23 And in that day 3e schulen not axe 23 And in that daye shall ye axe me
me ony thing; treuli, treuli, I seie to no question ; verely, verely, L saye vnto
jou, if 5e schulen axe the fadir ony you, whatsoever ye shall axe the father
thing in my name, he schal 3yue to 30u. in my name, he will geve it you.
24 Til now 5e axiden not ony thing in 24 Hetherto have ye axed no thinge
my name; axe 3e, and 5e schulen take, in my name ; axe, and ye shall receave
that 3oure ioye be ful. it, that youre ioye maye be full.
25 I haue spokun to 3ou thes thingis 25 These thinges have I spoken vnto
in prouerbis ;* the our cometh, whanne you in proverbes ; the tyme will come,
now I schal not speke to 30u in pro- when I shall no moare spake to you in
uerbis, but opynly of my fadir I schal proverbes, but I shall shewe you playnly
telle to 30u. from my father.
26 In that day 3e schulen axe in my 26 At that daye shall ye axe in myne
name; and I seie not to 30u, for I schal name; and I saye not vnto you, that I |
- preye the fadir for 30u ; will speake vnto my father for you ;
| 27 Forsothe he the fadir loueth 30u, for 27 For my father hym silfe loveth you,
36 han loued me, and han bileuyd, for I be cause ye have loved me, and beleved,
wente out fro God. that I cam out from God.
28 I wente out fro the fadir, and I 28 I went out from the father, and
cam in to the world; eftsoones I leeue cam into the worlde ; I leve the worlde
the world, and I go to the fadir. agayne, and go to the father.
29 His disciplis seyen to him, Lo! 29 His disciples sayd vnto hym, Loo!
now thou spekist opynli, and thou seist nowe speakest thou playnly, and thou
no prouerbe. vsest no proverbe.
3o Now we witen, for thou wost alle 30 Nowe knowe we, that thou vnder-
thingis ; and it is no nede to thee, that stondest all thinges ; and nedest not,
ony man axe thee. In this thing we that eny man shulde axe the eny ques-
bileuen, for thou wentist out fro God. tion. Therfore beleve we, that thou
camst from God.
31 Jhesu answeride to hem, Now 3e 31 Jesus answered them, Nowe ye do
bileuen. beleve.
542 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Joan
32 Sai! qimip wheila, yah nu qam, ei 32 Nú! com tid, and cymp, deet ge to-
distahyada, wharyizuh du seina, yah TUN æghwyle to his ágenum, and for-
mik ainana bileipip; yah ni im ains, læton me anne; and ie ne eom ána,
unte atta mip mis ist. fordam min feeder is mid me.

33 Pata rodida izwis, pei in mis ga- 33 Das ping ic eow sæde, det ge.
wairþi aigeip ;in pamma fairwhau aglons habbon sibbe on me; ge habbap hefige
habaid, akei Jrafsteip izwis, ik gayiuk- byrdene on. middan- earde, ac getrüwiap, l
aida pana fairwhu. ic ofer-swidde middan- eard. E

Crap. XVII. 1 Pata rodida lesus, Crár. XVII. tr Das ping se Hælend
uzuhhof augona seina du himina, yah sprec, and áhóf up his eagan to heof-
qap, Atta, qam wheila, hauhei peinana enum, and cwæþ, Feeder, tid ys cumen,
sunu, ei sunus peins hauhyai puk. geswütela dinne sunu, det din sunu ge-
swutelige de.
2 Swaswe atgaft imma waldufni allaize 2 And swá dá him sealdest anweald
LI ei all patei atgaft imma, gibai im ig mannes, diet he sylle éce lif eallum
Itbain alweinon. dam, de dü him sealdest.

3 Soh pan ist so aiweino libains, ei 3 Dis ys sóplice éce lif, dæt hi oncnáwon
kunneina puk ainana sunya Gup, yah det dú eart án sóþ God, and se de lú
panei insandides, lesu Christu. sendest, Hælend Crist. 3
4 Ik puk hauhida ana airpai, waurstw Zi die de geswütelode ofer eorpan, ie ge-
ustauh, patei atgaft mis du waurkyan. endode diet weore, Get du me sealdest
to donne.
5 Yah nu, hauhei mik pu, atta, at pus 5 And nú, dú feeder, gebeorhta me mid
silbin, pamma wulpau panei habaida at dé sylfum, deere beor htnysse de ie hæfde
pus, faurpizei sa fairwhus wesi. myd dé, ærðam de middan-eard were.

6 Gabairhtida peinata namo mannam, 6 Ic geswútelode dinne naman dam

panzei atgaft mis us pamma fairwhau; mannum, de dú me sealdest of middan-
peinai wesun, yah mis atgaft ins, yah earde ; hig wæron dine, and dt hi seald- -
pata waurd peinata gafastaidedun. est me, and hi geheoldon ddine spræce. $

7 Nu ufkunþa, ei alla poei atgaft mis, 7 Nú hi gecneowon, diet ealle da ping. á

at pus sind. de du me sealdest, synd of dé.

8 Unte po waurda poei atgaft mis, 8 Fordam ie sealde him da word, de dú

atgaf im; yah eis nemun bi sunyai, sealdest me; and hig underféngon, and
patei fram pus urrann; yah galaubi- oncneowon sóplice, det ic com of dé;
dedun, patei pu mik insandides. and hig gelyfdon, det Ga me sendest. —
9 lk bi ins bidya, ni bi po manasep 9 Ic bidde for hig, ne bidde ic for mid- |
bidya, ak bi pans, panzei atgaft mis, dan-earde, ac for z de dú me sealdest
unte peinai sind. fordam hi synd din
10 Yah meina alla peina sind, yah peina to And ealle mine ae dine, and din
meina; yah hauhips im in paim. synd mine; and ie eom geswütelod on]
him.* | i
1r Ni panaseips im in pamma fairwhau, 11 And nú ie ne eom on middan- |
XVI. 32.-XVII. 11.) WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 543
32 Lo! the our cometh, and now it 32 Beholde! the houre draweth nye,
cometh, that se be disparplid,t ech in to and ys alredy come, that ye shalbe
his owne thingis, and leeue me aloone; scatered, every man his wayes, and shall
and I am not aloone, for the fadir is leave me alone ; and yet am I not alone,
with me. for my father is with me.
33 Thes thingis I haue spokun to 30u, 33 These wordes have I spoken vnto
that 3e haue pees in me; in the world you, that in me ye myght have peace;
3e schulen haue pressing,” but triste 5e, in the worlde shall ye have tribulacion,
I haue ouercome the world. but be of good cheare, I have overcome
the worlde.

Crap. XVII. 1 Jhesu spak thes Cuar. XVII. 1 These wordes spake
thingis, and the y3en lift vp in to he- Jesus, and lifte vppe his eyes to heven,
uene, he seide, Fadir, the our cometh, and sayde, Father, the houre is come,
clarifie thi sone, that thi sone clarifie glorify thy sonne, that thy sonne maye
thee. glorify the. ,
2 As thou hast 3ouun to him power of 2 As thou hast geven hym power over
ech fleisch,* that al thing that thou hast all fleshe, that he shulde geve eternall
3ouun to hym, he 5yue to hem euerlast- life, to as many as thou hast geven him.
ing lyf.
. 3 Forsothe this is euerlasting lyf, that 3 This is life eternall, that they myght
thei knowe thee aloone verry God, and knowe the that only very God, and
whom thou sentist, Jhesu Crist. whom thou hast sent, Jesus Christ.
4 I haue clarifyed thee on erthe, I 4 I have gloryfied the on the erth, I
haue endid the werk, that thou hast have fynyssheed the workes, whych thou
3ouun to me, that I do. gavest me to do.
5 And now, fadir, clarifie thou me at 5 And nowe, glorify me thou, father,
thi silf, with clerenesse that I hadde at in thyn awne presence, with the glory
thee, bifore the world was maad. which I had with the, yerre the worlde
6 I haue schewid thi name to the men, 6 I have declared thy name vnto the
whiche thou hast 3ouun to me of the men, whych thou gavest me out off the
world ; thei weren thine, and thou hast worlde ; thyne they were, and thou hast
30uun hem to me, and thei han kept thi geven them me, and they have kept thy :
word. sayinges.
_ 4 And now thei han knowun, for alle 7 Nowe have they knowen, that all
thingis that thou hast 30uun to me, ben | thinges whatsoever thou hast geven me,
of thee. ; | are of the.
8 For the wordis that thou hast 3ouun 8 For I have geven vnto them the
to me, I 3af to hem; and thei han wordes, which thou gavest me ; and they
takun, and han knowun verili, for I have receaved them, and have knowen
wente out fro thee ; and thei bileuyden, surely, that I cam out from the; aud
for thou sentist me. have beleved, that thou diddest send me.
9 I preie for hem, not for the world, 9 I praye for them, I praye not for the
but for hem, that thou hast 3ouun to worlde, but for them, which thou hast
me, for thei ben thine. geven me, for they are thyne.
10 And alle myne thingis ben thine, 10 And all myne are thyne, and thyne
‘and thin thingis ben myne; and I am are myne ; and I am glorifyed in them. -
clarified in hem.
zı And now I am not in the world, Ir And now am I no moare in the
ip pai in pamma fairwhau sind, yah ik earde, and hi synd on middan-earde,
du pus gagga. Atta weiha, fastai ins in and ie cume to dé.*t Halega’ feeder,
namin peinamma, panzei atgaft mis, el heald on dinum naman, det dü me
siyaina ain, swaswe wit. sealdest, det hi sýn án, swá wyt synd.*

12 Pan was mip im in þamma fair- 12 Da ie wes mid him, ie heold hi on

whau, ik fastaida ins in namin peinam- dinum naman; ie heold da de dü me
ma; panzei atgaft mis, gafastaida, yah sealdest, and ne forwearp hyra nan, büton |
ainshun us im ni fraqistnoda, niba sa forspillednysse bearn, Get det hálige
sunus fralustais, ei pata gamelido usfullip gewrit sy gefylled. y
13 Ip nu du pus gagga, yah pata rodya 13 Nú ic cume to dé, and dis þing ic
in manasedai, ei habaina fahed meina sprece on middan-earde, đæt hi habbon:
usfullida in sis. minne gefean gefylledne on him sylfum, —
14 lk atgaf im waurd Jeinata, yah so 14 Ic sealde him dine spræce, and
manaseps fiyaida ins; unte ni sind us middan-eard hi hæfde on hatunge ; for- -
pamma fairwhau, swaswe ik us pamma dam hi ne synd of middan-earde, swá ie
fairwhau ni im. eac ne eom of middan-earde. E
15 Ni bidya, ei usnimais ins us pamma r5 Ne bidde ie, det di hi nyme of
fairwhau, ak ei bairgais im faura þamma middan-earde, ac det dú hi gehealde
unselyin. of yfele.
16 Us pamma fairwhau ni sind, swaswe 16 Ne synd hi of middan-earde, swáic
ik us pamma fairwhau ni im. ne eom of middan-earde.
17 Weihai ins in sunyai ; waurd peinata 17 Gehilga him sópfestnysse; di
sunya ist. spræc ys sæþfæstnys.
18 Swaswe mik insandides in manasep, 18 Swá dú me sendest on middan-eard.
swah ik insandida ins in po manased. ic sende hi on middan-eard. «0

19 Yah fram im ik weiha mik silban, 19 And for hig ic hálgige me sylfne,
ei siyaina yah eis weihai in sunyai. det hig syn eac gehalgode on sóþfæst-
nysse. .
20 Àpjan ni bi pans bidya ainans, ak 20 Witodlice ne gebidde ie for hi áne,
bi pans galaubyandans pairh waurda ize ac eác for da de gyt sceolon gelýfan
du mis ; purh hyra word on me ; 1
21 Ei allai ain siyaina, swaswe pu, atta, 21 Det ealle sýn án, swa du, feeder, -
in mis, yah ik in pus, ei yah pai in eart on me, and ic on dé, det hig syn
uggkis ain siyaina ; ei so manaseps ga- eác án on unc; det middan-eard gelyfe,
laubyai, patei pu mik insandides. deet dú me sendest. d
22 Yah ik wulju panei gaft mis, gaf 22 And ie sealde him da beorhtnysse,
im, ei siyaina ain, swaswe wit ain siyu ; de dú me sealdest, det hi syn án, swá
wyt syn án; t

23 Ie eom on him, and dü eart on

23 lk in im, yah pu in mis, ei siyaina
ustauhanai du ainamma ; yah kunnei so me, det hi syn ge-endode on an; det
manaseps, patei þu mik insandides, yah middan-eard onenáwe, det du me sendest,
friyodes ins, swaswe mik friyodes. and lufodest hig, swá dü me lufodest. d
24 Atta, patei atgaft mis, wilyau ei 24 Feder, ie wylle det da de dú me
parei im ik, yah pai siyaina mip mis, ei sealdest, syn mid me dar ie eom, dae
saiwhaina wulpu meinana, panei gaft hig geseon mine beorhtnysse, de dü me
mis; unte friyodes mik faur gaskaft sealdest ; fordam dt lufodest me ær
XVIL t2—24.] WYCLLFFE, r389. TYNDALE, 1526. 545
and thes ben in the world, and I come worlde, but they are in the wovistz, wl
to thee. Hooli fadir, kepe hem in thy I come to the. Wholy father, kepe in
name, whiche thou hast grun to me, thyne awne name, them which thou hast
that thei be oon, as and we. geven me, that they maye be one, ss wo
12 Whanne I was with hem, I kepte 12 Whyl I was with them in the
bem in thi name ; whiche thou hast worlde, I kepte them in thy name;
3ouun to me, I kepte, and no man of those that thou gavest me, have I kepte,
hem perischide, no but the sone of per- and none of them is lost, but that lost
dicioun,! that the scripture be fillid. chylde, that the seripture myght be
13 Forsothe now I come to thee, and 13 Nowe come I to the, and these
I speke thes thingis in the world, that wordes speake I in the worlde, that
thei haue my ioye fillid in hem silf. they myght have my ioye full in them.
I4 I 3af to hem thi word, and the 14 I have geven them thy doctryne,
world hadde hem in hate ; for thei ben and the worlde hath hated them; be-
not of the world, as and I am not of the cause they are nott off the worlde,
world. even as I am not of the worlde.
15 Í preie not, that thou take a wey 15 I desyre not, that thou shuldest
hem fro the world, but that thou kepe take them out of the worlde, but that
hem fro yuel. thou kepe them from evyll.
16 Thei ben not of the world, as and 16 They are not off the worlde, as I am
I am not of the world. not of the worlde.
17 Halwe thou hem in treuthe; thi 17 Sanctify them in thy trueth ; thy
„word is treuthe. sayinge is verite.
18 As thou sentist me in to the world, 18 As thou diddest send me into the
and I sente hem in to the world. worlde, even soo have I sent them into
the worlde.
tg And I halwe my silf for hem, that 19 And for their sakes sanctify I my
and thei be halwid in treuthe. silfe, thatt they also myght be sanctified
thorowe the trueth.
20 Sotheli I preie not oonli for hem, 20 I praye not for them alone, butt
but and for hem that ben to bileuynge for them also which shall beleve on me
in to me bi the word of hem ; thorowe their preachynge ;
21 That alle thei be oon, as thou, fadir, 21 That they all maye be one, as thou,
- in me, and I in thee, that and thei in father, arte in me, and I in the, that
"vs be oon; that the world bileue, for they maye be alsoo one in vs ; that the
" thou hast sent me. worlde maye beleve, that thou hast sent
22 And I haue 30uun to hem the 22 And that glory that thou gavest
clerenesse, that thou hast 3ouun to me, I have geven them, that they maye
me, that thei be oon, as and we ben be wone, as we are wone ;
oon ;
23 I in hem, and thou in me, that thei 23 I am in them, and thou arte in me,
be endid in oon; and that the world that they maye be made perfecte in
knowe, that thou sentist me, and hast won ; and that the worlde maye knowe,
louyd hem, as thou hast louyd and me. that thou hast sent me, and hast loved
them, as thou hast loved me.
24 Fadir, I wole that and thei whiche 24 Father, I will that they which thou
thou hast 3ouun to me, be with me hast geven me, be with me where I am,
where I am, that thei se my cleernesse, that they maye se my glory, which thou
that thou hast 3ouun to me; for thou hast geven me ; for thou hast loved me
d = p
546 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. (St. Jonx
fairwhaus. middan-eard geset were.

2g Atta gars‘hta, yah so manaseps puk 25 Lá rihtwisa feeder, middan-eard de

ni ufkunpa, ip ik puk kunpa, yah pai ne gecneow, witodlice ie dé gecneww,
ufkunpedun, patei pu mik insandides. and hi oncneowon, Get di me sendest. |
26 Yah gakannida im namo peinata, 26 And ic him cyide dinne naman,
yah kannya; ei friapwa poei friyodes and gyt wylle cydan ; det seo lufu áo.
mik, in im siyai, yah ik in im. dú me lufodest, sý on him, and ic eom
on him.

Cuar. XVIII. tr Ðá se Hælend das

Ctar. XVIII. 1 pata qipands lesus,
usiddya mip siponyam seinaim ufar
ping cwep, dá eode he... . ofer da
rinnon po Kaidron, parei was aurtigards, burnan Cedron, der wes án wyrt-tün,
in panei galaip lesus, yah siponyos is. in to dam he eode, and his leorning-
cnihtas. A
2 Wissuh pan yah Iudas, sa galewyands 2 Witodlice Iudas, de hyne belæwde,
ina, pana stad, patei ufta. gaiddya lesus wiste da stówe, fordam de se Hælend
yainar mip siponyam seinaim. oft-rzedlice com dyder mid his leornin,
enihtum. S
3 1p Iudas nam hansa, yah pize gudyane 3 Da underféng Iudas det fole, and í
yah Fareisaie andbahtans, iddyuh yaind- pegnas æt dam bisceopum and æt dam
and com dyder mid leoht-
wairps mip skeimam, yah haizam, yah Phariseon,
wepram. fatum, aud mid blásum, and mid wæpn=
um. €
4 lp lesus witands alla poei qemun 4 Witodlice se Hælend wiste ealle :da
ana ina, usgaggands ut, qap im, Whana þing de him towearde wæron, he eo
sokeiþ ? ; dá forp and ewæþ to him, Hwæne séce
ge! i :
5 Andhafyandans imma qepun, lesu 5 Hig andswarodon him and ewedon
pana Nazoraiu. Paruh qap im lesus, Ík Done Nazareniscan Hælend. Se Hal
im. Stopuh pan yah ludas, sa lewyands end ewzp, Ie hit eom. Sóplice ludas
ina, mip im. de hine belæwde, stód mid him.
6 Paruh swe qap im, Patei ik im, ga- 6 Ðá he openlice sæde, Ie hit eom, dá
lipun ibukai, yah gadrusun dalap. eodon hig underbæe, and feollon on da
eorpan. .
7 paproh pan ins aftra frah, Whana 7 Eft he hi ácsode, Hwæne séce ge
sokeip? Ip eis qepun, lesu pana Nazo- Hi ewaédon, Done Nazareniscan Hælend B
8 Andhof lesus, qap Yzwis, patei ik im ; 8 Se Hslend him andswarode, Ic sæde
yabai nu mik sokeip, letip pans gaggan. eow, Get ic hit eom ; gif ge witodlice
me sécaþ, lætaþ das faran. ;
9 Ei usfullnodedi pata waurd patei qaþ, 9 Det seo spræc were gefylled de he
Ei panzei atgaf mis, ni fraqistida ize ewæþ, Deet ic nánne Gera ne forspillt
ainummehun. de dü me sealdest.
10 lp Seimon Paitrus habands hairu, ro Witodliee Simon Petrus áteah hi
uslauk ina, yah sloh pis auhumistins sweord, and slóh dæs biseeopes peowan,
gudyins skalk, yah afmaimait imma auso and ácearf him of det swydre e
taihswo. Sah pan haitans was namin | Dies peowan nama wes Malchus,
XVII. 25.-XVIIT. 10.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 547
louedis& me bifor the makinge of the before the makynge of the worlde.
25 Ristful fadir, the world knew not 25 O righteous father, the very worlde
thee, forsothe I knew thee, and thes hath nott knowen the, butt I have
knowen, for thou sentist me. knowen the, and these have kaowen,
that thou hast sent me.
26 And I haue maad thi name knowe 26 And I have declared vnto them thy
to hem, and schal make knowe ; that name, and will declare it; that the love
the loue by which thou hast loued me, wher with thou lovedst me, be in them,
be in hem, and I in hem. and that I be in them.

Cmar. XVIII. 1 Whanne Jhesu Cuar. XVIII. í When Jesus had

hadde seid thes thingis, he wente out spoken these wordes, he went forth with
with his disciplis ouer the strond of his disciples over the broke Cedron,
Cedron, where was a 3erd,! in to which where was a garden, into the which he
he entride, and his disciplis. entred, with his disciples.
2 Sothli and Judas, that bitraiede him, 2 Judas also, wich betrayed hym, knewe
wiste the place, for ofte Jhesu cam to the place, for Jesus often tymes resorted
gidere thidur with his disciplis. thither with his disciples.

3 Therfore whanne Judas hadde takun 3 Judas then after he had receaved a
a cumpany of kniztis, and of the bonde off men, and ministers of the hy
bisehopis and Pharisees mynystris, he prestes and of the Pharises, cam thither
eam with lanternis, and brondis, and with lanterns, and fyerbrondes, and we-
armys. pens.
4 And so Jhesu witinge alle thingis 4 Then Jesus knowyuge all thynges
that weren: to comynge on him, wente that shulde come on hym, went forth,
forth, and seith to hem, Whom seken and sayde vnto them, Whom seke ye?
á 5 Thei answeriden to him, Jhesu of 5 They answered hym, Jesus off Naza-
Nazareth. Jhesu seith to hem, Í am. reth. Jesus sayde vnto them, I am he.
Forsoth and Judas that bitrayede hym, Judas also which betrayed him, stode by
stood with hem. with them.
6 Therfore as he seide to hem, Í am, 6 As sone as he had sayd vnto them, I
thei wenten a bak, and felden doun in am he, they went backe wardes, and fell
to erthe. to the grounde.
7 Eft he axide hem, Whom seken 3e? 7 He axed them agayne, Whome seke
- Forsoth thei seiden, Jhesu Nazaren. ye? They sayde, Jesus off Nazareth.

8 He answeride to hem, I seide to 30u, 8 Jesus answered, I sayde vnto you, I

for I am; therfore if 5e seken me, suffre am he; iff ye seke me, lett these goo
3e thes to go a wey. theyr waye. j
9 That the word which he seide schulde 9 That the sayinge myght be fulfilled
be fillid, For I loste not ony of hem, which he spake, Of them which thou
whiche thou hast 3ouun to me. gavest, have I not lost one.
10 Forsothe Symount Petre hauynge a io Simon Peter had a swearde, and
swerd, drou3it out, and smot the ser- drue hym out, and smote the hye prestes
uaunt of the bischop, and kitte of his servaunt, and cut off his right care.
- litil rit eere. Forsothe the name of The servauntes name was Malchas.
the seruaunt was Malkus.

Ir Paruh qap lesus du Paitrau, Lagei 11 Da cwæþ se Hælend to Petre, Dô
pana hairu in fodr ; stikl panei gaf mis din sweord on his sepe ; done calie de
atta, niu drigkau pana? min fæder me sealde, ne drince ie hine?

12 pori kansa, yah sa pusundifaps, 12 Pet fole, and se ealdor, and diera
yah andbahtos ludaie, undgripun lesu, Iudea pegnas, námon done Hælend, and
yah gabundun ina, bündon hine,
13 Yah gatauhun ina du Annin frumist ; 13 And læddon hine érest to Annan;
sa was auk swaihra Kayafin, saei was se wes Caiphas sweor, and se Caiphas
auhumists weiha pis atapnyis. wees dees geares bisceop.

.14 Wasuh pan Kayafa, saei garaginoda 14 Witodlice Caiphas dihte dam Tu-
Tudaium, patei batizo ist ainana mannan deón, and cw:ep, dzet hyt betere wære
fraqistyan faur managein. dæt án man swulte for folce. j
15 Paruh laistida lesu Seimon Paitrus, 15 Simon Petrus fyligde dam Heelende, ©
yah anpar siponeis; sah pan siponeis and óder leorning-cniht ; se óder leorn- -
was kunps pamma gudyin. Yah mip- ing-eniht wees dam bisceope cap. And
inngalaip mip lesua, in rohsn pis gud- he eode in mid dam Hzélende, on dees
yins ;. bisceopes cafer-tun ;
16 lp Paitrus stop at daurom uta. 16 Petrus stód æt deere dura der ute.
Paruh usiddya ut sa siponeis anpar, saei Da eode se leorning-eniht üt, de wees
was kunps pamma gudyin, yah qap des bisceopes cúða, and cwæþ to dere
daurawardai, yah attauh inn Paitru. dure-pinene, and lædde Petrum in.

17 paruh qap yaina piwi so daur- 17 Da cwæþ seo duru-pinen to Petre,

awardo, du Paitrau, lbai yah pu pize Cwyst dú, eart di of dyses leorning-
siponye is pis mans? Ip is qap, Ni cnihtum? Dá cwep he, Nie, ne eo
im. ic.
18 Paruh stopun skalkos yah andbahtos 18 Da peowas and da þegnas stódon
haurya waurkyandans, unte kald was, zt dam glédon, and wyrmdon hig,
yah warmidedun sik ; yah pan was mip fordam hit was ceald ; witodlice Petrus
im Paitrus, standands yah warmyands stód mid him, and wyrmde hyne.
19 Ip sa auhumista gudya frah lesu bi 19 Se bisceop ácsode done Hælend
siponyans is, yah bi laisein is. ymbe his leorning-cnihtas, and ymbe his
20 Andhof imma lesus, Ik andaugyo 20 Da andswarode se Hælend and
rodida manasedai ; ik sinteino laisida in cwæþ, Ic spræc openlice to middan-
gaqumpai, yah in gudhusa, parei sint- earde ; and ic lærde symle on gesam-
eino Iudaieis gaqimand, yah piubyo ni nunge, and on temple, dzr ealle Iudeas
rodida waiht. togs dere comon, and ie ne spree nán
ping digelice. :
21 Whis mik fraihnis ? fraihn pans 21 Hwi acsast di me? acsa da de
hausyandans, wha rodidedyau du im; gehyrdon, hwæt ic to him spræce; hi
sai! pai witun, patei gap ik. witon, da ping de ic him sede. |

22 Ip pata qipandin Ymma, sums and- 22 Da he dis cwæþ, da slóh án deer:

bahte standands, gaf slah lofin lesua, þegna de dar stódon, done Hælend mid
qabuh, Swau andhafyis pamma reikistin his handa, and cwep, Andswarast d
gudyin ? A swá dam bisceope?
23 Andhof lesus, Yabai ubilaba rodida, 23 Se Hælend andswarode him anc
weitwodei bi pata ubil; aippau yabai ewep, Gif ie yfele sprece, cyp ge
XVII. 11-23.) WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 242
11 Therfore Jhesu seide to Petre, Sende 11 Then sayde Jesus vnto Petr, Put
thou the swerd in to the schethe ; wolt vppe thy swearde into the shcwth ; shai
thou not, that I drynke thilke cuppe, I not drynke of the cuppe, which m;
that my fadir 3af to me? fatrer had geyen me í
12 Therfore the cumpany of kny3tis, 12 Thea the eompaay, and the cap-
and the tribune, and the mynystris of iayse, and the ministers off the Iewes,
Jewis, token Jhesu, and bounden him, toke Jesus, and bounde hym,
13 And ledden him first to Annas; 13 And ledde hym awaye to Anna
sothli he was fadir of Cayphas wyf, fyrst ; for he was fatherelawe vnto Cay-
that was bischop of that 3eer. phas, which was the hye preste thatt
same yeare.
14 Sothli it was Cayphas, that 3af coun- 14 Cayphas was he, that gave counsell
ceil to the Jewis, that it spedith o man to the Iewes, that it was expedient that
for to deie for the peple. won man shulde deye for the people.
15 Therfore Symount Petre suede Jhesu, 15 Simon Peter folowed Jesus, and
and another disciple ; forsoth thilke dis- another disciple ; that disciple was
eiple was knowun to the bischop. And knowen of the hye preste. And went
he entride yn with Jhesu, in to the in with Jesus, into the pallys off the
halle of the bischop; hye preste ;
16 Sothly Petre stood at the dore 16 Peter stode att the dore with outt.
withoute forth. Therfore the tothir dis- Then wentt outt thatt other disciple,
ciple, that was knowun to the bischop, which was knowen vnto the hye preste,
wente out, and seide to the womman and spake to the damsell thatt kept the
kepinge the dore, and ledde yn Petre. dore, and brought in Peter.
." 17 Therfore the handmayde, kepere of 17 Then sayde the damsell, that kept
the dore, seide to Petre, Wher and thou the dore, vnto Peter, Arte nott thou
art of the disciplis of this man? He wone off this mannes disciples? He
seide, I am not. sayde, I am nott.
18 Forsoth the seruauntis and mynys- 18 The servauntes and the ministers
tris stooden at the colis, for it was stode there and had made a fyre off
coold, and thei warmyden hem; sothli coles, for it was colde, and they warmed
and Petre was with hem, stondinge and them selves; Peter also stode amonge
warmynge him. them, and warmed hym silfe.
19 Therfore the bischop axide Jhesu 19 The hye preste axed Jesus of his
_ of his disciplis, and of his teching. disciples, and of his doctrine.

20 Jhesu answeride to him, I haue 20 Jesus answered hym, I spak openly

_ spokun opynly to the world; I tauste in the worlde; I ever taught in the
euere in the synagoge, and in the temple, sinagoge, aud in the temple, whither all
whidur alle the Jewis camen to gidere, the Iewes resorted, and in secrete have
and in priuy I spak no thing. I sayde nothynge.

21 What axist thou me? axe hem that 21 Why axest thou me? axe them
herdeu, what I haue spokun to hem; whiche herde me, what I sayde vnto
lo! thei witen, what thingis I haue them ; beholde! they can tell, what I
seyd. | sayde.
22 Whanne he hadde seid thes thingis, 22 When he had thus spoken, one off
oon of the mynystris stondinge ny3, 3af the ministers which stode by, smote
a boffat to Jhesu, seyinge, Answerist Jesus on the face, sayinge, Answrest
thou so to the byschop? thou the hye preste soo? Ny
23 Jhesu answeride to him, If I haue 23 Jesus answered hym, Yf I have
spokun yuele, bere thou witnessing of evyll spoken, beare witnes of the evyll; -

550 GOTHIC. 3360, ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Jomx
waila, duwhe mik silahis ? witne:se be yfele; gif ic wel spræce,
hwi beatst da me?
24 Panuh insandida ina Annas ga- 24 Da sende Annas hine to . . dam
bundanana Gu Kayafin, pamma maistin bisceope, gebündenne.
25 Íp Seimon Paitrus was standands 25 And Symon Petrus stód and wyrm- -
yah warmyands sik; paruh qepun du de hyne ;44 ewædou hi to him, Cwyst
imma, Niu yah pü pize siponye pis is? dú, cart dü of his leorning-cnihtum?
Ip is afaiaik, yah qap, Ne, ni im. He wið-sóe, and cwæþ, Tc ne eom. 4

26 Qap sums pize skalke pis maistins 26 Da cwæþ án dæs bisceopes peowena, j |
gudyins, sah niþyis was, pammei af- hys cúða, dees eare slóh Petrus of, Ha
maimait Paitrus auso, Niu puk sawh ne geseah ic dé on dam wyrt-túne mid
ik in aurtigarda mip imma? hym?
27 Paruh aftra afaiaik Paitrus, yah 27 Petrus dá eft wid-sóc, and sóna se
suns hana hrukida. coce creow.
28 Íþ eis tauhun lesu fram Kayafin, 28 Dà gelæddon hi done Hælend to
in praitori aun ; panuh was maurgins, ip Caiphan, on dst dém-ern ; hit wees da |
eis ni iddyedun in praitoria, ei ni bi- morgen, and hi sylfe ne 'eodon in to
saulnodedeina, ak matidedeina pascha. dam dóm-erne, dæt hyg næron besmit-
ene, ac Geet hi æton hyra eastron.

29 Paruh atiddya ut Peilatus du ïm, 29 Da eode Pilatus üt to him, and

yah qap, Who wrohe bairip ana pana cweep, Hwylce wróhte bringe ge ongeam |
mannan Í dysne man ?
3o Andhofun, yah qepun du imma, Nih 3o Hig andswaredon, and ewedon to
wesi sa ubiltoyis, ni pau weis atgebeima him, Gif he nære yfel-dæde, ne sealde
pus ina. we hine dé.

31 Paruh qap im Peilatus, Nimip ina 31 Da cwæþ Pilatus to him,E

yus, yah bi witoda izwaramma, stoyip hio and démap him, be eowre æ. Da
ina. Ip eis qepunuh du imma Tudaieis, ewadon da Iudeas to him, Us nis ályfed
Unsis ni skuld ist usqiman manne ain- det we ænigne man ofsleam 3
ummehun ;
32 Ei waurd Frauyins usfullnodedi, 32 Det des Helendes spree were
þatei qap, bandwyands whileikamma gefylled, de he ewep, da he geswütelode
daupau skulda gaswiltan. hwyleon deape he swulte.
33 Galaip in praitauria aftra Peilatus, 33 Da eode Pilatus eft in to dam dóm-
yah wopida lesu, qapuh imma, Pu is erne, and clypode done Helend, and i
piudans ludaie? eweep to him, Kart du Iudea cining 1
34 Andhof lesus, Abu pus silbin pu 34 Da andswarode se Hælend him, }
pata qipis, pau anparai pus qepun bi and ewep, Cwyst di dis of dé sylfum,
mik ? hwæðer de hyt dé ódre sdon? =
35 Andhof Peilatus, Waitei ik Íudaius 35 Pilatus him andswarode and ewsep,-
im? So piuda þeina yah gudyans anafulh- Cwyst dü, eom ic Iudeise? Din peod
un þuk mis; wha gatawidesÍ and dine bisceopas dé sealdon me ; hwæt |
dydest dú ?
36 Andhof lesus, Piudangardi meina 36 Da cwæþ se Hælend, Min rice nys
nist us þamma fairwhau ; ip us pamma of dysum middan-earde; gif mn rice
fairwhau wesi meina piudangardi, aippau were of dysum middan- earde, witodlice 1
andbahtos meinai usdaudidedeina, ei ni mine pegnas fulton, det ic nære geseald Á

ÍXVíll. 24-36.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 551
yuel; sothli if wel, whi smytist thou yf I have well spoken, why smytest thou
me ? me?
24 And Annas sete him boundun to 24 Annas sent hym bounde vnto Cay-
Cayfas, the bischop. phas, the hye preste.

25 Forsothe Symount Petre was stoud- 25 Simon Peter stode and warmed hym
ynge and warmynge him : therfore thei silfe ;and they sayde vnto hym, Arte
seiden to him, Wher and thou art his not thou also won of his disciples? He
disciple? He denyede, and seyde, I am denyed itt, and sayde, I am not.
26 Oon of the bischopis seruauntis, 26 Won of the servauntes of the hye
eosyn of hym, whos litel eere Petre preste, his cosyn, whose eare Peter
kittide of, seyde, Wher I sy3 not thee smote of, sayde vnto hym, Did not I
iu the gardyn with hym ? se the in the garden with hym ?
27 Therfore eft Petre denyede, and 27 Peter denyed it agayne, and im-
a noon the koc crew. mediatly the cocke crewe.
28 Therfore thei leden Jhesu to Cay- 28 Then ledd they Jesus from Cayphas,
fas, in to the moot halle; sothli it was into the housse of iudgement ; hit was
morwetyde, and thai entriden not in to in the mornynge, and they them selves
the moot halle, that thei schulden not went not into the iudgement housse,
be defoylid, but that thei sehulden ete lest they shulde be defyled, butt that
paske. they myght eate pascha.
29 Therfore Pilat wente out with oute 29 Pilate then went oute vnto them,
' forth to hem, and seide, What accusing and sayde, What accusacion brynge ye
brynge 5e agens this man ? agaynste this man ?
30 Thei answeriden, and seiden to hym, 30 They answered, and sayd vnto
If this were not a mysdocr, we hadden hym, Iff he were nott an evyll doar,
not bitakun hym to thee. we wolde not have delyvered hym vnto
gr Therfore Pilat scith to hem, Take 31 Then sayd Pilate vnto them, Take
3e him, and deme 3e him, vp 30ure lawe. hym vnto you, and iudge hym, after
Therfore thei seyden to him, It is not youre awne lawe. ‘The lewes sayde
leefful to vs for to slee ony man ; vnto hym, It is nott lawfull for vs to
putt eny man to deeth ;
32 That the word of Jhesu schulde be 32 That the wordes of Jesus myght -
fillid, which he seide, signyfiynge bi what be fulfilled, whieh he spake, signifyinge
deeth he was to deiynge. what deeth he shulde deye.
33 Therfore eft Pilate entride in to 33 Then Pilate entred into the iudge-
. the moot halle, and clepide Jhesu, and ment housse agayne, and called Jesus,
seide to him, Ert thou king of Jewis ! and sayd vnto him, Arte thou kynge of
the Iewes ?
34 Jhesu answeride, and seide to him, 34 Jesus answered, Sayst thou that off
Seist thou this thing of thi silf, ether thy sylfe, or did other tell ytt the of
othere seiden to thee of me? me?
35 Pilat answeride, Wher I am a Jew? 35 Pilate answered, Am I a Iewe?
Thi folk and bischopis bytokun thee to Thyne awne nacion and hye prestes have
me; what hast thou don? delivered the vnto me; what hast thou
36 Jhesu answeride, My kyngdom is 36 Jesus answered, My kyngdome is
not of this world ; if my kyngdom were not of this worlde; yff my kyngdome
of this world, sothly my mynystris were of this worlde, then wolde my min-
schulden stryue, that I schulde not be isters suerly fight, that I shulde not be -
552 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr.Jogw
galewips wesyau ludaium ; ip nu piud- Iudeum ; nis min rice of dysum middan-
angardi meina nist papro. earde.
37 Paruh qap imma Peilatus, An nuh 37 Da cwæþ Pilatus to him, Eart dú
piudans is pu? Andhafyands Iesus [qap],t witodlice cyning? Se Hælend him and-
pu qipis, ei pindans im ik. Ik du þam- swarode and cwep, Du hit segst, det ic
ma gabaurans im, yah du pamma qam in eom cyng. On dam ie eom geboren,
pamma fairwhau, ei weitwodyau sunyai. and to dam ie com on middan-eard, đæt -
Whazuh saei ist sunyos, hauseip stibnos ic cyde sóþfæstnysse. Æle dera de ys
meinaizos. on sóþfæstnysse, gehyrp mine stefne.
38 Panuh qap imma Peilatus, Wha ist 38 Da cwæþ Pilatus to him, Hwæt ys
so sunya? Yah pata qipands, galaip ut sopfestnys? And da he dis ewæþ, dá
du ludaium, yah qap im, Ik ainohun eode he eft út to dam Iudeum, and
fairino ni bigita in pamma. cwæþ to him, Ne fünde ie nánne gylt
on dysum men.
39 Ip ist biuhti izwis, ei ainana izwis 39 Hit ys eower gewuna, det ic for-
fraletau in pascha ;wileidu nu ei fraletau gife eow ánne man on eastron; wylle
izwis pana piudan ludaie ? ge det ic forgife eow Iudea cyning?
40 Ip eis hropidedun aftra allai, qipand- 40 Hig clypedon ealle, and ewædon,
ans, Ne pana, ak Barabban. Sah pan Na-disne, ac Barraban. Witodlice Bar-
was sa Barabba waidedya. . rabas wees eof. i |

Cmar. XIX. 1 Panuh pan nam Peila- Crap. XIX. 1 Ðá nam Pilatus done
tus lesu, yah usblagew. Hælend, and swang hyne. y
2 Yah pai gadrauhteis uswundun wipp- 2 And da pegnas wündon pyrnenne |
yà us paurnum, yah galagidedun imma cyne-helm, and ásetton hyne on his |
ana haubid, yah wastyai paurpurodai heáfod, and scryddon hyne mid pur
gawasidedun ina, puran reafe, |
3...Yah qepun, Hails, piudans Íu- 3 And hi comon to hym, and ewædon, |
daie. Yah gebun imma slahins lofin. Hal beo du, Iudea cyning. And hi |
pletton hyne mid hyra handum. E
4 Atiddya aftra ut Peilatus, yah qap 4 Da eode Pilatus eft út, and cwæþ, '
im, Sai! attiuha izwis ina ut, ei witeip, Nu! ic hyne læde hider út to eow, det
patei in imma ni ainohun fairino bigat. ge ongyton, det ie ne funde nánne gylt |
on him.
5 Paruh usiddya ut lesus, bairands 5 Da eode se Hælend út, and ber |
pana paurneinan waip, yah po paurpur- pyrnenne cyne-helm, and purpuran reaf, |
odon wastya. Yah qap im, Sa ist sa And sede him, Hér is man! |
manna! |
6 paruh bipe sewhun ina pai maistans 6 Witodlice dà da bisceopas and da |
gudyans yah andbahtos, hropidedun, pegnas hine gesáwon, dá clypodon hig, i
qipandans, Ushramei, ushramei ina. Qap and ewaédon, Hoh hyne, hóh hyne. Da
im Peilatus, Nimip ina yus, yah hramyip, cwep Pilatus to him, Nime ge hyne,
ip ik fairina in imma ni bigita. and hop, ic ne fünde nánne gylt on him.
7 Andhofun imma Íudaieis, Weis witop 7 Da Iudeas him andswaredon and
aihum, yah bi pamma witoda unsaramma ewædon, We habbap Æ, and be tre æ he
skal gaswiltan, unte sik silban Gups sceal sweltan, fordam de he cwæþ dæt |
sunu gatawida. he were Godes sunu. "C
8 Bipe gahausida Peilatus pata waurd, 8 Da Pilatus gehýrde das spræce, dó -
mais ohta sis. ondréd he him dees de swidor.
XVIII. 37.-XIX. 8.) WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 553
takun to the Jewis; now forsothe my delyvered to the Iewes ; but nowe is my
kyngdom is not of hennis.* kingdome not from hence.
37 And so Pilat seide to him, Therfore 37 Pilate sayde vnto hym, Arte thou a
art thou kyng? Jhesu answeride, Thou kynge then? Jesus answered, Thou
seidist, for Iam a kyng. To this thing sayst, that I am a kynge. For this
I am born, and to this I cam in to the cause was I borne, and for this cause
world, that I bere witnessing to treuthe. cam I into the worlde, that I shulde
Ech that is of treuthe, heerith my voys. beare witnes vnto the trueth. All that
are of the trueth, heare my voice.
38 Pilat seith to him, What is treuthe? 38 Pilate sayde vnto hym, What is
And whanne he hadde seid this thing, trueth. And when he had sayde that;
eft he wente out to the Jewis, and seide he went out agayne vnto the Iewes, and
to hem, I fynde no cause in him. sayde vnto them, I fynde in him no
cause at all.
39 Forsoth it is a custom to 30u, that 39 Ye have a costome amonge you,
I delyuer oon to 30u in pask ; therfore that I shulde delyvre you won loosse at
wolen 3e I schal dismytte to 3ou the ester ; will ye that I loose vnto you the
kyng of Jewis? kynge of the Iewes?
40 Therfore thei cryeden eft alle, sey- 40 Then eryed they all againe, sayinge.
inge, Not this, but Barabas. Forsothe Not him, but Barrabas. Barrabas was
Barabas was a theef. a vobber.

Crap. XIX. 1 Therfore Pilat took Cmar. XIX. 1 Then Pilate toke
_Ahanne Jhesu, and scourgide. Jesus, and scourged hym.
2 And knystis foldinge a crowne of 2 And the soudiers wonde a croune off
thornes, puttiden on his heed, and diden thornes, and put it on his heed, and
aboute him a cloth of purpur, they did on hym a purple garment,

3 And camen to him, and seiden, Heyl, 3. . . And sayd, Hayl, kynge off the
kyng of Jewis. And thei 3auen to hym Iewes. And they smote hym on the
boffatis. face. j
4 Eft Pilat wente out, and seide to 4 Pilate went forthe agayne, and sayde
hem, Lo! I lede him to 3ou with oute vnto them, Beholde ! I brynge him forth
forth, that 3e knowe, for I fynde no to you, that ye maye knowe, that I
cause in him. fynde no faute in hym.
5 Therfore Jhesu wente out, beringe a 5 Then cam Jesus forthe, wearynge a
crowne of thornes, and a clooth of pur- croune of thornes, and a robe of purple.
pur. And he seith to hem, Loo! the And Pilate sayd vnto them, Beholde !
man. the man.
6 Therfore whanne the bischopis and 6 When the hye prestes and ministers
mynystris hadde seyn him, thei crieden, sawe him, they cryed, sayinge, Crucify
seyinge, Crucifie, crucifie him. Pilate him, crucify hym. Pilate sayde vnto
seith to hem, Take 3e him, and crucifie them, Take ye hym, and crucify hym,
3e, sothli I fynde no cause in him. for I fynde no cause in hym.
7 The Jewis answeriden to him, We 7 The Iewes answered hym, We have
han a lawe, and vpon the lawe he owith a lawe, and by oure lawe he ought to
to deie, for he made him Goddis sone. deye, be cause he made hym silfe the
sonne of God. n
8 'Pherfore whanne Pilat hadde herd 8 When Pilate herde that sayinge, he
this word, he dredde more. | was the moare afrayde.
554 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST.Jomw

9 Yah galaip in praitauria aftra, yah 9 And eode eft in to dam dóm-erne.
qap du Íesua, Whapro is pu? Ip lesus and ewæþ to dam Hælende, Hwanon
andawaurdi ni gaf imma. eart dá? Witodlice se Hælend him ne
sealde náne andsware.
10 Paruh qap imma Peilatus, Du mis io Dá eweep Pilatus to him, Hwi ne
ni rodeis? Niu waist, patei waldufni aih sprycst dú wid me? Nast dú, det ic
ushramyan puk, yah waldufni aih fra- hæbbe mihte dé to hónne, and ie hæbbe
letan puk? | mihte dé to forlætenne ?
r1 Andhof lesus, Ni aihtedeis waldufn- 11 Se Hælend him andswarode, Næf-
ye ainhun ana mik, nih wesi pus at- dest dü náne mihte ongean me, büton
giban iupapro; duhpe sa galewyands hyt were dé ufan geseald; fordam se
mik pus, maizein frawaurht habaid. hæfþ máran synne, se de me dé sealde.

i2 Framuh pamma sokida Peilatus 12 And syddan sóhte Pilatus hú he |

fraletan ina; ip Iudaieis hropidedun, hyne forléte ; dá Iudeas clypodon, and
qipandans, Yabai pana fraletis, ni is fri- ewædon, Gif dú hine forletst, ne eart |
yonds Kaisara; sawhazuh izei piudan dú des Caseres freond ; «le deera de
sik silban tauyip, andstandip Kaisara. hyne to eynge dép, ys des Caseres
13 Panuh Peilatus, hausyands pize 13 Dé Pilatus, dis spræce gehyrde, dá
lédde he üt done Hælend, and sæt æt-
fóran dam dóm-setle on deere stówe, de
is genemned Lithostratos, and on Ebre-
isc Gabbatha.
14 Hit wes dá eastra gegearcung-dæg,
and hyt wes seo syxte tid. Da ewep
he to dam Iudeum, Hér ys eower cyn-
ing! & |
i5 Hi clypodon ealle, and ewædon, |
Nim hyne, nim hyne; and hóh. Da —
cwæþ Pilatus, Sceal ic hon eowerne eyn- -
ing? Him andswaredon da bisceopas
and cwédon, Næbbe we nánne cyning .
büton Casere. j |
16 Pa sealde he hyne him, to áhónne.
Pa nímon hi done Hælend, and tugon
hine üt.

17 And he sylf ber his róde mid him

on da stówe, de ys genemned Heafod-
pannan stów, and on Ebreise Golgotha ;

18 Der hi hyne áhéngon, and twegen

ódre mid him, on twa healfa, and done
Helend on middan. :

r9 Witodlice Pilatus wrát ofer-gewrit,

and sette ofer his rode ; der wees on ge-
20 Manega dera Iudea ræddon dis
gewrit, fordam de seo stow wees gehen
XIX. g-20.] WYCLIFFE, 1585. TYNDALE, i526. 555
9 And he wente in to the moot halle 9 And went agayne in to the iudgment
eft, and seyde to hym, Of whennus art housse, and sayde vnto J esus, Whence
thou? Forsothe Jhesu 3af not answere arte thou? Jesus gave hym none an-
to him. swere.
10 Pilat seith to him, Spekest thou 10 Then sayde Pilate vnto hym, Speak-
not to me? Wost thou not, for I haue est thou not vnto me? Knowest thou
power for to crucifie thee, and I haue nott, that I have power to erucify the,
power for to delyuere thee? and have power to loose the ?
II Jhesu answeride, Thou schuldist II Jesus answered, Thou coudest have
not haue ony power asens me, no but no power att all agaynst me, except it
it were 3ouuen to thee fro aboue ; ther- were geven vnto the from above ; ther-
fore be that bitook me to thee, hath the fore he that delivered me vnto the, is
more synne. moare in synne.
12 Theroft Pilat souste for to delyuere 12 And from thence forthe sought
Jhesu; forsothe the Jewis crieden, sey- Pilate meanes to loose hym ; but the
inge, If thou leeuyst this man, thou ert lewes eryed, sayinge, Yf thou lett hym
not frend of Cesar; for ech man that goo, thou arte not Cesars frende ; who-
. makith him silf kyng, asen seith Cesar. soever maketh himsilfe a kynge, is
agaynst Cesar.
13 Therfore Pilat, whanne he hadde 13 When Pilate herde that sayinge, iie
herd thes wordis, ledde Jhesu forth, brought Jesus forthe, and sate doune to
and saat for domesman in a place, that geve sentence in a place, called the
is seide Licostratos, in Ebrew forsothe Pavement, butt in the Hebrue tonge
Golgatha.* Gabbatha.
. I4 Forsoth it was the makinge redy* 14 Hitt was the saboth even which
of pask, as the sixte our.^ And he seith falleth in the ester fest, and aboute the
. to the Jewis, Loo! goure kyng. sixte houre. And he sayde vnto the
Iewes, Beholde! youre kynge.
15 Forsoth thei cryeden, seyinge, Do 15 They cryed, Awaye with hym, awaye
a wey, do a wey; crucifie hym. Pilat with hym; crucify hym. Pilate sayde
seith to hem, Schal I crucifie 3oure vnto them, Shall I crucify youre kynge?
kyng? The bischopis answeriden, We The hye prestes answered, We have noo
tl han no kyng no but Cesar. kynge but Cesar.
16 Therfore thanne Pilat bitook him 16 Then delivered he hym vnto them,
to hem, that he schulde be crucifyed. to be crucified. And they toke Jesus,
13 Forsothe thei token Jhesu, and ledden and ledde hym awaye.
17 And he berynge to him silf a cros 17 And he bare his crosse and went
wente out in to that place, that is seid forthe into a place, called the place off
of Caluarie, in Ebrew Golgatha ; deed menns seulles, which is named in
Hebrue Golgatha ; :
.18 Where thei crucifieden him, and 18 Where they crucified hym, and with
othere tweye with him, on this syde hym two other, on ether syde won, and
and on that syde, forsothe Jhesu the Jesus in the myddes.
r9 Forsothe and Pilat wroot a title, 19 Pilate wrote his title, and put it on
and puttide on the cross; sothli it was the crosse; the wrytynge was, Jesus off
writun, Jhesu Nazaren, kyng of Jewis. Nazareth, kynge off the Iewes.
20 Therfore manye of the Jewis radden 20 This tytle reed many off the Iewes,
this title, for the place where Jhesu was for the place where Jesus was crucified,
| deere ceastre, deer se Hælend wes ahang-
en, hit wes áwriten Ebreisceum stafum, Á
and Greeiscum, and Leden stafum.
21 Da cwædon da bisceopas to Pilate,
Ne writ Gi Iudea cyning, ac det he
cwæde, Ic eom Judea cyning.

22 Da cwæþ Pilatus, Ie wrát, det ic

23 Dá da cempan hine ahéngon, hi
námon his reaf, and worhton feower
dælas, ælcum cempan ánne del, and
tunecan. Seo tunece wes unásiwod,
and wees eall áwefen.

24 Da cwædon hi him betweonan, Ne

slite we hy, ae uton hleotan, hwylces
tire heo sy ; det det hálige gewrit sy
gefylled, de dus ewyp, Hi to dældon
him mine reaf, and ofer mine reaf hi
wurpon hlot. Witodlice dus dydon da
25 Dá stódon wid da róde des Hæl.
endes móder, and his moder swuster,
Maria Cleophe, and Maria Magdalenisce.
26 Da se Hælend geseah his moder,
and done leorning-cniht standende, de
he lufode, dá cwxp he to his méder,
Wif, hér! ys din sunu.
27 Eft he eweep to dam leorning-enihte,
Hér! ys din móder. And of dere tide
3e leorning-eniht hi nam to him.
28 Æfter dyson, dá se Hælend wis
dst ealle ping wæron ge-endode, det
det hálige gewrit were gefylled, dá
ewep he, Me pyrst. |
29 Da stód án feet full ecedes. Hi
bewündon áne spingan mid ysopo seo
wees full ecedes, and setton to his müpe.

30 Da se Hælend onféng des ecedes,

dá cwæþ he, Hyt ys ge-endod. And he
áhylde his heafod, and ágeaf his gast.

31 Da Iudeas bidon Pilatum, diet man

forbræce hyra sceancan, and léte hi
nyder, fordam de hit wes gegearcung:
dæg, det da lichaman ne wunodon on
róde on reste-dæge, se deg wes mær
XIX. 21-31.] WYCLIFFE, 1589. TYNDALE, 1526. 557
erucifiede, was ny3 the citee, and it was was neye to the cite, and it was written
writen in Ebrew, Greek, and Latyn. in Hebrue, Greke, and Latyn.

21 Therfore the bischops of Jewis 21 Then sayde the hye prestes off the
seiden to Pilat, Nyle thou write kyng Iewes to Pilate, Wryte nott kynge off
of Jewis, but for he seyde, I am kyng the Lewes, butt that he sayde, I am
of Jewis. kynge of the Iewes.
22 Pilat answeride, That that I haue 22 Pilate answered, What I have writ-
writen, I haue writen. ten, that have I written.
23 Therfore the kny3tis whanne thei 23 The soudiers when they had cruci-
hadden crucified him, token his clothis, fied Jesus, toke his garmentes, and made
and maden foure partis, to ech kny3t a foure partes, to every soudier a parte,
part, and a coote. Forsothe the coote and also his coote. The coote was with
was with out seem, and aboue wouun out seme, woven vppon thorowe and
bi al. thorowe.
24 Therfore thei seiden to gidere, 24 And they sayde won to another,
Kitte we not it, but leye we lott, whos Lett vs nott devyde it, butt cast lootes,
it is; that the scripture be fillid, sey- who shall have it; that the scripture
inge, Thei partiden my clothis to hem, myght be fulfilled, which sayth, They
and in to my cloth thei senten lott. parted my rayment amonge them, and
And sothli kny3tis diden thes thingis. on my coote did cast lottes. And the
soudiers did soche thynges in dede.
25 Forsothe bisydis the cross of Jhesu 25 There stode by the cross of Jesus
‘stooden his modir, and Marie Cleaphe, his mother, and his mothers sister, Mary
the sister of his modir, and Marie Mau- the wyfe off Cleophas, and Mary Mag-
deleyn. dalene.
26 Therfore whanne Jhesu hadde seyn 26 When Jesus sawe his mother, and
the modir, and the disciple stondinge, the disciple stondynge, whom he loved,
whom he louede, he seith to his modir, he sayde vnto his mother, Woman, be-
Womman, lo! thi sone. holde! thy sonne.
27 Aftirward he seith to the disciple, 27 Then sayde he to the disciple, Be-
Lo! thi modir. And fro that our the holde! thy mother. And from that
disciple took hire in to his thingis. houre the disciple toke her for his awne.
28 Aftirward Jhesu witinge, for now 28 After that, when Jesus perceaved
alle thingis ben endid, that the scripture that all thynges were performed, that
schulde be fillid, he seith, I thirste. the scriptures myght be fulfyled, he
sayde, I thyrst.
29 Sothli a vessel was putt ful of 29 There stode a vessell full off veneger
vynegre. Thei forsothe puttinge aboue by. "They filled a sponge with venegre,
with ysope the spounge ful of vynegre, and wonde it about with ysoppe, and
offriden to his mouth. put it to his mougth.
30 Therfore whanne Jhesu hadde take 30 As sone as Jesus had receaved of
vynegre, he seide, It is endid. And the the venegre, he sayd, It is fynnesshed.
heed bowid doun, he bitook the spirit. And bowed his heed, and gave vppe the
31 Therfore for it was the makynge 31 The Iewes then be cause it was the
redy of pask, that the bodies schulde saboth even, that the bodyes shuld not
not dwelle in the cross in the saboth, remayne apon the crosse on the saboth
for that day of saboth was greet, the daye, for that saboth daye was an hye
Jewis preieden Pilat, that the hupis of daye, besought Pilate, that their legges
hem schulden be brokun, and takun myght be broken, and that they myght
awey. be taken doune.

m} 8 GOTHIC, 260. ANGLO-SAXON, 595. (ST. JONN
32 Da comon da cempan, and bræco
&rest dees sceancan . . . ., de mid h
ahangen wees.

33, Ðá hi to dam Hælende comon, and

cesiwon Get he dead wees, ne bræcon
hi ná his sceancan; :
34 Ac án dera cempena ge-openode
his sidan mid spére, and hrædlice dar
fleów blod üt and weeter. j x

35 And se de hit geseah, cjdde

witnesse, and his gewitnes is sóþ;
he wat det he sóþ sede, det ge
lyfon. as
36 Dis ping wæron gewordene, d
det gewrit were gefylled, Ne forb
ge nan bán on him.
37 [And eft óder gewrit segp], + Hi
seop on hweene hig Ton-fæstn MERO j

38 Witodlice [efter dam]? Iosep fr

Arimathéa bed Pilatus, det he r
niman Ges Hælendes lichaman, for
de he wes des Hælendes leorn
cniht, dis he dyde dearnunga, for
Tudea ege. And Pilatus him lýfde
com he, and nam dis Hælendes |

ærest com to dam Heelende o

and brohte wyrt-gemang and
swylce hund-teontig boxa.

40 Hig namon des Hælendes lichan

and bewündon hine mid linenw
mid wyrt-gemangum, swá Indes
ys to bebyrgenne.
41 Witodlice dar wes wyrt-
deere stówe dar se Hælend áhar
wees, and on dam wyrt-tüne w:
byrgen, on dere dà gyt nán m
42 Sóþlíce dar hig lédon done F
for dam diera Iudea geareung wees
da byrgene..

Cuar. XX. tr Witodliee on

reste- diege, seo Magdalenisce M
XIX. 32.-XX. 1.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 559
32 Therfore knystis camen, and sethly 32 Then cam the soudiers, and brake
thei braken the thiyes of the firste, and the legges of the fyrst, and of the other,
of the tothir, that was crucified with which was crucified with Jesus.
33 Forsothe whanne thei hadden come 33 When they cam to Jesus, and sawe
to Jhesu, as thei sy3en him deed thanne, that he was deed alredy, they brake not
thei braken not his thizes ; his legges;
34 But oon of the kny3tis openyde his 34 Butt |one off the soudiers with a
syde with a sper, and a noon bloot and speare thrust hym into the syde, and
watir wente out. forth with cam there out blude and
35 And he that sys, bar witnessing, 5 And he that sawe it, bare recorde,
and his witnessing is trewe; and he and his recorde is true ; and he knoweth
woot for he seith trewe thingis, that 5e that he sayth true, that ye myght beleve
bileue. also.
36 Forsothe thes thingis ben don, that 36 These thinges were done, that the
the scripture schulde be filled,5e schulen scripture shulde be fulfilled, Ye shall not
not breke* a boon of him. breake a boone of him.
37 And eft anothir scripture seith, Thei 37 And agayne another scripture say-
schulen se in to whom they pizten thorw. eth, They shall loke on hym whom they
38 Sotheli aftir thes thingis Joseph of 38 After that Joseph off Aramathia,
Armathi preiede Pilat, that he schulde whych was a disciple of Jesus, but se-
take awey the body of Jhesu, for that cretly, for feare off the Iewes, besought
he was a disciple of Jhesu, forsothe Pilate, that he myght take doune the
priuey, for. the drede of Jewis. And boddy off Jesus. And Pilate gave him
Pilat suffride. Therfore he cam, and loop:
took awey the body of Jhesu.

39 Sothli and Nycodeme cam, that 39 And there cam also Nicodemus,
hadde come first to Jhesu in the nyst, which att the begynnynge cam to Jesus
beringe a medlynge of myrre and aloes, by nyght, and brought of mirre and
as an hundrid pound. aloes mingled to gedder, aboute an
hundred pounde wayght.
40 Therfore thei token the body of 40 Then toke they the body of doom
Jhesu, and bounden it in lynnen clothis and wonde it in lynnen clothes with
with oynementis, as it is custom to Jewis those confeccions, as the manner of the
for to birye. lewes is to bury.
41 Sothli in the place wher he was 41 In the place where Jesus was cruci-
crucified, was a 3erd, and in the 3erd a fied, was a garden, and in the garden a
newe graue, in which not sit ony man newe sepulere, wherin was never man
was put. layde.

42 Therfore there for the makynge redy 42 There layde they Jesus, be cause of
of Jewis, for the graue was ny3, thei the Iewes saboth even, for the sepulere
puttiden Jhesu. was nye at honde.

Cmar. XX. 1 Forsothe in the oor Cuar. XX. 1 The morowe after the
of the saboth,* Mary Mawdeleyn cam saboth daye, cam Mary Magdalene erly,
erly, whanne derknessis weren 3it, at when it was yet darcke, vnto the sepul-

550 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr.Jomw
byrgene. And heo geseah diet se stan
áweg ánumen wes fram dere byrgene.
2 Dá arn heo, and com to Simone
Petre, and to dam óðrum leorning- |
onihte, de se Helend lufode, and hee 1
cwæþ to him, Hi námon Drihten of -
byrgene, and we nyton, hwar hi hyne -
lédon. s
3 Petrus eode út, and se óder leorning-
cniht, and comon to deere byrgene.

4 Witodlice hig twegen urnon ætgædere,

and se der leórning-eniht for-arn Pet-
rus fórne, and com rador to dere byrg-
5 And dá he nyder-ábeah, he geseah
da lin-wæda licgan, and ne eode deah
6 Witodlice Simon Petrus com efto
him, and eode into dere byrgene, and
he geseah lin-wæda licgan,
ji‘And det swát-lin de wæs uppan his
heafde, ne leg hyt ná mid dam lin-
Sram ae on-sundron gefealden on
ánre stowe. i
8 Dá eode eac in se leorning-eniht, de
rest com to dere byrgene, and geseah,
and gelyfde.
9 Witodlice dá git hi ne cúðon Pu.
gewrit, deet hit gebyr ede dæt he sceolde
fram deape arisan.
10 Da fóron eft da leorning opu id
dam ódrum.*
ir Witodlice Maria stód dar ute æt
dere byrgene and weop. And da heo
weop, heo ábeah nyder, and beseah
innan da byrgene.
12 And geseah twegen englas sittan
mid hwitum reafe, anue æt dam heafdum
and 6derne æt dun fótum, Geer des
Hælendes lic áléd wees.
13 Hi ewædon to hyre, Wif, hwi wêpst
du? Da cwæþ heo to hym, "Fordam hi
námon minne Drihten, and ic i nat, hwar
hi hine lédon.
14 Dá heo dás ping saéde, dá bewende
heo hi on-bæe, and geseah hwar se
Helend stód, and heo nyste æt hyt s
Helend wees.
15 Da cwæþ se Hælend to hyre, Wif,
hwi wépst dú ? hwæne séest du? ' Heo
wénde dæt hit se wyrt-weard were, and
XX. 2-15.] WYCLIFFE, 1380, TYNDALE, 1826. 561
the graue. And she sys the stoon turn- cre, And sawe the stone rowled awaye
ed asen fro the grauo. from the toumbe.
2 Therfore she ran, and cam to Sy- 2 Then she ranne, and cam
mount Petre, to Simon
and to a nothir disciple, Peter, and to the other disciple, whom
whom Jhesu louyde, and seith to hem, Jesus loved, and sayde vnto them, They
Thei han take the Lord fro the graue, have taken awaye the Lorde out off the
and we witen not, where thei han put toumbe, and we cannot tell, where they
him. have layde hym.
3 Therfore Petre wente out, and thilke 3 Peter went forth, and that other
othere diseiple, and thei camen to the diseiple, and cam vnto the sepulere.
4 Forsoth thei tweyne runnen to 4 They ranne bothe to gether, and that
gidere, and thilke other disciple ran other disciple did out runne Peter, and
bifore sunner than Petre, and cam first cam fyrst to the sepulcre.,
to the graue,
5 And whanne he hadde ynbowyd him, 5 And he stouped doune, and sawe the
he sys the scheetis putt, nethelees he lynnen clothes, yet went he not in.
entride not.
6 Therfore Symount Petre cam suynge 6 Then cam Simon Peter folowynge
hym, and he entride in to the graue, hym, and went into the sepulere, and
and he sys the scheetis putt, sawe the lynnen clothes lye,
7 And the sudarie that was on his 7 And the napkyn that was aboute hys
heed, not putt with the scheetis, but by heed, nott lyinge wytn wie iynnen clothes,
it silf wlappid in to o place. but wrapped togedder in a place by yt
8 Therfore thanne and thilke disciple 8 Then went in also that other disciple
that cam first to the graue, entride, and whych cam fyrst to the sepulcre, and he
8y5, and bileuede. sawe, and beleved.
9 Forsothe thei wisten not the scrip- 9 For as yett they knew nott the
ture, for it bihofte him for to ryse azen scriptures, that he shulde ryse agayne
fro deede men. from deeth.
10 Therfore the disciplis wenten eft to 10 And the disciples went awaye agayne
hem selue. vnto their awne home.
11 Forsoth Marie stood at the graue 11 Mary stode with out att the sepul-
withoute forth wepynge. "Therfore while cre wepynge. As she wept, she bowed
she wepte, sche bowide hir, and biheld her sylfe into the sepulere,
forth in to the graue.
12 And she sys twey angelis sittynge 12 And sawe two angels clothed in
in whyt, oon at the heed and oon at the whyte sittyng, the one att the heed and
feet, wher the body of Jhesu was putt. the other at the fete, where they had
layde the body of Jesus.
13 Thei seyn to hir, Womman, what 13 They sayde vnto her, Woman, why
wepist thou?! She seid to hem, For wepest thou? She sayde vnto them,
thei han takun a wey my lord, and I They have taken awaye my lorde, and
woot not, where thei han putt him. I wote not, where they have layde him.
14 Whanne she hadde seid thes thingis, 14 When she had thus sayde, she
she was turnyd a bak, and sy3 Jhesu turned her sylfe backe, and sawe Jesus
stondinge, and wiste not for it was stondynge, and knewe not that it was
Jhesu. Jesus.
15 Jhesu seith to hir, Womman, what 15 Jesus sayde vnto her, Woman, why
wepist thou? whom sekist thou? She wepest thou? whom sekest thou? She
gessinge for he was a gardener, seith supoosynge that he had bene the gar-
~ GOTHIC.469. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr Jonn
ewæþ to him, Leof, gif dú hine name,
sege me, hwar dú hine lédest, and ic e
hine nime.

16 Da cwæþ se Hælend to hyre, Maria.

Heo bewende hi and cwæp to him, Rab-
boni, det ys gecweden, láreow. Á
17 Da cwæþ se Hælend to hyre, Ne
æt-hrín dú min, nú gyt ie ne ástáh.
to minum feder ; gang to minum bróðr-
um, and sege him, le ástige to minum
feder and to eowrum feder, and to
minum Gode and to eowrum Gode. —
18 Ðá com seo Magdalenisce Maria,
and cydde dam leorning-enihtum and
cwæþ, le geseah Drihten, and das ping.
he me sæde.' TE
19 Da hit wes æfen, on anon dæra
reste-daga, and da dura wæron belocene,
der da leorning-cnihtas wæron geg!
erode, for æra Iudea ege, se Heele
com, and stéd to-middes hyra, and eweep
to him, Sig sibb mid eow. | 4

20 And dá he det cwsep, he æt-fwde

him his handa and bis sidan ; da leorn-
ing-cnihtas wæron blipe, dá hi hæfdon
Drihten gesewen. m.
21 He cwæþ eft to him, Sig sibb mid
eow ; swá swá feeder me sende, ie sel
eow. : -y
22 Da he dot cwæþ, dá bleow he on
hi, and cwæþ to him, T nderfóp Haligne
Gast ; B
23 Dera synna de ge forgyfap, hi beoþ
him forgyfene ; and dara de ge healdap,
hig beop gehealdene. a

24 Witodlice Thomas, án of dam

twelfum, ^ de ys gecweden Didimus, - dætM.
ys, Gelycost, on tire geþeode, he næs

mid him, dá se Helend com. p

25 Ðá cwædon da ódre leorning-eni
to him, We gesáwon Drihten. Da ew:
he to him, Ne gelýfe ic, buton ie geseo,
dæra nægla fiestnunge on his handa, a
ic dé minne finger on Gera nægla st
and dó mine hand to his sidan.

26 And eft efter eahta dagum |

leorning-cnihtas weron inne, and Th
as mid him. Se Hælend com, belocer
XX. 16-26.] WYCLIFFE, 1389.
TYNDALE, 1526. 503
to him, Sire, if thou hast takun him vp, dener, sayde vnto hym, Syr, if thou have
seye to me, where thou hast put him, borne him hence, tell me, where thou
and I schal take him a wey. hast layde him, and I will take hym
16 Jhesu seith to hir, Marie. She | 16 Jesus sayde vnto her, Mary.
conuertid seith to him, Rabbony, that is turned her She
sylfe and sayde vnto hym,
seid, maistir. Raboni, which is to saye, master.
17 Jhesu seith to hir, Nyle thou touche 17 Jesus sayde vnto her, Touche me
me, for I haue not sit stysed to my not, for I have nott yet ascended to my
fadir ; forsothe go to my britheren, and father; butt goo to my brothren, and
seye to hem, I stye to my fadir and saye vnto them,
I ascende vnto my
30ure fadir, to my God and 3oure God. father and youre father, my God and
youre God.
18 Mary Mawdeleyn cam, tellinge to 18 Mary Magdalene cam, and tolde the
disciplis, For I sy3 the Lord, and thes disciples, That she had sene the Lorde,
thingis he seide to me. and that he had spoken soche thinges
vnto her.
19 Therfore whanne euentid was in that 19 The same daye at nyght, whych
day, oon of the sabotis, and the satis was the morowe after the saboth daye, .
weren schitt, where disciplis weren when the dores were shutt, where the
gederid, for the drede of Jewis, Jhesu disciples were assembled to gedder, for
vam, and stood in the myddel of hem, feare of the Iewes, cam Jesus, and stode
and seide to hem, Pees to 30u. in the myddes, and sayd to them, Peace
be with you.
| vios And whanne he hadde seid this 20 And when he had so sayde, he
thing, he schewide to hem hondis and shewed vnto them his hondes and his
the syde ; therfore the disciplis ioyeden, fete and his syde; then were the dis-
the Lord seyn. ciples glad, when they sawe the Lorde.
21 Therfore he seith to hem eft, Pees 21 He sayde vnto them agayne, Peace
to 30u; as the fadir sente me, and Í be with you; as my father sent me,
. Sende 3ou. even so sende I you.
22 Whanne he hadde seid thes thingis, 22 When he had sayde that, he bluwe
he blew ynne, and seide, Take se the on them, and sayde vnto them, Receave
Hooly Gost ; the Holy Goost ;
„23 Whos synnes se schulen for3yue, 23 Whosoevers synnes ye remyt, they
thei ben forzouun ; and whos synnes 3e are remitted vnto them ; and whoso-
j schulen withholde,
thei ben withholdun. evers synnes ye retayne, they are re-
tayned. i
24 F'orsothe Thomas, oon of the twelue, 24 Thomas, one off the twelve, called
-that is seid Didymus,. . . . . . . . was Didimus, was
not with hem, whanne Jhesu cam. not with them, when Jesus cam.
25 Therfore othere disciplis seiden, We 25 The other disciples sayd vnto hym,
han seyn the Lord. Forsothe he seide We have sene the Lorde. And he sayde
to hem, No but I schal se in his hondis vnto them, Except I se in his hondes
the ficching of naylis, and schal sende the prent of the nayles, and put my
my fyngris in to places of naylis, and tynger in the holes off the nayles, and
Í schal sende myn honde in to his syde, thruste my honde into hys syde, I will
I schal not bileue. not beleve.
. 26 And aftir eiste dayes eft his dis- 26 And after viij dayes agayne the
ciplis weren with ynne, and Thomas disciples were with in, and Thomas was
- with hem. Jhesu cam. the satis schitt, | with them. Jesus cam, when the doreg
GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 905. (Sr. JONN 1
durum, and stóð to-middes him, and =
eweep, Sig eow sibb.
27 Syddan he sæde Thome, Do dinne
| finger hider, auð. geseoh mine handa, -
í and nim dine hand, and dó on mine
sidan, and ne beo dá ungeleafful, ac ge-
28 Thomas andswarode, and ewæþ to
him, Dé eart min God and min Drihten.
29 Se Hælend cwep to him, Du ge-
| lýfdest, fordam di me gesáwe; da
synd eadige, de ne gesáwon, and ge-
lyfdon. 4
30 Witodlice manege ódre tácen se
Hælend worhte on his leorning-enihta
| gesyhpe, de ne synd on dysse bée áwrit
| ene.
.31 Witodlice das þing synd awritene,
dæt ge gelýfon, det se Hælend ys Crist,
Godes sunu, and det ge habbon éce lif
donne ge gelyfap on his naman. a

— ———

Crap. XXI. tı Eft efter dam se

Halend hine geswútelode dus M Si
deere Tiberiádiscan sæ. . . . . v.d

2 Simon Petrus, and Thomas, de ys

gecweden Gelicost, wæron ætgædere,
and Nathanahel, se wæs of Chanaá Ga-
lile, and Zebedeus suna, and ódre twe-
gen Gera leorning-cnihta. m
3 Da ewep Simon Petrus to him, Ic
wylle gân on fixop. Da ewædon hi to
him, And we wyllap gán mid dé. And
hi eodon út, and eodon on scip. And
ne féngon nan ping on deere nihte. N

4 Witodlice on rne mergen, se Hæl-

| end stód on dam strande ; ne gecneowon
deah da leorning-cnihtas, đæt hit se
Hælend wees. |
| R Då cwep se Hælend to him, Cnapan,
ewede ge, hebbe ge sufol? Hig and-
swarodon him and ewædon, Nese. j
6 He cwæþ to him, Lætaþ deet nett on
| da swidran healfe des réwettes, andge
gemétap. Hig léton witodlice, and
mihton hit áteon, for dzera fixa meeni;
! n
7 Witodliee se leorning-eniht, de se
XX. 27.-XXI. 7.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 565
and stood in the myddel, and seide, were shet, and stode in the myddes, and
Pees to you. sayde, Peace be with you.
27 Aftirward he seith to Thomas, 27 Then sayde he to Thomas, Put in
Bryng yn hidur thi fyngur, and se myn thy fynger here, and se my hondes,
hondis, and bryng to thin hond, and and putt forth thy honde, and thrust
send in to my syde, and nyle thou be hym into my syde, and be nott wyth
vnbileueful, but feithful. out fayth, but beleve.
28 Thomas answeride, and seide to 28 Thomas answered, and sayde vnto
him, My Lord and my God. hym, My Lorde and my God.
29 Jhesu seith to him, Thomas, for 29 Jesus sayde vnto hym, Thomas,
thou hast seyn me, thou bileuedist; because thou hast sene me, therfore hast
blessid ben thei, that sy3en not, and han thou beleved ; happy are they, that
bileuyd. have not sene, and yet have beleved.
30 Forsothe and Jhesus dide manye 30 And many other signes did Jesus
othere signes in the syst of his disciplis, in the presence of his disciples, which
whiche ben not writun in this book. are not written in this boke.
3r Forsothe thes ben writun, that 3e 31 These are written, that ye myght
bileue, for Jhesu is Crist, the sone of beleve, that Jesus is Christ, the sonne
God, and that 3e bileuynge haue lyf in of God, and that ye in belevynge myght
his name. have life thorewe his name.

Cmar. XXI. 1x Aftirward Jhesu eft Crap. XXI. 1 After thatt Jesus
schewide him to his disciplis, at the see shewed hym silfe agayne . . . at the
of Tyberias. Sothli he schewide thus. see of Tyberias And on this wyse
shewed he him silfe.
2 Ther weren to gidere Symount Petre, 2 There were to gedder Simon Peter,
and Thomas, that is seid Didymus, and and Thomas, which is called Didimus,
Nathanael, that was of the Cane of Gali- and Nathanael, of Cana a cite of Galile,
lee, and the sones of Zebedee, and tweye and the sonnes off Zebedei, and two
othere of his disciplis. other off the disciples.
. 3 Symount Petre seith to hem, I go 3 Simon Peter sayde vnto them, I goo
for to fysche. Thei seyn to him, And afysshynge. They sayde vnto hym, We
we comen with thee. And thei 3eden also wyll goo wyth the. They went
out, and stizeden in to a boot.. And in their waye, and entred into a shippe
that nit thei token nothing. strayght waye. And that nyght caught
they noo thynge.
= 4 Forsoth the morwe maad, Jhesu 4 When the mornynge was nowe come,
stood in the brynke ; nethelees the dis- Jesus stode on the shore ; neverthelesse
ciplis knewen not, for it was Jhesu. the disciples knewe not, that it was
5 Therfore Jhesu seith to hem, Umil- 5 Jesus sayde vnto them, Syrs, have
dren, wher 3e han. ony soupynge thing? ye eny meate? They answered hym,
Thei answeriden, Nay. Noo.
6 He seide to hem, Send se the nett 6 And he sayde vnto them, Cast out
in to the rizthalf of the rowyng, and 3e youre nett on the right syde of the
schulen fynde. Therfore thei senten the shippe, and ye shall fynde. They cast
nett, and now thei my3ten not drawe it, out, and anon they were not able to
for multitude of fyschis. drawe it, for the multitude of fysshes.
7 Therfore thilke diseiple, whom Jhesu | 7 Then sayde the disciple, whom Jesus

566 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [Sr. Jonn -

Hálend lufode, ewsep to Petre, Hit ys
Drihten. D4 Petrus gehjrde dæt hit
Drihten wees, dá dyde he on his tunecan, ~
and begyrde hine, witodlice he wes ær
nacod, and scét innan sæ. EC
8 Da ódre leorning-cnihtas reowon -
dær-to, hi wæron unfeor fram lande, -
swylce hit ware twa hund elna, and -
tugon hyra fisc-nett. E
9 Dá hig on land eodon, hi gesáwo n |
licgan gléda, and fisc dar on fjr, and
hláf. Y
10 Da cwæþ se Hælend to him, Bring-
ap da fixas, de ge nú gefengon. M
11i Simon Petrus eode up, and téh h
nett on land, micelra fixa full, dera wees
hund-teontig and preo and fiftig ; and
dá hyra swá fæla wes, næs det nett
12 Da ewep se Hælend to him, Gap
hyder, and etap. And nan dora de dar
sit, ne dorste hine áesian, Hweet he
were, hi wiston diet hit wees Drihten.
13 And se Hælend com, and nam.
and eac fisc, and sealde him.
14 On dysum wes se Hælend p
geswütelod his leorning-cnihtum, dà
aras of deape. ' LE
1g Da hi ston, 'dá ewsep se Hælend
to Simon Petre, Simon Iohannis, Í
dú me swidor donne das? He ewæ
him, Gea, Drihten, da wast dot i
lufige. He ewæþ to him, Heald mine
lamb. | E.

16 He cwæþ eft to him, Simon Ioh:

nis, lufast di me? He cwæþ t X
Gea, Drihten, dú wast det ie de lu
På cwæþ he to him, Heald mine la: :
- "1 $ ^

17 He cwæþ priddan side to him, Simon.

Iohannis, lufast dú me? Da wees Peta us
| sirig, fordam de he cwep priddan sid
to- him, Lufast dú me, and he cwee
him, Drihten, dá wast ealle ping
wast det ic dé lufige. Da cwæþ
him, Heald mine sceap.

18 Sóp, ie seege dé, da du gingra w

dü gyrdest dé, and eodest deer dú w
est; witodlice donne da ealdest,
strecst dine handa, ; and óder dé ey rt,
Me 3
XXI. 8-18.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 567
louede, seide to Petre, It is the Lord. loved, vnto Peter, It is the Lorde.
Symount Petre, whanne he hadde herd When Simon Peter herde that it was
for it was the Lord, girte him with a the Lorde, he gyrde his mantell to hym,
coote, sothli he was nakid, and sente for he was naked, and sprange into the
him in to the see. see,
8 Sothli othere disciplis camen by 8 The other disciples cam by shippe,
boot, for thei weren not fer fro the lond, for they were nott farre from londe,
but as two hundrid cubitis, drawynge butt as itt were two hondred cubites,
the nett of fischis. and they drewe the net with fisshes.
9 Therfore as thei camen doun in to 9 As sone as they were come to londe,
the lond, thei sy3en colis put, and a they sawe hoot coles layde, and fisshe
fysch put aboue, and breed. layde ther on, and breed.
ro Jhesu seith to hym, Brynge 3e of to Jesus sayde vnto them, Brynge of
the fischis, whiehe se han taken now. the fisshes, which ye have nowe caught.
ri Symount Petre stizede vp, and rr Simon Peter stepped forthe, and
drows the nett in to the lond, ful of drewe the nett to londe, full of greate
- grete fischis, an hundrid fyfti and thre ; fisshes, an hondred and .1iij. and for all
and whanne thei weren so greete, the there were so many, yet was not the
nett is not brokun. net broken.
12 Jhesu seith to hem, Come 5e, ete 12 Jesus sayde vnto them, Come, and
3e. And no man of the sittinge at mete dyne. And none of the disciples durste
durste axe him, Who art thou, witinge axe hym, What arte thou, for they
for it is the Lord. knewe that it was the Lorde.
13 And Jhesu cam, and took breed, 13 Jesus then cam, and toke breed,
and saf to hem, and the fysch also. and gave them, and fisshe lykwyse.
14 Now this thridde day Jhesu is 14 And this is nowe the thyrde tyme
schewid to his disciplis, whanne he that Jesus apered to his disciples, after
hadde rise a3en fro deed men. that he was rysen agayne from deeth.
15 Therfore whanne thei hadden etyn, 15 When they had dyned, Jesus sayde
Jhesu seith to Symount Petre, Symount to Simon Peter, Simon Joanna, lovest
of John, louest thou me more than thou me more then these? He sayde
thes don? He seith to hym, 3he, vnto hym, Ye, Lorde, thou knowest that
Lord, thou wost for I loue thee. I love the. He sayde vnto hym, Fede
Jhesu seith to him, Feede thou my my lambes.
16 Eft he seith to hym, Symount of 16 He sayde to hym agayne the seconde
John, louest thou me? And he seith tyme, Simon Joanna, lovest thou me Í
to him, 5he, Lord, thou wost for I loue He sayde vnto hym, Ye, Lorde, thou
. thee. He seith to him, Feede thou my knowest that Ilove the. He sayde vnto
lambren. | hym, Fede my shepe.
17 He seith to him the thridde tyme, 17 He sayde vnto hym the thyrde
Symount of John, louest thou me? tyme, Simon Joanna, lovest thou me?
Petre is sori, for he seith to him the Peter sorowed, because he sayde the
thridde tyme, Louest thou me, and he thyrde tyme, Lovest thou me, and sayde
seith to him, Lord, thou wost alle vnto hym, Lorde, thou knowest all
thingis; thou wost for I loue thee. thynge; thou knowest that I love the.
"Jhesu seith to him, Feede thou my Jesus sayde vnto hym, Fede my shepe.
18 Treuli, treuli, I seie to thee, whanne 18 Verely, verely, I saye vnto the, when
thou were 3ongere, thou girdedist thee, thou wast yonge, thou gerdedst thy silfe,
and wandridest where thou woldist ; and walkedst whither thow woldest ;
sothli whanne thou schalt wexe eldere, but when thou arte olde, thou shalt
568 GOTHIC, 360. ANGLO-SAXON, 995. [ST. Joan
and læt dyder de du nelt.

19 Det he witodlice sæde, and táenode

hwyleon deape he wolde God geswüt-
elian. “And da he det sæde, dá cwæþ
he to him, Fylig me.
20 Da Petrus hine bewende, dá geseah
| he dat se leor ning-cniht him fyligde, de
| se Hælend lufode, se de hlinode on ge-
beorseype ofer his breost, and cwæþ,
Drihten, hwæt ys, se de dé belæwþ? —
21 Witodlice da Petrus dysne geseah,
dà cwæþ he to dam Hælende, Drihten,
hweet sceal des!
22 Dà cwæþ se Hælend to him, Ie
wylle det he wunige dus od ic cume,
hweet to de? fylig dá me.
23 Witodlice deos spræc com út ge-
mang bródrum, dst se leorning-eniht
ne swylt. And ne cwæþ se Hælend to
him, ne swylt he, ac, Dus ie wylle dat
he wunige od ic cume, hweet to dé?

24 Dis ys se leorning-cniht, de cýþ

gewitnesse be dyson, and wrát dís ping;
and we witon, dat hys gewitnes ys sóp.

25 Witodlice ódre manega þing synd

| de se Hælend worhte, gif da ealle â-
writene waàron, ic wéne ne mihte des.
middan-eard ealle da bee befon. Amen. |

XXI. 19-25.] WYCLIFFE, 1389. TYNDALE, 1526. 569
thou schalt holde forth thin hondis, and stretche forthe thy hondes, and a nother
anothir schal girde thee, and leede thee shail gyrde the, and leade the
whidir thou wolt not. thou woldest not.
ro Sothli he seide this thing, signyfy- 19 That spake he, signifyinge by what
inge by what deeth he was to glorifiynge | deeth he shulde glorify God. And when
God. And whanne he hadde seid thes he had sayde thus, he sayd to hym,
thingis, he seith to him, Sue thou me. Folowe me.
20 Petre conuertid sy thilke disciple, 20 Peter turned about and sawe that
whom Jhesu louede, and which restide disciple, whom Jesus loved, folowynge,
in the souper on his brest, and he seide which also lened on his brest at super,
to hym, Lord, who is it, that schal bi- and sayde, Lorde, which is he,
that shall
traye thee1 betraye the ?
21 Therfore whanne Petre hadde seyn | 21 When Peter sawe hym, he
sayde to
this disciple, he seith to Jhesu, Lord, Jesus, Lorde, what shall he here do?
what forsothe this ?
22 Jhesu seith to him, So I wole him 22 Jesus sayd vnto hym, Yf I will
dwelle til I come, what to thee? sue have hym to tary tyll I come, what is
thou me. that to the? folowe thou me.
23 Therfore this word wente out a 23 Then went this sayinge a broode
mong britheren, for thilke disciple dey- amonge the brethren, that that disciple
eth not. And Jhesu seide not to him, shulde nott deye. And Jesus sayde nott
for he deieth not, but, So I wole him to hym, he shall not deye, butt, Yf I will
dwelle til I come, what to thee that he tary tyll I come, what is that
to the?
24 This is thilke disciple, that berith 24 The same disciple is he, which testi-
witnessing of thes thingis, and wroot fieth off these thynges, and wrote these
thes thingis ; and we witen, for his wit- thynges; and we knowe, thatt hys testy-
nessing is trewe. mony is true.
25 Forsothe there ben and manye 25 There are also many other thynges
othere syngnes* that Jhesu dide, whiche which Jesus did, the which yff they
if thei ben writun by eche by hem silue, shulde be written every won, I suppose
I deme neither the world him silf to the worlde coulde nott contayne the
mowe take tho bookis, that ben to be bokes, that shulde be written.

Here endith the gospel of John. Here endeth the Gospell off Sainct


Title, p. 2, column 1.—The Title of | the Ambrosian Library at Milan, con-

St. Matthew does not exist in the Codex | taining ch. xxv. 38-46: xxvi. 1—3, 65-75:
Argenteus, but it is complete in St. Mark, and xxvii.1 ;—Part of St. Paul's Epistle
where the MS. has Aiwaggelyo pairh to the Romans from the Codex Caro-
Marku anastodeip Evangelium secun- linus, in the Library of Wolfenbiittel
dum Marcum incipit. From this, the in the Duchy of Brunswick ;—and the
Title of St. Matthew is taken. Aiwaggel- | Skeireins, i. e. "Epugveía, m
yo is a mere transliteration of the or Commentary of part of St. John’s
Greek EðayyeMiov; for, às y, before an- | Gospel, from the MSS. in the Vatican
other y in Greek, has the sound of n, and Ambrosian Libraries. They are
so it has in the Gothic, and Aiwaggelyo printed in an inexpensive form,— am:
is, therefore, pronounced Aiwangelyo, 8vo. pamphlet of 48 pages,—with this
with the same meaning as EjayyéMov, Title, — *Fragmenta Gothica Selecta,
and the Latin Evangelium, that is glad ad fidem codicum Ambrosianorum Carol-
tidings, good news. Our Anglo-Saxon ini Vaticani. Edidit Andreas Uppstróm;
forefathers translated EðayyeMov by god Upsaliæ, C. A. Leffler, Reg. Acad. Typo-
good, and spell a narration, news, that graphus wDoccLxr" In his preface,
is Gódspell, our present Gospel. The he defends himself from some we
writers of the Gospels were then styled strietures, which his laborious and
Gédspelleras, our old Gospellers, and valuable work does not appear to have
now Evangelists, from Evayyedvorns, and deserved. EE
the Latin Evangelista an Hvangelist, Where our text differs from Dr. Upp-
or bringer of glad tidings. ström's, a small tis placed after the
Matt. i. 21. The Gothic text is based word or clause in the text, referring to
upon the Codex Argenteus, as given in these notes for the reason of the altera-
— “ Codex Argenteus, sive sacrorum tion, or for the source of the addition.
Evangeliorum Versionis Gothicæ frag- The indefatigable and learned Massmann
menta, que iterum recognita adnota- has made up some of the verses of the
tionibusque instructa per lineas singulas lost chapters of St. Matthew by quota-
ad fidem codicis, additis fragmentis evan- tions from other sources. These verses
gelicis codicum Ambrosianorum, et tab- are given from the other Gospels, in the
ula lapide expressa. ^Edidit Andreas text of Upps. on the plan of Professor
Uppstróm, Ph. D. AA. LL. M. in Regia Massmann’s most useful and compre-
Academia Upsaliensi Lingus Gothicæ hensive *UrrrLAs. Die Heiligen Schrift-
docens, et in schola Cathedrali adjunctus. en alten und neuen Bundes in Goth-
Upsalie : C. A. Leffler Reg. Acad. Ty- ischer Sprache: Mit gegentiberstehendem
pographus, 1854 et 1857." Griechischem und Lateinischem Texte,
Dr. Uppstrém has published, on the Anmerkungen, Wörterbuch, Sprachlehre
same plan, the Gothic Fragments of und geschichtlicher Einleitung von H.
St. Matthew's Gospel from the MS. in F. Massmann. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1857."
Sr. Marr. i. 21.-vii. 28.) GOTHIC NOTES. 57
Matt.i.21. Taken partly, from Lk.i. gins, and continues to ch. vi. 32, where
31. For lesu, see Note on Mt. vii. 28. another chasm occurs in the MS. in-
iii. 3. Partly, from Lk. iii. 4; Mk. i. dicated by a blank space in the Gothic
3.—7, 8. Partly, from Lk. iii. 7, 8.— column. Upps. p. 2 and 4.—15e. The
9. Partly, from Lk. iii, 8 Mass.—10. small italie letter after the number of
Exactly, from Lk. ii. 9, the text of the verse, indicates the word referred to
Upps. which agrees with Mass. — 11. in the verse. The first word of the verse
Partly, from Lk. iii. 16: Mk i. 8: is denoted by a, the second by b, and
Skeireins 4to. Mass. p. 14, and 42: the fifth by e. Thus, 15e denote verse
Upps 4to. p. 1: Svo. p. 25. The 15, and e the fifth word of that verse,
words within square brackets [ ] are or liuteip. Arg. has liuteip, evidently
added here and in other places to com- a mistake for liuhteip; see liuhtyai in
plete the sense. See Mass. Ulfilas, p. 38. the next verse—297. Arg. has usstagg,
iv. 4. Partly, from Lk.iv.4 Mass.— but it ought to be usstigg —43ij. Arg.
5. Partly, from Lk. iv. 9.—6. Exactly, has fiais fiand for fiyais fiyand.
from Lk. iv. 9—11.—7. Exactly, from vi. 24y. Mammonin—In the margin
the last clause of Lk. iv. 12.—10. Part- of the Codex Argenteus, against this
ly, from Lk. iv. 8.—17. Partly, from word, Upps. was the first to notice
Mk. i. 15 Mass.—18. From Mk. i. 16.— faihuþrafina| which Junius Glos. says,
19. From Mk. i. 17.—20, 21. Partly, “videtur mihi composita ex faihu opes,
from Mk. i. 18, 19, 20 Mass.— 22. Part- diviti ; et preihan premere, comprimere,
ly, from Mk. i. 20. elidere, affligere ; propter multiplices il-
v. 9. From Lk. vi 20 Mass.—8. las curas, quz: acquirendas acquisitasque
„Exactly, from Skeireins Mass. 4to. p. opes comitantur," p. 244. Faihupraina
..26, col. 2, and p. 48, col. 2; also Upps. is from Lk. xvi. 9. The A.S. translates
4to. p. I: Svo. p. 37, 20—23 : also Cast. Sovdevew papevà servire mamone, by
Mai. p.24.— Patimpsests. As Cast. Mai. woruld-welan worldly weal.
the contraction for Count Castiglione vii 28e. IS in Arg. is a contrac-
and Angelo Mai, will be quoted here-
after, it may be noticed, that they have tion for IGSNNS. Dr. Marshall, in
published Ulphile, in Ambrosianis pa- the Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels of
limpsestis, specimen (see Note on ch. vii. 1665, was the first to suggest this true
28). Mai had discovered in the Am- reading, in a note on Mt. xi. 16, p. 405.
brosian Library at Milan, in 1817, parts Dr. Marshall’s suggestion was verified
' ef the Gothic translation of the Scrip- by Cast. Mai in 1819. Esdras ii. 36,
. tures, under more recent writing. These where the word was first found written in -
| are called Palimpsesis or rescripts, be- full: thus NS FARAA Iesnis
cause they were saMpYmerow cleaned us garda lesuis, rà oiko 'Iooi de domo
again (from madi again, and Wdo to lesu. They then add, in a note, “Ita
scour, clean) ; that is, the original writ- codex explicatis omnibus litteris IG-
img was washed off the parchment, that
it might be used for a new manuscript. SNIS, quum alibi sit INIS. Ergo
"The first writing could seldom be en- nune omnino definitur controversia num
tirely obliterated, and it could, there- legendum sit IGSIY8 an TAISDS,
fore, be often read under, and on the de qua jampridem egerant Ihreus 4»
side of the later writing. Facsimiles Ulphila illustr. ad Mare. i. 45. Gordo-
are given by Cast. Mai. They recovered nus in specimine animadv. critic. et
under other writing, not only this 8th Knittelius in Commentario ad Ulphil.
yerse of Matt. v. but other parts of p.321." Ulphile partium ineditarum
Seripture, see note on Matt. i. 21, p. 570. in Ambrosianis Palimpsestis ab Angelo
—13. See Lk. xiv. 34; Mk. ix. 5o Mass. Maio repertarum specimen, conjunctis
15. Here the Codex Argenteus be- curis ejusdem Maw et Caroli Octavii

572 GOTHIC NOTES. [Sr.Marr. ix.15.-JOHN iii. 26.
Castillionei editum, 4to. Mediolani words,—N ullus etiam est hominum, qui
1819, p.2. For an account of Palimp- non faciat potentiam [virtutem, mira-
sests, see note to Mt. v. 8. cula] in nomine meo. This passage is
Matt. ix. 154. Arg. atgagggand for not found in the Greek MSS. but in
atgaggand. some Latin versions. It is in the
xi.10. Arg. has meinna, it should be parallel passage of St. Mark ix. 39,
meinana meum, to agree with aggilu.— where the Vulgate has— “Nemo est
15c. From 15c. to 23g. Arg. is almost enim, qui faciat virtutem in nomine
illegible. The deficient letters and words meo."
are most earefully supplied by Upps. xiv. 314j.— Gabelentz and Lobe, p.
chiefly from the other Gospels, so as 133, note to 312, assert that—du wig-
exactly to fill the same spaces in the anna of Arg. “Sine dubio falsum, pro
Codex Arg. as the original levters and du wigana ad bellum, qui est dativus.
words occupied before they were worn vocis wigans bellum.” Upps. thinks
away or become illegible. With the the reading of Arg. may be retained ;
aid of a good magnifying glass, and a it is, therefore, adopted in our text.
clear light, which the constant access to Though his remarks are too long for
the Codex enabled Dr. Uppström to insertion, we give the following quota-
choose, the distinct outlines and even tion, and refer to his note for particu-
faint traces of letters and words were lars. “Quid si Codicis lectio ipsa per
discovered. Guided by these, and the se proba est, dummodo probe explicetur?
exact spaces to be filled up in the de- Nos verbum pro verbo reddimus : aut
fective Codex, there can be little doubt quis rex iens ruere contra alium regem
of the correct restoration of the deficient ad movendum |. quatiendum |.pellendum
letters and words. These, in our Text, sc. eum, næ. l profecto, nonne sedens
are all placed within brackets. antea, cogitat .1 Upps. p. 74,
xxv. 38-46. From Cast. Mai, p. 8, note on line 6, 7.
g: Arg. p.13: Upps. Frag. Goth. p. xv. 224. Arg. bringip, for briggip.—
1. 23b. Arg. bringandans, for briggandans.
xxvi. 1-3, 65-69. Cast. Mai, p. 1o, -

Ir: Arg. p. 14: Upps. Frag. Goth.

p.2, 3.—70—-75. Arg.: Upps. p. 14:
Frag. p. 3, 4: Cast. Mai, p. 10-12. John i. 29a-j. Taken from Skeir-
xxvii 1l. Cast. Mai, p. 10-13: Arg. eins, 4to. p. 4, line 3-6; and p. 37,
p. 14 : Upps. Frag. Goth. p. 3, 4.—51e. line 14, 15: Upps. Frag. Goth. 8vo. p.
Arg. diskritnoda for disskritnoda, as in I5, 10-13. j
the last word of this verse. iii. 3a—m. From Skeireins, p. 7, 20—
25; and p.39, 10-12: Upps Frag.
Goth. p. 21, 4-10.—4a-p. Skeir. p. 8,
11—17 ; and p. 39, 18-21: also p. 8,
Mark x. 39y. [daupyanda] w. in 25-p. 9, 7; and p. 40, 4-6: Upps.
Arg. an evident omission. See the latter Frag. Goth. p. 20, 2-8: also p. 20,
part of the note on Jn. x. 18.—42j. 16—23.—5a-q. keir. p. 9, 16-22 ; and
[paie] w. in Arg. See last note and P. 40, 11-13 : Upps. Frag. Goth. p. 21,
reference. 4-10.—28a-h. Skeir. p. 11, 1-4 ; and
p. 41, 1-2: Upps. Frag. Goth. p. 22,
14—17.—24a-h. Skeir. p. 11, 4—7 ; and
Luke vii. 324. Arg. yan-ni evidently p.41, 3-4: Upps. Frag. Goth. p. 22,
for yah-ni. 17-20.—25a-k. Skeir. p. 11, 24-25,
ix. 500. Ni ainshun auk ist manne, and p. 12, 1-3 ; and p. 41, 12-13:
saei ni gawaurkyai maht in namin mein- Upps. Frag. Goth. p. 23, 12-16.—26a—r.
amma, Literally and in the order of the Skeir. p. 15, 10-17 ; and p. 43, 5-7?
Sr. Jonn iii. 29.-xviii. 37.) GOTHIC NOTES. 573
Upps. Frag. Goth. p. 26, 19-25, &c. vii. 412. Arg. has distinctly pu, for
29a-¢, 30a-f. Skeir. p. 15, 1-4 ; and pau. Upps. p. 24, line 11 in the note.
aao: Upps. Frag. Goth. p. 26, X. 18/4. Omitted in Arg. There
10—13.—31a-f. Skeir. p. 16, 20, 21; can scarcely be any doubt as to the re-
and p. 43, 21 : Upps. Frag Goth. p. 27, stored passage, within brackets, when
29—30.—31g-j. Skeir. p 17, 16-17; it is seen under the Greek, and between
and 44, 9: Upps. Frag. Goth. p. 28, the two lines now in Arg. thus,—
20, 21.—31k—m. Skeh. p. 17, 6; and Ovdels aiper abri» dm
p- 44, 11: Upps. Frag. Goth. p. 28, 23. epod, GAN éyà TiðnuL abrjv dm
—82a-m. Skeir. p. 17, 20-24; and cpavro).
P- 44, 11—14 : Upps. Frag. Goth. p. 28, Ni whashun nimp po af
24—28. [mis, akei ik lagya po af]
v. 21a-o. Skeir. p. 20; and p.45: mis silbin.
Upps. Arg. p. 19; and Frag. Goth. p. Here the first two lines of the Gothic
31, 2-7.—22a-K. Skeir. p. 20; and p. ending with po af, and the next two be-
. 45: Upps. Arg. p. 19; and Frag. Goth. ginning with mis, the eye seems to have
pP- 31, 16—19.—23a-g. Skeir. p. 21, 18 caught the lower po af, and then to
=20; and p. 46: Upps. Arg. p. 19; have naturally gone on to mis silbin, in-
and Frag. Goth. p. 32, 12-14.—85a-o0. stead of mis, akei &c. omitting the whole
Skeir. p. 23, 17-22 ; and p. 47: Upps. line within brackets. Those, who have
Arg. p. 19 ; and Frag. Goth. p. 34, 19- had much experience in copying MSS.
20, and p. 35, 1-4.—36a-dd. Skeir. p. know the tendency they have had to
23, &c. and p.47: Upps. Arg. p. 19; such errors. The restored line was first
.. Frag. Goth. p. 35, 5-15.—37a-i. Skeir. suggested by Dr. Marshail in 1665, p.
'p. 25, 9-12; and p. 48: Upps. Arg. p. 469, approved by subsequent editors,
19; and Frag. Goth. p. 36, 16-19.— especially by Gab. Lob. and adopted by
87j-r. Skeir. p. 26 ; and p. 48: Upps. Upps. Mass. and others.
Arg. p. 19; and Frag. Goth. p. 37, 12— xi. 25no. The reading of Arg. is
14.—38a-p. Skeir. p. 26, 7-12; and that given in the text. Upps. defends
p. 48: Upps. Arg. p. 19; and Frag. it in a long note, p. 31, 32.— Mass.
Goth. p. 37, 15-20. — 45a-o. With a alters the text to pauhyabai gadaupnip,
the Codex Arg. begins again, and is per- in Greek xüv dmo0ávy, and the Vulgate
fect to ch. viii, except the omission of | etiam si mortuus fuit.
v. 39 ch. vi: part of v. 29, and v. 53 xii. la. From Arg. fol. 75, r.
L eh, vii. xviii. 377. [qap] is omitted in Arg.


Title, p. 2, column 2.—Goódspell is in C, without deranging the parallelaa=
derived from gód good, and spell narra- order of the verses, and the loss o
tion, message, tidings. It has exactly much space. An obelisk + is, therefore,
the same meaning as the Greek evay- placed in the Text, where the Rubric
yéXov, from eð well, good, and àyyéAAe begin, referring to the chapter and verse,
to bear a message, to bring tidings or where they will be found in the following
news. notes.
The Anglo-Saxon Text is from the Matt. i. 18a. Dys Gédspel gebyra
MS. in Corpus Christi College, Cam- on myde-wyntres mæsse-æfen. C. Thai
bridge, No. CXL. of Nasmith's Catal. i the Rubric of the Cambridge MS. Ti
In Wanley's Catal. p. 116, col. 1, the „11, in the University Library. — 2öfg.
age of this MS. is stated to Teni Paulo [od diet] from Rushw.
ante Conquisitionem Angliæ descriptus.” ii. la. Dys sceal on twelftan deg. C.—
A reference is made to it, in the follow- 10h. hig C.—13a. Dys Gódspel sceal o
ing notes, by B., which is the first cilda (MS. cylda] mæsse-dæg. O.—19a.
letter of 'Bene't, for some time the Dys sceal on twelftan æfen. C. ` 1
colloquial name of Corpus Christi Col- iii. la. Dys sceal on Wódnes dud o
lege. Some readings and correct in- on dere pryddan wucan ær Myddan
flections of words, with their more usual wyntra. C.— 184. Dys sceal on Wódnes
orthography, have been taken from the dæg ofer twelftan dæg. C. `
invaluable MS. Ii. 2. 11, in the Cam- iv. la. Dis Gódspel sceal on halgar
bridge University Library, and referred dæg. C.— 3e. costnind B. for costniend,
to in the notes, by the letter C. This or for costnigend of C.—12a. Dis sceal
Cambridge MS. of the Anglo-Saxon on Frige deg ofer twelftan deg. C.—
Gospels is remarkable for its adherence 15a-l. This verse is from the Rushw.
to the West-Saxon grammatical forms It is not in B. C. H. OF nom im the
. and orthography. Wanley, in p. 152, Royal MS. Brit. Museum I. A XIV?
col. 1, says “ Circa tempus Conquisi- but it is found in the Lindisfarne Ms.
tionis Angliæ scriptus.” It is supposed, as well as in the Rushworth.—18a. Dis
however, that both B and C are earlier Gódspel sceal on Andreas mæsse-dæg.
than the dates assigned to them by C.—23a. Dis sceal on Frige deg, on
Wanley ; probably B was written about deere pryddan wucan ofer twelftan deg.
A.D. 995. The Anglo-Saxon rubrics, in
the following notes, are all copied from C, v. la. Dis Gódspel aebyzep to eni
and compared with O, the Anglo-Saxon halgena mæssan. C.—4. Tyndale trans-
MS. of the Gospels in the Bodleian lated from the Greek, and has the same
Library, Oxford, No. 441. The Anglo- order of the verses, as our English ver-
Saxon Rubrics do not exist in Band H. sion. The Anglo-Saxon and Wycliffe,
They could not be retained in the body following the Vulgate, have transposed
of our Anglo-Saxon Text, as they stand the verses 4 and 5. The verses retain
Sr. Marr. 7. 4.—xvi. 13.) ANGLO-SAXON NOTES. 575
the original order of each version; but, pan wucan ofer Pentecosten. C.—185.
for facility of reference, the verses are he C: he w. B.—25/. eode C. p. 28,
numbered to agree with Tyndale, and 18, O, R1: geode B, H.— 27a. Dis sceal
our authorised version.—40. B. has synt on Wódnes deg, on dere xiii. wucan
from v. 3 to 14, and in most other ofer Pentecosten. C.
places, but synd is the regular form, X. 16a. Dis Gódspel sceal to man-
and it is adopted from C.—17«. Dis egra Martyra mæsse-dæge. C.—19od.
Godspel sceal on done óderne Wédnes hig and C: w. B—26f Ðys Gódspel
deg ofer Pentecosten. C.— 20a. Dis gebyraþ to anes Confessores mæsse-dæge.
Gódspel sceal on done feorpan Sunnan C.—3H. spearwan C: spearuan B.—
deg ofer Pentecosten. C.— 25a. Dis 37a. Dys Godspel gebyrap to ánes Mar-
Gódspel sceal on Wódnes deg, on dere tyres mæsse-dæge. C.
pryddan wucan ofer Pentecosten. C.— xi. 2a. Dys gebyrap on dere ærran
31a. Dis sceal on Wódnes dæg, on dere [arran C] wucan ér Myda-wyntra. C.—
XVI. wucan ofer Pentecosten. C.—38ab. 7v. westen C, p. 35, 21: wesden B.—
Ge gehyrdon O, p. 15, 10: gehyrdon 20a. Dys Gódspel gebyrap on Frige
ge B.—424 wyle C: omitted by B. dæg, on dere prytteopan wucan ofer
- and O.— A486. Dis sceal on Wódnes Pentecosten. C. — 25a. Dys sceal on
deg, on dere syxteopan wucan ofer Wódnes dæg, on dere syxtan wucan
. Pentecosten ;and on Frige deg innan ofer Pentecosten. C.
deere cys-wucan. C. xii. la. Dys sceal on Frige [Fryge
vi. 7f nellon C: nellen O, R1: C] deg, on dere eahtopan wucan ofer
nelle B, H.—11a«b. Urne ge B, O.— Pentecosten. C.—14a. Ðys sceal on
18a. Dys gebyraþ to caput jejunii [capud Wodnes dæg, on dere xiiii. wucan ofer
“ieiunii MS. p. 17.| on Wódnes deg. C. Pentecosten. C.— 22a. Ðys sceal on
. ——24a. Dys sceal on done syxteopan done pryddan Sunnan dæg innan Lenct.
Sunnan dæg ofer Pentecosten. C. C.—30a. Dys sceal on Wódnes dæg,
_ vii. la. Dys sceal on done feorpan on dere twelftan wucan ofer Pente-
Sunnan dæg ofer Pentecosten. C.— 7a. costen. C.—88a. Dys sceal on Wódnes
Dys Gódspel sceal to Gang-dagon. C.— dæg, on ære forman Lencten wucan. C.
15a. Dys Godspel gebyrap on dere —49k-q taken from Mk. iii. 34j-q.
nygopan wucan ofer Pentecosten. C.— xiii 3m. sedere B, O, Rl: sawere
28a. Dys sceal on done pryddan Sun- C: sewere H.—43/-r. C, O: w. B, H,
nan dæg ofer Epiphaniam. C. R1——44«. Dys Gédspel sceal to Sca.
viii. ld. Hælend C: Hælnd B.— Agnan mæssan. C.
. 14a. Dis gebyrap on Frige deg, on xiv. 90, &c. w. B, C, O, H, Rl.— 22a.
| dere twa and twentugopan wucan ofer
Dys Gódspel sceal in octabas Petri et
. Pentecosten. C.— 194. Dis sceal on Pauli. C.—314. and the clause w. D, C,
Wodnes deg, on dere feorpan wucan Q; H, RI
ofer twelftan deg. C.—23a. Dis sceal xv. la. Dys Gódspel gebyrap on
on done feorpan Sunnan deg, ofer twelft- done pryddan Wódnes deg innan Lenct-
an deg. C. ene. C.—3f. ewsep C: w. B, O, H, RI.
. ix. la. Dis Gódspel sceal on Sun- — 8g. w. b, €, O,H, R1.—15ef. and
nan deg, on dere twentugoþan wucan cwæþ C,H: w. B. O, Rl— 197. stala C:
ofer Pentecosten. C.—3abc. Da cwsedon stale O, B, H: w. Rl—2la. Dys Gód-
sume. C: Da cwædon hig. B.—9a. Dis spel gebyrap on done forman punres
Godspel sceal on Sce. Matheus mæsse- deg innan Lenctene. C.— 32a. Dys
æfen. C.—14a. Dis sceal on Frige deg, Godspel gebyrap on deere eahtopan wucan
on dere ódre Easter-wucan. ©. —14A. ofer Pentecosten. C.
.O: duss B.—15%-kké on dam dagum xvi. la Dys sceal on Wódnes deg,
from Vetus Italica— 177. Dis sceal on on deere eahtopan wucan ofer Pentecost-
Sunnan dig, on dere fif and twentugo- en, C.—-13a. Dys Godspel gebyrap on
576 ANGLO-SAXON NOTES. (Sr. Marr. xvi. 14.—xxi. 8.

Petres mæsse-dæg. C.—140. witegena when ye shall be bidden to a feast, sit ye

Rl: wytegena C : witegyna B, O : wit- not in the first seats, lest a more worthy
egan H.—24a. Dys Godspel sceal on man come after thee, and the householder
Sce. Laurentius mæsse-dæg. C.— 28a. bid thee rise and make room for the other,
Dys sceal on Sæternes deg, on dere and thou 5e put to shame. If thou sittest
forman Lencten-wucan. C. at a feast, in the outermost seat; and
xvii. 10a. Dys sceal on Frige deg, | after thee comzth another guest. and the
on Gere fiftan wucan ofer Pentecosten, bidder say to thee, — Friend, sit nearer :
C.—14a. Dys sceal on Wódnes dæg, to then shalt thou be more honourable than
. dam fæstene ær hærfestes emnyhte. Ch the man put into the outer [seat]. The
xviii la. Dys sceal on Sce. Michaeles whole of this parable, except the first
mæsse-dæg. C.—10n. and the clause w. sentence, will be found in ch. xiv. 7-10
B, C, H,O and Rl.—15a. Dis sceal on of St. Luke. Junius and Marshalls
Tiwes deg, on Gere pryddan Lencten Evan. Goth. et A. S. p. 496. This in-
wucan. C.— 23a. Dys sceal on dere terpolation is not contained in the Vul-
xxiii. wucan ofer Pentecosten. C. gate, but it is found entire in the MS.
xix. 12n-v. From the margin of C: of the Gospels, which Gregory the Great
w. B, H, O and R1.—274a. Dys sceal to sent into England by St. Augustine 3
Sce. Paulus mæsse-dæge; and to Sce. the sixth century. From that time to
Benedictus. C. í the Reformation it was carefully pre-
XX. la. Ðys sceal on done Sunnan served in the Bibliotheca Gregoriana in
deg, de man belýcþ Alleluia. C. p. 67, St. Augustines Abbey, at Canterbury.
23. See Rubric Mk. iv. 35.—9c. de C: At the dissolution of religious houses, |
de B: da H.—17a. Dys Godspel ge- it came first into the hands of Lord.
byrap on Wódnes deg, on dere odre Hatton, then of Sir Robert Cotton, |
Lencten-wucan. C.—21f. du C, H: tu Cunington, Huntingdonshire, where it
B.—22u—tTyndale has the following was in 1602; as the latter name, place,
clause [a-ii]—and to be baptised with and date are written on the MS. n
the baptim that Y shalbe baptised with, afterwards found its way into the
—because it is in Greek, from which Bodleian Library, where this great
Tyndale translated. It is omitted by treasure is still kept with the utmost
the Vulgate, and therefore by Wycliffe, care. I am indebted to Geo. Waring,
as he translated from the Vulgate. It Esq., M.A., for the following verbatim
is also w. in Anglo-Saxon.—28. Be- copy of this interpolation, taken from
tween this and the next verse, the fol- the Bodleian MS. Codex August. 857
lowing interpolation occurs in B, C, H, D. 2. 14. “Vos autem queritis de
O.—Ge wylniaþ to gedeonne on ge- modico crescere, et de maximo minui.
hwædum pinge, and beon gewanod on Cum autem introeritis ad cenam vocati,
dam mæstan þinge. Witodlice, donne nolite recumbere in superioribus locis,
ge to gereorde geladode beop, ne sitte ne forte dignior te superveniat, et ac-
ge on dam fyrmestan setlum, de-les de cedens is qui te invitavit, dicat tibi,—
árwurdre wer æfter dé cume, and se Adhue inferius accede, et confundaris.
hüsbonda hate dé risan and ryman Si autem recubueris in inferiori loco;
dam ódrum, and dü beo gescynd. Gif et advenerit humilior te, dicet tibi qui
du sitst on gereorde, on dam ytemestan te invitavit,—Accede adhue superius;
setle ; and efter dé eymþ éðer gebeor, et erit tibi hoc utilius." Fol. 23, col. 1.—
and se ladigenda ewede to ðe, Site 29a. Dys sceal on Sæternes deg, on
innor, leof: donne byp dé arwurdlicor deere Pentecostenes wucan to dam Ymb-
donne de man úttor scufe. That is rene. C. ^
literally, in English,
— Ye seek to become xxi. la. Dys sceal on dere feorpan
great in a small matter, and to be wucan, ér Mydda-wyntra. C.—89p.streow-
minished in the greatest matter. Verily, edon C. p. 72, 1 : streoweden H : strew-
31. MATT. xxi. 16.-Sr. MARK x. 17.) ANGLO-SAXON NOTES. 577
odun B: strewodon O: strewedon Rl. r, in a small and later hand, at the top
—16w. sacerda B, C, H, O, and other ofthe page. H has Da sæde se kyng to
MS. evidently an error of the scribes dan de on his swidren waren. In B and
for sucendra, v. Ps. 8, 3, where Spelman O w. —89a-f. C p. 9o, 12: w. B. O.
has sucengra.— 23a. Dys sceal on Wód- xxvi. 2a. Des Passio sceal on Palm-
nes deg, on dere fiftan wucan ofer Sunnan deg. C.
Pentecosten. C.— 314. æftera B, C : yldra xxviii, la. Dys sceal on Easter-
as in v. 28.—33d. Dys sceal on dere æfen. C.— 8a. Dis sceal on Frige deg,
ódre wucan innan Lenctene, on Frige | on dere óðre Easter-wucan.
deg. C. Dis sceal on Frige deg, innan dere
xxii. 84. gearwe C p. 76, 13 and Easter-wucan. C.
' O: gearewe H : earwe B.—15a. Dis C has the following note after 20w.—
Godspel sceal on xxiii. wuean ofer Pen- Finit Amen. Sit sic hoc hie interim.
tecosten. This rubric is written in a Ego, Ælfricus, seripsi hune librum in
recent band, on the margin of C. p. 77, Monasterio Badponio, et dedi Briht-
and followed, in the same hand, by woldo Preposito. Qui scripsit uiuat in
Abeuntes pharisei consilium inierunt, ut pace, in hoc mundo et in futuro seculo,
caperent Jesum in sermone.—34a. Ðys et qui legit legator in eternum. C. p. 88.
sceal on ære wucan ofer Pentecosten. C.
— xxiii. 5m. heals-bec O: heals-bæc
B: hals-bse C : hals-bec H.—13a. Dys
sceal on Frige deg, on dere nygepan Mark i. 40a. Dys sceal on Wódnes
wuean ofer Pentecosten. C.—14. This dæg, on dere fifteopan wucan ofer Pente-
verse is w. in A. S. and in Codex Au- costen. C.
. gustinius, Bod. 857. D. 2. 14. fol. 27, iv. 86. Dis sceal on dere wucan
. €ol. 2, but it is in the Vulgate ; another æfter dam de man belyep Alleluia. C.
proof that the Anglo-Saxon Version was p. 116, 4; See Rubric Mt. xx. 1a.
not made from the Vulgate, and that V. la. Dis sceal on Frige deg, on
the Codex Augustin. which Gregory the dere seofepan wucan ofer Pentecosten.
Great sent to England was not the
correct Vulgate version of St. Jerome, vi 17a. Dys Gédspel sceal innan
but one of the old Italie versions.— hærefeste to Sce. Iohannes mæssan. C.—
See Note to ch. xx. 28.— 344. Dys 45a. Dis sceal on Sæternes dag dr
Godspel sceal on Sce Stefanes mæsse- halgan dæge. C.
deg. C.— 376 and d. Ierusalem H : vii. la. Dys sceal on Wédnes deg,
Gerusalem B. on dere pryddan Lencten-wucan. C.—
xxiv. 30s. cumendne B, R1: cum- 31a. Dis Gódspel sceal on dere pryt-
ende C, H: cumyndne O.— 30v. genypon teopan wucan ofer Pentecosten. C.
C. p. 85, 11 : genipod B, O.—39^c. nyst- viii. la. Dis Gódspel gebyraþ on
on C. p. 86, 5: nystan R1: nysten H : dere ehtopan wucan ofer Pentecosten.
mysþon B, O.—42a. Ðys Gódspel sceal C.— 27a. Dys Gódspel sceal on Sce.
to meeniges [menies MS.| Confessores Petres mæsse-dæge. C.
mæsse-dæge. C.—43u. gepafigan O : ge- ix. 2a. Dis sceal on Sætern-dæg,
pafian C, H : gepafigen B.—46a. eadig on dere forman fæsten-wucan. C.—17a.
C, H : eadi B. Dis sceal to dam Ymb-rene innan hære-
XXV. la. Dys sceal to haligra fæmnena feste, on Wódnes deg. C.—88a. Dis
mæsse-dæge. C.—14a. Dys Gódspel ge- sceal on Wódnes dæg, on dere nygopan
byrap on Sce. Syluestres mæsse-dæge, and wucan ofer Pentecosten. C.
to odra Confessores. C.—31a. Ðys sceal X. 18a. Dys sceal on Frige deg, on
on Monan deg, on forman fæsten-dæg. dere syxtan wucan ofer Pentecosten. C.
C.— 834a. Donne cwip se cyning to dam — 7a. Dis sceal on Wódnes deg, on
de on hys swidran healfe beob. C. n. oz, dere seofepan wucan ofer Pentecosten.
ANGLO-SAXON (Sr. MARK x. 46.—ST. LUKE xv. 11.
e, and to
C.—46a. Dys gebyrap on Sunnan deg | Punres deg innan Lencten C.
ér hálgan dæge. C. Pentecosten on Sæternes deg.
xi. la. Dys gebyrap feower wucon v. la. Bis sceal on done syxtan
ær Myddan wintran. C.—8j. The MSS. Sunnan deg ofer Pentecosten. C.—17a.
have boceras, an ezror of the scribes for Dis sceal on Frige dæg, on dere Pente-
bogas.—lla. Dis sceal on done feorpan costenes wucan. C.
Frige dæg ofar Pentecosten. C. vi. 36a. Dis gebyrap on done fiftan
xii. 134. Dys sceal on dere xxiii. Sunnan deg ofer Pentecosten. C.
wucan ofer Pentecosten. C.—28a. Dys vii. lla. Dys sceal on done seofen-
Gédspel sceal on Frige deg, on deere teopan Sunnan dæg ofer Pentecosten. C.
twelftan wucan ofer Pentecosten. C. — 924p. hwig C, p. 190, 11.—250-%, See Des Passio gebyrap on Tiwes Marshall.— 364. Dis Gódspel sceal to.
dæg, on dere Palm-wucan. C. dam Ymb-rene innan hærfeste on Frige|
xv.40r—-v. From C. p. 161, 11 f-12a. deg. C.
— 474. Dys Gódspel gebyrap on Easter- viii. 40a. Dis sceal on Frige deg,
deg. C. on dere Pentecostenes wucan, to dam
xvi 9a. Dys Gódspel gebyraþ on Ymb-rene. C.—49q-t. See Marshall.
Wódnes deg, on dire ódre [odere MS.) ix. la. Ðys sceal on Punres deg, on
Faster-wucan. C.—14«. Dis sceal on dere Pentecostenes wucan. C. — 124.
Punres deg, innan dere Gang-wucan. Dis sceal on Wódnes deg, on dere
C. Pentecostenes wucan, to dam Ymb-
rene, C.
x. la. Dis Gódspel sceal to anes
Apostoles mæssan. U.—28a. Dis sceal
Luke i. la. Dis Gódspel gebyrap on on dere feowerteopan wucan ofer Pente-
Midde-sumeres mæsse-æfen. C.— 26a. costen. C.—38a. Dis sceal to Assump-
Dis sceal on Wódnes dæg, to dam Ymb- tione Sce. Marie, and Sætern-dagum b
rene <r Mydda-wyntran. C.—39a. Dis
gebyrap on Frige deg to dam ylean fæs- xi. 5f Dis sceal to Gang-dagon
tene. C.—56a. Dis gebyrap on Myd- dæge twegen dagas. C., p. 208, 6.—14a.
sumeres mæsse-dæg. C. Dis Gódspel gebyrap on done prydda
ii. la. Dis sceal on Mydde-wyntres Sunnan deg innan Lenctene. C.—37a.
mæsse-nyht, to deere forman mæssan. C. Dis Gódspel gebyrap on Frige dæg, on
— 821a. Dis sceal on done ehtopan mæsse- dære teopan wucan ofer Pentecosten. C.
dæg to Myddan wyntra. C.— 33a. Dis xii. lla. Dis sceal on Frige dæ
sceal on done Sunnan deg, betweox ofer Pentecosten. C.—35a. Dis Gédspel
Mydde-wintres mæsse-dæge, and twelftan gebyrap to mæniges Confessores mæsse-
dæge. C. dæge. C.
iii la. Dis gebyrap on Sætern-dæg, xiii. 6a. Dis Gódspel sceal to dam
to æw-fæstene, er Myddan wyntra. C.— Ymb-rene innan hærefeste on Setern-
The deg. C. l í
23t-x. Helies. . . se wes N azareth.
scribe, in abruptly breaking off the gene- xiv. la. Ðys Gódspel gebyrap on
alogy, may have confounded Helies with dere nygonteoþan wucan ofer Pente-
Helend, and have added, se wees Naza- costen. C.—16«. Ðys Gódspel gebyraþ
reth, from a natural association of the Sa- on done pryddan Sunnan deg ofer Pen-
viour’s name with his residence at Naza- tecosten. C.—25a. Dys Gódspel sceal
reth, Mt. xxi, 11.—As to the number of to Ses. Hermetis and to Ses. Agustinus
mæssan. C. j
generations, Beza observes, in a note on on done
xv. la. Dys Gódspe l sceal
this passage, In vetustissimo Latino co-
dice lego, —“ Generationes septuaginta feorpan Sunnan deg ofer Pentecosten. G,
quinque." Marshall, p. 503. — 11a. Dys Gódspel gebyrap on Sæternes
iv. 38a. Dis sceal on done pryddan deg, on dere 6dre Lencten-wucan. C.
Sv. Luxe xvi. 1.—Sr. Jonn x.11.] ANGLO-SAXON NOTES. 579
xvi la. Dys Gódspel gebyrap on | Domini. C.—12a. Dys Gódspel gebyrap
d:re teopan wucan ofer Pentecosten. C. | on dere feorpan wucan innan |ynnan
—10«. Ðys gebyrap on Wódnes deg MS. p. 268,17], Lengtene, on Monan
on dere teopan wucan [ucan MS.] ofer deg. C.
Pentecosten. C.—19a. Dis Godspel ge- iii. le. Dys Gódspel man sceal ræd-
byrap on done óderne Sunnan deg ofer an ofer Eastron, be dere rôde, and eft
Pentecosten. C. ofer Pentecosten, on done forman Sun-
xvii. la. Dys Gódspel gebyraþ on nan deg. C.—16a. Dys sceal on óderne
done óderne Frige dæg ofer Pentecosten. Pentecostenes mæsse-dæg. C.—25a. Dys
C.—lla. Dys gebyrap on Gere syxteopan sceal on Wódnes deg, on dere pryddan
wucan ofer Pentecosten. C. wucan ofer Eastron. C.
xviii. 10a. Dys gebyrap on dere iv. 6e. Dys sceal on Frige deg, on
endlyftan wucan ofer Pentecosten. C. dere iii. Lengten-wucan. C.—460. bys
xix. 12a. Dys Gódspel sceal on Sce. Gódspel gebyrap ofer Pentecosten, on
Gregorius mæsse-dæg. C.—29a. Dys dere án and twentygoþan wucan on
gebyraþ feower wucan er Middan wyntra, Sunnan dæg. C.
and on Palm-Surnan-dæg. C.—4A1a. Dys v. la. Ðys Gédspel sceal on Frige
Gédspel gebyrap on dere. endlyftan dæg, on dere forman Lengten-wucan. C.
wucan ofer Pentecosten. C. — 17a. Ðys Gódspel sceal on Punres deg,
xx. 27a. Dys Gódspel sceal on on dere feorpan Lencten-wucan. C.—
Wódnes dæg ofer Pentecosten. C. 30a. Dys sceal on purs deg, on dere
xxi. 12%. The MSS. have syddan, ódre Lencten-wucan. C.
an evident error for syllan; syllap is, vi la. Dys Gódspel sceal on Myd-
therefore, adopted from Mk. xiii. 9.— lenetenes Sunnan deg. C. — 27a. Dys
20a. Dys Gódspell gebyrap on Wódnes sceal on Frige deg, on dere forman
deg on dere xi. wucan [ucan MS.) ofer wucan efter Epiphania Domini C.—
Pentecosten. C. Gódspell, in this Ru- 44a. Dys sceal on Wódnes dæg, on dere
bric, is written over the line in a much Pentecostenes wucan. O.—853g. Ðys sceal
smaller hand.—34«. Dys Gódspel ge- ánum dæge ær Palm-sunnan-dege. C.
byraþ on Frige dæg, on dere endleftan vii. la. Ðys sceal on Tywes dæg, on
wucan ofer Pentecosten. C. The words deere fiftan wucan innan Lengtene. C.—
g-j in this Rubric are written above the 14a. Dys sceal on Myd-lengtenes wucan,
line in a much smaller hand. on Tywes deg. C.— 327. Ðys sceal on
xxii. la. Des Passio gebyrap ou Mónan deg, on dere fyftan wucan in-
Wódnes dæg, on deere Palm-wucan. C. nan Lenctene. C.— 40a. Ðys Godspel
xxiv. 13a. Dys gebyrap on óðerne sceal on Punres [Pures MS.] deg, on
Faster-dæg. C.—36a. Dys gebyrap on dere fiftan wucan innan Lenctene. C.
pryddan Easter-dæg. C. viii. la. Dys Gódspel gebyrap ánum
dæge ær Myd-fæstene. C.—12a. Dys
Gódspel sceal on dere Myd-fzstenes
wucan, on Sæternes deg C.—21h. Dys
John i. lab. On fruman, C, O: On Gédspel sceal on Ménan deg, on dere
frympe, B: On anginne erest. H. 2cd. on óðre Lencten-wucan. C.—3la. Dys sceal
fruman, Cot.—15«. Dys Gódspel gebyrap on Punres deg, on dere forman Lengten-
prym wucon er Myddan-wyrtran, on wucan. C.—43g-n. Taken from O: w.
done Frige deg. C.—19f. Dys gebyrap in 5 and C.—46a. Dys Gódspel gebyrap
on done Sunnan deg ær Myddan-wyn- on Sunnan deg, on dere fiftan wucan
tra. C.—29a. Dys gebyrap on done viii innan Lenctene. C.
dag Godes æt-ýwednysse. C.—35a. Dys ix. la. Dys Godspel gebyrap on
sceal on Sce. Andreas mæsse-æfen. C. Wodnes dæg, on Myd-fæstenes wucan. C.
ii. la. Dys Gédspel sceal on Sunnan x. la.—Ðys sceal on Tywes dæg, on
deg, dere 6dre wucar ofer Epiphania deere Pentecostenes wucan. C.—11a. Dys
580 ANGLO-SAXON NOTES. St. JOHN x. 15.-xxi. 19.
sceal on Sunnan deg, feowertyne nyht 1f-20: B, O have pine synt mine.—11e.
uppan Eastron. C.—15j-r. Copied from C bas com, p. 327, 3: B, O ecóm.—11g.
the left margin of C, p.302, opposite Dys Godspel gebyrap on Wódnes deg,
the 11 and rath line.— 22a. Dys sceal on dare fcorpan wucan ofer Eastron. C. `
on Wódnes deeg, innon Gere fiftan Lenc- —1lir. On dere tide se Hælend beheold
ten-wucan ; and to Cyric-hálgungum. C. hys leorning-cnihtas, and ewæþ :— This
xi. la. Dys sceal on Fryge deg, on is not in the Greck Text, nor in the
Myd-fæstenes wucan. C.—47a. Dys sceal Vulgate of Jerome: it is an addition of
twám dagum ær Palm-sunnan dæge. C. the Anglo-Saxon translator, and pre-
xii. la. Dys Gódspel sceal on Mónan cedes Halega, in C, p. 327, 8a—9b ; also *
dæg, innan Gere Palm-wucan. C.— 24a. in B, H and O.—114^. Literally, that |
Dys sceal on Tywes deg, on deere Palm- they may be one, as [WYT] WE “Wo «re
wucan. C. one. The Greek has kaðös ueis: the isbdi
xiii la. Dys gebyrap on Punres deg Vulgate sicut et nos. The Cothic is
ær Eastron. C.—14/-v. Omitted by B, swaswe WIT ds WE TWO. Though Greek
inserted here from C, p. 315, 6-8.— has the dual »ói we two, it is not here
33a. Dys Gódspel gebyrap on Frýge used, The Gothic and Anglo-Saxon
deg, on Gere feorpan wucan ofer East- give the sense most minutely and
ron. C. clearly.
xiv. la. Dys Gódspel gebyrap to xviii. la. Des Passio gebyrap on
dere mæssan Philyppi and Iacobi. C.— Langa-frige-deg. C.
15a. Dys sceal on Pentecostenes mæsse- xix. 37a-e. Written between the
æfen. C.—23h. Dys Gódspel sceal on lines r1 and 12 of C, p. 336. In the
Pentecostenes mæsse-dæg. C. same verse over on-feestnodon, is written,
xv. la. Dys Godspel gebyrap to Sce. in the same hand as a-e, sticodon stuck, —
Uitalis mæssan. C.—7a. Dys Gódspel pierced.—838bc. Written also in the same
sceal on Wódnes deg ofer Ascensio hand between the lines 12 and 13 of ©,
Domini. C.—12a. Dys gebyrap to dera P. 336.
Apostola mæsse-dagon. C.—17a. And xx. la. Dys sceal on Sæternes deg, |
dys gebyrap to dsra Apostola mæsse- on dere Easter-wucan. C.—lla. Dis
dagon. C.—26a.. Dys gebyrap on Sun- Gódspel gebyrap on Punres dæg, innan ew- —
nan deg, ofer Ascensio Domini, C. dere Haster;wucan [ucan MS.]. C.—
xvi 5a. Dys Gódspel sceal on Sun- 19a. Dis Godspel gebyrap seofon nyht
nan deg, on dere feorpan wucan [ucan ofer Eastron. C.
MS.] ofer Eastron. C.—16a. Dys Gód- xxi. la. Dis Gódspel gebyrap on
spel gebyrap ofer Eastron, twá wucan, Wodnes dæg, innan dere Easter-wucan
on Sunnan deg. C.— 234. Dys Gódspel [ucan.MS.]. C.—15d. Dis Gódspell ge- *
sceal on done feorpan Sunnan deg ofer byrap on Petres mæsse-æfen. C.—19m.
Eastron. C. | Dys Gódspel gebyrap on Sce. Iohannis
xvii. la. Dys Gódspel gebyrap on | Euangelista [euuangelista MS. p. 3421
Wodnes deg, on dere Gang-wucan to mæsse-dæg. C.
dam uigilian. O.—10c-e. From C, p. 327,


Tur text of Wycliffe has been taken iii. 25. or cume mi3e.-—11]f. or crist-
from the first version, given in the 4to. | en.—12c. or fan.—l2ee. or that neuer
Edition, published at Oxford in 1850, shal be quenchid.—15v. or left hym.
printed at the University Press, under iv. 21aa. or beetynge.—23u. or ache.
the editorial care of Sir Frederic Madden —24c. or fame.
and the Rev. Josiah Forshall, collated v. 4. Wycliffe, following the Vul-
with the original MS. N°. 369 of the gate, places verse 5 before 4.—17c. or
Douce Collection in the Bodleian deme.—17h. or distruye.—18m. that is,
Library. leste lettre.—19d. or breketh.—22aa. that
The following words in Italic are in is, a word of scorn.—22l. that is, a
the body of the page of Wycliffe’s trans- word of dispisynge.—24m. or acordid.
lation. They are, like our marginal —81p. that ís, a litil boke offorsakyng.
readings, explanatory of words, which —47d. or saluten.
seemed to require elucidation. In the vi. 13m. that ís, so be it. The Dox-
Douce MS. they are written in letters ology is omitted by Wycliffe, and the
of the same form as the other part of Anglo-Saxon, because it was not in the
the text; but, for distinction, a red line Vulgate.—20t. or undirmyne nat.
is drawn under them. For the same vii. 3f. or a litil mote.—90l. or pre-
purpose, Sir Frederic Madden and Mr. ciouse stoonys.—13m. or dampnacioun.
Forshall have printed them in the Italic —26y. or soond.
character. In their text of Matt. i. 20. viii. 190. or á man of lawe.—20h.
after gendride, we find in Italic or bigate. or borowis.—28cc. or wickid.—380c. or
—and in v. 22aa. Racha, that 4s, a word droue.
of scorn.—vi. 13m. Amen, that is, so be ix. 154. or husbonde. —15m. or
“at.—x. 306. his soule, that is, temporal mourne.—16i. or newe.—1lTi. or wijn
_lyf. Though these explanatory. words vesselis.—20h. or rennynge.—28yy. or
could not be entirely excluded, as they 3ea.—35w. or ache.
belong to the translation ; yet, if left in x. 124. or salute 3ee.—14q. or citee.
the text, they would have expanded it —16p. or wijse bifore.—18c. or meyris.
too much to harmonise with the other —19e. or bitraie.—952. or the fadir of
versions. A small obelisk or dagger is, meynee.—26j. or hid.—89e. that is,
therefore, placed in the text, where such temporal lyf—89n. that is, lif.
Italic words occur. All these explana- xi. 52. or ben maad keepers of the
tory words are given in the following gospel.—120. or violence.—190. or glot-
notes, in the Italic character. oun.—922g, 240. or lesse peyne.—25bb.
Matt. i. 20. or bigate.—194. or rist- or slee3 men.—28n. or fulfille—30e. or
ful.—19m. or lede hir ferther. —20n. or softe.—8901. or eisy. i
sweuen.—23w. or expound. xii. 4n. or puttynge forth.—16l. or
ii lg. or wijs men. —16g. or dis- knowen.— 25q. or discounfortid.—27j.
ceyued. or whos mi3t.—28w. or amonge 304.
582 NOTES ON WYCLIFFE. Sr. Marr. xiii. 6.-St. MRK x. 14.
xiii. 6g. or brenden for hete.—11q. | 20s. or besaunt's.— 211. or trewe.—27f.
or priuyte.—23.. that is, it lastith bot a or betaken.—84m. or taie yee 4n posses- -
“itil tyme.— 25k, 261, 270. or cokil.— siown.—394ee. or makgyrge.—-85Lb. o.
29%. or coclis.— 802. or cockilis. — herberden.
80gg. or smale bundelis. — 324. or xxvi 10j. or sory.— 30c. or heri-
braunchis.—35y. or telle oute.-—36x. or ynge.—870. ov heuy.—88¢. or abyde
cokelis. —38q. or cocklis—551. or car- 3ee.—Alt. or vnstable.— 640. or fro this
penter. tyme forth:—65f. or to. rente. |
xiv. le. that is, prince of the fourthe xxvii. 2m. or chef iustice.—8m. or
part.—8d. or warnyd.—22d. or com- Jorthenkynge.—61. or a anare,—11f. or
aundide. domysman.—l7m. or deiyuere.—19e. or
xv. 2d. or breken.—2f. or statutis. domysman.-—1999g. or sveuen.—20j. or
—6r. or idyl. cowunseiliden.—921p. or dzlywerid.—242 —
xvi. 3j. or sorwful.—1l7k. that is, | or giltlesse.—29v. or folden.—40c. or
the sone of culuer.—18aa. or strengthe. Jie to thee.—46u. or whi.—A48l. or vyne-
—23s. or vndirstondist nat.—25h, and gre.— 5li. or rent. — 52k. or wwersn
25r. that is, his lyf. dead.—59k. or lynnen cloth—681. or
xvii. 2c. or turnyd into an other disseyuour.—66e. or wardiden. —66h.
dickenesse.—17g. or out of the feith.— or seelinge.
25ee. or rent.—25ll. or other mennys xxviii lg. or heliday.—14h. or ius.
sones.—27ff. that is, a certeyn of moneye. tise.
xviii 15m. or snybbe.—27j. or suf-
ride hym. ;
xix. 3t. or forsake.—bq. or drawe.
—6t. or knytte to gidre.—944. or eysier. Mark i. 7u. or vnbynde.—15p. or do
— 28v. or gendrynge azein.— 28nn. or see penaunce.—28e. or (yt ng.—304. |
-seegis. or lay.—451. or puplishe |
xx. lo. or by the morwe.—9»p. that | ii. 21g. or mewe.—21s. oF paccós.—
is, euery man oo peny.—22j. or shulen 22j. or wyne vesselis. f
axe.— 28s. or lif. iii. 10v. or woundis. — 12]. or
xxi. 5n. or meke. — 9l. that 4s, I knowen. 1
preie, saue.—162. that kunnen nat speke. iv. 4p. or of the eire.—10e. or by.
— 291. or forthenkynge. — 88dd. or hym silf.—llo. or prywite —-17!. that
sette it to ferme.—37n. or drede. ís, lasten a lityl tyme.—28l. or arene
xxii 5c. or recken nat.—7o. or corn.—290. or hook. —32e. or quykened.
distruyde.—16i. that ben men of Er- —32s. or erbis.—34t. or oy hem self.
oudis. —16ee. or charge —1Tp. or em- v. 8h. or biriels.—4s. er make tame.
perour.—17q. or tribut. —13s. or haste.—2Ok. that is, æ cuntree
xxiii. 4h. or that mown nat be born. of ten citees.—29u. or sikenessc,.—Alp.
—5q. that ben smale scrowis..—15s. that or expownid.
is, & conuerti to 3owre ordre.—16ee. or vi. 8f. or carpenter.—9d. that ben
ás detour.—23u. or of more charge.— opyn aboue.— 21æ. or gretteste.
23h. or nedide.—88c. or buriownyngus. vii. 2n. that is, not waischun.—8q.
—33e. that sleen her modris.—84l. or or statutis.—18j. or vnwyse.— 22b. or
writerts. 88%. or forsaken. ouer hard kepynge of goodis.—24cc. or
xxiv. 10j. or ech other.—22j. that be priwy.—91h. or coostis. |
is, mankynde.—26t. or placis.— 300. viii. 2p. or abyden.—8m. or smale
or lynagis.—8lee. or endes.— 82k. or gobatis.—11h. or axe.—85g. and 35s.
braunche.—-40p. or forsaken.—454. or that is, his lyf. |
avar.—48n. or taryinge. ix. 8r. or walkere of cloth. —18m.
xxv. lu. or husbonde.—1a. or wijf.— or vometh.—49f. or maad sawuori. -
5c. or housbonde.—15g. ov besauntis.—- x. 2p. or forsake.—l4h. or enwor-
$r. MARK x. 25.-ST. Jonn xii. 37.] NOTES ON WYCLIFFE. 585
Shali.—25c. or esyer.— 42m. or ben seyn. | xxi. 2l. ethir a Jerthing.—12u. ether
—42s. or ben lordis.— 45v. or lyf.— prisouns.
45w. or azen bryng. xxii. 7n. that is, sacrifice of pask.—
xi. om. or braunchis. 25k. or lordschipen.—44e. ether an-
xii. lj. or in parablis.—41. or re- gwische.—64c. or hidden.
prouyngis.—6y. or drede with rewerence. xxiii. 46y. ether diede. —50k. ether
—Tg. or to gidere.—30aa. or my3te.— hauynge ten vndir him.
331. or mynde. xxiv. lli. ether errour.
xiii. 204. or munkynde.—20aa. or
mead schort.
xiv. 1h. withouzten sourdows.— 4f.
or heuyli.—13cc. or come jens sow.— John i. lf. that ís, Goddis sone.—
lav. or eiyng place.—260. or heriynge. 14c. that is, Goddis some, — 14f. or
— 840. or abide 3.-—<4y. or queyntely. man.
—65dd. or boffatis. ii. lj or town.—8m. that is, prince
xv. "7v. that is, deduat in cytee.— in the hous of thre stagis.—18j. or
13f. or put hym on the cros.—15t. or tokene.
beíus.——22l. or ezpowned.—25f. that iii. 187. or dampnyd.—20u. or vn-
men, clepen vndrun.— 28k. or ordeyned. dirnomun.—22v. or eristenede —25c.
--32u. or fuls vepref.—33d. or mydday. or axyng.—25n. or clensing.—26). or
—33r. taci is, noon.—84w. or wherto. maistir.—29e. or wyf.—29h. or hose-
—37%. ov sente out the breth. —88q. or bonde.—80k. or maad lesse.
hynethe.—A3f. that hadde ten men vndir iv. 5p. or feeld.—6k. or feynt.—6z.
him.—4Al. or broust to. or vndurn.—21«. or worschipe.—3]j. or
. xvi. 5y. or greetli oferd.— 80. or gon maistir.—85aa. or cuntrees.—36f. or
in to hem.—120. or figure.—l16h. or mede.—44n. or worschip.—45bb. or
cristenyd. — 181. or deedli thing, that haliday.
öryngith deeih. v. 138. or sett.—35h. or 3yuynge list.
—37u. or foorme.
vi 14i. or myracle.—26u. or my-
vaclis.—2'12. or markede.
Luke i. 1900. or telle. 20f. or vii. 21. that is, a feeste of tabernaclis.
dranabe. —A4i. or priuy. —lAf. or goynge bitwise.
ii, In. or moble.—84. or knowleching. —23s. or wraththe.—385a. or distroy-
iii. 6c. or man. inge.
v. lj. or camen faste. viii. 7d. or contynuede. — 19m. or
vi. 39j. ethir thank.— 4lj. othir a knowen.—25n. or the firste of al thing.
mot. —42r. or cam forth.—951q. or taaste.
vii. 2g. ihat hadde an hundrid men ix. 2f that is, Maistir.— 6s. or
onir him. — 22uu. ether ben maad bawmede.— "1l. or cisterne.—1lz. or cis-
keparis of the gospel.—34m. ether glotoun. terne — .
1600. or myraclis.— 28c. or
—-AM. ethir vsurer. cursiden.
x. 127. other lasse peyne.—19j. othir x. 11%. that ís, his lyf—12c. or hyred
ivsdinge.—2'1s. or lyf. hyne.—12v. or forsaketh.—12ff. or scat-
xi. 204. ether spirit.— 417. ether erith—20k. or wexith wood.—All. or
superfu.—42m, ether erbe, myracle.
— xv. Sf. ether beswuntis. —120. ethir xi. 8e. or maistir.—27e. or 3he.—
catel. 28p. or stilnesse.— 44w. or sweting cloth.
xvi. lp. ethir a baily.— 19. ether —47u. or myracls.
whit silk.-——26i. ether depthe. xii. 84. or trewe narde.— 160. or
xviii. 5/. or diseseful. hadden mynde.—25e. and 25n. that ís,
xix. 20p. ether sweting cloth. lyfi— 26q. or seruant.—B8 7h. or myra-
584 WYCLIFFE AND TYNDALE. Sr.JOHN xii. 40.-xxi. 25.
clis— 401. or maad hard. —40Occ. or al xvii. 2j. or man.—12ee. or damp- `
turned. macioun.
xiii. 37p. and 38g. that is, lyf: xvii. lw. or a gardyn.— 86ll. or
xiv. 26v. or remembre. of this place.
xv. 2b. or braunche.—18m. that is, xix. 12a. or fro thennus.—182. im
lyf —25w. or freely.—26v. or cometh Englisch, place of Caluarie.—14f. or
forth. euyn.—l4l. or mydday.—86o. or make
xvi 8j. or hewynesse. — 21aa. or lesse.
charge.—251. or derke sawmplis.—82l. xx. lg. that is, of the woke.
or scaterid.—83t. or ouerleying. xxi. 25g. or myraclis.


Our text of Tyndale's version is taken errours comitted in the prentynge" (Fol.
verbatim from the very exact and beauti- ecclv.) are such as would most likely
ful facsimile published with the follow- occur to a German compositor: as in
ing Title, —“ The first New Testament John vii. 14 gebe for geve gave. The
printed in the English language [1525 misprints are very numerous; but they .
or 1526], translated from the Greek by are at once ‘detected by an English eye.
William Tyndale: reproduced in Fac- The following are a few examples :—
simile, with an introduction by Francis John iii. 36 beloveth for beleveth
Fry, F.S.A., Bristol, printed for the | iv. 2 thought though
editor, 1862.” v. 4 wath what
This facsimile is a perfect representa- — 4 stoppeth steppeth as
tion of the earliest and most complete stepped in
copy of Tyndale’s version known to verse 4
exist. It was printed by Peter Schóffer — 27 soune sonne son
at the frec city (frei statt, p. 24) of — 35 brurnynge burnynge q
Worms, and sold in Oxford “ before the vi. 12 ynought ynough enough
4th February, 1526." Had it been verse 15
dated, it might have been 1525 or 1526. — 45 hat hath
Further notice of Tyndale and of this — 69 soone sonne son
edition is given in the Preface. At vii. 14 thaught taught
present, it is only necessary to observe, vii. 20 honhes hondes
that it is believed our text is in the — 47 Gog God
exact words written by Tyndale, for it Sees his
was printed from his own MS. under It would be a waste of time to cite
his own eye. Only the evident and more examples. The manifest misprints
glaring errors in orthography are cor-: have been silently corrected, that our
rected, and made to agree with the text might be made, as far as possible,
same words used in other parts of the a perfect representation of the words
translation. Every possible care has written by William Tyndale, one of the
been employed to give the words pre- best scholars and one of the greatest
cisely as the Martyr wrote them. “The Divines of his age.

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| The Gospels : Gothic Anglo-Saxo1907.
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Al Bible. N.T. Gospels
1907 The Sospels: Gothic


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Gospels: Gothic



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