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D!o>i, Cr^:^ N.^\ '0^

C ''OfiODcnBDcgunDQ^UDDocnDfOPiicn Q i d ccr l n c u a t»Qi: C n ; : os oc^o c 2 c aQc caj c gcooiia o?

i^ZABVLON . Q^srQ!ica onfl naoEcnonDGng^GS^iana-nflticaaimanoDcgrccacsaDccaDDaii^ SJLM.OH-i^

to the diligent Reader.
Eare Chriftian Reader, to the intent that thou migflteft
the better enioy the benefit of thefe notes or expoiuions
vpon the New Teftament: I thought it not amifle to de-
clare vnto thee the vfe of the fame. And firft, forafmuch as
the quotations or citing of* places ofthe Scriptures in the
margent which dired to other places,conteining like phrafe
or fence , haue bene fo placed that none without great la-

bour could find out the text alledged, 1 haue made thefe fix feuerall figures or
marks ,**•"- «* , and haue fet themafwel in the margent as in the text, fo that
thou mayeft eafijy gnde that which thou defireft. For example, in the firft
worde of the firft Chapter ofMatthew is placed this firft mark'e-^ lookeout :

the like marke in the margent , and there thou fhaltfinde Lukei-^i. which
place agreeth to this of Matthew : and fo likewife thou flialt finde in the
refidue. But if many quotations belong to one place, word, or fentence the ,

firft is onely marked, and thofe that follow vnmarked, appertaine to the fame.

And if it fail out that there be more then fixe diredions in one columne, then
is the firft repeated againe , and the refidue following in order as at the begin-

ning : asitappeareth in the firft calumne of Matthew , where both in the text
and margent alfo, they are all two times fet do wne, and the foure firft repeated
The Notes which are dire<fled by figures of Arithmeticke as t. 2. 3.4. &c. ,

thorowout the Euangelifts and Ads, declare the effed: or (umme of the
dodrine conteined betweene one of the fayd figures and the next that fol-,

lowcth as forexample, from the figure i. in the firft lineandfiift worde of


Matthew vnto the figure 2 in the 18 ^. ofthe fame chapter, the dodrine there
gathered is fet downe in the margent in this fort i lefns catne ofaAbrahjim of

ihe tribe of luda^ andoftheflocke ofDamdas Godpromifed. And in the Epiftles

in like fort they declare the meihode and ane which the Apoftles vfe and how ,

euery argument or reafondependeth one vpon another: thefe figures are be-
gunne againe at the beginning of euery Chapter.
Laftly the Notes which goe by order of the letters of the Alphabet placed

in the text, with the like anlwering vnto them in the margent,ferue to expound

and Ijghten the darke wordes and phrafesimmediatly following them. As in

the firft line and fecond worde the letter a , being referred vnto a diredly
, , ,

againft him in the margent fhe wet h that this word

, Booke fignifieth e^
, ,

Hebrems zfe tofpeak^e : as Genef. y i The bcoke of the genera-

reica-rfill as the . •

tions. Thefe letters beginne at the beginning of euery Chapter, continuing

vnto :^. and fo beginning againe with <«, if there be fo many Notes that they
do exceede in number the letters of one Alphabet. 1 his haue 1 faithfully done
for thy coramoditie , reape thou the fruit, and giue the prayfe to God.
Aaa 2 FarmelL


The defcription of the holy Land conteining

the places ftieationed in the foure Euang;elifts,
with other places about theXea coafts, wherein may be ieene
the wayes and iourneyes of Clirift and his Apof)ftles in

ludea, Samaria, and Galile : for into thefe three

( parts this Land is divide d.

20 Jo\4o\fo\Co)^ 10 2o JO |4o I/O

|6o^ |io \2^

The places fpecified in the Mappe, with their fitua-

tion by the obfervation of the dcg rees concer-
ning their length and breadth.

Afcalon 65.M.3i.3i.
Cana of Galile
Carmtl mount
Ccfarea rbilippi
h . :

Tlic Gen ealogy ofChrift. Chap. j. ij- The wife men feeke Chrifl, 3


T OS. M A T r H E W.
CHAP. r.
j< ' ftve his people from their finnes. -* • .-rTcMi,*.
Thut Tefui ii ihat Mlp." . iht SnUour primifed to the 2a And all this was done y it might be fulfilled,^AJi '

Fitheri. 18 The miiunie of Chrift. which is fpokenof t!-.e LcrJby I'rcphft faying. JZ',i^l''r,l',
I IffutCbrift ;y

tame of Abfoham He ^ a booke of the ^ genera-

1 23 * Behold, a k virgine ir.allbe with chiidc, mmeuff-s.'
ofibetribeoflu- tion lefiis Clirifi thefoiineof
cjt and fhail bcrre a io.nnc , and they lliall call his * f A.7,i4-
DJvid thee loniie of Abraham.
. name Em.nunuel which , is by intcipretation , God J''^™''i'"f"
ftockecfDfvidai j^-

God promifeti. 2 * Abrahara begate IUt.c. with us.

a Rcbtatfal As : * And' Ifaac begate I?.cob. And J4 J Then lofeph being raifed from fleepe, ri^d.'to point out
iheHtbrewtsufe K ladob begate Indas and his did as thf Angel of the Lord hid inioyned him, v^°m3o,
toffeake :aiGfn.

and tooke his wife. foonb pi

yji.Tbebooke of
jhr genera

3 -X And ludas begate Thares^and Zara of xs But he knew her not , l till fhe had brought v?rgi"'M,orl'ctt'''
hOfib'ai" Iters of xhamar. And Phaies begate Efrom. AndEfrom fo^P'her fidl borne fonne, and hee called his ui™ virgine.
which Ctrillij
begate Aram. name I E S U S. 1 This liitle word
c Till.intbeH--breij»
alfotbefonneof 4 And Aura begate Aminadab. And Amina- tonjuf, givtth lis to vndeinand alfo, .'"a thing Oiallno! e to paiJe in time to come .-

Abvabarn. ci.ib begate Naatlon. Ar.d Na.iffon begate Salmon. as Michel bid do cfciklien TiUherdeaih day.j.Sain 6 And in thcUlt Chapttro*
y And Salmon begate IJooz of Rachap. And this hvangelift : Bthol.1 . 1 am with you till tbj end of ct
• 4. Hcoz Legate ObedofRathj And Obed begare CHAP. II.
Tl>s -xi/i men ..vcho are defrfffrnitiiyfihtCen-iln
A Gtn.3S,27-
the King. And
n lcj!fl: fluH i,,i, B}ft rvi'h Icji nJh:=
i.ChroD..,-. 6 And § lege begate David murlar, j6 Hcrcii f.ajtil, thiiUiUre^i.
rutb4,,8,i9. David the King begate Salomon of her that wa| * r.u!cei,6.

V Rutbi), 21.
« the wife oiijr 'as. WHen *
was borne at BethiehetB '^J''"'» P"'''''^
, lefus then
in a the dayes of Herod the king.
7 And X Salomon begate Roboam. AndRo-
* 1 Sim. 11.24- boara begate Abii. And Abia begate A(j. behold, there came Wife men from the Eall to thing fet'b''y"of"bT,

Kings 11:43. g And Afa begite lofaphat. And loiaphat be- Hierufalem, ow.o°ef.copie. re.
t 1.
aCbron.3,10,11- gate lorarR- And loiam begate Hozias. (
2 Saying Where is the King of the lewcs that """^ notwi'b.

p And Kczias begate lojtham. And loatham borne ? for we have feene his (Itrre in the Eaf), wi^^t'^f
and iS.ii. i.chron, of'h°''di'
begate Achaz And Achaz begate Ezekias. and ate come to worQ^ip hiro. vinity from Lven,

* iking.jj.34'^"'' lO And * Er.ekiiS begatc Manaffes. And Ma- j When king Herod heard this , he was = trou- ^rdofhi, kingly
***="• of tUsnfeti
j^^^-s naiVesbegate Amon. And Amon begate lolias. bjed. and all Hierufalem with him.
^. 1 1 And * Icfns -begate Islam. And I.ikim 4 And gathering together all the d chiefe '^vn«!'c!!n°T"a"'°
d begat lechonias and his brethren about the time I'rieftes and ^ Scribes of the people , hee asked of loweof,"a°rhJiigh
jcchoniaj foi U' :
they were caried away to Haiylon. them, where Chriif fl^.ould be borne. tbpyd„cnotac.
cboriaisvaihoins j j And after they Were caricd away into Baby- y And they iayd unto him At Bethlehem in '*'=°«''<^'igehim. ,

ludea for fo ic is written by the Trophet. ^'"

lon •'lechoniasbeg.ueSakthiel.
And ;5 Saiathiel :
^n-h^r ',n7bJ^"h
begate Zorobabel. 6 And thou Bethlehem in the hnd of luda, zi'b'io",.' ""' '"'
And Zorobabel begate Abiiv.l. AndAbiud art not the f leaft among the Princes of Iiida for b .wKcamlifarned
•)< I r'.r.....3,T«. 13 :

begate Eliacim- And Eliacinj b.-gate Azor. out of thee fliall coaie the governour that y Ihall "•«"'< '•aP<.iiiatj
j4 And Azor begate Sadoc. And Sadoc begate feede my people Ifrael. V^
f ^'1 ih;Jc ivhi:
ttl't^^cd '
Achim. And Achim tegatc Ebiid. 7 Then Herod privily called the Wife men, " wa.much''mol
this ftdttTte ff I9 And tliud begate Eleazar. And Eleazar and diligently inqiwred of them the tirae of the vcd. forheewa.'a
ftarre that sppeared, ilraagtr, andcame
Va-fiiip'c-kai beg.ue M.itthan. And Manh^n begate lacob.
they Iciutt cr.e
16 And Jacob begate lofeph the husband of
^ 8 And lent them to Bethlehem faymg ,Goe, ,
h**""'* "^
x^D'.Urordtt'.y in acd".
and fearch diligently for the babe and when yee
, of whom was
tlitirJt^nei. Mary bornclefiis y iscalled Chrift.
, : v^e",toubieV;fbr'
So<= all the generations iri^-ir. Abiahani to Da- have found him bringme word againe , that I may wickfdnciri: mad
1 7
1 Chiift is tbe tru( , ii

Hmmanuel. and v'd.arf fourtcene generations. And from David im- come alfo, and worlhip him. '"^ "ginp.
thcrcfoic . Iffui
till they were caried away into liabylon , fourteene 9 J So when they had heard theking ,they ^^Jf/^^;^^^''"'"';'
(ili.^ris .S'.viourJ
generations :and after they were caiied away into departed and loe the ft.irre which they had i'eene
: ,
"rA= roorfam*i!7."*
Ttoiactivcd io
tht Vivginj by B.^bylonvntill Chrift.fourteene generations. in the E.ift, went before them, till it came and liood wbichwe.edivijej
ouerf/;s/;/j« where the babe was. ''""' fou^e^ wnu
18 ' Kow the birth of » leiijs Chrift was thus, .

itwai fortuldby 10 And when they faw the ftarre, they reioyced
when as his mother Maty was " betrothed to lo-
'" °"*^"; '
*' '""'
with an exceeding great ioy, 3«,[^''^'
t I«i;ri..72. feph, before thty came cog^ither ,lhe was found
At5d went into the houfe and found the
I rf.'f.,4.i. with child of the holy G!h It. I I , c-Ta<ythatejp.:iunj
babe with Mary his mother .and b fell downo .and ibrLjwio
f P.icr].e *l
1 9 Then lofeph her husband being a iuft man, .faetr.)-

hr r.rer-tsaU worfiiipped him .and openedtheir treafures ,rnil

and not willing to* make her a publikc example,

hi,J,fJik'>^*"<''- f]^fX''.^?'^"^^
prefentcd unto him gifts , tz'fwgoid , and frankin-
g JVhuhvi!frc- was minded to put her away fecretly 'an.Jrhtr' wMcii^fij,
rr.ifcd.ttnil made fn •
;o But whiles he thought thele things behold, .
cenk.and myrrhe. nififtha»nvjcha»
t!fo lUt 10 be th the Angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a 1 2 And
they were k warned of Go-' in a '" ftpound .lud
rrif.: .faying lofeph , the lonne ofD-ivid, feare
drcanne th.-it they (hould not goagaineto Herod,'^,.''^!^!'';

b Of'h! rr-.tlhtrs ''

not to f take M-vy tny g wife for that which is they returned into their countrey another way.
f.inar.n h the la^n y'^i!

hs'yrhfl. h conceived in her, is of the holy Ghoft.

f.iTa!! town! rhoube very famous and not able througbthr birth cf [he
ytt dial:
= Cb^
z I And WmW bring 3 focrth a fonne , r^n d ( (hill br home in thee.
g That fliali rule and governe for Kiops areh
thoa fl'>alt * call his name I E S U S : for hee (liali
of;h.-f....c V.r-

call.J'fe.drrsr.<iniephear.l.cfrbep..oF:e. h A kmJ cf bumble and lovely revrVence
i Tbe tich a..dc:rt:yvrerrnts ,v;b,ch they b.ougbthiin k God
knfw ir«i. ;.-r.di
vvaraed aud eold
tfceni of it, wLtu ai ihfj aikttl it coc.
wiltJItfjtofOo himfslfe^by-lxAcEel*
Aaa 3 J3 = After
p- J
' f

Hcrods cruelty. lohn Baptift. S. Matthew. Chrift baptized and tempted.

* C^tin b«iog ytt 1 3 J « After iheir Jeparture. behold, the Angel andof the Sadducescome tohisbaptifroe ,hefaid chap. 11,34.
force ho incbtgio. yfthe Lord appeareth 10 lofeph ina dreame.lay- unto them , * O generation of vipers , who hath ? True repentance
ing.Arife.and uke th; babe and bismother.Sc flee
into Tgypr. and be there till 1 bring thee word.for
forewarned you to flee from the anger to come ?
r ^ "
which L°^'hi'''f''^
hath It feate.
3 Bring forth therefore fruit worthy amend- in ,he mind jkhrar,.
, ,

ineinbiti. Hcrod \Aill fcckc the babe to defttoy him. mentofhfe, 4Thc faith ofibe fa-
14 So he arofe and tooke he babe and his mo- t
9 4 Andi thinke not to fay k with your felves, tbtnavaileth y ua-
ther by niijhc, and departed into Egypt. * we have Abraham to our father for I fay unto n'[",„°*.ti'i'!"°j :

I J And wdT there unto the death of Herod, that you that God is able even of<hete ftones to laife "« fo°aii'.hat goJ

thatmightbe fultilled.which is fpoken of theLord up children umo Abraham. playetn not the liar.
«Hq<'.ii.». bythes» Prophet, faying.Out of Egypt have I cal- 10 And now alfo is the axe put to the root of the nordealetbunfaith-

led my fonne. trees : * therefore every tree which bringeth not

|ijj,'ich"ij'"^''H'^". u
16 f Then Herod, feeing that he was mocked of footth good fruit, is hewen do wne , and call into thehoiyVTtlirrr
thcVVife men, was exceeding wroth.and Tent forth, the fire. i Thiok.^ mi tUt'
and flew all the male childrt;n that were in Beth- II 4 J Indeed I baptize you with water to a- l .''"* ''' *" ""J "*«/•
1 For Ccdfytdk'ih
Jeem, and in all the coaites thereof from two yeere mendmentof life .but he that commetb after me Xti^m"''"'^'^*
o^'' ^'"^ under.according to the time which he had is mightier then I whofe Ibobes I am not worthy , k in your hetrts.
i"'tr.3uis. diligently fearched out of the Wife men. tobeare , hewill baptize you with the holy Goft, j r>hBS,39.
in ^ voyt-iofU- 1 7 Then was that fulfilled which is I'poken 1 by and with fire. .^M^ AtUi4j6.
mtntin^Avetpnz, the Prophet leremias. faying, 11 6 VVhicTfiiam^his fanns in his hand, and will *m,^^1^11^{
n'ThaM-rto fjy.All
' ^
S ^ " Rhama was '" a voyce heard.mourning, '"makecleane his floore, and gather his wbeate j le.i'oh.iias.
.hat comfaif:' .bout and great howling: n Rachel weep-
and Weeping . into his garner , but will burne up the chafl'e with aff.i j.aod'j.i-
Btthlrhtm: for Ra- ing for her childien ,and would not be comfor- unquenchable fire. and 8. 17. and 19.4,
cbtl lacobi v^ir<r,
tcd.becaufe thcv were not. 135*7 Then came lefus from Galile to lordan ^^,"; ""^ "'"'" j.
Ti. J fL- dwell upon the

^ And when Herod was dead behold , an

1 I

ti I'atburl^d m '9 , unto lohn to be b.iptized of him. f,gn„ „b,ch God

thf way that Ita.ieth Angel of the Lord appeareth ina dreametolo- 14 But lohn earnetlly put him backe faying, hahordjinedai ,

fo!hi«iown<r.wticb fcph in Egypt, I have need to be baptized of thee , and commeth mtanetto leade ui
)> alf.. caiitdEi-hra. .^ Sayiiig.Arife, and take the babe and his mo- thou to mee »
Ttnb.Tu ""on 'him •
the land of Ifrael : for they are
foiU?a\tpUmy'of t^cr , and go into I y Thenlefus anfwering.faid to hira.Let be now: bul w"t^oit"cljme'
cotne. dead whis-hlought the babes life. for thus it becommeth ustofulfilln ail tighteouf-
3 CeriftiibtoHght j| Then he arofe\ip,and tooke the babe and his nelle. So he
cd him. fuflei 'Vf' <h» • to fay,
up in Njzarcih atrer ^^Qiher and Came iiito the land of Ifrael. '° '^""'' '°-
1 6 Andlefus when he was baptized.carac ftraight
thedeathof the ty-

zz But when he heard that Archelaus did reigne

r ,
° .1,11"^ ^'i"
war'dy worketB
out or the water. And lo, the heavens were opened tbateifaaally,

rant by Godi ptov

dMce? ih^r by"tbe in Iiidea inftead of his father Herod he was afraid , unto ° him, and /c/;«fawthe Spirit of God del- whchuoutwarldy
vtiyoaineoftbe to go thither yet after he was warned of God in a
cending like a dove, andlightning upon him. Ojoifitd uotouj.
place,it might '" '""""'' P
dreame. he turned alidc into the parts of Galile. 17 8 And loe.a voyce cn/nj from heaven fay- ,

Ibt'wlrid.'t'hToe^'^ ^3 And went and dwelt in a city calledNazareth, ing, * This IS my beloved Sonne, in whom I am „^,;,i, tiame
she Lords itut Na. that it rright beftilfilled which was fpoken by the, r well pleafed.
/atite. Prophets, I'i'/jfe/jT'frt*, That he Ihould be called a Ifiei undhccoo
Ndzarite. letter, dfiiring us iti by itfialt , thai wt are im^r^ffed init ChriJJ ,rilltre <"" "'«''" h
6" Thetriumphi of ih» wicked fliall end
dieih and
in everlaftiug torment,
the uetf man ti/eth :ip.I{«m.6.
m WiS cUanje ktheri,-n>lji-i':d m.:k:' a fuii riddjiie. «
I Tfltiprejchtll), 4 Hu apparell und meate. f Uehdftiz.eth. 1.9. LH/;f 3,21. 7 Cbriafanaifitdourbapiifmeiohiinfclfr. n Allfucb thiogi ai
.•.Var.i,4luk.3,3. S Tlitfriiuscfrepmiunce. lO Theaxetttlierooteofthe
a Not •Ki' CB loftph it bath appointed IIS to ktepe. o To lohn. S Cbiilts full confecration and autbotifing
12 The faTintundtht chaffs- 13 ChriJUikaftUeJ.
Wti'tiodi^ells" to the office of the mediaiouilhip, ii thewed by the fathers owne voyce , and a vifible
A Kd K in a thole dales , 1 lohn the Baptill came figne of the holy Gboft » Col.i.t3. a ret.1,17- f Tin- ^reek' tvorUteiekf
great whi'caftt t,
•** and preached in the b wildernes of ludea. ne'h a thirty ofjveat uccount ,.tml Jnch ns-hi/hly pleafetit a So then the Father
abou'ihefpjceof 2 And laid ,' Repent ftrthe kingdomeof :
jauh,th.ti Chriji cncly is thtman -whomvihtnhekhiildeth Aoi'k' tvhafpi'tun hehad
,fy»fr«: foiiri etnceiliCd sf»s,he Lijreih itcltane afide.
hcavcn is at hand.
the 3c yeeieo r,i» ^^, ^^^^ -^ ^^ of whom it is fpokch by ihePro- .
J ChriJI is templed. 4 Hei -uxv-juifhelhthe dcV'Uynith
«dof ioht^::he:e. phct EfaiaS.lay Hig .J. i he voyce ot him that cricth Scrifiure. ti he T
miiitfliT tmtuhim. i» We^nMs
foieby thofr d.iiii m
the wildemcs.Piepare ye the way oi the Lord: pj ctiheth repcntan(C) arsd that hmtfeije is teme, tS The
is ineant,a;ihait;n.e ^ „,^i-g (^.j callti-^ cj Peter ,^>ndreiv, ai I nmes and Ifhtt. 24 He
pathes ftreight. ^

thai lefut renuined fread,e,hthe G,lpel,ar,dheale:h the J^feafed. « Matke ,,I5.'

4 » And this lohn had his garment of camels
of the to'snVof
haire. and a girJ'eof a skin about his loynes , h;s
'y Hen Swas « lefus iedafidc of the Spirit into nike4,t.
*• the be tempted of the devill. iCbnrt was tempt
Nau^rtth. meate was alio flucufts and wild hony.
And when he had fafted fuurty daies,and tor- "^ •'"
ji>La,vvho through ^ + Then went out to him g lerufaiem and allln-
ty nights, he
... was
w>ycs, '"'"''
Sc lull over,
dea.andall the region round abuut lordan, comnetb.thai we
'!lV'.T' !«.?ll?''lr*
and r<if amttreiiellr °
. , ,n r , . •
1 Then c;.me to him the tempter, a"" laid. If aHo ihrougo his
6 Ajid they weie baptized ot him in lotdan, 3
locaitihtirey.jup. h confcffinw their finncs.
thou be the lonnc of God , commaund that thefe vertue may over-
eabim,i.'epaieth _ Now ftones be made breath
a when he fiw many^ of the Pharifcs, ^"IJ ^
fie way for Chnft 4 But he anfwering (aid , It is written. § Man f xb,t"b.tilVmet,t
followioj fait on hit betles.aiibtProphet Efai fo:etold , and dtlivereth the fumme
(ballnet live by bread onely , but by every word wher.w'tb ihe flat
ofthe <;ofpell ,T.bii.binfiiotiliuccafrr(houldb.-delivcrtdiiK.iefully. b In
that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. roofeofthe lempie •

•nh Ily couut'ey v^bi-.h was nofAitbltanrlingiiibabiitd , forZacharie dwelt iberc,


JUuke .p.;o- andtbtie wai loabi bouft, i'Kingsj,3». and btlidei thefe , leboC.iui 5 Then die dcviJl tooke him up into the holy ^"""fajf^^jf^ja
maXtt'i niiniion offixetovMiesibai were inthc wildetoei chap, if, 61. c The city.and (et bimonab pinacle of the Temple, might fall dowoe:
rj^l ' W id ir, ibc CjifiketoDf.ue li^niHcih a changing of nurmiuds and hrans fromeviljto
6 And iaid unto him If thou betheSonneof as wssappoimed by ,
•i; d TbckiHgdomcofMefnas, rotbmg
|k bJifceavenly. •}• tl'a-io.j. Mar 1 ,3. L"k.j,4- lobni.JJ. e bim God.caft thy felfe do wne , for it is written § that thtLaw,D;ut ii,i. ,

-i «.|!laini'ai.d freoQtb wjy. •! Mir.j 6. f Locult Wfte a kind of ineatj; vvdicb ctr- he will give his Angels chaige over thee, and with S
t.M loCttie F.ii't feoplc'.fi- vibich lAtre therefore called devourm ofLoculls. Euit. it) their hands t-hey Ib.ili lift thee up. leait at any time * ^^"j vuord. f',",
01 ;. Mar.t.S.Luk.I.?. g The pt-oj-lcof I-rufalem. h Acknowledging that ibey thy foot againil a
thou ihouldefi d.iili iione_. Tbon fliab not get
<ftrie fivrdonely by (rtc r'">iflionanH fortfiveiicHeof thtir (mni-f 2 Tfltre is tiMbing .

that noppfd up tbnAay 1 f mercy and falvaiioD againll uifo much »• ibe oj iaionof 7 lefus laid unto him It is written' againe, , onliillintempunf,

•jj SAiit ligbteoufnctii cotih. SThoulhalcnotcierBpttheLord thy God.

'6 Againe,
1 . 8

Chrifts preaching. Chap. V. The ble/Ted.

8 Againe the devill 'tooke him up into an ex- A Nd when he faw the multitudr.he went up into _. .„
ceeding high rooimtaine and Ihewed him all the , a mountaine : and when he was fet.his dilciples ,'ba, ,fa "e'ea.A'''
kingdomes of the woikl , and the glory of them. came to him. joyao, '
it II
ke 9 And
him All thelii will I give thee,
faid to , 2 1 And he opened his mouth, & taught them, "°' '"
4,14 iD/j»4,43. downe, and worfcip me.
if thou wilt fall faying, '^ '<it"^f dpleafurt
» WhenibeHe- Then faid lefus unto him, Avoid Satan for
ID ( .but it

xauldtmouib it
3 « Blefled are the a poore in b fphit , for theirs Uyj''",,
it is written, 4. Thou lliak woriliip the Lord thy is the kingdome of heaven.
flopped iihe Lord fc. tbem thai VI il.
Kveileth himfelfei God, and him onely ihalt thouferve. 4 S blefled are they that mcllrne for they ''"g'y reii i^he
and bringetb fall
light into tbe
1 i Then the devill iift him and behold, the : fliallbe comforted. good will and plea
Angels came, and miniftred unto him, * bldied are the meeke: for they
daikeaefle of tbii
12 J * » And when Itfus had heard that lohn
herite the earth,
ft-,all in- e'X^oX--
vcorld.prMcbing fire all men,ai-
free forgiveotOe was committed to prifon, he returned into Galile, 6Blelled are they which hunger and thirft 'hough ihcy be

•ffknci totbem 1 3 And leaving Nazareth went and dwelt in .

for righteoufnefle
" for they fliallbe filled. ciueliyv.ied. and
that repent. ^ Capernaum, which is necre the fea in the borders
d ivhich re ^^ ^
urvnea.rZjeMc ofZabuion, andNcphthalim. tainemercie. caufethey wili nst
m're famous then 1 4 That it might be fuifiiled which was fpoken 8 Blefl-ed are the ^ pure in heart ; for they fafnionchemfeivei
Naz.areik real. by Efaias the Prophet, faying, flwllfeeGod.
4. Luke
*on\h'ri\s cr -"y * '^^^ '^"'^^ of Zaoulon.and the land of 9 Blefled are the peace makers for they fliall :
„ ,„„..,„^ „
leclufi tiZt'cc'u-:-
Nephthalim 6y the way of the e»fea , beyond lor- be called the children of God, ,
irty htndcd toward dan ,f Gallic of the Gentiles : 10 Bleffed are they * which fuffer perfecution fucbmiferie»
rvhuhjlan- 16 The people which fate in datkenefle . fawc for righteoufnefle fake j fot theirs is the kingdome '"'"':»' «« >o!f-
detli upon theje.
gteat light and to them which late in the region
: of heaven.
that cMteih the
midft'fthentrU. and fliadow of death, light is rifen up. 11 « Blefled fliaUyeebewhen men revile you, andfp°rhrate"
/•St called hecau/i
, iy it From that time lefus began to preach, and and perfecute ysa ,andfayallmanerof evillagainft b>-o"gi"»nder,
it tcrdereil upon to fay Amend your lives for the kingdome of
, ; you for my fake , falily. and tamed , and
Tyrus aniiidun,
heaven is at g hand. Reioyce and be glad , for great is your re- *'^fa°5 ,' , ,
1 2
mor,ga^,e,heking 18 J 3 And lefus walking by the fea of Galile, ward in heaven for lb pcrfecuted they the Pro- luke6.ii.

tfTjruitwtnty faw two brethren , Simon , v hich was called Peter, phcts which were before you. * rfa!.37,ir. and Andrew his brother ,calhng a nee jnto the lea 15 § Ye J are the fah of the earth but if the f fr\^'"^• 'I
ter, I. iijng 9 >ii-
(tot they were fi (hers.) fik have -oft his lavour .wherewith fliall it be e Ql.
41 Mark? I, ^,: fpitiy iitbt, word
19 * "indhvi faid unto them. Follow me, and I ted ? It is thenceforth good for nothing , but to be rure.ioyned wi.ij
I Ueometo;o».
3 Chrifttbioking will maKe you fiihers of men. call out, and to be troden vnder foot of men. 'h' l"""- fcr ai a
by time , that he
zo And they ttraight way leaving the nets, fol- 1 4 Ye are the ( hghs of the world. A citie that ^''s^lf'^d ""'-''g
flioiild at
lowed him. is fet on an hil:. cannot be hid
depart from us, l^-'re't^b" feen.
the begia 11 And when he was gone forth from thence, ,
I) * Neither iloe men light a candle, and put it plaineiyinadeare
Ding oiFhitrrM- he !aw Other t^o brethren , lames f-e/owji? of Ze- vnder 1 bulhel, but on a candle fticke, and it giveth '"'' P"" lookinj
thing gcaethbiin bedcus , and lohn his brother in a ihip with Zebe- light uijto all that are in the houfe. ^° '*""''
difapit^ after an ffaffUeT
heavenly 'ore men ,
deus their father, mending their nctti s, he called & 16 X Let your light Co (hine before men that 'o(theey,^lhi}^C"^ ,

indeed poore and them. »• . they may fee y mr good.workes , and gbrific your God, foioe forth
vtterlyvnleariitd, 22 And the} \.'ithout t^tying .leaving the ftiip father which is in hea.'cn. andcleireai-ptare
and thcitr/orefiich and their father, Joiiowed him. 17 3 Thi^e not that I am cogjSjto dcftroy the '^"»i'"^"=""-
23 So 4 lefus went about all Galile". teaching in Law.ot the|&iphe:s. I am n(K*ne to <leftroy
fufpeatdAi nef- •• , f"l'!l'^"'
hthc'ii Synag'igutS , and preaching .he Gol^ci of them, bat to^gHhil them. k ikfte. .-.^t.
tbM ta.ngs which the kjcingdome.and heaiing ' evfiy uekenelfc, ai.d 1 if For truely 1 lay vntoyou. Till heaven and « P"'^ •
they heard ^nd faw. every m Jifeafe ^mong the p' opf . e-.ith pcriih, one iote or one title of the Law flwll S Ma'
» Mt
24 And his fame fprcadanio id thorow all Sy- nut efcapc, till all things be fuliilied. iThenJmeii
4 Chrilt aflaietb
ria and they brought unto him all licke people,
; 19 * 4 Whofoever therefore Ihallbreakeone ofthe word, efpe.
theheaitso' tiie that were taken with divers difcafes 8c " torments, , of thefe leaft coramanderoents and teach men fo, <:'^"y (vnl.irethey ,

belctvertofhii £Hd them that were poflelfed with deviiS , and thofe he fliallbe called the k left in the J< of ^i" t" the moft
rpiritual' aad (3.
which were o lunatike and thole that had the ,
heaven but wholoever (hall ot'-'erve and teach neeAieado.ber"
hcdltagtbt difU' paUie and he heakd them
1- : them, the fame ilMllbecalleil gteat ia the kingdom.e bothbywtrd
feJofthc body. 2y And there followed him great multitudes of heaven. and deed loihil
/, Their, ihM it,
out of Gdile and Decapoiis , and Hiernlalem, and
»o For I fay unto you except your righteouf- ^'""" '"'' ^'"* ,
ludea, and from beyond lordan. nefle « e.xceede the r,j;,f,<,«/-,.// of the Scribes d'
and ihall not enter into the kingdome muft beveryfouoi
Chare k OfMefui. I LifeaCet efaU kin^U teiery tne: fhit'f'^' Wf/i^, of heaven. and good, foVifit
/erne cfeitry ont. m 1 he vord (i^nifiet' properlj.the yvtak'" lie^^ejlcmaelft l/y.t .•

21 s Yee have heard that it was faid unto them '"'

""'J"/', ^''^'I
here it u l.ikffir ihofe difeufei ivh!, h rn-iks men f. tint , ar.d. Kt^* an J} , that haVe
of the old time § Thou Ihalt not kill for who.- car" away
t',err>. n Thitverd fi;!,i/ictl. friperiy :he Ihne nher^Tvith^ ''.'ried . ant a her. h .

kindeoffpeeeh 7,"appliedtc ad kf.'de ofexar„inatio^'h tenure .rvhra ai bj rou^h

foever kiileth IhaL be culpable of iudgement. thing vufavori*
dealin<'andtormeHii,wttvceakit:ic>:rairecutther»iethcfmen,»hkiMer-nrre-ke} e What fhall you have withal
to fait ? And fo arefoole, in thei*'fi!!^lZ\,..r,,I.A
tvould net emfejfe : ana m thit pUet it i> tal{,enfir <hcji Jifea/e. , «*«<:* fitfiekmen r„ aui,iu,as)OU^Aou.d(ay,.neutba l""" »<> fait or frvour
Moone arefhretvalj and .jfte in tbem f V, h
pcratlfce. c IVhich at lUryfaS Moont ,>.r otktrch.injresot^ ,
and g;ve light, by being madepart.ker, of the
i> '
true , m L, j
irtuhltd & p Weak' O-feeile men.nho /,..».<
^fe^Jf^ '/<hetr body l,efu!,V
logethcr, no,
8r..and..,33. *..Pe.a,,a.
, v

fo vtak'tt'h 'hal liy art nei.h.r able to gather thcp^ff f„( tftrm .»r a> oufnej & /aivai orld
in.deedVbJch wa*hIdo«e'd
but to fulfill that
Shej would.
,, /. „ thcfigureiofibeLavv,bydel er.og men .h.ougb
trace tromthecurfeof
C 9 A r. V. moreoier to teath the irue fe of obed .ence the Law: a.i
wh^h ,he L.we a, p,,in .,d , and to grave
, 1VheareH,rreJ. ,:>.
The ^P' file, artihtfalt ttniij^ht ofthe in 0111 heartithc forceofobedj.-Dce.
g That tbe prophecies iraybeaccomrliftie,^.
tforld. i^ iM'^iiifetonauha. i; The,a>i4ie. i6^.cod $ Lukei«,i7.
ir L
' Iaine»2„o.
T Hebeginnett wiih tberu..,^niirdinor.f.l,.
woriiv-^-^"'^^'".? ''•^'-'"'^' ''"""•""'"""''•'•»' What
jaU'.i " *3 KS':"''e'liairin i,fii ItfcreJac-JUe. 17 ^duller}.
S9 Thipltck^n^oittoftht O'- 30 Cutting off. fthshand.
"'"' ^'' ""' '"""'"^ °^""fi--"n„:and.^enr.Vt;=;d
31 ThehtlUfdvjorument. 33 Nti tuj'jvtare. tnTohi>e tu'T;. In '
tivenemui. 48 rtr/eilnelft.
Aaa 4 22 Jut
Tbe Law expounded. S, Matthew. Oflove,almes,and
.^'•.f 2z Butlfiyur.toyou.whofoeverisanoiywith bccaufe thou canft not make one haire white or
his brother vnauvifeJIy Ihall bs culpable of ' fc
'V/ ., ,


;'/,;.; iiidgesr.ent. And whoU.evcr {ii:h iinro his bro- 37 » But let your coran^unication bet Yea, ^ iyf,^,.f,,^„),i4

ihertftrt ui
af^hiih ther , Reca be woithy to
be piiniiheci by the yea Nay ir.y. For whatfocver »*raore then thefe,
: , vh-acI,, ntuchit

1 Council!. And whofoevcr lli fay. Foole. ih.itl be -.11 commethofueviil, , iareiy.aiiw'ut-
formt (fclVi
worthy to bepunilhed with "> hcU" iire. Ye have heard that it hath beene favd.
An /;'''.'''7.7

iuthemtnti, nhiih J , r 1 dim: 7' birth

2j « It' then thoa bring thy gift to the oahar, § eye for an ey e.and a toorh for a tooth.

•„, jf/„»i iln} n

^ny trtet
aiu! there rerri^.brcft that thy brorha- hath ought 59huz I Ay unto you * Refill not evill '.but ,

mtnTTvIk'' tow ag,-;ir.lithee. whofoever (liali Imite thee on thy right checke. " Fromane^'fl
ruUJ 1} thrti men, 24 Leave there thine ofTering before the altar, turns to him
the other alfo. "^ '"*
and "-oe thy wav firft be reconciled to thy bro-
: 40 And ifany man will file thee at the law , and yVseni-w-th
rinz^ and dti'-d^'i^
cfin^nl) rn.ilttn, ther,lnd then come and otter rhy gift. take away thy coite, let him have thy cloakeaVb. citanecontraryto
cndfmhc-.her 25 K p Agree with thine adv^irfirie quickly, 41 And whofoever will compell thee to goes, thedoftri.ieoftae
ibai iudgfmcnt
whiles thou art. in the way with him, leaiUhine mile, goewuh him twaine. '
_ _ fommeoahefa^
advc firie deliver thee to the ludge , and the 4.1 Give to him that asketh, and from hira
nd table r

i^d'f«,'whohad'he ludge deliver thee to the fergeanc .'and thou be ttiat would borrow of thee, tunic notaway. ^ vadMftood, that
htariagan.l deci- ^aft illtO prifon. 43 Ye have heard that it hath bin faid,^ Thou we may in no wife "nd""!!! for
Verciy I fay unto thee, thou {lialt not come
Hingufwtifii.iesf- flialtlovethy neighbour.and hate thine enemie.
'^XtdTaXa. out thence, till thou haft.i payed the vtraoft far- 44 But I L\y unto you , * Love your enemies :
fy^^ double i«.

.hehigheiiiudgc's thing. blefli; doe good to them that

them thatCurfe you : iuric, and doewtll
ofaii, wKiotiif Ye have heard that It was laid to them hate you and pray for them which hurt you, '«'''<='"<'''"" °«
17 f 7 , .f
»"""''"°*^7' '^^''}
of old time, § Thou iKalt not commit adukeric. andperfecuteyou.' tl'-wTS"
^^ ^^' ^ ^^>' "'^™ yo'-i.that whofoever looketh on 4y >° § Thatyeemaybethechildrenofyour ,f^,„.j4,jo*j,;,.
mofi w'aigt'i°°=«*i-
T«,i!tbtinat:trof a womiu to lufl after her, hath committed ad ul~ father that is in heaven : forhee raaketh his funne i»,»i.
a whole u'.bt or of terie with her already in his heart. to arife on the evill and the good , and fcndeth • Lnke 6,i9.ront.

=»'>'<''''''•"« o'"''
29 =*•
Wherefore ifthy r right eye caufs thee raineonthe iuftandvniiift,
to o^^"'' ' P^"'^'^- " out and cai^ it from thee ; for 46 For if ye love them, which love you, v^hat ^
m whma. we *"

rr3derrte,H';i,itii better it is for ihee .that one of thy members pe- rewaril (hall you have ? Doe not the Publicanes * i-uki 6,17.
I'n ten ii ftlft. li/h then that thy whole body Ihould be calt in-
tht .
even the fame ? * i«<^ »3.34-
Cthenna which ii
jq J^^u 47 And if ye be friendly to your brethren one- '[ ''J{'°\
matofrwClta i, ^o Alfo if thy tight hand make thee to offend, ly what fingiilar thing doeyee ;doe not even the ,0 Vdoubi* rea.

afmuch :o fay.aithe cut it oft , and caft it tlice : for better it is for hom tPublicanes likewife ? foa.-theone i»t»-
vaiii-yofHijnori, thee, that onc of thy members perilh .thenthac 48 Ye fliall theieforebeperfit.asyour Father ken ofrcUtivn.
which ='i"w"«^ which is in heaven, is perfit.
thy whole body Ihould be caft into hell. be' hke tt?;" S
thfE '"
It hath beene fuiJ alfo. * Whofoever
Qiall ther .the other is taken of cBrnparifon , The childten ofGid mufibe beiter .then
Toph 31
placcwhtreihcif. put away his wife, let him give her a bill of di- the children of this world. •§
Luke6,3S. i. Thtj ih.i: vetn ihe tci-majhrs,
i-r.ui.wtrcwcoi vorcernent. and the o1ierfi>!it , ^f trihiiiti and cujiomei . it tijadnfmen the Jiyvn haled
.roiicudlytofa.^ 10 death , tcth heciufc thcjr fcrpcd the /{cmanet in ihefi olfi^es ( -rnhnfe j'\efuH.
But I fay unto you . whofoevct Hiall put
3 ^^ tonduu ihcy ctiiU hirdy <tvi} tvithall) and olfi bccitufi iheji ltkt-mdj!ert treftr tht
"" away his wife (except it be forfornication)cauk-th
moji purt^ipeH to n)>eifjf/iejfe-
wbtrirupoDitwai her to ccmmitadulterie : and whofoeverlhallmar-
taken for a place j-jg l^„^ [V,^,,. jj divorced.committeth aduitetie. CHAP. VI.
api,oint»d to tor.
^ ^ Agait« ye have heard that it was fayd to
^ . tAlmei, f Frdjer. 14 Forj^iliinf cUr hrotUr. tSVjfi'n?.
"" t^^'" of ol^' ""1= '^ "^^^^ "^^"^^ notforfweare thy t9 Our heaffre. 10 Wee m%fl fiicccur the f core, n CU
n The i;w« i/fed ' felfe , but (halt petforme thine oatlies to the Lord. tttidrichet. IS Cdrcfui ftekingf^r metle and drinke , and
fomekindeiofpu- appiireH ,fjrhidder>. 33 J he k">edcmcofCcd e nd hit
j^ But I fay untoyou , Swcaic not at all , nci-
"a. ak.'.away by
ther by heaven, for it is the throne of God:
? T Not yet by the earth.for it is his footftoole :
^ Ake

, ,. , ,
heed that ye give not your ' almes beftre . Ambition maketh

, , ^
H«ode.han;ing. neit'r-t by Hiciulalem 1 fot it is the citie of the * be feeneofthem ,or eKeyeflwUhave «''raesvainc.
men to
beading. Ho i-eat Kill' no * reward ofyour Father which is in heaven. ^r^ard", h7in-ai^tr
and butoiog thii :
2 "" Therefore when thou givelt thine almes, tik-"''"''" Strip.
ikii that Chill) Ihot 3^ Neithcv' ftiak thou fweare by thine head.
at .becayfcbutning
thou flialr not makeatrumpet to be blowen before tun, f.rafreere-
was the grejielt p jniQiment , »h«t«foie irt thst he maketh meutioo of a
iudgement, a the b hypocrites doe in the Synagogues tf'/'f"/-.'"^

coui!cil!,anda/ire, hefnevit-ih thatlome fmuesare woirethenotbttfaine, but

yet they
and in theftreets, to bepraifedofmen. Vereiy I {^^^^^^^^trirX
areall fuch thai wte mull give accnuniCot them snd llisllbe pnuiQifd for thetn. 6
by facriftcesappoimcd in the fay unto you, they have their reward. anfneralu to ., de.i
covetou. Pbatife, taught that God wai appeafed tbe
Lavw. which they ibemfelvrt devoured. BuiCbtift on ttircontraiy lidedemeih that i Hut when thou doeft thine almcs, let not thy ft-inni.-mUchth^j i
God acc.pit.h anv mans otTtiing vialelk he .iuk:tb fatisfaftion to hii brother wham
leftIwnd know what thy right hand doeth,
heeha.h offendtd-and fsyeth moreover.thai ihde (lubburLe and llitfe necked delinferf 4 Tiler thine almes may be in fecret . and thy * ct7n'rfeite!,for
ttey lave
of their bterhr.o (hall n.ver efcape the wr?.th and ciitfe of God , before
Father that f<eth in fecret, hee will reward thee Hyflc'itnwere
madefuUfatiifadioDiotbeirbreibieo. o H^ApfhiikaU tijis ffe.tch t, <ki jiate
openly. plaj^ert that flayed
tfmi lime , ivhtv M there IP u an J.'Mr ftiindi>-£ '« Hierufilm , arj therefrt
the, are l,er, foclifh , that ritlir heriapon , ika' yv.cmtAp U: lid altar, ,
and ujt y 1 Aod when t'nou prayeft be not as the hy- ,
"?<"' '" ' ?'"•''•.

. tohnh drane that to frgaur^e >

tut tiny art more fooUt ivhtch tt pocrites ior they love to ftand and pray in the '
facrifUei : :

« /.I'-t' ti.jS. ? Cat "V'urf.utstn

ff<,k.enerfe.teemaking and itmem-r,t one,i,ihtr. Symgogiies .EiH in the corners oftheftreetes, be- prayer.ambiiioa.
tir all canfe ofenim-'tie q Tku. fnalt he dealt mrhali to t„e uimijl ixire-
before God whatfoever hee be . that caufe they would ><; feene of men. Verely I fay aidvainebibUng.
iri.if. 7 Hee ii taken for an aduUtrer ,

covcteth a wonr.n end therefore we mult keept our eyes thalie

and all the , unto you, they have iKeir reward.
memljerj wee bav! ^ea and wee rouft tfchewe all occalioai which mightmoove
. 6 when thou i'.ut praye? , enter into thy cham-
§ toin.13 ,9. * Chap.
oitHevill.howedeaiefoeviritioaus. .
ber and when thou
: haft fhut\})y doorc pray unto
Hee na:iitth tneright tyeand the tijhihande btcaufe
18.3.9 ni«tke947.. t .

readieit .0 commit any

thy Father which is in fecret , Sc iKy
Father which
the partes of the lightfiaeofeui bodie are the chiiltlt jod ,

wickedr.tfle. { W»tdfjr»oi-i.<loecjijfeiheetooirtnd: forljuneiareaumbliDg

feeth in (ecret, a.aJl reward thee op.. iv
^ ^^,
blockesasitwere thacistofiy ,iockt»which wee are calk upon.
K Coap.19,7. 7 Alio w.ien ye pray , ule no ^ vait.o^^j j^ j. ^^^ „ *w„,t«.
d.ut J4.«- '»"''' '°'4- l"ke 16.1S. i.cor.7,io. 8 Thein-afliagof ihetb.rd
ens as the Heathen for they thinke to be hcsttj. ^j;„j „,,,.^j,.^,,

crmraandetnent againfi the fjoA'.ird opinioo anH iudgerottt of ihe Scnher, which "*•>=• P£,/(i.i.»<.
for their much babling.
«»cnrrd byoaibtoiiadiie^ Uuintl et'^WCAtiag. Eiod. 10, 7. levit.i>> ± your
8 Be ysc not like them therefore : for
' 81 ,

prayer, Againft worldly Chap. vij. carefulnefie. The broad and ftralt way. ig

3 A Hue fumme Father knoweth whereof ye have need , before ye with we be cloathed ?
andfonmofall askcofhim. 32(For after all thefe things feeke the Gen-
tiles) foryour heavenlie Father knoweth thac ye
d T"at, iha: it father which art in heaven , hallowed be thy name, have need of all thefe things.
loeetforour jq Thy king.lome conie. Thy wili bedone 53 ButfeekeyehiftthckingdomeofGod.ard
cature forcur daily
^^^^ }„ ^3^^^ as it « Ik l.eaven. his righttoufntlTe , and ail thele things ihalbe mi-
[:ffi« ot nafurr'
1 1 Give US
day our d dailie bread. this niltredunto you.
II And toigtvc US our dcbts, as we nlfo forgive Care not then for the morow^ for the mor-
and coirpiexioo.
g Chap.13,19. ourdcbtcrs.
rowdiall cjrc for it felfe:the daynath enough
t From the Dtvill, j p^^^ jgajg ,,5 not into temptation tut deli-
^^ , with his owne griefe. i
er from all adver- jt r •;i r •' • •

verus § home evDl tor thme is the kinp;dome,

1 1 . 1

: C H A 1'. VIT.
-» Maikeii.jy. and the power, and the glory for ever. Amen.
4 Thcj that forgive 14 * 4 For if ye doe forgive men their trcfpaffes, ihtm firai:e \r:iy. if Frt//efr.|u(j. iS The tret ur.,1 fri'.tt.
y.^^^ heavenlie Father will alfo forgive vou."
nnoei are foriiven, ' j r -dt ' r
"'-^^ " >" '^^ °°^ "ot forgive men their tref-
14 The Ui'fc Itti.t .ta It rcike, 16 axd cnlhefiiul.
but revenge ii ^ ' T Udge I not, that ye be not iudged. -, r^e ought lo
prepateH for tbein pafles , no more will your father forgive you your J For with what ^ iudgemenr yeiudge, ye
2 find fauhooe wiih
that revenge. trcfpaffeS. aocbrr.butvi^c
fiiallbeiudged,and with what meafure ye meete. 1)^

' ^'°''^°^'^'^ looke not fowre

iumaCr I'litne""
' "^

^^ '^^ hypocritcs :
w'^^"- V^ ^^ft
for they f disfigure their faces,

it Ihalbe meafured unto you againe.

And v/hy feeft thou the mote , that is in thy

, .., H'T'^.^'^T^!
doe'.tnot ^2l,.~
caufe or lofetme

fafting, '
that they might feeme unto men to faft. Veieiy I brothers eye, and perceivelt not thebeame thatis hohtvthenthty,
f They fufftr not fay unto you that they have their reward, in thine ov^ne eye ? '° ^""'^

their lira hue to be "J

j ^^^ ^hen thou fafteft , anoint thine head,
4 * Or how faieft thou to thy brother, Suffer me
t^;°r«r'e'r'^^' and U. thy face. to caf) out the mote ©ut of thine eye, and behold,
^'tl,ke6.i7 iS.
^om. 2,1. '

naturaii colour of 1% That thou feemenot untomen to faft hut , a bearae is in thine owne eye? t.cor.4,3..
tbeirfacM, that unto thy Father which isin fecret: and thy Father y Hypocrite ,firft caft out that beame out of * ^"''«'^''4•
they may feerae
y^-hich feeth in Icciet.wiU rev/ard thee
openly. thine owne eye, and then ihak thou fee clcarelie to »"
^taoean pa e ^ *kf « +i
,9 5 6 Lay not up treafurcs for your (elves Upon caftout the mote out of thy brothers eye. a Th<= ftiffeneckeil
« Thofe mem la- the earth.vvhere the mothe and canker corrupt, and 6 1 » Give ye not that which is holy to tl6gges, and ituhburne
bouri are ftiewed where thecves diggc through and iieale, neither cart ye your » pearles before fwine.leli «ntmie»ofthe
^^ ^ g^
j^y „p ffeafmes for your felves in they tread them under their feet, and turnipga-
|^^/,o havl "t°^"'
rrured7re°fureof heaven , where neither the morhe ner canker cor- gaine, all to rent you. preacbed^into them.
evetlaftiog life, rupteth , and where theeves neither digge through 7 sSj Aske ,anditfhalbegivenyou: feeke, a Apesriebaih
but fpend their nor ftealc. and ye Ihall find :knocke, and it Ihalbe opened un- i^'' fame among the
live. Id fcrapiog
21 For where your treafure is, there will your

togetheifraileanJ , , ,r •'

vaiuericb... heart be alfo. 8 For whofoever askcth, recei veth and he that that is in n and a •

^, , . .
, ,

5 Luke 12,33. '* J :S 7 The light ofthe body is the eye if then : feeketh, findeth end to him that knocketh.itlhall P"rie wss in snti-

i.tioi.s.ij. thinegeyebelingle,thy whole body Iha Ibe light, be opened. in great

*\f'"d'"''r' ^3 But ifthineeyebewickedjthenallthybody '

9 For what man is there among you , which if Z'l"^l-^,rZ^^
f^-albe darke. VVhcrfore if the light that is in thee, his fonne aske him bread, would give him a Qonei' peptic thatCleopa»
cioody aod vvic*
kediy put out evea be darkeuefle, how great is that d.irkenclVe ? 10 Orif heaske hih, will he givehimaferpent ? trahad.was va-
the little light of 24 8 jsjo nian can ferve h two mafters :for either 1 If ye then,which ate evill, can give to yoiir
nature that ii in ',"''V',ThV'""'
j,e j|-|j]i hjje the one , and lov e the ether , or els he children good gifts , how much more iliail your ,t,oifand cromnee
fliall leaneto the one and defpife ths Other. Yce Farher which is in heaven , given good things to and the word i.
g TbeiudgemeDt ,

of the mind.that ai Cannot fervc G6d and riches, >

them that askehim ? nowborowed from
the body it with the 1 K 9 Therefore I fay unto you, be not care-
J- 12 §4 Therefore whatfoeveryee would that tbat.tofigBiftetbe

ITema" "bl^l'T
^"" ^°^ y°"'' ^'^^' ^^^^ ^^ "^^'^ ^^''^'°' "^'^"^ ^^ ^'^" men flioud doe to you even fo doe ye to them
: :
wi'h"ti'^ht\'e" fon.
t^f'nke not yet for your bodie what ye Ihal] put
: , for this is the ^ Law and the Prophets. ^ cbap.n.ii.
that is to fay.with on. Is not the life more worth then meat ? and the 13 S* ; Enterintheflrait gate: foritisthe maiken.j*.
thefpitit ofGod bodie then raiment ? wide gate.and broad way that leadeth to deftru£ti- '"'"' ?•
""' "*

r 'ht'.'n'^d'''
'^^ Behold the foules of the k heaven: for they on and many there be which goe in thereat.
^ic^i^Vm,, >.

•*LukI i6;i3. foW2 not, neither reape nor cary into the batnes, , 14 Becaufec the gate is f\rair,and the way nar- j r.ayen are'
s God will be yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Areyee row , that leadeth unto life and few there be that fur<? n-fuge in aU

^otDiippedof the in.fe.ies.

not much better then they ? findeic.
j Which ofyou by'« I taking
^ Care is able to I y f 6 Beware of falfc prophets .which come foi^^^^s*'^*
h Which be at , , ' ^ , . . •

iaite together, for a^de one cubite unto his Itature ? to you in fl^cepes cloathing, but inwardly they are ^ a rebeaifall of
iftwoagrae. ihey 28 And why care ye for raiment ? Leamc how ra;dning wolves. tbemeaningcf
areaione. the Lilies of the field doe growe : they «> are not 16 Ye fliailknowthem by their fruits. S.Doe
i This word i« a l)"'^"':';;^.'*-
Wearied, neither fpin : men gather grapes of thornes or figs of thiitles ? ? ^^^ dcallrecJ-ie
Syrian Word, and ., ., 01 - .11/- '

fjjnifietbail thiogf 19 Yet 1 fay unto you.that cven Salomon in all 17 So every good three bringethfoortli good lVz-.c and Pt;^
that belong to monx. his glory was notataicd like oneof thefe. fruite , and a corrupt tree bringeth foorth evill pben.
« tuke ij.ji.
Jo "Wherefore if God focloathe the grniTeof finite-
p"'^,Vrof •

Vhilip^4,6. A good tree cannot bring foorth eviil fruit, i^f^""; ,'otbe
^^ g^j^ which is to daie, and to morrow is caft in- 1

peT. 'o ^^^ oven, fhalihe not doe much nsore unto you, neither can a corrupt tree bring foorth good fruit. ,aken from a mu£-
1 J,?'
jjfal. f ,-. 23. O ye of little faith ? 19 j^ Every tree that bringeth not foorth good titudc.
9The frowarJ ^i Therefore take no thought faying, What , fruit, is bewen downe, and caft into the fire. ' ^""^1^";
^>all we eate ? or what fhall we drinke ? or where- 10 Thetefote by their fruits yee (hall know ^"'^uf, o"fr'""
life i»correaed in _
them. ttroui-b il-.ii vfu?h.
f J
the children ofGod by an earneft thinking upoa the providence
of God. k O way. and fJiff rail
taken hicd«
the ayre , oiibat live in ihe ayre for inalHocgunaimofiibii woid Rtavtn ittaken
: eiidareand be thronged: and to enter into life'.' ' 6 Falfeteatberi miiii be

fortbeayre. I H« fpeaketh of care which it ioyned witii thought of icitd, aodbstb of, and they ate kno-APuty faife dodriue «nd evill fiMng. | Liilju «;»i
l«ttktm«ftfandilUult yo):tvvicbic, £y labeur. m S Cbaf.3,io.
21 JjyNot
, 7

The Gentiles called. S. Matthew. Chrifts povertie.

unto me, Lord, of heaven. b Which are wit.

7 Even the beft 21 ^ 7 Kot every one that faith
gift* ihatare.are
Lord (Iv.U enter into the kingdome of heaven,
1 And the children of the kingdome (hall be °"' ">« ki°g<iome.
cotbiog witbout
4 but hce that doeth my Fathers will which is in caftour into bvtters darkeneffe : there Ihall be f.Tig^flnd'wfr'
« Rjm J. 13. heaven. weeping and gnalhing of teeth. outite kiogdome
g lame, i,x2. X2 S Manv will fay to me in that day , Lord, 1 Then lefus laid unto the Centurion.Go thy darkcneiTe.
d Bj iVjme hen.u Lord have wee not by thy d Name prophecied,
way , and as thou haft beleeved, lobe it unto thee, jChapn.ij.
mtani thsirnjfhj And his fervant was healed the fame houre.
and by thy n^-ne caft out devils > and by thy name iuk""^?''*''
CoITl^hich tlitrit done many = great workes > 14 jS3 And when lefus came to Peters houfe, sCbrift, inhealiag
m*n ni:ntlfeih that 23 And then will I profelTe to them, f * I ne- he fawhis wives mother laid downe, and licke of a diver idifeafei,
ctiBeihupon him. ibevieih that hee
ver knew you , 4. depart from me g yethatworke feygf^
e I'rcftrU pcwrt- **
iniquitie. i-f And he touched her hand, and the fever left J^«,^Jhat°io'hira
Here ihefe exceHem
ran'k" rrrtu^hi art 14 8 Whofoever then hearethofmee thefe her fo ihe arofe. and miniftred unto them.
: only we ftiouid
etIltJ Psivtrltlj words, >* and doeth the lame, I will liken him to a 16 * When the Even was come.thcy brought f<eker^medieio
wife man.which hath builded his houle on a rocke: unto him many that were polT-iVed with devils: al'ou'jnifenef.
thi'igi If huh they
2y And the raine fell.and the floods came,and and he caft oat the fpirits with hit word, and healed lukej'^o/'^''
them we Hnder- the winds blewe and beate upon that houfe, and ,
t ail that were ficke, c ofallfjrti.
fitndihowmiihtie fell not : for it was grounded on a rocke, 1 That it might be fulfilled.which was fpoken *Efa.y3,4,
the pcrccr ifOcd is. heareth thefe my wordes,
26 But whofoever by A- Efaias :he Prophet,§ying, Hee tooke our in- i^'^'V**
f That ii Dotof ;g- and doeth them not n^.all be likened unto a foo- .
hrmkies.and bare o«r ficknelVes. J Fo^cape'inaum
ii-:;aDce.butbecaui"e lilh man , vvhith hath builded hii houle upon the 18 f S And when lefus fawe great multitudes wa.fituate upon ths
he will cill them fand: of people about him , he commanded them to goe-'^'ke ot xiberiaa.
27 And the raine fell, and the floods came,and d over the water. * ^''! '"".^'^"\

« You tb'at'arf
winds blewe, and beate upon that houfe, and it
^^'^^ 19 4 Then came there a certaine Scribe.andfaid f/pare ,h'emf"v»
given to all kicJ and the fall thereof was great,
fell, unto him, Mafter, I will follow thee whitherfoever to aii kind of mi.
ofwickedoeiie.and 28 ^ * And it came to palVe when Icfus had , thou goeft. '""iea.
feeme nake in ^ord fo'vsorj,
«riof fii
^nded thefe words . the people were altonied at his lo But lefus faid unto him .The foxes have '

. ...c'goJliaefli doarine. holes, andthebirdes of the heaven have-ineftes, b/ugVe'.

refteihoneiyupoo 29 For he taught him as onc havxng authority, but the Sonne ofraan hath not whereon to reft his $ when god te-
Chriit.aod there- and not as thcScnbes. head. quireta out labours
fore «lwaye« rt-«
zi f f And another of his difcipK-s faid unto
miineih ioviticible.
t Luce 6,47,4!
CHAP. VIII. him , Maftet, fuffer meehrfttogoe .andbiuiemy
^ Marie!

* Mat 4,ii. TheCenmnonsfAiih. The lather, lukcs.ia.

The Ztftrcimnfid. S ii
Uke^.ii. II and cAJiing Ml »fthe Utves. But lefus faid unto him Follow me, and
X2 « Ahbough chrift
tallin;'cfthe Cemii ts, ,

I<1. Peters mother, 1 (.fro healed. 1 9

'^ i"^>" defircus ti> let the dead burie the dead. •^'7-
Tyvi'pof- [f™';''
fcliow Chrill. 13 Theiemfejlmihefe.i. 18
25 J* 6 And when he was entred into the lliip, hir,'iven"ff moft
fejfed rc'ih dthils c ired. 32 The deiiils got into fwint.
his djfciples followed him. extreame danger,
24 Andbehoid, there arofe a great tempeft in yetint.mrconve.
« Mai. 1,40,
I Cbrili iqhealiug
N Ow when he was come down from
taine.great multitudes followed
the moun-
the fea . fb that the Ihip was covered with waves;

2 « » And loe , there came a Leper and wor- but he was afleepe. brioTeth them to _
toucbiagof bit fliipped him/aying, Malkr,if thou wilt, thou canft if Then his dilciples came, and awoke him, the heaven,

baud.nir'Acih that makemeclcane. faying, Mafter, fave us we perilh. :

be abhorteth%o
And lefus putting foorth hand , touched
his 2<J them Why are ye feare-
Anil hee fiid unto ,

fioneii that come 3

full. Oyee of litrk faith ?Thenheaiole , and re-
unto biro, be they him, faying, I will, be thou cleane: ami immediat-
never fo uncleane. ly his leprolie was cleanftd. buked the windes and the fea; and yo there was a
S Levi, 14,3.4. Then lefus laid unto him , See thou no great calme.
* 4 tell
Luke 7.8.
man but goe , and Ihew thy felfe unto the Ptiert,
27 And the men marvelled, faying, what man
a Chiiltbyftttiog leaobey him? Marke
befortrthcm the and ofl'cr the gift thai ^ Mofcs commaunded , for is this, that both the wmds andthc * y.i.t..

example of ih« a witnelle to tliem.

28 * S 7 And when he was come to the other
^^^^{^l;^^^^ ^^
1*2 When lefus was entred into Caper- countrey of theGergelenes there met deliver m'ftom°
fide into the ,

Centurioa , .led yet
naum , there came unto him a Centurion , bcfee- him two poffi.lfcd wich devils which cime out of toe miferable
of an excellent
chinghira, the graves very fierce, lo that no man might go by thraidome of sa-
faith, ptovoketb tan; but toe world
the lewei to emu- And Mafter my lervant lyeth ficke at that way.
6 faid . ,

home of the paliie.andis grievoully p.iined. 29 And behold, they cryed out, faying, lefus c^tm tben^he*
tber forcwaroeth
7 And Iclus faid unto him I will come and ,
thefonneof God.whathave wetodoe wi:n thee? Mit/tanileait of
themoftlJeir ca-
ftingc.ff.audifae him.
Art thou come hither to torment us before y lime? tteiicom.noditiej.
calling of the But the Centurion anfwered, faying.Mafter.I
8 30 Now there was*' afarre off hum tiicra a *^l'^"^^flll^^ ,

Genjilci. great herde of fvvine feeding. 'g^.

am not woirhie that thou Ihouiueli C(>me under „j, j
my roofe but fpeake the word onely and my fer-
; , 31 Aiidthedrvilsbelbught him,riying,lfthvu cadtraanofrph
vantlhalbe healed. caft Us out, fuffjr us to go mro therenieuflwine. re;ordetb oooke 17.

9 For I am. a man alfo under the authoritie of 32 And he laid uiuo tnem. Goe. io thiy went '^^^^J',^^'''^''/'"'
Mother and have iouldieis under me and 1 lay to
, :
out and departed into the herd of fwinc and be G'e°cian',and""there.

one Goe, and hee goeth and to another, Ci me,

hold [he wi-iole herd of fwine ran headlong into fore we m.iy not

the (ti, and dieil in ihe water. .marveileu there

and he commeth and to my lervant. Doe this, and :
he doeth it. 33 Then the herdmen fled : and when they
« A Mctophoie I o When lefus heard that, hee'd were come into the citie, they told all tilings, and
taken of banquetl faid,to thqm that followed l.w, Verely I fay unto what was become of them that were polVeifed with g where mtu live
for ihtyihailit aifwioe.theiedoctll
you, I ha\*e not found i"o great faiih.even in li'rael. thedivils
aJowoe together ^b^;'^' »":•
And behold all the c ir ie came out to m.cet

irefeIlowc(intb< I I But 1 fay unto ycu that m.iny ihall come , 34 , ""^^

banquet. from the Halt and Welt, and Uvil > (it downe with lefus and when they faw him.they befought him

AbtahdfB-, and I'aac , and i' cob, in the kingdoi;.e to E depart out of theit coafts.
. . ' '

Matthew called. •
ix*5f« Two blind men, 6
CHAP. IX. with an iffiie of bleed twelve yeeres . came behind
1 Ontfichftfthtfilfil.iihijUi. ! Kjnifitn -fftnnti. .
^m,and touched the hemme of his garment.
S Matthciv cited, lo sinntrt.17 Ntw Trine. liThe 21For Ihe faid in her felfe. If I may touch but
ruhrt JjUjjjutr raiffJ. 2.0 tvimMhe.tledofi bkcdj ^ his garment onely, I (lialbe whole.
ifiie. 1%^-rt'Uindmenhf.mnrereJU fiiht. 3! xA 11 Then lefus turned him about.and feeing her,
dumie mit» pDjJefied ii healed. 37 The ha/tej! and
didfay .Daughter .be of good comfort thy faith
rrvr icemen. :

t Sinnesarethe hath made thee whole. And the woman was made
ciufMofouraffli. j^Henhd entred into a {liip.and paffcdover, whole at that fame moment.) _
ft oDi, and Cbijft and caaie into his owne a
23 ; Now when lefus came into the tulers houfe, f EventJeaihit
-^ ^"'' ^'^ ' ^^^y t-rought tb him a man ficke
* and faw the b ojinftrels and the multitude making felfegivetbpMceto
I'ntoCqwro/um', °' ^^^ pa'^^ '-'y^^l OH a bed. And lehis b feeing noife, " thevoTverofCh'ift.
fora«rheoph.fai h, iheir faith , faid to the ikke of rhepalfie. Sonne,
24 He faid unto them Get you hence:for the
Btihitheni biought be of gGod comfofc : thy finnas
are fofiven %^l ,7;r"irV,t"

hiui foonbjNaza- madisnotdead.butfleepeth. And they laughed atthut moutniogi,

"Ddca'p"nautw"i 3 And behold, certaine of the Scribes faid with li And when the multitude were put foorth,
hiidweliing place, themfelves. This man ' blaiphemcth. he went in and took her by the hand, and the maid
t Matkea.j. 4 But when Icfiis faw their thoughts, he faid, arofe.
Wherefore thinke ye evill things in your hearts?
bKnow^nab a 26 And this bmit went throughoutall that land.
.For whether IS ite.ficrto idy,'Ihy finnes aie ^ Byhealin thef-
inaDifcftiigne?" 5
27 6 And as lefus departed thence, two blinde twoblind,chrift'
c To blafpbtme rig- forgiven thee, ortolay.Arife.and vvaike > men
oifictk ainongft [be g And that ye may know that rhe Sonne of man
followed him crying, and faying. ,fonne of O ftiewetfa that he it
David, have mercie upon us. the light of the
^^^^ authority in earth to forgive iinnes (hen '^°'''''
«u'krdly a"d'a- 28 And when he was come into the houfe, the
mouit'themoreelo- Taid he unto the ficke of the pallie.) Atile .take up blinde came- to him, and lefus (aid unto them,
quent Greciaoi , to thy bed, and go to thine houle.
Beleeue yee that 1 am able to doe this ? And they
7 And he arofe , and departed to his owne faid untohim.Yea, Lord.
29 Then touched he their eyes,faying,Accor-
So when the muhitude faw it,they marveiled,
8 ding to your faith be it unto you.
and glorified God,which hath given Inch authori-
30 And their eyes were opened , and lefus
i Matkei.14. ty to men.
gave them great charge , faying See that no man ,

^rV ft^^'ii h h
9 1 :§ » And as Icfus pafled foorth from theiice, know it. ^
humble fi'nUi unto ^^ ^^"^ ^ man fitting at th e d culkme . named Mat- 3i But when they were departed, they fpread
him.but heconteni- thew , and faid to him , Follow me. And he arole, abroad his fame thorowouc all that land.
ntthiheptoud by-
and followed him.
32 J * 7 And as they went out, behold they '# tukeir.M. ,
"^ AnditcametopaiTe.asIefusfateatmeatein
d°A""h ft
brought to him a durabe man pollelTed
'^ with a ^ad example of
ublJ,v»b«ei'tw"! ''•'lioui'e behold many I'ublicanesandi- finncis
, ,
that came tliither , fate down at the table with le- ChriSov«tbe
33 And when the
devill was caft out, the dumbe devUl.
e Thecuftomenfel- JuS and hisciiciples,
<pake ; then the multitude marveiled , f)} ing, The
lowe. which were
^^ ^pd when the I'harifes faw that.they faid to hke was never feene in Ifrael.
ma" afJerihat
^^^ difciples. Why eateth your Mafkcr with Pubii-
3 4 But the Pharifes faid,* He cafteth out devils,
ludea wai brought canes and finneis >
through the prince of devils.
into the forme ofa 1 2 Nciw when lefus heard unto them,
iti he faid 5 And * lefus went about all cities and * Ciap.rj.aa.
province, to gather
tbe cuftomn. and
r u
^^^ jj^^j j^^^ thePhifician.but they that are townes teaching in ihcir Synagogues and prea-
, ^ ^^' ,
tlitreforeof the reft "C'^e. chingthe Gofpel of the kiiagdoms , and healing » MaVkJsf.
oftheiewesthey 1$ Butgoeycand learne what this is, * I will every ficknefl'e and every difcafe among thepeo- Luke 13.11.
were called finntri, have mercy, and net facrifice fori am not come
, pie.
'° '^^'^ ''^^ righteous ,
but the * finners to repen- 36 ' But 4> when he faw the multitude , he had ^Aitboiigb the ondF-
»a^C°»6.6. "nee, compafijon upon them ,becaiife they were difper-
ye:Chti(i hathr
Cbap.i»,7. 14 ^ 3 Then came the difciples of lohn to fed, and fcattereJ abroad , as Iheepe having no caftoii'i'he
care of
* i.Tim.i.if. him.faying.WhydoeweandthePhatiicsfdftoft, fi.epheard. ,;ich
aO'Jtliy dilciplesfaftnot then faid he to his difciples,:^^ Surely the * wrkes-s^.
I'uk""?*'''' ?
3Againanaughty 'T And
nntothem.Can the f children
lelus faid harveft is great, but the l.iboiirers are few. ' '° *'
einaiationinmat- of the marriage chamber monrne as long as the 38 Wherefore pray theLord of the harveft.that i^wol-d forwo-t?,
ter. indifftrent. btidegrome ib with them? But the daies will Come, he would fen: forth labourers intohis harvefl.
cait them out fjt :

*^*^^" ^^'^ bridegrome Ihall be taken from them, nice are vrry now
^^d then Ihail ihcy faft. ^n^c'.o.yawotk,.
that are admitied
ioto a mariage 1 6 Moreover no man pieceth ap. old garment
cfaamber.are aitbe with a piece of gnewcioath for that that Ibould :
J Tht^ift 0/ heal'n^ giien to the ^prjlla. Thej artfer.t >-

brtMegrome" ^^^ " «P t^*^^*^ ^^ay from the garment . and the
' lefreathiheCeffd. 13 Peace. 1^ Sh^l^in^tifihe dujl

g Rawe.which wai breach is woife. t%

- .Aff.Ulhn.
^ff.i-- Ml Centinutme
- uniolU end. 13 Fijin^
never put to the 17 Neither doc they put ncw winc into old vef- fnm lerfi.mkn. iS Fejre. i9TTVt fiarrf' 30 H.<
^'""- 3^ roack«'*ledye Chcifi. 34 fea.e:!ml
fels for then the veUels would breake . and the
tkefnt'd. 3f f^urUttce. 37 ti'Vecf ftren'i. jiThecrcfe.
wmt would hi lpilt,and the veilels would perilh ;
39 Tc Ufa the life . ^o' To reieiiie a Pre,u her.

but they put new wine into new vefl'^ls, and Jo are
«|Mar.r,ii. boih prcferved. A Nd I * he calledtwelve difciples itnto him, ' Thf Apc.ri;-. sr.
Ltike 8.+1 8 J * 4 While he thus fpake unto them,beho!d,
1 and gave them pov/eragainft uncieane fpirits,
c°f '°j'iJ,7r.a 'i''"
4 There.iDoevili ^^ieYC came a certaine ruler and worlbippedhim, to caft them our , and to heale every lk'keneHe,3nd * Mar'3,,3^4,,;,
Jo Old and tocuia- ^ ... .
/-i, j
'ay ing.My daughter isno-A' deceafidibut come aco
, . ,

every difcafe.
ble, vihict. chiiil tuke i,,,ij.'
cannot Bealebyand lay thine hand on her, and ibelhalUive. 2 Now the names of the twelve Apcftles are » Th.ofbilaAfaiifa
by.ifhe be touched ,„ And lefus a:rofe and foilowcd him With his thefe. The »hrft w Simon called Peter, ir,d Andrew '" ^-- " ^f,'^/""'
wiiD true faith, bnt fjjr-,f,lg„ '

is brother, lames the fonne ol Ztb;deus , and |,,;t btciuftih.-y.

vwih'ieVaud!"' ao (And behold» a woman which was difeafed lohn his brother, Wrsfititcaiied.
3 Ihilni

AfTurance of Gods helpe. S. Matthew. To take tbe crofTc.

Philip zrci BanlfrrfMi' : Tbrtrjs , 16 Fesie them not therefore 4- for there is i Tnietb (hall no»
thew!h.u riiblieane lames t\.ej:n>i« ofAlphcus,
rothing covered , that (hall not be dircloft.(i , nor ^'
b A i.f Ke- gj,.^ LclVnciis whofe furnaroe was ihaddetis hid, that Aiall not be knowen.
itk^'i r'atd'^,,
4 Sif^o" 'he Car.anire , and ludas Hcariot, '' 27 what Itellyou indarkneffe,that(pejkeye mopetly.aud intbe
who alfo betrayed him. in light? and v/hat ye heare in theeare.tlut preach bigheii places For
jTJeof ludah,
•*" topi'e«oftbeix
loibijif. Thefe twelve did lefiisfent foorth,andcom-
ye on ?lie '" houfes.

4. ASs >3 4<- nvnded them faying, Go not into the way of the
28 Andn feare yee not them which kill the bo- ^^^"^"'^^^
* Gentiles, ar^ into the cities of the Samaritans en- die , but are not able to kill the (ouie : but rather mioht waike upo-a
teryenot: fearehim which is able to deltroy both foule and
, 'l""", Afts 10,9.
tteGoi"'*!^' " Tbougb ,yrant.
j.eaibingofibe g But goe rather ^- to the loft flieepe of the body in hell.
Ai°"'"; , honfeoflhael. 29 Are not two fparrowes fold for a o farthing, aoj^'u' !l° y«'w^«

^!7^!""l^ 7 And as y e f^o preach

<• . , % ing . The king- and one of them Ihall not fall on the ground with-
out your Father?
maynoiieare them,
o Tie fourth pait
w"id.°" dome of heaven is at hand.
Mar.6,s.s>.liike g Kcalc licke cleanfe the lepers raifc ^o * Yea . and all the haires of your head are "/^of"""-
§ 3 tile : :

9 3-.^ " n^mbred. 7sa„ T'*''"

__^^^ ^ ^ - . t- u r c
give. 31 Feare yenotthererore,yeareoi more va- a&«27,3<.
fh7worTrurca"rt ccived, freely
9 5 + PofleliL c nOt'goIJe nor filver, nor mo- hie then many fpairowcs. 7 The nectlTi:ie
oway all <«"' '''^' ,
aad "ward of opeo
them 31 7 * VVhofoever therefore (hall confefTe race
oiight bind.r ^gy j„ y^jf girdles.
thtiejftwfei'i" Kora(crippefoi-theioti;-ney ,iieithertwo
j^ before men.him will I confeffealfo before ray Fa- "
coats. neither iLooes. nor a ftatl'e * for the worK- ther which is in heaven. ^ Iuk.2,j6.andi2,s.
'"por I'his iou.oey,

that roan is won hy of his ^ jj But whofoever Ihall denie me before men, i.Tim.z.ia.
'o w't, both
biDcmigtthin- jj y And into >.- whatfocvercitie or townc yee him will I alio denie before my'
Father which is in * f"''* '.*/'•.
and alfo u 8
derih: ji^aiicomc.enquirc who is worthy in it .and there fo'low the preach-
"•.>.,^u-, u T r ,

t":S.rXf abide tell ye go thence. 34 'S 5 Thmkenot that! am ccme toiende mgottbe Gofp.ii.
God. providM.ce : I z And when ye come into

an , , lalute the
h oufc, „ ,
peace into the earth, but the fword. S Micah ?,«.

tt>vi"'e For I am come to let a man at variance * i-u.kt i^.,2«.

for «t tb«i fame. 3J
Lcrd ai-
againft his father, and the daughter againlt her
backf, ib=r
^ ^ ^^^ -f .|^^ ^yoM^e. be wotthv let your « peace ,
come upon it :
bat if ic be not worthy, let your mother, and the daughter in lawagiinlt her mo- tobepiefnred
pcace rctutne to you. therinlaw. » before out duetie
thiogbythe wy-»»3J- 14 And whofoever fliall not receive you,
36 t And a mans enemies /la/i^ /-e they of his '"'i'/*-
l,n ri4-
nor heare your wordes , when ye depart out ot that owne houlhold. mat S^J^.Tuk*',!;
- ^' "
37 * 9 Hee that loveth father or mother more nod i+U;.
• ' ""


thenme.isnot woithieofme. A.nJ he that loveth i iobni4,if.

tbatrtctivstho j^ Truely I fay unto you , it (hall bc cafier for fonne, or daughter
^ more then not worthie of ^ y*''-'' 2re faiJe to
jteacbing njili^'^ land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the „„
.• fend their Iife.whicli
them of the delivei uouiof

^"'''''s.f iheT-' 'l-y "f iui'gernent, then for that cicie. 38 = And he that taketh not bis croCfe, and fol- danger: and ihi« it
thl^Vcfufe it- 16 IS* Behold , I fend you as f Ilieepe. in the lowerh after me, is not worthie of me. I.nckro after the
of tb, j-eo,
^ Lukt.o.s
middes of the wolves: beye therefore wileas fer- 39 § Hee that will hnd phis life, Ihallloofe it: <=! ir-ion
pgnts, and 3 innoccnt 35 duvts. and hc^hat loofeth his life for my fake , ilvill finde ^herd'eVnl loft
Kbv«^« meant 17 But beware of h men forthcy
Butbew.reofhmen.fc , will deliver it-

^htrtby they yon Up tothe Councils , and will fcotitge youiu 40 »" Hee that receiveth you, receivethmee: tbeythinkenoiof
.ikindofbaFP'"''- their Synagogues. and hee that receiveth mee receiveth him that lent '*" '''^^ to come.
10 God iiboih
• Maikes.ii luKe jg And ye Ihal! be brought to the governours me. autJourand re-
and kings for my lake, in wiinclVe to them , and to z)i * II Hee that receiveth a Prophet inqthe vengrrofhijholy
ju^AAe'iJ n-
theGeniiles. name of a Prophet, Ihall receive al'ropnets rewaid: miaifieiie.
^ tuk 10 4-
* }-^^'' '°''**
« chtiii n^vtuh j^ * But when they deliver you up take no , and he that receiveth a righteous man, in the name
howtte miniiievi of a tighteousman,Ihalheceive the reward ota
jJ^q|^,,,(,j ^ow or what ye Ihall ipeake : for it ihall
"we ihaiViofe
be given you in that houre, what ye Ihall fay. righteous man. nothingtbat we
"b^lfTlvei under _

thecroflv. 10 For it is iiot ye that Ipe.ike , but the Ipirit of 4i ^ And

whofoever (hall give unto one of beftow upou chiiri.
in thefe t little ones to drinke a cuppe 01 colde water A«aProrb«.
{ You niab« your Father which ("peakeih in you. ^
gtrat dit B'"j^^^
j.^ X I And the «f brother ihall betray the brother onely in the name of a clilciple veieiy I lay unto
, ,
^tich hi ihe
^ ^ "" to death , and th^ father the fonne , and the chil- you, he iliall not iofe his reward. fight of ihr world
and by dicn parents afid ihall cauie aievH.andabi.a.
t :

,.gof ibtfe
Ihall tile againll their ,
them to die
a loU rc'lt'h hu difciple: tc Chnji. 7 Chiles tcftinwnie cf
br"iu not ^^ And yee fliall be hated of all m.en for my Ijhn. 13 rhi L.iwMJthel'rcfltcc. x; Christ- ^ni
hal "Jr"wiredf-"e Name 4 but he : that endurethto the end he . fluil Uhn. 21 Chira:^in,P.cthfj.U^. 1; TU'-.orpd rcljeaUd
jobrmaitioui.DOt bclaved. tn children. »8 j hejf that an yviiirie .mdUtitn.
out li.iiriici'ie '"><!• 2^ And when they perfecute you in this citie, Chrift (htTOnh
"A Nd came when lefus had made
I it to paife th.u ' '^'"'
fl^'cinto another for vercly I fay unto you yee works, ihat
''f' ood"^Ti'rl"a!"*
: ,
anendof'Tcomnundinghis twelve dillipks, heii'tb^ jromifed
cxqlTiiitTy trainea Ihalt not ' go ovet all the
cities of Ifracl , till the
he departed thence to teach and to preach ii^b theij- Msffi,,
of Sonne ol man be come. » Ofinl(:uaipg
»«y be 2^ * The (.liRipie is not above his mafter, nor
2 f § And when lohn heard in the pri^Mi the
'^"^ '"^'V-int above his L-ord. 'b Tb^ Ri'""''"'
of r^ii^°oD''n en'irc workes of Chrift , he fent two of his difciplcs , and ,iei,° b«l llVuy',
wDi'"one to aa- 2J cnouj^h for the difciple to be as his ma-
I r is
fayd unto him, inGabi*, whtre'
ctbrr. ftcrrV .and thefcivsn; ashis Lord. < If tbey have '"^ny of thtm w:te
3 Art thou hee tliat ll-.ouldcome , or (liall wee
» Mofkeis.u- cnllfd the mailer of tl'.choufe k Bcel zehub , how **
looke for another ?
7ii V'
n^'^i-'h moic them ot his houlhold ? ^"Lu'lcf •
l' 'ke m .i«. 4 And lefus anfwer ing fayd unto them Goe, ^ " = ,

I* .".arV. 13.13- anci ihew lohn, whit things ye heare and ke.
t anted itbatii. you fliill not have gone ihorow all tb»^citi:s of Ifrael,
and i y,io. ^ Cn-il'.iJ^i^, 5 1 he biindc receive light , and the halt doe
sndcttacDcdiaibem. » Luke 6, .p Ic.h11.13 i<.

fe i: vyautt i<ivleon!:e
Acroaiwi, whith wc c.iU rbe goiuf fli.-«. walke ; the leperi are cleanfed ^and the dcafe heare,
8 I : ,

Chriftand lohn.Wifedome iuftieecf. Chap. xij. Chrffts yoke. Mercy, facri'fice.

#e:si.i./"4<4.i the dead are raifed vp * and the poors rcceiue

, 19 Take my yoke on ycu and Je:rne of tree « 7f)-r«,,«.
a what agree- the Gofpel.
ment, and wbat thai I am meeks and lowly in heart and ye fhali ^ '"*" ':}, :

6 And bleffcd is he that fliill not be offended finds -f reft vato your fov.ks. l.rte'.F.Thitc'cm.'
twixt the mini 8e. ianae. 306 For ray yoke is ^ cafie.Sc my burden light, mcsnitmeKH are
titofthe Pro.
yheu, the prea-
7 2 At5d as they departed, Icfusbeganneto CHAP. XII net ,;rieiUHS.f,r ,!!l

fpesk: vnto the nmltitude of loho , What went I The Sp^U, fluckfthe etrticfc'iJ!. 6 Me'de , fucri-'I'-'t it tttae tf.iui
ching of lobB, and fee. 10 The withered h.ind is he. tied, ii We rKitsI dce_''>"""»meh ti?e
thefullligtitof ye out iDtothewildernefl.ctofee?areedefhakea
^•»d ca ,heSihh.ih. sa The fSfc^cd^hclfcn. ij^rfcrU,ilohnh'i-
theGnfpe'>wbicb with the winde? hi-<idcm- diaUid. 31 S,ir,ne , hl.irfhtmn. 33 The good
Cfaiift 8 But what went ye out to fee? A man cloathed el/illiree. 34. Vipers.' 3S The HineKiier. 4: J he
in foft raimeqt Behold they that weare fofi cloa-
f leent ef Saha. 48 The true nttther and Iretirentf
thing are in kings houfes.
^"^- 1 OfiHetraerir:.

t In the new 9 But what went yee out to fee ? A Prophet ? A T I

that time lefus werit on a Sabbath day a,fyhie of ite
({jt!c/ the Church Yea, I fay vnto you, and more then a Prophet. through the corne and his difciples wereanS^ibbath.anathe

fphtri the true lie-

I o For this is he of whom it is written , J Be- hungred . and began to placke the earcs of come .5''^°f;''r,"f "/,"'
hold , I fend my noeffenger before thy face which andtoeate. uk'l.i.'"'"
tancirti't-gethrt, (hall prepare thy way before thee. 2 And when the Phnifes fiwe it, they fayd .f.Drii!.a3,2y.
iHtthel^'.dl'f I I Verely I fay vnto you. Among them which vnto him , Bcholde , thy difciples doe ihn
t/tliriiei , the pre,t.
are begotten of women which is not lawful! to doe vpon the Sabbath. VV^i..
, arofe there not a greater

thing ofUhn with But he laid vn:o them i: Have ye not read
then lohn Baptift, notwithftanding.he that is the 3 ,
the /..w Cr ihePrc

fhett, and agtine, leaft in ;^ c kingdome of heaven, is greater then he, what David did when lie was an hurgred and ,

the mcfi clean 12 And from * the time of lohn Baptift hi- they that were with him ?
a The Helmvis
prlMhinj; cfihe
therto, the kingdome of God luffereth violence, 4 How he went into tbehoufeofGod, and «i('>ire.i</o/fj.
Ccfpcl rvith Iihns. did eate then (hewbread , which was cot lawfull"''^'''"/^^^''jf
* L<ikei6,j6. and the violent take it by force.
for him to eat , neither for them which were with ,he'.^'e^e v'pcn th»
tt Thej frcfhecied 13 For all the Prophets and the Lawipto-
tt ccme, bim,butoneJyforthe*Priefts? ^cidemMmp-
,f things phecied vnto lohn.

1 And if ye wil receiue it, this is ** that Elias J Or have ye not read in the Liw , how that p-inte.1 <« ih.trer.

frtfent and on the Sabbath dayes the Prieftes in the Temple ••';' 5'""- ^f;*-.
tlearelj CT plo'"'- which was come.
Ijfctne. ly ^ Hethathathearestohearelethtmheire. « b breake the Sabbath and are bhroelelle ?
16 '/r 3 Bat wherevnto (ball I like this gene-
6 But I fay vnto you , that here is one greater ^
then the Temple. When the Prifjii !>

latioo? e It is like vnto little children which fie
3 There are
in the markets
vnto their fellowes. and 7 Wherefore if ye knewe what this is, J^ I will f '^',f,^^"f^'^
more ftout& dub- , call
have mercie and not facritice , ye would not have /"' \',,Cj t'cii
batoeeDemiesof 1 And fay. We
have piped unto you, and yee
condemned the innocents.
the Gofpel, then have not daunced , wee have mourned vnto you,
they to whom it t For the fonne of man is Lord efswcfche letfediththiL.!^ , '«;

and ye have not lamented. cftheS.M.vh
Sabbath. ^^
acceptable. 1 For lohn came neither eating not driiv- "
t HetUmeih tht king , and they fay , He hath a deuill. 9 * 2 And he departed thence , snd went into'i^''^^'^'^/^''^^
fii»iirdnejft "/ their Synagogue [hupUn-
19 The Sonne of men came eating and drin-
king , and they fay . Behold a glutton and a drin- 10 And behold, there, wis a man which hti* M.iri^ei^i.'
/jwhand dried vp. And they asked him fsying. Is j^"j;/„';„g, ,
cou'.d hemvVtdneu ker of wine , a friend vnto Publicanes 5c
finners :
it lawfull to heale vpon a Sabbath day ? that they ai„of'h''i"'a°w
ther tvith rcuiht 4 but wifedome is iuftified ofher children.
ncrfentle lie. ding. zo f J* Thenbeganheto vpbraidthecitiesj might accufe hira, aie cctagamd ii-e

4 That which the wherein moft of his great workes were done , be- ii And he vnto thero.What man (hall there I' »e of outcirivU
caufe they repented not.
beamsngyou. ^ hatha (heep.Sc if itfallon </ S.b-^-'^,,„^^^,
21 Woe <# to thee Chorazin Woe be to thee
bath day into a pit , doth not t^ke it 5c htt it out r j,| ^,,j, „fptarwe
feo embrace. :

fWifemendetAC Bethfaida : for if the great works which were done 12 How much more then is a man better then maygive place to
^ncrvlldge the a fheepe ? therefore , it is lawfull to doe well en a '1"= vnbriditd uj-
in yon , had bene done in Tyrus and Sidon , they
tvi/idomtcfthe Sabbathday.
CtJftUtfhtnthty had repented long agone io fackcloath and aihes. '.'y^.^'.-.V^"
rtceiuiit. tt But I fay to you. It (hall be eafier for Tyrus
i Then faid he to the man Sttetch foorth , bJm, ement it

The proud fc- thine hand. And heftretchedit forth, andit wasmt/)(d/£/f<;/-r.,f<.,
i and Sidon at the day of iudgeroent , then for you. hca»ftCh,iji vjj
ieft the Gofpel of- made whole as the ether.
fered voto them,
x3 And thou Capernaum, which art lifted vp
1 4 3 Then the Pharifes went out and cooful-
to their great hurt vnto heaven , (halt be brought downe to helJ for :
ted agaioft him how they might defiroy hiD3. ctnties, .ti'dt^cjii
and fmart which if the great workes, which have beenedonein

turuethtothefaU thee , had beene done among them of Sodome, 1 S But who lefus knew it. he departed thscce.S: w< fupiTJUthn,
tiationofthefiinple. great multitudes followedhiro.Sc he healed tb? al. ^>,ui,t/,i,.g nh ?>.
they had remained vnto this day.
i6 And charged them in threatning wife, >hat -^ |!J;"JV'/"'''*'
* Iwi^e 10,11. 24 But I fay vmo you that it (hallbe eafier for ,
they fhould not make him knowen. Tti:neandiM<i^e
^ ThrcHgh the mi- them of the land of Sodomintheday ofiudge-
fiifilrietfChrifi, meot , then for thee. 17 That it might be fulfilled which WJsfpc-«^<?f.'»«'i. re p^,
tvh' cnlljJhiTvtth ken by Efaics the Prophet, faying " ^'"""'* '»'•'''»'«
if •!. At that time lefus anfwered and fayd ,
tht trmih ifai
give thee thankes , O Father Lnrd of heaven and
18 * Bebold my fervant whom I have cho-™^'^''^^,,
thin^' ftrtuining ,
fen, my bsloued in whommy fouledelighteth : „(u«cfjj;,,r„rf
to Ccd. earth , becaufe thou haft hid thefe things from
h This word fhev. the wife,, and men of vnderliaDding , and haft 1 will put ray Spirit on him and heelhalUhew •""<'« V"""'-

tth, that Kteconten. « iudgsment to the Gentiles.

tethhimfdfiinhis e
opened them vnto babes. "'„'d'", 't'^d^'^
26 It is hfo, Father , becanfe thy 'good O 19 He ihall not ftriue , nor cry neither (hall l.'^^'^^/J^T-^^^^

fathers eounr'U
any manhesrehis voycein thcflreetes. ^uero«rib<ra'i
iCeds Willis '*« pleafurewasfuch.
tnely ruie oftightt. 10 Abruifed rcede (hall hee not breake, and />i>f"fmit;.
17 J 6 All things are given vntomeeofmy
„ifnefe. fmoking flaxe (ball he not quench , till he d bring « ^"•i' '.' '»• •

•I^lthn j-3;.
Father: and * no man knoweth the Sonne, but
forth luugement vnto v.ttorie. ne^^, f^ ,„anirdt.*
« There ij no tme the Father : neither knoweth any man the Fa-
21 And in his Name OmH tIieGentiiestru9. i.fuL-iea-othe
ItaowUdgeof ther , but the SoDoe , and bee to whom the Sonne
6od. nor quietnej ai f * 4 Then was brought to hira one pof- iii'niJtroith.;
«f mind, bat oaely fefTed with a deuill, both bliode and durabe, anJ he ^J^^,',^gj"' "J"'"
iaChiinaloDs. 28 Come vnto mee.allye that ate weay and
healed that he which was blind aDd^'^.^/^iobeavou.
Uden , aad I will eaie yon.
(Jumbe boib Tpakc and fawi "cofdiiouiiy.
23 And
1 1 ; 1 ,

Akingdomcdiuided/ S. Matthew. The parable ofthe Sower,

1} the people were amafed, aad fayd,
And all 4J'
f Then he getth, and tsketh vnto hita feueti
Is not this th?.t fonne of Davul ? other fpirits worle then himfelfe .and they enter 4<H«i. 5,4 y.
24 But when the Fharifes heard it, they fayd, in, and dwell there :« and the eoii of that man is •'««''0'i«-
4. This TD»a dfteth the deuils no othetwife out worfe then the beginning. Euen fo IhaH it be
a i.-.(i.9.34. but through Beelzebub the prince of deuils. with this wicked generation. ^^ btsowueexam-
M-trk' 3 »«• ly J But lefus knew thtir thoughts and fayd , 46 'o S While he yet ("pake to the multitude, pi* how tharaii
T;t kiojdoms to them Euerv kingdome diuided againft it felfe,
, behold. his coother.and his brethren flood with- ''''=8* ""I*" '°'"*
ofChiiilandt-e is brought tcA:ought and every citieor houfe , out. defiring to fpeake with him.
of o-d'sKio-"'''** diuided not fiaod.
iigainft it Iclfe llidil 47 Thenone fayd vntohim .Behold, thyme- ^M.rk^Zli.
dFuillcaonotcjn* Satan caft out Sjtan , bee diuided tber and thy brethren ftand without, defiling to i-x^c s.^o.
26 So if if
againft himfelfe : how Q:all then his kingdome fpeake with thee.
endure ? 4S But he anfwered ."Snd faid to him that told
Alfo' if I through Beelzebub caft out de-
17 him. Who
is my mother, 8c who are my brethren? whom doe your childerencafttheoa out ? 49 n And he Ik-Jtched forth his hat>d toward his uNotieaie
Therefore they HhH be your iudges. dilciples 8c faid, Behold my mother, Sc ray brethre. nioreneeievfito
a 8 Bui if I caft outdiuilsby iheSpirit of God, 'io For whofoever (hall doe my Fathers wiir^;'^"^^"'"
ofthe boulboIJ ^

xhun is the kingdome of God corae vnto you, which is io heaven , the fame is my brother and efV»i^.'
2$ Els how can a man enter into a flrong filter and mother
mans houfe and Ipoyle his goods , except be firlt CHAP. XI 11.
bind the Srong man .and then fpoyle his houfe } I The parMe ofthe S'ner. ii and 34 WAj lefmfpfnl^e
iitpuratlej. ,% 1 ht expifitUn tftht putdlt. ,4 The
30 He that isnot withrae isagainitme :and ,
paraUc cf thet^rti. 31 Of tht mUfturJ feed. 33 of
he that gathered not with me, fcatteicth. theleauen. mOfththiddtntrtnfre. ^SOfihepjrjtle.
tejiS,!?. 3 § Wherefore I fay vnto you , Every finne ^T_Ofthe^r^rv',ftcu{in„cthef!.t. ,3 Cirifiismt
LAk.' "•' and blafphemy thall be forgiven vnto men : but ruciu'd ef hit ciitntrej mtn the N.n.,iritej.
t.lthns-i •T" He lame day went lelus out of the houfe,
the blafphemie 'i^rtw^ the holy Ghoftflwllnocbe
forgiven vnto men. andfaieby thefealide. nM.trk'^.t.
3 1 And whofoever fhall fpeske a word againft z I And great multitudes reforted vnto him, ^^^^s^-r-
6 orb'afpheniis the fonne cf man it (hall be forgiven him : « but
fo that he went into alhip .and fate downe : and |'„^„'','"„*")-^,^''
a^.iinfl the bor/ the whole multit nde ftood on the Ihore.
whofoever (hail fpeake againft the holy Ghoft , it rbirpTrabi^f the
fhall not be forgiven him .neither in this world, 3 Then he fpeake many thingsto them inpa-Sowtr, toatthe
nor in the world to come. rabies, faying, Behold, a lower went forth to low. ''^^^°*"'''''''''''''>
as he (owed fome fell by the way fide, " ''T/"
'" ''"'
33 Either make the tree good, and his fruite 4 And
, rt 1 ,' '
world, comnietn
1 ,
good or els make the tree evill, 8c his fruit cviil
and thetoules came and deuouted them vp. „,^i „„ fo wtril in
7 Hyrocrresat And fomc fell vpon ftony ground where one as in anothtr,
for the tree is know'n by the fruit. J ,
the U-ngth b«wray
theniftlveitven 34 7 O gsnerations of vipers > how can yoa they had not much earth and anon they fprung '""^ ''^"ifonij, ,

by chcir owae fpeake good thirgs, when ye are evill ? For of the vp. becaule they had no depth of earth. themoiV"arteU
mouth. • abundance of the heart the mouth fpeaketh. 6 And when the funne was vp, they were pat- thcr'doensirc."
: L»k.t6.^:
UnpTo- 3 f A good man out of the good treafure of his
ched.aed for lacke of rooting withered away. cciueitorfufrer
e yttint itn<i

heart bringeth foorth good things: an evill roan & 7 And fome fell among thornss , the '"«"•«">"•
yv'-thh tht mcjl out of an evill treafure, bringeth forth euill things. thotnes fprung vp, and chv-ked them.,
^^ But I fay vnto you, that of every « idle 8 And ioms jg.iine fell tn good ground and ,
wo»de men Qiall (peake , they Ihall giue ac-
that brought forth fruit, one carne an hundreth fold,
f kJinSifromird
deiiitsofmitacln. •
count thereof at the day of iudgemenr, fome fixtie fold, and another thirtiefoid.
37 For by thy wordes thou (halt be iuftified, 9 H^ that hith earcs toHeire.iethim heare.
and by ihy words thcu (halt be condemned. 10 ^ Then the difciples came. and fayd to him,

f B.'.ji.irJ.Tvhich 38 's V Then anfwered certain of the Scribes why fpeaktft thou to them in parables ?
and of the Pharifes, faying , Mafter, we would fee
1 a And he -nfwercd and layd vnto them, Be-
^ ^b* eiftcfvu.
alignecf ihee. caufe it is given vnto you to know the fecreis o('"
39 But he snfwered and {aid vnto them , An euill the kingdome of heaven, but to the it is not given, of fanh (sproper

lonti 1,17. and '"adulterous generation fetketh a ligne , but 12. For whofoever haih.tohi.Tifhilbegiven.'"'''"''*'/".'***'*
9 Clitilllcacheth no figne niall be giuen vnto it, favc that ligne of and he (bail have abundance butw'hofoevcrhath ^'y/hVo"
h'he :

by htfotwrull the Prophet lonas. not, from him (halbc take away even that he hath iuit iud^emcnt
example ofthe
40 -J^ For as lonas was tK^ee day f sand three 13 Therefore fpeake I to them in of God.
arenon-moremi- nights in the wh.:ks belly: fo Ih^U the fonne of caule they feeing, doe not fee .-and hearing, they k'-W-'^'**
ferablcthenthty man be three dayes and three nights in the heart heare not, neithcrvnderftand.
which pm out the of the earth. 14 So inthemis fail(-l;,dtheprophecie cf E-
4 The men of Nineue (ahs , which propl.ecis faiti,, •,%• By hearing ye (hall "k Efdi's.f.
fi which waf 9 fliall rife in iu-lgeraent
V.:,d!K»inthem. with this gener.uion .and condctuneit for thsy :
hcare.and fl).ill not vndcta.ind , and feeing yee >""k.">'*-
* repented at the preaching of lonas :and be- Oiall fee and (ball not petceiue.
hold, a greater then lonas is here.
I) For this peoples heart is waxed fat and \im.u',8. ,
1 r'.-cn.J I

Hemcincthlhe 41 Thi Qjrene of

the g South (h41 rife in iheirearesarednllof hea/irg ,and with their eyes
ludgcment with this generation and Qvll coo- ,
they have winked, leaft they (Lould lee with their
ri^l„.ri,i>un'iiyu derone u for ihe came from the h vtrooft paits
eyes, and heare with their cares, and il uuld vnder-
of the earth to heare the wifedomc of fl^nd with their hearts , and Ihould returne . that
fiel.ixdoflfr^tl, S<ilomon:
and behold , a greater then Salomon is here. 1 11 i(>ht heale rhem.
43 ':§ >Jow when the; vncieane fpiritis gone i^ 3 But blefld «!>•<? your eyes .for tkey fee:
, Ti,..„nr,{«,
ai' lit'ht vtmefl out of a nun, he w-ikeih throughout
dry places. and your cares for they heare. .
ofae "n- chu''^^
u...f. .fUrrr (eeking reft, nnd findeth none. I7 * For vcrely I fay vnto
you .that rnany der « cifmceChrift.
44 Then hee fjyth , I will returne intoraine Prophets. and rightf.ous men hivr dcitrcdtofrr henit
houfe from whence I came and when be thole things which yee fee , and h ye rot feene
is come, :
be hndeth ic empiie.fvvept and gamilhed, tkem, and to thofe ih jjgs whi.h vee hrard,
t {Z
and have not heard them, ->
u it lo.i*.

18 ^ Heaxe
ofthe feede fowCn.
* « , ^ „. , , ^ ^^'P- ^''^'i- Parables. A Prophet without honour. 8
18 f *Heareye therefore theparableofche
tukf S, 3^ And .hefiddis^be wcdjnd .hegocd fe.d
Sower, fe -u

sie the children of the kiilogtloroe,
19 Wherefore any rtjan heareth the word of ,,., _ .
aod the tans
are the children ofthat wicked
that king JoBi, and vnderft.nJeth it not, that evill one.
one comnaeth, and catcheth dway that which was 3? Andthe enemy that foweth i hem is the de-
vili, w andtheharveSis

« Thuuii, there he fowen in his ^ heart and this ishee which hath
the endof ihewotld.and .}. Jttl :

mention rrtAiU of the reapers be the Angels.

leceived the feed by the way fide.
the heitrtJy jet' this
40 As then the
gathered and burned uu s sre
Jivfingiirefirred ao And hee that received I'eede in the ftony .
in the hre. lo flwll it be in ihe
f he4rin£ ipithcut ground, is he which heareth thewordj andincon- end of this wotlrl.
t>n.ier(landini. Fc\
4 1 The Sonne of man (hall fend forth his An-
tioently with icy receiverh it,
tphelher 'htjeed is gels, and ih-yfhalgatheroutofhiskirgdotBeall *
21 Yet hath he no roote in himfelfe and du-
TCehed in the ,
things that ofTend ^d them which
hc^rtor no-yet he reth but a (eafon for dlToone as tribulation
, doe iniyuity,
or And aiillcaftthem
perfecutioD commeth becaufe of th& word, by and
41 into a fornace of fire.
There fliall be wailing and gn^lhing of teeth,
*t the heart.
by he is offended.
22 And he that received f feed among thornes, . 43 S Then fliall the iuft men Qijoersthe'funne 4 r
m the kingdome of their father.
Hee that haih '^''"'^'
is hee that heareth the word; but the care of this
eares to heare, let him hesre.
world and the deceitfulnefTe of riches choke the

wordj^nd he is roadfe vnfruitfuU, 44 S 7 Againe the kingdome cf heaven is 7 Few men vnder,

iiKe unto a trcdfure hid in the field

23 But he that received the feed in the good which when ftandhowgieat ,

a man hdth found he hideth , and forioy thereof '^^ r'chesofthe

ground is he that heareth the word , and vnder-
departeth. and felleth all that he hath . and buyejh venaie^anaoo
flandeth it, which alfo beareth fruit , and bringeth that held.
forth, 'forae an hundred fold, fotue lixtie fold, man can be parta.
4f J Againe.the kingdome ©f heavenis^e k'^roftheia.biuhs
and fofse tbirtie fold.
to a reetLhant man that fetketh good pearles. '''" redteme!~b
4 Chrift Dieweth
in ano.hti: parable
24 JI4. Another parable put hee foorthunto Who
46 ...,-..«, i.,g found
luutjuda pcjiicot
pcHle of great price,
ofifateviUffed them, fnying, Thekiegdomeof eaven is like un- t

;nt and fold all that he had and bough
bought it. „ocds
iniEt withy good, to a man which lowed good feed in his held.
that the Courch 47 ' Againe
S the kingdome of heaven is like sThiyareman?
ay But while men llept.there came his enemy

iliall never be free unto a draw net ca(i into the fea , that gathereth of '" Church,
and and fowed tares among the wheatc, and went his ^ j'^t
quit from of- allkindese/rW««.
all Wxndti ofthing. f^''}
fences, both iu do- way. ftanding are not
48 Which when , it is full men draw to land, oftheChurch.and
arine aiiii inaneri, i6 And when the blade was fprung up, ani and and gather the good icto veflcls

vntill the day ap- then appeared the tares alio.

. and caft theiefore at length
brought forth fruit ,
the bad away. fliall becaft out;
pointed fortfaere.
fforipgofall thing) 27 Then came the fervantsof thehoufliolder, 49 So fliall it be
the end of the world. The perCea cleaning
but the: full and
to come, aod there- and fayd unto him , Mafler , foweft thou not Angels n-iall goe foorth . and fever the bad from of them is defer.
fore ihefaiihfull good lee(ie in thy field ? from whence then hath among the iult, redtothelaR d:i)%
it tares.
themfelves with 50 And fhall caft them into a fornace of fire ;
patience and 28 And he fayd unto them.Some enuious man there fliallbe wailing and gnalliing cf tecrh.
canltaacy. hath done this. Then the fervants fayd unto him. They ought
y I J9lefus fayd unto them. Voderftandyee bedengem.^^
Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? all thefe thing ?They fayd unto him , Yea .Lord, baveno, oneiyto
29 But he fayd.Nay.leaft while ye goe about to 52 Then fayd hee un: o ihero,Therefore every ^^ ^iie fonh/m.
gather the tares , ye pl.ucke up alfo with them the Scribe which is taught unto the kingdome cf hea-
wheate. pe'-fe\he"' %t'^'
Hen .
ishke unto an houfhoulder , which bringeth domeof'God^o
io Let both grow together vntill the harveft, foorth out of his treafure things both new and old, othen.
aod in time of harveft I will fay to the reapers, Ga-
J3 I And it came to palTe, that when Fcius ' !^a,kf 6,1.
ther ye firft the tares, aod bind them in (Leaves to had ended thefe parables, he departed thence,
burne them but gather the wheat into my bame.
: fo"Mel.doe not
54 And came into his ®wne countrey.and
31 ^J^ Another parable he put foorth unto taught them in their Synagogue » fo that they notaDcebutaffo
GodbegiriKth them, faying The kingdome of heaven is like wntiingiy and wife
were afiooied, and fayd Whence commeth , this
his kiiigdome with to a graitje of muftard feedc, whichaman taketh
very fmaii begin-
wifedome and great workes unto this man ?
g^j foweth in his field : h\^nJlwiti\n
SI Is not this the carpenters fonne ? Is cot his thei"! ow°ne wayet,
°haf by °he grow. 3 2 Which io deed is the leaft of all feeds : but mother called Marie, *and his brethico lames thai when god
ingonofit.btftde when it it growcD , it is the greateft among herbs, and lofes, and Simon, and ludas ' """'' ihnn.tbey
theejpeftatiooand and it is a tree . fo that the birds of heaven comc
And are not his fiaers all with vs? Wheoce
hope of all men.
and build in the branches thereof.
then hath he all theie things ?
bismijhty power deftroy and caft
j 3 5 * Another parable fpake he to them , The 5:7 And they were offended with biro, Then awayttemfc.'ves,
be the kingdome of heaven is. like vnto leaven , which a lefus fayd to them . if A Prophet is not without * i''""**^
forth- woman taketh and hidethio three pecks of meale, honour , fave io his owne counttey ,and in bis lu^1,1 *'^*
till all be leavened.
«. Af«^.-}.3 3.3'5-
ownehoufe. iihn^^.=A^
34 S * All the.e things fpake lefas unto the 58 A-nd he did not many great workes there,
multitude in parables, aa_ wuhout parables, fpake for theix vnbeliefes fake.
be not unto them,
« rfii.jh^ 3 y That it mighc be fulfilled , which was fpo- CHAP. X 1 1 1 1.
1 Htrcdiiuditmtnttf Chrip. 3 Wherr/cre T,hnw«t
ksn by the Pr«phet , faying, << I will\open«iy hcHTid, lO, nndteheaded. 13 j8 Ofthe
Jefitt def»rie:h,
mouth in parables , and wil vtter the things which fi>,e Icai'et, <Tc. 23 Chip frjjeth. 24 The ^fcftltt
have bene kept fecre: from the foundation of the tcfed trtfhthe rvaliet. 37 Faith. 30 Feitr inisofurute.

world. 36 I he hemme c/Chrifti^n

3$ Then feot lefus the multitude away .and AT * I

the fame of lefus,

that time Herod the Tetrarch beard of Mi :.(t.t^

went into the boufe. And his dilciples came unto 1 Her^isinlohn

him, faying, Declare unto us the parable of the au exampleof an inuincible courage, 'which all faithfull fters of word oiigiit: M
9 Beeipeundetb to follow ; in Herod an example of tyranooas vanJtie piitie and tii Ity aadto be

tares of that field, , ,

<be ibrnKr para. fhort.ofacourtly confiience ,and of thtir iniferable rtavtrie, whichl ivecncegiwo'
L'eof the good 3 7 « Then anfwered he, aod fayd ro them, Hee themfclvesovtrio pleafures : in Htrodiaj and heidiug»tei,aa exaiinii of Wbortli^
>«d<vilUec4. tbat foweth the good feed, is the iontie qf man. wantonocne and womauiiice ciMhie.

•a And
789 ;

S. Matthew. MenstradirionJ,
loha Baptift beheaded.
» This !s that loho
And (iji vnto bh fetvants, 27 Bat fiM'ght\»jy lefus fpike vnto them,
Baptift.he is rifen agiine from the dead.apd there- fayicg , Be of good comfort , It is I : be cot
fore great » works are wrought by him. afraid.
3 T.,v"k'f" K For Herod bad tjkeo lobn and bound , zi 4 Then Peter anfwered him and fayd.Ma- .
^ Jj/'^ff^'J''"'
mfAntth thitfcrce J
hiiB atjd put him in prifonfor Ilercdias Wke
,his fter , if it be thou • bid mee come unto thee on the e"Tn'^'he"'eir"*it«
andparver.Tvftirt- .

water. thcmfelvej, buc

brother Philips wife.
.mi not unto h:m
^, c,,
is not ^ lawfull 19 And he fayd Come. And when Peterwas y^' byihevcrt.vof
I<S..a fay d It
XproA?^>C ,
4 For ,
ci.nrt, which hcU
for thee to have her. come downe out of the (bip. hecwajkidcn the
And when he would haue put him to death; water to gee to lelus. wiu^h htof bn
he feared the multitude , becaule they counted 30 But when he faw a rotghtie wiaJe , he was n,e,cy hatd givea.
LtHJr.iS.iS. afraid : and as he began to linke , he cried . faying, * M.ukf s j+.
f bim as a 4- Prophet. ,
. , , ^ occ^.^rd
6 But when Herods birth-day waskspt.the Mafter.fave me. '^_
daughter of Herodias daoced before them , and 31 So immediatiy lefos Pretchedfoorthhis ^^I'^'' ;!„*.,^"'^^^^^^^^

6 Thtrt rrirtt:,r?e piealed Hctod. t> hand and caaght him

, scd f^yd to him thou of is cliMrh ]>(

>fcdHt ««jr;ir-
, O m
HtrcJs the firSicf
: ^ whcreforc hec proraifed with ati oath that , littlefai;h. wherefore diddeft ttou doubt.
whatfoeuer fhe would
woi aske. 32 And aflbone as they were come into
''""'a^ni^Cu''' he would give her ^^^'J'^J''^°^''jl'/,i',

8 Aocfflie being before Jnftrufted of her mo- iip.thewindeceafed. /^r^ZtllL

,1/3 uiUd ^fiMc- ^.
. '.

BiBji in iv^'/i ther fayd , Give mee here lohn Baptilts head ia a
, 33 Then they that were 10 the Ihip , came and 'j, ,;,^, „.,„,.
Ti\jni Chriii vis
platter. woilhipped him , laying , Of a tiueth thou art the t" in that that
und hie it Chrifthealeth rfw
Itrnt, Sonne of God,
yrtithjt Ciiujli 9 And the king was fory : nevertheles, becaufe
the children It bs of the oath. and them that fate wiihhimatthe 34 ^ * Andwhenthey were come over,
/itfine. Thefectnd table, hc Commanded it to be given her, came into the iacdote Genotz^ret. vse muii!«kji«.
v>*"MU^nii- j^ ^jjij fent.and beheaded loho in the pri- 3sr ! Aad when the men ot that place knew intdyforfiiutn.
M< ,

him, they fent out into all thai countrcy round a- j"'^'''"'^"*^'*
thers 'n*me iT4« 1 1 And his hea d was brought in a platter , and bout , ocd brought unto him all thit were fKke. JJ'atVbcundnOT
Malthacx or Mitf given to the mayd , and (bee brought it unto her i6 And beloiight him, that they might couch ondy torunour
tict, and ihu w^t
mother the hemroe of his g«mcnionely and as many as c^iv^s. bucaifoto :

^^ A"'' his dlfciples came , and tocke up:he touched it were made whole.
j,i,jcminion,nhen body, andburied and went and told lefus.

^TchelMi yv* 13^ And when lefus heard it , bee departed CHAP. XV.
hunifhed lo yienaa
thence by diip intoa defert place apart. And when The cemmMdrmenli .mi tr.idi'.i 12 ofmea.
in France. The
third V!a'^g''FP'
the multitude had heard it, they followed him on CIS. 13 The plant whith it up, BU led n
ding the Thebctrt.
12 rben "r

M.fnu' his nc- foot out of the cities.
; Thic^' iS
1 4 1 And lefus went forth and faw » great mul- afedJe, 35 Thank!j£^iliiH«,
Ihi, and hee ft K J None corrminrrff
titude, and was roooved with coapaffion toward
thxlflevD lamei. . , « .. ,»^f ./ a einotc bol,! con.
a Markf 6, 3i. them, and be healed the Jr ficke. Hen came to lefus the Scribes aad Pbatnes»
J temntrsoCGod,
Lake 9. ly s And when even was come.* his difci- which were of lerafalem faying, , then they whom
c^^d ai-joiutetii
2 ChtiftrefVelheth pjej came to him , faying . This i$ a defert place, * S Why doe thy difciples tranrgreffe the tra-
a great multitude
anj the time Is already paft : letthe rouUituJe de- dition of the Elders ? for they a w-ib not their A^^'lrke'?.'^'
jndtwo little part , that they may goe into the townes , and buy hands when they eate bread. » ivbichihi^n-
tithn.flievviag them vjcalles. 2 Bur he anfwered and fayd unto them. VVhy "'i-^d an..
by.thattbey^ But lefus fayd to them.They havc no Deed
j5 doe yee alio tranferelle the commaundcment cf "'^'"•f"'"',''f'^,
goe away give ye them to eat.
„ ,', .* ,. It h.t»d,cr Ihirrel-

which lay all

to : God by your tradition? dcrs.,:u,^cd„i,i.l..
thing! afiile 3c let 1 Then fayd they vnto him , Wee have bete 4 For God hath commaunded. faying,
••' b Ho- irered.e^oMei-n.rt
the ktogdome of but five loaves, and two fi(bes. nour thy father and mother z"** and hee that cur- crf-tCh'-rrb. ^
heaven. Their wfcfce^
1 And he fayd, Bring them hither to roe. feth father or mother. let him die the death- -
* Ma,kti.3S' J
Xuhe^.ii. 1 And bee commaunded the multitude to fit T But ye fay , c whofoever lliall i;iy to father \„\C"cZf
Jchn6,S. downe on the graffe, and tooke the five loaves, and or mother , By the gift that is ojfered by me, thou maudemtntsoj-
the two fillies , and looked up to heaven, and blef- jnayeft have profit, Gjd and tba, upom ,

fed,and btake.and gave the loaves to bis difciples, 6 Though he honour Eot his Father, cr bis i'^'^^*'^«°j;g°J];;
70^6,16,17 iS. and the difciples to the multitude. mother .Jhalhe free thus have ye made the com- aut^rhie'to makl

3 We mult faile ao And they did all eat, and were fufficed.and manderoent of God of no <^ anthoritie by your Uwes.ijheiere-
even thorow
they tooke up of the fragments that remained, tradition. prooved.
mighty temvefts,
and Cbfift will D«- twelve baskets full. 7 3 O hypocrites , Efaias prophecied wellof " ^,''°^--°-""'^' xi And they that had eaten .were about five you.f.iying, l%h!liri^'
tbatwf goewhi- thoufand men,be(ide women and little children. * This people draweth neere unto me with mamM kindecf '
thet hebathcoin.
22 1 And fttaightway lefus compelled his dif. their mouth, and honoureth me with thel.ppes, ''""''wii.iiW,;;-
manded vs.
e B] tkefcUTth
ciples to enterintoalliip .and to goe over before but their heart is farre ofl from me. '''^'" '^^' " ''""
mtihe him.while he fent the multitude away.
ypAtth ij mCiin
9 But in vaine they worlhip me, teaching /or (^"^('j/^j^
lime neere ro <'«•' 13 And affoone as hehad fent the multitude doctrines, mens precepts. ii' 9 ;>r.'
'" '
away , he went up into a mountaine alone to prny
' :
10 4 Then bee called the multitude unto hinoi < ^*f '"!:'!>''««
'"d * -"-''^'j'"' «' r
ihe nifht intcfoure when the evening was come hee was there , and laid to them, Heare and vnderfijod. l'"'

rv.itci,es,imvhich alone. " nple , is to thj profit ,f,>r it it « giU *. ifl ;.i!»r iV thie ,fc, ,
« ,l,i l'Ur'ft„l
j''^'r11"'' ,i.i, ^4 3 And the (hip was cow in the raids of the cur lime JJJ ) if JI'aII be me\ I fcrlbce : for und rthii cclcl4rtfrch»ivn they ,

^^^ with waves raked all themfiluit , as t

to hat hee ihut fi-ven anjthinriciht Temple,
tf^tlkeni'ill't ' '"'^ ^'^* tolled : tor it was a con- done Ihe durtit c/ ,1 ihil.
d r f» m^de i, ,fm f .werr,,,,^ .xmh.rnit m
wkich a- man i»M- t"ry wind.
much Its lay inyai for other: ..T/C the commandemcnti cf<Jod fi.mJ f.tjl intht Chiinh

^methtohimfiifi 2f And in the c fourth watch oftbc night , I«- orCcd.i^defpilecr'heix-OTld., nJSatJn. 3 The fame mrn ave condemned
i,jinehinj,ii fns went unto them . walking on the fea. Tor hyvioclific and fuoerftition becaufe they made the kingdoine ofGjdto
Hand in
And when his difciples faw him walking
^^ outward thiri)>i. .{. £/:<.J9.i3. 4 CtinftieacheihuJibnthvparrifieof
'hiMel&Xc falfe leacheri which deceive ou rfoule isooitobebotoe wirh,iil no not in iniiifftiLmr
ovt the fea , they were trouhled.faying.It J fpi- , .

fefthflmethinf. is a matteri, and there no reafon xvhy their ordinary

ii Iliouldbliudeoiir eyct:
tnJjeeih mthu^. lit, and ciicd ou: for ftare.
oihetwifc we are like 10 perifll Wnh them.
13 2 .

The children s bread; Chap.XVI. The Pharifes leaven.

« Matfe7,i8. 1 That which goeth into the month . ckfi-
Then hee commaundeth the muhitude k to k Word forvpofd,
leth not the man , but that which ccmmeth out of fit downeon the ground.

the mouth that defileth the man. 36 And rooke the fev^ loaves and the filbes, ward,3< rDovrrtdoe
12 J Then came his difciples .and faydunt© and gave thanks, and brake them , and gave to his

him , rerceiveft thou -not , that the Pharifes ate of- diiciplesand the difciples to the multitude.

fended in hearing j/jM laying ?

37 And they did ail eate , and were fufficed, and
* Iohni/,». But he anfwered and faid , 5 Evety plant
1 they tooke up of the fragment s that remaned, fe-
which mine heavenly Father hath not planted, ven bafkets full.
I A kiDdeoftef- I

(halhe rooted up.

38 AnT they that had eaten wete foure thou- [wl^;'"^'' """ .
« Lake 6,39. 14 Let them alone, they be the* blindelea- kad men, befide women and litle children ,

dets of the blind; and ifthe blind leade the blind, 39 Then lefuj lent away the pnukitude and ,

both (liall fail into the ditch. tooke ilyp, and came into the parts of Magdala.
4f MmJc«7.I7. 1 y < +
Then t-nfwered Peter, and faid to him, CHAP. XVI.
* GtDt.StS- and Declare unto us this parable,
8,21. mar 7,".
I Theprnoflcna,. 6 Tht UaVentfike Ph-irifit, for n
i6 Then faid lefiis , Are yeyet without vnder- thiir J,(triKe. ,3 TI,ef(,fles<>fUk»ofChrifl. 17 Faill,
ft Mar.7,J4. czmmtthcfCod. iSThercckf. 19 The kfya. txChriji
e Coaftet which fianding ?
frefheivethhhdejih 24 Tl,t/irrtk'''rof'Urfilfe,and I The wicked
)Tyre 1 7 Perceive ye not yet , that whatfoever cn- thicrcf,. which otherwif<r
1; Tclife Ihf life.
«nasidon,thatis,in jjeth into the ffiouth geeth into the belly
, , and is
"£ Hen . ic came the Pharifes and Sadduces , and ^-.b ^tf/ter
p'l T"T"^^r
caft out into the
or. i_ri.-°iL-i.
j <-
? did a tempt Mm , defninghimtofhew thema jree welhegether
toward Pbenice.«|](l But thole things wnic h proceede out of the
figne from heaven. Chrift.hut
the fca of Syria. mouth , come frona the heart and they defile the ,
z But he anfwered,andlaid untothem,VVhen it ''o'what
f Ofthtftockeof man.
the Cauaaoitn,
is fay .Faire weaiher.for the fkie is red.
19 Forotjcofthe heart* come evill thoughts,
«vl>ici>dvtelle<l ia 3 S And
in the morning .^'if/Sy .Today /Z>«a .ndtriu^yheth*
PhfDicia. routders. adulteries, fornications, thefts.falfe tefti- t«atempeft :fot the fkie is r d and lo wring. O hy- overtbem.
S Id that that reonies. flaunders. pocrites, yecandilcerBethebfaceofthefkie,and Chap 12,3 ».
Chriftdothfome- 20 Thcfcatethethings which defile theraan:but can ye noidifceme the fignes of thetimes ?
timejaiitwtre a" To 'r! whether
to eatwkh vnwalten hands defileth not the man. ,
4 * The wicked generation , and adulterous beconiddnetbat
2 * And lefus went thence,and departed into
agaioftthejiriyetl feeketh a iigne.but there ftiall no fi^ne be given which tbeydef^fed,
cftaitSaioti, face the e c«Us of Tyrus and Sidon. it, but c that figneofthe Prophet* Jonas :fo he '•""''eirpurpofe
doeth it for fail 22 And beholde a woman a f Cananitecame Jeltthem, and departed.
glory aod our

out of the lame coaftes, and cried,fay ing unto him. T^S^lT
j-rofite. y 1 » And when his difciples were come to the fiadefome thing is
^ Cha|>. 10, «. Have mercy onme .OLord ,thek)nneof David: other fide.they had * forgotten to take bread vv/X? bimby thatmeane*,
g Of tbe people «f my daughter is miferably vexed with a devill. them, whereupon th.y
which pro-
25 /But he anfwered her not a word. Then 6 Then lefus fayd unto them. Take heede and ^.'|,''„' J,'" '",b«d'
pie was divided in-
to tiibel. but all
came to him his di/ciples and befought him lay- , ,
beware ofthe leaven ofthePhatilcs and Sadduccs. him: oreiidifttuft
ing, Send her away for Qie cryeth after us.
thofetiibcicaine ,
7 And they reafoned among themfelves , fay- •ndcuriotitie moo.
ofo'iehoufe. 24 But he anfwered and faid, I am not reHt,but ing,/fi>becanfe we have brought nobtead. vedtbeinfotodoe,
« Cbrift crafeth
unto the * loft (bcepe of the g houle of Jfrael.
Bot to bebentli- 8 B::t lefus d knowino it. f,yd unto them. O '^I-^gU^'"^
ciall eTen thrte 2f Yet Ihe came', and worlhipped him.faying, ye of litle faith . why reafon yee thus among yeur betempted, that i,
wherr beucoB- Lord helpe me. feb es, becaufc you have brought no bread > « fay , provr.ked 10
ttmsFd , aod in the i6 And he anfwered, and faid.It is not good to 9 Dee ye not yet perceive neithet remember ,
iridded f fwoIve» take the childrens bread , cnJ to caftir to whelpes. '"*
the e five loaves when there were * five thoufand
begaiherfsd tt>- .
gerber and foOe.
27 But (be fiyd.TruethLord vctindcedethe :
men, and how many baskets tooke ye up > j. mke u,f4,
teth hiffl'vcke. whelps eateof thecrurames , which fall from their Ic Neither the feven loaves when there were b The outward
S Mar)t«7.3'. mafteistab'e. <%• foure thoufand w^ii.and howe many bafkets
"lew and counte.
* Efai.3f.J. - '^Then lefus anfwered.and fayd unto her , O
h Wbofrnxiobert ''°''^'^"p.% a"^v'.'-ri;'/
Vvere weaktmed
wonan. great is thy faith: be it to thou de- 11 why . T
r perceive ye nor that r
I g fayd

not vn- to the Hebrewei
witbtliepal(i.?.or fiieft. And her daughter was made vCholeatthat
to you concerning bread , that yee fliou Id beware tongue, a face,
by nature, for fter- h'iUre. * ^^'P '*'3i>.
ofthe Jeaven ofthe Pharifes and Sadduces ?
ward itiifavd,
25/ 5 « So Tefut S went away from thence.and Then vnderftood they that he had not fayd
he healed then.
came neeie unto the fa ofGalile,and went up
'JZ ZufutfT
NowChhftw" that they Iboiild beware ofthe leaven of bread, but cfthe detde.
wond 'o heale ir. in a raountaineaml fatedowne there. of the doiflrine ofthe Pharifes.and Sadduces. * iooaii,i7.
this wife. that Inch 30 • And great rr.ultitudes came unto him, J ha- 13 ^ S 3 Now when lefus came into the *
'L' l^
memb-ri t v^tre
ving with rhem. halt, blinde.diimme,'' maimed ,and "f'""
Vreaked, herrltorrd coaftes of h CefateaPhilippi .heeafkedhisdifci- h"edor
10 health, an^ yet
many other, and caft them dow neat lefus feet,and pies , faying, VVhom doe men fay that I , the fonne • Matkes.i^,
hecouW fafily if he healed them. of man am? lukevi.
he bad woulil. have 31 In fo much that the multitude wondered, to t4 And they fayd,Somc/.ty, lohn Baptif*: and >
^°' fcyoti"!.
gifeRItiern hind t
'^^ fee the durome fpeake, the maimed whole, the halt fome.Eliasiand otheis,Ieremias,or one ofthe
and fe-»andoi " d"„^I,r"
me mberi which to goe,anil the biinde to fee : and they glorified the

Prophets. e That five thou-

wanted tbem. God of Ifrael. I y He fayd unto them j But whom fay yee that ^^"^ 7"'" werefii.
X Marke Si. 3 1 ?• 7 Then lefus c.-lled his ditiples unto him, J gm i 1^^ witbfo niaav
7 By deiog agsine and faid loavei }
thi«mirael<- Cbnft
» I have compafsion on this multitude, be-
16 Then Simon Peter anfwered faid, Thou &
ftlewttbita he caufe they have ' continued with roe already three art that Chrift, the fonne ofthe living God. lohn
wll never be wan. dayes , and have nothing to eate and 1 will not let :
17 4 And lefiisanfwered, and fayd t_ •Chap.,y.34.
ting to ibtoitbat
fdllovrbim, no
them depart faHin_», leaft they faint in the way. ...
^Ufitioo loyned
with admiration.
, ., ,
""', f
g Slid forcommaunded.
33 And his difciplts fayd unto him . Whence J Mar 8, j? \\ikt

oot inibe wildcr- 9.18. There are diveiiiudgementtaod opioiomafChrift notwithftandioR

3 ,

nefle. ilouid wee get fo much bread in the wildernede, hee it knowne of hii
alone. h There were two Crfareat, the one cal Ifd Striionif
i Set Dot fiom 31* as Ihonid fuffice fo great a multitude • upon the fea Mediteiraoie which Htrod built fLmptuoudvin thebonout of Oftaviua,

fide. And lefus faid unto them, how many loaves loflib. IS the othttwaiGefareaPhilippi.wbich Herod ibeerrai the Teirarcbeifbnne
byCicopitrabuillin the honour of Tiberiui at thefoote of Leba»oo.Iof. 1.
have ye ? And they faid,Seven, & a few little filhes,
Heied ib«u{ht, v lof.s £9. -t Paith li of grace not o
•IS- i At

Bbb Biefled
, .

The keyes. To take up the Cf oflc. S. Matthew. Chrift transfiguratioti Elias.Iohn Baptift,
lt!. 10 Theferrercffa'ikti Frjjtr xi Chrip
r, Wefl^^J art thou . S imon the fonne of lonns for
^t a :
frtitilhlnsfiCion. 1+ Ht f^yrhtriUtt. •iMaike9,».
It !(,;, t
/p,t.',un,7nrm.L k ftdli anJ blood l=«a;h not reveakd it unto thee, /( Nd K I a after lixe dayes, lefus tooke Peter and ^"^' 9'»'..
naiiir*S frucrfjii- but wj Father which is in heaven. * lamcs.and lohn his brother.and brought them l ^f'^uV ^"^^
lor: humble ID ihe
I Cav alio unto thea , that thou arc
"t'" '!•' '*'t'u 1 )j ; And ,.
up lino an hie mounta-ne apart. Gofpel tbar in the
and upon this rocke will I build my

IfL'rXC'T » ' I'eter.

I And was transfigured before thera: and his mt^nefeafonheit

»ri.- A -Ira.m^d,, Church:§^ the mgates of hel Ihall not overcome it. face did Ihine .is the Sunne, andhis cloathes were ^^"^ ''•'* ofhea.
f«i Jifcrmtd ,9 6 And I :§ will give unto thee the « keyes ot as white .s rhe light.
ihr>u,h ftnnt s>
kingdome of heaven and whatfoever thou rru"keVck'o' ,h
«""' fhg And behold, there app^eared unto them Mo- ei^b"daye'i,c°oa.

heaven: J
l^-iaif ° ''•"'^ "P°" ""l' • '^^^'"'^ ^°""'^ ^"
I,i,V'''ii" ' fes. and Elias, tdlking with lum. taiuing in that
r«).f..(.rf and wliatfoe vcr thou llialt loofe on earth . fl^ali be
'oTt.c h 4 Thenanfwercd Peter, and faid to lefus, Ma- oumoenhtfirft
dt) undtrfljiding Joofcd in heaven. fter, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt.let us
cfm^„, lu, .,d jQ 7 The,, he charged his difciples , that they Mat'heVf 'eakfh
(ht-^Un ,he,from m.ike here three tabernacles, one lor thee, and one u,^. [j^^J,\l^"
^^^^^ man that he was lefus that ChriLh
^^ jj^^^
forMofes.and one for Elias. were btrwixtthem,
21 ^ 8 From that time foorch Ictus beganto b Changed imo
, Tba't'iMru*
f While he yet fp^ke behold, a bright cloud ,

faith, which con- Qiew Unto his dili-ipies that hemuftgouno Hie- ,
n-iadowed them and behold there C4ww a voyce
: , V'°^^\'
feUVtbChnft, ihe
rufjie^ and fuffer many things of the p Elders,
out of the cloud, f yiHg,:gThis is<: that ray beloved tyeir^J,''^'
ii'lmXf/" a"^ '^f 'he ^'^" 1'"^"^ ^"'' Scribes, and be Hauie '
Sonne, in whom I am well plealed heare nim. : c The article or
"'t'uZ'^t and be railed againe the third djy. 6 And when thedifciples heard ihat.theyd fell the word that. fe.
I ch-i if^kfin 2 i Then I'eter q tooke him afide , and began '''7
tU,s,Tun i,nn,i,
on their faces and were lore afraid.
^^ j^.^uke him. favi 'g.Malte, pittiethy fslfe : this
And t^erff'^rt 1'led ,-,.11 1
7 Then lefus came and touched them.and f?.yd. bee'. .God, o^uf.^a
l,.,„,sd,r^„tw fl«.ilin<.tbeuntothcc. Arife.and be not afraid. Senue. webyad«p.
Ifttv,*' /Vfro.. 2 ^ 9 1 hen he turned backe .and iayd unto Pe- 8 And when they liftedup their eyes,they faw ""o. therefore ne u
»!;<•'./; ».^f»'. ter.Gcttheebehindcme .'Sat.m thoiiart an of- :
'*''' ^'-
^'""' """'''•'•
no man.fave lefus onely. 'Z^'^
fence unto becaufe thou f undcrftandeft not
me , , , , r i_ .
cotteo amone he
9 < And as they Came downe from the mouti- b,^,b„n_pj^^(-j
ih-2 it^i"gs that are of God , but the things that are
r« V . t«7<!tri taine, lefus charged them.f tying Shew thee vifion that although uee
fUcii vfeJ ihis ofnien. to noman, untiil the Sonne or man rife againe ueofiighnDeonely
tt'ordc-rhi':!"*' 24 lolcfusthenfayd to his difciples ,* If any
hii '»'"•" rras'ha'
from the dead. chTfe amon', m .»
^j^ will follow me, 1-c him for fake himlclf :and 10 'And his him/aying,Why
difciples asked »„ .hat he i. .he
TC'sZsZmi'nl- take up his and follow me.
then fay the Scribes that 4. Elias muft firll vome? fountaine and hetd
»tt»r»«..4earfi/- ij- F jr whofocvcr will lave his life.dwlllofe
-f of.he adoftion.
II And lefus anfwered,and fayd unto lUem.Cer-
/tfMce irirtnf it: and whofoever Ihall Jole his lifc forn.y fake
J-e.,.,^h«i.x tainly Elias muft firft come and reftoreaii things, .
(ha;lthnJcit. ^^//"if °f,",'
12 Butlf^.y unto you,that Elias IS come altea- w.-rm^ppedLun^ai
ilriti^.jnJ Chrill the _ ., -
whole world.
he lole hisowne
dy and they knew him not .but havt: done unto cbap
, m.
fliould vine the It "
Tfctf andf,»mi.t-foule ? Or what ihJl a man give for recompence of
hm whatfueverthey wouid likewife Ihail alfo « which they faw: :

the Sonne of m .n fuiier of them.

1'" •"''''"':•"" his foule? vfcd'ic aiLre'1,'
13 Then the difciples perceived ihathefpake p,oprr:y f^oke.oV
cauf'TfVhe'Zif. ^7 For the fonne of man Ihall come u in the th*. i, feene
then ihall &* unto them of lohn Bupiift.
glory of his Father with his Angels,
fj,fi,ij fuiri!.
14 ^ ^ » And when they were come to the '°'d.v«me.
Trhi.hiiikt ciur. he give to every man according to his deeds.
multitude, there came tohim.iteitaineman, and ^ ^"^1'^^//'^*'
ehesairr-tll^-hu, untoyou.thctebefomeof
jg A verely If^.y
not tafte of aeath
f felldowne at his feete, chap 1,14.' 1
them that ftand here, which Ihall
rtrntiPoT fc Uvh
man come in his 15 And fayd Matter. have pittie on m.y fonne: Ma..? .4. ^
T/,«f * «,. till they have fccne the Sonne of lake 9 3s.
for hee is p. mnadkc .and is lore vexed :forofi

ft'^hn yeWt, il,m X kin»dome.

" and oft times into
kn;. m4d' f Me . a m.
times hce talleth into the fire ,
lif fcKtuhi'kn cfrhhe'.etl-tr,. m The CEfmlMof the Church arecompaied to a Uifouk the water.
goodMeOe yet not.
kit,pd<>mf,&-bmf..rtbvGiei,areme mci.iti which arc raadtltroDg ai
16 And I brought him to thy difciples.and they wi hiiaodtng bee
nd fofr.n;i,jBd ihii ii t« meani.,g, wDitf«verSa,aB .a:. Hoe by coup;sll oi """S«'"
Could not heale him.
'.e^arleh item.
S<. dor'h Paul, j.Cot 10 + calhhcm lltong oM.. Tncamb ruie ..i lUcChuictt <<

17 Then.lefus anfwered.and f,yd. O

m^,..phore.ak nof ItjAajr.liwhich cary the
generation „^;;'7°^'" ._
i.fromGod. lohuao.ii. n A
krv«.-.>ndthftt lift:.hcmmiderioftbc woiJ.asfelai.i ui-and
footib ih' pow« ot fai<hlene,nnd crooked. how long now ihall 1 l.e ZtlloT^'^
mmilifrof the
.hatj,,»ontoallminmeri.a,Cb..I'..8,.8 a.idtbeitfoietbt with you how lo.ig now Ihall 1 lutf.r you bring ! g xcey that at
nryar.- bound
Cofpelnuyri^oilybt-allfd.h. keyof.heki gdumeof teiv.n. o T

wbof, finn„ are«d, heaven uOiu. agaiLll bi-m- btciufctbty lectiveJ no^
CoiUt him hither to me. ,

byf4tb:oBiheoh r(ide.boweat.i'i.are.h.y.L.,who.. beaveo .•oi*D,w».ch .mbrace 18 Andlefusrebukcdthe deviU andhewent ^^^^^^

mull hrlt
Chiift.anWa.edelivtudbyhini and teiTomefeliow beirfiwi h him. 7 ,Mtn out of him:and the childe WIS heaieda: noiV.. ,i„g|,.k„„ .orany
Tb. m:n.1c. ol men ar. int..rt o b. prepared aud mad^
19 3ThenedmeihediiciplestoU-lusap.ift .am, o.herkmde ofdif-
learotiiL-itbtntt^h. 8

rfadya^ainlnbeitun>blingbiock.ofi«rrcution. [. I wasa uame uf digniue and out? eaie: t,o, in hi.

faid. Why could not we caft him

nnicfaef.aod i; 1. pu foi them vcbichv^er ibiI.Mg«. wbicb the Hrbtcweicalltd

Saobrdnm. q Tookc him by ibe hand and Ud bim il.d- ai they u!e lodoe, which ,
70 Andlefusfayduntothem.Becaofeofyout P^i^-^^JX
vcrely lay urn o you, ifyce have
tneanetuulkefjiniiiajly with one. 9 Againft a prtpolUfouizeale. unbcleefe f..r 1
,1^^^^ ^aiidif.
Bfbrewe» call him Satan, that ii 10 fay , ail adveilane the Greciani call as«a graineof mi;)iird .eede , jce eafe.hehada devi-
faith as mttch
diabolei .hat c» to fay Oandtrer, or teitipTr bur it ijfpokfti of ibeiii.tbai enher of
un;o this mountaine , Rcmoovc h. nee to
. , :
li!h p=reafie.
malice.a. Iiid»» I-hn 6 7". or of lightn-ffr and ptidr nfilt oe will of God. By ibii I il'.al! fay
l^^f.Z':, '^
«vord we at- laught ihar Peie^ fiajed.thrBath a falfe pfrfAafian ef bimrelfe. 10 No yondei place , and it Ihall remoove : and nothing '

men fiovide wo. fef.rthe.r.felves.tlwn. hey that love tbrmftlvfjitwrethenGud. fhallbeunpolsible unto you. break e. he cou.-fe
* Cbai 10,3s m.irk.3 34 Ivkesujaad 14.27- X Chip ic..39-'nar S,3flui«e 9. 21 4 Howbeit this kinde goeth not oHt.but by
a^.ay.a*:. andi7 J3 t Snail ^.aine himfelfv.And -bii i»
hh mtaniug.tty th^tdenie
t prayer and fading. *
Cbrilltofaveibtmfelv-i.d.enoi onelyuoi gjine tua which itey looketor, but alfo ^ ^ H'"^"''*,"-,
4 Tbe»,.ed,e

lofe the thing thry w.ul.i havektpt .ih«t iwheinfelvtl wbiihU.lfe ij the gieaielt of . \z ^ s And .h.y « being in Galile. lefus fayd
all bo..•
fo, hem i.,ai d.,ubt no; to die foi Cot.ll . it fea.eth fa. re o.herw.le wub
« iin.o them. The Sonne of Man lluUbe delivetcU S-ogiveuito vn.

them, loh, 2 If u L.keaKmg.aiCiiap* 29. * rial.62..i.i«in..,6.

ft' dtiftandib.waich.
ifceufion, intothehandesofmen.
t Mar y.i. luke 9,27. x By hrtkiogdoinei. underRood .heg'oryol bii
»c«l what fjiloweti tbereof,Ephe.4,ic. or the f eacbioj of the G jfpel.Mat.j, I 2,3 And they fliall kill him but the third day fuioe.andd.l-genc*

he rifcagaine and they were very fory.

fliall :
moreand mojc a^ainft tbt otfcns«
I Thirar.s/liUr.ttt.nrfChuJI. $ ChnjUxj-ht l> h hturj. without fobtietie. j Our miode. mufl be prepared

li £/w. 13 Iihnlla(tijl. ,7 Thti>nbtlujti/tlie ^{'Ji- cfibecroai, t Cliaj»e,i7,M«.J.i.Luke9.44-»"'^ !'* ,

J4 ^ « And
1 }

Oftribute. Little cbildren^ Chap.XVin. Of forgiving offences, lo

S In that that 24 f And when they were come to Caper-
« heaven .thi«,one of thefe little ones fhould periQi * i.f).'M9,7. .

n?.um they chat received polle money came to . ly * J Moreover if thy brother tiefpalVe {"^"^-a-
liDgly obeyCcfatI thee .goe and him betweene
rcier,r.nd' faid.Doeth « not your Mafter k pay againft e tell his fault "'^veniuftra.
edifti , be fbewtth
tbatcivill pulicie 1 polle money ? thee and him alone: if hee heare thee, thou haft hour for codcotJ,
"05 "^ "v^^ge
il Dot laken away 2y , He faid Yes. And when he was come into wonne thy brother.
by theCjofpel. the houfe, lefus prevented hira.faying, What thin- 6 But if hee heare thee nor, take yet with thee
^""//'aV- t.r»«r« fr
Hedeaieih noc.
kcft ihoii, Simon? Of whoradoe thekingsof the one or two, that by the:§ fmouth of tw^or three }uJ,,y'J,i,Z„nelf
earth take ibute or polle money ? of then '« chil- witneflcs, every word may be g confirmed. k.t'trefl thy im.
k Ought beobtto tr , _

jay? dren or of ftrangers

17 And « if heeti refr.fetoheerethem .tellit 'tjfjojffiff.

1 Tbev that were i6 Peter faid imtobim, Of arangers-ThenCud unto the Church iand ifheerefufe to heare the
%^^'"''^')l^ '

unto him. Then are the children free. Church alfo.let him be unto thee as an k heathen "wftrVoYs"
^T TfiftllVv'ed lefus
hllTa nek oHhl X7 Neverthelellc, leaft we Ihould offend them: inan, and a Publicane. f That i«,by the

SanftuJiy, ExoH. ooe to the fea and caft in an angel , and take the
18 Verely I fay unto you,* Whatfoever yee word and witneiTe
3o.i3-^»>'»^='^° hrft filh that commeth up, and when
thou haft binde on earth . fhall be bound in heaven aiid :

f'j";''"'' opened his month .thou Ihalt finde a » piece of « whatfoever yee loofe on earth , Ihall be Icofed in '^,";d or'fpe«h",

:;;aa'd »fS^^^ t^entle pence -.that take, and give ituntothera heaven. acJ
hadiubdiifdiudea. for meandthce. 19 Againe, verely I fay unto you.that if two of aifofot a ftiil wit-

you Hull agree in earth upon any thing wharfo-

1 .
-f',;;° ^l^'^t^J
mu^ nc! Vnder-
XVIII. ever they Ihall defire , it fliallbe given them of my
fi^ndfitieth whi(h C B A P. ^r it felfe, a. be.
tribute, bu' ""' Father which is in heaven. neatb .chap.ans.
ihUren. The 'resteji in tte kin^d^'"' 'fCod. r TtTteeheilvk lO For where two or three are gathered toge- g Sureaodcer-
^Thefullingmlof '""'
O Thfrrorit htrt Md. 6 T„iUo^tme. 7 Offer- ther in my Name, there am I in the mids of them. .„^o„
10 The ^ngdu 11 TheUjifheepe. if 7 he telling
rufed,iiJijtt',tThieh the eye. zI 7 Then came Peter to him, and faid,Mdfter, „^„Vth the i"udg%i
t/ in I'.iluf 4 lii- offnehiifMlt. n
Errcemmunicatton. ai Jf «f ma/? .«(-
The farMt how oft feall my brother finneagainfti-nee, and I remtoftbe
itr-tt'^^meiirVtrj irayespardm the hrotker that rtfenicth. 23
(Iiall forgive him ? * unto feven times ?
tiMfth «" tlcctnnt cfhtiJirVantj.
church, contem,
didr^hntt il ahut cf'he king *'"«'

fve fence. 22 lefus faid unto him I fay not to thee, Vnto , °"^,'^°/^^^
fame time the difciples came unto lefus. feven times , but, Vnto fe ventie times feven times. ,°',
THe 4
kingdome 23 Therefore is the kingdome of heaven like-
tohtare,or make
Jfr Wrfr.9,34. faying, Who is the greateft in the
'«4f 9.4«-
of heaven* ned unto a certaine King .which would taken an aith..ughhed!<l
,.,,.,, t.-

I HumbltnelRof 2 And lefus called a a little childe unto him.

account of his fervants. Tn^'f^k^tb not
oiiDde 11 the tight and fet him in the mids of them,

24 And when he had begun to was '^f^^'^^^^^^^fp,,,
way toprctmi- And faid Verely 1 fay unto you.except yee brought untu him. which ought him m tenne thou- ncje tut of an so-
3 ,
be «t converted, andbecotre as little childtcn, ye fand talents.
a CO childein And becaufe hee had nothing to p?.y his
. yttrt). not enter into the kingdome of heaven.
2? ,
^'^'Jb , wl.Tof
commanded him to be (olde,and his wit^;, and
4 whofoever therefore Ihall humble
himfeife lord ^^^ power of Pooling
as this little childe , the fame is ih? greaieft in
the hitchildren, and allthathehad,andt';5<!/titto be andbmding.wbicii
b .) ^i«<ie./-/pfEcfc belonged to the
kingdome of heaven. payed.
^ ^ ,. ,
x6 The fervant therefore fell downe.and « wor- f^';",,,;'^ , ^.^e

hrerrc' . •'"d j. is at y And whofoever fl^all receive one fuch little

mucitas, 'ifent. childe in my Name, receiveth me. (hipped hiai , faying . Lord . o lefraine thine anger „^j,/4d i„ .tofc
* Mar 9 4«- 6 * » But wholbever ll-all oftend one oi chefe toward me , and I will pay thee all daye«,atwoat
littie ones which bdeeve in me
it were better for . 27 Then that fervants lord had compalTion. time the Eldert
» Wecugbtto
him thata miiftone werehang'-dabont his necke, andloor.:d him. atjd forgave him the debr. ^f^J^frc^'.^^r'
have gr« tefpe* ,

toouTDiethren be and that he were drowned in the depth of the fea. j8 Kut when the lervant was departed.he found „„,n,heirbandi,
they nevtt lo bafe :

7 be unto the worlJ becaufeof uflen-

3 Woe one of Ms fellow fervants which ought him an lohn » aa.and
and oe that doeth Ihall come. hundreth pence, and hee layed hands on him, and 1z.41.ana 16,1.
ces, for it muft needs be that offences
h f* rhalibe
' '
,.lh.d. but wee be to that roan by whom the offence com- thratled him. faying. Pay me that thou oweft. "f ^"/^^"s*^,^ _ r
3 A good man 29 Then his fellowe lervant fell downe at his ^^^^^ forapunito
canoot but goe
% M Wherefore , if thy hand or thy foote caufe feete, and befought him,fayin», Refrainc thine an- we doe
through the midi from ger toward me, and 1 will pay tliiee all. now excommu-
ofoff"KeJ,yeth« thee to ^ oftend .cur them ofl', and ci(tr/;fw
muftcutoffall thee : it is better for thee to enter into lite,
halt.or 30 Yet he would not.but went and caft him in- ^'^p';^'°-,^^^j
two be toprifcn.tillhefb.onldpay thedept.
otcafion of of- maimed, then having two hands^or voyd of religion :
caft into everlai^ing hre.
31 And when his <rf/)^r fellow lervantsfaw what fuchmen.the
alled Gen.
c Leti itnd hir.Je thee to offend, plucke
And if thii>s eye caufe was done , they were very Tory , and came, and de-
nr.ctt rrhichJJfp
tt out and caft it from thee : it is
better for thee to clared unto their lord allihar was done J^^'yturd
th. > ,fl<„d
Thecrteke grijer into lile with one eye , then having two eyes 3 2 Then his lord called him unto him, and laid ^, .J^y^jj jbe
tobecaftintohellfire. to hiro, O
evill fervant, 1 forgave thee all that debt, Publicanei.
thai muih, thir.TS
4Seethatyeede(pifenotoneofthe(@lutle becaufe thou prryedftme. * •9"' ^ *
rvUchyvefumbie 10
ones: fori fay unto you.that in heaven their* An- 3 3 Oughteft not thou alfo to have had piiie on *a i"hn"lo!i4.
gels alwayesbeholdethefaceofmy Father which thy fellow lervant. even as 1 had pittie on thee ? , ^^-^ ^^^j ;,'

him to trsndated ftom the

IS in heaven, 34 So his loid WciS wrcth.and delivered
the tormentours . till he Ibould p.iy all that was due J^^'iv
to -he .riode.
1 For * the Sonne of man is come to lave that
thap J»9-
4 The weakft which was loft.
that a mJD is, the 12 How thinke
3 j So likewife a^all mine heavenly Father doe ^"X'iX n'fi^ni?*
God fevtre and not
grpattrcare >ft« dreth flieep and one of them be gone aftray, doeth
brnhren, although they havebcere divevny
ought to bavt of to be pkafed, which dee no: forgive their
hee not leave ninetic and nine .and goe into the aDd2riev..uOyiniur.dbyibem. 4. m Hee ii fa donm j ^.<!ry treM
hiifalvation, a»
God teacheth ui mjuntaines rand leeke that which is gone aftray ? famme of ihr.-rf<ore hundred
Andiflbbethathefindeit.verciy I fay vn- may it ihe^re.i:e,/or there ii no freffrtion hefnr.ene ih,m. n Thti n^s
by biiowne 13 the dilFere>.ce
to y on . hee reioyceth more of that (heepe, then of 4 eivU n^trerce rrti. ii., .ery -v/„.,« in the o Terlde n.t f.o

"""' ""'" "'f '»"" ''"' '• "'"""•"

'' '^'"' '" /"""^"''f '"">
• anr" "£,.''"11 '"'•/» -f

the ninetie and nine which went not aftray :

tnithitrtftnintth thtjlermini tfhii minde, ffilmt i(,S.fJlient iindffl
#: tuke i9.'«-

14 So not the will of your Father which is in

Bbb I'nto
4 LuXe j;,4' is it I
1 '

Divorcement. S. Matthew. A rich man^

unto you, exce-pt ye foigivc from your hearts.each trit adulterie : Thou (bah not fteale : Thou (lialt
one to his brother their trefpalVi.'s. nostfeeare falfe witneffe.
CHAP. XIX. 1 9 Honour thy father, and m.other and, Thoa :

a T'f ^f <;» Mt litMtd ^ hil ofjiinrremtnt.

, 3 dnd 7 1 flialtlove thy neighbour as thy felfe.
13 17 CcJ tnely
ChiUreHl>rcuiht!,qlri/}. 20 The yong man faid unto him, I have obfer-
£'"! The CemmtrdimennmaJUe »' ^ ftrfefl k.'F'-
ved all thefe things from my youth: Whatlacke
ji^<^ Tuh mir, . iS S'tt]iaiiciiciimmethofCtJ.lJ
7 cltdlA^d antt ftiliTV Cbrtf},
lyet ? D TierengmHit
« Mir.10,1.
A NJ,* it carre to pall'e , rhat when lefus had fi- 1 1 lefus faid unto him.If ti thou wilt be perficCa ''"''"" *"/«•'"

nifr.til departed from Galile,

thsfe layings.he a ^oe, fell that thou haft.and give it to the poore.and ',''*'
water ourofGiiile '/^"I'jj''"/"'?/
intothf faorJerf and came into the coalis of lude.T beyond lor dan- thou flialt have treafure in heaven , and come . and cLmJi^'lmeHt,' '

of luiici. 2 And great multitudes followed him , and he follow me. and therefrlht
Tb' bind of 22 And when the yong man heard that faying, ''.z"'""' •»»«-
healed them there.
m«ii»g«oBght rot
Then came unto him the Pharifes temp- hee went away forowfull ; for hee had great polfe?- '"''I'J^"',"' ''""
3 5
toSr bickeo, UB.
leffc it be for for- ting him , and faying ro him , Is it Uwfull for a man fions
_i ,,-,-•. . ..^ .
fherv tie difeafi
« Then lefus faid unto his difciples.Verely th^u, lurking
ricj'ion. to put away bis wile upjn every occafion ?
fc ^3
b T» f-nd b" ' unto you, that a rich man fhall hardly enter '"^'•mind.
bookt of divorce- 4 And he anfwered and faid unto them Have , I (ay
into'the kingdome of heaven.
ment. «'ore. cap. I. ye not read J that he which made
them at the be- .
*e!d'of ""r" 'V*
19- ginning, made them male and female, 14 And againelfayuntoyou.Itisoeafierfora g"to°Godfto"
;§ Gen.i.»7- 5 And faide, * For this caufe. Ilall a man leave p camel to goe through the eye of a needle then eUivt out of the ,

K Gen. 2. 24. I. cor. father and mother and ^ cleave unto his wife, and ,
for a richman to enter into the kingdome of God. ''"'"of satan.

cTbtGr.fkevsord they which wetc ^ two.flwllbeoneflelli r And when his difciples heard it , they were
25f ? 7°"''
imF.><ted to be £ Wherefore they are no more twaine.but one exceedingly amafed, fay ing.Who then can bee fa- TuffUJ'nl.
girwed unto,v»bere therefore put afundei that.which ved
fl^,,|, £_£. ^ot man > tcih, that h thu
ll'mM God hath e coupied together. ^6 Andlefus beheld them.and faid unto them, vrd is meant a

iibeiA«Deman They faid tohim, VVhy did thcii 4. Mofes

7 i With men this is vnpofsible , but with God all "*'' "'f '""5'*' '

andviiff,a> though command to give a bill of divorcement .and to put things are possible. ^Trtir*,;:!
«bey wtrc glowed ^
getaway J 27 J <• Then anlwered Peter, and faid to him, that irnaprover*.
d''The''y".«hicbwete 8 He' fayd unto them Mofes f becaufe of the .
Behold, we have forfaken all , and followed thee ; andihewtrdca.
what therefore ihall we have ? "'' C^r'ifi"l'tht
hardneflc of your heart g iuffered you to put away

««o b»c. meal it .

.were or>- : and thii

y^,,^ wi.ves but from the begmning it was not Co.
: 2g 7 And lefus frid unto them. Verely I fay to ^'^Mlrfo'.xt,
unto you ,* that whuloever
9 I lay therefore you, that when the Sonne of man Iball fit in the 'ukeii.zt.
iball put away his wife except »> i* b for whore- >
throne of his Msjeftie ye which followed mee in 7ii'»notloft,
body iitei tbf ma- don^e.and marry another.committethadiilterie and the q regeperati,jn. 4 'ball fie alfo upon twelve '/^^yr^k*"*
BtrofioeH-btfvsti whofoever marrieth her which is divorced , doech thrones, and iudge the twelve tribes of Ifrael. ^"Vfc'f 'e'r^^ailm
• 291 And whofoeveriball forfdkehoules.orbre- iitakfn fr
k'wro«t.tThe con-mi.
a.lulterie. 'h.,i

10 T/ifw laid his difcipies ro him,If the' matter thren, orfif^ers.orfather.orraother.or wife.orchil- J'y ,^vh'reinthe
byabotowtdkiode be between man Sc is notguod to marry.
ft) dren , or hnds, for my Names fake, he Iball receive '',,
'/''^'^^''f '"f'r
<-ffi<tck called a jj 3 Rut he faid unto them, All men cannot k re. an hundreth foldc more, and Ihali inherite everla- i!la'fa"'X'h''<'tCe/
ceive this thing, (ave they to whom it is ^iven. fting life. full enCy fV Wtf.
^"a'ca fe li-

tike tawet ate 'i Por there are fome eunuthes • w'bich were ' 30 s* Biumany thatarefirft .{iMllbclaft.aBd J""'.''"*'
koih in body and
coDflrainedto fo botne tjff/^eJr mothers belly : and there be (ome
beirewiih fime eunuches , which bee gelded by men : and there be 4 tK^«j2,!9. $ To have begun well and not tTCcniinue othe enddoetb not
cih not by and by
fome eunuches . which have m gelded themfelves ooely not profite.but alfo hurteth very much. * Chap. 26. i<,3i.luke 13,30*

tbat Ged allosietb for the kin^'dome of heaven. He that is able to re- CHAP. XX.
»hen\. ceive this, let him receive it. » Luhurershireilinti ihe'viney.irJ. iS The epiS eye. Hee n
« Ui papitrt.
fcrete':leth zo Zebedlusfinnes. llThecUf.
f Being occaAoned
13 f 4 « Then were brought unto him litje iS Chrillii cu'rminifier. 30 Tix">l>lin4! men.
children .that he (lioufd put /jw hands on them.and Codiibouna
V\ reafon
_^^ of the
haidoffliof your pray and the difciples rebuked them. :
P Or
the kingdome of heaven
taine hbuaiolder. which weiw our
at the daw-
like unto a cer. >

team. Kut lefiislaid.Surter littlechUdren.and for-

14 ning of the d.iy to hire labourers into his vineyard, j^ti, yvhomfoevet
R j,;j ^^^^ ^^^ j^ ^^^^^^^ tO mCS ;for of fuch IS thC
law not by toe '«o- , . r, , 4 And he » ;;grced with the labourers fur a pe- aod wbenfoevet
r.llNw.- forth,,
kingdome of heaven. nie a d.iy. an' fentthem into his vineyard. •>« •'""''•

i:erpe:iMli I jT And when he put his hands OH them.hc And he wenrout .bout the th ird houre. and rght'IoTtkrheetl
departed thence.
ihro.her bovieth faw other (landing idle in the market place. of.iud hereupon
16 J f« And .and faid unto
and bendi
him. Good good thing flialll doe.thac
4 And f.ud unto rhem , Goe yec"alfo into »»)> beiiow ki> whole
vineyard, and whatfoever is right.I will give you endevour.that ,

^rCtap r3«.nsr. 1 may have eternalllife > eforsfard and

audlhey went their way.
17 And hefaidunto him, Why called thou me cometo.hemarke
y Againe he went outabout the nxt and ninth without all fiop-
poovl there is none good but one even God but
> . :
b Tbertt„ieio houre. and did iiKewife. ping or dagnetiag,
if thou wilt enter into life keepe the Commande-
6 And hee went .;ooiit the b eleventh houre, andootcuriouny
T.awesth.n wfre ments.
madeag.iinfladnl and found other ftandii'g idle and faid unto theni, [^/"dk>ing°,'o"
18 He faid nntohim .Which ? Andlefusfaid, ,

^ The^-, Thou (halt not kill Thou Ihalt not com- :

Why ftind ye here all the day idle ? theiudgementiof
fr.d-d • for the
7 They (aid unto him Rt caufcno man hath G^^d.

illould have needed no d rcemenijifitiariage had bene cut afutider v»itb puniftiement
hired us. Hee fad to them Goe yce alio into wy r
bvd-aih i If the ma rllandfobetwfeoemaciand-.'vife.ct inmariai;e 3 The
|7'|'"',f°' "[^j^f,' *
gifr of cortinencie pec
viauyard, and whatfoever is right, that (ball yee re- ic'ind'of rp'l^Ic'h'tV.'
11 ar.andtberff'-renomancsnfi.taLawtohinifelfeofper-
prti crntinencie. k
Receive andadmit, at by tranfl.ition wefay, that aftr.-iitand ceive. - Jc" from fong.
nar'o A place it not able to receive mar.y things. 1 The viord Euuucb ii a ceoeralJ 8 ? And when even waa»*me , the nv.l^ercf b rheiafi houre:
word, aod baib divm kind, vndet it as gelded m-n and burllen tnen. m Which ab- the vineyard faid unto his Reward Call the labou- '^°"'" ''"V ""
fternt from tnariafjeand livecontiqently through the gif.ofGod.«and 4 rers.and give them their hire .beginning at the !,"I^d ^h,^ft"a 'howi
liilechiWrenareconiiin.-din.hefrfecoienanti.fSod. • Mar 18, if.
chap i(!,2. J TheYneitherknoOTtheijifelvejnoriheI.avp.tbaireeke tob«faved by laft till »;!««(:(>»»<• to the firft. [ b»gan at the-Sanne
«bfl,iw. »,*;. Luktj»,i8. J Eiod.j.o.ia.dtw.j.ifi.iom.ij,?. J And they which were hired about the eleveBth liimg,
' "

TFic penic. Toflee ambition^ Ch^.wji Chrift tldeth into Icrufalctn If

e So»iht,thiii'ic houre, came and received every man a penie," 31 Then lefus
flood ftijhantf 1» called them.aii J b ni'r>/llft. fit
/.j,^«/^fco««»«. ,0 Now when the firft came, thejr fupgpfed iaid,What will ye that I fliould doe to you ? h "''"' '"'''
^TrL^2tmffo'°i'ht that they fliould receive more , but they likcwife iJ They fayd to him, Lord, that our eyes may ""*"''•
tithtirti an h received every man a peny. be opened.
«>;« «7f. mtjnt 1 J And when they had received it , they mur- 54 And lefus mooved with compafsion.touchcd
«,„« hecaufi fH<k j^y^gj againft the mailer of the houfe. their eyes and immediatly their eyes received

/i$'Zucju! ^ li say ing.Thcfelaft have wrought but one fight, and they followed him.
houre and thou haft made them equall unto us,
«i iMe chj,f. 6,13. ,

Mtiifit to anfteert which have bornc the burden and heat of the day,
C H A 1'. XXI.
thtyftrifiniU^tnd I ChriJ}nJelhfnanAlTtHntoHiernftlim. He en/teth tUI 11
J And hee anfwered one of them, faying. Ih, filler J.1 3 The h.Hfi cfpr*}tr. 19 The ipi<ArrtJ yfj.-
['Jrup'foXhtre^- Friend, 1 doe thee tio wrong : didft thou not agree tre,: IS tohni Ltptifme. 18 IPhcJc tht iviU vf God. 30 l'«-
fie/j^J ihtrt tfirt. with me for a peny ? blicanei, Harloii 33 Ctdj Vineyard. The leyvei. 38 Thi
finite k'Htd of ihehn'jMdfJicn. 4* The atntrfont.
ttrj'.ii. If thine I ^ Take that which is thine owne.andgoe thy

v/zy : I willgiveuntothislaft.asmuchas tothee. ANd when they drew neerero Hierufalem, «
and were ccme

1 Miik*ti,t7
unto the mount '""^^J ?;'»
'5 Is it not kwfuil formeto do as I will with

\in"ifthh,erjthe ofthe Olives, then fent lefusurns two difciplei,

rridvii ."rccrruft, mjneowncils thine ajt "=evill,becau(e lam good? n,iH,'"'1,m^'h!'ot
2 Saying to them . Goe into the towne that is ov'«'tLl^'id"^°
tUyrord M'>? ih' 16 « So the Uft Uiail befirrt, and the firtt lafl;
famt inih^t fiact, over againft you, and anon yee (hall find analfe thi. world, afcen-
f^j. j^^ny ate Called, but few chofen.
bound, and a coit wkh her loofe them, and bring *'"'' '° ""'^ ^'"'^
'7 i * •'^"^ '^'""5 ^^f"^ "P '° Hierufalem.and

}»'cVap.'is'ao aoi them unto me.

»i,i4. mar. 10,31. tooke the twelve difciplcs apart ia the way, and thV^off"""*
3 And if any man fay ought unto you, fay ye, I 'ullCt fh„IIfir
lokei3 3<>- fay d unto them.
gM«k«io,3«. thatthe Lord hath need of them , and ftraightway 'v '''»/ "}'*»>
,}{ 3 Behold.wegoenptb Hierufalem,andthe
•hewilllet them goe. fhaS i„ them ^r,
Sonne lluli be delivered unto the chiefe "^^
PriePs and unto the Scribes . and they fliahcon- 4 Ah this was done that it might be fulhlled, X"!';/'*"
ciciTenectirjrily, .
which was fpoken by the Prophets, laying. i'tf/.^ raK
butyet willingly- to death.demne him
3 rhey th»t I'id t n^an deliver him to the
, ^P^j y J S Tellye the bd.iughter of Sion, Behold. 9.9. 'in t2.u'V
j j>
thy King comraeth unto thce.meeke and futin"- •> 7'""i'>»/^'<"'»
^rcc""Jo<Corift niocke. and to fcourge,
nid to Ciucifis hm, but the
upon an aiVe . and a colt . the foale of an afle vied
Vrht^nomiBif third day he, rile j; inc. . ^}p"t'cZ,^
Jute to the yoke. in the UmentatUnt
oftheooflt 20 K ; Then catr.c to him thc mother of Zebc-
<utc wayto the j^^j children with her fonncs , wotlhinping Um,
6 So the difliples went , and did as lefus had 'fi'remie.
glor,ofcv«Uft.Dg commanded them. c T heir uppfrmtfi
anddelmng acertainethingof him.
il Andhefaiduntoher.VVhat wouldeft thou? 7 And brought the afle and the cok , and put T^Z'their lar,
on them then c cloathcs.and fet him i thereon. mints, mt «pfn tht-
9; Miikt 10,3,-. Shee fayd to him Grant that thefe my two Tonnes

s The minerof ^.^^ j^^ ^j^g ^^^^ 3j (j^,, ^ jojit hand ,and the other at _ 8 And a great multitude fpred their garments »!',c andihenlt.
in the way and other cur downe branches from '^*'' w' «'' aTi-
the trees, and Ihawed them in the way.
tr»ry toihe tarih.'y 21 And leius anlwetcd .and fayd, \ eknow not Z\uhfh^"fU^
9 Moreover, the people that wcnt before , and in't'L'fe.fjlof rao
Jcio.g«!ome. what yc aske. Aieyeableto ildiiakeof the cup
thej' alfo [hat followed, cried, Aying, e Holanna 10 *"«. when
d v hii iifr'k'" h fhat I ihalldrjnke of, and to be baptized with the
the Sonne of David, f Welled iff he that commcth '/"y ''ei-'' M^hti
e baptifme that I iballbe baptized with j they fayd
''u'^^f'r'illi-Khi'h in the Name of the Lord, Hofanna vvhtch an
'htln'iined in iile to him. are able. We inthehigheftfcMZ/fw.
Tcmml"rM teiif
tap. ^"'i -tg"'"' 23 And hefayd unto them . Ye fl-a!l drinke in- n.^o.' ^LiU
the Htl'ttve •<*'>•
10 + And when he was come into Hieriiftiem, rvoi-d is eom'pti,
deedeof my cup .andihallbe baptized with the '""'' </irpc,fcr ire
g all the citie was mooved, fay ing.Who is this ?
that 1 am baptized with, but to Ht at my
W,ci;'p»'''«' baptifme .
I , And the people fayd. This is lefus that Pr^-
thimuiercfpj. right hand, and at mv ictthand, is « not mine to
phet of Nazareth in Gallic.
fiifhmmt nhid is give but it fl.ailVi given to them for whom icis (,
,ofij.»: saue
17. J And lefus went into the Temple of God, ' pr^y '*«.
prepared of my Father.
''plti"^"'J"'Vet' .nnd ciift out all them that fold, and bought in the 0^'" '" " '" *''"

tUtii '"Vrn
'"'(/j« 14 " And when the other ten heard this, they
Temple .and overthrew the tables of the money 'tlt'nZTonhe
fjiihfuU, ii rj.ii- difdaincd at the two brethren
changers, and the feats of them that fold doves, Urj, thi is tlfir^
s.»ni fimciime .1 jy Therefore le'.us called them unto him, and
UterecrJi.i^ facd, Ve know that the lords of the Gentiles have
13 Andfaidco them, Itis wiitten.sV My houfe nhomiheLtrd
Pfil.-i*,S. '. . . . . , . fliall be called the hcule ol prayer ; but ye have *"*^'»"''' «'/"'

g domination over them , and they that are great,
c Thi. madeira denne of theeves. '»Ma^' 11
4tjf\i(}itni,.ts Daiiid excrcifc authoritic over them.
tommmi: iffl'. 26 butit IhaM not be fo among you but who- ;
14 Then the blind and the halt came to him, i9.4,-'"i^L''"i3*

in the Teinple.and he healed them. g 'ihut is, <ii ,ie

f7'>'1^"l'l'''!"'f' (bever will be great among you, let him be your
I) jButwhenthechieferrieHsandScribesfaw '"<""/ Hw-«/i/t»n
not fhut ant theniarveiles that hee did, and thechildren crying
ij tLu , hM i, fhe- 17 And whofoet-er will be chieio among you, Z"r.eHeT%
in the Temple . and faying , Hofanna to the S onne « £/«. 's'iji.
%>"'> ''" •I'h.tfin^ ict him be your fervanr. .

ofDavid, they diftlained,
*^ * ^^'^" ^^ ^^^ Sonne of man c.ime not to be
"'' ""
ferved.but to (erve, and to give his life for the ran-
16 And fayd unto him, Heareft thou what thefe '7-'"^ci»4«.
I^"f im."'" fay And lelusfiyd unto them. Yea read yee ne- t.^Ia.V.o.-gl
^ Mirke lo.^t. Ibmeofmany.
ver .

by the mouth ct babes and fucklingsthou linei, are they .faie


iMkf'ii.if. zg 1 « 4. And as they departed from leticho, a

t scmnvhMA^rp- great multitude followed him. hafl b made petht the praife ? doe molt enuie the

17 f 3 So hee left them , and went out ofthe ^'"'l

o''C''"ri ;

» PhiiTpT.7.' 30 Antl behold . two blind men ,

fitting by the v^me.
citie unto Bethania , and lodged there. , "pf"|
« Cbrift by bta- Way fide, whcm they heard that Idiis pafTed by.cri-
I i < And $ in the morning, as he returned in- b Tki, T>-/i maJt
jingthefcbiind ed,raying,0 Lord, the Sonne of Dand, have mer-
men with aaonciy ci^onus to the citie, he was hungry. me/ pcrfit. ive

r.T.'h^'riy''hgtl 3« And the multitude rebuke them, becaufe Thw. h*lt tliM'fhedcr^^raiindeiAnd if the mjtier he eanfiJered is ull , >,e'l,.ir
the E^-ingehfi f.iith4,.r that is jUble and fare .rrhieh is mtji per fit.
t ofiheworW. they fliould hold their peace but they cried the
: 3 Ctuifi doeit.
foforfake the wicked .that yet he hatha confideratiou and rcgartlef hii Church.
« Markt 10,45. more , laying. O
Lord, the Sonne of David > have 4 Hypocrite! fcall at Icnjthhave th.ii maikei diftoveied, and their v|jjiJjr!u.,l:tg
fwir. thtk' ficci. M«ke t
iJbb 3 1.9 And
IwlinsBaptifme. The parables S.Matthew. oftbe vineyard, and mariage.
19 And feeing a Pgge tree in the way .became
to k, and found nothing thereon. but le4ves oneiy,
f How gtwt the and fayU to it Never fruit grow on thci hsncefor-

f^rcfO'flililij. ward. And anon the Fgtrcc withered.

« Caap i7i3- 20 And whenhis dilciples law it. they marvei-
i Tbf G'tfkewtt
lijnificib afii:kiog led,layin;^,How Iboneis the figrree withered !

yvbico are chicle

CI wavering of 21 { Arc' lekis anIwereJ .-".ndfiiyduntothem, buildii. oftbe
Diintl. fo that we <!• Vercly I lay uiwo you, if'yc have f lich.Sc doubt ' hoiife, thai
taano: not , ye ihiH not oneiy doe xhsi, which 1 have dms
:tll tbeCnurcb.
way !o take. X Oriia o be.
to the figrree , but alfo if yee fty unto this moiin-
S CrM-7 7 ioh.ix. tsine , Tp.Ke thy I'elfe aw.iy , and caft thy felfe iuto
7. i.ionoJ.I4. seal.
# Mar iia7 «'• thefea.itfl-.allbedonc.
luk* 20,1, J. ,
22 S And whatfoever ye fliall aske in prayer,
« Agaioft ihem
W^ichove-flil'- if ye belte ve, ye Ihall receive it.

f iog tbcdod"o*» 23 J* « And when he was come into the Tem-

bindethfallifig ple, the chiefePriefts.andthe Elders of the people
anJ vocation to an came unto him as hee was teaching andfayd. By
, ,

crdinsrie focctflS.
on going about wh.u k authority doeftthouthefethiags and who ;

byihaifa'fel'te- gave thee this authority ;

24 Then lefiis anfwered.and faid unto them I ,
.which we behold
alfo will askeofyou a certaine thing which if ye1 ,

k Or,by«bat 1
tell me I likewife will tell you by what authority

doe thefe things. •

2y The "' baptifme of lohn .whence was it ?
frum » heaven . or of men Then they o reafoned >

m lohn hii {.fa.

theralelves .faying ,If we Ihall fay .From
chingiicallfdby among
a fi?ur" , Bap; heaven, hee will fay unto us .Why did ye not then
becaufe bt rrMched bcleeve h im ?
thebaf.ifine of
26 And if we fay , Of men, we feare the multi-
pentaucc Sec
Mar.r,*.afti9'3 tude, X for all hold lohn as a Prophet.
o From God. and 2, 7 Then they^ anfwered lefus.and faydAVe can

fo It ii plainly r«oe ^^^ jgjj ^^i^) ^gg fjy^| „„;(, them .Neither tell I
you by what authority I doe thefe things.
oneagainft "
1 7 But whatthinkeye ? A cerfu/wmanhad
O Beattbfir bea;it
bout itaod muftd. two fonnes and came to the elder, and faid, Sonne,

goe and worke to day in my vineyard.
29 lUit he anfwered,and fayd, I v.'ill not yet af- :

marke 6,ao. terward he repented hinilelfe, and went.

7 It ii no newe 30 Then came he to the (econd and layd like- ,

wife. And he anfwered, and fayd, 1 will.Sir : yet he
to be the wot It of
ailmen. which
went not.
ought to Ihevv the 3 I whether of them twaine did the will of the
vtjy ofgodlintde father = They fiyd unto him The hrft. ,
lefus fayd
unto them , Vetely I (ay unto you that the Pubii- ,

caiies and the harlots p goe before you into the
G'jJ.and you Hicke kingdoltie of God,
fo that at Iraii wife ji pyr John Came unto you in the q way of
you (hould hav=^ rij;,hteou(nefle and yee bcleeved him not but the ,

!hnl°irMjIklr'tbea Publtcanes .and the harlots beleeved him .andye

tbattbiiwotdigoe though yc faw it. were not moovcd wi'di repen-
beforrl ii improper, {.ince afterward , that ye might bileeve him.
ly la-ktn in tbi^t ,^ j g j^p^rO another parable There was a ,
mtn'fol^owe'h"** ccr'taiiie houl holder , which planted a vineyard, -•.';

<) Living uftig'nt- and hedged it roiuid .tbout , and made a winepiefl'e
ly, being of a goud thctciii.and r built a tower, &. let it out to husband-
f °'!c'"'"F!)r theHc-
^^^ '
''"^ ^'^^"^ '"'*^ '^
ftiange countrey.

h'ew » u!>'tbii
.^4 Arid when drew neere,
the time of the fiuit

wot'', wai, for life he fent his fervants to the husbandmen to receive
the fruits thereof.
Tbofe men often-
3y And the husbandmen tooke his fervants and
beat one, and killed another, and (ioned another.
}6 Againe he lent other then the
firH ; and they did the like imto them.
committed But
ht;e fent unto them his owne
it :

37 But la(1; of all

the vocation of
God , ii Dtither They will reverence rny lonne.
fonne, flying,
tied to time ,
placi 3Si But when the husbandmen fiw the fo!i»e,
Dor petfon. they fayd among themlelves * This is thelieirc: ,

VSTEf*. f.i.ieren: come,lec i:s kdl hiT>,

Sc let us f take his inheritance.
a,»'Iti ii,i.
Lt(l(e |0, 9. r M.iJe the ptMt frcg : Per a tf-ntr
TheSadducesqueftion. Chap. XXIir. The greateft commandement. 12
and faw there a man which had not on a wedding he had put the Sadduces to lilcnce , they aflemt
i Word for 1 .'d

bau'.t.rcd.ihatUto garment together.

fay, he held til And he laid unto him , Friend, how cameft 5 y And o one of them, which was an expoun- ^
J%ih, Co
peace, ai though he thou in hither, and haft not on a wedding-garment ? der of the Law asked him a queftion , temptino yifAMdr.12.1S.
And he was ^ fpeechlelTe. him, and faying,
an faaltar about bi»'Ch^t^.
mcke. 1^ Then laid the king to the e Servants , Bind 36 Mailer , which is the great commandement
c Torbem that him hand and foote take him away , and caft him: in the Law ?
fervrd the gheftei. into vtter darkenelVe ; •!• there Ihall be weeping and 37 Icfus faid to him, « Thou Ilia! t love the « Veui.6,;.
4 Cbap.S II aad
gnalhing of teeth. Lord thy God with all thine heart, with all thy The Heir
13,42 and 2J. 30- rtudeih.reu'.S.'!.
i4 i For many are called, but few chofen. K loule, antl withall thy minde.
i chap iOii«. •nrh tUm heart,
» Markeii,i3. I ^ J * Then went the I'harifes and tooke 38 This is the hrft and the great commande- r^uhmndftren^th; counfell how they might tangle him in talke. <"
ment. and -n M ar. il; ,3
f Snart him in hit aniLuketo.ij
16 And they lent vnto him their difciples with 39 And the fecond is like unto this ,§Thou
wordier lalke. tre read tvhh /lute,
The Greekewotd the g Herodians , faying, Mafter, we know that thou llialt love rhy >\ neighbour as thy felfe. heart Jlren^th and
ii derived ot'fnMtl art true, and teacheft the way of God h truely, 40 On thefe two commanderaents hangeth the thought.
which bHnteti lay. neither careft for any man for thou conliderefi not : whole Law and the Ptophets. S Mar.11,3,.
gThey which « ''' the perlbn of men. rom. i3'9gal.;,i4,
Herode made a b
4' J 8 * While the Pharifes were gathered to-
iames 1,8.
religion paicted k ^ 17 s Tell us therefore .how thinkeft thou ? Is gether, lefus asked them, ,
q >>KotAfrmrf»,
jftbti cf thebea- it lawful! to give k tribute unto Cefar , or not ? 41 Saying What thinke ye of Chrift ' whofe c 8 Chriftproveth
_ ,

thcn:fli and of the 1 8 But lefus perceived their wickednelle , and fonneishe; They laid unto hiiii .Davids. manife.'ilythatbe
I'wifVl religion. faid, Why rempt ye me, ye hypocrites ?
43 He laid unto them How then doeth David ,
it Davids foane

b Truelyandfin- according to the

19 Shewe mee the tribut»-money. Andthey in fpirit call him Lord, faying.
bat other-

i Thou art not mo(D. brought him a peny. '

44 The Lord faid to my Lord ,Sit at my wife, Davids LorJ,
ted witbany ap- 20 And he laid unto them , whofe is this right hand, till I make thine enemies thy foote- and very God.
Veajance and out- image and fuperfcription ? 4* Ma ay-
ftouie ?
w»id fliew- lukeii
21 They faid unto him.Cclars. Then faid he 4T If then David call him Lord, how is he his
3 TbeCbriftiani r Ot whofe (IccJte
muncbey ibrir unto them. x Give therefore to Cefar , the th ings
, fbnne ? or familie : for the
Magiftraiej, il- which are Cefars , and give unto God, thole things 46 And none could anfwere him a word , nei- Hebrewescalla
tbougbibeybe which are Gods. ther durft any from that day foorth aske mam pofterit.e
wicked and extor- him any fonnes.
22 And when they heard it, they marveiled,and moe queltions.
tioners, but fo » pru.iio.t.
farre foortb ai the left him, and went their way.
authotitie that 23 J 6 4 The lame day the Sadduces came to C H A P. XXIII.
Godhathover ui him, (which fay that there is no relurrcdion) and 2 HcV) the Scrrhes teaching the pecple the La-w ofMcfei , MaVe
thay remaine fafe themfeh-ei. ; T^'e'r}eries, and Fringes. 7 Greeur.^s.
4intobun, and bii
asked him, We arelreihren.
t 9ThtF^:her. iol°hef(rVar.t. t} Tt
faoDour be not di* 74 Saying Mafter * Moles laid , If a man die,
, , Jhuiihe kjilderne ofi,eal>en. 14 Tc dV.ure wid'tfet hujh,
rainiOied. having no »^ children his brother (hall marrie his ,
IS -i I'rtfihtt. 16 Tcjtreart l^yiheTemple. 23 rcijihe
k, ThenorJ ihitt
wife by the right of alliance, and raife up leede un- m}nt. 2; Tocleanfe thecuifidenfihecKf. 17 I' tinted ff^
is ufett here, (ivni- f.iichrei. 33 Serpents ilfiferi. 37 The Henne,
to his bioih!.i.
Jieth a Ifuluw^^ and
"r«(iif 1/ menjfui 2^ Kowe
there were with us feven brethren, 'T'Hen fpake lefus to the multitude , and to his
end the hrft married a wife , and deceafed and ha- :
difciples. » Weeoughtto
the frcpcrlhn
ving no iiVue, Ittthis wife unto his brother. Saying.The Sctib.s and the Pharifes
2 . ^ fit
26 Likewile alfu the fecond, and the third.unto
t,iU'eir,lh,f ;r.- in Moles leate. cb/rsteachu.
jiiKiii.n-yrh n-cre the feventh. b All therefore whatfotver they bid you ob- purely nut ofthe
fM,(},„ riue. 27 Andiaft of allthewcmandiedalfii. ferve that obfetve and doe : but after their woikes ^°"^ °' Go<l.y«
anruul, re,ukf'> 28 Therefore in the refurreclion, whofe wife '? '!='' *'
for the t,H»le it
doe not ; for they fay, and doe not.
'b";" evill maneit,
IMI Ihe be of the feven for all hadher. J, r- L. . • 1 1- > 1

1 .

4 * » Forthcy bmik heavie burdens,andgrie- H Nebem.8 4.

H Before chap. 17, 19 Then lefus anfweied , and iaid unto them. voustobeburne ,andiav them onmenslhoulders. a BecaufrOod
J4. there i$ men- Ye are deceived not knowing the Scriptures , nor
but they themfelves will not moove them with o«tf appointed the or.
tion made of a di- the power of God. der therefore: he
dracbroe.and here,
of their fingers. -
L r ^ L^'d would have
of a peny. whfreai 30 For in the relurredion they neither man ie )-
. ,V
All their
i_ • , J
workes they doe for to be feene h>.wordtob=

a dfdrachnieis mori wives nor u ives are bellowed in marriage but are
of men for they make their
: phyladeries broad, <= heard evrattom
by the ftventh part as the n Angeisof God inheaven. and make ionf; ^ the * fiindges of their o-ar- '''' mouth of hjpo.
thtn a i-e.'iyrfotha
3 I And concerning the lefurretSiion of the racntS.
° cri.esaDdhire-
thercften-.e-.htobe .

dead , have ye norread what is Ipoken unto you of

a iarre in hcfe tw 6 § And love the chiefe place at feaftes, and to b"r'ovidedai.
llacf.:bmtheyn.ay God, laying, have the chiefe feates in the ? aftemblies. wayet. th.u tfaey
eafciy be recorded 31 4 I am the God of Abraham, and thc God of
7 And greetings in the markets, and to be called '^'I'ver-M^fet h;»
thus: The peny wai ifajc , and the God of lacob God is not the God doftanewh.chthej,
of men. Rabbi, f Rabbi.
^::1.:but;arr!*" ofthedead btuoftheUvmg
ding totheiropor. 33 And when the multitude heard It, they wei;e phore of the feate Ihewetb .which they occupied aj teacheri of Mofei his leatoing.
'tion they were aftonicif at his dodftrinc. » Luke 11,46. aftes t Hypociites (or the molt partate mofl fevere
rated at , ibe
3^ j
A , jj^ ^yj,gj, jf^g Pharifes had heard, that exaSers of tbofe things which they themfelvescbitfly ocglrfl:. 3 Hypocriies are
drachnie was paid a.Tibiiious. c Itwatatbiead .or riband of bltwe Hike in tbe fringe of a corner,
df every one to the Temple which alfo the Romans tooke to themfelvei wbenth»y
, tee beholding whtreof Hiade tbnn to le.ticmber tbe lawet and ordioanctt of God.-
badfubdurd lutfea. + Marke j 2,17. lukc »o,i;.rom.i3 7. 6 Chivil voucbeih and iherefore wai it ca4led a Poilafteiie, at yee would fay, a kei(|<t Nuinb.jft ,

thercluiredionof ibeflefhagainft the Sadduces. 4. Msrke ijiS.iuke ao.27. 38. deut.6 S. which oider the lewes afterward abufed an bty doe now a daycr», ,

' Dtut.2,-,;. in Vndtr ».hicbnamearedai.'gb:cisaifocomprebep-

afts 23-8. which naug S.IoCni Gofpih about thtir neckei a ihiug condemned many yeare» ;

ded but yet as touching the faniijie and name of a man

bfcaufe he thai left , sgoe in the Council! ofAntiocbe. d Word for word .Twilled taffeli ot thteatl
daughters was in no better cafe , then if he bad left no children atall (for ihty , which bai gtd at ihenethefmolt hemmesof iheirgarmenis. X Num.i f ,38. deuf.
'were not reckoned m the familie) by the name of children are SoniKS vndrritood. 12 12 maike :1,3s J Luke li 43. and 20,46. e When ademblies and Council*
n He faith not that ttey (hall be withourbi;di?s , for then tbry Ihoiild no: be men are gathered logetber. f Tbii wordRab .fignifieth one that isabjve bis fellowefc
any more , but ibey fliall be at Angels , for rh.y flull neither mdrne ncr be and is as good as a number of them and wee may fee hy tbe repeating bf it hav»

mariied: «
Exod. 2.6. Maike 12,27. ^•2'kei2,2S. §
7 The Goffeldieih proud a rule it wai. Now they were called Rabbi . which by laying'on of bands west
not ibolilh the precepn of the Law; butdottti ritherconmmt-tttm. viteied and declared la the world ;r, be D*ife men. . .

Bbb 4 8 « tBiit
. : 1

Chrift reprooreth the ambition, covetoufnesi S.Matthew and hypocrilie ofthe Pharjfesj
J^ Uinei j.r. 8 4. 4 But be not ye e called. Rabbi, for bone 18 So yee
for outwarde yee appeare
are alfo : » Hypocritei
McdcA[ciii righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hy- '^^ P"*
is your dodour, t» v\it, Chrift, aad all y ee are bre- ''"''' .

(jfigtrfir 0(aair.(Bt picrifieandiniquitie.

of OodimioiOcii.
g Steke nonmbi-
9 And J call no min your ' father upotithe 19 »Woet<untoyou,Scribes andPharifes. J ^^thtirTkX
tiourtyafur it f^r :
earth : far there is but one youi father which is in hypocrites for ye build the tombes of the Pro-
: bythe-uftiudge-

our Lord doth o''C phets ,and garnilhthefepulchres of the righteous, '^•'"ofGod.
heaven.' „
forbid UI to give
30 Andfay . If we had bene inthedayes of our

10 Be not called k doclours : for one is your ^^p^lt™b''e

the Maritime aad
dodour even ChriU. fathers, wee would not have beene partners with uWoftheiewev
oar Miftfuthe
tiuoouithat iidu: 1 But he that is grcateft among you , let him them in the blood of the Prophets. which haih thii
»otllcm.Augu- beyoutrcrvant.: 31 So then ye bewitneffes unto your felves, "'"°'''S'p°*veo»
ftinui dt fcrinoue * that yee are the children of them that murthered
\i For whofoeverl will exalt hiraielfe.lhall •|[^,,*[''',t'^ar'
verbi Doinioc cs
be brought lowe : and wholbever v'ili humble the Prophets. length your wic
Mat.eap. II'
k He fecinnh «» himfelfe, Ihallbe exalted. 31 Fulhllyealfothemeafureofyourfathcrs. kedntflimaycome

13 J ; Woe therefore ke unto you, Scribes 3 3 O ferpents ,the generation of vipers , how ""'" f^""- ,

Efai.cbapj4.13- *,^;°|^' ^'''P

andPharifes, "» hypocrites, becaufe ye fliut up the Q;ould ye efcapc the damnation of < hell !

•DdUtt. 3>.34-
MaUc.1,6. kingdome of heaven before men : for yee your 34 10 wherefore behold, I fend unto you Pro- ,o n^pocriteibe
J phets , and wifemen , and Scribes, and of them yee crueii.
i He (hooteib at a felves goe not in , neither fuliler yee them that
ft&icn which the would n enter, to come in. Ihall kill, and crucihe, and of them (hall ye fcourge '» Tbeendof
IcWMurcd-for in your Synagogues . and perfecutc from ciiieto
they called theB.ib
14 *6 Woe be unto youj Scribes and Pharifes,, fl;cTtert'e'ooa'ef.
biniourfaiheti. hypocrires for yedevoutev.idowes houfes .even
"tie, vnder. be pre.
kitf. o vnder a colour of long prayers : wherefore yee 35r >« That upon vou may come all the righte- tenceof «iie.

the Sc'bes did I'tty Qj^jj re^;eive ous blood that was (bed upon the earth , + from Geii.4,».
the grearer damnation.
tteedily bunt after the blood of Abel the righreous , unto the blaod of
fucbtitlei, whom ly Woe *« unto you Scribes andPharifes, hy- ^^'JSe" b",
pocrites for ye compafle fea and p land to make Zacharios the fonne of y Batachias , § whom ye tach-iih .thatii,"
verfoio hecalleth :

blicdeguidej. ojieof your profelfion and when he is made ,yee :

flew betweene the Temple and the altar. bieaid ofihe tor*.;
I* tuk( 14,11.
m.ike him twofold mote the chikie of hell, then i6 Verely 1 fay unto you , all thcfe things fhall * •<^'"°'»-»4>"«
aod 13,14. come upon this generation.
I He reeiueth
to you your felves. metro" God at
allude to the name 6 Woe be unto you blinde guides, which fay,
1 37 "
* Hierufalem , Hierufalem , which killeft ^"a Jft, the°re wl»
of the Kabbiai . Tot Whofoever fweareth by the Temple it is nothing :
the Prophets .and flonefi them which are fent to greateft wicked.
B.ahfig,Rifi!:ih one
but whofoever fweareth by the gold of the Tem- thee, how often would I have z gathered thy chil-^^iandribeiiion-,
ple ,he q nflendeth. dr,n together, as the heme gathered her chickins
,• Hypocritejcaa .^llL^etdgV
bide none 10 be 17 Ye fooles and blind, Whether is greater.the vnder her win« , and ye would not mentiof God.

better hca them- gold.or the Temple that ? fandificth the gold ? 38 Beholde , your habitation Ihallbe left unto Luke 13,34.
youdefoLue. ^ He fptaketh of
J 8 And wholbever fweareth by the altar , it is
rHitovttbany ipaa nothing but whofoever fweaieth by the otlering
, 39 For I fay unto you, yee fhall not fee niee '^,'','^1'^';™^'^,';;^"*

ftarpely .vfeihiiiii tfcii;«upon ir, oflcndcth. henceforth till that yefay .Bieffedsihe thatcom- waipromifedfor
word 10 give ui to
. 1
p Ycc fooles and blinde , whether is greater, meth in the Name of the Lord., tbefaywg ofthi.
,nde»und ijiu people, fowaihs
. or the altar which fandiheth the of-
jbere nothing


uu u i . r
U n AXXIV. r.
*"^° carefull for «,
even from the lime
thfo bypotrifre and 20 whofoevcr therefore fweareth by the altar, that the prom ife wU
fjlhood in religion fv^.eareth by it,.andby allihings thereon. % TUJefirunKitfihlTtrnfU. 4. Tkf,£„t>t/C!,,iJ}n'""^^»Abtihtm.
Whith art even
11 « And whofoever rwe.ireih by the Tempis, tommin^. 11 i) fttlje Chrifs. ly The [i^ngiof
tht tnd cflU w-rlJ. i> The ^n^els. 31 Thtfytree. 37 Tht
fweareth by it, and by him that dwelleth therein.
-i Marke 11,40. ttajes of Nae. 41 We mufl vjauh. ^S T he ferlrMt.
iuJte »o,47. 12 * And heethat fwecrtith by heaven fwea- ,

, , r , • Marfce 13,1:
i Itiiacommoa reth by the f throne of God, and by hinv that fu- A Nd + lefus went out. and departed from the luke ai.j.*.

tbing among by-

leth thereon. Temple, and hisdifciplesArame to him, to Ihew
j>ocrite« .toabafe,
thepreiince of 23 1 7 «. Woe bt to you. Scribes ^nd Pharifes, him the bulding of the Temple. » Thede/iruaioa

'*" ''"' ""}

leileto covetouf- hypocrites:for ye thite niynt, and annyfe,andcum- 1 I An<.l Icfus faid unto them , See yee not all ";
BtlTe and eitonioa. myn,and leave the wightitr matters of the law ,4t imio you ,» there
thefe things ? Verely 1 fTiy Shall
o word for word, iudgemeiK , and mercy and « tideliiic. Thele ought not be here leftaftoneuponaftone .that fball not toWe.
„,our Of
vndei, a colour
Jong puT'OR- A"^ y*^ '^ ^^'^'^ done, and not to have left the other. becaftdowne. Luke 19,44.
thuwoiJ, BvtD, 24 Ye blinde guides , which ftraine out a gnat, 3 And as he fate upon the mount of Olives, * y*' church
Botah a double andfwallowa cameli. his iKfciples came unto him apart faying Tell us ^^",1, *^'SS witis
. ,

S'':"hf onc,.b« 2T 5 8 Wo^ bt to you gScribes and Pharifes , when thefe things ihallbe .andwhatfigney7W/te infinite miferin
h.y devoured rlvi. hypocritcs for yee make cleane rhe vtterfideof
ofthy comming, and of the end of the worliU ai.dofTeacei, 1

the cup.and of trie platter but wichin they ate fulj "°"' ,whi<ii
dowel gcod»: the :
4 » And lefns anfwered .and faid unto them, ^J"*' falfe ptopheu, fa<
other, that they did
of bribcrieand excefle. * Take hederhat no man deceive you. t
-< Thou blinde Pharife. clcanfe firft the inlide y For many (hall come in my Name , faying , 1 yiftoiie and tri.
of the cuppe and platter, that the outlide of them. am GbrilV and Ihall deceive many, umi-b commeth.
I Tba diiipari ,

Bowibitrattof may be cleane alfo. 6 And ye fi-;all heare of warres .and rumours Ep'Ji^fi-";' ''iS,'
that earth n«iled Woc fc« toyou,
drie.wbtththeLoia •
' ' ;•
Scribes^nd Pharifes.hypo-
ctitcs for ye are like unto whited tombes , which
1^ .... •*, ">
of warres fee that yee be not * troubled for all fJ"bi'pg?a,."

thefe things ooufl come 10 palfe , but the » ende is fulfilled, yet tbt ecd

]Mtb niven
Va 10 dwell ufoo. appeare beautifull out ward, but. are within.filll of not yet. Ibttl not come.
e^Ii a^cbici. dead mensbonc^s .and allfTlthineiVc. nation againft nation .and E«»y«''«"-
y For (hall rife ''

Sianei ar: called

and it iicertaioethat Chiift fjiake in ths Syrian tongue, realme againft realme , and t^ere Ihall be fa-
\a iht Syrian toagut, lebti. ^f^;::' f^^Z'f.'
t Caufetb ih« golde to be
counied holy, which ii dcdicaie to ao hcly ufc. .kings +1 mine, and peftilence , and earthquakes in b' divers like unto womto.

a,'.i. ackion'.a.
* Cbap.j.j^, f II keavtn be Godi throne , tbeo iihene
places.. in tt«aile.

al^'ub'i tbove all thii world. 7 Hjfocriteiaisiatcfull in tiiflei.and negkathe s • Chap..o.,7

8 All thefe are but the beginning
" of for..
««.^ftthiogiofpi;ii)o(e. Luke 11,41. t »
Jaiibfuliitirein keepiogof ** '
luXe 11,11 loho
3 Hyroiiileiiit too much catcfuUefouina((t»i^iiigi,viiibcinnv<l.
jnonifei. '^'"*" '*'^
5. «'Tben fliallihcy delLveryouiiptobeaf-
1 ' '

FalfeChriftes. Thefignes Ghap. XXV. oftheendofthev?orld. 23

fli£teJ , and fliall kill you , and yc ihall be hated of one end of the heavens unto the Other. ^ ifsodhaifa prt^

all nations for my Names fike. 32 7 Nowlearne the parable ofthe figge tree: fcribed ace; tain*
order to "«j'Jf'i>
« I.Their. 3. 1
3. 10 And then iliail many be
offended, and fliall whenher bough is yet f tender. 8c it puitethforth
».Tim.»,f. betray one another, and flwil hate one another. leaves, yeknow that fommerwneere. _ re^ooneToto^hi*
3 TheGofiel 1 And many falfe prophets Ihai! arile.and iball 3j So likewife ye.when ye fee all thefe things, etemaii mdge-
deceive many. know that tht kingdomg of Cod is neere , tvena.t the men!., but the
broad, rage ib« ^'"'"'^ uDrieraahd
devill never fo 1 i And becanfe iniquitie (liall be increafed.the dores. ^
3 4 Verely I fay unto you. this generation
much and tb.y t (hall
love of many iliall be cold. l^^'^^^Xat
^hich dee coe-
ftjutly beletve,
1343 Bat he thit endiireth to the end.he fhall notpatfc.till all thefe things be done, it^butihegodly

ibalbeTav^a. be faved. ,^{ X s-Heaven and earth Ihall paffe away : bnt doe mark* it and ,

d luyfuUtidiogJ 14. Antlthis<iGofpelofthek5ngdomellialloe my v7ordes Ihall not pafl'e away.

rwh'°''h'' tende/4
ofthe kiDgdome of preached through the whole « world for a witncCe 369 But of that day & houre knoweth no man, ^^^ ft," ^i'^h that
'''"'"•. untoallnations . and then a«ll the end come, no' not the Angels of heaven.but my father onely. ,he fjppe which is
5 4 When ye S therefore Ihall
fee the r abo. }7 Butasrhedayesof Noex/VfW.folikewile the life of the nee,
llT^lt't: 1
r '"ome f'<"" '•'«
in. tuinacion of deioUiion ipcken of by* David tne lliall the comming ofthe Sonne of man be.
4 The Kingdome pfophet.fet in the hoIy place
-"^ (let him that readeth 38 S For as in the dayes before the flood, they [°^'b"';;,'.
ofChriftn,allu« did eate and drinke, mat'rie, and give in matiage, word gentration
*.„„\•.„:t^ "

Kle oa.:'" ,6 Then let them which be in ludea. flee into unto the day that Noe entted into the Arke, or Age, beiag vfej
ra!em it vtccriy '
the moiiniaines. 39 And knew nothing till the flood came, and
d«ftroyed,bu:fliall j^ Let him which IS in the houfe top.not coDie tooke them all away , (o Ihall alTo the comming of ^^'wark.n.jr.'
be ftretched out ^j ^^g jjj, f^tch any thing out of his houfe. the Sonnc of man be. j the Lord doetb

Srid'. 18 And hee that is Tn the field, let not him re- 40 to* Then twcufl^all be in the fields, the one now begin the

jMarke 13,14. tumc backe to fetch his g cloathes. {l:albeteceived.and the otherlhall be refufed.
_ t''''^!;"!"^I'k^*'''
Luke XI.
19 And woe yZKt/t< to them that are with child. X Two women Ihalbe grinding at f milhthe JaTf ir«h«Uu
f TbeaboinioatioB one llialbe received , and the other refufed.
and to them that givcfucke in thofedayes. ,(, day
of dWoIaiioii, that"
Uiofay which I ,
1 Butpray that your flight be not in the wm-"
20 42 " § Watch therefore : for yee knowe not 9 u i.fufKt'en*'
niec deief. and can ter , on the 4. Sabbath irfj.
neither what houre your mafter will come. ^l' " \°'"l!'.n.-
not reafoi
For then flull be great tnbulatian , fach as
a J 43 *
Of this be-fure. that if the good man of ;tt;.?da Ut'.tr'
was not from the beginning of the worlde to this tkehouleknewe at what watch the thiefe woulde dayfonbereao.)
of it: and he fpea- time, norfhallbe. come , hee would furely watch .and not fuffer his .ingofaluhingj*
kethcfibeidolei 21 And except thofe dayes flaonld be lliorce- houfe to be digged through. ^"J T.^Tddea
that were fet up in ^g j ^ jj^g^ g Owuld no k ficlh be faved : but for the 44 Therefore be ye alio ready :for in the houre J^^^ u.aii, for ou»
' clcds lake thofe dayes !halbe (liortened. that ye thinke not .will the Sonne of man come, profit that we maj.- ,
meant he ra'arniog 23 Then if any man (hall fay unto you,Loe.hete 4? *' Whothen is a faithfuU fervant and wife, be.fomuchtbe
whom ruler over his houfe- "'°''v«";^lf *--
cftbtdoai isChrift,orthete,beleeveitnot, ,
... his Mafter hath matle r tQaiweocDot

the Church
14 For there Qiall arife falfe Chrift, falle pro- & . give them meat mfealon?

, ' I

_ ukenaithey vwt«^

Th,"; heVokenetb phcts.Sc ihall ibew great iignes 8c wonders.lo ^ if
1 4< Bkifcd h that fervant . whom his mafter io old time ioiba

It were poisible . they Iboulti

deceive J very eled. when he commeth, Ihallfind fo doing. flood.
tC^, ?:rre
tha.Ihallbe. 25 Behold. 1 have told you before. 4 7 Verely I fay unto you , hee ihall make him *J'"''V.n« 3'. Jo^^
kaSki.^j- jg Wherefore if ihey Ihall fay unto you , Be- ruler over all his goods.
^ . , . , n The woid which
defert.goe not forth Behold.he 48 But if that evill fervant Ihall fay in his heart, the Euaogeiift v.
Li\ruVTa .*V hold, he is in the

comming. fe.h eipreifeth the

Jy on the Sabbath is in thc fecret places, beieevc it not. My mafter dothdeferre his ,

4ay,iQiei>b.b..ok.J3. ^7 For as the lightening commcth oiu ot the 49 And begin to fmite his --7.7„.t"l^,,
fellowes.and to eat,
i Tnofechirgs Eaft ,and js feene into the Weft, lo Iball
ahothe andtodiinkeuith the drunken, u is a word which
popli of (he lewes.
^.^^^i f .^g gonne of man be. ja That fcrvantes mafter will come in a day, i, proper to biuit*
intbes-f. yetre.. 1 8 J For wherefoever a
deacle m carkeife ts. when hee looketh not for him.and in an houre that beatUzandhi.mea.
1 r ningii, that in
wbenaitbe wbole thither wil] the Egles be githercd together. _

J»Bdwa. wafted, 29 X « And 'mmcdiatly after the tribiikncns J?Anjt!nry cut him off.and oive hira his por- 'tltivtSei!!'*^

of thofe d.iy es Ihall the fanne be darkened, and

the tion with hypocrites; * there IhalTbe weeping and bdiieiiik* unto
"f 'of H°erufaiem J).uitebe.ft:for
„keo and boih
. it moonc ihall not give her light, and the ftarres iha gnalhing of teeth.
otbefwife it it do
and their Temple
fall from heavcn , and iRe powers of heaven Iball
faultto eat and
v.„h tbofc
^^^j ^^^^ ^j,
,hg n figne of the t» all
to perfwadt themfetvet that God will bemetcifuH
th» mean, give over thtmfelveitolione , thatthey mayio
mens and doe by
«ifa!&;i Jiall c

heaven and then ihall all tne the meaoe while in pleafute void ofall care. Lukei7,3«. » Th»Gte.k«
paffebtforetbeiait Sonnc of man in :

women and tbeBarbaiiani did grind and bake. Plui.booke Proble. ii Aoex.
commiLg of our „ kinredsof the earth p mourne , § and tlity; Ihall
ample ofthe horrible carelefuelfe ofmedinihofe thing, whereof they ought to b«
fee theSonne of man come in the clouds of hea- muncatefull. Mar. 13, 3;. .>; -Luke 11,39. i.'hea.j.a. revela:.i«,if.
ven with power and great gloiy. y Tov^ii.from thereft .orwiU cut him into i Wo patu, which

fliluld" t°er* V be° . Lukeii,4J.

!r.ft";;d and .h« ? , -^^nd he than fend his Angels with a great wa. , wbtiewito
a muftcruell kind of puoilhmtnt a. luftine Martyr witD«a«ih , fifay -

gather together ,be Prophet wai executed by the lewi the like kiiid of punilhmtnt Vrt «ad i»f
Wrd Fieil. b, a founJ of a trumpet,, and they lh.ill

hom the ,-Sam.i;,33.andD4Ti.3,js. § Cbjp.i3.42aadi;.30,

*^""."^''/^' his eled , from the f fcure windes , and
, T *f -v.VrJnr-lc.^w.? f" ''"• fi'?"^'-."' ""• > 3 W> rr.nn
*'^Ma[r3S'l''ke,7.>3.1 Shall openly Uyfuch great r,gn..former,,ob.!»M. mtck. rn*tMtntUdil'irtiluntclhtfiT)>inU. a^
remedieagainft the fjriouiiage of the v otlde.liiobe
The oi:ely 30 ^1/ttr Vfhaifirt iht UJl Mlt-
Lukei7 37 !
ptefeoce rA».»)iiU 'e>'i..<»'r.
CbiiR- vtho will come with fpeed > 1 hit
rathered as'd lo'ya*'' «> C*"'"- l-'k .,
fntnifhalit. .(I Thecurffd. 1 W«-«uf){4<filt
fliall flocke even a. Egie.. .J. M.r..>,i4-
iill be «itb a maiellieto vvhomeall e.d oUhe 'T' Hen « the kingdom of heaven Ihall be likened ttreogth at Gc.d«
« Everlafticg damnation Ib.lbe the
r, ef° .r'0."«''-3-7"«' ->• n Jbe '"'unto ten virgines , which tooke their lampes ^^"'^'J"3,'^''5^^
eveiUfting biilTe , ofthe miferieiof.he godly.
feLrit eof the vsick.d, and
and a went forth to meet the bridegroome. .^*rwetvaiK« _

o All nation. aad be allu-

b*ar« »i eanh dta*eth iudge.he worUe. :
» 4nd five of them^ere wile, and Ine fooliih. ,b,uugh ttiii
othe/wifeif weeb.coaeiloatbfuaand
dafkeneffe, tobring u.loour eode
themfclvei : and

-I, anfra.1 P They (hall be in fuch foiow . that they Oiall Alike toedore..
»«<ligenta.wearleofouf paiDeiandttave»,wee OiallbeOiutoutot
iVi.».o.f.M;d.o.h.mommng, *
Revel.,.,- dao. T-tj. q S.tting upon the
Siom • Tbepoavpeof bride-ik^waJWWMlMAlBSftpMlWb* k.pul»|U»»>tSll»*»?»"
cloud., be waiiaken up
into heawa-*; » l,Coi,ti,f».t,ibtU^,ltr'
aad Aitbj(a««ilelt, ,

3 "r.*!
329 ; 1

The virgins, and talents. S. Matthew. Thelaftiudgcment,

3 The fooliili tooke tllfeir lampe: but tooke give unto him which hath ten talents.

nooyle with them. 29 4 For unto every man that hath, it fhall be X Chap.ij^zi.
4 But the wife tooke oyle in their vcffels with given and he IhiU have abundance, and from him "U'ke 4,1^.

their lampes. that hath not, even that he hath ihalbe taken away. '"^' *•' s-

't> Tlitir rjti biini J

Now while the bridegrome taried long , all 30 Caft therefore that unprofitabje fervant in- *° "'**"
h.ait rvi I'
b fliimbred and ilepr. to vtter§ darkenelVe there (iiallbe weeping and § Chjp.s,i2.
6 ArK.'. at midnight there was aerie made , Be- gnalbing of teeth. aod 21,13.
hold, the bridegroome coir.meth : goe out to meet 3 And whentheSonneefmancemmeth 3
51 f
him. in his glorie.andall the holy Angels with him,then °
m"g ^gV^o"'*'
7 Then all thofe virgines arofe and trimmed Ihalihelitupon the throne of hisglorie. which it 10 come.
their lampes. 3 2 And before him Iball he gathered all nati-
8 And the fooliili faid to the wife > Give us of ons, and hee Iballfeparate them one from another
yoia oyle, for our lampes are out. as a lliephearde feparateth the Iheepe from the
9 But the wife anlwered , faying , Not fo , leaft goates.
there will not be y nough for us and you ; but goe 33 And he fliall fet the (lieepe on his right hand,
ye rather to them and buy for your felves.
that lell, and the goats on the left.
10 And while they went to buy, the bridegrom 34 Then Ihailthe king fay to them on his right
came : and they that were readie.went in with him hand, Come ye fblelVed of my father; take the in- ^ ^Hf^ *''' '"«("
to the wedding, and the gate was Ihut. heriranceofthekingdouie prepared for you from ''ptTdrX^CZ^a'^
I I Afterwards came alio the other virgins,fay- the foundation of the world. ahundtntiy kc
ing. Lord, Lord, open to us. 35- * For I was an hungred , and ye gave me Rowed his henefiiei:
But he anfwered, and faid , Vereiy I fay un-
1 meat I thirfted ,and ye gave me drinke ; 1 was a
* ^f^'-s^^i-
to you, I kr.ow you not. ftranger, and ye tooke me in unto you. '*" "' '^'
4 Cbap.i4,4j. « Watch therefore for ye know neither the
1 :
i6 I was naked, and yee cloathed mee I was ;

3 day nor the honre.when the Ton of man will come.

, * iicke, and yee viiited me;I was in prifon,and yee * EuIu.t.h,
a Cbrift witnef.
ieth that there dial
14 S » For the klngdomt of hexven it as a man came unto me.
+u; a loDg lime be that going into a tUauge countrey , called his fer- 37 Then Ihall the righteous anfwere him.fay-
vants, and delivered to them his goods. ing, Lord, when law wee thee an hungred , and feil
lure to hii father, I y And unto one he gave five talents,and to an- thee ( orathirft.and gave rhee drinke ?
and hii coniin:ng
other two and to another one, to every man after
38 And when law we thee a ftranger .and tooke
H'n"oiwi,'hiian-' *^'s owne cibility.Sc Ihaight way went from home. thee in unto us ? or naked.and cloathed thee ?
ng that , be will J<S Then hec that had received the five talents, 3,9 Or when faw we thee ficke.or in prifon.and
that day taktaa went and Occupied with them, and gained other came unto thee ?
of the rebel
40 And the kingfl^all anfwere and (ay unto ,

and ohftiaate, faoW '^^ 1 7 Likewifealfohethatrifcf/w^/two, heealfo them, Vereiy I fay unto you, in as much as ye have
' tbey havd bellow- gained other two. done it unto one of the leaft ofthefe my brethren,
ed that wkith 18 But hee that received that one, went and dig- ye have done it to me.
they receiied of
ged it in the earth and hid his mailers money.
4 Then Ihall he fay to them on the left hand,
faim.butalfoof hi«
But after a long feafon , the maftcr of thole ± Depart from me ye curled , into everlafting fire,
boiifhold fervanii, 1
^ pfal.s.S.
whicfe have not fervants came.andreckoned with them. which is prepared for the devill and his angels. Cl»p-7.i3.,
through nothful- 20 Then came hec that had received five ta- 4i For I was an hungred, and ye give mee no 1"'" '^''7-
neHe imployed
lents, and broughcother five talents, faying. Maftcr, meat ; I thirfted, and ye gave me no lidnke;
thofe gifti which
thou deliveredit unto mee five talents behold. 1
he bellowed upoo :
43 I wasaftranger,a:idyetjokemcnot inun-
them. have gained with them other five talents. to you; ! vias naked, .ind ye cloathed me not: Iicke,
C ^cccrdin^ to 21 Then his mailer faide unto him , It is well and pnlun. and ye vifited me not.
the Tvifijfme and done good fervant and faithfull , Thou haft beene
skit ii d.utin/, 44 Then Ihail hey alfo anfwere him, faying.

•nrhuh rvui^iirn faithful! in little, I will make thee ruler over much; Lord, when (aw we thee an hungred , or athirft,or a
d enter into thy mafters ioy. ftranger, or naked , or Iicke or m prifon , and did ,
d Cvrrttj and re- 22 Alfohethathad^eceivedtwotalents.came, not minifter uf-to thee ?
ieilrei!,e fruit „f and faide Mafter , thou dclivereft unto mee two
45- Then Ihall he anivverethera.and fay ,Verely
^'jcJneffCi notv the
i.ordl ioj u ditU-
talents behold ,1 have gained two others talents
I fay unto you in as much as yee did it not to one

UeJ.UUo ,y,ii. more. of the leaft ofthefe, ye did it not to me.

lUit mj i,y rndy
23 His Mafter faide unto him It is well done
rrmiine in , on tnd
46 * And thefe Ihall goe into eveilaftinj paine.
g^^j fe,vant, and faithfull. Thou haft beene faith- and the righteous into life eternall.
,^j oe t^ij,iM.
^^^jjj^^ Hale, I will make thee ruler over much en- :

ter into thy m.ifters ioy. CHAP. XXVI.

nfulijtion of the I'riejh «f«j(i;(
,;l ChriJ}. s nil fen
24 Then hce that had received the one talent, ointed. I udiis fiUelf, him.
1,- ludasfiHethhim. 16 -/he •»Jliiuiio„
came .and faid .Mafter I knewe that thou waft an ,
of the j'upper , 3^ and 36 Peieri dcni.iU. Cliriji is he^l>ie.
hard man > which reapeft where thou fowedft nor, 47 llejihetr.iycd-[vitt>ak.if>t. S7 He ii led to Caiaphts.

and gatherell where thou ftrawedft not «4 He confifcth himfelfe to beChriJI. 67 Thtyjfii jt him.

2^1 was therefote afiaid, and went,and hid thy A Nd » , itcimetopaiVe, when lelus had fini-

talent in the earth behold, thou halt thine owne,

Ihed all thelefayings, hee (aide unto hisdif- "cbwii'wi^oef.
2(> And his mafter anfwered.and faid unto him, cipleS, fetb byhis volun.

Thou evill fervant, and (lothfull, thou kneweft that 2 a Ye know th.u after two dayes is the Pafle- ""« g'^' 'g '»
<'"'''•'''•« •"^w'H
1 reape where 1 lowed not , and gather where I over , and the Sonne of man (halbe delivered to
, • • 1 makefuUfaiijfa-
ftrawed not. beCrUClbed. ftion for the ftnne
ivhu!, iui'e the Mkftir i
27 Thou oughtcft therefore to have put my 3 <• Tlieii ailerabled together the chiefe Pricfts, of Adam, by hu
and the Scribes, and the b'deis of the people into obedienee.
i hlcifcl akoid, mony to thce e;i*;hangers,Sc then at n,y comming ''""'''"*
nl:e,e lUty let <
(bould I have received mine owne with vantage. the hall of thehigh i'rieft called Caiaphas ; . *
*^ * and not nica, ap^
ii Tak'e therefoxs the talent from h,im
, and
fQiatcdtaeiiuK [|>Jt Chtiit QlQUidbt crucified in. f loba nw?-
4 And
. '

Oyntmentpowredon Clin'ft, Cbp. XX VL The Lords Supper. 14

4 And confulted together that they might take as it is written of him : but wo be to that man by ,
^ ,
, , ,

a By ti,;.- wrrde I^fus by fubt ilty an d, kii h im i whom the Sonne of man is betrayed it had beene auJ„',\,^l ,u^" :

Fe.tft,umrantthe J But they (ail, Nor on the a feaft </.y , Icift a- good forthatman , if hi never bene borne. /«» tc Utrajhun.
roMefiafitfun- ny uprcue be among the pe- 'pie. 1 hen Iud,-»sTt which betisyed him , anA^'e-
rvhtrtoftrerefi thehouleot Simon ih." leper, ThouhaiUaidit.
hoh.ihdiihy .
7 b TheiecameuiKohima j6 '74. And dS they did eate lefus ^oke the , inditutu'h a c<w
ntihtdono miner a c boxe of vcty coHly ointment , and powrcd it OH • bread, and when lie h.-.d nleiVed he brake ir and '
, ,
covenant ^\!th

t{nri. ;","; his head as he fate at the table. gaveittothedircip!es,andkid,Take,eate : mthis "'^*^'^""-
tcm%nyofthe And when his n difcipks Tawe It , they hatl is my body.
Ma<k°'fai'tii"Had • '
, ^ ,
Sjnhcdria deier. indignation, faying, What needeth this ^ wafte? 27 Alio hfl tooke the cup, and when he had gi- given thanke, and .-

mheJ tiherwfc: Poi this oy Htmcnt might have beene fold for ven thankes, he gave it to them faying, Drinke ye therefotr b!
9 ,

much, and bene givei>tothe poore. "all of it.
Ct'dsfroUdeiie, 1° 4 And Icliis knowing it fayd , iinto them, i3 o For this is my blood of the p newe Tefta- kindtVf mu'rmu?
thit chriji fufjired Why tfoiible ye the woman ? for Ihe hath wrought ment that is Ihed for many , for the remiffian of ting and force of
at tUi lime, to the words: the
a good wotkc Upon me. finneS, ai^d ytt

* / For yee have the poore alwayes with unto you .that I will not drinke hence-

' ' 29 I fay
^J^^^ ^ '_"_^^

mighite nitnefTej you, but me (hall ye not have alwayes. forth ofthis fruit of the vine untill that day ,when na'arrbntin°qu'a"
cfhi'tiiirUJlw^ 11 For fin that ihe powred his ointment oa I ihall drinke it new with you in my Fathers king- litie, for they be-
fj^'fi"- my body (he did it to kury me.
, dome.' come undoubted

2."*'^' '5 Verely I fay unto you , wherefoever this aj" And when they had fungga Pfalme, they '°'i'","'I'^'^°'i^
-' '
r^i- . , and blood ofChrift,
3 BythiifudJen Gofpellhall be pleached thorowout all the world, went out into the mount ot Olives. ,, oftbfirowne

worke of a (infuU there fliall jTo this that (lie hath done , be fpoken 31 1 s § Then laid lefus unto them, 411 ye fliall natuicor forteef
v»omajT,chriftgi. of for 3 m( r. .oriall of hcr. heoffendedby me this night for it is V^ritten , I : wordi.but byChriii

rnde^fuL of hT. H. S * Then one of the twelve called ludas .

* will fmite the Ihephearde and the Qieepe of the , *="'

- ti, r rt 1
wbttn mill beieci"
dtath, and butiail Ifcariotjwent unto the chiefe Piiefts, flocke (lialbelcattered. „d3„j 1,;^ fo„h,
which wa. nigh: ly Andfayd, What wiU ye giveme and I wiU , 3 z' But 4. aftej I am rifen againe.I will goe be- that faith may find
the favour where- wliat to lay hold on
deliver him uiito vou and they appoiiited unto
, fore you into Galile.
bo'i" in the word
himthirtie^^..o'fftlver. But Peter anfwered , and faide unto him,
which flee unto ^6 Andfrom that time, he foiight opportunity Though that all men ihould be oftended by thee, ', Tb'iriraTg«al
him. Becaufeiudaj to betray him. yet will I never be ouended. tive fpeech, wmcb
taketh ao occafioa x 5 on the firft day of the fealt of
,7 j Nqw g 34 ^ lefus faide unto him, Verely I fay unto '• called Metooy-
thee, that this night, before the cocke crowe, thou ""^ '''.^" '° '^^'

pHft wicM unleavened bread.the difciples came to lefus fay- .

„ , , . ,"r theputtitig ofone
ing unio him. Where wilt thou that we prepare for (haltdeniemetnnle.
purpofe and
counfeli. thee to eate the Palleover ?
„ ,. name for another
3y Peter (aide unto him , Though I Ihould die fo calling the bread
^ ^°' '*'('
f"" 18 And he fayd Goe ye into the citie to fuch
, with thee.I will in no cafe deny thee. Likewife al- bii body", which it
cZiliZmcir 3 ""^n. and fay on him , The mafter fiith. My time fo laid all the difciples. '^'
^'^''ITi T'^"
hJifkitm .-tnd is at hand I will keepe the ^'aReover at thine
: }6 ? * 9 Then went lefus with them into a ^'yet^notwirhiUn-
jeifimethinkt houfe with my difciples. place which is calledGethfemane.and ftid unto his diog. it if fo a ligu.
that theEHang,-
,9 ^nd the difciples did as lefus had given them difcip'es.Sit ye here, while I goe.and pray yonder, larive and changed
'"" <'("fp«<;|>.'i'3«
charge, and made ready the Paffeover. 37 And he tooke unto him Peter , and the two "V""?

c Thifehcxtsycite 10 it So when the even was come, hee h late fonnes of Zebideus, and began to waxe forrow- ceive'chrm indeed
»/ it!.tb after , yvhiih downc with the twelve. full, and rgtievoully troubled. with ail his gifiei
'" 'W' ""« """ 1 1 And as they did eate.he fayd.* Verely,! fay 38 1° Then faid lefus unto them,Myfoule is (though by a fpiri.
'"^" ">""
""'° you.ihar one of you Ihall betray me. verie heavie , even unto the death tary ye here,
""utVltZetts- , . come one with niiit,.
12 And they were exceeding fofowfull , and
, >

^firfmenri",il'»t and watch with me. n Therefore they

aiat-tjier kfep"'' beoan every one of them to fay unto him , Is it I, 39 So he wentami tell on his which tooke away
a little further ,

eiiitment wiilici'f Mafter? face,and prayed.faying, my Father.if it be poffi- the cup fromtbeO
^^ ^"'^ ^^ anfwered and fayde.* Heethat ble.f let this t cup palle from me neverthelelfe. People did againft :
' dippcth his hand with mee in the difli , hee lliall notasI\vill,but asthou Wilt,
dThi'jh a fitur'e ^^^^
c^ftej syneciotUe: betray mcc. 40 "After , hee came unto the difciples , and o To wit this cup ,

fTiiufi,dtutof 24 Surely the Sonne of man goeth his way, found them afleepe.and faid to Peter ,What ? could or «ine,ij my blood
Juiiat ihuthewat Sacramenraliy, as
ye not watch with me one houre ?
mcoVcd thereat,
Jc'miz.^. t f'nfrcfitalU/f ending. 4WeoughtDot ra0ily tocondemne th«t which p'jenanr, rhjt ii tofij, whereh 'he new Uame andtelien.1nt ii made. for inmit-
15 coi orderly done.
J Deut.ij.ii. / Chrill, who was once anointed in hiiovine kin-iofU.i.uei, ihej ifcd poyvr-n^ of ivtne^ir.dfheMit^, cf UoU. ^ Til'hen •.hey hud
perfoc mult alvi'ayesbe anoiDced in the poore.
, f inthAtf^e feyvr^dt^yji cintment modi an end of their folemns ffg-n^,, Vfhlchfime :hinkj:n.u ft:;e_ l%l,r,es;Upnnin? xt
ufmmyUay ,Jkedrdii,abuneme. * Mdr. i^,\o. Aftir. 14,12. /«4? 12.7. 4 the 111.10 the 117. S Chrilt lieing more cartfull of hu difciples. then of tiiufslfe,
6 Cbiill vtitly purpofingto bring uiintoour countreyomofhand.and fo to abrogate forewarneth them of their flight, and putteth them in bet: er comfort. § Marke i+,
the figure of the Lawi fulfilleihthe Law.negleS ing the contra: y tradition aud cuftoir.e a7.iohn i5,3». and iS,8. • Zich.13,7. *
Marke 14.23. and 16,7. i; loho 13,38.
cl :fce le'Ae, andihercwitball ftievieih tbatsll thing* {liallfo come topalTfby the markei4,3o. 6 • Luke 22.39.
Chiili having rtgaid to the weakeneffeof hi*
miuiUfrieof men, tbatthefecretcoutfellof Godftiall govemethein. g T'/ij ymt difc.ples, leaving all tberdl in fafetie, tsktih with him bu:i;Jiree tobe^hi*'
thefcurtten'h d.iy .fthefirfl mcieth and the fir'l cfunlejhened lre.idfnould huVe beene
anguiOl and toeth of putpofe ii:lo thepUce appointed to betray him in r Thcwotd
the fifteenth , h<t< becanjeihis d.tyei eVenin^ (ychul: .tfier the m.inrier vfihe R^cmanet which be vfeth.lignifieth gteatforow.iod marvtilous and deadly gtitfe:which thing, as
tvJi referred ttithe d.n htfcrt) itdielen^ty the I ewes m.:ner to tke d,ty follo-n,in^,thire- it betokeneththetruethof mans nature. which (hunneth deaihaia thing that entrtd io

fore it 11 called the frjld.iy of unleaUned tread. A

iK^fli.M. b Betaufe the Latv '
againft nature fo it fheweih that though Chrift were void of finne.yet be fulteined that
affiir.ted them te le/hod , and ha^t their pa)feiin their handes , at though they wert in botriblepuniniment.becaufehefeltthewrattofGodkiiiJledagaioit fotfin[:ei,wbich m
hafle, therehtl'ttcleidihcred that they f.ite not donne rrhen they did eale the Paffe- he.KVe»ged and puniftled inhisperlon. .10 Chiih a true man going about tofOilfettte
clier , latftetd.fir cthi'tr'Ji trhen they nent to meat ,tley tut ojf their fh.oes : there- punifhrnentwhi-hwasdueuiiio m.forforfaking ofGodJs foifjkrn of his ownf fr't :

fere he ffe.tk_ethhtre in ihit fiace .noltfthe Pa(:ecl/cr,l,ut of the Sappier, rvhichrfat he oath a terrible ccnflift with tbehorrorand feareof the turfeof God : out ofvibicfr
eiitlnied afierthatthe rafeeVerrratfclemnriydonl. » Matke t^.it i'hn 13.11. he eftapiogas copqatioat.caufetb ui not to be afraide any mote of dta.b. f 1" i'
St P/il.41,9. i That ittt faj,vhcm 1 VcuchPifid tocomettmy tihie, uUudiny to paQemee.ard not touch mee. t T^a' nwiich 1$ at iscnVred and preps red f-^.r
the fUte l'fal.^t,io. trlmhii r't/otobe undirjhed , as though at the felfe ftmein- mee a kiod^ of fpeech which the Hebrew e» ufe.fw ibe wiatb o:' G..<1 , ar.d tbr j ouiih-

f! and that the Urdffakf thefeyptrds ludai had had hish.tndin the d-fh (or had
, ( mentbef(;adeib aboue>Chap.iO,:2. : Ji An exsmr'eof tbecaiclefnVCtof niaui
ieiean Mndtuitid tiil^n) int it it mtant of kit tahWni arid titini nt'ii thim. til Watchi
. e .

ludasbcttayetliChrift; 5. Mattliew, Peters dcnialU

41 Waich and pray , , that yta enter not into 64 lafHsfalJtohim ,ThouhaRfaidit:Tis- . _,

\x CbriP.offtttb tentation : the ijnrit indeed is ready , but the fle(h verthelclVe 1 fay unto you . d Hereafter (hall ye fee ,Tm^"'lJ*'*'*
himf.ift v^iiiingW isweakc. the Sonne of man , fitting eat the right hand of i.rbnr.4,14.
^^r^liS^il^a^^i 42 AMine he vent iwjy the fecond time and , the power of God , aqd come in the f doudes of d tHi wcrJe j;-
In lo obeying vtii- ^ '^ ,^ _ ^ .r i--
lii)jly.b««iicht Omy i
prayed, favmg, it cuppe
Father, this cannot

the heaven. JUnrm/kni, his fir /f

make f«tiif«a ion pal'.cawapfroiume but that 1 mull diinke it, thy , 6y Then the hie Prieft g rent his cloathes.fay- ^J^™"'^
fonbewillfuUfall willbcdonl'J ing. He hath blafphemed. what have v.-e any more e Uniri-n'M Cid

43 And he came and found thera afleep again, needle of witneflcs behold e nowc ye have heard
: , in Hk? .'nd fjusi
{""•»'" "' '*' '*/*'
liikeilr^r.iobn for their eyes Were hea\7. his blafphemie.
«j,j. 44 S.o he left them, and went awiiyag.tineji'.nd 66 What thinke ye They ? anfwered, and faid,
f^;///"*" '".J'J^;,
u Sent ffotii ibe prayed the thiid time.fay ing the fame woids. Heisguiltieofdeath. .
'):;^::L ..u.
.tbaimemtgbt be
Then ca^e he to h.s difciples a.,d layd tm-
tothem Sleepe henceiorth , and ta]<c your relr.
67 S Then
him.and other fmotehim with rods.
fpat they in his face
.^ndbufleted Aon:/ ^^«>Afr*„-
''" n^-ir,vi,

. deliveteH beholdc thc hoiirc is at hand and the Sonne of

. , 68 Saying.Prophecie to us. O Chrift , who is l,j|/^''r"r wer
.X cbrift«rreben. paan is riven into the hands ofiinncMs. he that fmote thee ? ("cLfa's^/ul"'
ly.&rtbuktili bin -46 Rife, let us go:behold,he is at hand that 69 J * « 7 Peter h fate without in the hall , and im. u^k' .,f.rc,
i n'urpcly, for bf
betrayechme. a maide came to him , faying , Thou alio wart « ith '-''"•'' M' ^°-
knew well 'nough 47 ,j, And while he yet fpake, loc, ludasone lelnsof Galile: jjHmZtr aZT
for what ciufe be of the twelve came.and With him a great raultitude

70 Put hee denied before them all, faying,! tht itn>e/:f<i'"j'i^ '

^^'"'^ (V/ords and Haves , „ from thc nie Pricfts and WOte net what thou fiyeft. rrere .Ay U'und
tvtnbeiberule Eldeis of the people. 71 And when hee went out intothe porch, '^'"'''f.tvheniljty ^
^g Now he that betraied him had given them . another W(t«<<ffawe him, and faide unto thtra that '^.Z.r.i'l^J^^'j'''
* a"-<^.<s «"«• a token, faving .Whomfoeverllhall kiUe .that is wer-c there, 1 his tcan was alio with lo/usofNa- ^y,Ji!;r:t.iirj.
he. lay hold on him. ZTt-ch. iti!ioneftJ,tir Tjh
CwmA to w,hon. tbe 49 And forthwith he came to leius, aua layd. 7 z .\pA againe he denyed with an oathe.fay in<>, '""'* "" ''"' '••"^'
lord haib nor pi- god ("ave thee, Maikr, and killed him. Ik.K,wnot^hemr.n. "
T^'t-^yufitbc 5^° »3 Then lefus fay de unto him , x Friend 7 3 So after a wh lic , came unto him they that f„„r, i^i„,it, ,/
rword.««l«"ot wherefore ait thou come ? Then came thtry and , ftocKJ by sr.d faide unto Peter, Surely thou art al- drath.

called to it. layd hands on lefus, and tooke him. fo oneof th6m :for even thy fpeech biwraveth * Efai so*.
^ ' ^ 4.Ma'ke.4«.
, f chrift i» t=- ,c I And beholde one of them which were with , tl-g.
k,n, be<.aufe bee ^^^^^ flfetched out h's hand and dre\%- h is fwt.rd, Then began hee to curie /;j»j/5^ ,a!id to
^ , 74 1
*'° 2"^ ^roke afervantofthe hie PricH.and ircote fweare.fayirg.l know not thc man. Andimmedi- 17 Pererbytbe^
cocke crew. wonrferfuU provi-
» By 'bi • <!>i«f''0" off h s ea e. i I
atiy the
uicg.beanfwereth ^^ 14 Then fayd lefus iinto hjm , I'ut Up thy 7y Then Peter remcn-.bred the words of lefus, ^^"^^'10°^'''"
f^ord into his place::S for all that y take th,t fword, which had fiid unto him , Before the cockecrov.e vvitneiofjiltiiofe
Vmi'' hf baveaf*
ke7km.!wty he d«l fliall penni with the fwnrd. thoiiihaltdeniemee thrife.Sohee went out, and thuigi, iiptt(ured
to tbc example of
rot in tbiibij great ^} >/Eitherthinkeftthou .that I Cannot now weptbitterlv.
' '
extremity of dan- pray to my Father, and hee will give me rooe then cie, by theexperienceoffaiiowne incredulitie. h Thatit, w'thouttbe place
call to hiiFa-
s." twelve legions of Angels ? where ibeB.ftiop fate, bm not wiibcut the bcufe, for afterward ttwtot from tbcuce ,

ther foraide.butto
T4 ^ How then flicwld the + Scriptiues be ful- iatotilepovch. i •Hefwoi'v: and curled bimfelfe.
!»ya<!ueflioa. filled, X»v/;/<:/)/'7 .that it miirtbe fo ?
yy The Idmehoure fayd lefus to the malti-
a Hf ii JflhereJic nli't. i-uJjihiltftihhimfe'.fe',
« u'a'kcV'.M.
tudejYeehecomeoiitasi/vffrif ag.iinlia thiefe, f
1.0 FrluitiXfift. to Burali^simikcd. 14 I'lU'e vifh;t
^ke a»,j4.''i'obn' with fwords and flaves totakemec: ) late diyly liiil'.iKJi. xi Chrtpiict^trnedrsrfhihwr.ti. -3^ <Hru

J 1,14. teaching in the Temple amongyou.uidyee tooke rriuifirJ. ^a r^-iiHed. jo He eiitll, up thi Chili,,sj He
,6 CfcrilibeinE nie nOt. isliuicd. 61 ThefiHld-mnyvatchhiai.
But all this was done , that the Scriptures
iTe™o't"bT J<5
VJj7 Henche* morningwas come, all .the chiefe *,6"/'j'hn'is,"ig*,
bi«h Ptieii for of the Vrophets might be fulftlkd, + Then all thc " Priclis.and the Eklers i>f thc people tooke
that witkedntiTe diicjples forfookc him, and fled. counrellagainlllefiis to put him todeattj.

^^ ^ ^ ,c And they tooke Icfiis and led him ,
1 And let him away bound, and delivered hiai
*o ' Caiaphis the hie Prieft, where the Scribes and untopomius Pilate the govcrnour.
S*Ftom Annaito
the Elders were alfembied. A" »*.'"'P'.'^''
Caijphat. before
3 f iThen when lujas which betrayedhim, '
vvbomihc miih!. yg And I'eter followed him a fane offuntothe faw that he was condemned he repented himlelfe, jj^'^^'^'ji'' j "^^^''

*^'^ Priefls b hall, and went in and fate with the and brought againe thethiitie />«>«/ of lilvcrto vv«iiag*'nnih«m
fervants to fee the end,
b Vhe'^o-rd b»V the chiefe Piiolls.and Elders, which frii cbriit,
vftJ.fignifieibpro- jp Nowe * the cbiefe Pricfts and the Clders, 4 Saying , I have finned betraying the inno- a. againft

an open large
f f tly and all the wholc Councill fought falfe witnelle a- ^"l"''' ''"^ CtnA.
cent blood. But they fayd. What is that to us:!ee
,;,ome Wforeat.
gainft lefus.toput him to death. thou to it.
«CiD(>ipabcei and 00 But they totmd none and ihough many ,
y And when he had caft downe the Ciherpie-
nobiemcni boufei: falCe witneflcs came, yet found they none ; but at «i in the TL-mple, he* departed, and went, 4. and a Outofmeai
we call it a court, the laft Came two faife witnefles. hanged himfelfe.
*" '' And laid. This man faid, ^. 1 can deftroy the
a Aft. i,>8.
*\T" '?" <5 1
'f 6 And
the chiefe Prieftes tooke the filver b The'treafureof
^'^"ocbei. u- Temple of God.and build it inthreedayes. end faide , It is not lawfull for us to put the Temple,
Seen foitbebonfe it 6 1 Then the chicfefi Prieft arofe ,and faide to them into the t. treafure , bccaufe it is the price ^ of « "'"''''"'"J <i"'''«
f'if«- hira.Anfwcreft thou nothing.' = What is themat- blood.
* Maike u,. ss-
ghtft„ , ,^.hom the
{gf tj^jt thcfe men witnelle againft thee
,£. loho
7 And they tooke counfcll , and bought with j^^,, couiJ not
HoAcommeih ^i But Icfiis held his peace. Then the chiefe thera a potters field.for the burlall ofd ftrang^ers- abide t* be ioyned
J to r.>(re ibae rricli anfwered , and f aide to him , I charge thee Wherefore that held is c.rlled,* The held of "'"' '° "<;' »{•« •

itfnrtn witntBe fweare unto vsby the living God , to tell vs , If ,,"..,,,.,
blood, untill this day.
• . they were dead.

aauft tbte
^ Aa«w,is,
i ,2iou b« that Cbrilt the fonne of God > or «», ^Then was fiiJftlkd Uiat which was fpoken

Chrift condemned. Chap, xxvij. and crucified, ij

e seew^thitfrs. by lercmias the Prophet , fayino •J.fAnd they
' , of Cyrene, named Simon ;hL-ri they >- corr.pelled «> Thijnr^ttiicd
fktcreiireddin """" '" *'"'"' *"
^ tookc thirty fiiver fii'Cc'/, die price cf him that was to b-.are his crofle. '

valued, whom they of the children of Ifrael valued. 3 3 + « And when -hey CLme unto the place calh d
„iTr"[°'^^'' Tf''
I o Aiid they gave them for the potters Golgotha (y
lerimii, « jms is to .T.y.rhe iphi.-- oi dtadmcns fciils) wi hlt'Vefa'^^,
trcpi mrothiuxt, the Lord appointedme.) 34 7 They gave h m vinegertn drinke,r.;'nr-!ec; fifcre hjnJ!cJ be.
ciihir ti>nviodi 5 J ^ p^^^^ jg^^jj flood before the governour, whhgall /""''''•'"" /""'«"'
J , and when he£ had rafted theieo', bee

femcl'tkrilpm'. " ^^'^ '^" goverr.our asked h irr.faying, Art thou that would nor drii,ke. ..
r.,we-i'fmajietifi King ol the Icwes ? lelus fsyd unto iiim. Thou 3yAnd when they had crucified^im, tliey ,rcf, tLrcn'^fir

tha: it came tut <f iiyelt it. parted his g;rments,and did caft lots, that it mignt '''"' irriKethihat
tht mtrpm.h] n*- j ^ j^^^ ^j^gj, j^^g ^^s accufed of the chiefe befulfiiled, which w<!S fpoken by the Prcptet, '•"^''''"•""he
tioatftleUturs"' rricfts, ai^d Elders, he anfwered nothing. i They divided my girmenfs among them,and a"C'^!° ""'""'**
tUecnthtino^\ou\ir \i Then fayd Pilate uiwo him , Hcarcft thou upon my vclhire did caft lots « Maike
...... ^ 1

the ahir zau.vhch not how many things they lay againft thee ? 36 Aud they fate and watched him there. hn 19,17.
'" not much Mn. j^ But he anfwered him not to one word,info- 37 f9 They fetupaUu over his head his caufe « "' » Ifd »ut of
r'untcx'i Th( I'rJ' "^V^^^' ^^^^ '^^
governout marvelled greatly. written .THISISIESUSTHEKING ™!v'b"s'"'"^"
fhetinatntismt I J 3 Now at the feaft the governour Was wooTit
-, OF THE IE WES. .^.tS;,
to deliver unto the people a pdfoner whom rhey
, _
fit downe it <,!i. '° And
there were two thieves crucified \v kingdome.
A Zich.ii.ii.
3S f
^ould. on the right hand.and another on the lefi. ^ Orift found ao
jJhLfStL 1 6 And they had then a notable prifoner called 39 " And they that palled by, reviled him, wag- ^°™'°"^«v «here-
in wee I

Prof heti -nerds, hnt Barabbas. ging their heads, :gbt be filled
hit meaning, ruhul) \j VV hen they wcre thcn gathered togcther.Pi- 40 And
faying,* Thou that defttnyeft the tem- wihaiUon ifott.
" '* ^^^^ ^ ""^° them.Whether will ye that I let loofe ple.andbuildeftit in three diyes.five thy felfe: if ^ H'^nma^
made a r

» Cb^iii holdeth W'" yo" Barabbas,or lefus which is called Chrift? thou be ^ Son of God.come down from the crofle. '^['j'j,'/''^,
biii)«cev»hcnhe i8 {Fot he knew well, that for envic they had 4 1 Likewifealfo thc high Prict^s mocking him, bei» r7"''edofti«'
is accufed, inj:we delivered him. with the Scribes.and Elders, and Pharifes,fayd, garmcnti.that wee
mayDoibeacculed j ^|,gp ^ge ^g^ fct downe Upon thc
j, j^jf-Q 4i He laved others iza he cannot lave him- ,
. his v/ife fent to him, faying, Have
ii'clgement feat felfe if he be the king of ifrad.let him now come
guSi^aarfhrK. :
^p;^ "'""l'"'^*-
vvithaiihiiowne thou nothing to doe with that infi man for I have : downe from the crofle.and we wiU beleeve in hira. marke'",',4."
inoocency. fuffered many things this day in a dreame by rea- 43 4- HeetruftedinGod icthimdiiiver him » H«iip,onoED. ,
tM.rk^.y.x.Iuk. ^on^fhim.) now,ifheewilihavehim;forke layd I am the "d the true Meffi. ,
a, e»*„of,he,nof
3^Cb!miifirtt" 20 * But the chiefe Piiefis and the elders had Sonne of God.
<}uic.ti of ibt fame perlwaded the people that they Ihould aske Barab- 44 The felfe fame thing alfo the » thieves which Zc^m Te^tt
ludge. Moiehe be bas, and ihould dcftroy lefus. were crucified wirh him, caft in his teeth. then loiudgetbe
coDd.mned, tb^t the govemour anfwcred,and fayJ
^ ^ ji^g^ «n. 4f >» Now from thc fixthhouie was there dark- woiid wbeo aftw

.C^iidied foi
to them .'whether of the twaine will ye that I let neffe over the land, unto the ninth houre.
hun'^tf t'T*
the vniuft. loofe unio yourAnd they fayd.Barabisas. 46 Andabout the ninth hourelefus cried with a theevei"^"'*^"
• Mark.i/.ii.luJte i, Pilate fjyd unto them.what ihall I do then loud voyce.faying * Lii.Eli.lamalabachthani' that nTomake fuil^fa-
23 is.iotio 18,40. vvithlefiis, which is called Chrilt? They all fayd to My Gt^l.why
is. haft thou oforfaken me; 'i't'aftion .-foriS

him,Let him be ciutified. 47 And lomc of them that ftood there when ChritiA.ffereihand
4 Cbiiit'being
-.L ,-,. overcommeth,Dot

quii by ibe idii- i3 Then fayd the govemour , But v hat evill rr^i I 1,•

they ncard it f.yd, Th*s man calleth

. i^-

p Eiias.
1 •

only tbe torment.


raonyofibeijdge hath he done J Then they cried the more .faying, 4^ And itraight way one of them ran, and tooke of rhebody ,butaU
himfelfi;, i. 00.. j_g^ j,j„ ^g CrUClflcd. * a fpunge and hlkd it with vineger , and put it on •^'' '"o« ^""i- ''^"dC«b"'" *4 4 When Puate faw that he availed nothing, a reed, and gave him to drinke.

but tha: more tumult was made hee tooke water

fame to quit ui ,
49 Otnei faid Let be let us fee if Elias will i 'i,!*d°2,%.
, :

before God. and g walhcd his hands before the multitude fay- , come and and lave him.
miner :f vial. 11,9.
g It vet! .1
I am innoGcnt of the b blood ofihisiuftman:

50 J3 Thenlefus cried againe with a loud voyce, "

ZltllZLlZ looke you to it. and yeelded up the gholl.

ther,.{,anJiti.-Ur ij Then anfwcrcd all the pcople.and faid, His '
5 1 "» And
the q vaile of the Temple \J_,\°„e l/Zmlut
behold. -:

fau^httri ,ioyftfh blood Afi on US, and On our chiJdren. was rent In twaine.fromthe toppe to the bottome, ii,J rei>ile him.'
their Undi in yv.t. .^ Thusict he barahbas loolc unto them, and and the earth did quake, 8c the itenes were cloven. " Hea«en ii felfe
"" ^i^iirged lefus.and deliver d him to he crucified.
%te°i "Ih":-^!' J 2 And the r graves did open therrJelves . and "i,^^'^^^'^J°J ^'r[^
bo'/ih!ri,>rthtr, i7 ^ « Then the foiildicrs of the gevcrBour many bodies of thc Saints, which flept.aro/e, '
*n Hetriv kj'xi* tooke felus into the con.mon ball , and gathered j3 And came out of the graves after his refur- drp hofbtil.aod m
about him the whole band, rediou. and went into the holy citie, and appeared tbemfantwbile
.^8 f And they Uripped him. and k put about unto many. 1'
\sl!c."m'Li».i puUj'i'*'
in Paying him , let
' him a' Iksrlet robc, 54 When the Centurion and theythatwere o rc^-a,ii'.inii,i, ,

V, ani ,i*r fPeri- 19 And platted a crownc ofrhorncs.and put it with him, watching Iefus,iaw the earthquake, and mifir^ anJihri .

tyfmif fi>.v
upon his head, and a reed in his rigrtt hand , aisd the things that were done.they feared greatly ,fay- cn'ii'U'i' f'f"'
*/! »'>' bowed thei-r knees before him and mocked him,
, ing.Truely this was the Sonne of God. uh,h«m<xn'.iu,
faying.G d favctht-e Kiiig of the lewes,
./ Chrift luff.ieih ,
fj J And many women wt-re there, beholdirg j,„,-^„,i,„i,tf
tbaerepioach wbith And fpitted upon him.and tooke a reed.and
33 ,
him afarrccfl", which had followed lefus from Ga- fin\'iu:)rifeU'ht
wa. due !o uar {rncithim on the head. ixraihe/i^ce-rrhuh
hie, minilhing unto him.
3 Thus when they had mocked him they
1 ,
56 Among whom was Marie I.lagdcLene, and "j^J'JI^/"^"',
itieaottiaiebythe tooketherobc from him and put his ownera:-
Hat name , jot/o)' nunH'f unJerftaniing the itn^ue , hut of a fTaf.ine im;'Uirvcj
fecret providence ment On him, and led him away to crucitie h:m. fn4i.i!,eft, ,injkerepe.rei/ t-efe rccrdi^tot'ie endth.i: this he tir h irpin^npiia ih< mtme
of G«d .heeis in i. - ,
^ '
^ ^„j ^3 jj^ ^_..^^^ out, they' fouod a man rm^htii undtrjTcad. Pfal. 69.11 13 Ch'iltafttr heebadovtr-one otbtr enemiei,
tuJ«dKinghy the™ at length provoked Sc fctreih upoodtrarbit ftlfr. 14 Chtift.wbcchr ijdrad.fheAtih
whicb did him rhat rei^»oach. k They caft a cloake about hi«i, ocd wrapped i» himfelfetobtGodalmighty.tven biJcnemicicboftlliugtbefamt:. <$• j C-ic 3 h.
aboutbim, for iilslied fleevei. 1 lobn and Marke make mrntion of a purple lobe, T hat
q Wkicli dil,i.ite the hJiiji ff'jlt. t ii t„f.iy,t'Kelttneii::a)„-infir,d,r:0' f/i,-rr.a'«
which HaHuavwy pleafant red. But t'cefe profane and malrpa.t fawcy foul<li'r» clad
'^' M»ke fhetv tj this ickfn.t'nt de.ith -n- at elf r:cmr >C 'he rffirrieittmj
leftJin tbiiatay, 10 mgckc Bim v^'iiballjwbo wai indeed lll«c King.
lh< liud/tlliwd tht Tefnrrc(}itn ej Chrtfl-Mi.tfftirah h) 'he nr-ft ^irjifjcmi,,^.

Chriftis buried. S. Marke. ChrifteJ fefurfedfon.

became as deid men, d TbeworJ Ve i|
Mariethe mother of lames.and lofeSianuch? mo- nied, and

If ChlH-'»l>u"' fpok: »i,ith flrce to

ti .not privilyor ther of Zebeieus foiinss y But the Angel anfwered, and fayd to the wo- mey vvomrn,
•i> And when the even
was come, there men , Feare <l ye not for I know that ye feeke le-
now tt« ibe foul»
the govirnouri 57 i
came a ri-h man of Arimathea, named lofeph.who fus which was crucified : dieri i^ere afrayd.
ccnfcorby aTi.
6 Hec is net here , for he is tifen as he fayd: 1 Chrift appearetb
had alfo hiir.lelfc bcvne lefus difciple. .

pljcrDOt Tiirr Ai-
8 He went to rilate.Sc afked the body of lefus.
come, fee the place where the Lord was layd. tffufteaioD,S:fea»
7 And go quickly and tell his difciples that he

pulcbi: fotbitit
Then pili..i commanded ihebody to be delivered. ,
d'ng [be women

;9 So Joitph tot kc the body, and wrapped it is rifen from the dead and behold hee goeth be-
; , to hiidifcipki,
car.cot be doub-
fore you into Galile there yee (hall fee him loe, (hewetb that bee
led o/b'i dtMth. in a clcane liniien clo.ith. : :
hath not forgot-
i, MJriicif 41. 60 And put it in his new to r,be, which he had I have tolde you.
luke u,{0. iobn rocke and rolled a great ftone to 8 So they departed quickely from the fepul-
hewen out in a ,

the doore of the fcpukhre, and departed. chre, with feare and great ioy ,and did runneto
i« Thtkerping 6 1 And there was Marie Migdaiene . and the bring his dilciples word.
o/ibc Tepulcbte other Marie, fitting over?gainft the fepulchre. 9 a And as they went to tell his difciples, be- e For it vcai to be
it committed lo
6i 5" Now the next day that followed the hold lefus alio met them faying God lave you.
, , .
fearfd , tbat it
wui<fttn>, ibat Preparation of the Subbaih , the high Prieftsand And they came , and tooke him by the feete , and vvould be brought
w'orihippedhim. to the governouri
ibcre miiLh[ be Pharifes aflembkd to Pilate,
cu doubt of oil
63 And fayd.Sir.we remember that that decei- I o Then fayd lefus unto them, Be not afrayde.
ftfurieaion. 4 Chrift appeareth
ver faid , while hee was yet alive , Within three Go, and tell my brethren .that they go into Gaiile, slfo to fall Difci-
dayes 1 will rife. and there ihall they fee me. ples , whom he mx«
64 Command therefore, that the fepulchre he II 13 Now when they were gone , behold, ketbApomei.
fome of the watch came into the city , and (hewed X Hrb. 1,1. chap.
made ftire untill the third day leafthis Difciples ,
come by night and fteale him away and fay unto
, , unto the high Priefts all the things that were done. Maikn6.if,
the people. He is rifen from the dead : fo ihall the I 2 And they gathered them together with the f The ftim of th«
laft errour be worfe then rhe Hrti. Elders, and tooke counfell, and gave lar»e money ApaftUfliipij, the
publiQiirgof the
6f Then Pilate fayd unto rhem , Yee have a unto the fouldiers,
doftrine receiwd
f TkefoMldteriof f^^.^^^.^ : go .and make'it ftire. as yeKnow. 13 Saying, Say.His difci{)les ca-iie by night.and of Cbrift thorovs-
t..'"iipoi'nTed'to 66 And they went . and ma.le the fepulchre ftole him away while we llept. oui all ibe world,

keei-e the Temple, fure.with the watch, and fealed

the ftone. 14 And if this matter « come before the go- and the mininrin;
of the Sacrameou
CHAP. XXVIII. vernour to be heard wee will perfwade him and
the eflit«cieof

I Thtlv<im(n?aitoihe frpiiMre. » The .A'lftl .9TI,e no- foufe the matter that you lliall not need to care. whicb thing! hac-
*MatkeiS,f. mtnCci Chrijl 1% Herc'iethhii^fotAeKoi'ntch. I y So they tooke the money and did as ihcy ge b not of the mi- ,

cbnii baviog
0«' » '" ' ^^^ * ^"^^ ^^^^^ Sabbath. when the
VI were taught and this faying is aoifed among the uifttri.buc of the

Juidelthto flight •i'^ firil i5^7 of the weeke began to dawne. Ma-
le^es unco this day, f Calling upon the
in the fei'sicbit, ry Migdalcue.andthe other Mary, came to fee the 16 s *Then the eleven difciples went intoSaHle, naine of the Father,
rifethbyhi. owoe j-tpulcWe.
into a mountaine.where lefus had appointed them. the Sonne anri the .

power.a- firaigbt.

Attbe going out

oftbf S.>bbatb,ibat
for the
^ ^^j behold .

delcended fiomhea-
Angel of the
vuD.and came and rolled backe the ftooe froni the
upon •
there was a great earthquake:
1 7 And when they fa w him ,they wotibipped boly Gholi
him but fome doubted.
18 And lefus came,and 'pake unto
# I3hai4 IS.
g For ever
tbii place it
: and
j^ore and fate, it. •{•AH pov/er give unto heaven.Sc in earth. of the marrerofthe
^^'^ his countenance was like lightning,
19 § f Goetlaerefore.ind teach all nations, bap- prefeoceo^ hii fpi-
ifler°b/Rlman" i meanav»her«.
lo". 'which re.koa and his raimcot white as fnow. tiziigthem fin the Name of the Father . and the
•f beemikeib us
the oaiuraii dJT- 4 And for feare of him, the keepers were afto- Sonne, and the holy Ghoft. partsfcen boh «f
froro the- 'uii riling
a» iheHiorewei,

which count from evening to evening. 20 Teaching them things ,what- himltHV and of a!',
to obferve all
to ihe next fun riling :aod not
and thai
b WbfO ihen]orningarerthefirUc!ayoftheS*bba!hbegaQ;odawne; br
foever I have commanded you and lo.* 1 am with bis ben-/its but ic :

abfcc from ui iobody

day IS the fame, which we now cjil Su !LjrJ»day. e The you galway, imtill the endof the world. Amen.
eyei.aod by the figuieSyuecdo^ne,
tor 1

C H A P. I.
jnJmtit. Tif»iuh4f-
remifsionoflinnes. * Matth.j 4.
4 lolmidftiytl'i.
ff^. g Hi,
6 Hi, .Iff Anil j.hJ
.ii>i!j.rili meit. 9 Tlfttl ill>JI>- ,
4 n ^ oil »ko,-,.nn,,'f>M of
Andallthecounrrey Iudea.andtheyofHie- S Lm
II Hi'ii.mpttd. 14 Hi:e pr:uherh ihe uofyd,
rnfalem, went out unto him, and were all b.-.ptized »
XI aiJ 19 hen tcUik,,, -.he Sj'.aio^HH. He haleth H of him in the river lordcn.confelsing their linnes. ^,'/.j;,d",^',*d*„|
<me tit.u I<mI a dil/ilt . if Peitn mother in Utr. BzMorij
drfe.ireAf.rr^-. ^oTUUper. ^ c r
6 X Nowlohn was cloathed with camels haire, ,«..iDdi94.
for. Car, n. a. It x

f«at forefjioken by
Ke beginning of the Golpdl ot and with a ''irdle of a (kin about his loines : and siobnand all mini-
lefus Chrift the Sonn-,- oi God: he did eat :§ iocufts and wilde hony. ""' ""'!'„"; '""
therropben. .
• This ii the figure 2 I As it is writtc in > "Prophets, 7 « 3 And preiched laying. A ftronger thenl ;^^;;'<:'"'" .

Metony.nii.wbtiby my meflei gcr

t Bcho'.d.
t. I fend commeth after roc . whofe ihoes iatchet lamnot g rte Etianjelift
ii meant ibe I'Ouke
ofibe Pf.>pheti.
before thy face , which. Ihall
c woithy toe ftoiipedowne, andunloofe. hi«ineanin». w.uto

Maiacbi and fcfay. prepare thy way before thee, 8 Trueth it is , I have f baptized you with wa- '.»i'"

* The voice of him that ...

. L ^v a • i iionofibebafelt
ter but he will baptize you wrh the holy Ghoft.
, 1 1 1

K MJiac 3 3 ;
bThr Propel vfeih in the wil Joi nc:ff.: . ».,Prt-pMe the way of
(-rieth 9 s ^. 4 Anditcamc topjffein thofe dayes, f He fhewnh that
puhs llraight. tlLuleinscme fiom Nazareth ,a cttie of Gaiile, all thefoicrcf bap-
',;'be'n kiti. the Lord : m.-ike his
ofatbiogto conie., 4 , = lohn did biptize in the wildernclle , arci and was baptized of iohn in Jordan. ';,^™;=

beingat ViiteofH. presch the d baptifmc cf amendment of life, iox JO JAnd affooneasghetw.ascomeoutofthe (^.'j.ijj./h'^ijhir,. („
' water and • Matt. 3. 3. luice
Join law the hcn-ens cloven in twaine
Ame'taphortikenfriintbevfageofkiogi. wbitb vfetohave vihers go bedre , ,
c" 3ai.iohri,,33.
them * Ifa 40,3. luk. 3,4 i.h.i.i; j The fummeoflobosdoftii'ie. or rather thehol>Ghoftdelcendinguponhimlikeailove.J
^ *
' Mat.3,». d Tht lewft vied 4 Cnriild> tb cvti-
Clirlti ii'r<rinim..noflintanjaaneti1in-iitoflil'e.
kind of vfalhing, ,Ahicb fecrate our baprifme io himfelfe. j The rocation sfCbtiil f,om iieaven, at b«»d
fa ur here i. (p., k-D of a pecnliar

many ki.,de..f /vaDiings : forcivsnei of hi oei, of tbt Church, g JohD that went <low«inio the water with chriO.
katbalUhej-irtaif truti>.ii>*me,-«m;odu«at ofiife,
1 1 Then
3 I

Cbrift tempted. New do6lrinc. Chap. I T. lefus came to preach. i6

\ I Then there w.-.s a voyce from Jefu! jrofe and v;cnf out into a folitaiy place , and
ini , Tliou art my beloved Sunne , in whom 1 am
I ere ju yed.
b took* Mat. 3. 1 7. 36 And Simon .and they that were with him,
« Mat 4 I. lake h w-'li plejftid.
4 « And iramediatly the Spirit « diiveth hirti followed ca.'cfuKv -^':r 'lin^-
*,i. Hcbr.i.iS. 1 i

6 C'riltbfinj into the wiiderceife. 37 And when they had found him . they faid
And hee was there in the wilJerneffe foiir- unto him. All men '^^Lk" for thee.

tie djyes and was tempted of Sitan he was alto

: 1% Then belaid unto them Let us gyp into the .

f next tou nts thi;t I may preach there alfo for I

and fi-rci'le -irtnng with the wilde beaftes , and the Angels minillred , :
^ J^ "I^uitl'
unio him. came out for that purpofe.
^V-rnr ftlrnr clad-
14 1 1^ 7 Nowafter that lohn was committed 39 And hee preached in their Synagogues,
the throughout all Galile, and cal'ahe devils out.
h^dlhtduofU tofrifon ,\'i{ai came into GalUe , preaching
Golp.lofthekingdomeof God, 40 I « i» And there ci-tea leper to him , be- * iiiu.i,x.

I y And faying, The time is fulfilled .and the feeching hiro,and kneeled doune unto hiri'.Sc faid ^^g ^^[[y^^,,^^
nfrvfi'" •'*"'' kingdcrae of God is at hand reptnt and beleeve :
to him If thaj wilt, thou cani^ make me cleane.
, i%,ou«,'hf7ife'w-
fref.%reth him to
theci-miitieihjt the Golpel. 41 And Icfus had compaision.anU put fourth «b ibjthecame
his hand, and tcmchedhim, and laid to him. I will: lo'thiicaufe, to
ysasa* hand, and i6 J
* s And as he walked by the Tea of Gah-
nf wipt out tbe f,nnM
tohismimjltri-- le he faw Simon and Andrew his brother , caLUng bernoiiuene.
cf.bewotld wUb
^ ,. j- .' , ,

f M.:t.4,l>. t«t« 41 Andaflooneasheehadfpoken.iramcdiatiy

a net into the lea (torthcy werefilh'-rs.) b„,oi,^tmg,
4,I4t.''«4.>3- the leprofie dep..rt<.d from him , and hee was made
1 7 Then lei'us fayd imco them
Follow me.and ,
, Afcenhatlohn
taken, Cbtitl I will make you to be hlhcrs of men. cleane.
Oifw*!*! bimfelfe 1 5 And ftraightway they forlboke their nets, 43 And after hee had given hiir, a ftraight com-
and followed him. Hiandemenr, he fent hira away forthwith, j, jj, wftnffTeth
Luk'f* 1 9 9 And when hse had gone a Me farther 44 13 And fayd imtM him , See thou fay tio- tha htwamot
therce be {i'-v laroes the jonTie ot Zebedeus , and
thing to any man but get rhte hence and ftiew moovtd wubam-
, ,
8 TDetallini!0f ,

Simoa and And MW. lohn his brother , as thty were in the thip,
men- thy lelfetotht u j Iriolt, and offer for ihy clean- ^'''"°, "' »ub«ht
5 Thf callingof ding theirnets. hng thole things v.hich Moyies commanded, tor a pjthe.sgi,,^ ^^j
lairM and luha. and they left teltimonijllunto ihem. -
lov* coward poors
JO And anon hee called them :
« Mat 4. '3. wiih his hired 45 But when he was departed,* he beganne to Cnntn.
Lukr4 3»- .. theii lather Zebedeus in the ihip
tell many things and to pr.biilh the miaiter : fo that
k From'hecine lervancs.and went their way after hira. ,
Hararttl>- k C.'pernaura : and lefus could no more openly enter into the city, 'juJ^e '}-"SeJtr,
»I f So * they entred itm *
i Ma-r.7.»8-
firaightwdy on the Sabbath day hee encred into but Was without in deiett places: and they came <• i^vit.i^.^.
to him from every quarter. luke^.ij.
the byn.'oogue J and taught. .

thatdoarin,. by II A'i'.d they were aiKnied at his dottnne, C H A V. II.

Bvbicb alutie Satan 3 and 4 OntfukeffihepMfu-,hiUnghii^nm-s,f<iroi-i/en
Sfor he taught ihcmasoncibat hadauthoritie, him^ii healid. 14 Matiherv is eaiiedy 19 Fijlims and
and not as the Scribes. eg.iihcnjarefercclde. 23 The Lt/nfUi fluck? tS't tares XMat.9,I.luk. f,i3.
the world, wtich
23 J 10 And there was in their
Synagogue a if. .me. j6 Thefhe-tvhread. ' Chrift fheweth
ttlfo hecoofi mtlh

by a miiacle. man 1 in whom WuS an uftcleane ipuit.audhte AFier a few dayes he entred into Caperna-
''"'^jl"''"" '^'J^^^
1 Wcrd fcr ITrcrd^a
cried out, I'raagiincanditwasnoiled that hee was in
Tbtp^i^'lbl', mea
fptr-t,l>"tl iltf 14 Saying, Ah .what have we to doe with thee, tbcahuUle. _

O "» lefus of N.i2areih ? Ait th<,u come to deliroy 2 And anon many gathered together , info- through faith one-
us a know thee whatthouait,ei'«»ttiat'»hojy one much, that the b places about the doore could not
Httv-uh.rrt '^ """
of God receive any more: and hee preached the word J^^j"

in Bell^lehim but
And lefus rebuked him, faying Hold thy untothem.

, »rntheh«ufe
throuyj' iht err nr 1 ;
cf tUt perplr , he peace, and come out of hira. 3 And there came unto him .that brought one in>hsrehit>ftdn
ficke of the paliic, borne of foure men.
H>j/ cs"td itNazn- z6 And the uncleane fpiii; " tare him.and cried Tf'"c''f
„an. becaiife kte
with a loud voyte, and came ou; of him. 4 And becaufe they could not come neere un- J//^,;nn'"<l7«/»
ruM iroi'^'il »f '" to him lor the muiiitude.they uncovered the roote'''.
27 Andihey were all amai'ed,fo that they de- Na^ireih.

D He jliuJet^'f manded p one otaBothtr, fay itig. What thug is ofthchoiUe where hee was and whcntheyhad : b Ktiihenhthmft
"'' '*"
fl>atn.fme rha mii ihisj What new dodhine is thisrtot he q comniAn- broken it open they ^kt downe the ^ bed.where-
able le '"^j'J''"
n ' r held rhem.
yentien in ihe '-cl-
derh even thei'oule fpitits with authoritie, & they III

the ficke ot the palhe ^^y


^ . ^ ^ .
,.- 1

cThe, brake XT -M

. ,

dtn pUi'rrhiri, the

obey him. y Nov V. hen leliis law their tann, nee iayd to »,p„'p,„t.///,e
r /- .
u 1

i8 And iaimediatly his fame Jpread abroad the ficke of the pa/lie, Sonne.thy finnes are forgi- hlufi, nhi^i, ir.«/
throughout all ihe region r oordcnng on Grille. venthee.
certaine of the Scribes lit-
ig J » " And as loone as thty were come out 6 And there were fl':["tphe'pJife,
the houfe of tingthere. andeieaioningin their hearts,
q hy his oirn< JM- of the Sv nigogae they ^mred into ,
,„,, ,1,^ /o-n-rr f^,t

ihoride, cr a-t 4 Simon and .^ikucw. wuh lames and lohn. 7 Why
do-th this manfpeaKeluch blafphe- rehire chrifi prea,
t''ed,fhr tiy c.«irf
And aimuns wives mouther lay hcke ota mies ? S who can forgive finn^-s, but God oneiy ?
30 """*
fever, ajid anon tBey told him of her. a Ant; immcdiatly when lefus perceived in .
Ca/'.''. *"'•'''/"» '»»o
a And hee cameanU touKe her by the hand, his fpint.that thus tbey realoncd v.iih themfeves, d rhe iv'ori'fiiivf!'
«Ae ctuniriei lor- I

irriwufcn If. and lifted her up, and the fever forfookc her by he fayd unto them. Why
reafon ye thele things in eih the morjtk.inJ
# M.i;f.S.i4.
andby.and Ihe raimftied unto them. year hearts?

4 JS- at what rime the. y Whether is it eafitjr to fay to the ficke of the
,, Bybfalingof
3 L And when even was (.ome , ZVi^^s:'^
Thy liancs are foi given thee ; ortolay, „de
divert difeafM.hee Sunne ictteih they brought to him ah wsie
paliie, , and f,<chother
fhewetb that hee dilcaled.and them that wcie pofefled wuh deviis- Aii.'e, takeup thy bed, anil wail<.e » t,mes,,c,efrrjh
t^"mfiy?i rot ca!i
o But that yee may know , that the Sonne of

liath brougbiirue
i3 And the whole citie w^s gathered tej^^thcr 1

at the doore.
man hath authoruie in earrh ro forgive Gnnes, iiee "'j^'J,','^; „;^j„
ficke of di- fayd ui,to the lii-ke of the palfir.
f F«r it Mcnotlh 34 And he healed many that were •j'i/rKf'"^ Mfootdm

Ifay unto thee, Anie, and rake lip thy bed, mjittr.mhih
vers cliiea'es : and hee calt ou: many devils ,
nattaiht dtl>il'' to and ' J I

fre.ich 'he Gtfftit

fufiered oc the devils
thai they knew him. and get thee hence into thi-'.ie owne home. J^-"-
^iltt 16, It.
Ana in the moruing very cireiy before day. ji And by and by hee arole, undtooke up his ^/"j.',^'^*
3 J
. 18 . '

V7ho neede the Phyficisn. S. Marke. Confpiracie againft Chrift.

bcj , and wen: foorth before them aH , in Co much X Andthey watched him , whether hee would b a ti;jriti»e
'F^'^l'.t.y'h, figure-
f -Word for word, (hat they were all f .imifed, and glorified God, iay- heale him on the Sabbath day ' ,
that they mieht
i b
;„ 1 Synetdocbe. For
pji! ihr,,.i>ivr..ot -pg^ ^vc ngv^r law fuch a thirg. aCCUltihim. .b.>k,.de of faying.
^. , , ,
^ * '^''*'^" '^^ ^^^"^ ^''"^ againe tovfard the 3 Then hee faide unto the man which hadthe

Touve .heiife.ii
r-Til Gof *i of- '3
f,nd"h .b.'^toui, fea, and all the people reforted unto hitr. , and hee withered hand , Arifc : finnd firth in the middes. »' """'' • "" f***

4 And hee faide to them. Is it lawfull to doe a

''" ""•
and fii-eih ihe tailght thef". .

14 * by ,he faw g Levi the
All J as lefus paffed good deede on the Sabbath day. or to doc cvilUto Lve wrrng"o«
/•>!«« of Alphcus fit at the receit of cuftome , and
lave the k life, or to kill? but they hew
held tneir
their peace
peace, amo them are iq. ,

*k"f'i*' Then he looked toufid about on them can- gfyb" ;«.:b.

g" Ma'ihtw,-e» !*>' J unto him Follow me. And he arofe and foU ,
(xfaKaame. lowed him. gerly,
jrly,mourning alio for tne^
alfo ror the"! harcTneHe of their ""'"^"""'Chrift
hardneffe ot
rtnd came to palTe, as lefus fate at table hearts.andfaidetoiheman. Stretch foorth thine ""^nJi.h.'i i^he
I)- f ic

in his houfe , miny Pubiicanes and fmncrs fate at hand. And he Itretched it out and his hand was foryVo much for :

tablealfo with leius and his diiciples ; for there reftored, as whole as the other. '^^ imury thai

were many that foil, wed him 6 1 » And the Phaufes departed and . ftiaight-
^l^^'^° ".'.'^^^^.i,
j6 And when the Scribes and Pharifes faw him way gathered acouncill with the e Herodiansa-
eate with the Pablicanes and finners, they faid un- gainft him, that theymight deftroy him. therefore he had
jTlm.i.n. tohisdifciples, How is it. that he eateth and dtin- 7 Butlefusavoydid with his dilciples to the P''y upon them,
f faa: and a great muhiude followed him from Ga- f^De f?' '"" "-f'
lniw'f'j*'* ^'^^^ ^^'''' I'nWicanes and finners ? K laia
... r T 1 I to Dilve
17 Now when Icliis heard it hce fiide unto , hie, and from ludea, mourned.
3 Tbefui-erftiti-
oujaad hypocrite! ^j^em The who*o h.iveno neede of the Phyjician,
8 And from lerufalem , and from Idumea, and d a« ihoagh their
righteous, fbeyond lor Ian: and they that dwelled about Ty- ^"" '»<' btece Co
^"^ ^^^ ''^^^- ^ '^^"^'^ ""^ "^^ "^^ ^^^
r m.^'^f' ^^'lioM ""^"^ "^ ^s™^**
rus and Sidon when they had heard what gfeat
inThT^gtiudiff"" but the finners to repentance.
* 3 And the difciples of lohn.aEd the Pha-
,.,,., .
things he did. came unto him in great number.
1 - • , loitUirr that whoU
,.Dc. »od ate here 1 g (j, could
fo. three caufei re. ^^1^5 and came and faid unto him.Why doe
^id faft, 9 And he commanded his difciples. that a little pnvaiieoo mote
p.theodea :

for that not coDli-

^ dilcioles of lohn .and of tWe Pharifes faii, and (bio ftiouldg wait for him , becaule of the multi- with them,
r ' c n, 1

tuie. they fliould throng him.

deriogwhaievrfv thy dlfcipleS taft HOt ? leafl
.^ItViTkert ua>
^ ^ ^ ,.,.
10 For hee had healed many infbmuch that d.r, the m»re it
maai rtreogth ii I p And leliis faid unto them, Can the children ,

able 10 beare, they of the marriage chamber faft.whiles the bridegrem they preail'ed upon him to touch him , as many as csrameth om.
ei.«v »«•»«• ".'<•
is '^"^ ^hera? as long as they have the bridegrome had h plagues.
""cTrningTu'ch with them, they cannot feft. 1 And when the uncleane fpirits faw him, jj^t^hfJ°J',^tt'kr

thiogi, without to But the dayes will Come , wfeen the bridc- they fell downe before him ,and cried, faying, g should ^irfv***
II difcreiioo
grome (halbe taken from them .and then Ibalithey Thou art the Sonne of God. te ready for Aim.
• Mat.,.,..
faftinthofeday^^s. I z And he Iharpely rebuked them , to the end t''/"/'" tpfcw *>

of new cloath in they Ibould not him. "j'^

4 Secoo'.Hariiy .for 11 Alfo T.o man foweth a piece J „,
vtter 't£""'^'l
men js i;
,_ trtri jj>K* .

th«tihey make 00 an oldc garment :for elfe the new piece that nlled 13 ^ "k Thenhee wentupintoamountaine, triapi.
diftreace beiweeoe it up.taketh away from the olde.and the /^eVfUt and called unto him whom nee would, and they /" 'hern irt«n» i

the lawei which U u '''v '""' '•'«<' '«*

f 1
came unto him.
k appointed twelve .that they
And hee
oingXfame"' 2z Like man putteth new Wine into old 14 3
tkiagi, and lawei vcffels : for CIS the new v.ine brcaketh the veil'els, fliould be with him, and that he might lend them for iht'm lehuh m'r*
that ate made of j^ij the wiiie runneth out .andthc vellelsateloltj to preach. i,(xUni:hhn-
t*""^ "ew wine murt be put into new yeflels. ly And that they might have power to heale
»tK°fy rtJ^wfuM.
h'w.-rd for word, z$ f 4- And it came to pifle as hee
wetit fickneffcs . .nd tocart out devils .-
_ ?o,f. 'f<*'/."""'
•n the iabbtthi, throuj^h the coLne onthe'' Sabbath day , that his 16 And the firft fi'a/ iiraon , and he named Si- 3 The twelve a-
that ii , on ibt holy they went on their way , began to pluck roon, i'rter. poftiei2tefet
•'""sani 11 « theeares ofcorne. 17 Then lames fA#_/5»»* of Zebedeus, and lohn
i , .Sam at,.". He 24 And the Pharifes fayd unto him Behoide. . lan.s Brother (and futnamed them Boanerges, "bVApome*Tp
it called Achiroi. ^^y doe they on the Sabbath day , that which is wiiich is, The fonnes of thu.nder.) k»A.yi aU ^pfoin.
,,,ha.dh,. forme And Andrew, and Philip.and Bitttemew.and ted mi melH i» te
^o, l^wfull ? 1

*o„^«nc"eof o.«, »S And hc Lid CO them . Have yee never read Matthew, /nd Thomas and lames tie ftnne oi f*mii*r ir "n\>tf ,

place, it i« pla.oe what * DaviJ did when hee had need , and was an Alphcus.and lTh:ddeus .and Simon the Cana- {""('.^"^'^ ^'-l/;
that both of tbetn hungtedi'tft/j hc.aHd they that were with him ? nite. fjStfb .».«; ..xW
kad nam«. And Tucks Tfcariot, who betrayed him,
^^ ^^^ |^^ ^^1^^ j^^^^^ ^^^ h^^j-g of (^^J^ jp the 1 9 alfo f.r diifenmefj-k',
the o,her ihJu. i,
dayes of Abiarhar the hie Priett . and did eate ihe an«l the y came '" home.
S.'s!ir& ty i

a9. i.Ki'ng.i,2«. Shewbread.which were not lawfulltoeat-.butfor lO Aiittthc muititudesiTembledagaine, fothat J^rAf'ji/X'eJwi.
the * Priei\es .and gave alfo to them which were they could not fo much as eat bread. t /„./? w mi^m f»

with him? I2 4 And when his n kinfefolks heard of it, they he ofhisiriir.eund

^7 And he faid to them. The Sabbath was made went out to Ly holdc on him:for they iayd that he " "'" n"hi,im,
k Hi.hVbe'sa'h-
b«ibday Inhii fot man, and not man for the Sabbath. was befide himfclfe. IJ' ^'J^ ';*;,;
power. and may jjj yvherefore the SoDHe of man is Lofd.cven 22 1 4 And the Scribes which c.ime down from hirillrc^ye, titer.
,«l.,.him ItUeth. ofthek Hierufalem.faid He hath Beelzebub; and through Noafareworfe
Sabbath. , 4
CHAP. III. the prince of the devils he cafteth out devils. ei.tmic. oftbe go-
1 ThirvithrrtJI,andiili$.tlid. 6 The Fharifii ecnfalt 1ri;fc
13 But he called them unto him, and /,yj unto ,^/,'j;,'„''J^''"''
hy uuc'nvi^ Ciriji,
ihi Hendi-tnt. 10 .K tnj are \ttj.'.td
them in parables , How can Satan drive out Satan? aW''°f'r rr>rd,
II ^t his ftghlihtiieVilifMdiiivnel>ef.,r'e him. 1+ 1 he
fati:>e »4 The k''>£'lcme<l-pi.Udag*hfl It ftift.
24 For if a kingdome be divided againft it felfe, ihty ihn w^n »/•
^4 fifths. him, th^t w, hii
19 Bldrfkimudiainliththilyalit'/i. 33 Chtilii purtnti. that kingdome cannot ftand.
Iukr6,«. A Nd 4- he entred.igaine into ^ Synagogue.and 25 Or if a houle be divided againft it felfe.that
• " '*'J'
o ^'"f^'*'
tiJt nercmdJde,
• Toi'-ily. <"°' ''!»' "• thcie was a mas which had a withered hand. , '.

hotiic cannot contiiuie.


they prettlred the
cernnoniall Law (whicb waibut an appendant to tfce morjli LawJ before ibemo'
26 So if o S.uan make infurtedion ngaijift thdr kinfnen.

rail Law: whtreai coottary wife ,ih(y Itiojid have lorned out «.f tttif.tbe (tur vri himfL-lfe. and be divided.he cannot endure, but is S KMt.s.n.and
•fihe cerciaanull Law> B ThiiM'i.iniprofiiibleiuddead,
, 7 :

Cfthe feede iowen. when they have heard k ; Satan commeth im- f whichpertaiae
27 No man can enter iiito a firong mans houfe, mediatly.and take^ away the word that wasfowen
except he
that bind |^ ,'^|„%_,y.
and take away his goods . firit

his houfe. in their hearts. r j • * Ahbouih'the

flrone man . and then fpoy le
all hnnes Ihali 16 And likewife they that receive the feede in lightofthecofpel
iS S 4- f Verely I Iky unto you , be teieSed of the
4. Milt<>'iS>3i rnen.andblaf- ftony ground, are they, which when they have
luke u;io. be forgiven unto the children of word , ttraightwayes receive it with glad- ,^°;|ti J.^.'^Tf !t
beared the
i.iohn $.««• phemies, wherewith they blafpheme :
, f
•— Theyoiielya'e
without hope of
x9 But hee that blafphemeth
. ,
againft the holy nefle.
Yet have they no roote in themrelves . and
.,U werefomoqther
caufe then this tbac
Ghoft.n^ali r^everhaveforgivenefle.buusculpa- thewicksdnetiiof
endure but a time /or when trouble and perfecu-

lointiiciounyop. blc ofctemall damnation.

pBecaufetheyfayd,Heehadanvncleane tion arifeth for the word . immediatly they be of- ',''/„'J^-';^,";;^|^^,
Inborn they know. fended. , r u * Mar.,M;-luke ,

I, Thefeaie'be mother 18 Alfo 'they that receive the feede among the s, is. and 11,33-
^Ti* f Then came his q brethren and * «=«• '°-*«- '">'*
him . and caUcd thornes, are fuch as heare the word :
and ftood without . and fent unto
19 But the cares f of this world . and the ^
uagelift. de-
Mat.ii,4«' '''^b.^^^^^'iihe,
)uke8,i9- ^'% And thitfeeople fate abouthim .and they ceitfulneffe of riches , and the lufts of other things „„^,bjj wecoi|.-
uitfuU. municte fuch gift*
J Vndei thii name
mother , and thy bre- enter in.and choke the word, and it is vnfr
fayd unto him . Behold . thy God hath g.v-a
. |Jtother,theHe- 20 But they that have received feede in good a» ,

b«wei vnd«tt»od thren feeke for thee without,

my ground, are they that heare the word , and receive ;;'^^'\™;;;;
But hee anfweted thera.fay ing, Who
ill that areof the
fame ftocke and
33 it,and bringfoorth fruit: one c«r«tthutie,an other bountiiuli v»iUGo«
mother and my brethren? „,i,p„ and lome an hundreth. be toward ui.
looked round about on them. fixtie,
J4 < And hee Commeth »'»"'•''»•
6 Thefpiituall
K,ar.a .«-=
.. fatre which fate in compafle about him ,
and layd . Be- 21 f 1 Alfo he fayd unto them , §
or vnder
othtrwife to-be ».
the candle in ,to be put vnder a builiell ^"^'^^^^-j,,,. .

my mother and my brethren. -^


jjoid . , •
hcis thebed.andnottobeputinacandleftickej and if, »9. luke 1,
poc whofocver doth the wiUof God,
.hecatnaU-or 2X For there is nothing hid, that (liall not be i8.andi9.»«.
n^/brother, my iifter. and ray mother. there a lecret , but that it fl:iall 4 The Lord^fow-
C H A P> I V. opened, neither is

4 ThtfaraiUcfthtr^^ff. U ^i>dth>mtanmlhimf. come to light. u-^U^.,^ after a mmer vb-

heare. ^^owf 'o men.
23 If any man have eares to heare.let hira ><

and th,n/lipt. . J « 74' er""" 'fm>tfi<irdjc(d. H Chntt

24 3 And he fayd unto them, Take heed
what g That when he is,

ye heare. « Witk what meafure you mete

it iLail .
the » fea fide. ^^^^.f^'J^Z"^'
N?---" he began againe te teach by be meafured unto you and unto you that hear€.
™ ^oth day and
A^ and there eacheredunto him a great multitude,
(hall more be given. nigbt.nothingdoub*

, ^ ,.- . . ,
fothatheentrtdintoa(hip.andfatein-thefea.and given, ting, but (hatthe
* ""'' fideon theland.
IT ^ For untohimthathath.lhallitbe (>e^de«o«»fp-''C
all the people was by the lea hath not .a«llbe taken away
paw- m and from him that
2 And hee taught them many
b In a fliip which things
wai hunehed ioio dodtine, even that he hath. , both day and mght.";
bles, and layd unto them in his Alfo he fayd So is the kjngdome @i j, j^ .hepattof
She fea. '

there went out a lower 1^ J 4 . j,

Behold, the minift«. ti u«

God, as if a man flsould caft feed in the ground.
3 I Hearken:
1 The felfe fame ,

rife up night and

27 And g (hould Qeepe.and ^^-^'^^.^l^""-^^,,.
Gofpel is foweo '°4°'^And it cametopaffeashefowed.thatfome day .and the feed llx3uld fpring and grow
up . hee f„f„';„„|,he
{•very where, but
fell by the way fide , and the
foules of the heaven
b not knowing how. fuccefle to God for :
it hath not like
fuccefleindeede came, and devoured it up. . u : 28 For the earth bringeth foorth frmte 'ot it that inightiesnor-
fomc fell on ftony ground ,
through the fault c And felfe . firfl the blade . then the eares . after
that full
ofmao.butyetby had COrne in the eares. , r ^c blade and eare,i(f««
caufe not depth of earth.
had net fruite fheweth it lelfe, ^f^, ^^^ oneiy kuo-
it .
was burnt 19 And affoone as the
4? But affoone as the Sunne was up.u anon he putteth in the fickle , becaufe the harveft wen by the fruit.
withered away. •^
By acerraioe
up.and becaufe it had not roote. it i

thornes and the

7 Ami fome fell among the
gave no
''\T% * iHefaydmoreover,Whereuutoa.allP°-';;-^j^'"»''=-
thornes grew up . and choked it . to that is
we liken the kingdonae of God j or with what ^ Mat.13.31.
coroparifonlhall we compare it?

Some againe fell in good ground .and did muftard feede , which s God far«oAeN
, , It is like a graine of
yeelde fruite that fpmng up.Sc gtew.and it whii it is fowen in the the leaft of all feeds ^^^^^^t
foorth . fome thirtie foide . fome fixtie folde , thatbe in the earth ..'•'' ""* "*• '""* •

fome an hundreth fold. 32 But after that groweth up.and deth with the
it is
Then he fayd unto them, He that hath eares beareth great branches, gtea.eft-
9 is greatea of all herbes, 8c
10 heare, let him heare. , ,
fo that the foules of the heaven
may build vnder j*;^^^^;^,^^^,;
they that were
10 And when he was c alone .
thelhadowofit, the capaciiieof the
asked hiraotthe
a They that fol-
d about him with the twelve,
To you it is given
2 ? And A with many fuch parables he preached heateii.
them, *
the word unto tney wcic
k as they were duiv. tu heare
able to it. • - -•- for word,
u.a... x.. i
J^d -
lowed him at the ^' u^^' And hee fayd unto them 34 And wkhout parables fpake he
nothm- i.n- ^°°^,j '^^^\ ,^,^e
to know the myftery of the
kingdome of God but .
things to his dilci-
to "them, but he i expounded
b.ei«. all ,h,„ ,i,e hard
, That i. to fay , to
^^^^^ ^j^at are « without . all things
be done m riddlei.
fttaogcrs, and fuch cles apart
^ -J-Mat-s.ij.
3< f t Nowe the fame day when even was
::Trrrfr.- ^'t ; Thattheyfeeing.mayfee.andnotdif. corae.hefayd unto them,Letus pafle over unto the ^.^VeyVhatfaile
not un- and \
^3, ,4. cerne;and they hearing .may heare ,

other fide. withChnft.aU I

.and ^ u-
at any tiraethey Ihouldturne
, . .
. i;ohni»,4o. aftes multitude, and tooke him though hefeeme
jgrftand . leaft
^6 And they Uft the
»«'**' """•"' *•
be forgiven them. with .on^p^-e^^^^^
their finnes ibould and there was alfo
Perceive ye not as he was in the Ihippe .
, 3 Againe he fayd unto them, fllips.
yeevnderftandall him other little r • j are in danger, yet
this parable ? how then ftiould « And there arofe a great
ftorme ot winde, .h^y are pref«ved
parables fo that it was
,c{/;i?r ?
and the waves dalhed into the Ihip , <^}^'^^^
J 4 The fower foweth the word. , . .,
the feede by "^^^'^^
1 s And thefeaie they that receive "7/"'And he was inthefterneaaeepeonapil-

«he wayes fide. in whom thewoidislowcn;but

1 7
Of deWs. i5« iwaiKc. laifns danghtetfa'
low : and they awoke hiM ',
aod Taydto him , Ma- coropaffion on thee^
fter. careft thou not that we peridi
» 20 So hee departed .and began topublifli in
Decapolis what great things lelus had done unto
39 And hce arofe up , and rebukedthe winde, ,

and fayd unto the fea Veace .and be flill. So the

him : and all men did raarveiie.
windeceafeJj and it was a great calme. 21 (f
And when lefus was come over againe i

ra floweommttli 40 Then he fayd unto them m why are yee fo ,

by Ihip unto the other fide , a great multitude ga-
iltopirrrbatyoo fearefuU f fesw is it that ye have no faith ? thered together to him .and he was neere unto tlie
4 And they feared exceedingly, and fayd one fea.

to another. Who is this, that both the wind aadfca 21 S And g behoLde .there canwone ofthe * Mitih y.if^
obey him i
rulers ot the Synagogue whole name was lairus '"'"'•''•
, •

and when he faw h.m. he fell downe at h is feete. "

e H A P. V. And belought him inltantly, laying My lie- diforderiy. bm in
a One pif'IfeJ it htiUi. 7 TheJehillacknetvltJ^lthChrill.
tie daughter lieth at point of death: I pray thee'^^V^y^'Sof."'
9 yi i.igintcfdiVils Ij enirtd' J\vint. iz Ltirui
that thou wouldeft come and lay- thine.haiidson''""'^;.'*""^''"
Fui'h. SitepF. her, that (he may be healed, and iiVe.
/Jtijoj. 34 3»
A Nd + • they came ever to the Other fide of the 24 Then he went with him and a great multi- ,
4. Mitth «.iS.
luk. S i«.
*^ lea into the countrey of the a Gad.irens, tude followed him and thronged him.

I MJi.yhavtite z And when hee wascomeout of the Ihippe, 25 (a And there was a certaine woman, which i lefm being toucfa.
there met him incontinently out of the graves was difeafcd with an illiieof blood iwelueyeeres, tdw'ihtrut
inadinirJtion, and
.,•,., /r
b which had an vncleane fpirit
" 1
• •
26 And had fufFi ed many things of many phy- f^'''' ^''tough it
•jttthey will not
I«lfrmeitwitl> VVho had his abiding among the graves ,and ficians and had fpent all that Q^ee had. and it auai-
3 .
tbrloOcoftbe no man could bind him. no not with chaines :
led her nothing, but flie became much wor:e. venue,
4 Becaufe that when he was often bound with 27 when
had heard of lefus Ihee came
fl:ee ,

in the preafle behind, and touched his garment.

LookeMatS-jo. fettersgc chaines, he plucked the chaines afunder,
b Word for Woid 'and brake the feuers in pieces .neither could auy 18 For Ilie fayd.if i may but touch his tloathes,
in an vncltaof fyi- man tame him. I fliali be whole.
: now ihrv
jit •
J And alwayes both night and day hee cried 29 And ftraightway the courfe of her blood
iaid tobein htfpi
becauft tot fpl in the raoumaints , and in the graves , and ftreolu: was dryed up , and Qiee felt in her body . that fliee
lit .

lit boldetb tbtni himfclfe with ftones. was healed of that plague.
fall looked vp, and 30 And jmmediatly when lefus did know in
6 And whenhefawlefusafarreofF, heranne,
ai it vst'c boand. himtelfe the vsrtue that went out of him he tur-
and worlhipped him, ,

7 And ciyed with a loude voyce and fayd, ,

ned hira roundabout inthepreafe.andfayd. Who
What have I to doe with thee .lefus the Sonne of hath touched my cloathes ?
the molt High God? l « willthat thou fwearc to j 1 And his difciples faid unto him,Thou feeft
c Tlatis.aflTure ^ ,

me by God, that thou torment me noc.


t^rby jnoaib ihat ,

the multitude throngihee. and fay eft thou .Who
abouwiilno' veu g ( For hee fayd unto him , Come out of the
did touch me?
»*• roan, thou vncleane fpirit.) 32 And he looked round about , to fee her that
9 And hee asked him What is thy name ? and , had done that.

he anfwered , faying My name it Legion for wee , ; J3 And the woman feared and trembled for :

are many. fliee knew what was done in her . and Ihce came
J Tbat devill ttsat iq And hee ^ prayed him
inftamly , that bee and fell downe before him , and told hira the
nuin-agir whole trueth.
l.ia>ed tbf
y^-Quld not fend them away out of the countrey.
Tbu wb"oTt'coun. •' Now there was there in the troountainesa 34 And he fayd to her Daughter thy f.dth , .

treyijfor.hegita- great heard ot fwine, feeding. hath made thee whole ; go in peace and be whole ,

jMpartofitvtiv 12 Andal! thedeuilsbefoiight hina.faying.Send of thy plague.)

iiilly for ihcinoun-
^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ fvvine.ihat we may enter into them. 3; VVhile hee yet fpake , there came from the
'/upoe^hiougbit. '3 And incoDtinentiy lefus gave them leave. fa>»e ruler of the Syaigogues houle certaine which
Then the uncleane fpirits went out and entred into layd.Tby daughter is dead : why dilealcit thou the
the fwine.and the heard ranne headlong from the roafterany further?
-f S:rabo high hanck into the ffea, (and there were about two
i pfij. i6 AHbone as lefns heard that word fpoken, ' ^V}"' 'P?'*"
2eentb b' oke Ui.t ihoufand fwine) 8c they were choked up in thefea, hee fayd unto the ruler of vhe Synagogue . Be tiot
^ Jomiffsof ufs*
ibat 'n Gadavis
1 4 And the fwincheatds fled , and told it in the afraid onely belceve.
: cvcDfortbeij
jbtr-i. a funding
yooUoCvtry citie,and in the countrey , and they came out to 37 And he luffered no man to follow him lave children,
fee what it was that was done. Peter and lames, and lohn the brother of lames.
Vtbicb ifbcalls 1^ And they c?.me to lefus, and faw him that 38 So hee came unto the houle of the ruler of
tallccf tbfy (hfaJ
had bene polVdled with the devill and had the.le- , the Synagogue , and faw the tumult , and them that
M^tbvoandboines, gion, fit both cloathed.and in his right minde ; and wept and wailed greatly.
they were afraid. j9 And hee went in, and. fayd unto them.Why
16 And they that faw it told them , what was , make ye this trouble , and weepe ? the child is not
done to him that was podeiled with the. devill , and dead, but llccpsth.
concernuig the fwine. 40 4 And they langht himjo fcorne but hee 4 Such ai mack* :

1 Then they began to pray him, that he would Sut

ihem all out and tooke the fathcr.and the m.o- *'"* 'corne cbnS^

depart from their coalis. ler of the child .and them h that were with him,
^"^^{^""J, bit
18 And when hee was come into the (hip hee , and entred in where the childe lay. goodne/fc.
that had bene poifelVed with the deviiJ , prayed hira 41 And tooke the childe by the hatid-, and fayd b Tbethteedift
that he might be with him. unto her, Talitha cumi, which 13 by interpretation, f '"•
9 Howbeit lefus would not fuffcr him but
I , , Mayden I fay unto thee, arife.

fayd uoto him.Goc thy way home to thy friends, 42 And ftraightway the mayden arofe, and wal-
and (hewe them what great things the Lord ked : was of the age of twelve yeeres> aud
for fhc
jhath dgnc uiu'^ thee , aud hovw hce hiOi had they >veje aftunied out of uiealutc.
43 And
. , : ^
thrift contemned. Cfiap. vj» The inconvenience of dauncing. tg
43 And hee charged them ftfaitly that no.«ian itf'^.SowhenHerodheardit.hefaid.ItisIohn ^ Lukes,,,,
•{hould knowe of it, and commanded to give her whom 1 1 behealed : he is rifen
from the dead * Commandeii .

meate. 1 7 For Herod himfelfe had fent forth, and had '" *' ^^'*'"'.
CHAP. VI. taken lohn , and boundhim in prifon for Herodias
3 Chri/l ptencfiing in hit ccunfrty , hit oypnef'lttmnt him. fake , which was his brother Philips wife, becaufe
6 TheunitliefeefiheSai,,iritet. 7 Xht .^fofilei art
he had married her,
fent. 13 they anoynt the r^kflV'th
The} caft cut JeVitt:
cyll. n
HirodtsofinimcfChrift. li The cmfe cflolmt 18 For lohn faide unto Herod , § not law- * tu^, ,, ., Ms ,

imfrifmmint. tl Vauncja^. 17 1-ohntehe.iiled, 19 burieJ. full forthee to have thy brothers wife. «d ^0,1,. '
30 The^fo/iteireiurnefromfreachinf. 34 Chrill te.uheth IV Therefore Herodias m laid waitagainfthim: >" saghtaU
rntheJefurt. 37 Hee feedilhihe people with J!lielaal>ei. and would have killedhim, but Ihe could not "^^'^'"t" in him
48 The^pcjllet tretroMedontheJen. }6 The fickf that
touch Chnfiet garment, are healed,
10 For Herod feared lohn. knowing that hee '"''*
T/vrtjaiuft man, and an holy .and reverenced him,
HMitt.i3.;4- A Nd « he departed thence .and came into his

and when he heard him, hee did many things and
Iuke4,i6. ovvne countrey, and his dilciples followed him. ,

heard him n gladly,

, thefaithltffe 2 And when the Sabbath was come he began ,

world dcf th no 21 But the time being convenient , when He-

wbit^ai all diiui-
to teach in the Synagogue .and many that beard Xer, 'wtlZln"
rod on his birth. day made a banket to his princes
niftithe«rtueof him, wereaftonied , and laide From whence hath , to he^re fentence
andcaptaines.andchiefeertatesof Galile: frono^med <(^Mnfi
Chtift.b'Jt wit- this man thefe things 'and what wiledome is this
^^ And the daughter o of the fame Herodias *'"'•'"<"'"/«'*
tingly and wi!-
that is given unto him.that even fuch a great works
JiDgly drpiiveth came in &r(d danced, and pleafed Herod, and them
ate done by his hands ? .
it felfieot theef-
that fateat table togetht^r the King faide unto the
ficacieof it, being 3 Is not this that carpenter Maries fonne , the , o whichihefams,
offered unto them. . brother of lames and lofes .and of luda and Simon? maide.Aske of me what thou wih, and I will give ^""H-^hadnot
iy Herodes ,^nti'
a The word fiini- not hisfafifters here with us?Andthey jt the^^
and are
Jieih power, or
were offended in him. ^i And hee fware unto her , Whatfoeverthou Vndufiphuseai.'
•verliieit yvherehj
And lefus faide unto them , A § Prophet (halt aske of roee, I will give it thee,evf» unto the Uth her iaUmc
are meant thofe 4
wendirfHn -worket is noc without honoitr, but in his owne countrey, halfe of my kingdome.
th^t chf-Ji utd,
jj among his owne kinred , and in his owne 24 * So pihe went forth.and faid to her mother, , w,
rvhichfherveJ t. r
. What fnall I aske And (lie faid, lohn
? Baptifis head, p p„, „\t,'n ufe£
ttndfiifccrththt ^ ,, ,,,
niftttteand poller y
And he d could there doe no great workes, 2y Then came in ftraightway with hade un- notio fttattahU

cfhisCedhtadio fjye that he laid his hands uponafcw fickc folkc,

to the King and asked, faying, I would that thou vithmtn.

aU thtv>orld, Mt<. 3„j healed them. fiiouldeil give me even now in a charger the head

6 And heeroarveiled at their iinbeliefe,* and oflohnBaptift.

b sAftir the ma-
went about by the townes on every fide, teaching. ^6 Then the King was very fory ye? for his :
oathes fake and for their fakes which fate at table
}s » And hee called unco him the
Irewes.rvho iy IrC' twelve, ,
7 J
ihren and fifters,
and began to fend thacn foorth two and two , and with him, he would not refufe her.
Underfidnd ail
o-ave them power over uncleane fpirits, 27 And immediatly the Kingfent theq hang- p Thtwtriftff,{~
their bjnsfoUtts.
° roan and gave charge that his head (liould bs/ieth one that bea-
3 And commaunded them that they (hould

5 iW..f.t3,;7- 8
brought in. So hee went and beheaded him in the "'.'' " ''"''•'"' '*«
<«^f 4.»4- take nothing for their iourney , fave a ftaffe onely :
e Ko>one\ythxt
neither fcrip, neither bread, neither their ».,*,,
i» And brought
, , . , ,
his head in a charger, and ^;<^«f.«rfrfjrtK
. ,
called, because tha girdles :
hath th..t
But that they flwald be Qiod with § e fan- gave it tothemaide, and the maide gave it to her » Luke 9,16.
nhich ofri^ht it 9
Jut 10 him takf\ dais , and that they lhouldnotputon*'two coates.
from him. hut aljo 10 And hee laid unto them, Wherefoeveryee 29 And when h is difciples heard it , they came
tViUfpokfnofand and tooke up his body, and put it in a tombe.
(hall enter into an houfe g there abide till ye de- ,
d ThatiiM pattrhence. 30 5 « And the Apoftles gathered themfelves
TtrtMnotrfor ? 4 And whofoever ttjall not receive you,
together to lefus , and tojtle him all things both
11 ,

muji needthaie ^^^^ hcare you , when ye depart thence, * ihake off
what they haddcne,and what they had taught. ^ Such ai fcllow
f.iiih,ifrce TTia «- - ^ i •' -
« And hee faide unto them , Come ye apart Cbtiii ftaii want '
the duft that is under your feete, for a witnelle an- 31
teiiit the IP".Vkes'of
into the wildernefle.and reft a while:for there were nothing no notia
CU. to them. Verely I fay unto you, It fliallbe eafier for
Mutth.^,ti. Sodome or Gomorrha at the day of ludgemenr,
many commers and goers.that they had not leafure L''^^''^i"°^"'''
then for that citie. '°"'^-^ 'bldU^AnJ
« CA.ip.3.i4- U
32 iS: cSo they n- out ofru
went by fliip the way

into bow wicked a

1 2 3) -And they went out , and preached , that
indtth 10,1.
a defart place. thing ii it, not to.
men iLould amend their lives.
z Tbe difciplej ij And they caft out many devils : and they 3 J But the people Awe them when they depar- '."anfi-o"', 1;'',^,.
are prejjared to ted, and many knew him .and ran a foote thither m, ban",', who.
that general! A-
t h anoynted many that were fscke ,*withoyle,and
healed tkem. out of all cities, and came thither before them, and giv^tU e\eriaiiing
poftiefllip. bya
/Then King Herod heard of Um {ior allembled unto him. ''fe ?
peculiar fendiag 14 J)
his Name was made manifeft) and faide, lohn B.ip- _
34 * Then lelus went out and faw a great mul-*^f"|*J*''^*
3 Faith full Pa. tift is rifen againe from the dead , and therefore
titude and had comp^flfion on them becaufe they
huit'^.^e, .

ftouri ought not were like Iheepe which had no (liepheard:.f. and he and 14, 14.
great > workes are wrought by him.
to'bave their
Other faid. It is Elias and fome faid.It is a began to them many things.
re.ich *
minuet feti no not I f ;

on things that Prophet.or as one of k thofe Prophets. 35- J And when the day was now fane fpent, ^'T-^Ail'iit't'wror
8?eaeceBary for his difciples came untohim.faying.This isa deliirc dem'.mnd''an'dtvon-
thiilife, iftheymaybean hinderance unto them, be it nevfr fo little. j> .^(iei ir.8.
place, and now the d,iy is farre palled. dcrin^, not irxAoxr
« The yvtird fignijiet'i properly iKCmens fhaet. f Thatii,ih!y fhmldl,ike rtcch.ingeof
garments vnth-tfiem , they mi^ht he iifhier for this iMrney , and ma^t mctefpeede-
36 Let them depart, that they may »oe into the " f"*"'' """k''
^ Thatisychanienctyour Innesinthisfhcrti.urnej, *^m. Lukf 9'S. countrey and townes about, and buy mem bread ; '^J'l,i"^r^ ''/),»
i The Lord iiamoft fevere revenger ofhi, ferwantt. 4" sA£iis\i,i\. and\%,6. for Lhey have nothing to eate 'hepm'il'^t^lei'n d
^ lumri J, 14. h Thut 'yie vai a icl^en aad^r firneofthis niariieilcus -ucrlUe arti 5 7 But hee anfwered and faid unto rhem.Give fCmc, they deny t»

fetir.g the ^ft of he.^iin? is cetifed a^ocd yelnie fince the (erimonii yvhichii yet
* ^fa'. 14,1. Lw/te 9,7. f The Gofpel confirmeth
ye them to eate. And they faid unto them ' Shall ''":•"'.» <l>in^.
titeinedcflotne,uto no piirptfe.
Jle godly, and veied the wicked. i T hi miri p.^nifielh Ptlvit/,tvherthji it rsieunt we goe , and buy f two hundreth peny worth of f. '"*'.''' " •'"*
tbtftiftr efntrk''>£'''>riut':t, K c/cliitiU I'rofhttt-, bread, and give thero to eate ?
Ccc a
^.^j^j j,^j„ ., ^
3S «Then
: 28

Cbrift walking upon the Sea S. Marke. Ofmens tradition?*

38 + Then he faid unto them, How many loaves 2 And when they fawe fome of his dilciples
4. M4f<k. 14,17. vvord for>,vo,*.
h'k'i.'i'ol"!^'*- have ycegoeand lookc And when they knew it,
a eatc meate with b common hands (that is to fay, eate bread: a kinde

unwaflien) they complained. of fperch which

Wit'^flf: they raid. Five and two fifhcs.
(Forthe Phariles, and 't-- Hebrewei ufc,
j9 So he Commanded thcm fo make them all 3 all thelewes. except
fit downe by t companies
iipo.uhegteenegrafle. they walh their hands oft . eate not , c holding the
Behtrv<'v:h. In k"^de "food,
traditions of the Elders.
4q Then they fate downe by lowes, by hun-
haw ncunr-ha- u Fortherhari-" '^,

"'" dr'='^s.andb^fifties. 4 And when

//^y f»»je from the d market , ex- f"wo"'''oot eate
41 And heetooke the loaves, and the two
five cept they walh.they eate not: and many other ''""'!;"'* ^'l''
tht rivret cfiht
and gave thankes, things there be.which they have taken upon them
f„n„,ha„kr.. filhes .and looked up to heaven, b°cTift"«
U TdfircTiZ/i^'ni- and brake the loaves and give them to his difci-
and obferve, */ the wafliing of cups,and ' pots.and tbouRbt thai their
ples to fet before them . and the two filhes he divi- of brafenveflels.andofbeds.) hand« were defile*

ded among thera all. y Then asked him the Pharifes and Scribes, y^''^"""""".
mruf(rvrcrd,h r r 1
hid, Jlid trd,, 42 So they did all eate. and were fatished. Why f walke not thy difciples accordingtothe ^^.^^^ „',^°2'»
meaninf thtrehj And they tooke up twelve basketsfuU or tradition of the Elders, but eate meate with un- c obfetvir,^diii.
waflien hands ? gently.
,M, 44 °And they that had eaten, were about five 6 i Then hee anfwered and Tiide unto them, ^ .Y'°r»)''
Ij an,<htr,
in n ?.',ritn. thoufandmen. Surely 4 Efay hath prophecied well of you , hy- ^rZuiyX^
r .. •
.-r • .
he caufed his dilciples pocrites , as it is written , This people honoiireth
ftrvJnti of God
4J 7 f And ftraightway goe not to meate,

to goe into the fliippe and to goe before unto the
fnee with lippes, but their heart is farre away from «aJeO"eihty wattj
after themlVlyeifirft.
labour, ate fubitft other fide unto Bethfaida , while hee feiu away the jpg.

10 great i.nntft, people 7 .3 Butthey worMpmeinvaine.teachin2ror:,f;;l'[^:^S

which Citift
46 Then affoone as he had fent x them away he , doOTiBes the commandements oi men. kinde of veflVii,
doeit' fo moderate 4 For ye lay the Commandementsgf God which are appoin.
departed into a mountaine to pray, 8
being tireftnt
apart ,and obletve the tradition of men.4/ the wafli- "'* 'o'"U"^ayly
47 J And when even was come
the Ihippe ,
in power, al-
though abfent io was in the raids of the fea. and hee alone on the ing of pots and of cups, and many other fuch like f'^-h
„,, h,y I,

tody, that bee land. things ye doe. Dot?akindeof

bringeth tbem to
48 And hee faw them troubled in rowing (for , 9 y And he laid unto tjjem. Will yereieft the fp«'^'> "ken from
so bappiebavca. '^"*
atfuib MTneand the winde was contrary unto them ) and about the comm.mdement of God that ye may obferve your '"^ ^''^'"
ngftihem, the
bjfii<hmfaoei, fourth watch of the night hee came unto them, ^ ,
owne tradition. itakeofof
aitheylonktd walking upon the fea , and would have pailed by
not for: A lively mother and * Whofoever fhall IpeAe evili of fa- a Hypociifie i«
them. :

alwaye. ioyneJ
Church loCVd to 49 And when they fawe him walking upon the ther or mother, let him g die the death.
and fro in 'his fea they linpoled it hath bene a fpirit , and cried
. 1 But ye fay If a man fay to father or mother « ''4/;;,";''°°*
, .

out. Corban tkMu By the gift that is tfferedby mee, 3 The moreear-
, ,

yo For they fawe him.and were foreafraide

all thou maytft have profite, he ji. alike free. neit the fuperftiti.
S M.."/..i4.»3-
so yee fuffer him no more to doe any thing \"' *"• «'>""'"•
but anon he talked with them , and faid unto them. 1

for his L.her or his mother ' ^ ;tl1fi;rtt;"

, nywrrr./; Be ye of good comfort it is I, be not afraid. :

yi Then hee went up unto them into the fhip, 13 Making the wordof God of none authori- feivesGodi fa-
thsj k.'>frp that It
and the winde ceafed and they were y much more
tie, by your tradition which yehaveordeitied:and vour by their dc.

V,un<,fi>irit,th»l ambled in themfclves, and marvelled. ye dot many fuch like things. ^"t b d 'f t
thtjwert mudi y 2, For they had not ^ confidered the matter of 14 « Then he calleth the whole multitude unto f„p„fti,J"u,'mea
meredPcn'fhtd the loaves, becaufe their hearts were hardened. him.and faid unto them, Hearken you all unto me, joenotooelynor
then ttitr >hcy rottt
And they came over.and went into the and undeiftand. fulfiliiheLawo*
tefcre .trhcn they ^3 J* |''*'*
ihinindiMd land of Gennefareth,and arrived. I f There is nothing without a man.that can di-
ihtrtis<!>^nh-i ^4 8 So when they were come out of the fliip, file him when itentrech into him but the things fvvad°"bei^e!vej>
, :

ftraightway they knew him. which proceed out ofhim.arethey which dehle but alfo doe ut-
It Either thtj Btr-
ftiVtdmt .crLd 5 5 And ra.ine about throughout all that region the roan. leilytakeit

n.ftvtH<>n(i."cd rourul about, and began to cary hither and thither 16 Ifanyhaveearestoheare.Iethimheare.
""^TJoe R.Iigioa
th.ttmtT»deiftkt in couches all that were iicke , where they heard 17 And when he came into an houfe.rtvfdjy from ^hiXijcleane
fl>e hni/et, '»/»- that he was. the people, his difciples aske J him concerning the contrary tofuper.
mHehihiti thnt ftiiion.coofifteth
niiriue of Chin 5 6 And whitherfoever hee entred into townes, parable,
lepeJfritKit or cities ,or vill?ges , they iayde their the 1 unto them. What are ye with-
And he faid
n,f'".'f„";" J^°^
txthtm .thenifthej ftreetcs .and prayed him that they might touch at out underltanding alfo? Doe yee not knoweihat „i'e'',oftrueRelj.
Udm' he
h,ir,e pri-^^
ff,g j^gj^ ^j^g ^jg^, ^f [^j^ garment. And as many a6 whatfoever thing from without entreth into a man, gion .although
fin, at, h. "^'j" .beyfermeto
rvhfch rras di,
touched a him, were made whole. cannot defile him.

hutaiililehrf Marke 14,34. t Cbrift being reiefting in hiiowne 19 Bccaule itentrednot into his heart, but in- J'^^^^'^^^^^^j^J^P'
countrry , and arriving wupon a fuddeo ainongO tbem of whom he vvai not looked ior, to the belly and goeth out into the
draught which '°°^'^[
ilfcctiyed to ihtii f lofite, the Iremme efthe garment.
is the purging of aiimeates >
j E»od lo.u,
CHAP. VII, 20 Then he faide . that which commeth out deut.s.i*.
a The ^ptjtles are found fauit nith,f.>r ealing W'lh unVl/%Cn of man. that defileth man, Tl[ti'.i,i7
handt. 4 The Phari/es tr.tditier,i ahui rmtP^np ,Hyft- within, even out of the heatt of j^^jj ,„_ ,.
aI :fc For from
trilei- t Mem trjdiiicni more Jet ty ihenCcdi.
10 Ptirent I muJiU honoured. J4 The things thai doe in.
men proceed evill thoughts , adulteries, fornicati- proviio'ao.
deiJedefle arrtan. jj The rveman'fC, mane, 31 Tht ons.mtirthcts. g V"' ""X*'
deaf: dumme man is healed. 21 Thefts,' covetoufnene.wickednefle.deceit, ''"'^°J';,|',Vh

«Maith,if,i. *T Hen « oathered unto him the Pharifes ,and

i uncleannelle ,a k wicked eye , backbiting , pride,
^"m",,"! /, ,,.
cer aine of the Scribes which came from Hie- fooliilinefle, h For that that
.-^""l"'°'o"" goeth into the
t""' rufalem. 23 All thefe evill things come from within,and
ofGon. .then
"<-!r k'^ they raugbt, purgeth
liat ftiould he wfeft.and that uponawaleof tieir awnetraditioni :for men doe defile a man,
not pleafe tbunfeivn more in any thing then IQ fuptlftiiioa , that it fay, in a W :f( Gen,«,;.and S,ii, i All kind ofcrafiinefle, whereby i fiw&i(thUQfeIv<f
WOtfbij ol God io.'.JIy devifciof tifmfelvH, k Ciakctcd niil^ce.
bf other lusDileflci.
24 J c f And
. "

The ell ildrens bread. Cbap. viij. The Pharifes leaven. 19

tf. Mau.iMi. 24 J •^
s And from thence he arofe, and went 8 So they did eat ] and were fufficed and they ,

6 Thar which ihe jnto the ^ borders of Tyrus and Sidon ,and entred tooke up of the broken meate that was left, feven
t ^^"."'^^^ into an houfe . and would cha: no man ihould have baskets full
^nio"hem,'tb« knowen but he could not be hid.
: S» (
And they
that had eaten, were about foure "emits of tbt do.
fame doc ihe mo- 2y For a certaine woman , whofe litde daugh- thouland he fent them away.
) fo Sriceof theGo-
deilaod bumble tgr had an uncleanefpirit , heard of him , and came, 10 s ^ And anonhe entred into a fln'p with his "°"''
difciples, <md came into the parts of l!illmaniitha. ciei air«dy done

VtotheTr 26 (And the woman wasamGreeke .anSyro. li ^1 And the Phariles b came foorch .and <'s^q""«oew: but
moiicaaiisof Pa- pheniffian by nation) and befoiight him that began to difpuie with him .fetkingofhimafigne ciriftbeiagangry
which were he would caft out the devill out of her daughter.
lenina, from heaven.andtemptino him. wihtbem doeth

^^y^"^''"""^ 27 But lefus fayd unto her, Lee the children 12 Then hee c fighed deepely in h is fpirit and tb"m ,

m By p'of'flSon, firft be fedde : for it is not good to take the chil- fayd. Why docth this generation leekeafigne? b a common kind
prophane. drens bread, and to caft it unto o whelpes. Verely I fay unto you a a figne fliall not be fnven °'''^p^«'' wbichthe

n Neighbour or Hebrevves ufe.

jg Then (hee anfwered.and fayd unto him, unto this generation.
^ Trueth.Lord; Yet-indeed the wheJpes eate under 13
,,-*?.iir, ,„. wherfby meatJt
J i>o he left them, and went into the Qiip tha, the rharif«
. IS

Th! urnb'"hl'i'^"'
wordvvDfi^esra- the table of the childrens crummes. againe, and depart ing to the other fide. went from their
tber thtQihe-zrord 29 Then he fayd laito her , For this faying goe 14 S * And they had forgotten to take bread, *'°"'''"^'"H"Po'>«
Dug<,thatheeiriy jj^y ^.y j-^e deviil iv gone out of thy daughter.
. neither had thay ia the Ihip with them but one ^^,^^""«" vi'f> .

^°^^^' c There fight catne

more coDtumc- -^^ , 1 1 -n 1 1 11 1 u 1 ,, , . ^
ouny found the devilldeparred ,anu her daugnteriy-
{lie I
J * And he charged them, laying, Take heede «^^° ftom the heart

V Asiffliefayd, it ing on the bed. and beware of the leaven of the Pharifes .and of "°''^°''^''''^°«»
isasihoufayert the leaven of Herod.
^j ^ 7 And he departed ag=!ine from the coafts moo-ed «"i"h Lfe
^noyghfor the
of Tyrus and bidcn . i,ndcan.< untu the fea of Ga- 16 3 And they reafoned themfelves. mens' fo great iofiV
wbfipes.iftheycan lile .through the middes of checodftsofq Deca- faying, It u, bt caufe we-have no bread. delitie. .

but gather up the polis. J 7 And when lefus knew it.he fayd untothem, word for vccr<J.
^^ f^^^ jj,j.y brought unto him One that was Why reafon you tl.u: becaufe yee have no bread
? ui, a cmtM ki'nd

rertfor/uravethe ^eafe and ftambred in his fpeach .and prayed

him perceive ye not^et , neither underftand have yee of fpeech
? ver, ccm.
cruniraes.aodnot to put his hand upon him.. your hearts yet hardened? moo among the He-

thechildrtns bread. j j Then hee tooke him afide from the multi- 18Have ye eyes, and fee not ? and have yee ^'«^" wherein
7 As th<: Father j^jg ^ g^^ p^,j j^ig fingers in his eares , and did fpir. earesand heare not ? and doe ye not remember ?
ated us 'hTfemuft bTun
JiftinthebfgiD- and touched his tongue 19 K When I brake the hve loaves among five de,f,ood. Letmebe
Dinginhiiontiy 34 And looking up to hciven he fighcd , and ,
thoufand how many baskets full of broken meat ""^s" for a lyar or
; ,

Sonut.fodothhe faid unto him, Ephphatha.that is,Be Opened. tooke ye up ? They faid unto him. Twelve. ^'"^^ ^"''= ''^' '^°<*
alfoiD him alone And wheu/^M^^ feven among foure thou-
^^ And flraightway his eares Were opened, and ^ 20 o'litthewbo^e'ttv
'^^ firing of his tonguc was loofed , and he fpake land,, how inany baskets full of leavings
everUftingTife. of broken fay, xh? Lord doe
q It ^asa little plains. meat, tooke ye up ? And they fayd.Seven. '''"« ^od ihui by me.

coumrey.aud fo 3<j And he commanded them that they fliould 2 1 Then hee fayd unto them , e How u it that *
called ofteDci:ie».
"^"-'f '^^
tellno man but how much foever hee forbade
; yeundeiftandnot?
veraemeDti d'oe i°un them, the more 3 great deale they publilhed it. 22 4 And hee came to Bethfaida , and they of them which
betweene aod com. ij And Were hcyond meafure aftonied , fay- brought a blind manuntohim , anddefiredhim to "'r"F"heworil
paCe^rliaie.booke ing, J He hath done all things wcli hee ?naketh : touch him. ,
ofCod, wbatde-
s.chap 8. ^Q^i^ jj^g dezfc toheare .and the dumbe toJpeake. 23. Then hee tooke the blind by the hand and ITofXlV^llh^ ,

led him out of the towne , and fpat in his eyes. and Church, or indviU
««Ie.39>li. C H A P. VIII.
:put his hacids'upon him , and asked him , if he faw ?"'"'«•
1 rhctnirMlatfthtftVenU^iVes. The JtlKtifetkl f'lntt.
i; Tnhnare cfiheiCuJtencfthe I'h.irij'e!. ij hlmde ^ ought. 3 They that have
manheaiid. 27 TUfeofUtfandr} ofinicnefChrisi. 24 And hee looked up.and faid.I ^ fee men for on7ar"h';y',hfnf'. :
29 The^po/llnacknonUili^eChriJi. 31 HifcreieUethhh I fee them walking like trees. aieuctcriy blind'
dislth. 33 Peter, Saran. 3/ TcfiVt xiiilhcfi ihehfe.
38 Toiea/hitmiaofChrilt. - 2^ After that, he put his hands againe upon his "^ '•"vtniy ihingi,
eyes, and made him g looke againe. And hee was
* Mitih.i;.3J. TN + thofe dayes.when
there was a very great reftored to his fight .end faw every man afarre off
^itr"f itmh^
mulritude f«foor°b'unto'
and had nothing to eate , lefus called
clearely. . {'bem.
him,!nd fayd unto them.
his difciples to
26 y Andhefeht himhometohishoufe.fayin", '*.^°''°* "•
2 IhavecompafsiononthemultitiKie ,becaufe Neither goe- into the towne , nor tell to any in the * "';'V*""imeth:.
they have now continued with mee three dayes, ^
towne. u°nde'rLdnor''
and have nothing to eate.
27 %*6 And lefus went out , and his difciples thefe t'bing" which
3 Andiflfendthemawayfaftingtotheirowne into the towne of Cefarea Philippi. And by the are'"opl=i"eand
a Word for word, houfes , they would a faint by the way foribme of :
visy he asked his difciples, faying unto them.
jhfy will fall in them Came from faf re. '"'^''"u-
Whom doe men lay that I am ? ^^^ regecs'^j'k.n'^

[Td^Zlltrnt ^ '^'^^" ^''^ difciples an fwer^d him, Whence 2g And they aniwered, Some fay, lohn Baptifl: vl^ic!l chni'i ftpa,
fall 'in a fv^ound? "'^ ^ "^"D fatisfie thele with bread here, in thfe Vjil-
andfome, Eiias andfome. one ui the Prophets, 'aiinguifomthe

thtir fynowestaii demeffe f c

oneiiom Mothei;.
29 And he fayd unto them , But whom lay ye "^'jf ^"^ '?'„.'' . ,

And hee asked them , How rnany loaves haVfe

.that ; am? Then Peter anfwered.and layd tuuo Ty /i.Vuand

ye And they fayil. Seven.

? .
him, Thou art that Chrift. n.tii.

6 Then hee commanded the multitude to iit

3.0 7 And he Iharpely charged them , that con- ^ «f [ercfived
downe on the ground and hee tooke the feyen :
cerning himthey' Ihouidtdinoman. " - '''"•^emf.ovingof

Joavcs . and gjve thjuikes , brake them , and gave to menwfcenhe


. .
.-!.-. cciuldn.tdifctme'
his difciples to fet before tfcew.and they did fet theirbodJM.. j. He.commanded him indeed, vvbetfcer be could lee
them before the people. -ornp. f Chtirtyvilliiophayellisiniraclestobef'eparatedfi...:! 1-iidiftn'ne. » V.air
7 They had alio afew fmallfiil-es and when ;,
6 ManypriifeCiirift'.vvfcichyuiJotvs thf^riyrng.'poifehiincj

he had given tlianks he corDii;irided ththi'alft), W 7.,.Chiift ljiifji,.appcxicicd bi» tiniesto the'preachiogcfthc GofLtl-

iherefu.e beie deferfe tt tJ a morecommcdious time , leaK fiidd'eu

haft/fll&dd tMI«»
be fet before ?i(?<^,'», bmdcxthen I'unhenbe irylttrieofaiscomaiing.
Ccc i ji 6 Then
" 1 7
2 : ,

Chriftmuftbehearc!. S. Matkc. The power offaiih.!

s Cbrift fiifl'crcJ a!i 31 g Then hcc begAti to tc'.ch them tbat the 1 And he anfwered , and faid unto them, Elias
thai he fuffcrcd for f^^nc of m.^n nm!t fuffer rr.jiny things ^nd ho\ilJ , f vaely lirft come , and reftore all things
Ihall and :

tUEWlll "^^^
. be veproovcd of the Elders and ofthehic rricfts. , 4- as written of the Sonne of m.^n ,h'ee muft
it is <!• Efa.yj,^.

bL: fo«knov.:ng' and ot the Scribes , and be llainc . and within three fufier many things, and be fet at nought.
"u.and willingly, daycs li^e againc. 13 But I fay unto you, that Elias is come, (and
g Nooeaiemoie ^^ , An J jige fnjke that thing boldly. Then they have done unto him whatfoever they would)
wad ibfD they that
and began to rebuke him. as it is written of him.
j,^^^^ tool<rf,him alide,

«cr7o^God his diC

Tl^a he turned back and looked on 14 ^^4 And when he came tofcudifciples.hee a mju. 17,14.'
3 .3

b Thi. i. rot godly, ciplcs, and rebuked Teter, faying. Get thee behind faw a great multitude about them , and the Scribes ''"ke 93s.'
bu: woiMiy wife- j„V. ^ Satan for thou h underft:;ntlt3 not the tilings : difputing with them. 4 Cbnft flieweth
that.-'.reofGod,butthethingsthatareofmcn. I y And ftraightway the people , when they
''""Tbtdifc- le ^Jttru^f '''"u"
o f Cntm 'inu!( ^4 S " And hce called the perp'.e unto him beheld him , were amafed , and ranne to him , and that he"i'i'^omeio*
btirc nouiiy what with his difciplesjand fayd unto them, 4* Whofoe. faliuedhim. bridle the wgeof
burden ever ihe r.
y^r wi.l foUow me , let'him forfakc himlelfe , and i6 Then hee asked the Scribes, What difpute ^«'««
lord !ay«h npon ^^^^ j,j^ ^^^^y^^ ^^^ jr^jl^^^ ^^ you among your felves ?

^? wiil 4 fave
For whofoever will;, ... _ hb
. life, Hiall lofe 1 And one of the companie anfv/ered and
jL'Tff^fo!;'. of 5y -

thefltlh. it but whofoever : ihall lofe his life for my fake and fayd , Mafter , I have brought my fonne unto thee,
•f Mat.10.28.
and which hath dumbe
the Gofpels, he ihall fave it. a fpirit
,E ,4.Iu!<r„23. ,5 I'l a man , though he '
35 [, For what Ihall pr
it nrofit
ihall ir 18 And wherefoever hee taketh him , he f tea- ''"f^'"'""'""
39. and fliould
win the whole world, ii'hc lofe his foule _? reth him , and hee fometh , and gnaiheth his teeth. Zl^.^^ltx^
19.2;. lake 9:4,. 37 Ot what exchange Ihall a man give tor his and pineth away : and I fpake to thy difciples , that doe,
and 17, sa- foule ?
they ihould calt him out, and they could not.
il Theyaretbe * For whorafoever (liall be alhamed of mee,
luoafooliftiofall 38 19 T.hen he anfwered him , and faid.O fiithleCfe
Uito which pur. and of my wordes among this adulterous and fin- generation. how long now iliall T be with you how !

tbafethe enioying full generation ,of him Ihall the Sonne of man be long now ihall I fuller you Bring him unto me. !

of ibii lifewiih alh.anied aifo , when hee commeth in the glory of 10 So they brought him unto him and aifoone :

the bOi of ever.

his Father with the holy Angels. as the fpirit gfaw liim , hee tare him , and hee fell g SofooBtajierui
downe on the groimd wallowing and foming. ^^^ looked upon
• Ma:. 10. 53 luke CHAP. IX.
II Then he asked his father. How long time is
a CMjfj (M»./_»Mr«(i«. 7 Chif' mull U httri. Ii Of b^^„^°|f,V„V, blm
it fmce it hath bene thus ? And he faid , Ot a child.
£ihi and TclmSaptyl, 14 The fijfeljrj heahd. 1 3 Faith ,bt deviifbegao »
tan Joi -ill 31 Chrijl fcren'Jt'h.hii death. 33 ir/>o
tlm;,!. 12 And oft times hee ca(\eth him into the tire, rage a&eibii
ii ereaiejl amen« the ^fofiia. 36 Chijl takfth a Mdt h and into me water to defiroy him but if thou :
hi'iarmei. 42 Tcoffend. fa Salt. I'tace.
canft doe any thing, helpe us, and have compafsion
« Matth.S.iS.
A Nd 4. hcc faid unto them,Verely I fay unto you, upon us.
that there be fome of them that ftand here. 23 And lefus fayd unto him. If thou canft be-
he^nTis kiDgd.mie which ihall not tafte cf death till they have fecne leeve it, hall things are pofsible to him ybeleeveth. J There ii notbfng
tkiougo ibe prea. the a kingdomc of God come with power, 24 And itraightway the father of the child cry- ^f,5,^:'.^;,:° f,"^,
tbiogofheGofre! 2^-1
And fixe dayes after , lefus taketh unto ing with teares,layd,Lord,I beleeve : helpe my un- that beitevtia him,
«bat isiofay.after
hira Peter , andcaricth them
and lames , and lohn ,
thf refuireftioB.
up way alone , and
into an hie mountaine out of the 2y when lefus fawe that the people came run-
X- Mat. 17, 1.
JuJtes,28. his Ihape was chajiged before them. ning together, he rebuked the unclean fpirit.faying
I The heavenly
3 And his raiment did b Ihine ,<««</ *f<w very unto him , Thou dnmbeand deafe fpirit , I charge
which flioulJ
white as fnow, fo white as no fuller can make upon thee come out of him and enter no more into him. ,

I a Oiort the earth. 26 , Then thtfpmt cried and rent him fore. ^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ :

ff>«ce be abafed up. 4 And thcrc appeared unto them Elias with and came out , and hee was as one dead in Jo much ,he venue of chiirt ,

Mofes, and they were talking v.ithlefus. that many fayd. He is dead. it. the more outt».
avouched by vifi-
He fignes. by ihe y Then Peter anJweied and layd to lefus, Ma- ,
27 But lefus tooke his hand , and lift him up,
good for us to be here let us make alfo "^'
ftffenct and talke fter , it is :
and hee arofe.
, one for thee , and one for Mofes,
ofBliaiandMo- three talicrnacles 28 « And when he was come into the houfe, his g vve k^veneeJ
and by the
ifoiceofih' Fa.
and one for Elias. difciples asked him fecretly , Why could not wee offaiih.andihei*-

therhimfelfe, be.
6 Yet hee knew not what they fayd for they :
cafthimout? h"''^"'*^;^
fere three ofhij were e afraid. 29 And he faid unto them. This kind can by no „„ o^VoThuiid
difc'pl'", which 7 And thcrc was a c!oud that (hadowcd them, other meanes come forth.but by prayer and fading. poifeOJoD.
are witnegtia- and a voice came out of the cloude , faying , * This 30 5 * And they departed thence, and went i • Mat. 17,11.
jainft whomlieih
is my beloved Sonne ; hearc him. toeether through Galile , and hee would not that !"''*»•". ....
no »c(p:ioB. " n Heandhndifcs*
t> DidTpaikleM 8 And fuddenly they looked round about , and 111. t.
any fhould have knowen it.
:. I

pie. together.
it were. faw no more any man five Icliis onely with them. 31 7 For hee taught hjs difciples, and laid unto , chriftfote*«m.
• They were befide 9 a 4- Andasthey came downc from the moun- them. The Sonne of man fliall be delivered into eth us with great
xhetnftlvei for
taine , hee charged them , th.\t they (hould tell no the hands of men , and they (hall kill hira , but after "'''JR™"' 'Vl"*
» Mit.3,17- and man what ihey had feene , fave when the bonne of that he is killed . hee ihall rife againe the third day. "t^„"«,
>7,j chsp.i.ii. man were rifen from the dead againc. 32 But they underftood not that faying , and v«itbfuddenc«ta.
« The Lord bath 10 So they d kept ihat matter to themfelves, were afraid to aske him. mitie., but the
tljipoinied hi$
and « demaunded one of another , what the riling "°
time fcribe pub. 33 * 8 After.hc came to Capernaum and when :
„ •,^°'„"^' °f .,

JiOiiogoftbeGo* from the dead againe Ihould meane. hee was in the k houfe , he asked them. what was it Jt^Ma'tt'^s't."
/pd- 1 3 Alfo thev asked him , faying. fay the Why that ye difputed amonj you by the way ? luke 9,^6.
4 Mat. 17.9. Scribes, that § P.lias muft firft come ?
34 And they held their peace : for by the way 8 Ooeiy humility.
d Even very hard- , „. l- t.
ly aiitw"«- « They qiielHontd not
togeihertouching tbegcntnll
fefurrefticn which

they reafoned among themklvcs , who piotUd It*

k°^J^,'' V„ «vm ,

Ihallbein ihelatttrday.bui 'hey underltood not what heniea«t by that

which hefpake thechiefeft. wont to make hii
of hiiowue peculiar itfurtfftion. 3 Tbe foolifh opin'on of the Rabbines ii' htre re-
which wat thai either Elia» (hould rtleagjinjftgqi 3 f And hce fate downe and called the twelve, »bo«k,
felled touching Eli" toniming ,

and fayd co than « If any atita defuc to be firft , the

tW««dattnlJiHl»iifo»l»to««W«»«u>;ofo»coit«bea;f, g^ M»l.Ms
: y

1*0 avoide offences. Chap. si. Of divorcement. 26

lame (hall be laft of all, ini ftmitt; UfttO all. 6 Bat at the begianing of the creation* God * oen.j,!?,
36 And he tooke a little childe , and fet him in made them male an <i female Matih.9.4.

the middes of them, and tooke bim in his armes, 7 S For this caufe ihall man leave Iiie father 4 Gen a.i*.
and faid unto thetn. and'roother, and cleave unto his wife. i.Cor.<$,io»

37 vvhofoever (IhII receive one of fnch little 8 And they twaine lliall be one flefh : fo that «P'"f-^'3-

children in my Name , receiveth me and whofoe- : ihcy are no more twaine, but one flclh.
J HeJoihnotonty ever receiveth mee.receiveth notlmecbothim * Therefore , what God hath conned toge- #
9 ,,cor.7«9;
Sa''&;l'mef^hatfentiiie. ther, let no man feparate.
* Luke 9.49 3* f ^.>ThenIohnanfweredhim,fayi^g,Ma-
10 And in the houfe his difciples asked him
$ God «ho iithe fler we (awe one cafting out devils by thy Name,
, againe of tliat matter. « Math,
auihour ot an or- y/hich followeth not us , and we forbade him , be- 1 1 And he faid unto them . x Who/bevenball ""* '» » ''^«
"ufe he followeth us not. put away his wife and marry another , ccmmitteth c
w~fe'ihti(o*'e°.' wbomheput-
iraordinari y fo'oft 39 J But Icfus faid . Forbid him not for there : adulterieca»ainflher. ^eth way.forhe
is no man that can doe a miracle by my Name but , 12 And if a woman put away her husband, and ianada teitrbr can lightly (peake cvill of me. '"fpinj; compaa
be married to another, Ihe committcth adulterie.
Baric vokaiioa 'IS

nied by ihedo- 40 For whofoever is not againft us < is on our 13 s i Then they brought little children to
ftrmr aad the p~rt, him , that he ihould touch them , and his difciples luke 13, ly.
tSt&t. 4 1 * And whofoever fliall give you a cup of rebuked thofe that brought them. » tsodofhia
•j: I. Cor I*. J. my Names fake, becaufeyee But when lefus lawe it hee was di/pleafed, EO'«''«'' compte.
water to drinfce for 1 4 ,

belong to Chrift, verely I fay unto you , hee Ihali and faid to them. Suffer the little children to come t^^^j''„;^^„'iy'''
Bctlole his reward. unto me and forbid them not ; for offuth is the tb.f..iheri,b«iihe

% Maiib.18,6. 41 And whofoever (liall ofFcndeoneof

K 'o kingdome of God. childrro alfo .-aai
Iuke.7.1. the/e ones .that beleeve in me ,it were better
little I
f Verely I fay unto you. Whofoever lha!l not 't««<''»:<: be blef«
10 Godi.fofe- him
for , that a mililonc were hanged about
rather receive the kingdorre of God 3 as a little childe.
Vere a revenger of , we''™ftin
cffcace,, tbat it i»
his necke, and chat he were caft into the fea. he ftiall not enter therein. niaiicV b«ome
better to fuffer atiy 43 S Wherefore if thine hand caufc thee to i6 And he tookethem up in his aimes, and put chiidun if wae ,

lofle , iheo be »n oflend .cut it oH' : it is better for thee to enter into his hand upon them, and blelled them. w'ill enter into the
Occafion of of- °^^^'
lift, maimed .then having two hands , to goc into 17 J 4 And when he was o;one out on the way, l\l^'^°'^'
f«nceunto any.
bell, into the fire that never Ihall be quenched, there came one * running, and kneeled to him, and "two thing* are
^ Mattb.5.19.
* Wheretheirra woimcdiethnot .andthe asked him , Good Malkr , what ftwli I doe , that I chiefly >o beef-
od S3. I 44
* F.fai.«6 14- fiieneverg"tthout. may pofleffe etemall life > chewed of them
lu Tbeir wurtB*
which lliailbecaft
4) Likewife if thy foote caufe thee to offend,
, A lefus faid to hitx. why calleft thoumee t^^^,
cut it ofi it is better for thee to goe halt into life,
: good ? there is none good but ont^. even God. ,|)a, (,,0 fay, an
«ato chat flame.
then having two feete ,to be caft into hell .into 19Thou knoweft the commandements.f Thou opinion of tiieir

II Werauftbe the fire that never llv.U be quenched, (bait not commit adulterie. Thou llwlt not kill, tneritet or defer-

frafonedand poW- 46 Where their woime dieth not , and the fire Thou Ihalt not fteale. Thou (halt not bea re Life
dted by God. both onJy7„det(,ood?
nevergoethout. witneffe. Thou flialt d hurt no mAn, Honour thy but cocdemoed by
that wt maybe
•ccepuble facii- 47 And if thine eye caufe thee to offend, father and m >ther. the daeconfidera.

fi«t unto him .and pluckc it out it is better for thee to goe into the
: 7.0 Then he anfwered and faid to him,
. Mafter. "°° °f the taw
aifotha' webeiog '='
kmgJome of God wi.h one eye .then having two thefe things have 1 obferveth from my'•'11
youth. ,^^
*" «>'"• fo be caft into hell fire,
21 And
1?/- 11J
lelus looked upon him
, and loved
eth aiide

h7.b tuts*
o^Tha °it!(haibe 48 Where their womie dieth not , and the fire him and faide unto him , One thing is lacking from that race

lonfecvaieioGod, never gOCth OUt. unto thee, Goe and fell all that thou haft, and vtlier.iDthevrati
being feafoncd ^9 ii for every man Ihalbe d faked with hre : give to the poore , and thou ihalt have trealurs in ^'^ ^ ^''°
vvitb tfae incorrup-
and + every faciifice Ihall be faited with fait. heaven, and come.followe me, and take up the »^Matth.i9,i€.
tible word.
4. Levit.1,13. SO i Salt is good but if the fait be unfaver)-, ; Ciofl'e. lokeiS.iS.

i Matt f, 13. wherewith fliall it be feafoned > have fah in yoiu; 22 But he was fad at that faying,and went away **
felves.and have peace one with another. forowfull for he had great pollefsions.
Ir d".'" Jo r a?
c H A r. X. 23 And lefus looked lound about, and faid other mesne wlm*
9 Tht tuife.mih f" f'*nuiii<)n,is le tt fUtAVay. 13
unto his difciples .How hardly doe they that havs&evet.
Liitlt c'il.nn a^e houfht to Chrifl. ly rich murt ^ riches, enter into the kingdome of God !

OJketh Jtfij h.tP he mtij foffft ftr».,ll li/{.

, 18 The 24 And his difciples were afraid at his words.
all ihiniifiT Chrip,Ukf.
^foJiUif rjickt 3i Chrijl But lefus anfwered ;.g-.ine,and fiid unto them.
ftrefht-atrh hisiti.i'h. 3; Zthedeiti kufmnetrejueff,
45 B'.inde StttimiuihfHkd. Children , how hard is it for them th.ic thruft in
A Nd * he a arofe from thence , and went into the riches, toenter into the kingdome of God ;
m M»t».t9,i.
a rhati«tofay. coaftes of ludeaby the farrelideof Ionian ,and zj- It is ealier for a canicll to goe through the *^^*|,'''*."'*7'
lukeiS a8.
drpaiied and vv«nt jj^^ people fcforted unto him aeaine, and as he was eye o of a needle, then for a rich m.n to enter into To regleft all
tnekikingdome of God. thing, io compa,
„eH.Wew.ongu„ wont, he taught them againe.
2 Then ihe Phanlescameand^asked him , it It 26 And they were muth more aftonied, faying rifonofchnft.i.
retting Stdwtl'iDg
ajeaiiooe, andfo vvete liwfuU fot a man to put away /j« wife, and with themfelves. Who then can be faved ? »
^''"XVk'{° h
lifingandioing tempted him. 27 But lefus looked upon them v and faid, ""fj^i^^j"^''*
3 And hee anfwered , and faid unto them, With men it is impofsible .but not with God for by the way. :

with God all things are pofsible. e Aahimdre.hfoU

W'lat did K Mofes command you ?
« Deut.*4': 28 J * / Then Peter began to fiy unto him,
4 And they faid , Mofes fiiffered to write a bill
of divorcement, and to put her away. to. we have forfakE n aU .antTbave followed thee. commodHe ofthi.
1 Then lefus anfwered, antl faid un-o them. 29 lefus anfwered and fayd , Verely I fay unto ijft fo that we me*
1 Sod did BcvM 5

allow tboredi- For the hardnefle of your heart hee wrote this you, there is no man thathathiorlakenhoiifejor fu'eik'^mafterthe
bprecepr unto you. brethren, or fifters, or father, or mother or wife, or u
'^''^J^'^f b^'*"'*,
K,aw did tolerai
children, or lands for my fake and the Gofpels, iTfeff-'dnJ "mi"
b Looke Mac ;. Fof Mo(e» ga»e them bo commandemeat to put away their wive» iiu*

]4Uici»H4Cr»go9d;tovifcisi) vtiv«l agaiBfty i)))bbon>«banlD«fl«oftt!i;iil>tub>iDdi> 30 3ut lie IbaU receive an e hundred foldj now g,kdyi.«je.
Ccc 4 «
: .

Chrifts cup and baptifme.^ S. Marke. Chrifts riding into lerufaleoa;

houfes, and brethreni and fifters.and
ac this prefent, faid unto him, Lord, that I may receive fionc,
mothers and children .and l.-.ndes ''•.vith pcrfccu-
. V z Then lelus laid unto him. Go thy^way tbv :

tions, sndin the world to come, eternijl i,',fj- f,Mth hath laved thee. And by and by he received'
Maith.19,30^ But many »/j4f rtr*biit,iiMllbelaft,and ^jit light, and followed leiiis in the way.
•J" 31
V^Vt 13.50.
^ M3U jo,i7.
the kit, Hiit, CHAP. XI.
32 5 4 6 And they were in the way going up I Chrjj! en'tith into H-eruf.iUm rijini- an Jn
dffe ji j-L,
Juke iS,5i.
6 Tbedifciplei to Hierufakm /and lelus went before chem and ,

areagjinep^ni- they were troubled , and as they followed they .

prayer. 2s Thtkr.thfrs cffencesmuft te p.irJcnr,!. 17 The
ltd topaiiencti were afraid, and lelus tooke the twelve ag.iine, I'rhjls askt h wft.i( ttih^ritithturrrii^ht
Dot thcfiMr^zs that
10 b^ovfr--
and began to tell them what things lliould come hi did. 30 V.'htnce fchni kipii/me tvii.
comt by f re-
ttlUng unto them unto himi A Nd ' when they came neere to
Hierufalem, 4- Mutit,-..
cfbij death , wiiith 33 J"<»>«»g. Beholde we goe up to leriifalem,
. , to Bethphage and Bethania untothemouiitof '"'^"^^9-
ani ihe Sonne of man Ihall be delivered unto the Olives, he Tent foorth two of his difciples, • a lively imag.
-rewithall of
hie Priefls . and to the Scribes and they Ihali con-
2 And faid unto them. Goe your way es into
'.V wbichfhoiild kingdomeo7chri.1
rt ci:r;aioeIy
dcmne him to death and ihall deliver him to the
, that townc that is over againft you and affoone ooearUi.

Gentiles. as ye lliali enter into it .yefcallfindeacolttied.

34 And they fhallmocke him.and fcourge him, whereon never tfian fate : loofe him , and brino
and fpit upon him, and kill him but the third day.
he ihall rile againe, 3 And
any man fay unto you why doe ye
if ,

« Matt. 10, JO. 35 f * 7 Then lames and John ;:he fonne of Ze- this ? Say that the Lord hath naede of him , and
7 Weinuftfirll bedeus came unto him faying Mjfter, g we would
, , ftraightway he will lend him hither.
iirive, before we that thou Ihouideft doe for us that we^efire.
tiiumph. 4 And they went their way , and found a colt»
36 And he faiduhto them .What Vwauld yee I tied by the doore without in a place where two ,

fliould doe for you ? wayesmet. and they loofedhim.

37 And they (aide to him, Graunt unto us.that y Then them that ftoode there,
certaine of ,

we may fir , one at thy right hand , and the other at faid unto them.What doe ye loofing the colt ?
thy left hand in thy glory. 6 And they laid unto them, as lelus had conjT
38 But lefus laide unto them Yee know not , raandedihem So they let them goe.

what yeaske. Can ye drinke of the cup that I ihall 7 I § And they brought the colt to lefus and ;§ lohn n.j^. ,

drinke of and be baptized with the bapcil'me that

caft their garments on him, and he late upon him.
I iLallbe bapiized with } 8 And many Ipread their garments in the way :
39 And they faid unto him, We
can. But lefus other cut downe branches oif thetrees.and ftrawed
faid unto them , Ye Itall drinke indeede of the them in the way.
cup that I ihall diinke of , and be baptized with 9 And they that went before, and they that
the b.iptifme wherewith I fliall be baptized : followed cried faying Hotanna a bleffed be he a WeliUittcWm
, , , :

40 But to fit at my right hand and at my left, that commeth in the Name of the Lord. ''">' cmmeih to m

is not mine to give , but it jh alike given to them for 10 b Blefled be the kingdome that commeth '^''" ['^"^-'^y''-"
whom it is prepared. in the Rime of ihe Lord of our father David; ^^ H[°ppie'i„jpf^
41 And when the ten heard that , they began Hofanna, Of/.««t»Z'/^»f/.rtrrinthe higheft/7f«H'ea/. fiercus.

to difdaine at lames and lohn. 11 * So lelijs en. red into Hierufalem , and into • J^'^'t Jtiio.
% TlieMagift«w» 41 8 But lefus called them unto him, and faid the Temple .-and when he had looked about on ''•^« '»?•
accofding toGodj to them « Ye know that h they which are princes
, all things , and now it was evening , he went forth
appointment, rule
among the Gentiles .have domination over them, unto Beihania with the twelve.
over theirfubiefts
• buttbePaftorsare and they that be great among them , exercileau- IX " And on the morrowe when they were « Matt.11,19.
rot called to rule, thoritie over them. come out from Bethania, he was hungry,
huttoftrve, accor-
43 But it iliall among you but who-
not be fo :
13 a And feeing ,1 ^gge-tree a farre off that » Anexairpleof ,
foever will be great among you .ihall bey curler- had leeves..he went fe /^e if bee might findc any '^'^'J^^^^R'^""
f leofiheSoDne
cfGodhimfe'fe, vant. thing tliereon;but when hee came unto it hee ^er'',ijjhea5»of ,

Vtho went before 44 And whofoeverwillbechiefeofyou.lhall found nothing but leaves; for the time of hgges hypociiiej,
tbem, for fomucb bethefervant of all.
was not yet.
ai heaifo
WiDifterofhisPa- 45 For even the Sonne of man came not to be 14 Then lefus anfwered and faid to it .Never
therswill. ferved, but to ferve.and to give his life for the ran- man eate fruite of thee hereafter while the world
« LukeJ2.i3. fom.eofmany. ftaxideth , and his difciples heard it.
h Thijlo-nrh^m
21 is dectttil i»i
46 5*9 Then they came toTericho :andas ijf S3 And they came to lerufalem.and le- 3 ChriftlhewMa
he went out of lericho withhisdiiciples.and a fus went into the Temple, and btgan tocaftout J°^'^^.^^'_^"^^^''«i'
4. great multitude ,B.irtimeus rhe fonne ufTimeys, them that lolde and bought in the Temple, and i>j^,i,'p'jj°fnj°
IukM5.3J a blinde man, fate by the way fide, begging. overthrewe the tables of the money-changers, and therefore ihe re.
9 CbriHonelyi 47 And whee he heard that it was lelus of Na- the feates of them that foide doves. veuger of the di-
zareth, he began to cry and to fay, lefus the Sonne ;^°^''j'™«"ofth2
16 Neither would hee fuffer that any man
•uiblio^otSci of David, have mercie on me. Oould cary a c vell'cl through the.Temple. ^ TLr », anj ^m-
48 And many rebuked him becaufe he fliould ,
17 And he taught fay mg unto them Is it not fktne iailrumenr,
, ,

Iioldhis peace but he ctyedmuch mote,

: Sonne O written, ^
Mine huufe ihallbe d called the houfe of ofrehichtUrefei-
of DEvid>havemcrcieonme. prayer unto all nations?* butyou have made ita^'^^"^''^'|''jji|,"^~
49 Then lelus flood ftill, and commanded him denneoftheeves. tZ't, 0} tT^'rim'fit
to be called and they called the blind, faying unto
18 AndtheScribesandhie Prieftsheardit,and amarkfiFitct.
bim. Be of good comfort ; arife, he calleth thee. fought how to deftroy htm for they feared him, A if-'] s^ 7-

50 So he threwe away his cloake, and rofe.and bec.ule the whole multitude was attonied at his ^ , „'!rj',«r
came to lefus. dodtrine. , lnt^,„.
y I And lefus anfwered.and faid unto him.Whai \9 Bat when even was come ./»/«' went out # ur,7,ij,.
wile thou that I doe unto thee >
Aad the blinde ofthefitie.
. . » :

Whence lohns Baptifmewas. Chap. xij. Sadduces denying the ttCmt^diion. 2z

* fliall be ours,
Matt. 21, 19. lo H 4 And in the morning as they lourneyej heritance
4 Tbe force of togtithcr, they law the fij'ge- tree dried up from the 8So they tooke him , and killed him and caft ,
faith is exceeding himout of the vineyard.
roots. .

great, andcbaritie
is ever ioyned .
2[ Then Peter remetphred and faid unto him,
, 9 What Ihall then the Lord of the vineyard Mafter , behold, the tigge-tree which thou curfedft, doe Hee will come and deflroy thefe husband-

is withered. men, and give the vineyard to others.

zt And lefus anfwered , and faide unto them. 10 Have ye not rend fo much as tj^is Scripture, 4 rw.iij;;
Have e the faith of God. 4- The ftone v\hich the builders did refufe, is made

is that aff»red 23 For veiely I fay unto you that whofbever , the head of the corner.
fMhdHdtruft fliall unto this roountaine Be thou taken away,
fay . 11 This was done of the Lord.and it is marvel-
rrhichtvlhalein and into the fea , and Ihall not waver in his
caft lous in our eyes.. I. set 2,8.
Hm. heart fliail beleeve that thofe things which he
, but 12 Then they.c went about to take him .but c Ther werefTft'
faith Iball come to pafle , whatfoever he faith. Ihali
, they feared the people for they perceived that he die and -verie-defi.

be difie to him fpake that parable againft them : therefore they

S Mat.22,i;.
24 § Therefore I fay unto you Whatfoever , left him, and went the'u" way. luke 20.20.
S yee dciire when yee pray , t)eleeve that f yeelliall J
I S * And they lent unto him certaine of the
.-? 2 TheGofpell
have it, and it Ihail be dgne unto you. Pharifes.and of the Herodians .that they might ioyneth iheautto;.
i WcrdfoTWorJ,
ri le of tbe Magi.
thatj'U receive it 2J * But when g yee Ihall ftand.and pray , for- takehim in taike, /;»'/
riia:e with the
fpeitijnrtn <^" ye have any thing againft any man that And when they came they faide unto him. f.rvice ofGod,
_ give, if , 14 ,

your Father alfo which is in heaven may forgive 1 we know that thou ai t true .and careft for d T halt doeft nut
tie cfthe thinr, ""•^ you your trefpaiVes. no man ; for thou d confidereft not the perfon of fa iiiJ^e iy mt-w'tri'
ihi firftrmanct 26 For if you will not forgive.your Father which men but ffeacheft thee way of GodtrueJy ,Is it appi^r.wtcthtt
the truei his thereby
indeed. lawfull tb give ttibute to Cefar, or not
is in heaven, will not pardon you your trefpafles. ?
durktncd any irijt
^7 1 4" J Then they came againe to Hierufalera : 1 y Should we give it.or lliould we not give it? rtf.<».
g WhenJcufh.tU
apftitre lefire ilif and as he walked in the Temple there came to ,
but he knew their hypocrifie, and faid unto them. e The vity vrhere.

him the hie Priefts.and the Scribes.and the Elders, Why tempt yee me ? Bting me a penie , that 1 may h we (fmeto Ced,
« Wrfff.zi.i3-
28 Andfaid unto him , By whatauthoritie doeft fee it.
Jh4c 10. 1.
thou thefe things and who gave thee this authori-
> 1 5 So they brought
.and hee faid unto thera.
J TbeGofpel
bathbeotaDiiuU tie, that thou ftouldcft doe thele things ? Whole is this image and fuperfcription? and they
ted long ime'

29 Then lefus anfwered. 6c faid unto ihem.I will faid untohim.Cefars.

fiuct under th«
alfoaskeyoua certain thin^, &anlwereyeme,and 17 Then lefiis anfwered , and faid unto them,
prttencfofan or-
4in3tiffu«t(l)on. I will teJl you by what autnoritie I do thefe things. * Give to Cefar the things that are Cefars .and to
30 The baptifme of lohn , was it from heaven, God thofe that are Gods : and they marveiled at

or of men? anfwere me. him.

31 And they thought with themfelves .faying. i8 S3 « Then came the Sadduces unto him, 3 Theieriifreai-
If we fliallfay, From heaven, he will fay .Why then ( which fay there is no refurredion ) and they af- onofthebcdieis

did ye not beleeve him ; ked him, laying, avouched againft

Si « But if wee fay Of men, we feare the peo-

, 19 Mafter Mofes wrote unto us- If any mans tbe foolilh igno-
, ,
srance and malica-
tvill confcienceto ple for all men counted lohnthathe was a Pro-
: brother die and leave hu wife . and leave no chil-
of the Sadduces,
beatiaidofthofe. phet indeed. dren, that his brother Ihould take his wife , and X Mat.22,23.
of whom tbey
ftould and might
33 Then they anfwered , and faide unto lefus. raife up feed limo.his brother. luke 20,27.

luve beD« ftaitd. We cannot tell. And lefus anfwered, and faid unto 20 There were feven brethren, and the firfl D.ut.2f,y,
them. Neither will I tell you by whatauthoritie! tooke a wife, and when he died, left no iffue.
doe thefe things. 1 1 Then the fecond tooke her.and he died.nei-
CHAP. XII. ther did he yet leave ifliie . and the third likewife
I Ofihe rvintytrd. lO Chi/l the (lone rtfii/ed cfthe 22 So thefe feven hadher .andleft noifliie :
litres. 12 Ofirilulelo te lilienicCe/ar. ii The i addu-
laft of all the wife died alfo.
tesdenjingthtrefiTree'.icn. iS The /rl) commandement,
31 Tc iotieCMnndtheniighhcutiskr.erthtnf.urifiiei. 2 3 In the refurreftion then.when they lliall rile
36 Chrift VaViJsjcnHe. 3S Tclemrl i/ihe iirtics and againe , whofe wife Ihall the be of them fot feven ;

Th.iri/is. 42 J he pocre rridotv had her to wife.

» The calling of A Nd I hee began to /peake unto them in apara- 24 Then lefus anfwered and faid uuto them^
6od i> noiiyed *^
bles , ^ A certaine man planted a vineyard . and Ate ye not therefote deceived , becauleyeeknov/
•iiher to placel.
it with a*n hedge , and digged a pit for
compafled not the Sctiptures , neither the power of God ?
wi bom exception the winepreffe, and built a tower in it.and let it out
25 For when they Qiall rile againe from the
a li,7tvc<dl'ara- to husbandmen and went into arrange countrey,.
dead, neither men marrie.nor wives are married,
2 b And at the time heefentto the husband- , but are as the Angels which are in heaven.
net vn'ely ft^n'fitx
men a fervant . that hee might receive of the huf- 26 And as touching the dead, that they (liall
ttmparn^ cfthm^i bandmenof the fruit of the vineyard. rife againe , have ye not read in the booke of Mo-
together, tut alfi But they tooke him , and beat him , and fent
3 fes how in the bulli God fpake unto him , faying,
dtirl^tffcecltes uni
him away emptie. I J am the God of Abraham , and the God of iiarac, f Exod.3,«;
And againe he fent unto them another fer- matt. 22, 32.
4 and the God of Jakob ?
lfH.»,l. vant, and at him they caft (tones, and brake his 2 7 God is not the God of the dead.but the God
mrttMi.33- head.and fent him away fliamefuii handled. of the living. Ye are therefore greatly deceived. 4. Mart 22,3/.
y And againe heefcnt another and him they , li ' <Jr * Then came one of the Scribes that 4 Sacrificei and
b jrfce»fAf/VM"i ouivsdrd worftiif,
flew.and many other.beating fome.Sc killing fume. had heard them difputing trgether <j/;i perceiving nevei pleafed

ttieitthtTtit' 6 Yet had hee one fonne , his deare beloved : that hee had anfweredthem well hee asked him. God.uiileiTefuch

him alio hee fent the laft unto them .faying. They Which is the fitft commandement of all neceffaricdueiiei
will reverence my fonne. 29 Jeliis anfwered him, Thehrll of all the com- as we ewe to Go<
and our nei^h-
7 But the husbandmen faid among themfelves, mandemcnts w .
S^ Heate, IfraeJ, Ihe Loidoui God bonr« wrntafore,
Ihii isihc heire : come, let usJ^ill hwi^and the in- is-theonelyLvrtl.
30 Thou

1 6
8 '

Tbe poore widowe. S. Marke, Endureto tbe end.

30 Thou (l:alt therefore !o«etTie torJ thy God am Chrijt, and fliall deceive many.
all thine heart, and with all thy fouie.ind with
ivkh 7 Furthermore when ye ihal! heare of warrej,
all thy minde, siid w ith all thy llrcngth ; tliis is the and rumors of wanes be ye not troubled , ioifwk
I trH(.i>.t». ,

firft ttjt'tt^s needs be but the end//;a//not be yet.
rauft :

ran 13.9. And the fecond w like , that is, t Thou fl^alt
jI 8 For nation lliall rifeagainll nation, and king-
ffdljr f ,14.
»:mt. I, S.
love thy neighbour ts thy felfe. There is none dome againft kiiigJome , and there (hall be eatth-
g M*",4t. other comraarif'^ .itient greater then thefe. quakes in divers quarters .ami there Ihall be famine
5i Then that Scribe laid unto him, Weil Ma- , and troubles thefe <jrff the beginnings of lorowes.

J Cb:ift ptoovitk thou one God,

halt fiid the trueth, that there is
fiis Godhead rvtQ
fVer, 6 But take yee heede to your fcives for they :

«u?of Djv'H bim- and that there none but he,

is fiiall deliver you up to the Gjuncils , and to the

r«lfe , ofvi'hoine 3 j And to love him with all the heart, and with Synagogues yee fliall be beaten , and U'ought be-

fee camt according all the undcrfending, and with all the Ibulcand fore rulers and kings for my fake.fora » telhnaoniall
totbtflefli. withall theftrength.andto love kit neighbour as iintothera. a nthtd^»fif
f IC'T^f.r IterJ. more then all whale burnt oticrings and 10 AndiheGofpell muftbe PuWiflied among
intkcMtChcfi. ^f;^;;'*^/^-''*
ttndiUre it jgrtAi (acriHces. all nations. ^i>ntjUa,»^ji
fcrainlt^'skindof 34 Then when Icfus fawthatheanfwcreddif- 11 when they lead yon , and deliver you
t But ihtm ,/J ihM they
fftnk , rclnret) is
creetly, he faid imto him , Thou art not farrc from up,
munirha' it ir Jx
be not careful! before hand .neither cftudie/**" "'"*»'«*'«'»

»»rf/> much Daltid

thekingdome of God. And no man after that durd what ye fluil f..y. but what is given you at the fame i'^"^,
tit the holy Chjl aske him any qiiellion, time, that fpeake for it is not you that fpeake, but ^4, ,j.', ,',""

tltttffct^c , who did

3 J- ^ J y And lefus anfwered and faide teaching the holy Ghoft. and ti.i^.
in i-mAiiur fef-
in the Temple , How fay the Scribes that Chrill is 12 Yea, and the brother IhalJ deliver the bro- ^'j^ff'tn^tfor-
ftfit DtVi,l.
«« r/j/.n9.t.
the fonne of David ? ther to death and the farher the fonne , and the '*'
^„"J°^ fj'^;
« M.trkm,6. 3<5 For David himfelfe faid by f the holy Ghoft, children fhall rife againlt their parents .and fliall yjOTorVK-Wife'"'
I»k.c ...43. * the Lord laid to my Lord , Sit at my right hand, caiile them to die. -whtn^y di_p mm
till I make thine enemies thy footUoole. And yee (bAll be hated ofall men d for my ""•»';« 'ktmfiiyu,
« Tbc maoa<tJof 13
aiiuinetiare not f 7 Then David himfelfe calleth hira Lord by :
Namc-sfike but whofoever fliall endure unto the '^tlnJ-ZT'' a

rtlhlf u> befol- whatmeanesis hethenhis lonne fand muth peo- end.heihallbefaved. "" n<:onfidt»tt
f owrj aa aa (x- ple heard him gladly. '4 S Moreover, when yee fliall /ie the aboml dfurel^feof
38 t « Moreover he faid unto them in g his do-
Atine, Beware of the Scribes which love to goe in Prophet ) where it ought nor ,' ( let him that

e are nilled It ^^
h Tht wrd Ti « 'long robes, and /flfeialvations in thenaarkets. readeth, confider ir) then let thcni tiM be in ludea,
3y And the chicte icatsin the Syaagogties.and flee into the moumaines. it.e.tT,
/lirutofrvcmtm the hrft roumts at feafts, I J ,. the houfe not come
And let h im that is upon .
tl^tvne to ihc hct'.ei,
40 Which * devome widowes hoiifes.even un- downs into the houfe neither enter therein, to Zl i
and 1 1 1 tkin gtnt- der a colour of long prayers. Thelelhad receive fetch any thingour of his houfe. J'ttio/fta'^.'
psth,f<>r.^nygif xhe.greaterdamnation. 1 And ict him that is in the fielde not turne A Formr.
mint made fcr 4 * And as lefus fate over againft the trea-
^emdinefft , but in
7 backeag.une to wkehis garment. t -^ti-i^.is.
hee beheld how the peoplecali tnoncy into
furie, <"

Then wo jl.albe to them that are with child, »

thit fUceit fetmelh 1
UfiiniftihMfrtn- the ireafurie, and many richnien caft in much. andxo them thargiue fucke in thofe daycs. , WhentheUx.
•ed PAjmtntmtn' 4i And there came a certaine poore widow, and 1 Pray theretore that youi flight be not in the ''"» wd prcfhtne
titntdin Ltultre- Are threw in two mites, which make a qiiadrin, f'T'efhaUnott,,,
« AIut.23 14. 43 Thenheecalledimrohimhis clilciples, and 19 For f thofe day es fliall be inch tribulation,as TTml'J^^l'J'lc,
I«^t 10.47. faid unto them , Verely 1 fay unto you , that this was not from the beginning of the Lteaiion which tcth u!at'dthed*rf
y The doing of poore widowe hath caft more in, then aii they God created unto this time, neu her fliall be. *<« aifo dt-
ourductiri , which which have
caft into thetreafurie.
Cod allowcth, iO And except that the Lord had fhortened -^'^ '.''•

iinotefietmcd 44 For they all did cart in of their fiiperfluitie: thofe dayes no flefli fliouid be faved
but for the '^ :
•e cording to the butfheofherpoveriicdidcafiinall that Hie had, eleds lake, which he h.ith chofen , he hdth fliurtc- Hthriwt,'-Jft't„4
©uiward value, ^fe^allherhving. vhaiha^rcat'
but to the invc<)
affeftiof tbe heart. • ta^^tii.i. i XeneyKfaty tend cf'metl4tl,<tJ tht l^cm.intt 2 1 Then if any man fay to you, Loe, here is !^yj^ '" " '/; "S'^
t/ldjivliimikiliei^ittnitididjl^mft ereoyne brafcdnd j,f:cr Vftd it/or (Urram nicof> Chrift, or lye, he it there, beleeve it not. fillTthl ^nlii
CHAP. XII 1. 21 For f.ilfe Chritles fliall rile ,.ind falfe pro- thammtonc'mifi.-
» OftiiidffirMHionifUtttf.ilem. 9 I'erJ^cuticmtforlht
phers.and ihewefignes and wonders, 10 de- 'nrhAiififdUy,
OoffM. JO Tht. ofjiUmufth preached to all n^iicns.
ceive if it were poSible the very eled. *f "" '"'° ^" "j '/ •
ti Of ChnJlscitnntfnj^ittHd^emtnt. 33 n't mitit rvitth
.«nJ pf.iy. 23 Btit take ye heede : behold , I have fliewcd |^',^'"j°rjl'f„;e
4 M<ff^.J4,l.
A NdJ ashee went out of the Temple .one of
I you afl things before. »'/"'//«.•*.»,//',«

I Thr drftruftioB
hisdifciples faide unto h im, Mafter , fee what S4 f Moreover in thofe dayes, after that tribii- />''«' ^nKi j,2o.
lation, + the fimne fljall waxe darke,and the moone i'"'''
t)f htTemrle, ci- maner ftonc-s, and what buildin;:;s are here. ^*t • ':'"

tie and vibole oa-


is afortiold,
^ J 'I hen lefus anlwercd , and favile unio him, fh.illnor giuc her hght, tZrCi^''
Seeft thou thefe great buildings ? there fliall not be ly And the ftarres of heaven fliall fall : and j Ma 4,iV
and tbe trcubl-ji
oftbeCbuich but left ,
one ftone upon a ftone, that ihail not be the powers which are in heaven, lliall fliake. axdu.s.
yetihrteart an- throwendowne. i6 And then fliall thry fee the Sonne of man, * //'-'i.'o-
Bfxed many com-
3 And .IS he fate en the mount of Olives over , comming in the clouds, w g^eat power and glorie. 'fj';ViV.w/ j.ij
ibrti «ad laft of
againll the Temple, Peter, and lames.and iohn.and 7.7 * And he fliall then lend his Angels.and flull » fit^i. 2^,31, '
all, tbe cod of the
worid iidtfiii* Andrew asked him ftxrctly, gather rogcther his eled trora the foiuc winds, <i«<i
bed. 4 Till us whtn Ihaii thefe things bee ? and
, from the utmoft part of the earth to the uiraoft pare
^ LukfitAl- v/hit /I.Mc th e figne when all thefe things ihall be of heaven.
28 Nowe learne a parable of the figge tree.
* tl-bef j,e. J And lefus anfwered them and began to fay, , When her bough is yet tender , and u oringeth
* fake heedleaft any man deceive you. forth leaves, ye know that fommet is neere.
6 Fut many IhalJ toiiw in cny Name , faying , I i^ Soiniikcmanner.wbenyeelce thefe things
. . »

The day of the Lord. Chap • xiiij. The Lords Supper. 23

come ropafie , knowe thit the ^i/tgdomeofOtdis his difciples fayd unto him Where . wilt thou that
Ctetceven the doores.
at wee goe and prepare , that thou mayeft eate the
jo Verely I fay unto you, that this generation Pafleover i
lliall not paiTe, till all thefe things be done. Then he fent forth two ofhisdifciples.and
1 J
i I Heavenand earth ihall paffe away .butmy fayd unto them Goe ye into the citie and there
, ,

words lliall not paffe away. fliallamanmeeteyoubearinga pitcher of water:

% Tbe fatter <iay
iinotcurioufly to
31 i But of that day and houte knoweth no follow him. .,:)

be fearchet) for
man, no, not the Angels which are in heaven, nei- 14 And whitherfoeverhegoethin fay ye to ,

which the FJther ther the Sonne him(eife, but the Father. the good man of the houfe , The mailer faieth.
3i + Take heede watch , and pray for yee Where
; : the lodging where I
is lliall eate the
take heed tha; it ,
know not when the time is, Pafleover with my difciples 1
come noi upon ui For the Sonm of man // as a man going into
34 I
y And he will fliew you an e upper chamber , The Gr»ite wosf
a flrange countrey and ieaveih his houle , and gi- yvhich it large , trimmed and prepared
: there make fignifie.h .bat pare
tf M<t«.*4>i3. vcth authority to his lervants , and to every man itreadiefor us. ofthe houfe that
his worke.ana commandeth the porter to watch. 1 6 So went foorth and came to
his difciples '"«'"1 ^""" ''"
r ,

3 f Watch ye therefore, (for ye know not when the citie, and found as he had faid imto them , and
the icafter of the houle will come , at even , or ac made ready the PilTeo ver. becaufe they vcU
midnight, at the cocke crowing , or in ^ dawning.) 17 J A nd at even he came with the twelve. 'o P= '° ^^" %
36 Leaftif hee comefuddcnly.hee ihould finde
And thofe things that I fay unto you, I fay
lefiis faid
<, 7 And as they
late at table and did eate. P"'.°^',l"=.^.'"''''*
Tay unto you , that one of you ?i7g oTa„b^J.'
, Verely
iliall betray me, which eateth with me.
I ^ •

J7 w Pfai 41,20^
unto all men. Watch. 19 Then they began to be forowfull and to fay
CHAP. XIIIL tohimonebyone ,IsitI ?And another, Isitl?
3 Tilt Priefis cmfpirJciea^ninJl Chriji. 3 Theyecmjn 20 And he anfwered and faid unto them , It it '/ The figui-e of
fcftrini cjlf en Chrijii had. 12 Tht preparing of tU one of the twelve that fdippeth with mee in the the law which-Jr .
r»jjtci>er, ThtinJlUuihnefthiSufper. 41 ChrijUe-
2» platter, by and by to be
hitredinloiht hands cfmm. 43 luJas betray tth him
iiTruely the Sonne of man goeth his way.
'""'' * '^'^'' ^^ CAriyf is tefort Caiufh4i.66 Peter 1 denuU.
* Mat 18 1 '
Mat.tS.i. as it is written of him i^ but woe be to that man.
f^d*"! j^di''"|''°|'^

iwkeij'i.' A^d
S » two dayes after followed th* fe^tB cf
[hereof are put^fi^
by whome the Sonne of man is betrayed it had gurei of the nevw
1 By the Pafleover , and of unleavened bread ; and
the will of :

Cod.againftibe the hie Priefis, and Sciibes fought how they might beene good for that man , if hee had never beene 'o^e^ant anfmc/air
couofellof men, borne. bleumothem,
take him by craft, and put him to death _ v - r whicn Ihall conn*
jccame topafle 4, . , . < 1 1

2 But they fayd. Not in the feaft day , left there 22 * And as they djdeate, Iefi;s tooke the nueto the woridi
that Cbrift OlouId
bread and when hee had given thankes,bee brake end.
be put to death be any tumult among the people. ,

iipaa tfaefolemoe • AndvvhenhcwasinBethanJa in the houfe it and gave it them, and faid. Take, eat, this is my That vfeth to •"

3 MtKifatwithme;
day of the Pafleo. bodie.
he fate at f table.therecame
va tbat in sU re> of Simon the leper,as
23 Alfo hee tookethe cup and when hee had t M«.i<.',«i*
fftAi the trueth a woman having a boxe of ointment of Spikenard, ,

tnight agree to very coftly , and llie brake the boxe 3 and powred it given thanks, gave it to them : and they all dracke
the figure. on his head. of ir.
* Match. 16,«. 24 And he faid unto them,This is my blood of
iobn i}i2.
4 i Therefore fome difdained arrong them-
felves , and fayd , To what esd is this wait of oint* that new Teftament which is (bed for many.
» RaAi iugmeott
are fruftate befoie ment ? 2f Verely I fay unto you, I will drinke no more
Cod. For it might have bene fold for more then of thefiruit of^the vine untill that day , that I drinke
a Wbith it about itnewin thekingdome cf God.
n.7oZrETJk*'^''''^^^^r^ P^"« .and bene
given unto the 4s i h * '

poore, and they murmuied agamlf her, 26 And when they had lung aPfalme, they * cbriftforMi
3 Chiiii fuffsied
fcimTelfeto be aD> 6 But I efiis fayd. Let her alone trouble : why went out to the mount of Olivet. lethbowheOiali
oioted onceor ye her? file hath wrought a good worke on me. 27 ^ 4. s Then
lefus faid unto them.All ye (liall b'forfakenof hji,
7 3 For ye have the poore with you alwayes, bes offended by :
1 me this riight
for it is written. ^ 1
csnnderationi: ^Jii/nemfcrfakf
and when ye will ye may doe them good, but me , and the iLeepe lliail be ^em"'
will fmite the Ihephearde
but fail will it to
be daily anoiDtcJ ye ihal] not have alwayes. icattered. ;§ Zacbij.y.
IB the poore. 8 4 She hath done that fliee could : (he came
zi But.'>fterthatIamrifen,Iwilleointo*Ga- * chap. ,6,7.
4 Tbii womao by aforehand to anoint ray body to the burying. lile before you
the fecret inHinft ^ a' "xceikn?"'
9 Verely I fay unto you , wherefoever this 19 9 And Peter faide unto him , Although all p"rfo"aVoft for.
efihe Spi
gChrift.fet- Gofpel Ihaii be preached throughout the whole men lliould be oflendedat thee, yet would not I. lowfuli example
teth before .leni vvorld , this alfo that Ihe hath done , Ihalbe fpoken 39 Then lefus faid unto him Verely I fay unto "'""a'" rafhnefli ,

thee ,
this day, evenin this night before the cocke
10 j Then
ludas Ifcariot , one of the
^. f
crow f,vi!e thou Ihalt denie roe thrife.
. ^ord.,' fett''e''tb"'olt

% Matth.j«,i4. twelve , went away unto the hie Priefts , to betray 31 Buthefaid g more earneftly , If 1 Ihould die moreplamely pe.
Iukea2,4. him unto them. with thee, 1 will not denie thee : likewife alfo fayd '"' ^''"'"nta&
f Covetoufoefli 11 And when they heard it they were glad, 'heyall-
cloaked with a
^ ^^ . ,XMar2.,5.
zealeofcbaiitie, and pronaiied that they would give him money : 31 they came into a place named luke 11,39.
^»io After ,

iia«occa' therefore he fought how he might conveniently Gethfemane then hee faid to his difciples., Sit yee a° C^rut fuftrbg-

f<" "' '» '^*- «'<k

betray and ctuci6e bg^ay
him. here, till I have prayed.

iSfMl',!/. '* ^ * 6 Nowethefirft day of unleavened 33 And hee tooke with him Peter, and lames, ^^n bim foTo«
luke 1,28 ' * bread, (, when e thty facrihccd the "^ PaUeover,
andlohn ,andhebeganneto be troubled, and in fake., the moft
« Cbrift being great heavinelle, l» rib'e rerronof
ladefubiea toiheLawforus.doeth eelebrate the r^lTtover according to the Law: And laid unto them My ''"<•"''> of God.
34 , foiile is verie hea-
and therewi:ball by a mrracle flieweth that DotwitbiUodiDg beein theHrQifliali vie, even unto thedeath tarie here, and watch. j,'^."^
ftraighiway fufftr, yet that be i: God. b That is. U;>od which day, and at the evening
of the fame djy, which waithe beginning of tbefificentb. LookeMatth. « 17. cThey 3) So he went forward a littie , andfci. di'Wnc ban , w-ic'i hea
vfed lufacrifice. d Tbii itfpoken tbui, t>y tbefij^ureMetonyuua, vvb'fit UVltMUta on the ground, and prayed that if icwere , pofli -ic ' '<'"-. ".l dot.n
Sguaacoa, tpd bj tbt r«fle9v«i ii isHat ihs ra(MU Umbc. that Uc-uremight paflbiioffi him..
; .

iLidaskrfTe, S. Marke. Peters deniall.

h This doubling of ^6' And he fayi^ h Abba .Father , all things are nothing?what is the matter that thefebearcwit-
the word wai iiftd
poj-jj^g ^^^.Q thee : take away this cup from roe : nell'e againft thee ?

in tbof^ dayei.whtD
neverthelelle not that I will . buc that thou wilt , be 6 1 But he held his peace,and anfwered nothing,
their languages
-were fo mixed to- done. Againe the hie Prieft asked him,and (ayd unto him,
OfGod.who ii
gether for this 37 > Then he came, and found them fleepmg,
I Alt thou that Chrift the fonne of the o bleifed ?

word, Abba.ija and fiyd to Peter, Simon, ikepeft thou ? couldeit 62 And lefus fayd I ^mhe, -r and yee Ihall fee ^^^ j,ta,fe;

Syrian word. the Sonne of man fit at the right hand of the power ^ M^tt 24>39'
21 AnhoriibteeX'
not thou witiFn one houre ?
smpleof the flog. 38 1 Watch yee and pray , that yee enter not , e/God, and come in the cloudes of heaven. ,

Ein.-ireofmen. into tent^tion ; the fpirit indeede
is ready , but the 63 Then the hie Prieft rent his cloathes , and all kiDeorreproacll
/-.,,, r <T* 1

even io thedtfci. weake.

flerh is faid What have we any more neede or witneiles
, fo,outfakei,get- ?

plei whomChrift what thinke

iiad cbofeo. 39 And againe he went a way and prayed , and , 64 Ye have heard the blalnhemie: ,si.h everiaitiog

«|. Matt 16,47. fpake the fame words. ye > And they all condemned him tube worthie gioiytobMnih«
Iukej»,47. 40 And he returned and found them afleepe ,
of death,
[Sj.^*'^';^^°| »'
joho 1S.3. againe for cheir eyes were heavie neither knewe
; :
6J r And fome began to fpit at him , and to

3.1 Ai men did

they what they (liouU anfwere him, cover his face and to beate him with fifts , and to joha i s as
41 And he camechethird time .and faid unto fay unto him Prophecie, Andthefergeants (mote i« Aoheavieer.
fSod their Crea-
toioffais praife them, Sleepe hencefoorth , and take your reft it is : him with r;.«> rods.
in forraking aod ynough the houre is come behold the Sonne of
: , , 66 S f And as Peter was beneath in the hall, "^^' '^.'""a'^oft

jbetrayiogbiiii, fo theiecameoneofthemaides of the hiePrieli.

Child willingly
man is delivered into the hands of fmners. comfonabieex-
42 Rife up : let us goe : loe , he that betrayeth 6y And when Jhe faw 1 eter warming l.imfelfe, of the m«r-
<-.e.,. g .a. who
me, is at hand. fliee looked on him , and fayd , Thou wait alio with
T ,- r«, ' 1
Eive.h ihe Isirtt
for this ruioe, it
43 ^ 12 And immediatly while hee yet fpake, lelusotNaZ.lieth. of.epeutaoceand
forfaken of hii
carue that was one of the twelve .and with 68 But he denied it, faying, I know him not, fa, tb 10 his eiea.
OTrtnfiand betray-
him a great multitude with fwords and ftaves from neither wot ! what thou faycft. Then he went our Matt. 26,71.
-cd byoaeof his lukeaa js.
fa.iiiliarsaia the hie Priefts,and Scribes, and Elders. into the porch, and the cocke crew. ^^^
thieft, that the pu-
44 And he that betrayed him , h.'.d given them 69 •« Then p a maid /aw him againe, 9hd begin [i,^ guane'eafi. dili.
ll iihnient might them that ftood by , This is one ot them, gemiy together we
a token, faying, he it is
Whomfoever I (hall kilTe, to fay to
be agreeable to
the fiaueandwe take himandleade him away ifafely. 70 But hee denied it againe and anon after, fliail perceive tiiae :

jwbo are very trai- And affoone as hee was come, hee went
they that ftoode by , faide againe to Peter Suivly ,
touri, forfaken, ftraightway to him and fayd Haiie Matter and . , ,
thou art one of them for thou at of Galile, and thy thj"Jn°f/eDsr" ?»«
: ••

andfactilegeri fpeachishke. yea.andin Luke.

killed him.
might be dtlive-
lelcutoTtbede- 46 Then they layd their handes on him .and 71 And hee began to cur{e, and fweare, ftying, when the fecond
vilifnare. tcoke him. I knowhotthis man of whomyefpeake.
i So diligently ,thal
47 And k one of them that flood hy.drevve 7z « Then the fecoiui time the cocke.crewe. ^."r/ti^^ed.
liefcapenoioutof and Peter remcmbred the word that lefus'hs'd faid ^nj not 3, njjtf..^
out a fv/ord and fmote a lervant of the Hie I'riell,
andcutofl'hiseare. unto him , Before the cocke crow twife , thou llialt k,
k That is, Peter.
I Antiidifciplei. 48 A nd lefus anfwered, and fayd to them, Yee denie me thrile , and weighing that with himfelfe, 'o""" '3.3s.
13 Voder pre- be come out as againft athiefe , svith fwords and he wept.
tenccof godlinei,
with ftaves, to take me.
fullto fuchaidoe 49 1 was dayly with you.teaching in the Tem- CHAP. XV.
1 Oflhet!,infj!'-.ttChij}/!4lfereduniierPiUte. II
me not

violence againft ple , and ye tooke : but this is done that the PiUieJilivertih
T.xhkts u fT.ftncHltfteChrijI, i,"
Chtift. Scriptures Ihould be fulhlled. Chripidhcniciftd. 17 He is cronnidwiththerne.
m Which be cift
5 o Then they fotfooke him, and fled. ' all J9 The} fpit enhim.andmockehim. 21 iimcnvf Serine
about bim, when he 27- ChriJ} is crHcifiedlmvttnt
tMriDgthatnurre J I »3 And there foIlowcd him a certaioe yong ctrrieth ChriJIes crcpi.
trvis thttlses . 26 lieeisrxiU< 37 Htff'^tlhuflhe
in the nigbt fud- man , cloathed in '" linncn upon his bare body and ,
* Matt. 27.1,
S'"fi- 33 J'fcpli iuriillihim.
deoly lannefoorib: the yong men caught him.
wb.rtby we may
umletfUod with
^ ,
j^^ left Ids Unnen cloath , and fled from
ANd * anon in the dawning, thehiePriefts'.^^^"'"^_

icwgr.atiicenci. them naked. ,

r, « , . •
bes and the whole Coimcill, and bound lefus, and bound before the
y3 ;§ So they led Icfiis away to the hic Priefl,
oufnefli theft vii. iudgementieat of
led him away , and d dehvered hira to Pilate.
iaitit.v.oIem)yfet and to him Came n together all the hie Priefts and ,

^*°° '"'",j the tlders, and the Scribes.

7. Then Pilate asked him , Art thou the King ^;; «;';„^',;^;;f^;;i,
of the lewes ? And he anfwered,and fayd unto hiro, couHcmned as
fukesV.H. 54 And Peter followed himafarreoff,even guiitie unto the
ioho 18.24' into the hall ot the hie Prieli , and fate with the
o Thehigheftcoun- fcvints, and waimcd himfdfe .it the fire. 3 And the hje Prieftes accufedhimofmany <*'"}"
the Coun- things.
te-'a^Chnft^af' ^l '* And the * hic i ricfts , and all f fi nei fasappea-
* Wherefore Pilate asked him .againe , fay- oy .heiudge*
aauW a> i'biaf- till(ought for wimcffe againft lelus , to put him to 4 j^,,,

phemcr in j a filfe death, liut found none,

ino- , Anfwered thou nothing behold how many owne ; wordes)
inftthec. "but
rroph-r.-tot aifor batg fal^c witncflc againft him,
p^^j. y^-^^^yy
thfngs thty witneife .•^g.iinft ^<"f°f'n
y But' lefus anfwered no more atall,fo that ^'.°*^'^^^_;,^,t,^^„g
But lef
!^.Vf ''";^"Ti'rL but their witueflc agreed not together,
Pilate marvelled. delivered from the
ged agsiofthi^nby J7 Then thetc arofc certaine , and bare falfe
the Pfititi.toeu- v^ntnefle ag linlt him, f'ying,,
6 Now at the feaft, Pilate b did deliver a pri-gulitineffi: of ou<
foner i^nto them , whomfoever they v.T.uld ddire.
fotce rilateiiyibat ^ )j ^V^^. h^prj him la/, " I will dcftroy this ".'".'j^^f.^^,'''^

Temple made with hands ,and within three dayes 7 Then there was one named Barabbas , which ^^^'^l^^l f,„eof
itmne bim. was boimd with his iellowes thathad made inltir- goj ^v^n in the ,

ChriS.who I will build another, made without hands.

redHon.who in the infuiTtiilion had committed open aflVmbly of

was fo innucent . 5 9 But their witncs yet agreed not together.

i.hat be cwld not 60 Then the hie Ptielt ftoode up amorigft mmther. '"ifw^.s'notiav,.
them, and asked Icfus, faying , Anfwereft tVbix
8 And the people cryedaloude , anil began to ,-^;„i,eni to put ^.^^'^

:,-bv frfewi.-
any man to death ,-for all caufeiof life and death weretaken
away irom ibeai firft by
belote .be ^eltru.
cooferting ftod to betifi fa'her .condemned of impietie beforethtbie Herode.he gteat^and afterward by -he Romau.s.about fpunieyeeies
gve.wto denied God and ••v»ete indeede wick«<ljW'gl»t be ^uittnefore ft.onofthe Temple, sod therefore thty.drJiml'.fus 10 rilat*., * M»",1/.I*.
Muc.j6,;9,« ^ luhu y,ij. lukei3,i,iobniS,u. b Vftd Pilate to deliver,
) 1 . '

Chrift condemneth and cracified. Chap. xvj. The fepulchre. i|

defire that he would deeishehiitvet dons w\to 3 4 And at the 7 ninth houre lefus cried with a 7 Chrift nrlvin?
them, loud voice .faying Eloi , Eloi .lamnja-fabach- ""^'^''l''.^"'' ^''^
X Cbtiftgoinga- ,f
best to take av.iiy 9 Then Pilate anfwered them,and fayd, Will yc thanir which is by interpretation , My God , my
"l^t,""^,^"! "l
"jfcttinnesofmen, that Iletloofe unto vou the King of the lewes? God, why haft thou forlake roe ? three armed witb

^ar%X"!bro"e" ^o Fot he knew that the hie Ftiefts had delive- 35: And fome of them that ftood by , when they the hombie cur fc
heard it.favd.Beholde. he calleth blias. ofGod.grievoufly
ot Godhimfelfe ,i» ted himofcnvie,
as on* 1 1 Biit
the high Priefts hadmooved the people . 3
6 And one ranne and hlled „ J fjl^nge full of
tronl' ;""
^^ '
that he would tather dclivet Batabbas un- vineger.and put it on a reed,& gave him to dnnke, crofl"e and in fonle ,

tie kuigdome, aud ,

to them, faying. Let him alone, let us fee if Edas will come, plunged in the
mocked wiih a depth o»bcil, yet
falfe (hew ofa 1And Pilate anfwered and
1 , faid ajraine unto and take h im downe
kingdome, thatwe them.What will ye then that 1 do with jfc«>».whom 37 And lefus cried with a loud voice, and gave f/ir|f,oy'j„^'^i,h,
OG tbe other fide, King of the Icwcs ?
ye call the Uptheghoft. ntighty voice :an<i

ret^nlli'Sl Andtheycriedagaine.Ctucifiehim.
13 38 And the vaile of the Temple was rent in notwithfianding
'''* wound whick
migbt receive the Then Pilate fayd unto them, But what cvill
I4 twaine, from the top to the bottome.
twwneofgioryat hath be done ? And they cticd the motc feivcntly, 39 Now when the Centurion , which ftood a^I," in'!hat°hat
cod.owa.iand. Ctucifie him. over againft him.faw that he thus crying gave up he died, yet by fmu
^S So Pilate willing to content the people, loo- the ghoft.he fayd, Truely this roan was the Sonne ting both things
fed them Barabbas , and delivered lefus when he of God. above and things
3 The rage of the ,

«vickedhathno had fcourged him, that he might be crucified. 40 I 8 There were alfo women which beheld tro'^h.^vaT of
ireafi.rf,b"tinihe ,^ Then the foukiiers led him away into the among whom was Marie Magdalene,
afarre off, the Temple, and

t"I wea We
Chrift, being ID
of ^'211 , which IS the common hall , and called toge-

thcf the whole band,

and Mane the mother of lames thelefle, andof
lofes, and Salome,
"^'""S «" "^ '^^
vaineunderthe 17 » And clad him with purple and platted , 4 Which alfo when he was in Galile , * fol- h?™!h'.Zweth
ieavie bu den of crowne of thomes, and put it about his head, lowed him ,and_jainilited umo him, au(l many evidintjy unw the
»8 And began to falute him ^;;>{g.Haile, other u-^^jgn
*^:.Tfefti;tt. . which came up with him unto riie- re"o.l,. enemu*
,hj; a Ian ke ii led King of the lewcS. lUfalem. which are as yet
tobefac.-.?""*^ 19 And they fmote him on the head with a reed, 42 » And now when the night was come (be- ot"'"'". and
* Matt2-33.- -ndfnat Upon him, and bowed the knees, 4«<i did caufe it was the day of the preparation that is be-
tore the Sabbath) outofhandtobe
4 Chrittisiedout 20 And when they bad moCksd.him.theytQoke 43 * lofeph of Arimathea , an ^ honourable ""q"''.""' and
of the wall of tb* the purple ofthim ,andput hisownecloatheson counfellour which alfo looked for the kingdome ^"""p/"! ^"

«. him, and led him out to ctucihe him • of God, came, and went in e boldly unto Pilate, ^7,46'"''' *"*'*
cf'm-ad nieni cai- 2 1 *
And they 3 Compelled one that palTed by, and asked the body of lefus; j 'pfa'i «9,»j.
cafes, ai a man cAlkd Symon of Sytent (which came out of the 44 And Pilate roatveiled .if he wete alreadie « Cbrifttothe
niod undeaoe, not counttey , and was father of Alexander and Rufus dead, and called unto him the Centurion ,andaf- g«"fl""ieof''ng cu^
tobearehiscrofle. ked of him whether he had bene any whik dead. ^okrihe'Lord'
finofi,vsbich-Aere ^» $4 And they brought him to a place named 45: And when he knew r/;«tr«ff^ofthe Cen- chofe women for
l«yd upon Golgotha, which is by interpretation, the place of turion.he gave the body to lofeph his witneflci, :

the end that wee ^4^ „,(„, (culleS. 46 Who bought a linnen cloath.and tooke him which beheld all

by hfi blood'."" .^3 And they gave him to drinke wine mingled downe,and wrapped him in the linnen cloath .and \ li^/j" '

mighi be brought With myrrhe ; but he received it not. layed him in a tombe that was hewen out ofa x MattbA?,;;,
into the heaveuiy 24 * f And when they had crucified him, thcy rocke,and rolled a ftone unto the dooreofthe •
parted his garments cafling lots for them , what fepulchre:
every man (hould have. 47 And Marie Magdalene , and Marie lofes ,^*^';'i'",''„7,"e'
, CM.ft'b;nl;th
naked up..n the aj And K was the third houtc when they cruci- mtther, beheld where he Itould be layed. counfeiiof the Saa.
crofle.andajthe fied him. hedrin.or els taken
intocounftll by Pilate. e Ifweconfidetwhat danger lofeph cafthiuilelft iato.wet
^<* And the title ofhiscaufe was written above,
r!'.fe!™moft how Isolde he was
Cutirreproovrd that king of the IEWES. fhalJ perceive

that we being cioa- ^7 They crucifiedalfo with him two thecves, XVI.
thed with therigh- the
t of CbrtJIii te/unechoii. 9 He affitartth to Marie
one on the right hand, and the other on his M^fd.iline and cthtTi. Hi ftiuth
teoufnfs, and blelFcd jgfj 1; hit ^fc(iltt to
f reach. ly Hh afienfmn.
}^nftifi"d"by hV"* ^8 Thus the fcripture was fulfilled.which fayth, A Nd * when
the Sabbath day was paft.Maiie, .
onely oblation, « And he was Counted among the wicked, -" Magdalene ,and Marie the w«;^frofIaraes and .u^,,. *
.wybeukeaup 29 And they that went by railed On him waff- Salome, bought fweet oyntments . that they might

g^"8their heads and faying. * Hey. thou th;t de- come and anoynt hi.-n.
ul'ZT'^ .

Itroyeft the Temple, and buildeft it in three dayes,

iohna..9. 2 Thereforeearly in the rooming, the firft day
« jo Savc thy fclfc , and comc downe ft om the of the weeke , they came unto the fepulchre, when
God wai againft croflc. the Sunne was now rifen.
iftied'laour „ 31
, ^
Likewife alfo even the hie Priefts mocking, 3 And they fayd one to another fhall , Who
Jaycl among themfelves with the Scribes.
'^yd roll us away the ftonc from the dooreofthe fe-
furetie his fonne, 1
He faved
it appearethby Other men, himfelfe he Cannot favc. pulchre >
this horrible darke.
32 Let Chrift the king of Ifrael come now 4 And when they a looked , ihcy faw that the a wJiretkeycsft
''^"'"^ ^""^ ^"^e '^'•offe that we may fee andbe- ftone was rolled away ( for it was a very great one ) theireyestoward
eVy'thi. worf. . ,

land he meaneth Iceve. They alfo that wcte crucified With him, ic- y t So they went into the i> fepulchre, and ''"'^'^p"''''"-
talenioa fo that
: viled him. faw a yong man fictingat the right fide.cloathed in
the ftrangenen-eof |o^"o'';,'/''
33 ^ jjow when the fixt hoUtC waS COTOe,* datk- a Pong white robe and they wet^e fore troubled,
b into the cave .

»'rbe ."cirefe^t "" ^'°^^ "^^^ ' ^11 the land Until! the ninth houre. 6 But he fayd unto them , Be not fo troubled where the fepa<- :

f.rth JO that, that at the feaft of PaflVover , jod inthe fu'.lmoone

, when theStinne
yee feeke lefus of Nazareth, which hath benecru- chiewaicuiout,
Jhmed over all the rett of the world and at midday ibecoruet of the world cified he is rifen.he is not here; behold the place
tvicktd m& w«« eomniiittd, w« ovtrcoveicd wiit meft gtoOe djtkenrift,
, whtiein fo :

vhere they put hiro,

7 But
. . «'

Chriftes rcfarfe(aion^ S. Luke, Chriftes afcenfioaj

<i- But go€ your way , and rell his diTcipIes.and
mat'b.iS 31.
7 If J And he fayd unto them, 4. Goe ye into all 3 The Apoftlu
Peter.that he willgo before you into Galile: there J""*
a ChrifibmMrc the world.Sc preach theGofpel to <» every creatare.
nppeireib to Ma. ye fee him •$• as he fayd unto you.
(hall 16 He that Ihall beleeve and be baptized, lliall anh«d umoth'tm,
lie Magdalene lo 8 And they went out i^nickly , and fled from be fa ved J but hee that will not beleeve , Qiall be which ii to pieach

Upbraid cbe dilci- the fepulchre; for they trimbled and were araa- wtich they
, damned. .
fed neither fayd they any thing to any man for
: : 1 7 And thefe tokens follow them that be-fliall
$ Jobn 20,»«, fj^f, •,|,^';^; ja-
Juke 3 a. they weretfrayd. leeve ,
* in my Name they
caft out devils, and(liall
» Luke 14,1 j. 1 And whcniefus was rifen againe.early the
9 J « fliallfpeake withe new tongues, cnriiiba'thiarti.
a Cbri(lapp;a.
two otber
*eih to
firft day of the weeke hee appeared firli to Marie
18 ^
And lliall take away ferpents, and if they tuttd.baviogbe-
Magdalen. § out off whom he hadcaft feven devils; (liall drinke any deadly Qial not hurt them: '° "^^
difciplel, and a: J|f|" f,°^"
fragth cotbee^eveo. o And ihe went and tolde them that had bene
* they Ihall lay their hands on the ficke , and they !^"Ma"h. 25,19.
« Lukti4 36. with him, which mourned and wept. fliall recover. d Nctt.nln ittvn
iohn 20,19. I I And when they heard that he was alive, and 19 -f 4 So after the Lord had fpoken unto <""'.?> "i- ;«/«</?«
c r'.f Emiielijl had appeared to her, they beleeve it not.
rcnfiJirclnctthi them he was received into heaven, and fate at the '"'' *"'" •;""'">»
It r f^ ana cPcry tvhere "

J * * After that , he appeared unto two of

\ t
J 1
trdcr cf tht l^rn?, right hand of God. ^ w/. ««y? .a ,Ae
them in another forme, as they walked and went ^ ^ ^
20 And they went foot th and preached every ^^»/?;ej^,. ,

hiihijfcrie ,rel>icli into the countrey. where. Ami the J Lord wrought with them .and S ^'l"> '1.4s.
het dihiitd into
*hree firlt : Thi 13 And they went and tolde it to the remnant, confirmed f the word with lignes that followed. * •^f'H.iS
neither beleeve they them. 1,4- "id
fj-fl fhtwith hew Amen. o,4«.
/a ap^circiltothe 14 S « = Finally , he appeared unto the eleven Siran^e tctifMct,
Tvomettilit fironJ, as they fate together, and reproached them for their fuch at they l^nfm "of Ufprl. ^.•' ^.f i8,f .

uliii difiiflei, the

unbeliefe and hardnes of heart, becaufe they belee- .4 Cbti! bavidg accoroplithed his office on earth afceodeibiato heaven, from whence .

thirds ta hit *^pom

(thedodrineofhis Apoltles being confirmed witb fignei he will govtrae his Church,
jPlei, a»d ihertfore ved not them which had feene him, being rifen up )

unto the worlds end. J Heb.2,4. f To ivitit'.it do.irine tlin'fm titlitint

(rt/'^th, Fiia'Jr. againe. rnHfl^ebefcre, and fiynii muflfiil^rp afl-.r.


CHAP. I. 7 And they had no childe becaufe that Eli- ,

J-uket Preface, f Zttcharias and EHfilet. 1} What an fabet was barren , and both were well ftricken in
cne Ichnfhmid he. la Zdchtrtus frikf" <li'mh ,fcr hit
incredulitie. 16 The ^nfclfiluieih M-trj , and/crete'Jeih
dirijles >,<'i)>itie. 39 Miiry -jifned Etifabeth. 46 Marks 8 And it came to paffe , as hee executed the
itukaeoramtsJeth fin^^. 68 ThefmfofZachurias,Jhnvin£thatthepr<i. Priefts office before God, as his courfe came in f BW.30,7.
tbe-witneflei that mi/edChrilliicomi. " 75 Thtcffice oflohn. order. ° ^'" Temple imt
flwthiibirtory. Orafmuch as i many have a taken in 9 S According
to the cuftome of the Priefts
a Man} tooke in Zo,h"r-Z'^zTJ,
hand to fetfoorth the florieofthofe office, his lot was to burne incenfe . when he went „-^°, ^J"^, ^V^'j^
^anit hur did not
ftrfcrmr Lulii •
things , whereof we are fully per- into the " Temple of the Lord. Q«r' orcunc.tri
rvrotthiiCorfit fwaded, 10 And the whole multitude of the people "•""?. iricrertK
Itfire Mati'herv 2 b As they have delivered them unto us .which were without inprayer, •' while the incenfe was
«ndMirkf. .
r / » andtherefare are
from the bej^inning faw them their feives.and were ,

b Lf^ke ivai net an ,. r, f-y^-"i'croi,h.m,
an Angel ov me im.v,eTempit.
ejrvitncfH , and iniiiifters ofthe word, 11 Then appeared unto him
, ,

Ihcrifortit Tvaj net 3 It feemed good alfo to mee (cmoft noble Lord , ftandin* at theright fideofthe Alcarof in- • Icj-^mij,.?..
hctto-trhom the Theophilus) aiToone as 1 had fe.arched out peifeil- o-Ufpeakethe
cenfe. _
Xord appiartd
ly all things d from the beginning to write unco ,
1 And when Zacharias faw l;im. he was trou-
tx>hca CUcp.tjfiW 1
tfim : itni h; tpat thee thereof from point to poi bled.andfeare fell upon him. o'f excellency.-fiit

taniht not o/nly hj That thou mighteft e acknowledge the cer- 13 But the Angelfiyd unto him,Fearc not.Za- it fayd ofNemrod,
Tani, tut h) other, taintie of thofe things whereof thou halt bene in- charias: for thy prayer is heard.and thy wife Elifa- ^'^ ]°'^ "' '»•"
ft,„ft,^^ bet Ihall beare thee a fonne .and thou llwil call his tje're'c'ed

tie , aSthl7r£e S T N i Herod king of ludea,

the f time of g name Iohn. p ^^ny drinke ihM
Thevfhiiu, n'ait there WHS a certaine Prieft named Zacha- 14 And thou (halt have ioy andgladneffe , and may makedrunkcn.
Tier/ hctenra-bie T13S , of the X h courfe of Abia and his wife was :
many (liallreioyce at his birth. ^ '^;*',f-*-'-
enan, and in place
q{ he daughters of AaroH , and hemamc fwrtf £li- ti be great in the o fight of the I tfit'fmanTto'^*
For hee Hiall

dL,,kehh.tnhi, """• Lord, and neither drinke wine • nurrftrong rf;«<4»«,«w

tO'fpcl a^reatdruie 6 Both wcrc i iuft before God ,and ic walked drinke ; and he (halbe hlled with the holy Gholl, i»rne fhemfelfet
farther tff,then I he in all the I commandcments and ordinances of the even from his mothers wombe. '" ['" ^'."'f!'"*

"p'wH Lord, tu without reproofe.

^ 16 « Andraany of the children of Ifraellhallhe "^
c flaVt fuller l^non-
led^e cfthcfe ^hich
he fere thou kncnej! hit meanly .
thine,,, a Iohn who wai another "J turne to their Lord God. r.^/My^/i'*'
Eliai, and appointed he hcrjuld ofCbiift , coniming ofthe Ittxlce of Aaron ,and of
lo 17 For he Ihall goe ' before him fin the fpi- leehfre k.i»^i.
two famous and blameleOcpareaii ,h.iih Ihewcd in bisconceptioo, which wasagainft ric and powerofElias .toturnethe theartsofthe
the tourfe of nature, a double mir.icle , to the end that men fliould be more readily
fathers to the children , and th.; difobedient to the
fiined up to the heating of his preaching .according to the forewarning of the Tro- 'i:!"lfZfZ^!f
phei! f Wtrdfm Ivsrd, in the dajci .-fifpcil^e the Hebrewet, f'P'n^ «' '" under- u wifdome ofthe iult men ,to make ready a people f Thiitsfpti^enl,
(la„dl,owfherlandfraileatl,inz<heferrer.fprince,is. g H.r..r/t/>f£rf..'. A ••C'ro. prepared for the Lord. the figure Metmj-

24^1- b Fcr the pofleritiecfJ^.tronroaioiliUed into ccHrf-j. i Theirue m.irhf ef 18 Then Zachariasfaid untoihe Angel.Where- 'f';<A^»z<he
= /pint, fur, he ^if, of
righiCMfneffeii, >o le i'ked and aliened cfm the iadiemeni of Gcd. Jc Lived,fofpealtf
the Uebrenei ,f<" our life is ai a -nay, yvherein svc mitfl lo.i/^c , uniitl rce come to the thefpirit itsjfA would fiy.ihe caufc,ftr that thill commeih ofthe cattfe. t By thiifinirt
marine. I lnaUthemiTaHa„derremoni.,llUn. IVhomnomanccildiuJIIj m Sfnecdcch*,he fherreil, that he fhaU takf aw.i} all kindesofenvnuie, .which ufeto
tepnttie now that the fruit i c/ ittfijientitn Kre and nut tht ireed^reat trouHes and t:(rtnoiUi ar/iowji men. u IVifideme and ycMncjfe
: fi it it , fit Jtrth hert » itf

vnnfii r>hi(b itfmh omlj,»rui ntthin^ elf, tw if lilt (hiefejl uitfis rpl/ifh m*ke mrt tt riVtrtme ttnUhmmr thdr/^ititerj,

Zacl^arias is dumbe.' Chap. j. The long o: Mjrie. 24

by fliall know this? for I am an olde man, and
1 39 f 4 And Marie arofe inthofedayes.ahd 4 Elifabet being
» That appeate, ^^jfg jj ^f 3 ^^^^^ 3Pg^ went into the m hill ««»rr<;y
with halle to an ci- ?''^'^""'' ''"'''%
. . r , I of lobn.and Man"
9 A"cl the Angell anfwered . and fayd unto tieofluda.
\t .t 4oTd rr' 1
u r r ,

ftand ) racanio! him , I am Gabriel x that ftand in the prefence of 40 And ertred into the houfe or Zacharias,and JDfpivatioi^ftbB
that tbty 2je ready god , and am fent to fpeake unto thee , and to Ikevv faluted Ehlabet. bolychoft.doe
tb d». h.scommap. ^j^^^ ^j^^Cg g^^j tidings. 41 And it came to paffe, Elizabw heard the "'oy^^te for
^o An'* behold , thou (bait be dumme, and not falutation if Marie the babe o fprang inner bellie, ^ ^(,;.„.(, ^^^^ ,jjj
t^TbVA^ei f«r.

vingihcLord be able to fpeake, vntilltheday that thcfe things and Elifabet was with the holy Ghoft.
tilled Soutbnde of Hi«.
which ihouM be be done becaufe tbou beleevtftnotmy wordcs,
, 42 And voyce and faid, lufalem.
ihe cried with a loud ,

borne, thou among women p the fruit " J''=" " ^°J^^'
which Iballbe fulhlled in their fealbn. Blefl'ed art becaufe
"^ r ,
c 1 ,T J »• , Hebron which

Now the people waited for Zacharias, and or thy wombe is blelled.
I 1

iaw!Jom°tb«""' ^i ^^^ ;„ ,;,„„ paft


Sonne of the moll Riatveiled that he taried fo long in the Temple, 4 i And whencecommeth this to mee, that the called Cariatharbej
hijbptomifed 21 And when hee came out , hce could not mother of my Lord Ihould come to m-e j wbich was oneof
fpeaj^e unto them then they perctived that hee : 44 For loe.alToone as the voyce of thy falutati- '''',|°'^°/„',;'^b"
^^'^ ^^^'^^ ^ vilTon in the Temple for hee made • on founded in mine eates , the babe fprang in my Ltviret^nt'he'rfhe
tu^oV the holy"
Ghoft. fignes unro them, and remained thimme. belly for ioy. of luda . and iifaid
^..MaihiiS. 23 And itcame to p.;lVe, whtnihcdaiesof his 4t And bUfled is fliee that beleeved: for thofe tobeimhemoun-'°''
y Atmuch'S'o office wcic fulhiicd , that he departed to his owne things
o fhallbe perforraed,which
were told her frun »'"" "f '"f jiti.

be faiil of Mane, .„„<- ' , , 14. i>. and

houfe. ths: Lord.
o,her«.feC»>..ft o TBi> wajnoot-
harf not 24 Ami alter thofe dayts.his Wife Elilabeth coH-
beneofihe 46 i Then Marie faid, My foule magnifieth the ainaty norvfuail
ftocke Boi thefonne ceived and hid her feifc tiue moneths, faying,
, 2.erd, kindeof mcoving,
25 Thus hath the Lord dealt with me, in the And my reioyceth in Godmy Sa- ? chri^.s^bkiTed
^^^ 47 fpitit

Ired wo^rde fo"°*

day es wherein hee looked on me , to take from mee Viour. bumamtie.
wojd.fulloffauour nay rebuke among men. 48 For hee hath q looked on the ' poorede- ^ cwiftthere.
and grace and hee 26 J 3 And m the lixth moneth.the Angel Ga- gree of his fervant foi beholde, from hencefoorth deemercfibeaf-

lliall all ages call me blelVcd,
jhe.wet;i ft.aiahi j^^j^j ^.^ ^^^^ f^.^^ q^^j ^^^^^ ^ j_^^jg ^f Galiie . na-
S-:ei;CC medNazarech. 49 bccjufe he that is mighty hath done for me f^" ^ ,i'J,'J"c.'
vshaiibat'auuut 27 !• To a Virgin affianced to a man whole great things, and holy is his Name. miied to the fa-
if, io that he Caitb, name vvaj ofeph, of the y houle of David, and the
j o And his mercy is fiom generation to gene- ib«rs, is now at
the Lord length exhibited
^^fgi^g namet/VrtJ Mdtie. ration on them f that feare him
a ofGod. ^8 And tht; Angel went inunto her and fayd,
, 51 ^ He that Ihewed ftrength with his tarme : '"
bMoovedatthe Haile thou that art z freely beloved: the Lord w ^ he hath u fcatteied the proud in the* imaginati- g,at;ouny loved.
ftrangentOeofthe thou among Women.
a on of their hearts. word for word.
with thee : blelied <trf r

""Vr'akethe ^9 And when the faw ;,«>», Ihee was b troubled 52 K Hee hath the mighne from ^i'^'';°;f;ftl,"fo
y put downe
at his faying and thought what maner of lalutati- their feats, and exalted them of^ low degree. 'harthe virgine'
Bebrtws. faying, .

that men bjue found on that Ihould be. j3 X Hee hath tilled the a hungrie with good vjiwietb not hex
fauour, which are ^^ Then the Angel faid unto her Fearc not, . things, and fent away the rich empty. defttti.buttbe
in fauour. G=^-
Marie for thou halt found favour with God.
54 by-,, Ke-,
hath uphoiden
' I Iraei his fervant to f!."'?^
1 To iheintBat
J, .

# Cii"ap'^i!ii'. 3 ' ^ For loe thou Ihalc conceive in thy b'^.

e mmdfiiil of his mercy. y,^^ ,5^1,, and re-
maun i 21. wi^ombe.and beare a lonne , * and ihak call his jf (
* As heehathcfpokentoourfathers,/o)igic.uny,fofyeak«
d H«ib3iibede. Name lef. s. Z'f/t, to Abraham and his feed) forever. tteHtbuwes.
tlared Io .0 be for EUi.5>.9 v'*'-
^^ He Iballbe great and fhall he d Called the , 56 ! And Marie aboadc withheraboutthtee -^
ofGo'df?.'neve7. Sonne of the molt High ai^d the Lord God iball moneths after, (be returned to her owne houfe.
f\[°ii,^io fceapJag
lafting.butwaj give unto hirn the thfonc of his father David. 5 7 1 « Now Elifabets time was fulfll&djthat flie upof words more
n,ade°maaifeft ia
^^ « And hee Ih ill rcigne over the houfe of fhould be delivered, and Ihe brought forth a fonne, then neeces w_bich ,

the fieth IP bit

, lacob foreuer,andofhiskingdomeihallbenone j 8 And her neighbours and coufins heard tell ''';• '^*';;^i,''",'i',ij,
« Djn.7 14 17. ende. how the Lord had ihewed hi jgieatmercie upon ^'^^""'j^ke'nfoi
mic.ih.4.7. 34 ThenfaidM-irieunto the Angel, e How fcall her, andthey.i.reioyced with her. firtngih.
e T:'e gteatieflt tVjJs j.^ feeing f { know not man :
59 And it was lb that on the eighth day they S Efai >!)•'?•
3? And the Angelanfwered.andfaiduntoher, came to circumciie the babe , and called him Za- " .^"/"/VV.h.
Jkethlscjueiiion, The holv Ghoft g ibaJl come upon thee, and the chanas, after the name of his father. ^ij^jfj
Dottbatfhediftu- povvcr of the moH High Hull overihadow thee : 60 But his mother anfwered, and fayd, Not fo, x ne bath fcatte-
fieth ar.vwhi^ at therefore alio that h Holy thing which ihallbe but he Iballbe called lohn. «^- them, and the

^'^i " - of tht e Ibalibe called the Sonne of God.
i 61 And they lay d unto her .There is none of |[,"^{,"/,j'°". °,' (,„
^of Ibp m'loer
cftle conleTvicg, fo 36 Aiidbehoid, thy i^ ccufm, Elifabet.lhe hath thy kinred that is named with this name. ^^j tbrougbtbe
tbatitii^laioefhe alfo conceived a fonneinher old age: and this i$ 6i Then they made fignes to his father , how imagination of
beieevsdalttereit. j^gj. moneth, which was Called barren,
I fixt he would have him called. iheir owne beam

For with God (liall nothing be vnpoffible.

^ ^ 63 So heasked for writiiig-tables, and wrote, ^°'*='''^^|'J,','^J'„^*
b.ewlri,'' r.ifyi"r
by't'hi^modeftkinde .38 Then Marie faid, Beholde
the fervant of the faying.His name is lohn.andthey marveiledall.
fj ,„ t''"e"r"ovv'ue
offpeecbibecom- Lord be it unto me according totby WGtd.So the
: 64 And his mouth was opened ircmediatly , and dt.oruaion.
pjoyofniansBd Angel his tongue, and he fpake and praifed God. « a Sam i.«.
wife togrtber, and
° depatced
from her. II

6 J Then feare came on all them that dwelt neere

ihii ii the infjningcf it : how (hall this be. forfeeitiT, I ftiallbe Ctrift hil mother, I am l^J^^^P^"*
very lure, I Ihall uotkuow auym»n for the godiy vjrgin had learned by the Propbeu,
unto threm,and all J rhefe wcnls were noifed abroad J'su^i, ^, none ici
thattheMt(!i.i>lliouUbtboineof a Virgin. g That is.tbebojy Gboft Uiallcaufe thorowout all the hill countrey of ludea. count ii made of,
thee to conceive by hi> mighty power. h Tbjt pure thing aud voyd uf alllpotef & are vile io mem
vncJearntU'e :foi he ib«: wai to takeaway fiont, multneedj be void oflkne. i De- tyei. which are indeed the pore in fpirit , that il ,fuch aicballeniyf nothing totbero-
clared aodfliewedtoibe woild.tobeiheSonneofGod. k Though Ebfabetwete felvesioihefigbtof God. X Pfalm J4 lo. a Them ibat are brought to extreme
*> of the tribe of Levi ,yei (lie iright be Maries coulin for wbereai ii waj forbidden by : pouerty. b He bath holpeo uj' iftad wiih his arme, being cleans call downe.
theLa-A'i (or maidens to be maried 10 men of other ttibei, tbis could not let, but that the it tfai.30.iS.and4i S.aiid;4 J. » Gen.17.r9.and Ji.i7.pfa),
Lcvitei might take them wiveicutofaiiy tribe for the Levitei had no portion allotted ; 13211. c Tiomifed. « lohniiiaiiviy isletoutwitb new miracle}. }i Yeif.l^»
tbcf.i. ween the land wai divided among the eof le. 1 Itat ii now ibe fl&tll TOSOeilj wris reftored to it former ftaic, U rtade in fame copici,
f D
(miubc lime wtuB ibe cooctived. d AilUiisUiAivfj^liij'iiaoddoae,
66. Ami
a ) ,

Zacbarias prophecie. S. Luke. Chfiftcircumcired.

« Tho^.'htjroa that heard them.f laid fA#A« up
56 A ndalhhey 8 t 1 And there were in the fame countrey . ,
, ^i,,
'ktm liiigtutly What miner childeihall
in their hearts,, laying ,
fhepheards , d abiding in the fidde,and keeping ihemfeiv°fd^Ura
eainefcly anit ii
this of the Lord was with him.
bee ! and the f watch by night over their flocke. to pijoie (hep-
v\ert .priaieJ ih
67 7 Then his father Zacharias was tilled with 9 And loe.the Angel of the Lord e came up- '''^"'•/"othiog
f ThaiiTTibe p'e- the holv Ghoft, and prophecied, faying, on them, and the glory of the Lord ihone about
feot fjvodrofGod,
^g Blc^ed 6< the Lord God of Ifrael , becaufe them, and they were fore afraid. f/J jMe coahs j
10 Then the Angelfaide unto them .Be not a- and office c^he
'f Vl^^^lllt\T he hath g vlnted * and >h redeemed his people.
" 69 S And hath raifed up the i home of falva- fraid : for behold, 1 bring you glad tidings of great childe lymg iti
;, lohnfcsrc* tion unto us. in the houle ot his I'ervant David. ioy , that iLall be to all the people.
torK.bytheau- y^ -K As he fpake by the mouth of his holy Pto- 11 n^t is, tha. unto you is borne this day in door°,^rdre!n^
jhor.ri.of.h* ho- the citie of David, a Saviour, which is Chrift the the aire.
gjj ^^,hij,h were fince the world began .faying.

Lord. « CamefuddeaJy
/.d ,0 hi.oft4 7 1 TMt he vvoHld fend «/ileliverance from our
g Thathetbat'h enemies, and from thehands ofall that hate US. 1z And this f!jdlb6 a figne unto you , Yee aiall Y"" ','''"': ^''Z"
ihtwed biu.f'he _j j^at he might Ihew mercy towards our fa- finde the babe fwadled and laid in a cratch .
T2 .S.'
thers : and x remember his holy covenant, 1 3 And ftraightway there was with the Angel f whole armiei
l't''fo!r«h'-"b!;r f a multitude of heavenly of
fouldiets , praifing God, Angela which
he ca.xe down from 73 « .^«rf the oathcwhich he fwate to out fa- '

beivto himfeiff 10 ther Abraham,

and faying.
viiitr ui in f «fon, -^ ^'fjif-, ^yat that ha would grant unto us, , 1 4 Glory be to God in the high iiettvent , and ab out, were
detive/ed out of thehands of our peace in earth, and towards men g good will.
l°'*CbaFlTo?'" that we being

miuhi.ii. enemies, Ihouldferve him without feare,

' X f And it came to pafle when the Angels were 8 Godi'eady,
h Hiib payed the 7^ All thedayes of ourlife, in A' hdineffeand gone away from them into heaven , that the ftep-
ranfome, tbatii to
rightcoufnefle befotc him. 1
beards laide one to another , Let us goe then unto fos-.ard. mea.
fjy.ihe price of out
76 And thou , m babe, flialtbe called the Pro-
Berh-leem, md fee this thing that is come to pafle,
phet of the moft High for thou ihait goe before which the Lord hathlliewed unto us. 4. Gen. 17,11.
S r'fal.i3i,iS- :

i Thii word Home the faccof the Lotd to prepare his wayes, 16 So they came with hafte .and found both leviti 1,3'.
iQtbeHtbrewe ^«i to n give knowledge of Ulvatioti untD Mary and lofeph and the babe layi in the cratch. '°'''" 7. a*.
and"; ".a by the o remiffion of their linnes.^
his people
73 Through the tender mercy of our God.where-
. 1
7 And when they had feene it. they pubH(hed |,.^,t»
abroad the thing that was tolde them of that childe. madefubiva to
from by * the p day-fpring from an high hath vifited us,
beafts, ihac 18 And all that heard it, wondred at the things the Law, rodel«<
figbtwitb their which were tolde them of the fliepheards, "'"" '''°^ '''*
bcrnei and by r
79 To give light to them that fw in daiknefle,
and in the Qiadow of death , and to guide our feete 19 But Mary kept all thofe fayings,and pondred ''^^.Z^ll^^f'
raifingup the
nngbt of Ifrael, ii into the way of q peace. »/;<»» in her heart. lefuj doth well d«,
_ _

meant, that thir 80 And the childe grew and waxed ftrong in ,
20 And the lliepheards returned glorifying and dart) btingcit.
kiingdomeof n'Mel God '^im'^iCe'l. dowh
fpjrit^ and was ia the wildetncne,till the day came praifing , for all that they had heard and leene,
,h«'«emiM thereof ™t
he fkould fticw himfelfe unto Ifrael. as it was fpoken unto th|m .
laid on the ground .even then gcbencbe (iteojth of Ifrael feemed to be Viterly decayed. 21 f * 3 And when theeight dayes wereac-circumciiiooof
• Iere.13,9.aDd 30.1a. k Declared indetdetbat be was mindfult. K>iS> compliihed , that they ihould circumcife the chiki, the fathers.
ier.3i.33.beb.9.i3.i7. 1. Pet. 1,1;. *
J To Godi good liking. inThoughthou his name was then called * lefus , which was na- * Coap.i.jr.
beat ibitprefentBeverfolitlf . n Open ihe viay. o Forgivenefleoffinnciiij tbe
med of the Angel before he was conceived in the ^*^eWt.Vi,«.
ttieaoeivvhrteby Godfavethui, Rom.7.4. • Zacb.j.S.and S.ia.nial.^a. p Or,
bi:d,orbrancb,beeaIludetb untotbe|jiace>in ler a3.y. Zach.3,8.aDd 6,ti. and bee ii WOmbe, '^
ChriiLupon _

called abud from an high , that ii,:fent from God uoto ut.and not aiotherfaudi wbich XX ,4 And when the dayes of h herpurificati- whom ail ourfio*
budcjiofibeearib. q lotoiheway wbichleadetfi uitoiruehappineUe. on, after the Law of Moyfes, were accompliflied.vmeiayd, being
C H A P. H. they brought him to Hierufalem . to prefent him to 1^^",^'°^ ^^t;
the Lord, Law, doth purihc
1 KAuiuJImCcftiTtdxtthMtherecTU. 7 Chrid ij hrne. _

13 The^nielifn^. H
ChrifHi<ireumci/ed. il Murie 2J (As it iswrittenintheLaweof the Lord, both Mary and UI

fUrifieJ. i3 Simeon Cskn'" Chriilin hit armes, t9 Wm « Every man childe that^ri? openeth the wombe, f^" i° himfelfe. •

3S ^nna the Prof hcitfft. 40 The ehiUe C hill. thallbecalledholytotheLord.)

3s lefutdiffUUihvti'hlhedcdMTi. _ _ L^hefu'SgV
a4 And to give an oblation , A' as it is comman- the taw- for oiber-
I CtiriDilieroBBe
of God, taking up.

came a decree from Auguftus Ce&r, that all

it came to pafle in thofe dayes , t^at there ded in the Law ofthe Lord, a paire of turtle doves, wife thevirginwa*
"°' "^"^^'^ >•"-
or two yone pigeons. °f'

on bira the fonne the a world (hould be b taxed. 2 5 \ And &holde. there was a man in Hierufa- tulltU)
of a fervtnt. and
making himfelfe
2 (This firft taxing was made when Cyrenius lem , whole name was Simeon : this man vv»s iuft. ^ Exod.i^.i.
of no reputation, was go\-ernour of Syria. and feared God, and waited for the confolation of num. s.i«.
ii poorely borne 3 Therefore went all to be taxed , every man Ifrael, and the holy Ghoft was upon him.
' .y Levit.u*.
in a nable and by
tO his OWnCCitic. 26 And it was declarethtohimfromGodby Jp^™'""^*^'"
luiilthe'migt;^". 4 And lofeph alfo went up from Gfllile out of the holy Ghoft that he (tould not fee death , be- Tempi* foreteM

eft prince in the Nazareth , into ludea, unto thee citie

a citie called fore he had fecne that Anointed of the Lord. the deafe ofibe ,

world ( thinking of David.which is called Beth-leem (becaule he

.J. 17 And he camebyf/jewofjonof the fpiritin-^o""niagofMef.
^"'' ^^' of thehcufe and linage of David.) to the Temple , and when the x parents brought in „uVof "the«ea'^di
red m^Beth-'iMin, J To be taxed with Mary that was given hinj
the babe lefus , to doe for him after the cuflome of pa,, of ifrael. andf
at the Propheu to wife, which was with childe. the Law. ofthe calling of
forewarned. 6 J And fo it was, that while they were there, i8 Thenhetookehimiahi$armes,andpraifed'''«Gemiiei.
Sofarreaj the #- J -„ » f,„rl Hewaiindued
the dayes were accomplilhed that Qiee Qiould be God, and fayd,

f.mpIieoftbeRo- ^^^^ ^^^ .,^^ ^^

oianeidid ftretch.
delivered. 29 Lord , now lettefl thou thy fervant depart .tHioiy Gnaii and

b Thatii, thein- 7 And fliee brought foorth her firfl begotten in peace, according to thy « word, thii ii fpokfn by the
habitants of every fonne . and wrapped him in fwadlingcloathes , and 30 For n mine eyes have feene thy ofalvation,figu''Metooymie.
* ' '
k loftph and Ma.
ci'le(hot)Idba\'e laid him in a cratch , becaufe there was no roomfi
thtirjiamestaken. rie r and f« he
and theirgoodi ra-
for them in the Inne. it A Letieftiuedepartcutofthulifcto beioyned
wai commonly taken.
ted it a certaint toiny father!. m Aithouftoinifeddme. n ThJt ii. foi I l)ave feenewiibmy
value. thattbeEw )erour might vnderftind , bow ricbcvery couotrey. citie, famity^and very eyei: for he faw before in minJe,as it ii faid of Abraham He faw iny day , *B(3

^CUfc AM. G \viiitli04v;dn<ubeiat jwdbreugbcuf tA, <f> . l9liB7,<|z, Kieytcd, g lhi»» whtMiaihvIalviwniJwmeiDed.
31 Which
' 7 ' ,

AocasteftimonyofCbrift. CUpMl lohns pfeachiflgahdbaptirojifl

^safixtfii^r 3 ' which thou hafl prepared p before the fj^e nour of ludci .and Herod being Tatrarch of Ga-
4f,kkyi*(i./tr of all people, lile. and his brother Philip Tetrarch of Iturea, and
mtn tiittkf 32 A 1 ight to be revealed to the Gentiles . aii of the countrey of Trachonitis.andLyfaniasthe
glory of thy people Ifrael.
(}ie Terrarch of Abilene.
33 And lofeph and his mother tnarveiled ^E 2(4- When a Annas and Caiaphas were the * Afie«4.«^
thole things, which wereipeken touching him, hie Ptiefles) the word of God came i::>oIohii, the ^ ^'/-P*"' «;'?««*
*'"* «^"*'"'''
. 34 And Simeon blefled them . and fayde anto 9:irae. of Zacharias in the wildernefie.
r, Mary his mother , beholde, this thili is q appointed it
And he came into
coaOes about S Mat,h.3.a,
all tlie

. T)tff«»iui*»dfQr the « rfallandrifingagaineofmany in Ifrael, preaching the baptifme ofrepentance for ««*'«*»•
fttcfctdfir A and for aTfignc which Jliail be fpoken againft, the remifsion of iinnes,
3 y ( Yea and a fword (hall t pearce through 4 As ic is written in the bdoke of the fayin<»s
thy foule) that the thoughts ofinanyheattcs may «f Efaias the Prophet, which faidi. * The toyce
tlaf'^i'V^'r^'.r.'"' of » Efal, 49, g
t' FaUc/'ne rcpro- be Opened, him that crieth m
the wildernes «r , Prepare ye the '"'»'« «* »l^ '

tatcrvhich ftriTi 36 fi And there was a Frophetefle , one Anna way of the Lord make his paths ftraio-ht.

through their cTvne

(hg daughter of Phaiiuel, of the tribe of Afer.which Evety_ valley
J fliallbfe filled, aDdevetymouQo
^fnflr<'''M. ^^5 ofa great age . after (he had lived with an huf« ,.
tame and hill fliall be brought low , and crooked
«n(oVa.b. ccd band feven yeeres from her virginity : ''thhigs Oiallbc made foaight. and therouo-hwayes
/hall ^ii:t faith »» 37 And ihc f ftf/ widow about fourefcoure , and fball be made Smooth, / >

f Thntii^tf
foure yeeres , and went not out of theTCmple , but 6 And all flefli fliall
fee the fatvation of God.
tphich alt me TpfcA
feved G»i with faftings and prayers DJght and day, 7 Then
fayd he to the people th.-it were come
(Irilie carncjllj 38 She then commingat the lame inftant upon out to be baptized of him ,« Ogenerationsof vi- » M4tth,3i»i
to hit. them, confefled likewife the Loid.and Ipake of hiiH pers , who hath forewarned you to flee from the
t ShtHrvtUnd
to all that looked for redeqjption in Hierufalem. vrath to come f
andrrisU mcil
fharfth 39 And when they hiid performed all "8 Bring foorth therefore fruites worthy amen*
6 Another V9it- cording to the Law of the Xcid . they returned into dement of Jifo^j^d beginne not tofaywkhyout
Dtfle (jcfide Sime- Galile to their ow«e citie Nazareth. felves , We- hiVe Abrahaitito owrFather : for I fay
on, agdnfl vsbom
40 And the child grew , and waxed ftrong in unto yoii-,that Goiis able of thefe ftones to raiie
no f xception m^y
be brought
Spirit, "and was filled with wifed(3tne , and the ^pcjiUdrenunto'AbraJiam. J*
^allmentothe grace ofGod was with him, •*9 Now alfo is the axelayde unto the roote of
tt«iyiogofthe 41 J 7 Now his parents wenttoHierufalem, the trees : therefore every tree which btingeth not v i,„« ^,5^;
"'5rc ;<«/? cTc $ at the feaft of the PaiVeove'r.
^^^'^ y eere, foonh good fruit, (halibe heweu downe , and afl j,{ohaj,i7.

^P in' apcJcU!^ And when hee was twelve yeereolde, and

^'^ into the fire. b A^^wiVe nom««
n/iriui tfhh QtJ- they wcte come iip to Hierufaiem, after the cuftome lo- 5 ThsnthepeopIeaskedhim.faying.What'J"".'""-/"'""'"^-,
head/htyptditfci/e ofthsiCiSt, fliall we do then? ^ ^ ^ ,lk7,!TJf'''
th9 tribute mtmey^ II
. ,1 /- t 1 /• . .
^i '^"'^ ^^^ finilhedthedaye$fA^w«f.asthey i I And he anfwered.and fayd unto thera , A" He c whid, rvaspajd
rhai'ifeiar'e ft'rred
returned, the child lefus remained in Hierufaiem, that hath two coates ,Iet him part withliira thit ''"'"• F-"'J ''"""
op to heare ifae and lofeph knew not, nor his mother, hath none: And he that hath meat, let him doe "'-:'''">^e*r*'ji»
wifedome of cbrift ^4 Buc they fuppofing that he had bene in the
company , went a dayes iourney , and fought him 12 Then came there Publicanes alfo to be Iy,.ndrr«itfu4
ietit. among their kinsfolke, and acquaintance. baptized, and fayd unto h;ra,MaSer, what fliall receive the faci»,

S Deut.iS.i. 4 y And when they found him not, they aimed we doe? menu, we mult
backe to Hierufalem.and Ibughthim. 13 And he fayd unto them , Require no more °"e^^n^hj°ia*
46 And it came to paffe three dayes after , that then that which b appointed unto you.
is him that iHioi.
they found him in the Temple , fitting in the mids 14 The fouldiers likewife demanded of him. ftreth.hefignejr,
of the dodours , both hearing them , and asking faying ,And what (liallwe doe ? And he fayd unto *"" ''•"'"? °" .

them queftions : them . Do violence to no man neither accufe any

47 And all that heard him , wereaftonied at his falfely, and be content with your c wages. the racramenti , aniS
underftandingand anfweres. If » As the people waited, and all men mufedt''«E'v«0''':i'»t
S Ailduettet 4^ « So when they faw him , they were amafed, in their heans of lohn, if he were not that Chrift. ^^l^-^
'* ''y^'^l

which weovteto and his motherfayd unto him.Sonne.why haft thou 16 lohn anfwotd . and faydtothem all . * In-
thus dealth with us ? behold,thy father and I have deed I baptize you with water, but one ikonger # Matt a. 3. jr,''
not to be oegle-
fought thee with very heavie hearts. then I , commeth , whofe fliooes latchet I nm not ""^'k* '-s- '<" »•
<fted,fo are they ac
cording to our vo- 49 Then fayd he unto them , Kow is it that ye worthy to unloofe : bee will baptize you with the »*•»*•«•/•»'"' »^'««
catioa, not to be fought me? knew yee not that I muftgoeabout holy Ghoft, and with fire.
preferred before
roy Fathers bufines ? 1 3 Whofe fanne « in his hand , and hee will the fanneoith*
yo But they undetftood not the word that hee make cleane his floore, and will gatherthewheate ^or'"!-

(pake to them. into his garner, buc the chaffe will hee bume up * m>^'''4'3«
9 CSr ft very mao yi 9 Then hee went downe with thero , and with fire that never Qiallbe quenched.
hxmit likeunto 4 Vcbm prwchiBg
came to Nazareth , and was fubiedt to them : and 1 8 Thus then exhorting \vi:h many other things, ;« coufinn'ed wuii
his mother kept all thefe fayings in her heart. he preached unto the people. bi? death.
And wifedome , and 19 4- 4 But when Herod the Tetrarch waste- *
5 2 lefus increafed in fta- Matth.j.ij.
ture, and in favour with God and men, bilked of him, for Ilerodias his brother Philf^s °^^.'"'-
CHAP. III. wife, andfor all the evils which Berodhaddcne, f'olthiftKmsSa
it ii>!:n exhcrlt'b tt ftftnttnct. 1 1 WJ/ ttflimsnj cfChrifi,
20 Headdethyetthisaboveall,thatbeflwcup*"^na.);«Winihe
19 Hired fuutlh him in fffin. ^ 31 Cfcrj/? ii httftifed,
lohninprifon. •

J 3 Hiftdtittt. a^actSis
"Ti Soiacoff^tiwi
«<thetime fore*
V<iide of t he Pro.
O-r , m -'---
tbe ff;eenth yeere of thercigneof
ibeiius Cafar , Pontius Pilate being gover-
Tibeii •
,21 J f Now it came to paffc
were baptized and thatlefus was baptized anddid thevoyceof-.he

Father, 10 br cue
, ss all the peonle p"oaouKed, by

pray, that the heaven was opened:

l*<ti,aDdiaye;h tbefoundauoa oftht Gr'OeJ which imhJbitediuito tu/ettiBg fonh
the trtieobfetviRg ef tbetiw ic free meicykioChritl, Which cjituneth «fl«i hitn.cfmg a z And the holy Gholi came dow^c in a bo- p"^','^^' ^ ^;^'
«lfo tMfu^K Ut«^«ftu*<'^<x i>«th offegsiKMtioD asdalTo of rorgtycaelTc ef Goat), dily flwge like a dove upon him, and there was a jk„^'^
Ddd '

. , , . : "

jCbriftes gctiealogie. He is S.Luke* ftemptc^jandteachcthinNazaic ^

voyce froa bensn , laylflg , TUoa «rt ffijr beloved ^ And the devill faydc unto hitn , All this
Sonne : inthee lamwellfHcafed. • power wiil I give thee, and the gloiy of thofe
<j TheJkcIteof 1$ i And Icfus hirnfelfe began to be about kmgdctnti for that is b delivered to roe
: and to • tj thhnifd :

think yeetes of age , being as men fuppofed the whomfoever I will, I give it. pcwn, Mtihe kui
brought by eriff fjnne of lofeph, which tivtt the fauna oi Eli, 7 If thou therefore wilt worfhip mee , ihev ''"w"^""/''*"
' nitiLnhiekkavt
t^n to Aiitn, trA 14 Tlye ftHnt of Matthat tlxfonm of Levi , tht , (hallbe all c thine.
lacoGod.cbacic of Mflfkhi , th fonna of lanna , tha fomt of 8 But lefus anfwered him , and fayd Hence

might jpF'^'*'
lo.'eph, from me , Satan for it is written ,,{. Thou flialr ^""^"'"'j'nic.
tbiibcoftiy ic
Tht fonnt of Mattathias , thefontie of Affios. worlliip the Lord thy God . qnd him alone thou '' ^*'"''/««y5,
^n, whsmGoJ 2'f
fcr hti „ princcf
f rcxnifH to Abu« the fonne of Naum ,tfc» finne of EUi , theftmaai flialtfcrve.
fcim«r,1 D«vid, Nagge, 9 Then he brought him to Hierufalem .and il'S-rfT,
a6 Ti:e ofMaah ,f/;«jO«M*ofMatthathias,
fonne let him on a pinacle of the Temple .and fayd un- thtfi>„raifr,i,],tr
from eitrUliiog to him , If thou be tlie Sonne of God , call thy felfe
>b(iCburcb, the ftnne ofSemei the fcnne of lofcph , thefnois
, ''• *•" ^'filT^

vcbich'ligaib'efti ofluda, Jowne from hence. rjtr,ct,andnaj$f

togftherofii! r^ yjna* of loanna th* fiwt of RheG, I o For it is written , :§ That hee wHl give his ZlTLTn.l''"*'
27 ,

C^uofmn, fijg yj^j^ ^f Zorobabel .f/js fonne ofSalathic],l*« Angels charge over thee to keepe thee rr«,f*..» he ,^,

/Snwof Ncri, IX And with their handes they 1L.-U1 lift thee £'>«'"»»*<"»»
28 77j« jtatee of Mdchi , »A» firiHs of Addi , th« up . km
at any time thou ihouldeft dafl^ thy foote
'Zf'r l ' . •

few* of Cofara ,tht f<me of Elmodam , thi fonn* againftaftone.

, ,
And lefus anfwered, ^^ , ,
ofEr, I I and fayd unto him.It Is gccJij <h*mf»n
19 f Viefome of lofe , tlnfowu of Eliczer , ffc« layd, ^ Thou (halt not tempt the Lord thy God. (fwi"} undtr-
/Jnw of lorira , J^ fonne of Matthat, the fomt o( 13 And when the devill had ended all the ten- T'\l' 'n ^*'"*
Levi, rations, he departed from him f.n a little leafon. ./"( „«„^o"'
30 77)# /»»« of Simeon , thtfowt of luda , fAo 14 _ 1 And lefus returned by the power of the 4. Deut.«,i3.
fime of loieph , »A« fcnn* of lonan ,
fsntie of ^ fpirit into Galilea:and there went a fameofhim ao^
throughout all the region round about : * '''«*'
31 The fonne of Melea , theftwu of Mainan, ly For hee taught in their Synagogues , and
^ M«uh*',3,;4,
?/) /*««« of Mattatha , thefofue of Nathan , theftnne was honoured of all men. matke «,>. iobo

of David, J 6 « 3 And hee came to Nazareth -(yhere hee .43.

3 2 rA» pwif of lefle, tht fonne of Obed. »/itf JS«»# had bene brought up, and (as his cuftome was ) ^

of Booz , ?Af /cwj# of Salomon ,jfc«/fl«w of NaalVoD, went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath day , and Itm^^Tou^tth
33 Tkefennt^oi Aminadab , the fonne of Anm, floodeuptoreade. • cm oVtht Propbee
the fsnne of Ekron , tht forme of Fhares , the form* of 17 And there was delivered unto him the Efay.

luda. booke of the Prophet Efaias :and when hee bad

34 V]e fonnt of lacob , t\n fomte of Ifaac . tht A opened the booKe , "he found the place , where it ['iedui'lsfcnitt
fixnt of AbtshaOttlit fonns oilhitZtthefonntoi was written ufcn antlit . an4
Nachor, 18 if The Spirit of the Lord is upon mee , be-/« chrifi ur.rtStd^
3 y Tlx fonne of Saruch , tht fame of Ragau , tht caufe hehath anoymed mee .that I fl.ould preach
fimt of Vhalccffcf/JsdeofEber ,tf;«/5«««ofSala, the Gofpell to the poore : he hath fent mee , that I .^,„^.
36 The fonne of Cainan , the fonne of Arphaxad, Ihoiild heale the broken hearted , that 1 (hould ^
the fonne of Sera , t/w ftnns of Noe , tlie fonne of La- preach deliverance to the captives , and recovering 4 Famiiiariiie
piecn, of fight to the blinde : that I lliould fet at libertie caufethcbriftta
37 The fome of Mathule& , the fonne of Enoch them that are bnufed : ,h«efore be oft«.
»fc«fonne of lared , the fomte of Maleleel , the fame of 19 And that I fliould preach the acceptable time«goetb to
Cainao. vcereoftkeLord. niangen.

38 The fonne of E nos . thefonne of S eth, phi^finitt 20 And hee clofed the booke , and gave it '^;;^f/'^''i^'^ff,[Y*
• of Adam, the fonne of God. againeto the minifter.and fate downe: and the eyes 'rj^^e'vithccmmm
CHAP. IV. of all that were in the Synagogue were faftened on „»/{,'r and -vojte
B CfCitinttttmfunm.andfsfimg. |« H(« r(4<'t<it tn him. /crthevord.iru-
% I Then hee began to fay unto them , This day -'(ft>fii''^^"j
•We f«4<i«tfc jfl ArjoTOoe ccUntrtj
centtmntd. it ij One • ,..-. c i.-M !• thil place and m^nf'
f'lftff'ed oftht «(«>i8 Jj f Mrf</.38 r«f(r/ mcf/jfr in I An* IS this Scripture fultilledm your
eares. .j^/,, ^;,,„ ^,^
ii hialtJ, J^o and
fickt pttfint 4rl rf/ftr<^ fe J^olrA, 2x f And all (bare him witnes, and fwoudred apfrnveathin?
41 r*« Jt>)(j atkytvisdit Chili at the g gracious words , which proceeded out of i»J'A»f«»"'>M'*
% ekfmb«h:gei.
^^"^"^ ^"^ of th"eholy Ghoft returned from
- by
- , and was led --that
Spirit into the wil-
his hiouth, and fayd. Is not this lofephs fonne ? "v. , .

23 Then he fayd unto them . Ye will furely fay [.a'l.Z'tJJ'iA


Wtrtoutofihe demelfe. unto methisProverbe,Phvfician. heale thy felfe : the common fnfle
Woild, ioio the 1 Anel was there fourtie dayes tempted of whatfoever wc have heard done in Capernaum , doe win ftifim *i tth
itlt of founic
the elevill, & in thofe dayes he did eai nothing, but it here likewili in thine owne countrey
icnftrmce tftht
when they were ended, he afrerward was hungry.
<i)y(l.tod:be 24 And bee fayd , Verely I fay unto you , "No ^"/^[I'mVJ'
3 » Then the devill fayd unto him , If thou be
Prophet is accepted in his owne countrey. S„ f,„^ut vaa
SiMDtbiif. ,con>.
the fonne of God , command this ftone , that it be
xy But I tell you of a trueth ,many widowes.wjJd.ArdiAtw
ZiitTh^ madcWead. were in Ifrael in the dayes of* Elias , whenhea- f°""'*''X7J*j
»Mv^, bf^Mb 4 But lefus anfwered htn , faying , It is writ- Ten was fhut three yeeres and fixe moneths , when r^^lfjnitd iht
kiipBict. ten , i That man Ihall not live by biead onely , but
great famine was throughout ell the k land famt Tdtrin ih*
4. Hu^,\. by everv word of God. 16 But unto none of them was Elias fent, fate ct«»c*4fC(irr«iW
To'lftWogftu. ^ ° ^^^ ^^^^^ *^*^^ hjraiipintoanhigli. into Sarcpu, a ckie of Sidoa, unto a certainc '"'^I'V^ r^^
Md urofS«:»a, ttountaine , and fliewed hira all the kingdomes of
widowe. l.ZZ^ilff^
&(i 1* diorufiu the woikl, in the twinkeling of an eye.
vj Alfo many lepers we« in Ifrael , io the time ctd, wK«p;f«-
atKdtfiK: bt ocbci lad boonai a^dlsdiy to a rtinr cunfiJnic« of bjoiftirc,
| ai mtl did
. a^itttd men marViUuff UnteUm , Pfdt.^(,».grdtt it pcrtrtJ inic th
« , }

Satan knew Chrift, Chap.V.' Fiflietsofmcfl* £^

4f ».KiBg./.i4« of* Elifcus the Prophet: yet none of them was was SitBons and reqr <red him that he would thrall

tnadecleanCjiavkig Naaman the Syrian. off a little from the land : and he lace downe , anj*
18 t Then all that vvertin the Synagogue.when tanght the people out of the fhip.
f ThemoM
fharftlytheWJ they heard it, were filled with wrath 4 J Now ,when bee bad left fpeaking , he faide
ii rebuked, tbe
z9 And fbfe up, and thrufl him out of the citie, OBto Simon , Lanch out into the deepe . and let
whereon downe your nets to make a draught. ^
"""f"bu»he life and led him unto the edge of the hiil .
of Iht^^odly " °ot their citie was caft him downe headlong. y Then Simon anfwered , and faid unto hire,
" "
fimjily fubieft to 30 Bat he paffed through the mids of them.and b-Mafter , we have traveiled fore all night, and have b rUmmJPi^
the pleafuie of went his way, taken nothing: nwertheleffe at thy word I will let >*"* *™ '»<« »4«»
the wicked. downe the net, rylei*e»4»>j>
•t Matt.4.i4.
31 f p And came downe into Capernaum a ci-
iuat)cex>ai. of Galile , and there taught them on the Sab-
tie 6 And when they had fo done . they enclofed a **'"**•

bath dayes. great multitude of fifl«s. fo that their net brake.

# Matth.r.«>« 32 * And they wereafloniedathis doArine; 7 And they beckcned to their parteners,which
marke 1,1 »• for his word was with atrthoritie. were in the other fhip: that they fliould come anJ
53 * And ill the Synagogue there was a man heipe them .who came then, and filled both the
« Matke MJ-
which had a fpirit of an uncleane dcvill > which (hips, that they did finke.
cried with a loud voyce, 8 Now when Simon Peter faw it, he fell down*
c Cbriftaftonid!- 34 6 Saying.Oh.what have we to doe with thee, at lefas knees, faying. Lord.goe from me : for I ars
eibnotoDflymen, jhou lefus of Nazareth ? art thou Come CO deflrsy afinfullman.
bfo'c'kfm'butneB "s I l^now who thou art .even the Holy one of
• 5> For hee was utterly afionied , and all thaE
tbedcviltairo. God. were with him, for the draught of filhes which they
whether they will
3J A.nd lefas rebuked him .faying, Hold thy tooke.
01 an. peace , and ccme out of him. Then the devil throw- 10 And fo was alfo lames and lohn the fonncs
ing him in the middes of them , came out of him.and of Zebedeus, which were companions with Simon.
hurt him nothing at all. Then lefus faid unto Simon , Feare not ; from
35 So feare came on them all, and they fpake henceforth thou fl^alt catch men.
among themfelves , faying, What thing is this : for I r And when they had brought the fliips to
with authoiitie and power hee commaundeth the land, they forfboke all, and followed him.
foule fpiiits. and they come out ? 12 8 <{• a Now it came to pafle , as hee was in a M^iA't.^'i *
57 And thefameof him fpread abroad through- cercaine citie , beholdc , there was a. xma full of le-
out all the places of the countrey roundabout profie , and when hee faw lefus . he fell on his face, *„ theiep,.
^ Maitli.S,i4.
38 H "k 7 And he rofe up and came out of the , and befought him , faying, Lord, if thou wih, thou with hiionely
maikei.50. make me
Synagogue.and encred into Simons houfe.And Si- canft cleane. «o»c'> '»°'* f'nJii^"
7 lo that, that
Chiifthealtththe mons wives mother was taken with a great fever, 13 So he Iketched forth his hand , and touched
*''™J^jj^ fj^'^*"*
difeafesot'the bo- and they required him for her. him, faying, I w ill, be thou cleane. And immediatly ,^," he.'^rouVi*
dy "with his
39 Then hee ftood over her,and rebuked the fe- the leprofie departed from him. wbom'andby
''V'"^'Tai ver, and it left her, and immediatly (lieearofe, and 14 And he commanded him that he ftonld tell wbomapprehem-
miniftred ,__.
unto them itnoman:but.Goe./4,t/;/,^andmewthyfelfeto''f''if''^'*'»ll*''.
mighty, fetit for

nuDiralvauoti. 40 Now at the Sunne fetting , all they that had the Prieft , and offer for thy cicanfing , as
J Mofe« Sfane a^eotdine
ficke foil^es of divers difeafes , brought them unto hath commanded, for a witnefTe unto them. to tbe tawe, by
him and he layd his handes on every one of them,
, 15 3 But fo much more went there a fame abroad ''•fwimeSe of
and healed them. of him , and great multitudes came together to
^'otouwed wto*
« Matke t._U. 41 -f 8 And devils alfo came out of many .cry- heare, and to be healed of him of their iuhrmities. [!^°eand'cle«ue, •

$ Satan, who ii ing , and fayirg, Thou art that Chrift that Sonne of 16 But he kept himlelfe apart in the wildernes, tr i.evit.i4,4.
continuall enemie God ; but he rebuked them , and fut^'ered them not and prayed. 3 Chris had m-
to fay that they knew him to be that Chrift. 17 14 And it came to pafTe . on a cettaine day, !,'"[?]' a*-""""
ought not to be
^_ , no not then;
beard 42 9 And when it was day ,he departed, and went ashee was teaching, that the Pharifes and doftours ,heo'by miradei;
whinheffeaketh foorth into a defart place , and the people fought of the lawe face by , which were conie out of eve- and ifcerefore be
tbetrueiti. him , and Came tohim.andkept him that helhould ty towne of Galile , and ludea , and Hierufalem, depaKetii from
9 Ko colour of ^^^^ depart from them. and the power of the iordc waswi/w.tobeale ^^4"^^"^"^^^^.
leale ought 1

fciuderuii 43 But hee faid unto them , Surely I mufl alfo

raceofour preach the kingdoms of God to other cities; for J 8 * Then beholde men brought a man lying
. not aa the autbouc
cation. therefore am Ifent, in a bed.which wastakenwhhapallie.andthey offalvatioii.

44 And hee preached io the Synagogues of fought meanes to bring him in , and to lay him be- *^"''' '° j**""!;
Galile, fore him. rickeofihepalfi*.
CHAP. V. S9 And when they could not find by what way Cieweth the cauf«
t Chrijlltaeitth tin ef the fhip. « Oflhcdra-.tiUtfJlfhi they might bring him in.becaufe cfthepreafle, of*"''''<^»f">an*
IX Thi Ltftr. l6 Chriji prajethintliedejert. itOmfick? they went up on the houfe . and let hfm downe
tfthtfdlpe. n Pahliane.
Lel,i the 34 Tkefjjlws ^^J-'^IXig
through the ry ling , bed and all , in the mids before lovtlTfchijiii
and ttffiiaUns if the ^fujllei after Chti/let afcenfiin.
3S> ?7i38 Faint hearted and Vfttkf <l\l''fle' Me ii^tned la lefus. Ctdhead.fheve*
tld lotieis and ncrne garments. 20 And when he faw their faith , hee.faid unto ''/''/f '" *''»>'»»
I Clifi(l*Jv«ni- 'T^ Hen i * it came to palle as the people » preaf-
. him, Man , thy finnes are forgiven thee. #* AfTi' J »
feth the foure dif- fed upon him to heare the word of God, thai 21 Then the Scribes and the Pharifes began to r)trlni,3*' *
vifles, which he '

he ftoodby the lake of Gennefaret, I cafoH .faying Who is this that fpeakedi blafphe-
iiad taken uoto
a And fawe two fliips fland by the lakes fuie, iL\es ? Who can forgive finnes but Got! onely ?

ofiheApoHle- but the fiflierraen were gone out of them , and were 22 But when lefus perceived their reafoningi
raiji.whicb Qiould wafliingtheicnets. hee anfwered and faid unto them , what rcafon ye
^teafter becon"
} And hee entred into one of tbe (hips ,- which in your hearts
anted uniaihera.
<{• Mattb^iiS.warkeiiiS. <I Lidiuit rverelituptnhimtfdefntUtthtjWtrOf 23 Whether is eafier to fay, Thy finiies ae for-
fMVm>eiMhwehimt«tidihm/«r*btUH^I>t*kmmffa/liif, given thee, pr to fay, Rife and walks e
} , j 7
18 ^ ;

Mattbcwcalld S.loke^ ThcApoftlescbofeni

24 Bi3t t!ut yce mayknowethattheSonoeof tooke,
and ate the fhewbrcad,and ga'vealfoto them
tran hath authoricie to forgive fmnes in earth , (he which were with him, which was notlawfullto
faid untc the ficke of th^ paifie ) I fay to thee, eate, but for the a Priefls onely ? .
ArL'e : take up thy bed. and goe into thine hcufe, 5 And he faid unto them , The Sonne of man iTm.sVx**'"'
1^ And iDDmediatly hee rofe up before them, is Lord alfo of the Sabbath day. 30^24,9.
and tooke up /;» bed whereon he lay , and depar- 6 f Sj^ It came to pafle alfo on another Sab-* ^"'•"''»-
ted to his o<Cne honre.praifing God. bath that hee entred into the Synagogue, and
T chVr'i^ui.t&e
16 And they ^'ere all amafsd , and praifed God, ,
taught and there was a man^ whofe rightliand was role of all ceK.

and were filled with fcare , faying, Doubtleffe wee dried up. mooie*.
havefeene ftrange thingj to day. 7 And
the Scribes and Pharifes watched him,
17 ] K ; All J after that, he went forth and faw whether he would heale onthe Sabbath rf<yr, that
k MMtk.».f;
they might finde an accufation a^ainfi him.
urkea.if. a Publicane named Levi , fitting at the receit of cu-
J TheCbjicbil fiocne, and faid unto him. Follow roe. 8 But he knewe their thoughts , and faide to
a8 And he left all.rofe up, and followed him. the man which had the withered hand , Arife , and
uMitbroj^h the
gr»ceofCbril^ ip Then Levi made him a great feaft in his fiande up in the midden. And hee arofe , andftoode
rtpdotani, wbich owne houfe, where there was a ^reat company of up.
fecaque:vti:bhin3i Publicanes . and of other that hta at table with 9 Then faid lefus unto them , I will aske you
to ih« great of- them. a queftion, Whether is it lawfull on the Sabbath
30 Bat they that were Scribes and Pharifes dayes to do good , or to do evill : to fave life , or to b »rie/» Mfttt
VKzli'-iogi, among them murmured , againft his difciples, fay- b deflroy ? net himei^hheur

ing, Why eate ye and drinkeyee with Publicane ID And hee behelde them all in compafTe , and ^^"' **
andfinners ? faid unto the man , Stretch foorth thine hand. And 3 in tbat.iiat
31 Then lefns anfwered ,and faide unto them. hee did fo.and his hand was reftored againe , as Cbrift uCetb «aiL
They that are whole, neede not the Phyfician , but whole as the other. oed & long prayetj
they that are ficke. 1Then they were filled full of madnefle and ^° ti °^^«'^'r .

[.T^all.JJ. 32 S I came not to call the righteous , but fin- communed one with another , what they might do p^oy! JTtbroTc'e
ners to repentance. to lefus. oftbeApoftle-
Matth.9,14. 33 eThen
theyfaid unto him,
<i-* do the Why 12 35 And it came to pafle in thofe dayes that A^'F- '" "«weth ,

Baaikei.iS. difciples of lohn

often ,and pray , and the difi-
faft hee went into a raountaine to pray and Ipentthe ^°f„'JT^^^^ ,
C It it ibc puiot flcjohhe Pharifes alfo , but thine eate and drinke ? right in prayer to God.
efb/pccrittund b,„ J, ,-,,,„ :,
igDo»nt men 34 7 And hee fayd unto them, Can ye make the J 3 And when it was day,* hee called his dilti- thechoifeofEc-
fiutMboiintfleia children of the wedding chamber to raft, as long ples and of them hee chofe twelve which alfo hee ''"''iaaicail peifoni.

»niag,aiid in jj t^g bridcgrome is with them ? "!'"''"

called Apofiles :
* '^'^'
f La^«gS!' 3 r But the dayes will come , even when the 4 (Simon whom hee named alfo Peter ,and llde'^"

ttrmidewitbout bridegrome (hallbe taken away from them :then Andrew his brother , lames and lohn, Philip and c Frtm .tH theji.t
onyctofJtrarion ftall they faft in thofe dayes, BartlemeW, ceafl,-ivhichisc»l~

^^ Againe hee fpake alfo unto them a parable, 1 Matthew and Thomas lames the /o«w of ''^ ^i"^'''"''"'
,- :
f'^'f'fSc'^""'' •

oth.MhLVjoflike'^'o ^^
putteth a piece of a ncwe garment into Alpheus, and Simon called Zelous, 4 cbriii te'ac'beth
foit. are not one. an olde veftiue for then the newe renteth it , and
: 16 ludas lames irof^er, and ludas Ifcariotjagaioft all Philofo.
i]f (yranncjj, but the piece /<«j^«« out of the ncwe , agreeth not with which alfo was the traitour.) th*"- ""'^ «''P"'-
<^Tr burtfijiljnthe theolde.
Then he came downe with them.and flood in *b"]:,t%^i'/f"['''
^^ '
37 Alfo no man powreth new wine into olde
a plaine place with the company of his difcipI-'s.feUciiieofrunT*
veflels for then the new wine will breake the vef-
and a great multitude of people otitofallludea,iiidupmnoplac«
fels and it will run out , and the veflels will petilh :.
, and Hierufalom.and from the'fea coaftofTyrtis bct«io earth .but

38 But new wine mufl be powred into new vef- . and Sidon , which came to heare him , and to be p^rrlcutroii'for
fcls : fo both are prefei-ved. healed of their difeafes : righteoufnei fak*.
39 Alfo no man that drinketh old wine.ftraight- 1 And they that were vexed with foule fpitits, " tbeiight way
way defiretb new forhec ; faith ,The olde is more and they were healed. unto it.
profitable. 19 And the whole multitude fought to touch ^^cj^fl'^^'
CHAP. VI. him for there went vertue out of hira , and healed ^ Matih. y] 1.
: 1

J TfniifiifUi fuUlheearaefctrntcnthe Salldth. t Of them all: d c.</J;.«««'o/

Urn thit hai a tcithsredhande. 13 The eleflhtto/ihe
20 Theilcjfm^t andcUrfet.
20 5«4 And he lifted up his eyes upon his dif- '''"'' ^^"*^'^'"''
^fef.lei. »j Wttmufl
M<tt)).>»<>. Uit out inimiti. 46 jyiib iphatfruit the tetrd ofCcd it ciples , and faide, Bleifed /« y ee poore : lor y oms is '^Caj/
iSj. f,'Jj^_
snikt 1.13. U h< heard. the kingdome of God. thefharfeji fmniflt.
a Cb/iri Oif^tih •!«A Nd 1 it cameto pafTe on a fecond folemne il A" Bleifed 4 re yee that hunger now for yee m«»j cAwrt'; : (1.1!

leaiolt thefup': i"tth,tffo it the

'y Sabbath .that he wentthrough thecornefields,
-j^ flialbe fatisfied; * bklTed<»r<; yee that weepe now :
n A 111 1. Eider iiudtenihU
iarvery viP°e,'xi>u
plucked the eares of corne , and
^^'^ '^'s difciples » foryemalilaugh. ,/.;/„.«<( fj if ,

tbel'w oftbi did eate , and rub them in r/i«r hands 22 BlcUed are yee when men hate yon and.^t'rj <,fca. ,

wr/y Sibbatb.wai 2 And certaine of the I harifes (aid unto them, when d they lep3tateyou.aixirevile^c«<,andpiit e Le^psfateaiitU
ot gi/fntobe Why doe ye that which is not lawful! to do on the d"''Whul,areprc--
out your name as eviil.fortheSonneof mans fake.
It^pt vcitboat ej.
c<[«iOB: much
Sabbath daycj 23 Reioyce yee ill that day, and e be glad: for ,^;:t;4t:^^
Uffeihattbtfal. 3 Then lefus anfwered them and faid, A" Have , beholde , your reward //great in heaven for after j ^rMJ6.i. :

wtionot man yee not read this , that David did when he himfeife this maner their fatheis did to the Prophets f That reafg
fiioiiMcoofin in
was an hungred, and they which were with him, 2 4 * But woe ie to you that are riche : for yee «""'/>'"" '''.''"•
vogofit. 4 Kow hce went into thehoufeofCod ,and have f received your conluJation. fJiupT^]:,'!"
s B^iff^MiiMnttttf) W(B in hit trtatife -nUre hee cctifuletk Ehkn.that the lirre, tvhen
, ly * Woe be to you that are full for yee (liall an ticrli^e to:

tat! cfcttni
tht d-fhUi nluikf* tht , ^rm' in the fe.ijl ofunleabened trtjd : Neir, hunger. Woe be to you that nowe laugh; for yee *^M.«''<'t("-rf/'«-j
'jc'fft'W n tbtft fifjiet tchijh reere t^eft mjny dijei
At ihefea/i tfTahif-te^cthir , ,»<.«;,a>eB«f«
fliahwaiie and weepe.
lu.yf;tlrfAntlh fhr W
day theftcend SMalh , tittugh ThtofhiUd f^ndt'fi«ni(lh it >f 26 W(.e be to you when all men fpeake ^'ell of ':i'fZZuhl
tnftktr>ftlKm,tlt4I^Mtrftdti*fi'fi, J^ I.*<Mn,»i,4, you : for fo did their fathers to the falfe » £/,i,5;,, j.
. , '

Rafliri«3gcment. Chap.vij. The Cemurious faith. 7.7

17 J * t B»t I fay "MO you wWth heard ove 47 " Whofoever commethtoinee,andhea- lo Afflfftiondoiii
«|, MnA.M^- your enemies doe well to them which hate you.
: reth my words and doth the fame , I will (hew you »' 'te 'tng* dif-

5 ch»iftM<bar»- ig Bkflc them tliat curfe you, and pray for to whom he is ike 1 :
" "« ""« g°'J - ''

them which hnit you. 48 He is like a man which built an honfe

^^ ''''^*
. and
'~" the*
mucb frotD torf"'
29 S And unto him that fmiteth thee on the ene digged deepe, and lay d the foundation on a rocke :
VPoildrdocb not
co«IyDOtrtveDg« cheeke , offer alio the other , " and him that taketh and when the waters arofe , the floodieat upon that
ini«ii«.butcoB»- away thy cloake, forbid not to take thy coate alfo. houfe , and could nor fliake it : for ittvas grounded
firhcDded cvco
oufmoft gtMvou*
30 Give to every man that asiceth of thee and ; upon a rocke.

eneipKi.aaclihat of him that taketh away the things that be ihmc, 49 But hee that heareth and doeth not . is like
foi out fnhtn aske them not againe. a roan that built an houfe upon the earth without
f2k<, wbiebi'in 31 K And as ye would that men fliould doe to foundation againft which the flood did beate,

h«v«. fo fane n : ,^ ^^ ^^^ g ^q them likcwife. and it fell by and by : and the fall of that houfe was
cw«^ofi:ia^ 3* * For if yee love them which love you, great.
g what thanke fhall ye have for even the finners
doing well. :
C H A P, V1 1.
Mauh.f,39- love thofe that love them. I OfthtCentUrietuferXiiKt. 9 The CemurhnifaM,. v
i.CotiB6,7- yee doe good for them which doe
33 And if »l ThfniJcKXtfinntraifeJfnmJfirhatNtin. 19 rtin
• Maithj,;.4«. good you
for , what thanke ftiall ye have ? for even findtlh hudircifU,ti,ChriJl. 33 His ptcaiUr kjndcf
itt/ing. 37 ThefinfMyt,»fhttSiUfu,fette.
g what iicbrreia the finners doe the fame.
ryy Hen * he had ended all his feyings in the *
^ii your woike.
t^at ii 10 b« accouo
34 * And if ye lend to them ofwhorae ye hope
to receive what thanke fliall ye have -for even
W i

audience of the people, hee entreth into Ca.

' '
flietb the
ted of?(or if yoa pernaum.
looke ro have com
thelinners lend to finneis. to receive the like. _ - _ . , by fettiag before
2 And ccrtame Centurions lervant was ficke them the example
moditie by loving. 3y Wherefore love yee your enemies , and doe
theft commo- good
and ready to die, which was deare unto him. of the centurion,
feeke and lend, b lookin"; for nothing =game •'s" f°"tm ob-
d ---'-— ^ 3 And when he heard of lefus ,he fent unto
your reward Ihallbe great , and ye IhaTl be the chil-
him the befeeching him that
detde love yout °^
'^''^n ^^^ "^^^ ^'g*^ • ^^"^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ""^° ^'^^ n'rbew"!!?.^

he would corae, and heale his fervant. the Gwtilti.
enemiei and fo yon , unkind, and to the evill.
ftaii flievs to tbe j5 Be ye therefore your Father al. 4 So they came to lefus. and befbugbfhitn
world that you inltantly .faying that he was worthy that he ihtuldi
fo ij njercifuli.
looke for tbofe coni' doe this for him :

moditie^i vv'btch 37 J :J « ludge not.and ye fliall not be judged :

y Foi he loveth ,faydtbey , ournation and he

come from God condemne not , and yee iliail not be condemned :

• Maitb.f,4i. hath built us a Synagogue.

« forgive, and ye ftiall be forgiven.
dcut i;,8 •'
a good
6 Then lefus went with thetn : but when hee
it Give.andit ihallbegiven unto you:
b Wbenyou will
k prefl'ed downe
was now not farre from the houfe , the Cenruncsn
IcnddoeitoDelyca meafure , ftiaken together and ,

fent friends to him faying unto him , Lord , trou-

„ .„_ ^. running over (hall men give into yourboforae: ,

ble not thy felfe for I am not wotthy that thou

fure withail, and for with what meafure ye mete with the fame rtiall

not for hoHe to te- fliouldeft enter under my roofe :

^^^ me e to you againe.
ce,»e the pr.ncipaU
^^ 7 An({ h<J fp ike a parable nnro them , « Can 7 Wherefore 1 thought not my felfe worthy
agatae. to come unto thee: bur. lay the word, and my fer-
4. Mirth, f, 4 J. the blind leade the blind Mhall they not both fall
vant Ihali be whole
i Mattb.7,1. into the ditch ?

6 Brotherly re-
40 -k The difclple is not above the mafterrbut 8 Foi- I likewjfe am a man fet under authority,
prrhVnrton muft and have under mee fouldieis, and liayuntoone,
njt rrocted of cu- whofoever vviUbe a perfed difciple , lliallbe as his
Goc and hee goeth and toanotl>er, Come and
, : ,
riofittenorcbur' mafler.
hccorameth and to my fervant. Doe this, and hee
liQiDtfle. nor ma-
41 f ••'s And why feeft thou a mote in thy :

lic«. I>ut they muft doeth ir.

brothers eye. and confiderelt not the beamcthat
be I'ufl modtraie,

is in thine owne eye ?

9 When lefus heard thefe things, he marveiled
tnd loving.
at him, and turned him, and fayd to the people that
i Hsfpeakethoot 41 Either how canft thou fay to thy brother.
followed him 1 fay unto you I have not found fo
'*g'- Brother, let mee pull out the mote that is in thine , ,

great faith, no not in Ifrael.

'^^^^ '''°" '^^^ "°' '^^ beame that is in
" ^y.^
by tbe roH'^"7ot '
10 And when they that were fent, turned backe
give, u ni°ani'tha'r
thine owne eye ? Hypocrite , ca!^ out the bearae
to the houfe they found the fervant that was ficKe,
JO dwatute, which oiif of thine owne eye hrft , and then Ihalt thou fee

theChriiiimsufe whole.
pcrfeftly to puU out the motc that is in thy bro-
11 » And
it came to paife the day after,
that he * Cbti'ftavoucheti
ptttloiiog tmrosgt. vwnt into a citie called a Nain and many of his dif- °P*°''' '^''P°wer
not a good tree that bringeth

f* For it ,

anh.7,1. ' 43 9 is
* cipleswentwith him, and a great multitude.
ina.kM.M- foorth evill fruit: neither an evill tree.that bringeth !"Ll;nf.Vi,
k Tbtf^arebo. 12 Now when hee came neere tothegateof ofatowoeinGa.
foorth good fruit.
the citie .behold, there was a dead man caiied our, lile, which was fi.
?;"ct';'ak:nla,^44 S For every tree is knowen by his owne who fvrf^theonely begotten fbnne of his mother, '""'0° 'he other
them which ufeto injit : * for neither of thornes gather men figgcs,
which was a widow, and much people of the citie
in«afuredryihirgi, norofbuflies ga. her they grapcs. whicbfa'iielhiot.
ascorBeaodfuch was with her.
^j A gootlman out oftlie good tTcaftirc of his ther«aof«aiilea,
13 And when the Lord faw her, hee had com-
franitrkmd'trf de»-
^^^^ bringeth foorth ^ontl and an evill man out ;
pafsionon her, and fayd unto her, Weepe not;
l.B? therein, and of the evill trcafure of his heart biingeth foorth
thruft it downe and eviil : for of the abundance of the heart his mouth
14 And hee went an-i touched the coffin (and
fliake together, they that bate him ,fioodftill)andhefayd, Yong
it fceaketh.
»d prerfe it and 46 J « But why call yc me Lord , Lord, and doe
Rian, I fay unto thee, Arife.
ly And he that was dead, fate up, and began to
7*VOTfri'ifMHre- not the things that Ifpeake »
fpeake, and he delivered him to his modier.
prefaendert hurt
both ibcmfelveumd otKer: iSr fitch M
the maneris.fuch utliefcto?Jer. X Mat.if,l4. 16 Then there came a feare on them all , and
* Mst.7.3. 8 Hyl>o<«itti, which ate very they glorified God,%ing. A great Prophet isrifcA
.if.,:4.iobD 13 i6.aiid if.20.
f«vere rtrrthenritrj of other, are very quicke of fight tefpie othrr mroj fauli» butvety among us,and God hath vifited his people.
blind to fctiheir owne. .{.Matt 7,17. 9 Heii agood nw-., notthat i»«kilfoll to
»ef rihctid ot-iieis but hee that 1 roovetb hii uprigbinifle in word and deedt, t Ma«h,
ig And this lunwur of him went foorth tho^-
H'ii. • MW<l>'7ii«<< * Mlcib.7,u.ioin.Si>3J»m,i»«i,
: , '

lohns difciples. The finfull S. Luke. woman waflieth Tefus feetci

rowont all ludea , and thorowout all the region and kiffed his feete.andanointed them with the 7 Ra(Vineir<-itth«
ointment. ftllowufijride.
roundabout. . Tht l'h.i
18 3 And the difciples of lohn (hewed bim of ^
^7 7
Now when
^'^" the Pharifes which
'V~ * r"^'/-"^!"-
"•"""" bade him,
Vr*^ """' /)'^"4 '^f '--IW*,
lobn f(roilcth ,

amibe prifonhii all thefe things. faw It. hefpake within h mfelfe. laying, if this mzn^uch MJethtktm
ibtlcvingdifci- 19 So lohn called unto him two certaine men
were a Prophet , hee would furely have knowcn'/fyiW.f'MtftK.'*
Cmftbim. cfhisdifciujes .an.^.fent them tolefiis. faying. Arc who and what maner of woman this is which ton- '" ''?/''•'''•

be ecu- cheihhim:«furil>eisafinner.
thcu he thSc Ibould come, or (r.aU wcc wait for uIcll^ZT'».' _
ano'.hcr ?
40 s And lefus anlwered and fayd unto him, j't,ul|i'„ij_ffleoC
10 And when the men were come unto hira, Simon , I have fomewhac to fay unto thee- And hee remHTion ofiini.
faid.Mafter.fayon. { Tl,.iii„rti-i>
they fayd , lohn P.ip:ift hath fent us unto thee, (ay-
jng.Art thou he that Oiould come . or ihall wee There was a certaine lender which had two '[^"fh^^^'^'f'"
41 huili piiwtth her

wait for .mother ?

debters the one ought hve huodreth pence , and f^uk ahnJarMj


21 And b at that time , hecured rnany of their

ficknefles and plagues, and of eviii fpiiits, and un-

many blind men newvo fight freely.

zi And lefiis anhvcred.and fayd unto them,
Goe yonr wayes and ftiew lohn. wliat things yee
the other

both .„
them joth
him moft?

Which of them therefore """"'"

, ,

42 When they had nothing to pcy , he forgave "»" 'fifaF'ifme

.teliw« ^ill'^'"'"

43 Simon anlwered and laid, I iuppofe that he ,

— , ,
and BaplmMsfn^

m.<i, r,r^i^cnhimi
that hi ma, .•o^e

to whom he forgave moft. And he faid unto him, »""'"»"'"' •-^'^

have fecne and heard .that the blind foe, the halt
goe the lepers are cleanfed the deafe heare . the
, ,
Thou haft truely iudged. 'r"'l'Xf'u,'„t
dead are rifed urid the poore receive the Gofpel.
44 Then he turned to the woman and faid un-i^-','^[^'„{;,f„^', ,

to Simon Seert thou this woman I entredimotVifiMjairWirf

13 And bleucd is he , that Ihall not be oftended , ?

inniee. thine houfe. and thou gaveft me no water to my to T" the rncmjn
feet: but Chee hath walhed my feetewithtcares,^>^'j''^^f"'^^^^'-'J^^
4 Tfc«tw^ic1iihe 24 4 And when the mefl'engers of lohn were hee bcg-n to fpeake unto the people of and wiped them with the haires of her head.
fi fl^Mj't[!i>Mfk
Ion, belbte, lobo 4y Thou gaveft me no kifle but ftie fincc the thm merinrifiu
lohn, VVhar went ye out inro the wildernes to fee ? : .

£ic';v<d at :

andCcri:!biin. A reede Ihiken with the wind ? time I came in, hath not ceafeth to kifle my feet, wrkit fir the •

ftift d"!!: prcCcm 2f But what went yee out to fee ? A man cloa- a
45 Mineheadwith oylethoudidftnotanoint :/;"-"''fr7"''''_
' . , , 'r • • mio Hath for tl'tn
my feet with ointment.
, 1

itajy!y ucto u% in .

thed in fofc raim-nt ? behold they which aregor- ,

but ihe hath anointed ,,;^_ ,j, mtrtht
the Gofpel bJ' fut Wherefore unro thee, many finnes are i.j,-.^ himihat
theniott pifi in
geoufly apparelled .and live delicately, are in kings 47 I fay

courts. forgiven her; f for llie loved much. To whom a '»''' *"|»yS£"»c'-
vainr foribic ma-
ny fctken.tlliDg 16 But what went ye foorth to fee ? A P.-ophet ? little is forgiven, he doth love a little.
°"^' '"
e'.s, butf..oUih
yea. Hay to you, and greater then a Prophet. 48 And he fayd unto her .Thy finnes are for-,,!' /J'j^e'!',„^
aod vaioc
Z7 This is he of whom it is written , ^ Behold, given thee. llr.hcyv^rtatlhl
I fend my meflenger before thy face , which Ihall 49 And they thatfateartablewith him ,be^n '""'/'>*'<»/'"»
^ Matib.3^
to fay wuhin themfelves .Who is this th-t even
prepare thy w^y before thee. *;'^^^'^^;^7ie1:44.

x8 For I lay unto you .there no greater Pro- is forgiveth finnes ? r'iZ'"ltiJt,e
phet then lohn .among them that are begotten of yo And he fay d to the woman Thy , faith hath fffktn cf, i-

goe in peace. f,r tht

women : neverthelcfl'e , he thit is the leart in the faved thee : g
KJpg.lomeofGod. is greater then he. ft^rie.fiT Chrifi fa}thnotailht PhltifiliiJ .thitfhtyvil •r , lulhureif' iep
c Si'ulihitht '
2V Then all the people that heard, and the ntineUlh^t tif finntt cf her life pafi are fr^tptn htr J ojirimihlheilntfi*
„u' PuWicanes c iuftified God .being baptized with the IrhichhthaJ htjicn.d rci'h a kUflwe.

A T, f/iftr .»>« br.ptifmeof lohn. C H A P. VIII.

Women ihttminijler unit Chrifl tftheir fib'^anet. 4 Tht
hnrt. 30 But the Pharifes and the expounders of the I
faraiUi/fhe/errer. it Tht cattJU. 19 l-.riflj
Law defpifei the counfell oi Goddjigainftthem- twibrethren. 1) Ht retiik."lthcTVindi li Of Leiitn. -^
Mnth.ii i«.
J Wha' felves, and vvtre not baptized of him. \
37 The GjJartntsrtitS} ChrtJ}. 41 a-rut JuMikicr
J wiy foe '
31 ^theLordfayd,WhereuntolliallI
f Anti healed 43 1 heiv^mandclil>trUfr„mll,i iftie c/iltul.
Weeping fee the ^e^d.
«ih;Bo<r«iBgui liken the men of this generation ? and what tiitig Ji

A,; ecu ell. -he are they like unto ?

A it came
to palfe afterward , that he himfelfe
*^ *.ent tl-rough every ci;ie and to vne preaching
moll paiiof rairn 31 They are like unto little children fitting in
procurr /ifrDCei
the market place .md crying one to another, and .
and publilhing the kingdome of God , and the
have piped unto you, and yee have not twelve were with him.
wUbftiraing laying ,

fomrC danced we have mourned to you , and yee luve

1 And certaine women, which were healed
gatbticd (ogei not wept of evillfpirits .and infirmities 4/ ^ Mary which ,
<• Maike »<,'>»

For Itohn Baptift came neither eating bread, was called Magdalene , out of whom wentfeven
nor «!rinking wire and ye fay. He hath the devill. devils,

The Sonne of man is come, and eateth. and 3 And loanna the wife of Chuza Hcrods fle-
drinketh and yee fay Behold , a man vviichtta.
: ,
ward, and SufannJ.and many otf e: which miniftred
glutton , and a drinker of wine , a friend of Pubh- unto him oftheirfiibftance.
canes and finners 4 S « Now when much people were gathered j Matth.ij.j.

But wifcdcmeisiuftifiedofail herchildren. together, and were come unto him out of ail cities, maikt4,i.
• Tfoudmendt. 3y
35 1 « And one ofthe Pharifes defired him that he pake by I a parable. *
"V"/il fo ''To*
''" ^^ would eate with him and he went into the Pha- 5 A fower went out to fon-e his fecde and as ^.^^vv^cr""" ,

^n'c^<'f '

'''^' houlii, and fate downc at table. he lowed, fome fell by the way fide and it was not wUbi^ke fruit ,

Cbn" even Ibtn troden under feete.and the foules of heaven dc- and tbanhr^ugh
whro he is i\ 3 7 ^"d behold a wcman in the citie , which ,
.heonely fault of
WJS a finncr.whon fhee knew that lefiis fateat VOUreditUp.
I tkctafelttt.
lioufei.wb.cbibc table in the Pharifes
houfe (hee brought a boxe of .
6 And fome fellon the ftones , and when it
kumbleaodbaU was fprnng up , it withered away , becaufe it lacked
do enioy
• Maikeij,41. 38 * And fliee ftood at his fecte behind him moiftnelle.
weeping ,and began towiifh hisfeete with teares, 7 And feme fell among thornes.and the thoriies
?iid dia wipe tbcq wlt^ thf bajjcs of heriicad. /prang up with it.and ehoaked it.
S Atfd foine teii on good ground , and fprang
- -
12 :

Chrifts motlier and brethren. Chap.viij.' TheGadarenesfwine. aS

up, and bare fniice .anhundrethfoWe. And as he the windes and vVater, and they obey him ?

faid thefe things he cried , Hee that hath eares to 26 54. So they failed unto the region of the
heare, let him h*<are. Gadarenes. which is overagainft Galile. """rke r.i.

a TW'*i>f''liir' 9 '^'^^" ^'^ difciples asked him, demanding 27 6 And as hee went out to land there met , ^

tdiedficreu which what parable that was. him a certaine man out of the citie,which had
devils LeeVon'of de"vi?.
ntjj n'lte utitrtd : Io And he fay d , Vijf o y ou it js given to know long tune, and he ware no garment, ntiheraboade byhi.wordoneir,
f»ti^v,(>id>^fu the a fecrets of the kingdorae of God , but to in houfe, but in graves. that fai> heavenly
hlrt , it at mtuh
Wf/y in ottr other in parables, that when <fr they fee, they Ihould 28 And when he faw lefus , hee cried out , and *"""' ^as ap.

tongue, to hold a not fee , and when they heare , they lliould not un- fell downe before him , and with a loud voyce faid,
maru fence. derftand. What have I tn doe with thee .lefus the Tonne of very ofX'dmiT:
4 F.f.i.6,9. mail
J The parable is this.The feeJe is the word God the mod High ?1 befeech thee torment me butfooiiOimea
13,14. w.« .4,1 i. will not for the
ithniirtio. of God. not.
And they
that are befide the way . are they
1 29 For he commanded the foule fpirit to come TuCTJZT^
rom.ii.t. afterward commeth thedevill ,andra-
that heare ; out of the man: (for oft times hee had caught him : grace f,«iv<,ffl.
^ M.t:'hi3,i.
keth away the word out of their hearts , leaft they therefore hee was bound with chaines , and kept in 'fd ™to them,
Ihould beleeve,and be faved. fetters but he brake the bands , k and was caried wiihtheieaft icOi
h, Thatii.fofione
Mlhejhalie heard 1 5 But they that are on the fiones , Are they of thedevillinto wildernefles.) 1^^"' ^''''"6
the word, thi} gee which when they have heard, receive the word with Then Iclus asked him faying, What is thy
30 , fc By force tr.i
tUu! their tu fines. joy : but they- have no rootes : which name ?and he faid Legion , becaufe many devils
for a while , '"'''""<,<«»<«*»'/£
C They-lrin^not
ferthferfeci and
beJeeve. but in the time of tcntation goe away, were entred into him. t^hen he iiffund,
fhU fruit 14 And ihdt which fell amongthornes, are they 31 And they befought him, that he would not
ipipin^ : or, th'j which hsve heard , and after btheir d( partureare command them to goe out into the decpe.
"'"^ ^^^^^ ''"'^ ^ '"^'^ riches, and voluptuous ix And there was thereby an heard of many
iwhthfieieth living, and c footh no f, tut. fwine feeding on an hill and the rfet//// befonghc :

net cncij to tetme I J But chat which fell ii g( od ground.ire they him. that hee would fuffer them to enter into them.
fitch K cne, tut is f which with an <* lioneit and g.;cci heart heare t^.e So he fuftered them.
'"t"/ Hlr!e^iirife. '
^^°'"'^ * ^""^ ^^epc it
and bring tooith fruitc wida 53 Then went the devils out of the man , and
Tcth'ihclZn'rd "patience.
entred into the fwine and the he.ud was ciried

life, and the word, i6 J * 1 No man when he hath lighted a can- with violence frcm a fteepe downe place into the
goodjj refirredt, die , covcreth it undera veflbil , neithei putteth it lake, and was clicked.
the^o.dpft, of
xvci^ti the bed , but fctceth on a candlefticke, that
..... it
» "
34 When the heardman fawe what was don^
tie .

they that enter in.may !•? e the light. they fled and when they were departed , they told
e With much adot .

for the del/ill and I7 « For nothing is fcciet, iMtihall not be evi-
• it in the citie and in the countrty.
theflefhfght dent: neither any thing hidde.that Ihall not be 35: Then they crjne out to fee what was done,
a^ainfl theffirit and cam.e to Icfus.and found the man, our of w'lom
of.'tl.rvhch uA knowen, and curoc to light.
Htrvsl'ejl. 18 3 Take fheede therefore how ye heare :for the devils were departed, futmg at the feete of
* C/i.ip.ij,3j. •^ whofbeverhath, to him fh.dlbe given and who- : lefas , cloathed , and in his right mind and they ;

tnt'ih.s,is- foever hath not from him Ihailbe taken even that , were afraid.
g which it feemeth that he hath. 36 They alfo which Ciw it , rolde them by what
a That that fvery
man ha

1^ S * 4 Then came to him his motherand his meanes he that was polVelled with the devill, was
u priva . ,he hethren and could not come neere to him for
ought to beHow the prealVe. ^j Then the whole multitude of the coun-
10 the ufe aod pro.
10 And it was told him 6ji«rf4i»wMch faid. ttey about the Gadarenes .befought him that hee
Thy mother and thy brethren ftand without , and would depart from them for they were taken
K Mattb.10%6. :

niarke4vXi. would fee thee. with a great fears : and he went into the fliip , and
chap.ia.i. 21 But he anfwered and unto thera , My , faid returned.
3 Hejvenlygiftj mother and my breihren are thefe which heare the 38 Then the man.ont of whom the devils were
are lo(t wiihoi-
word of God, and doe it. departed , befought him that hee might be with 1 r
gardlinrirc and ;
-. .1

encrcaff with li> 22 f .J. And it came to paffe onacertaine

him : but lefus fent him away, faying, IftheV^ltlT-
beraliiie. day, that he v/ent into a ihip with his difciples.and 39 Renirne into thine owne houfe , and Qiewe •"'d,h,u^h -.'IV^a
f ThAtisttvilh
he faid unto them , Let us goe over unto the other what great things God hath done to thee. So hee /'-'"''•'•' '"'/''"-
rvhst mirydtijcu
come to heun t'nt
fide of the lake. And they lanched forth. went his way. and preachedl throughout all the
•ntrd.andhoyv jot* 23 And as they (ailed , hee fell h atleene , and citie , what great things lefus had done unto hira. riiiercel^''
iehMtJeUr/ihet tht^re came downe a ftormc ofwindecnthelake, 40 % And it cime to pafle , when lefus was <'<"'.'«. y..t.»;,.,j
tthcn}cuh,li>t come againe that the peopie ni received him for '*"' f- ''•••'" '' a
and i they were filled with water , and weie in , :
heard it. "'^"t "/.' fctro/t/,
ieopardie. they all waited for him.
•Sr Matth.isM.
'ridlStigrnar.^, 24 Then they went to him , and awoke him, 41 5*7
And beholde . there came a rmn^ai'^-^^'lXe
a.chaf.19,26. faying
, Mafter , Mafter , V e perilh. And he arofe, named lairus , and hee was the ruler o£ the f"'(i''r 'a,,, and
g Either to him- Synagogue , who fell downe at lefus feete , and '"'"^ ""'''f '"'"i'
and rebuked the winde.and the waves of water
felfe,cr to other, „ . ,
a"<l f hey ceaf; nd it was calme. befought him that hee woulde come into his ^l^'r,.
c/toloth fcrihm :
. ,

•fo frond, 25 Then he faide unto them .Where is your houfe.

<j rheJefellones,if faith ? and they feared and wondered among them- , 42 For hee had but adaughtercnely, about 'o""'"."^an,i^Xi.
" '"/" f'P'i!' " fclves , faying Who is this that commandeth both twelve yeeres of age, and flie lay a dying (andas "'""''^i.'''' •*''.'•
fee that ,lhdt they ' o ,

* Matth.9,,g.
* Matt. 11 46. he went, the people thronged him.
tUke -neitherarelherethat decetlie'hrfim'lemvreihenthey doe- ""'''' ^'
niarke3,32. 4 Tbeieijno knotof fle(h tnd blood, among mi;n fo nigh and (hr-ir, 43 And a woman having sm ""° of blood.
iflbe °^ '''°°^' 7 Chnflfteweil.
, , u- t. u».^"
ai the band which it hctwecneCbrin and th~m vtbuimbrace him miib attue faiib. , twelve -yeeres long .which had (pent all hern fnb- tyarfoubiemira-
,^ Maiih.8,i3. niaTkc4,j6. It ii cxpeditn for usfometimeiocome upon '''"'"
f ftance phyficians , and could no: be healed of '^'^' '-' t-ord
ioK> extreme danger, ai though Ctiift pafl'fd not for ui that we may havea bttier ,
^'"'' ofli^eaed
lejUs fell cnfltepe : and it
any ;
tiia'I, bothofhis power and alfo of our weakoeHr. h
»ff eareth , that he Tvat
'Vitj fa ft c» Jleefc , tf (flK/V the; taUidirf'Jf t'fert ht ttVfokfy 44 When became behinde him Qie touched t"%i tha'/u
a Hot tkcdi/dfUhitt thefhif. the henroe o£ bis gaiment , and immediatjy her toUHufm.
Ddd 4 iffue
: 1 , '

Cbrift fendcth out the twelve. S. Luke. The 6ve loaves and two fifhes.
iflue of blood ftancheJ. againe from the dead :

4y Then lefus faid.Wbo is It that hath tou- 8 And of fome , that Eiias had appeared and :

ched me ? When every man denied Peter faid and ,

of foine , that one of the olde Propnets was rifcn
they that were with him, Mafter.the multitude againe.
thnift ihee.and treade on thcc.and fayelUhou, 9 Then Herod dude lohn have I beheaded : 3 Thcydi^iHicke
\Vho hath torched me > who lien is tliis of whom I hcare fuch thinj:^s ? and f'otli^ng thai foi-
46And lefus C'.id.Some one hath touched me he defiled to fee him '

fcr I perceive that vertue is ^otu out of me. 10 %i( 3 And when the Apoftles returned, *' j^^Ji,'^"'"
J. '

they tolde him what great things theyhaddone. inaike6,3i.

47 When the woman I'awc that ihee was not
hid, ihe came trembling , and fell downe before * Then hee tooke them to him , and went afiJe The word figni- "=

into a ''"''"^''^"'°""*
him , and toldc him before all the people for what :
c iblitatie place, netre to the citie called
rtiife Ihe had touched hira , and how ihe was hea- B-hfaida. i^rerrra'.^a".-
led iramediatly. 1 But when \
people knewe it, theyfol- but uartofthe
48 And he faid unto her , Daughter, be of good lowed him and received them, and fpake unto fields belonging to

comfort thy faith hath faved thee; goe in peace.

thenvof the kingdome of Gud , and healed them '^"'J^^t
49 while he yet fpake , there came one from thathadneedctobehe.led. r.J'^t^^,.
the ruler of the Synagogues houfe , which foide to 12 Andwnenthe day began to weare away, d Thiiiaanperfed-

him, Thy daughter is dead : difeafe not the Mafter. the twelve came', and laid unto hira,Send the peo- 'y fpoken.andtbere-
yo when lefus heard it, he anfwered him, fay- ple away , that they may goe into the townes and
je'/ft^ To"'* "r
ing , Feare not beleeve onely , and lliee Ihall be
viikges round about, and lodge, andgetmeate: asthis" weTannw^'
faved. for wearehereinadefertpJace, give them to ea«,
• Tbeword fignifi-
^j^g^ ^e went into the houfe .he fuf-
^ , ;\j^j ij But he faid unto them, Giveyee them to "oiefli wegoeand
fsffif^ no man to goe in with him , fave Peter , and eate. And they faide Wee have no more but five e"''H^'^',y,
Ty ^*"i fntanf.
loaves and two hlhes , ^ except we Ihould goe and thankef for.befe
fentd to the mourn- lames , and lohn ,and the father and mother of
ings aud limenu- maide. buy meare for all this people. Joaves and fi(h«5
tioBs thatarirat 2 And all wept, and o forowed for her but he 14 For they were about five thoufand men. and wiAaJi prayed
y :

butiali,»t which "" '°

Then hee /aide to his difciplcs , Caufe them to fit great '5" f"
faid ,Weepenot :foriLeisnotdead,but fleepeth. f ^«f «
times intn ufefucb J cr* \ * a muliituae
kindofbebavioui. 53 And they laught him to fcorne knowing , downe by fifties in a company. tsith fo fmali a

f Thecoifswas that flie was dead. I J And they did fo , and caufed all to lit s"a°"tie,and to
(aid cut, and the 5:4 So he thruft them all out , and tooke herby iJOWne. beftlort.thatthia
wetichieciiifdlife banket might
the hand, and cried, faying. Maid, arife. 16 Then he tooke the five loaves, and the two r^°'«
and role out of the ^';°'"8'"vof
all the
I f y And her fpirit came againe , and flie t rofe and looked uptoheaven,and«blefledthera,

world might fee.Oie flraightway and he commanded to give her meat. and brake, andgaveto thedifciples , to fet before « Manh 16.13.

j§ jf-gj, j^g^ parents were aftonisd: buthee the people. -


commanded them that they Ihould tell no man
Btae!" what was done. there was taken up of that remained to them, up and downe,b«.
twelve baskets full of broken meate,
18 ^ « 4 And it came to paffe , as hee was ^a- '"">«' weought

» Thtoiftpies*reftnttcfttdtl^. j tni i^Thttemmtn

f rcf Iti efinicncfChriJ}. sa lone praying, his difciples were with him : and he
Ofthtfihelonl'ttaniltrvo Tea'„"r'b«
/ifhet. 10 Tht^fojilticonfefim. t^ Ttlcfi the life. asked them, faying. Whom
ky the people that fomuchtbemore
3S We muftheatt Chhfl. 37 Thep<JfelfiJefafimt. lam ? deliiroui to know
^6 Strife amsn^iheUlcoJlUi fortht Frimiicie. 49 Ont
tofiii^tKt MUsinChriJIeiNamt. The Samaritanet
19 They anfwered, and faid, lohn Baptift and «»'"«'« motecon-
rciUnotreceilie ChtiJ}. s$ !(eVenie fcrhiddin. others fay, Elias : and fome fay. that one of the old
f7< S9. ?"Xefrol'.h;
«i Of three ihut vohU ftHttp Chrijt ,hHttr^iilXJ^(^nii- Prophets is rifen againe. ^,0^,,.
^ Matib.iOii. 10And he faid unto them , But whom fay yee s cbrift himfelfe
mar 3.13. and 1,7. *Y Hen * hee his twelve difciplcs toge-
» called
thatlam} Peter anfwered, and faide That Chrift attained ro the :

I Th' twelve ther , and gave them power and authoritie over
of God.
ApoQJet aK fcnt all devils, and to heale difeafes. thTcroffeandm-"
foofth at the one- aI And he warned and commanded them,that vincYbieVa">nce.
ly cominanile-
z ^ And hee fent them foorth to preach the they ihould tell that to no man, j Maub.i7.»».
(nentorCbrin, kingdome of God, and to cure the ficke. 22 , Saying, 5?: The fonneof man muftfuffer
marke s.31.
aod fuiniOiedinith 3 And he faide to them , * Take nothing to many things, and be reprooved of the Eiders, and
the power oftbc your iourney , neither flaves , nor fcrippe , neither ma, To j's aBd"«
ioli Cboft both :
of the hie Prieftes and Scribes, and be lUine , and x^.'^it .i.-^^.
bread , nor hlver neither have two coates a piece.
thai none ofibt
the third day rife againe. g EvenaioneJay
IfratliiHinight 4 And whatfoever houfe ye enter into , there 23 %* And he faid to them all If aay man will ,
fo'ioweti ano.het,
tpretrnd igno- a abide, and thence depart.
comeaftermee, let h.mdcn.e himfelfe. and take
laocc aod alfoihat

y And how many foeverwill not receive you, J^.ttairrUd

they raigbt be bet- iapniscroflegdayly,and ioUowmc. tbectofliiibythe
when ye goe out of that citie , * (hake ofl the ve- For whofoever will fave his life (hall figure Metonymie,
ter ptep.itid to 24 "f ,

kbeir zeoetaU rie duft from your feete for a teftimonie againft lofeit: and whofoever (hall lofe his life for my "'^'" •'""'" ^'jE'-
ambaiHr. them. '
fake.the fame ftiall fave it. i'T^^^^^'lJ!^
Maiih.10,7. 6 And they went out , and went through every - _ . , ., . to benaneed.waa
, ,

» Maiih.10,9. 2y S For what advantagethu a man , if he ,be foreit and oru-

townc preaching the Gofpel , and healing every
market, 8. win the whole world , and dcftroy himfeife.or lofc eKipuniflimeot
• Wbenyoude- where. tbaiwaiamongft
fartoutofaayci- 7 8 » Nowe Herod the Tetrarch heard of 26 * For whofoever fhallbeafhamedofmee. %*
lie.depanfrom all that was done by him and he b doubted be- cZv^t^
theoce where jroa
, and of my words, of hiin iliall the Sonne of nun ma.t.K.sjaod',*,.
caufe that it was faid of fome that lohn was rifen
firlttoukeupyour ,
bealharaed. when hee ihall come in hisglerie, «;• iobnu.ay.
Edging: fo that io fewe word, the Lord them to change their lodgings: fo, and w.f/je f&rw of the Father, and of the holy * Ma,tbi6,»«,j
,b,. publ.( of .he GofHi,vva.a.,twma,horo«,ufli^° ..hatnoneofludea iiiarke8,i«.
igDor«n«,a«thc«nh he had not heard that Cbrilt was
D.ght pretend come.* Chap lO,
„,,.,narke<.,,.aaj,3,f,. » Mauh ,4.,. ,ua,ke
27 t And 1 tell you of a fiiretie , there be (ome mat.iol'l'j mafArg,
, Sofooneai
the world hearetb t.dpngi of ibe Gof(.el a is divided in.o diyeti opinioot . and
the »v,
ftandinghere. which Ihall not taftc of death,' till iS- i.tima.ij.
wotitrpecialiyaiearMU, b HtftushjMit were/uIUntUemyte. tfceyhave feene the kingdome of God. * M'"""*.**.
»8<.« And
. 1 1 : . -

Tbe transfiguration of Chrift, Ghap. X, Chriftes poyertie. 29;

» i8 < And it came to paffe about an eight
M«.i7,2. jro_ Then lefu? faide unto him, Forbid yee htr/i
matk»9.i. tkyes afrer thofe wordes.that he tooke Peter and not : lor he that is not againl\ us, is with us. «' Chrift goeth
6 Leaft the ifci
John .and lames , and went upintoaraountaineco the dayes '^"''!''?ly "
y I 1 »' And it came to p^fTe , when
fhouid be offended
pray were accotr.i-Hil-ed that he fl.ou'd be received up. feebardeD.dh.7

atthcdebafing x9 And as he prjyed the falliion of his con- ,

be mfetled birafeife fully togoe to Hierufaiem, face, that is, here^
himleireinhis tenance was changed , and his garment *»Af white
Ji Andfentmeflengers before and they^o'^'^'' with him. h^,
andglilleitd. went and entred into a towne cf the Samaritanes, ^^'^*""''^' "<*
them th
Qtatie, (Viewing 30 And beholde , two men talked with him, topreparehrrrW^^^.
which were Mofes and Eliae
thertwitkallfor a But they wouide not receive him , becaufc aod afi awjy all
3 Which appeared in glorie , and tolde of his his behaviour was 4/ ihough he would goe to Hie- '«'a>^«o''death,an(i
neffe of his glotie.
h departing .which faee ihould accoraplilh at Hie-
rulalcm. «'"^°'•
h What death bee
Ihould die in Hie- ?4 "And when his difciples, lames and Iohnl«d^fth™'im.
luftRin 3 2 But Peter and they that were with him, were faw it, they (aid. Lord, wilt thou that
we ceromand, moderateneffe of
heavie with fleepe. and when they awoke, they faw that fire come downe from heaven, andconfunie ^"''. and foods
his glorie, and the two men ftanding with him. them, even as i Ehas did i

And it came to pafle , as they departed from

3 j But lefus turned about, and rebuked thetn, wbarfoVvwwe"
him ,
Peter faid unto lefus, Mafter, it is good for us and faid, Ye know not of what a fpirit ye are. doe, we doe it to
to be here let us therefore make three taberna-
f6 For the Sonne of man is not come to de- Godssiory^aod

cles .one for thee ,and one for Mofes , and one for
Elias, and wift not what he laid. to another towne.
a KlDgi.i,ic.
34 Whiles hee thus Ipafce.there came a cloude . y? And ir came to pafle that as they went
J '3 12.13.
and overiliadowed them , and they feared when inthe way,4 acertainemanfaide unto him, I will " Sofpeakethe
they where entring into the cloud. follow thee. Lord, whitherfoever rhou goeft..
ji i.Fcitri>i7-
3r S And there came a voice out of the cloud, "o^kTownoVXt
y8 And lefus faide unto him. The Foxes have win, niinde,and
faying. This is that my beloved Sonne , heare him, holes, and the birdes of the heaven neftes , but the counfeii you are of:
36 And when the voyce was part , lefus was Sonne of man hath not whereon to lay his head, ^° '^^ ?'<"'» °f God
found alone and they kept it clofe and tolde no
: ,
f9 14 But hee faid unto another.FoUowe mee. ""tl;, Jr/.fe
man in i thofe dayes any of thofe things which And the fame faid Lord , fuffer me firftto goeand a,egiv£nofGodt
tifen agaioe from they had feene. buriemj father. spirit, aod fo are
37 ^ 7 And it came to palTe on the next day, as 60 And iefus unto him.Let the dead burie •'"y «»"" coo-
faid •

7 Chrift ijofftnd-
they came downe from the mountaine , much peo> " their
td wiib notfaing dead but goe thou, and preach the kingdom '^",'!h p,'oc«d
fo much at with pie met him. 0*God. tb. wicked fpirite
incitdulitie,al- 38Andbeholde.amanofthecompaniecry- 61 >^ Thenanother (aid , I will followethee, ai thefpitit ofco.
*boagh he bteare
ed out. I befeech thee , beholdmy
faying, Mafter ,
Lord : but let me hrfl go bid them farewell which ,
«'o"fn". of pride,
i>(itb itforaiime.
* Mat 17.14. fonne he is all that I have,
: for
are at mine houfe.
j9 And loe,a fpirit taketh him and fuddenly 'l""^. follow
waike9,i7. ,
6z And lefus faide unto him. No man that put. cbrin, mun pre.
he crieih.and he teareth him ,thaL he fometh, and teth his hand to the plough , and looketh backe, is pare tbemfeive»,
k Antfarethio hardly departethfrom him , when^hee hath k brui^ apt tothe kingdome of God. to fuffer all d

ifaefailins fed him.

l Mat!h.>,i9. 14 ThecallingofGodoughttobepreferred.wiihoutallcontroverfic
fetkBeOe. 40 Nowe I have befbught thy difciples tocaft before all duetierthat we-owe to meo. o WboDutwiibftaodiug that ibey live io ib;f
him our, but they could not. fraile life of.Tiaa,yei are flrangertfroin the true lift.wbich ileveiJafiiBg aodheavBiiy,
4 Then lefus anfwered and faid, O generation 1; Suchasfol;owCiiiiil,aiuitatoBCer«ioaace«li worldly catei.
faithieffe, and crooked, how longnow Ihalll be
with you , and fuffer you ? bring thy fonne hither.
C^ A P.

42 And whiles hee was yet comming.the devill ThtftUntu SfiifUt. 10 Thf^athAnkffnit eititt charrti
• Wtlfavtiifr rent him and tare him and lefus rebuked the un-
. :
TtKhimfiiiie. 17 The diJiifUsninTnin^hi>mt,ari rear'
caufr to promire tuilitithumhh. 30 Wheuoutntiihbtm. iiOfMat-
cleane fpirite, and healed the childe , and delivered
ourr«lv«i fefiand iha and htr filhr Af arit
him to his father.
woild.feeingtbai 43 5 » And they were all amafed at the migh- A Ftet * » thefe things, the Lordappointed other * JJ?")^ "'.*•
they thetnJelvei tie power of God and while they all wondered at
: feventie alio j and lent them , two and two be- \j, {tmls°btCt-i
which feeined to al things whichlelus did, he faid unto his dilciplcs, fore him into everie citieand place , whither hee cond forewarneri -
fawDtupoo Cbiifi
dee fiioiily after
44 I Markethefe wordes diligently ; ^ for it himfelfe fhould come. ofibe comming

crucifiehim fhall come to paffe .that the fonne of man Ihall be z And bee faide unto them, » The harvef\ li ^'

1 Give diligeot delivered into the hands of men. great but the labourers are fewe pray therefore
, :
^ Matih.To^ifi
tare untoiLem,
4f But they under ftood not that worde : for it theLordoftheharvel\ to lent fort labourers into i Tbefaithfuii'
w*S hid from them, /bthat they could not perceive hisharveft. niinifter.ofihe
Ae that you kccpt
it : and they feared to aske him of that word. 3^ *
tbtm. 46 1 *• 9 Then there arofe a difputation among forth as lambes among wolves-. ,„„„g ^,,^.
4. Mat. 17,11. them, which of them Ihould be the greateft, 4 Beare no bagge , neither faippe , notflioes, hm ifthey bediij,
marke ?.3
47 When lefus faw the thoughts of their hearts,
and + falute* noman by the way. geii;todoetheii
5% Mat.»8,i.
marke 9,3)'' he tookea little child, andfet him by him, y » And into whatfoever houfe yee enter, firft^^""^'^'^^'^[}'j*'
5 The fDdeof 48 And faide unto them.Whofoeverreceiveth fay. Peace 6* to this houfe. aifopr'fare'
amtiiioniiigno- this little childe in my Name receiveth mee and , ; 6 And if b the fonne of peace be there , your them,
BUDie, but the
wholoever Ihall receive me, receiveth him that fcnt peace (hall reft upon him , if not , it ihall tume to * » King.4,aj.
dieocc ii glory. me for he that is leaft among you all . hee ihall be-
: y-^gaine. a^Jr^thr^rrof
Marke$,3S. great. 4 figure, wbic.hnifjj >
xo Excraordinarit *
49 I •• And lohn anfwered and fayde , Ma- vCt, when they putdowtif moreia vwrdfi.then ittimni vfualJ amonj the Hebrewea •

»;hentliry commaund athijg lobe donel'petdily wuheutdtlay at j. Kin(!.4,i9. for

J^VtoUailew- ^" ' ^"^ ^^"^^ ""'^ cdl^i-ig out devils in thy Name,
ohtr\Aifccourteou»and gctiiUfalutation*, arc points of CbTiltiao duety aiforrht-

^"^ ^^ forbad him . bicaule


cd, aoi caodtma- lie foUoweth tije< not calJiog i vvaibui feia feafon.,i2.tnarke«,io. b So fpeake tht
•*- with us,. iiiibwnKi : that it, b«c thai favouietb tbe doftiiocef feace and imbraceibit.
7 And
3 . . 1 " '

The untbankefull cities threatned. S. Luke. Who is our neighbour

7 tiiathoufec taryftill.eaing and drink-
And in love thy Lord God with all thine heart , and with
log things as by them jhallUfet beforeyou:
llich all thy (oule, and with all thy ftrength , and with ail
c T»ir*Hfycur jj i.j"vit.ij,i».
hdiin'i <n ihit -f (or the labourer is worthie ot his WJges. Goc not thy thought, ^ and thy neighbour as thy felfe.
hjuft.vhchjt fromhouletohoule. 28 Then he fai i unto him, Tiiou haft anfwered
S * Bucintowharfgevercitieyeeftiall enter, right this doe. and thou (lialt live.
ff ,<di.Hi if they reca^-e you.d eaco fuch things as are fee be- 29 9 Bu: hee willing to k iuftifie himfelfe.faide 9 Allth-y are
comprehended lo
jj»f,j,mfi> die fore you. unto lefuSjWho is then my neighbour ?
,',-,- ^ / r.- .J » toe name ofout •
whul> furfife It
9 And hcale the ficke that are there , and fay 30 And lelus anfwered, and laide, A certaine pjigbtj^ur by the
t-l'J Unr in t flute:
unto them , The kingdome of God is come neere man went downefroraHieruialeratoIericho, and Laws, wpomfoe-
tHt$i rhjticlemne unto you. feli among theeves, andtfcey robbed himofhis vetwcmuyheipe.
"'' "'"^""^
fftithin^ t/the 10 3 But into whatfoever citie ye fliall enter, i( raiminr, and wounded him .and departing , leaving ^
CiJftK/tQ'oich W*J they will not receive you . goe your wayes out into himhalfedead.
nifei jfcirvp-fd,
Tvhen ihe Cliunliei
the ftreets of the Hime, and Uy, 3 Now
To it fell out , that there came downe a vtidcfuU fa-dtt.-
•ntrtj-tUd: lut I I Even the verie * Jult.which cleaveth on us certaine Prieft that fame way, and when hee fawe «"'' ^"""^ ; »•/"*
iklft art/lHt ofyourcitie, wee wipe cftagainlt you : notwith- him , he pafTed by on the other fide. \.'.Z"^M(.r'!3r
ftandinff koow this , that the kingdome of God was
aircaJ:. lii il,t And like wife alfo a Levitc , when hee was
3 2
ri>f them It VriJir
come neere unto you. come neere to the place , went and Io»ked on him,
IX For I fay unto you.that it (ball be eafier in that and palTed by on the other fide.
Juiil<ii£th^n<i. day for them cf Sodome. then for that citis. 33 Then
Samaritane , as he ioutney-
a certaine
X r««.J4,i4.
« Woe ie ro thee. Chorazin, woe Le to thee, ed, came neere unto him , .uid when he fawe him,
mdtth. 10, 10.
Beth-faida : for if the miracles had becne dune in he had compalTi ;n on him.
$!,.io,i,. Tyrus and Sidon , which have beenc done in yuu. 34 And went to him.and bound up his wounds,
d Ctnttntjcur they had a great while agone repented , luting in and powred in oyle and wine , and put him on his
fehei wuh that owne beaft and brought him to an Inne, and made
fackcloath and ,
mtattl,4tii/et le-
14 Therefore it rt-iall be eafier of Tyrus ,and piovifion for him.
3 God a molt
ii Sidon, at the iudgcment, then for you. 3r morrow when he departed , hee
And on the
ftvere revenger
I y And thou, Capernaum.which arc exalted to tookeout two pence and gave them to thehofi, ,

heaven, llialt be thrult downc to hell. and faid unto him Take care «f him and whatfoe-
, ,
of tbeGofpfU.
* Cl>ap.9.J- 16 ^ '< Hee that heareth you, heareth we : am ver thou fpendelt more, when I comeagaine.i will
he that difpifeth you. difpileth me and he that de- : recooipenie thee.
aci iS.«. me, defpiCeth hiiK that lent me.
fpifech 36 which nowe of thefe tliree.thinkeft thou,
4. Maiih. 11,11.
17 i4Andthereventieturnedagainewith loy, was neighbour unco him that fell among the
<t Mitth. 10,40,
iota 14,10. faying Lord er;en the devils are fubdued to us
, ,
theeves ?
4 Keithenbe e«through thy Name- 37 And he faid.He that llvwed raercie on him.
jifcot miraclei, 1 And hce faide unto them, I fawe Satan, like Then Aid lefus untohim. Goe , and doe thou like-
neiiber what eli
lightning, f fdl downe from heaven. wife.
foevei ezctlleiit Cbi'iflcareth
gift, but onety 1 Beholde. I give unto you power to tread on 3 8 f »o Now it came to paCTe, as they went, that ^
oureleftion gi- Sorpents.and Scorpions, and over all the power of hee entredinioa certaine towne, and « cercaine tame.HdelitatJy,
vnb ui occiltoD the enemie, and nothing Ihall g hurt you. woman named Martha, received him into her bufobs beard
cftrueioy : and
20 Neverthelclfe , in this reioycc not , that the houfe.
tbeocely publi- h'w"ch'he''ef
fpirites are fubdued unto you but rather rcioyce, :
39 And die had a filler called Mary , which alio "
ihingoftbeGof- aiTy «JuiMth!*
ftUinbedeHtU' becaufeyour names are v/ri:ten in heaven. fate at lefus feer, and heard his preaching.
^toDof Sataa. 21 That Qirae houre r^oyced lefus in the
S' 40But Manha wascombred about much (er-
r'/r7'"llT ^P'f"e. and faid. 1 confelfe imio thee. Fartier, Lord ving.and came to him. md faide , Mailer, doeft thoa
iIuaJLine.L't of hcavcn and earth, that thou hail hid thefe thing? not care that my lifter hath left mee to ferve alone?
nrtught fach mi- from the t wifeand underftanding. and haft revea- bid her therefore, th-.tlhec heipe me.
racles it ihtr did, led them to babes even lb. Father, becaule it lb
: 41 And lefusanfwered, and faid imto her,Mar-
hj ca'.ling upct
pLeafed thee. D tha Martha . thou careft , and art troubled ab»iit
f Paul fUielh 22 < All things aie given me of my Father : and many things :

the diiiilUnd hit no man knoweth who thefonne .but the Father: is 42 But one thing is needfull M.irie h.uhcho- ,

itn?tii,i'>ihc Ajtl, neither who the Father is.fave the Sonne.and he to fen the good part which ihall not be taken aw.iy

whome the Sonne will reveale him. from her.
'Jt.vnt'LmlLcc 23 1 7 And he turned to his difciples , and faid CHAP. Tie dUmle JehU
hf"' w'." *" fecrecly Blefll-d are the eyes,
, which fee that ye fee. I H'.ttMhtihhii^ftJllesttftdj. 14
ftjverii thii/heii many Prophets and King* tlrilien oiu. zy -A tctman o/'i. ctrnf-tn't lifiedup her
24 for J tell you that
Jj '*' >"« '/>>" Prjct. 19 The leiperreynJre /»;•'"•', 37 Hebetn^fe.i/leJ
have defued to fee thofe things .which ye fee. and tfthi Pharift.rcpracVetUoM-Kirdfyv tfheVn.'jI'e. "f Mattb.<,9
have not feene thew and to heare thole ihmgs A oftrue
J Tic chuicb ii
which ye heare, and have not heard ffcfw. AKd lb it was , rhat as hce was in-ayms

c3n,emp'..ble, .f ^i J « J Thcn beholdc . i a certaine Lawyer

.„cbehold.he pl« faid tmto him .Lord, teach vs to pray as lohn^.w^^^^^^
leup. andtemptedhim .ftying.Mafter .what
flQQj^^ ih'iJa^.irhtrt'y
outward fjct ot
but ibe wifedoius
r .' <

Idoetoinhemeeternallnfe?. .
And hee faide unto him, what is v/nttenm
. ,
alfo taught bifdiciples.
^ J 'Xnd heia dLtothem,Whenyepray,%.
any 1Our Fathtt which art in heaven, hallowed be thy f4,7/o'r Jlicmaiii,
niarveiloa., io the LaW ? how readcft thou ?
N.ime. Thy kingdome come Let thy willde done, untncecfcnr
thmg . .. io it
^^ j^gg anfwercd and faide . Jf. Thou Qialt
euen in earth, 's it is in licaven

l>t/t>,bnt thai car-

Then hee tamed to Ims difciples, and faid, Isreadinfamecopif.
3 Ourdulybrcadgiveusafortheday:
« Whofoeverfttkeih ibepithpf witfcout the Sonne , wandticth cut of itt way g^;^::Z^::
4And forgive us oi;runnes: tor even we lor- o/mf„,i,f«f(,/
7 Toedifrcrenceof theoiJ Tellament and the new conlifteth ia ibc meafute of reve-
laiioa. » M.v'h.i3,iS. X Ma:.ia,3f. mar.ia.iS. 8 Faiih doth not take away, give everie man that is indebted to us And le.ide undnjlr.iineJ. :

but deliver us from a wemuft [tay

buMftabtilheih ihedoa.ineofthe Law. i One vfiUmthut frofc^tiihin'Mt'o UE not into temptation : evill.

ic Ittrntd i» ihe r'tti tni 'ffi tfil. Una

Vmi ,6,(. S 5 J » Moreover be faid unto them , Which of w"^ •^»"»»'

Aske,feeke,andknocke. Chap. XI, A fingle eye. HypocfiGe repfooved. 30

you have a friend. 'and (haU goc to him at
(lull wombe that bare thee .And the paps which thou
niiJmght.aid fay unto him, Friend. lend mee three halt fucked.
loaves ? 28 But, he faid, Yea, rather bleffedrfce they
6 For a friend of mine is come our of the way that hcare the word of God, and keepe it.
ru rac, and I liave nothing to lot before him : 29 J .J. s And when the people were gathered
7 And bee within Ihould anfwcrc , md fay. thicke together , he began to fay , This is a wicked
Trouble me not ; the docre is now ihut , uiid my generation : they feeke a f!gne,andt';frefliallno 4.
children are with me in bed : 1 cannot riie and give ligne be given them , buttheiigneof* lonasthe * Tbey that are
them to thee. Prophet. fonddefitersof

8 I fay unto you. Though he would not ari/e 30 Furas lonas wasafigne totheNinevkes fo L^r ini^raciet°ilia'i :

b VJoti fot word, and give him, beccufe lie is his friend, yet .lonbt.cs fliah aifothefonne of man be to this genemcion. rtcEivepuailh,
i,«pucl6ncy:but chat
bg^-guie ^f j^jj b importunitie hee would ri^e and , 31 4- TheQ.iieene of the Soiurh (hall rile in "«"''
give him as many as hee needed, indgemenr, with the men of this generation and l"^*"'"-
isfpokeoofhet*. , ^
isnot to be found 9 ^ And I fdy unto you Aske , and it IhiHbe , Ihall condemne them
for Ihe camp ftom the vt-,'ci,ronV.°'.'*
fault wHhail,but ii
given you feeke and ye ihall finde knocke , and
: , : moft oftheearth to heare the wifedome of * lonaij'.r!
ver, commct^dabl.:
^^ ^^^,j ^^ ^ g^cd Unto yoU. . Salomon, and behold, a greater then Salomon cbap.s.ts. w*
likethweilofrucb 1° S Fof eveiy one tnarasketh .receiveth : here.
^ "ark^'Vi
tmponunitie. and hee that feeketh , find^th and to him that :
32 The men of Nineve faall rife in
^^"q^, ]^mia are judgement
*» Mat^7.7."d 11. knocketh,it fhall be opened. .
with this generation, and flwU condemne it ; for therefore hghntd
iohn i4,i3.aDd iS.
H * ifafonneihail askebread ofany ofyou they K repented at the preaching of lonas and withthrkuow- ;

that is a father will he give him a ftone or it hee

, ; behoid. a greater ihen Jonas « here.'
J Matih 7.S. as^e a filh, will he for a hih give him a fcrpent i
3 .^ 1 A- 9 No man when he hath lighted a can- ^ ft.t"umo o^htr».
» Malth.7,9. 12 Orifheaskeanegge,will heegivehiraa d']e,putteth it in a privie place , neither under aandthti-efcreoui
K Matth.9.3«. fcorpion ? bulheli : but on a candlefticke , that they which ''>'«'''> '"b^iJ'
and 11,21. ought.obeto
An example of I J Ifye then which are
evill , can give good come in. may fee the light.
bom bleb III giftes unto your children how much morelhail ,
34 * Thelight of thebodie is the eye there- Tm °t.« 11^ :

and ftieh as cannot your hcivenlv Father givc the hoJy Ghoft to them fore when thine eye is fjiigle.then is thy whole bo- 10 Thefrrvic'eof
*" ^''^^ '^^^''^ ^'"^ die light : but if thine eye be evill , then thy bodie God coniidtth
00 aa'^v.X' coa" not in outward
fcfen'ce.Vnd pre-"' '4 J X Then hee caft out a devill which was Jsdarke,
tended malice, the dumbe ; and when tlie deviil was gone out, the Take heede therefore , that the light which d!v?fed HtJ/or
powetof God ii dumbe (pake, and the people wondrcd. ]S in thee, be not darkenelVe. ceremoniti, butin
^ g,,^ ^^^ ^f ^^g^ j-
^ ^ y^^ ^.^j^g^h OUt }6 If therefore thy whole hodisp^aUbe light, tbefpirituallrigh-
M.^maik'e?:*. 'ieviis through Beelzebub the cnicfeofthcde- having no part darke then Ihall all be light , even """f^^ef^f'te
, .

4 1 he true way viis. as when a candle doth light thee with the bright- ^"m';"^/"""'*
to know the true i6 And Others tempted him , feeking of him a nelle. f Toatis.according
Cijiili- f'omthe
fignefrom lieaven. 37 S '* Andashefpake, a certainePharilebe.foyourab.iitietai

the true Cbiift 17 4 But he knewe their thoughts.and fayd un- fought him to dine with him :and he went in ..and "''° '*'°"''* ''''• '"
bath BO accord or to them Every kingdome divided againil it
, fate^wneatthetable ^
., .11,°^^^-
agreemeat w'h felfe ibdlbe delolate > and an houfe divided againrt
, 36 And when the rhariielawit , nenaarveileddrtd you ,tbat yju
Saian Andiire-
anhoufcfalleth. thathe had not firlt waflied before dinner. to^ld noteaie

vif know him we ^^ So if iatan ahb be divided againfthimfclfe,

, 39 « And the Lord faid to him Indeedeyec^!^'°'y_^^^^^^'_'^-j ,

acknowedgehim. how Ihali h'.s kingdome ftjnd , beLauieyefay that Pharifes make cleane the outfidc of the ciip,andj'*yQ''„f/[,"[°'i,'^J|
Matth.i2,»j. I t;aft out deviis c through heelzebub ? of the platter: but the inward part is fi.dlofrave-fttvcyou.begood
T"*"'A«»t«e and '^ If I through Beelzebub caft out devils by , ning and v;ickednefle. 'o the poore, aud fo

»«»r^r •/Beelte-"
whom doe your children caft them out ? Therefore 40 Yeefooles did nothe-that made that which fhali that, that-

tuh. fhall they be your iudg.s. n without.make that which is within alfo? befanflificd tbougit
d That is. h *'" zo hut if^ I by the d finger of God caft out de-
. 41 Therefore, give almes f of thufe .things the plauti be ub.
fTv "^f"*' o " vils doubtlclfe the klngdorae of God is come un-
, which you have, and behold, all things Ihall bawaihtd.
e rAe',Tr«r«/ CO you. cleane unto you. n it is the prow
ftih frcperijan xi Wl'cn 3 (^rong man armed keepeth hise pa- 42 1 1 But wo be to you.Phatifes: for ye g tithel^^^^'" ^^ ^^^°^'
tftn a„<i -ucUt lace, the things :hat he polTcileth.are in peace. the my nt and the rcw and b all manr;er herbs .and Houtiy fuili-.ile
ncmt *'/j' ^''
JJ But When a ftronger then hee commeth palfe over judgement and the love of God :thektrifl«.andleipaae

tra'-i'fi-.'iiuukfn upon him, and overcommeth him hee taketh : ought ye to have done .and not to have left the f"^^"""^""*, •

iP 'j 2 y,jur decide by

ftrnehUmtm from him all his armour wherein he truikd, and othcrundone.
., t r ,
43 J «» Whofcetoyou .Phanles tor ye loveientjanisdu*
tinufii. divideth his fpoyits. :

ren*mi"" lud'TuJ. , M ^ "^ '^^' '^ not with me. is againftme; and
he that gathereih not with me, fcattereth.
, the uppennoft feates in the Synagogues, and
ings in the markets.
greet- 10 be p.yrd
•' ^'.' ^'""^
at love to have P'
a meanc vihicb 24 4. 6 when the vncieane fpirit is gone out of 44 '3 Woe be to you. Scribes
and 1 harifes hy>"^"; '^J^;/.',^^*
feeke mtinn to
aman, through dry pl.ices, leekingreft: pocrites ye are as graves v^hich <ippe?rc not^n (.i.^^^hlf.dion
: | for
reconcile Chrift
and when he hndeth none , he layth , I will texurn* and the men thut walke over them, pt iccive not. to La.rfai.e,cjp.
and Satan loge- 9j.v%TrebeUiew.
ther. unto my houfe whence I came out. 4f f 14 Then anfwered one of thc-La^vyeis
St MaHh.1143- 1^ And when he commeth, the findeth it fwept and (aid unto him , Mafter , thus laying thou P"t'«l1 'j^a'pilceo V3'°\^
6 Hethatdoeth and »arnilhed. us to rebuke alfo. ..Tim.i.^GodwiH
not continue in
4^ And hee faid. Who i* to you alfo, yee Law havea loientobe
26 Thengoeth hee ,,and taketh tohimieven
woifecafe. then he
begun, other /pirics worfe then himfelfe : and they enter
that never vers , -f for 'yee lade men with burthens gricvous'""'cd, is.obetx-
' poui,deth afer the
t H.or 6,4 in , ancl dwell there : $ fo the laft flate of that man faine nianntr.i That i< to fay, that ihai it right and reafon to doe: for t'nii wi-td ludgk
a.Pt;r 1,20 is worfe then the fitft. mtni,ccntfineth itt coirinsiidcm.ntsofth. fecoud tJole, a(id;he oihei wj'>l«,Tbel'>»e
7 Chiiftfe.keth And ct G 'd.containetht Srit Cb2p.i»,i6.mat.ii,6 maike iii3S. ^9. u
noipralfi: inl)iin
27 J 7 it came topafle as he faidthcfe . H>potrili-™4
anibiicnaiecommonlyioyord loge htr. 13 HypcicriiHJici-ivemen wiihai oot-
fe'fe, but incur things', acertaine woman of the company nfied
waidlhew. | Mait.j;,!?. t4 HyiOC>UeineveryfCTfveagamftotk«m»fl»
uj) hex voyife. andfaide uacohiaa, Blefledwthe but cbiaXciIl thiugi Uv^full (o tbcwftlvei. ^ M4tc.i>,4.aaei i;,io.
. :

The Pharifes leaven. S. Luke^ Gods pTOvidenc€.

«f HypoctitM ho- tobeeborse , andyee^urfelves tough not the confeffiMne before men , hire (hall the Sonne of* M«'7.3t.
nourttofcfaiiti Didn confcjleal.'c. b«.fo<c the Angels of God.
bur(kns with one cf your finders, Tiohn.

' ^ Woi* CO yoii: 4 forvou buiW the fepal- 9 Kiirh? .hat deny me before men, (hall
dur^tom't'ney 47 J M»ttb.i6jj.
iiioft cruelly pet- chres of thc Prophets, 8c yotir fathers killed them, bedenicuDcfor.-tne AngeisofGod. marke13.11.
fe.ute, wrhtn they 48 Trucly k ye bcafc witncilc , and aliow the JO « And whofoever (liall fpeake a worde* ""^«"«»nj
wereaiive. againft the fonne of man , it a-iall be forgiven him
dccdes of yoiir fathers for they killed them , and :
coareffe''ui'rtruth, :

ye build tl^arfcpulchres. but unto hira that ihall blafpheme the holy Ghofl.yetbetbatcan
k whcovo!.«;.
f«u:e Gwliftr- 49 Therefore fayd The wifedome of God.I Mill it ihall nut be forgiven &">: all thing., and

vaau.iikt maJ mm, fend cheiti Prophers and Apoftles, and of ihetn they II $ 4 And when they Ihall bring you unto the" ^''"'i;'"'*')^'"
tvcn a. your fi.hcri j^^j perfeciitc awav. Synagogues and unto the rulers and Ptrnces take
,j^^{ (^^ ,
,°° ,

tt l.Zh Tp^r 50 That the blood of all' the Prophets , m Hied no thought how, or what thing ye Ihall anlwere, /irive and couiend
fence of jodiineffe. from the foundjtio'.i of the worldf may be repaired or what ye ihall ipeake. io hi» appointed

yet oomitiiino- of this generation. 1 2. For the holy Ghoft Ihall teach you in the
dmg. in that you t Cbrift would
^j jTrom the bloodof Jf Abel unto the blood •famehoure.whatyeonghttolay.
chi«'oAhtVio^" of * Zacharias which was Uaine betwcenetheal-
, 13 / And one ot the company unto
hiro, ii»b«a ludgeto
piien,v»i»:do«yoii tat ifid the Temple verely 1 lay unto you.icfliall
: Mafter, bid my brother divids the inheritancedividtaBinfaeri-
glory la your [^g required
.!li, but of this generation. with me. ^««- F<Kf,ror
ftibtt, Mueitr.tnd
yy^ ^^ ^^ yy„ Lavvyers forye have n ta- 4 And he faid unto him Man who made mee """'' "«
J^ J i '*1f*"'
, ^ . ,
- •
J I- • .
'Oiter up and CO*,
Oi'uXtTeT.lkry ken away the key of knowicd'se : yeencred not in a ludge, ora divideroveryou ? rifljiheflrihiy
ndttiumihofii? your felvcs and them that came in,ye lorb.ide. ,
5 Wherefore he (aid unto them.Takeheed.ind opinion tbatth*
I Theyflialiro
jj «7Andashee rydthefe things unto them, bewdte of c covetoufnelle : for though a man have*''^* ""J of M«f.
tKchemand Scribes and I'hariJt-s bfr^^an to urK him lore, aboundance,><rf his <i life ftandeth not in his rich. 3
IhJ.'ht'^'Tt^fd j"
tioublethein.ihat , . ,

r c i.-
6 And he put fooith a parable unothem,ft,o^<„i}J'rtp5i^^,

and to o provoke bimtorpe.'.keot-many things.

atirogtli ,hfy fliall
baDilUihrm. y4 Laying waite for hiip, and iet^king lo catch flying,! he 'ground of a certaine rich man brought governance. *om
oi Tt.tiouiniy fome thing of his mouih , whereby they mioht ac- forth fruits plcnteouily. * Ecclritaaicall
becalledioanac- ,,,r»u,- " ' °
17 Therefore hee '"thought with himfe.fe.fay- ^"",1^^^^*
benuoilhed torth-ftieadlngofthatbloodoftheProphei. § Gen.4 8. * i.Chroir. ing , What ihall I doe , bccaufe 1 have no retme t'he^w^^Ibljfe ,

A^-ii. 16 They baue of long time cbitfly bi idrrd ibepcopli; fromentri ig inio . where I may lav up my fruites ? the (hewofihe
the knovvl'dgeof God which ought to be ihr doore keei'tr> oi the Chuich.
, 1 8 And he laid This will I d j,T
•, -.vill pjll down G<''»'=''.^o 1 alf»
o Vou have hiddco and taken awoy. fotbaut cannot betound an» vvhere. 17 Tfee my barnes „" """">fm"Bi-
, and builde greater .and therein will I
nioreth«aBvoTld ijreprehendtJ vsorfeit it, and yet mult •Aeenoibetiay thetrueib.
,t1ie r L II 1
llcri to their
o They proiofcd many qiieftiooi to hiin , to draw 'omettlir.goutofhii mouth, vvbich gather my truits.inilmy
all gjt>ds.

they might tiaiteroufljf caipe at. \') And I wiillay tomyfoule, St>ule .thouhift c.min.«ii u^
C H A P. X I I.
muchgoods laid up formar.vyeerei liveateafc,*= B>«»v»toufiieii« ,

I Thfltabencftht Pharifii. f Wheis i«ht fc:trti. S To eate. drinke. and g take thy p.i'lbme.
dXe'ro'' « wTn*'
cc„ftfi CMfl. . 7 Th f^r.ihl€ 4 thr rich mShnUf ButGodiaiduntoliim, O ft)ole, this nightiuooiy wi"'o[^"i
lendtviiturf ffrlile. ti N ci tc (.irc for eurn ij thingu willth^y ietch away thy loule fro thee then wboie mem hurt. :
•ji Biutsfuk!!it'ekj'<'pd'me'f.''cd. 39 Theihitfein
Ihall thole things be which thou haft provided ? ^ ^'^ " ''=« autiof
thtn^fbt. ft leh'^rtfrthfCojyihfakf.
So « he that garh .reth riches
21 * to himfcifc. ""^
4, Mitrfa,i«.f, rjc •!•
t themeanetime , thciegctthered together Hlf*"" °[
^" innumerable rouldiude ol people, ib that
and IS not rich in God. „,, *
""^LV'^bf II
Andhefpakeuntohisdi(ciples,Ther-.'fore6 Therearffoooe
teach«»o*fGodi ^^'^y "'"'^^ ''"^ another: andhe begmtofy unto 22. 7
I fay unto you, * Take no ihoughtf ir your life. "'"''•'"»^''*»'»
cvord, which are his difciplcs firll , Take heede to your lelvcs of the
appointed by him leaven ofthc Pharifes, which is hypocrilie. what yc ihall eat : neither for your bo.ii^ , what ye v'^'"'" .' '''
1^ "'
^ * For there is no-hin^ covered, that fl-'.all n-;allputon. „X, '

^'"ftbrb"ake The
23 life is more then meat : andthebodye Or rathercouiv,
goud bTei'of'hem, fot be revcaled ; neither hidde, that lliallnotbe
knowen, >»#re then the rayment.
jutiiieofdodtiae ij wherefotc whatfbever yce have fpoken in 24 Confider the rave
w.h goodly gio- it llialbe heatd iiithelif;ht : andthat
(larkencife. norreape: which neither have (\orehoule nor ^j.c,- ot ground ob-
fei,and alfo take
Which ye have r l u barne.and yer God feedcth them: how much moieiy, Su a'a whole
11. • , • • / 1

paiortthroujh Ipoken in the eare , in lecret places,

are ye better then foules ? cnunt-ey a»:b*ydo,
the helpeofG.'d, Ihalibcpreachcd on the houles.
tn fet foortb fui-
4 " ^ And I fay unto you, my fi iends , be not
afriidc of them that kill the bodic , and after that
f And which of you with taking
addeto nisftjtureonecubite ?
*' ',,
thoo?ht, can ^^"'' '"V"' *";"''
to boufc.and ntid to Efai.j s.
openly and wiin-
out feart. ^'^ n°f ^"''^ '" doeany more,
, , ,
x6 If ye then be not able to dotheleaftihing. f Madf hji recko-
whytake ye thought fortherertnant? ning within bim.
a Word for worf, f Put I wiil b furewarne you.whom ye Ihal feare
2 7 Coniidtrr the lillics how they grow: they, la- ^'^]''^fy'K^''.
tenthoufandiof feaic him which aftcrhc haeh killed, h.uh power
|>eopIe. a cettaine
anmber T^an un-
j^ ^.^j^ j„jq (^gjj . g^ j (^y y^jy you, him feare.
Are o r^ r r
not five Iparowes boii^''^ tor two iar-
iLr bour not.neitiier fpin they yet 1 fay imto yoii.i.hat foujTbu'L'tTaV

Salomon himfelfe in ail his toyahie wasnotcloj-ipendrteirlrfeio

«| Matth. io,2«. things . 4»i yet not one of them isforgottenbe- thedlike oneofthefe. thofetriflei.

q,arke 4. aa. fore God ? 28 If rhen God fo cloath the graffe which is to 8 ^^B« ""^^^^^^
Yefl, and all the hairesof your head are day in thc (ield.and to morow is caH into the oven. J^'^ caii^g forao '*
Although byj.0-
ife«. have princea numbred : leare not thctelore : ye ai-e more ot vi- bow much more vvid \->ct dtuh you , yee of lit- man buif<>»hini. O
lue then many fparowcs. tie faith > felfe^,aiid.niadingta
to execute their
«au.^itie,yirt there jj
J 3 Alfo 1 fav unto yoo , Whofocver (hall 29 Therefore askenot what ycefhall eatc. or'"''*'"'^''"''''^-
' '
i«nocau(<r«by what ye ihal drinke.neither hang you in fufpence- kiai"^'n'VfZ'

^Rtcould be afraid
oftheei , may be, feeing they can do nothing. bu-wb«pi««fethGo<f,
iheleaftioKtbat 30 Forallfuchthin« the people ofihe world videoce of osd.i*
aodOdwill noiaoy ibingthatmay bcagjinlt thtfalvaiiouofbiielea. b He feckefor: and yom- Father knoweth that ye have* r^Crnttemedie
wamct^tbein of djoge r that prefen:l» b Jng o^•el their head*, foi ihofe ibac <oin« upoo need of thefe things. 's»;"ft "K^oft
" looliUiandpintog
the fuddeo.dbemakethe greater wound. ^. i.Sam.'4.4f .aBi a7.34- Chap. ^ taiefulneBiofnieoforthisIife. » M«tth.6,»r.^ pfal.ff a», iAMeta-
9.!<. laattb. to.ja. Bur S jS. a.timi.ia. .1 Great iitbe lewardufa coo-
pbotetaketiofttingjtbatt-.ans intbeayre , for tbcy arrcarefall for tbu worldly,
fiattt cooftfTioo and horiibleit the punifhiiur.tofthe denying of Ch/iA.ycaimpofiifate

lilt, and hang upon the arme of mao^ have alwayei wmvering anddoublfull miodi,
to ht called backe againe IluJl the (uoiDjmein be if upon fet pnapofe, both wull ,
fwtynig roiMiHOM tbii wayiiadfmnttiBiei :batw<y>
aoutb and htait we bloO'tacoK a kooweo ciuufa.
31 oBct
1 . . 1

Thefaithfotlfervant; Ghap. XIII. Go j^iudgements unfear cBable. jr

Ucke 31 ^'^^^ ""af^^f C^eke ye after the
kingdome of mother the mother in law againft her daughter in
« They Ciaii :

oothing, which are God, andallthele things Ihalbe upon you. cnft law, and the daughter in law againft her mother in L
carefuii for the
Men'which are
^j 9 feare not little flocke for it is your Fa-
, : law. ,, v.,iec]^Kl:eof
kmgdome of
^^^^ pleafiire to give you the kingdome. y4 J .|. 14 Then
fayd he to the people , when ''.;ht in eanhly
»o Sell that ye have, and give kalmes:
9 It it fooliOt 33 J <f ye fee a cloud nrife out of the Weft ,ftraio;htwav"''?S'' "'>''"'«
•agn. ttolookf make you bagges which waxenot olde :a treafure yefay.Alhowrecommethrandfoitis^
for fmall things, at J' ^.bictp'e'Xt^
that can never faile in heaven where nothiefe ,
yy And when ye/fe the South wmde blow ,ye the heavenly life,
lis hands which
givfth lu frttly

commeth, neither moth corrupteth. fay that it will be hote

, and ir commeth to paffe. ^'^^ itat through :

the greatell thing*. 34 For where your treafure is , there will your y6 Hypocrites, yee can difcetnethe face of the thtirowne malice.
«t Mat:h.«.aO. hearts be alfo. earth.and of the fkie: but why difcerne ye not this
3 J S S " Let your loines be girded about, and
JO A godly boun- time?
tifulnefftiiaready itfei/iu/etherih
10 get true
your lights burning. y7 '! Yea, and why iudge ye not of your felves '*'" e"t c/tht
riches 3(J And ye your felves like unto men that wait what is right ?
- '""
k ThiiUtht figure for thdr raafter.when hee will returne from the y8 !:§ While thon goeft with thine adverfarie ^/.^^'j-^^^'h"'*
Mt!cnirme,f,rh redding that when hee commeth and knocketh
, to the ruler, as thou art in the way , give diligence jove of tbemfeiveij
i, memt that com- they may open unto him immediatly in the way, that thoumayeft be delivered from and therefore ate
, whom the Lord
BlelVed are thofe fervants him ,Ieaft he draw thee to the iudge, and the iudge ^'"'^'''''"'*,,
paficH dftd friend- 37
Ihtfeofanhuri when hee corameth fliallfinde waking: verely I deliver thee to the iay let . and the iayler caft thee betX'r!i)."d^
that tendcrlth ihe
you, hee will girdhimfelfe about, and
lay unto intoprifon. oftheirfolie.
tniferie .indprire
of man, tnd
make them to fit downe at table , and will come yp I tell thee.thou flialt not depart thence, till t Matth. iMf,
fheneihficrth it forth, and fetve them. thou haft payed the vtmoft mite. ° ^°' *"" '''•"^"'
^ ' Ta-dimandandra.
filfehfime^irt. 38 And if hee come in the fecond watch , or ther the tmerciament; nihich thej were ennJemneJ unto that had enTon^fuiytrcidUd
«nd hath the namt come in the third watch , and fliaii finde them fo, men: mcreever^scffiicrs makf ihtmnhich a-e ecndtmncd, ptj
£')>en it in the
bleffed are thofe fervants thiy cype , }ia , and often times if the-) he cisiinaie . th^} dse nut tnelj tnke the oA and'
Creekfttngue ,>f
charge) efthem, lut alfe imfrijin them.
nercie and com- 39 •'
Now underftand thjs,that if the good man
faffim . and there of the houfehad knowenat what houre thethiefe
f»eheei>fajdto 1 Ofthe Caliledns, 4 and thtfe thxt rvere ftajne under
•would have come he would have watched , and
Sitcam. « The fi^fe tree that hare no fruit, Then'- n
g7>f almCi, rcha
would not have fuffercd his houfe to be digged mjn njexed yciih ""the ffirit «/ infrmitie , that is , Ttiih a
thorow. difiafe Irought tn her Ij Sat.m , is healed. 1 9 The pa-
thini '° '""'^''>
and^i)>elh fc the 40 12 Be yee alfo prepared therefore for the :
rMenftherraineifmufiardfecd. 21 Ofkai>tn'. 13 Htw >

fiwfhalhefaved. 31 Henid th,it Ftxr .

ftcrcfhewini Sonne of man will come at aa houre when yee
$hcrehj,thathe fi- •Tn Here « were certaine raenprefent at the fame
tieth their ftart
thinke not. ^ feafon, that lliewed him ofthe
Galileans, "^Jni^,'en, of"
tHaie. 4 Then ^eter ftyd unto him Mafter , telkth ,
whofe blood a Pilate had mingled with their others, but raib«
g i.Fcf.1,13. thou thisparable unto us, oreven to all ? i^Crifices. beintiruaed
of ine
J I The
^itbfull htvaati
4z And the Lord fayd, whois a faithful! ftew-
i And lefus anfwered and fayd unto them,
^'hereby to repen-

of God, in ihii
ard and wife , whom the mafter lliall make ruler
Suppofe ye ,thatthefe Galileans were greater fin- ""p'^hm, p,;,,,,
world iiaceri. ©ver his houiholde , to give them their 'portion
nets then all the ether Galileans becauie they have wa, pwnmrcf ,
laine watchful! ofmeatinleafon ? fuffered fuch things ? ludt"*, almtfl tm
yeregrinationi ha.
43 Bleffed it that fervant, whom his mafler when
viDgthelTgtitirf 3 I tell you nay but except ye amend your ","'/' ^^.f f''^L
, :

the v5ord going

he commeth, ihall finde fo doing.
lives, ye (ball alllikewifeperiih. huicwrJm''ntZ
before it. 44 Of a trueth , 1 fay unto you , that hee will
4 Or thinke you that thoie eighteene ,upon tvhichmi^hbet.
» Matth. 14,43, make him ruler ovenJl that he hath.
whom the tower in b Siloani fell , and P.ew them, hut the fifteenth
4 y BHt if that fervant fay in his heart, My mafter were finners above all men that dwell in Hierufalcr '"" frh'r7fi7ni-
and 3,3.
Ia Konehave doth deferre his comming, and ihall begin to (mit e I tell you nay but except yee a.mend your }"fj'f, n?rk,'"f
y , .

more neede to the fervants , and maidens , and to eat and drinke, _

lives, ye (liall all iikewile perilh. cur redemftion hj

watih then they and to be drunken. 6 1 2 He fpake alfo this parable, A certaine man hiideaih. '

»hat have fome de-

gree of honour
46 The mafter of that fervant will come in a day had a figge tree planted in his vineyard and hee
, :

in the bouniolde when he thinkethnot .andatan home when he is came and fought fruit thereon, and found none
''I'f.l'^J,'',;"^, f„
'siu'm'yjas Itfmlu ,

not ware of , and will cut him ofl", and give him his
7 Then
fayd he to the dreifer of bis vineyard, „>,.,, frcnnvhoi^e
1 That is, every portion with the unbeleevers. '-

tiionethfuch mea-
Beholde, this thiee yeeres have I come and foiiglit the conduits ef the
47 $ And that fervant that knew his mailers
fruit of this fie'ae tree,and find none : cut it downe:
"'" ''•""' "'^.^"'''^
fureefcorneas vva»
will , and prepared not himfelfe , neither did accor- , , , C'^.r , II , Tehn 9,7. and EJ.iU
.djtfoiDKdtbeai. why keepeth it alfo the ground = barren ?
s.e.and therefore
ding to his will, Ihalbcbeaten with many Bripet, 8 And- he anfwered , and (ayd unto him i Lord, itwatatcrvcmr
4li But he that knew it not, and yet did commit let it alone this yeeie alfo, till I digge round about <-<'/?!'. f'uHi t*pcr,
things woorthie of flripcs, Ihall be beaten with few and dung it.
the<cri»i, f,de,
ftripesI for unto whomlbever much is given , of
9 And if it beare fruit, well : if not , then after
J^^, ^^^^J,,
him lliall be much required and to whom men ,
thoullialt cut it downe. Udfme.
much commit , m the mote of him will they aske, 10 S3 And he taught in one of theSynagogues a Grra: and long
sn More then ot
him 10 whom fo
4$> S »3 1 am come to put lire on the earth jand on the Sabbath day. . fien«'ofG<ld'^"
much vvaj not gi- what is my defirebe already kindled ?
, if it
1 And beholde, there was a woman which had ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^j^;^^^
ven. JO Notwithflandinglituft be baptized with a a d fpirit of intirmitie eighteene yeeres, and was iei.?.hheextcu.
J3 TbeGofpelil baptifme , andhow am 1 grieved till it be ended? xmed lu^ement.
bowed together, and could not lift up fdfe
theoiiely caufe ^ Thinke yee that I am come to give peace
yI a"ywire.°
of peace betweeue "I'd^'tr'eli
the godly: andfo on earth ? I tell you , nay, but rather debate. i when lefiis faw her hee called her to him,
1 ,'t, whid
it fi the occafion fx For from hencefoonh there Ihallbehvein and fayd her Woman , thou , "
att « loofed from thy cihemi/t rvtre
ofgieattroublea- one houfe divided j. three againft two j and two goedf,rv-nes.
moug the wicked.
againft three. And he layed his hands on her and imrae- aeUve\ui"tom'*
1 3 .

y3 The father flialbe divided againft the fonne,

which Satan hroa^ht.
the bandi of Satan. <J TrtiMedir'ih a difi.tfe c Fer
and the Tonne againft the father ; the mother a- Satan Uadthe rveman hound as iffiie had hettin , (htiiici ,i>ifimuch that for ei^htetnt
gainft the daughter, and the daughter againft the jctreifp.itceifht (tiiU ntt hiUe up hsr krfrf.
8 3
2 , " '

The ftrait gate. S. Luke^ ThePharirespra(ai/e^

4 A livei, .mig. diatly (hc was made ftraight agaibe ,'
and glorified dren together I as thehenne ^itf>erei Ijer ' brood » WorJf^r-worj,
under her wings, and ye would not. ?*'
"f "
»°» '*« •'

Beholde , your houfe is left unto you defo- *["^j "^

ro«t/it«/' »4 4 And the f filler of the Synagogue anfwe- jy „cfi

Uf I'f til sjmt- red wirfi indignation becaule that lefts healed on ,
late and verely I tell you , ye (hall not fee me un-

g,g»t,yit tfftt''- the Sabbath //(jj, and fayd unto the people. There till the time come that ye iliail fay, Blefled W he that
riih h commcth ia the name of the Lord.
g^^ lixe dayJs'in which men ought to worke : in

ihtnkn'nfl'c'' them therefore come and be hcalcd,and not on the CHAP. XI I II.
,»«,r«i*r,./-,te Sabbath day.
,r j.,
I ThtJrefrnht*UdcntheSaU:aih. i Tkechitfe fUcts M
jj«4;»fti;. 1 y Then anfwered him the Lord.andlayd.Hy- hank'ts. 1* ThefcTtmufiUcaUedfmrfe^Ji,. 16 Of
« pocrite doth notech one of you on the Sabbath
ihcji tlutrverebiJtuHieireatJUpftr. ij SotiHcmi'
ftUedt<>(tmtin, at Ont aheut 10 huiU A l<ivi*r
his alVe from the ftall , and lead
7cod b^an.rh "^Z loofe his oxe or
litkiagd with him away to ihi water <
« it came to paiVe that when hee was entred
the houfe of « one of the chiefe Pharifes Tbetaweef
"S>' i6Andoijj;ht not this daughter of Abraham, i
thjiibc unlookte on the Sabbath daj , to eat bread , they watched 'i>« very sabbath
whom Satan had bound, loe , eighteene yeeres , be
ought not to hin-
leofed from this bond on the Sabbath d-y ? Jji^^
i( may beiies I'ec "'
forth tsiipovirr. 1 7 And when he iayd t hefe things all his adver- 2 And beholde there was a ceitaine roan be- chaitiV

j M»«b.i3 33. faries were afliamed : but all the people reioyccd at fore him. which had tlie droplie. a Eithtr mi efii'g
m MJttb,9.3r.
ail the excellent things that were done by him. 3 Then lefus anfwering , fpake unco the Law- ^''^"' • vpi-'mthtf^

vers and Pharifees , faying , Is iclawfuil to hcale on """"'" ^""l"-

6 AgliDfttbtm 1 1^ Thenfa^'dhe. Whatisthekingdome
«vbich hadiaiber of God like ? or whereto (hzll I compare it? the S abbath day ?
.^.-.A o/,i,t s'na,
errewiibmauy, 19 f It is like a graine of muftard feed , which 4 And thsy held their peace. Then hee tooke ^e«gK«,/o*;> 7,^8.
tb«ngoe right him, and healed him, and let him goe. fcnhis -wcrd Ph*~
a man tooke andfosved in his garden , and it grew,
wi:ba feWi aoJ
and waxed a great tree , and the fowles of the hea- y And anfwered them , faying Which of you 'ifZcil''",CTkit
tbrougb ibeii owoe yen made nelTs in the branches theceof. JSallhave an alTe.oran cxe fallen into a put.and will 4j,^«re i, tie
flownefle are Ciut ,
^^ ^ j ^^^ againe he fayd . Whercunto fliall I not ftraight way pull him on the Sabbath day? rvhdihift»ry ik*t

^'^^'^^ '^*= kingdome of God? 6 And they could not anl\«cre him againe to '*' ^*'"'?/'' ^«f«
« M«J.°t . 3- inccMctHu
*Hi:iiiriv'»ioe n
It is like leaven, which a woman tooke.and thofe things.
To theCburch, hid in three pecks of flouwTe.tillall was leavened. 7 J * Hee fpake alio a parable to the ghefts,
wbichiinetof xz ^ * «Andhee wentthorow all cities and when hee marked how they chofe out thecbiefe , xhertwarfof
iourneying toward Hieui-> tOomCi, and fayd UIKO them, . ptideisignomioy.

ifiitiftiwtik. falem. 8 When thou Ihalt be bidden of any man to a a"d tbe rewarded
.« Mait.7.«3-' 23* Then fayd one tinto him Lord , aretherg , wedding , fet not thy feife downe in the chiefeft ',"'""'**""'*
fM-i. s . place , leaft a more honourable man then thou be

r,4i . fe^,jj, jj fliaibe laved ? And he fayd unto them,

f .-7t,^.V.»«"i the 24 * Strive to enter in at the lHaitgate:for ma- bidden of him,

caiiiag of the Gen- ny, I fay unto you , will leeke to enter , and Ihail m 9 And he that bade both him and thee, come,
»ileii»foretolde. HOC be able. and fay to thee , Give this maa roome , and thou
g Ffcm tU tie
^y When the good man of the houfe is rifen upj then begin with ;hame to take the loweft roome.
doore . and ye begin to ftaud
an<i hath Ihut to the 10 « But when thou art bidden goe and fit „ - ,
^"t""S,L/t '"V'^^Ti
tueftMtt cjih* without, and to knocke at the doore , faying, Lord, downe in the loweft roome , that when lie that bad
thie/ejl. Lord, open to us , and he (liall anfwere and fay unto thee, commeth , he may lay unto thee , Friend ,
• ""I
^W4t. 19,30- y(^i,^ J know yea not whence ye are. fit up higher:then (bait ihouhave worlbipinthe ji -
j,,^^ j

t,%vermuft ^?" ^6 7 Then Qall ye begin to fay, have eaten We prefence of them that fit at table with thee, mdtth.ij*!!.
i-Qtwaidinibe and drunken in thy preience, and thou hafl taught 11 S For whofoever exalteth himfelfe.lhall be 3 Agaiatt'ihe'in
cafe of out calling, jn q^^ ftreetS. brouoht low, and he that humbleth himfeife , ihali wii'ch lavifli out
»btougb ibe m.dft then good, either
;^ But he (liall fay , I tell you . I
^^ know you be exalted.
iher"th°" te'«"< " "°^ whence ye are :
depart from me, all ye workers 1 «f 3 Then faid he alio to him that had bidden hope orr«oro.'
crCaioed. ofiniquitie. him, * whenthoumakeftadinnerorafupper,call penfe.where as'
hTUidtaitfMdod Cbtiftiaa chan'iy
jg 8 There flnall be weeping and jgnafhing of not thy fiiends,nor thy brethren , neither thy kinf- '

.,»«*«««• m«.^.^ teeth,when ye niall fee Abrahara, and Ifaac. and la- men.nor the rich nighbours,left they alfo bid thee '^J^f;^*" ^fj^^
timi.'andTh^fhjl- cob,and all the Prophets in the kingdome of God, a»aine,and arecompcnfcbeemadcihee. andtbeprofitof'
fdjiLitimr"- andyourfelvesthruftoutatdooies. 1 But when thou roakeft a feaft,call the poore, our neighbou*.
3>trLt:QreU,hT<> 29 Then Ihail comc w<j«j from the g Eaft , and the maimed, the lame <t«i the biinde. * Prov.3.27.
Mmf ifidf
from the Weft and from the North , and from the
, 14 And thou Qialt be blcifed, becaufe they can '°''^^7. ^^^^ ^^^^^^
BUT it , «"«' h r* South, andfliall fit at Table in the kingdome of not recompenfe thee for thou Ihalt be recompen- , ,_,

•nmlPir^ limt God. fed at the refurre6tion of the iuft. 4 The mod part
It tetnt,meaning 30 And beholde,therc are laft, which (Iwll be ic C Now when one of them that fate at table <ven of them to
tlKf:hj aH dt lime
firft.and there are firft, which Ihalbe laft. heard thefe things . he fayd anto h im BlelV.d i: he ,'^^°',';j^^f„,''f"f^

It time I mtitnin^^
Ihtrtljol^ ''"<'"'* 3 1 9 The fame day there came ceriaine Phari- that eatcth bread in the kingdome of God. ai^fo ro«i'?"tha'
tfiii ininjlirj itH' fes , and fayd u-nco hita , Depart and go hence : for 16 Then faid he to him, * A certainc man made fucb heipianbey
tfS". Herod will kill thee. a great fupper, and bade many, have received of
*. '^'^'; ^r*"" 3 X Then fayd he unto thtJtn , Goe yee and tell 17 And fent bis fervant at fupper time to fay f°^^J^^ll'^i^tt^'
o'.'^u'" Behold, I caft oui devils.and will heale
'^-1' ? f'^^e. to them that were bidden. Come: for all things aad"h"ndeMocei.
10 Theieafeno fiill to day , and to morow , and the third day I are now ready. ^ b^ttf/iifur-
wbetemorectuell (halibc k pcrfcdtcd. with h oneminde beganne to p'fe and a thing
18 S But they all .

h"i"^°b.yM tomorow3 i " NevenhdelTe I muft walke to day and . make excufeiThe unto him. I have bought
Ut'vJthio iheSaD-
and the day following for it cannot fee
, : a farme , and I muft needs go out and fee it ; I pray ('jyififcnU uu.
«uary and cbuicb that a I'tophet flitiuld perilh out of Hicrufalcm. thee have me excufed. fi, ,,»
aii cfihtnt

it Cclfe :
but God ^4 -^ Q
Hienifakm . Hierulalem, which k JlleQ 1$ And another fayd , I have bought five yoke oiret in thij, thM
the Prophets, and ftoiieft them that are fent to of oxen . and I goe w
pro^ve thsoJ ; i pray tHee ;;'^*-'|;';X'mV
)^«'^uo«*^it. thee # bow often weuJitl have gathered tKythil- havemjexwled, „„„mt>/>*ti*r^
ao Aiid
: c

Xtie great Supper. Chap. x\r. Theprodigallfonne* 3 a

xo Andanothcrray<I,Ihave majied a wife,and heaven fou one finner*that convertech, wore then
therefore I cannor corr.e. for ninetie and nine iuft men , which need none
21 So chat fervant retutned.and fi^ewedhis amendment of life.
rnafter thefe things. Then was the goodman of 8 Either what woman having tenne groates if ,

the houfeangrie j'andlayd to his fervanc , Goe out one groate, doeth not li^hc a candlc.and
ftiee loofe
quickly into the cflreetes and lanes- of the citie, Iweepe the houfe , and feeke diii<»ently till fl:e
and bring in hither the poore, and the maimed > and hndeic ?

the halt.and the blinde. 9 And when Ilie hath found it , Oiee calleth her
22 And the fervant faid , Lord it is downe as , friendes, and neighbours,faying,Reioyce with me:
thou haft coraraanded, and yet there is roorae. for I have found thegroat whicii I had loft.
23 Then the matter (aid to the fervant , Goe ILikewife I fay unto you, there is ioy in the
out into the hie wayes , and hedges .and com- prefence of the Angels of God , for one /inner thac
pell thera to come in » that mine houle may be convcrtcth.
mied I I J a Hee faid moreover , A certaine man had .'J^Z.ytilL
t Even thofe af.
none of thoft men
ftftioas ,vcfaicb 24 For I fay u nto you .that twofonnes. fromCod.bavini
sie of tkeroldvei which were bidden, fliall tafte of my fupper. z And the yonger of them fayde to his father, fpoiUd ihemfelvei
2f 5, Nowethere went great multitudes with Father, give mee the portion of the goods that *''^*''''^*°«*"
him, and he returned and faid unto thera, fallethtomee. So hee divided unto them /iy fub-
eO) muft be lulei ^^d'^'f^t^ca""
andordwed, tbat 2<J w If any man come to me , and ^ hate HOt flance. themfelvethead-
godlindTeniay his father .and mother, and wife, and children.and 13 So not many day es after , when the yonger long into infinite
Have ibe upper brethren , and fillers : yea , and his owne iifi alfo, fonne had fathered all together, he tooke his iour- "'j™i.'j^" j.^"'
kaiid and preemU
he cannot be my difciple. ney into a tarre countrey and there hee wafted his Er goodn'ffe^oft.
•{• Mattli.»0;47.
atf S « And whofoever beareth not his goods with riotous living. ,iog ihemfelfe fret-
Jfthet croile , and commeth after me , cannot be my dif- 14 Nowe when hee had fpentall , there arofe a 'y " them, whon.
Jland letVftttK Gt4 ciple. great dearth thorowout that land, and hee be^an *"""''^'°"p™-'
^8 For which of you minding to buildea to be in neceffitie.
%^rJ,S!i towrc , e Jitting not downc before , andcountetn
1 y Then hee went and clave to a citizen of that miferie wLLwU
aokcnfimfij.tHt thecoft, whether he have fufficient to performe countrey , and hee fent him to his farme , to feed tbey weretamed,
ij (cmfifijin^ it. fwine. doeth not one) y

^? Leaft that be bath layed the foundation,

after 16 And hee would faine have filled his bellie
%ttthi6i*' SemVa'tlifoeD-
ptVkii.iV ^"'^ 's "°' perfotme it , all that bcholde it,
^'^'^ ^° with the huskes that the fwine ate:but no man gave richeth tbem vsii&
a ThettuefoU begin to mocke him, them him, farre greater gifu,
lowtri af Cbrift
3o Saying, This man began te build , and was 17 3 Then he came to himfelfe, and fayd.How «"^ t'eavth tben
aid irZ\tL
figfat.acd tbtr(<
not able to make an end. many hired fervants at my fathers have bread ^,'^^ '"''"''''
fore be ready and ii Or what king going to makewarre againft enough, and I die for hunger ? 3 The beginning.
frepafedtofufTer another King , litteth not downe firft . and taketh 1 15 I will rife and go to ray father, and lay unto of repentance ii
allkiadeofmife* counlell , whether he be able with ten thoufand, him , Father , I have finned againft b heaven , and <'^.« »cknov»ied.
to meete him that commeth againft him with before thee. *f"^°/'''u'T,?
K <At html, and * J V 11 .,, o'Ccd, which !tir.
nifitih all hit twentie thoufand ? 1 g And am no more worthy J 1
to be called thy i,th at to fao;
Ufitihett^tht 32 Or eb while he is yet a great way ©ff.he fen- (bnne : make my as one of thine hired fervants. weJi.
tttrkf- deth an amballage , and defireth peace. 20 So he arofe and came to his father,and when ^ -^^ainjl c„i
m*rk'9'S- 33 So likewife , whofoever he be of you , that he was yet a great way oft , his father faw him , and f^"w(
f,"i"'''^i '*"

2 Thedifciptea fodakethnot all that he hath , hee cannot be my hfldcompafsion, andranandfellonhisnecke, and " '*

ofCbiift iniifl be difciple. kifl'ed him.

«vife> botb for
34 * 7 Saltisgood :but if fakhave lofthisfa, 21 4 And the fonne faid unto him.Father.I have 4lntruerep«-
tkcmfelvet and
vour, whetiewith ihall it be falced ? finned againft heaven , and before tHee , and am no """ 'J""* '• » ^«'
fMotlien: other*
wife rhey be 3y It is neither meete for the land, nor yet for more worthy tobecalledthy fonne ^fed'^^tS'
tkefo»liii»e<lofall.Lliednnohil,butmen caft it out. Hee that hath 2» Then the tatherlayd to his fervants ,Bnng rowandfhame,
eares to neare, let him heare. foorth the beft robe , and put it on him , and put a f'om whence
ring on his hand, and llioes on his feet. """'
G H A P. XV. ^i"^"''/
23 And bring the fat calfe. and kill him, and let SfuiTowwiv
^. ThtftrahU tftUUn fhttft, 3 Ofthtirttlt. iS >An4
us eat, and be mery forjiventfli,
efihe [m^gt'ifinne.
24 For this my fonne was dead , and is alive
V Qhivmnutt, reforted unto 1 him
'Y Hen a ikl
the Pubiicanes againe : and he was loft, but he is found. And they
B W( Dwft DOC
and linnets, to heare him. began to be mery.
Tvhichhavc^onK T.Therefore the Phariles ,anil Scribes murmu- 2y f Now the elder brother was iinhe freld , arid
j^^^^ ^^
when he came & drew neerc to the houfe, he heard
•mofibiway, red, faying, Hee receiveth finners,and eaceth with feareGod, deiir?
but according them. melodie. tobaveallnento
she example of:
ChuCwemuft' 3 Then fpake he this parable to them, faying, 26 And called one of his fervants , and asked ^* »'^'' f»liovv«*
take great paiae* 4 " what man of you having an himdreth what thofe things meant.
about tbem. flieepe.ifheelofeoneof them , doeth not leave %y And he layd unto him.Thy brotheris come,
trSumt fuhlitiitt ninetieand nine in the wildernefie ,and goe after and thy father hath killed the fat caife , becaule he
end fintiert camt
U ChnJi'frmtaS' thatwhich is loft, untjU he finde it ? hath received him fj.feand found.
futrtert. y And when he hath found it , hee layeth it on %% Then he was angry , and would not goe is:
bis Ihouldcrs with ioy.. therefore came his fatker out, and entreated him,
6 And'wlien he corcmeth home , he calleih to- 19 But he anfwered,and faydto his father,Loe»
gether his "fiiends and neighbours , faying imto thefe many yeercs have I done thee fervice , nei-
them, Rcioyce with mec: tori have founde my ^er brake I at any time thy commandementrand
flieepe which was lolt- :^tthou never gaveft me a kid that I might make
Z I % Hmo you, that likewise ioyflalj be in ffifty with my friends^
. 12 1 .

The fteward. Riches ofiniqauie.

S. Luke. Of Dives and Lazams. Abrahams bofome;
which eftcemed among men, is abomination in the fight »« "'"„,"'*•
30 But when this th'y fonne Vii come ,
hath devoured thv goods with harlots, thou
halt °'God. derp.nrdthe«.
for his like killed the fat calfe.
* f The Lawe and the Prophets ««i/(«rfi ceiienci«( of tbe
hs fiid unto him , Sonne, thou art ever until! lohn and fince that time the kinj^dome n«w CovcBoati

3 t An-!
of God is preached , and every man preaffeth intu 'o"%aofthe
W):h mc, and all that I have, is thine. It was
race te _

that wcil^owU make mery and bee glad; for this ,


^ », . . ,- , . . ,
ihybrotheV'wasdead.andis alive agame:andhe 17 S Now Jt IS more eah€ that heaven and earth fed righteouf.
(hould pafte away then that one title of the Lawc n<rn>ottbc Law»
was loft, but he is found. .
C H A V. XVI. niouldtall.
Tltf*>Meafihfinf:ifdaccuftiti,hi,m4tr. i3 To 18 ^ * Whofoever putteth away his wife and ^°
I «l'''he Law' .

feri>e live mdjitrt. i< rk« /ntP «'»''''>« J'"P«" • '» °J marrieth another, corhmitteth adulrerie and who- ctinftdeciaretb :

foever marrieth her g that is put away from her bytbeffventh

fayd alio unto hisdifciples . « There
A Nd he
1 Swing tilt mfo
was a cettaiue rich man , which had a fteward,
husband, committeth adulterie. Commandcmtnt.
19 ^6 There was a certaine rich man , which * Muti s'''i\aa
ofif otnnei pur- and he was accufed unto him . that hee wafted his
cbafc ftitodfllip
Was doathed in k purple and fine )imien ,and fared ,9,,. , .corV.ii.
goods. well and delic'Ctrly everyday. g rhey thatgnhir
othomemcofti. *
X And hee called him , and fayde unto bim, 20 Alfo there was a certaine begger named *'•''*''/''''"•'*'»'•
_.. ,. it that! hearcthisof thee ? Give an ac-
.,„. (hBuic for u«, How

Lazarus . which was layde at his gate full of,7,7«^X°'^5^„'"""

fwi!h«fr«.i,d count of thy ftewardllMp : for thou raayeft be no
]ibe:aii hfitowin? fores, that ht htth put
]q^„^^ fteward
fteward fayde within himfelfe.
And defired to bee refreflM^d with the anay hit nift fir
tt Lcfrbthl!": Then the
»M u» to ihM i-ur- what fliall I doe
T ? for my mafter
takeih away tiom
crummes that fell from the rich mans table yet, "''"'"''''»'''•'«/*« :

and the dugges came and licked his fores,

pofe, wedoenot me the ftewardihip, I cannot digge , ani to bcgge ^iy''kaf°"f7'^'
,le.feh.m nor 22 And it was fo that the begger died znA^'thofihJjiJi''."'^ :
lamalhamed. was carietl by the Angels into Abrahams bofome. i""'«'n'4if4»Aa
^""070'' «Tgb. 4 I kno we what I will doe. that when 1 am put The rich man alfo died, and was buried. '
boim.f«ingthjt out of the ftcwatdQiip they ^may receive me into ,

by..hi.cotly 23
And being in hell in roimenrs i he lift up Z,u('tht'dh'^ ,
their houfes.
mtacM, richfi.
_. .
his eyes and faw Abraham a faire oft", and Lazarus >erce>rMni'fSai'
^^^^^ ^^jj^^ he UHto him every one of his "
inhisbofbme. uittry ,/,, aduirc
t^uo^£Z{ tnafters debters . and fayd unto the firft . How much 14 Then heecried.and fayd, Father Abraham, •"• were put t>
«nnf, artturnedto oweft thou unto my mailer ?
acother endtaod
have mercy on me and fend Lazarus that he may
g ^j^j hg faycl. All hundieth meafutes of oyle. .
dip the tip of his finger in water , and coole my povtrae and mi-
'^'"^ • "^^"^^ thy writing, and fit
VTtl'p^Mticih^^'^'^-'^ ^^'''^ ^o tongue: for I am tormented in this flame. feiieof the godly,
Rcf a-'fLi,tiU downe quickely, and write hfiie, ''"'Dse^flaning
2f But Abraham fayd Sonne remember that
7 Then faid he to another , How much
/liw^rjiraughiie owcft , ,

<;f<tlm^,/cr.f»i>rfjjhou > And he fayde, Anhundreth meafures ot

ihou in thy life time receivedft thy pleafures, ami;^^;;^!^^.
likewife Lazarus paints now theiefore is he corn- and cruti) pride
"h'^a'e.T hen he fayd to him.Take tliy writing and :

Vnli'il(i/i'7'''i^' forted, and thou art tormented. ofihtrichihallbe

ufh^Tvaihingcc' write fourefcore. . , , 26 Befideali this .betweeney --- ou and Hs there "'"'*'*'''2 "''^'*
j^rtiy,iT<iiifa>irc 8 Lord commended a the vniult
And the -- -- - ne, without aH
under.1 figure ts
fteward bec^-;ufc he had done uifely. Wherefore
. , ,
- hopeof mercy,
from hence to you .cannot neither can they come h firy ^cr^ecu/!,
'[fi?ff'4lr««r'theb children of this world are in their generation from thence to us. arulfumftHCHjIy !
ihrJ^hh -rivhtkt wifer then the children of light.
^7 7 Then he Jayd I pray thee therefore fa- f" f'pj'i-'rme^tf
9 And I fay unto you Make you friends with
nMi'criifilfi:fi ,

the riches cofiniquitie that when yeftiallwant. ,
ther' that fhou wouldeft fend him to my fathers
uJlh'J'th"'" they may receive you into ev^rlafting d habita- rva,a\il,Ttofiin,
28 (Forlhavefive brethren) that he XRnyK-nenthit came out
jBtrlily mm Are tions.
ftifie unto them ,lcft they alfo come into this place "fy^c'^ia txnt tt
rntrehitd'tintht 10 2 He that is faithfull in the leaft , he is alfo

afftirei cfihu much and he that is vniuft in the leaft, oftorment. fn'tZiflU
faithfull in ,
totrli, thtn cM- 19 Abraham fayd untohira,They have Moyfesyj,„j,„j[ Ja;,^,*,*
drrni^Ccd art is vniuftalfoinmuch.
and the Prophets let them heare them. txpreffed.andjit
carrfuUforOlf 1 If then yee have not bene faithfull in the :

UJlmgiife. wicked riches , who will truft you in the « true 30 And he fayd,Kay father Abraham but if one frth-under^tUurt :

b M trt that art ffi treafnre?

come unto them from the dead , they will amend ''J'i"-^S'r''r"*
VUihufrifcnt their hves.
tontrarj It
1 yec have not bene faithfull in fano-
And if 7 S.cingthatwe
ther roans goodt wholhall give you that which is 3 Then he faid unto them , If they heare not bav« a moftfu.e
jvhtm tl)t thildrtx ,

Moyfes and the Prophets neither will they bj per- '"i« to liVt by, layd
eflfrUt art fti S .-
yours ? ,

ra»\ca%cthil,eft fuaded, thsugh one rife from the dead againe. T^^Tn «'"^
13 -J. 3 No fervant can ferve two mafters for :
/-ii.T^ v\Tti "J'"
^'^^^'''^'^"'^'^^tetheone.and lovethc other or :
CHAP, XVII. „/yandvainelydoe
c "rVjrii'nc'yf o^,«i els he Ihall leanc to the oik: , and defpife the other.
I Offence,. J WVm4,?/.f^,>r/,.-«-*4Mr<^4,Tfti J<:.ti«y?
„„ f„kefoiotheE
«/. 10 Wee are Hnprc/itatlt f,r>anli. 11 Of ihe icn leper,,
«//eWj lA.ii art Ye caunot fcrve God and riches. 10 Of the cemminrefihe k:n^,-'i>'n"'f heaven. 33 faljl

'4 ^" thefe things heard therharifes alfo which Ch'fi,. 3S ^fierivh,ilm.inrrChTillieimmin£fi,alUe. « Matth.lJ.y,
were covetous, and they fcofled at him. 'T' Henraydheetohisdi(ciples,«|« ' It can not be inarke9,4».
fntjrcma^rU ly 4 Then hec faide uuto them, Ycc are they, avoided , but tliatoffences will come , but woe » TheCburchfi
of nectlT^iefub.
/<«.,',.Mr .
tu( tf which iufiifie your felves before men , but God to him by
(>e whom they come.
i^u.r'-'hfi knowethyour hearts : for that which is highly 2 It is better for him tbat a »reat milftone but,".Lord"wiH
ughlilf <J Te n>if, ihe foort CMjliMt ! ftr ihty are ihe ^n'-triltrs ofthtfe
were hanged about his necke.and that hee were not fuffer ibem us«
W>t»if'i .

T altrnatUT IhifpHi!. Wrongbt tonVebtrtdtihjt forabufiodour tar:hly funSi.

1 caft into the fea.then that hcQiouldoflend one l"'D''hf'l.ifaoyoJ
onatiddutlie,w«bt notdrpriveJ>^fhe»veolygiftes for howtcan tbcy vlefjJirituall t^b.^leanbeoffca-
of thefe little ones. ^
gifttarijht iWboiburc worldly tbingj? e Th<itu,htaVcnly and trutry/iiti : -nhkh Take heed to yoirr felves
3 J » : if thy brother ,VjrreprehM.
arlcttr^ryiotPtrldlytinJfivlia^jHhllanee. { In norUty ^ocdi.vjh'^h .,r t c Mi J cth tr
m'ni.hciiuftt'tyitrcccmminrdtteurcrtiitt. Marti,. 6,14. 3 Komancanlom < trelpafle againft thee , rebuke him :and if hee re- fi^m muii beiuft, .

C:d and ticiieitosctlin. 4 Our fnnei »re oot bidden to Cod .although (b«y^ iK pent, forgive him. • andprocttdepf •!

<;« M nuo.fM »Uli9«gb tbc|F b«bid<ko to thtm wbeft riaaci ibey aie. 4 <. And though hee finneagainft theefeven
: " 1
TheUpetsclcAnCeis Qiapl Xviff. Ofthe tmrighteous kcfge. 3
times in a day J and feven time J in a Jay tnrae a- 26 4 «
Aid as it was in the dayes of * Geo,?,;
gaine to thee, faying , It repentcth mee . thou Ibalt (hall it be in the dayes ofthe Sonne of man. »4.38.
forgive him. 27 They ate, they dranke, they married wives, ft^iTh'T"
y ^ 3 And the Apoflles <ayd unto the Lord, gave in marriage unto the day that Noe went
3 God will nevef Increase our faith. into the Arke rand the flood came, and deflroyed fuddet. iudge-
be inieily licking 6 And the Lord faid , <• If ye had faith , «/ mueh them all. meotof God : and
»o the Godly fal. ^ .

though be be not
as «'/ a agraine ofmnftard feed, and (hould fay un- 28 SLikenefTealfoasitwasinthedayesofLot: «»'"'f«'" »teftith=
To perfitly with to this roulberie-tree , Plucke thy felfe up by the They ate, they dranke, they bought, they fold.they fS^X".
Ihein. ai tbcy rootes , and plant thy felfe in the fea ,it ihould even planted, they built.
VVOuld)evt;n io
5 Gea,i 9,^,
obey you. 29 But in the day that Lot went out of Sodom,
thofe difticuliiei.
vvhich cauDOcbe 7 S • VVho is it alfo of yon , that having a fer- it rained fire and brimflone from heaven
, and de-
evttcoinebymaiu vant plowing or feeding catteU.wouId fay unto him ftroyed them all.
reafon. by and by , when hee were come frona the field, 30 After thefe enfampeb fliall it be in the day »
M»ith.i7>l0. Wenrafttalr*
«f, Goe, and lit dowpe at table ? when the fonne of man revealed. good heed that
a Ifyouhjd uo ,

iBorefiiih' but the i And would not rather fey to him.Drefle 31At that day he that is upon the houfe,and ""'t^di/jruft.jioS

quiotilieof the wherewidi I may fuppe , and gird thy felfe , and his ftuffe in the houfe, let him not come downe to
graine of muftard fsrve me , till I have eaten and drunken , and after- take it out: and he that is in the field like wife, let anyrefpeftof"
ward eat thou, and drinke thou ? him not turne backe to that he left behinde. friendfhfp hindeg
4 Seeing that God
(Daychalengeim- 9 Doeth hce thanke that fervant , becaufe hee 32 " Remember Lots wife. w the leaii that
tohinvfelfeof did that which was commanded unto him ? I trow 33 Whofoever will feeke to fave his foule, n%^,l\^
rigbc, both uiand not. fhall lofe it ; and whofoever fhalllofeic.fhalle get « Cbap.9!z4.'m«;
allthati»ouri, be when yee have done all

la y So likewife yee . It life.- 10,39. mat. S,3>.
can be dtbiet unto
usfi;r nothing, al-
thofe things which are commanded you . f^ ^We
34 ^ I that night there fhall be two
'°1""'*^X. „r
though we laBour are unprohtable fervants we have done that which in one bed : the one Ihallbe received, and the other « "Jk'!'!,',^"*'
manfully even unto yy^j OUr duetie todoe.
iMlbeleft. pl°nd":ut'""4.
ii 1 6 was when he went to Hieru-
And fo it
35 Two women fliallbe grudging together, the '''< 'b^ it fcera
J Themoftperfit
keirt>ing ofthe
falem.that hee pafl'ed thicugh the raiddes of Sa- one Ihallbe taken, and the other Iballbe left. ^f^'" °'' ""«'
Lam wbiciiwe maria, and Galile. i6 Two ilwllbe in the fieid:one Ihallbe received, J^Zl^!""""'
can lerfoime, de« IX And as hee entred intoaceitainetowne, and another Ihallbe left. The onely wa'v
ferved no reward.
there mette him ten men that were lepers , which 37 '» And they anfwercd,and fayde to him, to continue i» to
f Chtilldottb
well even unto flood a fanre off. - Where, Lord ? And he fayd unto them , Where- cleave to chrid,
fucn.aswill beun- And they lift up their voyces and fayd.Ie-
13 foever the body w.thithtr Ihall aifo theeglesbe * ^*="''4'^4
thanktuii, but the Mafkr, have mtrcy on us.
f^g^ gathered together.
-'^"'^ when he ilw ?/;<?;», he fayd unto them,
to faiva'tio'n, "which S Go ,
lliew yoiu: felves unto the Priefts. And it
I Tk farahU of the unrighitMt Ind^e and the mJctt>2
•tetbankfuU. Came to pafle.that as they went, they were denied. 10 ofthe Pharifi and ihe Puilicane, ly Children aft ef
^ Levit.nj. j^ Then one of them , when hee faw that hee the kinrdome ofheavai. za To/eU And give to the B«re,
7 Thfkingdcine as Tit ^fcfilesfcfaki aU.
of God unoiniar-
healed .turned backe.and with a loud
r i^ i
— voyce ttath.
3, Chnft f.rtitUetbhit
1$ Thehiindc manrectiVeih ^ihf. prayfedGod.
A Nd I hee fpakealfb a parable unto thera,?ori;> ' GodviUlirK
though i 16 And tell downe on his face at his feete , and "' '° "=°''"''"= iB
prefent before
end , that they .f ought alwayes to pray , and not
gave him thanks and he was a Samaritan. :
£!*""' ",'
their eyes: becaufe to a waxe faint,
they fondly per-
17 And lelus anfvvered.and fayd, Aretherenot . c . • rr-i. • I . .
2 b Saying.There was a ludge in a certainecity, exercife u.' therto
f wade tbemlelves, ten cleanfed * but where are the nine ?
which fe*red not God, neither reverenced man. fore we muft fo
thatit isioyned 18 There is none fonnd that returned to give
with outward 3 And there was a widow in that city .which ".''« with impa.
God prayfe, lave this Itranger.
came unto him .faying , Doe mee
pomje. iufticeagainft deTa"'clufeus°n<* "

b With any out-

J 9 And hee fayd unto him, Arife, goe thy way,
mineadvedarie. to bteake off the
ward pompe and thy faith hathfaved thee, ,
fhew ofiiiaitftie, 20 J 7 And when hee was demaundedof the 4 And hee would not ofa long time butaf- courfeofout :

koowne by terward he fayd with himfelfe , Though I feare not P"^"'-

to be ;
rhatifes, when rhekingdomeof Godlhould conm,
for there God, nor reverence man.
he anfwered chem.and layd. The kingdome of God fATs"?"'
jr let becaufe this widow troubleth raee.l will aYeeldVJo aff i4f=i
jlaineand evident commeth not with b obfervation.
doe her right , left at the laft fliee come aid c make «°s,aDd adverfi-
tokens wbeieby 21 Neither tliall men fay, Lo here, or lo there
men might have me weary. ties.aitbeydoe
for behold the kingdorac of God is c wirhin you. ""'"^
6 And the Lord fayd , Heare what the unrigh- V^^f" "'
Chiilf was the
12 8 And he fayd unto thedifciples, The daycs
teous ludge faith. b He doeth aot
Mtfliaj, whofe will come .when yeihall defire to iee d one of the
kiDfdomewatfo dayes ofthe Sonne of man and ye fliall not fee it. ,
7 Now fliall not God avenge his elecS: which compare things ,

long lookid but cry niphc and day unto him , yea , though dfae fuf- ti'«"e«<5"fil t(v
23 ^9 Then they Ihall fay to yeu.Behold here. '

place ofthofeligoei
or behold there: iut goe not thither, neither follow
you he will avenge them quickly : but
I tell
\ Sh'^e^tS
8 if a man get hie
Vlhich vhePiiarifej them.
when the Sonne of man commeth, Uiail hee finde ^s'''*'*"^"":
dreamed of .which 24 For as the lightning that Hghtiieth out of unrighteoutiii<rg«
looked for an earth- faith on the earth ?
jj^g ^^g *^^ undet heaven ihineth unto the other ,

/'*'•* ""'^'^ ^i'^'^" • ^° '^-2ll ^^-^ Sonne of man be in

9 1 « He fpake alfo this parable unto certaine flt,1?;beTrav«r
mS"'"^ which trufted m
themlelves that they were iuft, and ofthe godly pre-
c youiookeabout his day.
.dcfpifed other. Godi
vaile before
5fjrMeffiai«« But firftmuft he fuffermany things , and be
25 ^°"*
'thcugh bewtieab- fcpioovedof this generation. 10 Two men went up '
into the Temple »i^
f to jJiay
nrav •
' '"" '^''^^'
feet, but be it
... . L ., with her blowT*,
^mcngll you in tbetriddexofyou. t Wee
oftentimeioeglea thofe thing! when they. •nd It 11 a
metaphoreuken of wrtftlcrt. ,
who b<-ate.

their adverfa,!,, withtbeir ftftescJS

» feefrefeo! .which wteafieiward defirc p.ben they are gone, but in vainc. d The tiubbes : lo doe ;bey ibat ate impornjnate beate the iejdges earei
with tbei? crviiw out,
time wfU come tbst yoo iliallfeeke for the Sonue of man, with great forow of heart & evenasKweirewKbblow.e,. d Though he feeme flowe in revenging the iaiu'fc
Ihall noilindehiin J .Mat.i4j»3»niar.i3 21. 9 Cbrilt fotowarneth ui that falfe done:o hi,. j Twr> thing, efpeciatly makeour prayer, voyde and o?nsnet(feft :
Chtilts Ihall come , and that bis gloiyUiaiil'ud^enlyb^fpread faire and wide ciueu^b confideoce of ourowot ngh.teoufneir«,andlbeS0DteiDPt cf other
and aohttmblebeiiS* :
s£e world, aftuUiiutie jgnominieof thctioQc i* pot Out aodextioguifiriJ^ «• ((esMt) to bosh the!«,
£e€ the
« 3 ! : *
The Pharlfe and the Publlcati. S.Luke« Ablindemafl. Zacc^eus«
the one a Vharile. and the other a Publican.' and this faylnp *aj hic! from them , neither percei-
II 3 The I'harife ftooile and prayed thus with ved they the things, which were fpokcn.
fvrifrv^ei-avc we
himfelfe.O God, I th.inke thee that lamnotas Sr 1 -f «' And it came to palle, that as he was 4-
othL-r men , extortioners, uniuft, adulterers.ot even come neere rmto leriLho,a certaine blindeman T'^rk^^'u w.
Cod -a a proude asthisl'iibiican. fate by the way lide begging. ;' , f^^ ^^
1 1 I fiifti-^ife in the weeke : I give tithe of all 36 And when he heard the people paffe by , he cie, tbarheUth*
put I rfol.t.le
that ever I pollcffe, asked what it meant. lijbiyf ihe worii,
UhA i* ootowne
^orke< brfure 1 but the tublican ftanding « a fane off.wouli 37 And they fayd unto him that lefus of Na- ,

Co J not lilt up fo much as his eyes to heaven.but fmote zareth pafl'ed by,
c FJrtt (torn tb«
his brcIt.Ciying, O
God , be mercifull to roeea 38 Then he cried , faying lefus the Sonne o£

iisner. David,have mercy on me.

•f Chap 14.11. 14 yoo.this man departed to his houfe.iu-
I tell 39 «» And they which went before , rebuked i» Themore
ni.ij.ia. then the other + for every man that
ftificd rather : him that hee ihould hold his peace , but hee cryed "<>I" »"'' lemhtt
S Mat.i9.iJ. exalteth himfelfe (hall be bioKght low , and he that much more,0 Sonne of David.have mercy on me. ^"'" ''''"'' '".
f ThccbildrnweK
humbieth himfelfe ihalbe exalted. 40 And lefus ftood fttll , nnd commanded him .rnTiilL'irh'm^
teudtraod yong , in 1 J 1 S They brought unto him alfo babes
to be brought unto him. And when hee was corae feife Chrinei
thitihty v»ere that he Ihould touch them. 4 And when his dild- neerc.he asked him, Kaoie.fomucb
which »p-
fcroogbt. pjgj. J3„, y^ they rebiiks.d them. 41 Saying, what wilt thou that I doe unto 'j^', ToToe ("«.' *

den""'i™b"ibit '^ ' ^'-^ ^^'"^ ^ Called them unto him.and faid, thee f And hee fayd » Lord , that I may receive my w»td. '

thfy vcmiofiott. Suffer the babes to come unto mee.and forbid fight.
wtict is to bf mar- them not : for of (itch is the kingdome of God. 4» And lefus fayd nnto him,Receive thy fight
ktd apainit ihem
^J j Vctc'y I fay unto you, whofoever receiveth thy faith hath faved thee.
thrbVra^tTniof"* """^ ''^^ kiiigdomc of God as a babe , heclhall iiot 4} Then immediatly he received his fight ,and
chlidrM. enter therein- followed him , pray ling God : and all the people,
4 Toiu(J!!for 18 * Then a certaine ruler asked him, fiying, when they faw tlJs, gave prayfe to God.
thinkt otct"!ft af-
Q^,| , what onght I to doe, to inheriteeter-
Mafjer C H A P. X I X.
naj! 'if" ? J ZAccliHtjiU PnhiicM. «} Ttrr pieces sfmcr.ej JeliWrtd

ew/ofioScite 19 And Icfusfayd unto him, why caJleft thou ttfirtdntitotetuficipithtS. a9 Itfus enireih inic Hif
ritftiem. 34 Hiifrenilrth the defiruSion cf the eiiie iri/6
corruftiuDi. gje good' none is good, fave one, even God. tearei. 4f He ciftelh the fenertiKicf the Temple.
J TatchilHrrn


^q Thou knowell the comrnandements."

no' commit adulterie Thou ihak not kill:
fi"'^'t :
^ Ow lericho,
« when lefus entred and p died through i chtin f rtwDt.;
inlhefrwcov-e. Thou flialt not fteale Thou lliak not bearefalfe :
^ Bcholde there was a man named Zaccheus.
eanrof Gcd. witnefle Honour thy father and thy mother. which was the a chiefe receiver of the tribute , and
g Tbrmtb.tca. J,

7 And be fay d. All tliefe have I kept from

^ fu'i,heft from*lt.'

lifd ttecbi drtn. ,.

' '^ he was rich. a Theovtr.''peraoa
^bom th.diicipie. my yout^vi.
3 And hcc fought to fee lefus , who he Ihould ^"^'^ °^ '''* f'^b''-

djjwawjy. Now when lefus

heard that , hee fayd unto be and could not tor the preafle 'J ""'
, becaufe hee was
r »
there togetbt r
e him , yet lackelt thou one thing Sell all that ever ,
n. t
fijt :

noctacic i' tbePublicane,

thou haft , and diftribute unto the poore , and thou 4 wherefore he ranne before, andclimedup wtre divided into
(halt have tre^furc in he.iven ,and come follow me. into a wildc figge-tree , that he might fee him for compaoie. aiwe
ft!»?n. : :

* Man 9.i<. 2 J But when he heard ihofe things , he was ve- he Qiould come that vvty. T'^f'^ "cicmo
niarkr 1
ry heavy for he was marvellous rich.
And when lefus came to the place hee loo- hf.oradooi. ,
Eiot ,30.
24 8 And whenlefus faw him very forowfull, ked up , and Aw him , and faid unto him, Zaccheus, j The world for.
J The iciiremeDt
4>f rich«ciii»ih
he fayd , With v/hat ditScultie ihall they tliat have come downe at once: for to day Imuftabideat fakeih the grace
away many fioiii riches, enter into the kingdome of God 'hinehoufe.
lheri,bt7iiy. ly Surely it is ea!:er for a Camel to go through
« ToU-tothrich
6 Then he came downe haflily, and received ft,o«id u bellowed
a needles eye , then for a rich roau to enter into the him ioyfully. upon other.
aodg'-'dly iia da-
^Li^iftcif Ocid.
kingdome of Sod. 7 a And when all they faw it ,they murmured, i rbe fx.iin)ileof
26 Then faid they that heard it , And who then faying , that hee was gone in to lodge with a finfuJl
(hall be laTcd ?
man. .ffvft.
17 And he feyd , The things which are luipofE- 8 3 And Zaccheus Hood forth, and faid unto the b By falftiyjcco.
ble with men, are pofsible with God. Lord Behold , , Lord the halfe of my goods I give
, ''"s '"V '"*" *"*

;ft Mit.i«,ir.
18 H fc Then Peter faid, Loe, we have left a!l> to the poore : and if I have taken from any man by
^^J' tffh^'^^'^rtj', and have followed thee. b forged cavillation, 1 rcftore him foure fold. of)ht° uitomtn
5 They become 29 3 And he fayd unto them , Verely I /ay unto 9 Then lefus faydtohim.Thisdjy is falvation
pe.fon.forcaw^of^H, you there is no man that hath left houfe . or pa-
which refute noc
come unto this houfe foralmuch as lie is alfo be- moniytbeybave

rents, or brethren, tir wife ,or children for the king- comethecfonneofAbraham
to bf pome for Ibrnr^tX^rob ,

Cbniitrake. dome of Gods lake, lo S For the lonne ot mams come to lecke, and fpoiie .hetom.
30 Which not receive much more in this
aedro fave that which was loft. moa-wfale,>hey
world, and in the world to come life everlalting. il 4 Andwhiltsthey heard thefe things, hee """'"Sio

31 f * 10 Then lefus tooke unto him ^ twelve,

• M».»o,i7. continued and fpake a parable becaufe hee l^/profiTo'the ,
iifki- 10. ji. and l.iyd unto them , behold, we goeupto Hieru- neere to Hiernfalcm , anil necaute alfjthey thought c. mrajn-wale.aBi
10 A»fjfe Jndier.
falem , and .ill thint^s lliall be ftilhiled to the Sonne that the kingdome ofGodlliouldlhortlyappearc. uaderthatwlout
CXI iirofiirF ii ibe of roan, that are vsritienby the Prophets. 1 2 He (ay d therefore , * A certauie noble man ^^'^ '*" '''*.>'

glory MCich re. 32 For lie iVali be delivered unto the Gentiles, went into a farre countrey , to receive for himlclfc tBari"nen°'n"nor«
Diaintcb r<.r ihe and (hall bo mocked,and Ihaibe fpitefully entreated, a kingdome, andjo to com; agaiiK, and lo^ aooui to
andlhalbefpitedon. »edrcfie tbeii «ol)be»

33 Andwhenthey have rcourgedhim,they will lie.aod fpoyting, tbcycry oatthe common-vvealth ishiodred. e B.-lovfd of God, cue .

thatwilkeih io the llep» ol Abrabami iaicb:aod we gather that ralvat:o.Tcaiat lo ibat-,

put him to death : but the third ilay hee lliall rile
b Hfrfbywffte houfe , becaufe (bey lecehrd the bUdl.ig; at Abraham h^d. foe aU oftbc houfebolde
fcTMignoraotthe werecircurocifed f Ma'b.iS.ii. 4. Wemuit patieotly vA'aitofettttc iudgciavi^
Jileil'leivvMii 14 Bpt they nndedooUb none gftbefethlngS) ofGo<ii wiaci>ili<tiU((cv(<Uiiiiobii(iBit. • ^actti tf,i4.
: . :

Thefaitbfiillfervant; Chap^ xx; The ftoncs Would of. 3

* Theic art ih 13
_ And he called his ten fervanls^flnd delive- naultitude of the
^ifciples began to reioyce , and to
rorno(ii.ti» n fC(j them ten pieces of money ,and faid unco them, praile God
with a loude voyce , for all the great
*'' '>*» O cupy till I come. workes that they had feene,
fo nu '

Chtift'v«hoiB'°(ry H No w his citizens hated him ,and fint an am- 38 Saying.Blefledfctf the King that commeth in
the Name of the Lord : peace in heaven, and glory
fct not ih« uthft,
: bafl ge after him , f'aymg , Wee will not have this
whichaccording reigne over us. in the h ighelt placet.
jjjjp jq ^
15 And it came to naffc.when he was come 39 8 Then fome of the Pharifes of the compa- ^ ^beo they Im."
beftowthe git"
«vhieb the) have againe .and had received his kingdome that he , ny fiid unto him.Mafter,reb«Ue .hy difciples. Tbrthe ch°"feft
ffeccived cfGod. commanded the fervants to be called to him , to 40 But he anfwered. and faiduntothem ,1 tell preacheriandfct.
to fait glory viich
whom he gave his money, that he mightknow you .that if thefe llaould holde their peace, the t-nfoonhoftbe
would kingdcmeofO<«f«
w'lat every man had gained. ftOneS Ciy.

thud .ive J e y. 1 6 Then came the hrft,faying,Lord,'l thy piece 41 1* 9 Andwhenhe was come neere , he be- ^*h"'e,"lotdF-
•Dddouogcod. hatli encreaftd ten pieces. held the Citie. and wept for it. oariiy.iudefpite
A» for the fin; the
1 7 And he laide unto him, Well, good fervanc 42 g Saying .h O
ifthouhaddeftevenknowen of them
loio vvren her
beiauTe ?hou haft bene faithfull in a very little I at iheleaftiiithiskthydaythofe things .which • Chap jt.ts.numi
commeth \\'t\l
thing, take thou aathoritie over ten cities. teleti^ unto thy peace! butnoware they hid from
auftlyjiuuiflithetn ^chrX«ntJ/''*
in bis time; tne liv And the fecond came.laying.Lotd.thy piece thine eyes- iimpiy deiited
other ht will
hath encreaied five pieces. 43 For the dayesfliall come upon thee .that thine with the deftru-
bltlTcsccording Qion.nonotof
19 And to the fame he laid , Be thou alfo rultr enemies (hall caft a trench about thee . and com-
to tOe (aice»
«vhicb tbe^have over five citits. pile thee round, and keepe thee in on eveiy fide. ''^"^^j^'^^^^'^^j^,^

taken and at for

: 10 6 So the other came.and faid. Lord, beholdc 44 And ihall mnke thee even with the greund. off biifpeecb,
the (louttiull and thy piece, v-hich I have iayd up in a lupkin : and thy children which are in thee , and they fliali wbich fheweth
idleperfon he
X I For I feai-ed thee , becauie thou att a ftraite not ie.-ive in thee a ftone upon a ftone. becaufe thou P*"'y how he wa«
will punilh ibrm
•tihtfirft. man: thou takeft up that thou laiedft not downe, kncweH not >" that leafbn of thy vifitation. uTffi^D fi« thedK-
d Thii wai a piece and leajieft that thou diddeft not fow. 4T ' § »o Hee went alfo into the Temple , and ft,uftioooftheci.
of money, which ^^ j[,g^ j,eg f^^^^ „„jo him , uf thinc ownc began to caftout them that fold therein .and them tie, that waiiiket*
enfue: and parti,
MdwaiiD^'iue "^°^^^ «'''! I ''"^g^ ''''^^ ' ^^ evill ftrvant. Thou thatbought,
•bout an hundred knewfft that I a ftraire man .taking up that I
' am 46 Saying unto them , It is written.* Mine ^^^.Pjrtrecb^.?,^
pcDce which it
. laid not downe, and reaping that I did not fow. houfe is the houle of prayer,* butyenavemade and ftubbumntfle
•bout ten cfowofi. j j,
vvherefore then j.-,avcft not thou my money itadenne oftheeves. agamfthim, fucb
^^^ ^ banke , that at
'"'^" my comming I might have 47 And he taught dayly in the Temple, And the " '>"'' "«' lig*"'*
wSchfifodXir '

lite idielyi°n deli. , required it with vant.>ge ? hie r-iicftes and the Scnbes and the chiefc of the . ^ "tUaft «ife
ber-a ing add ,

24 And hee fiid lO them that ftood by , Take people foughttodeftroy him. _
tbou.OHietufalem, con- fronj him that piece and give it him that hath ten, 4» But they coulde not hnde what they might towboiBihismef-
pjg^^^ doe to him :for all tlie people hanged upon hitn fag* wm P'ofhr
t Tothf bankers
lad cbaDgcil. 2J (And they faide unto him,Lord,he hath ten when they heard him. iTfaf»r the n»y-
pieces.) ing of to many Propheti .and fo oft refufm^ mee the Lord of the Proi bets, nowe efpe«
4 Chap.MS. 26 ^Forl lay unto you.that unto all them that ciallymtbitmy lalt comming to ibee.thou bidit bad any legard to thy fclte. k Th«
mitt 13.12, fit aBd conimoj.oui timeit called tbe day of tbij citie 1 That ii ,thofe thing! wieteiu
have , it lliallbe given and fn,m him that hath not,

ecd 2; 19.
even that he hath, thallbe taken from him.
tbyhap^inefleltandetb. m Thitii this very inftant vvhevein God vilited ;hee.
isacXe ^,t!. S Mat.»i,i3. lo Chrillihewe/h after bit eisrie into Hierufalem by ivilibleligoe.
Moreover,tho/l' mine enemies, which would
17 that it ii hii office enioyned him of hit Fathei to purge th« Temple, * M*t.iiiiy,
not that Iflhould reigne over them .bring hither, ifai./«,7. a Iertm7,ii.
and fiay them before me.
rrhfi'.fcipUt f And when he had thus fpoken.fhee went 4 Frcmtehenfe Jckms Bapiijmetvti. 9 T
ht Mvhkf'f'iifi tf
ftaggered and ftaied foorth before.afcendin^ up to Hicrufalem. the Vriiflt it noted h} the f.Lr.Me cf lite -uincyard juJ the

atth huilunttmen. at Tt^il't ititutciii Cefar, tj Ha

29 S 7 And it came to paffe, when he was come ciin)>i'icetkt}7tSiii'i«c<ider.yin!' therifirtttlien. Htyv
CB'iJtgoeibon 41
boldly though neere to Bethphage , and Bethania , bcfides the Chri(liithefe„ne,fDa}>iJ.
death were be&re moimt which is called r/;«»7»«/jf of Oiives, he lent A'Nd a 'it came to
on one of thole;
paffe , th.i.t ^
bit eyes two of his difciples, *^ dayes . as hee taught the people in the Temple,
< Mattbii.i.
30 Saying, Go ye to the towne which is before
"^^h' Pha'rlfe.
and preached the G^fpel the hie Prieftes and the b«ingov:r*co!w
7 Chriftftievietb you , wherein ailbone as ye are come , ye flwll hnde Scribes catne uponhim.wich the Elders, with tbe tiueibor
in bit ovi'ne i^er- a colt tied , whereon never roan fate : loofe him, 2 And rpake unto him , faying. Tell us by what Cbiiitesdoftrine,
Jbn.that bit king-
and bring him liither. authoritie thou doeft thefe things, or who is hee
dome is not of , , , .
1. , , . about his .-utwaij •

ebiiwozid. 31 And if any ^ske you . why ye loofe l.i^x, thus that hath given thee this authoruie ? calling, and ar«
iliall ye fay unto him , Becaufe the Lord hath need 3 And he anfwered , and (aid unto them , I alfo ove come by the
will aske you one thing tell me therefore witnciTe rf their
©fhim. :

The baptifme oT lohn from heaven, "*" -<"^S:ie.«,

32 So they that were lent, went their way , and 4 . was it

found it as he had faid unto them. or of men

And as they Wf re loofmg the colt, the own-

And they reafohcd with in themfelves faying, * *'"''" '"

" ,
3J J
ers thereof faid unto them , Why loofe yee the If we fliall fay, From heaven.hc will fay Why then ^"
ttm 2,21, ,

colte ?
beleevedyehimnot ? j'l,

34 And they fayd , The Lord hath neede of 6 But if wee fl-allfay. Of men. all the people ihingtohaveibem,

him. will ftone us : for they be perfwaded that lohn was ''"'tiefritene-
^,;. 3y f * So they brought him to lefns and they , aPiophet. h'tCn's'tbi^
caft their gaitnents on the colt . and let lefus there- 7 Therefore they anfwered.that they could not are c> nverfant in
on. tell whence it *©<•/. tbe very Sanfluaiy

36 And as hee went .they fpred their cloaihes in 8 Then lefus laid unto them.Neithertell I you,
the way. by what ant horitie I doe thcle things f^^"^ isr/fliaM
37 Aw! when hee was now come neere to the 9 5 * 1 Then Ivegan he to fpeake to the people not'<ifcar«uDP»i

^oing downe of the tccnnt of Olives , the whole this paiabJe, A certaine man planted a vineyard, "itted.

Bee A «n4
: } '

^ncvlneyatdletout; S. Luke«
znA let it foofth t» hostaacfmea : and went Into a 33 Therefore at
tlie reriuTe(9:Ion,whofe wife of g T>ey at e caiit<i

ftrange countrey , for a great time.

them lliebe
? for feven had her to wife.
(liall *"" '" "'''• P'"''
time convenient hee (ent a fer-
And at the 34 Then
lefus anfwered, and faide unto them,
The g children of this world marry wives , and are in thu world, and
vant to the husbandmen , that they flionld give him
of the fruice of the vineyard but the husbandmen : raarried. nottbey.thatwhoU
did beat him, ^.id fent him away emptie. 3f But they which fliall be counted worthy to '>' "' «'"° '" '''* '


1 1 Agaiiie hee lent yet another fervant : and enioy that world . and the refurredion from the 2°p"!«
they did beate him .andfouleinnreatedhim ,ani dead, neither marry wives, neither are married. arecommy .oihe
fent him away emptie. 36 For they can die no more , forafmuch as 'h''"!'" of 'igbt.

1a Moreover he fent the thirde , and him they they are equall unto the Angels , and are Ait fonnes '' ^''" '' ' """ f*'"

tvounded and caft out. of God, lince they are the h children of the refur-
1 3 Then faid the Lord of the vineyard . What reftion. -,..-.,
i«y truely.that they
it may And
(liall I doe I will fende my beloved fonne
? : j7 that the dead (hall rife againe.even SlhiucioVeedr
be that they will do reverence when they fee him. •I- it befides the bulb, when he faide, ^'^^f^ Hwiiraioy
Mofes fliewed
14 But when the husbandmen fawe him , they The Lord the God of Abraham .and the God of
reafoned with themfelves.faying.This is the heire Ifaac, and the God of lacob. d«ed wbich liii to ,

come .let us kill him , that the inheritance may be 38 For he is not the God of the dead . but of ''*« • tbo'igh if thi«
them which live : for all i live unto him. ?*'""* «f""«a'on.
I y So they cafthim out of the vineyard.and

led him.What fliall the Lord of the vineyard there- faid.M

Mailer, thou haft well
laid. the wicked which
fore doe unto them ? 40 And after that , durft they not aske him any iiaii rife t» con-
16 Hee will come and deftroy thefe husband- thing at all. , whi'ck
tnen , and will give out his vineyard to others. But 41 J « * Then faid he unto them.How fay they b „' d.a«''"'^
when they heard it they
, faid, God forbid. that Chrift is Davids (bnne + Exodjs.
17 I Andhebeheldthem,andfayd,Whatmea- 42 And David
_ hirafelfe laith in thebookeof • That ii, before

S( T>W.ii»,«: ncth this then that is written, ,j. The ftone that

the Pfalmes ,
The Lord faide unto my Lord, Sit at I"'" « noaoie %,
'"g.tbegodiy do«

iift.38,.«.aa.4.>«- "e the head of the

the builders refufed.that is made my riahrh;.nrl.
fmv right hand. no. d.c, Though
«m.,.3M ?««•'• 4} Till I have make thine enemies thy foote- they die heieoo
corner? ^ „ ^„
18 whofoever (liall fall upon that ftone » (hall ftoole. «a«:h.

hee t 4^,

be broken and on whomfoever itlhall fall , it will
: 44 Seeing David called hrnn Lord , how is

grindc him to powder. then his fonne?

rchruf /.Vo the
19 Then the high Prieftes, and the Scribes the 4f J Then in theaudience of all the people,he fonne of David
fame houre went aooiu to lay hands on him (but %d unto his difciples, according to the

they feared the people ) for they perceived thathe 46 « Beware of rfxe Scribes .which willingly fl«'h,thatheiialf»
*Mitt.M.i«. had fpoken this parable againft them, goe in long robes . and love faiutations in the mar-
te'if °be mru"**
toatib. 11,13- 20 :J 3 And they * watched Ww and lent foorth kets , andthehigheftfeates in the aflemblies . and ft,ogfonneof*"
3 The Ian Ttfcge j, J- jgj ^ ^^^j^h Ihould fainfi themfelves iuft men c to the chiefe roomes at feafts : Godjaccotding

it'.^fXiroy'th. take him in his talke .and to deliver him unto the 47 Which devoure widowes k houfes , and in '<> '''^ fpi"i-
uue Prnffaeii ,powCT
ii and <* authoritie of the govemour. fliewmake long prayers : Thefe fliall receive grea-*,!,
Chap Iii43'iiiat,
*olayfed,tion,aud 21 Andthey asked him.faying.Mafter.weknow ter damnation.
3,6 inar.12,33.
ir.afoQ. their
that thou faydl , and teacheft right .neither doeft 3 Wemnftavoyd the example of the »inbitioaiandcov«oo!P«ft°""' k Tbuit
. ATfme to «hon acccpi « any mans perfon.but teacheft the way fpokea by the figure Metooymicboufu, for the goodt aadTablUDCC*
Mkehi.nio. ofGodtruely, ^ ^ .,
b Whom they h»J ,j Is it lawfuU for US to give Cefartnbutc o»
C H A V. XX J.
deceitfully hired.
B Theititlcjveilihtraliiie ahoiithtrrichu,J Ofthttimt
^^ ^ eftheJe/lruflicniftheTemilt, 19 andHUrufiUm,
t.i.''rom.'hoTde io »3 But hc perceived their f craftineffe,and faid 1/ Theftint'goinihtffttheUlliutliemtHt. ^ Ma!keij,48;
bij talke, and iber.. unto them. Why tempt ye me » A Nd^ I as he behelde,hee fawe the rich men i Thepooremaf

by forge fomefalfe Shewc meea pennie. Whofc imagcand fii-

2^ •^ which can their gifisintothetrearutle, Mceedinboun-
ccufatloa againft
perfcriptioH hath it? They anfwered, and fayde, X Andheclaweailo a cenaine pooie widowe ".'^^/^i'^f^J
6 Toruthimto Ceiars. which caft in thither two m.tcs : according tac»ii7
dea.h. ay Then hee faid unto them, * Give then unto 3 And he faide. Of a trueth Ifay unto you, iudgemeac,
« Thou art not iroo Cefar the things which are Cefars.and to God that this poors widowe hath caft in more then they

'^'^^llTuVrt thefe which are Gods. alL

?on h! m«ne1h ;u,. i6 And they could not reproove hi3-%ing be- 4 For they all have of their fuperfluitie caft in- •

waid crcumftjn- fore the people bm ihey marvelled at ms anlwete,.

: to the offerings of God : but Ihee of her penurie
«> «'"'''' 'f* "•»= and held iheir peace.
bath caft in all the living that (he had. Cbsp,r9,4j.mat; ^^ K 4 Then Came tohimcettaine of the Sad-
y +iNowasfomelpake ofthe Temple, how i4.i.mar ,j,,.
duces (which deny that there is any refurreftion) it was garnilhed with goodly ftoness and with* J Thedeitruaion
are indeedeaiike. and they asked him, confecratethings.hefati, ^ortKuha.
fcr«f>i«» '«««'- 28 Saying. Mafter,^ Mofes wrote unto us , If 6 Are theie the things that yee lookeiipon? .fuffpjjjtuaiibua-
*^"*''"'«"";~' any mans brother die. having a wife , and hee die
the dayes will come wherein a ftone (lull not dingmay bebuUt
^r without children . that his brother Ihould take hu be left upon a ftone , that Ihall not be tluowen
up. whofehead
t^ builderimoftand
oac'h uf.andgVeit wife, and raifc Up feede unto his brother.
OOWne. caghttobectt-
29 Now there were kvenbrethren.aiid the firft
praaift roinatters.
7 Then they asked htm faying Matter , but , , cumfpea.
*- Rom. 13. 7.
tookea wife, and he died wiihouc children. when fliall thefe things be and what li»ne pHtU ?

S«,'Vr."'*'" 30 And the fecondtookc the wife, and he died there be when thefs things Ihall come to pafle ? «""
4 Thetefutreaioa chlldleflc. « t And hee faid, Take heede that ye be not .
«rtb* flefli ii
3 1 Then the thirde tooke her : and fo likewife deceived for many Nvill come b in my Name , fay.
avootMAK^mf. no children.
the feven died, and left ing , I am Ojrifi and the time diaweth neere: fol-

3* AnakftofalUtheworaanaiedalfo*. b VflBg'ryKlB«S
i^^peS'.J, low ye not ihem thaiefojei
SI i And
3 . . ;

The dayes of vengeance. Chap. xxij. Watch and pray. The PafleovoJ', 3 jr
9 3 Andwh-^nyehearecfwarresandfeditions, your. hearts beopprefled withfiirfeting anddrun-
a thetJutTem-
I-le of God IS built be not afraid foe thefe things mult hrft come , but
kennefle , and cares ofthis life , and lead that day
up even in the the end foUoweth not by and tiy. come on you at vnwwes.
of incre- come h on all them that .„
1 o Then fayd he unto ihem Nation fliall rife , ;?5r For as a fnare Ihall it

dible lumulti, and
nioft 11 atpe mife- againft nation , and kingdcme againlt kindgome, dwell on the face ofthe whole earth. f °ve' tl."y" e".
lies, through in- 1 1 «. And great eanhquakis n.all be in divers 36 Watch therefore and pray continually, that ,

vincible patitnce,
places .and hunger , and peQilencc , and fearefuU ye may be counted worthy to efc-Jpe all thefe
things, and gteat fignes ihail there be froiii heaven, things that Ihall come to paffe .and that ye may
thereof cannot be
feutinonhajfy. 1 2 But before all thefo, ti:ey fliall lay their hands 'ftand before the fbnne of man

,f Mat.14.7- on you, and perfecute^««< , delivering you up to 57 5 Now in the ddy time hee taught in the 'Jt'!''TJ^'"^'.„
the alfcmblies , and into piilons, and bring you be- Temple, and at nighthe went out .andaboadein abide :h«countc-
c Tbislbalbttbe called the mount of Olives.
end ofyouv irou- fore kings and ruitrs for Names fake. my the mount, that is nance and fentence
ofthe itiJgewitk.
ble« and affiiSions, 1 And this fliall turne to you , for a = teftimo- 38 And all the people came in the morning to
out feare.
iheyftialbemitnef- niall. him, to heare him in the Temple.
both before God up thet efore in your hearts .that ye
and man, afvsell of
1 § Lay it
ihe.recherousand caft not beforehand what ye fliall anlwere. 3 luJaifilltthChriJl. 7 The ^p'Jllc, prepare the P^Jfeoyfr,

erueii dealing of ly For I will give you a mouth, and wifedome i4 Thtyjlrine ivhu/htlh chiefrjf. 31 SiUincrpremihem.
your enemies, asal- vvhere againft all youtadverfatics ihall not be able 3; cMflfUwt'hthattheynanttdnBthing. 41 lU fTitytth
foofyourconftan. inihemeunt. 44 He/n-taiftU/W. /o .M ,<(ctw; e«re cat
jq fpeake not refift. S7,sS,6o PtterdenWhChriJl ihrU!.

i'nV. fharthe aifli- 1^ fl^albe betrayed alfo of yonr parents. .«i ChriJiumock."ii»dfirfck<:n. «» Heccnftlfeih himfe'f'
aioDS of the godly and of your brethren , and kinimen , and tricndes, tihtheSonuecfCed.
-"H holy men per- and /o;»e of you ihall they put to death. ,^ XT Ow * the , feaft of unleavened bread drew */^"'^"-
to the wiiaei
17 And yee fhall be hated of alBjpnfofmy ^^
neere, which is called the Pafleover.
^^ rchnltV.akeQ
hie Priefts and Scribes fought how upon rbe day of
ofthe trueth.
Names fake. 2 And the
^ Chap. 12, ij.
the PaCiov^, ra-
mat. 10. 19. 1 ''Yet there fliall not one haire ofyour heads they might kill him : for they feare the people.
entred Satan into ludas , who was P'°''"
inaike 13,11. perifli. 3 J 2 Then ^."^''^/^f
# Mat. 10,30.
19 By your patience ^ poflefle your foules. called Ifcariot , and was of the num.ber of the ,b°" h.aby the
tl Though yoa are
J * 4 And when ye lee
20 Hierulalera befieged twelve. willofmen.
corapaDed about on
with many
all fides with fouldiers then underftand that the delolation
, 4 AFid he went his way and communed with s Mat. 16,14.

iniferies,yet not- thereofis neere. the hie Prieftsand»captaines howheraightbe- "^"^''^'^^'^^;


^iibftanding be
2;i Then let them which ate in ludea, flee to trayhimtothem. woDdetfuIiirov;.

lagious,^ and beate the mouHtaines : and let them which are in the c So they were glad, and agreed to give htm dence.caurethbim
out theft things middes thereof , depart out : and let not them that money
jnanfully •
are in thecountrey, enter therein : 6 And he confented and fought opportunity ^^"^^^^IXT; ,

« Dan. 9, 17.
22 For thefe be the dayes of vengeance, to ful- to betray him unto them, when the
people were .honrofcarde.
mat. 14 'J- ftfuaion.
tnaike 13,14. fill all things that are written. baway.
2j Butwho^eto them that be with child, and J € * 3 Then came the day of unleavened a They that had
H The6oallde-
i^ruftionof the to them that give fucke in thole dayes for there :
bread, when the Palleover muft be facrificed, .^ f^.'/^^l^'
fliall be great dilkeffe in this land, and
= wrath over
8 And he lent Peter and lohn , laying, Go and '^^^^^ ^^„ ^^^,
this people. prepare us the ^ Pafleover that we may eace it. of the Priefts and
e By wrath, tbofe
24 And they fliall fall on the edge of the faid to him , Where wik thou, Eiihops.aiappea-
things :


^^^ fliail be ledcaptiue into all nations, and

^Q And they '

that we prepare «t?


, ireth by TDe yz verie

Hierulaltm ihail be tioden under foot ot the Gen-
' JO Then he fayd unto them. Behold, when ye vvitbout tamult, (,
momh', fortheHe- tiks. untill the time of
the Gentiles oe fulfilled, be entred into the citie there Ihall a man meet unwitting to th .

people which u(
von, bearing a pitcher of water follow him into
ferewe call. he edge 2J ^if g Then there ihiH be
flgncs in the funne, :

'. . r \*^ \ _ .u ;- to follow bim : araa

ofafwordtbe and in the moone and in the Itarres, and upon the .
thehoufethatheentrethin. r . ^. r therefore indeed
niomb becaufe
earth trouble among the nations, with perplexitie II And unto the goodmanof tne houle,
fay ,i,eywatched
the Tea and the waters Ihall roare. The Mafter faith unto thee. Where is the lodging time, when tbey
k<>*^w he wai alone
31,7 a)at,i4.29. 26 s And mens hearts IhaU faile them for feare where I fliUi eate my Palfeover v.ith ray dilciples ?
Iiiarkn3,i4- and for looking after thole things which Ibali come HThen he Ihall ihew you a great high cham- '^ '^'^f/g "
g When the tiniM on ;he world for the powers of heaven ihall be
: bcr trimmed : there make it ready. markei^.ia-
are expired. aiiyoin-
13 Sochey went.andfcuntlashehadfaydunto 3
teiforth. falvati- fliaken.
on of the Gentiles 27 And then ftiall they feethe Sonne of man them, and made ready the Pafleover, ^JlSmirX
and punilbment of ^^^^ -^^ ^ cloud, with powe'r and great glory. J 4 « 4 And when the c houre was come.he fate ."^'^"'j;';^,:^^" h^

28 And when theie things begin zocbmeto downe,andthetwelveApoftles with him. hegoingtob.
fcbepTfl-ethftcm .

theaenruaionbf paffc , then looke Up , and lift Up your heads : •'for 15 Then he f.yd unto them , I have earneftly crucified, yet no-

defired to eate this Palleover with you , before

Hieturilem.tnthe your redemption draweth neere. '''.'°g''*^i'^,^'°%-
tun ana tneriiJ's

biftotit ofthe lat-

29 6 And he fpake to them a parable , Behold, ffuffer.
, r Ut -11 that hegoetbwil-
Forlfay untoyou,HencetoorthI wiUnot
teriudftm^of. ji^giyj^fjeath.
the iigtree, and all trees, 16
5 After diveis any more.uniill it be fulhlleth in the c Bytheorderap-
tempeft.iheLcrd 3^ When they now flioot foorth , yc feeing eate of it

will at the length them , know of o\*he felves > that lummer is kingdomeofGcd. ni'iambt w^J^h ,
and gave thanks.and ^,^|',\|'™^;,'"„nh.
plainly arpeare then neere. ,7 And he tooke the cup,
ta deliver his
So likewife yee when yee fee thefe things
31 ,
Take ihis.and divide it among you:
fayd, paQiover And :

Clutch. &f the

come to paflc. know ye that the kingdomeofGod 18 For I fay unto you I wiil notdrinke , tiij itffokeu byi''«
» Rom 8,27-
fruit of the vine.untill the kingdome
of God be ^^?^«^"\'^\^^7
« Weinnftbefo- is neere.
berand watcbfull 31 Vv-rely I fay unto you This age
, fliall not come. all inihe matter of
boih day and night the Sacrameatis.
things be done:
pailc.tillall thefe
fcrihe Lords com- 4 Cbrift having ended the PaflVover according to the
.iming, tbatwebe ii Heaven and earth lliallpafleaway, but my « Mat 26 io.mar..4,i7-
be his lafl banc^uet with them,
order of the Lawe , forewameib themthattbiilliall
not taken at uq- words not pafl'e away
e Theeveniogand twilialit,8twtAt I'mc
after the-manet and neceOitieoftbislife.
34 * Take heed to your felyes, leaft at any time this fupiJWOTW to be kff t. i I »'" P"« «> ^w'""-
Eee 3 jp ^fhvA
The Lords Supper. S. Luke, Drops of blood. Peters deniall.

4 M3t.i<,t«. 19 fAnclhectooke bread, and when he had

* wont) to the mount of Olives .and his difciples « Mat.a*,,^.
"'^'*« '4-3».
iiiirktH.ja. o;ivcn thanks ,lie brnke it and gsve to them fay— , , alfo followed him.
I. Cor u.j*. jp»^ "j-hij is my body, which is given for you doe : 40 X 3 An J when hee came to the place , hee i;ld?a»"tb*'accep,

/.h^''.""« re . this in the reraembr,'.nce of me. fayd to them. Pray, leaft ye enter into tenration. table unto ui, by

Dant.jndhifcom- 2-0 Likcwile alfo after flipper /;»/Mi;ff the cup, 41 <4 And heawasdrawen alidc-from them a- ovetcommiBg in
iru-ic4-iDgwi:h fayinc; , This^,? ciipw h that new Tellament in my bout 3 ftones caft , and kneeled downe , and prayed, S"'
''^"'*' ^" '''*

uiwiihoewe blood , whith IS flied for you. 42 S.iying Father, if thou wilt.take awaythis vThkh h'-d^ioTeV

»' S * Vet behold, the hand of him that be-

i cuppe from mee neveithelelTc , not my will, but with .hem ibecuife
? :

Mftonymie : for traycth me, IS With me at the table. thine be done. ofcod-
6rftth«vr(reHi«r.i- 21 7 And truely the Sonne of m.m gocth as it
43 And there appeared an Angel unto him from "* r"y"iarea
ktn forioatwbich jj appointed : but woe ie to that nun by whom he heaven, comforting him.
si'n h'"'o'j
is betrayed. ' _ 44 But being in an n agonie bee prayed more riTioui'airiXof' ,

f.rtitvftiotAbich ij Then they began to enquire among them- earneftly and his fweat was like o drops of blood, ourennriei.

iivcuhinihircip. felves which of them It flioiild be , that (I'-ould doc tricklingdowne to the ground. > Thitajonie
th^t. 4 y If And he rofe up from prayer . and came to ^/",",^J,^h'?od'^'
14 I
»< s And there arofe alfo aftrifea'mong /;// difciples.and found them fleeping for heavines.
vva7in'gt"at df"
Wottrii ind«-de it them . which of them Ihould leeme to be ine 46 And hee layd unto them.wny lleepe ye? tile ftreae:forCbii(t
£1 huiiheligneof grcateft. and pray, leaft ye enter into tentation. ftroyenot onely
tteTenammt or
^y Wut hee fiid unto them .The Kings of the
oVcs^rii',''^kmbv Gentiles rcigne over them and they that beare .

theTeiU'r.fot >*»»' ri'dc over them, are called k bountifull. twelve, went before them . and came neere unto mcnymartyra
16 Hut vc y;.-<t/!? not i'g fo : but let the grcateft "'h^' '«n^e more
?mcng yi'U be as the leaft.and thechiefeiUshc
lefus to kJUlhim.
4« AtlRerus
thou the Sonne of man with a kilVe ?
fu"ll kid'emen""*
thingthjt isre- For who IS greater he that fitteth at table.
27 , 49 17 Now when they which were about him, hiiangrteFaiher.
pitfrtKih. or he that fcrveth is nothee that fitteth^t table ? ; Mw what would follow they fayd unto him Lord, , .
w'li'l' '« the ftare«
h Tliiiword, ibat,
y^j^j j ^^^ among you as he that (erveth. (liall we fmitc with the fword ?
w'rM-a''nd^the mlu
UndJ'oflbrT.t: ^8 ' An^ y" a^e they which have continued fo And oneofthemfmoteafervantofthehie terwai .for .bathe
nwiii.aod anf\,\e- with me in my tentaticns. and flrookc offhis right eare.
Prieft, tooke the burden of
K'.b toibfj'Uceof ip Therefore I appoint unto you a kingdome, y I Then lefus ani wered, and fayd, Suffer them ^'.' ou' 'innet upoa
*'"'"'' '^''•1' 3';
as my F.ttherhath appointed unto me, thusfarrc and he touched his eare, 6c healed him.
Tfii'irViu'ii'i.J^r 3o « That ye may eate,and drinke ar my table, ')! 1
3 Then lefus fayd unto the hie Priefts, and onWy fhewthac
oiift.i. in my kingdoms and lit on feates , and iudge the , captaines of the Temple, and the Eiders which chriftwaurue
g MitiC.ix. twelve tribes of Krael. were come to himi,Bee yee come out asuntoa '""ibucotbrr

rral"i'*"' 3' 1 10 And the Lord /ayd .Simon, thiefe with fwords and ftaves ?
'h'e"|o"l hTve'to
9 CbVi'ii'fhfvwih ^'ol'' + ^-I'^n hath deiired you . to winnow you
' '
y 3 When I was d.iyly with you in the Temple, coniiderof, wherein
afainnbatbtgo- as wheat, ye flietched not forth the h.mds againft me but : redemption of ail_
I htodiatbvvil- jj n But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith this isyour very houre,andihe p power of darknes. m'tikindiicootef.
lirgijr .aitbougb he
f^jj^ ^^^^ therefore' when thou art converted, .

y4 ^ « Then tooke they him, and led him.and 3\';7j^^^^^^^

be not ipnoriDtot n l i_ 1 i

ijda.irrafon. ftrengthen thy brethren. brought him tothehie PrieHhoufe. i» And Peter hiinreifetotheHito
i Tbatii.hiiiira- j^ * 12 And he fiid unto him Lord.Iamready :
followed afarie off. ofafcrvaot.-fuclj
ftife,fou»tth;He. togoe with thee into prjlbn, and to death. tbingiaioomaa
yy « And when they had kindled a fire, in the
cocke (hall ^^^^' ^'^ter.the d«-
j'tcTn 'm
^^it'it 3 '^ ''"'^ ^'^ '''''' '
^^^^ middcs of the hall, and were let downe tegether, ^1"^^""'""" ^r

001 tbrbaod'of lo- ^^ ^row this day , before thou haft thtife denied Peter alfo fate downe among them. _

i ,- Man
are uiierly
ab in :hii matifr? tliat thou knewcft me, y6 And a certaine mayd beheld him as he fate flujgiih.eveQ

j j And he faid unto them, 4. When I fend you

7 Alih.iu.h the jj by the fire , and having welllooked on him i fayd, '" '^'' g«»'eft

d.o« cot'.
^ 'thout bag and fcrip and Ibooes . lacked ye any
, . This man was .ilfowi^th him.
J'ov'. cblii^Cthem
thing ? And iheyfayd. Nothing,
Btc.iTiiily'o _y7 But he demedhim.laying. Woman,! know vp.
pant, y»i It ncH- ?0 "' Then he fayd to therh But now hee that , him not. j Mat. 25,47,
fnh^fioi tbr fault Jjath a baggc let him take it and likewife a iLi ip
, , :
j8 And aftera littli while another man fawe
n..»ke .4,43.
"""' ^'^ '^^^ ^ "'* "°"^ , let him fell his coate , and him ,and fayd Thou art alfo of them. But Peter
m-otV"" / , lil'-.V-.^.,
15 CUT It II Wll»
biiyafword.^ ^ ,

"wuhao.a;. •layd, Man. I am not. ungiy betrayed ao<I

J 7 For I lay unto you. That yct the Otms which
iarkcjc<». 59 And about the fpace of an houreafter,a taken.thatby hi»
• Ttc I'aiicuri
jj .ATitten , rnufi be pei formed in mec, 5 Even with ccrt.iine otherafFumed .faying .Verely . even this obfHiencehee

^''^ wicked was lieiiiimbred
fordoObtkiVe thofe : mm was with him : for he is alfo a Galilean.
^^'bth «!« gui'l-
k Have f rest ti-' things which artnvvritunoi vnQ, have an end. 60 And Peter fhyd, Man, 1 know not what thou tbsbeirayr
,je for
•let, f->t fa ii wai 38 And they l.nyd Lord behoh!, here are two , ,
f^'.yea. And immediaily while hee yetfpakc.the iBjofcod.slory.
|hecunonitio fwords. An(i he fayd unto t&em, It is enough. 7 Tha
coci;c crew.
wrb'femt'erMt 39 ' * -^"^ he came out and went (as he was ,
6 1 Then the Lord turned backe . and looked ^„^'„thebound'
tiil«i 9 Suth aiare pariak-ri of ihe affliainaj of Chrift,(hill alfo be F="' kMiof upon Peter: and Perer temembred the worde of ofourve>catioo,
biikinpJotnt. X .V!at.i9 28. 10 Wee inuft alw.iyrs tbickc upon iht wait that S.r.aa the Lord .how ho hadfayaunrnhim .^ Before the pleafethnot,
)ai«<bforci. "k i.fet.t.S. Tstf ili you a.nd fcatter you.and alCofo caft yon out.
cocke crow, thou Poaltdenie me thrile.
II It ii.broDgbibf inyrnof Ciiift thai ibeelta doe never vtmly fail lA^ay from ,

l^^ti•^!^ and t.' fi-ritiicaj-.L-, t.*!at hty Ihfuid (iivre ii(J one another.
I * Nft JS. 61 And Peter went our,.mil wept bittetly. fArro'fttem"^
j4i.i-:!.e 14.35- i3!:n>3',)8. iJ CUift fhfWeih that faiihditftre-h iriich frjiii a 6^ J + A;il the men th .It held Iclus, mock- 4iiich took, chtia..

vaint ("uritit ri ff::ir.g Srforeuj the j;ritvou«examp!eofPeIfr. •}; Maub. 10.9.

ed him, and ftrct^ke him. rrocveth p.miv
m All ibii raike i>''y wiy il ti- fiyd O myfriendi and ftlir.wfoi.i-
of an allfgoricii theireviiicocrd.
dietj. yu iiavf Ined
ai it Arre in [-eace but no-^e t'rere ii a mofl flliriie»^iiio : ence.and partly alfo that all tbtfe thinji were iLineay God« providence p T!ie
baittll at band toand ibtttfort you ini:lt by all orbrr ihinc.» afide an-l
br fcxight . . power ihi(v;Ji givtrito daiktoeirr,ioopjtrn<:tb«ligbt fci a feafon. • Mat.a6.,S.
ijinl:? ui'on furnifiilng your feint in arniout. And vtba: this armour ij he ftie- ,
lO Wtehaveto beboM in l'et« an examrle tctticfihe fra«ili'if of inant nature, atitji
wrtb by hi) owne tianif.!e uvhtn he piavei aftfrvvaid in the garden and reproj.
. . of ihefingaUr tordnedee f C*;d towardt hi» eltft. .{. Mat.»8„;J,f9 raar.i4,l«.
ved Pelt 1 for (Irikiog'AitbittfrtOid. j Efii<SJ,j», » Maiih.i«.j«,m.u,t-|,31. i<ibni!,i;. A" .M«. 14,34. iotn i.:1,3 s, 10 Cktift bare ibt Came that WJldw; to
ourl:nr.e«, # Mat b,ie,6; isjr.if.S;,
64 And
, ) _ '.

Chap. xxHj. The peoples rage, 3^^

they and lo2, nothing worthy of death dsne of him.
64 And when they had blindfolded him ,

him and let hira

f-iiote him on the face and asked him
, , faying, 1 6 / I will therefore chaftife .
^p "'fl^h Xw«
loofe. erilicburrththe
Tiophecie who is that finote thee. one .butGodcu*-
blafphemotilly •
17 (For of neceffitie bee mnft have let ir«v
65 And many other things
loofe unco them at the feaft. '^^\:^% .'""l'"'''-
fpjke they againft him. ^,j .
i8 Then all the multitude cried at once.fiying,
66 * »• And aflbone as it was day , the Elders and deliver unto us P:^abbas

of the people , and the hie I'riefts and the Scnbes

Away with him , :
f^je he wnc-c-
ip Which foracertaine infurredion madein dtmntduc.t.tin!
came together , and led him into their Councill, irmightap; c«s,
Uhnil.ii. the citie.and murther, was caft in ptilbn.
67 Saying, Art thou that Chrift?tell us.Andh3
vrroDglullycon. faid unto them, If I tell yon, ye will not beleeve
ir. jO Then Pilate fpake againe to them . willing X^,^l^!,°^l^^,
toletlefusloole. donned in hiin,
den-.Q<:J 68 And if alfo I aske you, you will not anfvvere _

phemie btfoK the 2l But they cryed,faying,Crucifie,crHciiie him. .f. Mattb 27 at.
me, nor let roe goe. l markeif. 21-
2i 6 And he laid unto them the third time, But
buriitlteiiudge. r /-

ment leiie. ih« 69 Hereafter iball the Sonne of man fit at the
what evill hath hee done ? 1 fnde no cau'e of death
vne might btquit rieht hand of the power of God. /he'^out'.a'ioufne.

before God from then the Sonne in him: I will therefore chaftife him , and let him anJdiforderaf
70 Then faid they all.Aitthou
which weJe'^":'"
of God? And he faid unto them , Ye
.What neede
that I am,
we any further
% loofe.
cut tney were inftant
But they
13 with loud
iniwiuwiiu vuyc^-j. and
luiiii voyces, -.--..-,
ui.v. s Thetriumvbof

71 faid Then
they -! ,L :c„. .v,» ..„,-.-o^ the Wicked hatb a
, -^ . ,

required that he might be crticifie-; and the voyces ^,'ft7'„lb,''ead.

, I

witneffe* for wee our felves have heard it of his

of them and ofthe hie Prieds prevailed. $ ifai.1,29.
ovvne mouth.
ZA So Pilate gave fentence.thatitfliouldbe hofs. ic!.
CHAP. XXllI. as they required. ^ . v ,- r "\''re't'!*,7
HtuAccujShUfcTtPiUu. i/ And hee let loofe untotbemmmthat for
J 7 ^ l'-^^^^l^2iAi
Htiimccl^^M. 14 nUiijeeUethhimuftothtlctres infiirredtion
pnion, ^^^ j„^,b,„,oroe
and murther was caft into
ThervmifttiliV'tiUkm, 33 Ht ucruc^fieJ.
TtfUeli. J.7
T ht ether iiJ'ii'U
whom they deiired.and delivered lelus to doe ,hatanr fruiifuli,
S9 Out of thedieVitrcMeth htm. 43
Ijfiuh. itsHcduth. J3 Weii/nri><y,
with him wh:t they would t.t^l'^^^^'*
j6 J * 7 And as they ledile him away . they ^;,7„,"' ^'^.roa
' the whole muhitiidc ofthcmarofe, and
T' Hen cau*ht one Simon of Cyrene, comming out of „f^y Godhead,
him unto Pilate. him they laid the crofTe , to beare ,vhat will they
J Chtift.whoii led the°field , and on
oowttsdif lofuf^- 1 And they began to accnfa him .faying ,We
feriorthcftdui- and
OD, which werai-
have found this man > perverting the nation $
''"S'^W there followed him a great multi- S^J^Et
ftd in this world. forbidding to pay tribute to Celar .laying, tude of people and of women , whuh women be- oufneSe ?

|j firft of «ll pro- heisChrifiaKmg. wailed and lamented him. '^ Mattb i7.3».
. .. ^ . . . , r i
nounced g'iiltlei, 3 * And Pilate asked him faying Art thou , ,
a8 But lefus turned backe unto
them, and faid, ,f,27.
that it might ap. him. and
the King of the lewes ? And he anfwcred Daughters of Hit-rufalem , weepe not for me,
p«ire that be fuf- ^"chr.'if became
ferednotforhii j6id,Thoufayeftit. ^. „ . •
weepeforyour felves, and for your children. jccurfed foru.

For behold, the dayes will come, when men upon the
OWD ''""" ^''''^ 4 Then laid Pilate to the hie Pneltes, and to 29

^eie none) bnt the people. 1 finde no fault in this

fiy . Bleffed «re the batren
and the wombes ;^J,P;;; .
fliall '".^';°f
But they were the more heice . faymg . Hee
Tot ouri pappes which never gave ,i,,,j.f,„,,dth«
,• ,,. c that never bare, and the
teaching throughout all lu-
:,f;;?Ci:L^ mJoveth the Jeople. fllf l^e would be Godi.
themintoerrc-- '- , beginning
t. -,.:—:„„,, n,i;ip even to this place.
at Galile. .^vfp JO Then aiall they begin to fay to the moun- ,0 coriftinpiay.

f M.ttih.ti "• 62 Now when Pilate heard of Galile.he asked

taines. •«; Frdloii us : and to the
hilles, Cover us. ing for h„ ene-
wirifc 12.17
^vhether the man were a Galilean, ''^r *For ifthey doethefethingstoae greene --^-'^^..^
* 7^.wl,.zi ,,
of b Herodes
mtrkei;.'.. 7 And vvhc:. he knew that he was tree, what Iball be done to the drie ? cnHceandthe
if/w 18.33- inrifdidion. hee lent him to Herod, which was alio ,2 ,|. And there wete two others, which were r,„ft.
ch.iit i. a laugb- be ildne^
^^ Hiemfalem in thole dayes. evill doers.led uith him to
come to the place, Lrh
tog rtoeke to i.r.n.
j-^^ Itfus.he was exceeding-
cei .but toibtir
^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ 33 9 And when they were ^^^^^^
delirous to fee him of a long called Calvarie, there they
crucihed him, „ pii3,„tua-
great Imart. ly o-l?d : for hee was which is
Herd feafbn becaufe he had heard many things of hirn,
. and the
' evill doers : one at the right hand, and the vM.reiii trade.
c prracheroithe
,.4niifa thtTt- andtruftethtohave feene fome figne done by him.
. .

1 ihelimt
queftioned hee with hira ot many
Fa.her,forgive them:for ^-^^^
^_>y,hfeo,Vcr- 9 Then 34 '"*¥ien faid lefus,
rch'cl' rc<ts things : but he anfwertd him nothing. th"V knowe not what they doe.
And they parted g Therefore mhef
nance ,

t„ma!l eh< ffn" Tlie hie Prieftes alfo and bcribesftoode his raimenr,and caftlots.
we muQ take that
beheld and the
the BJpti/- /'«<-
foorth and acciiled him vehemently.
And Hiuod with his ^ men of warte delpi- ,

c Ind the people ftood

mocked hira w^.'^'-^f^-.f^y'"" '"^'^ifj^'^
^-j^-.r^.^'^, , :
J I rulers
Ji.ith i(r,a fed hira , and mocked him, and araied
him in white, mhers-let him favehimlelfe,iihebethatChrilt botbcftbemn.9c«
cwyj'-i/^w "'''. and lent him againe to Pilate. , ^
thcfChofenofGod. ^,. ^
The fouldiers alfo mocked him ,andcame
j^ 3 ^nd the fame
day Pilne and Herod were 36 --^^troule
m made friends together for before they were ene-:
and otfercd him nneger, with the great pa-
thi'.r'v"eJo>,t mies one to another. 27 Andfaid.IfthoubethsKingofthelewes, ,unc«ofGod.brak«
u . .-
together the high fjorth into that
a iiur^fuicm<'t- 'j3
J, 4 Then Pilate called f pthvf'lfe
co,.feflioB worth,
rnfjev^":,:'"' Priefts, and the d rulets, and the
people %g .1^
And a fuperfcription was alfo written
him .in Greekeletters.raidin Latm
'l.t't 14 And faiil unto them ,Yee have brought over c'btiai^tte
,vJ'w.7r.m.,, this man unto me , as one that
perverted the peo- Hebrew THIS IS ,
KING OF THAT „id,tof.hehutn,

ple and bcholde , 1 have examined

him betore rp,jp TtwES. upc tbectofl-e

you and have found no laiilt in this man . of

thoie ,0 5 g And .* one of the evill doers , which
thirgs whereof yeaccufe him: •

we^r? hanged"railed on him .faying , If thou be .'^:rhVh;?hb'l

c .Accmidinrd you hira :
1 f ,No , nor yet
Herod for I fent to : ihatChrift.favethyfelfeandus. ,,,,.„ powetofi.feto
other anlwered , and rebuked him, raveth<rbeic
a,4fiM< itvhhh
rvhu 40 ineotneramwcit^v'.-"-/^'-""-
AO But the y VT-Vh," :

4 Cbrift thou not God .feeing ;hou art in

,j.„d„f dl.-neflV ioyoeth. he vfickeJ together. favlng.Feateft ^^/^/-f^-
theTame condemnation ? bellioui.
Iise4 41 We
. 8 !

Cbiift is buried. S. Lute. Two difciples ioutney to EmmaO&i

41 are in c!eede righteoufly /;f« : for we
We 6 He IS not here.but is rifen remember ^ how : 4* chap.o,iz.
Mrtihtnhe hefpakeuntoyou.whenhewasyetin G.'.lile, """'!' '^-^i-
receiua things worthy of that we have done: but

this man hith done nothing ^ amilVe. 7Saying , that the Sonne of roan mull be deli- '""'V^'i^'
i C'J miJt ihl U-
42, And hee laid iinro lefus Lord , , lemembei; vercd into the hands offinfuUti^n .andbecinici- !

fied, and the third day rife ag.iine.

tr.e , when thou commeft into thy kingJome.
tvirtJ kui t/iat
Then lefus (aid unto him.Verely I lay unto ^ Andtheyremembred his words.
tvulitht nti iftur thee, to dapftult thou be with me in '
I'aradil'e. 9 » And returned from the fepulchre , and told
And was about the lixt houre and allthefe things unto the eleven , and to all the
ntiidt is tht fUct^
44 f 13 it :
untill the remnant.
efeUrltfini i.j there was a darkenefle over ail the land , ofibedifcipLTit
andftlHaiui 10 Now it was Mary Magdalene, and Ioanna,and upbraided by the
ninth houre.
Mary the wof/ier of lames .and oiher women with "o"tcourageof
ntft and mircj cf
45- AndtheSunne was darkened and the
•+ ,

Ccd.JLmctfiU- vaile of the Temple rent through the middes.

them which told thefe things unto the Apoflles .
~bVb^° g^
46 And lefus cried svith a loud voyce.andfaid, 11 But their words Teemed unto them as a fai- gt«t mttcie ) to

aiJmc/}.iititi and
4 Father .into thine handes I commend my fpirit. ned thing, neither beieeved they them. ftitw thatthe

i.lfuU dwelling. And when he thus had kid he gave up the ghoft. ,
12 §3
Then arofe Peter and ran unto thefe- kingdoineofGod
what pulchre, and b looked in and faw the linen cloathes
J3 ChiiHb-iog 47 I iJ Now when the Centurion fawe extraLVdiiiarle
was done , he glorified God , laying , Of a furetie layd by themfelves , and departed wondering in power,
of dMih Qiev\eili,
himfelfe at that which was corae to paffe. :§ lohn io,«.
bimfelfetobe this man was iuli
to 13 J * 4 And behold two of them went that ? Chria ufeih thu
God almightict 48 And aii the people that came together
tven to ib« blind. that fight beholding things v^ich were done :
fame day toatowne which was from Hierufalem airjpies!'tot°he'""
14 Cbliflenrmh fmote their breafts, and returned. about threefcore furlongs, called Eraroaus. fuMer fei'ting forth
dourly into :be
49 16 And all his acquaintance flood afarreofF, 14 And they talked together of all thefe things ofthetruethof
vfry darken^OVof
dtaib .ftrtooier- and the women that followed him from Galile, that were done. . ^'Tu^'L*'","/
beholding the things, I y And it came to pafle as they communed f"||,',\'„^ t;,, *

yo I S '7 And beholde , there was a man na- together and reafoned , that lefus himfelfe drewe beieeved that tot»
witt'in biimoft ,

fectfi (jlacci.
« Pfal.3..6.
med lofeph , which was a counfeller , a good man ncerc , and went with them. lightly which ,

If Cbriftcaureth and a iult. 16 But their eyes were holden, that they could 'hey preached af-

f I Hee did not confent to the counlelland notknowhim. ZZt""'''''

deedc of them, which was of Arimathe.i.a citie of 17 And he faid unto them. What maner of b ^j « wf k A»I-
wimrlleon h
tide, liiol'tai it
the Icwes who alio himfeife waited for the king-
communications are thefe that ye have one to an- dinid<itvm hit

other as ye walke and are fad? <y'dlming;

pltafeth bim. dome of God. ''f-"'

I« Chnflgathe-
y2 He went unto Pilate , aiid asked the bodie 1 And d the one ( named Cleopas ) anfwered 'JfZ?„%'i„!
Tf th tupttber .and and faide unto him. Art thou onelyaftranger in # M.irkei6,ti.
of lefus.
defrndMb hii little
j3 And tooke it downe and wrapped
, it in a Hierulalem , and haft notknowen thethings which 4 Therefurreaioa
it prooued by two
o( tbctormcmouri, linnen cloath, and laide it ina tombe hewen out of are come to pafle therein in thefe dayes?
t "vf j*r.27,;7. mat. a rockc, wherein was never man yet layd. 19 And he faid unto them , What things ? And ^b-'iTC u^'U
J f, 43. '"'m 19.38.
y4 j\|„i that day was the preparation, and the they faid unto him , Of lefus of Nazareth , which tbati«wajno

Sabbath k drew on. was a Prophet mightie in dcede and in worde be-
, forged thing fra-
confirinc tb the y y
And the women alfo that followed after,
jS fore God. and alhhe people,
tructb beta offai> which came with him from Galile beheld the le- , 20 s And how
the hie Pricftes .and our rulers bfafnel.Thhe
dcaib, andicfur<
pukhre.and how his body was laid. delivered him to be condemned to death , and circumiiances dor
rtdioo, by the
pliine andeviden J6 And they reiurned and prepared odours, hav ccrucifiedhim, declare

witntfliofPiiate. and oyntraents and refteth the Sabbath day accor-

, II But we trufted that it had beene hee that V ''T,'"*/f"^^
kn-<'rJYcrwerd, ding to the ct)mmandcmei3t. fliould have delivered Ifrael.and as touching all ccdfiapptZ'ing nctv
thefe things, to day is the third day, that they were ,> „« dcuk and .
Utmtr d ly dretre IctvitrJe the s^einf dt>n">!, and tl^iit VdS
ht fnnin^ ,fcT liic li<hi cfihe
done. I'lereftrehishdj
tU Jay of prtp^rMi^nf.rilir ft., n uh re." 10 l^t ktpt il,i'd.i} follctviny iS Chiirt
upon by thrdeuill aod all hii ianrumenii and beiugeven in dratbs n.ouihi
l-i-inf.rrt 21 Yea, and certaine women among us made *7'*'"'°."''-'l'*'''»
f<-iieih wtj^ke woaitn in his fortward niiudiog Itraighivvaye' to triiiinj'h ovei ihofe

us aftonied, which came early unto the fepulchre, jUJeY'"
l«ril)Jtenemui wutuat any gieai endtuout.
i3 And when they found nothisbudie .they a .umiffthcold
r. H A P. XXI came, fayiny .that they had alfo feene a vilion of /^ff"' '«>''>*!."'"»«
V. '•'" "''"
Angels, whiX-h lliid.that he was alive. .

J ThtWimfnccnKiodefifuLhre. 9 TUeyrcferlthxtvhich Therefore certaine of them which were '^/chji "im'EpipTa-

ihc, hca'dcftU^.-icltV«!« 'ht .Afoftlti.
, 1% Chr'fi
d:lh *r!^mf.inie iv ^o'n^ to Emmi'is poundcth with us went 10 the lepulchre and found it even „iuiirr:ttn^ J.t'"'"/'.
, ,

iohn 10.1
the ,ripturt,uni>ih'tm.'
^<ftiiile,fhehind\(d. 49
Ji heij cjriedupintoheaien.
39 He ofTfretl, himfelfe u hit
He fnmifeth the hcly Ghoji.
fo as the women had laid, but him they faw not.

flo we of heart to beleeve ail that the Prcpftcts have

tU o ..iMmtit.rn*,
2y Then hee fayde unto them, Ofooles and '^'''"'.^f ' '^^
~'; ™
• Poorffl'lyvVO-
r.wa : fvto brf) It NOw morning,
of the weeke* earely in
I firft

they came unto the lepulchre,

V<ty fpoken uixiie,.
z6 Ought not Chrift to have fuffcted thefe y itappearetbby
the conferring of
*fc chofea to be and brought the odours which they had prepared, things, and to enter into his glory ?
ihrfitrt wiinclTet andccrtaineKwewfn with them. 27 And he began at Mofes , and at all the Pro- '^V.^^^TopheT
i And they found the ftone rolled away from phots ,and interpreted unto them in all the Scrip- ,hatailihofe
Ibat there mipht
the fepulchre. tures thethings which were T/i/r/>»f»of him, tbingj are true anJ
benoruOit.on ''"
•ithtf ofdeccitior 3 And went in , but found not the body of the 28 And they drewe neere unto thetowne,which
Lord lefus. they went toi but he made as though hee would p"do'w'ne'inwii»>
A r,ry tanls ; 4 And it came to pafle that as they were ama- have gone further. ingofChrift.
M arkt faith, tr at
fcd thereat behold ,two men fuddenly flood by

29 But they conftrained him, faying, Abide


*•• -n'atytt dative, them in Aiining veftures. with us for it is towards night, and the day is farrc

thai it, nlietiiftvits y And as they were afraid and bnwed downe , fpent. So he went in to tarv with them.
''»? >ft\„ da,.
their faces in the eaith , they faid to them , Why 30 And it c.-ime to paiVe,as hee fate at' table
fceke ye him that liveth, among the dead » with them, he tooke theUead.andbleffed.and
1 . .

Chiift appeareth to his

it, aiid
wete opened , and they

their eyes
to theou^

And they gave him a piece-ofahfoyled

and of an hony combe.
3 I
e SiiidenXj tik">
tiwtjiar.dthrfcfne knew him ancihe was e no more feene'of them.
43 And bee tooke it , and did eat before them.
Tvemajr not irrt't^ 31 And th^jy faid betweene themfelvcS .Did 44 7 And hee iaide unto them , Thefe are the
cine ihdt he ttJ/
notourheartes burne within us, while he talked
o," Go'/"!"''^
wordes .which I fpketinto you while I was yet vfbiQb'^L''ftcmi.
tlieas could nctle with us by the way, and when he opened to us the with you, that all muft be fulfilled I'^ich are wri- fcdtothtPro-
ftlnlM'hUtVtir. Scriptures ? ten of mcein theLaweofMofes , andin the Pro- ptt'sandptrfoir-
ttced thit Ac c/).iB-
33 And they rofe up the fame houre , and re- phets, and in thePfalmes,
turned to Hieruialem.andfoundc the eleven gathe-
inen opened,,hee their underltandmg, that
, in,. iscommitttd unto
? Wknkehrakf
lrt>td , tt'jIcA tijAt red together, and them that were with them. they mighr underftand the Scriptures. fuminewhertof,
fecplel/id.asthe 34 which faid.The Lortl isrifen indeede, and 46 And faid unto them. Thus is it written, and »"P«D"cceand
Jeieeit'fed.retat hath appeared to Simon. """"*'"' ° '^'"'
thus it behoved Chrift to fuffer . and to rife a^^aine
3y Then they tolde what things vff redone

from the dead the third day

vinnUi 'f'htir
raeMes , and/uji 4 in the way and how he was knowen of them in
47 And that repentance , and remifsio.4 of
^ breaking of bread. finnes fhould be preached in his Name among all
36 f 4 6 And as they fpake thefe things, lefus nations , ^ beginpir.g at Hiernfalem. chen of th' cVpel
hirafclfe flood in tbe mids of them , and laid unto 48 Now ye are witnelTcs of thefe things. btginning at Hie'
6 TheLuidbim.
felfelhtwcihby them . Peace 6e to you. 49 And beholde , 1 doe fer o the 4. promife of 'u''^''™.

37 But they were aballied and afraid.fuppofing my Father upon you :biTt i - yee in the citie of
ceflaiie fi(>ntri,tbat that they hath i'icns a fpirit. HierufTlcro, Mintillyebe enJ^uid with power from i va 'iifthe hol»
ie was riltna. Why
gair-f>aDd tbat ia
38 Then he faid unto them, ate ye trou- on high. Gfao« came dovtue
thefamtbtdie bled! and wherfore do g doubts arife in your hearts? 50 3 Afterward he led them out into Bethania, ffom heaven ui'on
wbicbbtetooXe 39 Beholdeminehaadsandmy feet: foricis I and lift up his hands, ai=idblelTed them. Vnk ». r j,
upon him my lelfe hanc^e me , and lee for a fpirit hath not
r ;
y I And it came to paiTe . that as hee bleffed Lo helven "nd"
g liner J and flelli and bones, as yee fee me have. them ,S hee departed from them, and was caried departing bisdiiy
tteuitfuH ihcuihls
^hithpltcfiint, 40 And when he had thus fpoken,heelliewed up into heaven f""^ ^'^ difcipicf,

rntni hejdi.yvhen them /;»> hands and feet. 52 And they worltipped him, and returned to ''i'"'"J"i'''"rt!
,,.•' ri With the holy
o>,] Pr»nie Mni

41 And while they yetbeleeved notforioy,

Hierulalem With great loy, choft.
fullethiKt ,nlier(of
and wondered , hee'faid unto them , Have ye here 5 z And were continually in the Temple , prai- i Marke iis,i«.
thirt u nn grtM
likeljlmd. any meat? fins', and laudini; God. Amen, aft" «-s.


CHAP. I. y 3 And that light fliineth in thewildetnefle, -i i r r-
That Wtrdt Icgilten tfCcd hefcre all tvorldei, i and and the darkenelle ^ comprehended it not. I turned in'o
tvhichrcasel'emithtiie F.tthcr, 14 umM!eman, 6,7
Fcryvhdtend lolin-jvJifcnifremCcd. i« His preaclnn^
6 J § 4There was aman lent from God, whole darkent/Te ,buty«
nameZ'T/a^Iohn. • lb ihaj: there ia
rfChrifies office. 19,10 The recerd that he i^e pil>en
tut unit the Pritfi^s. 40 Thecatlinrcf^ndten,'^x 7 75,7V fame came fora witneffe , to bearc wit- ''""«. ynuugh
tf Tetcn If} PIMp, 45 andNaihanuiL nefle of that light,that all men n through him might '^Xm «cufe.
1 The Sonne oP N I the a beginning b was c that beleeve. m They could not
God i« of one, and Word and that Woid was d with
8 Hee was not «> that W^i^ut-vvasfent to beare fefceive uor re:c!i
the felfe fame eter-
God, and that e Word was God, WitneiVe of that light. unto h. to receive
This fame was in the be- 2 9 ; This was p that true light.Avhich lighteth ."/ydfd no'fo"'
ftingoefl- , and of
Oaeandthefetfe- ginning with God. every man that commeth into the world. much ai acknaw-
" 1 All f things were made
fame effe ace ot 3 4. 10 q Hee was in the world, and the worlde was ''dgebim.
Qaffure, with tbe by it . and g without it
ind K was S Mattn.3,1.
"made by him and the world knew him not.

made nothing that was made 1 He came r unto his owne, and his owne re- j^ke 3V2.*'
a Frcm «< *e?J»-
ninf;,iii the Euan- 4 -i In it jj was life , and that life was i the light
; ceiveihim not. 4 xhrleisano-
^tliJlfai-h,,.epifiU ofmen. 12 « But as many as received hiro,to'thero hee tber mote full ma<
j,i..titlieufhhe "'ftfiationoftbe
lein^ tchtn God It^an tc
; «
make aU
that gave f prerogative to bethefonnes of God , tnien
r,id , that the ircrU he fan ntt^hn to t^tVe hi, ,

iva, made: fo, the -ir.rdtra, even t'-en vh(» all

thinr, that v>ertm^de.he£^n>.h to them that beleeve in hisName, .hronndf^afi'oa
b Hadhuhemg.
made,andiheeefir.heeTta,hehethclepnnini.fa&thinp. 13 which are borne not of blood , nor of the whereof mm are
This trord Tha, . p.inteth o«r „.f. u. a fecuUar anf ehoifi thmg
aU^e at oihcr, t will of the fiefli,nor of the will of man.but ofGod .• in good time nir-


he'vten, Wf'de rvhuh is the Sonne vfCcd.andthe

end rwttih a di-f^irenre this , ledup evtn by ,,cfCcd,'rrhuhcil,e,yrifealJiarecalledtheyi;.tdof'.cd d Tty lotni voice, who i»a« itweretbeheraultofchrifi. n Tbrouoh loha. o Tbat
'[With)f»„e,hcufthedepin(iic„offerfn,tct,s. e Th, yrorde{Word)uthc light we fpake of, to wit.Cbrirt.whoonely can lighten our daikfrelTe. s When
caS (S«he(l,<m:) and ihs Sonne ofGod fawe.that man did not ackuowledgehim by hii woikei'although
frflin rrdcT in the fenience and i, that which the learned
, as the
J,Td I.edMsthe Utter in trier and thi Ume yrl.ich the learned caU ( I'redicatum.)
. theywere endued vvith undetfUndinf (which hee had given to them all) hee exhi.
4 Of., ,16. I Th'fonneofGoddeclareih tbat fame fail everlafting God- biied himfclfe unio hii people to be feene of tbem witliihei, corpor.-ill eye« yee :

theprefeivingofiheni , and
bead both by the creating of all thiogi.aDd alfo by
neithetfodid thty acknowledge him., nor receive him. p WiJoonely and pro-
uoderftandirg, wh.rtwitfe he that
efpecially by the txrellent gifr. cf reafon and perly deferveih to be called the light for beiWneth of biKifclfc and botrcwtthlicbi of

beautified man above all other crea«,e.. f i'aul place. Cd.J. uoue. q That perfon of the Word r.'at made manife/t even at that time when

lis andytiie-fts f That is, atlhe father dtdvicrke, fx^'dtheSmne vSirkf theworldewaimade. * Hebr.11,3. t The Word ihcwed himfelfe
Ori'h him for he y^.-.s ffHovioorke^ ro'tth him.
b Of all thefe ihinrs vhich vere againe.when becamein tbe fleOi. 6 The Sonne being Diutc/utofibemoft of
made mthin^ yras made rvitheut ««.
i Thai is him and it ufftkfn tfl" , h .- hii people acd acknowledged but of a fewe
, doth regenerate tbem hy hiiowne

the manner rf the Helrtrcts .-meaning thtreh «*«

i" i'"' "x" ro^kjiS P'W" h venue and power, and receiveib them into ikat honour which i»common toall
all li/eccmmeih tc the norU. If Tt -nit, eVen then, yehen aU shv,ri are made hjr the childitn ofGod that isio beethe fonnei ofGod.
, f He voucbfafedto
him ,/cr eh he tftuld haVefaid life is in him, andnei life was
t force ./
, giveibemtbat prerogaiive to take them to be tis children. t Of^bat groOe
re.'. fen and Hnderftandini , wfcifi « ^in^W W »»' mmdu I kptreUd^thm tht andcorruptD3tuie«f«»n} which il throughout tbe Scripturet fetai toetniete its
tUtbiUr »ffi gtttu a tuttpt. Sfiiit.

14 •'? And
7 1 . '

lohns witnefit of Chrift. S. lobn. The Lambe of God,

« Mitlh.t.iS. 14 + 7 And that Word* was made u fiefh, an J know not. * Mat..i,n,
J TbitSaoiXi X dwelt amang lis , (and wee ^ fawe the v g!o- 17 4- Hee it is that commeth after me which , j"^^'^^' '^'^•
who afi froin

.looke riethereof , » as the miotic of the oncly beoot- was before me whofe ilioe latchet I am not wor-
aft«'i!f.aud n,is
cprn biaiinant ten Seme of the Father ) » full of grace and thy tounloofe. miif,^.
Diiure.ibaione auech. 28 Thofe things were done in Bethabara beyond
cq.libef'lfeOiM ly 1 8 lobobarewitneneof him .andcryed, Jordan, where lohn did baptize.
roijbt be both
Ooi (dJ am, faying. This was he of whom 1 faid, Hethatcom- 19 ^ ij The next day lohn feethlefiis cora-
waich maniftftly meth b alter mc , was c before me : for he was bec- rring unto him , and fayctU , Beholde " that Lambs
liptandtomiQV terthenl. of God , which otaketh the P fmne of the
16 « And of his fuIneiTshave all we received, world. 13 The bod ie tnl
tiioaniongft whom _

and d grace for grace. 3 o This is he of whom I faid, After me com- 'f"-* i" "^f ai' »«
bt wtieonvFifjot, ^""'^'"
For the Law was given by Mofes, but grace meth a man.which wr.s before me: for he was bet- °*
ao.! uoio vtbome
byfure and ua-

and trueth came by lelus Chrift.

ter then I,
Law, to make
tiifadion for the


doubtariar^u- Noman
feeneGod atanytirae: hath 3 I And q I knewe Inm not , but becauie hee linneof tbeworirf,
that onely begotten Sonne which is in the e bo- , fliouid ht declared to Ifrael .therefore am I come, '' '° Chtii;,
"oTbil 'oa'iu^r'
u Tkat ii. in«o . fo foroc of tile Father, he hath f declaied him. baptizing with warer. ^^^^|^' ^"Jj^^j'*"'-^
that the pan iiu- iQ J 11 Then this IS the record c!" loUn, when 3» M
So lohn bare recorde, faying , I behelde Tstb'gre'at h^ ia
kfoforthe whoU. that Spirit come downe from heaven, like a ir, ootonely tofet
the lewes lent Priefts and Levites from Hieriila- ^
tookeM|>on himail
20 And Iiee g conleflt;d and h jlenycd not, and
douc, and itabosdeuponhim,
3^ Ant! 1 knewe him not

but he that fent me

forth the wotthi-
5" Cbnft, :
r • /-
• , ., and foto Itparite . ,
cur whoi^ came, fjjj olainely.I j- am not that Chrift.

to baptize With water hee latdeuntomee ,Vpon |,i^f,o,n (h,


to fay. » true ^ j' ^^^ |.|^gy ^^j^j^j j,jjj,^ yyhat then

tbsc i>
J Art thou whom thou ihalt fee that Spirit come downe, and Lambe which wit
{^•i"" Eiias f Andhelaid.ilamnot.Artthoukthatrio. taryftillonhim,thatishee which baptizeth with abgureofhim,
X Fora ftafon.ani phec And he anfwtred. No.? the holy Ghoa.
wbtnihaiwuen. Then faide they unco hira VVho aft thoii,
jj , 34 And I ("aw.and bare record th« this is ' that iaw,fcut°alfo'i(»
rftd hevTCTit uj.
jj^2t wee may L'ivc anfvvcre to them that lent us ? Sonne of God. biiBg'imoour
rrd^Xht'^'whatiayefttLuofthylelfe, 3 ? f 1 / The next day lohn Hood againe , and ">''^<' '•" frophe. ,
vffth, iitaken f:om a J He (aid, I * am the voice of hira that cneth two of hi S difc iplcs ^ 'o-hel^'"'*'
t;ct»:*ud yet not- in the wilderneire, Make ftraight the way of the 36 i« And he beheld lefus walking by, and faid, „ Thii word of the
Lord, as faid cht; Prophet Efaias. Behold that Lambe of God. prefeattimefigni. '

abfeoce from ut io
body is tiot fucb. 24 they which were fedt ,
'» New were of the 37 •? And the two difciples heacdhim fpeake,

but that heit al- Phariles. and followed Ie(us.

wayei i«refeat wiih 25 And they asked him ,and {aide unto hira, 38 Then fc'us turned about, and fawtherofol- proper unto bim,
III. though do: ia

' why thou be not that
baptizeft thou then , if low and faide unto them What fecke yee ? And
, , ao.i for ever,

Chrift.neither Elias, nor that Prophet ? they laid unto him. Rabbi , (v/hich is to fay by in- to take sway tbe
Veriueofbu fpit
$ Matth.i7,x. x6 lohn ani'wcred theni, faying, I baptize with terpretation, Ma(fer) where dwcUcfUhou ? (
».pet.I,i7- water but there is one m among you, whom yee
: 29 Hee faide unto them, Come, and fee, ^ That ii. that
y The zlor} which
heffta\eth of here , i iniftjiiiticn cfChriJl his m.tirfie , rvhUhtpH as itrrtrc They came andfaw where he dv,-elt,and sboade
l.tiitcfrnhifirccuTe->t!tvh<nlht Sonne t^f Cod Afftirtdtn P tfh. z Thit norJiu) with him that day: for it was about the t tenth wit.ourcorrtipti-
dtHh nt! m
thii piut lefk.'" " l'k"«P''l"" '*« ''•'•"'' 'f'l" matitr.for hh
mi^ning is u oo.andfoconfe-
ihii , iha: xet f,itv fuc'' agUrit, ai tKficmeJ and iriti mettifor thi true and oKtly
and ^n^
nut not zncij
• . ^. „ , ^quemly .hefruiti
40 Andrew, Simon Peters brother, was one of of unre which art
ttn Sannc tfUod , wAoii Lcrd cVtr .lU tfce nH.rld. a Hte ,

a f,iriii{tT if Trait tnd irmih , Im ir.u f»H ofiht H-'y fthj} tnce tf^raie andirutlh. the two which had heard it of lohn ,and that fol- commooiy called
b Thatii ,Hcth- lowed him. in the plural) num.
8 Iobniiaifjithfullwiint(I"tof:htexcell«ncieofCttift.
fcrttThomc J amjir.ncfriy.ce himlhev.i} :fothat ihefe yn'ri, are ttfined to the 4 The Ame found his brother Simon finl.and q'l n°ve,''knew
timr tfhit caUin, , ar,dnot of hi, u=« ./ir Jom to :/ Ctxe tmneth older ihrn he. Aid unto him, We have foundthat Meisias which aim by ftce before^
c Tliu ftnle'nee ItatU in it * turning of the reafcn ai ne caU it, ai tvho tvmlif.irt
sfittinycfthatfirfltthid/liouU te Uil , and t>nl lajl ivhichfhould te firji .-fr in is by interpretation, that " Chriil. 14 CSrift ii proo.
fUi'.t ffctih this it it : He that ccmeth afiir nn , is tetter then I am, firhewts 42 And hee brought him to lefus, Andlefus vediobetbe
tifireme. Thelili_e kjn<lcf;urni>ii the re.ifin rve findiit I,i«/j.f 7,47, manj finncs behold him, and faid. Thou art Simon the fonneof b'"h";™„i'
art f.>rx'l>tn her , itcaufefhee loVtdmu.h tvli'th ij tW» muih lofij , jhe loi>ed murh,
« Clj^. 1,19. and 1.^.
lona thou (lialt be called Cephas, which is by in - ^,,^06 of the holy
tteaufe many finnenrefcrjriiita her. 9 Chrilt
iithemoft HleoufuUfountiineof all goodDtffc bui then he pov\r»d out bii gifti ,
tcrpretatiou a Hone. choii. by ibe Fa-
nioftboiiatifully, whto aihe exhibired aud flit\n/eii himfslfcto the wotli. d That 43 f The day foliowing.Tefns would goe into ,

ii, grace upon gf3»e,ai a itian would fay gracetbrajicd oceupoaanothtr. lO The Galile.and found Philip . and laid untohim Fol- .
Itue ko'>w!fdgcof God irocerdeOQcIy from lifuiChrift. :v i.Tiin 6 i6. ,
* 3 M3t 3,10,
Who it nterefttohii F.ithei not onfly in refpeS ofhiilove
low me. maike, ,0.
}i.iobn4.'». e ,

towaidibini , butby the bond of naiuie ,«Dd tor ibat vjjoncr oneiieffe that ii be- 44 Now Philip wasofBethfaida, thecitieof iiike3.j».

«w«en«lbtni, whtreby theF.itberaud tbeSoonearesnc. ( Revealed bim, Andrew and Peter. ' Tbii wjrdfThat>

QDiinicvved bim untoui, whtitai before he wai hid under the fludovvof the LaViie. 4y foundeNathanael , and fayde
.3 Philip l*'"'*'''°»'""'°
fotbattbequitknelfeof the fight of cur mindti wai not able ici prrceived him : for ',. 1,. r /-I us fonieexcellent

Vrbofotver , freib him ,fcrih the Father a Ifo. 11 lobn ii neiikcr tbcMclIiit. nui
vnto him, wee haue rounde him or whome thing, and msketh
like to any oft) c other I'ropbeti but it the hcrault ofCbrilt , uvhoit nowpiefeai.
* Mofes did write in the Law , and the x Pro- aditiVitncebe.
phcts lefus 'tliac Sonne of lofeph , that was of '«"<=' chri'tar^
g Hedid acknowledge biin, and fpakeof him plainfly and openly. h Thil ,

ithetrfmgofone and ibe felfefame thing ,the)ugb in diveti woidt , ii vfedinuch of other whome.Molei
tbeHrbrcwei .and it hath great force: for they vfeto fpeake one thing and the Prophets
iViitoutmoieteiijir.elyand plaintly. iV Afts 13,1;. i The Iev»es thought commoolycall the
that Eliiilhould comea^ai:.e before the dayet ofM'Tiai. and they tookechegrojnd foooeiofGod.or
the foanescfthemoft high. if lohngathertddi/ciplei , nottohimftlfe but
of that their opinion out of MiliC) f. w3i;h plact it to be uader.'iooj oflobo. ,

toChiill. i« Ch'ifti'ifet before us to followe nor aiavjicefliadowe .hot a*

Mitth 11,14. And yetlobndeoieib thai bei« Hliai , arifiAdii-,[; rliciii in dcid accor.
oiri MediatCMir. 17 In ihijHr/l gathcricgoftbedifciplei wee have ihewed un a
diogai tbty meant k They eritjiireot fome great rripbtt, and D'totCb.flt,
us, that tbrl>ej.iiiiiiogofralva ion ufr jm G)d, whocallethui unts ti« Soune liy the
for lobo deqitd. liifiretliii heis Cijriil .for hey tbou,;ht:Datfome f rear Prophet
iniuinerieofhii fervaiin: vshome (fo preventing u»,l alfo heats, and follow e
Ihoiild be fcKt Ike uut!> M"fe( wrelliof: 10 place of Deut.iS.i ;.

bim home, that bteingioL'iiiaed by bun wee ni.iyatfoinflruit o;heii. f

which i« to be unrierliocdol all thecomjanie ofihc I'r.pbe i a .d mini Ken , which ,

isthy lodging^ t The night grew ca. u That is. aiinynted . and King alut
fcave beeoeand Ihall be to the ende and efpedally of Chrill , who is the bead of all

IIJr4o.i. mattb.3 3 UAt i .^. theniaoneroftbelewilil P'Ojdc i3 Thegoodcndevouii evenof theuii'raired,

rroptcn » , ,, Cbi^ftiitii

antbtutjfbJptirin-. and not John andtherefoie tne f.rcs thereof coofitttth no: io
God d.ict'i foal)ov\e th.nhe mjkeih ibem iiulle/a iqthelcarBed.
Gener.49, wb iit er.inilter.bHiwtiolyinC-iiilthtl.srd. 1 K-r.bywemay io.deiit tS iS. 4

r-o ,vetb the !< wei knew thtie Diouid be fome cba.ige in ieligit^o uudtl Mtfliai, fj. tod j7ii't,Daii.^itf,
m' \i-lioni«Uiheworldfteth«u,aadiKVtB»ni«)gayoi, »» 4d Thea
Watet turned into wine^ Chap.ij.iij. ChriftandNicodemus, jS
,9 wemuftefre- 46 19 Then Nathanael fayd unto him , Can money fitting fiff,?.
eiaiiytakeheede there any good thing come out of Nazareth f 1 J
Then hee raadeafcourge of fmall cordes,
l^'hilip faid to him.Come.and fee. and drave them out of the Temple with theall
47 i^Iefusfawe Nathanael comraing to him, fb.eepe and oxen and powred out the changeis
Su'ithe" ,

tnncetocbtift. and faid of him , Behold indeede an money, atid overthrew their tables. »,
JO Simple upright, ^hom iS nO guilc. 16 And faid unto them that fold doves .Take g Zealeimhii
p'^cei. taken for
^g ^^ Nathdiiael faid unto him , Whence thefe things hcncerraake not my fatvitrs houfe an
, r^ r I .•,- •'
a vvrathfullindie-

fiomthetaTft'" kncwcft thou 036 ? lefus anf.vered , and i'akl unto hotlfcofmarchandlle. _
nation and difp!ea-

„ Tbrend.^of him, Before that Pliilip called thee » when thou And his difciples rercembred thatitwcs
17 , f,jreofthemindr,
The , zeale of thine houfc hath eaten conceived offome
^J^•^ under the ligge tree, I faw thee. written ,
miracle! ij to fet

t^'°«"'^^"'' naughtieandeviUf
49 Nathanael anfwered and faid unto him, . me up * '

dfolbToae'ly au. Rabbi thou art that Sonne of God thou art that
. : Then anfwered the Iewes,aiidfayd unto f^^^^^'^*
18 /

thouiefourfiilva- King cf Ifrael. him What h figne fhewcft thou unto us, that thou love well,

tion, that w« may ^q igfyj anfweted, and faid unto him, Becauie doeft thefe things? s Againftthem
apprehend htm by j ^^.j ^^^^ ^.j^^^ ^ j j-^^g j^gg ^^^^j j^e hggC tree, nntothem §Ue-
19 lefus anfwered andfaid .
KGeu.aS.i 1. belecvcft thou i thou Ihak fee greater things then ftroy this Temple, and in three dayes 1 v/ill raife it ;I°ca"iiiD°g which'
X B] I'lifc rvcrJti, thefe. up againe. tbcythemrelvcs
, , , r
thepif<r c/cod u I Anj «,e faid unto him, Verely, verely, I lay 20 Tbenfaidthelewes.FourtieandfixeyeerM moft(ham«fuiiy
Cnn'fifvohnh ^^^^ Hereafter lliall ye fee heaven open , and was this Temple a building and wilt thou reare ft ^^jf^^^^ j'^-,"^ .

iil^tw'rTh the Angels of God ^ x alieodiog . and delcendmg up in three dayes? HtraordLX,
thean^eh firming upoii that Sortne of man. 21 But he fpakc of the temple ot his botiy. which God confii*,

r H
H A P TT 22 As focne therefore as hee was rifen from methfromhea-
ihiChurci. C f. 11.
the dead.his dilciples remembred that he thus faid
^'J if^'^^^J^'
* CMfitUrnethTvottrinrcWitf, tr which ivat the le^iiKwg nntothem and they b-leeved the Scriptures .and „ouW have'iTex.

tfhismiracki. i» Ht g,,ei{,J,>nnt t„ CtfemMm:

>; and cjfieth
the word which lefus had faid. tioguilhed uoiefli )

13 frcmihenctht'tethufloHkruftiim,
themerchMd,feM"ofthiTemph. ,9 He fxrenHtth 23 Nowe when hee was at Hierufalem at the it befealed with
thutthi TemFle,tkit ij, «/ W^//,..! Je Jt//ryf<? ./fAe /<W«. laireoverin thefe.ift. many beleeved in his Name. '"^I^.'^^^^j;*,
J3 .Vf<u7 /•cleelic in him.Jiein^ the niirxde, rvhuli he dtj. when they faw his miracles which he did. ^
^^^^ ^.^
24 6 Bur lefus did not commit himlelfe unto radedoeftthou
ANd the third day was there a manage
« » ,
thero.becaufehc knew them all. conSrmeit.thatws
^ - a of Gaiile and the mother of le-
Cana ^at/i-nf ,
opeoly in an al- xy 7 And had no neede thatanylliouldteftifie ^^y*^'^™';
.fembly by anota- fus was there.
and his difciples of man , for he knew what was in man. vertue, which gi-
kle miraclti ibac 2 And lefus was called alfo ,

bee hath power Mat.2(S.«i. and a7,4o.mar ,4 ;S. *

unto the mariage. ^ ., , i.
them, llat«4
« It i. notgoodcrediting
J Now when the mother
the wine failed , and,;, 29. i That .Ufbi.hodie.
3 therefore t.ut God.
tilings, to feeds onely upon miracle.. 7 Chriai.thefearch.rofheart„and
have no wine.
maofbcdy, lea- of lefu's fayd unro him , They CHAP. III.
detb the mindea 4 lefus fiyd unto her Woman , what
have I ,
Chrip teachith NicJemus the nierj principles efChrif.tat
of all men. to hit
to dee with thee ? mine s
hcure is no\ yet come. re^ J4 Thefirpentiaih: wilderncs. 1} Jehn
fpirituall and fa-
His mother fayd iinto the fervants. Wnat- lii>iiz.eih, n ^ndtettclxthhis.ihitheii m^t Cinji.

foever he fayth unto you doe it.
waterpots ot
T^ Here was noweamanof thePhariies.named

t Tkerfarenone

V After. be talk*6 And there wjie fetthere, fixec Nicodemus.a a rulerof the lewes IXroXhTn
v,hichbehad«ith fto^e^afterthe maner ofthe punfyjng of thclcwes. 2 This w4?j came to lefus bynight, andlayd ,be lea.aed fa«t a«

j ;„„ t„0 or thlCe d filkins 3 piece. unto him. Rabbi, wee knowe that thou ait a tea- *> well the learned a*
the water- the unlearned muft
t:XiTTtLr 7 An3le(usfaydunto them FUl Cher come from God .for no man could doe 'thefe
thathecameinto pots With Water. Then they aikd them
up to the miracles that thou doeft. except God were with ^'ifXS".""*
„ brimme. him, a A man of great
<5^''''-.„ .
r^ . ^ out now,
X Cht Id 11 ,
j^^ ^^^^ thtra . Dr.iw 3 anfweredand faid unto him. Verely,
3 lefus .ftimadon, and ;

::,i:f.alrbeJ:. andbeareuntothegovemourofthefeaft. >othey verely 1 fay unto thee. Except a man be borne ruieramongfttbe

fore bath BO neede biate it. againe, he cannot d fee the « kingdome of God. b'^^vlknowtfea*
r , r n u j
ofoiheisto put „ {^0^ vjhen the governour ot the teaitnaa 4 Nicoderons faid unto him , How f can a roan ,houartfentftoin
bim iomiDdofit
J' J ^^^^^ ^^s made wiae . (for hee be borne which is ok!e?can hee enter into his mo- cod to teach m.
b^ « But hein whom
^^i^^. ^'J, whence it was
but the fervar^ts which . therswombeagaine, and be borne ?
c Thefe weievef. drew the water, knew) the governour ot the tealt y lefus anfwered .Verely , verely I fay unto [°';^^f*^'i°^f^,j
appointed for
called thebridegrome. . thee, except that a man be bome of water and of ^p^^^j,'^ ^^^^ ^j m they j . j unto him , All men at the begm- theSpiiit .he cannot enterinto the kingdome of 'Nicodemu.baJ
nin'gVfoonll good wine and when
men have knowen Chiift
rt^St": but thou
drunke , tlieii that which is worie 6 That which is borne of the fleH. is Bflelb
Kined ao hundred , „eil
,. :
pcund, at twelve
^^^ ^ backe the good wine untill now. _ and that that is borne ot the Spuir, is Ipint. ood wai with bim,
hepouud: .,
II This beginning of miracles did
lefus in
7 Marvaile not that 1 faid to thee , Ye muft be but in him. ai Paul
Wberety we ga- a.Cor ,.,9.
tbtrthatCbtiK y*.-ana « J-Sl^ - Galile. and Qiewedforth his glo- borne againe. ,
v- , ,

boipe them with a ^rie : andhis difciples beleeved on

him. 8 The winde bloweth where it h lifteth . and
^"^ Jt\'°Jf^;',';;«
thoufand and eight ^ chat. he went downe into
Capernaum, but to
^f^^f coofiftethinihij , that we know out fclvei no: only to bt corrupt in part, ite

•"'.''''"='^F^"°'*"'*"heandhismother,andhisfbfeihren,andhisdilci. wbollvdeadinSnae.foibat cur n^itare b^tb needtolrt created a new, ai touching

word. ples:battheycontinuednotmanydayesthere. thequ'alitiei tberrof which can be done by tin other vertue fcut by the diviseatid

rw^V.l for
d That is, go in, or h? jspconde* wb.'rt by we Tiere firft created
»,e drunken Now j, 3 For the lewcs PaHcover W.IS at hand.

bi«ifelfeaft.rward,v»rf ;. « The Church fotChrirt Iheweih inthatpbct, ;

Therefore lefus went up to HievufJem. howwtcometobccitizeni.androhaveoughttodoeinibeclticoiCJoJ. f HoW
drunke^, not thofe that
^ And heefoui^d in the Temple
can I ihat ara old be borne againe ? for he aafwe. eth, a.i JChriS hii wordes belonged
doves. a«d changers of g Teat ii, «<-ft)ly, to wit, wholly
uoJ-ane and under rh«
ll^'rHnthV Hebrew fold oxen. and a.cepe, and
10 none but. o bim.
cor.upi natureofman:
«oogue,butfiznifi- meafurc, ai Gen.
wrathof God .-and therefore this word Flefh fignifieth the i

„|,n,ifulIufcof wine ai djth ocpanTe contrarie.o which i.tbeSfirit, that i. the m5q
ingrafted i„.o Chr.ft thrcojgb .b«

..h f°=""i™''^«''' .o,beLaw«for

Cb, fib.i.£ nude fxb.ea fivaceofth.holy Ohcft .wbofe nature i.cverbHing and
immcrtal .-thouga th«8:itn
*^'^'»V u-'u'^,''"''V,'fceTi?-o«r 4 ofibcBe&retuaincth. t Wiibfiteand AiadiiogbUa*. ainl;ft*t&.
1 «

EretJaflinglife. lohnsbaptifme. S. lohn. The woman of Samaria;

thoiihearert the found ihe.eof, lurcan.l not rcll 27 lohn anr\vered,3ndfakl, A roan u can receive u what meare yott ^
whence it commeth, anu whither itgoeth:fois noti it b' given him from heaven,
i tg, except: " S-'* "bout t« b«t-
cveiy man that is borne of the Spirit. Ye your f.lves are my wimefles that I '"
i8 . -i-
rTm'lm'io "i^d"'
3 TheffCTttniy- faid.Iamnot that Chrift, but tliat 1 am lent be- pot i:>n ml. The^
</ 3 Nicodemiisanlwerccl, and fayd unto him.
l.„ir = f our rrg.-
which How can thefc things be ? fore him. cannot better them.
acriiJon ,

ciBiioibccom- 10 Ithis anfwered.and fayd untohim. Art thou 29 He that hath the bride, is the bridegtome: f«-«»oneiQte.
ftebended by
a teacher of(5Crael,and knoweftnot tbele things' but the friend ol the briiegrome which Hdndeth * C&ap.i,io,
1 Verely , verely I fay unto thee , VVe tt)eake and heareth him , reioyceth greatly, becaule of the
fctce.vcd by faiib
and ibatinClirift that we know , and teftifie that we have feene: but bridegiomes voice. Thismyioy therefore isful*
. , i^iuCc ihat yc receive not our i witnefle.
htiibotbGodoD j^ If vvhen I tell you earthly things, ye bcleeve • Hemuftincreafe.butlwja^decreafe.
"ot ' ^°"' ^^^°^^'^ y^ beiceve , it 1 ilwll tell you of He
that is ccnie from on hie, is about all: he
3 1
t" «o"ha"'i?-o
fay,'iofnc*furt heavenly things ? ofthe earth, is of thex earth, and yfpeaketh ^ I'nothingelfe ^
that is
mm, tbat b« is 1 3 For no k man afcendeth up to Jieaxen.but ' ofthceaith:hee that is come from heaven , is a- worke"ndfifthV"
ood aifo aod (here-
j,e thathad delcended irom heaven , " that bonne boveall. flimeof tbeearrb.
V^ of r»an which o is in heaven. 32 And what he hath z feene and heard, that he y Savourethofno.
4 4- And as Mofes lift Up the ferpent in
the teftifieth but a no manreceivethhis teftimonie.
,ha'hJ°manail 1 :
«o''n'"f oo""""^]'"'
fo.aodibvtt'bre muft that Sonne of man be lift up, He that hath receiveth
33 his teftimonie. hath nefl>r&"""' '*
til powtr i> ra».
1 J 1 hat wholoever belceveth in him , flioukl fealed that J God is true. z what be kooweih

,°You bandUdoubt
^°^ petiQi, but have eternall life. 34 Foriie whom God hath fent , fpeaketh the fuHyand perfeaiy.
fulithing..icdfuch 16 S J For God foloveih the world, that hee words of God for God giveth : hm not the Spirit %^°" ", '"^ ^"^
a> you have no cet- hath given his oncly begotten Sonne, that wholo-
U r
by meafure.
* S
^ i^om,3,4,
taineauthout for, ^y^^ bejeevctho in him, Ihould not perilli.but have 37 The
Father lovetli the Sonne , add hath
rJT.r.'Lch'"' everlaliing life.
* b given all things into his hand. * Matth. 11,17.

tboftibingitbat 17 * For God fent not his Sonne into the 36 * Hee that beleeveth in the Sonne, hath
areofairuetband world, that he lliould P condemnc the worid , buc everlafling life.and he that obeyeth not the Sonne, will"''"""
wti kaowenSc yon j^^j jj^e 1 wolld through him might be laved. fliallnot c fee life, but the wrath of God abideth -f- Apoc.i,4.

' ^ ^^^ '^^^ bcleevcth in him is not condem- on him.

ir'oc7i"chti'it can
tMch u/btjvtnly ncd but he that beleeveth not , is condemned al-
: Chap. IIII; <: Sh^Ilnotenioy,

tbi»gs for 00 man ready becaufe hee hath not beleeved in the Name
6 lefuiltiniwe^rit ycaksth dn»k."fti'i momanvf SJmit
Ji Hettachtt'nthetruevpcrfhip. i6 Ht confefxth
afctraieih, Sec.
of that onely begotten Sonne of God, r!.«.

1 That II.

rfirituaaligbi and
bath any
^^ ^^ ^j^-^ j^ ^^^ r condemnation , that that
,, .
ij, .
thatheiiihe Mefi.ts.
keleelie in him.
ja Hiimcit. 39 The Samaritans
i^i He hetUth the /(ulers fmnc.
I Thil meafure
light Came into the woikl , and men loved darke-
, ,

undernaoding, or "KjOwJ when the Lord knew how the Pharifes doin^efourdue.

«verbad .butontiy nclferather then that light , becaufe their deedes had heard that lelus mad >? and beptized moe *
f^^'^j ^e°be'ter'ri
that SonnfofGod, \vere evill. difciples then lohn,-' fied iVom going
«bkbcamedowne ^^ For every man that cvill doeth hateth the .
a (Though lefushimfelfe baptized not , but forward, aeithe*
"t^ wbereai beii Hght neither commeth to light , kalt his deedes
his difciples-)
fayd to have come fliouid be reprOOVed. 3 Hee left ludea , and departed againe into aogeri upon out
down from beaven, j
, gu^ he thit fdoth ttucth , commeth to the Galile.
'gf'^' t*^" his deedes might be made manifeft, that
ftooTof bf. God'-''" 4 And he mnft needs goe thorow Samaria. >{• c!5ap.3,jj.

head, and of the they are wrought t according to God. a Thencaraehetoa citie of Samaria called
5 'be^Vouimn.
manerofhisc'.n- 22 J After thefe things came leflis, and his di(l Sychar.ncere unto thepolVefsion that -Ciacob gave L^,^m"muoicV.'*
"ption :
fof Chrift
ciples into the land of Iudea,and there taticd with to his lonne loleph. teib theireafurej

f«,b «t"beav« f ^^«™. ""'* ^ baptized. 6 And there was Jacobs Well. lefus then wea- of evcrianing life
»3 And lohn al(o baptized in Eiion befides ^?°""'>°-
V,audnot«r7bly, ried in the iournev, (ate a thus on tlKWell ; it was )^,';''
full woman, and
forbewaiconcei- becaule there was much water there ; and
Salem ,
, n ^
about the bflXthouie.

ftranger .r.felling
ved by the boiyj^ey cameand were baptized- 7 There came a woman of Samaria todrawe thegr,.ireerrout»
*4 For lolin was iiot yetcaft into ptifon, water. lefus faid unto her. Give me drinkc. ofthe Samatitanj,
''"That which ;•
rropettrth'edi'vi. ^5 8 Then there arole a quelHon betweene 8 For his difciples were gone away into the ci- "J*^^/^'?^'"f

nirieofcbnn.i. lohns difciples and the lewes.about purifying, tie.tobuy meate,

htrefpokenof God,w-hitb°wai
2^ And they camc unto lohn arfd Idid unto ,
9 Then faid the woman of Samaria untohim, delivered to the
^'^^' ^^^bi he that was with thee beyond lorden,
"ive uno u "d.'r°
How is it that thoubeir:ga lewe.askeft drinkeoi lewet.butyetfoi

nlod^ba" he il but to whom thou barei^ witnclTe , behold , he bapti-

me , which am a womin of Samaria? For the lewes ^^'^''Jf'ib'j^'''
one ytrfon where- zeth, and all men come to him..
«meddle not with the Samaritans. ba.keto himfeire
11Thecommunicating of proprietiei.* Num. 10 lefus anlwered and faid unto her, If thou asonevvhom onely
ji.J. chap n,3». fi loan. 4, 9. J NoihingeUbutihe free lovcof the Fattei, i» kneweftdthateiftuf God,andwhoitis thatlaith aiitbefarhtrs, and
ibe beginning ofourfalvation. and Chrift IS he
in whom our rigbieoufDclTe and falva- .r^:..„_„„.l>:„i.„ ,K,.„ „-^„l.l..aiv,„(.^r_ alfo all the cere-
to thee Give mec drinke , thou wouldeft have af-

whereby we apprehend it .and ,

niei of the Law
tionio tefidem andfaiib iitbe iBltiamentorimane
ked of him , and he would have give thee

lifeeveilaaingiitbatwbichiiferbtfotev.toappiehend. o Itiinot allonetobe- 'did regard, and had

leeve loathing, aod bin?, for we iTUi not beleeve (10 any thing) fave
to beleeve of a of lite. atefpeftu

onely in G(.d, but wemay beleevc (of jny thing) wha.foever ,

:t)i faith Nazianzttie in
II Thewoman faid unto him .Sir, thou haft * Geo.33.19.
kit ortiiinofibe Spirit. » Chap i,i9-and 12,47- 4
nothing to liraw with, and the Well is deepe? from \l^^^°."^
Chrift doe.bconiemue. p That ii,tobethecaufu-ofthecondemoingot the world,
for in-ieede fitmei are the eiufe ofdeath.but Chi itt Hull iudge the quickc
and tbedead. whence then haft thou that water of life' '„°
E„ena,'he vat

q Noiooelyihepeopleofthelewei.btjtwbofoevfrftiallbeleeveiijhim. »
Chap.1,9. I 2 Art thou greater then our father laak&b, wMne, or UcaHfc
7 Onely wickednelTtU the caufe, why ™«n tctjfetbelightihat he
iiortered them- which " gave us the Well , and hirofelfe dianke
I That i» the caufc of cooJemnatioD .which Itickeib fall in men.anlei through God bit b Ittvaitlmjl
f ii, he that leadetb an honcitlife, and Heme. e Therc-rintfiimilutritie ntrfrkndfhip ,htlwitnethe lemti and ths
(treai benefit thiy be deliveredfromit.
»»ideo( all era ft and deceit, t That ii.wiib God, God a« it wete going before. SjmirUdnei. i P} ihii v>trd {Thai )vt are ^ivenit, Vifderfiand , that Ckrijl
^ Chap 4,1. I Satan inflai»«tb the difcipleiof lohn with a fond emulation of ibeir fftakitl' cffimelxceUint ^ifhthai is lefjjj even ffhimjVl/t.^Tvhtm his Father offered to hinder thecoufe of the Gofpel but lohn being mindfull of hiioftice, doeth: thittroman. e Th's eirerl.ijlingtvaier, that is tefiy , ihetxceedmfhl>: tifCod,it
Botonelybreakeoff therr endevouti, but alfo takcih occalioo thereby to give tefii- taScdMng ,eroflife ,ttmak.' adifferenee hetyveene ii, and the vi>arer'ihatfhonld he
monie of Cbriil , tl»t how >
'>>'" °°^h <l>t f «tl>ei bath (n foonb life eytilaliiiif- dratrnetut of a vrelt .-
andthc/imttafhmiartptry mHehvfidcfthe /«»?;,/«{, i,*}.
• Chap 1,34.

Chap. V. The Rulers fonnebealed. 39

flic true wotChippers. f •> «''«<
the faying true, tlut one fow- » ^*"»'
3 7 For herein is ;

thereof, and his fonnes', and his catteli;

eth and another reapeth.
lefus anfwcred.and fayd unto her , Wholo-
38 Ifentyoutoreapethat.whereonyebeftow-
ever drinketh of this water .fliall thirft againe

ed no labour other m?n laboured , and ye are en-

whofoever drinketh of the water that I

14 But
niall give him. ihall never be more
athirft but the :
tred into their labours. ,, , ,
„ , _. .

of that ci-
water that I Ihail give him. (halibe in him a
well of 39 , NOW many oftheSamarit^es IJ^^^^-^
^f '^V'tT Water , fpringing up into everlafting life. _
tiebeIeevedinhim,forthe faying ofthewoinan j^brace that which
peoX ftaadeth
give me ot which teftified. He that tolde me all things that theieweimoft
for ihejroft part. iy The Woman laid unto him , b ir,
ftubbwoLj rcied!*,
come hi- ever I did.
ujoD two piiiari.
^Y\a,t water that I may not thiil\ , neither
40 Then when the Samaritans were come utito

^brf/to7™a thertodraw. .,
, . ... him , they befought him , that he would tary with
Ae ."Ipu. of 16 lefus faid unto her. Goe. call thine
them and he aboade there twodaycs.
thefafhers.ptrvei. and COme hither. ,/ . TU of his
have no 4 1* And many moe beleeved becaufe
J The woman anfwered, and fayd, I
well fayd. owneword.
husband. lefus fayd unto her. Thou haft
wt'dThS"- ;.
4x And they fayd unto the woman, Nowwe
sainft which er- I havcnohusband. ,
,^ , , , , .
and hcc
„ beleeve .not becaufe of thy fayisg: for wee have por thou haft Had five husbands .
heard hitn our felves , and know that this is mdeed
fct the word aad
^j^^^ j^ou now haft , is HOt thine husband :
that Chrift the Saviour of the world. g Thedefmr.u

thou art a Prophet.
raya -n-o hta,si,.u.e.h..
43 3 8 So two dayes after he
and went into kGalile.
departed thence, ^f chrift 'deptivs -

„.r . l
« teftified. that a beneht: ye.chnft
Qm. fathers worflupped m
this raoun. ' 44 For lefus hirofelfe
Prophet hath none honour in his owne contrey

and , that in «
lerufalcm is the place l]^^^2\i. .

^tt^ltZZ taine . y ee fay come into Gahle , the j^ ^,,„ jteiownri

IfMactJcniihis where men ought toworftiip. 4 f Then when hee was
all the andi,iiiies ofc^y
Woman beleeve me, Galileans received him, which had feene
Jmk, -/.cr (Ae i-i-
ji igfus fayd unto her . ,

commeih .when yeefliall neither m

e^ic.fif'"^' things that he did at Hierufalem at the feaft : '''^••/-'''f^"'.'^'
the houre
tu7aife.t%ne this mountabe . nor at Hierufalem worfliip the
they went ailo to the tealt. _
into § Cana a
w camu} <>f

46 9 And lefus came againe ^at.areth,'necau/i

inUw.hiei'rieii, Father. ,.. ,,.„,„ wine, Mm,
Sevvne of Galile,where he had made of water
., thrjdefiifid
ufifhh.ktii. 22 yewosHiiptha^hich ye Sknownot.we
falvat Jon is oi And there was acertaine iruler.whofefonnewas ^^^^^^'J^}^;^',
worihip that which wee know : for
'••« •

^'t':' Capernaum.
ficke at r vriic)thcifficacie
i TAii wor^(Jp»- thelewes. ,
, and now is,
when , •
u« 47 When heheard that lefus wascome out
ot ,jf /,;, je„^,; ^43
%i) tch tXtn 2J But the houre commeth
ludeainto Galile,hee went unto him, and be- hndndshrmgh
the Father in
Ure,<isUuf,t^- the true worCbippers fliall worihip his
,W»m- leqmreth even fought him thatrhe would goe downe, and heale '^^^'27nT/
5_jjjj j„j j^ueth : for the Father
fonne; for he was even readie to die.
untd him Except yee
^"^^^^ i'j,,^,
fee ^,^1^, 5,^. ,„^,
48 Then fayd lefus ,

fignes and wonders, ye will not beleeve. 4.>4.

sommWfmfnf him .muft vvortophiKi IP Spuit and Ttuetb. "49 Theruler fayd untohim. Sir,go downebe-
^^^^uboug^ chnft
The woman fayd unto him, I know well that
;rri'rf'''''Mefsias( is called
Chrift:when fore my fonne die. vetheewdketii
thy way ,thy fonne ,;:gbtiiyinihe
JO Iefu5 fayd untohiro»Goe
ZJ^^f'tna. he iscomc .he will t€ll us all things that Iclus bt letven by bis
liveth: and the man beleeved the word
^4T-o/» - fc. ^«' " 26 lefus fayd unto her, I am he that fpeake un-
leeltikf it '" Teffcii . had fpoken unto him,and went his way. T'cLpiuzi.
c/He "*["-"'
And upon that , came his difciples . and

And as hee was now going downe , his ler-
1 f^cJofBer^dj
yet no vantsmethim.faying,Thyfonn&hveth.
marveikdthathee talked witha woman :
ZZT'J'U''! c2 Then enquired he ofthem the houre when Hfrodw^Jiofa
oncijfhadcv that ^lan fayd unto him, What askeft thou i or why tal- l^r^u>^^tr^.H
vhuh chrjfieir- he began to amend. And they fayd tmto him.
^^^ jhgu ^ith her. ,
firmtdwdieJ. hct watcrpot, and wBHt flerday the fevcnth houre the fever left him.
fiprrlavrhefeventh _
\„,h e^'cept.hs
^^ The woman then left was the lame
the men, c3 Then the father knew ihat 1: ^^^^^,„^,„,j
her way into the city , and fayd [o

I ^,tl.«d
houre in the which lefus had fayd unto him ,
Thy u^thefe^pie
(j«„>;Aemf4«rt jQ Come, fee a man which hach told meeall ««s^i;m<./i..^
thinamrtcftht jLj not he that Chrift?
fonneliveth.Andhebeleeve,andall hishou(b.old.
jhat ever 1 did : is
came This lecond miracle did lelus againe. a^ter
Then they Went out of the citie . and J 4
Sfd'ftrfinln 3©
he was come out of I udea into Gaiile.
jl^r^h^ve ''7i^'^-lnthemeanewhile.the difciples prayed '
y'.Ud cfChnJl rn fhlS^l-
MKofourbo- a 0« hini a> .if pod.. ! i>

him, faying. Matter, eat.

.Ihave meatto
fC^rprefm. 31 ; But hee fayd untothem dcd, n hfcc.lm<ch-rvi.h,htu,^,hcri,jofh,sP.uh.r.
wili"giyaDd eat, that ye know not of. "''''".
* X.H,..3,3i
ft«iy.heoccafi. 3, Then fayd the difciples betwecnc them- d^^S^S^^^''"" and ^^e«^aj.t.
meat ? A ^FteT^'That there was a feaft of the lewes ,
oa which fejves Hath any man brought him
offred ,
** lefus weut to Herufalem. , , , r eaftfooid.wbub

2 And there is at Hierufalem by the place or ^(j.;(^^j„oo-.

He a^i
«-f may^oe the will of him that fent mee
and hnilh I

then.eepe.aapoolecalledin Ebrew b Bethefda,

his WOtke. ,
monettis. having hve porches:
whatfoever. ..
f Say not ye. There are yet foure officke
Behold ,1 fay unto 3 In-that which lay a great multitude //j^^'^J^^^^,^,
and :/;e» coiianeth harveft ?
the ^uriofiUtcMU-
/itu*IlVc«n:u'' folke. of blinde, hak.and withered, waiting for
'r;.weT« you.Liftupyooreye3,andlookeon the regions:
forthey are white alreedy umo harveft. T'"^^'£lum.- .
liog^r :forfo.he .j,

cbildren ofthij And hee that reapeth , receiveth reward, 4 rSran An gel went downe ata certame ^l^' {''^\';^X,:'Lm-
3(5 fi
water who- ^^„^ „^p,„,„,
world would «n- he fon into tl^ poole . and troubled the
3^J<,3theredfr«itunto life eternall.thjt bjth

water. Rep-
leioyce to- foever then tirft.after the ftirring of the „„,, j,f^>^r...t
'« thatToweth. and he that reapeth might /..../•m.-er-n.w
pedin.was made whole of wlutfcever d^feafehe
lukeio.i- .gether.

7 man was there, which had '^"'W-

T Ji'^s",^!""! ««. . fowiog time aad the doft: i«of ,be G.fpeJ. as

And acertaine
» bene>
One ficke xxxviij.yecres, healed. S.Iohn. Search the Scriptures,
bane difcifed ei^hc anJ thirtie yeeres." (ballCo me , and now Is , whm the dead fhall heare
6 When IclTii fdw him lie and knew that he ,
the voice of the Sonne of God;and they that heare
1107/ lon;^ tifv.i hid besnedifi-iicd .hes fayd luv-o it ihall

him, wilt thou be mule wholt > 26 For as the Father bath life in himfelfe ,fo
likewife hath he given to the Sonne to have life in
7 .Tiie fi A*Cniti jnf-v r^ him. Sir, I have no 1

roin.wheii tiie water is put ma into the himfelfe.

pools : but while I am comming , another fteppech 27 And hath given him power alfo toexecite i
l Tijth,f,hr,<ind
• Truetelifioau fiirtnine priftr
downe bit'ore me. iud^ement, in that he is the h Sot^ne of man.
not morecruelly
afiia t<iby inr 8 I^fus iky d unto him Rife , : t ike up thy b-jd. li 7 Marveil not at this : for the houre ihall 'latC^Cr"''*
tneanei.iiien bf
and svalke. come . in the which all that are in the graves, Ihall mucl^hlt'Teh.nii
thei>:«ec;eof re-
lijioai: te.fc. 9 And immcJiatly the min wis mide whole, heaie his voice. frvv of life tnd

X lere.17 «i. and tovke up his bid , and walked: and the fame 29 8 Andthey Qiall come I foorth ,« that have !''"*•

3 Th- woilceof div Wis the Sabbath. done good, iKuothe "> refurredion of life but „„/*f '.''*'-'^^'* :

G )J was ««*«' 10 J Tiie fe^ves therefore fiyd "-o him that was they :h It hive done evill, unco the reliureitionof wtrUashciiCij,
«he breach of tb« condemnation.
S»bbatli:buttiie made whoL-, It is the Sabbath dty: -f it is not law- t^taifitsheh
vrork«ofCn"il full for thee to cary thy bed. 30 9 I can n doe nothing of mine ownefelfe: '"f >" nciiiied •

o as I heare,! iudee andrny iudgement is '^"'f'''' f"'*"

irethe woikiof I (He anfwered them , He that made me whole :

tbe pacfaer, botJi

he fjyd unto me, Take up thy bed, and walke. c.auielleekenot mine owne Will .but the wUlot Kor'.J.
on: God. »ni i\(a li Tnen asked they him , what mm is that the Ftther whn hath lentme. 7 All ftiall appMte

becaiife ihc Father which Take up thy bed.and walke?

fayd unto thee. ^i If I § ihoaldbeare witnefTeof my l"foretbeiuJgt.
doeth not vNJilce
,j And he that WIS hcilcl kncw not wh J it , wicnelle u ere not V true.
^" ^°'
• ^^^"' ^*'^ conveyed himfeife away from 32 * There is another that beareth wi-neffe of ,0 br iuL'df'
c ThatMlb'ifoaeiy the multitude
chat was in that place. me . and I know that the witnelVe , which he bea- s Fiith jnd iefi.
mai no manitii, 1^ Andafcet chat.Icfus found him in the Tem- reth ofme.istrue. del. y fluiijt iu./.

p'Jt'yb"' <•""«•
woichtbeygjtbtr p^g /^nd (ayd unto him , BeholJc thouaic made , 33 « <> Yefencuntolohn.andhebare witnefl".
whole linne no more leaft a worle thing come unto the trueth. _ 4. >,--,/,*„,+,.
fa t" '( And\" : ,

wotkejappiy'iK unto thee, 54 Rut I receive not the record of man: never- To tha- nik,'
toJde the lewes theielTe thefe things I (ay, rkat ye might b; faved. reciUn-mhuh hid
this vvoiii work* ly J The man departed and

CO himWfe .
^^^^ j^ ^.^^
j^r^j j|^jj }^^J ^j,^g (,ipj^ whole.
3f He was a bmningend a inining candle: and ^l[^f"lf.''''f'^g
l<5 And therefore the lewes did perfecutele- ye would for T a leaibti tiave reioyced in his light, ^tj-^^h fee'tCtri.
/nrre.7r«, ,/»«-'
fcth'himft'ifeMujU fas. and fought to llay him becaufe he had done , 36 But! have greater witneife then th; wit-
netfe of lohn-fortheworks whichthe Father hath 'limxnun thu i,,
toGod. .
thefe things on the Sabbath rf<t)i. :

.d Notonely with- ^
^ ^ j^^j. j ^^j^ anfwcrsd them.My father wor- given mc to finifh, the fame woiks that i do , beare
vvitneiVe of rae. that tiie Father fent me.
r,uuSo" keth hitherto, and I worke. 'g'\hr fr^her it
,w,bout'hi.mi4b,y i8 S Therefore the lewes fought the more to iy AnHtheA: Father ^ .himfclfe.which
„ hath fent thr amhour acd
me,beareth witnefle ot rae. \e have not heard

woikiiijScpoAer. y^\\\ him .-notonely becaufe hee had btokenthe he approver of all
u- things Ahich
cTbi.rauitb.un. Sabbath:
Sabbath bat fayd alfo thatGod was c his Father,
his voice at any time,* neither have yeefeene.-.,
J . J cr-u n ch.iitdo.h.
himfelfe equall with God.
.bu'X -^-" ^"^ made ^^P'^- ... ,,
Andhis word nave yon not.ibtdingin you:
, .,. . " Lo'k'^^r.Mt.
.coiUetboftwo 19 Thenanfweredlefus, and fayd unto them. -35 o ^smj/^tker
o«iur«. and not Vetely vercly I fay unto you. The Sonne can doe
for whomhe hath fear, hits ye beleeved not. dircaahmt, nhi
nothing d of himfe'lfe faVe that he feeth the Fa , 39 wf. Search the Sci iptures : for in them yee
thinke to have eceinalUife.and they are they which p F^iithfitit, that itt
fal^^h'tbat h,."i.."
th" tloe fur whatfoever things he doeth.thefame

'ttuet mocvrih and thing, doth the Sonne f in like maner teftifieofme. rlhjtchtcrlJi-

go-en leth hi> 20 For the Father loveth the Sonne.and (liew- 40 But ye will not come to rae , that ye might trJ,i«~<k* c/;/ip,.8,i«.
.nil thing!, but yet have life. *
eth him all things whatfoever he himfelfe doeth, ,
4 1 I receive not the pra fe of men.

swhenhefavtb be and he will fliew him greater workes then thefe, , ^

<, 'is'decU- hfi'.-t

Mcofketh «'tbbii that yc ibould marveil. 42 Hut 1 know you, that ye have not the r love rediobetbeonely'
Father, he "OUch. 21 4 For likewife as the Father railed up the of God in you. Saviour by Iobn«
cf»biiGndhe»d. amcomeinmyFathersName.atidyere- voice, and iohnite
dead, and quickeneth them, lb the Sonne quickcn- 43 I
f lu likefor'.ioioi
eth whom he wiil, ceive not if another Ihall come in his owne
me :
lyand together.
Notforthiiihe i% For the Father £ iuJgeth b no man.but hath name, him will ye receive. _ _
aH the Prophet».

father doeth fnme iudgement unto the Sonne,

comitted all 44 Howcaii ye beleeve, which receive § ho- But. he wurldnot-

all men ihouid honour the

J^^^aufe that nour one of another, and fceke not the honour
wh (lauding be-
•fo!rnVw"ke!'haf!'' *3
u('h\m°LiAai^ Sonnc, as they honour the Father: he that honou- th.«commethoiGodalo,ae?
f Doe not thinke that I will accufe yon to
aC tpbt: a.*
»he like but bfcaiife teth not the Sonnc the fame honoure:h not the ,
45- d,(,r feeme
iatmx'^iif. powsr pjther which hath lent him. my Father there is one that accufethyou, even
^^ Verely, vcrely 1 fiy unto you . he that hea- Moles, in whom ye trurt.
.•quillysnd'ioyntly fcth my woid , and beleeveth him that
fentraec, 46 For had ye beleeved Mofes, ye would have ' j^^'j\,e ^^,[,11^;
together. hath cvcrlalting life , and ih'.Unot come into con- beleeved me for he wrote of me.
^ Matih.ji,';,'
.^Tbep ither maketh demuation but hath parted from deatii to hfe. , 47 W jr if ye belceve not his writings, how ibail and 17,7.
veebcleeve my words; • D;ut.4,ii.
*«7u n.n*'me"b^ *^ * Verely verely I fay unto you, the houre , ^ '
« Aftt I7'ii-
in Ch tilt in whom onelyalfobeiitruely worDiipped.
g Thii wod( iudg»tb)i» r L»ve toward God. J Chap. 1,43. f Tbii deoialldoth not put away that which
•aVen by the figure Syntcdjche. for jlIgovernemeBt. h Thefe wovda are not fj to be is htere faid, butcoiteftcth it, aiif Chrin faid, tacltwei fliall havenofoieranaccufof

taken, 3» though they jnijly det^id God govcroeth the world, but a, tOe lewei thenMofti. » Gtn.3,i,-.and22,i8. and 49,io.deut.«8,i;.
ihiificeiit.wbichfepiraietheHa'htt from the Sjnne whcreaj indeed ,tb« Father , C
H A P. I. V
Ikthnotgovrrnethe world buronely in ihepetfon of hi» Souue , being made ma- PheihcHjlind urt fid viih fii-iU-jhct .in.! r-a)(,/;p,ti.
aiftft in ibeflefli fofjy.h he afterward verfe 30 that became not todjc lai>ov»oe
i; Chrtjl gdolh.'pj't fromthepecfti. 17 ^,his difiifUi
will- thai hitdoflriociinotbii owne. Clap 7.1*. that the bliude man aid bi» pa- tftrtrnvin^, 19 he cum out h 1 01 hem n^lk'iZ '"'J'*
febitfjfliiednor.Scc. Caap 9.3- J Tne Father iiooi vvorSiipprd but by biiS lune* 1* Her re.tfnc'.h cft^e true
txitee. 27 ind eWrlafiin^,
«nord apprehended by faitn which ii tbe oneiy wjy leadeih oeitroall life,
3! Irtad^flife. 42. ;a The Uivti
* We are alld.rad inlinoeand can ooi be quickened byauy otier ineaoe*,tlU:nby die mAijofthe difiiflei, 66 di^irl frcmhil 6i The ^ftJlUt
»;cid cfCbiiltii^jielieiidcd bj faiili. hsm4> bt thttmm tfGtl,
) -

Chap. v]» Chrifttbe bread of life. 40

rhe five barley loaves,
fliipplrig; and ca.'r.e to Capernaum . feeking for
ATterthcfethinfts.TefuswenthiswayiOverthe ^ ,-6,^,^3, f^jj,
fus. thek'og(!om«of
tVcr ilie Uk' nfTi -"lea ofGalile. which is Tiberias.
h And when they had found htm on
the other heav™ lacke no.
2 And a oreatn.ul'itude followed him.becauie
hriti, lot r<«. 2f
'^i g: au.wittiuo.
f„,f,h,Urgi which he did on tlietn that fide of the fea, they faid unto him.Rabbi.when ca-
t>iey faw his miracles .
r. I L- L ^•^ d'.nj tit Gofpei is-
meftthouhither f
26 4 lefus anfweredt' ,f,tb.|iv,bmof
tUfhcrier: then' 3 The>i lefis vent op into a mountaine , and
wuh his difciples. rely I fay unto you , Ye Atcaute yee tbt n,iode. fetrke me not ,
theix he late Bt,i.K,cuT
faw the miracles,but becauie ye ate of the loaves, ^
4 Kovvethe rafleover, a» feaft of the lewes
and were hlled. ,, ci,dp 1,31.
Jidcferfrcmor.e was necre.
lift up hu eyes ,^and feeing
27 d Labournot for the meate which periih- mjr.s.ij.w 17,355
adofiCTtekft* :§ , T hen lefus
tic fUr.
5 i— l
multitude came unto him he faid unto
' eth ,
nnio everla-
but for the meate that '.-ndureth « Tkaiu.vihan
,.,„, „ ^. ' " ,

4 I.«!'IM3.T' fling li^'e, which the Sonne of man Ihall give unto ^"'.'j"/'"''.'' .
Philip, whence Ihail we buy bread, tliac thefe
diut 16,1, you for him hath 4 God the Father e fcaled.
tt^VXr tf-,
M4t.i4'*- ir.ight eat
J {

proove him
. -
hes 2g Then faid they unto him.Whataiall we do, i, fU„„„j\,is t-an
6 { And thisJiee (ayd to :

that we mioht works the f workes of God? vetmein Um, as

himfelfe knew what he would do <« *"''/"«-
M- 29 I lefus anfwered,8c faid unto them. •§ g This
Tbey that
7 Philip anfwered him , Two hundreth
1 peni-
' f'p.''
is the worke of God. that ys beleeve in him.whom
low Cbriftdo;
fomttimebiitigeri worth of bread is not fufficient for them,that every }Jl'^,T'J,\^ ^^^j,
fee hath fent, ht s theij fvcmt
but they aieiie- one of them may take a little. unto him. What figne
Then fayd unto him one of hisdifciples, 30 6 They faid therefore anJtefrejinter ef
g A'"* nJ thll man
thou then that we may fee it, and beleeve
Andrew, Simon leters brother,
hath five
,.,,,. fl^.ewcft
thee what doeft thou worke


9 There is a little boy here , which

? ?
and two but what are they Our fathers did eate Manna in the defart, as is mm to Ctd^
barley loaves , fiQies :

it is * written , Hee gave them bread from heaven

among fo many ?
\.er\aflm^ Ufi,
to eatc.
1 o And lefus faid, Make the people fitdowne.
7 Then lefus fayd unto them, Verely.verely
(Now there was n-uchgralVe in that place.) Then 32 "^'^'cVri^';''""'
thou- I layunto you, Mofes gave you not h that bread { f^kkhfle^tfe
the men fate downc in number about five ,
from heaven but my Father givcth you that true
c,w .-/.r thej thi»^
,Ur ,:„rUftin..
the bread. and gave thanks, bread from heaven.
1 i And lefus tooke
and gave to the difciples.and the difciples
to them 33 For the bread of God is hee which com- ,/;„J,V„Vl//"l-'
the hlhesas meth downc from heaven, and givethliie unto the j:u„^,i,iLaT*,
that were fet downe and likewife of :

V-Orld. tUrefcre Chr,/l

lEuch as they would. ^ .r i u r-j him , Lord, evermore *'"^^*
^^ Then they fayd unto
1 2. And when they were fatisfied. he faid unto 34 'fj^f'^j^'"'"

meat which give us this bread.

his difciples Gather up the broken '/ MeD'torment
lefus fayd nn»o them . I am that bread ,i,;,n„ive, m

3 y And
lemaineth, that nothini^ be loft.
'of life he that commeth to me, tliall not hunger, vaine.wfaentbey
Then they gathered it together , and tillea

J 3 go ^bour .0 pkaie
oftbe five and he that belecN'eth in me. Hull never tbirft. .

twelve baskets with the broken meate


ye have feene
i6 But I fay unto you that alfo ^'^'^^
that had 7^^'„°'^;,5 '

barley loaves, which remained unto them


me, and beleeve not. gTh^ii,,tbii)sth»

s Allthat the Father giveth
me, (hallcoroe .„„ri^ef/..K coJre-
l4*Then the men.when they had feene the mi- 37
trueth that tome and him that eommeih to me, Icaltno* ?«•«:/. tfcatj.H
racle that lefus did , faid , This is of a

that Ihould come into the world.

away. therefore h, ..deth
Prophet r J »
For I came downe from heaven, not to doe ,,,,^i_^^j^, „f^i,l^
, t.
» Cfarift iinot on' J » when
lefus therefore perceived that they 38
\y 110! ctlircd.bac
he mine k owne will, but his will which hath fent me. s Tbefpirituall
alf.. grutly offen-
would corre, and take him to make him a king, vertueofCbriH
departed againe into a mountaine himldfe
alone. 39 And this is the Fathers will which hath lent
ded withaprq-o-
mee. that of all which he hath given mie. I Ibould ^'^^^-^^'^l^'^,"^
(Icroui woiihip. 16 1 i Whsn even was now come, his difciples
Tbtgodlyare lofe nothing, but Ibould raife it up againe at the d.fircmofeax.b.-
went downe unto the fca, mhjclei.
of.enio perilland la«day.
17 * And entted into a a-iip. and went over the ,
danger but CatiB
40 And this the will ofhim that fent me, that • Exo..«,i4num,
cmr.meih tottem fea Capanaum and now it was darke,
b towards :
wliich 1 fceth the Sonne, and belecveth

every man ^f/jf^'^;';''.

in time.tvtnia and lefus was not come to them. and 1 will raile

tbemidd.aot\he in him, lliould have everialiing life: ^.^^ and onely

And the Sea arofe with a great winde that
tctiifelis,and biia- him up at the laft Jay. au.hou! and givtt'
prb tbem cotbe blew. J him becaufe of«etoaii lifr,
And when they had rowed about hve anrt 4 9 The lesvcs then murmured
fajvto. 19 come downe
walking he fayd, I am that bread, which is
.Il<l'').i4.ij. twcntie. or thiitie fuilongs.they faw lefus ^^^J^g-^;^^^^^^
from heaven. Manca.
mtrk' ^''ii-
on the fea .and drawing ncere unto the flup fo they : r i. r
h lr.M-lr.f.^U 4a And they fayd,^ Is not this lefus that (onne h HtdtneihtUt
were afraid. know ? M-..,uw4iri.»^
thry jre^vJUtd to
unto them.Tt is I be not afraid. of lofcph whofe father and mother wee
tcch,fo,tioBcth- 20 But he faid :

Jaiu.frr Btthfaidt '^

iheo « willingly they received him into the
how then i.yeth hee , 1 came downc from ;;™;;X,;7'
heaven > himrt\fe n ihM iru^
" l^^ip.antl t'^e Ihip was by and by at the land.whither
Ca'allm? lredil,iec.infi hee

c "rbnv-ercjf^nid they went. u , l- fieiethunt^ and ever'. iH'n? life- '^nd asftr that , that P^ui
'ht true
3 The day following , the people which
It.h/firjhixt la M.tnna fi-trittjlt fod, ir mj^ff* no'l'ir,^ "lainjl thii pljce.U Ixe i«j„tththe thin^
^l„nii.fjk'>trvhis flood on the other fide of the fca ,fawe tiaat R^Jfiednihiheji^nchutintkU roMe iiffutavn, Ckriji de.ileih tviih the lirret
>.,.«, /%i«««< ihip there.fave that one,whercinto tkeir ^wne tfVmn and conceit r/ the maner
at.d they huJ n, furthrr rtnfidtr^urt ,

^^j |^pj,£ j^jher

ll'hirU btle tifeand:i),<- life. S The
efihe ^1.inna,hinm'l>Miffdthettlh.
difaples were entred . and that lelus went not

h^^^M^'^' his
gift of faitb proMfdeth from the
frte e'eaion of rht Fitcet inCbrift. after wbicQ

.hefZf, WI.L :i,e, mzh liis difciplcs inthc ihip.but that his dilcipies foUowethneceir..rilyeve.Ufti'.glife. Therefore fai.h in Chi.liUfui i.afure wtQeO*
of out gloiihcation which is to (.orae. k toete
fhurmfJ andfiid yyere goncaloue, •f oureltSion , and therefore

from Ti- setiniand helee,.<n^art'^ineJtcj_i:ther t for thercit

fitml'f'rt. ,j And that there came other fl-iips aU),ea,^p.{. K'/tii. •

ate the another kjodt of'ee'n^ ird'ci is ^ttttr.i'.l

berias neere unto the place where they

proper tr heeled. 9 Flefllrannot <

hefye^kf'!' 'fih'-tk'nJeoffieinjr.nhhu
bread, after the Lord had given thankes. perceive fpiri.uall thing, and therefore the
begianiag of out ,
faUauoo conimeih fionj

Nowe when the people faw that lefus was God. whoc>>aogetbournature.foibatwee b=iog iofj-iied of
0101 , nay at»i<te tot*-
' looko » Mttii.iJ.^.
oat luere , ndchsr fais diliiples , they alfo JslUaacdaadfavedbjCbtU,
. 1

The spirit quickeneth.' S. Iohn» Sundry opinions of Chriitl

xa lefus then anru'»;;^J_ j^d faycle untO them, you, are fpirit and life'
Wu'imare not your (elves. 64 But there are fome of yoH that beleeve not:
No man can tome to me except the Fa- for lefus knewe from the beginning , which they
44 ,

ther, which hath Tent mee, ilraw him : and I

Nvill were that beleeved not , and who Ihould betray I). raife him up at the laft cia^.
in Iniheii.kf'f
It iyjwritten in the * m Prophets, And they 6 And he faid .Therefore faid I unto you, that i f Stsch is At iw.
fl^tPrcfhtlt.fcr 4J
fr.albe all n taught of God. Eveiy man
therefore no man can tome unto mc, except it be given unto lice ofinen .that
tkicUeTrftjmtnt they take occaHon
d,)>iJt<th<l'"" that hath heard, and hath Icairted oftheFatber, him of my Father.
»»"' til" f'i""'-^ commetli unto me: 66 'S From that time , many of his difciples ftruft'onrewnof
J Not that anv man hath feene the
Father, went backe, and walked no more with him. ,he very d'Sftrine

H^Z'/i' " favc hee which is of^ God , he hath feene the Fa- 67 Then faide lefus to the twelve. Will ye alfo of faivation ua- (

*tt Uff-e.,beafe«v.
a Tc ir«. ih'}A*i' ther. gOeaway?
be ehtUren cfi'-,e . _
vcrelv , vcrelv 1 fay unto you , he that be- 68 Then S imon Peter anfwered him.Mafter,to ^ongh .h'Tngu.
f'ttfjufr^' leeveth in mc. hath ererl^Ung life. . whom fliall we goe J thou hafl the wordesof eter- largifiofcod.)
is The number
flZ/t>hi<.^l>^?- 48 »° I am that bread of lite. _
nail life:

/«. 13. fA«« ""/-/. 49 » Your fathers did eate Manna in the wil- 69 And wee beleeve and knowe that thou art
t,d.twe J tcl<ft,
derneffe, and are dead. that Chritt that Sonne of the living God. fmaii,"od ail^Ig

Thn'fjrt^ih! iZw S o P
That is that bread.which commneth downe 70 •« lefus anfwered them, Have not I -J. chc them alfo there be'
fo^e bypocricei.
VJ^flfthc'hcaitr,- from heaven, that he which eateth ofit.Ihould fen you twelve, and one of you isa devill ?
*^°^d worfetb^nall
/j.(f«r/,,iii'«|'/i not die. .
71 Now he fpake it ofludas Ifcariot the fonne
tnHivorkt ifocd, II I am that <! living bread , which came of Simon for hee it was that fl^ould betray him, ^ M*ith,»6,i«,

'"''^"^I'lftZ downe from heaven any man' eate of this : If though he was one of the twelve.
bread, he Ihall live for ever: and the bread that! CHAP.

*\ut,h.„,>7- VII.
o ifthffinm rn- ^jn gi ye is my flelb , whi ch I will give for he life
a Chrtfi, after his ccufms were ^cne 11 tt the feafiefTa-
of the world. lernacles, 10 loeth thither privily
. 12 The fecflet
- "Then the lewes ftrove among them- fundrycfinicnscfhim. 14 He leacheth intheTeitifle,
omjt iic^n "«, *'iiiit iox^^^^ .faying , How can this mangiveus/;«flelb 31 The Friefis command to talieUm. 41 Sin/e amonj^the
muUttude aioui him. 47 and tef\veene the I'harifei and
, r to cate ?
the ojficers that trere/int 10 lake him, jo andNiccdem»s.
,0 Thetru« vfcot Then lefusfayd unto them, Verely.verely
S'om .bVn, I fayunto ypi| . Except ye eate the flelh o^he Son P^
Fterthefe things lefus walked in Galile , and

to the thing it felfe, of man , and drinke his blood, ye have ' no lite in would not walkeinIudea;fonheIevves fought
^ tevtt. 13,34.
ihaiiitoCbrift: yp^, to kill him. a Tbufean wa.fa
bythe partaking vVhofoever eateth my flcfli , and drinkcth 2 Now the Jewess » feaftof the Tabernacles called, becaufe of

h?e. my blood.hath eternall life and . 1 wiilraife him up was hand.

gL''e^«rmng ",entm°bich't"'*
* ExoJ.i6.iJ- at the day laft 3 I His brcthrentherefore fayd unto him, De- p'ght^cj-yj,/''
jj He pointed out
5 y
For my flefli is meate indeede , and my part hence , and goe into ludea ,that thy difciples kiodeiofboghei.
bimWfewiien he may fee thy works that thou doelt. «"'* f^'* "n<i«f
blood is drinke indeede.
fjiaketht woidi. '"-endaye.
I, Cb.ili being J
6 Ho t-hat eateth my flefli , and drinkcth my 4 For there is no man that do.h any thing fe- J^*'"
cretly , 8c he himfelfe feeketh to be famous. If thou
from the Fa-
Cent blood, dwelleth in mi, and I in him. ZJthe kTlll
ther, le the felfe
57 As' that living Father hath fent me,ib live doefi thefethings.lhewthcyfelfc to the world, fted.
fame unto ui fot Tbegiaceof
1 by the u Father and he that eateth me , even hee
, J For as yet ills b brethren beleeved not in him. '

the geninj and

Iteet-ingoftver- fliail by me.
live 6 , Then lefus fayd unto them.My time is not ^^f^J^™",",'',"';' ,
laltiDg life, that 58 This is that bread which came downe from yet come but your time is-alway ready.
;, ;, 5 gj/i ,hatcora.
^egven noc as your fathers have eaten Manna.
: 7 The world can not hate you: but me it ha- meth oiherwayei,
meate and drinke whereby it com-
and are dead. He that eateth of this bread, fhall teth , becaufe I tellihe of it , that the works thereof
for CVCr. areevill.
thii tranfitoty life, live
q Which giveih f S»
1 hefe things Tpake hee in the Synagogue as Go ye up mto this feaft: I will not go up yet chiiHreuofGod
lifeioihe woild. he taught in Capernaum. unto this feaft * for my time is oot yet fulfilled.
: Suffer moreafflia;.
r That i« to fay.
60 '3 Many therefore of his difciples (when 9 f Thefe things he fayd unro them , .ind a- °" "^y '^eirowne
fed, they heard this) faide,This is an heard laying: who
boade ;„ /-ot,l^
ftill in Galile.
kinfefolkw ihca
ketofCht by llrangeri.
whoii our food. can heare it ? 10 3 But allbone as his brethten were gone up, b Kis kiafefoikci;
ij FUOicannot 6 1 But lefus knowinc; in himfelfe, that his dif- then went he alfo up unto the feall, not openly, but for fo ufe the He-
p utadifTerencc ciples murmured at this.faid unto them, Doeih this as were priviiy.
betweeoe flefhiy
eating which ii oftcndyou ? 1 Then the levveslbnghthim at the feaft^ind f^,|^^'",hefoo.
doDe bythe heipe 61 Uhat then if y ee {liould fee that Sonne of fayd, where is he ? ii(h defire.ofout
ofibeicetfa, aad And much murmuring was there of him a- friends,
man afcend up vV where he svas before ? 1 2
fpitituall eating
whichconliltctb i
63 14 Itisthe^fpiritthatquickeneth: theflefli mong the people. Some fayd. He is a good man: * Chap g, 10.
hiTb.aoa therefore prohceth nothing : thewordes that Ilpeakeunto other f.yd , Nay but he deceiveth
: the people. ^.fri^^if^nl..
.jicondemneihthat 13 Howbtir noman(p.ikc « openly of him for jo the very bofom.
^bichitvndtjftandeihnot yet notwitbftanding the truetb muft be preached and oftheChurch. Tt«
feare of the lewes.
.taught. f If Cft'ijI keptifini , life it prtjint , Imt when CUifi u aifiiu , then is
ileathfrtftnl, «
i.Cor.ji.a?. i,heruei)>tihlhat 4 Now when halfe the feaft was done ,Ie- P''ft''""°PP««^
14 <»

fttxtrrvl>i<b^iiickneth.ind filMlhliftf ihem that are hs, of hit Father: and hit fus went up into th,; Temple, antkaught. Uourfanrilare:
^dtlh thii rcT'l (rhai) iv mitk.e a difference kcfsviene him ahd ali other fathers, l<; And the lewes mar ve-iled , laying , How the peopiefetke
y ChriJI his mrantnf ii, that ihoM^hhe te m.m ,y et htjfiej h rjd ^tjie lilje , ijof tftht
knoweth this man the Scriptures , feeing thathe chiiit, wbeobear.'
tipnt nature , tut t'cJUiethat fiefh vfhu lilieth 'he Father , istvfaj, dcelhfucJtf h ?"'«'" 1°} :
tinddra'Wi *itt "f the Filher, that fcttrer IP iihuhiihitineilife. 13 The never learned ! 7^™
Beoffreih himfelfe,
leafon of man cannot comprebend the vuiting ofCht'illand hiimembEn therefore :

they negleftbim.
lelitvvotrnrpand revnencetbai wbich ii better then it felfe. v. Chap. 3, 13. Somealfothatknowbinicoudtmnehini laflily : avery f(;w thioke well ofhim.anw
J4 TbeflflhofCbiiit doeth thertfoie quicken u» btcaafeihai he that is man , il , thatiof.cret. c Or ,bfUh,.irdfretb : f'^rthechiefecfthe leyve' f'"-!" "othinf;
God which myfterie ii ouely compiebeodtd by Ui\b /which i« the gift of 6od,
f much , .1, to hu'} his fame andnamc. 4 Chria ftriveth with goodneifeagatnft
proper ooely to ibeeltft x J ftrit , that u , that fner tvhHhf.etfethfrom the the wickedoefleof the world in the nwane feafoa the moB part of men takeocca«

CcdheaJ , tauje'hihe fiefh cfChriJI, nlfich othtrW'Jt W«r< niilhin^iHtfie/httittU liW iioo ofoffeoce even by that fame whtreby they ought to have bene ftiired uptoew

ioitMit*n<iteff}>(i>ftttiu. , biaaCbiirt. d t/ibtuttht/Mtthdayofihtftafi.

16 s lefus
1 )

ludge tigbteous mdgemtnu Chap. viij. Nicodettiascounfell. 41

1 6 J I efus infweied t Ji , iixT /ayj i , » «M My do-
ftrine is not roiriej 6ut his that lent liel
-irv 6.,..« >7 If any man ^'ill doe his will, he /hall know
*hl "^w of the doairine . whether it be of God , or whether
wbointbeCof- , 1 fpfake of my felfc.
ptii favoureih wtll, jg 6 He that fpcaketh of himfclfc .fecketh hJ$
brc.»fe .henud.e ^^^^^ ^j^^^ ^^^ j^^^ ^,^^^ ^^^^^^^ his glory that

»ery tare.
fent him, the fenae is ttoe ,and no unrigHteoufneffe
C Uokfil'l" is in him.
19 4" 7 Did not Mofe.s give yon a Law , and ytt
and hie fpea.kt'k
none of you keepeth the Law ? J goe yee Why
nion ofitie lemst about to kill roe?
20 The people anfwered , and fayd , Thou haft
icHrit,tiig>ctmire, a deviH who goeth about to kill thee »

thatitiitun't hii
2 8 lelbs anfwored , and fayd unto him , I have
it a mtn as ot*fr
done one worke, and yc all marveile.
*re,antl therefore fit 22 * Moles therefore gave unto yeucircum-
cifion (notbecaufe it is of Mofts.butof the w fa-
thers ) and yee on the Sabbath <i»7circumcife a
6 Tfaetruedo-
arineoffalvation man.
ditTtretb frouithe 13 If a man on the Sabbath receive circumci-
fjJfciQihii.tbat fion that the i Law ef Moles Ihould not be bro-
the fame fetteh
ken be ye angry with mee , becaufe I have made a
foorrh the gloty
ot'Cod.aDdthil man every whit whole on the Sabbath day f
by puffing uv of 24 :pr 9 ludge not g according to the appeaiance,
uuD datkeneth but iudge tigbteous iud^ement.
the glory of God.
2y J 10 Then fayd lome of t4iem of Hieiufalem,
\% not this he whom they goe about to kill ?
7 Nbnedoemcie
coiitideutljboafi ^6 And behold he fpeaketh openly , and tliey ,

tbtmfelvei lo be (ay nothing to him : doe the rulers know indeed

tbe defeodcri of
that this is indeed that Chrift ?
the Law of God,
then ihey that doe 27 i« Howbeit we know this man whence hee
moHimrudeotly is : but when that Chriit commeth no man (hall

bteakeic. knowwhenceheis.
S Chap f,. I.
28 J I » Then cryed Temple as hee leflis in the
S The Sabbath r t^ ' i
t^ught ,<ayiug Ye both know mee, and knowe
i i i i .

diy which I
it here ,

fet before u« for wheucc I am y ct OTO I not come of my felfe but .*


a rule of all cere- he that fent me, is tiue, whom ye know not.
monies was not I

appointed to bin-
29 But I know him for I am of him .and hs :

der but tofanlier hath fent me.

and H'adife Gods 30 >J Then they (ought to take him but no ,

Viorks ; amougii man lay d hands on him becaufe his houre was not ,
which the love of
yet come.
our ceigbboui ii

the cbicleft. 31 Now manv ofthe people belceved on him,

• Lfvit.11,3. and fayd , VVhcn thatChi commeth , will he doe

« Gen. 17,10. moe miracles then this man hath done ?

/ hat 7t tv lty,if
fhtldw ifiircv.irt- 32 14 The Pharifes heard that the people mur-
n iehkh r- M rtiured thefe things of him ,and the I'haril'es iand
Jfl-'l-t.l-'cfji high Trielts fent officers to take him.
35 Then (ayd lefus unto them, Yet am I a little

jtniliul-t nC to
ivhile w you , and then goe I unto him that fent me.
circum.jfinicn 34 * yeil-;alireekeme,andihallnotfind;«^f,
t/>r i ui-hMhyiioe and where I am. c^n ye not come.
yru. ri^htlyfefl'cnve
35: Then layde the lewes among therofelves.
trttf.r healing A'
Whithet will- hee goe .^^hai we ihallnor find him ?
m^ni'ltrtitfhty !
^ Dent. 1, 16. -
Will hee go unro thtm thnt art difperfed among l>

9 We nuMl: iudge the Grecians. and teach tbe Grecians f

-cotdtDgto tbe 36 What faying is this that hee (ayd .Yee fliall
feeke mee , and (hall not find tnee ? and where 1 am,
can ye not come ?
a^ay. g ly t/.e/'-'ir ihn T makf-f'f T"emtl.hehul„n
':!-e(l,4rdml-t the tree l^y <l-i fruUt. lO
enemiej of bod have oortiC*;tffr yet iJi : t

the vfrtucandyowfrof God n Men

toeinftlvet. II Tbetiiitihof C^rili doeihnot baai^ upon theiudgeoientof man.
li Tbe wickedcaooL-idor what ibey lift.buiwhai God haihappoinied. 14 A«
it-e kiagdome of God incrrarpib fo inciVafe.h ibeiageof biientinies .till at ieug^h
tiey io vaioe fteki f( t ttof«fbltfling» abftot . viiich tbeydef^ifed when ihi-v were
-rrfrtt. » Chap. 13, 3 J. b Wy<tfr rrtr</ 1 'c'he dr/ferftcn cf'he CenliU, tr Crc, uni
,»... Hncir the >;<ime ^ft)i<(.:recUnil>tuniilrilaHdi*htktIeiftixshiekyHrtMfi,(TjH
nmon -/J t'le &enti'"< i.l'tt.i,].
1 : 1

Chrifts witnciTe is tme. S.Iohn; Abrahams works;

S And againa hee ftonped iowntfiani-wrote my Father hatli ftiight me", /SI fpeake thefe things.
on the ground. tp ^For he that l"«nt me, is with me : the Father
9 And when they heard it, being sccufedby hath rot jeft me alone , becaufc I dp alwayes thofe
their owne confcience the>-went , oat. one by one. things that plea (e him.
notcakeufOD Bica
beginning at 'H elileft cvj;i to ;^ h'.ft : io lefus was 30 J As he Tpake thefe things , many beleeved
f:xaicioiHce he and theworcanftanjin^intherrids.
left alone, in him.

coEtetiMd h:m- 1 3 VVhcn Icdjs had lit": up himfelfc againe,8c 3 Then fayd lefus to the lewes which be- " The twe difcf.
Iclfc to bring fi;].
faw no man but the woman , hpe fayd ujito her. .
leeved in him , If ye continue in my word , yee are •"•'"
c;n lo r,iith
Woman, where arc thofe thine accufers ; hath no veiely raydifciples.
A J n ,1 T . « 1 .
w"ne. 'hatk
4 Tbe ^Kirld man condemHed thee ? 3 2 And fliall know the trueth

, and the ttueth ing more and mote

vv^ich is blind in 1 She faid.No man.Lord. And lefus faid,Nei- fliallg make you free. "utheknoTviedce
it Wfd, cannot
com* to have ary
ther do I condemne thee go and no more. : 33 h They anfwered
hira . be « Abrahams "^'^l ""«!'. t!><j We
light b'Ji in Cl>n') II Then fpeke lefus againe unto them . fay- feede and were never bond to any man : why TZ^l'to"

ing, I <i> am that light of the world hee that fol- ; fayefl thou then. Ye Ihall be made free ? grievous burdea
loweth me fliall not walke iudarkeneffis , butihall
^c'bar-t.f 3c 9.;. , 34 lefus anfwered them Verely , verely I fay offmne, into the ,

J cbriai.«i.h. have that light of life. unto you .that whofoevercomraittethfmne, is the '("^'ibertieof
thtbt"^na°^,:o( 1 3 ! The Pharifes therefore fayde unto him, ^feriantoffinne.
ibetrueth.forhe a Thou beareft record of thy felfe : thy record is 35 And the fervant abideth not in the houfij g From the flave-
Vfai fsBtbyhi.Fa- nottrue. for ever but «iie Sonne abideth for ever.
rie offmne.

thej foriba^ put

j ^ ^ j^p^j a^fwcred S: fay d unto tht .b Though 36 If that Sonne therefore iliall make you free, ^. Someofthemuh
ki^'a^prrotcd^o 1 beare record of ray felfe .yet my record-is true yelhallbefreeindeed.
\ ^:^'^&
tbe world by in. for I know whence I come and whither I go , but : 37 '3 1 know that you are Abrahams leede but , notthefpeachof
69i:e miraclci. ye cannot tell whencc I came.and whether I goe. yee feeke to kill mee ,becaufemy wordhath no men that confeot
a TboubMrtft tmohim.butof
YeiildgeaftertheflenT: Iciudgenoman.
ly jplaceinyou.
vjmiifleof ihy felfe
vrbicb ibiogbyall And if I alfo iudge , my Judgement is true.
l6 38 I fpeake that which Ihavefeene withmy !,g3"oVhim?
intsiupiDioni it for I am not alone, but 1 , and the Father , that fent Father and ye doe that which yee have feene wim
: i Bomeand be-'
oaugbi and kt a :
your Father. «o'"n of Abra.
map 10 commcuj
biaklh is veiy
1 7 And it is alfo written in your Law,* that the i9 They anfwered , and fayd unto him , Abra- i^'^'^^ ,

difcommrnJaiila. teflimonie of two men is true. ham is our father. lefus fayd unto them If ye v/ere ,°T,,9^°'
± Cb.'p.r,3i. 18 d I am one that beare witnefle of my felfe, Abrahams children , ye vyould doe the workes of 13 Ouiwickea
b That which beand the Father that fent me beaveth witneife of me. Abraham. .
maners declare,
denied afote, Chap. ||'"vve,areriainely
r,3i.muftl»etakni J 9 6 Then fayd they unto him , Where is 40 But now ye goe about to kill mee, a man
hy.i innei of Father of thine lefns atifwered , Ye neither know that have tolde you the trueth , which I have heard 1 °fh°Damre, Bm we
gforintbat rue, nor the Father of mine. Ifyehadknowenrae, of God this did not Abraham.
: arechangH, and
jiajebM framed yg i^ouid have knowen that Father of mine alfo, 41 Ye doe the works of your father. Then fcid madeoftfcehouft-
b:a,relire fommhst ,^ .j-j^^j-^
10 tht ouraourol

i •
^ j^j;^^
, ,
j^^ ^j^^
i ,i i
.' to him
_i_ i-L-r-j , We
ate not borne of fornication : we
cordine tothe co«
hti fceartrt, wbioh he taught in the Temple and no man layd hands , have one Father, which is God. ven^int which he
?ikoowi«dged no- on him 7 for his houre was not yet come.
: 42 Therefore lefus fayd unto them, if God madewiihAbra-
)hioginCbiiftbut j , j^^^^ fiyd lefusagainc unto them

I goe . were your Father, then would yee love me : for I bam bychrilioae^
"^y way. and ye Hiall feeke me. and Ihall die in your proceeded foorth ,and came from God, neither 'V'-f^f''.^"^."* ,

ft'trtfre b'ewa'5 '

r -rrir r , <
and layd Cold oa '

toutrndthry/hould finncs. Whitherl goe, camyc not come, tame I ofmy felfe, but he fent me, by fai.h which :

fttlightbyhii 22 Then fayd the lewes. Will he kill himfelfe, 43 wily doe yenot underfiandroy ktalkejbe- faith isitoowenby
-vWDewftntfTe an- ^ godly and honca
becanftt he faith, Whitherl goe, can ye not come > caufe ye cannot heare tny word.
Uffr it wtrecthtr. ,, ,_, ^_^ ^__ _» v„ .„„f. u„
25 And he faytl unto them Ye are frpm bc- 44- ^ Ye are of your father the devill , and the
Jkifr cotifirra«d . 3tJt j^^
gaihispl^cbe nenU 1 am from above ye are of this world. I am
* : hiftes ot your father ye will doe he hath bene a : ,hough hefa'yXy"
•liodetb for ttl» not of this world. murtherer from the » beginning .andmaboade not doe nomoreu^dei.
inaicienaiceof bis '''^^'^ '^^^'- 1
24 I fayd therefor^ unto you , That ye fliall die in the n trueth bccaufe there is no ttueth in him.
fc.bbi«yatb«r,vsbo in
your finnes fur except ye belecve.that I am he, : When he fpeaketh a lie , then fpcaketh hee of his '„'';^" '^/^^F;^^^^^^^

jibii wirntdr.and yertialldie inyouriinnes. o owne ; for lie is a liar, and the p father thereof .
knoweo language
rrrteih wiib l^i 2y 9 Then fayd they unto him ait thou? , Who 4f Anil becaufe 1 tell you the trueth , yee be- to yon',
1 doenowonfly
f. ^„j jgf^jj ^ j ^,f,jQ jj,^^ ^ ^^^^ f ^\^^ fame thing leeve me nor. t lohna.s. i

46 .4 Which of you can rebuke me of finnes?and [-^'^"I't" ^'^'"^:

i6 "> 1 have many things to fay and to nidge ,
ri ^ , 11
doye notbcleeverae
ifl lay thetrueth.wny
1.1 Ding of lie world;
? for aifoontasmm
de«i', imight)»w- of you , but he th;it fent me, is true.aO'-Tthcthin^i^S 47 * He that is of Ggd heareth Gods worJes wasmade.thedeviU :

fully dofi.,for lam ^]y^^ j

j,^^g fjg^,.j ^^ him *,'thdfe fpeake
Itothe ye therefore heare them not , becaufe ye ore not of f->" ^'™ bead keg
not alone but my
- •

, , „ , . , A , a r^, f 1 I » J /- 1 •» T'>i>t ii. conti-

• Dt«t.i7.ii »ad ^7 " They underftood not that hee i^ake to 48 ty Then anfwered the lewes asd layd unto . nued not conitant.
1 s,j ; mai.i 3, IS. them of the Father. him, Say we not well that thou art a Samari:ane,and ly. or tcmained oot.
1.C0J.13, ,g Then fayd lefus unto them, When yec have hartadtvill ? n That ii, in faith.
ij.- l.f. - - .. .

fl-iall ye know th.u

. .

;,' Tte Godhtid is

lift up the Sonne of man .then 49 leius ;.nfwered , I have not a deviil ,but I I^^St'.fi ",'';!,«.!;'"
t«l4.j;-.'vdiftinpui- I am he , and diat 1 doc nothing of my felfe, but as hcnourmy Father.andyeliavedilhonouredme. not his creation.
lirrriVoT,.. «!«
. ^ r . r.-ii3ott«KfDtv)r
, r
<yO And I Itekenot mine owne praife but there : Eveuof hisowoe
«_.j ,]ff,^ ere v^et«notiv.o-witnfH«;for tbepariieaccured a, ofhisowae -
isone that q feckeih ir, and iudgeth. '"'f

"(("no man ^^^n

^.j,l,j,|ngi'ftbe offerings.
know lod but iaCitift on.Iy.
e Tbi«
Uclive and dieai the plcafureof
w»lfome j;l»;e appointed f
Gi .dat yi .« verely verely I
untoyou.lf amanj'--,^;^"- %
fo« '*>'' °"
remaineih that wn- goe for Aird conflii uiyi
''''^? keepe my word, he lliall never r iee death. thereof.
f men; The t
"' Becaufe thaimen doe natuiallyabhorre heavenly ihingi no man cm ht . 14 Chrift d.J
unlelfe ibe fpiti-of G<d frame bim in the incane fealon not- tirougblyeMcutetheoftice.thatbii Fathet-inioyntdhim. • lobu^.s. i;Tteeneinff»
J fit difc'iplet Chtirt


ohftindinzi^ e world ir.uft of nfctflStie pef.Jb, becnufe i: rtfufctli y life that n oflVtd of Chrift make their braverie for a while, but tbe Fttbef will appeateat bisiimc to re.
^3*0 it. 9 Hell* II »t l'"?.-" k-o^ vthoCb.ift vengethe reproach that is done u:ito bun in the petfon of hiefonne.
is.whicb v^iH dilif.»tly heare .what he q Tba« is, that
is.v^aniCbrift.snd (t. fiirioiir.for fo I told yoii fromt'ie-bf ginning that ( will revenge both yout difpifiog ofrae.and ofbim. \6 Theoocly d. ftrineofihe
faith. fTha;
oGcd i•ltc'"v«nf^.' ofClirifl. doftri.,e difpiled 1 1 Evi;n the coniemt of Cbtift CfpellapptehtDdiid byfaiii, iiafurettm;dy againftdcath. r Th4i ii^ te fli.4U goj
gloiyiwt'ith-tticgtijeatniiifyl'iilUieleAtlrc^iliw nbciigtuifajMt. feeif U ; fbi (V w iu liic midft of dMihi ttii: faiibfull fee If fe.
[BAlittb fOk.
. 1 ' ".

Cbrift tte light of tbc World* Chap, hi. Wbosp God beatetb. 42
17 Againflthein y2 J 7
Then faid the lewes to h m ] Now know thitie eyes e opened? * c ThiJi5aBHe:.-

which abufe iht wee that thou baft a devitl. Abraham is dead , and .. tl Hee aiMwered»4nd faid. The itian that is trewekindeof
gloiieofihe the Prophets : and thou fayett , If a man ke?pe my called lefus.made clay. and anoyntedmineeyES,'"^'"'''*"'"'^'^""
Saiits, to dirken
word, he fhall never tafte of death. and faid unto mee . Goe to the pook ofSiloam X^hJyinnot
Chn'itM gloiy.
i8 There i« no- .^3.
Art thou greater then our father Abraham, and walli. So I we^it and waQied , and received receive any light.-
thing fanheiroff which
is dead ? and the Ptophets ate dead whottj : fight. Aadthereforethey
fiom all ambition "'.'^'"' '° ^"^.
makeft thou thy felfe ? 1 1 Then they fayd unto him, Wnere is hee ? He
/•., T tbeir eyes opened
(«"""' 54 "
^^^"5 anfwered, If I hononr my felfe. faid, I cannot tell.
«hich of blind.
him^veall ^^^^^ honour is f nothing worth : it is my Father 13 s They brought to thePharifeshimjihat meairemadtto
jhiHgi. that honbureth raee » whom ye fay , that he is your was ence blinde. • . ; <<!«.

f Thuuffckcnh God. 14 And it was the Sabbath rfiy» , when lefus ,

'"''i'rlfhal'a''d' ^f " ^^^ knowen hin\: but I

^'^^ '^'^ """^ made the clay, and openeth his eyes.
i'e'it/c, 'let this re- know him and if I ihould fay I know hi.TJ not I
, , ij Then againe
the Pharifes alfoaskedhim, '

fertrvhi.h I lilie fl-iouid be a liar like unto you but I ksow him,and : how he had received fight. And he faid untu them.
^ kcepe his word. He laid clay upon mine eyes , and I wailaed.aBd doe
fine: yet thtrei,
^mother that glori-
y6 a» Your father Abraham t reloyced to fee fee.

ftth me, thxt is, my u day, and he ^ faw it, and was glad. i6 jThenfaidfomeofthePharifes.Thisman ,^-^ifi;-;„u;,g.,
ihat hcntUTtlh 57 Then Ayd the Icwesunto hira .Thou art is not pf God , becaufe hjee keepeth not the Sab- aflaijted by auy
mj Hatnt. not yet fiftie yeere cide , and haft thou feene A- bath day. Others faid , How can a mjin that is a fin- meanesmoreAea
1 9 Thf r« is 00
braham ? ncr.doe fuch miracles ? and there was a difleufion peteoce of
light koosvledge Re.Ug.on bur .ht
Df God, without )-8 lefus faid ir.nto tnenifVerely.vetely Ifay among them. - :

._ n-L /- ,. .
mcreiiuprdTei •

unto you, before Abraham was, I y am. t_ i_ .

17 Then Ipake they unto the bhnde againe,
1 ,
ftttifl,ntith<r any downe.themcts
jp Ji Then tooke they up ftoiies to caft at Vyhat layeft thou of him, becaufe he hath opened "«iftth up.
ofChriu witbouc
j^;jj^ ^ ^ut lefiis hid himf-ife . and went out of the thine eyes? And he fayd, Ke is a Prophet.
s" jh'evMtufof Temple And hec paiVcd throughnhe middes of
: 18 Then the lewes did not bekeve him (that "'

them, arid fo went his way. / 'j. fc^e had bene bJinde .and received his fight) until!
" :.•/.
i i ' ' ' - •

fcire through all', .itheyhadcaUedtheparentsof hirathathadj-epeived

' :

former «gr« in tht Fjthf rt , for they &w fa thf p'«mife:, that hM^jouIJ comfi, and did
/ '

Vfty ioyluliyljy iiol^eoofaimatuh alwely faiih.. t IVai-^irj^Jifir'nus. a ^ dny
is afftce thi! ittncn lirjith in , or Joith my noiu.b'.c ^cte, crfujfereth tnj gee-it thing. 19, And they asked tliem , faying , Is this yot!r
X Uith the eyei ef/,iul,, Heh. 11,13. y C'nriji iihtewt-t Cod,vr-tslefore.Mruham: fonne , whom ye fay was borne blinde » How doetk
anJhe rr<ti the Limhe flainefrem the ief inning tftlie wcrU. 11 2«l«W:thout he now fee then ?
l(novslcdgF,breaketb sut ac leagth ioto ainonopeamadnslTe.-audyet the wicJced
20 Kis parents anfwered them, and fayd. Wee
CJaootdot wbatiheylift.
CHAP. IX. know that this is our ibnne . and that he was borne
I Chi'fl' giVeth p^hi cn'ihe SM.t!l> Juj , tehim tiut ttas hne blinde: . ^ .

hlinde. . Ii Whom
after he had hng renfined agitinjl ilie
, 2 Bur by what meanes he now feeth.we know
pitf.ij'Ji, 2i,iSind-senc.tJlcuftfthei:!it^o^ite, ^6 Lhrifi not : or who hath openetl his eyes, can we not tell : ^ -

endxeth the k.mrfted^e oftht el/erltifin^itght,

he is olde ynough : aske him : he il-.all anfwe're fo:.-
Sione iithebe-
giooingcvcti ofaJI AND « as Idas pail'edby .hefawaraati which
himfelte. .
- =

bodily difcafct. was blinde from nis birth 2 » Thefe wordes <pakp his parents , bec.-iufe
a And his difciples asked him , faying Matter. ,
they feared the lewes tor the lewes had ordtined •'
follow, that God : . .^

who did linne, this man, or his parents, that he was
already , that if any man did confeffe that hee was
borne blinde >.

Chrift , hee Ibould be excommunicate out of the

ftemoiiawyciy 3 I'efus anfwered ,
a Neither hath this man '

Synagogue. * -
^pauiflieih. finned, noi; his parents, but that the wcckes of God

on him.
23Therefore %de
bis J«rents:',;'Hee is olde'^r fofcMae eT3«, A
fl^ouldlje i>.ewed ''
ynough aske him. : ., vsrhereby nven «?« . , .-

&S|.i;' 4 » I trmit worke the workesoflvlm thatfent

. 24 Then againe called they^iJie man that had 'Plif""'"^^ '« 4^
.fiipfc/iibat there me, whileit is b day the night commetii when no :
bene blinde. and faid unto him ,d Give; glory iirtto;il^*°brirfa°uT/
tome nciUfcafes man can worke. God we know that this man is a e finner.
hut for finnei cnely
: before God, a« if '

5- As long as I am in the world , .j. I am the
ay Then he anfwered.aiidfaid. Whether he be 'fceyfliou'd fay.
V^htreufcn he an-
light of the world.
fweveththatihere a finner or no,l can not tell one thing I know, ?r°''f'-"j°"l" :

yess another cauji he had thus fpoken , he fpat on

6 3 AiVoone as tnat I was blinde, and now Ilee.
vfihistnaniUind-the ground , and made clay of the ipettle .ajiaac-
x6 Then faid they to him .ngaine, What did he miner, and tiieve-
oy^ted the eyes ofthc blinde With the day, to thee ? how openedhe thine eyes J fbieCeetho'uttve. •

faid iinto him.Goe

And fold him . Goe walh in thepoo;e
the £
nn!h^ffit^e!'""^ JT 27 Ke anfwered them I have tolde you^lrea- .
ffceviofit"S*' of (which by interpretation ,'Sent.)_.He
is "ni^^h^'h^'"
die and ye have not heard it whe.eforewould ye hcooi^rarberi*
, :
Chrift aitasit went his way therefore and waihed.and came againe heareitagaip.e rwillyealfobekisdirdples-?
.were a light, coaftUi the wboi-
vvhichligateotie sThenreviledthcy him .and faid. Be thou "s'.'tfptcly ,theti
, darkeneffeofthe 8 4 Now the neighbours and they that had feene
we be Mofcs difciples,
hisdifciples: tohebdoreiim,
tiira before . when he was blinde , iayd , Is not this
29 We know that God fpake with Mofes: but j°sam'.6fj. '

. b 5y( dayHi mean ' he that fate and begged ?

this man we know not from whence he is; e He i.dueda
Jthe light, tLjtis.rbi'
9 Some faid jihis is he; and other laid. He is •30 The man -anlwered, and fayd antothem, '"^'-•''"''''Hs-
like(him , but he himfelfe layd, 1 am he.
«ftheh{;;veu!y Douklclfe this is a marvellous thing., that yee ,''/'^;^6^''^^T>i':5-i

tVueih acdby -
: ^
10 Therefpi*?; ihey kid nmo^ him j How were know not whence hee is , and yet he Hath opened'snd'Ssiceth'asu
.^cight) i»ni.taBtth«
'<l«rkeaei;e which cotnin'eih by theobrcuniieotcbefamedoaribe. v{. Cbad.iipi^nd
mine eyes.' -; -i'^',- - • : 1. , _, . wereaa'^neof.
S.ii.and ijoj. 5 Cb'ilt tealiog the m?n taking thcfigiieofclay, 31 Now wee know that God beareth not fin-
aod_aftef,\ard thefgoeof tfat tbuntaineofSiloauifwiiich fignifiethSent/ihcvwethtbEt
'- at be at ihe beginning made inaa,fodoeth he agsinereUoicbotb an body and fbule
nsiTi ii.utl nfcdet
doeth his will, himhearethhe. atltDgtb br-.aki:
aod yetl'o, thaihee hiintelfecoiBineth iirft of biiowoeiccord to btalem. 4 A tiue
inigc of all ratn,-/:bo a
thty areof aatureblinda ,doe=ci:h^ria(infelvesreceive 32 Since the world began, was it not heard, '""'"'' w^'^hin
the^ligb^ that Am |Oi^x oihtj aod that any man opened the eyes of one that was "^"''«''^';'d-
i« pifeted. pnio in , j(«£ r.ufct; .i^ie^t ^*«
•tomeband«/^ ^ '-•

X ..
3118 ,

'Caiaplias propbedeth, S.^Iobo The Gteekcjdcfiretofee Chrilfc


Mary and had fecne the things , which lefus did, 9 Then much people of the lewes knew that
, 3 3 When theiight
belocvedinhim. ,
he was there and they came not for lefus fake ofibtGofi-eHi
: ,

46 6 Rut fome of them weut their way to the only , but that tt>ey might fee Lazarus alfo , whom ^wetb it feife,
6 The Ian point p]i-ri(ej, &
told them what things lefus had done, he had raifed from the dead. feme are fouod to

ll/flubborirfii 47 Then gatheted the h«ie Prietts.and the Phari- 10 The high Priefts therefore confulted . thai o:h';;.'7^t."A ie,ft
gcoimcRr. and fayd What Ihall we do*? For they might put Lazarus to death alio.
ii this 10 iiociime fes a ought ) to beepco

cpnwarrfagjini jj-jj man docch many miracles. 1 Becaufethat for his fake many of the lewes snemies otbets .-

r,od,iadyct«3. him thus alonc flilmen willbe- went away, and bcleeved in lefus. ': » "g« '"""o"'
^jj If v('e let ,

leevc in him .and the Romanes will come and I X 1 * On themorrow a great muhitude that
lV«°n«Uh of* 'j,TrS.t7,
jadli'ieiliir.dof h take away both our place, and the nation. were come to the feaft when they heard that le- f»ii from aad ve.
, :

V:« proSitofihe 49 7Thcn one ouhcm«4;»fiCaiaphas,which fus Ihould come to Hierufalem, ry frwdoefo r«.
was the hie Prieft that fame yeere , faid unto them, 1 Tooke branches of palrae-trees , and went Y"mtiy receive
|> Tbe I
Saa- ye perceive nothing at all, foorth to meet him and cried Hofanna Bleffed i, ''

tbe co'JiittlJ N^^i'thftandl

, . .

irrliin; and the yo Nor yet doe you confider that it is expe-
4. the king of Ifrael that commeth in the Name of cbtid beginneth
Dvord that lohn dient for us that one man die for the people and
, , the Lord. his fpirimall king,
vfrih iiSyncdri.
14 And lefus found a y «'°™ "'^i
whole nation perilh not. ^ one affe.and fate there-
'° '•":
that the
h Tbarij.rake
jl « Thisfpakehenotofhimfelfer butbeing on. as it is written.
away from vi fay tZT.r.'
fore* : forattbac hie Prieft that lame yeere, he propheckdthat le- 1 y
J Feare not, daughter of Sion : behold, thy marfce n.s.
time, thoufjh the King-comroeth fittingonanafles coit, lukeiyj/.
lus fliould die for that nation :
J 2
And not for that nation onely biH that he , i6 But his difeiples vnderftoode not thefe * E«th 9.9.
kKncd anddccay (honld gather together in one the children of God, things at the firft kit when lefus was glorified. ;
*J;;"^ J, ^aW
cd, ytttherewaj which were fcattered.
i then remembred they , that thefe things were writ- preCTeCbtifl
iwtie kiudof go. that day foorth they ccmuilted
5'3 Then from t^;n cfhim.and that they haddonetheie things un- madeiDftruinrntt
^eroeiiKnt left of his glory.
together, to put hira to death. to him,
4ii0Dg tBe Ie^\r|.

7 Tbt raging aad

no more openly
y4 9 lefus therefore walked 17 The people therefore that was with him. ^^^^t.-'ft/c'r'
ad company of among the lewcs.but wentthe.nce untoacoun- bare witnefle that hee caUed Lazarus out 01 the cian» were firft f<»
ibe fair«Chi.ich, ncere to the wildeinefl'e ,_into_acitie called grave and raifed him from the dead, called by tbeaaine
yeifv^adeihem' »*'''"
ftlvoibat cbey
Ephraim. and. there continued with his difeiples. 1 Therefore met him the people alfo. beciofe """'"v °[
55 S Andtheiewes Paefeover wasathand.and

canno: be ia fafe- they heard that he had done this miracle. f^",'' J,^,"*,^^'''
lie, vnLtOebtbe many went out of thecountrey uptoHierulakm 19 And the Pharifcsfaidamongthemfelves, vvardailthatvvete-
•iltenavvay.whn Perceive ye how ye prevaik nothijog i Behold, the not of tbe lewes
before the Pafl'eover, to purifie thetiifclves.
eoely ui-boldtth
rCfcurth: Ao<J
rtfCfcurth- 5^ Then fought they for lefus. and fpakeamong world goeih after him. 'l^'^''°?f\f

ii, likwife iudgeth themfelves , as they Itoode in the Temple What , no S Now there-were certalne Greekes among l;d"v^erellfo caiU
toe wiftdomeuf thinke ye, that he commeth not ro the feaft ? them that a came up to woribip at the feaft. Hfaihem, werecaU
^^ Now both the high Priefts and the Pharifes 21 And they came to Philip, which was of ledby .bisoame.
" had given a commanderaent that if any iiun knew Bethfaida in Galile, and dcfired him. faying^Sir.we j-'^^*.''"''' °^
tU<tn'-d hy7he" ,
J . , r ,-
w* i*
Cotilt iiaiu were
where he were , he ihould ftiew it , that they might

*iiritof giddiQ.fli would fee that lefus. afowing.Xh

or madnrire. take him. 12 Philip came and told Andrew and agame : feemetb to be a

» Ctrift dotrhfometimefoturrie the tongues, even of tbe wicked thatio-iurfingjltey ,

Andrew and Philip told lefus. dying tothecomti

blcfle. i For tbey were not gathered togeihFiiootie couoircy at the Isweswere, ,
2 J- And lefus aniwercd them, faying. The but indeed i, the
fciHtobegatbcrtd fri.m all quartets from tbe Eaft to tbe Weft.
, 9 Weemaygive houre is come, that the Sonne of man muft be "Xa^eft Md'*"
place to ibit rsge dfifac vvickcd , whenit ii MfeilieQt To todoe, but yet ia futh feic, glorified. fuch a» ii thecon.
thk^weirwatvenoc fiomCodivocaiioa.
24 Vereiy verely 1 fay unto yon. Except the dition of tbe head,
wht;at cotne
/ ,

fall inio the ground and b die , it abi-

^^^^'"bt of «h«
X \Ai Chriflii at fUpftr tv'il^ I..<»'j 3 Marititntinltth
hiifitte. s luJ.tifinJeihf.ttllt ivrhhtr. 7 ChrrU dt- deth alone : bu: if it die , it bringeth foorth much t 'AwbVatcome
fendtihUt. 10 The Pritf.i-ntuUfi*' I-ttg,siTiittii4t»t!i. fruit. dietb wbeeitia
18 T hi fecfrlt mat
11 ,A, Ctrnfl commtth to Hiernfiltm.
25 * He thatlcveth his life , fliall lofe it , and charged by venue
him. li The Otecians^liKre to fit him. 41. Tkt chieft of'»"g«"'>d,at,<a
rui.ri that let' t:;e in h:m,iHt fcr ftarettccntKcnfejfehim,
he that hatcth his life in this world, fliall keepe it becommetb
..r II a root«
44 liee exherieihuf,ti!h. unto hfe eternall. ,.. r „ ofafruitfuiibiade. ,
* Ckaf.i«.,7. »p Hen * lefus, fixe day es before the Pafleover, 26 * If any man ferve me ,.let him follow me : » Mat*. .0. 39. ao<f
»*>kej5.3. X jjjjj^g jQ Bethania , where Lazarus was, who for where I am, there fhall my fervant be and, :

him will my father honour. '"*•' p.J-j-JQd

died, whom he had railed
from the dead. if any man ferve me ,

z There they mc'.iic hira a lupper , and Martha 17 6 Now is my foule troubled; and what (hall |/c^,
ferved: but Lazarus was one of them that (ate at 1 fay? Fither.fave me from this 'houre : but there- evvhiieOChiift-
fore came I unto this houre. vnentabointo
»he table with him. ,

3 Then tcoke Marie a poundof ointment of 28 Father , d elorifie thy Name. Then came f"^"" tbe fni'_
J Anhorrble n-
Spikenard very coflly , and anointed lefus feete, there a voyce from heaven ./.>i .
I haveboth S'^l^^^^tie'.'*
•tt'V''' inludasof
a rn'odf Minded and wiped his feete wuh her haire , and the houfe glorified it , and will gloriiie it ayiine. and whiieft bi, dW
was filled with the favour of the ointment. 29 Then fayd the people that flood by .and vinitiedid not yet
asd yetirtitDdieg
4 Then fayd one of hh difeiples ,«w»lHdas heard , that it wasa thunder : other faid . An Angel "'T^
his mi^-bc
godlinfOe. r , . . *0" poATr fo farre

V Cbai..i3.j!r. Ifciriot, Simons /?n«e, which Ihculd betray him : fpaketOhim. r ^,- , ,
J Ti-ij Extra, idi. y 1 Why was not this ointment fold for three 30 7 lefus anfwercd and fayd.Tms voyce came m.gj,, i„ n,orov».
aatie auoictiiiv; hundreth pence, and given to the poore ! not becaufeof me.but for your Likes. 1/ wrought, oow
^bich vvaifot a Now is the iudgement of this world : now '»!":" te it ftrike*
figoe is fa allowed
6 Now he fayd this, not that hecared for the 3
cf God, that bee poore , but bccaufc ha was a thiefe , and -'had the (hail the prince of this world be caft out.
witatOVth bow be baggc, and bare tirat which was given, of God.hecrietb
wiiinoibevvor. OUtandFrayethjnddefireibtoberelfafeJ jrttdotvsithflaBdiflghe i»iefcrr»tb thewiit'
y a Then fayd Iefu5,Let her alonc : agsinftthc

and gloty of hit Ruber beforeill tbingi, whofeobe«li,ence the Faiberallowttb even,
"'I" oXt'c^" day ofmy burying Ihe kept it. fromheivrn. c To wit.ofdeatti tba: iinowat batiJ. d ojtiieu tbe fathers glory
ZJiu'yftrvict.but !5 For the pooto alwayes ycc hiVC wkh you, it Corilt bit glory. 7 Clarillfurtteflcthiatbc deafe .ibetuaaetof fai|de«(h, tll%-

««iihiiiMH, butmeycQwllnothavcAlwayeSj, ainj gf ibe dtyiU »B(l tJK wolid, ttd io coaci iilion bii iriumfh
1 , .

Walke while ye hare light, Chap« Jtlij. Chf ift waflheih the difciples feete. 44'

C1..P.3.M. .3* * ^"^ I if I were e lift Up from the earth,

>jOwe iti before the feaft of the Paffeover. Ma=-,h.z«,,. *
tchiiftdfeda Will draw ''all men unto me. when
lefus knewe that his hourev/as come, '""*^'''4^i-
iTOrd.wbicbhath 33 Now ihis faid he , fignifybg what death he that he Ihould depart out of this world tvntothe '"^'J
„ ^ ,
a double meaning :
ft^oulddie. Father. forafmuch as he loved hisaowne which c'er?a in.
th«<X^pVoito 54 The people anfwered him. We have heard were in the world , untothe end he loved them, viaorie. tben of
(^ out of th/wat, out of the i Law , that thatChrift bideth for ever : 2 And when-fopper was done ^nd that the*'" '°™'""''='''>
forbiimeaDiDgwM and how laieft thou that that Sonne of man muft , devillhad now putintheheartofiudasIfcariot,.tT'''*V'*''''ii;^
to put tbem in be lift Up ' Who is that Sonne of man ? Simons/.«»..tobetrayhim) In^te^l'
ru'.t^°!^'.tme jy 8ThenIefusfaideunto.hem,yetalittIe 3 lelus knowing that the Father bath given all partly thereby
toukeitanothw while is * the light with you: walke while ye have things into his b hands and that he was come forth K"^ '" '"""f'*

way. that light, leaft the darkenefle come upon yoa for : from God, and went to God. '"""S"'" '"'"'"
f ChryCoft. »nd
Tbeof hil. reftrie
be that walketh in the darke, knoweth not whither 4 He c rifethfrom Supper, and laiethafide ha loleZW^Tdtu'
he goeth. upper garme.nts,and tooke a towell, and girded Aponic. in this
all nation, rthatil 36 While ye have that light , beleeve in that himfelfe. notable aae,betB|
not CO the lewet light .that ye may be the gchildren of the light. jr After that , hee powred water into a bafen. ''''; ^•'v f^ortiy
Thefe things fpake lefus , and departed , and hid and beganne to walh the difcipies feete .and to
S rfal.39.3«. IteST"',
nd no 4.Sc ii7>>' himfelfe from them. wipe them with the towell , wherewith hee was wimeiTeth unto
Ifti.foit.eucta. 57 %9 And though he had done fo many mi- girded. them, that il~it he
37if- racles before them > jet beleeved they not 00 6 Then came he to Simon Peter .whoTaid to '"';''' '''•*^^T'l:""
8 Vnraeafurable him, him,Lord. doeft thou wafli mv feete ?
^D tbe mercie of of hirpVo^e Ln*
Ood,butan hor. 38 That the faying of Efaias the Prophet 7 lefus anfwered .at^dfaid unto him ,What I that by little and
fible iudg«tient might be fulfilled, that he faid, x Lof d, who belee- doe thou knoweft not rjow : but thou (halt knovy '"•''' '''«''«""°*
follo^^ed,^fitbe ved our report? and to uhom is the ^ arroe of it hereafter. '"^
cenrtmned. the Lord revealed ?
# Cbap.i,*.
8 Peter faid unto him Thou Qialt never walh h JZ'd!.hat i..

g That ii,paita> 3J Therefore could they not bekeve 1 becaufe my feete. lefus anfwered him If I walhthee not. h.iSam..

kersoflight. that Efaias faith againe, thou (bak have no part with me.
<• t> into hii power,
9 Faith It not of 40 He hath
blinded their eyes,and hardened
:%• 9 Simon Peter faid unto him . Lord not my ,
' '." '"!" ^
" [""*
oatureibiKcf their heart, that they (hould not fee with their feete onely . but a!fo the hands and the head. «»"
grace. tha't'lhere
eyes, nor underfland with »;;«> heart , and Ihould 10 lefus faidtohim, Hethatis wa(hed,nee-fpice betwrenethe
« Ifai.fJ.t. be converted, and I (hoold heale them. deth not , fave to wadi hit feete , but is cleane eve- cereinonie$ of the
h Thearmeofthe Thefe th ings laid Efaias when he fawe his rafliover.and .hi.
41 ry whit : and ye are § cleane, but not all.
I.oid, iitbe Gofpel.
glory, and fpake of him. 1 For hee knewe who fliouM betray him ^b„ tl° iff«:
wticbinhe power^ :

of Gc^C W^t^ 4* '° NeverthelefTe.even among the chiefe ru- therefore faid he, ye are not all cleane. metb that the Sup-
to all ih»t beleeve :lers,rnariy beleeved in him : but becaufeofthe Iz J So after he had wa{hed their feet,and had P"«'" ''''''""'''^•
Aodthereforethe Pharifes tbey did not confeffe him, leaft they taken his garments,and was fet down againe,he faid ^ V"''''^f<''0''f"''-
aime of the Lad fl^ould be eafi out of the Synagogue. unto them , Know ye what 1 have done to you ? iboTniahhaveM"
tC'.XthJ^r. 43 *For they loved the praife of men. more - 13 Ye call mee Mafter, and Lord, and ye fay part in the king-
the Lord b«th oot then the prayfe of God. well : for/o am I dome of heaven
opened. 44 n And lefus ctyed, and faid.Hc that bciec- 14 If I then your Lord, and Mafter , have * ^''^"''•
Si ifai.<,9. ^eth in me , beleeveth i not in me , but in him that wafhed your feete, ye alfo ought to wafh one an-
rti:r.:iic,Mo.fentme others feete.
aaeii8,i6. 4F And he that feetb mee , feeth him that fent If For I have given you an example , that ye
com. II, 8. . mee, fliould doe, even as i have done to you.
lo suchaibe-
4^ I 4- am comc alightinto the world , that 16 Verely.vereljr I fay unto you,* The fervant
wlnnumb.'l! whofoerer beleeveth in me . Ihould not abide in is not greater then his mafter, neither the ijambaf-* Cbap.i;,,»;

ifiheybecompa- daikeneffe. Ctdour greater then he that fent him. «'

ikk" o'**'
red with the unbe- 4,7 J And if any man heaie my woides and , 17 lfycknowtherethings.b,le£rcdareyeifye6''Tbe'wo'rdf;gDf.
^'^^^^ "°' J I iu'^o^ bim not for I came not to
doe them. enh an ApoAle,
fe^('yeaand°th«tiudge the worjd. but tG fave the w.orld. 18 f » I fpeake not of you all I kn6w whom which i. any one

efpeciaiiyihe 48 He that refufeth me and receivcth not my , I have chofenrbut »r »V that the Scripture might
chiefeft) doe feare wotdes , hath one that iudgeth him :* the word be fulfilled, « He that esteth bread with me, hatha The betraying
jMo more then God. that I
havc fpoken , it Qiall iudgehiminthclaa liftuphisheeleagainft me. ofchrift wa» not

l.-Thefummeof "^y- 19 From henceforth tell I you before it come,"'"^" °' » ''°'"S -

r r ,r , ,
thtGofpei. and 49 For I havenot fpoken of my iclte : but the that when it is come to pafle,yee might beleeve ^'/„^^f"P,"'f^^''
therefore the falva- Father which fent mee , he gave me a coraman- that I am hee. Fatberfoord.ine*
«ioD, which Chr.ft
^itnelTed JD the
dement what I (hould fay , and what I ihould * Verely , verely I fay unto you , If I fend the caufeofour
fpeake. any he that receiveth him.r'eceivethme and hee''''"."'"'' 'o re.
, ,

falem, by hitcry- fo And I know that his commanJement is that receiveth me.recciveth him that fent me.
h^,"'ff"' "V°
ingoutiiitbii : life everlafting : the thinges therefore that I 21 When lefus had faid thefe things .heewas'"iihe
to reft upon
fpeake . I fpeake thtm fo as the Father faide unto troubled in the Spirit .and eteftified, and faid, Ve- Sonnedid wil-
, at the only
me^ rely , verely I fay unto you , that one of you lhall''"sJy ^od voiun^
Sayjour appointed betray me.
and given uiof the Father. i This vrord Not.doth not take Soy whicdAhiifrom IX * Then the difcipleslookedoneonano- i«'rfai.4t,9.
Ch/ill, which ii here fpoken of.but ii in way of cottsainn rather. a> ifhc faid, He that
beleeveth in me, doth notfomuch beleiveia me .as inbimihairrDcme. Soil it in
ther, doubting of v/hom he fpake. ^ Mai:h. 10,4c;
23 Now there was one of his difciples, which '""^
J)t«k«j,37. •!• Chap. 3,19. ai>d9,i9.
Chap. 3, 17. Marks i«,i«. e Heeafiirjned
f leaned on lefus bofome, whom lefus ioved.
^ .. C H A P. XIII. it npenly.aBd feel'

third i

^ Ctirijlrifinifiiim/Uffir, 1/ It cimmdnJ humili:i/ it hit * Matth.i<.2i.,inarke I4,i8.1ukei»,2i, f lohnbi-jleantngvcaifuch.thatfitiing

^pollltuvafhtihihtirftete. 11 He nutththe iT.titour dovine in bi> bed ,bi5 head waj tovtardtefus bis head fothatit wa»an ealiemaiiei

Juiat 16 vilhdne)>iiieKttelicn. ^^ H e .cmmtadcb for him to touch lefus hii bofome: for it Is ceriaiae that in olde time lUCDufe^cw'^V
fli4Titie. 37/39 ilefirciellctb i'tliro/hu iit»i^. At w ibc iable,butto Hedowne 00 tfaeoDefid^.
Fff4 .«4 T<3
: 23 . . .

,|.any dwelling places.

S. Iokn« The Way,Tfueth,and Life,
beckened thefefore Simon Peter, Icfus faid" unto him , I am that Way and
6 d m, /i,;,^/-kn..
2. To hiro ,

Trueth and that Life. No man commeth unto

thu he iV.ouUl aske who it w.-.s of whom he fpake.
that , "* wtousitth
the Father, but by me. '*« n.,turt tht »;«
hp, then as he leaned on lefusbreaft. iaid

iK)Cohira.LOr;l.whoisic? 7 e If ye had knowen mee, yee thould have "tut^'T ffi'lhi
,« „ give •

knowen my Father alfo: and from hencefoorth ye

26 lefus anfwered.He it is,to whom I ihall fuJt/tCai'u k!«iv>
dipt it and he wet a fop.and know him.and have feene him. cu, \ni u [ie God,
a foppe, when^f have :
" "•« '*^°«"
8 Philip faid unto him , Lord , (liew us thy Fa- '"'' •

"ive toludas Ifcarloth, Simons fenne.

'^ ther. and it fufficeth us.
z- And after the foppe, Satan entred into him. Tr'/'Z, t'/mL^''
The^ii fayd lefus unto him, that
thou doeft.doe 9 lefus faid unto him, I have bene fo longtime f^^e'cldir/r,"
with you, and haft thou not knowen mee, Philip? iime.tktt utoU
qaickely. , .

But none of them that were ?.t table .knew,

hee that hath feene mee, hath feene my Father' : frderjl^cdihn,,
how then fay eft thou, Shew us thy Father
for whatcaufe he fpake it unto him.
X^'J^XnJ^"t»k "'
29 For fome of them thought becaufeludas
10 4 Belee veft thou not that I am in the Fa- ch'ifl.Vcmln

ther, and the Father is inme ?The wordesthati cmu'turfet,ntf

had the bagge that lefus had faid unto him Buy
, ,

fpeake unto you , 1 fpeake not ef my felfe : but the5fc» '.'<"''" '"J
thofe thingi that we have neede of againft f feaO
orthathelhould;'ive(brae thing to the pooie. Father that dwelleth it) me, he doeth the workes. ''^^- fj^'^^' c*"!/**
Affoone tncn as he had received the foppe, 1 1 Beleeve me, that I am in the Father,and the s'mne iTa ^rrj
Father it in mee; at the leaft, beleeve me for the /iorf4n</ejy;«yjro
he went immediatly out.and it was night. tin^/ocrth cftht
very workes fake.
J 3 when hee was
a I gone out , lefus faid,
V' have to "*""*
s Verely, verely I fay unto you, he that be-

Art theglo- gNow is the fonne of man glorified , and God is 1
ngofChrift him. Iceveth in me , the wotkes that I doe he Ihall doe 4 Theinaicftieof
glorified in
^11 ignciniDie.
If God be glorified in him , God fliall alfo alfo , and <" greater then thefe &all hee doe : for I God (hewetb it
,: Thitperftand
glorifie hira in hiralelfe , and (hall ftraightway glo-
goe unto my Father. f'"* mofttvj-
Mt * mift pliine rifiehim. 1 + And whatfoever yee aske in my Name, c";'^;. d^Jairoe
that will I doe , that the Father may be glorified in
33 4 Litle children , yet a litle whik am I with j^d deedti.
you:yee ihall feeke mee.biit as I faid unto the the Sonne, f The approoving :

4 lewes Whither I goe.can
, ye not come : alfo to 14 If ye (ball aske any thing in my Name , I of tbevetme of
4 Tbecttnall Chriftiiootm-
now. will doe it
glory (hiU fiow you fay I eluded witbin hi,.
6 If ye love me,keepe my commandements, ^^^, pe,fon, but
l>yliule and little
34 S A new commandementgJvel unto you, 4f
fioDi tb« head into
that yee love one another: as I have loved you, 16 And I will pray the Father.and he (hall give a i. fpred through
themembeii. Bat
that ye alfo love one another.
you another Comforter, that he may abide with tbebodyof bi»
in tbemeanetime,
vte muft take good 3y By th is (ball all men knowe, that ye are my youforeveh T^'xtfu^nln .nb
bepdc ibat wee difciples, if ye have love one to another. 17 Even the g Spirit of trueth , whom the ^, ,/,,„>» j ,«,
h world cannot receive , bpcaufc it feeth him not, alfl giu ether men
paOiouet the race
36 J S imon Peter faid unto him. Lord, whither
goeft thou ?Iefi4s anfwered him , Whither Igoe, neither knoweth him :feut yeknowehim; for he fcvrtodtiTetur,^
tberlj love. *«*?*"'''
ihou canft not follow me now : but thou ll'.aii fol- dwelleth with you, and (hall be in you.
4. Cbap.7.34- '
' 11.,

low me afterward, J 8 I will not leave youfatherlefle tut I will '^'^"amtVuf

j Lfvii.19,18. :

37 Peter faid unto him Lord why can I not , , come to you c He iov«th Chrift 1

follow thee now?* 1 willlaydownemy lifefbr 1 5) Yet a little while , and the world fhall fee ««gbt, which
ji.iobD 4:21.
(hall fee me ; becaufei live, °''7^'''
S An beavit n. thy fake. me - no,,,.more,If
but ye
' mandementi ana :

ample rrfaQiiiaft 38 lefus. anfwered him", Wilt thou lay downe ye (hall live alio. becaufethefcmei..
ai^d coofidcnM.
thy life for my fake?Verely , verely I fay unto 20 At that day fhall ye know that I am* in roy accompanied with .

• V.inh.i6,33. »«> iDfoite fow of

thee, The cocke (hall not aowe, till thou have Father, and you in me, and I in you.
ji;irf(e 14.19.
luXei2,33. denied me thrife. 21 He that hath my commandements, and^ec ^/;""6V«.?nbo.
CHAP. XIV. peth them is he that loveth me and hee that lo- ^^ ^j, j^^b b*
: -

X Hil(»mf>rttlhhi$difiiflti, x,T dtiUrinlhinHtiimtUmii veth me.lhallbe loved of my Father .-and I will comfort his with
love him, and will k (hew mine owne felfe to him. <be
iht fruit if his Je.llh, i« fromiftn/ihe cemftrtir,
eVenlhlhcly Spirit, 16 ifhtjt tffidltfiltilhml.
Ht fTsm'fiihltii fitct.
^^ 7 ludasfaid unto him (not;) Lord, ''^:^:ill^f^'
, HibetWYfth T
Et I not your heart be troubled : ye beleeve ii» what isthecaule that thou wilt ihew thy ielfe unto defpifeib .becaufe
111 God tbat belee. U5, and not unto the world ? it knoweth him not.
God, beleeve alfo in me.
The holy Ghoft
Mtb in Cbrirt. and
2 In my Fathers houle are many dwelling pla- 23 lefus anfwered , and faid unto him , If any g
tbc>« Uaooibet
ces; if it were not would have told you: I
man love mee , he will keepe my word , and my J^''uj't ofthe'e"*
fvay to confirme
ouf mindeiin goc to '> prepare a place for y ou- Father will love him and he will come umo him.Vea wbid. be wol-

» And if 1 goe to prepare a place for you , I and will dwell with him. kctb, btcaufe he in.
> ThatM,ifiiw«t
24 Hee that loveth mee not , keepeth not my
not foil I tell yO'J
ill come againe , and receive you untomy felfe,

wortis ,and the word which ye heare,isnot mine, oXrwi^he'b't'b

w wit.uDleflVt'here that were I am, there may ye be alfo.
place yough 4. 3 And whither I goe, ye know , and the way
but the Fathers which fent me. „ut,h in bimfelfc.
ootODrly fci
yc know. ly 8 Thefe things have I fpoken unto yon, b woridl, men.
but for yDualfo, i The Sonne ijjo
Thomas him Lord we know not
faid unto being prefent with you.
iomyraiberi J . ,
,6^*^* But the Comforter, which is the holy
boufe I would, I
whither thou gocft; how can we then know y way? •f^:,'=;;''.':,t;^ .

ihui drceive you Ghoft, whom the Father will fend in my Name, he ofooefelfefame
withaviinehope would have lolJe you foplaintly.
, but I b AllAefpeech ijby (ball teach you all things .and bring ail things to fubftin-e wiihthr
vvay ofao ailegorie wbertby the Lord comfortetb bisowQC) declariDg into [hem bis Father, but be it
yoiu- remembrance, which I have told you.
. 1

tkpartnre ioto bea/eo. which ii.noi to reigne there alone, bat goe before.aud prepare » ii dlfcipleiina

place for tbein. 2 Chrilt wentnot away (Vrim ui to theendto forfake ui, ,but
, ceraioe refpta as an ayderand helper oftbem. k I willDiew niyfelfetobjm,
rather [bat bee migirt at leogih take utup wiih him into beavea. c Tbefewordi and be knowen of him , at il be faw mi' with bit eyei: but tau Slewing "fhimfelftia
ate to be referred 10 the wt-.ole Cliutcb.i thetelore the Angeh fayd to y difciples when not bodily I but fpirttually , yttfopUioeasnonecanbe more -j Wee mu(lootai!t«
they were artetiiftitd .What flaod yougjzing up iino heaven >Thi, lefui (liail fo come why the Gofi*! ii re.'caled to fome taihtr then to other , but we n>uitra:hfr take
11 you hvi biin goe up Aftcs 1. 11. aod in all jlacti of the Scripture, the full com.
, beede,tbat we embtjce Corift who ij offtired untous , ajid ;hji^e truily love im,
fort ofihe Church ij referred to tbat day when God Diailbeall iuall ,and istheteforj; that is to fay, thai we five our felves woolly to hii obedience. 8 It i»tVi Ih^cof

called ihe dayofredeinitlc.n. 3 Chiill onely iitbeway tOttgeandeVCtUftiog the bo)y GboO to m^innt in the iiiidit of ibeeleaimteir time»ai,dfi;al«?ai ilb.'VC
Lfe, for &( it H in vsbom ibc ?4ih(r bttb icy«4li:4 hiniTcir:, whicbCbiiiloQCtffake, t Cbsjp.i/.ai.
»7 » Peace.
CHrift is tlie Vrce. Chap, XV. xvj. The comforter promiff^: 4^
a~ 9 PeaceTleavewithyourmypeacelgive fervant knoweth notwhathismafterdoeth: buti _, •„. v
, MitrufftiUity
comrafth to ui by not as the world giveth.give I unto jou.
utitoy ;u have cilled you friends : for ali things that I have Lurandp«i>"
Ch'.ift alcne. Let nc: vour heart be troubled; nor feare. heard of my Father, have I made knowen to you. verof themiuifte.
lo So fatre ii it, , jj ,0 y^g havc heard how I faid unto you ,1 goe 16 /Yc c have iot chofen me.but I have cho- tieoftheGofpeiK
the world*
^way ind will come unto you. If ye loved me , ye fen you, and ordained yc* ^ that ye goe and bring "*° tvia '°
to ^^'
fori'il^r th° drp/r.
, ,
the mini.
tiDgofcbnft,fio.Ti would verely reioyce , becaiife I faid, I go unto the forth truus. and that your fruit remand that what- (ins have i._..
ui tccording to Father : for the Father is greater then I. i foever ye Qiall aske of the Father in my Name , hee all thiog need of
n,' ^id' ''t"
29 And now have I Ipoken rfiito you , before may give it you. prayeraudbro-

"«Vng it "^ome .that when it is come to paiTe , yee might I 7 I hele things commaund I you, that ye love
io^efo"ii '^^rZ^^tUetttt-
that aiithebJcfficg beleeve. one another. '^heihufflaintlj,
oftbememben jo ii Hereafter Will 1 notfpeake many things 1% e If the world hate you, ye know that it ha- that Mr faii>.viort
deptnderh upon
^j^^q you for the princc of this worldcommeth,
: ted me before ycu. ecmmethfrm the
the E'oruvioeof '
the bead.
hath » neught
m 1 p If ye were of the worlde , the world would
"'|-,{f ""Xlre
1 Thiiiifp'-ktiin 3' But «>'/ that the world may know that I lovc love his owne ; but becaufe ye are not of the world, ''f',hTe'i,frU^inl
that , that he u Mt- ym Father: and as the Father hath commanded me, but 1 have chofen you out of the world , therefore Cod toward, us.and
fo I dee. Arife, let us goe hence. the world hateth you. tfnmhing that we
ihtn he ,in aimxtJtat the ftrfcn lo wham rejuefi ii made i/ greater then hee that mit-
a o Remember the word that 1 faid unto you, /j"/"*
^']f ","
keih the tejuefl. ii Chrif) goeth to death Dotunv^iltiDgly , but willingly, not at t The fervant is not greater then his mafter, * If ^ i, ought'no'*'
yeelding to the devilbut obeying hiiFatheri decree.
, in ^j whcivMUjaj, they have perfecuted me , they will perfecute you onely not to Oare,
Satan wiU h i}fetHfi>nmeininhaithemij;htheean,tuthehathnofcwetllKr
alfo if they have kept my worde , they willalfo bmraiberconfiimc

aUtnlMlrfliall he find anj/mh thini in me aihe thiokfthhefhaU. ""'

keepe yours.
ft«!'of chdft
CHAP. XV. 21 7 But '^ all thefe things will they doe nnto vvVenthey (bailie
you for my Names fake , becaufe they have not hated of ihewoild
a By the farallet/the'vme, i anJ the haunchtt, J.6 iee
decUreth httv the difc'plej may teare fruit . ii,t7 He knowen him that fent roe, »» '^'>t Maitet

eemmendethmittutUlclie. i8 Heexhtrttlhthemttltart 2z d If I had not coraeandfpoken unto them, 2!^'[,j '

ttfjimimt falicntlj, to ijl'ii'ivne ex.imple. they fhould not have had finne: but now have they mattb.To.'iV-
» We are of M- J , Am that true vine , and my Father is that huf- no cloake for their finne, » M-atth.'i4,9,
j«e due and fit 1 bandman. 23 He that hateth me hateth my Father alfo. 7 Tte haired that

•,tfi« ^I'erefore ^ * tvery btaunch that bearethnotfruitein 24 If I had not done woikes among them a^tirft°chri""'<^
that we may live mee , hee taketh away and every one that beareth :
which none other man did.they had not had finne «tdethofthe''"°' :

acdbefruitfull, fruit, hee purgcth it, that it may biinefoorth more but now have they both feene.and have hated both blockiftineireof
" me, and my Father. the mind, vihich

3 $ Npw are ye clcanc through the word.which 2y But it is that the worde might bee fulfilled, °°.'^y'„'',"^/"'^
by t'be Fatheri
IPtne I haVC ipokcn UntO yOU. that is written in their « Lawe , it They hated mee 'Jii °d! foVh'at the
band and then
: Abide in mcand I in you as the branch caa
4 :
without a caufe. wo'ld can pretend
be duly tbnd
p^j beate fruit cf it felfe , except it abide in ths> 26 8 But when that Comforter (hall come, no excufe to cover
W>:b contiouall ,'1 ""whom I will fende unto you from the Father, J^^'''/^"''-
. -

meditation of the v^"^» "° "^""^ ^^'^ Y^t except ye abide me.
«Z'tf.'»the Spirit of trueth . which proceedeth of the
word and the f I am that are the braunches : he that j ^^X^lt'n^uU
cronfijotherwife abideth in mee .and I in him , the fame bringeth Father, he Ihall teltifie of me. /,,, ifj had not
It ihaii not ava.le
foofth much fruit : for. without me can ye doe no- 27 And ye fliall witneffe alfo becanfe ye have "me, thefe men ,

ADy man at all to ^

, .
bene with me from the beginning.
iaveb.neg.aff.d. '"'"8*
^If 3 manabidenot
„ r. r r. ^. ^ Codt iKd^ement feat , that they are relij^iou) andnjcid offmne : hutfetine I
unieffe he cleave 6 inme.he IS caft forth as Jliitiefire ,

ccmt to them , a„d ihey cleane refafe me ihej can have no cUak' f^r their -nicksdnelfe.
«ift unto the vine, 3 branch, and withereth and men gather them,and :

e Some timet} thii ivtrd.

, Law are meant
th;fi)iiheekf'ofMt>jes, tut in ihii placl
caftffcww into the hre.and they burne.
"fof.t"'"'"^* the ivholc Scriptufe :fir the place a'led^ed
is in the P/alrnes.
P/il, 3j,i9. ^
4^ Matih jf,i3, 7 '''If ye abide in me, and my words abide in 2 Agaioft the rageof the wicked we Ihall rtand furelyby the inward leftiinonie of

Ij caap 13,10. you.aske whatye will, and itlhallbedonetoyou. the holy Ghoft But the holy Ghoft fpcaketh no o.herwife, then he fpakeby theJiiomh

Coioir.i,i3. a Herein is my Father glorihed.that ye beaie of iheApollIu. * Chap. i4,a£. luke 14,4;,
* "^"^^^ fr'i"' ^'"^ he made my difciples •
He'a'bide^tb'io' 1 •
Hee foreieSeih the dififkt of perfecut'wn. ) Hee pro.
Chrift, vihrchre. 9 3 As the Father hath loved me, fohave I lo— mifeth the Comforter and declareth his iffice.
, Ji Hei
rteth in hi,do- vcd you b continue in that my love,
: tintpareth the afjiithtn of his , te a vcmanthat traiailtth
fttine, and there-
jq If ye Ihall keepe my commandements ycc ,
Vith Md.
Sod n' And ^^^^ ^bide in my love as I have kept my Fathers •p Hele I things have I faide unto you, that yee 1 Themtniften
commandements, and abide

in his love,
* Ihould not be offended. oftbeGofpeimuft
the°pathft vtill
deniefucbanose II Tbefc things have I fpoken untoyou that ,
2 They fliall excommunicate you: yea the'°°''*/'"^"°'*"
noihiag. n-.yicy might remaine in ^you, and that your ioy time Ihall come , that whofoeverkiilech you . will ^" oneV/of them
mightbefuU. thinke that he doth God fervice. which are op tn
fa^ZewC ^1 it This I's my commandement.that yc lovc And thefe things will they doe unto enemies bm eveti
m/paihrr leiiiri- 3
of them alfo which
fed And herein alft onc another, as I have loved you. caufe they have not knowen the Father, nor me.
fhaUjoH iemj j^ Greater love then this hath no man , when
4 4. But thefe things have I told you, that when f"n" h^ufti"ord,'
^^^ """ beftowcth his ife for his friends. the houre fliall come , ye might remember , that I and the vf tie pil.
Z'ntfirth mZh

ffuii. 14 Ye are my friends .ifyedoewhatfoeverl toldeyou them. And thefe things faide I not unto •'" of the church,
you from the beginning, becaufe 1 was with you. *
3 The love of commaund you.
the Father to-
jj 4 Henceforth Call I you DOtfervants:for the f But now 1 goe roy way to him that Cent me,
' '
waidi the Sonne, Jc and-noneofyonaskethme,w.hithergQei^thoa ? , theabfence
ofthc Sonne towatJjut.sod our»tovv.iideiGcdSt«urneighSc«r, aie loyned togethfj f
vith an unfeparable kaot: and tbete is noihing more fweet and pleaCjnt then k ii. 6 But becaufe I have faid thcle things unto cb,.it,a.-cor^ng
How tbij loveOleweth itfelfeby the efffSi: a inoll perftS example whereof Cbri)t , you, your hearts are full of forow. t^ ;ticftrih it ,

J>»aifclfe exhibited unto «. b Thjt ii, in that Li,e, nhrrcrvi^h J loi,ejaU : nniih ptoh;jbletoihe
7 a Yet I tell you the trueth.It is expedient for
U}>eii en toih parti, A' Cbap.13 34 i.theff4 9. 1 .iohn,3,ii .and 4,»i 4 The .
you that I goe away ; for if I goe not away that ,^„"^,°'t';,^/ ,
doarineofihe6ofFeU (aj i:ij uttered by Chrillei ovvne mouth) ii a moftperfeaaod
abfolute declaration of thecouoreUsfGed ;Vybi(ti]>ei;aiactht9eui f<UvaciuD »ai it
Comforter will not come unto you :butif 1 depart, p^„j uponhii

eaoiBNiud uiuo the AfoHUf, i will fend biro uuto you, fiuuu«Upovv<i.
8 .3 Anil.
- .

; -)^kt and ye Giall received S. lohn. Peace in Chrift. His

r. -

3 Ttx Spirit of 8 3 And whcii he is reproove come hee ,

uill i and I fay not unto you,that I will pray unto the Fa-
4iod workf th (a ^j^g ^^^f J gf jinng , and of riehteowrnelie , and of ther for you : . -.
j, ]
ntitbtWbythe . i
27 For the Father himfelfelomhyou , be-J "fh^-;.,'/^^
/^"of 'finne.becanfe they beleevenotinire : caufc ye have loved me, if and have beleeved that KflifccuritiediiTtr,
goetomy I came out from God. - ve^ymuch.
niaiDtth the world, jq Of c righteoufneSc , becaule I
28 I am come out from the Father and came ^jj^^'^''"^*^'"

will It, oili it, lo rather.andfc
' >-
E iliall fee me no more,
Of <* iudgement,* becaufe the prince of this
. ^ .
into the world againe I leave the world , and goe To^ n* i'thenhe

world is indited. to the Father. wickfdneOe ofthe
od Chtiftsrigbte-
ttuCatSi and aU jz < I liave yet many things to fay unto you, 29 9 His difciples faid unto fpea- world, neither
w"keoefle of
but ye cannot beare them now. keft thou plainely,and thou fpeakeft no parable. '^.'

a Htviif'Tt-
1 3 Howbeit, when he is come which is the fpi- 30 Nowe knowe wee that thon knoweft all L'i„Xa'
thallhtwtrUlirgi ritof trueth.hewilUeadyouintoalltrueth ; for
he things, and needeft not that any man (bould aske oftheveitueot

f,A Ifbhtofti- Qiallnot fpeake of himrelfe.but whatfoeverhee thee : fly this wee beleeve , that thou art come out Cbrift.

*t»* "' "/'(' null heare , (halt he fpeake , and he will Hiewe you
, .
from God. ' ^)'/"«"'

31 lefas anfweredthem . Doe you beleeve 2:i;e°'d'e.;';S

Int afienficn.tvhtn 14 f He ihall giorifie me : for he« fluU reccivc now ?
upon the viaorie
. ti$^i gMmff}'rt of mine, and thai! Ihew it unto you. 32 *io Behold, the hourecommeth, and is al- of Chfjii.

vtrt mtniftplj re-

j ^ ^jj things that the Father hath mine : , are rcadie come that yee flwll be fcattered every man
7^" '""« y°^
therefore faid l.that hee Ibalitakeof mine .and into his owne . and (ball leave me alone But I am :
"Je,ed p" by '
Tk'f^'ftTcu, cf
Qie it unto you. w not alone for the Father is with me.
( peace ) i» meant fa
gki Lij chiji upon
ghe Church.- So that \^ « flittle T/vW/tf A ,andye fliallnot fecmce : 33 Thefc things have I fpoken untc youjthat ihi» place that
« < ,

qui«t ftateof miod,

tht TJtry cnemiet ^j^j ^gjing 3 1 jttje x«v//»/(f , and ye Iball fee me ; g for b in me
ve might have peace in the world ye fl-iall :

^ Cfirijl yvtrc rt-

I goe to the Father. have afflidion.but be of good comfoct: Ibavc ^;^^'^^'j^;^;
that thtj rvtrt ccn- 17 Then {a.\d fame ofhisdifcipies among them- overcome the world. ui htivinefle.
felves, What is this that hee faith unto us, A little CHAP. XVII.
ftz/j^if, and yee (ball not fee mee, and againe a little Chrijlprajehihat hisglcrie fegertrr V'th hi: Faihtrt may U
reilitd, m thiH :ht} > and yee (liall fee me , and . For I goe to the
irvhi/e madcntani/tft. 9 he pra^tlhfar hii ^ptpia, 10 and
llUeiiedntt, and
thtttfctethij fM Father. for aU htlencrs.
to Vtter, ^c}' I. 6 Tiiey faide therefore, Whst is this that hee
•jw«, anUnthrtn,

wc know not what he faith.

THefe I things fpake lefus , and lift up his eyes ^ . _, ,.

j-^jjj, y^ [j^jg ^^^^/^ ?

r/hatfhxU-ttidnt? _J Now ^Icfiis _ knew that
, u...i.„ -.,ij-.i,„ u:„
to heaven, and Vaide.. Father that'^houre^s
19 they would aske him,

aifo may p,irii being rea-

0/Chr'fihim- come : glorifte thy Sonne, that thy Sonne

fclft : Fc/nhtn the and faid unto them Doe yee enquire among your ,
glorifie thee. dieftraightwayet
^ctldrhaSfit, felves, of that I faid. A little while, and ye fliall not *As
Jhavepov'td fee
2 thou haft given him powerj:i»fra all J.°^'J^P^^'"'^^^
me: and againe.a little t»x/;;?/^,& ye fliallfeeme? fieQi , that he (liould give eternall life to all them jemo,; pr'ayer.
ThXtttcZ' 20 Verely . verely I fay luuo you, that ye fliall that thou haft given him. coofeciate him.
frJncd u confc^t wcepe and lament, and the world Ihall reioyce, and And this is life eternall. that they know thee feife fo God the
that irtt'it, and ye ftiali forowe , butyourforow iball be turned to Faihera.afacn-
^r4i rtit (ondcmnnd
to be the b onely very God and whom thou
, haft
Jq„ lent, lelus Chnft. ,ber with h.«lf<:lfe.
/^fX'Kf'./tto'" ^'l A woman when die travaileth hath forowe
4 1 have glorified thee on the earth : I have fi- Therefote tbi»
yp,rU. becaufe her boure is come : but as foone as fhee is nilhed the wcrkc which thou gaveft me to doe. prayer wai from
d ofthataitihiriiy delivered of the child, Iheeremtrabreth no more And now gloritie me,thoii Father. with thine ''"•^fTS'""'''.*' '['
jj^g aneuidi , for ioy that a man is borne into the
' /-./• .9i . • i-i»,.
felfe , with the glone which I had with thee ^^^ ^f^^^ world,
-ii_ aodlnall be to the

^,na.i.arth.- before the world was. the foundation and
c Thati,,tccauft 22 And yec ttow therefore are in iorow : but I
6 3 I have declared thy Name unto the men ground ofthe
ihejfhaH then un-vvill fee you againe , and your hearts (ball reioyce,
dtrjiand *"fkn'-n>
which thou gaveft mee out of the wotlde c thine ^"/Jl^'',"^^^';,; :

and y our ioy fhall no man take from y ou they were, and thou <• gaveft them mee, and they ',th'ihat.ithe'
Ze"t:^eljnZ ^3 And in that day fl.all yee aske me nothing. have kept thy word. came into the
^nd dctpvttmtht * Verely .verely , I lay unto you .whatfoever yee
7 K Now they know that all things whatfoe- world to the end
•nMd^rchn cU (iiall aske the Father in my Name , hee will give it
verthou haft givenmc.are of thee. '^>h?nlew'in
8 For I have given unto them the words which ^"„^_ ^ein? oppre.
" ^4- Hitherto have yee asked nothing in my
!/«-»" l/JTn thou gaveft me and they have received »*«.?>, and hentletbhy faith,

rvaint.'ftr I -niU Name : aske.and ye Iball rcccivejihat your io,y noay have knowen furely that 1 came out from thee , and his giorie iofaving
artne }'U lt>ii'i that be full. eled, fo he ap.
have beleeved that thauhaft Cent me. iinf
''"^"^ 2y 7 Thefe things havelfpoken untoyouin
9 I pray for them: I pray not for the world. ,^i;],on«w ly:.-'and
paiables : but the time will come , when I Iball no me for they th.reforedefireti
^ilht}tl°t'j'hhh but for them which thoH haft given :

thm^ tvhkh)! tif- more fpeake to you in parables : but I fliallfliewc are thine. oftheFath.r,
itrdiip a^a'njlihe youpLiinely ofthe Father. tbat'bc would
blenitbe worke
^^ 8 At that day (ball yee aske in my Name, # Matib.JS,i8. a Over aH men.
wbii:hhehatb(inillie<!, b Hecalletb the
^ Tbf <'"Cl»intof theApoftln i>tocettir(i from the ho! y Ghoft and iimoft > pet/itf. F«tber rhe onely verie God, to fetbim again ft all falfegodi, and not to (hut out him.
^ Tho-koIyGhoftbiiBgeth iiom.'vsdc.arioe.buttcatheih thitvvhicb w.11 utterrd by fellc& the holy Ghod.For IttaigbtwayeJ hee ioyne<h the knowledge ofthe Father and
Chri'tnowDt mouth andimpriDieth it in ounmitides. 6 Tbe grace of the boly tbe knowledge of biinfelfe together and aixrrding co hit accuftonrd manner fetieih
i ,

Cboll is a rnoll lively glaffc.wbfreinChrift is truflybfhoIHtn with the mod fliarpe foorth the whole Godhead intheierfooofbefaiOer : So i« the Father alone faid to
(ighted tyes of faitb , aiid not with the bleared eyei ofthe flefli wfeelea ; beKioRjuiinortall. wife.and dwelling in tbe ught which nomancanattaineunto.m-
continuallioy evminthe ipiddelloffortr.wei. f When a liiiletimeii enufujl. vifible.Ri-miC.iy. i.<im.i,i7. 3 I'rrft of jll bt prayeih for ihofe hiidifci()lei, by

g F^r I paftfr CItrraU yhrie , fo il-.^r J fhall li much nun frcfent vi'hycu, then I whonie be would have thereft to be ga'hcrcdtogetbcr audconninendeththem unto ,

fi-ashtfcrt: ferthcnyufna I fcele inditJi ivhit I f.m ,jndyvhut I itmailttciioe. the Father, f having once reieftcd the whole :impaaieortiit: lefrobate becaufe hee 1

^ Chap i+".'-""-"'7'7-'>od J'«'»»;'^aike IJ.2+. luk- 11,9. lames i ,,•. 7 Tbe received them of him intohiicuOodie > and K r that they mibiaciag bii dodriue.fliall
holy Ghoft which wai powred upoo y Apoltles after the Afcenfion ofChrirt, inftrufttd have fo many and fo mightie enemies thai there it no Aay for ibem 10 br in fafetie.
both (hem in fell inyftrrici and f«t,;tioft,uv ralvation .and alfo by them but by his dclpe onely. c Hee (hevseth hereby thai eieriaftin^ eleftion andchoift,'^
the Church .and wilt alio in (l»ua it to the end of the world. 8 Th^fulnl«eof which was bidden iu the goodwill and pltafureofGod.whicn la tbe ground worked'
the w»r(hip of God .it the invocation of tbe Father in the Name ofthe Sonne the ourfalvation. d He fliewnh how that eveil»(ting and bidden puri-ofeot God ii decla«
Mediatour.who i»alrt»diehMtd f«i M» , foi whom he both »bafedhimftlfc,aBd rtd in Chnft, by whomewe are iuftifiedand UDftified , if wee lay helde on him by
U newxllb gl«:i&etl> r4iih>tb4t«tluigtbvtcioayc»metoibegloii«oftbceic^iioo. » Cha|M<,i7,
lo And
. . , 7

ptayerfor tbefaithfiill, Chap, 3??iij. fudas betf^eth Chrift. 45

A nd all mine ate thine.'and thine are mine,
o with his difciples^
^f I

e He pia78th tkit and I am glorified in thcra. 3 * a ludas then after he had received a band 4. Matth.i«,47,
bispcopieitny 11 And now ami no more in the world but , of men and officers of the high Priehs , and of narkei4..j3.
'''^^'"^ 3"^ ^" the world, and I come to thee. Holy the Phariles came thither with ianternes and tor- a Chrirt.whowa^

Father keepe them in thy Name , even them ches.and weapons. •» inaoceoc. vvai ta*
Jnonl"that°«'the ,

OodhMd ii one , fo whom thou haft given me , ttiat they may be « one 4 3 Then lefus, knowing all thirs^j^ that (hould ktn ai a wicked
they nuy be of one come unto him, went foorth and faid unto them. petloQ, that wee
gj ^g ^fg^ woich aie wicked
«„Dd aod^oBt coa.
J J ^^- jg J ^35 ^jfj^ jhg^^j jn the ^orlde , 1 Whom feeke ye 2
might be let goe
^'"pS'i'o"?, l^ept them in thy Name : thofe that thou gaveft y They anfwered him.Iefus of Nazareth .lefus aiiunocrnt.

4 Hee ftieweth Hie have I kept , and none of them is loft , but the
fiid unto them , I am ;he. Now ludas alfo which 3 Chrilljpevfoa
(butnothij v«r-
what manerofde- childe of perdition , that the * Scripture might be betrayed him, flood with them.
tue) wa»b:jiiada4'
»"ltuiea. 6 AlToone then as he had faid unto them, lam theaduerfariei,
oetb, not that ibey i,- , , r
foouidbeinno 13 And now come I to thee, and thefe things he, they went away backwardes ,and fell t-3 the whtn and bow
be would.
daoger, but that fpeake I in the world.that they might have my ioy ground.
thtybeeing prefer, fulfilled in themfelves. 7 Then he asked them againe , Whom feeke
[';" 1 4 I have given them thy word, and the world ye ? And they fayd, lefus of Nazareth.
,;f 'j;;

experience that hsth hated them.becaafe they are not of the world, 8 4 lefus anfwered , I faid unto you.that 1 am 4 Cbriftdothroj
the iioarine of as I am not of the world, he; therefore if ye feeke me.let thefe go their way. oegleft the ofKce*

filvation it iriie,
15 * I pray not that thou (houldeft uke them 9 nis was that the word mjight be fulrilled of agoodpaftouf,
no not in bijgreso-
whi'b they recei- which he fpake, ^. Of them which thou gaveft me,
out of the world , but that thou keepe them from ted daoger.
ved at bii moutb
eviJl. have 1 loft none. § Chap.17.12.
t« deliver to
ciher- 1 6 They are not of the world , as I am not of 10 s Then Simon Peter having a fword , drew J We ought to
make cooteine ttiezeale
f That it,
the world. it, and Iraote the hie Priefts fervant , andcut off his
them holy and that webearetoGod.
right eare. Now the fervants name was Malchus.
it fjyd to be holy,
17 f Sandifie them with thy trueth ; thy word witbiniheboundl
which ii dedicated is trueth. 11 Then faid lelus unto Peter, Put up thy ofouivocatioD.
and made groftr thou diddeftfend mee into the world,
18 /As fworde into the Iheath ftiall I not drinkeofthe

to Gsd onely fo have I fent them into the world. cup which m^ Father hath given me ?
J Heeaddeib i2 Then the band and the captaine.and the of-
moreover that the .
19 And for theu-iakes faniititie I my felfe.that
Apoftlctbavea they aifomay be fandifiedthrough the g trueth. ficers of the lewes tooke lefus and bound him.
n common 20 « I pray not for thefe alone, but for them 13 6 And led him away to * Annas firft (for 6 Cbriil itbrcugkl
vtithhim.aLdthrre-aiCo ^^Ich
fhall bcleeve in mee.• through hee was father in la we to Caiaphas , which was the before an earthly
fcre that they muft » their high Prieft to b»
hie Prieft that feme yeere.)
b.hoMen.ipby condemned fot
«he feife fame vex- 21 That they all may be one , as thou , • Fa- O 14 » And Caiaphas was hee.that gavecounfefl our Wafpbeiniejj
me to give up ther *rt in mee, and I inthee-;rt>f»rhattheyroay
to the lewes, that it was expedient that one man tbatwefllightbe
themfeivei wholly ^e alfo One in us , that the world may beleeve that fhould die for the people. quitted of the
l^:^:^:Z thouhaftfenrme. 1 y J 7 A' Now Simon Peterfollowed lefus.and rrieft himfelfe
confectattbim- 12 And the glory that ihou gaveft [ mec . I havc another dilciple.and that difciple was knowen of • Lukcj. a.
ftlfe to the Fa tet. given them, that they may be one, as we are one, the hie Prieft therefore he wentin with lefus into » Chap, II. fo.

I in them, and thou in me, that they may be the hall of the hie Prieft, 7 A livrlyeMinpIe
f MamianaDfti-
*' of tbe fragility
^^de perfed in one , and that the world may know 16 But Peter ftood at the doore without. Then
fi"!ation'of GBrift'"i« of man evenio
f« agaiuft the out- that thou haft fent me , and haft loved them as thou went out the other difciple which was knowen un- thebeft, when
ward puiifyingi. haft loved me. to the bi^h Priefts, and fpake to her that kept the ibtybeoncel.ft
a Second.. illy bee doore, and brought in Peter. to tbenifrlvet.
j j Father , I Will that they' which thoH haft
efiereth to God the
Faiher all hi» that
g'ven mee , be with
\. •^'^i
me even where 1 am that they

,, 1 Then faid the maid that kept the doore.un- mar.Matib j6,;J. *
, 14. /4.
ii, hove maoyfoe- may beholdchat my glory , which thou haft given to Peter , Art not thou alfo one of this mans difci- luke aa
vcr ftiali b.ieeve me ; for thou loucdft me before the foundation of ples ?He faid, I am not.
in him by the do- 18. And the fervants and officers ftood there,
the world.
ftritjeof tbeApo-
ftlei : that ai he »y O righteous Father ,.the world alfo hath which had made a 6re of coales for it was colde,:

deauetb unto the not knowen thee , but 1 have knowen thee and , and they warmed themlelves. And Peter alio flood
Father recriviDg thefe have knowen that thou haft fent me. ,
among them, and warmed himfelfe.
% Chilli dtftD.
from hi,n all ful-
26 7 And I have declarediijnto them rhy Name, 19 J ( 3 The hie Prieft then asked lefus of his deih biscaufebut
nelTc, fo they be-
and will declare it that the love wherewith thou difciples, and of his dodlrine, fleDd«rly,notihat
irgioyned with ,

bim, may Tec«ive haft loved me, may be in them, and I in them. 20 lefus anfwered him I fpeake openly to the
he would with-
life ftombin> and world: I ever taught intheSynagogueand in the draw himfelfe
being togethtr beloved froin death, but
at length with him enioyeverIa(lin| glory.
in hiin j may alfo Temple whither the lewes relort continually, and
to fbew that bt
j> Cbap.ia 26. 7 HecommatiicatethmithbiibylulsaEdluletheknowltdgtor
in fecret have I faid nothing. wascotideinned
the Fitber, vcdich ii moatul. ia CSrilt the Mtdiatour thattbey may in him bcbelo- ,

»«d.ofthe Father rVyitb liefelfe fame love wheewith htluutihiheSoone. 21 whyaskeft thou mee? aske them which at an iDooctDt,
* Mmh.j6.|7,
CHAP. heardmee what I faid unto them beholde , : they
XV 1 1 1.
know what I faid.
luke Jt.J4.
I Fj Chrijfes portitr, tt 'urn iH^is htrajiih, 6 theJiuUitrt .{, Maitb.iS.ej,"

ATI eaii UoTxinetukegrcund. 13 Chriflii UJ 10 ^nn*i, a1 when heehad fpoken thefe things , one of markei4.jj,
and from him !o Caiaf^'Ji. *!, ij Hii atftvtreiothi the ofliccrs which floodby .finote lefus with /:w luke Ji.rf.
tftcerthxtfrnttekinnhhartU. 18 BeiniitUlitrti (» 9 After that rata
rod, faying, Anfwerefl thou the hie Prieft fo ?
J Cferitgeetkof tHj:e, 36 ht dnUttth Im k!ini<i<mi have ODce fallea,
bit own accord in-
a 3 leliis anfwered him , If I have evill fpoken, they cannot oaelj
to a gardtQ,wiii<.h Vy Hen I
leius had fpoken thefe things.hee went bare witnefle of the evill ; but if i have well ipo- not liU Up them-
bisbeirayer kaew, "foorth with his difciples over the brooke ken, why fmiteft'thou me > felves by their
* Ctdron where was a g-n-den , into the which he owDelirengtb.hui
Ibe laksn ; that by ,
24. f * Now JVnnas had fent him bound unto
bis obediwce be »Ko they f,»(i moiB
eutred and his difciples. , Caiaphas the hie Prielt.) and more ii to

"SttuTo'. ^ And ludas which betrayed him knewe alfo 254-9 And Simon Peter ftood and warmed w'orfr, vntillthey

treH fnto the world the placc ; for Icfus ofc timcs refoTted thither himfelfe, and they fayd unto him. Art not thou alfo beraifcdupa-
of hi$ difciples 2 He depyed ic j andf4i«i , I a(^ vssiueofCad.
t)«U((«,-iad tlMi«a a gaiden, Mtltb,l«. j$, n4M't'|»rluM«9.>yt
. } 87 : "

-Pikts teftiraony of Chrift* S. lohn. Chrift is crucified*

26 One of his the ftJtvants of the hie Prieft , y Then cam*
lefus foorth wearing a crcwne
If. I I.
coufin whofe eare Paerfmote off.fiyd.Did not of thornes , and a purple garment. And PHate laid
10 TheSonaeof
I fee thee in the garden with him ? unto theii). Behold the pmh.
God it brought
ktfne tb; iudge< 27 Peter then denied againe , and immediatly 6 Then when the hie Priefts and officers fawe
BRBt ffa eol'ao the cocke crew. him, they cryed, faying, a Crucifie, crucifie ««.. a Theywillhav*
wnhlyaodpro- ^ ifeThen led they lefus from » Caiaphas Pilate faid unto them Take ye him, and crucifie
2!J , ''"'"""'''^'iwhom
fbaoenaD in
common hall. Now it was morning , and

into the hi?n for I hnd no fault in him. byaooid cuftomeot

««hom then :

fbuaJmuctltOe they themfelvis went not into the comnron hail, 7 The lewes anfwered him We have a law. .
wickcdQClTc, ebcB leaft they fhould l^e J defiled , but that they might and by our law he ought to die , becaufe he made hanged u^ ai coo.
" "heprnciofttf gate the Pafleover.
himfelfe the Sonne of God. via of biafphemie :
p»of!»of God.-
AlivcIy iaagtof 29 Pilate then went out unto them , and faydj 8 J 3 When Pilate then heard that word , he ^'" ^'y deiire to

agaioH finite, and

What accufation bring ye againft this man
30^'They anfweted.and laid unto him, If he were
was the more afraid.
9 And went agatne into the common hall,
... t 11
maner or
attw: tee
not an evill doer , wee woi>ld not have delivered and faid unto lefus .Whence art thou j But lefus 3 riUnMconfci.
/*iigrfat inercie,
andlMllofall.of him unto thee. gave him none anfwere. !fL'-^*ll'"^
hit niofl fevere •3 1 Then fayd Pilateunto them , Take yehim, I o Then fayd Pilate unto him Speakeft thou , ^°^ i;5"e^,d"bf
dgBnent againli and iudge him after your owne Lawe Then the . not unto me ? Knoweft thou not that I have power becaufe it ii uot
'^^'"^^ '^y^ "^^° '^*™' '' ItisnotlawfuUforusto to crucifie thee, and have power to loofe thee ? vphoiden with
grace wtben it ii put any man to death. II lefus anfwered. Thou couldeft have no *be(mt^m,
offrrtd untothtm. 31 [t vvd* that the word of lefus * might be power at all againft me . except k were given thee
a From fulhlled which hefpake, c lignit'ynig what death from above therefore he that delivered me unto
hertioulddie. thee, hath the greater finne.
± AdJ lo.jg.
and 11,3. 33 " So Pilate entred nito the common hall 12 From thencefoorth Pilate fought to loofe
b For iudgoniDti againe . and called lefiis and faid unto him , Art , him , but the lewes cryed faying If thou deliver , .
of life and death thou the king of the Itwes ? him thou art not Cefars friend for whofoever
, :
»were taken f torn
ihem fourtie feerei 34 lefus anfwered hira, Sayeft thou that ofthy maketh himfelfe a King fpeaketh againft Cefar. ,

before the defiru- felfe or did other tell it thee of me ?

13 5 4 When word , hee « Mt«t«eoiide««
Pilate heard this
diooof tbeienflc. 3y Pilate anfwered Am I a lew ' Thine owne , brought lefus foorth,andTatedowne in the iudge- ""bhimfelfefirrt,
* Mat. 13, 19. nation , and the high Prieft have delivered thee ment feate in a place called the pavement , and in ^uj^^.^"*^,^
c For Cbriflhad
unto mee. what haft thou done ? Hebrew, b Gabbatha. heafiefwatdcoo.
foretold that bee
Ihould be crucihed 36 ^ lefus anfwered My ktngdome is not of
' ,
14 And it was the Preparation of the Pafleo- demnetb chnii.
« Mat 17.11. n>ar. this world; if my kingdome were of this world, ver,and about the lixt houre: and hee faid unto ^ Gabbatha ligoi.
j;.a. lukeaj.j. my fervants would furely Hght that I ftoald not . the lewes. Behold your King.
II Cbridauou-
cbeih bii fpirituall
be delivered to the lewes but now is my king- ;
I J Butthey cried. Away with him, away with ar..
kiagdome, butrc. dome not from hence. him crucifie him. Pilate faide unto them , Shall I

ie^etk a worldly. 37 Pilate then faid unto him. Art thou a King Chria fafleneth
eracifie your King? The hie Priefts anlwcred.We '
ji It wasre^ai. then ? lefus anfwereii Thou fayeil: that I am a I '^ /
r.. . Sataa fianeand ,

fite tba; Cbrid

, have no King but Cefir. death to the croft
ftould be pro-
King for this caule 1 am borne, and for this caufe
: 16 f Then delivered hee hira unto them, to be <, Mat. 17.31. ma'r,

i)Out:ced ionocrit, came I into

the world, that I ftiould heare witnefife crucified, .f And they tooke lefus .and led him «f.»;.Iukei3,i6.
butnoiviiibllan- unto the trueth every one that is of the trueth,
away. '
diog (io that tluit
heareth my voice. ^nthlS
And he bare his owne croffe,and came into of^hecroffr^'ir
lieetooJct upoD - ' 1

himouf ferfon) 38 "

Pilatefaiduntohira,<Jwhatis trueth ? a place named *^<ii;<«i www skulles .which is called openly writ'teo
wa»cobecon. And when he had fayd that , hee went out againe in Hebrew, Golgotha ettriaftmg kiHg 6f
de.nneJ a. j mofi unto the I ewes. , and layd unto them, I finde in hira 1 Where they crucified him .and two other
^ickHman. no caufe at all. '^-/^^^^'{^^f
d Helptakeih
toil ._.„
3? ^ But you havc
. ..
a cuflome thatlfiiGuId
..>.. with him.on either fide one, and lefus in the mids. .^^to^ ^o^'th ^00,
19 «f « And Pilate wrorealfo a title, and put dtmnedhimfot
fcoffiagly.acdnot deliver you one loofe
the PalTeover will at :
it on the croffe, and h was written, lESUS vfurpingaking- OF
fcrwayofaikiog yee then that 1 loofe unto you the King ofthe
THE KING OF THE "*";:;'.. .
7 Cbrtd fignifietli
?!? m1'°"' . bytbedivifionof
niar.u.6bk!i3.i7 .'^° * Then < cryed they all againe, faying.Not 20 This title then read many ofthe lewes: for hii garmentt
# Aae»3,i4. him , but Barabbas : now this Barabbas was a the place where lefus was crucified , was n^ere to amongft the bloo-
e Word foi word, murthereif, d^^bu'^b"* Cthif

the citie and it was written in Hebrewe . Giceke,
XMdeagrtataod J , coat except, that
"•""^''"- and Lartne. ^id no (eame ) that
CHAP. XIX. zl Then faid the high Ptieftesof thelewesto itibalicometo
« PiUlt, nvhtr; Chia yvdifiourrtJ, Pilate, Write not. The King ofthe lewes, but that paflV.that he wi«
t endcrcyrnt^wuh
thcrna, « W4, Jtftrouf, tc (ft him
Ucfi : 8 hut hewf cl.tP- he laid. I am the King ofthe lewes. h ^'/,?','-j?„"
""•« rrith ihe cutrt^t oftU Jtrvei, i6 he 4(til>i,t(l, 22 Pilate anfwered .What I havewntten . I ^^^ hi^ery ene.
i>imtt It crunfitd. 16 urutcemmitielh hit mtthtrttthe have written. mienhroughout
<'V"fU. 30 HtuinytaJfeJPhe^cr.heJitth: 34 and
2j f 7 Then the J fouldiours,, when they had the world
.but fo
49 W«"
crucified Icfus . tooke his garmetifs ( and ma<k
4- foure paus to every fouldier a part ) and
coat: ufhn Church ftiall W
isarke II, Ti.
1 The wfffJomeof
^ Hen +And 2
tooke lefus , and i fcourged him.
the foulJit;rs platted a crowneof tOpthorOWOUt.

and the coate was without feame woven from the remainr whole.
* Matth.a7.j,-.
theflefh, chufrthof
twoeuilj the lead,
thornes.and put it on his head, and they put on 24 -J Therefore they faide one to anoiher.I^et "" ^^'^^'^ ^
fcutGodcuireih hima purple garment, us not divide it but call lots for it . whofe it ihcH , cbria n p»r- a"
that Tune wiredom. Andfaid.HaileKingofthelewes.Andthey
3 be. Tnit fi/tf/th.t the Scripture might be fulfille<i, f.a example ofail
J Chtift iiagaiae fmote him with
quitted by the
their rods. which taidj * They parted my garments among ''8'i«o«''n«"«. not i

""''^ '" '*"*«-

fame mouiji whert- 4 * Then Pilate went foorth againe and faid , 'them, and on n.v coat did cattlots. So the foiildiers p^llgoflhe (irfl,
vviihheiiafter. unto them Behold I bring hira forth to you , that thuiL
, .
id the' J
.•f4(d9«BClcina«d, ye may know, that I find no fault in hjmatall. S s "itMin itoode by the crofleof lefus his
. . , .

Ghriftsfidcpcarced: Ciiflp.xx. Histefurrcdion. 47

mother.atiJhis mothers fifter, Marie the wife $/
CleophdS, and Marie Magdalene.
^ Ow dof cf the weeke came Marie « -Marke i«,i
4. , the firft
M?. dalene, earely whenit was yet datke, unto '.'*•*•'•
i6 And whenlefus fawe his mother , and the^faw the ftone taken away from
,',„^'^'/f '/J*/'
dlfciple lUnding by whom he loved he fayd unto , , thetOITlbe.
^ loboarethefirll
his mother, Woman, behold thy fonne 1 Then
Uieranr.e , and cfmetoSimon Peter, witn.ffeiofthe
» Cb'ift wl«n «" . 1 7 Then fayd he to the difciple , Beholde thy and to the other difciple, whom leftS loved , and "'"'"ft'o" ao* =
neg»t, yeeldttb up
mother and ftomthathoure ,tne difciple tooke
: fayd unto them . They have taken aw;iy the Lord
tbcGbott, drin- her home urtohim. out of the fepulchre ,and we knownot where they aed , for
tbi't they
icing uf drcd 28 j9Afttr.whenItrusknewe that all things have
laid him, themreiveKouM
that mod bitter
cup of
were performed that the » Scripture might be
, Peter therefore went foorth , and the other, ^"'"'•v ^ p"-
and fliarpe
wraih fuijilied.hefaid, Ithirft. difciple, and they came unto the fepulchre.
hii Fatbeit f7rrlui7cff. t?»t
ioout-bame. 29 And there was fet a c veflell full of vine- 4 So they ranne both together .but the^^ther they ihould in-
'4 Priil.69fil. ger , and they filled a fponge with vineger.and difciple did outrunne Peter, and came firft to the veoiiioffetpuw
c CaUtiHtnitit-
put it about an Hyflbpe fialk^ , and put it to his fepulchre, M*-
HtflCth M4f tftht
mouth. And he flouped downe and faw the linnen
y ,

hidrin.tha- iht 30 Now when le/us had received ofthevine- cloathes lying yet went he not in. ;
Mattb r'**

Jtreit tftrcrvnt gei hee fayd , It is finilhcd .and bowed bis head,
, 6 Then came Simpn Peter following him, marke 16,/.
„pi^,h4m>iu,t and went into the fepulchre , and fawe the linnen
atidgaveuptheghoft. » r*"' 'i.nuktui

";:;:r;;^;r" 3 » - The lewcs .hen (becaufe it was the Pre- cloathes lie, l^eea),e,1»huithl

franckjMinje u paration , that the bodies llioula not remaine up- y Andthekerchiefe that was upon his headc-fj"^'""^"'""
4finkfy'""<'Kt on the crofl'e on the Sabbath dAyAoi theSab- not lying .with the linnen cloathes, but wrapped 2 TwoAngeli
thnrtraineifjmi- Ymh was an high day) bcfought Pilate that their
together in a place by itfeJfe. are made wiicef.

rktt!,2ythe legs might be broken . and that they might be ta- )i Then went in alfo the Other difciplCjwhich '^'"'^'^'^"dt
jetvf!i"<»*'^"i fir ken downe. came firflto the fepulchre , and he faw it , and bs-X/'tl",''-
32 Then came the fouldiers and brake the
lie focTt I
leeved. '% thin^.
le^es of the firft , and of the other, which was 9 For as yet they knewe not the Scripture, « ^<">yfftik.t at
ei^ified with lefut. That he muft riie againe from the dead. ''" "pmcn fee-
10 TOrbodieof
Ckliftwbuhwa» 33 But when they came to lefus , andfaw that 10 And thediiciples went away againe unto ^^^^'^.'A^t^'],
deadforaftafoD he was dead already .they brake not h is legs
(>b«cau»it rofltt
34 >i But one of the fouldiers withalpeare
their owne home. they dot Jf^ kM
11 ! S But Marie flood a without at thefe- »•"»
«• pearccd his fide , and foorthwith came there out pulchre weeping and as ihe wept , (h e bowcdher I ^f"'

bone of it ii DOt blood and water, felfe into the fepulchre,

broken ^nd fmh
3 y And he that-faw it . bare record, and hjs re- 12 s And {awe two Angels in b white, fitting rifen. '

cord is true and hee knoweth that he (aith true,
the one at the head and the other at the feete, 4 Chrift which jg
that ye might beleeve it. where the body of lefus had layen. ''^"''
" °<^'.to be •

11 Cbiilt bring
dead vpuD >be 3 6 For thefe things were done, that the Scrip- 1 3 And they faid unto her , Woman, why wee- worid'acc'ordiiw
Moffe .witneiftth ture fliould be fulfilled , $ Not a bone of him &all pefi thou ? She laid unto them , They have taken to the fltOi b'ut ,
by a doable ligue, be broken. away c my Lord , and I know not where they have '" bta«n by faith,
Ihuheonely »
the true fatiifadi- 37 And againe another Scripture faith , *They layd him. Jf
•D and, tbe true (hall fee him whom they have thruft thorow. 1 4 3 when fhee had thus faid.fhee turned herj' Bjhhhrethe^
wafiiingl'oiihe 38 X i» And after thefe things, lofeph of Ari- felfe backe and faw lefus f,anding , and knew not he mcuneth
belcevcit. mathea (who was a difciple of ielus but lecretly ,
thatit was lefus. cifUi-.frmt'ie
i Thh vMndnn forfeare of rhe lewes) befougJit Pilate that hee I lefiis faith unto her .Woman, why weepefi"'*' -y^fifiU'w
4 mtf! manifeft J
ruiir.tjfe ofiht might take downeahe body oi lefus- And Pilate thou ? whom feekef^ thou She fuppo.'ing that ^^^'Mar"'tcUMi''''^*

gave him licence. Hee came then and tooke lefus had bene the gardener, faide unto him. Sir, if thou dif.ipU,.
fttihtrVAltrt'ntt body. hafl borne him hence .tell mee where thouhafleHfoi/rftCnj
ijfHtU eut h iliit ^9 And there came A- alfoNicodemus (which
tfcitnd .^alieui
laid him. and 1 wfll take him away. ''''

firft eame to lefus by night) and brought of myrrhe

fU'nei} (u HHiitT- 1
6 Icfus fayth unto her, Marie. She turned her ,Jl<jl'i!^XecX'
fimd,th»tii>ftetA- and aloes mingled together about an hundreth felfe and faid unto him Rabboni, which is to fay, held, Md hefJth
. ,

fen fturcfu rht pound. Mafler. J««r Father, tr-

njery tl^innt (irff
40 Then tooke they tiie body of leflis.and 17 4 lefusfaith unto her. Touch menot : for ""•^' '''""* -f*"
ftrnfofiiih tht
wrapped it in liiinencioathes withthe odouiS,aS- lam not yetafcenJed to my Fathei:but goe to '^''^-^f,"/^'^
-Vtpllthitccn'cl- the mancroftht; lewes is toburie, my brethren, and fay unto them, lafcend unto tUntfthejmles

41 And in the place where lefts was crucifi- •my Father, and to your Father , and lomy God, "fC'd: that i,,iy
ed .was a garden , and in the garden a new fepul. and to your God, '^'^'"Z "'"/^j^

'trtiZlT-JhiX !*fi chti>i.wherem

was « never man yet layd. Marie Magdalene came and told the
18 dip-gr^l^^'X
fiarmt CT jhuk*"' 4^ There then layd they lefus , becaufe of the pies that ihe hadleenethe Lord, and that he had M-trkf ^6,\^, '

ftnKttch.cfiUtdi,. lewes Preparation day , for the lepulchre was fpoken thefe things unto her. Ih ^f 14,35.
S £""•«'.><•
neere. i9 J ' The fame day then at night, which'- 'I' '-f-

* Zich.iiit). « Af4*(fi.»7,;7. »FMr«t» if.4'- '"t' iiCbiift" was the fiif^ dtiy of the weeke , and when the ,h„ b'erre'fw'e'i
orenIybu.ird,andina faoiuui )'Uce, Pilaie writing andltiifcriiig it , and thai by i)iea ^dootcs were Ibut where the difciples weie af-hi-mirifc before
WbicodidfavourCirid, in fuch wife, that yet before thai day, they never openly fembled for feare of the lewes, came l(sfu$ani-i bisdifcipitsTud-
fcjiowed biiti fo ihaiby bit buriall > no ntanoMi iuniy doubt eiihn ofbisdeatb oi
: ,

Isfuittftioo. Chap 3.1 * 1 k.\tntim,-itim<^h!ct),id AthiirtfurreilKn, f^oode in the mids , and faid to them, feace b» unto^"^ > "'"''^"2'' '''»

10 And when he had fo fayd , he fliewed aiito w«-"ii,m^doe'tli

hands and his lide. Then were the dilci- fully aifurethem
CHAP. XX. them
pies glad
i>is ,

when they had feene the Lord. r'aio^n't dl^Jor

MttrielringtthyvtTdilntCMJIiirifiH y Vtlir snd
their Apoftletbij) .itifpiriogibtmvuith the holy Ghoft.who i«
t , : thedireae' of he cii.
UUn 4 rHBfie fc/eetf. if Jifij affearethtt Marie,
niftrryoftbe Goffitl. f Ettherthe JiiTeiofenedtol7imofihcTmv»eau«rd,t»
19. aitJ (ithe diftiflejikat were n^eiher n
if Tkcmts.tefneftifilefr, i» niwttl<n$tk.
il *.-Then

Xhomasdiftrufteth; S. lolin. Feede my ftiecpe;

1 1 * Th?.n Tail! lefus to them againcPeace bi p As foonc then ss they were come to lande,
unto you as my
: Father fenc me. fo lend I you. they fawe hote coales , and fnh layed thereon and ,

1X And when hce had fayd that , hce breathed bread.

on them , and fayd untp them. Receive the htjly o lefus fayde unto them
I , Bring of the filhej,
Ghott. .^ which ye have now caught.
< Tb« pub!illiiBg
13 < w
hofcevcis finnes ye remit .they are re- II Simon Peter ftcpped
ret to land
forth and drew the^
full of great fiihes , an hundreth fifti2
of fmnea'^by f^b"' mitted uHio them And whoiuevers finnes ye re-
: , ,

inChrift, jod tbe tcine. they are reteined. and three and albeit there were fb many yet was

ttuiog forth acd

24 5 7 But Thomas one of the twelve , called t>ot the net broken.
Didymus, was not wich thera when lefns came. It lefus fayde unto them, Come , <«ni dine.
uracil o^God io
;xnaiciog(he a f The other dikiplejs therefore f.ud unto hire, And none of the difciples durft aske him , Who
* ''""
fuonolibe vn- VT'ee have feene the Lord but he faid unrothem.
: art thou ? feeing they knewe that hee was the ''':
befeeven . ii ibe
Except 1 fee in his handes the print of the nayles,
r .rt.lorrdintohi.
fuinmeofite T .. , . , , ,

and put my hngcrinro the print of the nayles.and 13 leius then came and tooke bread and gave f«i>.ntr degree

put mine nand into his lide , I will not beleeve it. them, and filh like wife. ^o"" wbtnct be

J C'ri/ldMw*:h 26 5 Andeiphtdayesafter.againehisdifcip'es 1 This is now the third time that lefus fliew-
d'nUii'!'a. r j'^'i''^'
outaribeur*<\ were within, and Thomas with chem, TwMcame ed himfelfeto his difciples , after that he was rilen wTthaiii"dvcr"
'"^^"^ ' ^'^^^ the dcorc were (hut , and Hood in the againe from the dead. -
« ctrtaiRc aud fui^-
..tfftimonif ofhii^Amids.andfayd, Peace te unto you. 15- f I So when they had dined, Icfus fayde to ^-'^ » pafloi
At2'7 After faid heto Thomas, I'ut thy finger here, Simon Peter jSimonr/w/oweof lona , loveft thou fcich liiCiVSttb bij
Chziit iu
aS^fee mine handes ,2nd put forth thine hand, and me more then thefe ? He faid unto him, Yea, Lord, fj^
put it into my fide, and be not faithlefle , but thoiikncwed th.ullove thee. He faid unto him, b itwui'm-st"
faithfull. Feedmy lambes.
,S Trje TaJtb <?«- a 8 Tii-jn Thomas
anfwered and fayde unto 1 him againe the fecond time Si-
KeTayd to ,
ysndetb upon the
him, Thouart and my God.
my Lord, mon loveft thou me He fayd
tit fonne of lon^ , r
^outb of God,
and no; upon i9 8 lefus !aid unto hi.m.Thomas.becaufe thou unto him; Yea, Lord, thou knoweft that I love mi^^h- miiittr

flelhlycytt. haft fe^ne me, thou beleevcft blelTed a,re they that
: thee. He fayd unto hitn, Feed rr.y il-'.eepe. # '^ }''" '/'*« f^r-'
$ Cbap.i.,2f. have not feene, and have beleeved. 17 Heia^Muniohimbthe third time, Sinfoii
S To bel»e»< in And many
other fignesalfo did le- of lon.T loveft thou me
Peter was icde.^1' ^f'^i''„f]'"^'l,
fCh'ift tbe SoBoe
30 !• :| » f/je/o^na , ?

.of God I asd uut fus in the pre/ence of his dilciples .-which are not becaufe he faid to him the third time, loveR thou tnheofj^cteftW
written inthisbcoke. me J and faid unto him Lord , thou knoweft all ,
31 Bat rhefe things arc written that ye might things :tbou knoweft that I love thee, iefus&d j '^^^i?'"*
beleeve, that lefus is that Cl>iilt that Sonne of untp him. Feed njyfl'.eepe. iifiretoide.
Coiftl ,and crprei j

allyofibchH! God , and thst in beleeving yee might have life 18 3 Verely verely I fay unto thee.When thou
, c rAy ;;,.!(>«;'[«

^'''±t r«rurKdion. through his Kcme. waft yong thou c girdedii thy felfe and' walked It
, , f'c* •'"mcy . <//!*•, J

whither thou wouldtft but \Uien thou Hialtbe :

j^^-'J" ''^Jyl
CHAP. XXI. olde.thouftult ftietch foorth thine handes .and iC/j'^u'cTwe^r I
another Ihall doiiJ thee , and lead thee whither th-pecfittjjidhn^
« ItfusApftsmUtchisJifcifhs as thry yttreafifhin^,
He thOH WOUldeft « not. l*tmenit , 'l,idni(4
Ts'iom itej kpicyv ij a tniruiulcui iriugkt offifhti. is
cimintitah tbe charge ofilrtf'meft to Ptier, 28 anUfore~ 19 And this fp.ike he fignifying by whatf death '^J^'^''^*'"^
teHe.hhim ofthtmaner efhis de-ttlj. he (houkl gloritie God. And when he had faid this, aVemCnf fAi«
A Ftcr thefe things, i lefus iliewed himfelfea- lie laid to him. Follow me. ; ic^r cf^irMr.^
Cbnll here ii not
onely prrfmt.but g,rine to his diiciples at the fea of Tiberias: 20 4 Then Peter turned about , and fawe the ithi^hinftdt^-
alfoeoietb wich and thus Iliewed he htmfelfe : difciplewhom I E S loved, following .which US
2 There were together Simon Peter , and Tho- had alfo 4. leaned on hH breft at Hipper , ntid loiiJj/^/f w«t
£,Weth a inoli full
tuas which is called Didytnus , and Nathanael of h.'.d fayde , Lord , vvhicli is hce that betrayeth 'cordis «<,dcl..,iit!,
alfuraacf ofbij ,

"' '"^0 rvcxidf.ij,

jTsIurieaioQ, Cana in Galile , and the fames of Zebedeus , and thee?
two other of his difciples- 11 When Peter therefore few him
hee fayd to ^° c,r''"*,£^'-'' ,

3 Simon Peter faid unto them I goe a fiihing^ , lefus , what lliall this man di)s>
Lord ,
'thil{!!ihh°t tc
They fayd unto him Wee alio will goe with thee.
22 lefus fayd unto him If I wdlthat he tarie yt,i,Hi,ertiniu. ,

They went their way and entred into a fl-.ippe till I come, what is it to thee follow thou mc. Pft, tut tht time ?

Ihajghtwaf and that night caught they nothing.

, z3 Then went this words abroati among the 'T.'V''''"? r"'*
Ihoulde not die. {l^fr'Si,
4 But when tlie morning was now come , lefus brethren . that this difciple
ftoodon the]hore:nevettheielVethe difciples knew Yet lefus faid not to liim ,Hee ihall not die but anMer^fh^iUludc :

hee taty I come, what is it to theeni'iychahe,,

not it v/as lefus.
5 lefus then layd unto them, Sy rs, have ye any
if I will that
jj^gg ,
• -andc.trji'netwhh
meat ?Theyflnfweredhim,No.- This is that difciple , which teftificth of
24' s '^^^"""

6 Tlien he fayd unto them , Caft out the net on thefe things , and wro.e thete things ,aDd we know e NcttUt rctir

the right fide of the Ihip, and ye ihall hnde. So they that his reitimoTiie is true. f»X"'^ cu^hfoif
caft out ,,ind they weienot able at all to diaw it, 25 *Novje there are alfo many other thw^s '"','"''''/f^'''^
for the multitude of fiihes. which Jcfus did the -which if they fl-ioulde be -t'^^'^;^^^^^^^^^^^

7 Therefore faide the difciple whom lefus lo- written every one , 1 fupnofe the w'ctlde couUe ^amc with Uy and
ved unto Peter , It is the Lord. When Simon Pe-
, notconteine the bookes that ihould be written, tgi-iJif/ it fcrole

re,„r^fd r^r^ihe
ter heard that it was the Lord . he girded his a coat Amen. Ccamitl n-ntrche
to him (for he was naked) and cail himfelfe into tvMiei^pfd latlctcMfi this will commelh tictfrcmihe /lc/% ,h»t frtmlkt
c^uldnotUthit :

the fea. 3 firil rvhich isplicn ui from aktue ,iliirefirehefhetvtdt'>ire/hc,il]He

,i cer^jinc ftri-

But the other difciples came by fliJppe. (for

8 tiin? cmflic'tcr^n.indt , Txhich aifeisin its,in alUur Cffftrancts as imK ng
ihtflefh. f rU'!:,i'^.i! rettrrho'jlddielruViclinrJrath.
thty were not fane from landc , biK about two
takeheede .thatvvbiitt weetaltour tyei apcsa uthfr.wee ofglcft not thatwhicbia
liundrcih cubues} and they dicwe the net \wh
"^ " jliioyned u». ^ Cbap.iJ.t^. j Toehiftuiic ofChiilHsttueand vvadly written;
uku • bw fit vbe faWaiion of thegndly. ^ Cbap-iu^jo^
.Mies, oo»»'or tbetuiioiiwtof
78 .

Cfcriflesafcenfion. Chap. I, Mattbiasischofen* /^%


CHAP. I. up into an upper chamber, where abode bothl'e-
ter and lames . and lohn and Andrew, Philip,and

S ZuketisththithiferStlchhCcffctt. 9 Clvfil-tm^ Thomas, Bartlemew. and Matthewe, lames thefonne

takftinto hedVcn, 10 ihe ^felflet, 11 hein^ tr.irned
of Alpheus , and Simon Zelotes .andludas lames kTheGieekeworJ'
tj tht^nieh, 11 to retarat, \i^ gil/tthimfiiut to Mi fignifWdaiiinvio-
fT.i}tr. i; Bj Petirs metier,, \i into ludti thltr^iteun e''*'""?''^'''^?' an<»
flaci, li Mn'tHasischofen. 14 Thefeall k continued with l one ao^ord
inm prayer and I'upplicarion with the ° women, | \' .^od pur- "V
1 A paffingovef Have made the ' former trea-ife, and Marie the mother of lefus , and with his j,ofe,, tat ibis con.
from tbehiftoiie
O Tbeophilus , of all that lefus o brethren. ""<i is menticntd:

ii> riom thebifto-

began to » doc and teach. 1 c ^t And in thofe dayes Peter ftoode up in for thofe pt^xet*
jie of the fayingi 2 Vntill the day that hee was the middes of the difciples . and fayd (now the /J^g-^f^""?^"^
and doingsaf taken up after that hee through
number of p names that were in one place were madewiih agieeiog
Chiitt, unioibe
the holy Ghoft had given cora-
, about an hundred and twentie.) mindes and willti,
aftnofihe Apo-
J 5 7 Yee m-en and brethren , this fcripture muft m Thedifcipl«
maunderaents unto the Apoftles,
a The'aflticfje- needes have bene fulfilled . which the « holy ^^^^tt^llll;"'
whom hee had cliofen:
J To whom alfo hee pielented htmfelfe alive Ghoft by the mouth of David fpake before of lit- Ghoft. and alfo to
anddoingt 3
rias, which was J guide to them that tooke
ties '
lefus. bedeliveiedfrota
trhichfhtntdht after that
aiici iiiai hee had
"i-i- — .->.... ,-j
"'^- fuffered by many
-j . -

ot tour For hee w'as numbred with us , and had ob- P'«r«n' ^Tl"*^
hiud, tndhh tokens . being feene of them by the fpaa 1
^ '

thingi which up. teined fellowlhip in this miniftration '

jjg j^ygj ^ and fpcaking of thofe ^treSit

]j}firfthMntfe\„fh„ .^,^,-„,^tothekingaomeofGod. 1 He therefore hath <, purchafed a helde with ^ p^, ;, „"„ bj^
c gathered them toge- the reward of iniquity : and when * he had ' thro- hoveable to bav«
3 Cbrilldidnot 4 s And when he had con6,.
fiiaighiwayes-sf- ther , he commant'ed them that they
fhould not wen ddWne himfcife headlong , he braft afunder in the wive.
pro- the middes. and all his bowels gulhed out.
«nd inio hravsa
depart from Hierufalera .buttowaite for the Zt^^i°oZ"^^

19 And it is knowen unto all the

after hii rtfurre- inhabitants ,ak«nofihedau.
aion btciuft he
mife of the Father . :§ which fxidhe , ye have heard
of Hierufalem .info much .that that field is called gers with their
would throughly
in thekowne language. Aceldama, that is, The bu'^»n^J-^.^j^_^^
frovehiirefurre- r -)<
For lohn indeed baptized with water, but
within of blood.
yefnallbe baptized d with the holy Ghoft field
_ . ^ , , r^r, foike.!'

thefefewdayes. 20 For it IS written mthe bookeof Pfalraes, ^ peter i« made

ii:A:rm«f/t"e man dwell the moath and ia»
When then therefore vvere come together 4. Let his habitation be voy d.and let no
doalt wMch 6 3
<^'F«" of'b'
Lord wik thou at this therein -k alfo . Let another take his f charge.
they hadh.ard. they asked of him, faying . ,

a, 8 wherefore of thefe men which ha%-e "^^^'/^X?

b He c^iltfh tUfe , jgfjore the kingdome of Ifrael ?
inf.i'liiielcks'U, -- - •" '--
them ''---
. It is not for you to companied with us , all the time that theLordle- ei,heibyfecietrH
7 And hee fayd unto
fus wast converiant among us.
tct'i'l'.frecther- vcla:iooofth*ho-
rcifi tumid mt'f- know the times or theffealons .which the Father ,
furii.M-K>mth,,t hath put ill his owne power, 22 Beeinnino- from the baptifrae of lohn un-
-""•-'- r u l t
^ But yeeiball receive power oi the holy to the day that he wastal^enupufrom Vis muAr^f^^^ff^^l^^^'^^ >

^Wtik^ come on you . and ye (hallbe
Ghoft , when he [hall one of thetn be made a witneife with us of hisre- p B,caufemeaai»
ar.d-maifdtv/'ma- coir.monly billed
witneiTes unto race both in Hiefufalcm
andinall flirredion.
X prefented two , Icfeph called and enrolled by
f,>7,f,a„d!okf'<i ludea , and in Samaria , and unto the uttermoft pan 23 9 And they
th.:t ht true'} tcfe barfabas,whofefurname was luftus. and Matthias, l™"';;;,,,.
of the

24 And they prayed faying. Thou Lord, which ;^t ^j,, ^g^^,^
^ , ,- . •

And whenheehad fpoken thefetnings.


9 4
knoweft the hearts of all men liiew whether of hat might be ta-
up for a cloude
:jV'r,%»- while they beheld he was taken
, ,

cThey .
there, tooke him up out of their fight ihefe two thou haft chofen. °^'nlf!!7.
:y That he may take they ro^eofthismt. -Anof'^^^^^^^^
And while they looked ftedfafily tow.yd from which ludas hath ^*„ J,ubi,g,
Jieaven as he went , behold . two
men ftooii by
niftiation and Apoftleihip ,
IhT^^l'llt'l'- 2 cone aflray, to go to his owne place. whichcame unto
er ItTTi and the lot bini,wete.''ore-
hhrfftTredion. Which alfo fayd Yee men ,
of Gahle ._
why \6 Then they oave forth their lots:
which is on Matthias, Tnd he was by a commoncon-
!^ Uhn lij.jy.
ftandyegaling into heaven ? This lefus fell «°''^;^^';^';°f;.
• Mitllh.i,\i. come , as fent counted with the eleven Apofiles. ^ ^^^^ ,^^7.
taken up g from you into heaven . ft^alho
h'.it 9 '«. ye have feene him go into heaven.
returned they unto Hierufalem
12 f Then
from the mount that is called the mcunt of Olivers,
(/« cfrh
which is neete to Hierufalem , being hom it a Sab-
King. beardtna^Ani
bath h</ajfiiouvney. officeand tnioin.rie D.vid wrote thefe word, njainll Doegthe
the Ch"«b oh-cea a
J-'jti,er,crffme: .

And when they were! come in, they went wordes , Sbej.b.a.d , Steepe, aod F'ocke ..eput over to
/ t>itieJihrr;he 13 / tbefe ,

CK.tch and the office, tbceof are called by <i">f^°»««

rainiiUrie.lo that tbe
Apoftlesdeliterate u^on ooth.og batfirft- they
confult and take

forthe ^ho e
wcrd.atvl agr-ire .bey doe Dotting thatconcerneth, and „

body of .he Congr.gaHon, „itiout making the C<?\8"K^"°='


betokenetn =.much in he Hebrew

""'"'fc- L^ew
for in and out , which fc.!«)e of fpeach
Aord , went
tor-ue as the exercifingof a publio.eand i-a,nfell cffice.
wksn tbry fpeale of f«cb a,
" From out companT-
atetnary -ub'iqtie.fficr. D.u.» 3.-'- > Cbtonic, ,7-i-
prayers, Mattbus.
/ApoRlesmJ be chofen .^rr,ed,atly;frc>>vGad.=nd.bereforeafte, x OF«"'y •»°'!, which is a. itwere.G OD
S ownevoyce.
f.llovP and P«"k«°f
the voyce. of all the wboUcOTp^ny. y That he may be
Bt as tt* Angel. sAitntlK^ J \°._.: La ,0 make common
.u... Lj- .andti by Mctapbore
Ceparred from , or fallen from And. Its a

Ecde;'iaftiMll aOVwUii lohtamtewordc ihi. minilterje. 2 :

milel. f Tb = y 7Vay., . ^i;h >!>.

thoufei bytbe Ai.oni.». callin/aic b, the name of
'taken L.n thj.w.J
: P«
. ^

Theficrictongucf. TbeAacs. TbedayofdicLord#

CHAP. II. and yotA yong ttieo /hajl fee vifions . aijd yx)Vf aide
men ihail dreaine,
dWrrt lutgutr. il Tktj Art thcu^^lit Itht JrHnkf, 'f.^"/ 18 And on my fervants, and on mine Kand-

rtif Ji/^ct^cthtxat. 34 Ht ie*thtihil>4t Chri!) it ttiaides I will powre ont of my- Spirit in thofe
TheA.pofllei theMrftji: 37 ^Amfrein^ilit hiartj njltnieil, )i At d.'.yes, and ihty ihall prophecie.
being gitbrrcd 10-
19 And 1 wiUlbew wondetsin heaven above,
A NJ I Jay of Pentecoft was « corae,
v?Tien the
andtokens in the earth beaeath, blood, and tiie, 4 Thechiefeflvfe
/.jlnnneleift diy
they were b all with one accord in one place. of all lie giftet
in one pUce, ihic and the vapours of fmoke.
It mi^bccvidenilf 2 And J'lKl.lenly there came a ibund from hea-
7o The Sunne ftail be turned into darkeneffe, °,'.o b.TJ'm^ t"'
apprjKio all chc ven as of a rufsing and mi^htie winile , and it fil-

wofld. tbjt rbfy and the moone into blood, before that great and fliva ion! fi^tb*.
led all the houfe where they Ate. "
tad all on» office, nocableday of the Lord some, n TbTswo.d ,cail
onf Spiric, one 3 AiiJ there appeared unto them cloven tongues,
21 4 Anditlhailbe, that whefoever lhall°call oniig"ine.ninhoiy
/aiib.reSya doa likelite, and u late upon sache of them- Scrut-ture.. an ear.
on the Name ofthe Lord, (hallbe laved.
blehjnefrem bea- 4 And they were all hlled with che holy Gheft, ,, oeft [naying
r..- 1 i_ 1 r » and
ytoiuinor.ifd lai 2J t Yee men
oiliratl heare thefe wordes, craving for help* ,
g^^j began to fpeake with = other tongues as the

.noi.ted « ,h »]i
^ gpi^if gj^^. ^ifg^ vtterance.

lESUS of Nazareth, a mat?<'appioved ot God atCodthaod.

tbemollticelliriic among you wich great workes .and wonders, and ^ Chrt(tbcir>g
gifteioftheboly y And there were dwelling at Hierufalem
fignes , which God did by him in the mids of you,
Gboit aodefpeci- lewes, men chat feared God, of every nation under cod^.^^^^f/
allr wit!> an titri as ye your felves alfo know : cniciSed of wicked _
ordioarie andoe- 23 Him. Ifiy, being delivered by tbe deter- meb.
6 Nowe when this was noifeJ , the multitude
ceCitirgiCt of minate coiinlel, an^i v foreknowledge of God, af- ° wl)0'»by thefe
tonjutt. came together and were aftonied , becaufe that
teryouhad taken, wich wicked <\ hands y^" ^ave ^^'^Jj^^^J"'^''.^^^
a Word for wtird, every n>an heard them ipcake his owne languige^
wai fulfilled: tbat crut ihrd and , liaine. maa.teiUy If^l'o.
7 And they svondered all, and marveiled ,Jay-
24 < whom God hath raifed up , and loofed ved and allowed of,
the flbrroivcs of death, becaufe it was unpoffiblc =^»""° """ '^a'"
nelirewei fajf t4at which (peake, of Galile •
«';?'[•''' ^'7-
that he flould beholden of it. .

a dar ,or ayetreij / 8 then heare we every man our owne

« How ,
fu filled or ended, Zf For David lauh concerning him , -M be-
language, wherein we were borne ?
wt>enibe former he'd the Lord ahvaycs before me; for he is at my before, which c.i«
, and Medes , find
9 Varthians Elartiites.and the
d«>ftotyeer<ri are right hand , ihouldnot beilv.ken. neitheibefepar*.
ended, and the inhabitants of Mefopotamia and of ludea , and ot ,

6:berbrgunne,Iere Cappadocia.of Pontas, and Alia.

id Therefore d:d minc'heart reioyce . and my '^:„';°'"o''J^f,'|",','*
aMi. And itlball tongue was glad , and moreover alio my flelh f hail the Eikureiray!"
cometojiaOV, coat
o And of Phrygia, an^l I'amphylia, of Egypt,

reft in hope. oeiiberyetbeibe

and ofthe parts of LiDya . whi..'h isbefideCyicne,
and ftrangcrs of Rome, and f lewes, and Prul^lytes, 27 Hecaule thou wilt not t leave my fbiile in =»uf«of evili for :

y«fre> a.ei'uifiled,
grave, neither wiltfuffer thine Holy one to fee ^j^ '"^'^^^j^'"
Iwiiivirne.&c. ii Qctes, and Arabians.we heard them 1(>cake
_ '

FoabeLord i^ q^j. qwhc tongues the wondeifuU vvorhtui corruption. able conn ell, ap.
did not bring home /-'A 28 Thou haftuihewed me the wayes of life, poio:ed the wicked
hiiiwotHeafienhe „ ...
, ,.
» They were all then anwted and doubted,
. , ,
and llialt make ra«: full of ioy with thy coun- ^'*"'* '"*"<> ^»
leventicib yeere I I ,
^ excellent ende and ;

wateuded, but la faying one to another .What may this be ?
brethren I may boldely fpeake
Men and
. . .,>,/-, God doethtbat well
thefeventijth yeeie
13 And others g mocked , and fayd , They are , wj ch hr inatu.
Nowe the day of unco you ofthe PatriarkeUavid. $ th.t hceis both mer$-d«iU.
full of new wine.
reotecoft wai the dead and buried , and his (epulchre remaine.h with ^ GedtcunfiU
fiftieth day after 14 f Bur Peter ft niding with rbe eleven ,^ lift
us unto this d.-.y.
the feaft ofthe up his voyce , and (ayd imto them Vee men of lu- . .bT.'^'wWe
dea ,an(l)t all that inhabice Hierulalem be this ,
30 Theretore ,feeinghe was a Prophet, and hjnd.vvere wicked,
b The twelve A-
J^nowen unto you, and heaiken unto my words.
knew that God had * x (worne with anoatheto r The fai u layd
pomei.wbicii were him .that of the fruit ofhis ioines he worildraife ".'*''»''"• by
tobeibtPat-iaikti If Forthefe are not drunken , as yee fuppofc, ""°^''
at it wneofihe fince it is but the third houre of the day. <
up Chrift concei niiTg the flelh to fet him upon his , '}°^^:^\ "^ x

4:aurch. inrone. done.

16 Butthisis that .which was ipoken by the
c Hecallrtht
k Prophet « loel. 31 He knowing this before, fpakerf the refur- 6 Cht:ft(at i>avid
other tonguoi ''-"•'toMe did not
rettion of Chnn,th,it -}, h is (bule ihould not be left ,

I 7 i And it ihallbe in the laft dayes, faith God,

upon' and in grave, nenher his fl.lh ihould f^e corruption. rufllS:: Vhe
I will powreoutofmy Spirit all ""flclli.
the Apoltlei vfcd prophecie. 32 7 This I el lis hath God railed up . whereof grave voideof all
your Tonnes .and your daughteis ihall
we all are witnelles. cortuiitiqn.
Markecalletb them new tonguei. d Hereby were vBderttand ttat the AHof !«'
Since th.n that hee by the y right band of ^"'^'•«'*>''«

yl'ed not now onetongue and then another by haphazard and at all adveniurcor at
faoianicall men vie to doe. but with good conhdttatiun of ibeir bea'ers; and to be ihort, God hath bene exaucd. and hath received of bis
that hey Tpake nothing but ai the nolyGhoft governed iheiitonguet.
1 e Not taat Father the proraife of tbe holy Ghu(t, hce hath mfnde therefore :

they fpake with om- voyce. and many iaogua;;e» were heard, ouMhat the Apoft'ei Ijiake Ihed fooi th this which ye now ke and heare. when death appea-
with ftrar,getongue«: ("oreli ihemiiacle hadrjthei bene.s ibeoeatc", wOrrea» now it
.u 10 thefpeaker* .Niiian .iahiioratixnofWitolunday. i By lewes bee meJneth 34 For David is not afcended into heaven , but ""^ ""luerour ao4
thejn that werebotb leweiby birth ,aiidlrw'ei by protcflfionot religion though ihey he laith , -k The Lord laid to my Lotd , Sit at riiy
wereboruein orhfr |.|acei and they were Profclyrei wbicb wtre Gen lieibotnt
. right h.ind, rightly I
V,^; -ve I
ajitnhraced tbe Irweireli jIoo. 2 G jd» wordc (iciceth fjnie fo , thaiit 3 ) Vmill I make thine enemies thy footc- ore-cc- 'v;/'.-'"
driveeh tbtm tolreke oti: the trueih and iidoetb fo choke utner , ttiac it torcetn ,

tbeintobewiinedei of then owne imi'Udtncie. g Tbe worde wtiicb be vfetb

liete.(ipnihe:bfiKha kinde of mocking vih,chijreproJcbfullandcoaiuiBclioui;And by 36 Therefore, let all the houfe of Ifraelkno^' ;[^,^5^^'*;;,j^,^^r„

Ihitrrproachfull mocking we f e.that hue ii no mi melt fo jreatand ixcellenr whicb for a fureiie , that God hath ^ made him both diaih.tonvcfor '

the wickedneiofmanddicthnotfpejke mil of. h Petri hisbDldnttfeis tube Lord, and Chrift, this lelus,//*)! .whom yee have ev.rwiitfhitfa.
marked wherein. he grace ofthe holy Gboft isrobefeenc , even ftiaighr liter the be-
. erucifi.d. '•>"''•

ginning, Afieribefunne nfiug wbict nijy be about fevd.i of eight ofthe

« pni.>«,j.
, ^
tIccVewithut. k Theie It nothing rhat can dillolueqaeftioni and doubii but ,
t Thou wilt not fufler me 10 rjmaine in grave, u Tboy baftopemd met tbe wayeo
tenimonieiiak-uoutcftbeProfhett. f.,r meniie.ilor.t rnay be ovenurned but Godi ,
ti-irueiifc. * cbap.ij,3«. i » Had • I'lalm 131, ,

VoVce«an notbeovertu'ned. "f toel a.»8. elai.14.3. 3 Peter feiuog ihe fworotfolemnly. 4. PUl.i«..o. chap. 3,3;. 7 Peter witnelfr.b that Hi*
.teuetbofGodagainllihelalfeaccufatioDiofinen fliewein in himielfeand in fail tel.
, . Cbrifl 11 theappuintedtverlarting King, wbicb he pioovethmanifelty by .he
Jow<i.that«)iatijfu.'fi|ied which I Jtl fpakebelote Ciuceiuing the full gtviug ofthe the holy Goull »aud the tellimonie of Havid. 'y Migbt.ind power 01 God,
iftlyOhoft in the latter dayes: which grace alfonutfeied 10 tbe whole Church tu , ii Plal.iio.i. I Chi.itisfaydiobemade .becaiifeb, AJi iHvdncedtotbii
Jth«r certaineand undoubted d.fltiu^ ion, which <ioe comemoeit. 1 All withoat di£iiiiic ; and ihucfoit it i« 001 fpokto of kit aaiyte- but of tiii ftai, and digr.itie.

'iWcepriov, both upao the iev\«i and Ceottla. In Tbnii, u»a.

J 7 Now
. 3 ;

The confcicncc pricked. Chap. in. IV. Chrift the Lord of life. 49
« Repentance anJ J y Kow whcfj they heard rt, they were pricked Temple .-and they were ihsafed, and fore aflonied
nrajl^^^of 6antt ofcauie b liner
j^ f},eir hearts, and faydHoro Peter and the other .«»»l^** niKt.-K *...» ^^t^.^ .._fe^ i.;_^
at that which was come unto him. he loved them,wli9
Apoftles, Men and brethren, what Ihall we doe?
piociplV.of th. s And as the creeple which was healed, badh«iethiiim :cc
Gofpeii , and there. 38 I Then Peter fayd unto them , yout Amend b held Peter and lohn »all the people ranneamafed ''««"'' 1=6 feaied
fore ofour faiva- Hves , and be baptized every one of you in the unto them in the porch which is caUed Salomons.
lion : aod tbty are
of lefus Chrift fortheremifsionof finnes; Ibem'"""" fh"*
12 a So when Peter fawe it,hetfnfwered unto rght.heftouH
obcained bytbe
pioBiifci appre.
and ye fhall receive the gift of the holy Ghoft. the people, Ye menoflfrael, why marveileyeac laine againe.
bended by feiib, 39 For the a promife it made unto you and to , this ? or why looke ye fo lledfaftly on us, as thotioh * «"«'<« "t ap.
aod are ratified
19 your children, and to all that are afarre off , *»« by ourowne power orgodlineffe . we had trade this
uibyBaptifmr. vrnce'hltnMef
as many as the Lord out God (hall call. ^^^got}
Vfherewiibiiioy. vtr.. and therefore
ned tbevertueof 40 9 And with many other words he befought 1 The God of Abraham, and Ifaac.and Jacob, they doe wickcd-
ihe holy Ghoft and exhorted rA«»i, faying. Save your felves from the XGod of our fathers hath glorified his^onne wkc 'y«''^'"«'l'en',
a The wof J that ii this froward generation. lefus.whom ye betrayed.and denied is the prefeiKe '!';"'"'' ^^>M^
41 -Then they that gladly received his word, of Pilate when he had iudged him to be delivered. dV. rte!t!""<!l*

itwatafreegift. were baptized, and the fame day there were ad- 14 But yee denied the Holy oneandtheiuft, attheinarumeo'tj
9 Heeilirucly ded to the Church about three thoufand foules. and defired a murtherer to be given you. ^""^ meanei which
ioyaed to the 42 It And they continued in the Apoftles do- I f And killed the Lord c of life whom God '?
Church which fr. (ftrine.and b fellowlhip, and ^ breaking of bread, "t^^'tf"'^ ,

patateth himfelfc hath raifedfrom the dead whereof we are witnefles. ooVo'liublift
from the WKked, and prayers. i6 And his Name barh m.ide this man found, lairieandfuperfli-
xo A notable ei- 4} f n And feare came upon every foule and :
whom ye fee andknow.thi ough faith in his Name: ''"^ ^y that, whick
ampteofthe ver^ many wonders and fignes were done by y ApoiUes.
<!andthefaithwhichisbyhim, bathgiventohim
t) And all that belccved, were in one place, d^/fc'^b/lr''
Oholi butfachii
44 this perfite health of his whole body in the pre- Jedge°of his troT^'
art ofage.attoot
and had all things common, fence of you all. worOiip, that it,
baptiied before 4y And they fold their poffefsions and goods, ,
17 3 And now brethren, I know that through Cbr^ianitie.
they make corfef- and parted them to all men, as evety one had need. ignorance ye did it . as did alfo your governonrs.
fionof their faith. f'mtutl'lif'i
46 t^ And they continueddayly with one ac- 18 But thofe things, which God before had limfiif-*,aJlht,i
It The maikeiof
theirueCburch '^^''d '" the Temple , and breaking bread at home, fhewed e by the mouth of all his Prophets, that Uftucdrtr.
ofthedoaiineof did e.itc their meat together with gladnefle and Chrift Ihould fuffer, he hath thus fulfilled. dstcj«fi U bdee-
tbeAponi««,the finglencflc of heart. i9 Amend your lives therefore, andturne, that ^"^ "» *'" \"»f
^7 Prayfing God, and had favour with all the yourhnnesmaybeputaway whenthetimeolre- ,
aJinim"at^oD of' P^f'p'e and the Lord ailded to the Church from
come from the pre/ence of the Lord,
frefl-iing (hall iieurjcfbyt,.
the sacramentj, day to d.iy, fuch as Ihould be favcd. 20 And hee fhall ftnt lefias Chn{\ which be- 3 ^''' t'^ »'="
and true invocation C'r.ft
fore was preached unto yon. IP';"""
ufed ufall the faithfull- b Comndnicatingof goodi,atidall other duetielofcharitir, ^ « lofooneaihe ijof.
21 rf ...I
• •!,
it ii fllcwed afterward, c The Uvv" ufed tfaio loawei.and therefore they did rather Whom 1

the heaven mufl containe vntill


f„ed uwo m but .-

bcsakethemiheD tut themrSo by breaking of bread, they vodernood that living together, the time thatall things be rcftored which God had ,
fuch at have neg.
aod the baoqueti wbicb they ufed to keeje. And v»hen tbey kepttheir love feaftei, fpoken by the mouth ofall his holy Prophets fince leSedfogreata
they ufcdtoeelebr atctbeLordi Supper .which even inthefedayei began lobecorrup.
the world began.
ted. aad Paul atnendeth it, i.CfMi. la So oft ai the Lord tbinketb it expedieiit.he m-r/^'-aVreit*'
bridleth the rage of flrangeri that the Church inay beplaoted and have fomerefre- ,
22 ^ For Mofes fayd unto the Fathcrs.The Lord ",«' y* Vep'en-
(hiog. 13 Cbariiie make;h all tbingicomtiion concerningthe ufe according a» ee- your God (liall raife up unto yon g a Prophet , even tance for a u.eane
ceflitierecjuiretb. 14 Thefaiihfiill caine together aithebeginning niib great fruit, of your brethren like unto me ye fliall heare him A' fonhe ignoini.
, :

cot ODely to the beariog of the vtord, but alfo to meat.

in all things whatfoeverhe ihall fay unto you.
we hive fet^'
23 For it Ihalbe that every perfon which Ihal not aglinft !bat,' he de.
J rettrjcfthimtetliiTfmptfivithlchn, x fttsUlh thiertepU. heare y Prophet, (hail be deftroyed out of people, cree and pur'fofe
9 Te ike ftrfU fdthrreil to^etlier to fit ihemhdclt. n ht
24 Alfo all the Frophets h from Samuel and of Sod foretold b, , ,
txyMnJelhthemyileriti> through Cbrijf,
l^ a<cnjinFihirin^tiHituile, tf andrt'juirwglht rtftH» thencefoorrh as many as have fpoken. have like- '^'J'°l^'"- ^^
..,;r^ c ij r /'< t
' Cbnd. bow that
Wife foretold of thefe dayes. R^ftof all he JhouW
: CbrintDbe«>
TSj Ow > peter and lohn went up together into 2y 4 Ye are the children of the Prophets, and be crucified here

ling a man that the Temple, at the ninth houre of prayer. of the covenant, which God hath made unto our uponeartb.andthea
was borne lame,
I And a csrtaine man which was a creeple from fathers , faying to Abraham * Even in thy feede ^' "'""''' ^Pf "*
and weilkiioweD ,
from beaventbe
L r •
u .!•
mothers wombe was carried, whom they lay de 11
ii II I I 1 1 1 1 I

toallinen.bctliio his Ihall all the kinre Js of the eatth be bleffed.

idge Jtid reftorei
placeand lime ve- dayly at the .gate of the Temple called Beautitull, 26 Firft unto you h.uh God k raifed up his gfaii th
ry famout,by tbe
to aske almes of them that entred into the Temple. Sonne lefus, and him he hath lent to bklTs you, all beleever. might
baadi ofbi< Apo-
fliei.doeih partly 3 who
feeing Peter and lohn, that they would in turning every one of j^
c 7 you from your
be faved.and ai,i
vobeleeveri vtter-
tonfirmetbein enter into the Temple .defiring to receive an almes. lyperifli. e Though there were many Prophets, yet he fpeaketh but of onemouth.t*
4 And Peter earneftly beholding him with ftiewe uuto ui theconfeot and agreement of tbe Prophets f Or, betaken vp into
and partly alfo ca|.
Iohn,fayd, Looke on us. heaven. Deut.iS.i
J cbap.7,37. g Thii promife w.i of an excellent and fi;i.
leth other to
And he a gave heede unto them ,trufting to gular Prophet. h Aiwbatit'raethe kingdomeoflfrael waiertabliflieJ. 4 Tbe
ieleeve. y For whotn the
Ie«eithat beleevearethe firf! begotten i.T the kingdome of God. i
a Boib with heart receive fbrae thing of them • Geo.ia.a. galat. 3,8. k Gi^to-.a thewoiIJ,
Propheiiwerefpecially appointed.
«Bd e¥«. 6 Then laid Peter.Silverand gold have I none, 01 raifed from the deid.and idvaaceJto biskisgiame.
but fuch as I have , that give I thee In the Name :

of leliis Chrift of Nazareth.rile up and walke.

C H A P I V.
PetemnJ Ttl,n, arenkfn amdirtitiUhfiMlhttiUHtrlt,
7 And hee tooke him by the right hand, and life
I 3
7 a^d 19 Tl,e7fyetk'!>'l'llyin-Chrijljiaur'- »S Thedtf-
khn np and immediatly his feete and ankle bones
tifle.friy umi, CJ. 31 MtnjfelltbfirffSJefiitni. 36 Of
received flrcngth. tvkcm B-iryalat is tne,
8 And he leaped up ftoode .and walked and
, . A Nd « as they fpake unto the people , the ' Nonearteo*-
entred with them into the temple,walking and lea-
*• Prieftes and the a Captaine of the Temple, '"'oiyn.ored..
r r Iigent or bolder
ping, and praifing God. of the Church, then Aicbai ptofefie themfelvei to behead builder»? but tie
t/ And all the people faw hira walke , and prai« Boretbeyrago the more cooftaotly the faithful! fervaon of God doe continue,
a. The lewei bad certaioe gatifoot for the gaid* anifafetieoftbe Temple and bolf
fmg God.
tbiogi. Matt. i«,<f. Thefe garifoni had a Captaine. fuch aiEleaiaruiAnaniai ib«
10 And they knew him , that it was he which bie Piieftei fonne wai, in the time of the v^iarre that wai in ludea.keirjg a vc'y iruriidei?
Ate for the almes at the B eamifulJ gate of the »ti prgitd roBjmaBilofefh.lib.joftbetakiogoOudM,

No falvation but in Chrift, The A^es, The Apoftles pray*

i »*.;« ihf and the SaJduces eame upon them. that Which was done.
thtuAi teJcminifh ^ Taking it grievoully that they tanght the For the man was above foturtie y ceres olde, » Tfc«Apoftirf
on whom this miracle of healing was (hewed. communicate iheif
!!!r""w .fcim/ people.iml pleached in lelus Kame the refurredion
e7hffa<r,',i..j trom the dead. 23 , Then ailoone as they wsre let goe , they corg™'
tUr mtdt tht s^"- And they layd hands-on them , and put them came to their fellowes, and lliewed all that the hie ,o we ought nei-
ltarin,ithci> veert
j^^ |^j,|.j ^ y^^^ [hs ncxt day , for it was now even- Piicrtsaad Elders had fayd unto them. tber to be afraid of
tS>fihtt,iUof 24 JO And when they heard it. they lift up their ''" 'i>r";niDgi of
tftJikMcruiliit 4 Howbeit miny of them which heard the voyces to God with one accord and laid . O Lord th«'yerfooii'fn'i.
, .

tyiinfi DuiiiU word bekeved and the ^ number of the men was
, , thou art the God which kad made the heaven , and cootemne their
about hvethoufanJ. the earth, the fea.and all things that are in them. rage and madoeOs

y J And it came topafleonthe moirow .that ly Which by the mouth of thy lervant David «?^'°" "• butw« •

ii^i /rif/'j urn

penile il (h'j'tn their c rulers , and Elders . and Scribes, were gathe- haa fayd , * did Why
the Gentiles rage , and the ,h",V°,„'f;°"
and mdJrihi exi red tC^cther at Hierulalem, people imagine vaine things ? malice, an eameit
»firi> cfthtJctTt-
6 And Annas the chiefe Prieft , and Caiaphas, 16 The kings of the earth affembled, and the thinking upon the
rulers came together Foveer an^ gooti
^^{t.j'l'i"''^ and rohn.and Alexander .and as many as were of ° againft
" the Lord, and againft
a Agiinfifuch ai the ^ Kindred of the hiePriefl. hisChrift. Xhi'h'we'doe«.
bungeofafuctei- y * And when they had fet them before them, 27 For doubtleffe, againft thine holy Sonne le- nifeniy beboid in
they asked By what power , or in what « Name
fus . whom thou haddeft anointed , both Herod and Chtift) and fo fiee
have ye dune this ? Pontius rilate.with the Gentiles and the people of <"''« 7'' •"'^ f"":-
fios of dcftrint,
and byibatmeauei 8 Then Tcter full of the holy Gheft. layd unto Illael gathered themfelves together.
fceatt dowot tbe them , Veruleisof the people, and Elders ot Ifrael, 28 To m doe whatfoever n thine hand ,and thy j ^lil^-i^ke
trutminifttriof ptcfit cf'ifrad »«
ike word .fofatre
9 3 For 8s much as we this day are examined, counfell had determined before to be done.

fooitb adhry a;e

of the good deede done to the impotent man , 29 And now, O
Lord .behold ihtir threatnings, ''^""^'
sb!e. vvft. by what meanes he is made whole, and graunt unto thy fervants with all boldneil'e to 'i'^euulTZtji
( rjnhitaull,)- I o 4 Be it knowen unto you all and to all the . fpeake thy word, „«,fc fJtC'J'iht
people cf Ifrael, that by theNameof lefusChrift 30 So that thou ftretch forth thine hand that irite,,titry ct^f
3 vVolve«whfth
fuccecde irue Pa. of Ndzueth , whom ye have crucified whom God . healing ,and fignes .and wonders may be done by y''f'l"n.tje * pet'
ftouri pltade their raifed dgaine from the dead,f»f* by him doth the Name ofthine holy Sonne lefus,
owoecaufeiand this man iland here before you. whole. 31 n And when they had prayed, the place was at ti,m'hm4n',"'n\'
sot Codineitbct fliaken were they were affembled together , and trcui^/i/Jemi/fii
II 4. This is the ftonecaftafldeofyo^buil-

He "i^dHie « ders. which is become the head of the corner. they were all filled with the holy Ghoft, and they <^"^fiheit»it-
!^ i

I z Neither is there falvaiion in any other for fpake the word of God boldly.
true ftieriard, :
m rhrJickid'''*!
thai iMiUth hi» among men there is f given none oihergName 32 '» And the multitude of them th<it belee- cme oo'drccunVeii'.
fotepeto haog up- ved .were of oone heart, and ofonefoule neither 'hough they ihiske'
^ ynder heavcn. whereby we rouft be faved. :

s Now when they faw

the boldncffe of Pe any of them faid , thatany thing of that which he ''"''''goftt, but
"o„ on" "a 'u
ter and lohn .and vnderftood that they werevn- pollelfed , was his owne.but
' they7
had all things '""y "' "«
b fore -
withcut fault,
cun<)Uirtddtith, learned men and without' knowledge, they mar- g common. n Thou haddeft de.
'"* h' »" 'ul<=">
veiled.and knew thcm.that they had bene ^ lefus: 33 And with power gave the A poftles termined ofthine
» u8,i«. 1 4 And beholding alio the man which was witnefle ofthereiuiredlian of the Lord lefus ; and •tfoiuteautboriiie
I'fA. and power. healed ftanding with them, they had nothing to fay great grace was upon them all.
4t.»Mr.ia,iO. againfl it. 34.3 Neither was there any among them that lo^^.^cCrch
byl .

luly xi,n rtm.

ly Then they commaunded them to goe afide lacked : for as many as were poffeffours of lands or vifibie (igne, that
• •33- t.ft't.l-
out of the Councill .and ^ conferred among thera- houfes . fold them ,and brought the price of the "'• '"•'•'at vtiil
f Of '..a. .ftablifh i.bylha.
g Thirtii ther felves, things that were fold.
5 < Saying, What fliall we doe to thefe men? 3 s And layde it downe at the Ap«flles feet, and Z\ 'XV^'^*
^^^ ^""^^'V ^ manifeft fagne is done by them , and it it was diftributed unto every man , according as he and ear-h.
i» An example of
"kindiofJltiMt- i' openly knowen to aii them that dwellinHieru- had need,
35 Alfo lofes which was called of the Apoftles. '''^ ""'
inr vf*iU amtng fdkm and we cannot dcnie it.

ii,i 1 twi,r<,f' "f '"'

J But that it be noifed no farther among the
7 Barnabas (that is by i^tetpretation.thefonneof ^„"o°,J^7ii'a
r«^op'e. let US threaten and
charge them, that they confolation) being a Levite, asi of the countrey of rfoftriae a>in chi-
Trt in j'j^i'r"we'
TA'up.ftVmZt fpeakehencefoorth to no man in this Name. Cyprus, ritieonetowarda
as he had land , fold it and brought "°^"
3 7 where
yokcft'ojniixft ig So they called thcm.and Commanded them, ,
Uc\tfi>rUifi. th3j jr, rio wife they fliould fpeake or teach in the the money, and layd it downe at the Apoftles feete. ,,u, deft Hoe both
''^"^ '''""• "^ Name of Icfi.s. fiucerely, and condantly. o Thtj a^rctJ li>tk in coHnftU .tci'l AtiJ purptfts. J Clitp.
7 But Peter and lohn anfwered unto them, 13 Truccharitie beloeih the necclTiiieofthepeore with hilowaelulTe :bji;
1 9
lb, that ail thin ji be dooe well aod orderly.
["pcT/cl-ila and fayd Whether it be right in the light of God,

h jih to obey you rather then God.iudge ye. CHAP. V.

^e and Mdoifli* ^° ^'^^ ^^ Cannot but fpeake the thing which I xAntnidi f«r Jenit in kfipini hickf purl cfprice, ff^teth
JonntJtud, 10 andlik'vife Sipphir^ hii wift.
cftbtfftvannof wc have fcene and heard.
i» ThreurhJi],irithe.y1pfJlltimir4dcfr
Cod doethytithui
much good
n 8 So they thicitned them, and let them increafeJ.
14 ihefuithis
xi The i^piitlei that reirt Jmfri/tntJ, 19 .(r«
^^^ ^ j„ J fom, J nothing how to punilh them be- , Jtliliereihy an -yingtl, >6 andh.inv^ htfirt t'li Sjncde of

d»a»,V!*dof ""'«= of. i*ie peop.'e : tor *lmtn prayieJGodfor the r,ie/,, IS thcm^h Cam^li.T, cvunfiU thej ar, k'pt
atipe, 40 ttnd ttalin.- 41 Thij £hri/!*Corl.
sealedoe at length
btwfay tbemfelveiio h»ind.ed wicked rneo .• i Thewojd ufcd here.ii Jdiot.wbi.b

being rpiiktniocompatifor hjd toa MagiHiate, buohenttb at private man, but wben
gUt I acertainemannamed Ananias .with Sap- i Luke rijewttb by
*~^ tomraryexamplM.
phira his wife, fold a polIefTlon,
^rfjjtikr cf Iciencei and ftualiei, it ft^nilii-ib ooe ibai ii volearned aod in accoinpt of :

honour and tftninion ii iirporfih oneol bafe dej;iee,and do ellination. k Layd 2 Andkept aw.\y part of the price his wife
1 7' . ''
(Oeir beajiicje'lier. a He ib.i^atie:eth himf^lle in ignu«aace,coiiiiiiethat length to alfo beir g of counfell and brought a certaine part, ci^l'y iLWe'm ^\
roeopeo wicittdniB'e and batagainli biiownecoDlcieuce. ^ foobey men We mud and layd it downe at the Apoftles feet. whicb*nder a falfe
novwboin wearefubie* thatefpecullyaad before allthingi weeobey God. S So ,

\iv: off are the wicked from doing


ibey li ft ihai contrar i /vife God ufctb even ,
3 Then fiiyd Tcter , Ananias why hath Satan pre'«n«and

ih»i V) the Icciio; fotih ofhii {lofy, v.tikb be gi>csb tbtai lca\c to dtc. ooali fecme 10 Alio ewd be cbiefcji the Chinch. » Craf ijy tooke ivvV"'*'
b hlied
: '

tying untotbcbolyGboft. Chap.V. To obey God rather then man, jo

b filled thine heart, that thou n<oulJeI\« lye unto 23 Saying, Certainely we found the prifon fl^ut
. the holy Ghoft .and keepe away /i-trr of the price as fure as was poifible .and the keepers ftanding
j,„j. p^,,r,rf
c ForJhf'^ihej of this polVeffion ? without , before the dobres but when wee had :

hadafpcmtedt'ut 4 Whiles it remained , appertained it not unto opened, we found no rr ^n within.

ftrmt or j,4ejiivn ,]jeg j g^j ^fjef jj ^^j fold.was It not in thme owns 24 Then when the cf/V/e PrieJLand thec^p-
fjtiht Church, thi} taine of the Temple, and the hie I'ri^s heard thc;e
power?how is it that thou haft conceived this tJ

kffi ifi} it fart thing in thine heart ? thou haft not lied unto men, things , they doubted of them whereunto this .

»fthe price , it but unto God. would gro we.

though the] hid Now when Ananias heard thefe vvordes he , 25- 7 Then came one and fl->.ewed theiii .fayirg.
hud to dee viith
fell downe.and gave up the j^hoft. Tlien great f^are Behold , the men that ye put in prifon. are ftanding 1
tnen,Md net iri'^ "[^l^^^'^^^l
Gtd.ind thtrefirt came on all them that heard tnefe thinjis. in the Temple, and teach the people. v^t-je niejle't
he fyiih afierTT^rd 6 And the yong men rofeup.andtookehim 2$ 3 Then went the captaine with the oncers, feife , the more
thjt they tempted and brought them wi:hout violence (for they fea-
'—afrih the mad.
up, aiid caried him out, and buried
Cod. nesofDiieDeiniei
7 And it came to palVe about the fpace of three red the people leaft they ftiould have bene ftoneJ.)
i Herehj is (/fcl.l- which
^^_^^ ^^
Tcd rfn ntliiifed •tr.d hourcs after, that his wife came in, ignorant of that 27 And when they had brought them . they fc-t ^^jn^'b
furfofed liecrit, which was done. them before the Coun;;il .and the chiefe Prieft sTyraot. which
andthef^ulteflht f"'' God are
i And Peter fayd unto her, Tell me.fold ye the asked them, ^ ot ,

frtan in admitting "tiftr^noed to

land for fo much ? And (he faid Yea, for fo much.
, zS 9 Say ing.Did not we ftraightly command you,
the dci'ili fitfit- 1 ^' .< •'^ .' J.
• ij . 1 fearehiifervami.
{lions. 9 Then Peter faid unto her VVhy have yee , that ye ll-.ouid not teach mtn is name ? and behold, ^ , ,.;bepro.
t Leek? '>»>»' of'
agreed together , to ^ tempt the Spirit of tiie Lord? ye have filled Hicrufalem with your dodtrine, and j^er.ii- oftyrxnu
men doe ihtnfi iri!h ye would k bring this mans blood upon us. to fet out their
behold , the feete of them which have buried thine
an el'iH confaCfiee,
the: fro.
husband ,are at the f doore.and fhall carie thee 29 10 Then Peter and the Apoftlesanfwered, ^'/^^'^^^t^and
fi oft
Kounce fentenct out. and faid , We
ought iviiher to obey God then men, |^Xn!b'e?bey ne.
(tliinft ihemjeil'ti, 10 Then fhe fell downe firaightway at his feet, .-jo " The * God (four fathers hath railed up verfo wicked,
and at much4s in
and yeelded up the ghoft and the yong men came
: leliis whom ye flew, and hanged on a tree. k Maki <" ifHtie
then' l'tlh,proVoli_e
in and found her dead .and caried her ouc, and bu-
, 31 Him hath God hft up with his right hand, '^j;;''^^^'^^^,^]
ried her by her husband, to be a Prince and a Saviour , to give repentance to ^^j „,, i.^,^i,;urt
fet furpo/e, min-
tiing to trie vrhe- I » And great feare came on all the Church, Ifrael. and forgivenelVe of finnes. tomrne.
he be iuft end 32 11 And we are his witnefl'es concerning thefe 10 we ou?hfo
g^j q„ 35 f^any as heard thefe things obeynoman.b«
»^ "j^'^^s by the haudcs of the Apoftlcs were things which wee fay yea .and the holy Ghoft,
f^Are at hind.
a'^The'i.ord'by til many fignes and wonders ibewed among the peo- whom God hath given to them that obey nim. obeying tiin. wc
marvel loui vertue ple (and they were all with one accord in Salo- 33 Now when they heard it, they I braft for an- mayobeyGod.
mons porch. ger, and confultedtollay them. " Chriftiiap*.
tbatchey may act Then ftood there up in the Councill a cer-
I 3 And of the other durft no man ioyne him- 34 '3
hurt tbeCbufch:
oiberfotne hee felfe to them : nevertheleUe the people g magni- named Gamaliel, a dodlour of the
taine Pharife p*iaceaBdp-tre».
awe and fiare: fiedthem, Law, honoured of all the people and commanded , ver of hii Church
"J "Ssfpite of "i*
ani other foine
14 Alfo the number ofthemthatbeleeved in to put the Apottles foorth a iitle fpace,
the Lord , both of men and women, grew more and 3y And faid unto them , Men take '""'"• of Ifrael ,
more) heede to your felves , what ye intend to doe tou- , ^ {.'ii 'ootfuK-
g Highir F"y''«'i
In fo much that they brought the ficke into ching thefe men, cientforasthat
1 J
3 Toe more that the ftreetes , and laid them on beds and couches, 36 It For beforethefe times , rofe up Theudas there isa Hgfet
ihe Church io- "> boafting himfclfe, to whom referred a number
that at the leaft way the ftiadow of Peter, when 'J^^'^''^^^^^^
incrcafeth the rage he came by, might Ihadow Tome of them, of men , about a foure hundreth , who was liain^ vocation goe
cf Satan, and there- j g There came alfo a multitude out of the ci- and they all which obeyed him were icatceied , and on foiward till ws
fc:e they proctede brought to nought. comeutiion.
jjpj xoxm'^ about unto Hicrufalem .bringing ficke
37 After thisman.arofeupIudasofGaWe,inlJ^'';'b--^^^^
who werc all healed. the dayes of the tribute , and drew away much peo- , ^^^ vehement
h° The word which fpirits,
Prieft rofe up , and all after him : he alfo perilhed , and all that obeyed ,age,and .narvei.
ii uftd here.ii He- 1
7 J3 Then the chiefe Ele
'°"1v difquieteJ
which ^^ ^^^g with him (which was the b fe<ft of im, were fcattered abroad.
rtfie, figtiifi-
i'.XtVr51° theSadduces)andwerefullofindignation. 38 And now I fay unto you n Refraine your -:w;d ki'tlde
J 8 And laid handcs on the Apottles , and put felves from thefe men , and let them alone : tor n offpeechtaken
forme ofiearning,
01 faftion, or Oudie them in the common prifon, this counfell ,or this worke be of omen . it will from them wbicb
are harrifhlycut
j^ 4 But the Angel of the Lord by night ope- come to nought
Vt hicb the Laiiaei
3 9 But itit be of God. ye cannot deftroy
it.Ieaft •;^"^2"
call a fcft : at the
ned the prifon doores, and brought them foorth,
hrfttfaii wcrdwai and faid. ye be found even fighters againft God. 13 chrfftfiadeth

indifferently nfed, 20 f Gee your way , and ftand in the Temple, 40 And to him they agreed, andcalled the A- defender, of hi»
poftles: and when they had beaten them .they
caufe even in the
buiatleng'b. it
and fpeake to the people , all the 'wordescf this
came 10 betaken comnianded that they Ihould not fpeake in the ;^7^;°,';7„°^ff,',
onely iBevilIl>art>
whereupon came 21 < So when they heard it , they entred ihto Name of lefus, and let them goe. he ihinketh ie _

tht naine of Here- the Temple early in the morning , and taught. And 41 IS So they departed from the Councill , re- needefull.
which taken
^jje chiefe I'ricft Came , and they that' were with
if loycm, .that they were counted worthy tofuffcr 14
religion we mull

him , and called the Councill together , and all the rebuke for his Name,
and wholeromedo- Elders of the children of Ifrael . andfcnt
to the pri- 41 Anddayly inthepTemple .andfromhoufe Jta' we°attemrt
ftrine after fuch fon, to caufe them to be brought. to houfc tbey ceafed not to teach, and preach lefus nothing vndera
fort, that he (etteth 22 But when the officers came , and found Chrift.
' befideour'v'oct'tioo;
cientofG.daotl them not in the prifon , they returned and told it. ID Tobeoffoinefaire. n KedilfAailethhii fellowei from murdering the Apolile,.
nei. her doethbethinke it good to refeiie the matte* to theRomaue Magiftrate, for the
breaketh the peace of the Church. 4 Angeli are made lewe, could abide nothijigworfe then to have the tyrannic of the Romaneiconfiime J.
continueth in hit opicion. and

deliver hi. tfcat tbey may o Ifithecouotetfeitauddcvifed. i! Tne ApolMe,, accultoroed tofulfcr and beart
fervant.ofthefervaoH ot God. f God doeth therefore ,

ijiorettoutlyprovoke hiieoemiei. i Wordei , wheiiby jh« way u"« »« '« Wewed, veordu, are at length inuied lobeare llrifei, yetfo, ibai by that luMBtt they be-ome
frjm «b«ve. ftienjer. P Bo\b tiublikely and piivately.
e OotJ inotkethliii taemiei iuemftj
'ogg. CHAP.
1 1 : '

Paifc wimeflesflgainft Steven The A<Sles. He anfwcreth for bimfclfft

3 tffcrnf ih tfficecf VUtinf^if,' 1 (j/«W» t JMV«<» fUadinf hit taufe , fhtnttt, ihdl Ctd tl,t/e rtf
.Uf """ Ofvf'om Sirl"-. full effajti,, 'lent i » Hc r^ihtri, iO tefirt Ml/it rvtitornt, ^7 dnd hftrt iht
iiial^en, ij <
TimflewttituHi : 44 ^njtl,ur t9eufhdrd cirenunitt

VtrecrdtineJ aucrJir^ tellirhdl'tah rutrm, Tht
hitbaffailrd'.he I dayes. is the number of the dif-
in thofe f^
ItTTts^njJhin^liitir leilh, S9 fitne him.
Cti;tch vsithouti there arofc a murmuring of the
purpofr aod in
ciples gfe.V ,

a Grecians towardes the Hebrewcs .becaufe their T* H E N » fayd the chicfe Ptiei\, Are thefe things
" .S""" '••<-
fo ' widosves were negleiteci in the l^ dayiy miniftring. f

it wrhio.vvi'h'i- 1 » Then the twelve called the multitude of 2 1 And he fayd, Ye men.brethren.and Fathers . "iclufe?."^*'
the difciplex together and i'lid It is not c meete
. ,
hearken, That God of » glory appeared unto thiiendand(iuf«
that we Qiouldleavethe wordof Godtofervethe
our father Abraham , while he was in *> Mefopora- pofohatvndCT
thfmrtlvti but adoake.andco.

i tables. mia, before he dwelt in Charran,

o^tifioo ibrttby 3 vj Wherefore brethren looke .you out a- , 3 And faid unto him Come out of thy coun. .
m"gh°be mo,
zaUivuUt ia tbe
mong yoQ feven men ofhoneft report .and full of trey , and from thy kindred, and cqme into the land demned.

the holy Ghoft and of wifedome., which we

may which (hew thee.
I fliall » Ste««ii v9ii
a Ofibfirr^'tM "Oiib unto .he
wliicbofGitclani appoint to this bulineile. 4 Then came he out ofthe land ofthe Chal- lewei. ^baihee
became Kligioui And wee will p;ive our felves continually t» deans . and dwelt in .Charra".
Charran. Andafterthathisfa-iZ^i^redgnh
4 . .
ItWH- prayer, and totheminJftiationofthe word. ther was dead, G«4 brought him from thence into thetrut fathen,
{./, tif tfflcvrixg
And the faying pleaied the whole rnultitude: this land, wherein ye now dwell, and the onely true
leefriiing y
ef jlmei
and they chofe Steven a man ^11 of faith andof f And he gave him none inheritance in it , no ^od: and (beweth
a Tbf office of the holy Ghoft and * Thilip and Prochorus.and
, .
not the bredth of afoote :yet he<*promifedthat 2°''7tl'mot'e
Nicanor , and Timon, and Parmeuas, and Nicolas a he would give it to hirofora poffc-fijoa , and to his ancient the«the-
<tord jnddif|en. feede after him.when as yet he had nochilde. Temple, with «1I;
Profelyte of Anriochia.
fir; toe goods of
th-Chuicb arc 6 Which they fet before the Apoftles ;and 6 But God fpake thus . that his $ feede flwuld '^'' ^"f'^T
diffrreot ooefroiB they pfayed.ande layed their hands on them. be a foiourner in a ftrange land : and that they i^^"a„d'ihere.
aootbc>> and
J 7 r And the wordof Godincreafed .andthe (hould keepe it in bondage , and entreate it eviU fore they ought t«
« foure hundreth yeeres. layaaotberfouo-
number of the difciplcs was multiplied in Hieru-
7 But the nation to whom they (hall be in bon- ^"^°° "' "^'
falem greatly .and a great company of thePriefls
indiiute : And the were obedient to the f faith. .dage will I iudge, faith God : and after that . thty gXtee c "e.

AlH'ftleidoenot (hall come forth and ferve me in this place.

8 J « Now Steven full of faith and g power, did Daot that God

great wonders and miracles among tbe people. 8 * He gave him alfo the covenant of circum- made with the fs.
the DeJco»i v«iih-
out the confeot 9 7 Then there arofe certaine ofthe ^ Syna- rifion and k) ^brahum begate k Ifaac and cir- 'I*"-
: ,
^^ ^
cftbe Chutcb. gogue, which are called LJbertines.and Cyrenians, cumcifed him the eighth day : and Ifaac begate jTha'tmighMi
c It IS fu. ha mat' lacob, and lacob the twelve * Patriarkes.
in nc
and of Alexandria and of themof Cilicia ,andof
, God full of glory
icr.ii vet
Afia, anddif'puted with Steven. 9 3 AndthePatriarkesmoovcd with envie.fold and maieflie.
tvifi dccept c/it. b when he faith
d Ednnutiithmtii 10 But they were not able to refift the wife-
8 <• lofeph into Egypt but God was f with hi
afterward verf.4«
dome, and the
fpirit by the which he fpake. 10 And delivered him out of all his afHiftions,
*ti Jfi meant,
1 Then
they fuborned men, which fayd , We and S gavehira g favourandwifdome in the fight came out of Cha!.]
iphichttrtilnntxtid have heard him fpeake blafphemous words agaiuft of Pharao king of Egypt, who made him governout <l",it iievident
t» if ./uf/, 4; f er- Mofes.and God. over Egypt,
"' s..,,
and ttur his whole houfe. "''°/^'ifTj*,
, ,, , cotitamed
,- . CbaidcS
tain^iht'ore 12 9 Thus they mooved the people and the 1 1 Then came there a ramine over all the ^hich waiotett
.f,hfj.^rt. land of Egypt and'Chanaan .and great atfiiaion, ujtoit.anilbord*.
Elders , and the Scribes : and running uponhim,

that our fathers found no fuftenancc. "ng upon it,and

L °con° 'and mucl.
caught him.and brought him to the Council!.
12 hut when * lacob he.ud that there was
rofMiuifterO 13 >e And fet foorthfaliewitneffes .which laid. ^X'^'^h^,'"^''/
?muft be exa- This ceafeth not to Ipeake blafphemous corne in Egypt, he fent our fathers firft c'solfomu^cb

itioo both of
wordsagainftthis holy place, and the Law. 134. And at the fecond time lofeph was know- ground ai loTet
learaing and
nantrioflife. 14 For we have heard him (ay , that this lefus en of his brethren .and lofephs kindred was made bijfooteupon.
The pj^m.fe of
<lkCliap.ii,3. of Nazareth fliall dcfiroy this place,and ihall change knowen unto Pharao. f
.4 Tbeaocicnt the ordinances which Moles gave us, 14 Then feat lofeph and wufed his father to •]';,f,tfnd\'^-
Church did with be brought , and all his kinred.even threefcore and longeJ to Abra-
)ayi:igon of
I)- And as all that fate in the Councill looked
ftedfaftly on him, they i
hv/bishceasiPhadbcne hftecneloules. ham, though hfi _
1nnd»,»i it were
So * lacob went p««"itie eijioyed
downe into EgyPt.and he n
confecraie to the thefaceofan Angel. I ?
agreat whileaftei.
ait- '
J. J- J f .1, ..
Lord fucb ai wtr + died, and our fathers, .

^ hil death .and ihi».

lawfully eleSed.
i6 And wee h remooved into Sycnem , and if the figure Sy,
e Thii ceremonie of laying on of handelcavne from tbelewei.who
uffd tbii order both io publike affairei, and cffttiugoffaci iftcei , and alfo io private
j>rayer»andbl.(1iaj>),3iap[,fjretb Gene jj. andthe Church obferved tbii ceremonie,
were put in the fepulchre . that Abraham had oecdoche.
j.Tim.J.Ji aftejS i7.butbereii no mention madeeithttofcreJme,or(h«vinn,ot rai. boucht « for money of the fonnes of Emor, S
y. " r^^ L e There are recke*
fing.orcrofBug Sec. j An happieendof tunptation. fTbuit the figure Meionyniia, y^;,«ofSychem. oedfo«rehundre<b
meaning by faith, the dodr eofibeGsfpell vshichengendreih faiib. « Godexttci.
17 But when the time of thepromifedrewe y„re..from the
feth hi»Church ft/ft with eviltwnrdei and rtianden , then with imptifonmeati afttt-
vvard with Icour^ingi, and by tbefemeaneiptepareih it in fucb fort , that at length neerc , which God had fworne to Abraham , the beginniogofA-
''"^ ""
bee cjufetbli to encounter with Satan and thewoild .even tnbloodlheadand d«ih. people S grew and multiplied in Egypt.
g Excellent and finjular gif:ei. 7 Schooler and
birth of ifaac:
oiuerfitiei were of olde time addiAcH tofalfepalloun .and weretbe ioftrumenti . .

and foure hundreth and thtriieyeeret which are fpoken of by Paul G«lat 3.17. from
of Satan to blowe abroad and defend falfedoftvlnM. h Ofthe company and tbe timethat Abraham and hitfatberdepartedtogethet out ofVt ofthe Chaldeani.

Colledgraiitvtere. 8 Falfe leachrt., becaufethev will Botbet^v«Iconle .Bee Geo. ,7,9.,3 • G'de.if,,4. jV 6ene.t9,33 and jo.f andj f.aj."
from difputationi tomtolfeftandopeonaundringand fjifeacciifationi. 9 The Steven reckooeth up diligently tbehottiblemifchicfe, offome of ihe Fathen to
3 ,

firllbloody perfecution of the Church ot Chnft bctunne and fprang from a Councill
teach the lewei 'hattheyoughtnotrafhlytoreft io theautboritieoreianiplei of the
of PrieHibylhefuggtllion ofthe VniuetfiticdoAnuri. i» An example of cavilleta Father.. X Geo 37.18. f By thi.kiode offpeach, i, meant the peculiar favourthat.-
•r falfe accufer*, wbtcb gather falfe conclutioni of thiogitbat are well vHered and
dod fheweth ineo for heefeemeth tobe a vcayirom them.whom heehelpeth oot.anti
f poken. Hereby it appeareih that Steven bad an excellent and i;oodlycountenance, !.(

on theother fide,heei» v«iib them whom hee del iverethout of whatfoever great troiiblei,

iiavingaqui*iand fetled minde ,agoodcon(eience and fure veffwafion ihatbiB caufe


fMiiuH: lur feeing he wai to fpeake beforetheptpple.Ood beautified hii countenance. J Sene.41,37. g Gave him favour in rhataobi fight for hi. wifedone. • Gene.
'*'*' "''"''* ^"^ '"'"''<''''« °"''™'''»«'««tim!odcwmghi be
4J,i. 4. Cene.4M- Geni.4«.f. * • Gene.49 33. h The Patriarketih*.
pureed fonne. of lacob, though there be meotiooinadltfaoao* then lofeph, lalh
ILj*"!^^ 14.1»
rf|.Ceoe.»3,i«. J Iiodun,;.
*8 Tia
Stevens anfwere. Of Mofes. Chap. ?ij. God dwelleth not in Temples, jr
1 8 Till another King arofe , which knew not 40 Saying unto Aaron, r Make us gods that 4- Eipd.^i,,.
lofeph. may goe be:fore us for we know not what is be-
: "
'*^* ttc fu-
BediiiiftJaful- come of this Mofes thatbrou|.ht us out of theland
9 The fame > dealt fubtilly with our kindred,
i jftht E.
liB irtViirUn '
and evill intreated our fathers and made them to , of Egypt ?''
ttfa-»,'! our fleckr.^n
, ,1 ,r. ^ ^" '*"> wo'Ihicfed
caft out their yong children , that they ihould not
. , , .

tit At heccmma'ided 41 And I

tneymadeancaltein thc^edayes and , Apuaftrangtand
alt the maitj to ie temaine alive. offered facrifice unto the idole, and^oyced in the m^'vcilouscaife,
20 * The fame time was Mofes borne.and was wot ks of their owne hands. .""* '^""^'^
X Excd.i.i.
k acceptable vnto God which was nourilhed up
: 4z Then God turned himfelfe away.and o gave 1°^'
k ThtuhMrrts H'^md'^ib
f'trne through Codt in his fathers houle tferee moneths. them up tofervethe phoaltof heaven, as itii writ- o Bcingddtuute
merdfUH i^eeJnt'^e
21 And when he was caft out, Pharaohs daugh- ten in the booke of the Prophets ,§0 h. ufcof If- '"'' voydoftisSpi-
a goodly andfxi/e
ter tooke him up , and nourilheth hira for her owne rael , have ye offred to me (lame bealis facrihces & "' i"
fonne. by the fpace of fortie yeeres in the wildernefle ? «rr.r.p
^^ And Mofes was learned in all the wifedome 43 And ye q tooke up the Tabernacle of Mo- ft»rrei
of the Egyptians , and was mighty in words and in loch, and the ftarre of your god Remphan, figures P ythfho«(l«of
deedes. which ye made to woi(b.ip them : therefore I will """f"-^"^^'
23 Now when hee wasfullfortie yeereold, it cary you away beyond Babylon.
came into his heart to vilithisLirethtcn.thechil. 44 f Our fitheis had the Tabernacle of ' wit- moor.taudfut
drenof ifrael. nefle in the wildernclie as he had appointed, fpea-
, and otter ftairef.
24 J And when he faw one ofthem fuffer wrong, king unto * Mofes , that he (liouldraake it accor- Dtut.17 3.
he defended him, and avenged his quareil had
the harme done to hitn.and Iraote ih.. Egyptian.

For hec fiippofed his brethren \^ould have
vndeiftoode that God by h;s hand ihouid give
them deiiveranc*

to them as ihey

but they vndcittoodit nut.


And the next day ,hc llie weii hirafelfc un-

would have let them
ding to the falhion that h- bad feene.
4j- + Which
ved.andbroughtin wiih
of the Gentiles
fathers, unto the dayes of David
filed [hat
faifWitf/e alfo our fathers


Who found favour before God, and de-

he might finda tabernacle for the
| ycT.'olkVi
("recei- onyourfhoulderi
lefus into the t polfeffion andcarifd
God diave out » before our ' *^"^" "^"^

God of
^^I'^'z ,ba.^«"'t<.
callVem batkcto
>ha' a>t.nt
at one againe faying S its, yee are brethren why
, , : lacob. ^' '>*''
doe ye wrong one to .nether ?
47 *«
But Salomon built him an houfe, '
r iblTis,"'" *he
27 But he that did h's neighbour wrong thrnft , 48' Howbeit the moft High « dwelleth not in covco"ant.'
him away fay ing . VVhu made thee a prince , and a
, temples made with hands, as (aith the Prophet, * E" ^- «;•»•
iudgeoufft us > 49 4( Heaven is my throne, and earth « my '"'"^?>_^"
28 Wilt thou kill tne , as thou didii the Egyp- footftoole what houle will ye built for me faith
^cVlivt-'d'frotn ,

tijn yefterday ? the Lord ? or what place is it that I Iboiild reft in ? hand to'hand.
29 Then Mofes atthat faying and was a
fled ,
yo Hath nor mine hand made ail thefe things
flranger in the land of Median ,«heie hec begate [J^^J ,b "t"e"'° :

yi 7 Ve ftifienecked.nnd of X uncircun-ciied tTun'u't. which tbe

two lonnes. hearts and e.ires . ye have alwayes relifted the holy Cotiie. poireffcd.
30 And when fortie yeeres were expired, there
Ghoft: as your fathers rf/i/ f<j doe you. u G>)d drauethem
4. &>;«/. appeared to hmiiith- <fr ^dJernes "t n omu Sin.,
J, I.
yi Which of th- fiopheis have not your fa bey (hould
SorvheciHtth be pf Oef.
an Angel of the Lord in a ftimc of fiie in a bum.
thers perfecuted?andtliey have llaine them, which ('on^fVbo?^
tkt icnneof. oJ
en ^n^el/tr hr it J I And v\hcn Mofes law it he ihe (hewed before of the comming of that luft of >'""> o"' fajttr., ,

the^>!iet tfitiM fight .-and as he diewe netre to c>nliJcr it the ,

whom ye are now the betr.^yers .I'nd *'"" ''''1' ""*^
counceS, and there- voyceofthe Lordcime un^o him fyiig.
for t/lrahhrvjfes 5 3 » Which
have received the law by the y or- 'I" ''^'"'l",,
4tffer heffieiveth
31 I am the God of thy l^.thers ,theood of A- dinancc of Angels, and have not kept it. pfai'ijif.
brai=iam and the God of lUac , and the Gi.d of la-
54 s Km ^vhen they heard thefe things, their + Chto.i7.i». 1

fts, I amiha^Ccd cob. Then Moles trembled, and duill not behoid it, he rs l^ralt for anger, and they gnached at him '••<'"«*<>•
cfitj F*'htrj,(yc. 53 Then the L^-rd f yde tohim , Tut oii thy %vithrfc«>t-eth.
llioocs from ihy fecte for the place where thon :
T.m l.Tccordir
y y 9 But he being full of the holy Ghoft loo- ,o'Grd''com!naDd«. ,

ftandeft, is holy gn.und. ked ftedf-|~Iy into heaven and faw the glory of inrai bm not wi:h

34 I have lecne , I have feene the affliction of Go.',andIeluszftandingattbe ti-ht hand of God, any fu bconditioo.
my people, which is in Egypt, I have he.itd their & 5 6 And (aid Behold I fee the heavens open ^.^'^
. .
gronieg and am come downe to deliver ihcm; ;|,o!ltd b"io.

and the Sonne of man ftanding at the right hand ciofed "herein.
and now come, and I will fend thee,into Egypt. of God. 4, Chap. 17,14.
3J This Moics whom they forfockc .Lying, 'o Then they gave ^^" *«'•
y7 a fnout with a loud J
Who maiie thee a prince and aiudge > the liame voyce,and flopped their eaces. and » ranneupon '
tn By the pen er. God li;nt forapiince.anda de.iverer by the m hand him violcnrly aliat once.
* Vjv.n t,"ove'd
;^ Exed.7,i, 9,10. viita"be'zeaieof
of the Angel which appeated to him in the buih. y8 And caft him out of the cuie and ftoned Godatiengib

• Exvd. 16,1. 36 He ^ brought them out , doing wonders, him : and the b witneifes laid downe their cloathes ["'^k'^'^ bit cwne
i Hc^ckaov^!lf.^- and miracles in the land of Egypt , and in the red at a yong mans feet, named Saul.
sethM. fcs 101 .ti« fen.and inthewiidernefle * fortie yeeres. x"^TbI are ofvn-
J9 And they (toned Steven . who called on circuinc"'d°blartf,
he ptoovtib by 37 4 This is that Mofes, which laid unto the vvbicfa lie drowned
children of Ifrael , * A Prophet Ihall the Lord ftill iHthelinneiof u.iture.and flicke ftli in them.for
otberwife all tht lewtswerecir-
cumcilcd 31 touching y flf(h, and thtrtfoie there wereiwo kindi ofcucumcilioD Rom.
be Law h-d your God raife up unto you.evtn of your bre-
a.iS. X fciod.i 9 i(S.galai.3, 19 7 By theminilttrieot Aijgeli. 8 Toeroorc Satan
thren, like unto me him fnail ye heare. ;
iiprtOVd, the mere hetbralteibom into an open taje
ptrfrtt IDg.l
I 9 Thcocercr ibat iheMirtyrI
38 $ This is he that was in the Congregation, )dea.h.ihente :hty beholding Cbi lit. 10 life up even into heavtn.
popUt.callct- in the wildemelfe with the Angel which to , 2 Ready locoiihime him in ihe coofilTioDOl ihr irutr.&to receive bi im.ioThe
2eale of hyioctitei and fuierlti-ious peojle breaketh ou ng;h into mod open
him in m.ountSina and wich our fathers , who re- ,

madnelfe. a, This W3i done in a rage and lutie fur a. that

^.toChiilt, thir head the lewei could pirt :

ceived the lively oracks to give unto us. no man to death by Law , at they confelie ttkire J ngtbat it wai not lawfuil
Jofall Proi'btt..
.f Duter.ii.i;.
39 To whom our fathers would not obey , but for ihfm to put any niao to deain,and therefore it i poriedby lof. that Ana.
refufed, nnd in their hearts turned backeagaiae Dui a Sadduce Hew l3nu» the brotoeiof the Loid.and'forfo doing, wa» acciifed before
thap.i »i. (
AlbiDUi the rrendentofthecoantrey. b wai appointed oy
t Bxcd.i$,», into Egypt; It ih«I. aw • thai the
«titaeU<> (hou[dcait the lint none;, Deut ij,y.

GSgi G,d,
, . ' '

Of Simon Maaus. The A^es. Philip, and the Eunuch.

II Fii'.hjndchi- G»<< .and fay d, Lord lefus receive my fp'rit. whomfoev'er L lay the hands \ hee ir.ay receive 'he
lititntvc. fotuke ^-j ,, AnJ he kneeled dowue, and ci-ieil with a
'^^''l voyce.Lord, = lay not this finRe to their 20 9 Then faid Peter unto him ,Thy money 'ucctir!ur»ofSi-
charge. Ani when he had fpoken.he i flept. perifh wi:h thee becaufe thou thinkeft that the moa Magus.and
gift of Gotl may be obtained with money. ""^ of s mos Pe-
c 1 hi irtrd irhich ,

^-.rfoJitUp-H'J^fr Uynf^ to cnt, cijr^'t.t! rcm^inDh

hi ufitl, Uerl mitth cuffuci, .1
21 Thou halt neither part nor fellowflip '" "u\'Tr''iei'lLow'
this e buiinell'e for thine heart is not flight in the
CHAP. VUI. lightofGod,

e loibitdcatioe

» The £fJlj Umcntatinnfor Sie^ien. 3 S aul m.ik^eth h.t-

e/iie Church- ; Philip fre.tchtili Chrij} at Sam-nij. 2Z >o Rapent therefore of this ihy wickednes, ^'"''> i Fi"cb.
'' '"'7'''' ^ '';•"'
9 .Simon M4i«s, zi his cclisivufiejl rti-rci-til. teVhUip 17 and ptay God that if it be poffible . the thought
" deed, and vMihout
<pmmtih taihi Etivfhijti Eunuzh, }% !tr!jb,ti):'^cih h-m. r I'-'i r ' , t

t Cbriftuftth.l or thine heart may be iorgiven thee. diifembiing.

A Nj » S.iul confented to his death. And at that
rajf of hiifHr. 2j Fori fee that thou, <.rt in the g gall of bitter, lo wemuiihope
there was a great ptrl^itution againlt the
neiVe, and m the h bond of iniquitie.
ini««toihefi'rfa- tiftle , w'li even of tee
dinKt'orih and cr Church which was at HieniflUem and they were all """
Urging of hii king-
fcattered a'orcad thorow the regions of ludea and

14 Then anfweied Sirron. and faid , Pray ye to loijg
the Lord torme ,rhat none orthele things which fufoaivvemay.
and '?.
lo taiie ri-i- I
' \

J Tne gojiy of Samaria-except the Apoltles. ye have fpoken come upon me. g He taUetb the
mourntfnr Steven 2 » Then certains men fearing God , a caried
S So they when they had teftTned & proa-
25- ,
'">^*"i niaiiceof
aftrr biideaihand ainong then: , to be Luri.'d , and made great
Steucn ched the woid of the Lord .returned to Hierula-
« , venimous "Vd.'Ji.
ind devi«
lamentation for him. 1 J L r ,1 1 i_
lem ana preached the Gofpell in many townes or ij.i, y,icktdn<ire

,i.or(lo2uUr 3 3 But Saul made hauocke of th-e Church, and

the Samaiitanes. were-Aitb th;»
i StDd'cbarity: entred into euery houfe , and drew out both men 26 '» Then the Angel of the Lord fpake unto ^^^g''"''^^' .
1,0 min rray- a„d women.and put them into prifon. *
Philip, faying, Arife. and goe toward the Sou, h un- ^'^"^"iVoTL.t.'er
Anon'"(till'he 4 1 hcrefote they that were fcattered abroad, to the way that goeth dov/ne from Hierulalem u^lvt ..;cdhei.:'aid
d.ni2 orchari.i- wcnc to and fro preaching the svord. unto Gaza, which is w.iite. to u i- tbe gaiia*
wbich.hegodiy J 4 Then Came Philip into the
ufr.-betti.nomtn- ,ia,and
j 27 went oii and beholde a "''ougc iJee weie
And he arofe aud : ,
preachcd ChnUvntothcm. certaine Eunuch
of Ethiopia , Cand.ices the
oflhri. ^°°'|^,°J'"^_ ^nj
6 And
o l;,. peop;e gaue heed vnto thofe things
/^i.u the : J
.uofrelikei Q^ieene of the Ethiopians' chiefe Governour, b"ritrtinic.
3 Tie difpernon which I'hilip fpake , with one accord hearing and .
who had the rule of all her treafure and came to h imangied in the .
oifcatiering abroad feeing the miracles which he did. Hierul'alem to worlhip: baDdtofimquitie.
of the fai bfuil.i»
7 p^^ vncleane Ipirits crying with a loude 28 And as he returned fitting in his charet, hee i"i,f;,",y,;^h^'
voy^e . came out of many that were pofleifed of read Efaias the Prophet. t^ iuit:th,doetb
4 phi'ij), whowai them an J many t:.kenwith palhes^and that halted,
29 Then the Spirit faid unto Philip, Goe neere now ufe phil.p
before a Dea;ou vVSre healed. ^to ttjougbt oq
and ioyne thy felfe to yonder charet.
iuH frufaiem
inadrof God e'-
, ii
g ^^j jj^grg
- '.,-'.,
^^35 orcat ioy in thatcitie.
30 And Philip ranne thither , and heard him °° {."'^'"ndi'af!
9 I And there was before in the citie ,acei-
traoidinarilyan reade the Prophet Efaias . and fayd , But vnderftan- tii^ the Eaouch a:
Euaogelift. taine man called Simon, which vfedb witchcraft, delt thou wh^t thou readeft ? unwarej, a«d by
f Cbriltovercnm. and bewitched the people of Samaria , faying that

jneth Satan fo oft

SI And he fayd , How can I , except 1 had k a thismeaDe.cnen.
he himfelfc was fbtEC great man.
ai he luReib ind guide ? And he defired Philip , that he would come
I o To whom they gave heed from the leaft to t'lll^'^Z'^^L
caiieib biw. about up and fit with him. .in!o E^biovia.
(lit were in atti the grcateft , faying , This man is that great power
51 "Now
tbe place of the Scripture which i Amanof^reat
uin|ib in the light of God.
of them whom
he read ,was this ,4* He was ledasa Ihccpetothe wealth andau^ho-
II And they gave heed unto him becaufe that ,
ilaughter : and like a lambe dumbe before his
be deceived and
bewitched of long time hce had bewitched them with for- '^'Jl'^J'^JJ^hi'.wotti
(hearer, Co opened he not his mputh, Candacei ii a com-
wordwbicb ceries.
33 In his 1 humilitie his iudgcment hath bene niuunamete. all the
it uf.di.Tthi. placeij Hut .liloonc as they beleevcJ I'hilip , which
wajat exalted but who ihal! declare his '» generation ; Qj'''""'*^^''"''-

iheifitft la-
preached the things that concerned the kmgdome
for his hfe is taken from the earth. il'l: „, „.ki.
"!' «"d .and the Name of leHis Chiilt .they were
ofthePeifiani Ian- baptized both men and women. 34 Ihenthe Eunuch anlweredPhihp.nndlaid, ^.,yi,a^,ovndet.

gUJ^e, wbocall i «Then Simon himlcife bcleeved alio and ,

1 pray thee of whom fpeaketh the Prophet this ; iiand it
J >i Tb-feibingi
their wife men by was baptized, and Continued with rhilip,antt won-
ot himfelfe, or of fome other >

35" Then Philip opened Ins mouth and began ,'^'^^'„''^["'7h"'„"^e

«r^?rd'!;AaMa. drcd, when he (kw the fignes and great
at the fame Scripture, and preached unto him lelus. „" ""„„/
Vrn-in evili parr which V/eie doUC..
36 And as they went on their way they came termeu) arego-
!4 s 7 Now whenthe Apoflles wliich wercat
r. He ta.ifo allured .

tbc Satniricaui
unto acertaine water and the Eunuch f.iyd. See, 'vetoed bytheiec* ,
lerufalem heard fay ,that Saraaiiahadieceived the
iTovidence God. of
niib bit vvrich.
word of God, they (enr unto them Peter and lohn.
here is w.iter, whst doeth
be baptized > let me to
37 >3 And Philip fayd unto hiTi.If thou belee- * r.,feHVbJew lext
I tjfit , tba' atttlind
U .Tiad hjt-bva'rti y I\Vl.i:h when they were come dewn, prayed
wholly veft with all thine heart thou mayeft. Then he an- ,esd«b it thui, oat ,
tis-y \* ere for them, that they might receive the hciy Ghoft. i'

addift'diohiin. fweied ,andf'.vd,n 1 belecve that lefus Chrilt o'a narrow iiran.
16 (F(H as yet hee was fallen downe on none
C Tie wicked and is that Sonne of God
of thetn bur they weie baptized onely in the
, m\°"'°!bfjil,v
the very rr^rubaie
Name of the Lord lefiis.) 38 Then hee commanded the charet toftand ^^".bytbeMrrow
«recon!lriin»d uf.
flill and they went downe both into the water, itt ait, bemeaueb
rime III 17 Then l.iyd they their hand; on them, and
nfthejoojtiftoj^ both Philip and the Eunuch, and he baptizrd him. tb' g"" and the
theyRccived the holy Ghoft. ''"''''
° <»when Sim.oii la' that through lay- 39 And aflbone as they were come up out of ^"y^;^"'^'^'^
,: jpagiir-eforth.^ '
the water the Spirit of the Lord caught away Phi-
i^ng or, of the Apoflics hands the holy Ghoft was .
,t pu,I.Ihn!luT""'
lip that the Eunuch faw him no more fo he went which wa< i^yd
chi^f. 'gi.vcR, hce ofl'ted them money :

I an' all'l-
Saying, Give me alio this power .that on
on his way rcioycing. uj'o.i him, and the
15 '
or fei I >Vo.M the
•ni;i3ny of Ai^iHi't, ai:d lotu bifomi'aninn acenrrliTg to the .luiboritie which Cbrift tooke Fathen wrath m Hou»
ui'on him, for our faket, in bearioqbii

^hich wai coTiritrid mio thetr ttjuftmir and hwild u? thi CbMrthei cfSaniaiia,
long hfj age having oncerifec tromtbe dead dieto nor.iate.RuinO
fliall lail : for Cbtift

fch.ifi- foundation ha.i bene Ijyd .ifoie by rh: I.[1. </ I htii .v<tlitai o'f', W^'ch ire •
6.9- 13 Prof.llicnof faith iiricjufttr in baptizingnf ibeni which are of yeeie* anJ ,

.c.e'fjyj .efftiiAt) f>yr them ih.ti yvtrt fo he app:i-i!eili :iit i anil 'aciierncuri ufthe therefore it ii evident that weatenot then fitlttngtafiid iutoChriH.wben we art bap-
tiird liut bei^g already ingralftd are then toDtirined. n Thefumioeof :hetoofiffi«n
'urc'i. t Ambitloo « id c jvetaufse.Tc doe at leog-.b j iuck ihe liyi>ocritei out of
wbic^ il oeceUUiy fk;i baf (tfme.
40 But
Cbrift perfecntei. Saul Chap, ix. conveftcd, preacheth Chrift, j2
But Philip was found at Azotws i and hee
40 So was Saul cenaine dayes with the difciples
walked to and fro preaching in all the cities , till which were at I^amafcus.
hecametoCefarea. JO a And ftaightway hee preached Chi id in

CHAT. IX. the Synagi;gues,that Itf was that Sonne of Goii. * ^'"' begioneth

21 So that all thatteard him were amafed , and el^

frcundoftUe Lord: 10 ^naniiiufent li tc bAfti2.e h!m. faid , Is no this hee , that made i^ocke of them which w«scnioy,
13 The Uyin^ array nflhe lewis, x; hee efi.ipeth,hem^
which called on this Name in Hierulalera, and came ntdfeim,ntver
Ut dfVnetUrci'gh lie vetU. 3J Teiercareth tenets 0/
ihef^lfte, 3« and iy him Ttttith4 Leiniileud, ^o it hither for that intent , that he fliouki brino; them '°?,^"'"j?.,'^''i''
i-efhred to life. bound unto tl-ie hie Priefts ? 3 Taui ftriv °,b'
s«ul .'who ;« alio
* Mfi
I I ^ Saul yet a breathing out threatnings and 12 3 But Saul eticreafcJ the more in ftrength, uotwirhhii..wi.(?
Ch"in moft c"ud.
flaiighter againft the difciples of the Lofd,went and confounded the lewes which dwelt at Da- auth-ri.iea'oor,
ly.whodid ai it UHto the hie Prieft, mafcus, * conhrrairg that this was that ChriiV *"' with the triti.
wttc flee before j And dcfired cf him letters to Damadus to 23 4 And after that many dayes were fJ^illed, iTf""!,""
* '

the Synagogues, that if he found any that were of the lewes tooke counfell ro kill him, k By conferring
ovnc^ne':Tad«i.h that
way (either men or women) hee might ',

24 Hut their laying awaite was knowen of p'a«j ofihe Scrip-

a fingular example bring them bound unto Hictulalem. Saul now they 4. watched the sates day and "'"?°8'"''";*t-

of the goodaeifc j fjow as he iourneyed , it came to paffe that night, that they tnight kill him.
^^ j^gg ^^,_^j ^^j^g neerc tii) Damafcus , J liiddenly
;. \ drXTbtf""
2y J Then the di;Cip!es tooke him by night, Make upanythiog,

'^^ flamed round about him a light from and put him through the wall , and let him aowne they ufeto gather
for his ctueltie , i» heavCP, by a rope in a basket. all pant together,

not only received 4 And he fell to the earth , and heard a voyce 26 s And when Saul was come to Hierufalem,fi^IJ"J.^."^°|l"
^^>''"8 to hira ,
Saul .
Saul .
why perfecutcft thou hee aflayed to ioyne himfelfe with the difciples other.
I"ft.™eTb'"tb« :

ffiou!hrfGldap. mec? ,. ^., but they were all afraid of him and beleeved hoc 4 raulwhowan
A 4U
, . ,

poiDted an Apo- jT And He laid , Who art thou


Lord ? And the that he was a difciple. '"'^°"' ^ F"'«'"»-

, I am lefus whom thou perlecutell

lile.acd isconfit-
ined by the m-iBu
j^^^j.^ f^^.
faid : it is
27 But Barnabas tooke hira and brought him "°J^"' . '^^
^^^^ ^^ ^-^^^^ againft ptickes. to the Apoftles and declared to them how he had r^,e himfelfe- bxt
, ,

of Ana" a.''
both trembling and aftonied.fnid.
6 r;;f« feene the Lord in the way and that he had fpoken yet a farre off.

« Kom.9.3. Lord, what wilt thou that I doe ? And the Lord unto him .and how he had fpoken boldly at Da- » Cot'i.ji. *"'

galat 1.13. faid unto him Arifcs.Tndgoe into the citie, and it ,
mafcus in the Name of lefus.
biddla'" vli'dT
^^^^^ ^'^ ^^'^^ ^^^^ ^''^' ''''^" '^^^'^ '^'^^'^ 28 7 And .hee was converfant withthemat aadcfchewthe
"h ^^Sau"ftom«ke

boyledandeaitout 7 The men alfo which youmcycd with him, Hierufalem. dangevsandcoo-
^ ftood amafcd , hearing Lis " voyce , but feeing no '^« ''«
gieattbrearningi 19 And fpake boldly in the Name of the Lotd ''p'"'^'"
toitiHrderihedif- man. lefus .and fpake and dilputedagainlt the m Greci-
uyTor u° fc°h»t
«^'P'"- j.|.(.^ 8 And Saul arofe from thegrounJ , andope- ans but they went about to flay hira.
wer r^aive net
his eyes , but fawe no man. Then led they him
which a "aD-akt'ih ned 30 s But when the brethren kneweit.they from our vocation,
himfehe uoto.ihe by the hand, and brought him into Daraalcus, brought him to Cefarea.and feat him foorth to * i" ancient
irweicailaway. j> Where hee w^s three dayes without iight, Tarfus.
* Chap.2i.6. andVieithtratenordrankc. 31 9 Then had the Chuisbes reft through all recei!ed'into the

cTh/si'ia'provtrfae ^o And there was a certaJHe difciple at Da- Iuilea,and Galile.and Samiaria.and were u tdi- numbetafand
vitichiifpokenof mafcus named Ananias , and to him faid the Lord hcd , and walked in the feare of the Lord and a'r">n?t ''^'""'1!.* ,

them that thrt.uBh jn g vifioH , Ananias And hee fdid, Behold, lam were multiplied ry the comfort of the holy '
"" *""
Ghoft. y Theccnftaat
' ' ' Then the Lord faid unto him, Arife.snd go 32 '"And it came ro paffe ,as Peter walked fetvanLsof goJ
d Stood dill anJ into the ftreete which is called Straight and leeke ,
throughout all <7rMrffrx, hecamealfo to the iaincs muiHookefor
could o..t go- oue in [he houR- of ludas after one called Saul of ''^"S"
which dwelt at LycKia.
fttpfoi ward but , ' r ser:yei '/"/''T.^h,
God vsaich. •
f -j-jj-iiis ; for behold, he prayeth. . u 1 1 1 ,

33 And there he lound a certaine man named j;h for them.

thev bad bene very
'^ And he (aw m a vilion a nwn named Ana-
Aeneas , which had kept his couch eight yecics, WitbPeieraod I

ftonu. nias comming in to lira ar.d putting his hands on ,

and was litkeof the pailie. ii.nej.fcrte faith
e Tley heard rau]» him he nightreccive his iight.)
voyce fc rafter-
34 Then faid Petet unto him . Aeneas lefus ^f''i,^/A'rilUs"hut .
^ ^ Then Anani s anfvvL'red.Lord.I haveheard Chrift maketh thee whole arife and trulle thy ,hein'Gal°i,
fll" ring"th« ^y ™'^"y of this man huw much evill he hath done , couch togeiher. AnJhearofeimmediatly. m LookeChap.«.i.
they hraid not bii to thy S<.in;s at Hienilalem, 3y And .nil ihu dwelt at o Lydda and Saron, STceminiiters
.Toyce thitfpakf.-j ,4 Moreover here hee hath authoritie of the faw him and turned to the Lord. ''" ^'°'!*

'?'"Bn!'oth«' oe
^"^ Triefts/o binde all that call on thy Name,
. „,
chanse their '",^J„
36 "There was alto at loppaa certaine x«i'9- byibeadvifraod

ihou! tofet'tb"fe°* ' 5 Then the Lord ftid unto him.Goc thy way: miw a difciple named Tabitha (which by inter- touoftil of the
, ,

places at one which for he is a g choicn vefllll unto mee to bcare my ,

pietation is called Dorcas) Ihee was full of good congregation aud
feemeiobeata Name befoic the Gentiles, and Kings, and the workes and almes which (lie did. ^'"jhe end of p«.
children of
37 And it came to paffe in thofe dayes .that f'cutionittbe
"ea^tafcald ofa ^^ For I will flicw him, how many things he ''
(lie was ficke and died and when they hadwa- buidingofihe:

voyce.but no fer- muft fuflet for my Names fake, Ihedher, they laid her in an vpper chamber. ciur.h .fothai vt«
Then Ananias went his way , and entred in- wiU patiemly wait
1 y
3 8 Now torafmuch as Lydda was neere to lop-
fitvo;, ce.

^^^^ houfe.and put his handes onhim and

, pa and the difciples had heard that Peter waSj^ This isa b'orro-
*"fcTllcL'"n.«e™'!'^° ,

to At:c'hiala,'wb"°h
f^-'^'^ Brother Saul , the Lord hath fentmec (evtn
> there.they Cent unto him two men .deliring that wedkindoffp«'-b,
tua ciciciSardana. Icfrs that appeared unto thee in the way as thou he would not delay to come unto them, w''''^'' iigmfie.h

pjiui ii (aid to have camel}) that thou mighteft receive thy fight , and elUblilhmeotaiMi
^'^ ^'''^"^ wiihihe holy Ghoft.
''""oLTem'"' I Peteri Apoftleftiip i« conf nred by healingoftbemao tbatwaifickeofthe palfie.
^ ^^'^ immcdiatly there fell from his eyes as o lydda vvaj a citie of PaleC.ioe.aud S;roaaCham| ioncoiintrey and a placeof good
* Dam° in!'""" '

^ h I wii'l fcew him it had bene fcales and fuddendy he received light, paflurJge bf(wecne Cefarea of Pa'tiline and the mouBtsine Tabor , and the lake of
pUinely sndarofe.and was baptized, Cenfiatetb which ex:endeth iifelfe in great length beyond lopja. ji rtitrdech-

i intoiudaibii
letb fvidrotly by rsi/ing up a dead body through tbeNa-ine ofCbtift;ibathepte.itij«h
^^ And receivedtrxate, and was flrepgthened. tbe glad tiding) uf life,
Ggg 4 39 Tken
" 3 j 7 ,

The dead raifed. Peters vifion The A<aes. He is (ent to Cornelius.

Peter arofe and came with thera and
Then ver eaten any thing that is polluted, or vncleane.
39 :

wV.en h-- was ccme , they brought him into the up- If And the voyce fpake vnto him a<;;aine the
per chamber , where all the wijowes ftood by him fecond time, The things that God hath' purified,
weeping, and Ihewing thp coates and ^'.tmems, 1pollute thou not.

which Dorcasmade while ihe was with tncm. ,

16 This was fo done thrife and the veffell wr.s :

40 But feer put them all foorth and kneeled ,

drawcn up againe into heaven.
dovine.and preyed ,rnd turned him, to the bodie, 1 I Nowe while Peter doubted inhimfelfe
and faid , Tabitha, arife. And ihe opened her eyes, what this vilionwhich hee had feene, meant, be-
and when fl-.e faw Veter, fate vp. hold , the men which were fent from Cornelius,
had inquired for Simons houfe , and ftoode at the
41 Then he gave her the hand, and lift her up,
and called the Saints and widowes , and reftored gate,
her aU-'e. 18 And called .and asked, whether Simon,
4i^'And it was knowcn throughout alHoppa, which was furnaraed Peter, were lodged there.
and many beleeved in the Lord. 9 And while Peter thought on the vifion, the

43 And it came to pafle , that he taried many Spirit faide unto him , Bcholde , three men (eeke
dayes in loppa with one Simon a Tanner. thee.
20 Arife therefore, and get thee downe and
»oe with them , and doupt nothing for I have :

I Cnnelius, 4 of f/«f sAnitU ccmmaiJemenl , f findelhf^

VtUr. II Whi> alfi " >"/J«> 1 f. »o " '''<'l>'' "" " •''•
h lent them.
fpi/i the Crniilti. 34 Hf prctcheih the C^ftll la Corntlias ii J Then Peter went downe to the men,
anJhukuJh.ld. 4J Whuh^lingreceiiiedihtheiyChcfi. which were lent unto him from Cornelius and ,

» r<t«r conrfcrat. <7 uretafiUeJ. faid, Behold ,1 am he whom yee feeke what is the :
oftbr Geo ilr»to
Urthermote ' there was a certaine man in Ce- caule wherefore ye are come ?
G^d by [be meaot farea called C( 22 And they laid, Cornelius the captaine,aiuft
called the Inlian Otttid^ maH,and one that feareth God , and of good re-
a Soibai hr wor. A devout man and one that feared God
1 a , port among alJ the nation of the lewes , was war-
and wainoidolj- with b all his houll-iold, which gave much almes net! from heaven by an holy Angel to fend for
trr DH.b.rc.'uId to the people, and prayed G.'d continually. thee into his houfe, and to heare thy words.
be voideoffaiiblD 3 He law in a vifion evidently (about the ninth 23 Then called he them in , and lodged them :
Cbriil becaufebe
houre of the day) an Ang.'il ot God comrainj; in and the next day Peter went foorth with them.,

h"»> ye"ht kn"w 'O him. and laying unto him, Cornchus, and certaine brethren from loppa accompanied
not that he wa» 4 Hut when he looked on him , he was afrayd, him.
conw. andfdiJ cvvhatisit. Lord ?andhefaiduntohim, ,
24 J And the day after .they entred into Ce-
b Thii ii a grMt -r^yeis and thine almes are come up into
farea. Nowe Cornelius waited for them , and
ihii nan that he ' r(.merr.brance oetore God. had called together his kinfmen , and fpeciall 3 Reli'giouladc.
lahouredtohavcall J
Now therefore fend men to loppa , and call friends. xatioD or Aorthip
hit houfhold and Simon, whofejurname is I'eter. agreeth onelyto
for 2J 3 And it came to pafle as Peter came in.thai
rulmtln« be ^ He lodgeth'^th one S imon a Tanner, whofe Cornelius met him and fell downe at his feet . and worfliip is
Kli"o«wDd godly, houle is by the tea fide hee flwll tell thee what :
worfliipped him. totheMiniheriof
c WhatvMlirhcu thou oughteft to doe. 26 But Peter tooke him up , faying Stand up : the word ahhnugh .

vtiihme,Lo.d?for y^pj ^hen the Angel which fpake unto not wiihoui
for even I my felfe am a man. danger,
Cornelius was departed he cilled two of his fer- m Htmeanrihnel
. ,
27 And as he talked with him he came in, and the fclffume h^ure, ,

d Thi. ii a borowed vants and a ("oulditr that feared God , one of them , found many that were come together. tw ,kt Ukt , thai i,.
kindof fv>itcb, that waited on him, 28 And he faid unto them Yee know that it is ,
about nJne ofrhe
whicl ,hen-brewti g ^^y^ joidg jhem all things ,and fent them to €lcci{ ttt tther dar
*= an vnlawfuU thing for a man that is a lew to com- ,
ale very miicb. ta- •, aiii -rras'thtn niiil
I'^ppa. pany ,or come unto one of another nation but
k.n.rL.fac,ifi«„ :
rrhen he fpitki to
aKdajiiiiiediopray. 9 On went on their lour-
the morow as they God hath Ihewed me , that 1 thould not call any ret'r.
«ri font i»faid of
: , nev and drew neere unto the citic I'eter went up ,
man polluted, or vncleane. 4 Corneliu. faith
wholrbutn, facri- up^,, ^l^^ houle to pray about the lixr houre. ihe^nh foor h it
ficei ..battt'efinnke 29 Therefore came I unto you without faying felfcby prayer and
I O Then waxc-d he an hundred, and would have nay when I was fent for. I aske therefore, for what

^ih ut'intoGodi eaten ; but wliile they made yiwf rl.;«greadie ,he intent have ye lent for me ? As faith com.
•' 5
,arel.:fodoeour fellintoaftr.mce.
.jyrn ai a r<Airtie
30 Then Cornelius laid Foure d.iyes agoe, ,
ineih by hearing,
11 And he Civic heaven opened and a certaine ,
about 1" this houre I t.ifted, and at the ninth houre
fo iiitm.urilhed
KMcllitofatiifite and gioweihuf
wbicb the Loid
veflcl come duwne unto him , as it had bene a I prayed in mine houfe and beholde , a man flood
cake.hgieai plcl- great il.ccre , knit at the g foure corners > and was betuic ir.e in bright cloathing. 6 Dlllina.onof
fuff in. led downe of the earth. 3 1 4 And faid , Cornelius , thy pr.'.yer is heard,
c Tbaiii info 2 Wherein were h all maner of foure footed away bytbccoin-
I •
and thine almes are had in remembrance in the
beaftcs of the earth and wilde beaftts and" k tree- mingofChrin:
noifuffc' G'd at it
light of God. ,
were luf'.r^ei ibee: ping things, and foules of the heaven. 32 Send therefore to loppa, and call for ly ftcnc by fai h
fcr fodorih the 1 And there came a voyce to him , Arife, Pe- Simon whole (urname is Peticr , (hee is lod- and ligbieuufnei,
ter : kill, anJeste. ged in rhe houfe of Simon a Tenner by the Sea who i» agreeable

Rut Peter faid,Notfo,Lord fori have ne- tobi.n.or\Abom

ujfci 14 » :
lule) who when he commeth Ihall Ipeake unto heacceptfth.

do«, wi:b IkIc thee. n CcJiudi.

children, when ilipy fMnwibeiriohguei 10 f.,eak». f For ihcugh Peter ftand not
ii toufueiyed bui talkrtb witb God ,and is inltiufted inhiimy 33 Then
fend I for thee immediarly , and thtxi (ihrtfi isfrerihe
amiftd as one ihat .

flerici, y»t bi) inindt v»a» fairr o:bi-t«n<<- thru it «a« wiintto be. butdiorly returned haH well done to come. Now therefore are we all tutWtird AjyftA-
to ills oldf bent g So ibat u fecinrd to lir a fciiri- fquarcdieete. h Heieiitbn here prefent before God to heare all things that % reut. 10, 17.
jlainely p.-i: tot an ind-hnite and vncertaine ,ihai ii to
word ,All) wh'ch MRcrerall are commanded thee of (jcd. a.c'icon.i9.7-T«4»
fay foffnmeofallfottinot f.iall of evrrv lorr That ii, lucB ai were mttte for i

34 6 Then Peter opened W/ mouth .aiid faid. 34,19. ram.i.ii.


maDSiyfe. k Wbai itiiieani i^ ihefe'cteei,!- -ningt I,o<*e r.nit ii- a Peter pto-
iiretb dayly in the kaowledge of tbebeoebiut ChrtI) ,yea .aficiibactic kadieccivcd Of a trueth I perceive , that" * God is no accepter ^uL 1,6. eph^f.t.s, tolcfi. 3 .»J.
tiMbciyCboa. of perfons. i.ftt. 1,17.
35 But
. ) , 4 1 '

Peters fermon : His Chap. xj. faith is examined, f^

O Sjthtftartif 3{ But in every nation hee that o feareth him, 6 To«?'arde the whl.h when 1 had faPxncd't Hehiwei and workt;th righteoulhelVe, mine eyes ,i
is accepted with him. cor.fidered, '.nJ faw fourefoored hearts
tn<ler,1and iht
56 Ye p knowe the word which God hath feRt ofthe e.,nh,and wili beafts and creeping thing,. ,

Ccd rvhtrth w< to the children of Ilrael preaching peace by leliii

and fuules of the heaven.
ftrctiVt that Cor- Chrit^ , which is Lord of all : . 7 Al'o I heurda voile, %ing unco me , Ariie,
ntliftrvat net I'M
ff faith, nomtre
}7 7 Even the worde which came through ail
ludea <. beginning in Galile , after the Bipnime
Perer : ihyandeate.
8 And I fjid God forbid. Lord , for nothing
then thej TPfre ,

^hUhli)>f'ltefire which lohn preached : polluted or uncleatie hath at any time entred into
Chrijltiimt: .md 38 To wit, how God qanoinredlefus of Na- my mouth,
thtreftrt thty dt-ile
zareth with the hoiy Ght.ft.and with power who : 9 But the voice anfwered me the fecond time
luild freparatiie
went about doing good , and healing .all that were from heaven. The things that God hath purineu,
opprefled ofthe devil! for God waswith him. : pollute thou not.
upon ihii f'ltct. 3 9 And we are witnelV-s of all things which he 10 And this was done three day es, and al^ere
p CcdiaVe the Jf- did both in the land of the lewes, and in Hierula- taken up againe into heaven.
rattiiestt under-
ftand ihat yrhcfie-
lem.whome they flew, hanging him on a tree. 1 Then beho!de,iraraediatly thete were three
lier lil/fth 40 Him God raifed up the third day, and can-
godl; , it men alreadie come unco the houfe where I was,
aictpiiible to Cod, fed that he was fliewed openly : fenc from Cefaiea unto me.
tf-nhut nation fe. Not to all the people, but unto the witnef- ii AndtheSpiiit faid unto me that I (hould
for het
4 I ,
rtitr he te ,
fes r chofen before oiGoA,even to us whigh did eat go with them, without doubting : mofeover,thefe
f reached peace te
men through Jrfut and drinke with him , afcer he arofe from the dead. lixe brethren came with me , and wee cntrcd into
Chrifl, nho i' J-nd 4z And hee commanded us to preach unto the the nians houfe.
not cf one nation people, andtoteftihe , that it is he that is ordained 13 AndheilieweduSjhowhehadfeenean An-
tnely , that it of the
tewn.iuioraU. iudge ofquicke and dead. of God a gel in his houfeAvhich flood and laid to him.Send

7 Thefumme of 43 To him alio give all the ^Prophets witnes, men to loppa , and call for Simon whole furname

tbtGofi>fll whicb that through his Name al that beleeve in him, ifeall
( is Peter.
Iballb; made ma- He fl--all
fpeake wordes unto thee,whereby
receive remiffion of iinnes. 1
nifcft at the Utter
44 8 while Peter yet fpakethefewordes, the both thou and chine houfe iiidU be laved.
himftJfe (hall fit at holy Ghoft fell on all them which heard the word; ly And as I began to fpeake, the holy Ghoft
iutlgc both ofthe fell on them, "J. even as upon us at the beginning. " Cbap.^.
4 y So they ofthe circumcilion.which beleeved,
quicke ^nddirail) '6 Then-I temembred the word ofthe Lord,
were many as came w ith 1 eter, becai^fe a cban , r
ii tbii.cbatCh'rill
proniifed to the
that on the Gentiles alio was powred out the gift how hee laid ,:§ lohn baptized '^ithwater.butyee andi»i-
Filbert, and exhi. ofthe holy Ghoft. flialbe baptized with the holy Ghoft. mat.b.3,11.
7'"'^'' '''•
bited io hit time 46 For they heard them fpeake with tongues, 17 For as much then as God gave them a like
with the migh:ie and magnifie God, Then anfwered Peter, gift , as he did unto us , when wee beleeved in the
j^hn i
power of God,
47 9 Can any man forbidde water , that thefe Lord lelus Chrift , whe was I , that 1 could let
(which 4«;at by all
meatiei {hewed ftu'uld not be baptized which have received the ,
God ? 1 Suchaiaiftea
ad at length cru- holy Ghoft, as wellas we ? 18 » when they her.rd thefe things, they helde qseiuoo ofthe
ciiied to reconcile wdicbtbe,
45 So' he commanded them to be baptized in their peace, and gloriired God .Jaying, Then hath know
nor cusbt
ui to God, did rife /-^ ir ,.
agaioe the third the Name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to God 1 I

al;o to cheGentiics
•• 1

graunted repentance unto ,(, 1,^ ^yj^i *

day , iha: wbofoe- tarieceitainedayes. lite. hejrd.andmuftal-
l5» ^ 3 And they which were *
fcattered abroad fo quietly yeeld to
him (houldbefavedthroupb tbeiemiflicinofllnaei. •$• Luke4, 14. q Thisflilei] becaufe ofthe afflidion that arofe about Steven,
taken from an olJccullomeof the Itwet.wbo vffd to anoint tfctiiKingi and Prleltei, 'h'rtlf""""'
went throughout till they came unto Phenice , and ^^^ fcatteiing
wbejeupoait grow tocall ihcm anointed, apon whomeGod befiowed gir'tn& veriuei. ^
f Thitcbuhogof t^eAponlcl it properly givrn toCod.fcr tbjughGid be pieliHen: la Cyprus.and* Antiochia.preachingthc word to no abroad oftbe
the lawfnl) ele&ioD of minilters. yei fteie ii in tbii place a fccrei oppofition and fettiog man, but unto the lewes oiiely. Church of Hitru- •

ofGodt chtifiag and meoivoiceitbc ooeagaioft the other, fjr the Apoftlfiare im-
20 4 Now feme of them were men of Cyprus
mediatly appointed of God ,and the Church Misifletiby wram-s. Irre.31,34. o^'/'tV^g^'b^""'^'
•f and of Cyrene which when they were come into t°oge:teTof"aoy

mica. 7, 18 cbap. i{ 8. 8 The Spiriteot Godfcaleih that ia the heart of the

bearers which the minifter ol the wotd fptakeib by the commandement of God
Antiochia, fpake unto the Grecians, and preached otQtrChurcbta.
ai itapptarethby theetreftf 9 Bapilme do-.b not fanftihe ormake ibem holy the Lord lelus. * Cbap 8,1.
which leceive it, but fealeth up and confimeth their fanaification. z I And ;hc hand ofthe Lord was with them, ' "' ^''^^fw
r ^i. . II, A.ntiocbia whicn
lotnatagreat number beleeved and turned unto waiio Syria and-
, , .

the Lord. bordered upon Ci-

Feltr htinp ac ^fedfiT ^cm^tothe CeniHet, iefende:h
y Then tidings of thofe things came itnto '''^i'-
s 21
himfAfe. I EamaliUiiifenlto^n'iochia, 16 nhere
the earesof the Chuich, which was in Hierufalem,
thedilhflesare ailed Ch'^fliittn : aS and there ^i*h»s ^„J^^* ^e'^n^w"^
ftretcKethafa and they fent foorth Barnabas .that he Ihouid goe Hrerfai-.ttrof^he-
unto Antiochia. Gentiles was ex-
I Peter
wi.tboutcai '.'•*
XT O*' ^^^ Apofllesandthe brethren that were
23 who
when hee was come and hadfeene """^''-^'i't':'"**-
i-^ in ludea , heard , that the Gentiles iiad alfo re-
preheiidtrdof the the grace of God was glad, and -exhorted all. thar

unlkiifui and ig- ceived the word of God. jj^ n'j,*^^''-]!!"

with purpofe of heart tney would continue in the co°udema?offbe
aorani , do'fa tu>t z And when Peter come nptoHienifa- Lord. tra,.r.iiaarievo.
ohieA tba: bee lem .they ofthe circumcifion contended againft
ought not 10 be 14 Forhe was a good man, and full ofthe ho- "'''"- ''^yt
him, "''''
iudgedof any, btu ly Ghoft. and faith and much people ioyaed them-
«t'enly givethan 3 Saying,Thou wenteftin to men uncircumci- llU'f^f^^
Iclves unto the Lord. "'Jihere wa»no^
•ccouot ofhij fed, and with them.
haii eaten
zy J * Then departed Barnabas toTarfus to coott-ntion am<;ngflt
4 Then Peter beg.-'.o, and expounded rfcf f/wwj
feekeSaul: .heAp-ltleSel:her
in order to them, faying,
26 And when hee had found him.hee brought °' .'''"'i'-, « °'°f •

y I wjs in the citie of loppa, praying, and in a J. A u- 1- ,r ° holrtiQg placet, aflch

nim unto Antiochia :andxc came to palfc thaca dig;„,.
trance I lawe »^.irvition, Acertainc veii'eli com-
whoic ysre they were converfant with rlv- Chiirch,
ming dowr.e as ithad heene a great (heete , let and taught much piopie, inlom.iirh thjt the diki-
dawnefrom heaven by the fome cotu;rs , a.nd it
catDe to tee.
pies were hrft called Chriftians Anciothia. m
17 7 let
) ° .:

Hcrod.s tyianrtfe. Peter delivered The A^cs. out of prifbn. Elymas

7G.d<)otbro 17 In thofed-iyesalfo came Prophets from
7 I
But they faid unto her , Thon art mad. Yet
"I''"' . Hivrufalcm unto AntiociiM. fiie affirmed it conftantly , that it was fo. Then fa-id
rib vkith:he
18 An.l th.-TC lh>c.< iip out of them named A-
they, It is his Angel.
ktd in fai.

Si",igV>..>i {rabus.^.nd fignifii;.! by thij Spiricihac there Ihould 1 6 But Peter continued knocking , and wheti
yiijueswfcichhe \-c <;reat f.^muie throu|;hout aUihe worlJ .which they had opened it , and law him , they were afto-
(f nrtrtb up'.B iht nied.
allb^ca me t^alVe under Claudius Celar.
^9 * 'r'^^" ^''^ diCciples every man accordinj^ to 17 7 And he beckened unto them with the hand, ^j J^.'gfvVpT.Te'
P^vuie.h f«i it his abilitie puipofed to fend b {"uccour unto the
to hold their peaceand told them how the LokI to tbetj|e of the

conv«oifi.t!y. brethren uhjch dwelt in ludea. had brought him ouiof the prifon. And hee faid, wicked, but yet
8 AilCjngreiJ-
^^ Which thif.g they alio did and fentic to Gocdiew thefe things unto lames and tothebre- fo'hatourdiii.'°o« b^^^i" the tlders by the hand of liamabas and Saul.
b TbatiJ, ibat
place. bufiutlTe.benota' 1
tbtrtof :bt I)raconi inighVluocouT the poote : for it behooved to baveall tbefe thipg! 18 5 8 Now aflboneas

it was day .there was whit ftackened.

done orderly, aod dtctn:ly, and tbftefcie it iifjyd , that ihey fcDt ibefcibiugs to the no fmall trouble amon"; the iouldiours .what was * Eviilcounfeil
Ktdtrii tDit 111 10 the goverasuKof'ibe Cbiucb.
become of Peter.
19 And when Herod had fought for him, and
, eadto.hehurtof
1 Btrcd lames yvilh ihtfivrd.
ki'dtth 4 ^nd imfiifineth
liter, rrhcme iht x^)7i«e!l del'l/ireih.
8 20 Hefd bein^ found him not.liee examined the keepers. 8c com-
rffended-ni'litkmffTjrut, li hpMi/ied.- iz .yin'd manded them to be led to be punUhed. And hee
t4k.'n^'l'eli(y/ioar dueic Ccd,to him/elft, 13 he ii eaitn went d«iwne from ludea to Cefarea and time a- ,
ttiih roirtnes, and/odjcth.
ibur°t a'trit^but
N *^* ' '^^""^ ^^^^ """^ ' * ^^^°'^ '^^ "^'"^ ^^^^'
ched foorth /.M haadto vexc certaineof the
20 9 Then Herod was angiie with them oiTy- , ^ mifertble
rus and Sidon , but they came all with one accorde aod (himefulle*.
a Tbit name Herod Church, unto him.andperfwadcdBiallus the Kings Cham- ample o*"''";"^
v» to ill
^ ^^^j ^^ b kJUed lamcs the brother of John berlaine, Sc thcydehrcd peace.becaui'e their coun-
Arcalonitei , wbofe 3 » And when he (aw that u pleafed the lewes,
,.,,,,, trey was nomiihed by the Kings land-
,o rheflatterie
And upon a d.iy appointed , Herod arayed of the people, ina.
fuiname wai Mag- hee proceeded fuiiher , to t^ke I'eter alio (then hirrifelfe in royail apparell and fate on the iudge- keth fooIe» faioe.

r.iii '='"''" !^-" "

ment (cat, and made an oration unto them.
were the dayes of unleavened bread. moud! 'j^'^ '

Sm^t^H^or' 4 3 And when he had caught him, he put him 22 10 And the people gave a ihouic ftjiin£, , "lofephusrecoi- .

the ;rest fr.nii»to in prilon and delivereti him to foure quarernions

, The voice of God,and notolman. deih,tha.t'hi»king
Aritiobului.and of iouldiours to be kept, iniending after the Paife- 23 II But immediatly the Angellof the Lord didDotrepreiTe-
fatbi to '^'^' A-

over to bdng bim foonh to the people. fmote him becaule hef? gave not glorie unto God, 'o° ''u„^"'"iher<.

k"i'at'a"tr'w-» V J * ^o Fcter kept in prilon but earneft

prayer was made of the Chuich unto God forhim.
, io that hee was earen ot.womies, and gave up the foreathudeash
hecompl«itii-d and
b V"iclrntiy,h ghoft.
ciufebeingoot 6 And when Herod would have brought him >» And the f word of God grew and raulti- cryedo.t of their
""" out unto the people, the fame night ikptPeter bc-
-^'"Z]^ cj Vh'^^- ,r „. Tr^'ranr. build
tvreene two (ouldiouis, bound with two chaincs, „ , j^
2y So Barnabas and Saul returned tvom Hieru- up ,hj churcb by

Jiion'ofiyrintt 10
proturetbe favour and the keepers before the doore kept the prilon. , falem,wheia they ha.:! fulfilled their ofnce.Si tooke piuckiog i: downe.
f They that heard
y 4. And behold, the Angell of the Lord Came
ot'tbewicked, wuh them lohn, whofe (urname wasMaike.
"^ the word 01 God.
*,' ^^°°-^ upon them . and a light Ihined in the c houfe and
*"'C fmote Peter on the lide and raifcd him up, fay-
3 T« tyr?nt« ,
a Th Uy ChrJlcmwAndcih tl,.iir.xul i„dB.-irnah^s hfrpi-
aod wicked make ing, Atile quickcly. And his chaines fell otf from rutfd unrn him. 6 ^1 I'.lphut, i Einn.ts ihgfincrer
aRalouiforibein- /.,> li;nds. II it Jirot:^ei> blind : 14 Frcm w^ience heifi^ ccme ro ^n^
""tohim.Gird thy felfe,
'^"'' t^^ ^"^'"' tieMa, 17 Thcy irctchlheuofpill, 4; the Ien>" i>'he-
^'he'a'h? f'" ^ ''^'''
men'.ly ycit 'I'ltnajng them.
mo"accr''rding to "nd bind On thy landalcs. And fo he did. Then hee
"TT Here ' were alio in the Church tha' was at An- i Paul with Bsr-
tbcirowuewiii laid unio him , Caft thy garment about thee, and .* '**
and fanLifie. tiochia.ccrtaine Prophets and teachcTS,as_B.u--
fcllowme. 1^^"^'[{l^f^['"
nabas,andSimeon called Niger, and Lucius of Cy- ^"rrted'TpVill'e
tb7''odrov'r-*''^ 9 SoPi-ffr came out and followed him and ,
rene, and Manehen (which had bcene brought up of the Gemilei,
tur«ttecouiiWl knewe not that it was true, which was done by the
with a Herod theTetrarch) and Saul. not ofman.iori.
cftyrantKcbtaine Angcl.but thought he had fcenc a vilion.
AnpelittfGcd jq fjow wheii they Were palt the hrtt and the
2 Now as they miniftred to the Lord , and '^frby man. but

brcjkf the 11 un, faned, the holy Ghofl fdi-l , Separate me Barnabas ol.f,^";,""',^;.
uoicole Lbaiaci,
jij(.Q„j ^vjtj^h
,ii_ thcy Came unto the yion gate that
•• u-l
put Satan to flight, Icadeth unto the citie, which opened to them
, 11 and Saijl , for the worke whereunto 1 have called ment of the holy
them. Ghoii

and pttfervethe by it owne accord , and they went out , and palled The (.me wai
3 » Then fafted they and prayed.and laid their ^
through one llreet.and by and by the Angel depar-
hands on them, and let them goe. put lobnBaptift
ted from him.
4 3 And they after they were feHt forth of the ,odeatb.
f Hoiymeetinj; II f And when Peter was comc to himfelfe, hcsiy GboltiCainedowne untc d Seleucia , and from b whiiei ibey were
iiiiheniihtai wfM he faid.Now 1 know fcra tin h, that the Lord hath
ofmenaiw.mta thence they failed to Cyprus.
fgnt his Angel, and hath dcluered meoucofthe !'ffi''e''.''hat^ii''«''

hand of Herud, and from all the waning for of the y And when they were at S.ilamis, they prea- ^.^^^^ ^^^; ,^,
rl^ b?f'. ff/.e'd'iti ched the word of God in the Syn.igogues of the poujideihit.wliile
tbeday tiint j an people of the lewCS-
Iewes:and they had alio lohn to their ainifter. ibty .\tre pr.a-
allowable by the li f And as he confidered f/je tAw^ hcc came ,

°^''" 6 So when they had gone throughout the '^i"?' ,

^° ^^^ '^"^^''^ °* i-Uny, the mother ot lohn , whofe
, . .

"'Til'! yle unto Pa-phus they found a ccrtaine lorcerer, a ,^ ^.„ ^h„(of
«' vv-'obialne
fumame was Markc where many were gathered ,

word (calling j ikii

niortnt God, then together, and prayed.
eommeih which iivfuall inthcCbiirch when heecaufetbihat to be, wbicb wai no:, )

we dare well hoi>e ]j 6 And when I'etcr knocked at the entrie whether \ou,refe re it to the ma ter it ff If'e or to any qualitie or thing about the mat-

. , Hoore a maidc,
came fotjrth to hearken , nameit t»r : and it ;;rowetb of tbii, becaule when tbingi begin to be, tbenttey ba,'efoine namf
Rllode. ai God power iia.'fodecl.ired thereby, wbo fpake the werd .andtbingr*
bis nii/hiie
But when ihe knew Peters voicc.fliee ope- were made, i PM\, and loleuine prayert weie vied before the laying oaof haudei.
afftmbied but Bot 1 4
3 biicompaniom doe at tbefiril bring Cyprui to the fubitflijii and o-
out of the hou.'e. ned not the entrie a'oore f(4- gladnelTe , but ranne bedience of Chrilfc. d Seleucia wai l citie of Cilicia fu called of Seleucw one of ,

in, and told how I'eier hood bcTure the entrie. Alcxar.dtri fui-.elbur:.


Chap. fermonatAntii^'..,. ^-4

tbe forcerer., Pauls xiij.

falfeI'rophet.being a Iew,named K'.ricHis, his comming the baprifme of repentance to all the ^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^
7 Which was with the Dcputie Sergius P.ui- peopleul" Ihael. 1,7.

lus , a prudent men. He catted unto him li.'rPchas 2) And when lohn had fulfiilfd /// ccurie, he 10 cbr.ii waiptu-
am mif'<dandi'entpr.>-
and Saul. an J dclired to heaie the word ot God. fiid.-l. VVbomye thinkesih.ul am , 1 not hc_:
4 Thf devillma-
Iccth tbecocqaeft 8 But Eiimas the ibrccrer, (fur Jo is bis name bui behold , there commeth one afrer (jjge , whole ^^'^
ofCbiiH nicrs
by them andloiighc to
interpretat'on) wiihitood , flioo? of not wott'ry ro iSufe.
l.ii feeie I am
„ j,j,ii ..c cfcr;li»
glonoui, in tb«
turneaway the Dcputic froai the faith, 26 1° Ve men and brethren .children of the which the Pid-
tbatbtfetietbhi:n. pbe_> f,.retoii of
felftragaionhim. y Then Saul (which alfo is called P^ul) being generation of Abraham, and whof'jever among
5 The fcrcMtr full of the holy Ghoft/er his eyes on hiir, you fe rethGod,toyouis the woidofthis Idl- f;,^'^"^';,;-^'i^'';p.
Vibichwailliiken 10 y-And favd , full of all fubtiltv and all O vationlent. psar«htbatbei»
of Paul with acor- e
mifchicfG, the child of the devill , and cnsmis 27 n For the inhabitants of Hierufalem and theirneand cnely
Savionr sndyet
(aiihough extra- r. of all righteoufnes , wilt thou not ceafe to pervert their rulers .bcc.-iufe thuy k-.ew him n.>)t,nor^t :

diaarily) QleWfih the ftraightwayes of the Lord ? the wortles of the Prophets . which .ire read ex-fy ';Z71^J!,Tuol
an example 10 Uw- 11 NOW iherefore behold, the f hand of the SsthbAih-day , they have fulfilled them in condem „.J,(^i ^.hi,^ dii
Lord is upor ihetr ..'ndthou ihaltbe blind, and ninghim. . ,
nor onely uot le-
"ive b,m .butalfo
'mftTthemThich not fee the liinne fxa Toalbn. And imnr.cdiatly 28 And though they found n« caufe of death
there fell on him amul ant'.a Jarkenes.and he Went him.
iLktdlyaadob- in S yet defnvd they Pilate to kill
him, Zi:^U^
ftiuaiiy hiadtt about.feeking Tome to kade h im by the hand. 29 And when they h.d ti, hlled all things that ^i,^,^^, b,^^„
ihecourleof the
11 Then the Di^piJtie when hee law what was were written of him they tL^eke him downe from jun-ceDr.
HmorethoM done beleeved and was attonied
, ,
at the doflirine the tree.and put him in a fepulchre : *
e '^"Vuke V,'"zl'
of the Lord. 30 1 2 Hut God* raifed liim iipi from thedead. j'^;; ,,'g^
.which ^^ vfem'uflfce
tvhoji hath it.ritn ii were with 31 And he was fcene many dales of them
netit hiadlong J-nd Hierufakm,
him were departed bv fliippe from Paphus.they came uo with him fr.-m Galile to ,he glory oiib=
then lehn which are his vvitneffes unto the people.
;Uiti <y/irW^. cime to Verga<t«>Kof Pamphylia :
-'X? '"fotme of
„epe iritfe fUi.: Jl departed from them, and reain;ed ta Hierulalem. declare unto you. that touching the .^^^Vut, & guVe!
3 1 And we
14 But when they departed from Terga, they promile made unto the lathers, Andthtttfurrc.
f His fctver rrhi
h:fhi1re,h >njl,
came to Aiitiochia a dueoiz Fifidia,an(i went into 33 God haih fulfilled it unro us their children, aioai.prooved a.
4.7/1^ anii beating thcSynaoogueonthtSabbaih day,and late downe. in thathe o raifed up lefus' u even as it is written ^^''^> ^^^^
1 7° And after the ledure of the
Law and Pro. in thefecondPlalme Thou art my Sonne this ^,;,°i,„^oie,of

phets.the rulers of the Synagogue fent unto them, day have 1 begotten thee. .r
ihePropheia. , ,
ye have any word hee raifed him up . Mar iS.i.mar.
faying. Ve men and brethren, 34 Now as concerning that
if ^
famt company 16.6 luke 24,6.
both of lingular of exhortation for the peopk, fay on. from the dead , no more to retirrne to corruption,
eonflancie) and 16 sThen Paul Rood up And beckened with hee hath laide thus , r.- 1 will give you the holy '°2r;'i,]'X ^^^,
alfo of gieat the hand, and fayd. Men of Ifrael. and ye that feare P which are fauhfutl.
things of David , fear.d ptainelj and.
God, hearken. 3 J
Wherefore hee laieth aifoin another
.4 ma,„fejil} a, :hat
g Thufutitlha r,r u r i

d-fferenre ke'tv'xt I 7 The God of this people of Idael thofe our pbce * Thou wilt not fufler thine holy one to fee

i':,,„d ^nimhia
fathers, and: exalted the people when
in the land of « Egvpt and with
they dwelt
an * k high arme .
36 Howbeit David ,
after hee had ierveilhis
thereof. of God hee.^ flept.and was
_f;r.<!.e /mx^-^ coo-
'?:«^err?" brought them out time by the counfell ,
coidiog to the pai laid with his fathers.and law \T(tchl''^'h.a
terncwberesf heetheirmanersinthewilderneffe. But hee whom God raifed up . faw nocor-
37 'J^.^^^ j; j;;_^ ^^
, , ,

Coiiftian Coupre-
1 9 And he deftroyed feven nations in the land ruption. r
them by lot. .y Be it knowen unto you rheretore.
men trueSonu^cfGod, ,

tilled) fiiH the

of Chanaan. Sc « div^ed their land to 3g
20 Then afterward he gave unto them w brethren .that through this man is
lud- preached
Scrijitures we« itrid ^---i^^^^^^^^^^^:^
read, ih'enfuchai ges about foure hnndreth and hftie yeetes .
' iintoyoutheforgivenelieoffiiines. ^ir'nadewih
from which yecouM ^^^^^ 5,^, f„,,.
39 And-from q all thirgs
tbt time of S^mud theTrophet.
by ^ .
vveie licenced
2 So after that , they delircd a * King, and
notbeiuftitiedbytheLawof Mofes, by him eve- .5. pf,i,„ 1,7. bcb,
Synagogue to Godoave unto them 4- Saul, the lonneotOs.a tie one that belcevech. is luiliHed.
40 -6 Beware therefore leaftthat come
fpeake and ex- man of the tribe of Beniamin iy the /pace cf"' , ^^
jound. fourtieyeeres. . . , ., , you, which is fpoken of in the Prophets. J^,^ ,.,^j7, /,

IVorJ for rvcrJi and wonder, end


ifthert be any
21 And after he had taken him awav.he railed 41 §Beholde,yeedefpifers, ,

up gD.ivid to be their King, of whom hee wcike in your dayes .a

n-trdin jM: ""'^ vanilb away for I wc rke a:

ihiiitu k^xliof faying I have found David the fonneoi worke which yee (hall not beleeve. if a
man would
iieffed ,

Jfsach taken frcm owne heart which will doe '-•'- '" ''"^
Ieae,a man after mine . declare it you. ^ , j r.;.

Hebrene!, ccn-e out of the j,,jj^ fi,ni/ic.,l=.

rchcrtl} ii meant, all things that I will. . ^ j,* according ,• 42 J. 7 And when they were becMfe Cod be'
Syn.igogueofthe lewes. the Genulesbefoughr. ....

that the e,if!" »/ » » 9 Of this mans kzAt hath God

Cedi^race are in up to Klael.the Saviour lelus: that they would preach thefe
wordcs to th. m the J'J^J^f^/^ZZr
to /./'promife raifed
lohn had hrlt preached » oefore
24 When« next S.'.bbath day. \ - , ,
41 N^>wwKen the congregation was
tretkfurehoufei, aillo.ved. pi,; -

and ihat Ihij art Tc /orj ^n my mcuth: thatteared fff.e.h

many of the lewes and Ptofelytes
In lik^firtfarU T-wJ
•" .

„pr ««ri, t«t CoJ; :

hofen Ifiael .Vut this -''^
upon unto
God.foDowcd Paul and Barnabas. which Ipake
efiiei hi:
r/i/.40,i God bedowed mar.y peculiar
S fjnced and kro»ihl 10 I/C,1
the grace
them , and exhorted thetn to toiuinue in
honour. 4. Exvd.1,9- S p<^-
fieca'hetntmjtsofhi.fccple. iore,.
oft'neCana^n^tzs n.dc, 'he
'^erefrcm<l-ttir<Wflfauc»ntc,h defriiclion h ad.:cih in btW: .0 cc-^,
,^a. fo is grave, that
name oflofh foure hundteth and fe-aen
andfirf,jeere> , a i ihtrefire
^(ofile-vf.ihihe rrhr -U-rn-rch-tn^i. H The tord J
ihreejeereu hu the
ord ^bcul,fcr there yvant
s place ,
S H^..^;^
^^U^irealtrnumher. » 1
the k.":'-
.be,./;v;e,;.i|n^of.,n«..bicU.^econde. ^
,ud recbmed r.-it!> the daycs of i a:tl: f.r
f.MTiie jeeres,mt*i: the i-mci «r.»;.^«-''/«'« LJirtr

,. ..„.>r •> I 16.13. 9 Hteptoovetn The jenefi:. of God taroe to :hey-:er u'
of nav,d^
t::^^:^^:^^ i^rif :bn::cu; .^icb fhct.:d con,, ^ ,^

hufi at hun i>*ni tntrd tn hu i<i»rn/j.
° 3 ,

Ordained to falvatioa. The Adles.' ^^pfters Prieft.

44 AnJ the next Sabbath day came ?.lmoft the !o Saide with a loud voic€ , Stand upright on d ofiheh<,u/i
whole dt-.e rogetUcr to hcare the word of God.
, thy feete. And he leaped up, and walked. ^'"'" Pu«ia>,d
Thenwhenthe people fawwhat Paulh.-d ^""''•"t^'"-
o' eTrlfr fj'mt' 4) '' But when the lew.s law the peopie.theyr 11

C ^fptl i« unt-j the were fullofenvie and (]\.ke agiinft thole things.
done.they hit up their voices .faying in the ipeaeh icd.doia:ry, whick
ttft^biittr.i IK. wMch wetc (poken of Paul conttarying tl>er»,ind , of Lycaonia . Gods are come downe to us in the g'veto to crea.
'*•«""•''""• Tiihng on tm>m. likencfVe of m.en '""' tehey oe-

''niZ'l\ibf. 4^ " Then P.niUnd Barnabas fpake boldly, 12 Andthey

ictvj life and favd , It was neceflary that the wo.d of God Mercurius.bccaiifehe w-as the chief'e fpeaker. .1 proper to the

19 T0eO>rpeIi» ihould hfil have hcnc Ipoken iinto you biu fce- : 1 Then lupiters Prielt. which was before their ooely one God.
ing yee put it from you , andfiudge your Iclves citie, brought buls with garlands unro the ^ gates, '"" " '°voc«tioo
im^oi thy of everlallirsg life , loe , we curne to the and would'have facrificed wiih the people.
«Tt"<r<'«mm* n- ^''^"t"'',"";,
demretofG^i. GeiVilcS, 1 4 But when the Apol^les Barnabas and Paul , and 'p^rZklrT!/
f Bj ikiiy.urJc.
por fo hath the Lord commanded us .fty' heard it, they rent theit cloathes, and tan in among ii" ffifef-ime b..-

-^^ .J. I have

made thee a light of the Gemiks.
^ the people, crying. lurtcfrrtjn a,ytu.

that thou ihouldelt be the lalvation unto the end I J 4 And faying men why doe yee thefe , O .
[^^^ ;^f
j,ATft<.),i$.ind of the world. things f We
ate even men lubied to the' like paf- tie mjn-r./Vlc
iud^r j-Ar flxt. ^g And when the Gentiles heard it .they were fions that ye be , and preach unto you that yee ,
4 £,0 49,6. ^ glad.and glorihed the word of the Lordtand as ma-
^ fl^ould tutne from thcfefvaine things unto the Cene.i.t.

\n J,?- 'Zln^lL- nv as were < ordamed un:o eternail life, beleeved. living God 4. which made heaven and earth , and
, {;*["" '**'^-
teJ It t>trup\ g the word ot the Lord was pubhlhed
49 Thus the lea , and all things that in them are :
Cuiiom' be it
tift, or tl, aS fn.uU thotowout the whole councrey. 16 ; Who in times paft § g fuffered all ihi never fo old. doth .
^^ 10 But the lewes ftirrcd«rf«weudev0upe Gentiles to walke in their owne way- s. poteicufe the

/i"ir/i'';cw"M tLt a"J

honourable women , and the chicfe men of 1 7 NeverthelelVe.he left not hitr.fclfe without 'i'pf'j", , j
fomtctrtiine irrre the cirie , and raifed pcrfecution agrinlt Paul and witnes, in thathedidgcodawigaveus rainefrom «,m.i.»4. '

crJjinrd, Jid ii^f't- Barnabas, and expelled them our ot their coafts. heaven, and fruit! nil lealons.hllmg out hearts with mfered them u
f,„c.ddiJ^cj Hut they
^^^ J* S ibookeofl' the dull of their
»i food, and gladnelle. '*>".••'. '.*'J
" -""^
(tttt againil them, and came tinto Iconium. 18 And ("peaking thefe things. Icarfeappeafe J f'J^"'"'£ -f
$hat n,it!,e7 /.ii'h y X And the dil'ciples were filled with ioy and , tney taemultitude.that they had not Ucrihted un- \,„dofrdi uh.
fiM- tht efffi' 'f with the holy Ghoft. to them. 6 Thedevill wbea
faith p„u'.d i.r t',e
1 9 « Then there came cerrainelewcs from An- heiiorjughtto
cib/J ifhii crJfirr^ntuT Affmtmtnt, im Uis ord'Jninr the rnK/e cff.tiih. lo Such ii

tte cufi aii<lfubtilti''of 'h* entmJe»ofihe Go(prl .that they abufe the fiiiipliciticof
tiochia and iconium which when they h .d per ,
J^^ ''".a'e n'
fome which arenoi'ltogeihrt evill mwi ,to fxecurr their cruelty. u .Such as em- fwaded the people .* lioncd Paul and drewe him , o^.n'ly'bu'YnvaiBa
traceil Mofeihis Lrtn-. 21 The wickrdneircofihc wofliJ cjonot let God to gather
out oftbc ci ie. iupp'iling he had beene dead. even men when
bii Church together and t'l fofter andcbetilli it , v?hea it il
, gathered together.
h^ feemctb to
chap. 20 Howbeit, as the difciples Hood roundabout
$ Mat »<>,i4'»>"-"''"'^'»'''- .3,6.
him, hecarofe up,and intorliccitie.andthc
C H A, P. XlIII. next day he departed ui;h Barnabas to Deibe. « i.Cor n,*;.

21 7 And after they h.!d preaL bed the glulti. 7 We muft goe
I rjfl /trd>at pirfccmed at Tccnium :
f art 6^' >°f^"-^ "> our vo.
Ly lira Paul 10 he.iletlt a crrtple. 13 They are aheuito dings of the Gofpcll to thatcitie and taught ,

dttJacTJfieeameihim, ijlutthejfcrhdit. 19 J'aul many. they returned to Lylfra.and to Iconiutri,and

h'l'ep'rhvafn'nofceri.iineJen'e'yijftoned: t) From to Anrtocnia. 8 itmhecflfice
thinte fa(siri^ ihtrorv diiitrt Chunhej, li ihey reiurne
f^niicihi.t. 12Confirming the difciples hearts, »nd' xhor-
8 of tb-e m.niiteii.
ting them to continue in the f^ith ,<t/i^)OTr«^ that not only to teach,
t We oBghi to be A Nd i it Came to Iconium , that they
pafle in » *"^["°
wee mull through n)any afflicfions tn;er into the el" 'u°"
^'^"^ ^°''^ together mto the Synagogue of the klUgdome of God.
i° 'iwcbi'n "o" a^e taught.anJ pre-
the^G'^Fe'uben l^wes.jnd fo Ipake , that 3 great muitituile both of 9 And when they had ordained them Elders pare them le the
the feiverrnts of the lewes and of the Grecians beleeved. "-roife.
by eleiii<jn in everie Church .andpr.iycd, and fa-
tbewitked ii ,.b j And the unbeiecvii g lewes ttirred up, and
fted they commended them to the Lord in whom
'"'^""' ,
co""Ptt''l'he mindesofthe Gentiles dgainll the they beleeved.
it CbTihe'wbi'ch
j"!rMi"m rrata brctl.rcn.
24 10 Thus they went throughout Pifidia.and tcey hadpiamed,
<nie of Lycjor.ij. i 2 So therefore they abode there a long time, to proper and pe-
CamJ to Pamphylia.
b wy'^'txi'd and fpake boldly in the Lord, which gave telli-
1y And when they had preached the woide in
a We ouent
to leaveout place!
, 11,^,,,
unto thewordof his "lace.and caufed fi^nes
''^^ wontlers to be done by their hands.
° Perga, they
16 And
ome downe to h
ihencelailed to ' Anticchia," from with prayerianti
raftiiy. but

jnd jjivf i;lace to 4 Hiu the multitude of the ciiie wasdivided: whence they had bent commended unto the grace f»"'of' g"'"? b*-
thrtaii.irg.,.nei. and ome wete with the lewes , and fome wi:h the
of the worke. which they had hilfiiled. [l'' '."Jiuh™
27 And when they were come and g^a- upon Cburchea
iioo."he/"eme'd'Ie',' f And when there was an alTault made both thcred the Church Together , they rehearfeddU through btiberie
aodtbainot of the Gem iles ,and of the lewes with the rukrs>
the things that God had done by them . and how <" '°"*ly lup"""-
doe them violence, and to fti^ne them.
hee had opened the doore of faith unto the Gen- ' u';d'',h;;^h"
^ r 1ivh f. ^ '^'^'^y ^^'^^ ware of it , and fled unto Ly- <=
tiles. thevoyceofthe
imy befpted fur- '"* *'^'' D-tbe Cities ol Lycaonia and unto the So there tney aboade a long time with the congregation.
.' . ,
theribroid. region roundabout, '» Paul and Bar-

t cyiuiavJtUfimr.

7iiT$3ii o"lde''
And there preached the Gofpel.
*' NowiheiefateacertainemanatLyftra,

in^P'Tent in his feete.which was a cieeple from lais

fjbiiltie of the de- motheis, who had never walked.

totbeCougrcgatioo or Church.
to Lytia. i ^>iiicihiav/,>jria.
oabai having made
end ofibeir peregrination and being returned to Antiochia , to rendtraii account
h ^it.tita TvasafeacitJ of Phj,mfklti,iieere

»-.ll .either to caufe 9 He he.ird Paul fpeake..: who beholding him
^"*' fcicciving that be had faith i» be hea.cJ. Cfrfjine <^»( ilfcMt tv Irin^ in circumiiften
ianM .?f Go/'o
betMuiditditorce. orto be wotflii)'p«dfor idolei j »ad thai cbiefiy taking ocoafioQ
6 ^h.U! rrhiih wafer lie ^fcfiU ci.nftili :

rrhai muji lie ,icne, 1} ikey declare Ij lerur. 3« Pa«i

bf»iiit\u wiviighiby that).
*'td Barnahat 39 art <ti ^eat I'dtiance.

21 ,

TlieCouncilF. Chap. xv. The Apoftles letter. $s

X Tbc Cburcb » 'T'Hen t came dovwie • certaine from ludea, 9 s Wherefore my fentence is, that we trouble
1 . ,
at Icogtli troubled ^ andtatight the brethren ,fayiȣ Except ye be , not them of the Gentiles that are turned to God,
vritii diSratioa 20 But that we fend unto them that they ab-
circumcifed after the manner of Mofes.yee cannot , fo h rre beare witll
witbitiitfclfr, ind
be favcd. fteine themfelves from 'iilthirjelTf of idcles.and weakeneOeof
thrttouble rifctb
of the proud and z * And when there was great diffention , and fornication, and that that is Ikangled , andfiom
flubburoe wittct
of ctx-iiat t^i\i
dirputation by Paul and Barnabas againft them,
they ordeined that Paui and Barnabas, and ceitaine
,, ^ , „ .
For Moles otolde time hath in every citie
, , y .inte:obHan.^
men The fitrt

ftriefewaicoocer. other of them , fliould goe up to Hierufalem onto them that preach him, feeing he is read in the Sy- • P":"* fi"i/>itt

o«og the ofbceof the Apoflles and Elders about this qucltion. nagf.gut s every Sabbath day. °'i°T^"'''l
Chrift. whether we 3 Thus b being brought foorch by the Church, 2z J> Then
ieemed good to the ApoRles and Z'-r'emfU,.

^^'^y paffedthrough I henice and Samaria . deck. Elders with the whole Church to fende cholen 9 loaiawfali Sy-
apf«h!ndcd'bj '^"'g ^^^ converiion of the Gentiles , and they men of their owne companie to Aiitiochia with node, oeither they
f«th. or we bave brought great icy unto all the brethren, Paul and Barnabas : u vvh ludas whofe furrMJue ,
nredeaifotoob. 4 And when they were come to Hieru{a!em, wasBarfabas.andSiks, which were chiefe men iudg"i. appoint
fcrve thexaw. among the brethren.
^^ey wete received of the Church , and of the A- and determine *•
cpinhn that this poftles and Elders and they declared what things
, 23 And wrote letters by them after this maner, "v >'''''? '>">*
Vt'OtriHlhui, God had done by them. THEAPOSTLES.& theElders.andthe bre- J^^;;^"j;°',
M Meetingtof
f Batptidthey , certaine of the (eft of the Fha- thftn , Unto thebrcthren which are of the Gen- doth thtcomtnon
rifes, which did beleeve, tofe up,(ay ing that it was tiles in Antiochia.and in Syria, and in Cilicia, fend multitude fettbera.
wereinflitutcd to
fsppteflc hertfiei,
needefuU tocircumcife them, and to commaund greeting. felvea tuniuitu-

whereunto cer-
taine were feat
them to keepe the Law of Mofes.
6 3 Then the Apoftles and Elders came toge-
24 -Forafmuch as we have h^rd , that cer-
tainewnicnk went out trom us, have troubled you bythewoideof
by common con- ther to looke to this matter. with words, and combred your mindes.faying.Ye God a» the lik e r
of all. 7 And when there had bene great difputation, muft be circuraci/edatid keepe the Law to whom oideralfoiibol» :

Peter rofe up , and fayd unto them , + + Yee men we gave no fuch commandement '^
b cmnitupj
irt-inih tf.«?*t

and brethren , ye know that a = good while agoe, 2f It Ieemed therefore good to us, when wee ,hiDg, which have
Cht'rch^hlii, ''"t
3™°"g "s God chofe out m«. that the Gentiles by were come together with one accord to lent cho- beaefodttermi. ,

rtruixt apf^hiifj my mouth (hould heare the word of the Gofpel, fen men unto you, with our beloved Barnabas and ""^ ^'"' 'g'«*
and beleeve. Paul. "J"""'
ij the churck.
3 T''"!'.".'7''. 8 And God which knoweth the hearts , bare 2(S Men that have ingiven up their lives for the ofHierufalem coo
handled ,botb
^rttlieiog heard
them witnefle , in giving unto them the holy Name ofour Lord I efus thrift. cludeih, that they

iatbeaOemblie Ghoft, even as he did unto us. 27 We have therefore fent ludas and Silas, «'<"'bi« n'«o« "n-
•fibe ApbOlei $> And he put no ^ diffeience betweene us and Which Ihaii alfo tell you the fame things by mouth.
;^;^h u. w f«L
and aacieaii .and them , after that S « by faith he had puritied their 28 »• For it feemed good CO then holy Ghoft, any
fjivatioa io
afterii commuoi- and » to us, to lay no more burden upon you , then other meanes tti«a
cated with the
10 s Now therefore why f tempt ye God, to , thele p neceffarie things. '" C''" '""^'T'
K,ie. + lay a yoke on the difciples necks, which neither ^9 »rw^,thatyeabfteinefrom,hingsof-?r,tf;whLc.
and 11,13. our fathers, nor we were able to beare ? rerea to idoles .and blood ,andthatthat isftrang- foever they come,
4 Godhimreir: 1 But we beleeve through the grace of the
, led.and from fornication : from which if ye keepe *oA whomfoever
io calling oftbe
Lord lefi's Chrift to be (aved, even as they dte. your fclves, ye Hiall doe well. Fareyewell. they pretend to be
Oeoiilei which
1 « Then all the multitude kept filence , and 30 .3 Now when they were departed . they "ca.'ioD!"
fed, did icach that heard Barnabas and Paul , which told what fignes came to Aniiochia, and after that they had aflem- k Fremnuretn-
and wonders God had done among the Gentiles bled the multitude, they delivered the Epiftle, s^regitUn.
wi,houuh"wor. by them. . 31 And when they had read it , they reioyced *7»;'' ^"''
. ^ , ^ ^ . , , V^;^
ftipappoiottdbf i3 And when they held their pcace , glamefr fortheconfolation.
the Law. anfwcred , faying. Men, 4/;i< brethren, hearken un- 32 And ludas and Silas being Prophets , ex- J^wne that that
« XVord for word)
to me. hotted the brethren with many words, and ftreng- raai tniid ap-tn^
of old [ime, that i>, "

•veo from the

Simeon hath decIared,how Gnd ftrft did thenedtbem.
Rrft -i^ > tetV' We ,'ifr*f
\mt that we were vifite the Gentiles , to take *f them a people unto 33 And after they had taried there a Tpace.they '^"JIJ^!, T'tf.13
totnmandfd to his Name. were let goe in <? peace of the brethren unto the ihechur.huiMti
*'T«*-\*'°'^'*'' >5 And to this agree the wordes of the Pro- Apoftles. fcr.theChunhii
*od ftraiehtwaT«» -l
P^^ It i^S^WrutCn Kotwithfianding Silas thought good to a- t^^'>"<i*'>^fi*M-
after tha, the hoi,
^ 34
Gbafl came dowti* 6 * After this I will returne, and will builde
1 bidethereftUl * ° {,*!« ,«-'/.*-.
»pon ui. againe the Tabernacle of David, which is fallen 3J Paul alio and Barnabas continued in Ann- x.arJr4th<ir Uint.
i HtfiuwSffi- downe and the n That i, a law*
, luines thereof will I build againe, ochia .teaching and preaching with many other .
Tlnctlctmttn< HI
and 1 wiilfetitup. the word of the Lord. f"" CouDcili.
tnJ ihim, .11 irM'
ckw^rAi I Of- file 7 That the refulue of men might feekc after
J 3<5 5 But after certaine dayes, Paul fayd un- GhofTrnllth.
,rhufriepi:ur. the Lord and all the Gentiles upon whom ray
, to Barnabas, Let us returne and vil)teoui brethren n Firlithnm-tkf
i Chap. lO.j^.
Name is called .fayeth the Lord which doethaii in every citie .where we have pieached theword mtmi'^ff'tthtij
i.fw.i.a. m»3
t ChtiUfrinMn- thefe things. of the Lotd.andfee
how they' doe. '- f,,f,, ii

tiih ihtm l)Ui<'ti, 1 8 Frum the beginning of the worlde , God mail ir<tr^-. o Sot ihdt men halK arn <LiU}mrilit<'ftfitmji\)itt,kut ttfhttre /»
tvhithart furtif kknowethailhis woikes. f^rl?fHlnei ihti lhr})rfidimhiir minrjl(rittnj Uienr. f Thriv)Ain>prt -ft
heart ; andlnre-tf levtimii.l
mcejl'ittt,bMtinreri,eH tfihejhiie B/i„.,t lime ,ili,ilihe CinliltJ aryii ihi
are pUinetyiaUfhr that nttnjre m-iJtfictitjfjHk. f Petei pafling from th*
more j>e.tce.ihly (•>,• tt^tfher ivi'h Ujff Jcc.ifim cf^u.iretl. Cba itrc^a
Cerfinoniti lotlieLaAeii frife in gentrall , (heweth thai none could be favcd , if
evtD in things iniiilfeicot. 13 people to kiWAeceitaimlj
recjiiilitc lorall
Itii recjuilitc
S^alva ion were tobe fought fot by ibe Lawe, andtiotby gfa;eoneiy io Icfui Chiift,

Lawe, what 10 boldeinmatreriof faith and religion, andnotthai the Church by ignoiaoct
hecaufetbaino man could ivc.ri'ai.'iU iBe neithn Piii.arch .nor Apoftle.
and knowing noibing, (hould depend upon the plealiue of a few.
ttmftju CoJ, ai ihmgh ccM no, Cfu, h)fM^h
i: Wh » Mvh.xiA- '.

Heirev k'"de tfj}tjih, vihi.h ii .</ much td/uy.AjtUbrci'irinyvtjhedihlmall

J ^ AtruipaietneofalawiBll CuynciiJ , were Godltruetbooelyreigneth,
fri>/ptrouifHc.e[!e,.indthe Church di/miped them 14 Con(;regatiui •
J Tnfinntltf^tfilieHi^-trhsitciii'edthe Lcrdihroihir. 7
or Churthcidoeca/iiy degenerate, unlrflerbeybedi igeotly feene unto, and tbtttfota
the callitlgofthe Qeniiln.ouiof tbt woideof GxJ therein agrteing to I'citr. ,

wtat ibefrAponiotu oveiroefadiai they bad planted, and for this caufealfo SyaoJcS
ej. .^fn»/9.ii. * ^.n4thtriftriottktii^(tmmttht> f*ije l>j/trtHnt,t«thi
V9«reialtuuudiUid appoinied.
37. V Afldjrj

, 1 .

Paul and Barnabas ftrive. TheA(ftes. TheprifonersfingP/almeSi;

I f A Uinrnsjble 37 's AnJ Barnabas counfelleJ to take with of pnrple, of the citje of the Thyatirians.
•xJaipIcofdii'. them lolin, called M.irke. which worlhipped God, heard ut whofe heart :

betwerae n<
3U An.l Pai;l thought it not meete totake him the Lord opened . that /hee attended unro the '0^"^"'"''^' "'*
celiotinen ixid
Vfjr giciifriendi. unio their companie w|)ich ilsparteil from them , things, which I'aulfpake. fo SatanuinV-
from ramphylid , an.l went not with them to the I
y And when ihee was baptized , and her formetb bimfel'e
pbaacot 'b<ir workc. houihold, Ihee befought us, faying, If ye haveiud- iotoan Aoselof
ged me to be faithful! to the Lord , come into ''e^''»'''l"ve.
39 19 Tiien where they fc Ib'ired.that they de-
oriibrr Y'tfor
doftrJQC. pai teil.funJer one from the other fo that Barna- , mine houfe, and abide thereiand Hie conitrained us. undermfni"?, but
l( OuH vftlb lb« bas tookeMaike, and failed unto Cyprus. 16 »° And it came to palfe that as we went to raulopeaiy let-
fiultcotbilftl- 40 And Paul cho.'e Sylas and departed being , prayer , a certaine maid having a fpirit f of divina- letb him. and ca-
viotl 10 Aff pro- ft"'> b'"> c"t-
commendsd o^" the brethren unto the grace ot tion, met us, which gate her riialtets much van-
file jn'f ujiidiug

ofbiiChurcb, yiri Gud. tage with divmmg. n„e of^Ju,


w»Lav..o,alce V< And hee went through Syria and Cilicia, 1 y Shee fallowed Paul and us, and cried fay- , which n'^i mnt u
bnd.tvminih; ftabJilhins the Churches. ing Thefe men are the fervams of themofl high
gn-'tn/rvirei ro

btO ci-iiitrnbat
God, which (liew unto you the way of falvation,
«vt« parte aotniejfurtio oar beite. 7"Ay rrfte infrta' hestt .-iH-hirern it«
r 'g'^/^'fiw'^*'"**
/7«i'f f. .o«,';j«, ftf /.r.f ./ o«<, icMo/m.-fiir tj thu miantt f (tmt t» fujft , tfc«t thi 1 8 And this did Ihee g many dayes : but Paul fajlti, "it mJr*'
4t'lrifK eflht Otj'f'i w»t extrcifid in miV fU::ci. being grieved.turned about .andfiid to the fpirit, eh, fur he did ail
Icommaund thee in the Name of lefus Chrift, ''•'"it *ihe wat
CHAP. XVI. that thou come out of her. And he came out the
I Paul hxliino drtumcifid Timothem, 11^atVhi- /- _ , It CovetOHfaeire
hppi. n,i LjiUintUef^iih. x6 Thtfftrit of famehoure. of lucre and«
„ .
d'Unt'ton, i! iilj himc^tji M: _
anif>r lh.u caufi
i=> 19 < I Now when her matters
law that the hope ii an occa/ioa of
. , .

H ilttj jre vripftd, »+ .mJ imfnj'tieJ, i6 Through an of their gaine was gone , they caught Paul and Si- Ketfcuting the
eurilK/ualii, zj th< frijundourli are nftntU. 3i,j* The """l"- i^'be
las , and drew them into the m.irket place unto the
Ctelir rcieil'ith lU fait'n.
'!"' Hen « came he to Derbe and to Lyftra : and M-lglftrates. fparingTimoth.e/
> rtulblufrire io >a And brought them to the governours,
tioetb not receive
beholde , a certainc difciple was tlieie, named calieth Paul and

* Timotheus.a womans fonne, which was a » lew- faying, Thefe men which are Icwes trouble our silaiatthefiron.
Ti.-uothie into tbe get, to battaile.
iniDilterieniib' eiVe anil belceved but hib faihc'r was a Grecian, j-ijie"

out fuff.tieot leni. 21 13 And preach ordinances , which are not pKteoX'hVdenre
Of whom the brethren which were at Lyftra .

4"'^ Iconium. b reported well

lawfull for us to receive.neithcr to oblerve, feeing ofcummon peace
"ncVrf.'het'e''"'' ^ ^ ^ and godlineCe.
tbreo. 3 1 Iheietoreraul would that hee rt-oiildgoe
we are Romanes.
•f forth v.ith him ,and tooke and circumcilcd him, 21 1+ The people alforofe UP together aaanft '^ ^'
, "1
, , ' • I • 1 i roent ofthcdevilU
»" ItLCauleof ^ Icwcs, which were in thofe quaiters: them > and the governours rent incir cloathes and ,
^'^^ that his father was a Grecian, commanded f,'jfw tobebeatca with rods. ricieofaocefter*
\^i'imlinlu Uiitr '^^^Y •^"'-'w all wjthoutany diflm.
Efiiiit teTim.ih:e, 4 3 And as they went throu<?h the cities , they 23 And when they had biaten'thsm fore, they
ctmmendtti, the delivered them c the decrees to keep ordcined of caft the}» into nrifon , commanding the Gaoler-to f'°"'
. 1 /- 1 4 Anexampieof, ,

'''^ Apoltles and Elders which were at Hierulalem.

keepethemlurely. evill Magiiiratei
And fo were the Churches ftablilhed in the 24 Whohaving received fach commandemcnt, to obey the furie
["unTmciuT J
faith, and increafed in number dayly. caft them into the inner prifon .and make their =""1
t Beth fi^ hi: fcdli-
t!ftandh>ne,fit 6 f 4 Nowe v.hen they had gone through- feet k faft in the ftocks
tiBe''a«c u,
X Tunotbieii
cut Dirygia ,and the region cf Galatia .they were 2y u Now at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, .^.„,^ j/ „,„y?,,e
circumci(«dj DOt
and fusg Pfalmes unto God ; and the prifoners ofihem,hefetthem
(iin^Iy for
oectfli ie.bu! in
forbidden of the holy Gholt .topicath the word
in Alia. heard tht;m. M imhe/lcckt,.

lefpeaofibetime Then came they to Myfia.and fought to goe Andfuddenlytherewasagreatearthquake.

7 i^^l^^.^^ZL
ODcly to wiuDe
inro Bythinia But the Spirit fuft'ered them not.
fothat the foundation or the pril on waslhaken: both heareu and
8 Therefore they palled through Myfia.and and by and by all thedoores opened , and every earth,
3 Cbaiiiie it 10 >« The mercifull
beobffrveJ in came downe to Troas. mans bands were loofed.
tbiogi irdiff.reat
9 i Where a vifion appeared to Paul in the 27 '« Then the kecpeiofthe prifon waked out /;«:tb d^aVelb'^ ,
ihatfoie^aid be
night. There Rood a man of Macedonia, and of his fleepe , and when hee law the prilon doores nien to life, even
bad both of .-be
weake.andihe prayed him, faying, Come into Maced6nia, and open hee drew out his fword and would have kil- through ihemidA

ofdea b.and
quitiBcU'eofibe helpe us. led himfelfe.fuppofing the prifoners had bin fled,
o And after he had feene the vifion, imme-
<> _
28 .7ButPaulcnedwithaloud.voyce,fay--^^--^^^^^^

c TUfednrett
diatly we prepared to goe into Macedonia , being mg. Doe thy felfe noharrac for we all are here. :
g,„t pumibmenf,
1lhuhht/p4!{( of
rn thi ftrmer aiUircd that the Lord had called us to preach the 29 Then he called for a light and k npsd in, , be (heweih them
great mtrcie.
(htp'tr. Qofpcl unto them, and came trembling, and fell downe before Paul
4 Cod jppoin-
I I Then went wee forth from Troas.and with anilOllaS. which ate efpeci-
teib certtineand
a fti eight courfe came to Samothracia , and the And broughr them out.and fayd,Syrs,what ^Hy „traordin«.
M open and fet nuxtday toNeapolis. muft doe to be laved ?
I »ie, <jve ought not

fonh bis truetb, 11 5 And from thence to Philippi.which is the 3 And they fayde Beleeve in the Lord lefus «° '°°°^^ o"' f"='e

tbai boib ihe

chiefe citie in the paits of Macedonia , and whofe ChiiftA thou lhaltbefaved.and thine houa,olde[™^-;;^^^^^
inhalutdmscamt- from Rome to dwell there : and 3 1 And they preached unto him the worde ot „,.
calling m«y pro-
the Lord, and to all that were in the houie. i s God with one
cted of grace, we weie in that citie abiding certained.iyes.
d Hefhtvitthnot 18 Afterwarde hee tooke them the fime ftii'« fame luna
1 3 7 And on the Sabbath day we went out of 3J
tehj Ihff Tverr fcr-
the citie, belides a liver , where they were wont to houre of rhe night .and walliediWr ftripes , and ^Xihl'whenit
iMfn,lut cnt'}
' pray and wee fate downe , and Ipake unto the
was baptized with all that belonged unto him piUfeth'him.
thjt they TPfrf /ir-
women, which were come together. flraightway, 19 Shame and
"nfufioBii in
». si.V -trj Hyl It
1 4 "And a certaine woa'ian named Lydia, a 34 And when hee had brought them into his
injuire. houfe, he fet mcate before them, and reioyced that ,'h°^'vva°d'oT'
TLey niftetiof tbeGnrpcl, by whom bee helpcth fach a« vvtrt liketo
are tbe
1 *
TbeSaiotsdid Doteaiily oe.'ctvecveiy vuion. God bcgiuneth he with all his houihold beleeved in God. wicked and vjiuil
perilb. 6 7
Macedonia by the cosveilion ofa woinau sndfo flieweib tbat tOtre 3J '9 And when it was day , the governours Magiftratei,
hi* kingdome in ,

iiDoa(.crrtioPioflTtfooiotbeGof|'el- e Whttc ibey Aeit wouot to allemble feat the fergeaats.fayingjLet thofe men goe.
tifa-ft;*.-*. J Tit tvMcB:l]ropco*ht!:cheattto bejiejbevvatd ;\hicbi»^t>.»ciicd. 36 Then

, . . ) ,.

JTo (carcb the Scripturcf Chap, xvij. Paul commeth unto Athens. ^S
jje Wemuftnot 56 Then the keeper of the prifon toWe thefe honeflwomen.which were Grecians, and men not « sit;n haifibf,.
iKDdtt ioiuiiefcr V'Otdes unto ?&ul, faying. The goveinoiirs have a few. whoJre^ealcui
liuiuiie, and yet ,

lent to loole you ; now thercfote get you hence, ij f But when the lewes of Theffalonica fo' >''"" '-"i 'kit

iiit lawfull foru and goe in peace. knew, that the word of God was al'o preached of ofaU ou^ht*'
10 vfcfuch helpei »o Then fayd Paul unto them
37 , After that Paul at Berea, they came thither alfo and mooveil 7 There u neith,? ,
<i Godgiveth
bridlt the ou
they have beaten us openly uncondemned , which the people. .
^ counlell .mr fiiii(f,

ngtoufntifiorihe are Roraanes. they have caft us into piifon.and I4 7 But by and by the brethren fern away no.'r^'J'"-'re. a-

wicked, that tbey HOW wouki they put US out privily ? nay veiely ; Paul to goe as it were to the fea; but Silas and Ti-
bun not oihet io but let them ccme and bring us out. motheus aboade there ftill. cbiP doe Iifo
jg I, Ap(] the fergeants tolde thefe wordes ly "s And they that did cnnduft Paul, «atc^ for their

«eoot loMvei ""'o '''^ govcrnouts, who feared when they heard e brought him unto Athens and when they had :
that they were Romanes. **'"*
with the feare of received a commandemenr unto Silas and Timj^
God,butwith the .{g Then came they and prayed them , and theus that they ihonld come to him at once , tht^ e n i,Jifir
feaie of men: and
depart out departed. nouiht ti'm tte
byihatmeaneial. r.u:,^:-:^
foGodprovideth ofthecttie. \6 J 9 Now while Paul waited for them at if^e.ofBtrej
for hii.vvbca it ii 40 »» And they went out of the prifon.and en- Athens. his fpirit was f ftirreif in him, when he law ZT/.l'"?"'' ,

eeedefuli. tred into tht f.oufi of Lydia : and w hen ihcy had the citie lubiedt to g idolatry. P.tuira/efromMi-
XI Wemayef. feaoe the brethren .they comforted them, and de- 1 7 Therefore hee difputeth in the Synagogue etdm-a t, ^them,
cbew dangers , fo
thatvieneverneg* parted. with the lewes .and with them that were religi- ind thtrt ii in di'
left ouidunie. ous.and in the market day ly vvith ^ whomfoever
CHAP, XVII. he met.

/.//j, Ji wL^
PattI atThffahnica frtsMngChnJI, t,J uinftrui- 'o Then certaine Philofophers of the Epi- <«<( ^itic.
1 8
ntil 10 Heeiifeniro Utrta :
cf I,ifi.n : is from ihimc
cmming to ^thtnt, 19 in MuriJIreitc t} het frtJchtik
cutes.andof the Stoicks, difputed with him, and 9 in compaiiog
the tilling Gei tt ihem Hnk.nfWt'it 34 ""I C" minj art fome fayd, What will this babbierfay* Others '^'J^^--/

tmi>ert d Chrifl. fiyd Heieemethtobea fetter toorth 01 nrange wifedome .tneci

gods (becaufe he preached unto them lefns and fcoffeandmotke .

I Theeaftingout "^ Ow « as they pafled through Amphipojis, and
the refurreaiop. »' 'bat which they
ofS Apollonia they came to Theffalonica. where
1 9 And they tooke him, and brought him into J^n/god vfei°h"
many oiher.
was a Synagogue of ihe lewes. k Mars ftreet, faying May we not know, what this
, tbecuriofitieof
a Chrift ii there, 1 And Paul , as his manen was, went in unto new dodtrine, whereof thou fpeakeft. is ? foolei to gather
fore the Media, them , and three Sabbath dayes difputed with them toge.herbii el.ft.
tour, becaufe he
20 For thou bringcft certaine ftrange things
by the Scriptures. unto our earcs : wee would knew therefore what °*
^ai crucified and i,^"^/
J 1 Opening and alledging that Chtift muft
rofe againe much thefe things meane, g 'sUiijhl, liven

have fuFered, and rifen againe from the dead, and

Itlfe i« be re.
he to " For all the Athenians and ftrangers which <, UoUtty : pm.
iefted , becaufe this is Icfus Chrift, whoir.faydhe, I preach to you. [*"'" rrrimh that
dwelt there . gave themfelvcs to nothing els .but
4 And fome of them bckevcd , and ioyned in either to tell, or to heare fome newcs.
company with Paul and Silas.: alfo of the Greci- u'iuiT^th'nf,
3 Although the 22 i» Then Paul flood inthemiJdcsofMars ,i,e^ i„ ati Crui*.
lealeof the ua- ans that feared God a great muhitude.and of the
ftreet, and laid , Ye men of Athens, I perceive that ^ea tt,ej had ^itart
faithful! feeme chiefe women not a few. deJu.nrJ'i fhjwe,.
in all things yee are too • rupetflitioiis.
never fo goodly,
y J But the lewes which beleeved not , moo-
yet at length it i» 23 For as I p.Ufed by . and helde your •» de- ZtLZl.Z.'f'
foand to have net.
ved with envie , tooke unto them certaine » va- votions , Itoundean altar whi rem Wiis written, fojdtifes
tbertrueib oor
equitie But yet
gabondes and wicked fellowes , and when they
had affembled the multitude , they made a tu-
VNTO THE nVNKNOWEN GOD. h whrmfin-er

the wicked cannot

Whom ye then ignorantly worfljip , him Ihewe I J'""' ""' yj'*'
mult in the citie and made aflault againft the
unto you.
doe what they lift,
houfe of lafon ,and fought to bring them out to t.^lke vi-h hmZ
for even among 24 1 3 God that made the world, and all things i,jm,he'reur,nti
themfelve. Sod the people. ^ •
that he is Lord
- -^-
of heaven- yx-ithU
that are therein .feeing • -

(tirretb up fotne. 6 But when they found them not , they drew and earth, ^^ dwellethnofin temples ^"-ok^H;^ did he
iples made with ^"•»»<e'>
lafon and certaine brethren unto the heads of the
vfeih to the deli- ^ands. :,taleafC,JsiUr:;',
citie, crying.Thefe are they which have fubverted worfl,ipped wr.h mens hands.
verance of hi I. 25- ^ Neither is ,, ^wo feae»
a Ctrttint ccmfU' the ftate of the b world .and here thi.y aie, as though he needed any thing.feeing he giveth to efpecially of the
^i^n.tvhickd.en,. 7 Whom lafon hath received and ihefe all .
all life and breath and all things.
*«'W'»'V I'"'
doe sgainft the decrees of Cefar, faying, that there -4 And hath made ot o one blood all man-
26 ^ViJ^t'chr.T- the
IS another Kmg one lefus.
I, he hi,tdf>T tvf kind, to dwell on all the face of the earth.and hath Ipi-u,,., w hicb
rj maitt mmey , to 8 Then they troubled the people, and the alfigned the fcdfons which were ordeined before, make a mocke and!
j.i anj mifchiife, heads of the citie , when they heard thefe things. and the bounds of their habitation. fcoffe at all teiigioat

Notwithftandijig when they had received and the S:ui (.Kei,

^mni'^llthTrif- ^
which (determine upr.n niatie ri uf teJigion according totheir owne btamei. i Wctd
TtTii^ier^jink" ^"^'tient alVurance of lafon and of the other,

fit -rrtrd tfttJt ^.iihtrcr: a hmtrfl k:nd t^ffti'f) lakfn 'f tirdjti-hhh/faik ciritt, and
tnJ tlunih'l kna^tJ ihcy let them goe. i< appl'id !f thrm ivhiJ: yvithcul all arte tlu{icr
out fitch k^ioyvUdzt ai they hdit^ot'in
tfaU ttrvneiand 10 4 And the brethren immediatly fcnt away h) htannf tl>i' min and that man. k Thiirvai a fljct cauid ai you iccitU fij,
P*"l and Silas by night unto Berea . which when Man M.trhere the v^d.tsfatc trhich tccre taU<d^irecfaii-.t,«fon ve^hiitafjtire.',
h"r' h fcoHn- trhiik inMetimt arreiimd iterates, and a/ltrtparit ccndtmned him ^fimpinif.
tro'lnjluciT"' ^^^y "'^'^ '^^"'^ thither,entred into
theSynagogue ji The idolaieritbenifelvei miniOei njgft
11 The ^niffdomeofinan ii vanitie.
f J er thej rome of the Icwej flion; aod furcible argumeDuagaiolttbeir oiADtfuperlHtion. i J c iland in toa
ihtj cdufi fediiicn
f Thefe wctealfo more d noble men then ftiliij h and fcrVi'.i a feare ofycuritdi.t m W
ha'feeler men vmfhip f^r relijtvt
n lanfaniai in his ^tiicit, makftlimtfiiivn tf tit
^^iey which were at Thefl'alonica which received ,
fake, that we tail demotion.
' alisr tf-hiih iht ^iheniani had dedicated tc anknerren £oJi and La(riin: inh-t
the woide with all readinelle , and fearthed the
'fHtthtminf"'^ F.pimenidt! mali,'th meniun if an aliafihal had no name <nruted. 13 !• ii a moft
^^ur^nce that thej Scripturts dayly .whether thofe things were fo. foolilhand vaine thing to compete the Creator vvi'b ibectcaiure, to llir.itehim wiibio
fltntd afpt^rt. 1 2 Therefoie many of them bekcved , and of a place, which can be coniprthnidcd in. 00 place . and to thiuke to allure bim will*
vHhatiiindetde gifiei, of whom al! m^n b.tveieceived all thingi vshatfotvei they hiVf And thefeare :

ihe vtifedome of the Spirit which a!»iayei fetii-h the f lory of God before ftlfe »*
, it
thefountaineofall idolatrie. <• Chap.- +8. ^ Pf.ilm ;o,3. C-^d H
a maikewhertuntoitdiieaeibitftlfe.andntvtrfwarveihf'iom 11. f Th< it wooderfuilinalltiiswoik»,biiiefpecijlly in the woikeofrran not that vce lht.u'rt •

lord fciteih out in one momeot.and id one people, div»r»i-»ampleiof biiunfearchabl* ftaod amafed atli. wotki .but that we Ihsuld Jifi out eyiito tte wctVisao,
niCtdomt, (• c»ufc «bem to fcaicbin. ^ aecomfuttb tb: Xe'.ttt; wiib ibe I«Wct> -• Of cue ftockcacd ont^gioiking.
2-7 That


Pauls fermonat Athens.' The A(9:es. Gods affiftance to Paul*

27 That they (hoviWfecke the Lord, if fo be hold : and tnsny ofthe Corinthians hearing
I>For«ibIiniem»n they rci"ht have p groped after him , and found leeved and were baptized.
(,/>«. though doubtlefle he be not farre from eve- 9 4 Then faid the Lord to Paul in the night by 4 CoJ iotti »•
Z'-c^iTo-^w' * a vifion , Fearenot , but fpeake ,andholde not thy *"»"<:'' ""^ ""*'"•
byexopinpwifr.ix. ryoueof iis.
tame the coo.tai.
toieihciiue light ig Fr' 'n him wc lire , and moovc and havc ,
cirae and lighmtd out being, as alfocertaine of yourowncrocts have 10 For I am with thee , and no man fliall lay
'^''^ • ^'"^ ^'^ ^'^ ^"^ ^'^
generation. hMdt on thee to hurt thee : fot I have much peo-
%'fili't 19
J9 Fora!rnnch then , a» we are the *enerati- ple in ihiscitie.
q whictftufff.n
goldc.iiver.OoMi. on ot God, we ought not to thinke that the God- 11 So he' continued theieayeere and iixe mo- « Word fot word,
are cuitomibly gri- j,j,^jj jj jji^^p ,,,,[3 gold, or fllvcr . 01 ftonc q graVCH neths,and taught the word of God among them.

*lndtv' fT.for mtn ^X *"^ ^""^ the invention

of man, la If Now when
Gallio was dc{5utieof f A- lo'DVe^b^"Imeof
chaia , the Icwes arofe with one accord againft their Bifhjiufeji.
will mJiAorOiip Co
>J And the time ofth's i^noranceGod re-
ihicgtoiTrfiMfrea* but now he dmoiuihith all men
garded not : . Paul.and bionglit him cothe iudgement feate, ^"' TjuI fate, itat
ii ii.uoieffc by foine
where to repenr.
^.^g^y 13 Saying. I his fellow peif.vadech men to wer- '"
cij"io!''the"w'' f
Became hee hath appointed a day in the GoJoiherwife then the Lawappoiiitetb.
fliip God.aud'tb^, k, "dc
;;;;Vn:K«P-- ,3 i

,; ThfcidneiTeof which he williudge the world m

righteoulneUe, Andas Paul was abouttoopin his mouth, offeatcbeiongeih
thf errcurdofili by that*nan whom he hath appointcd,**/)fr«^hc Gallio faydtintoihe lewes If it were a matter of •'''"og'oih«TO

no: eicufc iiierei haih given an ' afl'urance to ail men , in that hee wrong or an eviil deede. O ye lewes. I vvouldac-
ha.hraifedhim fi-..n the dead cording to g rrafon maintaine you.
Itracrhrnd irindetoitatb is
ftitetb foorth the ji i< Now when they had heard,,,
of the ,
relur- If But if it be a queftiun of woides and tbem. •>

patieoi ? of God: rcAion from the dead fome mocked , and . other • namesyand cfyour Lawe lookeyee to ity«iir f The wicktd are

who ofj
^'"'^ Wc will heare tbee agiine of this thing, fclves : for I will be no iudge of thofe th ings.
a "uO

""Xiw'.'but the
iuJeeTofuchai 33 And fo Pauldcparted from amongthem. 16 And hee drawe ihena from the iudgetuent Lord mocketh
contemne^him. 34 Howbeitcertaine men claue unto Paul, and feate, their endevour*

r Bydtclatiog beleeved : among was alio Denys Areopa- whom 17 Then tooke all the Grecians SoRhenes the n.a «i;cu%
CbriH tobtiudge of j^.^, ^^^ ^ woman named Damaris and other with chiefe ruler ofthe Synagogue, ami beate him be-
the woiia through lia yeltbr°Ro""
f, fore the iudgement leate : but Gallio cariedno- maneididVotcail
from ttedtaJ- thin^for thole things. bimDeputieof
i« Mtn, to ftiev»; forth rheirvanitie , aredivfifiy afTcficJandmsovrd vfiib one \i 6 B jt when Paul bad taricd there yet a good G'ecia, but of a-
fclfefameGsfyel^wbithootwitlinandiDgctaftthoottobteffcaualliDthteleft. while . he tooke leave ofthe brethren, .wdiailed ''"'*'""''"*'
into Syria, (and with him I'nici'laand Aquila) af- tb.creeian iuio
C H A I XVIII. terthatkhehadfliornehitheadini Cenchrea: fcr fubif ^lon by ibe

hehadmade.i « vowe.' Acbsyaoi. which

f ^iVaultt Ccrinth
CtrintU t tdu^kt tie Genitlei, 9 tfil terd ip Then hee came to Ephcfus and left thetn '^^'^^°^">'y"^"*
eemfiTitih him. la Ht it tccu/tj tefcrt GtOiti, iC iui in ofGitcia,
'vaine: Pnmthmehe fiiif'htt Syria, there but he entred into the Synagogue aiid dif-
ig. i) anJfef I raufaoiai r
EfJitfij. 1} ^'tprtn^^ther.tll, puted with the lewes. cor.ieih.
fj^jHJ/*, IS
n Spoilt! kcin<'m:te''ftrfe<lUi^f.rHlici 10 7 VVhodefvre him to tariea longer tirae E Atmucban'n
with them but he uould not confent.
h^A. ifTn!t have
A Fter
thcfe thJngs.Paul departed from Athens,
»l But bade them farewell faying, I muft . ootfpok«rweJl,'^*
t The true mini-
and came to Corinthus, needesReepe this feaft that Hieru- aithecafeofyout
fltrt arc fo farre
frcmfeeking thtir 2 And found a certaine lew named J Aquila, falem bur I will returne ag.iinlt unto you , * '" if
: jf
religion ftaod^.h.
feligioo ftaod<-ih.
""' tbiipiopbaoc
For "" "

owneprolitei (hit God will. So he I'ailed from tphefus. i

' "^
botne in Pontus, lately come from Iialie .and his man tbinkfib tbat 9
they do willingly And came downe to Cefarca,
wlicn hee
wife Piifcilla (bccaule that a Claudius had com- » I 1 a, thecpotiovetfie of 1
deparitrom their
right, rather iheo manded all I ewes to depart from Rome ) and hee he went up tt HierufaJim and when he had lalu-
: J- religioD, i| but a (

brauie about ^^or(f»,

the courfeoftbe came unto ihem. ted the Church, he went dowwe unto Aviochia.
Cofpell IbouM be
3 And becaulehewasofrhc fame craft, hee z3 Now when he had taried :*;,«.. while, hede- "fubft,n«"''""'
btndtrcd in the
aboade with them and wrought (for their craft was parted .and went thorow the countrey of Galatia t Paul is made all
feafl wife that
n.ightke. to make tents.) ScPhrygia by order.ftrengthening alithedifciples. toail ,to wiuneall
J Rom. 16, 3.
4 a And he difputed in the Synagogue every
14 s Andacerraine Icwe named * Apollos,
Suetonimrtcor borne at Alexandria, came to Ephefus, an eloquent
^"^^^^^ and exhorted thelewes, andthe
L^RomeTa. '^'«y . l>

man,andti mighty in the Scriptures.

, cench'rVa wa'*
Awdtbeuwe.. Grecians,
becaoff they were J Nowwhcn Silas and Timotheus Were Come If The /arae was inftrudcil in the way ofthe Corintbuoi.
iwayeiitd.fquier, Lord , and hee fp.ike fervently int.he Spirite.and •> N"'" >« »»•
from Macedonia Paul c forced in Spirit , teliihed

^^ ^ to the lewes that Icfus was the Chrill. taught diligently »the things of theLord.andknew *
"/he kpoftlea
6 3 And when they refilled and blafphemed, butthebaptifmeuflohnonely. were caried about
» The truetb
ou^ht alwayei to he * (hooke his raiment, and faid unto them. Your 16 And hee began to fpeake boldly in the Sy- sot by the will of

be freely vitfTtd, d blood he upon your owne head nago^ue. Whom when + Aquila and Prifcilla had
I amcleane; :
e o j
ytt BotwiihOaa- heard, they tooke him unto them and expounded «
from hencefoorth wil I goe untothe Gentiles. ,
^ing ibcdoSrioe
7 So he departed thence, and emred intoa untohimtheo way of GodmorepeifecViy. j j.Cor.4,i>.
tnay Icfomode^
(aied.aioccafioo certaine mans houfe , named luftus , a worlhipper 27 And when hee was minded to goe into A- iamejj.if.
chaia. the brethren exhorting him , wrote to the

ofthe (Jiofiie that of God , whole houfe ioyned bard to the Syna- promifeaoihioc
the peopleiake tor hee was come
difciples to receive hira ; an.Tafta
goguc. UhootthiiclaW;
thetebr, Ihall te-
And * Crifpus the chiefe ruler of the Syna- thither.heholpcthero much whieh had beleeved foVweJtnowi
b E»boried fo tbtt gogue beleeved in the Lord with all his houfe- through p grace.
be pcrfwaded, & fo 28 For mightily hee confuted publikely the j|^'^J''g«''"'"''E
ibewnrdfigniSed. c Waivery much grieved iortiiode ; whereby iifigniSedthegTeat lewes , with great vehemencie , (liewin^ by the
eaiDeftnefre of bu minde . wbicii wai greaily mooved - foi Taul wa> fo
<ealoui,th<i be Scriptures, that lefus was that Chrilh and learned mao\

cliane forgatebimfelfe 3c witbia a woaderfullcouragegave himftlfe to preatbChtift.
refufeib notto
3 Although wee have alfjyed all mrinei pu«5i,!e, and y<rt iu vaine, wee muA not leave
oir frcm aur workebut forfake ibc re btllioui and got lo tfarm ebai be mote obedient. ofabafc and abieft bandisrjfi,
ttiao.aodalfoof a womh
aed'fo bKoinnieii%

• Chap. ij.ji. mat 10,14. d Thitiiakiiideofffeacbtak^BfiomtbeHebreweJ, where, »»celleniminifteroitbeChurd). i.Cot.i.ii. o Very well inftjuft,d jn , be kaow.
by be« meaotih .that the lewei are caufe of their ownedenru(3ioQ : aad 41 (it himi ledgeottha Sctipiorei. « Rom. iS.j. o The way ibatleadeib totjod. p Tbtoneb
that*' '• without fault IB forfaktogtlitui lad eoioz tooibciDattooi,
<|. i.C«inik,iii4<
Godi(tacieuif4r«tiTi9il>ytbe(t»c(iieDtgifMvvtiicbGod bath bcnomd upoabiv
C H A F, ^ '

9 7

Thelewifhexotciftj; Chap.xixi Demerrias jaolatdifragie. f

CHAP, xix; _ aI I < Now ^hen thefe things were accom- c Piuliine\et
Ctruiae iUfcipltt at Ephtjkf, j haiin^'mt^ fict'">id ^'^^ rByVl.-o.ionof
1 *nd 4"«W »»' 'he iifMe giftei of the holj
P^'^'"^u'x?''''/"r^"!, ^y u'^' ' ^Pj"' ^°
J,hn iapiifme, through Macedonia and Achaia , and to goe to God» Spirit there- .-

Chefi ttchirlyfith Codhttd teautifiedhis Stnnes Ifinfdomt, Hierulalem , faying, Afty I have bene there, I muft fore we may not fay
f trekiptiridintkeNsmeiifU/Hi ij TheletviJTi
alfo feeRome. that l?aul ran band
txorcifis 16 Mihittn of the Jeiiill. 19 ComMrinfttok.ii*r§
l>nr>it.' 14 Vemelriui »? raifeih/ediiicnaiainjl T.iul. 21 So fent hee into Macedoni^o of them b"3,^"^;°pf,",f
that miniflred unto him ,Tiraotheus , and Eraftus, God led him.
A Nd » it came to paffe, while ApoUos was at Co-
** rimhus that Paul when hepafl'edthorowthe ^ut he remained in Afia for afeafon.
1 T>iul being no. ,
7 GaineciokeJ
25 7 And the fame time there arofe no fmall
thicgoffrnded at upper coafts , came to Ephefus , and found cettaine
the tudeceflc of troubleabout that way. ir^loVift'hrelr
the Epheliaiit, 24 For a certaine man named Demetrius ani- caufe wherefore
planted a Chutcb 2 And fayd unto them , Have ye received the
verfmith, which made filver temples of IJjanas idoiatriei.ftoutly

atoongtbem. holy Ghoft fince yee beleeved ? And they fayd

'°^ ftubbumely
brought great gaines unto the crafte(men,
a Ihofetxcelletit
giftiofihe holy
unto him , We
have not fo much as heard whe-
2J Whom
he called together . with the work- ijll(^'^,„ „,.
ther there be an holy Ghoft.
Gboft, vchicb were
unto them , Vnto b what were
men of like things , and fayd , Sirs , ye know that ,aine counterfeit
ia thofeddyetiD 3 » And he fayd
by this craft we have our goods : temple, with Dii.
the Clutch. ye then baptized > And they fayd , Vnto « lohns
2 lobodid onely
26 Moreover ye fee and heare , that not alone nai piaure in the*,
begin toiDRrua
at Ephefus . but almoft throughout all Alia this
4 Then fayd Paul lohu verely baptized
the difciplei whom Paul hath perfwaded , and turned away much peo- her.
Chrift Aiould with the baptifme of repentance .faying unto the
pie, fayin* That they be not Gods which are made
oeople.thai they fliould beleeve in him, which
make pertite.
r -

b inrvhatdodrme
with hands.
fl^ouldcomcaftet him,.that is. Iji Chrift Iclus
then art yeu ttfBgfct 27 So is dangerous
that not onely this thing
andinllritfledf f And when they heard ir, they were baptized unto us, that this our m portion Ihali be reproo- m^sifhefaidjf
r To ie bafiiz,td in the Name of the Lord lefus.
ved , but alfo that the temple of the great goddefle Paut^o r» ihm at
into Ichn tufr 6 So .Paul lay d his handes upon them , and the Diana Q«ould be nothing efteeraed .and that it heth.ithkittnnetf
tifme,i. to frcfelfe holy Ghoft came on them, and they fpake the
thedtflrine which would come to paife that her magnificence, which '.^XTr^ttoTa^ilf
tongues, and prophecied.
lehn f reached and all Afia and the world worlhippcth , fliould be de- Dianas imaie, aS
ftaled vith fci.' bap- 7 And all the men were about twelve. ftroyed.
tifme. 8 f Moreover he went into
the Synagogue,
• 28 Now when they heard it , they were full of """ '< ou^ht.
Chap^<!.C>' !.«• and fpake boldly for the fpace of three raonechs.
<<r.i,i«.m.t.3,... wrath , and aied out , faying, Great fV Diana of the ^ „
difput'ipg arid exhorting to" the things that <»/'/'ifr. »«,»3.
mir. 1,5. («<e 3.16. r v. , . ,
P„ j Ephefians. M««ftothekingdomeotGod. 29 'And the whole citie was full of confufioiJ, and i> coHof^.to.
3 For a man 10
and otheti from
iofidelt which
9 3 But when certaine were hardened
difobeyed , fpeaking evill of the^ way ffGottbs-

fore the multitude , hee departed from them .and

and ,

they rufhed into the comon place with one affent,

and caught'* Gains, and S Ariftarcbus men of ^7^°^';^';^

Macedonia , and Pauls companions of his iourney. the Miuiiters, aa

erlydefpe- feparated the dilciples .and difputed dayly in the
30 And when Paul would have entred in unto inviocibieceniiaa-
r»te: tiiBottode- fchoole of one e Tyrannus- '"^y't
the people, the difcinles fuffered him not. f}^' '^^J^"*'
idetbeChuicb, jq And this was done by the fpace of cwo yeeres,
3 8 Certaine alfo of the chiefe of Afia. which
^o '^at all they which dwelt in Afia, hearf the word
^J-aX be™"r'
f^a'd" mXYone'. were his friends ,fent unto him, deliring him that comcwhich not.'
the Lord lefus, both lewes and oreciaiis.
d*Bythijwotd of
he would not prefent himfelfe in the Common wiihftaadingmuft
Way .thcHebrewei 1 1 And God wrought no fmall miracles by the pU ^g fuffr r fei fe mo- i t

VBderftandaDy hands of Paul,


52 Some therefore cried one thing , and fome ^^j bVwifedomel

' ^ ^o that from his body were brought uiito the
h«eit ;• taVen'for another: for the affcmbly was out of order, and 9 iniieadeofree.'
Chriftianitie. ficke, kerchefs, or handkerchefs,& the dileafes de-
the more part knew not wherefore they were come fun, tbeidoiatere
t TbiJwajamani parted from them, y evill fpirits went out of the. & together.
proper aame.
13 4 Then certaine of the vagabond lewes.t'ex-
•4 Sat«D iiconftrai- i 5 And fi»>g of the company .Irew foorth A- rhe"i7ownrmacl.
orcifts tooke in hand to name over them which
ned togivewitaea lexander , the lewes thrufting him forwards Alex-
. ne ife and outcriet,
againfi himfelfe. had evill fpirits, the name of the Lord lefus.faying, andthofearethe
ander then beckened with his hand, and would
f So weretbey cal- Weadiureyouby Ielus,whom Paul preacheth,
led wbicbcartout
have excufed the matter to the people.
14 (And there were certaine fonnesofSceua KT'h '^kl'T'*
alew, thePrieft.ijiourleven which did this.) 34 9 But when they knew that he was a lewe, '
o' Ao'axampl'eof
them in theName there arofe a £houte almoft for the fpace of two apoiitikeman
of God and in ibe
: I J-
anfwered.and fayd.Iefus
the evill Ipirir
houres of all men , crying. Great** Diana of the
who redeemeti
beginning of ihe I acknowledge. and-Paul I know but who are ye ? :
V«ce and quiemeTc
Church, they which Ephefians.
16 And the man in whom the evill fpirit was.
had the gift of wor- 3J 10 Then the towne clearke when hee had ^'j^, ^";"never
ranne on them, and overcame them, and g prevai-
kine miraclet.and flayed the people , fayd , Ye men of Ephefus , what have done,
laid t'he.Vbandro"n led againft them ,fo that they fiedde out of
that were pof-
man is it that knoweth not how that the citie of « The Bphsfiant
them houfe, naked and wounded,
feflidwi.hdtviii, the Ephefians is a worfliipper of the great god- ^;'^T'',{'^7^{j*
,^ And this was knownetoallthelewesand
deffe Diana, and of t/je»w<i^«. which n came downe I'^'^^^/./oianl
Grecians alfo which dwelt at Ephefus .andfeare
rneprevai'ied from lupiter? ^amedonne-fi-cm
againfttbem though came On them all ,and the Name of the Lord le- ^

3(S Seeing then that no man can fpeakeagainft he.ivintoihem.

ihey ftrova fus wasm.ignihed,
fomucb. " to be appeafed,
thefe things yee ought and to doe ' "".*" '"i''' " ,
J And many that beleeved, came and bcon-
18 , . ,1 * ^ a: erne any man ojm
S Coniuring and nothing ralhly. pp'rihcreare
fcfled.and ihewed their works.
forcerie iicon-
demned by open 1 alfo of them which ufed curious artes,
Many 37 For yee have brought hither thefe men, tenainedajeiaf
which have neither committed Acriledge, neither pointed fr di-ri

teftiinonit ai:d by brought their bookes , and burned them before "«/''
eheaiitboiriiieof doe blafpherae your goddelfe. Zt^"!'^
all men : and they counted the price of them, and
the Apo tile. 38 Wherefore . if Demetrius and the craftes S^r^'/Jr
founditi fifiie thoufand^#c«of iilver.
YConfelTcH their men which are with him ,haveaomat£eragainft ^ bj iheDipHties
errori, and detefted 20 So the word of God grewe mightly , and
tkem openly .being pieyjjlej.
any man, the p law is open , and there are qDepu- are meant aifitht
with the ' ties let them accufe one another.
fcareofthe iudgement of God ; and what ii (hii toeareQltift? i They tOatmaKC W :

i9 But if ye inguire any thing concerning

^, ^J;, (-,,^^,1,^
Icjft value of it, rtskoo it to be about tight hundinbfoundiSuglife, iJhh mauersj

1 . ,

Eutychtis revived. The A^cs. Pauls integrkte*

Ephefus.andcalled the ElJets ofrhe Chareh. < a livety imigt
( Hf r|f ikfth of» mitters. may be determined in a ' lawful! affebly.
^o for we are evcn io icopardy CO beacculcJ" ig « Who when they were come to him ,hee of«>'«''aftouf.
^f ^j^jj ^ fcdition for as much as there is no
fayd unto them. Ye know from thefirft day that lw"Te'C
"ufe . whereby we may ,<iWe a reafon of this con. 1 came into Afia , after what manner 1 have bene di;<imiitJim an,
°5d bu,'i,'buri; of
ibc pecplc.but iifo courfe of the people. with you at all feafbns, r.7p»fl tp^^'foivtr,

4, Arwl'Ahen hchadthusfpoken.heeletthe X9 Serving the Lord with all roodeftie . and '"*"-/^' /«•"»•»
with many teares , and tenutions which came un-
aff^rnbly depart.
c H AP. XX. to me by the layings await of the lewes,
^ aVtemfieth.
tb^t begtmh to
fcyo'dcr •

TVtrtCfrtJinf dayei r4»l tfPtinftJ It tct »» Mi'tionU : 7 /» TrMi prf <• 20 And how I kept <*backe nothing that was by ibe
pttjhtable , but have fl.ewethyou ,andtaughtyou
cfa KinJitrt, 10 htr.fifiithimichre: ^yit MUelum,
ftofic together io.
17 h^linit<illcdlhe F.UtrffEfhifmncgrthr,
ij fce
openly and throughout every houfe, fie c.7ah .hM
ii Wunefsing both to the lewes .andtothe m»it^cfii„i„i,
Jicl.iteih ivhjt ihtn^ifhalamcufonhm/tl/f, 18 ani
» PiuldtpjrteJ
fteui El'htfuay
Grecians the repentance toward GcKl,and faith to- Cfjl.-nhuh infir-
NOw r after the nirault was appeafed Taul
called the dilciples unto him and embraced ,
, ward our Lord lefus Chrift. «' '"«'• ''^'
12 7 And now beholde .Igneeboundinthe "Z'^',ll't!!,dlf\t^

them, and dejiarted to goe into Macedonia, Spirit.unto Hierufalem, and kflow not what things spirit, -ahcmhc
a«k«paiiwiio£D> _

•(b«r |iUcc 1 And when he had gone through thofe parts, llial! come unto me there, /MwivUhat
• F^rafit'rfigriAt and had exhorted them with * many words, he 23 Save that the holy Ghoft wltneffeth in every J.''^"'*; ,«
»""*'' '*7' *"" came into Grecia. citie faying, that bonds and afdiaions abide me.
*'•'",' (""^ 3 « And havinp taried there three raoneths, 24 But Ipaflenotarall,neitherismylifedeare/,«(fr»mr.t»o4i
AfrowlrJ i«Ie becaule the lewes l.-.yd waite for him , as hee was unto my feae,fo that I may fulfill my courfe with ch^f.ii,*.
iiihfi.uider.mi about to failc into Syria, he purpofedtoretutne icy, and the miniftration which I have received of « Thedodmeof
infituftour to muc-
iJtil: «o<t Mtart
through Macedonia.
4 'And there accompanied him intoAfia.So-
the L ord lefus , to teftifie the Gofpell of the grace „'«
of God, abrolute.
"e 'U 5
•h( (wiredomc of pater of Berea , and of them of Theffalonica , A- ay And now beholde.l know that hencefoorth g
'«'l« «••'" P»«
Oai to prercDt riftarchus .andSecundus .andGaiusof Derbe,aKd ye all , through whom I have gone preaching the
Timotheus , and of them of Alia , Tychicus , and kingdome of God, flwU fee my face no more. b'* no whie feo.
Trophimus. 26 Wherefore I take you to record this day, ieoeeforCbrift»
3 AflVmblinia
the Bigbitiinccaa y Thefe went before, and taricd us atTroas, that 1 am 'pure from the blood of all men. Godhead wbicb .

27 « For I have kept nothing backe, but have &«^''

piaioeiy <•
DOtbeiunly coo* 6 And we faileth foorth from Philippi, after the
^raiBfd .oeiiber
daycs of vnleavened bread and come imto them , (bewedyouailthecounfellofGoll. I'^lX^^f^X-
«'igbc,vTbca the
«J3fe it {ood. to Ttoai in five dayes, where wee aboade feven s8 Take heede therefore unto yourfelves, and tuDftogeiberofii**
* WerW/.r wrV, ilayes. 10 all the Hocke, whereof the holy Ghoft hath iwj naiuiM in bii
ikifrfHiTr'fiht 7 J And the b firft day of the weeke, the difci- made you Ovetfeers to g feede the Church of God t>wv"(oti.x)i*t.
ples being come together to breake bread Paul , which h hee hath purchafed with » that his owne „;i.V^C"f't.
nftmlit Ltriid^J :
ttthttih'^'T^'"' preached
unto them .ready to depart on the no- blood, otberbeingtakeo
row.and continued the preaching unto midnight, »9 » For 1 know this, that wter my departing iiithcdcri»ati»f.
/ it nctsmiftgd- g 4 And there were many lip;htsinanupper (hall grievous wolves enter in among you, not
ihlTti that in ihc/i
charcbej, where they were gathered together. fparingtheflocke, M^lu^r^ttMi
ttjfii tkf Ckriftidui ,. .
there fate in a windowe a cercaine yong

Itftreyvtitfc*/^ 9 And 30 Moreover of your owne (elves (ball men fatbenteimed a

jKmHnhtmfihts roan , named Eutychus , fallen into a deail fleepe : arile fpeakine petverfe things ,to U dtawdifcipies coirunoaMaiioj ©»
JiUmntl} ttfiiktr and as Paul was long preaching , he overcome with after tliem, ^
mftnik.ttity, ''''''"^Ti'i'!o'
lleepe , fell downe from the third loft , and was ta- 3 Therefore watch , and remember that by f/y""roiklng com.
A Tbrdevillmio-
of three veeres 1 ceafed not to warne mooofibataotwo
«tin; toirosble ken up dead. the fp4ce
tbtCburch witha 10 But PauJ went downe, and layd himfelfc every one , both nignt and day with teares. T»hkhbeloBgetk
jreat off'eoct, gi. npon him ,and embraced him, faying, Trouble not 31 10 And now brethren , I commend you to V'" |° °"'^ -^
iKib Paul atigga-
yourfelves : for his life is in him. God, and to thewordof his grace, which is able *ih,mibtt>ttxc,i.*
bt occjfton 10
•flonftrme tb*
11 Then when P*i«/wascomeupagainei and to build further , and to give you anl inhaitance, leocie of ihi« bioo4.
c<>ri>cii. had broken bread , and eaten , having Ipoken a amongallthem, which are fandiried. * A propbecieof
raulaneaiDtft long while lillthe dawning of the day jheeib de- '""
33 III have coveted no mansfilvet. nor golde, ^''."''
laod dilifjeni (o\-
parted. norapparell, «raTeu,«,««u.»
•overofChtirt, ^ ^ r . ^ -

n;; bad to
I i And they brought the boy alive , and they 34 yea, ye know, that tnefe
handes have mi- againftfucha*
iubound'jwithoai Were not a little comforted. niftred unto my « necefsit ies , and to them that 'w*'* '"i ^tigge
•BTceifiogct 13 ) Then he went before to (hippe , and fai- were with me
aoppiogio his fc' of°«.fo"''^"
jgj yp^Q fj^g ^fj^ y^floj ^ that ^vee might receive 3 y I h«ve (hewed you all things how that (b , )^^°^ j, J g^jt ^j.
Vir.',.°'l.'e»ake I'au' there : for fu had hee appointed , and would labouring, ye ought to » fupport the weake , and f«ti«,towautibf
kit tea jtneDt, himfelfe goe afoote. to remember the wonlesofthe Lord lefus ,howe p»«f«oc«offg<Jia
_.!....:_ L_ ....... gre^
j^ Now when he was come unto us to Alfos that he fayd ,Jt is a blefled thing to give, rather
**** ""
and we had received him, we came to Mitylenes. then to receive. «i« m?*
Jnhihcdoaiitit 1
J And we failed thence , and came the next 36 And whenhchadthnsfpokea .heknceled »© Tbe'pow«rof.
wbUb bf taught, day over againrt Chios and the next day we arri-.
downe, and prayed with them ail. eod.andhiifre*
ndeiboKcib the ved at Samos , and tatied at Trogyllium : the next
37 >» Then they wept all abundantly. , and fell FT'"''" "/"'"th-
day we came to Miictura. en Pauls necke, and killed him. pVirdvphX
»f re and got for» 16 f For Paul had determined to failebyE. 38 Being chiefiy Tone for the words which he dmof tbe miui-
ward ^fl^ilbco^• phefus , becaufe hee would not fpend the time in fpake.That they 'Ihoiild fee his face no more. And OerieofiheGofpeJ.'
tinutaceiothtis Afia fot he hafted to be , if hee could posfible, it
wey accompanied hira unto the Ihippe. !htrV(ore'*oft>te"it.
Kierulalem, at the day of Pentccoft.
r ^ilttrSwM
«:,yt •a/t.n./ 17 f wherefotefroratMiietHm,heefemto I» b*foU all tbiogi bewin ofcovcttottfiMSc 4. i. Cot .4, i a i thtf.aSv.
Paflouil l»u*
t.ihef. 3.«. m
Ai ii «erc by rtatoiug oui the band 10 ihem, vvbicb othBrwilt at*
fntU , »)>.fr M.xmtt Ufnttnt F.fhcjil{«lld Wii#(*.1» »>(»/ 409 fuUnitt .bout toftriwaodfallaway .aoJfotoHayihtm it Tk, Oofl>ell doii 09Ui*e
•n»y quuhU liiSUvu, ^i (itieib «utl btidlttb ibem in good otdei
; 1 5 :

Htfconftancic' Chapl jfjg. Paal taken in the Temple." yS

tu kf. X 3f s. teacheft all the Icwe« .which are among the Gen-
« P<«f f*il1> UWfd HilrH/xlim ! t <l Ctfttlt %e t4\k*l\ tiles ,to forfake Mo.'es.and /ayeft that they ought
ttiift PMif tlie Euifyftliji : is tMrthiifirtteStlkiim
not tocircnmcife their fonnes , neither to live itfur
tfhuUndi. 17 ^ptr Ixt timt tt Hterufiltm, -t« -«»rf
Mrs (Ac Temfle, 17 Tbi I tr»< 1 Uj4 i*»dt on him ;jl I.jft*i the euftomes.
tht (4f taint litk." ^ *"•» f'"" '*»"•• 22 What isthen t»%e dtm the multitude muf^

I *'h,'b*^ fvTo"
Nd t as we launched foonh , and were departed
A needcs come together : for they %ill here that
» arcenducil
"4 from them . we came with a ftraight conrfe un-
CO Coos , and the day following UDto the RhodeSf
ihou art come.
23 Doe therefore this that we fay to thee. We
with thf Spirit of g^d frgm thepcc unto Patara. have foure men, which have roadea vow,
°» ,''°««bourto * And wee f^undafhip that went over unto 14 Then take.and<J parifte thy felfe with them. ^ ^"i*^ '»;«o'>r»'
fciai'f^e Murfe Phsnicc and went abroad, and fet forth,
. and e contribut* with them, that they may -i-ftiave
of oer vocaiioo 3 Afld, when wee had difcovered Cypms . wee their heads :and all (liall know .that thofe things, of the vncieaae,b«
but it i< our p»ft left it On the left hand .and failed toward Syria, and whereof they have bene informed conc^iing of fichaiwetefuW
arrived at Tyrus for there the (hippe vnladcd the
; ihee , are nothing but that thou thy felfe alfo wal- '!* '° '"".^owe of
^ogorfug^e- burden. ke« and_,«
keepeft the Law.
riDg. after that vrc 4 And whcn we had found dilciples , we taried
,. ,,#.•., ...i. 1 TbL"i^l'«
• That K inay b,
2 jr For as tooching the GenttjeSiWhich beieeve koowen.that tbes

an Care nf out there feven dayej. And they told Paul through the we have written and determined that they obferve ^^1^ notoadf

^^ ^°^^^ notgoe up to Hierufalera.
* SP'"''- ^^^^ no fuch thing, but that they keene themfelves from P"^'" " ^^
tkftJhtCVfirit But when the day es were ended , wee depar-
T things offered to idoles . and from blood, and from
*hTf.'m.n l"t
w(<t Jd^in kM, ted and went our way , and they all accompanied us thanxhat is flrangled, and from fornication. and therefore it ii'
^fi.irr I'tuU ^ich their wives children, even out of tne citie ;& 26 Then Paul tookc the men .and the next day faidafttrwatdi.ihat
^'^ *^ kneeled downe on the (hore, priyed. was purified with them , and entred into the Tem- Piul^Y'it'dtb*
Iriil'/pr.'*^'* t«t
,ft'f!tp4*fifi>'» ^ Then when wee had embraced one another, pie , f declaring the accomplifhment of the dayes .ionVford^houpk
thij/riitd him we tookc ihip, and they returned home, of thepurificarion, vntill thacan ofleriogfbould be the charges fonhe
frcmftini *, Hit'
J And whcn wee had ended the courfe from ofteredfor every oneof them. Nazariteioffiingt
Tyois wcc arrived at Ptolemais , and faluted the
, 27 r And when the fcven dayes were alraoft we"«Ppo'nt«<J,y«
brethren, and aboade with them one day. ended, the lewes which were of Afia {when they f„^e«h«umo
8 And the next day , Paul and wee that wete faw him in the Temple) mooved all the people, and them. Muin.«,i ;.'
with him , departed . and came unro Cefarea : and layd hands on h Ira. * cbip.ti.ii.
« Chip (,(. weeentred into the houfe of Philip the Euan- 28 Crying.Men of Ifrael.helpe : this is the man ^ "?* '*; '

i neff>ejkf'i'*f
cclift, which was one of the t> feven X)m*#»m, and that teachcft all men every where againf I the peo- t, be' .dv'«tif7d"'
thCHul^ZT-' aboade with him. ple.andthe Law.andthis place : moreover ,he hath the accompli ft.
nfd ttfcre, cUf.t. 9 ^ov.' he had four* daughters virgins > which brought Grecians into the Temple , and hitb pol- ineotofthedaye*
r T had tpecu. did « ptophecic. of the purife.,iot,
I, fj
luted this holy place.
lj*r pf' 'ff""^- 1 o And as wee taried there msny dayes , there 29 For they had feene before Trophimus-an f^^B^enoTeo"'
fc/pj t unit u (tmc.
came a certaine Prophet from ludea, named A- Ephefian with him in the city . whom they fuppo- fered the fame rfaj
g-ibus. fedthut Paul had brought into the Temple. thattheirvon
1 1 And when hee was come unro us.hee tooke 30 Then alle the citie was mooved.and the peo- '"^"'/''oft ^om
Pauls girdle, 5c bound his ownc hands ?c feete,and pie ran together and they tooke Paul and drewe /„(, f/fheMuft
: .

faidc,Thus faith the holy Ghoft.So (hall the lewes him out ofthe Temple , and foonhwith the deores ofgreatccnfu-
at Hierufalera binde the man that oweth this Were ihUt. fion and gieic

« ThefdllofCod girdle , and flialldeliverhimintothehandesof the 3 6 But as they went about to kill him.tidings "
bridlrthallaffe- GentileS. came unto thechiefecaptaineofthcband, that all fcn,e°eTenamoDgre
aioa,intbrm II And when wce had heard thcfc things, both Hierufalem was on an vproare. ihewicktdaod
we and Other of the fame place befought him thai 32 who immediatly tooke fouldieis and Cen- propbanethem.

cf God'!'
^ ^^ would not goe up to Hierufalera. lurions , and ran downe unto them and when they
[^I^JJid," ''jy'^'i
sOodiitohe 15 Then Paul anfwered, and faid, what doe ye faw the chiefe captaine and the fouldiers , they left J|,* ,^n/*"
vraifed viho i, the wccping and breaking mine heart
, For I am ready ? beating of Paul.
Authoiir of all
pQt to be bound onely , but alfo to die at Hicrnfa- 33 Then the chiefe Caotaine came neeie ami
good Uymg.anJ
j^^f^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^j-^f^g j_or,| Igfus. tooke him , and commanded him to be bound with
4 lathiDiiin- '4 > So when he would not bc pcrfwaded, wcc two ctiaines , and demanded who he was , and what
Jiffcreoi (of which ccafed. faying. The will of the Lord be done. he had done.
foinRMeootthe And after thofe day eswetrufTcd up our far-
tradittoDtofihe i <
i ,.- ri 34 And one cried this, another that.amOng the
PbarifM. but , be 2nd went up to Hjei ufalem.
^cls , people. So when hee could not know the certain-
, ^ ,.^ _

c«rtraoBiMr,rtb« 1 There went with us zMoeettaiM of the dii-

6 tie for the tumult, he commanded him to be let!
Law.vmitifuch ciplcsof Cefarea, and brought with them One Mna- into the caftell.
tiuie ai chri«ian
f^^ ^f Cyrrus , ;ui oldc difciolc , with whom wee 3 And when heecame unto the grieces. it was
libcriie nai more ,t ui .
^ s-

fully revMlrd.o
,. ^, fb that he was borne of the fouldiers , for the vio-
ebciewti chaiitie' 7 And when we were come to Hieruulem the
1 , lence of the people.
willeih ui to coo. brethren received us gladly, 36 For the multitude of the people followed af-
forme o. ai-piy
, g ^„jj jj,e next day Paul wem in with us unto ter, crying. Away with him,

ul'fo fare M «e^' ^^^^ ' ""^ a» '^c Eldcts were there allembled. 37 And a$ Paul fhould have bene led into the
lay.toourt-ic- 1? 9 And when he had embraced them, he told caftell.hee faide unto the chiefe captaine.M^y
ihrenwbichdoe by order ail things , that Godhadwroughi jmong fpeake unto thee i Who faide , Canfi thoa fpea^e
not n«bburnhr ani^jljg
Gcntiles by his mimflration. Greeke?
X'rSb^file jo .so when th^ heard it . they glorified God. 38 Art not thou the gEgvptian.who before thefe /T»Mr*i';!^»4i"»
y not thfoughiy io- and (aid unto htm Thon feeS , brother, new many . dayes raifed a feJition . and led out into the wilder- JE i^ijii» whithtf.
fimi'tJ thmu
ftrufted tfieciaiiy thoufand lewes there are which bekcve .and they neffe foure thoufand men thai were mtirtherers >
if .hequraioo b/:
arc allccalout ef the taw 39 Then Paul faide . DoubtlefTe 1 am a man ',,X"i»fi^"Li:i
of a whole malu.
^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^ :

infoflBCd of thcC , that thoU


Vhich ans a Icwc » and citizen of Tarfus , a famous t.ik*r- > »•

tihh a. citie

I tifl
) 9 .

Pauls aflfwere^ The Afles; and confeffion.

citie of Cilicia \ and 1 befeech thee , fuffer mee to 1 Then
I {aid , lord , they know that I priib-
j'peake unco the people. ned, and beat in every Synagogue them that beleci
23 And when hee had given him h'cence Paul , ved in thee.
flood on the grieces , and If^^ckened with the hand 20 And when the blood of thy martyr Steven
nnto the peoole , and when there was made great wasllied I alfo f^oodeby and confented unto his b ibii
n properi.

iilence . he f^ke unto them in the Hebrew tongue, death, &

kept the cioathes of them that b flew him. ffokeo: for sievel
faying, X Then hee faide unto me. Depart for I will '^" munbetedof a

fend theefarre hence unto the Gentiles.

CHAP. XXII. aAndthey heardhimuntothisword,fc«t
21 J
I r4ul}etlJeihareafcncfhiif.nth, ii dnJ t^f Je^Vtiht.irt then they lift up their voyces, and faid, Away with force for at that

him*ivhilf: x) But fifitni ii they irrtd cut, 14 Heit

fuch a fellowe from the earth : for it is not meete limethe lewei
tcmmMdcJiokeJcrur^edandexamintd, »7 axd/i dcclartth could not (.otaay
ik^he %idtit.tncf H,Kmt, that he fliould live.
25 And as they c cried Sccaft off their cioathes, ^^^"'^""'''1'
brethren, and fathers, heare my defence
E men. and threw du{! into the aire, » Stoat and dub.
towards you. 24 i The chiefe captaine commanded him to butae pride will
% ( And when they heard that hee fpake in the be led into the caftle .and bade that hee (hould be ^"'''"'''^'"'11"°*"

Hebrewe tongue to them , they kept the more Ii- fcourged, 8c examined ,that he might know where- nehhe'r fuffer '

lence, and he laid, fore they cried fb on him other to receive ft,

I Paul miking* 3 t lam

verelyaman,tfwWc/)<»»iaIew,borne 2f 4 And as they bound him with thongs, Paul c Thedefcription

Jhoridetlaratioa in Tardus in Cilicia but brought up in this citie at

, faid unto the Centurion that flood by , Is it lawfull "•'^^ ^'°"' '""'»
the » fc-ete of Ganaaliel .and inftrufted according

for you to fcourgeonethatisaRoraane ,and not h*reb'rai"oedaad
fiooveibboch bii
to the perfe6l: maner of the Law of the fathers., and condemned ? mad multitude.
voution tud do-
Arine to be of was zealous toward God, as ye ail are this day. ^6 Now when the Centurion heard it ,he went, 3 Tfaewifdome
Cod 4 And! perfecuted this way unto the death* and told the chiefe captaine .faying Take heede ,
Tbatii.hiidayly binding and delivering into prilon both men and what thou doel^ for this man is a Romane.
i^'uXVn 'w'hat*;*
'."l-r^^":^" women° 27 Then the chiefe captaine came and faid to p^Stabie.andthere- ,

(bii.foithatthey 5 As alfo the chiefe Piieft doth beare me wit- hira. Tell me,art thou a Romane And he faid. Yea. witball meafure ?

Vfbicb nes,and the company of the Elders : of whom al-

all 28 the c hiefe captaine anfwered . With a 'j'.' P'°fi<.«ao'-
commoolyiD the
fo I received letters unto the brethren , and went to great fumme obtained I this freedome. Then Paul „'°/p*/jf^'j;j""
tiigheiplactfpfa- .
Damalcus to bring them which were there , bound laid, But I was fo borne. , 4 rhereiiiio'
kiog 10 ihriifcbol-
IcMwbicb ftiupoD unto Hierufalem.that they might be punilhed. 29 Then {\raightway they departed from him caufe whywemay
fourmcs btoeatb: 6 J And fo it was , as I iourneyed , and was which ftould have examined him and the chiefe 'j,^'". :

3Dd therefor* bee f",]"^^,^"^'

come neere unto Damafcus about noone, thatfud- captaine alfo was afraid , after hee knew that he was coAgWnh^
faitb, atibe fectc
denly there Ihone from heaven a great light round a =5 Romane, and that he had bound him. repeil ,or put away
~3i Gamaiicl.
aKoutme. 30 On the next day, becaufe hee would have aniDiurie.
7 So I fell unto the earth,and heard a voyce.fay- knowen the certaintie wherefore hee wasaccufed
inguntome,Saul,Saul,why perlecurei\thoume ? of the lewes hee loofed him from his bonds and
, ,
(jf',i,et, J,**
8 Then I anfwered Wno art thou Lord ? And
, commanded the hie Prieftes and all their Councill
be fa id to mee , I am lefus of Nazareth ,whom thou to come tegetber and hee brought Paul , and fei

perfecutefl. him before them.

9 Moreover they that were with mee , faw in
deede a hght and were afraide but they heard not :
the voyce of him that fpake unto me.
I ^t Paul fie jJelh hiicaufe, t ^ndniaicommiHndnhthtm
10 Then I faid Whatlhalll doe ,Lord ? And
tojmitehim. 11 Cod
7 Diffeniicn amfn^hiiaccujcrs.
the Lordfaid unto me Aiife, and goe into Damaf-
, tnccuraifthhim. 14. The lew
U?'"^ yviit for Vaul,
cus and there it lliall be toldtheeofall things,
zo iidiiUred unto tilt chiefe cufUir.e.' tj Hit /enJelh him
which are appointedfor thee to doe. to Felix the CoVirnoUT. , ...
1 raul agaioil tb«
11 So when I could net fee for the glory of A Nd , Paul behelde earne(»ly the Councill and , faifeaccufaiiom
that light , I was led by the hand of them that were of hiienemin,
faid , Men <»«if brethren, 1 have in all good con-
with me , and came into Damafcus. fcienceferved God vntillthisday. Se^c'j'r
1 X And one Ananias a godly man , as pertaining a » Then the hie Prieft Ananias commaunded proofe whereof,
10 the Law having good report of all the lewes
, them that l^ood by , to fmitc him on the mouth he repearetb the .

which dwelt there, 3 J Then faid Paul to him , God » willfmite vtboiecourfeof
I 3 Came unto mee and flood , and faid unto
, thee, thou b whited wall: for thou fitteft to iudge Hypocii
me , Brother Saul, receive thy fight ; and thatfame me according to the Law.and' tranfgrefSngthe,
houre 1 looked upon him. Law, commandeft thou me to be fmitten i length to betray

14 And he faid. The God of out fathers hath 4 And they that flood by ,faid .Revileft thou .'hemfeivei bytheij

appointed thee .that thou (l.ouldef^ know hi^will, Gods hie PrieftS Ti'tTw-lifo,
and ihouldeft fee that lufl one , and fiiouldefi heare y 4 Then faid Paul , I knew not brethren that , „, to compiaioeof
the voyce of his mouth. he was the hie Prieft: for it is written,* Thou Ihalt ioiuriei.aodto fuin»
f For thou Ihalt be his witnefle unto all men, not fpeake evill of the ruler of thy people.
of the thirigs which thou haft feene and heard. 6 ! But when Paul perceived that the one f°,',Vf''God!'fo'"
16 Now therefore why tarieftthou Arife .and ? part were of the Sadduces.and the other of the hat we do it' with. ,

be baptized .and wafli away thy finnes , in calling out hatred ,and wi'.h
on the Name of the Lord. a quiet and peaceable itiiode. a It appeareih plaitiely by the Grceke (.hrafe.ihai Paul
did not cutfetbe hierrieft.but onely pronounce the puailhmeDt of Giid againi) hini,
>7- 5 And it came to paffe.that when I was
b Tbii ii a vehetnentaad Iharpefprrcb hut yet not lepioacbfull Forthe godly man
, :

come againe to Hierufalcm , and prayed in tha fpeake roundly . and yet be voydeof the bitterajfedionofa fharpeand angry miode.C

Temple, I was in a traunce, e For theLawecorumandeth tbsludgeio heare the perfon that iiaccufed patiently. anij
1 a And faw him faying unto mee, Make haf^e,
to pronounce the fentenceadvifedly. 4 We inuft willingly and from the heart give
honour to Maginratfii although they be tyiaoti. •{ .fizod. aa 17. ; We may
and get thee quickly out of Hierufalem for thty :
lawfully fometiines fet the wicked together by the ea res. that they may leave oSho
wi^ not receive ihy witnefle concerning me, be wiifa 00 biadeioflieof ibttiuetb.
ailAult utiiv iti«t it


31 1 : : '

Paul fefcued, A rafli rowc^ Cbap.xxiiij. Paul fent to Felix. Tertullus.

Pbarjfcs be cried in the CoUDcill , Men <t«<< bre-
. tbrcefcore and ten.and twohnndreth with
thren ,
* I am a Pharile , the lonne of a Poaf ile : the third houre of the night
* Cliap. 14)12.
1 am accaled of cbebupeaDdrelurtediuD of ibe 24 And let them m ks ready an borfe.thai Paul
phil i,s.
dead. being fct on , may me brought fafc unto Felix the
t Tbeconcord 7 < Aad when hee had fayd
this , there wa> a goveroour. ^
ofibe vtick«4
vwake although
ii dilitDlion betwecuc the Phstiles the Sadducts, & 2y And he wrote an Epiftleio tljis maner:
they confjJirc to-
lo in^i the (cuitKude was divided. ^6 '3 Claudius Lylias unto the mouDoble go- tj tyflaiiifuj.
gether to oi>i-rcire 8 7 * For liie S *dduccs fay that there ij do re- vemont Felix leudeth greeting, '''"'y ""'J*
furt^dtion . Deitticr d Ai.gel , nor lpini:but the ^7 As this man was taken of the lewes . and 'l" i-ord PaoU
the Kuecb.
7 Ititaooldehe PDaiU^sconielTe both, fliould have becnc killed of them , I came upon
cell todenieche
9 ' Theu there was a great crie : and the them with a gsrilon , and rekucd him.ptcceiviDg
iiibaancc of Ao-
e Scribes of the Pbarifes pan rofe up , and ftrove, that bee w^s a Komaine.
geliaad raulo.and layiog , We findc none evill in this man but if a : 28 And when I would have knowen the ciUfe
thBRWithalltfae Ipinc or aa Ai gel bath ipukcn lu biai , let us not wherefore they acculed him.l brought him foorth
terurieftion D( the
light ngiiott God. into tbcitCouncill.
» Mat.2i-a3. 10 9 Aod when there was a great dilTeofionithe 29 nere I perceived that bee was accnfed of
i N^turei chatchicfe capiaine, teanog lefr Paul tiionld have bene qaeftions of their Law , but bad no crime wui iby
wancbodiet. pulled in pieces of tbem,coi:omaDded the louldiers of death, or of bonds.
t The Lord when
it pleaftth him,
to go dowae t and take higifrum au.oog ibeiOt and 30 And when it was fhewed mee, bow that the
findeih defeudert to bring him into the caiicll. lewes layd wan for the man.I lent /iwjiiraightwiy
cf hiicaufe, tvea 1 Now th^ night following , the Lord ftood to thee ,and commanded bis acculers to fpeake
amoDglt hit by him. anJ laid, B uf good coui ge. Paul, for as
. before thee the things that they hid agaimt him.
thou halt teltihed of isecin Hiciulalem.loaiuA Farewell.
« The Scribei office
vvaia publikoftcei tDOU besre witneffe alio at Rome, 3 Then the fouldiers as it was commauoded
and the name of the 1 1 i°And when the day was come,cettaioe of them , tooke Paul , and brought bim by night to
Phatifei wai the
the Icw£s made an aif^tobly land bound them- Antipattis,
name of a Ct&.
9 God will not
fclves with a cutfe, laying, that they would nei-
31 And the next day.they left the hotfemco to
foffakehiltoihe ther eate nor driokc till they bad killed Paul. gee with bim, and letnrned into the CaAell.
cod. 1 And they were moe then tuuitie.wbicb bad 33 Now when tbey came to Cef»rea, they deli-
so Such at are ca. made thisconfpitacie. vered the Epiltle to the govcrnouf , and prefented
nieJawa, with a
<boli(bz«ale, think 14 And they came to the chiefe Priefts and Paul alfo unto him.
that- hey may lie Eldets.and faid.Wee have bound our ielvei with a 34 So when the Govcrnour had read it.he af-
and matthtr and ,
lolemne curfe.tbat we will catc BOthing.untill wee ked of what province he was : and when be under-
doewha:focver Aood that he was of Cilicia,
have llaine Paul.
If Now therefore , ye and the Councill.figni- 3y I will heat c thce.fayd bce.when thine accu-
f They curfing and fie unto the chiefe captaine.that be bring bim forth fers alfo are come , and commauuded bim to be
banoiDgthemfelvei. uuto yoQ to morrow , as though you would kno we kept in Hetods iudgementhall.
fome tbicg tnore perfectly of bim , and we, or ever C H A P, XXIV.
g yecandthe Se- a TifuUujticufeih Pun'.: 10 Ht tinfwtrethfir Umfilft:
nate requiring the he come ncere will be ready to kill him.
II Hefretcheth Chnji to the^liern.Ur an<t hij Vftfe a; Fttix
tfametobedi-oeleaft 1 But when Pauls iiliers lonne beard of their hopeth .tut inl/tiinC,torecet>>e 4l>ril/i, aS ivhc eatnz from
that the Tribune "
laying await , he went, anu eniied into the caliell. hi, office, Ua^theuulinfttfon. .
it wai demanded of
ana told Paul. ja Ov*
afternve dayes . Ananias the hie Prieft
biin at feme pri- 1 " And Paul called one of the Centurions came down with
the Elders, and with Tertul- ^hatikty would
vate mam iui:e. unto bim, and faid.Tike this yong man hence unto lusacettaioe oratour, which appeared before the doeby foiceand
It Thewifedome the chiefe captaine : fi/t hehaibaceitaine thiug dectij.atiength
governonr agiinltPaul.
«f .he Spirit murt
to ibew him. X And When he was called foorth .Tertullus
bt ioyned with '.tmfuiubyV"'
iS So he tocke him , and brought bim to the began to .ccufe Urn, faying . Seeing that wee have fheTof Lav«.
chiefe capiame, and lay d, Paul ihc pt a^uer calk d obtcined great quictnetic " through thee , and that a Felix ruled that
me unto him > and pri.yed mee to bticg tms yong roanybvvorthy things are done unto this nation P'ov'o"witb grut
man uuto thee, which bath fome ibiDg to t^y uuto through tby providence. rufaeVe^tnTyVt
3 We
acknowledge u wbolly.and in all places, lofrphu. recotde.h
19 Then the chiefe c-ptaine tooke hira by the molt noble Felix, with all thackes. that ht did many
hand , ind w^nc apart wnb him alone , and <skcd 4 But that I be not tedious unto thee . I pray wo^tythiDgi ai .

him, batt t.^ou to Uiew me? thee , that thou wouldeft hearc us of thy cnrtciie a ^a. hrcTpTaineor
20 Aud he layd. The Ic wts have confpired to feWWOrUS. ceitaiu cuithroati,
defitc thee .that ibouwuuldeft bring foonh P»ul y Certainely we have found this man a « pefti- and 1 ui mat dtcea.

to morrow into ihougti they would moover of fedition among ^il the "log ihe e.
lent fellow . and a
8"*"'"°'° '•
inquire (cmew.iat of him mote pert dly: lewcs thorowoutthe world .and ad chietcmaio- '«
uled great
aI But let ihom not perlwade ibce ; for there taber of the led of the « N.z writes :
lie in wait tor him of them > aiorc then fouriy men. 6 And hath gone about to pollute the Temple: ''"' "'<•'> ' «""**
which have buund themlelv s wubacurle » that we tooke bim .and would have ludgcd wti^^'beStoikea
shey will neither catc nor dtinke.tiU they have kil- him according to our L.w ^^^^^^^^ „^ ^e.
led niia and now arc they ready , and wait tor thy
7 But the chiefe captaine Lyfias came upon haviour.
proraife. OS .and with great violence tooke him out of our * word for word,
2* "The chiefe captain then let the yong man bands. *W>g"<^- .

ji Tb«re iioo
depart , after hee nad charged bim to utttr it to 8 Commanding his accufersto come to thee : ay,'an"skad«,or
'^eLord and ail no man, that hee had iWweo bim thcle things. of whom thou miyeft( ifthou wilt inquire Jkouw enrignrbratcr
t*rvan:«. i3 And he CfiUd unto him two certainc Cen- all tbele tbirgs wheteof we acculc him. « So ih^y caiitd the
I Grpeke.tbat thou turions .faying, Make ready tv»ohundretb loul- C&iiliiaD>rcotiitjgly
kail (hewed there of the townei name where tbey thought that Chrift wai boroe , woereBpon ti cauic
ibtojito race.
diers, tbat tbey eay g6e to Cefuea, and boilemeo bim Galilraa,
that lutian ibt Apoltatc tailed

Hbh j 9 Mid

. .

defence: The A<aes* His appellation*

Feftus came intoFel'xfooinei and F^/Ja? willing ? v»re^t,ti,k%
< Confirmed Ter. 9 And the Icwcs Hkcwifc faflBfawd, fayiug
to get favour of the lewes. left Paul bound.
tul.ui hii I'ayi^rg.
^^^ jj ^-j f<j. P
, T«:ulmby rh.
j^ ^ ^.j^^^j p^^j ^ ^f^g, j^j, jI,j govenxjUr hid
beckencd OD.o bim that b.-c lliouid fpeskc ,an.
it ii»f leenefi'tfuitHr cfhii irtthir PdUn Imfhculihjyeiiud ftnftthtt wt m^f
gtthir htreij w'y IVkU h*lit flealHnit the Itrvti,
Iwttc-i. I doth' more gladly lolwuie foi my fclfe,
»nd vnjtb l.irt iiu:
Paul afiogfct:«ii-
f^^rjUucci^ 25 1 h^ow that ihciU hall becuc oft 033- CHAP. XXV.
y^zte^ a iu'ge unto this o»tiot:, 1 FeJlutfuciieiiniFiUx, 6 cctr.mtriiltihPAvlfohltrtK^ht

b[.t X'lVbf 11 Seeing that thoD mayea knowe thn there .

fconh. II Paul iff eaUt'hUni' Fejlu, n
PjhIi matter to l^ir,^ ^grfi>.i, 13 anJ litingeth htm ttfirt
r.iuniig cifitib cff pre but twelve dayes fioce I camc up to worfhip in him, 27 thut hemaj ua'ltrjijn'i hti caMfi.
in the Temple, I Feftuswai then come into the province,
tT"'., li And they neither found me
difpming with any m»a .tieither making optoate
WlHenafter three d^yes hee went np fromCefarca

i,e f"b°iMi.nddi'lZ
fimrif d«i'l'- .^"•ong the people, neither in the Syn^gugues. noi uoto.Hierufalcm. g.ot in f«kir-g all ,

g rauifindrd
inthecitie. 1 Then the high Ptieft . and the chiefe of the occadoci bu: God :

lewej appeared before him ai>aica Paul ; acd tlicy wbo watcheth for
To:t'fLT^>ri!d 13 Keither cm
they • proovc ths things.where-
0*111 of tnipiovince, ofthey now accufe tTC.
bcfougnthlro, tte.rcouufcU
chai..»7.bu> hebad 14 3 B ut ihis I confeflg onto thee . that aftsr 5 And defired favour againft him . that hee eafiiv.
g.vtrucd Tract o-
^^^ ^^^ (which thjy Call' faerefis) fo worfliip I the would fend for him to Hierutalem : and they hyd
God of my fathers, beleevicg all tbir-gs which are wait to kill him by tbe waj.
furetba: cistdiui v/tittcn in the Law and the Prophets, 4 But Fellus anfwered , that P.;ul (honld be
oudefciingowi- j^ And have hopj towards God.thu the refiit- kept a: Celarea and that he himlelfe would t-hort-

BourofiuH«:io. thtmlelves looke ly depart r/.tr/j*;-,

. vi^icb they
rcftion cf the dead
be both of iuftacd unicft.
for alfo. ihsil 5 Let them therefore , fayd be , which amorg
lib.a.cbaj n 16 And herein I indcvocr c;y fslfe to have al- you are able . come downe with n$ : and if there be
ii Tbty cano-iiay ^jy a clearc ccnfclcDcc towaid God aod toward any wickedneffc in the man, let them accule him. ,,
^^^^ 6 ^ a Nowe when he bad tatied among them *„j„*™|Ji''^f
^*' ^"°''
1 7
Ncvf after many yeeres I came 5c brought .
no more 'hen went downe toCclarea, but not with in.
'be iloies to my nation and offericgs. and the next day fate in the iudgement feate and >""*•
3 Piul pofb '"' ,

caafeotR^lgion jg Acitr.-h]: time , cettsiDC Icwes of Afia ' commanded Paul to be brought.
^j''^"'- found mee putiftad in the Tetcple, neither with 7 And when hee was come the lewes which ,

quali: iV.tiy multitude, oor with tumult. were come from lerufalem ftoode about him and ,

[dn:yinstn=.t ip Who
ought to bave bcenc prefcDt bcfotc layd many and grievous complaints againft Paul,
obicfteJ agaipft thee, and ac'cufe mc, if they had ocght agjinrt me. whereofatbey could make no plaineproofe,
»o Or let 1 hefe themlel vcs f .7 . It t hey have g Forafmuch as he aDfwcrjtd that he had nei-
tm 'u"oSr ther offended any thing againft the law of the
^ Jo«twl"!'
tTbVhMvJiy :nd found any uniuft thing in mee, wbiL; i ftood in the taiolyandvpiih'un-
froroGod.and to t'-
CoUPCill. lewes, neither againft f temple, nor againft Cefar. douUed teafoci.
fcttbfddtitof 21 Ercept»?i«for this one voyce.that I cried 9 3 YetFeftus willing to get favour of the
ftaoding arooog them , Of the teiurre<aoio ofthe lewes, anfwered Paul and fayd .Wilt thou goe up ^„f,y .^t'el^ay
Hftcfil ,or ftft, ii dead am I ^cculed of you this d->y to Hierufalem, and there be indged of thcfe things ,hecc«nftii„fth«
taktoingood(;irt. 21 f Now when FeliJ: heard thefe things, hcc before me ? wicked, but alfo
'"""^'b it upon
4 raulin coridu- defj,re(i tbcoo.ard fay d. When I (hall more ° per- SO Then fald Paul. I ftand at Cefats iudgement
tt"'"^" ''"'^•
the thinj^svvhichconcerne this way.
f<-"'^ly know feate, wheie I ought to be iudged : to tbe lewes 1
th'i'oxwbichli'ii jf ly. wbich by the conimipg of Ly!i <s the chjefc Captaine, I have done no wtosg as thou very well knoweft.

TeriuUuibad be- ^iH decifc your mattcf. i I For if I ba've done wrong . or committed
foredivfiiwayci any thing worthy of death , Itefufe not to die:
^^ f, xheo bec comtnaonde^ a Centurion to
keepe Piul , and that he (bould have cafe, and that but it there be noneofthefe things .whereof they
wiibiiiie about he ihjuld forbid none ofhis acquaintance to mi- accufe me , no man , to pleafure them, can deliver
thofcihioRi. unio hira, or to come unto nim.
nifter me to them: I appealc unto Cefar.
,^ « And ?fter certaine dayei came Felix . 1 1 Then when Feftus had fpoken with the
Aria mr. slurb With his wife " Dnililia whlch was 3 leweffc ,<t«i
i. , CouDcill hee anfwered , Haft thou appealed unto

«innirt,andthofe he Called foorth Paul .and heard him of the faitb Cefar f unto Cefar llialt thou goe.
rbajni.r.dupthe in Chrift. 13 ' 4 And after certaine dayes .KingbA- 4 Peflut tticking
'^ ^"'' ^5 ^" difpnteJ of tighteoufnes 8c tern- grippa and Bernice came downe to Cefarea to fa- nofucbthing even

^^whi'b'rtb.TX btfor..kmgi.brm.
pctance.Sc of the iud;;ement to come.Felix trcm- kt/p-ftiK:
jate f.lTUS.
b"ia« blnu'sht mt. '
,iD(r to light tbe
fThriLdgeufpfo- bled ,and anf*creJ,Go thy wjy for this time, and 14 And when they had teraaincd there many vvicktd.itOe of tb^
d,.;hbiifrmco-e, ^hcH 1 have conveoicDt titiie ,1 will csli for thtc. dayes , Feftus declared Pauls caufc unto the King, iewei,aDd pj«Ii
!7rto"b.'f!ii"""'" ** '^^^ '^"p='^ *"''^ ^'^^ "^""^"^y ^'°"''' ^"° fnying, There is a certaine niao left in "^prifon by
t'lj" marvtiloully con.
R iJi'iicouidnot beene given hia of Vail, thathemight ioofe him:
. ^
^r . . . ... r. L firniethe Cbutcll
i.idf!<rwb«ibn be v^hertforc hee fent for him' the ofiner , and cotn- Jy Of whom when
I came to Hierufalem , the ofo-d.
haddoctwickrcly ocnned with him. bie Pricft and Elders of the lewes cnformed me, b TbnAgrippa
i.'i.'reirci'cno' HO, '7 ' When two yeeres were expired, Porcius and defired to have iudgement ngainf: him. ^" ''^'"^a' d 'att
he bad betitrur.dera^nJingorihsi way wbich Paul ifofdrtd ; lod si foisthei
1 6 To whom I anfwered, that it is not the ma- Lu"kJf^k", ^f b,".' '

inaiie:» ti-ucbidg ib«ffditiccbt ihinkfrh {ood lodtftrre it tillbre btare Lyriii,aBd ner of;y R.omanet for favour to c deliver any man fo,e,andB;roice
liirrf Tore be gave Paul foincwbat more lihrriy. 6 God iia mofl faithful! keeper of
CO the d(?»th.before that be which is accufed.have wai bit fin«.
Ml fr.rvants. and the fatceof ibstruttb iiwomittf'iill eveo amoiiKft iii''" wtico are

the accafers before him . and have fijcc to defend '

ntbetwifrprol'*"'' ° Thii Drufilla was Agtippa hit filler of whom Li'ke ,
afifrwaid. a vrry harlotaniflicmtioui woman and beio^ the wifeof Aziiul himrclfc, concerning the crime
l'l> skeib ""['t^'io bf'VumfcsJl
Via)! of the Emiftri mho wasciicu nciftd .dfparted from bi in ,and wrnt lo Felix,
, 17 Therefore when they were come hither, before,&c. ^
ih. bfother of one Pallai «ho Ataifjinetimf Nno hiibondmao.
. 7 luanaugbiy without dtlay the day following 1 fjte on tbe
nirdeikii iiguiltly r> itftlfe. altboujU .foraetimc 'birebefoirK (hew ofrquitie.yet
tuMoe ftafonvve have neciJt to j>««eBtt, iudgement feate .and commanded the man to be
».y Odd by , it will bt tMiDt«ilb«d: bi»t ik tbe
ttd ibaKonuDuall. brought
rollout lourtn,
i8 Againft whom when the acculcrsfiood up.

: '

Pauls innocencie. Cliap.xxvj Paul counted mad. 6:

ihey brought BoerlfflC offoch thlogs'as I fnppo- Name of lefus of Nszneth,
fcd; 10* Which thing I aifo did in Hitrufalem : » chap.s.j.
J The prophao* But had ceitaincgueftioDsagavnfthimof formany of theS»intsI fliat up in ptiioo having
aod wicked tjke 19 J ,

«D occalion tocou- theu owoe"* luperlHcjons ,aad of ooelefus which received aiithoritieof tbf High Pfictts and when .

demnr the irue was dead, whom Paul iffitcDtd to be alive. they were pu- to death, 1 gavi my d fentence. ^ I ccDfeBtedto,
dcftrine by ireafon
of private contro-
io And becanle 1 doubted of fuch manner of 11 And
puniihed tbeni thorowc-^ all the Sy- [hrndlhl- forht

vttliei and conteii- qucttioB I asked him whether he v/ould goeto

, nagogues . and coropelled ibem to t-lafpheree, wainotaijdfje.

tird ofmcn be- Hi=ru(aiem,and there be iudged of iheic tBings. and being ncorcrosddcaganft them, I perlccuted « Byturtntpu-
twi-Tt ihemftlvei 11 But becaufe he appealed to be referveU to them. even unro llfange cities.
bu';?he irurth oe- Chau.ji,
the cxamioatioD of Auguftus , I cooKDanded bim I z At which tim-.even as I went to ^ Damaf-
in iht meant fea- to be Kept, till I might lend him to Cefat. CBS with authoritie, and cotDmifficafram the high
fo«file«nd lure. 21 6 Thco Agtippa layd unto FkAds , I would PfieSs.
d ifcis>iicpliJae
a!fo heare the man my fclfe. To morrow , (aid be, 1 3 At middsy .O ki'Dg.I faw in the way a '^ht s Tiie rod ofthe
mancalletta the
thou (halt heare bim. from heaven p.ffing the bDghtaeile of the (uDce, ft,tmw'bkha«
Iewe> jeligion.fii.
prrliuiod, and that S3 morrows when Agrippawas
And on the thine round about mee, aad them which weoi broughtiotfae
before king Agtip- coiEe and Beroicc with great' pompe and were
, , with me. knowledge of
emied into the Common-hall with the chiefe cap- 1 4 So wfeen wee were a!! fallen to the earth, I Chrirt.and at« iiK
ttt ibeiuleriof
taines and chiefe men of the citie , at Feftus com- heard a voyce fpeakirg unto me , and faying in the
"Jd'^A"! befog
^"he'maie I'ie'of mandcmcDt'Paul was brought foorth, Hebrcwe tongue, Saul. Stul.why petfccuceftchou layd Itoidonbj
theempire ofRome, J 4 And Feftus (aid. King Agrippa, and all men me? It h hard for thte to kicke againft pricks. faiS.
uied u. preitrre
jh«>wvt. betor.
which «e piefeot with us , ysc fee tbisman.abont ' 1
y Then 1 faid . Who
art ibou, LordjAad he t

^^^^ gj.1 jjjg multitude of the lewes have called faid. I am lefus whom thou peilecuteft.
ff^L b"' d'H
e' Thai !i fulfilled upcD mc, both at Hierufalem, and here.cry ing.that 16 Butrii'caadltand ijpoctby feet.'for Ihave Ai«Kleihip,aod
iu Paul , vibicb the he ought not to Ilve any longer. appeared unto ihee for this purpofe toappoim bisgra«ai awii-
Loi'd beforfe cs ly Yet have I found nothing worthy of death, thee a micifter and a witcefie , both of the things l''-;, .
told IO Ananisj
thaths hath com.mic:ed ; Deverthelells.leeing that which thoo haft feene.and of the things in the 'cdfj?,.''"'
e Gorgeoullylike he hath appealed to Auguflus . I have determined which I wiii appears unto thee, » Caa?. 21,30,
aPriDce. to fend him. 17 Ddivctiog tbec from this people.and from 7 Chrifti»tbe
26 Of whom I have DO certaiae thing to wiire the Gentiles, unco whom now I fend thee. '"VI'
i To AuguBai.
Good Princei re-
nnto my f lord : wherefore I have brought him 13 ! 1 o open their eyes, th.ii they may turne f iccvtryoae^
fufcd ibiS Dame at fooith unto you , and efpeciaily noto thee , Kitg from darkentHe to light, and from the power of g 7bacChri(i
tbefiifi, to^vit, 10 Agfippa.thac after examination had, I might have Satan unto God ,tbit they m?y receive forgive- 'hoisklaoibefuch

^V^^'^Yht^lT fcmewhat
to write. neflc of linces.and inheritance among ifaero.which j '^'"^ rV'^K't"."
oiltVe'd i', we* *7 ^°^ "^^^ tbicfccth
it uorcafonablc to fsod a are lantit.niti by lauh m mc, appcisted to beate
teadeo< TrataBui. prifoner and not to Ihew the canles which are kid
, i9_ « Wherctore.King Agrippa,! was not difo- oiirniirerie.,ai,d
againfl bim. bedient unto the heavenly vilian. ihepuniibmentaf
CHAP. XXVI. 20 * Bina^cwcdfirltuDEo tbemof Dimafcus, ^'ne'i^nof.keB,
a Punt i» tht frifinct cf^^ifipa, (^ JecUreth hit life from
and at Kierufalcro , and ihctowoutall ihecoaftsof vi.h;cfaareiaifud
hii childhofd, 16 andhucuU',,.'^, 21 rvihfuchtfficaiiecf
1 TobaveaiKil- ludea , and then to the Gentiki , that they Ihculd from the dead.
ypordi, jS ihar almoB hi ptrfw-idtdhimu Chifii^nitie.
full Tudge... a great .
p repent aijd tutne to God , and doe wotkfs worthy t-ife.y".attd 'hat
^.^, ^^ ^„^ ^.^ r
^ t ^
& ^^,y^,^
» ,

aucUingular gifiof >

rrnt'er. amendmentoflife. SmaUbi'i^-
f Pa.i! dividwh the 'V Hen Agrippa
unto Paul, Thou art permit-faid 21 For thi-s caufe the lewes caught me in the i,re and tbit ; fee .

hiitorieoihiiiite ted to Ipeultc for thy felfe. So Paul ftietched * Templc,aod went about to kill ins. agaiQlidaikenefle,
iDtotwoimn.f.f forth the hand, and anfwered for him felfe. 22 ^ Nevertheleffe , I obtained belpe of God. '^'^'^^ aimoit inj.,j
thefiritthrca!,etb j » I jf,ioli;e ,j,y fgjfg happy.King and continue onto this day witutffug boih to

<^^«<« ^ "^^^H ^nlwere this djy before thee ot all the f imall and to great, laying none otticr things, foinejinwmifet:e
tlitDe*. "fo'r the
iaiter.tbefatben thingi whereof I .im accufedof thelswes: then ihofe which the Prophets and Mofes did lay aad caiamiie.
ard Prophets. 3 Cbicfcly , bccaufe thou ha(\ knowledge cf illOUjdcome, S Thewifedorneof
a whaiiwai.and _^]j cuftumes
, i!od qutrftjons which are among° the 23 To Wit , that Chrift ihould g fufFer. and tbat
wbere,aadhcw , i_ r . r 1 . 1
lewes: whetetore I beleech thee tohcsremee pa- be aiould be ihs tirit that Ihould nie from
' the wiibftaorfi swi
b Tbat my parenn tiently, dead, and Tnould (hew ' light utto ihis people, and "••"'' bold;.
wverePbanfei. 4 2 A$ touchiog my life from my chilcJe- to the Gen-.iic^s.
c Tbefeftoftbe bTecJetl' "a^od""

hood , and what it w-^s from the beginning among 24 8 And as he thus anfwered for himfelfe,Fe- "jjvii'y'." '

risiifei wastbe
moll eiqi mine owne nation at Hierufalem, knowc all the f^usiayd wiihaloud vuyce .Paul, thou art belides 9 Pauiaiitwere
amouelt i ^feftj lewef, thy felve much learning doeth make vhee mad.
forgnting hiinfeife
of tbeliiAes. for
J Whichaknews me heretofore .even from 2r But Ue (aid. i aai not mad. noble Fdius. O
was bctIert^en al fo'^j'^Jd^t^Vhi;
my b Elders ( ii'tney would tettifie ) that after the but I (p-.!ke the words of trueth and fuber nefi'e. c^uie h°e foVgeueth
euoft Itraight le<5t of our religion,! lived «Phatife. 26 uoitbeonicrof
3 There are ihree
chiefe and pnnc.. 6 3 And now I ftind and aroaccuted for the fore whoca alfo 1 )peak« boldly : for I am perivva- hisApoitieibip.
palK'iirnel]'. sof hope of the promife made of God unto our fa- ded thai none of thefe things are hidden from him: '" '^^_'^
\^l^ '''^°f^^
thers, for this ihicg was not done in a k corner. mo't tm'tb/rowly
aijdtfaecu:;(en: 7 Whereunto our twelve tribes iVift.n-.Iy fcr- 2-7 9 O king Agrippa beleeveft thon the Pro- and aiioee.he. bL,iii

of ihe ChunJ). virg God day and night hope to come fi,r the ,
; ph^ts'l know that thou belceveif, that
4 Kf proovetb the which hopes f^ke, O king Agrippa , I am accnfed :8 Then Agrippa faid unto Almcll thou
rrruirrftionofike .
niT/^Te mad'''Is I
ofthelewrs. me to become a Chriftisn.
dead, tint by rhe a,./,ny bond.Inely
JtowTofGjJ.ibei 8 4 why
(l)oujd it be thought a thing incre-
29 Then Paul faid 1 would to Gcd that not ""p?
. 1

•by the lefurr- dible unto you, that Godlhouldraileagjine the ontlythcn but alfo all that hesre me tcd.iy, were ,"° raulijfrlenin.
ofChttlt .wheitof Jgjijj '""*'
both 5lmoft,and altogether fuch am except
'"' as I .
wl^'alf 5» I alfo verely thought in my felfe, that! thefe bonds,
ought to do: m^ny couttaty things .-gsicli ibe SO to And when be bad thus fpcken, the king
Uhh 4 'c'e
. , .

Pauls dangerous voyage The Ades, An Angel comforteth Paul. They

owne bands the t>kling cf the (hip.
rof« up and ihe govertiour, and Bernlce, and the y
zo And when neither lunne nor ftarrei in ma-
(bai lite with iheca.
ny dayes appeared , and no fmall teropett lay upon
2 1 And wheD they were gone spart.they tjiked
us hope that we fliouKi be faved , was then ta-
betweeoe therofelvea . fay iug, This mat: doeib do-
. all

thing worthy of deith.noFof bonds. „ ,„flood,,forth. r
a i Thcufayd Agrippa unto Fsftuj This man .
11 I But after long abftinence, Paul kicked for a time,
in the mids cf them and faid, Qiould have fothiielfS and
mi-^ht hare beeoe loolcd , if be had not appealed

hearkened to me, and not have loofed from Can- cboftnifake.

UDto Cefar.
C H A P, XXVII. die: fo fhould ye have gained this hurt and loffe
Paul f>,»til>tl,tl,tttnicf,l,eVj,ug,, ,, luthtu 12 But now I exhort you to be of good cou-
, 7.9
rage : for there Iball be no loffe of any mans life
»». 41 ^nU MtrjhfVrttk.'- 34 Tt •»"/-'/< ""''
temrrfl. amongyou, faveof thelhip onely.
fund 44 W'^r"
23 For there flood ty me this night the Angel
TSJ I when it was coocladed , that we fhould
Uw of God, whofe I am, atxl whom I ferve,
I Ptolwith nnoy I'aul.and
liile into Italic, they dcliveftd both >4 Saying , Feare not , Paul for thou rouft be :

certaioe oihei prifoneii unto a Cemurion t named brought before Cefar : abd Ice .God bath given
ny.l«.h. ,i.
of™ IhHus, of the band of Auguftus, UDto thee freely , all that faile with thee.
And*wecntrcd imoa Cbippeof Adraasyt-
buivrtbyG d» I »J « of good courage : for * JJ" ?««">'* '•
Alia.and made f fftftuaU
owdt ___,
h liura, putp jfing to faile by the cojftes of 1 beleeve God , that it Ihall be lb as it baib becne
^,re .Vniffi forih jauDcbed fooith .and had Aciftarchus of Maccdo- tol. eme.
,ndLommr.ded with us.
^^^^ ^ Tncll<loDian, %6 Howbeit mufl be caft into a certaire
gmoiot w.>iiil Sidon : and
3 And the next day we arrived at lUad, 7 We attaine aid
lit >cltlluoni>i. luHus couttcouay entreated Paul, andg^vehiin Z7 7 And when the fourteenth night was come, "^o"]""
* i. Coi.iiiii lib?ttie to goe unto his friends.that they might rc- as wee were carried to and fro in the e Adriaticall
"r„oo'"trougb fh»
fKlbhiro. fea, ^bout midnightthe ftipmen, deemed that feme mid. oftempeiu
4 And from thence we Uuncbed.and failed hard conntrcy *^approached unto thetn. «nd death it felfe.
by Cy pius, becauic the windes were contrary. 28 And <ouDdcd,and found it twenty fathoms *
Then failed we over the fea by Cilicia , and 1, i^i^i ...i-, '. ^
and when they bad gone a Imle futiher.they foun-
teth. tbattbc Adii*
J „i„ii f„ teateth
Pjmptiylia, and carac to Myra, a. citie io Licia. ded againe, and found fifteene fathoms. upon the Eaftfhoie
6 And there the Centurion found a (hippe of 19 Then fearing leafl they (hould have fallen of siiicia
Alcx^odria, failing into Italie, and put us therein. into fome tough pl..ces, they caft foure ancres out
1 which VT»an *^'^^"^3/'^o.
7 And when we had tailed (lowly many dayes. ofthefterne, and wifliedthat the day were come.
high hill ^fCindie.
« G <!• piovldtuM
and fcarcff were come againft Gnidum.becaulc the jo 8 Now as the mariners were abeot to flee s There iiBoae
uk«i2 not jiAiy winde (ufFcred us not , we lailcd hard by Candic, out of the Ibip and had let downc the boat into
fo fo"'**"**-
tbrcaufrivibicli neere to Siltuonc. v^hereupcB d.nruft
« the fea under a colour as though they ' would have
Godufr.hii e and *n cviti con«
And with much adoe failed beyond it .and f\ *

out of the fotelhip.

cafl arkers
% ^ r\ •

fcience doe not

called the Fiire havens,
ot7."V.h3"d"^" came untoa cettaine place 31 Paul faide unto the Centurion and the
9 enforce men.
poft'o thtir right Dcerc unto the which w.<s the citie Lafea. fouldiers, Except thefe abide in the cannot 9 Aitb. ugh ihe
VCD thro 9 1 So when much time was fpeot .and failing be f.fe.
whtn beop<nfth ^HA% now ieopardous.becaufe alfo the bFafl was now
ao extraordiDAiie j 1 Then the fouldiers cut off the ropes of the do°th'Do'tTmply
pafled Paul exhorted tliem
boat, and let it fall away, depend aponfc
bThii 1 ITlfJOt of 10 And faid unto them Sirs.I fee that this voy- ^3 10 And when it began to be day, Paul exhor- condcaufei ,yet
th. age will much damjge,not of the
be wi h hurt, and ted them all to take meat, faying. This is the four-
'h'' ff."i''o7«''^a.'° *'P ooeiy.but alfoof our lives,
''''^•"g ^"'^ teenih day that ye have taried, and continued faft- o'feod.bouDti-
lion'l. wettade Neverthcl-lle thc Ceuturion beleevcd ra-
II 3 ing, receiving nothing : fuintffe which doe
L«vit a3.i7<nhich ther the govetnour andthe mafler of the Ihippe, Wherefore I exhort yon to take meat foi notembrace tbofe
34 :

then thofe things wbich were fpokenofPaul. this is for yotir fafegardrfor there Q.all not an
mooetb whicn we
iz And becaufe the haven was not commodi-
callOft btr, and ii gbane fall from the head of any of you. either upon lalh.
not good for navi- ous to winter io.msny tooke counfell to depart 3t And when he bad thus fpokeo . hee tocke nefleordifttuft.
gaiion, or failing. thence , if by any racanes they might aitaine ro bread, and gave thankes to God in ptcfence of >° whenthe
3 Mtncallib.m. Phenice . there to winter, which is an haven of
fclvci willingly
them alLaod brake it, and began to eatc. i^rfSi !«
Candle .and lith toward the Souihweft and by 36 Then were they all of good courage, and be not orriy quiet,
f,.ttot Jj.gfri, Weft, and Northwefl and by Wtfl. tbey alfo toeke meat. bmconfirme
whtnibty tOufe I ^ AnJ when the Southerne wiode blew fofc-
37 Now we were in tbcfliip in all two hundred other, by their ei-
to follow their
ly.they tuppofing to attaine their pnrpofe , loolcd threefcore and fixtecne fonles.
owne «ifptiomc» '^J;;, , p„^„b»
necrei.arid failed by Candie.
iatb-rib»r God, 3 S And when they had eaten enough.they ligb- which iheHebtue*
fvfak.ojL.y bt 14 But anon after there arofe by « it a ftormie .
tenrd the fliip ,and caft out the wheat into the fea. ufe, whereby i»
mouth of bi>ftt. winJc called d Earoclydon.
}9 »' And when it was day. they knew not the ]?""' • '*"' '''7
"li"'^ andJ-K rfrom •? And when thf Ibip '^^was caught,
" and could couotrcy . but they fpied a certaine h cretke with
c By C ,
,11 u
noiiMUt 1

the winde we let her goe , and were ca-

1 1 ^;,o?,bem peX
whofflh-ff oui ,
a barke into the which they were minded ( if it
n Thenaretem-
ftiicwaidnvenby riedaw.iy. were pcflihle) to thruflin the fliip. pen.moftofoii
th.imrinri 16 And We fan undcf 3 little le Damcd Clao- Y 40 So when th'-y had taken up the «rkers,tbey ,'° t*!'?"'' \"'*
d N .r.b "" *^"<'- da.and had rautb
adoe to get the boat. committed the jUpfexx^xo the fea. and loofed the
4 The end 1 too- 're™'b"«"
vethinatnon. I 7 Which they looke up and ofedall helpe,nn- rudder bonds aou t oiled up the mainc faile to the i, neereii.

ur«.'vidr worfe for dergirding the (hip . fearing Icaft they Ihould have winiie and drew to the Jhore. h a creeke ii a fe«
ibenifclvck ,tbcQ f .lien unto Syrtes. and thty ftrake faile .and fo were
ihrv vihicb com-
4 And when tbey fell into a place.wbere two ^^i'^**"' '7,'V" ''"1

c.*ritd. feas meete,thcy thruft in the (hippe: and ibefore- °

minh'inf- v.» fhe're'rfun U*. ^
to hr govf'nfd
18 4 The next day when we were toflfed with part fluckefaft , and conld not be mooved . but the iilbmu. cal.
i So is
anexceedingtempcft, they lighted tbeibip. hinderpati was bxokcD with the vielcncc of the •«• .becaufe the fea
19 And the thud day wee cafi ont with out njygjj toucfaeita iioobos*
: «

fiifferfhipwMcke. Publius. Chap. xxvUj. No caufe of death ra Fauf. 6i

13 ThereilQo 41 rhcn the foaldiers connfell was to kill the
'» fired to tary with them feven dales, and fo we went
vchcrc mote un- prifi->Def s, ht&. 4oy of them, wheo he had fwomme toward Rome. _ ,
r ^
faitbfulnet aad un- t . r , I I. I I 9 "od never fuf.
1 9 And from thence when the brethren

tbankfulHfttben out, fhould flee aw»y- I J teietbhi,iobe

inunbelecveri. But the CentarioD willing to fsvel'aul,
43 '3 beard of us. they caroe^b meete us at the e Mar- afiiiicd above
J3 God hnderh ftjycd them froiu r/;« connfell .and coromaunded ket of Appius.and at the three tavTpes , whom it«ir(tiength.

that they that could fwimme , Ihould aH thcm-

»vea amoDgft bii
when Paul lawe, hee thanked God/and waxed
^ pll^vir^^^l'dr"'
wholt htlpe he fclves fiiit into the lea , aod goe out to Itad : bolde. by App.uJ.he blind
uffth 10 fttf'ite 44 '4 And the otbei , fome on boards, and fome 16 So when wee came to Rome.the Centurion wiih'be beipeof
bit. OD ceitainc piecet of the (kip : and foil came to delivered the prifoners to the generjli C^ptaine :

14 Thegoodntffe
paffc, (bat they came all iafe to land. but Paul was fufleied to dwell by fhimfelfe with TJt'Zt'^tT'
mau malice. a fouldier that kept bim. the fea, and there
CHAP. XXVIII. 1 7 " And the third day after, PjoI callec-Jbe v^-^'e three .avemei
chiefe of the lewes together, ,*nd when they were '""-^
2 The Biri-tfiint cttrifit totv-trii I'tul and his ccmpanit. ac m-

3 ^)/:per en P.iuiihund: 6 Hefhukst'nifff-wiihiut come. hee faide unto them. Men and brethren. „c.n''pri'fon°bu'tia
hiirme: iP»'<iit 9 •">d ethers jrckj him hitl^d, ii Thej though I have committed nothing ag jioft the peo- a ioufe which be
itf art from Mtliti, 16 andccme to !{ome. 17 Paul pie, or Lawes of the fathers , y^f was I delivered hired for himfelfe.
ffentthioihe lenes, »o ihc caufe tf hit ttmmin^. xx tit
prifoner from Hierufsjem into tbehandesof the '? 1*^"''°""^
freaeheth Itfi*i 30 tnojeerej. X, place reiuembreto
A Nd when they were coine fafe , then they I 8 Who when they bad examined me.would Apoftle.
>. knew that the Iflewjs called a Melita. have let me go,becaufe t*bcre was no caufe of
, 1^.^. ,j wemayufe
* A°^ '^'^ Barbarian* Ihewed us no litle kitid- death in me. ,he meanei which
BtthiiVa'y wetall
Malu. DclVe . for they kindled a fits. and received us eve-
ij> " But when the lewes fpake contrarie . I Godgwerhut.but
ry one, becauleofthe prefentlhowrc,andbecaufe was conftraiced to appeale unto Cefar.not becaufe
f" '^^Te'oleod,
of the cold. 1 had ought to accufe my nation oi. and not oui feKe».
3 I And when I'aul had gathered a nnnsber of 20 For this caufe therefore have I called for
fticks, and laid them on the titc. there came a viper you to (et you, and to fpeake with >»»: for that
I The godly are
fure to have dan- out of the heat, and leapt on bis hand. hope of Ifraeis lake , I am bound with this cbaine.
ger upon djoger, 4 »Now when the Barbarians lawe the worme 21 Thentheyfaid unto him. We neither recti- i

but ihey have «1. ved letters out of

hang on bis band, they faid among tbemfelves. ludea corcerning thee .neither
wayet a glorious
ilTar. This man furely is a murtbeier » whom , though he came any of the brethren that Ihcwed or fpake any
a iUihough ad. hath efcaped the fea , yet ^ Vengeance bath not CViUofthee.
^ ..Thel.w.nd
22 But wee Will neare of^ thee what thou thin- the Gofpeii agree,
verfitiebc the pu-
fuffered toiive.
;: But hee fhooke off the worme into the fire, kethfor as concerning this feft.we know that eve- «"" og"'='r-
yetfteiog ihat
and fell no harme. riewhere it is fpoken againft. s ^v 8°°'' reafoM,
God lopuniflling
of men doih cot 6Howbeii they waited when hee fhonld have i3 '* And when they bad appointed him a XeVmg7^eoV
c fwolne, or fallen downe dead fuddenly 3 but af- :
day , there came many unto him into hu lodging, God foretold them
Sone ,thty iudge whom
terthey haJ looked a great while , and Gwe no in- to feee expounded gteftifying the king- by the Propheti,
ralhly , which ei-
thc convenience come to him , they changed their dome of God. and perfwadicgthemthofe things
for the end. or doe mindcs. and faid. That be was a God. that concerne lelus . both cut of the Lawe of i, a favour oilife-te.
Udge .odeftefme Mofes , and out of the Prophets., from morning to them that beieeve.
of m«accordrng
^ 4 In the fame qu.irters,the chiefe man of the
night. Sea favourofdeath'
toptofperitieot ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ Fublius) had poiTt ffioci the :

advtrliiie. fame received us,and lodged us three dayes cout- 24 '3And fome were perfwading with the things difot'diet?'"
b Right and teoufly. which were (pokcn, and fome belce ved not. ,4 rfaeunbelee-
8 And
was , that the father of Pnblius lay
fo it ly Therefore when tbey sgrced not among vtndoe wiliiogly
c The G«eke
ficke of the fever and of a bloodie flixe: to whom themfelves.tbey departed, that Paul had fpo- "''*" 'betruetb.
v«ord(tgoifi«hi to ,

beinflaTied.orto Paul entred in, and when hee prayed, hee laydc ' ken one word, to wit , Well fp^ke the holy Ghoft
fwell moreover hands on him, and healed him. by Efaias the Prophet unto onrfathers. Efa 6,9. -

Diofcorideiio hi» ^6 'tS .ying,* Goe unto this people. and fay,
«bookechap3S. 9 r When this then was done.otheralfo in thc*.
witTeOitb, that the Ifle , wbicb had difeafes, came to him, and were By heating ye (h^il heare .and Qiall not undcrftaod. !"''^' '*

bitiBgofaviptr healed. and fee'.ng ye fhill ice, and not perceive. j",,^ ,'%. *
lo « WhJch alfo did « great honour : and 17 For the heart of this people is waxed fatte, rom.n.'s.
laded us with things nc- and their earts jre dull cf bearic.g and with their ^ They niadea»
fJi'h'N°candet^-° "beD wcc departed, they

eyes have tbey h wirked,leaft they Ihould lee with

hii remediei aga'inft Ccffaric |,^^°"f ''' h.chThe',-
poyfooi. II J 7 Now after three monethi wee departed r;->«r eyes, and heare with r/;«rcares .and under-
"aw agai'^it't'beii
3 Th.te it uothing j^ , Qjjp ^f Alcxjodria which had wintred in the ,
ftand with their hearts , and Ihould returnc that I wiiiea: yea.hey
lOe, whofe ! badge was Caftor .and Pollux. might heale them. did fee, but tbey
every way then ,

they which are 1 1 And when we arrived at S yracufe, we latied 28 1 J Be it knowen therefore unto you.that this 7/
"{h ""^teWefe-
jgrbrantof irae //jer« three dayes. falvation of God is fent to the Gentiles , and they of the r'e"°obaIe
And from thence wee fet a coropaffe >and
13 ChaU heare it. and callaviayei
^ Itneveryei re-
came to Rbegium and after one day ,tbe South : 29 «« And when hee had faid thefe things, the "'"'°' <>"{''>''
puted any man,
that received ihe wind blewe , an4 wee came the fecond day to Pu- elfefti
frrvaotof God, teoli ihemfelves. ,5 nom : GjC.
werr he never fu
1 4 s where wee found brethren , and were dc- 30 J7And Paul remained two yeeresfuIHn an pell , but the coo-
boufe hired for himfelfe.and received ail that came ""P' of iheOof-
acaptive yet the rntue of God wai not captive. 6 God in unto bim, "^a^,..
y Although Paal were ,

-,11 !_• L 1 V „ . .. . .
offinfe debates
doethwell to ftrangen for bi« children fake. Idolei doe not defile the Saiati,
7 31 Preaching the kingdon^eof.God, and teach- 17 rhev^oideof.
Jihicb doe in no wifeconfent unto them.
d So they ufed to decke the forepart of
iogihofe things which concerne the Lord lelus Godcancoibe-
their (hic?e» whereupon the Oiippei werecalleJ by fuch namei. 8 Godbowetb

Chiift, wi(b all boidocflc of fpeccb, without let. i"""^.

04 d bendeihtbc hcaiuevcaof jnofauc men ,ai it;lMfeih bim so favouiiui.

) . ', .

ChftilGjdand man. To the Romanes, What the Gofpel is.


c H A r. I. pofed to come onto yon (but have bene let hither
Hefirjl/htrrtihtivha a»h<.r,tieUu ^p,(ll,fkhfiMJtlh.
u He ineaceth afl
to ) that I might have foaic fHiii alfo among you,
"b^n thatdw.lti
XfT'.fil>er c.mmi-dtthtnt uc/fHt, i6 iy jvhith i^UJiiuth
a$ I have JOJODg the other Geotilej. Rome, ibo ugh fom*
licjt lldt trt J-itird, 17 f) t'^i'lt, 11 in' nerc
tut hil ptVftrtit
£(-'r r n> k_t U:ti>i':k: •>^'^!f< '• -•«'•- i« f" tri'ich his 14 1 am debcer both to the Grecians , and to of'^tm wtrcoot
trrjth tror hj ftwredtrnbem, 3$ fc tint thty nnne
IT .11 the Barb»rians , both to the wife men and to the .^"" j""' }f^^'
s The (irft part
ht.Ui.r,^ .^U ^'nule/finrt. UOWUC.
/ TCefecondpart
offheEr'ltle ^^>t'S?j:?V A U
;- » « 2 a fervant of I E S S U 1 y
. , ,. much as m roe is, I am readie
. ,
oi tb. &p,ait un.
con a r.i.iga to"ft Cnrift tailed to lie an b Apoftle, to preach the Golpell to you alio y are at " Rome. '° ''=« bejinn'og
pr:fitjb!< preface * <: put apari ^o/"'Mc^'-he Golpel 16 For I am not aflnojcd of the Gofpeil of "' '^"'P-,
un.ol-rrrrlS. !l
of Go J, r^L A ,- • A ^-.• 1 I . - Now tbe wbol'C
a Hr maoviiig the Cbrill: Jtor It 1$ thex powerof God untoiaivati- end and pjtpofe
ICuraanes to jive 2 ( Which bee had promifcd on to every one that the few firft, and <jf tbedifputatioo
afore by bis I'rophstj in the holy alfotothey Grecian. iithii .thatnto
bim ia ihacAee
Sciipi«res) 17 * For by it the righteoufoeffe of God is re-
' '° ,""«' '""
ih;we:acbaiiiee '^i'''

Concertaiog bis Sonrelefus Cbfirt our ^ 1 1 r ,- • 1 _, , .

tbrre but oneIf
a 3 '^
vealedtrom -(juh toraiih: 7a5it w wrKier.^The waytoaitaine un-
Lora (wi..;ch was* ajaiiecf the feed of DjviJf ac- iuftlhalUiveby faith. to faivatioQ{ which
bu;ai GoJi mrf- totfieflclli,
cordiug 18 8 For the wrsth c? God is revealed from >» '^" f"* h unto
Acd g decUred & msghcily to be ihe fonne of
4 heaven agunft a all ungodiineUc at:d nnrightc- .
«tb wiib tb,-i cf God.toucDing ths Spirit offanctihcauon by the oufneiic of men which withholde the ^ trucib in
, an"y diffei.nMor
ifcev»figbtielt refnrreil^ioo fro!D ihe dead Unrighteoufceils. naiion*) and that ij
ma'ier. ttar i> pro-
5 received* grace and
iRy whoroe wee bav<: ijf 9 ForaimuGh as tbat.which may be known i"^'""«Cbtiii appre-
mifed long fmce
of God. by many Apoftlelhip (:hai I obedience might be jjiven un:o of God ;is msDifeft in c thetu . for God ha.h Ihew-
^^od tu ^ii-ie
the faih;f jr bis Dsnie m jtcoDg all the
S-Wttm(r.i,ard ed it unto there, andeff.analiin.' .

Bowa'thel'.igih 6 Atiiong wdomc ye bs ailo the ° called of le- iO For the invifible things of biro, that is, his iitu^nenttofave
cternall power and God heid.are i'eene bythe crea- """ ^^^

7 Toilly«« bs thu at F-.ome beloved of God. tion of (he world, being d coof:dered in his woilsj.
wordt fcrvantj
L?cUn, isfe.
uaottikra intbii called fofcuSJints: o Gcace ^<f with you, and peace to the intent that tbey ihould be without excule : .gainit this word
place .asfet againft
ftoTj God our Faaer,aDd/rwB the Lord lelus aI Becaufe tbic when they knewe God tbey 'ewe.thcn doih it
Ibii wordiFieeniaoj
'glorified him not as God.neiiherwerc tbackefull. ''S°'<'ea Gentile,
b(; drclji<-:b bit
* Fifft I thacke my Go J through kfus Chrift but becarnef vaice in tbeir thoughts, and their
ir.inillere and of- ft

becaule >ou<- faiih P publiilwd iho-

fice. for vou ail , is tooulli heart w-is full of darkece fie, ptopofnion.we '
b Wbereailtre row'out the s whole world, ai V7ben they g profelTed thcmfelves tobe aretan^hiin the
faidbeforeiij jp«.
9 For God is any v/i;nefife ( whom I ferve in wife, they became fooles. Gofpeiitba, weare
ueraii trarme-iiiat
BevvaiaminiHer, royrfpifitin thsfGolpellothis Sonne) that with- 13 For they turned the P.lorie cf the »> it3cor- o'dMaith which
ooTinwrcor.imefn out ceafinj; i rn^ks mention of ycu. tUptJble God to the fltEililude of the image of a encteafetb d.!yly :

tJ airoiefpf'.i.ill
10 AlwAycs in lay prayers , beleeching that by corruptible man, and of birdes , acd foure tooted and th. refers alio
name, and fii;h
heifl an Ap-'fH:',
fomi mr-ants 5 one time or other I might have a bealls. and of creeping things
^tf/o,r\ f.nib which
aud that lit for kt prolp^-Tcus iotirncy by thcwillof God, tocome 24 " Wherefore alto God "^ gave them up to i
not upon biin this nmo you, their hciirts Inlts unto defile their
, 7 The pioofeai
bead .bur heiog rai-
Forllotigtoieeyou, thati icightbeftowe owne bodies betweenc thcailtlvus ; "'i' otibetiuiai

led of Ood and annong you fome Ipiriiiuli gift , ihdt you might be 2 J Which tufned the ttaeth of God unto a lye.
'S'jf^"",^ l;^^"'
tatcelofrinibu ftrengthened; and woi(hippc:d and fcrved the creature .fcrfaking brk")c?whoat'ii.
hitwiiiinf.rothe 11 That is , that ' I rcight be comforted toge- the Creator which is bleffed for ever, Amen. buttth and giveih
Kiniaitj .don'j both
ther with you , through m'.r mutuill faith , ^6 For thiscaufe Gudgjve tl.eti up tovileaf- ""tofaiibboh
duelie. yours scd.roir.e. fc<ft ions: for even their woiiu-odid change the na-
btf,!'? cjd''^'^
" AftllJ,!. i 3 Now my brethren , I would that yec Ihould turall ufe into that which is agaicItD.iture. « Ab.ik.jv).
* Appointed of hot be ignoiim , bow ihac 1 have cftentimes put- 17 And likewilc alio the men left the nsturall s ,\Dothrtcon(ir.
life of the wotnan .and burned in their Inltote nation of that
Q^'ftW. J Hv dKljiingibefummeofthfdoft^insofthtGofpel.beftirtfthupthe F"">;Hailiutition;
Ro.ninci n, j-ucd couli.icraii^ii ol' ihe mattti whiirnf ht: cnt«iieta .'So rtitu Dfe
toward another, and ra.m with man wrought hi-
, ,,.
All men being ,
,- , I

llitweib that Cr.rift (woo ii ih« vety (ubilantt and I'uinme of the Gofr«M ii the ,' thinede, aod received 10 thcralclves iuch rccom- coniideied in ihem- '

onely rcnoe i.f God rhe Fnhir.VJao astujcbiog bii humaDitie.ii made ot the pcnceot their etrour ,as wasireet. felvetorwiihout
fred cf D.ivid ,but ioU:bm^ bit divme and fpitiruall ojture whereby bee fan- ,
Siti.d bimf-! ;«,,« bf^-^'en of tbe Fnber fr.iin cvjrlaning a» by hii inighiic re- , botbofgcd inene,andalfouotithteoufi:tr!>,3ndtbetefereaieAibie& tocondnnnaton:
(jr^Aiunmauifflliy Lpnearetb d Tbiiiia pljioeieilimonie of the (leifo;) of Taetefi)rt-niu:l th.-y nee*i (n kc lig.'itfouriips in fume other. a Agiinliall kind of
Chiifl ibjjff i. 1,111 unT .and of
. oaiuiea ,aiid thnt properti.i.
hit ivvo c Whicn^pdlii.tllc. b Uytturts.raudiiraneth allihcl-ifbt ibat ii lefiin m..i; fmce bi» fall,
toikcfl.-fiioftievlr/iii.DividSiidiugbter. Aiht is/ ionhTiword )' •
». I .:> .boujh the V being ltd thereby wtie ab!c to ccrae into tavou, w j-b God bat taat
Flt?.l !)y :be(i;iiie Syiircbrfoche, i> taken for mm.
g ,SbnAtd lid made mi- ihfit 'iwoe re.ilon might condsmire tbeni of wKkednelfr btiib a^ainlt God and man.
(iii'e.l. h Tht<iivii:ca:id trigone power 15 l"ei»Einl1 tb. weil-ientiTc of ihe .
9 "Th'ir unjodlinti lire prooveth htreby.ibii alihouj h all men have a moll cleare and
rteih , for that r.vercamede.i'b.
i O'whm
k Tliiimjrva.lifuliberall aiid evident glJIr wherein to behold ihc evnlalling and olmighiie naiuie of God, rvfn in
(;aciou< gif; ifct ViW cf aM the Siimi , to I'rtic !i &:.
, wr.itb ii ;iv!;a
infe , bii<.r.aitu.» yet have th.y fallen away from ihofepiinctpiei to mo;* fool. fh and found
E.jbifj.S. 1 rtJi mn. :rrcugofjiihxi ; m for i^uNinin fake div!le«u( tbnr owoe Btaiiiei, inconltitutiog .ind .-ppointing the ferviceof God. c ]n
«i' VV.icb itiaugh Gadi gaodotffe zxr Cb o Godi free good .Ai.i: by pri..e
. i thtrhiani. d
flw</ecll„,tLtd,.m^y,t thiU jcL.r.oTrieJ^eJi ,i,„ j, CeJ h 1,^
rheHf'ir.w.tJncaneaiir.fpeiomfiic.ctireiuaiiininji. 4 Hf r-r-'tuniD mtir n'.r'ie' rC'.iTo. diJnvt hi-nMir him with li.mi<r,uw jCrVi^e .rrhio, rvm
e t'licf

fjvuurat le patienie in cba: he techaattb up iheir tivt* cotitme.tdarion rird bi«'

• . mcttf^rhu,}.trhft-<«g p,v>er n„d C .Iheud. f ^, 'flicfiU,ler„n,t f„ma.i c/ihsm'
uur Apvaolike ioof! will to»vari ibtjo , coBftmud by takii;(> God himfrife to ftlliet. £Or,ih,u^:ttnimiilVej. I, Fn il-e true C^/f'-o (>.,/•- .mrt/,,,. ,:) The 1111.

t^i[n<l%. Btcaufcyouc fjiib it fucb .tbtiitiscommeadtd iiiall Cburchci. rigbtTOUinelfe of men bie fctieth fouh (^ thii^thaTeven againd nature following
q In allChui-bti. J Vtiy willingly sod wi:h all my beiti. f In vttacbing ibcir lolli, tb.y deliltd ihntifelvtione wnb another, by the iuit iudgnntnt of God.
fcuSoune. t Thourh PauUvricatvei foexc:llciit,ye( by Kachingtae Cbunh; i rh<.on'fm^,,fM-ff.n,y',t^.^nt,UtHuu,wfMtfe. 4^ ^i , ^hfihu^,
ftj »ii:.btbeirini'Jiii(l tyit. J ^ mtitrtWAT^t'r ihtit lUfirti.
28 " For

. . ,

The reward of ingratitude. Chap, ij. Allareiinnen, 6z

n He proovtb 28 " For IS they If g«ded iiot 10 ackoowiedgs 1 1 4 For 3$ 13207 15 Iiate finned withouc the
the untighwoaf. Qgj , ^„^;j yj qq^ delivered thfttn up unto a ™ te- Lawclbaii prrifh alio withoucthe Lawe and as : 4 He spplietbthat
ntireorinaabya mscy as have Tinned in the Law, fljallbe judged by
r„Q\itr.e. tuinde , to doc ihefi things which ate not S';""*,"."'-"^^"^'"

wickednrffe . from
ip Biirg of all unn'gbttoufneffj.fotriicati-
'^^^'"/^ T, u r wu
13 ^ ( For tne bearers or the Law «r.f not righ- theG<:ii;wri .and
whichi if Dot from tcous bsfc'ttGod, but the doers of ihm Law Uiail tJtbeirwn.
q^^ wick^dnefl'e.covetoulnefff .roalicioulnefie.full
o^ ^nvie, of cuurthtr.of debate.ot" Jeccit.taking dl behiuftified. '"^

f"i'^m,in'ofchcm) ob''"'r"bi-it
Bo'mTa?/a°l4e- tbiogs in the evill part, whifp'.-rers, 14For when the Gendie J which have i not ^"ghtblraod^Dy

tb« iree. 3o Backbitets, hatcrs of God, doers of WTODg, the LaWc , doe by ^ nature ihe things conteined in (heUwti waom .

m intaa mid tnd proud, boitkrs.invtjnteis of evill thiogs.dilobsd j- the Lawe, they having cot she Lav/,a'te a Law un- iceLiwcdcciSi
/r.wjrii m'lif. notcicufo.out
^^^^ withontundarfundicg ,» covenant
,^ parents ,
to thtfDlclves.
ropaif, ('^e breakers, witnonc naiurall attecUon,luch as can I J Waich
(liew the efteitof the Law' written in^uf/t^a-iiot"
tmfiien^i ie'r,^ never be appiafed, oiercilcflc. their hearts.theirccnroeceallb beating witne-J|c tbeheanVgof ibe
J, xvhichraen.thoughtheykDew the^Lawof their thought;, acculing one another, or txcufit g.) Law. bu ihtkte-

''''^refttZiaf that th:y which commit fuch things are 16 7 At tht: day wfien God ihail iud^e the it- F°g °.f

^nZl'Seniunie Worthy of death ,jf*t not oDsly doc thc fatae , bpt crets of mcQ by itlus Chrift .according to„, tcy b'sha.L'p'oncun-
ifu</(»n? i»(. all alfo p Mvoui thcin that doe them. Gclpel. ced.ullbi:tcrtG.od»
liindi,f'niifM,ft. 17 S 5 Behold.tbou art called a lew.aud rciicft ii«<sem«tfea«r .-

o ynmindh-iloftiidrccVtKitntsitnJIargxJTit!. o B} the l.iiro 'f^^cdh: m!.it:!th ^'''-'^ '' ""' '""

in ths Law. a.jd glorieft in God, .
tUt nhichthe Philvjlpheri called the L.,n of nature ,jndtht Lawjirs ihcmfeil-ei
termed iki taTpefn^iiiont ^re fdlvtv" and pirtikft IVJth thtm in their 18 And kooweft his vjill . and n
j „yeft the co"fd be fou^d ,"a.
T>Kk.''-»'Jf'> otdhfidS), ctmmend them rfh'chdee itm-ffr tmcgs tnat dilleni from it , in th.u thou art initru- hadfuHiHedtbe
C H A v. II. Cted by the Law: law ; but feeing a-
I UtehingiiUaahefrethevJ.dgementfcatofGcd. iz The lj> And perfwadeft thy felfe that thou art a tfVIl'^t'T''"
excafethut the Gentiles mi^htpraind, 14 tfignOTunct , he
ttk'th fU'ienwj. 17 Hee ur^eththelcrvei wuhthe
guide of thc bliodc
, a light cf them which rtreio by iai,h iffol- C
tV'iirea Larn, »3 in which t'ley teamed. iJ t/iadji
Uiv and G entile alike.
muketh h„th 20 Ad infttuiaerofthem which lack difrtetion. "'-i be iuiinud by

conviiicfth T
^^f^^'^''^ ' ^^°^ *»* inexcufable , man, wbo- O a teacher of the unlearned , which hall the o forioe rHe''„„,„i,.
thein which would (oiVit thou art that coodemneft for io that ; of knowicdgcandoftbe trueth ia chs p law. anubieition
ftemetobeex- tbou condstECelt another , thou ccndcmneft ihy 21 Thou therefore.wbich teachelt anijther,tea- which .-night be
einptoLiiofihe felfe : for thou th-u condcmncft ^doeft theiaoic chellthou net thy ielft:?thou ih^t preachcIi.Aajan '"'debytheeen.
tbingS, thould not iieale, doeft thou fiede >
iDtnjbecaulc they " _ , , » - t /•>-.« Ihr'hlveno'^e^^
rfpr<:hfndoih<rr ,
^ Buc wc » know that the ludgeiDent of God az Thou that faieft A man Ihould not commit . La we^ofMofei ,*>•?'
mem iaui'« IS according to b trueth , againft ihgm which com-
, ard aduitjrie , doei^ thou commit adulterie thou that i thc-/havenotea,
fayththat tbey areaiU fuch things. abhorred idclrs committell thou facriledge? '"" '"'"^"^''v tiiey

rrcufed "orifthey 3 Aad thickcft thou this , thou mail j that O "^« S'''"-ft \^^: Law.through brca-
were wel and car- coodetDDcft then) which do fuch thiDgj, and doefl king I^r
kin'l the Law, diihonourcll thou God
'^X':;: 'r^ha.
they have feme-
ruwiYrr;rcbed(ai the fame > tl3at thou ILali cfcaps ifac iudgetneot of »4 For the Name ef God is blalphemed among «bat wnncnio
God furtlydoth) God > th; Gentiltrs through you.* as it is written. i!j--irtea«siii tu-ad

would bffolmd 4 " Or defpifeft thou the riches of his bouoti- 2j pForcircumcifionvtrely is profitable.ifthcu
^iityinthofe , and patience, and long (ufTcrance , not
fulntffs doe the Law bu! if tbou be a tranfgreffour of the
: puniO, fomethinga
tbhgiwbi:h:hey knowicg that thc bountifuluefle of God Icadcth Law, thy circumcilion ismade ucscircumciiion. a. wicked, and
"p"'""'! "'^ F''- thee to repentance ? »6 Therefore q if the uncircumcifion keeps """'^"d and com-
< ^"^ thou . afcef thinc hatdneffc . and heart the ordinances of she Law . fball not his , uncir-
Ih^in ccnd'Jning T^^Lt
othertbey pro- that csnnot repent, * heapefiupasa trealureiia- cumcilion be counted for circumcifion ? Not fi'mply bm
i ,

nounce feiitrnce a- to thy felfc wrath againft the day of wrath and of , 2^7 Andnot f uncircumcilioo which is by i"c«i/npatiionof
of the iufi iudgetuent of God,
fPaulallTj''nb no '^^ '^cclJr^tion nature (if it keepe the Law) cooderoce thee which
^ v!''^"-

piact" o'f scfip' ui'f! ^ j^ * wiilrewardevify man according by the t J.ite, and circumcifion an a tranrgrefTcur
forb«feafoneihge. tO hi$ WOtkes : 01 the Law ? difboaelt.
neraiiyagaiaftaU 7 them which through patieocc ID
7734/ />, to 18 For hee is not a Iewe, which
is One tv out- I Ti)i«know'edge
well doing feeke d glory .,nd boDour.and imiBOi- , , _ , ii a naturallknow-
r"hful' relrr^
, ,
led^ge. 7 God deferreth many iudgtmEOti which nojwitbftacdiiig he will txecu:. ,
talitie. everUftiPg life :
Lrymani,p«. at their convenient tune by ItfmChrilt with amoltftraigh-.
examination, nL.tonely

fwadedof in bii But unto ihem that are coDtcntions.and dif-

» of «orde. and de.-d« , bu: of tho.igat. alfo , be tfa-ty
cevtrfo hidden ot ftcret. ra A»
miod fo tba: the
, obey the e trueth, and obey nnrighteoafneffe, ,*«tf • - -uydoariae witBtOiih , which I am appoinitd to preach. J Hie ^riiovtib by
ri.vili bimfcife i. f the teliimonie of David , and the ( thtr Propheii
(,g iailgamoo and wrath. that God bertowed grra-eit heneoKi ,

cot able to plucSe .n.v. ,. l 1 •

1 /r f
uj-on thelewn.ia giving ihem alfo the awe bu: that tbey arnbemoinntbaai'te-
themci«Dtout. Iribuktion aad aog.uifh
9 y7W/ ve upon thc full and unkiodeftofall men.

n Cacftti ihirgtfwarvefrom
foule cf every man chat doethevill of the iewe

b ConfiJtringaDd : GotitwiU. I Orallov«.eft!he!hingittat i excelle

ce.w..yic. teach- sod
iuJgingtbingia- firft. and «//S of the Grecian. frameother in ibe k.ov^ledgeof thetrucih.
p a. :Dougb te faid.tha.ihelewel
UDder a colour oian ouiw.ird f.rving of G;d , challenjcd
"y ou't"atd"?h.w" *" ^'"- ^° ^"^^y °^^" '^« '^°^'^ SOOd Jl.aU be a!l to.hen-.felve; whru a< ,
indeed.they did nothing Idle tntnobftiveibeLawe. » E.''ai.JJ,f.fzek -6 jo
^od honour.aiid peace : to the lew tail, and H.e
» Avsa.mtPtand' precifrly F»ven,etbibeirobieSion vihich fttan
^'f^y' bolineir- incarcu,r.nik>.v, and the

gtitvouicryiiig ^'fo to ths Grecian. outward obfeivaiion of thc Law: Soihaibe Ibewtih
cuiagaiofttbtin ji For there is g HO tefpscl ofprrfonj \J- .. :>---• '"="'•«'".""':'•" u":onejynctiulti»r,bataIfo
thai pi^afe thftij"
GoJ * tbai areiodeed eircumcifrd.of whoine requireib
thar.wbich ij (ignin-rtli.thatisto lay.
lelvts.becaufeti ey fee more thenotherdo, and yet are no wbit faeittr tbcD other» are. cleannfff^ of the heart and ihe whole life accordioo
to theconimai ,

* 1 am j,3. c Wtiltit thou giveft ibyfslfetopleafur<ri, thinking to mcr^afe toy gooti., Law fothat if ih.rebea man un(itcu-,,cifedacco,diD|,;rhV«7irwVo7ra^^^^^^^
toou ftult fiad Godhii wiaih.
The ground of ihe formerdifputaiion.Tliat both the
j in heart, he r»fane brttrr aad more to be accounted of then
any I-we that i$circu:n.
leweiaod Gentileiaav: altogptherneedofrigh'.ejufaei. * l'ral.6i.i». mat.iS »7. cifed according .0theSeih oneiy. Thi. i, ,be fitu-e Metonytnia for
, ,
teu.ii.ij. d Glory which tolloweih go»d worki.whichhe layeth not out befoie ui,

uncitcamcifed. r The Aate and condition of iLe

luicfrcu'irciftd f H^ whiciH
aj though ibtrevteie any toat could aiiainc to falvaiioo by h icwne ;iitngib bu: by , , iitincircuincifedbyoat^eaodblocd. t Paul uftib
ofteBtime4tofet the I»t«..-ait>,l
'Jyin^ tbii coudiiionoflaivation before ui, wiicboo mancao bring men the Spirit but
in rhi. place , tteciiumcifion
w<)icb i. acceding to ibe Utt.r , ii ,ho
tpCbiift. wboalnneijttitietitbebeleevers. athf himfelfeconcludcih , chap. j,ii .ia> cui.ingoffofthef.,e.k.c,bmtbecircu™,ci(ionofth,iSpirit,i.rthecir'.umdf,onofite
following. eBy itueib.heroeantth tfc»i knowledge which we haveof oattre. f Godi b»ar,, ,ha. 1. to fay.the fp.. ,..all end of
tbecertmocie.i. trf^holinefl"- and risbtetu,'.
iudignaiioo agaioftliBnemwhich (ball tfjickly be fc:ndied; g G(-d docth not ireafure whereby ihe^opleof God 1, Jtoowea frcmp
roface atid htaiheolfli mtc. v Y-j
men eiifaei by titui blood, 01 bythiircouiuicyi ciitiu to receive theiii,«i -to caU (htm »k« oiiivvaid ctKinenieoieiy,


The lewes prtfenrcnt. To the Romanes. luftification by faith.

which out- and the world be » fubieft to the iuJgemcnt of " ^' f"'""' su'i'y
ward: Deiihcr is that circniBcifion, is all
before God.
ward in the fiClh: God
« wbofefotcni z9 Buthe is a lew which isone within.andthe JOTherefore by the ° woikes of the law (hall u Jcaubyulbe'
»owarJ^<iiQiJ»« ciicurocilion cf thehfait , in tbt " fpint not in
»> , no bel iuftified in his ' fight ; for by the
p flelh perfoimed.
thckticr, whole praife isnot of tncc, but of God, Law ctmmeth the knowledge of fiooe. V •^'J*' '• l""* ";
""' '
C H A p. I I 1. 21 7 But now is the tighteoufnes of God made ~

1 Httipcthtl:tjnrtifimc i prc/ermcr.t /cr ihe CfVina^iti janifctt without the Law .having witoeffc of the and°fuuhVrmoir'
r^k.' 4 lutjitfttili:
Law, and of thtr Prophets. ba.u here a greater
l,^ncthjctrt""'d(.tr.tiUjarefiintri, i i tr f r», l-tft
9 J f"'"
li He
22 8 To vvit.iht righteoufneCfe of God by the •
f"' " '• P"'
Ij S.riftiir'i : ij jniiJk'win^iheuJttftheLaTV.
faiih of ficlus Chrilt.ucto
'"''"w ''"^'o°'»a•
» all *
, and ui-on ail that
. ,
I rietie betAixt God
"!d"iXAW ^" '^^° ''''^ preferireDt oftheIew?or
' '* beleeve. and man a. if you
\Tb or :


. I t^W what is the proht of circomcifion ? 23 For there is no difFerence:for all have finned, wouufay, Mao
itwM- mbjctbto, (^ Much every mineiotway; for* chiefly, be- andaredeprivtci of the' glory of God.
baveihtt.wMHo (.^^(^ UDto them Were of credit cotncnitted the 24 9 And are iuflihed « freely by his grace, dehto''wuh°iD!*'''
borJcIesotGod. through the redcmpiioD that is in Chtift lelus, a^d Go™'wo.i°ii*'
yM.cbaibavf ibey, 3 For whJt , though lofDC tJid not « bciecvc f 2y 'o Wiioaj Godhathfet forth to Aear.coD- moft pure and moft
{.yib theApnitif, f^aU their unbelccfe the d faub ol God with- ciliatioo through faith in hi»«blood,to declare his P"" ">bimfelfe.
onOod. behalf.: righteouftjeffe, by the forgivenefle of the linnes
,br tibw'h? 4 God forbid : yea . let God be true.and evc- tb.t y are pafled. ofc od "'

cov«n«, ry rnaDaliar.asit is written That thou tDighteft .

26 Through the' patience of God, to Ihew at r Afecieif.t.
fo:h»iihrunb«- be « iuftifted io iby words , and overcome . '^wbeo a this time bis tighteoufntflc: that bee D>»ght be tingofthengbte- .

biuft.and aciuftirierofhimwhichisofthedfaith ?!l!5l'*"''' *'

before meii, be they
oa'"" witbc"!l,cx. y » '^ow >f ouf g nnrij>htf onfnes coramend the of lelus.
eeptioD to bf calltighteoufnes ot God.whai ili^ll we fay? is God no- 27 " Whereisthenthereioycingjltiscxcln.^ice
•wayofGod. who rjphteous wbuh putjilhctb ( I ipc^ke as h a man.) • ded. By what" Law ?ofwotkcs} Nay : but by the which can itaod
~"'° ^ G°<^ ^^'^''^ • ( *^'* '>°* '^''^ ^°'' ^"'^^^ '*'* Law of faith.
th^«. 10 com*'cnd world O >8 Therefore wee conclude, that a man is otiioe<reMn'uaDd
. , ^ , ..
MHftfootthhii J For if the veritie of God hathmorea-
3 i
iufiitied by faith . without the wotkes ot the before Gud. but tJie
goodoffli. bouodeii through my lie utjto his glory .why am I Lawe. righteoufii.Uiof

29 II Gci, is bee the God of the f lewes ooely.

c 'iftnD.iy
:t condfcroned as a fi[)Der ?
^ .^ »- y 7 Therefore faietB 8 we ate blamed, and as fomeaffirme,
And (js and not
U .

the Gentiles alio ? Yci.cven of the jh. Apoii.t Leaft


b word«. that ) why doe we not evill that good may

we fay , Gentiles aifo. tb..[iiieo(houid
e Braktibecove. pQjj,e thereof', whofe dafflDation is iuft. 30 ForitisoncGod.wholhjJliuftifiegcir- p^iili .Goddotb
"'jbe faiti tbM 9 * W^*' *'''° "* '** '""''^ txccllent ? No, cumcilion of faith . and uocircnmcUion through
*. .
° °°!',",t't',^T"i
woicn he promued
God gavt. in DO wilc for we have already prooved that all,
: , fa"b. of old, that I, to
c Tbat tby iuftice both lewcs and Gentiles are ^ under finne, i I «3 Doe wee then make the Lawe of ° none fay, a way wb««.
Kjgbtbepiamt.'y xo As K is writtcD ,* There is cooerighteous tSeik through faith f God forbid : yea.wee "cfta- t>y we may be

tlO tlOt one. blilhtheLaw. ''^'\tt^°i^^'

fToVaf-nucb a, »ed before kim
. « j u •_

tbou Oitwtdii forth • I Thcte IS nooe that nnderftandeth: there i» Without the Law- 8 The matter ,« it wereofthit righteoufntife iiCbriHIefui
jntvidtot toktnof none that fecketh God. apprehtroded by faith .and for thti end offered to j, people ai wiihoui biin all people I ,

thy rigbteoufDM. ateftiutoutlromthe kingdoojeofGod. I Wbich wecgive tolef-i. Cbrilt ,ot

jjjgy faj^g gH goneoot of the wiy : they
which reltetbupoD him. t By the glory of God, iimeaoi that marke which wee

ty!.""'»fng hi,„ have beeoe

made altogether unprofitable : there is alllhooteai.tbatii.everlaftiag life, which Itaadeid in that wee ate made partaken of
vcbo bad broken ooDe that doeth good, no not ODe< the glory ofGod. 9 Thetefore thiirighteoufDeUetoucbing ui.iialtogeiher freely
hiisovtnant. jj * Their throat is an opeo fepulchrc : tbey given ,for it Itandeih upon thole thfngi which we bave 001 doneout felvci , but fuch

. Aooih«ptev.n^^ ^^^^ ^j-gj jjjgj^ tongues to deceit : the poyfoDof aiChrifthathfufFeiedforourfaket.todeliver uttrtJitJlinue. u Of h). free gift,
and metre Iiberaluie. lu GodtbeaK the authuur of that freeiultiii anon , becaufe
''' "nder their lips.
VhTfLrme'ryCr: afp^* itpleafeth him and Chrilt i, b«e , which futicied puuilhment forour linnet aud ia
: ,

thattbtiuiticeof i4 * Whole mouth IS full of cutfing and bit- whom wee bave rnniflionofthem and iheineaje wbereby wee aiprtheod Chrift, it

<J»d ii in fucb fort tcrilcfle. faith. To be fllort the end iathe feiting loofth ofthe goi>diteire ofGod,tbatby tbit

eommendrd.nd -^
Tbeit fcetc are fwift to Qicd blood. mearaesttmay appears , that bre i> niercifu indeed e, and cooltant in bisptomifei, as

let toorth by oMt ,^T^/iri'

and caUroity <«?* m iheit waycs:
'6 Diltrudion
i • ••• beethat freely, andof meeieg'aceiuitiSttb thebelrevets i J'lti n.%mt of
unrighiecuftifire, Blocd ciUith Hshackf t^thtfi^lftfft e i.:,,e Cji-ifi.e, ,>h(<Titc'h unJful-ftaner of

thai ibcrcfoit 7 And the

God w<iy of peace they have not
1 I
Whuhl'amfiitiiiin thr'ji y oft>itifeftnnt,vriiiciixrtciomrm:uiiwenVft
forgeittth DO( kronen. rvtrehri enemies. z rhrcui;!} hii pjiieme, .indj'ujf.rn:^ n.ititre. a To irit,

»8 * Tbefearecf God is not before their eyes, rvhin Paul-wrote titii. b rAi»*ie,«7gfcfte/:n,i<.«.e, 1,1 true .fJfjihfuH.
of the wvf rid, and M
« , ., . . ,- c ^k'"£ *'"> "</f I '»'"^ Iff' "<»' H.imc } imfiu tn^ Chr'ji' ' l^i'exf 'Jfc fnto him,
'9 * Now Wee knowc that whatloevet the
. , 1

thetefort a moll d Of th. nunltr oft'emrvlrcht^fu-thl.jihA'lMfvr, l lirijl : o„ et(, rv',

ftvcrt rivengerof m jaw f'yeth it faietb it to them which arc under , atttht}-ml,ichlokst»'-efuPedt}iirMmcifton, that's, lytheL.-m. An n
untigbtfoufrtnv the lawe.tbat « every mouth flopped, may argument to proovr t^iicoucitilioo that we areiultift-d by f.,itb without wtitkei,
/ be

' i r
b Teacbeiy, aud all .
taken fiom the end ,jf lultihcaiion The end o> luftification it he glotie of Gud alone:
thefiuitt iteirof.hThereforelfpeJcenot theft wordi In mineowne petfon, although therefore we are iuHihed by faith wi bout wotkej tbi if wee v\ete iullilied her by
: : 1

I thought fo, butibii is the lalkeofmaDt wifedome, whicb isDCi luhitft to ibe will our OA'neworkrioneiy ot partly by faith, and partly oy w^ ik.i. th' gloiieof tbi»

ofGod. 3 A ibirdobitaioD wbitbaddeih fome wDat toihe former , If (iunrtdo iulliticatioo ihould nor be wholly given 10 God. e Bj ipii"t didrior ! >he -, w
tume 10 the glory of God ibty are notooely 10 be puniUled but we ougbt rather to
. ,
dd'.tfne , h^lh Ms cn.d,lu,n uy:,ld ti itl,it , If ihm d. if, ; i„d the .u^r'ne of
give our fe'vei to them wbiuh blaCpheinie Paul coutendiDg himfeKc tocurleand
f.iilh hiih this condition. If thou biirV.ji. 1 « Another ar>;umtdt uf an abfurditie;
de:r(l prooounceh iult puniliiment againit fucb blafpbcmcri.
. i Tbctructh aod if iuli'tication depended upon be Lawof.Mofei. tben fllould G ^ bea Saviour to the
conRancie. 4 Another ai f.veip lotbefirll obitftion ibat the lewei , iftbey be :
Ifwn onely. Againe : if heelhiulde fave ihe lewe, alter one fort ,and the Oentile*
conliJered inthcmfclvn arr n abetter iben other menaie ai it haih btenelLUglince
aftei another .bee Ihould not beoneaud like hiinfelfe. Therefore bee will iulliSe
|ronouncfdLyihen.<,u boltberiophet. k Ateguiliie ot linoe. • Pfal 14,1,3. both of ttiem after ouefelfefame iiMnnT , that ii to fay , by faith. Moreover. tbi«
ondfi-al. * Pla! ' rril,i4r,.3 » rfal.107. •Hfai. argument moll beioynrd to tnat which f..liowetb next that tbisconclulion may be ,

1 Ani'inoceai and ptKtable life. * P(al^«i. He prooveth ihat

J9.7, f finne and evident. f God i«iaid to be their God, aliet the manner of be Scrii ture, 1

thii gtleuoui accufation vv. ioh it uittred hy David and Efaiai . doeth properly coii- whome bee lovethaod lendereth. 13 Tbe taking away of
g Thecircnmcifed.
crrof ibelfwe«. m The law of Mnfu. 6 A conclufion of alltbe totmel •noJieftion yet ii not the Law tak.-n a w»y therefore, but ii ratbet eiiablijhed ,4

difiuiaiion .ftemthe S vtrfeof ihehrll Chapter. Therefottfiiib the Apoftle, No

it Ihallbe declared in h<i proper plactt. h Vaine , voide , tono putpofe .audofM
»na« can hope to be ii'lliStd by any Law whether it be that geofrall Law , ot the ,
force, i VVe«m»keitelf«auall»nd Itrong.
yariculer Liw of Mofei , and rherefoieto befjv. d fremg it ap|eartth (ai webave
alteiclypt.cveJI by conipar ng the Law and niani life together

, that dll meo ate

iiancn.aiid ibeieCre woiiby orcoadunoaiiouio tbeft^btotCod..

. : 1

Abtabam iuftified Chap.IIir.V. by faith, 6^

C HA P. nil. ly '3 For the Law canfeth wrath: for where no »? Areafonof the
Hte freoVeth thai which hefijJ of fjiih, hy extmflt
I before
Lew is, there it no tranfgrefsion. firftconfirmaiion,
of^lrjhjm, 3, S .inii the lejiimmieofihe Scripture;
16 '4 Therefore it it by faith .that it might come
andtentimesin the Chjfler ht heuttth nptn thij nor J, ^,^^0^ be'.°"'f
by grace :andthepromi(e,mightbe furetoallthe bended by ihT*"
Anew argument tT7 Hat Ihallwefay then , that Abraham our fd- iced not to that onely which is of the Law: Lawe becaufe
of great weight u- W i

ther hath found Concerning the afleih?

, I J

but alio to that which is of the faith Abraham 'i>" th' Law doth J

"°' reconcile God

ampl«°o" Abrafa'am ^
Abraham were iulHfied by works,he who is the father of us all. and u», but rather
, 'J°'}^ ,. , , •, r- • . ',
the father of all be. '^tn wherein to rcioyce. but not with God. 17 (As It is written, I have made thee a i« fa- denounceth hi,
leever. : And tbii 3 3 Fot what layeth the Scripture ? Abraham therofmany nations) even before m God aogeragaindui, whom
if thepropofidoD: beleeved God, and it was counted to him for righ- he bcleeved.who n quickneth the dead,8c calleth fo'Comuch amo
ij TZn!<-Z' teoufneiVe.
"- thofe things which be not though they were. ^Vhe'cotcluftV'"' , as
lidertd inbimlelfe !_• 1

4 4 Now to him that o worketh , the wages is

, ,
'7 which ,^ir<j/j<iw above hope, beleeved onofthiiargu-*
. .

by hi. worki, he 18
hath dtferved no- not c counted by favour, but by deb: under hope that he ihould be the father of mail^ meat, Tbefaluati.
, t
thing wherein to y' But tohim that wotketh not
but belecvcth , nations according to that which was fpoken r» onandirufitficati-
^"'^'"^ fhat d iuftifieth the ungodly . his faith is

fe>w. Solliallthyfeedbe.
Tir^Zt afa'p- r^hifo^Ab^h^"''
ptJeih Counted for righteoufneire.
in the nexih 19 And hepHotweake in the faith.confidered (thatis, ofibe
j>erje. 6 f Even as David declareth the bleffednefle not his owne body , which was now q dead beiiig
, Church which i,
2. A preventing of of the man , unto whom God imputeph r iehteouf- almoft an hundred yeere old,neither the darkenefle l"^""^ together
t^ttrlt^'Jtii wdl nelfe without works./fl^w^. of Saraes wombe, ceederof fait^"
biahaminay t>, ^- 1 i_ "^i */- • • i • n
reioyce and extoll 7 Blefled ^re they whofe iniquities areforgi- 20 Neither did he doubt ofthe promife of God which layed ho'ld
himfelfe amongft v«i, and whofc finncs are covered, through unbeliefe, but was ftrengthened in the onthepromife
men, but not with g Blefled*/ the man to whom the Lord impu- faith, and gave' glory to God, made unto Abra.
c tethnotfinne. 2 Being f fully aflured that he which had pro. prom.fclrraht,
3 A confirmation , ^ l- ^ n- 1 1 i 1 1 •

of the propofiti- 9 « CiJw* this e bleflednefle then Upon the cir- miftd, was alfo able to do it. himfelfe firft of all
; Abraham w« cumcifionMf/y , ot upon the uncircumcifion alfo?
22 And therefore it was imputed to him for layedhoidon.
ified by imju. For we fay , that fai righteoufneffe. l ToaUthtbtlec
tationof .
therefore freely
f^r righteoufneire.
23 •» Now it is not written for him onely. that ^j'That is to fay,
. ,, i. • j 1. - u •

without any re- 1 o 7 How was it then imputed? when hee was it was imputed to him for righteoufneile, not onely of them
fpeft of hii wotki. circumcifed, or uncircumcifed ? not when hee was 24 Butalfofor us, to whom it (liall be imputed which beleeve antj
4 The firii proofe circumcifed, but wlien he was uncircumcifed. forrighteaufnejfe, which beleeve in himthjtraifeJ a'^foci^fcum"'-
on'uk°n ofwo-" .
" * ^^^^^' ^^^ received the f ligne of circum- up lefus our Lord from thedead. [lltawe but'^f
tra'iiei : to him cifion.rti the s feale of the tighteoufnes of the faith ly Who was delivered to death for ourt finnes, them alfo which
that defervcth any which he had , when he was uncircumcifed , 9 that and is rifen agaiiie for our iultification. withoutcircnmci-
thing by hii labor, hee (bould be the father of all chem that beleeve, ^ fioD and in refpeft ,

counted by favour,
but by debt .but
^^^ being ciicumcifed that righteoufneile
be imputed to them alfo.
" might
° ,
of faith onely .are counted amongft the children of Abraham. i« Tbii fatherhood
i»fpiriiuall,depfnding onely upon the vertuc of God.who made the promife. m Befire afpirituui kjnred .tdhich had place before t,od,undmakethitt accev-
tohimtbathath ix «o And the father of circumcifion.not unto table to Ced. n Who rejioredio life. o Wilhvhimthefeihings are already,
trhtch at yet are net in dfcd, at he that cm rcitha yvordmake yvhat heTviH of nothing,
done nothing, but them onely which are of thee ircumcifion, but un-
17 Adefcription oftrue faith, wholly refting in the power ofGodiand hijgood win>
'^hich^'romiferh '° ^^^'^ ^''° ^^^^ *'^"^^ '" ^'^^ ^^f * °^ ^^^ ^^"'^ ^^ fet foorth in the example of Abraham. p rery /Irongandconftant. qf'oidof
freely, fa'ith"i/im.
our father Abraham which he had when he was flrtn^th, andunmeet to £el children. t ^ckyiotvledged anjpruijed Ccd , as mofl
uncircumcifed, ir.hi.uj and true. { ^defiripiienof true faith. i 8 Tberule of iuliification
puitd' ,

ii alwayei one , both in Abraham and inall the faithfull that ii to fay faith ia
b T>himihith4th 13 I" Forthepromifethat hee lliould bethe ; ,

dtfiri>id ar,} thi^i

God who after that there was madea full fatiifadion for ourfinnei inChrift our
h hgjre of the wcrKi , was notgtven to Abraham or , mediatour, raifed him fiom the dead, that we alfo being iuftified ,migbcl>efavedio '

%i'ZnM to his feed , thrpuah the Law , but through the

tightcoufnelVe of faith
bim. t To pay theranfomefor our finnct,
norpiun. him.
a Ttaimakeik him i y 14 for they which are of the k Law 6e
if ,
1 He amplifielh a Chrifitri^httoufnepe, which itUytd
tvhichii -ixickfd "> hold, .n by faiih, { rvho tvat ^"iven fer the rveake, S and
heires , faith is made voidjand the promife is made He cempareihChrijiniih^Adam.
finfiill. 14 17 Leaih
^rif""^"" cfnoneefted. with Life, 30 andiUe Law with Grace.
S Anotherproofe •T" Hen being i iuftified by faith , we have peace i Another argu-
t)fihefameci/uhimation David puttethblelTVdnei in free pardon of llnnei , therefore
: "^ towai;d God through our Lord lefus Chrili mem taken of the
iul'ificationalfo. 6 A new propofuion that thii manner of iultification belonged
botbio the uncircjmciftd ^aad alfototbe ciicumcifed : ai i» declared in the perfoa
2 <• i By whom alfo through faith wee have 'f.'^' f" "' '"' '

of Abraham, t Thi:'id ,\rherc he prtnMi.celh thimhtefiid. 7 He a had this accede unto this grace b wherein wee ^^.J^h^^u,"
yiooveth that itbelongethio the uncircumcifed, for there wai nodoubtof the circum- c (t^nd 3 and <! reioyce under the hope of the glo-
, peafeibou!c''onfci.
cifed in ihi»fott;Abrabam wailurtifiedinuiicircuiccifion.ibttefotethii iiiftification
ryofGod. ence before God.-
belongethalfotothe aocircumcifed Nay itdeeih not appertaine to the circumcifed
4 Neither that onely , but alfo we J reioyce ^'"Z'''''' '' chrift

in rtfpeft afthe citcumcifion n\uch lefle areihe uncircumcifed ftlut out for their
uncircumcifion. % A preventing ofan obieSion ; why then wa» Abiaham cir- in tiibulations.i knowing that tribulaiionbringeth confcie^" and not
curaciftd , ifhewerealreadyiuftifled >Tbat tliegiftof righteoufcei (faythhejmight forth patience, ,he Law ,ai it wa«
be confirmed to him. f Circumcifiiin,iphii.h ii a fi^ne diurt ft] ,iht Sacm- : before fayd there- ,

mtrtiofBjpii/me ,frr B^P'iJmttvhichifU Sticrjmlnt. g C'rcHmtifion ift fore by faith wee are iuftified, and not by the Law. ^
Epbef.a.tS. 2 VVheieat
called hefcTt afiene , in refpef} ofrhe mitvitrd ctremenj : r.ovc I'aul fherreth the fine quietnefle of confcience i» faith, it ilto be referred to Chrift, who is
attributed 10
arutfuhjUmeifth^it (i^ne, thaii/,n rvhiiendii iiVftd ,1c v>i' ."ct tnelytcfignifie, thegiveroffaith it felfe , and in whom faith it felle ijertVauall. a Wemuflhtt
tmnlfiiofeaUupiht rijihtecufnepe of f*vh , tvhirthj -jre tome It piptfSe ChriJI k."o-t<:> that this fame efecl offai:h.
wee haVeyetfiiU b By which crace , llMt
himfelfe thehoh Chcfl wor^f'i that inncirdly indeed rrl'idi 'he Sacramtn' thing
, for , it ,hy lolie and food niH , or thatjtatt whireunto wee are ^racicuCj
iojned yriih ihe yrord doereprefenl. 9 An applying of the eiampleof Abraham
, lakfn. Weft.ind[l.dfaf. c 3 A preventingof anobieftionagiinft them which
totheuocircumcifed'beieeveri , wbofefaiher alfo hemaketb Atraham. 10 And beholding the dayly mifetiesand calamitiei of ihe Church , ihinke that the Cbriltiani
applying of the fame example to the circumcifed belctveii , whofe father Abraham
, dreame whentbey braggeoftheirfelicitiei: to wbom the Apofileanfweretb , that

is, butyetby faiih. 11 A rtafon why the feed of Abiahain ii be elteemtd by their felicitie ii layed up under hope in another place which hope iifo certaine and : '

faiih, becaufethat Abraham himfelfe ihroujb faiih w»i made partaker of that pro- fure , that they doe no lelTe reioyce for that happinelTe, then if they did pfefenily enioy
life, whereby hewaimadetbe father of all naiioni. h T hit all nations of ihi it. d Ofr mindes are not cnely;Mte! and filled, but alfo we are marlieitoujlj
world fhculdle hit children : cr ty the inrU muy te underjland the UndofCanjJn, pladjand conceive £re a' icy ft.r that healrenly inheritance trhiih wai'-eth fcr ui.
i Forivorktthat he hid donttr Hpinlhi, cnditi^nt'^athe fhoMdf~<lf!:ithe Lave. 4 Tribulation it felfe giveth usdiveri aod fundry wayei occafion to reioyce, much
Si' AdouWeconfirmationof thatteifoa .-the one ii , thatthe promife cannot be leBe doth it make u«miftrable. Iam.i,». f Afd.aioojaccuftqme un')i §
apprehended by the Law, and therefore itihouldbe fruliraie the other: that the : patience , and patience alfureib uiof the goodnelfeof S"d , »nd ihij experience,con.
cosdiiion of fiith (hould he iayned in'vaine 10 that promife which ftlould be apf rc^ firmtth, aud foftereth out hope, which ntvetdeceivetb tu.
fccodul by vvotkl. k Ifthe} it htirtt nhith hai>efnlfilitd tht inn?,
4 And

) 4

-Gods great love. To the Romanes. Dead to fione.

And patience experience and expaience /(TBft unto condemnation : but the gift »/ of many
4 ,

t Thcgfewidof
tup; nan iffdred
« Anct hope maketh not a(hamed , becaufe
offences tot iuftiiication. t r, ih fentnt, ef"

17 '* Fof if by the otlence of one, death reig. »ifitmi^,i,h,ft'

ihe«!oveofGoiHsthf.l abroad in our hearrs by nod through one, much more (hall they which re- h.TKi*'>i»tt,i'*
coufcicMcby tke ?"""»««« "i*"-
the holv Ghoft. which is given unto us, ceive that abundance of grace , and of that gift of
of ihr holy
Cbaft. tbscwciie 6 7' ('or Chnlt. when wee were yetofno that ri^hteoufnefl'e ,» reigne in life through one, ,« The third dif.
b«Io«it of God, ftrenp.h. at fc»/f time died for the " uneodly. thatil, lefus Chrift. ferenceis, thai the
aod :bii ii necbtcg
7 «Doub.lefle()neviillf£:adediegfor a righte- it 17 Likewife then, as by the offence of one, rigbieoufneflicf
clibuitbai which hrioginj-
ous rr in but yet for a good raan u niay be ihac
: the fault came on all men to condemnation , fo by C'"'f|
OTccatI fiiikrwhcT
©fit followeib.tha one dare die. the iuhifying of one, »fc«/'«cyit<«^«M«rffrf toward all g"«e "iW^greatej
tbrougb fiicb our g Batfcctcth out his love toward i".s.
God b men to the* iul'tificationof ure. power to bring
cnofcieocti aic
/eeii){> chat while wee were yet ' linners.Chrift
died 19 tspprasbyoneraansy difobediencetma- life, iheoiheof.
ny were made Hnnas, fo by that obedience of that ^'°" "'.*''*'" "
c Wbeuvfithfae
lovctt ui. 9 Much more then, being nawiuftihed by his oncQiall many alfo be made righteous. " ,, d.'lh^'
7 A fjte comfort blood, we ihallhe laved from k wrath through him. zo 19 Moreover, the Law^entred thereupon, u By pariakerior
in idvcrHiic. tb<t
I o For if when wee were en*;mies . wee were abounded nevertheldVe,
that the offence Ibould : true atid e«iia.
our price and qui-
ctoeOt ofcolci. reconciled to God by the dcith of his Sonne, where finne abounded, i/j^r^ grace b abounded "'"Slif*-
«7 Thcttfore to
ence benottrtu-
bled rfcibst^at
much more being reconciled , we iball be laved by
ranch more:

. r
That as finne bad reigned unto death . fo
m,,, offence. tt«
/olondibtmthtt Andnotonely/J, bntwealfo reioj-ceia might grace alfo reigne by righteoufneffe unto guiitioeicameo«
II »
«li meo, to .rake
God through our Lord lelus Chrift .by whom wc " Icfus Chrift our Lord.
eternal! life through
ZT^liUib'i "-
themlubiea to
tnityriUnna: faavc received the atonemcnr.
now ticjth : foonthecocrary (idcithe ligbieaufneireof Cbrid iwbichby (lodi merciett
till hte died foe jj vvhcreforc , as by ' onc mm'tt finnecr-
lo imputed to all beleeveri .iultihcib tbem , tbat ifaeyinaybecoiEepariakeriuffverUniag
•"">'• "" '" tred into the world.and death by iiune.and fo death lite. X >Jnt ODtl) becaufe our finnti are forgiven ui, but alfo becaufe the riib<e-
ofgua.hcm be-
^^^^ ^^^^ ^ji ^^^ ^^ ji^ ^^^^^ ^[j ^^^ ^^^.^ fmncd.
_ oufaetTeof Chrift ill mjnited uuto ui. 18 The ground of tbitwbolccoinparifos
lag no«v fanftified it tbii, that thefriwo ineDarefct at two «ock> ofrootri ,fo that out of the one, liooe
ttad living iu 13 "For unto the tirae of the
o Law was finne bynature.otitof the other rightcoufoefle by grace doethTptiag t'oorih upon otherf.

t .la nine indfi:

in the worki.but linne is not r imputcd.whilc there y SelktH , JinnttHired netinto Ht cneij t} /''I'tvinf <hi Jlififei cfiur ftrefjihtr,
jTOBreo'eDi, wbich
is no law. i»t w< lake t'trrufli^m ffhim ij inhlrilanct. » Thit victJ. any iij'rt .i^iiiofl M ,

«be faibec bath av I* A pnttcniinjfofanobieaioo: why iheodidthelawo/

yointed. 1
M But death reigned from to Mores, ihiittttd.^ftn.
Mofeieoiei tbrieupon ?ihainieD ini^hr .^efo nrocb the mote guiltie t»nd the ben,li(
4, Hebr.J.ip. even over "j them alfo that linned not after the like
ofSodio CbriAItruibeinuchibemoieglurtoui. a Biftde thdtdt/ejfeyvitiiJi
«P«-3'«+- ^ f manerofthetranfgrcfsion of Adam.'i which was allmetvlrii%fKltitviil>a'J hj *iti»? ctliUdvitilt nt mum finnt . the Latv tn'rid.
• Ananiilifymg
the figure of him that was to come. b Grate wji f»-m>td fjUntt/My frfm ht^lun , ibtt it did nuenety <mnttrt'aiit
15 «* But yet the gift is not (basis the
tOTVird ui.fotbai
^'(cauoot duubt for if through the offence of thai one , many be
I Ht tammt'k It C-viHiftul'in ipithiitt y^hiih , tiM m* nMi*
dead, much mote the grsce of God ,anJ the gift
f u< tih ,1, Ckr'llttti^iUM/ntlfe , he frt^li/th 4 t; «i*
*r<-umtntnkfntfBifil''ne, it and thenx^nex'wtl'ik
for tbem of whom bounded unto many. $t\clinefe tfl'fit Jt ititfy atikjn^ inn rfike taw mm
he could receive i6 u Neither is thegift/o, asrfctff X'i'*'«c'j"rr.fd
commoditie. tor the faui came 01 on. WHa't «llwllwefay t^enjShallwecontinucftill • h«p»""»oow
tio in by one that finned : af- ,- .' L J /-< J to another benefit
and ftfaat more it ...
r .
now fliouM not fave
m a finne , that grace may abound} God
of ch..ii. which i»|
for bii very eotmiei. How can iibe thrt .bat Cbrid being ,
for. id. caledfanftificati.
j*em from deliruaioo woomby hii dea:h he lufiitieru and lecoocilrib ? ( '"
i i How (hall we , that aie * dead to finne, live oo ot tegencra. !

yet therein?
He oo^ Faffrh "T ih '

Ln,ft,fntdin».. k Fr,m ulfM^.. unJ ^Jhuc}U„ 9

3 3 Know ye not , that 4- all wee which have ',^:fot"hZlh^»t
iinj>utatior» of the
ever 10 theotkefpartofiurtifici.ioD .which coDfilleth in thefret bene baptized into = Itlus Chrift, have bene bapii- guiitiotie of finne
2,d into his dCaih be n .t«il>puiedi»
ttie giftofChrinei nshteonfn.ffe .n,,iued or put
upooui b, f.rb,*bich f»vallowttJi ?
<b. fuit. thereof; Wv; are buried rhen with him by baptifme "••y"''^ """»•'•
«pth»tuoiishi«ourderc which flowed from AdJiu intou. «nd all ,
4 °°
fotfcatinCbrift wetdoeoo^onelyceafr obeuniull but we bc»:mue
«lf j tol.e lolt. ,
into his deadi . that like as Chrift was raifed np "™rb^, "si^?
whxcb k <be
10 from Adam in whomeiU have fianed, bo.h guil.incffeand deatbi
fr^im the deid*' to the glory of the Father , foe we ftincatioaontba;
•uiUhmmt ofike guiliirefl"t;e«me upon all. I )} ^Ju>n, wh" u <im,'»'ed nvh .

aTtthtir^.f^riaker, «/ alfo lb jiiid * walke in newneUe of life. followetniuflifita.

hhrijl , likttc kirn in ihij .'Ut lo.A ./ r*»TO m.xk.1 ih.f wA-^A
^UsmJurfeth mioibtm 4 4. For if wee be planted with him to tTie tion by liil«
that tl,trliu),rinie:lMttho arrunU:ieinihri , fi'.nt
titl^rihu .tVtncfn<>lurt,Mjil,u i,dcu<h:lmi Chifl mahfth t!,tm thai are hs.
m «; /•'»" •'* a The benefit of luftiScaiioo and Sanaification.arealwayetioyoed togtiherinfepara.
t4rUktr.ofhi, fifhlroufntff hi'*"' an<ith.H »nt, l./>. jd fanSificati. a O Now -
biy, aud both of them proceed frnn Chiiit by ibegraceof
ImtixttUiiiftiftKhk^, i, .uri kj inktritdnee , tnd mtnei'mmtxij .ilit' .nj^MU
, :

ii ib«aboIi(hini;nffinne, thai ii.ofour oaturallc> nupiioo. iuio whofe

place iuc^c*
tnotrfcrfohiDftihteoi'l ihal fi„-,t inikc finruUr mtmi r , nlitrciJ tfnt/Jr.ik' ,

dethtbecleannefleaud puteoeflVofoaorerefonned. b They ate fayd of Paul

,ftl,tfrHUi ,fif, kc ¥felh the fUrJi nmr,hrr,c^hng ihm finne: n /Atr u, ,n
to be dead lo 6aiie. which (re in fuch fort madepartaketiof the vertue or Cbrilt,
^Um. I, Tha.lhitiifo, that both guiliincDeaoddeatb beganne oot«fiet the
that that naturallcorniptioaii.'ieed io them . tbatir, the force ©fit iaput out. and it
iviol and trtnfgreflSog of Mofei Lar,e tt appeareih ttunif.(tly by ihat.tbacimn

briogeih not forth hia brtrr fruit* , and on the other fide , they are fayd to live to
di,d befo.eibat I.awwaagiv.n rfor in ibat tbfy dird , finoe.whico uthecaufeof
linoe. which are in tbcleOt.ibat ii.whoto the fpini of God hath oi delivered froin
deiib wai ihro : and in fuch f
. # that
wauhe caufcof
ii wat »lfo itnpu .<b: wb.feupon U
the Oavetie of the cortup ion ofnatuie. 3 There ate three part- of thit Sanftifica-
follovtetb that there wai then fome Lawe , the breach viheieot
wkttetherei: no Uiwem^ie, tion . to wit. tnc dead of ibeolde man orlisne , biiburiall and the Icfurredioo of
E]>nfrm ^dtmio

4ea;b. o .-.'..fii.
the new man, defending into lu from ihevettueof t,he death, builall, and refurieSioa
ntm^ni, fUHu'htd *« fmliit nnJfmlrie. i » But that thii Lawe wai not that
oniverfalitawe. and ;bitd«atbdid not proceed from any aftaainione of every ooe
of Chrift.of which benf hi our bapiifme ir the (igoe and pledge. Gal.3 ,»r. *
fiarticuliiiy.itapvearetb hetthy that the very i.ifaou which ncitb.r could never
c To the eod that growing up in one with biiti. we toould receive hilftreogth ,to
quench linne in ui .and 10 make u» new meo. J d That
ICBuwe not traof^tefle that oaiurjll Lifs? are ootwithlianding deadwwcllaa ,

ChriR himfelfe being difcarged uf hiiiofirinitie and weakenelTe. might live in gloiy
Adam. q Ourinftm:. I N«i *fer fort aithe:; fmnethil *re afmct
hut yet the v>Me irti tcrrufi in ^d^m wheit with God far ever e And wee wbicbarehiimeml'cririrefor ihiiende .that '

jttrei Ml'ttinr tkti, btfii p(./?fri.te ,

being made panabcriufihr ftl'e fame venue, we Ihouldbegiotoleadea new life, Ji

M,hetrvi''n7hand-tviHtnrhr">'"<'- M Nowthefitft Adamanfweretb tbelaiter,
*»hoi»Ct>rift,aiitiiafterwatdd«clai;til. Adam :nd Chrift are compared though wc were already 10 heaven. • F.pbef.^.ij.colofl'.J.a bebr.ia.i.
togeebedii ihiirefpea that bob oftbrm do give and yeeld lotbeiri that which li
, ,
i.pei.i I. 4 The death offline and the lifeofrigbteoufnerte.ot our ingrafiinj
iotoCbn'ft.aod growing up intoonrwitb bim, caonoi be feparaied by any uieiiji,
iJieirowne: hut hereinfitltthevdiffer-.-tii'at Adamby oaiure bath (pred hii fault to
ijeithei in death nor life, wbertby it foUoweth, that 00 man i» fanftifitrd, which ftvti
rtedenruftioo ofmioj, but Ch.ilt, obtdience bub by grace ovtiHowtd luany.
Hill tofiiiK rand thefe(oieiinonianinadepartaker«f Chrift by faith, wbicb reppn'.-«
C Tkit't, '^dtm. IS Anoiker intiuiliiieconlilteihinthit.lhatby Adamt
of Cbnrt iinputed ubwui eibnot.aodturneihaotfiom hii wickedneflc foraibe fayd before, imo:
••f clftnct BCS art made guilty biKtbeiiibieoufneBc

f»bw»»Kd,b«l«ft»bliai«dbyf4ith, « ,.<;«.«,i4., » "m 2.»«.

ttmij, 4«Jl«*(gaelT*l>f«lvc ui fiota thatoaefaulii l)ai from all oihca.
( fimilirvi Jc

. . , .

IWemuftbchoIjr. Chap. vir. ThevfcoftbcLaw, 6^4

I # In
hkhc mtsnttoftk,

fi m«<\,
*> ij r fimilitude of-his death , even fo fliall ine ibcto
thclimlitude of his refurreftion
6- Knowing this, that our hold man is crucifi-
K Now, ye net.breihrcn. (fori

know theLawe)
fpeake to them . By propounding
that the Law hath domi- the firoiiitude«f»
nion overatnanaslongas heliveth f mairiage.heeom-
cd With ' him, that the body of k fin might be dc-
Hi.wji die lofinnt z * For the woman wt^jch is in fuLicaion to ^V"ti,'hl"f " "'
tf > he it dttd. ftroyed.that henceforth we Iliould not' lerve finne, aman. is bonnd by .he Law to the man, while hee Z^r^r
^r^rvehucmt {For he that is dead, is freed from finne. .itenerz.
liveth but if ihc roan be dead.fliee iJHelivered "on togetbtr. rii*

Tfi,, UnThl: 8 Wherefore, if wee be dead with Chria. wee from the Law of the man. '"w ef mairimony,
/w we /AaK "'«"•• belceve that we Ihall live alfo with him,
3 So then,
if while the man liveth.fhee taketh
fo ,t'"a ' h "hi/**
UferfiHly fi'.tii.
9 Knowing that Chriftbeinj; raifed from the another man, fliee fhallbc » caUedaii J adnltereffe; band liveth, the
/,d '"•,£ *" '"'
dead , dieth no more »i.-

"' : death haih no more domiiii- but if the man be dead.lhee is free from the Lawe, "n* abideih io
TJI'^^^Mc on over him .
...^ fothatflTC is not an adultereffe, though Ihee take f"">^^'fi>t'
mtt*ft , •" vt art ID For m that he clvecl he died m otKe CO finnc: _,

another man.
dead, tbcwoma
tmutvtdumi Itrne jjuj in that he Iiveth,he Hvcth to n God.
i»». this 1 1 Likewile chinke ye alfo.that ye are dead to
4 »SGye,mybrethren.aredeadalfototheL.1»
bythebbodyofChrift.ihatyefhould be unto an
« Thatij,/heefliail
^J'^^. '^^'i'
'*"• ^'"^ 3re alive to God our Lord.
in lelus Chtift other, «v«» unto him y is riifed up from the dead, ^'^'^<i^Utte«e,kf
timftr'in^thutM 1% « Let not finnc o fcigne therefore in your that we Qiould bring farth c fruit unto <« God, *' '"*^*
5 3 Foruhen wee wereintheflefh. thefafle-
f Mattb.;.""'
ftionsoffins.which werebytheglaw, had i* force » An application
"'''''* fiiniHtude-
in ouf members, to bring fruit unto death,
,H}tyaiMre, rvhith feivcs unto God asthey that are alive from the
6 But now we arc delivered from the law. he
your members At weapons of righ- d„"|iiff;/^'jj'j*''
w't <Un^i v'lh « dead, and jr»e » being dead k in whom we were
' holden , that we ui for now wear*

^i^- teoufnes unto God. (hould lerve in m newnefl'e of Spirit, and not in the ioyned to the fjiirit,
'tHTi.Z'Xui' 4J For finne QjaU not have dominion over
7 oldnelVe of the p letter. " " "«« "> 'te
to ckrijl, not in youifot ye are not under the Law.but under grace. '^" "^^
ditdttim h im'
1 y I What then ? (hall we finne, becaufe we are n 7,
God / Y-i''S'^^
torbJd. Nay rJ'"^
I knew , not' ? ^r
finne , but !!""t'
by the
briog foonb new
'"'•!!'*"• not under the tawjbut under grace ? God forbid.
.,• Law : for I had not knowen o lufi, except the Law ^''ii'iten : we are

^hieh%tk"V*}" ^ ^ * Knowe y ee not , that to whomfoever ye had fay d, + Thou (lialt not lull. ^'"i
'- '«fp«a "f
n Mt. give your felves as fervants to obey , his fervants
8 But finne tooke an occafion by the com-
I Tht end c/fanlfi- yeate to whomyeobey , whether h be of finnc
mandement , and wrought inmeallmaner of con- the latter we are
fieiiitnvhUhni unto death, otofobedience unto right eoufnelle ' cupilcence for without the law finne m pde.-id.
: at it were riifc*.

{t711l'::S'. ,^7 »ButGodA.dianked. that ye have bene 9 I For I once was alive , without the 4 lawe: J'""!''"- ^"\ .
fo tritttitn Ci,d the Icrvants of finne, but ye have obey etl from the but when the coramandement ' came, finne re-
/hall it »H in all. heart unto the f forme of the dodtrine, whereunio Vived, u, ,0 underftlod
, Ht proovcth it yg ^^ere delivered. _
JO But I f died ; and the fame commandement '"'vv ftraiKht and
p«iifoiiof chiift
^8 Being then made free from finne . yee
are made the fervants or nghteouinelle,
which was trdaitud unto life , was found t* be unto °*L' ''"' ^'""w^'f
me unto death.
the head with hi» 1p 1 fpeake after the mancr of man , becaufe of
II For Imne tooke occafion by the comman- c He caiieth tt*
itmberi. the infirmitie ofyout flelii : for as ye have given dement.and deceived me ,and thereby flew mt. ehiidren.whicb ih«-
y°"'' members fervants to nncleanes and toini- « Wherefore the Law it
"wuhVo" 1 1 holy , and that ^''^' '"'f ^> *"«'
< Aatjhorution quitie, to f#OTwif iniquitie.fonow give your mem- tcemmandement W holy , and iuft, and good.
to eontnid tad befs fcrvants unto righteoufnefle in holinefle.
dwlkh ««'«.-
ceptable to God.
Hiive vsith cor- jq p^^ when ye were the feivants of finne.yce 3 A declataiion of the former faying for the <
up.fcetKejffai.h bee) which the
taw ail ted up en ui, were inusai wereao buiba.d.of whom WebrouVht foribveTi
Sih" cof! were « freed from righteoufiielVe.
*adly and

cuffed children. But now fince thai bu:band ii dead

, .ndfo confequentir
• ByteigniDg.s^iiat 21 »•» What fruite had ye then in thofc things, be log delivered fioin the force of that kill iog law. we have paOVd
into the governance
Paul mtaccth that wbcrcof ye are now afliamed ? For the * ende of ofihai that wtbriug forth now.ooi tbofetoiienauddead.butlivelychildren
»»>«''"*"'* '"'«'' thofe things it death
But now being freed from finne .and piade /.8.1P1BJ the cldnu ofihe Uitir. f Tht m.imn) that erred ui t„ n... .-.l,^
al^Z ll.ZTod ^ 1^ JU„,,en,n,.r.i„d^ g «'/-'*-'> "/.i^'/.«,. /i'^.^tl
if any do.jtt it ii in fervants unto God, ye have your truit in hohneiie, ilM-j. ,h,yfyr,nr .f f,. yrhuh dy^cHe,h
vaioe. and the end, everlafiing life. JnUJ, if reafintfihertJlrMnlihalihe Urv maliiih ^oot th^t ihe
fuullit iaihtU-n,
p ToCn«e,aitoa ^^ »i Forthe wages offinneis death: buttbe *«"'''-'M"- k Wrc^htthe^-Penj^lh. i
of God Vheh hmKdui , u dead, and >u,.ifhUunayJnr.m»eh, thaefi„nt
JVou"mi;j°Dd gift « etcrnah life . through lefus ChiUt Tfi,ichheUuu
hathnotnc-rvvphtrtroithtchiidut. k For thii bnihnd ij nilhin ut t,^„
kll ibtpoweriof it. OUt LOtd. I

*"''^*' "'
'""''^' '"'"'''r'MedeJfiiC
» A' inftrumftm and]it^"'fiflPt'^r':'
i'J: nofwuhjiand'ar/o Icnf at ire are i^""'
finr.e miUi„,l, jj _
to commit wicltMtueCi; wiifcalF. 7 tite graatctb'tbat fuint Iidoi yHr«iI»ii>io tt..mnmk,h.n,,^hU,f,.'r ,he death »/ f/«i, Mh.,thar.d ar% ilynedt.the
uiibai it iiviieily riiind but he promifed vidoty to tbetn tbac ccotctid maaluUy,
a, Wi.m thiffu,, .fc^hatb mad, new men.
m B, the ienerht meantthiha
becaufe we have ibe grace ol God given uiwbich workethfo, that ihcLaweiiooc
now is utibepoweraDd iDnrunKuiofriooe. i To be undrt ibc Law acd uodei Ch,ft„yU^ne^kf,,,
one inirfpca ofi^em wbicb are 001 fa.Qificd , aiootbcVoDtraiy
*«. /. 'i'-f^'»'n.and,h.rrforei,i,d.mL,ndLdtZZ
linne ,fignilie all ,

Ade, to be under gtacc and tigbtcoufneHr agrre to them tb^l are regenerate N«'w ibi(it
'«";•»«"''"? "»'/'"' Sinn.
reproved anJcon- ihat oatcaDoot agree wirh tbeoiber.Tberefoielet rigbteoufuetcxpii Si /il""s'f
aemneOBy iBeuw.''V 11' \' i.

tnnf. ^
Iobo.i,3«. i.ptt.j.ij, f By nature v^e are flwei to Anne, <aiui
But becaufe finne csnnot abide to btrcprooved, and
i»>nei lelt UDxU it wai provoked and fli; red upby the law
wai not in 3
free from ligbteoufoet.but by the grace of Cod^vre are majc fervantiio rigkleouCnsrlTe,

to be more oUiragioui and ye: by no Oult of the law.

fly ihe worJjLuft
aad iheiefoie free tram finoe. f Thii kjnii ojj'ftiJt hatha ttineinif./a hit
meatitih ihirdy that the doHrint »/ tkt C off el iiliktitntt attitaint m-iitd nhith whence he*
Ipricg tul Ibe very heathen thilofofb.mhenifelvei condemned
wtcked luOi, tboueU
VCI arleafinnit fo le framed and ftfhitned tUfKnic it, I Ht^hieiuftttpt had n> fomewhaida.kly bun, for ihi. fouotaine of them, they cojid noifomuch

THtt'terycH. 10 An exbonationtothe nudieofrigbteoi:fii»ao4batT<dof fianeitbe a.fufpeft

It, and yet ii the reiy feat of that naturall and uocieaoe
fpoi aiid filtb. • Eao 20
COBtiary nd*t of both , being feidovtne before ni. u The reward it paimiat, 17.deuijj, p Tboughfinnebe.nui.yetiiiiost'ltDOWfotcliao,!
j|fiV4lbUlfe«i>UQilhincaiducioluBt,butwear«faaaffiedri«ely.uDiO;iiftimUlliB£. neither doih It forage, as irrageth after thauhsiiw ijkno-A,n.
j Hefeiie li
himfelfe before uitor an exan.i;le. in v^hom all men ,my
ara what.hcv
G H A P. T I I. oinatuit before ibty earutltly thinke upon the Law of God
beadv to fioue and,=e. . •Ai.tbout all „ue feufe and f.eling
to wir blDcltin/,„.a


""-f . tReo
a- Hi Jeciar/thYfhatitit,rji te utmtreundtrtht 4 L4m h maa/rofn-.f""•.^— >--
ofpeifuni ttey bfcome _.i.. -..-:.„_<;.,„ i? ^ • wha
,wh«n the

;-';" ^yue !e.timioni.e

an txamfle taken cfihi Lane efmtrriait, 7, la %And ef thelaw .lowit, Oubbuine, and flamed with itfi act riuEc,
le^s} iht LatttfhiMldfeimtfatUie, 14 lit frtilttth^tkat they were befoie.
q Whenlkoew to mtifcousb-Iliiedio
titt^fineit lie eaufe, 11 thtlihej'amtitaniecafmif derd ; for oiy conftience never tioublvd rati bi
--.tmydifeafe. r When

dijih, J7 -ivhichv"" fUtninunttli/e. it Hi I began to uod«r(tau<l the conunandrmcnt. f I

'""= 6 Theccotl.jlioa:
Jeiithtut the l*!t<t hwftni thefe/h tnd lieffirit. ThatibelaweoiitltJfeiihoJy.bui all the fiil abufcibsJavv, 9
: '

To tbe Romanes.' The flefli and the Spirit.

Mans imperfeifHon
Was that then which is good , u made CHAP. vni.
7 Tb«fropoftiioo ;
i;^ 7
that is He e<netudeih that there is no eendemnaiien inhem, art wh
TbatihrLswii death unto mee > God forbid : but finne ,
grafted i» Chrill through his Spirit, 3 hrrvfeelser they ht
not tbe caufcof might xappeardinne .wrought death inme by burdened rvith jinnes:
9 Fer they lil>e through that
dtith.but our cor. out of
that which IS good .thafinne might be y Jfirn 14 Whofeteliimonie, iS dripen attxtj tifcare,
lui't niiure, tiandreMcUrfrefentmtleries
meaCure hiK>i'l ^y 'he commandement,
therev^ith ooi ooe-
lydiCcovftcd but
»ifo ftirre.i up. >nd
4 8 For wee know that the Law is fpirituall,

under linne.

Ow > then there »/ no condemnation
, A conclufion of
to them aii , be former difpu.
that are in Chri(i lefus which a walke notaf- ration from

jj„j j gni caniall, lold of chap i even 10

tooke occafton dofor what tet the » flclh, but after the Spirit.
_,Ho^ ^^^ jhaj ^vhich I

j ^ p,^i. j ,„
2 3 For the
b Law of the Spirit of life which
woulJ. that do I not but what 1 hate | Joe X
|hat webein"iuf
«;t'^r.t m'.re I « •


h in <1 Chrift leius.hath e freed me from theLaw of 'diStd by iiifhln

thx.binsiarr fur- 1 6 if I doe then that which I would not.
biddfn it tbcmote ^onfent tn the Law, that it is good. finne and of death. chrift, doe obtaine

it dcfirrth chtm. , ^^^ ^j^^^ j^ j^ ^^ ^^^^ J, that doC it, bUt ^
3 tFor(thatthatwasfimporsibleto the Law, in
»' /
aoil from brnce n l as much as it was weake.becaufe of the g fidhjGod
commetb guiiii- I finne that dwelletn in roe. .
J™oX','°^';'„"/if; my flelli, fending his the fimulitude ofh finful fanfti'fi. d,it foiow.
DtSe , ini occifioa i8 i« For I knovv.thit in rae.that
me; flelli, and for fintie ,k condemned (in in the fielh, eth hereof that they
dwelleth no good thing:for to will is piefentw
u Btsreihiilh*
but I find no means to perfonne y
svhich « gooa.
4 That that t righteoulnes of the Lawe might that are g.aavd tu-
tUmt of my JMfl? be fulfilled V in us. which walke not after the flelh, '°,^^^fJll]-Zt
not the good thing , which I
S rhtllfinntmi^ht •9. For I doe but after the Spirit, ^
fhfnilfilf would.buttheevill.which 1 would not.that doe I of condemnation.
non:iore « For they that ate after the '" flefli , favour ». The fruiti of the
finnt.tnJ tttrray 1 20 Now if 1 doe that I would not, it is jr

ftlft tt te ihdt,
dwelleth m me.- the things of the flelh but they that are after the Sp''"' "' '^'^'

wUchuindctd. I that doe it, but the finne that

good, would do Spirit, the things of the Spitit.
y ^1 f Ha 41 it ii ij I Hnde then that when I tbifi^beZl,,
evill is prefent with me. 6 7 For the wifedome of the flefli « death but utdoe "oc ingraft :
touU.fhewixg «!1
I am thus yoked.that _

the wiledome of the Spirit w life and peace, ui into chtift.but

tlitlnimtii e>uld.
21 Forldelightin theLawofGod.concerning doedeciarethat
S Thftiufeof 7 8 Becaufe the wifedome oi the flefli «/eni-
tbii matter, iithii
the b inner man. ««*',« g'a""*
mitie againftGod 9 for it is not fubiedltothe
Becaufeibattbe 23 But I iee another Lawe in my
LawotGod, neitherindcedcan
I .I'll

'nto Dim.
bellino- a'^ainft the Lawofmy ^minde,
La\^ r^quiretba and lea- , Fdic-mnotihe
beavcnly purcnrii unto the law of finne , which is
8 13 So then they that are in the flefli, cannot fiefif.r iheiriuiU:
ding mee captive f" '" '' ""ft^i
leaie God.
in ray n ^ '*"•/'"!'*' ,7^*
9 " Now ye are not in the flefli.but in the fpirit,
therbebotor.are .

4 O wretched man that 1 am who

bondfljvei of cor-
riip:ion,wbich ibeT deliver
24 1

me from the body of this death



jcaufe y ipuir of God dwelleth m you:but it any GUcfifcT huziidt.
Chrift our man hath not ;y Spirit ofChrilt, the fame is not his. theuc'h/cmeimet
^ j ^ thanke God lefus
wilIiDf!lyf«rve. throuj'h
fci"!^"*- ' Lord. Then I 'f my felfe in ,my minde ferve the 3 A
preventing of an obleSion: feeing that the vettue of the ffirit which iiin ui. iifo
o«a.,.b.for.«. Law of God. but in my fl>.the law of finne. weake how may we gather
iheieby that thVre is no condemnation tothemthat

for ID exani|ile, in have that vertue ? becaufe faith be, that vertucof the quickening fpirit which ii fo
weake inut, it moO perlit andmoft mighty in Chrift, and being impuied untoul
thettfore of the Law of 6od add
lIl.^aTiV."rif. of the Spirit, and which beleeve , caufeth ui lobe acCi,uoied of although there were no reliquej of ,

regeneiatebringethfoorih death
ourynckedDei. Forfitice that the Law in a ma coiruption , and death in ui. Therefore hitherto Panldifputedofremiffion of .'iai.and
onely .theiefoiein him it mayealily beacculed (eemg that in a ma-.i which ii re- t
imputation of fulfilling theLaw ,»nd alfoaffanftifica ion which i> begun io m : but
gfn<rate, it briogeth foorth good fruic ,it doth b
appeare thatevill aaioni ptoceede r
nowhefpeakethofihe perfit imputation of Chf ifts mashood , which part wai necef-
cotiupi And iheretore i

not from the Law .but from finoe, that ij from of ourconfciencei .for our finnei aredefaced by
farily required to the full api'ealing

reproovmg finne in there-

Apoflleteachethalfo, wbatthe ttuevfe of theLaw il ia ,
the blood ofChiilt, and iheguiltineiofour corruption ii covered with the imputation
gene.a.e>,,lehefore(.owit, from the feventhverfe ofChriftjobedience and the corruption it fclfe (which the Apoftlccalleih finfull

regeueiaie. lo The
unto tbi.nfieenth hedeclared the vfe of it io them which ate not
) finaejii healed in u» by little and the gift offanftilication .butyei it lackelh
deedeiof my life, faith he .anfwerenoi naythey arecontrary to
my will: Tbere ore , belid js that anoihetremedy, to wit, the ptifeS faoftilication of Chrilteiowne fleth,
ihedeede.olmy lite,
by the conf.ntnfmy will with .betaw, and rfpugoancie wi.h whichalfoii to uiimputed. b 7 he fcre'r and authority of the fyiril ,a^.iinjl
evidently.rhat the Law and a right ruled will do
perfwadeone thing.but Which morlifieth, andjuicl^neth the
itappeareth whtch it ft the tyranny of fin. c
eorraptioo which baih her feate alio m the regenerate another thing, ,
nen man. d To nil, abfilutely and ferfiely. c For Chrifts fanflificaticn being
noted, thatonefelfc fame man iifaid to will and not to will.mdiv
efpta. Hevfe'h co
i/nputejunto ui ,f:erJiieihourfanHificaticnvehichii be^un in Us. 4
voit.heis faidtowill, in that that he isreReoerate by grace ,
aod^otto :
argument here, buieipoundeih theniyftery of fanftification , which ii imputed unto
that , that he ii not regenerate, or in that that be i. fuch an one ai
he wai borne. But, ui for becaufe , ibat the vertue of he law wai not fuch ("and thai by reafoo of the
t 1

therefore Paul
becaufe the part which it regenerate, at length becoinmttb conqueiour, corruption ofournature) that it could make man pure and pe' lit and for that ii ra- :

fufleninj the part of the teeeoerate fpeakcih in fuch iortai if the corrupt ion, ther kindled thedifeafe of fin thrn did put it outand extingiifh it , therefore God

which (jnneth willingly were fomething without an, although aftetwarde hte am cloaihtd hit Son with fltfli like untoourfinfijllficfh, wherein he vtterly abolilhed our
granteththatthiievilliiinbi.fltni.orinbismemberl z 2 hjt mmr^u ecr-
cotrupiioo, that being accouniedthorowly pure and withoutfaulttobiinappiehendrd
vhich <lc^l,til, f^JI even tc them ih.u are nirr^erale , a«d mt
^f tun, and Ijryd hold 00 by faith .we might be found to have fully tfaatfingularperfedioa
ccn-juired. ti Tbii vice , or nnne , orlaw of fione , doeth wholy poirtflethore which theLaw requi'Cth. and therefore that ihere might be no condemnation in ui.
tnrn which arenot regenerate, and hindreth them or holdeth them backe tbatare f U'hiih is not froferto the Latv, but commcihby cur fault. g In mannctbon.t
a Thii deed in deedeaireetc that, Tvkmlhegr ace cfCcd h Of mans nature rchich teas eof
tegeneratt. aatip,rvhofe difeaje the latv could not hcileit.
hath made a ntVe man .-for where the Sfirit i, not , htur ean thereheanjjlnfe ruft throufh fm.untill hefanlUJiedil. i To abciifl, fin intur flefh. k Sheved that
there. 13 Tbeeondufion ai theLawofGodexhortetbtogoodoeflV.foHoetb
fin hath no rifht in us. I The leryfubjlanee of the law of God mi^ht be fulfilled, rr
the Lawe of finoe (thatii , the corruption wherein wee are borne) force unto that fimevrhiihthelavtire'juireth , thairvee mjy be found iufl before Cod : firif
wickednelTe: but theSpirit .that i«,our mmde inibat that it i» regenerate con- ,
tvih OUT iujiificaii.n there be ieyned that /.tnCHficaiion ivhich is imputed to us , ire
fenteth with the Lawe of God but the flefli that il the whole naiuiall man 11
areiufi , according to that per fed forme which the Lord re'jiiirtth. Here*
, , ,
bondnave fo the Law offmne. Therefore lobe (hort .wicktdnefle and death.ire turueih to that which he faid , that the fanftification which ii begun in us, ii«
not of the Law, but of finne, which reigoeib iothem that arenot regenerate; for fureteftimooyofouringraffiog into Cbnft: which iia mod plentifull fruit of «
they neither will , nor doe gond but will anddoeevill But in them that arc re-
, ,

godly &honeft life. 6 A rcafon why 10 walke after the flefli, agrceth not to them which
geoerat*, itfiriveib againft the Spiiit or lawe of the minde , fothat ibey iannot are grafted in Chrift, but to walke after the fpirit agteeth and il meet for them be- :

eitbetlifefowellaitbey would, orbefovoydeoffianeaitheywould. b The caufe, faith he that they which are after the flcTi , favour the thingi of the fteOi, but

inner man .andthe nev? manaee all cne , and are anfw'rahie and fet as ecntrarj they tbatare afier the fpirit, the thing* of the fpirit. in They that live ai the flefli lead*
f .the tide man: neither dceth thii trcrd , Inner man fyni/ie mans minde and •
etb them. 7 He proovcth iheccnfequcnt Becaufethat whatfoeveitbefleOifavouretb«

reafin , and the olde man , the p.irer/ tAjt jre under them, ai the I'hitcfifhert that iogendretbdeathtand whaifoevertbefpiiiifavouretb.ihaitendeth to ioyand life
imofine , hut by the mitvard man ii meant irhatfieVer is either wiihcul or eveilafting. 8 A reafonand proofe.why the wifedomeof the flefli ii death becaufe,
Vfiihin» m*n , from tofpe te tee, fe hn^ man is net tr'ne a nerv ly the ^r ace of faith he.itii the enemy of God. 9 A reafoo why the wifedomeoftbeflrfli ii enemy
Cod. c Thtl.troeftht minde in thu notto he underftood ofthe minde to God becaufe it neither will neither cao be fubieftto him. And by flefli henieanetf"

«/ tl iinalHraOj and as cur minde is from cur hirih, hut cf the minde vhiihis rent,
a man 13 Tbeeondufion thercforetbey thai walke after the flefl],*
not regenerate. ;

•nedhythe Sfirit of Cicd. 14 It it » mifrrablething tobeyetinpartfubiefi to cannot pleafe God whereby it followeih that they ate boi iagiafted into Chrift.
: ,

linne. which of i'.owne naturemakcth ui guiltieofdeaih but we muft crytothe :

Hecommeih toiheoiheri,to wit, to thein which walke after the fpirit, of whom
Lord ,w(ho will by death itfelfe at length make ui cooqueroura asweeart already wehavetounderftand contrary thingno the former .and firftofall hedeftreih what
eooquerouri in Chrift. d Wearied rritli miftraUt and ccniimHall ccnf!i(\. it il to be in the fpirit ,or to be faudified, to wit to have the fpirit of God dwelling

c Hee rectUreih himfijfe.andfhervethusthal he relelh onely in Chrift. that faoftification i»fo ioyncd and kait to
in UI : then hedeclareth , oi;r gtaffing in
( This il the trut firfshion ofthtm th*< an tornt amVi >• nnft^t that they art
Cbiifl,thai it can byoomeanetbc repaiated,
10 " And V
3 ' .

Tbc Spirit ofadoption- Chap, viij Saved by hope. J.y

which have the firft fruites ofthe Spirit , even wee a Eveti from the
„ H«tcnfirm«h lo « And if Chtlft ht !nyon .the-body is
thrfaitbfuiiagainft dead , bccaufc of finne:but the Spirit iir life for doe ligh in our felvcs, waiting for the adoption, bottomeofo«

.htrclikcoffleOl ;
.jg^j^fnefl-efaije, even 4. e the redemption of our body. biartei.
of him that raifcd Up Ic- 14 »3 For wee are/aved by hope : but f hope
6^ ^ „ fiut if the Spirit f^\"J^,»^'^»/„"^
that IS feene, is not hope; for how can a man
fii ap)earetfa by from the dead , dwell in you , he that raifed up
fus ring.whichftiailbe
tie corruption Chr jft from the dead , fl^allalfo quicken your luor- hope for that which he feeth ? 3 the accompiithmenf
which t> in 'ben)
tall his Spirit that
o dwelleth in you. zy But if we hope for that we fee not , Wee doe ofouradoptioo.
touebicg one of with patience abide for it. »? sixtiy hope i.
»4 Therefore brechren. wee are debters not

tbeirpittir which It
fcecalletb the bo- to the the flelb :
flefl^.to live after 26 »4 Likewife the Spirit alfo g helpeth our in- ';^l^r'J2 X'^
dy, that II to fay,* I ; For if ye live after the flelh ,yee
flwll die firmities for wee know not what to pray as wee then that we be-
lompe) which ought : but the Spirit it felfemakethhrcquefttor '"vethofetbingf,
but if ye mortifie the deedes of the body by the

cot yet purged «'».'='' «« are not ^

Spirit, ye (hall live. us with fighs.wbich cannot be exprelfed.
from the earthly . o • • c
<itihincs in death For as many as are led by the Spirit of
16 17 _ But hee that frarcheth the hearts . knc^eth l"Z^^^^fll°
: 14
God, they are the fonnes of God. _ what is the'meaningof the Spirit for he maketh fpefted not the :

willing them to
If 1 7 For yee have not received the p Spirit of requeft for f Saints, k accoriJing to the will of God. thing that ii pre-
doubt Dotbiog of
i8 M Alfo we know chat 1 all things worke to- f"";"* »>"«
;b7h;p"pyV««:fli bondage, to i feare againe : but ye have received J
«f .beircombate, Spir .t off adoption, whereby we cry,
Abba.Father. geiher for the belt unto them that love God . even 1°",^^*'
becauf. that even ,5 xhe fame Spirit bearcth witnefle with oMt to them that are called of fc«V •" purpofe. that which we be*
the li.le fiarke of ^ . .
^^^ ^^^^ children of God. 29 For thofe which hee knew before , he alfo 'eeve ftiall come
predeftinate to bee made liketo the image of his '"Pff'r
InKcio'^V 17 .8lfx,v.i.children.vTy*.r*alfofheires. f i, (,«

gewta.ioo) which even the heires of God , and heires annexed with Sonne, that bee might be the firft borne among the figure MetoTy.
ppeareih tobein
cjjjjf^ ; 19 if fo be thatwce
luffcr With him , that many brethren. mie : Hope, for th«t
them by the frail
we may alfobe glorified with him. 30 Moreover, whom he n predeftinate, them al- which ii hoped for,

18 »o For I t count that the affliaions of this fo he called, and whom he called,them alfo he iufti- H Seventhly,
ii the fecde of
life. prefent time are not worthy ofthe glory .which
fied. and whom he iuftihed. them he alfo glorified. Xby'we (h°ouid
n Tbeflelhioiitt 3 I a« what (hall we then fay to chele things under the
Ihallbefliewednmous. ?

as yet
19 »« For the fervent defire of the "creature
If God be on our iitJe. who can he againfl us ? burden ofafftifti.
but gave *"
I, ft

ril'^«o"."Ld waiteth when the fonnes of God rtiall

be revealed, 3z Who rpared not his owne Sonne ,
Becaufe the creature is fubieft to » vanme, him for us all tei«4*/) .how Ihall he not with him
death. 20 oiito"irmoftfuie
13 A which ogive us things alio
not of it y owne will, but by reafon » of him, which caa
confirinati'. all ? heipe,
on ofthe former
fontenee.Voubave hath fubdued it under a hope. ^ „, . ,. .
33 »7 who u-ial! lay any thing to the charge not be fruiirate,

ibefelfefameSpi. 11 Becaufe the creature alfo (Kail be delivered of Gods chofen ? it is p God that iuftiheth
fit, which Cb:ift from the b bondage of corruption into the glorious 34 Who (hail cond.pmne ?»> w Chrift which is "'of g^.' which
bath Therefore a
ofthe fonnes ef God. dead yea , or rather , w.iich is rifen againe, who is
: dwelleth in u«.
leo jth it fliall die alfo at the right hand of God , and maketh requeft g Bearetboorbur.
thefamcioyou, 21 For wee know that every creature gtoneth den, aiit were. h«
with us alfo ,and travaileth in paine together un- <= alfo for us.
-that it did i

Cbrift towit.when jothis prefent 3T who

(hall feparate us from the love of
«ll iobrmit .'""=8 13 ,a And not onely Wj<«rMf«r«,butwealfo qChrift ?(hall tribularion .or anguidi.or perlecu h Provoketh u» t»
utterly layd s tion.orfamine, ornakec!i!dHe,ort)erir.,orfword ? prayeri.aodteiieth
heavenly glory. o By thever.ue and powerof it. P'" it were with.
36 As it is written, S For rhyCike are we killed la.what
«„f"!t aall'cloa.b you with nheri. II, J r c ,1 we fnall
.. 1
our head , and dayly vvorketh in bi. 1 al day long:we are counted as iheep tor y llaughter;
which dewedthefaire might fidl ie
^y, ^^-.a how we
opprelTe the fl fli dayly 1 and more by thevtriueof the Spirit

1^ Ab exhortation to
f ri unio God , for fo much ai you have 37 ' NeverthelelTe .in all thtfe wee are ftiai'i grone-.
of regeneration becaufe faith he; you are de {

enfueth:forfuch more then conquerers through him that loved us. what fobi ami

Another reafon cftheprofit cbat
received fo ma ny beneliit
fh i 1

--- For I am perfwaded tha^ neither d^-ath . nor '!?''.' p"T'^/;°"'

aifleive and fight valiant!y,ftiaiiaaveeveriamng
inc. 10 jn.i.u.........---
which are governed by hi. Spirit, therefore (hall
..f-' , ' ,
fon they b. the childrtQ of God . life ,nor Angels, nor pnncipdiiiios ,nor powers, s^.ht.
17 H'dedareth andexpoundeih by the way inthel.two
thtv havel.feevetlafting.
God isgivento.hebe.
nor things prefenr.nor things to come, k Becaufshetw.
right tbi. name .tob' catted tbecbildreo of
by what
becaufe faith hee , they have received the grace of the Gofpel ,
wherein Pod 39 Nor height , nor depth , nor any othercrea- chetf .he g >diy t*
leevet. :

ture.lhall be able to fep.uate usfiom theloveof f^'^^^f^'^S'*

God, which is in Chrift lelus our Lord. a Erb, w. ate w .

not .ffliAed.eithti;
heholyGbo r by chance or out harmebut bySodi providence for our great profit vvho as he chofe
. ... ,
Which fea-
UI ftoin the beginning fo Bath fcte predeftinate u« to Lc aiad, iik- io ihe image of hi»

hereforeopencth our mouther. 18 A Apioote

letb our adoption in ourniinds.aDdihereforeopeHcth Sonne: and therefore will btinguiit his-imc beingcall-c andiuiHlicd, to glory by .

the Sonne of God- doth enioy


ccnfequent of th.confirniatiou : becaufethat be which i. thecroffV. 1 Not oufly affliftijos, but whatfoevcr eh. Hecalletfa haLfurvoft, m
Cod withChrift. f Tartaktri ofourfathengoodi.andthat freely which God hath from everlaftiog apjointed wiih himfelfe^iccordii-g ohii ;o.jd will
way of God doe
1 9 Now Paul
ch iMre n bv adoption. teacbeth by what the fonnei
andpleafure. a Heuft:b the time part, for the time ptefem, J» the Htbreweufe.
that felicitie to wit , by the c.olTe , ai Cbrift himfrif.
did and therewittall
com. to ,

who fometime fet downe the thing that ii to ccme,by ;he tiro, that i»palt,to fignifie the
haveCh.ift a companion aad
ouereth MDto them fountaiuesofcoaifori ai firll.tbat we :
certcintyofii: and he had alfo a regard to ncdaconriiuaHworkijg. i« Ninthly wee
alfo hi, fellowes in thateveila.
fellow of cur affliSions fecoudly ihat wefllall be

have nocaufe to feare that the Lord will notgive us whatl'ocvi-r ii j v fi jble for us fee-
ftineelcrv ao Thirdly that tbii glory wkich welookefor.dothathoufand ing that he hath not fpared his owne Sonnetofave us. o <5iveo: r t v. 17 A mo ft
furmountth-mifayofouraffliftioni. t Allbeing well couiidtred, I gather.
glorious and comforrableconciufion of:tc whote fecond par: of tbi. ttltle .that » of
be renued from that
»i Fouttbly, te plainely teacbeth U5 that wee fhallcertainely the treatife of iuititication There are no accufers tbat we havt n'etie o be afraid of be-
bich cannot be
confute D and tortibledefoimation ofthe whole world g< fore God. feeing that God !iiir.r-lte abfolveth us as iull : atid tbef*^t^re mu b lefl'e neede
it was not at tbebe-inning
But a« it had a beginning bv the finne of man for whom .

whb the eleft. we to feare damnation .ftcin.j [ we reft upt n the death and rcfitrt&tca.tuealir.igUtie
itwai made by the ortlinancf c t God fo fha'l it a. length be rellored .

power and defence of itfui C^-riii. Therefore wb,it can tie;: b W'euh'i^ in this life, i

u Allthi-*«'d. X is r„biea to a vanifring and flitting ftate. y Not by their na-

or of fo great force and ^i wer. that might fe; re us although ,v • might fall from the
? That tbey Ibou'd obey the Cea.ouri conimandement
whom it ,

turali inclinr-ioo iove of God whcrcwiif he lovttth u> in Ctrift Snttly 10th. og. Seein- "-at it is in it
man. a God

vUiM to ftiVw by tht;ir tukle eftate how rreaily he was difplcafcd with man, but gave it
felfe I Dllantaudfu e..-.g :ned by ftedf.;ft ftiib. p Vttio
would n-tmakethr woiMfubitfttoeverlaftinf curfe, fur tot fmne of elyguiltlelft butalf.jpeifi ly u!linhisS,n:.e. q Where-
bete hat it fhotild be relioied b Fr m the corruprion which tbey are now fubieS to,
with Cbriftloveth us, ± Pial44,ji r We a.iootonely notovrrcomi- witofo
which Ihall
tbey (lull bedelivcted ard changfii mto that bleffed (tate of incorruption ,

great and many miferiei and calamities, bat alio more theoconqucri'Uiiiualloftbem,
hefeveal'dwb.ntbefonne o'G"d (hall beadvaoced to glory. c Bytbiiwoitiu
notonrly exctediug lorow bU' alfo the fruit that followeth of it. »a Fiftely. CHAP. IX.
eft ofthe world lookcfora 'el...ring
ttoning a«it were for it. and th ,t not io , 1 He anfnertlh *n ohieRicn, that mi^h- h
iroMfht on t'e 'cirtl
Itt i: not g'ifve .IS alfo tofig'a yea l« ui be more ctrtainely peifwadwl ofo«l
. , hhalfe, 7 andteUelhtfin" for'- cf.-^hralhkmiM.drt,.. if
We have the fitlt (rui:i ofthe S^^itit,
«t4 thut (Ji4 Vfirlitlh aH
f tdenn.uoo 10 come/uiAlaiuch
ai ''.'»^.- in thit trmtter acnrding to

i i4 ht

: , .

f ift is very God, To the Romines? Predefti'nationJ

iJJWili 10 niif 41 tit t'tttrilttli^ 14, JO HfprjoK/* 13 As it fs written , ^•I have loved lacob , and * Malacii.i.i.
a/"irf3 tht catini if ilitCentilei, 31 ai alfi lUc riit:iiit^ have hated Efau.
efth lend, il. t? h
*'" "ft^"""'' '/''" Prcfhett.
14 10 what fliall we fay then ? Is there a un- lo The firft obi>-
Say ,the ttucth in Chrii^.I lie not , my con- tighreoufnefre with God? God forbid. aion; ifGoddoth
I fcience bearing me witnelie in the holy Ghoft. 15- ForhefaithtoMofes.SIwillohavemercie
• Tte third p»rt 1 Thit I/Jj-ive great heavinefle , and continu- 6n him to whom I willlliew mercy and will have wortbinei""ua.°
, :

forow in mme heart.
all pcopaflTion on him, on whom I will have copafsion. wortbioes then m ,
to ihf iwtlfth
Chjp:et,v\betcin 3 For I would, wi'.h my felfe to be a feparate 16 12 So then /f // not inhimthatq wiileth.nor he uaiuft, becaufe
Paul ifctndrtb to from Chria for my brethren that are my kindfmen
in him that runneth ,but inGod that Iheweth mercy. ''\'" 1'' '°" ''"'"
tbe^eighercaufe< according to the bflelb. 1 7 »3 For thef Scripture faith unto Pharao,* For t"y,'and"ha"eTbm
lirftof .
-^vhich aretheirraelites,towhom/'frt««ft" this fame purpofe have ("I(\irred thee up that I that are wonhy.The ,

adopnon and the glory and the * ^ Cove- ''

might 14 Inewe my power in thee, and that my Apoftiederefteth

"A^rot'^r"'" the

niuch ofibe carting nant^^ and the giving of the e £.aw , and the Name might be declared throughout all the earth. it'ertl'ar'd'Inrwe"'

off ofibelcwei.lie '

of God, and the g promifes.
» y Therefore hee hath mercy on whom hee re'th'i^
f/'crvlce 1 8
and of whoni Kveraii^/
ufcih ID inlinuaii-
y Ot whom are the fathers ,
t will, and whom hee will he hardeneth point by point.
concerning the , Chrilt
fledi ame who is » God
double or trii'l*
ip i« Thou wiltfay then unto mee.whydoeth °^<'"»«"''4'"'it>-
caihe.and by wit- overall. blelVed for ever. Amen. hee yet complaine for -who hath refifted his will? ";,
cannot be that the
Notwithftanding it
Bcfljog of bii great 6 S 3 to 17 But, O man , who artthou which pie idelt tat thofe that art
word of God fliould take none effect for all they :
againft God ?»« Ihall the <fr thing u formed fay to imhe fitfim, and
are not h Ifrael, which are of Ifrael ti:creufcn thiioi'

vvjrdi them. and Neither are they all children , becaufe they
7 it.tuKrifeth.
* 4 but In Ifaac Ihall 1 He anfwereth firft touching them which are chofen tofalvation io chufingofwhom»
jre the feede of Abraham
t'her.wi.hallgran. , , '

hedenieththat Godraiy feeme vniult, although hechufeaud predeftinate tofalvation*

,iog untotbtm all
thv fccdc be called : them that ate not yet borne without any refptft ofwortbinelfe becaufe he bringeth •

the children of

'^VlZ^ut 8 f That is . they which are not the chofen to the appointed endibut by tbe meanes of dii meicie, which is a caufe
the k flelh.are not the childrenof God
'Jbuttufo : next underpredellination.Now mercy prefuppofethmiferie.andagainemiferieptefum.
pofetb firiDc or volnntarie corruption of mankind , and corruption prefuppofeih apure
tmitely.tbatifit ^ children of the I promifc , are counted tor the and perfrft creation. Moreover mercy is (hewed by her degrees to wit.bycallitig, by
hav.beu.pon-.ble. {-^.^.j^,
faith ,by iuftificationand fandification fo that at length we come to glorification, at
he vfoulJbave bene Inthis

feady lo have re- 9 « For this is a word ofpromife,^ the Apollle will fliew afterwaid. Now
all thefe things, orderly following the purpofe

detinedihe calling fame time will I come,=nd Sara Ihall have a fonne. of God.doeclearely proovethatbecaa by no meanes feeme vuiullio loving and faviog

10 7 Neither he onely felt this but alfo * Re- J o J-KiUhemeriirultandfuViar.,Meti,TrhomIiiJiii,te/a-

his. BxoJ.i}.,,^.
awiyoftbelfrae- ,

VnUrahle. p I K^'lhaiiecomp^fficncnvcihcmfcelier 1 iiffnhil'eamii.iffion. 32 The

becca, when tlee had conceived by one,«VMby conclulion of theanfwere: Therefore God is not iniuft io chufing and favingof his free
of biioviBefoule
forever: for thii our father Uaac. gooduec, fuch at it pleafeib him, as be alfo aofwcied Mofei, when hee prayed for all the
«i)filfepaiate, be- 1 1 For yer the children were borne and when , people. q Bj wiU, he me Jneihil'C thought and eniiiii>cur of iiurt aitJij runainr, ,

oethaimuch (hey had neither done good nor evill (that the good yvorkj to neithercfvpJiic^ he i'llefh the pra^Je , I ut onely to the rrtcrcy of Cod.

Now bee anfwerethconcerniBg jhe reprobate or tbera whom God ha;eth being not
mpurpofe of God might « remaine accordingto
ll} tbiijiUce 1 3

b Btiiig brethren yetboroeiand hath appointed todeltit.aioD, without any refpedof uas^otthloei.
byfltfb.asofone eledion.notby works.butby him that calleth.) Aud firllof all hee prooveth this to be true , by alleadging the lellimonieofGod biin>
naiioDaodcoun- 12 9 It was faid unto her,* l.^e Elderiball felfe touching Phatao, whom he ftirred up to this pur, ofe that he might be glorified ia

my. fervetheyonger. hisbatdniiigand iultpunilhing. r CU

fo fftah^th unto Vharao in the S<ripture,cr,th€
Scripture Lringeihin LJod ,toTfe.ik.'i^io I'harac , Rxcd.^,16. t Brought thet
e Thearkeofihe
into ihtsworld. 14 Secondly, he bringeth the end ofGoJscoanfell,to fllewe that there

Z'Z'xo^n c'fGod. Ct3p.lJ7.»rbe i."-.d Th'tableiofthecovenam:

preferice. isnouarighteoufnesin him Nowtbii notproperlyaiidfimply thedefttu.
«d thi.i.rFoken by ibe figure .Metonymia. e iud.c.all Uw. f The ceremoD all aion of the wicked, bot Godsglory which appeateth in .neir rrgbtfull puniOiment.
p Which were made to Abraham and to bis i-oltetiiie.
2 A moll manilelt If A conclufion of the fulJanfwereto the hrftohiedioii :theteforefeeingGod doth
reftimonie of. be Godhead and div.niiie of Cbrift. § Cbap.a.iS. 3 Heenuethmto notfavethem whom hee freely chofe accordingto his good will andpleafure, but by
aa .bitdion : How may .1 be, iuftifyingand faoftifying them by bis grace, butcouuccll in faving them cannot feeme
tbe handling of predeftination by a kiod of
mull alfo make the covtaancwhicU
ttat Ifrael .« caft off: but ,ba. iherewitball wet vniuft. Audagaine, there is
cod Abraham and hiifeede ftu irate and voyd ? Hceanfwereth
, deftruftion of tbem whom he lifteth to deltroy. for that he bardencth before he dertroy
I off the eleaion of the people eth Thereforethetbirdanfwerefor tbeinaimenanceofGodsiultice is tbe everlalling
that Godi word ij true, alihougb that
: r
„ u r u

the fame ,Godcbuleth by

,. . 1

of Ifrael ii f-j generall and common that notwi hltanding , counfell of reprobation , coufifteth in .his word Hardening : which notwitbftandiag.
bit feciet coufifell fuch as it pleafe.h bim.
So then tbii is the propolitioa and llaie ot he concealed in the formei veife , becaufe tbe Hillory of Pbarao was wel knowen. Bui
tbat notwithllati-
thisTrea:.ife The grace of falva-ion
isotfrrtd generally in fachfott, the fo.ceofthe woid is great for Hardning, which if fet againft Mercy prefuppo-
: ,

. tfficacietbereofpetteiDeib onely to tbe elea.

h Krad to the tint ftth the fame thinge that mtrcydid, to wit, » voluntary corruptiotf.wherein the repro-
# Gen. 21,1 a. hebr. bate are hardened and againecorruption prefuppofeth a petht ftate ofcreation. More«
pljce, I taken for laakob and inthefecond for the
Iftaelites. , :

.,,.. 4 Tbefitaptoofeii taken

f.omtheexami-leofAbrabamsownehoule.whtre. over, this hardning alfois voluntary, for God fjhardoeth being offended with corrup-
in Ifaac onely wa. counted the fonne
.and tbat by God. ord.nance: although that tion , that he vfeth their owne will whom he hardneth to the execut.ngofihat iud. ,

Ifinaelalfowa«borneofAbraham,andcircumcifedbefcreIfaac. i Ifaac Iha Ibe tbe geinent.Tbeo follow the fruits of Hardning, to wit. unbeliefeand fiane, which are the
beire of.thy bUfllng. S A
generall apphcat.oa proper caufct of the condemnation ot tbe reprobate. Why doctb he then appo'
tr.te and naturall fon, e. and therefore true
thecoutfcol Ba-
ofiheformertroofeotexamfle. k Which are borne of Abraham by deftruftiou ? becaufe he will: why doethheeharden ? becaufe they ai
Areafonofthat becaufetbey arelioncrs. Where is then unnghti
lute K Gil.4.28. I whichareborDebyvtr.ueof.heptomife. 6 and 'hetelore loctb becondeinne ?

.vplication Becaufethatlfaac wasborneby thevertueof ibe

ptomifc ,
f hee fhould dettroy thisfame fon, to whom ftlould he doeiniur.e? t 11 h'ln
all after
tbe free willof God -whereby it pUafed him to fheyv his fjl'our upon. 16 An other obieftiun, but onrly
bee wai not chofen , nay hee was not a. all , but by to appoint,
,andnot the Htth troiii ' anfw If God do appoii ~
for the reprobate ,tifing upon the former an

f lloweth that the promife ii thefountaineof predeltinaiion erlaftiDg

be borne ehft: ellruaioii, fuch as hee lifteth , and if that cannot be bindrtd noiwithftandcd that he
which the particular eleftionproteedetb: that is.lbat the eleft
refp.ftofGod whodoah bath once decreed, how doth he iuftlyconderone them, which periQi by bii will?
,rd n..t. bat they be lira bt^.ie and then afterward
pr.dettinate. 7 Another fo.cibleproofe .taken ftom.beexarop.eot
* 17 The ApoHledoetb not aiifwere that it is not Gods will onbatGod doth not either
the I^n of the
jfauandlacob, which were both borne of. If acwbichwat reieftorelcftaccoid.og to his pleafure, which thing tbe wicked call blaffheiuie but ,

tlfm Ifaac were : be rather granteh hisadverfarie both wit, tbat it is Cods w'iHiand
indat ,

ind that before

yet notwiihftanding, Efau being calt off, onely lacob was
chofen that it mull ofneceHitie fofall oiu, yet he denieth that Godistherefoieto bethought
thought to 1 becaufe of hi« an vniultrei'enger of tbe wicked for fetingit.ippearetb by inanifell proofe that thii it
ibe tbir.h, that neither any goodnelfeol lacobs mi^ht be :

eleftion neither any wickedutiof Efaui ofhis caltiiigaway.

Gen.ay.ii. Gods m the willof God and hisdoiug, what impuJeocie ts it for man , which is but dull anil
hiinto cbufeone, athestodifputewith God and as it wttetocall bin. iutoiudgemeot?Now if any maa
decrte.which proceedeth of hii meere gond w .11, whereby it , eafed ,

and tefufe the other. 8 Paul faith not mightbe made. b^i
made might remaine. fay that the doubt is not fo diffolyed and aofwered , I anfwere that there isoo furcr ,

Therefore tbey are deceived which niake forfeent faiib'ttt^ caufe

ofeltaiou and for- ,
deiuonOration in any .natter, becaufe it isgioundtdupoo this jiriuci pie , That the will
9 He proove h thecalliug away
of Efau of God is the rule of righteoufnelfe. iS An amplification cf the former aafwere,iaktn
knowen infidelitietbecaufe of reprobation
cbufmg of laacob from a coinparifon .whereby alfo it appeareth that Gods determine counfell ii fet cX
by that that hee was injd': fcrviot to bis itnther and jno 3veth the
, :

tbat bee was made Lord ofhii brother .although ,.s brother were the firll be- 1 Paul thehieftofallcaufes fothat it departeih not upon any lefjea of fetoud caufej,
by tbat ,

got. And leaf) that any man might take this faying of Gjd, and tefetre 1: toelcrnall buidothrather frame and dire& them. # Eflii^;!;. u Thii [imulitiidc a^rttth ^irj
thingi, Ibe Apoii le (hrwe:h out ofMa4achi, who » a good ii.te.prete
fMofelithat the
fitlj in the/irjl (rMWn ^ ttMnkjnile
ferv.tude ol gfau wa. ioyoed with (be baited of God ,«nd.iln UtiAOiV pf Mtob wilt bim.
^aioyeolGod. + Gefl.j;-iit
: ) ) ,

yhe calling of the Gentiles.' Chap.X, Extibftitions. 67

hUn that formed it , Why haft tJiou inacTc raea for they have ftumbled at the flnmbling ftone
thus ? 33 As it is written , * Beholde , I lay in Sion a Vhl ^
^ Itim.iSifi. zi Hath not the potter power of the clay
4. 19 flnmbling ftone, and a rocke to make m.en fall; i'ai.8ii4.andiJ«
19 Alluding to to make of the fame lumpe one
^° veffell to ho- and every one that tifleevethinhim.flyaHnotbe **' ''f*'*'*'
thecreatiooof A-
datn,trcompa- nour.and another unto " dilhonour ? aQiamed.
rethmaokinde 22 " iVhat and if God would , to fliewe his CHAP. X. 3
made( but vvrath , and to make his power knowen , fuffer with I HehanMeththieffentofeleir,on, 3 that feme refu/e , dnd
feme embrace. 4 Lave, i; Hee
Chri/l.ivho is the end cfthe
'°"g patience the y veiTels of wrath, prepared to
e to a fherveih that Mofei fcrelotde the calling ef the CemliUl)
of clay whf teof
^^ deftruftion ? 13 and Efaiai the hardening of the I e-rccs.
afterward God 23 And that hee might declare the z riches of IJ Rethren , « mine hearts defire and prayer to God ' PnfpoTng to

made and doeih his glory upon the veffels of mercie.which he hath *^ for Ifraelis, that they might be faved. ^"
'" '",
dayly make.accor.
prepared unto glory ? 2 For 1 beare them record that they hwe the ofmm.iio"sl,
fed from everla- 24 »4 Even us whom he hath called , not of the zealeof God.but not according to knowled-^, flinacie, he ufeth'

fting both fuch lewes onely, butalfo of the Gentiles.

3 » For they a being ignorant of the righteouf- »n'"''nua'ion.
asiheuldbe 25: »J As he faith alfoin Ofee,:|I will call them, nefle of God , and going about to b ftabliai their * Thefirften.
elea.and fuch at ., r ^ '^ " ^ .« trance into the
Ihould tfrepro-
My people , which were not my people and her. : owne righteoufneffe

have not fubmitted them- vocation unto faf,

, .

bate.asalfotfaii Beloved, which was not beloved. felvesto therighteoufnelfeof God. vation.ittore.
word, making, 26 And it lliall be in the place where itwas 4 S 3 For Chrift ii thee ende of the Lawe for nouuce our owne
declartth faide unto them « Yee , are not my people , that righteoufnefl'e unto d every one that beleeveth.
nghteoufoeffe the :

ao Whereai in
theobieftioo pro-
there they (hall be called , The children of the li- y 4 For Mofes tl.w defcribeth the righteoufnes brace'th'iTr'gb'tc.
]]oundfd,intniion ving God. which is of the Lawe, * That the man which doeth oufneiTe by faith,
vcaionely made 27 »« Alfo Eiaias cryeth concerning Ifrael. thefe things.flialllive thereby. which God freely
ofveDVlstodittlo- « Though the number of the children of Ifrael "' '" ''"«
nour ryethefpea.
6 But the righteoufnes which is of faith , fpea- ^^^''^^

keth of the other

were as the fand of the fea .^f? llialU«t a remnant keth on this wife , « ^ Say not in thine heart , Who g nei'^t/
alfo in this an- befaved. fliall afcend into heaven ?( that is to bring Chrift the Law -which wn
fwere,forthathe 28 For hee will make his account, and gather it from above. '"«"'" "> k'"'n,ex-
proovtih the Cre«- Jnto a b Ihort fumme with righteoufneffe for the :
_ 7 Or , Who
defcend into the deepe?(that
Lord wil) make a lliort count in the earth. . is to bring Chrift againe from the dead.
the rule of cootfa. 29 ^ Andas Elaias laid before, Except the Lord 8 J But what faith it > •}: The^worde isneere that areof his
lleJdoetb require. of hoaiies had left us a >! feede, we had bene made
thee, effw in thy mouthe,and in thine heart. This is '""f'oi'^-
X TokrrePMjit. as Sodome.p.nd had bene like to Gomorrha. the word of fairh which we preach. '' Ji'>-'<-ancehaih
ai SeeiBgthen,
tbatia the name 30 »7 What fl-iall we fay then ? That the Gen- 9 For if thou Ihalt g confeflb with thy mouth Z^hV.

ofdiftionour, the tiles which followede notrighteoufnefle have at- , the Lord lefus ,and ihalt beleeve in thine heart, § caiat.j.i^.
ignominieofever. tained unto righteoufneffe . even the righteoulhelTe that h God railed him up from the dead, thou Ihalt 3 Theproofe.-
lafliugdeath 11 which is of faith. befaved:
ligiiified ,tbey
2S But Ifrael which followed the Law of
fpeake with Paul, 31 10 For with the heart man beleeveth unto cb'ri "that fu^h It
which fay.ibat righteoiifnefle could not attaine unto the Law of , righteoufnefle, and with the mouth man confeffeth beleeve in bim
fume are made of tightcoufnefle. ^ , tofalvation. fllould befaved.
God tomol^ iuft
32 wherefore ? Bccaufe they fought it not by
dtftruaioo and :

faith , but astt vvereby the f workcs of the Lawe leeveth in him.fhall not beafhamed.
•they are offen- by.
ded with thii kind 1 1 For there is no difterence betweene the
of fpeech bcwray owne folly.
tb r 12 The fecond arifwere ii this, that God, more- lew and the Grecian for he that is Lord over aU, andfooli(h,but

over and belideith: ledoeih itiltlydfcreewhatfoevct hedoeih decree ufeth tbar mo- ,
*^''''!' «pff««'*
is rich untoall that call on him.
deration in eiecu- 1 of hii decree, aidtclareih bii fingular leni;itev<-n in theiepio-
fftretb them a long time, and permiitetb them to enioy many and 13 s For whofbever fhall call upon the Name °^.„^^
bate in (bat, that he befeever?
fingular bentfi ill at length hee iunlycondemne them and that to good end and of the Lord, Ihall be laved.
e The end of the
J)urpofe,to wit, to Ihew himfelfe tobe anentmieand revenger of wickfdneffe that ,
itraay apjeare what power hee isofby thcfffevrre iud^ementi , and linally by compa. them that keep e the
lifon ofcontrarieitofetfoorib indfede.howgre.ntbit mercie is towards the elffl. law : Zut feeing ve do not
vhfirie the Laip thycu^h thefjult efi-urflefh , ycee alt.iins
y ty'viptl,lheKthrcyresurclerfiMd.iai^»diicfi>.Jlrumer,ts. 23 Therefore net Unto this ende hut ChriflfalVeth this difetfe ,ft,T he fulfilled the Z-JW for ui.

againe, wee may fay with Tau I that feme men are made ofGod the Creator deftru. m d Not onely to the lewes , hut alfo to the Cersriles. 4 That the Law regardflh an4

ftioD. z^iiriimarVtihus^rc.itnefe. 2+ Having eftabliOicd tendeth to Chrift, that ii a manifeftproofe , forthat is propoundcthfuch a condition,
thedoarineoftheeteroalifrrdtftiuation of God on both parts that is , as wellofthe ; as can be and is fulfilled of none but of Chrift onely; which being imputed unto us by
reprobate asoftheeled: hteccmmirih now 10 jQitweihe ufeof it , teaching us that
, faith, ourconfcience is quieted, fo that now no man can ajke,Whocan afcend up into
wee ought nottoffekethetenimonieofitin the fecret counfell of God , but by the vo- heaven , or bring as from hell , feeing the GofpeJ teacheih that both of thefe is done by
cation which is made manifeft and ft t foorib in the Church proptUBding unto us the , Chrift, and that for their fakes, which with true faith embrace him which calleth
example of the Is wes and Gentiles ,ihat the doarioemay be better peiceived. them. » Levit.iS,5.e2ek.20,ii. gal.3,ii. « D«)t.3o,ii. e Thinkenct

a Heefiitl>'aUMtte1iiry tnesfihc Itrrci jrimleJ , hni pmitcfthi Uyrci,and with thyfelfe , as men that are Jiaggcrin^^ ufe to doe. j Vocation comraeth by the
time efthe CrutUes. 2; Cur vocation or calling is free and of grace, ewn as our pre- worde preached. .^ Deu:er.30,i4." { Sy the word, MofesVnderlictdethe T-anr
aeltination ii: and thereforetbere isnocaufe why erihcrour owne unworihintfle or , W>iich the Lard puHifhed with h's civne I'cyce : and I'aul applied it to the preaching of
the unworthineffe ofouranceliers fllould caufe us tothinkethat weearenot tbe eleft theCcfptUwhicl-wasthepcrfeBionoftheLaw- 6 That isindeedetrue faith which
acdchcfen of God , ifwe be called oftim and fo embrace cb tough faith ihefalvaiion
, isfetled not onely in the head, but alfo in the heart of man, whereof alfo wegivetefti-
that isoffeted us. $ Hof.a.ia s. pet. 1,10. * Hcf.1,10. ^6 Contrarywife, raonie, by our outward life.ard which tendeth to Chrift as to oik alone and onely
Keither any oirtwarde general! calling , neither any wotthineDVofour anceftersisa Saviour, even as heefettethfoorih hinifelfein his word. g Jfthanprofefe plainrly,
fuflicient witnefle ofeleaion , unlifle by faith and bclicfeweeacfviereGodscalling : ftncerely.And openly, that thoKttkfp lejiisonelj tohethy Lord and SiViour. h The
which thing come to paffe ill the lewes, astheLord had foiewarncd. jj Ifai. 10. Father , who is faide to h.t\'e raifedthe Sonne fromthedead : ardthisiinotfpoken to
II. b Ccd furfofeth t» hriaithe unkjndt und utthankefUH pcffh te an extreme fhtit out the dil-initie of the Sonne , im to fet foorth the Fathers ceunfelt lottckin^ our
fitcnefe. . ;^Efai.i,9. c xylrmies h'tvli'cli-tttTat':e chufe/l potverthat is , h redemption in the refurreilion cfthe Sonne. i Faith is faide to iujiifie,
filtentoOoJ. d JElen a'ven fene. J7 The declaration and manifeftation of our more fttin? theconfcficnrfthe moHlhis arseffeB of faith , andconfepionis the wny lo
*lfaion,iiour tailing apprehended by faith a$i^cameto pafle in the Gentiles. , come lofatyanon. it fo'uiwetl^at faith is alfo /aid to fan e. 7 Now leeprooveth
c Jo then, the Gentiles hud no wcrkis to prefare and prccure Cods menies hfire hande : the other part which he proflPnded afore in the fourth verfe , to wit.that C^ri.' alletli
and tts for that , that iheOentilesattainedtpthatrphuh ehejfiu^ht not for, the mercie wbomfoever hee without any ditfeience, and this heeconlirmeth b\ adouSle

;fCcdisto he thanksd fcr it : and in that ilie Jercis attained not

that ycbichlhif fought to teftimonie. * k Tobeleevein God is toyeelde and conf at toGod
'Ifter , they can thank' no>,e for it kit ilemnhet lecanfe ihejfiufht it ntt arifht. , hij promili of ourfalvation by Chrift , and that no: onely in general!, but whtn W€e
»S The pride of men iitbecaufe that they contemne vocation, fo that the caufe of their know thatthepiomiftsperreineto us wbereuponrifeth afuretrutt. loel i,j3. ^
damnation needenot to be fouf ht for any other wbeie but in tbeinftrlvei, f Seeking S Truecalliog upon the Name of God ii be teftimonie of faith, anol KMefsitbofKue

U-tme h tiibioKfnefe, the;/ fMjvcd the L^m of,,^htsmfntjfe^ vocation 01 calling, aod true caUing,or true eleaioa.
li/t .14 But
. ! 32 "

^ift is very God. ^otbeRomahes. Godprefervethhisi

9 Thit ii tfu« 14 ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^y "^' °" ' *" whom
^^ andthcyfcckemyll&i
fi:>h.wbVtbfeek«h they have not belccvcd } » and how Ihall they bc- 4 But what faith the anrwereofGodtohim ? * . t-
Sod in hi. leeve ia him of vhom they have not heard ? and
. * I have b referved unto my felfe feven thou- bHi/Xhlr
vsct<i, and that
jj^^y q^^H they heare without a preacher?
land men, which have not bowed the knee to "'^""m and re-
And how Ihall they preach, except they be cfiaal. f'i"i pt'pit which
d-"'Vo^"«h 1 5
How beautifuii are the feete Even fa then , at this prefent lime is there a
arpoimed in the fent?as it is vC-itten. •^ J
remnant according to the a eledtion of grace.
'nt'^'T^ ZZ
Cpuich. of them which bring glad tidings of peace, and c/rtmna'^'s'h't
4. if».;>.7- jjfing glad tidings of good things 6 f And if « be of grace , it is^^nomore oif'">*'^d Uch^fin
o whcJefoiveT
16 10 But they have not all obeyed the Go- 1 workes : or els were grace no more grace but if it '*f'"rvard . fir

f.i:b ii ..h.r.iiat- fpell for Efaias faith. + Lord, who hath beleeved
be is no more grace ; or eJs were worke '^/^ V' "V'"'
foihevsord.but our report? nomoreworke. ^"^rtn^tutt.
Botcoo.r.rywife. ,_ 1 1 Then faith i; bv hearing, and hearing by 7 What then ? u
llrael hath not obteined u
that he
.. tut tht„f.,t -htj

the^- word of God. fought: but the eledion hath obteined it , and the nirtnciidtidttn,
^i.h aifo . for 18 «» But I demaund , Have they not heard } reft have bene f hardened, ^'^'"^f'

Bi»oyTefiife«nJ * "So doubt their (ound wcnt out thtough all the 8 « According as it is written , J God hath gi- ^ "aai'fi.'Jjii'ih at
ga„h, and their wordes into the endes of the ven them the fpirit ef g (lumber ; eyes that they muchoi Majie,er
b fliould not fee , and cares that they (hould not f <"•'"»«.»' «»« i»
b«»uftofthe world.
whtferovpir an
i,g,e, 1
9 13 But I demaund. Did not llrael know Gai? beare unto this day.
< ifai.;3.t.
Firft Moks laith,* 1 will provoke you to envieby 9 And David faith , * Let their table be made
^ n nation that is not wy nation , and by a foolilib a fnare , and a net, and a Rumbling blocke, even for at thi, da, ^i),e form., gra- Mtm I Will anger you. a recompenfe unto them. '*"' W"'" . ««-

20 ^^ And Efaias IS o bolde , and faith, I was io their eyes be darkened that they fee not. ""j^ 'I'ttn patrmfr
jaiioo. weinoft
afcend from faith, fQunJ of thcm that fought me« not , and have and bow downe their backe alwaycs. "ladii't
bene made manifea to them that asked not after 11 7 1 demaund then , Have they fttimbled, that d Thtettai.n tf
they fhould fall ?God forbid: but through their /''JcwwrwArr*,
wnimonicofoui 21 And unto Ifraelhee faith.* All the day long fall , falvation eommtth unto the Gentiles , to pro-
f '""'''"^J""'j
eltAioD, have 1 ftretchcd foorthmine hand unto a difobe- voke them to follow them. cZfi»!'.fhh
m ByGodicom'
dient, and gainefaying people. 1 Wherefore if the fall of them 6e the k ri- ^ait and^oU-
ches of the world , and the diminilhing of them the •^ff'.
>i Anobieftion lewM called ? why ftlould 1 not
v...e not the
it.t.l.Tb'^7..rti>"«°i' ofelfa.-on .
riches of the Gentiles , how much more Ihall their ^,*'''""'«!' t^*'
feei;.g that there ii do nation which hath net bene
fa.ih the Afoftle , •aboundance^..^

f/n.^j much lelfe can Ifsy. that the Icwei were

not called. :^ i3 The :"a :hX y*
caufe goeth on (till to whetbe, the lew.. 8 For in that I fpeake to you Gentiles , in as let themthat are
V. li;,Tad .na.m..n.t of >be lewe. 1
. ,

and wu.
denieth u much as 1 am the Apoftle of the Gentiles , 1 '" mag-
1 '„
vtj^! no God vvhkhcalled them. Ef.y (fattb the , ei.aed, rem.ra-
from them to the Oeniile. becauf. the lewe.
.he Gofpell wa« tranflated mine
«Bl;h that nifie office.
tbat that outwaid and univetfall fr«i'"chofJn"n<i
. »l »ed it And the.ewithall the Apoale teacbtth ,

i4 To try if by any meanes I might provoke i"'hm °ha?iiub.

of the world.fuBiceth not to the knowledge
,!llinV«,hith ii fet footth by the cication
„f rnf ;« and thatthe particular alfo
wMch ii by the word ofGod ii of it felfe of , them of my flefli to follow them , and might lave burnJyrefufethe
apprehended or layd hold, no by faith fay the gift of fomeofthera. grace and free
rI?U or no ^fficaci. unleffe it b.

cTd "h "nb.l«f. i. .. n>ade unprofitable and that by the o.ely faultof ,
ly For if the cafling away of them ** the re-
M.aB,whoc.npre;end no ignorance. Dcurer.ja.a. *
« Hecallethall prophaoe
conciling of the world , what yZiotf the receiving
that they are no. to live but to d.e . which Jhemfeive.."'"
leople a na..o..that i. no nation .
Ia.6;,.. o Speakeih without feare. ^ be. n but live from the dead ? « rhu faying itf
* 1 6 9 For if the ofirftfruites t» holy ,fow the «"*'''•»'«/'•»*'»
whole lumpe : and if the p roote be holy , fo art the '**
S leifl tie titf'ig efftfihe Jtyv's fhcuU it limilteil ttccfrding i*^;°""^*{|
I, ihnuttvard appear jncc, % httfhrrvtth that Elin m, branches.
k'"^,"! andmamr
in ttmes pdl} deciiVed : 16 and that , filing ihtj halie an cfiecrkf't ivhtreff
hh 'C'tt, »3 manj cfihem likfveiji fhaU It htlj. »ur iafiifitts ef thlmfellitsdo ttdch , that Vrk" '" '>*'>" tnhc'J.r tr parti} the c.iuji of

it i^ HtetxUcritih ihtCtmiits Ii. hi hitmhU, 33 ani tur iujlifcitien . f Lookf Marl{t },f- 6 Acdyet tbii bardueOeofheartcommetb
truth Mttthit Codi iudgementiart Miifturcheatle. not but by Godiiufl decree and judgement, and yet withouc fault, whom a> bee fopu<
nilhetfatbe unthankefull by taking from them all feale andp.tceiveranct.and bydouba
Demaund then. Hath God caftaway ' his people ? ling their datkenelTctbai ihe beoebti of God which are otfeled unto theni,doe redounti
I God forbid : for » I alio am an Ilraclite, of the totheir iuDdenruaioii. 4* Ifai.6,9.auda».io maiih.13,14. lobn n.i^o itt at.
»«. g Averydeadfltepe which taketh away all fenfe. h That ii.eywuuiMS to fee.
fb '.doS mo ieed of A brabam.of the tribe of Beniamin.
* Pfal.69,a3. i At unhappy bird.iate intifed todeath by ibatwbjcb i,iheirful)e>
beappliedto i 3 God hath not calt away his people which Btoceifodid ihatonely thing lurneiothelewcs delfaraai»n, ou:of wbi..h they fought
jjg , j^new before. Know yue not what the Scrip- life,to wit.ihcLaw ofGud for iheprepi.fierouizcalewbeteofthey tefuiedtbcGofpel,

*"'^ '""'^ of Elias . how heecommuncth.with God 7 God ap^iuinted tbiicaftiogouioftue Iiwei , that it might bean occafiontocall he
againft Ifrael, faying. 6eniilei:aad ag.ine might luine thii calling uf the GcDiiles, to bean occafioo tore-
kee tiachetb ui
ftore wit.ibai ih.y being iuftamed and provoked by emulation of iHe
that all the lew.s X Loid .they have killed thy Prophets , and
3 Gentilei .might tbemftlvei at length embrace the Gofpel . And hereby we ro jy learne,
in particular ate downe thuie Altars : and L am left alone,
c& that the fcveritie of God ferveihafwell to the fettiog foorth of bi» glory ai hi. mercie
nmcaft away and ,

doeth , and alfo that God prepare bimi'elfe a w«y to bis thai w.'
'^'"Sotou^fr'fhlr of private perfon. whether they be of.he number of the .left
. ought not ralhly to defpaire of any man norproudly niumpboverotber men ,but

TbeHrn proofe, I am a lew, and yet eleacd, thetefore.wee may

and ought ratnet provoke them to in holy emulation, (bat God may b.j^iotilied in hem alfo. :

Of not » of .Doiher mam we can.
baih bene before f^ide: cm k By richer be meaneth ibe knowledge of the Gofpell tnevetlalting life and by the
fu'lv .'.fclvr upon our

andytiouiimay caufeuatobope well ofoiheri. world, all nationidifp tied thorowout the whole world. I Ofihelcwei. when the
not be fo c.rtaiuely refolvtd r
bi. league or Coveoaut.although. V^boleoationwiihoui exception IhallcometoChtilt. S Hee wiineiTethby biiowne
» Thef.condproofe.BecaufethatSooi.faithfullin
hath laid, lUat h« wUi be the God of hi» Cxample.that bee go.tb before all other io thit bebalfe. m I make nabl. and famauu
men be uofattbfull So then (iemg thai God
nn.o a thcufand generations
we. mult <akt bee.le, tbat wee tninke not .hat the who!, o Itniallcome topjlTf thai when the lewei come to the Gofpel the w> rid DiaMasit

off, by reai.,ooftkeuubeliefeof a few .but rather, that wee •were quicken againe.and rile up trom death 10 lilie. 9 Thr nation ot ibi: lewei bein{j
face and offptiog ncalt
of the Church becaufe of Godi league and Covenant. confidered in their Itocke and roote that ii ,in Abraham ii holy, aliho'igh. bat many
hope well of .very member
, , ,

a which be loved and

cbofe fromeverlilliog ^ The thitdc proofe taken from the , of the branche»b.cutof. TOeiefoteiaiudgingofour breihreo weemurt not Hii-ke ,

•l'«"f»- ^^'u ... app.a,edof.nly to the io their UBWorthinefle to think, that ibey areatonceallcaltoff but w«eoughtt9
.nfwete.h.t wa.made.oEl.a..".o ,
t ,

faceoftbewoiid noelea.yei God knewehi»elea and , ai,dor th.mallogooil confidtr the roote oftheC'iveuant, and rather goe backe totheir ancelien which m^ e
afo ncoududed .that we ought not ralhly topro- £)ithfuil, that wer nay know of the Covenant relteib lafumeul iheir
ftoieand number. Whertapon thi«
that the bl.fliog
»oonceofanyroaiiajofateprobat.,U.ingthatihe Church it ofieiitimei brought to ponetitie.aiwealfofindeptci.fe hcicof in ou.ftlvei. o He.alludcth 10 the lirll fiuite^
thai even th. mofl
wa.chfull and Uuipe lijhlcd faOeuK (biaX« itcsbt ef theluavet by the oftting whereof attth.wholectuppe of corn, wailanaified. aa<l
.hat nate ,

tfacy ii>i(l>( ufe tbt icft of (Ac jfc.ic fsUewing with

guod coofcience. Ai)iaajua»
17 f lO And
^ 1

Cfeip. XII. ExKoititibns. 6y

tfet^^c and wiWe Olive.
10 Anc! th'dugH Totefeo^ the hunches b/ 30 It tet have not
evetj as yee in times paft ,« Xnotherrea.
17 4.
* ThmUM beleeved God , yet have nowe obtcined mercy foa. becaufe ihat
broken off, and tHou being a wilde Olive-tree, aitbougb 'ba. tbey
the through their unbeliefe
waft graft in s for them . and made « partaker of
Mufe v»i>y lb.
0«D<iIe) which toot.and fatnefle of the Olive-tree : 3 Even fo now >teve they not beleeved by ^jaf^^o",,;;,
hawobtiined the mercy j*«i/v#rfunto you, that tht^ alfo may ob- puolfhed, yet hath
jg f Boaft not thy felfeagainft the branches :
taine mercy. notihiiftubborn.
SIT'/^"""" and if thou boaft thy felfe.thou bearefl not the
which con- bnt rhe roote thee, az For Godhath (hot up fall in unbeliefe . that "ecre cfthe uwei
jtvJ^i rootfi,
icmae the gMce Thou wUt fay then The branches are bro- hemighchavemercyonall. /;:;Z;°!:^'„
j p ,

cfGod,f«ipg might be graft in.

i^en off, that I 33 1 7 O
the deepenelle of the riches , both of l,^,^,^ ^ ,5,3, 0,^
the wifedome.and knowledge of God howun- tion, but that aa
lo Well through unbeliefe they are broken
minded. fearchable are his g ividgements , and his •» wayes en.tiemigbtasii;
"oSft«.. But l«t off.and :houftande&ty faith': be not high
ibtmtJthertake but ' fCare.
paft finding out!
.Tbtintrntbe ^
beed that thai «!•
^j ^ot if Ged fpared not the u naturall bran- 34 ^ j8 For who hath knowen the mind iJFthe ,j,„,,jf,_^„d af-
j^ tahheede. leaft heaifofpare not thee. Lord? or who wash fs counfellej? terward the lews.

;:;J.r.vtot" '';x''Xhordtheteforethe'.bo«ntifulneffeand 3 f Or who hath given unto him firfl, and hee being inflamed >

have fallen. (haUberecompenfedj

demiitd in ibe fevcritic of God : toward them which rfttirercil""
lewti. Andhert-
fg^g, jtigbut toward thee .bcuntifulneffe.ifthou
• 36 For of him .and through him. and fork him which i. fhwei
are all things to him be glory for ever. Amen. to the Gemiiei,
continue' in hh y bountifulneffe . or els thou ihalt

fJi^no^Xi might ihemfclvH

begaihetedand alfobeCUtoff. alfo be partaker, of tb« fame benefit, and fo it irightappeare that both lewejisd
laktn.tbatwee ^3 u And thsy allo , if they abide tiot ftillin Gentile, are fav*l .ontly by the free meicy and grace of God , wbich could not hue
ought tob«ftu«
unbeliefe , ihallbe gtaffed in; for God is able to beenefo manifcft , if at the beginning , God had brought all tog<^ihrr into the Church,
in dgaine. or if he had favedthe nation of the I twe. without this interruptioa. f Boill
tlo«?««oi""- graffe them , l ^,- i7 The Arof'e crietb not a. aftooifhed with thi. woo.
lewe. and Gentile..«<High- 24 For thou waftcutout cfthe Ohve-tree,
derfull wifednmeofGod which hee teacheth u. .ought to be religioudy reverenced,

boHHtfo fat ought ^,j^jj.[^ ^js wilde by ^ nature , and waft grafied and not curioufly and prophanely tobefearchtd beyond tbecomp^ffe ofthat that OoJ
^^ ^.^^^^g j„ 3 a right OHve-trce .howe hath levealed unio u.. g Thecourfe that Bee holdeth in governing all thing, botij.
by nature . be graf- generally and particularly. b The order of bi.coaofel. and doingi. loh
much more Ihall they that are "ii-

Tg^^o" .ha" th« 41,1. Efai. 40,13. 1. Corinth 1.16. i8 Hee bridleth three nianer of way",
vte ate preferred fedin their owne Olive-tree J the wicked boldoelfe of man ; Fiift , becaufe that God is above all .moft wife aaJ ,

before other by « ^- 1 3 For 1 would not.brethren .

that ye (hould
therefore very abfurd, and plainely godlctfVtomeafure bim by out folly. Moreover
it it
rmgula, grace leaft yee Ihould be ar- debior to no man , and iberefore no mancao coinplaioe of iuiuriedooe
j^^ ignorant cf this fec ret ( becaufe he i.

parriy obftmacie is uato bin). Thirdly .becaufe all thing, ate made fet bit glory , and therefore we
So K'^v'blh ate .rogant in your h felves ) that
muft refcire all thing, to hi. glory , much lelTe may wee contend and debate the
broken off.. comc to Ifrael untill the fulneife of the Gentiles
matter with hint.' Thi.fayiug overtbtoweth thedoftrioeof forefeene warke.
t iiisagainn.he
common coutfeof
^^ ^ ^,, jj-^_j£l
^^^n ^g fgyed , aS It IS
and merit..

k To wi. for God. to wbofe gJory all tbingi are referred not
onely thing, ibat were made, but efpecially hi.

new wotkei wbich heewoikttil


in hj»
come out of .left.
rbrrfJLlV written . S The deliverer (hall

oftheympe i< sion . and iliall turne away the ungodlinefle trom CHAP. XII.
changed with the I Hee txUrttlh x to »''«' vporfhif rtihidi uarcipuiltl*
'"'« of the good
27 And this is my covenant to them * When ,
Ctd, i ttUuitnf-'i'itJt 14 • »o eitt tyyf*rdi mr
tnemiei. -

*fwemayreJoyce I Qiall takeaway their finnes.

Gofpel.ffctf^tfrf ene- T Befeech « you
therefore brethren , » by the
1+ As Concerning the ^ The fourth pan
tD.heLota.butfu ^g
that vvedefpifeaot ^^ f^^^^ .
but as touchmg the « cledi- mercies of God, that yee h give up yotir c bo-ofthi.Epiftle.
^j^j f^^.
the i*v»"' «^°" dies a <* living facrifice , holy , acceptable unro which after the
on, they are beloved for the fathers fakes. finilhingof .he
.Tp°o&,hat 29 ;5 For the gifts and calling of God are witii- God ,T/wfc«f^MyourereafonablefcrvingofGod.
2 » And fafhion not your felves like unco this ^(j'^j^.''j°'°"p^,[^j,
goed fttiviag with out repentance.
"' world, but be yee changed by the renewing ofconf'ftechiode,
awe of God modeftly acd carefully. u Hecalleth them
Seelha.thou ftMd in your f minde.tliat yee may J proove what that cUriogof precept.
nature , but becaufe .hey «ere borne of
natuHu not becaufe .b.y had any bolinerreof

fet apart for bimf.lfc , from

other n.t.on. by h,. leag.,eand co- good • and acceptable and perfed will of God°''Cb'ii>'a^nJii-K
them «hom .he Lo,d , .he matter ,. felfe declare.h

lenTn. which be freely made wuh
.bem. . .
^althougb tbefauhbe .n men and not m 3 For I g fay through the grace that is given pj)^'s;,u and
'ha" ea.on com.neth not by inheritance weemuft.akegoodheede. that.hat 3
G^ Twby the
worthy <n o,he„.for the
unto me , to every one that is among you , that no ground. :the chief,
bclot^oJnd in our felves.wbich wee think.bUme man k prefuroe to undei ftarid above that which is <'\ whereof it
andengraffed.areno. proud .n.h.mrelve.w..h
i. ?ure but .bey tha.a.e.ruely eleft

revHence to God , and love toward the.r neigbbou . meetc to underftand , but that he underfiand atcor- ^jn'^^f'^j^.e
«ate«,p. of o.he, , bm «itb due
x The tender and l« hear, ding to fobrietie , as God hath dealt to every man himfeife wholly
Hnoe to the marke which is fet before tbem. and w.emuft

hi. bountifulneffe hath advanced thee unto

» ?n tba.fla.e which God

ofevery private inau « remame.h

the^meafureof kfaich. '
ma.kehere.that he. fpeoke.h not of theel.ftion ftrviceofGod,
.'» „^",V"-ow
whole nation. or
ft,if;«7o..v.r, bu.'oftbcelea.on ofthe and doe as it were
without the roote, which in the.r t.n.e ftiallbe grafltd in .

a feafon c.t off, .bat ii, are factiSce biinfelfe By thi. preface heellieweih .haj
troP.iog to the grace ofGod. a
fort and touching .he ou.watd toewe.

«d again .her are a great for. which after a b lutinw.rall the factificei were
. ,
God.glory ii the utmo.t rnd of all otirdninji.
their ownefeult af.etward are
"eme to be tngrafr.d .which notwi.hftandi.g .brou.h prtfented before the but now thealta) i. every where. c Your felvej iu :

,0 .n nat.on. and


cm off and c^Lecaft away which thing i. efpecially


.Vnderftand nature , wa.

time.paft .other bodie. then ourowne now our owne muft beofftred. ,
d In
peopleifatin the Gentile.and lewe,. time p«rt dead facniice. wereofftred but ren^i we muli offer fuch a. have the ffirit

in Adam , and fo drtived from h.m

to hn poller.t.e, ,

mad. , but a. ir wa. coin.p.ed

andb. ofJifeiotbem. e Sfirituall. a Thefecond precept i. this Thatwetakeoot ,

a Into hep.opleof,beIewe.wblchGodfaadf.,naibcdofh.smeeregrace other men. orioier. or maner. fcra ruleof life , bat that we wbolly renouncing thi»
^ceake^h ofhrwhcle nation no. ofevery
one part. .
The bhndene.Te of the H world, fet before u.asoarmarke, the will ofGfid, a.iti. manifeftcd and opened unto
Lord bath no eleft in that nat.on nettb.r fliall
lew,, i, ne .h„ fo univerfall that the f Why then there i. no place Icl'tfot reafon, which the heathen Pbi«

ui inhi. VTOtd.
thePropbe.. bave fore-
a time whete.n they alfo fa.
i.b. continvall
for .her. ftallbe lofophrt. place a. a Queene in a Callell , not for mans free will , which the PopiHl

fchoolemen dreame on if the niinde muft b. rentied. Looke Epheftaos i.iS and i,f.
. .

b That yeebe^tiot proud wuh.n your Wve^. Ephelians r.i?- iThcfr4,3. ^ Thirdly,
yart reieft a^d refufe. ^._^« _I"J» and4, a7.andC<Jomann,ai. 3
hee admonifhethu. very earneftly, that every man keepe bimfelte within theboundsof
a.'i^were in one body .and efpecially
U may'^* «b« 1ew«"and
to the lewej.bee beare.h th.s .nto thetl beads,
bit vocation aud that every man be wife according totbe meafureofgrace that God

nav teach what dae.y the GeD.ile. ow« haih given him. g I charge. h That hepleafenoi himfelte tooinacb, aithey
AttheBationof.helewe.i.notutterlycaftoffwi.houthopeo.recovety. doe> which petfwadethemfelve.tbey know more then indeede they doe. i We
e not what
:>d Forafmuch a. they received it „ot. fliall be fobec.ifwetake not that upon ui, which we havenotandifwebraggenotof
t, The reafon or :
theTdXre.bu.whathepromifedtoAbrahan,. ihatwebav.. • i.Coiio ti.ii.ephef.4,7. k By faith be meantth the knowledge
*>^UaI cov«iUDtiM<»« Wih tb» niiiioD of life ev.ilaft.og caano. it .
«fGociiaCbrift> and ibc gift, which the boljiGbaftpowreib upon ihefaiibfall.
yainr, Iii3 4*Pof
: 1 : : '

i::hottation5; To the Romanes; Of Magiftrates;

4 There ii a ion- 4 4 For as wee many metnbets in one bo-
CHAP. XI ri.
I Hit ni^tih ifitt ne/utmit cur filyti n Mtnflrslej : I Tt
bit {tafoa ot tie dy, ind til members hive not one office, Uiie ttrnti'khur Ttltyi utrhhtlj,
n 14 anJtcfut
y So wee bein<; m^ny , are one body in Chrift,
» ckrijl. •!• Titu. j.r.
jud every oiic.oneanoiliers rrembets. T * « every »foule be fubiedi unto the higher '-f" a. 13.
h teaure God
not commtcted

6 <• I Seeing then that wee have gifts that are ^ Et

a powers :i far there is no power btit of God ' if^j"" '"i'^'^,, :

^vtryihinjjtobe diveis >iccc*^}inc^ to the that is given unto

, and the powers that be, are b ordained of God. filb.-ft^eweto
U3 , whether*** have prophecie .let uiprephuie ac- ^ Whofoever therefore refifteth the power, tbtirMJEifiratw,
Bi.Yi. 'oJ ihere-
fcy; he dorth
cording to the I portion of faith. refiftcth the ordinance of God:andthey thatre- «ow'tob«henc«:
From which h«
liticwirJly. aoi 7 Or: an oihce let «/ vva«« on the office : or
fift.lhall receive to themfelves condemnation.
no: ascly unpro- he that 'd teacheth.on teaching : 5 For raagiftrates are not to be feared for ^Zuint"u
8 Or he that o exhorteth , on exhortation : hce good workes.buc for evil!, ( Wilt thouthenbe intiKhforttbat
to ttc grtat dif" finiphcitie :
profile.ctbrri, that o diltributeth let bin do: it J^ with
without feiue of the power ?doe well fo flialt thou " " notoDeirdue :

he t^t V ruleth . with diligence': he that i

iheweth "„'**
wnriethhiiu- have piaife of the fame *'l^^'r!l''
felft>cd otheri, mercy, with chcerefulneflc. 4 For he is the minifter of God for thy wealth : ^;,"if* „« t,>
<u^\ih. pjaVth the
9 6 Let love tt without difTiinuIation , * Ab- « but if thou doe evill, feare for he beareth not the ihe.b«f«a, wbick
l)Oijnd> of hi» vo-
ca:ion ibe oiber
horre that which 13 cviH , and cle;ive luuo that fword for nought for he is the niinifter of God to hath toy oKct

which is good, uoderhiai.

ii. fur thai ihii «:
take vengeance on him t.hatdoeth evill,
^ivfrfiiicand 10 " Be afTeilioned to love one another wiiU y 7 Wnerefore we miift be fubieft, not becaufe Apome,tbough*«i
brotherly love. In giving honour ,goe one before of wrath onely, but dalfo for confcience fake. Euaogfiift.ibougii
lion» and gifts.
(tJouDittib to another. 6 8 For , for this caule ye pay aifo ttibute for » r«oi'het Chry. : :

^BrcoitiBioditi 1 Not fiouthfull to do fervice .fervent m Ipi- they are Gods miDiftets, applying themfelves tot'';?''"""
. ^^ ,
Ii J
. the lyrartiyotibe
I'eeiiig that the rit.ilctvingtheLord, . ihefamething. rope over .11 jtinj.
12 / Reioycing in hope, patient in tnbnlation, > iheit
. . .

iB(li;utt<Sandap- 7 S Give to all men therefore duety tri- dom«»;inun Howac ,

)>.,;n!^l.thitwe ^- continuing in prayer. bute , to whom_j« owe tribute : curtome, to whom «o ih« ground,
* fDiftributing unto the' necefsities of the '"'""o "k;"
Ciotjfd h* bouad I ^ cuflome ; feare, to whom * feare : honour, to whom * *
flcf toaujttfT. Saints : <• giving your felvcs to hofplulitie. yiJoT-t-ef honour.
Whertupoa thfthio?iifeire.-
14 ^ Hlelfe them which perfecute you : bleffe,

jbilownh ibai 8 s Owe nothing to any man , but to love one For to what pur.
on m'omilht
jA^.andcurrenot. another : jofot hee that lovetb another, hath ful-Fofear« the, pi».
IVej;ric«d there- J y Rcioyce with them that rcioy«e,and wecpe filled the g Law.
at, f«in? that tbt with them that weepe. 9 Fci this , * Thon fhalt not commit adukery, f,f„i6u,(hou!d
16 Be ii>;e afteitioned one towards another : Thou fiiait not kill, Thou Ihalt not fteale.Thou befubieauoto
vatt gifiiacom*
• be not hiercinded: but m.iXe your felveseqtiall not bare falfe witnes. Thou {halt not covet thcn>?
»oa. lb-alt ;

iji J.Ptt .^lO. to thoin of the u lower fort :bc not* wile in your and thete be any other comroandement , it is 3
*""'''" Argu-

J Tbatvt-hichbe b brieflycomprehended in this laying, e'z^fnia this, fcce Becauf.

ijpke bffoK in no rean eviil icr cvill
jpuwrall. heap-
J 7 X Recompenfe to « Thou Ihait love thy neighbour as thy felfe. ced iiamhoutof
^anicular- procure things honclt in the fight of all men. 10 Love doth not evill to his neighbour ; there- thij ordei fo •

ytotbeholy fuB- 18 :J^ If it be pofsible.asrouchas inyouis.have fore h love the -k fulfilling of the Law.
«ioni,v»htr?io I.bell^ou'bt't"
peace with all men. 11 II And that ,confidering the feafon, that if
HMO offsnd wib y„^^'°"bVtboy
jwatdingft. 19 Dearely beloved,* avenge not yotirfelves, is now time that we Ihculdariie from fleepe: for make watft with
Acdh«dividitb but give phce unto wrath for it is written,* Ven- :
now is out idlwition neerer , then when wee beiee- God himreUe .-

ibem imotwo geance is mine I will tepay, iaiih the Lord.

v^herefore they
fofii, » wit. if- 20 t Therefore if thine enemic hunger .feede 1 z The night is paft , and the day is i at hand, ^|,^„ ^,L.iv«
:p rtophiu.and
him if he third , give him drinke for in fo doing
: :

letus therefore caU away the workesk of datke- great mifcrie and
^YnTbidetideth tbou Ihait hcape y coales of fiie on his head, neffe.andletusputonthe annouroflight, calamity.
the I'rophets in- 21 Be not overcome of cvill , but ovctcotiM So that we walke hoiieaiy . as in the day
3 :
1 fo, fo^,^"'',''"J^.'
to dpAouriaod evill wkh goodnelle,
Taftoun.And of not in * gluttonie , and tlrunkennefle .neither in ,°,',fomefmau"*
j>enoDihec ma* 4 Tbe third argu>
Iteth tbteeforu : to wit.theooe to b« fuch ai at< (ai itweie) ireafureriof thfCbiiith ttienttaken from the enJ wherefore ibey were made, which ii inoft profitable for that ;

tofera, •Abum hee cjlUib propaily Beaconi : theotherto bethtgoveinouu otdifci- God by ihi«meaoeiprefcrveth(he good and biidleibthe wicked , by which wordith*
yiinj who are called Seoioti oi Eldm the third to bt fuch ai p<opeily fetvad in the
: Magillrateiihemfelvei are put in minde of tbacdustie which they owe to their fubieSi.
heluo of tbt poore, Qf vtrhichforithecoinpaoy ofwidoweiv»ete. 1 7 h.u ilerj i An excellent way to bear; tbii yoke not onely without gnefe, but alfo with great

m*n 'hi mtafan cftU: yvkith ii ttuMtU Hnf him. Whcft office end; is .
m prohc. <S Sod hatharinedibeMa^iOtateeven with reveogingfword. c By
teirft^dthtScrtj'Ufti. n Whtinrhct fUiti ii caHatht TiPvur. o To w;f ,f*« wham Sod revengethihe wicfced. 7 Theconclufion wVe muftobey the Magi- ;

almii.thuthiJtJfribmnhtmfMhfUllj , and withtHt riff eel cfpir fun. 4" MAf.i.t. (irate, ant onely for feare ofpunilhroeat, but much more becaufe that ^ alihougb the
T'titJ tUt art tii(itd»Ultt tinSn^cn Magiftrate have noi>oweroverthcconfcieDce of trjin , yci feeing hieisGodi miniAcr)
a,<"-i.7- f ThttUuifftkt Church. i)

«*r f tirf , muli ice it »i;* chartfulm^'t , Ic.i/? ihij a,Ue I'^r^n ufrc-w. 6 Now hee hee cannot be refifteih by any good coofcienco. d So fatrea* lawfully we may :
coTjireth toiheduetiei ofihefecond Table, which htedetiveih from chatitir which , fox if uolawfull ih ing I be commanded tii wemuOaufwett ai reteiicachrihut It i(
, ,

j^aii-. were the fo»ntaine oftbimall. And he dehiied Cbrirtiaa cbatity by liDcnitie, belter tp obey God then wen. 8 HceiocKoceihup thechiefenibingtwberciocoD»
fe3:;rd of evill, eameft Itudie of good thing* ,g»od afeaionto helpeourneigbboiu, rillith the obedience of Ivbiedi. $ c Obedience .and thai fiomtfae
Md whofe (wall Mdia. the glory of 6od. *Aojojj,ik « Bpbef.^.i . iPtt.i. beart. f Reverence, (whicb ai teafoa i»J we muft give to the Magiftrate. 6 H«
,j, I Thii fiicc ii wei! fut in , for tt roaijcrd MJfertnct hitip: ene Cktifiian tliKitii, Ibewetb bow very feweiudgemeuitnerd tobeeiecutrdito wit,ifwe fo order our life,
tfid PhilofefhciU duititi. 6 Htt reckooeth up diveraother vertUM together with «ino man may iuilly require any tbiug of u», belidei that onely ihat we oweoneroan,"
tViiefiefti to wit, hope, patience ia liibulation.eoiuanimiiie, continuance in prayer,
, other, by the perpetual! l..wofchatiiy. 10 an abridge,
fcberalitietowardtthefainu , hofpitalitie, irodetaiioa of inbde I'veu io helpinguui , iniotofthe whole Law. g He baih not onely d^ne one camnuadeinene,biit ptifoiiocil
fame feeliug with othcisaiwtll id adverlitie atprolptiiiie , modeliy,
aQe:n'.oa> a felfe generally that whichtbe Law comraandtth. »,i4.rieut.,-,i8. h For
aodevour to maimaine honert concord (o aigb u we may with all men vvhi':h cannot , tbe whole Law coinniandeth cothicg eli but that wc love God and our neighbour. But
b; cxiinguiOtgd by any ffiant itiiuriet. >.,f.>3. •I.uKeiS,!. i.cot.i<i>. feeing Taul fpeaketh hereof tbe dueiies we owe one to anoibet, wemuft teftrainrthii
{ ^i tmi rAl( tfchitriiie, ivhin tft itt m
tijfe tmchtd Tvilh clhtr mtni iQinti then triih word, Law to tliefecond Table. K Ltvit.i».i 1. mat. 11.39. oiatlte ja,3i,J,'4- •

tur i-ani, tndhaUnf that ftelinr .htlfcihcm aimuck ai7rtc4n. t Seluptn i.iin.i.». "A" iTiro ta. la Au application taken of the circumllaDce of th«
y;ej/tcfe.e')</»f«d/t/f«./»f»irj ,i«(Hf'«, •>/''. <• W»ir.i3>a. I.fft.4.i3. time which aJfo it frlfe pMtteih ui in laiud of our duetie ,f«inf that thi» teinaineib-

^•WJ'.7'4*' * i'r'l'.Jt?.u 1 here it nolhinjr that diiiy/nniich Iritil^e

«/4t.;iH. af^etthatttiedaikentlfeofijnoran'ce and wicked aff.aioni by tbi kacwledgeofGuda .^
ceaeori/ «i {Unfili<">,V>htn ai ititry men Itthcth a laji tjlalcindfukfth amlitieHJl} t, Ll tt*ieth bedrivea out of oi, t&at we order out life accoxdiog to tbat cettaine iic low rul»>
ole/i. K PanotptijftdUfwiihapiaicn^fjiure-uinevi/idtTne. ii. of all righieoufneireaBihonefty .being fullygrounded uponibevrrtueof the Spiritof
rtuit.).39, t.etr, i.ft! i.-). Hf/r.ia.t4. * Ec<ltfl,ii.mtt.f,ii. Chrift. i la other placet wc ate fiyd 10 be in theligbt.but yet fo, that it a|>pe>rethnot
^T>eM.}t.3S.'"i'iO'3°- i'"i'-t4,»l, ^J t/^'llttH'Jiftdtthftltmtifmt aiyei whatwe are, fora> yctwcfetbut ai it vvueiu the twilight. Jk TJxttttci*
«fiife,wh<d>tbcylctdc/iiut flee lilt light, * Luke 11,14.
. . ^

The wcakc brethren; Chap. xnijJ AlIfiianbefuJgedJofGod. gg

<(• Gitat. y, Id . chambering and wantonnefle not in ftr LFe and en- ',
and he that eateth b not, eateth not to the Lord, and •> «f '*«'
i.i>«.»,it. vying. giveth God thanks. '*"* i" »""'*

'f°7ir''a.f' M
* Butt pittyee on the Lord lESUS 7 For none of us llveth to i himfelfe.neither
,. ili. wi'i, »/. ' C H R I S T , a nd take no thought-for the fldh , to doeth any die to himfelje. thet.m.
tmtit4imMm. fulJtUthcluSLoiu. % For whether wee live, wee live unto the '» w-'e mu,i
CHAP. XIV. Lord ; or whether we die , wee die Qhto the Lord °°'- ^"^'' ^^"'' :

X HefiviiiththiUieef<id€aleioithiheivtak<:i'>f*iih, t« »Ji« whether wee life tkerefore or die. wee are the .
lo ^>i</ofifi«»(il(r
thrcii^h tur fault the) ht net pffendii. ^OrJs- theufcofthe
/;</< A« cemm^tndtih ihem nit rafUj to iud^t t/t!>e{!rtis^rr .• .

29 Thaf^'^t'ym thehoundt rfcdiHcaticn 19 rtmi fi,wjfff 9 For Chrifl therefore died and rofeagaine. mene.fothar
21 ChriJ.idn Uhcrty msy cmlUI and revived, that hee mi»ht be Lord both of the '""''''*'''"''"
j^ , that is weake in thefjuh .» receive un-

to you , hut not for> controveriles of difpu-

dead and the quicke.
i,\«h fo'*fhl!'te
10 «t But why doeft thou condemne thvbro- clfteih o°olhiV
brrthren in mat.
^ bcleeveth that hcc may eate of all
» One e
tner > or why doeft thou defpife chy brother
we (hall all appeare before theiudgementfeatof
for «yt» upon God.
teri »nd tbingi ia-
o ^ andourdeaiitt.
jj^j,,^ andaDothef, which is v-eake. eateth herbs.

S^nZZo'. 3 "3 Let not him that eateth difpife him that . 1 1 For it is written * I k live . faith the Lord, and fo'rthirc^*'

thfoi.cotofaia- eateth not ; and let nor him which eate:h not, and every knee fhall bowetome ,andalltono-ues Chrifthathpto.
*' perlydied,and
lices-ofdamoable condemns him that eateth for God hath teceio : {halllconfefle unto God.
fupMmtioi.but 1 z So then every one of us fliall give accounts "1
ygdhim. StV.f"
i%t'of'heb,„r" 4 5 f VVbo art thou that condemneft another ofhimfeifetoGod. thumLeor
fit ofCbrift. And mans Servant ? hc flandeth or failcth to hiicwne 13 «» Let us not therefore iudgc one another 'b«t.
thushe tMcbtth rnafteryea, he Oiall be cftablifl-.ed
: : for God is able .nny more: but ufe_y««r iudgement rather in m this ' w»eJ i-f/Jiei'l

tomakehimftand. that no n^anpntanoccarioatofall.oraftimbiing;:^rS&«

Indpatienlly.and This man eftecmeth one day above an-
« blocke before Ay».f brother. uutrtfienhu
foihat we apply Other dav.r.nd another man counteth everyday 14 «3 1 knowe , and am perfu'aded through the /•>' Dotih wd .

ourftivejrotbeir alike : 7 let d everv man be fully perfwaded in his "Lord lefus.that there is nothing uncleane of it '"''"««'«
ignorance in fuch j^jj-J- o fejfe : but unto him that iudgeth any thing to be
6 i He that ' obferveth the day obfervethk uncleane, to him tt it uncleane. {'y„ „„ u,uft
roZ\Tf"'^ .
, .

cHaritie. to the Lord and hee that obferveth not the day,
: ly But if thy brother be grieved for the meat, leavetoGodhit
a Vet not fir a obfctveth it not to the fLord. Hethai 8 eateth, nowe walkeft thou not charitably * m deftroy :

^"^'^ ^® ^^^ hcgivcth Godthanks not him with thy meete . for whom ix Chrid
^^^'^ ' ^°^ f"" ^°h "";,
endjitchiii^cumxr cording. .the
b To mihs himhjjcur dMUfna ^ ^
16 '6 Caufe not your coramodicietobeeviIl"''fcienceinf-
dn cr notder, fhunhii cemfanjMtldlf. him tejrU.
4itui unrlrtami diffat.tiitm^-'t! a«-.i, more inJtttht thtn he am: , cr flar: kitckt n>i'* J Ipokenof. feaed.atecitbet
treuhlidconf.ienn. a H*propc«ncl?ib fciao exam(4f, the dlfttiencrofmearfi,
wai DecelTarilytobeobfcrvedaia tbiog prefctibedby theLaw
17 «7 For thekingdomeof God is not meate ^^"^"^"ftooi'* .
which Tome thougfet
wai taken aw.iy wbcrcM on theroutrwy We fucb ai had f fo- nor drinke , but righteoufnclTe and peace , and defpife their ,
(not k.iow ing thai it , J

fitsd in the kno-^IedgcoftieGefiiell.knew well

thai thiifchoolemafterthipofthe Law ioy in the holy Gboil. weak, brethren,
watabolifhcd c i{n>treth hj f-tuh. 3 In fach a matter .faith the Apollle, Let 18 For whofbever in p thefe thin'*s (ervetlt '""''' '''''"°''*

neither tbem which kncwtheitHberiie ,frnudlydefpife their wtakebtothet, neither

Chrift. is acceptable unto God.andis appiooved.t,Tc",f o»en!*
that, that i!iey upderftand not.
!et the unlearned crabbedly or frowardly condemne
4 The fiift reafon .-BjcaufethaiffeiDg both be that eateth ,and esi-th not, it cannot betaken
noiwithflapding the itieir.ber of Chri/t neither he t^'bich eateth not, can luflly be , 19 '« Let us then followethofe things which of equaiiforcci*
contemneiT neither he which eateth be I'uftly condemned Now thefiiftiropclitioa u ;
ccncerne peace , and wherewith one may edific '^'
awlirud in the (ixthverfe following. latn 4,11. 6 Anoihetreafon ^ another.
wliith hattgfth vfontbe tbtmer vrhy thfrHderandmoreunleitned cughtnottobe
weake »
Ihoula cot
ectiilemnedofihetnoreu<.iIfuil,aiHien wiihouthopccfraIv?.tlon.Efcau!e , faith the ludgetieftioog,
becaufe the weake doe not knowe that they which doe not obferve a
Arf-lile.hethatiiignorsmtoday.maybeindutd ton-orawwithftirtherkiiowledje, ,
day .lod eater ,

cblerve it aot to the Lord ,and eatetotheLord , a» the ftrong men

fo'ihathealfnmsyfisnd fare. Therefore it bclotigeth to God and not unto man to , , koowe thatihe ,

6 Another example of thediffeience of weake which obferve a day and eate not .obfeive the day lo the Lord andeatenot i>
prooouncetkcfentenceof condemnation. ,

Hefetteth igaini* thiicmtsmpt and hartieot theLord. a.Cor.i,.o.

djvei according to the Uvp. 7 ,

.J. J, ij.
a formt of an oaihe , proptr to God onely , fr h> and none but he iOeih . and A j«t hir
rhilip.i,,o. k Thir
xalh iudgemrt>t».a eoniiouall dr(i« to ptohtr. tbatthearong may
becertainsly per.
fwid<d of their libtitie , cfnbat oianer and fort it i», and how they ought to jfeit : Shant,km,irhd^im,efromC,J.
I Afierthaifcft
the gift pf God, or thrfe bath concluded what ii not to be done, heftiemeih what ii to bedoiie to wit wee
jriJ againethe wcake may ilayly ptertt, leaft either they abufe :

d Th.ii hi mty fay in hii cmfiienci ikit mull take heede that we doe not utterly call downc with abufing oor ibfrtie, our bro.
flaafethemfelvei in iheit iofiriniti'e. , I

f-e ^flowf li ^"d i^- pirfTrndeU h.y leJUi

Chrin , thti lOthing is Hndctr.e of irfelft tnd ,
ther which il not yet flrong. m
Hee rrluketh hy the way, maiiaoHs iud^trt thrf,
ofoihers , Tvhich oce-A-fte thc-r hud, ahui nothing, lut to fnde fault niih iheir itethnnt
tkh ftrfrv-f "<ni»fll>e ^reunJedipcn the nerd, f God. 3 A tesfon taken from
coofcience doandomir : life.vherfa, they fhcttU rather tcRcwe thiir triUufen thi} .that thiy dve not -nit*!
»he nJttire efindiflerenttbiDgi vvbich a man may with good ,

wii appointed by God how cotild thnr difdatnefuintlft either e.tfi thetr breihren- eleane dotvne (r>, ^ive thimjomtef-
#or feeing that the dJtfrrcoce of dayes and meatei ,
they .which ai yet underftood 00c the abrogating of the Law and
yetothcrwife . >3 TheprtventiogofanobleaioB : Itistrueihat thefchoolemafter-
acknowledged Cbrift ai their Saviour with good confcitnce negleS thjt which tbey
fliip of the Law utakenawayfaytfee benefiieof Chrift to futh aaknowit , but yet ,

notwiihiiaadirg wee have ic conlidtr in the ufe of thii libenie, whit u expedient,
korw ws»''comm2nded of Gnd ? And on iheconir.-.ry fide they that knew the benefit ,

that wee may have regard of our weake brother, feeiugihat ourlibertie
of Chrifi in ihijbeh:!fe ,did wiih goodcoiifcience neither obfetve dayeanor mtarei. ij not L9ft
the w^ake for thereby. n By theSpitit of ihe Led Is.'uJ or hy theLcrd lefui who I am
Therefbre faith the Apa!ile, verfe 10. Let noi the firong coodenuie , ,

tbeft thiog), A'-ing 'bat tbtweak«brethitaar<-

breihrtnootwithftandiog. if Now fare brake downe the wall at hit coaiming. o Bynatuie. » jCot.
any man "wcuW draw this dofiriiietothefc our timet and afes let them kaowe that ,
S' " >4 It I'tbe part of acruell minde to make mote account ofmeate ,tben
thougbtihrm not to be of out brother, falvation. AVhich thing they dee that prefuineto eate with theof-
the Apcftlefj ei'ktth offiach thiiigi indifftreni , a> they which ,

ignorance and fence of any brother and fo give him occafion to goe backe from the
and.irereul had a giotmd in the Law and weredeccivedbyfimple Gofpcl.
: ,
. ,

moment nor fuf piiion, t; Another argument: We mult followe Cbtine. eiample ; Who wsj fo farrefrnia
no- cf matite f for to fucb the Ap6ftle» vcelded cot fit a ;

e OtfirWth prea.Oly f Codfh^UMgt deftrcying the weake with meate that hte gaveli. life for them. ,i Atto-hcr
butcfaielirioti.-feareefGod. ,

Khtiltf thi, dor yrc'J « "- ^nd ihertfijtyon I'honld ruihrr pr^e
• shout ihii, hnv itery argument f^ir that by thia mt-ane. the libenie of tbeGofi'elU. tvill frok.n of ,

g He though « cpeneth the way to arttmpt any tbing whai fotwer . and bold.neth m
*ne of^su may It ailotvtd if Cod , thin le lhink.t upon other mtnr i/ottf;/. to al)
rrtrta't!. 9 So the Apofl)efl>e*eih that hetyeakeii «^'ng!- >7 AjeoeiallresfoD,.iDdthegroundofalliheo>Tierirgumeotj:
thitmJk'ih n'difcrmcr
«r the faiihfuM .both nr'.rgand weake. "But what ifwe have to doe with iBfideli ? The kingdcme of heaven confifteih not in thefe outwardeiliingtj, but in the ftudie
rigliieonfceire aitd peace, and co.r.fortof theholy Ghoft.
%tta muft t>?etere wke heed of two tbinga, ajalfo iadeclared in the Ei>ift(eto the ,
p He that lireth
that weccuot not theirfvpetflitioai among thingliodiiTe- peaceably, and doeth righteouny through the holy Gboll. i3 Ajcneralt
Cpiitilkfani. Tbf one is ,

theother is th»tibe« eootlufio* The uf« of thii lihrfie , yea and otrr whole life
they did which fa-edcwoeto meate in IdoliTemplea o«f ht to be referred to
• :
, ,
ifBt , a»
the edyfying of one anptfaet in fo oiiach that weeefteerae thatthingvitijjwfsliiy
alfo wh*o the msrter !• iodiffereat a« to btiy a throg offered to idoles i« thebutcher«
( . ,

ocl'.h'tcsofcinicegf t«»fgQ of t(at offctct ot^Mi brother , whici ii of it felfe pure and lawfaifj
ftair.Hei , and toeattK)r.liomt is « t>rtv;(tt banijue;J v,« woutrf
in 4" 33 Dcl^rcjy
. 8 ,

uy love. The TodhcRojnanes: Gentiles caUed**

10 D(.*i\roy not the works of Godforreeatcs a tccre of leffe, and he that fhallfife to reigne ovet : •! ail th'iaiiS in Jcede arc pure ; but •> «V evill die Gentiles, in hirr; ("hall the Gentiles truft.
for tiie rr..-n which catcth wicl\ ol'ence. 1 3 7 Now the God of hope fill you with k all .
' "' ''"^'j',''?

3. .
71 g It it good pcither to eate flc.1i, nor to loy .and pe^.ce in beleeving . ihatyee may abound
driiike wine, nor .Kiy thirf^; whereby thy brother in hope . through the power of the holy GboO. wi.h prayer..
flumbleih, or w.ofll-nJecI, or rrade weake. 14 8 And I my ifclfe alfb am perfwaded of you, wfoing ai! th«i to
19 HejUttb ii >» Han rhor. <j faich ? have it with thy felfe
» my brethren that < ye alto are full ofgoodneffe.
before GoJ blclftd is hee that condemneth not , and hlled with all knowledge . and are "able to ad- I" d c^de/
tbcrcinaiTrri °f.'° 1

vihicb ptruiuttk himfelfe in that thing which he ' alloweth. monilb one another, ,hem.
toibtftiur.j tbac ij , For he thatfdoiibteth is condemned if he , 1 % Nevertheleffe brethren I have fomewhat * ^'' '^''°'° "*
, ,

he Mbicb baihob eate .becanfe he fitter/; not of faith and whacfoe- ; boldly after a fort written unto you as one that
^"''^•b^^j.^,, „j

iriucd a
ver is not of faich, is linne. putteth you in remembrance , through the grace
knoviltdgtoftbii plentifully,
lihtiiie, kcfpf thittrfafui^'o thf end heirayufe it wlftly and rtofiiably ashatbbene
that is given me of God g xhe conc'lofioa
fjid.tte wbicb ttfprdfth tbe wfakt.that ihey dcenotbing ra(hly by othef 1(5 That I fhould be the minifter of Ierus°'^''"'Epinie.
nieiJi eiiinfle witb a swaveriag confLieoce fcr thai cannot be done without fioQCi
Chrift toward thek» Gentiles
r!^or,f;icc r.,;r.;rtr;.,^.»,., /-'„r_.i wherein he firft
, miniftring the Gofpel'

r 1,1. r\r
vikereof we are not jierfw.-^Hed by ihe w^id of God tha: ht lik.tb.and apptooveifa it
ot God , that the n. ortenng up of the Gentiles that
q He (hewed before wr!e n. whst te rueaneth by tiith , to wit foi aman to be . he hath writ,
ceitiineand outc/rdoubtia maiteriandtbiagiiadifrereDE. t Embracetb. rnight be acceptable, beirigfandiified by the holy tea fomewhat at
' ' '
r Krafooeib Ki:t bimfeire. Ghoft. latge iheiDi

17 have therefore whereof wane

may reioyce '?'*"" then
» I I
CHAP. XV. in Chrift lefus in thofe things which
pertaine to i«ISiVhTOX<l
I Tht (Itcn^tr mufl impic} iheir ftrtn^ih ifJlrin^iUn th yrtakl- God. thatof aecelfitiet
" 8 net cue!} tht
3 Bj Chrillrs extmplt. 7 rrhc rectil^ej 1 For I dare not fpeake of any thing , which ^1 f"foao<"b'»
Jttvti, 10 hutilfathtCtnnUi. i; Thettufi nhj ht .Chrift hath not wrought by mee. ,, r.ake theSrhi:;;:"
Gentiles obedient word and deede, m culiariy tothe
( Now the
A-_ WE •

wiiich are Rrong ought to beare the

of the weake , and not to a pleafe

153 With the o power of fignes and wonders, Gentile*,
by the power of the fpirit of God fo that from • Ofyourowneaw :

genetally of lole.
ourfclves. Hierufalcm, and round about unto Illyricum, I have ° '""'^
raiiLg or beano; f"'/;,""*
wuhifcewtike by z Therefore let every man pleafe his neigh- caufed to abound the Gofpel of Chrift, 1^ Bythtoffriag
*ii meanii . fo far'ie bour in that thut is *> good to edification. 20 Yea ,fo I enforced my felfe to preach the up oftbe Gentil«»»
fut'M as may be 3 X For Chrift aUb would not pleafe himfelfe, Gofpel not where Chrift was named, leaft I fliould *" '"""eth the
for ibeir profit,
but as it is written ,» The rebukes of them which
a Andder^ife
rebuke thee, fell on me.
have built on another mans foundation.
r. „ ... ,
lelvesi whom ae
But as It IS written, * To whom he was not offered to God u

b Fi>r his profit 4 3 For whatfoever things are written .afore- fpoken of, they fliall fee /7/>w, and they that heard a f^*"'*"-
and edification. time are written for our learning that ive through
, . not.lhallunderftandWw. 9 Hecommen.
I A.confirinaiioa patience , and comfort of the d Scriptures mignt 21 S .0 Therefore alfo I havebeene oft lej to
taken of the ex-
navetiope. come unto y OU :
ampleof Cbti!). effea, but yet fo
4 Now the God of patience and confblation
wbofu.T<rrrdall 5-
23 But nowe feeing I have no more place in that moieover aid
ihii:gi to give you that yee be st like minded one towarde thefe quarters and alfo nave » bene defirous many ^''''*" ''".'.^r.
ootouely the
another, according to Chrift lefus. yeeres agone to come unto you,
•«eiJce,buialfo .,u"iy hegiUh^* .

6 That yee with one minde , and with one 14 when
1 {hall take my iourney into Spaine, all tbt glory to
:aeiriti ovtr- >
mouth may praife God , even tbe Father of our I will come to you : for 1 truft to fee you in my God as theonely
^otniniiigthem Lord lefus Chrift. journey , and to oe brought on my way thither- autboui: and doth
with patience, t9
7 wherefore receive ye one another, as Chrift ward by you . after that I have bene fomewhat fil- " °a^bSe"bui
rfal 69 iO. alfo«receivedustotheglory of God. led with your M»»;i.*»)'. thiaJatbtr: that
3 .The prf ventiag 8 / Kowe I fay, that lefus Chrift was a mini- 2y But now goeltoHierufalem.toPminifter menroightieffe
ofanobie^ton fter of the ( circumcifion for the g trueth of doubt ofthe
, unto the Saints.
Such ttin^iat are
cited out nf be I
God , to confirme the promifes puule unto the 2(5 For it hath pleafed thern of Macedonia and ^^^^^ °^I^au
/lampleiofthe fathers. Achaia,to make a certaine diflribution unto the propauodeth uato .

ajicietitl. ate pro. 9 the Gentiles praife God.forW/

« And let poore S.iints which are at Hierufalem. them,
pcundtd unto ui written,:/;: For this caufe I will
it is 27 II For it hath pleafed them and their » Chrift waifo
to [hit end and t confefle thee among the Gentiles , and fing unto detters are they : + for if the Gentiles ^^ "^ade ^IJ^*" "^^ ^ '
ii.rfofe,thatac- y
ctjiiiingto then- thy Name. partakers of their fpirituall things , their due- [„ean„',"atifl
ample of BUI Fa- 19 And againe hee faith , * Reioyce , ye Gen- tie is alfb to s minifter unto them in carnaJl wogid aevet fo
thorj we fliculd iti
tiles with his people. things. faint, yetlcanuot
piiieacFiad ho(ie
I And .igainc , 4. Praife the Lord, all ye Gen-
xi When I have therefore performed this.
beaiiront with ^^J^^'";^^;^''*''*
tiles, and laud ye him all people together. and have ' fealed them this f fruite I will paffe by bring tirCeptilM

By Mofei ani I I And againe Efaias layth , § There Qiallbe you into Spainc. to obey the Gofpef.
TheScilptur efaideto teach and cotnfori bectufe God ufetb them to teach anJ
29 IX And I know when I come, that I (hallo Jn the htft place
I ,
this w»Td, Tower,
nfort hii people witl'all. 4 Wtemuft takeati txample of patience , of God : (igYiilieth the force and working oftbe wonders in piercing mem mindei: and
. in tbt
that otb lhev\eakean<(theOrongfer»ing G»d witb a iiiuiuall coorent .luay bung one
latter , itflgnifietbGodslnightiepuwer^^hlch was tbe woikeroftbefe wonders.
»notbrf to Cbiilt alfo received u» unto himfelfe altbougbwt were never fo .
<^ Ifa.;i,if. f Chap. 1,11. lo He writteih at larje to the RomaneJ. and that fa-
unworthy. X i.0.tini 1.10, e He didnotdifdaine ui buireceive4 , miliarly. his fingular good wiJItowflfds tbtm.and the (late of his afFaifeJ.buifo, thai be'
mt>rhiiowne accord. tD nuke uipattaketl of Gods gloiy ; Anapplyiogof fwar^'etb ootaiote from tbe end of Apollolicall doSrioe for be declare nothing but :

tbe example of Chrift to the Ifwes , whom bevoa bfafedihishoiioui of the ptomilei

that which api«tainethtohitcffice.aDd is jodly: accommendiDgby a littledigreflTiOB'

which be made unto their fathers .although ihtv were never fo unwotthie , that ha as it were the librialitie ofthe Churches of M-Kedonia bee provoketh tbem saodeltly
. ,

executed the oftice of i roinifteiamongft them with inarveilouspatience. Therefore to followtbeif godly deede. X t.Tbef.s.i/. p Doing his Hueiie for tbe Saintl.
much leffe ought the Geiiiilei drfpife them for cenaine faults , whom the Sonne of t» caric 'hetn money which was gathered for their ufes. ti Alroeiarevoluntarifs
Cod fo moch eftreined f Of ibeciicumcifed lewes . for as long ai he lived he butyetfacbasweowe bytbelaweofcharitie.
•f i.Cor<,*i. q Tefefvethe'
never went outofiheirquarteri. g That pod migbtbtfeenetobe true. < Ati turses. f Terforired it faithfully and fealed it as it were wiii my ring.
, « ThiM,
applying oftbe fama tpjbe Gentilei.wbomalfo the Loid of bit lacomprekenfiblegood. money which was gathered for tbe ofe oftbe poore; which alines ii very fitly cat/etl j
jurffe had regard of. fd that they ateont to be contemtied of ifaelewetai lltangetl, fruit. ji Hepromifetti ihem tlJtou^h thebleflTingofGoiJ .nottocomeemptie
V rfal. >8, f*. h I willoptnly profeffc . andfeifooiiljtbvHilBe, unto them and requiring of them iheduety ofprayer* . beflleweth wllJltll.l»SW<^

ought thicft]' 10 felt ui>on in «J! diSi(ul:ie4 and advdijttc).

; : .

m te^mtth theif ptiytn

come to you wirjs aburdance of the blefsing of
Chap, xvj.
are whh them. *"'
{• I Cor.js,;

theGofpelofChrili .

16 Saluteone another with an 4 holy e kiffe.

I. cor. 13.2.

•P" f.i4.
t Fonhatfnutuail ^^ y^lf^ brethren , I befeecb you for our Lord The Churches of Chrift lalute you. ^ n.rc...,. u,u«

lefus Chrifts fake .and for the
tlove of therpirit. 17 s « Nowe 1 befeech you brethren f raarke aoToly kiift.whkb


that yee would llrive with me by prayers to God them diligently which calife divifionand ofiences, ffoceedethfrom
contrary to the doitrine which yee,have learned, ^otean that is full
^ •

oHtbMrt»4Bd forme, '^

mindi topthtJf. 3 J Thatlmay be delivered from thera which and S avoid them. nc'w.btt/o'bV
ludea^nd that my fervice which 18 For they that are fuch , ferve not the Lord ,^f^^^^ ^^ „j,
are dilobedient iii ,|,^

Ihave to doeatHierufalera.may be accepted of lefus Chrift but their owne bellies, and with g faiie ner vftd ia ihofe

theSainrs. *
fpeach and flattering deceive the hearts of the day«.
. , . , .

3i That I may come unto you with loy by the

will of God, and may with you be refreflied. 19 3 For your obedience is come abroadea- ^.^i^^^^^,,^^,,
Thus the God of peace &e with you all. mong all : 1 am glad therefore of yon : biir^etl thieofcommeti-
Amen, woiilde have you h wile untothat which is good, datioo, he fufficU
and ifimple concerning eviU.
CH A-V. XVI. 20 The God of peace Ihall treade Satan un- ,„ h„,, ^^ f^^,
der your feetelhortly, the grace of ourLordle- iowt,fodoHh
Hie ftnJeilt ft i>«r with you.
Httcimmtndtth thth. fus Chtift
ttfthem ipti ich art tht taujfit
x,/ ^r , Timotheus my helper, and Lucius --"f-
andlafon . and Sofipater my kmfemen , falute ,„„keb«dof.
YOU. yetbmameth
, Having made Comroende unto you Phoebe our fifter,
IIwhich ii 1 Tettius . which "^ wrote out this Epiftle, themnot, fortbat
jotndofthe is a fervant of the Church of Cer>. Lord.
whole "iifputiti. falute you in the . f waillyat^ddiii-
CD, he commetli i3 Gams mine hoaUe.andofihe whole Church go„iy, although
now to faDiiliir
That yee receive her in the » .tord , as it faluteth you. Eraftns the ftewatd ofthecitiefalu- you rhouHfcome
cominendiuetu becommeth Saintes and that yee afsift her in out fotyoui ene-
teth you, and Quartus a brother.

aodralutatioDii whatfoever bufineffe iliee needeth of your ayde

and that to good 14 6 The grace of our Lord lefus Chrift i« .",';',;"'""'''
for Ihee hath given hofpicalitie unco many , and
coofidcrationand with you all. Amen. ^ a Tohn jo.
purpofe. to wit. me alfo .. r „ ly * 7 To him nowe that is of power to efta- g The word -which
that the Romaot Greete 4. Vrifcilia , and Aquila , my fellowe
3 blilh v<5U according to my Gofpel .and preaching hevrrth;figDifitih_
might know who helpers in Chrirt lefus. l^-y-
Qf lelus Chrift . :fc by the revelation of the

a., mod ,0 be l^ZT^HZ:!''''

honoured and made ^ (which have for my life layde downe fierie , which was kept fecret fince the worlde be- ,t,ng. and .fthou
not. I onely give
ef amZft their awnc necke. Vnto whom gan: hear«ftany fuci,
them, and
Id alfo
a thankes , but alfo all the Churches of the Gen- 16 tnow IS opened, and mpubliflhedsmong thou nwyeft affute
vvhom they ought
to fel btfore
. , ....
m all nations by the Scriptures of fhelrophets.
J Likewife greete the t Church that is the comroaundement of the everlafting God for ,i,te,-, more caret
them to follow: the
and therefore hee houfe. Salute ray beloved Epenetus , which is the obedience of faith.) full ofihy mat.
atttibateth unto '
chrftfruitesofAchaia inChrili 27 To GQd,7/4^, onely ptayfc through iMnheoothi.
tveryofthtm pe-
6 Gieete Marie which beftowed much labour Amen.
culiar aedfiDgnlar lefus Chrift for ever. aTr^pIidtfe muft
beioyned-wiih wiffdotne. b Furnifbed with tie knowledge of thettuerh.abd
lunia my confine
aFrch^flet ""V" Salute Andronicus and wiffdoute , thai you m^y iinbract goi-d thingi, and efcbew evill, beware of the dtceiil
faVewhicbispro. and fellow prifoners . which are notable among andfnarttoffalfeprofheu, andrelifl them opraly:and ihijplacedoeth plainelydeftroy
pertothtChiini- jjje ApoOles. and were in d Chiift before
me. tb«.rjpift» faith ofcreditie, whereas ihey niaintaintit to be fufticieot foi oiie mao
h tobelteve a, auoihfrniao beleeveth, witboui further koowfedge, or tjianiinatioo wh«t
i"v,'/r' '.^hlt" 8 Greete Amplias my beloved in the Lord. Wtebcleeve as our
the matter i«,or what ground it ba;b vfmg thcfe daily fpsechei

9 Salute VibanusoutfeUowchelpei- in Chnft.


":Sn", faihtrs beleeved ,and we btleeye astbe Church beieevrtb. i Asmrtithat kcewe
famevirriuej. and Stachys my belovcd. nowayto deceive, much Itlfc 10 deceive indeed. 4 Wee mufl fight .with*
AS. 18,3.. . ,0 Salute Apellesapprooved in Chiift. Salute certaittehopeofviaorie. * Afti i«.i. phil 2,29. j Heanncielb
b Tbetompanje o^jhem faivationi , partly to tecuemuiuaHftieudfliip, and partly to the end ihaithli Epiftle
which are of ArifloVu:us/r/V«<i/.
ihefaitbfull, <bria might be of feme weight with the Romanes, having tbtcobfiimation of fd many
fo great acitieai 1 1 Salute Herodion ray kinfman. Greete them that fubfcribed unto k Wroteit as PauJvttrted it. 6 Nowe taking
which are of the ^wnrf/wf Narciflus which are m

that wai> tfaei^ ht« leaveofthem this third time, hee wiflieth that untoihem,
whereupon dependetb
vvere divert all the forceof the former doSrine. .<. Ephef 3,1°. 7 Hefetteth forth the
pcwetand wifedomeofGod with greatthankefgiving, which efpecially appeare in'
Salute Tryphena and Try.phofa , which
I X the
e Forbevcaith« the Gofpel: and makeib mention alio (jf the calling ofthe Geotilt, to conSrroe
firOof Ackaia ^vomen labour in the Lord. Salute the beloved Roroanjsintheisopeoftbisfalvaiion. Erhtf.3.9 COloCr.!,i«. i.tim 1,10.
that beJeeveJ.rn Peifis, which tx-oOT^whath laboured much in the
titai 1, J. I That fecret and hidden thing that ii to fay , the calling t>f iht GeB-'

Chrift randtbii tilea, m Offeitdandejihibited to allnationiio be knowto'.

kiodeoffptKhil Lord, and his
13 Salute Rufas chofen in the
anallufion to the
ccrrmonieiof the mother and mine. Written to the Romaos from Corinthus.
Law. 14 Greete Afyncritus.Phlegon.Hermas.Patro--
' Md fent by Phoebe, fervant of the Chuicb,
d lograffcdby bas.Meicurius. and the brethren which are with whicbisatCenchiea.
them. ,. V, J
Salute Philologns and 1 ulias , Nereas
I f
his fifter a and Olympas ansJall the Saictes which

Tfcc Corinthians gifts, I. Corinthians. He rcproovcth their contentiouj,


C H A p. T. Name of our Lord lefus Chrifl , that *i yee -all -j, , «
fa Jlf\nAlfaK.atitn, jO wlihhintlftiTitdntxUttinttr, fpeake one thinj; . and that there be no difftmions o!
la Ht ftfr'.'rt'Mleihl'tt Ctrmihiiiii lidei andilM-jieni, among you bnc be yeeikoic together inone wbertmhi.p'ur-

17 atii etlethtliim frtrnfiriJete humilitir ! »o For

minde, andin one iud»enflcnt. j>ofe ii to call back

tnclj tk: friac'im^ oftin c'tfft, II «4Forit hath bene declared jsntomee .my theCoriochiaano
brethren of you by therathat are of the houfe of ^^j "n]'^,^^,

r TVinrcrrpcioN Aiil « called ta ke an » Apoftle

Cloe, that there .ire contentations among you. »wa'y ail occafion
of ]cCni Chrift . throii^^h the will
T*h«r«ii ht chirfcly 11 Now ^ this I fiy.that every one of youo''<iif"'rd. s»tbe«.
of God, and our brother 3 Softhe.
gaccb abuutte faith , I am Pauls , and I am 4- Apollos , and I am '*'''''''' P""""-
procure ihsj;oBd nes,
Cephas, and lam Chrift.
mU! oftiieC«ria> z 4 A'nto the Church of God, :""'off:;;r:„';:.'
13 IS Is Cnnft divided f was '* Panlcrucined Nowafchifmeii
which is at Corinchus , to then) for you ? either were ye • ? baptized into the name when men wbieh
fcim. yei noEwidb-
i.^odnj c., !u. that are findiSed in , Chrift Icfus, § Sainces
» ,•
bfPaul' otberwifeatree
•iwjyHheliutrh bvb tailing, 'with all that c call on the Name of 14 '» 1 thanke God that I baptired none of "e^ial^rTae?

o'JvLord lefas Chrift in every place both their ,

lis utotfci you, but J CnlpllS, and Gaius, doe ytt feparate
ofG:d,aadaoiof Lerd, and ours :
r IJ Lcaft any thould fay, that I had baptized in-th.mfeivejone
nin. « Grace fc« with you, and peace Irom
J to mine owne neme.
» IfhcbdD A' our Father, and /rewthe Lord lelus Chrift. 16 I baptized alfo the honlhold of Stephanas ^j;^,")j^,^„^^.
»*" .«
your be-
4 y I thanke my God alwayes on
poft.'e Hien ite
tnaH bt'atiid, tl. furthermore know I not , whether I baptized any /c;),</ai;«x
tkou^h be Tome. halfe for the grace of God. whwh is given you in other. ftnttfittjiinit
times re ptefcend lefiisChrifl. , ..... 17 i> For CHRIST
fent me not to baptize, »"»"*«'•
«bj;nftiarpely.- That in all thinps ye are made richinhitn
t but to preach the Gofpel '°not with * « wife- 1* ,^'J^'°f"a
fz-i-iuj h« hiti 00

all kinde of fpeacii, and in alll^nowlcdgc

3 in i dome of words .leaft the»i croITe of Chrift fliould ,„d chiding by
))2nd,bu: is » n\ef- 6 As the teftimonie of lefus Chrift hath be made of none efl'ed:. taking «v»ay of a»
ftngertbatbiin- benee confirmed in you : obiefticKsifor that
jeib tbecora-
7 So that yee are not deftituteofanygitte beunderflooci by good witoeflet that there wrrf many faftieni among ihein. And

tniDdtmemiof « 10 way ting for the f appearing of our Lord lefus tberewithall te opent-.i the caufe of dilleniioni. btcaufe that fomedii bang on one
Cbrm. daaor, fonie cu anolhtr and fome werefo addifted to thenifelvn , tbit tbey

Chrift. ° ^ oeglefted alidoftoiiri and teaclierj .calling themfelwj ihe dil'ciples ofCtriaooely,
5 He ioyoetb ^
So/lhecrswiih 8 j^ II wholliall you unto the
alfo confirme fliuttiog forth tbeirteacberi. !(. rhem.aiirltvMlJIjjtofoie.riihii.
birafelfe,th«t ttide .'that ye may be 6 blameleiTe in the day of our K .^^lj.18,14. 1; Thefitrt reifon whyfchifine$oughttobe«fchewetl:
tbiidoftriDC becaufeCh.ift fetnisthby tbatmeaaei, to be decided and torne in piecei , wha cannot
Lord lefus Chrift.
be;he htad oftwi divtri and difagrreing bodies bfeing himfelfc one. Anoibff
mi^htbeconfir- i<
* God is h faithfull ,by whom ye are called

mrd by two wit- 9 reaf<in Bccaufethey cannot without great iniurieioGod fo hang ofmen as of Chrift:

OcfrS. unto the fellowlhip of his fomic lefus Chrift our which tbing nodoubtthifj'doe.wbich allow vvhatfoever fome man fjwaketh , even
4 his a Church tor oil pcrloni fake ai thcfe men allowed one felfefame Gofpeil Heeing vrteredof

•t Go>i, al:ho.jgh Nowlbefeechyou, brethren by the ooeman.and did toatheitbeiog viteredol'aaotherman. Sotbattbcfe fadioniwere
lo' II ,
it hath great fau'ti called by the naineiot theirieacheri. Now
Paul fettetb downe h's owne oamenot
in it , themwbicka^mcniniir.
fo"thatitobe » Aaei./,9. .Theff.^ 7. ooely to grieve uo man .buiall'oto fhewetbat bepleadeih not hiI:^woecaufe.
A,ruedeliaitioooftheC«boliqueCburch,wbichiioDe. a ntj4ih<r »7 Tfaethitd Tffo'oo taken of the fomie and end ofUaptifme wbrrein we make »
r ,

r-.^;'!..-./ «' '« hu Unnu

Ontlifioh u, fhal i, . JiparMc:!, a, from dc vick'd
t.f^y .
, p"»oiti;fctoCbrift,callingoDaIfotheNaiii«'-ifthe Father and rhe h.>ly Ghoft Therefore
thitUt m^} b<^-<V! .andnti-yhim. *
!(om.t,T tfhtf.y. "'"/T'-"-
all tough a rrMu dee not fail fioni the doSrine of Chrift yet if bee hang UMn fome ,

I.rim.t.9- r»«»,.j. b HSomGoi./>iir.."«^£"-^''';J'>,''»''«'' 'i;' ceitaiiie teafLen, lad diTpife othm heforfakeih Ch'il> forifbeehold Chrifthia

ll.' prfl <,f th,f> .«..

jiparMidfcrhimr,{f.:cr -nJ-vm Cci h^'h c.i\lU to hdrntg' ocely maftei hee v/ouldeiiearebiitt , teacbio;; by wbonifoever. i8 F(^e

1,Loli,un.rhewcihfna w/..-.rc c„rf,alfl^^tun amtntih ^nd ,h, ./.„W/-«WH=fi (, , prottifctb that bee fpeaketh {j much the more hoMly of ihefe tbioji.hecaiifeibac
J/en^.fr,r„;«i: X cflcuf.idjrorrljt.c-^Ucn'
..T,-..,*!. through' Ooil provideuee been void oTall fofpit'oiiofchjlfngii;(:difc!plc» untohini.
Cod tpi. <-ri/«t -JnitlhiUrdrihc-, hec ii m -Z^-.^*' •"' "•I'tf'' «"-'pf «' *" '•'>-^"-
• felfe, and taking ihcm from others. Whereby ^-ta m.iy unJerlUnl thatooctbe
*ni 4t r'.r /!•'«« it«U.r/>t if uul^enf.r ^UtUl-rVKiof^.M: fcbollenoiiely .but the teachcri a!fo are hrere rfprihendrj whichgath-redihrm-

Hp,nCl,rij!c.''^-4me.i,usck'"-n'lUfC.tnJfakchimrcri>trjr;.d. 6 Tte felvfi flockeaapirt. $ Aftiit.S. 19 ThctakingawayofanobicaioD,

£oundMionanJthelireofibeChurch,'iiCbtirtIefuig;.v«noftheFathfr, 7 Go.nj that hee gave not bimfelfe to ba(*tiie many among them :.not for the contempt of
true commendation ol their
alujut to condemne many vi(.e,,h-e be-iDiietb with a Baptifme .but becaule bee was chiefly occupied in delivering the doarine, and com-
wrtuei, lead bee mirht Ceeme after todefceod tocbidiof. bring
mcoved w.tb mal.ce mitted them tbjtreceived hi«doaiinetoo:her< to be baoiized whi-reof hebad n,re. .

•reiime:yeLfo..hatbeerr..rmh all to God ai the au.hou. ol tb«m .«"d 'bat in Aai~fo hee declared fuftictently bow farreheevvasfromall ambition: whereat on the .

Chiift. That the Corinthians .nij;hr he more alhamcd to prophane »Bclabufe the other <(de they wbcme bee repr^headeth , ns though t^ey- gathered difcigiei u^t^
hofygiftsofGod. « Hctoucb-ihthatbyname.whiebtbeyntoftalwfed; tbemfefvet and not unto Chrift , bragged moft ambitiouily of memberj, which tbey
d ictwoihMnhiJntveelii'chrrc .-rvctknoWe <>»' i" ?"•' <i-"i- fr,-pl,tnc '" f"' hadbautlztd. »o Now heturaeth himfelfe to thidoftouri tbenifelvei, which
this tvrrdt ^a) muli t, -rrJlr^in-jJ t. ,hr prtftnt ft^ti ,fil,tf«fhf„ti
*:,tl,y/l"'^l. .-
pleafed theinfelvea in trave andambitioui eloquence, to the eode ihatthey mtghc

ht, m,tr,„hmta Itinf k'n'li ofhMiin;:, i»f the fjfr orh'lr

>h i»tnce , rvhch ti.e drawe inoredifciplts after thrra. Heei confeffeth plainely that heewai uolikevinto
Corinthiani ahu'td. 9 He (heweib that the true vfe ofib.fe the Ji.oppui'ing gravely a> it became an Apoft'e hit example agaioft their petriurfe

lienin. that the mightie power of Chrift ni'«ht thereby be let forth in them that ,

it(d.i;ementi Jo tbattfaiiii another place ofihistpiftle , touchmg tfie obferving of s

glory and
ieiejfier it might evidemly .i>peareho\'V wickedly iheyabuftd ihemto godlyfimpliciiie, both in wordesaoJfeii'encei in teichinj o'the Gofpeil. * Chap.
.i>bi.«.o, « £,,/„/ecr.eU,„r.,/-,.«/'.4rfc.Ij(,/,o/?. « Tf>uy,,t. a,'i3. a.reti.i«. I If^iihth'/Hlnce-rDhKf, l'.ttlc.ij}t:hcfr'«mhimr<el
X' 10 Htfayetbbyiheway, ibait^creiinociufewhythey orij, J, n«t nt.cptrit.lui alfo ai flu ct,7,trarit ti ihecjfkt ofhi$ .AfofHif.,ip-anJ.ut
received, feeing
fllould pleife th«mfe!ve« fo mucu in thofe gifiei which thry had hid Pxul his kjid oftlcjuewe .hufii trVj hmirnj'y , ndofm.i'i and VoUe of f.rnird ,

thattbofewerenothingiiiconipAr.fonof'.hemwhxharttobteloohed for. f Hit trerdes. it Tbereafon why beevfed no: the pompc of words and painted ,

fpri:-et!,$fi>>rU:}tfmminrcrchnl}. 4. i.Thlf.l.n.tnd MJ. fpeach :becaufeitwai Gods will tobriogbbe mcirlde to hii obedience by that way,
»i Heeteftifie-hthathubojicth vvellofthem htteafier .thauhey may mare patiently vrhetebytVemoft idiotiamong'f men might u:idjr(land that this woikew4i done ff ,

abide hii Te|iei-.enlioo afirrAarde. And yet togeiher therewithal! U'ewetb, itat €od fcitnfelfe without the arte of man. Thtrcf re as faivatioi is fet foortb uiitoua
ai TvtU the beginning «t the accoinpliihing of our f*lvrkOii uonely the work* of io the Gofpeil by ibecrofle ofChriA ihcn which nothing it more coniemjjiible
. ant) ,

Cod. g Hct.tllaht'i'mliamrnrfcnor-Khvmtmtn nt),<r fMmd fjuU with, more farte/rom life, fo God would hsve the manner of the preacbiu? of the crclfeinoft
tui Tvi'hiph^'^t fie m»i< tn iuftli findt fsA'.t «Kir utofiy.t^tmwIiichirtiH Ctrrifi
, tJifferent fioiti thcfe infane; '^th whiih meu doe vfe to drawe and entife other,

/eyii, •»> TT^am* f/,;re ii n» f»r,i/f m..aric«. .lee Lwi^e i.«. • i.TAr^.f,**. eiiber to beare o^^elee^•e tberetorert pleafed bim by a certaioe kicdofmoft wile .

Tf*u indrcnjlani , ir'ie dorh »ol ontlj caU ui , kceriililiui <hegifiofferfiltr,i*iirl folly .to triumph over the moll footilh wifedomeof the world , as he bad faid before *
^lfi_ 12 Having made in end of the preface', bee consmetii to the matter it by Efay .that be would. Andhenby weniay gather .that both thofe doSourjwhick
ielfe , bejinnin? with a tnoftguvi eb:eMUoa . •itbcMfb they fllould huic Cbilft were puffed up with ambiiiom eloqueoct, aai alfotteir heaietsftrijedfairc away
Uc lpe«luo£ aod not Fwl, from ihceadudioarkiofiticiivesaiira.

The worldly wifedome. Chap, ij. ThewifedomeofGod. 70

preaching of the croffeis to
18 For that m 29 Thit no X fiefli (hculd reioyce in his pre- * F''fi> <' 'fi ••'
tfChiJlcmcfU, them that perilh. fooliflineffe bat onto ik , which •tef/te,<<,/ien/.rf^
; fence.
are faved, k is the :§ a power of God. 30 But ye are* of him in Chrift lefus. »7who Xi:l\rulo,7
19 »» For it IS v/iitten.t I will deftnJy the wife- of God is made unto l^« wiiedome and t\^ic~fi,rh,),eryfiil'j,<o
% J^«»..i,i«. dome of the wife, and will caft away the underftan- oufiiefre, and fanftitication, and redemption- /' '<" i^"'kf and
o irt<«A..t w'l'^'-f-aing of the prudent. 31 That. according as it is wiitc^i. « b He '"iftrMeccnd-un
^%:,t'.tZ ^o Where is the wife ? where is the o Scribe ? that reioyccthj let hira reioyce the Lord. ,;y;,j ^j^^jod, cue
lUn, where is the pdi*j)Hter of this world ? hath not dfainjl ihe ctkcr. a nhtm hec cdjt ditvnt irfore , nor.' ^c !'//'* up .JH, higher
ifm men ivcrthintjJiiitpi'hrUl ihem-
vhicli rvculdnet Gud made the wiledome of this world fooliih- -ill rtf/i , he fhiivrihtltcm that kII their
ftetiidtnlli ,if-
nefle ?
fthei ibitijfiindithinChriii, and that cfi^ed.
, Hf tfachelhtbatcfpt- n
ith^n^td cuHy »nd above «il thiogi the Gofl'tl ought not to ht coDieirned ft«ing it coDtei-
f IMC, if

woride by wiledome

upon i«} Mfe »/ 21 »3 For feeing the q ttbthecbiefdtilsDgt ihitaretobe dtfired, to viiti true wiffdomt .the true w«y lo
knew notGod in the ' wifedome of G O D , M it obtiinerightfoufotfl't tot true way tolive honeltly «iid p\^ly > ib«tluedelivetaoc8

from b ttt
Ziiht atiniuit pleafed God by the ffooliihnefle of preaching to all inifeiieiaudcalaniitiei. .|> t.Ci^io,n.
tk^iuhimfilfi, trimf,tldA\l ta Cod,ue him thjnkfs : tndft hj ihii fli<t um*nifrt» »'" itHim
lave them that beleeve :

^hichiifffc' ^'ttine, which the P*fijt"fti dredmtof.

21 *
Seeing alfo that the lewes 'requtfc

,fChriJl. figne, and the Grecians fecke after wiledome. CHAP. I r.

TheApcftle 3 Hu: wee preach Chrill etiicified : unto the I Ui fetttth dttvne a vltiflrme if hii preaching, •nhichi
ftooueth thatihii jg^.gj^ evcn a liumbling blocke,an(i uiito the Gre- k^ctHreffttlofmam-KV-edcmt, 7,,^ h»t 7,Me in refpta
«ugh t/the/fir'tiiall psmir dndejficAcie, 14 ..^ndfictnr
cians.foolilhneJie :
cladtth thitfltfh and Ihtdtajujct riMj iud^e thereof.
ftrtngeieciogthit 24 But unto them which are called both of ,

it wai foretold fo the lewes and Grecians , Kv* prMc/j CbiiU.the ANd
I I , brethren , when I came to you, i Be nturceth t»
,og before .but- ^Q^^jQi God. and the wiledome of God. came no: with ^ excellencie of wordes , or '^'7/*'^"';"*
of wifedome. fl^dwing untoyou the » teftimome ,j,^,
.1"^"' ly Fof '^^ fooUihnefle of God iswiferrhen i,,^^^^; ,^ ^i,
of God. owne example:
tt'pLnriUti>"p«'^« men', and the weakeneffe ofGodisftrongerthcn
of ibe world m men.
2. For lb eftecmed not to knowe any thing conftfliogihaite
among vW ooi amongft
futb fort, which fo ^^ ,, P^^ brethren , you fee your t cal-
r J " 'you . {asc lefus Chijft , and him cruci- them either eicel.
^- 'j"8 *^°"' ^'^^^ ""' "^^"y ^"''^ "'^" " after the ,, V rr lepceof woids, o
''"^"e** wi(' » , .

anVJbVr.foiethac rieih ,

not many mightie , not many noble are 3 -k And I wr.s among you m c v/eaRenelJe, .otifingfFeechof

«tat i» vaiae ye» a (oikd.

and in feare, and in much trembling. man' wifedome,
But God hath chofen the foolilh things of
^^ 4 Neither /?W my worde , snc' "iy.Pf"«^h- ^;^'^«|'.s^'^«
wife, an.l God hath ng in the + eniiling fpeech of roans wiledome, fpeecb
t^!^Cl"^/t2" the world to confound the both kcc^
1 but in plaine d evidence of the Spirit and of aVd preacb',dfefw7
_ ,

table, wfc";h they chofen the weake things of the confound
focattiuliylabou. reightv things.
power. Cbrillcrucifitd,
i^ni*'!^' »nd «b-
fcifoi, and made
^^ Anc! vile things of the wotlJ , and things f 3 That your faith (honid not beinthewif-
which are defpifed . hath God chofen . and things domeof men, but in the power of God. the
K'c"\r,r 6 4 And wee fpeaKe wiledome among them ^ cbapi.i?.
^ivh.rea'rtthM, which , aie not , to bring to v nought things that
that are perfed not the wiledome of this world, a Tbeeo.'pel.

e :
«>(*««• l««"i«<i/«'" are.
neither of the f piinctsof this world .which come '' i fU'F°iednotto
r rh.„ tVvfiendefi .H ,h, iim in rrofrlleanyotbei
Jr.i'Jll'X-'.'. '"r'.ins ih t-^c ?
to nought. kDOwltdge.b.t.tbe
. ^ _,

Z,,,,,i»mr.h,>h hu 4^..i»!?.<« 'he r>.» .fh, v>c,U,fc, der. 7,», r,c, en. of,h,m th^t 7 J But we fpeake the wiledome of, God a knowledge ofchnu
gmifterie ,«VM the h\d vfifidoToe , «wkich God and Mm
"" ^
pumftifd of GOD, becauf. they would not behold unto
ib.i .be trid.of men wasvwotthi'y had determined before the werlde , our
glallc of .he w'fedome of the w.*lde
iod.a. .' V9ai ihe, Ot uld.m the m.oft deare glory. nelle.againil
By the world bee .».aoetn all - excel.
Xti.h u lb. wo. kemaDih.t, of the wo.lde <, .

iwavvbich aeenot borne anewe, remaice ai they wcre:wben they were fitft boioe
b» Which none of the princes of this world i^ocre of v%ordc

, IQ the workemanfii.F of thti vworld ,vvbicb haib the

marve.Ioua wifertome of had knowen : for had they knowen it , they would aid tberefcie ioy-
a* The goodt>.fl-eof ='".'' '^"^," '"''
iod icPr=»tdu. it. fo. hat every mat. may behold. It. not have ciucified the k Lord of glory.
pade ot tae world ^ he ° ' and itemblmg,
«cd.i«.oBdfifull,foi while beeioeih abnut to pUDiIli the
f.lvation of and leacfcethmeoio become which are the companions oftmeinodeflie, not fuch feire and trembling arteitifie the
r«e,v Ptevideo* acd tairfull fo. the . it .

,0 Sod. f So "Ueth the preacbint o. the Gof|.el confcience.butfucb asaietoattary tov4oiii. and piide. 4" Chap. 1,17. a, Pet. 1,16.
fool.., .bat -Jie, may ht wif.
„it.enemie.lupr«'Wi«-hii.iutfrrtr.Mnef.afonhe taun.eth .btm very fcarpeiy. a He.turoeththat no-wto the comnitodationof hiimiailttiy which he had granted ,

with folly, then ackoowWge thtu ownear.d crave tobi. adverfarie) : for biivettue and pow.'wiicb .hey koevte well enough, wai fo
-bohadiatber charge Cod
J (,i, ^ Matib.u.38. dtcUrat.oQoftoat whicbhe af A much the marc eicellent . becaufe it bid t,o worldly belpeioyoed with it. i By
tothcm playiie evidence beme.tBethrucba pioofe.a. it wade by ceriaiae and neceSary reafoai,
^"^'^"th. preaching of th.'oolpel Ufoolilh. Hi. focliih .faith he , ,

to fa> , to all men, being toaftder.d Aod hettlletb ibe Colin ihtans tbit kedid it for their great profit, becaufi
whom God had cot ii.dued with new light, iba, «ani 3 ,

the Greciaus arguti.etit. , which they might thereby kuowe mauifrltly that the Gof| ell wa. fiom heaven. Tb.rt.
»n.h.«iftlv«>:f"'b. kwe. require irttaclea,

fftc bee ptivilj rebtiketh ihcm . becanfe that in feeking vaine ofteniationrrtey wiU
,h.ymaycot«yreh.ndb, their «u and gvifedon.e and therefore tbty doc no. onely ,

ru th,. fool.O, liogly deprived ihemfelvei of the grcaieft btipe of their faith. 4 Acothezargu-
«i.b.l«vethVGofpel, but alto they n.ocke at ... Noi^..,
a«niukenof tbeoatuie of the ibing , that ii of the Cofjiell , which ii true wife*
^each ne beret, the f.ea. v.r;ue and w.f.dome of God
but futb a, thole onely ,

illewfig .noft pbinely, thJt even then T^hea dome ,but knowen to thcin onely which are defircB^ of perfefiion: and i. unfaverie
lebich are called, doe perceive. 6od
be i. far.e v..rcrthen tbeyare audtbat be to ibem which oibciwile eacell in thewotlde. but y»i vainety and frailly. c Thof*
Tadde men thi.k. him ..dt fee ilh , .

rurmot«..tballtlwin.ight.nd power . wbeD h. vfe.h mcU

v.leandabi.a thing,, are called peileft here, not which had gotten petfrftiooatieadicbutfuth aj tend to it, «|
pre^oing of the Gofp.ll. >6 A connrma.icn rbil.3,! j.iotbat peifeS, , i.fet againlt weake. f They tha. are wife r, risheror
«i.hatb appeared .otbr fuitroftbe
Ct,rin.b, w-bere .he Church .ft^ecialJy migbtiettheuoihermeo ate. Ike fhtweth tbecaufe wbytbii wifedoniecannot
tbole ihingi which came to paflc- at
Wkro of be perceived of .bofeexcelleotwoildfy wittei to wit becaufe indeed ir ufodetpt,
that the philofoiA.nof Gntce
•oolift.iofih«bal'.a and ecmmonptopU, infer acb
: ,

«.Mdi.v.i.tofha».,wheutbey fave that tbey could doe n.tbiag

that they cannot aitaim unto it. g Which men coald not fc much si dreame of.
Joni. and .Jooueie in companfoa
of the Apoltiej vsbom notwitWtaodiog ihey
, 9 He takeih away an cbiedioo if iibefc harde when and bow i. it kiiowen:God>

And here,. ..ball do»h hre b.a,edo«.ie their pride, for Lye.h bee deierini.,td with bimfelfefroin the beginning, tbat which hiipurfofe waa
wile men htcaufe the, ftould be to bring foorih at tbii time cu: of bitlecteiei let the falvationof meu. 7 He i»j^e'tb
««d d«l uo. fr4err« «h.» befote tbole noble and away aHothei obitaion; why then, bow corcmcth it to paiTe ttat ibi» wfiedcme
»roud bunbaithty might be conlUaioed .Via whether they would ornot to reioyce ,

nK.c.e. akbough tbey were the moft abi.ft. of all they bail was foieieaid of men of bigttlt authcri.y itai they criicilied Chrift bimfelft ' l'aul_ ,

In .be lord. , by wbofe

. ,

thii vviftdom. and all thiogi neccfla. le to falvat.on. aufweuth .-becaurethiy knew not Cbtill fucb a. hee wa.. h Tha. mightie Goi,'
obtained >D Ctt.ft . both

u After that kind of w.le- full oftrueinaielticaDd gloiit Now ibi. place h.iih in it a mort e>idtiit proofeoftbe
^ n7hat«ayiheLo»deh»thts)ceniBcalliDgyou.

Jotn. which men wake

accouut of, aithougb tbereweie nooe e fe ho becaufe : w of Chrift and of ioyning of the two naiuie. in one
which hath tbi, ,n i,, ,

wifrdcme. i Which in mans. tidgtn.enti that that wkicb i. pioier to tbemanhoode alone ii vouched of the Godhead ioyned .

ikeT artcaioall. know not Ipitituall

sviththe manhood which kiodof fpeach, i.calUd by the old faibtij. a making coon.
y Toiliwtl>»ttll.>aiev«iiitand uufiefiuUcMdnoihiDg
«'«!«*« nothing.
lB*Bofibin.eibtlonjipfilofe«ntOBei vfitl»oiiiMlc*TJicni they dot not belong,
) . .

The naturall man. I. Coriatbians. Chf ift the foundation.

But as U is writtf n * The. things which
a i ,
A Nd r I could not fpcaKe ut«o you, brethren, as • Having detij,e4
*, Ai)otfcrr obie.
bow eye hith not feene, neither eare hath heard , nei- "unto fpirituall men, but as luito a cainall,rt/rt''''^'""'*'"'''°^
£^1 ,0 .'Bu;
ther came into mans heart , 4re , which. God hath
i asuntobabesinChrift.
'^ .

z I gave you milke to dnnke.and not o^ raeate & fcjviog generally

thjie wittiemea prepared for them that loic- hino, :

coj'do'n Pttcrive
9 But God hath revealed
t;:«^uiiro us by for ye were not yet « ablctabtareit j neither yet condemned y blind,
now are ye able. ueiofmin. mnd,
SS-caut his'Spirit e^'the/pirJtkfearcluthalJibin^s.yea,

olGod. 3 For ye are ytt canjall ; for where^ there h ^^^.^r.^^^^^ca.

wc v>t«ach tbofc the deepc things
tbinjiwhichpafli letor what man kiioweth the things of a,
j; anaortg you envying .and luife, anddivinons,are laiiytoiheCotin.
TO'n.favethe ipirit of aman , which is in him ?
1 yeiiot catnall and walke as d men ? , thiaot.cjiiiDgthem

« "hf'i'.lvi. CNYn fo the thinjjs of God knoweth no man , but- 4 For when one faith, I am I'auls, and another, carnaiJ,th«t ii,fuch_
iM4'>can«if' the Spirit of God.
lamApolIos.arcyenotcarBall, ',T;ZXl'^
r-- c
^u^a,itri„k.<^f 12. Now wee have receiveih not the mrpintot y
i WnoisPaulthen?andwhoisApoik)S,bufg,ioft,iiefpiriuAn<J
tizm.mHch u:^r
thA^orld.but the Spirit which is of God .
i« that , therainiQets by whom yee beUeved ami as the he bnogett « dou- ,

wee might «> know tlie things that are gtven to us Lord gave to every man i t"'* teftimony of ii:
9 Aquefion ifit oiGod. . 6 '3 1 have planted, Apollos watted, but God J';^^';°J f^»^^'^t jj

,r r ,

rjinsoimt the cap*- J II which things alfo we fpeake , not in the gave the increale. fucb, info much'
... how .

Svfordes which roans wifedome teacheth , but, ; 7 So then, neither is hee that planteth any that be dealt with
mln. which the holy Gholt tear.heih. o comparing fpi- thing, neither he that watreth.but God thatgiveth them no otter wife .

er howcao you de- rlcuall things with fpuicuallthmgs. tneinuea.e.
,, u u men.andfuchii are-
j^ ^utthc P natiuall mail perceiv^th not
,j 8 And he that planteth and hee that watreth,^^^(,(,,j,^,j„,,,j
, .

ky,F«uli*t l.ghi-
^^^ ^^. ^
^y^^ SpiiitofGod:iortheyaretoo- are one, and every man Ihali receive his wages, dcdiineofgodli-

lilhneae nrno him. ndthei can hce know them, "" »°'l fecondiy
r^«h.»«':h according to his labour. -"

«yhofoev«r is in- becauic ?hcy are » fpiritually dilcerned.. 9 For we together are Gods e labourers : yee ^^^»;/;/;y ^^-^
friied.hecan eottr j uButhethat is rpiricuall , rdilcern 'th ail are Gods hiisbanary and Gods banding. ,
diiTenfiom which ,

cvcp.oitevyy j^j iudged off no m.ui.

, ; hehimlelfe is 10 According to the grace of God given to fprang up by re*. ,.

the rainde of the fnec.asaskili'uil raafter builda' , I have layd the fot) oi the igno-
k"""",^ n'o.^.^ i6 * «6 For who hathknowen
f.r,cr,ta,.ii,id- Lord.thathemighttinrtrud himiBut wee have ioundation.and another buildeth thereon : *
theoreindeofChrift. let euay. [Bail take heede howe hee buildeth up- !,"/,,j3„2'y wif-
^fUUofCedftiT- on It. dome, tb*t they
which h« fpake of thr iBfpiration ofthe 11 f For Other foundation can no man lay,
had profiled very
ou: thing. P"ta,c,ag to ma. .fo doah our
Liri, A. L forc. ofuuu. witfearcb.ihuaderlland h.avenly ,b,ng.. 1 Tj. then that which is laid, w hich is lefus Chrift. '^'tjcaTelhllL
.^'^^nd hytba, power of th« holy Gholl, It 6 And if any man builideon this founda- c^rnaU*, ^'hti:h'!"e
I L.,..^f^pii'fiii .ilatli nattfdch HI ihl/i^S ct th.^ .. ftclh at jet itinerant and there fere to ixprefe it the het'er,he learmtlhrhrm huies . b int.

.rrh.t f- Jla>iti(allmeAte,orJlrongmeate. c Tc iefedijmetviihful-ftantiall mtsi;

t!acd:.wd< hi, place ,eacl,i,hus .g^wli the Paf^Jh
i» That "' [f"»== 8 '";-;; -- iherefre ai the Corinthuini iro-w Uf in are ,folhe ^pejlle nMripei them A.r leaching,
t.^n,„,< force niscf.
«(tr.iae>h cow io tbofethiogi which
God bath opened "°" "'"' "'" , '""°" '° 6rftrvith milkf ,iiienwi!h Jirnnr meat ,rehich'di<ferentt re -tsontiy hut in mariner of.-
f.pau.e th. from the ot the word teaching., d- Bjihtfjitareandcompalfevfmsm'rvitamiiudsemeut. » After^
Cri leaf* ;hat any ,naa (hoald are governed by tbcSp.r. of. hee hath fufiicienily reprehended ambition teacher. and iheit foolith efttemerir
«dCh.ifl:orlhoulJth,.k..hat tnof. fautafticail mea .

va,ne.mag.n«.oa..ot now bee ft)«weth how the true mioidtr. are to be eiteemed ,tbat wtcaitributeoot 4
.Gad,wbicbwandtingbefcl..tbevvorde.throftu,on u. tbct
^o^.„.,<i, /,«y,)»r^;ic»/,r,e ,„;,,.,. ,W->-/«' uniothem more or lelfe then wee oujHkto doe. Therefore- hee teacheth u.
, .that thii(r\
thrf;«oofGod. ..

are they by wOome we are brought to faith aodfalvation , butyetai the miiiiftei«»
''"'^"""' v"f u . tb«.:
to bit fur, tJco'clidertheCrgl^nt'which h« b.gao « and of God and fuch a. doe notbihgef tbemfelvei, but God fo working by them as it

mult be fet forth with wordi- pleafeih him to furuilh tbem withbii gift.. Tberefoie we havenotto inatke or coo-
tbewotd»muP.beapp'ved lotDcnuu. :,andtheniaiter
nowihiswiftdome i: fpirituall and ootof fider what minilttr i; is that fpeakeih but what it fpokrn and wee mufl depend :

«»jhich are meets «nd couveoient for c:

- -

k-'l^^f^"^^'"^ 7' ^V onelyiipun htm which <peakeih by hiifervants. } He bcautifietb the former
^an.aodtbceforeitmoft be delivered by a fpt.ituall
man. elosueace.ibat ihel.mpU , and
yetwonderlull'"f ma.eft eot. fentence with two fmnlitude. tirft corapaiingtbecomjianie of the faithfuII,to a
•ntirinewordei of
fitldewbichGod inaketh fruitful! .when it i. fowedaad wa;eredtbrough.tht labour
.be ho!, Ghofl-ruy. herein ,ppeare. Chap .,.7. i.P« i.>« * .!;.f//f^'"^ of his fetvaots: next by comparing it to at) houfe which in deedeihe Lord buil- >

13 Again, be preventetb an offence of ftumbl.og blocke deth but bythehandsofhis workemen (fomeof wbome bee vfcth in laying the
, ,
p.lTe that fo fewe allow thefe things ? Th.. « "ot to be nrarve.led foundation others in building of it up. Now. both theft ftmuliiuJai tendto tbii
at , fay.tb .he Awodle , feeing that men io their na,ura;l power ( a. they t.rmjd them purpofc . to fliewe that all thing, are wholly accomplilhed byGod. otiely auihori:ie,
( fp.ritu.ll ibiog. are d.fc.rned and might , fo that wee mud onely have an eyeto him. Moiecirr .uithough that God
"rVno, iadu.d with that fac.ltie wh.reby ,

facoltie com.neth another way) and therefore they

accompt fp.ruuall w.ledome at vfethfome in ihebcttet part ofthe worke: we mullnot therefore coqtemiie other , ia
blindemencannot ludgeot rtfped of them , and much leffe may wee divide , or fet them apat} (ajthefe fadioui
follv-aod it i.a.ifhe fhould fay I. i. no mirvailethat ,

ligb, ,. to them as men did) feeing that all of tbein labour in Gods bufintlTe and in fuch foit, ihatibty
lacke the light of their eyeJ and therefore
colour. , feting that they

7hc n..wrha, h.„h ncfur,l.,rl,,h,.ri:dcrJl.M,r,^tkn<h.t ferve to fioidi one felfe fame worke , although by adiversinannerof working,
darkeneOe. V
„/ lude drfi„eih,< , Udt ,9. iofomuch that they needeoneaootheribelpe. X Pfal «i,ii. Galat.«,j.
Tvlnch ht hr.uht rri'h him ,,utn frtrn hu mchcn rrombe,
q B},hci„rUecfil,M,Uhc,1. .+ He amplifiah thema.ter by co.trat.e.. e ierliin^undtrhim: Naive they nhichfcrtie indtr itncther ,dtc nttiiinfcfihiir own*.,

, y„Jcrl>,„d„h\nddircer„»h. IJ The wifedomeoftheflelh , f^«b Jlrtngth . iwl tuit it ^iiitnihenth'i -nj/,?r(>^*af<m.i/{.<t4f<i»m/r(o thaiJirliLe,

determined no;h!ngcertaine!y,nono;m it oWee affaire., much

lelfecan it difceroe Locke chap.i!, 10. arj I. Car. 3,6. "and nU the it'criaji that eommethbj ihrir Uhurt.
flraiige thati. fp.rituall things. But the Spirit ot God ,
wherewith fpir.tuall men Jcthfoprcecedfrcm Cod, that nv part rf iht pratfe ef it mayitfikenmhcxinJer
arc indued, can be deceived by no meaoei , and therefore be
reprooved by r Jtriiant. 4 Now hee fpeakeih to the teacher. tbtiiifelv«ii which fucceed«d hint
f Ofnt : f.r rvhtniht L'rupktfartvid^ed cfihi Profhett
,uuih Sphi'that ill the Church of Corinth : and in their perfon.toall that wereafierurniall be

itJ'tlh.andnctthemdn. * £^'1.40,13- rem. 1 1.34- ,'* Areafonof Paftourj of Congregation, .feeing that they fucctedioto the labour of the Apoftlei,
Ihe'formeifayiog.furheii called fpirituall .which hath learned that by 1 he vcrttw
of which vsereplaoieuandchiefebuilderi. Therefore hef waroeib them tiilt, that they .

" "
tbeSpii hichChrifthatb taujht jf. Now if that which we have earned otthat perfwade cot themfelvei that they may b'jild after theirowiK fantafir, that i< that ;

could be reprooved o< any Bian, bee muftneede. he wifer then God w*re- : they may propound and fet foorih any thing in the Church , either in matter , or ia j'yarenotonely fooliftl .butalfo wicked -which tbmke , kindeofteacbinp diffcreiKfromtheApoftle. which werethechiefebHilderi.
ihat they can dtvifefoine thing that i» either mote perfeft , or th»t
they can teach the f Moreover he Iheweth what thii foundation ii to wit, ChtilHtfus from whicii , , ,

.^uifedomtof God a better way then they knewe or taught , which uudoubtedly were , they may not turne away one ijte io the building up of his building. 6 Tbttdiy» ,

iudu:dv7ith6odi$i-irit. t tjy t,i,headuhu ,andtc.tchk<mnhathejh<,xld hefiieweth that they muft take head t'lai the upper part ofthe building be anlwerable ,
jtte. a Wr .iff induedrcUh iht Sfiric o/ChriJl , rcht vftntih Un't ui ihoji tothefoundation .thai i. , thatadinjnition. exhortation., and ychatfoeifer ptitai. j

JilHll, wWiJ *1 ttht, mt»n<, are >nf<»rchihU . And Jfi ui trMli wh.ttfoeUr.
h Beth tothe edifying of theflocke,be anfwerable to the doftrioe of Chrift a» well in ,

C H A P. III. matter a. in forme.- which doftrine i. compared tygolde ,liIver,andprecioui ftone..

Ht ytiUilh d mutUrtUn'o
rtafin yvh} htl prtached/mali of which matter Efaias alfoand luhnin the Revelation built the heavenly citie.^
ihtm: 4 tiefhe-trethh.TvihejMihttotfletmt^Mi-
And to thefe are oppofite , wood , hay , flubble , that ii tofay ,cu»iou. and vJine
mjltnt « Thtm'niJJerjcJTut. to <A true forme cf queliioni 01 decr;ts andbcfide. tobelhort .all that kindeof leachingwhich fet\';th
: 4
He yvirmih iht G.rinthiam, ihtt ihrj be toofteotaiioa. for falfedoftrinef . whereof he fpeakecb not heit larenoilaidfio^dy .
tdifymg. i«
noidnfnein^iiy upcfhunttUn'i, 1% thrcit^h the froUd tebebuUlO{i9DthiifciuadatioUiUiil<irepci«dvciiture inlhcvvcnely. r, .. ._ ,^

wif,dm,<ftht^*/k. lion.
: '

Gods n3inifter& Chap. IIIL Mans iudgemeot* fs

tion, goWcfilver, prcdons fiones , timber , hay, » difpofers, that every man be found feithfuU,
ftubble. 3 3 As touching me , I .'. palTe very
little to be , «. , . .
• r
, Ir w i B«.:«ufe inr*» 1

7 HewlHSeth. at ^5 ' '^^^^J' ™*"* worke flwUbe made manifeft: ludgedof you ,4orofmans b ludgement no , si prehendingothert, :

tBdetd tbe truelh for the day fliall declare it, becaufe it fhallbe revea- iudge not mine owne fe'fe. tefethimfelfe for
ii, that all are not ledby the tirc and thehreftiall trie every mans
: 4 For I know nothing by my felfe yet am I ^" '"mp'e. he ,

geod ^^^^^ ^f ^j^^^ ^^^^ jj j5_ not thereby iuftified: but he that iii^eth
, / o me,' is ^^^"'L^*'"""''"

^°h\chTod upoa 14 If any mans worke.that he hath built upon, thee Lord. ofanobieaio,,.'^
thit one and oneiy abide, ihall receive wages.
he f 6 Therefore •(• iudge nothing before the aad vfing the gra.
foaadatioa:buthov» \^ If any mans worke burne , he (hall lofcbut time,untill the Lord come,who will lighten things J""); "''an Apoiiie,
foev« this worke g j^ j^^gj himfelfc nevertheleffe yet as it
jjf^^ : thatarehidindarkenelTe.and make the counfels
ofewUbuilderi, 1. c c3^«h"ot''f«tht'^

Were by the fire. of the hearts manifeft: and then ihail every man contrary iudge-
• feafoB, yet Oiaii 1 6 * » Know yce not that yee are the Temple have<J praifeof God. .,^
memi that they
itnotaiwaye»d«. ^f qqjJ ^ and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in Nowthefe things brethren I havengu- taveofhim, in'
6 7 , ,

eeive, becaufe that ratively applied unto mine owne felfe and Apol- hi"!^7„-f""*f
^ j
/-'•'/-. •!. i*^ nimaia vileper.J
at day
»7 IfanymanfdeftroytheTetnpleofGod.
him lliall God deflroy for the Temple of God is :
los tor your fakes that ye might leartje e by us, fon,becaufehedii«

that no roan prefume above that which is written, not fet forth him.
ihaiidiOblve tbii hdy. which yeare. that one fwell not againft another for any mans ft'f'ai they did.^ew Andheebringeth
jg ,0 Let no man deceive himfclfe if any man : Caufe.
rtat"uff "ii trIU among you feeme to be wife in this world.let him For who feparateth thee > and what haft bltinuno^i^^^
7 8

by the fire, whe- be a foole. that he may be wife. thou , that thou haft not received ? if thou haft re- mooved with thf
thcrJibegood ,p For the wifedomcof this world is foolifli- ceived it, why reioyceft thou, as though thou iudgemenuwhicli <"

^^^^ ^"^ ^°'^ ^°'^ " ^^ written•
, § He g catcheth hadft not received it
f/ira I blluTe"
the wile in their owne craftineffe. 8 9 Now ye are J
full :nowyee
maderich: that that which are
ioJhofhi. Spirit
and word, trie all 2o "•' And againe.The Lord knoweth that the ye reigne as kings without us , and would to God men iudge in thefe
buiidingi.andfo thoughts of the Wife be vainc. ye did reigne.that we alfo might reigne with you. """«» °f '^eir owiie
fliall it come to
paflV, that fuch ai
be found pute and
- ',
for all things are

Therefore let na man •> reioycc in men:
i youts.
•' 9 For I thinke that God hath fet foorth us the |';Ve"«ciumed'"'
laft Apoftles , as men appointed to death, for we of then when the

found, (hall ftill VVhetherit be Paul. Or ApoUos, or Cephas,

12 are made a g galing ftocke unto the world, and to unieameddoe
continueio, to or the n wotld, orllfc or death , whether they be , the Angels, and to men, '"''&' of wife-

things prefcnt , Or things to come , «*wallare 1o We
art fooles for Chrift fake , and ye are ^ ^V„/ArwW,
they that are yOUlrS, wife in Chrift; vreare weake , and ye rtre ftrong: vaj.afrerthema-
oiheiwife, fliailbe 23 Andyc Chrifts,and Chrifl Gods. ye art honourable, and we are defpi(ed. ncr c/fftechcfih*
'confumed.aud ,, r1.lL
of the hopecfhu labour, which
i.- 1. . ii Vnto thisfhoure we both hunger ,and thirft,
vanilh away, and foDiall ti* workman befruftrate
He takeih notaway hopeof falvaiion and are naked ,and arebufieted. andhavenocer- i,%l°^f^;'X^
pie-fed himfelfe ina thing of nought. 8
holc^ l»ft the foundation , of which taine dwelling place.
from the unikilfulland foolifti buiWeit- which _
fort weretbofeRethoticiaoi rather then paftout.ot Co.inth : but be addeth
an excep- 12 S And labour , working with our owne or bowJitiie i am
thiiiriall of their woike .and alfo abide to be accounted
tion , thattkey muft noiwithftandiog fuffcr haods : we are reviled , and «» we blefle : weare
the lofleof their vainelaboHtJ * Cb'P 6.i»- a.Cor.«,i6. 9 Continuing
he teacheth u«ihat ibii aTtibition 11 not vaine, perfecuted.a^ifutFerit. ^^rrelh"."'
ftill in tbe metaphore of a building,

biitalfofa.rilegioui Forhe fayth ihat tbe Church is

ai it we.etheTempleofGod, 13 * We are eviil ipoken of and we pray we K„owe my felfe- . :

which God hath ai it were confecraied unto himfelfe by bi»

Spirit. TOen turning are made as the h filth of the world the oil'skow- bettenhen you ,
the Temple ot God,
himfelfe to thtfeambitioui men: he fliewetli that they profane ring of all things, unto this time. doe and which' ,

tbofe vaine artel whtreintbeyplrafetberofelveilo much , are aihe teacheth.

fo many pollution of tbe holy doftrine offiod, and Church. Which the purine of the U
.0 1 wri.lnot thefe things to (haraeyou.but
wickedntfleCiallnotbefuffered unpuniflltd. f Uifiiethit , unJ mak.ith it as my beloved children I admonifh you. ^^ yocaiion witi
H'-cUanc , iewp h,lj : and f„reh ihej dc difiU it , h Pu»l hu mdiemtm
whuh t, ,
I J For though ye have tenne thoufand inftru- a good confcienct^
fie/hly cl«,«trcc drfile the pHritie cf ,1,1 C o/J-ei. 10 Heconcludtth by ihe contrary, dare not yet not-
tha: they profelfe pure wifedome in the Church of
God, which refufe and call away wiih/landiog cbalenge anything to my felfe ? for I know that I am not uoblameable,

all ibofe vanitiei of men and ifthev be mocked

of the world it i» lufficient for them ,
alltbii notwithftanding much leffe therefore (hould I pleafe my felfe ai you doe,'

that they be wife according to the wifedome of God and ai he wili have
them to be ,
c' I permitmy (rife lotbe Lordeiiudgement. « A tbirdreafon proccedingof a'
wife. lob g ttthijne),irfitrtft}e,ielii>eLordn>Mt<tkt conclufion ai it were , out ofthe former reafoni. ItitGodi office , to eliteme ever?
t f, 13.
them-trhe>>hefhall<^ifiOl,ertl,eirt,tacheiie. • i/«l44-M. u He rtturaeth roan according to bii value .btcaufehee knoweihihe fecretiof the heart wbich mta ,

to tbe prapofi-ionoftbe i.verfe.fiill waroingy heareri,that

henceforward thry efteeme for the moft pan are igr.oiant of Therefore ihi« ludgement perteinethoot to yau.
not lord, of their
not at lord! , thofe wbom God hath aj^ioimed to be n.iniaeri and :
Matih.7,1. d Ont iiiHldnilte fTii^j€datoi>eiherrft ,Cnilh»t'hcr/hMU
falvaion, wbich thing tbey doe , that depend npoc men , and not upon God , that ielUmcd.-andhtmrntimtth praife rtihir thtn diffraifejtr that the h^innin^ it/thit
rp«ak.;tbbytbein. h I'U.tfihimfilfe. i Htlfs, *pp>inieih fp, yourhen^fit. fcreyrat this , that ihty^aVe mtre tejime mm
thtn meet waj. 7 Having reiefted"
II HepanethfromtheperfoDitothethingiihemfelvei.tbathiiaigumenimaybe their judgement , be fe:teth fooith himfelfe againe ai a Angular example of inodcniei
more foicitle yea bee afcendeih from Cbrift to ibe Father, to (hew u» ihat wee relt
, , at one which concealing in ihii Epilfle tb&fe faftloul teachctinamci.doubiedDol
out felvej no not in Cbrift himfelfe in ibat that he ii man , but becaufe hr carie.h ui
. toput downohii owne name and Apolloi in their place and tookeupontim ,aiit' ,

up even lo.he Father aiChrilt wiineflVth of bimieite every where .thathee waifent
, were, their (hame fofarte wa> htt ftem pieferring himfelfcto any.
: t B7
«f hii Fatbet, that by thii band we may be all kuit with God himfelfe. eitrexamfU.lvhiehchcfi ra'titr •<< taktothtf menifuult,Uf,nit,,:. nticarftanf-
hname. t Hee (heweih a good meaner to bridlepride firft, ifiboucoolidei'

St 1 1 1 1. bowri^b'.ly thouexempeft ihy felfe kntofthe numbei of other, , feeing ibo» ana
in tkt defSnii nn c/4 irui s^ffilt, b' /kt-ntlh
Bri'^ng 7 tby felfe .againe if thou ccnlider that although thou have fame toing motethed

I man ,

li«t iMmiliiit ottiht raihtt fo i( an h^Ncu r thtn t ; h^me unto other men have .yet thou haft it not but by God, bouniifulnefle. And what wife niaa='
ym. 9 Hce itinitth in frotft , rehtrel} it maj fH- ii he that will bragge of ano. hen goodncaV ,
and that againft God ? f Thtrf
dtnth tfffart, jo thai hc€ ntithir kadtdre vj ihty, is nttkinfthtn in uicf naiitre , that u
iKtifhishllit. 17 HteimmtndtfhTimtthii. r>hid til Pcl.i^iani and haift Pi'.aiijns tvii nft ccnfefe,
11 Vt have it cf^raci ,
caufethefe ambiiioui men to bluffa ev«a
S Hee dtfcend'eih to a moft grave mocke i to

T Eti aamanfothinkeofus.asoftheminifters

*bfdue" o'f h.
14 1.

^ of Chrift, and difpufers ot the f ecrets o( t od

againft their willei. g Hee that nil! tak' a ti^ht vifTx hote iik' Paul t„J ,h,
Pope art , kI>o IjtnA, haf.eth that he, i, hi, fu«ejf^ur , Ut htm .cmp.trtike delicitt. ./"
^iltj 10.3^.4
hear.ntowardi » a And as for the reft, itisrc<]i'iredofthe tht I'cfifh court wuhSatnt Paul, fiatt . as tvei fee u-hetre. J
2thif.3,i. » Matth.H'i. («ie 13.34- «- 7 f-Oi'- "
^ota.Iord, and yet ootwithft.nding that tbey give e.reunto 10 Moderating the (hsrpenelTe of
: .
fa smha, hfveepinjti •fathered lof ether.
.M. end and purpofe tnat
them a^ o rhem that aV ftnt from Cnrift .fen. I fay .0 ,
hijmoiki, heeputteth"ihem in minde to remember of wbome tbey were begotten la"
band... he t„afu.. of falvau.n which 1. drawtn
receive a. it wye ai the,,
si though bei
the^nay Chrift, and ibarihey (hould not doubi to followe him lor an e»arople ,

fr d Bl/fr»mjii. a tall, fall , he wainctb tbe
rt r .. a feeinevile accoiding 10 ih« outward (hew inielpeftcfoibtr. yetntijihsieby ,
not a. lorde.bu. as faitkfuii (tMBM, bCMufe
»?uil',Vrb"7h.y alfo behave themfelve.
c«Mcieof Cadi Spirit, ai tbej had badtiislhhiireof io ihemfelvet.
thtymutt itnder WOua« eV"*'' "•waidfijif UBto C«(l,
. * ;

The kingdomc ofGod. I. Corinthians. Of going to La^;

flours in Chiift.yee haveyee not many fathers : for and wickednefle bnt with the Unleavened bread :

inChriU IdusI have begotten you through the of iinceritie ard rrueth.
i What way iDtl ""^

r 9 9 I wrote unto youin an Epifile , that yee ^,,^°'' '^'*'
luu I follow .vtry ^ ^j^g^^f^^^^ j p^^y yo„_i,e followers of mee. (hould not company together with fornicatours,
t?c cburch" 1
7 For this caule I^Ave I fenc unto you Timo- 10 And not h altogether with the fotnicatours which bee fpake
ji Lanofalihe theus, which is my beloved Ibnne, and faithful! in ofthisvvorld, or with the covetous .orwithextor- before of the in-
"'^"°"' p"^""'.
^^ ^^^^1 ^(^t^j^h (hall put you ill remembrance of tioners.or with idolaters for then ye muft goe out

*S°b'u 'y""*ki- "'y ^'^y^^ '" Chrift,as 1 teach every where in cvc
oftheworld. :r!^n'to^^"'
But now ^^ I yee .

iiogthcmjiatj- ry Church. 1 1 I nave written unto you , that otheu which are
. , . ,,
*her,iMftbytbrir jg 1 1 Some are pufted Up as though I would not company not together if any that is called a bro- : knoweo to be
.diford.rhe btcon- iher be a fornicatour or covetous, or an idolater, wicked, '"'^/^J''*
comeuntoyou. , ,

fo^'unimfoT/t-" 19 ^^^ ""''^ '^^^^ '° >'°" '^'-'^"'y'^

* '^^^^ or a raiier or a drunkard , or an extortioner , whh
nVugb°"f life are
t^oglhem?'"' Ijfdwill.andl will know.not the k words of them fuchoneeat not. anandertoihe
«t Adaisr.Ji. ^-^ich art puffed wp, but the power. • 12 10 For what have I to doe to iudge them alfo church, which
ought alioby law-
20 For the kinViome of God »'/ not in word, .which are without; doe y^not
; ,
' -
iiidge them that are
° full order be calt

rK.«,/,rA„r p^«- but in power.

.„ „ .

%l is What Will ye? Ihalll come upito you With

^ '

u -u
But God ludgeth them that are without, mwnit.eofthe
out of the com.
kitiJ c/eit^uence, a rod . Or lovc .and in the 1 fpirit of meeknefl'e? m Put away therefore from among your felves that Church. And ma-
king mention of
wicked man.
Jttiiihihewriuecfthe Spirit.- n A
overn anarher part,
eating of meat .ei-

,V«b«t«n he reprehended more haiaouj cft.nce. fllewingtht ufeof

ftiarply a very ther he meaneth thofe feaJtl of love whereat the Suppef of the Lord wai lecrived ot ,

.•«l«rMfli«llcoiieaiou. 1 Mtek'h 'ff'il'duw^cli y^H. ' •.

ill (hi Mr common ufageand maner of life which is rightly tolje taken , leaft any matj

liO .

C-H A P. V. ' •
Ihould [binke tbat after marrimonie were bfcken by excommunacation . ot fuch
' ' ' ^ Tdrff tty t<M winiW aihimtpl'c ccmmUtti mctH mth
-duetiet hindered and cut off thereby ,ai wee owe one 10 another: ctiUlren totheir
hee/licwcth fhcitUctti*re ihem paienti. fubiefts to their rulers , fervanti to their malteri and neighbour to neigh.
• '>':hum<ilhtt<nl,tw,; JiS ,

h afhumed then teri.'yce lO Such l\inde hour, to win one another 10 God. h Jfjiu fh^td niterl} atjieir.e from fuch went
rather to , :

i"' if punirhed rviih excommunication, company joii fhould goe <ni of the rcerld : therefore I fpeaiifofihemivhichate'mihi
Je >n/efW «>«'> w. Very kofcme of the Church, ivhich maji ie called home iy difiiplinc and not of them ,
1 1 (f .tV? rt'ifr
yvhich are without, tri'hfthom you mnji labour t) aH mtanes fojfiUe .tobrinf them
.8Tbeyate g«at. T T is heard certeiniy that there is fornication a-
lO Such aiaie falfe brethren ought to becaft out ofihe Congreg»«
Jy 10 be reprehen-
* rDOPgyou and fuch fomication asisnotonce ,
to Chrifl. ,

tioQ : ai forthem which are without ,they muIlbelefttotheiudgemeDtof God,

dfd which by uf- Earned amongthe Gentiles , that one ihould have
his fathers w.fe.
C H A P. VI.
l'?^^.?:r.hl ^ •

Church of God to "Z a And ye are putted up and have not rather , ''I H t rriuei^heth againfl their contention in taw matterti
.ie mocked and forowcd.that he which hath' done this deed.might 6 'n-l^cretvith they ^Tjexcd dne another ^x/nder indues thai
.fco.ueJofiheia. tvere irifidel/ to thereproach ofthe Cojpel, '9 and then
be put from annongyou.

fharpelj threatneth fornicatiun.

* 3 3 For 1 vetely as abfent. in bodie but pre- ,
.more proud, then
they that leaft
fent in a (piiit , have determined already as though
I were prefeut , that hee that hath thus done this
D Are aany of you , having bufinefieagainft an-

other, beiudgedhunderthe vniuft ,1 and not

i The third que.
iudgeme»,.: whe.
.knowthemfelve.. under the Saints?
4 When yee are gathered together . and my
becomroittedio fpirit , in the b Name ot out Lord Icfus Chrifl, -that iudgethe world ? If the world then Ihalbe iudged to draw another
one:iiaD» power, fu^h one , Ifiy , 4 by the povvcr of our.Lord lefus by you are yee unworthie to iudge the fmalleft
faithfuii before

butmuft bedont matters?

Chrift fo.ofa^nmfidelli
/ ' f Be = delivered unto Satan . for the « de- .3 Kibw ye not that we fliall iudge the Angels' He'ani^er^h
of .he whoi°e Con- ''hat

.gregation , after fttudion of the flefli that the fpitit may be faved , how much more things that perteine to this life? iiitnotiawtuil,
that the matter i« day of the Lord lelus. Ifthen yee have c-iudgenients of things for offence fakf,
in the 4 4
diligently exammed. ^ ^ Yourreioycing a is not good: know ye not perteiningto this lifcfet them up which are <! leaft o^Vt'ieii""'**^

yd°wiil that a litle leaven leaveneih the whole lumpe ? eftcemcd hi the Church. '
^ Aiifheefayd.
b Calling apoo 7 s'Purge out therefore the olde leavcn, that y Jlipeakeif.toyourlhame.Isit fo that there Are ye become fo
Name, new clurape, as ye are unleavened for is not a wife man.among you ? no.not one,ihat can impudent, that you
C'arift fail
ye may be a :

1\^T''?° Chriltourf Paifeoverisfactihcedforus. iudge betweene his brethren? "'^v°]t

L .
nuKe iDe /^T'^i't

« Therefore let us keepe the g fealt not with

6 3ut a brother ^oeth to law With a brother,

1. I

"nt i.*ra.
' ,
tified in heaven, oWc ieaven. neihcr in the leaven ot ni.iliciou(nefie and that vndertheinhLlels. _
wherein Chiift 7 6 Nowe therefore there is altogether h Before the un.
Limfelferiiteih ai luJge. ; The excommunicate is delivered to the power of
«aian ; io thai thaibe iicaftoutofthehoufeof God. c H'^J'"" to teMilicrtdto
i Headdeih that beedoeth not foi tid tbat one neighbour may goeto law with another,
Saltan , fAe Lord himfelfe decUreih when hefiiih , Let him be itntothte ni an Heathen if needfo require but yctuiider holy iudgei. ,,j Hee^g^.ibereih by a compaiifon

Ani PMican , Maith. i 8,17. thus is to faj to he diffranchifed , and fut oxt cfthe , that the faitbfuHcau ootfvtke to infideli lobeiudged, w'lihout great iniuriedone to
,t^iht,and'\ihtrtieoftheciiietfCUriJI,nhichis the Church livith-iU'which Salanuhrd the Saints, feeing that God himfelfe will nuke the Saints iudgej ofthe world , and


4i>,d n'afitr. 6 Thecnd of rxcommunicatiori i> ndi to cSft away rbe exccmftiu- ofthe^tvils, with bii Sonne Cbrill mncL mote ougbttbey toiudgethefe lightand :

Oicate '.thaihefliouldvtierly pefifli/but that hetmaj be'favcd , to vVit . thatbythii fmallcaufes which may be byequitie ,,ind goodc.-nftience, driermjned.
: 4 The
;tneaafih!sfttfh may beiamedjiha; be inaylearot to live toiheSjirit, 7 Another coHLltifion , wheteinhe prcftrjbeth a remedie lor ty^ifchiefe: to wit , ifthey end
' and iberefore it mult of 4h«ir private affairci betwixt themltlvcs by chofea^Riisis qut of the Church .for
-eoJ of excommunication ii , that other 6e not inft&ed ,

ntceffitie be retained in the Cbutch, thattheoncbe not infeftcdby theotb«r. .
whith matter and putpole ,theleaftof you, Qyth he, iifuSicient. Tberefolehe con.
,(| J: nau-^hi , and net grounded uponftodreafen , a: the:if-h jc<i ycere exce^eht, demneih not iudgnuent feats but (lieweih what is expcdientfor thecircumftance

tnJjttthtre,,/:irh TfckednelJe/cHnd umon^/:^u. 8 By alluding to thecere- of the time, and that without any dimiuilbiog of the tight of tbemagillrate : for bee
jBooie of the TaflVover , bee eihotteih to cad out that uocleane perfon from Aem fpeakethnQiofiudgeiiitniiwblcharcpiaiftifed beiweeiic thefaithltiU and theinfidel*,
atDongft them In timei paft .'fayeth bee, it was not lawfull for them which did neithci ofpublique iudgements , but of conticvcilieswhicb may be ended by private
ceUbraieiberaDVover.toeate leavened btead : irfoniuch thai bee wai holdeH ai aibiiers. Courts and pLuci of iudfennnt. d Etten the mtjt abieil
upcJeaneand unwooithietoeat the Pafleover , wbofoevcr hadbut tailed of le^vta. timon^ytit. f He applieih the generall propofition toa paiticular .alwayei
Wovve our whole life muft be ai it were the feall of unleavened bread < whetein ,
taliingtbembacketotbii, totakeaw^yiiom thtin that falfe of inion of their owne
•U they that are partaken of that immaculate Lairibe which ifdaine ,multca»out exctiiencie from whenieallttiefeiuilchiefltpiang.
' 6 Now beegoeih further
both of ihemrelvet , and alfo out of their boufei and Congregaiions aliimpurilie. .
«lfo,on J although by granting-them private arbiters out of the Congregation ofthr
« Bjln>hfthemeaneththttvh4ehdjiftheChuri.h, eitry merrHerirhereefraull faitbfuUihedoth not Amply condcmuc but rather eflabliih privitc iudgements , [<> ,

itMnUaVenedlread, that ij, le rentveed in fpirit, fr piacl^mg arvitj ilie'cUle ccrrufiun, thatthey beexercifed wittoutoffence, yrt helheweth that ift'ieywere fuch as they 4
t ThtUmtti>fiurVapeoi.cT. ^ *Lti ktide out tvhtle life , aiilwere '
m ought to be, and at icwcie 10 bewi&ed, they Aiould notuecdtovreibatrcmed^-

neiibei, . .

< infirniide
. , U 3

Cjffornicatidn. Chap. vij. Ofma friagc. 7%

e .s nakenefie of e infirniitie In yee goe to lawonewith
you , that Flee fornication: every finne that a man 13 Asotherar-
18 >3
rr.i'''ivrhi'.h isfjid another 7 4 why rather fufter ye not wrong why
: t doeth , is without the body but hee that commit, gt^iieni why for-

rather fuftaine ye not harme : teth fornication finneth againft his owne body.
r ' v^/jcm/TiK ' to TrZTJX^'.f,
ti:'cHr'c\'ml of 8 § Nay yc your felves doe wrong , and doe
, 1.9 H Knowe yee « your body is the ftdefiiethtbebo-
their lup.and it it harn:ie, and that to your brethren. temple of the holy Ghoft , which is in ,vou, which <}y with a pecuii«-
afjuittl)*tfj«a- p Know ye not that the unrighteous flwllnot ye have of God; and, I ; yeare notyouTOwne. offiitbioM.

"«^eV4«/""J inherite the kmgdome of God ? s Benotdecei- 20 S For yee are bought for a price: therefore '^J^^^ '.^^I'^'J;
l^ItraihUfi thAt ved : neither fornicatours, not idolaters, nor adul- glonheGodinyour body, andinyourlpinc : tor afomicatourii
htnifftththem tcrers, norwancons. nor buggerers. they are Gods. facriiegious, for
^hiihcouidmt that our bod ie» are
,q Nov thecves , nor covctous.nor drunkards,
t^'xp confecrateloGod. K Chap
3.17. »-Cor S.iS. 1 f The fourth argument Becaufe
not railets nor extortioners fl-iall inherit the king-
June '^"'"J-""
nmo item.
J r^ ,
we arenot our owne men ,togiveout felveito anyother .njuch lelj'e to Satan and the
7 Thispmaiaeth
Clonrieoi God. flelh. feeing that God bimfelfe bath bought ui . and that tbe endo'
chiefly to tbe other 1 1 And fuch werc * fomc of you out yee are : thatbothinbodyand foule.wee Ihouldfervetohii glory. J G&id.j,i3,|ll«'
pattoftbe repte- vvaflied ,but ye are fane^ified , but yee are iiiftified, C H r. VII. A
Jnireiitin^hin ofmarriage, 4 yvhichiiitretncdie a^ainfi
J" 'l^e { Name of the Lord lefus , and by the Spirit I
frnicttion, 10 and imaj not he Broken, iS,io heVPiUeth
lawevenuodet of OUr God. ever} man toccntenledycithhi: lot. X5 Hefheweth
J ^ 9 g All things are lawiuU unto me,
infidfii, whcteai i j
but rvhattheende ofUr^initiefhmtU Be, 3; and who cu^ht ti
they ftiouid rather
things are not profitable, I may doe all things.
g]] marry.

^niXTttbZ but I will not be brought under the b power of NOwe concerning the things whereof yee
wrote unto me

good man not

a , ^e, tf atheth

any thing. , It ztvere b for a concerning mamv

g^vln'thai cff.Dce.
r ,. u II- J , . ,
to touch a woman. age, that afthough
10 Meates <ir* eri«»e^ for thebelhc , and

Biityetthiiiige- 13
uttallyirut,that Jhe bellie for the meates butGodfliall deftroy : 1 avoyd fornication, let eve- l[llll' ^^^'}^'^
both it, and them. Nowethebody imot forfoini- ry man have his wife , and let every woman have
r"'"f"mour whicb"bewlildel
cation, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the her owne husband, dare afterwardi, •

vtitrinoftof tbe body, 3 « 1 Let the husband give unto the wife c due yet that marriage
j^ And God hath alfo raifed upthc lotd .and benevolence , and likewife alfo the wife unto the " ne'eiTarie for the
, , 1

avoiding offer-
:?fA.allraifeusupbyhispower. husband
,re°v™r " Know yet not , that your bodies are the 4 3 Thewifehathnot the power other owne man
neither one
iuiie. Bui the Co. 1 5

lintbiam caved for members of Chrift? fliall I then take the mem- body.but the husband:8c likewife alfothe husband may have many
hath not the power of his owne body, but the wife. "'^*
ceither, and there- beis of Chrift, and make them the members of an ^j"'i;a°sbrd
*" l»rlot ; God forbid y Defraud not one another * except it be with ^ ^VouMnithofe
^r .ft'r^tV
confent for a time , that yee may d give your felves m.pierswhenofjcii-
un7e£r°"bey w.n' 1 6 ' ^ Doe yee not know , that he which cou-
beibutoutefihe pleth bimfelfe with an harlot , IS One body? J for tofafting and prayer , and againe come together, ivroteuniomc.
^ (Commodious, an4

inheritanceofGod. j t^Q^faijhhe.lhalibeoneflefli. that Satan tempt you not for your incontinence.
* Maith.y,39. j^ But he that is ioyned unto the Lord, is one
6 J Kut I fpeakethisby permifsion. not by in,^p{;'JJZ^^'-
lake«.29. "
commandement. hringeihmanj
7 For I e would that all men were even as I griefs -mith u, and

1 'Kowhtpr'eparethbiroWfetoptireovertothefonrthtrfatifeofthiiEpiftle.whKk my felfe am : but every man hath his proper gift of ')*^/;f„" jj^" /
debating this raatterfi.ft , how men may well vfe
concerneth :

matrimonie, and a
God, oneafterthis maner, and another after that.
won).noi not .which qiienion hath tht«e branchei, fornication , 8 « Therefore I fay unto the funmaried, and » ,,pe,.3,7.
At fov fornication he viterly condemnetb it. And
main age he torn-
maadeth tofoiv.e , a« a good and necefiary remtdy for them , to other
bee leaveih it fiee. unto the widowes , It is good for them if they » Secondly, hee
not as unlawful! but asdifcommodious , and
"^'7"'' '^^.' '''«
And other foine hedilTAadeth fio.r it , ,
abide even as I dot.
(under which alio I comprebend
that not without exception. A» for fingleneflijof life 9 But if they can not abflaine let them mar- ^ft whhVmguV
vireinitie) he inioyneth it to no man yet he peifwadeth
men unto it .but not font

And being tie for it is better to marrie then to gburne. Uraffraioneu.

neither ail mtn not without exception.
fel re, but for another refpeft,
about to fceake agaiolt foinicatiou . be beginnetb with
a genetall repiebenfionof lo »9 Anduntothemariedl c6mand,notI,buttirelyloveone
wberewith that rich and riotou. citie moft abounded: warning and theLord.Let not the wife depart from her husband, '"'y,'''"- ,,,
thofe vices, .
uuftparably ioyned with forgivenelfeot
te^chinc tbtm earneftly , that repentance ii
I I But and if flie depart.let her remaine unma- %„,^j^,'^f,"^ '^^2-
fonts, acdfanaificationwithiultification « T.t.3,3. ^ /"/':/"/•
riedjorbe reconciled unto her husband, and let „/-if„ej.Wence.

A Cbapio,i3. 9 Secondly, bee {heweih that the CcrmtbianJ doe limply

though hefpeakfi
offend in matters indifferent. Firft , becaufe they
abufed them next becaufe thty : , not the husband put away hii wife.
the vfe of tbem ought to be 12 8 But to the remnant I fpeake andnoi the TJ'f,l'"j''
vfedindifferentthiDg-., without any dilcrei.on , ft^eing ,

ibem aright , whicli rnimo-

brought to the rule of chatitie: and that he doeth net vfe Lord, Ifany brother have a wife thiitbeleeveth -/"//f'fAVt'/p^ •

them. IVh.i'f.ehtr:
d.riiciv abufeth them , and fo becornmeth a (lave unto g
not , if llie be content to dwell with him , let him (o^f, 4.

n fielder he he thai ihnk"'''"""^^ not forfake her. 3 Thirdly, he war.

inf'iieflior, tolhinyithat iireiidiffnent ,
I,, 11
tieth tbem that they
ni hMtihem ,y<>yuhisitf.,we'i'>l <i Wf n/_/?jl erj' ttnd^r a O/CH, ofliUrtii
1 And the woman whicTi hath an husband "'"'^''
becaufetbeyc unied many things for ieach in otberi
h.: t h up^yjfuii mtn. lO Secondaiily ,
that beleeveth not, if he be content to dwell with power, ai roucbing '

awfull.asfom .which tbty uuinbred

aiwtlla indd.inke; Therefore her, let her not fcrfakehim. the body, fo that
and lawful! dtfites
amongrt 11

the Apoiile nieweth .that they arM^eriy unlike


for meate , t:ee were

:foi re maae
made : ,
they may not de-' ^
Fot both meate. .and fraud oneanother. f Heeaddeihac e«tption , unleOetheone abftainefromtbe*
for the neceffary vfe of.manl^ j which .snot
But we mul! notfotbmkeof other by mutuall confent that ihey may ibebftttr givetheinfelvei to prayer wherein

all this maner of ncurilhing

alS>^'uickely abolilhed. ,

notwithttandirg ,hee warneth tbem to confider what ii expedient leaft by thiilong


made, but on ibeccntrary ,

the uncleannelli of fo.nication .for which the body

that it .scocfecr.ted to Cbrilt, bitakingotfasit were from marriage, they be flitted up to incontincncie. d Do
ride i,o.dein,d to vitreneffe . a. aprearrib by
,hi. ,

with ibat veriue nothing els. teacheth ihat marriage is not limily ceceirafyfocall meny
eeias Cbrift alfo ii given uiofbii Father to quicken out boditt

bu; for ttem which have uot the gift ofcontinency, and this gift is by a peculiar gr.-.ce

V*.,rewi.hheealforofeaga,.,e. » Rom.6,;. 1. A declarat.on of.he

ra A prooteof thefame ofGod. e Irvijh.^.S Sixtly, be giveih the felfe fame admonition touching
f..mer.Tgumem by contraries, and, he a,.plyi„g of it.

fo arethe flelh and tbe Spit": the fccond marriage, to wit, that a ficgle life iitohe allowed, but foifuch at have '
at'ur*ni- A harlot and Chrin ore cleanc coB,r.My , the gift of couiinencie otbetwifethey ought to marrie againe , that their confciencs •
t-rrefore bee that i. ont with an harlot , f
which is done by cart«lIcopulation of- :

may be at peace. f This nhole place is fiat a^ainji them rchich ctndtmne Jiccnd
their bodies' cannot be one with Cbrill,
which vnitieisrureandfpirituall. » Gen
Tn.\r-aics. g St '0 hurne-nith lujl, that either lite TitiUyet'.d;ih i., the lemptttion,-
i,i4.;- ephef.j.3. > Mcfi, doahKotfpeak; ihifirvor'h cf * Mat.; 31 and59 >.
or cli wecannitcall upcn Godipiiha fnieleonfiience.
fo^i^^t^ur, . tut cfm.,Triare h^t feeing
,Ut f.r„icaii.n is tkt c.rr^pnni <:fmarr,^!-,e,
mar 10,11.11. ]ukei6,i8.' 7 Sevently he Urbiddetb conieniioosand publ;.'-
"•d hth of thtmi, i carrtaU aid fiefhh copuUnon , Tire
cannot fij that tl,e '' ' ^F flling

or divorces (for be ffisakrth notheereof iK: fault of whoredome 'which waj » ,

STuPth hi tefiwon,. ^-.iine. M-f" hath not by tHelaw of the Romansalfo) whereby hee aaitnitth that tbe hand of'
e.pife,hio,hherer.r^inMa,thnv>9,S. Inaufe he Jpeakcth .nclj hu, of
man. then death tvco
h^Veman, Ttvtl-e:. mariiage issnt dill'ulved and that frr.m Chrift tii mouth.
, 8 affir'metb
yvife-rvhereuponlheofinon of then, that l.u.U u tohela-n>f,<ato
Untreirjomanj that tbofe in.uiiaKH which'are already coutraded betweene a faiinfull and an rihi'.- ,
is teattndo^nc .for tttiuH.ttn>fani(ihn>tl>mMr ,tif»>"irt't fisine, fo ihit the faithful! may not fori^ke the uofaiinftriLii
ftiibfull 01 iufiJeilj are '

i4 9 for

OfcircumcKioQ and uncircumcifion* I. G)rinthians* Of marriage and virginid<.^,

9 Hetofweftih 14For the unbeleeving husband is fandi-
27 Art thou bount! unto a wife * fee ke not to
goobicdioo Bat : fied to the i wife . and the unbekeving wife is be loofed : art thouloofed from a wife jfcckc not
tb»fjiihrjili»de- Anftified to the k husband , elfe wsre your chil- awife,
fi.'td bythefocif-

•itoftht untinh-
dren uncieane but now are they holy. : ' 1 But if thou takeft a wife , thou fmneft not:
ly 10 But if the unbdeeving depart , let him and vitgine marrie , (he finneth not neverthe-
if a :
U\\. rheAfoftle

denif th thtt. iod depart :abtQ<hcrorafifter is not in lubiedion in leffe fuch ihall have trouble in the y flefli : but I
, y BpbefFitihj
m f'lich things": »• but Gou hath calleth us in peace. * ipare you. he underftandetb
faithfslliniD wiib
good confcience
For what knoweft thou.O wife, whether
16 29 And this I fay, brethren.becaufe the time is J^*"*'
'^''°i' f°««t

may ufe the venVIl thoulhalt five thine husband ?Or what knoweft . (bort. hereafter that both they which have wives,
ofhii jDf2iihfuU thou. O man, whether thou Ihait lave thy wife ? be as though they had none : ag, brin'geth wi!h tbUilut 17 i»Butas God hath diftributeth to every 30 And they that b weepe, as though they wept it many difcom-
tbtir (Jiildrrn
which areborae man. as the Lord n hath called every one . fo iet not and they that reioyce, as though they reioy-
•n°'*'>ie» ;
fo that

oribcKi >ie ac- him^ralke: and fo ordaine I in all Churches. ced not and they that buy. as though they pofVef-
,o\ "inff
couoied holy 18 'i Is any man called being circumcifed? ftd not : caufe it i< a fervice
(tbaiii COQtrianl
let him not o gather his uncircumcijion is any : 31 Andthey that vfe this « World, as though mor* agreeable »o
*«jihintht pro- ?°<* ''" marriage
called uncircumcifed ? let him not be circum- they vfeU it not; for the i falhion of this world go •
iniff for it iifaid ...but for .heft dif.
coallibcfaiibrtill, cifed. ethawav
Ctn away. commodiiie.,which
Circumcifion is nothing, and uncircumci-
J 2 And I would have yon Without care. The
.1willbetbyGod, 19 (ifitwerepofTibie)
and the God of fion is nothing but the keeping of the ccmman- , iinmairiedcaieth for things of the Lord , howe he^^uIdwiOiail
thy feed. me» to be void of
b ThtfoMweft 0/ dements of God. he may pleafe the Lord.
ih tf iff iff mctt 20 + Let every man abide in the fame vocati- 33 But hee that is married . e careth for the '^;; J";;;,™;?)';^^
©H wherein he was called.
fcrce, fo eaufi their things of the worlde, howe hee may pleale hit «od onely.
ccupiinf icgKhtr ^, ^^ jJjqu called being a fervant ? p care not
j wife. I > would yout
for it bvuif yet^thoumayeftbefree. ufejtr^ath^^ 34 There is difTerence al/b betweetie a virgine ^"kentffe were
;;/;:rr::i^H- :

tiiic tfthe kuiltnd 21 For he that is called in the g Lord, bein^i and a wife : the unmarried woman careth for the »' Fo'rwe«enow
ii, It fTtfhint fi» fervant, is the Lords freeman likewife alfo he that :
thirgs of the Lord , that (lie may be holy , both in ;„ the latter tad
(nirriagt. Chrittes fervant. _
is called being free, is body and in^ fpitit bat Ihethat is married, careth
ofthe world.
i The infidiU ij no
ftHchfied ir mjdt 2j $ ' Veare bought with a price : be not for the things of the world , how Ihe may pleale *> By werving.the

l.„l,.,,K,.,^ Htbrewei tinder-

My inhisctvnt the iervants of men her husband. ftand ali adv«fit.>.
per/tn, lutin "• 24 'f Brethren , let every man , wherein be And this I Ipeake tor your owne g commo. and be ioy . «U pro.
J y
was called, therein abide with » God. ditie.not to tangle you in a fiiare.but thtr ye fellow fpetitie.
2y i« have no Now
concerning virgins , 1 that which is honell, and that ye may cleave tali ' ThofethiDgi

kTitieftiih/uU commandement of the Lord but I give mine :

unto the Lord without reparation. _ *'
_ T/here
huiUnd. radvife ,as tone that hath obtaine mertie of the 36 '7 But if any roan thinke that it is uncomely d the guife, the
I ThufUcedeHy,.
Lord tobc fauhfuU. for his virgine , if ftiee palTe the flowreof ^*rage, ftiape.and falhion:

'tmeZZlu 26 I fuppofe then u this to be good for the andneed fo require ,let himdoe what he will .he
whereby he fcew.

not h^u chiUriT, X prefent necefiitie : Imeme that u is goon tora hfinneth not: let them be married. " nolhing - tb?.
tohhf,fii'.ed,a«d man fo to be. 37 Nevertheleffe , hee that ftandeih firme m world that couti.

thai miki ^"y ""*/' •//''!"«"'"<• f'ftht children tfthe faithful are hulyt
ttft'J'"' '^'
his i heart , thnt he hath no k need , but hath pow- nuetji.
They that «re
ijVettuetfthtccUncint,eWihtroreBsfiifmt,n^d i^pt,fme ii added atihejeale'f er over his owne will, and hath To decreed in his «

that htiinrpe. lO He anforeretb to a queOion whn if the uiifaithfull foifake :

heart, that he will keepe his virgine .he doeth
Be ii furfakeo of the unfaith- ^rdtiw'n'hi"'
<he faiihfull' then ii the faiihfuU free ,fayth he , becaule
ii Leaft any man upon pretence well. therandtbithei,
fiill. ro When dnjfuehiitni'ftiteth cut.
ofthiilibertieftiouldgive occafron to the unfaithfull todepa t . hec givetb to utidei- 38 So then hee that giveth her to marriage, and tberrfore if
flaod .that martiagecontrafted with an infidel ought peaceably
tobe kept.tbat if it ,
doeth well, but he that °giveih her not to marriage, ""v ">5" ^^"f*''
i» Taking occalion by that . , , ° giftof continencie, .

be roSible the infidel may be WQune to the faith. doeth 1 better. j*

general! j, ,„orecoromo-
svh.cb be fayd of the bondage and libertie of matrimonie , bedigrelleth to a
doatineconceroing the outward (late and condition of life, aiCitcumcirum and mam 39 18 \ he wife is bound by them law as long .djoui for him to live ,

uociicumfioD , fervitude and libeitie warning every man geneially tolive wuh a
: as her husband * liveth but if her husband be alone.- but they th«

con-.enicd miode in the Lord , what ftate of condition foevet heebein becanfe that
dead, ihe is at libertie to marrie with whom Ihee »«'"""/'' "I'V

thofeoutwardihiiigi aatobecitcumcifed or uncircumcifed to be bound or free, ate ,

one y in the t)
r 1 caretof ibethtnPt

BotcftbeAibftance (aitheyttrineit) oftbekiBgdomeofheavrn. n Hath r ,. , . of.beLordaifo,

icundhimiotiertain, kinde efUfe. 13 Notwiihftaodii;gbee giveih uito vn. 40 biJt 'I'Se is more bleHed, it (hee lo abide in c.em. Strom.j.
deiO.and that in tbele tjamplei all are not of like fort becaufe thatcivcuuicidoQ
: my iudotment : $ and 1 thinke that 1 have alfo f Minde.
ii notfimplyof itfelfetobe defired, butfuch ai arc bound may Wtfire ;o be irce Ti^ere-
the Spirit Ol God. g He.neanetb,h,t
t hee will 1^ force no
forthtrtin onely they are equal that the kingdon e of God conlilteth not in them,
1 ,

andthfreforethefeatenobinderancetoobeyOod. o He ii faid to gather man eith.r to marrie or notto marrie, but to fllew them barely whatkindeofljfe i«

hii uncircuincilion.wboby the helpeofaCbirurgiau recovettth ^hich moft comn 17 Now

he tuiiietb himftUV to toe Par, whofe powe I

aninlltumeut to makt it tocovi thenut. authjritit; their children are.war.iing tbemthat according to the former drftiii .
ii done by the drawing the ikinnewiib aninll ,

« I.Tim Although th« they tonfid't meet and convenient fur tbeir children .that they neither Heprive
what is
Celfuiin bii7 bookeand j;. chap. It 1 «, I. p
calling were to unworthy a calling for Chr ill. Hee that it in ftate cf a fervant, th^in o.' tbe'iecefl'ary leinedieagaioft incuoiinencic .norconrtrjinethein to marriage,
I. Pet j8, 19. He wherea. neither their will doth leadetbem, nor any uof Oi levtgeth them. And againft
•ndii called to beaCbrillian. J Cha] 14 .

heptaifeibvirginitie.butofitfelle, andnot in all. '*«« h Hedoe^b well : for fo

Iheweththe reafcnofthe unlikenefle becaufe tb bat defiretb to be circumcifed,

teeipouadeth iiverf.3S. Ref,..lued with himfi[Jfe. k Thatihc weaknefTc

maketb himfclfefubica to nian« tradition , andnot to God. And tbii may be much i

ijioze underdood offuptrlVitioni which fome doe fooltflily accompt

for thing! inailfe- of hn daughter iufurcetb him not, or any other aiaiter but that be m»y fjfely keepe ,

her .ivitRineitill. J Provideth morecomniodioufiy forhii cnildten , a 'd that not

T»Bt. 1; A rrieiiiionofthegeneralldodrine. r '.• fure ; .tncl frftn

the heart, that jcur d^ingi may le affrtciied bifire ijid. 16 Heeenioynrtb virgini. limply , but y reafon of fuch conditioniai arebeforementiontd.
. 18 That which hee

lietonoman , yet hee perlwadetb aad ptaifeih ir foranotbt^refp'S >tc/ wit. both fpake ofa widower.befpeaketh njwofa widow to wit, that Ihecmay martieagainr,
fortheocctiruieoftbeprtfeDt time becaufe the faithful! couU fcatge abide IB any
, fo that hie doe it in the fejre ofG^d and yet be diflemblcih not, but faith, that iffllee

remaiue a widow (he (hall be void of many carei. ro By law of man iage.
place , and vfe the coinmoditiei of bii prefent life, and (uch as were not ftill , ,he

troubled with familiei, might be the readier and alfo for tbecaici of ;bi» lift, wmch ^ Rom. 7)1. D Rtligtoully.aDd iaibelcareofCod, i.Tbeir.f,!,
: |g
naiiage dtaweth with it of necelTiiie, fo that they cannot but hjve theirmitidei
diftraweth and thii hath pla
: efpecially.
ftnfijtred, thit 1 counfell yen, a liiiis I that fpeake this tfhich 1 1
1 il
' ethi- ,1, , tuiyel rbluinedtf
ffeakf -fd'he
' '
t 1irorihj cridite .for J kj,

Fr«t» this flace Unto the tnd tfthi tenth- Chapt r, httwSeik
.theUrdicbefueh eu[fi,
thtm not f
he at |6( Centilti frcfant tank"', 18 He
^Uih the Sainit art da;lj futitH unit , imho art ctniinHalty tufftd Uf anidtnne,fi
rrftraineih the Jiw/e cfCln'Jl'an liberiit, 11
t^'" 'ft*" "''y /'""' '"'fi unfit ftrmutridje
stka.1 , net it nti ifidt the irtak^nelfe
t'Mt i»«wle</gc muji Itmftrtd n'-th thtrilit.
^tkejltjk enfcritdthcm tt it.
, ,

dhfi^mUhtttk* ChapMiyixl Not to offend the wcake.

> R( eotrttb to
•otieaii uf aoo- A Nd wtje
as 1 tOBch!ng things facrtficeJimto idols*
_ _____
that'^wee * all have knowledge;
1 1

1 2 8
* weake broche* perilh. fox whom Chnft died.
thicngfc ihy

Now when yee


finne fo againft the bre-

fl>a]l tfce

.'on ofT ^'.

ta^cn bf i^

•fibiogicfutd % Kow. if any man thmke that hee knoweth tbt«n,S6 wound their weake confeience, yee finne of comtarifoti an<f

to Mole*, 04 th« any (bing, he kaowecb nothirg. ye»asfaeofigbiu» againtt Chtift. .

'^f^^- Thou
know. 13 * « Wherefore if meate effferje mybro- Tpufef
3 ButifanymdnfoveGodtthe^meisknowen ther.l will eate no fk&wbiJe the w^fiandetb, leltewiitthy
brere«on»..b.Il F^ir that I may cot offi;nd my brother. knowledge wbiclt
. , , . r,.
tbvfc thJoji whiQh 4 ? eoncemv^tberefore me e^^wgp^ things fftjf ifthoij hadd.ft irue koowUdge .thou wotWiJen not fittedowne to
Cwoibini meaiein idole*
ufitq* idpks , we kpowfi that atj ideie is
tb< Dibiaoi temple; wilt ikoy deB^^y th, biotbet , hardoiDg bii weake confeience
rtcJidniiovfing by thi»
nothing in the woiid>aad tkst ta«r« woeae other
( example todoeevill.forwhofefalvatioaCbriftbtmfcJfehatbdyedj
ihiogt offend to
4. Rom.
14.1/'. 8 At'0'bt^alnplllical^oQ: Sachoffeodiogofout weakeb<eth£«i
idol<5 .wittiout God but one. doandefbtjotoCbrift.atd therefore let t»t ibefe men tiiinke that
theViiaveto dae
any xeffiCt. fttCk f For though there be t^t are called godj^ ooelyw.tbthei^brctbieo. Rom. ,4,1.. *
The conc^fioti . which >
sf all (Dry i&t. wHetfeer in heaven , or in eanh Jas there be ftiany, riulccnce,ve.h ""•• "'f"' P*"^" .'!>« te might ttot feemeto ewd
th^t V'tber.
med 'bat ibit dif- gods, arsd many lotds.) vWiKh bee will not be flrft iubied uato himftlfe. I ba^ tather (faith bee) abfleioe
ference of meaiel forever from aUkiode of fleOi , then give occafion of ftane to any of
wu fof uaikiifull 6 Vet unto us there «but one God, xfvhuh it much ItflV woald I i«fufeio»nyceiiaine placeor time foi any brotkeis
toy bMthten,

that Father , fof wbpmare all things, andweg in Cake Qot to

men. but at for' eatt f\<lh offcivd to idolei.
him and * 1> one Lord lefus Chxift , by wiiora
, <
«reslithings. and we by him. I He dteUrtA . that /•«». the libtrtie nhith the terigdlt
I f he mtllinglj abfitined.
wbicticaufeib ill 7 J But every man hath not that knowledge: hiin, leajiinlhinii tn-

ibefe ihiogi tobe for 4 many having ^ confcicnce of the idole > un-
different bet fhmldofffndanj. ^ Ht/keveihthtt
tHt life it lil^e ut,io a ran.
cleaBC to tbcm
(ba<arc cleaae. Be
till this houre , eate as a thing factific.ed unto the

idole, and Co their confcience bting weake , i» de-

AM' Inot an Apoaie?amlnotfree? t have ' Be&«Iiepf».
it fo faith Paul : be ^Inotfeenelefus Chrift our Lord jareyenot ^r^ioTpS;
it that vw are all my workea in the Lord i fed Bjatwr of ,

fiifficieotly iallru- 8 ' But tncat? raaketh us i\o% acce{«ab,!e to

ifl benot an Apoftleuntoother.yetdcubt- thingfo&redt»
fttd ia the kaow- God.for neither if we eate, have we the niore: nei-
ledgeofCiirilt. I am unto you for ye are the b feale of mine ''^aiet.he would
leffe I :

ther if we eate not.have we theletl*.

fayootMviibftan. ApoaielhipintJieLord. a^iT.ltf^h-'^^f
diogtbat weinufl 9 But take hcede leaft by any meanes this 3 3 My oetcnce to him that examine mee, and aifo take i<i- <=

not liniplie reft ia power of yours be an occafion pf falling , to them isthis, waye: towit.that
ihii knowledge. that are wcake^
Tbe reifoa it tbat 4 Have we not power to eate and to dtink? '^Cotiachiaat "J

untcOeour know-
10 6 For ifany man fee thee which haft know- Or have we not power to lead about a wife irJaolblZi
f at table in the iduies temple, fhall not the
ledge oetecnjjered being a = lifter, as well at the reft of cheApoflles, to depart frorn a
witb cbatitir, tt con(cienceof him which is weake, be buldened to and as the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas ? iot« of their irbec .:

doeth Doi ooeiy g^j jhofc ihioss, whi<.h are ftcrificed to idoJes ?
«ot iw'le but alio ** 6 Or I onely and Barnabas , have not we now- ''.' '^?' "'' """'.
doetb iBucb burt,
becaufeiiii tbemyftrefleof pride: nay it dsetb nnlo much ai defervethe aameof
er f not to woike ,
U , /- .
be 'i^' Jd'T.b

7 s Whoggoeth a warfase any time at his himfeifefor an ex,

godly koowledgei (fit be fcparaiefrom tbe lovrof Gadiied iheterorerrom c3eLve of
owne cofl ? who planieth a vineyarde , and eateth ample and that ia a
ouroeighbour. a This itntruU re^Ttte ista be ahiibiU ai afpcirtthinrje t .far ihtrtis
It l(imtetfnunf iizTt.ji rpre mij pentil'et) dt nexlVCT ft. h Minifircthtcttfitntf not of the fruit thereof ? or who feedeth aflocke,
n/unnie and fride : hectuft itii lojfdt c/c'isriire. c JnfiruRti mr nti^hbcmr. and eateth not of the rnilkeof the fiocke ,
i Theapplicatiooof rbaiaofwece ta ihiogi offered to iJolel I grauatXayeibbee.ibat:
8 « Say I thele thmgs h according toman : of both, buifirftof
aaidole 11 10 deede a vaioe imaginationjacd (oat tbertii but opeOod and Lord, thtte-
faith not the Law the fame alio; his owne peifon.4f
fore thai meattr cannot be made bniy or piopbane by ihe idole: hue it follovveth not
tbercfcj'etfait'a man may without refped vlVthofrnieaie. ai any oibeT. d Tkii wtrJe 9 For it is written in the Lawe of Mofes, (f-'i'l>hejyouaU
{Ucle) III ihii pUte u tjhtnfer *n imj^r rehi^h is mditt to frtftKt fumt Redhead , ihil
WfTpiipmiilitbf gitrtiuntcU : nhirVfen tatnt the rt^rde (titiUtnt ) thai ti itfdj
* Thou fiiall not reulVell the mouth ofthe oxe that
treadeth out thecorne ; doeth God take care for free, and thntfor*
tm*gt rertiut. e Itu ti Vtine dreamt, f R'htn the Fal'ter / difitn^mfhed frcm iht
oxen i will vfeyour liber.
Sonne, Hte ii n*med ike k'^irrnin^ cfdt r'.i/i^j. ^ JVct hjpe Mr hUn^ hm. m *" ' •>«>""»
o Either fayeth hee not altogether for our '"'
^ Jclini3,i3.ehapter n.j. h But at tin Father u tailed Lord, ji h iht Senne, I it
CcJ: ihirtfartihii itcrd ( iJne)>Joe!h nui rifptci the frrfins.bat iht narureJ. i Tbil fakesJ For our lakes no doubt it is written, that he
«v(vtde (By) doeth not figni6etbeio()(umcDtall eaufe , htuthcefikicot : FoiibeFa- which eareth,lhould eare in hope,and that hce that 3 He prooveth hit
tbet and [be Soooe woilce togett^et > vs>bicb iiootfa 10 be taken , ibat wte make
threlhetb in hope, fhould be partaker of his hope. Apoflielhip by the
two caufcs, feeing tbe): bavebocb bui one nature , (bough ibey bedillind peifoni.
ctfedes.inthii that
3 Tbe reafon wby tbat fellowecb ootii tbiirbecaurciberc ate many men which dae he was appointed of Chri/l bimfeHe.and theautfaoriiie of bit fuuftioo wa> fiiAicieotly
Dot know that which you know. Now tbe iudgemeoti ofoutwaid tbiogi depend confirmed t9 bimanioogft them by ibeii conveiliorj. And ailtbefe tbiogi be fette_th
notpnely upon your confcietice , hivupon tbe cun.(citnce of them that befiold you, before thfireyts, 10 make them aihimed for that ibty would not in tbe leaft WTfe
and thctefore your adioot moll be applied not one. y 10 your knowledge . butalfota that mi^bt be debafe themfelvei for the wcakes lake, whereas the Apoftle himlVfe

the igoorance of your hrribrcn. 9 An applying of tbe reafon There ar; mauy ,
did all that hee could to winnethem.^io God wben they were vrtcrly leiiobate and
whtchcaniot care of tbiogi offered to idolfs.but with a wavering«onfcience,beea»le wiihoutGod. a BytbeLotd. b Asa feale wheteby it appeaieih
they tbinke tbcm to be ancle^ne thrre^re ifbyibyei<iinp!e tbty roxrpiireto doe
fufficrenilythat Godistheauthourofmy Apofllefliip. 3 Hee addeihibii by the
that wbicb invoudly tbey ihinkethdifgleafcth Gk>d , lOeitconfciencc ii defied with ifhe would fay , So faritisctf ,ibat youmaydoubt of my ApoftleOwp, that
this eating, and tbou hatlbene the occafion of ibis mifohicfe. k Hj lonfeume 0/ I vfe, to refutethem which call it into coatrovcrfie by oppofing thole tbiogi which ,
thei^olejuemtantththe jicrtt ^ud^emtni ikai tkij had nrhin lkemfeilits,itiltriij
the Lord bath done by roe amODgft you. c Wbicb like ladges examine mce
tkrf ihm^hi .ii «'"«£' pncieay^it r^tre ojje-ed to idtlti atj ihtrtfcre ihlj teuU
4 Now toucbingthe matter itlelfe.hefaiib Seeing tbatl
andmydoicgs. ,
rurt lift tbtm rp'ih good <-<«/rt»k>». For ihil forte hath crfiinti, that if ilbt good,
am free and truely an Apoltle why may not 1 ( I fay not eaieof all ibingt offered
, , ,
ii mak.eth thinii tndt;ftreni^<ii,d, and if it bi e]/iS, ii mal{ith thira thiil. j A pte- to idolei) buthemaitiiainedby my labours, yea and keepemy wifealfo, aiioerriidue
veniiugof »
obitdioo Wb« then Iball we ibuefcre be dipiived of ou( libciiir?
: , by name, lotn and lamei , ihetords cojhci, acid
Kay faith tbe A)'oitIc,you Inall lofe no part of Cbriftianitit alihougb youabftcinefoi Peter biiofelfe ^ d Vpoo thecxpenfeoftbeCbttrcb ? e Ooeth^uia
jour brethren* fake ajalfo if you raceivetfce ineaie, it makeb you 00 wbit the inore
ChnniaoaodatrQebeleevet ? f Not to liveby tbe wurkeof oui bandi >
holy for our commcDdation before God ccn/ifieib tot in meatei : but lovfeourli-
t Thatheemay noifteme to burden the Apoftles, bee Citweih that it isiult that
beuie with offence of oat brftbreo, itati abu^e of libeftie tbe true vfe whereof it
thry doe by ao argnmentof compatifon , feeing that fouldieri liveby iheit w^gei,
tileane contrary , to wit. (o lovfeit. ai iavfiug or it wee have coqfideiaiionofoai
and bosbandmeo by the fruitei of ihetr labours, and H.ephratdi by ibatibat commeth
vreake bretbrea. 6 An oihri plainer rxpticaiton of the fame reafon , ptopound-
ofihenrflocket. g Vfetbiogoea waifare > 6 Secoodlyb^^btinjuh
iRg ihe example of the friisg drwaeaiibe table ra the idolci temple , wbicb ibiug
fcorth theaathoTtiieoiGodi inrtitu tonbyasarguinent ofcompanfon. b Ht^e
Ih. Corinthians did evill actompi of antuog tbiogi iodiffeient btcauft it iiAinyly ,
I no better ground iben the commcocuftome of men > • Deut i<,4. i.ti.n.
forbidden foribecircuiBllaiiccoftlui place, jjihough Bif«Bi.« dotccafc>aiiiihailb«
X,»«. i WaiitGodiproperdritttopfovklefotcien.yvbentemjdeihi.Law?
-declared ia hii flace.
foi oibtnnirr sbeit it bc> the rmalieO thing m the woild, but Sod hatb .1 cai« of it
Kkk ii 4 7lf
: )

Ttueminifters. I. Cottnthians. Olde examples.

fo fight I. not as one that beateth the avre.

° if wee wape your
4- Rom.if,i7. ereat thing
af carnall-
f^irps I * te
7 Art lOumpiiou
til n»$ » ^y Bat I beatedowne my t body .and bring it in- 1 J"te ••'<< "•«»
of the wgumenii
1 s If others with yon be partakers of thii tafubieabn, leaft by any meanes after that I have '^j^^^;;);';**'
<Hub ID ainplibci' 1
tion.fof neirher in k poWCr not we rathei^ nevertheieffe. we have
. preached to other.I tny felfe (hould be u reproveth ^^rhU^ri'*'(Rt. .

fa doing doe wr re- j,' ^ ^("g J thivcowct but fuft'er all things , that we : prooved) i« not fet ai contrary to the word (EleSJ but at contrary toihe^tioril

IhouldnothldertheGofpellofChrilL (Approovtd) whta wee fi!e one by experience not to be fucb an oss aiheotight to be.

r.«/f"ri. _
C H A P. X. Due ye not knowe , that they which mi- JfCUfrtrUn><thtltnti,ntnhtf vil
.eateof the • things t he/p*retl,ofi vk'
< Ai other argu< ni'kr about ths'S holy things artifliktciinaitim, 3.4 t«uchingil,t curvurd pin" ef
the altar,
miDt sfgrcit
of the Temple ? and th;y wTiich waitc at hii^TJce. 14 That it iitihfitrd.dat Inch fh^Hldh*
foict oibn «re

oiuiint!d«mougft are m partikers with the altar ? firtiker'efihtlaUtefthtc!ii>iit .Tvhi are paml^trt eftlit
Tohal't ctifiJtrntisn
you.thereforcil 14 So alfo hath the Lord ordeined .that they Lcrds SUffir. a^ cftitr /iti^hlcur
in ihin^tindifftreni.
live a of J Gofpel.
vtMlai^raliror wh'tfi preach theGofpel.lLoilld \l[ Oreover , i brethren , I would not that yee
ne, yea rather for
1 5 But I have vfedncineof thefe things:"* nei- ^^^ fl-.ould bee ignorant . that all onr a fathers '.
me then any o:hei
ther wrote I thefe things.that it Ihould be lb done i" J
I 1 11 ,^ •
toat wnich 1
he fail, 1 1
•jndyei 1 refoW were under k that cloud, and all palled through hying before
i. and bad rather unto me : for it were better for me to die, then that thatSfea, thenianexami>le
any man ib.ould-TOA-ke my reibycing
fuiferanyHif- vaine.
2 a And were all b baptized unto cMofes, in °''''"'""'''^'«
(Commod jg ^o'. though I preach the Gofpcl.l have no-
siod.tieahea ,

islaidupon that cloude. and in that fea. IflTr

aeajoft th.m°''>^sith.
ihingtoreioyceofifornecefijiie _ ^ ,.
* Anddiaall ,, J r , 1. , 1 .- . .

<;irinfliouldb« 3 catthea (ame fpiritualKmeat, hadinetfcd the

Jkiodered. and woe is unto me, if I preach not the GoCpel
-.,- -,, And did all drinke the fame fpirituall felfe fame pledgei
» The word figni- 17 foT if I doe it wiilingly.I have a drinfce{fortheydrankeof the fpirituall Rock that oCthefameadop.
j^g jj ao-ajnft my will rutvvithfiandftig the
.p j .
f followed them : and the Rocke was g ChriH.
_ that "V''"".'!!;)
J'*" v^'c have ttia
'T;e';"r.V'under!penntionircommittedimmme. L y^• \ 1 /- ,- I :

y But With many ot them God was not plcaled: y,, no.withftan.

*«ud tlHt the im- reward then? verely that when

I ? What is my
for they were i^ overthrowen in the wildernefl'e. ding when they
wiOtriof thewctd j preach the Golpcl 1 make the Gofpel ot Chnfl ,

tnuft of right and

6 3 Now thefe things are our h enfamples, to ?"'*
^ /ree.that I abuie not mine authotiiy in y Gofpel.
all men .yet
the intent that we fliould not luft after evill things
19 For though 1 be free from
l°jf(h'," ["he*'
'^.t^M * as they alfo lufted. wilderneffe, being
"^ Lan of all. bee have I made ray felfe fervant unto all men , that I
7 Neither bee yee idolaters iivvere fome of horrib/yandma-
fcringeth forth the may wione the moc. iris written, ^ The people fate downe to "ifoidiy pimi-ihed.
«xprt(reLawitoD- ^^ + ^^nd untothc Icwes. 1 bocoTTe as alcwc,
ttrarogtne oou-
that arc un- eate and drinke. and roi'e up to play. ^S^:Z:"^::
•r, thing of the Le-
that 1 may winne the lewes to them :

the Lawe, 8 Neither let us commit fornication as fome thefe tbingi are
der the p Law , as ikm^h I vv ert under
under the Lawe: of them committed fornication and fell ly fpoken agalall , in one fi
^iledgenofAtih- that 1 may winne them that are
»•>"" wiicb fte._
$ day three and twentie .thoufand.
iI To them that are without Lawe , as though
Dttit.18,1. / were without Lawe , {when 1 am not without 9 Neither let us tempt Chtift as fome of
them alio tempted him , and* wetedeftroyedof aif„f„n,etobe
iTbisisfpokenby Lawe as pertaining to God , but sot in the Lawe
ferpentS. alleaged totbn
t'oe figure Me-onythrough Chria) that 1 may winne them that are
anie.for, ofthofe 10 Neither murmure fome of them « alfo eadeand purpofe.
without Lawe t
«hiagi:hjta-tof- . .
murmured, and were deftroycd of the deftroyer. ^"tfe!' '""LIT
/red in the temple 21 To the wsakel become as weake that I ,

11 Now all thefe things came unto them lor .hatthoft things
<D Artparrakers m:y winne the we?.Ke: lam n-ade all things to enfamples , and were written to admoniH^ t!s, upon are notoffuch
vvitbehealiat id all men. that 1 might by all meanes favc fomc.
whom the k endes of the world are com4. g'"' wcgbt that
aj AndthisldeefortheGofpels fake.thati
div'dingthefa- ,

crifice. li iWberefore.lethimthatthinkethhelUn- Sblo-'he,'*

a Becaufethey roii'htbe partaker thereof with 'you.
which runnem tkth, take heedeleafthe fall. vfe them, fo that
^ ib* Gofr*'- 2,4 ,, Knowe ye not, that they
There haih no tentation taken you. but tbey frtrqaem

It toriowe'd by 'tti« 3 race . runnc all yet one receiveth the price ? fo
to man: and God is faithfull. CbriiHao affirm.
fuchas appertaineth '

runnethatyemayobtaine. . „. ,. ' '

fb" JoLld havl ^5 And every man that prooveth ab - tizedi and Comtnunion.aBdeonfelTe Cbrilt.
receive the a I'^Kifptik^ihthutin
toobtainea fefptSl ofiht ccWi^nt.Jid n»i>r> rtfpc!}oftl,ii!er/ini,/.<>'r,j;inj^tx,r^ll. « Excd.
anyo.brr mari^.t. ftajncth all things:and they doe tt
ty.nycummod.tie corruptible crownc :but wefor an uncorruptible. num.9, 19. Excd 14 tt. ^
a loetfeft the Sacrameoti of theolde
(atberi were all one wih outi for they lefpeft Chi ill onely vsho ofFtred bimfillfe ,
cfmafffi, or any
unto them in diver* Diadowei. b »/iS of them vrcrcbjfii^rd rvi:l> rit ouiipard
'» H..ak„hav.a,occar.on offufpitlooby ihev^ay.rhatit ft^M , hui ntt in diedc wherewiih Codcarmctkt ch*r^td, hitttl^ty ihtmftll>ti.

r'cu"/fumK-'" hitwa;^. that was Excd. it, if.

mi-htnoibethoi.Rt'ithiibewTo.rihataitbocgh be
c McfeiheinillKirf^uidt. i Thef.mtthMnid".
bee I bad ra.herdie .then notcontinueinih..
i-urpofe ,0 t Manna, ishiJi rrai a fpiriiual mejtt w iht trlffl-er/, i»'ic4 rn/iith U] hulde
BMoavedbtm. fjy N^iy h ,

Treach.beGofpelf.erly. Fo. I am bound to preach the

Gofpel feeing that the Lord Ufcn Ckrijl -ivIku ihe true meule. Bxcd. 17,6. numi. 10,10. and it, 16, ^
i'"' ' f OfiheriliiT and running Kicl^r,yrhichfellonfd till per fit. Vidfacra-
bath iciryn.dtne.H, office: but vnle.lcl doe i. wi"".'?''' /"f /^°' g
'"".rr ^k
ihiiy GofpcJfhr>uld be evil fpokfO
no-h,De i. to be allowed than doe in hnd rather
would uai>peare that I tooke tbrle
<taUj ft-nifie Chrifl,ft,thaiti'eihcr roitlitht fizne , there rvsi lU thinT runifird,
andiht trutlh -ife- for Ccddodhnfteff-er alar fifne
hi ihiny f%^n'firl>! hy
of, tb'n .h.t 1 fliouM notrfquite my wagei ,ibei.
jniagei. ulfay. thefigne, tr,^tthif rvitli it tvhich is fc te riiiived rriihfsitt).
,„ ne5 •tnd
waitiei no' fo much for the Gufpels fake, «forr yg^'
Thert fore not onely .thing. 3 An
amplify iog of the example againd thera which are car ied 1 way
thii were not tovfe. but abufe my tight and libertie.
[ might beyond the bounds which GoH bitb '
but alio in all other (a. much ai I could; 1 am made all
ttiags .j^r this i»thf birgiuningo. all '

vwonne Cbrif). o By . eviU.aiof idolatry (which hatb glutto paniob ju^lo it) foroicarion, rebelling
winne therp 10 Chiifl. and mijihi togetbtr with ibeinbe
takiogtiottirgoftbemtovwhomlpreachii. * Afti i».3. |>l»-».3 p The ^agiinft CnriH , nuirrauring. aodfuch like,
which pi iniflvd .1,0ft (hirpeiyi <^
l »n niii- that olde i«ople ,.0 tbeeodethat we which fuccetdnbem and have a more full d«
Wotd(L»w)inthist'lac«,miiltbeitntiioedtolhecft.moni.illLaw. ,

with a good conlt:ience: aa clarailonoftbe will of Cod might by that meanei takebetii ;r bferle.
letiiba. jre.udifr.t.nt. which maybeaoueoi not done h .rami

reade fii'Urei : nhich f'-nified aur facramtnti f,r circHrr 'iifif yrailtiht
jfbefayd.Icbaogedmy fdfe iuto all faftiiow . that by all trc.ioei I might fava . tt-nt" :

receive fruit by
Tt«: both I and ih.y .0 whom I prracb the Gofpel, nuy
/ealeffrij:hteo„fntfe .liVtljp,: ffS^ptifrrtr .atuifi in thtat'.er Sacra-
fome r
He b.iogetb in anolhttcaufe of tbii mifchief.,to Wit. thatibey t^ and iii,6i. rfalmc 106, n. x Excd.^x I.
the Gcfpel. T I
and the note of NKmt.i;,9. Toiempt
^ere ?ivrn .0 g! uttoiiie, f.r th«e wt^refnlcmne bauketi of facri6..e., chri,'},!! tiipre)>iikehim tta t»mi.tie aii' trert
nkich thcje men dee
tbePrieltiwasalwayestoomochcelebMted „,d kept Thtieiore it was bard for them alufe the knfWM?e
ir/.o that he hath riien them
, and mak<:
w,hich vereactuflotr.ed to riiihteoufneni , efpecially when they vrtienJed the libertie Ui.ferl>ef<!raclsak'f''r!l,tirluftsjnJrvi>k."dr:e{>e. * Numt.
2t.6. pfil., 06. ,^ ^
of the Gofpel, to be rellfjined from theft bltikeiiibutconttariwife.
the Apoltlecille^h X Num.n.iT.iu^x^**- k Thij.u, a>e i, e.iStd the enJr,f,„it i, ihcPu:t-r'r
upofaUa^et. 4 lococcltifion.hedel'ceodetb tothe Corintbianj htnifelv-K
them by a pleifintfimiliiude. and aUoby hi>ow«r ex»nn''«- "^Ipbri
loosbe fii toruiine or, wtfllle (at then the vviroiogtheratbat tbeyplesfrnot ihimfclvei , but rather they prevent the fub:iltitt
cation of tb^ flfOl fliewinptha

tbcirbciiiei, and therefore afiirniag tbat of Satan. Vei heviVthJii infinuartioa , andcomfortethtbein.tbat be may ooifeemeto
gjmei of Illhmiei were) which paoipet 1 I

aidrufcitlft ite'y t«ke VitnHi «w«tf« «d \uit of life, f Vftli make them altogether like to ihofe wickM idolateri and cooinnneriof Cbrift. v«fci<*
fetiftiidiuthcAiWcfiieirc, I which«oininc<horvf«akcii.a'i,
a m»r> cx^uifiit dieii
. : : ,

One !>re'adl one body.

Chap* if Mens hcais covered. 74
,. which wiil not Tuffcr yon to be temptedabove that demned ofanother ffiittS «on(cier.ce J
jo For if I through Godj y bcnelit be partaker, y if r may througk
k»«,o««».pt.J yo" be able, but will even™ give the iffue with
for T«ut pfofiit* the tcHtation , that ye may be able to bfiare it. : meate.or tb»r .

ftkt.wiiigiveyou ,^ vvherefuie my beloved flee itom loola- .

thankes ? meate.why (bouJd I
. t >_ I- .<
an iBurtoefc4pe jjjg 31 f. ? Whether therefore ye eate , or dnnke, through my fault,
eu.ojtketc.u,.oD. '^ or whatfoever ye doe. doe all to the ^JPT of God. ctufe that beocfii*
r I fpeakeasuntoihem whichhsvcTtider-
ft^j, Jing : iudge ye what I (ay ,^.. 32 Give none offence.neither to"the lewos.nor ''^^^^""'"''
Thecu-'? ^f n blejiog which weeb e ffe u « to the Grecians , nor to the Church of God "^ c do c 3,17,
'.::K«;e > <i,
Even as I pleafe all men in all things not 9 The condufi-
mayootftemeto not the o communion 01 the blood oi i-ntui i uc . 3j ,

diiiyat.ii.«tHb« bread whichweebreake.isitnotihecommumon feeking mine owne profite , but the profit of many »» w* man or. , •

r«b thai bee

ofthebodyofChrift? that they might be faved.
luf« nootner and
1-";folXV ,1

rcafons thtufach 1 7 For wee that are many . are one Iwead fceke not out feivei , bat Godi glory , and fo the falvafion of as mauy as wee miy r

ai tbf y kne'W very one body.becaufe wee all are partakers ofoae whewiu the ApoHle ft;cketh ootto ptopouod himfelfe'ithe Coriotbiani; (even bis
«(cll thfmfeWfi.
owoi floeke ) at ta example, bat fo that bee cslleth them backeto Cbrift ,uuri»
bead. whom he bimfelfc bach Kgard.
.1 8 Beholde Und.vvhicb it afrer the p Rem: are C H A P. XI.
eH ofiheagTte- not they whicheateof thefacrificesipartakcrscif ,a Ht hUmtth ikc CtrinthUntforthttintlairMjttflmWti,
menttbatiiioihe the Altar? . - , 4 mtniiitfriiyhiiVitiirflitirhtndico)>eTed, 6 md •wcmtn
19 whatfay I then?thKihe idoleis anything? l>archtideJ , and iecavfe thtirmeetw^t tended to O^ili , »i
Thebolybankeu ir/io mingled frtfliine tink'ti vith the hJf Suffer tfthe
or that that which is lacrificed toidoles .isarty LorJ, nhich htriJuircdtcieceUlra:tJacindiH£ti>
t)fthcChriaiaDi "ji
^re pledget , lirll thing ? . .^ . u ChrtfltimfiilMwn.
N«y , but that the things which the Gen-
they facrifice to devils, and not imto
tiles (acrihce,
S yee' followers of mec.evcn as I araof
, ^, ,
t fellow-
and I would not that ye fliould have Now brethren, 1 commenJ you, that ye re-
anTn«f ^nl' «i\h God: 2 I 'ife of tbUpmit
^o.C'Tb"".'- ihip with the devils cuT^rA,^l member all my things., and keepe the ordinances, concemiag the
,iitf s .«o ioe «- Yee cannot drinke the cup of the Lord, and them to you. nght ordtnng of
i, as I delivered
itct facii-
^j^e f (-up of the devils. Yecannotbe partakersot 3 1 Hut know that Chrift is the l^^^^"„'^l
I will that yee ,
|_ords table, and of the table of the
devils. * head of every man and the man is the.womaps thre'epoinu.'to '
^j^^ :
^^ Doc wc provoK^thc Lotd toangct jatc wc head and God is » Chriftes head. wit, ofthe comply;
iCelfefamcre. :

h'^io*! ibererore
ftronget then he ? . j, 4 3 Every h man praying or prophecyit>g having «m«i' of "Jfo
xi K « ' Ail things arc lawful! for mce
fo doe the tdoU- .but ail
any thing on his head, dithonoureth his heaii.
aKo iiiyr,e *heord^""tbe^
teri are lawtuU tor
tbemfeUei witb things are not expedient all ihings :
4 But every wcman that prayeth or prophe- tordi supper, a^i4
me> but all things edifie not. cieth bareheaded, diibonoujetb her head; /for it of the right ufeof-
a4 Let no man feeke his owne , but
every mm is even one very though flte weare Ihaven .
fp'tituaii gift». Bu«

idulesaie iio-
aaothets wealth. ^., ^ i, 6 Therefore if the woman be not covered , let ^thfX^rie^'/'
.^thiojjin iboCt fo'
InnnebaDkeis. 25 9 whatfoever is fokie the " fliambles, m
. .

her alfo be (home and if it be ihame for a woman tbings, bebegin-


for confcicnce fake.

wbertiupoDii fol- eate ye. and asked no queftion to be Ihorne or Ciiven, let her be covered. oeth notwiibaar-
Jowetb.thaiihat 26 S For the earth M the Lords, and 6 For a man ought not to cover lit head: for- ding' with a geot- >

cable •>« table of ^ "! J"!,^',

God: but callrngthoTrpar.
therein is. ... .. afmuch:h as he is the *• unage
ima^e and glory o. ,

27 If any of them which beleeve not. call you the woman-is the glory of the man. ticuUr iawe» of
tbertfore you
goe.whatfoever is (ec bjtore
reullelcheA it to a/f4ff.and if ye will 8 7 For theraanisnotof tbewoman.butthecomeiiue.andtcM
For yoacin cot you.erce.asking no qudflion for confciencelake. woman of the man. «ftie, which be-;

2g But if any raanfay untoyou.This «

be partaker, of factih- *
9 B For the man was not created for the wo- g^^f^jj'^'J"/*,
tbt lordaoAot", of him that
Idolet together, ced unto idoles . eate ic not becaule .
mans fake but the woman forthe mans lake-.
: traditions wbitfc .-

^for the earth »/

niucb leq'c may (hewed it .andfortheconfcience 10 » Therefore ought the vvoraan to have afterwardthey
therein t power on fcfr head, becaufe of the '"Angels. «i!cdCanooi.
the Lords.andall that
fuchbanketabe .
• LcouDtedfot ^

zo Andtheconfcience.Iky.notthine.butof
downe God, in Chriftourrnediatour , for the endeand marke notonelyofdodriot*
« for why Ihoald mylib^rtiebecon-
bot alfo ofecLlefiaiiicail com^lineSe. Then applyiog it to ihe jjueltion purpof.a
that ^ther
Drive with God >
o Gfibankefgiving:
touching the comely apparel both of i mm
and women inpublikeaOemblies, hedecli-
illgetihetipperhanJ? trthihat thewoinao is one degree beneath theminby the ordinance of God .and ibic
audit you doe, tbioke you thatyo ibarikcfgiving. oA
«bc>euiK,a , that hply banket vva.
calle.h Eucbar.ft the mao ii fofubieft toCbrilt , tliaitbegloryof Godought bim for tie .og«hei W'lb Chud
sod'ing.afliDg to
preeiBioeuccsoftbefeJe * Ephef.i.iS. * In that that Chrift is'o?r
tooltj^ifcftuall pledge aod note of
o ,

;i,««mocit. q AKCOBfrDfcearM
That yet obft meJiatour. 3 Hereofhe gaheretb that ifmen doe eitbetjrayorprfach in pubJila
Havt any thing lodot with (bedevili,
fciro. f
oi;u»i vvoraiil-aindfacrvfice.
.nnto ofjhat '----' alfe'mbliei having their beads covered (vibicb wastben a fignecffubieftion) tbeytfid
guiltie ,bntb! woi'"^r-"'''J"" „ \^^ ,^, jp^.,lj Jjjn,,, f The"- -
.t.Dteitato-batfocieti. wbicbii begun.. as it wej? fpoilethemfelrea of their digni[ie,againll6od»otdinince. b It apptk-
they leDdeoftbeirfcalleiv^bicb
Wtre «vonttoftiuiupao!l
maKe rcih that tbll viasapoliiikelawftrving ontly for thecircuin*aneesof the time irAt
pioi.hane people
offertngmcate "ff-rm^g. i < nkeoffcringitotbeni, raul lived in , by ibii reafon.becaufe in thefeour diye.for a mao to fpeakrbareheadtd
k.^. to tb^ocour «f .he,r god.,in C^'mming to anotcM kmde
»,iibba.,kT(saDdfealUQgi. K * in an affembly , iia IJgoeof'fubieiftion. 4 Andin Kkefort he coocludeih ,iba:
K^h.^'oetlerall rule ibat in tbeureofthrogi
h« »;F?' "'''^
women which ftiew tbemfelvei in publike and ecclefiafticallailembliei without the
of thi„gs,offered to idol..
ot om 'elvet'
weOttghi«h"eco«f>i«a..onoo 'f^'^"^
elve. ^t, y.,butofourn=igbbou,.. figneaud token of theiifuhieftion , tear u to fay uncovered .(liame themfe|ves.

,,^^ ^^
J "tat firfl argaineni taken from rbe comtoonfonccof itian forfuMucb a« naturr ,

ofi^dc. 'o"" tetcbeth wooieojtbat it is diQioncn for tbirni tocorae abroad baVeheaded feeing ihit: ,

.V^l.l done o. n. . h.caufe fo!de m .helh.m-


""^/^f^^ wba.foever i'

"'« «^''' l'"'"'"!*
the fii: bath givtoibem ihicke aod long baire •Abicbthey doffo diligeotlyirimmcaHd

7 Ao apfly.ngol "tVlorJ.banl ,and eare ite.tber it Jecke, that ihty canto no wife abide to havr it Ihaveo. 6 TUtaking ajv-ay fifln
ble. you n,ay indiffcr™.!, b.y '' ?-' «it i. a irisM.
: ; bev, fihf.lJ
«^ . ,
obieflion r Have notin-nalfo baire given them ?I grant , fait b the A poll le buiibete ,

is another inattfi in it: for man w>i made to tbi» eudt and purpofe , that the glory
of Ged (h«ulJ appeareio hit rule and autbotiiie but the v\horaanwa» made , that by

then you
pr ififijon of bet obeditace (he» might mote bonorjr her huiband.
, (Ve». i,j6. ^
Heprt>oveth the ineijualitie of the *oman, by ihat

lake heed that out libertiebe

^ ^""tars^itbA^^^food......
that,brut,gho»r .nd
t :J ;,i.a>td9.S.tolof.},iO.
toat the
! Secondly, by
man it
the matter whereofA-voman wai firft made. • C'tm.t'ii.
ibat , tbat the womairwai made for mao . and not tbetnan for toe
'gbeni,cha.=ged>e Wtiinaai faie. 9 Theconclufioa muftbetovereth .toftiewbyihiiel-

cUfcbi to ufewith tbarikefgi toyeeld a l„t,e

'\ wee fhuft taiher to
ffe.d.beconfc,enceofthe«-eak...bea Hrnall tigne tbeiifubiedion. c A coveting v.bichiaatoktnofCjiicitiop,
fji<t , if weake to .udgc:
and fo giveotcai.™ to .he Wk4tlhisiKMMthiIdo«notytiYiid<:illau(},
ofour Ijh.rtie in a roaiter of nonnpofcam .z« ; . .

IB fueh foi t of ui .andcifCbjiftiaDlibett
perfon .ihj
.And ibe Apoltletakeib
th.k ib.ogi ui\-n

:hrSbi«,b,y b»ve fo um.b the UlTe oc„ftot, to o.f.U JiKK a n lay?; '.'cr-

icy tbingag;^ioUhim.

^ofneos heads covercJ. T Coftflthians

I 1 1 N (jvercheleff;. neither U the man withcMjt 17 ••^Wherrfofe .tvJiofd€»er fljall cate this .9 whofo,^.,
«vbickttit4paftle the woman , ticUher the wotnia without the man oread, anddnnke the cuppe of tlic Lord k
vnwor- "*""'"•'** '"'»
<«JniheLord th ily ,(tiii be gnikie «f the body and *»"""""• •*"
v^v^ht^fj-ktoF blood trf the •

tjefu.vri.riNtof ^ , For a$ th- womsn is of the fnan To is tte ,

nvan alio by the wjirwa but aii things ar<: of •; 28 + kb Let I every man therefore ermine hlai- t« of'.blV!."*'*
Goi. lelte, aud i» iei iheju e«e of this brcad.aed drinke "'* »'o'-'*ut of
in cmfiitftTiwi
13 I » I Jflgc in your rdves Is , it cojoely that a ofthisctip. the thing i; lelfe,
of thr ^.l.cit of
womiu [v:iy inuo Gcd vncovcred i i9 forheethar€arethinddfinketh»n*orthilv
?nd a'aiiKrie.
I'i Vo'-th not natufc ii fc fe teach yoo , that if eatetb and drinkcth his owne ciamnaiion » .ufly euailhed
, keedufe
anun have Jong haiie, it is a Hiaine uiif-o h iai ? he<n difcerneth not the Lords bocty. ('^"
no mciiBrc of ihu
f But if a
w oman have lo:ig haire, it 1$ a praife 30 •

• -his caufe many urt wcakc.aad ficke *= O'^^'^'r' 'h*
unro her: ivi her haiic is given her tw' a f cove- ^.^ SdmanyQeepe?
rticHKn Eivc in ring 5* '- A wee woukiniudgeourfelves , wee bandied.
fuck fort thep'-
tfniotac*. th»i
fo 13 But if any iuflto becontemious.we mm n^ould not be judged. iCorij.f.
have no iuch cuttotne. neither *hc Ciuirciic»of Bu£ when wee are itidged.we are chafiened
coijlooe.btn wo- God.

of the Lord . becaufe we lliouid not be Wn/^"*'
condetBaed (eifc, i.c^IiTc'*,
njo iiro.indwi.. jy ) (4 Now inthis tRac I Heckic, I prayiejvH with the world. .iere^ui^ed .D ih(
man v»-ai fo f^^' j^Qr that yec ccnie together , not uith prohtt, but »* s-M" »«» bru.
, 33 Wherefere,roybrethren.\»henyeecome
wiiiihurt. together k> eate, tary one for another. ^°7;^''^» »j"«^'
For hfftof all , when yeecome tc^ther
1 8 «« 34 »J And
any man be hungry let hira eate umoi.'^IhTch'cag
if . tri» in the Church , i heare that thsrcarediflcrrtiens at home , that ve ceme not togethcrunto
eugttio purtbca
condem- «"« fxa.-nine.bem-
araoijg you and Ibcieeve it t» bt trite in fuae
: natioo. » Otflcnhings will 1 fct in order when I -"''>»^<lreo,
iniflindc to cb- l^'**'
part. come. fuiiouiandmadd*
f-r»« tbt drgrt* nien.airo fucb a*
ofrv ftxt, i5> i« For there muft be herclles even among
fuch you, that they which are fapproovcd among you, kno«l^ed5,efChrifl,ori,otfullicieK..lbougbAnpfoftff,Cb,tl?^V,RX«n-..<l
other. f„eh lik.. J T hh fU., i<u«..l,l^„7l/a„l, of cll^T.f't'Zav^fj
might be kiiuwen.
lo When ye Co.Tie together therefore into one
n'.'y I

It Hcvrgrhib* place, i; M is g not to eatc the lorns Supper.
ai^uintoi lakiro 21 for every roan when they ihould , ta-
keth his ownc luppei h afore, and one is hungry,
andanoihet is drunken. of >h. tord ,a a .owmw aftion of ,h, ;^bele church
21 I J Have ye not houfes toeateand to drinke forpr.v,„fupp^,
. «,d,bi,.fore ,h«e
,3 The Su,f«ot tbe Lord wa, .oltiinted
I no
not .. feed the belU.
in i defpife ye the Church of v^od, and lliame rhem ^^
f),trini »• P>c»li bu. to feede the foule./ Ae eommunioo of Ctr.ll, and ,l„„fc„ „ '^^
litefroin common b.«,«n ,4
Sjch thing, aipefieio,,oo,de,
that have not? what {hall 1 iay to you? (hail I piaile .7. rl.ce. timt,
for-rve of praye,. ,ud o.he, ft«h I,ke, the Apoftle

•iJif Cubbunly
you in this ? 1 ptaile you not.
tooke OTdrifo, iu
«oidi»g i«tb( cooMeratiao of tii»ei, placciaad ;erf»oi. 8"6"»»»a»- Coo.LatW^
«0Di«ti i&1^. w« »3 have received of the Lord that
J 8 For I
hevttooppof* which unto you ,r»»t<iir,That
I alio have delivered CHAP. XII.
the Lord Iclus in the night when he was txttaycd,
Ctuichtjot GoJ ht Jlfvnth thatfyirnual^in, an thfrtfirt Jft,t,'!j
fcrCOOt COBttDIl"
tooke bread. ItJItreeJ.
t tha: thtftmu ixing icjvl] I, ttl, mher imfU,,d, ta ie>e(
24 4- And when he bad giten thankes, he brake may jrcyi -Vf t.gtihe, into tni kdyfO^ifi in
J4 RnpaKih it , and feid, Take, eate : this is my txidy, which is frofntion and mtdfirt,
Bowioikcnnt jo at iki nemAtr, tfmam t*S ^^
» broken for you this doe yee in rcmcnbrance :
tHXifc cooctf-
oiagifatrgfaiaii- of roe. 2>^Ow • concerning fpirituan^j . brethren ,1 . v<m%tmt»ik
mmiOiaiioo of a J After the fame n)aneralfofc*f«N^# the cup. Would not have you a ignorant. into tb« ikin) pan
ike Lords fujift*. when he bad Cupped, faying, This cup is the Ncwc * • Yee knowe thai yee were !> G«ntil«s and '***,"*':
And ib«AroAt«
'^•l'* ^ .

Teiftaroent in n y blood this do as ott as ye druikc :

cjied away onto tbedumbeidoles.asyet
ufnh ibiiuuiptr '^H'^u^l.^lSi'^
jitft(.t, ihii ib< it in remembrance of me. were led. (ifo.^bnain he
Coris^biaxi'nisbl 1^ For as often as yee fealleate this bread, and 3 3 Wherefore 1 declare wnto yon .that no fn«hiheCoii.
vsdnll*Dii. (kit drinke this cuppe, yee Ihew the i.ucds dciuh tiii he man ^ fpeaking by the fpirit of God . caJleth lefus '**fll'''*'"'V*
ishneai ihty ob- c execrable
cuflie. : alio no man can fey that lefus is the SiVI^* w "ttl, -
itti*i J««I«lhl '

Lord, but by the holy Ghoft. Kihat^^

aadimiau.yri tkry foully ntglcfitd tixm in t mattet of grtaMi) iRit>on>ac«. if To 4 4 Now thereare diverfities of gifts ,bw the »»iirf bragged
«*ltb'>u lb* Loiilt Suffer ifigbt , it ii irquifi r ibai tbtrcbeooi oaely cuolentof * fame Spirit. »i».bi<iM,By of
ita-mc.buiaKoofairrAioiij.tbatit br aot |>iapba«d. i6 Altbuugb ibaccbiusei
f And there are diverfities of admwtftratwns, ^'^'oVeftk*'*'
trrfiti pi«c«ed (lom ikc dtvill, aiccvill , and yet ikiy c6inc o bycban
but the fame Lord,
iikcutcauft.MMiibiyiaiaiiothe, loficeoftbcelift / Wl Ixftritn^t HMb > praifeofkiigifi.:
6 And there are diverfities of' operaticms, but *''^'>'"°^ ^
hjtit^ftfl*'lttiitiklktnflttlj,nrlftli m*ny 4Unt,i veiU. h Enf-hli'i miwetuij ^u L » .
I. .
their b-Ttbreo abof«l t. « i.a,o«o».nMt.o» aad ft rabbtd tht
tmiiihitti 1^ nhtt„mt. i7 The ApoDlc ibiokeih it good tuuke away ibe love Church of thuife of

tbolegif,.. On tb» otbeifide tk«io<;.riourfo.te»vi«4,lhe

fiaflM.forthtiiabuTe , ahhougb ibeybad bene a loog lime.aod wiibcammcHdaiioD .
aad went aboflt to better ,
make a drpatroie fo that allthat body wa. „ j, v.„#catiered
»frd mOuiwet aod v»«f' apyoioitd .lod mauuiedby ik« A|>«>U<i.
« ' tnuU W« .

then bergojng .bootioremedie tbtfe Jbuft. .«i11e.h Ib.m

and tfni in be". So
take a iiBeformiof kerplDgihe L"f<i<Sup||ier out ot (be ioftttuiieo of it , ib« ,
tbey have notthefe gif.iofthei»fel«e« but fToiB ike flee (,jce and librralitieof
wkeir«f aie tbeft ,iAUi.bingibi Panouii , l» Alewe I'osiib ibe Luidadeatb by piei. ,

Cod, "> wcofeglorythey ought to berttnwtbem all. a Ig»,ra„>

ckJBtkii word tobliOeibr bread aad tbewtse by calling U)>on tbe name oi God aad
: i^irl'J' i»i''P''''"'"J*
eX't'i'^icu. a H*proveth tbe fjme by coaipanog their former
ngrthtrwiib ptayciito dtclantkeiolti utioa ibenof, aod Aaally lodOivn tb« bread natewii* thai
vcboeia tbey were a«, hi. Hmt iodued.«ith thofe«cell«' gift.,
bfokea to be eaten. and ik* eupfe lecerred to bedruuke w i<b tbaiitcfg'viag And loutb. i ^, ,«rl,m. t.,Jf ,

fcri.,.. umJ rte C.i>e»a« ,„an.,rj.

iag ike ftuitt .ikai fvtiy inincaaioiae bimrdtc . that i> teTay , tn f (a^^ve i>otb bii 3 ThecoKluli ,n K„o« you theieforf. :

; you cacnot fo 1 maveyoiir Upp*. to I

k9o«ltdg*,aBdairofaiikaDdfepentaau: tafhnnvfeanb ite Lordedeaib.rbai ii,ia hoiraur Cbeift withal|.ba by tbe grica
ofth.holy<Jh.ft. tMarg.J. • I^ho .3, .j.eb,p.8,«. pWI
Wne faitbio yetld uate bii wofd aadiaftKution jaodlalt ofill
to take tbe bread at • ,., , ; cDoetbcBrf.
tkciriniftcn hand. aad loeueit.aod to diinkc tb« •wine, and g»ve God ifaaaket : Tbn
b.m,orbv.nymeane.«*a,fo«erdi»,.iriftki.,lory. 4 I* tk.fKond place be*
wairaulaandtbt ApoftJet maaaeror miniHriog M^lt niarkei4,ai. x K.aS
Jayetb aooiltfr fomdat»oo , «
wit ,bat rhefe g.,„ ,„ di„,.. . "
,k, funft.on ,a^foaJ „
oftc«d,^„, but that one fdf. fame
J»k' ai.if. i Tkiiword, Broken )aoKtb out unto uiCbrill bii manati of death r.V t!^ 7 S, irit.Lofd aad God J.
ofailrh*fegift..aodtbartooeeeod.towit, feftheprnfitofaU.
gtvi. 1

foialtkouiih bit leggei were aoi broken aiihcihtivc4 leggN wtie,yel W»l Wlbady,
d Tie,
,Uin,hMtniu,fh,ifr,m,h,pf„. , j. ,.,,, ,^n„l. ,htt toward fini
Vtiy foK lotmcmcd, and (Oini, aad btuiftd. vUli

. . : , , , :

Spitltuall gifts. The Chap. X i i j. members ofthe boJie. Love. 7f

God is ihe fime which worketh all in all. 21 X* And the eye cannot fay uatothe hand, I
,, vowone
rrhiMjCiiin 7 But the man ifeftation of the Spirit is fgiven have no neede of thee nor the head againe to the
the other fid
eftntih andfhcn- to cvtiy nun, to g profit withall. feete ,1 have no neede of you. heeipeaitetb'ao.
tth himfilfe/rtety to^f»'«r> which
g J For to onc Is given by the Spirit the word 12 Yea, much rather thole members ofthe
p"/!""'^ of hwiicdorae : and to another the word of know- bodie, which feeme tcbe p more feeble , are ne- ^i,",iorr.x.
gTothe-ufiand ledge, by the latDC Spirit CeiVary. _ cellem gifts,
len'/it cfthe
p And to another it given fairh by the fame 2j And upon thofe memberi the bodie, w wilitng them not

• ^'""^ ^° another
the gitts of healing . by the which wee thinke moft unhonelt.put wee more °|,^'[[,''^''''*
/hi/ml^ifold di-
lo And
to another the ' operations of great
<i honeftie ort and our vncomely/>4rt/ have more

although they
p,, fitibie.ana"

netb upthecbie- workes : and to another, ^ propheci 'o ano- 24 For our comely f>arti neede it not : but ferved to no ufe
frft gitts .bc.ring
jj^g^ ^ jhe dilcerning of fpirits a.
1 her. :
God hath temperedr
the oody together : and hath !°''*i°'':^%"*L
' hee.hatbinfaoll
u- u
h«d's". which be diverfidcs of tongues and to anoth. nter- : given

the more honour to that

°i. ^
v'^ich fo„,empere<t pm
fiyd hetoK , to pretation of tongues lacked, this inequaliiie,
vnMbaiaiiibefe jj ^ And all thefe things workcth one and the if Leaft there fliould be any divilion in the be- that the more ex.
die : but that the members n*ould have the fame "i''"' "^
th.ogs (.receded •>">"
^^^^ Spirit , diftributing to every man (eve-
r . tifulliDembert
fame Spirit
he Will.
rally « as 'care one tor another. can in no wife
b w.fedom". isa 12 7 For as the bodie is one , and hath many 26 13 Therefore ifone member fuffer, all (uf- lacke the more
iroii excellent gift, members, and all the members ofthe bodie, whi.;h fer with it: if one member be had in honour , all abieftacdfuch
very rrquiiitc, Dot as we ate a^a-
jj q^^. jhough they be many.vft are but one body: the members reioyce with it.
« even fo is >" Chrift. „
1- ^.L •« Bed of and that
17 Now ye are the bodie ot Chnft , and mem- ,b,y (hou^ ^ave
1 ,

whid, teach but , . , • -

alfo for them that 1 3 For by one Spirit are wcc all baptized into bers for J-ewr ("part, morecare to fee
exhortand com- a one body , whether be lewes , or Grecians, we 28 K And God hath ordained feme in the uototbem and t» ,

fort, whicb thing is

whether be bond or free ,and we have bene all , Church ; at firft Apoftles , fecondly Prophets, ""'l'^^,^,'^*'
Coffice.'a^tbe made to odrinke into one thirdly teachers , then them that doe miracles : af- ,he'n«c«fl5iie"
Spirit. knowledge 14 » Fot thc body allo IS HOC one member , Dut ter that the gifts of healing, t helpers , u gover- which ison both

agreeth to the Do- many, noiirs, diverfitie of tongues. P"-s figbi keepe -

Jlolf thefoote wouIdfay.Becaufelam not 29 Arc all Apoftles ?are all Prophets Mre all l^'f,^,:!,;,^:^.
'2ZT^2l"» the hand , I am not of the body , is it therefore not teachers? cord: that at-
workings ofGodi of the body ? 30 Are all doers of miracles ? have all the gifts though ifech part
migh.ypowrt, ig And ifthe catc wouldfay.Becaufc I am iiot of healing ? doe all fpeake with tongues ? doe all beconfidered
wbichpaiTeand apart, they areofdl,
the eve . I am not of the body . is it therefore not interoretf
. „ -^ ,» .„ vet. degree, and
c i. l ,
'4 But defire you the beft gifts, and I Will conditioni. yet

his miracles as
of the body ? 31
the delivery of his 17 wholc body wen an eye , where
n If the ya Ihew you a more excellent way. becaufe that ate
people ifraei by were the hearing If the whole were hearing, ?
they haveacoramunitieboth ineoKmodiiiei and dircoinmoditie.,
ioyned tcge.her,
n of tie
the hand of Mo-
^^^^^ ^^^^g (he fmclling ? fmalleftand vileft office., and therefore finally accotintedof , oftfae reft. o Wee
L"Vid';rE;.as .« But nowe hath God difpofed the mem- more carefully cover them. r Should bellow their optraijoounj ofli„, ,o the

bers every one of them in the body at his owne frofit and prtfervaiion ofthe whole body. 13 Noweheeappli,,h the fame deidriDe .he priefts
to [he Corinthian, witboutaoy allegorie , warning them that feeing ihetearedivera
ofBial.infeD. pleafutC. fundiocs anddiveis gilts ,it is ihrirdueiie .nottoclTcod one agjinftjnotter either
jg for if they wcrc all One member , wherc by envieorambi.ion ,but rather iha: tbeybting ioyned togrther in love and charitie

from heavf D to u i_ j- 5
the bodlC ? one with another ,every one of ibem beftow to the profit of all , that which bee hath
eonfume his ucri- T'T'^re
many members
yet but
u. received, according a. hliminilterydoeth require. f
fice : and that 2o But now Are there , For all Cturchet where.
foever they are difperfed thorowthe *holf world ate divert membertof one body» ,
which hee did by o|-,e body. K,funs ^,11. t Tbe office, of Deacoot. u He fetteth foorth the ol-

te'rofAoa/iaTandSaphira. k Fo«««M£o/-fAmfJ «o corns. I Whireh der e)f Elder, which were the maintaineri of the Cnurche.difcipline. ,^ ^^ff
teacheth them that are ambi.iou. and envious a ceriaine holy ambition and eavie.ta

m.nMaL,,^ X /^om. .a, J epfcr/ 4,7. « HeeaJde.h wit,if they give themfclves to the beft gift.Sc fuch a. are raoft profitable to the Churchi

moreovef fome thing elfe .,0 wit that although thefe gift. are
vn.quall .y« |l>eyare and foiftbey cooteod to excelioue another in love > which farpaHiith all other gifii.
molt wifely divided, b^aufe the will ofthe Spititof
Godii the tuleof thud.ltti-
bu ion. 7 He fetteih foorth h'ii fonnet faying by a limilttude taken from the CHAP. XIII.
body Thii fiyetb hee, ii manifeltV feene inthebodie , whofe m.mber.arediven.
but yttfo knit logetber, that .hey make but one body. 8 The applying of the I He fhtrvtth tkdt there are^ifit/o exctllent , rchich in Gtii
myfticall body ot ChfiO , for filhi are not tcrrupi , ifChjriiieke atr.i^ : 4 and
fimilitude. So rouft wee alfo thioke fayeih bee of .he , , ihertfart

tit wee that beleeve whether wee be lewe. or Gentile., are by

onefeltefameBapuf. he diyrelfeth ^vnto the commendation of it

me ioyned together with o«r head , that by that meanei , there may be framed one body
compaS of many mtmbeti : and weebave dranke onefelfe famefpitit that 11 to fay, ,
"T" Hough t I fpeake with the tongues of men fir" oVch«i!ie,'
a fpirituall feeling .perceivtranceaad moiioncommon to ujall.oui
ot one cuppe. and a Angels , and have not love, I am ai Toun- the exceifcncie
m Tchtccmt.wh.J}-tcvhChr,ll. n whereof be firft
Chr-Ri.,niUt,.,.htr Church. ding bralle, or a b tinkling cvmbal.
. o Ej cne jmck'niif dnnke of the UrJn Uood ntt arf m.tdi partakf" »/*" ""h ,
a And though I had the'^«/f of prophecie . and
ai if bee
Sfiru. 9 Hee implifietb that which followed of the firailitudti, |^]^"i^h''o''u't''i''

fllould f.!y The vnitie ofthe body ii not onely not

leftby this diverlme of memberi knew all fecretsand ail knowledge yea , if I had ait oJbergifL'are ,

thofe were d.-

but alfo it could not be a body ,if it didnot conlift of many , and all c faith fo that I could lemoove § mountaines, as nothing b».

ver. memberi. to Nowe hee buildeth hit doftriDe upon the foundation, which and had not love, I were nothing. fore God, which
hee had layrd and litlt of all Oeecontinueih in hi* putpoftd fianliiudeandaftetwatd 'i='"s''fptoveth
3 And though I feede the poore with all

bee goeib to .be matter barely and limply. And tirft ofallheefpeakeih uototbem
which would have feparated ihemfelvet from thorewhomeibeytnvied , becaufe.bey
my goods, and though I give my body , that I Suftion^and nVrt.
bad act fuch excellent gift, a, they :oowe thi» is .fayeih bee, a.ifthe footelhouli be burned, and have not love , it profiteth me lyaifobyan ar-
fay it were uo. ofthe body becaufe it is not the hand or the eare , becaufe it 11 not
. ;
nothing. gumentuken ofthe
tbe eye Tbereioie all fartts ought rather to defend the vnitieof the body , being end, wherefore
rouptlediogetteriofetveone.beotber. Againe fpeaking to them hee n , , thofe gift, are given. For to what ptirpcfe are thofe giftej.but to God. glory, and tbe
flieweih them that if that (hould come to palfe which they drfite , to wit .tbatall prclite ofthe Church, a. is before proved; fothattliofegift.withoatCbanTre;tH:te nO
Ihoiildbeequall one.oanoiher.tbete would followe a deftruftion ofthe whole body, fight ufe. J ^ -very earneft kind ofamplifyini a matter a, ifhtefnd
, if ,

yea, and of ihrmfelves for it could not be a body, vnlelfe it were made otf m-ny
there irereanj Unifei tf ^n^eli , and I had them and didnot -uCe them tc the benefit

>enibers knit togeiher , and divers one from .be other. And that 00 man might tinde ofmj nei^hhoUT , it vre nothing eh Im a i>aine and fra'lin? kindofhahklinf.
fault with this divilion as vucquall , hee addeth that Gtd bimlelfe hath coupled all b Thatfilreth i rude and no certaine fiitnd. e By faith , hemeaueihtherifiof
Tbttefore all niun remiine couylcJ togtthei .that tht body may d-iin^ miracles , and net that faith ivhich iujiified , vkich cannot te -void
ihefe together ofCh«i!it 4S
remaioc in (tft-j thtcthermjij. 5 M«M7,ao.
Kkk S 4 'Love
1 : 321

Love. Tongues. Prophecy ing I. Corinthians. Interpretation necefJary^

4 Love d fiiffreth lorg: it is bounrifull : love X I ForheethatTpeaketha /?r<««|# b tongue, a Hereprebeo.

1 Btiefcfibfii
rnvi.rth not : lovfi doth Hot boaft it f'elie : ^t is not fpciketh not unto men, but unto God, for no deih their pervjife
[ivS'ciup : msnhtarerh /./w ;howbeit inthecfpirit hefpea- '''^{:«'"'"itF>u-
pjniy by a eojn- Itdothe no uncomel)" thing it feeketh not kethfecret things. '*" ^"''' °^ "^
y :

^jriToQ ofcon- wo"-^

her owiic thing : ic is iiGt provoked to anger it : ? But he that prophecieth, fpealceth unto men wli i- giv°n
tiariri, Jndpirrty ?Io*
thinketh noif vill : to J edifying, and to exhortation, and to com- wit,toihei.
i: Mfe • wtirreby 6 It rei^ceth not in iniquitie, but freioyceth fort. that the mylicrie*
tbeCoriabi«ci in thetrueth :
4 He that fpeaketh ftra«fe language edineth fi <?"'* ""'T' "" ,
;Tity vcdrrtlacd.
7 It fuff,eth all things: it bcleeveth all things: himfelfe: but hee that pruplfecietlt . cdifietluhe ,0'',^::"^,^'''
uotb how oTcft-
tiblc III .be it Iiopeth all things : itendiireth ail things. e Church. Tbirtbyituevf.
Cburcri, 2ai bo)V 8 3 Lovedoothncici fdtiawiy , tliough that y I would that ye ail fpake /?r<««^i languages, ''"^ithatrrnphe.
aecttfaiyand »!fj prophecy ings be abolifl-.ed . or the tongues ceafe, but rather that yee prophecied for greater is'hee '^1' 7^^" V"""* :

howfj.rtthfT »re br iVe vinilli

gi» nowleil<;e vj awny. that prophecieth, then hee that ipcskah divers
ou7o't".o flrvf,"!"
<ort bow vjiiiriy 9 ** P^^ we kilow In ^ part, and wee prophecie tongues , except hee expound it , that the Church better then this .-

:hait ciufe in part. may receive etiitication. and therefore the

turysrefrood 10 But when that which is perftiS , is come, 6 And now brethren CouothiaDsdid
, , if I come unto you
d II'itJ fcr rrard
then that which is in part ihiUbe aboliihed. fpeaking divsrs tongues what (hah I profit you. .
lltffrrcl't irrJii.
1 / When I was a chiide I fpike as a childe: , e>:cepc Upeahe to you, either by revelation, or by inorea
I undeidoode as a childe, I though: as a chiide: knowledge, or by prophecying, or by^Y dodrine ?
imt^cus. ( t^fj
bur when I became a man , I put av.-ay childilh Moreover things without life which give
" ak>u
found, whether// tea pipe or an harpe except
F _
r flye
" « Foi

nowe wc fee thorow c glalie darKC-

r i i /t i .
theymakcadiftinclionin the founds, how Ihail oftougneiwa.a

trui', , ri^httiu/uet. ly : but th<2n //mU Wee f:e face to face. Nowe I it be kno wen what is piped or harpetl ? '^'"8 ««"« to be
3 Ajainehecom- know in part : but then ihali I k.;iowe even as I ana 8 And zlfo if the trumpet give an t"^^"^ °t- f^°^ ,
found.who aiall prepare hir^^felfe to battell J aoo.rrabS
liiir, ia ib]t'-bat
} 7 And nowabideth faith , hope andlo-fe, 9 So likewile you, by the tongue, except yee the giftoftooguei,
itfballnfv«be «Wf«thefe three : but thechiefeft ofthele «iove. vtter words that have ffignitication, how (hall it ttiitat tteCorin-
aiolllhcd 1= the
be vnderlloodwhatisfpcken'for
^ ye Ihallfpeake .''''f •/''''' '""g""
Siiatt.w/bi-feanheoiter jTiTt whicb are nccolfiry for the build'oj uf &fi!ieCiurch,fa
»"theayre. ^
Jong aiWtli^e here. Gull haveno placein-be w.'jrld lo come. g Tke tv-ij rogtt Zt^oZTZ"""'
ifiu.-r!tJ<^t iy fttfUryinc. 4 The jsafon Btcaufe ws aie no'A' in that flate, that :
10 4 There are fo many kinds of voyces (as it tei{»etet. wcicb
^trhave needeiolearneday'y, acd tbtrtforewr wit, of c©mmethtopa(re)inth; world.andnoneof them ''^''•^•itbough it
thegifrofioojiuei .andknowlrdgf ,aad alfo of'them thatteacb tiero. Butiowbat isdumbe. niightbedoneto
fUipofelVive thfyikirn .vtteo wee have obiaictdaodgottea the full knoudedgeof
which ferve oow but tor them which an; impeifit. and goe by degrees toper- 1 Except I know then the power of the voice, 'haTr/at' , Ihei'"'
fefticn > b P/t learnt im^erfdllj. ^ He ftttetb foorth that that hefayd , by aa
Illialbeunto him that fpeaketh a Barbarian , and yet he corrupted
MCelln.rfiir.i liable comparing cbijjife to oar infancie or childhood, whtrein vwe rtag- he that g fpeaketh, fhalbe a Barbarian unto me. '"" "8^' *'' <»''

jer and lather ihenlpike ,and thinke and undtrltandbatcbildiai tbings 1 f Even fo forafmuch as yee covet Ip-rittail
aud therefore have ntede of fach thirgi as may fortre aod fiameour i»ngue a-id
minde 3i;t when we become
: , mm
to what purpole ftiould wee drhre that Itamnie-
ring,thofechildi(htoyti,aiid fiicb like things ,whtrebyourchildhood ii framed by
gifts, feeke that ye may excell unto the edifying of no prcH. .0
the Church. btareti and com- :
Z ''

liile and little? « Thf applying oftbefimiliiudtofourchildhood to thii prefenr life, Wherefore , let him that fpeaketh ^flrange '"o°»f""biiei
vihtreinweedstkely behcid heavenly tbmgi, according to the fitjall raeafure of light wereioftimted
tongue, h pray that he may interpret.
Vihich ii given ui.tbrough the uiiderllaoding of tongue*, and heaiingthe teachcriand ,.,6 -AFor Ii-c I pray in a y?raȣfftongue
. '. I and appointed act
iiiinifterioftheCti'ri.h ofourmanj igeand ftrengih , to that beaveoly and eternall
,my foranypnVate
k fpirit prayeth ; but mine underftanding
life, wherein when we behold God himfelfe ptefeot.and are ligbtoei with bii full and is 1 with- mam commodity,
yetfta light, towhai purpofe/hould we defireihe voice of man , and thofe worldly out fruit, but for the profit
thingi which are mod impeifrft j Butyet then , &all all the Saiuti be knit both with
Cod. and betweeoethemfelvei with mufJ fervamlove, and (h.reforecharitiefhall not
I y what is it then ? I will pray with the fpirit, °^'^^^^°^''
beabolifll;d,but peifcfted. although it Hull not beftieweih fotrtb and entertained by but I will pray with the m imdcrltanding alio : I b J/z/j-^ff*..
fiicb maiierofduetiei as peculiarly and onely belong to tbe iurtrmitieof-ibijlife. will fmg with the fpirit ; but I will fing with the ,?'•«,??> w/»v* »» '.
i^n tin, mi'(lli U7,Jfr/>iUh a-mpjrifm.
7 Tbeconclufiju At ifthe Apcftle : underftanding alfo. "'•^•' '*'' ^"iit-
finuldiaf.Suchihtreforelhallbeout condition rhen butnow webave threethings,
and ibey remalne futeilwee beCbrillei ai withcHt vibicb true religion cannot con filt.
16 7 Elfe , when thou blelfeftwith thenfpinr,
lowit .faub.bore.andchaiiiie. And among thefe,cbaritie iuhe chiefcll.becaufe it how hee that O0ccupieth therouine of the c sjthat'inrpiru.

t«aleth rot in ihelifetocorae ai therelt doe but is

. perfefted aod accompIiQled. For unlearned fay p Amen , at thy giving of thankes, ""> rvUd, h haJ

feting that faiih and hope rend to ihingi which ate

proinifed.and areto come, when
th, spirit
wee have pr,feoily gmten what purpofe (hould have faith > wee and hope but
, r»hich „otyvi:l,Jlj,odin^ h, aUfe'h.rchen

the company can imttrJlanJ.

hefpe-tke^hmyTt'-usthU ./ ««
yetuheie aileogib fliall wttiiuely and peifeftly lovebo:h (Jod, and d IVhi.h may fAriHcr men i„ ihefiuJie vf ^oHinefTe.
oiie another.
t 1 hecompany. 3 Hefetteth foorth that which hefaid . by a fimiHiu'de, which
be boroweth and taketh from iaRrumeni.of
muficke. which although they f peakenoc
perfeftly yetihey aredfiinguinied by their loundi, that
CHAP. XIV. fTh^tJcefi,hvli,ril,ematieri,/ettl'.
they may be the better yfed
4 He prooveih that int.rpretaiion iiof.
eeiranlytobeioynedwitbthegift oftongue. , by the manifold
I 7 *nd ly 4 fitith variety of langaaeer,
tiilomuch that ifotie fpeaketo aootbet without an
UluJe tuli'n tfmuficall i»j(?.-Knifn'-, 1 1 he tt.uhcth the ioterpreter , it ii ai if he fpake uot.
true li'tiftnttrprtinithi Scrtj'tiires . 17 hfetak.eih g --^'tie Vupifi, m
all ikcirfermm, undikty thai
ambitiouPy t'lvreMt fimtHekrtw
>r <.t,ekfn,r,h IS tht
anci) the JmCe
th; Ccn^rej-atitit.
H xAyiti ftrk-Mtth K'min te/ptakf '<•
?'*.';"'"''''?'" f
the U>UaTncJpecplt,th,rtiy u ctttl^m ^ name
Thecooclufh.n. if they will .xcelliu thofe fpi.ituall gift., a.
U.I meet,.h.yi«unreeke,h,proiitof.heChuich,ard.hereforeihey
mull notvfegifc
TJ Ollowe I after love and covet rpirituall^i/lt/, of ton unlelle there be an iteipteter
to exfotmd the ftrangcScunknowea tongue,

whethei be it himfelfe
1 He it.ftrfeih and nithei that ye nnav > niaphecie. ifcat
(f„ r.fth.oranothi'tintttpteier. h I'rsy fori ke ^l/t cf
/ •' i r in:e,-prttaii.n. 6 A
«ow oi that, that teafon.-Beci ufeiiiinot fufiicientforMito fpeakefoiii
the Coogre.
gatioD that we. our f,lv„ doe worQ.ip God
he fpake before : in fpi,,,, that i.,according to the g, ft t-=at
Therefore feeing char! tie «tliechiefefi of all, beforpalltbiogafei it before you aicbiefe '^'•^' """J't'tood of.he company left thatbeunpro.
nd f.) elteeinc thofe thir which protit the greater
fi^able« n.wii; H' '"l""'"* ,

V" men:, aipr:pbecie,thatinofay,ibe gifts ofieacbing and afplyrjg the doctrine, l.t.pir,M<'n,.yto,„jjiif,_
wa«cootem«iid in refped foiber gifn.ahbnu^b ii be ibe.Biefeft and nioftoe-

thdt I
, Nof,ui,conmfhf,theCI,unhhmyfUe".
may he litter, •"Iffcihir .arJmay io(!ruil other. m S.
ce'I.iry loiibe Church) and ntiithortwbichfor , ihcvt fee.iie to be ma veiloin as the
7 Au other reafoo : Seeinjf-
gilt, of lot-pucs. whto a man waifiiddecly indued wnh ibe knowledge efmaoy ton- that the whole Con^"]?regation muH agree tohim thatfpeaketh . and alfo witnelTe ;hii
|«ri which made ineo greatly amazed aod y;t of u felfe ««,• not greatly to any vfe,.
!>' ""'iT"'''"?"''"'-' v«hico know not wba,
fpokenfno.thl'V' i.
SBlcTt tt«« w«i« ao iDterpiM.,, « ff A^, (,(„, „, j, /henit:i »> tiK thrril
fpoken? D 0,.ely rr„k,..„ '^'J
..J ccnfUcration oft!,, he ir'.rs. o He,hu,f„e,l,
f,,- in'fi.
»>4v, f
a, a „im*
, '

Strmge tongues. Edifying. Chap. X7. Of Chrif^es refurreaion. 7^

feeing he knoweth not what thou fiyed ? 3y And if they will learneany thing, let tl.em
1 7 For thou veteiy giveft thankes well,buc the aske their husbands -it hnme for it is a ihatne for :

8 He p»oFcut=a«th ^^^er is not edified. women to fpeake in the Church.

8 1 rhanke my God.l fpeake languages mors 36 i« Cznne the w^rde of God out from you ? '« AgftiewIIeoa*
iTfuXoAxZr i i

they.riybesfta. then ve all. either came it unto you onely

tifeofthe right ufe
med of ihtir foo- i^" Yet had 1 rather in the Church to fpeake 37 If any man thinke himfelfe toSe a P rophet, of%i,'ituai'i\i"i
lito ambiuan.aud
q j^^g words with mine vndeiftanding, that I might or ufpiritiiail, let him acknowlec'ge, that the things iu airtmbiic, with .-

efcbcw *n (\x{^v ^'fo inftru6t others .then ten thoufind words in a that 1 write unto you .are the commandements of " Oi"feieprrh,G.
prange tongue. the Lord. fioii.lraatbeCo-
tioo of envie.
J ^ VirjftVI lo 9 Brethren, be not <• children in vnderftan- 38 "7 And if any man be ignorant , let him be aioof'fee'Jt'f,'
ding , but as concerning malicioufnes be children. ignorant. themfelve»tobe
v«bXro f.«ly" but'in vn<ierftanding be of a ripe age. ^^ >8 wherefore, brethren, covet to pronhe- « 'f'-
2i In the « Law it is Written, J By men of Other ' i k'lfi'V in kinw
forthtiicbiidiih cie, and fotbid not to fpeake languages. >*

folly. which fee tongues.and by other Janguages will I fpeake unto 40 Let all things be done honefkly , and by fif,il"^u''',i!i'^'f,,
not how th^ig.fti jjjjj
. j-Q
Q^gjj jjj jj^j j^g2^g ^gg j-^j.jj order.
J 17 The Church
«a.grv.ntotb. the Lord. oHgbt not to care
for fuchaibe ftubbutnely ignorant.tnd will not abide to be taught, butto goforwaril
profitepfthe 22 Wherefore /fMB^s tocgucs are totahgne,
notwitbiiapding iu ihoft tbingt which ate right. iS Propbecie ought fimply to
Cburch.ii turned ^Ot PO them that beleeve ,but to them that be- be retained and kept inCongrega-.iont, taegiftoftcnguei iinoi to be fatbidJt* ,bat
by their ambition
J not : but prophecying fervsth notfcrthera all thingi mult be done orderly.

'hat beleeve not. but for thtin which beleeve.

"curfiGB, feting
that this fame au 2} n If dieiefote , when the whole Church is CHAP. XV.
I The Gcfftl that Paul f,eacht4. 1 Tht de^-!, anJrlfiy-
foiicoDteincd comc together in one , and all fpeake flrange rtaimcfChrij}. S PMlfitreChriJl. 9 hi had pir/.-
aowDgft the pu-
tongues , there come in they that are f vnlearned, cmed that Church , rnhereofd^renrardhi reaim.irle u mini.
fitr. 1 J ChrifiM rc/i a^ainl , a„d rpt aU/haH
^'rsod v^T' or they which beleeve not , will they not fay . that rifi b,
hm. li ThtUJimemii, death. 19 Totitafna.tdf^r
ihtftubbum. yeare out of yout wits ?
Btt of the people, 24 jjut jf aij prophecic , and there come in one
dtaJ. 3t ^U EfhefnsPaHlf,u«hfrriihlejlli.
3; &»
ihedtAdareraired. 4; 1 hefirjl ^i.Um. TheUfi^dam,
belceveth nor, or one vnlearned,he is rebuked
^'^^'^ «7 The firjl arid fecmdman. si )Vtfb*H tilhethan'tJ,
T' ""atifon''"'^"*
we/hatlmtaUfleepe. ft VeathiBinr.
ofallmen.andisiudgedofall,_ sj yiihrit.
lirlugMTibofe fS Cc»jUr.cieindJlcdfafir.ef,. ' * '^ *
" „
language tbey vb- 2j And fo arc the lecrets of hiS heart made mani- I The fixih UH'
dtritood nfit.
feft,& fo he will falldowne on his faceand worthip V|Oreover, , 4. brethren ,I declare nnto you "f«ofi'">EFiftie.
*£***/!«'' ht.
^°^' ^'^^ '^y plainely that God is m you in deede. the
Gofpell which I unto you, preached """".'"* 'he «,

artdeih all
-vndtrjt 26 11 What is to be <io»tf then, brethren? when which yee have alfo received, and wherein yec
tlVwVolejcrif- ye come together <wc(>r<^«>g « every one of you
, continue. cpaffiugover
»»r«. hath a Pfalme, or hath do(Arine,»r hatha tongue, 2 And whereby yee ?.re faved , if yee keepe in from or.e matt* r
* ''•'"- memory , after what maner I preached it unto you,
»r hath revelation ,er hath interpietation.let all ^
TH^'J' ^J""
10 •'-'f'-
Tbeccndub- . , , it - ^ b except ye have beleeved in vaine.
tilings be douc unto edifying. nVX

on Therefore the Ln cgl

giftofioogue* 27 "3 If any man fpeake a /|rd«ffe tongue, /fr«r 3 For firll of all , I delivered unto yon that <bit;g totb.tnd
iMvethtopuoiBi [,g by two or at the moft , by three , and that by
v/hich 1 received, how that Chrift died for our "a'theCutm.
the vnfaitbfull finnes. according to the § Scriptures, """
courie, and let one interpret.
vDitfe it bVrd'r- 18 But if there be no interpreter .let him keepe 4 And that he was bancd.and that he arofe the th"y bid Ugua
led to prophecie (iicnce in thc Qhmch. , which fpeak^tlilnnguages, thirdday according ^o the •'' Saiptures, toiwatve;r..ra
(that iito fay, to and let him fpeake to himfelfe, and to God. y * And that he was feene of Cephas , then of '*" ''s**' ""'^^
i+ Let the Prophets fpeake », two orthrcc, the c tv/elvc. "'"' ""' '^" "^
cf SctiptLie) aod ' r
1 J •


and let the Other ludge 6After that .he was ^eene of more then five fo"emr°a;,"oU*
iifpoken.bebf 30 And if any thing be revealed to another that hundieth brethren at ^ once ; whereof msny re- trifling matter
toattntai;ei vii- littcth by, let the firft hold his pe.ace. roaine unto this pcefent , and fome alfo are alleepe. butof another
^^ For ycmay allprophecie One byone, that all 7 After that, he was feene of lames then ol all '^"l!' "{ u :
'^'''y leame, andall may have corofoit. the Apoftles. .ntttTk^
.i[* ADOthtrargii-
32 And thet fpifits of the I'rophetsare fiibied: 8 * And
of all he was feene
laft of me,
meot The: gift » aifo av.ny, faith
oftongueiv\iiB. to the Prophets. as of one borne out of due time. muiincedejco.tie

-^^ ^"^^ ^°'^ '^ "°^ //;e««»/:«<rof confufion, 9 Forlamtheleaftofthe Apoftles, which
"o'Cf^'u^to- [°°"".-'','„'^°b
fi«b" roth^t-'faith- but cf peace . divvefee in all the Churches of the am not meete 10 be caliedan ApoiUe .becaufel n^tblgcom-liui.
•full :bii: alfodoih Saints. per/ecuted the Church of God. treanit at Cbriai
verymnchburtai j^ "J +" Let your womenkeepe iilence
in the 10 i Butby thegiaceofGoJlamthatlam: "furieSion, which
weiltotbeiti^a^i^^^ and his grace which j."tf ground and
Churchcs : for it is nor permitted unto them to is inme.wasnot in vaine but

fpeake but they oM^it to be fubicd , as aifo x th« I laboured more ahoundantly then they all yet not
wb.c'h ftouid be : :
x^oDO'T ID he pnb- 1 Law faith. i ,buttheoraceofGod which iswithme. '
meih ithntby the
likeaflcinbiitt. H Wherefore, whether it were I, or they, fo we ""'inonieot the
pot by intanelitcotrmeth topalTe, that the faithfull feeme to othertobemaddr,
preach, and fo have ye beleeved. ScniHum.aDd
much Itfli can the vnfaitbfull be iafl tufted thereby / Litki '^cieit^.ij.
11 Tiit cottclulior.: The cdifyiugoftheCongregaiion is a rule and f<juareofibertgkt
II r jNowifitbepreached.thatChriftisrifenotreAH"''*
vfe of all i'pirituallgiftt. n
The maaei bow to uft the giftoftonguei. It may and of more then five hundteth brethren ,and laft ofailby hiiov*fce- <" Cul.iiit'
be iJwfull fo! one 01 two ,cra: the uioit fortbrte. to ufetbe gift of tongues, one after a In il,tfrofifimnh're^/}m iiminucyei. i> Wh'chui,ery ahjmd ,-indc»nntiite»
anothtr in au aCfiufclyjfo that there be lometo expcimd the lame but if ibere be none :
l»t iUl tho bc,ee}:e, wnji reafe i he fruit e cf/.nth. § JJl».!3>S- > f'-*'-4-, *''"**
to expound, let tim that haih tbai gift , Iptake to himfelfe alone. 1^ The manner a, I. « /eAnio,j9. t vf'hcfe intli>t fit-kld .t^i clnjtn ^f«jUe'
• of ptophecyicg Ltt two or three j.iopound ,atid let the other iudge of that iLat ii
tcmrenmh cuteUmeihe ,thm^-h Juilas Tf as fut out efI le mrr.cer. d Hotfti/ent
propoundeto .vvteihrr ii be agreeable to the vioid ofGodorna: If in thii examina. tim;i tint ttj-eiher (ind atcneinfUnt, * ^i}ttrj>S. x Heemaiuitincih
ty the
«ion ti-eLord giveuoy man iioiight tofpeike, let theingive him leave to fpeake. Let way, ihesuiDoriiieof hiij^i'iiltltlbip, vcfaich vtasrequiliteiob: in gco'lctcfiicamotig
y very man be admitted to picphecie , ftverally and iu tisotJer,fofarre footth atit ii the Corin:hi3si that thitE|iltle tnig'ot be of force and vveigbi amocglt chem. Iat»e

Vquifiiit fonht edifying of the Cbutch. Let thtm be content to be fubieft fch tootheri meaue f<>foa becumpareih bimfdfe in fuch foil after aceitaioeditiDcatt , witbcct-
J hedaiUi-ie rr^uhtbe irtfht'i hrin^ -nhich are inCfirtd -niik
itnlgemtnt. »
iaineotbtr , that ketnakeibbiirftifrioferiour lotbeinall. * Hpdef.3.8. Epne''*
(Jo;.'! ifi'u. If Woir.en are conimandtd 10 be tjleutio publike afieiobliei, and;
37. 3 TbeArlt argument to proov" that there ill rcfuircftioD fio>nlheflc24'
tbey uecQmirattBdbiite£ikeoftLci:huibaaiitAtboaie. » i.lim.i,\i,^ Cli.},\«, Chrilt is lifra agiiine, tke:efutetta dead (hall rile agiitr.
KKK 4 fiom
The refurredion 1. Corinthians. ofthebodyprooved.
from the dead , how fay Tome among you , that his enemies'' vnder his feete.
there is no refurrectinn of the dead ? 26 The 1 laft enemie that ihall be deftroyed , it ^ " ""f^'
be no rcfurrcdlioa of the dead, death.
1 3 4 For if there
Th'feond by jjj^j, -J (,,,^i,, ^or rifen : * 27 *
For he hath put downe all things vnder f.rmVifa'fir-
his feete (And when he faith that all things are >"">', in -nhu-h
,°hA' bf n'.",',fut- '4 f AnJ if Chrift b- t^ot rifen.then is our prea-
fubdued to him , it is manifeft that he is excepted, *""''«*
rt«ioi of ihe ching vaine A.ul your faith is alfo vaine. "A'Jl
JtiJ.tbtniinot ,j Afi J wee are found alCo falie witDcfles of wkich did out downeall things vnder him.) ^/^^^ T-Mthl, »,.
ChMit rifcn«gJio«. Q^^. fy^ ^e^ have teflified of God .that he hath 28 And when all things ihall be fubdued unto cauft ihi, fcnt!'

raiftd un Chrift uhom he hath not raifed up . if fo

him.m then ftiall the Sonne alfo himfelfe he fub- vra-^htnhimcf
aI ^'fur°t,i' by :

left unto him.that did fubdue all things vnder him, !"' ^•">"
oib«t abfurdiiiti : be the deaJ bc not raifed. .

ifChf.nb.not «Forifthedeadbenotraifed,thenisChrift that n God may be all in all.

i6 /fh.Z^JJ,' '
2p u Els what fhall they doe which are baptized ^tw, uuksn
Gof^l' I. i° vai«. r A ndye

if Chrift
are eyet
be not wifed
. your faith is for dead ? if the dead rife not at all ,why are they
then bapti zed for dead j
''« •"''"''

f" '/" '/

aad ihi :

ibii yoa ;> 1 8 8 And fo thi y which are afleepe in Chrift, io '« Why are wee alfo in ieopardie every ^^^j,';"'7'4'^^_,,.
.in.. and
g^e perilhed
rHrKw" h 19 o"^'y we have hope in Chrift.
' 'f '" f ^"'s 'if^ 31 By our p reioycing which I have in Chrift t r.uJn h ihst
death aifi fhaUt
t,,tUmt ar^u- we are of all men the mofl miferaSle. lefus our Lord, I die d.iily.
mrnt •ikjnofan ^q io Hut nov/ is Chrift rifen from the dead, ii .7 If I have fought with beaftes at Ephefus %„""'
abfurdi.i.. (.u.po-
fiBgto fliew how
„ ^
^, s nj^ae the + f hrlUruiies of them that
^ q afterthemanerof men what advanrageth it me, .j. ppi 8,«,

ifthe death be not raifed up ' J i« let us' eate and Hth.i.i.
thtrofurirai'.nof 2 1 i» Fof fincc by man Mwe death by man , drinke for to morow we Ihall die.
: '? ^''^'"'"f'

Cori:t be taktn j^^, alfo the refurrcAion of the dead, 33 19 He not deceived eviil fpeakings corrupt '/JJX^^/'f"'/

^^ For as in Adam all die , cvcn fo in Chfift good maners. ,/,,,, t,/„„, m»
lra,hU.h?/u. niall all be made alive.
g §4 Awaketo/«Wrighteou(\y,andfinnenot:for kectufi hu Mj,
nininirntofr.onf, ij i} Hut cvecy man in his § owne order : the fome have not the knowledge of God , I fpeake *'<f"'''r^}>'''f
vainf ouU we they that are of this to your flume.
beUMfhit our
firft fruites i» Chrift .afternardc ,
Chfift, at his ComnWQ /hi II rife AgAtne. ?y *o But lome man wJll lay How are the , anj nm yn tvitollj
Jiv«r.!if<b'y 14 MThen //W/i« the h end when he hath ,
dead ray fed up? and with what body come they furuktr cfhit
femjinr byt they
: delivered Up the kingdome ro God . even the Fa- foorth' fl'o.^">"}»
dotremaint, if ther, ihen nehath put downe ' all rule, and all au - 16 »« O foole . that which thou foweft, is not {l"f t^,"„^ ',"
thoritie and power. quickened, fxcept it die. toJincftht
"Ti»,u,i,f<in If For he muft reigne * till he hath put all 37 And that which thou Ibweft.thou foweft sainnivhi.hhte
not that bodie that fliall bee but bare corne as imhtgrai.i.fhj,^
thiir finnei.TThich , it
f,«rl'altch'^ineJremifi.n eft'-eir (InKti. 8 Sfcoodly. voltlTr th»t tliii becertaioe
falleth , of wheat, or of fome other.
% ,lr"Srtnl"n:
J8 »» ButGodgiveth itabodyathis pleafure, («» cdri »j /.« i»
thatChrilltjfeagaiDe.allthty wbicbditdin Chnft, arepetiftied, Sotheo whai profit

Coil, hath -uifut-

eominetb of fai'b > « Th<- thitd argumrot which ii alfo taken from an ahfutditie :
Meevr io Chtil) flijil be ied ic him it hh Father h.fh.hui i'Miilt to hiifwhir lorethertvith
<ti he is Priefl.hee
fr-r volefTc there beanoibtrlife > lAhercin fucb a> iruD aud
'v,:^u«ujl. Uoke 1 th^ft- 4'he n Bj t^is Triniite.
htgh kj"''' «//pff)i',ij/et fcrlh
bltffed , tbfy We'e the mift mifrrable of all crtaturei , becaufein ihii life they ate the
*n inctmftehrnftUe jr^itr'evhlh floveeth from G,d .*ndjhill fiU ,ii „f-vi .ajwear*
mofl miferable. 1° A coaclufioo of the forme: argument. Thtrefote Cbrift iirifeo
i'jnedtoirether yti'h our he:id,h'ttiit fo. 'hat xtr hesd 4iiU a'nayei rtdri/t his freemi'
•gaine. 1 1 He« purteth the laflconclufion fr the fit ft propofiiioa of the argii- "^

men that followeh. C rift ianfto agaioe, Tbertfore {hall wee the faithful! (for of nenct. if Thefifth argument takenof the end of Biptifme, to wit, becaofe thll
tkey which are bactized, are baptized for dead . that it le fay , that they may have a
them br ffvaketb ) rife againe Then foiloyieih (he fiift reafoD of ihii coafeijjeDt foi
: :

remedy agaiaft deaib becaufeihatBapiifraeii a token ofregtneration, e Thtj that

Ctrift ii fer f. orth unto ut, to be confidtrfd of not ai a privaie man apariand by him-
are kspi':^ed,to this end anit pit', tftMui death may he pat tut m rhm,rr to rife againe
feifr.but aiihe Stdfruitf • And he lakrth that which wai knowtnto all witi

from the death, rrl'trecfliapi'r-"' i' afiale. 16 Thrfiitb argument VnlelFethere be

thai the whole beape it fanaififd io tht firii ftuiei. X Colof i i 8. revelat. i.;, ,

f Heealiudeub totbefiift ffiuie'ofcorDc.tbe offering wheieoffanftifitd the rtltof the

arefurrrdionof thedcad.whyftl >uld the Apoftlryfodayly caft them felveitn'o danger
froiti Another cotfirmaiion ofibefameconffquent : fotCbriltii to beconfidercd
of foinaoy deaihi ? p ^
s though he fad , ' die dajllj ,ai aU the mjferi.-i T fuffer fan

ve'J -wttnefrej-irhich J mJv irUeij h.tfl 4/, that I tid)>e furred amortgl- j,u. 17 The
ai oppofiitioAdam .thaiaa from one maa Adam, finne came over all, to from one man
taking away of an obiedion bunbon Pauldidft ambiiicufly >ai conmooly men ait
Cbrift.lifecommetb unto all: that i»>of»y,.h2tallrhefai.hfull,ai.bfy die, becaufr by

nature tb»y were botne of Adam .fobecaufe itiChriD they are made tbecbilHienof
woont to <loe when thou diddelt fighi v» th beafti at Ep efet Tba is very like faith ' ,

Paul, for what could that advantagt m e.weteit not for the glory ofeternall life whieb
Gi dbygtace.tbey irequickftiedandrtCorKl tolifebyhim. (; Sh.t'l rifely t\it -verfe
1 bore for ? ^ Nof 'Vpcn any ^odly motien nor tajltm mine eyes "Upcn Cod ,hut
13 Heedoeib rwo tbinei together : for he (heweth that the refurnftion
mrmberi taritd d-way viih-vaine iiory,(r a ctriaine headinejfe, I/iijj.ia. 18 The
i< io fiicbfort comrron to Chrift with all hi» .that noiwitbftaoding/hefarie "f-

for he waaibefiift thai r.fe aga ire

from the dead 'and alfo feventb argument which depeudeth upon the laft if thtre beno (fturrtftionof the :

fifttb tb<m. both iotime i

JO honour bfcdufe tt at frombim and

cor life and glcrie. Tb-n by ibii in him ii all dead why doe we give our fflvel to ajy thing ell fave to eating and drinking >

f Thjfe are fpeechet that Ei'icures ufe 19 Tneconrlurnn with a Ihatpe exhorta-
i occarioobeepjnVTh in the next argument. f t.Tlit/^tj 14 Ttefou'ih argu-
meot.wherevii'b alfo he coDfirm'ih the other, h^th a moftfute ground. 10 wit.hecaufe tion that they lake heedeof the naughtie companie ofcettsine : fr^in whencehre ftie.
that God muft reigne. And thii ii tbemaner of hitteigne , that th^ Faibcr willbo weib ibatthij niifchieff fprang; warning tbrm 10 bee wife with fobtieiie untorighte-
thewtd to br Kine in hi. Sonne wto wai made man 10 whom all thiogi ate made ,
oufntlfe 20 Now thithe ha h prnoved the rtfurriSion hediftrureththeij ,

fubuft ibe pii mifer onely exc-pi) to the end tha' ike Father may afierwardea dolii(hntffr,in iha:tbeyfcoffingly dtmanHed how it could be that the dead ftiould rife

t'ii'mpb ID bit Sonne tbeconquerour. And bemaketh two par.aof tbii reigne and do- againe, and if ibty did rife againe they a.ked mockinsly what manner of bodiet thry
mioioo of the Sinne wh»iemihe Fiieri glerieconfiftfih 10 wit the overcomming : ,
ftlou'd have. he fendeth th.fe fellowti which fmnrd to ibemfelveJto be

of tiienemiei (whfreof fome moft be de[ lived ofall power , ai Saran and all tbt wic- marvellous wife and wittie , to be inllrufted of fooie rude hulliandmrn. 11 Thotl

ked rud ao/f m'gbiie, and oil er muft be viierly aboliflied aidea'h
rverfo mighieft have lea. ned either of ibefe faith laul ,by daily experience : for feedis are
. b' tbry . i )

and a plaine and de^^^ry <'f:bc godlyfruin all eormiri thatby tbli meanri God
full .
f iweii and rone, and yet noi withltanding (., farre ii ii off, ihat they petilh ibat coo- ;

may fully fetfounhNhebodyrf, he Church citaving faft vnioibfir bead Chrift bit .
tr.riwife they grow up farremore btaoiitiill ami whereai they arr fo wen naked an<J

kiopdnme and glory ai a kmE in biifu^i. A» More, ver he putieih the fiifl degree of drie.they f^f mg up pieene from dea h by the vei tue ot God and d'leik it fe'me incre- :

thii kirgdt.mriniherefurrfftii.noftht Sunnr, who ii ifar brad and the petfeftton,iB ;

dible tot bee that ourboJiei Ihiiuld tifefixin coirupiion and that indued with a farre ,

L tfte full coniunfiion of the membei" wib the whiih ftiallbe in ihelaiier day. .
m ireexcellenn|ualitie? ai Wee fee a divtifiiicboib in ooe and the felfr fame thing
Xuw all ihrlr Ifiide 10 tti,pur| ofe toflieweihai deal doe life agjine.nei- which hath uow one forme and thro aoathei , and ye; kerpethit owoe kinde, at it i«
[ ,

Iber the Fa' her can be King above all. neitbei Chrift be Lord ofall .for oeiibei Oiould evident in agraine which i»fowto liaire bj' fptiogeih up farre after ano- he i fort rand
the p"W" of Satan and dea:h be overcome nor the glcry of God be full in bi> Sonne, , alfo in divert kindfs ofonefelfe Smefortai amongft beafti. and alfo among ttingiof
embetl h 7 hefhi n^/,n,fH divers f,iit«i,ai ihe heavenly bodiei and ihe earihly boJir*: which alfodilfervtry-
Ai.tfxmui tcUhT'tjII liffoHtd t/ai *'« f'tvit tkij (14KI, ranch ooe fiom another. Tber-fjie there is no caufe why wefti.iuld reieft either the
|4./«i.i,i3«'»^'0.«3. rrfurrcaionuflhcboditS/Oi changing ufihcoi into a btiitt aate,aia thing ini^ofltbl*, C.
: , 3

The laft Adam. Chap, xvj. Ourvidorie. 77

even to every feed his owne bodie. j4 So when this corruptible hath put on in- x o.'e.,.M4. ,

39 Ali H (li ii not the fiime flcfli , but there is corruption , and ihis mortall hath put or, iramor. t^b.a 4
a 3 Hcemckeih one fleniof men J andanothet flelh ofbeafls.and taliiie , then (hall be br. light to pafi'e the f?<y in"- f '-^ ^^ ^f .

another of hlhes, and another of birds that

: is written. * Death is Iwalloved up into vt fak.nofrb,'Xft°*
bodie, bfing rai-
40 There are aifo heavenly bodies, and earthly •^Orie. ^
ibar.ofutth thai
fcd: IncurrnptioD.
bodies but the glorie of the heavenly //one, and
f Ode,ith where »Vthy fling ;Q grave where '''••ing In yonder.
CO wit. becaufr thegUrie < f the earthly is another. »/thyviaorie»
ibey thallbe fouod 41 Thete is another glorie of the funne , and
and altujctbei of
56 The fling ofdeathiifinne: and the flrength [^".laH up%of
another glorie of the nnoone , and anoiher glorie of iinnei'/the taw.
a D.iiure ibat can fai.bfuil wcrke-
of the ftsrres for one ftarre dift'ereth from another men, they continut
DOC be Corrupt :
f7 t But thankes tif unto God, which hath gi-
Glcry becaufe ftarre in glorie. ven us viftorie through our Lord lefus C hrill. *'"
ibey lhallb^ ador- f"un'h"f tbfdo
41 sj So alfoiV the refurre6tion of the dead.TT;* j8 3° Therefore my beloved brethren, b.eyee
ned witbbeauiie 8m!eof.'h!refui.
hodie is flowen in ccrtu[»tion and is raifcd in in- , ftedfaft unmooveable.aboiindant alwayes ythe uSionof thedtad.
and honour Pow :

er, becaufctbey
corvjption. worke of theLord.forafmuch as ye know that yout ^ T)Hfousib ihe
fliallcoot.nuc 43 It is fbwen ih« difhonour , aniis riled in labour is not in vaine in the fLord. ¥'^' '''r S' goo*-
tvcrUfliDg without glorie : it isfowen in weakenelVe and is railed in imwoikiog inut.


I Heexiorttihthemu heipethe ftcre Ir^ihriTi if Hitrufatem:
viit°hout wbic'h'ihii 44 '* ^^ '^ fowen a natutall bodie, and is raifed
10 Thenhectmmendeth Tim thie, ij »nd /itfiih a
frailt lift afpirituall bodie:there is a nacurall body, and there friendlj exhertation, 19 "ndccmmend.itiins, endtth iht -•. '

keejje ttom
it ft' ft isafpirituallbodie. Efiftk.
f i.htintd.attd
»; Asit isairowritten,The«firftmanit. A-
made a living foule and the Jaft Adam :
Q Oncerning
have I
the gathering for the Saintes , as

ofdained in the Churches of Galatia,

Cclltaioni IB
Id time wtre
pun i> hid atfetd ladt by the Ajo.
was rmde a y q'.nckciiing fpirit, fodoe yealfo.
46 »« Howbcic thnt T/vat not fi.-ft which is fpiri- 2Every » h'tft day of the weeke let every one rhrfiTdlyTf'the ,
t>MofgLtit,and of you putafideby himfelfe.and lay upas Ctdhsxh
luall : but that vvlichis natural], and afcer ward chat
Fried frcm the tVMffcj/rpiritUc.l. bprofpeted him, that then there be nogatberings daythemanft ww

f.rm,r Vt.= k.""!]'': 47 The firft man is of the earth , earthly : the when I come.
Txhereui i' it fuk- fecondman //the Loru fiom » heaven. 3 And when I am come vhcnnfoev^r ye fliall \ whic"in timw ,

48 »7 As ts the earthly , luch are they that are allow by c letters them will I lend to biing your pad wa,taiiedSHB.
tkti aid ihan^f,
and as w the heavenly fuch are they alio
earthly : , liberal itie unto Hieruialero. day, but now iicak
tha' it ctnuei
'"* i-<"d.<lay.
tnainUint iiftlfe that are heav-nly. 4 1 And if it be meet that I goe alfo.they
' (hall '^'
*" b That every man
•ffithout meal and And as wee have borne the'' image of the goe With me.
49 beftow, according
dr'nk' ^ndfuch Nowe I will cotneuntoyou , afterlhave
earthly fo thall we bearc the image of ^ heavenly.

, y toiheabiiiie tk»t
tthlrli^e h/lpei.
jO »8 This fay I.brethren, that fleia and blood <= gone through Macedonia (fori will pafle through God hath bltfl.i
34 Heftieweth
cannot inherit the kingdome of God, neither doth Macedonia.) „r't
pcrfitly >Done
\»cid tbii cbaoge Corruption inherite incorriiption.
^ . 1- ..,.<. II n. n
c Which yon uiall
6 And It may be that I will abide, yea, or wm- gjye ,bea, to catie.*
I •

5 1 *9 Behold.I Ibew you a"! fecret thing, Wee ter with you , that yee may bring mee on my way, a Therefidutof
the bodicby tbe
refurreaioa w.btn ft»ali not all
ileepe, but we Ihall all be changed, whitherfoever I goe. .'be Epiftle is fpeiit

my «"""'« o''^*™'*
he that of
tie faith, 01 a
* ji Ineamoment,
j2 in a iiioiutiii , in the twinkling ot
mi, iv»iiji\iiiig an eye
ui di
>• 7 For 1 will not fee you now in paffape.but |°

natural! bodie,it at the laft § tiumpet fot the trumpet ihall bl blowe,
T n. L-i -L
1 trutt to abide a while with you
LJ •'
the Lord
lut matieii,yeifo
: . ,ha, .n ,bing. be
2nd the dead ihtU be railed up
*" iucorruptib.e
* ^"^ permit. . rtftrrediohijpur.
r t'liili body which -""""'r"'. "j •

two qualit'eibe- »« <hall be changed. 8 And I will tarie at Ephefus untill Pentecoft. poftd matke, <hat

iiigcleanediife. y3 For this Corruptible mtift put On in-cotrup- 9 For a grtat doore and i cffeduall is opened '

, JfGod 'and
lent, ibe one from tion ; and this mortall WKi? "^
put on immortalitie, unto me, and there are many adverfaries. fo the edifying of
the other, tee _
That i« called a natutall
10 jNow ifTimotheus Come, feethatheebe iht Corinthians.
flrjightway eipuunaeth, and fetteth foorih diligenTly. a s
e without feare with you -.for he worketh the worke ^'"' *' '"'* "°* ''
bodie, which 11 <)uickened jnd niaiDtainedby a living foaleonelyfuch aiAdjm wai,
of the Lord, even as Wo^. *""
of whome all wte are borne naiuially.and thai ii faid to be a fpi tiiualhwhicb togetbci t'hir.'by.'''"
with thefo«i!e itquicktntd wuti a faire more eiceiitnt venue: to wit. wiih the Sfirit 1 I Let no man therefore defpifehim:but con- , wnboutany iuft
cf God .which defcendeih 'romCbrin the fecond Adam into ui. x Adam i>
vey himfoorthfin peace, that hee may come unto occaSonof fejre.
called tbefirl! man, bfcaufehte ii y rooteajit were tiom whence wee fpring:& Cbiift
iithe la.te. tnanrbecaufe bee it tbe beginning of all them that areipirituall.and iu him
me for 1 looked for him wiih the brethren.
; ^ Safe and found,

^leeareallcomprrbended, 4. Gtn.j,;. y Chtijl 7: caUta .t Spirit , tj, rtjfen 12 As touchin£ brother Apollos.l greatly
tfthai mc/; exielleit nature, that ii In faj.GcdvhodtfiilcthiTi himhdi!j,ai ^liam it defired him ta come unto ycu with the brethren:
[jt'ed J lifirtffcule , i> re^fr. of ti., foule vchuh ii r^ehejl fan in him. j« Secondly
but his minde was not at all to come at this time :

be willtih theothetoftbi» double flate ct qnaliiie to be oblervcd , that t • oaiutall

howbeit he will come when he fhall have conve-
watfitft.Adam beting created of (ht clay of che earth :and tbefpiri.u.ll followed and
came upon it to wit > when a, the loid beting lentfiom he-ven endued our fltfll . nient time. |inf""J°
came of a mao and T

I. n ifn- I. r i_ • •

wbrct war trepared and made fii for him with ete fulnet of the GodocJd. z Wal- ,
1 S Watch ye.-ftand fall in the fanh : quite you not of a womao.
lowingin dun, and wholly given to an earthlyoaiure. a Tbe Lord ij laid to
likemen, <(«</bcllrong. b Given ihemfelvw
corned owne frcm btavtn by that kindt offpttcb wb.rtby thai wkich 11 proper 10 one vibojiytoibemi-
ii vouched of another. 17 He afi'lyeih loth iheeartbly catuialnelTt nf Adam J4 Ltt ail your things be done in love.
(if J may fe lay) to oat bodiej, fo long ai they are naiurally convttlant on tartb , to I
Now brethren,! beleech you (ye know the 'ih'aryou ho„o«, • tbij life and in the graver and alfoibe fpnitual it ofCbrill totbefameciK
, houfeof g Stephanas that It IS ihehrll fruits of A- aodt,vtrtnce ,feii>
bodie,, afier ihat ibeyare rif^n againe .andhtefji h tbatifcatgoeth before and ibij chaia , and that they have b given themfelvesto beobeditnuoihem,
fliall follcwe. b Notava!5eand falfe image, bur fiich an onea»bad tte tiueth
miniflerunto the Saints.) '" *"
with ii indtede- J8 The conclufioii r We cannot '.epjitiktr. of ibtglorie of ""itdb'T'"
God, vnlclfr wepat r£F all that groffeand fikhie naiute of our bodie, lubitft 10 cor- i6 Th.uyec be 'obedient even unto fuch.and mt,, i/you"iti'o"id
ruption ihaitht famtbodiemay be adoratd wiib iDcorrupiiblt glorie.
c Fitlb to all that helpe with us and labour. fte.rg .tty have be-
»dd Hood arenktn here for a living bodit which cannot at taroe t» corruf tion, un- ,
17 lamgladof the of Stephanas. and flowed thtmfeive,,
lefleitputoff.oituptioB. 29 He gceih futthe: .deelaiing that ic (hail come to ="<i>=fi' g -odMo
Fortunatus.andAchaicusifor they have i'upplied
psfl'e ibai'.hty which ftiall be found alive in the Utter day (hall not defceod totoihat J I
helve Touwiihalk I

corruj >ti >n of the grave , bat (hall be renurd with a fuddtn change wbich change is

I c
the want of you. ,^ *^J„;, i,J^,,
Tcrie t<:c]uiliiie and that the ceruint tnioying ofihebcntfite and vi^urie of CbiiR, it
: 18 For they have comforted my ^ fpiriteand Takeihtm'fsr i

dtftirtd unto that lattertime. ba<h beat bid, and nevrr know en
d A ibm^ that fichmen j, th*f
yours acknowledge theiefore fuch n^en.
; I

bi:herio,and tacrtforeworibie iha: you give good care uoto it. 1 Httfljewcth
wtluitlvctiaicAaUbcvenethoa. i MM.i'^ai- i>ihiir.4,ii. 1 9 The Churches of Alia falute you ; Aqnila "'• '^<«^
The profit of alRidions. 1 1. Carinthians. Not Yea, and Nay^
«Romi6i« '
''^'^ Prifcilla wth the Church that is in their 2} The grace of our Lord Tefus Chrift <« with
» uf.s \\ houfe, O.h'.te yoii greatly in the Lord. you.
t.ff.i.,A. 20 Al! t^^e Srfriiren grecte you.Greete yee one 24 My love bi with you all Chrift lefus.
m F.j t'li/i w anmherwi-h n « holy k'^e. Amea.
ij hxkrntd l,t
mine bwne
1 1 Thefaiutation o- w* Paul with
hjod. £. The firft Epiji!e to the Corinthians,
f. , *a'irj/ iz Ifany man love nor the Lord lefus Chrift, writtfn from Philippi,a«^/J«fby
*""'./ '
'""^ *^''" ^^ ^^'^ '" t^xecrationm maran atha. Stephanas and Fottunatiis
, , and
Lord ctmmtth- t t'txt kit mt*nii,i md) li thu.Ltl himtt accUr' Achaicns, andTimotheus.
at m».l, ic /v ,41 'ir '

/&• tl-en I' iht tunmini tfiht Urif tktt it it/aj.t- mt dtnh aa] , t>tnftr tl>ir.


CHAP. I. ID who delivered us from fo g great a death, g Ffom tieft gren
and doeth deliver ut in whom we truft, that yet '**°8«"-

ivlutt'he ha'ifHJft'Ki In lo »»d horv hafftlj Cod

^fta. hereafter he will deliver us. f Th°aTh'e'm,°y
tf^fled him. >7 He fuith it ivai rut »fon »nj li^htneffe, U•!• « So that yee labour together in pray- notfeemeteboaft
thtt ht come net, ttcurding^ Ic hitpremifi, erforUS, 7 that forthegift^<'^9T/fe<^ upon VS for himfelfe, beanri-
raanis.thankes may be given by many perlbns for
I Set tledrclart.
rionof fuchfalu-
tatiooiio tbef«r.
an Apoftle of I E S

will of God , and

by the
S U "S.
11 8 For our reioycing is this the teftiraonie of ,
confeDeih tbathe
aittibuteih much
uict Epinld.
our brother Tirnotheus to the ,
our confcience, thatin fimplicitie godly ^ pure- & " theprayersof
Church of God. which is at Co- nefle,<t«i not in fleftily wildome.but by the grace '
''\'^^\''„^j";f ,|,e
rinthus , with all the Saints, which ofGod we have had oiirconverfation in the world, Jfo.ftjon.o'fthe
are in all Achaia ;
andmoftofallto youwards. SaiDit.i. the glory

Grace ie with you , and peace from God. 13 For we write k none other things unto you.
oiGod , and there,
ourpather ,and/r#w the Lord lefus Chrift. then that ve read or els that ye acknowledge, and
» Ephef.i.j. 3 4. 1 Biefl"ed6s God
a even the Father of our ,
T „ 1. V 11 I . J
I truft ye thail acknowledge unco tne r end.
• be prtciou»uat»
1 ptir.i.j. Lord le'.'us Chrift, the Father of ^ noercies . aud the 14 Even as yee have acknowledge us partly, 8 Secoodlyhe
a H«b<iinnetb
God of all comfort, that we are your '» reioycing , even as ye are ours, pu"«''> away «o
aft»r biiminoei
°'^" ""^*'' ">
vwith thankrfgi- 4 which comforteth us in all our tribulation, in that n day of o«r Lord lefus.
via?. vrbichoot' 3 that wee may
be able to comfort them which are ly And in this confidence was I minded firft to iTgh't „jn, a^ fuck
witbiU'idiog any ^fftidion by the comfort wherewith we our
j^'n comeuntoyou, that ye might have had a o double aoaeaswamot
fo:hfrw.fe rh«n •" ^
fclvcs are comtovted of God. grace, Icgotly to be cre-
VT«J WQnt)ht 31
the fuffsrings of Chrift abound in us. '^"'^ feeing
dited, that
rVth tobimf.lfi" S Fo- JS
Andtopafleby yon into Macedonia, and
16 ,

bf^inciog hi. E- fo our confolation aboundeth through Chrift. (come againe'out of Macedonia, unto you, and coine°un':o them,
p<:iie with the f«.
g ^ And whether we be afflifteJ it it for your .
to be led forth toward ludea of you, and catne not.
confohtion and falvation which is Wrought in ,
17 9 VVhen I therefore was thus minded, did I Andriritbefpea-

tilZp. Zlltr ttie enduring of the fame fufferings which we alfo . vfe lightnefte ? or mind I thpfe things which I ^"^Jf^^l^'^J^"
nsd(a«i't(hoiild fuffcr or whether we. be comforted «f»/ for your
: ,
mind,accordingtothei'fle(li,tha£ with mee Ihould andVLelitre'."
ffe.nt;by their confolation indfaK-ation. be,qyea,yea,andNay,nay ? which tbey know,
Concerning you , in
y And oi:r hop2 is ftedfaft
18 Yea, God is ^ faithful!, that our word to- both by his voice
10 .

."J^cifiorto dt." 2S raucli as wee knowe that as ye are partakers of ,

ward you. was not Yea, and N.iy. fen'°od JheiouTht
fpifrhimbyiMfoa the fufterings , (opjoU yw^^ alfo of the conlola- 19 II Forthe Sonne of God lefus Chrift. who ,g j'cknowi'dge.t
ofhiimifrriM. tion. was preached among you by us, thttt is, by me, and alfo in hi. ictitn,
thT-'hT'r'f''' ^ y For brethren, we would not have your ig- Silvanus, andTimotheus ,< was not Yea, and Nay; being abfent and :

'fflUej'.'butth.t norant of our affliftion, which came nnto us in but in t him it was Yea.
.^ ,. .. XbVhafhe^'^Iu
biicomforndoe Alia , who we Were prefTed out of mcafure pafljng 20 " For all thepromiles ot God in nira ^re utvei be other.
excccdhiiaffli- ftrength, fo that we altogether c doubted even of Yti, and are in " him Amen.unto the gloty of God wife.
ft'^)^l,Olfv»i^gthe jtf^ h Withcleerenei.
° MIS.
Yea wec teceivcd the fenteace of death in and holy and t'ue
»v€ni'be''mrrcrf"<-f 9 ,

G f 0!ir fclvcs beciufe wee Ihould no: reft in our plaionelfeofmiride ,a« God hitnfelfecjn witnefle. i Tiiiiiiog toibat verjr
dtbtFJthetia ,
vrifedoine, which God of tisfieegcdioelTchaih given tne from htaveu. k He
irfu. Chrift.
fclvcs. but in God, which raifedthc dead,
a To bi.ti btpraile fayeth he wtitteth barely and funply: for be that w'itieih in coulouted fort , ii rightly
•ndgloritisiveB. b Mo ft merciful I. 3 The Lord doejli comfort u» to faid towriie otberwife then wee reade and ibis bee faieth the CoriDihiaoi (hall

knoweand-likeofvevy well 1 Pertitely. ra Pauliteioycing in the tord

rtii ,ndei)uT|>ofe thai V9<:e may fo much the more c Tire fuffly comfort oihdri.
n>ir,r,t, Trhich irte P*!f" for Clrrifl or wWcfc Chrift ft ftreth in us. 4 H«« ,
was .that bee bad wonne the Coriathiani and they ihrmftlvejteioyced that fuch an

Apoltlewaitheir iHltruaour.andiaugbtihemfopurelyand fiocefely. u When he

Henyfihibateithfthiiaffliftiomwhtrewith heewai ofienaffliatd, or the ccofola-
Ihjilfit asiudoe. o Auoibetbeottii. 9 He puaefa »w»y iheir flaodtt and falfe
ti^ni wlicb h« ifcc.vid of G»i . may iuftly be defiiiftd , fieing that the Coriutbiani
both might and ought to take great occjfion to be ccufiimed by either ofthein. report by drsying it and fiill cfall iu that chat Jivri went about tjpeifwade the

HI freely , jetl/tcuKfi thcriit dlvaj affointcd Ut Corinthian., that in the preacbiag of toe Gofptll Taol acrred not 'ohimfelfe for :
d .Alihuiij^h filliuiion kt ^ilien

Jrt'rliriVi yvie rrmfl comt toir, vki<h iiil>s r^it nftn iarttctnt *r>Jupri?hi hfi, ihii waitheniiitier and the cafe. p Ai '"oi doc, wbich wiUialllly promifeany
iriii-l, -ivie mufi runits , therefore nee jre ft_^,!e ti -KCrkc c»r fall>a>ii>n, thihppi^ns thing, and change tbeir I'urpcfe at every turning of an band q That I ftinuld faf
|0 He caliei.*! Gi*J to witutlTe, and for iudje of hisconllanciein
a, 1 2. ^J keciuCe u it ^:l>d tnel) thtt ,p,i, fnt ^ojrf mil/ ipor/(f(/, «'/ ihin^i in andvnfay a thtng.
preachingand teachingont ftlfcfame Gufpetl. r True, and ofwbufe fiithfulneOe it
m, , ihtrefcre it !,<:> f'^idt to -rrorki >h: fal)>i^iin i„ ,t< hy theft felfe fUm! tUn.shji
tflii<hme m»ll t\j.t ivee h^lte cnce tierceme ,iU in-
pi'^'etiiii>erUfliiif_ U'e tftr where ho rible wickednelTeco doubt. 11 Heioyneth alfo '.vith luinfelff,bi,fellowei
tam^r.txeet. ootouely not alhamed ofbii affli&ionti
f tiee witnetTrtb'ibat beeii (. wi<orlf;i,witb w'bome bcc fully confeoted in leacbiog one felfefame wit.

hut that be diliiMh alfo to havealimeo koowihr grta otfli! of them , and alfo hii one felfe fame Cbrift. f Wai not divei, and wlaveiing t That il in God. la Laftof
I kou/v not at ail what to ll Bedectaretb the fumme of Di» dot' wit. tnat alltbe pvomife. of filvatioa
rfelivetiefiom thfin, altSnugb it be Oct yet jjer.Ste. e
•Ice. neitber did I fee by siiol btljie whith TV2y tjfav« ray life, f I wai rjfjlved fute and ratifiedin Cbiilt. u Chiilli. fti foonh tocxbibiieand fulfilhbejn
«ioU afluredly «ud v»itbout aUdoubi. x Through our mioifteiie.
SVichic tny feU'cio ^^i
al I i And
. . .

The earned of the Spirit, Cb^p, ij. iij. Marcbants of the word. 78

R« attributeih it '3 And it is God which flablilhetl us with not Titus mybrother.but tookemy leave of them,
ibepraifeoftbU you in Chrift, and hath anointed US. and went away into Mscedoiiia
tonftancie. ooely j ^ y-j^o h..,tl-) sijp leak'd us.ahd hath given the \ 4 Now thankes l/e anto God which alwayes ,

y "rnsft of the S fir it in our hearts maketh ustotriumj^h in Chtift and maketh ma- ,

CcZl'rZl .h«
tolyGfcoa.acd 14 ^J , I Call Nowe
for arecctd unto GoJ my nifeft the !t favour of hisPknowIedge by us in every k He aSuJni t,

came not as yet unto thlojnlini of thi

thut-KithalUon. z foulc , that to fpaie you , I place.
cl-id«b that thfy Corinthus. 1 y 3 For we are unto God the Avftte favour of /^'^f ^yr,^/*r„ „•,
'^'^•^I'v'""' J'""'
14 ' Nc>t that wee hive
' dominion over your Chrift, in them that are faved, and in them which
hisfr'-b°"n^d bi.
fJi'lowc».wi:hout fjiih,bnr\veeare helpers of yourMoy: tor by periih. 3 Htdenieihibat

doing iniuii<- to faith ye Hand. 16 To the one T/fs^tr* the frivour of death, unto ought fcouidbe
"l^'" ^^.'v f~'.»
wbat- deatb.and to the other the favoi-r of life, unto life :

know dl thi. to be tru<. y Ao earntft, is

r rr r r L* the diPDi'ie ot fcii
feeing tt"t°hf/thW,f. Iv«
.loe , , , ' 5

pron.ift. 14 No«
cotuming to th. in...i«, b. fv.;!i. 4 and whoisfuffic-.entfortheiethings

fo.v,ris aiv.n.oconfinn. a

.hat he did "o, oDdy not

lightly alter bi. f utpof.of comming ,0 ti>.m b..t rathet
. 17 ^ Fcr we are not asmany, which -^ake caufe they fawe
tha- le came not unto tbciii
for tbiicaufe , that hee might not beconftrained to imarchandife of the word of God but cs 01 fin- evidtmiythatir :

he. would. z Againft my felfe

more (hairly-W'tb, hem beiogfr.fent. then ceritie hut as of God in the fight of God fpeake

rndtothedangerofn,ineo«nelife. ,! Hee.emoovetb all fufpu.on of, ^"(^""^"/J'^'^^jf^

art«inted of weinChrift.
dKUrioe:hatb« fpraktth not aia Lord untothem but as , a fetvant , i^','v«y place.
ioy aud peace of coofcircce which God 11 nay rather very many reitfied ard de>-ned him . feeing thai be preacbeth Cbrift Dot
Cod to comfort tbtm. a Heefeitetbtbe
, ,

and therewitball Iheweih the eod of the Goff

one! y as a Saviour of theoi ibat brleevf, but alfo aialudge of them that contemne them.
auihour of, againft tjraonoui
all thing, that he
4 Againe, he putte tb away all fufpition of artogancie , attributing
tiid , to the vettue of Goi , whom heferveih fincertly, and wiihoutail
C H A p. II.
camming ur.ts them, z anifr-iiil} aion whereof tt maketh them witceflit even to the (S.vfife of the next chapter.
I Uti ixcufeihhis not
Chap.4,2. doe not handle it craftily and covetouHy, or lelTefincerely
4 Htcfhcireth tUtfxch u hi, affeiV. 4. 1
rttrthenifth ,him : vCew<lsthem, S thit he ne\>er renjceth Ut TX>ltenthl} thetiwe ought asd hevfetb aroetaphore whichiitakeofrom bttcklUu.whivh

< Percthinz, <'" uMlirer (n'htm be com- play the falfe harlot! with whatfoevei commeth ia;o their handa.
are mtnU.
minded to ke delivrrii»f tt SMan) to rrptnt , hee rojuelieth ihtj f»r?ii>e him. 3« Heemenlionethhuioin^ CHAP. III.
into Mitedoni.l. 1 Ht Jifirtth nto'-her CI, 3 ihtn ileir emtl'iuin^
in thefjith. « lie is j mmijler ml of tU letter, lul of
in my felfe that I would
But I determined thus
to you in a hcavinefle.
t':<Sfi:i: S He/'i-
come againe
not the Gefpe'J, 13 t(,.it Ih Iti.hineCe vfde /.jTr it'h r <thir
a Cauiing ^rieft a- ^ if I make you forie
^qt who is he then that , iimme the fi^ht then lighten tt'.- 1 3 But tht Cofj,eU doeih
make rnxKifefi Gtdi coitntertjihct untout,
So Jid'hre
done ifbe had come
' fliouW make me glad , but the fame which is mads
forie by me ? T\ Oe wee beginne to praife our felves againe ? or
to them before icey ^ And I wtotc this fame thing unto you leaft ,
need we as fome other, Epiflles of recommen-
had repemed them,
^hcn I came I fliouid take heavineffeof themof
. dation unto you , or iettert of recommendation

I ought to reioy ce this confidence have

b F.r I truQed
whom :
from you ?
thatyou would I in all that my loy is the foy of you alU
you ,
2 Ye are our epiftle .written in our ,hesits,which
take that otit of. he por in great aifliition , and anj^uiUT cf heart is underflood and read of all men
way foorth with. jy^^Q^(, nnto you with many teares notthatyee :
In that ye are a maHifeit. to be the Epifile of * The^poPUJri'
L'.'d^fl^terTer fl^ouldbemade fory but that ye might perceive .
Chrift, b'miniftred by us,- and written, not with '^]%,['l^Jl,iii,i,,conf,de,ing the love which I have, fpecially unto you. yncke.but with the Spirit of the living God, ''
how you are pet- . i And if any had caufeJ forowe , the lame '
not in tables of fione , but in flelhly tables of ihe rome from the
fwaded that my ^^^ made = me foiy hut i partly (leaft I Qiould
j^^^j^ ,
comme.n.Ution of
more e charge U^) you all.

rHep^X,;7o 4 And fuchdtruft have we through Chrift to

another part of g It is fufhcient unto the fame man. that he was God : b Whiih ! took?
this Epiftlf: which rebuked of many. Not of our felves, to f,iir,e, to ntitt
that wee .ire fufficient
^^ ^y^^^ novs contrariwife yee ought ra- thinke any of our felves but oar e liiffici. «"'* y*"- :

^"ft'whmumo rher to f forgive l>ir„ . and con-fort ,

leaft the Um encie »/ of God, /j,,/^ ,1^^ p„,a,
he retutn<.h after- fame fliould be fwailowcd up with overmuch 6 a Who
alfo hath made us able minifters of ^f^od , us-^nfl ths
ward.and behand- hgavineffe. the Newe Tefiament, not of the ( letter .but of yntktnhtreivith
Itth tbereieafiog
g yyherefore, I pray you.that yea would g
con- the Spirit : for the letter killeth,but the Spirit gi- BpifiUsaree.m-

:b^'in"ftuouf firmeyonr love towards him. , , .^ vethhte. fhj,h.ui,n4^

wnre might
pe.fon .becaufe hi 9 For this caufe aifo did I : that I If then the miniftranon or death vvTttte»'^^„„ {„{.j
7 a.
feemedtahave j;j,o„ the proofe of you .whether yee
would be with and ingraven in ftones, v/ashglo- i Heailudethby
letters g
rious , fo that the children of Ifrael coulde not tbeway.tothe
obedient in all things.
itrancefC- 10 To whom yee forgive any thing . beholde thefaceofMores,for the glorie of his =;3';f°;°fte.*
alfo : fcr verely itl forgave any
thing, to whom I
Ing the tr.evfe of rieofthePtient-ocdof Levi .with the miainerie ofiheGofpeU andthe AFoltolica* ,
h light
.xcnmmunicati- fort>ave it, fot your {okesfor^Ave J it in ins mioifletie, which be bandleih afterward rut;te fully. d Thisholdneffc nef'tttr
and thuj/tcriouflj m.ij yet \>o<i\hofthe rvorth-neiTe and f,uit of our miniflerie. e lo
that wesre fit and mettto make orhtr men partaken of fo great a grace. He*
LeaftSatan (hould circuinvent us:for we are
ban"d but of 1 1
amplifffthhiiminillerieaud his feilowM that ij to fay .the minilterieof the Gofpell, :

love'and foead, not ignorant of his enterpriles. '

comparing it with the minifterie of the Law. which heecoofidereifa in theperfooo.'^
Uanifwekeepe ,2 3 a Furthermore , when I Came toTtoas f» whom the Law vrai given sgaioltwhoine he fettetb Chiift the anthouiof

no meaf„re>we f^ thrifts Gofpclaud

a doore was opened unto the Gofpell. Now thii comparifcn ii taken from the vtiie fubfljnce of the minifterie.
fttve Satan the r t ^,A Law ti were writtiag of it felfedead.atd without efScacie.but the Goff eU
me o;r the Lord.1,
^.. , r,r ,
or new cavenaot
ai it
arit wereifee very vert ue of God it riuewipg«iuftifying»

cZ'ifi'ef.jd. 13 I had no reft in my fpirit, becaufe I found .

and faying of mer. The Law prcpounde-.h death , acciiOng ailmeoof (mrighteoul'-
nede: The Soffelicffeteih ai:d giveth rigbteouftRlTe and life. The governance of
the Lawfervedfr-r aticne to the promife The Gofpell remaineih toiVe foJ of tb« :

world- rbfrefore what is the gloiieofthat in comparifon ofihe maieP.ieofttii ?

g That at mj f Notof theLaw.butoftht Gofpe'l. g l.nfrinted and ingraven fo that by r
- [T,ttuiflJhi'nn''^rply,y'»Vc»Unorvr''li^ehim.
tbii place we may plainly perceive jihat the Afortlefpeiketh notofthectremonief of
the Law .but even of the ten coirmandementi. h This word Glory, betokenelik
Hereiuruethto.btcoafirmationofhi.Apolilelhip,an4 abiigbiEeOe.andamaieft^e, which^aitodilyioMoffi.butfpiritBillyiDCii't.
'^"/^''/fr ;„iS »
l«.th of bis lAour, wdalfo ofGoi. bUff.Bg. cc'.mt<;B«r.c«
briDgexh finh 'he tefutnouiM,
, 7 1

The viile.Libeity. 1 1. Corinthians. The image of GoJ,

n-itreij r.u>f-
countenince [which^lory gone away.) !s 4 In whom the god of this world hath bli„- ,., ,, . . ..

8 How ihM not the rainilkdcion of the Spirit

' ded the minus it.oi the inHdels.that the d light
Sfh'v, »>(
\>tih 'if be rn^Jri glor ious ? of the gioiious Gofpel of Chrift. which isihe' fmt'freadik^'
CI t itiJ i>'i'<l!>»i <j Fot It the miniftery of condemnation was image ot God, il-.ould not ihine unro them. """'' •«J"*/«r*
glotious .much more doqfh the miniilration of J 3 For we preach not ourklvcs . but Chrift
k righteoufnes exceede in glory. 'a^^P"^
k Ts ycf, of CMP lefus the Lord, and our Pelves your fervanrs
for ,Tni,hcm,h, fu.
nkUli ktiHg impu. lo For evC that which was glorifie;!, was not flefuslake. ,hcrfe«e<hf.r,h
glorified in this point , that it , as touching the ex- 6 For God* g that commaunded the liohtto *><'nj'ifetcbe ftent
iirBf.Wf dre not
ceeding glory. fhineout of d.rkenelle, is he which hath ihined in
tneh net cemJent' '"''J''"^"'- .

ntJ, h<ti ilfi ire I I For if that which (liould be I

aboliihed,i>i/.»/ our hearts to give the h light of the knowledge of
tretnnntJji glorious, much more Hull that which remaineth be the glory of God in the face of lefus Chrift. accuitomed ma.
rif'-ttcMi gioiious.
rht Luv>.}ta.C^ 7 4 But we have this treafure in earthen vef- '"'•^" '""'"F''»a
3 Seeing then that we have fuch truft.we ufe
1 1 fels, f that the exceilencie of that ""»•
ihtie^ cimmindt- power mi"-ht
° be °[*"'^l'"'°
mfniithemr'lt"', great LoldneUe of (peech/ of God and not of us
K + And we
dre not as Mofes , which put a 5 We are atflided on every /
Tide . yet are vve but ai a fervant.
ctt.*;,'- b^^iir

jpon his face , that the children of I/rael not in diftrcffe,; we are in doubt . but yet wede- ""^ witntm,ig
'^"'"^ "o^ looke unto the m ende of that which fpairenot. that aihhii light
•f ''i'f'i
rK,^_v4a)Ull be aboliihed
9 hV* Ate perfecuted but not forfaken caft . :
3 HceOifwfih 14 Therefore their mindes are hardened for
, :
downe, but we penlh not. othtr, proceedc;h
whcttiniuodeth ^ untill this diy remaineth the fame covering unta-
I glory iiicbe
10 * Eveiy where we beare about in our bodie ^^""^ ''" ^°"*-

ken away in the reading of the olde Teftament, the dying of the Lord leUis.that the life
of lefus ^Z°
Gofpcl. which vaile in Chrift is put away. might alio be made manifeft in our bodies.
tbatihiticr<:c:etb Hut even unto this day.when Mofes is read,
L on
I y il For we which k live, are alwayes delivered + Gea.r.j.
foorib piainely *a<l
the vaile is layd over their hearts. unto death for lefus fake that the life alfo
cvifirntly. <hic of le- B yvhi.h r„»d< on-

tht Law*
1 6 NeverthelelTe when their hetrt (liali be tur- fus might be made manift;It in our mortall flelb r^^-hhi, y,»d.
which I

fliewtd darkely, ned to the Lord, the vaiie Qiall be taken away. 1
7 So then death woiketh in us and life in teldlfclS' .
font feonhtm 1 Now the n Lord is the j^ Spirit and where ,
y°"- fhoKUinlikefirl
that bend it CO be
the Spirit of the Lord it, there\/ liberty. 13 » And becaufe we have the fame m
bciltdolChttft. fptrit of i'^' ''"" ''£>"">
I 8 f But weallbeholdasinamirrourtheglo- faith, according as it is written, "''""•
»vhich w»i I

J I beleeved.and . .

comf , if<« n bi4 fie of the Lord wiih open face and ate changed , therefore have 1 fpoken , weeallb belecve . and
woiiodrd thtm. into the lame image.from glory to glory, as by the *numbi.n.b1^k'
therefore fpeake. by which «,.
* Erod..H.34- Spirit of the Lord.
1 Knowing that hee which
4 had raifed up the ^^^kmti amongH .

by tht Aiyihtallfglorieof Moffihiicovering .which wai a token of the datkentfle Lord lefus. Ihall raife us
up alfo by lelus, and ihall „ '"' '^'^('s^'.
and wtakentflt ibit ii in men whicb wftsf uhei dulltd by tht bright (lliniag of the of the im.
, fet uswith you.
Lawc,theoligh:ncd, which coveting wai taken jway by the coinmifig olChrift.who T- 11 L- r ,- niUerieofthe
If 9 For all things are for your fakes," that that Go(pell..o wir.
lightneth the heiiti, and umtih the m totheL.^td, that we may bebraughi from
tbedavrrie of ibit bliadoelf: aad fet ia the liberty of the light ,by thevertueof
moil plenteous grace by the thankefgiving ofma- becaufetheApo-
Chnfti Spirit. m Into the Itrry hurcme rf.\lej'-ihi,rr»r,-fteric. a Chrij} ny may redound to the praife of Gud.
in thitfftrit vr^i'u't tjlicih jtpjjt ihAt colrerJn^.hj iv.rk:>ig in cur he.irts,yvhercunte tl/i i6 Therefore wee faint not. .'but though our
tht L^n uftlfc<iUiditi , f/oa^^* in I'tint .hecuuji it fpeakt'h (. ,-ttJ men , ),ntiU 7il'!'^^"»tuf
outward man penlh, yet the inward man is ore- fAe«.h'tha.he«J
thfff,nif}tinknril>ui. $ Ichn^.,^. ; Going foiwird ia the allrgoty
ofitfCovftingihecompa-eththatGofpel toa gUlfe .which although it be moll bright newed daily. all hi. fellowej
and ffurkclicg ,yetdoeth itoot ooflynot daitt their eyei which lockeiu it, aithe 1 7 For our p light afflidion which but for a "'" "»»"«""
Jaw doth, bat alfo tracntormeth them wirh hiibeamei, (o that they a!fo be partaktri
of the ploryand (hining of it to lighten otheri at Chrift fayd unto hit. You a/e
the light of the world, whereai he himfelfe wa» the onely light.
, :
moment, caulech unto usa
an eternal! weight of q glorie
moft excellent

W v;t'!h"re'l'in'',bem
{ ^oit preciou.
We are alfo com-
mapd^d in anoihtt place, to (liioe ai caodltfbefore the world becaufe we are part»- ,
18 While we iooke not on the things which are treafure.
lofGoJi Spirit. Bu' Paul fpeaketh here properly of the min!lter«ofiheOolpel> leene.butonthe things which are not feere-for the ^ ""bri^geth
•- ~-t goeih before, acid thanhat counietbafirr
>i iiap((ejrethboibby tha
,aiul that. things which are feene. are temporall
feuiDgihem tiiowocezan :and hitfclluw^i.
butthe :
rr. w^Ve't'orJ
things which are not (eene, are tternall. doth foafflift hit
C H A P. iiir. to the end faieth hee that all men may perceive
that thev ftaml
I HtPimtttith^tkchatkfilabcurtJinpreJclyin^ theGtCfef, but by the fingular venue of Go! tby any manivertue.
....... they d.ea
ihouiand ,i„„ but never
4 Thxr fuchsreiVtnUindtdof Smn,nlic dcenai fCrctiiit Peffli 6 Anaiuplyficaiion iHe termer lenience,

the hijhmejft thtreof, j ihut t'^e/jme iicariedin earthen alfliftioos to a daily death, and it
wherein he comparetb his
Vepeli, 10 rrlio ireftthiefltcmanj mrjeriei :
iS jarf which oppreireihihatileath. j so Paul, 'Seihihai rn'rerahie
thcnfyrehee exhcrttih ihim ly hit olrne example toitetUra. t(l.fe ar,d .md'tion,
hH, i»( elfeaaU, ,he
thtt tht fa,
minilhri, """•
fivas, 17 andccniimniihisprrfnibft. Whichlil'e.ihallife.t,
ri'.iytheffnitofChrijl, amon^ I
'odfij.real mi/hie,.
I wi^utth'h""
ho'^Te'and bi."
T "'^'^for^'
'^^"^ • ^s wc
• Teeing that wee have this mini-
have received mercie , we » fainc Therefore to be (ho,., wee die, ,ha,
you m^y irb,Tu?;'"t'V
| Sutiettio
'"""'' ^*'"
into all ibcfe
rellomei(thrnii(;h "Ot :
dangerrfor the bu
*' ''\
iHoCrchlcbe a?' ' k*' "'"'V'!."'''''*
confirmeall.he fai.llull w.tb theex^m^Usff
the m.rcy of God; I Ri t havc caft from us the b cloakes of ihame, h^'", u''T"^T:''
''"I""'' '!>«
former fenence. (he«mg that bee .nc^
h.s fellowes die V f
^"'' ^^"^'^ "°^ '" craft inelle neirher handle wee buty,,notwitiirar.ding,beyarepa,tak3,hJr
•o'ddueti>'r"'''h I
.hey themf.lve, doe firlt beleeve ha'^,
V' H^^ ^'"''^'
the wotd of God c deceiifiiUy but in declaration : wbkh ,hev urlo ^T 'T''' 'Ti
^^^ t^e ttueth wc approve our (elves to every
I'fiingaii dangeri. mans
» ' h.m^h ne »re counfctence in the fi/ht of God. bow.hi, V"'-"*"''- 9 Heelheweth
ccnilanci.-i.rreferved iothe™, T„
3 > If the G.%i'be theti hid. it IS hid to them
that are loft.
./UM ?.ir«i
''.'"'/'". •"•'"''^W'.^ff te
•'fon n.e ,n /, ^ r^ redo<4..d ,^ .1,' l!"-'/:'."'!^
i'"} ofC,d\ ky tht th.ink_erTj^in^ I'fmiry.
lo Heeadiieihaiit wereairisrapha
rvered.nne, andUrk^nf, .""E.bcwthaiheisoutwaridlyaffliaed.but
U,U,,,„.ur the,rr>,am,U<r. d, Mn^.nithA. c This inwa.dly heeprofi ( ilv,nH n

a An ob.ea o„ Many hcae .he

fullained in this liti.
I.e.Tn'clLarffn'" r "" " '"•'" "" •'"mifeiies
"r-"— >.'.uatmoltccnftaniaBdeteroall
Gofp.l, .nj ,e, areno mere lightened ih.reb, then
<>" u.yr.ard man
by .he (le.ct.D? of ,h. Law. le no, o}„rcome ivi>h >he
H« anf/„retl, TUefa.h „ >.. the men .bemfel,.,, .

Whofe eye Sa.aa ^lucketh out , who ruleih in .hi. wcrld

And ye. no.wi.hftandn.g ' hL' and hi, Uown fet *^D3rihthemon cleare li<hiof .heQnfp.l ,0 be feene and --' P ^fr'^'n'trenitcaSidl^vht.t,
I he, »„ fli..l,t.r,l..^r7
'K'.'.nhemf,l^, M<hee.u.f.,he, , ,

beholdfo feeing hat Ch'iflwhoitmawlinhey ptuch, ii

he in whom only God will indeed, urrvholelifeijof "
no f,e^,knx 'onfiJune,
f»ff, „„,, y,,;,^;, . »*«„ '
be kaoiKea. asd a> it wtrcfccBc. q which rtmainahftr

Tbccameftof the Spirit. Chap. 7. vj. The word of fecondliation. 7^
CHAP. V. j ' For whether we
1 be oot of ont wit, wt are ^ ^^^ mtnim
• Htctitintutkin thlffntitr^umiHt, « tvitdiUgl'rt
it ro G»d
tlnMmth^tifj'aii/.^ttoif t ikrtn^i f.iith, ,» „., ,, i or wHetbcr wc be io our right ffiiade, ii : Ewn wrt.ri
fr*-fiii<mlt.ft, n and
jtfii,ghthyi> und ""i hrt Churth
we art it unto you. "a* nrad(a»(jme
it/lire ^iiijti, ij eOttmitli iMiiF iut l.lvnilfi JFor ih.t love of Chrift > conBrainetb os, »«"i<b'nke ifme)
4 »
./ic I, £*«/». b: caufe wee \htit iuage , that it " jDe be
1 J t^u^'ll"^
« «i know ihat if our earthly boufe of tbis
fro d£?d for iiJIjtheB were all dead, and h«^ied for ali, myftCe idoeit
t,!befn?cU h- deftroyv-d , wee hjve- Duilding tbat tbcy whKh ljvc> lliouid not hcncftoortb " live ft-ryouiproht,
^<><'« of God thit U , au hoolc not na^do wscn ''""' '»when
eortpitifoo ihe«

tk*Qiii.but ctKciiali in ihe heavens.

ooto th?£rj(elvt» , but i»oto him which died for f
i F J* thet store «c Ugb , defiriag to be » cloa- 10 VVheretore^eaccfoortnknowweDoniao
9 you.
•I ii<> In tntiift,
to a tHiJe
thed wuh out hoiifc , wbacb is frora i hcavcD.
and after tbe fl:(h. «• yea though wee had knowec « Begoetbfor-
kie tiarreicle, t- 5 • B.'c^u<'a that il we be clo<ihcd,we Ihail not Cnrift af tt r tbe flelh, yet oot heuccfcoitb know we '""''^ '"T" ''.'?

I aiut) ««b1u:li h«e be t.jund* Diked. ^^>». 00 more. ,> V^l'llil^^i^l

Hie heure-ti
4 Fur in deed vkc th« are in this uberoacle. I y " Therefore any mao *« in Chr
Ut uoo ana boaftiug.*
if fl
ly r«l>erp.seK fo
iigh iod are burdened bccaafo wee woiHd oot be ie a<» new creature, * Old things ate pa^ea 4way '** 'be love of
terming ibat (Vre .

tud evKl^lHag undoathed.hut: would be cloathcd upoa,(b*< mui- bcholde.all thiogi are become sjew- '^,^"."''"'!['''^»
condutoB 6f ibii (aiitic might be ((wliowed up of life. I .» And all things *re of God , which batb t^^l'^^Mu
t*'^}>°ii i'l^- ft«.
J And be «.h« hath* created us for this thing, reconciled us Hoto himlelfeby Ie(u« Chiift.and rugbedie'dfotu.
** ^ '"i

fomich "nii 'ha wijo 'iiiJ ''"^ given uoto as the earoeii of
. hith gives unto u« the miniAetie of lecoociba- *>i> which were
thatii»e.*eaot the Spirit. tion. de3dwh,n«iw«
•oely not »ddifted
— -— ^— '-
6 i Therefore we are alwjy d bolde.thtjugh wc
.... 1 9 For God was in Chrift . and reconciled the ^"tT.Z'JlIZ
lotfcir '

world to hitnfcife not imputing their fioots unio weieyetgiveot»


are abfeotfrom the Lurd. thetB.and batbPcoaiisiited to us tbe word of re- tbefteanfaiyaf.
with febbti
indligbtdcnte 7 (Foi wee wiiKc by * faith , aod not by conciliaiion.
figbt.) [[fcCflCw
ubetaacle. And
10 Now then are we ambi?ffidours for Chrift : e^oUr«eou'i
IS NevertfaeieiTe. we aic f boldc , and love n. as though God did befeecbyatt through us. wee wMeJifewbicii
conterbiog the
thci to temoovc oat of the body, aad lo dwell v\\h pray you te Chiifttsflead , itiatyebc iccoociled weha»treceivei
{lotyta comt, the Lord. of 6 ini .to him

to God.
itpuiwitbio WherefctjalCovre covet, that both dwel-
g II For be hath made bin: to Ire t finne for oi, ^ wi!h'°iLbfjV
*^ ''°» *' *'°°'* ^'^^ 'cmoovicg from hoiae, wc may which ' knew no ficme , that wee ll^ould be ooade G«oft
"i'l^'ofrte ' lo tfaii esd
flru'u.heThV. be acceptable tehisB. the f righteoufoeffc of God in hitn. •"* i*"fo{'. tflat
wti wbcRof we
, io "^ « Fat we mua all ° appeare before tbe wee ihould meiJi-
^»k«iD(t«be- iudgemeni leat of Chrift that cymj iraa may ,
tateupon nothing bat heavenly. I that which
Pcffijfelh hi tthllj .
ia m Ua
Cftjlifth ktrff fanaifii^m ,yfhtttt)i> crmmrti' le fujft thai Chrifi bi>tth'n H.
'*"^="" *= things which *tc d^e m his body , ac-
^j ctoM"' cording to that toe haih done . whethet «t kt good
n Lt.l;tJ{cmiin:ch^i-iir6.jnily. f Hee flieweih what It u i)ut lo Ii-vc tO
oui felvei, but toCmili >fb wit .loknowc no wanaccciding totbe fldh, thattiia

a H«t«iu!h"i«i«
orevill. fay to befo cotiveifaot imongft meu at not to car* fbt thole worUJj aid caroall
glBry of itiimoi- . ,

tbingi ,aa ihey doe wtich tefpfS amaoi ftoctoe .hiacoiiotrey . forine.glaiie, richea,
tility. whito we 1 1 I Koowiog therefore that • terrow of the
ihallbeasitwrre andfuib IJte J wherein OKncomnioalydote, and weaiictfacmrtlvea. lo As
Lotdt we petfwacie rata, and we are tsade toanifeit mplibcatioD Thij it .faytthhte ,fot(ue that wr doe not now tbiuke carnally of
cloattcd «itt>> a ; ,

unto God . and I truO alfo tliat we are coade maoi- Chrift himfelfe , wbo hath nowe left tbe world and therefore tnalt beconOdeied of ,

b HeJVfoly.not feft in your eoofcietJcei. uifpiriiB*lly, II Anexbottatiooforevtrymao which 11 renewed with the
fpithof Cbrift, to mcJiiate heavenly tbiogi, and not earthly. o ^i a ihinp
tbaitiMrabftaDcc il ~ 6 For (vee pr^ile not oor fclvea agaioe onto
of itilfaeaVetily.
mxdi aim t/Ced,f,ft',„a^h amankt net niwy ir$aUJ wken Ccd fittii, hrm tm
you,bui give you an occafion to reiayce of n,tbat fftt<Hfrl^entrjticn,kuttntjki4fit:t' >" art ci'<rgtd, }iin»fniti<fiindinfji fii^ftk
bttt fsr the glory
fit. yec tatj havp t» anfifvirt igaiqi^ thetn . whicfa le* tht h>lj Chfi icfftakfja , t. tiach ui . that ntt mnjl attrrtutt allihin^i uihe^tU

2 AncxpoTRiea ioyce io the ^ faccaod DOt io the heart. »/ Ccd : not .hal wtiareftuk" andhlork" ,iut btfUHfe '^td crtattthinni ,ivtiitli»

•fib« foi*ttf»y *>'!ito1t>iUi>itU .andikifctrcrloactivtil. • B/j 43>i9 r'X'ljtira ai.j.

ioi iwedoeboi wiibout caoCe t defite to beclaj with tbe bcavmtyboort , that if. aa Hee commendetb the eaccllencie of the minintrie ofiheGofpell botii by the .

auiboritie of God Ciuifclfe wbo is the authouiofihai minillcrie (ndaUbbi the

with that everla Ring and immorian glory .Mvwilba gatmnit for whtn we dfpart : , ,

ticelltucie of the deiArine of it for it anouuoctih aiioDemeni w'lh pod by (tie

heeC(> vwflullaoiftmiioi; naked .bawnjOBce call off ibe««*riogofthijhodi»,b»t : ,

forgrvewITeof ouilionei andiullifica'iionoffried unto ui icCbrilt. and thai (oioViogly

VVt (b^lltalceoait>oditiagaiae,wbi<.bQMil(>ut on,aiit,wtTeanotbeigirmtDtbefid<:»:
and tberefoR we 6jfa ootfoi: ibe wearitKfleortbiiliCe .but foitDcdtfire ofa better and libttally tbat God himdife daetb aftr a fort pray meoby Ibe mouibof tiia

tor w«aien»de totbatlife, tbe jiUdge wbeieof tnioiitrri to bavt coofideraiioatyfthenrlitJvci and Doito^lefpife fo giieai a benefit.
life. tJ«it*«TMibi» dtfirr inv.iae ,
, ,

we have- evto the Spirit of adoption. • Icwl i«.jj. e Himeantth that And wbM bMfofayeth.beeplatoely Jtif<kcodeihibemwhi(hla!% cbalkikged to
fira cr-atioti .togivc uaio undnltawl. <hai ourbodiei we" madciotbitcBd ,ibat
thcmftlraitbanam^ofpoftavnt. p Kftd tur taimr and rnuHl. g ^
ibcylbouldbectoithed wi:hbeavralv immorialiry. , i HeeiofiTtetb von that fimiir ,tu4U himjtlfi ,hut tf Tmfuittitn»f tht.^inU af ^l iMr ftt.tai tehim.

feotence which went next befoie, tbui, Therefore, feeing that w« know by ibe Spiiit, » H^-i»mjrl»a»«afo;je»/ii'.«. t K;i'".-f»i</»nC'4, and that rpltk
that wcMc ftranger* fo long ai we are hue , we pttieDilf (nSei ttaii ixriaocr {foi w« rix''*<^<^/''»f>y'"»-'' 'i •t •ff*n*tuU » ft ,iin hl*r^tffiHridlatCknfi, OeJ >mfMI«6
•re now fo wi'h God, tbat w« beholde ttioi but by faitb.aod ate ihrfefore ff»w abfetit 4t at IM t.Tuit^i faith.
from bun) but fo that w« afpire and havea looging «lway«io hiw.iherefiwealfo w<
behdwour felvei fo , that we may be acceptable to him, both while livebere.and w CHAP. VI.
wetowegocfiom beaccfbiin. i 8t calletb tfaetn.(bolde) whicbarealwaycl
a H* ufittwlt Atm (0 ItjJt ihih l-><j «/ Chf^h
St fetled minde to faffer wMt dangee»<forvtj,oaihlog OsubUof,
»r <i«t«>i<»#i4.
tefslued with « ijuiet

but theit end be happy.

Iball « Pai'b of tbofe thiogi which we hope f6». arid net
ttni, s nKll'tri'UdifmejUin I>\tu.j4t(im, » wr
f Aod yet wearein fuch fottbotde.anddoefo fUfid*f mulig'o'j > 14 I, at-id aU-MifcUann^,
havitrgGodprefeotly in our view
l« mfiJni''lihatlhty at$ikt r«»/lfj«/iiiWi,i»^Coi.
paBeooourpelgriraage with a valiant and qiiittiniode, that yet no wHibitaodihg we
badratherdepat' bcBceto 'be Lord. g Aodfcciilgii lifo,weftrivtiolivcru,|tMi
both i« thii our p'Igtimage brtf *«
may pieafe hire , aad tbat ai length Wf» may t* CO I
we tberefote as workers t«gethctbefeecb J Meadoetw
received hojne to bim • R'«n.i4'«- 4 Tbanrotwm might *»ufct it lo jtfM.ibat *yee leciivc oot thegwwef Godio "•''h "^^i '*>'
which be fpalf of tbat heavxal'y glbry bee a«a*lbj*Hat everj omUmII
^ mtniiieryor tbe
Jtrttine to aH, ,
S-ft »t>de»an toeouBtof l)i' pelRrimJge , aJrerthat hee 11 depafteflflotn tteoe*. O .fiel ,b.f..ri
ikatall ma^fc*, 3 a For he fayetb , * I hxvt 4Kerd tbee in a th^y bave rtcei.
h Weetnaftallappi'iwpttfunally aodi3nj»i«y fballbertiadeof ui .

.how «« bare lived. f Now beepaflVthowt. and tJtiogoccafioaof|i.«,fo«ler tiice * accepted . and io the day of f^vaiioc bdve I v<d giace . thai

'/enteno*, »iWjr»eth totbefotrnerchap rtv-tfe |« coofiiituiig hii owne fincetitic and«ftlbt»\ut»n«iB<mt « Beer<rinOn>%ilniVft,f((it«ijo ijf taluraofit.but alio afraftbrybavt received. grace .that ibey niarycsiHitiiie ia -i.
\i»f«nowej i

pride. a nCW rtafon beeauft it ii be«<?ej*asl« tlot fei hit pm, but
for tbe»ll,ttat a Id that that grace-it o^ered it wofihc grace ofO'^d. who hath a^^^tauii tiUres*

by ,

kit Apoftl-ftiplSettttoWHrfttrtagsinft tfcevsiae iffleotation Ofafcw othrt».

»odfcafon>loallthlii{i,ib«t wtiii»ytakei,ceafi',D\*4r#itiiofttea. « B-U. .

b la outward dtfgnifeg" .and that i^loijred fljrw efmaMftftliiiieiatatid ete^dce. 49.* • n^hicli I cfmifri^m<'.j.tnd\i^tl>mr(!i:',it,liliUcf»lt4afffi'.^-:iti
wd DotiD tttK £odliDt&j vtbicb it ftilcd lu tbc bean, M^V»i<hi'mt wW
ftVTti mt ihatkuUtarVciUui I. Kc Uf^a hi.

Trouble and loy* H. GoTi'nthians. ^dlyfSrow.

i He fliewrthtUe fuccouftH tbec behcltic now the icceptcd tinoc,
: 2 «''Receive nj r we have done wrong to 00
bcboldc nowtbcdiy offilvjtioD. man : we have cotrupicd no man : we have defriu- g,,- J "l""b„ li-
3 ' Wsc givc DO occaiido ofoffencc insny dedooman. _ monition ,ohi»
«iimi)!e , ar.d Ti- thing tbit tnr mioUteric liioulJ doc be repic-
fpeake itnot toju!*r<= condemnatioB: for
I I *'"'"P"'^°°'°p- •

mottwuiaod SiU hcDdcd. I have fayd before , that y e arc in oar die '^'"
^ ButirdUthfngi we ''ippfooveourfelvcus and live together. fa:ttful,e,?e /oT
* the miniTtcrs of God , iBmach patience, in -f
W fL»
gTooiog he might'
fiidioos, in oeccflities. iDdilttclTss.
4 I ufe great boldncffe of fpeecb toward yoD :
1 rcioyce greatly in yon: I ara filled with cotsfort,
""*" V'oi f.\\\

f la ftripes piifoDs , ia = in mmulti , in \t- and ana exceeding loy ous in all our tribulation.
bcnrs. 9 For when wee were coaic iaic Macedonia, fo^rpbceainoniit
til like.
b D(cluc aail Ibevv 6 ! By watchings by fiftiogs . by pntitie, by . our tlefn badno reft but we were trouble J en eve-. you, ihat i may
knowledge, by long lurf'inn<',,by kindoeiic,by the xj fide.hghiings without, and teircnrs within* '"'='' y""-
* 6 But GotJ, that coroforteth the d ' To'onaemBe
i.Cor,*.!. h<,T Ghoi), bj love uataineU,
4 H«6'.1 ofsll the J word of uueth by power of •fortes us at the = comaiirg or Titas •
Ittkvjneiii u(> tbofe
7 By • , the "^

tbi< wh,. God, by armour of cifjhteouinelfe on tbe


7 Andnotbybis coirmingcncly.bBtalfoby d whofe he»rt»

»»)<• in right hind, aod 00 the Itft, the cooiclatioD wherewith bee was comforted cf »"<-aHdowne,a»«
'",";"'>' ["''!"'
ij By hoDuur , anddilhoDOur by evil! report, , you.whtD he told ur. your ;:rea; defue.youy mour-
without tceptioa,

^j g^^j report, as deceivers ,ind yet true: •ning, your fervent micde tome wtid.lo that ire- wbiihTiiu»to:de
aecotdiog to the -9 As t::ikDav/cn.»Dd j-ft kQOWcn:a$ dying,_ ioyCed KiUchtllOre. reeofyouai hii
aftaionofthe and beholds , we live , as cla.Ucued .ztdjtt not 8 a For though I raide yon Tory with a letter, I '^""•"og . to wit.
'«'« '""'f"
miude, patience 'y y'»
oaely except,

As forowicg . acdfti alway rdoycing : as

rep otnot.thougb I did repect:for I perceive
\. ! c -ai J r L
the t.;fficEp;ftJea3adcycu fory.thougb « vv«-# but
; that
of the venues poore and yet miking many rich as having no-
> : for a featoo, bcfidei^hat.lam
»f hich ougbt to thing, anJ^f* pollcllii 2 all tbingi, 9 nowrefoycc.notibuye wctefo>7,but that e«"di<.giy refre-
be alwayei in 4 ti e O
CoiiachiaDs , unr mouch Is 8 open ODto ye fcrcwed to 'repentance: for ye forowcd godly, ^'^^''^ ""*"'
good niiniltei.
yoa> our heart is made h^f^t. ("e that in noihicgye were hurt by us. , ^^ obitaion •

C Io tofiingto
»oi ftu.liacliog li Vc are not t ki^pi fttait in ui.but ye are kept 10 Forggoaly forovJcaufeth repentance unto Bm thou banian-
filvjcioo ,not to be repented of: but the worldly dleduir.,ugbiy .
00 place ofteA ftrait io your owne'. bowels.
1 3 Now for tbelaaie recompcDfe. I fpciks as fotowcaufetb death. eTbfb'atllr^i-d""'
/ Secondly, b»r
to.mjf children , Be yoa alio inlarged. II Fort behold.;,this thing ye have bfene ootihi.roughnei
icckoaetb t'.p fuah
vertuei aj are oe- 14 7 Be rot nntqujlly yoked with the Infidels: godly fjry, what great c.iie hath it wrought in ytu: without gricfe.
cefTiry. andougiit for •'what fellowlhip hath tightcoulncs with ua- yea.what clearing of yoLi felvt sye-.t'i'/ja* lodJg- Aodoeeadatth
tlvrayeiio be m ri^bceonfoeile i and. what cooamunicD bach light ration: yea vvhai f^>re-yea,Acf w great dcfirc:yca,
them, and «h«re* "^['""i^'^^^*
with datknelle -&t<44t i 2talc:ye-.fVf/.(tf rcvtuge; in all yee jbarfcedravethtm
by aiby goodar-
.^irour, all let) and If And what concord hath Chrift with have Ihewed your lelves , thacyee are pure in this to ibatfoi„w ,aU
hinderaocrnniy «houghiivra» a-
al ? or whatjc pait hath the beleewr with the in- CCatter.
be overcome. fidel i 1 Wbetifore.though I wrote nnto yoo.I did f 't", fo,!?o«t'-'""

d Prcacbiag of the ^
^^ And what agreement hath the Temple of cct itfor hiscaufethat nad done the wroDg, mi- able utitotbem :

e Tower to ke God with idols f* tor yee are the Temple of the therfothis caufe that hath the iolurie, but that our furihereiufo- ^
miraclei at« 'living God as God bach fayd.* 1 will •= dwell 4- care toward von in cht fight ot God mitht ap-
: *» ,

.bring uodet the

f VprighinefTe.
6 Goiagabouc tc
mong chenit and waike there and I will be cheii
GoJ, ind they flipllbe my people.
1 7 * Wherefore cocnc out from amon j thetn,
: 1,eareun.oyou.
13 Tb-:reforewe werecon5forte,d,bccaufeyc
^verc comforted but rather weereioyced tLuch
\ r,^'l=,X^,;^
i-entance grow
rebuke tbem.hee and ffipuate your felves.fayth the Lord,aDd touch more for the ioy of Titusubfccaoffrtij ipirit ivai «"''>y«fi»">f
none unclcanc thin^, and 1 will receive you, icfrelhedbyyouaJI Jicb rep.nucce
dealetb with the"
fincerelj' aad 18 * And 1 will be a Father ddco you, and yee 14 Fjt if that I baveboalted any thing tohim h.epraifehibem^'
opra snd fUiue (hail be toy Tonnes and daugbcers.laycch the Lord of you. I have not berc alhamcd; but as I djve ipo- auJ thii

iieirt. lad tbtte- P"' o*^

AlmiKhty. *;en onto you all thirgs in tructh even lo oui boa- ,
"?_''' '".''

wiibilUomfliineil °
-Iling unto Tirui was n Uc. \
ibittbfydouoMheliktiBlovinfajtiaetheir F»ther. j eftnir^ oftht Th _ '/^f^^i, J;
nutnh anW htMi .tcick'teth a moft tirnefi aftOun in kirn tk^i/ptAkfth "i uftttth ,
J And hit inward aficition i$ more abundant that forovc did you
•t^mm:ni}Tpit^ikonthAtArtinJ*"tie^ tuti.y. h Tcu are itt mine hettrt ,ai toward you, when heremcabreth she obcdietJce fuch joodtewaid
in d'ilfafttui<lil'*ti' narriXr crji-ail hcuji, /*r 1 h^Vetfenednt} ivhlthejrtla «'>e-'neDdmjof
©f yoo all,4n4how wiihfe^reand KetDblir?ycc
'.,..• "- '
jtit,fm>jM ate'.n-Kdfdl^ flrj-'ti^ifi imertt'u. i ^fierihtmjirtrcftla youi lrudue»ana ,
received b:ro.
Httnvei .he ctUtthihofeei^dtr ilfdentnkich^eJUn tl,t k-ari, hyx-eli. 7 Now Loei.
kcrebukcdthcm bcldly/or tbitthi^ beumc tcJlovM!t wiib inficJelkia outward idoll' 1 6 I reioyce therefore ihat 1 aiay pnt my coofi- g r.odly ficowij
' though iiwneatbiog iudifT^TtDi. Aodjtbii iitticfciur[hpaitorthu Epinlcibe tieoce in you in all things. whra wtireuoi
i^oBckifion whereof II, tbii (uch J»ibf Lo'rd b«tb voucbfif.d the nameot his thildriB, trriificd with the
siunkeepeihemfelvei^iiceiuotonly inmifid.bui alio in body. that the; may mbully feate of puailbmeut bqibrcaufewe ftele we biTeofftDdedGod ourinjft merciluH

. bt holy uoio the Lurd. • a.-ife/.tjaS. k Wltit .amhete be Htw lenl Father contrary to »aii there ii one otbtr forow, that ooelyfejreth punifhmeut.i r
: ,

thlm! * tCcri-ti.tnJgif, t He feeittU the [tiling tdig.mfi yvhenaioanijvtxed for ibe loD'e of f^'nie worldly gooji.the fruit otthe'Rrrt. iirepen-
Hill. * Lt>it.x6,it. n> CedJritte^hycithut .UcauftChnJlii Oiiuma U'.ce.thtlruitofibefccand.isdrfteraiioo, utritffcthcLatdbelpefpeedr'y. h It
t .waj Dot coloured ncicouaterfeit.bu: fuch ail dare (laud to btfofeGOd.
C H A p. VH. X Heetlorlithiheaik) tUexurpfUcfthe MdteJtniani, s*nd
I lejl 1j f>r,minhVr^i^gtieml,eflteuUd}fmay their Nxiiir
alf^.e>encfC!,.j!ihi^f,iJi> t<, ^ h
liitrull favur^nke
/-i»t<; i(>:J^rx>'ii.l,furfi,Ji,hefhitveihtl,*tJiu4,
minJi, I htfrtfi,eii,'h.italith.ithej'a}d,
^ frcot<ri.»U It *nd tnnki^kitherttmeuitot^tm.

a Beth of boi-'c
and Coulc (batby
8 tnd
I x^tU ml U ^fft^i,J,,Uti ki mtiut ihim Jirj,
Irtu^U r^fm t r.fenianct m.1 1< *r repented of.
,0 iU WE «
» doe yoo
grace of God
alio to wit
. brethren , of the « Tliefiitpart of
beftowed upon the Cbnr-'^" *!'•"'""""
tV.eirnirann the
landificaiiuti my g Eeing then we have thefe piomifes.dearely be- tationi to ftir up ibe Corio.bianijto liberality. wherewith the'poveriyV tb- Churcbo^
HierufaJem might be holpea in line conveoicot. And (irlt ofall he feiteih out before
fprrfcft. JoveJ, let as cle«)fc ouifehes froroall filthiceffc
ibem the example ofihe Cburcbeiof At-icedooia , wbicji aihetwife werebrgnjbt by f
great aiifeiie .o eitretnt puvertie , to theeodeihat they Ibould » Tbr
foUan ihtm.
. btac£\ ihiiCod b<n«7vid uf eti ih« Churckti.

: » 1 .

CJiriftes povertle.' Cbap, rx. GatheiingforthcChufchcs. 80

inmany tbings , but now much more diligent , fot
foidCffltSr^ i Bfecanfe io b great tn»tf of afRiaion iheii the grcjt confidence, which I have in you.
whertvwtbthe i«y aboufldcd .and their moft exiicme povettie 23 Whether ftrtx Titus ,fc#rx my
ii>f«j^«/re of
i^rd tried cfatD, aboundcd unto their rich liberalitie. fellow and helper to y»u ward : or of out ™ bje- roTituihii two
l!u."MCr&l 3 Forto tfce/r power { I beare recorcn yea, aod thren .they are raeffcrKsrs of the Churcbes .<«7ii ""pamoM.
c willing, ihecgloryofChra -"
readirtffi.butatfo beyood their power they were
"/r'y r.^cb .fai.
made ii much m^te 4 And priycd cs with great in(\auce that wee 24 Wherefore ihew towardc thecynd before fet fcnh.
«»celleot,aDd fa- ^^quIJ receive the * grace , and fellowship of the the o Churches tb»>proofe of yonr luve, and of the » *'! Churchu
mJtiittring whicb toward the Saints
is leioycing that we have of you. ^/" .'" »''"'fi'«
"of'ibeirov^ne ' ofthu your godly
accord thry whc f » And thti they dtd not as we looKed
tor : bnt / _"
ilealirg in whofe prtfence you are ,foifo much sj you fe« tht imfl«og«ri
Vf bom ibij
liberaii grve thcii owne felves , fiift to the Lord , and after bare cbofen by all their coofiou , and feat them uato you
4 "="""'• nnto uj by the will of God.

6 That wee (hould exhort Titus, that as hee CHAP. IX.

m»"vlS« 1 \Vh<<'li<'t!"t'>ink.tWtll of their ready wiltti, 3 jtt
called a biKdni. bad begun , fo bee would alfo accomplilh the fame <.ttmp]txhtrttihthtm, 4 huouMeskiresfon: 'hit
Aodtbiiverfeii grace aiDong you alfo. ttmpjrethaimottJeeJtJlrv'i^, to which Ccd dttih
"''«"/"*'''' ttfa) vithirextgiint.

'kV ^ Tberefof e, as ye abound io every thing, in

faith add word.Jodknowledge.and in all dil''gcnce, pOr 1touching the miniftrirg to the
» H»amp"fi"l» '*"
theforwwrdriMof and io yout love towards us ,tvtn fifjeeibic ye me to write uoto you.
is fupeifluiJus foi '
h"'lb''h "f
th« MicedonUni, abound in this grace alio. X I know yonr leadines of miode , where-
For fp'^onUicbThe
g 3 This fay 1 not by co-nmandement, but
or! boaft my felfc or you unto them of Macedonia, corioihiam might
bccaufe of the « diligence of others : therefore <»«i/ij(,tha: Achaia was prepared s ye«reagoe,acd toncme, as though
loftitre'lpthe" ""'
your zeale bath provoked m-oy. "'
Cotiutbianstoac- proove I the ''naturalDsffc of your love, ^P^'^'f^*"^
compi' 'I' '''«£'• 9 4 For yee knew the grace of our Lord Icfu J _ 3 Now have I feni the brethren , leaS onr re- Mf^^ihouid ""bt
^*"'^> *''«' ^«=e being rich, for your likes because loycing over yon (hould be in vaineln tbisbe- oi their good wai:
7,'^di'I'^il'wt'af Tbtretott he wii-
balfe, that ye (as I have fayd) be ready.
poorc , that yce ibtougb bis povenie njight be
3 Thirdly be ' Bade rich. 4 leait if they of Macedonia come wiibttee. aoe'hV.''non"
waroetb ib«n 10 And I ftiew w)f mindc herein for tbis is and iiode you unprepared we ( that wee may not ,
f ; ,
"^h 'h°m tb«
fay , yon ) Ihould be albamed in this my » confiaot tbty ought to
*VVhe^y tt'eiTa. «^P«<^'«"' ^o' y°" » which have begun not to doe
boaltlDg. help* the Saiou,
"ioo'whicb'ths/" onely, but alfo to s will, ayeere agoe.
kavF conctivcd 1 1 Now therefore pcrformctu doe it alfo .that y Wherefore , I thought it neceflhtie to ex-
ofibtm. as there T>v«Ja readineiTe to will even fo yee may horr the brethren to come before unto you , acd
, ,::'em"otbeM*aJ-
* At the re,u.ftof pf,,^^,^^ it of that which ye have.
10 tiniib your benevolence appointed afore, that domanj.buiooely
the Macedomani. * ,„./-. / n. ,..• • . !• • •
it might be ready tndctme as ot beoevolencc,and »° "'"' ''»"' "P
f Thm.ppeirMh 1» « For if there bc fitft a wliiicg mindc , It ,

the naiu'aiatiTe accepted accotdiog to that a man batb, and not ac- noiasofbnipgardinetfe.
of oaiiove , wb.D a Tbis yet remtmbiT, that bee which loweth
cotd JDg to that be hatb not. „ ts^tcot tta.
a. ind«de,aDd tha. fpatingly , fhall rtape alfo f pariogly , end he that all thing, might
^ Neither i^ it that other men flionld be ea-
ffankely andfreelv, - ' , , _ ,., .. _ -
, .
foweth liberaiiy, reape alfo liberally. ^'"'> '>"" » t>«-
webelpe ourbie. i^d and you grieved : But upon liKe conditloD,

tbrto, evTti for at tfcls time your abundance fupplieth tneir iacke 7 As every mao^ wiOi^.th in bis heart. /"Wr»
Cbrinbiifcke. i^ ThJt alfo their abuodiDcc may be for your him give, not '•''Igradgirgly . or ofe neccfiiue: .ifuii.

lacke.tbat there may bs e^xaitie.

for God loveih a cbeerefull giver, a Tne word wbitk
As u IS Written.* Hee that^<»fft*r«« mucb, 8 And God is able to make fall grace to abound t« ufetb.fjguihetii,
ftom the example J J
of cbtift. bad nothing over . aed he tbai^«ri;fr<f<^litile had toward yoB.ibat ye slwayes having allfufficieccic
, ["^dftiUp^lttl^^
"''':''8'""* nottbelcfle. in all ihiogs.may itound in t tvnj good workc,
!"f ni^inde, I, cano«
a:^.'norX.ft '^ 8 And God. which bad put
tha.>ks 6* unto 9 ( * As it it Ktiiien , He bath iparfed ibioad be mooved wi.b
and bath given to the poorc; bit benevolence re. any.eiroutoi
Koutoftbcmby In the heart of Titus the
fame carc tOT you.
tonrtroiai, fo%un. 1 7 Bjcaufc he accepted the exbortation.yca, maineth for h ever.
b ai ° '"
fra^i covet
Itfli it be voiun.
hg „^s fo catefull that of hls owne accord he weot Iq Alfo hee that findetb feed to the fower, will men. .

uri£i Goa dociA minil^cr likewilc bjCad for food , and multipije
OntO yOU. aAUwiiDuftbe
your feed, andincteafe the 'fruitsofyoubenfivQ- g^raueuhemig,
jNotoDelytodoe, 18 And wccbave fent alfp with hitn the bro-
tMta>fo todoe wii- cher , whofe piaife « in the Gofpel thotowoat all
knee.) ^V*^:°m'^"J*'
1 Tn^tt 00 all parts ye may be made rich unto oibirdiy Eau
^^^ CburchcS- :

all liberalitie, which caufetb through us thaD).rgi- ftaoktaud fue
wiiM^Velwilbout '9 (And not fo onely .but is alfo chofen of the
Ving uoto God. *'"»» '» Cimpa-
ny intbrcrment Churcbes to be a feltow la our Journey , concer-
byanyoihet nieo, ning this k grace that is tninif^red by US unto tbc 12 3 For the mioiltMtion of this fctvice not
onely fupplietb ibeDeccfBiiesof the S^intt , bat
X^Vhfo'n"^" Slo'y of the inme Lord . and d.cLnatm of your
alfo abundantly caufetb many to j^ivc thanks to of moft abundant
VJinglory. ptOmpi miodt.)
« Agaiaitfuch 20 Avoiding :bis,thatno man {l^ocld blamc US God, bleflja^i followiag

ai ufe 'ocxcHfe jjj ^\^•^^ abounJance that is miniftrcd by us,

i 15 (Which by the k experiment of this mini- "\^,„^:,„u •

ifraiioo piayli; God. for your * voluotaiic fnb- andap^oimc.h

«ua Sa'r^'oo, , ^^ t ^'"^''f'J'S for booeii things , not onely fieely with bimfeire.
rich at .bough it beiorc the Lord, but fJlo before men.

weieoDtiypro. 12 And wee bavc leDi wlth them our brothetj i W'lh ifp»^-l 'id ri^^^Jlj hettt. t ^^airfi hi, nil a> w.
U^,^, „ t, V>-/( ',r

i:«torichm,B whoto wec havc ofttimis prooved to be dilieeot ted cp » Bcdr/3!,io. i ^U ^cdhi, l,vH,.t,J„U lil<.*Uij. . TchrlftAert
to helj)eib«pooie. "
h all mtf,t, fiHiile ,in J.inf t tm^otdi', ihtirnKtfftiu,. » f/xmt lUJ.
7 Cbii/liiniib.ralitic iimutualI,thatprop»r!ionmaybeobre!VM!. h Tiit h // t)>erl,liin^:S.wD.,yMffcakelhi./*man'h^tfr*T„hCU,<Kr,dl>,t>,hi',
like ai DOW in youi abundance you aelpe otbtri vvbich are poore . with fomepiil
ntrghboHT ,iphorha:tniirrna'mj'^]<hhi ) ion*! le^,.
j Ti^T-r i/ Bon*
i of your good), fo fliouid otbeiiio like fort bedowe fjine of theirmpoo ytau. f.^o.dinipherit^Kuu ,:,,g 4j,.4i 4,«,../«i»,/f, i,.
* 3 Another exceil.n. and
» Exod.1918. 8 HeecomiendttbTiiinand hi,iwoccmpinion»for do>.ble ttuu of liberaliiie lu wjtd, tbe Ssint. , ii tbis that it
: givrtb occaf.oo to praife
y caufu.both that theircredit miglK rot befuffeftta , anhough hce hid f<-at God aod tha- o ,r f.i.h i. aifj thereby made aiaoifdt. k By this pioofeofyour libe-
inilylofpoyJstbeCbuicbti ,aod alfo (bat ibey might be Co maco the riradi'r to rality in tb.i helpiag and fu:i.oiiriag of ihem. 1 Io Clewing wnh or.t
confent tha""! ,
ribuie. i Intbf (ireacbiog ofihe Gofiell. k Theft al.utiwliich yeu ickiioA'ltdge ibatooly Gofpel which you havc wiUirgly fub'romit.eJ
ysit felrtB
awbcHoAed fortbeieliefe of the Cbmch ofHietufalem, 1 Io ifciijiltDtirull uBto.dechjiiis thereby, ibai you ajreewiibtlic Chg«h of Hieriifalem. - ^ -
^ libeialiueeftbcCbutcbei, wbUhiicommiciedtsout tiud, 1* aom.ra>i7.
1 "

The Minifters weapons. 1 1. Corinthians. To reioycc in tbc Lord,

Gofpel of Chrlft, «nd for your li- : bu ikej xad^i^nd o«t thai
mLeiftbyhiijifat miflien to the ptaite tbeisIclTet

""r^h'c''" 'bt
be(aU4i£brt)Uxioo w ibcai,and todlmcD ; they (uealQte theoiictves W"ll'!thco>fci»<5»sod '*'?"•* *-*'T*
5^'fto'uia bM^Jf"
priy«. fpr lopg -tier yoo
»4 And io thcit k comp«e tbetnfelves wub.iheBj(eWcs. f«^?J»<'»/»tI-#.
frd UH. be AuKMk grucly ,for ibe abouodaoi gr^ce cf Gcd ia yuu. li But wc will Dot fciejMjc ot »k»^j»wl)ich ^e j„i4j, ij^.'-jV'
uKiiiitriiionati- If „ Th'pkcs tberc(v)re ^« OBio Gudfuihit oot within »«r 1 meafate . ^ bnt 9t>cv'<i'o^ iatte M>««t*^'i4>j(«r«
i»€afafc of the line . vvhercot Gctihatii ojliiibu^cd ''* *">**•

oto OS , tneafure to a.taioe ? v*o nnta,<»,. Iti.ti'.':^::!:!-
14 For wee ttretcb not ©ar klve* btyooc #i« >,/.. *i .a.!/-*.*;^*
meafurc . «s though we b^dBotuwioed oote yoa : •v'^.yi '.^htv'*"/.
ej>'Utiv9i tftienh-k"^, 7 aati (A-ir. n>'><<) iru pc/ckC, foi even to you alto bavc wee cooiCHi /»««/«»» ^ oj,:cit,i„^.
hit iittaciht)>c no trffi fiver, i| (/tCK Aij iv'riJej A<t#* r -3
the Gof pel of Cfii ft. *>|;^*. VJ/.
'-^J ''''
«f Not boaftiDg of ihfngiwikb are* with- '''^,.y:i,>,
t H»«tur«th f^.OwM faul roy lelte beJeech you by the out our mcilme : r 4t « ol oihw» wens hb»4»» ; , » yii'4*«j(ip./
totbtda'tnctof iDcekcDeire,«[:d«^o«ieuefleofCbnit.whicb aod wee hope , wDen your fikhihillJBcreafe , to *'»^'^'>"*'4'*«

fci. Apofticfh'p. whealaoj ptclcnt amocg you »m bale.butifn be tpagniticdbyyooaccoraiJDe loyourlioeafajin- '^'^'""'^^"'^••t
b"'!''':'!*''", ..bolde toward you bcmgablcot: d«mlv. 1. /.rTif^''';

:i*.'.'o <o"^" * And »;« 1 require you. tb« I neede net to (6 And to preach the Gofpei io thofe ir^jiVnr B;,f,Hitr«"
^.in.tb thtm ««. be boldc wbtn I am pietcnt , with thit (aroe coc- which are beyond you: not to reioyce in a aouiOci f^*"* "*"T'*_^
oeflly aod grave. tidcnce • wherewith i thiokd to be bolde ag.^icA iBiD. lioc : thitu , ia tbc thing j that ai€ prepared
ly.ulingalfo ter- t,t>!^!£^v*<l
rome.which efteeme as tt thuogh we walkeu b ac
rible ibreaioioga
cordiug totbe fleih. 17 * « Bttt let hits that reiojrcetb , reioyce in f't-Qiff^-
no (hewtb'"-
felvw fuch ai ate 5 »Nt»eitbeletfe .though wee walke iotbe rhe Lord. * '"'.ij.a*.
apt to bt inftru- Hrii), yet we do oot watre after the flefh. 18 For be that prairetbhimfclfc.i5.0ot allowed. JaVfol^^tl;
fted. Aod be re-
4 (For Ac weapons cf our warrefare are not but he wboB> the Lord praileih. Ri^tigaKihihii
carDaii, but tnightic tbrough d God, to c<lt WOicb he fpake of
proud men wbich
Biadeoobeitrr dowT:« faoldes ) CHAP. X r himlelte. and iBere*

accoini-tothm. Caflirg dowBe the ltnagination« . and every » He .pitpa

X •.fi'fiitl, that fvT tht ereM lc>ej fakfhiritrrtiti'tlit
toe Coriuthiaof to,
Aenofabng- high tbiDg that is exslied agaioft the kcowledgi of .."ni-an, , he i. c^mf,tUeu , unutr nu tvm
bca» Qiikcrcbin{>>
.iog Tfcrafo, ia
that bt ufrd 10
God ,J at3d btingicy into captivitie every thought c(Ua£iha:Be^tth^fjifejpcJH„fh,ttUr..,ji,rf,jftl,>m,na>;yti g,
befharytagainft to tbc obedicocc ot ChriR, I iffceiB Ufirrt exiilea in t ,e/< ih'n^i n^>•ch^re
rctkeih nothing eta
6 Aad having ready the vengeance agaii;ft all bac laappfuvehim^
them whet) he 7'tihy in Jeeti.
wai abfrot be. Lo God.wooie
dilobedicnccwhen your obedience is fulhlled.
taufe ibey fawe tI7 Oal'J • to God, ye could fuffVr a little my foo- 8'°'v b«oo«<» f^e-
uo great mateftie
7 4 Locke ye OD thiogi after the « appeararxe? *'
lilhnefle.andindecd.ycluffuroe. ^^^-
in biin after the
If any bitnfcWc that be is Chriiks , let
inati triift io y r -I '

t F'Jt lam lelous ovct you, With* godly ie-

.. . . I He irauteih lOat
manetof roeoi ht(D coofider tbi» agains of f hioilclfc that as he w .„„ /ion he play,
loufie : for I havs prvparet3 you for one husband, eia.beijou loioia
audbrfidtiibad Chriftts.cven (o4r« we Cbriftcs.
proowd hii l«i- to* prelem youtfr i pure vi gme to Chrift: vaunciog of,»,
8 For though
(hould boaft fomewhat more
tif, i But I fsare le .Has the* f.-rpc-ot b.-guiIeJ Eve
di«g that io hit of our aoiboritie , which the Lord bstb given u& \l\ll^l^"^,'^"
through his fuhtilty.lo your minds (hould bt.«coi- h'. wiii'.'tXhrit
tbfence he bad , for edihcatioD . and not for your dcflruchon,!
rupt from the lituplicicy that is ind Chrift: piofti becaufe be*
Oiouid have no lliime. them detcivei
(h«relv. 4 aFor if be thatcommeth preacbetb e aoo- ,

Thticf-'retirftof 9 T'tit I fay , that I may not fecnsc aj «> were ther IcioswhoTi wehjveoot preachcd:or if ye re- ''y«""'""^">«
all he ptofeffeih to fearc you with letter*.
ceire another Ipint whom yec have not received:
wa« gea- .hioughioe ciaii
that be 10 For Che letters , fayeth j hee . are fore and
tleand modeiaie.
cither soothetGolpcl which ye have not received, amifuotiitieof
ftrong , but his bodily preleiicc is weake , and his ''*"
butat'.er;heei. ye might well have (ufFircG him. .

fpcach isof no value-

Let fuch one thitike this

y V rely I fuppole that 1 wasnot iofcrioui to ^"'.'em ^t"!!" «
but if they con- 1 , that fach as wee
the very chiefe Apolilcs. ,^3, fj,k.ein ti>.-m
tinue (till Rxlc- are in word by letters when wee
. are iblcnt , fuch
6 3 And thouj{h lief rn Je in fpeaking, yet / not tor cimfciie,
fpife hiigeotle-
neffe. beptote.
vviU We t« iUotin deede,whcn we are prefcnt. **» oot fi io knowledge but arouog ycuwc have '"' '-'G^^-

voio 1 s For we dare not irake oar felves of the

1 •>
fteih bene made manifcft to the uuermoft , in all things. toIr"bV""'
that hf will niew ouniber , Or to compare out fclvei to tbein.wbicb
in ittit bow 7 4HaveIcomroiitedanofF^Dce.becaofela- Oeoe.i,4.
fiiireilitT»'«<'fC''''«'. wbicbftuke tbataccotnpt oftbf officeof io Apoftle.tbat ihty baled my felfe.that ye roight be: xlted.&becaiuc « Tbi.plac.ii 10

do of worldly officci .thitii accotdlog Iotbe ouivvudc appraraocc.

Tht' 1 preached toyon the G.Mpcl of God freely 1 bema.ked agumii
naiUrt w*i<'i i» incliniJ to mtrcit , rdiker thin ta rifcUr ufiujlict. b A> tbougb 8 I robbed other Chutcbes .and looke wages
I bad no other lideand htlpe then that which ontwardly I feenie to have; and therefore '^::;^2TlTf''*
raulftuetb hifltlh tfaat ii, b-imieakt condition and Oair, agaioft biifpiriiuallaiia
efthem to do yon fervice. timpiiciiie of in*

ApoOol q<Je dtjniiie. a S'coidly be wimf&th tbat althoogb be be liKe unio

, 9 And when I was prefent with yoo.aDdbad Scripiurei .inco*.
oiber m»n yeiheecomtiMihfuiniflk-d wiib that (tieDgth.wbicb no holdeiof man can *
peed . I was not flomkfull to the bioderaoce of P""^"" o*^»"« "^
urih , \;»hethet tkeyicfift by
and deceit .or by fore* and might becaule be
cra't ,
any man for that which wa. Jacking unto me. i"^,^^!''*^'
Wtrfa«etb with divine weaponi. c Arc sol fucbai men gel them autboiiiie
wtihaJI one of anothei. and dr» great »a„. d Stand upon tbatinfiniie powtT of the brethren which came from Macedonia, d wiiichi. meet for
«od. 3 An amplificati ecif ihiir^.iriiualivertiK .which in fuch fort C(inque>. ihemyareinChrtlt,
leth the eneiriea be ibey never fo erafiieand mightie.that it bringetb foire of ibem by J He fheweih tbatibr^ deceive themfelver, id hey looke to receive ofauy other mas,
repenianat unto ChiiR. and Hid lyierengeihotberi, thai are ftubburnlyobftinatef.-p*. either a more eacel lent Gofpel , oimorr extelltoi gift of the holy G*>oft • A moie
laiingthemfromtheotberwbicbluffrtthemfelveaioberulrd. 4 Hcebeaitrh per!>a doArine ot I«fu» Chrift 3 He re'uie;h the flmderj ofihofe TBrsfoet, I grant,

iuoiherrhcad' ibatfamemaiier ,w,iib (.teat weightofwoideiand featencet. fjyih he that I am 001 foeloqueotao Oraiour , bin yti bey cannot takeaway iht
. 1

c Do ytiudgtptthingi according to ibeomward (hew. f Not being lolJ of knowledge of the Gofpel from me. wheieof you have had gtod proof*, aodibai every
itbymrt. % H« nolrih out fomr onetbat waa thefeedeamanof thiifpeech. maner of W3y. f I'anllarkeil ntithal ifindeoj ih^fnien>>'''>>umtt: fey

Bewjsooftrjined I" "Withe foolifti bnggraofcmaiRe ambrtiouimen , he wit- man,anJ fit fcr the CcfpA , tmi keiv'>l'nf!j waited ikai fainted It^nMe ^/pti.'-.
oeBeib.lbai they ate able » bring nothing, bin that they fatrtY perfwadethemfelvt. of iphick to mjntn.iv -tdajetkutt after and fo-hw. 4 Another ( wi:,
tbemfehiei ; and ai fcr bimfelft , although bcebrapge of e«celleiii ibingA
, ^r i bee will that be waia rafcall.and livtdby tbf(abuuiofhii owaeh^ndi.Biii htrein.fay h ihc
at parTe lh« boundea wbich God haih meafured him out .according wbereumo be AfoMt .what can you (ay af»iolt me .buiibai I w>ai conteMlo laki .lOjr paiotifc*
tame ev*B uow ih«"n ii>TreacWog the Gofpel of Chrift, and tuiftetb th « her (hall .oe vour Takei , aod ^hen I lacked , to travel! for «iy Itviogwitb miof ownehandei it ,

f»fther. wbao ihey have fo P'olitedibarJiee (hall oot need ,0 lary any longer amongft part, Mid partly alfo when peverty ctuiitraioed mee, I ehofe rather oiberwife torcike
tfctm 10 laiflmft ''"" *"<> hereunto fi added an amplificaiioo, io iha> h« never TiK- my fuftenance , ihrti to he aoy burden 10 you , altitougbt preach id ibcGorpci utiro
Mcdtd othu man "> ^taiiiabouM. h Xhi» ia fpojteo aftna ttaniiog Son. loui « Chap.ia.ij.

18 .

Satan transformed. Chap. X If. Pauls ioy. 8i

An fupplied , and In all things I kept, and will keepe ching often , j n hanger and fafti'ngs often,
f amplificati- f s He a<Wetb Aii
on fo firre i« he
; my lelfe , that I lliouid not be grievous mzoyo In colde and in rakedncfle. '" conciafton lur-
from being a[ha« The g trueth of Chrift is in me, that this re- 2i 9 Befide the things which are outward . I
med of ibit aa> ioycing fliall not be h ihat up againti mee in the re- .ttMaVsmth^b*
th^t Lehath alfo
am combered dayly, and have the careofallthe aihamediodefpife
xefolvedwitb gions of Acliaia. Churches. *
him, upon whofe
hiinrclfetodoeoo 1 1 Wherefore ? becaufe I love you not ? God 29 who is weake , and I am noiwveake ? Who "[« >"
otbetwil'e hereafwi knoweth. is offended, and I burne not? *
^^ But what doe . that wiU I doe. that I may
I f^lftttu'"
to tee intent toat _ /^ ' i • » i
30 _'o If 1 muft needes reioyce, I will reioyce of piainejy'f.rnVbj
itiuayaiwayMbe cut away occafiOD from them which dehreocca- mine infirmities. experience.
trueiy fayd , tbat he fion, that they might be found like unto ns in that
31 The God.even the Father of our Lord Tefiis '° """""'' .
»«ugbi in Ach«i» vvhcrein they
leioyce. '
Chrift .which is blcffed for evermore . knoweth
fofBothiBg:not ;,^"„T.'lich
^^ wor-
6 For fuchfalfeapoflles are deceitfuU
thatHie not. .heyobilfted
kers , and transforme themfelves into the Apoft ks
tbeCofiDibiaai. it In .<. Damafcus the governour Y the ag>inft him:a»ifhi
but chatthefe ofChrin. people vnder King Aretas . layde watch in the '>'«""i'i '"r-Tbej
Tbtafoeamay oe- 14 And no marveile: for Satan himfelfe is trans- title of the Damafcens , and woulde have caught
ver hnde the occi> '„";f,^; ;^^,"i*'
formed into an Angel of k light.
lioD wfai<^btb(y away my authoriti*
ly Therefoie it is no great thing , though his
have already 3 J But at a window wasi leidowne in a basket ffo'" ifl
fought tor, aod be roinifterstransforme themfelves , as though they through the wall, and efcaped h is hands voouM boaft my
irithemetnefea- ^
vvera the miniftersofrighteoufnefle ,whofe end Celfe.IwouMtalW
fon may fetfome BO better argument:
thing bcfoie them
to follow, tbatat
ihallbe according to their workes.
16 7lfay againe.Letnomantbinkethatlam
CHAP XII. aadGodbimfelfeia
my witDtlTetbatl
lerfgtbtbtymay foolilli , or elfe take me even as a foole , that 1 aifb ''"'(*"'* '"'S'
I HeJtlheVen-vnwllinihm.zk'rehejrfiU, .-3 c/ihehex-
trucly Cay , that may boaft my felfc a litle. Wtnlj -vifiom, ^ ihxfntftreyiileduntoh-m, s /Ir
17 That I fpeake,! fpeake it not after the Lord: '^'"^ »•»*.
Vi>uh,h,ughht might in detdegl-ry. yet he -niU not, 10 btinr *
but as were foolithly in this my great boafting, fnltjcfhistventinflrmitie,.- n
tut iht} drive him ti
^ Thiiittformt it ,

Seeing that many reioyce after the

this ktnde if filly, JO in thit they give lire ta certiine
tfanttlh.aufhi 1 flelh , I 'vaine gltritm ftrfini, -nhe dnrv ihimfnm Chrijf.
fs}il,lttmt net he will reioyce aifo,
thought ct htpe
19 For ye fufferfooles gladly .becaufe that y€e
any true(h in me. T T not expedient for me no doubt to reioyce:
I is , Re goeth for*
h ShiiWe thvajtt are wife.
for I will Gome to vilions and revelations of the wrd in hi* pur,
tftn tc me. 20 « For ye fuffer , even if a Tnan bring you in- X-Ord. pofe, and becauf*
i Pouts lutttrf<i- to bondage, if a man dcvoure WH.ifamantake
,U-ft«ghtaic,c<i. X I know a mas a in Chrift
above fourteene '^^'^'^st'^s
your gtedt > if a man exalt himfelfe , if a man fmite
fiontthty eotiU,to yeeres agoe . (whether he vver, in the body. I can- rej"!,icnt'he
ie ejHoU ii him.
you on the face, not tell, or out of the body , I cannot tell : God reckonethuptboft
.And thertftrtfet- 2 I fpeake as coBcerning the < reproach : as
knoweth) which was taken up unto the b third hea- >'='ngs which lift
ini thej rather though that we had bene -n wcakeibutwhercin any him up above th«
«<« -vp >« Ccfin- ye.n,
^2„ J5 i^^jj ^i ^ gaj^e foolilhly; I am bolde alfo. 3' And I knowe fuch a man (whether in the o°fm«?b«hJu!
tc tl;tmfir ucf iiiij
22 They are Hebrewes.* lo am I : they are If- body ,or out of the body .1 cannot
raelites, fo am I : they are the feede of Abraham.ib
tell: God feh a preface. and
knoweth.) excafeth timfelfe
t:cift3n, to i»if, n ami,
mik' P""'- " "k' 4 Howhe was taken up into = Paradiffe, ''^"j^f^V ,
that •

a5 They are the minifters of Chrift ( I fpeake

and heard words which <i cannot be fpoken, which chfiiCt't llXk
fcmt thing: nhich
,hmiifhel,ad as a foole) I am " more : in laboiu-s more aocun-
are not epoilible for man to utter. fp^k'n without
Jtm.thtnhofei dant : in Hripes above meafure : in ptifon more
y » Of fuch a man will I reioyce : of my felfe ^•'incghTy.fif X
they bj ikttmednes plenteoufly ; in o death oft.
(II be f^naH 1} him :
will 1 not reioyce . except it be of mine infir- 'I'M^"'"."^ *",* ,.
14 Of the lewes v five times received I founie ™"es.
far Ihcj m.uie fuch t 4 i„u,h\i,ightji
firipesfave one.
fhevf »/z"tii 6 For though I would reioyce , I flwuld not ht^ixn ../or »«
k.i.^vledge.andfit 2f I was q thrife ^ beaten with roddes : I was be a foole, fori will fay the trueth but I refraine, "'"'« n„iioUifputt
nftrth yv'ihfmh t * otice ftoned: I fufited thrife » (liipwracke: night left any man fliouid thinke of meabovethathee-^'*''f/.Jf7;,**
,.fng 4m<.> ./«/» gpj j^y jj^^g 1 ^,ggj^e i„ fhe deepe lea.
feeth in me , or that he heareth of me. ^tt'tki, fZcit^ta
16 In journeying / vva, often, in perils of wa-
he/hew- perils of perils of mine owne na-
7 3 And leaft I ihould beexaltedoutofmea- be mar ktd again fi
rt«l: hut
fure through the aboundance of revelations, there 'himwhith-n'uU
*>h that aU thit i, j jon, in perils among the Gentiles , in perils in the
n„Mn> but coUurt was given unto me a f pricke in the fleHi , the mef-
^j^j^^ -j^ perils in wildernefle,in perils in the Tea, in 'l''tf'"Ttr'"''
fenger of g Satan to buffet me , becaufe I Ihould ' scZ"a!ecia»»
perils among falfe brethren,
fi'VotTatifngtl. .
., . ^ not be exalted out of meafure. n.ime that rvhicb
he laiutethout jj In weanneffeand r painefulnefle . in wat- 8 For this thing I befought the Lord b thrife i»f "' * ^'•^«.(t4^
that it might depart from me.
" ^''^' ^ ''''"' ','
theircolouri, foreTOarniugthatitwillcometopaae ,thai theyvtillat length betray
them{tlvei,what countenance foever thtyniake of zeale that they have to Godj glory. 9 And he fayd unto me , My grace is fufBcient ^Un'td'a'JZiUt
kty] fl<e hta}>tr,lj glorj,-mherti>jthe .yinicU are p.til.iktri. 7 Het goeth

forward boldly, and ufing a vebemeoilionie of kinde of taunting, defiteih the Corin. rchich name they that tranflattdthe Me Tejfamtntcuto/tht Hefe-fw"^w'f/r;'',eL
thiaoi to pardon him , if for a tiine he contend ai a foole before them being vvife, with led the garden Eden,rvherlUnto^dam vat put fraight a/ier his creatim,as ar»ufl dtli,
thofeioUy fellovtdtoucbiDgthofeexternall thingi.towit.toucbicg hisflocke, hii an- cate and fleajantf\tce.^nd hite-unligrets it, thai th.ttilelJed fi.,te efihefhry
certcri.snd valiaataai. 8 Before he commethto the matier.beicuchttb theCoriD- is eaSed by that rttmi. d Which m
man is aitelc 'viter. e Which the Sain'sthtin.
thians , wboperfwadiogtliinifelvjitovery \)vifenien,didnet maikein ihemtane fea. felvesare net ly any meanesalle to fxpre[fe,becau/eil is Ced himfttfe.
Thusdctth Cle'
fon that ibcle fjlfe apoftlei sbuffd tbeirriinpliciiie for advantage. 1 As if hefayd, mens .^lexandrinits ixpcundihis jlaicitrtmi.f. 2 To teinooveallfufpicionofam.
ID refjiia of ibartef roach wbitb tbey doe unto you, I fpeake it)which furelyiiai evil bitlon bee wiioHIetb ibat bee braggeth oot ofthofe ihingi a«of hi,
owne, but aj out of
»s if they didbcaieyou. ro Paul is called weake. in tbaihefefmeth to tbeCorinihiam himfelfe , and yet notuvithllaDdiog faiaeih nothing . halt by ibi,occifion
other men
• vile and abieft man.a be^ggnjy artificer, a mod wretched and niifetable idiot, where. foould atinbuie more unto h un iben in decde bee iy. and therefore he
had ratber elorv
J»notwiihftaodiogihtrtiaGod»mii!biie power wai made mjoifeft. « Pi;il.3,f. in hi. mifetiei. 3 An excellent doftrioe why Sod will have even hi, beft
/n raolbeitjg bonout»bleindeed,defendetbbiiminilteryopenly,oot for biiowiie fake, to be vexed of Satan and by all kinde of temptationi to wit lead they
. ,
fiiould be toa
Ibatbecaufe he (awe bii doftrioecom; into bazird. o In danger of prefent death. oiu;h puffed iip.and alfo tiiat tbey may be made perfite by ibstcontinualleiercife
p He aliudeihto tbat that ii written Dent a/, 3. and moreover ihii place flieweth us,
, / H.meanethconcupifcen,.,hctliicke,hfaft in nss,asi, were a fomuch'thsil
) that PaaKulfird many ihiogivwbicb LukepaflVd over. q Oftbe R.imant M;gi. ,tccnjl,a,n,dl'aulh,^felfcla„^refener.ue,ccry out, 1 d.e nchatgocd that 1
lltatei. *
Adesie^ij. Afle* '4 t9- 4- ASteny.i'i. t Painfii!nt»i« CTc. ^nd he caSith it a pncke . by a hrr^w.d kj»^e of /peach taken
from thornes , ,r
troublefome fickoei, aimbcna omb it fnntj »Dd would ieft,b« u«oo(li4ioi(i \t IaU fiumpes , nhuh art -vtry Jangercus and hurtful! fcr ^hefeett . ifa -nallu ikrouft,
CO new labour. -wwit that mt tut 4<>vnt, g
h ofi,
1 3 ' '

Pauls care for the Church. I L Corinthians. Chriftisinyou.

for thee for my novfet is made perfeft through
: CHAP. Xlll.
weakenelle. 4 Very gladly therefore will I reioyce C cmmit^ the thir'i time, t HedemUneeihttitfia'ftTVtif
rather in mine infiimities , that the power of Chrift geance tomarJ ttitm, f irfcs haire a ftrfed triall tfihe ftner
4 Htcondu-
deb. that bee may 'dwell in me. e/ Chri/l ia hit ^fofiUfhif : i o ^f Un^ii, hte fraietk
ViilloBelyfte 10 Therefore I take*- pleafure in infirmities, fat their fefintttnee, ii ^niycifhethtbemfmfferiiie.

in reproaches^in r.eceffitiestin perfecutions.inan- TO this it the third time that I come unto you.
guiO.for Chfii^es fake for when I am weake.then In the mouth of two or three wiineffes Ihall
braggei otihe :

fjlltapolUci.acd am I ftrong. every word ftand.

therewith alforx. 1 I was a foole to boaft my felfc yee have : « I told you before . and tell you before : as
4. Deut.rg,,,.
cufeih fcimfelfe.
compelled me: ; for I ought to have bene com- though I had bene ptefent the fecond time, fo '"^t i!>>«,
for that by their
impeicuoitir, be mended of you for in nothing was
: I inferiour write 1 now being abfentto them wiiich hereto- '"'"' ''7- heb/,

VVJiconftraioed unto the very chiefe Apoftles , though I beno- fore have tinned, and to all others, that if I come TV.Lan,
tofpeakefoBiuch thir^. againe, I will not fpare.
oribtTethingi ai
did to wit,
I 2 The figne of an Apoftle were wrought
3 I Seeing that yee feeke experience of Chrift, tbat.whiiethey
fce :

betai;fttbat ifbii among you with all patience.with fignes.and won- that fpeaketh in mee .which towarde you is not '^«''P'''t'>eApo.
ApoftleDijp were ders and great works. weake, but is a mightie in you. °°°'"'
fubventd , his
1 For what is it.wherein yee were inferiours 4 For though hee was crucified concerning cbrine7ow««.
needes fall.
unto other Churches , 4 except that I have not b his infirmitie , yet Jiveth hee through the power tieace and alfo :

» Thai 1 mi^ht bene »» flouthfull to your hiuderance ;for give race of God. Ani we no doubt are weake in him , but wh''": they con.
ftdc iht -viriui ff this wrong. we (hall live with him , through the power of God '"""l ""^'n « ,
Oirifi more and 14 Behold , the third time I am ready to come toward you.
nwe; Fcr the wti- Se:th:;1aT
unto you , and yet will I not be Qouthfull to your 5 § » Proove your felves whether ye are in the nothing here in
tltr thM cHr
ttiermclcjitrt.'lt hinderance : for I feeke not yours.but you: for the faith : examine your felves knowe yee notyour 'giinfth'tn .which

matt ilieth Chrijh children ought not to lay up for the fatheri.but tire ownefelves.howthatleTus Chrift is in you.excepc |'
'venue ufpeirem ^'^'"'Tr!. »
fathers for the children. ye be reprobates ? ^ ^»ZthV
Il Idctn^lcntl, I y And I will moH gladly beftow and will be, 6 3 But I truft that yee (hall knowe thaivi^ee moftmi^hiietde
lak.'ihem fnitni- beftowed for your foules : though the more I love are not reprobates. reven^edt,fy,„,
1} and niih
you, the lefle I am loved
' '
*^ * ^""^ ^^ " ^^"
... charged you not : yet"
7 Nowe I pray unto God that yee doe none f''!^""uh^''i'\
not that we Qiould feeme approoved, but that haft forme
ty Teat
" f°'' ^s much as I was ctaftie , I tooke you with yee ihould doe that which is honeft ; thoagh wee ><inivhichht
in fAci'."

J Againehenit- guile. be as c reprobates. ""k' t/^.i, him

ke^ the Corin- 17 Did I pillyoabyanyofthemwhomlfent 8 For wee can not dee any thing againftthe
thian! witneOfei Zmreif"'"^"^
unto you i trueth. butforthetrueth.
of ihufe things ^ i.c'
whereby God 18 1 have efired Titus , and with him I have 9 For wee are glad when we are weake .and » He cotifirmeth
had Cealed fail fent a brother:did Titus pill you of any things ?waU that ye arc ftrong : this alfo we wiih for , even you r '^" which he
ainoogft tbem,
ked we not in the felfe fame ip'iriii wailed not we d perfeftion. fpakeoftbever-

in the fame ftups > Jo Therefore write I thefe things being ab- rmg
and againe be in ht.n^n!-'
defireth by cer- 1 9 7 Againe thinke yee that wee excufe our
. fent , leaft when I am prefent , 1 ihould ufe tharp- «"'«, at^dhega.
niaeargumeniii felves unto you? we fpeake before God in > Chrilt. neffe according to the power which the Lord '^'"^ ^ the mu.
"""'-''— '--
how farre bee it
But we
dee all things , dearely beloved , for your hathgiven mee , to edification, and not to ^g_ tuallrelationbe.
tweeoe the pe*.
edifying. flruttion.
toufntflt, and plei faith, an4 the
atfo bow be ii 10 s Forlfearelealt whenlcome.Ifliallnot II 4 finally brethren.fare ye well:beperfea:be «ini»er.prea.
• ffeftioned to- find you fuch as I would and that I Ihallbe found : of good comfort : beofoneminde : Jive in peace, '*'''?•.''>« 'hey
wards tbetn, unro you fuch as ye would not and leaft there be : and the God of love and peace Ihall be with you.
I The atgumenti KDce'hii"p'""
ftrife , envying wrath
contentions, backbitings,
, , 12 s Greet one another with an* holykifle. ftle&ip,
whereby it may uj^in'
well appeare,tbal whifperings, iwellings,<t«idifcord. All the Saints faluteyou. wbofedoSrine
I am iodeede an 21 I fears leaft when I come againe, my God 1 The grace of our Lord lefus Chrift, and the '•"'' ^'j'^ '• ,
Apoftle of (efus abafeme among you and I ihall bewaile many of. lo ve of God .. and the communion of the holv flT.J.i'"'^*''
them which have liiined already and have not re- G hoft be with you all. Amen.
* Chaf.,,
p«nted of the vnclcanndfe, and fornication , and
r'nL'o'c't'ftmih. ^^ ,, fitlelitie, and mull
, , ,
confefli themfelvei not to be of Cbriftes body. He mitigateth that toarpenere,
f^u ifigeitirgmj wantonneffc which they havc Committed. 3
lil/JH^ rpith mine ttultiog that they will fliew themfelves towatdi iheir faith full Apolt lei apt
and wil-,

mi^htmtte iurJenfime Uyw. liogly to beiau^bt.addiogthiimoreovcr .thathepalfethnot for hi,

»-a>nih*r,Ji,il,at I
« He putteih away another mod owne fame and
grievous wit, that he d.dfubtillyaud by othfti.makebiigaine and pro.fiie eftimation . fo that hee may fervc to their falvation , waich iitheonely matke
that he
oftb-m. 7 Heeconcludeib .that bee wriiteih not thefe things unto ihem,ai ihaugb ihooteihat. e In raeoi iudgement. d Thu aS tl<,„^,may h in ycod orJrr
bee needed to deteodhimlelfe.fcj, her iigu.lne of ootbing: but amoniji ycit , and the members of tht Church reflortd into iheir place , ivhicb have hint
becaufeii is behove,
able for tbem to doubt nothing of fail fidelitie who ioUniaed Jhaktn and cm of place. 4 A biiefeexbortation.but yetfuchanoaeascomprehendeth
them. ^sithe. n
t.mmithhtm all the parte, of « Cbriftian roanjiife.
to ffeikf tritely a-id f,-nerel,,ii,at pr. reUeih h'mfetfe to he in Chr , hat it
s Hefalureth them f4mil«ily,4ad incoB.
tofu,.,,kea Cir|/!r«. cluftonwiflieth well UQio them. # i,Cor.i«,io.
8 Having confirmed hii authoritie unto them he tebukeib
them (harpely.and tbHaro.tb tbem alfo like an ApoHle.Oiewing
ibem btiiftei.uoleire they rej.ert.feeiBg that thii ii
that he will notl'pare
1 The fecond Epi/lUto the Corinthians,writ.
tht third time that be bath wawtd ten from i'hiiippi.a cicie in Macedonia,
iindfint by Titus and Lucas.

Pauls Gofpel from Chrift. Cbap.I.n, Paulscalling. fe

CHAP. I. time paft , in the lewifli religion , how that $ I j^ .„^ .

Slni^hl ^lerlhlfttlHlati"!, 6 nirtftiUnitlhthe Ct. perfecated the Church of God cxtrcmcly.aBd wa- k Htedue'ththem
UtuntferreimltiHg, 9 fi'm hiiCofptl, if tvhieh he
fted it. the trtditkni tfhit
rece7i>edfromCcd, 17 itfire he kidctrmnuaicatedwiih any
efthe ^pcftlet. 14 And profited in the lewiCb religion above p*>htri,tecMrehi
AU L » as Apoftle {cot » of men, many of my compaBJons of mine ovroe nation, and TirehT,!,r"re*yM"

Dcither by ^ mao. * but by e lefts was much motezealousof the •'traditions rCmy aj/jw* f'Lrr/i
Cbtilt.aDd God the Father which fathers. '> hiifulher.
I A falutJlion
bath raifed bim from the dead.) If But whenit pleafed God (wbich htdifepa- l Hefpetk"';'/'
cemptebcndicg ia <^"'' '>;"Ujitng
z And all the brethren which rated me from my mothers wombe , and called me-
ff w
wordi, the
famme of the A- I
are with me unto the Cbnrcbes of by his grace,) '^^.t^t,,,^,
poillei doftrinea Galatia: 16 To revealebit Sonne m m mee. , that I mould pdnndhim to be
aod alfo beiidei
Graced* with yon, and peace from God ih6 preach bim * among the Gentiles immediatly ,^l *" ^po/iie.nhertif.
. ., , 3
l^e'b'Sg"" Father, and from our Lord lefus Cfarift. communicated not with ° flelh and blood : ''J
detreeitlhaf eiierltf
vi L 1T .T- rt •

ftewiog the gra- 4 * Which gave himfelfefot our finnes thai , 17 Neither camel 2gaine to Hietufalem to ^4^„„yij;,,/
vitie meete for the he might deliver us* from this prefem evil^world them which were Apoilles before me . but I went Cod.hii appointing

^'^'="'^*"8 "
tbe will of God even out Father, into Arabia.and turned agaioe unto Damafcus. /"" *'> metherj
hadtaml^nuioe' ^ To whom *« gloiy fof cvcr and cvcr AmcD. .
13 Then after three yeeres I came againe to ,t°" /«",«««!
agaioft the faife 6 j I marvcilc that ye are fo foone « remooved Hierufaiem to viiite Peter , and aboade with him ti'liat"a' ^e/eeV
podlei. , away unto another Gofpel , from him that had cal- fifteene dayes. c/ tv.rkes fcrfeeot,
19 Andnoncotber of the Apofllesfaw I. fave "= T'me.and thh
'^'^ "1°° '° ^^^ 8"*^^ °^ ^''"'^•
f.t"e«Tour Jf
the mto7ft°r"gene. 7 Which Is Hot iDother Cofptl, favc that there lames the Lords brother. , ,
rally: for herein the be fome wbich troublc yoD» aod ioteod to '^peivert 20 Now tbe things which I write unto yon, j,/i, ^'heret, thu
whole miBifttry the Gofpel of Chrift. behold,/ wttneffe o before 6od» that I lie not. >v fivm us to un-

^ But though that we. or an Angel from hM- 2.1Atter that , I went into tbe coaftes of Syria ''"^'""^' '*""*<•
fties.orshepheardi, ^^ prcach Boto you othciwile thco that wWch and Cilicia : for I was nckoowen by face unto the y/^^'c^"*"
or Dodouis, they we have preached UBto you.let him be g accurfed. Churches of Indea which were in Chrift. j, Ephe'fix.
die appointed of
gAs we faid before fo fay I now againe .If .
^^ Buttbey had heard onelyyowfy«^,He which « Becaufe it might
^an prcach unto you otherwife. then that yee perfecBted us in time p»ft ,nowe preached the beobjeaed.thai
fa°Hetouche.hthe f^^
?nftrumemai caufe: oi\e reccivcd.let himbc accutled- g faith wbich before he deftroycd. raS'ch'm ...
for this i. a peculiariQ y For no w preach I ^ mans rfo^rw otGods? 13 AndtbeyglonnedGodfarme. the way, bm af-
prfrogative to th terward, was ia-
goc 1 about to pleafe men ? for if 1 (bould yet
Aponiet , to be cai firuaedofiheApoftleiandothetl, whofe aames (ai I faiil before; tbe falfe apofti««
Jed immediatly
men, I were not the fetvant of Chriit.
pleafe abuled todeftroy bii ApoftleOiip ,ai though be delivered another Gofpel then tbe true
from Chrift. 11 * 6 Now 1 certifie yon . brethren that the . Apoftletdid .and at though bee were notof their number, which atetobt crediitS
•*• Titui 1,3. Gofpel which was preached of me . was not after without exception : therefore Paul anfweretb ,' hat he began ftraighrway after hi*
c Chrift no doobt calling to preach the Gofpel at Damafcus and in Arabia , and was not from that time
ii maa.butbeeis in Hietufalem butoDely fifieene dayet, where bee faw onely PelerSc lames, and after*
-.— ^ * ^'^^ neither received I it of man, neither was wards, he began to teach in Syria andCilicia, with theconfent and approbaiiooof the
..^ ...„, and head
alfo. -MM
f^he°cburcb ,"and I taught it, but by the ' revelation of lefus CbriQ. Cburcbetcft'ielewes, which knew him onely by name ,f» farre ofTwas it, tbathe
a With aay man in tbe world, o Tbatiiakioda
7 For yc bavc heard of my convcifation in
fnthisref^iratobe 13 was there ioftruaed of men.
extmptedouiof the ofoathe, f Ihedeatineoffaiifa.
Dumber ofmtQ.
cfftriog, faveih ui being cboftn out
> Thefummeofihe true Gofpel
from the world by the freedecteeof God thepj-
ii ihii^that Cbrift by biionely
ther. •{ Lake 1:74. out cfihjt muft corrupt /iuttyvhichii roithaut Chriji.
d 1 That the ^ftfilts didmthing diCtireefrem hii Ctfpel,
3 Thehrft f art of he EpilUe wherein he witneflcth Apoftle, nothing in-
1 3 he deilaretii ly ihtexamfie cf Tiluiietn^un.ircumcijed,
feriourto thofe chiefedifciplei of Cbrili, and wholly agretiog with thein whofe names 11 and dtfo iy his ndtidtchir,^ the fame a^airji 1 eiert di_lfi.
thefalfeapoftleidid abule. And he brginneib with chiding, reproovingtbemoflighi- muUtion. fj^Andfehepu(feihtiithehanalini'of»urftee
DtU'e for that they gaveeatc fo eafrly unto tbein which petveited tbem and drew them iufiificationh Chrifi,<^c.
away to a new Gofpel. e He vfith the fajiine i>o}ce, to ca^ thefaait ufon the ful/ex- *p Hen • fourteene yeers after , I went up againe
pefilei, and he Vfeththe tinx ihar.noW ii,roplielhem lo underfiana'jtlitt it wui not al- to Hierufaiem with fi^irnabas and tooke with
reaiij dcne,hitt in doin^. 4 He wainethiheni in rime to remember that there Menot me Titus alto. i NowheOiew-
nianyGsfpell.apd therefore wbaifoevei thefcfalfe apoltltl pretend which bad tfaeLaw.
X And I went up by revelation and declared "'^ ''".^ ^' ^g"*'
Mofti and the Fathers in tbeirmouthe* yet they aieindeede (o many corruptiociof

the true Gofpel, infomuch tbatheebimfelfe.yea,andthevtry Angel.themlelves ,(and unto them that Gofpel which I preach among the ftie,*^rib whom"
tbeteforemucb more ihtftfalfe apoftleijoughtto beholden accuifed,if they goe about Gentiles, but particularly to tbem that were the begraate.htbat'
to change the lead iotetbat maybe in the Gofpel, that bee delivered to them before.
chiefe . leaft by any meaB«s I Ibould runnc, or had be conferred tou-
1 For there it noihn^ mere contrary lofui:h or free ittfiijicaiicn, then iufiipcation hj the
ching bi.Go(pti
La\r.,cr hy cur i'.efcrling. % Lookjs R^om .9>i' S A confir-mationtakenboth from runne > in vaine :
the nature oftoedoaiine it felfe.aod alfo from thatmaner wbichhevfethin teaching, 3 But neither yet Titus which was with mee. ^^g fhV cfn
forotitber ,faiih hee ,did Iteach tbofe tbiogi which pleafed men ajibefe mendoe though be were a Grecian .was compelled to be tiUs, fourteene"
which put part offalvation iHexteroall tbingi ,and woiketoftbeLaw.neitberwent I yeeres afi*r bi»
about :u procure any maoi favour. Andtbtrtfoietbc matter iifelfe (hewcih tbatthat
doSrine which Idelivertd unto you, 11 heavenly. h Heetoucheththefalfeapo- 4 To wit , for the ^falfc brethren which were «:°°""''oo, an<*

llJts who tadDO.hing but m.n in tctir mouthe>,and he,iho«gb hee would derogate no- craftily fent in.and crept in privily to fpie out our fucb fo^r.blttLw
Jing from the Apoftle. ,prcacheth God and not men. * i.Cot.i),i. 6 A fecond liberty which we have in Cbrii^ lefus , that they conftramednnt
|jjrgumeni to proovetbat ihii doSiine is heavenly becaufe bee had it from heaven,
bis fellow Ti^i.t
Jfrom lefuiChtillhimrelfe, without any mani beple.wherein hee excelietb them whom to be citcuincifeJ,
CQtilt taugbihereon eaiib after tbemaner of men. Tbii piace is to be uoderftood
although fome
ofaa extraordiDaryreveldtion,foroihtrwifeiheSonne alone re\ealed hi* Gofpel by hif tormented ibemftlvel therein , wbich traiteroufly layd wait againftbim tut in vaine'
Spirit, although b y the miuilieiy of men which Paul fllu:ieih out btte. 7 Keeproou- neiiberdid they adde tbe leaft iote that coightbe to the doarioe which hee bad prea-
eibibatbeewasextraordinaiilyiaugbt of Chrift himfelfe , by tbe biftory ofb is for- ched, but contrary wife they gave to himacd Barnaba. the,rigbt bands of fellowship,
mer life, which tt eGaUtiaaj, ibtmlelves know well yaougb for faith bee , ir is well : and acknowledged tbem at Apoftlesappoin-edoftbeLoid to the Gectiles.
a /'n-
kno wen in what fchoole I wa« brought up even fiom a childe, to wit.amongll thai
, frmifuily,fcras louihmihu dc:hine, I'aul dtuheJnctofir, tut hecaufethere were ctr-
deadly enemiei of the Gofptl Aud that do man maycavillacd fay that I wai afchoi. taine reports cajl ahead ofhim, that hee was cf .mother opinion then the reft efthe
ler ottberbariftsin name onely and rot in oeede , no man is ignorant, bow that I flei were^trhich thing might haVe hindered the cmrfe ofiheCtfirl^-htrcfcre he lahturtd
excelled inrbatifaifme and was fuddecly madeofa Phaiife. in Apoftle «f the 6eB. »« remedy thiifrs, i Whish h <>""<' '»»'' (.tnterfait hclynejfe erept in amentj;
tilei ,fo that I had do fpace to btiultruacd of luea. f*it'ifni,

L\\ -i might

Paul reproovcd Peter. TotheGalatians. laftification through faith,"

might biir^ o$ into boodigei teous by Chrlft.wce ont felvesare found
e Bt fabmitti..«
Chrift therefore the miniftet of figne ? God forbid.

nd brtiaying oai f^, ^^ hourc.that the

d uneth of the Golpcl might 1 8 For if I bolide againc the things that I have
defttoyed, I make my felfe a ttefpafler. The Law tb«
^'"rL'^'dfio- continue with* you.

e«e dSs.iW.h. 6 But by thero which

Cftmed tobs gieat.Z *«« ip Fot I through the Law am dead to the < Law, "iriHeih ibecon'
'""'"" .bringeth ui
«ofH«i. which re- ,x,( M«|.'.t (v^»tlo£Vcr tbcy wcrc io
time pilled, I that I might live unto God.
»»ioedfif«from j^^j ooibiDL''lne bcttti: * God acCCptCth DO ItUDS ao I am ciucihed with Chrift.but 1 Wvt.yet not
o°n" 'cfuV^?h ,,.'0
''°- u I any more, but Chrift liveth in mee: ana in that dieto the Law ic-
peifon) fo' 'b'^y -h" «= 'tic <^^'^^« • '^''^ *'^'^*
fiifedJaiiBH. tbiogto iEe<iioKrrW/^4i. _
^ , .
that I nowe live in the x flefl^. I live by the faith in •J"''' becaufe that

• VntlertheGJa- cootrary wile when they fa we that the the Sonne of God , who hath loved me. and given ''>' ">^kiDf uingh-
7 But .
. r ic
r teoui, he tsketb
Gofpel over the f uocircumcifion was commiitea blmfelfe forme.
titaf Qttne, tif ua-
, . , away from u. th,
«JtT«tDd*ihallD»- was
HDto mcc , ai the Cefpsl over the circamcifioD XI J I doe not abrogne tae grace of God: for tern^urofconfti-
% DfUtn. 10,17. nmu Peter:
in the
, ^ ...A- if righteonfneffe be by the Lawe , then Chrift died *^^^- aidby fanfti,
"'• "^^"^
a. cbron i» 7- '«'' 8 (Foi hee that was mighty by Petei without a y caufe. ^l""" throi'fu,.thcmorn»
5+19. «aeno.J4 poftlcihip over the ciicorocifioo , was alio
mighty fying uf lult in lu, that it cannot take fuch occifioB to fione by the 'ei^raint which ibt
BOin.i.ii.fpB'l «.
by me toward the Gemilei.) I-iwmaketb,,ii. u The fame that I wi» before,
9. coi.j.ij.i.ptt- lobn, x Inthi.moftailbody. y Tbi fecocd argument taken of an abfurditie if men
9 And wheo lames and Cephas and
, .
may beiuftihedby ibeLaw. tfaenwatil not oecelTiry forCbriit todie. y For (here
f' Among .be Gen- k^cw of the gracc that was giveo untome.wbich wai DO caafe why be fiiould doe fo.
tiin, as Peicr had ^^^ g counted to be pillars, they gave to mc and to
B^rn^b.s the right h bauds of fellowship . that wee C H A P. III.
*,ie uw«""°°"* Ht rehuk'th them, for furring thimfil>ls to hi Jr,trttnfrtm
Wild preach UDto the GcDtiles , and they unto the
g Whom alone and j).
tht grat cffrte iufiification in Chrifiimcft liiitljjit cut itrtlo
enely.ibeferotu circumc'ii^n. ttiem. 6 Heehrin^tthii t^ir ^haml tiiimpU, lo tie,
fot j-iUaiiof
jQ vVariiins ooely that wee (bould remember rlaringtkteffiift, "ii and enUjii p/ihe pl^vgt/th*
-tof^n'ame'rey the poore whicb thiDg alfo I was diligent to doe.

but to deceive II > And whcH Peter w«s comc to Atitiochw, Q^Fooliih Galatians, who hath be witched yop, ^.o^oVargom!^
wiihftood him to bis ' faccjfor he wis to be cod- that ye Ihould not obey the trneth , to whom taken oftbofc
lefus Chrift before was delciibed in your* fight, gifuofiheholy
(hcii btei into «nd among you crucified ?
ibatweagreed II » For before
-- -
thatcertaioe came from lames, °!°
vshoiiytoihcdo- bee ate with the Getitilei : but whso they were 2 This onely would I Icarne of yon, Received fromre'ave'n aft«
ftiioeof .bcGoffel. come, be withdrew and feparatcd himfclfc.fcaring ye the b Spirit bytbe workes of the Law,or by the they had heard
i Before all hearing of e faith preached ? a""* beleeved the
Another molt
tbem which were of the circumcifion.
1 3 And the other lewes played the
hypocrites 3 ' Areyefofooliih.tbataf«:ryehavebegun
vehement (Jtoofe S^nliletiJ •
of hi» Apoftlefhip, likewife with him . in fo much that Barnabas was io the would now be made pe»fe<a by the f«cing they were
mai alfo of that k led away with them by that their hypocnfie. dflettl? foevidenttoali
bad deliverfdcon-
I4 But when I faw.that they went not the i right 4 3 Have yee fuffered fo many things io vaine? '""««y"' '''V
cefiiiof: fret iuftifi- way to the ™ ttueih of the Gofpei.l faide unto I'e- Iffobeitbeeveninvaioe / '^:^^^;Z.
cation by faiib tcr before -11 men. If thon being a lew. liveft as the J 4 Hee therefore that miniftreth to you the gf,, wherein they
onely.lifcaufe that Spirit, and worketh miracles aoDongyoH,i»fr/j^w might behold the
GeDtilei.and not like the Icwes.wby oconliiaincft |

for tbii thing onely it through the workes of the Lawe , or by the hea- ""-'' <^°-"
hertptehendid thou the Gentiles to doe like the Icwes ? "J^'^'

Xeter at Aniioch, 1 5 3 We
which Are Icwes °by nature, and not ring of fiith preached?
^1! no I'ff! f.'n
^hoofffodtd r fjnners of the Gentiles. 6 i 2V*Mfijer as e Abraham beleeved God.iod if, hey had behold that for by the it was •" imputed to him for righteonfneffe.
16 Knowe that a man is not iuftificd witbthdreyes
• fewlejveifakel
which came from works of the Law.bft by the faichqof Icius Chrift, 7 * Know ye therefore.that they which are of *^'":" ^'"f''*^'

Hicrufalein he even we, Ifty , have beleeved io Iclus ChtiU, that faith.the arc the children of Abraham.
V«Ty dea'thTey
played the (c«ii we might be uiltitied by the faith of Chnft.and not 8 7 For the Scripture forelecing, that God oughttohave
aid offended the
<>cntil(i \nbich
by the wcrkes of the Lawe becaulc tfeat by tbe .
would iuftifie the Gentiles through 1. itb.pre.ichcd their iruH, he mar.

fcadbeleri'ed. workes of the Law ' no flefli Chaibe mftiticd.

before rbe Gofpet unto Antaham ./ivw?, ^ s In ••' "''f'"'^"''.
k Dytiami'le 17 * 4 If then while f we leeke tobcoiitde tigh- tbe. a,ail.l! theGen.iles be fblrlT-d.^
Tuid be "ft'be
iJthet ibfn by 9 »Sothenthey which be of faith, arc bleffed witchrdbyihe
Word for i bt foote. which be fettetb.igainft bait-
j9vfaicfa i rlecal^t tbe tiueih of ih« Gofpel b<.nh
. g with faithful] Abraham. f'-^i'^ apoOiei.
itg and dttfr a Chrift wa. laid
n Hee
ibedLftrir.eittelfe,«Bd alfothf iifeofdoariue. wbich weecall iht praSU'e. before you , fo notably isd foplaiuely .that you had his lively image atitwi-rereptf.
which played thelevteibyrtieriexample 3 Thele-
fifth theyvcMeconfttained, fented before your eyei, aj if he bad bene cruciS.-d beforcyou- b Thofefi^iiituali
foith in Chrift
cond •ijti oftbiiF.pilile ,the Hate whereof ii this: sver artiultifitd by grace, and gifu, which wereafealeatii were to the Galatiani, thai tbe Oofpel wbith
hr- nropouiideii in fuch fort ,ihit
Jrful 'wiihout the woiktloftbe Law: which thing waipreicbed to them wairrue. c of'he dodrine of faith, i The fourth argumert
iiift ofalltermeettthw.iihanobi<ra'on,(forla ,„l Jiib hre am a IcW .that no man mixed with thefotmer,& iiisdouble.Ifibr Lawbe lobe ioyocd with faitb.thii wcie
' -
may fayaeainll »ee ,thai! am aneotmie totbetawjand ai'tetward , heconliti nor to goe forward hut backward feeins tbatihofer^'ir luall Rifti which werebf-

ih-«:<pren: wiinflfeof David, o Although we belewei.yeiwef

rtacb Jltificati- i

by ftowed upon you, are more excel tent thee any that couH proceed from youi felvei Atd
fiithbwaaft wekuowvndtubtfdly, icao be ifitdby the Law.
CD ty I
moteover, ii Ihould folow .thatthe LaT. ii betiertben Cbiill.b-cauftitihould petfi e
» SotheI-ve';«call«''''"G;t!tile ibec.iufetbey wereftrangers from Gcd, covenant.
and bring to etid ibat.which Chiiftbfgau orwly- d Bytbe flr(h he ineaaeih iheceri-
r No man ,*nd io tljiiwotd((iefb' thertii agteatvehemeocif,

- ;

,, Tn lefit. Chrm. moi:ieioftb« Law.againft whicb he fetieth tbe Sprit,! hit i»,the fj iri.ujll w^'iking t f
««bfTtby iim.antthattberatmc..afmniiu!— lycoifupi. X Rom. 3. 19- 4 Bsfoie
tbeGof^ell. 3 An exhortation by maner of upbtaiding, that they doenoi in viine
^goeib an J turib-r. be mettnh with tbfitobicai. .11. whicb abhortedibiidoaiinecf
futferfo manyconfliai. 4 Herepeaieih ibetbir^ aigumcDi which waiuken of the
freeiufliScitiooby faiib.brcaiiftlay thty , mm
're by ihii intanc, wi^bdrawcn from
effea .hccaufe bee bad intfrlaced certaine other ar^umto i by tbe way. f The firll
ibeftudyoftood wotk«i. And in tkii fon i< theobieiiiDn Iffinne* fliould beiuftititd

argumtnt which ii of great fo'ce, and biihrbifegrouBd, Tbe fitit, That Abraham
throuib^Cbrill by faith vritboiittbe Lafir.Chtirt flloulil apprcve (inner., and Ihould at iudrfied by faith, to wit, by free imfuiation cfri hifc.ufoeffeaccordii^gto iht promife
it were exhort
ih?!niferi-un:o by hii minilteiie Paul arfwieteth ihat thilcniiltqacuce
apprehended by faith ,a»Mofe«doetb moll pUmtly wutotlf^r. e Lookc R,,in^.
i«falfe,b»caufeibatCbtilldcltroyftb (iace in the bel«vcri f « fo faiih hee ddemco:

4. Geo.i; s.rom.^.j. iamesi.jj. o Tbe f-rond.ihst thefonneiof Abrabam mu!^

Jlie unto C^'riH
.thri Uijh ihe terrojr and fear* ofihe Law that being qJitfroirtbe
be fiteemed and accounted ofby faith. 7 The tbitd, that all peoplt that be!rtve sir,,
iuftificd, they may l>r ffvfd by bim .tbattogeihei ibtrcwithall,
cutf-.- of theLa« and
without exception, comprrhended in tbe proniife of the blefliog.
he brgmpttb i«.hi-mby lit' le and li;tl< ibat .'(rrngtb and pawerol bii which dt II foy- i Aproofeof tbefitllandfecuodgroUDdfoutofihewordeofMofei.
J Gene. -.2, 3. afts \
3.2J. f Bltf- »t
etbfHineiotbefDd tnai tbii old man bm.gabolith-d by the vertue of Chrift crucifitd,
ling in thi>(>lace,rigni,Sftb tbe free promife by faith. 9 Tbe conclufioo of the fifth ar.
Chrillinjylive in thtm .and :hey aay cot,feci.iriheiofrlv.iio God.Thetefo'e if any
guineni.-Thertforf ai Abraham i, blefferh by faith, fo are all hi«cbildr«n ( batijto fay, '

Diao givel-i:r'felf«tofinneatierbe>;ath rrcf ivei tbe Gofpfl .let bun not accufeChrill alltbeOeDtile»thatbelervelble(retb,ihai ii to fij, frerly iirtlifi-d.
, for that he defiroyetbthe woikeofGod in hitrfflfe.
g With fai bfull
iiorihe Gofpel but himfelfe
Abraham, and not by faithful! Abraham, to give ui to uniicnlaad thatlbe blefltiig com.
f iiegoetbtVom ionificiiiEiitc fjnai6c«:ioq , which ii ansthetbenefit we KC:ive by
hoW 00 byftUh,
miih not from Atiibam ,butfxoni biin, by whom Abraham and all hii fofteritie »i
ClifMl -if wr /ay binj

10 '" For
-. .

W ho are iuftified. Chap. llj. The ufe ofthe Law. 83

10 The (ixth aigu- JO JO For as many as are ofthe works of the it itno rrore by the promife , bnt God gave it free-
nient, the conclu- are vnder the curfe : >" For
Lawe it is written. lyunco Abraham by promife.
in the formei veife * 19 " Wherefore thtn ferveth the Law ? It w.i.s
takea of contrariei. things, which are written in the booke ofthe Law, added becaufc ofthe o tr.infgrefsions, ptill ihe (led
thui.They areac- toiloethem. came, unto the which tl* promife was mado -t and -

cutlcd which are Law

oftbe woikejof
II >» And that no man is iuftified by the it was q ordained by ' Angelsinth^and ofaMe-
n AnobieftioB

theLaw, thjitiito in the fight of GoJ , it is evident : § for the iuft diatour. w-iiich rifcthofike
former anfwere
fay, vvhichvaue (hail live by faith. Nowe a MediatOUr
20 is not a Me dint our oi I! :

«3 And the Law is not of faith but * the one:..butGodisone

their right^ourtiei
by the performance
man that (hM Joe thefc things IhalUive in rhem._ ,

21 ij // the Lawe then agamft the promiles of ,beieaitinpar.)

of the Law. There- from the curie
13 1+ Chrift hath redeemed lis God? God forbid : For if there had becne a Lawe
fore they are blef-
fed which are of of the Law made a curfe fer us
, , ( w for it is writ- given which could have given life finely righte- i-'wg'ven, ,

faith,ihati»,ihey ten, •!• every one h Curfed on tree.) is that hangeth oufnefle fliould have bene by the Lav.'e -j '^^ mlH t^ rj.°
V»hich have righie-
oufocficby faith
14 16 That the bkfTing of Abraham might 22 But the f Scripture haih « conclndeu't all for« faith the a-
come on the Gentiles through Chrift lefiis , that vnder finne ,that the u promife by the faith of le- ponie,ioreproove
„ A~pVo'ofeoVthe

former featence wee might receive the proraife of the Spirit fus Chrift fliould be given unto them that beleeve. of'";ne.»"d

or propofition and through faith.:

23 a« But before faith came, we were kept vn- |°,',"^'y^^°|^,j'°^,
the propofiiion of
I y 17 Brethren.I fpeake as ' men doe: A' though der the Law,«/ wW^ra garifon .and Ihut up unto inwhomatlergth
this argumrnt ii
tbii Curfcd
^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^ Covenant , when it is k confirmed, X that faith, which Ihould afterward be reve.dcd. that promife of fa.;

bee that fulfil- yet no man doeth abrogate it , or addeth any thing 24 wherefore the Law was our fchoolemafler vi "gall pcopieto.
letb not the whole thereto. to bring us to Chrift, that we might be m.ide righ-
Law. 16 Now to Abraham and his feede were the teoiis by faith. that the Law «»»
Deut 17,36.
promifes made. He taich not , and tothefeedcs,

I J Thefccoad
2J But after that faith is come , we are no Ion- given to iaiiifie

propolicioB as [peaking of many but , And to thy feede as of : , ger vndera fcholemafter. ^^^
theconclufion .But one, '8 which is ' Chrift. 26 i7 For ye are all the fonnes of God by faith,
DO maofuifiHeih , _ ,, y^p,j jhis I fay. that the covenant that was in Chrift lefus. coleri,^ ./f'eV
m of Chrift . the
t^Z. Iom!r confirmed afore of God in refped 17 »3 For all ye that are y baptized into Chrift, /Innfi, h '^f «'"•'/
'» Law which was foure hundrcth and thirty yecres have on Chrift.
2 put oraceofCJ.nhkh
by Ibe Law. Orel.,
All ate accurfcd after . Cannot difanuU , that it Ihould make the pre- 28 There is neither lew nor Grecian there is :
mifeofnoneeffedt. neither bond nor free there is neither male nor :
wo" WcL Law. 18 ai For if the » inheritance 6e of the female : for ye are alia
And'if vf be Chriftes.then are ye Abrahams "'"
one in Chrift Icfus. p Fn'ili the panj.
vK »•'" '•"-
Aod there is ao' r «- « !•/
wi;.R.ighteouratire,Jc life
oexed alfo thii maner of proofeof ihe fecond propofitioo ,to feede.and heires by promife.
areatttibutedcofaith.Thtrcfoienoman fulhlle.h theLaw. J H^h i ^-'cm.
i,i7.heb. ^^1^}^^^
Becaufe the Lawe fr-fnttlcftv-D pee.
I0,io. 13 Here is a rfafonftiewcdof the former coofeqatnce:
luMitieth loA giveth fUs.hoth cf 1 ercet
promiftth l.fe toall ihaikte^e it and .berefore if it be kirpr it ,

.takcih ii ft.m the and Ceniilei.- far iy

life. But tbeSctlptureattribui.Dg-nghreoufnefli'andliieeofaKh
uf ihe this rrerj Seede, ire may net 1)nJerfanJ,rl,iJi ^hnr ly h-mftlfejf' coufled .tidioyn-
tawe, leciog that faith lull.fietb by impu ation, and the L.w by tbepetforroing
worke. • teui..,8,;. .4 A pr.v.atmgofan ob.cft.o,, How .h.o
canthey be : edtofeiher iviih hii Mie. i} A confirmation of the former anfweretaken from the
Chiift fufteined .be cuile maner and forme ofgiving the Law ; for it wa4 given by Angels, ftricking a great ter-
bltdid whom ihe Law pronounctih 10 be accu.ftd ? Becaufe
whichtbeLawla.dupoc 11$ that we might bequufromit ,
ij A ptoofeof ihcan. rour into all, and by Mifesa Mfdiatourcoinming betwrene they tba; are one; Now
neede nn Mediaiour bui ihey tbat are iwaineat tbe lead, and that are at variance one
fwercby.heteltimDieofMofet * Le«t.ii,i3- h L hij: nu, 'tcurjfu f.r ,.f, ,

with a. other. Therefore the Law it felfe and iht Medjjtour were witntflVs of the
Ucauft he k.ire ihe curfe ,h.,i n-ai Jae 10 u,, tc make t' p-""-'k.""r'>'""^'''"'"J"'l!'-

the fifth and liittirca. wraib otGod and not 'hat God would by ihismeants reconcile men to bimfelfe, and
16 AcoDclulioDof all that wat fayd before in the band Imgot

free bl fling of Aorah.m abolilb the promife.oraride the Law unio thepromile Ccmmuided jnd i-he/i,
fors. 10 wit, that both ihe Gentiles are made partaken ofthe 7

in Chiill , and alfo that .be lewes ihemfelvef ,of wbofenumber

th A,o( eth er fr^cLume.t. r By the frri/ue and mintfitru. J4 A taking away of an obieftion,
which becilUti: ihe lead any man might fay ihatfomeiiinesby confentof ihe parties v^hich h.-vemade a
bimlelfeto bee, cannot obtaiue tbatpromifed grace ofibe Gul|el

ih to civenaot fomething is added 'o the covenant or tbe ccvenantsarebroken.

Spirit,butontly by faith. And the ApolUe doth fcverally a(-p y neconcluiloo.b^ ,

This, faythtbe Apoft!e,commethrottopancin God, who is alwayes one, and tbe felfe
theoneandtbeotbtr bimfelfe a way to theuext argu...eai, hede- ,

clareih..hat that one o.iely feed of Abiahamwt^ich is madeol all peoples

can m. otben- fame, and like himfelfe. if Theconclufion vttered by a maner cfaskinj a quen.on,
17 'He pmte hiotth and it it the fame that was vtiered before ver'e ly.but ptoceedingofaoothtr rti'e fo •

wife beioyn.d and growe upiogeiher.but by faith in Chiift.


one thai new -and God isalwaies like unto timfelfe Then fire
two generall rulers before the next arguraeoi .which istbefcveoth in oider Thai : tbe argument is is this: :

is ,tbat IS not lawfull to btcake c. venantsand coniraSi

wbith ate iultly made and the Law t given 1 labolilht But it fhould abolifli them Hit jave

according to Law amont;l\ men, neither may any ihing be added un.o them:
Toe other by that meanes it (hoald iultifir, eloreitfliouldabt.lii'htbatiuH.fica.
together tion which was promifed Abraham feede byfaith Niy itwastathet
i.,tbat God didfo make acovefiant with Ab.aham ,, hat hee woiild za.het
10 lii

budy (as appeareib by given to bring 10 light the guiltineffe ofal the end thai all beleeveis fleeing to
bis children which coi.filt bo.b ol I^wes and Gentiles in.oone
For re did no. fay, that be would I etheGod of Chrilt promifed might he freely itinified ii f F.J this -rotrd , S' rifiHre, he mci~
that whicD bath b.nefaid bet; re )
Abraham and ofbis fc<des which ihiiigi notwiibftauding
, 1
ftiould have bene fayd , if neth the Lair . lycm.39 ^ t ^tl dyth,if<t»tr cmimeshfrcmrrjn.
lewesapart, bu. that he u In ehtry one cfiheft vcrd,, there Ijeti
be had many and divers feede. as the Gentiles apart ana the

I tvilh<fe <in cxamile fcT ncrdi, frcmrfe,/uilh,C'rij.,rr,

all thefi litn,tc!»leel-fri .ire.i<;.iii/?mfri.T.-»
would bethe God of Abraham, andof hisfeede, ai of one. i

trhich u iomm^n am„-,y ,.u, 'hii nuty he .ifh.mtd ,cu f^),e not f. much t«
ym .'di ' and net one cfthem c.tnj}.ind rrilh dtrerVu, s. j« Now there loilcweih an
(rl,e>,^n's.^,youJcc'om.,«,. Hci9 .7- k ^.H,ht,:tHull. * '"« J8 He ^v " ctber handling of the fecond part of this 'e| tbe (late wb.r-of isttis although
the Law ftbatii .the whole gnveriierrent ofG'ds h.-ufe acccrding roiheLawe dee
i :

putieth forth ihefummeofthefever.h argument, to wit ,bai botbthe

leWes andGti> )

Abraham, in Chrift oneiy, foihat all Dot iuiiifie. i, itthtieforetobeabolinied. feemg thai Abrata.n hinif Ife wasci.cum-
tiles growe together into one body of the feede of
l,,^irpcuketl"'"of'bnj's cifed,and hii policrit e held (lill the vfe of M'^les Law ? Paul aftirmeibthat it ought to
are one in
1 Cbrirt, I

rlmh^,(tr-ic toiri^o'^ Chrijl- 19 Tbeeight argument be abol idled becaufeir was inftituted for that end antipurpofe , that it (houM be as it
v\ere a fchool-inafter and keeper to ihe people of G<d vntill the [rmiiife appeartd in
taken ofcoinparf nihu ;lfamanic',vtnant (being autheniicall be lirme and I'rcng, ,

Therefoie ;be Liw wasnotgivnito ahroga.e the promife deede that is 10 (ay Ctrirt and tbe Gofp-el manifeflly publifned with grcactfticacie
much more Gods cov'oant

the end v»hereof did hang ofthe Si.ii,.. X Tbecaufe why wee *ere k«rt vnder the Law, ii fer downehere-
inadeio Abraham, whi. h had r. fi t& 10 Chr,ll .rat is lo fay.
ofCbrift- n> V-hiJ, t-ndfh'o ChnP. jr An enlarging of thai argjmeut , ibu.
27 Bcaefe agechangehl ot ibe coed ii ion of fervai
'woreoveiandbefiJejihai ihe promife i. of it felfe hrme and lirong it was alfo confirm bycniidiiion and il-ereffre feeing wee ate ut ofour childehofde, v'.ee hav <

could in no vvife neede ofa keei-er and SchoO malter iS Viing a grnerall parricle.leaf! the
td wi'h iheprelcripnon of loDi' -im^.to wi..of43o. yeerei. (o that it
abiogared by the cove. the leal) {Iv.uld nottbiuke emflves bound wiih the band of the Law. bee]
be btoken 1 An obitftio.-AVe ,rant ha. the promfe vvasnot

cetb ihai Biptifineii commo to all beleevets bee; ufe it is a pledgeofoutde

Tgaot ofthe Law and therrf.-re we loyne th» Law with the vrowfe.
Nay, fan". >be .

^Apoftle ibefetwo cannot Itand lOiether , to wit iha. the interiiance (liuuld boih he
C'orift.aswelltn.helewtsi to ihe Grecians that by ttis meaoes all in;y bet

by promife promifc .-whereby followe h, IS to fay.ib?t promifed feede to Abraham and inberi'i.ursof
J given by tbeLaw and alfr. , for the is free it Chrift, that

that not given to luitine.for by that mear.c the prr-m ife Ihould be broker
the Law was fe. y He/hitthE.,flifmerec'ellyd.;dw/i-circ»rr,^ifu„, rchnht^efa

n CjtWilr.r..' ^f,hrri:an.,) -sTfc^n, ihc r^gh: a<hefred n^^h r,.t':i'

r ;W A.-^I^ fe
. much Irerftd ef. z The Churehmull fut en Chr'Ji a:V rr ere j fa ,

!-"'«« cfthe coj/tniini vrdi maJeivi'h f.itihfuH ^IrH- tcci'tredn^ithhirrt, t^df if may leihnushly hcly. and niiheHt ^lame. a
eur Ccd, K to Cn.thti h
ktm, irt ihit hcfiiWfuU , mhhi ij ih» 1 mc*nti k tltjfeit dfUtd MwtH mU, i'mint : tiidfi t; thiifrtat kyo* and cenXHnditn fi:nif:td.
3 .

To the Galatians. Free and Bound*

Beggerly tadiments.
me an Angel of God,|y«it,as
o Chrift lefus o P" my mini-
I f
p what whas
then your felicitie? for I beare ''",';'-^''^'\,
»<;«? ietiltrtJ f'cm f/.i fon./«^< ef fit t.<it)f,
Chrhhi nmm-.n? , Jric :< ihi ltd tkirtof, you record had bene polsiWe, yee would ]CrT'Jr!aJ.'i7Xt
. that if it

I fle« (leclirtib
akfurd i» flUe hiiks la h-'f!Th cert. jiave plucked out your owi->e eyes , and have given vcrU amcHfJi
It>re,r-eti lie fi^iit o/ihl duari/teufiheCcfftly
th.. bvai,o;h.r
th<m <x them unto me, mm, hon hapiit .

II ctrfirmin^UiidiJlMrJlrcuh dfneniticne.
16 Ami therefore become your enemie , be- ^'" 2*"'"/
v.bicbb( fjyJ be-
frrf conctninf the
T* ^^^ '
child ,
''^^^ '
W^^' '
as long as hee is a
(Mtcicth nothing fioma lervant, though
cau-^e I tell y cu the trueth ? i!«f .TJr
kcrp,r an<l fckole-
hebeLoidofall. 17 They are iclous ever you q amilfc yea,they thar mnecom- :

nunet : F-r hte

Hut is vnder tutours and goveinours a vntiU
would exclude you , r that yee Tr.ould altogether '"<'^' "<
Law. 2 ,
fji b.that thr love them. "'"'
(.haiii hrvih.l* the time appointed of the Father. l,l!l'" f''
Even fo we, when we were children.were in 1 8 But it is a good thing to love f earneflly al- "ir/rommTio
wayesina^oodthing.and not onely whenlam themfeivts.
bondage vnder the ^ rudiments of the world.
diagio the La a) prefent with you. i Hefeitethhis
4tk, Buti hen the ^ fulnelleof time w.iscome,
VMItiu Wftf
od fcnt
Go(l fci forth his Sonne made of ail woman md ,
19 My little children of Vv-hom I travaile in 'ifntuueanJ £m4 ,

t«ur ( ir<
birth againe.untill Chriti be formed in you.
,i lot a made vnder the Lawe, earr^lj'h^t*ti-
That hee might redeeme them which were 20 And I would I were with you now, that I yvards them,t^ai„ft
vnder the La w.that we K might receive the ^ adop-
might chance my voice:for I am in doubt of you.
- nau^hiit vui. t'-.e

aion mi ovcrfer 2 1 6 Tell me , ye that u will be under the Law, '"' .'''" '^''•*
ine,«b:cb but tionof thelbnnes.
fctaii-ebcing 6 3 And becaufe ye are fonnes, God hath f fern doe ye not beaie the Law ? tyfilit'^zxis
ended, wr liquid
focrth the g Spirit of his Sonne into your hearts, 21 For it is written , that Abraham had two dmcngj^.n.
at Irng-b coii'.t t:
Abba, Father. fonnes , « one by afetvant , and % one by a free
DT'tourow -
M which crieth .
^ Becaufe ibi?
h fervanr. Wcman,
br:"iit 7 Wherefore thou art no more a , _

livr.iich.Wrnjand t)ut a fonne now if then 6*a(onne ,!/;«« <trt alfy

But he which was of the fervant.was borne waynvrgedthij,
Botasitnan.i. ^j^,^ heire of God through Chrift.
after the i flefh and he which was of the free wo- ''^' "°''''« '•''«

8 4 But even then when yee knewe not God. ,

man.t,r,4.6.r«byypromile. _ c^uS'cbX
yee did fervicc unto them, which by nature are 24 By the which things another thing is meant; couui profile
w'.r'i^a: *hat 'go-
vtrnanci-cftbt for i thefe wotAer/are theatwoTelUments the , them nothing at
r;ot gO'.ls :

Aparof mount Sina , which gen- aii.andihijdureo.

taw wajaiitwtre ^ nowe feeing ye know God yea rather
But , ,
one which is *>

anABC.^andai drethtnto bondage.

^^^ knowen of God howe tume yeeagaine unto , . t^^.^Tl^^''''
(For Agar or Sina is a mountame in Ara- circumcifton.a.
pul! hi'comi'ari- impotcnt and k beggerly rudiments', whe'reunto as 2J
bia ,anditc "nrwered to Hierufalem which nowc gainft ibem which
fonof h- JortriD* from the beginning ye will be in bondage againe? 1

beieevtd of the
of thf &>(,«! is) and J ihe is in bondage with hei children.
jQ Yee obfervedayes. and moneths.and times,
26 But Hierufalem r which ise above . is free ""'"f"rf°;- , ;
tUtr/jl- andyeeres. wai luil or otfen£-e;
MK/f Ac , . , . , , II
• •
1 am in fearc of you , leaft I have bellowed which is the mother ot us all. theApoiiie.after
tcr an^ ('•lirncfr, onyoulabour in vaiiie. 27 7 For it is written *Reioyce thou barren divers argumenti ,

me; ktrdlj he I (i"or I am even as you) brethren, that beared no children: breakefoorth.Sc ciy.thou wbetebybehaih
1 2 J Ke ye as "'^'««<» ""=""
KUnieJ J frtimtti. that travailed not for the Mefolate hath many
I befeech you ye have not hurt mc at all.
t Tke Law ii cal-
led TuAimtnti,if 1
And ye know how through " inhrmitie of ,

28 Therefore brethren wee are after the rie.whe

the flelh.I preached the Gofpel unto you at the fiift. 4. ,
,aif thaf ly '',t ,

lav Cod inftr-t-

4 And the u trial of me which vvas in my flelh,
g maner of llaac, children of the ^ promife. f-Y"'' 'be holy
OtH hi: ChurtI, ai
19 lUit as then hee that was borne after the
rperr ky rfdiminl',
ye defpiied not, neither abhorred ; but ye receiveth ^^''""„t'*„""1S'''
> flelh perfected him that vv*t Urne after the
, t'befe my^naifi- to
tnd afitr-mrdfc-n-
t'diut hiiirh Spirit mojl flcr.tjf.tfy iht time of the Ccfpcl. m
a Hevtttrftb and de-
k Spirit, even fo // is now. wii , that it OiomU
claieiB tracY '•>'"!;• at once, to wit-tbat ihii lutorfhip was ended at bis time, ihaicu. come to paire.tbat
lious men may leave toaske. why thai fcholemafttri'hip lalled folong. AnJ moreover,
'• '
of fonnes two fovij
fliould have Abra-
that wee ar.- no: Tonces by nature. but by adoction-aud tbatin that Sonne of God.wbo
therefo.etookeupon him our flcth, thai we might he made hiibieihien. c The ham s fitter common to boih , but t}0twith like ruccelTc for at Abraham begaie :

lime n Ic fnll, irhen arffMt a,U e>id<J,.ind tkcrefire Cnrifl ccM

far:i .-fit
llmael, by ibecoinmon courfe ofnatute,of Agar bis bondmaid and a Ibaogir and^bc-
iifjy.l .lil''<rmetii!,rr/:,o>,ercr liitr. d Hte ci'Jeil, Marit a noman, in rcffe:} of lU fate Jfaac of Sara a free wonsan by ikevertut uf ibe promift and by grace onely , and
ibefiift was Dee onely nutheire, buc alfo perfecu ed the heire.So there are two cove-
fexe.and n t a, 'he -nTTdiiurtdin .i cn-nr) fcnfe >:• liif.iae fliH. *• Ajcm.S.if. t

4 rh( udorfcn of,hefi,„e,of.. from ,^e,hi!i^^,Ui! i, .n-eaUJ andfun-e.l in iht vjoit. and asii were iwu fonnw bi rne to Abraham ofibofeiw'O cov«nan;i,as it were
timejfftimitJftri!. Heilltweih ih;t we art in fuch foft free and let ai libei- of iwo mother. The ooe waj iiiadeia Sini.without the landofi:romireaccurdii
lie. that in the racane feafuo we mufl he governed by tbeSj-itiiof Chiift, which rcign-
which covenant Abraham! children accord iog toihe flelh were begotten lo wi' ;

a)> in our hearts, may teach us the true fi rvice of the Father But this isiioiioferve lewei which fetkerighteoufiies by ibat covenant, that is by the Law: but , i

not heires , nay they Ihall at length beecad outof the houff,a«ihey that perfjc
but rather to enioy rrue liberaliiie, ailt commelh fiinn<-» 3D.J heirei. /
Vj hat that
flc-xtihhe^athtrtth that toat nm.t Icrcrf.fur i/vvt '
aith'i Sfirit,rt>e arc hji/\!:cJ, true heiies. The other wai made in ibat high Hierufalem o( in Siou Cto wit , by the ,

andifrre art hit /,nr,ti,ll:in are yee free. <» h'ff.Trl-.eiitothi./lheFaiher factihceCifChiiit) which be^eiteib children of witj beletversby the vinue

eindi.fiUSonie : tutii.ere ii .< pccnUar relfon Tr'i l>t is caUiJtht tfirit 4t\e ionnc, ot the holy Gholi, which children (as Abiaharo^ do r«I( ibenifdves in frre promife,

I., n-if.i..e,.u/,r.V holjGhnfireaierhuiro^r,n in Chr-p.,an^n,.:k.e<), -.a «/«i/ ,1

»- and they onely by the ligti of childieu (hal! be yat taken of ihefatbers iiiheriiarce,
ranre ofii. h The yerrd^ferVan' .ii ml lakf" *"' /•' '"t that liueth in fii.r.crrhich is and ibofefervantaihilbe film out. u 1 hat dvfire fu ^rea-i^y. 4, Cent fn 16,1 f.
frjferts il,e infidels' , kutfrrtne th.:i is yd -vrdcr the eiremoniii oft'ne Latv,wliih is § Cfr„/;.i,,i. X ^Is. ill m<n are,and ly ti,e common i.urf of na-ure. ySf
Virtue of ,U vrorrxf, , -wl/uh ^itraham layd hold onf.r himfelfe and h:s true feed . for
frcfer Ik the letrei. i V arialxer of tlis H-fi/>rs. 4 Heapplieib the furmerdo-
ftrine 10 tbeGilaiilni, wi h a pecuiijrreiretenfion f.r in ccmparifon of them , the :
othtrnsiP:-^i'tham and Sara reere pap k^eilin-^.ind bearin^childrcn. z Thtfed.e
lewTi might ha-.r prrderde.1 foxe eicufe as mm
thai weie borne and btougbt up in ,
rifrefenl and fbadotre focrt!!. a They are calt'ej „fihe old TejU- mo
that feivice of the Law JBut (eeiiig the Galatiani wire taken and called out ofidolaitie meni , and other ofihe Nerv : rt>l'icl> Wtrc net lyvo rn deedeMt in refpee} ofthe limes,
loCbriMian liberty: -wbat pretence niight they have 10 gu backeiothoie iin potent and and the Jrlerfiiie cfthegoui'ernemtn'. b Ht mal^eih mention of Ina.htcaufe that .S

cotienant tvas made in that miair.taine, cfreh'ch moMn'ainc •^igar tras afhiti, rve.
beggerly rudimenti? k They are calledimp,lent and h/^erly ccremmics ,heii / con-
c Leo.'te*.TO the cafe pandeihhetycixt ^4?ar and her children , «Kn /» ftandethiiit-
filcrcd a fart h themfihts iv'ihout Chiijf.and againe.f.r t'hai thar mtanes tliey^aVt h IVpeenr ItrHfilem and hers. d i',. Sna. e ll'h:cl< i, exccUcr, and ,f„eat
fudiefiimonie ih it ihcj vrerc Ir^fersm ChriJI ,irhen .isnotvrithj>andin^,forinin, to
account. Hee/liewerhthatin thit.illegorif ,bee rhat followed the fttppejof Efaytwbo
fan hack.e frmi CM/I to cerermniei , is nohin? rli A«f t, caft an.ty ruhts.andio foUow
By "•"•, haokferard, foretold ibatihe Church lllo'uld bee made atd coefiit ofihe children of barren SaK
te/ferh. I
f He mitigateih *id quilifietb thofeihingi .

wherein he inciKt hive feemed tobavefpoken fomewhat flinply vtiy anilitiouOy .

thati»tofay,oftbemwbicli(m.lyfpitituaily(hculdbe mide Abrahams children bi
and divinely drclarmg hi, gmd will lowardiihem in futh (or. that tlie Gtlarians .
h, rather then of fruiifjil AgJr, even •hm fijrt(hewingt';ecaltLng cffof ih- ftwesjl

could n.ii buieit!-er bemerly defptMte when :hey readethefe :hinj;i,or a..knowI<dge andcalliog ofibeOtuiiiei. • F.fa.;4.i. f Sheeihaiisdedtoyed and walled". »
ikeirownelighoeswir'Jtearer, anddflirepatd'.n. Many anjiaioui. oThofe . m « Rrra S 1) ' g Afieribrmjnero.-Ifaac who ii the ftrrt begotten of the heavenlv fc.
<i{;ly truublvi where wicb tte Lord tried me atnongll you. Ifnuel is of the Hnvlih Synagogue. h Thai feede. umo which the
promi-febflooaeih. i Ily the coraaiooccutfeof oaiure. k By the
venue of God*
t^>rorail> and after a fpiiituall isiQer.

30 But
. 7

Faith working by love Chap. V. vj. Fruiies of the flefli and fpirit. 84
tt 30 But what faith the Scripture? « Put out the bertic: »» onely u(e not ^o«r libertie as an occa-
8 Thtconclufioa fgrvant and her fonne for the fonne of the fer- : iion unto the flefli.but by love ferve one ano- '» Tbetbirdpart
^3"^ (^-lU "ot be heire with the fonne of the free ofthi.Fiiifie,
£ry .hlirweby ther.
oo ine»n«s,rro- woman. 14 1 3 For h all the aaw one word
is fiilni led in , ,14"^ '^ ^I'c aw!
•ureindcaiibicke 31 s Then hrethren.we are not chiWrcn of the which is this , ^ Thou Ibalt love thyneighbour as ni\n libtmieconl
agaitie tht flivtry feivant, biit of the free woman. thyfelfe. "9 linnhinthii.tbat
thit tbe children of
ly H If ye bite and devoure one another, take ^"'°g''''ivere(i
heede leaft ye be confumed one of another.
CHAP. V. \6 I J Then I (ay, *• Walke in the Si.iirit,and ye
on'mae aud\be
defii. and being o.
flwUnor fulfill the lulls of the flelh. tedieot lotheSpi-
I H.!!-!*!^ Jicl^reJ that we came cfthsfrte WMnin , hee ffinv
For tbe fieib kiftethagainft the Spirit .and ''^'^'^"'''l
eth the frice oflhatfreedome, ij and Uvti tve fhMU 1

ujethejame, 16 that ypttniiy obey the Spirit , 19 and the Spirit againfttheHefli : and thefe are conuarie
Tfftjl the fiifh. one to another, fo that ye cannot doe thc'fame tbrougbiov?.
things that ye would. ig Heptopoiin-
C Tand therefore in the libertie wherewith
18 AndifyebeledbytheSpirit.yearenotvn. ''«i>'beioveaf
Chiift hath made us free , and be not intangled J V ource,gbbonr.«
againe with the yoke of bondage. .- ,\.. 1 ex n n .
a marke wbercvow
ip i6 Moreover the works or the fleni are rea- toaiicbiiniin»
X I J Behokle , I Paul Ijy unto you .that if _

Anothefobte- circumci/ed .Chrifl

nifeft, which areadulterie.fornication.vncleannes, ought to referre
t yge be » ihall profit you no- all their aftiooj,
ftaion wbereir wantonnefTe,
xo Idolatrie, witchcraft.hatred debate, emula-
oeiftth^b/t ul'ftifi. 3for I teftifie againe to every man which
, is
ci^j,h ^h" efllmo!*
tions.wrath.contentions.feditions.hercfies, tjieofthetaw.
cjtion of workei, circumcifed , that he is boimd to keepe the whole
21 Envie, miirthers.drunkennelfe.gli'ttonie, h Tbii particle
and luniiiotidoof £.aw.
and fuch like whereof I tell you before as I '^'." '""* ^"/" '

4 '^^ ^'^ * ^ aboIi(hed from Chrift rwhofo- . .

t^o'eV"b«auf°'* alfo have tolde you before that they which doe *' ,
^'^"^ ^^^ "^ iuftifjed by the Law , ye are fallen from „r7tabie.
r°omaD'ca^fae 'i^i- fuch things lliail not inherite the kingdomeof
, J4 Levit
by tbc Law,
ftificd grace,
God. mat 12,59 mar.
y For wee through the t* Spirit waitc fot the
9 '^ J'-'<^in>3.»-
-21 But the k fruite of the Spirit is love , loy,
f1Iiir''Aud h^'^ ^°P^ of righteoufnelTe through faith. peace.long(liftering,gentleae.g.,odneire,faith,
^ 3 For in lefus Chriil neither circumcifion 3- ".""nVxhonatiot,
takrth the exam- ij Meekenes.temperancie '7 againluuchthere
: totbeduetiei
plecfcircumcifi- vaileth any thing , neither 4 vncircumciiion , j but
is no law. the
on, bfcjuff ii wat e faith which worketh by love,
thcr ground of all 6 Yc did runne well who didlct you , that
24 Fortheytlisrr,reChtifts .have crucified the vrnfi.ethatenfu.
flefli with the aff;dions and the lu.les. ^
"''^y ^"^ trueth !aufethatnomen
Y^ «'" "'^'^ ? _
Law, and vsi 2J If we 'live in theSpitit.letus alfo walke in^provUe wot fe for
•hitflyuigfdof 8 7 /t »^ Hot the perfwafioH of *"
him that cal-
the Spirit. themfelves.then
thefalftrApoi'.Iei. Icth yCl!.
26 is Let us not be defirousofvaineglorie. «'^fy'''»''a":one
$ AfifUM- . 9 K s A little leaven doeth leaven the whole
provoking one another,en\7ing one another, trHe^ckEow-
fno.'h«Tl'«' "I- '""^P^-
^ , ^ u u r ^ . , led^etb .hr great
Ifd the feaieof lu 9 I havc ttuft in you thtough the Lord,irat Weakeneffe ofthegtjdly , for ihattbey are but in part rcgener.ite ; but he willeih them
rightet'urneBtf but yg will be none otherwife minded butheetliat G
d which hath delivered them
her. w mud
ot!h- ^ /
trouble h v (HI , iiiall bcatc his Condemnation, who-
to retnemberibat they arc indued v^ith tbe Spiritof
from the flavery offinne.and fo of the I,»w (o tarre forth as

it ii the vettut: i^fhniie.that

§ Rom
they (llould not give t'limfelvrt toiuliel 13,14. i.(iet2.ii Frfthe
circuviaiceoftbe loc-verhebe,

flefli dwelletoeven iu the rei en- rare man but tbe S; itt r-ig.eih althoLigb >w Ait,iout
Bai'iifrnfc-^mein II 1° And brethren if I yet prcach circumcifi- ,
gr.^tnir'fe,asi=!ar^elvfettoo.t^,R ir.? t-atpariicularly.wMch
,6 H» f -tt th .u
tb. place of tir- on why doe I yet fiiffer perfecution JThenisthe
, befpike genet jly reckoning up foinec ieleeti'iCU ofche (ieib^and o. p iling them 10

''''""'' tbefiuite>of:hc Sp'ni, that no man may pretcnt i»n<^rance.

flanderofthecroire,ibolilhed. k T'cr'Tire thev ars
"pauf not tbefrui->of free wif bu- fo firre forth aj our wi'l ii midc tree by gr.ce. 17 Leaft
x«rneTaccor "^ •' Wouid to God tliey Were even cut off
that any man Ihould hat Paul plat- d the Soj bill- r ai one who urging tbe
which due % diiq ietyoj.

ciinjio tBe'rinion Spirit iirgetb a. i bing but 'hat which the Law ccmin.iu:idc;b be Ihewetb thjt he re. ,

tba- hi» enemin 13 fot brctbicu .yc havfi bene Called unto H- quirethnot .hat derail and outward obedit nee ,bu: fpiriruall whicD iriceedc h nt^.t
•' ' I i

had of it. which from the Ltw but from ihe Spirit of C-Tilf -which doeth Deget ui againe andniufl
, ,

and oughttouetherulerand guiilctofottr life. 1 I. we be indecde endu-d v«i h be
».^pitceof their falvstii^n. • 1 -Cct. 117. i Th.ti h,u- l-e 'im'''!'i oirpmnJetli it af- quickening Spi rit. which caufe th ui to dietolinne and live to God, let UJ ftiew it in our
^ 'ftnrjr<i:,ye urefalh'- fmm^race c ij.fake :. I, mf.if; d hy tt^e K.tyr,''or in
deed'j.thatu by holioefle of life 18 Headdeth peulidrexhortationi accord ingai he
'^eide r.e m<inis ul^fi't'i h t<ie : Hf privily comi>arfth ihe new reol'le wuh
knewe Ihe Galatiani fubieft todiveii vicei and'firif ofall he warr.eib them to take :

the o!d:forii is certainethat ibey alfodid grodnd all tbeir hope of iuftifivBiiou and iife heede of ambition which viceh.iih tjvo feMowet. backbiting andeDvie, out of which

in fci.h and not in ciicumcifioo but fo, their faiib was wraj )-d m the tx trnall
Iwoit caDOotbe buiitiany conientioaimull actdetaiirc.
«nd ce:en>oniall wcrfllip; but our faith is bareand content with (yirituall worftjip.
d Tl;roiig.htbeSpirit-which ingendreth fai;h. 3 Headdeih a teifoD.fonhai uoov cir-
cimctlioB i» aboUftied feeing tbat Cbrift iirxhibi:cd unto us with full i>leniiei.f piri-
tuall ciicumcirion. 4 He maktth mention alfo ofvncircumcifion, lealt tbeGentilei
fllould plrafe thcmf^-Ivei in the leweidoe iu ciixiimcificD. j The taking away KdWr ht tn'rfHeih ffcharitil Jjfirh
Iturtitiilarly m
of an obi'aion: If allthat wordlip of ;beLawebe taken away. wherein iben (lialj cjf'enJ*. 6 ttyvard the Mtni/lersofthetvrd, \o and
v.eexe'cif,r ourfelvrj.Jinchaiiiie. fayeth Paul for faith wbereof wefpiake,caonnl
: , thifethat areefiht hoiirhoHldecffuith: 12 Not like un-
beiiile. OJy it bnngcth forth daily fruiti of cbaiitie. e So ii true faith di(tuiguiQi«d t.ftuhrvho haliea ccalcrftit z,e,ite afthe Law, '3 plt-
frum counterfeit faith: for cbariiieijooiioyoed ,o faith ai a follow caufe.iohelpt for- ryin' ill the mangling of the ft efht 14 and not in the in ft
ward otiriulHficjtipn with faith. 6 Againr hecbildetb be Galatiani.bul with an
arimiraiion ard t'^erewiihalla praifcoltbeir former racCjto the end that he may make
them itiort- alhaini-d 7 He 1 layeth tbepari of an Apoftle with them, and uleib hit i If a man be a fuddenly taken in any » Hccondem.
B offence
luihoriiie-.deuyir.g that thatdoatinecan come from God which ii contrary to his.
iCoiinih.f*. S Hce addeth thij, that be may notfeeme to con-
ye which are b fpiriruall c reftore fuch ""' 'mponu.
, ,
f OfG^d. .j.
one with the d fpirit of meekenefle * confidering
/tend upon atnfle warninj them diligently (by a firniliude vjbich he borowetb of
, ,
teavetj, a> Cbiill himfelfe
alfo did oat to fufferthe purity of the Al-liolicalidoftiiue,
) thy ("elfe, leail thou alfo be tempted, ,bcriy reprebeo-
to be in f-Sedwittit be lealt corruption that may be. 9 He mitigarerh .befortnet fionioujbtto
rrprebefilion, calling the fault upon tbefalfe Ap.)l!lti,agaiu(l vvbom hcdepnuocetbihe be moderated and tempered by the fpirit of meetecclTe. a Through the malice of
horrible iudfement of God. 10 Hec vMlletbthem toconliJer bow that he feekeih thefleihandthedevill. b Which art upholdeo by r'ae venue of Gods Spirit.
Dot hii ownepr.St in ibii matter feeing ibaihe could efchewe ifaehatred efmi-D if
, ,
£ tabiUNtofillupthaithatl««antinginbim. d Tbi« ii 4 kiudof fpcech whicll
be would i<vneludaifiiie with Chrillianitie n An example of a true Paftour in. the Hebrewesufe, giving to thereby, all good gifteicomefvoiii God.
flained with the 2f«leofG"df glotie and love L-fhiiflockr. g Foi they ihst jjeacb a H; touchftb the fo«:fji they commonly Jie moll fevers iudiiei, wbich foreet
th» Liw. «ufe meni cotifcientti alwayei to tremble. tbti' oWDt inhimititi.
til 4 is Bearc
As we fowe , we fhall reape. To theEphefians. Predeftfnatlon and redemption,

nd ..ffc(,fcbfB

Thefpiritofpromife. Chap. ij. The h^ad of the Church. 8y
ding to his rich grace : 20 10 Which hee wrought inChrift.vvhen hoe jo
The ApoflFe
11 Now he <
I »k whereby he hath beneabundant toward raifedhim from the dead , and fet him at his z right vi illtih us to tehoU

Se fotmlTf caufe. US in 1 all wifeJome and underftandin hand in the heavenly ^/.ic^/, in curmoiigirri. 9 And hath opened unto usthe mmyfterieof 21 Fane ibove all prrjicip.ilitie,and power.and ou'ehriii with
vocation or prea-
his will according to his good pleal'ure which
'3 , rriight ,and dominarion, and every a Nime. that is '(,*,*l^'j"^ ^j",,'.
chittg'ofihc Gof-
1 wbtrtby God he hath piirpofed in him. named, not in this world onely, but al^in that that ie„. power a„j
ex*cutetb tbdt 10 14 That in ihedirpenfationofthefulneffeof is to come, gloneofGod,
ettinall counfell the times, bee might D gather together in one all 22 a. And hath made all things fiibieft under ^}_[\'°J _'[^:^'
of our free recon- things, both which are in heaven, and which are in his feet . and hath given him overalhhings te be takeis, although
ciliation and falva-
earth, even in Chrift : the b head to the Church,
putting in II »i In whorae alfo wee are chofen when wee 2} which is his body, ei^fs thee fulnefle of him daike mui ,byrea-
Aod fonofthei gnomt-
daceofiheGof- were predeftinate according to the purpofe of him. that filleth all in all things.
pelallwiWoi"' which worketh » all things after the counlcll of and tbe weakencflV of the flefh. t To be fet
J nieofihecrcfle
en Godi right hand,
ii to be parta«
his owne will, kerofthe fove:aiatie which be hath over all cteaturej. a Every thing whaticever

how excelUot 1 z That we, which V firft trufted in Chrift.lhould it be, or above all things be tbtyofrlever fticb p.jwct or excellcncie. That we a
fhould not ibmke that .hat escelletIt glorieof C-irid i«a thing wberewirh we have
itiJ. beuntothepraifeofhisglorie:
nought to doe.hf witne(rttb,ihrit h e wsi appointfd of God the Father head of a!! [he
Jc Bywhichgra.
i6 In whom alfo ye have trufied , after that
Church.and therefore tbebody mu(1 beioyned tobi) bead, wbich otber.^ile ll]ouM be
yee heard the q worde of trueth , ex/f« the Gofpel a maymed thing wi hont tbe members ; which i;otwi:bltandinj iinotof oectffiia
and bounufut- '

celTe. of your faWation. wherein alfo after that yeebe- (feeing that theChurch it rather qui.kenetb aodfulteined by iheoi;ely v rtusofChrift,
fo farre cfF is it, that bet oeedeih ;he fulneffe tbsreof ) but of ihe infioie ^.ood will and
lecved , yee were t Icaled with the holy Spirit of
1 InFerfedand
pleafureof God who voucbfafeth tn icyne u» to bis Sonne, b Infumuch that tbereii
found yvifcdome. nothing but iifubieft to him c For the love ofCbnftii fo great toward the Church,
ni FornDlelTe is the earneft of our inheritance, for
1 4 which ^hat though he doe fu'ly fati-fie all with all thing! ye; he efteemerh Bimfelfebuta

tbe Lord bad ope-

the t redemption of that libenie
purchakd unto Miaymed aodunferftft head, unlelS: he have the Church ioyned to him athi»bodio.
Qed unto ui that
Hiyfkrie, »t tould the prdife of his
C H A P. I I.
never have fo «7 Thert-tote alfo after that I heard of the 1 Thi teitcrtofn our (ie^Mrf nf'^ijltht ii(i<h * etmfxrifen,
niucb ai drea.
fath'which ye haue in the Lord lefus.and love to- cjU'nythem TomiKd, J thai thf} Vi't al'n^'f-her rujla-
Vritjfs and .dUn-i, j tint ihry ^Tejal'tdhya/.iit, l^ aid
felvel. ward all the iaints, ircM^hr nitre, i6 iy reccniihali.n throuih ChiJ}, iJ fu-
I ceafe not to give thankes
for you.makmg
13 Notonelythe 1 6 hlifhedhy.htC^Jftl.
eledion, bat alfo mention ofyou in my prayers.
the vocation pro.
17 iSThit theGodofourLordelefusChrift,
ANd * you hath (jukkfned

in *trefpaUes and Unnes.

he , that were a dead , Heededareib
againe the great-
cerdcth of ireer« give unto you the
grace that Father oft. glorie, might 2 3 Whtrcin, in times paft ye walked, 4 accor-
of wiledome, and revelation through the*
""f(,?° om^-'*
14 TbeFaihff Spirit ding to the courfeof this worlde, <i«i b after the ^nj,',hat"'j(-era;
txhibitfihand acknowledge of him, „ ,• ,
prince that nilerh in the aire , even the Ipirit , that ble itate whertin
gave Ch.ift,
18 T^at the eyes ofyourunderflandingmay now J worketh in the 'children of difobedience, we are borne,
istheht^dofall hope is
the tied unto be lightened, that ye may know what the y 3 < Among whome we alfo had our converla- vvith that digm.
his glorious
the world, at of his calling and what the riches of
tion in time pait in the lufles of onr d fldh in ful- ^!eTre"dvanced ,

that time wbich inheritance « in the Saints, fiUingthe willof the flelb ,and of the mirde.and b\ God the Father
greatnefle ot
19 19 And what is the exceeding
wa« convenient,
7 were bv nature the 'children of wrath , as well as io cbrift. So that
according a» he belceve. » according
moft wifely dif- his power toward us , which fothers.^
power, hatt'pdidonin
poftdalltimel to the working of his mightie 4 8 But God which is rich in mercie , through J-^'^'fort !"bat'be
frotn evetlafting. worde fotberwife
„b«reall the eleft from. he beginning
of the . his great Icvewherewiih the loved us, faith, that touching
AndCbriftiibein '^
ted frem God) are
gathered ogether u. «;h. b i^-'^";'^] :
Even when wee were deade by finnes hath ,
fpirituali moti-
wandering and ftp: y
.fucaaiby faiibin bim 10 come, were "'
;n heaven when bee
came intotbeeartb, (to quickened us together in Chrilt, by vvhofe grace ye °"|,^^°
earth Wert gatoered' "°,Vj
other beeing fouode upon tbe

gathered together; and Tbefaithfullarelaydiobe are faved. i^^i bat wbol.y

gathered togeth. ,

ofbim, and tbe reftdayly with him througn taiiB, g together .and made .^d altogether
And hath raifed us up '

ally ihebcncfiieofvoca-
vs fit together in the heavenly »/tJ«x in Chrilt le- dead.
alfo n>ay
leWei. gomg backe
I to tbe very founraine, ibatevenihry * Col J .3-
lion to the beleeving .nortoauy {us
tbemfelvei , not toibeir (locke a Looks Rom. S,».
falvation n=ulher to
not at.iibuie their
andmercieolGcd, bothbecauk tbey werecall.d.
butto.heo.lyg'aceandmerce So then becalleth them <l«ad,whicb are not regenerate.- for asitheimmortaliiiroftbetn
othe. thing, grace ot
fi. ft called
o All ibiDg! a>e att- ibu.ed to the which damned, is no thii knitting togethrr of bodieand foule is properly no
and alfo becaufe they were
foriJee giveib ui
, and
yet for all bat Aee arenotliockei, life ideatb inibcm which attnot ruled by the Spiritof God. a Heihewethibe without ucept.on pb.i.p.. .3. He;iroovetb by the ttfeai that all were fpiri-
H'?"'^':d:;Vb;"f;:hingstbataregood .
caufe ofdea:h,towi!, finnei. 3
*''' tbeEphehan.(orratberaH
.6^^N^^^^^ ,,„ ,„ake,h lually dead. 4 Ke piooveth thiseviil tobeuniverfall in fomuch as all areflavej ,

p Heerpeake.hofjb_eI.we._. ^^ „o.vvubl>and,og they camelalt, y^^t ofSatan. b At the pirafute of the piince. y Men are therefore fljv^s to Sitao.
theGemil-i'equalltoth«Ie« '

nbracedii by faith ,and weie fcaled up r becaufctbeyarewilliRgly"'""'''"*^?^""^"'^- '^ ^'''V arecallcd ibechildrcnof
difobedience .which alt given 10 difobedience. 6 Af ertoat hee hath I'cverally coo«
r fetoe,

'.'LtbSepi g-fe/eaion ,uut,,l..e.nneu

.\''?"'f That
demnedihc Gentiles- hee cooftlftfih that the Itwes.amongit whomebe niimb:eth bint.
th:. rbeH t g o^i'eof'GcdLgbt
n,inefoor.h, and be trr. ifeiied.
com»ttb trom God. ovvcd
Wft ,are not a vvoii better, d Bi t>e n.imt of-lffl' i^ thejir,: p!a,e. hit mt^'-.eihiht
wo j. ^h^h i. trueth indeede. becaufe i. put
yvhiUmaT, ,-rfhnhU iuiduhi^toin'ip.irisiituh-fltfh, nhuhut'otf.iTt lU: t t
CeoCechtakenofafeale, which being toa^^^^^^^^^^^^^
With liUrfhrfirrne irnUui r:.ifn, ii'l ''to'kclhm^hl . 1v'"c'r> thty ciU re.i/Sn.i4/e .•;»
^^- i:^:^;::be-o"^^;f br^:;^'^ adopt! : fall ,hj,htU.ii,it-,r,i\,i'ir^nm,nhMrrdti<t.tuiccn,li»Jeilttkittf.enMeminii,fny»rt
7 Thecontluli.'n : All men ate borne fubieft to tbe wrath
formtv giaiuUiion, c
returneth lo the
•r,^ He«
Jrf.ft 17
tot nrit toai an gouu .unit,* ww..
cutftofGod. e Mr,iatefaideiobecbildreoofwrithp.iflively,tbati, tofay.
. r L,/* .kinot iha* weot bffora :
II ,

;r^;:ie^Sc^rfandbyCl..a,^t.rtbem KUiItieoftverlaftirg death by the iudgem.nt of Gcd,who is angrie wiih them, f Pro.
rhaoeveouiewbicn know not God, 8 Now be.eoffollowecb another mtmnerol tbs
Ttefecond .,tb..
?'''.^f/,^;,^;;,t-t :et 'int Cla1:^ .ncreafeofht. comua<ifon,declaiing<,ureitc.llcncie,iowit.tbaibyiKevertaeofCt.tiIlwearedeli.
life, to the code ih-i at length we
vtrrd from that deatb.and made partaker, ofcieraall
mayrtienewitbbim And by d.vtrsand fuiidry mean., hee beateihtbi. into their
free mercie of God &Chr is hirofelfe
XwIm%\trteCbtmcpenedun.o«..^^ beads, that the. flicient caufe ot ibis bnt6:e is tbe
otGod^^^^^^^^ isttetn-Tttiallcaurtraodtanh Utbe i,!(lrument,wihich jifoiitbe free Rift ol Gnd^and
fmng.,fe..nHthefe,,,^ngooy in Chrilh f r as yet ihi. if
thernd is Gods slotie. g To wit, a. her addeth afterward
J it ts not enough ^o'"';"
'';;',,^,,^, .be, are which be calle.h you to hope for whomc not fulfill.d inu., but.cnelyin our
by wholeS,.i,ii we h.vr begt« ,c die to

n-oreandmore^ y Whatb. fully brought loan end .but yet tbe cope
^ .^^/^^^J^^^j^^f Ci,h „ ^eclaed by theeffeCir.becaufe fmre. and iiveioGr,d,uotillthatwotke be
Jhewed there X Chai>.3.7.col.»,i». certaioe, for are as tuie of icat we looke for , .1 wre are of .ha: we oav.rKtiv. d
'hVitujovJ" Of God'- fetfoorth aad

air: idle.
7 That
8 , . ,

Chrift our peace. To the Epbefifans. The Gentiles inheriters.

7 That he irighr fhew in the ages to come the p
^ Or
this caufe I Paul avt the > prifoner of le- » He mjiateinetk
I ,

>'' Apo»Ie(hip
exceeding riches of liis grace through his kindnes Chria for you Gentiles
toward us in Chrift lefus. 2 Ifyeeh.veheardofthedifpenfation of the of'hectoir=.
a litUn.Cnei,
8 Forby'' grace aft*yeefaved through faith, grace of God, which is given me to youwarde. whereon aifo be
and that muaf your fclves it is the gift of God, :
3 Tr.itit, that Cioi by revelation hath (hewed takethanargu.
9 9 NOT^if workes. lealtany man ihould boaft this myfterieuntomee(as I wrote above in fewe •n""o«=«^"ne
tcihaH.-h,r ',
For wc ate i his workcmanfliip created in u , u • ,
miog that hee WM
ll^Tenn^lr'uTcle ^° 4 whereby whenyee reade .yeeraayknowe not onelyappoia.
fjpJjhcHr'jtilei, Chrift lefiis unro good workes which God hath , mine underftanding in the myftetie of Chrift.) tedaoApjOiebr
cr ty oMr Tper^f/. we lliould walke in them. y Which in b otherages was not opened unto g' ."'r'^" "'
Tkt,-f.renhit u 10 wherefore remember that yeebeeing in the Tonnes of men. as it IS now revealed unto his fo^pirticuUrlyVp.
holy Apoftles and Prophets by the Spirit, poioted to the
thctiKif^i cfji cumcilion of them.which are l caJied circumcifion 6 That the Gentiles Ihould be inheriters alfo, Gea:iiM. tacili
nntrtr'r nfurt in the Hefti, TCadc with hands,
and of the fame bodie.and partakers of his promife iV™ °? .""''
9 H«tak«b aw»y
expnOf !y and
o&Mi^ty fio.-nour
, j That ye were , Ifty

at that time m without
were n aliants trom the common-wealth
, in Chriftby the Gofpel./
7 Whereof I am made a minifter by thegifte
_ ScX-
fodeiermijed it
vv'O'lo^obr piaife ot'Ifraei , and were* ftrangers from the covenants of the graceof God given unto mee through the from the begin-
ofiulbHcaiiuQ, ofpromife, and hid no hope , and vvcr* without °'»8- »''<>'' i*" he
efleduall working of his power.
feciDe: tbai tJe
gooH wcik.-t
God in the world. 8 Even unto mee the leaft of all Saints is this th""h 'ma"-
ij It But now in Chrift lefiis.yee which once grace given, that I ihould preach among the Gen- feftition of tUt
the rfc&i cf were farre off , are made neere by the blood of tiles, the unfeatchable riches of Chrift. hiteounfell.
grace in ut. Chrift. 9 And to m:ke cleare unto all men what the 1.5'"''c'*'°"''/i .
i HtJftakfiliUrt
14 " Forheeisourpeaccwhichhathmadeof fellowlhip of the myfterie is , which from the be- f ./c'br'ift.'ire tike«
tf'Jr,ut, trii mt
tfnuture tktre- .
both one and hath broken the ftoppe of the par- , ginning of the world hach beene hid in GoJ , who pafliveiy.'that i> t«
/irt kt the ivo'V' tition wall, hath created all things by iefus Chrift, fay, i f'ut amcaft
ntttr fo ftti tUek' ly « In abroguing through his flelhtheha- 10 t To the intent, that nowe unto principili-
^hai n.e-, are' , thty
j.g^^ ^^, ^^^ j{,g j^aw of commaundements which '''j°,fji|,°°'^^j
^ ties and powers in heavenly pUcei might be ^o,°"'"cbrift'! .

']o Apriyine ihe ft'^tdeth in ordin.;nces for to make of t waine one ,

knowen by the Church the c mmifold wiiedome b Hemeaneth not
forintrdoftiine new man in himleife,/o making peace, of God. that none koewe
tocbt G<;n;iiM, 16 And that hce might reconcile both unto According ro the eternal! purpofe which tbe calling of the

hefliewcih ibat ggj jp<, qj^„ bodie bv crofl'e and P ilay hatred
. . _ r, c
Georilct before.

they v\tfe not on- ,1^ ,

^li! ,
he wrousht in Chrift Iefus our Lord butfcccaofcvtry

Jyauh.i.«», by thereby. 12 By whome we have boldnetfe and entrance fewkneArofn,

oaiure , but alfo al- J 7 13 And came and preached peace to you,
with conhdencc, by faith in him. and they thatdid
ter ao efpecjall which wereafarreort, and to them that wereneeie. 15 Wherefore I defire that yc faint notattby p°°7^",' j*";*
fun, lliaogeti and "j
1 Foi q through him we both have an entrance tribulatians for your fakes which is your glorie.
vciihcjui God :ani ,/°jied'„,;o them

tbe/trlore tbry unto the Fathei by one Spirit. I4 3 For this cau 'c I bowe my knees unto the ^^ly darkeiy.auJ
cu^i (o much 1
9 H Now therefort; ye are no more ftrangers Father of our Lord Iefus Chrift, u"ie' "g" «•
jtber remttn. and'forrciners bHtciiizens with the Saints.anJ of » Theu..iooked
htt tba: dine (o
whome is named the whole «familie in for cat ling of the
the houlholdof God.
, , . , ,

grest a bcuthte
heaven and in earth.) Gentile wa. as
cfCod 10 « ; And are built upon the foundation of the 16 he might graunt you according to the i, wereaguOito
k v«u lied Apoftles and Prophets Icfus Chriit himlclte being , f riches ofhisglurie ."that ye may be ftrengchened the heavenly An-
cooihttwifeiben the'chictc conierftone, by his spirit in the g inner man ?'.'•

^' ^" whorae all the building fcoupled toge-

' J-i ^ •„ u»,„,U.. migbt '"/^'"''^.t'^
beaolJ the
,, :

*!e°'''*t'id m'j^h
witrrffe orjour ^^tv, gfuweth unto an holy Temple in the Lord, faith. _
uccleanntire. 21 In whome yec allo are biiiit together to be 18 That yee .beeing rooted and grounded ui c God never ha>l
i O^tceitwfi thehabitationof Godby iheSpiiit. b love, injy be ,ible to comprehend with allSaims,
butooe vwayr^ontly,
which wcie koovr:
fiom yo« jiy tteniar)teofcitcu:rcifion the marke of thecoveoant. , m Hee i
what is the breadth , and length , and depth, and I.Vad'dTv". VC-
kfjiucetJ*rll withCnnft wh" waiibeeiiJ ofaJhtciiromifei d, i'oubai height: omandfotmei.
Chiilt u ^ ly And to knowe the k love of Chrift which d which wa. be.
o°iigbtiir rotntcciBinon-wealthoflfiatl.
title, Roui.9.4.. ii ,

the uiiely bund of ibt kwf 1 aiid Gentiei , wuei tby ihcy bf reconciled to (5od. 1 1 Af
Ipal3l-h knowledire , that ye may hi filled with all
f>" beninoiogi. ^
by ibecMemotiicssnd woilhipapl>oin!ed by tbe La At, thr lewf" were divided t(om 'r n- cr-^? 3 Hetea.heth
the fieniilei, foiKiwCortIt hjviog broken doAnrtbe partiiioo, ioycetn ihein mfulnelleofGod.

^ l, j •

bub together, both in himfeUe, and beivnitthtmfc'Vfi , and to God. Whereby it 10 4 Vnto him therefore that IS able to doe ex- a^pi,,,oa,,be
fflloweth that wboloevrr elbblilbtd ihe cerciuonici of tie La we maketh ide grace
ceeding ab-jundantly above all that wee aske or eiiicacie of the
ofCbrillvoidaadofoonreft'ea. $ Cola.i^. o Healludcth to tbe dodrinedci-en.
faciiftctioftbtLaw .which iqrtfmiedtbatirn and one y facrin.e. p For oe
think", according to the power that worketh i.Vus.
dtftroyed deain by death, and falKrn.d it a» it were to thr ciolie. 1 j Ifee 2 Sc praile in the Chitrch byChnft leius.tho- J;,',"jf G,d and

preJcMugottbeGufpjlliian effeduall inltruit.ent otibii gia^e common ai well .0 ,

rowout an generations tor ever, Amen. therefore wee
tbeleweia. tothrGciitilet. <j Chnll it the gaieai it were by wboaie vveco,neto ,
•heFather.aiidtbeholyGh^nisaiit weieour lodtunan wh/.ieadetbui. 14 The
prayeri wirb tt.epteatbing and hearing of;he woile: which are needfull not onely
eoocluiiou.ThiGtotile.atetaken in tothe lellowdiiK oi l.ilvJtion And iie delcibch ijbuteven eoldtll alfo, that they gtowm^
) which 1
then- i if Tbe Lord

>mjreandi by faith inCbrift, beeing confitmfd vCTiball fpirituall gittei.may
«oniniiii«dibedortriaeo(faKaiijn, firltlothe rici.hdi.and iheatotbeAl'oHJtt. the joted lu the kn jA'leH^e of that i.nmeafutablelove .wihereA'itb
be g;roundcdand rooted 1

tnde whereof, and mailer ai it were and fubltance. iiCbrifi. Tberefme toat i> lodetde whereof pan n
the Fithcr hud loved ui in Cbi/t .ficingthiiihe whole family ,
tbe true and C«tholi«jii« Church .which ii buildtd opon Chrill by tlie rroj.hetsani and part ii yti here on earth deprnJecb upon that
alreaditr recnvrd into btav^n , ,

Apod fi.aiafpiriiiiall econfcctatcd .0 Gnd r Tnat ii, tbe bead of tie buil-
adoption of !be beaveoiy Father to h.j onely Sonne. , e All that whole people
ding. foriLe foiindationiareai ii wtre ihe hradiofibc baildingr. f So that
whi'whbaibbutone boudioM Fithrt ,and thatiiih- Chuich which ii adointd m
^odlitbe vkotkeuian not ontly of ibr foundation, but alio ol lUe wbol. buiWiug. f Accotdmgio the grtat:itn"c ofhi, mer-ie, g Looke R iuiaii.7,11,
Wherewith Gollovrihui, which i.tbuo.i.eofoureledon. How peilitr thatj-
III. vvoi ke of Cbiitt ill n every art k Walch God hath llle A', th ui in Cbrik.
I W'.ich 4
palTi-thaili.'iecapacitieofinan-wit , tocumj Tcbend 11 fully in hi»niio.1e for other-
lUt JeeUrltk thi ,f,errf.r, he, M.-r..l ma .f,l.. .
^ .

.- -r
wi/c wbofob.itS iheSpiritfot God, I'etceivcth lomucb (accoidins toOJc
- -

litrei, 3 hte.iu/i htt firt.tctinl il:e m;jtent loKch'nztliC

fa'i-,ri>^n fiftht CifnfiUs, B at -ottt u'mm.tHJcmtnt that <fcd h:tb given him)ai ii fudiJe .>itofav.i'iou. m iothii wehai'

.^/fr l^r .i^fti-aiU EfhtfiM. ».- l.fuU,}cr hi, .,ffi- d;intlyi" UI, wbatfuever ;hing! arc re.] u liie to make ui p'tfi:e w'th G.-d
(hum. ^nJ f.rthl.cTilt'itt /ir^jtihitn-f {jtil, bitake-.r. for.b into a thankefgiving , wl>»ieby the E^beliauJ allo 1

tS ihal iklj ma) unJlrjUiutTJ grui Ujxj^/Xkry}. tobopeforaay ihiugofGotJ.
: ,

One body, one rpirit. Chap. iiij. Put on t'ne new man. %6
CHAP. 1 1 1 1, '
with craftines.wherby they lay in wait to deceive, t By the d«'it"''
1 1 But let 113 follow the trueth in love, and
Theji ikrti Up Chapitrt ecnt.tint prectfts efm.lntrt. i He It ^'J^';," "^.,^,^,6
exhorteththtm tt mwf mlUlie. 7 Sundry lifiet are ihsre- in all things, grow up into him, which is the head, ;„ d,ce;vin; of ntb»r.
fire leflimid of Cod, 1 6 Ihai the Church miy hi htHt that is. Chrii*. 1 1 By MmeiHffe-
the uue:h st
.-8 Hen allsth tl,emfr*m the i>.injth ej inJideU, 16 By whom all the bdSie being coupled and of
IS /rem t}in£. 9 and from filihy l.i!ke-
knit together hy every ioynt, for j furrmiive there. '•",o'cbri'!i°""'b"/
Ar.o.b«p«r»of [ Therefore , i being prifoner in the Lord
,pr:.y " effectuail power , 9i/hich is in being"tff<rauali by
(7/ (according to the

theleEFiftiecoQ- ••you that yee walke worthy of the vocation ^ _

the meaUireufevety part) receiveth » increaleof theminiftmeof hi»

ig precepti whereunto ye are called. the body , unto the edifying of it felfe in y love. word, which asihe
ofCbtiftian lifc-
With all humbleneffe of mind, and meeke- 17 '» This I fay therefore and teiiineinthe "'i'^l^^f.'t'e "^^l^
it thilTtbarevery"
nelfe.with b long fiificring.riipporting one another Lord .that yee hencefoorth walk not as 4. other toJy.'bitit nouri-
. man bebave him- through lovC, Gentiles - vanitieoftheirmind. fti^tbaiiibtiimmej
felfiraiitiim«t« j 3 Endevouring to
keepe the vnitie of the 1 8 Having their underl^an-Jing darkened , ?»d tbfreof according^
Spirit in the bond of peace. being ftrangers from the a life of God throu^ protonion'o'ech°
I'sythiiu meant 4 4 There w One body, andoneSpirit, even as
the ignorance that is in them, becaufe of the hard- ^ne quickiuetb
thegentrall calling ye are Called in one hope of your vccatioit. nelVe of their heart a:.dcb<-tini(tb bi»
ofthefaiihfuil, _ jijurf one Lord, onc Faith, one Baptifm?,
19 Which being b paftfeeling, have given ^,'""'';'j'"'''|"^

which be
^ OneGodandFathercfall.whichiscabove
holy , a,cu,God ..
themfclves unto wantonneiVe , to wotke all un- a'^'^Jasof "iv^ti
^^^^^^^ _^jj^^^j .^ ^^^^^^_
^^^^ ^^^ ^
cleanneffe.f T^en with « greedineile. membf rj, & r"f"-
aStcondly.hfcom. 7 s But unto every one of us is given grace 20 13 But ye have not fo leatned Chrift,

veth ibe propan.uJ

mtodeih meeke- according tothe meafurc of the fgitt of Chrili. ofiveryone And
21 Iff. be ye have heard him, and have bene
"h'h'irfbt^a ^ wherefore he faich.When he afcended upon taught by him .d as the trueth is in lefus

Ih"" 'hi'rb;-
hic.he ledgcaptivity captive, Sc gJN e gifts untome.

foor'h by be«ing 2z § Tfcrttw, that yee call oft , concerning the dy can live without
oaewithanoibej. 9 (Nowe, in that hee afceiiJed wbat is it but ,
converfation in time paft , « that oide man , which eb.ia nei.b.r cao ,

bLooktMat.i8,2j. thathee hadalfo defcended hrlt into the ^loweft is corrupt through the deceiveable lufts, ^°l'.'"^"
l^!^<^:::- 13 And be renewed in the f fpirit of your mind, \l'^;^^^J^Zi:\i^
the fame that
lo Hee that defcended . IS even th
lr«m«t,bmY« 14 And pnt on the new man.which E alter God f,omiteother
fuch ajii kait with afcended , farre above all heavens that hee rcight ,
is created unto brighteoufnefl'e, and true holines. members.

thebandofihe i
kali things.)
2 J 1 4 Wherefore caft of lying . and fpeake cue- " ^'
''°A^a°"'in«nt of
" * ^ee therefore gave fome fo (e '
rie man trueth unto his neighbour :for we are mem- ^''^^^^'^^J^'
""Jj'^u^^h aiuhe'
gtea"wafgh., for and fonie m Prophecs . and fome n Euangelihs , and
bers one of another. memben.
' '-'-
an earncft foroe o P.-iltours,and Teachers,
taining of brother.
z6 'f Bek anqry.butfinnenot:letnotthefunne „ suchincreafeas
li 7 For the repairing of the Saints for the ,
goe downe upon your \«rath,
l ^'" ?fj'" ^'"^''
ly love and chaii-
worke of the n^ inifterie, and for the edification of
lieonewith atw- a7 Neither give place to the devill. fcharitieT.the
«bei , btcaafe we thepbodyof Chrift. x8 14 Let him that ftole. ftcale no more:hut let x^.^ing of tbe
are ni^deonrbo- 13 8 Till we all meete together (in theq vnitie
him rather l.ibour , and worke with his bands the liinnogeiber.
dy a. it were of of faith and that acknowledging of the Sonne of thing which is m good that hee m^y have to give,
>^ He defc.ndetb
one dod,3r\ift- CO the meafure of o, o to the fruiti ot
ibtt, byoneSpiriti
God) unto a perhte man and . i
. ,

unto him that necdeth.


Cbriltian doftrmf,
WorftlifViogor.e the f age the fulnefle of Chrift: 29 '7 Let no n corrupt comonication proceed out ^^^ „afonetb firit

Lcrdwiibooe 14 9 That wee hencefoorth be no more chil- of yourmouthesibut y which is good to the vie of upon ibe piinci-
faith, and conftcra- dren, 10 wavering andcatied about with every edifying,^ it may minifter orace unto
o the hearers, pltsofmanne..,
ted in him with
winde of dodrine , by the f deceite of men , and 30 "s And grieve not theholy Spuitof God, '^^^^^^Zf^Zi
one Baiirifme, and
hope for one felfe For in-
ke<h tompatifon betweeaethecfcilrlren ofGod , which are notirge
1 :

famrEloiy. whereunto we are called .Tb«refoievAbofoeverbrtakfihchar

thefe men all the poweri of the minde are coi nipte.1 and tbeir mmde i»
o.ven 10 vanur.
hati, the chefe Mihcriij oWr ihe Church , d ii/hi
all tbefe things afunder. c n-l>i> only are
the members of the Ch Wh> and theijfenfesaredaikeued wiiB moll gion"e miltinf (fe and tbeiiaff.aioni , 1^
ontly fo-rcrnhfacrlh hii providence .ihmugh aS headlongmto alt
'•^''^f W''*«' '" Chrij}." ; Heeicacbeth ui that w decde BCcullomedbylittleandlitiietowickedntDe, that atlengtb they tun
truly i' 'y«' >

e body ,and. hat

all good giftesprocetde from Chtilionely. who tcigneib

unclcar.nei, being viteilydeRi.tite of all iudgemeot. A

Rom.1.21. f Ifihcnotiei all gif.ei upon bii part: of,hefiuU te corrupt, nh-ttis rr,a^ hut corr^pllr, oMy ? a Wherh CcdliVe,!,!'.
having miEhtil conqu red all bii'enemi^'M ficm wher.ct nad
twitbftanding tbefe gif:ei are d ivttUy and luiidry wayei divided then-. b yoUof.aJud^tmer,t.c They ^r,t'eto pafft on: another aiihoa^hthere
Cburcb men
content with bin feme c nine tahe aottenhy it. 13 Here followerh tbe coBttary part touching
arcoidiDgtotiiswill and pleafure, and therefore evtry man ought to be other
ittotlie common profile of ibe which at'eiej-neraieby the true andlively knowledgeof Ctiiit which have ,

thai meafutetbat God batb given him, and to bellow .andamiDCt

m«/" tiJe .fc. if vl-c, ^h i^»lv->e t. principlrj of their doingi far dirfetent, to wit, holy and honeft defi'ei
Whole body, f Which Chrift hcLth^n-en. g efftS* a!
Fill yvvh hu,,f}s. k The Church. clean changed by the vertue of the holy Gboft.frou) whence proceed alfo like .

The ea„h, rchich isihe tovejl p^r, cf,i,e -n-orld. i

Ecdefiafticallfunaioni. which are partly enrraot- a iuH and holy life indeed, d ^.sthe, h.,t,t learned yvtiih achyiowled^Chrifi indeed
6 F:r;i of all he reckoneth up the
and andin^oode'irneft. Col. *
8. « TtKrfetVej.f thereWhtn
oi^hi>eher.e the
^nd for a feafon . us Apoltle., Prop-teti, Euangelilk., and partly ordinary
dinarv things.
DoSoun. 1 The ^("piesyoereihcf, tTxeht.unto Tvhcm rreetcff force 4re<ifin,rhereit theneatcfl corruption of all rfhich waJleihaU
peiretuall ,a! Paftouri and
vJA-tTasafterrrardadded,-wh,'fc,ficeiv.:sivpUr>tChUTchts,hrc«^hi»iaUthen-ttd. g Jif,r,heima(eoiCo.d. h The effeil and endoFthenew creation. \ Not fainei
nor ft unterfn.. '14 He commendetb feverally certain-peculiar Chrifiian vertues
„ The Prcfhe,sofu,y,asor.eofdeciAef.^,^h,,h y^erernencf. rrurl^tUusivY-

a'.l deceit and

o Thrfethc ^p.fies ifejAs ftrft of all he rtquite-.h trueth (that is to fay, fMcercmanen; condemning
djrr.e MdfomeoJthtmoMfireteU thieir'toorr,!.
Heieatheth ustobridleour
diiremhling becaufe we are born one for another. ij
f2l;esJ.hee/,cu,ionef,he-roft,ce , ic^„, ,>r .,W.-» ar,,l rl.c. ,/,.,„/:iK^- ,

the anger in fuch fort that although it be not, yet that it brake not out and that it
are ihey nhich g<.l,errethe Church, a„d Te.uherr areiky yvhuh;'ci,er„e

B P^licH'J
fttairwayts quenched btfoie wt lleel'e.leH Satan taking occafion to give uj evill
fchoole,. 7
tbat they may make one myfticall fel through tbe w'cked counfeller, dcUtoy us. k IfitfifiilX out that yen he angrity ,

fterieofmei. alltbeSainis mayfogroweup together.

i»perpeluall fo long a! jct(iir,ct:iha!is ,hriilleyvur anier.and do not v-hkedly put that in exec-Mi,
b^dyofC^tift. p ThtOmnh. 5 The vfe ofthiJ miEilietle
yfuha1,etri.kedlyccncr,ved. 1 let not the ni^hi come upony.^u in your a^.Tet that
we are in tbiJWorld.thatii.untilltbattimethat having put
ioyned with Cb. HI our head, make .m atonement jui^keiy for all rna'ters. 16 Heedefcendetb from the heart (O tbts^
and reifitely. agreeing betwi:<t OUT felves we fnall be ,

i» done by that knowledge of the Sonne

of God iDCtealina in us , and be bands coDOfmningtbeft and becaafe that men which give ihcmfelvesto this v.iciced-

which thing poverty,

be a perh; maa , which nei, vfe to pretend poverty be Ihewetb that labor it a good remedy againll
kimfelfe by litleaod litle growing up in u» untiil wecome to

when God (hall be all in all. q V n th.u inojl nrere which God bleHerh in fuch fort that tbey which labour have alwayes foine ovetplas
jliall be in tbe woild to come ,
t,^y,yre «f (o to beipe other, fo far is i: from thisihat they aieconftrained to Ittaleotber mens
J^oriKnilnr, nhichis k'>i'-<r.df.>Jler.edt,^ether iy fioih. r ChriP i, f.<id
irhirr-felfe , tut in 1.'. Betwir.t out childhood (-.bat tiro fay, a very m Hy lah.arin; in thn^s that are hAy,,nd prof.tahle 10 hi, ne-chbo-Ar. 1 7 He bridleth the .

\ffui .t^e, not s

aje. whicb we lllall tongue alfo. teaching uifoto temper our taike, that cat heareri minde be not only not
('1weake Hate, while as we doe yet altogether waver) and our ['mHi
'^ haveat uth, and Ite.die deltroy.d.botalfoioftrufirrd. n Word for rco.-J.rotien. o f, yracihe r,„.tnith that,
le.Agth in aTiotber wotld . there isa meane . to w.t. ^t.r V
Dpar.fib thru-, whith out relt ibi-mftrvn tvherth-, men >r,ay rrofi'io the -cinn on f.r-ivard,i,^oditne, and lol-c. i» A gtntrall
going fotward to pt
rrectpt"ag3inft allexc (Feofatfeftioni v<.bich dwelj m the part of tbe mind:
word' of God "
es whfch arctofled hiihcr and thiihtr with tbe
upon ,
they call .Angry and hefertcrhag.iini'V'hein the contrary ineanvs And vfeth 1

iarinei of men . as it were with contrary windei and ihcrewiihall

vehement prefice bow weoujn; m take heed that w^c grieve not theholy Spitne ot
themtlatitcominethtopaire not onely by tbe ligbtDtrfe of mam braine ,

weiean »Uof iu t Wtikthejt God through our itnmodeninea": and iuttoipetancie who dwelletb in u» to ibi« ea*j
the cratrineffeofcertaitje, whicb makeai it

mtnto aadfrt. te mcdeiace all out aScSion'l..

Hiteruint (hamU vhich tofft
t 3 f

Awake from flee pc. TotheEphefians.' Husbands and wives duelies.

,5 Anirja.mot bv whoiii vc of redemption.
iirc leale-1 iitico v 'lay k excefli but be fulfilled with the Spirir.
,akrnfru;«ib*«. '
,, Letall
}i aiit(ani,'er,and wrath.cry-
bitterncUe. aiitfanger.and
Lctall bitterncUe, wrath.CfV- '
19 Speaking ...
unto vourfeives
in Pfalmes, and
"yrd niih all ma
a.iiplfofCarili.m.^ft hymnes and fpirituall fon;;s fmging and making .

in: ». and eviil (peaking be put away froni you.with , .

?f "''^'','""5' *"''

all maUcioufnelVe
icioufnelVe. niclodie to the Lord in your hearts, '
bo:= for i.arJon.jg { wl'h fl

ofibofeTniuiiei 51 Be ye couiteousconc to another.and tender ^o Giving thaiikesalwayes for all things unto .ifftdhn'ofTC
which bivebcoe hearted , freely forgiving one another , 'seven as God even the Father , in the Nameof our Lord lidtt, and not -Kiiih

done untou. byoiir

^^ ^^^ (jgln^s fake, freely forgave you. lefus Chrift, *'''
"v.w «iWr._
^ fliortrepeti-
C .4 A r. V. 21 6 Submitting your felves one to another in *
3 Letfl in tWe lirii wiif^ he reprehfnJeJ tlity f'ntuld ftt
, , thefeare of God. whereunto all
h. hr hy his aiJintrutunt lit ttrti/iiththtmhj denouncing
r r , , .

ofihrmifcrable ; S 21 jf 7 Wives iubroit your felves unto your , thiogs ought to

vfiig modrraiion jelrrc iudftmtnt, 8 and Hirrerlt rhem fcrward: 1 f Thev
husbands ' as unto the Lord. , he tcfemed, to
aod grnile ot- htt defitnd'.tiifrcm ^enerall Itfoni ofmjneri, 31 'r> t'li
particular duit-ti^fwiei^ \; and luihanJi. 2} § 9 For the husband is the wives head, even
athnCD. tt E yee therefore followers of God , as deare as Chrift is the head of the Church , lo and the + c'io'rr'3 Is.
children. fame is the Saviour of fcwbody. titmi.y.
4 Iohri3,i4. •'^'
X And walke in love even as Chrift hath
aod If, 11. X , 24 ti Therefore as the Church is in fubiedlion,1.

loved i:s, and hath given hiral'elfe forus fo6« an . to Chrift, even fo let the wives be to their husbands ' Nowehe def.
cendeth lo a fa-
4 Chap 4. 2»-
offeringandaiacnhceofafweete fwelling favour in every thing.
. .

ColofT.j .
iriiie, dividing 0,.
l.Thtir.1,17. to God. 2f J * '* Husbands love your wives , even as , deily all the parta
I Now be com-
3 1 But fornication, and all uncleanneffe , or
§ Chrift loved the Church and gave himfelfeforit, ,
of » familie. adiI
ineib to jootbcr
covetoufnes, let it not be once named among you, 26 That he might m fandifie it, and cleanfe it
kiadoraffeaiont, ^^,^-*'^f'''f^/,'"
as it becommeth Saints, by the of water through then word,
wafliir.g confi'aeth^erein,
which ii in cb3t
jianofchf mini, 4 Neither filth inefle,neither foolilh talking, 27 That he might make it unto hitnfelfe a glo- to b« obedient to
wbicb mrnca.'l neither « iefting , which are things iiotcomely.buc rious Church ,onot having fpot or wrinkle, or ibeifbuibaodi.
ccvetoui or deli-
that it Ihuuld be holy and with- * Tbeftrrtargu-
rathergiving of thankes. any fuch thing;but
roui md be repre- ' ment.fortheycan*
; ,

I For this ye know .that no whoremonger,


beaded foroicacu 5: out blame. -otbedifobedient

, . , ,
. .

OB> coveiouCotlTe neither uncleane perfon , nor covetous perfon, 28 MSoought men to love their their to their hmbaodi,
and felling, very which is an b idolater , hath any inheritance in the owne bodies hethatloveth his wife, lovethhim- but they muflre-

lift God alfo, who

kingdome of Chrift, and of God. fi^\(Q_
a lefltirvli.h
men caJI tnt At 6 * Let no man deceive you with vaine wonls: 19 For no man ever yet hated his P owne fletti, Jbii^wlaionf
aneller : forfuch things commeth the wrath of God
that nt for , but nouriiliedandcheriihethit ,evenas the Lord f i.Cor.u 3.
liMntf'tiift"", Bpon the children uf difobcdience. dceththe Church. » Adtdaration
ner e fill tx ample ?f«he fomer fjy-
7 3 Be not therefore companions with them. 3o For we are members of his bodie , 9 of his
filitn nir im tf-

8 For ye were once darkeneife, but are now flelh, and of his bones. hath'mXbe
eiiill rrirtJtf «r
« light in the Lord walke as children of light. :
3 1 * For this caufa ihall a man leave father and man head of the
trtcltiimr. 9 (For the fruit of the d Spirit is in all good- mother, and ihall » cleave to his wife, and they woman in matri-
I Becaufeiherg nefle, and righteoufneH'e, and trueth.) twaine fhall be one flelh. 1'*
finneursfuch u^h^hMd of
tbitibenolt part 10 Approoving that which is pleafing to the 32 ifThis is agreatfecrer.butlfpeakeconcer- cou^h"
hem Lord. ning Chrift, and concerning the Church. 10 Aooiberar-
And have no fellowftiip with the unfiuitfull gunent .Becaufe
fiot for fxaatit he
1 1
ii i« rherefure every one of you, i^e^^tf/a let :

avialtetbthr j
works of darknes, but even f reproove them rather. every one love his wife, even as hiraleite.and ,'^5 '*^'^
ly, io:heeijdihey ^°ff
1 1 For it is ibatnc even to fpcake of the things Itt the wifeyje that Ihe feare her husband. delh'^Jf'the' man,
tbe more take which are done of them in fecret. fo that ibis fub-
bft-de to them* But all things when they are reprooved
1 i,'
iriflionisnot ontly iuft butalfo verfe profitable : ai alfo tbe falvatioa of ihe Church
felvri from ibem, it cfChrift. although farreoibeiwife- 1 1 Thecoociulioo ofihe wivei duetie
the light are manifclt for it is light that make'.h
, :
towardei [heii hiiibandl- * Cu\olf3,i9. la Toe buibandej duetie
plaguet. allthmgs manifeft. towardeitbeir wives ii to love them a« thtmfelvej of which love, :be love of Coiilt
, ,

b ^IhnJn.iltlc 14 wherefore f hee faieth Awake thou that , toward hiiCourcb ii a lively patieiue, 13 BecaiifeiiiaQy meo pretend, tie
iJclaric, f.r the fieepcft and ftand up from the g dead , and Chrift
infirmintioltaeir wivei 10 eaufet heir owne haidntlTeaoH cruel rie, the Ajoltle <Ail-
ftyetotis mtn ihin^ leih 01 10 marke what manner of Church Chrift gate when bee i.iyned it tj himfe.fe. ,

Ihailgive thee light.

kfti, il,ai kij Itfe and I'ow heedoeib notonelyaoi loathe a her filih and uncleanuelfe but cea;e:h not I ,

PanJchinHi^ordi, Take heede therefore that yee walke tir-

If 4 to wile the fame aw'ay with hjicleai-.neaV uq;iII hee have vs holly p.irged it. ,

• Math.i^'^. cumfpedly not as fooles, but as 4. wile,

, m Makeith.jly. n Through the ptoinire of fiec iulhfication and fanaification
markf 13. f- 16 h Redeeming the realon:for f "daits are evil!. in Chrilt, received by faith. o Tbe it iico, liltred in itfelte, Oiall
l»/t.i.«. not bee withoui wrinkle, befnre itcoine to lb- inaike (hoote h a- for while it ii in 1 :
• 7 rffWherefore, be yee not unwife, but under-
a.tir/7 2,3. ibii life iituouctb io a race but i! it beconfidered inC i, cleane and wi hi ut

3 Becaufe'Aeare
ftand what the will of the Lonl is. wr nkle. 14 Auother argument: Evtriemanlovetb himlelte, even ofnatu.e:
Co: fo teadieio 1 8 / And be not drunken with wine, wherein is therefore hee ftrivetbagaiuft naiuretbat loveth nothii wife; hee pronreib the toiile-
any thing .n to quent firft by the myliicall knitting of Chiill and ibe Cbuicb together .and tbenby
followe evilleiamplet. therefore the Apoftlewaineih the godly to reme.-nberalvvMyel theordioanceiif Gjd wbofayeto , .batman aod wife a e as lue tua' i«. not to be
, ,

that theothrrarebuia. it wt^edatkeiifflcaod thai tbry ,htmf.lvr» ate as 11 wcte devided p Hii owne boJie. q Heealludeihf iogofibe woma
light. And ihertfcire the oihercominit alivUlanir ('ajiiicn arc v\ont in the darkr) but w.iicb lignifieth ourcoupling toget lb Chrilt vbich i- wi ught by faith, bai .

ibry ought not onely not to f.-llow tbeirexamfle» Lu: allo(a»the pro|ttry of the ,
fealtd by tbe Sacrament of tOe .Supi t.isy.
light ii rrprooveibrirdaikentfle aod 10 walke fo (having Chrift ihat true light going
i.corintb.6.16. t Looke.MJ ih 19 f i; That noinininicntdreame
before tteoi ia» i> bccomnitih wife men. c The f-tuhfuil art c.i/(er,'/fj/)t, 4i»'iiei.i«ye of naturall coniunSion .,r knitti ig ofChfift aod his Church togeibei ( fu.hasine
thtjhiilic :ht true U^-hl in tktm yx hi,ht'^h!tne<l< ih'm and alj,. laaufe ihry iiit U-h, (» , ;
huibaads and ite wives iij bee leweth tbat ititfecret.iowi Ipitiiuall and fucb
aihrr ,inftmarh,tt<ai ihhrhtnti crn)/er].iti^n rtpri'i>c:h thch!~i i'/wi<k."' d i'} """ ai farrediffete:t from itiecommon ipatitieof as which conliUeth ly tbevtritte mm :

nhcrt f'rcnre art m.,dc hyl" in th Lcrd. e M^'k' 'ih opcnic aU ihc ir.r.d, m ofiheSpt'if, 2nd iiotof tbeflrOi h Jiih ,Jnd by naturall band. >6 TneI
h) itari»<,<Hift. f The crifU", rCvdiniht Siriiiurr. % Ucfjtt'a^rli concinfton both of tile husbands uttie towardshii wife , and of tbe wives towaid I

,f<h, dcaihofinnt. 4 The v\offe and corupc ibai the maner> of tbi. world her husband.
«r», theinore waichfulloughc we t') be igninf all occalions , andtefpcft uoihiogbut
the will of uod. 4. C'>li.(ri.,- h Ihoi.amcfapUntal^cafromihe CHAP. VI.
merchan-t- nht /refcrrt "•• Icif} f r fit ma, l.,frf a", their flraJUr?! i TheU , Hct fhtWtthiUduftei sfchiUrti, { f:rlutn'i, y and
I'mcariiiuUcfimtamlfarpe. K.i...w.j, i.fAf/f 4 3. He fettt'th ihc majltr,- 10 Tl.cnhefical^fih ./tlu- fierce l,a,tellik.,tt!,e

i I'jti and holy airrio'.>liMof rbefjiihtull
wbii.b<iic jr'raifiiofihtoBrly
againll ib« dilljlsie bankettofibe unfjiih'

Lord mult ting, bt ii<Di>rorfeiitleoiadveifiiiei

faiilifuS hjlrt,
tilt ptmt:
1 1 a'1,1 what ivci^'nj
It Iniht end he icmmetdelh Tjihicui.
yvet mujl -ufe in 1
: ) .

Cliildrensandfervantsductiesi^ Chap. I Chriftian armour, S7

CHiWren, * obey yom* parents
i * in the a Lotd, 1 1 Put on the whols armour of God, that ye may
I He conimnh to
be able to ftand .ngainit the ^iTiuits of the devill. Secondly iee
aoocbttpart of a 3 for this is rio;hc.
familiejand IhtW' 2 £
4 Hononr thy father and mother ( ^ which
eth that the dueiie is the fii-ft comraandemeiit with t> proinife. but agiinft * h principalities ?gainH powers .and ,
,ij,t .nemiet are
ofthe children to- againlUhe worldly go'.'ernours
i That it may be well with thee, and that thou the princes oi the , ioviiible, that we
WVird their pattnti,
may eft live lonp; ou earth. darkeneiTe of this v/orid, againft fpiricujU wicked- '"*y =<" think*
confiftnh iu obe-
dience unto thtin. « And ye fathers, provoke not your children
4 high places.
nelTe, fv/.Vrf) are in the !
that our chitfeft
« to wrath : but bring them up in inflrudion and 13 For this caufe take unto you the whole '-""^Ln'd ^^^
3 Thefirltargu- c information ofthe Lotd. atmcur of God , that yee may be able torefifiin which aieof a'
5 7 * Servants, be obedient unto them that are the evill day . and having- finillied alltbings, fuiieaadbriile
baih fo appointed
d feare ftand "»'"«• "g»;"it
veherf upon it fol- yonr mafters , 3 according to the flelh , svith faft,
lowetbairo.ihat and trembling in linglencUe of your hear:3,as unto 14 Scand therefore . and your bines girded a- J^.t' ^l^^
Bhildren are fo fat bout with verity , and having on the breltpl.-i^ of n-.ore mighty
Chrift, then
forth bound too.
* ihcotherby atbsu.
bey their parents, 6 Not with fervicetotheeycasmenpleafers,
ai they may not but as the fervants of Chrift, 9 doing the will of ir Andy our feet (liod withthel^ preparation
fwarve from the God from the heart. oftheGofpelofpeace. h Simh tWe
true v90iCiipof 16 Above all .take the fliield of Faith, where-
Cod. 7 With good will » ferving the « Lord and not , nameito the evill
men, with yee may quench all the herie darts ofthe angeU, re.ifon of
a For the Lord it the rffeae, which
authourofallfa' 8 10 And know ye that whatfoever good thing wicked.
thertood, and there. . any man doeth , that lame fliall hee receive of the 1 7 And take the helm?t of Salvation . and the ^^'^'^ Zl\'»7bh
'-"f^. ^^'"he^ *' ^^^'^"'^ °- f^^^' fwordoftheSpirit. which is the word of God. lodoetfcefameof ,

fu^ obedieL^
And ye mafters, doe the fame things uiuo 1 g And pray alwayes with all miner prayer and themftlvet but bt« ,
he will h.,v= ui. 9
them, puidng awav threatning and know that fiipplication in the 1 fpirit ?nd watch thereunto «ufeGodgiveth
3 Thefecondar-

gument .becaufe euen your mafter aUo is in heaven, neither is there with all perfeverance 8c iupplication for all Saints, '.^ H^^^j^^weth
this obedience ii
« ^'refpeft of perfon with him. 19 Andforrae.that utterance may be given un- that thefe ene.tiie*
Dioii iun.,i».
Exod.aa,i>. lo- I laFinally .mybrethreii, beftronginthe to me . that I may open my mouth boldiy to pub- are put to flight
deui. J, i«. ecclef.
. Lotd, and io the power of his might. liih the fecret of the Gofpel
taken of the
20 whereof I .im leambaffadour -
in bonds.
wit, witii uLiiabt*
marke 7,io, 4 A proofeof thefiiftargumeot. / The third argume ,
,, I , ,

commandement amongft that therein I may fpeakc i baldly, as I Ollgh: to nei of confcience.
profit that enfueih thereby becaufe the Lord vouchaled thii

fpeake. a godly and toly

the reft, of a fpeciall bltfTing. b With a fpecially promife : for otherwife the fecond _

commaademMt hatha promifeof mercyto athoufandgMetationi, but that proinife i» 21 1 1 f But that yee may alio know mine af- '''* kcowlsdgc o» •

geoeraU. Itistheduetie offatberito vfetheir fatherly autooritieinodetately, and

6 faires. aud what I doe. Tychicus >»y deare brother a^a^ot^foorr'''
toGodi glory. c Such inforaiationi and precepti, as being taken outof Godsbooke
andfaithfull minifterin thcLord .(ball fhewyou w;ththe wori' of
arc holy and acceptable to him . 7 Now he afctndeib to the third part of a familie,
of all things. God.audvrmg day-
to wit, to theduetieboth ofthe mifteri and ofthe feriant*. And
be flieweth that the

dueiieoffervanticonfifteth in anheattieloveand reverence to their mafter. • Colofl. si Whom

Ihavefent unto you for the fame ly eameif pjayee
3,»a. titui a, 9. 8 He mitigate:h thefliarpeneffe that they purpofe.thst ye might know mine afFaires,and that
fpitituall freedome taketh th5Chu"h'''a^j
are fuiiitnally free notwitbftanding the fame, add yet tbar
he might comfort your hearts.
uBfeOe thej (ttvt e.'^peciaUy, fo^he
not away cerporall fervice , infomuch that they cannot be ChriHs,

their mafteri willingly and faithful .y , fo farre forth as they may

with fate confcience. 23 Peace ^« with the brethren , and love with conftancietif ih«
With catefull reveience : forflavifti feare i«notallow»ble much lelfe in Chriftian faith from God the Father , zadftom the Lord le- ""« godly, ani
that it iiGodi will that
fervaats. 9 To cBtoffoccalion of all pretencei.heeteachethui fus Chrift. of .'h"word""*
fome are either borne or made iervaoti , and therefore they muU reft eft Gods will, h with them which love our Lord
24 Grace all Looke chapter
although theirfervicebenever fohird. e Bring inoovfd with a revercncetoGodwatd,

ankmde and cruell maJitrt, lelus Chrift .to their <^^ immorrality , Amen. j,i«.
at thouzh ye fervid God bitnfelfe. 10 Although they fetve
yet the obedience of fcrvantt is no lt& acceptable to God then the
obedience of them
J Written from Rome vnco the Ephefians, k That the prepa-

It is the duttie of malteu to ufe the authoririe that they have

that are free. 1 J andfcnt by Tychicus.
common [nl'Vll^'^.^r!'^
their fervanUmoQtil'y and holily .i'eeing that (hey in another tefpefthavea

Deut. flloei to yo«:aod ii it very fitly called theGoff ell of peace.for tbat,feeing we have logo
mailer, which iiinheaven, who williud^eboththebondandthefree. ,f.
to God through moft danjeious tanks of enemits.ihii may iocoutage ui to gpeonman,
10,7. i.chro.i^,7.!oh 34.19 afti io,34.roin.2,,,i,7.
fully, in that we know by the dc ft tioe ofthe Gofpell.that we takeout iourney to God,
f Eithe of fieedome or bondage. 10 Heecca:iudeth the otttrpan>ofthiiEpiltle
who it at peace with ut. That holy prayer* may proceed fro.Ti the holy f^irir
with a grave exhor:aiion , that all be ready, .lod fight conllamly , tiuiling to f) iritiiall

vyeapons, until! their enemiei be cleans put to flight. And lir.^of all bee waroeih 15 A familiar and very amiable declaration cf hi* ftate .together with a foienine
takeibtaimouiof God, whereby ouelyour cacny may bedifpatched. piayet. wherewith Paal iiwoontto end hii Epiftles. ni Toiifeeverisfting.
<|j ;g


CHAP. I, 3 I thanke my God, having you in perfe^S me-
Hiitfin^ttflipld ij»fo<//j and tinder affelHon trrvjrJj the
4 (Alwayes in all my prayers for all you, pray-
I'imffiAns, i{ heixireatirhofhiniJil/eanilhijtcnJt:
11 '^"iilpritk'lkil'f'n ft-rvf'trd h
!>'' "irne txamflt, ing with gladneiTe)
17 rtndixltitrtf-hihimlalir.iiy., n
and paiifme.
Becaufe of thebfellowriiip which ye have t Btcanfetbat yw
Aul I and Timotheus the fervants inthe Gc^pe!. ftomthc<=tirft daynntonow. aifo are made par-

of lESUS CHP.IST .to all the 6 And I am perrwadid of this fame thing . that takenof tbeGoQ>ei.
I The marke '"" Ik..*^.
Wherjathefooo- S.iints inCluiftlelus.which .ire at he that hath be gunne thij good worke in you.svili '
tethinttiiE-i- I-'hilippi, with the » Biibopsand perforrae ir untill the.^ day of lefus Chrift, j .^'j,^ 5pi,i,'of
f^Ie,istoconliriue Deacons 7 As ic becontmeth me fo to iudge of yousU, sod wiii not fo-.
2 Grace he with yoii, and peace becaufe I have you in remembrance , that both in f>ke yr nato tht ;;

""allmesne! poffi-
ble, notoneiy cot
i'lom God our Father , and /row my bands,
•; and in mj defence, f.nd conhrmacion of «'j>
tofaint.butalfot the Lord lelus Chrift: the all were partakers of n,y ''grace. bodL aiaTappear«
go forward. And iiward.-whioh beforetbeiiidge-
.heir frmer doing, .fo^xhcr, h
S.ftofall ,becom,r.ende,b ireatof Ctrift.tobe gloiified. e A irueprcofeof a irueknriting tcgetfcerwithCbria.
.hi: ty :h. oflheii lively
thin2hefay:b.behofe.h ful.y ttty w, lioe.acd HeulltibLisbandi,«t«cc,a4thowshhi:h»dreceivcdfomel(nguJa
^aritv.burinthtmeanrfcafonheeieferiethall ihirigitpthe g.-aseof God. .^ Ey f
dfpfafatton of iji*, word and
.' . -
.i ;„ .^. » For
1h n feopsat-m-aot both the Paitouri .which have the
theElderi that gove.oe
acdby Deicons ate meaw thoSethai weicnewiidionhe

oftte Chuish a »«.d bti to look* uute the poore,


Cbrift our game. TothePhili ppians. Contention forbidden*

8 For Goi U ni^ tecotA ] how I icng after
1 a8 And
nothing feate yonr adverfat les.
» io
9 We ought not
t H«c (Teclireth yeu all from the very heart root in lefus Chrift. whica is to them a token of perdition , and
to you to be difcourageJ,
hit g-xJ will to-
VVi'di >"*m , tbcrt-
9 } And this I pray that your love may aboond of falvation, and that of God. but raih-r iocou-'

Wtibi'.l (hevring
yet more and more io knowledge, and iDalliudge« 19 '" For unto yon it is given for Chrift that "s"' ^i ''" P"- ,
by what mnaet mcnt, notonely ye fliould'beleeve io him, bat alfo fuffcr f'''"'°°"»''"'>
tor bis At»
c "^' the
chiefly ib«y 10 That yc^ay allow thofc things which are I .•

lake. . Gofpelimagipe.anoi
tcoorirmcHto beft, that ye may be pure, and without oHence.un-
, ^ ^
30 »' Having the fame figbt.wnich yee faw in praaifeagaioo ui:
till the day of Chrift. me, and now heare r« in roe.
feeing thatthey

11 Filled with the g fruits of righteoufoe£fe, arecertaine wit-

nefleifrom God hijnfelfe, both of our ulvatton,andofthedeftruaion of the wicked.
vrhattblogwce which are by lefusChrifi unto the glotie and ptaife 10 Heproovetb that hii faying ,that peifecution i«a tookenofourfalvatioo ,becauf«
«ught chiefly de-
of God. itiia gift of God to faffer fcr Chrift which gift he bertoweih sponbiiowne .
a* ,
ofalLibat wemay li ? 4 1 would ye underftood , bretbreo , that he doth the gift of faith. 11 Mow hee toeweth for whi: purpofe hee m«d*
meatiOD of hiiafflidioai.
incrcaTe ia the the th(g5 which Ixtvg «»;« onto tne , are turned
true knovo'edge
of Gad (fo that
rather to the futtbet ing of the Gofpsl. CHAP. II.
13 So that mybandes ^ in Chrift are fasioas
«ve inay beible a Hie ex^crtclhthlmdhcl>e aUthinri, 3 ti humilitie, S Mnd
lodifcetae ihiagi thorowout all the i indgemeatball.and in allothei thxihj-.hetximplcofChrifi.
" i) He frtmifeth
that differ one placet, Tifhitheui fhtrtly UKtt them, x6 and txcuftih the long
from inothtr) and 1 4 Infomnch that many of the brethren lo the Ltrjing of EfAfhtedimi.
alfo io charity,
Lord are boldened through my bandes , and date TF « any coBfoiatfon in « Chtifl, » A tnoii earaeft
there bt therefore
that even to the
ead we may give more frankcly fpeake the k Word. * any comfottof love, if any fcllowfliipof the «qu«i*to«ni°°''»
out felvei to good t f Some preach Chrift even through cDvy and Spirit, if any bcotripaffioo and (nercie,
VTsrIci inJeed , 10 firife. and fome aifo of good will. 'Xr^V'lLTgrea,
the glory of God 2 Falfill my ioy , that ye be like minded , ha- and fpeciaiicoti.
16 The one part prcacheth Chrift of contenti- ving the c fame love , being of one accord , and of ^'°^ »nd agreement
g^i'rlgh.eo'ufneire On. and dot purely , fuppofiflg to addc more affli- "">'"o°!y b"-
' one ludgemem, '.'

betheiree.aodgood ftion tO my baods.

That nothing he dene throngh contention ien°ti'oD°ard prMe,'
wotkeithefiuitf. 3
ly But the Others oflove. knowing that I am
or vainglory , bat that in meekoeffe of mind every whereby itctuo-'
tm::Z'X yct Chrjft IS prcachsd ail roa-
mm eftceme other better then himfelfe. ni«h topaOc, that

4 Looke not every m» on his owne tbicgs.

ceived, when they 1 9 ^ Wtiat then :

fay that woiki are ncr waycs. whether »ffe« undera»>pretence,oifin- f^,^,^']','""^^'"'"*

At caufe of right*, ^gjjiy but every man alfo on the things of other men
^^ j tfaccjo joy ; ygj^ and wiU ioy.
» Let the fame mind be io you that was even a Any chriftiia

4 Hepreveoteth
19 For Iknowthat tbisftijU turne tomy falva-
in Chrift lefus. comfort.
tion thtoDgh your prayer and by the helpe of the
the offence that ,
6 Who being in the <» forme of God.« thought |;4''„'j7j"'"'«°^
might come by Spirit of lefus Chrift,
bit petfecutiun,
itno robbery to be f eqaall with God :
20 « As I fetveotly looke for , and hope , that
whereby divcrJ
in qochicj^ I (hall be aQ^amed bat that with all
J But be owde himfelfe of g no reputation, and , Hte feiteth be.
noke occalioQ ,
tooke on him the ^ forme of a feivact.and was made "« '•>««' * "><>*
todifj^race hii confidence . as alwayes , fo now Chrift (hall be *"

ike unto m'efa.iod was found in fliape as a man.

ApoftUQlif. TO magiytied io my body , whether H be by life or by
["^.^iX «a
«vbomheaDfwe> 8 He bumbled himfelfe, and became obedient f^„„ convetfa.
reth. thai God unto the death, even the death of the crcffe. tion, chrin lefm,
zI For Chrift it to me both io life and in death whom we ought
9 3 Wherefore God hathalfobighlyexalred
him. and givenhimaJ name above every name.
imprifoninciit io
fuch Aife .thit he XI 7 And whether to live in the a fleli f D^re '^J^'^^^'^^f
by :hatnieanei 10 That at the Name of lefus Ihonld * every abafedhimfelfefo
ptohtable fcr mc, mJ what to chnfe 1 know not.

become more fa- koee bow . hoth of things io heaven i a.nd things in farte for ourfakei,
raoni and the dig.
, 33 For I am difttelled betweeDCbotb.defiriog eirth and things under the earth.
although he be
nine of the Go- to be loofed , and to be with Chrift > <vhicb is beft
fpelby thiioc(:a.
11And that I every toiigue &ould coofeffe ^^''"k; ;,p„„ htm
of ail.
greatly in- that lefus Chrift»> the Lord.ooto the glory of God the forme ofafer-
iioo ii
24 Neverthcleffe, to abide in the fle(b,« more wit.out
larged, although tbe Father. .

fiot wi:hlikt af- 12 4 wherefore my beloved, as ye haveal- «<^"''»j[i°8^y''^^'
feSion iuallmeo, 2J And ibis am I fare of.that 1 fhall abide.and wayes obeyed me, not as io my prefence onely.but ','f, ",.ent'o"the""
y.tind.ei. with you all contioae.for your furtherance and ioy
b FoiChrinhii now much more in mine ablfeoce: fo m make ao end death of ibectoile,
ofjoar filth,
fake, of your with feare and trembling, d Such aiGod,
owns falvatioo
In the Emperouil
i6 That yee may mote abundantly reioyce in
13 .-For it is God which worketh in yon bath |',j™['||'j"(;'/j''f
court. I E S S • U CHRIST
foi me, by my comming
n the will and the deed, even uf his good plealure- 'thereT/nonein"!!!
k The Gofpelij toyou igrfiiic. '
called the word. J
1 « E>oe aiil thing? without "" murmuring and jart. like tocod,
to fet forth the ei
27 8 Onely let your convetO.tion bie as it be- reafooicCS. but God himfelfe.
celtrncie of it. commeth ibe Gofptil of Chrift that wbather I , e Chrift, that glo-
I Not with a pun come and fee you. or els be abfent. I may hcare of riouiao.l rvetlaDing dod.kaewtbat be miflht rightfully and lawfully not appeateiii
niiade. fo^other- the bafe ftefll of man , but ttmaine with maitfty meet for Go,f: yet be chofe rather to
yonr raaiters that ye <> continnc io one fpitit , and
wife their dofirii debafehimfclfe. f If be Soaoe beequall to the Father, then is there of ne.
io one mindc hghiiog together through the faith
, ceflity an equallity, which Arri us , that Heretikc, denieta atid iftbe
waipure. : Sgone be comp'a.
f Be fhewetb hy
of tbeGofpel. red with the Father then i« thereadiftinaion of pefooi,
, which Sabelliui, that here-
lietting footth hi tike .denieih. g Hce brought himfelfe from things ai it were, to nothing, all ,

owne exa mjle, that the f ode of our affliaioni if trJe ioyand that through the vertue b By taking ourmanhood upon biin. q Hec Uicweih the mod glorioui event
ofeheSpiiitofCbiift , which he giyeiii to them that aike it. m Vnder a goodly of Cbriftti fubnulTit.n to teach ui that mottrfti- ii the true way toirue praifeand
, ,

•olourand (hew: for they mat'.eC'" ilia cfoake for rheir ambition and envie. 6 We glorie. Dignityand renowme, and thematiirt wiihtt.
k Allcreatutea '

muflcoBiinu'eevrn toihe tnd, with grrti coiiHJfnce bavibgnotoing before our eyci ftiall at length be fobieiftioChrilt. fivirynation. Theconclufuu
4 I

butCii'ill"Rl«'rv oiitiy, whether wed Vf or die. 7 Ao example of a rue We mull goeoiito falvation with humilitfe ami fuhmiffioa by the way of our voc ,

ftiephdird » maketh moie account how he may profit hii flieepe . ihcO he doih of
tion. m fieii fayd to makeati coj of till falvatiou, which runneth io tberS'
ao^cotnmo.!ity cf hiiownewbatfotver. 1, To live inibu mortall b.dy. of righteoufnelfe. / A moll fure and ground^i argument ag.iiall pride, for tbi
8 Having ft: downethofetbioxibtforc, in tnjn.rofa Preface he« defcendnh now w»e havenothmgin ui praife worthy but it oftbe free gitt of God .and
to exhortationi, waroiDg them firlt of all ro con^mi bath in doatioe and miode.aud
, ,

without ut for we have no abilitieor powft .fo much ai to will well (much lelTeto
, i^
afietwatd that being thus V.vx. togeihtr with ttiole common banJi, they continue
doe well)butonelyof thefree inercie ofG)d. n Why then, we are not ftockf,
through the ('.ifnRthot faith <o beare alladveilim id fuch fori. ibat they sd;r.n aothiog but yet w<- doe nor will well of nituie, but onely becaufc God hathmaJeofour
«swo!^bietbeprofetn.nofthrGofptl. o Ttii: wutd figiiifieth to ftindfalt, ,
naughtywill a goodwill. 6 He defcribeih maddtieby thecooiravyefffftiof
asdit ii ptopcr to Mltelllep. ttiac Hand fat), and Ihtiukieuot a foot. pride .teaching ui that it ii firreboih from all raaiiciou., andclofeor inward hatred^
«8d a.lfo from open contcDtioniaod brasVlitfgt. 1, Pet. 49.

18 : 2 . '
: . .

All leeke their owne. Chap, iij. Righteoufnefle by faith. 88

7 To bf fhort, he I J 7 That ye may be blamelefle.and pure: and 3 3 Forwe are the circumcifion , which wor- 3 Henieweththat
Kquiretb^a life the fonnes of God without rebuke in thetniddes
^^^ (hip God in the fpirit , and reioyce in Chrift lefus, '^' °"8'>' ^°y^<^
true citcumcifion,
rure?"hat being"
ofatiaughtic and
crooked nation , among whom and have no confidence ^ in the flelb :

ligbttned with the ycfliineas-f lights in die world, 4 4 Though 1 nrig^ht alfo have confidence in ^if^oof tltX^Mt,
word ofGod, ig Holding forth the o worde of life , « that I theflelh. If any other man thinketh that he hath that cutting oef all"
"'^y reioyce in the day of Chrift , that I have not whereof he might truft in the flefli ,«iich more I. ""''^td affeais^by
t e arytoXo'f
'h^'d" eot 5
runne in vaine, neither have laboured in vaine, Circumciled the eight day. o?fhe kinred of '^
A Ma!tb.y,i4. 1 7 Yea and though 1 be offered np upon the
Ifrael.of the tribe ot Beniamin, « anEbrewof the inpuritieofiift.
o Th'.Ccffedi,_ p facrifice , and fervice of your faith , I am glad, Ebrewes.S by the Law a Pharife. « tn amard
cttUfi the rtird cf
and reioyce with you all. 6 Concerning zeale I perfecuted rhe Church; '''i"^'' '^'l'''' ?""
life, iecanfe cftht
1 For the fame caufe alfo be yee glad,ai\d re- tooching the r jghteoufqeifle which is in the Law.I "^ '" '**
ioyce with me.
•glirltelh. was unrebukeable. j Hedoubtethnot
8 Agaioe he ptic- \ 9 9 And I truft in the Lord lefus , to feiide
ketb them for-
7 But the things that were! vantage untj^bje, to prefti himfcife
i|Timotheus fliortly unto you , that I alfo may be th e fame f counted lofle for Chriftes lake. ' ''" '"'^J'os <o
ward, fetting be-
fore thein hi« tiue
of q good comfort, when I know your ftate. 8 yea,doubrleffe I thif,ke = all thin ss but loITe [hltrvrtfr
Apoftolike care 20 For I have no man like minded , who will for the excellent knowledge Take of Chiift lefus bote vtger^ of.he
that bee bad of faithfully care for your matters. my Lord.for whom have counted all things lofle, ^»w. that all men
them, comforting * For
2 f all feeke their owne , and not that and doe iudge them to be doung.thati might "^v know that h«
them moreover, "
which is lefus Chrifts. fwinne Chrift. ^
to the eode they
xz But yee know the proofe of him that as a
oT .t.™
{bouM not be Co. ,
9 And might be found in g him.^/wt w.b not ha- miade, lightly
<!e for the great- fonne with the father , bee hath ferved with roe in ving mine owne tighteoufneffe .which is of rhe efieemeaii-.hofe
nelTe ofhiiaffli-
the Golpel. Law. bar that which is through the faith of Chrift, ou'vw'd thiig'
^ions ao not al- ,

though ite Ihould 23 Him therefore I hope to fend as foone as I nen therighceoufneire which is of God through u^keZt'vng
die to make per- know how it will goe with me, faith. •
lib Chrift.
fitetheiroblation 24 And I trufi in the Lord.that 1 alfo my felfe 10 f That I may ' know him, and the vertue of ''•^y thecenfidenc* •

with hiiblood, Ihall come Ihordy.

were with a his refurrefticn.andthesfellowri-iipofhisaffliai. "''""'vvorkeicaD
at it

drinke offering. 2y Rut I fuppofed it neceffary to fende my ons,andberaadecon.formable unto his death. fr°eVuft,fic'II!on1a
P ^.,ifhefiid.J brodier Epaphtoditus unto you my companion 11 If by any meanes I might attaine unto the Cbtin by fanb°
IrMlhlJOK. I'hi- in labour , and fellow fouldier , even your roeflen- k rcfurreftion of the dead : + ».Corn,j».
liffiar,,t, ChriJ},
ger , and he that minifired unto mee fuch things as 1 Not as though I had already attained «» it, * ^\:\^ *•
my defire ii thtt
jcit prefent y cur
I wanted, either were already perfeft : but I follow, if that I
filiiei a iinelyjicri.
•v^-.... 2tf For he longed after all you , and was full of may comprehend that for whofe fake alfo I am e Hefhuttethmt
fict t, him, and then heavinelfc , becauk ye had heard that he had bene •comprehended of Chrift lefus. aU norkf.afweU
/SrfS itnotn-'ie
13 Brethren.Icount not my felfe .that I have ''"fi that^difre,
^7 '^'^'^ "° doubt hee was ficke.very neerc un- attained fort but one thing I doe
7"a 'f"'"!
'drink' , I forget that :
accmpiifl' 'A"
te to death : but God had mercy on him , and not which is behinde , and endevour my felfe unto f Th't in their
ytur ffiritua on him onely , but on me alfo , leaft I fliould have that which before, is place i might gtr
forow upon forow. 14 And follow hard toward the marke , for the ^''"fi'i^ "ft p»»r«
5 Moreover bee
coofirmeib iheir
28 I fent him therefore the more diligently, ^e of the hie calling of God in Chrift lefus.

that when yee fhould fee him againe, yee might /,/ZTcffVmi
tDicdei botb^by If
I 7 Let us thereVore as many as be "> perfeft, fr'n!i!f,"g a^
fendiiigbacke E- .
reioyce, and might be the leffe ibrowfull.
I be thus minded : and if yee be otherwile minded, 'hin^.
29 Receive him therefore in the Lord with all God fhall reveale even the lame unto you S '" C'-"/? -for
them, whoft fide-
litie toward! them,
gladnefle, and make much of fuch :
16 Nevertheleffe . w
tiM whereunto we are 'I'-'i X.'C"""'
tftihcut Chi-tfl, art
, great painej in 30 Becaufe that for the fworke of Chrift hee come ,
, ,

us proceed by one rule ,that wee may

, ,

fMai u andem-
htlping biro, bee was neere unto death, and regarded not his life,
minde one thing. natim.
iommendeib to fulfill that fervice which was lacking on your
alfo promifiueto
^ ' 1 7 Brethren , be followers of me and looke ,
'',^*'" '' f" ^ < '"•

f.ntTimo,hie part toward me. on them, which walks fo as ye have us foran en- ,
filottly uoto them, ^atnple. righte^t^Jire^ut
by whofe prefencetbey Diall receive greatcoromodiiie,andbopiBg alfo to come bi'm«
1% s^Formany walke.ofwhomlhavetolde cUathed r^irh the
felfe Ibortly unto them , if God will. 3* Aftei j6,i. q Mayhtcenfrmti
inmj icjtfminJt, » i.Cfr;«r/!. 10,14. i hemoji fart. { lie ctHithithertthi 'J
you often, and now tell you weeping, that they art 'i/hieMfmfft «/

yvnkf ofChrifi, toiiifitt Chrijl^liin^f core and in ianitei in tht ftrjia e/Faitl. the enemies of the crofl'e of Chrift :
^^^'P "«?«'£''»

f Thii theendoftigbteoiifoeQeby faith touctiog u«, that b)kthf vtrtueofhiirefur-


C H A P. III. reftion wee may fcapefrom de^th. Thar I may feele him indeed, and hatie a triai

efhim. 6 The way loihat eteraall falvjtionisto follow Chrift his fi/VL by affli=
s Helrifuttththeiiaititheaflingefihefalfeapcfites, 7 and aionjaod perfjcuiiont untill wecometo Cbtiff himftlfe,who iiour m>.rice whereat
fitteth Chriji a^ainft them. is Heefeiteiheut the force w-ftioot, and receive that reward whrreunto God caJletbuiin him. AndtbeApoftle
and nature offaith, 1/ that laying oM thiiif^i aftie , thcj fetieth thefe trueexercifes of godlipt.'Je againft thofe vaine ceremoniei of [he Law,
may 1$ partake" »fthe Croj^e cfChrij}, li the enemies wherein ihefalfeapofilei putibe furoroeofgodliDtOe. k Ttlifs i1)irl.ifiint,rfhich
tfherecf, hee ntteth tut. fiUorveththe rrfurreBicncfthe Saints. , 1 For rve runnenat, tutja fartefiorlhiat
tve arelayde holde en ffChriJI , that is, ai God ^itielh us jlrenoth, andfhentthus
,r e \^ Oreover, I my brethren, reioyce in the Lord. the fray. 7 ThecoBcIurton of ibii eihortaiion fiandiog upon three memberj ;

*^^ »It gneveth me not to write theafame things The one, that fuch ai have profited in the truetb of tbij dofttine , feouldcoDtinueia
it. Toe fecond is .that if there be any which are yet ignorant and ondeiftand not
bad bene before to you, and for you it is a fure thing, ,

ttefe tbingi.ind doubtofthe abolifhing of the Law, tbey Ihould caufe no trouble, wit, that j Beware of dogs : bewarc ofcvill w©rkers and (hould be gfDiIy boinewithall ,UDtill they alfo he infltufiedof the Lord. The
they go fo'w"'!
beware of the b concifion, third ii, ibattbiyefteeme ihefalfeapoltlei by their fruits .wherein he doubteth not
to fet foorih himfelfe for ao example. m
Hefaid he/are that he rra, not perfetl
St that in this place he caUeth' ihem perfeH, yvhichhaVefimetrhatprttJitedin the
A preface to the next admonitioa that fol'oweth to take ^od ixed and beware .

knonled^e of ChriJ}, and the Ccfpel , nhom he fiiteth aiainji the rude andignorant,
of falfeapofllei, which ioyne Circumcifionw.iib Chrift ibai i»iofay, iuftification by
Yon .

as heerptundeih himfetfe inihenexiurfe follorvin^. 8 Heepainteth''out the-

workel, with free iuSiticaiioD by faith) and btart inio irtn. head*
falfe apoftlei in their colouij, not upo'i rnalice or ambition, but with forow and learei,
which are abolilhed fortrue exercifei of goiJiinefli andch.;riMe And hee calleih

to wit, becaufe that being enemies of the Cofpel (for that is ioyned with affliftion)
them doggeiaiprepbaoe barkers, andevillworkem<o . becaafc <hey crglefltd -rue
hecallnh hem C^nci- they regard nothing els, but the commodities oftbis life, that is to fay , that flowing:
workei, and did not teach tte true vfe of them. To be (hot ,

tbeycut off ^hticfelvts and oihert from the itifeace, quietnelfe, and all worldly pleafurti-, they may live in great eftimatioo
ftoD , be caufe it vrgiog Citcumcifion

Church a Which ymhaye efteniimei l><e. b Hit aUuJuh t« BoioDjft meo whofe ciifciable end he fortwaictib them of.
: # Rom, 16,17.
Cirotrndfitm, tfthi ntmt Vl^irtofwhilu they toafied, Ihej aU afttnitt tht Qbttrshi J 9 Whofe

Ofbelliegods, To the Colodians. Chrififtrengthenctbus,

n R»w«tdf. ip Whofe enJe h Jaraiiation , whole Goil«> ver things are luft whatfoever things are pare, ,

o whichthty hum j,^,Y {j^,;;^ ^ and T/*/;<)p o .Aoty M CO their (harae, whatioevcr thing? are vorthy love , whatfoever
thing? <trff ot good report if there be sny vCicue,
ajjioT. :bt£e CtU zo
which mindc
jBuc our coiivcilation is in heaven , from
earthly things.
or if there be any praife , thinkeon thefe things.

lowM. itj? yiftors vvhtrnce alio we locke for AiQ ^ Saviour , even the 9 Which yee have both learned .ind received,
,^bichr«l^a and heard, and leeneinme thofe things doe, and
Lord lefus Cbift. :

Soh«.Vn 21 Wh(«^n3ll change our vile body, that u the God of peace fl-iall be with you. 8 He witneff.ih

oaeiy.wvh-rethey may be fiihiotied like unto his glorious body, 10 sNowelreioyce alio in the Lord greatly, that their libm-
kaow that »vcn according to the working, whereby he is able even thatnowat the laft your care for me fpringeth a- ui'',^i!" '"""!!*'

in ,h«r b^i.ti they things unto himfclfe.

r n 1 '•ir,,. • bletobim wher£<
trelh , wherem notwuhdanding ye were carefuil, with they did
'^/-T. ,

fyi^jue all
bin ye lacked opporcunitie.
withAatmrcall ihe venue
CHAP. 1 1 1 1.
htipehiin in hi*
I fpeake not becaufe of k want : for I have '="'""•' povettie,
^ p„„pirii,ulaT txhortation:, f hctccmmithlefeaeraH.
«'0od- rf-j Hit filth that hie tookf fuch toy in lUirriiuliii-fert learned in whatfoever ftate I am : therewith to be
^ iCat.t.j, nirali:ie. it that hi niU patitnth htartthe ivii'. content. thathemirh^tdl',
12 And I can be abfed , and I can abound: cUrehimftlfe
A rehejtf»il of
.VcotKiuii'oo :
T Herefore , i my brethren , beloved and longed
"^ ioy and my » crowne lo continue
, in

every where in all things I am tn inftrudled , both voydofalifufpj.

to be full, and to be hungry,
ThJtthey man- tJje b Lord , ye beloved. . ° ' and to abound . and to ""f °1 ^'^^^f'^' and that he bath «
fully comiDue. vn. ^ ^ j have want.
Euodias.and befeech Syntiche, that ^ ^ ^ _,,,,. ^ ,

they be ofone accord in the Lord. 13 I am able to

doe all things through the helpe both with yrofr*.
J^l'h'''v.c"rT" of Chrift, whichOrengthenethrae. ritie and advevfi-
Bjf:ia|tothe 5 Yca, and I bcfcech thcc , faithfuU voakcfel-
1 4 Notwithftanding ye have well done.that ye
tord» itrengta. Jqw . helpe thofe vvonten, which laboured with me [L'a"t*h''e'*re°p^re!h''*

^''^'^^ Clement alfo did communicate to mine affliftion. himfelfe iVthe

'-" ^^^ ^°'P^' . and with other
h TlltZ'^rA *
I y 9 And ye Philippiaos know alfo that in the oaely will of Go<f.
vihereofthXoTd ii
"ly fellowe labourers , whofe names < in the
Jcbookeoflife. "beginning ofthe Gotpel , when I departed from * A» though ipaf.
» »t alfo caiieth 4 3 Reioy ce in the d Lord alway , a<>3ine I fay, Macedonia . no Church communicated with mee.
concerning the matter of giving and leceiving.but w "d ! lldjn
"" "i°ycs- rail
''r bt" ufe"*' yeonely. faefpeakeibbucof
fb^ n^'tTr'i. f 4 Let your e patient minde be knowen unto
all men. s The Lord is at hand.
1 6 For even when I was in Theflalonica , ye ""* ^"'^' of croiTe.
and partly iifo (o $ 6 Be nothing carcfuU but in all things let feEt once and afterward againe for my neceffitie.
, f^^'ri'^j;';!,';
it> Not that I dehre a gift but 1 ddire the
your tequefts be diewed unto God in prayer and 17
be more prompt i- ,.^. .,^.. -, ,
r/ frtfit which may further your reckoning.
rettie bringeth
andready. lUppUCatlon Wlthf glvmg of thaUKS.
5- Revela.f. aod 7 And the g peace of God which paflethall i8 Now I have received all,
and have plentie; '"°'^'''« with it,
jo,8. acd 11.17 underftanding , (ball preferve your h heartesand

I was even filled . after that I had received of Epa-
... L u- 1. r .. i'
1 '.'
phore taken from

«= '*°'*" phroditus that waich came trom you , an o oduiu-

^'i.^„'„^'" mindesin Chriftlefiis.
that fmelleth fwcece, a facrihce acceptable and ficei, for our life ii
|S*h"vT»booke?' ^ 7 Furthermore, brethren, whatfoever things
pleafant to God. likeafac.iSce.
wheieia theaainet are truc , whatfoevcr things are honeft, whacfoe- '

AndmvGodfliall fulfill all your ^ «« ^*"'^«"«''

ofhiielt&are .

T f- r~\
"-""*»- ^
that he remembretfc
Mticien to vr'namte will give everlaftiDg life. Eiechie! calleth itthe writing of the
, through his ncnes glory in lelus Chtift, aif» their former
boufeoflftael.andthefecmofthf Lord, Ch.ip.i3,9. 3 Heiddeih particelat Vnto God even our Farther ><r praife for
2© benefit., and again*
•xhortaiioni: and rhefiili ii.that tbeioyof the Philippiani be not hindered by any puitetbawayfmi.
evermore, Amen.
ffliAioni that the wicked imagine and agjinltthem. d .So ii tbe ioy ofthe
the Saints in ChriflI«fus.Thebre- «""» f"''F;'7 "f

«rurld delliDguiUlech from our iuy 4 TbeTecood 11, uot taking allibingiin good
ai Salute all
immoderate ae- -
, I
I • I

pan, tbey behave tbemfelvei moderately wiih all men e Youv q uiet and fetled thren, which are with me, greete you. ftre, in that that hec
»rinde. J The tikingaway ofaHobieftion .Weemuanot be der<^aieted through 22 All the Saints falute you, andmoflofail received nought
impatience, feeing chaiGod iiat bsnd togiveuiremedie in time agaiolt allourmifeiiti.
they which are of p Cefars houihold. ^f^°i «'^«-
< Tbe third i», that wee be not too catefullfor any thing, but with fute confidence
giveGfdthankn ,and crave of tini vvbitfoever wee have neerft of, that with a quiet z3^ The grace
" of our Lord lefus Chrift 6«with ".*''"'«'>««<''-
., . oiog when I prea-
coofcience wee may wholly and with all cur beartesfubiiit our ftWti to him. f So you all. Amen. ched the Gofj el
_ _
Davidbeginne very oft with teatei .but enJed with thsnkefgiving. g That Rome,
great quieiatlfe of mi ode. which Godooely giveth in Cb lift. h Hedivideth the
^ Written to the Philippians from
amongn you.
f«JK//e« lo Hewimefletll
by EpaphroditUS,
isinde into ibe bean , ibat ii . into tbjt part iwbicb of the will and alfe<
i the feat '
agaiue, that bee
diona. atJd ioioihebigher |ait , whereby we uodcrllandand reafcn of matters. alloweth well of their ber«fit,notfo much forhiiovsnefakpaifor thein. becaufe they
7 A gencrill conclufion , thai ai they have bone taught both in word and example, gave it net fomuch to faiin , s»tbey oflered it to God a«a facrilioe, whereof the Lord
fotKty frame ihtit live* to the rule of all holtGelTe and righieoufnen'e. i What- himfelfe will not be forgeifull. o HealludecH totbe fweetfmellingfavoutlthit
(oevettiiiig'atefuchai dobcaunfie acd fet you ou: with «hoIj gravitie. wereoffeicd intheeldetaw. p Such ai belong to tbe EmperourNtro. ! '



CHAP. I. 3 « Wee give thanks to Godeven the r Father i He coi

^fitr the f'Uutitn, 4
lhimitin.i,u unit, him.
*« frxifclh them thi mm , to niikt of our Lord lefus Chrift , alwav praying for you tbe tioft'ine that :

7 He reptrtclhtht tcili-
'"">"ttiheJii}rinervhiihlhtyheJrdcfEpsphrts. ij He 4 Since we heard ofyour faith in Chrift lefus, '»"'*''')'""»">'«>
mamjUih Ocdi^rAce lcv>ardi th(m, lo inifhttstth ihtt and oiyour love toward nil Saints. .hlure^dml'irrin
'li'h^ p.t'<< d hopes lake , which is laved up for receiving it.
.fcurfilvatiincofifininChriJl cUne. f For the
• tt; tbe iieeboua- Aul an Apottleof lefus Chrift ,by you in heaven, whereof yc have hcard'before by = "'""nnot
tifulnelfeof God. otbejwife conMet
ihe will of God , and Timotheus
1 the word of tnicth. wlifch i, the GofbeJ,
h Colon'eiifituitrd • ___, . , ^ - of God to our laU

6 Which is come unto you even as tt u unto all va.ion hut a, h«

. .

oKr brother,
to Uhrygia no! far ,

from Hieravohi .-Jud

Lj«licea,on that
1 Tochcm which areofbCo- the world. &
is fruitfula<. « at alio among yon from cbrii>;j F.-.ther ioj ,

and faithtull brethren

lofle , S lints thedayyyeheardSc truly knew the grace of God. wbomwearead. \
fide thatthry btri I
in Chrill Grace ^s with you , and
inw'td I yciaand
7 As yee alfo learned of Epaphrasour diurc aFor'theeiorvthw'
Faffli-tylia. pe.Ke fioni God our Father , and from the Lord fellow feivant, which is lorycuafaithfullrainifteri.topedfci.
lefiJs Chtift. of Chtift:
8 aWho

All things created by Chiift, Chap, II. The reft of Chriftes affli^ions. Sp
8 » who hrflhalfo declared unto us your love evill workes, hath 'be now alio reconciled, ^ ^^^ (-^^^
a H< JKlarcsh in thee Spirir. 22 In that body of his pflclh through de.ith, p in that iefiily
bit good will to- make you holy a.od vnblameable , and without
9 F^r this caufe wee alfo.fince the day that we to body to give ui to
vvardtthem, teU viderftandthatbi,
heatd tfh , cea(e not to pray for you and to defire hultinhisfighr. ,
iJDg cbcm thai ,

they muftootftiJl that ^e might be fulhlled with knowledge off his _ 2i -

will in ail wifedonae, and fpiiituall vndeiftanding. in the faith, and be not moved away ,i}bm the hope a true bo.^y.
*ay but goon fui ofthe Gofpel, whereof yee have heard, .ind which ti Thisfccontl
That yee might walkc Worthy of the Lord,


kuov^fkdj* oUbt & pieafe him in allthings.being fruitfuil in al good hath bene preached to q every creature .which is
vnderheaven.t* whereof I Paulamarainifter.
''""^f h'"t"-n(.
^ wotkes,and increafmg in the knowledge of God, ^n«°ir,heexhor'
iD-ikeiiueuIe ef it, 11 3 Strengthened with all might through his 24 Now reioycel inmyfufterings 'foryou.and .eth tbeColoffi-
• Tcur ffi'im-ii the f reft of the affiidHonsof Chrift inmy am not to fuffer jour hut
glorious power , unto all patience , and long fufie- fulftll
ringwith g ioyfulnelle, flefc.for his bodies uke. which is the Church:^
. ,.,, r .
2y 'J Whereof Tama minifter,accotdii;| to v^ifromthiado.

-n 1- # meaoei to be mpa-
frcmthtifirit. 12 4 Giving thankes unto the; Father, which
hath made us raeete to be partakers ef the inhe- the difpenlation of God which ts giv£n raee unto arine. {hewing

3'TlMgifKrfcoB- anddecUriog tbH

ritance of the Saints in light. l» yonward. to fulft' the word of God. I

tibcaiK* it Boi of
ut.bat it procce. 13 Who hath delivered us from the power of 26 4 WUch is themyftery hid fi nee the world ^^"'^j*":no wheie
deihfjomthevtr- darkenelTe and haih tranflated us into the king-
began, and from ail ages, but nowc is made manifeft ^q\T.\'
tueef God, mbicil dome 4. of his deare Sonne, to his t Saints, ^ /^'aSmen:
hedoe'h freely To whome God woulde make knowen wh,-rehveie<tr»4
givsm 14 « in whom we have redemption through his 27 »

the forgiveneffe of finnes. what is the riches ol his glorious myfteryamung

g It muRnotbe blood, that it, ''"',V^' ^"^''JJ^^
»nwi!ling. and ai
ly 7 Who is the $ image ofthcinvifible God, the Gentilcs.whieh rt'chei is Chrift in you.the hope The cor'nus^f
it were drawto of glory. Jud'ithnt.
; begotten of every cteature,
j^e firft

16 « FBr by him wereall things created which 28 Whom

wee preach admoni{l^ing every
»* ,
n Hepurchafe4
pr*o«.d ["u'a »u!t'o'i""o'hi.
merie'and io^foU are in hcaven.and which are in earth, things viliWe mnn.and teaching every man in » allwifcdome,
1 '^ >
en- r^L. -ft
tnat wee may prelent eveiy manpertcttm Chnit
d&arineby bif A-
miiKie. and invifible ; whether r/iiry be ^ Thrnnes.or Dorai- j.,,jijfl,jp3„dt4.
« HaT.agendea nions or Principalities, or Powexs.ail things were
lefus- kcrhamoftfute
createabyhim.andforhim 19 Whereunro I alfo labour and ftrive.according proof? thereof,
i,f,l(t,£hatir«» 17 And he is before ail things , and in nira all to his working which workcth in me mightily. ^hicb'fe'nlfferetli an txcelltnt (hingS COnfift. fo.-Chrift«hii
«!efcription(aU 18" « And hee is the head of the body of the Kamf.toindruS theChurcheiwiih thefeexamplei ofpatleoce, r ForyODrpio&e
though It be but andcoRimoditie f The affliaioni of the Church are fayde 10 b Cbrirteia fliftiom,
ftptt) of whole Church hee is the beginning . * and the hrtt be-

by Veafon of that fellowlhip and knitting together tha- the body and the he ^d have the
Chilli*"'"*' gotten of the dead, that in all things he might have one wiih the other, not that there is any more iieede tohav tbeCnurrtii redrettictb ivt
wbicbi, fitly di- that Cbtift (llrweth bis power in thedayly jveakenefleof hii,anil tbatrbr thecomfortof
the preerr.inence. • . •

vitted intotiree
19 * For it pleafed the Father ,ihiX in hinri the whole b->dy. 13 He bringeib aoo.her pioufe ol bis Ait.tbatGod ii
iwatifei : fui firft
tbeau hour ot it by whom alfo bee was appoiotid jeculiatly Apoltleof the Gonlei,
«fall heMpoun. lliould ui all fulncfle dwell.
to the end that by this meanei tbaM.ime might be fulHIIrd by him which the Pro.,
And through peace made by that blood
, ,

deih the true do- 10 9 pbets foretold of fbecallin^ ofibe Geatiles. {. Kom. 16,2; epne. 3-4. z.ttm.i.iQ,
Arice.according of to reconcile to himlelfe through
that his croffe . tit.1,1 i.fet.i,io. Whom
betholc to fandifieuBtohimfelfc in Chrift moreover
t :

him , through him , I fay ,a all things, both which
he faith that themyliery of ourredeitip; uo vi,at hidden fioce the world began, except it
castf**' were tevealei un.oa fewe.whoalfo wtretaugh' it extraordinarily. u Thm Patil
from tbifvtileto *re in earth, and which are in heaven.
bridcletb the curiolitie of men 14 He pr Jtri'eh tbat he dotth faithfully execute hi«
And 21 10 Andyou whii-h tvere intimes paflftran-
Apodlelhip in every place bringing mer unto Corillon»ly .through rheLordi plenti-
iheocebebegio- gets and enemies, becauieroMrttiindes vverefet m full b.ilTiigsof bitlabours.'*

x Perfea and fouud wifedome.which itpeifed io it

Beib to apply the » felfe.aDdftiallinihe end maketbem petfeS tbat follow it.

fianr with divers exhortatioBi to the 6

vetfe ofthe fecord Chapter And laft ofa II in
the corrupion of iruedoariue. 4 He ccnJcmneih , at )/<n'n« , vhatfieher is iviihcat ChritI,
the third place even ro theihird Cbjpter.beerefuteth
.wnu ma. II intreatin^fpeciallj'ofcirctdnicifion, 16 ffihfininet i ThersJling awaf
c TbtefficientcaHfc ofour falvation ittbeonely meitie otGod the Father
theda.kentflewbeteiQ from mens, 1% ^indof-trtrfii^pfinvcf^.ngeU. 10 rA«» of ao obedieAioniiJ
keih u. meat, to beHatakenofetetDalllite.deliverinfu, from
of hn vee are Jelivertdfrcpt the irjdiiiahs cfihe l.ftv ihrm-ft'C hri/i ^ that that be vifitej
wee were borne ana ui to the iight uf the koowledgr ot tbegluty
Softne b IntratgloiioiHanti heavenly

kingdome. K Maith 3, 17. and i7,y. p Or

I • would yee knewe what gi eat fighting 1 nottheColoffi-
I Pet 1. 17 6 Tne matter it fe.fe ofour falva ion, i« Chiift the Sonne of have for your ukes .and for them of Laodicea,
^ dicean»,Bedid tt
kathobteinedremiaion of fionei for the offering up of aimfelfe. 7 Alivelj , r^ r r ,

himonely .God
and tor as many asbave notleenemyaperlonin notofaoyaegii-
dtlcriptionof chc ptrlon of CBnir, whereby wee voderftaod rbat in
wat theflelh. geoce.butitf*.
aewttfa himfelfe loe bifecoe who «a, bef orten ofthe Fa. her before any thiog

made ,
from «veila(iing by whome
that it , , alfo all tb.ogi ibat ate made , were made a 2 That might be comforted, much the mere
b their hearts

wit-out any exception by whom alfo they doecoufill .and wnole glory
abey frrve. .
and they knit together in love and in all riches of <:2«f""*'o' the«. ,

* Hebr 1,3 i Begotten befoitaoy tkmg waimade .-aodihetefore the everlalting the c full alfuranceof vnderftanding.toknowthCbojy"''
Sonne ofthe everUftiog Father "^ iohn 1.3. k He fetteth foottb the AogrcUwiib
the comparifonof mottexceJleDtfpintiwemay vodetitand how myftery of God, even the Father, and of Chrift : a Hecondudeti
•loriouf ttamei.that by
farre pafTing the excellens.eof Cbtift ii in wnom onel) we haretocoBtemour ftlvei. 3 J n whom are hidallthe treafuresof <* wife- flionlythefumtme
of the »f '*« f''""^"!^-
aad let goe all Angelt. 5 Having gloiiouny declared the excellent dignitie dome and knowledge.
hee ii that fame to
perron of Chrilt, bedefcribeih bit office and funSion, to wit, tbat 4 3 Andthisllay.leaftanymanflioitldbegiule *''"^i*^';',,„"
and govetooar of it,
the Church that the head iito the body, that ii to fay, the prittce

e words
and the very beginning of true who tifingfitft from death, it theAutbour of eter- you with entifing : „f nue wifsdonie
nail life , fo that heii above all, in whom onely ihtte iimoft
pleotifullaboandance of
y $ For thotjgh I be abfent in the flefh yet am and moft fecrete ,

atlgoodtfainp.wbichitpovvrcdoutupootheChurch. K /{eieljta.S.t

I with you in ^ fpirit.reioycing 8c beholding your
roit a'-tiwt th^i htp>all<^i/ nc in>re,^nd rv'nc raife:h other frtm death lo life hj
I Xfkifi forder.and your gftedfaa faith in Chrift. Cb>i'.ro^lyldt°«
kh * Ichi 1 .14 <h.iy. 1. 9-
fitter. Mof< f l^ntiM thoy.ndMce ofak iHnp ferteining, m
ft Now heteacbeth how Chrift executed tbat office which bis Father loyned
6 As ye have therefore Ireceived Chriftlefiis ,hi«i»iheufeofit
bitit to wit, byfuftering the death ofthe croffe (which was ioynedwith
ihecurfeof the Lord.yj) walke in him. touching inen.that

God ) according to bi> decree, that by thiifacrifice he might reconcile to hit Fatber all 7 Rooted and built in hi.-n .and ftablifliedin t>"yi>'i''gkoitto.
' getherio love, reft
-'jii at well them which helceveJ in him to cume , anti were already vndertbii
tbemfelvet happily iu the knowWgeoffo great a goodneCPe. votillthey come fully to
"^jtbertd into beaven. aithem whicb ftiouMiipon theeaith beleeve in him afterward.
„»indtbui i, iu-'itia-.ion defcribed ofthe Aioll'e, which is oneand ibechiefcfl part of enioy it. bWbom heneverfaw. c Ofihat VDdeT:laaJing,wbich bringeth foortb cer*
fttbenefiieofCbrili. „ T!7e rvhcle Clmrth. 10 Sanftificatioo 11 anoiber taine & vndoubted pet fwafioo in our mindei.ii Thtrt is n» rue rriflcme rvi'heUtChri/l. f

3 A palling over to tbetreatife following, againft

the catrupiionsof Chriftianitie.
, workeofGod in utby Cbtift, in that ibat herettored us(wbich bated God extremely,
ar.d were wholly and willingly given to finhe)lo hi. graioaf favour, in fuch fort. that c Wi'h afnmed kindeoftilkf midt to ^irfrvitde . J iCi^-.Sti.fThemnnerofjourEf

bee theiewithsllf uiifceth es with hi» fco'y Spirit.aod cgnfccrateth ui to rigkuoofneUe. (ttfiuJIicAlt 4ifiiptvic. Dottrine. h Sothtn Ctryjihingeth mtufmrncnt tradivint,
M m n» the

Chriftcs divinide To the Coloflians. Againft traditions,

4 Hcbiingeth lU the faiih , as ye have beac taught.aboUBding there- 18 xLetnomanathispleafurebeareruieover i« Tie ^ifpBteth
'g''"" 't«''''>
corrupiions to
in with thankcfgiving : you by a humblenefle of minde, and worshipping ,

ibrtr kiodti:
g 4 Beware k-jft there bi» any man that • fpoile of Angels, «7 advancing himfelfe in rhofe things oti!,andfe°""^"'
Tbc Srrt iithit,
v»hic6 rtltfth of you through philofophieiSc; vaine deceit. nhrongh which hee never (aw, 'S^ralhly puft up withhir ji d o\\ ne the wor-
k fleO h minde, / flliH.ngofAn-
vine anHcurioiil the traditions of men , « according to the rudi-
f)vculaiioni. and g'I'f'r an exam-
ments of th^orld, 7 and not after Chrill, 19 19 And holdeth not the c head , whereof a1(11

yci beaieih a fllrw nde

9 8 For in him "< dweiicth " all the fulneffe
1 the body furnilhed and knit toj'Cther by ioynts affii alf/. (el'gion he
of acmiincfubciil
m\it fomt. of the Godhead o bodily bands, incteafeth with the increaiingoiJ God. ' cout'uteb, fi-ft, tbii

i Thii ii di rrcrd of o And yee are compleete in him.which is the 20 lovvhereforeif ye fce dead with Chrid frdm way . bircauie that

Vrrr.Mldit iml headof ail princip..ii:ie and power. the ordinances of the world , why e as though ye ,
'^^'J '^kl'^^i't-^
II 9 In whom alio yt;<-- are.circumcifed with lived in the world,are ye burdened with traditions? l^rbutt thatvij^*
tr CUT} drtdj 1
4.^ircumcifion made without handes by putting , 21 JI ^j. Touch nor, Tafte not, HanJle nor. totbe.i.felvei

Tb. I'cond oflriie V linfiiii body of the flefli , through the cir- 21 »a Which all nerilh with the uling, ^3 and which it proper
wbicb i> nunifeft-
cumcifion of Chiift, are after the commandements 8c dodtrines of men.
lyfuFfrfmioia «o In that yee are § q buried withr him
^7t Vm? '^'e'"

acd vain. ><rd Dao- 12 23 14 Which things have in cieede a (liewe of binde'me °t wn."
deih f nrly 'ipun through baptifme, u in whom yee are alio raifed f wiledome, in g voluntarie religion and humble- fdencetwith re-
nelVe ofininde.andin b not fparinj^the body.wMch H^'^o .ihbough
cun.init and tai- up tog-rher through the fauh of the operation of
ntd nfj irationj. f God, which raifed him from the dead. are things of no value ,Jtehtheyp«rtesne to the fil- '
« TbetiM'rd kirHe 'J'_" '^^™t|fe
^^hicb 13 * II And you which were dead in finnes, lingoftheflefll. thingtby humble.
«vai ol'tb 'D

ioyned tbe ludt- J andin the vncircumciiion of youi fl.lh

huh he , nelTe ofniiode.
mcDti of ibe qiiickeiied together with him , forgiving you ail a Bjiif'otiPihitmllem''ei>fm^«Je:forethenpi/ihuml,lenefeiiK litnue. Ferthe/i
world. tbat iito >Anvel$-nerfhit>fitr! bUmed futh nfpridcai vcxlJ co (frti^ht 'o , .tnd -ufttu other Cd
yo;»r tvcfp^ffes,

fay , the ctrcmonU mndtr me^nn litfiJfs ChriH. 17 Secondly , becaufe they raQjIy thruft upon ibem
oftbf Law^ with 14 M And putting out to <!': hand- writing of
for oraclei.rbofetbingi which tbey neithet faw nor heard, badevifed of the.ti ftlveJ.

tbeGnfffl. which was contra-

ordin -nces that was againft us , l8 Thirdly becaufe ibefe things have no other grounde .whereupon they are built,

but onely tbe opinion of men which pleafe tbemfelvet without all tneafure in their
k Pr.ncplM and rie to us.hee even tooke itoutof the way ,and ,

lulfrj.whcrtwiih owneduetiei. h Wvhr»< rtafjn. 19 Tbefoorth aigumjot which ii of great

fdltened it upon the erode, .

Ood ruled bit waight becaufe they ffoyle Cbrift of bit dignitie who onely ii fafticient both to Dou.
Chu'i-h am wtrc I yhath fpoylcd the" Principalities ,and
And lilh^andalfotoincreafe hit whole body. c Chnft. d With -he mcrejCKi/ which
voina fchole- Powers .and hath x made a Iheweofthem open- cunmerh frrm ::od. ao Now laftof all hee fighteth againfttbe fecond kinds ofcor-
meeve fuperiiitioaj, invented of men, which partly de-
lv..-nd hath triumphed over them in they fame
tnattcr. ruptioni, tbat it to fay, againft

7 A gfoeiallcon- ceive tbe limplicitie of fome with their cfiiftiDeDe and partly wi:h very fooliOi fuper«

futatiea nfall cor- croffe. ftitioai, and be laughed at at when godlineftV reniidion of linnet .or any fuch like
luptioni iiLet no man therefore condemne you
thii, \6 • f m vertueii put in
fome certaine kind

ofitieate and fuch iikethiogi, wbi'h thelnventouri

tiiatthat mult meate and drinke , or in refpeit of an holy day , or offuch ritet themfelvet vndetftand not. becaufe in deede it iint^f. Andbeevfeth an at4
nKdr.beafalfe gument taken ofcomparifon. If by the death of Cbrift who eltaliliOietb a aew cove,
of the newmoone, oroftheSabbjth d*yet,
leligion whichad- oant with hisblood , you be delivered from thofe externall ritei wherewith it pleafed
7 which are but a ihadow of things to come :

deihanyibiog.. the Lord to prepare the wjrld. at it were by certaine tudimenti to thai full knowledge
Cbrift. but the body ism Chrift. of true religion , why would yee be burdened with traditions ,1 wrote not woat,a»
8 Artafoo B-caufe : thoush yee were citizen of thit world , tbat itto fay at tbeugb yee depended upon

ii moftptrfeft, and palTttb farre above all thinsJ,

fo that
onely Cbrift G i<l and man. tbiilife.andeatihly thingoNiwihii it : becaufe why before vetfe 8. be followed an*
»9bofoevrrhatbhim,maytequit«noihingmore. 1 By thefe ndi.ii (hewftii a dt- w other order then he doeih io theconfutation : becaufe be Cheweth thereby what de.
fliLaioQ of tec nature!. mTbiiwor'dj Dwelleth) noteih out unto vi the ioy^ing grteifalfereligioot came into the World, to wit, beginnio? firft by curiout fpeculatioM
together of th' aoi Man iioneCbrilt. a Thtfe wordi fet of the wife after which in procelfe of timefuccceded gr-flefuperliitiou, againft which
downemolt ptrfrA Oodnead to be in Chrift. o The koiitinstogether ofGjd and mifchiefei the Lord fet at length that fervice of thf Law which fome abufed in like ,

inao,i»fubltintiallaodtircn;iall. 9 N»we heedealeth perfeftly againft the tbird fort ; butio the confu atinn he began with tbe abolilhing of the Law fervice, that hee
kiade. that ii to fay. againitthein which vrge:h the Iiwi!h religion: lod firft ofall.bee might lllew by comparifon tbat thofe falfefervicei ought much more
, to be lakes
deoiaibtbat weebavf needeof rhc Circuin--irion oftbefltlh.feeing that wi;hou: it wee away. e w4< 'ho'.irh jenr ftlid ie flitod ii rhefe eunhlj things, and ihr t^inr-dome of
•recirtumcifedwitnio.bythe vettueofChtiil. r. Rim.i.ig p Thefemjny Ccdtvere not rJ'irr /pji-r'.tjj. 11 An imitation in the perfoo oft hefe fupetftitiotn
tvirdt, art -vfed t. /hirvt what rde Mt: mjn is , mhrm PmI in „,l,er piuei called, the men, tightly expreffiog their nature and ufeoffpeech. at Another argument: The
ttjifffftntt. 10 Tbetakinjaway ofanobieftioB wteneedenot fo much ai : rhe fpirituall and inward kingdomeof God cannotconliftinthefe outward thinii , and
txwrnall figne which our fatheti had. feeing that our baptifineian moft effeftuall pledge fuchstperilh with the ufing. 13 The third arcumeot Becaufe Gad it not the :

«nd witneQe, of ibai inward reilono^ and renulng. A.l>n^.6,^. efhcf. 1,19. ^ autbour nf thefe tradiiioniiod therefore they doenotbinde the confcience. 24 The
y !....<!« /'^o'n. 6,4. r Sothen alltheforceof tbe matiercoaimethnoi from 'he taking away ofanobiefti in Thefethingi hsvea go j.lly (hew becaufe men by thil ,

very deedt done tbatii to fay it it not the dipping of ui in o the water by a Miniller
. ,
meanet. feeme to worftlip God with a good mind- and humble themfelvet, and negleft
that maketh ut lo be buried with Cbrift , at Papillifiy that evsn for the very aftet .
the body .which 'he inoli part of meo curioufty pamper vp and cherilh but yet not- :

fak» wee became vereiy Chrittiant .bur it commetb from tbe vertue of Chrift. for the
. witbftaoding tbethingi themfelvet are of m
value, for fo much at they perceive not to
Afoftle addeih the r^futreftiun of Chrift and faith. 11 Oneeud of Btptifineii thiiagi tbat,are fpirituall and everlafting. but to tbenouriftimeutof the flrfli. f Wbich
toe death and ;iurial of the old man and that by the mighiie power of God oaely,
I ,
feeme in deede to be fome etquilit thing an) fo wife devicei a t though tbey came from
Whofe venue wee lay hold on by faith ,in the deatk and tefuittaion ofChtilt. heaven g H-n^- fprang the workt of fuperetogaii m, at he Papilli terme them ,
f Tiroughfai'h whiLhccmmethfrojnGud. *£phffa,i. 11 Ao otber end of thatit to fay. needeUflV workei, atthough mm
performed m>re thro itcommanded
Bap'ifmt II , that we
w>ich were dead in finne miqhiolitrine free remilTiju offune; ,
them .which wai the beginning and tbe vry ground whereoo Monki merit! were
ande etnall'ifeihr.'iigh faiibiu Crill /./ho dyed for ut ij A itwarguinent which brought in. b A lively defcripiion if.Monkeiie. i Seeia j they llajid ia inetf
lyrtb in ihefefew wordi.and it itthiii; Vncircum.ifi.<n wai uo biodcrance to you,why end drinke, wherein the kingdome of God dueth not Oant}.
you being iuftified io Chill.niould not ubteioe life.ibereforeyou netde uot circumcili-
on to theaiuintmmi of falvaiion. 14 He fpeaketh now more generally again ft the
I ^eain/l earthly exercifet.vUch apoftUt -ur^eJ, 1 ht
IKhole fervice of the Law and flifweth by two reafooi that it it aboliftl'd F.r* to
. : ,

feitah heairen ly f and heinneih nith ihl moriijjin^ of the


what puipofelVlould heethai bi:h obteineti remiftionof all hit flnnei in Cntilt require
flcrh, i rvhence hedraw'I^TfariiiUUrexhtrutioni, li •ltd
tholrbelpeioftbe Law? Secondly becaufe that ifainandoe rightly conlr.ler (bale ritet.
particular duetits whi<U depend onech martt ca'!rnf.
her (hall (in.letha' tr.ry were f J .naoy tellimjniei ofnur g liltiitUe.whereby we maai-
feftly witntlT'd ai it were by our owne hnd writing tha- wee deferved dainnatioa. •'^'=" ^ bee. rifen with Chrift', (eeke . ^, oA„p„,„f
Therefore di C Ti't pu- out tha- hind wri in; by hit c .mming.and faftenu.g ii to the
A \ V^^?
thole things which are above ,
where Chnit tbitE?iftie,wher.
erolfe tri.iinp. ed iver all our eoemi-i. werp ney never fo niig.'iiie. Therefore m w^at in he take'b occa-
•.id aod parp fe ihould we n-^w ufe ihofr tough we were ftill guiltie of fion by the teafon oftbofe vaine (hew the ductieef a Ctiriftian life: which
fiooe.anj fuoieft to thetyranoie of ..ur enemiet. •!• Enhefi,!;. t Aboliftiing the it an ordinary thing with hint after he ha, bonce fet downe the doctrine it felfe.
lilei.iud ceteni iiiifi. u Satan .11 bii angrit x At a conquerour m.idc by a fli-w
1 a Our tenuing oi oewe birth, which ii wrought in ut by being partakert of the tfi<t-
cfiboftcapiivet, and put them to (hatoe. y Th' ciofle watai a chariot of triumph. u&ion of Cirift if tbe fountaineofall holinelfe, out of which fandry armet or rilL

N'j conquerour could have trium|'hej fi)(;l.5riouny io hijchiriot .aiChriltdid upon doe afteiwardi Howe. a For if we he partaker: „/ Chril} , wee are carted as
ihecrolTe. i f Tttecouclulion wherein alfo De nameth cer^aine kindei ai -hedilfe-
: tvere tnta analhir hfe ,jgl}tre we fhal! neede neithi-meate nor drinke .frweefhall I
leiKeofdayei ar^d meatei.and projvetfi by a raewargunt-nt that are not bond unto we Uke'vnio »Jie^n<rdi. 3 The end and marke which all the duetiet of Chiiftiana
Iheiii to Aiit .becaufe tbofeibingt Wire (hadowet of Cbrift tocome.but weepoflelPe life (hoote at , it to enter into the kingdome of heaven , and to give our felvei to thofe*
him oo'Areihi:iitrd uaio Ml. it Tile body aiaibingaf fub.1aoceaad pUb,h« ftutib tbingiwhi'.h leaduithkbei itbttU to true godliaelTe, and not to thofe outw*id aoi
1 : : 1

The Chtiftian life. Chap. IV. To pray and watch, ^o

fitteth at the right hand of Go<\. husbands , as it is n comely in the Lord. „ f„ thtn -nivti
b So hf calleth that 2 S« your affedions on things \which are a- 19 4. SI Husbands, love your wives, and be rot Jcenffn-eH.thn'
jhswofrtiigioD, bovc ,aiid noc Oil things which are on the b earth, bitter unto them. ^Jtemtf-.tCcdi:,
whicb h>-fpakeof 3 4 For ye are dead, / and your life is hid with 20 J :§ «» Children, obey your parents in o all ^^''^^'^j^,'^^^^^
in he t'ormet
Chrift in God. things : for that is well p^aiirig unto the Lord. ,^i, Phu'fip'hiT
4 A rcafon taken 4 When
Chrift which is our life , lliall appeare, 21 S3 Fathers , provoke not yoi]! children to kncrveth not.'
then IImU ye aifo appeare with him in glory. anger, leaft they be difcouraf^ed. « i./'er.3,t. w
caufef and ocortt ; 6 •« Mortifie therefore you c members which 21 J t4*Servants,be obedient unto therathat ,,^,"^,'^"1''*
J 'f "
are on the earth , fornication, vncleannefl'e, the in- are your mafters things "hfyTovrtbe'lr
according ro the flelh, in all
toucbing ihf flefti, 01 dinate affedion, evill concupifcence , and cove- not with eye fervice as men pleafers, but infingle- wives, and ufe
theoIdFDaiuie toufnelle which is idblatrie. nefle of heart, fearing God. 'btm gently.
which l^tkeib af-
6 For the which things fake the wrath of God 23 And whatfoever ye dee, doe it to * h''"^'^' „';' ,1,
ter all ttinfi ory
i commeth on the children of difobedience. the Lord, and not to men, o'fcbiWien,th« ^
things and oD the
othitfi > , Y'^u 7 wherein yee alio walked once, when yee li- 24 Knowing that of the Lord yee (l^all receive according to Go^g
hivebfgun to live ved in them, the p rewaide of the inheritance tor yee i'crve the Commatidement :

accotdiogto the 8 But now put yee away even all thele things, Lord Chrift. '«"
Spirit, hctffore lo'tL^'ir pa/.
wrath,anger,nialicioufnefle,curiedfpeaking,hlthie 2 If But he that doeth wrong, fliall receive for „ in.he Lordaoi
f^iveyour felvct to J
fpimuallandhfa- (peaking, out of your motuh. the wrong that hee hath done ; and there is no re- fo is it expounded,
vtnly and not to 9 Lie not one CO another: 7 feeing that ye have fpeaofperfons.
'^ '
13 Ol^parenti.that
carnall andeailh- put off the old man with his workes,
ly things they be gen.leiowards theirchiMren. 24 Of (ervantstbatfearing God himfelfe to
10 And have put on the new.s which isrenew- whom tbeirobedieaceisacccptable, they teveteBily.faiihfuUy and from the heart.otef
avwy'o'f aIi"obieai. ed in « knowledge after the image of him that ere their mailers. * Ephef.9,f. tiui! a.9.»,S. p For that ibat you (hall have duely

on while* we ate
: ated him, obeyed your malters, the time ihali come, that you fllallbe inadefonoesoffervanta.awJ
then (hall you koowetbit ofa furety, which (hall be when youaremadepartaketj of
yet in thisOTorIi, 1 9 where is neither Grecian nor lewe . cir-
^eare fubteft to tbe heavenly inbtriiance. i f He ret]uiieth of malttrt thai being mindfull bow that
curacifion nor vncircumcifion , Barbarian , Scythi- they tbemlelvci alfo ball tender an account befoteihat heavenly Lord andMaftei,
inany miftries of
thiilife.fothat an, botsd .free: ButChrili isali, and inallthmgs. which will reuengewrongliill doing, without aoy refpeft of mailers ei fetvaatl.lbt]
the lite that is in 1 thereforeas the eledt of God, holy and
Now (hew tbemrcivcsiullaod uptight w>s^ etjuiiie, vinuitheii fetvanu.
ui, iiai it

hidden: yet not-

were beloved f put on the g bowels of mercies , kinde-

nefl'e.humbienefle of minde, meekeneflb, long fuf- Hee

tcUching prayer
gvithftandingwe a rtturneth loientraB tximlaiicni, 3
feriog and^raciouifftucht 7 anttfi tndethniih^reeiin^s and
have the begin.
Dings cflile and Forbearing one another ,and forgiving one
glory, the accora-

if any roan have a quarell to another; even

, YE mafters, doe unto your fcivants, that which t Headdethctr.
fUfliment where.
of which lirth
and inGodibaii<l<
as Chrift forgave, even fo doe ye.
is the
And above all thefe things pHt an love, which
bond ©f perfedlnefle.
z « « » Continue in prayer, and
fame with thankefgiving,
is iuftandequall.knowingthatyeeallbhavea "i"«««"<-""«-

, watch in the Strh-^hi:
famiiiaraod godlf

1 And let the peace of God • rule in your
and maniff ftly 3 3 * Traying alfo for us , that God may open fa'u atiom
hearts .to the which yee are called in 1^ one body,
performed in that
com. and be ye thankefuU unto us thea doore of utterance, to fpeake the my- * ,b"ff-V,V*
fterie of Chrift wherefore I am alio in bonds,
mingoftheLord, 16 Let the word of Chrift dwell in you plente- : » Payers muij
e Let not your 4 That I may utter it, as it becommeth mee to be comiauail tai
oufly in all wifedorae, teaching and admonilliing
dead nature be •«"''»•
your owne felves , in Pfalmes , and hyranes and
' ,
tnore cffc' *'

Jau'inVou' but fpirituali fongs , finging with a grace in your hearts y 5 Walke
without, and redeeme the « feafon.
b wifely toward them that are ^J^'^",
letyour living ca- (q jhg Lotd, com.
6 J Let your fpeech 6e d gracious alwayes, and mended to the
^^ § And whatfoever ye (hall doe , in wotd or
powdred with elalt, that ye may know how to an- Fay"tofthe
^arre'l'.tow:,, deed rf.. all in the m Name of the Lotd lefus gi-
. ,

fwere every man.

by tbemotions. ving thankes to God even the Eathet by him. »7fl.f.6.,i,
Therefore letihe
J * lO vvives fubmit your
j jj
fclvcs unto yout 7 J Tyt-hicus our beloved brother and faith- ». ibef.s.r.

affeftionsof the ... ... ,, ,. . ,, . . full miiiifter .and fellow ftrrvant in the Lord, iiiall a An open and free
Hie inyou.andlet theconttary motions
which arefpirruall. live. And be recKo- inouih to preach
flefti declare unro you my whole ftate :
netbupagreatl.ogfcrouleofvices.andiheitcontrary vrrtues. ." Ep"" ^ 3-

c ThemotioDi and lullcs

that .ire ia ul, are in this pla Kty properly called 1 8 whom
I have fent unto you for the fame
!/„« of
'in ^ij

becaufe that taercafon and w^llot man

coirup.ii.ed .doetb ufethem astbeb dv iloet purpofe thai hee might know your ftate.andpnight ouriife.we ought
A ;biithtakt
his members. d Tfeth .0 ceme. .7 ,- r, . comfoit your hearts. to have good confi.

of the parts thereof, which arc ifle putting

wicki:dntflV Vilich is in ui by nature, and
offof the old man , .bat is, o lay "ftve
the rtltoting and rtpairini; of thenew man,

9 w
ith Onelimus a faithfiill and a beloved bro- <l«ratioo ev<D of

pracf. ut both of ttem -rebut be^unoe ther.who is one of you. They Ihalllliew you of all
that iitofayoffureoeirewbichi.givenusby ^out^be'churth,
iied : ih.cnc dyiug in u.byli-tle. things here. > Epbef. ,-,,?.
iu uiinibisprefentlife.andbycetiainedegreeifin _
ptrf.ftion ot anott-ilife. by .rtleatid lirtle
and little , and the oth-rct n mirg to the 10 Ariftarchus my prifon fellow faluteth you, b Advifediyand
to ibeimageot
S ^ltV^^'m•oflfeconf^l^:hiu knowledge whxh t.aoltormetb itiJU .

and Marcus Barnabas coulin (touching whom yee """""^P'^'y:^nciret^ftbewhol.foule.
Hefflfakethofaneff.auallknowledff. 9 Hee telleib thun againe that , received commandemenrs : If hee come unto bou, ^intiem'',a"bouoh
the Gofrtll J
eihnotrerp.a[bofe.x'erDalltbingi,buttrueiullificatu.nandranaifi- receive him.) •
you Me o'f your
cation ill fbrilt otiely ,whicD have
many fruitts , ai heri:ckot eth th'in jph. 1 And lefus which is called luftus.which are owne fay it.
conccid aniicouini all Itudieof
coirmerdftn two tb;ogs efpecially , 10 wit , eodly ,

of thecircumcilion. Thefe f onely are my worke- J Our fpeech ani

GcdsvMtle. f So pur on, that you never put off. g Tbofe molt tender
b Wh'ch blndeih and koiuthtogetbeia.I feilowes unto the s kingdome of God , whjch have "1;^^ ""j^'^ j"^^j
afTtaiuiSofexctedinEComp (Tion.
tbedue!ie»ihatpairefroramantomja i Ru'e and g-vrrneall tbingi. k Yee bene unto my confolation. oftbe heareu.
through Godsgondnelle -hatyou might heipe one 12 Ep'phrasthefervantof Chrift, which isonetl Framedtoihe
are iovoed ,og«bfr ooeoody

jnoh.r a. fellow member,. By rf.lmes ben.eanrth all godly foog. , wot, h rrcfii of yjur
of you (sluteth you , andalwayes ftriveth foryou

are ccnteine prayte of


iJUere wiitten upon eliv.ri occafions and by byninei allfuch .

which were in prayers. ihatyem.iy ftand perfedt, and full in all
~'r6od,and by fpiriii.all fong, otber mote peculiar and art.ficicusfonas
, Agai.?i7thitij
.'4 alfo in praife of God, but ful'e. of mulkke. § ,X..r.o,3.. the will of God. f.t filthycOmunica.
* m Call upon .be name ol Cht.ft when you
doe .t or doe it to Chillies prayfe
, . ,
13 For Ibearehimrecord,that he hathagreat tion,aiEpher4 19.
Eptef. j, aa. 10 Hiiegoeth fiom precepts wMcnconctmug w'')' "=en,reiu
» andplmy. zeale for you , and for them of Laodicea, and them ^
the iH life of man ;o precffitJ iietwtEiogtoevtry mans family , and tf<iut.
wb jl; civ , r . ,. was not at that
Lord. otHierapOhS, time a, Rome.
ttih of wives, fubieftion la ib«
MmiD a 14 «(LuKe g luibecofrei.
^ : 8

Effeauall faith. I. Theflalonians. Againftmenpleafets.

I4 « Lake the belftve J phyfician greeteth you, 17 And fay to Archippus , Take heed
to the
andDemas. rainifterie, that thou haft received in the Lord, that
S alute the brethren wh ich are of Laodicea,
5- thou fulfill it.

& Nymphas.and the Church which is in his houfe. 1The falutatton by the hand of me Paul. Re-
16 And when this Epiitie is read of you.caufe member my bands. Grace /is with you. Amen.
that be re^in the Church of the LaoJiceans al-
ikewiie reade the Epiftle written
io , and that ySe hk J Written from Rome to the Colofsians , and
trom Laodicea. fiat by Tychicus.and Onefimus.


CHAP. I. P Or ye your 1 know,bTethren,that felves oiir en-
HeiUrtft^eit^inntthrciihihiitiktfg'i'i'ii, to put thtm trance unto you was not in in vaiiie. I Thatwhichhe
inminde thti ^atj'utVtr iv JJ pr ji/e tvirthy in them, it cumt 2 » But even after that we had fuffered be- ""'=';«' '«'<>«
of CoJi ^ocdnept S anJ ihntthej arteiifamflcs unto
fore, and were Ibaroefuliy entreated at + Philip- ttA^/SrS

Aifl, and Silvanns.and Timotheus,
pi, (as yeeknow) wc werebold in* our God , to hehandieth'now
ipeake unto you the Gofpel of God, with much more at large, ao*
K\ .fiMA^ws- ""to the Church of the ThelValo- to that end and

/ nians which u in God the Father,

LE^l^ ,
3 3 For our exhortation was not by deceit, nor [„" '

^! lr'7^.5 and in the Lord lefus Chrift k^o'f**

b by vncleanefle, Borby guile. » TUevertueiof
I An (xinip!«of yJ'? Grace ie with you and peace from

• li^btCbrifliaa God our Father and from the Lord 4 B Ut as we were <: alio well of God, that the atruePallourare
)}^ ,

frioyting : whwe- lefus Chrift.

Gofpel (liould be committed unto us fo we fpeake, ,
byalfo we Itaroe, not as they that pleafe men , but God , which ^ ap- t'he"Gofpe"%en
that fuch at bavc 2 , We give God thankes alwayes for yotJ all.
prooveih our hearts. inthemiddeiof
grcatgifii in making mention of you in our prayers.
ibtuiart in iwo a Without ceafuig remembring your effe- y Neither yet did we ever ufe flattering words, dangert.
as yee know, nor coloured covetoufneffe , God;/ **^'^" '*''*;.

font bridled, to
duall faith , and diligent love, and the patience of
wit. ifrbey conri- record.
your hope in our Lord lefus Chrift , in the fight of £,«i.„A./,.e.
dtt tbattbty have
6 Neither fought wee praife of men, neither
; 3 to teach pure
rewivfdall from God, even our Father,
God, aod tbai cnii- ofyou nor of others when wee might have bene
doftrine faithfully
4 Knowing , beloved brethren, that ye are-^ e- ,

tinuaDcr mult be e chargeable, as the Apoftles of Chrift. * ''"'*

drfircd at bit
lea of God. heart'*"''

5 3 For our Gofpel was not unto you in word 7 But wee were f gentle among you , even as a i'"j'j„y „!,i^,j
nource cherilheth her children. ar,<i nj^i^htj, t^„dt
•Ifothewhole onely, but alfb in power, and in the holy Ghoft.and
8 « Thus being affedioned toward you, our 'fdeulmg.
in b much alluraiice as yee know afte»what maner
thtThtflalociani. good will was to have deak unto you. not the Gof- 4
a He commend-
we were among you for your fakes. " 1r ^ 1,- 1 11
{lel 01 God only , butaMo our owne loules, becaule
1 .- nitcoolcienceto
«h them for three 6 4 And ye became folioweis®fus. and of the q^a. being free
Lord and received the wotde in much affliction,
fpeciall giftt, effe.
ye were deare unto us. from ail flatteti*

ftoali faith .comi- 9 7 For yee remember , brethren, t our labour and covetoufBei.
c ioy oftheholy Ghoft,
uuall love and pa , and travaile for wee lobouredday and night be-
: ,
tieothope.-tuthe 7 Sothat yeewereasenfamples toallihatbe-
c.iule wee woulde not bee chargeable unto any f„,eenttl,tiuj,>f
endtbey ini^bt be leeve in Macedonia and in Achaia.
of you , and preached nnto you the Gofpel of mtmsofcodani
afhamtd bein^ in- 8 For from you founded out the word of the
dued wiibfuchei Lord God, thtmdiemtnt.of
not in Macedonia and in Achaia onely but

, :

cellentgifii.not 10 8 Te me witnelles. and God alio, how hoHly

10 continue in
your faith alfo which is toward God, fpiead abroad Z"n'ch»rZlT
in all quarters , that wee neede not to fpeake any
and iuftly, and vnblameably we behaved our felves rerftc*th\q'»*ii- '

* }ViriJ fcr yvcrd thing,
among you that beleeve. »if j i>f<ht,ft r.Mgt
ihtljtMr tltditn
For <l they themfelves (hew of us what ma-
11 9 As ye know how that wee exhorted you, yrhichfii^dhefore
9 'jf ™.*>" cw/b-.
and comforted and befought every One of you,
i Aaoiherreafon
ner of entring in wee had unto you ; and how yee ,

(as a father his children.)

why they oujh turned to God from idoles , to Icrve the living and
12 10 That ye-" would waike worthy of God. t«;>im/el/f,if /!./-
fe (t.itV backe true God
fcuttoniinue to
,q And to lookc for his fonne from hcavcn,
who hath called you unto his kiugdorae and ioneihA^t jieing
tueycaonoi r^h^t" ^ee raifcd
doubt of ...
from the dead even lefus which . MnkeTJu'"
kit doftrioewhicb dclivereth US from eth.u wrath to come.
, , , I? >. For this canfe alfo rhanke wee God ,Z.^C,f'Z,r<,hom'
without ceafing that when yee received the , /Sfj<er tryt,^ rt^t-
bene fo tuiny wiyeitroofirmed unto them even from beaveo at tbey themfelvei ,

•I'l well know, b Paulfliewetb by two thiopi, that there followed very great fiuitt wordof God which yee heard of us yee received
, ,
/"'"<• the/t /,.(>

ofki,freacfcrnE,lo-wit,bythefegifitr.fy holyGhill.anHtha cert^inean'urancewhich itnot as the worde ofmen.buias it is in deedethe '"^''"2' >'"""''i"^
Waubnre'.My Mfd in their appeared by tbeir wiling bearing oftbe erode. word of God , which alfo woiketh in you that be-
' ''"''^°'' '^""'' """
\ ^Ti
'° that day , tbey embrafrd the Cofpel with jiieat
iuf.imuch .hat tbey were an example to aril their neigbbourj fo
leeve. ^ndt\,e„f„tin

»»ai " Ihoul.l he more fhametoihem that we are aUnrBti

to faint in the mid. race. c Witbioy which
ofCfi.iihtnreihuftnlismlTtie. J WUiAli'^eil, and allcvetU of tl,em. t To
u>mwifcf,o,r.,l„hHyOboft. d AlltbebeUeveri. s h it no.r>.e converfioo to
fobmii bimfelfeeven to winnetheni , ami efcbew all pride. e wbeii
• ••i(ake_ ,rfo,„ vnl. Me - m«othere».ithall
worfhip the true and living God in Chrift I might lawfully haveliveJ upon the expencei oftheChurch.
rbl ooe.y re leem'r f We were not rough ,
, Thii word (That is i;ot put here without C3ufe and by
wraih 11 meant ihiirevfiije and pooilhtneot
) ;
butealie and gentlr.aia nource tUat it neither ainbitiout nor cuvetoui.bui
' ,
takrth all
, wherewith the Lord will iuaze the

paiiiet at fatieoily.a, if Uic were a mother. 6 To have the flocke

length in Bitt'rrible wrath: that it committed
to him in more eltimaiion.tben hit owne life. 7 To depart with hit
CHAP. n. thentobtchargeabletohisfh--pe. :§
owae right ra
Aa.>o,34. i.cot 4, 12. 2.thef.3,8. 8 To
. H'-itcltrtihli^rv fai:hftll} ht prtJtheth the Go/fil unto them, excell other ill eaampleoff odiy life,
p f) exhort and comfjrt wi:h a faiher'y mini
1 reeking mithtritint, 6 ntr priife ffmen : lO tni andafftSion. 10 To eihort all mtn diligently a'.id earntltly to lead a godly life.
'f prf.Wth tUt fjme Ij iktir nrie itflimenie .
14 that • ephef 4,,.phil i,J7Col.i,to 1, Having a?proov.-d bit mimnerie.becommeodeih
ihj </;,/ «Mr.«/tVM'V (ejrt ferftcitiii,', ofihiir uuntrcj mtn : againe (to that end and purpofe that I fpakeof) thechefrefulntlfe
n thm ht Jepreth Irerj mmsb to/it them. wiiifcii W4iaarA«table to bii diligence io preaching, and tbtii maoly

14 >*For
. : .

affliftions; Cbflp. fij. iiij' Increafe in love and holinefle. 9f

Appointed to
For brethren, ye are become followers
i» that which is lacking in your faith ?
» e,m«h 14
which inludea are in II Now God himfelfe , even our Father , and Anoth<»panof
lirM^M. of the Churches of God.
aioni which tbey becaufe yee have alio luflered the cur Lord lefus Chrift, guide our iourney unto you. ,be Epiais.wbere-
g chtift lelus .

fLifftredof >heii of your ownc h countrey men , even as Ia 3 And the Lord ^creafe you. and make" you io ue fpestetb of
^-^^^ things
abound in love one toward another, and toward all '•'«'''«"« of*
''^?;'^!:w;!^SmedtheLord lefe&.heir
o^vnePropocts.aiKl have perlccuiedus away,
men, even as we^« toward you ^^tZ'^^t^
13 4. To make your hearts Itabie and unblame- ,iij perfeaionof
n«n which came
pleafc not , and are contrary to all men,
. ' able in holineffe before God even our Father, at a chriftim lift
the Gentiles, the comii>ing of our Lord lefus Chrift with all his coofiftethintwo
:h:c" ht 16 An5 forbid us to preach unto ''^"'8'' '° '*"• '"
k fulhU theirJinnes ^^*""*
tS>Zo,U,n-. that they might be laved .to
ch^ritie toward iU
for the > wtath ei/G «<< IS come on them
and wercfore thty
auawc.".- >— , to men .and inward puiitieofthe heart, die iccomplilhineat whereof Doiwi.bftaDding ii
^i^.^ygs It :

deferred to the ci<:xtcetnitiingofChrift , who willijiena|rfit bis woike by tbefamt

in Eood pa't grace, wherewith he begun it in ui. <{• CftJp.J.Ji- i.c^iiS.

conccining fight butnot C H A 1'. IV.

Vl,:,Ldu- from you for a leafon .
J Ht txhcrtel!) them, 3 to kelintt, 9 and tntherly hie,
f"k"- in the heart, wee
enforced the more to lee your 13 Heforbiideththtmtoforewaf'ertliemanereftnfideU:
Heefttteth ful the hijhrie cfcur refurrecHcn.
^,^l'"°^'f1u face with gteaidefire. 1 ;
y'"^^*"'!"". ,0 xiierefore we would have come unto you (I A Nd 1 furthermore wee befeech you . brethren,
fcrrr" PauUtleaftonceortwife) but Satan hindred us
or loy , orcrowne ot
**•and exhort you in the Lord lefus , that ye » in- , Eive,. exhort*,
more and more , as yee have received of us, tions.the ground'
ri4tj.« -rcf/"- 19 For what is our hope creafe
13 Herreveotcth ^i^-.^iro- f sfe Pot even you itinthepcefenceot how ye ought to walke, and to pleale God, whereof is thi«, to
R;'°''f'uli of
Chrift at his cotr.n,ing , a For ye know whac commandements we gave '''
•„ltbru"^n''for our Icrd^'ieius r 1 JT r 1 thofe thingt, vvbicfc
.haltheuwe. 20 Yea, yeare our gloric and
loy. yOubytheLordlelus. haveWd of
For a
.„ ^
this IS the will ot
God _,
even your
ef^eciilly above all ^.^ ^ (,„ ^ f^; ,[, n.w« Chrift 3 J the Apoftie.
o:h.rr«f.cut.d 't'Gofve^ Th« • ° _^^

,^ „, f„„„„„b ,j,, „,„ b lanftiftcation , <«»<i that yee Ihouldabfteine from a rhatyeUhcur
h,mfelf.and '' F.r '" """ ""^
f ^°P^"\;*ft^^ fllouldb.mooved by their rtbell.on. i

"'' "^"^
4 3 That every one T'^c^'ut fiZe'.'
,/r T' k\nM the r^uk'dr,^, •/'*"" ^''^'^ ""'}"'''" ^^
'"'"T"" to poflfeffehis vefltrl in holinelle and honour, ^ Rom,i»,».
5 4 ^nd not in the lult ot concupifcence , even epbc^ s u-
» Ttu is the
m tke '^'"[•'" ' as the Gentiles which know not God
redfUr<lj afin «« mett.tb wiih an obi.aioo,
"'II' \, 6 ! That no man oppreOe or defr.iud his bro- [^"/^'bich be

ther in any matter: for tne Lord w avenger of all driiv„edthem,to

S.rhfullconipanionun.o,o.,beca„f.youa.emcftd«r..o«e. fuch things, as we alio have toiil you beforetimcdtdicatethem-
^:ith andteftified. rTrffi°
CHAP. III. 7 « For God hath not called us unto unclean-
^;„tne1b piaInT
t'/i:'''''"^ rJn.fAre «»f<. neiVe, but unto holinelTe, jy an fiitbineffe
, To new hi, ^fefi'» ''"""''' -'^"V
,i.m, « H,tufimooUdh<hirifortcftht,r{roffe,.H. }j therefore that c defpifeth thefe rtojj, through luit, be.
^JH Mkuotlhunkh Han't
fluti. 9 that he (annct defpifeth
nof man , but God who hath even given ""f' •' '« ^''og*.
. , , . - •
ther contrary to
you his holy bpuit.
* Aa«5,6.t.
^^H^ejefore fince wee would no longerforbare, , , , , the w.H of God. ,

9 < But :s, touching brotherly love, yee needej, uokeuhn

;b?:a'{;:[l.Mfc''n' W"e thought it good to remaine at Athens
not that I wiiteuntoyju :i: for yee are taught of 19,17-
Anofher r«foE,
thiscoDditioD. to alone, , , 1
God to love one anc Iv.r. 3
bnng.hfm.oglo- havc fcnt Timotheus out brother
^ And "'''"^
^ 10 Yea , ana that thing verely yee doe unto all ^,^^;"/^;;
God, and our labour fellow in the
roinifter of
the brethren , which are ihorowout ail Macedonia ^ xbeibiid, be- :

r^^^rau'Iffllon. GorpTu if Chrift to 'ftablill.

you . and to comfort
but we befeech you brethren, that ye increafemore caufetbtSaiw*

, Brcaufttbey you touching your faith, aredifce

, . r •
and more
have biiherto gone '
3 no man ihould bc moovcd With thelc med- ^^'^^^^oT
1 1 7 And that ye ftuJy ro be quiet and .
foryeyourfclves knowe,thatweare and to wuke with ^y hoaeitieaod
'4"rtbTm'''''afflitxi^ns die with your owi.ebulinefle
: . ,8
.'gainetoniakeaB PPOinteaincicujiKJ.
you , we
"- told your owne hands, as we commanded you. putiiie.
a when we
verely Wucn vvtit with
\vc were w....i j-"
tndofthereftof "* For vcreiy
_ _.,i j /:,a-.,, „;k„l.M^nc. 1 1 That yee wo.y behave your itlveshciiefily * • ^""jf'^i
iournry, feeing
the ioutney,
.. -
7^ bcfoie that wee iHould fuflcr
' _

J toward them that are without and that nothing be f,^X"nd.tb all ,
ihatthnfinalfo .-,mf.rn
came to pafle.
nalVp and
ye know it
:. it.
''^"'.t'tVrlhim it
longer lacking unto yon. violent oiprtfTi-
Even for thiscaufe. when Icon no
d _

.t^S; y
that I might know ot your faith
ij I 9 1 would not
brethren .have you !gno- on and imniode-
r^tedefire and
sreat pITaf"". forbearej lent him rant 1° concerning ihem «r which are aikepe , that ,

a F.rnoycyMetr, jgft^the tempter hcd tempted you in ai.y lott and .

ye lorow not even as other which h.ive .10 hope ^-;j'f^ -fp[- _
had bene in vainc.
Thint'mJLani that ourlabour Timotheus carne f.ora 14 ij For ifwebeleeve that lefus is dead, and is phj,|,fG^d,H«
ttrS,tteif, 6 . But now lately when rifen, even fo them which ileepe in d lefus, will God wi'iitvcnse
,oti.efc,y,Jir, and I roughr US good tidmgs of yuur
unto US
yoi, ,
God ebring widi him. xLcort"!"'
.Aiiion^<d uith.
f^jjh g^^^ love^and that ye have good retnembrance
we zWo doe you. TyficemmMdemenI: trhkh I oali yM. 6 Thirdly, bertquireth areadie n.indets
* AT;!''°" of us ahvayes, defying ro lee us, as
inantt of t-viiig kindncfle and trxboitttb rhem :o
profile mote and mor. in that vrt.
wee had ccnfokfon in all
tr\l\-^:u CO,- 7 Therefore brethren .
tue. "k lohn i3,43.aDdi;,ii i.iohn
2,S.and 4,J2. 7 Hcc-ndeirue:h ua-

our afflidtion and necefsitie through quiet btainti, and fuch as are cuvious in
in^tttn wkJi-h apptrtaineno: im-o thftn.
j!rJnej,h,c^^h you , in all
idltneffe and (louibfulnetfe, which vice, vvbofoeveraie given nr •
8 Hee rtbuket'h
diaiwcfthetne- fallintooihtr wtckedneflcto tbe grrat offtnce of the Church. 9 Tiieibirc; '
p 'now are wee »alive,ifyeeftandfaftin '

met u leai" 'ke

" ofine Epifile > which is emtrUctd among ihe former exhortation ( wh'ih h ri^ii-::
the Lord. , eth unto afterwaidj whct^iu br
I'peakeihofmourr.ingfortht dt.'d and .u, -.-i. .."
10 Wc inuft take heni^ icat ,,..';. r'.-
For what thankcs can wee
recompeiile to iberefuneaion.aodof thcbtierday.
A •^rJ,fehe<'un: o
%d againe for you , for all the icy wherewith
wee immoderaielybewaile the dead ibaiii as they ufe to doe which tbinj 1 .t-'i! 'v ;:c
w qq^
for <i,I, ciur^

5 W/e/.
f^^ ^j, l.^es before our God. utterly periflied.
fptakfthof thefaitbfaU, uDiill the Lord corar.eth.
Aconfi mation for death isbuta IlL-ept of ih. Lu.;-,
ji A .eafon rf biccr.Siu

^"" ";«1 10 Ni-ht and day. * praying

exceedingly, that
for feting ibat the head is rifen the raember, aifo
fi-.a!l rife , and tbas by ifcc- <;•;.

.nd might b a^comphQ. d Thty die in Chr^ , rphich omutie i„, nhcTtlj ihey ^re^r^ ,,
* ~r;wl" :: ^vee mighr fee your'face . God.
e Wilt ctt'l 'harifdici m: of ihci, ^- ,».:,; ^ ..-s
^..h.n,<ch,n„ he Ckt:i1,e}>ent»;hclaft ^.iffi.
_y, ,^^, y ^,^„,fc „ fee, he ThtfaUrUn^tUt hi thdrftulei t« thtm againe.

The day of the Lord. II.ThefTalomans, To love the mmifiersof God*

», Th«ma««of FoT tWs fay «f c unto you by the f word
ly 13 or Ileepe, we (hotild li\'e together with him.
vvherefiHc exhort oneanother .and edifie
6 « wemnftBot
•hir r.rurrrftion ^f jhe LoH
, that g we vhith live
.anJarereraain- 1 1
"'""''v ««'^'> ""'
one another, even as vou doe.
^•^l''"''"'/". inq in the comming of the Lord . Ihall nor pre-
VCn' them which llecp?. 1 z y Now we befecch you brethren , that yee ^il'rLtd'orr
Uiillijeaiitweie c
b acknowledge them whi^h labour among you , and
raiMcaiufilrtp, 16 For the Lord himfclfe lliall defcend from up and confitme
arc over you in the Lord,and admonilh you. «ne another.
lhont,4ni with the voyccofthe
ajtatfiundofth* heaven with* •>

^> . 1.1.. _C^„.! -«,l 13 That yee have them in fingukr luve for
trunij<iof Gu.1,
with the trumfec ofGod:and
- • 1 . ''*]".
Aichangel and ,
ihedeadinChriihhjllrifefirft: <! their workes fake. « Be at peace among your on"a"h'miw"i"h
hallrltlcdiJ from _ ,

brnen.TbtSiiott 1 7 Then Ihjll we uhich live and remaine be ,

fclves. are appointed to
4 VVe defire you brethren, admonilh them 'be mioiiietie of
{•'oihefrtik.ih caught lip with thtm alfo in the clondcs, to meete
i 1
9 ,

"^^ wor.i
jroycrly ofthtoi that aree out of order the feeble minded
rubicb Ihall then
the Lord in the aire and fo Ihali wee ever be with
1 -

beare with the weake

i_ 1 IIcomfort:

be patient toward
: men.
J 11
verneintntor toe
church by God, anil
ht fouoH alive 10-
Wherefore comfort your one ano- ijr "o* See that none recompenfe evill for eviil doe their duetie'.
gahei wih the 1% . felves
,\fAd •Abi.b dun ther with thefe Words. unto any man but ever follow that which is good,
Thatyouac- *>

«fL-,(lulbMakro Knovvltdgt& tak«

both toward your felves, and toward ail men.
upiDi->intclouJe«toit)»»ietheL')rd and (hal!be in pripttuall glory wiih him. .- _ ! theinforfuchat
16 M Reioyce evermore.

f Inthchiaineofthe Lord. aithoughhehinifcUffpeakcunto you. g Hefpeakethof they are, that i% to

rhrfethin^i. a» though he (llouldbt onsoftbfm whom ihe LorJ Oijllliode alive at bit 17 S Pray continually. fay menwonfayto ,

coniininjj l>ec.nife ibai time it uocertaimr, and ihereforecverv one of ui ought 10 be iti
, 18 In all things , givethankes .for this is the '"'•greatiya
h T'-e word which ted of among you*
(jcb ariidinrQ'e ai ifihe Lord *erfcomrr>ing at every mnmtnt. fwillof Godin Chriftlefus toward you.
ihe Afoiile ulctb here.lignifieth properly rncouragement whi.b mat inerj ufe one to c lathofr lags
aDOihtr.when ibty altogether with ooe fllout put foovih iheiroaioand rowe together. 19 _ti (flench not the Spirir. vehicb pe:tai

«J j.Cor.i/./i- i Suddenly and iu the twinkling of au eye. 20 Delpife not g prophecying. Gods ferv ice foil :

C H A 1'. V. »l Try all things,a»(ikeepe that which is good. '' Ecclcfiailicall

S Ccndtmniii the citricuifi^din^ Ar ihefenfim cfCMPt eem- 22 13 Abfteine from all h appearance
ppearance of evill. ^ (

filed fromciviilau.
he w.irTieth ih.m fo h ready J.iyl} e him 1
23 Now the very God of peace
landifie you '

ndfig-\'llh ihtmfundrjiccd Ufe:

thorowout and I pray Ccd that your whole fpirit

and foule and body m.ay be Rent blameleiTe unto wo''^'-


[ppointed f.r
Kiihappoii have no nccdcthat I write unto you.
the comming of our Lord lefus Chrift. "

2 For ye your felves know perfedly .that the f^^^l^^^f^Zulb '

now not. IVJt '^" ikv of thc'Loid flwll come , even asa th'iefe in the
24 '4 * k Faithful! it bee which calleth you, |i,rremui"bV
I ''
rtiretbatit Oiail whit h will aifo doe it. 1 honour ceafe.
night. Tbiimainte-
llfD 25- I J Brethren pray for us. s
«.h«.heylo«ke 3 For when they aiali f.-.y .Peace and fafety,
26 Greete all the brethren with anlioly kiffi-. »"«°/.'«"'''»'.'
fot nothing itOe. then fliall come upon them fudden deftrui5lion as ,

a Lertf «-^f'»i.7' upon a woman with childe and they 27 I charge you in the Lord , that this Epiftle "i";" blVuJk^"
the travaile ,
bereaduntoailthe brethren the Saints. unto.
ihall not efcape
^h'^rtt^h: -
, . o" V. 28 The grace of ouf Lord lei'us Chrill ie with 9 We mud have
wiwietb ui which But ye, brethren, are not in darkenetlc.thac
4 2 confideration of
ve !igb:ned wiih_ that day Ihall come on you, ss n were a thicfc. ^ every man, and ai
lie knowledge of Yec are all the children of light , and the tbedifeafeit;fo
end I
""^ children of the day we are not of the night , nei- :
J The
frftE/!»)?/e unto the Theffalonians muutteremtdie
wiitteK from Athens. ''« "'«'•

ftcurcly ia ther of daikcnelVe. « Thai ktepe not

nii(pifre,le««we 6 Therefore let US not flcepe 2s doe Other , but their laakeor ilan-
be fuirteniy tak-n Jgj us v-'at£h and bc lober.
ding. 10 Charitieonghtnotto bcovercome withanyiniuriei. .J.
and 20,22 mail. y,39.rom i».i7. i.pet3 9 11 Aquietandappeafed
'?t."(\"rbn"coB? 7 P"' 'hey that Ueepe, Heepe in the night, and Douiiiheth withcontinuall pwyeti. refpeSing ihe will t^f Gud. Luke iS.i. ^
ft riwife tobave
they that be drunken, are drunken in the night, f An acceptable thing to God and fuch ai he l.keth well of. 12 The fparfceiof the
in eyeto-htLord. % 3 But let US which are of the dr.y be fober. , Spirit of God that .ire kir.dltd in ui are uourifhed wuh dayly bearing tue word of

.ninotfaiferour God but true doftrinemuft bediligeatly diitinguillied from falfe. g Theexi;ound-
J putting on the brefipbte of faith and love and ,
ing oftbe wordof God. 13 A generallconctufion.thai we waiting for ihccominingof
^^^ of falvation for an helmet.
pr'ftd°^.h'^he ^°P^ Chrift.doegiveour felvej to purenelle both in miode, will- and body t6rou;;h the grace
cjrei oftbiiwcrM, 9 t For God hath not appointed Us unto »ndltrengtboftbe Spirit of God. b whatfoever hath but the very (htw of evil, ab--
foribatiimettfor v.TJth , but to obtaiuc lalvation by themeanesof ftaine front it. Separate you from the world, and irtake you holy to hiinlelfe through

,ted«kenHr,..f „„r , ^j^J i^f^^ thrift. whom onely yondiall attaint unto that true peace. 14 The
"" »-° ^ Which died for us , that whether we wake
good willaod powerof God if a fare confirmation againll all didiculii.s wbrteofwe ,

V r'^he light havea fure witoelTein ourvocaion. * i. Cor 1.9. k A'wayei oneamii tver
3 U'e mun fight like himfetfe who performeth indeed whatfoever he promifeth and au tlftauall
, :

•Aiih faith and hcre.mucb'Ielle ought we lie carelrdy fnorting. ;§ Sfa. J9.'7.«l»li«f. calling it nothing eifebut a righi declaring and ttue fetting fooith ofGodt will and :

ity. 4 HepruKnh us forwards hy feeing molt csttaine bope of vi/ioriebefure ui. therefore the falvatiot) of theeled is fafe ai;d fare. I Woo will alfo ni.ikeyou perhte.
J Tht death of ChnP of our viftc'ie, for ihertforehe died, that we might
iia pledge If Ttclalt part of the Epiftle .wherein with moft waighiy charge, bee tomiucadtib
>e Urtal»tKjffai»lifecfvertue, yea even wiJiln we live here. bath himfetfe and this Epiltle unto them.


CHAP. I. 3 * I Wee ought tothankeGodalwayes for 4 t>Ther.i,a.
lU armni„^i<h tUinitt.t'i cff^iih tnd charitlr, n Mdtht you.brethren, as it is meerc.bfcaufe that your faith • The n.H fart
p,i'ui<r .f the ThipaloiLiij 6 ,A)tJ defcniiniCods
the Jove of every one of^^'^v^^"'-
;» grov/eth exceedingly ,and
njcn:'ranir a^jinjifuch MepiteftlU^odij, 10 ht Katli-
«('> ihi^eui} ic iv-iittf" the litil iud^tment. of you toward another, aboundcth, «tb"hat Ihtougb"
Aul and Silvaniis . and Timotheus , unto 4 So that wc out felves reioyce of you in the , of G^dj/
JlwJi^ the ChurJ.1 of theThelfalonians, ^i/*.^*
Churches of God , becaufe of your patience and tbty hav; man- ^t--
your perlecutions and tribulations that '1'")' ''"•'V""' ^'' 11
faith in ail ' .
in God fur Father, and in the Lord
i: rn the allau rsoi theilj
y; filler-
IciusChria: ene,ue.v^be..n
hsconfirmttbtbem moreover {Viewing with what gifts they mud chiefly tight lo wiiti ,

X Grp.ce Le with you . and f-iicc from God our

with faith aodchaiitie.wbich mall dayly increafe. a That %vhtrtAii. grtyg ufbtf.rtt .

?4'.be«'.j and/ro»i4l)e land lefu> Chrift, it4itthelfiTt»Htfomtin(rtaJtt)'iTjduj!mtTeandrrnre.

Ciiap. ij.iij*' The myfterie ofiniqultie. \%
Vengeance refervcd for tbe wicked.
iliipped 4 fo that he as Ged in theTem-
doeth fit
a manifefl token of, the righte-
jj. ladeS. c 4, » MfcrcA M
ple of God. fliewing himfelfe that he is God.
a. Heofeneth the ous iudgemcnt of God, that yee may be counted ,1,a?AS!f
Remember yee not, that W

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