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I'm a fresh graduate of management student at Diponegoro University with experience in stakeholder collaboration and developing
innovative marketing strategies. Seeking marketing roles to launch my career, I excel in conducting research for successful campaigns
and my interpersonal skills enable me to thrive both in team environments and when working independently.

Education Level
Universitas Diponegoro - Semarang, Indonesia Aug 2020 - Mar 2024
Bachelor Degree in Management, 3.88/4.00
Took part in group projects and actively partake in elaborating the material as well as dividing it into parts as a team leader.
Participated in campus events such as webinars and skill training workshops.

Work Experiences
Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan RI (BPK RI) - Semarang, Oct 2023 - Nov 2023
internship in Bidang Kearsipan
Conducted thorough data entry for the digital transition of inactive archives of financial audit reports in Jawa Tengah, improving
accessibility and ensuring secure preservation.
Organized and adjusted inactive archives, creating QR codes for each archive shelf to facilitate easy cross-referencing with the digital
registry improving accessibility and management efficiency.
Contributed to video capture and editing for a national archive competition in Indonesia, successfully securing a spot in the semifinal

PT PLN (Persero) - Semarang, Indonesia Feb 2024 - Mar 2024

internship in Sub Bidang Pelayanan Pelanggan
Analyzed and compiled transaction mutation reports of customers, providing essential insights for decision-making processes.
Ensured the accuracy and reliability of summary reports by cross-verifying with detailed transaction records, enhancing data integrity
for future analysis.
Assisted in calculating outstanding balances of electricity bills for customers' accounts, facilitating further data processing and

Organisational Experience
Diponegoro Business Case Competiton 2022 - Semarang, Indonesia Mar 2022 - Dec 2022
Manager of Liaison Division
Managed the liaison officer department of 10 and monitored their responsibility to provide respectful and responsive services to
maintain excellent relationships with the internal and external stakeholders, clients, and potential clients/participants.
Executed direct and personal selling strategy to more than 1000 potential participants in less than a month, resulting in the growth of
total participants.
Negotiated cooperation with more than 10 external stakeholders to take part in the events without exceeding the budget availability
Collaborated with the PR and marketing team by approaching over 80 media partners to advertise the events to attract the targeted

Selasar Community - Indonesia Sep 2022 - Dec 2022

Associates of Academic and Curriculum - Product Development Division
Analyzed subjects and needs of lesson planning while evaluating lesson plan and ToR monthly
Supervised and monitored arranged subjects' schedules using Google Workspace
Responsible for planning and arranging the facilitator activities and ensuring activities are carried out as planned.

Management Social Project - Semarang, Indonesia Mar 2021 - Nov 2021

Staff of Event Division
Assisted the event division coordinator in planning and executing the event's concepts, creating rundowns, and preparing various
contents while ensuring alignment with current trending topics to generate more exposure from the general public.
Conceptualized and designed 2-3 social media campaigns weekly through valuable, relevant, and creative Instagram posts and
stories such as games and quizzes, reaching more than 100 impressions on every post in less than 24 hours.
Managed an online campaign volunteer to raise disability awareness of the youth, especially high schoolers and university students,
through social media, attracting over 300 volunteers in less than a week.

Self Development Training - Semarang, Indonesia Apr 2021 - Nov 2021

Guided ten students for four weeks of self-development training programs to improve their soft skills such as interpersonal,
communication, and organizational skills as new university students.
Prepared and executed effective bonding activities to create positive and engaging environments among the new students every week
Collaborated with the disciplinary committee to ensure the compliance of each student with the rules during the event
Compiled ten reports and assessments of the student's tasks and their progress every week

Diponegoro Business Case Competition 2021 - Semarang, Indonesia Mar 2021 - Nov 2021
Liaison Officer
Delivered and provided helpful information to participants and bridging relationships between committee and external parties.
Maintained an average participant or client response time of fewer than 5 minutes.
Enhanced participants or customer experience through effective communication and exemplary interpersonal skill and facilitated
resolution of participants' requirements
Collaborated with marketing teams to enhance the awareness of the event through social media promotions such as Instagram and

Skills and Other Experience

RevoU Mini Course - Intro to Digital Marketing  (2022): Completed two weeks of digital marketing online course and learned the
fundamental of digital marketing and the difference between organic channels: SEO, Social Media Organic, Customer Relationship
Management, and paid channels: SEM, Social Media Marketing, Display Ads.
Soft Skills: Communication, leadership, teamwork, interpersonal and problem solving.
Hard Skills: Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, and PowerPoint), Canva, Google Workspace, marketing, and management.
Achievements (2023): Finalist of National Business Case Competition 2023 held by CIMB Niaga and Kejar Mimpi Depok
Achievements  (2023): Semifinalist of Diponegoro Business Case Competition 2023
Achievements  (2023): Semifinalist of Path Seeker Business Case Competition - with DANA as a Case Collaborator

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