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(A Qualitative Descriptive Research at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 2 Kota

Depok Academic Year 2021/2022)

A Skripsi


Badiah Rangkuty










Badiah Rangkuty (11180140000079). “The Impact of Blended Learning on

Students’ Speaking Skills (A Qualitative Descriptive Research at the Seventh
Grade of SMPN 2 Kota Depok Academic Year 2021/2022). “Skripsi” of
Department of English Education at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, State
Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2022.

Advisors : 1. Dr. Atiq Susilo, M.A.

2. Waliyadin, M.A. TESOL.

Keywords : Blended learning, Impact, Speaking Skills

This study aimed to determine the impact of blended learning on students' speaking
skills. The research method was descriptive qualitative. Data was collected using
observation and semi-structured interviews. The data was analysed using Miles and
Huberman’s theory. The participants of this study were students from class 7K at
SMPN 2 Depok. The results showed that students positively impact speaking
English using blended learning. Students said they preferred blended learning to
fully online learning. Blended learning could minimize obstacles when full online
learning was applied. These obstacles were poor internet connection, so the
teacher's voice was not heard clearly. It impacted the decreased desire of students
to speak during the learning process. Students communicate more using English
when blended learning was applied because they considered that blended learning
was a flexible learning method for them. Students searched for the correct
pronunciation and grammar through online applications or websites, so when face-
to-face was used, they would practice it in class, such as discussing with friends,
giving opinions in front of the class, and asking questions to the teacher.


Badiah Rangkuty (11180140000079). “The Impact of Blended Learning on

Students’ Speaking Skills (A Qualitative Descriptive Research at the Seventh
Grade of SMPN 2 Kota Depok Academic Year 2021/2022). Skripsi untuk
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan,
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, 2022.

Pembimbing : 1. Dr. Atiq Susilo, M.A.

2. Waliyadin, M.A. TESOL.

Kata Kunci : Blended Learning, Dampak, Kemampuan Berbicara

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh blended learning terhadap

keterampilan berbicara siswa. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif.
Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara semi terstruktur.
Analisis data menggunakan teori Miles dan Huberman. Partisipan penelitian ini
adalah siswa kelas 7K di SMPN 2 Depok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
siswa berdampak positif dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris menggunakan
pembelajaran campuran. Siswa mengatakan bahwa mereka lebih menyukai
pembelajaran campuran daripada pembelajaran daring sepenuhnya. Blended
learning dapat meminimalisir hambatan ketika pembelajaran daring penuh
diterapkan. Kendala tersebut antara lain koneksi internet yang buruk, sehingga
suara guru tidak terdengar dengan jelas. Hal tersebut berdampak pada menurunnya
keinginan siswa untuk berbicara selama proses pembelajaran. Siswa lebih banyak
berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris ketika blended learning diterapkan,
karena mereka menganggap blended learning merupakan metode pembelajaran
yang fleksibel bagi mereka. Siswa mencari pengucapan dan tata bahasa yang benar
melalui aplikasi atau website online, sehingga ketika digunakan tatap muka, mereka
akan mempraktekkannya di kelas, seperti berdiskusi dengan teman, memberikan
pendapat di depan kelas, dan mengajukan pertanyaan kepada guru.


In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful

All praise and gratitude belong to Allah, who has given the writer His
everlasting mercies and blessings throughout life and provided the knowledge so
that this research finished well. Peace and blessing of Allah may always be upon
the prophet Muhammad, who has brought Islam to us as the light that changes us
to be better humankind.

First of all, the researcher would like to express her deepest gratitude to her
parents, Mr. Asmin Rangkuti and Mrs. Riswani Nasution, for their infinite love,
continuous support, patience, and encouragement throughout her years of study. In
addition, the researcher would also like to thank both of her brothers, namely
Muhammad Roykhan Rangkuti and Hendri Alimansyah Rangkuti, for being
responsible brothers. This achievement would not have been possible without them.

Next, the writer would also like to express many thanks and honors to Mr.
Dr. Atiq Susilo, M.A., and Mr. Waliyadin, M.A TESOL, as advisors who patiently
guided and provided unlimited support to the writer. It is because of their guidance
that this thesis can be completed.

Furthermore, most significant appreciation is also addressed to:

1. Mrs. Dr. Sururin M.Ag., as the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiya and
Educational Sciences.
2. Mr. Didin Nutuddin Hidayat, M.A., Ph.D., as the Head of Department of
English Education.
3. Mr. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., as the Secretary of Department of English
4. Mrs. Neneng Sunengsih, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the Academic Advisor of C Class.
5. All the lecturers, especially those from the Department of English Education
who taught precious knowledge and experience to the researcher.

6. Mr. Drs. Salim Bangun, M.M., as the Headmaster of SMPN 2 Kota Depok
who has given a chance and permission to conduct this research.
7. Mr. Doly Septyanto Sitorus, S.Pd., as the English teacher of Seventh Grade
SMPN 2 Kota Depok for the guidance in conducting this research.
8. All cheerful students of VII-K for their kindness in participating in this
9. Berlian Nur Anggraini, as a friend who always gives the best support and
attention to the researcher.
10. All friends who always give the best prayer and laughter even in difficult
11. Last but not least, I wanna thank me. I wanna thank me for believing in me.
I wanna thank me for doing all this hard work. I wanna thank me for having
no days off. I wanna thank me for never quitting.

Lastly, the writer acknowledges the limitations and deficiencies on this

study. Therefore, constructive feedbacks and suggestions are kindly welcomed for
the better writing. The writer hopes the research can be useful for its readers and
further research.

Jakarta, … January 2023

The Researcher,

Badiah Rangkuty


APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................. i

ENDORSEMENT SHEET .................................................................................... i
SURAT PERNYATAAN KARYA SENDIRI ..................................................... ii
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... iv
ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................. v
ACKNOWLEDGMENT...................................................................................... vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... viii
LIST OF APPENDICES....................................................................................... x
CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1
A. Background of the Research ........................................................................ 1
B. Identification of the Problems ...................................................................... 4
C. Limitation of the Problem ............................................................................ 5
D. Formulation of the Problems........................................................................ 5
E. Objectives of the Research ........................................................................... 5
F. Significance of the Study ............................................................................. 5
G. Skripsi Outline ............................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER II ......................................................................................................... 8
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ...................................................................... 8
A. Blended Learning ......................................................................................... 8
1. The Definition of Blended Learning ........................................................ 8
2. The Effectiveness of Blended Learning ................................................... 9
B. Speaking Skill .............................................................................................. 9
1. The Definition of Speaking ...................................................................... 9
2. Function of Speaking.............................................................................. 10
3. The Components of Speaking ................................................................ 11
4. Types of Speaking .................................................................................. 12
5. Problems in Teaching Speaking Skill..................................................... 13
C. Classroom Participation ............................................................................. 14
1. The Definition of Classroom Participation............................................. 14

2. Classroom Participation Patterns............................................................ 14
3. Factors Contributing to the Lack of Student Participation ..................... 15
D. Previous Study ........................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER III...................................................................................................... 18
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................................................... 18
A. Research Method and Design..................................................................... 18
B. Research Setting ......................................................................................... 19
C. Data Collection Technique ......................................................................... 19
1. Observation............................................................................................. 19
2. Interview ................................................................................................. 20
D. Research Procedure .................................................................................... 20
E. Data Analysis Technique ........................................................................... 21
CHAPTER IV ...................................................................................................... 23
RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ................................................. 23
A. Research Findings ...................................................................................... 23
1. The Student Participation in the Classroom Using Blended Learning ... 23
2. The Impact of the Blended Learning on the Speaking Skills ................. 29
B. Discussion .................................................................................................. 32
CHAPTER V ....................................................................................................... 35
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .............................................................. 35
A. Conclusion.................................................................................................. 35
B. Suggestion .................................................................................................. 35
References ............................................................................................................ 37


Appendix 1 Documentation ................................................................................ 42

Appendix 2 Students’ Interview Questions ...................................................... 43
Appendix 3 Students’ Interview Transcript ..................................................... 44
Appendix 4 Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran ............................................ 62
Appendix 5 Surat Keterangan Penelitian ......................................................... 64
Appendix 6 Students’ Observation Field Notes ............................................... 65
Appendix 7 References Examination Paper ..................................................... 67



A. Background of the Research

Covid-19 pandemic brings about a significant challenge for all

sector, that is restricting human mobility. These restrictions include working
from home, facilitated by expanding online resources that allow meetings,
classes, and shopping; and sanctions such as stay-at-home, travel
restrictions, closing shops, offices, and public transportation (Oh et al.,
2021). So that the restrictions impact the education system because the
school is closed, and students are not allowed to go to school. It caused
many countries to implement virtual learning to minimize the spread of the
virus in schools during the pandemic.
Although learning is done virtually, online learning is an active
learning process. As students can explore self-study material through the
internet, they practice their independence by developing skills and taking
responsibility for their own learning, often referred to as self-study
(Khotimah et al., 2019). Apart from that, students are still required to
interact with other students and teachers during English class, considering
that interaction becomes more crucial in learning English because it is what
people do in everyday life. As Murtiningrum (2009) stated that students'
interactions during lessons or when they can interact with other people in
the target language are indicators of success in learning English. That is
what makes online learning expected to continue developing listening,
speaking, reading, and writing skills while studying English.
However, at the time of implementation, learning through online
platforms has emerged as one of the most difficult new obstacles for many
students (Ramdaniah, 2021). The learning process and the learning
outcomes of students are impacted by online learning, particularly in
speaking classes (Ramdaniah, 2021). Like the research conducted by
Syafrayani et al. (2022), several obstacles were found, including technical


problems on the online social platforms used for learning, internet

connection issues as well as the lack of support of a learning environment
and interaction between students and teachers. Furthermore, online
resources cannot fully substitute for personal interactions in the educational
and training processes (Rasheed et al., 2019). Other researchers found that
students felt that practicing speaking online was more difficult than face-to-
face. This is because some students feel difficult to understand the material
in online learning, difficult to interact with each other, and less motivated
when studying online (Noviana & Utami, 2021). From several previous
studies, it can be concluded that there are significant challenges when
implementing online learning. Most of the problems are the result of the
internet network.
The problems mentioned in previous research were also found in
implementing full online learning at SMPN 2 Kota Depok. The researcher
received information from the teacher that during fully online learning,
students were very quiet in the classroom, and only a few voluntarily
participated in the learning process. The teacher did not expect a silent class,
so class participation was essential, especially in English-speaking classes.
Based on interviews, students admitted that the lack of participation was
also because they did not understand the online learning materials provided
by the teacher. Meanwhile, when they wanted to ask the teacher, there was
a problem with the connection. That was what made them choose to remain
silent during the learning process.
Due to the many problems online learning faces, there is an
alternative learning to be applied during the pandemic, namely blended
learning. According to Cleveland-Innes & Dan (2018), one of the
advantages of blended learning is increased interactivity; blended learning
is a platform that facilitates more collaboration between students and
between students and teachers. In addition, Lim et al. (2019) demonstrates
that blended delivery methods can offer more detailed, student-focused
instruction than online-only methods, which will improve students'

comprehension of the learning materials. Blended learning is expected to

solve the problems in fully online learning.
Bonk & Graham (2006) defined blended learning as a combination
of traditional face-to-face learning with computer-based learning. In another
definition, blended learning builds on the strength of face-to-face and
distance learning. Neumeier (2005) described the most important goal of
blended learning design is to find the most effective and efficient
combination of the two forms of learning for individual disciplines, contexts
and learning goals. More importantly, blended learning can be utilized in
place of traditional or online learning, since it fosters a sense of connection
and community more than traditional face-to-face or fully online learning
and teaching methods (Tayebinik & Puteh, 2012). In other words, blended
learning expands learning possibilities that enable students to participate
both in and outside of the classroom. According to Riel et al. (2016) blended
learning environment provides private and online spaces where students can
meet, collaborate, and work on meaningful projects. Each of these spaces
offers distinct advantages for effective learning. From the above
explanation, blended learning is a strategy used to maximize the learning
process in the classroom that relies on face-to-face and online learning. This
is done to enhance the benefits of the two learning models.
Moreover, the researcher asked how the blended learning method
was applied in SMPN 2 Depok. From the student interviews that have been
conducted, it was known that the teacher divided students in one class into
two groups, namely morning and afternoon classes. After that, if the face-
to-face has been done the previous week, online classes were held the
following week using Zoom Meetings, WhatsApp groups, and Google
By combining the two models, it is hoped that the advantages of each
model can be maximized to overcome the challenges of fully online learning
that have been mentioned previously. With the blended learning, students
are expected to be more interactive than online learning so that students'

speaking skills can improve. The previous researchers, Ehsanifard et al.

(2020), stated that blended learning approaches encourage student
participation in an interactive environment by providing new methods for
students to interact with classmates, teachers, and content both within and
outside of the classroom. Developing active student participation in the
classroom and technical environment is critical to effective blended
learning, as student participation is a necessary condition for optimal
learning (Lam et al., 2018). Vandrick (2000) described participation as
something that students often speak about in class, such as answering
questions, asking questions, expressing opinions, or participating in class
discussions. The definition of participation above is the same as what must
be done if students want to practice speaking in class. This relationship
makes the researcher more specific to focus on researching the students'
participation in speaking skills using blended learning.
Speaking is an essential skill in English because it is the most basic
form of communication in everyday life. Therefore, it becomes the most
used communication skill (Parmawati, 2018). Language skills are an
essential part of language and a fundamental way of communicating. Seeing
the importance of speaking skills, that's what makes it must always be honed
in the learning process in the classroom.
Based on the background of the study, the writer did research to find
out students' opinions about the impact of the speaking learning process in
the classroom using blended learning in the seventh grade of SMPN 2
Depok under the title “The Impact of Blended Learning on Students’
Speaking Skills (A Qualitative Descriptive Research at the Seventh
Grade of SMPN 2 Kota Depok Academic Year 2021/2022)”.
B. Identification of the Problems

According to the background study, the researcher identifies the

problems of this study that would be investigated, as follows:
a. Internet connection issues while online learning applied.
b. Lack of participation between students and teacher in online learning.

c. Personal interactions cannot be totally replaced by online resources in

the teaching and learning processes.
C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem above, this research has

limited on the impact of Blended Learning on students’ speaking skills.

D. Formulation of the Problems

Based on the identification and limitation of the problems above, the

formulation problems in this study are as follows:
1. How is the students’ participation in the classroom using blended
2. What is the impact of the blended learning on the speaking skills of
seventh grade students of SMPN 2 Depok?

E. Objectives of the Research

In connection with the problems under the study, the objectives of

this study are:
1. To describe student participation in the classroom using blended
2. To describe the impact of the blended learning model on the speaking
skills of seventh grade students of SMPN 2 Depok.

F. Significance of the Study

This research is expected to increase knowledge and experience in

analyzing problems in the field of education, as well as knowing the impact
of blended learning on students' speaking skills using blended learning.
1. For Researchers
Become a reference in further research on the impact of blended learning
on students' speaking skills.

2. For Teachers
Become a reference or guideline in effective learning that direct the
participation of 7th graders and/or becoming consideration in
implementing blended learning on students' speaking skills in the
3. For Students
Since English has become a crucial ability for their future, the findings
are intended to encourage students to increase their use of speaking
ability in online and face-to-face settings.

G. Skripsi Outline

In this skripsi, there will be five chapters containing the research

process by the researcher. Moreover, there are some details needed in this
paper. For this purpose, the circuit is structured as follows.

Chapter I is an introduction containing the Background of the

Research, Identification of the Problems, Limitation of the Problems,
Formulation of the Problems, Objective of the Research, and Significance
of the Research.
Chapter II is Theoretical Framework. The researcher will discuss the
theory from various kinds of literature more deeply that underlie the
author’s research in this chapter. The researcher also explains the theory
related to research variables and frameworks.
Chapter III is Research Methodology. This chapter contains
Research Method and Design, Research Setting, Data Collection
Technique, Research Procedure, and Data Analysis Technique.
Chapter IV is the Findings and Discussion. This chapter discusses
the findings obtained by researchers through the research that has been
Chapter V is Conclusion and Suggestion. In this chapter, the
researcher provides conclusions from the data that has been obtained. In

addition, the researcher saw the limitations that existed in this study and
made suggestions for further research.

A. Blended Learning

1. The Definition of Blended Learning

According to Hrastinski (2019), blended learning is a system that

blends classroom with computer-mediated instruction. The flipped classroom
model has garnered significant attention in the blended learning pedagogical
design and has demonstrated its usefulness (Strelan et al., 2020). That is what
makes several colleges are examining whether they should replace some or
all of their classroom instruction with an online learning environment, both
in the short term and in the long term (Peters et al., 2020; Saichaie, 2020).
Besides that, blended learning is a model that provides creative
educational solutions for teachers, educators and students, combining
traditional classroom learning with mobile learning and online activities (Rao,
2019). This is a technology that allows learning to spread beyond the walls of
the classroom and facilitates the use of learning resources. However, blended
learning is not a new concept in teaching and learning process.
According to Sharpe et al. (2006), in higher education, blended
learning has been employed to address issues that emerge in big groups.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that blended learning may enhance
pedagogy, boost achievement, expand accessibility and flexibility, and
promote review.
The definition of blended learning presented by experts can be
concluded as a combination of face-to-face and online learning that are
intended to combine the benefits of both. The reason for combining the two
is because the ability to replace face-to-face events with more flexible
learning circumstances without sacrificing student performance.


2. The Effectiveness of Blended Learning

Klimova et al. (2017) stated that the Blended Learning looks good
because it offers many advantages to the learning process, including, flexible
teaching and learning (ie. students can access their learning materials from
anywhere, anytime, at their own pace, and teachers can easily adapt students
to online content); Improved pedagogy (careful use of new technologies
should contribute to the effective use of appropriate teaching methods); Post
regularly and on time because comments can now be posted online;
Numerous learning materials available online; Students are expected to take
great responsibility for their learning, which can increase their inner
motivation; Cooperation between students and students and teachers should
be encouraged; The use of innovative learning strategies enhanced by new
technologies can increase student achievement; The BL seems to be more
economical than traditional face-to-face learning.
Many advantages are provided by blended learning. The
implementation of BL is so that the learning process can run effectively,
despite the conditions during the pandemic where meetings are limited.

B. Speaking Skill

1. The Definition of Speaking

There are many definitions of speaking suggested by some language

learning experts. Speaking is one of the four basic skills in foreign language
learning, listening, reading, and writing. It is part of the productive capacity
that allows speakers to verbally express ideas, feelings, or information
(Harmer, 2007). Srinivas Rao (2019) found that speaking is the most important
skill in learning a foreign language or another language. Language is
considered the most important of four basic language skills.
According to Brown (2004), speaking is an interactive construction
process, that is, about the production, reception and processing of information.
This means speaking as one of the four language skills that play an important

role in the language view, the emotions we need to communicate verbally for
everyone, especially in the learning process.
The above definitions can be summarized as a term used to
communicate with others or to exchange knowledge, information and ideas.
Speaking skills are one of the most productive skills students need to master in
the learning process today, namely words or sounds and meanings.

2. Function of Speaking

According to Oliver et al. (2005), speaking serves different functions

in life based on their necessity for a human being. In total, there are 7 functions
of speaking that will be explained below.
a. Instrumental
This function is used for when one wants to express what they want. As a
means of obtaining things and fulfilling our material needs. This type of
function is useful for when one wants to identify things, seek and provide
information and request assistance.
b. Personal
Every human being has an egoistic side, this sort of language helps us to
express ourselves in terms of individuality, awareness of self and pride.
The function helps us to elaborate and give detailed recounts of
experiences, express and respond to ideas and opinions, express agreement
and disagreement, seek, give and deny permission to do something, and
expressing approval or disapproval for a service provided.
c. Interactional
Another human behavior is that it is impossible to live without others
because humans are social creatures. This function shows how to get along
with others as well as emphasize relative status. However, it is also used
for separateness. Interactional functions include expressions such as
greeting or welcoming people, meeting or introducing people, take leave
of somebody, attract attention, congratulate, sustain conversation with
familiar and unfamiliar people, meet social obligations when working in

groups, use language to settle disputes, use appropriate tone and manner
with peers, explore challenging ideas, interrupt appropriately, and
d. Regulatory
The purpose of this function is to control the behavior and feelings of
others. It consists of giving information or correct factual information,
persuading others, and giving specific logical instructions in a variety of
contexts for different audiences.
e. Representational
This type functions as a way to communicate information, descriptions and
expressing propositions. For example, explaining about the real world,
expressing a proposition, reporting about things using description or
narrative, and conveying messages.
f. Heuristic
This is where curiosity takes place because this function is for seeking and
testing knowledge. Heuristic function consists of using a range of
questions, responding questions appropriately, selecting the most effective
type of questions to get the required information, express and find out
intellectual ideas, last but not least hypothesis and experiment.
g. Imaginative
Just like the name suggests, it is objective to imagine new worlds, making
up stories and poems such as performances, recitations as well as puppetry.

3. The Components of Speaking

Fulcher & Davidson (2007) suggest that language has five
components that can be identified as follows:
a. Pronunciation
Pronouns are the way students pronounce the correct language while
speaking. It means that if the pronunciation and pronunciation are correct,
the student will communicate effectively.

b. Vocabulary
The most important thing in language is vocabulary. This aspect is
indistinguishable with language skills. Vocabulary entries special words
are known and used.
c. Grammar
Students need grammar to organize correct sentences in both written and
conversations. Grammatical references to the ordinance allow us to
combine the words in our language into larger units. It means that grammar
consists of rules used to combine words into sentences. From the previous
theorem, it can be concluded that grammar is a set of rules for organizing
sentences in a meaningful way according to context.
d. Fluency
Fluency is characterized as the capacity to communicate effectively,
fluently, and precisely. Fluency is a generic term that relates to the
uninterrupted expression of spoken language. If the teacher wants to
maintain control over the language flow during teaching and learning
process, students can express themselves freely and uninhibitedly. The
objective is for pupils to communicate fluently and readily. The teacher
does not instantly make corrections while considering the conversation's
corrective flow.
e. Comprehension
Comprehension is the capacity to see and understand bits of speech that
combine to represent a sentence's meaning. Thus, comprehension refers to
the speaker's knowledge of the message they are conveying to the audience
to avoid misconceptions. It is intended to make it simple for listeners to
get information from the speakers.

4. Types of Speaking

Brown (2004) divided speaking into two types: monologue and

dialogue. The monologue is the oral language that involves only one person in
it. It means that there is only one person who speaks as in lectures, newscasting,

radio broadcast, etc. Monologue divides into two types; planned monologue
and unplanned monologue. The meaning of a planned monologue is that the
person who speaks uses the monologue has prepared a note or text to help them
to speak fluently. Meanwhile, the meaning of unplanned monologue is the
person who speaks in monologue does not use any notes or texts. All words
spoken emerge from the speaker's mind naturally and spontaneously.
Dialogue is the oral language involving two or more speakers in it.
Based on the function, dialogue divides into two types, interpersonal and
transactional (Brown, 2004). The interactional purpose emphasizes that the role
of the speakers is to interact to communicate. It plays an essential social role in
oiling the wheels of social intercourse. The purpose of speaking is to establish
or maintain a relationship. It is also usually called the interpersonal use of
language. On the other hand, the transactional purpose focuses more on
speaking to get something done.

5. Problems in Teaching Speaking Skill

Ur (2009) found that there were problems in teaching speaking

a. Shy and Inhibition
Students often do not want to say something in a foreign language in the
classroom because they are afraid of making mistakes. It is obvious that
they criticize or are ashamed of the word that attracts attention.
b. Finding Something to Say
Although they were not banned, the teacher often listened to the students'
complaints. Nothing comes to mind. It is not enough to give an interesting
topic to the students. They need to realize that they have something
relevant and original to contribute to the discussion in a way that is worth
talking about.
c. Individuals' Low Involvement
This challenge makes some students feel ready and others small and

d. First Language Use

In the classroom, students always use the first language because it is easier
and more meaningful to talk with each other in their language. If the
students spend most of their time speaking their language, they have no
time to improve English speaking abilities.

C. Classroom Participation

1. The Definition of Classroom Participation

According to Vandrick (2000), participation may be described as

the topics that students frequently discuss in class, such as answering
questions, asking questions, contributing comments, and participating in class
Classroom participation may be defined as classroom conditions
where students discuss what they are learning in class. Participation is a
communication process between students and teachers or students with other
students. Participation can be in expressing opinions or asking questions
related to the material.

2. Classroom Participation Patterns

Liu (2001) has identified four patterns of classroom involvement

that are frequently seen among students. These patterns are:
1. Total Integration, in which students are active participants.
2. Conditional Engagement, in which certain variables limit students'
3. Marginal Interactions, in which students are active listeners but rarely
make spoken interactions.
4. Silent Observation, in which students entirely retreat from vocal
classroom participation and discussions.

Idealistically, all learners in the class should be able to engage in

class activities without difficulty.

3. Factors Contributing to the Lack of Student Participation

The research conducted by Tsui (1996 as cited in Liu, 2001),

discovers five characteristics that lead to low student participation. These
factors are as follows:
1. Students' poor knowledge of English.
2. Students' fear of making mistakes and being ridiculed by classmates.
3. Teachers' intolerance of silence, which overwhelms students of time to
4. Different opportunities for speech provided by each student teacher.
5. The teacher's language input is complicated.

The findings show that the classroom environment, the

student's personality traits, and the teaching methods utilized
significantly impact student engagement in the classroom. In addition, it
is essential to recognize that teachers impact class participation by the
methods they employ (Fassinger, 1996).

D. Previous Study

There are several studies similar to this research. First is research from
Handayani et al. (2019) entitled Blended Learning Approach in Improving
Students' Speaking Skill. The participants of this study were random students
in X MIA 4. Researchers used quantitative research with speaking tests to
students. Research demonstrates that about 11 percent of student flow
improvement may be attributed to using a blended learning approach. The
researchers said that students should be closely monitored for their level of
devotion to study. This research shows that the activeness of students in the
classroom is something that the teacher must pay attention to while blended
learning is applied.

Second is research from Isda et al. (2021) entitled The Effect of Using
Blended Learning Model on Enhancing Students' Speaking Skill In Senior
High Schools. Researchers are lecturers from Samudra University, Aceh. The
participants of this study were eleventh-grade students in senior high school.
The mean results on the pretest and posttest are statistically different.
Following data, the study discovered that blended learning had a beneficial
impact on students' speaking abilities when they participated in the media
google classroom at SMA N 2 Patranusa. In this article, the discussion section
does not describe much about the research findings that have been done.
Third is the research from Rachman et al. (2021) entitled The Blended
Learning Implementation of ELT based on Teachers’ and Students’
Perspective in New Normal Condition of COVID-19. The participants in this
study were teachers and students drawn at random from as many as nine high
schools located around the city of Bandung. The questionnaire and test were
utilized by the researcher to collect data for this study. The findings of this
study indicate that blended learning has an impact on both teachers and
students, including challenges for teachers in preparing the material and using
the media; Blended Learning assists teachers in bridging the gap between
online and offline learning; it assists students in learning English
contextually; and it improves students' language proficiency.
Next is research from Rahmawati (2019) entitled Blended Learning in
an English Listening and Speaking Course: Freshmen’ s Voice and Choice.
As many as six new students at Islamic Private University in Yogyakarta
became participants in the study using observation and interviews. The
research found that the findings indicate that the blended learning model for
the Listening and Speaking course in the formal context has been created and
developed adequately. When it comes to teaching e-learning, although it is
regarded as necessary for course design, there are a few things to solve.
Additionally, participants were enthusiastic about adapting the method to
blended learning after the interview, particularly for its flexibility,

adaptability, relevance to their language abilities, and incredible capacity to

be independent and self-regulating.
Last is research from Ehsanifard et al. (2020) entitled The Impact of
Blended Learning on Speaking Ability and Engagement. The participants
were ninety students at the intermediate level and another 60 were randomly
selected for the study. Researchers used experimental research by distributing
questionnaires and doing pre-tests and post-tests for the students. In terms of
speaking proficiency and engagement, students who received blended
teaching outperformed the control group. It is related to the advantages and
opportunities that blended learning provides learners. Furthermore, students
are more involved in blended learning than in traditional learning.
From the several studies above, it can be concluded that many
researchers have investigated blended learning on students' speaking skills.
Most researchers use the test as a research instrument. Some of the contents
also compare the effectiveness of blended learning with face-to-face learning.
Meanwhile, in this study, the researcher wanted to examine the impact of
blended learning on speaking skills and its relation to student participation in
learning English. The researcher used observation and interview techniques
to get detailed explanations of participants’ perspectives. In addition, this
research is more about comparing blended learning with fully online learning.
Finally, this research is expected to provide detailed information on the
impact of blended learning related to students' speaking skills.


A. Research Method and Design

The researcher used the qualitative method as the design for this
research. Qualitative research is the process of understanding that explores
social or human problems based on different methodological traditions of the
research. The researcher creates a complex picture, analyzes the words,
provides details from informants, and researches in the natural environment (J.
W. Creswell, 2012). Qualitative research focus on the social phenomena that
must be understood. The study used a qualitative approach to explain the
situation in society, identify actions and human impact (Hancock et al., 2009).
The empirical evidence relating to the case was discovered in the
region's subsequent study. Furthermore, the characteristic of a qualitative study
is that it explores people's engagement and perspectives on the situation in real
life (Hatch, 2002). The qualitative technique used in this study relates to
people's circumstances and strives to grasp the issue with a detailed
explanation. Apart from the method, participants are highly crucial in doing
An important part of the study was the process of selecting the
participants during the study. The researcher chose the sample using purposive
sampling. According to Fraenkel et al. (2003) the selection of a sample by the
use of an individual's judgment is known as purposive sampling. He added that
the researcher had presumed the students' understanding of the population in
order to determine whether or not a certain sample will be representative.
Through this purposive sampling, the teacher suggests the researcher took
samples from class 7K. These respondents are required to carry out a number
of the researcher's outlined research procedures.


B. Research Setting

This research was conducted in SMPN 2 Kota Depok which is located

at Jl. Bangau Raya No. 246, Depok Jaya, Pancoran Mas, Depok, West Java.
The time required to conduct this research is approximately a month.

C. Data Collection Technique

Qualitative research data is classified into numerous categories. These

include observations, interviews and questionnaires, documents and visual
media material (J. W. Creswell, 2012). In this study, the researcher used
observations and interviews to collect the data.

1. Observation

Observation is an open-ended process of collecting data directly

by observing people and places in a research area (J. W. Creswell, 2012). In
this study, the observation process was carried out when blended learning
was implemented in the classroom where the impact on students' speaking
ability would be known. The researcher made direct observations to SMPN
2 Depok.
John W. Creswell discussed the roles of observation. Participant
Observer, Nonparticipant Observer, and Changing Observational Role are
the three roles of an observer. A researcher can play the role of a Participant
Observer by participating in activities at the observation site. On the other
hand, the researcher who visits the observation site, notes events and
activities is a Nonparticipant Observer. Third, Changing Observational Role
is the role of a person who becomes an observer and modifies their function
to the environment in the field, allowing researchers to go from
nonparticipant observer to participant observer (J. W. Creswell, 2012).
Participant observation was used in this study. The researcher
participated in learning activities using blended learning as an English
teacher. This role is done so that the researcher sees the experience of
participant view (J. W. Creswell, 2012).

In addition, to make observations, the researcher used field notes

to collect relevant information during the observation. Field notes are
commonly used in qualitative research to capture crucial contextual
information. Field notes were originally used to record researchers' personal
thoughts, ideas, and questions about their study observations and interviews
(Phillippi & Lauderdale, 2018). Most qualitative research methods
encourage researchers to collect field notes to improve data quality and give
context for analysis (John W. Creswell, 2013).

2. Interview

After making observations, the researcher conducted interviews to

obtain detailed information from students. The researcher used semi-
structured interviews in this study. According to Hancock (2009), a semi-
structured interview is a collection of open-ended questions of the sort used
to determine the goal of the inquiry. Because open-ended questions allow
participants to respond freely, there are no answer choices.
The researcher used semi-structured interviews so that students
were free to answer all of the questions according to their experiences.
Researchers might obtain specific information from respondents by notes or
tape and then transcribe the data into a paper (J. W. Creswell, 2012). The
interview enabled the researcher to listen attentively, learn the perspectives
or experiences of the participants across time and investigate views of the
audiences (Dornyei, 2007). Conducting the evidence-based interview with
the survey participant was based on a set of pre-formulated questions about
the subject.

D. Research Procedure

During the study process, the researcher must gather data in many steps.
The steps are given in detail below:
First, what was done was to compile basic information on observation
field notes to determine the points the researcher wanted to examine. The

researcher conducted the research by becoming a teacher at SMPN 2 Depok

because at that time it coincided with PLP activities, so field notes were always
written down to determine the class situation regarding student participation.
When information was obtained from observation, interviews were conducted
to find in-depth information regarding the impact of blended learning
according to the students' perspectives.
The interview questions were also reviewed and approved by the
researcher's advisor before being made available for usage. From the entire
number of participants, ten individuals were chosen. The interviewees were
picked based on advice from the English teacher. The researcher then
conducted the interviews with the students in Bahasa Indonesia. The researcher
distributed interview questions via Google Form.

E. Data Analysis Technique

After gathering all observation and interview data, the researcher began
analyzing both sets of information. In addition, each tool must present a
different analysis technique. Data analysis required appropriate processes to
make data visualization easy for researchers and readers to understand.
Therefore, Miles and Huberman's flow model was applied to the
observation and interview data analysis. This flow model analyzes several
components, including data reduction, data visualization, and generated
conclusions. The initial is data compression. Data reduction is selecting,
focusing, and summarizing raw data from interviews, observations, and other
qualitative sources (Miles et al., 2013).
The second step was displaying the data. The selected data might be
located in the writer of the study description, table, category, and graph. This
data was presented to assist the researcher in interpreting what was occurring
in the presented data and determining the next step. The observation and
interview data were presented in narrative form in this study. Finally, it reached
conclusions and validates them. The conclusion was based on the evaluation of
the research after a thorough analysis of the evidence.

In addition, the researcher combined Miles and Huberman's model with

thematic analysis. Thematic analysis is a technique for detecting, analyzing,
and reporting data patterns (themes). It organizes and defines the researcher's
data collection in (rich) detail at a high level (Braun & Clarke, 2006).
Combining the two models made research results more precise based on the
existing themes.


This study aimed to investigate the impact of blended learning on students'

speaking skills at school. The researcher chose VII K class of SMPN 2 Depok as
participants in this study based on the recommendation of the English teacher. Ten
students were selected as interviewees to share their perspectives about
implementing blended learning in English class. This chapter discussed and
displayed observation and interview data.

A. Research Findings

1. The Students’ Participation in the Classroom Using Blended Learning

Online learning used as a learning method during the pandemic at

SMPN 2 Depok resulted in several problems including student participation in
class. As the English teacher said that:
“Nanti ketika kamu mengajar, jangan kaget ya kalau siswanya kurang
aktif karena dari awal mereka masuk sekolah kan pembelajarannya
secara daring, jadi mereka masih malu untuk bertanya atau
berpartisipasi dalam pembelajaran. Semoga dengan
diperbolehkannya penerapan blended learning di sekolah ini dapat
meningkatkan partisipasi mereka di dalam kelas”.
(Later, when you teach, do not be surprised if the students are less
active because from the beginning they entered school, the learning
was online, so they were still shy to ask questions or participate in
learning. Hopefully, by allowing the application of blended learning
in this school, it can increase their participation in the classroom).
That was the message the 7th-grade English teacher gave at SMPN 2
Depok to the researcher before the teaching and observation process. The
message from the teacher made the researcher even more curious to know the
actual condition of the students.

In addition to conducting interviews with students, the researcher also

took observations to determine the frequency with which students used their
speaking abilities while studying English via blended learning. In this study,


the researcher used participant observation to obtain data. When observing, the
researcher writes the filled notes during the lesson.

In the first week of the study, the researcher taught English face-to-
face in class. The researcher found that in learning activities, many students
only paid attention to the delivery of learning materials and did not participate
in class discussions. This situation made the researcher even more excited to
get them to talk. Knowing the existing conditions, the researcher occasionally
threw questions to the passive students until they tried to speak English with
correct pronunciation.

Moreover, face-to-face in blended learning helped reduce passive

students in class. The researcher gave students assignments in pairs every week
so that the possibility of students speaking in class increased, and the class
became crowded with students working with their classmates.

In the second week, students no longer felt awkward and embarrassed

when they wanted to speak; ask questions or give answers that the researcher
asks. At the observation time, the researcher asked volunteers to answer types
of pronouns, and several students answered these questions (Students
observation field notes 5-19-2022). When blended learning was applied, the
constraints when fully online could be minimized. Students spoke more often
and participated in class.

Besides that, internet connection issues caused a lack of student

participation during full online learning. Students often lose the teacher's voice
explaining material online so that it was not appropriately conveyed. The
reason for this was stated by one of the students during the interview. The
student said that:

“Karena dalam pembelajaran full online saya terkadang mengalami

beberapa kendala. Seperti jaringan yang buruk, audio yang tidak
terdengar, dan lain sebagainya. Jadi saya merasa ragu untuk aktif di
pembelajaran online. Sedangkan pada blended learning saya merasa
lebih percaya diri untuk aktif di pembelajaran bahasa Inggris karena

saya dapat bertemu dengan teman-teman saya, dan materi yang

dipaparkan lebih mudah dimengerti”. (Student 1)
(Because in fully online learning I sometimes experience some
obstacles. Such as bad networks, audio that is not heard, and so on. So
I feel hesitant to be active in online learning. While in blended
learning, I feel more confident to be active in learning English because
I can meet my friends, and the material presented is easier to
She added that the combination of online and face-to-face had a
significant impact on her speaking skills in the classroom because the activities
that the teacher provides become more varied. As she said:
“Pada saat pembelajaran online biasanya ada beberapa kata yang
saya tidak tahu pronunciationnya secara benar, dan hanya
mengandalkan cara pronunciation menurut website seperti google
ataupun youtube. Jadi saat online saya lebih memilih untuk
memperhatikan materi guru, mencatatnya, dan membaca ulang.
Biasanya hal ini membantu saya agar lebih memahami materi
sebelum di review kembali dan ketika pembelajaran tatap muka
keterampilan berbicara bahasa Inggris saya berkembang karena
terdapat tugas-tugas praktek seperti membacakan dialog, bernyanyi,
ataupun story telling. Juga jika ada kata yang saya tidak tahu cara
pronunciation-nya, saya bisa bertanya pada guru ataupun teman
(During online learning, there are usually some words I do not know
the pronunciation of correctly, and I only rely on the pronunciation
according to websites like Google or YouTube. So when online, I
prefer to pay attention to the teacher's material, take notes, and reread
it. Usually, this helps me to understand the material better before
reviewing it again. My English speaking skills developed during face-
to-face learning because there were practical tasks such as reading
dialogues, singing, or storytelling. Also, if there are words that I do
not know how to pronounce, I can ask the teacher or my friends).
Two students also have the same opinion regarding the internet
problems that have been mentioned:

“Karena kalau online kadang terkendala oleh jaringan atau orang

rumah”. (Student 2)
(Because learning online is sometimes constrained by the network or
people at home).

“Jika pembelajaran full online saya merasa tidak terlalu puas karena
kadang ada trouble yaitu jaringan dan kita tidak dapat mendengar
materi lebih jelas”. (Student 3)
(If I study fully online, I am not very satisfied because sometimes
there are troubles, namely network problems, and we cannot hear the
material more clearly).

In the following week, students carried out online learning. The

teacher then asked me to join Zoom and see the learning process. The teacher
brought the whole class together in a Zoom meeting. During the lesson, the
teacher asked questions several times regarding the use of Articles. Several
different class students were answering the teacher's questions, but more just
The researcher found that students were embarrassed to ask questions
during online learning because the teacher combined several classes in
learning. The condition made students shy when seen by students from other
classes. As a result, they chose not to speak. The existence of face-to-face in
blended learning could overcome the existing problems.
It was supported when the previous observation took place. When the
researcher asked several students to provide examples of using pronouns, they
dared to come to the front of the class to answer the question (Students
observation field notes 5-19-2022). The student expressed this reason:
“Saya termasuk siswa yang aktif pada pembelajaran tatap muka,
karena jika di pembelajaran online saya malu untuk bertanya saat
saya tidak mengerti pelajaran yang sedang dibahas tetapi kalo
pembelajaran tatap muka saya lebih senang bertanya karena yang
melihat saya bertanya hanya teman-teman saya, sedangkan kalo
pembelajaran online saya dilihat oleh semua kelas”. (Student 4)
(I am an active student in face-to-face learning because in online
learning, I am shy to ask questions when I do not understand the lesson
being discussed, but in face-to-face learning, I prefer to ask because
the only people who see me ask are my friends, while in learning
online, I was seen by all classes).

Furthermore, learning materials were completed and detailed with

blended learning. Other students assume that with online learning, the material
presented needed to be more detailed, so few students needed to understand the

material presented by the teacher. As a result, student participation in class was

reduced. The student expressed her opinion:
“Karena saat pembelajaran online menurut saya materi tidak terlalu
detail dan kurang mudah dipahami sehingga saya ragu untuk aktif
dalam menjawab pertanyaan, tetapi saat tatap muka saya lebih
mengerti materi, lebih pede untuk aktif menjawab pertanyaan-
pertanyaan dan juga aktif dalam bertanya”. (Student 5)
(Because during online learning, I think the material is not too detailed
and not easy to understand, so I hesitate to be active in answering
questions. However, when face to face, I understand the material
better, am more confident to answer questions actively, and am active
in asking questions).

Blended learning could help students to be more active in speaking in

class. Students could interact directly with teachers and friends so that student
participation increases. It was seen that when learning about the types of
pronouns, students actively participated in discussions. Some provided
information and examples and asked in more detail about using Pronouns
(Students observation field notes 5-19-2022). The student stated that:
“Bagi saya blended learning cukup membantu untuk mengembangkan
keterampilan berbicara, karena dengan blended learning kita bisa
berinteraksi dengan guru secara langsung sehingga dapat
mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara dengan tanya jawab dengan
guru atau teman”. (Student 6)
(For me, blended learning is quite helpful for developing speaking skills
because, with blended learning, we can interact with teachers directly
to develop speaking skills by asking questions and answering questions
with the teacher or friends).

Students could combine blended learning as an effective learning

method. Students spoke more often because the material has been given online.
When face-to-face took place, they would ask questions related to the material
provided. As the student said:
“Pada saat pembelajaran online saya fokus membaca dan mencari
materi dari rumah, sehingga pada saat tatap muka saya akan bertanya
kepada guru terkait hal yang masih membingungkan”. (Student 7)
(During online learning, I focus on reading and looking for material
from home, so when I meet face-to-face, I will ask the teacher about
things that are still confusing).

Blended learning made students better understand the material being

studied so that students' speaking skills could be trained in English classes. When
the researcher conveyed material about Pronouns, all students paid attention to
the teacher when learning occured (Students observation field notes 5-19-2022).
As the student said:
“Saya bisa dapat memahami materi sangat mudah dan bisa dengan
cepat melatih public speaking dengan bahasa Inggris”. (Student 8)
(I can understand the material very easily and can quickly practice
public speaking in English).

The existence of face-to-face in blended learning made students more

focused on learning so that they became active and diligent when doing the tasks
given by the teacher. The students looked excited when the researcher gave them
the task of making descriptive paragraphs using types of pronouns in pairs.
Almost all of them asked whether the tasks carried out were appropriate to the
instructions or not. If not, they still worked together and tried to complete the
assignment correctly within the allotted time (Students observation field notes
5-19-2022). As the student said in the interview:
“Saya lebih aktif pembelajaran tatap muka karna lebih fokus dan
membuat saya lebih rajin dalam mengerjakan tugas”. (Student 9)
(I am more active in face-to-face learning because it is more focused
and makes me more diligent in doing my assignments).

Another student has the same opinion, she said:

“Pada pembelajaran online saya berusaha memahami materinya,

tetapi pada saat tatap muka saya sudah paham dengan materinya”.
(Student 10)
(In online learning I try to understand the material, but when I meet
face-to-face I already understand the material).
The results of these interviews and observations concluded that with
blended learning, many students participated in learning English and were
getting used to practicing speaking English in the classroom. Even so, online
learning in blended learning must be maximized so that both can produce
satisfactory results.

2. The Impact of the Blended Learning on the Speaking Skills

According to interviews and observations, blended learning positively

impacted the speaking ability of 7K grade students at SMPN 2 Depok.
a. Learning More Effective
The combination of online and face-to-face learning made learning
English more effective. When online, students learn English, such as finding
a new vocabulary, listening to the correct pronunciation, and learning
material from various sources on the internet. Meanwhile, while learning in
person, students might put their online knowledge to use by talking more,
asking questions, answering questions, or simply explaining the content in
the classroom.
The student stated during interviews with the researcher:
“Dengan adanya blended learning, saya merasa terbantu. Dalam
pembelajaran bahasa Inggris secara online biasanya saya lebih
mudah mencari tahu kosa kata baru, mencari arti makna sebuah
kata atau kalimat, serta menerjemahkan. Dan dalam pembelajaran
tatap muka saya merasa bahwa saya lebih dapat mengerti secara
mendalam. Karena dalam pembelajaran tatap muka, materi yang
dipaparkan biasanya lebih detail juga jelas. Juga adanya praktek
yang mampu mengembangkan kemampuan berbahasa inggris”.
(Student 9)
(With blended learning, it helped. Learning English online is
usually easier for me to find new vocabulary, find the meaning of
a word or sentence, and translate. Moreover, in face-to-face
learning, I can understand more deeply. Because in face-to-face
learning, the material presented is usually more detailed and
precise. Some practices teachers give in face-to-face learning can
develop English language skills).

Another two students have the same opinion regarding the

effectiveness of blended learning in learning English. They said:
“Dengan adanya blended learning saya bisa latihan materi
bahasa Inggris dengan mudah dan saya juga bisa menanyakan
secara langsung materi yang sudah saya pelajari di internet jika
saya kurang paham kepada guru saya”. (Student 2)
(With blended learning, I can practice English material easily. I can
also ask my teacher about the material I have learned on the internet
if I need to understand more).

“Pada saat pembelajaran online saya fokus membaca dan

mencari materi dari rumah, sehingga pada saat tatap muka saya
akan bertanya kepada guru terkait hal yang masih
membingungkan”. (Student 4)
(During online learning, I focus on reading and looking for material
from home so that when face to face, I will ask the teacher about
things that are still confusing).

The effectiveness of blended learning was not only obtained

through the results of student interviews. The researcher found it during
the observation. During observation, one of the students asked about the
material given through the WhatsApp group. Students asked about the
differences in the placement of objective pronouns and possessive
adjectives (Students observation field notes 5-19-2022).
Even so, there was ineffectiveness when online learning in
blended learning was implemented at SMPN 2 Depok. The teacher united
all classes into one zoom room with the duration of teaching one class.
As a result, many students were silent because they felt embarrassed to
speak in front of friends from different classes.
b. Easier for Students and Teachers
The researcher found that blended learning made it easier for
students and teachers to talk and work together in the classroom. It
reduced problems that arose when using full online learning. That was
the internet problem that limited the interaction between students and
teachers. Furthermore, blended learning helped students better
comprehend the content delivered by the teacher, allowing them to
participate actively in the learning process by responding to the teacher’s
At the time of observation, the researcher made several
sentences after that asking students to determine the type of pronoun in
each sentence that was made. The students were seen as enthusiastic in
answering the questions given (Students observation field notes 5-19-

As the student stated during interviews with the researcher:

“Saya siswa yang kurang aktif selama pembelajaran daring,
tetapi dalam pembelajaran campuran, saya lebih terlibat
karena saya dapat berinteraksi langsung dengan teman dan
guru”. (Student 6)
(I am a less active student during online learning, but in blended
learning, I am more involved because I can interact with friends
and teachers directly).
Another student stated that:
“Saya termasuk siswa yang lebih aktif pada saat pembelajaran
tatap muka. Karena saya merasa lebih leluasa untuk
berinteraksi. Juga saya lebih paham materi yang diterangkan
jadi saya merasa percaya diri jika ada pertanyaan. Dalam
pembelajaran tatap muka lebih mudah untuk bertanya pada
guru. Sedangkan pada saat pembelajaran online terkadang
saya merasa ragu untuk aktif karena terkendala jaringan”.
(Student 9)
(I am a more active student during face-to-face learning because
I feel free to interact. Also, I understand the material explained
better, so I feel confident if I have questions. In face-to-face
learning, it is easier to ask the teacher. Meanwhile, during online
learning, sometimes I feel hesitant to be active because of
network problems).

c. Students Thrilled to Learn Some Skills in Speaking

The research also showed that students were thrilled to learn
some skills in speaking English, such as grammar and pronunciation.
When the researcher voiced some new vocabulary with the correct
pronunciation, the students took the initiative by continuously repeating
the words they knew by trying to use the correct pronunciation according
to the direction of the researcher (Students observation field notes 5-19-
The interview results found that blended learning helped
students thrilled their English skills through two different faces. Students
could practice some skills using the internet and in the classroom. As one
student said:
“Pada saat pembelajaran online biasanya ada beberapa kata
yang saya tidak tahu pronunciation nya secara benar, dan saya
mengandalkan cara pronunciation menurut website seperti

Google ataupun Youtube. Sedangkan ketika pembelajaran tatap

muka keterampilan berbicara bahasa inggris saya berkembang
karena terdapat tugas-tugas praktek seperti membacakan
dialog, bernyanyi, ataupun story telling”. (Students 9)
(During online learning, there are usually a few words for which
I do not know the correct pronunciation, and I rely on how to
pronounce them according to websites like Google or YouTube.
Whereas, when learning face-to-face, my English speaking
skills develop because there are practical tasks such as reading
dialogues, singing, or storytelling).

All of the above described how effective blended learning at

SMPN 2 Depok on students' oral communication abilities, particularly
among 7th graders. In conclusion, based on the researcher's observations
and interviews, that blended learning had a good impact and was better
than the implementation of fully online learning.

B. Discussion

This research aimed to ascertain how blended learning has impacted

students' speaking abilities. According to observations and interviews at SMPN
2 Depok, blended learning has a beneficial influence on pupils. Blended
learning was increasing the number of students participating in the learning
process. Students spoke more in class because blended learning was able to
solve issues that came up while doing online learning. Students' barriers from
a bad internet connection may be reduced. This was in accordance with
previous research which said that blended learning was recommended to
overcome poor internet connection and lack of internet bundles to improve
English online learning (Pale, 2021).
Because of that, students can easily hear the teacher's instructions to
understand the topic, so while studying English in class, many students ask and
respond to questions about the material taught. It was supported by Hojnacki
(2016 as cited in Ehsanifard et al., 2020), some learners are more engaged in
conventional courses, while others contribute more in virtual classes based on
their personality type. Both students may express their thoughts via blended
learning in conventional or online settings.

Students agreed that blended learning helped them get better at speaking
in class. The benefits of each face-to-face and online learning were combined
to produce effective learning during a pandemic. The research conducted by
Ehsanifard (2020) supported that blended group members improved their oral
competence more broadly. It was because of the blended format's modality,
which benefits face-to-face and internet interaction. Sari (2021) suggested that
blended learning increases the performance of speaking skills, particularly in
the components of speaking skills, namely vocabulary, grammar, and
comprehension, and was effective for undergraduate students. From this
finding, it could be said that students may learn English based on their
circumstances. Depending on the learning materials, they might learn through
the web or an application. Based on interviews, some students studied
pronunciation and grammar online, which they would later apply when
learning face-to-face.
The research by Permata (2021) stated that using the blended learning
approach in lectures may be a decision that improves student knowledge and
motivation. It was the same as the research findings in which 7K grade students
of SMPN 2 Depok admitted that they were more motivated to learn English
with blended learning. They met with teachers and friends directly so the
interaction could occur without obstacles. Additionally, students spoke more
because the teacher gives several group assignments in the classroom that
required students to speak in English. When they studied fully online, they
were only given assignments via google classroom or WhatsApp group, so
students did not talk much during learning.
Even so, students felt that online learning in blended learning still
needed to be more optimal. The method used by the teacher in uniting the
whole class to learn English made students feel embarrassed, especially
because some of them felt that their speaking ability was still lacking, so they
chose to be silent during the learning process. Blended learning could be
applied well if the teacher knew how to use it well. Other researchers also
suggested the same thing: to ensure that students acquire the skills addressed

in the curriculum, teachers must be flexible and adaptable in the face of

unpredictable circumstances (Prasetyo et al., 2022). It took creativity so
students could practice their speaking skills online and face-to-face. If the
teacher can condition this, blended learning will be advantageous for the
efficiency of teaching and learning in the classroom, especially when honing
students' speaking skills.


A. Conclusion

Based on the findings, implementing blended learning in schools

impacted student participation in class so that their speaking skills were honed
every time the learning process took place. According to students, the
shortcomings in online learning could be overcome by implementing blended
learning during the pandemic. The pupils said that face-to-face, blended
learning provided an opportunity to study with classmates so that their
willingness to spoke increases. In addition, students were able to ask or answer
questions from the teacher directly without any difficulties from a bad internet
connection. In short, students could use face-to-face learning to practice the
material and abilities in the classroom, while online learning was used to
explore the material in their own way.

B. Suggestion

After conducting the research and obtaining information about the

impact of blended learning on students, the researcher would like to suggest to
teachers that the online learning model should be fun as well. It is expected that
teachers pay attention to material development in blended learning. Teachers
must be more able to fulfill material that can be presented online. Teachers can
use the web or application as a learning medium so that student participation
in class increases, and they can practice some skills when learning online so
that student participation does not only increase during face-to-face learning
but in both.
Next are suggestions for students. Students must be able to hone their
English skills while at school, especially speaking skills. By doing that, the
components of the language, such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,
fluency, and English comprehension, can be appropriately trained.


Lastly, the researcher wants to suggest further research to explore more

impact of blended learning with specific online learning media. Studying the
benefits of blended learning with specific online learning media is an exciting
discussion if applied creatively.

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Appendix 1 Documentation

Appendix 2 Students’ Interview Questions

1. Berdasarkan pengalaman Anda, apa manfaat Blended Learning dalam

pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?
2. Bagaimana Blended Learning membantu Anda mengembangkan
keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Inggris di kelas?
3. Mengapa Blended Learning membuat Anda lebih aktif berpartisipasi dalam
kelas Bahasa Inggris dibanding dengan pembelajaran online?
4. Mengapa lebih menyukai Blended Learning dibanding pembelajaran full
5. Anda termasuk siswa yang aktif pada pembelajaran online atau tatap muka?

Appendix 3 Students’ Interview Transcript

Student 1

Question 1 : Berdasarkan pengalaman Anda, apa manfaat Blended

Learning dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Answer : Dapat belajar dengan lebih fleksibel dan dapat meningkatkan

kepuasan dalam belajar.

Question 2 : Bagaimana Blended Learning membantu Anda

mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Inggris di

Answer : Ketika saat ujian ada kata kata yang saya tidak tau artinya,
sesudah ujian berlangsung saya langsung bertanya kepada
teman, apa arti dari kata yang saya tidak tau, atau saya mencari
tau di google.

Question 3 : Mengapa Blended Learning membuat Anda lebih aktif

berpartisipasi dalam kelas Bahasa Inggris dibanding dengan
pembelajaran online?

Answer : Karena materi yang diberikan pada saat pembelajaran online

sangat sulit bagi saya untuk bisa dipahami, sedangkan blanded
learning saya bisa lebih mudah dan lebih jelas mengerti
tentang materi yang diberikan guru.

Question 4 : Mengapa lebih menyukai Blended Learning dibanding

pembelajaran full online?

Answer : Karena materi yang diberikan pada saat pembelajaran online

sangat sulit bagi saya untuk bisa dipahami, sedangkan blanded
learning saya bisa lebih mudah dan lebih jelas mengerti
tentang materi yang diberikan guru.


Question 5 : Anda termasuk siswa yang aktif pada pembelajaran online atau
tatap muka? Mengapa?

Answer : Tatap muka, karena kalau online kadang terkendala oleh

jaringan atau orang rumah.

Student 2

Question 1 : Berdasarkan pengalaman Anda, apa manfaat Blended

Learning dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Answer : Dengan adanya blended learing saya bisa latihan materi bahasa
Inggris dengan mudah dan saya juga bisa menanyakan secara
langsung materi yang sudah saya pelajari di internet jika saya
kurang paham kepada guru saya.

Question 2 : Bagaimana Blended Learning membantu kamu

mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Inggris di

Answer : Pada saat pembelajaran online saya kurang dapat memahami

materi apa yang di berikan guru, sehingga saya selalu meminta
bantuan guru/teman saya untuk membantu membenarkan
grammar dan pengucapannya.

Question 3 : Mengapa Blended Learning membuat kamu lebih aktif

berpartisipasi dalam kelas Bahasa Inggris dibanding dengan
pembelajaran online?

Answer : Karena pada saat online membuat saya tidak mengerti materi
nya, sedangkan dengan blended learing membantu saya untuk
mempelajari materi tatap muka bersama teman saya sehingga
latihan bahasa Inggris sangat mudah dipelajari.

Question 4 : Mengapa lebih menyukai Blended Learning dibanding

pembelajaran full online?

Answer : Karena saya bisa dapat memahami materi sangat mudah dan
bisa dengan cepat melatih public speaking dengan bahasa

Question 5 : Kamu termasuk siswa yang aktif pada pembelajaran online

atau tatap muka? Mengapa?

Answer : Tatap muka, karena saya bisa berkomunikasi secara langsung

dengan guru bahasa Inggris nya.

Student 3

Question 1 : Berdasarkan pengalaman Anda, apa manfaat Blended

Learning dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Answer : Dapat memahami lebih cepat saat pembelajaran Blended

Learning karena kita diajar kan secara langsung dan jelas.
Sedangkan secara online kita kurang memahami yang sedang
dibahas karena biasa nya ada kendala jaringan yang membuat
suara terpotong-potong.

Question 2 : Bagaimana Blended Learning membantu Anda

mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Inggris di

Answer : Pada saat pembelajaran blended learning biasa nya ada

kegiatan seperti membaca teks dan menyanyikan lagu di depan
kelas yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang membuat kita
lebih terbiasa menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

Question 3 : Mengapa Blended Learning membuat Anda lebih aktif

berpartisipasi dalam kelas Bahasa Inggris dibanding dengan
pembelajaran online?

Answer : Karena jika di pembelajaran online saya malu untuk bertanya

saat saya tidak mengerti pelajaran yang sedang dibahas tapi
kalo pembelajaran tatap muka maka saya lebih senang
bertanya karena yang melihat saya bertanya hanya teman
teman saya melainkan kalo pembelajaran online saya dilihat
oleh semua kelas dan pembelajaran online sangat
membosankan karena tidak bertemu dengan teman.

Question 4 : Mengapa lebih menyukai Blended Learning dibanding

pembelajaran full online?

Answer : Karena saat blended learning pelajaran yang kita dapat mudah
untuk dipahami, dan jika ingin bertanya hanya tinggal bilang
kepada guru / teman yang sudah mengerti,

Question 5 : Anda termasuk siswa yang aktif pada pembelajaran online atau
tatap muka? Mengapa?

Answer : Saya termasuk siswa yang aktif pada pembelajaran tatap muka,
karena jika di pembelajaran online syaa malu untuk bertanya
saat saya tidak mengerti pelajaran yang sedang dibahas tapi
kalo pembelajaran tatap muka maka saya lebih senang
bertanya karena yang melihat saya bertanya hanya teman
teman saya melainkan kalo pembelajaran online saya dilihat
oleh semua kelas.

Student 4

Question 1 : Berdasarkan pengalaman Anda, apa manfaat Blended

Learning dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Answer : Manfaat Blended Learning mampu meningkatkan kepuasan


Question 2 : Bagaimana Blended Learning membantu Anda

mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Inggris di

Answer : Saya belajar dari acara TV atau film yang berbahas Inggris jadi
saya dapat mengenal kata-kata baru, dan bisa belajar lebih
dalam dalam grammar Bahasa Inggris.

Question 3 : Mengapa Blended Learning membuat Anda lebih aktif

berpartisipasi dalam kelas Bahasa Inggris dibanding dengan
pembelajaran online?

Answer : Karena saat pembelajaran online saya merasa materi yang

dijelaskan tidak masuk dan jika saya catat saya hanya dapat
poin2 nya saja, tetapi saat tatap muka saya bisa berinteraksi
langsung dan belajar berbahasa Inggris bersama dan bisa
menggunakan grammar yang baik dan belajar publik speaking
dalam bahasa Inggris.

Question 4 : Mengapa lebih menyukai Blended Learning dibanding

pembelajaran full online?

Answer : Jika pembelajaran full online saya merasa tidak terlalu puas
karena kadang ada trouble yaitu jaringan dan kita tidak dapat
mendengar materi lebih jelas.

Question 5 : Anda termasuk siswa yang aktif pada pembelajaran online atau
tatap muka? Mengapa?

Answer : Tatap muka, karena jika pembelajaran online saya merasa

lebih malas dan bawaan nya hanya malas²an dan tidak ingin

Student 5

Question 1 : Berdasarkan pengalaman Anda, apa manfaat Blended

Learning dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Answer : Dengan menerapkan pembelajaran campuran, siswa dapat

belajar dengan lebih fleksibel. Berbeda dengan pembelajaran
tradisional, blended learning memungkinkan siswa untuk
belajar sesuai dengan kecepatannya sendiri.

Question 2 : Bagaimana Blended Learning membantu Anda

mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Inggris di

Answer : Pada saat pembelajaran online saya fokus membaca dan

mencari materi dari rumah, sehingga pada saat tatap muka saya
akan bertanya kepada guru terkait hal yang masih

Question 3 : Mengapa Blended Learning membuat Anda lebih aktif

berpartisipasi dalam kelas Bahasa Inggris dibanding dengan
pembelajaran online?

Answer : Karena pembelajaran online membosankan, sedangkan

dengan blended learning ada kesempatan untuk saya belajar
tatap muka bersama teman sehingga semangat belajar Bahasa
Inggris meningkat.

Question 4 : Mengapa lebih menyukai Blended Learning dibanding

pembelajaran full online?

Answer : Kalau full online suka tidak fokus saat belajar karena harus
memandang handphone terus sampai waktu belajar sekolah
selesai sedangkan blended learning lebih mudah dimengerti.

Question 5 : Anda termasuk siswa yang aktif pada pembelajaran online atau
tatap muka? Mengapa?

Answer : Tatap muka, karena bisa melihat teman teman dan paham
mengenai ilmu yang di ajarkan.

Student 6

Question 1 : Berdasarkan pengalaman Anda, apa manfaat Blended

Learning dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Answer : Pelajaran jadi lebih mudah dipahami.

Question 2 : Bagaimana Blended Learning membantu Anda

mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Inggris di

Answer : Bagi saya blended learning cukup membantu untuk

mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara,karena dengan
blended learning kita bisa berinteraksi dengan gurusecara
langsung sehingga siswa dapat mengembangkan keterampilan
berbicaranya dengan tanya jawab denagn guru/teman.

Question 3 : Mengapa Blended Learning membuat Anda lebih aktif

berpartisipasi dalam kelas Bahasa Inggris dibanding dengan
pembelajaran online?

Answer : Karena dengan blended learning kita dapat berinteraksi

dengan guru secara langsung,sehingga kita dapat lebih aktif
dalam kelas bahasa Inggris.

Question 4 : Mengapa lebih menyukai Blended Learning dibanding

pembelajaran full online?

Answer : Denagn blended learning kita dapat bertemu dengan teman dan
guru secara langsung,sehingga pembelajaran menjadi lebih
seru dan menyenangkan.

Question 5 : Anda termasuk siswa yang aktif pada pembelajaran online atau
tatap muka? Mengapa?

Answer : Saya termasuk siswa yang kurang aktif saat pembelajaran

online,akan tetapi di pembelajaran saya lebih aktif karena bisa
berinteraksi dengan teman dan guru secara langsung.

Student 7

Question 1 : Berdasarkan pengalaman Anda, apa manfaat Blended

Learning dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Answer : Dapat meningkatkan belajar agar puas.

Question 2 : Bagaimana Blended Learning membantu Anda

mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Inggris di

Answer : Karena mudah dipahami dan dapat dicerna.

Question 3 : Mengapa Blended Learning membuat Anda lebih aktif

berpartisipasi dalam kelas Bahasa Inggris dibanding dengan
pembelajaran online?

Answer : Karena setiap pembelajaran online saya selalu tidak fokus.

Sedangkan saat tatap muka lebih fokus dan lebih aktif.

Question 4 : Mengapa lebih menyukai Blended Learning dibanding

pembelajaran full online?

Answer : Karena pembelajarannya memberikan kepuasan kepada


Question 5 : Anda termasuk siswa yang aktif pada pembelajaran online atau
tatap muka? Mengapa?

Answer : Saya lebih aktif pembelajaran tatap muka karna lebih fokus
dan membuat saya lebih rajin dalam mengerjakan tugas.

Student 8

Question 1 : Berdasarkan pengalaman Anda, apa manfaat Blended

Learning dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Answer : Menurut saya, manfaatnya mungkin jadi lebih mengerti

dibandingkan belajar hanya secara full online,karena disaat
diterapkan blended learning itu lebih mudah dipahami
dibandingkan hanya secara online jadi saat tatap muka materi
online diterangkan kembali secara lebih detail dan jelas
sehingga mampu membuat saya lebih paham materi bahasa

Question 2 : Bagaimana Blended Learning membantu Anda

mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Inggris di

Answer : Menurut saya, itu sangat membantu karena saat online kita
hanya diajarkan materi yang tidak terlalu detail nantinya saat
tatap muka materi akan di review secara singkat dan
diprkatekan sehingga membuat kita lebih paham materi bahasa
inggris yang dijelaskan.

Question 3 : Mengapa Blended Learning membuat Anda lebih aktif

berpartisipasi dalam kelas Bahasa Inggris dibanding dengan
pembelajaran online?

Answer : Karena saat pembelajaran online menurut saya materi tidak

terlalu detail dan kurang kudah dipahami sehingga saya ragu
untuk aktif dalam menjawab pertanyaan,tetapi saat tatap muka
saya lebih mengerti materi dan lebih pede untuk aktif
menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dan juga aktif dalam

Question 4 : Mengapa lebih menyukai Blended Learning dibanding

pembelajaran full online?

Answer : Karena saat pembelajaran full online materi kurang jelas dan
tidak midah dipahami,tapi saat blended learning ada masanya
tatap muka dan online jadi disaat tatap muka saya bisa lebih
paham dan lebih detail mengetahui materi yang diterangkan di
online sebelumnya.

Question 5 : Anda termasuk siswa yang aktif pada pembelajaran online atau
tatap muka? Mengapa?

Answer : Menurut saya,saya lebih aktif saat tatap muka karena saat
online materinya tidak mudah dipahami dan kurang jelas jadi
saya ragu untuk aktif,tapi saat tatap muka saya lebih mengeeti
materi yang dimaksud sehingga saya lebih percaya diri dalam
bertanya dan menjawab suatu pertanyaan.

Student 9

Question 1 : Berdasarkan pengalaman Anda, apa manfaat Blended

Learning dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Answer : Dengan adanya blended learning, saya merasa terbantu. Dalam

pembelajaran bahasa inggris secara online biasanya saya lebih
mudah mencari tahu kosa kata baru, mencari arti makna
sebuah kata atau kalimat, serta menerjemahkan. Dan dalam
pembelajaran tatap muka saya merasa bahwa saya lebih dapat
mengerti secara mendalam. Karena dalam pembelajaran tatap
muka, materi yang dipaparkan biasanya lebih detail juga jelas.
Juga adanya praktek yang mampu mengembangkan
kemampuan berbahasa inggris. Dan karena pembelajaran tatap
muka juga membuat saya lebih mudah untuk berinteraksi
dengan guru atau sesama murid.

Question 2 : Bagaimana Blended Learning membantu Anda

mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Inggris di

Answer : Pada saat pembelajaran online biasanya ada beberapa kata

yang saya tidak tahu pronunciation-nya secara benar, dan
hanya mengandalkan cara pronunciation menurut website
seperti google ataupun youtube. Jadi saat online saya lebih
memilih untuk memperhatikan materi guru, mencatatnya, dan
membaca ulang. Biasanya hal ini membantu saya agar lebih
memahami materi sebelum di review kembali. Dan ketika
pembelajaran tatap muka keterampilan berbicara bahasa
inggris saya berkembang karena terdapat tugas-tugas praktek
seperti membacakan dialog, bernyanyi, ataupun story telling.
Juga jika ada kata yang saya tidak tahu cara pronunciation-nya,
saya bisa bertanya pada guru ataupun teman saya.

Question 3 : Mengapa Blended Learning membuat Anda lebih aktif

berpartisipasi dalam kelas Bahasa Inggris dibanding dengan
pembelajaran online?

Answer : Karena dalam pembelajaran online saya terkadang mengalami

beberapa kendala. Seperti jaringan, audio yang tidak
terdengar, dan lain sebagainya. Jadi saya merasa ragu untuk
aktif di pembelajaran online. Sedangkan pada blended learning
saya merasa lebih percaya diri untuk aktif di pembelajaran
bahasa inggris. Karena saya dapat bertemu dengan teman-
teman saya, dan materi yang dipaparkan lebih mudah

Question 4 : Mengapa lebih menyukai Blended Learning dibanding

pembelajaran full online?

Answer : Saya lebih menyukai blended learning karena masih

memberikan saya kesempatan untuk berinteraksi dan bertemu
dengan guru serta teman-teman saya secara tatap muka. Juga,
materi dalam blended learning biasanya lebih mudah
dimengerti. Saya lebih merasa berkembang ketika melakukan
blended learning dibandingkan full online.

Question 5 : Anda termasuk siswa yang aktif pada pembelajaran online atau
tatap muka? Mengapa?

Answer : Saya termasuk siswa yang lebih aktif pada saat pembelajaran
tatap muka. Karena saya merasa lebih leluasa untuk
berinteraksi. Juga saya lebih paham materi yang diterangkan
jadi saya merasa percaya diri jika ada pertanyaan. Dalam
pembelajarn tatap muka lebih mudah untuk bertanya pada
guru. Sedangkan pada saat pembelajaran online terkadang
saya merasa ragu untuk aktif ataupun terkena kendala.

Student 10

Question 1 : Berdasarkan pengalaman Anda, apa manfaat Blended

Learning dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Answer : Mampu meningkatkan kepuasan belajar.

Question 2 : Bagaimana Blended Learning membantu Anda

mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Inggris di

Answer : Pada pembelajaran online saya berusaha memahami

materinya, tetapi pada saat tatap muka saya sudah faham
dengan materinya.

Question 3 : Mengapa Blended Learning membuat Anda lebih aktif

berpartisipasi dalam kelas Bahasa Inggris dibanding dengan
pembelajaran online?

Answer : Karena pembelajaran online membuat kita kadang tidak bisa

memahami materinya,

Question 4 : Mengapa lebih menyukai Blended Learning dibanding

pembelajaran full online?

Answer : Karena pembelajaran full online membuat kita tidak punya


Question 5 : Anda termasuk siswa yang aktif pada pembelajaran online atau
tatap muka? Mengapa?

Answer : Iya, karena tidak mau ketinggalan materinya.

Appendix 4 Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Satuan Pendidikan : SMPN 2 Depok

Kelas/Semester : VII/Ganjil
Materi : Pronoun
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 30 menit

Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi, membedakan, dan menyusun teks deskriptif
terkait kata ganti orang, binatang, dan benda sesuai dengan konteks
1. Guru mengucapkan salam pembuka dan berdoa untuk memulai
2. Guru mengondisikan kelas agar pembelajaran dapat berlangsung secara
nyaman dan kondusif dengan cara mengobrol singkat.
3. Guru mengaitkan obrolan dengan materi yang akan dipelajari.
4. Guru menjelaskan secara singkat satu persatu materi pembelajaran.
5. Siswa diminta untuk memberikan contoh singkat penggunaan pronoun.
6. Siswa diminta untuk membedakan penggunaan macam-macam pronoun.
7. Guru meluruskan jawaban siswa dengan menjelaskan perbedaan dari setiap
8. Guru mengecek pemahaman siswa dengan sesekali melontarkan pertanyaan.
9. Setiap perwakilan barisan diminta untuk mengambil tema paragraf.
10. Siswa dan teman yang ada di belakangnya diminta untuk membuat satu
paragraf deskriptif terkait tema yang ada.
11. Guru mengecek setiap kelompok.
12. Beberapa perwakilan kelompok diminta untuk membacakan paragraf yang
telah dibuat di depan kelas.
13. Setiap kelompok diminta untuk bertukar buku dengan kelompok lain.


14. Setiap kelompok diminta untuk mencari penggunaan pronoun pada paragraf
kelompok lain.
15. Kedua kelompok berdiskusi jika terdapat perbedaan pendapat terkait
penggunaan pronoun pada paragraf.
16. Guru menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran dan hasil kerja siswa.
17. Guru memastikan apakah masih ada pertanyaan yang ingin disampaikan oleh
18. Guru melakukan absensi dengan meminta siswa menyebutkan satu contoh
kalimat terkait materi yang telah dipelajari.
19. Siswa diminta untuk membuat satu paragraf bebas menggunakan pronoun
dikumpulkan di google classroom.
20. Pembelajaran diakhiri dengan doa dan salam penutup.
Pengetahuan : Observasi saat pembelajaran terkait sikap kritis, kerja sama,
dan komunikatif.
Keterampilan : Memproduksi paragraf secara individu dan kelompok.

Mengetahui, Depok, 19 Mei 2022

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Drs. Salim Bangun, MM. Badiah Rangkuty

NIP. NIM. 11180140000079

Appendix 5 Surat Keterangan Penelitian


Appendix 6 Students’ Observation Field Notes


Title : The Impact of Blended Learning on Students’ Speaking Skills

(A Qualitative Descriptive Research at the Seventh Grade of
SMPN 2 Kota Depok Academic Year 2021/2022)
Date : May 19th 2022

Place : VII-K Class, SMPN 2 Kota Depok

Descriptive Notes Reflective Notes

When the researcher conveys material Students better understand the material
about Pronouns, all students pay being studied.
attention to the teacher when learning
The researcher gave questions about After doing the introductions the
the types of pronouns to students, and previous week, the students did not
several students tried to answer the seem embarrassed by the researcher.
Students answer questions related to During face-to-face learning, students
the use of pronouns by coming to the have the courage to express opinions.
front of the class.
When learning about the types of Students can interact directly with
pronouns, students actively participate teachers and friends so that student
in discussions. Some provided participation increases.
information and examples and asked in
more detail about using Pronouns.
The students looked excited when the Students more focused on learning so
researcher gave them the task of that they become active and diligent
making descriptive paragraphs using when doing the tasks given by the
types of pronouns in pairs. Almost all teacher.

of them asked whether the tasks carried

out were appropriate to the instructions
or not. If not, they still work together
and try to complete the assignment
correctly within the allotted time.
One of the students asked about the The effectiveness of blended learning
material given through the WhatsApp can be seen when the observation takes
group. Students ask about the place.
differences in the placement of
objective pronouns and possessive
The researcher made several sentences Blended learning makes it easier for
after that asking students to determine students and teachers to talk and work
the type of pronoun in each sentence together in the classroom.
that was made. The students were seen
as enthusiastic in answering the
questions given.
When the researcher voiced some new Students are thrilled to learn some
vocabulary with the correct skills in speaking English, such as
pronunciation, the students took the grammar and pronunciation.
initiative by continuously repeating the
words they knew by trying to use the
correct pronunciation according to the
direction of the researcher.

Appendix 7 References Examination Paper


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