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Quite a spectacle

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/53074891.

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandoms: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn, Bridgerton (TV) RPF
Relationships: Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington, Colin Bridgerton & Penelope
Characters: Colin Bridgerton, Penelope Featherington
Additional Tags: Colin Bridgerton Loves Penelope Featherington, Colin
Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington-centric, Penelope Featherington
Loves Colin Bridgerton, Confident Penelope Featherington, Colin
Bridgerton Being an Idiot, Jealous Colin Bridgerton, Horny Penelope
Featherington, Fucking, Porn with Feelings, Porn With Plot,
Exhibitionism, Colin acting like a pussy-blocker, Colin
Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington Happy Ending, I Can't Believe I
Wrote This, This is dirty, Chapter two is dirtier, Explicit Language,
Explicit Sexual Content
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-01-17 Words: 7,373 Chapters: 2/2
Quite a spectacle
by LilithAfrodite04


Colin is upset because Penelope has been avoiding him and no longer talks to him. In an
attempt to cheer up his friend, Michael drags him to a nightclub oozing with sensuality. To
Colin's surprise, he finds none other than Penelope there.
Chapter 1
Chapter Notes

I got inspired, so I wrote this little story divided into two chapters.
Hope you enjoy!

Colin's gaze fixated on the vibrant facade of the Red Velvet nightclub, a place shrouded in a
mysterious aura. The play of blue and purple lights shimmered, unveiling the elegant
silhouettes of dancers behind semi-opaque curtains. Despite the lively atmosphere, Colin's
thoughts meandered, and Michael, bubbling with enthusiasm, tried to uplift the mood.

"Pal, you're going to love Red Velvet. It's the perfect escape from your troubles," Michael

With a distant expression, Colin murmured, "Maybe it's better if I go; I'm not really in the

Sensing Colin's melancholy, Michael placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "No way.
You are going to forget about this Penelope girl. Let's just have some fun."

As Colin averted his gaze, Michael, perceptive to his friend's unease, greeted two elegantly
dressed women who passed by, casting flirtatious glances. The diversion worked, temporarily
pulling Colin's attention away.

"Well, it looks like we have fans. Come on, my friend, it's time to enjoy," Michael urged.

With a sigh, Colin reluctantly followed Michael into the club, the pulsating beats of music
enveloping the atmosphere and providing a momentary reprieve from the recent days'
lingering sadness.

Inside the club, the ambiance pulsed with vibrant energy. The captivating play of shadows
and lights danced across dark walls, creating an intriguing decor. Colin's eyes were drawn to
the dance floor, where elegant women moved gracefully to the infectious rhythm of the

Adjacent to the dance floor, a long bar counter beckoned with its gleaming allure, and tall
stools awaited those seeking entertainment.

Turning to Colin with a smile, Michael remarked, "Seen the place?" He gave a friendly pat on
Colin's shoulder. "In a few minutes, you'll forget about Penelope. Trust me, you won't even
remember her name."
Colin sighed, feeling exasperated by Michael's persistence in mentioning Penelope. "I'm
going to get a drink," he declared, distancing himself from his friend.

Crossing the dance floor, he felt the gaze of intrigued women following his steps until he
reached the bar. Ordering a drink, he leaned against the wall, observing the rhythmic flow of
people surrendering to the dance.

In the heart of the dance floor, Colin's eyes were irresistibly drawn to a woman with fiery red
hair gracefully dancing with a man. Even amidst the dim lighting, her crimson locks stood
out like flickering flames. Although her face remained hidden, the elegance of her dark green
dress was unmistakable. With each move, she exuded an irresistible grace, her high heels
tapping to the infectious rhythm of the music.

A peculiar sensation enveloped Colin. Recently, the color red had become a constant in his
thoughts whenever he envisioned a woman. Each strand of red hair seemed to act as a
catalyst for a cascade of indefinable emotions. The warmth and intensity associated with the
color began to take on a unique significance in his mind.

His gaze remained fixated on the red-haired woman on the dance floor. He traced the
contours of her fair skin and curves that inevitably brought to mind someone who had been
occupying his thoughts more frequently than usual. An involuntary sigh escaped his lips, and
he shook his head, as if attempting to dispel the persistent thoughts.

In the preceding days, a friend who had recently claimed a substantial portion of his mind
had distanced herself without any discernible reason. The mystery surrounding this
separation evoked a yearning that Colin grappled with. His attention returned to the dancing
woman, just in time to witness her succumb to a kiss with her partner. As his desire to be that
man intensified, Colin found himself envisioning a similar kiss with someone who uncannily
resembled his absent friend.

At the precise moment the name 'Penelope' reverberated in his mind, the woman stepped
back from her partner. The illumination revealed her features, and Colin, incredulous, choked
on the drink he held.

"Penelope?" he murmured, expelling the drink in a reflex of surprise. Their eyes locked, and
the incredulity mirrored in Colin's gaze reflected the bewildering confusion enveloping his
mind. The woman before him wasn't merely a manifestation of his imaginative desires; it was
Penelope herself, dancing in a reality that Colin struggled to comprehend.

The man Penelope had been dancing with stepped back after sharing a whispered secret in
her ear. Colin, seizing the opportunity with determination, moved towards her in the midst of
the dance floor.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

Penelope, still surprised, countered, "What are you doing here?"

"This isn't a place for you, Pen. What you are doing here…" he began to say but abruptly
stopped. "Please don't tell me Eloise dragged you here. Oh, Penelope, don't tell me my sister
frequents this place. Do not tell me you're a regular here…" He seemed oddly concerned
about that possibility.

She replied impatiently, "Eloise isn't around, Colin. I'm here with Genevieve."

A sigh of relief escaped Colin's lips. "Okay. So where is she now?"

"She's found someone to enjoy the night with."

"Alright. So let's leave, and you can let her know later that you had to go."

He attempted to hold her arm, but Penelope quickly pulled away, visibly irritated. "I'm not
going anywhere. Especially not with you."

"What? You want to stay? This isn't the right place for you, Penelope!"

"Why not? Just because you don't find me interesting enough to fuck doesn't mean others
share your opinion, Colin." Penelope raised her voice, turning away, hurt. "Leave me alone!"

Perplexed, Colin asked, "What are you talking about?"

Penelope looked back at him, repeating the words he had uttered months ago: "I would never
dream of having sex with Penelope. Not in your wildest dreams, Fife."

At that moment, Colin realized the reason behind Penelope's avoidance. His expression
shifted, laden with regret, as he processed her words and the hurt reflected in her eyes.
Having his own words thrown back at him was a sobering realization of his previous folly.

"Pen... I," Colin began, but she sharply interrupted him, her eyes still reflecting hurt.

"What? Do you have some excuse to give, is that it? Spare me your fucking excuses! I don't
want to hear it. Just leave me alone, okay?"

She walked away from him, skillfully navigating through the lively crowd on the dance floor.
Colin stood there, stunned, a mix of disbelief and a sinking feeling of idiocy washing over
him. With a burdened spirit, he trudged back to the bar, a sense of defeat weighing on his

Minutes later, Michael emerged, spotting Colin in his defeated state. He let out a sigh, rolling
his eyes with a mix of annoyance and concern. "Come on, Colin! Are you going to spend the
whole night brooding over her? Man, she doesn't want anything to do with you! Snap out of

Colin glanced at Michael, still silent, and downed the remaining contents of his drink in one
bitter gulp. Concern etched on his face, Michael approached him and asked, "What happened,

After a few heavy seconds, Colin responded, "Penelope is here. And now I know why she
doesn't want to talk to me."
"Penelope?" Michael widened his eyes, "here?" He started scanning the surroundings, as if
expecting her to materialize. "Are you sure?"

"If I'm sure?" Colin's irritation surfaced. "Of course, I'm sure! I spoke to her, you dimwit!"

"Okay, okay! Chill out!" Michael raised his hands. "Honestly, you need to relax, pal. Now
that you know why Penelope doesn't want to talk to you, you should go find another woman.
You need to fuck someone. Urgently."

"I don't want to fuck anyone, Michael," he murmured in response.

"Then go after the woman you want, man. Go before another guy does. We're in a nightclub,
and I'm telling you, it won't take long." Michael let out a low whistle. "I don't know how you
managed to be friends with her for so long without making a move… damn, Colin, she's

Colin raised an eyebrow, "watch your next words," he said in a low growl.

Michael laughed and slapped his shoulder, "go after Penelope because I'm done with your
bitter mood."

Colin hesitated as his friend turned to order a drink. There was a real reason he wasn't
chasing after Penelope at that moment. Yes, partly because of those abominable words he
said to Fife and the group of men. But there was another, deeper reason. For months, Colin
had been thinking about Penelope in a different way, a not-so-friendly way. For months, he
had been desiring his own friend, and he didn't know how to handle that desire. He was
ashamed of it; after all, Penelope had never been more than a friendly and helpful person to
him. So how could he entertain thoughts of that nature about her? It was wrong and dirty. She
was his friend, and she deserved respect.

Colin knew he liked her beyond friendship, but after the thoughts he had about her, he felt
confused. Dealing with these feelings was challenging, and he didn't want to hurt her with his
own confusion.

Of course, he bitterly regretted saying those words. When Fife asked if something was going
on between Penelope and him, Colin felt nervous. The nervousness mixed with the alcohol
made him say that foolishness. He didn't want Fife or the other men to start seeing Penelope
differently, but he ended up hurting her anyway.

He sighed and decided it would be better to talk to her to clarify things. He didn't know if
there would be a chance to talk there in that environment, but at least he would apologize and
ask for a chance to explain.

He navigated through the pulsating nightclub, his eyes searching the animated dance floor.
The electronic beats filled the air, creating a backdrop for his singular focus on finding
Penelope and untangling the mess.

Spotting her near the bar, he realized she wasn't alone. His eyes widened at the sight of her
sharing a kiss with a guy different from her previous dance partner. Irritated and drowning in
jealousy, Colin approached with determination, ready to intervene.

"Penelope," he declared, abruptly halting the kiss.

The guy glanced at Colin with surprise and then at Penelope, asking, "Do you know him?"

Penelope responded resignedly, "Unfortunately, yes."

"I need to talk to you," Colin insisted, fists clenched at his sides.

The guy turned to Colin, dismissing him, "This is not the place to talk, pal."

Colin clenched his jaw, "I think it's time for you to find another dance partner, pal."

Sensing the escalating tension. Penelope, perceptive to the situation, placed her hand on the
guy's arm and requested, "Give me a minute."

"Are you sure?" he questioned.

"Yes, I'll find you as soon as I'm done."

Before departing, the guy sealed the interaction with a kiss, locking eyes with Colin

Colin returned the look with seething anger. Once the guy vanished into the crowd, Penelope
crossed her arms, asking bluntly, "What do you want?"

"So," Colin began, his voice tinged with frustration. "How long have you been coming here?"

"It's my first time," she replied, raising an eyebrow.

Colin retorted, "Doesn't seem like it, considering you're quite popular among the guys."

"Goodbye, Colin," she said curtly, attempting to leave.

Colin gently held her arm, "I'm sorry. Please, Pen, I'm sorry. Please, talk to me."

Penelope turned reluctantly, stating, "We don't have anything to talk about, and even if we
did, this clearly is not the place for it. Leave me alone.” She finally stepped away with
determined strides.

Penelope found herself in the vibrant atmosphere of the nightclub, dancing with a charming
guy. She couldn't find the other guy she was dancing with, but another dance partner
appeared immediately. It seemed like that place was teeming with attractive men ready to
dance and do whatever she pleased. If she lost one, she found another right away. The one
she was dancing with was different from the first two she danced with before, but he was just
as handsome.
The absence of Colin provided a sense of relief; she hoped he had left. Still, a hint of self-
consciousness lingered about her previous interaction with him. Had she been too harsh? She
shook off the thought, redirecting her attention to the attractive man dancing with her.
Forgetting Colin seemed like the best course of action.

Her dance partner asked if she'd like to move to a more secluded spot. Penelope felt her heart
race – perhaps she was about to finally fuck someone. She agreed, and they made their way
to a quieter corner, where their lips met. As she pulled away, smiling, her joy faded upon
realizing Colin was standing behind the guy.

"We need to talk," he said, his expression stern.

"Do you know him?" the guy asked, glancing between her and Colin.

"No," she replied.


"He knows your name." The guy stepped away from her, trying to grasp the situation. "Are
you two together or something?"

"No!" Penelope rushed to answer.

"Yes!" Colin spoke louder.

The man sighed impatiently. "Look, I don't know what's going on between you two, but I
don't want to be in the middle of it, okay?" He turned to Penelope. "Nice meeting you. You
kiss well, but you need to sort out whatever is going on with your boyfriend or whatever he is
to you. I'm out."

Before Penelope could react, he was already walking away. She turned to Colin. "Do you see
what you just did?”You need to stop doing this!" She almost shouted amid the music's noise,
losing patience with his actions. "You're scaring away all my dance partners!"

"He wasn't the right one for you," Colin tried to justify. In his mind, no one would be good
enough for Penelope.

"I didn't ask for your opinion!" She closed her eyes, trying not to lose her temper. When she
opened them, she realized it was too hot in there. She needed a drink, something to help her
calm down. Without saying a word, she abruptly moved away from him towards the bar.
Once there, she banged on the counter. "A double whiskey. Neat!"

"Whiskey? That's a bit heavy, isn't it?" Colin's voice sounded beside her.

Penelope shot him a deadly look that could have made his head explode, so Colin gestured
with his hands as if to say he was no longer there.

After downing the drink in one big gulp, feeling the whiskey burn down her throat and create
warmth in her chest, Penelope took a deep breath, contemplating her options. She could go
after another guy and still have fun, or she could find Genevieve and tell her friend that her
night was over. The first option was intriguing, but Penelope was starting to lose patience.
With Colin following her like a puppy and scaring away every guy, she was feeling
disheartened. Maybe this wasn't her night after all.

"You're a bloody pussy-blocker, you know that?" She murmured. "All I wanted was to dance,
kiss, and satisfy my desires tonight, but you had to show up, didn't you?"

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to talk to you, Pen. To sort things out between us," he said softly. "I
miss you."

His voice got husky in the last sentence, and for a moment, Penelope imagined hearing those
words in a different context. Just that thought sent a shiver down her arm.

Shaking her head firmly, she dispelled the thought and the sensation. Leaning her head on the
counter, she turned away, speaking more to herself than to Colin. "I just wanted a happy
night. A night of desires and sex. That's all."

"You could fuck me," Colin said suddenly.

"What?" Penelope turned her face, astonished. "What did you just say?"

"I said you could fuck me, Pen. I would love that."

Penelope straightened up. He couldn't be serious. "Don't joke about that."

Approaching slowly, he lowered his head to whisper in her ear. "I've never been more serious
in my life." His voice was nothing more than a sensual and warm whisper in her ear. "I would
love for you to fuck me. I could satisfy your desires any way you want."

He pulled away to gauge her reaction, and Penelope couldn't have been more shocked. Just
his scent and those words were enough to make her legs go weak.

"Why are you saying this?" She asked, intrigued but a bit suspicious.

"Because I've been a blind fool for far too long." He declared. "When you heard me say that
at the party, you witnessed nothing more than a man in denial. I want you. I want you so
much that I feel weak just thinking about it." He touched her hand, holding it between his. "I
was confused about what I felt... We've always been friends, and I didn't want to mess things
up between us."

He finished speaking, looking at her while his thumb continued to stroke her hand. Penelope
didn't say anything, just stood there, staring at him with the same expression as before.

When the silence lingered too long between them, Colin ventured, "Pen? Say something."

She said nothing. Just pulled her hand away from his and moved toward the dance floor,
leaving Colin dumbfounded.
Chapter 2

Penelope moved through the dance floor in a daze, her mind spinning with confusion after
Colin's sudden love declaration. She couldn't wrap her head around it. Was she too drunk?
Did she imagine everything? But no, Colin Bridgerton had indeed said he wanted her. She
didn't know how to react. Shouldn't she have kissed him, just like they did in rom-com? Then
why did she pull away? God, what must he be thinking of her? She should have reacted, said
something, instead of just walking away like a zombie.

As she maneuvered through the dancing crowd, the pulsating music seemed to mock her
inner turmoil. Penelope glanced around, desperately searching for a way to gather her
thoughts. Her steps took her to a quieter spot near the edge of the dance floor, where dim
lights barely illuminated the faces around her.

Penelope leaned against a wall, her heart still pounding from the unexpected revelation. She
closed her eyes, trying to collect herself. What did Colin mean by all that? Did he really mean
it, or was it just a spur-of-the-moment comment fueled by the atmosphere of the night?

For a brief moment, she considered going back to him, asking for clarification. But
uncertainty and fear held her back. What if he regretted saying those words? What if he didn't
mean it the way it sounded? Her thoughts were a chaotic swirl of emotions.

Penelope's mind raced as she replayed the scene in her head. What should she do now? Did
she want him to catch up with her, or did she prefer to avoid the awkwardness of the situation

She could simply end the night and forget what Colin had said. But how could anyone forget
those words? How could she forget the man of her dreams saying that he wanted her?

But what if he wanted her only for one night? What if all of that was just a passing desire
since she was one of the few friends of his who hadn't slept with him yet? Men were like that,
after all.

And if it was indeed just for one night, why couldn't she enjoy it? She was inside a nightclub
specially designed for the fulfillment of various desires. In there, she wasn't Penelope
Featherington, Colin Bridgerton's friend; she was a woman with pulsating and latent desires,
and he was a man who had offered to fulfill those desires. Shouldn't she take advantage of

The music continued to play, each beat echoing her inner turmoil. Penelope took a deep
breath, summoning the courage to confront the situation.

She turned to head back to where Colin was, but the crowd had shifted, and he was no longer
in sight. Panic set in, and she felt a mixture of relief and disappointment. Maybe he found
another woman to spend the night with, she thought bitterly.
Suddenly, she felt someone's hand touching hers, but there was no startle because the touch
was familiar. Turning around, she came face to face with Colin, smiling, inviting her to

With a mix of confusion and curiosity in her eyes, Penelope hesitated for a moment. The
music pulsed around them, creating a tempting atmosphere. Colin's smile was warm and
sincere, and something in the way he looked at her made her heart race.

Feeling a bit braver, Penelope finally nodded, allowing Colin to lead her to the dance floor.
As they swayed to the rhythm of the music, the world around them faded away, and it was
just the two of them caught in the dance.

Colin's hand rested on her waist, and Penelope's fingers lightly touched his shoulder. The
initial awkwardness melted into a shared understanding, and the dance became a silent
conversation between them.

Being in his arms felt natural, the touch simultaneously firm and tender, as if she were
delicate porcelain. Colin radiated an incredible sense of security. She knew him well enough
to trust that he would honor any of her wishes. If she truly wanted to fulfill her desires, was
there a more fitting person than him?

"Do you truly want me?" she asked, her gaze fixed on his.

"How could I not, Pen? Have you seen how hot you look tonight?"

She blushed. Colin had complimented her beauty and elegance before, but ‘hot’ was a first.
Feeling like a teenager discovering the power of compliments on her ego, she smiled.

"Thank you. You look hot too." It not only felt like the right thing to say but was also
undeniably true. She could only imagine how his body was beneath those layers of clothing.

"I don't know how I didn't drop dead when I saw you dancing." He took a lingering look at
her breasts, almost spilling out of her cleavage and commented, "You hit me with heavy
artillery, did you know that?"

Penelope turned beet red. A heat wave surged through her at the effect of Colin's words.
Clearing her throat to regain a bit of composure, she asked, "Are you genuinely willing to
satisfy my desires, Colin?"

"Yes. Any of them. All of them. Whatever you want.” He smirked. “I'm your humble servant

Penelope locked eyes with him, "I want to fuck in front of other people."

"In public? Like exhibitionism?" Colin echoed, his uncertainty palpable. "Pen, people will

Undeterred, she offered a determined smile. "Exactly. That's the point. I want people to see.”
Colin's expression morphed into a blend of surprise and unease. The notion of public sex had
never crossed his mind. He preferred to keep his intimate moments shielded from prying

Colin furrowed his brow. "Why?"

"It turns me on. I've always harbored this desire, but it never crossed my mind how to fulfill
it until Genevieve mentioned this club. I felt it was the opportune moment to bring this desire
to life."

Surprised, Colin glanced at her. "I didn't know this side of you."

She responded with an enigmatic smile. "People have many facets, Colin. Are you up for it?"

He hesitated. "Pen, I... I've never done this before."

Understanding his reservations, Penelope nodded, attempting to ease his concerns. "I don't
want to pressure you or make you uncomfortable." She suggested with a smile, "We can
forget this conversation, and by tomorrow, everything will return to normal. No hard feelings.

Colin pondered for a moment, weighing the possibilities. He said with a nervous chuckle,
"I'm just concerned about the possibility of people criticizing my fucking technique."

Penelope chuckled softly. "Don't worry about that. It's not like we're going to talk to people
there. It's going to be just the two of us in the room and we're just going to focus on each
other. Plus, no one here knows who we are. It's safe."

The notion of fucking Penelope in front of others initially felt peculiar to Colin. He thought
their first time would happen in the most romantic way possible, preferably in one of their
bedrooms or in a hotel. He never considered the possibility of it happening in that nightclub,
let alone with other people watching.

But as he contemplated it, a sense of excitement started to grow within him. Suddenly, the
idea of publicly fucking her there didn't seem like such a bad idea. He knew it didn't matter
where their fuck would happen, as long as it was with Penelope. The prospect of others
witnessing it added an intriguing dimension. The thought of people observing him kissing
Penelope, of pleasing and adoring her, excited him. It meant that others would see and
acknowledge that she belonged to him, that he was the privileged one to be with her, to touch
her. It thrilled him in a way he never thought possible.

After a brief silence, he nodded with a smile. "Yes, Pen. I want to show off by fucking you.”

She smiled back, letting out a small sigh that felt like relief. Suddenly the air between them
was tense, electric, as if Colin's words had awakened something that was lurking, waiting to

Slowly he tilted his head and cupped the back of her neck, brushing his lips against her soft,
warm mouth, until she leaned against him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Then, before
he realized what was happening, he was sinking his tongue between her lips, sucking hard,
pulling deep into her mouth.

Their kiss was incredibly hot, just like he suspected her pussy would be when he slipped his
fingers inside her. But as great as it was being with her, what really surprised him was that
this was actually happening. He was kissing Penelope, feeling her hot body rubbing against
his. Damn, if he'd ever wanted to fuck her, he never thought he'd need it like air in his lungs
to breathe.

They broke the kiss, breathless. Giving a shuddering sigh as she ran her hands down his
chest, Penelope pleaded, "fuck me already."

Penelope and Colin entered the dimly lit private room, their nerves palpable in the air. The
room exuded an intimate atmosphere, with low lighting casting a warm glow. A large bed
dominated one side of the room, while a narrow sofa beckoned from the other.

In the room, the presence of a large closed glass window provided a limited view, not
revealing what was happening on the other side. Colin noticed that only those on the opposite
side would have a glimpse of what was occurring in the private space. Suddenly, a sharp
awareness took hold of him, the realization that there were people on the other side, watching
him, tracking every move.

"Hey, eyes on me." Penelope gently touched his hand, bringing him back to the focus of the
reason that had brought them there. She caressed his face, whispering, "from now on, you can
only look at me, understood?"

Her touch anchored him in that moment, and he turned and looked at her in her dark green
dress that did nothing to hide the shape of her lush body underneath. Her nipples were hard
pushing against the fabric of her clothing, he swore he could almost feel them sliding over his
tongue. He wanted to taste them and lick and suck and hell, even fuck, she was making him
so hot, looking at him with those big blue eyes, looking almost too sexy to be real, like some
kind of perverted dream that his mind had conjured up.

Both feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety, they exchanged glances that carried a shared
understanding. The choice was made silently as they opted for the narrow sofa – a decision to
be closer, more connected. The room, although small, had an air of sophistication, with plush
furnishings and tasteful decorations creating an ambiance of discreet indulgence.

Colin knelt before her, his fingers delicately working on removing Penelope's high heels. A
subtle shiver ran down her spine as his hands made contact with her leg. Although he treated
her with utmost reverence and care, a fervent fire surged within her. The anticipation grew,
engulfing her in desire for him in a way she never imagined.

Remaining on his knees, he leaned in, initiating a kiss—soft at first, then gradually
intensifying until both found themselves breathless.
"Are we going to use any accessories?" Penelope asked, after breaking the kiss, pointing to a
corner of the room. Stacked on a table were a few boxes of condoms, all kinds; Ribbed,
flavored, glow in the dark, lubricated. There was also a very large bottle of lube, some
handcuffs and lots of toys.

If he thought he had gotten hard when he was kissing Penelope, his dick felt like it was about
to explode now, just imagining how crazy things would get if he used every perverted thing
he could find to get them off, His mind spun, and he imagined her naked on the bed, spread
wide open and handcuffed as he fucked her tight pussy until she was cumming wildly.

Focusing on the present, he decided to hold back. Now that he had her, they would have time
to do all kinds of crazy things together. "For me, we would just use the condoms and maybe
the lube. I want to focus completely on you tonight." He whispered in response.

"With the way I'm soaked, we won't need any lube." Penelope murmured, biting her lip.

Listening to her speak in that manner, Colin kissed her eagerly. He still couldn't believe he
was there with her, kissing her, touching her. She had permeated both his dreams and waking
moments, making him captive to her. Yet, he knew Penelope was more than a fantasy; she
was the perfect woman for him.

As they kissed, Colin's hand ran down her body until it found refuge between Penelope's legs.
His fingers pushed her panties aside, rubbing her wet entrance, and he tested the waters by
inserting one first and slowly removing it before inserting two. Soon, he was thrusting into
her hard and fast and Penelope writhed on the couch, moaning.

"Come for me, Pen." Colin encouraged softly, kissing Penelope's face, who was sweaty,
moving her hips, trying to match the rhythm of his hand.

And Penelope did. She felt it in every inch of her skin as she came and let out a low, long
moan. It had never felt so good to have someone touch her.

After Colin left her breathless, she was smiling happily from ear to ear and still sighing softly
and trembling slightly by the time Colin fixed his gaze on her beautiful big breasts.

How many times had he stolen glances at them, wondering how it would feel to touch them?
Penelope's tits drew attention wherever she went, and it was virtually impossible not to look
at them. Colin sometimes felt as if they magnetically pulled him in.

Seeing how Colin was looking at her, Penelope pulled away from him, standing up and
feeling his languid body. It had been an intense orgasm and from the looks of it it was only
the first of the night. She took off her green dress and stood there in just black panties and
said, "show me again how much you want me."

Colin felt his mouth watering. He imagined a hundred different pairs of tits every time he
spent nights in his room thinking about her, wondering if they would be soft, heavy, the size
and shape of her nipples. However, in that moment, reality surpassed any imagination he had
before. Penelope's tits were large, round, and incredibly beautiful.
“Your tits are fucking perfect.” He stood up, pulling her by the hand and sitting her on the
couch again.

He teased her big luscious tits until her nipples were hard enough to cut glass; licking and
nipping and whipping, even biting her a little, until she was practically falling apart writhing.
Even though he had never experienced anything like it, Colin knew he would come back for
more, much more. There was no possibility of him letting her go.

Suddenly, she placed her hand on his chest, pushing him away slightly. She was flushed,
breathing hard, but her eyes showed a hungry glow for him.

"How do you want me now?" She whispered.

Colin didn't need to think much, kneeling between her legs. Holding her by the hips, he
pulled her forward, making her stand on the edge of the couch and taking off her lace panties,
leaving her swollen, glistening pussy fully exposed.

Once she assumed the pose, she looked incredibly alluring, bared to the world, every inch of
her pulsating with eager anticipation. She parted her legs, poised for him to explore every
desire at his own pace.

Slowly he lowered his face, gently brushing his tongue against her pussy. She tasted and
smelled delicious.

"Put your hands on my head," Colin commanded. "Put me where you want me."

Penelope threaded her fingers into Colin's hair, pulling his head forward and grinding against
his mouth. Colin began sucking eagerly, and Penelope let her head fall back, moaning with
her eyes closed, moving her hips against Colin's face.

He placed her legs on top of his shoulders, adjusting himself better to the floor, but without
taking his mouth off her, eating her pussy as if he never wanted to stop doing it. Her juices
were so sweet that he just couldn't stop licking it. Impressed by her sensual taste, he worked
his thumb around her swollen clit as he fucked the tip of his tongue into her deep, hard shaft.

"Oh, Colin..." Penelope gasped, cumming, unable to hold back. Colin hadn't been down there
long, and she was already falling apart on his tongue.

“Fuck, you taste good.” He said, leaning over her, to make her taste it for herself. "I wanted
to eat you out all night long." He pinched her nipples with each hand, twisting them and
making Penelope moan muffled, biting her lower lip.

She was breathing hard. She had already cum twice, and Colin hadn't even taken off his

“Do you want more?", he whispered in her ear. Almost unable to catch her breath after
cumming so hard, she shook her head and murmured,

“I will always want more.”

He smirked. “Wait until you feel this.”

Getting up, he quickly took off his clothes, standing naked in front of her, and putting on a
condom. Penelope barely had time to admire his physique, before Colin was already pulling
her onto his lap.

He made her sit on her knees, straddling his cock, letting her move down, whimpering softly
until she finally managed to take every inch of his cock, that was dripping into her swollen

She closed her eyes and just sat there for a moment getting used to the feeling of him filling
her so hard. “Oh, fuck, you feel so good,” she whispered, moving carefully to accommodate
his size inside, leaning on his shoulders to lift herself almost all the way up, before relaxing
her ass back, cradling his cock in her pussy again whilst giving him a smile.

She was aware that there were other people witnessing what they were doing, but at that
moment, all she could focus on was Colin. It was as if that little room was outside the world,
in a reality of their own. Colin was the only solid, living thing there.

His breath, the taste of his lips, the feeling of his hands touching her reverently and firmly
were the only things she could feel. Colin's intense gaze enveloped her, creating a bubble
where the rest of the world disappeared. Even though they were aware of the external
presence, it felt like they were isolated in their own sphere of intimacy, where only their
desire for each other mattered.

"Do you like this?" He asked, his hands stroking her back until they found rest on her hips.
He had never felt so much happiness in his life. Being able to fuck Penelope felt like a living-
breathing dream that was coming true.

She nodded, moving slowly on top of him. “So fuck me hard, Pen.” He asked, his hands
squeezing her hips to give her movements a boost.

As she picked up the pace and started pounding him harder and faster, her big breasts
heaving, her mouth opening, panting desperately, Colin almost came to see her, working the
cum off his dick, squeezing him inside her in a death grip, with each downward thrust.

He cupped one of her breasts in his hand and really started to suck, and that titty play was all
she needed, and suddenly she threw her head back, crying out loud. "Oh, yes, yes, yes! Oh,
fuck, Colin!”

With the tightening of her inner walls around him, Colin threw his head back, growling as
everything shot out of him, leaving him almost too weak to stand, but completely certain he
had never experienced anything like this in his life.

Still pulsing inside her, deeper than ever, he kissed her shoulder as she continued to tremble
with pleasure on top of him.

She was a goddess, a rarity, something out of the ordinary. It couldn't be possible for someone
to be as enticing, intelligent, and beautiful as Penelope. Her sweaty skin, tousled red hair, and
flushed cheeks only heightened her beauty in his eyes. Every detail seemed to add to the
enchantment he felt in her presence.

She smiled at him with a heavy-lidded look. She was softened, growing tired from the
physical exertion, yet still wanting more. She wanted to prolong that moment with Colin as
much as possible because she wasn't sure if there would be a repeat.

“Can you take more?” he whispered in her ear. He was still hard as a rock and could take
another one before he needed time to rest.

Barely able to catch her breath after cumming so hard, she shook her head and murmured,
"Yes, just give it to me, and please don't hold back."

He smiled mischievously. He wasn't planning on holding back. After holding her face in his
hands and kissing her softly, Colin got up and changed the condom for a new one. Reaching
out to her, he said, "Get on your knees on the bed and you better hold on tight because you're
really going to get hard now."

Penelope didn't blink and got into position, her butt raised in the air. Colin groaned and
cursed at the sight of the woman of his wildest dreams lying wide open, just begging him to
fill her up and take her hard.

Without waiting for anything else, he slid two fingers into her pussy, feeling how slippery
and ready she was for the wildest fuck of her life.

He groaned loudly as he pushed his cock inside her. She was so tight it was like he was being
sucked into the best wet dream ever. That alone was enough for him to release his load.

Gritting his teeth, he grabbed her hips and sank deeper with each thrust. In response,
Penelope pushed her ass back, causing him to lose control.

He pounded into her with everything he had, pumping in and out wildly until he felt his legs
were about to give out. Finally Penelope threw her head back, crying loudly.

She felt so incredible squeezing so hard around his cock that he felt like his balls were going
to explode. He growled, slamming himself deep into her in one last thrust, sure he would
never cum so hard in his entire life. His cock just wouldn't stop pulsing, and the way she was
milking him inside her, it was a wonder that he still found the strength to breathe the moment
she grabbed and pulled his cock out of her.

He gently turned her over, placing her on the bed. He brushed her hair away from her eyes
and pressed his lips against hers, asking in a tender whisper, "Are you okay?"

Penelope met his gaze, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions, but she managed a soft smile.
"Yes, I am."

As they reveled in the intimate moment, Penelope glanced toward the window, knowing that
hidden eyes observed them. The awareness of being watched heightened the intensity of their
connection, turning the private encounter into a shared experience with unseen spectators.
With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Penelope asked, "Do you think they enjoyed the show?"

Colin chuckled, his warm breath brushing against her cheek. "Oh, I'm sure they did. Quite a
spectacle, wasn't it?"

She grinned, reveling in the shared secret. "A show they won't forget anytime soon."

Fully dressed, Penelope and Colin exited the room, still wrapped in the afterglow of their
intimate moment. They strolled down an empty corridor as the spectators from their moment
made their exit through another. Thankfully, Red Velvet maintained the utmost discretion,
sparing them curious glances after such an intimate encounter.

"Thinking of heading back to the club?" Colin suggested, intertwining his fingers with

"No way," she replied, giving a tired smile. "Just craving a hot shower and some sleep. You
really wore me out."

"Glad I could be of service." He chuckled, giving her hand a gentle squeeze as he leaned in
for a quick peck.

Penelope sighed. She wished to savor their private world a bit longer, hand in hand after
sharing such an intense moment. However, the impending reality loomed large, and she opted
to face it head-on.

"So, that's it," she said, unlinking her fingers from his. "Want to share a cab?"

Colin furrowed his brow. "Of course, we're sharing a cab. We're heading to the same

"Same address?" She looked puzzled. "You're coming to my place?"

"Absolutely. I want to pamper you with a bath, a massage, and then tuck you in."

Penelope's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't anticipate Colin saying that. She genuinely
believed it was just a one-night stand.

"You mean you want to cuddle with me?"

"I do." He lightly kissed her lips. "But fair warning, I'm the little spoon."

She chuckled, squeezing his hand, her heart light and brimming with love.

As they strolled towards a corridor that appeared to lead to a shortcut for the exit, they turned
the corner and unexpectedly encountered Michael.

"Michael! I didn't know you were here." Penelope was taken aback.
"My dear Penelope." He looked between her and Colin, smiling. "My friend, Colin."

"What's going on? You're acting strange." Colin eyed him suspiciously.

"Didn't I tell you Red Velvet would solve your problems?" Michael patted him on the
shoulder. "Hope you'll ask me to be the best man."

The newly-blossomed couple exchanged a knowing smile, sharing a tender gaze.

"I suppose you two must be weary after all that... physical activity," Michael remarked and
Colin redirected his gaze from Penelope, raising an intrigued eyebrow. Michael continued to
smile and then Penelope realized the truth of the situation.

"You watched us?" She almost choked.

“Oh, yeah.” He nodded, the smile on his face widening. "Quite a spectacle, wasn't it?”

Penelope's eyes widened initially, a twinge of embarrassment hitting her upon realizing that
someone she knew had witnessed their intimate moment. A wave of self-consciousness
washed over her. However, as the seconds passed, a transformation occurred within her.

Looking at Colin, she felt a surge of pride and a warm smile began to play on her lips. The
initial embarrassment gave way to a sense of empowerment. After all, that stolen moment
with Colin was something special, something that made her heart race.

So instead of succumbing to shame, a defiant smile curved Penelope's lips. She intertwined
her fingers with Colin's again, proud of her choice. "Yes, Michael. Quite a spectacle indeed,"
she asserted, her voice laden with confidence.

Colin chuckled, appreciating her confidence. Hand in hand, they continued down the hallway,
ready to face whatever reactions awaited them, because, for Penelope, the happiness she
found with Colin was worth celebrating, even in the face of unintended spectators.
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