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Lighthouse In The Night

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandoms: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn
Relationships: Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington, Penelope
Featherington/Original Character(s), Colin Bridgerton & Penelope
Characters: Penelope Featherington, Colin Bridgerton, Eloise Bridgerton, Anthony
Bridgerton, Violet Bridgerton, Portia Featherington, Lady Danbury
(Bridgerton), Benedict Bridgerton
Language: English
Collections: Bridgerton101
Stats: Published: 2022-01-29 Completed: 2023-02-07 Words: 20,619 Chapters:
Lighthouse In The Night
by belle1316


Colin comes home after traveling and slowly realizes what guided him home.
Chapter 1

It was quite early in the morning, Penelope had yet to finish brushing her hair when Briarly
knocked on the door.

“Mr. Colin Bridgerton to see you, miss,”

With that announcement, Penelope’s heart leaped from her chest. She knew Colin had
returned just the day before. Eloise had mentioned he would. But she would not have thought
he would visit her at her home.

She had put her hair in a simple style and gave thanks that her mother had left early that
morning and was not there to put her in some frumpy yellow frock. Penelope opted for a
simple cream-colored dress with a blue sash. Her mother would have called it simple, but
there could be some beauty in simplicity. She rushed downstairs, slowing her pace as she
approached the sitting room. She nervously smoothed down her hair and glanced at Briarly
who gave her a small nod.

“I’ll be in the doorway, miss,”

She nodded and entered the room. Colin was facing away from her, looking at a painting on
the wall.

“Colin,” she greeted. He turned around and Penelope’s heart fluttered again. He was tanned
from the Mediterranean sun; a light beard covered his jaw.

“Pen,” he smiled as he greeted her. “It’s nice to see you again,”

“You have a beard,” Penelope blurted out. She could have kicked herself.

“Yes,” Colin laughed, his hand reaching up to rub his jaw, “My mother nearly had a heart
attack when she saw me. You must tell me the truth Pen, does it look utterly ridiculous?”

“No, it… It’s just different but it suits you,” she said honestly, praising herself for only
stuttering once.

“Thank you,” he smiled his signature charming smile. Penelope wondered if he knew how
devastating that smile was. She reckoned he did. “I wanted to stop by and give you

He held up a woven sack, handing it to her. Penelope took it delicately and peered inside.

“A tomato plant,”

“It’s silly, I know,” Colin scratched the back of his neck, looking sheepish. “But I
remembered you mentioning something about tomatoes from Greece,”
“Yes, I did mention something,” Penelope remembered the conversation. It was not a
particularly fond memory and she believed Colin was not really paying attention, but he still

“Anyhow, I know it’s not much of a present, but I was near an orchard, and it just came to
mind,” he explained.

“No, it’s wonderful,” she said, clutching the sack closer to her.

“That little pouch has seeds and some sort of feed I believe. You can make your own garden,”

“I would have to consult the gardener. If they were left solely to my care, they might meet an
unfortunate end,” She laughed. “Will you be at Lady Danbury’s this evening?”

“I’m afraid so,” Colin sighed. “I’ll be able to shock the ton with my beard,”

“If that is the most shocking thing this evening, the party will be very dull indeed,”

Colin laughed, “Quite true. Well, I better be off then. Will you save me a dance tonight,

Penelope fought the urge to nod too eagerly, instead of giving him a small smile.

“Of course,”

“Until this evening then.” He bowed his head and took his leave, Briarly dutifully following
to show him out.

Penelope stayed in the sitting room, clutching the tomato plant close to her heart. The
hopeless, love-sick part of her was thrilled and grateful to have had such an interaction, to
have received any gift from Colin. The logical part wanted to scold the other for daring to
hope that such a gift could represent anything other than kindness.

“Where did you go off to so early?” Benedict asked as soon as Colin stepped inside the
house. They made their way into the library.

“I stopped by the Featherington estate, I was dropping off a gift,”

“Oh,” Benedict paused, “for Penelope?”

Colin took in his brother’s accusing stare.

“Yes, as a matter of fact,” Colin replied, not understanding his brother’s tone. It was common
knowledge that Penelope was a friend. What did it matter?

“Our mother will be pleased,” Benedict leaned back in the nearest chair with a smug smile.

“That you are courting Penelope, she has always been fond of her,”

Colin rolled his eyes. It should come as a shock that any slightest interaction could be taken
as someone declaring their intentions. “I’m not courting anyone,”

“Well, after last year-“

Colin shook his head.

“It’s nothing to do with that. I’m over that. Pride was wounded more than anything truth be
told,” It was true. Colin had a lot of time for reflection on his trip. What he thought he felt for
Marina had never been love. At the rate at which he felt healed, he wondered if it was even
infatuation or simply just a youthful excitement at someone new. He felt no ill will towards
Marina, he didn’t even feel anger towards Whistledown anymore for exposing everything the
way they did. The chapter was simply done. “But,” he continued. “I did learn from the whole
thing that I am not ready for marriage. I want to keep traveling,”

“So then what is with the gifts?” Benedict questioned, raising his eyebrow.

“Gift,” Colin corrected. “It was only one thing, and it was something silly and Penelope is a
dear friend of the family. I left so soon after her father died and she did try to help me last
year, I felt I should do something.”

“Of course, of course,” Benedict raised his hand in mock surrender.

“Do not go telling mother about this, I don’t need this kind of questioning from her,” Colin
commanded, pointing his finger at his brother. Their mother had begun mentioning the
eligible women of the ton, including Penelope, as soon as Colin had come home. She did not
need any more fuel. Benedict gave a heavy sigh.

“Sure, I am going to go see a friend,”

Now it was Colin’s turn to raise an eyebrow. He knew all about Benedict’s friend.

“It’s a bit early, isn’t it. Doesn’t your friend have a business to run during the day,”

“Arse,” Benedict said, rising from his chair and leaving the library. “I’ll see you tonight.”

The party was in full swing when the Bridgerton clan arrived. Eloise, it being her first season,
found herself fending off advances from any potential suitors, much to their mother’s dismay.
Anthony had set about scouring the crowd for women who would meet his ridiculous
standards. Colin and Benedict floated among the crows to watch the chaos unfold. Colin
found himself looking for the familiar red curls that he always sought out at every party.
Since Eloise found herself occupied, he wondered what corner Penelope would hide in. At
last, his eyes found her. She was not wearing her usual bright yellow, but a more pale and
understated tone. It suited her. Colin then realized what she was doing and his surprise turned
to concern.

“Who is Pen dancing with?” he asked Benedict.


Colin tsked in annoyance.

“Penelope, who is she dancing with?”

“Oh, a Mr. Steinwall, Stonewall something. I don’t know much but I think they’re new
money, his family’s first season in London,”

They watched as the man took Penelope’s hands and swung her violently in a circle,
managing to step on her toes and knocking her into the next couple. Penelope, sweet thing
that she is, laughed and smiled for the man, but she surely must have been mortified.

“He’s clumsy. He’s just whipping her around,”

“She doesn’t seem to mind,” Benedict remarked.

“New money,” Colin mused, feeling a pit form in his stomach. “Probably looking for an
established family.” Penelope was the sweetest woman he knew aside from his sisters (well,
two of them anyway), he couldn’t let a social climber take advantage of her. He watched as
she laughed at something the man said that pit in his stomach growing deeper. A sense of
foreboding to be sure.

“Or he saw a pretty, young woman with a kind and welcoming disposition and asked her to
dance,” Benedict remarked. But Colin, knowing the song was close to its end, was already
walking towards the couple. They moved off to the side as the next dance started. Colin
caught up with them closer to the refreshments.

“Pen,” he raised his voice to be heard above the music.

Penelope, who had been looking up at the newcomer, turned around to face him.

“Hello, Colin,” she smiled. She then gestured to the man in question. “This is Mr. Sternwell.”

“Johnathan Sternwell,” he held out his hand, which Colin shook reluctantly.

“Colin Bridgerton,” he turned to Penelope then, moving slightly to stand in front of

Sternwell. “I was hoping to have the next dance.”

Penelope looked over his shoulder at Mr. Sternwell apologetically.

“Of course, thank you Miss Featherington, it was a great pleasure to meet you,”

“You as well,”

With that, Colin held out his hand and led Penelope out to the dance floor. It was a waltz, not
one of his favorites, but he knew Penelope loved to dance regardless.

“You’re welcome,” he said as they found their place among the other dancing couples.

Penelope tilted her head, her bright blue eyes gazing up at him.
“What was I thanking you for?” she asked.

“For saving you from being thrown about like a rag doll for another reel with Sternwall,” he

“Sternwell,” Penelope corrected, “And he was kind, if a bit clumsy but it’s his first season in
London, so easily forgivable.”

“Well, he should be more careful,” Colin glanced off to the side where Sternwell was already
speaking to another lady. Rake.

“I seem to recall a particular time when you stepped on my toes during my first season,”

Colin laughed, remembering the first time they danced together. He had never danced with
anyone as short as Penelope and he had stumbled. But it may have also had something to do
with the view his height had afforded him.

“Yes, I had to get used to your height. You are quite tiny,”

“Or perhaps you are the one of abnormal height. You are the tallest of your brothers, are you
not?” she retorted.

“Touché,” Colin laughed, spinning her around gracefully once more as the song ended. He
led her back over to the refreshments.


“Yes, please,”

“Hello, Pen,” Benedict waltzed up, seemingly from nowhere.

“Benedict, how are you this evening?” Penelope asked warmly.

“I am very well. “Benedict replied with equal warmth, “Brother,”

“What do you want?” Colin asked, handing Penelope a glass of lemonade.

“I was just about to ask our Pen here if I could have the next dance.”

Colin tilted his head at Benedict in confusion. It was not common for Benedict or even
Anthony to dance with Penelope out of courtesy, but Colin was already with her, there was no
need. Also, only he and sometimes Eloise called Penelope, “Pen”.

“We just came from the dance floor,” Colin countered.

“I would love to,” Penelope said. Colin couldn’t help but look at Penelope, who only smiled
sweetly up at his brother.

“Wonderful,” Benedict took the lemonade from Penelope’s hand, passing it back to Colin.
The two made their way to the dance floor, leaving Colin standing with two glasses of
lemonade and a burning pit in his stomach that he couldn’t quite explain.
Chapter 2
Chapter Summary

Colin is inexplicably grumpy the morning after Lady Danbury's ball.

Colin Bridgerton was known for many things. To his family, he was known for his limitless
appetite and the ability to, as Eloise so eloquently put it, prattle on with useless information
about the Mediterranean. To the ton, he was known as the charming, fun-loving third brother
whose boyish smile and sweet green eyes could cause any woman to swoon.

A quality not known to the ton and only seen on rare occasions by his family was how Colin
could be subject to bouts of irritability and grumpiness.

The morning following Lady Danbury’s ball was one such occasion.

“Did you not sleep well, brother?” Francesca asked sweetly as he sat with the family for
breakfast. He had filled his plate to the brim as usual but upon inspection, Colin found he did
not know where to begin. A struggle he never had when it came to food.

“Why do you ask?”

“You seem… well, irritated,” Francesca gestured between them. Colin followed her sight and
realized he had been tapping his fork against the table rapidly.

“Well, I for one slept wonderfully,” Benedict proclaimed from the other side of the table.

Colin directed a deep glare in his brother’s direction. He was irritated, Colin decided, and it
was all due to Benedict.

He had swept Penelope away from Colin at Danbury’s ball for a dance (a waltz at that) when
they had been in the middle of a conversation and proceeded to keep her occupied for the rest
of the evening. He had even gone so far as to introduce Penelope to a few other gentlemen at
the ball, declaring loudly what a wonderful dance partner his dear friend Pen made.

Colin was sure Penelope must have been absolutely mortified if the delicate flush that grazed
her cheeks was anything to go by. Colin could not help but feel protective over his shy, sweet
friend. He did not understand why Benedict, who would normally never draw attention to
himself at social events, had paraded her around in such a way. To make matters worse that
newcomer, Mr. Sternwell, seemed to hover around Penelope as well, weaseling his way into
any conversations she had, and Benedict had made little effort to keep him at bay. Colin had
attempted a few times to get Penelope’s attention back, but Benedict had managed to always
be, quite literally, steps ahead of him and Colin would lose them in the crowd. Then the night
was over, and Colin had not even been able to say goodnight.
Now, as they sat at the table, Benedict flashed a smile in Colin’s direction and Colin took a
stab at his mound of food.

“I’m sure you must have slept soundly,” Colin grumbled. “You must have been exhausted
after making such a spectacle of yourself last night.”

“Whatever could you mean, brother?”

“Oh drat!” Eloise exclaimed suddenly, capturing everyone’s attention. She held a note that
must have been given to her while he was distracted.

“What is it dear? Penelope?” Violet asked.

“Yes, we had plans to go to the shops, but it seems she received some gifts this morning and
now her mother is making her wait about all day in hopes that the sender will come and call.”

“Well, that is wonderful, though I am sorry it disrupts your plans,” Violet commented.

“Yes, truly wonderful. It is about time someone took notice in our Pen,” Benedict chimed in.
Colin sent him a glare.

“Did she say who the gentleman was?” Violet asked and Colin unconsciously moved

“Mr. Johnathan Sternwell.” Eloise answered. Colin’s stomach dropped.

“He is a newcomer this season, is he not? I’m afraid I did not meet him last night.”

“No loss there, he seemed awfully dull,” Eloise said, folding the letter back up. Colin
smirked; his sister could be an excellent judge of character.

“Eloise,” their mother scolded.

“But he obviously has good sense, if he is showing an interest in Penelope.”

“Very good sense indeed,” Benedict agreed.

“The man is a rake,” Colin said to himself, taking a bite from his plate.

“What was that dear?”

Colin looked up, not realizing he had spoken loudly enough to be heard. His family stared at
him with varying degrees of interest. Colin cleared his throat before speaking.

“I am not so sure a newcomer is to be trusted so easily, especially with the Featheringtons in

such a vulnerable position, what with the loss of Lord Featherington,”

“I am sure that Portia is more than capable of making sure her daughters are looked after,”
Anthony said. Colin looked at his brother incredulously. Portia Featherington was capable of
many things. Securing suitable matches without a hint of scandal thus far did not seem to
make the list.

Eloise evidently shared Colin’s sentiment.

“Perhaps, I should still go over there, offer support.”

“I will go too,” Colin said without thinking. Eloise looked at him with confusion.


“Yes, Colin, why?” Benedict leaned forward, resting his chin on his hands. Colin bit back a
curse. He was sure he would not get through the day without punching Benedict.

“A man should be present to… study this suitor and ensure that his intentions are honorable.”

Eloise scoffed.

“Oh, and what are your qualifications for such a task?”

“I’ve seen more of this world than you, sister.” Colin reasoned.

“And that makes you a man, skipping through olive orchards and laying on beaches,” Eloise
scoffed again. “From what I’ve seen, you returned from your travels still a boy with your
head still far up your- “

“Oh, enough, since both of you are so concerned, you both may go to the Featheringtons to
offer Penelope support,” Anthony declared.

Eloise rolled her eyes and rose from the table, Colin following suit.

It truly must have only taken a few moments for Eloise to don a cloak over her day dress, but
Colin grumbled the entire time, tapping his foot in the entryway.

“Finally,” he said, pushing open the door for her.

“Honestly, she’s my friend, I don’t know why you’re so worked up.” Eloise huffed as they
began to make their way across the street.

“She’s my friend as well.”

They were already halfway up the steps when a voice rang out.

“Good morning, is this the Featherington residence?”

Colin and Eloise both turned to see Mr. Sternwell standing awkwardly at the bottom of the
steps, clutching a small bouquet of wildflowers.

The siblings answered together.

“No!” “Yes.”
The morning following the Featherington ball, Penelope woke up feeling lighter than ever.
The season had started surprisingly wonderful. She had had such fun at the ball that she had
almost forgotten to send Whistledown off after.

Eloise was out and already causing a stir which provided much amusement. Colin had come
back from his travels and danced with her, as did his brother Benedict. The second eldest
Bridgerton had always been kind and with his closeness to Eloise, Penelope would like to
think they had developed a friendship over the years. But he was extra attentive last night,
which Penelope thought strange but was still grateful. She was slightly embarrassed as he
walked with her around the ballroom introducing her to members of the ton, eligible
gentleman included, who had not spared her a second glance before. But with Benedict’s
praise, she was actually asked to dance a few times. She was sure Benedict was told by either
Eloise, Violet, or even Colin to watch over her last night, and she was grateful for whatever
the circumstances.

Then there was Mr. Sternwell. A young gentleman, no more than two and twenty, whose
family made their money in a variety of trades. They had met when he had tripped over his
own feet and bumped into her. The gentleman had been so nervous, stuttering and breathing a
little heavy, but as Penelope had offered him words of kindness, he seemed to find his
bearings. Penelope was glad she had been able to comfort him and even though he had
stepped on her toes repeatedly during their dance, she had enjoyed meeting him. And though
he may not be the catch of the ton (or the object of her affections), she was quite excited
when she received a rather large bouquet of yellow and white roses the next day, as was her

“Penelope do be careful not to slouch,” Her mother tapped on her shoulder from her spot next
to her. Penelope sighed but straightened up anyway.

Since the flowers had arrived, her mother had been hovering and picking at her non-stop. She
had canceled all plans for the entire family for the day in hopes that Mr. Sternwell would call.

“I do hope he comes early; I am in need of some new ribbon” Prudence sighed from her seat
on the couch across from Penelope and their mother.

At that moment, Briarly appeared in the doorway.

“A Mr. Sternwell, Mr. Bridgerton, and Miss Bridgerton,” he announced. Penelope blinked.
Mr. Sternwell, she expected but the Bridgertons, she had sent a note early to let Eloise know
she would not be able to meet for their plans. Perhaps, it arrived too late.

Penelope rose from her seat along with her mother and Prudence in time for Eloise to strut in
followed by Mr. Sternwell and Colin.
Chapter 3
Chapter Summary

The Featheringtons have a few callers.

Colin kept his head high as they were escorted to the Featherington’s drawing-room. Mr.
Sternwell went straight for Penelope, whose blue eyes (they were really quite blue)
brightened as he produced a bouquet of flowers. Colin could have kicked himself.

“Oh, I do adore wildflowers.”

“I’m glad. I know I sent the roses only this morning, but I started realizing that they might be
a bit too, I don’t know garish, perhaps.” Colin looked around the room searching for the
flowers they spoke of which, knowing Portia Featherington, would surely be on full display.
When he saw them, he scoffed, a few buds had not yet opened, and others were already

“I thought they were lovely,” Penelope said, kindly.

“Yellow?” Colin said loudly, gesturing to the roses that sat on the coffee table in the middle
of the room. “Penelope hates yellow.”

Penelope only blinked at Colin before looking back at Sternwell.

“I don’t hate yellow.”

“And you’re fonder of lilies or even peonies, you said so yourself,” Colin added,
remembering a passing conversation from a year prior.

Penelope looked at Colin as if he had grown a third eye, “I don’t recall ever saying so.”
Before Colin could retort that she had absolutely said so (he could even name what song was
playing in the background and the shade of yellow she wore when she had given him that bit
of information), Sternwell interjected.

“It’s alright. We all have our preferences. I only thought since you were wearing yellow last
night, it was a good idea. It is a happy color.”

“That is what I always say.” Portia clapped her hands together with a nervous laugh. She then
gestured as if she was herding the two gentlemen, “Please help yourself to refreshments and
do be seated.”

Sternwell quickly sat with Penelope on the couch with Eloise on his other side, leaving the
only available seat between Portia and Prudence. Colin gave a tight smile as he sat between
the two women.

“Are you enjoying the season so far, Miss Featherington?”

“There’s only been one ball,” Colin remarked. Eloise shot him a look to which he only

“It has been a lovely start,” Penelope answered.

“It is your family’s first season, is it not Mr. Sternwell?” Eloise asked with an
uncharacteristically kind smile on her face.

“Yes, it is.”

“It must be quite a shock for you coming from your trade into the ton.”

Sternwell nodded.

“Yes, it certainly has,” He then looked to Penelope with what Colin supposed was meant to
be a charming smile, “but I think I may have found my place.”

At this, Penelope smiled softly and looked down, blushing. An act he had seen her do many
times, but it had always only been for him. It was then that Colin was able to put a name to
what he had been feeling since last night at the ball. Jealousy. Colin was jealous. The feeling
was quite foreign to him, and he couldn’t exactly say where it was coming from.

“And what is your trade, Mr. Sternwell?” He asked.

The man glanced towards him briefly before directing his answer to Penelope, “My family
has a variety of trades, Mr. Bridgerton.”

Colin narrowed his eyes. The answer was too vague, he thought, there has to be something

“Such as,” Colin pressed.

Mr. Sternwell cleared his throat and faced Colin fully.

“My grandfather started out as a fisherman and worked his way to being a merchant and so
on. The business has gone on to incorporate many things from meat to textiles, you’ll see the
Sternwell name on multiple shops in the heart of London.”

“Your grandfather sounds like an amazing man,” Penelope said.

“He is.”

“I’ve always admired those who pave their own path. It is no easy feat to build such an
empire.” Eloise remarked.
“An empire of fish,” Colin muttered under his breath. Eloise’s hand twitched and Colin knew
if they had been seated near each other, she would have smacked him.

“Well, you certainly eat fish, don’t you. As a matter of fact, I think I’ve seen you eat a trout
whole.” Eloise rebuked.

“Do you have a trade, sir?” Mr. Sternwell asked, “Other than being the brother to Viscount.”

Colin’s jaw clenched. The man across from him had a smug smile on his face as if he knew
he had struck a nerve. The audacity.

“Mr. Bridgerton has just returned from exploring the Mediterranean,” Penelope told him.
Colin flashed her a smile, but her gaze was fixed on Mr. Sternwell still.

“Oh, an explorer.” Mr. Sternwell said with a condescending tone. “Did you make any
discoveries on your tour?”

The nerve, Colin thought. The man gets a lady’s attention for a few moments, and he
suddenly feels all high and mighty. Colin felt the need to knock the man down a few pegs.

“A few. I wrote Penelope all about it.” His answer was met with silence. Unmarried men and
women do not write to each other. Colin knew how it would seem but if it got Sternwell to
back off

“We wrote to each other the whole off-season.” He added.

“I see.” Sternwell looked to Penelope.

“Just simple pleasantries.” Penelope attempted to smile but the result was closer to a grimace
and Colin wondered if he had gone too far.

“I interested to hear more about your trade though,” She tilted her head, trying to make eye
contact, but Sternwell only looked about the room in a general manner. “You said we could
see your shops here in London, how many do you have?”

“A conversation for another time, perhaps.” Mr. Sternwell rose from his seat. “I could only
stay for a short while. It truly was a pleasure.”

The Featheringtons all rose from their seats. “If you truly must, Mr. Sternwell. I do sincerely
hope you will return.” Penelope said. Colin grumbled.

“Perhaps, miss.” The man bowed to her and began to cross the room.

“What about tomorrow? Prudence has been working on a new song.” Portia followed behind
the gentleman, her voice dripping with desperation.

“I shall have to see; you all have been the most gracious hosts.” He bowed to the room and
turned on his heel. Portia’s shoulders sagged as she stood in the entryway of the drawing-
Colin looked at Penelope. Her gaze stayed fixed on the doorway as she slowly sank back
down onto the couch. She brought her hands together in her lap and turned to Eloise.

“I messed it all up. I thought he liked me,” she said. Eloise scooted closer to her, placing her
hand on Penelope’s.

“You did not do a thing and he does like you.”

“But he left so abruptly.” Penelope’s voice wavered and Colin felt his heart clench.

“He is not worthy of you, Pen.”

Eloise glared at him. “He probably had to tend to some business.”

“I suppose.”

Colin thought once again that perhaps he went too far by speaking of how they exchanged
letters the way he did. But it was better than Sternwell showing his true colors now before
Penelope became any more invested.

He and Eloise stayed for a bit, speaking with Penelope about trivial things, but it was clear
that Penelope felt down. They decided to make their way home for lunch.

As they descended the steps of the Featherington home, Colin felt a pinch on his arm.

“Ow, El!” He whined.

“What was that back there? Why did you do all that?”

“Do what?”

“You kept trying to provoke Mr. Sternwell.” Eloise hissed.

“Or perhaps Mr. Sternwell is simply easily provoked.”

“He is Penelope’s chance this season.”

“Her chance?” Colin questioned. “Since when are you supportive of the marriage mart?”

“I am not supportive of the marriage mart. I am supportive of Penelope. As much as I believe

that there is more than marriage, with her father’s passing, there is more pressure on Penelope
and her sisters to be married soon.” Eloise said, her brow furrowed in concern. “What’s more
than that is Penelope wants to be married. She’s never said it herself, but she wants to be
married and have a family, and as her friend, I will try to be supportive. She deserves some

Colin felt proud of his sister for being such a true friend, but he also felt conflicted. He had
never considered how much Penelope may have wanted to settle down. She always seemed
of the same mind as Eloise and content to stand on the sidelines. Sure, she liked the
occasional dance, but she never let on. Colin could have kicked himself. Of course, she could
desire more.

“Eloise, I know you want Pen to be happy. I do too. She is just as much my friend as she is
yours. But we can make sure it’ll be with someone worthy of her.”

“And who would that be?” Eloise questioned. Colin shook his head. That was an excellent
question. Penelope was an amazing woman. She was bright, clever, and witty. She was
observant and caring and would give so much for the people that she cared for and based on
her letters, she was a very talented writer. She was kind and encouraging and beautiful.
Beautiful, Colin thought again. Yes, Penelope was beautiful. Even with the yellow dresses
that did not flatter her. Her eyes were so blue and her skin smooth and her lips, her lips-

“Colin,” Eloise broke him from his thoughts. “What is with you?”

Colin turned to look back at the Featherington house.

“I don’t know.”
Chapter 4
Chapter Summary

Just as Colin is figuring out his feelings for Penelope, he puts his foot in his mouth.

Two days had passed but Penelope had not received a word from Mr. Johnathan Sternwell. It
had not been love at first sight or anything. But she thought that he liked her at the very least.
He had been kind and could carry a conversation that first evening at the ball and Penelope
had allowed herself to hope. But it was obviously not to be. In fact, she had overheard
Prudence whispering to Phillipa that very morning at the modiste that Mr. Sternwell had
already placed his attention elsewhere.

It was fun for one night and it had been the first time anyone had ever sent her flowers. She
was grateful for the glimpse of what courting could be like, however brief it lasted. It must
have been what Colin said about writing to each other over the off-season. Colin had seemed
to be acting a bit strange that day, a little tense, but she was sure he hadn’t meant any harm by
it. If only Mr. Sternwell had given her a chance to explain that they were friendly letters, only
containing talk of Colin’s travels, Penelope’s musings, and barb here or there, nothing more.
Oh, well. She had dutifully reported the whole affair (if it even had the right to be called an
affair) in a brief paragraph in Whistledown which would be released at the end of the week.

Colin and Eloise had kept her company the past two days. Colin is especially attentive.
Penelope supposed he was trying to make amends for any part he played with Mr. Sternwell,
but it was not necessary. Mr. Sternwell was a grown man who was capable of his own
decisions. Anyhow, they had come over for tea time. They had all gone on a promenade with
the Bridgertons yesterday. Penelope trying not to laugh but unable to hide her amusement at
Colin’s meddling in Anthony’s attempts at courting the diamond of the season, Miss Edwina
Sharma. Colin found it all rather amusing when the older Miss Kate Sharma thwarted the
Viscount’s attention at every turn.

“I have decided to open a betting pool.” He had announced to his family and Penelope who
was under the Bridgerton tent watching Anthony and Kate Sharma engage in their third
verbal sparring match of the day from afar. “Fifty pounds says our new Viscountess will be
the elder Miss Sharma before the season’s end.”

“They look as though they are about to rip off each other’s faces.” Eloise had remarked.

Penelope could not help herself. “More like ripping each other’s clothes off.” She had
whispered it, but Colin still heard her. He had laughed and smirked down at her in a way she
had never seen from him before. “Well done.”
She had been embarrassed beyond belief, but he seemed to be the only one who heard her.
She had never said anything so brazen or inappropriate in front of him before and she hoped
it did not lessen his opinion of her. Luckily, he did not say anything more about it and began
collecting entries from his siblings and even his mother for his betting pool.

Tonight, the Cowpers were having a ball and Penelope was dreading it. Cressida Cowper
made no effort to conceal her insults to Penelope or her family and she was sure being the
hostess tonight would only amplify her boldness. As long as Penelope was able to collect
some superficial tidbits of gossip for Whistledown, she could escape from the party early,
Eloise might even join her.

“Miss Penelope,” Sarah, a new lady’s maid that she and her sister shared entered the room
with a small bouquet of wildflowers and a note. “This just came for you, miss.”

“Thank you, Sarah.” Penelope took the items for the maid and inhaled the sweet, refreshing
scent of the flowers. Could it possibly be from Mr. Sternwell? Penelope brushed the small
hope aside. Setting down the bouquet, she opened the note.


I find I am missing receiving correspondence from you. I know it has only been a matter of
days, but your letters have always been so encouraging and motivating and entertaining. I
find myself at a loss of what to do without them.

Save me a dance or two this evening. I hope you enjoy the flowers.


“Who did you just send those flowers to?”

Colin groaned. Of course, Eloise of all people would catch him. He had gathered flowers
from the garden in the back, thinking it made for a more personal touch that Penelope would
appreciate, and sent them along with a note to be delivered by John, one of the more easily
bribed footmen. It seemed he bought ten pounds worth of silence to keep the flowers secret
from Eloise for nothing. He decided the truth was the best course of action. “I sent them to

Eloise gasped. She had been very suspicious of his behavior the last few days and had told
him as such just yesterday after the whole family had returned from their promenade.

“I don’t like the way you’ve been looking at her.”

“How do I look at her, sister?”

“Like you want to devour her.”

Colin thought he should have been applauded for not making a lewd comment as a reply as if
Eloise were one of his brothers. “I don’t know what you mean by that. Penelope is just as
much my friend as she is yours. You have to learn to share, El.”

Their mother had entered the room after that effectively ending that conversation.

“Colin, what are you doing sending Penelope flowers?” Eloise asked him now following him
into the thankfully empty drawing-room.

“I am a gentleman and Penelope is a lady. Gentlemen send ladies flowers.” He said,


“Only when they are courting.”

Ah, and there it was. He knew Eloise was on to him, but he didn’t want this to get out to the
whole family until he made sense of it himself. The truth was Colin was seriously
considering courting Penelope. He had begun to see her in a new light. Whether it was their
correspondence (that he realized he thoroughly enjoyed and missed), Eloise mentioning that
Penelope was open and possibly desired to marry, or his jealousy over Sternwell. Perhaps, he
had grown during his travels or Penelope had grown or any combination of things, it did not
matter. The fact was Colin had begun to realize over the past few days that he harbored
feelings for Penelope. To what extent he was not sure yet, but they were there. He had not
thought himself interested in any sort of relationship with a woman, but he could not get his
friend off his mind, and he could have kicked himself for not seeing her before. What was it
that had blinded him so? Penelope was sweet and kind and pretty and damn it, she knew how
to throw in a good barb. Based on her comment yesterday, that girl knew more than she let
on. Must be all the reading she does. What kind of books does she read where men and
women are ripping each other’s clothes off? Did they inspire any fantasies of her own?


Eloise’s shrill voice broke him from his thoughts.

“Are you listening to me?”

“No, I never do,” he said, laying back on the couch he found himself settled upon.

“Gentlemen do not send flowers to ladies unless they are courting, is that what you are going
to do? Do you intend to court her?”

“Who is courting who?” Benedict chose that moment to enter the room, his sketchbook in
hand. Colin groaned.

“This brute,” Eloise gestured to him, “is trying to court Penelope. He sent her flowers just

“It’s about time. Mother will be happy, and Anthony will approve.” Benedict patted him on
the back as he passed.

“I will approve of what.” Anthony walks in, checking his watch.

“Perfect,” Colin muttered to himself.

“Colin is courting our Penelope.”

Anthony looked to Colin with a small smile, “Really, in that case, I can say I do
wholeheartedly approve. She’s perfect for you. Let me know when you need to look at the
family jewels.”

“Oh, not the family jewels,” Eloise whined. “That means an engagement and a wedding.
Ugh, I can’t believe this oaf out of all my brothers is the one that marries my best friend.”

“I can’t believe how fast this has escalated,” Colin said, growing more and more frustrated
with how this conversation was going. He had not even declared his intentions yet and here
they were talking as if he had already proposed.

“It’s not like either of us would have had a chance,” Benedict remarked, not looking up from
his drawing. “Colin staked his claim on marrying Penelope years ago.”

“Try to keep the wedding date around the middle of the season,” Anthony instructed.
“Getting to Miss Sharma has been more difficult than anticipated but I’m planning for our
wedding to be by the end of this season if all works out.”

“If it’s mid-season Francesca probably won’t be able to make the wedding.”

He tried to hold it in. He really did. But with Eloise’s whining and Anthony and Benedict
going back and forth with teasing glints in their eyes, Colin could not help it.

“Good God,” he shouted. “There is no wedding. I am not marrying Penelope.”


Colin’s heart dropped. He turned to look in the doorway to see Penelope looking about the
room with wide eyes. Colin looked around the room at his siblings for help, but they were all
just as taken aback and speechless. What was she doing here? Was she here for Eloise? Was
she here for him? Had she gotten his flowers and note and come to thank him? Oh god, she
must have heard. How much did she hear?

“Pen,” he choked out looking at her. “I…I… I didn’t mean. It isn’t that. I swear we were

“I’m sorry to have walked in.” She said and began to turn around.

“No, Pen!” Colin called out after her, taking a step forward. “Please let me explain. That
didn’t come out right. It wasn’t like how it sounded.”

“It does not matter, Mr. Bridgerton,” Penelope said. Colin gulped. He had never heard her
voice sound like that before. It carried none of its softness, none of its musical quality. She
faced him fully, holding her head high, her blue eyes looked fierce and sharp as she regarded
him. He would have been in awe of her if he weren’t so bloody nervous.
“I do want to add for the record, that I never asked you to marry me. Nor did I ever indicate
to anyone that I desired to.”

“Pen, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

“My feelings are not hurt. I am only surprised at the audacity. That you would feel it
necessary to declare that you do not want to marry me when I have never expressed any
interest in the idea. What makes you think that I would accept any proposal from you?”

Colin had taken a punch to the gut once or twice over the years, but Penelope had struck truer
than any boxer.

“Please Pen, I swear, this is all just a big misunderstanding.”

“I understand perfectly, Mr. Bridgerton. I am sorry for intruding; I’ll be leaving now. Good

Colin stepped forward again. “No, Pen, allow me to escort you home and I’ll explain

Penelope held her hand up to silence him.

“I do not need you to escort me home. I don’t need your explanations and I don’t need you to
dance with me at tonight’s ball.” She said with finality. “I don’t need anything from you.”

With that, she swiftly turned on her heel and marched away. Eloise jerked as if finally
awakened from whatever stupor kept her silent during the whole ordeal and promptly rushed
after her friend.

Colin lowered himself to the couch, his stomach in knots and his head aching. Oh, what
torture was this?

He looked to Anthony, but his eldest brother simply shook his head and walked away. Colin
sighed, leaning forward on his knees. “What the fuck am I supposed to do now?”

He felt Benedict sit beside him on the couch. “You really like her?”

Colin nodded.

“Well, then you are looking at either a grand romantic gesture or a shit ton of groveling.
Actually, better to do both.”

Colin nodded and then made to get up, but Benedict pulled him back down.

“You’ll want to give her some time first. She didn’t even acknowledge me and yet I still felt
scared. Never seen that side of her.”

Colin sighed. He had never seen that side of her either. Fierce and fiery. He might have even
found that he liked it had it not been directed at him. How did it all get so out of hand?
He could have blamed his siblings for riling him up, but he shouldn’t have let himself get
worked up. It didn’t matter. He needed to figure out how to get back into Penelope’s good
graces and then they start a courtship, and he could continue to explore his burgeoning
feelings. He only hoped she would show mercy and listen to him. He would have his chance
tonight at the Cowper ball.
Chapter 5
Chapter Summary

Colin's jealousy reaches a new peak.

Penelope knew that Eloise was following her, but she did not have the strength to tell her to
turn back. So, by the time Penelope had made it back to her room, Eloise was there to catch
her as she fell into a mess of tears.

Penelope, upon receiving a promising note from Colin, had been on a high as she went to go
visit Eloise. The note she had received was brief and yet it gave Penelope so much hope.
Perhaps, Colin was only seeking to make up for the fact that Mr. Sternwell was no longer
interested in her, but he had also spoken of missing her letters. Did that not then translate to
mean that he was missing her, even though they were so close by? Penelope knew that
feeling, to desire someone’s presence so much that you longed for them even if you had only
just spoken to them the day before. Any moment that could be scrapped together with the
object of your heart’s desire was enough to sustain you, an ounce of attention. Penelope
knowing all this had allowed herself to be carried away with the notion that maybe, just
maybe, Colin had begun to see her differently.

It was a ridiculous notion of course. As Penelope entered the drawing-room of the Bridgerton
house, Colin had declared to a group of his siblings that he would not marry her. The way he
had said it as if the very idea was ridiculous. Any hopes she had were dashed in an instant.

She thought she had handled herself very well. She had told Colin that she had never
indicated to anyone that she had wanted to marry him. A half-truth to be sure. She had never
told anyone that she loved him explicitly. But she was sure she wore her heart on her sleeve.

Eloise did manage to calm her down.

“We worked him up,” she had said. “Benedict and I especially had noticed that Colin had
started paying special attention to you.”

“It doesn’t matter, Eloise.”

“But it does. Colin is… interested in you. I know he is.”

Penelope just shook her head. The flurry of emotions she had experienced that morning was
too much and she could hear no more.

Eloise had left in the afternoon to prepare for the Cowper ball that evening. Penelope wished
that she could feign a headache, the last thing she needed to deal with Cressida and the stress
of collecting gossip for the column. But she would never hear the end of it if she didn’t attend
from both her mother and her father’s solicitor, who was stern with her when it came to
getting issues to the publisher in a timely manner.

Madame De La Croix had sent her dress early that morning. It was a light lavender creation
that Penelope had kept secret from her mother, using just a bit of Whistledown money to
have the modiste make it instead of the mustard yellow butterfly dress her mother had asked
for. Though, Penelope suspected that the modiste would be more than happy to burn all the
yellow fabric she had in stock for her mother’s sake.

She put on her dress, and she had to admit, it was quite flattering. It raised her spirits lightly;
she would be able to attend this ball with some shred of dignity and confidence. With the
household running on only one maid, Penelope had taken to doing her hair herself. She did
not have the patience to try to force her curls into the updo of the season, so she put half her
hair up into some semblance of a style while the rest of her hair fell around her shoulders and
back. As she stood in front of her mirror, she thought she actually looked rather pretty.
Perhaps, she would be able to catch someone’s eye or at the very least hold her own up
against the other ladies of the ton.

She would be focused tonight on her goals. One, she would gather enough gossip for the next
issue of Lady Whistledown. Two, she would try to dance once or twice to appease her
mother. Three, and most importantly, she would do all she could to avoid Colin Bridgerton. If
she did not, she was sure her resolve to write him off and keep him from her mind would wilt
like a flower in a harsh winter.

“Now, you need to be smart and tactful about this,” Benedict instructed as he entered with
Colin into the ballroom. “Find a good moment that would offer you some privacy to
apologize and briefly explain the situation and then stop there. The rest of the work will have
to be spread out to build trust.”

Colin had solicited Benedict’s help in getting back in Penelope’s good graces. His brother
had taken to planning and plotting as if they were preparing for a battle or mission. Colin had
listened to his brother the whole way to the ball and nodded to everything he had said. He
forgot everything the moment he laid eyes on her.

She was smiling politely as a gentleman that his mother had recently mentioned may be good
for Eloise, though he could not remember the man’s name, guided her in a quadrille. Her skin
was flushed ever so slightly which was complimented by the light purple she wore.

She did so love to dance, and she was good at it. Colin could not remember if she had ever
said so directly but it was obvious. It was one of the reasons why he always asked her to
dance, though his mother never asked him to after the first time. It was simple in his head.
Penelope loved to dance, and he loved dancing with her.

Colin left his brother’s side as the song ended and Penelope was being escorted to the edge of
the dancefloor. The gentleman bowed and moved on with a few parting words. Colin was
almost to Penelope when another man stepped up to her. This man, Colin knew all too well.
Lord Fife. Colin remembered him from school. Fife had been one or two years ahead of him
and Colin who had always felt the need to be a part of something would join his group of
friends. Fife was a rake. Women, drinking, and gambling were his primary pursuits. Colin
remembered feeling uncomfortable on many occasions and would often excuse himself when
things would get to… rowdy. There had been rumors about him too. About girls, he had
gotten into trouble and then forced them to venture to “doctors” in dark alleys. He had not
spent much time with the man recently, but he knew one thing for certain. Lord Fife was not
good for Penelope.

But it was too late. Penelope was already being led to the dancefloor. She looked…almost
charmed. Colin clenched his jaw. Yes, Fife certainly knew how to charm a woman once he
set his focus on it.

The song was a waltz Colin realized as he made his way around to get a better view. A waltz
was an excuse to hold a woman closer than society usually allowed, a very bold move for any
unattached couple. He could make out Penelope’s laugh. Fife had just whispered something
in her ear and his hand drifted lower on her back.

Colin felt a surge of protectiveness and jealousy, yes jealousy that’s what it was. He knew the
feeling well now.

“Well, Eloise has managed to escape Mama. It hasn’t even been near a half-hour, so I’d say
that is a record.” Daphne, who had come back to London to aid with Eloise’s debut walked
up next to him.

Colin only glanced at his sister before craning his head to get a better view of Penelope.

“Colin, are you listening to me?”

Colin only grunted at the sound of his name. Penelope was giggling again and then
something happened that made Colin’s stomach drop. She smiled at Lord Fife. She smiled
her true smile, her eyes shining as she looked up at her dance partner. Colin felt as if he had
been punched in the gut. He knew that look. He knew that smile. It had always made him feel
special. Had she smiled like that at Sternwell? She did but it hadn’t been like that. Whatever
charms Fife had, they were working, and Colin could take no more.

It had not been a conscious decision to move. He was already in the middle of the dancefloor
when he realized. He raised his hand and tapped Fife on the shoulder. Colin made sure to
stand to his full height as Fife turned to face him.

“Bridgerton, is something the matter?”

Colin looked to Penelope who was obviously bewildered.

“I require a word with Miss Featherington.” He said.

“We are in the middle of a dance.” Fife shook his head.

“I’m afraid it’s urgent.” Colin held out his hand for Penelope to take. She only stared at him.
“Now, look- “Fife started.

“It’s Eloise. She needs you.” Colin blurted. He could think of no other way to prompt her.

It worked. Penelope’s eyes widened and she turned to Lord Fife.

“Apologies, my Lord, but she is my friend and it’s her first season.”

The man sighed. “Of course.”

Penelope gave him a grateful smile and took a step when Lord Fife grabbed her hand. Colin
fought the urge to smack his hand away.

“I will require another dance when you return, Miss Featherington. To make up for lost

Penelope blushed and nodded. Colin took Penelope’s other hand and placed it on his arm.
Colin had never been so forward with Penelope in that way before but if she was surprised,
she did not show it as Colin led her out of the ballroom and into the gardens.

On the other side of the ballroom, a confused Daphne walked over to Benedict who was
currently shaking his head.

“What is with Colin?” She asked.

“He’s an idiot,” Benedict grumbled.

“Well, I know that. I’m talking about why he was standing over there looking like he was
ready to commit murder and then he goes and swoops Penelope out of the room.”

“He’s realized he had feelings for Miss Featherington,” Benedict explained. “And now he
doesn’t know what to do with himself.”

"Oh, well, it's about time. You know that whole business last season was so taxing to go
through when we all knew who he should be with."

Benedict nodded, "You know you handled that whole thing remarkably well."

"I know," Daphne sighed. "I did sympathize with the girl even if she wasn't good for Colin.
Anyway, everyone's moved on."

"Colin certainly has. He just better not mess it up."

“I should go out there before he causes a scandal,” Daphne said but Benedict pulled her back.

“No, not yet. They need to work something out first. We’ll give them a few minutes. Nothing
will happen in a few minutes.”

“Auggie happened in a few minutes,” Daphne smirked.

“Okay, see I didn’t need to know that.” Benedict groaned. “I didn’t need to hear that at all.”
Chapter 6
Chapter Summary

Penelope gets angry with Colin and Colin can no longer contain his desires.

“What happened with Eloise?” Penelope asked as she and Colin made their way into the
garden. She had been enjoying a dance with Lord Fife when Colin came out of nowhere
saying that Eloise needed her. She only hoped her friend was okay. Colin did not answer, he
only continued to drag her along.

They stopped along the edge where a line of trees stood parallel to a collection of rose
bushes. Colin turned to face her so suddenly that Penelope almost crashed into him.

“I’m sorry about what you heard in the drawing-room this morning. It was a huge
misunderstanding.” Colin said.

Penelope blinked.

“I’m not worried about that right now, “she said. “Where is Eloise?”

Colin sighed. He licked his lips which Penelope tried to not let herself get distracted by. “I
don’t know.”

Penelope was instantly confused. Why drag her all the way out here to help his sister when he
didn’t even know where she was?

“You don’t know? You just said that she needed me.”

“That… that was a lie,” Colin admitted, a guilty look on his face. Penelope shook her head in

“You lied.” She said, raising her voice. “Why? Why did you feel the need to lie and interrupt
my dance with Lord Fife?”

“Because I needed to speak with you.” He said as if that answer gave her any reasonable
explanation. He must have wanted to discuss what happened earlier that morning

“I’ve moved on from what happened this morning, Colin.” She said and it was partly true.
She had made her peace with the situation though it did break her heart. She had even been
able to participate in three dances, well three and a half. “You didn’t need to interrupt me
when I was in the middle of the dance.”

“Yes, I did actually.”

Penelope, in a very unladylike fashion, threw her arms up in the air.

“Why? What possible reason could you have? “

“Because I was jealous.” Colin hissed.

Penelope shook her head in disbelief. “Of what? What do you have to be jealous of?”

Colin closed his eyes, his nostrils flared. “You were smiling at him.”

“Smiling?” Penelope questioned. Who could he have been talking about? “At Lord Fife?”

“Yes, Lord Fife,” Colin spat. “Lord Fife of all people. You were smiling and giggling.”

“I was being polite and really it doesn’t matter. Why can’t I smile at him or anyone that I

Colin stepped closer to her, his jaw set. Penelope cursed the way his proximity always made
her head fuzzy. It was incredibly inconvenient especially when she was already confused and
so damn mad at him.

“Because you’re supposed to smile for me, you’re supposed to laugh with me,” Colin said,
making Penelope roll her eyes. It was his ego then. She showed attention to someone else and
now he was angry.

“That doesn’t make any sense. How are you angry with me because I smiled at someone
other than you?”

“I’m not angry with you. I’m angry with myself.”

“Why? Why have you been acting so strangely? I don’t know what to make of you, lately.
What is wrong with you?”

“I don’t know!” Colin shouted, breathing heavily. Penelope continued to stare him down. She
needed more from him. She needed to know what was going through his head. Colin must
have known this too. He took a deep breath, and stepped forward, meeting her stare.

“All I know is when I returned from Greece all I wanted was to see you, to see my friend.
But then I couldn’t stop wanting to see you. I can’t stop thinking of you. My nights are filled
with dreams of you. Everything has changed and all I see is you. All I want is you.”

Penelope gasped. Her heart began to beat faster. Colin wanted her. He had dreams of her. Was
this real? Could he be real right now or was the man who stood in front of her just another

“You want- Are you… You’re interested in me?” She used Eloise’s words from earlier
because she couldn’t bring herself to say anything else. She wouldn’t dare hope. But yet here
Colin was, standing before her, saying her wanted her.
Colin smiled darkly and Penelope squirmed. The look in his eyes turned almost predatory
and no one, that is no one had ever looked at her that way before.

“Interested? Yes, I’m interested.” He began to move towards her again, and Penelope
unconsciously took a step back. “I am interested in your opinions and what you have to say.
I’m interested in your mind and your dreams.” As he grew closer to her, his voice lowered,
and Penelope found herself pressed up against a tree. Colin placed one hand above her head,
craning his head down so that their eyes were level. Had she ever been this close to him?
“I’m interested in your desires. I’m interested in how far down that blush of yours goes. I’m
interested in those lips.” Colin’s gaze was now solely focused on her mouth. Penelope felt
heat rush everywhere. On her face, along her body, and between her legs. Colin’s voice was
barely a whisper. She could feel his fingertips gently grazing the skin of her arm. “How soft
are your lips? How would they feel on my skin? How would they taste? What would it be to
kiss you?”

Penelope whimpered. She should be embarrassed at the sound but could not bring herself to

“Colin.” She whispered. His scent, spices, and soap enveloped her senses. He was so close to
her now. He was so close to her now, their bodies were almost completely pressed against
each other. Penelope closed her eyes as she began to feel Colin’s lips graze lightly against her


Eloise! Penelope, with a strength she did not know she possessed, quickly shoved Colin back.
Colin stumbled, dazed, and confused. Penelope stepped away from the tree she had just been
pressed up against, smoothing out the skirts of her gown.

“I’m over here, El.” She called, out.

Eloise appeared from the maze. She smiled as she saw Penelope then, taking note of Colin,
stopped in her tracks.

“What is going on out here?” She asked in what sounded like an attempt to be lighthearted.

“Nothing, I just came out for some air and Colin happened to come out as well.”

“What a coincidence.” Eloise looked over Penelope’s shoulder. Penelope made no move to
look behind her at Colin. If she did, she would lose all composure. “Well, you missed the big
event of the evening. A footman just spilled a whole tray of champagne on the back of
Cressida’s gown.”

“Really,” Penelope feigned interest, moving towards Eloise. The more distance she put
between herself and Colin, the clearer her head would be.

“He’s sure to be sacked, but Mama already seemed willing to employ him if that is the case.”

“I’m sure everything will work out as it should. Shall we go back in, El?”
“Of course, are you coming brother?”

“I’ll be a long in just a moment.” She heard Colin say, but Eloise was already leading her
back to the house.

Eloise spoke to her of Cressida’s wardrobe incident as they entered the ballroom once more,
but Penelope was barely listening. Only one thought occupied her mind. Colin Bridgerton
had just tried to kiss her. How on Earth was she supposed to focus on anything else?

Colin stayed in the garden after Eloise had taken Penelope away. He had kissed her! He had
kissed Penelope. Well, almost. No, he did. His lips had been against hers in the most feather-
light of kisses and for the briefest of moments that it could barely count as a kiss. And yet,
here was Colin, taking deep breaths in the Cowper’s garden, trying to calm himself as if were
a green boy. What kind of man grows hard from barely a kiss?

Colin was not a rake-like his brothers, but he had stolen his fair share of kisses. Those first
couple of weeks in Greece were spent experimenting with a few of the women he
encountered early upon his arrival, though he had quickly gotten bored with the quick
tumbles in the grass and decided to focus on exploring. But never had he been so affected by
being so close to the woman and to him, this was just further proof that his feelings for
Penelope had evolved so greatly to the point that he could not control his desires.

Colin began to laugh at himself. He always thought he was such a gentleman showing great
respect and restraint to the ladies of the ton. Even with Marina, he quite easily was able to
reject her advances (a good decision on his part) and believed it was because he regarded her
so highly. How misguided. He never regarded anyone as highly as he did Penelope and if she
asked him, he would have ravaged her against that tree until she fell apart in his arms.

It was a risky move on his part. They had been quite far inside the garden away from the
party, but anyone could have wandered by, and they would have been forced to wed to avoid
scandal. Colin could not do that to Penelope. She deserved a proper wedding, a proper
engagement, a proper courtship.


He turned at the sound of Daphne’s voice, thankful his body had calmed down. His sister
turned the corner around a large wall of foliage and came into view.

“Oh my, that maze certainly brings back some memories.” She said in a dreamy voice,
obviously thinking of her husband.

Colin rolled his eyes. “I’m sure it does.”

“What are you doing out here?”

“Just getting some air.”

“Miss Featherington was out here as well,” Daphne said innocently, but Colin knew better.
“Yes, we talked.”

“Oh,” Daphne pressed her lips together to keep from smiling. “And did the two of you come
to an understanding?”

Colin sighed. Daphne was worse than their mother.

“If you’re asking if Penelope and I are officially courting, we are not.” Daphne visibly
deflated but Colin continued. “But I believe she now understands the depth of my feelings
and I shall call on her first thing in the morning to make my intentions known.”

Daphne clapped her hands together. “Very well, then.”

Colin chuckled and offered his arm which Daphne took.

“Did I really make such a huge scene bringing Penelope out here?” He asked as they made
their way back to the ball.

“Not enough that Anthony will have to bargain for a special license, but you will more than
likely get a line or two in Whistledown.”

Colin was fine with that. His priority was Penelope now. Lady Whistledown was the last
thing on his mind.
Chapter 7
Chapter Summary

Colin and Penelope share a dance. Penelope decides to be brave.

Eloise was taken away by her mother as soon as they reentered the ballroom. Penelope made
her way over to the refreshment table, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart with every

Colin Bridgerton has kissed her. Almost kissed her. She had felt his lips graze hers, she had
felt the warmth of his body. His blue eyes had darkened and the look of them had held such
fierceness and yet his touch, the way his fingertips had lightly drawn a path up her arm, was
so gentle.

Her mouth was going dry again. She reached quickly for a glass of lemonade and made her
way to the side, gulping the liquid down in what she was sure was a very unladylike manner.

“Miss Featherington.”

Oh, damn! The voice of Lady Danbury was indistinguishable. However, Penelope was sure
Lady Danbury had never addressed her directly. Penelope quickly patted the corner of her
mouth, hoping there were no drops of lemonade running down her chin, and turned towards
the voice.

Sure enough, the lady was already standing behind her, hands poised on top of the cane
Penelope had always suspected she never really needed.

“Lady Danbury,” Penelope curtsied and smiled.

“Where did you go off too?”

Penelope gulped. Had Lady Danbury seen her go off with Colin? Had she seen or overheard
anything else? “Pardon?”

Lady Danbury’s gaze held firm, an all-knowing smirk on her face.

“That is a beautiful gown, very flattering. You captured the eye of quite a few gentlemen in

Penelope felt the heat rush to her face. Oh, she hated how she blushed so easily. “Oh, I don’t
know about that.”
“I expected you to be on the dance floor most of the evening but then you disappeared with
your Bridgerton boy.”

Oh, she had seen.

“My- I don’t- “Penelope stuttered. She did not know what had her more flustered. That
someone like Lady Danbury, who enjoyed gossip though she acted as if she was above it, had
seen her leave with Colin while she had been in the middle of dancing with Lord Fife or that
she had referred to Colin as “her” Bridgerton as if Penelope’s attachment to Colin was
known. Were her feelings so obvious that someone like Lady Danbury, who had never
seemed to notice her, knew how Penelope felt about Colin? And here, Penelope had thought
she had done so well at hiding it.

It was then that Penelope felt that oh so very familiar feeling. The butterflies fluttering in her
stomach always appeared whenever Colin was near. She felt it stronger now.

“My sister was in need of assistance. I was sent to fetch Miss Featherington.” Colin said.
Penelope could feel that he was standing behind her.
Lady Danbury looked at her, “Ah, is that what it was?”

Penelope nodded. “Yes, of course.”

Lady Danbury squinted her eyes at the two of them. Penelope could feel Colin shift his
weight behind her. “Hmm, I was hoping for something more exciting. This party is rather
dull.” She said, finally. “Whistledown will surely be rather dull if the week continues like

Penelope grimaced. She could not help it. Her work as Whistledown was many things, but it
would never be dull. She would make sure of that.

“I’m sure she’ll be able to spin things around to entertain you,” Penelope said.

“Hmm, perhaps.” Lady Danbury mused glancing around the room for a moment. She then
looked above Penelope’s head at Colin. “Have you taken a turn about the dance floor, Mr.

“No, I have not,” Colin answered, sounding as if he were astonished at the realization and
Penelope couldn’t help but smile at the slight theatrics. He then moved so that he was
standing next to her. Penelope shifted her gaze to see that Colin was offering his gloved hand.
“Pen, would you do me the honor?”

“Pen?” Lady Danbury raised an eyebrow. Penelope’s eyes widened. Had he ever called her
by her name in front of anyone who wasn’t his family? No, he couldn’t have. You were not
supposed to address anyone by their given name unless you were family or attached.

“Yes, I’ve called her that for years,” Colin responded as if admitting it was not admitting to
going against one of the many societal rules of propriety. Just like when he had told Mr.
Sternwell that they had been exchanging letters, it was something innocent yet still a cause
for scandal, albeit a minor one. Penelope tried to gauge Lady Danbury’s reaction.
The woman regarded the two of them with a blank expression. Penelope was waiting to be
scolded or ridiculed but neither happened. Lady Danbury tapped her cane and gestured
towards the dance floor.
“I see. Well, go on then.”

Penelope tried to hide her sigh of relief with a smile and took Colin’s hand. They made their
way to the middle of the floor and joined in with the rest of the dancers.

“How is it that I am at least a foot taller than that woman and yet I find myself terrified and
shrinking under her gaze?” Colin asked as he spun her once, twice before continuing around
the floor. Penelope laughed.

“She can be rather intimidating, but I believe she means well.”

Colin smiled.

“Pen, I…” He started but the dance forced them apart for a beat. They maneuvered their way
through the other dancers and met each other again. “I am sorry for my behavior. From the
outside and this morning, you have to know I did not mean what I said and…well I’m sorry.”

Penelope sighed. She had almost forgotten about what he had said this morning. But time had
passed, Eloise had explained somewhat, and then they had been in the garden.

“I forgive you and I am sorry as well. If I was cruel, especially this morning I…” The dance
broke them apart again. When they came together again, Colin squeezed her hands gently.

“If you were ever cruel, which you would never have any intent to be, it was well deserved
on my part.”

Penelope shook her head. They could go back and forth all night to be sure but Penelope was
ready to move on.

“Will it suffice to say that we have both made amends and can now move forward?”

“Yes.” Colin nodded then his brow furrowed. “No, that is I think we should discuss what
happened outside just now.”

Penelope cleared her throat and looked around her. Those dancing around them were focused
on each other. Penelope looked up at Colin. Was he blushing? No, Colin did not blush. A
trick of the light. Anyway, she would not hold him to anything he said or did in the garden.
Though the memory of all that had transpired in less than an hour got her heart racing.

“I think we were both heated and…” Penelope whispered. “I understand that one can get
caught up in a moment.”

“Yes, but Pen, I did mean what I said outside.” Colin slowed down his movements, pulling
her slightly closer than necessary.

Penelope blinked.

Colin smiled. Not his usual charming or mischievous smile but his true smile, that Penelope
had only ever seen on rare occasions. “I am interested in you and if my sister hadn’t had such
impeccable timing,” he chuckled. “I would have shown you how much I want you.”

“Oh.” Penelope squeaked. She cleared her throat again. What could she say to that?

Your love is an unrequited fantasy.

Penelope shook her head. She felt as though her emotions, her hopes had been thrown about
all week. Here was Colin for the second time that day saying such lovely things, things that
were so close to all that she had ever wanted to hear.

He sees me as a woman, as a wife. He regards you no differently than Eloise or even little

“Do you think you could want me too?” Colin asked, breaking Penelope from her thoughts.
“I mean, do you think you could ever see me as more than a friend, as more than Eloise’s
handsome, charming, admittedly idiotic older brother?”

Could she want him? It was the most ridiculous question? Penelope wanted to tell him, she
wanted to shout it from the rooftops that he was all she had ever wanted, and she would take
whatever he could offer.

But she couldn’t bring herself to even whisper words of affirmation to him.

Instead, she said, “You’re not idiotic.”

Colin smirked, “But you do think I’m handsome and charming.”

Penelope scoffed and rolled her eyes, “That seems to be the general consensus of the ton.”

“I don’t care about the ton.” Colin spun her around once, then again before bringing her to a
stop. She looked nervously around to see if anyone was staring at the way they had stopped
in the middle of the dance floor. “Pen.”


Everyone’s head snapped to the edge of the dancefloor where a gentleman was bouncing on
foot, attempting to clutch the other in his hands, his face scrunched up in pain, and Eloise
stood shaking her head, her face flushed with anger.

“Oh, no,” Penelope muttered, piecing together what might have happened.

“The absolute nerve!” Eloise shouted, throwing her hands in the air, and promptly stomping
out of the ballroom. Penelope caught sight of Daphne and Lady Violet gracefully following
after her.
“I should go see if she’s alright.”

“No,” Colin grasped her hand. Penelope looked at him questioningly “My mother and
Daphne can handle her.”
“Miss Sharma!” Anthony Bridgeton’s voice rang out. Penelope turned to the other side of the
ballroom where Miss Kate Sharma was leading her younger sister Edwina across the room,
with Anthony following close behind them.

“You can have nothing further to say Lord Bridgerton, especially to my sister. We bid you a
goodnight.” Penelope overheard Kate say as she quickly passed by them.

“Miss Sharma, I ask that you permit me a moment to assure you…” His voice trailed off as
the three of them left the room. A light rumble followed their exit as the other guests began to
discuss what had just happened.

“Is your brother alright?” Penelope asked. She looked up at Colin with concern who looked
like he was somewhere in between amusement and exasperation.

“He will be fine, but Pen I wanted to ask you- “


“You have got to be joking,” Colin muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. Benedict came
walking up from where his siblings had just exited. He bowed his head to Penelope and then
tapped Colin’s arm.

“Col, Anthony is throwing a fit and Daphne and mother are already taking Eloise home.”

“Is she alright?” Penelope asked, worriedly.

Benedict gave a wave of his hand, “She’s fine, just throwing one of her fits. Mother thought it
best to leave now.”

“Sounds like it’s all handled then,” Colin said.

“No, I need your help with Anthony.”

“Fine.” Colin leaned down and Penelope was met with his blue eyes. His closeness affected
her in an entirely new way. “Can I call on you tomorrow morning?”

There was so much that Penelope wanted to say. Her mind was telling her to stay guarded.
His mind could change. How could he want her now? She could not let him know how much
the very idea of him calling on her excited her. But her heart, her ever so traitorous heart…

“If you’d like.” She said, blushing. She hated blushing so much. Colin beamed.

“Tomorrow then.”
Penelope nodded and watched him walk away with his brother. She should be absolutely
elated and there was a part of her that truly was. The evening had felt like a dream. But then
there was another part, a voice in her head telling her to be careful, to not let her hopes get
too high. A voice that asked could she trust what was happening. As Penelope pondered this,
Colin looked back at her. She was embarrassed to be caught staring after him, but he only
smiled and gave her a small wave before he disappeared around the corner.

Yes, she decided then. It was a risk to let herself feel excited at the prospects that seemed to
be coming her way. But she would be brave. Colin made her feel brave.
Chapter 8
Chapter Summary

Colin and Penelope have an important discussion and Eloise is along for the ride.

Chapter Notes

Sorry for the delay. I'm a teacher and went back to work. I'm already having a horrible
school year. I am hating life and it's only been three weeks. Anyway, I finally found
some time to update my fics. I hope you enjoy it. I will try to update whenever I can.

Competition among the Bridgertons was a daily ritual. Though upon reflection, Colin
realized how often he had competed for Penelope's attention against Eloise; how much he had
competed with Eloise for a lot of things. That morning the two had engaged in a race. They
both had exited their bedrooms at the same time and knowing exactly where the other had
planned to go that day, they both promptly flew down the stairs to the dining room for
breakfast. Colin knew Eloise was counting on his weakness for food. So as soon as she was
settled in her seat, Colin grabbed a scone from the table, kissed his mother goodbye, and ran
out the door hearing Eloise's frustrated growl behind him. He had hoped his head start would
have allowed him to at least be seated in the Featherington's drawing room by the time she
caught up to him, but his sister was quick. As he made it to the door, Eloise was hot on his
heels. By the time the Featheringtons' housekeeper opened the door, Eloise was shoving him
aside to make her own way in.

Colin rolled his eyes but made sure he was presentable in the mirror on the way to the
drawing room. When he entered, Eloise and Penelope were already chatting away on the
couch. Colin cleared his throat. Penelope looked up and smiled. Colin felt that familiar
warmth that only her smile could give him.

"Good Morning, Pen." He said, forgoing formalities he crossed the room to where she sat.
Taking her gloved hand, he kissed it and delighted in the way a gentle blush graced her

"Good Morning, Colin. I hope you are doing well today."

"Very well. In fact, I was hoping you might join me on a promenade through the square. It is
such a lovely day."

"I would love to." Penelope replied rising to her feet, her hand still in his.
"So would I." Eloise popped up from her seat, practically standing between them.

Colin glared at his sister.

"Well, you'll need a chaperone."

“Chaperones usually stay a few feet behind,” Colin grumbled at his sister over his shoulder.

“There’s no need to be secretive. I already have an idea of what you’re planning on talking

“Then you won’t be missing out on anything.”

Eloise huffed but paused to allow Colin and Penelope time to move a few steps ahead before
she resumed walking herself.

“Did you have a pleasant night after the ball?” Colin asked.

“I did, though I did not get much sleep. I found my mind quite occupied.” Penelope answered

“May I ask what thoughts occupied your mind?”

“Thoughts of you.” Penelope blushed.

“I thought of you as well,” Colin replied, honestly. “All my thoughts are of you.”

Penelope bit her lip, an action that Colin found rather distracting.“I do want to know, what
you said last night, is that how you truly feel?”

“You have always been a dear friend to me, Pen. But I can tell you that my feelings for you
have been evolving. I don’t know when it started. Perhaps, after we exchanged letters or
maybe it was seeing you upon my return. I don’t know. But then we’ve always had a
connection, haven’t we? Whenever I enter a room, it’s like I can’t feel calm or good until I
know you’re there. Whenever something happened, I would hurry to your side so I could
hear what witty remark you’d have about it. “

Penelope nodded. “I’ve often felt the same.”

They found themselves in the middle of a small wooden bridge over a creek. Colin led her to
the side. He watched as she placed her small hands on the railing and looked down at the
slowly moving water. He could tell her eyes were taking in everything, the smallest details
about the scene before her. He knew from her letters how well she could put together
beautiful prose about the simplest things. What words would she use to describe a simple
creek in the park that no one else bothered to take note of.

“I would like to court you Pen, officially.” Colin said after a moment of silence.
“Were we courting unofficially?” Penelope looked up with him, a teasing glint in her eye.
Colin chuckled.

“Well, I know we kissed last night and everything, but I didn’t want to assume.”

Penelope turned to face him, raising a perfectly arched brow. “If you could call that a kiss.”

“Is that a challenge?” Colin leaned forward. “I would be more than happy to give you a
proper kiss.”


“I’m standing right here,” Eloise called out from across the bridge.

Colin sighed, offering his arm. “Perhaps not now.” Penelope giggled and let him lead her
across the bridge.

“Do you think you could feel the same for me someday, Pen?” He asked. It seemed as though
Penelope was of the same mind but he had to be sure, he had been wrong before afterall.
“Could you see me in a romantic sense?”

“Yes.” Penelope nodded and Colin felt a weight lift from his shoulders. “And I would love to
be courted by you.”

“I care about you deeply, Pen. You are so special to me.”

“As you are to me.” She replied.


Colin bit the inside of his cheek, “You’re ruining the romance of the moment here, El.”

“You’ll have to get used to it.”

“Courting!?” His mother squealed clapping her hands together. “Oh, we shall have two
weddings by the end of the season.” She took Colin's face in her hands, pinching his cheeks.
“Two of my boys married.”

“I have not proposed yet, Mother.” He laughed as he pried her hands away. After their walk
in the park, he had dropped Penelope off so she could get ready for the afternoon. Upon
entering his mother's drawing room he announced to all who were there that he and Penelope
were officially courting, much to his mother's delight.

“Oh, you’re right. I’m sorry I'm just so excited.” She fluttered about the room, beaming. “You
will invite Penelope to sit with us at the races? Oh, and she can dine with us this evening.”

“Already taken care of.” He said, making his way over to a tray of biscuits.

“Oh, good. Oh, I am so happy for you Colin.”

“Yes, I can see you really mean it this time too.”

“Well, I can hardly say you’re rushing into things now, can I?”

“It’s no matter now.” Colin waved her off. He looked to his sibling. Benedict was lounging in
one of the chairs with his sketchpad while Gregory, Hyacinth and Francesca were gathered
around the piano. “I expect everyone to be on their best behavior whenever Pen is around.”

“Best behavior?" Hyacinth's face scrunched up. "Penelope already knows we don’t have a
best behavior.”

“Right, she already knows what we’re like. If she was to get scared off, it would have already
happened by now.” Gregory added.

“They’re right. The only person who could mess it up now is you, Col.” Eloise patted his
shoulder as she passed him to plop down on the seat next to Benedict.

“I truly am blessed to have such a loving family.”

At that moment, Anthony burst into the room looking at his watch. “Is everyone ready?”

It was time for the races.

Chapter Nine
Chapter Summary

Short Update: Penelope feels it's time to retire Whistledown.

Dearest Reader,

It should be noted that….

If there were ever more…

Penelope groaned. It was getting too difficult, living a double life as Lady Whistledown. Her
incredibly drab existence last year provided freedom and inspiration to write about trivial
gossip. She enjoyed it. Listening in as if she were a foreign spy, gathering information,
rushing back to write it all down with clever quips, sneaking about in the dark cover of the
night to her publishers in the seedy underbelly of London. It was all so exciting and thrilling.
But now, well, she could care less. It did not matter if Lady Tilley was having an affair (her
husband has plenty of affairs himself), nor did it matter if newcomer Michael Stirling was
dallying with a ballerina (he would not be the first). It did not matter who was seen with who
and where and what was said. It was all the same story, just with different people.

Then there was Colin.

The past few weeks were something she could not have dreamt up, not even in her wildest
fantasies. The reality of being with Colin was…beyond words. A day had not gone by
without Colin calling on her and escorting her to every societal function held. With Colin
occupying most of her time, keeping up with Whistledown was becoming difficult.

More than that, the effect he had on her was inconceivable. Penelope believed she must be
truly wanton and wicked at heart with the amount of time she spent thinking about her and
Colin’s…physical pursuits. Colin had made it clear how he desired her, and it was clear since
the moment their lips had barely touched that one night that there was passion between them.
But then there was their first kiss.

Colin was escorting her home after dinner with his family where he announced in a rather
dramatic fashion, that they were officially courting. Penelope’s cheeks were aching from
smiling and laughing so much, a sensation she now felt used to. Francesca, who was
supposed to be acting as a chaperone, stood dutifully across the street, looking up at the stars
as Colin led Penelope up the stairs to her home.

“The proper thing for me to do at this moment would be for me to kiss your hand and bid you
goodnight.” He had said, her gloved hand in his but his eyes on her lips.
In a rare act of boldness, Penelope smirked at him. “Do you really care about propriety?”

The way Colin had looked at her at that moment still set Penelope’s skin aflame. He bent
down and pressed his lips against hers. Her knees had given out and she clutched at his
shoulders as he wrapped his arm around her waist. He had broken away for just a moment
only to gaze upon her in pure awe before kissing her again. There had been the worry at first
that she wasn’t doing it right, but the way Colin had pulled her closer, cradling the back of
her head, made her think that it didn’t matter.

“The moon sure is bright tonight. They don’t even need to light the streetlamps to be able to
see everything.” Francesca remarked, rather loudly from across the street and they broke
apart. Since that night, whenever they could steal private moments, Penelope would often
find herself pressed against a wall, or a tree, or a bench, or a desk… With all of their…
activities, Penelope often found it difficult to think straight. If she was not with Colin, then
she spent her time fantasizing about what he would do the next time they were alone. Where
would his hands wander? Would his lips find their way down her neck, to the tops of her
breasts and lower, and lower…

There was just no space in her head for Whistledown.

The worst of it all was that Penelope hated keeping the secret from him. Especially since he
had been so open with her. Colin had confided in her more deeply than ever before. He had
always spoken about his passion for travel but there was so much more. It was difficult to
think of Colin, the most handsome, charming man in England, having any flaws or
insecurities but he did. He was insecure about being the third son and unsure of his role in the
family. He was always afraid to speak his mind in public or even with his family because he
felt that no one would take him seriously.

There was so much more under the surface and with every layer that Colin revealed,
Penelope fell deeper in love with him. She hadn’t thought it possible to love someone more,
but now…

He deserved better. He deserved so much better from her. He had been so open and here she
was keeping so much from him. It wasn’t right but she couldn’t figure out how to tell him.
Every time the thought crossed her mind, it would be on the tip of her tongue and then
something would stop her. Whether it be an interruption from a member of their families or
Penelope’s own selfish desire to stay in their little bubble for just a moment longer,
something always got in the way. Excuses, excuses, she would tell herself.

Groaning, Penelope crumpled up the paper in front of her and tossed it to the fire.

She had to turn in something.

Sighing, Penelope lifted her quill. This week’s column would just have to be short and to the
point. When she delivered it, she would include a note to the publisher that she was done.

It was time to retire from Whistledown.

She read over her work once, or twice. She tucked it away in her bodice along with the letter
to her publisher and snuck away from her room. She made her way down the back stairwell
to the servant’s exit.

In no time, she was making her way to the corner of her street where the hired hack was sure
to be waiting.

While in the carriage she waited for the thrill of being out late in London to sink in, but it
never did. Nothing compared to the thrills and excitement Colin could give.

The carriage stopped at the corner of the church. Penelope had only been dropping off her
columns here for a short while, it seemed a safe space. It would cause no great scandal if she
was caught entering a church, even in the dead of night.

As she entered the church, she let the hood of her cloak fall back, the place was always empty
at this time though the doors were kept open. Penelope made her way to the third pew. She
pulled her column, her final column from her bodice and placed it in the bible that was
tucked in the small holding in front of her. Theo, the publisher’s assistant, would find it in the

Penelope sighed and rose to her feet.

“What are you doing?”

Penelope’s heart stopped. She turned around to see Colin standing in the aisle, just a few feet
behind her.
Chapter 10
Chapter Summary

Colin finds out.

Chapter Notes

Sorry for letting so much time go by. Work is exhausting and draining, but since I have
this holiday break coming up I am hoping to squeeze in some more writing time. A huge
thank you to all who follow this story and those who leave such encouraging comments.

Of all the ways Colin could find out about Whistledown, this was possibly the worst. The
shock of seeing Colin standing just feet away from her with a thousand questions in his eyes,
in the church, was too much.

“What are you doing here?” Colin pressed, stepping forward.

“I…” Penelope squirmed. She had come up with things to say before. There were many
versions of speeches she would give if she was caught by one of her sisters, her mother, or
even Eloise. But she hadn’t prepared for Colin, even though she knew she should have. Why
hadn’t she prepared for Colin?

“Since you seem at a loss for words, I suppose I will have to find out for myself.” Colin
stepped around her and headed straight for the pew. It was as if she had been struck mute and
dumb. Before Penelope could register what was happening, he had already found her column.
Penelope felt as if she could burst into flames right where she stood. She would just combust
from the weight of all her sins, in a church, how poetic.

She stared at his back. She watched as his stance grew rigid, his broad shoulders tensing. She
could tell from where she stood, his hands were holding the paper in a death grip. The
seconds dragged on. Suddenly, the sound of crinkling paper echoed throughout the empty
church. Colin turned around quickly, clutching her now crumpled-up column in his fist.

“We’re leaving now.” He said, firmly. It was a deep, menacing tone she had never thought
him capable of.

“Colin- “She started but was cut off by her own yelp of surprise as Colin took her hand and
yanked her along with him out of the church.
She did not try to pull away from his hold on her. She let herself be dragged from the church.
She struggled to keep up with his pace, almost tripping on her skirts as they made their way
down the stairs.

Colin brushed off the footman when he tried to offer Penelope his hand. Yanking the door to
the carriage open, he guided Penelope inside.

“Take the long route.” She heard Colin say as she settled in the carriage, but she kept her
gaze down on her lap. The door slammed shut and the carriage jerked forward. Penelope felt
nauseous at the dread that filled her chest.

Everything she held dear was at risk. She had always known of the potential repercussions of
Whistledown but being so close. Having a taste of the happiness she had longed for, only for
it to be ripped from her by her own actions, was a special kind of torture and perhaps a well-
deserved justice. She kept her gaze down and waited.

“Tell me it’s not you.” Colin pleaded. It couldn’t have been her. His sweet Penelope. She was
clever and witty and bright, yes. But she couldn’t be Whistledown.

Colin had been at the club with his brothers. He had decided to propose to Penelope the very
next day. But his drunken mind could wait no longer. He had left the club early and gotten in
his carriage, with a plan to climb into Penelope’s room through the window like one of the
romantic heroes Daphne used to drone on about and ask for her hand.

But then he had seen her, in a blue maid’s dress, sneaking out the side door. For a moment, he
was excited. The thought of her dressing up like a maid just to sneak away and visit him gave
Colin such a thrill. What a little minx. But then he sobered when he saw her make her way
into a hack on the corner of the street. He immediately instructed his driver to turn around
and follow them, only to be led to St. Bride’s church.

A thousand thoughts were racing through his head. Perhaps she was going to some late night
charitable function or worse maybe Eloise was in trouble and asked Penelope to meet her
there, or worst of all, perhaps Penelope was meeting some secret love there.

The last thing he was thinking of was Whistledown. Then his world was thrown off its axis
when he discovered the draft of a column along with a letter to the publisher in the pew that
Penelope had vacated.

“Colin.” She whispered. He instantly felt uneasy.

“Tell me it’s not you. Tell me that it’s Eloise or one of your sisters or that you are just
working for her. I’ll believe whatever you say.” He begged her again. That had to be it. She
had to be helping Eloise, his trouble-making sister. Or perhaps it was someone else, who was
forcing Penelope to do their dirty work in the middle of the night.

He waited. He waited for her to tell him that she was being blackmailed or used and that she
needed help to get out of it. Instead, she looked up at him, her eyes that he so adored were
hardened. “I can’t.”
Colin closed his eyes, the offending papers he held in his grip were burning his skin.

He wanted to yell. He wanted to shake her and hold her. “Damn it, Penelope, “he said,
through gritted teeth. “Do you have any idea what this means?”

He could hear her take a shaky breath, “I know I have committed many wrongs. I know what
I did to Marina was unforgivable.”

“I’m not thinking about her.” He opened his eyes, looking at her incredulously. “I’m thinking
of you. Penelope, people will be angry with you, maybe even want to harm you. You could
be shunned.”

To his frustration, Penelope only nodded.

“I know. I never intended things to get this far.”

Colin shook his head. Never intended things to get this far? Did she not understand the
severity of the situation?

“What am I supposed to do with this?” He held up the draft of Whistledown, now rumpled
beyond repair. “How am I supposed to protect you?”

Penelope raised her head, straightening her shoulders. “I’m done with it. I included a note to
my publisher.”

“Publisher?” Colin shook his head in disbelief. Of course, she had a publisher. Whistledown
was the most widely circulated publication in all of London. Hell, in all of England. “How
did this start?”

“It was a joke.” Penelope began with a half-hearted shrug. “Something I had written after my
first ball. My father had our solicitor over and they stumbled across it and our solicitor took it
from there.”

“And you think the publisher will just let you stop?” Colin asked.

“They have to. It’s in my contract, I can stop at any time.”

“Contract?” Colin groaned. It just became more and more real. Penelope, the woman he
planned to spend the rest of his life with, was England’s most notorious gossip columnist. A
woman who so many sought after. A woman who the Queen considered a rival, was Penelope
all along. She had a publisher and contract and apparently a system that had her roaming
about in the heart of London in the cover of darkness. “Oh god, I can’t believe this is real.”

“I know… I understand… that is…ugh.” Penelope looked toward the roof of the carriage as
if she was searching for something there. She bit her lip, an action that made Colin’s head
momentarily fuzzy, and moved her gaze toward the curtain-covered window. “I promise I
will go quietly. I’ll send a letter to my publisher that I’m done, and no one will ever hear
about Whistledown again.” She looked at him then. Her expression was wistful. “And you’ll
never have to hear from me again.”

Colin felt his chest constrict.


“I’ll never bother you or your family again. They will never have to carry the weight of being
associated with Whistledown, should it get out or not. I can only imagine what people will
say and I don’t wish for your family or you to be the subject of ridicule. I’ll move out to the
country. I can never undo any of the damage I have caused. I know you must hate me.”

“I love you,” Colin said, contradicting her last statement. He had to. He could see the path
her mind had gone down. She was being ridiculous if she thought he would let her leave him
if she thought he could ever come close to hating her. Even if at this moment, he wanted to
shake her, put her over his shoulder, and tie her to his bed where he could make sure she
didn’t get herself into trouble, he loved her so much.

Her lips parted, a small gasp leaving her. “What?”

“I don’t really care what people say. I don’t really care about what you’ve done. You’ve done
nothing but tell the truth really.” He leaned forward then, gently prying her hands apart (with
the way she jumped at his touch he suspected she hadn’t realized she had been clasping them
so tight) and held them in his. “I care what happens to you because I love you. I believe I
have for some time now, actually.”

“How?” she squeaked. Colin offered her a gentle smile.

“I don’t know for how long or when it started, but never in my life have I ever felt so sure of
something.” He raised his hand to tuck a stray curl behind her ear. He cradled her head gently
bringing her forehead against his. “And that’s why I’m worried. That’s why I’m in a panic
because… I’m picturing everything that could go wrong if you are found out, and I don’t
know how I can protect you.”

“I don’t need you to protect me,” Penelope said.

“Why did you do this for so long?” He asked, pulling away. “If it started as a joke, why did
you turn it into something?”

She bit her lip again, causing Colin to stir. Christ, he needed to stay focused. Penelope
sighed, oblivious to the effect she had on him. “There have been so many times in my life
where I felt weak and alone and empty and invisible. My family barely acknowledges my
existence and if they do, they only ridicule me, they never listen. The same can be said of the
ton and Eloise is a good friend. But she has you and your siblings to turn to and I had no one
for so long. “She looked down to where the draft of her column had fallen to the carriage
floor. She bent to retrieve it, then pressed it to her heart. “But I had this.”

“You had me.”

Penelope shook her head.

“I didn’t have you and you almost belonged to someone else.”

Colin blinked. What? A world where he belonged with anyone else other than Penelope
simply did not exist.

“What do you mean?”

Penelope scoffed. She looked at him pointedly.

“Are you forgetting you were engaged last year?”

Oh. Oh! He truly hadn’t been thinking about it. He hadn’t thought about his failed
engagement in months. But her question did prompt him to think about the scandal that
occurred last year. It didn’t affect his family much, but Penelope’s.

“Why did you write about Lady Crane? You almost ruined your whole family.”

“Because I couldn’t let her, and mama does that to you.”

“It was for me.”

“And before you ask, yes, I was jealous. I was jealous of every girl who caught your eye,
every girl you flirted with. I always believed you would be meant for someone else and that
was okay. I’ve only ever wanted you happy. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that you
would show up one day and start looking at me differently. I never would have believed that
you would be here telling me that you love me. I was content to love you from afar for the
rest of my days while I faded into a loveless marriage or spinsterhood.” She took a breath,
but her next words would be falling on half-deaf ears. “But what I couldn’t take was Mama
and Marina tricking you. Once they realized she captured your interest, they would get
together, and it was like they were plotting. My whole family plotting on how they could
manipulate you. They would come home after balls and strategize on how to further entrap
you. Marina only ever talked about George to me and how much she loved him and wished
he would appear and whisk her away. And when she did speak of you, it was only of what
you could offer her.”

“You love me,” Colin said. His mind had stopped halfway through her speech. He had not
expected her to say it back. He figured she possibly had a crush on him, but he didn’t know...

Penelope gave a breathless laugh. “Yes, of course.”

Colin allowed himself a moment to enjoy the warmth spreading through his body. Warmth
and comfort and joy at being loved by the most remarkable woman.

“Colin, you have to know that if I believed Marina truly loved you. I would have-“

“Shh,” Colin silenced her with a kiss. “Everything worked out the way it should. My priority
is you.”

“I’m sorry for everything.”

Colin took her face in his hands.

“You’re really done with it?” he asked.

“Yes, completely. I have no desire to write the column anymore.”

Colin nodded, then kissed her deeply.

They only parted when the carriage jerked to a stop.

Chapter 11
Chapter Summary

Colin asks Penelope to stay with him.

Chapter Notes

I couldn't wait to get this chapter out. This is my first real steamy scene, so bear with

When the carriage stopped, it took all of Colin’s strength to pull away. He didn’t want to
leave her. He never wanted to be parted from her, especially now. Now that he knew
everything there was to know about her. Now that he knew she loved him as he loved her,
completely and unconditionally.

“I don’t want to go home,” Penelope whispered, kissing him lightly.

“Stay with me tonight.” The words left his mouth before he could think about them. If he had
a rational bone in his boy, he would think of all the reasons why the mere suggestion of
Penelope spending the night with him was a bad idea. The scandal it would cause could bring
down on both their houses. He hadn’t even proposed to her yet.

She was silent for a moment which gave Colin time to begin realizing how insane the idea
was. He was worried she would think him incredibly forward.

Instead, she gave a small nod.


With that, Colin helped her out of the carriage.

They made their way up the front steps. The hour was late enough that Colin could see most
of the room was dark, his mother and siblings have most likely gone to bed. Anthony and
Benedict were probably still at the club. Colin waited for the driver and footman to turn the
corner with the carriage before leading Penelope off the porch and around the side of the
house to one of the servants’ doors.

He guided her through the dark halls until he reached the family wing. He was never more
glad to have a room towards the end of the hall than he was at this moment. His only
neighbors had been Daphne and Benedict who, whenever he slept in his room, slept like the

He opened the door and let Penelope in. He cursed himself when he realized that they were
standing in total darkness. He felt his way to his desk and fumbled around until he was able
to light a couple of candles. With the room lit just enough, Colin turned to Penelope. She
stood by the door, looking around with curious eyes.

“This is my room.” He said lamely. Penelope gave him an indulgent smile. She had taken off
her blue cloak and draped it across the chair he always used to put his shoes on. She was left
in her lady’s maid dress. It was funny, he had never been one who had certain…fetishes about
maids, though he had heard many scenarios from his time at Eaton. But now with Penelope
dressed like one in his bedroom, he couldn’t help the dozen fantasies that were currently
going through his head. But they would all have to wait for another time.

He took a few steps toward her. Penelope closed the distance between them, a soft glow
around her from the candlelight. She was breathtaking. She placed her hands on his chest as
he found her waist. She looked up at him with her wide blue eyes. Her lips parted and plush.
Oh, how he wanted to kiss her. He wanted to devour her. But first, he had to make sure she
knew what would happen.

“Penelope, you must- “Colin stumbled. His words were cut off by Penelope reaching up and
kissing him eagerly. Her hand was already traveling up his neck, finding their way into his
hair. Colin could easily lose himself in her lips, but he knew he had to make sure Penelope
knew she was safe with him. Savoring her lips for just a moment more, Colin then broke
away with a low groan. “Mm, you must tell me if I do something that you don’t like.”

She shook her head as if he had just said something silly.

“I’ll like everything because it’s you.”

He had never heard sweeter words.

“Still, we can stop whenever, just say the word.”

Penelope raised a perfectly arched brow. Colin sighed as he felt her hands, so soft and warm,
make their way down from his neck to his chest. She gripped the lapels of his coat lightly
before pushing the garment off his shoulders.

“Just get this dress off me.” She said, as his jacket fell to the floor taking all his sense with it.

Penelope had no idea where she found the boldness she was currently exuding. All she knew
was that she wanted Colin. All her fantasies were becoming realities. Colin loved her. He
knew about Whistledown and while he clearly was not happy about it, he accepted her. He
wanted to her. He desired her.

At her command, Colin had taken her in his arms. His lips had found hers and his hands
started wandering. She could feel his fingers fumble slightly at the back of her dress but soon
her shoulders were bare, then she was left only in her corset and underskirt. Colin began
kissing down her neck, finding his way to her breasts. She sighed as his hands traveled over
her hips, then lifted her skirt. She shivered as she felt his rough hands against her legs. He
was practically crouching with his face buried in her cleavage until.

“Colin!” Penelope yelped as Colin lifted her against the wall. Her legs immediately wrapped
around his waist. “No, I’m too heavy.”

“Nonsense.” Colin kissed her again, nipping at her bottom lip. Penelope whimpered. “So
perfect. Beautiful.”

Colin held her against him as he turned towards the bed. He carried her and laid her down
gently on top of the covers. Colin’s eyes had darkened with an almost predatory gaze. His
look sent shivers throughout her body, though she could feel a familiar heat building in her

Colin got off the bed. He kicked off his boots and shed the rest of his clothing. Penelope had
thought she would be blushing like mad. She thought she would shy away the first time she
saw a naked man or even cower in fear. Instead, she was in awe. Colin could have been
sculpted from marble. Penelope propped herself up on her elbows and let her eyes rake his
form. She figured she should have been intimidated by the size of his member. Instead, she
only felt a rush of desire.

Colin knelt on the bed, his hands reaching and pulling down her skirt and ridding her of her

“So beautiful,” he murmured, and Penelope believed him. His hands traveled over her body,
finally reaching her breasts. She gasped as he took one of her breasts in his hand, running
over her nipple with his thumb. As he touched her, with one hand, the other traced the side of
her body moving lower and lower, stopping at her hip.

He kissed her, his tongue probing her mouth briefly before traveling down her chest. It was
enough feeling him touch her breast but when his tongue peeked out against her nipple,
Penelope needed more.

“Colin, I need you to touch me.” She gasped.


Penelope reached for the hand that was at her hip. She guided him to her mound. Colin
looked up at her in surprise.

“Here.” She whispered.

Colin cupped her and she released a moan. Oh, if only she could have told herself, on those
cold, lonely nights that she would be here. That Colin would be touching her. Penelope felt a
gush of wetness and let out a shaky breath.
“Do you touch yourself?” Colin shifted so that his face was above her. His fingers began to
rub her. She could feel herself growing wetter. “Answer me.”

“Yes.” She admitted.

“What do you think of when you touch yourself?” He asked, his voice like gravel.

“You.” She panted. Colin growled, pushing a finger in. Penelope grasped at his shoulders.
Her hips began to move against him.

“One day you’ll give me a show.” He said, adding another finger. Penelope moaned at the
stretch. He was reaching placed with his fingers that she had never been able to get to herself.
It was as if he already knew her body better than she did. “I’ll come up behind you and cup
these perfect breasts. I’ll watch as you pleasure yourself.”

“Oh, Colin.” Penelope moaned at his words. “I need you.”

Colin removed his fingers from her, leaving her feeling empty. His expression went from
lustful to serious.

“If I hurt you- “he started.

“You wouldn’t.” Penelope placed her hands on either side of his face.

“Not on purpose, but- “


Colin bent his head to kiss her deeply. Penelope moved her mouth against his. Then she felt
him, hard and stiff against her entrance. First, he was only rubbing against her. His length
teasing her, the tip of him brushing against something in her that sent shivers all over her

Then he was pushing inside, slowly. Her body stretched to accommodate him. Penelope
waited for the pain she had heard about from Phillipa, but it didn’t come. She felt full. She
felt complete.

“Fuck, Pen,” Colin whispered. “Are you alright?”

Penelope shifted her hips experimentally. The movement caused Colin to slide in deeper,
making them both moan. “Perfect.”

Colin braced his hands on either side of her head, moving his hips slowly, rhythmically
against hers.

“You feel so good.” He groaned. They continued at the same pace for a moment, Colin
moving slowly in and out. Penelope began to move her hips against his, prompting him to
move faster.
Penelope gripped his shoulders as shocks of pleasure began to course through her. The
sensation of being filled was almost too much and yet…

“I want- I want- “

“What do you want?”

“I want more.” She answered. “I want to feel you deeper.”.

At that, Colin lifted her leg, letting it rest in the crook of his elbow.

“Oh god!” Penelope cried out. The slight change in position allowed him to reach deeper than
before, his thrusts hitting a spot inside her that made her see stars.

“Fuck yes,” Colin grunted, his hips snapping against hers. Penelope felt as though she was
being driven by a current. The current pushed her closer and closer to the edge of something.
She gripped the pillows behind her head. She had brought herself pleasure before, but it had
never gotten this far. She could feel her body tensing and tightening.

“I-Oh. Colin!” She cried out as waves of pleasure crashed over her.

“That’s it, Pen. Let go.” Colin thrust a few more times before pulling out, leaving her feeling
empty. He groaned, turning away from her. If she could muster any coherent thoughts in her
current state, she would wonder what he was doing.

After a moment, Colin fell back on the bed next to her.

“Are you alright?” she asked once she had caught her breath.

Colin chuckled. “I should be asking you that.”

“I’m fine.” She assured him, laying her head on his chest. “More than fine.”

Colin sighed, wrapping his arm around her. “It’s too bad you’re retiring. This night definitely
would have been Whistledown worthy.”

Penelope giggled at the thought.

“Dearest reader, prepare yourself for a scandal most shocking.” She began. “It comes from a
reliable source that Mr. Colin Bridgerton was seen escorting Miss Penelope Featherington
into his bedchambers where he proceeded to pleasure her beyond her wildest fantasies.”

“Would your publisher find that fit to print?” Colin smirked.

“I would have had to add some colorful, veiled phrases.” Penelope ran her hand through the
hair on his chest. “I can imagine my mother’s reaction. She would have marched both of us
down to the bishop for a special license.”

“Not a bad idea.” Colin rolled so that he was on top of her again. Penelope closed her eyes
and sighed in contentment. She already loved feeling his weight on her.
“I had thought to plan a better proposal than this.”

Penelope paused. What? Proposal? She opened her eyes to see Colin smiling gently down at
her. He sat back on his knees and reached over to his bedside table. He opened the drawer
and pulled out a small wooden box. Penelope’s heart fluttered.

“I wanted to create a trail of flowers that led out to that small gazebo in the garden where I
would be waiting for you with a string quartet.” Colin chucked. Penelope sat up. Was this
truly happening? “Or perhaps I could have simply asked you to promenade and then get
down on my knee in the middle of Berkley Square. But I suppose this will have to do because
I cannot wait another moment without knowing that you will be my wife.” He opened the
box, revealing the most beautiful ring Penelope had ever seen. Colin took out the ring, an
oval emerald guarded by two small diamonds set on a thin gold band, and set the box aside.
Held the ring up and smiled.

“Oh, Col.” Penelope’s voice was shaking, her eyes filled with tears of joy.

“Penelope Anne Featherington, you are everything to me. You are my best friend. My only
love. I don’t know what my life would be without you. I love you with everything I am and
everything I could ever hope to be. Will you marry me?”

Chapter Summary

Newlyweds playing a friendly game

Chapter Notes

The End (for now)

Three Weeks Later

“No, no, no!”

“What?” Colin groaned. Penelope who had been nestled in his arms wiggled her way free as
his oldest brother stomped towards them. Colin managed to still keep hold of her hand as he
faced his brother. Still, as newlyweds, it was difficult for him to be parted from his wife for
any length of time.

“Separate,” Anthony commanded. “I don’t need the two of you conspiring together.”

“I don’t conspire,” Penelope replied, innocent and wide-eyed. Colin suppressed a laugh. The
entire family which now included Penelope as the newest Bridgerton had arrived at Aubrey
Hall a few days ago. With the Sharma’s having arrived only that morning, the Bridgerton
siblings had decided to play a friendly game of Pall Mall.

A questionable decision, in Penelope’s opinion, as she had mentioned to him if the goal was
for Miss Edwina Sharma to see a display of fun-loving, family camaraderie, they had chosen
the worse possible field in which to do so. He had answered with a shrug and said something
like, “Well, it’s better she knows now.”

The threats and barbs had started as soon as the decision to play was made. Penelope
originally was content to be seated with Lady Violet and Lady Danbury, but Colin and Eloise
had practically dragged her out to the field. After the chaos of selecting mallets, the game had

Colin planned to play the game with the same focus he always did, however, Penelope had
never been there as a distraction. Only weeks into their marriage, Colin was used to always
having his arms wrapped around her but doing so now would only make things difficult.
Colin figured being a gentleman was the best thing to do and so he was prepared to let up on
his game a bit and stay behind with his wife. Besides, there would be fun in simply watching
Anthony make a fool of himself in front of the Sharmas. Thankfully, his amazing wife never
ceased to surprise him and was actually quite the player herself.

“I might have played a game or two as I child.” She said, shrugging.

As it stood now, Daphne, Benedict, and Eloise were tied. Penelope and Colin only being
slightly ahead. Anthony and Kate Sharma held the lead while Edwina was behind all of them.
The younger sister was not horrible but clearly lacked the same competitive spirit the rest of
the clan and her elder sister seemed to have.

After knocking her ball a foot away from the next wicket, Colin had wrapped his arm around
his wife’s shoulders and bent to kiss her cheek in an apology which led Anthony to believe
they were concocting a grand conspiracy.

“If Penelope was planning something, she would conspire with me. I’m the best friend.”
Eloise walked up, swinging her yellow mallet behind her, and stood by Penelope.

“I’m the husband,” Colin said. Penelope sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder. She had
been caught between the two of the many times over the past few weeks. It was a constant
war for attention since the wedding. Colin would feel guilty for causing his dear wife a
headache or two, but his Eloise was always unreasonable and annoying.

Eloise scoffed, “And?”

“And I am her husband. She is my wife.” He said slowly as if talking to a child.

“It’s only been two weeks.” Eloise rolled her eyes. “After a lifetime of friendship that’s
nothing, right Pen?”

Penelope worked her way free from Colin’s grip and made her way over to her ball.

“It doesn’t make any difference.” She said before whacking her ball, sending it hurdling
through the fifth and sixth wickets.

“Oh, well done.” Daphne clapped her hands from her position ahead.

Penelope turned and smirked at him and Eloise. Colin couldn’t resist the feeling of pride
blooming in his chest as he admired his wife tossing her hair over her shoulder. Oh, she had
definitely played more than a game or two as a child.

“If you’ll excuse me, I believe the two of you have some catching up to do.” She offered a
wave and walked ahead of them.

“I love you,” Colin called out.

Anthony and Eloise both groaned in disgust at his love-struck expression.

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