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If There's Someone Calling Me On (She's the One)

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Bridgerton (TV)
Relationships: Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington, Colin Bridgerton & Penelope
Featherington, Eloise Bridgerton & Penelope Featherington, Anthony
Bridgerton/Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma
Characters: Colin Bridgerton, Penelope Featherington, Anthony Bridgerton, Kate
Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Benedict Bridgerton, Eloise Bridgerton, Violet
Bridgerton, Philippa Featherington
Additional Tags: Season/Series 03, Colin Bridgerton Being an Idiot, Colin Bridgerton is
Oblivious, but he realises his feelings, he goes through it a bit
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-03-09 Completed: 2023-03-21 Words: 8,195 Chapters:
If There's Someone Calling Me On (She's the One)
by summer_of_1985


(Previously: What is This Feeling Inside Me?)

I'm ignoring the summary for Season 3. Colin realises his feelings, is he too late?

Title from She's the One by Robbie Williams.

What is Jealousy?
Chapter Summary

A day at the races, and Colin notices a feeling inside...

Violet Bridgerton had watched her daughter Eloise fall inside herself since she fell out with
Penelope. She doesn't know why they fell out, but she hopes that they'll make up (they've had
a friendship which has lasted years, it wasn't worth them losing the friendship).

When Anthony and Benedict brought up the idea of going to the horse races, Violet asked if
they would ask the Featherington's (with the main hope of the youngest going) to go with
them. It seems like Anthony has learnt over the years never to argue with her.

So climbing into the multiple carriages sat in front of Number Five; Anthony and Kate,
Benedict, Colin, Eloise, and two of the three Featherington ladies - Phillipa (now Finch) and
Penelope. Anthony had told her that Mrs. Finch would be meeting them at the horse track
with her husband.

Violet watched from the window as Eloise and Penelope gave each other the cold shoulder,
but the other Bridgerton receiving the cold shoulder was Colin. Why was Penelope
Featherington giving Colin the cold shoulder? Then she remembers what Lady Whistledown

It was heard by as many people in earshot, that Mr Colin Bridgerton has declared Miss.
Penelope Featherington is uncourtworthy.

Violet didn't know what her third eldest was doing, as he had held his hand out to help
Penelope into the carriage - but she took Benedict's instead. She watched as Colin's face fell,
he scrunched his glove-covered hand and watched her climb into the carriage.

Is Colin starting to realise what was right in front of him? Violet hoped he would, she didn't
know how long Penelope was going to hold onto her affection for him before she decided to
move on to someone else.

Once the group had arrived at the horse track, each with a pamphlet of the races and they
found a clear spot.

An hour and 3 horse races later, Penelope looked at the horses for the next race, she took
Phillipa by the elbow. "Look, that was the horse papa always bet on."

Phillipa smiled, looking over at Bridgerton's crowding around Lady Bridgerton's winnings.
"Go on, for papa."
Phillipa Finch and Penelope Featherington shared a smile, the youngest of which checked her
small pouch. "Wish me luck."

Somehow, Penelope was able to make the bet (on her late father's behalf as far as the man
behind the counter knew). They walked back to the group with the small stub.

"If nothing comes of it, it doesn't matter, I did it for papa and that is all that I care to think

Colin watched from the other side of Eloise (who was complaining she was standing next to
Penelope), as his Pen clung to the railing as the horses strutted past - as she pointed out a
certain horse to her sister. Buttermilk, a 6-year-old horse with hair much like Penelope's hair.

Penelope let out a gentle sigh from between her lips. Eloise glanced over at Penelope - she
knew how much her father meant to her.

As the horses came down the final corner, Buttermilk started to speed up. Bypassing
Magnum, Blaze and Treasure to come into third place behind Eclipse in second and Sydney
in first.

"Look! Buttermilk's in third!" Penelope exclaimed, clasping her sister's arm tightly as she
jumped from foot to foot.

"No, she's not. She's in second!" Phillipa had a tight grip now on her sister's fingers.

Kate pulled the binoculars to her face, feeling Anthony rub his fingers into her shoulder
blades. "Miss. Featherington, I believe you're now in first."

Penelope looked between Lady Kate Bridgerton, Buttermilk the horse and her sister, as tears
welled up in her eyes.

And over the line went Buttermilk, in the first place.

"Congratulations, Miss. Featherington," Anthony said. The Bridgerton's watched as tears

started to stream down Penelope's face.

"Go get the winnings!" Benedict reached over took her by the elbow, and dragged her over to
the counter.

Colin could only watch, as his heart stuttered into his throat, as his brother sang Penelope's
praises. What was this feeling? He'd felt something similar when he was in the highlands of
Scotland. When Penelope never answered a single one of his letters, and he sent 12 of them
(twice a month, at least three double-sided pages)!

He'd never felt this way before, not even with Marina. And he was going to marry her. But
the thought of Penelope and his brother or even Penelope with someone else made something
burn inside of him.
What is jealousy? But why was he jealous?

When Penelope came back with his brother, with a heavy sack of coins in her hand.

"Well done," was the only thing Eloise said.

"Thank you, Miss. Bridgerton," Penelope replied, walking back to her sister's side. "Look,

Phillipa gently took the sack from Penelope's hands, once glancing at the sack and her jaw
dropped. "Oh my."

The Bridgerton’s and Featherington's arrived back home late at night. Benedict, Eloise and
Penelope have to suffer through the grumbles of Colin's stomach in the final hour. "Oh, just
eat this!" Eloise exclaimed, reaching to where they usually hide food in the carriages and
throwing it at her brother.

Violet had been waiting up for her children to come home, but the sound of wheels and
horseshoes made her jump to the window.

She watched as Anthony helped Kate out of their carriage. As Colin helped Eloise out, but he
was overruled by his brother again for helping out.

Violet watched as Colin's face crumbled. He didn't know that Lady Whistledown had heard
him say he wouldn't court Penelope. She had watched her children grow up - Colin, Eloise
and Penelope often clumped together and caused mischief (when Penelope's mother wasn't

Maybe this was the turning point for Colin, maybe he had realised at some point today, the
feelings she knew he held. Why else would he write so many letters to her? Why else would
he look like he would strangle his brother?
Penelope, My Love
Chapter Summary

At Lady Danbury's ball, Penelope gives Colin the cold shoulder - as she dances, Colin
understands the feeling inside.

Tonight was Lady Danbury's ball, Colin hadn't seen Penelope the whole time he'd been home
- except for when they went to the races. She hadn't spoken to him since before he went

Colin didn't like it, the balls were always boring and brain numbing, but when he stood
talking to Penelope Featherington it made going to the balls that but more entertaining.

But, he's found out Eloise and Penelope had fallen out for some reason. So, Penelope wasn't
visiting the Bridgerton's at Number Five.

When the Bridgerton's arrived at Lady Danbury's ball, Colin's eyes bounced from person to
person, looking for the red-head, yellow dress wearing Featherington.

As he stood there, he realised that he always sought out Penelope at every ball.


But, he did find Penelope, but she wasn't wearing yellow like he predicted. She was wearing
a new dark green dress that made her stand out from the crowd.

Penelope looked beautiful, but she had always looked beautiful.

Where did that come from?

He blinked repeatedly at the thought, he watched from the entrance as Harry Dankworth, a
Duke, walked over to the Featherington's and held his hand out to dance. With Penelope.

His Pen!

He felt two bodies standing behind him, a gentle hand rested in the crook of his elbow. Violet
Bridgerton was stood by the side of her third eldest son, as Penelope danced with the Duke.

"Who's that?" He asked, the other body being that of his eldest brother Anthony.

"Harry Dankworth, Duke of Flintshire," Anthony said, Kate stood comfortably on his arm.
"He's been dancing with her a few times since the start of the season."
Colin felt bile come up his throat. Why did he feel sick at the idea of Penelope courting
someone else? Why did he feel sick at the idea of Penelope marrying someone else?

"Colin, what is the matter, dearest?" Violet asked, her hand tightening on Colin's elbow.

He blinked repeatedly. He felt sick over the idea of Penelope being with someone else,
because he wanted to be with Penelope. How has it taken him this long to realise his feelings
for her?

How long has he known his Pen? At least a decade, how had he never seen her like this?

"Oh, Colin," was Violet's whisper, as she took Colin out into the fresh air. Colin looked over
to his mother, with tears starting to well up.

"Mama. Did she love me?" Colin asked her. As soon as Colin hit his teen years, he no longer
called her mama - he called her mother like Anthony and Benedict did. But right now, he
wanted to hear the honest truth from his mother.

Violet sighed. "She did. I think after what you said at the Featherington ball last year, I
believe she is starting to put herself first. Unlike previous years."

Colin swore. "I've really made a mess of things with her..."

"Colin, listen to me," Violet took a hold of his face. "If you want to spend the rest of your life
with Penelope like I believe you do. Then you have to do something about it."
Penelope's Callers
Chapter Summary

Colin calls on Penelope, but finds out Penelope already has callers.

The morning after Lady Danbury's ball, Colin got up early and barely ate his breakfast as he
thought over what he would say to Penelope when he called on her.

"Colin, what is the matter?" Violet asked over her cup of tea. Before Colin could Evernote
spit a reply out, in rushed Eloise with the latest Lady Whistledown's Society Papers .

"She'll make up anything just to get our attention!" Eloise exclaimed. " Miss Penelope
Featherington danced with three different men last night. Duke Harry Dankworth of
Flintshire, Mr. Marcus Anderson and Lord Debling. Maybe it's time she hung up the shrine
she holds for Mr. Colin Bridgerton ." This made Eloise laugh. "Penelope having feelings for
Colin, it's absurd!"

As Eloise continued to laugh, Violet looked over at her son, who seemed to have sunk further
into his chair. Could other people see the crush Pen had on him, but somehow he couldn't? As
he came to realise his feelings, Pen was pushing hers to the side.

"Eloise, why don't you go show the new Whistledown to Francesca and Hyacinth?" Violet
asks her second eldest daughter, who shrugged her shoulders and walked away. Once Eloise
was gone, Violet took a seat closer to Colin. "Colin, darling."

"She hasn't, hasn't she? She's had feelings for me this whole time?" He asks, looking over at
his mother.

"Truthfully, darling. She's loved you for years..." Violet tells him, and Colin nearly slips
further into his seat.

An upset noise left Colin when the words left Violet's mouth. "Mama, what do I do?" He
nearly whines.

Violet reached over and fiddled with the hair on the top of his head. "Flowers. That's always a
good place to start," Colin looked up at her. "Get her roses."

Colin had heard for years between his mother and younger sister Daphne that different
flowers and colours mean different things. "Yellow roses? Yellow will-"


Colin looked over at Violet, surprised she cut him off so suddenly.
"Never give a woman you intend to court, yellow roses. Never. Do you hear me, Colin
Bridgerton?" He nodded his head, almost scared of his mother. "Now, they can't be lavender
roses, because she's not your first love," Colin looked at his mother confused. "You were
engaged to her cousin during her first season."

Colin blinked, remembering the time when he was engaged to Marina. He wished he could
wipe that experience off the face of the earth. "What I feel for Penelope, it's a lot stronger
than anything I felt for Marina."

Violet looked at her son, he had the same look on his face as Edmund when she was doused
in flour at eight years old. Of all of her children, Colin was the most like her late husband,
and she could see so much of herself in Penelope as she was once a wallflower and clung to
the safety net of the edge of the balls.

"Lavender roses will do nicely then, my darling."

After a visit to the florists, Colin arrived at the Featherington Home, there were already three
carriages sitting on the road. Judging by the crests on the side, it was Dankworth, Anderson
and Debling. The same three men were seen dancing with Penelope at last night's ball.

Colin muttered a curse and jogged up the steps. Standing by the door was Ludders,
Featherington's loyal butler.

"Mr. Bridgerton," Ludders greets.

"I'm here to see Miss Penelope," he says, rolling the bouquet over in his arms.

Ludders blinks. "I will go see with Mrs. Featherington if you will be accepted," he says,
allowing Colin in and then he waits at the end of the corridor in front of the door which leads
to Featherington's green drawing room.

But the door opened, and he was allowed in, the first face he sought out was Pen's as she sat
on the sofa next to her mother, looking at him with scrunched eyebrows and judging eyes. It
was obvious it wasn't Pen who allowed him in.

"Mr. Bridgerton, we weren't expecting you," Portia Featherington says, sitting up straight as
if she had a wooden ruler stuck down the back of her dress. "Would you like to take a seat
next to Lord Debling?"

It should be noted that sat on the other side of his Pen was Prudence, the only other
unmarried Featherington lady.

"Thank you for seeing us on such short notice," said Lord Debling, who stared Colin down
out of the corner of his eye. That's when Colin remembered Lord Debling, from the night of
the Featherington ball, when he was so drunk out of his mind he couldn't tell his left from his
"It's my pleasure, Lord Debling," Portia smiled, not taking notice of Colin. It had been well-
known that Portia wanted to marry one of her daughters off to one of the Bridgerton sons.

Colin didn't pay attention to anything Portia was saying, as he just kept looking at Penelope,
wondering what was going through her head. The sun was shining off her hair, and
sometimes in her eyes when it came out from behind a cloud, which would cause her to
squint for a moment.

"Penelope, would you stop squinting!" Portia very nearly demanded of her daughter.

"The sun is in my eyes, mama," Penelope said, raising her hand to give her eyes some shade.
The sun made the freckles appear like stars on her arms and cheeks.

"Who are your flowers for, Bridgerton?" Asked Anderson, who stared down the sofa at

For a second, Colin forgot he was holding the lavender roses. He could see Portia motion to
Prudence for her to sit up straighter.

But, Colin handed the bouquet over to Penelope, who stares up at him, very surprised.

Lifting her hand to take them, she gave him a small smile which made his heart flutter.
"Thank you, Mr. Bridgerton," and his heart stopped fluttering.

He got used to her calling him both Colin, and Col on the rare occasion, but it wasn't often
she called him Mr. Bridgerton. He didn't like it.
Do You Remember Saying That?
Chapter Summary

Another ball, but Colin now knows why Penelope is giving him the cold shoulder.

Colin had no idea who was hosting tonight's ball, but like every other ball before it - he
sought out Penelope and found her on the edge of the dance floor. Calmly making
conversation with Lord Debling.

He heard something leave his mother's mouth, but he ignored it and headed in the direction of
Penelope as she continued to talk to Lord Debling.

"Bridgerton," Lord Debling greeted.

"Mr. Bridgerton," Pen said, bobbing a curtsy. Colin didn't like it when she called him 'Mr.
Bridgerton' .

Colin looked Lord Debling up and down before setting his gaze on Penelope. She was once
again donning a green dress, but it was a lighter green than the one he saw her wearing at
Lady Danbury's ball or in her mother's drawing room.

He held his hand out for Penelope, asking her if she would like to dance with him.

"I'm afraid I will be sitting this dance out, Mr. Bridgerton. But, I'm afraid my dance card is
full for the rest of the evening," she tells him, turning her attention which had only been on
Colin for a moment, but she looked out to the dance floor.

Her dance card was full? It's not that he didn't believe Penelope, but she must not have been
here long - how did her dance card get full so quickly?

Colin almost wanted to pull her dance card to his face, to prove to himself what she was

Penelope had been out on the dance floor four times with three different suitors, when the
music started for the next dance, Penelope turned on her foot and headed outside.

Her dance card wasn't full.

She just didn't want to dance with him.

Violet watched as her son put down his drink, and headed for the patio doors - where she had
just seen Penelope Featherington leave.
"Colin," she warned, reaching out to hold onto his sleeve, but he managed to avoid her.

"I won't be long, I just need to speak to Pen," he replied, even when he was surrounded by
company - he couldn't get out of the habit of calling her by either her first name or by the
nickname he gave her.

When Colin stood outside, he could see Penelope nearly hanging over one of the railings,
taking in deep breaths of fresh air. He came to stand beside her and watched her for a moment
before he spoke. "I thought your dance card was full," he joked.

"It is, but I would rather have saved you the humiliation of being refused a dance. It's not like
a Bridgerton knows rejection," Penelope mutters.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks.

Penelope lets out a sigh. "Ever since Lady Whistledown has been writing about everything
these past seasons, your family has been put through your fair share of scandals, but you've
always come out the other side. Smelling like roses" Penelope tells him. "Whereas my family
is still being looked down on, after everything that happened with Marina and Cousin Jack."

Colin looked over at Penelope. He was stunned a bit, as he tried to find words to reply, but
Penelope kept going.

"Frankly, after what you said at my family's ball last season, I'm lucky to have suitors this
season," she says, looking up to the stars.

"Last season at your family's ball?" Colin asked, his eyebrows furrowing. "What did I say last
season at your family's ball?"

Penelope raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was thinking, considering it had been in
Lady Whistledown. "I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington. Not in your
wildest dreams,"

Oh, damn! She heard him say that?

"Pen, you have to know-"

"I don't have to listen to anything from you. I don't know what you were thinking calling the
other day, but I would highly recommend that you never do it again," Penelope says, and
before Colin could say anything, she turned so she was facing the patio doors uttering. "Good
evening, Mr. Bridgerton," she bobbed a curtsy and headed back inside.

He watched her red curls and green dress disappear from view. What had he done?
May I Speak to Penelope, please?
Chapter Summary

One of the Bridgertons calls on Penelope, and a secret is spilt.

Chapter Notes

Double publishing today!

A knock on his chamber door alerted Colin to the outside world, when he allowed the person
on the other side entrance, standing there looking at him was Violet.

"Colin, what's the matter dearest? You've missed breakfast, and you came home early from
the ball last night," she wondered.

At the sheer mention of last night's ball, Colin very nearly burst into tears. He started sniffing.

"Colin?" She hurries over to his bedside, as Colin curls in on himself. "What happened last
night? You came home after you went outside after you spoke to Penelope."

"She heard me," Colin said, holding a yellow pillow close to his chest. "At her family's ball,
she heard me."

"Oh, Colin," Violet reached her hand and started running her hand through his hair. "I'm so
sorry, my darling boy."

Colin had cried himself back to sleep, and Violet headed downstairs to see Anthony and Kate
reading over the race results in the overstuffed chair in the drawing room.

"Anthony, can you wait here? I need to speak to Penelope," Violet said, finishing off her cup
of tea.

Anthony gave his mother a nod, despite him being Lord Bridgeton, he would always obey
whatever his mother would tell him.

"Why are going to visit Penelope?" Kate asked, running her fingers through the hair at the
nape of Anthony's neck.
"Colin has messed everything up. Penelope overheard him last season. He has fallen back
asleep, he has missed breakfast, and he has told me he adores Penelope. I'm going to sort this
out before it slips through his fingers," Violet says.

Anthony nods, knowing what it feels like to nearly lose the love of your life. He lashed out at
everyone whilst Kate was unconscious, and Colin was hurting over the thought of losing
Penelope forever.

"The Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton to see Miss Penelope," Ludders introduced, and Portia
motioned for him to let Violet in.

"My Lady," Portia bobbed, and Penelope nodded her head.

Violet waited until the door shut behind her. "May I speak to Penelope, please? Alone?"

Portia blinked repeatedly. "Erm, of course," Portia walked over to the door and left the green
drawing room. Leaving Penelope and Violet.

"What can I do for you, Mrs. Bridgerton?" Penelope asked, getting up from the long chair by
the window, and putting her book down.

"Oh Penelope, I have told you to call me Violet," she says sitting on one sofa as Penelope
takes the sofa opposite.

Penelope nods, she knew Violet was coming here with a purpose. Violet Bridgerton always
came with a purpose.

Violet let out a sigh and then spoke. "Colin told me what happened last night."

Penelope shook her head, got up from her spot and walked over to the window. "Then you
know what he said to me the night of my family's ball last season."

Violet got up from her spot and walked over to Penelope's side. "Penelope, darling. He feels
terrible. After you spoke yesterday, he went straight home. He went straight to bed and hasn't
moved since. He missed breakfast," Violet says, making Penelope look at her with surprise.

"Colin loves food."

Violet wraps an arm around her shoulder. "I believe he loves you more."

Penelope shook her head. "He doesn't. Colin doesn't love me, he never has. If he did, he
never would have gotten himself engaged to Marina, he never would have said what he did
last season."

Violet knew there was no altering Penelope's mind. "Ok, Penelope. But, when Colin speaks
to you and lays his heart in front of you, please listen to him?" She asks.

Penelope nodded, turning her head from Violet and to Bridgerton House across the street. She
saw Eloise sitting in the Bridgeton drawing room, she knew Eloise wouldn't look over at her.
"Now, what is happening with yourself and Eloise?" She asked, and it made Penelope drop
her head and very nearly cry.

Penelope didn't know if she was going to tell Violet the truth, because Penelope knew her
surrogate mother would never look at her the same way ever again. But she trusted Violet
more than her mother. She knew Violet would be able to come up with a plan to help her
make it up to Eloise.

She let out a heavy sigh. "Penelope? Whatever's the matter?"

"It's me," she tells her. "I'm Lady Whistledown."

Violet looked at Penelope with surprise. Penelope was the last person she expected to be
Lady Whistledown. "It's you?" She whispers, making sure she was still holding onto
Penelope's hand and she collapsed into the lounge chair.

"I'm sorry, Lady Bridgerton," Penelope said, removing her hand from Violet's grip.

"Penelope, Penelope, darling," Violet said, reaching for the young woman she has always
considered her fifth Bridgerton daughter. "You have punished your family with nearly every
issue. Especially with Miss Thompson."

"Marina planned on trapping Colin in a loveless marriage and would nearly pass off her twins
as his," Penelope explains, and Violet nodded. The older woman knew that Penelope always
did everything with other people's interests at heart. "I had already spoken to Colin to get him
to see what she was doing, but he wouldn't listen to me, I had to resort to Lady

Violet nodded again, reaching over for Penelope and making sure the youngest Featherington
was sitting next to her. "What happened with Eloise?"

Penelope nearly collapsed in on herself. "I had to do it. The Queen was becoming suspicious
of Eloise. I had to do something to throw her off."

And with that, Penelope burst into tears.

"Oh, Penelope," Violet said, wrapping her arms around Penelope. She looked out the window
and saw Eloise stood by the window with furrowed eyebrows.
I'm Sorry
Chapter Summary

Penelope and Eloise make up, as Colin learns Penelope's secret.

Eloise sat in her room, reading over one of the books Colin bought her on his travels. A
knock on her door brought her attention away from her book.

The body which was revealed was her mother.

"Mama, what can I do for you?" Eloise asked, putting her book down and setting it on her
dressing table.

"I've spoken to Penelope," as soon as it was said, Eloise rolled her eyes. "I know her secret,"
Eloise looked at her mother, surprised. "Did you ask Penelope why she did what she did?"

Eloise raised an eyebrow at her mother. "Why would I do that? Penelope threw me to the

"The Queen suspected you," Violet tells her daughter. "Penelope did what she had to do, to
throw the Queen off you. She has thrown her own family into the fire more than once, just so
she could save our family."

Eloise looked at her mother with raised eyebrows but sad eyes. "I need to go speak to

"She's downstairs in the drawing room," Violet said. "But, I'll send her up so you can speak in

A knock on her door alerted Eloise to the arrival of someone. Penelope. And Eloise
summoned her in.

Penelope looked at Eloise, who stared back at her. They were silent for a moment as
Penelope gently shut the door behind her.

They were silent before the pair burst into tears.

"Eloise, I am so sorry," Penelope said, walking over and wrapping her arms around Eloise. "I
only did what I did because the Queen suspected you. She was going to have you killed,
Eloise! I had to do something!"
As they continued to apologise and repair their relationship, they never knew that another
Bridgerton stood listening in on the other side.

"I honestly never expected you to be Lady Whistledown," were Eloise's words.

"I've heard it a few times."

Penelope. Penelope Featherington was Lady Whistledown.

Colin stumbled away from the door as quietly as he could. His Pen was the ruthless Lady

Colin very nearly fell down the stairs as he headed outside to get some fresh air.

He made sure he was as far away from the house as possible before he started speaking to
himself. "Penelope is Lady Whistledown? What? How? Why? Oh... Oh... Oh my God!" He

He finds himself leaning against a tree as he tried to understand what he had just heard.

"Penelope Featherington is Lady Whistledown?"

All This Time, It Was You
Chapter Summary

Colin speaks to Penelope at a ball about her secret.

Chapter Notes

Yet another double upload! Please let me know what you think!

It had been over a week since Colin had found out the identity of Lady Whistledown, and he
has avoided every ball - which had been noticed by Lady Whistledown. No, Penelope.

His mother had already cornered him, asking him what he was doing as he has avoided going
to every ball and the musical over the weekend.

Colin didn't say anything to Violet about Penelope's secret, as far as he knew he was the
second person to learn Penelope's secret.

This is how he found himself back at the Featherington ball and unlike last season, he was
going to speak to Penelope.

"Colin, please, dearest. Tell me what you are thinking?" Violet asked her son, almost clinging
onto his sleeve to stop him from running away.

"I just need to speak to Penelope, mother," Colin says, looking around the garden and trying
to find Penelope.

Violet looked up at her son, confused. What was going through his head? Who was he
looking for?

"Excuse me, mama," Colin said, pulling away from his mother and over to where he could
see Penelope eating a cucumber sandwich. "Miss Feathrington, I must speak to you in
private. At once," he tells her as soon as he is stood at her side.

"Not right now, Mr. Anderson is coming over for his dance," Penelope replies.

Colin stares over the top of Penelope's head to see Anderson walking their way. "He's not
dancing with you. I am," Colin says, taking her hand in his and leading her out onto the floor.
"Mr. Bridgerton? What on earth are you doing?" Penelope questioned, as Colin held her in
place ready for the waltz. "I had promised this dance to Mr. Anderson."

"And now you are dancing with me," Colin said. He watched as Penelope rolled her eyes at
him, but made sure to allow him a dance - so she wouldn't make a scene in front of the ton.
"But, after this dance, I need to speak to you. In private."

With the final note, Penelope curtsied and Colin bowed - he muttered into her ear. "Meet me
outside in two minutes," and he walked outside.

Penelope watched him go as her eyebrows crinkled in confusion. It was something important
he had to speak to her about.

A few minutes later, when everyone was focused on the next dance, Penelope made her
escape to speak to Colin.

There were only two people who saw Penelope leave. Violet and Eloise.

"What is it you would like to speak to me about, Mr. Bridgerton?" Penelope asked, folding
her hands in front of her.

"Penelope, there is no one around, you may call me by name, like you always have," Colin
says, taking a step closer - almost too close for proprieties sake.

Penelope doesn't say a word, as she took a small step back.

"Ok, if this is how you are going to be," Colin mutters, looking over Penelope and into the
ball - seeing that no one has noticed that they have left, he takes his Pen's hand in his.
"Penelope, I know."

"You know what?"

"Penelope, I know," he emphasised his last word.

Her folded hands turned to crossed arms. "There is no need to speak in rhymes Mr.
Bridgerton. You know what?"

Colin took her by the elbow and further away from the door. Her surprised shout of 'Colin
Bridgerton!' he ignored as he said. "I know you are Lady Whistledown."

Penelope looked at Colin with surprise. "What on earth are you talking about? I'm not Lady

"Yes, you are. I overheard you talking to Eloise last week," he admitted.

"So, you decided to eavesdrop on my private conversation with your little sister?" Penelope
asked, crossing her arms, and taking a step back.

"No! I don't want to hear it!"

"Pen, just listen to me!"

"Why would I listen to Eloise's older brother, who has made it quite clear than do not see me
as a woman. Only as the little girl who clung to Eloise. I was always more of another sister to

"I have never thought of you as my sister!"

Penelope laughed at his statement.

"It's true!"

Penelope continued to laugh and shook her head.

"Oh, for the love of God"

Colin reached over to the laughing Penelope and kissed her.

She was stunned. As soon as Colin pressed his lips to hers, she raised her hand to his face to
smack him, but her hand faltered as her heart started to beat faster. Her hand started shaking
in time with her heart.

And she sunk.

Penelope wrapped her arms around his neck and shuffled a little closer. Colin wrapped one
arm around her waist as the other slid up the nape of her neck and came to rest along her
jawline with his thumb resting on her cheek.

Suddenly, she pulled away from him. Penelope blinked repeatedly, raising her fingers to her

"What did you just do?"

Monday Tea
Chapter Summary

Every Monday, Penelipe joins the Bridgerton ladies for tea. As Colin speaks to Anthony,
finally being true to his heart.

The Bridgerton ladies always had tea on a Monday, it was the one constant they could rely
on. Kate and her sister Edwina were brought in when they arrived in London.

Penelope had been having Monday tea with the Bridgertons since Eloise was old enough to
join them at the table.

"Miss Penelope is here, my lady," Humboldt said bowing to Violet and holding the door open
for Penelope.

"Thank you, Humboldt. Please let the cook know we are ready for tea when it's ready," Violet
said, reaching over for Penelope and wrapping her tightly in a hug.

Humboldt bowed and took his leave. As soon as Penelope noticed there was no one around,
she looked at Violet. "Colin kissed me at Friday night's ball!" She blurted out, clapping a
hand to her mouth with her eyes wide like saucers.

"Oh, my!" Violet gasped.

They were staring at each other, and before Violet could say anything or Penelope could
explain further - in walked Eloise and Francesca for afternoon tea.

"What's happened?" Eloise asked, looking between her best friend and her mother.

"Nothing," Penelope said. She looked over at Violet. "I'll explain everything later.

Eloise's eyes continued to bounce back and forth between her best friend and her mother
before shrugging her shoulders at the comment and taking her place at the table.

Francesca also brushed the comment off and took her seat.

Eventually, Daphne, Edwina and Kate arrived at Number Five and their afternoon tea was
served. The ladies chatted and caught up on what was happening in their lives.

Until the door opened, and in walked Anthony, Benedict and Colin in their fencing gear.

"Now, must you interrupt us now?" Violet questioned, setting her cup down.
"Sorry, mother," Benedict apologised, as Anthony walked over to where Kate was sitting and
pressed a kiss to her lips then whispered in her ear - causing giggles to slip from her mouth.

Penelope and Eloise silently laughed from the opposite sides of the table, until Penelope
caught the eye of Colin - it looked like he had been looking at her the whole time.

Penelope dipped her head and looked away, and connected eyes with Violet - who was
looking between Penelope and Colin like she had a plan in her eyes. Penelope subtly shook
her head at her, trying to make her understand that no, she didn't want any help with this.

Penelope wasn't completely comprised, with her being Lady Whistledown she understood the
components of intimacy, she would be able to find a decent man on the marriage mart.

"Penelope, may I speak with you?" Colin asked.

"In the middle of our tea time? You know our rules, Mr. Bridgerton," was Penelope's
response, as turned her attention back to Hyacinth who had been speaking to her from across
the table.

10 minutes later, Anthony found Colin grumbling to himself in his office.

"Brother? Where are you doing in here?" He asked, Colin had a glass of whiskey in his hand
and judging by the bottle, it wasn't his first glass.

"I need to ask Penelope to marry me," Colin blurted out.

Anthony sat down, a bit stunned. In the past, he has never made anyone aware he wanted to
be married or even court the youngest Featherington daughter. Even at the ball last season,
Lady Whistledown had overheard him saying he would never court her. "You need to?" He

Colin set his glass down heavily. "No. I want to marry Penelope," he nearly breaks his finger
as he lands his pointer finger on the desk.

"Colin, I think you have had too much to drink," Anthony said, getting back up and back
around the desk to get his brother out of his chair.

"I kissed her at the ball Friday night," Colin replies.

Anthony lets go of Colin's arm - who thumps back into his chair. The eldest Bridgerton
dropped his head into his hand, why is it that they have to do something wrong before they
capture the heart of the one they love? There was Daphne, then himself, now Colin. Even
Eloise had something going on with a boy whose name he has now forgotten.

"Colin? Please tell me you are playing a joke on me."

Colin shook his head, then scrambled over to the nearest window he could find, and watched
Penelope get into a carriage and go home. "I love her, Anthony."
"Oh, heaven, help me," he mutters to himself. "Firstly, you are going to sober up. Then at the
next ball, you are going to speak to Penelope, put your heart on the line and ask if she will
marry you. If she says no, you take it as a gentleman should, and leave her alone."

Colin seemed to whimper at the idea of Penelope turning him down, or him leaving her alone
for the rest of his life. Anthony knew if Penelope turned down Colin and married someone
else, Colin would never marry. He would remain a bachelor and travel alone for his
remaining years.
Don't Marry Him, Have Me
Chapter Summary

Colin hears a rumour that Penelope will be proposed to by the end of the week. He
speaks to her during her visit to Aubrey Hall.

Chapter Notes

Title from: Don't Marry Her by The Beautiful South

It was coming to the end of the 1815 season and Penelope was being seen dancing and
promenading with one man, Duke Harry Dankworth.

Over the weeks, Colin had watched Dankworth turn her around the dance floor, a room and
the parks nearby. His jealousy bubbled in the pit of his stomach. Anthony also watched from
the sidelines - but his focus was mainly on his little brother.

Anthony could see both jealousy and despair written all over his face. He had shared looks
with both his wife and his mother.

"Oh, Colin," Violet muttered to herself, watching her son gaze at Penelope with heartbreak
written all over his face.

Violet had extended an invitation to Penelope if she would like to come with them to Aubrey
Hall for the final week of the season. Which Penelope accepted.

Before they headed to Aubrey Hall, Violet pulled Colin to the side.

"Colin, dearest?" She looked up at her son. "Duke Dankworth plans to propose to Penelope at
the next ball."

Colin looked at his mother in surprise, and then over to where Penelope was getting into one
of the carriages with Eloise, Francesca and Hyacinth.

The night before the Bridgerton ball, Penelope was getting some fresh air, taking some deep
breaths and with her face turned up to the sky as she stared at the stars.
"What are you doing out here, Penelope?" Colin asked, holding his hand behind his back and
staring down at her.

"Just remembering all of this, nothing will be the same come tomorrow evening."

Just by Penelope's words, he knew that Penelope knew that Harry Dankworth planned on

He blinked repeatedly, looking at Penelope. "Do you love Duke Dankworth?" He asks.

"I believe I could come to love him," Penelope says, and Colin looks down at her.

"Penelope, why would you accept the proposal of a man you do not love? You have told me
for the past three seasons, that if you were going to marry, it would be a love match. What

Penelope sighed heavily. "There is one person I love. But he doesn't feel the same," she tells

Colin looked down at Penelope, based on what his mother had told him (what the rest of the
ton believed) - Penelope was talking about him!

"Maybe you're wrong," he tells her, making Penelope look up at Colin with surprise.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Bridgerton?" She asks, and Colin sighs in reply.

He ran a hand through his hair and rested his hand on the side of his face by his sideburns as
he stared down at Penelope. "Pen, all this time you have been standing in front of me and it
took me far too long to see that you were waiting for me."

Her eyebrows crinkled, and the curls around her shoulders moved as her head tilted as
became more confused.

"I am sorry I courted your cousin, I am sorry for what I said last season at the ball," Colin
said, and Penelope sighed when he mentioned what he said last season and causing her to
kick herself into touch.

Colin took a step closer and held her face in his hands. He takes in a deep breath, as
Anthony's words ring through his head. You are going to speak to Penelope, put your heart
on the line and ask if she will marry you. If she says no, you take it as a gentleman should,
and leave her alone.

"I love you, Penelope Featherington. You have completely bewitched me, Pen. I can not
imagine my life without you."

She stared up at him surprised, before letting out an unladylike snort. "That is very funny

Colin returned her look of confusion with one of his own. "Funny? What do you mean by
that, Pen?"
She shook her head. "It's very funny how you believe you love me as I am set to be engaged
tomorrow evening."

"But, I do."

"Please, Colin, do not make me laugh."

Colin was slowly growing annoyed. "Yes, I do. Penelope, I know how I feel about you. It
may have taken me a long time to see it, but I see it now."

Penelope shook her head and walked away from him and towards where the forest as it
started to rain. "If you loved me as much as you claim, you never would have courted
Marina, you never would have humiliated me last season!"

Colin followed Penelope into the rain. "Pen, there are not enough words in the world that
could ever describe how sorry I am for the previous seasons. All I can do is apologise. But,
you have to know that the feelings I have are true. I love you, Penelope!"

"You barely know me. I was always Eloise's friend!"

"You are Penelope Anne Featherington. Born on the 8th of April, 1796. You hate the yellow
dresses your mama puts you in, but I have always thought you looked like a beautiful
sunflower. You have always been my favourite person, I couldn't imagine my life without
you. You and Lady Whistledown."

Penelope stared up at Colin as raindrops ran down their faces.

"Please, don't marry him, Penelope. Have me instead. Marry me, Pen."
Chapter Summary

One year later, the Bridgertons go back to their country home.

Chapter Notes

I think this chapter sort of wraps this fic up. It was only supposed to be a one-shot, but a
lot of people asked for more and it spiralled into this.

An extra special thank you to Valeana84: Merci beaucoup! Je n'aurais pas put écrire
celandine sans toi, etc pour celandine je t'aime

It was time for the annual Bridgerton Pall Mall game. Playing this year, like previous years
were Anthony and Kate, Benedict, Colin, Daphne and Simon, Edwina, and Eloise.

Sitting under the tent watching was the Bridgerton matriarch Violet, Eloise's maid (Sophie),
Gregory, Hyacinth, and Penelope.

Penelope and Colin had gone through a long engagement, after eventually tying the knot 3
months ago.

Penelope's proposal by Duke Dankworth had been stopped by her own sister!

Harry had been stood on the gazebo at the Bridgerton's country home, standing in front of

He got down on one knee and asked Penelope the question. "Penelope Featherington, will
you marry me?"

Before Penelope could answer him, there was a screeched 'NO!' come from the direction of
Penelope's family. From Penelope's unmarried sister, Prudence.

Penelope looked over at Prudence, then at her mother, then at Eloise. What on earth is going

"You can not marry Penelope!" Prudence exclaims, almost making a fool of herself.
"Whyever not, Prudence?" Penelope asked. The comment echoed by her mother and thought
by the rest of the ton.

Prudence looks over at Duke Dankworth. He looks as confused as the rest of the ton.
"Because I'm carrying his child!"

Surprise stunned the ton into utter silence, not even a baby cried. "Oh, Prudence," Portia
sighed, wondering how low their family could slip.

Penelope looked down at the Duke, who was now looking between the pair. "It wasn't you?"

Penelope's eyes widened. "That's the reason you're asking me to marry you? Because you
think I'm carrying your child, when it was actually my sister you bedded?"

Harry Dankworth knew he had his dim moment, but he knew this took the cake.

"We look nothing alike!" Prudence exclaims.

"Not for much longer," Penelope muttered. She had heard all the insults her sisters and
mother threw her way. How she was yet to drop the baby fat, how unconventionally attractive
she was compared to them.

Prudence glared at her sister. Then stared at Harry Dankworth. "It should be me you're
marrying. Not her," she spat out, looking at Penelope with distain.

Penelope knew there was no competing with a pregnancy announcement. She stepped away
from the Duke, allowing her sister to take her place and stand in between Eloise and

"I'm sorry, Penelope," Eloise told her, hooking her arm through the red head's.

Penelope simply shrugged. "Always the bridesmaid, never the bride," she sighed, watching
her sister get engaged to the man she nearly married.

When Colin eventually was able to court Penelope, he made sure she knew that he had
adored her, that he worshipped the ground she walked on. He understood that her persona as
Lady Whistledown was her life's work - just like (with Pen's words) his travel journals were
his life's work.

He made sure she knew throughout their courtship, engagement, and now marriage just how
much he loves her.

He always worked at quieting the voice in her head as well as the rest of the ton, that his
feelings are true and genuine.

After a six month courtship, Colin had told Penelope how serious he was about her. When she
truly believed what was permanently etched in his heart, and when she was ready, he would
ask for her hand.
He was thrown, whilst they were promenading in the park during an unserspecting Thursday
afternoon, when she looked up at him and simply stated that he may ask her mama for her

It was so unlike the Penelope that he knew that he froze in his tracks as their chaperones (his
older brother Anthony and sister-in-law, Kate) nearly crashed into them.

"Colin, whatever is the matter?" Kate questioned her brother-in-law.

But Colin's eyes never left Penelope.

"Truly, Pen?" He heard his brother say something but brushed it away. He reached up and
cupped her face, earning more disapproving words from his brother (the words 'not
gentlemanly' were uttered, but there is reams of facts Colin could spit out that had been
ungentlemanly of his brother). "You wish to marry me?"

Kate gasped happily, her hands shooting to cover her mouth it looked like she was the one
most excited about the nuptials.

Penelope nodded shyly, staring up at Colin through her lashes.

Colin let out a loud cheer, drawing in the attention of the people around them. He wrapped
his arms around her and spun her around.

"Contain yourself, brother!" Anthony scolded.

Colin really couldn't give a damn. Hopefully, he would be marrying Penelope by the end of
the season! "We must speak to your mother, right away!"

Colin and Penelope got married 3 months later, Colin had wanted to get their wedding day
moved up (he was somehow able to restrain himself from doing anything ungentlemanly).
But as soon as he put her betrothal ring on her finger, Colin was already calling her his wife.
"I'm not your wife, Colin." Were her words.

"Not yet, Mrs. Bridgerton."

Whenever he called her Mrs. Bridgerton, it always makes Penelope burst out into giggles,
and her face flushes pink.

Colin looked away from the Pall Mall course and over at his wife, who was quietly having a
conversation with his mother.

She must have felt his eyes on her because she looked over to the scrapping Bridgerton's and
locked eyes with her husband. Her face brightens and gives him a small wave.

"Colin! It's your go!" Eloise's shout pulled him away from the staring contest he seemed to be
having with his wife.
"Good luck, Colin," he heard Penelope says, has her smile continues to grow.

He smiled at his wife, one hit to his ball, and sent it rolling through the third wicket,
knocking Eloise's out of the way as it went. He made his way over to where his ball finished
as he looked over at Penelope, who was applauding him.

The winner of the game was Kate, who happily bragged to her husband, and Colin put away
his mallet and ball -then made hus way to his wife's side.

"Hello, darling," he greets, leaning down to plant a kiss on her lips.

"I'm sorry you didn't win the Mallet of Death," Penelope says, despite this being the first Pall
Mall she has watched - she had heard about it from all the Bridgerton's many times over the
years she has known them.

Colin shook his head. "That doesn't matter, I won your heart. That is the best prize in the
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