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A partial fulfilment of requirements for the course Research and Statistics

Prepared by:

Baby Rodel Sabino R. Daquioag

Submitted to:
I. Executive Summary

The Vintar Automated Civil Registry System (VACRS) is a sophisticated database system
designed to centralize and manage birth, marriage, and death records efficiently. This system,
implemented in Microsoft Excel, offers a user-friendly interface while incorporating advanced
functionalities to streamline the civil registrar office's operations. VACRS significantly reduces the
manual workload by automating paperwork processes, such as automated data entry for unencoded
records and expedited name searches, thereby enhancing overall office productivity.
One of VACRS's key features is its robust data security measures. Records can be saved directly
to a cloud-based storage system (e.g. onedrive and Icloud), ensuring data integrity and accessibility
even in the event of desktop reformatting or damage. Additionally, the system provides an option for
saving data to an external drive in the absence of internet connectivity, further safeguarding the
The primary objective of the VACRS project is to digitize and automate all paper-based processes
within the civil registrar's office. This includes tasks such as retrieving records, preparing affidavits,
and managing documents through an integrated e-logbook. VACRS serves as a foundational
framework for the development of future, more advanced software solutions tailored to the specific
needs of civil registration offices.

II. Background
The Vintar Automated Civil Registry System (VACRS) represents a significant departure from
manual record-keeping practices previously used in the civil registrar's office. Formerly, staff
manually transcribed information from old registry books, a time-consuming process prone to errors.
While the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) provided the Philippine Civil Registration
Information System (PhilCRIS), it was found to be complex, prone to data corruption, and lacking in
user-friendliness. Despite its ability to generate municipal forms, PhilCRIS was deemed unsuitable
for database management. VACRS was proposed to address these shortcomings, aiming to digitize
and automate record-keeping processes, thereby improving efficiency and accuracy in the civil
registrar's office.

III. Objectives
 Develop a streamlined process for automating the retrieval and preparation of birth, marriage, and
death certificates within three months to improve operational efficiency.
 Create a user-friendly interface for the VACRS system, ensuring that all staff can easily manage
civil records with minimal training within the first month of implementation.
 Enhance data security by migrating all civil records to a secure cloud-based storage system and
establishing a reliable backup.
 Establish a comprehensive training program for staff to ensure proficiency in using the VACRS
system, with all personnel trained and operational within one month of deployment.
IV. Scope
This project involves the development and implementation of a database system to manage birth,
marriage, and death records for the Office of the Civil Registrar. The system will utilize Excel as its
platform, offering a user-friendly interface while managing complex data operations. Staff will be able to
search for records using a filter formula, automating the retrieval of certificates. Special features include
automating paperwork processes and increasing search speed, leading to higher office productivity. Data
security is ensured through cloud-based storage, with an external drive backup option for offline access.
The project aims to digitalize and automate office paperwork, including record retrieval, affidavit
preparation, and PSA letter creation, with an integrated e-logbook for document tracking.

V. Methodology
The methodology for the Vintar Automated Civil Registry System (VACRS) project begins with a
thorough preparation phase, involving a needs assessment, feasibility study, resource identification,
technology selection, and stakeholder engagement. This phase aims to establish a solid foundation for the
project by understanding the current system, identifying key challenges, and aligning project goals with
stakeholder expectations.
Following the preparation phase, the planning phase is crucial for setting up the project for success.
This phase includes developing a detailed project plan, risk management plan, quality assurance plan,
security plan, and training plan. These plans ensure that the project is well-organized, risks are mitigated,
and quality is maintained throughout the implementation process.
In the implementation phase, the focus shifts to developing the VACRS software, conducting
thorough testing and validation, providing training for end-users and administrators, deploying the system
in a phased manner, monitoring its performance, and documenting the project for future reference. This
phase is where the project comes to life, and careful execution is essential to ensure that the system meets
its objectives and delivers the intended benefits to the Office of the Civil Registrar.

VI. Timeline


PHASE I - Conduct needs assessment to identify requirements and challenges. 3 weeks

Preparation - Perform feasibility study to evaluate project viability.
- Identify and allocate necessary resources.
- Select technology stack.
- Engage stakeholders.

PHASE II - Develop project plan outlining project scope, objectives, timeline, 2 weeks
and deliverables.
Planning - Create a risk management plan.
- Establish quality assurance plan.
- Develop security plan.
- Prepare training plan.

PHASE III - Develop VACRS software according to project requirements and 2 months
design specifications.
-Conduct testing and validation.
n -Begin encoding of existing records into the VACRS system.

- Continue encoding of existing records into the VACRS system. 3 months

- Provide training for end-users and administrators.
- Deploy the VACRS system.

- Monitor performance of the VACRS system.

- Gather feedback from users and stakeholders.
- Continue encoding of existing records.

- Continue encoding of existing records into the VACRS system.

- Document project.
- Conduct final review and prepare closure report.

VII. Budget

The proposed budget of Php 150,000.00 for the Vintar Automated Civil Registry System
(VACRS) covers all necessary expenses, from hardware and software to personnel and
training, ensuring the project's success.
VIII. Risk and Mitigation
1. Lack of Stakeholder Buy-In
Risk: Stakeholders may not fully support or understand the benefits of the new system, leading to
resistance or lack of cooperation.
Mitigation: Engage stakeholders early and consistently throughout the project. Clearly
communicate the benefits of VACRS and address any concerns or misconceptions. Provide
training and support to ensure stakeholders are comfortable with the new system.

2. Technical Challenges
Risk: Complexities in integrating new technologies or unforeseen technical issues could delay
the project or affect its functionality.
Mitigation: Conduct thorough testing and validation at each stage of development. Use agile
methodologies to address issues promptly. Have a backup plan in place for critical systems or
3. Data Security Breaches
Risk: Unauthorized access, data breaches, or loss of sensitive information could compromise the
integrity and security of the system.
Mitigation: Implement robust security measures such as encryption, access controls, and regular
security audits. Ensure compliance with relevant data protection regulations.
4. Insufficient Training
Risk: Inadequate training for end-users and administrators could lead to confusion, errors, and
inefficiencies in using the new system.
Mitigation: Develop a comprehensive training plan that includes hands-on training, user
manuals, and support resources. Provide ongoing training and support as needed.
5. Budget Overruns
Risk: Unexpected costs or budget overruns could impact the project's feasibility and completion.
Mitigation: Develop a detailed budget with contingency funds for unforeseen expenses. Monitor
and track expenses regularly to identify and address any potential budget issues early.
6. Poor Data Quality
Risk: Inaccurate or incomplete data in the system could lead to errors, duplication, and
Mitigation: Implement data validation processes to ensure the accuracy and completeness of
data. Regularly audit and clean up data to maintain its quality.

IX. Project team

X. Conclusion

The Vintar Automated Civil Registry System (VACRS) project represents a

significant step towards modernizing and enhancing the efficiency of the Office of the
Civil Registrar in Vintar. By digitizing and automating administrative processes,
VACRS aims to improve the management, storage, and accessibility of birth,
marriage, and death records. The system's automation capabilities, including
paperwork handling and record retrieval, promise to boost office productivity
significantly. Additionally, VACRS prioritizes data security by offering cloud storage
options and an e-logbook for document tracking. Developed with usability in mind,
the system leverages Excel's advanced filtering functionalities to streamline record
retrieval processes. Overall, VACRS is poised to revolutionize office procedures,
delivering superior services to the public while ensuring efficiency, precision, and
data safety.

XI. Appendices

1. Project Team and Partnerships

MPDC – Vintar Project Coordinator, planning and management.

PSA – Ilocos Norte Technical Support Partnership
DICT – Ilocos Norte Technical Support Partnership, Technological specs
Sangguniang Bayan of Vintar Approve the budget.
Municipal Mayor For support in the implementation of this Project.

2. Detailed Budget Breakdown

Category Description Amount (PHP)
Personnel Costs - Data Entry Personnel 50,000
Software and Hardware - Development and testing tools 30,000
Training and Workshops - Training materials 10,000
Security Measures - Security software and tools 20,000
Contingency - Unforeseen expenses and 40,000
TOTAL 150,000

3. Stakeholder Engagement Plan

 List of linkages and their roles in the project.
 Communication channels and engagement strategies.

4. Technology Specifications
Computer Serve as primary workstation Windows 11 OS, 1TB internal storage,
for running VACRS 30GB RAM with 365 Microsoft Office
Internet Enable cloud-based storage High-speed internet connection for data
access transfer and system updates
External Drive Backup data 1TB external storage for data backup
Printers Printing certificates and forms Epson printers for quality and reliability
Encryption Secure data Encryption tools for protecting sensitive

5. Public Awareness Campaign Materials

 By social media posts, Infographics, brochures and flyers, video presentations, online
workshops, Memorandum Orders to all barangays in Vintar, Ilocos Norte, and
announcements when the staff of the civil registrar is in the field of work.

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