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We Follow Jesus

The Divine Calling and the Cost – Part II


Good morning. What a privilege for me to once again share the word of God this morning. I
would like to continue with what I shared last time on our first value – We follow Jesus. Today,
we will focus on How to Follow Jesus and in our next series we will cover What is the cost of
following Jesus. Are we willing to pay the cost?

Imagine a young boy, fascinated by his father's every move. Every morning, as the sun rises,
he watches his father put on his work boots and head out into the fields. The boy, with his
small feet, steps into his father's oversized boots, stumbling and tripping, but determined to
follow in his father's footsteps. The boots are too big, the path is unfamiliar, but the boy's heart
is set on one thing: being like his father.

This scene is a beautiful picture of what it means to follow Jesus. Just as the boy desires to
walk in his father's footsteps, we are called to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. The journey isn't
always easy; the path can be challenging, and sometimes the 'boots' of discipleship feel too
big for us. But like the boy, our hearts are set on following the One who loves us

As we begin our reflections today, let's reflect on this simple yet profound truth: following Jesus
means stepping into His path, learning from His example, and striving to live out His teachings,
even when it feels difficult. Our journey of faith is marked by a desire to be more like Him every
day, trusting that He will guide and equip us along the way.

Please join me in inviting the Holy Spirit to speak to us this morning.

Heavenly Father,

We come before You today with hearts full of gratitude and humility. As we gather in Your
presence, we are reminded of Your unfailing love and boundless grace that calls each of us
to follow Your Son, Jesus Christ.

Lord, we ask for Your Holy Spirit to move among us, opening our minds and softening our
hearts to receive Your Word. Illuminate the path You have set before us, and give us the
courage and strength to follow where You lead.

As we prepare to hear your word today, we pray that You would speak through Your servant,
guiding the message with wisdom and clarity. Let Your truth resonate deeply within us,
challenging us to live more fully for You.

Help us to understand what it means to truly follow Jesus, to walk in His footsteps, and to
embody His love and compassion in our daily lives. May our lives reflect His light in a world
that so desperately needs hope and redemption.
We surrender this time to You, Lord, and we pray that it brings honor and glory to Your name.
Shape us, mold us, and draw us closer to You, that we may be faithful disciples of Christ.

In the precious name of Jesus, we pray,



Last time when I spoke, I asked a question – Why should we follow Jesus? Why is it so
significant for us, especially in my workplace? After all, it is our very first value. I reminded of
three things: 1. Make your calling and election sure as Peter reminds us in 1Peter 1:10,
secondly, I mentioned that our strategy emphasizes the integration of our FAITH and
CULTURE into the heart of our mission delivery and thirdly I mentioned that stories play a
pivotal role in shaping our cultural landscape. Our values are integral components of this story,
influencing and molding the culture we inhabit. Within this story, Jesus occupies a central role.
Living within a narrative framework entail viewing life as part of a larger story, where events,
actions, and individuals carry significance within a broader context. We perceive ourselves as
central figure in our own stories, with our choices, experiences, and relationships contributing
to the ongoing storyline. This narrative framework serves as a lens through which we
understand the world, interpret experiences, and establish shared meanings and values,
ultimately shaping our cultural identity.

The second question that I asked, which Jesus do we follow and who that Jesus is? We
identified the Jesus we follow is the one who is portrayed by each of the gospel writers and
what our early church left with us in terms of Apostles creed and Nicene creed.

And then I concluded with my third question- What does it mean to follow Jesus? And then I
left you with the four things: Following Jesus would require these four things:

• Seeking His Will: Following Jesus means seeking to align one's will with God's will,
submitting to his guidance and direction in all areas of life. It involves prayer,
discernment, and a willingness to surrender one's plans and desires to God's

• Living with Purpose: Following Jesus entails living with a sense of purpose and
mission, seeking to fulfill God's calling and contribute to the advancement of his
kingdom on earth. It involves using one's gifts, talents, and resources to serve God
and others and to make a positive impact in the world.

• Obeying His Teachings: Jesus taught a message of love, compassion, forgiveness,

and service. Following him means striving to live out these teachings in daily life,
treating others with kindness and empathy, practicing forgiveness, and prioritizing the
needs of others.

• Enduring Faithfulness: Following Jesus is a lifelong journey marked by faithfulness

and perseverance, even in the face of challenges, trials, and persecution. It requires
steadfast devotion to Christ, remaining steadfast in faith, and trusting in his promises
for eternal life.

After answering the WHY and the WHAT, my fifth question is “HOW do we follow that Jesus?”
If you have your Bibles, please turn with me to Hebrews 12:1-2. Let me read it for you:

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off
everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with
perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and
perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat
down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Imagine a person running a race, and think of the process in terms of aerodynamics, where
four key forces are at play: thrust, drag, lift, and gravity.

1. Thrust represents the motivation and determination, propelling him forward towards
the finish line. Just as an engine powers an aircraft, his inner drive and the support
from his community and faith push him forward in his spiritual journey.
2. Drag symbolizes the challenges and obstacles one encounters, such as doubt, fear,
and distractions that slow the progress. These forces act against, trying to hinder
spiritual growth and transformation, much like air resistance works against a plane in
3. Lift is the encouragement and inspiration one receives, elevating the spirit and helping
rise above the struggles. This could come from positive influences, such as uplifting
relationships, spiritual teachings, or moments of personal revelation, which help to
maintain a higher perspective and stay focused on our goals.
4. Gravity represents the realities of life and the weight of past experiences,
responsibilities, and personal limitations that ground us. While gravity is essential for
balance, it also requires us to exert more effort to move forward, much like how life’s
demands can ground one's spiritual aspirations.

As we run our race, we must balance these forces. By maintaining a strong thrust, minimizing
drag, maximizing lift, and effectively managing gravity, we can run the race with endurance
and reach our full potential in spiritual transformation and following Jesus.

Now let’s go back to Hebrews 12, and use this analogy. The passage offers profound insight
into HOW to follow Jesus. The author of Hebrew used the metaphor of running a race to
illustrate the Christian journey of faith. Let's delve deeper into each component of this passage
and understand how it guides us in following Jesus.

1. Remember that we are never alone in our journey of faith, we are surrounded by a
great cloud of witnesses (12:1)

This powerful imagery from Hebrews 12:1 reminds us that we are never alone in our journey
of faith. The "great cloud of witnesses" refers to the heroes of faith listed in Hebrews 11—
figures like Abraham, Moses, and Rahab—who exemplified extraordinary faith through their
actions and choices. Their stories are not just historical accounts; they serve as a source of
encouragement and inspiration for us today.
Being surrounded by these witnesses means we are part of a larger narrative of faith. Their
lives demonstrate that despite the challenges and obstacles, it is possible to live a life of faith
that pleases God. They faced their own trials and tribulations, yet their steadfast belief and
trust in God led to remarkable outcomes. Their legacy shows us that enduring faith is not only
achievable but profoundly rewarding.

In the context of following Jesus, these witnesses provide a profound example of what it
means to walk in faith and obedience. Jesus himself is the ultimate example of faith, as he
perfectly trusted and obeyed the Father, even to the point of death on a cross. The witnesses
in Hebrews 11 looked forward to the coming of Christ and trusted in God's promises, and now
we, having seen the fulfilment of those promises in Jesus, are called to follow him with the
same fervent faith.

As we follow Jesus, the great cloud of witnesses serves as a reminder that we are not
pioneering this path alone. Their stories demonstrate that following Jesus involves
perseverance, sacrifice, and unwavering faith. For instance, Abraham’s journey was marked
by trust in God’s promise even when it seemed impossible. Moses led the Israelites out of
Egypt, relying on God’s guidance despite overwhelming odds. Rahab’s faith led her to protect
the Israelite spies, aligning herself with God’s people at great personal risk.

In both our personal and organization journey of reimagination, these examples encourage us
to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Jesus, who
endured the cross and scorned its shame, now sits at the right hand of the throne of God. The
witnesses’ faithfulness points us to Jesus and urges us to run our race with endurance,
shedding every weight and sin that entangles us.

In our own lives, following Jesus might mean enduring trials, making sacrifices, or standing
firm in our beliefs amidst opposition. The great cloud of witnesses cheers us on, affirming that
a life of faith in Jesus is worth every challenge. Their collective experience assures us that
God’s promises are trustworthy and that our faith, like theirs, will be richly rewarded.

Thus, the great cloud of witnesses not only inspires us but also assures us of the community
of faith we belong to—a community that spans generations and includes all who have faithfully
followed Jesus. As we continue our journey, we do so in the company of those who have gone
before us, drawing strength from their examples and ultimately keeping our eyes fixed on
Jesus, who leads us in faith and promises to be with us every step of the way.

2. Throw Off Everything That Hinders

"...let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles."

So this is the first two forces we need to deal with, the drag and gravity. Drag is about
everything that hinders us, and gravity is the sin that entangles us and pull us down.

To follow Jesus effectively, we must rid ourselves of the burdens and sins that weigh us down.
These can be distractions, habits that are not aligned to God’s truth, or anything that diverts
our focus from Christ.
Identifying Hindrances

The first step in following Jesus is to identify what hinders us. This could be anything that
consumes our time, energy, and attention, pulling us away from our relationship with Him. It
might be negative thought patterns, unhealthy relationships, excessive worry about material
possessions, or even our own ambitions and pride. Reflecting on our daily lives, we need to
ask ourselves: What are the things that consistently distract me from living out my faith and
following Jesus?

Confronting Sin

Sin is a more obvious but often harder obstacle to address. The sins that easily entangle us
might include jealousy, anger, lust, greed, or dishonesty. These are the behaviours and
attitudes that contradict the teachings of Jesus and create barriers between us and God.
Confronting sin requires honest self-examination and a willingness to seek forgiveness and
change. It involves recognizing our weaknesses and relying on God’s grace to transform us.

The Act of Throwing Off

Throwing off hindrances and sin is an active, intentional process. It involves making
conscious choices to reject what is harmful and embrace what is holy. Here are some practical
steps to help in this journey:

1. Regular Prayer and Reflection: Spend time in prayer, asking God to reveal the things
that hinder your walk with Him. Reflect on your life regularly to keep track of your
spiritual health.
2. Accountability: Share your struggles with trusted friends or mentors who can support
and hold you accountable. The journey of faith is not meant to be walked alone.
3. Scripture Study: Immerse yourself in God’s Word. The Bible provides guidance,
wisdom, and strength to overcome hindrances and sin. Meditate on scriptures that
speak to your specific struggles.
4. Confession and Repentance: Regularly confess your sins to God and genuinely
repent. This not only brings forgiveness but also helps you to turn away from those
5. Simplify Your Life: Sometimes physical clutter can reflect spiritual clutter. Simplify
your surroundings and schedule to create space for God.

In summary, following Jesus requires an intentional effort to identify and throw off everything
that hinders us. By doing so, we clear the path to walk more closely with Him, experiencing
the fullness of life He promises. With our eyes fixed on Jesus, we can run the race set before
us with perseverance and faith.

3. Run with Perseverance

“…And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us”
Now lets looks at two other forces. The first one is thrust. The Christian life is described as a
race that requires endurance. It's not a sprint but a marathon, demanding sustained effort over

Understanding the Race

The metaphor of a race highlights the journey of faith as one that requires commitment, focus,
and perseverance. Unlike a sprint, which is short and requires an explosive burst of energy, a
marathon is long and requires pacing, endurance, and a strategy to sustain effort over the
entire distance. The race marked out for us is the unique path God has laid before each of us,
filled with challenges, growth opportunities, and moments of grace.

Embracing Perseverance

Perseverance in the Christian life involves steadfastness and patience. It means continuing in
faith despite trials, temptations, and discouragements. Here are some practical ways to
cultivate perseverance:

1. Develop a Strong Foundation: Ground yourself in the basics of the Christian faith.
Regular Bible study, prayer, and fellowship with other believers build a strong spiritual
foundation that can withstand the tests of time and adversity.
2. Maintain a Long-term Perspective: Recognize that the Christian journey is lifelong.
There will be seasons of joy and seasons of struggle. Keeping an eternal perspective
helps us to endure temporary hardships, knowing that our ultimate reward is in heaven.
3. Draw Strength from God: Acknowledge that our strength to persevere comes from
God. Depend on the Holy Spirit for daily empowerment and guidance. Pray for
strength, wisdom, and endurance to face each day’s challenges.
4. Set Realistic Goals: Break down your spiritual journey into manageable steps. Set
realistic and achievable goals for spiritual growth, such as reading a chapter of the
Bible daily, memorizing scripture, or dedicating time to serve others each week.
5. Stay Encouraged: Surround yourself with a supportive community of believers who
can encourage you, pray for you, and hold you accountable. Share your burdens and
victories with them, and draw encouragement from their stories of faith.

Facing Challenges

Running the race of faith means encountering and overcoming various obstacles. Here are
some common challenges and ways to address them:

1. Dealing with Disappointments: Disappointments and setbacks are inevitable. When

they occur, bring them to God in prayer, seek His comfort, and trust in His sovereignty.
Remember that God can use every situation for His purpose and your growth.
2. Overcoming Temptations: Temptations can distract and derail us. Strengthen your
defences by knowing scripture, staying vigilant in prayer, and avoiding situations where
you know you’ll be tempted. Rely on the Holy Spirit to help you resist and flee from
3. Managing Weariness: of late, I am learning a lot on how to manage weariness.
Spiritual and physical exhaustion can set in, especially during prolonged periods of
trial. Ensure you take time to rest and rejuvenate both spiritually and physically. Jesus
often withdrew to solitary places to pray and rest, setting an example for us to follow.

Staying Focused on the Goal

The ultimate goal of our race is to become more like Jesus and to reach the finish line where
we will be united with Him. Keeping this goal in mind helps us to stay motivated and focused.
Here are some tips to maintain focus:

1. Daily Reminders: Keep reminders of your faith journey visible. This could be through
scripture verses placed around your home, a journal of your spiritual progress, or
regular reflection on God’s faithfulness in your life.
2. Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate the milestones in your faith
journey. Whether it’s overcoming a particular sin, growing in a spiritual discipline, or
experiencing a significant moment of God’s grace, take time to thank God and
celebrate these moments.
3. Continue Learning: Always seek to learn and grow in your faith. Attend Bible studies,
read Christian books, listen to sermons and podcasts, and engage in discussions with
other believers. Lifelong learning keeps your faith dynamic and strong.
4. Be Mission-minded: Engage in the mission of sharing your faith and serving others.
A mission-minded focus aligns you with Jesus’ purpose and keeps you active and
purposeful in your race.

In summary, running with perseverance the race marked out for us involves understanding
the nature of our spiritual journey, embracing perseverance through practical steps, facing
challenges with faith, and maintaining focus on our ultimate goal in Christ. By doing so, we
can endure with joy and finish the race well, bringing glory to God and drawing closer to Him
each step of the way.

4. Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus

"...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith."

Our lift, the final force is fixing our eyes on Jesus. Jesus is our ultimate example and the source
of our strength. As the pioneer and perfecter of faith, He initiates and completes our faith

Understanding Jesus as the Pioneer and Perfecter

• Pioneer of Faith: Jesus is the originator of our faith. He is the one who blazed the trail
and made it possible for us to have a relationship with God. Through His life, death,
and resurrection, Jesus opened the way for us to be reconciled with God and to live a
life of faith.
• Perfecter of Faith: Jesus is also the one who brings our faith to completion. He not
only starts us on this journey but also guides, sustains, and perfects our faith as we
grow in Him. His work in us continues until we reach full maturity in our faith.
Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus

To follow Jesus effectively, we must keep our focus on Him. Here’s how we can do that:

1. Study His Life and Teachings: Delve deeply into the Gospels to understand how
Jesus lived, what He taught, and how He interacted with others. His life provides a
perfect model for us to emulate. Reflect on His parables, His miracles, His compassion,
and His unwavering commitment to God's will.
2. Emulate His Character: Jesus exemplified love, humility, patience, and obedience.
Strive to embody these qualities in your own life. Ask yourself, “What would Jesus do?”
in various situations and make decisions that reflect His character.
3. Rely on His Strength: Acknowledge that you cannot follow Jesus by your own
strength. Depend on Him for the power to overcome sin, to love others selflessly, and
to endure hardships. Pray for His strength and guidance daily.
4. Seek His Presence: Cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus through prayer and
worship. Spend time in His presence, sharing your heart with Him, listening for His
voice, and allowing His love to transform you. Regularly engage in worship, both
individually and with your community of believers.
5. Trust His Guidance: Jesus knows the path ahead and leads us with perfect wisdom.
Trust His direction, even when it’s difficult or unclear. Surrender your plans and desires
to Him, and seek His will in all aspects of your life.
6. Reflect on His Sacrifice: Regularly remind yourself of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.
His death and resurrection are the foundation of our faith. Meditate on the significance
of His sacrifice and let it inspire you to live a life of gratitude, devotion, and sacrificial

Practical Steps to Keep Our Eyes on Jesus

Application: How can we follow Jesus

1. Embrace Compassion: Compassion lies at the heart of Jesus' ministry. He

demonstrated empathy and care for the marginalized, the sick, and the oppressed. As
FH staff, we can cultivate a deep sense of compassion for the individuals and
communities we serve. This means going beyond sympathy to truly understanding
their experiences, challenges, and needs. It involves listening with an open heart,
empathizing with their struggles, and responding with genuine kindness and care. How
can we do that if we do not consider our work as spiritual formation.
2. Be an advocate to end Poverty, Injustice and Marginalization: That’s what we are
called for as stated in golden circle. Jesus stood up against injustice and oppression,
advocating for the rights and dignity of the marginalized. He challenged societal norms
and systems that perpetuated inequality and exploitation. As FH staff, we are called to
follow his example by actively working to address the root causes of poverty,
discrimination, and injustice. This involves speaking out against systems of
oppression, advocating for policy changes, and amplifying the voices of those who are
marginalized and oppressed. We strive to create a more just and equitable world where
all individuals can thrive and flourish.
3. Build Relationships: Our work is relational. Jesus prioritized building meaningful
relationships with people from all walks of life. He reached out to the outcasts, the
marginalized, and the overlooked, demonstrating love and acceptance to everyone he
encountered. We recognize the importance of building trusting relationships with the
communities we serve. This involves spending time with community members,
listening to their stories, and building rapport based on mutual respect and trust. By
fostering authentic relationships, we can better understand the unique needs and
aspirations of the communities we serve and work collaboratively towards sustainable
4. Reconcile Relationships, Practice Forgiveness: Jesus taught the importance of
forgiveness and reconciliation, urging his followers to forgive others and seek
reconciliation even in the face of conflict and wrongdoing. We encounter situations of
conflict, trauma, and division in the communities we serve. Following Jesus' example,
we promote forgiveness, reconciliation, and peacebuilding efforts, helping
communities heal from past wounds and fostering unity and understanding among
diverse groups. This involves facilitating dialogue, promoting healing processes, and
building bridges of reconciliation between conflicting parties.
5. Work with Integrity: Jesus lived with integrity, speaking truthfully and acting with
honesty and integrity in all his interactions. As humanitarian workers, we are called to
uphold ethical standards of integrity, honesty, and accountability in our work. This
means conducting ourselves with transparency and honesty, ensuring that our actions
align with our values and principles. We strive to be trustworthy stewards of the
resources entrusted to us, acting with integrity in all our dealings and interactions.
6. Pray and Seek Guidance: Jesus often withdrew to pray and seek guidance from God,
aligning his actions with the will of the Father. As humanitarian workers, we recognize
the importance of spiritual discernment and seeking guidance from a higher power.
We prioritize prayer and spiritual reflection, seeking wisdom, strength, and
discernment from God as we navigate the complexities and challenges of our work.
Through prayer, we cultivate a deeper connection with the divine and draw upon
spiritual resources to sustain us in our humanitarian efforts.
7. Practice Self-Care: Jesus modeled self-care by prioritizing rest, solitude, and time for
spiritual renewal. As humanitarian workers, we recognize the importance of caring for
ourselves so that we can effectively care for others. We prioritize our own well-being
by practicing self-care strategies such as setting boundaries, taking regular breaks,
seeking support from colleagues and friends, and engaging in activities that nourish
our body, mind, and spirit. By prioritizing self-care, we ensure that we have the
resilience and vitality to continue serving others with compassion and dedication.


Following Jesus is a call to a life of faith, endurance, and transformation. By shedding

hindrances, running with perseverance, and fixing our eyes on Jesus, we embark on a journey
that not only transforms us but also aligns us with God's ultimate purpose. The example of
Jesus' endurance and reward encourages us to remain steadfast, knowing that our faith
journey is leading us toward a glorious future with Him.

Incorporate these principles into your daily life and experience the profound impact of truly
following Jesus.
As we conclude today, imagine yourself standing at the water's edge, watching as Jesus calls
out to you from the shore. His voice, gentle yet commanding, invites you to step out of the
safety of your boat and walk on the waves toward Him. In that moment, fear may try to grip
your heart, but His outstretched hand assures you of His presence.

Following Jesus isn't just about taking the first step; it's about keeping your eyes fixed on Him
amidst life's storms. As you walk with Him, you'll find that His grace sustains you, His love
surrounds you, and His purpose for your life becomes clearer with each step forward.

So, let us leave this place today with a renewed commitment to follow Jesus wholeheartedly,
trusting that He is always ahead of us, guiding us through the waters of life toward the shore
of eternal peace and joy. May His presence go with us, empowering us to live lives that reflect
His love and bring glory to His name.

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