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Final Exam in Human Resource Development Management in

Please answer the following questions briefly using the attached rubrics as your guide.

1. As you consider High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) in your

respective educational institution, how does aligning people, technology,
and organizational design create optimal educational results? Be specific
in discussing expected outcomes and results when creating a High
Performing Organization (HPO).
High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) is a system that provides an
environment in which employees can be involved, participate actively, and take
responsibility in helping the organization achieve its goals. It focuses on
identifying what the organization needs to be done, preparing, and designing
jobs, attract and selecting the right people with the right attitude which will stay
longer in the organization. Most organization uses High Performance Work
System (HPWS) to help employees to excel in their job as well as improved its
organizations performance.
In educational institutions, people, technology, and organizational design
is an important element to achieve optimal educational results. First is the
people, it is considered as the most important element in an any organization.
They are the ones who do the task/job, manipulate, and use technology. Without
them, any company or organization will not work and succeed in the field. To find
the right person for the right job, we need to have a strict planning, recruiting and
selection process. This will help them find the best people who can grow,
develop, and help the organization. Having the right employees for the job and
providing them support for their development and enhancing their skills by
providing trainings will surely help them do their job easily and will be challenged
to take a more challenging role. The success of achieving goals mainly rely on
their skills and performance. Another element is the technology. Nowadays,
Technology has a very important role in the function and performance of any
organization. They tend to make work easy, comfortable, and faster. With the use
of technology, the performance of employees improved as well as the
performance of the organization. And last but not the least, Organizational
design. It is important to have an organizational design because it helps
employees to determine the flow of their work, how the management supervise
them, to whom they should be reporting, and what task should be done. It
provides direction on what the organization will use as a strategy and techniques
to help them achieve their goal.
Aligning the people, technology and organizational design allows the
entire organization to work together in the same page or manner in relation to
short-term and long-term goals. The people are the employees who do the job
efficiently and effectively while using technology that will help them finish their
task following the organizational design. Designing an effective organizational
design helps the organization identify what they need, what kind of people they
are looking for, what they need to do to help this people improve and what
technologies they need to move forward to success. A successful organization
provides time to plan, support, assess, and recognize efforts of their employees.
Accept feedback and suggestions as well as working on the problems that they
encountered by providing immediate solutions. They provide working
environment with the necessary technologies which support employees in their
work as well as checking and revising organizational design as needed to adopt
to changes that may occur and provide a quality output to valued stakeholders.
Through this, the organization or educational institution can be considered as
High Performing Organization with high performing employees and quality output
which are the learners.

2. What competencies are important for success in HR management?

HR management becomes successful if they have these competencies.
The first one is Human Resource Knowledge. Everyday, different individuals go
and apply for a job and others give their resignation later. An effective HR
management has a deep knowledge and understanding about how and why
people enter and move within an organization. This will help them think of a
strategy on how they can prevent employees from leaving or moving around.
Human resource management is not just about finding the right people with the
right talent and attitude but also their retention in the field. The second one is
good communication skills. In order to effectively manage any organization, good
communication skills are a must. It allows information, feedback, and
suggestions to flow smoothly and clearly through channels that are established in
an organization. Having two-way communication helps employees feel heard and
solve problems that arises easily. The third one is Critical Thinking Skills.
Employees come from different background, environment, culture, and
experiences. People who work on HR management should provide environment
where all can work together toward the goal. They should balance complex
situations and address problems as soon as it arises. The fourth one is Ethical. It
cannot be denied that the importance of ethics in HR management is necessary.
Everyday, we face challenges related to ethics, people who comes from different
background and culture. In an organization, we need to apply strong commitment
to ethics and show care to our employees by taking good care of their welfare
and providing an environment where negativity would not foster and build team
spirit. And last but not the least, a successful HR Management should have
effective leadership and management skills. They can manage people without
causing them stress. People tend to follow without hesitate because they have a
good relationship with their employees. A good leader does not order but leads
their team on the right track to achieve their goals. Having these competencies
will help them manage people easily and will build strong relationship with all the
people working in the organization. Having good working relationship and happy
environment leads to better performance, thus affecting the organizations overall

3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of flexible work schedules.

Flexible work schedule is the new trend brought by the pandemic. It allows
employees to work from anywhere either at home, from cafes or during their
commute using only computers or laptops and internet.

The advantages of flexible working schedule are:

1. It proves flexibility for employees where they can do their work anytime and
anywhere and at the same time spend quality time with their family.
2. Employees feel less stress unlike when they work in the office. They don’t feel
the pressure of needing to finish reports needed to be submitted as soon as
possible and as well as the feeling of anxious whenever the superiors are upset.
They don’t feel the stress when they are caught up in traffics and rush hours of
travelling from home to work and vice versa.
3. It increased personal control over their working schedule and environment. It
provides them an opportunity to take a rest whenever they feel stressed or need
to take a rest without being scolded.
4. It also decreased absenteeism and tardiness among employees because flexible
working schedule allows employees to have control over their working schedule
which allows them to have time for their family and other obligations.

The disadvantages of flexible working schedule are:

1. Sometimes, it takes more time taking care of the family than the work
itself. There are some who spend more time with household chores, taking
care of children than the work needs to be done.
2. It can make some employee lazy. They tend to spend more time doing
nothing related to work than to do the task at hand.
3. Some employees use working hours for personal use, such as going to
the malls or go on a trip.
4. There are some employees who like to do their work in the office than at
home or all the necessary documents needed are all in the file cabinets in
the office.
5. There are no over time pay for employees who still choose to continue
work at night.
6. Group interaction is hard to achieve because of variation in work

4. As a school head, how would you implement an effective work from home
To implement an effective work home policy, call for a meeting and plan
about what and how will the school apply the work from home policy. Involve
teachers in planning so that they are also aware of the work from home policy
and there is a consensus on what will be the decision. Decide how you will work
out the work from home policy by establishing a single communication and
reporting route for the school. In the work from home schedule, accomplishment
reports should be submitted every end of the month so that the school head is
aware of what the teachers have accomplished throughout the work from home
schedule. From time to time, the school head should check on teachers during
their working hours through asking about updates on their work. Teachers should
comply reports asked by the school head through submitting online reports. For
feedbacking, the school head could call for another meeting and ask the teachers
how they’ve been and what suggestions they could tell or share so that they can
make some changes and improved their work. Team cooperation should still be
observed even though there is no face-to-face.

5. Describe the conditions under which job stress and burnout are likely to
happen. What measures can be done so job stress and burnout will not
There are many factors that causes job stress and burnout.
Teachers particularly experience this kind of stresses. Having a damaged
classroom, a negative working environment cause by the stress brought by your
school head and co-workers are some of the job stresses we experienced.
Overloaded work given to teachers, from deworming of learners, preparing
feeding, census, election, conducting earthquake and fire drill, liquidation and
many more causes burn out to teachers. A sudden change from traditional
teaching where the setting is in the four corners of the classroom to distance
learning which varies from modular, online, and blended learning. These are
some of the job stress and burnout that a teacher experience. Job stress occurs
when an employee feels irritated, fatigue, and sleepless nights caused by some
external factors like running out of deadlines, and overloaded reports. When we
say burnout, this is a state where a person feels unsatisfied and unhappy about
work. It is one of the reasons why many people resign for their work because
they feel that they are useless, they are not functioning well in the field, and they
do not feel the essence of being happy and satisfied at work. Proper planning,
assigning, and dividing task equally to employees will help lessen the job stress
they feel. Give enough time for them to prepare reports and project proposals,
not surprise them by giving them 24 hours to finish and submit it. Then later scold
them because their submitted reports are incorrect or lacking. Provide them
opportunities to speak and share their ideas and emotion regarding a task. A
good organization take care of its employees. They should do a welfare check for
every employee ensuring that their needs are given and taken care of.
Recognize their efforts by praising them, giving awards, certificates and verbally
congratulating them. In that way they will feel belong, loved and wanted. Job
stress and burnout can be avoided if all people working in an organization has
team spirit where they can work happily, solve problems proactively, can
communicate openly and check each other’s physical and mental health. The
main reason why Human Resource is present in any organization is to ensure
that all employees are well compensated, work in a happy environment and
avoid employees who loss their passion of work due to stress.

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