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FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev.

0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Module No. 6




We have learned from previous modules that science and technology progresses and these
continued developments affects society. Many of these developments contribute to the flourishing of human
lives, while others may have a negative impact to humanity as what we have seen from the previous module.

In this module, we will look into the concept of progress and flourishing of human lives and society as
a whole, the common notions on how we view progress, and an alternative on how to view human flourishing
in the context of continued scientific and technological development. We will mainly focus on Jason Hickel’s
article entitled Forget ‘developing’ poor countries, it’s time to de-develop rich countries published on
September 23, 2015 in The Guardian to examine an alternative view on the concept of growth and


At the end of this Module, you should be able to:

1. describe the characteristics of human flourishing in the context of science and technology;
2. explain what de-development means; and differentiate traditional notions of progress and de-



Before continuing on this Module, let us try to reflect on the following questions to help us get ready for
this Module.
1. What, in your opinion, does it mean for a country or individual to be deemed “developed” or
2. What is your measure or standard for you to be able to determine if one is flourishing or developing?
3. Why do you think other countries are developed while others are not?
4. For a long time, many developing countries such as the Philippines made to become more developed.
What hinders these countries in attaining the level of development of other countries? Do you think
we would be able to become a developed country?
5. Is being a developed country really important? Why or why not?


What is human flourishing? Eastern and western conceptions regarding society and human
flourishing seem to differ: western civilization seemed to be more individualistic (exemplified by the
Aristotelian view of a good life) while eastern civilizations are more centered on the community (such as the
Chinese and Japanese emphasis on learning for the greater good). However, in the context of globalization,
this apparent difference in perspectives seems to disappear. However, it is important to note that human
flourishing is still given focus.

According to Bandarlipe, et al. (2019), the following are some characteristics of human flourishing:
1. All humans aim to flourish.
2. Human flourishing involves putting into action one’s capacities, capabilities, and virtues.
3. Human flourishing depends on free will.
4. Human flourishing is sustained over time.
5. Human flourishing involves doing well in broad domains of human life.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Module No. 6

Humans have attained certain progresses that we lack before. Mortality rates are lowered due to less
death due to diseases and childbirth. Life spans have increased because of better medical care and health
conditions. Literacy rates also increased through better access to education and more alternatives or modes
of learning. Productivity has also increased, though differing in levels in many countries, which increased food
supply and income of families.

However, determining the ways on how to attain a flourishing human life is not an easy endeavor,
especially in the context of science and technology. Though, as from previous lessons, we have learned that
science and technology are instrumental in human flourishing, some may say that overdependence to the
point in deifying science may pose a threat to human flourishing.

To learn more about this threat of science to human flourishing, watch the documentary film The
Magician's Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case against Scientism (
v=FPeyJvXU68k ).


Video Analysis

After watching the documentary and reflecting on its connection to human flourishing, write a 300 -
500-word analysis of the documentary by answer the following questions:
1. What is scientism? Why was Lewis against it?
2. Science was compared science to magic in three ways: as religion, as credulity, and as power.
Explain his comparison for each case.
3. Based on what you have learned in the documentary film, what is the presented principle of modernity
and its values in the magician’s twin?
4. How does scientism threaten the human person thriving in science and technology? Why should
science adhere to a moral basis that is not dictated by science itself?

Your work will be graded using the following criteria:

4 3 2 1
Depth of Content Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Lacks
comprehensive comprehensive basic understanding of
understanding of understanding of understanding of the subject.
the subject and the subject. the subject.
work can be used
as an example for
Originality and Work is original Work is original Work is somewhat Work is unoriginal
Completeness and all questions and some original and some and most
were answered questions were questions were questions were not
properly. answered properly. answered properly. answered properly.
Style and Clarity Ideas are clearly Ideas are clearly Ideas show some Ideas are not
articulated and well articulated and well degree of clarity communicated
developed. developed. but are not well clearly nor are they
developed. well developed.
Organization and Writing is well- Writing is well- Writing has some Writing is
Grammar organized with no organized with few degree of unorganized and
spelling and spelling and organization with contains many
grammatical errors. grammatical errors. some spelling and spelling and
grammatical errors. grammatical errors.
Timeliness Completed work Completed work Completed work Completed work
was passed earlier was passed on the was passed the was passed more
than the deadline deadline given. day after the than a day after the
given. deadline given. deadline given.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Module No. 6


After watching the video, one could legitimately question whether humans are really flourishing in the
present time. Jason Hickel, an anthropologist at the London School of Economics, also questioned this in the
context of economics. Recent reports show that the gap between developed and developing countries
continues to widen. There is also an unclear way on how to measure these gaps. Many solutions have been
put forward to attain this and to really determine whether we are flourishing. Jason Hickel proposed a solution
that is different from what is usually thought of. In his article Forget ‘developing’ poor countries, it’s time to
de-develop rich countries, he looked into poverty and how current measures in eradicating this global problem
fails and instead the gap between rich and poor countries are continuing to widen. He questions the need for
continuing growth and how this growth negatively affects countries. He also introduced the concept of de-
development as a way of bridging the gap between countries of different levels of development.

To learn more about his ideas regarding human flourishing and de-development, read the article using
this link:


The following learning points summarize what you have learned in this section:

 Different cultures have different views on human flourishing. Nevertheless, human flourishing has
certain characteristics such as the involvement of practice, sustainment across time, and being
involved in different domains of life.
 Science and technology have certain roles to play in human flourishing. However, letting science be
corrupted may lead to negative impacts with respect to human flourishing.
 Jason Hickel claimed more growth or shifting growth from developed to developing nations are
inadequate strategies to finally end the problem of poverty. He asserted we have continually going
past our capacity to generate supply of renewable resources and to absorb surplus. Developed
countries are also over-consuming.
 Hickel said that instead of poor countries catching up to grow as much as rich countries, rich countries
could consider reaching more appropriate levels of development. Living long and happy lives, despite
low incomes, could be the target or goal instead of increasing growth. This means that though
countries might have high incomes, this does not equate to a long lives, literate citizens, and generally
happy lives.
 He asserted that countries may consider de-development, a shift of focus from economic growth to
life expectancy and happiness. The idea is for people to aim for having a better value of life instead
of acquiring and producing more: quality over quantity. Though many believe that material gain is not
overly necessary to achieve over-all happiness and many question the current way of thinking about
progress, it is difficult to “sell” the concept of de-development because of the connotations of the
language used by those who promote it, terms such as de-growth, zero growth, de-development,
which implies a backwards way of living. However, the goal is actually becoming appropriately
 According to Hickel, solutions to achieving this goal include banning advertising, a shorter working
week, and a basic income. Hickel warned us that if we insist of too much growth, the environment will
stop us from growing, and that we will up on poverty, something that we aimed to escape from.


 Bandarlipe, M. C. B. et al. (2019). Science, Technology, and Society. Bulacan: IPM Publishing. pp. 85
– 87.
 Hickel, J. (2015, September 23) Forget ‘developing’ rich countries, it’s time to ‘de-develop’ rich
countries. The Guardian. Retrieved from
 Lewis, C. (2012, November 18). The Magician's Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case against Scientism.
[Video file]. Retrieved from
 Quinto, Edward Jay M. and Nieva, Aileen D. (2019). Science, Technology, and Society. pp. 81 – 94.
Quezon City: C&E Publishing.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in GE 6: Science, Technology, and Society Module No. 6

 Serafica, J., et al. (2018) Science, technology and society. Quezon City: Rex Bookstore. pp. 50 – 60.


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