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Activity 1

My Aims/Purposes

At the end of the activity, I should be able to:

a. visualize my expectations about Teaching Internship;

b. construct the meaning of familiar terms;
c. explain the different phases of teaching internship;
d. describe the existing laws and regulations applicable to the teaching
profession; and
e. enumerate the core rules of netiquette.

My Responsibilities

Teaching Internship is an essential experiential learning course that encapsulates

the various training and preparations of education students. It is an endeavor that allows
holistic application of what has been learned in the real world. Like any other task, you are
required to visualize your expectations and develop awareness on its phases and its existing

a. Write what you know about the given terms. List down the names of
personnel involved in the school where you are assigned.

Teaching Internship-

Teaching Internship, aside from its root words “teaching” which means a
passion to teach, whether as service or profession and “internship”
which offers actual experience to interns, is not just an experience to
accomplish but an avenue to all student teachers to hone their skills
and set their
preparedness for their chosen profession.

Practice Teacher / Teaching Interns-

For me, these are student interns who are ignited to finish their 1st
achievement in life, however, they are called practice teachers that are
deployed in schools where they will experience and feel the atmosphere
of teaching.
Teaching Internship Supervisor/ Teaching Internship Coordinator-

The personnel who act not only to coordinate the process of deployment
but to accompany all teaching interns from the very beginning of their
orientation, and seminars to deployment in their respective DepEd
schools through PSDS, Principal down to their different Cooperating
Teachers. They are responsible for making different letters that
communicate agreement to different concerned personnel before
releasing their interns.

Supervising Instructor-

As one of the interns, I can be my supervising instructor not only as the

one who guides me throughout my journey but they are tasked to be the
one as “experienced” who impart all their knowledge and experiences to
their interns.

PSU Laboratory Integrated School -

This is part of a prestigious university that offers elementary and

secondary education. Before, I only saw this as primary and secondary
level of Pangasinan State University not knowing that it would become
one of the training grounds to be used for all teaching interns during
their on-
campus journey.

PSU LIS officials -

These officials are often called personnel who work inside the said
school, from the campus executive director to the dean of CTE, the
principal, department heads, faculty, and those people who are working
beyond to offer the best learning experiences.
Dr. Gudelia M. Samson- Campus Executive Director
Dr. Mitzy M. Macaraeg- Dean, College of Teacher Education
Assoc. Prof. Tuesday De Leon- Principal of PSU Laboratory Integrated
School (LIS)
Dr. Melchor E. Orpilla- Department Chair, PSU-Laboratory Integrated
School-High School
Assoc. Prof. Salome M. Montemayor- Chairperson of PSU-LIS Elementary

University Head for Teaching Internship-

Dr. Erna M. Salazar – Director, Internship

Cooperating School

Malasiqui National High School

Cooperating Officials


Principal IV

Department Head, Araling Panlipunan

Cooperating Teacher
Cooperating Teacher

Cooperating Teacher

b. After engaging in the various Field Study (FS) activities, pre-service training, and
preparations, what are your expectations on the different phases of teaching?

b.1. Orientation Phase

In this phase of orientation, first and foremost, I have expected limited things,
however, orientation has become more important for me realizing that orientation
offers different seminars for us to be calibrated with knowledge, skills, and other
important matters to consider mentally, physically and emotionally before entering
our schools. At least, I am oriented to many possibilities I will encounter in the
future, and today, I can say that my observation and deployment experience
became smooth and successful because of this conducted orientation for all pre-
service teachers.

b.2. Observation and Lesson Plan Preparation Phase

First, in lesson planning, I am confident enough that constructing a lesson plan is not new to me
and I can accomplish it in any limited time, however, I have realized that it can be changed over
time due to different factors that might DepEd has to offer, but at least I know that I have kept all
the knowledge I have got. In observation, on the other hand, it was not easy for me to witness the
actual behavior of my future students, so it’s a challenge for me to moderate some of my attitudes
as a teacher for me to successfully achieve my goal and conduct my best demonstration in my

b.3. Actual Teaching Phase

I have not yet had my first demonstration while answering this worksheet,
however, my CT has tasked me many times already to manage the class, continue
their lesson, and even the one to give their weekly quizzes, at first, I’m expecting
more adjustments and acquire new community, but thankfully, I have the best CT
that helps me get through it all.

b.4. Evaluation Phase

Evaluation is the result and feedback of my performance during my internship, as

to my expectations, of course, I want it to be with purest truth that I will accept all
my flaws, and lacking and something to work on. As a pre-service teacher, I know
that what I have learned through my 4 years course is not yet enough, and I am
eager to learn more of what my cooperating school and teacher can give me.

c. These are the existing laws and regulations that apply to the teaching
profession. Do research and describe each.


1. Resolution No. 435 (Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers)

Resolution No. 435, often known as the Code of Ethics for

Professional Teachers, is a document established by the Board for
Professional Teachers in 1997. It sets forth the ethical principles and
standards that teachers in the Philippines are expected to uphold. It
discusses the teacher's relationships with learners, the community, higher
authorities, coworkers, the profession, and oneself.

Furthermore, it states that every teacher must always behave

honorably and dignifiedly to earn a fair amount of social respect, which
includes abstaining from vices like gambling, smoking, excessive drinking,
and even illicit relationships.

2. Republic Act 4670 (Magna Carta for Public School Teachers)

Republic Act No. 4670, often known as the Magna Carta for Public
School Teachers, aims to offer initiatives to enhance the welfare and financial
standing of public school teachers. Teachers in public schools have the
autonomy to initiate or participate in local or national groups without needing
approval to promote and safeguard their interests.
3. Republic Act 10627 (Anti-Bullying Act of 2013)

Republic Act 10627, popularly known as the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013, is

a law in the Philippines that forces all elementary and secondary schools to
develop policies to prevent and handle acts of bullying in their institutions. The
law is designed to safeguard children attending kindergarten, elementary, and
secondary schools, as well as learning centers, against bullying. Schools must
implement rules to deal with bullying within their institutions.
This law pertains to bullying incidents that take place at school,
encompassing both student-to-student bullying and remarks posted on social

4. Republic 7877 (Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995)

This law establishes the procedures for sexual harassment mediation,

settlement, or prosecution as well as prohibits the commission of sexual
harassment acts.

5. DepEd Order 40 series 2012 (Child Protection Policy)

DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012 is the Child Protection Policy introduced by the
Department of Education on May 3, 2012. The policy enforces a zero-tolerance
stance on child abuse, exploitation, assault, discrimination, bullying, and
related offenses. The Department of Education's goal is to safeguard children
from all types of maltreatment.

6. Republic Act No. 10175 (Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012)

Penalizes offenses against the privacy, confidentiality, integrity, and

availability of computer data and systems, such as illegal access, unauthorized
interference, system interference, data interference, misuse of devices, and

7. Joint CHED-DepEd Memorandum Order (RM No. 672, s 2021)

The Joint CHED-DepEd Memorandum Order (RM No. 672, s 2021) is a

policy that reinforces the field study and teaching internships of pre-service
teachers for enhanced experiential, developmental, and competency-aligned

8. Guidelines on the Flexible delivery of Student Affairs and Services (CMO No. 08, 2021)

Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in the Philippines issued

Guidelines on the Flexible Delivery of Student Affairs and Services (CMO No.
08, 2021). This memorandum order outlines directions for higher education
institutions to create adaptable and creative student affairs and services
programs during the COVID-19 epidemic.

d. There are existing rules and standards of behavior in the classroom, onsite and
online, which students and teachers must adhere to. List the following rules of
netiquette and etiquette:


Students are expected to exhibit positive behavior in the classroom, either onsite
or online. Established rules are important to maintain orderliness inside the
classroom. The following are the set rules students need to follow:

1. Always respect your teachers and classmates.
2. Maintain the level of professionalism between you and your teacher.
3. Be courteous at all times.
4. Always pass your assignments and outputs on time.
5. Raise your hand if you want to speak.
6. Always wear your ID and complete uniform.
7. Always maintain the cleanliness of the room

1. Always pay respect to your teachers and classmates.
2. Mute your microphone when you don’t have anything to say to avoid
3. Wear formal or casual attire during online discussions.
4. Be courteous to the set time of deadlines and meetings.
5. Avoid messaging your teachers past office hours.
6. Be mindful of the things you say during online meetings.

Teaching Intern

As teaching interns, there are also rules that we must adhere to maintain
peace within our classroom.

1. Set boundaries between your students
to always maintain professionalism.
2. Be courteous to the time and avoid being late.
3. Always respect your cooperating teacher and other school officials in
your assigned school.
4. Pass your lesson plans on time to avoid conflict.
5. Always come prepared for your class.
6. Always show a pleasing personality, especially in front of your
7. Always wear your complete uniform and ID.
8. Exhibit positive behavior.

1. Always be on time for the set meeting.
2. Always talk with your cooperating teacher and students with respect.
3. Maintain professionalism even in online platforms.
4. Come prepared for your class.
5. Always show positive behavior during online discussions.
6. Always wear your uniform to show proper conduct and respect even
on an online platform.
7. Show respect for your cooperating teacher by not sending a message
past office hours.

My Observation and Insights

Describe your feelings at the start of this academic endeavor.

Honestly, it is both exciting and fearful for me to start this academic endeavor,
exciting in a way that finally, after dreaming of this course when I was a child, I am
already called a practice teacher, fearful, on the other hand, is something that
shows what I am expecting once I am in the actual phase of teaching, I was just
grateful to God for allowing me to experience all the challenges of this course
from 1st year up to present that contributes to my confidence and skills today. At
least, excitement is what I’m looking forward to and avoiding any negative
mindsets that might bother me, nonetheless, I am already here to showcase all my
knowledge and contribute to our society in the future.

How important is this experiential learning course to you as be teacher?

Of course, this is not only considered part of the process but as an

important phase of my college journey, as I remember, I have been eager to enter
this university ever since, I was inspired by the people around me whom I look up
to every time and today, I’m already becoming like them. This internship course
plays a vital role in my process as a would-be teacher for it offers actual and
legitimate experience and I’m excited to learn more about this endeavor.

My Exhibits (Evidence/Documentations)

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