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Activity 1




Activity 10

My Aims/ Purposes

At the end of this activity, I should be able to:

a. Write a detailed lesson plan and prepare instructional materials for demonstration
b. Create an effective motivation and though-provoking questions to catch the
attention of students;
c. Execute significant activities and create assessment tools to measure the
teaching-learning success; and
d. Observe proper classroom management by providing a facilitative learning
environment that is both physically and psychologically conducive for learning.

My Responsibilities

The life of an educator (teacher) revolves around the multi-faceted teaching and
learning process. She/He undergoes several fife-changing moments that develop his/her
competencies, skills, and talents. As a would-be teacher, your journey in this course
necessities a remarkable experience of presenting ideal teaching through demonstration
(Demo) teaching.

Final Demonstration Teaching plays a vital role in the lives of student teachers. It
is dubbed as the ultimate and final journey (last phase) of practice teachers, yet it is also
the start or a beginning of a milestone in becoming a professional teacher of the 21 st
century. As student teachers/teaching Interns, you should undertake this final stage to
assess and evaluate yourselves and the test how far have you improved.

The Teaching Internship manual under the evaluation phase stipulates that
student teachers must do their best to prepare their final demonstration teaching. Then,
mentoring will be administered in the Post-Conference Program. The Teaching
Internship Coordinator will give feedback, comments and suggestions and faculty experts
to their final demo-teaching performance.

That is why it is significant that Teaching Interns should undertake full teaching
responsibility and give their final demonstration teaching as manifestation of readiness
for the teaching profession.

To guarantee that I will be able attain my learning outcomes, I must obtain the following
steps in my learning task:

Step 1: Write a detailed lesson plan which is prescribed by the University for
Final Demonstration Teaching

Step 2: Prepare and develop resourceful and highly creative and critical
instructional materials in line with the proper guidelines in the creation of 21st century
teaching aids and materials.

Step 3: Select proper motivation as well as to exude the best and suited
pedagogical techniques and strategies in educative process.

Step 4: Develop a conducive classroom learning environment to your


Step 5: Ask the assistance of your assigned cooperating teacher for the
collaboration of best ideas for your final demonstration teaching.

Step 6: Give your best shot in your final demonstration teaching!


Use the following guide questions for you to accomplish this activity. Learning experience
in your final demonstration teaching is essential and has its vital role to make your
answer genuine and more realistic.

You can also record your final demonstration teaching or any device to assist you easily
in preparing your documentation for this activity.

My Observations (Reflections and Insights)

Directions: Write an essay on “A Glimpse of My Final Demonstration Teaching”

Even before my final demonstration, I have already felt the support of my cooperating
teacher, honestly, she was the one who told me not to get too nervous because she can
already feel the successful final demonstration for me. From previous weeks of teaching my
students, my CT always told me that it’s like it was my final demonstration already, she
always praises my skills in teaching, and I also accept all of their suggestions that needs
some improvement. Receiving “Magaling ka na! At alam kong mas may igagaling ka pa!” is
another level of my accomplishment. And it was becoming the driving force for me to work
hard in preparing for my final demo.

A week before, I have informed my cooperating teacher to start on my lesson plan to

check it earlier and change some needs to be changed. After checking and changing some
minimal errors, I have invested in preparing my instructional materials. I have ensured that all
the activities were interactive and will caught the attention of my students. I have prepared
everything beforehand for me not to cram and run my final demonstration smoothly.

The night before my demo, my cooperating teacher called me and asked me how's my
preparation and if there’s something they could help, I am immensely grateful for I have the
best CT in this internship journey. It is quite stressful since my demonstration will start at 7:00
sharp in the morning. I was already in Malasiqui NHS by 6:20 AM and made sure that the
classroom is all set, instructional materials are well prepared, and students are all present
and ready for my final demo.

2 Master Teachers, the Principal and my cooperating teacher was the panelist during my
demonstration, and I am happy since I am showing what I have learned in Malasiqui NHS in
front of these esteemed panelists. During my final demonstration, I can see the smiling faces
at the back, assuring me that I’m receiving positive feedback from all of them. And suddenly,
in just 40mins, I made a history for myself, undoubtedly, I have successfully executed my
final demonstration. During our post conference, I felt a little bit nervousness, but all their
comments changed the mood instantly. I was so happy from all the comments I have
received, and I will never forget those “EXCELLENT!” “ASSET KA NA TALAGA!” comments
that will forever remain in the humility.

Until now, I am still like in cloud 9 for this experience. My Off-campus journey became fruitful,
meaningful, impactful, and most importantly, excellent!
My most heartfelt and memorable message to my cooperating teacher during the final

To my Cooperating Teacher, I am beyond grateful for all the knowledge I have
learned from you, to be honest, my internship journey became bearable because of how
you took care of me all throughout my stay in Malasiqui National High School.

I have highlighted 3Ts that shows my gratefulness. First, thank you for the Time.
I’m happy and contented that you are my CT, I still remember the day 1 when I am
clueless of who will be my CT and suddenly you were introduced to me, from that
moment, I knew I am in good hands that will help me mold more of my skills in teaching. I
thank you for your time that you have accepted me despite your busy schedules.
Second, thank you for all the Treats. You’ve became my second mother, you always
check me whenever we have break, thank you for foods every breakfast and some
snacks during breaktime. And lastly, thank you for the Trust. Thank you, ma’am, for
letting me feel that I am owning an advisory class. I was able to experience how to deal
with students and be the one to use the record book in all sections that I handled.

May God bless you more with wisdom and make your dedication to teaching fire
up very single day.

My most heartfelt and memorable messages to my students/peers during my final demo-


To all who became my students, thank you for all appreciation and support during
my internship. At first, I felt nervous that I may not be able to set the authority towards
you, but you have corrected my expectations, I thank you for showing that I was your
best student-teacher you ever had. Know that it was not my performance that has been
the highlight of my journey, but the knowledge I have imparted towards you. May you
always cherish our moments together and always keep all the learnings you’ve learned
from me. I will keep on wishing for you to ace every single journey of your studies. Truly,
the future is bright in all of you!

My most inspiring comments and feedback from my Panel of Evaluators during my final

Even before my final demonstration, my teacher told me that I should not feel any
pressure since I am already excellent, and I can ace my final demonstration. I am a little
worried that I might not get the favor from my panelist since all of them ae really
experienced, they are master teachers and principal who seated at the back and watch
me all the way. Sir Principal told me that I am an asset already to other deped schools
and telling me that I should not waste any opportunities ahead of me. During my
demonstration, I can see how they smile and understand my teaching. I can see that
they are enjoying my time. The two master teachers of Araling Panlipunan are really

focused while looking at my lesson plan that served as their blueprint of the flows of my
lesson. During post-conference, I was really nervous that maybe I didn’t satisfy their
expectations, but as the time goes by, I was surprised when all of them gave their
congratulations, praises my performances and told me on some things they see the
strengths in me. Also, I have kept in mind all their suggestions and some minimal room
for improvement.

My Exhibits (Evidences/Documentations)

Captured Moments (Final Demo)

My Lesson Plan during My Final Demonstration Teaching

My Observation Sheet During My Final Demonstration Teaching

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