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Managing the Classroom


Activity 3
Managing the Classroom

Teachers have the presence and authority in conventional classes to modify the
environment to be as favorable to learning as feasible. In a single action, closing the classroom
door to eliminate outside noise eliminates the disturbance of all kinds.

My Aims/ Purposes

At the end of the activity, I should be able to:

a. prepare all requisites for my first teaching;

b. demonstrate a very satisfactory teaching performance, and
c. develop positive views and conviction in every teaching performance.

My Responsibilities

Embracing the world of teaching requires a daily dose of vitamin C’s for teachers
such as Courage, Confidence, Competence, Commitment, and Compassion. Each day you
must brace yourself with courage and confidence to face the public (students/learners,
colleagues, administrators, and others). Along with your initial vitamin C's, it is expected
that you know how to exude competence and execute commitment and compassion in every
endeavor you take. This means embracing a holistic, dynamic, unique YOU in the world of
different strokes, different folks.

As a teacher intern, I should:

a. write lesson plans and prepare instructional materials.

b. attend classes on time.
c. conduct/implement the prepared lesson plan.
d. assess my teaching performance.
e. be kind to everyone.

My Observations (Reflections and Insights)

1. What are your expectations for your Teaching Internship in the Post Pandemic?
I’m happy that I will be able to experience real world classroom as my training ground
during my internship. As we all know, it’s quiet sad to think that pandemic has brought us
limitations in anything especially in terms of education, but what’s important is we are able
to get back from what we should have. My expectations though, there were still lots of
problems that I will be encountering since it is a post pandemic face to face school year.

2. How did you get started? (State how you prepared yourself emotionally, physically,
mentally, and spiritually)
I started from asking my co-intern who was from Malasiqui, and graduated in Malasiqui
National High School about how big the school was, how was the environment, what are the
maximum capacity of students per classroom and who are the professionals we will be
meeting with. On preparing my physical aspect, I slept early night before the deployment
schedule. On my mental preparation, I started from saying to myself that it is a new journey
to go on and I am just starting to stepping closer to my dream, I just have to enjoy the
moment while learning at the same time.

3. As a would-be/pre-service teacher, how did you feel while going through your final
experiential learning course (Teaching Internship)?

At first, it’s kind of excited and fear at the same time, excited in a way that I do really love
application of every knowledge I’ve learned, and internship for me is not just about the
duration of both on and off campus, but the collective journey I will be able to achieve. I am
very happy of course, since this is the last lap for me to finally graduate. The teaching
internship was not that easy to finish but above else, I am grateful for myself for surviving
and learning.

4. What are your experiences during your first teaching? (Narrate your unforgettable

During my first teaching, I was scared at first since the students are new person's that I
have to know again. Yet, there is something that pushes me that keeps on trying my best,
and I know it was my motivation and dedication for this near profession. My heart says it all
when I started to speak in front of my students, and the rest are “SUCCESS” I was able to
do well on my first teaching. One memorable experience during that moment is that my
Cooperating Teacher told me it was like already my grand demonstration, and from that
very moment, I became more eager to do better next time.

5. What were the challenges you encountered during your first teaching?
Mastering the classroom atmosphere was one of the challenges for me, I was designated to
a grade 9 level and although it’s not a surprise for me, teaching young pupils is one of the
challenges for you have to set your authority towards classroom management. Second, I was
maybe culture-shocked by the time of DepEd, the classes begin at 7:00 am so it was a
challenge for me to wake up even earlier and make sure to be at the school before the start
of my first class.

6. How did you respond or get through with those challenges?

Responding with those challenges is not easy, the first thing I did on the first challenge
above is that I started to socialize with my students, knowing more of them is the starting
point of mastering their classroom atmosphere, when I have built relationships with them,
gains trust and of course my authority, it became easy for

me to manage the classroom environment. Second, personal adjustment, I am on a field of
training and so I should be responsible for what I should as an intern, though it was quite
hard at first, I have learned to wake up early but of course, I still learned to sleep earlier than
my usual time of going to bed.

7. Who/what was your motivation during your first teaching?

There are lots of motivations in my mind for pushing through with this passion of mine,
but to talk specifically during my first teaching, it is for my dream to become an awardee of
the Student-Teacher Award, I was eager to excel in every aspect of my journey, and I think
this is one of the things that keeps me on doing well and even better everyday until my
grand demonstration.

8. What is your current perspective towards teaching?

Teaching was a everyday challenge for a teacher. Every day, a teacher doesn't know
what challenges they might encounter while inside and outside the school and yet they are
expected to be prepared for everything that might happen. Second, teaching was fun.
Knowing that you create a bond with different students, co- teachers, and other
professionals everyday makes it fun. And lastly, teaching is not just a profession, it's a
passion that needs to be bound with dedication. Not everyone can be a teacher because of a
profession, a good teacher has a passion for teaching. Having a passion for teaching will
impact a lot of life especially, they are already molding the dream of their dearest students.

My Exhibits (Evidence/ Documentations)

A. Community linkages

B. Lesson Plan

C. Observation Sheet

D. Sample output of my students (student’s activities, projects etc.)

E. Photos of my first teaching

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