Weekly Journal for Interns

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Week 1 Date: _____________
JANUARY 22 – 26,

What happened this week?

This week, my journey as a pre-service officially started, but of course, just like
any other achievement of life, it doesn’t all happen without any preparation. This
week, we can move on to assigned quarters in which all who are going to be deployed
in the On-campus will stay in this place. I have provided some pictures here that
highlighted some of what I did, I helped in cleaning the quarters, but I decided to
clean outside since there is not enough ventilation inside yet, and it can’t
accommodate huge numbers of people. Following the other day, we are going back to
school to accomplish some of our work and get our PT Forms.
On January 25, the first day of 5 seminars officially kicked off and lots of
learnings had already been made, all lessons were kept in my mind that I would use
and apply once I teach. I have also provided pictures below where I participated in
some of the discussions in the afternoon session of the said seminar.


Week 2 Date:
FEBRUARY 02, 2024

What happened this week?

This week, we had our continuation of the Seminar Workshop, I can say it was
not just an accomplished day but days like this are productive and full of knowledge
that I gained. Day 3 of the seminar kicked off via face-to-face setting and I am one of
the host for today, however, due to some unavailability of the location, we were able to
push through with day 4 of our seminar via online modality. Flexibility is what I can see
with what had happened, although it was like a distance learning again, I was still able
to catch up with the lessons and even participated in the different discussion from all
the invited esteemed speakers. On February 2, Pangasinan State University, Bayambang
Campus had its Pinning and Candle Lighting Ceremony for all practice teachers before
the deployment, this day marks one of the special days of my journey since for the very
Week 3 FEBRUARY 05-09,
Date: _____________

What happened this week?

This week is more on my most vacant time, we were just staying on our assigned
quarters, this week I’ve known that I will be one of the first batch to go off-campus.
Since we were just waiting for our deployment, we are going everyday on campus,
settling all our pt forms and other needed requirements and planning for some
preparations for some group activities.
Also, this week, we had our first meeting together with my groupmates, we have
talked about our possible topics to choose from for our CBAR output. This week, all the
on-campus batch have already met their STs inside the Laboratory Integrated School
while those who will be deployed via off campus are encouraged to stay at home for
possible endorsement and deployment anytime of the week. And since we need to
follow the given instructions, I’ve just stayed at home and waited for our turn to be
called. I was deployed at Malasiqui National High School.

Week 4 Date: _____________

What happened this week?

February 12, 2024 when we had our courtesy call at the PSDS Office of Malasiqui
Schools located at Malasiqui Central School, for me to be not late on my first day, I was
already prepared from the morning since we are not sure if we will be scheduled by
morning or afternoon, however, MNHS was scheduled by afternoon at 3:00 PM, I
assumed the difficulty of having a rides by the afternoon so I have already traveled
from San Carlos to Malasiqui at exactly 1:30 PM, I was so early this day but atleast I am
not late.
On the following days, we are advised to stay at home until MOA are handed
over us and will be able to be deployed on our assigned school. For the mean time, I
have settled all things I’ll be needing for my deployment and already claimed my
uniform this week as well. By the way, I am tasked and chosen to be the school leader
at Malasiqui National High School and I’ll be leading all those who are with me being
deployed as well at the said school.

Week 5 Date: _____________

What happened this week?

This week marks the first week of my journey as a deployed student-teacher at
Malasiqui National High School. February 19 when our Internship Coordinator
instructed us that all who are assigned at Pangasinan I schools are expected to be
deployed by February 20. I was very excited and wake up so early for me not to be late
on my first day since we will be meeting our School Principal.
On our deployment, we are welcomed by the very kind and ever supportive
Principal IV of MNHS, Mr. Ronald C. Celino and later handed over to our respective
Department Heads, my cooperating teacher was Mrs. Elena B. Gavina, one of the
aspiring Master Teacher in the Araling Panlipunan Department.
First day was surprising for me since I was able to meet all the school personnel
whom I will be connected later on. I am assigned with 4 loads from my Cooperating
Teacher with Grade 9 level. I am so happy since it is one the grade level I am praying for,

Week 6 Date:FEBRUARY
26-MARCH 1,

What happened this week?

This week is quite different and more fruitful from previous weeks. My
cooperating teacher really wants me to be exposed in community linkages. My
cooperating teacher is also a head and leader of some organizations in MNHS that is
why when it is her schedule to go out and connect with the DILG of Malasiqui, it was an
opportunity for me to join her and experience how to connect with different
organizations. I also had the chance to talk a little longer with Sir Celino, the school
principal who strengthens my faith as well that my future is bright because they can see
the potential in me.
And just like every single day, I had my demo teaching as well, in the afternoon,
my cooperating teacher gave me my observation report and talked about my
performance today. After, I took the chance of time to record the quizzes of my
students and write it down in my class records. On the following days, my CT also
taught me to transpose the grades of my students in the e-class records. Indeed, a

Week 7 Date: _____________
MARCH 04 - 08,

What happened this week?

Another week, another teaching and learning. I have prepared another lesson
that I will be teaching for the whole week. My class always starts at 7:00 am and I
always ensure that I consider the travel time to get there and avoid being late. I have
also prepared my prizes for this week since it is within our agreements with the class
that all their chips (collected rewards) have corresponding prizes and equivalent points
in their quizzes.
I’m so happy since among my 4 loads, all of them can claim their rewards, and it
is just a sign for me that I am being an effective teacher to them, they are becoming
active in the class because of the enforcement of the reward system. Indeed, it is a one
fulfilling moment seeing your students having their small achievements, somehow, it
also reflects our effectiveness as teachers to them.

Week 8 Date: _____________
MARCH 11-15, 2024

What happened this week?

This week, I just continued my lesson with my Grade 9 sections. I always ensure
that I am not missing any single part of my lesson plan. And in this week, we had our
application activities. Also, one of the strategies I did is to always create a game-based
activity, I am always capturing not only the attention but the interest of my students
especially in lower sections. After activities, we had our weekly quiz time.
May 14 when some of my co-teaching interns had their final demonstration
teaching since their department head was set to retire by May 15. I went to their final
demo and showed my full support to them although some expected observers from
PSU faculty couldn’t come.
I am so happy watching my co-interns acing their final demo and I am
experiencing some pressure right now since my final demo will be on March 18, 2024.

Week 9 Date: _____________
MARCH 18-22, 2024

What happened this week?

This week is the most special and exciting week for me since my final
demonstration is set for Monday, May 18, 2024, at 7 am. With all the preparations I had
one week before I just only think that it’s now or never. I am confident enough that I
have mastered the lesson, I have invested enough in my instructional materials, and
most importantly, my heart is fully dedicated to this course. Everything went well
during my final demonstration; it was more than an excellent demonstration as most of
the observants say. From that moment, I thank God for his guidance and provision to
me during my preparation until my final demonstration.
I was able to experience the LAC session as well in our department. I am grateful
for this opportunity to be one of the participants and learn more of the school
community management and learn from all speakers and teachers.

Week 10 Date: _____________
MARCH 25-27, 2024

What happened this week?

This week is examination day for the 3 rd quarter, I am grateful that I can still
experience handling my advisory class for their examination day. I am grateful to my
ever-supportive CT that she let me be the one to manage their examinations, I was able
to assist students’ inquiries, manage the time, and motivate them to ace their
And the saddest part of this journey is to bid goodbye to my entire MNHS family.
On my last day at MNHS, my students surprised me with letters, gifts, and picture
memory. From that moment, I realized, that my off campus was short to teach these
children, I am loved by my students, and it was hard for me to leave them. We have
also prepared a short Thanksgiving celebration for the Araling Panlipunan department
as we bid goodbye to them as well by expressing how grateful we are for accepting us
for our internship.

Week 11 Date: _____________
APRIL 1-5, 2024

What happened this week?

Since my off-campus journey ended last week, this week is our mid-conference. I
was tasked as the school leader to share my experience in Malasiqui NHS, I was able to
share every detail that highlighted my off-campus journey. It was so fulfilling to share in
front of many people how my journey has smoothly finished. I have missed the campus
as well as how I stand in front and speak.
April 4 when we were already deployed in the Laboratory Integrated School, that
day, we were introduced to our Supervising Instructor, and we waited as well for our SI
to distribute the topic to us and know what the grade level will be assigned to us. It is
quite different compared to the DepEd schools, but I know that I can also ace teaching
in a laboratory school.

Week 12 APRIL 8-12, 2024
Date: _____________

What happened this week?

Our pilot demo teaching in our on-campus journey has started through an online
class, not only the adjustment in terms of student engagement was the challenge
during this time, but on how we will be facilitating the class even though we haven’t
meet them first. Though I have prepared my demo teaching designed for online class, I
am scheduled on a face-to-face class schedule that is why I am happy since I really love
teaching when I see students physically.
This week, some of the teachers has started their demo teaching online and we
are encouraged to observe every demo teaching of our co-interns since from that
moment, we are also learning. And I am always present during their demonstration and
I was able to apply all things to work on that are mentioned every post-conference.

Week 13 Date: _____________
APRIL 15-19, 2024

What happened this week?

This week, I was scheduled to have my first demonstration among the Grade 20
students, I also observed some face-to-face demo teaching of my co-interns and try to
work on my preparations the day before my demo. At first, there is doubt in me that
maybe I can set the engagement towards my students but as I started my demo, they
exceeded my expectations, and I am so happy that God blessed me a classroom that I
can manage. The students are so participative, they are all active and lovely at all.
I am also happy knowing that there are a lot of my co-interns who supported and
helped me during my demo and preparation. Everything happened smoothly and also
earned praise from my SI and co-interns. From that moment, I knew to myself that if
ever I will be having my 2 nd demo, I will go back to the Grade 10 since I already built the
strong relationship and rapport with them.

Week 14 Date: _____________
APRIL 22-26, 2024

What happened this week?

This week, since the heat index continues to rise, the LIS released a
memorandum again that classes will be back to the online setting again, also this week,
our second topic was already distributed. I have prepared again both an online-based
lesson plan and a face-to-face lesson plan since for me, it is okay if this time I will be
having my 2nd demo online since I have already experienced teaching face-to-face.
I have spent this week observing classes, preparing for my second demonstration,
accomplishing my lesson plan, and accomplishing the requirements of the Teaching
Internship as well. I can see how I learned from observing classes every time my co-
interns are having their demo teaching.

Week 12 Date: _____________


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